^^^ ^^0*= LIBRARV OF THE University of California. GIFT OF- Class ♦^ UI.LETIN > No. 3r.. W. B. No. 342. »rl<'t', )8J|.60. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. WEATHER BUREAU. A FIRST REPORT ON THE RELATIONS BETWEEN CLIMATES AND CROPS. BY CLEVELAND ABBE. PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OK WILLIS L. MOORE, Chief United States Weather Bureau. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. United States Department of Agricui '"ure, Weather Bureatt, Office of Chief, Washington^ D. 6'., August /, 1905. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agnculture^ Washington,, D. C. Sir: I have the honor to submit the manuscript of a first report, by Prof. Cleveland Abbe, on the Relations Between Climates and Crops, and to recommend its publication as a bulletin of the Weather Bureau. This paper is not designed as an original investigation, but as a summary of the views of the best experimentalists and observers, so far as those had been published up to 1891. A continuation of this study, bringing the subject up to date, is contemplated: but as the ]Miblication of this first portion has been frequently requested, it seems wise not to delay. The author has intended to notice onlj^ those investigations that have given precise information as to specific plants or crops and spe- cific localities, and has made a thorough search of all the more impor- tant literature, in so far as it was accessible to him; it is believed that the numerous extracts given by him will be gratefully received by those who have not access to the same volumes. The work is prepared with the idea that it will be especially useful to the teachers of the agricultural colleges and the investigators of the agricultural experiment stations. Therefore only a limited edition is recommended. As the memoir points out the importance of a climatic laboratory and the methods that must be pursued in order to evolve new varieties of crop plants adapted to special climatic conditions, I can but con- sider that yon will recognize this memoir as a proper contribution to igriculture from the Weather Bureau. Very respectfully, Willis L. Moore, Chief U. S. Weather Bureau. Approved : James Wilson. Secretar'y. (3) PREFACE. Several experts in agricnltnral science having stated to me their need of a systematic summarv of the present state of our knowledge with regard to the specific influence of climate in agriculture and its relation to or absolute effect on the percentages of the resulting har- vest, and the subject being one in which I had long been interested, I therefore presented the matter to the Chief Signal Officer, who thereupon issued an instruction, dated February 25, 1891, authorizing me to prepare this work, completing it before June 30 of that year. The present report is a rapid compilation from a wide range of sources, and presents a preliminary view of the condition of our knowledge at that time as to the effect of climate upon the gi'owth and distribution of our staple crops. As far as practic?Mc I have presented, in the words of the respective authors, the results of their own investigations on the points at issue, my owm duty being not to undertake any extensive original study, but to merely connect their results together in a logical manner, to collect data for future general use, and to suggest, or stimulate, further inquiry on the points here presented. I regi'et that the report could not have been published in 1891, as many of the ideas presented therein have by delay thus been withheld from their practical applications to the benefit of agriculture. As the study of phenology and agriculture, in the modern* spirit, has been cultivated for over a century in Europe, much of our knowl- edge must be drawn from European literature, which is really far too extensive to be satisfactorily summarized in the time and space at my disposal. Originally it was my hope to introduce into this report a sunnnary of the large and sadly scattered literature of American phenology, including the dates of l)lossoming and ripening both of natiA'e and cultivated ])lants, enlarging the work already done in this line by F. B. Hough for the State of New York; but I did not succeed in completing this part of the work, and reserve it for a future occasion. Requests for phenological observations in the United States have been frequently made since 1800. and large collec- tions of data exist in manuscript and print sufficiently extensive to justify the hope that they may prove worthy of a study as elaborate (5) 6 as that which European observations have received at the hands of the lamented Linsser. The very extensive problem suggested by the title of this report involves, first, a general study of meteorology in its relations to vegetable and animal life; second, the determination of the effect of climate upon the growth and distribution of staple crops; third, the determination of the climatic conditions and the localities best suited to the growth of special varieties of plants and seeds; fourth, the statistics of the extent of the areas best adapted to each of the more important crops; fifth, the separate and the combined effects of tem- perature, rainfall, and sunshine, both in their normal and abnormal proportions, upon the annual yields of the staple crops. But such study necessitates great labor and much time, and as the first step in any such investigation consists in the critical examination of the work already done by others, in order to prevent unnecessary dupli- cation and avoid the troubles that others have experienced, therefore the reader must consider this first report as only a brief introduction to our knowledge of the relations between climates and crops. Three ways are generally recognized as affording our only methods of advancing our knowledge of our subject, viz, physiological, experi- mental, and statistical. I shall therefore endeavor to present the question of climates and crops from these three points of view. 1. The physiological studies of many botanical physiologists, under the leadership of Prof. Julius von Sachs, of the Botanical Institute at Wiirzburg, Germany, have given us an insight into the method of growth of plants and the conditions upon which successful agri- culture must depend. Their conclusions, based upon microscopic examination, delicate measurements, and detailed study of all the minutiae in the life of a plant, have given occasion to the development of what ma}^ be called a theory of vegetable life, which, however, is still fclr from having reached a perfect stage of development. Under this head I have collected observations relative to the germination of seeds, the flow of the sap, the action of sunlight on the leaves, the absorption of moisture by the roots, the transpiration from the leaves, the ripening of the seeds, the nutritious value of the crop, and the acclimatization of plants. 2. The experimental method of determining the relations of crops and climates is that practiced at agricultural experiment stations and also in the botanical or biological laboratories that are so plen- tiful in the United States and in Europe. In these institutions special seeds are sown with special care, either in the open air in small plats of ground or in culture pots in rooms where the temperature, moisture, and other conditions are under control. The numerous ab- stracts that I have presented in this report tend to show the effect of varying conditions upon the resulting crops, and I must agree heartily with De Candolle in his plea for a climatic laboratory. It is evident that in such an institution one may reproduce to perfection the cli- matic conditions under which a given seed was grown, and thus insure a maximum crop; or. on the other hand, by successive culti- vations, under successive slight changes in the artificial climate, may so modify the seed as to produce a new variety with a fixed habit of growth adapted to any natural climate that the farmer has to deal with. The laws of acclimatization that naturally follow from Lins- ser's investigations, and, in fact, from general experience in all parts of the world, point to this as a most important field of future useful- ness. It is thus that we may hope to accelerate the natural course, which, on the one hand, has already produced grains adapted to the Russian steppes, and, on the other, will eventually evolve those adapted to the vicissitudes of our own arid regions and i30ssibly our severe Alaskan climate. 3. The statistical method of ascertaining the effect of a climate on the resulting crop consists in comparing the statistics of the succes- sive annual harvests in the country at large with the statistics of the prevailing climatic conditions. At the close of this report I have given a large collection of data of this kind, sufficient, I think^ to ihow that this method is very unsatisfactory because of our ignorance 3f the many details that must be considered in discussing the statis- tical figures. I have compiled these elaborate tables for the United States from the data given by the former Statistician of the Depart- ment of Agriculture, Mr. J. R. Dodge, and his able assistant, Mr. Snow, and have indicated a method of treating these figures which will, I think, eventually give us the best results that they are capable of affording, and will be, perhaps, sufficiently accurate for the needs of the farmer, the merchant, and the statesman, but Avhich can scarcely respond to the exact demands of agricultural physics. The great col- lection of data given in the reports of the Tenth and Eleventh cen- suses of the United States for the crop years 1879 and 1889 will, I hope, tempt some one to an extended study for those years. I shall not devote much space to the question of the relative influ- ence of forests and cultivated fields on the temperature and moisture of the local air. This has become a special studv on the part of those devoted to forestry, and the papers of Professor Ebermayer (1873), Muttrich (1880), Nordlinger (1885), and others" teem with figures to show that in the heart of an extensive forest the mean daily varia- tions of temperature or the range from minimum to maximum is, on the average, from 2° to 5° C. less than in the open air just outside the forest, while a similar difference of only 1° to 2° C. exists for the .he full titles of the works referred to in this report will be found in section Bibliography," Part IV. annual ranges of temperature. Some attempts have also been made to show that in a forest region more rain falls than in adjacent open fields ; but this I shall not further consider, as I have elsewhere shown that the measured differences are all due to the influence of the wind on the catch of the rain gage and have nothing to do with rainfall itself. All reliable observations show that the percentage of moisture in the soil is larger under the forest than in the open air, and all investigations show that the temperature of the soil is far more uni- form under the forest than in the full sunshine. The proper conclusion to draw from these forest studies, in so far as they relate to the question of the influence of climate on crops, is simply that plants growing within the influence of a forest have a somewhat different climate from those growing in the open field. The amount of this influence will become a proper study when any important crop is cultivated within a forest or under its influence, which, however, is not now generally the case. The inverse question as to the influence upon general atmosj^heric phenomena of the temperature and moisture of the thin layer of quiet air within a region covered with a forest is one that may be relegated to the future as being of minor importance in dynamic meteorology and of still less importance in agricultural climatology. On the other hand, the distribution and quality of forest trees affords a very important illustration of climatic influence. Indeed, the forests themselves furnish a most important crop of lumber and firewood, perhaps the most valuable crop recorded in the statistics of the countrj^, and one whose relation to climate must be imj)ortant, but, unfortunately, the statistics of annual forest growth are not yet available for this stud}'. I have, therefore, deferred the considera- tion of this branch of our subject to a future date, when perhaps American forestry will be more fully developed. I shall omit the consideration of theories and experiments as to the artificial improvement of the weather, especially the production of rainfall, protection from hail and lightning, and the amelioration of our hot winds. Although this subject is alluring, I hope the common sense of the agricultural community will eventually indorse my con- viction that, for the present, our wisest plan is to confine our study closely to, first, the influence of sunshine, heat, moisture, and atmos- phere on the growth of plants, on the nature of the seed, and on the character of the crops; second, the influence of the quality of the seed itself and of the richness of the soil on the crop ; third, how to choose our seed, cultivate the ground, and protect the plant from frost, birds, insects, fungi, etc., so as to secure a good crop in spite of adverse natura. climatic conditions. In general, I have labored to put my data and conclusions before (he reader so fully that, if a student, he may utilize this report as a basis for further generalizations, or, if a farmer, he may derive many suggestions, hints, and rules by which to improve his methods. Very few appreciate the extensive range of edible plants, but the lists given by E. L. Sturtevant (Agr. Sci., Vol. III., p. 174) suggest that we have in the botanical world an almost unexplored field from which to recover for the use of civilized man an endless variety of foods and fruits unknown to our present cuisine and table. Sturte- vant enumerates in detail the 210 natural orders of plants recognized i)y botanists from the days of Linn?eus to those of Bentham and ] looker. These orders include 8,849 genera and 110,GG3 species, and Sturtevant shows that the edible plants include only 4,283 species, repr(>senting 170 of these orders, so that only about 3^ per cent of the known species of plants are now being used as food — most of them, of course, to a very slight extent, only as auxiliaries to the princij^al foods. The food plants extensively cultivated by man include only 1,070 species; that is to say, less than 1 per cent of all known species are cultivated anywhere throughout the known world, and those actually in ordinary use in European and American kitchen gardens represent only 211 species. The preceding numbers all refer to the phenogams, but Sturtevant gives supplementary lists covering the lower order of plants. Therefore it would seem that the present condition of agriculture and the present extent of our available vegetable foods is limited not so much by our climate and soil as by our ignorance of the laws of nature affecting plant life. We may not control the clinuite, but we may rear natural plants and adopt rational methods of modifying them by cultivation until they and we become quite independent of the vicissitudes of drought and frost. In conclusion I gratefully acknowledge the enthusiastic assistance that I have received from Mrs. R. S. Hotze as translator, and Mr. E. R. Miller in the preparation of the index. CONTENTS. Page. Letter of Tr.u^smittal 3 Preface - 5 Table of Contents - - 11 Part I.— Laboratory Work, Physiological and Experimental. Chapter I. General Remarks 15 The vital principle— Cellular and chemical structiire 15 General relations of the seed and plant to the air and the soil * 18 Importance of climatic laboratories (De CandoUe) 23 Chapter II. Germination 28 Influence of uniform temperature on germination of seed ( De CandoUe) . 28 Influence of temperature and moisture on germination (Sturtevant) 37 Influence of light and heat on germination (Pauchon) 37 Chapter III. The Temperature of the Soil 53 Observations at Houghton Farm and Geneva. N. Y., by Penhallow . .- 53 Observations by Goff 53 Observations of temperature of manured soils in Japan by Georgeson _ 54 Influence of rain on temperature of the soil at Munich (K. Singer) 54 Soil temperatures as affected by surface slope and covering (Wollny) _ . 57 Soil temperatures observed at Greenwich, England 58 Soil temperatures observed at Brookings, S. Dak 59 Soil temperatures observed at Auburn, Ala 61 Soil temperatures observed at Pendleton, Oreg 62 Soil temperatures observed at Montreal. Canada 63 Methods of measuring soil temperatures (Whitney; Emory; Menden- hall) 65 Chapter IV. The Infllt:nce of Sunshine on Assimilation and Trans- piration 67 Chemistry of assimilation (Abbott) 67 Sunshine and transpiration (Marie- Davy: Deherain) ' 69 Annual distribution of svmshine ( Humboldt) 72 ^otal quantity of heat required to ripen grain ( Boussingault) 73 The sunshine and heat required to ripen grain (Tisseraud ) 73 >,,^^The sunshine and heat required to form chlorophyl (Marie-Davy) 75 Influent'e of absorbent media on chlorophyl (Engelmann) 77 Influence of the .supply of sap (Laurent) 77 Climate and the location of chlorophyl cells (Guntz) 77 The influence of cloud and fog ( Marie-Davy) 78 Influence of shade on development (Hellriegel) . 79 Influence of long and short waves of light ( Vochting; Sachs) 79 Influence of dryness and sunlight on development of tubers (Knight; Langeuthal; Wollny) 80 (11) 12 Page. Chapter V. The Methods of Measuring Direct or Diffuse Sunshine AS to Intensity or Duration . 81 Theoretical relation of direct and diffused sunshine (Clausius) 81 Total insolation, direct and diffused (Marie-Davy) , ^ ^ . . 82 Theoretical formulae for actinometer (Arago-Davy: Marie- Davy: Fer- rel) 87 Intensity and duration of sunshine at Montsouris (Marie-Davy) 89 Relative total heat received from sun and sky diiring any day by hori- zontal surfaces ( Aymonnet) 90 ^-~ilelative total heat received during certain months (Aymonnet) 92 Photo-chemical intensity of sunshine (Bunsen: Roscoe) . 92 Photographic intensity of sunshine ( Vogel: Weber) 95 Marchand's self-registering chemical actinometer 96 Comparison of Marchands and Marie- Davy's results (Radau) 96 Violle's conjugate bulbs 97 Bellani"s radiometer or vaporization actinometer (Descroix) 97 Arago"s cyanometer and Desain's thermo-electric actinometer -99 Duration of sunshine — Recorded at United States Signal Service stations 99 Recorded at Winnipeg, Manitoba . - . . 100 Total possible duration of sunshine, by decades (Schott; Libbey) 101 Chapter VI. Moisture of the Soil 104 In general ... 104 Evaporatio.. from the surface of fresh water in evaporometer (Descroix; ^^-_^ ?erald; Piche; Riissell) 104 Culti \ ation diminishes surface-soil evaporation (Sturtevant) 108 Percol.^tion ( Welitschkowsky; Whitney; Goff ) 100 Available moisture ( Wollny; Haberlandt: Seignette) 110 Transpiration (Hoehner: Wollny; Risler; Marie-Davy: Perret) 112 Relation of plants to moisture of soil ( Wollny) . 114 Relation of water to crops (Ilionkoff: Haberlandt; Hellriegel; Fitt- bogen; Birner; Heinrich; Wollny; Sorauer) ^.. 116 Rainfall and sugar beets (Briem; Grassmann) 125 Chapter VII. Miscellaneous Relations 128 Rapid thaws , , 128 Wind :. 129 The organic dust of the atmosphere (Serafina; Arata) 130 Atmospheric electricity ( Wisliczenus; Marie-Davy) 131 Chapter VIII. Relation of Plants to Atmospheric Nitrogen 133 In general 133 "The amount of nitrogen brought down by the rain to the soil (Marie- Davy: Muntz: Marcano) 133 Nitrogen directly absorbed by soil (Schloesing) 136 Fixation of nitrogen by plants (Hellriegel and Wilfarth; Breal; Lawes and Gilbert; Frank; Berthelot; Heraeus; Warini;ton; Maquenne; Wheeler; Leone; Woods; Petermann; Pagnoul; Salkowsky) 136 Chapter IX. Relations of Crops to Manures and Fertilizers, and Rotation 162 Artificial fertilizers and manures (Sanborn; Ohio; Ladd; Prize crops of 1889) 162 13 Part II.— Open Air Work— Experience in Natural Climates. Page. Chapter X. Phenology _ 167 The relation of temperature and sunshine to the development of plants— Thermometric and actinometrie constants (Reaumur; Adanson; Hum- boldt: Boussingault: Gasparin; Lachmann: Tomaschek; Kabsch; Sachs; Deblanchis; Hoffmann: Herve Mangon: Belland; Marie-Davy; Georges Coutagne: Van Tieghem; Lippincott) 168 Studies in phenology — Quetelet 181 Fritsch - -.- 189 Linsser 211 Applications of Linsser's results 233^ Dove ---- -.-. 234 Hoffmann 236 Marie-Davy (1877; 1878; 1882; 1888; 1890)- 243 Angot (I, 1882; II, 1886; III, 1888; IV, 1890) 278 Requests for phenological observations of uncultivated plants (Smith- sonian ; Hoffmann ) 290 Chapter XI. Acclimatization and Heredity 295 Grape (Fritz) 295 Grasses (Sporer) •. . 299 Cereals (Brewer) 300 Cotton (Hammond) 305 Beans (De Candolle) ^ . . ' 306 Pepper (Sturtevant) ... ^-"'-^ 307 Kentucky blue grass (Hunt) .--iV, 307 Chapter XII. Relation of Special Crops to Special Features of Climate and other Influences 309 Beets and potatoes (Briem) 309 Sugar beets ( Durin) 310 Grasses (Ladd; Holten) 310 Cereals (Richardson) 312 Wheat— General relation to climate and soil (Brewer) 314 Cultivation of cereals— Experiments at Brookings, S. Dak. — Wheat- Barley — Oats— Maize — Meteorologica! ^ecord for 1888 and 1889 318 Maize- Indiana 331 New York (Plumb) 332 Missouri (Schweitzer) 333 Pennsylvania (Frear and Caldwell) 333 Illinois (Hunt) 334 Maize and peas— New York (Sturtevant) 335 Sorghum— United States (Wiley and Stone) _ _ 337 Oats- Kansas 337 Ohio _ 338 Freezing of plants and seeds (Detmer) 338 ijuries and benefits due to wind-breaks 340 hunderstorms and ozone 341 Tuning versus climate 341 /"heat, temperature, and rain in England 341 agar crop and rain in Barbados 344 14 Part III.— Statistical Farm Work. Page. Chapter XIII. The Crops and Climates of the United States 351 Variability of results from plat experiments 353 Effect of variations in method of cultivation and in quality of seed for different regions and years 355 Effect of variations in dates of seeding and harvesting 358 Brief summary of conclusions 363 Part IT. Chapter XIV. Authorities: Catalogue of periodicals and authors referred to 365 General index _ - - - - . 377 A FIRST REPORT ON THE RELATIONS BETWEEN CLIMATES AND CROPS. PART I.-LABORATORY WORK, PHYSIOLOGICAL AND EXPERI- MENTAL. Chapter I. GENERAL REMARKS. It is not possible to conceive of an intelligent solution of the com- plex problems offered by plant life in the ojjen air and cultivated fields without first considering the innumerable experiments that have been made by experimental botanists. It is therefore necessary for the student and the practical man alike to know something of the laws of growth, as presented in the elaborate treatises by Sachs, Vines, Goodale, and others. I will at i3resent simply collate those special results that bear upon crojjs as the final object of agriculture and confine myself very closely to the relation between the crop and the climate, in order to avoid being drawn into the discussion of innumer- able interesting matters which, although they may affect the crop, yet are understood to be outside the province of climatology. By this latter term I understand essentially the influence on the plant of its inclosure, i. e., the sky or sunshine, soil, temperature, rainfall, and the chemical constitution of the air, either directly or through the soil. THE VITAL PRINCIPLE— CELLULAR AND CHEMICAL STRUCTURE. The growth of a plant and the ripening of the fruit is accomplished by a series of molecular changes, in which the atmosphere, the water, and the soil, but especially the sun, play important parts. In this irocess a vital principle is figuratively said to exist within the seed or •lant and to guide the action of the energy from the sun, coercing he atoms of the soil, the water, and the air into such new chemical ombinations as will build up the leaf, the woody fiber, the starch, he pollen, the flower, tlie fruit and the seed. (15) 16 A climate that is favorable to a special crop is one whose vicissi- tudes of heat and rain and sunshine are not so extreme but that they can easily be utilized by the sunbeams in building up the plant. An unfavorable climate is one whose average conditions or whose extreme vicissitudes are such that the vitality of the plant — namely, its power to grow — can not make headway against them. In extreme cases, such as frosts, sudden thaws, and great droughts, the climate may even destroy the organic material that had already been formed in the plant. No plant life, not even the lowest vegetable organism, is perfected except through the influence of the radiation from the sun. It may need the most intense sunlight of the Tropics, or it may need only the diffuse and faint light within dark forests or caves. Heat alone may possibly suffice for the roots and certain stages of gi'owth, but a greater or less degree of light — i. e., energy delivered in short-wave length or rapid periodic oscillations — is necessary for the eventual maturity. The radiation from any artificial light, especially the most powerful electric light, will accomplish results similar to that of sunlight; therefore, it is not necessary to think that life or the vital principle is peculiar to or emanates from the sun, but on the contrary that living cells utilize the radiations or molecular vibra- tions so far as possible to build up the plant. We know nothing about the nature of this vital principle, but we can, by the microscope, demonstrate that the essential ultimate struc- ture of the plant or seed is a minute cell, namely, a very thin skin or film or membrane inclosing a minute portion of matter consisting of mixed liquids and solids. This skin is called the wall of the cell ; in the early groAvth of the cell its inclosed liquid is called the proto- v' ism. By crushing many such young cells we may obtain enough \ iither part to make a chemical examination and find that the cell wall is a complex chemical substance called cellulose, composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. By molecules this compound is CisHgyO.s; by weight cellulose has C 44.44, H 6.17, O 49.39 per cent. As the cells become older their walls become thicker and are incrusted internally with additional matters, such as gums, resins, etc., until the cell wall refuses to perform its original functions. Such old cells are not easily digested by man or animals and are not considered as food or reckoned among the food crops, but young cells in suc- culent stems, leaves, and fruits, or the crushed cells of seeds and grains, are nutritious food. Flax, cotton, jute, straw, wood pulp, and many other mature dried cells form the important crops of textile fibers. The protoplasm within the cell is generally an albuminous com- 17 pound or nlbimiinoid, vi/, besides liavino- carbon, hvdro<>en, and oxy- i>:on. it also contains considerable nitrogen and a littl(^ snli)hnr or phosphorus or iron or other substances, thus fonnino- all>nnien, whose chemical constitution is expressed by the approximate molecular formula C,M,,,^,,0,.^,. or by weight C 53, H 7, N IG, O 22, S 1 per cent. Possibly this molecular formula is more properly written 3(C^.4H3yNB08), plus the addition of sulphur compounds such as to make the Avhole become as before written. Mulder supposed that a certain substance which he called proteine, and whose composition is supposed to be C.joHobN^Oio, is the basal molecule of albumen; two such molecules, Avith additional quantities of nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen, combined with a little sulphur, phosphorus, iron, or other mineral, make up, according to him, the constitution of the ordinary albuminoid. But his views are not considered altogether acceptable. The constituent chemical elements contained in cellulose are ]:)i'e- cisely the same as those of starch, wdiose fornuda is Ci;Hi,/)-,, but the arrangement of the atoms and molecules among themselves is undoubtedly very different, so that the physical and chemical proper- ties of starch and cellulose are very diti'erent. Starch, diastase, and cellulose may be considered as substances composed of molecules whose internal structures are respectively more and more complex; in the molecules of each of these substances the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are in the same proportions relative to each other both by number and by weight, but a molecule of diastase has twice and one of cellulose three times as many atoms as a molecule of starch. The composition of pure Avater is represented by the molecular formula HoOj, or by Aveight H 11, O 89, so that starch may be consid- ered as a compound of 0 atoms of carbon Avith 5 molecides of Avater. From the same point of vieAv diastase Avould be compounded of^l'2 atoms of carbon and 10 molecules of water, Avhile cellulose aa' ^;d consist of 18 atoms of carbon and 15 molecules of water. These three substances are therefore called carbohydrates, as though carbon com- bined Avith Avater Avere to be considered as carbon combined Avith liydric acid. This term is not to be confounded Avith the Avord " hydro- carbon," which is applied to any compound of hydrogen and carbon, Avhich, Avhen combined Avith Avater or other molecules, forms a vei-y different series of chemicals, such, for example, as C,tH„, Avhicli is a hydrocarbon and Avhen combined with 4 molecules of Avater or hydric oxide forms alcohol, making the latter, as it were, a hydrate of a hydrocarbon. The approximate percentages by weight of the cellulose found in plants and vegetables dried at a temperature of 212° F. iuid the per- 2667—05 M 2 18 centage of albuminous compounds for air-dried crops are given as follows : Plant. Cellulose (dried at 212°). Albumi- noids (air dried). Plant. Cellulose (dried at 212°). Albumi- noids (air dried). 1.1 3.0 5.5 8.0 10.3 1.5.0 11-20 10-16 12-16 ii-ir 10-14 22-36 24-41 Wheat kernels Red clover hay 34.0 23.0 40.0 48.0 54.0 12-20 Barley kernels Oat straw Wheat straw...., Rye straw 3- 4 Buckwheat kernels 3- 4 Peas This crude chemical analysis of the walls and of the contents of the crushed cells tells us nothing of the life that had previously resided in the uncrushed organisms, but prepares us for the statement that the development of a plant implies a great amount of work done among the molecules in rearranging them into the places where tliey are needed. These molecules come from the simpler atoms in the soil, the air, and the rain water, but the force and energy that does the work of building them up comes, so far as we know, from the sunshine. It is a case of the transformation of energy. Within the cells of a plant the molecular energy, or the so-called " radiant energy," that would otherwise produce the phenomena of heat and light is transformed into chemical activity and produces the new molecular compounds that we use as food. We and other animals can not produce these compounds in our own bodies, but we can utilize them if they are not injured in the process of cooking. GENERAL RELATIONS OF THE SEED AND PLANT TO THE AIR AND THE SOIL. RESPIRATION. It is known that in the act of germination the seed absorbs oxygen from the air contained in the interstices of the soil and that very few seeds will germinate when the soil and the water are deprived of air or free oxygen. As to the full-grown plant, it is commonly said to absorb carbonic- acid gas from the air through its leaves and to exhale oxygen. The investigations of Moisson tend to modify this statement and show that at low temperatures there is more oxygen absorbed than there is carbonic-acid gas produced, while at high temperatures the reverse is true. For each plant there is a certain temperature at which each volume of carbonic-acid gas absorbed is replaced by an equal volume of oxygen exhaled by the leaves. Thus in the case of the Pinus pinaMer for every 100 volumes of oxygen absorbed there are 50 volumes of carbonic-acid gas exhaled at 0° C. temperature, but 77 volumes at 13° C. and 114 volumes at 40° C. 19 Evidently this whole process of respiration depends largely upon the temperature of the air and is more active as the temperature increases. It goes on both in darkness and in light, but with this difference — that in darkness more carbonic-acid gas is given out than the oxygen that is absorbed, whereas, on the other hand, under the influence of light more oxygen is given out than the carbonic-acid gas that is absorbed. Both these processes are stimulated by heat. The assimilation or nutrition of the plant depends upon this me- chanical influence of light in disengaging oxygen and " fixing " the carbon of the gas in the cells of the plant. Plant respiration is accompanied by two distinct but correlated phenomena, Avhich are defined by Marie-Davy (1882) as "evaporation" and "transpi- ration." Eva-pofation. — This is a purely physical phenomenon. All bodies lose water from their external surfaces when in contact with dry air, and do so faster in proportion as the wind is stronger and the air is drier. Evaporation takes place for dead and living surfaces alike. Transpiration. — This is a physiological and not a purely physical phenomenon. It occurs only in living plants and under the influence of light ; it is independent of the dryness of the air a'hd is only indi- rectly dependent on temperature. It is intimately connected with assimilation, since by its means materials are furnished to complete the work of the growth of the plant. DRYNESS, TEMPERATURE, AND VELOCITY OF THE WIND. The evaporation from the leaves, the flow of sap, and the develop- ment of the plant depend almost as much on the wind and the dry- ness of the air as they do on the temperature of the air considered by itself, since all these are necessary in order to bring the supply of nutritious water up to the leaf. Therefore, the temperature of the air must not be considered as the only important climatic element con- trolling vegetation. At the time of the bursting of the buds in the spring, when no leaves are on the trees and when the respiration of the plant and the evaporation are at their miniminn, the temperature and dryness of the air have their least influence, while the tempera- ture and moisture of the soil may have their maximum relative im- portance. These latter are the elements that determine how much water shall be absorbed and pushed upward as sap. It is under the influence of this upward ])ressure of the sap that the sunlight manu- factures the first buds and leaves. The temperature of the air flowing among the branches and buds may have any value Avithout seriously affecting the development of the plant, provided it is above freezing and below a destructive temperature, such as 120° F., and above a destructive dryness, such as 5 or 10 per cent of relative humidity. Ordinarily a warm spring day implies a warm, moist soil and a warm, 20 moist atmosphere. Man naturally observes first the latter feature, which is so important to him, and then associates it with the budding of the plant, but he recognizes his mistake when he considers that the plant is firmly established in the earth and that its nourishment and growth must depend primarily on the condition of the soil and roots. TEMPERATURE AND MOISTURE OF THE SOIL. The temperature of the soil a short distance below the immediate surface does not depend, by way of cause and effect, priniarily on the temperature of the air. It is not warmed or cooled appreciably by conduction of atmospheric heat, but by direct absorption or loss of the radiation that falls upon it. To a slight extent (perhaps 5 per cent) this sunshine is reflected from the surface particles of the ground according to the laws of simple reflection; the remainder is absorbed by the surface and warms it. This warmed surface layer immediately radiates back a small quantit}^ (10 per cent) as long- waves into the atmosphere and through that into space, since the atmosphere does not absorb these long waves, but it gives up a larger part, perhaps ^0 per cent, by conduction to the adjacent lowest layer of air, which being thus warmed quickly rises and by convection distributes this 50 per cent of heat throughout the atmosphere, whence it is eventually radiated back into space. The remaining 40 per cent of the solar heat is by conduction carried downward through the solid earth; a large portion is consumed in the evaporation of soil water and returns to the atmosphere with the aqueous vapor ; the rest goes on downward, warming up the soil until it arrives at a layer 30 to 50 feet below the earth's surface, where the gi'adient of temperature just in front of it is the same as that just behind it. Here the heat would accumulate and push its way still deeper were it not that by this time, in most cases, the diurnal and annual changes of tempera- ture at the earth's surface, where this heat wave started, have brought about a deficiency just below the earth's surface; consequently the heat that had reached the depth of 30 or 50 feet now finds the tem- perature gradient just above it beginning to reverse, wherefore this heat begins to flow back, upward, and outward. In this manner the temperature of the ground increases downward to a depth of a few yards during certain months and then upward during other months, in diurnal and annual fluctuations interspersed with irregular changes, depending on cloud and wind and rain, all of which are easily recognized by examining any system of curves representing the earth temperatures at different depths throughout the year. The ground is warmed by the air only in case the temperature of the surface soil is lower than that of the air, and, although this happens frequently, yet the quantity of heat thereby communicated 21 to the ground is comparatively slight, owing to the slow conduc- tivity of the soil and the small specific heat of the atmosphere. This point has been carefully developed by Maurer, of Zurich (1885). But when rain and snow fall, then the latent heat formerly con- tained in the atmospheric vapor is qniclvly given to the surface soil and directly conducted deeper into the ground, and the latter is warmed or cooled according as the rain or snow is warmer or cooler than it. In general, the warming of the soil by warm rain is less important than the cooling by cold rains, melting snows, and evapo- rating wine's, CLOUDINESS. AATien clouds intervene the soil receives a smaller proportion of direct solar heat, and the proportion diminishes as the thickness of the cloud layer increases or as the jjroportion of cloudy sky to clear sky increases. We may adopt the approximate rule that the warm- ing elfect of the sunshine is inversely as the cloudiness of the sky within 45° of the zenith; thus for a sky covered by 10 cumulus or 10 stratus the direct solar heat at the ground is 0;, for 10 cirrus or cirro-cumulus or cirro-stratus the solar heat is about 5, while for 0 cloudiness the radiation that the observer receives is 10. SOIL THERMOjMETERS. The motions of the clouds do not affect the sum total of the intensity of the sunshine, but the variations of cloudiness are so important that it is best to make use of some form of sunshine recorder or, better still, some form of integrating actinometer as a means of determining the relative effectiveness of the sunshine for any hour or day. If any such instrument shows that during any given hour, with the sun at a known altitude, the duration of the effectiveness of the sunshine was the nth part of the maximum value for clear sky, then we may assume that the heating effect of the sun on the surface of the soil was the nth part of its maximum value and may thus ascertain and, if need be, approximately compute the irregularities of the diurnal waves of heat that penetrate the soil. But these ii-regularities are directly shown by thermometers buried in the soil at different dejjths, and the observation of such soil ther- mometers is an essential item in the study of climate and vegetation. The absence of these observations has necessitated much labor in unsatisfactory efforts to obtain the approximate soil temperatures from the ordinary observations of air temperature, radiation ther- mometers, clouds and sunshine. Fortunately the agricultural experiment stations of the United States have begim the observation of soil temperatures as- distin- 22 guished from the deep-earth temperatures that have for a century past interested the student of terrestrial physics but do not affect agriculture. I shall hereafter give a synopsis of such records so far as they are available to me ; but so much agricultural data has been collected, both in Europe and America, without corresponding soil temi3eratures that we also need the data and methods that may be used for estimating soil temperatures from ordinary meteorological observations. SUNSHINE. Climatology usually considers the temperature of the air as given by thermometers that are shaded from the effect of sunshine; this is the temperature of the air very nearly as given by the whirled or ventilated or sling thermometers and is that which is needed in dynamic meteorology. But the sunshine produces important chem- ical effects besides its thermal effects, and these have no simple rela- tion to each other. It is therefore very important that we have some method of recording the duration, intensity, and quality of the total or general radiation that the plant receives from the sun and from the sun and the sky combined. Up to the early i^art of the nine- teenth century the optical and thermal effects of sunshine were spoken of as due to certain imponderable forces called light and heat that were supposed to be combined in the complex solar rays, but which can be separated from each other. But we now believe it to be cor- rect to speak of the sunshine as a complex influence, a radiation of energy, whose exact nature is problematical, but whose mechanical effects when it acts upon terrestrial matter w^e know, measure, and study as the phenomena of light, heat, electricity, gravitation, chem- ism, and vitality. DISTRIBUTION OF CLIMATIC ELEMENTS RELATR-E TO THE LIFE OF THE PLANT. As before stated, plants respire during both day and night. The pores of the leaves are always absorbing and emitting gases, but when the sun shines on thedeaves, and more especially with the help of the yellow part of the solar spectrum, the chlorophyl in the leaf cells is able to decompose the carbonic acid absorbed by the plant, retain- ing carbon and rejecting the oxygen. So long as the plant absorbs more carbon from the air and more nitrogen from the soil than it loses by any process it is continually increasing its leaf surface and the nutrition in its sap, laying up a store of nutrnnent for future use. This process ceases in the case of annual plants when the seed or grain or fruit begins to ripen; from this time forward the seed makes a steady draft upon the nutriment already stored up in the plant which goes to perfect the seed. In 23 this season of its growth the phmt really needs less water than before, but still its roots have the same power of absorbing water, and if the sap is thus diluted there results a seed or fruit that is heavy with an excess of water. Of course this water will dry out, if it has an opportunity, after the harvest, but if it has no opportunity, on account of damp weather, it Avill remain in the seed and render the latter more subject to injury from fungi, whose spores are always floating in the air seeking a moist nidus or resting place favorable to their growth. Such moist seeds give a heavy, green harvest, but a light dried crop. Thus it happens that the distribution of atmospheric heat, and moisture, as to time, is quite important in its effect on the local harvest. Apparently the time of ripening of the harvest depends wholly upon the chronological distribution of water and sunshine, but the quantity and quality of the harvest, which are the important practi- cal results to the farmer, depend upon the nutrition carried into the plant by the water that is absorbed by the roots. IRRIGATION. The determination of the right time for irrigation and of the proper quantity of water, in order to produce the best crop in soil of a given richness is the special problem of those planters who depend mostly upon irrigation for successful agriculture. In general it may be said that our ordinary seeds have long since been selected and acclimatized with a view to success in a climate where abundance of moisture is available at the proper season. Hence our crops are not so likely to be injured by excess of rain as by deficienc}^ or drought. Therefore in almost every section, from the Rocky Moun- tains to the Atlantic, the highest success can only be attained by mak- ing provision for artificial irrigation in times of drought. The exact times and quantities of irrigating water depend upon the seed, the soil, and the evaporation, which latter is due to dryness of the air, the velocity of the wind, and the character of the soil ; but when artificial watering or irrigation is needed to supi^lement natural rain one must seek to ai^proximate as closely as practicable to the conditions presented in the countries where the seed originated, and' especially the conditions presented during the seasons in which the given seed produced the best crops. IMPORTANCE OF CLIMATIC LABORATORIES. The studies that we are entering upon are greatly facilitated by experiments on a moderate scale under conditions that are under the control of the investigator, and free from the irregularities of open- air agriculture. The laws of nature can only be found out by ques- tioning nature, as it were, by means of test experiments. Our present 24 needs in this respect are even more urgent no^Y than the}^ were thirty years ago, and I can not do better than to reprint and indorse the following appeal first made in an address by A. de Candolle in 1866 : It appears to me. however, that botanic gardens can l^e made still more useful in carrying out physiological researches. For instance, there is much yet to be learned on the mode of action of heat, light, and electricity upon vegetation. I pointed out many of these defi- ciencies in 1855 in my Geographic Botanique Raisonnee. Ten years later Prof. Julius Sachs, in his recently published and valuable work on Physiological Botany, remarks much the same deficiencies, not- withstanding that some progress has been made in these matters. The evil consists in this, that when it is desired to observe the action of tem])erature, either fixed or varied, mean or extreme, or the effect of light, it is exceedingly difficult, and sometimes impossible (when ol)-ervations are made in the usual manner), to eliminate the effects of the constant variations of heat and light. In the laboratory it is possible to operate under more exactly defined conditions, but they are rarely sufficiently persistent ; and the observer is led into error by growing plants in too contracted a space, either in tubes or bell glasses. This last objection is apparent when it is wished to ascertain the influence of the gases diffused in the atmosphere around plants, or that of the plants themselves upon the atmosphere. Place plants under a receiver, and they are no longer in a natural condition; leave them in the open air, and the winds and currents, produced at each moment of the day by the temperature, disperse the gaseous bodies in the atmosphere. Everyone is aware of the numerous discussions concerning the more or less pernicious influence of the gases given off by from certain manufactories. The ruin noAv of a manufacturer, noAv of a horticulturist, may result from the declaration of an expert ; hence, it is incumbent on scientific men not to pronounce on these delicate questions without ■substantial proof. With a view to these researches, of which I merely point out the general nature, but which are immensely varied in details, I lately put this question: ''Could not experimental, greenhouses be liuilt, in which the temperature might be regulated for a prolonged time, and be either fixed, constant, or variable, according to the wish of the observer?" My question passed unnoticed in a voluminous work where, in truth, it Avas but an accessory. I renew it now in the pres- ence of an assembly admirably qualified to solve it. I should like, were it possible, to have a greenhouse placed in some large horticul- tural establishment or botanic garden, under the direction of some ingenious and accurate physiologist and adapted to experiments on vegetable physiology; and this is, within a little, my idea of such a construction : The building should be sheltered from all external variations of temperature, to effect which I imagine it should be in a great meas- ure below the level of the ground. I Avould have it built of thick brickwork, in the form of a vault. The upper convexity, which would rise above the ground, should have two openings — one exposed to the south, the other to the north — in order to receive the direct rays of. the sun, or diffused light. These apertures should each be closed by two very transparent glass windows, hermetically fixed. Besides which, there should be on the outside means of excluding the light, 25 in order to obtain complete darkness, and to diminish the influence of the variations of temperature when lif^ht is not required. By sinking it in the ground, by the thickness of its walls, and by the covering of its exterior surfaces with straw, mats, etc., the same fixed degree of temperature could be obtained as in a cellar. The vaulted building should have an underground connnunication with a chamber containing the heating and the electrical apparatus. The entrance into the experimental hothouse should be through a passage closed by a series of successive doors. The temperature should be regulated by metallic conductors, heated or cooled at a distance. Engineers have already devised means by which the temperature of a room, acting on a valve, regulates the entry or exit of a certain amount of air, so that the heat regulates itself. Use could be made of such an apparatus when necessary. Obviously, with a hothouse thus constructed^ the growth of plants could be followed from their germination to the ripening of their seeds, under the influence of a temperature and an amount of light perfectly definite in intensity. It could then be ascertained how heat acts during the successive phases from sowing to germination, from germination to flowering, and from this on to the ripening of the seed. For dilferent species various curves could be constructed to express the action of heat on each function, and of which there are alread}' some in illustration of the most simple phenomena, such as germination, the growth of stems, and the course of the sap in the interior of certain cells. We should then be able to fix a great num- ber of those minima and maxima of temperature wdiich limit phys- iological phenomena. Indeed, a question more complicated might be investigated, toward the solution of which science has already made some advances, namely, that of the action of variable tempera- tures; and it might be determined if, as appears to be the case, these temperatures are sometimes beneficial, at other times injurious, ac- cording to the species, the function investigated, and the range of temperature. The action of light on vegetation has given rise to the most ingenious experiments. Unfortunately these experiments have sometimes ended in contradictory and uncertain results. The best ascertained facts are the importance of sunlight for green col- oring, the decomposition of carbonic-acid gas by the foliage, and certain phenomena relating to the direction or position of stems and leaves. There remains much yet to learn upon the effect of diffused light, the combination of time and light, and the relative importance of light and heat. Does a prolonged light of several days or weeks, such as occurs in the polar regions, produce in exhalation of oxygen, and in the fixing of green matter, as much effect as the light distrib- uted during twelve-hour periods, as at the equator ? No one knows. In this case, as for temperature, curves should be constructed, show^ing the increasing or diminishing action of light on the performance of each function; and as the electric light resembles that of the sun, we could in our experimental hothouse submit vegetation to a con- tinued light. A building such as I propose w^ould allow of light being passed through colored glasses or colored solutions, and so prove the effect of the different visible or invisible rays which enter into the compo- sition of sunlight. For the sake of exactness nothing is superior to the decomposition of the luminous rays by a prism, and the fixing the rays by means of the heliostat. Xevertheless, a judicious selection of coloring matters and a logical method of performing our experi- ments will lead to good results. I will give as proof that the recent most careful experiments concerning the action of various rays upon the production of oxygen by leaves and upon the production of the green coloring matter have only confirmed the discoveries made in 183G, without either prism or heliostat, by Professor Daubeny, from which it appears that the most luminous rays have the most' i^ower. next to them the hottest rays, and lastly those called chemical. Doctor Gardner in 1843, Mr. Draper immediately after, and Dr. C. M. (juillemin in 1857, corroborated by means of the prism and the heliostat the discovery of Doctor Daubeny, which negatived the opinions prevalent since the time of Senebier and Tessier, and which were the results of erroneous experiments. It was difficult to believe that the most refrangible rays, violet, for instance, which act the most on metallic bodies, as in photometrical operations, should be precisely those which have least effect in decomposing the carbonic- acid gas in plants and have the least effect over the green matter in leaves. Notwithstanding the confirmation of all the experiments made by Doctor Daubeny, when repeated by numerous physicists and by more accurate methods, the old opinions, appearing more probable, still influenced many minds till Prof. Julius Sachs, in a series of very important experiments, again affirmed the truth. It is really the yellow and orange rays that have the most power, and the blue and violet rays the least, in the phenomena of vegetable chemistry, con- trary to that which occurs in mineral chemistry, at least in the case of chlorid of silver. The least refrangible rays, such as orange and yellow, have also the twofold and contrary property, such as pertains also to white light, and which produces the green coloring matter of leaves or bleaches them according to its intensity. It is these, also, which change the coloring matter of flowers when it has been dis- solved in water or alcohol. Those rays called chemical, such as violet and the invisible rays beyond violet, according to recent experiments confirmatory of those of ancient authors — those of Sebastian Pog- gioli in 1817 and those of C. M. Guillemin — have but one single well-ascertained effect, that of favoring the bending of the stem toward the quarter from which they come more decidedly than do other rays; yet that is an effect perhaps more negative than positive if the flexure proceeds, as many still believe, from what is going on on the side least exposed to the light. The effect upon vegetation of the nonvisible calorific rays at the other extremity of the spectrum has been but little studied. Accord- ing to the experiments we have on this subject, they would appear to have but little power over any of the functions; but it would be Avorth while to investigate further the 'calorific regions of the spec- trum by employing Doctor Tyndall's process — that is, by means of iodine dissolved in bisulphide of carbon — which permits no trace of visible light to pass. How interesting it would be to make all these laboratory experi- ments on a large scale ! Instead of looking into small cases or into a small apparatus held in the hand and in which the plants can not well be seen, the observer would himself be inside the apparatus and could arrange the plants as desired. He might observe several species at the same time — plants of all habits, climbing plants, sensi- 27 tivo plants, thoso with colored foliage, as well as ordinary plants. The experiment might he prolonged as long as desirahle. and j)rob- ably unlooked-for i-esnlts would occur as to the form or color of the organs, particularly of the leaves. Permit me to recall on this sul)ject an experiment made in 18r);5 by Professor von Martins. It will interest horticulturists, now that plants with colored foliage become more and more fashionable. Professor von ISIartins placed some plants of Amdidnflixs tricolor for two months under glasses of various colors. Under the yellow glass the varied tints of the leaves were all preserved. The red glass rather impeded the development of the leaves and produced at the base of the limb yellow instead of green; in the middle of the upper surface, yellow instead of reddish brown, and below, a red spot instead instead of purplish red. With the blue glasses, which allowed some green and yellow to pass, that which was red or yellow in the leaf had spread, so that there only remained a green border or edge. Under the nearly pure violet glasses the foliage became almost uniformly green. Thus, by means of colored glasses, provided they are not 3'ellow. horticulturists may hope to obtain at least temporary eflFects as to the coloring of variegated foliage. The action of electricity on foliage is so doubtful, so difficult to experiment upon, that I dare hardly mention it ; but it can easily be understood how a building constructed as proposed might facili- tate experiments on this subject. Respecting the action of plants on the surrounding air and the influence of a certain composition of the atmosphere upon vegetation, there would be by these means a large field open for experiments. Nothing would be easier than to create in the experimental hothouse an atmosphere charged with noxious gas and to ascertain the exact degree of its action by day and by night. An atmosjjhere of carbonic-acid gas might also be created, such as is supposed to have existed in the coal period. Then it would be seen to what extent our present vegetation would take an excess of carbon from the air, and if its general existence was inconven- ienced by it. Then it might be ascertained what tribes of plants could bear this condition and what other families could not have existed, supposing that the air had formerly had a very strong pro- portion of carbonic-acid gas. In hopes of realizing this idea of a complete botanic laboratory, the author spent his vacation of 1893 in the botanic gardens and green- houses of Harvard University. On his return to Washington Pro- fessor Riley kindly offered him every convenience and space in the insectary of the Department of Agriculture. His 800 experimental plants of wheat and maize were, therefore, brought hither from Cam- bridge, Mass. But unforeseen difficulties arose, and it is to be hoped that the idea of an experimental laboratory for botanic study may be carried out by abler hands. Chapter II. GERMINATION. INFLtTENCE OF UNIFORM TEMPERATURE ON GERMINATION OF SEED. The results of his own experiments on the germination of seeds at different temperatures were published by De Candolle (1865). His object was to determine the effect of long exposures at low tempera- tures as compared with short exposures at high temperatures. He eliminated various sources of complication and extended the observa- tions made by Burckhardt (1858). Great pains were taken to. keep the seeds at a uniform temperature; the water with which they were wetted was previously brought to the temperature required by the experiment. The first wetting was quite copious. The seeds were first covered with a thin layer of sand and the wettings fre- quently washed them bare, but no difference was observable in the epoch of germination for naked and covered seeds, showing that the temperatures in the inclosures were very uniform. The thermometers were carefully reduced to a standard Centigrade and their readings are probably correct within a tenth of a degree. The moment of germination is a delicate point to fix and is somewhat arbitrary. The embryo changes within the seed before any change shows itself on the outside. De Candolle takes as the moment of germination that when, the spermoderm being broken, the radicle begins to issue forth. Burckhardt in his experiments took as the epoch of germina- tion the moment when the cotyledons show themselves; but in De Candolle's opinion this is rather an epoch of vegetation than the epoch of germination. It would perhaps be well to consider this phenomenon when we compare the same species under different con- ditions; but it varies very much from one species to another, since certain plants remain for a long time recurved under the earth or with their cotyledons imprisoned in the remnants of the spermoderm. The seeds experimented on were as follows : Crucif erae Lepidium sativum . Do Sinapis alba. Do Iberis amara. Polemoniaceae Collomia coccinea. Linaceae Linum usitatissimum. Cucnrbitaceae Melon ( cantaloupe) . RanuncTilaceae Nigella sativa. Pedalinefe Sesamum orientate. Legiiminoseae Trifolium repens. Gramine;e Zea mays, var. precoce. Amarantaceae Celosia cristata. (28) 29 The conclusions which De Ctuulolle draws from his experiments arc as follows : (a) at a constant temperature ok 0° c. From the 7th of March to the Uth of April — that is to say, in 35 days' exposure to this temperature — the following seeds did not ger- minate at all : Collomi<(, Lepidium^ Linum^ Zea ?nays, Melon, Nlgella, Sesatmnn, Trifoliunu Celosia. The only species which did germinate was Sinapw, the various seeds of which germinated in from 11 to 17 days, the latter seemed to De Candolle to be the more proper value of the time. (b) at temperatures from 1.4° to 2.2° c. Collomia and Celosia did not germinate in 35 days; Lepidium and Linum germinated in 30 and 34 days, respectively, under ^average temperature of 1,8°. Zea mays and Nigella did not germinate in 35 days; Sesa7num did not germinate in 35 days; Sinapls germinated in 16 days, at an average temperature of 1.9°. (c) AT temperatures VARYING BETWEEN 2.6° AND 3.2° C. Collomia did not germinate in 36 days; Lepidium, about one-half of the seeds germinated, on the twelfth, sixteenth, and thirty-first daj^s, respectively; Linum germinated on the seventeenth and eighteenth days, at an average temperature of 3.1° ; Zea mays did not germinate in 36 days; Nigella did not germinate; Sesamum did not germinate. Three Sinapis seeds germinated on the ninth, one more on the seventeenth day. A new sowing of Sinapis gave one seed germinating on the sixth day. AfterAvards the temperature was alloAved to rise gradually, but the seeds which had not germinated before came to nothing, (d) at temperatures from 4.2° to 6.1° c. About one-half the Collomia seeds germinated on the seventeenth day, at an average temperature of 5.35° ; Lepidium germinated abun- dantly on the eighteenth day ; Zea mays did not germinate ; about one- fifth of the Linnm seeds germinated on the seventeenth day (average temperature 4.8°) ; Nigella, Sesamum, and Sinapis did not germinate. Possibly the moisture was too large in series (c) and (d). (e) at temperatures between 5.4° and 6° v. Some Collomia seeds germinated in 14 days; Lepidium germinated freely on the fifth day; LJnum germinated freely on the sixth day; Zea mays did not germinate in 36 days ; Nigella germinated in twenty- seventh day; Sesamum did not germinate in 36 days; Sinapis germi- 30 nated abundantl}' the fourth day: Iheris germinated the fourteenth day; Trifolium germinated the tenth day; Melon did not germinate in 36 days. (r) TEMPERATURES ABOUT 9.2° C. Collomia germinated in 6f days after sowing; Lepidium germi- nated the third day ; Linum, 1 seed began to germinate the second day, several others the fourth; Mays, 1 seed germinated the tenth day, 2 others the twelfth day, and others afterAvards; Melon did not germi- nate; Nigella germinated the fifteenth day; Sesamum did not germi- nate; Sinaj)ls germinated at the end of 3i days; Iheris germinated the sixth day ; some Trifolium seeds germinated the fifth day, others the sixth, eighth, etc. (g) TEMPERATURES FROM 12° TO 13° C. For the first three days the average temperature of the soil was 12.9°. The individual results were as follows: Collomia germi- nated from the sixth to the seventh day ; Lepidium germinated after about If days (in a second experiment at 12.9° C. it germinated in If days as before) ; Linum germinated in about 2f days (in a second experiment at 13.5° it germinated at the end of If days) ; 2 Mays seeds out of 17 germinated at the end of the fifth day, and half of them had germinated on the seventh day; Melon did not germinate during 60 days ; a quarter of the Nigella seeds germinated the ninth day; Sesamum germinated abundantly at the close of the ninth day; Sinapis germinated after If days (in a second experiment it germi- nated in about 40 hours, the average is 41 hours under a temperature of 12.9° C.) ; Iheris germinated in 3^ to 4 days; Trifolium seeds sprouted unequally at the end of the third day (a second experiment gave 3 hours less than 3 days, or 69 hours, under a temperature of 13°). (h) TEMPERATURES OF ABOUT 17° C. Lepidium (mean of two experiments) germinated in 1^ days, under 17.05° ; Linum, mean of 2 experiments, germinated in 3 daj^s, tem- perature 17.05° C. ; Trifolium, 2 experiments, germinated in 2.6 days, temperature 17.05° C. ; Sinapas, mean of 3 experiments, germi- nated in 1.7 days, temperature 17.2°; Collomia, 1 experiment, under 16.9° germinated in 5^ days; Mays, 1 experiment, germinated in 3f days, temperature 16.9° C. ; Melon, 1 experiment, began to germinate in 9i days, temperature 16.9° ; Nigella, 1 experiment, germinated the sixth day, temperature 16.9°; Sesamum. 