p p im 1:111 fiff 1 1 ' 1 . |: liUiiiuuiL' ijto " ?»'f'T?r!rr f-n.t • err! , .'^'.^T! '1 ' A -V -. J-f ! i FORTHE PEOPLE FOR EDVCATION FOR SCIENCE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY itu A NOTICE. The accompanying volume is the first of a series contemplated in the plan of the state zoologist on the zoology of Minnesota. The plan contemplates pubHshing reports on even- class of animals, so far as represented in the state, as soon as reliable data and the material necessarv- for ti-nstworthy reports are at the disposal of the state zoologist. Until otherwise notified you are respectfully requested to address all zooligical publications S2nt in exchange for the publications ol the Geo- logical and Natural History Survey of Minne- sota to STATE ZOOLOGIST, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U. S. A. The Geological and Natural Hisiory Survey of Minnesota. FIRST REPORT OF THE STATE ZOOLOGIST, ACCOMPANIED WITH NOTES OX THE BIRDS OF MINNESOTA, By Dr. P. L. HATCH. HEXEY F. XACHTEIEB, State Zoologist. Tvi.aa.e, 1S32, MINNEAPOLIS: HARRISON & SMIIH. PRINTERS. 1892. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. To the President of the Board of Regents of The University of Min nesota: Sir. — I have the honor herewith to transmit to your honor- able Board my first report as State Zoologist. Nearly all of the matter originally intended for this report has been crowded out by Dr. Hatch's "Notes on the Birds of Minnesota," which for several reasons I felt constrained to sub- mit at present in their original form, and which accompany my general introduction. Dr. Hatch was years ago requested to write a report on the birds of Minnesota, by Professor Winchell, when the State Geol- ogist had charge of all the divisions of the survey. For this and other reasons I have not assumed any editorial responsi- bilities and privileges, but simply those of a transmitter. A report on the birds of Minnesota is now in process of pre- paration, and just as scon as the ornithologist has important data, not yet in hand, at his disposal, and the mass of notes and material collected during the past thirty years has been thoroughly sifted and arranged, it will be submitted for publi- cation. Very respectfully. Your obedient servant, HENRY F. NACHTRIEB. GENERAL INTRODUCTION. The Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota, was established by a legislative act approved by the Governor of the State March 1st, 1872. "There is no question," to quote the words of the State Geologist, "but one of tlie prime motives of the law was to introduce another auxiliary force into the State University, by making it a center whence should radiate information concerning the natural features of the state, and toward which should gravitate all collections of natural history that should otherwise be brought to light." Taking the state- ment in its most comprehensive sense, it is undoubtedly true ; and the fact that the State Geologist has always been enrolled with the faculty of the University in the catalogue, and that the law explicitly makes the Board of Regents the director of the survey, fully justifies the statement in regard to the rela- tion of the survey to the University, and indicates an element of excellence not to be found in the laws creating similar sur- veys in other states. At the time the present survey was organized it seemed de- sirable for various reasons to pay more attention to the geology of the state than to the botany and the zoology, and accord- ingly a geologist was appointed to take charge of the survey work. This was in accordance with the spirit of the times. And in accordance with an established custom, the geologist of the survey was generally called the State Geologist, an appel- lation that common usage has given the weight of a title, though it never was officially conferred as such. For many years the ' 'Natural History Survey. " existed only in the wisely formulated law, for which excellent and comprehensive law we owe thanks to Dr. Wm. W. Folwell. who was at that time pre - sident of the University. Later on the importance and necessity of beginning the botan- ical and the zoological work was now and then recognized in the appearance of papers relating to the flora and fauna of the state. Naturally, however, the botanical and zoological work was not prosecuted with the same vigor and accuracy as the geological, for the day had gone by when one man could master all sciences. And the geologist of to-day finds problems enough in geology to engage all his time and tax all his energy and genius. It was the recognition of these facts as well as the desire to make a more efficient •' auxiliary force" of the survey contem- plated in the law that prompted the Board of Regents to relieve the State Geologist of the excess of requirements and put the 4 FIRST REPORT botanical and the zoological work of the survey under the charge of. respectively, the professor of botany as State Botanist and curator of the botanical museum, and the professor of animal biology as State Zoologist and curator of the zoological museum. The present State Zoologist was appointed by the Board of Regents about three years ago. Nothing was done during the first two years, other University duties taking me abroad one year, and sickness making work impossible the other. Last summer (1891) a party of three spent not quite four weeks on Lake Vermilion, as much as the funds remaining after purchas- ing apparatus and chemicals would permit. The exceedingly bad and disagreeable weather reduced this time to about two weeks. Nevertheless, some valuable data and experience were gained that are of value for the future. It has been a surprise to me that so few of our "posted" citi- zens know anything about the existence of a law creating The Geological and Natural History Survey, and to dispel a little of this ignorance where it ought not to be. I quote here the sec- tions relating to the Natural History division of the Survey. "Section 1. It shall be the duty of the board of regents of The University of Minnesota to cause to be begun as soon as may be practicable, and to carry on a thorough geological and natural history survey of the state. Section 3. The natural history survey shall include, first, an examination of the vegetable productions of the state, embra- cing all trees, shrubs, herbs and grasses, native or naturalized in the state ; second, a complete and scientific account of the animal kingdom as properly represented in the state, including all mammalia, fishes, reptiles, birds and insects. Section 6. It shall be the duty of said board of regents to cause proper specimens, skillfully prepared, secured and la- beled, of all rocks, soils, ores, coals, fossils, cements, building stones, plants, woods, skins and skeletons of animals, birds, insects and fishes, and other mineral, vegetable and animal substances and organisms discovered or examined in the course of said surveys, to be preserved for public insiDection, free of cost, in the University of Minnesota, in rooms convenient of access and properly warmed, lighted, ventilated and furnished and in charge of a proper scientific curator; and they shall also, whenever the same may be practicable, cause duplicates in reasonable numbers and quantities of the above named si)eci- mens, to be collected and preserved for the purpose of ex- changes with other state universities and scientific inslitu tions. of which latter the Smithsonian Institution at Washing- ton shall have the preference." STATE ZOOLOGIST. 5 Certainly no zoologist will complain that this law is too nar- row and irrational, for section 3 alone commands for him a field so wide as to call for all lines of zoological investigation. There are, however, certain lines of investigation universally recognized as coming particularly within the scope of such state surveys. But even such investigations almost invariably demand others that at first sight seem foreign. The intensely practical man is almost always really the most unpractical, and the greatest obstacle to progress. He will pooh — pooh the investigation of the habits and life history and structure of an unpalatable sucker or the '•insignificant'" stickle back and demand the investigation of the bass and other food fish only, entirely loosing sight of the fact that the one serves as food for some of his favorite fish and the other wages ruinous war against them. Many similar examples clearly show up the folly of trying to consider only that which we can immediately utilize, and usu- ally convince the short-sighted that we can not intelligently and successfully manage the one in ignorance of the other. Too many of us forget that what we now call applied science was at one time considered pure science, and that it is a ques- tion whether the Edisons or the Webers, Paradays and Frank- lins have done most for the comfort of mankind, and wiiether the zoologists, who through years of patient work gathered the life histories of many of our parasites, thus dispelling the dark cloud of superstition and suggesting a rational treatment for many diseases and giving to every one the simplest means of protection, should not be classed among the most practical. If the results of the patient work of honest investigators of past generations are to-day wielded by the most mechanical laborer, what is to keep the work of the so called scientist from becoming a tool for the comfort and happiness of future generations ? Indeed are we not reminded on all sides that the more thorough our knowledge of the things and phe- nomena about us becomes through observation and experi ment, the better do we utilize them and the more uniform and generally accepted become our interpretations. And does the intellectual work and triumph mean nothing to any or all of us? The universe is a whole and not a collection of absolute in dependents, and no line or kind of work, however purely scientific it may appear at the time, can be carried on without sooner or later becoming evident and universally tangible in some practical form. 6 FIRST REPORT Still, while we recognize that the investigation of one animal points to the necessity of investigating others, that one sub- ject always leads to another and one problem inevitably sug- gests one or more others, we must admit that certain lines of zoological investigation were hardly contemplated in the organization of the survey, and more properly come under the purview of the University. As a matter of fact, we must somewhat circumscribe the work of a state survey, always, howev^er, with the understanding that exigencies may arise demanding a widening of the circle. In accordance with the view indicated above, the present plan of the State Zoologist contemplates primarily the scienti- fic investigation of all those animals of direct economic im- portance, and. in accordance with section 6 of the law, the collecting and placing on exhibition in the museum represen- tative specimens of the animals of the state in such a way as to give them an educational value rather than a mere display value. The museum has been furnished with new cases, and the fauna of the state can be placed on proper exhibition just as fast as the material is collected and prepared and the necessary money is placed at the disposal of the curator. The importance, or rather the necessity of at once beginning the formation of a representative collection of the animals of the State, will certainly not need urging when the present con- dition of the museum is taken into account. Strange as it may seem, it is nevertheless true that not- withstanding the fact several papers have been published on a few groups of animals found in the state, the museum practi- cally has none of the material upon which these papers were based. Indeed in some cases there apparently was not even an attempt made to preserve the specimens that served for the description of new species, and we have absolutely nothing here for comparison. Comment on such methods of work is unnec- essary. Of the collection here now, many specimens are not even good show specimens. Many are without any data whatever, and many have only the name of the taxidermist added, while others have data so obviously out of place that they are practically valueless. Many of the really valuable things have been badly damaged by moths and other injurious in- sects, and the fire of two years ago and neglect previous to that time more or less injured ever3^thing. An amusing group is quite a collection of animals purchased to represent the STATE ZOi>LOGIST. 7 fauna of Minnesota at the New Orleans Exposition. As one looks at the pronghorn, the grizzly, the three-toed sloth, the iguana, the toucans, the bird of paradise, etc., etc., the ques- tion naturally arises, when did Minnesota have such a fauna, and how were the animals preserved ? It is to be hoped the exhibition at the coming World's Fair will not repeat this ludicrous spectacle. The facts noted above in connection with the fact that some animals formerly abundant in Minnesota no longer even merely visit the state, and some of those still within our borders are being rapidly driven out of the state, certainly point to the necessity of at once beginning to collect and properly preserve, with data, representative specimens of the fauna of the state. In accordance with this conviction, and a desire to enlist the cooperation of all those favorably located in the state, directions for collecting, preserving and shipping specimens of animals are now being prepared for gratuitous distribution to all interested in the work of the survey. It must not be supposed, however, that we are attempting to build up a general museum. Such a museum is impractical at present and doubtfully desirable. At present we are aiming at a comprehensive local state collection. The most valuable portion of any museum is always that which is not prepared for display but is set aside in proper rooms for reference and comparison. Of such a collection we have as yet hardly a beginning. The working collection, how- ever, has been begun and an earnest effort will be made to preserve in proper form and keep accessible all specimens that serve as the basis for descriptions of new species or varieties or that show interesting modifications or illustrate facts of distribution and habit. In a few years this so-called working collection will be far more valuable than the fine specimens on exhibition and will require much less room, money and care. The groups of animals to which special attention is at pres- ent being given by the field workers are : — the fishes, the birds, the reptilia and batrachia, and the mammals. Other classes are by no means neglected. Some lines of investiga- tion, however important, can not be undertaken at present for the want of laboratory facilities at the proper place. A lake- side, or rather fresh-water biological station, is an imperative necessity, and such a laboratory under the care of the Univer- sity ought to be established now. In addition to being a place for investigators it could be a resort for the "science teachers"' 8 FIRST REPORT of the state, where, during the summer vacations, they could gain that knowledge of facts and methods at first hand so much needed by many of them to enable them to properly teach botany, physiology and zoology. The mere associa- tion of such teachers with the students carrying on original investigations would be of incalculable value. For a number of years marine biological stations, usually called zoological stations, have offered opportunities for the study of marine life in various parts of the world and have annually attracted great scientists from all civilized countries. The enthusiasm and satisfaction with which their work has been received in every civilized community, and the practical re- sults traceable to their influence are a sufficient justification for their existence. Indeed to-day they are just as much a nec- essity as the university laboratories. While the number of marine biological stations has increased to ten or more, the establishment of fresh -water biological stations has been attempted in but few places, so that to-day only one or two properly equipped are in existence in Europe, and none in this country. The reasons for the preferences thus indicated may briefly be stated to be: — (1) Man's desire to discover, and to see that about which he knows nothing from direct observa- tion. (2) The fact that hitherto the problems in zofdogy have been largely morphological problems, and these point to the seas for solutions. For in the oceans we see the vast original home with a uniformity and constancy of environment and gradual transitions not met with elsewhere. Moreover the oceans are so densely populated that t -e patient and thought- ful investigator has never been disappointed. There is, however, abundant evidence on hand in the works of great men showing that not even all the morphological problems are to find their solutions in the study of only marine forms, and that what we would expect on a priori grounds actual observation and investigation demonstrate. And while the conditions of life in the ocean may be characterized as quite uniform, those on land and in fresh-water must be char- acterized as very variable, and consequently demanding more varied adaptations and thus naturally leading to a higher development. In view of this it becomes evident that the problems relating more particularly to the physiological side of living things are to be solved principally at fresh-water stations and not at marine stations. The fresh-water biologi- cal laboratory therefore has a special field of work in phys- STATE ZOOLOGIST. 9 iology and enough in morphology and embryology to keep it from becoming perniciously exclusive. Aside from the nec- essity of such a laboratory for the survey work it must be said that no state offers more to such a station than our own. We have all the natural conditions in the way of lakes and streams and geographical position. In a country of such great dis- tances it is impractical for many to go to the marine stations. Others who feel that in the future they will have to deal with land and fresh-water forms think it a waste of time and money to study marine life. A sojourn of several months at a well equipped inland station would convince such of their mistake and prepare them for better work. To our army of teachers such a station at one of our principal lakes could offer an opj)ortunity during the summer months of becoming ac- quainted with the modern methods of teaching the biological sciences by being taught themselves how to make the most out of the material and apparatus at their command. From lectures and demonstrations and through association with advanced students and investigators they would gather the general principles and laws of biology as known at the time and would unconsciously catch the spirit that would place them in the proper attitude toward the biological sciences. The time for establishing a fresh-water biological laboratory in Minnesota is ripe, and no citizen can more effectually per- petuate his name than by endowing and equipping such a laboratory as indicated, and his investment can not be made more safely and profitably than under the care of the Univer- sity of Minnesota. HENRY F. NACHTRIEB, State Zoologist, University of Minnesota. June 1. 1892. The Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. NOTES OX THE BIRDS or MINNESOTA, WITH SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. By P. L. HATCH, M. D. PREFATORY STATEMENT. As the author intimates in his Preface, the manuscript for the "Notes'' was begun several years ago and has been ready for publication for some time. The work represented by the "Notes,'' was begun a number of years ago, when the State Geologist, Prof. N.H. Winchell, still superintended all the wck of The Geological and Natural History Survey. It is therefore but just to Prof. Winchell (and to myself also), to state that in calling upon Dr. Hatch for his manuscript and seeing it through the press, I have (for reasons that will become evident in future publications), not assumed any editorial responsibilities, but have, as State Zoologist, simply discharged a duty the "Survey" owes the author, who years ago was requested by Prof. Winchell to write this report and who has spent much time and money upon it. It has been impossible to refer any portion of the proof to the author or to consult him in regard to style of type, etc. For this reason special care was taken in reading the proof, and as the manuscript had all "passed"' before the author forwarded it to me from the far west, and I had the tlnal proof carefully compared with the manuscript, the author will not, I trust, be misrepresented. Naturally, however, .some things will appear that the author would have eliminated or modified. Circum- stances and time would not permit, and I trust this will to some extent mollify the critics. It is a matter of no small regret that the bird material, upon which this report is based, is not the property of the "Survey"' and is not acces- sible for reference and comparison. All of it ought to be here, properly preserved and labelled. But 1 have considered this subiect elsewhere and need not consider it any further here. HENRY F. NACHTRIEB, State Zoologist, University of Minnesota. PREFACE. It is due to myself as well as the public, that I should say the great delay in the publishing of this volume has been from causes beyond my personal responsibility. I have regretted it on account of some misapprehensions that have arisen, but it is said that "All is well which ends well," and half of the quotation is assuredly true in this case, for this ends it. The magnitude of the task so zealously conceived and under- taken, was greatly understimated, yet the earnest employment of all of my opportunities enabled me to approximate my ideal for a time, when an interruption of several years occur- red, after which it became impossible to maintain more than is shown by the completed work. The classification is that established by the American Orni- • thological Union, and published in 1886. Each species given has its corresponding number, and except in occasional in- stances, the descriptions mostly correspond with those given in the Pacific Railroad Reports, and the measurements are in inches and hundredths of an inch. While I have aimed to make it as nearly correct in its state- ments of facts observed as is possible, I do not flatter myself that errors have not found their way into this record through so many years of observations, which others may ultimately correct. P. L. HATCH. August 16. 1892. Older PYGOPODES. Family PODICIPID.E. .ECHMOPHORIS OCCIDENTALIS (Lawrence). (1 ) WESTERN GREBE. Although during the period in which I have been an observer of the birds in Minnesota very few of this species have been seen by myself, nor reported by others whose observations could be implicitly relied upon. I am able to record enough to give it "a name and a place" in the fauna of our state. I first met with an individual specimen in the collection of a German living in St. Paul in 1859, and in 1861 I saw one amongst the collections of Mr. Shrocder of the same city; but it first came into my hands by my own gun in May of 1869, on the Red River, and again in 1870 through the kindness of Mr. J. J. Jamison, an eastern gentleman of amateur scientific proclivi- ties who was shooting ducks in the autumn of that year at Big- stone Lake. It was alone, and entirely unsuspecting to all appearance. It was a mature male, and in good plumage, meeting all the measures given in the descriptions of the ninth volume of the Pacific Railroad Reports. Not until the spring of 1883 did I see one again, and then in the same locality, or within a few miles of it, on the Red River near Moorhead. It has been several times reported without any verifications, one of which was presumptively reliable, but as the party did not regard its identification of sufficient importance to give me an opportunity to endorse his own, I made no record of it amongst my notes. In 1872, while collecting extensively in Santa Clara county, California, I found it common for the species in Drink- water Lake, a sort of lagoon some 12 miles south of San Jose and a few miles within the limits of Sacramento, and in several other kindred localities; but exceedingly common in March at BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 5 Old-town, San Diego. Although the eggs have often been found on the Pacific coast, none have ever come to my notice here. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Upper part of head and nape of neck, fuliginous black; back and wing- coverts grayish- black, the feaihers margined with gray; primaries light, ashy -brown, darker at the end and white at the base; secondaries white, marked with ash on the outer webs (occasionally white); space between the bill and eye gray; throat, sides of neck, and entire under plumage, silver-white; sides marked with grayish-black; bill dusky, or nearly black, except the cutting edges and end, w^hich are yellow; iris orange; tarsi and feet grayish-black externally, flesh color, internally. Length, 28; wing, 8; bill, 3; tarsus, 3. Habitat, Western North America, eastward to Manitoba. COLYMBIS HOLBOILLII (Reinhart). (2.) RED- NECKED GREBE. It is my pleasure to say that I am indebted to Mr. J. N. San- ford, of Elbow Lake, in Grant county, for my first knowledge of the presence of this species of the Grebe family in the state, and accompanying the information so much esteemed, he sent through me to the Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences four eggs in prime condition for preservation, which he had obtained in his vicinity in July, 1880. These eggs measured 1.95 by 1.23: 2.00 by 1.25: 1.85 by 1.15 and 1.90 by 1.20. The color when so fresh was a rather pale, greenish-white and was uniform. The nest was described as being near to the water, and consisting of coarse, rank marsh Aveeds, placed on a bunch of the same materials in a marshy locality. He has been a close observer of the water birds especially, and has contributed some interesting and valuable facts respecting the breeding habits of several species found in his section. Since those days my opportunities for learning more of the local habits of the species have been good. Without being abundant any- where in Minnesota, it is nevertheless not to be accounted rare, for its species in the sparsely settled districts characterized by wet, pondy prairies. I have found it in my own county at such times as to make it reasonably certain that it breeds in such localities as are largely secluded, and embracing ponds and small lakes bordered by reedy marshes. I find individuals of this species in Fillmore, Carver, Otter Tail and Grant counties. 6 NOTES ON THE and have many reports of its presence in several others. As long since noticed by bird observers, the young of the Red- necked and Crested Grebes resemble each other so much as to make their differences impossible to define. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Upper plumage blackish brown, the upper part of the head and neck behind, black; primaries ashy- brown; secondaries mostly white, except a few of the inner ones which are dark ash; cheeks and throat ash gray; a white line from the lower mandible under and beyond the eye; forepart and sides of neck rich, brownish red; lower parts silvery white, sides dusky; bill black, pale at the end, and bright yellow at the base; iris car- mine; tarsi and feet externally greenish black, internally yel- low. Length, 18; wing, 7; bill, 1.25; tarsus. 2. Habitat, North America at large. Note. Since writing the above I have learned more of the local habits of this Grebe and can add that its food is mostly aquatic worms and lai'vte with some minnows. It is no trivial thing to bag one of them on account of his unremitting vigilance, and his expertness in diving and remaining seem- ingly a long time submerged, which however is not so long as it seems, for when he returns to the surface he only exposes the bill and enough of the head to bring his eyes into use while the body is kept completely concealed. The power to do this continuously for a considerable time, belongs to the entire family, and to few if any others so perfectly. In this sub- merged condition they will swim so gently and so evenly as to elude the observation of most persons until they have learned to detect them, after which there is little difficulty. C0LYMBU8 AIRITUS L (3.) HORNED GREBE. Although not universally distributed throughout the state, the Horned Grebes are fairly common in many sections. Pools, ponds and sloughs in open districts and bottom lands are its favorite localities for breeding Hence, I am not surprised to have Dr. Hvoslef report it as breeding in the vicinity of Lanes- boro, Fillmore county, along our southern borders, and would have expected Mr. Washburn to do so along the Red River, as Dr. Coues* had done several years earlier. Indeed I have had individuals sent to me by hunters from a dozen or more localities, most of which have been in prairie regions to the north and west of Minneapolis and St. Paul. It breeds occa- sionallj^ in the vicinity of Waseca * * and at Bigstone Lake. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 7 *** The earliest record I have of its arrival in spring is April 23d, but reliable observers give a much earlier date. The nesting is begun by the 20th of May. The structures are quite bulky, and consist of old reeds principally, placed on a tussock of the same material and rudely embracing surround- ing erect stalks. Not infrequently they are entirely sur- rounded with water, but more often on the wet land a few feet from the shores of a slough. The excavation is exceedingly superficial, but contains from 7 to 10 eggs, originally grayish or yellowish white, that soon become very much soiled by the rotten reeds and filthy feet of the denizen. The young take to the water at once. The fact that they have been seen swimming with the parent as early as the first week in May, and at the tenderest age as late as the 3rd of August, suggests more than one brood in a season. I have no conclusive evidence that they do not breed twice. They linger quite late in the autumn, but are so infrequently observed that the proximate date of their migration southward is still unknown to me. Like the other species of the genus, they have the faculty of depressing their bodies below the surface of the water in which they are swimming, at will, in the presence of danger. A good field glass will find at such times only the bill and eyes above the water. *Birds of the N. W., p. T32. **Edward Everett. Notes from Waseca. ***Correspondence of Mr. L. Froman. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS Upper part of head, cheeks, throat and ruff, glossy black; a broad band from the bill over the eye, and the elongated oc- cipital tufts behind them, yellowish-red. color deepest next the bill; upper surface brownish-black, each feather margined with gray; primaries brownish- ash. secondaries mostly white, some of the outer ones dark ash; fore neck and upper jDart of breast bright chestnut-red, sides of the same color, mixed with dusky; abdomen silky white; bill bluish black, yellow at the tip; loral space bright carmine; iris carmine, with an inner circle of white; tarsi and feet dusky gray externally, dull yellow inter- nally, and on both edges of the tarsus. Length. 14; wing, 6; bill, 1; tarsi, 2. Habitat, Northern America. The foregoing is the descriptioD of the vernal plumage, the autumnal being much less striking. In the former they are sometimes found in considerable flocks, disporting themselves in the bays of our lakes and in the streams which supply them. Their smooth, rapid natation and wholesale diving at such times is marvelous and eminently characteristic. 2z 8 NOTES ON THE I have never as yet found them in flocks in autumn, but always in family parties and pairs, and almost never at that season upon the wing. They seem to follow the water courses and migrate southward about the first week in November. Their move- ments are made in the earliest part of the morning and at twi- light in the evening, swimming silentl}'" along, close under the overhanging banks and reeds singly, from five to twenty yards apart. When suddenly surprised, instead of takiug to wing they dive, and after swimming considerable distances deep under the water they rise close to the shore, where, concealed by debris, or grass and reeds, with only the bill and eyes ex- posed, they remain until all danger has disappeared. None but the closest observers can know for themselves when or how they leave us in fall migration. Their food consists largely of water beetles, larvae and "small fry." COLYMIU S NIUKKOLLIS CALIFOKNK rS(HEERMANN)(4) AMERICAN EARED GREBE. I list the Eared Grebe upon specimens found mounted in collections from time to time through many years of local observation, two of which are uow in the collections of the Academy of Sciences at Philadelphia, I think. All were re- putedly obtained within the limits of Minnesota. Having met with the species at San Diego, California, in 1870, I had no difficulty in identifying them at once. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head and upper part of neck black; rest of upper parts brownish-black; wings grayishbyown, with a broad patch of white; throat, fore part and sides of neck dull black, its lower jjart with some spots of the same; rest of lower parts glossy, silvery white, excepting the sides of the body and rump, which are light red; bill black, tinged with blue; iris blood red. feet dusky-gray externally, internally greenish- gray; tufts on sides of head orange, yellower anteriorly, and posteriorly red. Length. 13; wing. 5; bill, 1. tarsus, 1^. Habitat, Mississippi river to Pacific and northward. PODILYHBIS PODICEPS (L ) (6.) PIED-BILLED GREBE This is by far the most numerously represented species of the Grebe family in Minnesota. There are few ponds, sloughs, or lakes where ducks are found, that do not contain a few of them. They arrive early, and they stay late, often until only small openings in the ice remain before the final closing for the long Minnesota winter. Breeding presumably in nearly all the BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 9 localities where found, they so effectually conceal their nests that they are very rarely obtained. But where they have been found the nest was uniformly formed of partially decayed reeds, with perhaps a portion of coarse, sedgy grass in the employment of which little architectural design is evident. As in the case of the other Grebes, there is a redundancy of material, but so rudely disposed as to lead any one in search of the nest to suppose it to be a mere heap of drift from high water in spring, the eggs having been left concealed by the disposition of rotten reeds and grass over them. None I have seen have contained more than five or less than three eggs of a soiled, yellowish -white color. Pot-hunters "'of the baser sort" call them Hell-divers, and only the downy-chinned variety spend any ammunition on them, as they disappear with ghost-like celerity on their approach. Only their bills rise agam until the hunter is finally gone. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Upper plumage, very dark-brown; primaries, dark-ash; secondaries, ash on the outer webs and white on the inner; cheeks, and sides of neck, brownish-gray; chin and throat marked with a conspicuous black patch nearly two inches in extent; lower part of neck, upper part of breast and sides, dull rusty-brown, spotted and rather indistiactly barred with brownish-black; lower part of breast and abdomen grayish white, mottled with dusky spots; bill pale-blue, dusky on the ridge of the upper mandible, a broad black band across both mandibles and including the nostrils; iris, brown; tarsi and feet, grayish black. Length, 1-4; wing, 5i; tarsus, 1\. Habitat, both Americas. With nothing economic, nor esthetic to commend it to the at- tention of men. women or hunters, (who contemptuously call it Dab-chick, Water-witch, or ••Hell-diver") it is left solely to the heritage of the naturalist. I think the popular- cognomen of • 'Water witch" should be preferred, their habits in diving and concealing themselves affording a shadowy but plausible reason for the choice. Mr. Holzinger gives this species as breeding around Lake Winona, and Mr. Washburn found it abundant at Ada and at Thief river. It is universally distri- buted. The food consists of small fishes, aquatic worms and plants. 10 NOTES ON THE Family UBlNATOPilD^i: (The Loons.) URINATOR IMBER (Gunner). (7 ) LOON. I found this Loon abundantly represented for its species when I came to the then territory of Minnesota in 1857. but supposed that the general settlement of the country would soon decimate them. In this I was mistaken, for there has been no diminution of their relative numbers in any general section which I know of, while in others, there has been an apprecia- ble increase. The earliest openings in the lakes not infre- quently are occupied by one of them, and there is no time during the entire summer when they may not be seen in those lakes known to be their favorite resorts. They are not found in the smaller ponds ordinarily, preferring those more abundantly supplied with fish and offering better security from the hun- ter's gun by its expanse. Their weird, solitary notes, as well as their dignified demeanor when undisturbed, give little intima tion of their social vivacity after the young have become grown and strong. Who would prove this must be willing to quit his couch early, before the family has been broken by the depar- ture of the male to his solitary haunts and the female has sent the young hither and thither in search of their own food, which takes place before the sun has been long risen. It has been my privilege to witness some scenes of their matutinal jollifica- tions, which have always occurred at the earliest dawn, and have terminated with the advent of the sun. The night is spent in proximity to each other on the water, somewhat re- moved from the land. And in the earliest morning the notes of parent male soon call out a response from the other members of the family, when they all draw near, and after cavourting around each other after the manner of graceful skaters for a brief time, they fall into line, side by side, and lifting their wings simultaneously, they start off in a foot race on the water like a line of school children, running with incredible speed a full quarter of a mile without lowering their wings or pausing an instant, wheel around in a short circle, (in which some of them get a little behind) and retrace their course to the place of starting. This race, after but a moment's pause, is repeated over and over again, with unabated zest, until by some undis- coverable signal it ceases as suddenly as it began. Its terrain- BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 11 ation is characterized by a subsequent general congratulation manifested by the medlj" of Loon notes. The walking or rather running upon the face of the quiet lake waters, is a marvel of pedal performance, so swiftly do the thin, sharp legs move in the race, the wings being continuously held at about half extent. Soon after this is over, the male parent takes to wing to seek his food in some distant part of the same or some other lake, which is soon followed by the departure of the female in another direction, while the young swim away in various directions to seek their supplies nearer the place of nightly rendezvous. Their nests are not infrequently found, and always either on the main land near the water or on the islands. Occasionally one has been reported as found upon a muskrat's pile. Several may nest quite near each other, particularly on undisturbed islands. To construct them, a large quantity of weeds and grass is gathered into a pile, into which a depres- sion is made a foot or more in diameter, in which are deposited usually three olivaceous, brown eggs, varying from 3^ to nearly 4 inches in length. The earliest young have been seen in the water by the second week in June. By the middle of September, they have reached their full development. Most of the members of this species are driven away by the 25th of November, but occasionally an individual remains all winter, as I have learned, notably along the St. Peter's river, where numerous large springs have kept considerable areas free from ice. Their very remarkable plumage is only fully attained at their third year. The younger birds precede the others in mi- gration from one to two weeks. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head and neck black, upper part and sides of head glossed with purple; a small transverse mark on the throat composed of white feathers, quill- like in form, distinct from each other and placed longitudinally on each side of the neck; lower down are large patches of white, of the same peculiar pattern, and running in the same direction, nearly meeting behind, and in front are about an inch apart; upper plumage and wing coverts deep, glossy black, with pure white spots placed in regular transverse rows, slightly curved downwards; these spots on the upper part of the back, are small and nearly round, but descending lower on the back, increase in size and become quadrangular in form, being largest on the scapulars; on the lower part of the back, upper tail coverts, and sides which are black, the spots are small and round; the sides of the neck near the shoulder lineated with black and white; the primaries, secondaries, and tail, brownish-black; the under surface. 12 NOTES ON THE glossy-white, with a narrow band of dusky feathers crossing the lower part of the abdomen, and marked with small white spots; lower tail coverts, blackish-brown, tipped with white; bill, black, compressed, strong and tapering; outline of upper mandible, nearly straight, very slightly curved; the lower mandible has a groove underneath running from the junction of the crora towards the point; the tail consists of twenty feathers. Length, 30; wing, 14; tarsus, 3; bill, 3; height at base, 1. Habitat, north portion of Northern Hemisphere. Though tish and frogs are preferably their food, they do nicely without them when supplied with aquatic vegetation. If undisturbed by being fired at, they will visit the same localities daily during the season for their food. Note. This interesting bird has increased in relative num- bers on our larger lakes of late years, nothwithstanding the greater number of persons who visit them, and on which boys and sportsmen (?) are tacitly allowed to shoot nt them to their heart's content, as they rarely hit them. I had supposed that unless the firing was arrested, they would desert these favorite resorts, like White Bear, Waseca, and Minnetonka. Mr. Wil- liam. Howling and Son of East Minneapolis presented me with the most beautiful and perfect specimen of Loon I have ever seen a few years ago, except that the tip of the bill is hooked. There are no indications of it having been produced by injury, but the flexion downward is smooth and perfectly turned. Query: — Is it a case of evolution avaunt? IRINATOR ARCTICUS (L.). (9.) BLACK-THROATED LOON. In the local observations of this exceedingly rarely seen Loon, we have an instance of the folly of making positive declarations of the limitations of the habitat of species before the fullest attainments from observations have been reached. The extremely pernicious practice of ambitious writers in anticipating the final testimonies of science in every depart- ment of investigation, has led to evils enough to lead to its abandonment long ago, but it is probable that the world will have to wait for the Millennium before the truth can be waited for till all the facts are in, and then, we devoutly hope the said writers will be better employed. The conservative A. O. U. have magnanimously allowed the Black-throated Loon to visit the Northern United States in winter. From the winter of 1858 till that of 1869, eleven years, this very northern bird came indisputably within the range of my field glass in five of them, but I found it impossible to secure one for the reason BIRDS OF MINNESOTA, 13 that it was always in, or near an opening in the lakes where concealment in approaching near enough to secure it was impossible. My hope of finding some venturesome individual occupying such an opening in the Mississippi, as the Scoters had done from winter to winter, was never realized, so the good field glass must alone be credited with my observations. From the time of my last date, the opportunity to see them was inter- rupted by several winters absence, and the iDlaces in which I had made my previous observations had come to be encroached upon by approximate settlements to such an extent as to drive them elsewhere I suppose. I am satisfied that they have been seen by others who supposed them to be individuals of another species, namely the Red-throated Divers. The only mounted specimen that I have ever seen under cir- cumstances to make me believe that it had been obtained within my province of observations could not be vouched for as having been gotten in it, and I have therefore waited some good for- tune to learn more about this rarely seen Loon. IRINATOR LIMME (Gunner). (11.) RED THROATED LOON. The Red-throated Loon is a fairly regular winter visitant of our domains, and while lacking the necessary positive proof of its breeding on the shores of Lake Superior within the borders of Minnesota. I have abundant circumstantial reasons for thinking it does. It has been seen and. if I may trust the popular descriptions, it has been killed, several times in the vicinity of Duluth by pothunters in the period of presumptive incubation, yet I have never known of the nests having been seen, and if they have been seen they have not been recognized as other than the common Loons although those of this species are much the smaller of the two. Through exchange. I have come into the possession of what are said to be those of this bird. There are very considerable variations in the size of the eggs of the entire genus, and in those of the Red -throats it is from 2.60 by 1.70 to 3.00 by 1.90. The color and markings are pre- cicsely like those of the other species. I am informed ihat the nests are even less mechanical in their structure, and, like those of the others, are quite near the water, to which their beaten paths lead from several directions. 14 NOTES ON THE SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Upper part of the head, front, sides of head, upper part of throat, and sides of neck, bluish-gray ; hind neck streaked longitudinally with white on a greenish background, the white feathers being, raised above the others; on the forepart of the neck is a large longitudinal patch of deep reddish brown: upper plumage brownish black slightly tinged with green, and on the upper part of the back and lower part and sides of the neck, streaked with and mottled with white; wings and tail brownish black; under plumage pure white with a band across the hinder part of the abdomen, and the lower tail coverts, brownish gray; bill bluish black; iris bright ved; tarsi and feet brownish black externally, internall}' pale flesh color; claws yellowish at the base, and duskj" at the end. Length, 27; wing, 11. .'0; tail, 2.50; bill, 2.2'!; tarsus, 2.75. Habitat, northern part of Northern Hemisphere, migrating southward in winter nearly across the United States. Older LONGIPENNES. Family LABID^. RISSA TRIDACTYLA (L.)- (40.) KITTIWAKE. The Kittiwake is a regular spring and fall migrant, spend- ing its winters far to the south, returning here from the 25th of March to the 10th of April, remaining for only about eight or ten days, and then passing on further north to breed. Cir- cumstances connected with my observations of the gulls migrating through the portion of the State where my principal personal observations have been made, lead me to believe that this species breeds on the islands of a number of our northern lakes. I hope to be able to settle many facts in connection with the gulls in the near future, which it has been impossi- ble to do up to the present time. The young may be seen at Bigstone lake, Mille Lacs lake and along the Red river as early as the 15th of August in ordinary seasons, and always the last week in October, in considerable numbers. As the Kittiwake Gulls are known to breed ' ' as far south as Bird Rock, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence " (Langille) there can be no valid reason to doubt their doing so in the vicinities referred to in Minnesota. Their food while with us consists of tish, molluscs, aquatic larvas, and small water snakes. Samuels (Birds of New England) says, "The nest is com- posed of seaweeds arranged in a large pile, and placed on a ledge of rock in a crevice, or on a jutting shelf, and is occupied for successive years, receiving additional material every year. The eggs are three in number. Their form is ovoidal; the color varies from a creamy drab, with a very slight olivaceous tint to a delicate graj'. On this are scattered blotches of 16 NOTES ON THE different shades of brown, and obscure spots and blotches of lilac." They measure usually about 2.20 by 1.60, but often somewhat less. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head, neck, entire under plumage, rump and tail, white; back and wings light bluish -gray; the ends of the five outer primaries, and the outer web of the first, black; fourth and fifth have small white tips; bill greenish-yellow; iris reddish- brown; legs and feet brownish-black, with a green tinge. Length, 17; wing, 12; tail, 6; bill, 1.50; tarsus. 1.25. Habitat, northern America. LARUS ARGExNTATLS SMIl HSOMAM S Coles. (51.) AMERICAN HERRING GULL. This beautiful Gull arrives in the lower part of the State about the first of April, and works its way northward so delib- erately as to make it not improbable that individuals may be seen almost any spring as late as the 10th of May. None remain in the middle and southern parts of the State through the summer, but there is scarcely a doubt left, in the absence of absolute certainty, that they breed at Mille Lacs lake, and other large northern lakes, within our boundary. Local obser- vers report several different kinds of Gulls breeding on the infrequented islands of those lakes, and Mr. Washburn found from their size abundant reason for believing them to be this species. In his visit to Otter Tail county in the latter part of October he found them at Dead lake in considerable numbers associated with other species of Gulls. "At Lake Mille Lacs," he says ' ' after the wind has been blowing from the east a day or more, these Gulls and the two following species, viz. ; L. delawarensis and L. Philadelphia, are plenty along the west shore, flying up and down the beach, and occasionally alighting to pick up soft lacustrine molluscs washed ashore with the weed matter. About two miles from the southwestern shore of the lake lie three barren, rocky islands that are much fre- quented by Gulls in the breeding season. "The larger of the three, called Stone island, (Spirit island by the Indians) containing about three-fourths of an acre, and with its top about 20 feet above the surface of the water, af- fords on its rocky surface a nesting place for hundreds of Gulls. " B'rom about the 20th of September this species begins to ap- pear in the lakes in gradually increasing numbers, the last of BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 17 which do not leave us until late in October. While here they spend much of the time in considerable flocks on the middle of the ordinary sized lakes, except during- the prevalence of high winds, when they are seen almost constantly on the wing. Dr. Hvoslef reports it as having about the same local history in Fillmore county, and Mr. P. H. Clague, of Herman, Grant county, has long noticed them on the lakes in the vicinity of that place. The nest is said to consist of dried grass, lichens, moss, small sticks, &c. . in profusion, deeply depressed in the center, and contains three olivaceous drab eggs, varying to much lighter shades, blotched and spattered with dark to light brown and faint purple. They vary much in size and measurements, averaging about 2. 50 by 2 inches. Many of them are quite in- distinguishable from those of the other species of the same genus. The Herring Gull is a magnificent bird under any circum- stances, but especially when leisurely floating upon the wing, turning his head from side to side in his unremitting vigilance to secure his food. As with the entire family, the telescopic vision never fails to spy instantly the merest fragment within possible range, for which it plunges with unerring aim. In both migrations, embracing a considerable period in the autumn, they are abundant in numbers and flocks, remaining many times until completely frozen out of the lakes and streams that supply them their special food. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head, neck, under parts, rump, and tail pure white; back and wings light pearl-blue; first six primaries marked towards their ends with black, which begins on the first about half its length from the end, and is rapidly lessened on the others until it becomes only a subterminal bar on the sixth; primaries all tipped with white; on the first quill it is about an inch and a half in extent, crossed near the end by a black bar, on the second quill there is a round white spot on the inner web near the end; secondaries and tertiaries broadly ending with white; bill bright yellow, with an orange spot near the end of the lower mandible; legs and feet flesh color; iris white. (Young, mottled with light grayish-brown and dull white; primaries and bill brownish-black, latter yellowish at base. ) Length, 23; wing, 18; bill, 24-; tarsus, 2^. 18 NOTES ON THE LARIS DELAWARENSIS Ord (54.) RING-BILLED GULL. The Ring-billed Gulls have become much more numerous through a gradual increase since my first observation of them in 1857. They are the most abundant of their family, and extensively distributed over the lacustrine regions of the commonwealth, breeding in all places adapted to their habits. Prof. Clarence Herrick reported them abundantly breeding at Lake Shatek in the southwestern part of the State — Murray county I believe — as early as any were reported to me from remote parts. Within much less distant points, I observed that it was relatively common and within a short period its extensive breeding has been fully known. They may be seen as early as the 10th of April in forward seasons, but are more frequently later, but at once upon their arrival seem to be as much at home as if no inclement season had driven them southward six months before. At Bigstone, and at Mille Lacs lakes, and doubtless at a large number of other similar lakes amongst the thousands of the State, they breed on the ground, and where available on elevated promon- tories, but where the country is uniformly fiat, as in Grant county where I have been to study their nidifications, they seek sandy shores or even small ponds occasionally, in very infrequented sections. Wherever it is they are gregarious. Mosses constitute the bulk of the material of their nests, with which there is employed more or less grass, and from continuing to add a little new material every year, the nests often become quite elevated and remarkably conspicuous occasionally after several years. About the first week in June the work of incubation com- mences by the daily deposit of a grayish-green egg, until three are layed. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head, neck, tail, and under parts, pure white; back and wings light pearl-blue; first and second primaries black two- thirds their length towards the end, the three next quills with the black much less in extent, and on the sixth it is reduced to a subterminal bar; the first quill is black at the end, above which is a broad white band; the second quill black to its tip, with a white spot on the inner web an inch and a half from the end; the other primaries tipped with white; secondaries and tertiaries ending in white; iris, yellow; bill crossed near the BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 19 end with a blackish-brown band, between which and the base it is greenish-yellow; tarsi and feet greenish- yellow. Length, 20; wing, 15; tail, 6; bill, 1.63; tarsus, 2. Habitat, North America. LARUS ATRICILLA L. (58.) LAUGHING GULL. The Mississippi River valley is a great thoroughfare of mi- grating birds, some of which pass directly over its sources to- ward Hudson Bay and still more northern regions. But all mi- grants must occasionally rest their weary wings, and replenish their empty stomachs, in doing which they leave a local record for the vigilant observer. The present species is one of this class, having been seen and obtained only in migration in the autumn, and nothing more has come within my personal knowl- edge of its local habits. Years have sometimes passed without my having seen or heard of them, and then again several will be reported, and I may find one in the hands of the taxidermist, whose shelves have contained one or two of them from time to time, ever since I have resided within the State. Rumors have reached me occasionally in years gone by, that their eggs have been ob- tained in Cass county, but lacked assurance of their reliability; but more recently I have received a communication from a lady which makes it presumptively possible that the observa tion is correct. She says, in speaking of a nest found, that the eggs were three in number; ovoidal; grayish-green or drab; blotched and spotted several shades of brown and purple; and measured 2.30 by 1.65 inches.* I am not an expert in larine oology, so that the coloration of the eggs has less value to my presumption that the measures, which certainly correspond with those given by the authorities. I believe we shall find it does breed here. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head and upper part of neck blackish lead gray, extending lower in front; upper and lower eyelids white posteriorly; lower part of neck, entire under plumage, rump, and tail, i)ure white; back and wings grayish lead color; the first six primar- ies are black, beginning on the first about two thirds of its length from the point, and regularly becoming less on the others, until on the sixth, it is reduced to two spots near the end; tips in some specimens white and in others black to their * Letter from Miss Loveland. 1880. 20 NOTES ON THE points; bill, and inside of mouth dark carmine; iris bluish- black; legs and feet deep red. Length, 18; wing. 13; tail, 5; bill. If; tarsus, 2. Habitat, Texas to Maine, and Middle American Pacific Coast. Dr. Coues in his Birds of the Northwest (p. G51) discredits my report of the observation of this species, made to the Min- nesota Academy of Natural Sciences in 1874. With just as much reason he will discredit my reaffirmation now (as he has done in the case of the Orchard Oriole in the same work) but "the world still moves" and facts remain just as stubborn as ever before he compiled that very valuable work. LARUS PHILADELPHIA (Ord) (60.) BONAPARTE'S GULL. This beautiful little bird of its tribe reaches the principal portions of the State early in April, the 10th being my own earliest record, but it is often reported several days earlier at Lake Shatek in Murray county, and in other more southern localities. Individuals ai-e seen as late as the ^oth of May, and there are the best of reasons for believing that some of them at least breed on the islands of the larger inland lakes of the northern counties and along the shores of Lake Superior. Gulls are known to breed in considerable numbers in those localities, their nests having been observed while occupied, and this species corresponds to the general size and more ostensible markings as popularly described by residents and unscientific hunters who have resided in those sections for many years. The earlier representatives reach the section where my own opportunities are greatest often in the latter part of August, and individuals are met occasionally as late as the 5th of November, all of which would point to the probabil- ities of the presumptions mentioned. Mr. Washburn found them relatively common at Mille Lacs lake and Dead lake late in October. He says "This graceful little Gull was seen almost daily at Dead lake, and at other lakes throughout the countrj'; sometimes a single bird, more frequently a pair, or a flock of six or eight. When one bird is wounded, or killed, the rest hover for several minutes over the unfortunate comrade, when several may be secured." For many years after coming to this State I believe that none of the Gulls bred within its borders, but imperfect observations led me slowly to the conviction that this species did so to a limited extent on the shores of Lake BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 21 Superior; but it has only been within a few years that I have felt any measure of assurance that they also breed about some of the inland lakes. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head and upper part of neck grayish-black, this color extend- ing rather lower on the throat than on the neck behind; lower part of neck, under plumage, rump, and tail, white; back and wings clear bluish-gray; first primary black on outer web; inner web of the same, both webs of the second, and the outer web of the third, white; inner web of the third, and all the other primaries the same color as the back; the six outer primaries have their ends black for the extent of about one inch on the central ones, but less on the first and sixth, and they are tipped with white slightly; shoulders, anterior borders of the wings, and outer webs of the primary coverts, white; bill deep black: inside of mouth carmine; iris hazel; legs and feet orange, with a reddish tinge. Length, 14.50; wing. 10.50; tail, 4.35; bill, 1^; tarsus. 1.25. Habitat, whole of Nort]i America. STERNA TSCHEGRITA Lepechin. (64.) CASPIAN TERN. Until within a few years I have believed this Tern was only a rather common migrant, but I have the evidence that the species remains through the summer in many localities. Mr. Lewis entertained this belief as long ago as in 1876, having found the young birds .in a visit to Polk county in July. It has been my privilege to do the same at a little later date, yet pre- sumably too early for the migration of the young, and I am therefore entertaining the confident expectation of finding the nest in due time. Usually, about the first of May, or possibly a little earlier, the Caspian Tern makes its appearance, and for only a short time is seen passing rapidly from lake to lake in search of its favorite food, the fresh-water mussels, with which the margins of the marsh-land streams and lakes abound. The flight is a marvel of gracefulness, ease, and unwearied 'maintainance, never failing to arrest the attention of any one at all interested in the birds There is no marked difference in their numbers in the autumnal southward movement, which commences generally about the 20th of September, at which time, how ever, individuals continue to be seen occasionally about the larger lakes like Mille Lacs, Red lake, Shatek, etc. , until near 22 NOTES ON THE the same date in the following month, or even a little laler, when they are found to have disappeared entirely. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Forehead, crown, sides of head, and occiput black, glossed with green, which color extends below the eyes and under which is a narrow white line; back and wings light bluish-ash; the six outer primaries dark slate-graj^ on their inner webs; quill shafts white; tail and its upper coverts grayish- white; neck and entire under plumage pure white; bill and inside of mouth bright vermilion; legs and feet black; bill very stout; tail not deeply forked. In the young the back, wing coverts and tail are mottled and barred with blackish-brown. Length. 22; wing, 17; tail, 6; bill, 3. Habitat, North America generally. STERNA FORSTERI Nuttall. (69.) FORSTER'S TERN. I was much gratified, after long waiting and fruitless en- deavor to find whether this species of Tern ever reared its young within our State, to have a clutch of the eggs sent to me from Douglas county. Poaching collectors had many times claimed to have obtained them, but their finds, with a few generous exceptions, have contributed very little to local natural history or a sense of personal obligations. Their ex- ceedingly brief appearance, beginning about the 25th of April and lasting but a few days, comparatively, led me to appre- hend that the instinct of incubation was indicating the i')roximity of their summer habitat, which ever kept me in expectation that it would ultimately be found near at hand. The nest was reported to have been located on a muskrat house entirely surrounded by water, and consisted of a moderate quantity of reeds and coarse grasses, very slightly hollowed, and con- tained three eggs, which were not pointed at the smaller end like some others of the same family but were decidedly ovate, light brown with a wash of palest green, blotched and spotted with dark brown, was more marked at the larger end. The average measure of the three was; 1.75 by 1.12. It was obtained June 7th, and the eggs were apparently fresh. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Upper part, sides of head to a line just below the eye, and hind neck, black; back and wings bluish-gray; primaries gray- ish-white on the outer webs and dusky-gray on the inner next the shaft, and over the entire web at the end; darker on inner BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 23 margin, the remaining portion of inner webs white; tail bluish- gray, except the outer web of the outer tail feather which is white, the inner web of this feather blackish-gray for about two inches from the end; rump white with a slight tinge of pale bluish gray; sides of head, throat, and entire under surface, white; bill orange-yellow at the base, black near the end, with the tip yellow; legs and feet red. Length, 14.5; wing, 10.50; tail, 6; bill, 1.50; tarsus, 1. Habitat, North America generally. STERNA HIRLNDO L. (70 ) COMMON TERN. From about the 20th of April until the first and second weeks in October this species of the Terns may be occasionally seen, but never in any considerable flocks, as in the same latitude on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. For a few days after their arrival, small flocks are met with in the marshes embracing numerous ponds and lakes connected by streams and sloughs, but in a few days they seem to have all gone, yet the presence of one here, and there is unmistaka- ble, though even after securing a male on three occasions I have failed to flush the female or discover the nest in the sum- mer months. The taxidermists generally have an individual or tw^o in their collections which they confound with two or three other species as classified now, but can give no intelligent account of where, when, or under what circumstances they were obtained. I know nothing more of their local habits or their distribution. Their usually accepted description is: SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Upper part of the head and hind neck deep black, tinged with brown on the front part of the head; back and wings light grayish blue; first primary with the outer web black, on the inner web grayish-black next the shaft, this color increas- ing in extent towards the end, where it covers the entire web for about one inch, the rest of the inner web white; the next five primaries are hoary on their outer webs, and blackish- gray on their inner next the shaft, and occupying their entire web at the end; margin of the inner webs white; central tail feathers very pale bluish- gray, the other white on their inner webs and dusky- gray on the outer, webs, deepening in color from the central feathers until it becomes blackish-gray on the lateral ones; sides of the head, throat, rump, and under tail coverts, white; breast and abdomen clear, pearl -gray; bill coral- red, black near the end, with the tip yellow; iris hazel; -3z 24 NOTES ON THE legs and feet coral red, not so dark as the bill; claws brownish black. Length, 15; wing, 11; tail, 6; tarsus, 0.75. Habitat, North America generally. The galloping herd of itinerant ornithologists who have been in immoderate haste to see their names in print, and enjoy a share of immortality while still warm with enthusiasm, have habitually reported this Tern as not breeding here to any extent, but more careful and long continued investigations of the local history of the species disprove their assumptions. I am now able to say that while they do not breed here to the extent that they do in some exceptional localities like those described by Samuels in his "Birds of New England," p 547, they are fairly common in the northern sections of the State. On the fiat country approaching the Lake of the Woods they are numerous all through the season of breeding, although I could not give as much time to securing the eggs while in that region in 1887 as I desired, yet enough were to be readily seen to prove the past assumptions to be groundlessly made. The variations in size were quite striking, but not to be compared with the modifications of the markings. STERNA ANTILLAKl 31 Lesson. (74 ) LEAST TERN. I have been not a little surprised that so few individuals of this species have come under my notice during the long years of my local observation, and still more so that amongst so many earnest collectors so very few have been observed. Nevertheless, the species not only come to and migrate through the State in considerable numbers, but the (supposed) eggs have been obtained in several widely separated sections, showing a general but not abundant distribution. I have said "supposed eggs" because I do not feel entire confidence in their identity for the reason that other Terns were also observed, and the second year's plumage offers many difficulties in identification without any extensive series to compare with at hand. Mj'^ inf amiliari ty with the Gulls and Terns makes me speak with exceptional hesitation. With greater leisure, [ hope to be able to speak with more confidence. I will say that I have found very few individuals in the fall migrations that were not in immature plumage, but I seldom fail of getting a por- tion of the mature in spring. I find the average time of their arrival in spring through tliirty years has been April 27, and almost invariably is then BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 25 found along the Mississippi and its principal tributaries within the State. Later it has fallen under my notice in other localities, but only at considerable intervals. I know nothing of its habits. SPECIFIC CHARACT^ERS. A triangular white spot on the forehead extending to the eye: occiput, crown, and a line from the eye to the upper man- dible, deep black; entire upper plumage and wings clear bluish- gray; first two primaries with the outer web and half the inner next the shaft, grayish-black, ends of the same color, inner margins white, the shafts of these two quills black; the other primaries same color as the back with the inner margins white; tail same color as the back except the outer margin of the exterior feather, and the inner webs of the others at the base, where they are white; entire under plumage silvery-white; bill pale orange yellow; iris hazel; legs and feet, light orange- red. Length, 8.75; wing, 6.75; tail, 3.50. Habitat, Northern South America, casually more northward into British America. Later opportunities for more careful observations have en- abled me to say that the Least Tern is not the rare bird gener- ally represented, but on the other hand may be called fairly common throughout the later spring and summer till into Sep- tember, and occasionally a few" remain even till the first part of the following month. Two clutches of the eggs have been brought to me, — one in June, 1887, and the other in July, two years later. They were cream-colored with a grayish tint, and marked with small and larger spots of varying shades of brown, some of which were confluent. One or two gave the least possible suggestion of a lilac wash. HYDROCHELIDON NIGRA SI RINAMENSIS Gmelin. (77.) BLACK TERN. Of all the Terns that visit the State this species is the most abundant. Arriving from the 7th to the 10th of May they seem to take possession of the whole commonwealth simultaneously. This remarkable uniformity of their vernal appearance in widely severed localities of latitude I have long observed. Entirely insectivorous in their food, the first week or ten days after their arrival they are almost incessantly on the wing, in flocks of forty to a hundred, skimming the marshes, now overflowed more or less, and bearing on the currentless waters many kinds of insects, like crickets, grasshoppers, beetles and spiders. Following this they are little seen except early in 26 NOTES ON THE the morning or towards evening, as they are engaged in the structure of their nests. These are constructed of such mater- ials as abound about them, usually reeds, rushes, swamp grasses, and moss, and are woven with considerable skill. They are quite uniformly placed on floating debris, consisting of similar materials to that employed in the structure of the nests, although placed occasionally on a buoy of wood or bark. The water in which these masses float is commonly from three to four feet in depth, and completely surrounded by reeds and wild rice. Breeding in communities, it is no uncommon thing to find half a dozen nests very near to each other upon the same float, and a single nest on one so small as to forbid the presence of another. Considerable numbers build by the 25th of May, as I have eggs I obtained before the end of the month, but the larger part of them are deposited after the first of June. They lay from two to three eggs — occasionally but one — of a smoky-yellow color, thoroughly splotched all over with dark, umber-brown, more thickly in an undefined ring around the larger end. During the breeding period very little is seen of them, but when the young are sufficiently developed to fly, they may be seen in great numbers flying over not only these reedy marshes, ponds and lakes, but more especially over the dry pastures, hayfields and wheatfields, where insects and grasshoppers are most abundant. Silent, and apparently without suspicion, flitting here and there like the swallows, often very near without seeming to see one observing them, although he may have a gun in his hand at the time, they spend most of their time in quest of food — that universal stimulus to motion for all animate nature. Few are seen in the country later than the 15th of August, and then invariably it is the adult plumage. I have no record of their presence later than the 19th of August. In his Birds of the Northwest, p. 708, Coues says: "They (the eggs) had to be closely looked after, for they were laid directly on the moist matting, without any nest in any instance." This observation having been made along the borders of my special survey, and in the month of June, by so eminent a naturalist, surprised me greatly until I received a communi cation from Mr. E. W. Nelson, of Chicago, now of the Smith- sonian Institution, who assured me that he had observed the same thing in Cook county, where he resided, but only when BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 27 the birds had been disturbed repeatedly. I regret exceedingly that the letter has been mislaid, or I would reproduce the statement in his own language. This is by no means the only instance of which birds have been known to forego the employ- ment of a nest after having been presistently robbed of their eggs by man or beast. Dr. T. S. Roberts, of Minneapolis, reported to me his dis- covery of several nests of this species on May 28, 1876; and on the 14th of the following June, Messrs. W. L. Tiffany and John Roberts, of the same place, secured six nests "on a sheet of floating moss, or fresh reeds, in about three or four feet of water, regularly woven of swamp grass, and each containing two or three eggs." Mr. Washburn found them in July, 1885, "Very common throughout the Red River valley, about large sloughs and lakes,— at Ada, and along Thief river in the vicinity of Mud lake." Their distribution is nearly uniform where the food conditions are found. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head, neck, breast, sides, and abdomen, black; lower tail coverts white; under coverings of wings ashy gray; back and wings dark plumbeous gray; the first four primaries grayish- black, with their shafts white; bend of the wing edged with white; tail same color as the back; bill, brownish- black; iris, brown; legs and feet, reddish-brown; length, 9.50; wing, 8 50; tail, 3.50. Habitat, Temperate and Tropical America. Family PHALACBOCORACID^^:. PHALACROCORAX DILOPHUS Swainson. (120.) DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT. While shooting ducks in the spring hunters very soon learn to recognize the more obvious characteristics of this species of the Cormorants; one of these characteristics is the peculiarity of their flight. At the time referred to these birds are in con- siderable flocks, resembling in the remote distance the larger sized ducks and the black Brant until a good many times de- ceived, but the observing sportsmen readily discover the identity. When frequently disturbed by the shooting at the ducks they will occasionally become mingled with them in their flight from one lake to another and are thus brought within easy range of 28 NOTES ON THE the guns, when the taxidermists get them for mounting in such numbers as to become a burden, while ordinarily they are a hard bird to obtain, for they are exceedingly shy and vigilant. Except when the water is frozen firmly, there is no time in the year when they may not be seen in almost every general sec- tion where the conditions are favorable to their habits of feed- ing, but their nests are more restricted, and not infrequently are associated with the Blue Herons in their long occupied rookeries. Thousands of people visiting Upper Lake Minne- tonka during a period of full iiO years have seen them thus associated on "Crane Island," and the surprise of everj'body has been that both the Cormorants and Herons did not abandon the breeding place long years ago. Their reluctance to aban- don it, however, has been as great as was that of the Sioux, with the advantage over the aborigines that there were no treaties in the way of their continued possession. The State authorities have discovered the same fact and have tardily recognized the obligation to protect them from weapons of civilized warfare. Local observers in nearly all parts of the State report them from "occasional" to "innumerable," accor- ing to how near their breeding places the observations have been made, especially after they have commenced preparations for incubation. , The preparations for incubation are made about the 10th of May in large communities, on islands in the lakes and ponds, and almost impenetrable marshes, where are some large, branching trees in which they mostly build their coarse but substantial nests. These are usually bulky from having been added to a little from year to year, and consist of land and wa- ter weeds, portions of vines and some sticks, without )nuch mechanism In their arrancjeinents, being piled together around a deep depression, in which they lay three pale greenish or blu- ish eggs, over the surface of which is spread a smear of cal- careous material making them somewhat rough to the touch. It is not an uncommon sight to see one or more of their nests on the same tree on which are a number of the herons' nests, with whom they have no neighbor jars apparently. Being principally fish eaters they spend most of the time in the water where their movements in pursuit of their prey are simply marvelous in velocity. With their totipalmated feet folded fiatly into mere blades while carried forward and when struck out backwards opening to their utmost, and the half-spread wings beating with inconceivable rapidity, they seem to fly BIRDS OF MLNNESOTA. 29 through the waters at various depths in pursuit of their favor- ite food, the fish. By some cormorantic agreement, they distribute themselves for feeding in such a manner as not to trespass upon each other's domain during the breeding time, some individuals of them going many miles away to feed. The females during this period are allowed the nearer preserves and improve only the earlier and later portions of the day to supply their necessities. When the young are sufficiently grown they gather into im- mense flocks in infrequented sections, and remain until the ice- lid of winter has been closed over their supplies of food when to appearance they do not go away, but are gone like the sea- son— and how, when, and where? In his communication to me of some observations made in Murray county in 1877. Prof. C. L. Herrick says of this species at lake Shetak: "The upper lake affords nesting places for in- numerable Cormorants which are known as black loons." So from all sources, or at least many, including Lanesboro in Fill- more county from which Dr. Hvoslef says: ''Prom April 3d, (1883), about fifty Cormorants were seen at the pond till the 12th of October. About the same date, but two years later, Mr. F. L. Washburn found them at Dead lake in Otter Tail county, fairly common for the species. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head. neck, lower part of back and under surface greenish- black; feathers of upper part of back, wing coverts, scapulars and tertiaries, grayish-brown, the margins greenish-black; primaries blackish- brown, lighter on inner webs; secondaries dark grayish-brown; tail black; a line of white filamentous feathers running from the bill over the eye, and a few similar ones distributed over the neck; behind each eye is a tuft of rather long, slender feathers, erect and curving forwards ; bare space in the region of the eye and gular sac. orange; upper mandible blackish-brown, with edges yellowish; the lower mandible yellow, marked irregularly with dusky; iris bright green; legs, feet and claws, black, middle toe claw pectinated. Length, 33; wing, 13; tail, 6.75. Habitat. Eastern coast of North America, breeding from the Bay of Fandy northward; southward in the interior to the Great Lakes and Wisconsin. 30 NOTES OX THE Family PELEC AXID^^. PELECAMS ERYTHRORHYNCHIS Gmelin (125.) AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN. This immense bird usually signals his arrival in the early part of April by his characteristic notes from an elevation beyond the range of vision except under the most favorable circumstances. The sound of those notes is diflBcult to de- scribe, but unforgetable when once certainly heard from their aerial heights. I have sometimes scanned the heavens in vain to see them, but am generally rewarded for my vigilance and patience if the sky is clear, and if cloudy, also, when I watch the rifts closely with my field glass. They more commonlj' are in flocks of from thirty to fifty, rarely more; but when materially less than the former number, the flock has been divided, and they then fly lower. During the incoming migration of the spring of 1864 it was not an unusual thing to have them descend nearly' to the tops of the trees, long before reaching a section for alighting. I secured one at that time which was eleven feet in extent and weighed twenty-two pounds. For more than twenty years after I came here to reside they bred in Grant county in a large community. Several of my ornithological friends visited the place from time to time, first of which Mr. J. N. Sandford of Elbow lake, who guided Mr. G. B. Sennett of Meadville, Pa., to the pelicanery subsequently, but after several j'ears' antici- pation of seeing it with Mr. Sanford myself, professional duties and ill health prevented, until, persecuted, robbed and mercilessly slaughtered, they finally deserted their ancient dwelling place, since which I have had no reliable evidence that they bred within our borders. It is persistently claimed by duck-hunters that they have renewed their limited breeding, but exactly where, rumor has not decided. I think that there is little reason to doubt that the pelicanery alluded to was the only one within our borders, for wherever these easily identi- fied birds were observed during the period of breeding in the early morning and late in the day, the line of general flight pointed to that same locality. Shortl}' after their arrival in spring they pair for breeding, after which little is seen of them until late in the autumn, when they begin to flock for their late migration, which time depends entirely' upon the BIRDS OF MINNESOTA, 31 question of the supply of their food, which is mainly small fishes. These are abundant in the shallow streams, borders of the lakes and ponds, until sealed up by the ice. Most writers upon the habits of this unique species speak of the use of the lower mandible and gular sac as a scoop, or dip net, for gathering in their food. This seems possible, and even probable, yet I am compelled to say that while I have often observed their habit of dropping the inferior mandible slightly beneath the surface of the water when the upper one seemed only to rest on it, and thus allow the water to pass into the mouth as they were swimming about in deep as well as shallow water, I have never discovered the slightest evidence of their receiving food at such times Like their renowued habit of extending their mandibles in a series of yawning like motions when standing upon the land, I have regarded the other as essentially a sort of meaningless diversion. Perhaps to rinse out the gular pouch. I am confident I could not have been mistaken, as my observations were made when the birds were under the most favorable circumstances for being observed, and I have employed a superior field glass while perfectly concealed from their sight. Whether seizing a minnow, or a pickerel weighing three and a half pounds, as in one instance, the fish is grasped transversely, when it is tossed into the air and invariably received with its head fore- most in its descent into the pouch. The sac, or pouch, is a temporarj^ repository in which the food is retained for a longer or shorter period as required for supplies for digestion. The gular sac has no element of ' 'a dip-net for catching prey", having no outlet for the water "shipped." not even the pectinated rami of the bill of several species of ducks. They are well known to seize great quanti- ties of fish upon occasion, and it is equally well known that their stomachs are relatively exceptionally small. The sac is therefore an inexorable necessity for transportation in their prolonged flights over frozen lakes and rivers, and has been found on repeated occasions in possession of from one to several fishes. One at least of the purposes of the sac cannot be questioned. In the latter part of May the old nests are slightly repaired or added to of such materials as are easily obtained, and the three to four eggs laid. They are very rudimentary, consist- ing usually of dirt scraped together and overlaid with coarse reeds, moss, &c., and are located quite near each other in close 32 NOTES ON THE proximity to water, with little attempt at concealment. The length of time after hatching before the young are taken to the water I have not reliably ascertained. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. General plumage, pure white, (in breeding season with a roseate tinge) ; crest and elongated feathers on the breast, pale yellow; alula, primary coverts, and primaries, black, the shafts of the latter, white for the greater part of their length, and brownish-black at the end; outer secondaries, black, the inner more or less white, the shafts of all white underneath. Bill, yellow, with the edges and unguis, reddish; upper mandible high at the base, but becoming gradually flattened to the end; on the ridge just beyond the middle of the bill is a thin, elevated bony process about one inch high, and extending towards the end for three or four inches; lower mandible broad at the base, with the crura separated nearly to the point, underneath the lower mandible, beginning at the junction of the crura and extending down the neck about eight inches, is a large membranous sac, or pouch, capable of great expansion, of the same color as the bill; bare space around the eye. bright yellow; iris, white; legs and feet, yellow; claws, yellowish- brown. The female ditfers only in the absence of the bony projection on the upper mandible. Length. 70; wing, 24.50; bill, 18.50; tarsus, 4.75; tail, 7. Habitat, Temperate North America. Note. I have no record of the earliest instance of their nesting, but generally it takes place in the latter days of May, several having been reported by the twenty-fifth. Some have been known to occur even after the first of June. The nests are very rudimentary, consisting in most cases of the dirt and debris found at the place selected, which is on alluvial lands quite near the water. There seems to be no attempt at con- cealment whatever usually, and they will endure a great deal of disturbance from intruders before they will finally abandon the spot chosen for incubation. From two to four while eggs constitute the "clutch,"' and the male shares the duties of the lengthy incubency, as it would seem to be the conjugal duty of all male birds, yet unfortunately some come very far short of it. I have often conceived that the female cow-bird laid her first egg in another bird's nest because her mate refused to share her sacrifices. Later facts, and many isolated circum stances have somewhat modified my opinions as to their aban- doning the State for incubation. Prof. Herrick, who is quite familiar with the bird life of Mur- ray county, expresses himself as confident that they breed about Lake Shetak, and later Mr. F. L Washburn, (now professor at Corvallis, Oregon, I am informed), mentions some circum- stances in his correspondence that Lake Traverse and many other localities in the northwestern parts of the State have been adopted as breeding places by the Pelicans. He states BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 33 that in 1885, from some cause not quite certain, they sought new breeding quarters, having deserted the famous grand peli- canry -'for many isolated localities never before occupied."' Mr. Armstrong, of Herman. Grant Co., "found a solitary nest near the town containing two eggs." Certainly these circum- stances justify the conclusion that the Pelicans have not yet deserted Minnesota as a breeding place. PELECANUS FUSCUS L. (126.) BROWN PELICAN. Reasonably credible rumors from three different localities on the western borders of the State add one Brown Pelican each to the list of straggling visitors within our borders. I am very familiar with them in sections where they abound, but have never seen any within my present province. Older ANSERES. Family ANATID^. MERGANSER AMERICANl S (Cassin) (129.) AMERICAN MERGANSER. This is the largest species of the true Fish Ducks. They reach the larger lakes somewhat before the disappearance of the ice. A narrow border may have yielded to the advancing sun and invited the fish from under the frozen canopy into its grateful rays, and thus offering the ducks their chosen food in abundance, but if they have counted upon such a repast they are liable to great disappointment, for the retreating cold often returns with a vigor that closes again every opening in the ice of the still waters of the lakes and ponds, when the premature invaders will be compelled to seek their supplies in the swift currents of the streams and rivers. At the time of their spring migrations, they appear in considerable flocks, and no inconsiderable numbers are killed by persons unfamil- liar with their habits, and ignorant of their valuelessness for food, at least such was formerly the case; but since the coun- try has become more extensively occupied by settlement, and been cultivated along the shores of their former haunts, they have disappeared from the more frequented lakes, and are now seldom seen except in the remoter districts. There they still breed in comparatively fair numbers. They place their nests in the forks of dead trees of the forest bordering the water where the banks are low and flat, or upon ledges of rock overhanging the water, in extremely secluded places. The nest consists of grass, leaves, moss, etc., over which are placed their own feathers in sufficient quantity for warmth to be easily maintained while incubation is in process. The eggs are about ten in number, and are of a cream white color, that varies in different eggs of the same nest. In earlier days. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 35 when they bred in my own county, I found the young on the ponds and small grassy lakes as early as the first week in June, and as late as the last week of July, which warranted the presumption that they rear more than one brood each year. Their food consists of fish, mussels, and occasionally the stems and roots of aquatic vegetation. The flight of the Mer- gansers, or Shelldrakes, as they are more commonly called in this country, is not very unlike that of the Mallard, yet easily distinguished by experienced sportsmen at a considerable dis- tance. Although they have become quite rare in the southern they are more readily found in the northern portions of the State, where there are extensive are as yet wild enough to meet all the requirements for their food and reproduction. They linger in small family flocks in autumn as late as an abundant supply of food is obtainable, and move away south- ward in the night. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Feathers of the forehead extending on the bill in an acute angle for half the distance between those on the sides and nostrils; outline of those on the sides nearly vertical, and reaching but little beyond the beginning of the lower edge of the bill, but as far as those on the side of the lower jaw; nos- trils large, far forward, their middle opposite the middle of the commissure. Head and neck green; fore part of back black; beneath salmon color; wings mostly white, crossed by one band of black; sides faintly barred transversely. Length, 26.50; wing, 11; tarsus 1.85; commissure, 2.90. Habitat. North America generally. :MERGANSER SERRATOR (L.). (130.) RED-BREASTED MERGANSER. This Merganser cannot be regarded as a common resident, yet I have found it breeding within a few miles of both Minne- apolis and St. Paul, and it is known to do so in several localities to the west of our great timber belt, as in the vicinity of some small lakes embraced in that forest. They arrive with the earlier game ducks, and are frequently shot under the sup- position that they belong to that class. As with the other species of local ducks, they do not continue long in flocks, but shortly pair off and resort to the more favorable sections for breeding, where they build large, bulky nests on the ground. The nests consist first of rushes, reeds, coarse weeds and 36 NOTES ON THE grasses, with some roots. Over these is the true nest, com- posed of fine roots chiefly, which is covered with a layer of feathers. They lay about ten, light, dirty, drab colored eggs. I have found but one while employed for nidification, although several have come to my notice by finding the fragments of shells associated with them. The young birds were in the water of a draining ditch on the 9th of June. The species is abundantly reported in both migrations, yet only a very few individuals have seen these ducks during the summer, for the obvious reason that, like all other locally breeding ducks, they are rarely found on the wing. Hence Mr. Washburn's statement that he found the species rather rare in the Red River valley in July and August. They remain till very late in November, and occasionally all winter, as I have repeatedly seen them in open rapids on spring fed streams and the Mis- sissippi. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Feathers of the forehead extending on the bill in a short, obtuse angle, and falling far short of the end of those on the sides; the outline of the latter sloping rapidly forwards, and reaching half way from the posterior end of the lower edge of the bill to the nostrils, and far beyond those on the side of the lower jaw. Nostrils posterior and narrow, their posterior outline opposite the end of the basal third of the commissure. Head with a conspicuous, pointed, occipital crest. Head and upper part of neck all around dark green; under parts red- dish-white; jugulum, reddish-brown streaked with black; sides distinctly barred transversely with fine lines of black. Feathers anterior to wing white, margined with black. White of wing crossed by two bars of black. Length, 23.25; wing, 8.60; tarsus, 1.80; commissure, 2 75. Habitat. Northern North America. LOPHODYTES CI CI LLATIS (L ). (131.) HOODED MERGANSER. Undisturbed in the quiet solitudes of its favorite feeding places, especially during the mating season when the time is more devoted to courting, the male of this species of ducks has no peer for regal beauty in its family except the always to be excepted male Wood Duck, {Aix sjjonsa). It is a permanent resident, finding open water enouglf through the severest winters to make its supply of fish-food possible. On the coldest days I have many times observed it feeding in the rapids at the foot of the falls of St. Anthony. At such times BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 37 they may occasionally be seen flying further up or down the river in small parties. Once in January, 1874, when the mercury had descended to forty degrees below^ zero while a north wind was blowing terrifically, I saw a flock of six of this species flying directly into the teeth of the blizzard at their ordinary velocity of not less than ninety miles an hour. The compactness of their flocks of half a dozen to fifteen in their flight is characteristic, and their directness fully equal to that of the Green-winged Teal, (Anas caros inensis). About the third week in April, or a little later, they disperse for incubation. They build their nests but a short distance from the water, and like the Wood Duck, in the hollows of trees, or upon the stubs of such as have been broken off by the wind. One discovered by a duck -friend of mine (to the location of which he called my attention many years since ) was placed in as hallow cavity rotted out of a lean- ing trunk some forty feet from the ground, and consisted of w^eeds, grass and feathers, the latter completely concealing the others. It contained thirteen perfectly white, subspherical, thick-shelled eggs, that averaged 2.12 by l./O in measurement. In one instance, a lady sharing my interest in birds and game, while rowing with me, noticed what w^e supposed to be a Wood Duck carrying her chick by the neck from a tree into the water. We waited in vain some time to see if the bird would not bring another young one. Reaching the middle of the small lake, w^e saw the duck, by the aid of the field-glass, re- sume the loving task, and discovered the bird to be a female of the species under consideration. This was on the 18th of May. Mr. Treganowan found the baby birds in Becker county, on the 17th of August, showing that in one instance at least, a second brood presumptively was brought out in the same season. lam not confident that this is universally the case however. The food at this time embraces fish, molluscs, and aquatic insects. With the crest fully extended, the male of this species, as already intimated, presents a most beautiful view when swimming leisurely on the undisturbed water, under the deep shadows of the environing woods. He takes none of the burdens of incuba- tion upon him, but at that time hides himself away between the narrow banks of some solitary stream abounding with small fish, to resume in due time his place at the head of his well developed family. Like the other fish ducks, they stay as long as the ice will let them on the shores of the lakes, whence they go to open rapids, and late in November mostly drift more 38 NOTES ON THE southward. According to Mr. Washburn, this species is very- common at Lake Mille Lacs, and Dead lake. Dr. Hvoslef finds them in February at Lanesboro, Fillmore county, in open places in the Root river. Mr. Edward A. Everett, of Waseca, reports them in January. Indeed, there are no sections where the birds have been looked after by competent observers which do not give reports of the Hooded Merganser. It must not be inferred that they are as numerous a species as some otiiers breeding here, but they may be said to be common residents, large numbers of which go further north still to breed and further south to winter. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head with an elongated, compressed, circular crest; anterior extremity of nostril reaching not quite as far as the middle of the commissure; frontal feathers extending nearly as far as half the distance from the lateral feathers to the nostril; the latter much beyond the feathers on the side of the lower mandi- ble. Bill shorter than head. Bill, head, neck, and back, black; center of crest and under parts white; sides chestnut brown, barred with black; anterior to the wing white, crossed b}' two black crescents; lesser coverts gray; speculum white with a basel and median-black bar; tertials black, streaked with white centrally. Length, 17.50; wing. 8; tarsus, 1.20; commissure, 2. Habitat. North America generally. ANAS BOSCHAS L. (132.) MALLARD. When the comfortless days of March have long delayed the departure of the winter, and the great lakes, and the little ones too, begin to show a liquid margin into which sundry reptiles and fishes have come to catch the first warm rays of the ad- vancing sun, we look for the ducks to return, and first of all generally, the Mallards. And should a sharp thaw be attended by a warm rain, we never look in vain. The avaunt couriers consisting of members of this species will more than likely form the largest tlock of the entire season, and will come along the cloudy curtains of the horizon after the manner of wild geese, but with less of the wedge-shaped order of flight of the latter and their ostentatious honkings. Sweeping around in circles, the radius of which is many miles in extent, examining the various streams and lakes for the larger openings in the ice, they suddenly dip down to one as if to alight, when as ab- ruptly they rise again and sweep away to another with a few BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 39 quacks of mutual advisement, or perchance of disappointment, and are soon out of sight. In half an hour they are back again to drop, one after another, into the open water of the very lake beside which we may be carefully concealed. Here, if undisturbed, they will spend the remainder of the day, but when the night has come they quietly fly away to the meadows and growing wheat fields or the oak openings where the mast is an assured supply for their repast. At the earliest dawn of the coming day, they return to the lakes for rest, mussels, aquatic vegetation and security. As they breed extensively in nearly every portion of the State adapted to their reproductive and food habits, little difiiculty lies in the way of learning their characteristic habits. I find that as a general thing their nests are completed and occupied by the loth to the 20th of May. As they deposit from ten to twelve eggs, and supposibly never more than one in the same day, it is pretty near the first of June before they are fully installed in the essential work of in- cubation. Only rather coarse weeds and grasses are employed in the structure of the nest, but it is lined with their own down liberally. The eggs are of a dirty, greenish-white color. The location of the nest may be on the veriest margin of the land near the water, concealed in the reeds and rushes, or a mile away, perhaps on the open prairie, hidden by the rank, un- glazed tuft of grass which may be seen at a considerable dis- tance. And again it is no unprecedented thing to find it amongst the coarse bushes on a wooded hillside. The duck- lings are taken to the water in a short time where the brood may often be found without much difficulty, except the sacrifices of an early rising in the morning. They linger in the State until quite in autumn, growing and fattening on the wild rice, mast, and extensive waste of the wheat fields. In the latter place they are often in immense flocks, where the hunters are congregated for their destruction as late and early as the law allows them to maintain their slaughter. As matters have been for many years, their number must have become greatly reduced, and therefore we may well rejoice that our legislature has provided some long needed protection to them. To instance, not one alone of "crack sportsmen," but many from abroad as well as at home have boasted of having killed three and four hundred in a fall shooting, and in a single in- stance upwards of one thousand. This is truly duck murder. Thirteen thousand meandered, and therefore recorded lakes 4z 40 NOTES ON THE and ponds, including all of the wild rice marshes, and wheat fields, will prove inadequate to maintain the supply at this rate. Thanks for legislation though late. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head and neck bright grass -green, with a violet gloss, top of head duller; a white ring around the middle of the neck, below which, and on the forepart and sides of the breast, the color is dark brownish-chestnut; under parts and sides, with the scapulars, pale gray, very finely undulated with dusky; the outer scapulars with a brownish tinge; forepart of back reddish brown; posterior more olivaceous; crissum and upper tail coverts black, the latter with a blue gloss; tail externally white; wing coverts brownish-gray, the greater coverts tipped first with white, and then more narrowly with black; speculum purplish-violet, terminated with black; a recurved tuft of feath- ers on the rump; iris dark brown. Length, 28; wing, 11; tarsus, 1.70; commissure, 2.50. Habitat, northern parts of northern hemisphere. ANAS OBSCURA Gmelin. (133.) BLACK. My first local observation of the Black Ducks began in the spring of 1862, during the spring migration. They were asso- ciated with the Mallards, and were exceedingly shy, a single one in the ftock often proving a sad defeat to the sportman's purposes towards the other species. A few usually find their way into the game markets, in both migrations, and it is seldom that a season passes in which I have not observed their pres- ence in one or both migrations. They are never abundant, indeed they are rather rare, and in small flocks in the spring migrations which are somewhat larger in the autumn. I have never counted more than 15 in a single flock, and more com- monly not to exceed half a dozen. I had been told that they bred in the southern and western sections of the State long before I had an opportunity to corroborate the statement, but I have long since found them doing so in the valley of the Min- nesota river, and in Kandiyohi county. Their nests were in a tussock of rank grass or reeds, in a marsh which had been overflowed during the prevalence of high water in spring, and in one instance was found as early as the 15th of May with three eggs in it. Another was shown me by a citizen wlio resided but a short distance away, containing ten, greenish - brown eggs. This was May 27th, which seems to indicate about the same period of nesting as for the former. Their food in BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 41 spring consists largely of aquatic larvae, and of molluscs with the succulent roots of fresh water vegetation; and in the autumn of wild rice and domestic grains, to which should be added considerable mast after the acorns have fallen. They seldom resort to the smaller lakes and ponds after raising their broods, but are found in the larger ones, and notably in the vicinage of timber lands. Their distribution is not uniform by any means, and about as difficult to ascertain as that of a great number of avian species as sparingly represented. What pro- portion of them go further north to breed it is difficult to even conjecture, but doubtless much the larger. They disappear in the fall migration somewhat earlier than do the Mallards. I ought to have said before that the nest is a large, compact one, and constructed of grasses and weeds, over which are imposed the duck's own feathers. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill greenish; feet red; body generally blackish-brown; the feathers obscurely margined with reddish-brown; those anteri- orly with a concealed V-shaped mark, more or less visible on the sides of the breast; head and neck brownish-yellow, spotted with black; top of the head and nape, dark brown, with a green gloss on the sides behind; wings dull blackish, with a dull greenish gloss; speculum violet, terminated with black; inner tertials hoary gray towards the tips; axillaries and inside of wing w^hite ; tail of eighteen feathers; iris dark brown. Length, 22; wing, 12; tarsus, 1.80; commissure, 2.56. Habitat, eastern North America, west to Utah and Texas. ANAS STREPERA. L. (135.) GADWALL. No species of the Duck family is a more regular resident, often reaching the State by the 25th of March, and found on favorite streams late in November. They are quite a numerous species and fly in compact flocks of about a dozen, rarely more, which is easily recognized by the experienced gunner at con- siderable distance by the distinctive character of their move- ments on the wing. Like the Mallards and many other species of the ducks, they live upon aquatic plants, both blades and roots, larvae, water beetles, moUusks, wild rice, and the vari- ous grains of the farmer's fields, to get which they fly long distances both at night and during the day. The nests are found on the ground, in marshes skirting 42 NOTES ON THE streams of running water, and are composed of weeds, sticks, grasses, and rushes as the location convenient!}" supplies them. The eggs, eight to ten in number, are rather of a cream- white, at least would be but for the dirt imparted by the soiled feet of the brooding female. As is the case with nearly every species of the family breed- in the State, the distribution is subject to extreme variations from year to year. In a local scarcity of Ring-necks and Scaups, for instance, this species will abound during one sea- son which may be followed in the next by its almost total ab- sence, while one of those mentioned, or almost any other, may be in force in any single section. This circumstance applies equally with the Mallard. The relative abundance of species may be best studied in the return of expert duck-hunter's bags. In the hunting season there are few portions of our State where some of this species are not found. It has not yet been my fortune to see the nest and eggs in situ, but I have the latter in my collection obtained within a few hours ride of my home by Mr. E. L. Hood, an expert oulogist in my employ- ment. Incredible numbers of this species are slaughtered for the fall market and are regarded only second to the Mallard in value for the table. It is a gamy duck and flies promptly at the ap- proach of danger; is an exceptionally good diver and rapid swimmer. It wanders a long distance from the water for nuts. acorns, etc., in the cloudy, windy days of November. They re- tire from this latitude generally during the last week in October, SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head and neck brownish-white, each feather spotted with dusky; top of head tinged with reddish; lower part of neck, with forepart of breast, and back, blackish, with concentric narrow bars of white, giving a scaled appearance to the feathers; inter- scapular region, outermost scapulars, and sides of body, finely weaved transversely with black and white; middle wing coverts chestnut, the greater, velvet- black, succeeded by a pure white speculum, bordered exter- nally by hoary gray; innermost scapulars with a reddish tinge; crissum and upper tail coverts black; longest tertials hoary plumbeous gray; inside of wing and axillaries pure ■white; bill black; iris hazel. Length, 2-; wing, 10.50; tarsus, 1.65; commissure, 2,04. Habitat, United States. Nearly cosmopolitan. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 43 ANAS AMERICANA Gmelin. (137.) BALDPATE. In the spring of 1864 the Baldpates were more numerous than any other species migrating along the Mississippi through Minnesota. It was observed by sportsmen and universally commented upon as most remarkable in the history of duck-shooting. The following year only a few were met wnth in the same localities, and never since as many relatively, but some years they are common while scarce in others. Subsequently, by extensive conference with intelligent and observing sports- men, and a close watch of the markets, I satisfied myself that the variation in local numbers was balanced within the longitudinal boundaries of the State; that when scarce along the region drained by the Mississippi they were abundant along that of the Minnesota river, and vice versa, through the following years. It has been a common observation that the Baldpates and Pintails almost uniformly arrive more or less commingled, which is also the case in their autumnal migrations. Both species arrive a little later than some others, and are seldom found in the larger lakes, but in the ponds and streams. Their food consists largely of roots of various aquatic plants. The Baldpates breed on the extensive marshes of the northern counties of the State, where Mr. Lewis and Mr. Treganowan found them in June and July. The nest possesses no dis- tinctive characteristic and contains variously from six to twelve dirty, cream white eggs. Mr. Washburn found it common and breeding at Otter Tail and Thief river. Dr. Hvoslef notes its arrival in Fillmore county from the 12th to the 20th of April, but says nothing of its breeding there, nor have I seen its nests in the section of my greatest opportunity for personal observation. I found it already beginning to be common in Grant and Big Stone coun- ties late in August. specific characters. Tail of fourteen feathers; bill blue, the extreme base and tip black; head and neck pale buff, or faint reddish-yellow, each feather banded narrowly with blackish, giving the appearance of spots; top of head from bill, pale unspotted creamy - white; sides of head from around the eye to tlie nape glossy- green, the feathers however, with hidden spots, as described; 44 NOTES ON THE chin uniform dusky; forepart of breast and sides of body light- brownish, or chocolate-red, each feather with obsolete grayish edge, rest of under parts pure white; crissum abruptly black; the back, scapulars and rump, finely waved transversely anter- iorly with reddish and gray, posteriorly with purer gray on a brown ground; a little of the same waving on the sides also; lesser wing coverts, plain gray; middle and greater, conspicu- ously^ white, the latter terminated by black, succeeded by a speculum which is grass-green at the base, and then velvet- black; tertials black on outer web, bordered narrowly by black, the outermost one hoary-gray, externally edged with black; tail hoary-brown; upper coverts black externally; axil- lars white; iris hazel. The blackish chin appears to be found only in very highly plumaged birds, and the top of the head is sometimes pure white. Length, 22; wing, 11; tarsus, 1.40; commissure, 1.08. Habitat, North America. ANAS CAROLINENSIS Gmelin. (139.) GREEN- WIJ^GED TEAL. When the first flock of Ducks of the spring has arrested the attention of the amateur, or the keen eyed sportsman, he looks for the two Teals next. And that well trained eye knows each of the two species at a glance by its flight. Within the duck kingdom the Green-wings have no equal in speed on the wing, and onl^' one superior for beauty. A little incident in my personal experience, gave me a realizing sense of the former. On an occasion when duck-shooting in a pass, not many miles from my home, I was standing behind a bush as high as my head, when I discovered a flock of this species coming from another lake. So directly were the ducks coming toward me that they seemed to be only poising on their vibrating wings when I fired at the leader, and his head drop- ped instantly, for he was as dead as he ever could be, and mine dodged to one side just in time to have the plumage of the bird brush my ear as it went by like a ball from a steel eight pounder, and only reached the ground at a distance of a hundred and fifty feet beyond. It has been said that the Green winged Teal flies at a velocity of one hundred and sixty miles an hour. Judging it by that incident, I am read}- to believe the estimate none too high. In 1876, they reached nearly every portion of the State on the 5th of April, as re- ports from most of them subsequently attested. But I have records of my own showing of their arrival as early as the BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 45 17th of March. Their distribution for breeding, becomes con- siderably restricted, but varies in the choice of localities in suc- cessive years. In the one first alluded to their nests were found in several places in Hennepin county, bat in the next I could find or hear of none. In later years I found them breeding along the Minnesota bottoms and in the marshes along Min- nehaha creek, which constitutes the outlet of Lake Minne- tonka. Mr. Washburn found them "rather common, and breeding at Otter Tail and Mille Lacs," in 1885. The nest is formed of weeds, sedges and grasses, lined with considerable down. Eight to ten eggs are usually laid, of a dingy creamy-white color. It is almost a strictly vegetable feeder, wandering some considerable distance from the water in search of ber- ries, nuts, wild rice, etc. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head, and neck all around, chestnut; chin black; forehead dusky; region round the eye continued along the side of the head as a broad stripe, rich green, passing into a bluish-black patch across the nape; under parts white, the feathers of the jugulum with rounded black spots; lower portion of neck all around, sides of breast and body, long feathers of flanks and scajDulars, beautifully and finely banded closely with black and grayish- white; outer webs of some scapulars, and of outer secondaries black, the latter tipped with white; speculum broad and rich green; wing coverts plain grayish-brown, the greater coverts tipped with buff; a white crescent in front of the bend of the wing; crissum black, with a triangular patch of buffy white on each side; lower portion of the green stripe on each side of the head blackish, with a dull edge of whitish below; iris brown. Sometimes the under parts are strongly tinged with ferruginous brown. Length, 14; wing, 7.40; tarsus. 1.15; commissure, 1.68. Habitat, North America generally. ANAS DISCORS L. (140.) BLUE-WINGED TEAL. No other species of the Ducks is so cautious upon its arrival as the Blue- winged Teal, a trait by which the old hunter deter- mines its identity at once. In parties of eight to ten or a dozen, they will circle around, descending again and again only to rise again and go further up, or lower down the stream, to repeat the same demonstrations of indecision, many times over, and just as unexpectedly they suddenly drop out of sight 46 NOTES ON THE between the treeless banks. They are, as a general thing, several days later in their spring arrivals, and as much earlier than the Green -wings in autumn. This is not true in every migration, for I have once or twice known them to come a lit- tle before the other, and several times simultaneously; but in my observations extending over many years in succession, it has proved a noticable characteristic in its migrations. They are seldom seen on the large clear lakes; but on small ponds, mud flats, and sluggish streams where various pond weeds and aquatic roots afford, in abundance its favorite vegetable food. Nesting late in May and early in June, they rear only one brood so far as I have been able to ascertain. The struc- ture is uniformly of grasses, lined quite liberally with down from the female's own breast and is more commonly placed on dry ground at least a hundred yards from the nearest water. It is best found by carefully distinguishing the obscure path at the water's edge, and tracing it to its unsuspectedly remote seclusion. The search may prove the path to have been the beaten runway of the muskrat to some other pond, but may afterwards be distinquished by its having been so much more frequented and soiled. Tlie eggs are of the same general color as the Green-winged Teals, namely, a dull, dingy, cream- white, and are a little smaller in size, and about ten in number. Like the other species they fly in very compact flocks of a dozen or less, and at a terrific speed, only excelled by one other amongst all the ducks known. Tenderest of all, they retire southward earliest in the autumn, so that sometimes all have left the country by the 25th of October, or first of November. They are found breeding in every part of the State in ditt'erent seasons. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head and neck above plumbeous gray; top of head, black: a white crescent in front of the eye; under parts from middle of neck, purplish- gray, each feather with spots of black, which become more obsolete behind; fore part of back with the feath- ers brown, with two undulating narrow bands of purplish-gray; feathers on the flanks, banded with dark-brown and purplish- gray; back behind and tail, greenish-brown; crissum, black; wing coverts and some of the outer webs of the scapulars, olue; other scapulars, velvet-black, or green streaked with pale reddish-buff; speculum, glossy-green; outer greater wing cov- erts, white, as are the axillaries, middle of under surface of wing, and a patch on each side of the base of the tail; bill, black: feet, flesh-colored; iris, dark-hazel. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 47 Length, 16; wing 7.10; tarsus, 1.20; commissure, 1.85. Habitat, North America generally. Later observations have convinced me that as a species they breed much more extensively throughout the State than does the Green-winged Teal. In the lacustrine portions, like the counties in the northwestern division of the Common- wealth as well as in the southeastern, I have the fullest assur- ances from my local observers to justify the opinion. I have found them doing so in five or six localities in my own county, (Hennepin.) ANAS CYANOPTERA Vieillot. (141.) CINNAMON TEAL. On a few occasions since I have resided in the State I have found one of these beautifal ducks amongst others brought into the markets by hunters from the head waters of the Red river. On one such occasion my attention was specially called to "a hybrid duck" that proved to be one of these. I have been accustomed to seeing them in Lower California, where they are at home the year around. Of course those seen are rare stragglers, but as an occasional individual may continue to be seen, I will reproduce their brief description. specific characters. General color a rich, dark purplish chestnut; top of head, chin and middle of bell3^ tinged with brown; crissum, dark- brown; fore part of back, lighter with two or three more or less interrupted concentric bars of dark brown; feathers of rump and tail, greenish- brown, the former edged with paler; wing coverts, and outer webs of some scapulars, blue, others dark velvet-green, streaked centrally with yellowish-buff; edges of wing coverts, white, as are the axillaries and middle of wing beneath; feathers of uniform chestnut, without bands; specu- lum, metallic green. Length, 17.80; wing, 7.50; tarsus, 1.15; commissure, 2. Habitat, western America. SPATULA CLYPEATA (L). (142.) SHOVELLER. In driving across the high rolling prairie a few miles south- west of Fort Snelling, I discovered a female of this species in the distance, laboriously waddling through the grass less than one foot in height, up a gentle slope. A familiar muskrat pond of moderate size lay between me and the duck, from the shores of which emerged numerous paths of the muskrats which 48 NOTES OX THE could be indistinctly seen, even at that distance. These are generally very irregular in their course, greatly increasing the distance to any point they approach, and hence very mis- leading to any one not aware of their habits. It occurred to me at once that she was following such a devious way, as she advanced so indirectly and apparently hesitatingly. She never paused, however, until having arrived at a spot quite near a solitary bunch, or patch of rank growth, when after a moment's pause, and survey, she dropped her briefly elevated head and disappeared in that patch of rank vegetation. Except the re- stricted covert thus afforded, she could scarcely have selected a more exposed location, as it was plainly in view for a dis- tance of three-fourths of a mile in the direction from which I saw her, and only a little less in any other one except directly opposite my location, which was slightly interrupted by the further elevation of the land. Marking down the location with- out the slightest difficulty,! drove on to my destination, not very far beyond, passing much nearer to the spot in my way, I did not return for some two hours, but on doing so drove directly to the spot and upon carefully parting the rank prairie grass, avoided by the grazing cattle on account of its being the pro- duct of a deposit of their offal late in the previous year, I at once discovered the nest with five pale greenish-yellow eggs.* They had the faintest tinge of olivaceous gray, and measured on an average, a little more than 2 by 1.50 inches. Being called to the same place again after ten days, I drove to the spot, and drove the duck from her nest to find she had fourteen eggs, settling the question of her depositing one each day after she began laying. My discovery of the nest was on the 23d day of May. In early seasons they occasionally arrive in their spring migration by the 5th of April, but usually somewhat later. More commonly they are then seen in small flocks only, yet I have known them in an exceptional year to appear in very large ones, but when such is the case I have observed that such flocks do not remain long, but pass on north further, suggesting that their destination is probably the highest lati- •When referring to tlie liabits of the Shovellers in breedins. I should have said tliat wliile they frequently ;ro .so far from the water to build tlieir nests, such is not their unifortii eustoni, for more fre(inentlv tlie nests are to be found ((uite near it. "neof tlieni I found in a eUiinn of rushes within a yard of running water, and another in the middle of a broad niarsli. iialf a mile from water deep enou^rli for tlie duck to swim In. Tliestrueture consists of sueli materials as are most easily obtained at and near tlie spot. Tlie one tirsi mentioned, on tlie open prairie, consisted entirely of dried firass, overlaid witli featliers from tlie liird's own Iireast : wliile the latter two were eon - struoted of ruslies and reeds. They otherwise are like most duck nests, rather firmly built of a liberal supply of material The market stalls bear testimony that nearly all sections are represented Ijy this species, at least in the game season. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 49 tudes in which the species breed, and further intimating that the smaller flocks which follow are subdivisions of larger ones which have begun to disintergrate before reaching us here. Their movements at these times do not materially differ from those of the Black Ducks on the wing, but the preponderance of white in the color easily distinguishes them at all ordinary distances and there can be no reason for mistaking them. They soon pair, and soon seek their grounds for breeding their young. Their food is, as their long, pectinated bills fore- shadow, aquatic insects, larvae, tadpoles, worms, &c., which are obtained mostly in shallow waters. I have often flushed them from muddy pools and frogponds by the roadside before the nesting had begun, but never afterwards I think. The distribution of the Shovellers is entirely determined by the character of the ponds and pools which afford their pecu- liar food. In the early autumn, if the frosts are delayed, as once until the middle of Octooer, they live almost exclusively upon crustaceans and small molluscs, especially snails, which abound at that season about the shallow lakes and ponds. They disappear very soon upon the advent of the first crisp frosts, be that, as in one year, August 30th, or September 30th. Their flesh is white and excellent, yet for some unexplainable reason is not popular in the average local markets, notwith- standing the high esteem in which it is held at the seaboards. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head and neck green; forepart and sides of breast, greater portion of scapulars, and of the base of the tail, white; rest of under parts dull purplish chestnut; crissum, rump, and upper tail coverts black, the latter glossed with green; wing coverts blue, the posterior row, brown in the concealed portion, and tipped with white; longest tertials blue, streaked internally with white; others velvet green, streaked centrally with white; speculum grass- green, edged very narrowly behind with black, and then with white. Length, 20; wiDg, 9.50; tarsus, 1.40; commissure, 3. Habitat. Northern Hemisphere. DAFILA ACUTA (L.). (143.) PINTAIL. When the steady advance of the sun has banished the ice from the lakes and every pool is ringing with the monotonous peepings of the frogs, the Pintails will be found in considera- ble numbers on the mud flats of the open level prairies, and ex- 50 NOTES ON THE tensive marshes, where for the time the tadpoles have attracted them by their abundance. But they were here before that time, having followed closely upon the track of the Mallards and other early ducks In large and medium flocks, they will then be found along the recently opened streams, and in the woodlands where they spend much of their time in search of acorns, insects, snails, and larvae of different kinds, which are under the wet leaves and on the old decaying logs with which the forests abound. Under these circumstances, they scatter widely, so that the first one encountered will seem to be a wanderer, but a little distance away another will be flushed, and so until several have flown off before the flock will rise as a whole, and perhaps not even then if no gun has been fired to simultaneously disturb them. Yet, when in the water they rarely scatter much, but swim very compactly as a flock, uttering a low chattering note as they move evenly along over the quiet surface. If driven to wing, they rise as compactly as they swim, a circumstance in their habits which has been noticed through their history, and has been made available and profitable by the pothunters. I have no reliable evidence that they breed in the southern por- tions of the State, but find them doing so limitedly in the mid- dle, and commonly in the northern. They have been found with the young in July in several localities, and samples of their eggs which were taken from their nests in early June in Becker county have been sent to me by Mr. Blanche of Detroit. Mr. Treganowan reported the presence of the species in Kan- diyohi county in June and July, and Mr. Lewis in early August at Big Stone. Near Herman in Grant county, a German farmer saw them at ditterent times during the summer, and shot some of them in August which he had mounted, that established their identity. I was many years ago told that this species was breeding in Medina in my own county, but never having found them breed myself, I took this statement with some qualifica tion until I found the adult birds myself, following which the eggs were brouglit to me from the same vicinity by Mr. J. C. Bailey, who resided there for many years. They are among the shyest of the Duck family, and might elude common observation for a long period in any section while fairly represented. About the second week in October, often somewhat earlier, they begin to leave us in this locality, and are all gone by the first of November. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 51 SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Tail of sixteen feathers; bill black above and laterally at the base; the sides and beneath, blue; head and upper part of neck uniformly dark brown, glossed with green and purple behind; in- ferior part of neck, breast, and under parts white; the white of the neck passes up to the nape, separating the brown, and it- self is divided dorsally by black, which below passes into the gray of the back; sides, and back anteriorly are finely lined transversely with black and white; wings, plain bluish gray; greater coverts, with a terminal bar of purplish buff, below which is a greenish purple speculum, margined behind by black and tipped with white; longest tertials striped with silvery and greenish black; scapulars black, edged with silvery; crissum and elongated tail feathers black, the former edged with white. Length, 30; wing, 11; tail, 8.60; tarsus, 1.75; commissure, 2.86. Habitat, North America. AIX SPONSA (L.). (144.) WOOD. Peerless amongst its entire family for its indescribable beauty stands the Wood Duck. The nearest to a rival in the Duck kingdom is the Mandarin Duck of Asia. But the difference be- tween the two makes comparison odious. It is at once the Prince of Ducks. The most truthful and esthetic description of the mature male could reach no nearer the limning reality, than the coldest prose could paint the rainbow. Science, after all her most imposing assumptions, would sit down and weep before the task, in blank despair. The impotence of all at- ■ tempts has smirched the skirts of hope by what has been as- sayed in its systematic as well as its vernacular nomenclature. Aix Sponsa! Shades of Linnaeus, weep cold, clammy tears for thine irremediable dereliction! Wood Duck! Summer Duck! Arriving simultaneously with the other earlier species, none other braves the last rigors of the departing winter in the clos- ing days of a Minnesota March with greater spirit. And when they come, like the rains of the tropics, they pour in until every pool in the woodlands has been deluged with them. This may sound strangely and exaggerated to ears unfamiliar with the history of bird life on the borders of civilization, yet such has heretofore been my personal observation at the very loca- tion of our city. Wilson and other writers who have described the habits of the Wood Duck have uniformly stated that "they seldom fly in flocks of more than three or four individuals to- gether, and most commonly in pairs or singly." A little later 52 NOTES ON THE than the time in spring of which I have written such state ments become true, for after a short time following their ar- rival, they are only seen in smaller flocks, and then only in pairs, after which, by the first of May, not at all. for the pairs have entered upon their mission of reproduction. Audubon's description of their nidifications, so often quoted, tells it so ex- tremely well that it would be in almost bad taste to undertake another. He says: "In Louisiana and Kentucky, where I have had better opportunities of studying their habits in this respect, they generally pair about the first of March, sometimes a fort- night earlier. I never Jcnew one of these birds to form a nest on the ground, or on the branches of a tree. They appear at all times to prefer the hollow, broken jDortion of some large branch, the hole of our laige Woodpecker {Piats principalis), or the de- serted retreat of the fox squirrel ; and I have frequently been surprised to see them go in and out of a hole of any one of these, when their bodies while on the wing seemed to be nearly half as large again as the aperture, within which they had de posited their eggs. Once only I found a nest (with ten eggs) in the fissure of a rock on the Kentucky river, a few miles be- low Frankfort. Generally, however, the holes to which they betake themselves, are either over deep swamps, above cane- brakes, or on broken branches of high sycamores, seldom more than forty or fifty feet from the water. "They are much attached to their breeding places, and for three successive years I found a pair near Henderson, in Ken- tucky, with the eggs, in the beginning of April, in the abandoned nest of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker. "The eggs, which are from six to fifteen, according to the age of the bird are placed on dry plants, feathers, and a scanty portion of down, which I believe is mostly plucked from the breast of the female. They are perfectly smooth, nearly eliptical, of a light color, between buff and pale green, two in- ches in length by one and a half in diameter. No sooner has the female completed her set of eggs than she is abandoned by her mate, who now joins others, which form themselves into considerable flocks, and thus remain apart till the young are able to fiy, when old and young of both sexes come together. and so remain until the commencement of the next breeding season. "In all of the nests I have examined I have been rather sur- prised to find a quantity of feathers belonging to birds of other species, even those of the domestic fowls, and particu- BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 53 larly those of the Wild Goose and Wild Turkey. On coming- on a nest with eggs, when the bird was absent in search of food, I have always found the eggs covered with feathers and down, although quite out of sight, in the depths of a Wood- pecker's or Squirrel's hole. "On the contrary when the nest was placed on the broken branch of a tree it could easily be observed from the ground, on account of the feathers, dead sticks, and withered grasses about it. If the nest is placed immediately over the water, the young, the moment they are hatched, scramble to the mouth of the hole, launch into the air with their little wings and feet spread out and drop into their favorite element; but whenever their birthplace is some distance from it. the mother carries them to it one by one in her bill, holding them so as not to injure their yet tender frame. On several occasions however, when the hole was thirty, forty, or more yards from a bayou or other piece of water, I observed that the mother suffered the young to fall on the grass and dried leaves beneath the tree, and afterward led them directly to the nearest edge of the next pool or creek. At this early age, the young answer to their parents' call with a mellow pee, pee, pee-e, often and rapidly repeated. The call of the mother at such times is low, soft, and prolonged, resembling the sylla- bles peee, pe-ee. The watch note of the male, w^hich resembles hoe-eek, is never uttered by the female; indeed, the male him- self seldom uses it, unless alarmed by some uncommon sound, or the sight of a distant enemy, or when intent on calling X^assing birds of his ow^n species." I may be pardoned for my enthusiasm over this mag- nificent duck, when I state that I have enjoyed better op- portunities for carefully studying its habits than of any other species, and the capture of a male in the per- fection of his vernal plumage, was my first attainment in wing shooting some thirty years ago. Without a single stain of blood on it to mar its wondrously beautiful adornment, Mr. Wm. H. Howling, of my city, mounted it for me in the perfection of taxidermic art, so that now after so long a time it is in excellent condition and on the shelves of the museum of the Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences. It was immortalized in the interests of science in its tragic death, at a spot now embraced in the heart of this great and phenom- enal city. Since that evening, how many occasions for observ- ing the species have I recorded amongst my notes on the 54 NOTES ON THE ducks of the commonwealth I In the denser portion of the vast forest which embraces the inlets and bays of many clear and beautiful lakes, I have cautiously sought a quiet covert toward the evening of a warm day, from which to observe this charming species in spring. Perfectly concealed in the thickets within a yard of the deeply shadowed water, with my field glass in hand, I have many times watched them by hundreds, until the darkness hid them from my sight. These occasions were in the season of their love, when the matchless plumage of the males was displayed as at no other time in their entire history. With the crest elevated, and like a coronet on the head which is drawn backward as proudly as the swan's, each male, an undisputed monarch of the mirror lake, glides here and there, in and out in his ingenious and undisguised endeavors to outdo every other in his imperial display, until the seething resplendence seems to be one moving scene of grace and indescribable beauty. During this wondrous spectacular exhibition of motion, the woodland echoes have frequently borne away the characteristic and impassioned notes of the rival lovers, o-o-o-eek, o-o-o-eek: Thus completely concealed as I was they would approach me closer and closer as the shadows deepened until verily I could have touched the nearer birds with a coachman's whip. At such times, by the aid of my constantly adjusted glass, I could have numbered the very barbs of the primaries while they paused to redress a recreant feather. I have found the nest of this duck as early as the 15th of April, yet I think the average of the nesting is not entered upon until about the 10th of May, or a little later. Irdeed, one instance came under my notice where the location was selected on the twenty seventh of that month, but it is more than probable that the bird had been robbed of another of earlier date. That they rear two broods occasionally seems very certain from their being found at dif- ferent times with a young brood as late as July third, to the tenth of that month. The location and character of the nest have been given by the quotation from Audubon. Those eggs which it has been my fortune to obtain have been pale green, buff colored, and variously from six to fourteen in number. Many flocks of this species linger until very late in the autumn. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head and crest metallic green to below the eyes; the cheeks and a stripe from behind the eyes purplish; a narrow, short line from the upper angle of the bill along the side of the crown, and through the crest, another on the upper eyelid; a BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 55 stripe starting below and behind the eye and running into the crest parallel with the one first mentioned, the chin and upper part of the throat sending a well defined branch up towards the eye, and another towards the nape, snow white; lower neck and jugulum, and sides of the base of the tail, rich purple; the j ugulum with triangular spots of white and a chestnut shade; remaining under parts white, as in a crescent in front of the wing bordered behind by black; sides yellowish gray, finely lined with black, the long feathers of the flanks broadly black at the end, with a subterminal bar, and sometimes a tip of white; back and neck above nearly uniform bronze, green and purple; scapulars and innermost tertials velvet-black glossed on the inner webs with violet; the latter with a white bar at the end; greater coverts violet succeeded by a greenish speculum, tipped with white; primaries silvery white externally towards the end; the tips internally violet and purple; iris red. Length, 19; wing, 9.50; tarsus, 1.40; commissure, 1.55. Habitat, North America. My numerous correspondents have uniformly mentioned this species as common, and breeding in their localities, if in the timbered lands. Dr. Hvoslef only mentions them thus com- mon, but says nothing of their nesting at Lanesboro or vicinity. Mr. Lewis found their nests at several points in the north- ern sections he visited, and always under the Audubon con- ditions. Mr. Washburn, always accurate and circumstantial, says, abundant, and breeding at Devil's lake." AYTHYA AMERICANA. (Eyton). (146.) RED HEAD. Amongst the numerous sportsmen who have long resided in Minnesota, the great paradise of duck-shooters, not one will be found who does not know the Red head at sight, and few of them will fail to identify him under all the various circumstan- ces in which he is ever met with. Introduce the subject of duck-hunting, and " ten to one "' he will refer to this species next to the first one mentioned, and will ask if any other game duck is so capricious in the numbers of its annual representa- tion, while at the same time he narrates their incredible abund- ance during the spring or fall of some year and their scarcity in the year following perhaps. This has truly been a remark- able characteristic in the case of this well known species. To some extent this is characteristic of all species of ducks, but in few if any, as emphasized as in the history of the Red- heads. They arrive about as early as any others, and dis- appear very little earlier than the latest. 5z 56 NOTES ON THE In the spring of 1863 they were never so numerous, both in spring and in fall migration; and in the following year they were almost unrepresented Again they were abundant in 1867, and comparatively scarce in the following year, and so during their entire recorded local history they have varied in their numbers. They do not remain with us usually to exceed about two weeks, when all have moved off to still more northern latitudes for incubation. Nothing could be more characteristic of their habits while with us, than their seeking the mouths of the streams where they debouche into the lakes. When not on the wing or in the woods feeding upon the mast, we know where to look for them, especially on a cloudy, windless day. The only reason I have for thinking that they breed in the northern counties is, that they have been seen in several places in June, and again in early August. Although he found them common in October at different places in Otter Tail county, Mr. Washburn makes no mention of them in his August observations in the same section, from which I am left to presume that there could not have been any indications of their breeding there. Mr. Lewis extended his explorations much farther north, and finding the males occa- sionally, very reasonably concluded that the species bred to some extent within our borders. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill as long as head, broad, blue, the end black, the region anterior to the nostrils dusky; head, and neck for more than half its length, brownish-red. glossed above and behind with violaceous red; rest of neck and body anterior to the shoulders, lower part of back and tail coverts, black; beneath white, sprinkled with gray and black anterior to the crissum; sides, interscapulars, and scapulars, finely lined with undulating black and white in nearly equal proportions, imparting a gen- eral gray tint; wing coverts a bluish-gra}'. finely sprinkled with whitish; speculum, consisting of the ends of the secondar- ies, hoary grayish-blue, lightest externally, and the innermost narrowly edged externally with black; basal portion of the inner primaries somewhat similar to the speculum; tail of fourteen feathers; iris orange-yellow. The Red heads are easilj'^ distinguished from the Canvasback by the shorter and broader bill, absence of brown on the head, and a greater pre- dominance of black in the waved lines. Length, -0.50; wing, 9.50; tarsus, 1.60; commissure, 2.80. Habitat, North America. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 57 AYTftYA YALLISNERIA. (Wilson). (147.) CANVAS-BACK. Although so famous among sportsmen and epicures at the seaboard, this species loses its preferments in our waters, and upon our Minnesota tables, taking a second place in both. As a general thing they appear to reach us about the same time as the Redheads do, but this is not always the case for, as inti- mated when speaking of the latter, it may abound when the Canvas-back entirely fails to put in an appearance, as in 1863. In the following year — that is, in 1864 — the Red heads were barely represented, while the present species were exceptionally common for the species. Again in 1886, they were common in the autumn, but sparingly represented in the precading spring. When observed in the spring migration, they remain about two weeks, and are then found on lakes, streams and marshy ponds, feeding upon aquatic vegetation, crustaceans, molluscs, insects and larvae of different kinds. They never appear to scruple about appropriating a small fish that comes in their way upon occasion. They return from the north ordinarily about the first week in October, and after a stay of about two weeks, or a little more, move on southward. SPECIFIC characters. Bill long, slender and tapering; head all around and neck chestnut; top of head and region around the base of the bill dusky brown; rest of neck, body anterior to the shoulders, back behind, rump and tail coverts, black; under parts white; region anterior to anus, sides, interscapulars and scapulars, white, finely dotted in transverse lines Avith black the white greatly predominating; speculum bluish-gray lighter extern- ally; innermost secondaries of the speculum edged externally with black; iris carmine. Length, 20; wing, 9.30; tarsus, 1.70; commissure, 2.65. Habitat, nearly all of North America. I have always been incredulous as to the special claims of this duck for the table, and having enjoyed ample opportunities for comparisons, which not only embrace different species, but the same species inland and on the seaboards of both coasts, I do not hesitate to say that whether obtained in one or the other section, the culinary preparation being equal, the Canvas-back is equally desirable for eating, and that but for • 'the seaboard fashion" in the case, this duck would, instead of having the first place in epicurean distinction, have one much nearer to the second. Duck-meat, like a good many other things, is affected very much by the "environments" when eaten. A good cook is the chief one of those, and a good appetite stands next. To under value the Canvas-bacK is an inland "fasnion." 58 NOTES ON THE AYTHYA MARILA NEARCTICA Stejneger. (148.) GREATER SCAUP DUCK. The comon name, Blue-bill, is the only one known to the vernacular of our local sportsmen. Amongst the earlier mi- grants of its sub-family, the Blue-bills come to us in the first ranks of the duck hosts of late March. It seems as if "when one comes, all come." but the number vary, like some other species, with the seasons, sometimes overshadowing any, indeed every other species for a short time. At these times they frequent all waters, pools by the wayside — shallow lakes, ponds, streams and marshes, but still discover to the critical observer, a preference for estuaries. These afford them such food as the high waters bring down from the inun- dations of the higher lands. They fly in very close, compact flocks, which, however large upon their first arrival, are soon broken into smaller ones of about a dozen to twenty, and are much on the wing when the weather is cloudy and windy. When on the water at consider- able distance, their identification is not ordinarily diflicult, on account of their huddling together very closely, and their habit of constantly diving. They are about the tamest of the wild ducks, and almost the stupidest also, for after having been repeatedly fired into, and driven to wing, they will return by a short circle to nearly the same locality until a consid- erable portion of the flock has been killed. During the last week in April, and the first in May they dis- appear, after which only an occasional male is seen through the summer in the low wet marshes. They build their nests of reeds and grass, on the ground in remote marshes and swamps, about the second week in May, and deposit eight to ten eggs colored pale drab, and dingy with a wash of olivaceous. The first nest to which my attention was called by Mr. Lewis, was located within three miles of this city, near a sluggish stream connecting two lakes. It contained but three eggs on the thir- teenth of May, but was not disturbed until containing eight, only one of which I was permitted to retain. I think there are relatively few that breed as far south as where my personal observations have been principally made, but they are as com- mon as any other species about Lake Superior during the sum- mer in the marshes. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. * 59 Mr. Washburn states that they are reputedly regular summer residents, and breed near Fergus Palls in rather limited num- bers. He regarded them as a moderately represented species in the breeding season, the larger proportion going further north. In each of my personal explorations in Wright, Meeker, and Kandiyohi counties, I have carefully sought for informa- tion respecting the nidifying habits of this species in those sections, and have been so far rewarded as to find their eggs in the possession of several persons residing there, and obtain such detailed descriptions as to the location of the nests, and general habits of the Blue-bills as leaves no doubt of their breeding there, though nowhere numerously. I was shown the deserted nest in one instance, but their well known resem- blance to those of the Mallards in both location and structure, robbed the observation of all value in the absence of the eggs and the duck. In every shooting season the variation of the measures of the Blue- bills has arrested the attention of sports- men as well as naturalists, yet very few have overlooked their persistent habits enough to confound them with the Little Black-heads (A. afiinis). Under my notes of measurements for thirty years the variations in this species have never exceeded 20.75 inches in length; wing, 9.25; nor fallen below 17.50 and 8, while the Little Black-heads have been between 17.50 in length; with the wing, 8; and 15, in length, with the wing, 7 . 25. I have never doubted the specific distinction of these two ducks since I became more familiar with their habits, although inclined to do so before; but I cannot account for intermediate forms, or rather intergrading measurements, by any proportionate hybridism, as has been so stoutly obtained. Although they are here so assuredly during the entire season, their habits do not make them specially observed to any marked extent, until they begin to gather into appreciable flocks late in the autumn; often into November, after which they remain but a short time. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head and neck all around, jugulum and sho alders, lower part of back, tail, and coverts, black; head with a gloss of dark green on sides; rest of under parts white; feathers on lower parts of belly and side, the long feathers of the flanks, inter scapular and scapulars w^hite, waved in zigzag transversely with black; greater and middle wing coverts similarly marked but more finely and obscurely; greater coverts towards the tips and the tertials greenish black; speculum white, bordered behind by greenish black; white extending across the whole of 60 . NOTES ON THE the central portion of the secondaries; outer primaries and tips of all, brownish-black; inner ones pale gray; the central line dusky; axillars and middle of the inferior surface of the wing, white; bUl blue; nail black; legs plumbeous; iris yellow. Length, 20; wing, 9; tarsus. 1.60; commissure, 2.15. Habitat, North America generall3\ Since the previous was penned. I have recovered some of my most valuable notes which had mysteriously disappeared some time ago. amongst which is an account of discovery of a full nest of this species in the latter part of May, 1877, but a short distance from my cottage at Lake Minnetonka. It was built on the side of an obsolete, half destroyed old muskrat house, in the middle of a reedy lake or pond< formerly a bay-like prong of the greater lake itself It was composed of reeds almost en- tirely, over which were some grasses, and over this a layer of the duck's own feathers. Ten pale, drab colored, dirty eggs, with just a perceptible wash of olivaceous, constituted the clutch, none of which showed any signs of being addled. The Blue-bills breed in all portions of the State I doubt not, much more frequently than generally hitherto supposed. The reckless presumptions, or rather assumptions of carpet- concluders, as to the habits of species about which little was formerly known, have deterred many from earnest, expectant investigations in sections where the decree had precluded all hopes of finding them at all. Over ambitious writers have an- ticipated science by gratuitous conclusions upon very small data for very large inferences. We feel sorry for them when sleeping truth has finished her nap. The world is round, and still moves unconcernedly' on. AYTHYA AFFIMS (Eyton). (149.) LESSER SCAUP DUCK. It has been often observed that although the Greater Scaup Ducks may come to us in the spring or fall migration in great numbers, the Lesser Scaup Ducks are just as likely to be only sparingly represented, and when on the other hand, the former are barely represented, this species will as possibly be found abundant; yet this is by no means a rule, for I have not only known them to both be here in exceptional numbers, but to be equally reduced to a mere representation. I find by referring to my records of the dates of arrival of the birds in spring, that as a general thing, the species under consideration, has been slightly later in arriving at this locality, say three to five days. Like the former, they seek the runniDg streams, or rather their estuaries, on first reaching this latitude, but very soon resort to the swampy marshes and shallow ponds and pools. Their food is more restricted to larvae, worms, and BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 61 crustaceans than is that of the others, and they are a little more shy and suspicious. Its presence here through the sea- son of reproduction, although by no means abundant, indeed I may say rare, shows beyond question that it breeds here to some extent at least, but to what is only conjecture until their differentiation from the other species is more thoroughly un- derstood. Persons entitled to the highest confidence by their integrity have expressed themselves certain that they have re- peatedly seen the female and young in the marshes in July, but science wants a "certainty" which is more certainly as- sured than that. Dr. Coues tells us in his Birds of the North- west, that he found them "breeding along the upper Missouri and Milk river," at least which "appeared to be of this species, as were the several specimens examined."" Their presence there would by no consideration justify an assumption that they most likely breed here, for there is a marked difference in the climate of the two localities. Comparatively few of those persons who have taken pains to report local observations of the water birds of the State, have recognized the species definitely, but Mr. Washburn has as fol- lows: "^ aflinis, or Little Black-head, appears to be by far the more numerous representative of the family Fuliginae in the fall. I found them very numerous indeed at Dead lake be- tween October 10th and 20th. Many were shot, varying some- what in size and coloration, none measuring over 17.25, and one 16. There colors too, varying from brownish-black to jet-black, and specimens that were but little marked, to those having much wavy black in fine lines on back and sides. Undoubtedly there are intermediate examples between Affinis and Marlla. This subject, and the study of hybridism among Anatidae and Fuliginae, I trust I shall be able to investigate in the future. October 11th an adult female affinis secured in Otter Tail county, measured 16.50, 7.50, 2.50; and another from the same place measured 17.25, 7.75. 8."' SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill blue; nail black; head, neck, forepart of breast, back anterior to shoulder, lower part of back, tail and its coverts, black; head with violet-purple reflections, changing occasion- ally to green; belly and sides, with axillaries. and central por- tion of inner surfaces of wings pure white; lower part of belly near anus, undulated finely with black spots; inter scapular region and scapulars white, with transverse zigzag bands or lines of black which are much further apart in the scapulars, 62 NOTES ON THE which consequently are whiter; wings blackish; lesser and middle coverts sprinkled with grayish; speculum white, edged behind with greenish-black, which is also the color of the ter- tials; white of speculum crosses the middle of the secondaries; iris yellow. Length, 16.50; wing. 8; tarsus, 1.35; commissure 2. Habitat. North America generally. These Ducks are frequently more numerous than any other species in the fall, not excepting the Buffle-heads. They re- tire southward about as much in advance of the Blue- bills as they arrive later in spring. AYTHYA rOLLARIS (Donovan). (150.) RING-NECKED DUCK. In the spring of 1861, and again in 1867, this species seemed to overshadow every other in numbers, and there have been few years in which it has not had a fairly common representation. They arrive about the same time in spring as do the Greater Scaups, but seek the lakes and ponds rather than the streams. Their movements on the wing are quite characteristic, and enable those familiar with the tlight of different species of ducks, to single them out very readily. In one respect they remind us of the Golden-eyes. On rising from the water, their flight, always vigorous, is attended with a whisting sound, so distinct as to assure their identity even while yet invisible to the eye, and when visible, the flocks are easily determined by their loose, scattered mode of arrangement. They are more suspicious, and vigilant than some other mem- bers of the genus, and give the gun a wide birth after discov- ering that it is loaded. They are good divers, and feed upon minnows, crayfish, tadpoles, aquatic roots, insects, and grains or seeds, according to their prevalence at the season. The larger part of them move northward before the first of May, but some remain here to breed, their nests having been occa- sionally found as far towards the southern border of the State as Heron lake in Jackson county, in Hennepin and Becker coun- ties, and in the vicinity of Big Stone lake, thus indicating a wide distribution. As early as the summer of 1863, reports reached me of their being seen during the breeding season along the Minnesota river, and again in 1869, a farmer residing near Rice lake in Anoka county, who claimed to know most of the prominent species of game ducks, insisted that the Ring necks stayed around the lake all summer, as he had flushed one of them several times in a marsh bordering it. In driving back and BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 63 forth to my cottage on Lake Minnetonka during many succes- sive summers, I noticed now and then in the early mornings, an occasional solitary duck flying along the course of Minne- haha creek that looked in the distance like the male of this species. Afterwards Mr. T. S. Roberts found the nest at a point not very remote from where I had noticed those males, as he informed me. Since then I have found this species breeding in several localities in the vicinity of Minneapolis, and in Kandiyohi county. I am satisfied that it does so generally throughout the State. Of the seventeen eggs I have had the opportunity to see in the nest and in the possession of a col- lector in my employment, the average measurements were. 2.25 by 1.60 inches. They were white, with a pale wash of green, that varied considerably in intensity, being deepest before they had been blown. The nests were variously placed from on a muskrat house, as in the case of the one found by Mr. Roberts, to a flat spot in the thick rice bordering a small lake, as found by my collector. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill blackish, with a basal and subterminal bar of bluish- white; head, neck, and body all around anterior to the shoulders, back and tail -coverts, black; the head glossed with green above, on the sides with purplish- violet; the back green- ish; middle of neck with a narrow chestnut ring, subcontin- uous above; under parts, and space immediately anterior to the shoulder white; space anterior to the black of the crissum, and the sides, very finely waved with black; scapulars very slightly sprinkled with dots of grayish; wings plain grayish-brown; speculum, consisting of the terminal half of most of the secondaries, grayish plumbeous, the innermost of them tipped with white; point of chin white. Length, 18; wing, 8; tarsus, 1.30; commissure, 2.10. Habitat, North America. Since writing the above, I have recovered some notes mislaid, in which I find that both of my assistants, Messrs. Lewis and Treganowan, have recognized their breeding in Big Stone and Becker counties. The former upon finding them frequently in the breeding season, and the latter having found the nest in Becker in 1879. Mr. Washburn found them well represented among the ducks, breeding at Mud lake in Otter Tail county. Mr. J. M. Holzinger says in a communication to me in 1887, that this species is more abundant at Winona than A. afflnis, but he makes no mention of its local breeding 64 NOTES ON THE habits. When there shall have been a more extended explora- tion of the northern portions of the State, during the mid- summer, I feel confident that it will be found that the Ring necks breed there as commonly as in any other locality or district of its entire range. GLAICIONETTA CLANGl LA AMERICANA (BONAP.). (151.) AMERICAN GOLDEN- EYE. This Duck returns with rather moi'e than ordinary regularity as a migrant but is rarely observed here in the season of breeding. Small flocks may be seen occasionally in winter, especially at times of exceptionally severe weather. They are almost uniformly amongst the earliest to reach us in the spring, while the lakes and streams are yet sealed with ice. except spots along the shores and where the currents are more rapid in the streams. The whistling of their wings in flight is a generic character- istic, and is often heard before the duck is visible. They remain but a short time, but in autumn they sometimes reappear as early as the second week in October, when they remain in flocks of a dozen to twenty, about as late as any of the other species, after which they principally disappear. In early times small flocks remained in the spring-holes along the Minnesota river bottoms and below the Falls of St. Anthony all winter, which they may still do in wild, and unfrequented sections. On the 3d of February, 1886, one of the coldest days experienced during that winter, they were seen on the river at Lanesboro in Fillmore county, by Dr. Hvoslef, and by others who reported them from several widely different sec- tions. Neither of my earlier lieutenants ever met the Golden- eye except rarely in the colder winters, and Mr. Washburn found them there in the sections he visited even in the spring migrations. He saw a few individuals at Dead lake, but they were universally in immature plumage. I have been assured by local sportsmen at Herman in Grant county, that "a few Whistlers" have been seen near there late in the breeding season, and from similar assertions by those who seemed to know the species under its common name of Whistler, I am compelled to believe that laggards may occa- sionally be overtaken by the impulse and urgency of ovular ex- pulsion, and rear a brood within our borders. I find this im- BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 65 pression thoroughly rooted in the minds of several experienced observers whose opportunities have been exceptionally good, and have extended through a longer residence than mine. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill, black; head, and upper part of neck, glossy green; un- der surface opaque velvety purplish- black; an elliptical patch along the base of the upper mandible anterior to the eye, lower part of the neck, under parts generally, sides, middle and greater wing coverts, innermost secondaries, and tertials (ex- cept the innermost three or four) white; white on wing a con- tinuous patch, although there is a concealed black bar on the bases of the greater coverts; inner scapulars white, margined externally with black; posteriorly however they are black, streaked centrally with white; inner scapulars and tertials, and the whole back, rump, and lesser wing coverts, black; prima- ries and tail black with a hoary gloss; under side of quills and lower greater coverts plumbeous- gray; rest of under wing and axillars sooty- brown; long white feathers of flanks edged superiorly with black; iris, golden-yellow. Length, 18.75; wing, 8.50; tarsus, 1.50; commissure, 2. Habitat, North America. GLAUCIONETTA ISLANDICA (Gmelin). (152.) BARROWS GOLDEN-EYE. If the measurements given by systematists were reliably specific, I could report this species with more confidence, but those, as well as all of the specific characters given definitely, grade into each other so completely that I do not feel like speaking with the confidence I otherwise would in many, or rather several instances. Still, one specimen obtained in 1877, and another in 1881 were well made out; both having been brought in from beyond the Big Woods by sportsmen who called them "Whistlers." Last year one was sent me from near the Iowa state line which was a typical bird, and Dr. Hvoslef has a female of this species in excellent plumage. I must conclude that they are rare, but less so than I once supposed. I think it quite possible that amongst those reputed to remain in open waters through the winter, this species may yet be found most represented. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head and neck all around a bluish violet, occasionally with green, or purplish reflections; a large white patch anterior to the eye, occupying the entire side of the bill and running up in a point on the forehead; lower neck and underparts generally 66 NOTES ON THE white; a narrow white patch on the middle wing coverts; greater coverts black, tipped with white, which is continuous with the white secondaries, but separated from that on the middle coverts; anterior scapulars white, edged externally with black; posterior ones black, with a white central streak; rest of upper parts, sides behind, and tibia, black; long feath- ers of the flank white, tipped and edged above with black. Length, 22.50; wing, 9.50; tarsus, 1.60; commissure, 1.80. Habitat, Northern North America. CHARITOXETTA ALBEOLA (L.). (153.) BUFFLE-HEAD. Occasionally, during the entire summer, individuals of this species have been seen along the shores of the larger lakes bordered by timber, as also along the Minnesota river in the vicinity of Shakopee. Such has been my confidence that to a limited extent they breed here, that I have left no opportunity unimproved to discover the final proof in the finding of a veritable nest. But for this testimony I must still wait, not- withstanding the oft repeated assurances of several persons that they have found them. In one instance my hopes had been nearly realized when I found the nest to be that of the Wood Duck {Aix sponsa). In another, where the species was apparently well known and excellently described, proved to be quite another, the nest of which was on the ground, which however was so elevated that in passing to it the female appeared to go into a hollow limb immediately in front of it. They reach the principal portions of the State oftentimes before there are lakes enough open to allow them to get to their chosen food, the mussels and bmall fry. The flocks in spring migration are usually small compared with those of late autumn, averaging no more than ten to twenty ducks, while at the later one, they often exceed five times those numbers. They are incessant divers, and very fleet in their movements under the water, seizing minnows like the true fish ducks, which element of food becomes evident in the deterioration of their flesh for the table. The principal northern migration of the species is over by the 1st of May, flocks of three or four, and even only pairs re- maining a little latei:. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill blue; head and neck anteriorly, dark colored; region in front of the eye, and on the sides of the collar behind, rich BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 67 green, which shades into purplish on the upper and under surfaces of the head; a broad patch on each side of the head from the posterior border of the eye, meeting its fellow on the nape, the lower neck all around, under parts generally, wing coverts (except the lesser) and most of the secondaries, and scapulars, white, the latter narrowly edged externally with black; rest of upper parts, except as described, black, passing gradually, on the upper tail coverts into pale gray; axillars, and under wing coverts, sooty brown, more or less tipped with white; iris hazel. Length, 15; wing, 6.65; tarsus, 1.25; commissure, 1.45. Habitat, North America. CLANGULA HYEMALIS (L.). (154.) OLD-SQUAW. In local popular parlance this species is variously called by the following names: Old-wife, Old-squaw, Old South-southerly, Long-Tailed Duck. I heard of this Dack through the leading sportsmen for several years before I saw it, after which it soon became familiar to me. But it remains here for a short time only in either migration, arriving amongst the earliest migrating species, and disappearing entirely in a very few days. In fall they reach the State only a short time before the whole sub family moves southward. They usually remain very distinct, in flocks of from a dozen to fifty and sixty. Their movements are so characteristic on the wing, that having observed them attentively once, they need never be mistaken for any other species afterward. They are only a little better for the table than a narrow- billed Fish Duck. From the local observations of casual observers I should be led to suppose that this species might remain in Kandiyohi and Big Stone counties considerably longer in both migrations than I should be able to vouch for from authentic sources beyond my personal notice. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill, black, orange-yellow towards the tip; head, neck, and breast, very dark blackish-brown; head above, back, rump and middle tail feathers, black; whole side of head from the bill to behind the eyes and sides of the body, pale bluish-gray; portion of cheek patch immediately around and behind the eye, with a longitudinal streak each side of the occiput, under parts generally, and the more external feathers, white; feathers on the forepart of the back, and scapulars, broadly edged with 68 NOTES ON THE light reddish-brown; under wing coverts and axillars, brownish- chocolate; no white on the wing; iris, white. Length, 21; wing, 9; tail 8; tarsus, 1.50; commissure, 1.60. Habitat, Northern Hemisphere. HISTRIONICUS HISTRIONICl S (L ) (155 ) HARLEQUIN DUCK. This peculiarly marked duck is found on Lake Superior in the winter, and has been obtained once in Grant county, whence it was brought here by Mr. Norris on his way to New York where he purposed to have it mounted for his private collec- tion. On two other occasions a specimen found its way into the hands of a taxidermist in St. Paul, and those of another residing in Minneapolis temporarily. These could be only stragglers in migration. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head and neck all around, dark blue; jugulum, sides of breast, and upper parts, lighter blue, becoming bluish-black again on the tail coverts; the blue of the breast passes insensi- bly into dark bluish- brown behind; a broad stripe along the top of the head from the bill to the nape, and the tail feathers, black; a white patch along the entire side of the base of the bill anterior to the eye. and passing upwards and backwards so as to border the black of the crown, but replaced from above the eye to the nape by chestnut; a round spot on the side of the occiput; an elongated one on the side of the neck; a collar around the lower part of the neck, interrupted before and behind, and margined behind by dark blue; a transversely elongated patch on each side of the breast, similarly margined; a round spot on the middle wing coverts, a transverse patch on the end of the greater coverts, the scapulars in part, a broad streak on the outer web of the tertials. and a spot on each side, the rest of the tail, whitv-; sides of body behind, chestnut- brown; secondaries with a metallic speculum of purplish or violet-blue; inside of wing and axillars, dark brown; iris, red- dish-brown. Length, 17. EO; wing, 7.70; tarsus, 1.50; commissure, 1.55. Habitat, northern North America. SOMATERIA SPECTABILIS (L ) (162.) KING EIDER. A pair of these ducks was obtained in Grant county by Mr. Emery Armstrong, of Herman, in October, 1885. After con- siderable correspondence. I learned that one of them was sent to Philadelphia, and the other to some friend in Michigan. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 69 The same gentleman says that he has seen quite a number of them flying over the level prairies in the vicinity of Herman, and he has shot several without suspecting it was a rare species in the State. The section mentioned where those were obtained is a level prairie for a long distance, and abounds with shallow ponds so much exposed as to make them the safest of resorts for water birds in general, with which it verily swarms in their flocking seasons. It was through Mr. Washburn's courtesy that I learned of this pair of King Eiders having been obtained. As the locality is a favorite hunting resort of mine, and Mr. P. H. Clague resides there, a friend who loves ducks (to eat) as well as I do ( to list, ) 1 propose to settle this regal question if it takes a good many duck- seasons to do it in. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Body and wings, black; the portion anterior to the shoulder joint, interscapular region in part, most of neck and throat, white; jugulum. with a creamy tinge; a narrow border to the frontal process of the bill and their interspace, small space around the eye and a V-shaped mark on the chin, black; top of head and nape bluish-ash, slightlj' spotted with black; middle wing coverts, tips of secondaries, axillars, most of under sur- face of wing, and a patch on each side of the rump, white; sides of head glossed with transparent emerald-green; the scapulars have the black tinged with slate. Length, 21.50; wing, 10.70; tarsus, 1.85; commissure, 2.53. Habitat, northern North America. OIDEMIA AMERICANA Swainson & Richardson. (163.) AMERICAN SCOTER. Only occasionally observed about our smaller inland lakes, these Ducks are not uncommon in the vicinity of Duluth on Lake Superior in pairs or quite small parties. Sportsmen familiar with the seacoast Ducks tell me they sometimes meet the Scoters, or "Coots" in considerable numbei'S on the shores of Mille Lacs lake. In the winter of 1867 and '68, and again in 1874 and '75, I found several of them in openings where spring- brooks entered the streams, as I did also in the turbulent rapids below the Falls of St. Anthony. I have in a few instances seen individuals of both sexes in the collections of the local taxider- mists. I am informed by Mr. Holzinger of Winona, that one specimen is in the possession of Professor Heaton, of the Nor- mal school at Winona, which he obtained on the Mississippi, just above that city. My observations embrace only the sea- 70 NOTES ON THE sons of migration and occasional winters. The absence of white in contrast with the uniform black, identifies the species very readily. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Tail of sixteen feathers; bill much swollen on the basal third; basal portion of culmen. convex, and rapidly descend- ing; terminal portion of bill much depressed; anterior extrem- ity of nostrils half way from the lateral or upper feathers at the base of the bill to the tip; .swelling at base of bill divided by a furrow along the median line; frontal feathers extending slightly forward in an obtuse point; color entirely black all over, without any white: bill black along the edges and tip, the swollen basal portion red to beyond the nostrils. Length, 23.80; wing, 9.20; tarsus, 1.80; commissure, 2.14. Habitat, coasts and larger lakes of North America. OIDEMIA DEGLANDI Bonaparte. (165.) WHITE-WINGED SCOTER. The White-winged Scoters are not often seen before the third week in October or even a little later than that, and very rarely in any considerable numbers. A few of them get into the market at such times, but are so unsaleable that they are liable to remain on hand some time. Occasionally they are jDurchast'd and mounted by the taxidermists. Later they are only found in open shallow streams where the rapidity of the current prevents the formation of ice, and in spring-holes near large water courses. More commonly but a pair is found in one locality during the winter. Their food consists of molluscs, crustaceans and fish, the lattc-r predominating. In open winters they leave the State by the 15th of March. I have no record of their presence later than the 25th of that month. Mr. H. W. Howling, of East Minneapolis, has a pair of these Ducks mounted in his possession which he has kindly per- mitted me to examine very recently. The male had the "white elongated patch around and a little behind the eye" excessively developed. It reached nearly to the top of the head. The female had besides the "whitish patch on the side of the head behind the eye," another rather obsolete one in front and be- low the eye. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill very broad, wider towards the tip than at the base; feathers extending far along the side of the bill, and on the forehead for nearly half the commissure, running in an obtuse point about as far forward as the lower corner of the outline of BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 71 the feathers on the side, both reaching nearly to the posterior border of the large, open, nearly rounded nostrils; culmen horizontal, a little beyond the frontal feathers, then abruptly bent downward, nearly perpendicularly to the much depressed, nearly horizontal portion; a sharp, indented ridge along the base of the culmen, ending in a trihedral tubercle; color black; a white elongated patch around, and a little behind the eye, and a large white speculum on the wing composed of white secondaries and tips of greater coverts; bill black at the base and lateral edges red elsewhere; iris bright yellow. Length, 21.50; wing, 11.30; tarsus, 2.10; commissure, 2.80. Habitat, northern North America. ERISMATIRA RUBIDA (Wilson). (167.) RUDDY DUCK. The habits of this species are such as to make it a little dif- ficult to gather much information of them until a good fortune has exposed some of their peculiarities to us, as it were by accident. I must allow myself to quote a paragraph from Langille, "Our Birds in their Haunts."" a charming, delight- ful, and reliably instructive work which ought to have a place in every bird-lover"s library in America. Some of his descrip- tions are word paintings which rival Audubon's colors. When speaking of this unique duck (pp. 471.2) he says: — "An anomaly of its kind is this little creature. "Some fifteen inches long, and 21.50 in extent, it has a pecu- liarly short, and almost round appearance. The long and gradual curve of the crown, joined to a bill rather short, broad and much depressed is a marked feature; the rather long and broad tail, with scarcely any coverts above or below, is decid- edly out of order for a Duck; the broad tip of the wing, so apparent in flight, would seem more in place for a Coot, or a Gallinule; striking seasonal change of plumage in the male would do for a Gull, or a Grebe; the large egg, with granulated shell, might be mistaken for that of a Goose; while its diving propensities would do credit to a Dabchick. Look at that ele- gant male, as he floats on the smooth surface of some fresh water channel in the breeding season 1 Almost as motionless as a wooden decoy, he holds his large and full spread tail straight up, often catching the wind just in the right direction, and thus using that appendage for a sail. Jet black over the crown and down the back of the neck, cheeks clear white, the remaining upper parts a bright, glossy, dark- red, he is a well deflned object even in the distance. The female (which the -6z 72 NOTES ON THE male resembles precisely, from fall till spring) is a dark brownish-gray, the throat and broad stripe through the eye lighter, both sexes being white, or mottled with gray under- neath. ' 'The young are a little lighter than the female. Except in its sojourn in the south in winter, where it may be seen in im- mense flocks, especially in Florida, it is generally in small flocks after the manner of the Buffle-head. ' 'When rising from the water, it runs on the surface for some distance, and generally against the wind. If it cannot com- mand a fair open space for flight,, it will dive, using its tail either as a rudder, or as a paddle in a vertical motion, and will hide itself away among the grass and sedges. When on the wing, it flies low along the surface of the water, with a rapid beat of its broad wings, making a short, plump figure, quite uncommon for a Duck; and it generally flies quite a distance before alighting." It arrives from the south not far from the second week in April, possibly a week or ten days earlier, for as has already been intimated, their low unheralded flight, along between the banks of the streams, and usually late in the twilight, or ex- tremely early in the morning, almost precludes the possibility of arriving at precise data as to the time of their arrival or departure. That they do resort to the larger lakes occasion- ally is conceded, yet never have I seen them anywhere but on the creeks, or smaller ponds, except in migration along the Mississippi, when they kept close to the surface. I can recall no time either when by any means they could be driven more than thirty or forty feet into the air, and then only to drop down again as soon as beyond immediate danger. If disturbed by the approach of the gunner, when concealed from him by the banks or a short bend in the stream their feet and wings may be heard in their flight, but they will remain unseen as a general thing. When suddenly surprised, as is sometimes the case, as when gunners come upon them simultaneously from opposite directions, they will dive, and immediately re- verse their direction of submarine escape, and only return to the surface close under the bank amidst debris or reeds, and very much scattered, thus escaping unscathed. Nesting is begun in May, from the first week of which they have as apparently disappeared as if they had migrated, all to devote themselves to the great mission of reproduction. I have never personally had the pleasure of finding the nest BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 73 with eggs in it, but have been quite content to discover the fe- male and very young, in the third week in June. Others have on several occasions obtained the eggs and female with them. The nest is built very loosely of grasses and reeds, or rather coarse weeds, and is placed on the ground close to the water and well concealed by sedge, or other rank vegetation. More frequently it is located in a dense growth of wild rice. The eggs are white with a tinge of stone color, and large for the relative size of the duck. No species of its kind more ef- fectually conceals its nest and eggs, seldom leaving them without covering the latter with feathers and debris. They retire from our latitude by the last week of October oftentimes, yet I have found them still later In exceptional seasons. Dr. Hvoslef reports them at Lanesboro on the 20th of that month. I found them"Common at Herman at a little later date in 1886, and Mr. Washburn reports them the same at Dead lake in Ot- ter Tail "between the 10th and 26th the year previous." SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill grayish-blue; top of head and nape black; sides of head below the eyes, with the chin, pure opaque-white; lower part of neck all around, entire upper pans, and upper portion of sides, chestnut red; under parts generally lustrous grayish- white, with an occasional brownish tinge; crissum pure white; wings brown, without speculum, finely and almost inappre- ciably sprinkled with gray; tail nearly black. Length, 16; wing, 5.80; tarsus, 1.25; commissure, 1.80. Habitat, North America. CHEN HYPERBOREA (Pallas). (169.) LESSER SNOW GOOSE. In its favorite localities during the autumn especially, this species eclipses any other of the Goose kind for numbers. When visiting Grant county in October, 1884, in company with my son. where we were joined by our friend Mr. P. H. Clague for a grand Goose hunt, we met this species in force. Any- thing like accurate estimates of numbers in a given flock of any kind of birds must be practically impossible, yet, approxi- mation enough to convey a good general idea has been reached by Wilson and others, by subdividing. At a glance the mass may be instantly halved, quartered, eighthed, and sixteenthed, when its count becomes possible in many cases. By such a method of calculation I made an estimate of a flock containing quite nearly 300 geese, and checking down the different flocks 74 NOTES ON THE during one day's observation, I arrived at the conclusion that within an area of five miles in diameter, we saw not less than 5,000 Snow Geese, without having recounted any flocks, as they confined themselves through the bright, sunny day to the same bodies of water, as a consequence of which, not a White Goose was killed, by any of us during the day. The hunters call them White Brant. The sight of one of those animate clouds of floating snow on which the dazzling rays of the sun are pouring on a bright October day, can be neither described nor forgotten. The Snow Geese make but a comparatively short stay in this latitude in the spring, bu-t seek those most northern by the loth to the 20th of April generally. The measures of all which I have obtained, and found in the markets, have placed them within the lesser species as recognized by the Check List of the American Ornithological Union, not one in ten exceeding twenty-seven inches in length, with the wing sixteen. The Blue Goose, about which there has been some controversy, and which it has been my good fortune to secure several times, is beyond a doubt in my own mind, the young of the species under consideration, the measures essentially agreeing with theirs. When speaking of them in his reports from Mille Lacs, and Crow Wing, Mr. Washburn says: "Very abundant on the prairies west and south of Fergus Falls." And again speaks of "Chen coerulescens, Blue Goose,'" as being often killed dur- ing the open season near the same place. Mr. Herrick found "immense numbers of the Snow Geese at Lake Shatek, the source of the Des Moines river." I might add other reports from Waseca, Big Stone, Kandiyohi, White Bear, and other localities, without increasing the measure of knowledge of the species. They are exceedingly wary, and hard to get. Their food in the autumn consists largely of wild rice with several species of berries. However, earlier they depend upon aquatic and marsh vegetation, including some snails and insects. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill and legs, red; color pure white; primary quills black towards the end, silvery bluish-graj' towards the base where the shafts are white; spurious quills also bluish; inside of wings except the primary quills, white. Length, 27; wing, 16; tarsus, 3; commissure, 2. Habitat, North America. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 75 CHEN HYPERBOREA NITALIS (Forster). (169a.) GREATER SNOW GOOSE. In nearly every migration from the north of the Lesser Snow Geese there has been occasionally an individual shot where the measures have been greater than those given for the species, some of which reach the figures given for the Greater species, yet in habits I have discovered no difference whatever between them. I wait for more light on the specific differences upon which the classification rests The measures hitherto given by all authorities have been: Length, 30; wmg, 16.30; tarsus, 3.12; commissure, 2.10. Habitat, whole of North America. ANSER ALBIFRONS GAMBELI (Hartlaub). (171a.) AMERICAN WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE. In the summer of 1876, I found a mounted specimen of the male of this species in high plumage, in the collection of Mr. Shroeder. a taxidermist of St. Paul. He could tell me nothing about its history except that he obtained it of a local sports- man in the previous spring. Since then I have met with occa sional small flocks of them, both in spring and autumn, in the height of the anserial migrations, and have received reports from a number of observers in different sections of the state. Mr. James Thompson, of Lanesboro, shot one on his mill pond on the llth of April, 1883. Mr. Clague, to whom reference has already been made, residing at Herman, in Grant county, has shot several near that place, and Mr. John Cutter, of Minne- apolis, has bagged them at Big Stone, and on the Minnesota bottoms within an hour's ride of his residence. Yet they should not be regarded as by any means common. I am quite familiar with the White-fronted Goose in its favorite region on the Pacific coast, where it is rather the choicest of its kind for eating, and where immense numbers are brought into the markets of Sacramento, Stockton and San Francisco. It was of this species that the largest number was obtained at a single shot of a "California Duck Gun" which has ever been recorded. Hunted constantly in the "Tules" as they have been for many years, they have long since become shy, and exceedingly difficult of approach. To meet this, an ox is trained to obey the sutta voce commands of the gunner as he walks beside him, keeping step with the forelegs by 76 NOTES ON THE which he is concealed from the geese on the "sloughs" along the San Joachim and Sacramento rivers, or along the bays. The approach is so slow that the ox naturally feeds much of the time, while the gunner, peeping over the back, and under the neck of the ox, watches the movements of the flock until they bring all the relationships right to serve the purpose most effectually, when he carefully turns the gun into position, fires a pistol, carried for that end, the countless flock rises, and when a little above the water, trigger is pulled, and then follows the "rain of geese," till between the killed and the wounded, it sometimes seems as if the whole flock must have been exterminated by that terrific shot. Fifty drams of Duck powder behind a pound of Goose shot, well directed under such circumstances, ought to show results. Sometimes it does. An instance of considerable local interest occurred which will illustrate the results of swivel gun shooting upon the White-fronted Geese. A citizen of Sacramento, many years since, published an offer of a Panama hat worth 825, to the person who would beat his record with a single shot at Geese. He had killed nearly fifty. For fifteen years the hat remained unclaimed, when a claimant proved his right to it by showing seventy- five Ducks of this species killed by a single shot on the ' 'Tules" of the San Joachim, near the Suisan bay. They are seldom numerous in the spring migration, indeed some years almost unobserved, but rarely fail of returning in the autumn during October in large and numerous flocks. Their habits while with us are not characteristically unlike most other members of its family. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Tail of sixteen feathers; bill and legs red; along sides of bill and forehead, white, margined with blackish-brown behind; rest of head and neck grayish- brown, paler on jugulum; back bluish-gray, the feathers anteriorly tipped with brown, sides similarly colored: breast and belly grayish white, blotched irregularly with black; anal region, sides behind, and beneath the tail, with upper coverts, white; secondary quills and ends of primaries dark-brown, remaining portion of primaries and coverts silvery ash; shafts of quills white; greater coverts edged with white; tail feathers brown tipped with white; axillars and under surface of wings ashy-plumbeous. Length, 28; wing, 16.30; tarsus, 2.90; commissure, 2.05 Habitat, North America. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 77 BRANTA CANADENSIS (L). (172.) CANADA GOOSE. About the twentieth of March the Canada Geese come in large flocks, and at once possess the open, prairie lakes, and those embraced in extensive marshes. Their honkings at once enlist the interest of everybody who is waiting impatiently for the spring. The long, triangular flock will soon have everybody out of doors gazing at it wherever it passes. It is not much to be wondered at surely if those honkings are melody in mor^— than one sense to the people of this latitude after a six-months bird silence, because of its announcements and its prophecy. Arriving uniformly in the first half of the day, we feel quite assured then that they have come to stay for a time at least, while tho&e reaching us later, and during the night, pass directly on further north. Unlike most other wheat producing countries, Minnesota grows very little that is sown in the fall, and hence has little inducements to offer these birds in this respect upon their arrival, but her meadows, and the products of what has just been planted in wheat, soon supply them abundantly, and they drift about hither and yonder till about the 25th to the 30th of April, when they disappear as if they had been spirited away as mysteriously as the swallows formerly disappeared upon the approach of winter. They have paired and entered upon their great mission of nidification, a little removed from the ponds in the marshes, or on the " high-and-dry " islands in the lakes and larger water courses. The nests are formed of such materials as are in the locality chosen, more frequently sticks, coarse weeds, and grass, and are lined with feathers. They lay from eight to ten eggs which are too well known to need description. Nests have been found with the full complement of eggs in them as early as May 1st, but it is generally later than that. The male shares the confinement of incubation, at least while the female seeks her accustomed food. Nothing can exceed the devotion of both parents not only until the young are fully grown, but until " they are of age " the follow- ing spring. Their fondness for the succulent blades of the volunteer wheat, and the soft grains of the waste of the preceding crop, costs them their lives by thousands in the fall months, when they are shot from holes in the ground surrounded by artificial decoys. 78 NOTES ON THE If it was not for their pulling the young wheat out of the ground, and thus destroying it entirely, as they do where the ground is very friable, they would do little if any harm, as snipping off the luxuriant blade rather contributes to the de- velopment of the roots, and thus to the perfection, and final quantity of the grain. To the same end, in fall-wheat countries, the farmer often grazes his wheat fields in early spring. Hot, dry "northers" in the great valleys of the Pacific Coast, will sometimes scorch the wheat fields in late winter until there is not a blade of the beautiful green to be seen, but if not so far advanced as to involve the first "joint," the undisturbed roots will soon throw out the blades again, and a better crop will fol- low for the premature firey grazing. They are great mast eaters, consuming incalculable quantities of mast in fall and spring both. Their habits have been so often described in detail, that it would seem to be a work of supererogation to refer to them, but that of their manners in the season of pairing and in the de- fence of their young, is so striking that I will refer to them by a quotation from "Our Birds in Their Haunts," (Rev. J. H. Langille. M. A. ) which is a quotation by the author of that work. It says: "It is extremely amusing to witness the court- ship of the Canada Goose in all its stages; and let me assure you. reader, that although a gander does not strut before his be- loved with the pomposity of a turkey, or the grace of a dove, his ways are quite as agreeable to the female of his choice. I can imagine before me one who has just accomplished the de- feat of another male, after a struggle of half an hour or more- He advances gallantly toward the object of his attention, his head scarcely raised an inch from the ground, his bill open to its full stretch, his fleshy tongue elevated, his eyes darting firey glances, and as he moves he hisses loudly, while the emo- tion which he experiences causes his quills to shake and his feathers to rustle. Now he is close to her who in his eyes is all loveliness, his neck bending gracefully in all directions, passes all around her, occasionally touching her body, and as she congratulates him on his victory (over all competitors, H.) and acknowledges his affection they mutually move their heads in a hundred curious ways." The same author has previously described its courage and strength in the defence of the mate and young so graphically that I allow myself the further quotation which follows. Speaking of an ex- ceptionally large one that "returned three years in sue- BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 79 cession to a large pond a few miles from the moutli of Green river in Kentucky, and whenever I visited the nest it seemed to look upon me with utter contempt. It would stand in a stately attitude until I reached within a few yards of the nest, when suddenly lowering its head, and shaking it as if it were dislocated from the neck, it would open its wings and launch into the air flying directly at me. So daring was this fine fellow, that in^wo instances he struck me a blow with one of his wings on the right arm, which for an instant I thought was broken. I observed that immediately after such an effort to defend his nest and mate, he would run swiftly towards them, pass his head and neck several times over and around the female, and again assume his attitude of defiance." This description is no more graphic than true, as I have had personal opportunity to verify it. I regard this species as amongst the most interesting and remarkable of the bird kingdom. Senator R. B. Langdon resides across the street from my office, and has an enclosure in which he keeps deer, antelopes and a flock of wild geese, the habits of each and all of which I have had ample opportunity to observe in years of confinement. The deers (two are added by birth each year, the latter part of June) and the geese manifest a great interest in the many children who visit their park. If one of their number runs a race along the iron fence which incloses them, both the deers and geese will at once join in the race, the latter with wings at half extent, and gabbling and cackling so much like the rollicking children that it is difficult to decide "which is which.'" If any of the ruder children turn and threaten to use sticks or clubs, the deers will gallop away, but the geese will instantly drop their heads, rustle their feathers, and rush up to the fence so resolutely as to send their persecutors flying, and does a bolder boy return, they will form a line of battle, and commence the ominous shaking of their heads, until one would suppose they would become un jointed. In such an attitude, with the suggestion of the bare possibility that they might possibly fly over the fence in their anger, even the boldest will consult the better part of valor and run away. To say in a report like this that myriads of this species have annually visited the State to either breed here or, after two or three weeks, pass further north to do so, may seem an exaggeration, but what more temperate language would more nearly convey a just idea of their numbers? Yet it must be conceded that in the southern half of the State, their numbers 80 NOTES ON THE have materially diminished since the population has so greatly- increased, and railroad connections with all of the other States have made it possible for hundreds of "crack- shots" to be on their haunts the moment the law allows them to be taken. Remoter sections submit them to less vernal persecutions, and there the numbers remain more nearly the same as those of several decades now gone. On their first arrival in any section, they spend much time on the wing reconnoitering, but soon become settled down to their work of eating, rather than flying. I suppose that there are sections where none of them ever breed, but I do not know of a county where I have been in summer, and had an opportunity to consult intelligent, observant residents, where I have not had good reason to believe that they were breeding to some extent at least. The country at large is eminently favorable to their nidification, and their habits during that season protect them from obser- vation, while the enforcement of the statutes by the State Sportingmen's Club attend to their enforcement. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Tail of eighteen feathers; head, neck, bill and feet deep black; a large triangular patch of white on the cheeks behind the eyes; the two of opposite sides broadly confluent beneath, but not extending to the rami of the lower jaw; a few whitish feathers on the lower eyelid; upper parts brown edged with paler; under parts light, with a tinge of purple-gray, some- times a shade of smoky brown; edges of the feathers paler; color of the body of the feathers though similar, becoming deeper on the sides, tibia, axillars, and inside of the wings; the gray of the belly passes gradually into white on the anal region and under coverts; upper tail coverts pure white; primary quills and rump are very dark blackish-brown; tail feathers black. Length, 35; wing, 18; tarsus, 3.40; commissure, 2.10. Habitat, North America generally. BRANTA CANADENSIS HITCHINSII (Swainson & Richardson). (172a). HUTCHINS'S GOOSE. It is a difficult matter to convince the casually observing sportsman that there are really two varieties of the " Common Wild Goose," while he will readily concede a considerable vari- ation in the size of different specimens of the species. The two seem to be thoroughly mingled in their autumnal migrations, with an immense preponderance of the Canadas, but in spring BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 81 very few of this species are noticed. Arriving presumably about the same time, these are believed all to pass further north to breed, and return to us about the first of October, or a little earlier. I cannot estimate their relative numbers in either migration, neither do I know of their having any dis- tinguishable habit which enables me to identify them until they are in my hands. This is also true of their specific characters, only differing from Canadensis in the measurements, which grade into each other through occasional individuals as has been abundantly demonstrated. BRANTA BERNICLA (L.). (173.) BRANT. While this species is not an abundant one within our bound- aries, it is relatively a fairly represented one. Appearing in small flocks simultaneously with the others about the 25th to the 30th of March, they remain about three weeks, in the lakes, ponds, and estuaries of sluggish streams, where considerable numbers of them are shot for the market, after which they move on to much higher latitudes to rear their young. Speci- mens of the Brant may be found in the collections of the tax idermists, and different scientific societies in the State which have been secured in the migrations frojn year to year, repre senting both sexes and age. In autumn they reach the north- western portions of the State in considerable flocks about the first of October and remain as late as any others before pass- ing further to the south to winter. Mr. Washburn, who visited the region of the Mille Lacs lake, and Otter Tail lake, in the interests of this department of the Natural History Survey of the State, extending his observations from the 9th of October to the 10th of November, 1885, found these birds "quite numer ous near Fergus Palls," and similar reports reached me from Grant, and Bigstone counties. It is rarely the case that some of them cannot be found in the game stalls of the City Market during the periods of their usual presence and migrations. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill, feet, head, neck, primary quills, tail, and body anterior to the wings, black; secondary quills nearly black; on each side of the middle of the neck, a small white crescent, streaked with black; lower eyelids with a very faint trace of white feathers; black of the jugulum abruptly defined against the '82 NOTES ON THE bluish silver-gray of the remaining under parts, the feathers of which have the basal portions bluish gray; axillars and inside of wings showing a darker tint of the same; the gray of the belly passes gradually into white behind, the tail being en- circled all around and concealed by this color; back and wing coverts grayish-blue with slightly paler edges; rump, similar, but darker and more uniform blue, the secondaries have some concealed whitish on the inner webs towards the base. Length, 23.50; wing, 12.75; tarsus, 2.26; commissure l.-AO. Habitat, northern parts of Northern Hemisphere. BRANTA NIGRICANS (Lawrence). (174.) BLACK BRANT. Several stragglers of this Pacific Coast species have been brought in during the past ten years, by parties visiting the Red river valley in the fall shooting sea.son. If they are any- thing more than stragglers, they must still be regarded very rare. Their identity I can vouch for, from a long familiarity with them in Sacramento and Santa Clara counties, California. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head, neck, and body anterior to the wings deep black, passing into dark sooty plumbeous on the rest of the body, this color beneath extending nearly to the anus, and above shading insensibly into the black of the rump; middle of the throat with a white patch extending round on the sides, and somewhat streaked with black; no white on the eyelids; sides of rump and base of the tail, with upper and under tail coverts concealing the tail, and space across the anus, white; primary and secondary quills and tail, black; feathers on the sides of the body beneath the wings like the belly, but with white tips. Length. 29; wing, 13.80; tarsus, 2.30; commissure, 1.50. Habitat, Arctic and Western North America. OLOR COLIMBIANI S (Ord). (180.) WHISTLING SWAN. Many years ago this species was believed to be a regular summer resident of the Red river valley, and not without rea- son, for they were occasionally met with as late as the tenth of May in spring, and as early as the twentieth of August. But these instances have proved to be very rare, and when they were reported to me some important observations regard- ing their identity were wanted in their later appearance. Having never observed them personally, I have been left to the conclusion that they were the young of the Trumpeters, a BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 85 species long ago known to breed here limitedly in the region referred to. That the Whistlers, however, are met with here occasionally during the early and late migrations, we are equally assured by their having Deen obtained at those times for taxi- dermists to mount. Mr. Howling kindly called my attention. to them many years ago in his collections. Mr. Shroeder, a taxidermist long known in St. Paul, had one obtained on the Red river which I was permitted to ex- amine, but of the special history of which he could give me nothing. When passing over, in their early spring migrations, I have several times had my attention called to them by their peculiar notes, some time before I could see them at their great elevation. With my glass I could not only determine that they were Swans, but readily count them, which has been once thirty-one, and on another occasion only three, when they were not thirty yards above the forest trees amid which I discovered them. These times have usually been in March, and only once in the first days of April. They must breed as a rule far to the north of our national line. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill as long as the head, broad, high at the base; feathers on the forehead ending in a semicircular outline; nostrils far forward, the anterior extremity considerably more forward than half the commissure; color pure white; bill and legs black; the former with an orange or yellowish spot in front of the eyes. Immature birds with the head above tinged with reddish- brown. Tail feathers twenty. Length. 55; wing. 22; tarsus, 4.25; bill, 4.20. Habitat, North America generally. OLOR BUCCINATOR (Richardson). (181.) TRUMPETER SWAN. When the long embargo of a subarctic winter has terminated and the waning drifts of the remaining snows have been reduced to narrow borders of the forest and fences, despondent hearts from hopes deferred will wake to new consciousness of exist- ence, like another resurrection. The senses all feel the won- drous change, and catching the impulse of nature's wide outreachings, accept their new responsibilities. The babbling of the brook once more set free, the cawing of the crow, the cheery chink, chink of the returning woodpeckers, aj^peal to every sentiment of gratitude in the reverent heart, and the cup of peaceful joy is filled to overflowing. 84 NOTES ON THE The quickened ear hears the honkings of the Pelicans and Geese against the very heavens, and still far above them the trumpetings of this snowy Swan. Their gracefulness of flight, the daring, giddy hight, conspire to fill the soul with adoration for the wonderful, the beautiful. From their exalted pathway of the air, they rarely descend until over the most unfre- quented districts, where before, they have reared their young. Extremely shy, descending in majestic circuits they do not hastily alight, until the section has been most thoroughly reconnoitered and found devoid of man, their cruellest of foes. They live mostly upon vegetation both terrestrial and aquatic, and about the first of May nest-building is begun. The structure is loosely formed of weeds, reeds, grass and such other materials as are found convenient to the location and is superficially lined with down from their own bodies. They lay eight to ten pale green eggs. Incubation lasts four weeks, soon after the completion of which, the young follow the parents into the water. Formerly the nests wore occasion- ally found at different places all over the State, but of late, none have been reported from any. Still the young of the year are to be seen in the vicinity of the the Red river very nearly every year after the middle of October. The latest recorded date of my personal observations, before their final disappear- ance was November 17th, but I have learned that individuals have been seen still later, which suggests that they were laggers from accidents or gunshot wounds. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill broad and longer than the head; the feathers ending on the forehead in a semi-elliptical outline; nostrils with the an- terior extremity as far forward only as half the commissure; tail of twenty-four feathers; color pure white throughout; bill and legs entirely black; bill without any red spot at the base. Less mature specimens with the head above tinged with reddish- brown. Length, 60; wing, 24; bill, 4.50; tarsus, 4.60. Habitat, principally the interior of North America. V Order HERODIONES. Family ABDEID^. BOTAURUS LENTIGINOSUS (Montagu). (190.) AMERICAN BITTERN. Variously called Bittern, Shidepoke, Pumper, Stakedriver, &c., &c., according to local custom, this familiar Heron is relat- ively as well represented here as any other of its family. They reach us as early as the first week in April. By the 25th, they have become paired and their nests are constructed soon afterwards. They consist of small sticks, coarse grass, with more or less leaves of sedge brush and are placed directly on the ground in the most inaccessible bog marshes and sloughs. Preferably a tuft of willowy sedge is chosen that gives the nest a slight elevation, yet not uniformly so, for I find them not in- frequently placed between the bogs in the marshes that are de- void of all kinds of brush. A rank bunch of grass that springs up in these places, will most naturally be the place to look for them first, however. The eggs are usually four in number, of a striking drab color, with more or less olivaceous. Sometimes their nests are found in small communities but as a general thing that custom is locally disregarded. The notes of the Bittern are remarkable and are heard only during the period of pairing and nesting. They have been variously described by writers as they sound to their ears and have been rendered into dunk-a-doo, pump-ah-gah, ponka-gong, kunk-a-ivhulnk, chunk-a-lunk, and quank-chunk-a-lunk-chunk, all of which seem to me to convey as nearly a correct idea as may be obtained, as I have heard them at different times. But one must have heard them to understand how well any of them really de- scribes their "song." The attitude of the prairie-hen cock in booming, the turkey gobbler in gobbling is no more extreme or characteristic than is that of the Bittern in the act of disgorging himself of his in 86 NOTES ON THE expressibly infelicitous love notes. Standing perfectly erect and entirely motionless, the bill pointed exactly toward the zenith, the head is seen to be very slowly sinking while the body correspondingly assumes the horizontal position and the neck becomes sigmoid by its double flexion, it suddenly shoots forward and a little downward and laboriously pumps out the amorous utterances, doubtless to the entire satisfaction of the waiting ear, whether the mate's or another masculine repre- sentative of his species that accepts it as a challenge to come over and get most ingloriously thrashed. Aspectively the per- formance is suggestive of strangulation until "kunk-ah- whulnk" has all been ejected. If any other performance could match this in uncouthness to eye or ear, it has not been mine to witness it with either of those senses. The food con- sists principally of frogs, in the seizure of which their heron- like manner of remaining motionless for long periods that the unapprised reptiles may unconsciously come within easy reach, is a pretty sure guaranty that they shall have enough to eat as long as the frogs last. It is seldom that more than one indi- vidual is seen in any one immediate locality, when it must have been discovered at a distance while in its perpendicular atti- tude, or by some sudden surprise, for they drop the head down so slowly as to allude observation, and then run at a rapid pace through the grass, weeds, reeds and rushes to a considerable distance in some unexpected direction, and there remain hidden until all danger of discovery is past before resuming their watch for frogs and small snakes. One may pass very near where they are concealed without flushing them, as they are capable of judging very accurately whether they are actually under the eye of the intruder or not. By the first week in August the young have attained the gen- eral appearance of the adults, and when the frogs disappear they do likewise. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Upper mandible black; the lower greenish-yellow; lores and eyelid yellow; iris bright yellow; upper part of head depressed, with the plumage there deep blackish-brown; long, yellowish- browm feathers on the neck behind shaded with darker; throat whitish, streaked with dark brown; from the posterior and lower part of the auriculars, a broad patch of black passes di- agonally across the neck; back deep brown barred and mottled with many specks and streaks of brownish-yellow; quills black with a leaden gloss, and tipped with ocherous brown; legs and feet yellow, washed with pale green; middle claw pectinated; beneath pale yellowish-brown streaked with darker brown. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 87 Length, 27; wing. 11: tarsus. 3.60; bill, 2.75. Habitat, Temperate North America. The Bittern is almost universally distributed wherever the food supply is found. In an hour's ride within my own county, a half dozen may be readily seen by any one acquainted with their habits, by overlooking a meadow a quarter of a mile away. He will notice what seems to be a stake in the ground rising but little above the grass. If he has a field glass, he will at once be able to make out the head and neck of his bird, but let him not think to see that head go down, or even move, should he wait half an hour, and how much longer I cannot say, for my time for observing the habits of birds has ever been too precious to stay his attitude out, but if he has a friend with him, or better a trained bird dog. the observer may send him forward, while he holds his game under his lens and he will soon see how the stake sinks out of sight and then he may trace the stealthy movements to another spot whence the stake will again appear. BOTAURUS EXILIS (Gmelin). (191.) LEAST BITTERN. It is not a little remarkable that a species like this can remain so long unrecognized or supposably so rare when actually so common. For long years I watched for the Least Bittern before I had the pleasure of having it in my hands, and when I was rewarded I had the additional pleasure of knowing how and w^here to look for more of them. I have of late years found them common in their favorite haunts about ponds em- braced in high reeds and flags, portions of which stand in the water. Not half a mile from the business center of my city is a pond of this character, where this species has been a regular summer resident since first I observed it nearly twenty years ago. An early visit to this pond long before sunrise, has always resulted in the catching of a glimpse of one or more of them along the borders of their covert. \nd I could add a score to the number of different localities where these birds may be found in their season, within three or four miles of the first. They come to the State a little later than the Greater Bitterns, generally the second week in April, and have begun building their nests by the 10th of May following. These are more commonly suspended from the reeds above high water mark. Fairly within the mass are frequent clusters or tussocks of the same, that afford the chosen supports for the nest while augmenting the concealment. Several coarse stalks are em- braced in the platform, which consists of dried grass so wound 7 z 88 NOTES ON THE about the former as to preclude the possibility of its slipping, and into and around about which is built up the whole struct- ure consisting thus of coarse, reedy grass, into which are woven fine, jointed green grasses, not severed from their roots in the submerged ground. But they are not always placed in this manner, for it is not unusual to find them directly on the ground, on the edge of a fioating bog in shallow water, or oc- casionally in a sedgy bunch or bush of dwarf willows. The nest is loosely built, very little dished, and contains four to five white eggs, with a faint wash of green. They rear two broods, the last of which is strong enough to fly well by the second week in August, and they all quit the country by about the fifth of September. Their food consists largely of leeches, to which are added lizzards, tadpoles, snails and young frogs. I have never found fishes among their ingesta, but have too much respect for the taste of the bird to doubt that they sometimes constitute a good share of a round meal. Note. The circumstance of my never having met with the species for so many years after my residence in the State had begun, recalls the fact that only two or three of my volunteer assistants and correspondents have mentioned it. Mr. Holz- inger. of Winona, says: "This bird is little seen, but has recently been found breeding around Lake Winona."' In this place I will say that I have never found the Least Bittern breeding in communities. However, I can easily im- agine local temporary causes which might impel them to do so, and since it is a common thing for them to be closely associated with several species of blackbirds and other species of herons in their nidification, it seems as if it might be expected that they will sometimes be found breeding in communities. Their habits are decidedly nocturnal, and their migrations are begun and terminated between two days, after the manner of another but featherless biped who quits his wonted "banks" for more northern latitudes, without the slightest regard for seasons. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Back and head above, dark, glossy green; upper part of neck, shoulders, greater coverts, and outer web of some ter- tials, purplish -cinnamon; a brownish yellow scapular stripe; bill slender, acute, both mandibles about equally curved; legs very short; tarsus less than middle toe; inner toe much the longest, claws long, acute; tarsi broadly scutellate anteriorly; body much compressed; head smooth; occipital feathers some- what lengthened; lower neck behind bare of plumage; tail of ten feathers. Length, 13; wing, 4.7.5; tarsus, 1.60; bill, about 1.7o. Habitat, temperate North America. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 89 ARDEA HERODIAS L. (194/) GREAT BLUE HERON. Crane island is situated in the upper portion of upper "Lake Minne tonka, and has received its name from the circumstance of its being the breeding and roosting place of the ' ' Blue Cranes," as this species is popularly called. How long it has been thus occupied is not even traditional, for it was a heronry earlier than the Indian traditions began. About the 10th to 15th of April, and occasionally a little earlier, these birds begin to arrive in small parties, at once seeking their old roosting place. A steady increase in their numbers continues for about a week, when the whole clan seems to have reached the heronry, and early in the mornings they may be seen flying far away in all directions till all have departed. An hour before the sun sets, they begin to return, but it will be some time after dark before the last have arrived. They gather into clusters, or loose parties in sections to which they resort, after having satisfied their hunger, and enter into matrimonial nego tiations in which rivalries and jealousies lead to some severe contests between the males. By the first week in May all of these matters are settled, and the nesting begins from the 5th to the 10th of May. The structures consist of sticks, twigs, coarse and medium weeds of different kinds, very roughly and loosely disposed, with barely depression enough to retain the eggs, three to four in number, light bluish green in color, all of which is placed in the forks of a tree at about sixty feet ele- evation. The island on which the tree stands, at some day in the remote past, was evidently densely covered with lofty elms, sugar maples, oaks and basswoods, but the excrement accumu- lating from year to year, and age to age. . has destroyed them until the number left standing has become few and considerably scattered. Since that lake has become a great summer resort, and is constantly plied with some twenty or thirty steamers of various sizes (with whistles loud enough to be heard quite dis- tinctly fifteen miles away), three or foar times as many full sailed yachts, to which may be added two or three hundred row-boats, constantly flitting back and forth at all hours of the day and far into the nights, it is a standing surprise that these birds (and their copartners, the cormorants, whom I had like to have forgotten to mention in this connection), still continue to return year after year to the same familiar spot. However, it must be confessed that from these disturbing causes, to which 90 NOTES ON THE should be added a long-continued practice of firing pistols at them from the steamers* decks to see the females rise in clouds from their nests, and the robbing them of their eggs by men and boys by the employment of telegraph pole climbing irons to reach them, their numbers became so sensibly reduced as to call in special legislation, some five or six years since, or all would have been destroyed or driven entirely away. I have taken all measures within my reach to ascertain the area daily visited by the "cranes" and cormorants brooding and roosting in this group, and while not absolutely certain of the exact dimensions, I can safely say it covers a circle the diameter of which is not less than eighty miles. In England it is said that all roads lead to London, so when I see or hear of individuals of these species flying regularly /?'om the direction of Minnetonka in the morning, until nearly nine o'clock, and after four in the afternoon till dark, towards it, uniformly, I conclude that they belong there. The nearest heronry to this of which I have any reliable knowledge is about 190 miles from here. They rear but one brood in a season here now, if ever they did before. Their food is frogs, fish, snakes, mice, water beetles and slugs. From the 15th to the 20th of October they go away to the south in small flocks. There is another heronrj'^ somewhere in the southeastern part of the State, which I have not yet succeeded in locating, but I think it is somewhere perhaps in Dodge, Olmsted or Freeborn county. A large one has long been located in Douglas or Grant county, I am credibly informed by duck- hunters. In general their distribution is co-exlensive with the State, yet there are considerable sections where they do not go on account of the deficiency of appropriate food. Mr. Washburn found them common throughout his explora- tions at Mille Lacs and in the different sections of the Red River valley. Mr. Lewis found it in nearly every place he visited in the north and western parts of the commonwealth. If intelligently cooked, the flesh of the entire Heron family is excellent eating, including the unprepossessing and most unpopular Bittern, as I can bear positive testimony, for by the courtesy of Mr. Wm. Tiffany I breakfasted with him upon it once many years ago. If there is anything which forever settles the question of man's evolution from animals lower than the monkeys, it is the attainment of prejudices respecting his food. His employment of the imagination in the domains of BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 91 scientific investigation has unduly developed it, and hence his reason dictates his stomach, but very poorly. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Lower third of tibia bare; above bluish- ash; edges of wing and the tibia rufous; neck cinnamon-brown; head black with a white frontal patch; body beneath black, broadly streaked on the belly with white; crissum white; middle line of throat white, streaked with black and rufous; bill yellow, dusky at the base and greenish above; forehead and central part of crown white, encircled laterally and behind by black, of which color is the occipital crest and its two elongated feathers; neck, light smoky cinnamon-brown, with a tinge of purple; chin and throat whitish; the feathers along the central line of the throat to the breast, white, streaked with black and reddish-brown, except on the elongated feathers of the breast; body bluish- ash above and on the sides; the under parts including the tuft of feathers on each side of the breast and belly to the crissum, sooty-black, much varied along the middle line with white; tibia and edge of the wing rufous; quills black, becoming more plumbeous internally until the innermost secondaries are ash, like the back; the elongated tips of the scapular feathers have a whitish shade; tail bluish-slate color; bill yellow, dusky green above; loral and orbital spaces light green; iris yellow; feet olivaceous, paler above the tibiotarsal joint; claws black. Length, 42; wing, 18.50; tarsus, 6.50; bill, 5.50. Habitat, North America. ARDEA EGRETTA Gmelin. (196.) AMERICAN EGRET. In my list of species observed fifteen years ago I gave this one as an occasional. I had found a representation of it in private collections only, since which time I had met with it in flocks of half a dozen or less a few times, and individuals still more frequently. They have been killed along the bottoms of the Minnesota river occasionally ever since Fort Snelling was located, and within the last ten years, one has been obtained on the Red river as far north as Moorhead. A friend of mine brought in a fine male from Big Stone lake last spring (1888) which he has mounted in good order. No nests nor young have been reported, but their observa- tion in the warmest days of July lends plausibility to the con- jecture that they may breed here. Still, I think it more probable that they are generally strag- glers from flocks located below, along the Mississippi or along the Missouri river. 92 NOTES ON THE I have never found them later than the 25th of August, j-et sportsmen are confident of having seen them in the distance on fiat prairies west of the Big Woods as late as the same date in September. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill slender, yellowish to the tip. culmen nearly straight, more convex terminally than the gonys; middle toe more than half the tarsus, outer toe longest, claws moderate, considerably curved; tarsus broadly scutellate anteriorly; head smooth; back, in breeding season with a series of plumes longer than the tail, and curving gently downwards; tail of twelve broad, stiifened feathers; back of neck well feathered; feet black; colors pure white at all times. Length. 40; wing, 17; bill. 5; tarsus, 6. Habitat. America, chiefly south. ARDEA CANDIDISSIMA Gmelin. (197.) SNOWY HERON. We must consider this species as in a measure a straggler, so infrequently has it been seen under circumstances of cer- tain identification. I have seen them several times when from their smaller size, I could scarcely doubt their being this species, but they were too cautious for me to secure any. I found one in Mr. Howl- ing's collection many years ago and two others since, the lat- ter of which came to him from the Red River country "some- where." Sportsmen claiming to know the species well, insist that they meet considerable numbers of them in both spring and fall shooting along the Minnesota River in occasional years, but I am ajiprehensive that they confound the other species with it, (A. Egretta), notwithstanding their assur- ances that they can distinguish them. That a few visit us is certain however, and that they go somewhat beyond the lati- tude of St. Paul and Minneapolis cannot be disputed, but sev- eral years have intervened between any observations of their presence by myself or others. They are described as follows: SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill compressed; culmen slightly concave in the basal two- thirds, terminally more convex than the gonys; middle toe three-fourths the tarsus; tibia bare for nearly one-half; occiput with a full crest of loosely fibred feathers as long as the bill; feathers on lower part of throat somewhat similar; middle of back with a series of plumes, with the fibrilla3 distant and lengthened, plumes recurved at the tip, where the fibrillar of BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 93 opposite sides are horizontal, but approximated in a verticle plane; they reach nearly to the tip of the tail, sometimes be- yond it; bill black, yellow at base, including the loral region and around the eye, as well as a larger basal portion of the lower mandible; legs black; lower part of tarsus behind and the toes yellow; color of plumage throughout pure white. Length. 24; wing, 10.20; tarsus, 3.80; bill, 3.15. Habitat, Temperate and Tropical America. ARDEA TIRESCENS L. (201.) GREEN HERON. A common summer resident, found along those of our inland streams which meander the meadows and the marshes with a sluggish current, after the 10th of April. It is seldom that an hour's hunt along their rank grassy, reedy borders does not give one a sight of one or two of them. They commence building as early occasionally as the first of May in small com- munities, but usually about the 5th. a loose, bulky, flat nest of sticks, twigs and leaves, placed in the tops or branches of small trees in thickets. They lay about four pale-blue eggs, sometimes only three and sometimes five. They rear two broods usually. Their food embraces frogs, fishes, slugs, cray-fish. worms, &c., which they obtain abundantly enough to make them re- main in a single spot for hours when undisturbed, under which circumstances their maneuvers may be watched with a glass with great satisfaction, provided a position has been attained without the knowledge of the bird. This is no easy task, for their telescopic eyes take in every moving thing possible con- siderable distances away. More frequently one will find him standing in several inches of water, close to that which is still deeper, and as motionless as if he were grown there, with his head resting back upon his breast, and woe betide the reptile or fish that ventures within the radial possibilities of that neck and unerring bill. He never strikes by guess, and rarely with- out securing his victim, which is swallowed invariably head foremost, in the twinkling of an eye. He does not ordinarily thresh the ground with his game as the Greater Bittern often does, to reduce it to flexibility, or fractures, in order to swallow it, but selects the size best adapted to the capacities of his throat. When fishing for frogs specially his methods are somewhat modified. Instead of retaining his fixed attitude, which the frogs soon learn to j-ecognize when their heads are 94 NOTES ON THE above water, he takes advantage of the moment when, with their heads immersed, each is seeking a spot in which to hide, and steps promptly but cautiously along to a favorable posi- tion, and assuming his wonted attitude with his neck drawn back over the breast, and when an inquisitive head rises, the same fatal stroke brings Johnny Crapeau's favorite "to bag." Communal as they often are in breeding, they always hunt sol- itarily, and seem to individually have a sort of squatter's pre- emption over a given territory, returning to it daily through the entire season. The young having become full grown by the first to the tenth of August, they may subsequently be often seen going forth in the early morning in families supposably, and returning at evening by the same routes in like parties. I have never seen them later than the 25th of October, They seem all to disappear at nearly the same time. Dr. Hvoslef reports them at Lanesboro and vicinity early in April and late in October, but mentions the discovery of no nests or heronries. Mr. Lewis reports them common in all of the northwestern portions of the state as far as Pembina. Mr. Clague finds them occasionally in the lower portions of Grant county. The most frequented locality I have known for this small heron, is a low boggy marsh through which Minnehaha Creek flows, by which are thus connected Lakes Amelia and Mud, the former of which is partly and the latter entirely within the city limits. Careful observations at the twilight of either end of the day will find them there uniformly. I wish to say that they do not universally breed in communities in Minnesota, for in every instance in which I have found them doing so, I have failed to find other nests or birds. Instances have occurred under my observation, where in the entire absence of trees, or bushes of any size, they have placed the nest, composed of coarse dry weeds and reeds, and cat-tails, on a tussock in a reed-hidden quag-mire. Indeed, in common with many other species of the birds, thej' manifest great capacity to adapt their habits to extreme circumstances when necessary. One nest, built high and dry above the water in a pond, on the top of a muskrat's house, was pointed out to me, .so secure from human intrusion that no attempt was made by the birds at concealment. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill acute, rather longer than head, gently curved from the base; gonys slightly ascending; legs short, tarsus scarcely longer than middle toe, broadly scutellate anteriorly; lateral I BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 95 toes nearly equal; head with elongated feathers above and behind; these and interscapulars and scapulars lanceolate; neck short, bare behind inferiorly; tibia feathered nearly through- out; tail of twelve feathers; top of head and body above, glossy green; coverts edged with brownish yellow; neck dark purplish chestnut; chin and central line of throat white; body beneath plumbeous ash. Length, 15; wing, 7.50; tarsus, 2; bill, 2.40. Habitat, Canada and Oregon, southward to northern South America. NVCTICORAX NYCTICORAX NJ:VIUS (Bodd^rt). (202.) BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON. I find this common species much more frequently in the tax Idermists' shops than in its haunts, although I do so occasion- ally when on their grounds at twilight, and I find they breed regularly very near to if not still within the city limits. Their nocturnal habits protect them from observation, but it is known that they roost during the day in the tamarack swamps and come forth at twilight to seek their food along the borders of streams, ditches and on the marshes. The nests are constructed about the tenth of May, or a little later, in the tamarack swamps, on the trees, and are formed of sticks. More than one may occupy the same tree, but the only night- heronry I have ever seen had not to exceed a half dozen nests, unless I failed to see them, which might have been the case with all of my diligence, for they were well concealed in the thick branches of the trees which stood in a foot or more of water near one of our smaller lakes, or ponds, as the people from Maine call them. This breeding place has long been broken up. I find through one of my most reliable and inde- fatigable correspondents in the southern part of the State that this species is quite common there . He met them in nearly all of the summer months of their summer residence there. (J. McClintock). j\Ir. Lewis, jDerfectly familiar with all of their habits, reports them common through Becker and Polk coun- ties, and believes them nearly universally distributed through- out the northern and western divisions of the State. It cannot be called a numerous species in any other than a relative sense here. At Thief river there is a heronry of the species, which, if carefully observed during a season or two, might be of much value in making numerical estimates. (Washburn). Their food does not differ materially from that of other herons I think. 96 NOTES ON THE They retire southward by the second week of October. I omitted to say that the eggs are somewhat variable in color from bluish green to greenish-yellow, and generally four in number. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head above and middle of back, steel -green; wings and tail ashy-blue; underparts, forehead and long occipital feathers, white; sides tinged with lilac; bill ver}' thick at base and taper- ing to the tip; culmen nearly straight for half its length, then considerably curved; lower outline of bill nearly straight; gonys proper slightly concave; legs short and stout; tarsus equal to middle toe. and covered with hexagonal scales, those anterior largest, but those on the upper portion much larger, and extending entirely across; tibia bare for one fifth; lateral toes nearly equal, the outer rather longest; claws small, consider- ably curved; tail short, of twelve broad, rather stiff, feathers; head with the occipital feathers elongated and with two or three very long, straight feathers (long as bill and head) springing from the occiput; these are rolled up so as to appear like a single C3iindrical feather; back of neck covered with down, but not provided with long feathers; scapular and inter- scapular feathers elongated and lanceolate; the webs scarcely decomposed; upper part of head. ui)per eyelids, occipital, crest, scapular and intor.scapular region, dark lustrous steel green; wings and tail ashy -blue; under parts, forehead and long occipital feathers, white passing into pale, ashy-lilac on the sides and neck above, as also tinging nearly the whole under parts; the region along the base of the bill, however, nearly pure as on the tibia; bill black; loral space green; iris red; feet yellow and claws brown. Length, 2o; wing. 12.50; tarsus, 8.15; bill, about 3.10. Habitat, America. NYCTICORAX VIOLArElS (L ). (203.) YELLOW CROWNED NIGHT HERON The first time 1 met the Black-crowned Night Heron in the State was in Mr. William Howling's taxidermal shop in 1864 I think, when standing beside it was a Yellow-crown. Although I began to meet the former from time to time, it was several years before I saw another of the latter, till I found it again in a private collection in St. Paul. I have never taken the bird, but in all the instances in which I have seen these specimens, I have ascertained that they were collected here, and under precisely the same circumstances in which the others were found. I know nothing more of the bird locally than I did BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 97 twenty years ago. I can only count it an occasional straggler, presumably individuals "which become mixed with the other species in migration. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Neck and body uniform grayish-plumbeous; head bluish ash; hood and a broad patch on the side of head yellowish-white; scapular and interscapular feathers dusky, edged with grayish- plumbeous. Length, 24; wing, 12; tarsus. 3.75; bill, about 2.75. Habitat, semi-tropics. Older PALUDICOL^. Family GKl ID^l^l GKl'S A^MEKICANA (L.). (20^.) WHOOPING CRANE. While yet the prolonged winter maintains its relentless hold upon the northland, and deep snows conceal the demarking shorelines of the lakes and streams, the Whooping Crane may be faintly heard, and often seen against the cold blue sky, winging his dauntless way to some unknown open sea still nearer the undiscovered pole. In the last days of February sometimes, but oftener in the third week in March, flocks of ten to twenty are seen, and occasionally on to the 15th of April such flocks continue to arrive, only a few individuals of which remain to breed in the remote portions of the State. The only evidence I have that it breeds here is circumstan- tial. Through a course of many years observation, individuals of the mature white birds have been obtained or well identified during every month from March to November inclusive, quite a number of which have found their way into the collections of museums and private individuals. Both the Minneapolis and St. Paul Academies of Natural Sciences have them, and I think there is one in the museum of the State University, but I do not know when they were all obtained. Amateur oOligists have several times brought me the eggs to purchase, claiming that they were obtained in some part of the State, but I had doubts about them which made them really of no value to me. Two such were nearly four inches in length, with their reputed color, markings, and warty roughened surfaces. They inhabit the most out-of the-way morasses and impene- trable swamps, with little else but a knowledge of the local habits of the larger waders to stimulate careful research by competent observers. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 99 I have noticed a single individual at different times during the summer, a mile distant from my nearest approach, spearing frogs, snakes, &c., and as many times resolved to resort to a mud boat that could be poled over the bogs and mire, believing that due search might be repaid with a nest and eggs. When moving to any considerable distance, they mount up to great elevations, but ordinarily in their haunts, they fly barely above the top of the reeds, brush, &c. Fish, frogs, slugs, worms, tadpoles, snails, snakes enter into their bill of fare. Individ- uals of this species linger into November once in a while, if the fall is rather prolonged. In 1883 they entered the State on March 25th, and in 1864, February 27th, when we had an unusually early spring. "A few birds of this species shot near Fergus Falls.'* (Washburn) . Dr. Hvoslef says that he met them in March, 1886, at Lanes - boro; but makes no reference to their remaining through the summer. Mr. Treganowan reported them constantly seen in the summer months in Pembina county, but nowhere numerous. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill deep, compressed; lower mandible as deep along the gonys as the upper opposite to it; gonys convex ascending; commissure straight to near the tip, thence a little decurved and crenated; color pure white; primary and spurious quills with their shafts black; space in front of the eyes and extend- ing backward between them to a point on the occiput, and below them involving the whole cheek to a point behind the ears, blackish; this space having the feathers reduced to stiff hairy black shafts, but concealing the warty and granulated skin; feathers on middle of nape above plumbeous-dusky. Length, 52; wing, 24; tarsus, 12; commissure 6. Habitat, interior of North America. GRUS MEXICAN A (Muller) (206.) SANDHILL CRANE. The rapid settlement and extensive cultivation of the lands of the State has somewhat modified the habits of this species of the Cranes. Twenty-five years ago, they bred extensively in several of the southwestern counties, where now they are seldom seen except in migration. They still breed in the northern and western sections, where the uninhabited prairies are large and flat, affording all the 100 NOTES ON THE conditions of food and protection. They reach us the first week in April, four years out of five, and commence incubation by the first week in May. They generally gather loosely together some dried, coarse grasses and weeds for the nest, in which they deposit from two to four drab-brown, rough- shelled eggs. In many instances, the indications of a nest are ridiculously small, and not infrequently entirely wanting. I have never known them to rear more than one brood in a single summer, but there are cases in which for some reason the nesting has been exceptionally delayed, and quite young birds are seen late in July. The earlier birds, although yet unable to fly, will give a man a lively race to overtake them when they are six weeks out of the shell. In Noble and Jackson counties, some ten or twelve years ago, the Sandhill Cranes reared their young in great numbers, on the dry flat prairies, where many of them were often taken before they were grown enough to fly. Rev. Mr. Mitchell, of St. Paul, then residing in this Cit}', passed through that section at the time that the young were in this stage of development, and ran one of them down, which he brought home with him, and subsequently made it a present to me. I kept it until it was two years of age, and took great pleasure in studying its peculiar habits and tract- ability. It was a great joker in its way, always getting the better end of things. Nothing possible that it could swallow failed to get into its maw, from a pocket knife, double-ten nail, teaspoon, spools of thread, and bits of tin, to a dozen large sized marbles. Of course, these were after a time regurgi- tated, as all indigestible matters are with many of the birds of other orders also. He was fond of toads in the absence of frogs and fishes, and did not object to small chicken when he did not get a supply of his favorite food. By keeping his wings cropped. I was enabled to allow him considerable lati- tude, and he would often enjoy a pose on one foot, while the other was drawn close to his body, seeming to be asleep until something unusual aroused him. Immediately upon discover- ing him, big dogs and little dogs would dash at him to seize him, till noticing his apparent indifference, the smaller ones would desist, but the larger ones, more selfreliant would venture in the radial reach of his bill, after which they in- variably changed their minds, finding they had no further use for "Sandie." a name given him by Mr. Mitchell, upon his capture. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 101 My faith in his ability to defend himself against dogs became so strong that upon the application of several parties with v:'cious canines, to show what their special dog could do, I challenged any and all. one at a time, to attack him. One of the largest in the city was allowed to open the tournament in the presence of many witnesses. Sandie was taken out onto the lawn in front of my home, and after various comical familiarities in the way of eating unheard of things offered him, posed quietly on one foot, and having closed his eyes as an expressive hint that he was satisfied for the time to suspend performances, when we all withdrew a little distance, and a bouncing dog — a cross between a mastiff and Newfoundland — was shown the stilted biped, and stayed not a moment in his "going for him." Sandie. whose whole demeanor was under the closest notice, partially opened his windward eye, but remained standing upon the single foot, without in the slightest changing his position, his doubly curved neck, head and bill, drawn well back upon his body, till the onrushing dog was within a half of a yard of him, when his closed, acutely pointed bill and head shot out like an arrow from a bow, and the ferocious canine doubled up into the shape of a letter "C," and peeling for home, howling as if in the agonies of an attack of colic, left the sponge high in air, never again to challenge a Sandhill Crane to combat. Never afterwards would any one who witnessed the short '-miir' permit his dog to give or accept a challenge from Sandie. Sometime after this I presented him to the Central Park Museum, in New York City, where it was my great privilege to see him after a number of years, and again several j^ears later, on my way to Europe in 1882. found him without any indications of increasing age or infirmities, and Mr. Conklin, the manager who received him from me originally, assured me that Sandie was all right, and appeared to greatly enjoy the considerable numbers of his species associated with him in that paradise of bird incar- ceration. SPECIFIC CHARACTEKS. Bill compressed; lower mandible not as deep towards the tip as the upper; gonys nearly straight, in the same line with the basal portion of the bill; commissure decidedly curving from beyond the middle to the tip, where it is even, not crenated; color bluish-gray; primaries and spurious quills dark plumbeous-brown; the shafts white; cheeks and chin whitish; entire top of head bare of feathers, warty and granu- 102 NOTES ON THE lated, thinly beset with short scattered black hairs; feathers of occiput advancing forward in an obtuse angle, the gray feath- ers along this point and over the auricular region, tinged with plumbeous. Length, 48; wing, 22; tarsus, 10; commissure, 6. Habitat, interior of North America I found immense flocks of Sandhill Cranes in the Sacramento valley, not far from the foothills of the Sierra Nevada moun- tains, in 1870, about the middle of Februarj'. But not any larger are found there than in the flat prairies along the Red river in northern Minnesota, two months later in the spring. There are times at that season of the year when their hoarse cronkings may be heard almost continuously in some localities. At the time of mating, the males have a habit of rising to immense elevations, and beating large circles while they main- tain their notes for hours at a time. These can be distinctly heard after the bird has risen to such a height as to be beyond the range of the best human vision. Family RALLID.E. KVLAl'S ELEGANS Audubon. (208.) KING RAIL. For many years after I became a resident of the State, my duties called me daily considerable distance into the country in various directions, and not infrequently in the night. In my solitary rides I became familiar with almost every sound habitu- ally heard in the darkness, one of which came uniformly from certain marshy water courses, and the borders of reedy ponds near which I passed. At such times my ears were the princi- pal organs of sense, and I noticed amongst the many sounds, one that seemed to formulate the syllable greek, repeated four to five times in succession, with the heaviest emphasis on the first utterance, which diminished with each repetition, the last being considerably less emphatic, yet still fairly distant. Its resemblance in some respects to the notes of the Vir- ginia Rail, suggested to me the King Rail, but I could neither find one myself in all my explorations nor could I learn of any one else finding the first individual of that species, until in the summer of 1875, Mr. George W. Tinsley brought me one for identification. He obtained it on the first day of August, on the Minnesota river bottoms, some ten to twelve miles south of Minneapolis. It proved to be an adult male in remarkably fine plumage. He sought for the female and nest or young, but in BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 103 vain, for if there were either, the concealment was too com- plete. The location abounded with wild rice and reeds, as those in which 1 had so often heard its notes did. Since then I have secured several, and have had it reported by different corres- pondents from widely severed sections of the province with which my investigations are specially concerned. The earliest record of its observance is May 5th, and I think will not soon be found much earlier, for from an average in my personal notes I find they arrive about the twelfth to the fifteenth. The exact date it is impossible to arrive at, as their move- ments are in the night. That they breed in many sections can- not be reasonably doubted after having been observed so many times in June and July, although no nests nor young broods have yet been found. They appear to have all gone from those localities where hitherto found, by the fifth to the tenth of Sep- tember, although from the variability of the seasons from year to year, instances may occur in which they will be met with still later. Their food is principally leeches, worms, snails, and aquatic insects, but in the season when seeds and grains are ripe, they fatten readily upon them, as we are informed by several writers. This is the largest species of the Rails in the United States, as well as the most beautiful. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Upper parts olive brown, with longitudinal stripes of brown- ish-black, most numerous on the back; line from the base of the bill over the eye. dull orange-yellow; space before and be- hind the eye brownish- cinerous; throat and lower eyelid white; neck before and breast, bright rufous-chestnut; sides, abdomen, and under tail coverts, with transverse bands, of brownish - black and white, the dark bands being the wider; tibia dull yellowish- white, with spots and transverse bars of ashy brown; upper wing coverts reddish- chestnut; under wing coverts black, with transverse lines of white. Length, 17; wing, 6.50; tail, 3. Habitat, United States. RALLUS YIRGINIANUS L. (212.) VIRGINIA RAIL. This bird is very generally distributed over the country where the conditions exist for its maintenance. No one can tell just how or when they arrive, but either very early in the morning or late in the twilight at evening. Like its congeners, it is somewhat of a nocturnal sjDecies and makes its pilgrimages, as well as its local excursions in the gray of the morning or in the -8z 104 NOTES ON THE gloaming of the evening. They are found to have arrived about the first of May with great uniformity, and after about three weeks the nests are built, and consist of a pile of weeds and grass of considerable bulk, having only about an inch in exavation, sometimes a little deeper, into which they deposit eight to ten eggs. I should say that when the first egg is layed the depression is very slight indeed, but the male continues to build up the structure around the female, or she rearranges the material so as to increase the elevation around herself, or, which is the more probable, the weight of her narrow body upon the loose, light materials, continues to deepen the excava- tion for sometime after she begins to occupy it. The color of the eggs is a dark, dirty buff, blotched with different shades of brown, or a reddish and brown. Their habits confine them to swamps, marshes and meadows difficult to approach, and are therefore less frequently discovered. From these consider- ations we are justified in the presumption that they may be much more numerous than at first appears. Except in unusu- ally favorable seasons they leave in their autumnal migrations early in September, but they are occasionally seen as late as the L'5th of that month. During the summer I find them about the reedy bays of most of the lakes in different seasons and not infrequently along the marshy borders of several streams within an hour's ride of my home. Examples of this species are often to be seen mounted, in the shops of the taxidermists, representing both sexes and the young of the year. Although Mr. Washburn made his explorations of the Red river valley between the 28th of July and the 12th of Sep- tember, for some reason or other he failed to find these Rails, although he met with Soras in abundance everywhere. Mr, Holzinger reports them as frequently seen about Lake Winona. I am not a little surprised that so careful an observer as Dr. Hvoslef did not mention their presence at Lanesboro. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Much smaller than either the King or the Clapper Rail, but resembles them both in form and the former in color. Upper parts olive-brown with longitudinal stripes of brownish-black; line from the base of the bill over the eye reddish-white: throat white; neck before, and breast bright rufous; abdomen and under tail coverts, with transverse bands of black and white, the black being the wider; upper wing coverts bright rufous- chestnut; under wing coverts black, with trransrerse lines of white. Length, 7.50; wing. 4; tail, 1.50. Habitat. North America. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 105 PORZANA CAROLINA (L). (214.) SORA. "Thin as a Rail" is a very common expression, without much sense or significance until a genuine Rail has been looked upon, after which its figurative applicability receives a new force. The relative depth and breath of the body when seen explain it all. Everything is adapted to the place in which Infinite Wisdom placed it; the laterally expanded Goose, as well as the laterally contracted Rail. The one with its webbed toes for a natatorial life; the other with its immoder- ately elongated, disenthralled toes to run, squirrel-like over the lightest drift-wood and expanded lily pads on the water. The casual straggler, with only his cane in his hand, in lan- guid idleness sitting down on a log near an expanse of the water-lillies about sunset, will see more of these birds in a half hour of observation, than a collector will in ten days of constant tramping. Tail erect, the bird is seen tripping along the debris of ttie shore, and onto the frail, floating lily-pads, pausing not a moment before an open space, but dropping into the water, swimming unconcernedly across to more lilies or a point of drift, seizing an insect first on one side and then on the other, till it disappears in the twilight, or beating a circuit it returns again. In the mean time, more individuals have come upon the scene, and there are a half dozen, busily and cheerily searching for the wanted food, while they all keep up a rather subdued "ca-toeep-eep, ca-iueep-eep-eep-ip-ip-ip'^ like a flock of young domestic chickens. These birds reach Minnesota about the 25 th of April, and begin to build by the second week in May. The structure con- sists of weeds and grass in abundance, making a large pile for the size of the bird, hollowed somewhat, and placed on a bunch of coarse grass, in the marshes. They are said to be some- times found under extremely different circumstances, as brier patches, cranberry vines, or even under the current bushes in a country garden, but if the full history of such cases could be known, a sufficient reason would be revealed for the excep- tions. The eggs are a yellow-drab, with the slightest tinge of olive-green, and from five to ten in number. Their food as has already been indicated, is made up of different forms of aquatic insect life, to which must be added small molusca, Crustacea, and seeds of different kinds. They remain until late in October, very frequently. This is by far 106 NOTES ON THE the most abundant species of the Rails which spend their sum- mers in nearly all parts of Minnesota. In speaking of his observations of this species in the Red river valley Mr. Wash- burn says: — "They are extremely abundant everywhere in the marshes and sloughs. During the summer, one only catches occasional glimpses of them, although their crek. crok, crek, is heard everywhere in the reeds. In September, however, I find the young and old birds more easily observed, there being more of them, and consequently they are less shy. They are then seen running over the reedy surface of the ponds, and slipping in and out among the rushes and reeds that fringe the shores.'" The same gentleman found them still common in the meadows of Otter Tail county between October 9th and Novem- ber 10th. Mr. Westhoven told him he had often captured them when mowing in the meadow, by placing his two hands quickly over the spot in the grass where he had seen them go down, the grass holding them effectually without injuring them. Few but those who are specially interested are apt to notice the little busy Carolina Rails, so well concealed do they keep themselves in the presence of man, but after one has the secret of their habits he may easily find and make his notes in their closest proximity. In the early history of Minneapolis a fifteen minutes' walk in almost any direction, just after sunset, would place the Rail- hunter in its haunts, and again the same in the gray of the morning. Amongst the later haunts in which I have found it abundant for its kind is one along the northwestern shores of Lake Calhoun (Mendoza?) where a narrow tamarack swamp touches it for a distance of about 100 yards, and another about a mile west of the Falls of Minnehaha. Mr. Efell, who had been spending some time in the vicinity of Moorhead late in the summer, became very much interested in their local habits from finding their nests to be quite com- mon in the cultivated fields, especially the corn fields; the nest was degenerated to a simple depression in the soft earth, with a slight lining of weeds, of which there were generally an abundance. This seemed quite remarkable to one who cannot see through evolution, but it shows that when we have written up the natural history of the world, we shall need to do it all over again every season or two. BIKDS OF MINNESOTA. 107 SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Space around the base of the bill extending downwards on the neck before and over the top of the head, black; under parts greenish-brown, with longitudinal bands of black, many- feathers having narrow stripes of white on their edges; behind the eyes, side of the neck and breast, fine bluish-ashy, with circular spots and transverse bands of white on the breast; middle of abdomen and under tail coverts white; sides and flanks with transverse bands of brownish-black and white; bill greenish-yellow; legs dark green. Length, 8.50; wing, 4.25; tail, 2. Habitat, temperate America. PORZANA NOVEBORACENSIS (Gmelin). (215.) YELLOW RAIL. I introduce this Rail with the satisfaction of having seen enough of them to regard them no longer as mere semi-occa- sional strSigglers, but as rare summer residents. Mr. Shroeder, of St. Paul, for many years the only taxidermist in that city, had two specimens of them in 1865, and Mr. Howling of Min- neapolis, secured one in 1869, since which I have found two more in private collections. 1 have never seen one of them alive. I could not learn who obtained those in the collections of either of the taxidermists, but the others were secured by two hunters* who supposed they were "some new kind of snipe." I know nothing of their local habits except that those referred to were obtained in the season when the other Rails were breeding. I hope to learn more about them in other localities in the State in due time. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Entire upper parts ochre- yellow, with longitudinal wide stripes of brownish-black, and transverse narrow stripes of white; neck and breast reddish-ochre-yellow, many feathers tipped with brown; middle of abdomen white; flanks and ven- tral region with wide transverse bands of dark reddish-brown and narrow bands of white; under tail coverts rufous, with small spots of white; under wing coverts white. Length, 6; wing, 3.25; tail, 1.75. Habitat, eastern North America. Note. But one seen since the above was written ten years ago. * Jas. Smithson (since dead) and John R. Smith, of Lockport, N. Y. 108 NOTES ON THE PORZANA JAMAICENSIS (Gmelin). (216.) BLACK RAIL. I record this southern species entirely upon a report that one individual was taken last year in Fillmore county. Its descrip- tion was so well given that, without seeing the specimen, which was taken to some eastern collection before I had an opportu- nity to examine it, I believe there can be no reasonable doubt of its identity. Besides, it is a matter of record that it has been obtained in Wisconsin several times, a good many years since. (Birds of the N. W., Coues. ) SPECIFIC characters. Smaller than the Sora, or any other North American Rail. Head and entire under parts bluish ash, or nearly slate color; darker and nearly black on top of head; abdomen and under tail coverts with transverse bands of white; neck behind and upper part of back dark reddish-chestnut; other upper parts brownish-black with circular spots and irregular transverse stripes of white; quills brownish-black, with small spots of white; tail nearly same colors. Length. 5; wing, 3.25; tail, 1.50. Habitat, middle and southern states. L. B.R. GALLINULA GALEATA (Lichtenstein). (219.) FLORIDA GALLINULE. This is another species which I found in the hands of Mr. Shroeder as long ago as 1865. Since then I have had ample opportunity to decide that although not common, it is a regular summer resident, breeding in the Minnesota River bottoms at Big Stone lake, and along the Red river. It has been seen very rarely earlier than in June, when they were unquestionably breeding, although in one or two instances it has been observed in April, thereby showing that it migrates in all probability as early as the Rails do, and possibly the principal ducks. One nest obtained by a gentleman residing at Fort Wayne, Indiana, (Mr. George), and brought in with the bird, was constructed entirely of reeds, which constituted but the upper portion of a mass that had been built up out of the water. It contained ten eggs of a light brown color, spattered and splotched with reddish- brown, more marked about the larger end. Other nests have been described to me as having BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 109 been constructed of different materials, and placed on floating debris. The newly hatched young resemble black chickens in their appearance and notes. In their habits they resemble the Rails. Langille, in his work, "Our Birds and their Haunts, "page 403, says of the young of this Gallinule:— "These birds which swim, dive, or run upon the lilly-pads with equal ease, are to be associated with still waters, and with that queen of our ponds and lakes, the sweet-scented water-nymph. No infant of a royal household ever sported under a more beautiful can- opy than is found by these Gallinule chicks beneath the snowy wreath of odorous petals and central crown of gold, standing like an elegant sunshade in that quiet nook, which mirrors the bluff and the surrounding landscape." " SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Frontal plate large, obovate, terminating square on top of the head; bill shorter than head, rather thick, compressed; wing rather long; tail short; legs moderate; toes and claws long and robust; head, neck, and entire under parts dark- bluish cinerous, frequently' nearly black on the head and neck, and generally lighter on the abdomen; a few feathers on the flanks widely edged with white; shorter under tail coverts black, longer ones white; upper parts brownish-olive, darker on the rump; quills dark brown; tail brownish-black; frontal plate and bill, bright red, tipped with yellow; tibia with a bright red space on the bare portion next to the feathers; lower portion of the tibia, tarsus and toes yellowish-green. Length, 12.50; wing, 6.75; tail, 3; bill, 1.25; tarsus, 1.75-2. Habitat, temperate and tropical America. FLLICA AMERICANA Gmelin. (221.) AMERICAN COOT. A most abundant and universally distributed species, reach- ing us but little if any later in spring than the Mallards, breeding in extensive communities on inaccessible bogs, with nests of half rotted reeds loosely built, in which they lay ten or a dozen dirty-cream eggs, speckled and spotted with dark- umber. This is the terse record of the Coot or Mud Hen, in Minnesota. From the Iowa line to the British possessions, the testimony of observers is the same, that they are "abundant every- where." Mr. Washburn's report of the ornithology of Otter Tail county speaks of their presence in great numbers on a little lake near Dead lake as late as the 26th of October (1885), 110 NOTES ON THE even after the ice had formed, leaving only small patches of open water into which they crowded in a dense black mass. Quoting from his memorandum of the 21st, he says: — '-.Last night was cold and still, and this morning it is a comical sisrht to see them standing on the slippery surface of the ice. When alighting, the impetus of their flight causes them to slide along like a schoolboy on skates. A foot slips from under one, down it goes, sprawling with outstretched wings, but soon regaining its feet to try again. In the unfrozen spots, the water was black with them, mingled with Ducks, the whole looking like a compact black body, while on the edges of the ice, large Mallards and Redheads stood looking with suspicion towards the spot where I stood." Rev. J. H. Langille's description of many of the habits of this species is so nearly like the notes I find in my own note book, that I should subject myself to the suspicion of plagiarism if I did not either reword them, or quote him, so I accept the latter alternative, with the cheerful acknowledgment that I think him entitled to the copyright, for although the later written, they are the better. He says in his "Our Birds in their Haunts," pp. 405-6; "Its breeding habitat is from Northern New Eng- land, the Great Lakes, and corresponding latitudes, northward. It breeds in such abundance as to be the characteristic bird on St. Clair flats, where they are as common as hens in a farm yard. The nest is in reedy pools or shallow water about rivers, lakes and ponds, composed of dried grasses and sedges, after the manner of the Rails and Gallinules. sometimes tied to the tall clumps of sedges, and yet resting on a mass of floating debris; sometimes resting on the dry ground near their water}' abodes. On St. Clair flats it is a floating nest, anchored to the cat- tails and sedges, resembling that of the Common Gallinule. but gen- erally placed further out in the flooded marshes, towards the channels and the lake. "Some twelve inches in external diameter, and rising about eight inches above the water, it is almost invariably built of the dried and bleached leaves of the cat-tail; the saucer shaped interior being often lined with fine marsh grass. Like that of the Gallinule, the nest often has a gradual inclination on one side, forming a convenience for the bird to enter from the water. So free is the motion of this nest, that it may rise and fall with the changes of water level, or rock in the storm with perfect safety. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. Ill 'The eggs, some 9-14, 1.87x 1.27 to 2.00x1. 80, are slightly tinged with brown being very minutely specked and spotted all over with black, or dark brown, and so near the color of the bleached material on which they are laid, as scarcely to be dis- cernible at any considerable distance. The bird does not sit very closely, but running on the debris or water for a few feet, takes wing with a peculiar splatter, never rising high or flying far. When swimming, the Coot will often allow an approach within shot range, then starting on a run on the water it will rise into the air gradually with a spatting, spattering noise, which soon becomes very familiar and distinguishable to the ear. Often shaking the large lobed feet when clear of the water, it flies with the bill pointing down and the feet bending upward, its broad wings differing from those of the Ducks; and its near splash into the water being about as peculiar to itself as is its noise on rising. Very properly do the western hun- ters call this bird the " Splatterer. " When the black clouds of a near thunder storm are overhead, its white bill in front of its black head becomes very conspicuous, fairly gleaming with whiteness. It is decidedly a noisy bird, its coo-coo-coo-coo-coo being heard both day and night, the first note being prolonged on a much higher key, while the rest are somewhat accelerated. It will often quack similar to a duck, and has other notes too unique and difficult of description to be given here. ' 'The Coot is quite playful on the water, and when the male stretches his neck forward, partly elevates his wings like the swan, and spreads his tail, showing the white underneath, he is quite a beauty no doubt, in the eyes of the female." SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Head and neck glossy black, with a tinge of ashy; under tail coverts white; entire other plumage dark bluish cinereous or slate color, with a tinge of olive on the back and darker on the rump; edge of wing at shoulder and edge of first primary, white; secondary quills tipped with white; rump frequently tinged with brownish; bill very pale, or nearly white, with a transverse band of brownish black near the end, the tip white; legs dull grayish green. Length. 14; wing, 7; tail, 2. Habitat, North America. Older LIMICOL^. Family PHALAPiOPODIJ:)^E. CRYMOPHILUS FULICAlMUS (L ) (222.) RED PHALAROPE. The Phalaropes are chiefly distinguished from the other families of the order to which they belong by their lobate feet. There are only three species known in this country, and they are divided into two genera. This one stands alone in its genus, but is a companion of the Northern Phalarope in its breeding only in the artic latitudes so far as is at present known. It is only a transient migrant here, seen in its spring migration about the 10th of May, and again in August, usually not far from the 25th in its southern movements. I have generally found them at those limes occupying sandy knolls in the vicinity of the smaller lakes and ponds, yetnot infrequently on the dry, cattle grazed prairies; notably in early times in the vicinity of Fort Snelling and westerly from there upon the highlands along the Minnesota river. When looking for them I have seldom been disappointed in finding them very regularly at these times and in these localities until in late years they have sought more retired spots to avoid the pothunters, whose bags bear testimony that they still visit us at the usual times mentioned. They remain about from two to three weeks, when the maternal impulse sends them to their chosen latitudes for breeding in their spring migrations, and towards the south for food in their autumnal Should the time of their migration be characterized by ex- tremes of the weather, they remain but a very short time. I have seldom failed to find more or less of them in the hands of those indefatigable taxidermists, Messrs. Wm. Howling and Son, at these seasons, freshly procured for mounting to fill orders from distant sections for museums, or for private collections. Mr. Washburn's visits to the Red river country were a little too earl}' for their presence. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 113 SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill strong, flattened and widened towards the end; wings long, tail short; legs short, plumage thick and compact like that of the swimming birds; head above, space around base of bill, throat and back, brownish-black; feathers of last edged broadly with pale, ochre-yellow; wings and tail ashy-brown, paler on the wing coverts; greater wing coverts widely tipped with white; stripe on cheek white; entire under parts deep, brownish red, inclining to purple on the abdomen, and with a glaucous cast in very mature specimens; under wing coverts and axil- laries pure white; bill greenish-yellow; feet dark-bluish. Length, 7.50; wing, 5.25; tail, 2.75; bill, 1; tarsus, 0.75. Habitat, northern parts of northern hemisphere, breeding in the artic regions, and migrating south ia winter; in the United States south to the Middle States, Ohio Valley, and Cape St. Lucas. Chiefly maritime. PHALAROPLS LOBATIS (L). (223.) NORTHERN PHALAROPE. About as well represented as the Red, the Northern Phala- rope reaches us at the same time in May with the other, in small parties of five or six, or even less in many instances, in the vernal migrations. In the latter part of August, they return with their numbers somewhat augmented, which are still increasing somewhat until their final departure in Sep- tember. Graceful in every movement, and extremely active in procuring their food, which consists of small moUusks, insects, worms, and crustaceans, they cannot fail to arrest the atten- tion wherever seen. It affects pools, and ponds of water con- taining different forms of aquatic insect life. A tender bird, all leave on the first advent of the first decided fro&t, which has occurred within my own memory several times, on the night of August 31st and September 1st. They are known to breed in the higher latitudes, but none are known to do so this side of the British possessions. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Neck encircled with a ring of bright rufous, with a stripe of the same on each side; head above and neck behind, sooty- ash; back, wings and tail, brownish-black, paler on the rump, mixed with bright ferruginous on the back; tips of greater wing coverts white; sides and flanks ashy, frequently mixed with reddish; throat, breast, and abdomen white; bill, legs and iris dark brown. Length, 7; wing, 4.50; tail, 2.25; bill, 1; tarsus, 0.75. Habitat, northern North America. 114 NOTES ON THE PHALAROPLS TRICOLOR (Vieillot). (224 ) WILSON'S PHALAROPE. Of all the shore birds which are ever seen about our ponds and numerous lakes, Wilson's Phalarope is the most beautiful. Reaching the lower borders of the State by the 25th of April, they gradually spread over its whole extent where the food- conditions invite them, and after about three weeks, build their nests in canebrakes. and reed-embraced pools, in close prox- imity to those of several other species of water birds. The nests are constructed of fine reeds, grass, and invariably a little moss, — sometimes principally of moss with no reeds and but little grass, and is a loose structure, placed on a hummock of moss, or in a tussock of reeds or grass. They contain three to four olivaceous-drab colored eggs, splotched all over with large spots of dark umber. These colors vary exceedingly in different specimens. The young are following the parent by the third week in June, and are full grown by the first week in August. They remain but little later than the other Phalaropes in the autumn generally, although not very infrequently individuals have been obtained in October. Their chief food seems to be mollusca, but embraces excep- tionally nearly everything eaten by the other Phalaropes. and the different species of Snipe. Their habits are so occult that it is no easy task to observe them. Wading about in a busy, contented manner in a shal- low pool, picking out its food nimbly, and unerringly, or creeking a note repeatedly that is much more easily learned than writtet, they seem the embodiment of beauty, grace, and absolute contentment amidst the humblest circumstances of en- vironment. A good number of these birds have found their way into the difierent taxidermal and scientific collections in the State, in different stages of developement. and many more find their way into the markets in snipe season during fall shooting. My greatest diffuculty in getting the eggs of this species into my records rightly has been the popular confounding of the birds with the "snipes." I have insisted upon the bird accom- panying the nests and eggs until in two instances I have at- tained certainly, and in one fairly so, although I have never had the great pleasure of securing them myself. Their local breeding habits are above any question. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 115 SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Larger than either of the other Phalaropes; bill, slender, fattened; wings, long; tail, short; legs, moderate; tarsus, com- pressed; plumage very compact; head above and neck behind, light ashy; wide stripe behind the eye, reddish-black; neck be- fore, and wide stripe running upwards onto the back, bright red- dishbrown, darker on the sides of the neck; back, wings, and tail, cinereous; darkest on the wings, and mixed with reddish on the back; rump, and upper tail coverts, white; entire under parts white, except the neck before, which is pale reddish; bill and legs, black. Length, 9.50; wing, 5.50; tail, 2.25; tarsus, 1.25. Habitat, temperate North America. Family RECURVIPvOSTIilD^. RECURTIROSTRA AMERICANA Gmelin. (225.) AMERICAN AVOCET. These waders are less abundant in Minnesota than in either of the Dakotas, but I have met them in their spring migrations almost uniformly, and in small flocks occasionally in the autumn. They arrive about the first week in May, sometimes a little earlier, and mostly disappear in a few days, the majority going either farther north, or west into the states mentioned, where the general conditions are more favorable for their food. Except in San Diego, California, I have found them mostly about the shores of small lakes in dry sections, many of them sandy, and without much if any timber. Nearly every dryland lake has somewhere along its outline a marshy, muddy border that affords just the kind of condition most likely to be charged with an abundance of larvee and worms which constitute their chief diet. However, during migration and the interval be- tween their arrival and the nesting, I have found them along the borders of running water, and the sandy, stony shores of large lakes like Minnetonka, but only in pairs. At these times they are not infrequently associated with the Stilts. The only nest that I ever saw was on the shore, perhaps not more than a yard from the water, and consisted of little more than a moderate depression in the dry earth between tussocks of coarse grass, with some fragments of grass and weeds laid loosely around it. It contained four eggs the ground color of which was an olivaceous-drab, but varying in intensity in the 116 NOTES ON THE entire clutch, and marked very distinctly with different shades of brown. They are less frequently seen in the fall than in the spring, and are all gone sometime before the frost has cut off their supply of food. Since my first records of this species I have been told that several specimens have been seen along the Minnesota bottoms during summer, leaving a reasonable presumption that they breed there limitedly; and rumor makes them occasionally seen at the same season along the Red river in the vicinity of Moor- head, but with how much assurance of being correct I cannot say. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill rather long, depressed: wings long; legs long; tarsi com- pressed; tail short; head and neck pale reddish-brown, darker on the head, fading gradually into white; back, wings, coverts and quills, black; scapulars, tips of greater wing, coverts, rump and tail, and entire under parts, white, the last fre- quently tinged with reddish; bill brownish-black; legs bluish. Length, 17; wing, 9; tail. 3.50; commissure, 3.75; tarsus. 3.50. Habitat. Temperate North America. HLHANTOPrS MEXICANTS (Muller). (226.) BLACK-NECKED STILT. This wader has as nearly the same history in Minnesota as the Avocet as any description could make it. Arriving simul- taneously, they are found essentially in the same localities, and breeding alike as to nesting and feeding. However. I will say that this species is found more abundantly represented in those places where the Avocets are least, and quite as well represented in their main breeding locations on the Red river. I have never seen its nest "in situ," but the eggs I have seen. They are pale brownish-olive, and covered with dark brown splotches, varied with lighter brown. Mr. Lewis reports them common along the Red river from spring till late in October. Mr. Washburn does not mention them at either that section, or at MilleLacs Mr. Treganowan notes them at Kandiyohi, and in Grant county in limited num- bers, but not in the breeding season. It is quite evident that migrants from the north in September, distribute themselves over sections that are not visited by birds breeding here. It is very sure that none have ever been observed in those .sec- tions at other times than those of migrations. A few have been seen at Duluth on Lake Superior (Laurie), and others in BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 117 Le Sueur county, (sent to this city for mounting), and they get into the Snipe market occasionally in the fall. The latest date at which 1 have any record of seeing them is October 15th, (1874). SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Legs very long and slender; wings long; large space in front of the head, spot behind the eye, and entire under parts, white, frequently with a very pale reddish tinge; head above, neck behind, back and wings, glossy black; rump and tail white, the latter frequently tinged with ashy; bill black; legs red, Length, 14; wing, 8.50; tarsus, 4; tail, 3; commissure, 3. Habitat. Temperate North America. Note. The Black-necked Stilts are much more common in Minnesota than I formerly supposed, breeding in general sec- tions in which the Avocets breed as evidenced by their presence during the entire season of nidilication. After they disperse to breed, they are seldom seen except by those speci- , ally devoted to the critical study of their specific habits, and then very infrequently as they are much devoted to their special duties, and as it is well known that the male assumes equal responsibility in covering the eggs in the intervals of the absence of the female, and as the young are cared for much longer than many other species look after theirs, their vigi- lance in maintaining great secrecy would add greatly to the difficulties in finding their nests. I have never seen it, but the eggs have been sent to me under circumstances under which I could have no doubt of them, and corresponded to the descrip- tions of the acknowledged authorities. Family SCOLOPACID^. PHILOHELA MINOR (Gmelin). (228.) AMERICAN WOODCOCK. As early as the full tide of the Duck migration reaches us. the Woodcock is here, and invariably in small parties of five or six, rarely more. At this time it will be found in the low brushlands bordering heavier growths on the southern side. I have no record of its arrival earlier than the last week in March, when it was obtained by Mr. J. C. Bailey near Whale Tail lake, in the western part of Hennepin county, at a spot long known to him as a favorite one for the Woodcocks. He discovered it by having observed it about the same date in former years, and being on the alert for its first arrival, watched for it at twilight in the morning. Its habits are so well known to sportsmen, that it would be time unprofitably spent to refer to most of them here, but for the fact that all 118 NOTES ON THE who are interested in the natural history survey of Minnesota are not sportsmen. It is essentially a nocturnal bird, beginning its movements in search of food at the early twilight and ter- minating them only at the opening day. As the food consists of animalcules, insects and worms chiefly, and the bill is long, slim and slender, it must find pools of stagnant water, and soft, muddy soil in which to secure it. When visiting such localities, the boriugs of their bills in soft mucky places, will often attract the experienced eye, and result in the early capture of a brace of these birds. Often times during the spring and summer, I have determined their presence in some favored locality by hearing their notes in the night. These consist of several forms or variations, the principal ones of which are more nearly expressed by chip-ah, chip-ah, chip, and another some- what resembling tweet, tiveet, tweet-ah, ticeet-ah, dc. If not already mated when they reach this latitude, thej^ are soon after, for by the fifth to the tenth of April the nests are constructed, and the eggs laid. These arc from three to four in number, of a creamy-drab, with a little shade of olivaceous, more or less spotted with reddish-brown and lilac. Both sexes participate in the sacrifices of incubation, and vie with each other in faithfulness to the eggs and young, the latter being fed by them until about full grown I think the new family re- mains unbroken till their southern migration has taken place, unless broken by their destruction. I have found them as late as the fifteenth of October, yet I am satisfied that this is exceptionally late for the larger part of them. In every respect the Woodcock is unique. In struct- ure, it certainly is so remarkable that the commonest observer would at once recognize it. No other bird has its eyes so near the top of its head, a characteristic so marked as to lead to the identity by anyone who ever saw a plate of it, or even had read a popular description of it. Its nocturnal habits are such that it may be comparatively abundant in a given locality without the slightest suspicion of its presence, until familiar with its "borings" which may be numerous in the immediate vicinity of the residence. For years this was the case with a family residing near the banks of the Mississippi, within the limits of this city. The borings had yearly been noticed near the stable and attributed to worms, while the bird tracks asso- ciated with them were credited to snipe that came to feed upon them. As soon as an intimation of their real origin came to the gentleman residing there, he began a series of careful BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 119 observations resulting in the discovery of several nests within a hundred yards of his barn. For as much as five years after the observation of the borings, part of which passed before his knowledge of their real cause, these birds returned to the same place, but new nests were constructed each season. He was able to secure me all the eggs of Woodcock that I desired, and allowed me full opportunity to share all his observations during the last year of their return. The extension of the * streets of the city demanding the removal of the barn, thicket, and the soft, mucky springhole, put an everlasting end to their return. One of the nests alluded to seemed to have been constructed entirely of leaves, while another had a large mix- ture of dried grasses. Still, in the larger number of instances it consists only of leaves, with very little attempt at architec- ture. The choice of the place for the nest is perhaps more commonly a meadow rather than a thicket, and in a clump of small willows, alders or birches, wherein are accumulated many leaves of the previous year out of which to construct them. The period of incubation is fourteen days. That time is made equal to a much longer one, by the circumstances of the male occupying the nest in the absence of the female to pro- cure herself food. It was remarkable to me to see how tena- ciously the sitting bird would cling to the nest in the immediate presence of danger, allowing me to almost reach it with my hand before slipping off and flying away. At other than the time of incubation, they shift their feeding grounds in what appears a most capricious manner, but really under the indica- tions of the weather, a circumstance familiar to expert Wood- cock hunters. Their flight is spirited and rapid, and attended with a twittering note that is very characteristic. They have a remarkable habit of poising a moment on their wings when they have been flushed, in which position they are pretty sure of death from the sportsman's shot, if he is accustomed to shooting Woodcock, and it is the only position in which any one except an expert will be likely to harm them, for they drop out of sight as if killed when they disappear again. They are rapid runners and hard to flush the second time, but will stand for a dog to point as long as almost any other bird in the sportsman's calendar. During the latter part of the summer, they disappear until early in September, or even a little later, it being their moulting season, when it is nearly impossible to find them, indeed I must say that I have never quite satisfied myself where they go, 9z 120 NOTES ON THE But when they return in that month, instead of affecting the former localities, they are generally found in cultivated fields, amidst corn, grain shocks, etc., and occasionally in ditches in the meadows. Itinerant collectors have failed to contribute any information about this species in other sections of the State, and I am left to sportsmen for facts concerning their local distribution. Through them I have ascertained that while nowhere extremely abundant, it is found in all sections favorable for their securing food. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill long, compressed, punctured and corrugated near the end; upper mandible longest, and fitted to lower at the tip; wings moderate, first three quills very narrow; tail short; legs moderate; eyes inserted unusually distant from the bill; occi- put with three transverse bands of black, alternating with three others of pale, yellowish rufous; upper parts of the body variegated with pale ashy, rufous, or yellowish-red of various shades, and black; large space in front, and throat, reddish- ashy; line from the eye to the bill, and another on the neck below the eye, brownish-black; entire under parts pale rufous, brighter on the sides and under wing coverts; quills ashy- brown; tail feathers, brownish-black, tipped with ashy, darker on the upper surface, paler and frequently white on the under; bill light brown, paler and yellowish at the base; legs pale reddish; iris brown. Length, 11; wing, 5.25; tail, 2.25; tarsus. 1.25. Habitat, eastern province of North America, north to Brit ish provinces, west to Dakota, Kansas, etc. GALLINAGO DELICATA (Ord). (230.) WILSON'S SNIPE. In the last days of February, some sixteen years ago, the Ducks, Geese, and this species of Snipe came into this latitude as unseasonably as the farmers commenced sowing their wheat. And cold as several "snaps" were subsequently, none of these species left the country, appearing constantly afterwards on the fields and in the marshes where the waters were open. The Snipes are usually either preceded by the Geese and Ducks somewhat, or being quite nocturnal in their habits, are overlooked for more or less time after their arrival, which is probably the case. Excepting the spring mentioned, and another in which they were observed on the 27th of March, they have never come under my notice, nor have they been re- ported to me by others before the first of April. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 121 They come in small parties that resort to the ponds, and are found in the meadows late in May, more frequently in pairs than in these small flocks of half a dozen. A few are occasion- ally seen as late as the 15th of May, but the most have disap- peared by the end of the last week of April, or the first of May. Sportsmen insist that they belong in Kandiyohi county, but I do not fully credit the statement, although the lateness of the date on which they have come under my own observation here, make such a fact possible, especially in the northwestern portions of our territory. No nests have yet been reported within our borders. They return here in flocks of twenty to thirty, or even more sometimes, about the 25th of August. These flocks are gradually augmented until hundreds may be flushed on their favorite feeding grounds by the 25th of Sep- tember. Mr. Washburn found them abundantly represented everywhere in favorable localities in the Red river valley, from October 10th till the 25th, (when he left there), and Dr. Hvoslef reports them in Fillmore county, November 8, (1885). Mr. Lewis was always confident that a few remain in the south- western section of the State all winter. The latest that any have been seen in Hennepin county (latitude 45), is November 12th, 1868. Their habits while here are too well known to need any description. Since writing the above, many circumstantial proofs have reached me that this species does breed considerably within our limits, and I shall hope that before this report is finally closed, I shall be fully assured that such is the case, for everybody in general believes so. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill long, compressed, flattened, and slightly expanded towards the tip, pustulated in its terminal half; wings rather long; legs moderate; tail short; entire upper parts brownish- black, every feather spotted and widely edged with light rufous, yellowish, or ashy-white; back and rump transversely barred and spotted with the same; a line from the base of the bill over the top of the head, throat and neck before, dull reddish-ashy; wing feathers marked with dull brownish-black; other under parts white, with transverse bars of brownish- black on the sides, axillary feathers, under wing coverts, and under tail coverts; quills brownish-black; outer edge of first primary white; tail glossy brownish-black, widely tipped with bright rufous, paler at the tip, and with a subterminal narrow band of black; outer tail feathers paler, frequently 122 NOTES ON THE nearly white, and barred with black throughout their length; bill brown, yellowish at base and darker towards the end; legs dark brown; iris hazel. Length, 10.50; wing. 5; tail, 2.25; bill, 2.50; tarsus. 1.25. Habitat, Temperate North America. MACRORHAMPHIS SCOLOPAC El S (Say). (232.) LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER. The migrations of this Snipe do not materially differ in any respect from Wilson's. If anything, it is habitually the more abundantly represented, especially in the fall migrations. Some- times they reach us simultaneously with the earlier Ducks, but more frequently they are in spring a little later. They tiy very compactly, and are thus slaughtered in great numbers for the market in the autumn. In the absence of positive proof I nevertheless believe that they breed here more or less, as they are occasionally met with until late in July when they are moulting, and seek the most secluded and unapproachable places. Scarcely a season passes in which I do not meet a few solitary individuals in my own county, and wherever I go I get the same report. It is often well into October before the last of them are gone. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Rather smaller than the preceding; bill long, compressed, flattened, and expanded towards the end where it is punctula- ted and corrugated; wing rather long, shaft of first primary strong; tail short, legs rather long; upper parts variegated with dark ashy, pale reddish and black, the latter predomi- nating on the back; rump and upper tail coverts white, the latter spotted and barred transversely with black; under parts pale ferruginous-red. with numerous points and circular spots of brownish-black on the neck before, and transverse bands of the same on the sides and under tail coverts; axillary feathers and under wing coverts white, spotted and transversely barred with black; quills brownish-black, shaft of first primary white; tail brownish-black, with numerous transverse bands of ashy white, frequently tinged with ferruginous, especially on the two middle feathers; bill greenish-black; legs dark greenish-brown. Length, 10; wing, 5.75; tail, 2.25; bill, 2.25; tarsus, 1.25. Habitat, Mississippi Valley and Western Province of North America. Note. After Dr. Coues had spoken so emphatically in the rejection of the specific name of this species, in his Birds of the Northwest, p. 477, and upon what seemed to be the best of reasons, I am not a little surprised to find it adopted by the American Ornithological Union. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 123 The extreme variations in the measurements of individuals of the same species amongst the Limicoline birds is too well known to be questioned, but fifty against one settles it till another forty-nine shall arise to help him fight his battle over. The tinkering with the nomenclature of the birds has been the terror of the tyros. MICROPALAMA HIMANTOPUS (Bonaparte). (233.) STILT SANDPIPER. This Sandpiper was one of the first of my trophies in my early collections in the then Territory of Minnesota. In years after- wards, I had made many a collecting tour before I had this bird in hand again. Since then for some twenty-five years, it has been my good fortune to meet them many times, but not every sea- son of migration, nor even every year, and they are never com- mon. Coming to us in the night, as do all of the scolopaceous birds, they are easily overlooked for some time after their arrival in most cases, but through the long series of observa- tions I have recorded, I find that they have come under my notice on the average about the fifth of April. They remain but a short time before the last have disap peared in a further northward movement. They come in small flocks, and keep mostly about shallow ponds, and along the smaller streams flowing through the marshes, but I have found them on the sandy beaches of some of the larger lakes on several occasions. Their food while here does not difller from that of most other species of the family. They are shy, and exceedingly vigilant, making it no easy matter to get them. By the last week in August they begin to return to us in appreciably larger numbers, and remain until about the first of November. I have no record later than October 27th. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Legs long, slender; toes slender, united at base with web, the outer of which is the larger; hind toe small; bill long, some- what arched, slender, much compressed, expanded and flat- tened at the tip, which is minutely punctulated and corrugoied, pointed; tail short, middle feathers longest, outer feathers frequently longer than the next, under coverts long; lower half of tibia naked; upper parts brownish- black, nearly all the feathers edged with ashy-white and yellowish-red; narrow band from above the eye to the occiput, bright brownish-red, inclosing the brownish- black of the top of the head; spot on the ears the same red; rump and upper tail coverts white, with transverse narrow stripes and pointed spots of brownish black; 124 NOTES ON THE under parts ashy-white, tinged with pale reddish, with numer- ous longitudinal stripes of brownish -black on the neck, and transverse stripes of the same on the other under parts; axil- lary feathers white; under wing coverts ashy- white; bill and legs greenish-black. Length, 9; wing, 5.25; tail, 2.25; bill, 1.75; tarsus, 1.75. Habitat, Eastern Province of North America. TRINGA CANUTUS L (234.) KNOT. There have been two or three years in succession when I failed to find this rather rare Sandpiper, followed by as many more when I wo aid get one or two of them, but for the last ten years I find more of them in the market, brought ' ' from beyond the Big Woods," than I find anywhere else. They are found single in the spring migrations, or at most in pairs, but in the late summer and fall they are invariably mingled with other species. Their stay is very short in the spring, but in the fall they remain until November. There is little in their habits while with us to distinguisli them from the other members of the family. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill straight, rather longer than the head, compressed and slightly enlarged at the tip; upper mandible with the nasal groove extending to near the tip; legs moderate; tibia with its lower third naked; neck, moderate; wing, long; tail, short; toes, free at base, flattened beneath, widely margined, hind toe small jand slender; entire upper parts light gray, with lanceolate, inear and irregular spots of black, and others pale-reddish; ^ump and upper tail coverts white, with transverse narrow bands and crescent shaped spots of black; under parts light brownish-red, paler in the middle of the abdomen; under tail coverts, tibial feathers, flanks, axillary feathers, and under wing coverts white, generally with spots and transverse bars of brownish-black; quills brownish-black with their shafts white; tail, light brownish-cinereous without bars or spots, all the feathers edged with white, and frequently with a second sub edging of dark-brown; bill, brownish-black; legs, greenish black. Length, 10; wing, 6.50; tail, 2.50, commissure, 1.50; tarsus 1.25. Habitat, nearly cosmopolitan. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 125 TRINGA MACULATA Vieillot. (239.) PECTORAL SANDPIPER. This familiar bird to the sportsmen is a common species dur- ing its migrations, arriving in spring about the 1st of April, or a trifle later, and remaining until about the first week in May. They appear in very small scattered parties, or singly. While with us they seem to become paired, as in shooting one, another one is almost sure to flush, and quite certain to be if hunted with a dog, when the two are found to represent opposite sexes. They are usually found on dry meadows near to that which is somewhat wet, and their food is principally crickets in spring, interlarded with various dry-land larvae, small beetles and ground worms. In the fall the grasshoppers are first chosen, after which crickets and whatever other insects prevail at the season. They remain almost unobserved by any one except the sportsman until about the 20th of October before moving away southward, but are not all gone very quickly then. Never really abundant, but uniformly fairly common in their migrations, and now well known to breed in nearly all portions of the State to some extent. It was not until I had been on a close lookout for their local habits in this respect for many years that I obtained a nest with three eggs, in the neighbor- hood of Herman. Having often seen some of these birds in the market in June, in the earlier years of my residence here, I could have no doubts of their breeding here, and I had read in the Pacific Railroad Reports that "This species has been as- certained to breed abundantly in Wisconsin by Professor T. Kumlein, an energetic cultivator of zoological science, now resident in that state," when I was directed to the locality where the birds had been observed by a hunting friend of mine. It was no small task to find the nest, but the reward was amply satisfactory. It was placed directly on the ground, which was hollowed out somewhat, and consisted of a small quantity of dried grass, loosely disposed, and containing three eggs, col ored yellowish-gray with spots of amber thickly scattered around the larger end. Since then. I have received satisfac- tory assurances that they have been found by others in several sections of the State. Their habits, and their relative num- bers, make observations of them during the incubating season extremely difficult. 126 NOTES ON THE SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill rather longer than head, compressed, slightly depressed, and expanded at the tip; nasal groove long; wings long; legs rather long; tibia with nearlj^ its lower half naked; toes free at base, flattened underneath, and slightly margined; tail rather short; middle feathers pointed; entire upper part brownish - black, all the feathers edged and tipped with ashy and brown- ish red; rump and upper tail coverts black, some of the outer feathers of the latter edged with white; line from the bill over the eye ashy- white; throat, abdomen, under wing coverts, axil- liary feathers, and under tail coverts white; breast and neck before, ashy white, all the feathei's darker at the base and with partially concealed lanceolate or pointed spots of brown- ish-black; quills brownish-black; shaft of first primary white, of the others brown; secondaries tipped and edged with white; tertiaries edged with dull reddish-yellow; bill and feet dark greenish-black. Length, 9; wing. 5.25; tail, 2.50; bill to gape, 1.12; tarsus, 1. Habitat, North America. TRINGA BAIHDII (Coues). (241.) BAIRD'S SANDPIPER. In the spring of 1875, Dr. T. S. Roberts stated that he had obtained several specimens of this species, since which time they have been collected by different parties on many occasions. Mr. J. Ransom of Pelican lake, has sent several in the flesh, all of which were spring birds, in good plumage. There is no doubt of their habitual migrations through the State, and in considerable numbers in the fall, reaching the upper counties early in August, and passing on below, in the latter part of September. They are said to breed in Alaska, The description of the species, of the habits of which I know nothing. I quote from "Birds of the Northwest" by Coues. Adult Male. "Bill wholly black, small and slender, slightly shorter than the head, just as long as the tarsus, or as the middle toe and claw, slightly expanded or lancet shaped at the end, the point acute; grooves long, narrow, deep; feathers on side of lower mandible evidently reaching further than those on upper. Upper parts brownish-black (deepest on the rump and middle upper tail coverts, and lightest on the neck behind), each feather bor- dered and tipped with pale brownish-yellow, the tipping of the scapulars broader and nearly white, their margining broad and brightest in tint, making several deep scollops towards the shafts of the feathers. Only the outer series of upper tail BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 127 coverts on each side varied with whitish. Middle tail-feathers brownish-black, the others plain gray with paler margins. Jugulum tinged with light, dull yellowish-brown, spotted and streaked with illy-defined blackish markings, as are also the sides under the wings. Throat and other under parts white, unmarked. Feet black like the bill. "Length, 7^; extent, 15^; wing, 4.9; bill, 0.85; tarsus and middle toe and claw the same. " TRINGA MINUTILLA Vieillot. (242. ) LEAST SANDPIPER. Abundant everywhere in Minnesota during the migrations. The numbers greatly reduced about the first week in May, but no time during the remainder of the season when there is not a fair representation until after the first sharp frosts. They reach the locality where I live, about the 20th of April, in backward seasons still later. Their first appearance here is in flocks of ten to fifteen, which after about ten days more, grow steadily less in numbers until the species entirely disappears as flocks. There is no week in all the summer when at least one indivi- dual may not be seen in the course of a day's collecting in the marshes, amongst the muddy, or sandy shored ponds and sloughs, or along the pebbly beach of a clear pure lake. Never more than one at a time until in August, when the num- ber increases from time to time, until by the 20th, they are seen in considerable flocks. Of course they are breeding, but just where, how, and when, are the unanswered questions still pending. Four eggs were brought to me in 1880, said by the kindly donor to be those of the Least Sandpii)er, and I guess that they were, but how am I to knoiu? The bird which covered them had not been secured. They answered the description, " Buffy-yellow, thickly spotted with brown and drab." But there are others that have all of these characteristics. I am not certain that I have ever seen the eggs of this species. But I do not hesitate to say that the Least Sandpiper breeds nearly everywhere in the State. Dr. Hvoslef reports the species present at Lanesboro late in May, and on the 4th of August, 1879. Mr. Washburn, who visi- ted the Red river valley on the 28th of July, 1885, and re- mained until the 12th of September, found them at Orookston "in muddy fields, and on plowed ground, over which water was standing; and again at Mud lake." He further remarlcs 128 NOTES ON THE ' ' they were very tame and could be shot at again and again, returning to the same place, and walking unconcernedly about on the mud among their dead and dying comrades, perfectly oblivious in their search for food, of the author of so much destruction." And I could add similar reports from other localities if they were needed. The flocks increase in size until they are driven away by the cold, but they never assume the proportions which they do on the sea coast. The above was written in 1880, since which the bird, eggs and nest have been added to my personal collections, and obtained by several col- lectors. The nest is located on dry knolls, or sand dunes near the shore of a pond, and consists of a hollow in the friable soil, into which is placed a moderate quantity of dried grass. There are four pretty, creamy eggs, dotted and blotched with dark-brown more pronounced near the larger end. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. The smallest of all known species of this group found in North America; bill about as long as the head, slightlj" curved towards the end, which is verj^ slightly expanded; grooves in both mandibles to near the tip; wing long; tertiaries nearly as long as the primaries; tail short, middle feathers longest, outer feathers frequently longer than the intermediate; legs long; lower third of the tibia naked; toes long, slender, mar- gined, and flattened beneath; hind toe small; upper parts with nearly every feather having a large central spot of brownish- black, and widely margined with ashy and bright brownish-red; rump and middle of the upjier tail coverts, black; outer cpverts white, spotted with black; stripe over the eye, throat, and breast. i)ale ashy-white, with numerous small longitudinal spots of ashy-brown; abdomen and under tail coverts, white; quills, dark brown, with the shafts of the primaries white; tertiaries edged with reddish; middle feathers of the tail, brownish-black; outer feathers light ashy- white; uuder surface of wing, light brownish-ashy, with a large spot of white near the shoulder; axillary feathers, white; bill and legs, greenish-brown, the latter frequently yellowish-green. Length, 5.50 to 6; wing, 3.50 to 3.75; tail, 1.75; bill to gape, 0.75; tarsus, 0.75. Habitat, North and South America. EREINETES PISILLUS (L.). (246.) SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER. A regular migrant, reaching the section where I reside about the 25th of April, intimately associated with the Least Sandpip- ers, they remiin about the smaller lakes and ponds for a short time, and disappear so much like that species after three or BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 129 four weeks, that I strongly suspect that while they principally go farther north to breed, some remain to do so with us. For evident reasons already mentioned, if such is the case, there is little occasion for surprise that the nests have not been discovered. Their constant note, repeated in a subdued tone, tioeet, tweet, is similar to that of the other species. Indeed, all their habits are indistinguishable, and I am compelled to have the bird in my hands to identify it with any feeling of certainty SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill about the length of the head, rather thicker than usual in this group; both mandibles somewhat expanded and flattened at the tip, and minutely punctulated as in the genera Scolopax and Gallinago; wings, long; legs, moderate, rather slender; toes united at the base by a membrane which is large, between the outer and middle toes, extending to the first joint; hind toe small; tail, short, with the middle feathers longest; outer feathers frequently longer than the third, presenting a doubly emarginate character to the tail; under coverts nearly as long as the tail; upper parts, light brownish-ashy, with lanceolate or ovate spots of brownish-black in the middle of the feathers; rump and upper tail coverts, black; front, band of the eye. and entire under parts, ashy-white, with small spots on the breast of ashy-brown; quills, brownish-black, lighter on their inner webs, and with their shafts white; middle feathers of the tail, brownish-black; outer feathers, pale brownish- ashy; under wing coverts and axillaries, white; bill, greenish-black; feet dark, the lower parts of the tarsus and toes, frequently tinged with yellow; upper part in summer, mixed with light reddish; iris, brown. Length, 6.50; wing, 3.75; tail. 1.75; bill from gape, 0.75; tarsus, 0.75 to 1. Habitat, Eastern Province of North America. CALIDRIS ARENARIA (L ). (248.) SANDERLING. The Sanderling has long been a common bird on the sea coasts, and I had not expected to be permitted to list it in Min nesota, when Mr. W. L. Tiffany (then a resident of this city and enthusiastically interested in birds) brought me an adult male in the spring of 1875. Since then I have found it a rather regular visitor in both migrations, but some years I am confl dent that they fail to appear, or in one of the migrations at least. They are never numerous, but come to us about the middle of April in company with the Sandpipers and Snipes. It is usual to find them mating to some extent while here, but they 130 NOTES ON THE are soon gone afterwards. An individual I obtained in July- suggests the possibility of a few breeding here. All prejudged conclusions as to the breeding limits of species are valueless. And when emanating from persons assuming to be authori ties in the matter they are often unjust to earnest, ambitious young naturalists by reflecting shadows of doubt upon their best work. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. No hina toe; front toes moderate or rather long, flattened underneath; distinctly margined with a membrane; bill rather longer than the head, straight, rather thick; ridge of upper mandible flattened; nasal groove deep and nearly as long as the upper mandible, not so distinct in the lower; both mandibles widened and flattened at the tip; aperture of the nostril large and covered with a membrane; wing long; tail short, with the middle feathers longest; under coverts as long as the tail; legs moderate; lower third of the tibia naked; upper parts light ashy with lanceolate, hastate and ovate spots of brownish black on top of the head, on the back, scapulars and shorter quills; rump and upper tail coverts with fine transverse lines of black; under parts pure white; shoulders brownish-black without spots; quills brownish black with their shafts white and much paler on the inner webs; greater wing coverts widely tipped with white; middle feathers of tail ashy-brown, edged with white; outer feathers paler; bill and legs greenish-black; sexes alike; iris brown. Length, 8; wing, 5; tail, 2; bill, 1; tarsus, 1. Habitat, nearly cosmopolitan. LIMOSA FEDOA (L.). (249.) MARBLED GODWIT. Fairly common for a few days in early Maj', these larger birds of the Scolopacidse family are with us but a short time in their migrations, especially in the spring. They are already paired when they come in most cases, and are seldom found in anything like flocks at this time, but when they return about the 15th of August, or the 20th, as occurs more frequently per- haps, they are generally in parties of five or six, rarely more. They remain in autumn until the 20th of September if no severe frosts appear, in which case they are all gone the next morn- ing early, taking to wing before the dawn. Specimens were not uncommon in the shops and private cabinets of !St. Paul thirty years ago, and may still be found as common in the museums of the academies and educational institutions from the State University through. It is somewhat irregular in BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 131 respect to the lines of its passage through Minnesota, failing to put in an appearance on some for two or three seasons in succession, in one or the other migration, and appearing by a fair representation in others. Mr. Holzinger does not give them in the list of the Normal School collection and Mr. Washburn makes no mention of them in theRed river valley. On the undulating prairie lying be- tween the Minnesota and Mississippi rivers, near Fort Snelling,! formerly found the Marbled Godwit without much uncertainty in its autumnal migrations, rarely however in the vernal. In what is now the northwestern section of the city where I reside there are two or three shallow lakes, between and around which are some rather sterile knolls. On several collecting tramps I found a number of this species on them. At a little distance, those on the highest looked to be much larger than they really were, and were utterly unapproachable except by strategy, as one of the number invariably remained on guard. But when by any means one individual got within shot, and was either killed or crippled, the others would fly within range in their solicitude for the unfortunate one, when a second, usually no doubt the mate, was most likely to share its fate. The first week in September is the golden time for finding them, and they are then much sought for by sportsmen familiar with them. The flesh is very delicious eating. Their stay is too brief for any but the initiated to secure them and when others obtain them it is by the accidence of their association with flocks of more common species. From the uniform late- ness of their arrival in spring, and the early date of their re- appearance in fall, or rather late summer, I hoped to have found their nests long ago, but although I learned indirectly of others having done so in 1864, I had no personal knowledge of them until in the autumn of 1872, when I found three eggs, and what was said to be the male and female associated with them, in the St. Paul Academy's collection. Coues' "Birds of the Northwest" was published two years -afterward, in which he mentions seeing the same, so that it is probable that he saw them before I had done so. and I quote briefly what he says. ' 'The only perfect set of eggs of the Godwit I have seen were taken June 1, 1871, fifty miles northwest of Saint Paul, Minne- sota; both parents were secured and deposited in the Saint Paul Academy, where I examined them; so that the identifica- tion is unquestionable. There are three eggs in this set, measuring 2.30 by 1.60, 2.28 by 1.56 and 2.25 by 1.62. The 132 NOTES ON THE color is a clear, light olivaceous-drab; the markings are small and numerous, but not very strongly pronounced — there is noth- ing (in this set) of the heavy blotching and marking usually seen in wader's eggs. The spots are pretty evenly dis- tributed, though rather larger in two instances, and more numerous in the other instance, about the butt than elsewhere. These markings are of various umber-brown shades, with the usual stone-gray shell spots." Since those days it has been re- ported that several nests have been obtained which I have not seen, and I have had only one brought to me. The nest was described as constructed exclusively of grass, in a superficial excavation in the ground, on a dry prairie about 12 miles southwest of this city, and was found on the 5th of June, 1879. The eggs were three in number and essentially as described above, except that the largest was not quite as long as the longest given, and the shortest was a trifle shorter than the shortest, while of the same width. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill long, curved upwards, both mandibles grooved; wings long; tail short; legs long; tibia with its lower half naked; toes rather short, margined and flattened underneath; the outer and middle toes united by a rather large membrane; entire upper parts variegated with brownish -black and pale-reddish, the former disposed in irregular and confluent bands, and the latter in spots and imperfect bauds; in many specimens the black color predominating on the back, and the pale-red on the rump and upper tail coverts; under parts pale rufous, with transverse lines of brownish-black on the breast and sides; under wing coverts and axillaries rufous; outer webs of primaries dark brown, inner webs light rufous; secondaries light rufous; tail light rufous with transverse bars of brownish- black; bill pale yellowish -red at base, brownish-black at the end; legs ashy -black; iris brown. Length, 18; wing, 9; tail, 3.50; bill, 4 to 5; tarsus, 3. Habitat, North America. LIMOSA H^MASTICA (L.). (251). HUDSONIAN GODWIT. I have never met with this bird in the flesh, but have found it in several collections, leaving no question of its presence in migration. The first instance of its coming under my observation was in t'le collection of Mr. Schroeder, of St. Paul, and subse- quently in Mr. Howling's, of this city. It is found only as BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 133 associated with other flocks of its family, and so far as I have been able to learn, has only been obtained in fall migrations. I know nothing of its habits to distinguish it from the other species of its genus. The description of the species is as follows : SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Smaller than the preceding; bill longer than the head; both mandibles grooved, slightly recurved; wings long; legs mod- erate; membranes uniting the outer and middle toe large. Upper parts brownish- black, with dots and transverse bars of pale reddish on the back; rump brownish-black; upper tail coverts white; wing coverts and shorter quills dark cinereous; primaries brownish black; under parts yellowish-red, with transverse bars of brownish-black on the breast and sides, and under tail coverts, and frequently with the feathers on the abdomen widely tipped with white; tail black with the base white and narrowly tipped with white; under wing coverts and axillary feathers black; shafts of primaries white; bill pale yellowish at base, tip brownish-black; legs bluish-brown; iris brown Length, 15; wing, 8; tail 8; bill, 2.75 to 3.50; tarsus, 2.50. Habitat, eastern, northern and middle America. TOTANUS MELANOLEUCUS (Gmelin). (254.) GREATER YELLOW-LEGS. This bird is a typical wader, being almost constantly in the puddles, pools and ditches in spring, in quest of its food, found mostly in those places. They rarely resort to strands and sandy beaches except in passing from one of the former localities to another. It is gen- erally about the 10th of April, when they appear about our ponds and muddy lakes in considerable numbers, for a time, and then disappear until the latter part of August when they come back in force. In their fall migration, they not only remain longer but resort in large flocks to the fields, where wheat and corn have been grown, in which they find an abun- dance of larvae, worms, and various species of insects in large numbers. They are the terror of the sportsman, for as soon as they discover anything suggestive of a man or a gun, they set up a loud, shrill noise that awakens every game bird in the region for a quarter of a mile around in all directions. The "quack" by the ducks as they take to wing before having seen any danger themselves, is the unwelcome farewell to the next hour's sport. It takes no ordinary measure of strategy to bag them after they have once been flushed. 134 NOTES ON THE They remain often into November before taking final leave for the milder latitudes. The Red river country is their abounding region in their migrations, yet there is no section which they do not visit in greater or lesser numbers. I have them abundantly reported from Big Stone lake (Cutter), Her- man, Grant county (Clague), Red River (Washburn). Lanes- boro (Dr. Hvoslef), Lake Shetak (Herrick), Waseca (Everett). Elbow Lake (Sanford). and many other localities indicating their distribution. Mr. Washburn states that when he visited the Red river region late in July and early in August, he found both the Telltales (the sportsman's name for the Yellow- legs), still non-gregarious, only one or two individuals being seen in one place, which hints strongly at their being in prox- imity to their breeding places, for in a very short time after- wards they were seen in considerable flocks on the plowed fields. On August 6th he says "many single birds observed along the Thief river." On the 20th, I found them in large flocks along the Minnesota river, ten to fifteen miles above St Paul. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. • Bill longer than the head, rather slender, curved towards the tip; wings rather long, first quill longest; tail short ;neck and legs long; toes moderate, margined and flattened underneath, con- nected at base by membranes, the larger of which unites the outer and middle toe; hind toe small, claws short, blunt; grooves in both mandibles extending about half their length; entire upper parts cinereous of various shades, dark in many specimens in full plumage, generally light with white lines on the head and neck, and with spots and edgings of dull white on the other upper parts; lower back brownish-black; rump and upper tail coverts white, generally with more or less im- perfect transverse narrow bands of brownish- black; under parts white, with longitudinal narrow stripes on the neck, and transverse crescent, lanceolate and sagittate spots and stripes on the breast and sides; abdomen pure white: quills brownish- black with a jiurplish lustre, shaft of first primary white; sec- ondaries and tertiaries tipped, and marked with transverse bars and spots of ashy-white; tail white, with transverse nar- row bands of brownish-black, wider and darker on the two mid- dle feathers; bill brownish-black, lighter at the base; legs yellow; iris dark brown. Length. 14; wing. 7.50 to 8; tail. 3.25 to 3 50; bill, 2.25; tar- sus, 2.50. Habitat, America generally. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 135 TOTANUS FLA.VIPES (Gmelin). (255.) YELLOW-LEGS. From the first to the tenth of April the Yellow-legs appear about the shallow pools and muddy ponds in small parties. In these they wade about constantly for hours at a time when unmolested, and when driven to wing, fly very swiftly away in an irregular, Snipe-like manner, making a loud, whistling note, illy adapted to concert melody. Their flight is wonder- fully compact, the flock moving as if by one impulse through all the gyrations incident to indecision where next to go, which however often results in their return to the same pool when the gunner has concealed himself effectually. From the repeated observation of this phenomenon in many species of bird life, I am convinced that in such cases only the individual leading the flock takes the least cognizance of their surround- ings, all others maintaining an instinctive attention to the mo- tions of the leader alone. If by an exceptionally sudden sur- prise the flock is momentarily deranged, in an instant the former compactness is resumed as if nothing had occurred, which would be impossible upon any other conceivable hypo- thesis. The noisy, whistling notes of the species soon becomes familiar to the gunner, which some of them learn to imitate so well, that the deluded flock easily falls into the range of his deadly missile. Their meat is scarcely less palatable than the best of the Snipe kind. By the first of May most of them have gone, probably much further north, to multiply by reproduction and return here again about the first week in September. I know nothing of their nidification habits, and have never seen their eggs under circumstances to describe them. Mr. Washburn, (as have nearly all my correspondents) met with some flocks late in October. He says: — "At Dead lake, Octcber 23d, I saw a few flocks of these birds flying south. They were very tame, and exceedingly fat. Although repeatedly shot at, they would return again to me on my imitating their call." Great numbers of them are usually found in the markets and restaurants at this season, as well as earlier. Most of them have gone southward by the first of November, but I have some records of their remaining until the middle of that month. 10 z 136 NOTES ON THE SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill rather longer than the head, straight, slender, com- pressed; wing long, pointed; tail short; legs, lower half of the tibia naked; toes moderate, slender, margined, the outer and middle united at the base; rump and upper tail coverts white, the latter transversely barred with ashy-brown; the other upper parts ashy, many feathers having large arrowheads and irregular spots of brownish-black, and edged with ashy-white; under parts white, with numerous longitudinal lines on the neck before, and arrowheads on the sides of dark ashy-brown; axillaries and under wing coverts white, with bands of ashy- brown, very indistinct in many specimens, but generally well defined; quills brownish-black; tail ashy white with transverse bands of dark-brown, middle feathers darker; bill greenish- black; legs yellow; iris dark brown. Length, 10 to 11; wing, 6 to 6.50; tail, 2.50; bill, 1.50; tarsus, 2. Habitat, America in general. TOTANUS SOLITARirS (Wilson). (256.) SOLITARY SANDPIPER. This little shorebird reaches us as late as the 10th of May; rarely earlier, and always in pairs. They are at once found running along the shores of ponds, lakes and streams, with very little regard to solitude, as the din of all the vast flouring and saw mills, with trains of cars passing on an average of every ten minutes, to which vastly more confusion should be added, does not in the least disturb them. Their food consists of aquatic insects and their larvae, with minute mollusca enter- ing in to vary the variety. In a short time, or about the 25th of May, they principally disappear, evidently to nest and rear their young, for only a few are seen, and then in unmistakable solitude. This continues until early in August, when they begin to seek the former localities in family parties of from six to eight. As the summer passes into autumn, these families become winged communities of thirty, forty, or more, which increase in size to some extent until they leave, about the first of October. They are universally distributed over the entire State. I have several times had the eggs of this species brought to me, with all but positive assurance that the identification was correct, and I hear of others in the possession of amateur oOlogists, reputedly collected locally, but in the case of the former, the eggs have either been those of the Spotted Sand- pipers, of which I have a full supply of my own collection, or i BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 137 there is no possible distinction between the eggs of the two species. Nothing less than the simultaneous obtaining of the bird with the eggs will satisfy me now. . As in my first remarks respecting the species, I was at a loss to see why it was named Solitary ui^il I learned for myself the difiiculty of finding the birds at all during their breeding. By going to those sections where they are most commonly found at other times, very early in the morning, as I have done many times to observe other birds, I have occasionally seen a single Sandpiper of this species at the season of nesting. Finally I discovered them between sunset and twilight, silently running about as if not far from the rest of the family. Then I resorted to the locality in the middle of the day, and "pros- pected" every square yard of considerable territory, but never yet have been rewarded by the discovery of the nest, or indeed the birds either at such a time. In the early days of August they begin to come out of their hiding places, and are more and more frequently seen as the season advances, until in September they are often on the wing in small flocks which again increase in size until they leave for the winter. I must conclude that the setting bird possesses the same instinct for secreting the nest and eggs which is well known to be shown in other orders of birds. On the approach of an intruder, the bird slips silently off the nest and at once covers it with such debris as surrounds it, and wends a dubious way rapidly to a place of unquestioned safety. I cannot resist the impulse of quoting from Coues' ' 'Birds of the Northwest," page 500, where is to be found an example of his almost peerless genius in the description of the minuter traits of those humbler forms of bird life overlooked by less observing ornithologists, in which this species has his attention until immortalized. He says : "I generally found two or three to half a dozen together; frequently one at a time; occasionally, but not often, upwards of a score, that seemed, however, to be drawn together by their common tastes in the matter of feeding grounds rather than by any gregarious instinct. They are moreover pretty exclusive in their own set; rather declining, than encouraging, familiarity on the part of other waders; though the Peetweets and others sometimes intrude their hoy- denish society upon the more sedate and aristocratic members of the long-legged circle. They should rightly, however, rather embrace than merely endure such company, for they are easy going, contemplative natures, and their sharp-eyed associates 138 NOTES ON THE often do them good service in sounding alarms. These Tattlers indulge on all occasions, a propensity for nodding like Lord Burleigh, or the Chinese Mandarins in front of a tea shop, and when they see something they cannot quite make out, seem to reason with themselves, and finally come to a conclusion in this way; impressing themselves heavily with a sense of their own logic. They go through the bowing exercise with a gravity that may upset that of a disinterested spectator, and yet all through the performance so ludicrous in itself, contrive to pre- serve something of the passive sedateness that marks all their movements. This bobbing of the head and foreparts is the correspondent and counterpart of the still more curious actions of the Spotted Tattlers, or Tip-ups. as they are aptly called from this circumstance; a queer balancing of the body upon the legs, constituting an amusement of which these last named birds are extremely fond. As often as the Tip-up, or Teter- tail, as it is also called, stops in its pursuit of insects, the fore- part of the body is lowered a little, the head drawn in, the legs slightly bent, while the hinder parts and tail are alternately hoisted with a peculiar jerk, and drawn down again with the regularity of clock-work. "The movement is more conspicuous in the upward than in the downward part of the performance; as if the tail were spring-hinged and in constant danger of flying up. needing constant presence of mind to keep it down. It is amusing to see an old male in the breeding season busy with this opera- tion. Upon some rock jutting out of the water he stands, swelling with amorous pride and self-complacency, puffing out his plumage till he looks twice as big as natural, facing about on his narrow pedestal, and bowing with his hindparts to all points of the compass. A sensitive and fastidious person might see something derisive, if not actually insulting in this, and feel as one may be presumed to have felt when the savages who attacked his ship in canoes showed the signs of contuma- ceous scorn that De Foe records. But it would not be worth while to feel offended, since this is only the entirely original and peculiar way the Tip-up has of conducting his courtships." Much has been said of these peculiarities of the Tip-ups, and with much plausibility, but sad to relate, the ornithological ver- dict is still unproclaimed as to what all the wonderful bowings, and waggings, and puffings really are designed to express. Dr. Coues further says: "The solitary Tattlers, that we have lost sight of for the moment, are fond of standing motionless BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 139 in the water when they have satisfied their hunger, or of wading about, up to their bellies, with slow measured steps. If startled at such times, they rise easily and lightly on wing, fly rather slowly a little distance with dangling legs and out- stretched neck, to soon re-alight and look about with a dazed expression. Just as their feet touch the ground, the long, pointed wings are lifted till their tips nearly meet above, and are then deliberately folded. The Esquimaux Curlews and some other birds have the same habit. The Tattlers are usually silent birds, but when suddenly alarmed, they utter a low and rather pleasing whistle as they fly off, or even without moving." SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill rather longer than the head, straight, slender, com- pressed, both mandibles with narrow grooves; wing long, pointed; tail medium or rather short, rounded; legs rather long, slender; lower half of the tibia naked; toes long, the outer united to the middle by a small membrane, flattened under- neath, marginated; upper parts greenish brown with numerous small circular and irregular spots of ashy- white; upper tail coverts darker; under parts white; breast and neck before with numerous longitudinal lines of greenish-brown; sides, axillaries and under wing coverts white with numerous transverse narrow bands of dark greenish-brown; under tail coverts white with a few transverse bands of dark brown; quills brownish-black with a slight bronzed or reddish lustre on the primaries; two middle feathers of the tail greenish-brown; other feathers of the tail pure white with about five transverse bands of brownish- black; bill and legs dark greenish- brown; iris hazel. Length, 8 to 8. 50; wing. 5; tail, 2.25; bill, 1.25; tarsus, 1.25. Habitat, North America. SYMPHEMA SEMIPALMATA (Gmelin). (258.) WILLET. The Willet is a summer resident of Minnesota, reaching this latitude about the 20th of April in sparing numbers; never even com nonly represented, yet quite uniformly so. They mani- festly prefer sandy localities during their entire stay, in which places they are more ordinarily found by collectors, yet they are not confined to such by any means, for I have often dis- covered them in extensive marshes, partly overflown with water, feeding after the manner of the Yellow-legs and other waders. They are paired by the first week in May, and build their nests about the 25th; occasionally a little earlier, but of tener a little later, according to the season. I have seen the 140 NOTES ON THE nest in situ but once, but have reports from several others, with the eggs. I am satisfied if careful search could be made in grant or Otter Tail county in June more could be found than further south, yet, the Willet must breed in occasional instances in the most southern counties, for individuals are seen there during the summer months when they should be breeding, as they reappear in August with their progeny in the northern sections, followed by their increasing presence below, approach- ing the 1st of September. They remain about in families until the latter part of October, when, after uniting the families into small flocks, they move off to some lower latitude (Brazil?) to escape our inclement winters. The nests have been found quite remote from water of any kind on the dry prairie south of the Minnesota river, and in the bottom of that river. It is constituted of grass and weeds, in a tussock of weeds, or grass in some cases, and in others in a hollow in the ground into which they have gathered and arranged very little mate- rial of any kind. They have four pear-sha]ied, pale-olive eggs marked with blotches of various shades of brown, more conflu- ent about the larger end. They are very noisy birds when dis- turbed during the breeding season, uttering vehemently, as near as has yet been expressed, the syllables pil-wilet, it-pilwilet, in shrill cries which arouse all the water fowls in the section in- stantly. Dr. Hvoslef met with these birds on the 26th of April in his section. Mr. Lewis at Big Stone at the same date, and in June in Douglas county, while I myself found them relatively com- mon in Becker and Crow Wing counties in the last week in May (1887). SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. The largest American species of its genus; bill longer than the head, straight, rather thick and strong; groove iu the up- per mandible extending about half its length, in the lower mandible nearly obsolete; wings long; legs long, strong; toes moderate, united at base by membrane, the largest of which unites the outer and middle toe; hind toe small; tail short; en- tire upper parts dark ash color without spots; the shafts of the feathers brownish black; rump and upper tail coverts white; under parts white, tinged with ashy on the neck and sides; ax- illaries and under wing coverts brownish-black; primary quills white at base, tipped with brownish-black; secondaries white, spotted with brownish -black; tail ashy white, the two middle 1 BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 141 feathers strongly tinged with ashy; others spotted with dark ashy-brown; bill dark bluish-brown, lighter at the base; legs light blue; iris brown. Length, 15; wing, 8.25; tail, 3.25; bill, 2.50; tarsus, 2.50. Habitat, Temperate North America. BARTRAMIA LONGICAUDA (Bechstein). (261.) BARTRAMIAN SANDPIPER. Sub-common and resident. Arrives the first week in April in small parties when they are found on the open pastures on dry knolls, after the manner of the plovers. Its habits in these respects confound it with the other species mentioned, hence the popular name of Upland Plover. Sometimes for a short time following their arrival they seem quite common, but by the 10th of May they are manifestly diminishing in numbers, and by the 25th only those which are to breed here are left, the others having mostly passed on further north, and those re- maining having paired, enter upon the structure of their nests and depositing their eggs, which are three to four in number, and vary exceedingly in the shades of color from creamy drab to pure "buff, between which are all gradations of those two colors They are spotted with diiferent degrees of brown and almost obsolete lilac. Pew of the Wading Birds have so wide a range of choice of location for their nest. One many years since was in a closely grazed pasture near a rice marsh in the northwestern part of the city in which I am writing, and was a mere excuse for a structure of the kind, consisting of a pinch of grass blades loosely strung around a slight depression in the ground and partially under a tuft of rank grass where the offal of the preceding year had made the cattle refuse to crop it. Another discovered a few years later, with an incomplete complement of eggs, was on the sandy, high plains west of Fort Snelling, and had no covert, and still less grass distribu- ted around the depression in the ground. Competent observers assure me that they more commonly build close to the hills of corn in the cornfields, where the in- cidental protection leaves them less apparent motive to seek concealment, yet the nest is much more bulky with grass and weeds. Their food, as indicated by the contents of their crops at this time in the year, consists chiefly of crickets, grasshop- pers, small beetles and seeds of different kinds. These kinds of food are abundant at that time of the year. 142 NOTES ON THE In August the families begin to unite in flocks, and some small ones are seen as late as the 1st of November, but as a rule they have all disappeared by the 15th to the 20th of October. Wherever in the State that I have made collections, or only observations, I have almost uniformly obtained facts enough to satisfy me of their presence at least in one migration. Mr. Washburn notes them as common in August in Otter Tail county, as had Mr. Lewis still later in previous years. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill about as long as head, rather wide and flattened at the base, curved at the tip; nostrils with a large membrane, nasal groove long; wing long; tail long for this group; legs moderate, or rather long; lower half of the tibia naked; toes moderate, the outer and middle united by a membrane, inner and middle free to the base, hind toe small; general color of the upper parts brownish-black with a greenish lustre, and with the feathers edged with ashy-white and yellowish, the latter especially on the wing coverts; lower part of back, rump and upper tail coverts brownish-black; lateral coverts of the tail yellowish-white with arrow-heads and irregular spots of black; wide stripe over the eye, and entire under parts very pale yel- lowish-white, nearly pure white on the abdomen; neck before with numerous longitudinal lines of brownish-black; breast and sides with waved and pointed transverse narrow bands of same; axillary feathers and under wing coverts pure white with num- erous nearly regular transverse narrow bands of black; quills brownish-black with numerous transverse bands of white on their inner webs very conspicuous on the under surface of the wing; shaft of first primary white; middle feathers of tail same greenish-brown as the back with irregular and imperfect trans verse bands of black; outer feathers pale reddish yellow, edged and tipped with white, and with several irregular trans- verse bands and a large subterminal arrowhead of black; bill greenish yellow, with the under mandible clearer yellow towards its base, tip brownish-black; legs light yellow; toes darker; iris hazel. Length, 12; wing, 6.50; tail, 3.50. Habitat, eastern North America. TRYNG1TE8 SUBRT FICOLLIS (Vieillot). (262.) BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER. Many times in my prolonged observations of the Sandpipers had I thought that I had secured this species only to find myself disappointed, when some of them were brought in for BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 143 me, which had been secured by a trio of young naturalists* residing in my city This was in August, 1877, since which time I have secured them in June, July and August, in several years, settling the question of their local nidification. They come to us early in April, in numbers enough to show that many must go further north to breed. I have not been able to obtain any information as to their distribution within our limits which extend further north than Grant county, how- ever I think they probably breed in the northern counties to some extent. They are an extremely active species when on the wing, and essentially ploverine in all respects, seeking sandy barren prairies, where they live upon grasshoppers, crickets and insects generally, and ants and their eggs speci- ally. I have found them repasting upon minute molluscs on the sandy shores of small and shallow ponds, in the warmest part of the day, when they were apparently little more sus- picious than the Solitary Sandpipers are notably. The flight is in a rather compact form, dipping and rising alternately, and with a disposition to return again to the neighborhood of their former feeding places. The latest record of their presence here in the autumn which I find in my notes is October 23d. I have not seen their nest or eggs yet. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill about the length of the head, straight, compressed, nar- row at the point; nasal groove long, wings very long; first quill longest; tertiaries rather shorter; tail moderate, or longer than usual in this group; legs rather long; lower third of tibia bare; toes free at base, flattened underneath and slightly margined; hind toe small; upper parts pale and dull ashy-brown, with a yellowish tinge; every feather with a large central lanceolate, crescent shaped, or oblong spot of black, frequently with a glossy- green tinge, especially on the back and shorter ter- tiaries; under parts light yellowish red. or pale-fawn color; many feathers tipped with white, and paler on the flanks and abdomen, on the breast with partially concealed small spots of black; axillary feathers white; quills with their outer webs light- brown, inner webs ashy white, marbled with black, and narrowly tipped with white; middle tail feathers brownish- black; outer feathers lighter, with transverse waved lines of black, tipped with white; bill black; legs greenish-yellow; iris hazel. Length, 7.50 to 8; wing, 5.50; tail,3;bill, from gape 1; tarsus, 1.25. Habitat, North America. *T. S Roberts. C. L. Herrick, R. S. Williams. 144 NOTES ON THE ACTITIS MACULARI4 (L. )• (263.) SPOTTED SANDPIPER. Kennicott found these birds at the Lake of the Woods on the 31st of May, but says nothing of their breeding there, nevertheless, from an acquaintance with their habits over the rest of the State generally, I have no doubt that they were. They reach the southern parts about the second week in April, and in exceptionally early springs, in the last days of March, (1864, )in large numbers, and after distributing themselves universally over the country, so that scarcely a stream of water of any magni- tude from the outlet of a perennial spring in the wilderness, to the Mississippi river, or lake of any size down to a pond or a pool, can be found which has not its representation of the species. About the 25th of April they begin nesting in all sorts of places, from the margins of the water to the depth of the brushlands and forests, wherever they can scratch a hollow in the ground, not already provided, and when they have sparingly lined the depression with grass, moss, or straws of almost any available, flexible material, they deposit in them four yellow- ish-buff colored eggs, blotched and spotted with " umber and sienna" which often becomes confluent on the larger end. Their nests are frequently found in May and June. Several have been discovered in the wheat-fields, and corn-fields near the small lakes south of Minneapolis, and a ramble of a couple of hours in Grant county is rewarded with securing more or less almost uniformly. Dr. Hvoslef obtained them at Lanesboro on the 30th of May, and I have private records as late as July 3d, so there can be little doubt that they bring out two broods, or vary the time of incubation almost unprecedentedly. Early in August the families begin to be seen occasionally, and later flocks, which gradually increase in size till about their time for the fall migration, when they become larger, and are almost constantly on the wing until they are all gone, which is sometimes from October 25th to November 10th. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Small; bill rather longer than head; straight, slender; long grooves in both mandibles; wing pointed, rather long; tail medium, rounded; legs rather long; lower third of tibia naked; toes long, margined, flattened underneath; outer connected to the middle toe by a large membrane; inner very slightly con- nected to the middle toe; upper parts brownish olive-green, BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 145 with a somewhat metallic or bronzed lustre, and with numerous longitudinal lines, and sagittate, lanceolate, and irregular spots of brownish-black, having the same lustre; line over the eye and entire under parts, white, with numerous circular and oval spots of brownish black, smaller on the throat, largest on the abdomen; quills brown, with a green lustre; primaries slightly tipped with white and having a white spot on their inner edges; secondaries white at the base and tipped with white; middle feathers of the tail same green as the other upper parts; outer tipped with white, and with irregular bars of brownish-black; bill yellowish-green, tipped with brown; feet reddish-yellow; iris hazel. Length, 7.50 to 8; wing. 4.50; tail, 2; bill. 1; tarsus, 1. Habitat, North and South America. NUMENIUS LONGIROSTRIS (Wilson). (264.) LONG-BILLED CURLEW. This widely distributed species is nowhere better represented than in Minnesota,* or strictly speaking, in portions of it. They reach this latitude variously from the 20th of March to the first of May. usually about the 10th of April, and about the middle of May they mostly move beyond the Big Woods (re- ferred to previously), whence to the British possessions they breed in different localities. The nests, which I have not personally seen, are said to be in general scolopacine in character, never in communities, and located near, but not on wet lands or marshes as a rule. Not far from the 25th of May, they lay four eggs, * 'clay colored, with more or less olivaceous in some instances, and in others decidedly buffy shade. The spotting is generally pretty uni- formly distributed and of small pattern, though in many cases there is larger blotching and even massing about the great end. The color of the markings is sepia or umber, of different shades in the buffy -tinged specimens, rather tending to chocolate. The shell markings are commonly numerous and evident." (Coues.) Early in August, the young have become strong enough for flight, and small flocks of them begin to be seen in the sections where the breeding has taken place. They gradually extend their range southward with the advance of the season, until by the first or second week in September, they have reached the whole southern portions of the states, while continued acces- * The above was true when written, but the Curlews of this species, once so common, have become less so within the la?t decade, and now, having been driven back from both coasts by civilization, are found in great numbers far inland on the dry plains, where they are killed by scores and hundreds. 146 NOTES ON THE sions from more northern regions have more than filled their former places. By the middle of October, the northern, cen- tral portions, or perhaps I should say, the western central, longitudinal, have very large numbers of these birds, occupy- ing the high or more sandy tracts. These afford them an abundance of their favorite food, the grasshoppers, to which may be added insects of several other species, like crickets and beetles, with land snails, and some species of berries. When moving from one section to another, and when in their migrations they fly very high, and generally in a V-shaped flock, with the point of the angle foremost, after the manner of the geese, but not as persistently. All leave the State by the lOth of October, a part of them a little earlier oftentimes. Accounted a marsh bird along the Atlantic coast, I find them quite as frequently on the dry prai- ries, far removed from any considerable marshes or ponds. They frequent plowed fields, and dry, extensive flats which have previously been overflowed, and have become dry again. This suggests earth worms, and certain forms of terrestrial mollusca, as preferred food. Their nests have been found in many sections, but uniformly on dry prairies so far as I have known. Like most others of the family, the structure is very primitive, consisting of a small quantity of grass, circularly disposed in a hollow made by the bird in the ground, under the lea of a few rank weeds, or a bunch of coarse grass. The eggs are four in number, rather of a drab, or clay color. I think they might sometimes be called buft'-colored. when hav- ing a shade of olivaceous. They are uniformly spotted with umber of several shades, more pronounced about the larger end. In form they are decidedly gallinaceous, differing in this markedly from most Scolopacine species. They rear but a single brood, the nest for which is built from the 20th to the 30th of May. In their fall migrations most of tiiem depart be- fore the 25th of October, yet I have met with a few as late as the 10th of November. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill very long, much curved; upper mandible longer, some- what knobbed at the tip; wing rather long; legs moderate; toes united at the base; entire upper parts paler rufous tinged with ashy; each feather with transverse and confluent bands of brownish-black, most numerous and predominating on the back and scapulars; secondary quills, under wing coverts and axil- BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 147 laries bright rufous; primaries with their outer webs brownish- black; inner webs rufous with transverse bands of black; under parts pale rufous, with longitudinal lines on the neck and sides; tail rufous, tinged with ashy transversely barred with brownish-black; bill brownish black; base of under mandible reddish-yellow; legs bluish-brown; specimens vary to some extent in the shade of the rufous color of the plumage, and very much in the length of the bill, the rufous probably being more distinct in the young; iris hazel. Length, 25; wing, 10 to 11; tail, 4; bill. 5 to 8; tarsus. 2.25. Habitat, Temperate North America. Mr. Washburn in his report of the birds of the Red river valley, covering his observations made between July 28th and September 12th, 1885, says of this species: "I have been much disappointed in not finding more of these birds. Only a few individuals observed. Was informed by sportsmen in Ada that they were not present this season in regions where they were extremely abundant last year. They are found, too, farther east near 'The Ridge' in larger numbers than close to the Red river." NUHEXIUS HUDSONICUS Latham. (265.) HUDSONIAN CURLEW. I formerly met with this species more frequently than of late years, and why so I cannot explain to my own satisfaction. They were always associated with the Long-bills, except upon one occasion, when I found a flock of eight by themselves in spring migration, it being then early in April. Only a single bird was obtained, but a number found their way into the taxidermist's collections. And from time to time I have found specimens of this species in those places. They are more f requentlyobtained in the autumnal than in the vernal migrations, and except as above, invariably mingle with the other species. I know nothing of their habits beyond the fact of their presence in migration in very limited numbers. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill about twice the length of the head; wings long; tail short; legs moderate; head above brownish-black, with a longitudinal band; other upper parts brownish-black, tinged with ashy, spotted with dull yellowish- white, and lighter on the rump; under parts' dull yellowish- white, with longitudinal narrow stripes of blackish-brown on the necK and breast; under wing coverts and axillaries pale ashy-rufous, transversely barred with black; quills brOwnish-black, with transverse bars of pale rufous on the inner webs; tail brownish- black, with transverse bars of pale ashy-brown; bill brownish-black, base 148 NOTES ON THE offjlower mandible reddish -yellow; legs greenish- brown; speci- mens vary in the shade of the lighter colors of the plumage, and in the length of the bill; iris brown. nLength, 18; wing. 9; tail, 4; bill, 3 to 4; tarsus, 2.25. Habitat, North and South America. NUMENirs BOREALIS (Forster). (266.) ESKIMO CURLEW. I find specimens of this species of Curlew occasionally in the hands of the taxidermists, and have had them sent to me from the Red river once, but have never, seen them alive. I was ready to doubt their specific identity almost, until I read Coues" account of his observations of them in the Missouri region, in his Birds of the Northwest, pp. 510-512. If they are so abundant along the Missouri, it seems most probable that flocks may not altogether infrequently find their way along the Mississippi, and up the St. Peters or Minnesota rivers, and be regarded as rather small representatives of the "Short Bills" by the hunters, who have more interest in them as game than specimens for the cabinets of birdologists. SPECIFIC characters. Bill rather longer than the head, slender; wings long; tail short; legs moderate; entire upper parts brownish-black, spot- ted with dull yellowish rufous; quills brownish-black, uniform on both webs, without bars on either; under wing coverts and axillaries light-rufous, with transverse stripes of brownish- black; under parts dull- white; tinged with rufous, with longi- tudinal narrow stripes of brownish-black on the neck and breast, and transverse stripes of the same on the sides and under tail coverts; tail ashy -brown, with transverse bands of brownish-black; bill brownish black; base of under mandible yellow; legs greenish-brown; iris dark-brown. Length. 13.50; wing, 8.25; tail, 3; bill, 2.25 to 2.50; tarsus, 1.75. Habitat, eastern North America. Family CHARADRIID^. CHARADRIUS SQUATAROLA (L ) (270). BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER. I know of no other species of Plover which is a more reg- ular, and numerically uniform migrant in both spring and autumn in the locality from which I write. They are only moderately represented, arriving about the last of April in flocks of ten to twenty, but do not seem to remain but three or BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 149 four days before they disappear, and I supposed for many years that they all passed beyond the State line, but some time in the summer of 1875, a clutch of four eggs were sent me with the female, which proved to be a Black-bellied Plover. It was obtained in the vicinity of upper Lake Minne tonka, in my own county. Since then several nests have been reported by persons competent to determine them, and I accept the conclusion that this species breed to a limited extent in some portions of the State. The nest differs in no particular from those of the other species of the family. A natural depression in the ground, of about the size desired, is selected, or else one is scratched out by the female, and lined with a few leaves, blades of grass, or moss, in which are de- posited the orthodox four eggs. These are a creamy-buff color with spots and confluent blotches of umber and obscure touches of lilac, chiefly about the larger end. They reappear in mod- erate flocks about the middle of September and are frequently seen until the second week in October. They are offered in the market in autumn, and are regarded good eating. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill and legs strong; wings long; a very small rudimentary hind toe; around the base of the bill to the eyes, neck before and under parts of body, black; upper white, nearly pure and unspotted on the forehead, sides of the neck and rump tinged with ashy, and having irregular transverse bars of brownish- black on the back, scapulars and wing coverts; the brownish- black frequently predominating on those parts, and the rump also frequently with transverse bars of the same. Lower part of the abdomen, tibia, and under tail coverts white. Quills brownish-black, lighter on their inner webs, with a middle portion of their shafts white, and a narrow longitudinal stripe of white frequently on the shorter primaries and secon- daries. Tail white, with transverse imperfect narrow bands of black. Bill and legs black, and black color of the under parts generally with a bronzed or coppery lustre, and present- ing a scarelike appearance; the brownish-black of the upper parts with a greenish lustre. Length, 11.50; wing, 7.50; tail, 3. Habitat, nearly cosmopolitan. CHARADRIUS DOMINICUS Muller. (272.) AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER. A very abundant migrant, but a very uncertain one, sometimes reaching us in spring in considerable flocks, and at other seasons giving us the complete "go-by." They reach the State in the 150 NOTES ON THE last week of April, and are all gone beyond our borders by the 5th of May. Not later than the last week of August they return in force, as a general thing, when they remain till October 25th to November 1st, gradually diminishing in num- bers, however, after about the 25th of September. Indeed, there is not more than ten days good shooting, before the diminution of their numbers is visible. As in the spring migration, they often elude any given local- ity in the fall, evidently being capricious as to the special line taken. Dr. Hvoslef reports them abundant during October, 1884, in Fillmore county. And so from most sections of the entire field of my inquiries. In their flights over the plowed fields, where they mostly feed in autumn, they are a beautiful composite on wings, con- stantly changing hues of colors as they alternately exhibit the upper and the under parts in the rays of an October sun. Grasshoppers are their ordinary diet, but when they resort to the plowed fields it must be for larvae and other insects, as the former are chiefly obtained on the grass lands. We seldom see them when they are not mixed with other species to some extent at least. I know very little of their habits SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Bill rather short; legs moderate; wings long; hind toe want- ing; tarsus covered before and behind with small, circular or hexagonal scales, upper parts brownish-black, with numerous small, circular and irregular spots of golden yellow, most numerous on the back and rump, and on the upper tail coverts, assuming the form of transverse bands generally; also with some spots of ashy white; entire under parts black, with a brownish or bronzed lustre; under tail coverts mixed or barred with white; forehead, border of the back of the neck, under tail coverts and tibia white; axillary feathers cinereous; quills dark brown; middle portion of the shafts white, frequently extending slightly to the webs, and forming longitudinal stripes on the shorter quills; tail dark brown with numerous irregular bands of ashy -white, and frequently tinged with golden yellow; bill black; legs dark bluish-brown. Length, 9.50; wing, 7; tail, 2.50. Habitat, Arctic America. My correspondents all report it occurring in the different sections of the State much as above given. BIRDS OP MINNESOTA. 151 ^GIALITIS yOCIFERA(L.). (273.) KILLDEER. A common summer resident, reaching the State generally amongst the earliest migrants of its family, if not the earliest itself. In 1869 they came on the 18th of March, and in 1884, on the 25th of that month, between which days in March are nine-tenths of their arrival records for two decades. At these times they are in parties of 5 to 7 or 8 individuals, "roaming about high in air, tracing the shore of the river, or running amidst the watery flats and meadows. As spring advances, they resort to the newly plowed fields, or level plains bare of grass, interspersed with shallow pools; or dry sandy fields. In some such situation they generally choose to breed, about the beginning of May. The nest is usually slight, a mere hollow, with such materials drawn in around it as happen to be near; such as bits of sticks, straws, pebbles or earth. * * * In some cases there are no vestiges of a nest. The eggs are usually four, of a bright rich cream, or yellowish clay color, thickly marked with blotches of black. * * * * Nothing can exceed the alarm and anxiety of these birds during the breeding season. Their cries of kill-deer, kill-deer, as they winnow the air over head, drive, and course around you, or run along the ground counterfeiting lameness, are shrill and incessant." (Wilson). No locality I have visited in the State, where the conditions favoring their habits exist, has failed to have a fair representation of these familiar birds from March till late in October, and sometimes, the tenth of November. In the early part of their residence, they are seen in the small flocks mentioned, but after a short time in pairs oxAj until in July, when the brood full grown, with the parents, constitute small flocks again, in which they are mostly seen until their departure for the winter. Dr. Hvoslef reports them common for the species in the southern part of the State, and Mr. Washburn found them the same in the western, while it has been mine to find them fully up to their observations in the central and northern to Duluth. When thoroughly fattened they are fairly good eating in the autumn. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Wings long reaching to the end of the tail, w^hich is also rather long; head above and upper parts of body light- brown with a greenish tinge; rump and upper tail coverts rufous. -11 z 152 NOTES ON THE lighter on Ihe latter; front, and line over and under the eye white; another band of black in front above the white band; stripe from the base of the bill towards the occiput brownish- black; ring encircling the neck, and a wide band on the breast black; throat white, which color extends upwards around the neck; other under parts white; quills brownish-black with about half their inner webs white, shorter primaries with a large spot of white on their outer webs, secondaries widely tipped or edged with white; tail feather j^ale rufous at base; the four middle feathers light olive- brown tipped with white and with a sub terminal band of black; lateral feathers widely tipped with white; entire upper plumage frequently edged and tipped with rufous. Length, 9.50; wing, 6.50; tail, 3.50. Habitat, temperate North America. J:GIALIT1S SEMIFALHATA Bonaparte. (274.) SEMIPALMATED PLOVER. The lateness of the season when this Plover enters Minne- sota, early suggested that it must breed here, but no nests were fonnd for many years. Flocks of a dozen or less are quite uniformly met with in the last week in April along the streams, and about the jionds and lakes, more after the man- ner of the Snipes than the Plovers, which affect the dry open plains. After remaining where they are frequently seen for about ten days, they disappear as abruptly as do the Swallows in autumn, and are seldom seen again till August 20th to the 25th after which they remain until the early part of October before taking final leave of us for the more genial climes, said to be Brazil and Peru and South America. At this season they gather into quite large flocks before retiring, which we are told become much larger as they gradually work their way southward. The nest is little more than a slight hollow, excavated in the sand by the bird, near the shores of ponds, and contains the stereotyped number, four eggs of a dull yel- lowish color, spotted and blotched all over with varying shades of darkish-brown. They are almost typically pyri- form in shape. One nest was discovered near St. Paul in 1879, by Mr. Gober, who sent the eggs away to some eastern oi3l- ogist as a capital trophy, but not until I had an opportuity to examine them, and see the female, obtained at the same time. The other nest was obtained by a resident of Minneapolis, and not far from the city, and still more recently with which the bird was secured also. I hear of one, also found quite as near the city, by a young man who. for some reason best known to BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 153 himself, is disinclined to let his oological acquisition lend its rush light to the State Natural History Survey. Dr. Hvoslef writes me that he obtained the species in Lanesboro on the first and fourth of August, 1884. Mr. Lewis did not meet with the nests in Becker county, but found the birds occasion- ally in July and August. I have seen flocks still flying about in one year as late at the 20th of October, but this was excep- tional. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Small, wings long; toes connected at base, especially the outer to the middle toe; front, throat, ring around the neck, and entire upper parts, white; a band of deep black across the breast, extending around the back of the neck below the white ring; band from the base of the bill, under the eye, and wide frontal band above the white band, black; upper parts light ashy-brown, with a tinge of olive; quills brownish- black, with their shafts white in the middle protion, and occa- sionally a lanceolate white spot along the shafts of the shorter primaries; shorter tertiaries edged with white; lesser coverts tipped with white; middle feathers of the tail ashy olive- brown, with a wide subterminal band of brownish-black, and narrowly tipped with white; the two outer tail feathers white, others intermediate like the middle, but widely tipped with white; bill orange -yellow, tipped with black; legs yellow. [~'j Length, 7; wing, 4.75; tail, 2.25. Habitat, Arctic and Subarctic America. Family APHEIZID^E. ARENARIA INTERPRES (L.). (283.) TURNSTONE. I can only record this species as extremely rare, as I have but a few instances of its observation amongst my notes for almost thirty years. The earliest was in the fall of 1867, when I found it in a collection of mounted birds, the individual having been ob- tained recently in a flock of Sandpipers, on the Mississippi river just below St. Paul. I saw no more until 1874, which I obtained from another flock of Sandpipers near Minneapolis, since which one or two have come into our market in strings of scolopacine birds, and always in autumn. 154 NOTES ON THE It may be accounted rare, but not a straggler, for I am satis fied now that it remains within the vicinity of where I have met with it, as it was late in July in two instances. Their habit of prodding under the stones along the beach of the lake near which my summer cottage is located, interested me exceedingly. The crop was abundantly stored with larvae and insects that abound there. I think ^hat they remain about as late in the autumn as do the average of the Sandpipers, before retiring for the winter. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Upper parts variegated with black, dark rufous, and white; head and neck above white, with numerous spots and stripes of brownish-black on the crown and occiput; space in front of eye white, surrounded with black; throat white on each side of which is a stripe of black running from the base of the bill downwards and joining a large space of black on the neck before the breast; abdomen, under wing coverts, under tail coverts, back and rump, white; quills brownish-black, with white shafts; tail white at base, with its terminal half brownish-black, tipped with white; greater wing coverts widely tipped with white, forming a conspicuous oblique bar across the wing; bill black; legs orange; in winter the black of the upper parts is more apparent; the rufous of less ex tent, and of lighter shade; iris hazel. Length. 9; wing, 6; tail, 2.50. Habitat, nearly cosmopolitan. Order GALLING. Family TETBAOXID^^. COLINUS VIRGINIANIS (L ) (289.) BOB-WHITE. This species whose notes from the corn field or the fence down by the woods, are a part of the legacies of childhood memories, is following up the progress of agriculture steadily, but is nowhere yet abundant. After a series of mild winters it has several times become greatly increased in numbers, to be again decimated by an exceptionally vigorous one. However, the extension of agriculture throughout the State generally, has increased the measure of their protection so much, by affording a more reliable supply of food, and com- fortable covert, that they give promise of a permanent aug- mentation of their numbers. For quite a number of years now, the notes of Bob-white have grown familiar in the region where I reside, and the sight of his form along the roadways through the less frequented brushlands, as well as the denser woodlands, is by no means an uncommon event during the summer and autumn. Their dis- tribution is yet restricted to the more favorable localities, es- pecially in the advanced sections of occupation. But each year is contributing to make the special distribution less defined in proportion to the increase of the agricultural appropriation of the lands, as well as the prohibition of brushland fires. The earliest record that I have of its nesting in the section where I reside, is May 5th, and I think that not exceptionally early. My correspondents in the lower counties give it a week earlier and the greater abundance of the species there gives them ample opportunities to know in this matter. Mr. J. C. Baillie who has given their whole breeding habits great attention for many years, has contributed more than any other to my own 156 NOTES ON THE observations of this species. The nest varies considerably in the amount, as well as the kind of material of which it is com- posed. In the vicinity of meadows where grass is abundant- it is constructed entirely of that material, necessitating con- siderable bulk, but is nevertheless very perfectly concealed in a thick tuft with the entrance at one side, somewhat after the manner of the Oven Bird. When in the forest, the preference is given to a little hollow under an old decayed log, where the nest is constructed of leaves principally, or entirely. In these cases, it has no covering, but when the eggs are in process of being laid, the female covers them com- pletely with leaves to conceal them in her absence. If those ingeniously distributed leaves are disturbed by man or animal before she returns, she will instantly dis- cover the intrusion, and abandon her nest even though no eggs have been broken or removed. Whether from a perception of smell or the difference in the placing of the leaves by the intruder I was never able to tell until upon finding one a few years since, I removed each leaf carefully with a pocket forceps, and after making all desired observa- tions of the eggs, I replaced the leaves one by one as nearly as I found them as possible, and repeated the process every day or two, until the clutch was completed, without arous- ing the maternal suspicions in the least. This result satisfied me that she could smell an intrusion made without the use of the forceps. Winds might disarrange the leaves during her absence as much as I would, but leave no scent ujion them or upon the eggs. The usual number is from 14 to 16. or even 18, but upon removing the seventh each time after it was deposited, in one instance, a gentleman of extensive observa- tion, who has contributed much valuable information upon the habits of different birds, succeeded in obtaining 32 succes- sively before the little dispenser had suspected her mathema- tics. Their appearance is too familiar to require mention. Although with its order a seed eater, that is not all. The quail is another of the many maligned species of birds that is entitled to the protection of the State as a friend to agriculture. Although they may appropriate occasionally some of the late planted berries of grain in spring they pay soundly for it in the destruction of insects that are injurious to grain, fruit and vegetables later. Nearly the entire food of the breeding birds consists of larva and insects, and that of the numerous brood exclusively so, for the other sources of sup- BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 157 ply are not yet developed. Of course during the late autumn, winter and early spring, they depend upon seeds, grain and buds, out only the unavoidable waste of the farm and garden. During these seasons, if possible, they should have the great- est measure of legal protection against hunters and trapi)ers. for then must they become most available to them, being driven by the necessities of food to the vicinity of outhouses, barns, straw-stacks and dwellings. Their habits at the dif- ferent seasons of the year afford one of the most interesting studies of birdlife. Protect them and they rapidly become tame and confiding. In my early boyhood in western New York, I was led to habits of observation of birds in winter, by this species more than any other. Following the example of older observers, whose interest was not as disingenuous as mine. I often caught several of them at a time in a lath-trap of the figure four kind, and in a few hours had them sufficiently domesticated to eat freely of corn and wheat dropped down to them through the slats, and within a week, upon setting them free, instead of flying away never to return they were afterwards to be seen daily feeding amongst the hens and the cattle in the barnyard. I am happy to say that I never permitted my love for "quail on toast" to appropriate one these who had thus confided in me. It seems to be superfluous to give any sjiecific description of this bird, yet for those whose opportunities have been less favorable, from having long resided so far north where the circumstances have been unfortunate for their multiplication, I will say that the Quail measures about 10 inches in length; the wing, 4.70; and tail 2.85. Their color is a bright reddish- brown, streaked frequently with black, shading into gray. The under parts are white with zigzag lines of black crosswise. The throat of the male is much whiter than that of the female. It is found in the middle and western states, including Canada West and Minnesota to the Rocky Mountains. I have learned from Rev. Mr. Gear, who was an army chap- lain, stationed at several fortifications from time to time in the earliest history of Minnesota, that there were no Quails here until imported and set at liberty by the sportsmen amongst the army officials on different occasions, but the want of food and covert in severe winters prevented their material increase in numbers until the advent of general farming. Only one or two flocks have yet been seen as far north as Red Lake Falls and at a few j)oints in the latitude of Otter Tail. 158 NOTES ON THE DENDRAGAPUS CANADENSIS (L). (298.) CANADA GROUSE. The lumbermen of the forests east and north of Brainerd, for years before I ever obtained one, repeatedly told of a "patridge" in logging sections that was different from those we ordinarily see. By a good fortune, two Canada Grouse were sent to my taxidermist, Mr. Wm. Howling, to be mounted many years ago, one of each sex. which I had ample opportunity to examine. Since then many more have reached me through the same channel, and I have myself procured several. They are per- manent residents of the northern half of the State, scattering individuals reaching a south line of its habitat about sixty miles northeast of Minneapolis. It is said to be a very dull, stupid Grouse, easily obtained by almost any ignoble means which lumbermen and Indian boys may adopt, and conse quently subject to exceptional destruction where desired for food. The flesh is not as desirable as the Ruffed or Pinnated Grouse, yet the Indians of the section where it has most abounded have made them relatively quite scarce of late years. But as a whole, it is a common species in the sections named, and not at all confined to the spruce swamps as we have been informed hitherto. Its nest, consisting of moss and leaves, is on the ground, with less effort at concealment than the other members of the family manifested in the evergreen swamps of the regions they inhabit, and are rather easily found. The eggs, said to be about the same in number as those of the Ruffed Grouse, are a dirty -cream color, blotched considerably with dark-brown. Their note is described as a suppressed cluck. Langille says of this species: "It is the aristocrat of the family, stepping daintily on its moss-covered and deeply- shaded apartments, feeding in the summer on such berries as may be found in the forest, and in winter being content with even the leaves of the evergreens."* In his excellent report to me of the birds of Otter Tail, Aitkin and Mille Lacs counties, Mr. Washburn says of this grouse: ' 'This bird was reported to me as common north of the centre of the State, and in the northeastern part. In Otter Tail county, there being no pine or spruce, I did not expect to find it, but was much disappointed in not meeting with it at •Birds in their Haunts, p. 409. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 159 Mille Lacs, where there is more or less spruce. In a conversa- tion with Mr. E. O. Garrison, of this latter place, he said that from 1865 to 1868, the Spruce Partridge was quite common about the lake, frequenting the spruce groves. He often met with covies of six or more in his walks, and found them nest- ing on mossy hummocks among the spruce. Since then, how- ever, they seem to have been exterminated in that locality. They are such a stupid bird, so very tame that they form an easy mark for the arrow of the young Indian boy. They are often captured alive by a noose fastened to a short pole. " It is represented to be common north of Mille Lacs, and gen- erally throughout the evergreen sections of northern Minne- sota. Its habits exempt it from all suspicions of enmity to agriculture in its widest sense. In confinement it fattens quickly upon food that makes its flesh acceptable even to the daintiest epicures SPECIFIC CHAKACTERS. Tail sixteen feathers; feathers above banded distinctly with plumbeous; beneath uniform black, with a pectoral band of white and white on the belly; chin and throat above black; tail with a broad brownish-orange terminal band. Prevailing color in the male, black; each feather of the head, neck, and upper parts generally having its surface waved with plumb- eous-gray in the form of two or three well defined concentric bars parallel to each other, one along the exterior edge of the feather, and the others behind it; sides of the body, scapulars, and outer surface of wings mottled like back, but more irregu- larly, and with a browner shade of gray, the feathers with a central white streak expanding towards the tip (on the wing these streaks are seen only on some of the greater coverts); no white above except as described: under x^arts mostly uniform black, feathers of sides of belly and breast broadly tipped with white, which sometimes forms a pectoral band; a white bar across the feathers at base of upper mandible, usually inter- rupted above; a white spot on the lower eyelid, and a white line beginning on the cheeks and running into a series of white spots in the feathers of the throat; lower feathers of this are banded terminally with whitish; feathers at base of bill, head, below the eyes and beneath, pure black; quills dark brown, without spots or bands, the outer edges only mottled with grayish; tail feathers similar but darker, and tipped with a band of orange- chestnut nearly an inch wide, obscured on the central feathers; under tail coverts black, broadly barred and tipped with white; the feathers of the legs mottled brown and whitish; dirty white behind the tarsi; bill black. Length, 16.20; wing, 6.70; tail, 5.50. 160 NOTES ON THE B0NA8A UMBELLUS (L.). (300.) RUFFED GROUSE. Nowhere was the Ruffed Grouse more abundant than in all the deciduous forests of this State, until mercilessly slaught- ered by the pot-hunters. Almost any cluster of trees, particu- larly if well interspersed with brush, to say nothing of the extended forests of hardwoods stretching north and south and east and west over the middle and southern portions of Minne- sota, formerly contained its covey of "pheasants," as these birds are popularly called. But their "glorious day is passing away" as fast as about 300 dogs and 700 double-barrelled breech-loading shotguns can accomplish their annihilation. Improved game laws, which restrict the limits of the time in which their destruction may be continued, may prolong their represantation among the bird-fauna of the State somewhat, but how much, time alone can demonstrate. Not long after the first of May, the female seeks a retired spot on slightly elevated ground or on a gentle declivity, and under a more or less weathered log or in a bunch of thick brush, she scrapes out a slight hollow in the ground, into which she gathers a plentiful supply of leaves, which by treading while turning round and round she shapes into a loose nest, in which she drops about fourteen eggs. Whenever she leaves her nest she carefully brings a good supply of dry leaves and drops them over it in such perfect imitation of the work of the wind that there is not the slight- est indication of a nest left. For many years these birds bred on the rear end of my "Cosy Nook Cottage" lot. on the east shore of Lake Minnetonka, where I had an exceptionally good opportunity to study their habits in the period of incuba tion. I am satisfied that the male has no part in domestic duties during this time but spends his time to a considerable extent in the society of the other coxcomb shirks of his sex — for at those times I have never seen one of them in the same section. While yet laying, if the female hears footsteps ap- proaching her. she steps off the nest and turns and places leaves over the whole, one at a time, so rapidly that before the spot has been reached all is perfectly concealed and she has a chance to get from ten to twenty yards away where she watches the intruder until he has clearly passed the nest, when BIKDS OF MINNESOTA. 161 she will bound up with a whirl, and putting a tree between herself and the invader, flies half a mile away before alight- ing on the limb of a tree in safety. Every chick will follow her the next day after the last one is out of the shell, and they have all become nearly full grown before the male resumes his place at the head of the family. The covey remain together until pairing time in the next spring when all the members are supposed to pair and set up for themselves. After the most careful observations I am entirely unable to decide how the sound of the drumming is produced. Like the question hoiu a bird flies, the answer is yet in the shadowy distance if it has itself ever taken wing yet. I have heard all of the arguments pro and con. and know from personal obser- vation that not one of them will ' 'hold water. " Yet it seems strange that phenomena so obvious to both the senses of hearing and seeing and under the observation of so many critical observers cannot be explained unanswerably. It is a very universally distributed species, though less abundant in those portions of the State that are occupied by the Canada Grouse.* Everywhere else, as above intimated, where the hunters have not ruthlessly "cleaned it out," (to use their own expressive language,) the Ruffed Grouse is abundant in its characteristic haunts. From the southern line of the state to the Lake of the Woods in the extreme north, I have the most reliable reports of the species.** Its drumming has been heard in Fillmore county as early as the 28th of March, and in Hennepin county on the first of April, from which I infer that the nesting may in some cases be earlier than above given. Their patent diet of seeds, ber- ries, grapes, and insects in summer, and ' 'the leaves of ever- greens" in winter needs no repetition, but I have nowhere seen any mention of the buds of the ironwood, (Ostrya virginica), which constitutes almost their exclusive food in winter here. Their general habits otherwise do not differ from those of the species in other sections of its distribution. Farmers would think better of them after examining the contents of the stomachs of as large a number as I have at various seasons of the year. They are as partial to most species of insects as are domestic fowls. *F. L. Washburn's Red River VaUey. Thief River, snd MiUe Lacs Rep. **Dr. Hvoslef and Kennicotf s Lake of the Woods Rep. 162 NOTES ON THE SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Tail of eighteen feathers; reddish- brown or gray above, the back with cordate spots of lighter; beneath whitish, transverse- ly barred with dull-brown; tail tipped with gray, and with a subterminal bar of black; broad feathers of the ruff black. Length, 18; wing, 7.20; tail. 7. Habitat, Eastern United States. LAGOPl'S LAOOPrS (L.). (301.) WILLOW PTARMIGAN. Having listed this bird from time to time on the fact of find- ing it in several collections, and in the hands of the taxider- mists, without having found it after many years of observation, I had about concluded to regard it as a straggler, when I was more fortunate and secured one at least 20 miles northeast of Anoka. Since then I have obtained several, and have in my possession as perfect a pair in winter plumage as I have ever seen, mounted and presented to me by the Messrs. Howling, on Christmas, 1890. The entire plumage is white in winter except the tail which is black, narrowly tipped with white, and the shafts of the quills which are also black. The bill is very robust and arched, and black, while the nails of the toes are black at the base, and pale horn color at the tips. I have learned nothing of their habits from personal observation. They must be accounted rare in Minnesota. Their habitat as given by the A. O. U. is "Arctic regions; in America south to Sitka, British Provinces, and to Northern New York." To this we must add Minnesota. TYMPANrCHUS AMEKICANUS (Reichenbach). (305.) PRAIRIE HEN. The local history of the Pinnated Grouse does not differ ma- terially from that of any other prairie country recently brought under civilization and cultivation. From the most reliable sources within my reach, I learn that when the white man first came to Minnesota, these birds were by no means common. Rev. E. G. Gear, one of the earlier chaplains in the regular army, stationed first at Fort Snelling and afterwards at Fort Ripley, (or perhaps in the reverse order), was a very accurate observer of all natural history phenomena, and especially so in the department of birds. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 163 Enjoying a prolonged acquaintance with him, I availed, my- self of his observations in those early times, to learn the habits of the more common species especially. He stated that the prairie hens were seldom seen at the first, but after the country began to become settled considerably, they increased in num- bers perceptibly from year to year. The Blackfoot Grouse, {Fedloccetes phasianellus (Linn. ), were the dominant grouse- kind of the territory, and very well represented in the openings, and wherever there was much brush lands, but were never found on the open, uncultivated prairies. This corresponds with my own observations of the habits of the Pinnated Grouse in Illi- nois, as far back as in 1836, the first summer of my residence there. I shall never forget the first boomings of the males at day- break. My duties called me out at that early hour, and far on to the prairies, six days every week, when I had ample oppor- tunities to become familiar with the weird notes of the amorous males. At that time I never could make out more than three sources, rarely more than two, from which these boomings seemed to come, but from year to year the numbers increased until I am sure there were not less than as many dozens, and whereas at the first, a bag of ten or twelve birds was a good showing for an expert "on the wing," for one day, it was a common affair afterwards for "a common shot" to bring in 50 to 60 birds after a very short day. and experts many times boasted their one hundred. The grain fields afforded both food and protection for them until the farme;:s complained of them bitterly, but not half so bitterly as they did afterwards of the bird-destroyers who ran over their broad acres of wheat, oats and corn in the order of their ripening. The farmers are proverbially hard — for sports- men— to please. Just here I may best introduce some portion of Mr. Washburn's report of his experiences when in the Red river valley, and with special reference to this species. He says: ' ' Extremely common in the prairie lands throughout the valley, particularly near farming lands in the vicinity of wheat fields. Replaced in a great measure by the preceding species in the northern part of the State. Perhaps for the benefit of the uninitiated, it would not be out of place to here give an account of the modus operandi of hunting a bird which is an object of such universal pursuit among sjDortsmen, and has be- come an article of commercial importance; and this may pos- 164 NOTES ON THE sibly be best accomplished by recalling the pleasant experiences of a chicken hunt in the southwestern part of the State, par- ticipated in by the writer, at the invitation of three others, Mr. Rand, Mr. George Morrison, and Mr. DoUiver. It was my first experience in western shooting, and the memory of the hunt, and the thought of that pleasant company with which it had been my good fortune to be united for two days, will always be a source of pleasure. Two of that party we shall never see again here, but I am not the only one who has been made happy by their genial presence; there are many of us who will never forget them. ' 'As a rule business men can spare but a day or two from the city for a 'chicken hunt,' and these were no exception. A telegram August 13th to New Richland, advised a well-known and well-tried landlord there, that a party of four would be down on the evening of the 14th; 'have good rooms ready; we want you, your team and dog on the 15th.' Then, on the after- noon before the auspicious 15th, the jolly company, with per- haps three dogs tied in the baggage car, and a liberal supply of ammunition in their carpet-bags, are transported, after two hours' ride, to the little prarie town with its one street, a few gro- cery stores, saloons, elevator, and one 'best' hotel. Here they find everything in readiness, and after passing criticism on the dogs of various other hunting parties, and a whispered, mysterious conference with the landlord as to the location of the 'best ground." the party retire to beds whose hardness is rendered endurable only by anticipation of the morning pleasure. Then, what seemed to be an hour's rest, rudely broken by the land- lord who knocks at the door, with the announcement that *it is three o'clock,' "A hasty donning of shooting jackets, filling of cartridges bags or belts, a still more hasty breakfast, prepared by the much enduring, patient wife of the landlord, a selecting of the right dogs from the crowd of creatures, old and young, good and bad, that are kenneled in and about the house, a packing of lunch into the wagon, not ommitting a good supply of water for man and dogs, and we are off at a brisk pace, while the dawn is first lighting up the east. The uncomfortable feeling caused by being awakened so early from a sound sleep, and be- ing obliged to leave a comfortable (?) bed is soon forgotten in the novelty of our situation. As tho light grows brighter ob- jects which looked indistinct and shadowy in the darkness, are seen with more clearness and prove to be wheat stacks, or BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 165 clumps of trees, or log shanties, from which the sleepy farmers are just emerging to milk the cows standing in the neighbor- ing barnyard. As it grows lighter, occasional Teal are flushed from little pools beside the road, and flocks of Mallards are ob- served flying over the tall grass of prairie sloughs. Then comes the sun gradually dispelling the mist which hangs low in early morning, and warming the rather chilly air. Before us stretch the hunting grounds, large wheat fields, from which the grain has been removed, interspersed with meadows of tall grass, numerous "sloughs," and farm houses where lo cations are marked by rows of cottonwood trees. The driver turns into the stable, there is a loading of guns, and the dogs are let out of the wagon, two at a time in order that they may not all tire before the day's sport is ended. ■ 'These creatures, at whom the day before, we grumbled for being under foot and who stalked gloomily about with droop ing tails and ears, today are transformed into difl'erent beings, and have our pleasure in their own noses. Away they go, coursing the stubble from right to left and vice versa, at a mo- tion of the master's hand. Mark! One has stopped. He is eagerly sniffing the ground, picking his way carefully along, while his tail in rapid motion shows his excitement. The other dog soon sees his companion's agitation and hastening to him, catches the scent of the covey. Then both their tails go- ing round and round they push slowly on, step by step until suddenly the foremost dog stops, his head turned a little to one side and his nose pointing downward. His tail has suddenly be- come rigid. The other, the younger of the two, being some- what of a tyro, and this being the first of the season, has in his eagerness run too close to a chicken and when the bird flies up from under his nose, the startled dog gazes after him and then turns his head toward the wagon to see what action his master will take. If he could hear his master's remarks at that mo- ment he certainly would blush, if a dog could blush, with shame. But he has found another and both dogs now stand like marble statues, while we, all four, jump from the wagon and with ready guns advance toward them amid cries of '-steady Don, steady there? Hold him Grouse, steady sir!" Two are to shoot the birds on the right as they rise, two will take the birds on the left. Suddenly one of the covey, an old cock gets up_a report— a few feathers floating on the morning air, and the bird falls to the ground, where it soon flutters out its life. This generally startles the rest of the birds and they rise in a 166 NOTES ON THE body, six, ten. fifteen or even twenty. Eight fall, the rest fly half a mile or more, and are marked down by the driver. If a few stragglers remain behind, they meet their death a few minutes later when they rise. With the aid of the dogs the dead and wounded birds are found, thrown into the wagon and we drive on in the direction taken by the remainder of the flock. In this way several covies are found during the morn- ing. Oftentimes the birds wnll not wait when in the stubble for the hunters to approach, but when disturbed by the dogs rise in a body and perhaps settle down again in tall meadow grass a quarter of a mile off. ' ' This is an unlucky move for the birds, since when in the tall grass they lie close, and can be flushed one at a time. I shall never forget our experience with a large covey of twenty birds that were flusned by the dogs, and marked down by the driver in a grassy slough half a mile away. On driving over there the dogs easily found the birds, and the four of us, standing in tall grass, kept up a furious fusilade for a few minutes. The birds rose one or two at a time from under our feet. A rustle in the grass beside or behind one. was followed by the sight of a Chicken that flew but a few rods, only to fall dead, and by its fall perhaps to startle another one from the covert to share the same fate. This particular morning was damp and so much smoke was hanging low over the grass that it enveloped us in a dense cloud and rendered firing a risky thing, for one could not tell just where the others stood. At eleven the heat of the sun obliges the sportsman to desist, and the team is driven to some farmhouse where the horses are fed and the whole party reclining in the shade of the cotton woods, discuss the morn- ing's experiences and plans for the afternoon, and enjoy a comfortable i^iesta. "During the middle of the day the Pinnated Grouse leaves the short stubble and seeks cool, damp resorts in the hollows of the prairie, where it is not so easily hunted, not coming to the wheat fields again until four or after. "At that hour, the gunners start again, and from four till seven, repeat with varied luck, the morning's performance. At dusk putting on overcoats to keep off the chilly night air, and counting the birds, which during noontime they had drawn and stuffed with cool grass, they ride merrily back over the now dark prairie to the hotel, where a bountiful supper awaits them, and they compare notes with parties who went out in other directions. The second day is a repetition of thefir.st. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 167 perhaps in another direction, and on the third the hunters return home with their spoils, to distribute them among friends not so fortunate as to own a gun and a dog, when the double barrel is cleaned and put away, and business resumed. " I have introduced this detailed and circumstantial extract from Mr. Washburn's communication as one of the most faith- ful descriptions of a Prairie Chicken hunt that I have ever read, and as representing in all probability not less than two or three hundred other similar and simultaneous parties of hen-killers, conveniently entitled "sportsmen," found for several weeks within the dominion of our young State. No member of the bird family has ever received more universal recognition than this denizen of the broad prairies. From royalty to rags all classes have honored it with a place in the memory if not in the "bag,'" or the stomach, as proof of which we have only to point silently to the motley array of the won drously improved double-barrelled shot-guns, ammunition, pointers, setters, elegant trains of sportsmen's railroad coaches side-tracked for days at a time in the vicinity of the bird's well known haunts "far within our borders. Nothing short of a national jubilee and half -fares, so moves the masses and the classes as the dawning of the morn of the ' 'open season" for shooting Prairie Chickens. Within the period of its history, the species has borne many "common"" names, among which Heath Hen, Prairie Grouse. Prairie Chicken, Boomers, Pinnated Grouse, etc. , and it is now refreshing and restful to learn that the decrees of exact science have finally settled upon "Hen." SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Tail of eighteen feathers; general color varied, but domi- nantly whitish-brown and brownish yellow, almost everywhere with well defined transverse bars of brown on the feathers. Body stout, compact: a tuft of long, pointed feathers on each side of the neck, covering a bare space capable of inflation; tail short, truncated, much graduated; lateral feathers about two- thirds the middle; the feathers stiffened, nearly linear and truncate, scarcely longer than the coverts, and about half the length of the wing. Tarsi covered with feathers anteriorly and laterally to the toes, but bare with hexagonal scutellas behind; middle toe and claw longer than tarsus; toes margined by pectinated processes. A space above the eye provided with a dense, pectinated process in the breeding season, some times separated from the eye by a superciliary space covered with feathers. Bands on body transverse throughout; lan- ceolate feathers of the throat black; upper ones with a central yellowish stripe; eyelids, and a stripe from the nostril along -12z 168 NOTES ON THE side the head (interrupted above the eye), brownish yellow; sides of head below, a dusky infraocular stripe, with the chin and throat above, similar; feathers of the body above and below brown, with a terminal and two transverse bands of well de- fined white; the brown almost black and the white tinged with rufous above; scapular feathers sometimes showing more black; wings banded like the back; primaries grayish-brown, marked only on the outer webs with light spots, shafts black; tail feathers sometimes uniform brown, sometimes with rufous transverse bars; under coverts marked like the back, with more white sometimes; membrane above the eye and of the sounding bladder, orange. Length, 16.50; wing. 8.80; tail, 4.70. Habitat, prairies of the Mississippi valley. PEDIOCJ-^TES PHASIANELLl S CAMPESTRIS RiDGWAY. (308b.) PRAIRIE SHARP-TAILED GROUSE. Thirty years ago the Sharp-tailed Grouse were distributed over nearly the entire State, but were not popularly distin- guished from the Pinnated Grouse. In co^nmon with the latter, they were all called "chickens," and if an occasional sportsman called attention to differences, the reply was ' ' they are black foots."" It seems difficult to satisfactorily account for the fact, yet it nevertheless is such, that this species withdraws before the advance of civilization and agriculture, as the other moves along with it up to the occupation of a considerable proportion of its agricultural area. Amongst the sportsmen of later years have been some very observing amateur naturalists who have noted this unmistakable retrocession of the species. With characteristic pains, Dr. Coues approximatey traced the southern lines of distribution of this species across Minnesota in 1873, along the course of which an occasional " blackfoot "' may still be found, but the representative numbers have de- flected the aggregate line far to the north of west since that time. In other words, the other species has overflowed and buried it measurably out of sight for a considerable distance north and east. This leaves the area over which both species are in mutual possession much broader than formerly. About the first of April, the booming of the males is heard. Coues says in Birds of the N. W. , "at the rallying cry the birds assemble in numbers of both sexes, at some favorable spot, and a singular scene ensues as the courtship progresses. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 169 There is a regular "walk-around" as ludicrous to the disin- terested observer, as some of the performances on the comic stage. The birds run about in a circle, some to the right, others to the left, crossing each other's path, passing and repassing in stilted attitudes, stopping to bow, and squat, in extravagant postures, and resuming their course, till one would think their heads as well as their hearts were lost. But this is simply their way." This is the inauguration of the season, and very soon the nests are located in places almost, but of course not quite, as various as the domestic hen, for the latter does not always place it or the ground, while the former always does. A moderate hollow is selected or made, and a little grass is arranged in it after which a dozen or more rather slimmer, and longer eggs than those of the Pinnated Grouse but differing very little from them in color, are layed in it. The young of this species have been seen just out of the nest as early as the 5th of May, and as late as the 20th of June. In sections of the northwestern and western portions of the State they are still abundant, but I have neither seen nor heard of any of them for several years in the southwest. Dr. Coues has a lengthy and exceedingly interesting description of this Grouse and its habits in his Birds of the Northwest, pp 407-419, which may be consulted for further information by those interested to learn. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Tail of eighteen feathers; colors white, black and brownish- yellow; above with transverse bars; the wings with round, white spots; beneath, pure white, with V-shaped blotches on the breast and sides. Length, 18; wihg, 8.50; tail, 5.25. Habitat, more northerly" than the last species. Family PHASIANID^E. MELEAGRIS GALLOPATO L. (310.) WILD TURKEY. Thirty- three years ago the Wild Turkey was not a rare bird in northwestern Iowa and southwestern Minnesota, and it has been seen as late as 1871, in Minnesota, since which I have received no report from it, and I am of the opinion that it has now (1891) totally disappeared from our State. Possibly a straggler may yet be recognized in the southwest extreme of 170 NOTES ON THE the timber land of that section, and if so I trust that the fact may find publicity through some channel. Grand and in- spiring as is the sublime march of civilization, we cannot look upon its tracks but with a degree of sadness and regret, strown as it is with the annihilated forms of so many species of birds, mammals and beautiful varieties of flowers. The rear guard of that all-conquering force is pressed upon by a herd of vandals speaking the dialect of gentlemen, but wearing the habiliments of warfare on beings that can neither employ diplomacy nor shoot back at their foes. Brave men they are! It may be they have slain a majestic buffalo during the course of a ripe old youth and manhood. Perhaps they can claim to have "cleaned out the last chicken" or grouse in an entire county, last Sundaij. Older COLUMB^. Family COLUMBID^E. ECTOPISTES MIGRATORIIS (L.) (315). PASSENGER PIGEON. Wild pigeons have been seen in the vicinit}'' of Lanesboro, Fillmore county, and Spirit 1 ake, Jackson county, the southern line of the State, as early as the 27th of March, but this is earlier than the average arrival in even those lower counties. A review of 20 years gives about the 5th of April, as nearer that time. And their first appearance has never been in such vast flocks as have characterized their spring migrations in Illinois and Indiana in the first years of their settlement by the whites. Still there have been occasional years when con- siderable flocks have located and nested in somewhat restricted localities throughout the state. I well remember one when a large flock roosted for some time in an extensive popular grove but a few miles out of the city of St. Paul. It subsequently became distributed over a very wide extent of eastern Minne- sota, and the western part of Wisconsin adjacent. The country generally throughout this district is to a great extent charac- terized by such groves of poplar, red and black oak brush - lands. In these, on limbs generally not more than seven feet from the ground, they constructed their nests about the first of May. These were very frail structures and placed on a limb where there was a horizontal branch. They consisted of a few long sticks scarcely as large as a clay-pipe stem, on which were distributed a scanty supply of twigs, or still smaller sticks, with a few leaves overlaying the whole. Some nests had no leaves at all. when the egg could be easily seen from underneath it. In all of my examinations of them I seldom found more than one egg in a nest. It was pure white, nearly oval. Their food consisted essentially of acorns in the spring, but a heavy tax was levied on the wheat and oats in late sum- mer and fall. Of late years but few are seen in any of the dis- 172 NOTES ON THE tricts which I have heard from. They have principally left the country by the first of November, although straggling indi- viduals remain as long as the abundance of mast is uncovered by snow. Wilson's estimate of the quantity of food they consume, is one of the most wonderful revelations in the literature of orni - thology. I. think it highly improbable that large numbers will ever give material cause for anxiety to the agricultural interests of Minnesota, yet I cannot be assured, for the migrations of the species are exceedingly capricious. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Tail of twelve feathers; upper parts generally, including sides of body, head, neck and chin blue; beneath purple brownish red, fading behind with a violet tint; anal region and under tail coverts bluish white; scapulars, inner tertials and mid- dle of back, with an olive-brown tinge; wing coverts, scapulars and inner tertials, with large oval spots of blue black on the outer webs, mostly concealed except on the latter; primaries blackish, with a border of pale-bluish, tinged internally with red; middle tail feathers brown; the rest pale-blue on the outer web, white internally, each with a patch of reddish-brown at the base of the inner web, followed by another of black, sides and back of neck, richly glossed with metalic golden-violet; tibia bluish- violet; bill black; feet yellow. Length, 17; wing. 8.50; tail. H.40. Habitat, Eastern North America. Note — The above was written many years ago since which it has been further verified as correct in the older sections of agricultural improvements, but restricted portions of several northern countries have been somewhat annoyed by consider able flocks both in spring and autumn in occasional years. I have neither seen nor learned of any characteristic roosts. ZENAIDIRA MACROIRA (L ). (316) MOURNING DOVE. For its species, the Mourning Dove may be said to be fairly com'on throughout the brush-lands, and subcommon over the dry prairies. Its presence here from the 15th to the 20 of April, is soon recognized by its sad cooing notes, heard from the back past- ure, or along the wayside, through brushy sections in which are small patches of grass They do not usually arrive here in large parties, but often much as they remain through the summer, in pairs. BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 173 Oak acorns, berries of nearly all kinds, seeds and grains constitute their food, of which they find an abundance, and in the enjoyment of which they are essentially undisturbed by the gunners. Once here, if not mated when they come, they are so soon seen in pairs that it would be diJHcult to say they were not so when they came. A little after the first of May, perhaps not far from the 10th, they devote themselves to nest-building. Gen- erally on a high bush, or low tree, sometimes on a stump, a log, or even directly on the ground, they (;onstruct a platform of small sticks or twigs, on which they place some rootlets, or stems of hay, on which may occasionally be found a few lichens, or leaves. Like the nestof the other, or Wild Pigeon, it is a rather frail affair, and only hollowed enough to barely retain the two beau- tiful white eggs which are to be entrusted to it. The general habits of the species are so well known that it would be a work of supererogation to attempt a detailed description of them. They linger as long in the autumn as they can obtain their food, which in some years is into November, but as a rule they are mostly gone by the 25th of October. I have neither visited any parts of the state, nor corresponded with persons residing in different sections, where this species has not been found fairly common. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Tail feathers fourteen; above, bluish, overlaid with light brownish-olive, leaving the pure blue only on the top of the head, the exterior of the wings, and the upper surface of the tail, which is even slightly tinged with this color; entire head except the vertex, sides of neck, and the underparts generally, light brownish-red. strongly tinged with purple on the breast, be- coming lighter behind, and passing into brownish-yellow on the anal region, tibia, and under tail coverts; sides of the neck with a patch of metallic purplish-red; sides of body and inside of wings, clear light blue; wing coverts and scapulars spotted with black, mostly concealed, and an oblong patch of the same be- low the ear; tail feathers seen from below, blackish, the outer web of the outermost white; the others tipped with the same, the color becoming more and more bluish to the innermost, which is brown; seen from above, there is the same gradation from white to light blue in the tips; the rest of the feather, however, is blue, with a bar of black anterior to the light tip which runs a little forward along the margin and shaft of the feather; bill black; feet yellow. Length, 13; wing, 5.75; tail, 6.70. Habitat, North America. Older KAPTOEES. Family CATHARTH)-^. CATHARTES Al RA (L). (325.) TURKEY VULTURE. Amongst our earliest migrants, reaching the lower sections of the State immediately after the lifting of the ice-embargo, the Vultures are never seen in sufficient numbers to record them more than fairly common in some partially restricted portions of the country. After a few years of observation, I learned to look for their appearance about the Hoth of March, but have frequently been compelled to wait until the first day of April. The first seen are more commonly a single pair, attention having been drawn to them by their flying in large circles while gradually making progress northwardly along the general course of some considerable stream. A few days later, a larger number is occasionally noticed, perhaps a flock of half a dozen; rarely more, working their way to higher lati- tudes. Formerly an average share of them remained along the St. Croix, St. Peter, and Mississippi rivers to breed, but with the general progress of improvements, and the employ- ment of steam whistles on the steam boats and the mills, and on the railways, they have, in common with many other form- erly rather common species of the larger birds, become locally much rarer. The earlier nests are built, if so meagre an attemjit may be called building, about the middle of April, (in 1864, April 10th), but later ones are occasionally found. Mr. Lewis reports them as late as the 5th of May on Lake Traverse, and the 15th of the last month in Becker county, which is considerably further north. As intimated, the nests are the merest apologies when attempted at all,; but in the few instances of my own observation, they were only the naked ledsre overhanfirinsr the water, on which were a few BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 175 sticks, and some coarse stalks of weeds, or reeds. In each instance seen or yet heard from, only two eggs were found. Their color was in general a dirty, yellowish white, with dif- ferent shades of brown spattered, or splotched somewhat, nearly all over, but more so about the larger end. Their food does not differ locally from that reported of them everywhere. Mr. "Washburn "found it very common for the species, throughout the Red river valley." He made some consecu- tive observations of their habits at Ada. Dr. Hvoslef thinks that they come over our southern boundaries sometimes as early as Feb. 1st, but if they do, I persume they go back again promptly as a general thing. Next to this date he notes them in this journal on Feb. 23d, and 28th. each, 1883, but not again until March 27th of that year. No one familiar with their form in flight need be mistaken in their identity. In dignity of motion on the wing, they have few peers and no superiors. And the sustained ease of their prolonged flight is equally wonderful. Weariness is never once suggested. The separa- tion and upward inflection of the extremeties of the primaries when floating around their wide circles on the wing, carries an idea of tension which soon dissipates upon prolonged observa- tion. They remain in their favorite districts until driven away by the frost which cuts off their supply of food. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Entire plumage brownish-black, darkest on the back and tail above with a purplish lustre, many feathers having a pale border; bill yellowish; head and neck bright red; plumage commencing on the neck with a circular ruff of projecting feathers; head and upper part of neck naked, or with a few scattering hair- like feathers, and with the skin wrinkled; nostrils large, oval, communicating with each other; tail rather long and rounded. Length, 30; wing, 23; tail, 12. Habitat, temperate North America. 176 NOTES ON THE Family FALCONID^. ELANOIDES FORFICATIS (L. ). (327.) SWALLOW-TAILED KITE. For some time after I began to notice the birds here I re- garded the Swallow-tailed Kite as a veritable rari avis, and finding where one pair built their nest on the west side of Lake Minnetonka, I made a careful note of everything pertaining to their habits. Subsequently I found that the species was far from being rare, indeed was comparatively common. My mistake had been in looking for them on the prairies instead of in the dense forests. Not one of all the species had been found on any considerable prairie. In looking for the nest, authorities directed me to the immediate vicinity of water. Margins of lakes and running streams in or bordering large bodies of tall timber were searched to the distance of a hun- dred and fifty yards back from the water, but no nests were to be found. In my extreme desire to gather knowledge of the local habits of birds and having an opportunity to secure a professional o<»logist, I employed him and sent him to the eastern side of the lake mentioned, where, amongst a large number of species I wished to Inarn more about, I was confi- dent this one nested, for during the last days of May and in early June I had year after year seen the male. He spent some ten days there and brought me many items of deep interest, but of my Swallow tailed Kite, nothing. It so happened that he had fallen in with a friend of mine who was as profoundly interested in birds as any of us, to whom he showed a clutch of six eggs just obtained from a nest of these birds far back in the dense forest of maple, oak, elm and basswood, on a tree at an elevation of about sixty feet, all of which my friend very innocently rehearsed to me a few days later. I had never seen the egg at that time and regretted above words that I could not have "received that which was my own", but deter- mined to find the nest if possible, and did so. Everything about its location seemed to preclude the presumption that they would select the immediate vicinity of water. With the key to the situation now in my hands. I never have since thrown away precious time looking for their nests anywhere but in the deep forests away from all running water. They BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 177 reach the State in pairs, often in the last days of March but not usually later than the fifth of April, but do not build until about the fifth or the tenth of May. The nest is like most hawks' nests, rather bulky and consists of sticks, twigs, grass and a few leaves, and is placed in a fork of the tree about fifty to sixty feet from the ground. The full complement is six cream-white eggs, considerably splotched with iron-rust and speckled with dark brown. After the young are grown they are met with in families in their hunting excursion, when they extend them into small prairies, openings in immediate proximity to forests, being their natural territory, into which they glide instantly in the presence of supposed danger. Openings in the timber afford them their chosen food, insects of the larger varieties and reptiles of the smaller species, from which they affect those so large as to be called small prairies, that are however more or less embraced by bodies of timber. Late in summer they almost subsist upon grasshoppers alone, so abundant are they habitually at that season almost everywhere in the State. About the first of September they leave us for warmer lati- tudes. Rarely some remain a little later, if severe frosts are delayed. Their flight is simply a marvel of grace, ease and velocity that must be seen to be fully appreciated. When a "hopper," lizzard, or a diminutive snake is discovered by one of them, it drops upon it more like a snowflake than a raptorial bird. Feet and bill seem to seize the victim simultaneously, but it is in- stantly relinquished by the foot, if an insect, and by the bill if a reptile. Mr. Washburn, who found the species common at Mille Lacs and otherwheres that he went, gives an account of one of these birds, after being annoyed by a blackbird (possi- bly by a purple martin), quick as a flash turning upon its back, seizing its pestiferous assailant and bearing him remorselessly away for an unexpected luncheon. It is not accounted a very brave hawk, but it is a mistake that they will not fight if at bay with a broken wing. The extremely pointed talons, although not as powerful as are those of many others of the hawks, are capable of inflicting severe w^ounds. when sustained by a very cruel beak. They are not inclined to fight unless driven to it, but their discretion is seldom wanting when danger comes, out of which those long, pointed wings bear them with the speed of an arrow. 178 NOTES ON THE SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Wings and tail long, the latter deeply forked. Head and neck, under wing coverts, secondary quills at their bases, and entire under parts white; back, wings and tail black, with a metallic lustre; purple on the wing coverts and back; green and blue on the other parts; tarsi and toes greenish- blue; bill horn color. As with most hawks, the male is the smaller. Length, (of female), 23 to 25; wing, 16 to 17.50; tail, 14. Habitat, Southern United States and north to Minnesota. CIRCrS HIDSOMIS (L. ) (331). MARSH HAWK. This is undeniably the most abundant of the hawks which visit the State, arriving often before the ice has entirely disap- peared from the lakes. About the 20th of March the avaunt couriers of the species may be seen solitarily reconnoitering the marshes, but an unfavorable change in the meteorological con- ditions may send them away for a few days, to return next time in greater numbers. Late in April incubation is entered upon. Their favorite nesting places are in sedgy, marshy meadows, that have bunches, or tussocks of shrub-willows, in the center of which they build a somewhat bulky nest of grass, in which they lay four to live dingy bluish-white eggs. When the young are sufficiently advanced, they make short pedestrian excur- sions in the immediate vicinity of the nest, before the wings are sufficiently developed for them to take to flight, under which circumstances the solicitude of the parents is manifestly very great. To one acquainted with the habits of the species it is not ordinarily difficult to find the nest after the young are partially erown. Their principal food consists of frogs, and snakes are equally acceptable under all circumstances. They catch occasionlly, a field mouse, moles and ground squirrels. Their distribution is universal over the portions of the State where the conditions are favorable to supply them with food. Such a region is characteristic illy a country of lakes, a con- siderable number of which have subsided, leaving both ex- tensive and frequently limited areas in the most favorable con- dition t<) make it the Marsh Hawk's paradise in the breeding season. And they yield their summer home only when the approach of relentless winter compels them to do so, which, with the hardier birds is not till in the ides of November. Occasionally BIRDS OF MINNESOTA. 179 an individual refuses to leave the southern borders of the State, and remains all winter, incredible as it may seem. I have records of its presence there during each month of the winter. Noticing frequent reports of the Marsh Hawk's seizing small birds, I have taken pains to ascertain their local habit in this respect, but I have yet to record the first instance. I have met with individuals in November, long after every trace of either insect or reptilian life had disappeared, when presump- tively, if ever, the urgencies of hunger should have revealed this reserved proclivity, in the presence of several species of sparrows, without preceiving the slightest disposition to inter- fere with them. Dr. Hvoslef records the presence of the Marsh Hawk near Lanesboro on the 13th of January, 1886. Mr. Lewis found them everywhere from Bigstone to the northern boundaries of the State, and Mr Washburn says in his Red river valley notes, "Extremely common. Found everywhere in the vicinity of open country. The most abun- dant representative of the family, pairs or single birds being constantly seen hovering over the prairie and over the fields of grain. The immense numbers of frogs which throng the meadows and fields this season must afford them bountiful nourishment.'* SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Form long and slender; tarsi long; ruff quite distinct on neck in front; entire upper parts, head and breast pale-bluish cinereous; back of head mixed with dark fulvous; upper tail coverts white; under parts white, with small cordate, or has tate spots of light feruginous; quills brownish-black, with their outer edges tinged with ashy, and a large portion of the inner webs white; tail light cinereous, nearly white on inner webs of feathers, and with obscure transverse bands of brown: under surface silky- white; under wing coverts-white. Young — Entire upper parts dark umber-brown; upper tail coverts white; under parts rufous, with longitudinal stripes of brown on breast and sides; tail reddish brown, with about three wide bands of dark fulvous, paler on the inner webs; tarsi and toes yellow. Length (^of female), 19 to 21; wing, 15.50; tail, 10. Habitat, North America. Note — At certain times of the day, notably mid-forenoon and towards evening, I have repeatedly seen the young hawks while yet unable to fly, scattered in different directions from one to three yards from the nest searching for bits of food either 180 NOTES ON THE scattered accidently by the parent in tearing it for them from large snakes and frogs, or consisting of insects discovered by the young birds themselves. The observation has proved a valuable aid in searching for late nests. ACCIPITER VELOX (Wilson). (332.) SHARP-SHINNED HAWK. This hawk is a familiar one in its migrations, being quite common, and some of them remain during the winter. As soon as the season for nidification arrives, to the casual observer they seem to have left the country, but they retire to the un- frequented sections, notably the borders of forests and thickets, which no one less a "crank" than an industrious ornithologist, would think of penetrating. I have secured a few nests, that were all built in trees about fifteen to twenty feet from the ground, and consisting of sticks and grass, lined with moss and a few feathers. Some of them contained but two eggs, but as one had five, I may reasonably suppose the former clutch was incomplete. They build about the last week in April, having arrived in the country about the first. The eggs are dingy- whitish, irregularly splashed with different degrees of brown. They begin to diminish in numbers about the middle of Sep- tember, but, strange as the assertion may seem, it has been impossible to say when they have all gone, for not a month of the severest winters ever known in this high latitude has failed to record its presence. For many years during my earlier residence here, the practice of my profession took me across the bleak prairies ver}'^ frequently in winter, on which occasions I constantly saw flocks of Snow Buntings. At differ- ent times their actions indicated the presence of a hawk, but the idea of the possibility was not entertained until on one occa- sion, when 1 was returning from one of those trips, with the mercury at 43 below, as I afterwards learned, and with a wind blowing furiously from but a few degrees west of north, I saw one of this species coming before it with inconceivable velocity, and oblivious of my presence, as I was in a sleigh, it sw^ept close to the ground over the brow of a knoll close to me. and seized a bunting out of a flock sitting so close that I had not seen it. though directly in front of me. My astonishment was boundless, but I had now the key to the actions of those flocks I had so long observed. I was thoroughly familiar with the Sharp shinned Hawk, having many times watched his peerless accomplishments in hunting and seizing his prey, oftentimes BIRDS OP MINNESOTA. 181 considerably heavier than himself, and the tragedy transpired too near me to leave a doubt as to the identity of the assassin. ■ His prowess has no equal amongst Raptorial birds, attacking without an instant's hesitation, birds and animals far exceeding its own weight.* I have seen them do the things whereof I make these statements. Wilson's account of its encounter with a squirrel, and the outcome, was by no means a solitary instance, for it has been witnessed on occasions since he des- cribed it. I shot one within half a mile of the beautiful Falls of Minnehaha on the 14th of Septemoer, 1869, that had the denuded head of a large squirrel hanging firmly to one side of its neck by the incisors, one eye destroyed, and a large hole torn out o| the hawk's maw, of sufficient size to reveal its con- tents of small birds partially digested, protruding. It must have been an encounter of some weeks, or months, previous, for the squirrel's skull had become perfectly bleached and pol- ished, while the opening into the maw bore no signs of recent inflammation. Mr. Washburn found it common in the Red River valley, and along Thief river in August, while others report it everywhere in migration. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Small tail rather long; legs and toes slender; entire upper parts brownish-black, tinged with ashy; occiput mixed with white; throat and under tail coverts white, the former with lines of black on the shafts of the feathers; other under parts fine light rufous, deepest on the tibia, with transverse bands of white; shafts of feathers with lines of dark brown; tail ashj'^- brown tipped witli white, and with about four bands of brown- ish-black; quills brownish- black, with bands of a darker shade, and of white on their inner webs; secondaries and tertiaries with large, partially concealed spots of white. Length (of female). 12 to 14; wing, 7.50 to 8; tail, 6.50 to 7. Habitat. North America. ACCIPITER COO PERI (Bonaparte.) (333.) COOPER'S HAWK. This is a very common species here, and is fairly distributed over the openly timbered sections of the State. I have uni- formly observed them early in April, and if any instance has occurred of an arrival in March I have not been apprised of it. * I once saw one of these hawks dash into a flock of wild pigeons, and strike a very- large, old bird, fifty per cent heavier than itself. It was done when the assailant was moving with its highest velocity, and with such deadly certainty that the stroke in- stantly killed the pigeon, for the head and wings all dropped, and I as speedily dropped the hawk, pigeon and all, by a well-directed shot. Incredible though it seems to me now, the keen, long, curved talons had pierced to its vitals. 182 NOTES ON THE Others claim to have seen several of them associated upon their first reaching us, but I have never seen more than a pair to- gether, and in no half-day devoted to collections have I ever met with more than two pairs. They preferably frequent dis- tricts where there is considerable open, scattering timber, con- taining brush and thickets. These afford it Ruffed Grouse, quails, squirrels and rabbits, of each and all of which they are exceptionally fond. Although reputedly a terror to do- mestic fowls in other sections of the country, I have never known them to disturb them here. We undoubtedly have the best of domestic cocks, and Minnesota enjoys a llrst-class rep- utation for "crowing" (Crow Wing?) which may, or may not account for the local exemption of the barnyards. Not far from the 25th of April, they begin to build their nests in the forks of large trees, elevated as much as the firmness of the branching limbs will permit.* The nest consists of sticks outwardly, lined variously with strips of bark, leaves, moss, twigs and hay, and is quite bulky horizontally, with slight de- dejjressions for the four dull white eggs. It has long since been said that this species does not quit the nest after the first egg has been deposited, and I am now satisfied that this is true frequently enough to constitute a rule. It becomes possible from the fact that both seexs equally share the incubatory duties more faithfully than any other known species of the hawks. A young bird is occasionally found in the nest ten days before the last egg is hatched. Along the principal car- riage way between Minneapolis and St. Paul, and not very far from it. a pair of these hawks have built since 1874. It is not a little remarkable that they should have escaped the shotguns of the numerous boy-hunters of the two cities so long, to say nothing of the hazards of hunting their quarry after the whole family have taken the field. I have never seen them moving in circles after the manner of many others of the larger species, but directly forward, skimming close to the tops of the taller trees until diverted by the discovery of prey, when it dashes downward with tremendous velocity. Should it prove to be a rabbit, and once under way for its hole, the chase becomes amusing to see how the bird will strike when the rabbit passes an opening, which indeed must be a narrow one if it escapes, as they not infrequently do. If the game is a Ruffed Grouse, ♦While characteristic, this position of the iiest is not without frequout exception^. :is I have known them t« occupy the forl