1 experiment, germinated the third day, temperature 16.9°; Iheris, 1 experiment, germinated the fourth day, temperature 16.9°. 31 (l) TEMPERATURES OF ABOUT 20° TO 21° C. Lepidium gerniinated in 38 hours under 21.1° ; Linum gerniinated in 36 hours under 21.1° ; Mays began to germinate in 42 hours under 21.1°; Nigella germinated in 4^ days under 21.1°; Sesamum germi- nated in about 33 hours under 21.1° ; Sinapis germinated in 22 hours on the average under 21.1°; some TrifoUum seeds germinated in 42 hours under 21.1°; Ihcrh germinated in 2^ days under 20.4°; only one CoUomia seed germinated in 15^ days under 19.6° ; 2 Melon seeds out of 10 germinated in 68 hours under 19.4°. (k) TEMPERATURES FROM 24° TO 25° C. Lhiuiii germinated in 38 hours under 25.05° ; Mays, 1 seed in 12 ger- minated in 23 hours (half the seeds had germinated within 44 hours under 25.05°) ; Melon, 2 seeds in 10 germinated in 44 hours, the others subsequently'^ under 25.05° ; Sesamum germinated in from 21 to 22^ hours under 25.05° (a second exj)eriment gave 22^ hours under 24.6°) ; Sinapis germinated in about 36 hours under 25.05°; TrifoUum ger- minated in 42 hours under 25.05° ; Nigella and Iheris observations accidentally lost; Lepidium, 2 seeds in 10 germinated at the end of the sixth day, and the majority of the seeds between the sixth and seventh day under a mean temperature of 23.65°. A repetition gave 38 or 39 hours under a temperature of 21.1°; a third repetition gave 16 hours under a temperature of 26.5°, but which unfortunately ran up to 43° during a few hours. De Candolle concludes that there was some accident or mistake as to the first experiment, and therefore rejects it ; jjrobably the w^rong seed was sown. He adopts for Lepid- ium 38 hours under 21.1° C. Golloinia did not germinate until the twenty-seventh day, when 2 seeds sprouted under an average tem- perature of 21.5°. (l) TEMPERATURES OF ABOUT 28° C. Two Lepidium seeds germinated in 39 hours, but the greater part not at all in 4 days ; Linum., 1 seed germinated at the end of 2| days, 3 seeds by the end of the third day, but the majority not at all ; Mays, 1 seed germinated in 36 hours, and the majority, with vigor, in 48 hours; Melon, 1 seed germinated at the end of the third day, and the majority in 3J days; Sesamum germination began in 22 hours, and began to be abundant in 25 or 26 hours (a repetition gave 1 seed germinated in 31 hours under a temperature of 27.5° C.) ; Sinapis, 2 seeds out of 10 germinated at the end of the third day, a third seed 6 hours later, and the rest did not germinate; a few TrifoUum seeds germinated at the end of the third day ; Collomia and Nir/ella did not germinate in 8 days; a few Trifolimn and Linum seeds germinated in 8 days under a temperature of 34°. 32 (m) TE]MPERATURES from -iO^ TO 41° c. Two Sesamum seeds germinated in 10^ hours under 40.7°, and the others immediately after; 3 Melon seeds germinated in 04 hours under 40.6° ; none of the other seeds germinated at all in 4 days. (n) higher temperatures. MM. Lefebure (1800) and Edwards and Colin (1834) have shown that most seeds undergo an alteration at a temperature of 50° C, so that they will not germinate after that, even Avhen put under most favorable conditions. Some seeds when kept dry can be warmed in a stove almost to the point of combustion, but in water they lose the power of germination at 55° or 50°, or perhaps lower. In humid soil the seed is altered in proportion to the abundance of the water and the temperature of the soil. Thus, in De Candolle's above-given experiments, the seeds being kept quite wet could lose the power of germinating under 50° and perhaps under 34°, as some of the pre- ceding experiments show, without, hoAvever, precisely defining this limit. Therefore De Candolle only experimented on the seeds of Sesamum at high temperatures with the following results: The temperature varied from 50° to 57° C. The seeds were watered copiously. One seed in 5 germinated in 25.7 hours at an average temperature of 51.5° C. On repeating the experiment, 3 seeds in 12 germinated at the end of 6 days, and 2 subsequently, but the majority did not germinate, the temperature having averaged 44° C. during the first 26 hours and 20° C. during the remainder. For ease of study I have collected most of De Candolle's results for each of the eleven plants, respectively, into the following small tables : Tables showing results of De Candolle" s experimenis on the genu iiiat ion of seeds at different temperatures. lepidium sativum. Temper- ature. Time. Temper- ature. Time. Temper- ature. Time. °C'. 1.8 2.9 5.3 5.7 30 days. 12 days. 18 days. 5 days °C. 9.2 12.9 17.05 21.1 3 days. 1.75 days. 1.5 days. 38 hours. 26.5 28.0 16 hours. 39 hours. SINAPIS ALBA. 0.0 1.9 2.9 5.7 17 days. 16 days. 9 davs. 4 days. 9.2 12.9 17.2 21.1 3.5 days. 41 hours. Do. i 22 hours. 25.05 28.0 ,36 hours. 72 and 78 hours. 33 IBERIS AMARA. Temper- ature. Time. Temper- ature. Tim,. iTemper- Time. 5.7 9.2 U days. 6 days. 12.9 ' 16.9 1: -a 3.6 days. 20.4 4 days. 1 2.75 days. COLLOMIA COCCINEA. 5.:i5 ir days. 5. 7 14 days. 9.3 I 6. 75 days. 12.9 6.5 days. 16. 9 5.5 days. 19. 6 15. 5 days. 27 days. LESrUM USITATISSIMUM. 1.8 34 days. 3. 1 17 days. 4.8 Do. 5.7 6 days. 9.2 2-4 days. 21.1 1 36 hours. 12.9 2.75 days. 25. 05 38 hours. 13.5 ! 1.75 days. 28.0 %-3days. 17.05 1 3 days. 34.0 8 days. MELON (CANTALOUPE). 16.9 9.25 days. 19.4 68 hours. 25.06 28.0 44 hours. 3.1 days. _L 40.6 94 hours. NIGELLA SATIVA. 5.7 27 days. 15 days. 12.9 16.9 9 days. 6 days. 21.1 4.25 days. SESAMUM ORIENTALE. 12.9 ! 9 days. 16.9 3 days. 21. 1 3:^ hours. 25. 05 21-22i hrs. 24. 6 22.V hours. 28.0 22^26 hours. 27.5 40.7 51.5 31 hours. 101^ hours. 25.7 hours. TRIFOLIUM REPENS. .5.7 9.2 12.9 10 days. 5-6 days. 72 hours. 13.0 17. a5 21.1 69 hours. 2.6 days. 42 hours. 25.05 28.0 34.0 42 hours. 72 hours. 8 days. ZEA MAYS. 9.2 1(1-12 days. 12.9 5-7 days. 16.9 1 3.75 days. 21. 1 42 hours. 25.tt5 23-44 hours. 28.0 36 and 48 hours. De Canclolle's general conclusions are as follows : (1) Contrary to the opinions of early investigators, such as De Seynes (1863) and Edwards and Colin (1834), it is now proven that some seeds, and probably others, do germinate in water at the tempera- ture of 0° C. (2) There is a minimum temperature at which each species germi- nates. These temperatures are as follows : Sitiapis alba germinates at 0° C, and possibly below this tempera- ture if the water can be kept liquid. 2667—05 M 3 34 Lepidium and Linum did not germinate at 0° C, but did germinate •at 1.8° C. CoUomia did not germinate at 3° C but did germinate at 5.3° C. Xigella^ Iheris, and Trifolhim repens did not germinate at 5.3° C.. but did germinate at 5.7° C. Mays did not germinate at 5.7° C, but did germinate at 9° C. Semmum did not germinate at 9° C, but did germinate at 13° C. Melon did not germinate at 13° C.. but did germinate at 17° C. Malvaceae, Gossypium lierhaceum ; variety not specified: Some cot- ton seeds on which experiments had been made two years before would not then germinate, but did germinate at this time at 40° C. Raphanus sativus (radish) : Lefebure had shown that these seeds germinate at 5° or 6° C. as their minimum temperature. Trltkum (winfer wheat), Hordeum (barley), Secede cereale (rye) : All of these Graminese germinated at 7° C, according to Edwards and Colin, but this is probably not their minimum, for certainly barley will germinate at a lower temperature by prolonging the experiments. i We conclude, therefore, that each species has a minimum tempera- ture at which it germinates, and the ordinary experience of the farmer would suggest this, but in his work one can hardly decide whether seeds sown too early in the springtime are simply retarded by specific low temperatures or Avhether germination is quite impossible. These present experiments show that if the temperature is too low, then germination is prevented. In calculations on the relation of temper- ature to vegetation, one must consider only facts deduced from pro- longed, constant temperatures. In the stud}' of growth under natural conditions one must consider certain temperatures as useless and ineffective as concerns the germination of certain species of plants. There are, moreoA^er, other facts that show that the same rule holds good for leafing, flowering, and maturing. According to De Candolle's experim.ents, the species that require high temjDeratures as minima for germination are all from warm countries. Such species can not flourish in cold countries, for if they do germinate there this happens too late in the springtime and they can not ripen their fruits before winter. Among the species which germinate at low temperatures there are some that can exist in tem- perate climates, but these do not extend very far toward polar regions, either for reasons foreign to the germination or else because, having germinated too early, the delicate shoots are killed by frost. (3) There is for each seed a maximum temperature beyond which germination is impossible. The above experiments determine such maxima approximately as follows : Nigella does not germinate if the mean temperature exceeds 28° C. CoUomia does not germinate if the mean temperature exceeds 28° C. 35 Trifolium repens: Very few soods o-onuinato at 28° C, and prob- ably none at 80° C. Mays: Probably the upper limit is 35° C, althoun:li one seed onic acid, but germination demands the formation of carbonic acid; therefore darkness will favor germination. This theory thus enunciated by De Candolle has been accepted by many authors Avithout proper experimental basis. Ch. Morren (1832) experimented upon water cresses grown under different colored glasses. He concluded that as darkness favored ger- mination, so the individual colors of the spectrum, acting each hy itself, have a special influence that favors germination in such a way that 44 those colors that have the greatest ilkiminating power are those that least favor germination. Ad. Brongniart (1832) announced as the results of his experiments that the retarding influence of light depends not only on the illumi- nating power of the colored light, but on the relative quantitj^ of white light that passes through the different colored glasses. In all these experiments the seeds were seA^ral millimeters below the surface of the soil, so that the colored lights did not affect the seeds directl3% but indirectl}' through the soil whose temperature and moisture and evaporation may easily be of predominating importance. Ph. A. Pieper (ISS-t), Meyen (1837), ^Zantedeschi (1846), and Belhomme (1854) have all experimented on the growth of seeds under colored glasses; but the sources of error incident to this method of observation prevent us from drawing any conclusion as to the influence of light itself. Ville (1865) says that the injurious effect of solar radiation on germination is the result of the heat onh?^ and that the effect of the light is inappreciable. For aquatic plants whose seeds germinate in the Avater, darkness seems decidedl}^ favorable to germination, but it acts only in an indirect manner by preventing the warming of the water and the disengagement of the oxygen that is dissolved in this water. Charles Darwin (1877) says that certain species of seeds do not grow well when they are exposed to the light, even the diffuse light of a room. Duchartre (1877) considers the action of darkness as a secondary influence, useful but not at all essential and concerning which there has been too much exaggeration. Faivre (1879) has shown that the appearance of the primordial latex occurs at a moment when the radicle is only a few milliuieters long and when the cotyledons are still inclosed in the seed envelopes and have not yet received the action of light. He notes that under a yellow light obtained by transmitting sunlight through a solution of bichromate of potash the seeds develop their chlorophyl and their latex more rapidly, and consequently have a shorter period of ger- mination than under a blue light obtained by transmitting sunlight through a solution of the ammoniacal oxide of copper. Detmer (1880) has consecrated an extensive Avork to the study of the germination of seeds, and states that concerning the action of light we are still ignorant as to whether it is direct — that is to say. whether it stimulates the storing up of new substances in the vege- table tissue or whether, on the contrar}^, it strengthens the persist- ence within the cells of some special process having a more or less intimate relation to the phenomena of growth and which can only 45 proceed in darkness. Detmer adds a few historical references, viz, Humboldt (1704), according to whom seeds sprout more easily in darkness than in light; Fleischer (1851), Heiden (1859), and Nobbe (who all consider solar rays as having no action on the seeds), and, finally, Plunt (1851), who considers that light retards geruiination. After this preliminary historical survey, Pauchon communicates the results of his own experiments as to the influence of light on ger- mination on the following twenty-two species of plants : C'rucifern' : Ijeguiuinosejp : Brassica napus. Aracbis hypogjipa. Iberls amara. Dolichos lablab. Lepidium sativum. Rubiace;p : Sinapis alba. Coffea arabica var. Rio. Raphauns sativum. Spilantlies fiisea. Rammeulace.v : Heliaiitlius aimuus. Delpbiiiium Consolida. , Cartbauuis tinctorius. Nigella sativa. MalvaceiP : Cucurbitacete : Hibi^icus estuleutus. Ciicurbita uielo var. melon I'olygoiiace.-e : vert. Fagopyrum esculentum. Papaveracefe : Liuat-eip : Papaver somuiferum. Linum usitatissimum. F.nphorbiacejp : Bignoniacea^ or Pedaliaceae: Rieinns communis. Sesamum orientale. Gramineai: Liliace.-p: Zea mays. Pancratium maritinunn. After deducting doubtful results or failures Pauchon gives the following conclusions (see p. 131 of his work above quoted) : (1) In 22 experiments germination occurred first in the light; in 26 experiments it occurred first in the dark. (2) Five times we obtained duplicate results favorable to the light for the same species of plants {Arachis^ Zea m/ii/s, Dolic/io.Sj Sinapis, and Linum). Eight times these duplicate results were favorable to specimens kept in the dark {HelianthuH, Delphiti'nini, Pancratium, Ricinus, and Papaoer). In one case {Linum) two re- sults were obtained favoring light and two favoring darkness. (3) Among the 22 species of plants used in the experiments 14 gave mixed results equally favorable whether placed in the light or the dark. (4) Amoug the 8 other varieties only 1 gave negative resuhs (Cof- fea) ; 3 gave results favorable to light {Cuatrhita, Spilauthes, and Carthaniiis) ; 4 gave results favorable to darkness {Del phhihim. Pan- cratium, Lepidium, and Nigrlln). It appeared to Pauchon impossible to draw any conclusion what- ever from these facts. Should we be astonished at this? The prob- lem is certainly much more comj^lex than appears at first sight. 46 There i^^ every rea^-on to suppose, for example, that the action of light is not the same under all the conditions of temperatnv.?, A\hich ob- tained during these experiments. Here again, however, we ai'e con- fronted by the unknown; because, in order to draw from these researches the consequences which might flow from them it would be necessary to know precisely the thermic conditions favorable to the germination of each species. Unfortunately this is a very important gap to be still filled up, as the work accomplished in this direction gives only approximate results limited to a very small number of different kinds of seeds. On the other hand, looking to facts of another order, mentioned further on in this work, we think that we may be allowed to suppose that the influence of light can only be favorable to germination when it acts at temperatures below that which is most favorable to germination. A considerable number of observations already cited would seem to be in accord with this view of the subject. But unfortlmately the many contradictions that we observed in our results do not allow us to accept this opinion as based upon a solid foundation. Pauchon then goes on as follows : Another reason, however, induces me to admit, only with many reserves, the results of experiments whose critical epoch is the visible development of the embryo. A method based on this special observa- tion does not appear to me capable of furnishing a really scientific basis for the determination of the question before us. The process of germination is not, in reality, as simple a phenomenon as the greater number of botanists, perhaps too easily, take for granted. Its com- l^lexity is even so great that one can not judge of the actual develop- ment of the germ of the plant and of the degree of its physiological activity by the external characters observable by the eye, such as the bursting of the spermoderm and the more or less rapid protrusion of the radicle. I do not hesitate to say, according to observations frequently repeated, that this is an empirical process and entirely deceptive in the particular case that we are dealing with. Although it may be capable of furnishing valuable results when av(> wish to judge of the influence of some one of the fundamental conditions of germination, it becomes utterly insufficient when it is a question of observing the more delicate and fugitive influences, such as that of light. I have, in fact, in the course of chemical researches, given in the next chapter, demonstrated that for the same stage of apparent development the absorption of oxygen by the seeds in the process, oi germination varies to a large extent Avith the temperature, and has no relation to the external growth of the embryo. It is, howevei'. not surprising that the development of the embryo continues in the interior of the seed for a much longer time in one seed tlian in another of identical appearance; the unknown and variable relation between the reserved nutrition and the rudimentary vegetable is probably the explanation of these hitherto unex])lained peculiarities. Although the researches given in tl-ris chapter do not give any posi- tive result on the subject of my work, I have preserved them .nid pub 47 lish thorn hero in order to explain to observers the defects of an experimental process to which, in the futnre, they wonld themselves have been tempted to resort : this, moreover, seems to me the more iisefnl in that np to this time this danger does not seem to have struck the attention of botanists. On the other hand, my observations con- lain some new data relative to the temperatures favorable for the L'ormination of certain exotic seeds. In consequence of the conclusions to which we have thus been led, it would be useless to study the action of the different portions of the solar spectrum on the apparent progress of germination. How, in fact, can we suppose, in view of the contradictory results already obtained for the condition of light and of darkness — that is to say, for the most extreme conditions — that the employment of the same method can reveal a dift'erence of action for the various portions of the spectrum ? Is it then necessary, after this first fruitless attempt, to give up the solution of the problem, or shall we seek it by another and better method? It is this latter alternative that I have adopted in that I have taken for the basis of a new series of observtions the variations of a physiological process that, in an almost mathematical manner, measures the germinal activity of the vegetable embryo, namely, the respiration. After giving the details of his experiments on respiration of plants, Pauchon draAvs the following conclusions (p. 166) : The laws brought prominently forward by the results of these experiments are : (1) Light exercises a constant and more or less marked accelerat- ing influence upon the absorption of oxygen by seeds in the i)rocess of germination. All the experiments made in a strong light have not, liowever. the same value in demonstrating this fact. But if we have doubts about the precision of the results furnished by experiments in which germination did not invariably take place (and we believe that we have shown by some preparatory experiments that these results have at least a relative value), this certainly is not the case with experiments Nos. 2 and 8, in which all the seeds did germinate. Thus experiment No. 2 shoAved in favor of light a result as to the oxygen absorbed twice as great as that given by the seeds placed in the dark. In the same way in experiment No. S this superiority reaches to one-third of the quantity of oxygen absorbed by the seeds placed in the dark. Finally, the other experiments, and particularly those classed under Xos. 3. 6, and 7, further confirm the generality of this action of light, which we will, besides, find again in a second series of experiments reported hereafter, several of which have shown unanimity of germination in both cases. (2) There exists a relatirm between the degree of light and the ((uantity of oxygen absorljed. Thus, in a diffuse light this accelerat- ing influence shows itself in a most marked manner when the sky is very clear, and the solar radiation reaches us in its greatest inten- sity. Such was the case in exix'riments Nos. 2 and 8. Whenever the sky is cloudy this action is more and more weakened and ceases altogether when the sun is coni])letely veiled, as in stormy weather, so that there is a semiobscurity. 48 However, in all the experiments where the final result has been favorable to the action of light T have convinced myself that a cloudy sky for twelve hours always showed itself in the amount of the absorption of oxygen in such a manner that the examination of these figures, noted day by day, would almost serve to show the state of the atmosphere during the day which preceded the observation. A very conclusive instance of this action is given us by experiment No. 4 of the second series, in which the state of the sky being care- fully observed it showed very marked changes. (8) The accelerating influence exercised upon seeds exposed to the action of light during the day did not stop at night; it continued to act in the dark with an equal, sometimes even with a greater intensity. I will cite as examples experiments Nos. 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8, wdien obser- vations made twice a day, morning and evening, allowed of examin- ing the fact I state. How can we explain this persistent action of light? One hypothesis only can be admitted. A portion of the action of the light absorbed by the grain during the day is stored up by it and used by it at night to accelerate its respiration. The i)roof of this is that the diiferences of elevation [or quantities of absorbed oxygen] shown in the morning by the instruments for seeds kept in the dark are always below those shown by the instruments and plants in the light. The influence of the light, then, continues for a certain time, at least several hours, even after the light itself has ceased to act; on the other hand, however, this action is not exerted immedi- ately. There is one other phenomenon that we have demonstrated by our experiments. Suppose the sky to be very clear; the differ- ences in favor of light are only apparent after two or three days and become much more marked toward the end of the experiment; that is to say, in proportion as the daily action of sunlight is more and more frequently repeated. (4) I should also call attention to still another peculiarity, viz, that the difl'erences in the quantities of oxygen absorbed in the dark and in the light were generally much greater at the beginning of these researches than in the later experiments, and particularly in those of the second series. The temperature appears to me to be the only element that varied in these experiments. There must there- fore be a more intense respiratory action exercised by light at low temperatures, and this influence would become weakened at high tem- peratures. This fact would be in entire agreement with the demands of physiology. It is easy of comprehension that a scarcity of heat should be counterbalanced by the action of light, which furnishes for the reaction of the respiratory organs the force that they could not obtain from an insufficient temperature. On the contrary, when the heat is intense the intervention of the light is no longer neces- sary, the first cause bcMiig suffirieut to excite the process of germina- tion in the protoplasm of the seeds. (5) This action of light seems to difi'er a little accordmg as it acts upon seeds containing albumen or those without albumen. In the case of the albuminous seeds of the castor-oil plant the advantage was much more apparent in favor of those exposed to the light, which advantage appeared to me much less decided for the seeds without albumen, such as the haricot bean. Nevertheless, as the experiments were not invariable in their results, the cause of the variations ob- 49 served can also be accounted for by attributinij thoni to certain dif- ferences in the atmospheric conditions. (6) The more considerable absorption of oxys^en by seeds under the influence of li^iht explains the fact that asparagine (the medium for the conveyance of the reserved albuminous substances in the ger- mination of leguminous plants) only disappears in plants exposed to the light and continues present in those raised in the dark. The comj^arative researches of Pfeller (1ST2) upon the chemical com- position of asparagine ajid other substances showed that asparagine is poorer in carbon and in hydrogen and richer in oxygen than legumine and other albuminoids. The transformation of leguniine into asi:)aragine is accompanied by the absorption of a certain quan- tity of oxygen. On the other hand, it is effected only by the influ- ence of light, the reason being that light increases the quantity of oxygen absorbed, and therefore exerts only an indirect influence on this change, as had already been surmised even when we were not acquainted with the reasons. (7) Other new and important conclusions become apparent from these experiments and those which follow, and although they have no direct connection with the subject of my work I think it will be well to designate them briefly. The quantity of ox^'gen aljsorbed in a certain space of time by a seed in process of germination varies very considerably according to the temperature; it increases with it, as has been alreadj^ proved in treating of the respiration of i^lants in the dark. The general results of mv experiments, and particularly of Nos. 9 and 10, leave no doubt of this fact. We can therefore easily understand what errors haA'e been committed by those experimentalists who have given calcula- tions of this absorption of oxygen by certain seeds without taking into consideration the conditions as to temperature. Their figures have no value whatever, particularly in vicAv of a fact stated by me several times alread}^ viz, that the quantity of oxygen absorbed by a seed is not at all in proportion to its apparent development, but, on the contrary, undergoes considerable variation, depending upon the influence of the external agents affecting the phenomenon. x\ccord ing to my observations, this quantity may vary as two to one, or even more, in two plants of identically the same weight, but placed in dif- ferent thermic conditions from the commencement of their germina- tion to the emerging of the rootlet. From this point of view, then, the plant acts like a complete organism, its respiratory action being- accelerated or retarded always, however, within physiological limits, like those of an animal under the influence of certain exterior changes. Having thus shown that germinating seeds absorb more oxygen in the light than in darkness, Pauchon conducted some experiments to determine the ratio betw^een the oxygen and the carbonic acid, and draws the following conclusions (see page 182 of his work) : Experiments Nos. 3 and 4 have a real value for the solution of the problem brought forward in this part of my work. As to the partial results given by experiments Xos. 1, 2, and 5, their accuracy can not be doubted; therefore I shall make use of them as confirmatory docu- ments. I must repeat that the numbers used for the proportions of 2667—05 M 4 50 carbonic acid are a little smaller than the}' should be in reality, in consequence of peculiarities inherent to the method and already explained; but as this diminution, which is almost insignificant, is equally present in all the quantities, the result is that the numerical quantities are always comparable, akhough the ratio may be dimin- ished in an inappreciable degree. Finally, I may add that the con- clusions which follow are only applicable to plants under precisely the same conditions as those under which my experiments were conducted. ( 1 ) I note, first, that experiments Nos. 8 and 4 confirm in the most l^recise manner the general fact of the accelerating influence exer- cised by light upon the absorption of oxygen; but, these experiments having been carried out at a higher mean temperature,'the differences in the quantity of oxygen absorbed in the light and in the dark are generally less than in the first series of experiments. (2) As to the exact relative quantities of carbonic acid exhaled, it was a little more for the castor-oil plant in the dark than in the light, the contrary being the case for the scarlet runner bean. From this we might conclude that the influence of light produces doubly favorable effects upon the germination of the castor-oil i^lant. (a) by increasing the absorption of oxygen and {b) by diminishing the exhalation of carbonic acid, thereby increasing the gain of oxygen by reducing the expenditure of carbon and oxygen. (It must not be forgotten, in this explanation, that one volume of carbonic acid gas contains one volume of oxygen.) From this particular point of view the scarlet runner bean seems to be less favored than the castor- oil plant, although the excess of the quantity of carbonic acid exhaled by either placed in the light is nearly insignificant when compared with that exhaled by the same species kept in the dark. CO. (o) In tlie dark the ratio T) ^' as determined l>y four experiments divided equally between the seed of the castor-oil plant and those of the haricot bean, was at least a third more in favor of the latter thari the ratio obtained for the castor-oil plant. The length of the experi- ment appears to me to have exercised a certain influence upon this ratio. Thus, for the castor-oil plant the figures reached 0.586 in experiment No. 2, which lasted about four days, and 0.7T1 in experiment No. 8, which lasted five days. The same was the case with the haricot bean : the result was 1.138 for experiment No. 4, which terminated during the fourth day, and 1.034 for experiment No. 5. which was prolonged until the sixth day. In a word, the prolongation of the experiment tends to render the ratio -t^ equal to unity. With tiie duration of the experiment this ratio rises in those cases Avhere it is below 1, but diminishes where it is above 1, until the seed is consumed and the period of vegetation, properly so called, arrives, during M'hich latter time the final limit may be reached when the quantities of oxygen absorbed and the carbonic acid exhaled balance perfectly. (4) In the light the ratio - - is about a third more for the 51 haricot boan than for. the castor-oil phuit. Hut the sum obtained iu oxperiinont No. i2 was very much below that stated in experinienl No. 5. The duration of this experiment and its prolongation until the api:)roach of the vegetating ])eriod ai)pears to me to account foi- this ditt'erence. This hypothesis is supported by the results of (wperi- ments Xos. 1 and 4, the first having lasted six days and the other less than four. (5) By comparing the ratio -^■-' for similar expei'iments made in the light and in the dark, Ave see that there is alwaj^s a ditt'erence of a quarter of the value of this ratio in favor of the dark; or, in other words, a seed placed in the dark always exhales more carbonic acid for the same quantity of oxygen absorbed than a seed kej)t in the light, even although sometimes, as we showed in experiment No. 8, the absolute quantity of carbonic acid exhaled is less in the light than it is in the dark. Finally, while in the light the carbonic acid released is always much less in quantity than the oxygen absorbed, the con- trary may be the case in the dark, where the absolute amount of car- bonic acid may even exceed the absolute quantity of oxygen, as is proved in experiment No. 4, where the absorption of oxygen 87.36 corresponds to an exhalation of 42.54 of carbonic acid. (6) In order to consider the influence exerted upon the ratio -^^ by the nature of the grain itself under diiferent conditions as to light and darkness, it is only necessary to consult the conclusions which precede, and note the marked ditferences that distinguish the albumi- nous and oily seed of the castor oil from the nonalbuminous and starchy haricot bean. (7) The facts which precede complete the explanation already given of the transformation of legumin into asparagin under the influence of light. In general, the absorption of a greater quantity of oxygen only assures the formation of asparagin in so far as the amount of carbonic acid exhaled is less than the amount of oxygen absorbed; since asparagin is poorer in carbonic acid and richer in oxygen than legundn, all the conditions favorable to that formation are to be found demonstrated in the results of experiment No. 4, with seeds exposed to the light. It is very probable that a portion of the oxA'gen which had disappeared and that was not found as carbonic acid was absorbed by the albuminoids when forming asparagin, and we know from other sources that this substance seems to form in the majority of seeds during the process of germination. This absorption of oxygen during the period of- germination is still greater in the castor-oil seed than in that of the bean. The oily seed, therefore, seems to be more favored by nature from a i)hysio- logical point of view. (8) We might be tempted to compare the ratio ^. '\ obtained during the time of germination, with the same ratio during the period of vegetation. But the sum for the vegetating epoch has only been precisely fixed in the dark, which for green plants is entirely an ab- normal state. As, on the other hand, it is impossible to gauge exactly 52 the quantity of oxygen absorbed and the amount of carbonic acid exhaled by a phmt placed in the light and under natural conditions, it will easily be understood why we refrain from making any com- parison until we are in possession of iill the data necGSi^ary to carry out the calculation. (9) The facts which precede convince me that the seeds of uncul- tivated plants germinating in the light are, all other conditions being- equal, better distributed than the seeds of cultivated plants; that they possess a greater germinating power, an advantage which in- creases their chances for ulterior development. Chapter III. THE TEMPEEATURE OF THE SOIL. OBSERVATIONS AT HOUGHTON FARM AND GENEVA, N. Y., BY D. P. PENHALLOW. Ill reference to the value of soil temperatures, Penhallow states (Agr. Sci.. Vol. I, p. 78) : A jsroper knowledo-e of the temperature of the soil must serve to o-uide us in reference to the time of planting particular seeds and the depth at which they should be planted, as determined by the condition and character of the soil. When the farmer gently packs the earth over the planted seed he derives a measure of benefit in the higher temperature of the soil at that place, whereby germination is accel- erated. Similarly, we can understand that cultivation during periods of excessive heat must tend to avert some of the evil results otherwise following from an excess of temperature. Moreover, in seasons of great or even of ordinary dryness a judicious system of irrigation must be of the greatest advantage, not only as supph'ing needed fluids for the general functions of gTowth, but as reducing the otherwise high tem})erature of the soil to a degree that is well within the danger limit and consistent with normal growth. Penhallow also shows from observations at Houghton Farm and at Geneva, X. Y., that all layers of the soil within 8 inches of the surface have temperatures that depend not merely upon absorption of solar heat but also upon the cooling due to radiation and evaporation. The depression due to evaporation amounts to about 8° C. on the average of the warmer half of the year and is even more than this when hot days and strong dry winds produce an excessive evaporation. OBSERVATIONS BY E. S. GOFF. E. S. Goff adduces observations to show that the temperature of the water at the time when it enters into the roots from the soil has some relation to the temperature of the stem of the plant for a short distance above the surface soil, and that the distance up the stem to which this temperature is felt depends upon the rajiidity of the flow of the sap, and therefore ultimately on the rapidity of transpiration from the leaves. (Agr, 8ci., Vol. I, p. 134.) (53) 54 OBSERVATIONS OF TEMPERATURE OF MANURED SOILS IN JAPAN BY GEORGESON. Soil temperature must to some extent be aifected by the heat given out by decaying manure and vegetation. On tliis subject Mr. C. C. Georgeson describes some experiments being made at Tokyo, Japan (Agr. Sci., Vol. I, p. 251), from which it appears that the tempera- ture immediately after applying the manure was from 2° to 5° F. higher than in the unmanured soil, and this excess steadily dimin- ished, but was still appreciable at the end of two months. The 2° of excess occurred when the manure was applied at the rate of 10 tons per acre, and the 5° of excess when applied at a rate of 80 tons per acre. INFLUENCE OF RAIN ON TEMPERATURE OF THE SOIL AT MUNICH. (K. SINGER.) The study of the earth temperatures at considerable depths is a prob- lem for terrestrial physics, but for agricultural purposes we need only consider the temperature of the soil within 4 or at most 8 feet. The work of Karl Singer (1890) is sufficiently instructive to justify the presentation of his general results for use in studying the phienolo- gical phenomena of Europe. In a simple diagram Singer sum- marized at a glance the mean temperature of the soil at any depth between 1 and 7 meters for any day of the year, as it results from an average of thirty years of observations at the observatory at Bogen- hausen, near Munich, Bavaria. The series of observations includes, in fact, four sets of earth thermometers, two of which were on the northwest side of the observatory and the other two on the south- east side; the diagram and the following summary of results relate to the average of the pair on the southeast side. Each set of ther- mometers consisted of five, whose bulbs were buried at depths of 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 Bavarian feet, respectively, or 1.2, 2.4, 3.6, 4.8, and 5.9 meters, respectively. The lines given in this diagram are thermal isopleths, viz, curves of equal temperature for successive depths and days, the days being represented by vertical lines and the depths by the horizontal lines. The following paragraphs express the general results of Singer's work as far as it bears upon the growth of plants: 55 (1) The normal mean temperature of the earth for twenty-five years (18()1-1885) at Booenhausen, near Ahniich, at certain depths, is as follows : Tbermometov. No. I.. No. II. No. m No. IV No. V- Depth. Mean temper- ature. Bavarian feet. Meters. "C. i.2 1.3 9.18 8.2 2. .5 9.16 12.2 3.6 9.12 16.2 4.8 9.12 20.2 6.0 9.06 Ampli- tude. C. 11.(54 7.64 5.24 3.48 2.12 (2) The mean temperature of the earth at a depth of about 1 meter below the surface exceeds the mean temperature of the air | at a meter above the surface] by more than -?°. The important influence of the considerable altitude above sea level of the place of observation is to be recognized in this result. (3) The decrease of the annual amplitude with increasing depth for the adopted interval of -i Bavarian feet, or 1.17 meters, amounts to 1:2.18° C, or very nearly one-third of the original amplitude of the atmospheric temperature. The amplitude aP in centigrade de- grees at the dei^th P in meters is represented by log aP=1.2()"20 — 0.1508 P. Whence we compute the amplitudes given in the last col- umn of the preceding table. (4) The epoch of the occurrence of the extreme and mean tempera- tures for the highest thermometer, No. I, are : Minimum, 2d of ^larch ; first mean, 21st May; maximum, 24th August; second mean, loth November. These are therefore separated from each other by inter- vals of about 2f , 3, 2f, 3^ months, respectively. P^or each step down- ward of 4 feet, or 1.2 meters, in depth, the occurrence of the epoch of extreme temperature is retarded on an average 21 da^^s and that of the mean temperature 24 days; therefore an almost uniform distribu- tion of these dates is brought about down to a depth of 20.2 feet, or () meters, where the minimum occurs on the 23d of INIay, the first mean on the 24th August ; the maximum ITtli November, and the second mean on the 24tli February. (5) The actual temperatures of the ground from 18G1 to 1889. at the upper stage of 4.2 feet, or 1.3 meters, or thermometer No. I, did not fall below 2° C. or rise above 17° C. At the lower levels they ranged between 4° and 14°, 5° and 13°, 6° and 12°, 7° and 11°, respec- tivel}'. (6) By a careful consideration of the state of the weather it is pos- sible in every case to account for the connection between the fluctua- tions of the temperature of the air and that of the earth. The following generalizations refer to the climate of the South Bavarian Plateau only and to the four .seasons of the year: (7) In mild and, as usual, rainy, winter months, there is no mate- rial rise in the temperature of the earth relative to the average tem- perature curves, particularly at great depths, but generally a lowering of temperature. 56 (8) Mild, and at the same time dry, winters are associated with a. tendency of the earth temperature' to rise above the average. (9) The earth temperatures exhibit a tendency to fall, if not al- read}' too low, during winters in which, with alternate freezing and thawing, the mean temperature is below the normal. (10) In the same way even a covering of snow can only to a lim- ited extent prevent the cooling of the earth when severe cold follows the mild and rainy weather of the first part of winter. (11) In continuous severe winters, on the contrary, wdien even December generally brings a permanent covering of snow, the nega- tive departure of the earth temperature is either limited to the higher strata or is unimportant. (12) A warm spring, which, as a rule, brings only a moderate quan- tity of rain, causes a relatively decided rise of the earth temperature. (13) When a cold and rainy late winter is directly succeeded by warm spring months, the temperatures of only the upper strata of the ground rise, wdiile those of the low^er strata may fall still further below their normal values. (14) In certain w^arm and at the same time rainy springs the earth teniperatures remain on an average unchanged with respect to the nonnal for the cold rain counterbalances the warm weather. C. A.] (15) An exceptionally cold spring, which is generally distinguished by heavy snow^s, is, with few exceptions, accompanied, and to a con- siderable depth, by a notable low^ering. of the temperature of the ground in comparison wath its normal temperature. (16) In cold and at the same time dry spring weather the relative lowering of the temperature of the ground will generally be incon- siderable if it has not been preceded by an immediate very rainy season. (17) A warm summer is always accompanied by a high temperature of the ground or by a rise of its temperature. The increase is the more decided the more the excess in the temperature of the air is accompanied by a large quantity of rain, or has been immediately preceded by it. In warm and comparatively dry summers the rise of the earth's temperature does not perceptibly exceed the normal. (18) The relative lowness of the temperature of the soil which fol- lows without exception a cool summer generally extends down only to a comparatively moderate depth, scarcely to 4 meters. Those months in which we find it extending to G meters will be found to have been at the same time rainy months. (19) A warm autumn, with very few exceptions, causes a corre- sponding small rise in the temperature of the soil, but this may even, on the contrary, become a fall wdien the late autunni, by reason of much rain, resembles a mild type of winter. (20) Low air temperature is generally accompanied in autumn by an excess of rain, the consequence of which, as regularly and fre- quently observed, is a falling in the temperature of the earth. (21) In the rarer cases of cool and dry autumns there is observed only a very inconsiderable influence on the temperature of the earth. (22) The dampness of the soil is (under the climatic influences prevailing in ^funich) sufficient to allow^ the variations in the tem- perature of the air in winter and spring to exercise a decided influence upon those of the soil, whereas in summer an excess of rain would be 57 necessary to accomplish this, and that, too, to a greater deofree if the soil l)e covered with vegetation. The ])henomena of autunni geniu-ally resemble closely those of sunnner. (28) In general the fluctuations in the temperature of the earth are not less dependent on the precipitation than on the variations in the temperature of the air. SOIL, TEMPERATURES AS AFFECTED BY SURFACE SLOPE AND COVERING (WOLLNY). In reference to the effect of the slope of the earth's surface on the temperature of the soil, "Wollny (1888, p. 364) has made an extensive series of measurements at Munich from which he draws the following conclusions in continuation of those published by him in 1883. His temperatures were measured bihourly at a depth of 15 centimeters under both fallow soil and grass sod; the differences referred to amounted to 3° and 4° F. in individual cases, but on the average to scarcelj^ 1° F. (1) That soil whose exposure is toward the south is the warmest, then comes the east, then the west, and finally the north exposure. (2) The southern exposure is warmer in proportion as the inclina-/^ tion to the horizon is greater. (3) The difference of temperature betw^een the north and south exposure is much greater than between east and west. (4) The difference in the Avarming of the soil for north and south exposures is greater in proportion as the surfaces have a greater inclination. AVollny (1888, p. 415) has also investigated the influence of the covering of straw and chaff on tlie temperature and moisture of the soil. He finds the following conclusions: (1) That at a depth of 10 centimeters the naked soil is warmed more with rising air temperatures and is cooled more with falling air temperatures than under any one of the different forms of straw covering. (2) That the variations in the temperature within the straw litter are very much less than in the earth. (3) That the earth is in general somewhat colder than the material of which the litter is made, except when the latter is moss. (4) That among the various materials forming a litter the pine^ needles are w^armed the most, the oak leaves and the fir-tree needles are less warm, while the litter of moss is the coldest. The different temperatures observed were as follows, on the average of the months April to September: Pine needles, lf).i)3'' C: oak leaves. 16.62° C; fir needles, 16.34° C. ; the naked soil at a depth of 10 centimeters, 16.18° C; moss, 15.95° C. 58 The difference between the morning and evening temperatures shows : (1) That the cooling during the night and the warming (hiring the day is appreciably larger for the naked earth than for the various kinds of litter. (2) That the pine needles warm up most during the day and the moss Avarms up least; that the fir needles cool most during the night and the pine needles least. The power of retaining moisture varies with the different kinds of litter as follows : (1) Any litter of forest leaves or needles is moister than the earth, but the moss is less moist than the earth ; the gradation is from oak leaves, the highest, through fir needles to moss, the lowest. With regard to evaporation Wollny shows that the naked earth loses a greater quantity of moisture by evaporation than do the various kinds of litter. /' (2) That the moss litter evaporates the most, but the litter of forest \ leaves the least. (3) That the quantity of evaporation is greater the thinner the layer of the litter. In general, then, the litters of leaves and of pine needles give up the rain water that falls upon them to the ground beneath in larger proportion, but still continue to be very moist because they lose, rela- tively, little water by evaporation; furthermore, that the moss litter is distinguished by large variations in its contained water because it has on the one hand a large capacity for water and on the other hand a very considerable evaporating power. SOIL TEMPERATURES OBSERVED AT GREENWICH, ENGLAND. Among the limited number of long-continued series of observations of temperatures of soil near the surface is that maintained at Green- wich Observatory, England, since June, 1846. This series embraces observations at considerable depths that will not interest the student of agriculture, but we reproduce in the following table the results of observations at 1 inch in depth, as given in the annual volumes of the Greenwich Observatory for 1878, and as given in J. D. Everett's memoir of 1860. These soil temperatures can be used in any sub- sequent study of English crops throughout the southern half of England or in analogous climates. 59 Monthly and nniiual means of noonday readings of a Fahrenheit thermometer whose hulh is i inch hvioir the surface of the soil /it Green icich Ohsercatory. 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851... 1853 1854. 1855. ia56. 1857. 18«53. 1S«4. 1866. 1867. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. ■37.8 37.4 41.5 36.7 44.2 42.8 44.3 40.6 38.4 41.5 38.9 42.4 40.9 :55. 5 40.7 43.2 39.6 .38.8 44.1 38.3 39.4 43.0 40.1 36.2 41.6 42.8 38.0 44.1 j 43.6 i 44.4 42.7 I 42.0 37.0 I 41.6 ! 3:^.4 4;i.3 40.7 37.8 4:15 37.4 42.6 42.9 43.2 39.0 38.9 43.1 46.1 44.5 46.8 38.1 42.0 44.6 3fi.4 42.9 44.6 44.3 41.9 44.0 43.0 41.8 45.3 41.0 41.7 43.7 42.2 47.3 42.1 44.6 45.6 45.0 43.2 39.3 42.0 40.7 45.9 40.8 42.5 4.5.0 45.0 42.4 40.38 41.40 4125 49. -^l Apr. 47.2 49.5 46.3 50.4 48.5 49.9 47.4 52.7 48.9 50.4 48.3 49.6 49.3 45.2 47.7 50.6 51.1 50.0 53.3 50.3 49.9 50.5 51.5 50.0 49.6 49.8 48.5 May June. July- SB. 0 61.6 56.5 53.0 54.8 55.1 55.7 54.2 52.9 52.6 57.6 54.3 55.8 56.7 54.9 57.8 54.3 56.3 57.8 52.8 55.9 59.8 54.3 56.1 54.2 53.4 53.3 5-). 54 61.1 61.7 63.3 64.1 62.2 59.4 62.3 59.8 61.3 63.0 6.5.6 68.6 64.4 58.2 63.2 60.0 60.0 64.4 63.3 61.4 64.3 58.6 64.2 58.4 61.5 61.2 62. 08 67.4 65.0 65.0 65.2 63.8 71.0 63.2 64.4 65.6 64.8 67.0 64.5 70.7 61.3 64.6 62.6 64.0 66.1 65.0 62.6 69.9 86.2 07.1 63.7 06.9 66.0 Aug 64.7 60.8 65.2 63.0 65.5 6.5.2 64.1 64.6 66.0 66.7 67.9 66.0 66.7 60.4 66.2 &3.5 &3.9 62.2 62.5 61.7 64.1 66.7 63.2 6:3.8 66.6 63.9 65.2 Sept. 61.8 58.7 60.0 61.1 60.3 61.6 (50.9 59.0 62.5 62.7 59.7 57.0 60.3 60.6 57.6 59.5 65.6 59.0 54.6 53.5 53.0 49.5 .54.7 50.2 55.1 52.9 54.7 54.5 55.2 54.2 54.4 52.4 57.5 54.3 54.3 54.0 54.7 5.5.2 52.6 52.2 52.4 52.9 52.0 50.8 51.4 48.7 45.5 46.5 4S.7 41.2 .50.4 44.9 44.1 44.3 419 48.8 42.2 44.3 44.0 419 42.7 48.0 45.4 47.5 47.2 45.2 45.0 45.8 44.3 41.2 47.1 45.7 Dec. 44.5 45.5 41.1 42.7 42.2 4S.0 38.0 42.9 38.3 41.9 46.6 42.4 42.6 44.0 45.6 41.6 45.1 44.9 47.0 40.5 38.1 39.2 43.0 51.81 52.33 52.34 51.. 52 .51.98 53.18 51.18 52.06 50.47 51.94 53.57 52.01 53.15 49.62 .51.97 52.11 .52. .56 51.17 51.83 52.38 51.43 54.02 52.00 51.32 50.73 .52.36 51.11 51.97 SOIL TEMPERATURES OBSERVED AT BROOKINGS, S. DAK. Ainoiig- the agricultural experiment stations in the United States whose work will be used in this preliminar.y report are some whose observations of the temperature of the soil will be needed for com- parison with the observations on the growth of plants and resulting crops or for denfonstrations of the relations between the temperature of the air and of the soil. The following table gives for Brookings, S. Dak,, the daily maximum readings of the thermometer in the air and shade, the daily rainfall, the maximum temperatures of the soil at depths of 2 inches and 12 inches as far as published in Experiment Station Bulletin No. C for a portion of the summer of 1888. These figures show that in summer and for the growing season generally the temperature of the soil near the surface is higher than that of the air in the shade only when the sun shines on it, and that it is lower than the temperature of the air in the shade only when the radiation cools it at nighttime or when the rain falls in the daytime and is for a short time followed by rapid evaporation. The average 60 of the maximum temperatures i)f the air, less the temperatures of the soil at 2 p. m. at a depth'of 2 inches was 2.3° F. in July, 1888, and 3° F. in August, 1888. On the other hand, the average value of the maximum temperature of the air, less the temperature of the soil at 2 p. m. at a depth of 12 inches was 12° F. for the observations here given, scattered through July and August, 1888. Temperatures at Brookings, /S'. DaJc. [Lat. 44° 20' N. ; long. 96° 40' W. ; altitude, 1,000 feet.] Date,1888. Maxi- mum ail- tempera- ture. Daily rain- fall. Soil tempera- tui-es (read- ings at 2 p. m.). Date, 1888. Maxi- mum air tempera- ture. Daily rain- fall. Soil tempera- tures (read- ings at 2 p. Depth inches. inches. Depth inches. Depth inches. op Inch. " F. " F. °F. Inch. ° F. o p July 13 69.0 0 09 69 Aug. tt 63.0 0.0 63 60 U 15 16 17 19 81.5 81.0 82.0 79.0 86.0 .11 .0 .0 .0 .0 81 81 71 10 11 12 13 14 60.0 62.0 74.0 79.0 75.0 .40 .01 .0 .0 .50 67 23 82.0 .0 84 15 69.0 .20 63 24 83.0 .0 86 16 72.0 .0 71 25 82.5 .0 84 ..-•_.... 17 73.0 .0 72 26 89.0 .0 83 18 82.0 .0 71 27 28 2« 88.0 94.0 89.0 .0 .0 .0 81 85 70 67 70 19 20 21 72.0 80 0 79.0 .42 .01 .0 70 30 101.0 .23 103 76 22 82.0 .0 78 78 31 73.0 .0 87 ft5 23 83.0 .0 76 71 Aug. 1 77.0 .0 76 67 24 89.0 .0 77 70 2 91.0 .0 85 68 25 94.0 .0 82 75 3 4 83.0 .0 .0 93 85 70 71 26 84.0 89.0 .0 .0 84 78 5 6 7 79.0 76.0 71.0 1.27 .12 .0 28 29 30 82.0 , 94.0 78.0 .0 .0 .0 83 77 68 67 86 71 8 76.0 .28 m 64 31 69.0 .0 83 68 It would appear that the reading of the soil temperature is fre- quently omitted when rain falls; this is a bad practice, but the records suffice to show us that in this dry country and during the summer time the maximum surface temperatures of the soil will not differ much from the maximum temperatures of the air, while the soil tempera- tures at 12 inches will closely follow the mean temperature of the air. The latter mean, viz, one-half the sum of the maximum and minimum record for any day is greater than the mean temperature of the layers of soil at 2 and 12 inches depth, as observed at 2 p. m., by about 6° F. , ' (>1 SOIL TEMPERATURES OBSERVED AT AUBURN, ALA. As an illustration of soil temperatures in a southern locality I have chosen the following record for 1880 at Auburn, Ala., where the agriculiural experiment station has maintained three sets of buried thermometers, two of them in sandy soils on hills and one in moist bottom land near the banks of a small stream. It appears from these records that the dilt'erence in temperature in the growing- season between the so-called " cold wet "" and '' warm dry " soils averages but a few degrees; in fact, I doubt whether it is appreciable from observations having the accurac5^ of those here given. Thus at 3 inches depth and during the warm half of the year the maxi- mum temperatures on the hill average 1° F. above those in the bottom land, while the mininnim temperatures on the hill average 2° F. colder than 4liose of the bottom lands. The temperatures here given are the averages of the maxima and minima and are taken from successive monthly reports and from Bulletin No. 18 of the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station. In these, as at most other United States stations, the correction for the temperature of the long stem of the thermometer still remains to be applied. A com- })arison of the temperature at o inches depth with the maximum and minimum air temj^erature shows that the soil is Avarmer than the air in the daytime from April to October, inclusive, and warmer than the air at the minimum temperatures throughout the year. This latter is true for the minimum temperatures of the soil down to a depth of 96 inches, but the excess of maxima temperatures of the soil over those of the air during the daytime in summer ceafses a little below (> inches. Evidently the temperature of the soil is sufficiently high to allow of the growth of some form of vegeta- tion throughout the year. Edtrcinci and means of soil tciiiiicrninrcs for 1SS9, as ohscrrrd a I Aiihiini, Ala. [Lat. :'.L'°.G N. ; long. 85°. 4 W. ; altitude, T.i-2 feet. | Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Det-. Air iemjieratures. " F. "F. 'F. " F. "F. " F. ° F. " F. ° F. " F. "F. ° F. Mean air temperature. . . 46.9 46.3 54.7 62.5 70.1 76.1 80.7 77.6 74.8 62.3 53.1 57.8 Mean radiation temper- ature 39.7 (i7.0 36.8 75.0 43.2 76.0 65.6 82.0 57.2 89.0 65.8 91.5 7D.0 98.0 67.5 92. 5 65.2 93. 0 49.5 82.0 42.9 76.0 45.5 Maximum air tempera- ture 74.0 Minimum air tempera- ZiJ) 51.0 16.5 m. 5 30.0 54.0 38.0 62.0 45.0 63. 0 46.0 67.5 73.5 6:^.0 72.5 48.0 78.(1 38. 0 t)0.() 24.0 29.0 Maximum terrestrial ra- diation temperature . . 59.5 Minimum terrestrial ra- diation temperature . . 21.0 24.0 32.0 37.0 43.0 43.0 60.0 62.0 48.0 »).() :>2.i> ;«i. 5 62 Extremes and means of .so/7 temperatures for 18S9, etc. — Continued. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Soil temperature. SANDY SOIL ON A HILL; OFTEN CULTIVATED DURING CROPS. 3-mch depth: 0 jr °F. °F. " F. " F. - F. o jr. ° F. ° F. " F. ° F. " F. Maximum. 63.5 69.0 73.5 82.5 92.6 96.0 101.5 95.0 96.5 84.6 69.5 69.0 Minimum 33.5 32.0 37.0 48.5 52.0 52.0 71.5 69.5 54.5 45.0 35.0 85.0 6-inch depth: Maximum 61.0 76.5 68:5 79.5 89.0 56.0 92.0 56.0. 98.0 73.6 92.5 70.5 92.5 57.5 83.5 48.0 68.5 37.0 65.0 Minimum 35.5 34.5 39.0 60.0 37.6 24-inch depth: Maximum 52.5 57.0 58.5 67.0 76.6 80.0 86.0 82.0 89.5 74.0 65.5 60.0 Minimum 46.5 44.0 49.0 68.0 64.5 68.5 77.0 78.0 72.0 63.5 52.0 .50. 0 48-inch depth: Maximum 53.5 51.6 53.0 48.0 56.5 50.5 63.0 56.5 71.5 63.0 75.0 69.6 79.5 74.5 79.0 77.0 84.5 75.0 74.5 67.0 69.0 58.0 60.6 Minimum 56.5 96-inch depth: Maximum 59.5 56.5 56.0 60.5 62.5 69.0 73.0 73.6 76.6 74.5 70.0 65.0 Minimum 56.5 54.5 54.5 54.0 60.0 65.5 69.0 73.0 73.6 70.5 64.0 62.0 BOTTOM LAND ON BANK OF SMALL STREAM. 3-inch depth: Maximum 60.5 67.0 69.0 80.5 92.5 95.0 101.0 96.0 96.0 84.5 71.6 69.5 Minimum 35.5 35.0 41.5 47.5 6.5.0 65.0 74.0 70.6 66.5 46.0 34.0 34.0 6-inch depth: Maximum 58.5 65.0 66.6 79.5 88.0 91.0 97.5 93.0 92.0 82.0 69.0 65.0 Minimum 39.0 38.0 44.0 63.0 69.0 68.0 76.0 73.0 60.0 49.0 37.0 36.0 24-ineh depth: Maximum 54.0 57.6 68.0 67.5 76.0 80.0 85.6 82.0 82.6 74.5 66.0 60.0 Minimum 48.5 46.0 61.0 58.5 65.0 69.5 77.0 78.5 72.6 63.0 62.6 50. C 48-inch depth: Maximum 54.5 64.0 57.0 64.0 71.0 75.0 79.5 79.0 79.0 75.0 68.0 61. ( Minimum 52.5 50.5 51.5 57.0 63.6 69.5 74.5 77.0 75.0 67.6 59.0 57. t SOIL TEMPERATURES OBSERVED AT PENDLETON, OREG. Among the United States experiment stations for which soil tem- peratures have been published, I quote the following observations made by Mr. P. Zahner, voluntary observer at Pendleton, Oreg., (lat 45°.7 N.; long. 112°.2 W. ; altitude, 1,122 feet), because it represents a climate so different from that found in the same latitude east of the Rocky Mountains. A number of observations of diurnal periodicity are given by Zahner, and a shorter series is at hand for Cor- vallis, Oreg. (lat. 44°. 5 N. ; altitude, 150 feet). The comparison between these shows that the Pendleton air and soil are appreciably warmer than the Corvallis in July, August, and September, but colder in November and probably also in December. In general the maxi- mum soil temperature at Pendleton at all depths follows that of the G8 daily inaxiimiui niT teinperatuiv. Kainl'all lowers the temperature of the soil, as on March 18, 1890, at 8 inches depth by 2° F., but at 24 inches depth by 0.5° F. At 12 inches depth th'e soil waA.not frozen throughout the year, but at 8 inches it was frozen up to the 7th of March. The soil temperatures were read daily at 3 p. m. ; the soil was naturally dry and light, and was covered with a thin grass. The thermometers Avere maximums and minimnms, apjiarently read from above ground without being disturbed in their positions. Obscrraiions of PcniUcton. Ore;/., in isno. [From the Monthly Reports of the Oregon State Weather Bureau.] Air temperature. 1 Absolute maximum temper- ature I Absolute minimum temper- | ature...: - Mean of maximum tempera- ture Mean of minimum tempera- | ture _ . Monthly mean temperature., Precipitation. Total monthly rainfalL .S'0(7 temperatiiri . 4-inch depth: 00.0 -16.0 29.1 13.0 21.0 " F. 58.0 Maximum Minimum . Mean .s-inch depth: Maximum Minimum. Mean 12-inch depth: Maximum Minimum. Mean 24-in:ricultural study, and as many persons are deterred by the expensiveness of the deep-earth thermom- eters, I would call attention to the fact that agriculture does not need to consider temperatures at depths below -i feet and that the inex- pensive, excellent system of thermometers, made by Green, of New York, has been recognized as the standard at stations in the United States ; but for accuracy and convenience nothing can exceed the ther- mophone devised by Henry E. Warren and George C. Whipple, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Several methods of measuring deep-earth temperatures have been most thoroughly studied in the memoirs of Wild and Leyst, of St. Petersburg, a summary of which I have prepared and will submit at another time. The soil thermometers constructed by Green are made in accordance with suggestions made by Milton Wliitney, of the South Carolina Experiment Station, and have been used by him. Wliitney has published a description of this new self-registering soil thermometer as follows (see Agr. Sci., Vol. I, p. 253; Vol. Ill, p. 261): This is a modification of Six's form of thermometer in which the maximum and minimum temperatures are registered in one and the same instrument. The essential features of the thermometers are as follows: A cylindrical bulb 6 inches long, filled with alcohol. The bulb is protected by a somewhat larger cylindrical metal tube, con- taining numerous holes, and is to be placed 3 inches below the surface of the soil — i. e., so that the bulb will extend vertically between the depths 3 and 9 inches, respectively, in the soil. The tube carrying the alcohol extends some 6 or 8 inches above the surface of the ground, when it bends twice at right angles and descends again to the surface, bends at right angles twice, crossing the main stem, and is carried up aliout G or 8 inches again, where it terminates in a bulb partially filled with alcohol. The lower bend in this stem carries a colunni of mercury Avhich is drawn back toward the bulb when the alcohol contracts, and pushes a steel index up to the minimum temperature on a scale which reads downward. This index is held supported in the alcohol by a little spring Avhen the alcohol expands and the mercury leaves it, while another index is pushed up to the maximum temperature by the other end of the column of mercury. The indices are set by the help of a magnet. The advantages claimed for this instrument are that it gives at once, without any calculation, the mean temperature of a definite depth of soil, for which we now use at least three thermometers, while it gives in addition the maximum and minimum temperatures, and need only be read once a day instead of three times, as at present. * * * 2667—05 M 5 66 Therinoineters can be made, of course, with bulbs longer or shorter than the one described. We adopted the length of 6 inches placed 3 inches below the surface, as in our experience that represents a layer of soil in Avhich most of the roots of the cotton plants are contained. We expect to distribute a number of these instruments through the State [South Carolina] and have records kept for us near signal- service stations in our typical soils — a method wdiich could hardly have been arranged with the old form. The instrument is mounted on a neat metal backing, and is made by H. J. Green, of New York. It cost $10 without packing or express charges. The great trouble about the instrument is the danger in transportation of having the index get doAvn in the mercury column. For this reason it has to be transported in a box on gimbals to swing freely w^ithin a larger box, so that it will always remain upright. We had such a box made, capable of carrying eight or ten instruments, for $5. From experiments at Houghton Farm (Agr. Sci., Vol. II, p. 50) F. E. Emory finds that the thermoelectric couple and galvanometer, as used by Becquerel, consumed much time and was frequently use- less owing to atmospheric electricity and ground currents. Short- stem graduated thermometers, with bulbs immersed in oil and fas- tened at the lower end of a light w^ooden rod, gave good results when the temperature at the thermometer was not warmer than that of the overlying soil or the atmosphere ; otherwise a circulation of air takes place. He finds that the telethermometer, giving a continuous rec- ord, answers his needs, but we know nothing of its accuracy. T. C. Mendenhall (1885) describes a modified form of thermometer for observing the temperature of the soil at any depth, which he calls the " differential resistance thermometer." Experiments w^ith this instrument at Washington, D. C, have shown him that it is miich less troublesome than Becquerel's electric method, but still too trou- blesome to be recommended to any but persons accustomed to electric measurements. Mendenhall's arrangement consists essentially in util- izing the varying resistance of a platinum wire which extends from the upper end of an ordinary mercurial thermometer down into its bulb. The total resistance diminishes as the temperature rises and allows the current to flow through less platinum but more mercury. The changes in the resistance are measured by the galvanometer, but he hopes to substitute for this the telephone, which wdll make the apparatus more convenient for general use. [It is desirable that this or Becquerel's method or the thermo- phone be provided in connection with the ordinary buried long- stem thermometers in order that by an annual or more frequent set of comparative observations the changes in the zero point of ordi- nary thermometers may be detected. — C. A.] Chapter IV. THE INFLUENCE OF SUNSHINE ON ASSIMILATION AND TRANS- PIRATION. CHEMISTRY OF ASSIMILATION (ABBOTT). The atmosphere is composed of about 79 per cent of nitrogen and 21 per cent of oxygen when we consider their volumes, but 77 per cent of nitrogen and 23 per cent of oxygen when we consider their relative Aveights. With these gases there are mixed small quantities of carbonic-acid gas, ammonia, hydrocarbons, and other impurities. With this '' dry atmosphere " there is intermixed a very variable quan- tity of aqueous vapor or moisture, which in extreme cases may amount to as much as 5 per cent, by weight, of the dry air. These are the elements that are to be compounded by sunshine and heat in the laboratory of vegetation. By respiration the leaves of plants, when in the dark, absorb ox3'gen from the air and set free carbonic-acid gas. By assimilation, as shown by Garreau, these same leaves in the sunshine absorb carbonic-acid gas from the air and set free oxygen, retaining the carbon in new compounds. Assimilation is a process of greater intensity than respiration. Respiration is a process analo- gous in its results to that occurring within every animal organism, l)ut assimilation is a process peculiar to the plant life. By transjDiration the leaves rid themselves of the superfluous water that, as sap, has served its purpose in the process of assimilation by bringing nourishment from the soil and delivering it up to the cells of the plant ; a small portion of the nourishment and of the water may have been absorbed by the cells in the trunk of the tree, the stem of the vine, or the stalk of the grain and grass, but the majority of the water is removed by transpiration at the surface of the leaves in order to make room for fresh supplies of sap. Some water always remains in the cells of the seeds and grains until they are dried after maturity, but a well-dried crop contains relatively little water. This transpiration is stimulated by, and almost entirely depends upon, the action of sunshine on the leaves; it precedes evaporation. Evaporation is not transpiration; the former takes place from the surface of water existing either in the moist earth or in films on leaf surface or in larger masses, while transpiration takes place through the cell wall and is a process of dialysis, an endosmosis and exosmosis (07) 68 by which the cell takes in the sap, retains what it needs, and then gets rid of the water and the dissolved substances which it does not need. Thus the cell wall thickens and enlarges and the contents of the cell increase. The sap enters the cell from that side of the cell which is turned toward the interior of the plant or adjacent cells, and the rejected water penetrates the cell wall on that side of the cell which is exposed to the open air, and especially on that side exposed to the sunshine ; having reached the outer surface of the cell wall on this side of the cell it is then evaporated. This endosmosis by which the sap enters the cell on one side, and the exosmosis by which it leaves the cell on the opposite side, constitute the fundamental mechanics of all vital activities; the chemistry of animal and vegetable life differs from the ordinary chemistry of the laboratory in that the former studies the behavior of the cell wall toward the molecule, while the latter studies the behavior of the molecule toward the molecule. An interesting contribution to the development of this idea of the chemistry of the action of the cell is contained in two papers by Miss Abbott (now Mrs. Michael, of Philadelphia), pub- lished in 1887 in the Journal of the Franklin Institute; from the second paper I take the following extract : The botanical classifications based upon morphology are so fre- quently unsatisfactory that efforts in some directions have been made to introduce other methods. There has been comparatively little study of the chemical principles of plants from a purely botanical view. It promises to become a new field of research. The Leguminosse are conspicuous as furnishing us with important dyes, e. g., indigo, logwood, catechin. The former is obtained prin- cipally from different species of the genus Indigofera, and logwood from the Hcematoxylon campechianum^ but catechin from the Acacia catecliH. The discovery of hrematoxylon in the Saraca indica illustrates very ivell hoAv this plant, in its chemical as well as botanical character, is related to the Harndtoxylon campechianum; also, I found a sub- stance like catechin in the Saraca. This compound is found in the Acacias, to which class Saraca is related by its chemical position as well as botanically. Saponin is found in both of these plants, as well as in many other plants of the Leguminosfp. The Leguminosa' come under the middle plane of multiplicity of floral elements, and the presence of saponin in these plants was to be expected. * * * From many of the facts above stated, it may be inferred that the chemical compounds of plants do not occur at random. Each stage of growth and development has its own particular chemistry. SUNSHINE AND TRANSPIRATION (DEHERAIN AND MARIlS- DAVY). Studies in the traiispinition of plants were made in Enjihind as early as 1691 by S. IL Woodward, who oxiHM'iinonted on a(iuatic plants. He showed that the consumption of water by the plant, or the weight of water evaporated from it, varied within narrow limits, while the growth of the plant under the same temperature and sun- shine, varied according to the amount of nourishment in the water; thus of pure spring water 170 grains had to be evaporated in order to make an increase of 1 grain in the weight of the plant, but only 'M\ grains of the rich water of the Thames was required to make tlie same increase in the weight of the plant. In 1848 Guettard, experimenting upon a creeping nightshade, showed that a plant kept in a warm place without sunshine would transpire less than one in a colder place with sunshine. Deherain, as quoted by Marie Davy (1880, p. 231) introduced the leaves or stems of a living plant into a tube suitably closed; under tliese circumstances, by reason of the small, calm space of air sur- rounding the leaves, the evaporation in the ordinary sense would be inappreciable, but the transpired water was found to increase the weight of the tube, as shown in the accompanying table. Sunshine and transpiration. Plant. Exposure. Temper- ature. Weight of water transpired per hour per gram weight of leaf. Wheat Sunshine 22 22 19 IG 16 22 16 28 22 Gram. Do .177 Do Darkness Oil Barley Do Diffuse light 180 Do .023 Wheat Sunshine 718 Do Darkness 028 Do Sunshine 703 Do Diffuse light Do Darkness (X)7 The effect of sunshine in stimulating transpiration is very clearly seen by a study of these figures. The small trans])iration from the leaf when kept in darkness is supposed to be, at least in part, due to a persistency of the stimulus given to the plant by the light; so that, as is well known, the growth of the plant goes on at its maximum rate in the late afternoons, sometimes even after sunset, and does not attain its minimum until early morning. 70 Deherain also arranged the following experiments showing the effect of temperature. Some living leaves of wheat were kept within a glass tube which lay in a water bath at a uniform temperature of 15° C. and the folloAving measurements taken : In full sunshine the transpiration was O.D39.gram of water per hour i^er gram weight of leaf. In darkness the transpiration was 0.016 gram of water per hour per gram weight of leaf. The water bath was then reduced to a temperature of 0° C, and the temperature of the leaf within the tube must therefore have been at the freezing point. In this condition the transpiration in full sun- shine was 1,088 grams of w^ater per hour per gram weight of leaf. Thus leaves in sunshine in free air at 28° C. and leaves in the air at 15° C, and again in the water bath at 0° C., give us the tran- spiration under these conditions 0.882, 0.930, 1.088, respectively. It is evident that this transpiration is not due to evaporation alone, else it would be independent of sunshine and depend wholly on heat ; the decided differences here shown must be attributed to the special excitement of the cell by the solar radiation. Marie Davy gives for July 24 and 25, 1877, the following record from a self-registering apparatus showing the diurnal periodicity of the transpiration from the leaves of four plants of haricot beans which were watered daily at 7 p. m. : Diurnal periodicity of transpiration. Hour. Transpi- ration. Hour. Transpi- ration. HO- \l7Sr 4 2 2 4 4 4 2 4 4 8 32 76 99 86 128 153 179 143 120 R tn 9 p m 5 to 6 a m 2 to 3 p m 95 67 10 to 11 p m 7 to 8 a m 4 to .'i p -m 44 11 p. m. to 12 midnight. 12 midniglit to 1 a. m 25 9 to 10 a. m 6 to 7 p. m 10 4 2to3a. m._ 11 a. m. to12 noon . . . 12 noon to 1 p. m These same four plants showed the transpiration day by day, as given in the first column of the following table (Marie Davy, 1880, p. 239). The third and fourth columns, respectively, show^ the rela- tion of this transpiration to the daily mean temperature and the daily mean radiation, as shown by the conjugate thermometers. 71 Insolation and transpiration {or kidncii beans at Montsouris. Date, 1877. July 10. 17 18. 19. 20 21 Weight of tran- spired water. Weight of tran- spired water divided by- Moan actino- Grams. 0.686 0.422 0.727 0.543 0.577 1.127 1.608 1.204 degrees. 1.16 1.36 1.21 1.56 1.24 1.81 1.88 July 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Weight of tran- spired water. Weight of tran- spired water divided hy— Mean actino- degrees. Cframs. 0.706 1.300 0.991 1.255 1.426 1.277 2.167 2.710 3.8 7.1 5.3 6.7 7.8 5.9 7.6 8.4 2.00 2.17 1.92 2.46 2.64 2.97 3.55 3.15 The figures in the above table are influenced by the quantity of moisture in the soil; therefore Marie Davy occasionally omitted the evening watering, and the transpiration for the day after such omis- sion was smaller. In general, Marie Davy concludes that the relation between transpiration and temperature is very variable from day to day, while that between transpiration and radiation is very regular, u regularity that would very probably be heightened if the cloudiness and the evaporating power of the wind, as depending on its dryness and velocity, had been considered. The belief is that sunshine excites the contraction of the stomata of the leaves and thus stimulates tran- spiration; but the stomata can not exude water to a greater extent than as supplied by the roots; therefore the transpiration is limited by the humidity of the soil adjacent to the roots. Thus on the 30th the radiation averaged 45.5 actinometric degrees, and the plant tran- spired 2.167 grams of water; on the 31st the radiation was 64.1 and the transpiration correspondingly increased to 2.710 grams; but on this day the reserve moisture in the soil was drawn upon very heavily, and in the evening the leaves of the plant were flabby and drooping and evidently wilting for the want of moisture. The result's by Deherain at temperatures of 15° C. and 0° C. and those by Marie Davy seem to demonstrate satisfactorily the slight influence of the temperature of the air as such ui:)on transpiration. Daubeny (1836), Deherain, and Wiesner have studie green leaves that alone has the property of decomposing the carbonic acid of the air. It ntilizes the sunlight, but also recpiires a certain temperature, which may be given to it either from the air or from the sunshine itself, so that we may say that ordinarily in nature the sun- shine both warms the chlorophyll by means of the red rays and enables it to decompose carbonic acid by means of the yellow rays. The decomposing action of the chlorophyll only becomes appreciable at a certain minimum temperature, which is about 15° C. when the tem- perature is rising. It attains its maximum activity at about 30° C, and as the temperature cools it retains an appreciable activity at about 10° C. These figures are obtained by experiments of Cloez and Gratiolet on water plants in the full sunshine. On the other hand, Boussingault obtains 1.5° and 3.5° C. as the lower limits of temperature for the ordinary Graminea?, but these plants were in the sunshine, and if his temperature observations had been made in the shade they would have given lower figures than these, so that un- doubtedly the Graminese can assimilate and grow when the tem- perature of the air in the shade is below freezing. On the other hand, Sachs find that when the illumination is below a certain minimum, which varies with the plant and wdth the temperature, the color of the chlorophyll is a clearer yellow^ tint, and for temperatures below a cer- tain minimum w'hich varies wdth the plant it remains colorless, not- withstanding the most brilliant sunshine. Thus in 1862 the excep- tionally low^ temperature of the month of June was sufficient to prevent the development of new leaves on the stems of maize, cucum- bers, and beans, so that all these remained yellow and only became green subsequently wdth warmer weather and better sunshine. The pale leaves of a sprouting bean became gi'een in a few hours under a temperature of 30° to 33° C, but this happened only in the sunlight, for at the same temperature in the darkness they remained yellow\ At a temperature of from 17° to 20° C. the greening of the leaf went on much more slowly; at 8° and 10° C. there was only a trace at the end of seven hours; below 6° C. the leaves remained fifteen days without greening. Similarly the pale shoots of maize, even at a temperature of 24° to 35° C, did not become colored in the darkness, but in the feeble light of the interior of a room a green effect was visible at the end of an hour and a half, and at the end of seven hours the leaves were all green and of normal appearance. At a temperature between 1G° and 17° C. the first traces of color were visible at the end of five hours. 76 But at temperatures of 13° and li"" C. nothing was seen even at the end of seven hours. At a tern jDerat are below 6° the leaves remained nncolored for fifteen daj^s in the diti'use light of the room. Again, the pale shoots of cabbage placed in the window, and there- fore in full sunshine and at temperatures of 13° or 14° C., became green at the end of twentj'-four hours; but under temperatures of 3° to 5° C. only traces of green color were seen at the end of three days, and the coloration was not complete until at the end of seven days. Herve Mangon, by employing the electric light in place of sun- light, has arrived at similar results for rye. Marie-Davy, by the use of a single gaslight, has obtained similar results for the strawberry plant. Similarly De Candolle caused mustard and other plants to become green by the light of four argancl lamps. Evidently a very feeble light suffices to produce the greening, for the feeble individual etfects accumulate and add together ; but when a bright light is used secondary reactions set in, transforming and util- izing the chlorophyll itself . The light that determines the production of the chlorophyll and its green color also proceeds to destroy the chlorophyll. Thus the direct light of the sun rapidly decolors the alcoholic extract of chlorophyll, while diffuse light acts more slowly ; but in a living plant the action of light is different, since it may become so intense for a special plant that the destruction of the chlo- rophyll may go on faster than its formation. If a green plant is car- ried into a dark room the chlorophyll ceases to form and a gradual process of destruction, or rather of transformation and assimilation, goes on until the plant becomes pale yellow. This mutability of chlorophyll makes it the essential medium through which the plant is nourished. Draper, Desains, and others have shown that the chlorophyll absorbs certain rays of the spectrum ; that is to say, that the work of forming and transforming chlorophyll is accomplished by means of radiations that have a certain velocity of vibration or a certain wave length, and that they are mostly those that form the red, orange, yellow, green, and blue portions of the spectrmn. Awaiting a more detailed study of this phenomenon, we must at present adopt the general rule that the variation in efficiency of each of these agents is approximately proportional to the variation in the total energy of the solar radia- tion, although our present knowledge points to the conclusion that a radiant beam generally contains specific- active wave lengths in proportions and intensities that have no necessary relation to each other. 77 mTLUENCE OF ABSORBENT MEDIA ON CHLOROPHYLL. The action of sunlight on the c-hk)rc)phyll within tlie cell is not materially modified if the light passes first through layers of cells that do not contain chlorophyll, such as those of the red colored cab- bage leaf, since in those cells, as in yellow cells and others, t\ui radia- tioii that is absorbed is not to any extent that special radiation which the chlorophyll absorbs. The absorption of light by the yellow cells of the yellow leaves of an alder bush was examined by T. W. Engelmann (Agr. Sci., Vol. II, p. 139), who found that tJicse ab- sorbed most from the middle of the spectrum and least at either end, whereas the chlorophyll absorption is complementary to this. He also found that the green leaves of the alder bush, when exposed to the light side by side with the yellow leaves, set free far more oxygen than these, so that it seems probable that if the yellow cells con- tain only pure xanthopyll there assimilating power would be zero, INFLUENCE ON THE SUPPLY OF SAP. The action of sunshine in producing or altering the colors of fruits, esj^ecially the black Hamburg grape, has been experimentally studied by Laurent. (Agr. Sci., Vol. IV, p. 147.) Bunches of innnature grapes quite shielded from the sunlight ripened, colored, and flavored as usual, but bunches whose food supply had been cut ofl' by ringing the base of the stock supporting the bunch, and then also kept in the dark, remained green, small, and sour. Bunches that had been sub- jected to the ringing process, but which wer^ exposed to the sunlight, produced berries of normal size, some reddish and others green and of an acid flavor. He concludes that the coloring matter of grapes may be formed in the absence of sunshine, provided a sufficient sup- ply of nourishment be at hand, but if this supply be arrested then the color remains imperfect. CLIMATE AND THE LOCATION OF CHLOROPHYLL CELLS. Guntz (1886) has studied the anatomical structure of the leaven of cereals and grasses in their relations to locality and climate. This connection is infinitely complex. Among other items brought out by him we note that the green assimilating organism consists of many cells of various shapes and in most cases fills the spaces between the nerves of the leaves; in tropical grasses the green cells occur most in the inclosing sheath, but in the grasses of the steppes it lies on either side of the grooves or ridges. The intercellular gaps, acconling as they are larger or smaller, indicate a moist or a dry soil and, equally so, a moist or dry atmosphere. The bast in the leaves of the gi-asses serves primarily to strengthen the whole structure, but the bast increases with the dryness of the locality, and its proportional distribution is an appropriate, indirect indication of the climate. 78 THE INFLUENCE OF CLOUD AND FOG. There are some parasitic plants, says Marie-Davy (1881 and 1882), -that require only moisture and warmth in order to vegetate. They mature and propagate while entirely cut off from sunlight, but they derive this power from organic matter or cells that have been pre- viously formed by the action of sunshine upon the plant on which ^-the parasite itself feeds. Similarly certain bulbous plants will flower and mature in dark- ness, but in doing so the bulb itself is wholly consumed and dies ; the plant lives on organic matter that was elaborated and stored up by its parent and predecessor in preceding years Avhen it had sunshine to do the work for it. If a new bulb is to be formed as a basis for the flowering of the next year then the present bulb and plant must be allowed the necessary sunlight. Similarly the seeds of the annuals sprout and nourish their little plants out of their own substance while still beneath the surface of the earth, but when the shoots reach up to th^ sunshine this furnishes the energy needed for the work of assimilation and the plant begins to live on the soil and the air. The roots can only send up to the leaf an inorganic sap with possibly here and there an organic cell scattered through it which has penetrated into the roots, as it were, by accident; it is the sunshine that sets these organic cells into activity, causing them to grow and to multiply. If a plant in vigorous growth is removed from sunshine to darkness it draws upon its own reserves and lives upon itself as long as pos- sible. In darkness the plant transforms the organic products that are at its disposition, but it can not manufacture any new ones. On the contrary, it consumes itself and its dry weight steadily diminishes. The experiments of Boussingault on seeds, those of Sachs on plants and seeds, those of Pagnoul on the beet, and of Macagno on the grape- vine all confirm this general principle. The observations of the latter show that as between two sets of vines, one exposed to the sun and the other covered with a dark cloth, the growth of the latter, as measured by the amount of solid and gaseous material, was not 10 per cent of the growth of the vine in the sunshine. Other vines under a white cloth showed a growth of 80 per cent, thus apparently proving that the differences were not due to anything else except sunshine. Pagnoul experimented upon sugar beets, some of which were cov- ered by glass that had l)een blackened on the inside : this coating of lampblack is ordinarily said to absorb heat, but it would be more proper to say that it transforms all the short waves of the sunshine into long waves so that the plants beneath it receive neither ultra- violet nor visual rays, but only the ultra-red, or long, heat weves. Therefore beneath the black glass the temperature Avas somewhat warmer than beneath the transparent glass and the latter wanner than the free air. The ivsults of analysis at the end of the oxperi- nients showed tliat nncUn- the transparent o^hiss tlie weight of the roots was the same as in the free air, but the weight of the leaf was much more, the weight yf the sugar much less, and the weight of the nitrous salts much greater. Under the black glass the weight of the roots was 4 per cent of that in the free air, and the weight of the leaves was about 25 per cent, the weight of sugar 2 per cent, and the weight of the salts 8 per cent, thus demonstrating an almost complete stop- page of the vital processes. Evidently the action of these artificial coverings on the experi- mental plants is perfectly analogous to the action of cloud and fog in nature. It is commonly said that on the seacoast the action of the salt brine blown by the wind up over the land is to stunt or prevent vegetable growth, but the same effect must be produced by the absence of sun- light in those regions where fog and cloud prevail. INFLUENCE OF SHADE ON DEVELOPMENT. According to Marchand (1875, p. 130), the influence of a dimi- nution of sunlight on the development of the plant is apparent in the relative growth of plants on sunny and cloudy days or in sunny and shady places, but the matter was brought to exact measurement by Hellriegel. His experiments on barley gave him these results: Weifjht of hancst of hurley. Plants raised- In the open air In a greenhouse in direct sunshine . . In a greenhouse in diffuse light only unds. Pounds. 11.44 10.10 10.99 11.19 6.72 2.86 6.32 3.26 3.40 2.59 "We see here that plants living in the greenhouse, receiving sun- light that has traversed the glass, have experienced a considerable diminution in their development as compared with those in the free air which experienced the full chemical force of the sunshine. The plants living under glass and in the diffuse light developed only a small quantity of stalk and did not perfect the seed at all. INFLUENCE OF LONG AND SHORT WAVES OF LIGHT. Vochting (1887) investigated the formation of tubers as influenced especially by sunlight. Sachs had maintained that the germination was entirely prevented, or at least went on very slowly, if sunlight, 80 i. e., short waves, had access to the tubers. Vochting finds that, although the light does delay the growth and diminishes the distance between the tubers, still the supply of water is the important factor. (Wollny, X, p. 230.) Sachs (1887), as the result of experiments on flie efiect of ultra- violet radiation upon the formation of buds, states that these rays exert on the green leaves (in addition to the assimilation produced by the yellow and neighboring rays) still another effect that consists in the development of particles that contribute to the formation of blossoms. These bud-forming particles move from the leaves into those parts of the plant where they are to bring about their own development into buds. We therefore now know of three different portions of the solar spectrum having very different physiological influences : The yellow and neighboring rays, which bring about the transformation of carbonic acid or the formation of starch ; the blue and visible violet, that act as stimulants to motion; the ultraviolet rays, that produce in the gi'een leaves the material for the formation of buds. (Wollny, X, p. 230.) INFLUENCE OF DRYNESS AND SUNLIGHT ON DEVELOPMENT OF TUBERS. In the climate of Germany the flowering of different varieties of potatoes is very much restricted. Only a small number of varieties flower regularly and bear fruit, whereas in Chile the plant flowers abundantly, but the tubers are small; in other words, in the Tem- perate Zone the formation of tubers is favored at the expense of fertilization ; the energy of the one process increases while the other diminishes. Knight and Langenthal have found that by detaching the young tubers they increase the blooming, and on the other hand, by cutting off the flowers the}' increase the development of the tubers, thereby largely increasing the harvest. Wollny, in 1886, experimented on four plats, each for many varieties of potatoes. He found that cut- ting off the flowers increased the crop of tubers as to number, size, and weight, but that something depended upon the time of cropping the flowers, which is best done a considerable time before they arrive at maturity. It seems probable that dryness and sun- light stimulate the formation of flowers, but humidity and cloudi- ness, at least up to a certain limit, stimulate the formation of tubers. This harmonizes with some recent results obtained by Sachs, who has shown that the ultraviolet rays stimulate the flowering. (Agr. Sci., Vol. II, p. 273.) Chapter V. THE METHODS OF MEASURING DIRECT OR DIFFUSE SUNSHINE AS TO INTENSITY OR DURATION. Sunshine may be measured as to its quality or wave length, its intensity, or its duration. The methods used in measuring either of ' these must be understood in order to intelligently compare the pub- lished observations with phsenological phenomena. The following section considers some of the methods of measuring or registering the duration or intensity of sunshine, or the intensity of the skylight, at least in so far as these have been used in agricultural studies. THEORETICAL RELATION OF DIRECT AND DIFFUSED SUNSHINE. The relative intensity of any radiation may be measured by its heat or light or chemical effect. The insolation received by a horizontal surface, whether directly from the sun or diffusely from the sky, is subject in a general way to calculation, but the irregularities intro- duced by haze and clouds can not be so calculated and must be ob- served daily. The following table gives, for a clear blue sky, the values obtained by Clausius for the radiation (S) that falls upon a horizontal surface directly from the sun, and in the third column the diffuse radiation (C) that falls from the whole sky upon that same surface; the total radiation (S-j-C) is the sum of these two. If, however, the surface is normal to the sunlight, instead of hori- zontal, it receives the quantity in the fifth column (I) directly from the sun, and (c) which is less than the quantity (C) from the sky, depending upon the altitude of the sun, the total being, as before, the sum of these (I-|-c). The study of these columns shows us the maximum and minimum amounts of sunshine that may fall upon a given leaf surface, since a leaf will in general be in some position to receive the full sunshine normally to its surface, Avhile others will be horizontal, or vertical, or in the shade, and receive only a part of the diffuse light from the sky. It is assumed by Radau, in his actinometry (1877), as also by Marie-Davy, that the bright and black bulb thermometers in vacuo, or the so-called *' conjugate thermometers." give us the total radiation (C-f I) as for the horizontal surface, and that this is the quantity in which vegetation is interested. 2607—05 M 6 (81) 82 Relat vc (luantities of direct and diffii ■^cd sunshine. Sun's al- titude. Horizontal surface. Normal surface. 1 Sun(S). Sky(C). Total (S-t-C). Sun (I). Sky(e). Total ! (I+c). 10 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.19 0.04 0.23 15 .09 .09 .18 .33 .05 .38 M .15 .11 .26 .43 .06 .49 25 .21 .13 .34 .51 .08 .59 30 .28 .14 .42 ..56 .10 .66 35 .35 .15 ..50 .61 .11 .72 40 .41 .16 .57 .64 .12 .76 50 .53 .17 .69 .69 .14 .83 60 .62 .18 .80 .72 .16 .88 70 .69 .18 .87 .74 .17 .91 hO .74 .18 .92 .75 .18 .93 90 .75 .19 .94 .75 .19 .94 TOTAL INSOLATION, DIRECT AND DIFFUSED. The value of the intensity of the direct solar rays incident nor- mally to any unit surface, as determined by the absolute actinometers of Pouillet, Violle, and others, is not so applicable to the study of the growth of plants as is the sum of the radiation from the sky and other surroundings of the plant, added to the direct solar radiation. Comparative measures made in 1866 by Roscoe, at Manchester; Baker, at Kew ; Wollkoff, on the summit of Koenigstuhl, near Hei- delberg (altitude, 550 meters), and Thorpe, at Para, have given the following values of relative intensity of radiation at certain moments when the sun's altitude above the horizon was sensibly the same at all the stations. (See Marie Davy, 1882.) Relative intensity of radiation for equal altitudes of the sun. r.atitudp ^^°™ ^^'o™ latitude, g^^j^ gjjy Manchester - Kew Koenigstuhl Paris Para N.53.5 N.51.5 N.49.4 N.48.8 S.00.5 0.043 .150 0. 140 .162 .174 .501 .136 S^- + Sun/Sky 0.183 .312 .437 0.31 0.93 1.51 0.44 1.00 At Manchester and at Paris the light that comes from the sky is more than double that which comes directly from the sun. AAHien the sun is hidden by clouds, or even partially veiled, it is the radiation from the sky that is of the most importance to agriculture, and in any case this radiation is far from being negligible. The Arago-Davy actinometer (believed to have been invented by Arago before 1844, but improved by Marie-Davy and used at the 83 observatory of Montsouris ever since 1873) is an apparatus that is intended to determine the total solar plus sky radiation that is needed in agricultural physics. A theory of the action of this instrument was devised by Marie-Davy, but the proper method of calculating its results was first developed with exactness by Ferrel, in Professional Papers of the Signal Service, No. XIII (1884), and subsequently in his Recent Advances in Meteorology (Annual Report, Chief Signal Officer, p. 373). His formula will be given on page 88. The Arago-Davy actinometer is composed of two mercurial ther- mometers with very fine tubes, and having spherical reservoirs of equal dimensions, one colorless and the other covered with lamp- black. In the empty space above the mercury in the thermometer tubes there is a small quantity of hydrogen or other inert gas. The small quantity of gas left in the tubes of these thermometers has no other object than to prevent the mercury from falling in the tube by the force of gravity when the bulb is turned upward toward the sky. Each thermometer is inclosed in a larger glass tube or cylinder, ter- minated by a spherical enlargement, in the center of which is placed the center of the bulb of the thermometer. This tube and enlarge- ment constitute the inclosure, and it is exhausted of air as perfectly as possible. The immovability of the thermometer, relative to the walls of its inclosure, is assured by a soldering at the upper extremity of the tube and, at the opposite end toward the reservoir, by two rings of cork held by friction between the interior tube and exterior cylinder. These thermometers, with their respective glass inclosures, are turned up with their bulbs toward the sky, and by means of double clamps fixed parallel to two metallic rods, arranged in the form of a V and turned, the one toward the east, the other toward the west. These metallic rods make an angle Avith each other of 60° — that is to say, of 30° with the vertical — and are fastened to a support of wood or iron, 1.20 or 1.30 meters in height above the earth. The support is solidly planted in the ground in an open place, remote from buildings, plants, or any other obstacle capable of intercepting the direct radiation of the sun. The two thermometers, the envelopes of which are exposed near each other, have necessarily the same temperature and mark the same degree as long as they remain in perfect darkness; but hardly does day begin to break than the thermometer with the black bulb marks a higher temperature than that with a plain glass bulb. The difi'erence in temperature of these two thermometers gives the '' acti- nometric degree '' for the moment of observation ; that is to say, it serves to measure the intensity with which the radiation strikes the two thermometers and is absorbed by the black bulb; consequently, at least approximately, it serves to measure the intensity with which the 84 radiation strikes the ground and neighboring plants and accumuLates therein. After three years' use of this instrument, Marie-Davy selected the observations made on the days of perfect clearness of the sky, of which there were only nine, since many days that would be called cloudless showed slight traces of haze. For these days the difference between the readings of the black bulb and bright bulb is represented closely by the exponential formula t — f = 17° X 0.875« where the exponent e represents the thickness of the layer of air through which the sun's rays must pass in order to reach the observer ; this thickness, of course, increases as the sun approaches the horizon, being unity for the zenith and 10 for an altitude of 2°, as shown by the following table, which is an abstract of that used by Marie-Davy in his computations : Thickness of the hiijer of air traversed liy the solar rays, as computed hy Luin- iert's formula. Altitude Thick- Altitude Thick- of sun. ness, e. of sun. ness, e. 0 12.69 °25 2.30 2 10.20 30 1.96 4 8.28 40 1.54 6 6.83 50 1.30 8 5.75 60 1.15 10 4.92 70 1.06 15 3.58 80 1.02 20 2.80 1 90 1.00 As the formula of Lambert has been chosen by Marie-Davy for use in connection with his form of actinometer, we have therefore given its results in the preceding table ; but as the more accurate formula, as given by Laplace, has been applied to other forms of actinometers, and may even be preferred for the Arago-Davy instrument, I there- fore give a table showing the thickness by the formula of Laplace as used by VioUe and the value of the intensity (I) as given by Violle. 85 Thichncss of the layer of air trarrrscd hii the ilireci solar rai/ff as coiiipiitnl lijf Laphiec'ft formula, and the vorrvsjHtndhin raliir of I. the absolute inhasit n of direet sunshine in calories per minute /ler stjuarc ci-iiliiuctcr irhieli fall nor- mally on any surface through the purest air. as i/inii Ini 1 o///r. Altitude of sun. Thickness (e), La- place formula. Intensity- CD of di- rect sun- shine. Violle. Altitude of sun. Thickness (e), La- place formula. rect sun- shine, Violle. 0 35.5(t 0 359 :50 1.995 2. 275 2 18. iK) 0.896 1 :« 1.740 2.306 4 12.20 1.293 40 1.555 2.831 6 8.60 1.540 45 1.420 2.349 8 6.85 1.730 50 1.305 2.364 10 5.70 1.868 60 i.l55 2.383 15 3.81 2.059 70 1.065 2.395 20 2.90 2.164 80 1.016 2.401 25 2.425 2.229 90 1 1.000 2.40? Observation shows that no two such Arago-Davy actinometers placed side by side will give exactly the same results; therefore the rule has been adopted of comparing all instruments with the stand- ard kept at INIont.souris, and a standardizing factor is thereby obtained by Avhich the observed difference between the bright and black bulb of any pair is to be multiplied in order to reduce it to a common standard. In addition to the standardizing factor of the preceding paragraph, Marie-Davy has also introduced the conception of an ideal standard actinometer, graduated in such a way that the first factor, 17° in the above-given formula as expressed in centigrade degrees, shall be represented by 100 " actinometric degrees '* in his ideal in.stru- ment ; that is to say, all the differences (t-t^) observed with any actinometer, after being multiplied by the standardizing factor, have still to be multiplied by the factor 5. 88 in order to convert them into ideal actinometric degrees. For convenience both these factors may be replaced by one, and in this way the instrument and Mario-Davy's methods have been extensively employed in studying the relation between sunshine and crops. In such study Marie-Davy and his pupils take the " sum of the total number of actinometric degrees " as the datum for comparison with crop reports, instead of the sum of the temperatures of the air observed in the shade, or the sum of the soil temperatures as used by other investigators. If we divide the actinometric degrees given in any case by the factor 5.88 we shall obtain the excess of the black bulb over the bright bulb as originally observed in centigrade degrees. P^rom this we can obtain the true rehitive (|uantities of solar radiation by a modification of the nielhod given by Ferrel (pp. -H-HO 86 of his above-quoted work of 1884, on the Temperature of the Atmos- phere and the Earth's Surface). Until such a method lias been i^erfected (see an article l^y Ferrel in Am. Jour. Sci., May, 1891, 3, Vol. XLI, p. 378) we will for the present quote the actinometric degrees and other figures as ordinarily published by Marie-Davy and others; but the reader must bear in mind that these results from the hypothesis assumed by Marie-Davy that the observed ditference between the bright and black bulb is pro- portional to and therefore a proper measure of the intensity of the radiant heat that falls upon these thermometers; a hypothesis which, as Ferrel has shown, is far from being true. The error of this hypoth- esis is of such a nature that for a given difference or a given actinometric degree the true intensity of radiation is greater at high temperatures than at low temperatures. Probably the recorded acti- nometric degrees therefore give a rather low value for the solar and sky radiation during the hottest portions of summer days. The accompanying table, as published by Marie-Davy, shows the actinometric degrees calculated for the clearest of skies at Paris at noon of each day. They are computed according to the preceding formula, viz, A= actinometric degTees= 100X0.875*"; in which, as before said, the coefficient, 0.875, represents the penetration or the total heat which penetrates to the observer, both from the sun and the surrounding sky, and includes even that small part that is directly reflected from the surrounding grassy lawn or other surface when the sun is in the zenith; if there were no atmosphere pres- ent the total amount received would be 100. It will be less confusing if the reader will consider these so-called " actinometric degrees "' as "■ percentages of what would be received in the absence of the atmosphere." Columns 5, (>, and 7 of our table give the mean value of the five actinometric percentages observed on the clearest days at 6 a. m., 9 a. m., noon, 3 p. m., and G p. m. ; in the absence of actual observa- tions these means may be employed in our study, provided we make a proper allowance for the influence of hazy and cloudy skies. It is, however, always desirable that the actual observation of the acti- nometer should be available, and witli it should l)e associated a simultaneous record of the cloud or haze as given by the sunshine recorder. 87 Solar radititiun plus shi/ radiutioii c.iprrsscd iis iictiiinnirlric ixrcciitot/cs dccord- iii)/ to Marir-lhtrii. calculated for sJclcs as clear as at M(iiil:<(iuris and for various latitudes. January 1 . . . January 11 . . January 21 . . February I.. February 11. February 21. Mareh 1 Mar. h 11 .... March 21 April 1 - April 11 April 21 Mayl May 11 May 21 June 1 June 11 June 21 Julyl July 11.. July21 August 1 August 11 August 21 September ] . September 1 i September 21 October 1 October 11 October 21-... November 1.. November 11. November 21. December 1 . . December 11 . December 21 . Januarj' 1 Noon observation, latitude— jMeau of 5 observations I daily, latitude— 42° N. 46° N. ! 50°N. 42° N. 69.9 71.2 72.9 75.1 77.0 78.9 80.1 84.6 85.2 86.5 86.5 86.3 86.0 84.5 83.8 82.8 81.7 80.3 78.7 76.6 74.7 72.7 71.0 69.8 69.4 09.9 65.1 66.7 69.0 71.8 74.4 76.7 78.4 80.1 81.6 82.9 83.8 84.6 85.0 85.5 85.8 86.0 86.2 86.2 86.2 85.8 85.5 85.1 84.5 8:3.7 82.8 81.6 80.2 78.5 76.4 73.9 71.4 68.8 66.5 65.0 64.4 05. 1 38.0 39.0 40.3 42.0 43.5 45.0 46.2 49.6 55.7 60.7 65.0 68.4 71.0 73.0 74.3 75.3 75.9 76.0 75.8 75.3 74.4 73.0 71.0 68.4 64.7 60.5 55.9 49.4 46.1 44.8 43.3 41.3 40.2 38.8 37.9 37.6 38. 0 37.7 39.9 41.8 4:3.6 44.9 48.6 55.0 60.6 65.1 68.7 71.5 7:14 74.9 75.9 76.3 76.6 76.3 75.9 75.0 73.5 71.5 68.8 64.8 60.2 55.3 48.5 45.0 43.4 41.5 39.0 :37.5 .35.7 :34.5 :34.l :34.6 31.9 :!4.2 37.0 41.9 4:5.7 47.5 54.2 60.2 a-).i Oh. 9 71.. s 7:1 8 75.3 76.3 76.8 77.0 76.8 76.3 75.4 73.8 71.9 69.0 64.8 59. 9 .54.5 47.5 4:3.6 41.6 :i9. 1 ;36.0 :34.l) 31.7 ;«).i ;M.5 THEORETICAL FORMXTLiE FOR ACTINOMETER. In reply to some criticisms of Violle, Marie-Davy (1880, p. 245) gives the only statement that I have seen of his theory or explanation, of the working of his conjugate thermometers. It is about as fol- lows: Let — a be the absorbing power of the bright bulb. / the absorbing power of the black bulb. r a numerical coefficient for converting degrees of temperature into a quantity of heat. 88 q the quantity of radiation or heat falling per minute on the black bulb and also on the bright bulb. a q the quantity of radiation absorbed by the bright bulb. I q the quantity of radiation absorbed by the black bulb. e the emissive power of the black bulb. e' the emissive power of the bright bulb. t and t' the temperatures of the black and bright bulbs, respectively, when they come to the stationarj^ temperature that indicates equilib- rium between absorption and emission. T the temperature of the glass envelopes within which the ther- mometers are inclosed iu a space that is an approximate vacuum. On the assumption of the Newtonian law of radiation, viz, that the quantity of heat emitted is proportional to the excess of tem- perature, we have the following relations : qz^ce {t —T) aq—ee' {f — T) From these expressions we can, by elimination of 7", find the follow- ing expression for q — that is to say, the quantity of solar radiation per unit of time that is at that moment falling on the two thermome- ters, at least in so far as this radiation is capable of being trans- formed into heat by absorption into the bulbs of the thermometers : Marie-Davy, in the absence of exact knowledge of these coeiRcients <2, c, Xli^X60X()0 of the total possible if the sun were in the zenith. Using this as a basal datum, Aymonnet obtains the relative numbers given in the following table or the ratio of the heat actually received during one day to that which would have been received if the sun had stood for twelve hours in the zenith. Thus on June 20, at latitude H0°, the horizontal unit receives 0.347 of that corresponding to the ideal sun in the zenith all day, while at the north pole on the same day the horizontal unit received during twenty-four hours 0.328 of what it would had the sun stood in the zenith for twelve hours. In fact the amount of heat received by horizontal surfaces is nearly uniform for all latitudes for the days June 15-July 28. These relative numbers or ratios may be turned into absolute calories by multiplying them by the so-called " solar constant," whose value is probably between two and three calories per minute per square centimeter. Relative q)iantities of total heat received on specified days from the sun and sky at different latitudes hy a unit surface of horizontal (jround during one cloudless day, allowing for the absorption and diffuse reflection of ordinary clear air, as computed hy Aymonnet. Dates, 1874. Declin- nation of sun, north. March 20 . March 2K . April 7 April 15. . April 35.. May 5 May 15.... May 25 20 June 5 ;i2 June 15 23 June 19 to 23 23 July 7 22 July 19 20 .Iuly28 August 7 August 18 August 25 September 5 . September 15 September Zi Latitude— .279 .274 .273 .368 .267 .272 .274 .279 0.295 .297 .303 .306 .307 .305 .:«4 .304 .303 .302 .301 .303 .304 .304 .;«5 .307 .;«7 .303 .297 .310 .322 .:« .337 .342 .346 .347 .342 .337 .331 .322 .310 .301 .284 0. 175 .190 .215 .235 .291 .281 .298 .313 .324 92 RELATIVE TOTAL HEAT RECEIVED DURING CERTAIN MONTHS. By adding the amount for each day of any month in the following table we get the relative numbers for the total amount of heat received direct from the sun at various latitudes during certain months by a unit of horizontal surface under a clear sky, and after absorption by ordinary clear air, plus the amount received from the diffuse sky light or the atmospheric reflection, all expressed in terms of the amount that unit surface would receive if the sun were constantly in the zenith (luring twelve hours. The coefficient of transmission through one atmosphere for zenithal sun is, as before, 0.75, and the added sky- light is 0.125, to accord with the Arago-Davy conjugate thermometers, since these are affected by the sum of the heat received by their sur- faces from the sun and from the atmospheric particles in the visible celestial vault. Relative quantities of total heat received monthly at different latitudes in the northern hemisphere. Month. 0. 10. 30. 50. ro. 1 1 80. 90. 3.7 10.0 9.8 9.2 9.7 10.1 7.7 3.7 10.6 10.7 10.4 10.7 10.7 7.8 3.3 10.1 11.7 11.9 12.1 10.9 7.1 2.3 8.0 10.5 11.3 11.3 9.2 5.2 1 1.1 5.4 9.0 10.7 10.3 6.8 2.7, 0.6! 3.9! 8.6 j U.O ' 10; 1 5.9 1.5 0.2 April 3.4 May 8.7 11.1 July August -- - September 1 to 23 10.2 .5.8 0.9 Total - 60.2 64.6 67.1 57.8 46.0 41.6 40.3 PHOTO-CHEMICAL INTENSITY OF SXINSHINE. Bunsen and Roscoe, in a series of memoirs published in the Philosophical Transactions, London, 1857, 1859, and 1863, entitled, " Photo-chemical researches," discussed the methods of measuring the chemical action of light by help of photographic tints, and endeav- ored to improve upon the methods of Herschel, Jordan, Claudet, and Hankel. They adopted as a standard unit for measurement that intensity of the light which in one second of time produces the standard tint of blackness upon the standard paper. Their methods are too laborious for the ordinary meteorological observer, but have furnished some important data as to the chemical activity of diffuse sunlight and of total daylight. In his memoir of 1864, Roscoe states that he and Bunsen had developed a method of determining the chemical intensity of both direct sunlight and diffuse sunlight, or the total daylight, that is, based upon the law that the intensity of the light multiplied by the duration of exposure of chloride of silver paper of uniform sensi- tiveness gives a series of numbers proportional to the shades of tints, 93 so that light of the intensity 50, actin<2: durinj^ time t, i)roduces the same bhK'kenin«r eft'ect as light of intensity / acting during the time 50. According to this method the ciieniical action of the total day- light was determined for jNIanchester, England, many times a day during 1864, and the total daily chemical intensity has been com- puted for the year August, 1863, to September, 1864. Very large changes in chemical intensity occur when the sky is cloudless and unchanged as far a^ the eye can perceive. The total intensity for an apparently cloudless day varies from 3.3 for December 21, 1863. to 110, June 22, 1864. This last number, compared with the figure 50.t) for June 20, and 26.6 for June 28, shows the enormous variations that take place in the chemical rays that reach the observer at Manchester on cloudless days. This variation is undoubtedly due in part to smoke and moisture, but possibly other unknown influences are also at work. In 1867 H. E. Roscoe connnunicated to the Roj^al Society the results of work done by his method at Kew, P^ngland, in 1865, 1866, and 1867; at Heidelberg, 1862 and 1863, and at Para, Brazil, 1866. The general results are that the chemical intensity attains its max- imum at noon and not, like the temperature, at some time after noon. P^verywhere the intensity increases from hour to hour with the alti- tude of the sun, and is very closely proportional to it even when the sky is partially clouded, but of course the rate of increase varies with the season, the amount of cloud, and the degree of atmospheric opales- cence. The total chemical intensity for each month, as determined from numerous observations, is as follows for Kew : Total photochemical intensity of direct and diffuse light (Roscoe). Month. 1865. 1866. 1867. Month. 1865. 1866. im. January 15 13 July 114 107 February 24 22 August 89 94 March 3i 31 September-. 108 70 April 88 52 October ....\ 23 29 May ns 79 November.. 18 16 June 92 December --1 '" (14) Eoscoe compares these figures with the cloudiness, and finds that the ratio between cloudiness, expressed on a scale of 10, and the chem- ical intensity is as 1 to 5 in some months and as 1 to ^ in others. A similar irregularity of ratio is found when he considers the absolute moisture in the atmosphere; whence he concludes that the variations in chemical intensity, as between the spring and autumn, are not perfectly explained by either of these factors. He finds the high autumnal and low vernal intensity fairly well explained as due to the transparency or opalescence produced by finely divided solid particles or dust. 94 Passing from Kew to Para, it appears that the chemical action of total dajdight during the month of April, 1866, at Para was 6.6 times as great as at Kew. In order to obtain data for a clearer atmosphere, Roscoe and Thorpe conducted observations in 1867 near Lisbon, Portugal, and published their results in a memoir of 1870, where they have given the relation between the sun's altitude and the chemical intensity. The intensity is the same for hours that are equidistant from ap- parent noon. The relative intensity of direct sunlight, reflected sky light, and total insolation is shown for different altitudes at Lisbon by the following table : Intensity of insolation at Lisbon for clear skies. Mean al- titude of sun. Number of obser- vations. Observed chemical inten- sity. Sun. Sky. ; Total. 9.85 19.68 31.23 42.22 53.15 61.13 64.23 15 18 22 22 19 24 11 0.000 .m .052 .100 .136 .195 .221 0.038 .062 .100 .115 .126 .132 .138 0.038 .085 .152 .215 .327 .359 In general, the total intensity is directly proportional to the num- ber of degrees of altitude. For altitudes between 18° and 35° the intensity on a plane perpendicular to the incident rays is about the same as the intensity of total sky light on a horizontal plane. The intensity of direct sunlight on a horizontal plane is equal to the intensity of total sky light on a horizontal plane when the sun's alti- tude is about 45°. At all altitudes of the sun below 21° the chemical action of diffuse daylight exceeds that of direct sunlight. In their memoir of 1871 Roscoe and Thorpe determined the amount of chemical action for total sky light of a cloudy sky during totality of the solar eclipse, and found it much less than 0.008, and therefore not measurable. They found the total chemical action of the direct sunlight to be strictly proportional to the visible area of the portion of the solar disk up to a certain point in the obscuration, after which the influence of sky light is inappreciable. P"or altitudes below 50° at Catania, Sicily, as elsewhere, the amount of chemical action effected by diffuse daylight on a horizontal surface is greater than that exerted by the direct sunlight. At altitudes less than 10° direct sunlight is almost completely robbed of its chemically active rays. ^♦5 PHOTOGRAPHIC INTENSITY OF SUNSHINE. A photographic method of determining the brightness of sunshine or sky light is verj' desirable as supplementing the thermometric methods. It is as erroneous to assume that all radiation that falls upon a black-bulb thermometer is absorbed by it and converted into heat and measured by the expansion of the mercury as it is to assume that all the radiation that falls on a photographic film is absorbed by it and is represented by the chemical changes that take place in the film. Equally erroneous Avould it be to assume that all the radiation that enters the eye is represented by the impression of brightness conveyed by the retina to the brain. In order to measure in absolute units the total energy radiated from the sun, we need a proper summation of the thermal, visual, and photographic work done by the radiation. If we wish to determine only the intensity of that part of the radiation that does the Avork in which agriculture is chiefly interested we should consider only the heating effects of the radiation and the special chemical effects manifested in the action of sunlight upon chlorophyll. The action of the sunlight upon the chlorides and bromides of silver, as in ordinary photographic processes, may not be an exact measure of its action upon the leaves of plants. Some other chemicals may be more appropriate for use at agricultural experiment stations, but the photographic methods perfected by Profs. H. AV. Vogel and L. Weber are worthy of trial as a first step in the right direction. These processes give us the relative intensity of the radiations that belong to the blue end of the spectrum, with only a small admixture of the influence of green and yelloAv rays. During the year 1890, as the result of a numerous series of observa- tions at Kiel, Prof. L. Weber found that the reddish light of Jjie spectrum on dark winter days has only about 500 times greater int4M4^- sity than the quantity of light from a normal candle at a distance of 1 meter, when measured by their relative effects on a photographic plate, while at the same time the photographic intensity of the green light of the spectrum was four times as much. On bright sunnner days the intensity of the red light was 50,000 times that of the candle at 1 meter, while the intensity of the green light was about 200,000, or about 4 times as much in summer as in winter. The intensity of (he blue light in the solar spectrum was about 25 times that of the red light, which ratio varied a little with the kind and amount of cloud. In all this photographic work a very sensitive silver bromide paper was used; so that these results, strictly speaking, relate only to the variations in the intensity of those special rays that affect this chemical. But these variations will be nearly parallel to the diurnal and annual variations of the rays that affect the growth of plants. 96 Further details of Weber's results are given in the German periodical, Photographische Mitteilungen, edited bv Professor Vogel, at Berlin. It is worth while to call attention to the fact that during the long twilights of northern latitudes in midsummer plants receive an appre- ciable quantity of the blue radiations from the sky, while receiving little or nothing of the red, or heat, rays. M ARCH AND' S SELF-REGISTERING CHEMICAL ACTINOMETER. A convenient form of registering actinometer is that devised by Marchand (1875), which he at first called '' photantitupimeter," but wdiich name he afterwards contracted and modified to '" phantupi- meter.*"' This consists of a vertical graduated tube, closed at the upper end, into which there can escape and be measured the carbonic acid gas given off by the decomposition of a mixture of solutions of perchloride of iron and oxalic acid. By the action of sunshine on this mixture, carbonic acid gas is slowly disengaged, and by its accumu- lation in the measuring tube gives us apparently a means of deter- mining the sum total of the influences of the sun during any period. This apparatus was diligently employed for many years by Marchand at Fecamp, near Havre, and has afforded him many interesting results. COMPARISON OF MARCHAND' S AND MARIE DAVY'S RESULTS. Radau (1877), in his work on Light and Climate, states that the results given by different methods of measurement of sunshine appear to differ largely among themselves, but yet there is a certain simi- larity in the figures. The accompanying table shows the results of observations by Marchand's chemical method and by Marie-Davy's thermometric method, or conjugate thermometers, which latter, on account of its convenience, has been widely adopted. Month. Total daily chemical effect, in cubic cen- timeters, of car- bonic acid (Fecamp, 1869-1872). Mean daily record of actinomet- ric de- grees (Mont- souris, 1872-1876). Month. Total daily chemical effect, in cubic cen- timeters, of car- bonic acid (Fecamp, 1869-1872). Mean daily record of actin 'met- ric de- grees (Mont- souris, 1872-1876. January 1.84 3.93 6.44 14.10 19.46 21.04 21.41 13.0 15.6 26.0 37.5 46.2 48.2 50.6 August 18.92 13.65 6.86 2.89 1.80 41.2 31.8 March October 20.1 April November 12.5 May 9.4 Annual average... June 11.03 29.3 July If the atmosphere were not so very different at these two localities, we could have hoped to use the monthly ratios of these numbers for 97 VIOLLE'S CONJUGATE BULBS. The refined methods for iiieasnrino; sohir radiation adopted by Violle (1879) in his absohite actinonietry can hardly be utilized in agricultural investigations oAving to the labor of using the apparatus. But the continuous register ol)tained by him by means of thermo- electric apparatus is an important improvement in the methods avail- able for comparing climates. On the other hand, Violle has sug- gested a modification of the conjugate thermometers which he calls his •' conjugate bulbs," which is worthy of consideration, although far from being as sensitive as Marie-Davy's apparatus. These bulbs are made of thin copper, one of them blackened and the other gilded on the outside; the interiors are blackened, and the thermometer bulbs within them are also blackened. This apparatus has an appar- ent advantage over Marie-Davy's, in that the sunlight is not required to pass through glass before striking the thermometer. It would appear likely that with smaller bulbs (Violle uses 1 decimeter in diameter) and with more sensitive thermometers Violle's method might give better results and be worthy of recommendation to agri- cultural investigators. The results given by his apparatus have need to be reduced by some method based on the considerations indicated by Ferrel (189l'). BELLANI'S RADIOMETER OR VAPORIZATION ACTINOMETER. Among the many devices invented for the purpose of obtaining, at least approximately, the sum total of the effect of sunshine received during any day by a given plant is one that has been used for a few years at the Montsouris Observatory, and is a modification of an apparatus originally devised by the Italian physicist, Angelo Bellani, which is thus described by Descroix (p. 128, Annuaire de Montsouris, 1887; see also the Annuaire for 1888, p. 206, where it is called the lucimeter, although it does not measure light properly so called). The vaporization actinometer or the Bellani radiometer as modi- fied at Montsouris consists of a bulb of blue glass A of about 60 mm. in diameter, inclosed within a larger bulb B of colorless glass. The space between the two bulbs is a vacuum. xV is two-thirds filled with a volatile liquid and the space above it contains only its vapor, which passes through a curved tube down into a large bulb C, of clear glass, and thence down into the vertical tube D, which is graduated, and where the condensing licjuid can be measured. Under the action of the radiation from the sun and the slcy the l>lue bulb A is warmed more than the bulb B; a distillation takes place from A and the condensed liquid is collected in the graduated tube D, where its volume is measured. This c(mdensation in D is a source of heat, while the vaporization in A is a source of cold. The heat given off by condensation must ef possible duration of ftmishine, iti Jtours, from Jautiary I up to any day of the 2/ea?'— Continued. November 11-20 November 21-30 December 1-10 December 11-20 December 21-31 For leap year add to all num- bers after February 28 January 1— DecemberSl, 1905 Num- ber of 24° 26». Hours. 10 3,981.5 10 4 10 : 4 10 4,302.2 Hours. 3,989.8 .3 4,096.2 .0 [ 4,201.6 4,306.4 4,418.9 4,421.5 4,436.5 4.438.1 28». 30°. Hours. Hours. 3,999.3 4,006.1 4, 104. 3 4, 109. 9 4,208.3 4,212.4 4,311.6 4,314.1 4,425.1 4,425.9 11.5 11.5 4,439.9 4,441.1 Hours. 4,014.0 4,116.5 4,217.5 4,317.6 4,427.7 11.4 4,444.6 Hours. Hours. 4,022.7 4,031.4 4,123.7 I 4,130.9 4,223.1 I 4,228.6 4,321.5 I 4,325.3 4,429.7 4 431.6 11.3 4,445.8 11.2 4,448.6 Num- ber of days. 40°. 44° 46° January 1-10 January 11-20 . . . January 21-31 . . . February 1-10 . . . February 11-20 . . February 21-28 . . March 1-10 March 11-20 March 21-31 Aprill-10 April 11-20 April 21-30 May 1-10 May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10 June 11-20 June 21-30 July 1-10 July 11-20. July 21-31 August 1-10 August 11-20 August 21-31 September 1-10 . September 11-20 September 21-30 October 1-10 October 11-20 October 21-31 November 1-10.. Novemljer 11-20. November 21-30. Decern V>er 1-10 .. December 11-20 .. December 21-31 . F( )r leap year add to all num- bers after February 28 . . . . January 1— December. SI. 1905 Hours. 96.8 19.3.6 304.2 408.4 516.3 605.7 720.7 839.8 975.4 1,103.2 1,234.9 1,370.4 1,509.3 1,651.3 1,810.3 1,956.9 2,104.4 2,2.51.9 2,398.5 2,543.4 2,700.1 2,839.3 2,975.0 3,120.2 3,248.0 3, .371. 8 3,491.5 3,607.1 3,718.7 3,837.2 3,940.9 4, (Ml. 4 I 4,139.2 J 4,2a5.0 4,. 329. 8 4,4.34.0 11.2 4,451.5 Hours. 94.0 190.2 299.2 402.2 509.2 598.2 712.8 831.8 967.6 1,095.9 1,365.0 1,505.3 1,618.9 1,809.9 1,958.4 2,107.9 2,257.4 2,406.0 2,552.7 2,711.2 2,851.7 2,988.5 3,134.7 3,263.0 3,387.0 3,506.6 3,621.8 3,732.7 .3,&50.2 3,952.7 4,051.7 4,147.8 4,241.8 4,334.7 4,436.8 11.1 4,454.3 Hours. 91.9 186.2 293.4 395.1 501.1 589.5 703.7 822.6 958.7 1,087.5 1,220.9 1,3.58.7 1,500.5 1,645.9 1,809.0 1,959.7 2,111.4 2,263.2 2,413.9 2,564.6 2,725.1 2,867.1 3,005.1 3,152.3 3,281.1 3,405.3 3,,52i.9 3,639.7 3,749.9 3,866.3 3,967.5 4,064.8 4,159.0 4,251.0 4,341.7 4,441.4 11.0 4,457.4 Hours. 89.8 182.1 Hours. 87.4 177.5 287.5 280.8 387.8 379.6 492.7 483.3 580.5 570.5 694.2 683.7 Hours. 84.8 172.6 273.6 Hours. 82.0 167.2 813.0 949.3 1,078.7 1,213.0 1,352.0 1,495.4 1,642.6 1,808.0 1,961.0 2, 115. 1 2,422.3 2, .573. 2 2,735.8 2,879.4 3,018.8 .3,167.0 3,296.5 3,421.0 .3,-540.5 3,654.9 3, 764. 4 3,879.6 3,979.3 4,074.9 4,167.1 4,2.56.9 4,345.3 4,442.5 1,062.0 1,204.3 1,344.6 1,489.7 1,807.0 1,962.5 2,119.2 2,276.0 2,431.5 2,584.7 2,7.9.6 2,894.9 3, 3,185.0 3,315.1 3,439.9 3,5.59.3 .3,673.3 3,782.0 .3,994.1 4,087.9 4,178.0 4,26.5.3 4,:i51.2 4,44.5.7 370.7 ' 361.1 473.2 462.3 559.7 548.1 672.4 660.2 791.0 778. 7 927.8 , 915.9 1,058.6 : 1,047.5 1,195.0 1,185.1 1,.336.8 1,328.5 1,4«3.7 1,477.4 1,635.2 1,631.3 1,805.9 1,805.1 1,964.1 1,966.3 2,123.7 2,129.1 2,283.4 2,292.0 2,441.7 2,453.4 2,597.4 2,611.9 2,764.7 2,782.0 2.911.9 2,931.3 3,054.2 3,075.2 3,204.8 3,227.2 11.0 10.9 10.8 4,461.5 4,465.7 4,470.8 3,460.7 .3,570.0 3,801.3 3,913.7 4,010.2 4,101.9 4,189.6 4,274.4 4,357.6 4,449.0 .3,358.8 3,484.2 3,6ft3.4 3.716.4 3,823.2 .3,934.2 4,028.9 4,118.3 4,203.5 4,285.5 4,365.7 4,4&3.8 10.8 4,476.7 Chapter VI. MOISTURE OF THE SOIL. IN GENERAL. The soil receives its water supply either by natural rainfall or by irrigation. The plant in successive generations of cultivation adaj^ts itself to the ordinary supply of water, but in order to perpetuate its kind it must have sufficient during the growing season to serve it as a medium for extracting from the soil and air the nutritious sub- stances needed by it for its own development. The water really available to the plant is principally that which is left in the soil close to the roots after the surface drainage has carried off a large per cent of the original rainfall and after the evaporation by the dry wind has taken 20 per cent of the remainder from the surface soil and after a further large per cent of the remainder has by percolation or seepage slowly settled down beyond the reach of the roots of the plant. Thus it happens that the roots rarely have left for their use 20 per cent of the original rainfall, and this is the so-called " useful remainder." Generally this remainder is best expressed as a per- centage of what the soil would hold were it completely saturated. Therefore its absolute quantity will vary with the character of dif- ferent soils EVAPORATION FROM THE SURFACE OF FRESH WATER. MONTSOURIS DATA FROM DESCROIX. An approximate idea of the relation between the velocity of the wind, its temperature, and its dryness, on the one hand, and its power to evaporate water on the other, may be obtained by collating the data given by Descroix in his article on " The climatology' of Paris," in the Montsouris Annuaire, 1890, page 121. From the mass of data given by him I select the averages taken according to the direction of the wind, or wind roses, for the three summer months June, July, and August, 1889, as these are the months during which crops are liable to suffer the most severely from droughts and dry winds. I give them in the following table : (104) lo; Suiiinicr icinil ruficfi of cruijunition at Mojitfioiii Wind. ^I^[lT tempera- ture. Dally minima of rela- tive hu- midity. Evapo- ration daily. Hini. 6.35 5. 71 4.72 4.15 2.37 3.54 3.60 3.70 3.17 Total Direction. Number of days. Hourly velocity. rainfall. 8 8 5 4 10 20 20 12 5 Sec. kilo. 12.8 14.6 10.1 7.2 11.0 15.4 14.3 11.2 14.8 ° C. 18.24 19.02 20.54 20.08 19.71 18.73 17.21 17.00 17.76 Per cent. 45.9 46.4 45.4 47.8 55.2 51.9 50.8 - 51.3 46.6 mm. 0.0 From northeast 4.4 0.0 From .soiitbfast 0.0 45.8 From southwest - 39.3 Zi.S From Tiortliw^st 10.4 0.7 92 1 124.4 1 We see that the driest winds, or those whose relative humidity is small, such as the north and east winds, give a large evaporation, and that the velocity and temperature of the west winds, which are a little less than those of the southwest winds, does not compensate for the dryness, which latter enables them to evaporate a little less than the southwest winds. By multiplying the average daily evaporation by the number of days we obtain the total evaporation from the saturated paper of the Piche instrument. This exceeds the total rainfall, but we are not to infer that the evaporation from ground and leaves must also neces- sarily exceed the rainfall, although this is generally true for the sum- mer season. BOSTON DATA FROM E. J. FITZGERALD. The evaporation of the water from leaves and from the ground depends upon the temperature, wind, and humidity of the air. It is a rather complex result ; if the above-mentioned elements remain con- stant for any time at the surface of the mass of water the evaporation fi-om that surface will be closely represented by the following formula which is due to Fitzgerald, of Boston, E=0.0166 (P— p) (1+i W), where W is the velocity of the wind in miles per hour ; P the tension of vapor in inches of mercury corresponding to the temperature of the water; p is the tension of vapor corresponding to the dew point in the free air; E is the evaporation expressed in inches of depth of water evaporated per hour under atmospheric pressure between 29 and 31 inches of the barometer. The evaporaticm from leaves and soils is usually less than that from water about in the proportion in which the soil approximates its 106 state of maximum saturation, or in proportion as the leaf can tran- spire moisture through its cell walls. Therefore any ^observations of evaporation that we may make for comparative purposes can give us only the relative evaporating power of the wind and not the absolute evaporation from plants and soils. THE PICHE EVAPORIMETER. The simplest apparatus for observing evaporation is that known as the Piche evaporimeter. This consists of a glass tube closed at the top and hung in a free exposure ; the tube is less than half an inch in diameter and filled wdth Avater; its lower open end is closed by a horizontal disk of bibulous paper about twice the diameter of the tube; the water evaporated from this paper is supplied from within the tube. The observer has simply to read the height of the water in the tube as it slowly descends hour by hour. The number so read oif is easily converted into one that expresses the depth of water evaporated per hour from unit surface. The following table from Montsouris Annuaire, 1888, page 254, shows the average evaporation thus determined by an instrument placed in the shade, also the corresponding temperatures and other data, as observed at Montsouris during thirteen years. Evaporation at Montsouris. [Averages for 1873-1885.] Number of days. Temper- ature of air in Tension of vapor in air. Relative hu- midity. Hourly velocity of wind. Hourly evapora- tion. January . . . February.. March April May June July August September October . . . November December . 3.6 6.0 9.1 12.? 16.3 20.0 22.0 21.6 17.6 12.5 8.0 3.6 mm. 4.8 5.4 5.4 6.3 7.4 10.1 11.1 11.4 10.2 8.0 6.2 Per cent. 80.9 77.0 57.3 54.0 58.2 56.5 59.4 68.0 77.5 82.4 Kilom. 15.9 16.1 17.8 17.6 17.5 15.3 14.7 15.7 14.4 15.4 18.1 15. 6 mm. 0.084 .101 .187 .254 .234 .154 THOMAS RUSSELL S OBSERVATIONS. Prof. Thomas Russell, of the Signal Office, has published results of some observations on the effect of the wind on the evaporation from the disks of the Piche evaporimeter. (See Annual Report Chief Signal Officer, 1888, p. 17(5, oi- Monthly Weather Review, 1888, 107 p. 235.) He finds that with the toiuperature of the air 84° F. and a relative humidity 50 per cent tlie evaporation varies with the velocity of the wind at the surface of the moist disk as in the following para- graph : INFLUENCE OF THE WIND ON EVAPORATION. At 5 miles an hour the evaporation is 2.2 times that in a calm; at 10 miles, 3.8 times; at 15 miles, 4.9 times; at 20 miles, 5.7 times; at 25 miles, 6.1 times; at 30 miles, 6.3 times. The observations of the Piche instruments, as exposed in Signal Service shelters at 18 different stations, gave the results in the table following. (See Monthly Weather Review, September, 1888, p. 236.) The readings on the scale of the Piche instrument have been con- verted into depths of water that would be evaporated from a free surface of water within the same instrument shelter during the respective months by multiplying them by the constant coefficient 1.33, so that the evaporations here given in inches of depth of water correspond entirely to the ordinary methods of measuring rainfall. Evaporation, in incites, ohserved with Piche instruments irithin the Signal Slervice thermometer shelters in 1888. July. Septem- ber. Boston New York Washington . . "Buffalo Cincinnati Memphis New Orleans . Chicago St. Louis Keeler Yuma El Paso Dodge City . . San Antonio. Denver St. Vincent - Helena Boise City.. Incites. 5.16 4.49 4.64 Inches. 5.87 5.36 5.27 Inches. 5.28 4.14 4.22 6.22 5.33 5.59 6.18 11.66 13.86 13.91 7.80 2.76 7.01 9.42 5.63 4.88 5.83 6.93 5.24 9.38 5.52 5.79 12.76 13.63 5.36 4.57 7.96 6.97 4.41 12.69 12.88 11.54 6.22 5.36 5.44 8.55 5.97 7.80 Inches. 2.68 2.88 2.52 3.70 5.33 3.86 3.70 5.79 4.61 10.95 10.36 10.00 6.07 5.94 6.86 " In October at Boise City the evaporation was 7.60 inches. Profesor Russell has also devised the following very satisfactory formula connecting the total daily evaporation in inches with the meteorological elements on which it depends, viz, the vapor tensions, pu: for mean wet bulb and p,i for mean dew-point temperatures, (b) barometric pressure, b}' means of which he has been able to compute 108 the possibilities of evaporation within Signal Service shelters over the whole country for an average wind velocity. Daily evaporations: y 1.96y>,„-|-43.9(/?w — pa) His results in this respect are platted on chart No. VI of the Monthly Weather Review, September, 1888, and show that the total annual depth of evaporation has its maximum of over 1)0 inches in southern Arizona, California, and New Mexico, whence it dimin- ishes to a minimum of 20 inches annually in the northwest corner of the State of AVashington and thence eastward to Maine. These fig- ures, like his formula, take no account of the wind, because within the Signal Service shelters the wind is reduced to a velocity far less than that in the open air. These figures, therefore, represent the evaporation in open air only when there is no wind above some small limit — say 6 miles per hour but may be adapted to strong winds by the use of the figures given in the first paragraph of this section. CULTIVATION DIMINISHES SURFACE-SOIIi EVAPORATION. The general effect of cultivation is to pulverize the upper soil ; this protects the capillary roots from surface exposure, it breaks up the capillary outlets of the moisture in the soil, checks the natural evaporation that goes on at the surface, and thus preserves the water within the soil for the use of the plants. Dr. E. L. Sturtevant's observations show that the extent to which the water is thus con- served by cultivation during the months from May to September, 1885, at Geneva, N. Y., may be thus expressed: With a rainfall of 14.42 inches the cultivated soil evaporated 1.4 inches less than the uncultivated naked soil and 2.25 inches less than the soil covered with sod. In other words, the efficiency of the soil to retain useful water is increased by cultivation to an extent equivalent to 10 per cent of the rainfall. If the capillary connections between the soil in the neighborhood of the roots and the supply of moisture lower down be broken no supply of moisture can come up from below, but if the soil be well rolled the compacting will aid the capillary attrac- tion and the plants will secure moisture from below. Again, when weeds are allowed to grow freely the injury to the crops is not due to robbing the soil of nutrition nor to their shading the ground, but principally to their robbing the soil of its moisture. Those who can with impimity allow weeds to grow must have soils containing an excessive moisture, which they thus get rid of, while those who have a comparatively dry soil must destroy the weeds in order to reserve moisture for the use of their crops. (Agr. Sci., Vol. I, p. 216.) 109 PERCOLATION. The permeation of water through soils of different qualities has been studied by WelitschUowsky (AVoIhiy, 1888, X. p. 20:1.) He maintained a layer of water at a constant height above the material through Avhich it permeated ; therefore the pressure forcing the water through was constant. He found that the quantity of flow increased at first rapidly, then slowly for several days, depending on the thick- ness of the stratum of soil and the pressure of the water, until the permeation reached the maximum; then the rate of flow diminished slightly for a day or two until it became constant. He found that the quantity of water delivered in a unit of time has no simple rela- tion to the pressure forcing it through the soil or to the thickness of the layer of soil through which it flows, but the relation is more nearly expressed as follows: If the pressure be increased by regular additions the flow of water increases in an arithmetical progression such that the quantity equals (A) plus a constant factor (D) times the pressure (P) less unity; A-f-D (P — 1). The numerical values of these terms can be deduced from his extensive tables of experi- ments, of which the following table is an abstract: Size of grains. Maxi- mum capac- ity for water.a Intensity of flow, in liters, per minute. Soil. Layer of soil 50 cm. thick. Layer of soil 100 cm. thick. Head of water pressure. Head of water pres- sure. 10 cm. 50 cm. 100 cm. 10 cm. 50 cm. 100 cm. Fine sand mm. 0.33 0.33-1.0 1.0 -2.0 2.0 -4.0 4.0 -7.0 90.86 71.46 52.59 19.37 13.44 0.00013 0.106 1.173 6.747 11.703 0.00022 0.179 1.886 9.594 16.347 0.00031 0.273 2.776 13.137 Average sand 0.096 1.011 6.435 11.015 0.126 0.167 Small gravel 8 034 10 015 Average gravel 13.555 " The capacity for water is expressed as a percentage of the weight of the dry soil. The general laws of the flow of waters through soils of difi'erent natures have been elaborately investigated by Milton AMiitney in a series of pajjers published in Agricultural Science, Volume IV, to which the reader must refer for the details. The percolation of water through the soil, whether it goes down- ward as drainage or upward to be evaporated from the surface, depends not merely upon the degree of comminution of the soil and its compactness, but also, among other things, to a slight extent, upon the barometric pressure of the atmosphere, so that a falling barometer is, according to E. S. -Goff, generally accompanied by a corresponding increase in the rate of drainage or of percolation downward. (Agr. Sci., Vol. I, p. 173.) 110 AVAILABLE MOISTURE. In his investigations as to the relation of atmospheric precipita- tion, esj^ecially rainfall, to the plants and the soil,Wollny shows that the percentage of water in the layer of soil containing growing plants increases from above downward as soon as the downward movement of the rain water in the soil ceases, but that the percentage increases from below upward while the rain is falling and so long as the water continues to be penetrating doAvnward. The frequency of rainfall is of even greater importance than the quantity. Slight rainfalls that only wet the soil to the depth of a few millimeters do but little good to the vegetation, because the greater part of the water is quickly evaporated back again into the atmosphere. If it should rain daily 2 millimeters during the three summer months, then, even with this abundant precipitation the plants might die for want of water, whereas if this total of 180 millimeters were uniformly divided into ten or twelve rains during the three summer months it would be considered a remarkably favorable growing season, since under these conditions the earth would be wet down to a considerable depth and the water thus stored up is protected from evaporation. Therefore, for equal quantities of rain its value for agriculture increases as the number of rainy days diminishes, and diminishes as the number of rainy days increases, at least up to a limit that varies with the character of the soil. In order to attain precise ideas on this subject, Haberlandt set out a series of glass tubes full of dry earth ; each received at the begin- ning a certain quantity of water, and by weighing these from day to day he determined the loss due to evaporation. These losses are given in the folloAving table, in percentages of the original quantity of water, which latter may be considered as a rainfall whose depth is given at the top of the column : Initial rainfall September ; Loss by evaporat ion September 21 September 22 September 23 September 24- September 25 September 26 September 27 September28 September 29 September 30 October 5 October 10 [) in millimeters. in percentages. 94.75 5.68 Total in 20 days J00.43 39.51 17.02 18.85 12.16 7.29 3.04 1.82 26.34 10.22 14.87 14.56 5.89 5.58 4.34 2.48 2.79 14.78 10.09 13.39 11.82 7.30 8.17 3.48 1.74 5.55 2.09 9.81 7.75 10.33 1.86 1.76 6.31 2.89 7.48 9.05 8.09 7.05 6.70 3.48 3.04 2.61 2.00 2.95 Ill These experiments give us some idea as to what percentage of the rainfall remains in the soil for the use of the plant in the case of large and small rains, but do not quite answer the question how one and the same quantity of rain is utilized in moistening the earth when it is distributed through a larger or smaller number of rainy days. On this latter question Wollny has made the following experi- ment: A quantity of water corresponding to a rainfall of ()0 milli- meters was communicated to an experimental tub, Xo. 1, all at once, while in tub Xo. 2, 30 millimeters were given the first time and the remaining 30 after three days; in the third tub 20 millimeters were given at first and 20 millimeters every other day thereafter, and, finally, in the fourth tub, 10 millimeters were given every day, so that in six days all had received the same quantity of water. These experiments were repeated for different kinds of soil and the results show that in all cases the quantity of water lost by evaporation is larger the more frequently the water was communicated or the greater the number of rainy days. A fine illustration of the truth of this principle as applied to practice is narrated by Haberlandt, who found that in 1874 the farmers at Postelberg got much better crops than those at Lobositz, which could only be attributed to the fact that during that year Postelberg had received 246 millimeters of rain- fall in forty days, or an average of 6, whereas Lobositz had received 309 millimeters in seventy-seven days, an average of 4, so that the usefulness of the gi'eater quantity of rain in Lobositz did not equal that of the smaller quantity at Postelberg. Wollnj^ shows that since the period of the heaviest rainfall occurs throughout central Europe at the time of the largest evaporation from the soil we must conclude that for the naked earth the Avetting of the soil during the warmer season of the year is controlled much more largely by the rainfall than by the evaporation depending on the temperature. His observations with the lysimeter show that the precipitation is principally concerned in the moistening of the naked soil during the Avarmer season, while the influence of the temperature and the resulting evaporation nearly disappears and is only observ- able in periods that are deficient in rain. In most cases the vegeta- tion is injured Avhen the atmospheric precipitation during the coldest season of the year is insufficient. The precipitation at this time of the year is therefore quite as important for the success of the harvest as that which falls during the period of vegetation. (WoUny's Forschungen, Vol. XIV, pp. 138-101.) A. Seignette has shown that the law of levels propounded by Royer is confirmed. This law states that for given plants and for other uniform conditions the reserve nutriment in the earth is always found at a constant distance below^ the surface; thus the bulbs of 112 a plant under given conditions are found at a given level, and if we change these conditions as to moisture, temperature, etc., we shall change the distance from the surface down to this level. (Wollny's Forschungen, Vol. XIV, p. 132.) TRANSPIRATION. The quantity of water transpired by trees and plants depends upon the amount of water at their disposal, as well as on the temperature and dryness of the air, the velocity of the wind, the intensity of sunlight, the stage of development of the plant, the amount of its foliage, and the nature of its leaf. The following are some of the results of measurements at European experiment stations. (See Fernow, Report, 1889, p. 314.) F. B. Hoehner found that the transpiration per day per 100 grams of dry weight of leaves is for conifers 4.778 to 4.990 grams, but for deciduous trees about ten times as much, 44.472 to 49.553. During the whole period of vegetation a unit weight of dry leaves corre- sponded to a total weight of evaporated water, as shown by the fol- lowing table, for three diflferent years. Transpiration of tratcr corresponding to c/rontJi of unit weight of dry leaves. Plant. 1878. 1879. 1880. Plant. 1878. 1879. 1880. Birch and linden 650 550 475 425 1,000 700 600 5.50 90 101 91 70 Oaks 250 60 35 35 400 150 100 75 59 Ash Spruce and Scotch pine. Fir 13 Beech 9 Maple Black pine 7 The variability of transpiration is shown by the action of a birch in the open air, which transpired on a hot summer day from 700 to 900 pounds, while on other days it probably transpired not more than 18 to 20 pounds. A beech about 60 years old had 35,000 leaves, whose total dry weight was 9.86 pounds; hence its transpiration, at the rate of 400 j^ounds of water per pound of leaves, would be 22 pounds daily. An acre containing 500 trees would, during the total period of vegetation, transpire nearly 2,000,000 pounds of water, or about 50 pounds to the square foot. A younger beech, thirty-fi^'e years old, with 3,000 leaves and a dry weight of 0.79 pounds, would, under the same conditions, transpire 470 pounds per pound or 2| jiounds per day from June to November. An acre containing 1,600 such trees would transpire about 600,000 pounds per acre or 15 pounds to the square foot from June to November. Of the entire mass of wood and foliage on an acre of forest from 56 to 60 per cent of the weight is water and 44 to 40 per cent dry sub- 113 stance. In agricultural crops the amounts of water are still larger, sometimes reaching 95 per cent of the whole weight. The amounts transpired by cereals, grasses, weeds, etc., are consid- erably larger than the preceding, as shown by the following table compiled from AVollny's results,: Plant. . Year. Begin- ning of vegeta- tion. End of vegeta- tion. Water consump- lion per acre. Pounds. Inches. 1879 Apr. 20 Aug. 3 ....do.-. 2,590,000 2,720,000 3,140,000 3,070,000 3,000,000 3,420,000 3, 140, aw 4,110,000 10 1879 ---.do. . 11 Peas 187P do do 12 Red clover 1879 do Oct. 1 Aug. 14 Sept. 14 Sept. 10 Oct. 1 12 Summer rye Oats - Beans iiil 5 0 O O 12 14 12 16 The following table is given by Risler (1873) in his " Note on the diminution of the volume of water courses," and shows the mean daily consumption of Avater by plants, expressed in millimeters of depth of water over the area of the field : Plant. Daily con- sumption of water. Plant. Daily con- sumption of water. mm. 3.4-. ..7.0 3.1. ...7.3 2.9.. ..4.9 3.0+ 2.8--. -4.0 2.7.. -.2.8 Clover mm. 2.9 Rye 2.3 Oats Vine 0.9....1.3 Beans Potatoes 0.7 .1.4 Maize 0.5....1.1 Wheat Oak forest 0.5... .0.8 These numbers have been deduced from the results of many years of experiments in the laboratory and from observations made in a drained field under conditions favorable to this kind of research. The crops have necessarily varied from one year to another, but unfortunately I am not acquainted Avith these details. The transpiration of the plant is only a means to an end. (See Marie-Davy, 1875, p. 209.) Its object is the introduction into the vegetable organism of the mineral elements necessary for the develop- ment of its tissues and that of the other principles united there. The experiments of Woodward and those of Lawes have already shown us that the same quantity of water is not always necessary in order to furnish the same amount of mineral substance and to produce in the plant all the elaboration and movements of organic products which should be produced there. It appears evident that in soils more or less fertile and which con- 2667—0.5 M 8 114 tain in unequal quantities soluble and nourishing principles the water absorbed by the roots may be more or less charged with these elements. We can understand, then, that the quantity of water necessary to enable a plant to furnish a given result is not the same for all soils, and that the richest soils may produce a greater result with a proportionably smaller consumption of water. By increasing the richness of the soil in soluble substances that can be assimilated, Ave should succeed in economically reducing the quantity of Avater consumed by the crops. In any case we might at the same time ask ourselves if all the water absorbed by the roots and introduced into the plant is utilized by it and at what limit the richness of the water should be arrested so as to be really profitable to the plant. In this connection Marie-Davy cites the following fact, mentioned by Perret in the Journal of Practical Agriculture for 1873 : In Perret's experiments a meadow having been covered with a suffi- cient quantity of nitrate of soda for a nitrogenous manuring of four years, the grass was magnificent in the spring. This grass was given green to the horses, who before long began to show strong diuretic symi^toms accompanied by raging thirst. These animals seemed to be completely under the influence of the administration of a strong dose of nitrate. The following year there was a complete cessation of the beneficial effects of the nitrate on the meadow, which showed conclusively that the plants of the first year contained nitrate in a natural state and not decomposed by the assimilation. When nutritive substances are given to plants in abundance they can absorb a quantity of these elements besides what is necessary for their nourishment. This is particularly true when in the series of minerals which compose a normal nourishment, one of these sub- stances is in excess of the others. Besides, if we compare the chemical composition of a crop cut green with that of a similar crop after arriving at maturity, we find that in the latter there is a diminution in Aveight of several of the substances present in the former. It would, therefore, have been interesting to know if the trouble men- tioned by Perret was continued with the same intensity in the dry hay. RELATION OF PLANTS TO MOISTURE OF SOIL. E. WoUny (1887, Vol. X, p. 320) gives some results as to the influ- ence of plants and shade on the moisture of the soil, being a modifica- tion of a memoir published by him in 1877. His conclusions are as follows : (1) The water contained in the soil under a covering of living plants is, during the growing season, always less than in a similar layer of fallow, naked soil. 115 (2) Tlio caiiso of tho dning iii) of the soil by the plants is to be foMiul in the very considerable transpiration of aqueous vapor by their leaves. (8) The plants deprive the soil of water in proportion as they stand eloser together and have developed their tops more luxuriantly. V (4) The influence of the vegetation on the moisture of the soil extends to the deeper layers of soil. ^ (5) The moisture of the soil under a layer of inert objects, such as dead plants, manure, straw, pieces of wood, windfalls, etc., is always greater than that of the uncovered soil. (6) The retention of the moisture in the soil under a cover of dead matter is a consequence of the protection a Horded l)y the latter against the influences that favor evaporation. (7) The quantity of moisture in the soil is, wnthin certain limits and to a depth of about 5 centimeters, or 2 inches, greater in propor- tion as the covering of dead matter is thicker, \ (8) The soil shaded by living plants is, under otherwise similar conditions, driest during the growing period, but that covered by dead objects is the moistest, while that which is not cultivated, not covered with plants and naked, is midway between the two previous in reference to its relations to moisture. Wollny has also studied the influence of plants and shade upon the drainage of water from the soil. His conclusions are : v(l) A notably smaller quantity of water drains through the soil supporting living plants from the same quantity of rainfall than through a naked soil during the growing season. 1/(2) The quantity of drainage in cultivated fields is less in pro- portion as the plants stand more closely together and in proportion as they have developed themselves more luxuriantly. ^ (3) The quantity of drain water from a soil covered by inert objects is increased in comparison with that from fallow land in proportion as the covering layer is thicker, up to a certain limit, up to about 5 centimeters, beyond which a further increase in the thick- ness of the covering steadily diminishes the quantity of drainage water. ^ (4) For the same quantity of rain and under otherwise similar circumstances, the soil covered with dead leaves and similar objects furnishes the greatest quantity of drainage water up to a covering of about .5 centimeters thickness; the naked, fallow land furnishes the next smaller quantity of water; the soil covered with livnig plants furnishes the least quantity of drain water. llf> RELATION OF "WATER TO CROPS. E. A\V)llny has studied the rehitioii of the irrigation and rainfall to the development and productive poAver of plants in cultivated fields, and the following sununarv is essentially as given by him in Volume X of his Forschungen for 1888, page 153. An early investigation of this subject was made by Ilionkotf, who filled five large tubs with soil and sowed buckwheat in each on the loth of May; each tub was then watered regularly with a definite quantity of water, the total quantity used being given in the second column of the table following. The relative quantities of buckwheat harvested at the end of the season are given in the third column and the straAv is given in the fourth column. The weight of the buck- wheat originally sown in each tub was the same, viz, 0.154 gram. Total water ap- plied. Weight of green har- vest. Grain.! Straw, Sum total. Weight of dry „ harvest. Num- ber of ker- I nels Grain. Straw. I har- i vested. Ratio of straw and kernels to the seed. 2 3 4 Liters 25.00 12.50 6.25 3.12 1.56 6.15 1.95 .58 .10 Grams. 26.10 58.85 23.03 9.42 2.20 Grams, 27.99 65.00 24.98 10.00 2.30 Grams. Grams. 1.68 5.47 1.73 .52 .09 4.52 8.47 4.55 1.41 .30 These figures show plainly that the plants in tub No. 2 were most favorably situated. Probably No. 1 had too much water and Nos. 3, 4, and 5 too little. Haberlandt, in 18G(), experimented on the quantity of water needed in the growth of plants in three plats of 14.41 square meters each; of these No. 1 received no artificial watering; No. 2 was watered once a w^eek, except in great droughts tAvice a week; No. 3 received a double quantity once a week. These quantities corresponded to a rainfall of 6.46 millimeters for No. 2 and 13.92 millimeters for No. 3. The total quantities for the season Avere 96.96 and 193.92 millimeters. The natural rainfall Avas as follows: K^y^ Rainfall. March 17 i April 15 ! May 11 I June - 13 I July. _. 17 i Total 73 I mm. 40.98 35.38 52.20 46.03 34.40 208.99 117 The miinhor of rainy days was lar«2:e, but the rainfall was small, and the plants in bod No. 1 sutiVrod for want of water. The relative harvests for the ditferent beds and crops were as follows: Plant and \ied. Harvest (rela- tive numbers). Plant and bed 1 Harvest (rela- tive numbers). Grain. Straw. Grain. Straw. Wheat: 1. 2 100 132 172 100 136 161 100 129 164 100 124 219 Barley: 1 2.. 3 Kfl 10!) 100 105 123 100 116 3 Rye: 1... Oats: 1 2 100 133 2 3 3 1 182 126 Beds Nos. 1 and 2 showed about the same rate of growth. No. ?> showed a retardation. The barley and the rye were harvested from this bed four days later than from the other two. The quantity of harvest increased with the quantity of water, and the harvest of grain, except in the case of the wheat, was more increased by water- ing than w^as the harvest of straw ; the quality of the grain show^ed only slight differences. Hellriegel experimented (1867-1883) on the influence of w^ater upon the crops. He filled a number of vessels with quartz sand and maintained the earth at a different state of dryness. The exjDeri- ments were repeated for several years on wheat, rye, and oats, the general results being that wdien the ground contained from GO to 80 per cent of its full capacity of water the harvest was larger than when the ground was drier and about in the following proportions: Tub. Mois- ture. Wheat crop. Bye crop. Oat crop. .Straw. Grain. Straw. Grain. Straw. Grain. Per ct. 1 80-60 22 11.0 16 10 16 12 2 60-40 21 10.0 15 10 14 11 3 40-20 15 8.0 12 8 13 8 4 20-10 7 2.8 12 4 4 2 Hellriegel also varied the experiment by giving the tubs daily, each evening, as much water as they had lost during the day, thus 118 maintaining a very constant state of moisture in each, following results: with the Tub. Con- stant mois- ture. Harvest. Tub. Con- stant mois- ture. Harvest. Straw. Grain. Straw. Grain. 1 2 4 P. ct. 80 60 40 30 11.0 12.8 11.2 8.3 8.8 9.9 10.5 8.8 5 6 7 P.ct. 20 10 5 6.9 3.0 0.1 3.3 The general result, therefore, was that the largest harvest is given by soil containing 40 per cent of its maximum capacity for water. The general appearance of the plants showed that those having too little water had a less intensive life and were suffering from lack of nourishment rather than from the want of pure water itself. Fittbogen (1873) conducted a series of experiments on twenty tubs in groups of four. The relative weights of his harvests of oats were as follows : Tub. Mois- ture. Harvest. Tub. Mois- ture. Harvest. Straw. Grain. Straw. Grain. 1 2 3 P.ct. 80-60 6(V40 40-30 7.7 6-9 6.0 5.3 6.1 4 5 P.ct. 30-20 20-10 3.7 0.9 4.0 0.6 These figures show that for moistures varying between 30 and 80 per cent there was very little difference in the' harvest, Avhile for drier soils the harvest was decidedly diminished; but it is notable that for the driest soil (No. 5) the grain ripened earliest of all. Haberlandt, in 1875, reports the results of experiments on three tubs sown with summer wheat. The quantity of water allowed to tub No. 1 was just sufficient to keep the wheat alive; the other quanti- ties, with the harvest, are given in the following table: Tub. Quantity water. Num- ber wa- ter- ings. Equiv- alent rain- fall. Harvest. Grain. Straw. 1 2 3 cc. 6,200 14,400 24,800 31 36 31 mm. 24.4 56.6 97.5 21.8 29.4 41.6 6.6 16.4 31.6 Whence it would seem that the limit of useful water had not yet been reached. 119 Birnor (1881) oxporimoiittHl on the amount of water needed by potatoes. Four series of experiments were made, eaeh inchidin<; five tubs having: dirt'erent amounts of water, as shown in the foUowing table, which mves the average of the four series: Tub. Mois- Harvest weight of tubei-s. ture. Per plant. Aver- age per tuber. 1 2 3 4 5 P.ct. 80-60 6^40 40-30 30-20 20-10 Orarux. 80d 413 313 214 (Jrams. 42 46 42 34 23 These figures show a steady increase in the amount of harvest with increasing moisture. The student will notice that in these experiments where the plants are kept in tubs under protection from natural rains the watering and growth go on under continued sunshine. The experiments therefore correspond with the case of irrigation in a dry, sunny climate, and it is not to be understood that the same amount of water deposited naturally by clouds, with attendant long-continued obstruction of sunlight and heat by the clouds, would have produced the same large crops. R. Heinrich (ISTG) experimented at Mecklenburg on the influence of water on grasses and clover. Ten sets of tubs filled with sterile i^^and were sown with grasses and clover and watered daily, with results as shown in the following table : Tub. Weight of daily water. Equiv- alent daily rainfall. Harvest weight of fresh- cut grass. Tub. Weight of daily water. Equiv- alent daily rainfall. Harvest weight of fresh- cut grass. (hams. mm. Grama. frrams. mm. fh-ams. 1 100 1 35 6 600 6 138 2 200 2 44 r TOO 7 148 3 300 3 57 8 800 8 161 4 400 4 84 9 900 9 156 5 500 5 110 10 1,000 10 no This shows that the harvest increased steadily up to 8 millimeters of rainfall daily, but for 9 or 10 millimeters per day the increase in harvest was so slight that we may consider 9 millimeters, with an average harvest of 162 grams, as the best that could be obtained under the temperature and sunshine prevailing that year at Mecklenbui-g. Doubtless a differwit quantity of water would be required in order to obtain the maximum harvest in other climates. 120 E. Wollny (1882-83) made seven series of experiments, in each of which five or six tubs received daily different quantities of water, except only that in the driest tubs extra water Avas given for the first few days in order to insure the sprouting of the seeds, and except, further, that in the experiments of 1882 the water was given every second or third day instead of daily, w'hereby was brought about the rather large variations in the moisture of the earth. The tubs were shielded from natural rain, were of the same size, and had the same Aveight of earth and aliment. Nothing is said as to whether special manure or fertilizer Avas used, but only that all w^ere treated perfectly alike except as to water ; the effect of manuring Avas shown only in the case of Nos. 6 and 7 in that No. 6 w^as- treated like the previous ones, Avhile No. 7 received a supply of mixed Peruvian guano, superphosphate, and sulphate of lime, gypsum, or plaster equivalent to 526 kilograms per hectare. Exact measurements were made upon six plants in each tub in order to judge of the relatiA^e harA^ests. An abstract of Wollny's measures is given in the following tables : EXPERIMENT OF 1882. Tub. Mois- ture. Grain harvest dried in air. Mixed grain. Sum- mer rye. Beans. Sum- mer rape seed. 1 2 3 4 .5 100-80 80-60 60-40 40-20 20-10 4.3 5.7 5.1 3.9 0.4 9.2 11.1 U.6 3.3 0.5 2.4 4.4 4.9 2.0 0.25 11.0 13.9 12. r 9.4 1.8 EXPERIMENT OP 1883. Tub. Mois- ture. Grain harvest dried. Horse bean.a Summer rape seed. Not warmed. Warmed. 1 100 7.4 0.2 0.3 2 80 21.9 3.3 3.9 3 60 14.0 4.2 4.3 4 40 10.6 4.6 6.9 5 20 3.5 2.5 2.7 6 10 1.3 0.8 1.4 "A variety of English or Windsor beans (Faba vulgaris) raised in Europe for feeding He concludes that, in general, the quantity of harvest is influenced to an extraordinary degree by the quantity of available water and much more than by any other factor of A-egetation. In general the 121 harvest increases with increasin Similar experiments by Sorauer (1873) give results analogous to the preceding. He measured the greatest length and width of the leaves, at several stages of their growth, of barley plants in tubs of dilferent moistures, with the average results for all stages of growth, showing that the leaves were longer and broader the more watei- was furnished, while the available nutrition remained the same. BARLEY (SORAI^ERS KXl'EItl MEXTS). Mois- ture. Length ofl4f. Width of leaf. Percent. mm. mm. m 182.2 9.4 40 166.3 9.1 20 138.7 6.8 10 93.7 5.6 These and similar observations show that the assimilating organism of the plant (viz, its leaves), as also its organism for absorl)ing nutri- tion (viz, its roots), both alike increase with the increase in avail- able moisture near the roots in the earth, at least within the limits existing in these experiments, and to the same extent is the develop- ment of the plant favorable to the increase of its productivity. 124 Under such circuinstances it is not surprising that the development of the crop of grain keeps pace with the increase of the available water, at least up to the point where the quantity of water is suffi- cient to give a maximum crop. The supply of water has an influence not merely on the quantity of the crop, but also on the rapidity of the development of the plant. Wollny (1881) shows that in general the grain ripens sooner as the quantity of water diminishes. This is well seen in the following series of experiments (Table 62) on the time of ripening of grain in fields that are sown more or less thickly. The thickly sown fields correspond, of course, to a less quantity of water available for each plant. WINTER RYE ( WOLLNY, 1875-76). Number Number of of plants square Date of to the centi- ripening square meters (1876). meter. to each plant. 625 16 July 18 400 25 July 21 229 44 July 28 100 100 July 30 25 400 Aug. 8 PEAS (WOLLNY. 1877). Number 1 Number of of plants square Date of to the centi- ripening square meters (1877). , meter. to each plant. 357 28 Aug. 15 157 64 Aug. 17 89 118 Aug. 19 85 117 Aug. 26 40 254 Aug. 28 29 346 Sept. 5 Similar experiments were made by Wollny on the Ramersdorfer variety of potatoes. A plat containing 1 phmt to 4,435 square centi- meters ripened by the end of September (1875), but a plat containing 1 plant to 812 square centimeters ripened the 1st of August, and other plats containing 1 plant to 2,500, 1,600, 1,109 square centimeters, respectively, ripened at dates proportional to the area occupied by each plant. As each plat received the same amount of sunshine and of water, the dates of ripening must have been hastened in pro- portion as the number of plants in each plat were increased. 125 Similar experiments on maize showed a similar acceleration of the date of ripening, as given in the following table, which also shows in the last cohnnn what proportion of the maize was unripe in the sparsely jilanted plats when that which was closely planted was already fully ripe. MAIZE (WOLLNY, 1875). Number of plants to the square meter. Number of square centi- meters to each plant. Order of ripening. Percent- age of unripe ears. 85 16 9 6 4 400 625 1,109 1,600 2,500 1 3 4 5 3.7 0.0 26.7 34.8 56.2 A striking illustration of the effect of scant water supply is given in the case of four plats of flax, which were sown at the rate of 50, 100, 150, and 200 grams of seed per 4 square meters of ground. During the drought of 1875 the plants sown most closely all died early in July, whereas those sown most sparsely withstood the drought very well ; of the plants sown with intermediate densities the number that died was proportional to the density. In general, if all other conditions are the same, plants ripen sooner and have a shorter dura- tion of vegetation in proportion as the soil is drier, or in proportion as there are more plants to the unit area. Evidently the plants whose roots extend the farthest in search of water will outlast the species or varieties whose roots are of smaller dimensions. RAINFALL AND SUGAR BEETS. Briem (1887) has investigated the effect of rainfall on the harvest of sugar beets. His observations were made at the experiment station " Grobers." A long drought during August and September was fol- lowed by a rainy period of many weeks. During the latter the beets increased in weight on an average for each beet from 388 to 450 grams; the presence of sugar was shown by the ordinary polariza- tion test, both before and during the rainy period. The following table gives the results of the analyses, each figure being the average of 16 readings on samples taken from 100 beets. These samples show that immediately after the first rainfall, on September 21, the per- centage of sugar per beet diminished somewhat, but that toward the 126 end of the rainy period, when the rainfalls became less frequent, the percentage rose to nearly its former value. On the other hand there was a regular diminution of the other elements that were not sugar, and consequently an improvement in the percentage of purity. There- fore a permanent injurious influence of the heavy rainfall on the quality of the beet was not proven. Num- ber i-ainy days. Percentage of— Quo- tient. Per- cent- Date of measures. Sugar. Not sugar. of not inloo of sugar. 0 6 9 13.13 12.35 12.56 13.04 3.15 2.84 2.81 80.0 79.6 81.5 82.3 24.9 September 27 (after rain) 25.4 22.5 October 20 (after rain) 21.4 Grassmann (1887) also confirms the results of Girard to the effect that the sugar once formed in the beet remains there, no matter what the further growth may be. There the diminution of the percentage of sugar after a rainfall is only relative in that the sugar is dissolved in more sap, and this is distributed throughout a greater mass of beet ; the sugar, and with it the percentage of purity, sinks only very lit- tle after the first rainy day, but on the second sinks more considera- bly and then slowly rises from the third to the fifth day. (See Wollny, X, p. 300.) Now that the previous studies have shown the importance in agri- culture of the quantity of available water the question still remains whether the results of these experiments are directly applicable to determining the influence of rainfall on vegetation under the natural climatic conditions. We could in advance answer this question in the negative, inasmuch as the precipitation is never so uniform as"the water artificially supplied in these experiments, as also because the utilization of the natural rainfall by the earth varies with the physi- cal properties of the latter; but by a closer consideration one is led to the conclusion that in spite of the departure from natural conditions still the results of these experiments do allow us to draw many con- clusions as to the influence of rainfall on the growth of cultivated useful plants, especially when we leave out of consideration the effect of the water at different epochs of vegetation and the peculiarities of the capacity of the soil for water, and at first study only the average character of the climate as depending on the amount of precipitation and consider the weather during the growing season. 127 In this case it would scarcely be denied that a relatively dry or moist climate or any similar modification of the weather should exert an influence on the vegetation similar to that exerted by the soils of different moistures in the above-described experiments. We must the more readily agree to this conclusion since, independently of the fact that water belongs to the most important, indispensable, factor of vegetation, it is also true that the observations on the growth of plants made in climates having different degrees of moisture agree closely with the views above explained. It is already well known in agri- culture that in a dry climate the harvests are only scanty and to an extraordinary degree dependent on the rainfall, and, furthermore, it is well known how favorably the general condition of the plants is affected by a moderately moist climate, and how, on the other hand, the crops of cultivated lands are diminished by extremely large quan- tities of rain, when in consequence of a large capacity of the soil for water, a large quantity of water accumulates in it either temporarily or for long periods of time. Furthermore, it is well known that the stalk of the plants and the formation of straw are greater in pro- portion as the climate is moister; that the various kinds of cereals in dry regions produce a glassy, glutinous grain, but in moist lands a mealy seed, poor in nitrogenous compounds. All these phenomena, observed on a large scale in the life of the useful plants, make them- selves felt also in a similar way in the experiments above quoted, and therefore the results of the latter can with perfect justice be quoted in deciding upon the questions lying at the base of our work. But these present conclusions hold good only for the total rainfall during the growing season, and it will be further necessary to fix in a similar way, by experiments, the influence of precipitation during the indi- vidual stages of growth of the plants, as also the relation of the soil to the water, so as to' determine the influence of the ordinary natural climatic conditions. Chapter VII. MISCELLANEOUS RELATIONS. RAPID THAWS. The following extracts from a report for 1889 of the department of the interior of the Canadian government shows the influence of the change from warm to cold weather not only on forest trees but on other plants : Considerable attention has been paid to this subject during the past year, and there has been urged on the department of agriculture the desirability of the establishment at some point in the southwestern portion of the Northwest Territories of a farm or garden for con- ducting experiments on this line. Failure in tree culture so far as tried seems to be owing not to the severity of the winters, nor to the droughts of the summers, but to the winds. Those in the winter known as "" chinooks,"' which cause the sap to rise and the buds to swell, being followed by a lowering of the temperature (in some cases very rapid), prove destructive; and during the summer there are often high, dry, hot winds which blow continuously for several hours and which seem to dry up the young trees. By planting in close clumps the native trees which will grow (cottonwoods and others), and among them those ornamental trees which are so much to be desired, these difficulties will probably be overcome, and in time it will be found what ones are best suited to the district. The great difficulty which at present impedes the cultivation of large plantations of forest trees in Manitoba and the northwest is climatic. In early spring, delightfully soft, balmy days, something like the maple-sugar Aveather in Ontario and Quebec, awaken the young trees to life and cause the sap to run; but then suddenly a terrific blizzard from the north and northwest comes down and freezes up the sap and destroys the trees. Professor Saunders is now engaged in experiments with a view to overcoming this climatic obstacle. I have thought that by planting the young trees very closely together, or by sheltering them during their earlier seasons, as is done in the case of the seedlings at the model farm at Ottawa, this trouble might be gradually lessened; or, willows or cottonwood might be planted with the young trees as a shelter-belt protection for them against these early spring frosts and sudden and extreme changes of temperature. As yet, of course, we have no practical experience in the northwest on the subject, and can only base any action we may take upon knowledge obtained from what has been (128) 129 done in other countries with the same eharaeteristics both of soil and elimate. (See American Meteorological Journal, 1891, Vol. VII, p. 41.) WIND. The effect of the wind on vegetatit>n is quite various. Among other influences, we note the following: («) It is considered that the mechanical action of the motion of the stems and trunks and stalks is to strengthen them and to stimulate the growth of the roots. (b) The winds distribute the pollen and the seed and thus assist, or even entirely control, the preservation of the plant and its geo- graphical distribution. (/■) The wind renews the air, so that a superabundance of the necessary gases is then assured. {(I) During cool, clear nights a wind, by renewing the supply of heat, prevents the fonnation of frosts by radiation. {e) On dry, cold, frosty nights the wind, by its dryness, evaporates any frost that may be formed upon the plant, but does not prevent the freezing of the plant as a whole. (/) By bringing moisture, fog, and clouds from the lakes and ocean up over the fields and forests the Avind prevents frosts and favors the growth of delicate plants on the leeward side of large masses of water. (ff) Gasparin states that when a cold, dry north wind suddenly l)lows over plants in active groAvth they become stunted, and it is said that the plants have taken cold. A similar phenomenon occurs in the valleys of California. Gasparin's description is as follows (Cours d'Agriculture, 2d ed., 1852, p. 202) : In the valley of the Khone the north wind produces a lowering of the normal temperature of about 7° ; all the vegetation is more or less involved if after several days of calm, clear weather, during which the heat has increased, such lowering of temperature is experienced. P^ven if there has been no frost and the plants have preserved their vitality unimpaired, it produces a singular effect on them ; their growth stops and they remain stunted. Our agriculturists describe this con- dition by saying that the plants have ''taken cold." The leaf buds which put out later resume their growth, but the leaves and branches' experiencing this cessation of growth never entirely recover from it. This accident is especially injurious to natural and artificial meadows and to the leaves of the mulberry tree. As regards the meadows, the best thing to do is to hasten the mowing of the grass, in order to gain time for the succeeding crops to prosper, and for the nniUierrv trees it is advisable to await the development of new buds. The more rapid these dry winds are the more tliey hasten the drying up of the soil. After they have prevailed for several days the earth 2667—05 M 9 becomes hard, and this condition prolonged until spring contributes much to injure the growth of the plants. The wheat remains low and does not head ; the meadows yield but little grass, if a spell of warm weather does not soon follow so that they may be irrigated, for if the Avind is dry and cold at the same time watering will do them little good. {h) Damp warm winds are generally favorable to plants and par- ticularly so to various kinds of fodder. Xevertheless, we observe that under their action the fertilizing proceeds badly, growth is imper- fect, and the maturing is retarded. (/) AVarm dry winds produce very rapid evaporation, and their effect is still more marked if, like the simoon of Arabia, they carry with them sand heated by the powerful southern sun. (j) Hot dry winds occur, notably along the whole eastern slope of the Rocky Mountain Divide, Avhich by their rapid evaporation use up all the moisture in the plant and in the soil, causing the plant to entirely wilt away. THE ORGANIC DUST OF THE ATMOSPHERE. * IN GENERAL. The dust contained in the atmosphere, in so far as it consists of organic debris, has a slight influence on agriculture, but in so far as it consists of living germs seeking places to rest and grow it is a matter of vital importance. Undoubtedly most of the plant diseases are spread in all directions by the winds that carry the spores of fungi even more widely than they do the seeds of the weeds. But the examination of this dust, either by the microscope or by cultivation in various appropriate moist media, as al'-o the study of the injuries or the good done by the microbes, bacteria, bacilli, micrococci, fungi, and other organisms, belongs to vegetable pathology rather than to the relations betAveen climates and crops and is a subject so large that we must refrain from even attempting to quote the titles of recent treatises on the subject by Pasteur, ^liquel. Van Tieghem, Koch, Kohn, and many other prominent authors in Europe and America. Syste- matic daily examination by the culture method of the dust deposited from the air had been established at Montsouris under Marie-Davy, and at Philadelphia under Dr. J. S. Billings, and will undoubtedly do much to explain the dependence of crop diseases upon wdnd, moisture, and temperature. WIND AND FORESTS AND GERMS. The influence of the forests on the transportation of the micro- organisms by the wind has been studied by A. Serafini and J. Arata 131 by countins: (ho colloctions of oroanisius that arc c'aiilass phites prepared aoeordiiig to tlie iiietliods of Miqiiel at Moiitsouris. Their observations show that in JM) cases out of 40 the catch of trorins within the forest is less than the catch outside the forest, the average ratio being as 3 to 1. so that the forests act as a strainer upon the organisms carried by the wind. WoUny suggests that the result Avould be even still more decided if the wind were stronger and the forests more extensive. (Wollny, Forschun- gen, 1891, XIV, p. 176.) ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY. IN GENERAL. The relations of atmospheric electricity to vegetation and crops are too little understood to justify any attempt to present this sub- ject. In fact, it does not seem clear that any appreciable influence is exerted by this atmospheric or geophysical element upon the development of plants. In natural conditions evaporation is un- doubtedly facilitated by the dissipation of an electric charge, but we do not know that transpiration is at all affected by it, and have no reason to think that assimilation is affected by it. The passage of an electric current through the earth in proximity to the roots may affect the decomposition of the soil and setting free of nutritious substances or may affect the temperature of the soil. A fcAv experi- ments have been made to show that artificial earth currents stimulate the growth of the plant, but. nothing has yet been found to show that under natural conditions electric currents have any appreciable influence. Nevertheless, observations are made regularly at some stations, such as Kew, JNIontsouris, Potsdam, and at a few agricul- tural experiment stations. An excellent series was maintained for many years by AVisliczenus at St. Louis, Mo., a summary of Avhich is published in the transac- tions of the Academy of Science at St. Louis and also at page 65, Report of the Chief Signal Officer for 1871. The following table gives the monthly means for Montsouris and for St. Louis. The record for Montsouris expresses the potential in units of 1 Daniell cell, which is approximately 1 volt at a point 2 meters above the soil and 1 meter from a Avail, for the calm days of the years 1880 to 1887. The record for St. Louis gives the electric intensity on a scale 182 of arbitrary degrees for a point at the for all days in the years 1861-1870 : top of a house in that city Month. Electric potential, Mont- souris. Electric intensity, St. Louis, Month. Electric ' Electric potential, intensity, Mont- St. Louis, souris. Mo. January February March April 80 68 49 41 39 n.o 9.9 7.4 5.6 4.0 2.4 July 36 2 1 50 ' 2. 8 September. October November December 59 2.3 a5 5.8 May 73 8.0 80 8.3 These observations agree with those throughout the world in show- ing that the intensity is least in the summer seasons and greatest in the winter seasons of the respective hemispheres. There is also a corresponding slight diurnal variation, in accordance with which the intensity at a given point is least at 3 p. m. local mean time. Chapter VIII. RELATION OF PLANTS TO ATMOSPHERIC NITROGEN. IN GENERAL. If the atmosphere varied largely in its chemical constituents, this Avould doubtless have an appreciable influence on vegetation. Labo- rious studies at Montsouris and elsewhere have shown that there is a measurable variation in the quantity of ozone, so called, of ammonia, and of carbonic acid gas, and Morley, at Cleveland, has shown an appreciable, but very slight, systematic variation in the proportions of nitrogen and oxygen. But all these variations are so small as comj^ared Avith the variations in the quantity of air brought to the jDlants by the wind, that their influence on vegetation, if any, can not be separated from that of the wind, and is probably entirely inappreciable as compared with other influences. On the other hand, the general fact that plants must have nitrogen in order to produce albuminous and other nitrogenous compounds has long been apparent. The question how to furnish this nitrogen to the plants in such a chemical form that it can be readily assim- ilated by the cells has undoubtedly been, consciously or unconsciously, the problem of the agriculturist for many ages. Without nitrogen, which is usually supposed to be furnished by fertilizers, manures, rich soils, or the alluvial deposits of the rivers, no nutritious seeds are formed, and the more molecules of nitrogen that we can force the plant to take up into its tissues the more and better seed we may expect to obtain in the harvest. THE AMOUNT OF NITROGEN BROUGHT DOWN BY THE RAIN TO THE SOIL. According to Marie-Davy, nitrogeii is added to the soil by the nat- ural meteorological process of rainfall. Nitrogen can exist in water either as a dissolved salt of ammonia or as pure annnonia, or in the state of a nitrate or a nitrite of soda or other alkali, or as com- pounded with carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, as in the case of organic bodies floating in the water. The nitrogen brought down by the rain water is washed out of the atmosphere where it had existed in some one of these forms, and, although the percentage is small, yet the abso- (13.3) 134 lute quantity has an appreciable value as a fertilizer. The methods of determining the quantities of nitrogen need not here be given, but the following results of observations in Europe give at least an approximate idea of the probable effect of rains in the United States. (See Annuaire de Montsouris, 1889, p. 254.) Similar data for our own territory have not been measured, so far as I can find. Quantity of nitrogenous compounds in the rainfall of 1S88 at Montsouris. Total rain- fall. hev of contains receives- ramy ] days, j Am- Nitric} Am- Nitric monia. acid. I monia. acid. January February March April ..._ May •June July.. August September ... October November December Total ... Average 55.5 19.8 79.6 76.0 47.5 23.0 19.4 48.3 31.6 548.3 45.7 16} 22| nl .:! 17 1 10 mg. 5.15 2.19 1.51 1.50 0.80 1.10 0.56 0.88 2.33 2.21 3.62 mg. 0.84 1.00 0.61 0.78 0.82 1.02 1.36 1.10 0.87 0.68 0.85 0.50 mg. 110.7 84.1 132.4 84.2 15.8 87.9 44.0 41.7 53.6 51.4 106.7 114.3 18.1 38.5 53.3 43.2 16.2 81.2 las.e 52.5 20.1 13.2 41.2 15.9 497.0 41.4 Quantity of nitrogenous compounds in the rainfall during successive years at Montsouris. Seasons (warm or cold). 1 square meter receives— Seasons (warm or cold). 1 square meter receives— Ammo- nia. Nitric acid. Ammo- nia. Nitric acid. 1875 (Sept.)-1876 (Feb.) 1876 (Mar.) 1876 (Aug.; mg. _ 574.9 499.9 387.6 542.1 423.7 725.7 462.1 325.3 230.5 310.6 503.4 348.1 415.2 701.5 901.7 mg. 210.3 135.5 93.6 50.3 169.1 285.4 336.4 299.8 264.7 181.1 83.4 207.4 279.0 1883 (Mar ) 1883 (Aug ) mg. 431.6 481.3 .544.0 .518.5 499.5 569.9 589.6 376.2 728.2 693.9 406.0 mg. 106.4 1883 (Sept.)-1884 (Feb.) J 1884 (Mar.)-1884 (Aug.) 1884 (Sept.)-1885 (Feb.) 228.5 1876 (Sept ) 1877 (Feb ) 91.9 1877 (Mar.) -1877 (Aug.) 152.7 152.7 1878 (Mar )-1878 (Aug ) 1885 (Sept ) 1886 (Feb ) 137.4 1878 (Sept ) 1879 (Feb.) ^2.8 158.9 1879 (Mar ) 1879 (Aug ) 1886 (Sept ) 1887 (Feb ) 219.6 1880 (Mar ) 1880 (Aug ) 1887 (Sept ) 1888 (Feb ) 180.1 1880 (Sept.)-1881 (Feb.) 1888 (Mar.)-1888 (Aug.) .. Average, cold .seasons .... Average, warm seasons _ _ 350.0 18.S1 (Mar.)-1881 (Aug.) 503.0 511. 7 191.2 191.9 1881 (Sept.)-1882 (Feb.) 1882 (Mar.)-1882 (Aug.) 1882 (Sept. )-1883 (Feb.) 135 It is evident that there is no nppreeiahle differenee between the warm and eokl seasons. A sli<>ht addition is to be made to the above table, in order to inehule the quantities of nitrogen contained in the water of fogs and dew. The quantities under the eohnnn " Nitric acid "' inchides such nitrites as become converted into nitrates in the hiboratorv analysis. The great variations in the successive seasons depend ujjon the variations in rainfall (juite as nnich as upon the variations in the quantity of nitrogen j^er liter, or the variations in the atmospheric constituents. The variations in the (luantity of nitrogen brought to the soil by the rainfall in ditt'erent parts of the world is shown in the following- table, as quoted by Marie-Davy from the memoir of Messrs. LaAves, Gilbert, and Warington, on the composition of the rainfall at T\oth- amsted. This table shows that the richness of the rain in nitrogenous compounds varies geographically quite as much as the quantity of rain does, so that in general the ground in (iermany, Italy, and France receives decidedly more nitrogen })er acre than does the ground in England. A further study of the subject also shows that the rain caught in cities contains vastly more nitrogen, especially ammonia, than that caught in the open country. Quaniity of iiitrofjrii (uiminllii hroiinht to tlic xo// by rain. Date. Total nitro- gen- Station. ' Total nitro- ! gen- Station. Per hec- tare. Per acre. Date, p^,. hec- j tare. Per acre. Kuschen 1864-65 ism-m 1864-&5 isa-s-^ 18&5 1864-65 1865-66 1866-67 Kilos. 2.08 2.80 6.15 7.63 7.46 16.90 Lbs. 1.86 2.50 5.49 6.81 6.66 •15.09 Proskau 1 Kilos. Lb.1. 18(J4-f!5 23.42 20.91 Do 1870 14.91; 13.36 Insterburg -.. Do Do 1871 11.08 9.89 Do 1872 14.01 12.51 Dahino Vallombrosa 1872 11.63 . 10.38 ia5:}-54 6. 24 5. 9(5 Do 11.63 mm 18.41 16.44 Do Do 1855 7.29 6.58 Do 1856 8.&5 8.00 Ida-Marienhiitte 1865-70 n.i2 9.92 Montsouris 1876-88 14.04 12.53 • The appreciable quantities of nitrogen shown in the above table must be diminished in agricultural computations in i)roportion as the rainfall carries it off into the rivers, since only that which remains in the soil can be supposed to have an appreciable influence on the growth of crops. The quantity of nitrates in rain Avater may be expected to vary with the character of the climate and^may be greatest in those regions where lightning is most frequent. Observations on this subject were made by A. Muntz and V. Marcano (Agr. Sci., Vol. Ill, p. 2^3), who showed that at Caracas, Venezuela, where thunder storms are frc- 136 quent and violent, there is a very large amount of nitric acid, either free or combined, in the rain water. The relative values in different climates are as follows : The island of Reunion. Caracas Rothamsted ._ -- Liebf rauenberg Weight of nitrogen per meter rainfall per hec- tare. Kilos. 6.93 NITROGEN DIRECTLY ABSORBED BY THE SOIL. Schloesing has shown that the atmospheric ammonia has its in- fluence upon the plant greatly multiplied by the direct absorption of this ammonia from the air into the soil. The absorption is greatest when the difference between the tension of the ammonia in the soil and that in the atmosphere is at a maximum ; it is therefore greatest when the soil is moist and when nitrification converts the ammonia into nitrates as fast as it is absorbed. 'Wlien the earth is dry nitrifi- cation is suspended, and the ammonia accumulates in the soil up to a certain point, beyond which the rate of absorption gradually diminishes. (Agr. Sci., Vol. IV, p. 292.) FIXATION OF NITROGEN BY PLANTS. Experiments as to the source whence the grains (Graminea^) and the beans and peas (Leguminosa^) derive their nitrogen have been made both in Germany and France by independent methods. Thus Hellriegel and Wilfarth from 18S3 to 1887 experimented upon sam- ples of these plants, each of which was placed in a pot of sterilized quartz sand to which was added a nutrient solution, and the plants were watered with distilled water so as to keep the conditions favor- able to growth. The results were that oats and barley behaved alike ; when they are not furnished with nitrates there is no developmei\t beyond the reserve in the seed, and when they are fed with nitrates the harvest of dry matter is directly proportioned to the quantity of nitrate. For every milligram of nitrogen the increase of dry matter is 93 milligrams for barley and 96 for oats, respectively. Steriliza- tion of the soil and of the pots on the one hand, and the addition of the microbes contained in the washings of cultivated soil on the other hand, cause no variation in the above results. Peas behave quite differently from the preceding. Some plants languish if they have no nitrates, but others suddenly acquire new 137 life and yield a crop comparable with that obtained with a eood sup- ply of nitrate. The amount of nitro<»en in the crop is sometimes a very large gain over that contained in the soil ; this latter also occurs when the air is deprived of all ammonia, etc., and the nitrogen must be obtained from the free nitrogen of the atmosphere. But when the soil is sterilized by heat and the pots and seeds are sterilized as to their surfaces by washing with very dilute mercuric chloride, then peas behave like oats and barley; there is no gain of nitrogen from the air, the crops are proportional to the quantity of nitrate in the soil, and no tubercles are formed on the roots. In all cases where the peas had gained nitrogen when planted in unsterilized soil, tubercles are formed on the roots, and, on the other hand, when they are planted in sterilized soil no tubercles are formed unless we add to the soil the washings of a small quantity of arable soil, in which case tubercles are generally formed. Such washings may themselves be sterilized by boiling or possibly by lower tempera- tures. The authors infer that the assimilation of. nitrogen from the air by peas, lupines, and other leguminous plants is not within the power of the plant as such; nor can it take place when the plant grows within a sterilized medium, but is connected with the presence of mi- crobes and with the development of tubercles on the roots. (Agr. Sci., Vol. Ill, p. 215.) The fixation of nitrogen by Leguminosao has been studied b}' E. Breal, who succeeded in inoculating Spanish beans with bacteria from tubercles on the roots of Cystisa. At first the growth was vigorous, then the plant languished, but eventually recovered, flourished, and matured. Again, lucerne, growing in a pot in sandy soil, was inocu- lated by laying a fragment of tuberculous root of lucerne on the soil and watering the plant with drainage water. In both these cases not only did the plants gain in nitrogen, but the soils also, so that this experiment confirms the ordinary experience as to the behavior of the Leguminosa^ as soil improvers. (Agr. Sci., Vol. IV, p. 75).) Lawes and Gilbert, in a memoir published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London for 1889, state their conclusions as to the sources of the nitrogen in the plant as follows: In our earlier papers we had concluded that, excepting the small amount of combined nitrogen coming down in rain and the minor aqueous deposits from the atmosphere, the nitrogen source of crops was the stores within the soil and subsoil, whether from previous accumulations or from recent manuring. * * * With the Grami- neae it was concluded that most, if not all, of their nitrogen was taken up as nitric acid. In leguminous crops, in some cases, the whole is taken up as nitric acid, but in other cases the source seemed to be inadequate. * * * It is admitted that existing evidence is insuf- ficient to explain the source of all the nitrogen of the Leguminosa?. 138 Frank had observed that the feeding roots of certain trees were covered with a fungus, the threads of which forced themselves be- tween the epidermal cells into the root itself, which in such cases had no hairs, but similar bodies were found external to the fungus mantle, which prolonged into threads among the particles of soil. Frank concluded that the cldorophyllous tree acquires its nutriment from the soil through the agency of the fungus. Such a mode of accumu- lation by these green-leaved plants plainly allies them very closely to fungi themselves: but inasmuch as in the cases observed by Frank the action of the fungi was most marked in the surface layers of soil rich in humus, and since this development has not been observed on the roots of any herbaceous j^lants, therefore the facts hitherto recorded do not aid us in explaining how the deep and strong rooted Leguminosjp acquire nitrogen from the raw clay subsoils of Roth- amsted. In continuation of their investigations, Lawes and Gilbert have published a subsequent paper stating that in 1888 they began experi- ments in the same line as those of Hellriegel. Peas, red clover, vetches, blue and yellow lupins, and lucerne were sown in pots, of which there were four to each series. No. 1 contained sterilized coarse white sand; Xos. '2 and 3 contained the same sand, to which a soil extract was added; Xo. 4 contained garden soil or special lupin soil. Their general results were that the fixation of free nitro- gen only occurred under the influence of microbes in the soils that had been seeded with soil organisms by adding soil extract to the sand in the pots. They find that the Rothamsted experiments indi- cate that with a soil that is rich in nitrates there are far fewer nodules on the roots of the plants than were formed in the pots of sand con- taining but little nitrates but seeded with soil organisms. The authors suggest (1) that somehow or other the plant is enabled under the condition of symbiotic life to fix free nitrogen of the atmosphere by its leaves, a supposition in favor of which there seems to be no evidence whatever; (2) that the parasite microbe utilizes and fixes free nitrogen and that the nitrogenous compounds formed by it are then taken up by the plant host. On this latter supposition the large gain of nitrogen, as made by the leguminous plant, when grow- ing in a soil that is free from nitrogen but properh^ infected by microbes, becomes intelligible. (Agr. Sci., Vol. IV, p. 201.) As to the relations between plants and atmospheric ammonia, almost all agree that the plant derives ammonia from the atmosphere through the medium of the soil only. Berthelot finds that vegetable soils usually have sufficient ammonia to enable them to evolve it into tlie atmosphere, but under certain conditions they can absorb this gas from the atmosphere. (Agr. Sci., Vol. IV, p. 295.) 139 Berlhelot shows that veo^etable soils continually absorb nitrogen from the air, aiul very much more than exists in the air as ammonia or nitrooenous compounds, so that it must be taken directly from the free nitrogen and this, too, although the soil contains no growing vegetables. (Agr. Sci., Vol. I, p. 120.) Apparently this absorption is the work of the microbes preparing the soil for future i)lant growth, and much of the irregularity in our crop reports depends not u|)on the climate or the fertilizer, but upon the activity of this form of life. Berthelot (1887) shows that the fixation of gaseous nitrogen of the atmosphere by the soil takes place continualh" even when no vegeta- tion is presented and that it is greater in soil exposed to rain than in soil protected from the rain, this being undoubtedly due to the fact that in the exposed soil the minute forms of life by means of which nitrogenous compounds are formed can operate more intensely because of the greater quantity of air dissolved in and carried down to them by the rain. (See AVollny, X, p. 205.) A parallel investigation by Heraeus shows that probably tht^ bac- teria may be divided into two classes — those which oxidize and those which reduce the oxides, and that in general where an abundance of nutj'ition exists, as in rich soils, the reducing bacteria are in excess, and that, on the contrary, where these do not find a sufficiently favor- able soil there the oxidizing bacteria have the upper hand. Salkowsky (188-7), as the result of his ow^i experinients, considers it indubitably established that processess of oxidation in water can onl}' be due to the vital activity of bacteria, and that this is equally true of water permeating the soil, and therefore of the oxidation l)rocesses in the soil itself. Warington (1887), having shown that the process of nitrification goes on by means of organisms that are rather uniformly distributed at the surface, and that they are less frequent at depths of 9 and 18 inches, depending on the porosity of the soil, and that none could be found at depths of from 2 to 8 feet, has now revised these early (•xi)eriments and finds a few nitrifying bacteria at depths at from 5 to 0 English feet, but that in general they are less numerous and have a feebler activity the deeper they are in the earth. Under natural conditions nitrification occurs principally in the highest layer of soil, because the conditions of this process — viz, accessibility of the ir and quantity of nitrogenous compounds — are more favorable here than in the loAver strata. (See AVollny, X, p. 211.) As our views as to the relation of the nitrogen of the atmosphere to vegetation have been entirely remodeled within the past livo years, the following summary by Maquenne (1891) has been selected as showing the slow progress of our Ivuowledge up to the brilliant suc- cess of Hellrieffel and Wilfarth. 140 Of all the characteristic functions of life nutrition is certainly the most important. It is by means of it and with the assistance of certain inanimate products which we call food that man in the first stages of his existence succeeds in increasmg his size to a limit Avhich depends upon his nature and later on succeeds in constantly repair- ing the loss of material Avhich he suft'ers in his contact with the out- side world. • Nutrition has everywhere the same object, but it may be accom- plished in two entirely diiferent ways. In the animal, considered as essentially a producer of power, nutrition is nothing more than a transforniation of forces similar to that which we realize arti- ficially in our steam engines. Nourishment must therefore contain within itself the motive power to be used by the organism which absorbs it. In other words, it should be so composed as to be capa- ble of furnishing heat by transforming itself into more simple ele- ments. I speak here of the organic matter which forms, indeed, the basis of nourishment in the entire animal kingdom. With the plant, on the contrary, which is constantly absorbing energy instead of producing it, the nutriment is no longer subject to any conditions, and thanks to the living force of the solar rays, which the plant stores up in its chlorophyllian tissues, it succeeds in nourishing itself on true products of combustion — such as water, carbonic acid, and nitric acid. In other words, on substances which have reached their maximum stability and which by a concentration of force it converts to the condition of organic matter. It is thus that the vegetable kingdom has acquired that wonderful power of combination which the methods of our lalDoratories so rarely attain. It is thus above all that it is able to continually re- produce the combustible matter which the animal kingdom has con- sumed, and that it enables a limited quantity of matter to suffice for the support of an indefinite number of generations belonging by turns to the two kingdoms. By its synthetical nature vegetable nutrition must necessarily pre- cede aninial nutrition. It is as indispensable to this latter as the light of the sun is absolutely necessarj- to the development of plants; and this is not, as we may well believe, the least interesting aspect of its study, for it is probable that when we become well acquainted with every detail of the changes which contribute to the organizatu)n of mineral matter in the vegetable tissues we shall then be able, by making use of suitable agricultural methods, to assist the nutrition of plants artificially and at the same time to improve our own food, which is the object "of all progress in agriculture. We must also in this connection call attention to the present almost universal use of chemical fertilizers. This is certainly not the only improvement which we have a right to expect from scientific re- searches, and we shall now see that recent researches relating to the assimilation of liberated nitrates by plants are of a nature to make us look for others and perhaps equally important steps of progress. Analysis shows that besides some mineral substances whose role is still very obscure, the cellular juice of all A^egetables is formed of carbon and nitrogen combined w^ith the elements of water — that is to say, with hydrogen and oxygen. These latter are evidently provided by the water which impregnates the earth, and as there is almost always a sufficient quantity of this, we need not occupy ourselves with it here. 141 Carbon, as wo know, is taken by tho plants from the carbonic-acid gas of the air, at least for the most part. Carbonic acid, like watvr, exists everywhere, and if I remind you that we have succcetlcd in transformino- it into some of the sufjars which exist so ijeneraiiy in the vegetable tissues, you will agree with me in saying that the great phenomenon of the assimilation of carbon by plants is at present understood only in its smallest details. The mechanism of the assimilation of nitrogen is far from being as well understood even as that of carbon. We as yet know nothing of the chemical changes which cause this element to pass from a gas- eous state to that of albuminous food: but its diU'erent modes of ])ene- trating into the plant are welf known to us, and we can affirm to-day that the atmosphere contributes as much as the soil to that portion of vegetable nutrition. This fact, of which we shall shortly give the demonstration, was almost evident, a priori. In fact the soil contains onlv very small proportions of nitrogen. The store which it offers to" us (scarcely 10.000 kilograms per hectare) is insignificant in comparison with the innnensity of time; but in comparison with it the atmosphere con- tains an enormous quantity, about three-fourths of its entire volume; hence the idea of a continual circulation of nitrogen betAveen its com- ))ounds and the air — in other words, between the air, the earth, and the living organisms — forced itself upon us, in the same way as the circulation of water between the ocean and all points of the earth obtrudes itself. It is therefore the more remarkable that this conception of the subject has only quite recently been brought to light. Enunciated as a principle more than thirty years ago, it has only been taken into serious consideration in these latter years, after a series of researches which we are now going to pass in review. But I should like first to establish, by experience alone, outside of all speculative ideas, the fact that the intervention of atmospheric nitrogen in the phenomena of vegetation is an absolute necessity. It Avill suffice for that pur^Dose that I show a parallel, a sort of balance between the sources of gain and the sources of loss to the soil in nitrog- enous compounds; it is clear that if this comparison shows us a diff'er- ence in favor of the enriching of the soil then we need have no fear of seeing our soil become one day sterile ; if, on the contrary, the losses are in excess of the gains from the exterior then we knoAv that it must be receiving from the atmosphere the quantity of gaseous nitrogen (>(jual to the difference. It is very easy to bring together the data for this great problem. The most important cause of the decrease of nitrogen in the soil is unquestionably the crop taken from it each year; .the amount of this loss is, however, very variable; a crop of cereals — of wheat, for ex- ample— takes from the soil about 50 kilograms of nitrogen per he(;- tare; roots, beets, or others generally contain more; finally, certain liinds of vegetation, such as clover or lucern grass, take as much as 100 to '200 kilograms, and even more nitrogen i)er hectare annually. Judging by these figures, we nuist conclude that by an average rotation of crops, where root vegetables, leguminous plants, and cereals are made to alternate one with the other, the earth loses every year by the fact of cultivation alone a mininnnn of from GO to TO kilograms of nitrogen in combination with other substances. 142 On the other hand, the soil is the seat of never-ceasing oxidations, caused by the free circuhition of air within it ; one of these phenomena of oxidation is that which acts upon the conibustibk^ nitrog-enous substances hekl in reserve by the soil; under the sinuiltaneous action of a free atmospheric oxygen and of a special kind of microbe, " the nitric ferment," discovered by Messrs. Schloesing and Miintz and described later by Winogradski, these substances are rapidly trans- formed into nitrate of calcium, or lime, which, by a happ}^ combina- tion of circumstances, is the favorite nutrition of most plants; this nitrate of calcium is extremely soluble and does not possess any affinity for the elements of the soil, like that existing between these b:ame elements and annnonia. or. again, between them and the salts of potassium, Avhence it comes to pass that every infiltration of water takes this nitrate along with it, even to the de]:)ths of the loAver soil, and from thence into the brooks, rivers, and thence into the ocean. In autumn, vdien the rains are abundant and when the denuded earth evaporates only a small quantity of the water which it receives, a veritable cleansing takes place systematically, and all the nitrates are carried far away as fast as they are produced. The loss from this cause is enormous. In experiments nuide by Messrs. Lawes and Gilbert, at Rothamsted, for a great many years past these learned English agronomists have discovered that one hectare of soil planted in wheat loses in this way 50 kilograms of nitrogen — that is to say, as nnich as the wheat itself contains, or, again, a quantity equal to a manuring of 300 kilograms of nitrate of soda. These figures are far from being exaggerated, and other observers, among whom I will mention Deherain, have obtained similar and sometimes even higher results than those of LaAves and Gilbert. But this is not all. Boussingault found that rich soils continually give out ammonia in the gaseous state. These are the circumstances under which he discovered it : Having conceived the idea of analyz- ing a sample of snow which had remained for thirty-six hours in a garden bed, Boussingault found in it 10 milligrams of nitric ammonia per kilogram, while the same snow taken from a terrace very near there contained scarcely 2 milligrams. The difference of 8 milligrams was evidently due to the emanations from the earth. If we allow that this snoAV had a uniform deyith of 10 centimeters and a mean density of 0.25 we shall find on a hectare a total weight of 250 tons, containing 2 kilograms of annnoniacal nitrogen which was given out from the soil during the short time that the snow lay on the ground. By what coefficient must we multiply this figure in order to cal- culate the amount of annual loss which takes place upon an ordinary piece of arable land ? AVe do not knoAv at all, but we can affirm that the result of such a calculation would give more than 10 kilograms annually per hectare. According to Schloesing, certain soils emit nitrogen in its free, uncombined state. This is particularly perceptible in soils which are badly ventilated and Avhich contain a great deal of organic mat- ter. The nitrogen then results from the decomposition of the nitrates existing in the soil, which decomposition is attributable, as Deherain and I have shown, to the development of certain anserobic micro- orsranisms. 143 If wo leave out of the calculation this last cause of loss, which it is impossible to estimate and which is doubtless of little imi)()i-tance under ordinary circumstances, we shall find that a piece of arable, land of avera;ood. It contains a large quantity of nitrog-en, which evidently could only come to it from the atmosphere. This recrudescence of vegetation shows itself at a time when the weight of the plant is eight or ten times that of the seed, and similar contrasts are often observed in two stalks grown in the same pot, which are, therefore, consequently in the same soil, under the same conditions, the seeds being as similar as possible. In a Avord, the experiments of Yille teach us tAvo unforeseen and equally remarkable facts. The first and most important is that a leguminous plant can live and prosper in a soil entirely destitute of all nitrogenous compounds, thus necessitating the direct assistance of the atmosphere : the second is that all seeds of the same kind are far from behaving in the same manner, whence it results that the course of the experiment is eminently uncertain. AVith i^lants of the family of the Graminepe nothing similar takes place. The results are absolutely invariable; the crop is zero if the soil does not contain nitrogenous substances. It increases regu- larly Avith the quantity of fertilizer, and each seed produces about the same Aveight of dry material. The irregularity of the results givtm by the leguminosse under the same conditions shoAvs that there could be in this case no question as to the accidental gains of nitrogen, attributable to ammonia or to atmospheric dusts, or to the Avater used in Avatering; the fact had been disco A'ered, but its true cause had escaped the disco A'erer. (t. Yille, conA'inced of the correctness of the positi\"e results ob- tained by him, Avas certainly right in concluding from them that cer- tain kinds of plants attract carbonic-acid gas, but he Avas not master of his experiment. Other obserA'ers also tried to repeat it after him, but did not succeed. Boussingault, in particular, having placed his plants in spaces that Avere too restricted to alloAv of the free develop- ment of their roots, only obtained stunted plants Aveighing scarcely four or fiAe times as nnich as the seed and containing no more nitro- gen than the latter, because they had never attained the second stage of their groAvth. In consecjuence Boussingault, Avho, hoAvcA'cr, had scAcral years be- fore obtained results similar to those of Ville, thought himself justi- fied in laying doAvn as a principle that A'egetables, no matter to Avhat variety thev l)elong. are ahvays incapable of taking cA'en the smallest quantity of nitrogen from the air. I shall not dAvell upon this discussion, Avhich has remained cele- brated and Avhicli is very much to be regretted, inasnmch as the re- sult of it Avas that by deterring those students Avho Avould have liked to pursue the study of the question further its definitive solution Avas retarded for thirty years. I only Avish here to confine myself to a single point in it, Avhich is that the fixing of free nitroo^en by plants Avas obserA-ed already in 1850, Avith all the characteristics of irregu- larity belonging to it and as they have been again described in recent physiological researches of German physiologists. I noAv come to the recent Avorlcs, and I shall commence by those of Berthelot, in Avhich Ave shall l)e confronted by an entirely ncAV idea — that of the interrelation of microscopic life and the phenomena of vegetable nutrition. 148 The first experiments of Berthelot date from 1885. Tlieir object was the fixation of nitrogen by denuded soils, leaving out, conse- quently, all idea of vegetation. The soils used for the purpose were chosen from among the poorest in nitrogen. They were sandy clays taken from INIeudon or from Sevres, below the level of the quarries, or, again, porcelain earths, crude kaolins not yet crushed in the mills. These soils, four in number, were submitted to five series of ex- periments. They were left to themselves in glazed pots, either within a Avell-closed room or in the open air in a meadow, either without shelter or under a little glass roof, merely to protect them from vertical rains, or on the top of a tower 29 meters above the ground and without anv shelter, or finally, in corked flasks, so as to exclude all possibility of absorption of ammoniacal or nitric vapors. In the fifth series of experiments the same soils had first been ex- posed to a temperature of 100°, so as to destroy from the first all the organic germs that they might contain. The quantity of nitrogen, de- termined with great precision in each of the samples at the very beginning of the experiment, was again analyzed after tAvo months, and again after renuiining five months under the conditions indi- cated above, allowance being made for exterior additions attribut- able to air and to the rains when the pots were not sheltered. The results obtained did not leave the slightest doubt. In every case in which the earth had been left in its normal state it had be- come enriched, and sometimes to a very great extent more than doubling the quantity of the initial nitrogen ; when, on the contrary, the soil had been sterilized by heat, it became constantly more impoverished. In a word, then, poor clayey soils are able to absorb atmospheric nitrogen directly. This absorption is not accompanied by any increase in the previous proportions of ammonia or of nitric acid ; it is, then, due to the formation of com]ilex organic substances. Finally, it is the work of a micro-organism, since it ceases to be pro- duced as soon as the soil has been sterilized. To what sum per hectare does such a fertilization correspond? Berthelot estimates at 20 or 30 kilograms for a thickness of one decimeter of soil. Hence for a thickness of 0.35 meter it would suffice to compensate for the losses inherent to drainage and cultiva- tion ; but before going further it is well to remark that the experi- ments which we have just described relate to particidarly poor soils, which are therefore of a nature to enrich themselves. In truly arable soils, averaging from 1 to 2 grams of nitrogen per kilogram, Berthelot has also observed a perceptible fixing of niti'ogen, which, hoAvever, is relatively less than in sandy clays, and it is probable that this phenomencm Avould cease to be apparent after a certain limit, Avhich, doubtless, is not very high. The conditions which, according to Berthelot, apear the most favorable to the fixing of nitrogen by the naked soil are : 1. The presence of a quantity of water comprised betAveen 3 and 15 per cent of total saturation ; 2. A sufficient porosity to assure the free jienetration of air throughout the wliole mass of earth: 3. A temperature of betAveen 10° and 40°^ C. Th?se conditions define the microbe AA'hich secretes or fixes the nitrogen as an aerobic organism (i. e., one that feeds on the atmos- phere or is aerobiotic) . 149 Exro])t un(l(>r (lio conditions jjiwiously i)ointo(l out, tho phenome- non is no longer seen, and, in general, it is limited by the inverse action — that is to say, by a continual dissipation of nitrogen or ammonia into the gaseous state. AMiatever may fix this limit, the fact observed by Berthelot is of the first imi)ortance. It is the first time, in fact, that we see the fixation of nitrogen in naked soils clearly stated ; especially is it the first time that we see a cause exi)erimentally defined and demonsti-ated without any reasonable doubt stand forth in the midst of such com- plex phenomena. This cause, as we have seen, is no other than the development of inferior organisms" whose nature it remains for us to define more precisely. This was an entirely new idea and one which could not fail to pro- duce its fruits. We shall therefore see researches rapidly multiply and lead their authors to more and more definite conclusions. A. Gantier and Drouin verified first, in artificial soils, the principal results stated by Berthelot ; they employed a mixture of siliceous sand, pure limestone, kaolin, and neutral phosphate of potash, to which they added, in particular cases, humus, humic acid or humates, or oxide of iron. This mixture, with the addition of a little nitrate of potassium, seems to be very favorable to the development of leguminous plants. Under these conditions Gautier and Drouin recognized that the fixation of nitrogen always takes place in mixtures wdiich have received organic matter; in its absence, on the contrary, there is always a loss. Organic matter appears, then, to be an important factor in this great natural phenomenon. It acts, doubtless, by ]3ro- moting the nutrition of the microbe wdiich fixes the nitrogen. I will now indicate other e.xperiments, repeated by Ville and Boussingault, in which we shall see the effect of the intervention of vegetation. Berthelot first undertook a series of cultivations of leguminous plants in large pots which were left in the open air, either with or without shelter, or kept under a glass cover, care being taken to supply the plants with the carbonic acid necessary to their growth. The soil, the seeds, the gathered plants, the drainage water and rain water were all analyzed with the greatest care in order that an exact comparison might be established between the initial and the final nitrogen. Under the glass cover the fixation of nitrogen was very weak, because the plant, under these circumstances, did not reach its normal development, but in the open air the quantity of niti-ogen fixed was, in every case, superior to that fixed l)v the soil alone. For example, the tare tripled this quantity: the cro]D furnished by a mixture of kidney-vetch and Medu-xKjo lupulina contained ten times more nitrogen than was contained in the seed bed ; a crop of lucerne grass contained sixteen times more, and this excess of nitro- gen was always found more abundantly in the roots than in the leafy parts of the plant. The soil enriched itself, but in a less degree than plant and soil together; therefore active vegetation promotes in an enormous degree oAerobies : Micro-organisms which live in contact witli the air and require oxygen for their growth. Anaerol)ios : Micro-organisms which do not rccjuire oxygen, but are killed by it. 150 the assimilation of free nitrogen by the earth, a fact which is in conformit}^ with all observations made in extensive farminc; opera- tions. The distribution of this nitrogen in the plant shows that it enters through the roots, doubtless in consequence of microbic inter- vention. Finally, if we sum up the excess of nitrogen thus found in the crop and in the soil, together with the drainage water, we should find, according to Berthelot, 300, 500, and even 700 kilograms per hectare, a part of which evidently remains in the ground as roots, if we are contented to gather only the portion of the crop which is above ground, as is generally done in practical agriculture. Thus it is that there results the progressive enriching of arable soils under the ameliorating or improving action of leguminous plants; thus also results the possibility of continuous cultivation of certain crops, such as meadow grass or forest trees, without fertilizers and without the earth becoming impoverished. Joulie arrives at very similar conclusions from experiments of the same kind. The cultivation of buckwheat and of hay on a piece of land in the department of Dombes showed in two years a fixation of nitro- gen equal to more than 1,000 kilograms per hectare. The mean of twelve experiments, one only of which showed a loss of 0.013G gram per 1.5 kilograms of soil, showed a fixation of about 500 kilograms of nitrogen per hectare in a space of two years. A little later Messrs. Gautier and Drouin also found, under the influence of the cultivation of common beans, an enrichment of their artificial soils which, as they estimated, corresponded to 185 kilo- grams per hectare for a single crop only. Finally Pagnoul. after having recognized that the soil alone is callable of directly fixing the nitrogen of the air, found like the pre- ceding authorities that the enrichment of the soil took place to a con- siderable extent even with a simple crop of grass or clover. For the latter he found fixations amounting to 500 and 900 kilograms of nitrogen per hectare. We see that all these results are in absolute accord with each other, and, what is worthy of remark, they are of the same order of magni- tude in experiments made by several difi'erent persons. Nothing is wanting to them but the direct control to be obtained by a cliange in the composition of the gases in which the plants grow. From this point of view the experiment is particularly difficult to carry out. The plants must be kept constantly in closed vases in a confined atmosphere, consequently in the presence of vapor of water at its maximum intensity, which seems to be an eminently unfavorable condition ; besides, it is necessary to be able to measure the volumes of the gas contained in the apparatus, to analyze them with scrupu- lous exactitude, and, finally, to promote the chylophyllic nutrition by regular additions of carbonic acid without allowing the proportion of oxygen to vary too greatly. Schloesing, jr., and Laurent have tri- un'iphantly overcome all these difficulties. In a memt)ir published in ISDO these clever experimentalists state that in the space of three months three seeds of dwarf peas soAvn in a soil destitute of nitrogen, but prepared in such a manner that the absorption of nitrogen could easily take place, absorbed from 20 to 29 cubic centimeters of nitrogen, weighing 32.5 milligrams and 30.5 milligrams, respectively. This nitrogen, measured volumetrically, was found again (with all the precision recpiisite in so delicate a research) partly in the soil. 151 which was oiirichod on an average to 12 luilliuranis, partly in the phmts, which had gained 20 to 30 milligrams, although, owing to the narrow space in which they were confined, they were not able to attain their full development. This last proof appears to have finally closed the discussion for- merly inaugurated by Boussingault and which had not been com- pletely closed by the analytic results e.\})lained above. Thus a few years have sufiiced to definitely decide this theory of a direct assimilation of nitrogen by plants, first enunciated by Ville. What, now, is the mechanism or modus operandi of this assimila- tion? We have just seen how Berthelot was led, by certain i)eculiar- ities of his experiments, and, above all, by the complete cessation of all fixation of nitrogen in soils that had been subjected to a tempera- ture of 100°, to admit that nitrogen is assimilated directly by certain inferior organisms Avhich force it into organic combination; but we have also seen that the fixation of niti-ogen by naked soils is always weak and generally insufficient for the necessities of a normal vege- tation. It is true that when the aid of a leguminous plant is invoked the fixation becomes more active and may become powerful enough to compensate alone for all the known causes of loss; but how, then, are we to account for the difterence in this respect found between the Leguminosa:* and the Graminea?? Shall we be forced to admit that the Leguminosa? are able, by themselves, to assimilate gaseous nitro- gen, by a power possessed by them which is wanting in the other species ? Berthelot has concluded, from his researches upon this subject, that in the development of leguminous plants there comes into play some micro-organism which facilitates the fixation of nitrogen upon the root of the plant, or rather upon the mass formed by the root and the soil, intimately connected one to the other; but this idea could not be definitely adopted unless the existence of such a microbe were proved by experiments. This result is fully demonstrated by a series of very remarkable experiments made by Hellriegel, Wilfarth, Frank, Prazmoff'ski, and others in (Jermany, and which have been most successfully verified l)v Breal, Schloesing, jr., and Laurent in France, and, finally, by LaAves and (Gilbert in England. Before proceeding to explain these researches I nuist call attention to a well-established fact which had been well known for a great many years, although no one before Hellriegel and Wilfarth ever thought of seeing in it anything more than a phenomenon of nature. ^^lien we examine the roots of a leguminous plant grown in good soil we always see ii'regularly disposed on them tuberculous enlarge- ments, a kind of nodosity | node, nodule, knot, or knob] formed of a special tissue and appai'ently quite accidental. Examined with a microscope the interior of the^e excrescences ai)pears to be filled with corpuscles of varying forms, always animated with the '' Brownian ■' movement, although they have sometimes a movement of their own. These assume various shapes: sometimes they are like simple rods similar in form to certain bacteria; sometimes they have the appearance of vegetal)le cornlloids and take the branched T or Y form more or less ramified. Botanists have for a long time discussed the nature of these excres- cences, but at present it seems to be generally admitted that, mor])ho- 152 logically considered, they constitute roots modified by the penetration of an exterior organism. Under no circumstances have we a right to consider them as a natural production of the plant, because, as Praz- moffski has shown, plants that are kept protected from all causes of contamination are always free from them; while, on the contrary, their roots become covered with a multitude of nodosities when plunged into a liquid where a tubercle has been crushed or when they are replanted in any sort of soil that is watered with a similar liquid. The artificial infection of the roots of leguminous plants, as enun- ciated a dozen years ago by Prillieux, has been verified by Hellriegel and Wilfarth, Prazmolfski, Laurent, and Break This latter investi- gator has even discovered that we may certainly assure the formation of a tubercle by pricking the root of a leguminous plant with a needle which had been previously inserted into a tubercle growing on another root. There remains no doubt of this fact: The nodules of the Legumi- nos£e have a microbian origin. The organism which causes them has received the name Bacillus radicicolu; Laurent places it beside the Pasteuria ramosa, between bacteria proper and the lower fungi. Essentially aerobic in its nature, it resists all freezing and drying; but a temperature of 70° C. is sufficient to destroy it. It has been successfully cultivated in bouillons made of peas, or of beans, sup- plemented with gelatine and asparagine, or even in a solution of phosphate of potash and of sulphate of magnesia, to which is added a little sugar, but without any nitrogenous substance whatever. This organism grows in such liquids, preserving its habitual ramified forms, but without producing any true spores. As to the tul^ercles themselves, they have until lately been consid- ered as morbid productions, useless to the plant. Some authors have sought to see in them organs either of reserve or organs for the trans- formation of the albuminous substances necessary for the nutrition of the plant ; others — and this is the general opinion at the present time — look upon them as the result of a symbiosis — that is to say, of an extremely intimate association between the root of the plant and the microbe living with it. entirely difJ'erent, however, from the action of the ordinary parasite. Hellriegel and Wilfarth were the first to discover a connection between the development of bacteroidal nodosities and the assimila- tion of gaseous nitrogen by the Leguminosse. After having observed that in a culture of peas the most vigorous plants were alwa3's those that possessed the greatest number of tubercles, these investigators carried out many series of systematic experiments in glass jars con- taining 4 kilograms of quartz sand, to which they added certain of the principal minerals necessary to vegetation, such as phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid, chlorine, potassium, etc., and in certain cases a small quantity of nitrogen in the form of nitrates. In these jars, which were exposed to the open air, they sowed bar- ley, oats, and peas. The results were exactly the same as those formerly obtained by Ville and Boussingault. In soils destitute of nitrogen the crop of cereals (barley and oats) is nearly nil, but it increases in api)roximate ])ro])ortion to the dose of nitrate added, so that for each added milligram of nitrogen there is an increase of crop equal, on an aver;).ge, to 95 milligrams of vege- 153 table matter, Tims Ave see that all tlu^ ex])eriineiits ao:roo with each other. Ill the case of peas the results aic entirely different, for we see, as in Ville's former experiments, that hy the side of a plant weiohinc; less than a gram there will be another i)lant weii>hin<>- 10 or I.") or 20 grams, and even more, without its being })ossible to attribute the difference to any apparent influence coming from the outside. There is a regime of absolute irregularity, and an examination of the roots shows that the irreguhyity is proportional to the presence or absence of tubercles on the roots, whence arises the connection above men- tioned. It now only remains for us to distinguish between cause and effect. Is this appearance of these nodosities in itself merely a consecpience of the greater vigor of the plants, or ought we, on the contrary, to see in these very tubercles the origin and cause of that greater vigor ? The following exiDeriment will show us which of these two hypotheses is correct : When to the same soil of sterile sand which served for the preced- ing experiments only 5 grams of good arable soil dissolved in 25 cubic centimeters of water was added, the peas grew in a natural manner and produced, on the average, from 15 to 20 grains of dried crop. Each stalk contained, on an average, 150 milligrams of nitro- gen, although there were scarcely 10 contained in the soil. In every case there was a fixation of nitrogen in the gaseous state amounting to nearly half a gram. Under the same conditions a seed of lupin produced. a crop of from 42 to 45 grams, containing more than 1 gram of nitrogen. French grass (sainfoin) produced the same results, and in all cases we see that the roots of these different plants are abundantly pro- vided with tubercles; but if the artificial soils and the solutions of earth employed in these experiments have been sterilized by the action of heat the plants remain invariably i)uny and produce less than 5 grams of dried material per stalk. In this case the tubercles are always wanting. Under cover, in pure air to which a little carbonic-acid gas has been added, the results are a little less favorable than in the open air, but they still show an important fixation of nitrogen in the case of Leguminosffi infected with bacteria. These principles, then, represent the determining cause of the phenomenon, and the systematic addition to the soil of a])propriatc germs will enable us hereafter to reproduce at will the experiment of Ville, which was formerly attended with sudi uncertain results. In the Museum of Natural History, Breal has obtained results sim- ilar to those of Ilellriegel and Wilfarth. In one of his experiments a pea containing 9 milligrams of nitrogen, in a soil of poor gravel, but into which bacteria had l)een sown, produced a plant weighing 103 grams in a green state, 82.8 grams when dried, and containing 358 milligrams of nitrogen — that is to say, 40 times as much as the seed. The pea vine, which was 1.40 meters long, produced 14 ripe pods; the gain in nitrogen thus realized corresi^onds to about 255 kilograms per hectare. In another experiment, a small plant of lucerne grass provided with tubercles and weighing -10 grams, and likewise in a soil of sterile sand, gave a crop weighing 332 grams when green, 85.5 when 154 dried, and containing 1.733 grams of nitrogen. The total fixation of nitrogen amonnted to 1.715 grams for the surface of the flowerpot, or 274 kilograms per hectare. It is a remarkable fact that before the formation of the fruit the nitrogen in the Leguminosa^ is, by preference, localized in their roots. This fact is due to the great richness of the tubercles with which they are covered. Breal found in the nodules of several plants, such as kidney beans, peas, lupins, lentils, acacia, etc., as much as 7 part^ of nitrogen to a hundred of dried material, i^ven when the fibers of the roots never contained more than 2.5. Another fact, not less interesting, brought to light at the same time by the experiments of Hellriegel and AVilfarth, is the difference shown by arable soils in their capacity to initiate the appearance of tubercles upon the roots of leguminous plants. Some of them are ver}' efficient in this respect ; others are much less so. There are even some soils which are more favorable to the production of tubercles in certain species of plants than in others. This is a fact very diffi- cult of explanation, for the solution of which further and bacteriolog- ical researches will be necessary, because variations of this kind can only be due to a difference in the microbe itself, the penetration of which into the roots produces these nodules. In the experiments of Hellriegel and Wilfarth the sowings were made with the washings from earth, containing, as we know, a mul- titude of micro-organisms having different functions. Some of them, it is true, Avere made with a liquid containing a little of the white substance which comes from the nodules Avhen they are crushed, but all i^recautions had ]iot been made to get rid of the germs which the water itself might haA^e contained, or Avhich might have been brought either by the young plant or by the atmospheric dusts. It was therefore necessary in order to be sure that the fixation of the nitrogen was really due solely to the bacteria of the nodule, to repeat the preceding experiments Avith all the precautions required by microbic researches. This Avork of revision was carried out Avith scientific rigor by Prazmoffski, in Cracow, with great success. The A'essels used for groAving the plants Avere provided A\'ith a cover, which fitted tightly and had four holes pierced in it. One of these holes, made in the center, permitted the young plant to pass through it. The three others jillowed of Avatering and of the pas- sage of a current of pure air. All these holes Avere closed with plugs made of a sterile Avadding, which preA^ented the entrance of all germs of exterior organisms. The so'il was formed of about 3,500 grams of siliceous sand, pre- viously washed in boiling hydrochloric acid, then in Avater, and finally heated red hot. Pure mineral fertilizers Avithout any nitro- gen AAhatcA^er Avere then added to it. The Avhole mass was then sterilized bA' being heated for at least tAvo hours from 140° to 150° C. In these A'essels peas which had been prcA^iously sterilized Avere sown. To effect this they Avere first plunged into a solution of cor- rosiA^e sublimate, then Avashed in alcohol, Avhich latter was finally set on fire and burned upon the seed itself. Some of the A^essels receiA^ed also bacteroidal germs contained in a nonnitrogenized bouillon culture liquid. 155 But in spite of all of thoso precautious it was not always possible to prevent the })enetratiou of foreign organisms to the tubercles. In a certain number, liowi'xcr, of tlie successful experiments in which the bacteria alone remained in contact with (he roots (he results obtained were identical with those obtained by IIellriei>el and Wilfarth. There was a Hxation of nitr() milli- grams of nitrogen. Therefore the bacteria had given to the plant the faculty of taking from the air TO milligrams of nitrogen inde- pendently of all other microbic intervention and under the same exterior conditions. By using water in the place of sand Prazmoffski also obtained the same results. Some peas grown in a nutrient solution without nitro- gen and sterilized gave only 9 milligrams of nitrogen, whereas others grown in a similar liquid but supplied with bacteria gave from 2(5 to 82 milligrams. These experiments then verify in the most complete manner the views of Hellriegel and Wilfarth; the fixation of nitrogen by the leguminoseiv is a consequence of their symbiotic union with an infinitely small organism whose germs are profusely scattered abroad and which enables these plants to grow sometimes with vigor without any artificial inoculation in soils destitute of all nitrogenous food. It was these germs which "enabled (1. Ville to first observe the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by these same plants, and it was their irregular dissemination which caused the inequality in his experiments, and if Boussingault found it .inii)ossible to olitain the same results it was simply l)ecanse he cultivated his plants under such conditions that they could not acquire sufficient vitality to profit by their union with these bacteroids. In effect at the beginning of vegetation in soils without nitrogen, but into whicli microbes have been introduced, an interval of stop- page of growth has been observed, so complete as to make us fear a rapid decay of the plant, and this period of intermission always coincides Avith the api)earance of the tubercles on the roots of the plants. At this time the invading organisms derive their nourish- ment from the juices of the young plant; they exhaust it, and if the latter has not the strength to resist this invasion, which then con- stitutes a sort of parasitism, if its roots are not able to develoj) freely, or, again, if its leaves remaiji in a badly ventilated atmosphere, always saturated with aqueous vapor, the plant Avill inevitably perish. If, on the contrary, it can resist, it will very soon gain the advan- tage; it then takes from the bacteria the nitrogenous matter which they contain and compels them to form more of it fi-om the nitrogen which surroiuids them. Doubtless on its side the bacteriod pi-ofits as much as the plant from its symbiosis; it is probable that it receives from the latter hydrocarbons — sugars or others — in exchange for the albuminoids which it gives to the plant, and thus it is (ha( this uuion may exist until, finally, the moment arrives when the plant, having 156 attained its full growth, entirely consumes the tubercles in order to assimilate them and thus form its seed. It is then, in short, l)y means of their roots that the leguminoseix^ draw the nitrogen from the air, and this conclusion agrees with the well-known fact that a living leaf is incapable of modifying the volume of nitrogen into which it may be plunged, and that it is the root which in the first stage of vegetation always shows the greatest richness in nitrogen. It is the remains of these roots and the rupture of the tubercles that are carried on them which determine the enrichment of the soils of meadows, and the dispersion of the germs of the microbe that fixes the nitrogen. It has been objected to the conclusions of Hellriegel and AVil- farth that up to the present time it has been impossible to observe a fixing of nitrogen by the bacteroids alone independently of their symbiotic alliance with a leguminous plant. This is true, but it must be remembered that the obtaining of such proof is fraught with great experimental difficulties; the micro-organism, cultivated, we ivill suppose in a place where there is no nitrogen, Avill certainly take the nitrogen from the air, but not more than is necessary for the formation of its tissues; that is to say, an extremely minute quantity, for the microbe itself weighs very little, and thus it happens nec- essarily that the phenomenon remains undetected by even the most delicate methods of analysis. In order that the al)sorption may be manifest it would be necessary that we should be able, as the Leguminosa? actualh^ are, to take from the bacteroids their nitrogenous substance as fast as it is produced, or that it should be cultivated in such quantities that the dry Aveight should attain measurable quantity. Shall we ever discover the means of making this experiment ? It is impossible to say at this moment, but what we can affirm is that it is not correct to conclude, as certain authorities have done, that the bacteroids are incapable of fixing nitrogen gas when alone, basing their objections solely on the ground that up to the present moment it has not been ]:>ossible to prove such a fixation of nitrogen. Besides, atmosplieric nitrogen is but a part of the comi^lete nour- ishment of the Leguminosa^; since, in common with other species of plants, they can assimilate the nitrates and ammoniacal salts, although in a less degree. When a pea, a bean, or a lupin grows in a fertile soil it never shows that tendency to perish due to a '' famine of nitrogen,"" which charac- terizes the same plants in a sterile soil; the plant's Adtality is great at the beginning of its growth and it is for this reason that, in order to insure the success of his experiment, G. Ville advised that a small quantity of niti'ogenous fertilizer be added to the mineral sub- stances that are given to the sand in which the plants were culti- vated; in this case, however, the tubercles are less abundant and the sum total of the nitrogen borrowed from the atmos))here is lower. If this bacteroidal action be not the only one capalile of furnishing to leguminous plants the nitrogen necessary to them, there is evi- dently no occasion to draw an absolute line of demarcation between these plants and others, which being less qualified to associate them- selves with the microbes (doubtless because the medium that these offer to them is less favorable to their development) derive, therefore, ir)7 more benefit fi'Diii iiitro^jonous fertilizers. Between the Papilioiiacea^ and the cereals, which occupy extreme positions in regard to the capacity for fixing atmospheric nitrogen, there exist probably other intermediate s})ecies capable of exercising the same function in every degree. These latter nnist be less imi)r()ving to the soil than the Legu- minosa'. but they must assuredly be less exhausting than wheat, Indian corn, or beets, and it is impossible to exjilain otherwise than by reasons of this kind the continued growth of forests and meadows which continue incessantly to furnish crops in soils which never cease to be much richer than our cereal soils, although they never receive any fertilizers. According to Ville, the Cruciferte in particular aiv capable of taking a part of their nitrogen directly from the air. On the other hand, we know that the roots of certain species of forest trees form a symbiosis with some kinds of mushrooms which are not yet well knoAvn and Avhich i)erhaps act in the same way as the bacteroids of the nodules. I shall not, however, insist upon facts which are liable to discussion and Avhich require to be studied more minutely and with all the care which has been bestowed upon the study of the Leguminosea". I have now only one more ])oint to examine in regard to this ques- tion, a point which, although still involved in obscurity, is neverthe- less very interesting. All planters are well aware of the fact that a leguminous plant can only be grown for a few years in the same soil. After being very flourishing for a short time a field of clover or of lucerne dwindles away, the croj^s rapidly become less abundant, and finally the soil is invaded by the (iraminea\ which raj)idly transform the artificial meadow into a natural one. unless precautions have been taken, by clearing the land, to prevent the phenomenon. To what can we attribute this spontaneous transformation? The microbe has had at its disposal all the elements necessary for its growth and its dis- semination. Why does it cease all of a sudden to exercise its favor- alile influence? Perhaps there is in this something very important, which I can, hoAvever, only express in the form of an hypothesis, but which, nevertheless, I think is worthy of having your attention called to it. Pasteur has shown us that certain inferior organisms change; their nature, lose their noxiousness, or become more virulent if they are made to pass from one species of animal to another. May it not l)e that the bacterium of the nodules undergoes also a modification By its prolonged contact with the roots of the Leguminosa* and that it Avould be necessary for it, in order to resume its former functions, to pass to some other species of plants — in other words, to change its surroundings? Experience alone will solve this question. I will content myself here with putting it before you. Scientific researches sooner or later always find their practical applications; these that I have had the honor of bringing before you can not fail to render important services to agriculture. The " restoring " part played by the Leguminosa^ is known to all agri- culturists; it has become an axiom of agriculture and forms the basis for the rotation of all crops; but after the experiments which we have just passed in review it assumes for us a strictly scientific char- acter which it did not possess before. The modus operandi of the process has been determined, and by a simple modification of the proc- esses of cultivation now in use, by assigning a still more extended 158 sphere to legiiniinous plants, it will be easy for us to profit b^' this newly acquired knowledge in order better than before to preserve our lands in a state of suitable fertility. Suppose, for example, that clover, let us say, has been sown with any cereal and that it is left to grow freely, after the harvest ; this clover will take a certain quan- tity of nitrogen from the air, by the help of the nodules on its roots. If this clover is plowed under before the next time of sowing, in the spring or autumn, so as to serve as a green fertilizer, we shall have obtained, with no other expense than the price of the seed, a manure derived wholly from the air of the atmosphere. This practice, first reconnnended by Ville, has been recently shown by Deherain to have another advantage quite as important. By keep- ing the surface of the soil in a state of constant evaporation the inter- polated cultivation of the clover diminishes the drainage to a notable extent; all the nitrates, which then are formed in large quantities and which would be lost if the earth remained uncovered, are held and assimilated, being rendered insoluble by the vegetation, and when plowed under will augment by so much the more the natural reserves of the soil. This method, whether Ave consider it as the cultivation of a fallow field or whether we call it " sideration," " as proposed by Ville, aifords two advantages of primary importance — it prevents in a great measure the losses due to excessive nitrification of the soil in autumn, and restores to the earth a certain quantity of nitrogen which has passed from a gaseous state to the state of organic matter. I do not think it an exaggeration when I say that the gain from this practice alone is equivalent to a strong artificial manuring of the soil, and it may sometimes even attain a value of many hundred francs per hec- tare, which will be realized in subsequent crops. Finally, among other examples of the application of this new knowledge there is a most curious fact which has just been pointed out by Salfeld, in Germany, and which, if proved, will be a further confirmation of the immortal doctrines of Pasteur. After clearing a peat bog situated on the banks of the Ems, on the frontier of Hol- land, horse beans and vetOhes were sown. The soil was everywhere enriched with mineral fertilizers, but on one part only of the field a small quantity of good arable earth was spread, in the proportion of about 40 kilograms to the are.'' The effect of the addition of this latter element was, as it appears, most surprising; under its influence the crop was doubled. This result is, in Salfeld's opinion, similar to the results obtained by Hellriegel and Wilfarth in their laboratory experiments; if this is really so — and it is possible — there Avill be in the near future a new era, a sort of revolution, so to speak, in practical agriculture. Perhaps the time is not far distant when our farmers will add to the fertilizers of commerce [the so-called soil improA^ers and complete manures, etc. — C. A.] true culture broths, pre]:)ared according to the methods in use in microbic researches, and which will furnish to plants the germs of organisms capable of fixing nitrogen [the nitro- gen fixers], or, perhaps, others still, favorable also to their develop- a This medical term for atrophy or mortification does not seei» quite appro- priate in this case. — C. A. 6 The are is about 110 square yards, or 100 square meters, or 1,071 square feet. 159 nient and Avhicli ^vill cause their ci-ops continually to increase and Avill finally enrich the soil to the extreme limit of its possible fei-tility. This would undoubtedly be a vast extension of that admiral)!e humanitarian work for which we are indebted to Pasteur; but this is anticipation, and I only proposed in this lecture to point out the jjresent state of the question. I shall therefore close by sunnninjij up what I have said in a few words. Experiments made by Ville, and repeated and \erified by many other observers, have shown us that certain plants, i)articularly those of the species of the Leg^uminosic. have taken iroin the atmosphere a part of the nitrojren that they contain. Berthelot, and also Gautier and Drouin, have shown that the soil alone can to a slight extent enrich itself by means also of a direct fixation of gaseous nitrogen. Berthelot has also shoAvn that this phenomenon corresponds with the development of certain microbes preexisting in the soil; and, finally, Hellriegel and Wilfarth have discovered this micro-organism in the nodules on the roots of the Leguminosae. This last work is certainly one of the greatest interest, and does the greatest honor to the physiologists who have succeeded in bring- ing it to a final result ; but it is proper to recognize that the route to l»e followed had already been marked out l)y previous researches. The problem was ripe for solution, and it was in our own country — in France— that the great problem of the assimilation of nitrogen had been proposed and in a great part solved, which is no more than Avas to be expected from so great a center of production and agri(;ultural progress. Professor Frank, of the agricultural institute in Berlin, finds that the tul)ercles uuiy be removed from the plant without stopping the ])r()cess of taking nitrogen from the air. Fvideiitly, therefore, the subject has to be investigated still further. (Agr. Sci., Vol. lY, p. 68.) Frank has also shown that the symbiosis in the tubercles of the Leguminosa^ is of an entirely difi'erent character from that which occurs in the roots of any other plants. Furthermore, when the soil is rich in humus the microbic parasite does no special service to the host, but when the supply of humus is insufficient the microbe symbiont is of the greatest service to the host. (Agr. Sci., Vol. IV, p. 266.) H. J. Wheeler, of the Rhode Island Experiment Station, gives (Agr. Sci., Vol. IV, p. 55) an account of the work done by Professor Hellriegel at Bernburg, (Jernuiny, along the line of investigation conducted by Boussingault and Ville in France, Lawes and Gi.lbert in England, and W. O. Atwater, of the Storrs School Agricultural Experiment Station. In the present state of the question it may be considered as settled that certain plants are able, if supplied with all the other essential elements, to draw their supply of nitrogen from 160 the air, either directly or indirectly, by means of minute organisms now generally termed microbes. These microbes can be connnuni- cated by direct inoculation from one plant to another that has been previously free from them. Experiments are in progress as to the possibility of cultivating these microbes artificially, and when this has been accomplished successfully it will mark a great step toward the solution of the question as to the plant's method of obtaining nitrogen, and not only that, but a great step toward success in agri- culture, since every one will be able to inoculate his own plants, and thus immensely stimulate the yield of crops. T. Leone has shown that a great number of germs obtain their- nitrogen more easily by decomposing the nitrates, and only when these salts are used up do they begin to nitrify the ammoniacal com- pounds, and after that possibly attack the free nitrogen of the air. He has also shown that these take the nitrogen as a gas from the nitric acid in the nitrates and do not convert it into ammonia. ( Agr. Sci., Vol. V, p. 82.) Leone also shows that the phenomena of nitrification and denitri- fication occur alternately according to the relative amount of nutri- ment and number of bacteria present in the water. The manuring of soil, therefore, gives rise to a cycle of phenomena, nitrification being first arrested and the nitrates and nitrites reduced until a maximum formation of ammonia is attained, when nitrification again com- mences. The destruction of the nitrates and nitrites in the soil is complete or partial according as the supply of manure is abundant or otherwise. (Agr. Sci., Vol. V, p. 107.) The experiments made in Europe by Boussingault, Hellriegel, and others as to the method by which plants obtain the nitrogen from the atmosphere have been repeated and extended by C. D, Woods, of the Storrs School Agricultural Experiment Station. His results are summarized as follows: (1) Peas, alfalfa, serradella, lupine, probabl}^ clover, and appar- ently all leguminous plants, have the power of acquiring large quanti- ties of nitrogen directly from the air during their growth. There is no doubt that the free nitrogen of the air is thus acquired by these plants. This acquisition has something to do with the tubercles on the roots of these plants, but the details of the process are still to be solved. The cereals, oats, etc., with which experiments have been brought to completion, do not have this power of acquiring nitrogen from the air, nor do they have such tubercles as are formed on the roots of the legumes. They get their nitrogen from the nitrates or nitrogen- ous fertilizers. The tubercles on the roots of the legumes may 1 )e formed either after or entirely without the addition of solutions or infusions containing micro-organisms, and a ijlausible supposition is that vrhen such infusions are not furnished the spores of the organisms were 161 floating- in the air and were deposited in the pots in which the plants grew. As a rule, the greater the abundance of tubercles the more vigorous were the plants and the greater the gain in nitrogen. The gain of nitrogen froin the air by the legumes explains why they act as renovating crops. (Agr. Sci., Vol. IV, p. 22.) From some careful experiments by A. Petermann on yellow lu})ins (Li/ pi /I lis hitei(s) the author concludes that the physiological role of the tubercles must not be exaggerated. They can not be the only cause of the fixation of nitrogen, although their presence may explain why the intervention of atmospheric nitrogen is most marked in the case of the Leguminosse. He further shows that sodium nitrate is not injurious, but beneficial, to lupins. The trouble in its use results niostlj'^ from the fact that it is very soluble and is soon washed down by the rain out of the reach of the roots, which must then draw their nitrogen from the atmosphere by means of the microbic organisms. (Agr. Sci., Vol. IV, p. 264.) Pagnoul has measured the loss and gain of nitrogen by the soil as the result of the cultivation of special crops. He sowed grass and clover in four pots, but left two others Avithout any crop. The gain of nitrogen permanently fixed in the soil in one year — March, 1888, to March, 1889 — was as follows: With no crop the soil gained at the rate of 29 kilograms per hectare per year, with the grass crop 394 kilograms, and with the clover crop 904 kilograms. On the other hand, the total proportion of nitrogen removed from the soil by the drainage water was in each case as follows: No crop, 85; grass, 5; clover, 18. (Agr. Sci., Vol. IV, p. 325.) 20G7— 05 M 11 Chapter IX. RELATIONS OF CROPS TO MANURES, FERTILIZERS, AND ROTATION. The preceding section having shown how easily all the valuable nitrates are dissolved and washed away by rain and how completely the permanent fertility of a field depends upon microbic action within the soil, and especially wdien attached to leguminous plants, we shall therefore not be surprised to learn that expensive and arti- ficial chemical fertilizers and guanos are often less important than the enrichment that comes more naturally by the rotation of crops. ARTIFICIAL FERTILIZERS AND MANURES. As the result of tw^elve years' experience, J. W. Sanborn, of Mis- souri, states that although both science and practice assert the efficacy of artificial fertilizers, yet their profitahle use is a matter of grave concern both in the granite soil of New England and in the richer soil of the Mississippi Valley. His general conclusions are that we do not need to use as much nitrogen in this climate as in Europe, especially as in England, nor as much as has generally been consid- ered necessary; that enriching by rotation of crops is the preferable method; that nitrogen (viz, fertilizers) may be profitably bought only for a few winter or early and narrow-leaved plants, but, as a general truth, broad-leaved plants and those maturing in late sum- mer and in the fall do not require addition of nitrogen to the soil. (Agr. Sci., Vol. I. p. 227.) From the extensive experiments with fertilizers made at the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station the following results have been secured, based on both station work and that done by cooperating farmers throughout the State: Maize. — On soils capable of producing 50 bushels of shelled corn to the acre no artificial fertilizer is likely to produce an increase of crop sufficient to pay the cost. On soils deficient in fertility, phos- phoric acid may be used with profit. Wheat. — As a rule no more wheat has been harvested from plats treated with commercial fertilizers than from those receiving no fertilizers, whereas farm manures produced a marked increase. At the present prices of grain and fertilizers the increase of crops will not cover the cost of the fertilizer. Oats. — Plats receiving nitrates showed a marked superiority in the growing season, but lodged badly before harvest. Muriate of potash gave an insignificant increase. (Agr. Sci., Vol. IV, p. 237.) (102) 163 E. F. Ladtl, of the Agriciiltuiv Plxjx'riineiit Station at Geneva, N. Y., urges the necessity of a more thorough and systematic study of climate and soil (Agr. Sci., Vol. IV., p. 36) in order that we may better understand the great diversity and contradictions in the experi- mental field work, so called. Thus one year's experiments at the same station and with all possible care will show that the " Welcome " oats are vastl}^ more productive than the " \Miite Russian," and the very next year reverses this decision. In the same year a neighboring experiment station operating on the same varieties arrives at opposite conclusions. In 1887 the observations showed that fertilizers did not alfect the chemical composition of the grasses, but in 1888 the influ- ence was very marked. Ladd finds that the contradictions in the reports of oat crops for 188.5 and 1886 at the Ohio and Ncav York stations are apparently due to considering only such factors as monthh' rainfall and temperatures. He urges that the soil tempera- tures, sunshine, wind, the humidity in the soil, and the aeration of the soil are equally important factors. Any season will give some sort of a crop, but the maximum crop must depend upon the ferti- lizer and the relation of the fertilizer to the season. Thus Waring- ton has shown that a dry and warm season is most favorable for the action of nitrate of soda, while a moderately wet season is most favor- able for the action of sulphate of ammonia. The reason of this appears to be that plants are unable to appropriate to their use the sulphate of ammonia until the salt has become nitrified, and this phe- nomenon of nitrification does not take place except under the influence of a certain amount of moisture in the soil. A soil that conserves its moisture for a considerable time and is properly cultivated to permit the free permeation of the air gives the best results with sulphate of ammonia, but does not necessarily give the best results with the nitrate of soda, since this is so soluble as to be soon drained away out of reach of the plants. Thus in different seasons, with different ferti- lizers, we have the crops of wheat shown in the following table: Hecto- liters per hectare. Nitrate of Hoda and a wet season ( 1882) Nitrate of soda and a dry warm season (1^*87) - Sulphate of ammonia, wet season (1882) Sulphate of ammonia, warm dry season (1887) . 23.45 Sl.r,7 28.86 23. .56 Again, crops, like animals, have a certain limit to their capabilities; if the maximum yield is 50 bushels per acre, then it is a waste to put on more fertilizer than needed to attain this limit. Evidently, there- fore, we have to study the relation of the climate to tiie fertilizers and the soil in order to ascertain a very important item in the relation between climates and crops. 164 Many specific results as to the relation between climates and crops on a large scale are entirely altered from season to season by the chem- ical influence of the climate on the fertilizer and the soil in general. We have here, therefore, a source of discrepancy that has contributed appreciably to obscure the influence of the climate on the plant. PRIZE CROPS. Evidently crops of seed or grain depend, primarily, on the amount of nitrogen in the sap, and, secondarily, on the elaboration of those precious nitrates into albuminoids. Hence the recognized need of manures, fertilizers, and leguminous crops. But the study of the remarkable crops of corn raised as so-called prize crops in 1889 dem- onstrates that excellent results may be obtained on some soils without manures, and is otherwise very instructive, since the heavy manuring in many cases must have been largely counteracted by the waste caused by rain. I condense the folloAving from the monthly reports of the department of agriculture of South Carolina for March, 1890, pp. 233-243: In 1889 the American Agi-iculturist olfered a prize of $500 for the largest crop of corn that should be groAvn on 1 measured acre of ground during the year 1889. Forty-five leading competitors ap- peared, of whom 10 were from South Carolina. The average of these 10 prize crops from that State gave 105 bushels per acre, whereas the n\erage of the 25 crops from other States was 103.5 bushels per acre. The accompanying table gives most of the more appropriate statis- tics for the 7 best results in this list of 45 : Data relative to the best 7 of the Jin competing crops. Serial No. Locality. Soil. I Quantity of fertilizer. Z. J. Drake, Marlboro County, S.C. Alfred Rose, Yates County, N.Y. George Gartner , Pawnee County, Nebr. J. Snelling, Barnwell County, S.C. L. Peck, Rockdale County, Ga.. Poor san'^y soil.-| (") Sandy loam 8(K) pounds Mapes corn manure. Rich black loam.j 90 loads barnyard manure. I Sandy loam I SK) bushels stable manure: 'M) bush- els cotton seed. lo I 4 loads stable manure: 30 bushels heated cotton seed: 1,000 pounds Packard standard fertilizer; 500 pounds cotton-seed meal. B. Gedney , Westchester Clay loam ' HOO pounds Mapes corn manure. County, N. Y. E. P. Kellenberger, Madison Sandy loam No fertilizer at all. County, Ul. 1 <'Prise crop No. 1. — The sandy soil had been fertilized in 1887 by Mr. Drake and had yielded in 1888 the great crop of 917 pounds to the acre of lint cotton, and was therefore already profiting by the heavy enrichment that is had received that year. In Feb- ruary, 1889, in preparation for the present contest, Mr. Drake began a new course ot manuring, and from that date until .lime 11 the following material was added to the soil : One thousand bushels stable manure : 867 pounds of German kainit ; 867 pounds ot cotton-seed meal; 200 pounds of acid phosphate; 1.066 pounds of manipulated guano; 200 pounds of animal bone; 400 pounds nitrate of soda; 600 bushels of whole cotton seed. The total cost of this manure was .$220 iind (he work in applymg it, together with the frequent culture that was given, made the whole expense of the crop ^(264. Ihe value of the corn that was raised was .$206, and the value of the manure left in the soil for the next year's crop was at least $150. 165 Data relative to the best 7 of the J.T compethui erops — rontimioil. 1 Average Variety of seed. distance Statistics of harvested crops. Serial Green weight. Dry weight. Bushels of kernels. Water No. Cobs. Ker- nels. Cobs. Ker- nels. Green. Crib cured. Chem- i^lly dry. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ft. In. Gourd variety of 4. Ox 6.0 southern white Dent improved by 20 years of careful I selection on his plantation. Early Mastodon 3. 0 x 12. 0 do 3.0x36.0 White Gom-d 4.0x12.0 Large White.. .5..5x48.0 King Philip 3.5x 3.0 Eclipse variety early 6. 0 x 30. 0 yellow Dent. 3,133 4,134 1,821 1,393 1,826 1,776 1.497 14,273 11,764 9,559 7,316 7,305 7^311 2,726 2,954 1,174 1,212 1,367 1,154 617 12, i;« 9,764 7,647 6,218 6,136 5,717 .5.:349 255 213 171 131 130 119 i;« 239 191 151 121 112 105 217 174 137 111 110 102 95 P.ct. 14 20 22 15 18 19 31 With regard to the weather and other items during this season of 1889 at these seven stations I have found only the following notes referring to the prize crop No. 1 : C'ldti ration. — The seed was planted March 2, 5 or G kernels to each foot of a row ; the plants began to sprout on the 16th ; there was a good stand the 25th, and the stalks were thinned out to 1 every 5 or « inches on April 8 ; no hilling was done, but the whole acre was kept perfectly level. The crop was harvested November 25. Weather. — In March the weather was warm and laiu! moist. Good rains on March 3, 10, and 15; rain on 24th; 1 inch of rain on May 2G; G inches of rain May 30; rain on June 4 and 5; rain on June 9. The season in general was rainy and wet as compared with other years; rains following frequently, and no irrigation was neces- .sary. The record of largest corn crop up to this date had been that of Doctor Parker, Columbia, S. C, in 1857, who raised 200 bushels to the acre. ' The exact measures of all these 45 competing crops have been uiade the basis of a comparison showing that on the average of the IT east- ern crops the percentage of nitrogenous matter was 10.78, but for 14 southern crops it was 10.33, and for 14 we.stern crops 10.2(), .showing an imperceptible difference slightly in favor of the eastern climate and soil and seeds. In respect to the general advantage of fertilizers, and notwith- standing the apparent advantages gained by some of the heavy manuring in these competing crops, attention is called to the fact that competitor No. 7 raised a very fine crop of 130 bushels green or 05 dry bushels to the acre without any fertilizer whatever, and that the crops reported by Nos. 4, 5, and 6 were even less than his in their 166 green weight, although Lirger in their (h\v weight, after what would ordinarily be called very heavy manuring. These facts are quite in accord with the general results of work at experimental farms, wdiich, according to the South Carolina department of agriculture, have shown that increasing the amounts of the fertilizers bej^ond a certain point gives no corresponding increase in the amount of grain, and but few of the applications pay for their cost. There is abundant experimental proof that for any given soil there is a limit to the amount of profitable manuring. The process of improving the soil, like the process of fattening cattle, is comparatively gradual and requires time. The margin of profit in the application of manures is narrower than is generally supposed. It is equally important to attend to the selection of the seed, the thorough cultivation, and the natural fertilization that results from the cultivation of the Legu- minosa? and the rotation of crops. PART II.-EXPERIENCE IN OPEN AIR OR NATURAL CLIMATE. Chapter X. STUDIES IN PHENOLOGY. Lender the general heading we shall consider, first, the wild plants and their natural habits; second, the plants cultivated at experi- ment stations under instructive experimental conditions, and, third, the statistics of each and the experience of farmers in general from a practical point of view. The study of the forest or natural habits of plants leads us into the phenology of plant life. Phenology is a term first applied by Ch. IVIorren to that branch of science which studies the periodic phenomena in the vegetable and animal world in so far as they depend upon the climate of any locality. Among the prominent students of this subject, one of the most minute observers was Karl Fritsch, of Austria, who in his In- structions (1859) gives some account of the literature of similar works up to that date. He distinguishes the following epochs in the lives of plants, and especially i-ecommends the observation of peren- nial or forest trees that have remained undisturbed for at least sev- eral years. His epochs are : (1) The first flower. (2) The first ripe fruit. The next important are, for the annuals: (3) The date of sowing. (4) The date of first visible sprouting. In order to assure greater precision he adds : (5) The first formation of spikes or ears. As Fritsch considers that the development of the plant so far as its vegetative process is concerned depends princii)ally upon tempera- ture and moisture, but that its reprodlictive process depends prin- cipally upon the influence of direct sunlight, therefore he adds a sixth epoch for trees and shrubs — viz: (0) The first unfolding of the leaf or the leaf bud or frondescence. This is the epoch when by the swelling of the buds a bright zone is recognized which opens out and the green leaf issues foi-th. Cor- (Kh) 168 responding with the formation of the leaf is its ripening and fall from the tree, which Fritsch adds to his list of epochs, viz : (7) The fall of the leaf or the time when the tree has shed fully one-half of its leaves; as the wind and heavy rains accelerate this process the date is liable to considerable uncertainty independent of the vitality of the plant. Therefore, in this, as in all other epochs, Fritsch, in endeavoring to lay the foundations of the study, rejected those cases in which any unusual phenomenon, such as wind or drought or insects, had a decided influence on the observed dates. Many plants blossom a second time in the autumn, although they ma}^ not ripen their fruits; therefore in special cases Fritsch adds an eighth epoch, viz : (8) The second date of flowering. Of course it is understood that if the second flowering is brought about artificially, as by irrigation, pruning, or mowing, that fact must be mentioned. "When the flowers blossom in clusters, such that the individuals are lost sight of in the general effect, then, in addition to the first flower, we note the following item : (9) The general flowering or the time when the flowers are most uniformly distributed over the plant. For 118 varieties Fritsch gives in detail the phenomena that char- acterize the date of the ripening of the fruit. He also gives an equally elaborate system of observations on birds, mammals, fishes, reptiles, and insects, and especially the mollusks or garden snails and slugs. THE RELATION OF TEMPERATURE AND SUNSHINE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF PLANTS— THERMOMETRIC AND ACTINO- METRIC CONSTANTS. Reaumur was the first to make an exact comparison of the different quantities of heat required to bring a plant up to the given stage of maturity, and since then many authors have written on this subject. I will here give a brief summary of views that have been held by prominent authorities as to the proper method of ascertaining and stating the relation between temperature and the development of plants. Reaumur (1735) adopted simply the sum of the mean daily tem- peratures of the air as recorded by a thermometer in the shade and counting from any given phenological epoch to any other epoch. He employed the average of the daily maximum and minimum as a sufficiently close approximation to the average daily temperatures, and evidently in the absence of hourly observations any of the recog- nized combinations of observations may be used for this purpose. Reaumur found from his observations that the sum of these daily temperatures was approximately constant for the period of develop- ment of any plant from year to year; hence this constant sum is called a thermal constant in phenology. For the three growing 169 months — Api-il, May, and Juno, lT3-t — the sum of the daily tempera- tures for ninety-one days was equivalent to 1,1()0° C, but for 1735 it was 1.015° C, whence he concluded that the ripening of the vege- tation Avould be retarded in 1785 as compared with the preceding year. This idea had been familiar to Reaunuu- for some time j)i'evi<)usly, and in 1735, as cited by Gasparin, Met. Agric, Vol. II, 1st ed., Paris, 1844, he says : It would be interesting to continue such comparisons between the temperature and the epoch of ripening and to push the study even further, comparing the sum of the degrees of heat for one year with the similar sums of temperatures for many other years; it would be interesting to make comparisons of the sums that are eft'ective during any given year in warm countries with the effective sums in cold and temperate climates, or to compare among themselves the sums for the same months in different countries. Again, Reaumur says : The same grain is harvested in very different climates. It would be interesting to make a comparison of the sum of the temperatures for the months during which the cereals accomplish the greater part of their growth and arrive at a perfect maturity both in warm coun- tries like Spain and Africa, in temperate countries like France, and in cold countries like those of the extreme north. This passage, says Gasparin, is the germ of all the works which have been executed since that time in order to determine the total quantity of heat necessary to the ripening of the different plants that have been cultivated by man. Adanson (1750) disregarded all temperatures below 0° C, and took only the sums of the positive temperatures. He expressed the law as follows: The development of the bud is determined by the sum of the daily mean temperatures since the beginning of the year. Humboldt early insisted upon the necessity of taking the sunlight itself as such into consideration in studying the laws of plant life. Boussingault (1837), in his Rural Economy, introduces the idea of time by adopting the principle that the duration of any vegetating period nndtiplied by the mean temperature of the air during that period gives a constant product. He takes the sum of the tempera- tures from the time when vegetation begins and finds the length of the period of vegetation from germination up to any phase, to vary from year to year, inversely as the total smns of the daily temper- atures. Thus, for winter wheat to ripen, he found that there was necessary a sum total of from 1,900° to 2,000° C. of mean daily air tempera- tures in the shade, which constant sum is equivalent to saying that the average temperature of the growing period is found by dividing this number by the number of days. This method of computation takes 170 no account of any temperature at which the growth of wheat ceases. A lower limit for such temperature has been adopted by several investigators, such as the 0° C, alrea'dy mentioned as adopt'ed by Adanson. An upper limit has not yet been ascertained. Edwards and Colin put it at 22° C. ; but in Venezuela Codazzi found wheat to mature under a constant temperature of 23° or 24° C. throughout the whole period of vegetation, and, as we shall see hereafter, the upper limit undoubtedly depends upon the humidity of the air, the moisture of the soil, and the total radiation from the sun quite as much as upon temperature. Similarly Marie-Davy calls attention to the fact that maize grows poorly at Paris, where it is cloudy and warm, but well in Alsace, where it is dry and clear, the temperature of the air averaging about the same in both, the dirt'erence being in the quantity of sunshine and rain. Gasparin (1844) adopted the mean temperature of the day as de- rived from observations made at any convenient hours and took the sum of such temperatures from and after the date at wdiich the plants, especially the cereals, begin to actively develop, or to vegetate, or when the sap flows readily throughout the day. For this " effective temperature " he adopts 5° C. Subsequently Gasparin adopted a thermometer placed in full sun- shine on the sod as giving a temperature more appropriate to plant studies, but still retaining the lower limit of 5° C. for the mean daily temperature of the initial date. Thus he obtained for wheat a sum total of 2,450° C. as the sum of the effective daily temperatures from sowing to maturity. Gasparin also observed the temperature of a blackened metallic disk in the sunshine and the temperature of the sunny side of a ver- tical wall, and again the temperature of a thermometer at the surface of a sandy, horizontal soil, all in full sunshine. He recognized that the loss of heat by evaporation must keep the temperature of the soil slightly lower than that of the surface of the wall ; but, in default of better methods, he kept a record of the temperature of the wall for many years. From his average results I give the following abstract : Observations hy Gasparin at 2 p. m daily. Year. January. August. Locality. Air. Wall. Air. Wall. 1836-1850 1838-m50 1786 ().7 4.0 -1.3 15.4 6.3 11.0 30.2 23.6 14.6 44.1 •S0.2 22.0 The warmth in the sunshine is to the warmth of the air in the shade as though one had been transported in latij^ude from 3 to 6 degrees farther south. 171 Another study into the total riuliation received by the phmts in sunshine was made by Gasparin by phicing a thermometer in the cen- ter of a <>h)be 1 decimeter in diameter, made of thin copi)er and cov- ered with a layer of laini)black. Having found by comparison that Inilbs of dili'ercnt sizes gave diti'erent temperatures, he recommends this size to all meteorologists; but I do not know of observations made by others until Violle (1879) urged the same construction and size for his conjugate bulbs. This bulb in the full sunshine and at a standard distance above the ground seemed, to Gasparin, to give what he calls the temperature of a dry opaque body. The differ- ence betAveen this and the temperature of the air gave a surplus show- mg the effect of solar radiation on the leaves; again, the difference between this dry, black, bulb and the temperature of the surface of tlie moist earth gave him some idea of the nature and amount of the influence of the sunshine on the surface of the soil, which he illustrates by the following table, derived from seventeen years of observations : Teuipcrature at 2 p. vt. Month. Soil. Black bulb in the air. Month. 1 Soil. 1 Black bulb in the air. 19.1 25.5 27.6 40.9 45.3 15.4 22. 0 28.5 2<).4 :^.4 39.4 43.4 August September _. October November December Average ' 43.1 31.4 1 20.2 ' 12.1 5.9 44.1 February _ .-- March April .- May 38.9 28.7 19.4 15.4 June 1 24.4 29. ti July. 1 On this table (jasparin remarks: We see how much the difference of temperatures of the stems and the roots ought to modify the flow of the sap, and there is here an interesting subject for physiological study which should redound to the profit of agriculture. The solar heat contributes also in a remark- able manner to cause the differences in the vegtation of the moun- tains and the plains. On mountain tops it is the heat of the surface soil and the roots in the sunshine and the effect of sunshine on the leaves that makes possible the existence of a great variety of phieno- gams. The direct action of the solar heat is the explanation of the {possibility of raising cereals and other southern croi)s in high north- ( rn latitudes. (lasparin (1852. p. 100) gave the following table, compiled for west- ern Europe, showing the mean temperatures of the day during which the respective plants leaf out, flower, or ripen. This early effort to ni)ply meteorological data to the study of plants takes no account, as the author himself says, of other meteorological conditions than tem- perature such as introduce considerable variations into the pha-nolog- ical phenomena, but he gives it in hopes of helping thus to fix the rela- 172 tions of natural vegetation to cultivated plants. If in addition to recording temperature, rainfall, sunshine, and other meteorological elements, we could keep a parallel record of the stages of development of cultivated and uncultivated plants we could use the latter as an index to the effect of the weather during any season and predict from that the behavior of the cultivated plants. Teiiiiieriit lives at the respective phanological epochs for plants in European climates (by Gasparin). (1) LEAFING. * "C. Wild honeysuckle (Lonicera perycUmenum) 2.0 Thorny gooseherry {Ribes uva erispa) 5.0 Lilac - 5- 0 Ordinary currant (Kibes rubra) '- <>• 0 Broad-leafed willow (.S'«//./" caprwa) 0.0 Horse-chestnut {^sculus hippocastannm) 7.") Apple tree (Mains eonimunis) ; cherry tree (Cerasus communis) 8.0 Fig tree (Ficus carica) f^- 0 Grapevine shoots '•^- •* Mulberry tree covered with leaf-buds : walnut tree 9. 8 Sprouting of lucerne grass 10.0' Alder tree 12. 0 Oak; mulberry tree developing leaves 12. 7 Acacia (Robinia pseudoacucia) 13- ■"> (2) FLOWERING. Hazelnut tree (Coryliis avellana) ; cypress 3.0 Furze or gorse (Ulex europoeus) ; box (Buxus seninc'rirens) ; white ]>op- lar (Populus alba) 4.0 Broad-leafed willow; honeysuckle •'i. 0 Peach tree 5. 4 Almond tree; apricot tree 0.0 Pear tree ''^- ^ Elm; apple tree 7.5 Chei'ry tree; colza 8.0 Lilac; strawberry plant 9.5 Broom (Genista scoparia) 10.0 Beans H- ^ Horse-chestnut 12- 0 Hawthorn or may (Mespilus oxycantha) 12.5 Sainfoin or French grass (Hedysarum onobrychis. Leguminosiie) 12.7 Acacia (Robinia) I-*- 0 Eye 14. 2 Buckthorn (Rhamnus paliurns) 15. 0 Oats 10.0 Wheat; barley 10- 3 Chestnut tree : First flower l 10. 0 Full flower 17. 5 Grapevine : Full flower 18. 2 Flower passed 19. 0 Indian corn; hemp; olive tree 19.0 173 (3) RIPENING. During increasing heat : ' " C. Fruit of the elm tree 12.0 Green peas 14. 2 First cherries; hroad beans 16.0 First mowing of sainfoin 17.0 Currants; raspberries; strawberries; cherries 17.8 Morella cherry tree; apricot; plum tree; barley; oilts 18.0 Rye 19. 0 Peach tree: harvest of corn 20.0 First figs ; green gage plums 21.0 First grapes, called madeleine ; melons in free earth 22.5 Hemp . 22. 6 During decreasing heat (for fruits which have received a sufficient quan- tity of increasing heat) : Horse-chestnut 18. 2 Indian corn; potatoes 17.0 Walnuts and chestnuts 16.2 Pomegranates 15.0 Saffron 13.0 Olives 10. 0 Note. — It can be easily understood that the fruits which require the greatest I.rolongatiou of heat ripen last and are gathered at periods of the lowest temperatures. Lachmann, in his Entwickelung der Vegetation, counts the sum total of all the temperatures at his station (Braunschweig, Germany) from February 21 onward. Linsser, for north temperate countries, counts from the date when the temperature 0° C. is attained, but for warmer countries he counts from the date when the lowest temperature of the year is attained; which date would, according to his calculations, be the 8th of Febru- ary at Braunschweig instead of the 21st of February; but, according to the normal values resulting from the thirty years of observation by I^achmann. this change would only make his sum totals about 10° C. larger. Tomaschek, as quoted by Fritsch (18G6, LXIII, p. 297), takes the mean of all positive temperatures as observed at () a. m., 2 p. m., and 10 p. m., omitting the individual negative observations instead of the negative daily averages. He counts the sums from January 1 ; this method gives figures that agree very closely, at least in Europe, with those given by Fritsch's method. Kabsch, as .quoted by Fritsch, attempted an improvement on the method of Boussingault. His fornnda is especially appropriate to the annuals, but not to the perennial plants. His method of comput- ing the thermal constant is exi)ressed by Fritsch in the following formula : my- 174 where the notation is as follows : C is the total heat from the date of sowing up to the date of sprouting ; x is the thermal constant from one phase to the next, such as from sprouting to flowering ; t is the num- ber of days from sprouting to flowering; c is the mean daily tempera- ture from sjjrouting to flowering ; t c is the total sum of mean daily temperatures from sprouting to flowering; as this temperatvire is principally active during the daytime, therefore one-twelfth of ^ c represents the efficient heat during an hour; h is the duration in. hours of an average growing day, viz, from sunrise to sunset; there- fore one-twelfth of the product e h t represents the total heat that has been utilized by the plant. The method of reasoning by which Kabsch arrives at the above formula, which I have quoted from Fritsch, is not known to me. Sachs, by direct experiment, finds that for each plant there is a temperature most favorable to its growth and two other limits, mini- mum and maximum, beyond which it will not grow. Deblanchis finds that the temperature on which vegetation depends is not the ordinary temperature of the air as given by a sheltered thermometer; he prefers to approximate to the temperature of the leaf of the plant by the use of his " vegetation-thermoscope," which is an ordinary minimum thermometer covered with green muslin and kept moist, as in the ordinary wet-bulb thermometer. He places his thermometer at one and a half meters above the soil and in full exposure to sun and sky. Evidently the sum total of his tempera- tures will be between the sums of the ordinary wet-bulb and the ordinary dry-bulb thermometers, but must differ greatly from the temperature of the roots on which the growth of the plant primarily depends. Hoffmann prefers to take for the daily temj^erature the excess above freezing of the maximum thermometer exposed to full sunshine and free air. Hoffmann's temperatures approach more nearly the tem- perature of the roots within a few inches of the surface of the ground. Besides taking the sums of the average daily temperatures of the shaded air thermometer, omitting all negative values or all those below freezing point, Hoffmann also took the sum of the bright bulb in vacuo and of the black bulb in vacuo, both in full sunshine ; these latter temperatures are generally higher than those of the roots and much higher than those of the leaves. Hoffmann prefers to use the readings of the l)right bulb in vacuo. Herve Mangon (1870) modifies Gasparin's method slightly in that he takes account of the shade temperatures of the air from the date of sowing up to the date of harvest, rejecting all cases where the mean daily temperature in the shade is less than 6° C. ; he had been led to think that the vegetation of cereals and other important crops ceases below this temperature. Thus he determines the sum total 175 )i' tlic varioties of wheat ordinarily uoedod for ripening tlie crops of tlie ^. ... cultivated in Xormandy, as shown in the following table: Date of sow- ing. Date of har-, vesting. Sums of daily temperatures. From sowing to Feb. 29. From Mar. 1 to harvest. Total. Nov. 17,1869 Nov. 5,1870 Nov. 27,1871 Nov. 5,1872 Nov. 27,1874 Nov. 4,1875 Nov. 18, 1876 Dec. 6,1877 Dec. 21,1878 Average, Nov. 17.__- Aug. 12,1870 Aug. 2tX 1871 Aug. 4,1872 Aug. 3,1873 Aug. 10, 1875 Aug. 3,1876 Aug. 2,1877 Aug. 7,1878 Sept. 1,1879 Aug. 8 ° C. a56 a59 :395 6:^2 339 490 701 367 171 ° C. 2, (MX) 2,1.58 1,914 1,806 1,880 1,828- 1,769 2,oa5 2,085 ° C. 2,a56 2,517 2,309 2,438 2,219 2,318 2,470 2,402 2,256 455 1,924 2,379 By similar calculations Herve Mangon obtains for other crops as cultivated in Normandy the following results : • Mean date. Sums of daily temper- atures from sowing to har- vest. • Sowing. Harvest- ing. Oats Mar. 7 Nov. 8 Apr. 13 Mar. 3 June 10 Aug. 5 Aug. 20 Aug. 18 Aug. 25 Sept. 10 1,826 2,197 1,810 Do Beans. 2,210 1,525 Buckwheat Herve Mangon concludes his essay with two important practical rules, deduced from his data relative to the climate and crops of the department of La Manche: (1) In a mild and uniform climate, like that of the northwest of France, there is always an advantage in sowing the seed early in the autumn; (2) by computing annually the sums of the degrees of temperature observed since the date of sowing and by consulting the numerical tables given in this memoir one can, with great accuracy, calculate four or six weeks in advance the date of the ap])roacIiing harvests of the resj)ective plants. The tables given by jSlangoii for his locality can be reproduced for American stations wherever the meteorological observations and the dates of planting and harvesting are recorded: although it may be possible to consider more minute details of climate and soil than he has done, yet the success attained by him in his elementary collation of fundamental data niu.st stimulate to siiiiiiai- work in this country. 176 From the data given by Mangon, ]SIarie-Davy deduces some further phenological constants ^Yhich will be useful, viz, for winter wheat in Normandy, the sum of the daily temperatures in the shade, reject- ing all below" 6° C., from sow^ing to germination is 85° C. ; from ger- mination to heading, 555° C. ; from heading to maturity, 1,810° C. This gives from sowing to heading G10° C, Avhereas Gasparin, fol- lowing his owni rule, which takes the sum of all temperatures after the date at which the temperature of 5° C. is attained, finds 430° for this constant. Wheat begins to grow visibly whpn the mean daily temperature is about 6° C. This mean daily temperature is attained on the average of many years on the dates given in the second column of the fol- lowing table. (See Marie-Davy, 1881 and 1882, p. 184.) The aver- age dates of harvest are given in the third column; the interval or growing period in the fourth column; the fifth column contains the sums of the mean daily temperatures of the air in the shade (after the date on which a mean temperature of 6° was attained), the sixth column gives the sums of the mean daily temperatures of the thermometer in the full sunshine, as determined by Gasparin. The close agreement of the two latter numbers is considered by Marie- Davy an argument in favor of the idea that temperatures in the sun- shine are better than those in the shade as a measure of the influence of heat and light on the growth of plants. Place. Date of 6°C. Wheat harvest. Grow- *?for- Sum of .shade temper- atures. Slim of sunshine temper- atures. Orange Mar. 1 Mar. 15 Apr. 20 June 15 June 25 Aug. 1 Aug. 20 Aug. 27 138 122 •c. 1,601 1,9T0 1,545 675 2,468 Paris - 2,433 Upsala Balland (see Marie-Davy, 1881, p. 186) has made a perfectly simi- lar computation with reference to the ripening of wheat cultivated on a large scale at Orleansville, in Algeria, with the following results: 1878 2, 498 1879 2,433 Average 2,462 The results of Mangon, Balland, and Gasparin agree so closel}^ that a strong argument seems to be afforded in favor of using the ther- mometer ex^30sed to the full sunshine. The differences in their results are quite comparable to the differences found by Vilmorin to exist between different varieties of the same seed. The values of the thermometric constants, as computed by Herve Mangon's method, for other grains cultivated in Normandy are given 177 in the following table, where the figures represent the sums of sun- shine temperatures necessary to complete the growth from germi- nation to harvest. Plant. Sunshine temper- ature. Plant. Sunshine temper- ature. 2,462 2,365 2,197 ° C. 1,810 2,210 ■MnvmaTidy naf.s Normandy buckwheat 1,579 Marie-Davy (1881), in his chapter on the influence of heat on the time required for vegetation, adopts the principle enunciated by Boussingault, of the equality of the sum total of the temperatures, but thinks that the temperature required to bring a plant to the flowering stage is the sum of the mean daily temperatures in the full sunshine, and not the temperature of the air in the shade. According to his view, the heat is needed in the soil in the early part of the growth of the plant; but after the flower is formed, or during the process of perfecting the fruit, sunlight is needed, and during this stage he uses the actinometric degrees of the Arago-Davy actinometer as an index of the progress of the plant. I have, therefore, in the fol- lowing table collated the figures given by him for wheat. The third column gives the sum total of the mean daily shade temperatures, counted from February 1 of each year up to the date at which the total amounts to 1,264° C, or within half a day thereof, that being the adopted shade constant for the flowering of wheat that was sown on or about the 21st of March. The fourth and fifth columns give the dates and sum totals of temperatures observed with a naked-bulb thermometer on the grass in the full sunshine, assuming 1,569° C. jis the thermal constant for this thermometer. The sixth column gives the observed dates of flowering. As these dates agree with those in the fourth column better than with those in the second column, Marie-Davy considers them as confirming him in the use of tlie unprotected solar thermometer. In order to bring out the total effect of sunlight and sun heat Marie-Davy has comi)uted the sum total of actinometric degi-ees from February 1 up to the dates given in column 2 and in column 4, respectively. These results are given in columns 7 and 8, which show that 1878 was a very precocious year, as com- pared with the others, in that the date of flowering was very early, but the sum total of its actinometric degrees was very small and its crops were very poor. 1879 and 1877 show larger actinometric sums, but the largest sums are given by the years 1873, 1874, 1875, and 1876, which were also very excellent crop years. 2667—05 M 12 178 Date of floircriiifi of irhcat at Moiitroiige, France. [See Marie-Davy, 1880, pp. 181-215.] Year. Shade tempera- Sun thermom- tures. eter. Observ- ed date of flower- ing. Actinometric percentages. Date. Sum total. Date. Sum total. Shade dates. Sun dates. 1879 June 21 June 6 June 13 June 15 June 7 June 10 June 19 "C. 1264 1268 1374 1269 1364 1277 1256 June 21 June 10 June 15 June 19 June 13 .0.1 1569 June 21 1566 4063 3467 3976 4376 4298 4506 4296 4063 1878 3666 1877.. 1578 1567 1574 June 15 June 19 4075 1876 4588 1875 4603 1874 June 9 1873 _ Marie-Davy concludes that by keeping a daily summation of actinometric degrees it becomes possible, even at the epoch of flower- ing of wheat, to estimate in a very approximate manner what will be the final value of the resulting harvest. At this moment, even if we have already measured the sum of the products which should be applicable to the formation of grain, we can not be absolutely cert in that the harvest will correspond to our expectations. A certain time is necessary for the nutrient particles to traverse the various parts of the stem up to the seed, and a certain quantity of water is necessary for this transportation. An excessive dryness or heat will interfere wdth this movement and will give a poorly developed grain, notwith- standing the abundance of nutrition reserved for it within the plant. But although water and nutrition are as important as heat and light, still we find that predictions based on actinometric degrees alone are very reliable. According to Georges Coutagne, the law that connects the rate of development of a plant with its temperature must be such that it has a maximum value for a special temperature and diminishes as we depart from this down to a zero rate at the freezing point and also to zero at some higher temperature at present unknown; all this is on the assumption that the sunlight, moisture, and winds are such as to enable the plant to do its very best at the given temperature. If this law were known we could then determine whether a plant would live and flourish in any given climate. This law of growth has been expressed by Georges Coutagne, as quoted by Marie-Davy (1883, p. 227), by the following notation and formula. Let — r be the rate of development of the plant, assuming that other conditions are so adjusted that it attains the maximum gi-owth possible for the given temperature ; X be the temperature of the plant; 179 a be. a coefficient that defines the rate of development so that tlic reciprocal of a defines the longevity of the plant; n be a coefficient that defines the sensitivene.ss of the plant to tem- perature, so that as n increases a given change in x has a less effect on the rate of growth and therefore the plant can flourish in a wider range of temperature; therefore its geographical distribution may be wider, hence Coutagne calls n a coefficient of ubiquity ; c be the temperature at Avhich the most rapid development is possi- ble under the most favorable conditions of growth or the temperature optinnnn ; plants with a large value of c must live nearer the equator than those having small values of r-; therefore c is called the index of tropica lity. According to Coutagne these quantities are bound together by the formula : v=a e This formula represents the momentary rate of development, so that the total duration of the growth^is to be found by integrating this expression, which result is written as follows : '^Sr\ ax Van Tieghem, like Coutagne and others, finds that for each special phase of vegetation, germination, heading, flowering, or ripening, and for each age of a perennial plant there exists a special relation between the temperature, the light, the moisture, and the chemical composition of the soil and water that is most favorable to growth. We have, therefore, to decide whether the same formula of develop- ment can represent the growth in each of these phases as well as throughout the whole career of the plant. As we have before said, the plant can only rearrange the inorganic products that it receives and develop its own structure by utilizing the molecular energy contained in the sunshine or some equivalent light. Its growth does not depend upon any force contained within the plant nor on the temperature, as such, but on the quality of the radiation ; therefore any formula that considers temperature only must be a very imperfect presentation of the growth, especially in those stages subsequent to the full develop- ment of the leaf and flower. Lippincott (1863, p. 506) gives a few items relative to the phenol- ogy' of wheat in America and the origin of the varieties known as Lambert's Mediterranean China (or Black Tea), Hunter's, Fenton, Piper's, which were all due to judicious selection and careful culture. The average wheat crop of England is stated to be 36 bushels per acre and that of the United States 15 or less, which large difference is, he thinks, the result of judicious cultivation and care in the choice 180 of seed rather than the influence of climate, since large crops have been and can be raised in this country. The injurious influence of hot, moist, and rainy weather has, he thinks, a general tendency to deteriorate the quality of American wheat, as the plant needs a hot and dr}' climate. jNIoisture defines the southern limit of wheat cultivation while the northern limit has not yet been found. In 1853 the growing season in England was too cold to ripen, the average being 57° F. for July and 59° F. for August, so that only one-half or one-third of the usual crop of wheat was harvested. In Bogota, Colombia, where the temperature of the high plains is quite low, wheat that is sown in February is harvested in the last week of July, or in 147 days, at a mean temperature of 58° or 59° F. At Quinchuqui wheat is sown in February and reaped in July at a mean temperature of 57° or 58° F. Hence Lippincott concludes that in general wheat requires a mean temperature of 60° during the last month of its maturity, or a mean temperature of 56° during the whole period of growth. * In England in 1860 wheat sown March 28 ripened August 20. Of these 145 days there were 133 that had temperatures above 42° F. In 1861 130 da^^s were required of temi:)eratures above 42° F. When the temperature of the soil during the last phase of growth (viz., from earing to maturit}^) falls below 58° to 60° F. no progress is made in the growth, and unless 60° is exceeded the crop never fairly ripens. These figures appear to accord closely with the requirements of the wheat plant in the United States, where it is found that those regions having a mean temperature for May be- tween 58° and 60° F. can not mature the wheat in May, but those having a June temperature above 61° can ripen the wheat in that month. Those having a temperature of 61° in July can mature spring wheat which is sown the 10th of April or the 10th of May. Those having a mean temperature of 61° in May can mature the winter wheat in that month. Lippincott gives the following items: At Arnstadt, Germany, wheat requires from flowering^to maturity 53 days at a mean tem- perature of 63° F., or a total of 3,339° F. : ' At Richmond, Va., Japan wheat headed April 30, I860, and was reaped June 14, or 46 days, with a sum total of mean daily tempera- tures of 3,086° F. : At Haddonfield, X. J., Mediterranean wheat sown early, headed May 18, 1864, and matured June 30, or 44 days, with a sum total of 3,024° F. of mean daily shade temperatures : In Monroe County, X. Y., wheat headed May 10, 1859, and matured July 8, or 56 days, with a sum total of 3,562° F. The preceding meager data are all that Lippincott was able to find 181 with regard to wheat in America after an extensive research, bnt within the past few years mucli more iittention has been given to this subject. The differences between the quantities of heat required in England and America and the differences in the varieties of the wheat were apparent to Lippincott. Thus, he finds that in England the lengths of the periods and the sums of the temperatures were as foUows: In 1860 a period of 59 days and a sum of 3,562° F. ; in 1861 a period of 50 days and a sum of 3,225° F, ; in 1862 a period of 56 days and a sum of 3,406° F. The reduction of the mean temperature during two months of 1853 by merely 2° F. cut off one-third of the crop and brought a famine that was already foreseen in July, 1853. On the other hand, it increased the exportation of wheat and flour from the United States from $14,000,000 in 1852 and $19,000,000 in 1853 to $49,000,000 in 1854. A careful study of the sum totals of rainfall, temperature, and sun- shine should enable one, in general, to foresee similar failures and corresponding successes in the crops of any region. QUETELET. The suggestive, but sketchy, studies of earlier writers on thermal constants Avere supplemented by more elaborate investigations and calcuhitions of statistics by Quetelet (1849) in his Climate of Bel- gium, from his own summary (p. 62), etc., I take the following notes : The details hitherto given show sufficiently that the relative condi- tions of vegetation change at all times of the ,vear in two countries situated at a distance from each other. Acceleration and retardation are quantities essentially variable, and it is erroneous to say that one locality has its budding period ten or twenty days sooner, for example, than another. This difference may be correct for one sea- son of the year and entirely wrong for another; and, moreover, we can onlv pretend to state a fact which applies to the majority of plants. ■ Nevertheless the differences in the periods of budding are not so variable but that we can assign to them values very useful to consult in jn-actice. On the other hand, science needs to establisli some well- determined facts in order to arrive later at the knowledge of the laws upon which these variations depend. I believe that in the a(;tual state of things I shall be able to settle upon the following epochs, in order not to multiply too much the terms of comparison. Moreover, the "numerical tables justify, to a certain extent, the dis- tinctions which I lay down. Let us first observe that the awakening of the })lants is brought about by the cessation of the cold, and it suflices to consult the tables of temperatures for the different countries to determine the average epoch at which many plants will put out their leaves or their flowers. These first indications, which it is well to collect, still do not deter- mine, however, the general niovenient of vegetation which may 182 manifest itself more or less slowly. They are given by the budding of the Galantus nivalis^ of thei Crocus vernus, by the appearance of the catkins of the Corylus avellana^ of the leaves of the Rihes grossu- laria^ of the Samhucus nigra^ of the honeysuckle, and of some spireas. The falling of the leaves is also determined by the temperature, and in our climate generally takes place after the first frosts. This period and that previously mentioned come ordinarily at the two limits of Avinter, and they separate to make place for the different stages of vegetation in proportion as the cold of winter has a less duration. The winter sleep lasts in our climate from three to four months; in southern countries it is very much shorter. We can even imagine a line on the surface of the globe where it ceases altogether for the generality of plants." The great movement of vegetation commences in Belgium in the middle of March and terminates at the end of April. I will call this the period of leafing (feuillaison), because during this interval the different plants are covered with their v^erdure and some of them show their first flowers. The second period is that of flowering (floraison), which in our cli- mate would include the months of May and June and the first half of July. The third period would then come, Avhich is that of ripening (fructification). These three great periods should undoubtedly be in their turn sub- divided, but the present state of the observations does not allow of such detail. It is understood, moreover, that the names T have given to them only serve to designate the principal phases of vege- tation which take place. Thus, in making the general table [omit- ted—C. A.] I have classed the different plants according to the following seasons : Awakening of the plants. — This period is determined by the plants comprised in the [omitted] table. Leafing. — This period comprises the plants which, in Brussels, put out their leaves from the 15th of March to the 30th of April, and Avhich bud during the same two months. Flowering. — I have made use of the plants which have flowered or brought forth their fridt from the 1st of May to the 15th of July. o As I have already observed elsewhere, the awakening is an epoch that is not the same for all plants. I mean to speak here only of the epoch when the sap begins to circulate in the majority of the plants which grow in our climate. 'All plants do not begin to vegetate at the same period," says M. Ch. Martins, in the Botanical Expedition along the Northern Coasts of Norway. " Thus in some the sap begins to mount when the thermometer is only a few degrees above zero (centigrade) ; others need 10 or 12 degrees of heat, while those in warm climates require a temperature of from 15° to 20° C. In a word, every plant has its own thermometric scale, whose zero corresponds with the minimum tempera- ture at which vegetation is possible for it. Consequently, when we wish to deter- mine the sum total of the temperature that has determined the date of tlowering (fleuraison) of each of these plants it is logical to only consider for eacli plant the sum of the degrees of temperature above zero (centigrade), since these tem- peratures are the only ones that have been efficient in inducing or sustaining their growth." In tropical countries the great fluctuations in the vegetable king- dom are not regulated by the same meteorological elements as are effective with us; there the rainy season produces very nearly the same effects as the cold season does in our climates. 183 Ripening. — This period ooiiiprisos the sta^e of vegetation, which, for Brussels, extends from the l.-)th of July to the fallin«; of the leaves, the last limit of the period with whieh we are oeeupied here. This classification has allowed nie to put into [the omitted] table the observations gathered from other sources, as well as from the s^ystem of comparative observations which the Royal Academy of Belgium has succeeded in establishing at Brussels. The (ireratjc iiifluciicc of location on the annual progress of vegetation LocaUty. Position. Acceleration or retardation of phases of vegetation relative to Brussels. Longi- tude from Paris. Lati- tude north. Alti- tude. Awak- ening. Leaf- Flow- ing, ering. Fruit- ing. Fall of leaf. Naples.... m. s. 47 40 E. 6 57E. 40 4 E. 31 59 E. 33 15E. 15 15 E. 17 11 E. 24 17E. 10 48E. 0 0 0 30W. 15 14 W. 40 52 44 7 45 26 44 48 44 55 46 12 46 31 48 59 4" 19 48 58 49 0 49 31 50 15 Meters Days. Days. -1-38 Days. Days. Days. Alais 143 11 49 408 538 380 240 37 140 4-1i J.^'> +40 +30 +51 +49 +12 Parma + 2 +2 -f-14 4- 7 +16 +18 - 6 4-11 10 Guastalla Geneva -11 -3 -f-27 +41 +36 - 1 - 2 Lausanne Carlsruhe - - 3 1 -M5 - 1 -1-6 + 6 -1-5 -5i -12 0 1 1 +15 +11 +18 Dijon Paris +14 +19 Valognes Polperro, England -1-10 — 2 Swafifham, England - 4 - r - 5 ^ 9 45W. 19 25W. 12 46E. 9 26E. 8 6E. 5 34E. 3 33E. 2 20E. 51 30 55 35 50 39 50 53 50 51 51 3 51 13 51 14 30 64 60 -1-32-1-6 i -1- 2 -t- 6 0 Makerstoun Liege 0 - 2 0 + 1 - 3 - 8 - 5 - 6 + 4 -15 -18 -15 - 3 Louvain - 1 0 - 3 - 3 0 - 4 - 3 - 8 -16 -18 -18 -10 -23 -19 -19 -22 -20 -20 -23 -27 -27 -27 -14 -24 -57 -30 Brussels 0 0 Ghent +1"' Bruges Ostend.. - 4 - 6 -15 -24 - 9 -20 -20 -22 -44 - 9 -15 - 1 + 3 Lochem Utrecht 11 8E. 52 5 -3 Vught, Holland. Joppe, Holland Groningen 16 56E. 37 5 E. 48 20E. 26 51E. 44 14 E. 48 54E. 22 16E. 38 31 E. 53 13 48 9 50 5 48 31 52 31 53 25 53 34 57 42 57 59 59 23 59 46 68 30 43 2 528 178 331 36 -29 Munich Prague + 7 Tubingen Berlin.. Stettin.. -14 -22 - 6 Jevers.. Gottenborg Grippenberg Nasinge Carlstadt 44 4E. 49 Arosia Lapland United States of America, central New York 184 This table of average intervals shows how variable is the accelera- tion of one place over another during the difl'erent seasons of the year. This acceleration even often changes into retardation, conse- quently the isanthesic lines are far from remaining parallel. AYe therefore conclude that latitudes and longitudes are not the only and principal causes which regulate the phenomena that are enga- ging our attention, because these unchangeable causes could not pro- duce different effects; it is the same with regard to altitudes, we must only consider them as intermediary agents, and we shoidd do wrong to take them as the basis of calculations for determining the epochs of natural phenomena." Let us see whether temperatures will give more satisfactory results. In order to facilitate the com- parison I have gathered in the table (which unfortunately has not been completed for all the localities)'' the average temperatures for 3^ears, seasons, and months.'' I must limit myself to consulting these elements, as I have not the necessary data to compute the base of daily temperatures and particularly to take the action of the sun into consideration. This first work will perhaps make us feel the incompleteness of the system of meteorological observations adopted at present (1849) in Europe. I have also been obliged to exclude the influence of the temperature of the earth, although it is absolutely necessary to consider it, in order to treat, the phenomena of vegetation in, a complete manner.'' The mean temperature in winter at Brussels is 2° C. The most favored localities in comparison with it are Naples, Alais, and Pol- perro (near Lands End, England). I have not been able to deter- o It will be uuderstood that I wish here to speali only of the actiou of geo- graphical circumstances considered outside of the influence of temperature. This action has been but little studied up to the present time, but it is well worthy of our consideration. The following is what one of the most distinguished living botanists of the present time has written to me on this subject : " The distribution and extension of each species of plant over the earth shows us that the plants in general and each species as a unit are subject to organic changes dependent upon longitude and latitude. Each has a limited range; between tliese boundaries it has its paradise, where it thrives best. The organic changes which take idace in individual plants, if one compares those that are native in different i)laces, are such that -we might presume that even their rieriodic phenomena must be affected. For example, all plants are stunted in height and in the number of their leaves toward their northern limit (or rather polar limit). They change their general appearance in going from east to west on the same parallel ; they alter as to the extent of inflorescence and the size of flowers in going north or south on the same meridian. Now, as it is only by means of these organs that the plant vegetates in the presence of the world outside of it, it is necessary in our observations to begin with the relation of those organs, or rather the consideration of the developed organs onglit to enter into our notation of their vital action. It further follows from this that we ought to study plants whose natural boundaries are known to us ; these are the true barometers for vegetable life" [i. e., as the barometer is the measure of the activity of the atmospheric forces, so the natural geographic boundaries are the measures of the vital activity of plant life]. (Letter of M. de Martin's Observation of periodic phenomena, " Mem. Acad. Royal," Brussels, Vol. XVI, p. 11.) 6 Further, it has sometimes been necessary to give the temperature of a neigh- boring locality instead of that of the place itself : thus for the temperature of Polperro I hjive taken that of Penzance, and the temperature of Makerstouu has been replaced by that of Edinburgh, etc. c I have omitted these figures in my copy of Quetelet's table. — C. A. d I should have liked to supplement this work with maps showing the princi- pal epochs in vegetation, but the collected observations are not yet suQiciently 185 mine the epoch of the awakening of the plants in the first two places, but in the last mentioned the acceleration is forty-one days. This acceleration is also very great at the other stations of England, as well as at Valogne, which has also probably a sea temperature. It has also been impossible for me to fix the time of awakening for places where the winter is the most rigorous, such as Lapland, Sweden, and the United States. We have seen, however, that there is twenty days retardation in places where the mean temperature is very little below zero. Jever seems to be an exception to this rule; but the results obtained in this place were only deduced from three observations. The epoch of leafing corresponds, as we have said, with the end of March and the month of April, and that of the flowering with the months of ]May and June. The first includes the commencement of spring, the other the end of it. Thus the temperature of Brussels in spring is 10° C. The greatest variations besides are at Naples and at Alais. It is also in these places that the leafing takes place first. Venice, Parma, and Guastala are very little in advance, but the month of March and the beginning of April are scarcely any warmer than at Brussels. The dift'erence of temperature is only felt in a marked manner in the following months. The flowering also takes place about eighteen days sooner. Polperro, in regard to leafing, is about t^n days in advance. The temperature in March is much higher than that of Brussels, while in April it is about the same. The advantage is lost in the following months, when, as regards flowering, Brussels is in advance of Pol- perro, as well as of the localities in England. Brussels is about eighteen to twenty days ahead of the towns of Holland and Germany in the epoch of leafing, and is behind in the complete to allow of undertaking such a task. The first chart would have shown by a series of lines drawn over Europe the awakening of plants for each ten days, that is to say, a first line would indicate the localities where the awakening first takes place immediately after the coldest day of the year, which with us is about the 20th of .January ; a second line would pass through places where tlie awakening is on an average ten days later, and so on. Another system of similar lines traced upon a second chart would have indicated in the same way the, beginning of budding, always proceeding I)y intervals of ten days. We should also have made similar charts for tiowering and ripening and the fall of the leaves. By comparing these charts we should be able to see at a glance the princii>al changes which take place in these various systems of lines. In order to cimiplete this study we should imagine other systems of lines relating to temperatures. Thus one system would show the localities in Europe where frosts first cease, always advancing at intervals of ten days ; then iuiother sys- tem for places which, at successive intervals of ten days, and beginning from the awakening of the jtlants, have reached a sum total of temi)eratures amounting to 18;^° JL\, corresponding to tlie epoch of leafing: further, a third system of lines which should pass through places tiiat, counting from the time of awaken- ing, have successively attained the total nunii)ei- of degrees of temperature necessary fater. as well as in loealili<'s where the annual variations are very marked '. This activity is further reeii- foreed if the locality is near the polar re«2:i()ns, where the light acts almost uninterruptedly when once the awakening of the plants has taken place. In this respect Russia and Lai)land present us with notable examples of this reenforcement. Kui)rt'er, in his '"■ Note relating to the temperature of the soil and of the air at the limits of the region of cultivation of cereals," gives the following temperatures for the three principal boundary points of this reoion : Longi- tude. Lati- tude. Alti- tude. Mean temperature. Year. Win- ter. Spring. Sum- mer. Au- tumn. Ii-kutsk 101 15 117 1 52 17- 51 18 1,300 2,100 ° C. -0.25 -3.2 +0.7 -14.1 -21.7 -10.0 ° C. -0.2 -1.0 -0.2 ° C. +12.5 +12.9 +11.5 " C. + 0.8 Nertchinsk Archangel -2.9 + 1.5 "A comparison of the curves for Nertchinsk, Irkutsk, and Arch- angel demonstrates in a striking manner,'' says Kupifer, " under what climatic conditions the cultivation of cereals can be carried on notwithstanding the lowness of the average annual temperature. All the curves agree together in spring and autumn, Avhence it results that it is especially the temperature of spring and autumn which influences the cultivation of cereals; it is in these seasons, in fact, that occur the two most important periods of the year for agricul- ture— the time of sowing and the time of reaping. In the cultiva- tion of rye autumn plays a still more important part, because rye is sowed also in autumn." Kupffer calls attention in another part of his note to the fact that some kinds of farming are carried on where the soil below the surface is frozen. '' Experiments in farm- ing," he says, " have been made at Irkutsk, on a very small scale it is true, but which in many respects have been a success. This is due to the fact that the soil be(;omes soft on the surface and is thus capable of developing the germs received by it ; its mean temperature is above zero four months in the year, which is sufficient to ripen the cereals in a country where continuity of the sunshine makes up for the weakness of solar action. Snow often falls upon the sheaves, but still they harvest them." These examples confirm what we have said in regard to annual changes of temperature. In no locality in the world are these variations greater than here; at Yakutsk the dif- ference of temj^erature between the warmest and the coldest month of the vear is 50.9° C; at Irkutsk, it is 24°. 1; at Nertchinsk, 39.°1; at Archangel. 28.2° C. It might be said, it is true, that the average temi)erature of the year should not be considered here, not even that of the free air, so long as the plants are covered by snow to shield them, for in this case the temperature of the air does not at all rei)resent that of the ])lants. In this respect the conditions of vegetation would be the same at each ■ 188 locality about the time of the ^Yintel■ awakening, and we should par- ticularly consider the temperature that follows after the thermometer has passed the freezing point, as well as the quantit}' of light radiated by the sun. It must therefore be admitted that cold, as long as it does not destroy the life of the phmt, may be more or less severe or more or less prolonged, and thus lower the average j^early temperature, without causing an}?^ marked ditference in the epochs of vegetation. This reflection explains, independent of all hypothesis, that for any equable mean annual temperature the acceleration in vegetation should be in favor of localities where the annual variation is the greatest, par- ticularly in northern countries, where the frost prevails during many months of the year and where duing many of the following months the sunlight never ceases to fill the sky. Admitting the hypothesis that the action is proportional to the sum of the squares of the tem- peratures, the results are still more positive; for, other things being equal, the greater the annual variation the greater will be the sum of the square of the jjositive ordinates in the curves of temperatures. I will now present some conclusions that one can deduce from all that precedes. I must first of all warn my readers that this work must be considered only as an attempt to solve a problem as difficult as it is interesting, the principal elements for the solution of which are still wanting. 1. A great number of factors combine to produce variations in the periodic phenomena of vegetation, the most important of which in our climate is temperature. 2. It may be estimated that the progress of vegetation is in pro- portion to the sum of the temperatures, or, better, to the sum of the squares of temperatures, calculated above the freezing point, starting with the epoch of the awakening of vegetation after the winter sleep. 3. The cold of winter, if it does not injure the vitality of the plant, does not cause any perceptible retardation in its future development, particularl}^ if the ground has been covered with snow. The effects that can be produced by the cold of winter must, how- ever, be considered, and especially the condition of the plant when it entered upon its winter sleep, a condition which should correspond to a certain sum of acquired temperatures (or heat stored up). As to the ripening of the harvest and because plants develoj) under the infl-uence of the sun, we must consult a thermometer exposed to its direct action, and not a thermometer exposed to its direct action, and not a thermometer placed in the shade, as is connnonly done. 4. The temperatures at night are not comparable with those of the day as to their effects on vegetation. The (piantity of light received by the plants must also be taken into consideration. 5. An increase of 1° in latitude produces about the same retarda- tion in vegetation as an increase in elevation of 100 meters; that is to say, in our climate, a retardation of about four days. This result should be looked upon as only a kind of average of quantities that vary during the year, the differences of latitude and elevation having scarcely any real influence furtlier than as they produce differences of temperature. 6. The variations of temperature, other things being equal, are 189 favorable to vegetation, and the same may be said of high plateaus where radiation is more powerful. 7. The isanthesic lines, or lines of simultaneous flowering, do not preserve any parallelism at different periods of the year; thus, the line which shows where the lilac blooms on a given day of the month passes ten days afterwards throuo;h another series of places where the same phenomena is then occurring. Now. the zone comprised between these two lines has not the same breadth throughout its whole extent, as would be the case with a zone between two parallels of latitude. It is not even constant, since, for example, a m(mth later the isanthesic lines will have quite different forms, and localities that ^vere backward as compared with others may then be in advance. 8. The falling of the leaves is a phenomenon which in our climate depends as nuich upon the current temperature as upon those which have preceded. It is generally controlled by the first cold of autumn. Karl Fritsch (1881) gives the results of about ten years' observa- tions of plants growing in the Botanical Garden at Vienna (1852- 1861). His list of plants embraced all those recorded in the previous lists of Quetelet, Sendtner (1851), and his own, in all 1,600 species and varieties, but of wdiich he has only used 889. The epochs ob- served by him, as uniformly as possible throughout the ten years, were the following : (1) The'first visibility of the upper surface of the leaf. (2) The complete development of the first flower, (3) The complete ripening of the first fruit. (4) The date at which a tree or bush has lost all of its foliage. Having endeavored in vain to establish a connection between the moisture of the air and the growth of the plant, and finding it imprac- ticable to take account of the moisture in the earth, Fritsch resolved to reject observations made during special droughts or floods or otl^er abnormal conditions and to consider only the sum of the average daily temperatures. These mean daily temperatures he deduced from the observations at 6 a. m. and 2 and 10 p. m., made at the Central Meteorological Institution in Vienna, where the thermometer was about 50 feet above the ground. The summation of the mean daily temperatures for comparison with phenological phenomena counts from the 1st of Januarj^ to the date of the observed epoch, and omits all clays whose mean temperatures are 0° Reaumur or lower than that. A comparison of the observations made on successive years on the same plant shows that the time of blossoming is uncertain by only one or two days in 96 per cent of all the plants, and the so-called " temi)era- ture " or " thermal constant " is uncertain by 8 per cent of its amount or less, in 97 per cent of all the plants. Similarly, for dates of ripen- 190 ing of fruits the dates of ripeiiino- as predicted by the temperature constants have an uncertainty of one or two days only in 94 per cent of the cases. In "the choice of the date from which to begin taking the sum of the mean daily temperatures, it would seem that for annual plants the date of sowing the seed would be proper, but that for perennial plants the whole winter since the end of the preceding growing season would be proper; but instead of the. latter, Fritsch has adopted that epoch at which the mean temperature of the day has its minimum value in the course of its annual variation, and this, com- bined with the ease of computation, leads him to adopt the 1st of January for all perennials. For the biennials and the annuals he would have preferred to count from the time of sowing the seed, but as the latter date was frequently not recorded and as most of the temperatures are below freezing in the early part of the year, he finds no large error introduced by adopting the 1st of January for these also, and this is very nearly equivalent to Quetelet's method of count- ing from the time of the permanent awakening of the activity of the plant in the spring. In the following list I have given all of Fritsch's results, and with reference to the practical application of these figures to the prediction of similar phenomena elscAvhere quote his statement that he had con- vinced" himself in many ways that the trees and shrubs observed by him in the Botanical Gardens at Vienna blossomed at the same time as those in the open country, but for all herbs this is true to a less extent, and only in a few cases are the departures important. Although many plants do not ripen in the short season at Vienna, yet he was able to determine their thermal constants for the date of blossoming. In general the plants and their seed had by long cultivation in Vienna become acclimated to that locality, so that by applying Linsser's theorems to Fritsch's results they become applicable to the phenomena that would be manifested by these plants in other parts of the world. As concerns the temperature of the soil, Fritsch states that the perennial grasses were partly shaded by trees until 1852, after which they were cultivated in a sunny spot. The annual grasses were uni- formly in a sunny region, slightly inclined toward the north. The orders or families, with the genera and species and sometimes varieties included within them, are arranged in the table as given by Fritsch, who states that it is in accordance with the natural sys- tem of Endlicher. which is generally adopted in Austria as prefer- able to a chronological or alphabetical. But for the convenience of American readers I have added to each of Fritsch's orders the num- ber by which it is designated on pages 5 and 736 of Gray's Manual of 191 the Botany of tho Northern UiiitcHl States, sixth edition, ISiK), as re- vised by Watson and CouUer. Tliese numbers will be found in the brackets followin*; the names of the orders in the following; (able, e.g., [G. 120]. TlicniKil coiistdiils for the J)l().<(>)iiiii!/ aiiil riiicniuf/ of SS!) pimils {nr the .sinus of tlic iiicaii (laili/ tciiijx'i'dl lire ahorc zero dcurvc-s Urniiiiiiir coiiiil iin/ from .hni- nary 1st), as dctcnuhird hu Karl Fritsch from obscrnifioiis in the Botanical Garden, in Mcn)ia, diiriiuf the ijcars 1852-1861, incliisire. ISee Denksclirifton, Akad. Vienna, 1S(>8, Vol. XXI.] [See end of table for footnotes.] Designation of plant: Order, genus, and specie.s. Flowering. Ripening. I. Graminex [G. 1S9]. (1) Zca mays L. (sown Apr.29) July (2) Alopecurus pratensis L May (3) Plileum pratense L. var. nodosom I June (4) Phalaris arundinacea L June (5) Holcus lanatus L , June (6) Holcus mollis L I July (7) Anthoxanthum odoratum L j May (8) Panicum miliaceiun L. (Apr. 26) •. July (9) Stipa capillata L June (10) Stipa pennata L June (11) Agrostis alba L. (A.stoloniferaL. -y, flagellare) June (12) Agrostis vulgaris With July (13) Calamagrostis Epigejos Roth , July (14) Avena pratensis L j May (15) Avena .sati va L. ( sown Apr. 12) ! July (16) Sesleria caerulea Arduin (17) Poa compressa L (18) Poa nemoralis L , (19) Poa pratensis L (20) Briza media L (21) Melica ciliata L , (22) Dactylis glomerata h (23) Cynosurus cristatus L (24) Festuca glauca Lam (25) Festuca ovina L (26) Festuca rubra L (27 ) Bromus ereetus Huds (28) Lolium perenne L (29) Triticum caninum L (30) Triticum pinnatum Monch var. caespitosum . (31) Triticum repens L (32) Triticum vulgare Vill. hibernum (33) Secale cereale L. hibernum (34) Elymus arenarius L (35) Hordeum vulgare L. (Apr. 12) Con- stant. °Rtauvi. 1,082 425 981 824 812 1,144 478 907 1,095 698 1,091 1,157 1,244 618 984 221 922 765 631 760 856 677 937 707 655 754 751 784 787 823 982 758 626 749 648 1,671 July 28 July 2 June 28 June 10 July 22 July 24 July 1 July 16 July 25 July 22 June 11 July 20 May 13 July 16 June 26 June 15 June 17 Con- tant. June 20 July 14 June 20 June 16 June 24 July 1 July 9 July 3 June 29 July 9 July 3 June 29 Aug. 19 July 16 Aug. 16 1,.595 1,143 1,111 1,184 1,532 1,154 1,376 1,500 1,488 873 1,200 504 1,371 1,075 925 999 1,371 984 922 1,0.55 1,1.55 1,269 1,272 1, 115 1,267 1,183 1,145 1,990 1,1.50 2, 046 192 Thcrnial coii-stoiit.-t for the hlossoming and riijeuinr/of 889 plants, etc. — Continued. Designation of plant: Order, genus, and species. Flowering. Con- stant. Ripening. II. Cyperaceas [G. (37) Carex distan.s L (38) Carex glauca Seopol (39) Carex hirta L (40) Carex hornschuhiana Hoppe (41) Carex humili.s Leyss (42) Carex intermedia Good (43) Carex maxima Scop - (44) Carex montana L (45) Carex paludo.'^a Good (46) Carex pilulifera L (47) Carex praecox Jacq (48) Carex Schreberi Schrank (49) Carex supina Wahlb (50) Carex tomentosa L (51) Cyperus longus L III. Commelynacex [G. 120]. (52) Tradescantia virginica L. var. rubra IV. AUsmacex [G. 125]. (53) Alisma plantago L V. Melanthacex [G. — ; see G. 116.] (54) Veratrum album L (55) Veratrum nigrum L (56) Bulbocodium soboliferum End (57) Colchicum autumnale L (57) (58) Colchicum autumnale L. var. albiflorum (59) Colchicum autumnale L. var. subtessellatnm VI. Liliacese [G. 116]. (60) Erythronium dens canis L (61) Tulipa gesneriana L (62) Tulipa oculus soils St. Amand (63) Tulipa praecox Tenor (64) Tulipa silvestris L (65) Tulipa snaveolens Roth (66) Fritillaria imperialis L (67) FritOlaria meleagris L (68) Lilium bulbiferum L (69) Lilium candiuum L (70) Lilium croceum Chaix. var. saturatum (71) Lilium martagon L (72) Lilium monadelphum M. Bieberst (73) Funkia grandiflora (74) Funkia lanceifolia Sieb (75) Funkia ovata Spreng (76) Funkia sieboldi Lindl . var. cucullata (77) Funkia subcordata Spr (78) Muscari azurea Fenzl (79) Muscari botryoides D. C. (later under the name Mus- » cari racemosum parvlflorum ) . (80) Muscari comosum Mill (81) Muscari moschatum Desf May 7 Apr. 26 May 10 Apr. 25 Apr. 1 May 7 May 21 Apr. 7 May 7 Apr. 12 Apr. 13 Apr. 25 Apr. 2 Apr. 29 July 6 May 30 July 23 (54) July 13 Mar. 18 Sept. 2 Sept. 10 Sept. 17 Mar. 31 May 12 May 11 Apr. 22 May 2 Apr. 19 Apr. 21 ....do... June 5 June 23 June 3 June 16 May 26 Aug. 19 Aug. 5' July 11 June 22 Aug. 23 Mar. 16 Apr. 18 ■Reaum. 417 June 12 ..do.... 478 June 26 309 June 12 417 542 214 449 234 139 345 172 352 1,224 (54) 1,358 107 2,134 2,243 2,328 1,066 754 927 653 1,935 1,718 1,314 1,025 1,957 92 July 6 Aug. Sept. 13 June 1 July 6 June 8 821 July 23 Apr. 21 332 Sept. 7 Aug. 8 July 27 U)3 'lltenind coiit^liiiils I'nr Ihr hlo DesignntiDii (/ rijiniliii/ iif S^'9 2)l(i)ilx, I'lv. — ('()iitinuc•]—<_'( (82) Muscari racemosum Willd ( 83) Hyacinthus amethystinus L (84) Hyaointlms orientalis L 1,85) Agraphia companulata Lk (86) Agraphis patula Beh (87) Seilla amoena L (88) Seilla autumnalis L (89) Seilla i talica L (90) Seilla pratensis M. and R (91) Ornithogalum pyrenaicnm L. v: r. nnrboneiise, mon- strosum (92) Ornithogalum umbellatum L (93) Myogalum nutans Link (94) Puschkinia seilloides Willd (95) Allium eepa L '. (96) Allium fistulosum L. var. altaicum (97) Allium molly L (98) Allium paniculatum Aut. (?) (99) Allium porrum L (100) Allium roseum L. var. bulhiferum (101) Allium .sativum L (102) Allium sehonoprasum L (103) Allium scorodoprasum L (104) Allium serotinum Schleich (105) Allium ursinum L (106) Allium victorialis L (107) Eremerus caucasicus Stev (108) Asphodelus ramosus L (109) Asphodelus luteus L (110) Hemerocallis flavaL (111) Hemerocalli.s fulva L (112) HemerocalliH graminea Audrev. vnr. bracteosa (113) Antherieum liliago L (114) Anthericum ramosum L (1 15) Asparagus officinalis L VII. SmUucc:)' [G. — ; sec G. 110]. (116) Convallaria majalis L (117) Convallaria jfolygonatum Dosf (118) Smilaeina racemosa Dosf VIII. Dioscorew (119) Tamus communis L Date. Apr. 12 May 16 Apr. 10 Ma>- 10 ....do... Apr. 27 Sept. 7 Apr. 21 May 20 May 31 May 12 Apr. 15 Apr. 1 .luly 9 May 23 June 5 July 23 June 27 May 31 July 24 June 23 July 14 Aug. 24 May 14 May 18 May 19 July 19 May 10 June 3 June 23 May 23 June 3 July 6 May 20 Con- stant. °Riaum. 223 512 224 463 457 339 2,376 300 584 732 470 249 184 1,274 603 785 1,487 1,104 718 _ 1,477* 1,051 1,314 2,027 520 503 567 1,479 % 451 737 1,012 605 750 1,242 572 Ripening. [G. im. May 8 428 May 7 418 May 18 542 May 24 IX. Iridea' [G. lU]. (120) Irisbiflora (Aut.?) (121) Irisbiglumis Vahl (122) Iris germanica L. var. saturata (123) Iris notha M. Bieb. var. live.scens.. (124) Iris pseudacorus L (125) Iris pumila L (126) Iris .sibiriea L. var. saturata (127) Iris virginica Gronov (128) Iris xyphium L (129) Gladiolus communis L 2667—05 .M 13 May 9 Apr. 28 May 14 June 9 May 28 Apr. 22 May 11 June 8 June 10 June 13 I Date. Con- stant. June 17 °Jifattm. 955 June 26 Jinie 7 1,091 791 July 22 1,466 June 3 731 July 1 1,169 Aug. 28 June 28 2,076 1, 120 July 29 1.617 Oct. 15 June 22 June 24 July 2 July 18 J\ilv 28 July 14 July 23 Aug. 29 June 25 Aug. 8 Aug. 5 Aug. 12 July 29 July 879 ! July 29 194 Thermal constants for the blossoming and ripening of 8S9 plants, etc. — Continued. Designation of i)laul: order, genus, and species. Flowering. Ripening. Con- stant. Con- stant. (130) (131) (132) (133) (134) (135) (13G) (137) (138) (139) (140) (141) (142) (143) (144) (145) (140) ;i4-) (148) (149) ;L50) (151) (152) [153) (154) (155) (15G) (157) (158) (159) (160) IX. Iridese [G. i;5]— Continued. Gladiolus segetum Ker Crocus imperati Tenor Crocus luteus Lam Crocus nudiflorus Smitli Crocus odorus Bor Crocus pallasii Goldb Crocus prsecox Hock Crocus sativus L Crocus sauveolens Bertol Crocus speciosus Host Crocus susianus Ker Crocus thomasii Tenor Crocus variegatus Hoppe Crocus vernus Willd. var. lilacinus Crocus vernus Willd., /3, albiflorus Crocus versicolor Ker X. AmarylUdex [G. IIU]. Galanthus nivalis L Galanthus plicatus M. Bieb Leucojum vernuni L Sternbergia colchiciflora M. et K Sternbergia lutea Schult. til Narcissus biflorus Curt Narcissus grandiflorus Hav Narcissus italicus Kor Narcissus major Curt Narcissus odorus L Narcissus poeticus L Narcissus prsecox Teflor Narcissus pseudonarcissus L. var. plenus. Narcissus seratus Hav Narcissus tazeta L XI. Aruidcx [G. Aurum maculatum L. .'. . . Acorus calamus L *-ee G. 123] . .June 7 Oct. 21 Mar. 16 ' Oct. 21 j Oct. 13 i Oct. 4 I Mar. 3 Oct. 6 Mar. IS Sept. 23 Mar. 5 Oct. 13 Mar. 28 ...do... Mar. 24 Mar. 21 Mar. 3 Mar. 1 Mar. 20 Sept. 17 Sept. 25 May 10 Apr. 29 Apr. 23 Apr. 20 Apr. 16 Apr. 28 Apr. 18 ...do... ...do... Apr. 16 May 18 May 27 °Maum. 824 2, 730 103 2, 701 XII. TyplMcex [G. 1-22]. Typha angustifolia L Typha latifolia L XIII. Cupressinx [(r. — ,- see G. 107]. Juniperus communis L. var. vulgaris Juniperus phoenicea L. -T XIV. Abietinx [G. —; see G. 107] . Pinus eedrus L Pinus cembra L Pinus laricio Poir. var. gibbosa Pinus larixL | Apr. 14 Pinus nigra Ait ; May 5 Pinus picea L Apr. 28 Pinus pumilis Hiinke May 24 Pinus silvestris L May 17 Pinus strobus L. var. compressa (175) Pinus uncinata Ramond i May 24 June 14 June 11 Apr. 30 Apr. 13 Sept. 25 (168) May 20 67 2, 529 111 81 2,543 j 144 142 162 117 73 120 2,385 2,419 464 366 320 265 298 348 323 285 218 311 548 .Tuly 14 1,377 873 372 Oct. 26 Aug. 26 2,737 2,025 (168) 565 215 393 353 630 517 (175) 603 105 T/iermal cuiLitanlx for the hlosminiiuj and lijunimj uf iS89 plants, etc. — Contiiuied. Designation of plant: order, genus, and speei (177) (178) (179) (180) (181.) (182) (183) (IM) (185) (186) (187) (188) (189) (190) (191) (192) (193) (194) (195) (196) (197) a98) (199) (200) (201) (202) (203) (205) (206) (207) (208) (209) (210) (211) (212) (213) (214) (215) (210) (217) XV. Taxinex [G. — ; see 0. 107]. Taxus Imecata L Salisburia adiantifolia Sm. cT XVr. Betulacese [G. — ; sfe G. 103]. Betula alba L. var. dalecarlica Alnus cordifolia Tenor Alnus glutinosa L. var. pinnatiftda Alnus subcordata C. H. Meyer XVII. Ouputiferse [G. /ft!]. Ostrya vulgaris Willd Curpinus betulus L Carpinu.s orientalis Lam Corylu.s amerieana Rich Corylu.s avellana L. var. globe*, Corylus colurna Willd Quereus alba L Quercu.s cerris L Quereus pedunculata Ehrh Fagus silvatica L Fagus silvatica L. var. pendula XVIII. Ulmacese [G. —: see G. 99]. Ulmus campestris L. montana tortuosa . . . Ulmus efTu.«a Willd XIX. Celtidex [G. —: ser G. 90] . Celtis australis L Celtis occiden talis L XX. Morex [G. — ; m- G. 09] . Morus alba I,, morettiana Moras alba L. fructu nigro Moms scabra Willd Madura aurantiaca Nuttal 9 Brous-sonetia papyrifera Vent, cf cncullata . Ficus carica L Flowering. Aug. May Mav XXI. Cannabinex [G.—; wc G.99]. Humulus lupulus L. ,f XXII. Plataruif [G. 110]. ,Platanus occidentalis L Platan us orientalis L., /3, aeerifolia, /sp, granrtifolia . XXIII. Salicincx [G. 101,]. Salix babylonica L. 9 Salix daphnoidcs Vill. rj .: Salix purpurea L Salix ropens L. rf Populusalba L. 9 anglica Populus balsar»rfera h. rf fi suaveolens Populus eanescens Smith, rf belgica Populus dilatata Ait. 9 rf ^^I""- 9 Populus grseca Ait. 9 Mar. 27 Populus nigra L. 9 A[)r. 12 Populus tremula L. cf 9 ^'"f- -'' Mar. Mav (179) Apr. S Mar. 11 Feb. 11 May :; Apr. 20 May X, Mar. 21 Mar. 1 ...do.. (189) May 12 May C, .May o May 7 Con- stant. Mar. 30 Mar. 31 Apr. Apr. May 15 May K; May 17 .June 7 May II (2031 Apr. It) Mar. 31 Apr. II Apr. 15 Apr. 1 Apr. 12 Mar. 28 °Riaum. 149 431 (179) 199 97 55 Ripening. Date. Con- stant. ° limn 1,1. 1,87 Sept. 30 Sept. 2:5 Sept. 27 279 370 138 72 72 (189) 475 420 Aug. 20 Sept. 21 Sept. 14 Aug. 2 163 ' May 18 162 Mav 20 231 350 Aug. 15 .509 .lune 18 545 Juno 21 549 July 8 818 491 (203) 407 420 2r,2 Ml 229 May 19 238 179 212 1 145 I 220 j May 31 131 1 May 1 ■2S6 I May 30 137 i May 8 2,524 2,404 2,436 1,836 2,335 2,2.36 1,617 540 574 970 1,015 1,280 703 371 (-.8:) 418 1% TJiermal constants for the blossoming and ripening of 8S9 plants, etc. — Continued. Flowering. Designation of plant: order, genus, and species. Ripening. May 12 June 11 XXIV. Cheiwpodesp[G.87]. (218) Spinacia oleracea L (219) Beta vulgaris L :S.yiY. Polygovetr [G.'s9]. (220) Rheum emodi Wall I June 4 (221) Rheum hybridum Ait. (later R. rhapontieum L.) May 16 (222) Rheum palmatum L. (also later R. rhapontieum L. ) . . . May 17 (223) Rheum rhapontieum L May 11 (224) Rheum unduiatum L May 13 (225) Polygonum amphibium L June 28 (226) Polygonum bistorta L May 21 (227) Polygonum fagopyrum L. (sown Apr. 24) June 10 (228) Rumex acetosa L. 9 rf June 1 (229) Rumex acetosella L. multifldus May 27 (230) Rumex crispus L June 4 (231) Rumex nemolapathum Ehrh June 18 (232) Rumex patientia L. conferta May 27 (233) Rumex scutatus L May 26 XXVI. Daphnoidese [G. —; see G. M]. (234) Daphne alpina L May 8 (235) Daphne laureola L Mar. 28 (236) Daphne mezereum L Jan. 25 XXVII. Elxagnex [G. 95] . (237) Hippophse rhamnoides L. cf May 10 (238) Elseagnus hortensis M. B. augustifolius June 7 XXVIII. Aristolochiex [G. 91] . (239) Aristolochia clematitis L May 11 (240) Aristolochia sipho L May 21 XXIX. Plantaninex [G.83\. (241) Plantago cynops L May 18 (242) Plantago lanccolata L May 8 (243) Plantago media L May 25 (244) ;Plantago saxatilis M. Bieb --- Apr. 28 XXX. Pliimbar/inai- [G.60]. (245) Armeria vulgaris Willd May 19 (246) Statice caspia Willd -Tuly 24 (247) Statice incana June 14 (248) Statice latifolia Sm ' July 22 (249) Statice limonium L July 11 XXXI. Valerkinfif [G. n.'i]. (250) Centranthus ruber D. C June 1 (251) Valeriana officinalis L June ; (2-52) Valeriana phu L May 22 XXXII. Dipsacex [G.229]. (253) Dipsacus f ullonum L July H (254) Dipsacus sylvestris Huds ' July 16 (255) Cephalaria tatarica Schrad. gigantea July 2 (256) Knautia eiliata Coult June 4 (257) Scabiosa cauca.sica M. Bieb. heterophylla July 16 (258) Scabiosa columbaria Coult j June 30 (259) Scabiosa ochroleuca L j June 29 (260) Scabiosa succisa L °Maum. 484 816 770 494 501 1,165 583 552 709 (501 752 972 669 627 432 150 Aug. 425 620 359 .566 1, .544 927 1,47C. 1,332 746 801 586 1,313 1,384 1,264 782 1,370 1,130 1,127 1,677 June 21 1,018 July 18 1,412 June 21 1,021 June 18 983 June 15 921 June 17 956 June 14 946 July IS 1,096 July 17 1,399 July 2 1,145 July 14 1,412 June 28 1,121 June 20 997 June 21 1,011 June 8 804 Sept. 12 2,267 Sept. 2 2, 130 July 9 1,298 June 28 1,157 July 16 1,373 June 29 1,148 June 21 1,036 July 28 1,564 July 30 1,626 July 1 1,179 June 26 1,127 Aug. 10 1,741 Aug. 11 1,792 Aug. 4 1,689 July 22 1,482 July 30 1,-597 : Sept. 6 2,188 197 Thermal conMantx/or Ihr hloKKoming and ripening of SS9 plants, c/r.— Continued. Flowering. Designation ^'f pliuil: order, geniis, iuul s^pecies. (261) (2G2) (263) {264) (265) (266) (267) (268) (269) (270) (271) (272) (273) (274) (275) (276) (277) (278) (279) (280) (281) (282) (283) (284) (285) (286) (287) (288) (289) (290) (291) (292) (293) (294) (295) (296) (297) (298) (aui) (302 J (303) (304) (305) (306) !307) (308) (309) (310) (311) (312) (313) XXXIII. Composite [(?. 5.5]. Eupat(^ium ageratoides L Eupatorium cannnbinuin L Eupatorium purpureura (Ant.?) Eupatorium syriacum Jacq Tussilago petasites L Tussilago farfara L A.ster alpinus L Aster amellus L. latifolius Aster grandiflorus L Aster novae anglise Ait Aster novi belgii Nees Aster pilosus Willd Aster pyrenseus Desf Erigeron acre L Erigeron canadensis L Solidago altissima L Solidago canadensis L Splidago conf ertiflora D. C . . . ^. Solidago laevigata Ait Solidago rigida Ait Solidago virgaurea L Linosyris vulgaris Cass Inula britannica L Inula germanica L Inula helenium L Inula hirta L Inula oculus christi L Inula saliclna L Inula squarrosa L Inula thapsoides Spr Silphinm laciniatum L Silpliium integrifolium Mieh.x Silphium perfoliatum L. hornemaiini Silphium ternatum L. utropurpureuni .^ Heliopsisscabra Dun Echinacea purpurea Monch Rudbeckia fulgida Ait Rudbeckia hirta L Rudbeckia speciosa Wenderoth Obeliscaria pinnata Cass ■^^ailiopsis bicolor Rcichb. (sown June 13) Coreopsis lanccoluta L Helianthus annuus I Ilelianthusgiganteus L (304) Helianthus gros.se-serraHis Mert Helianthus nmltiflorus L Helianthus orygalis D. C.- Helianthus tuberosus L Helianthus tracheliformis Willd Bidens tripartita L Vcrbesina phaetusa Cassin Tagetes patula L. (sown June 13) (iaillardia aristata Pursh Date. Con- stant. July 23 July 5 Aug. 9 Sept. 24 Apr. 6 Mar. 10 May 15 Aug. 13 Oct. 18 (270) (271) Sept. 12 Sept. 9 June 14 July 9 Aug. 21 Aug. 4 May 24 Oct. 15 Aug. 10 June 26 Aug. 31 July 23 July 2 July 11 June 3 June 29 June 22 July 8 July -19 July 29 July 10 July 5 May 3 July 11 Aug. 2 June 25 June 26 July 27 July 18 Sept. 13 June 22 Aug. 16 Aug. 13 Oct. 2 July 22 Sept. 15 (308) Aug. 6 Aug. 25 Oct. 10 Aug. 10 June 9 °R6aum. 1,481 1,231 1,774 2, 375 194 94 479 1,904 2,579 (270) (271) 2, -^8 2,179 902 1,264 1,921 1,674 626 2,613 1,760 1,082 2,093 1,458 1, 182 1,310 754 1,003 1,026 1, 253 1,449 1,600 1,313 1,232 1,189 1,336 1,653 1,049 1,099 1,520 1,468 1,394 1,026 1,511 1,783 2,426 1,472 2,299 (308) 1,712 2,005 2,508 Ripening. Date. Sept. 2 Aug. 9 Sept. 19 May 2 Apr. 17 July 2 Oct. 4 July 11 July 22 Sept. 26 Sept. 7 June 22 Oct. 18 Aug. 13 Oct. 6 Aug. 26 Aug. 19 Aug. 11 Aug. 13 July 24 Aug. 20 Aug. 25 Sept. 13 Sept. 23 Sept. 7 Aug. 21 ....do... Sept. 1 Con- stant. °Riauvi. 2,191 1,745 2,351 Aug. 2 Sept. 21 July 25 Sept. 15 Sei)t. 19 Sept. 26 2,437 July 12 1,334 198 Thermal constants for the hloxsomiug and ripeniiu/ of SS9 plants, etc. — Continued. Flowering. Designation of plant: order, genus, and species. Con- stant. Ripening. Con- stant. XXXIII. Compositx [G. .W]— Continued. (314) (315) (316) (317) (318) (319) (320) (321) (322) (323) (324) (325) (326) (327) (328) (329) (330) (331) (332) (333) (334) (335) (336) (337) (338) (339) (340) (341) (342) (343) (344) (345) (346) (347) (348) (349) (350) (351) (352) (353) (354) (355) (356) (357) (358) (359) (362) (363) (364) (305) Gaillardia drummondii D. C Gaillardia lanceolata Mich Gaillardia pulchella Fouger Helenium autumnale L. serratifolium Anthemis nobilis L Anthemis tinctoria L. pallida Achillea magna Hanke Achillea millefolium L Achillea nobilis L Achillea tomentosa L Anacyclus pyrethrum D. C Ptarmica alpina D. C Ptarmica vulgaris D. C Matricaria chamomilla L Pyrethrum chinense Sab Pyrethrum parthenium L Chrysanthemum coronarium L. (sown June 17). Artemisia absinthium L Artemisia vulgaris L. coarctata Tanacetum leucantbemum Schultz Tanacetum vulgare L Doronicum pardalianthes L Cacalia suaveolpns L Senecio aquaticus Huds Senecio coriaeeus Ait Senecio jacobsea L Senecio jacobsea L. campestris Echinops ritro L. polycephala Echinops sphaerocephalus L Haplotaxis albescens D. C Carlina vulgaris L Centaurea aspera L Centaurea calocephala D. C. mixta Centaurea dealbata Willd! var. major . . .• Centaurea Jacea L. lacera, incana Centaurea lagdunensis? (tar. of C. montana'?^... Centaurea rupestris L. aculeosa Cnicus benedictus L. (sown May 5) Carthamus tinctorius L. (sown May 4) Onopordon acanthium L. horridum Onopordon virens D. C Cynara cardunculus L Cynara scolymus L Carduus crispus L Cirsium acaule All Cirisum bulbosum D. C Cirsium lanceolatum Scop Cirsium pannonicum D. C Cirsium pratense D. C Lappa major Giirtn Lappa tomentosa Lam Rhaponticum cinaroides Les.sing Rhaponticum pulchrum Fischer et Meyer June 5 June 4 June 6 Aug. 1 June 27 June 11 June 12 June 21 June 17 May 24 May 20 June 23 ...do... j May 19 Oct. 25 June 9 Aug. 25 \vm. 10 July 19 May 21 July 17 May 6 July 25 June 5 June 23 July 27 June 7 July 22 July 9 July 28 ...do... June 27 June 23 May 24 July 13 May 2 June 17 July 9 July 21 July 7 June 27 July 26 July 31 July 10 July 13 June 18 July 24 July 7 July 18 July 15 July 14 July 8 June 13 July 12 July 8 Aug. 31 July 28 July 25 Aug. 10 1,416 565 1, 422 413 1,510 753 1,045 1,518 830 1,467 1,285 1,640 1,612 1,086 1, 057 632 1,3d1 575 952 896 1,071 1,215 1,088 1,551 1,624 1,275 1,321 970 1,522 1,247 1,400 1,370 1,364 1,301 909 Aug. 12 i;807 July 28 1,599 July 4 1,202 Aug. 24 2,018 Aug. 21 1,968 July 19 981 July 17 1,427 Sept. 16 ' 2,377 June 27 1, 092 Aug. 21 1,988 May 29 693 Aug. 30 2,066 Sept. 12 1,307 July 15 1,379 Aug. 22 1,918 July 13 1,305 Aug. 20 1,963 Aug. 23 2,002 Sept. 6 2, .86 July 22 1,489 June 15 926 July 18 1,414 Aug. 7 1, 722 July 30 1,590 Sept. 14 2,273 Sept. 28 2,442 Aug. 4 1,690 Aug. 9 1,761 July 6 1,251 Aug. 21 1,983 July 22 1,495 Aug. 21 1,948 ....do... 1, 941 July 14 1,3-J3 199 Thermal comta)ils fur the hlom^omhuj and ripening of 889 plants, etc. — Continued. Designation of idant: order, genus, and species. (367) (368) (369) (370) (371) (372) (373) (374) (375) (376) (377) (378) (379) (380) (381) (382) (383) (384) (385) (386) (387) (389) (390) (391) (392) (393) (394) (395) (396) (397) (400) (401) (402) (403) (404) (405) (406) (407) (408) (409) (410) (411) XXXIII.— CtwnposJto [G. 55]— Continue! Serratula coronata (L. ?) Serratula tinctoria L Catananche eaerulea L Ciehorium intybus L Hypoehaeris radioiita L Podospermum jacquiniannm, Kooli Tragopogon porrifolius L Tragopogon pratensis L Scorzonera austriaca L Scorzonera hispaniea L Pieridium tingitanum Desf. (sown June IS) Lactuca sativa L Lactuea virosa L July 27 ...do... June 22 June 24 June 7 May 14 May 31 May 22 May 13 May 27 Aug. 12 July 5 June 27 Chondrilla juncea L I July 22 Flowering. Date Con- stant. Tara.xacum dens leonis Desf Hieracium aurantiacum L Hieracium murorum L Hieracium pratense Tausch Hieracium saxatile Jacq Hieracium umbellatum L. pectinatum Hieracium virosum Pallas XXXIV. Lobeliacea- [G. 56] Lobelia syphilitica L XXXV. Campanidacese [G. !>", Phy teuma spicatum L Campanula aliariaefolia Willd Campanula bononiensis L. ruthenica. Campanula caespitosa Scop, alba Campanula glomerata L Apr. 21 May 30 May 19 May 27 July 13 Aug. 1 July 12 July 23 May 23 June 23 July 2 July 4 ...do... Campanula media L i June 11 Campanula pyramidalls L i July 23 Campanula rapunculus L June 4 Campanula trachellum(L.) July 5 XXXVI. Rubiaceie [f/. 5?]. Galium mollugo L June 2 Galium verum L.brachyphyllum June 29 Rubia tinctorum L June 28 Asperula galioides M. Bieb July 2 Asperula odorata L May 7 Asperula tinctoria L May 26 Cephalanthus occidentalis R. S July 21 XXXVII. Loniccrex [G. —: kcc G. 51]. Lonicera caprifolium L I June 1 Lonicera grata .\it ! June U, Lonicera iberica M. Bieb . . . Lonicera periclymeuum L.. Lonicera tatarica L. pallida Lonicera xylosteum L Viburnum lantana L June 5 June 11 May 6 May 7 May 3 1,5,50 1,515 999 1,065 817 503 486 657 826 1, 182 1,110 1,534 299 ^ 675 622 659 1,358 1, 732 1,350 589 1,050 1,199 1,210 1,201 861 1,543 781 1,222 708 1,149 1,118 1,172 453 651 1, 513 Ripening. Aug. 21 Aug. 7 July 25 June 27 June 16 July 16 June 25 Sept. 9 July 26 July 18 May 8 June 20 June 12 July 30 Aug. 23 Aug. 11 July 10 July 9 1,297 Aug. 24 2, July 21 Aug. 18 Aug. 23 July 21 July 28 June 22 June 28 Aug. 2 200 Thermal cunstantx for the blossoming and ripening of 889 plants, etc. — Continued. Designation of plant: order, genus, and species. XXXVII. Lonicerrif [G. (412) Viburnum opulus L (413) Sambucus ebulus L (414) Sambucus nigra L (415;i Sambucus racemosa L . itee G. .5i]— Continued. Flowering. May 17 June 23 May 22 May 1 XXXVIII. Olearex [G. 65\. (416) Ligustrum vulgare L (417) Fraxinus excelsior L (418) Fraxinus excelsior L. aurea (419) Fraxinus excelsior L. pendula (420) Fraxinus ornus L (421) Fraxinus tamariscifolia Vahl (422) Syringa josikea Jacq i May 21 (423) Syringa persica L May 12 (424) Syringa vulgaris L XXXIX. Apocynaceie [G. 66]. (425) Vinca herbacea M. et K (426) Vinca minor L. variegata i Apr. 16 XL. Asdeinadea- [G. 67]. (427) Periploca graeca L June 6 (428) Vincetoxicum f uscatum Endl May 24 (429) Vincetoxicum nigrum Monch June 2 June 3 Apr. 14 ...do..-. Apr. 20 May 18 Apr. 8 May Apr. 26 Con- stant. (430) Vincetoxicum oflRcinale Monch (431) Asclepias syriaca L XLI. Genlianese [O. 69] (432) Menyanthes trifoliata L XLII. LabiatH- [G.S-2]. (433) Lavandula spica D. C (434) Lavandula vera D. C (435) Mentha crispa L (436) Mentha piperita L (437) Mentha pulegium L (438) Mentha rotundifolia L . (449) Origanum vulgare L (450) Thymus serpyllum L. vulgaris. . . (451) Thymus vulgaris L (452) Hyssopus ofiBcinalis L (453) Calamintha clinopodium Benth . (454) Calamintha grandiflora Monch., (455) Calamintha nepeta K. et Hoffm. Ripening. °Riauvi. 507 July 23 1,042 Aug. 11 579 j Aug. 7 350 June 22 May 16 June 24 Apr. 29 Aug. 4 June 26 July 14 July 22 July 21 July 23 (439) Lycopus europaeus L j July 5 (440) Salvia argentea L j June 10 (441) Salvia austriaca L ! May 22 (442) Salvia glutinosa L ' July 27 (443) Salvia officinalis L ; June 1 (444) Salvia pitscheri Torr (445) Salvia pratensis L (446) Salvia .sclarea Jacq (447) Salvia silvestris L Oct. 13 May 16 June 18 May 23 (448) Monarda fistulo.sa L | July 10 June 22 May 22 June 1 July 1 June 20 June 6 July 2 746 248 277 296 537 222 597 478 424 Sept. 9 July 23 May 22 July 11 Aug. 26 Con- stant. 1,482 1,817 1,004 2,254 1,443 529 1,044 Aug. 12 Aug. 20 Aug. 24 1,696 1,093 1,368 1,496 1,475 1,488 1, 247 879 606 1. 559 722 2,616 526 1,294 1,028 589 721 1,164 1,003 791 1,183 Sept. 24 Aug. 3 Aug. 19 July 13 June 15 Aug. 29 July 6 June 9 July 27 June 21 Aug. 23 Aug. 9 June 16 Aug. 4 1,.S16 1,9;,5 1,947 2,430 1,650 2,052 1,241 823 1,562 1,015 1,960 1,736 1.018 Aug. 17 201 Tliermal constantK /or the bloxi^omiuf/ mid rl])t'iil)i(/ of SSf) /ilmilx, rtc. — Coiitimied. Dosignatioii of plant: order, fronus, and species. (456) 1457) (458) (459) (460) (461) (462) (463) (464) (465) (46(5) (467) (468) (469) (470) (471) (472) (473) (474) (475) (476) (477) (478) (479) (480) (482) (483) (484) (48.5) (486) (487) (490) (491) (492) (493) (494) (495) XLII. Labiatije [G. S2]— Continued. Melissa officinalis L Prunella granditiora Munch Prunella vulgaris L Scutellaria alpina L. hipnlina purimniscens Scutellaria galericulala L Nepeta cataria L Nepetji mussini M. Bieb. var. salviaefolia . . Xepeta glechoma Benth Dracoeephalum austriacum L Melittis mclissophylluin L Phy.sostegia speciosa Sweet Lamium orvala L Leonurus eardiaca L Stachys alpina L. var. intermedia Stachys germanica L. var. oblongilolia Betonica officinali-s L Sideritis .scordioides L Marrubium vulgare L Ballota nigra. L Phlomis tuberosa L Teucrium chama'drys L Tcucrium montanum L Teucrium scordium L Ajuga genevensis L Ajuga reptans L XLIII. Globalariav [a. —: «r O. 1]. Globularia vulgaris L XLIV. Asperijoliu- [a. —; see G. 7-2]. Cerinthe minor L Echium vulgare L ; Pulmonaria officinalis L Pulmonuria mollis Wollf Lithospermum pairpureocaTuleum 1> Anchusa officinalis L Myosotis palustris Roth Symphytum officinale L XLV. Convolvuhicea- [G. 7.i]. Calystegia sepium R. B Convolvulus tricolor L. (sown June 18) Pharbitis hispida Choix. (sown June 18) ... XLVI. Polemoniacciv [G. 70]. Phlox cordata Elliot grandiflora Phlox speciosa Pursh Polemonium cteruleum L XLVII. Holamiceiv [G. 7i (496) Datura stramonium L (497) Hyoscyamas niger L (498) Physalis alkek^ngi L (499) Solanum dulcamara L (500) Solanum nigrum L. (sown Apr. 26). (501) Atropa belladoniiM I Flowering. July June June May July June Apr. Apr. May May July May June June June June June June July June June June July May May May Apr. June Apr. Apr. May May May May June Aug. J\ine July Aug. Mav Con- stant. June 18 May 16 M^y 30 July 17 July 4 Mav 27 1, 267 933 1,017 605 1,166 1,058 379 224 613 575 1,321 400 [ 839 1 1,052 Ripcuing. Aug. 6 July 18 July 17 June 22 May 31 June 21 Con- stant. °Riaum. 1,720 1,142 1,149 770 787 1,185 722 1,036 1,045 1,273 483 Aug. 8 June 2 July 19 July 27 July 23 Aug. 7 July 9 July 17 Aug. 10 July 12 Aug. 10 Aug. 5 863 1,063 8.55 636 June 28 *i26 533 719 1,437 «<;7 661 1,443 1,582 1,529 1,805 1,285 1,417 1,766 1,311 1,796 1,742 1,253 May 29 July 17 ' 1,382 June 27 1,0.56 June 27 1,093 July 20 1,462 Aug. 4 1,332 July 31 1,638 Aug. 11 1,755 Oct. 1 2,474 Aug. 31 1,744 Julv 19 1,4.58 202 Tliermal coiiMdutii fur the blossoming and ripening of SS9 plants, etc. — Continued. Designation tif plant: order, Kenns, and species. Flowering. Con- stant. Ripening. XLVIII. Scroplndannx [G. 75]. (502) Verbascum gnaphaloides M. Bieb July 26 (.i03) Verbascum lychnitis L. fil. rub. lanatum flocosuni June 8 (504) Verbascum nigrum L. lasianthum May 25 (505) Verbascum phlomoides L June 19 (506) Verbascum phcEnlceiun L May 16 (507) Verbascum speciosum L. genuinum June 20 (508) Verbascum thapsus L June 26 (509) Serophularia nodosa L May 28 (.510) Linaria genistifolia Mill July 1 (511)»Llnaria vulgaris Mill July 8 (512) Antirrhinum ma jus L June 6 I .ilo) Pentstemon barbatus Benth. robustum July 4 (514 ) Pentstemon digitalis Xutt June 11 (515) Pentstemon pubescens Poland May 30 (516) Digitalis lutea L June 9 (517) Digitalis purpurea L June 6 (518) Paulownia imperialis Siebold (518 ) (519) Dodartia orientalis L June 6 (520) Gratiola officinalis L lune 4 (521) Veronica austriaca L. var. pinnatifida May 17 (.522) Veronica latifolia L. var. major (523) Veronica officinalis L (524) Veronica spicata L. var. crlstata XLIX. Acaiitharea' [G. SO]. (525; Acanthus spinosus L L. Bignoniacex {G. ~8]. (526) Catalpa syringaifolia Sims (527) Tecoma grandiflora Sweet (528) Tecoma radicans Juss var. flammea LI. Primulacex [G. 61]. (529) Primula auricula L (530) Cyclamen europseum L (531) Dodecatheon meadia L (532) Lysimachia nummularia L (533) Lysimachia punctata L LII. Ebenacew G. [6S] . (.534) Diospyros lotus L. cf LIII. Enmcex {G.58]. (.535) Erica carnea L LIV. UmbcllifirH' [G. 4,s1 . (536) Eryngium amethystinum W. and K (537) Eryngium maritimum (538) Eryngium planum L (539) Cicuta viro.sa L. . « (540) Apium graveolens L (.541) Petroselinum sativum Hoffm , (542) Carum carui L (543) Sium sisarum L (544) Bupleurum ranunculoides L. v. elatium June "^i May 16 July 5 June 19 July 3 July 28 Aug. 8 Mar. 15 July 18 May 13 June 21 June 16 June 16 Mar. 10 July 14 July 15 July 3 June 25 June 11 June 20 Apr. 25 July 20 June 4 °Reaum. 825 .^1U 1,074 1,086 652 1, 188 1,220 ^ 816 i 1,227 865 690 845 ITl (.518) 797 758 504 761 .523 1,226 July 25 Aug. 12 Jnlv 13 Aug. 13 July 12 Aug. 6 Aug. 8 1,193 1,602 1,746 113 1,437 453 1,021 926 1,380 1,388 1,189 1,025 885 989 1,436 751 Sept. 8 Sept. 5 Aug. 3 Aug. 1 July 20 Aug. 8 July 12 Aug. 2 June 26 Aug. 29 Aug. 28 Aug. 5 Aug. 16 Aug. 11 June 12 July 21 208 Thermal comtantsfor tlie blossoming and. ripcnin;/ of ,^89 plnnlx, rlr. — Continued. Flowering. Designation of plant (Ut, fienus. ami ]ilii LIV. UmbcUifcnr [O. iw]— Continued. CEnanthe phellandrium I.nni (545) (51G) (547) (548) (549) (550) (551) (552) (553) (554) (555) (556) (557) (.558) (559) (560) (561) (562) (563) (564) (565) (566) (567) (568) (569) (570) (571) (572) (573) (574) (575) (576) (577) (578) (579) (580) (581) (582) lune .l<:thTisa oynapium L .luly Famiculum vulgare Giirtn .Tune Sescli campestre Bessei" Tune Libanotis vulgaris D. C Tunc Levisticum officinale Koeli .Tune Archangelica officinalis HofTm June Peucedunum cervarium Cass .)uly Peucedanum imperatorium Endl j May Peucedanum officinale L I July Pastinaca sativa L '. [ July Daucu.s carota L June Anthryscus cerefoliuni Hoffm | June Anthryscus silvestris Hoffm. vnr. pilosula [ May Conium maculatum L [ June LV. Ainpf'lidea' [G. —; see G. -28]. Cissu.s hederacea Pers Vitis vinifera L. var. alexandrina LVI. Corneie [G.50]. Comus alba L Comas mas L Cornus sanguinea L T LVII. Crafniildceic [G. .%']. June : June Sedum acre L Sedum album L Sedum latifolium Bertol Sedum reflexum L. var. recurvatum , Sedum sexangulare L Sedum Sieboldii Hort May Mar. June May June Aug. June June Oct. LVIII. Saxifragacex [G. .* Saxifraga crassifolia L. var. obovata. Saxifraga cordifolia Haw Heuchera americana L LIX. Ribegiacf.r [G Ribes alpinum L Ribes aureum Pursli. var. .si Ribes gro.s.sulari!i L Ribes nigrum L Ribes rubrum L Robsonia specicsu see G. 5.5] . uiguineum. LX. Magiioliaee: Magnolia acuminata L Liriodendron tulipifera L. . . LXI. Dilleniacea- [G. Actaa .spicata. L [G.2]. Apr. 19 Apr. 13 May 26 Apr. 17 ...do... Apr. 10 (577) Apr. 18 May 15 Con- stant. °Reaum. 984 1,173 T.ni 910 1.113 858 769 1,417 1,176 1,272 973 410 407 1,010 1,057 805 ee G. 1]. (580) (.581) May 7 1 682 1,072 1,726 1,005 871 2, .'■)88 290 256 657 237 261 226 (.577) 2(i9 (.580) (.581) Ripening. Con- stant. Aug. 21 July 17 Aug. 15 Aug. 25 June 30 Aug. 13 Aug. 9 Aug. 2 June J6 Aug. 2 Aug. 27 Sept. 5 July 4 Aug. 19 Aug. 16 Aug. 3 Sept. 12 Aug. 2 July 26 July 14 l,34.n June 29 l.lO.s June 8 868 - 204 Thermal rondmits far flu- Jdoxxomlng nnd ripening of SS9 planti^, c/o.— Continued. Ripening. Designation of plants: order, genus, and species. Flowering. Con- stant. Date. Con- stant. LXII. Eanunculaceee [G. 1]. (riS'6) Clematis augustifolia Jacq. lasiantha (584) Clematis ereeta Allion. Clematis recta L (585) Clematis flammula L. var. vulgaris (586) Clematis integrifolia L. var. elongata (587) Clematis ofientalis L (588) Clematis sibirica L.. Atragene sibirica (.589) Clematis virginiana L [ (.590) Clematis vitalba L. var. bannatipa I (591) Atragene alpina L , (592) Thalietrum aquilegifolium L 1 (593) Thalietrum flavum L (594) Thalietrum minus L (595) Anemone japonica S. et Zucc (596) Anemone nemorosa L | (597) Anemone pratensis L (598) Anemone Pulsatilla L (599) Anemone ranunculoides L. . . ; j (600) Anemone silvestris L. var. minor I (601) Anemone virginiana L. var. angustifolia (602) Hepatica angulosa Lam (603) Hepatica triloba Chaix (604) Adonis vernalis L (605) Ranunculus aeris L. var. .silvatieus (606) Ranunculus nemorosus D. C (607) Ficaria ranunculoides Roth, variegata (608) Caltha palustris L | (609) Eranthis hiemalis Salisb j (610) Helleborus niger L (611) Helleborus odorus W. Kit I (612) Helleborus purpurascens W. Kit (613) Helleborus viridis L (614) Aquilegia atrata Koch (615) Aquilegia atropurpurea Willd (616) Aquilegia glandulo.sa Monch (617) Aquilegia vulgaris L. var. rosea (618) Delphinium consolida L (619) Delphinium grandiflorum L (620) Delphinium intermedium .\it. var. alpinuni (621) Delphinium triste Fisch (622) Aconitum cammaruni L (623) Aconitum japonicum L (624) Aconitum lyeoctonum L. var. puberulum (625) Aconitum napellus L (626) Botrophis aeteeoides (627) Pseonia albiflora Pallas, var. rosea (628) Pseonia moutan L. var. papaveracea (629) Pfeonia officinalis Retz. var. puberula (630 ) Pa'onia tenuifolia L LXIII. Berber iden' [O. 5]. (631) Leontiee vesicaria Pall (632) Epimedium alpinum L (633) Berberis aquifolium Pursh. v. repens (634) Berberis provincialis Audib. Schrad. Lodd. June 3 June 4 July 21 May 31 Aug. 24 Apr. 22 Aug. 12 Aug. 2 May 4 May 22 July 3 May 23 Aug. 19 Apr. 10 Apr. 6 Mar. 29 Apr. 17 May 6 June 7 Mar. 6 Mar. 10 Apr. 16 May 14 May -20 Apr. 4 Apr. 28 Feb. 27 Oct. 19 Mar. 24 Mar. 28 Apr. 10 May 5 Apr. 16 May 20 May 18 May 26 June 28 June 7 June 1 July 19 Sept. 17 June 18 June 25 July 1 May 28 May 16 May 18 May 7 Apr. 19 Apr. 26 Apr. 22 May 11 "Reaum. 745 765 1,476 701 1,988 313 1,857 1,671 1, 142 616 1,869 224 200 1.51 275 413 791 78 118 260 499 549 191 349 79 2,677 136 142 197 341 282 562 .511 663 1,135 811 723 1,444 2, 292 952 1 , 069 1,141 672 514 548 442 July 18 July 14 July 30 July 13 Sept. 7 May 23 June 14 Aug. 13 May 24 June 17 June 27 July 4 May 16 June 17 June 18 May 29 June 28 ....do.. July 26 Aug. 8 j July 12 I July 1 I Aug. 23 j Aug. 5 July 30 205 Thermal constants for the blossoming and ripening of 889 plants, etc. — Continued. Pcsignatioii oi plant: order, genus*, and species. Flowering. (636) (637) (638) (639) (640) (641) (642) («3) (6«) (645) (616) (647) (648) (649) (650) (651) (652) (653) (6.54) (655) (656) (657) (658) (659) (660) (661) (662) (663) (664) (665) (666) (667) (668) (669) (670) (671) (672) (673) (674) (675) (676) (677) (678) (679) LXIV. Papavcracea- [G. S]. Chelidonium maju.s L Papaver orientalc L Papaver rhoeas L (from self-sown seed) Papaver somniierum L (from self-sown seed) Glaucium luteiim Scop Fumaria officinalis L LXV. Cnirifrnr [G. W]. Barbarea vulgaris R. Br Arabis alpina L Berteroa incana D. C Alyssum saxatile L Armoracia rusticana L Cochlearia officinalis L Iberis sempervirens L HesperLs matronalis L Sisymbrium austriacum Jacq Erisymimi crepidifolium Reichb Isatis tinctoria L Brassica melanosinapis Koch (sown May 2) . Raphanus sativus L. (sown Apr. 28) LXVI. Resedaccie [G. 12]. Reseda lutea L Reseda luteola L [G.6]. LXVII. Nymphxai Nymphtea alba L Nj-mphaea lutea Sm LXVIII. Cistacex. \_G. IS]. Helianthemum oelandicum Wahlenb Helianlhemum vulgare Giirtn LXIX. Violaricx [(;. 11^] . Viola arenaria D. C Viola hirta L. ambigua Viola montana L Viola odorata L Viola praten.sis M. et K Viola tricolor L LXX. Car ijophy liar [G. 15] . Cerastium arvense L Dianthus carthusianorum L. medius. Dianthus deltoides L Dianthus plumariua L. var. virens Gj'psophila altis.sima L GM)sophila fastigata L. elatior Saponaria officinalis L. plena Silene Inflata Smith Silene nutans L. albiflora Silene pseudotites Bess Silene saxifraga L Lychnis coronaria Lam Lychnis flos Jovis Lam LychnLs viscaria L. plena , May 5 May 25 May 19 June 17 June 1 Apr. 24 Apr. 28 Apr. 8 June 13 Apr. 19 May 15 Apr. 5 Apr. 23 May 20 May 6 May 4 May 6 May 31 June 12 May 20 May 9 May 25 May 26 May 20 May 23 Apr. 14 Apr. 6 Apr. 9 Mar. 30 Apr. 26 Apr. 9 May 7 June 4 May 28 May 22 May 28 June 13 July 16 June 4 May 17 May 31 June 1 June 27 June 13 May 18 Con- stant. Ripening. June 5 June 28 June 16 July 10 July 21 June 8 Con- stant. ^Rtaum. 785 1,149 342 June 30 , 196 June 3 j 895 j July 21 j 283 June 8 I 512 June 27 1,103 214 May 31 703 317 June 25 1,074 544 July 6 1,261 396 June 22 1,012 377 July 4 1,231 416 June 14 893 •^5 703 Aug. 5 1,376 6''7 437 July 17 957 649 646 July 28 2,046 576 June 22 1,002 595 ...:do... 1,025 244! 174 182 I 157 I June 2 325 I J'une 15 234 June 12 419 June 9 824 769 July 14 1.346 657 June 25 1,064 592 June 26 1,070 689 June 30 1,139 890 1.399 July 20 1,454 759 June 29 1,141 526 June 12 873 716 July 7 1,276 733 June 25 1,036 1,165 882 1 546 June 16 890 2U6 Thermal couHfantsfor the blossoining and ripening of 889 plants, etc. — Continued. Flowering. Designation of plant: order, genus, and species. Con- stant. Ripening. Con- stant. (680) (681) (682) (683) (684) (685) (686) I 087) (688) (691) (692) (695) (696) (698) (699) (700) (701) (702) (703) (704) (705) (706) (707) (708) (709) (710) (712) (713) (714) LXXI. Phytolaccacem {G. 8S\. Phytolacca decandra L LXXII. Malvacea- [G. 20]. Lavatera thuringiaca L > Althaea cannabina L Althaea ticifolia Cav Altheea officinalis L Althaea rosea Cav Malva rotuudifolia L Malva sil vestris L Hibiscus moscheutos L Hibiscus syriacus L LXXIII. Tiliaceie [G. 21]. Tilia argent ea L. fructu depressji Tilia grandifolia Ehrh. latebracteata Host .. . Tilia parvifolia Ehrh. ovatifolia, variegata... LXXIV. Hypericinew [G. — ] . Hypericum perforatum L LXXV. Humiriacex [G. — ]• Tamarix gallica L. var. libanotica LXXVI. Acerineu- [G. —: see G. •ZO]. Acer campestre var. tauricum Acer eriocarpum Miehx ^ Acer monspessulanum L Acer obtusatum Kitaib. var. neapolitanum . . Acer platanoides L Acer pseudoplatanus L. variegatum Acer sanguineum Spach Acer saccharinum L Acer striatum L Acer tataricum L Negundo fraxinifolium Nuit cf LXXVII. Sapindacex [G. 29]. Kolreuteria paniculata L ..Esculus flava Ait ^Esculus hippocastanum L iEsculus macrostachys Michx jEscuIus pavia L LXXVIII. Staphylacex [G. —; see G. 29]. Staphylea pinnata L LXXIX. Celastrinex [G. 26] . Euonymus europaeus L Euonymus latifolius L Celastrus scandens L ' °Reaum. July 12 ' 1,325 , July 4 .! July 27 . July 5 .' ,ruly 14 .: July 4 .1 May 27 . June 5 . Aug. 23 ., Aug. 11 .1 July 4 . June 11 . June 21 Apr. 30 Mar. 21 Apr. 2 Apr. 10 Apr. 14 May 1 Apr. 2 (702) May 1 May 12 Apr. 11 June 24 May 11 May 5 July 10 May 9 May 7 May 23 May 11 May 24 1,222 1,535 1,229 1,365 1,187 612 801 1,943 1,803 °Rcaui Sept. 11 i 2,i Aug. 2 Aug. 23 Aug. 2 Aug. 12 July 31 July 19 July 7 1,225 Sept. 9 2,138 871 July 29 1,607 1,021 July 21 1,609 942 Aug. 23 1,988 740 365 Sept. 7 2,200 125 292 Sept. 3 2,095 232 Aug. 20 1,856 246 Sept. 20 2,469 373 Sept. 9 2,192 176 (702) 478 Aug. 13 1,827 228 1,061 Aug. 27 2,062 460 409 Sept. 13 2,267 1,300 Sept. 11 2.219 448 428 601 466 Aug. 15 1,864 634 Aug. 11 1,791 207 Thermal constants for the blossoming and ripening of 889 plants, etc. — Continued. Designation of plant: order, genus, and species. (715) (716) (717) (718) (71&) (720) (721) (722) (723) (724) (725) (726) (727) (728) (729) (730) (731) (732) (733) (735) (736) (737) (738) (739) (740) (741) (742) (743) (744) LXXX. Ithamne«[0.27]. Paliurus aculeatus Lam Rhamnns cathartica L Rhamnus frangula L Ceanotus amerieanus L LXXXI. Euphorbixeir [a.us]. Euphorbia cyparissias L , Euphorbia esula L Euphorbia lathyris L , Euphorbia pilosa L. var. luberculata Mercurialis perennis L Buxus sempervirens L LXXXII. Jufjlandcx[O.101]. Juglans cinerea L Juglans nigra L Juglans regia L. var. maxima Juglans regia L. var. serotina ; LXXXIII. Anacanliace.r [0.30], Rhus cotinus L Rhus typhina L LXXXIV. Zanthoxykie [G. —; see G. -2 Ptelea trifoliata L Ailanthus gland ulosa Desf LXXXV. Diosmex [G.—\. Dictamnus fraxinella'Pers LXXXVI. Rjitacex [G. 24]. Rnta graveolens L LXXXVII. Zyf/ophi/llea- [G. — ] . Zygophyllum fabago L LXXXVIII. Gaaniaccie [G. 23]. Geranium praten.se L Geranium pyrenaieum Geranium sanguineum L LXXXIX. Lineu- [G.22]. Linum austriacum L Linum glandulosum Monch. var. flavum . Linum usitatissimum L. (sown Apr. 29) . . . XC. Ozalidae [G. —; see G. 23] . Oxalis acetosella L Oxalis strlcta L Flowering. June 7 (716) May 20 June 30 Apr. 10 May 5 XCL Phiki'Mpliea' [G.- Philadelphus coronarius L see G. 35] . May 2 Apr. 26 Apr. 16 May 5 May 15 May 13 June 10 May 22 June 12 June 9 June 17 May 26 July 4 June 8 May 25 May 19 May 5 June 8 June 22 Apr. 8 May 25 May 31 Con- stant. ^Riaum. 882 (716) 558 1,195 Ripening. July 7 226 ' June 4 430 \ July 27 June 16 Sept. 12 Con- stant. Aug. 21 Sept. 12 July 19 1,448 Aug. 21 1,954 June 2« July 2.S July 24 208 Thermal constant.^ for Uic blossoming and ripeninfj of 889 plants, etc. — Continued. Designation of plant: order, genus, and species. Flowering. Con- stant. Ripening. (745) (746) (747) (748) (749) (760) (751) (752) (753) (754) (755) (756) (7571 (758) (759) (760) (761) (762) (763) (764) (765) (766) (767) (768) (769) (770) (771) (772) (773) (774) (775) (776) (777) (778) (779) (780) (781) (782) (783) (784) (78.5) (786) (787) (788) (789) (790) XCII. (Enotherex [6. —; see G. 1,2]. CEnothera biennis L (Enothera pumila L Epilobium angustifolium L Epilobium hirsutiim L XCIII. Lythmviae [G. W]. Ly thrum salicaria L . Ly thrum virgatum L XCIV. Pomacex [G. —; see G. S3]. Cydonia chinensis Thuin Cydonia japonica Pers Cydonia vulgaris Pers , Pyrus americana Spr Pyrus aria Ehrh. var. oblonga Pyrus baccata L Pyrus chamEemespilus Lindl Pyrus communis L. var. .sanguinea - Pyrus lanuginosa D. C Pyrus nivalis L Pyrus mains L. var. acerba Pyrus prunifolia Willd. xanthoearpa minor Pyrus sorbus Gart. var. pyriformis Pyrus torminalis Ehrh Mespilus germanica L Amelanchier canadensis F. and A. Gr. subcordata Cotoneaster vulgaris Lindl Crateegus monogyna Jacq Crataegus oxyacantha L. splendens, rosea, plena . Crataegus sanguinea Pallas ■ Crateegus virginica Michx XCV. Eo.'^arcs- [G. —]. Rosa alba L Rosa alpina L. (R. t-anina L. var. plena) Rosa canina L Rosa centifolia L T Rosa dama.scena L Rosa eglanteria L Rosa gallica L Rubus fruticosus L. plenus roseus Rubus idaeus L Rubus odoratus L Fragaria collina Ehrh Fragaria vesca L Potcntilla alba L ' Potentilla an.serina L Potentilla argentea L. impolita Potentilla argentea L Potentilla atrosanguinea Don Potentilla aurea L Potentilla chrysantha Trevir. minor June 15 June 12 June 29 July 5 June 19 July 16 May 13 Apr. 14 May 13 May 19 May 11 (756) May 7 Apr. 28 May 5 May 2 May 20 Apr. 26 May 13 ....do.. May 20 Apr. 18 Apr. 22 May 11 May 15 May in I May 16 °Iieaiim. 918 858 1,113 1,217 June 9 May 19 June 3 (775) June 10 May 26 June 15 June 27 May 20 June 17 May 4 Apr. 27 Apr. 8 May 12 May 19 May 5 June 15 Apr. 29 Apr. 30 492 268 481 571 463 (756) 420 336 410 395 535 343 491 579 335 312 464 512 475 .532 855 547 753 (775) 877 648 874 1,103 562 909 410 345 218 4.53 °Maun Aug. 2 1,€ July 10 ' 1,2 Aug. 8 Sept. 13 2, 269 Sept. 17 I 1,443 Aug. 25 I 1,934 July 16 1,360 July 6 1,248 July 27 1,538 Aug. 7 Sept. 26 1,758 2,418 June 26 Aug. 12 Aug. 19 July 27 Aug. 12 July 24 Aug. 20 1,500 1,947 July 22 1,499 June 26 1,080 June 6 ....do... 790 787 20U Theniial conxldiitsjar thr lilnxxunihig and ripcn'nxj of SS9 phnd^, etc. — Continued. Flowering. Designation of plant: oriler, genus, and species. X('^'. Ho.iaa (791) (792) (793) (79J) (795) (7%) (797) (798) (799, (800) (801) (S02) (803) (804) (805) («0(i) (807) (808) (809) (SIO) (811) (812) (813) (814) (815) (816) (817) (818) (819) (820) (821) (822) (823) (824) (825) (82fi) (827) ( 828) (829) (S30) (831) (832) I'otentilla frulieosa L I May 15 Potentilla hirta L May 25 Potentilla pennsylvaniea L ' .Tune 18 Potentilla puleherrima Lelnn. minuta Tune 2 Potentilla reptans L : do . . . Potentilla rupestris L May 9 Agrimonia eupatorinm L. eafTia lune 22 Agrimonia odorata Mill Tuly 27 Alchemilla montana Willd May A Sanguisorba offieinalifi L. aurienlata (800) Poterium sanguisorba L J[a y 27 Waldsteinia geoides Willd Ai>r. 7 Geum eoccinenm Sib May 29 Geum rivale L May 9 Geum silvaticum Desrouss May 15 Geum urbanum L May 19 Coluria geoides R. Br Apr. 17 Kerria japonica D. C ! May 15 Spiraea acuminata L June 5 Spira?a chamaedryfolia L. var. oblongifolia May 1 Spira-a filipendula L June 4 Spiraea hypericifolia D. C May 9 Spiraea hypericifolia D. C. var. Phikenetii Apr. 20 Spiraea opulifolia L ^lay 26 Spiraea sorbifolia L June 16 Spiraea ulmaria L. var. variegata June 21 Spira?a ulmifolia Scop May 17 XCVI. Amygdalew [a. — ] . Amygdalus communis L. variegata i Apr. 13 Amygdalus divaricata Apr. 2 Amygdalus nana L Apr. 20 Amygdalus persica L. i)lena rosea Apr. 24 Prunus acida Ehrh Apr. 23 Prunus americana Apr. 19 Prunus avium L do . . . Pnnni.s cerasifera Ehrh do . . . Prunus domestica L. var. Claudiana seniipleiia May 1 Prunus mahalob L Apr. 29 Prunus padus L Apr. 28 Pruinis .sibirica L Apr. 8 Prunus .serotina Ehrh i May 24 Prunus spinosa L Apr. 24 Prunus virginiana L May 4 XCV'II. Papiiionaeav [(1. — ; Lupinus polyphyllus Dougl /i'J. (834) Ononis natrix L. (834) (835) Ononis spinosa L I line (836) Ulex enropaeus L May 26H7— 05 -M 14 Con- stant. Ripeniug. Con- stant. 1 , 025 Aug. 18 1,923 1 . 407 Sept. 20 2, 414 40" 663 June 26 1,075 216 June 20 June 18 July 6 May 28 July 13 June 28 June 23 July 11 Aug. 10 July 22 (uly 9(55 P'^ '\ [Aug. 9 .069 Aug. 5 .540 Julv 6 971 1,243 690 410 787 389 .Tune 20 , 983 762 July 14 1,325 425 June 13 927 288 \ 641 July 9 1,295 930 Aug. 8 1,741 1,022 ....do... 1.734 510 July 18 970 Sept. 8 1,123 1,054 1,330 1,763 1,178 1,147 1,167 l,!i25 1.810 1.710 1,216 210 Thermal nmxta)il.'< for the lih, iiKj and riprnuuj of S'S9 />laiils, etc. — Continued. Designation of plant: order, genus, and specie Flowering. XCVII. Papilionaceie [G. —; see 0. 32] —Continued. | (837) Spartium juneeum L I June (838) Genista tinctoria L. virgata (839) Cytisus alpinus Mill, macrostachj (840) Cytisus biflorens Host (841) Cytisu.s elongatus M. and K (842) Cytisus laburnum L (843) Cytisus nigricans L (844) Anthyllis montana L (845) Medicago .sativa L (84G) Melilotus officinalis L (847) Trifolium alpestre L (848) Trifolium montanum L (849) Trifolium pratense L (850) Trifolium repens L (851) Dorycnium herbaceum Willd July May May Apr. May June May June June June May May June June Tetragonolobus siliquosus Roth I May June June June June (853) Amorpha fruiticosa L (854) Psoralea acaulis Steven (855) Glycyrrhiza glabra L (856) Galega officinalis L (857) Robinia hispida L (858) Robinia pseudoacacia L. var. inermis . . (859) Robiniaviscosa L (860) Caragana arborescens Lam (861) Caragana frutescens L. silvatica (862) Colutea arborescens (863) Astragalus cicer L (864) Astragalus galegiformis Sibth (865) Astragalus illyricus Bernh (866) Astragalus maximus Willd (867) A.stragalus onobrychis L. microphyllus. (868) Pisum sativum Poir (sown May 2) (869) Ervum lens L. (sown May 2) (870) Lathyrus latifolius L (871) Lathyrus silvestris L. var. ensifolius (872) Orobus albus L. rubescens (873) Orobus niger L (874) Orobus roseus Ledeb (875) Orobus veruus L. var. fiaccidus (876) Orobus versicolor Gmel (877) Coronilla emerus L (878) Coronilla minima L (879) Coronilla montana L (880) Coronilla varia L (881) Onobrychis satia L (882) Phaseolus vulgaris Savi. (sown May 2) (883) Cladrastis tinctoria Raf (884) Styphnolobium japonicum ScUott May May May May May June May May June June July June June June May May May Apr. May May May May June 12 May 22 July 2 June 4 Aug. 4 Con- stant. 1,018 667 389 362 497 994 555 827 855 766 548 687 670 957 634 778 765 1,672 Ripening. Aug. 13 July 22 June 24 June 25 July 29 Aug. 15 July 19 Aug. 5 Aug. 7 July 14 June 24 June 25 July 27 July 2 Sept. 16 July 25 Aug. 13 July 30 Aug. 27 July 14 June 26 July 14 July 12 July 8 July 20 July 28 July 30 July 26 Aug. 2 June 22 July 21 June July 12 July 7 Aug. 1 rJuly 26 Aug. 15 June 29 Aug. 8 211 Tfiermal constants for the hlo-^somiiuj <85) Cercis canadensis L '. May 8^ 149 (886) Cereis siliqnnstrum L May 16 1 511 (887) Gleditschia triacanthos L. inerniis June 5 I 756 (888) Gymnocladns canadensis Lam June 4| 763 (889) Cassia marylandiea L July — 1 , 631 Oct. 5 \ 2,430 Sept. 20 I 2,332 ■ 54. Very rarely blossoms. 57. The fruit ripens during the following season. 168 and 175. Did not bloom during the ten years. 179 and 1S9. Tree too young to blossom. 203. The concealed blossoms can not be accurately observed. 270 and 271. The dates of blossoming are too variable to allow of determining a thermal constant. 304. These figures obtain for moist years, but for dry years we have September 9 and 2237, respec- tively. 308. Blossomed only once during these ten years. 518. The blossoming of the tree is not easy to observe. 677. The tree died in 1855. 580 and 581. Too young to blossom. 702 and 775. Did not blossom. 716. Blo-ssomed only once and died in 18-57. 756. Did not blossom and died in 1856. 800. Dates are too variable to allow determining a thermal constant. 834 and 880. The dates when the hull hardens and colors and when it springs open, allowing the fruit to fall, are both given. LINSSER. The most elaborate and, I believe, the most important investigation into the relation between plant life and climate is that published by Karl Linsser in a first memoir (St. Petersburg, 1867) and in a sec- ond memoir of 1869. My personal association with him during 1865 and 1866 greatly stimuhited my own early interest in the subject. The conclusions arrived at by Linsser are based upon the study of all available European observations. His knowledge of physics and skill in numerical computations as the chief of the computing divi- sion of the Imperial Astronomical Observatory at Poulkova has given his results a precision based on the well-established principles of probabilities and a clearness of interpretation that specially com- niend them to the physiological botanist. Linsser states that the l)rincipal hypotheses that had up to his time been framed as to the form of the connection between the phenomena of temperature and of phenology are the following three: (1) That for the same plant the same stage of vegetation occurs from year to year on the attainment of the same mean daily temper- ature. 212 (2) That the same stage of vegetation is attained when in the course of any year the sum total of the mean daily temperatures above freezing attains the same value. (3) That the same stage of vegetation is attained when in the course of any year the sum of the squares of these positive tempera- tures attains a certain constant value. The first of these hypotheses has, he states, long since been given up as of insufficient accurac}^ not only for any given station, but still more when Ave consider the temperatures belonging to a giA^en stage of A^egetation of the same plant in localities that differ much in lat- itude or longitude. The third hypothesis is that Avhich Avas favored by Quetelet, and the second is .that which had for a hundred years been generally adopted by botanists. Both of these tAvo latter hypotheses Avere most thoroughlA' investigated by Erman in his memoir, published in 1845 and 1819.^' Erman demonstrates that both these hypotheses are unsatisfac- tory, but Linsser proposes to reinvestigate the question on the basis of a much larger collection of material, both phenological and mete- orological. The first step in Linsser 's iuA'estigation consists in finding a method of computing the sums of the temperatures or the sums of the squares of the temperatures aboA^e freezing when the aA^erage tem- perature of any day of the year is expressed by the so-called sine and cosine formula of Bessel. He computes the coefficients of Bes- sel's formula, and therefore knows the equations that express the mean daily temperature for any day in the year and for each of his stations of obserA^ations.'' The summation of the squares of the mean daily temperatures Ava:-; computed by Linsser by the method knoAvn as mechanical quadra- tures. The folloAving table illustrates his results for scA^en groups of o I very much regret that I have not been able to examine these memoirs, which are published in the Archiv fiir Wissenschaftliche Kentnisse Russlantl, A'ols. IV and VIII.— C. A. 6 A similar computation had been made by Erman, but for the benefit of those who may in the future have to go through similar labors I would suggest that it is not more laborious and is certainly more perspicuous to compute the actual daily temperature for every fourth day of the year, beginning with .January 0. and in the adjoining column make up the continuous summations. The diffei*- ence between the sums for any two dates is then the total mean daily tempera- ture to which the plant has been subjected. — C. A. 213 plants that wore observed at Brussels miles south of 8t. Petersbure: : and at Poulkova. which Group plants. Date of blossom- ing. Sums for Brussels. i Sums for Poul- kova. Brussels. Poul- kova. Temper- ature. Squares ot tem- ture. Temper- ature. Squares of tem- pera- ture. 1 3 4 5 6 Days. 85.4 5)8.9 119.9 138.0 160.4 181.6 222.0 Dayx. 137.4 149. 0 161.4 169. 5 184.3 190.5 223.0 "C. 347 347 550 773 1,102 1,471 2,219 " C. 1,022 1,751 3,730 6,497 ll,50(i 17,764 31,615 ° C. 180 300 458 575 807 912 1,460 ° C. 1,145 2,:i94 4,411 6,100 9,776 11,527 20,700 In takino^ these sums, which all relate to positive temperatures on the centigrade thermometer only, Linsser begins with April 8 at Poulkova, because on that date the gradually rising daily tempera- tures pass through the freezing point. -It would have made no difference if he had begun with January 1, or December 1, or with the date of lowest mean temperature, which would be about the middle of January. On the other hand, for Brussels his sums begin with January 15, which is the date at which the lowest mean daily temperature occurs, which temperature is about -|-2-'">° C. so that if he had begun with January 1 there would have been a constant slight addition to all the numbers in that column. The dates of blossoming are given in days counting consecutively from the 1st of January, and may be converted into the days of the month or vice versa by the following table : Day of the year. January February 1 March 1 April 1 - Slay 1 _ . Juuf 1 . . July 1.. Date. O'-^*- Leap nary. ^*"*'i'- •1 - --- yl 1 I :{2 iii 60 61 If we take the dilference between the sums of the temperatui-es for the first and seventh grou])s of plants in the preceding table we obtain for Brussels 1,972° C, and for Poulkova 1,280° C, or a difference of about 700° C., which corresi)()nds to about forty days at Poulkova. so that we must immediately conclude that the same stages of develop- 214 merit are attained by means of very ditJ'erent sum totals of tempera- tures at Poulkoya and Brussels. But possibly we should have taken the initial i^oint of vegetation at some other temperature than 0° C. In order to test this point Linsser performs the computations of the sums of temperatures above 1°, 2°, 3°, 4°, 5°, and 6° C, respectively. His result for 6° C. is as follows : Group, i Brussels. Poulkova. Group. Brussels. Poulkova. 1 < I "C. 21 72 155 ! , 6 412 9a5 1,154 368 435 2 1 20 3 ' 97 4 212 224 None of these successive hypotheses as to the initial temperature for vegetation gives a uniform constant any more than does the original hypothesis of 0° C A similar study of the sums of the squares demonstrates a similar result, so that in general at different places the same phase of develop- ment of vegetation requires different mean daily temperatures, dif- ferent sums of temperatures, and different sums of the squares of temperatures, and there is no zero point that can be adopted that will make these sums equal. Linsser then shows that, notwithstanding this result, there still is a thermal law concealed in the above figures. For evidently the sums for Brussels and Poulkova go on steadily increasing through the whole period of vegetation, and at any stage the numbers are very nearly in the same proportion, and that proportion is very nearly the same as the proportion between the sum total for the year at the two places. These annual sums total are for Brussels 3,687. and for St. Petersburg 2,253. If now the numbers in the fourth and sixth- col- umns of the table on page 213 be divided by these annual sums, respectively, we obtain the following: Ratio of the iiidiridiKil smnn to the total annual ftunis of tonijeratiire ahore 0° C. Group of plants. Brussels. Poulkova. Group of plants. Brussels. Poulkova. 1 0.07 .0<» .15 .21 0.08 .13 .20 .36 5 0.30 .40 .60 0.36 .40. .65 2 ... 3 _-.. 4 ._. 6 _. ,The agreement of these numbers is quite close enough to justify the conclusion that in two different localities the sums of i)OsitiA'e daily temperatures for the same phase of vegetation is proportional to the 215 annual sum total of all positive tcnipeiatiiros for the respective locali- ties. The discrepancies between the above figures also show that a systematic influence is at work to slightly increase the ratio for the northern stations, since the ratios for Poulkova are appreciably larger than those for Brussels. This influence, as Linsser suggests, is prob- ably to be found in the fact that a larger j^roportion of heat is con.- suuied at the northern stations in melting the snow without changing the temperature, which heat is therefore lost to the growth of plants. The law thus discovered by Linsser is tested by him for each of the 15 phenological stations studied in his first memoir, and not only does the ratio appear the same for each phase, but the slight increase as the latitudes increase is also confirmed, or, in other words, the ratio increases slightly as the annual sum total of positive temperatures diminishes, the increase being nothing for the first group of plants that blossom early in the spring and about 0.1 for the seventh group of plants that blossom in midsummer per diminution of '2.000° C. in the annual sums. Linsser also states this law in the following form, in whicii it has a more popular expression : Every individual plant possesses the ability to regulate its vital activity as demanded by the total heat available in its dwelling place and according to the habit inherited from its ancestors, so that indi- viduals of the same species living in difl'erent places arrive at the same phase of development by utilizing the same proportions of the total heat to which they are accustomed. The vegetable world, so far as we consider its vital phenomena, is indilferent to temperatures below the freezing point. The preceding principle has been deduced primarily from the study of one phase, viz, the blossoming; but a study of the figures of the other phases gives a similar result, so that the method b}^ which heat exercises its influence on plants is the same for all stages of develop- ment. The phase recorded as " the falling of the leaves,'' which indicates the approach of the winter sleep of perennial plants, is the only one that to a high degree depends upon the actual temjicrature at that date. Apjjarently the statement, frequently assumed as a general law, that the dates of leafing and of the falling of the leaf at the same place have the same tenii)eratures is only a})pr()ximately true for a single plant and a special locality, as, for instance, France and cen- tral Europe, and does not hold good for the same jilant for northern or southern Europe. Linsser's law has a most important application to the natural dis- semination of seeds and the acclimatization of plants. When we, at a given place, from year to year, see the same cycle of vegetation recur without changing the behavior of the plant with rx'ference to the annual sum total of heat, we must conclude that the ability to develop itself in proportion to the total heat is transmitted from each 216 mother plant down to the seed produced by it. Therefore in e\erv kernel of seed there is concealed the whole relation between the development of the plant and the total heat of the locality where it was produced. Two seeds of the same species, one of which comes from a mother plant that has lived under the influence of an annual total heat of M. but the other of which conies from another mother l^lant that has lived under a total annual heat of N, possess powers of development, or a sensitiveness to equal temperature influences, that are inversely proportional to the sums M and N; or, in other words, the rate of development is equal to the sum of the effective tempera- tures divided by the normal values of the total annual sums for the mother plant. Applying this law to seeds that are artificially transported from their homes to other places having different climates as to tempera- ture we are enabled to predict approximately what their behavior will be. Thus Yon Baer observed that cress seeds that had been raised in St. Petersburg (lat. 60°) and transported to Matotschkin- Schar (lat. 73°) developed in July at only one-third the rate that they did in St. Petersburg in the month of May. iSTow the annual sum of positive temperatures for St. Petersburg is 2,253° C, and the average temperature of the month of May in St. Petersburg is 11.2°, while that of the month of July at Matotschkin-Schar is -1.4°. Therefore the rates of development per dav of the same seed at these two places will be in the ratio of 11.2 to 4.4, or 2.6 to 1. Again, for cress seeds raised at Matotschkin-Schar, where the annual total heat is 330° C, the rate of development will in general be ^^, or 6.8 times more rapid than the development of seeds brought from St. Petersburg. Vice versa, seeds carried from Matotschkin-Schar to St. Petersburg the rate of development will be 6.8 times more rapid than for those that are native to the latter climate. Linsser was thus able to enunciate the first step in the rational ex- planation of a phenomenon with which agriculturists had long been familiar — viz, that the seeds raised in northern zones retain the power of rapid development, so that when sown in southern regions they grow more rapidly and ripen earlier and give a richer harvest than those that are sown in their native warm locality. Similarly, seeds of mountain plants, when carried by rivers into the warmer plains of the lowlands, develop plants whose blossoms antedate the spring blossoms of the plants native to the lowlands." We may thus accept the general statement that plants or seeds transported to colder countries reach a given stage of vegetation later than the "A beautiful illustration of this law is found in the abnormal early iiowering of seeds brought from the cold uplands and lodging on High Island, on the Potomac, about 5 miles aliove Washington. I). C. 217 native plants, hut wIumi transported to warnior ivirions they blossom and ripen earlier. Thus in 1851) Schueheler sowed (Crowed barley that had been raised in Alten (hit. 70 X.). where it i-ecpiired only nine weeks to ripen, in Christiania (hit. (iO X.), where it ripened in eight weeks. In the same year some of the same bai'ley was carried from Breslau, where it rexpiired nine and a half weeks, to Christiania, where it ripened in twelve to fourteen Aveeks. Linsser arranged these experiences as shown in the following table, in which he assumes that both at Alten and at Christiania the barley is sown when the mean daily temperature is about 8° C. Barley i-aised at— Date of sowing. Date of ripening. Interval. Sums of tempera- ture. June 14 May .5 Aug. 16 June 29 Aug. 1-9 Weeks. 9 8 13 70() Christiana and sown at Christiana 1,400 1 The annual sum totals of heat are 1,300 in Alten and 2,000 in Chris- tiania. Therefore we see that the heat required by seed acclimatized at Alten (700) is to that required by seed acclimatized at Christiania (1,400) in the same ratio as the annual sum totals. It can also be shown that barley acclimatized at Christiania and transported directly to Alten can not ripen in the latter place, since the 1,-1:00° C. required by it at Christiania are not received at Alten. It is onl}^ by gradual progressive acclimatization at numerous inter- mediate places that the plant has been enabled to adapt itself to suc- cessively smaller sum totals of heat. In continuation of this process the barley that is now accust*omed to ripen at Alten can be used to pioneer the further northward progress of its species. The attempt to transport barley from Denmark to Iceland has thus far failed, but doubtle.ss barley from Alten would succeed. Barle}' cultivated in the Caucasus at an elevati(m of 7,000 feet and transported to St. Peters- burg should, according to Linsser's computation, experience an accel- eration, so far as climate is concerned, as though it were coming to a wanner climate, but this acceleration may be more than counter- balanced by the differences in the nature of the two species of plants, as it is well known that the Turkish oats {Avena orientalU) re(|uirc more time to ripen than the ordinary oats of northern Europe; the variations in times recpiired by different kinds of oats, barley, and wdieat, and even winter rye, are oftentimes larger than the variations due to differences of climate. But such variations^, as observed in plants that are only partially acclimatized, Avill disappear after a few generations if the plant has the power of adapting its internal organ- 218 ization to a new climate. The geographical limits of any species, in latitude, so far as these limits depend upon temperature alone, are those points at which a certain sum of positive temperatures can be attained l^etween the first and the last killing frost. The northern and southern boundary lines of such a limiting area are the curves corresponding to two very different sums total of positive tempera- tures, the northern limit having a smaller sum and the southern limit a larger, beyond either of which the plant is unable to modify its internal organization so as to properly utilize the respective prevail- ing small or large quantity of heat. Linsser notes that different plants, especially those that blossom early in the year, show a strong tendency in certain years to blossom a second time, and he finds that when the excess of the total heat in a favorable year exceeds the normal annual total by a quantity equal to that ordinarily required for the first blossom (and this can easily happen on account of the small sum required for the early spring blossom) then the plant produces a second blossom." In regard to the effect of daylight as such, Linsser says the opinion has been expressed that possibly the duration of the daylight, which, during the growing period, increases as we go northward, must compensate for the diminishing sum total of heat; but his figures show nothing of this influence, since the discrepancies or departures between his observed and computed figures have altogether the char- acter of accidental errors. In fact, his law of the constant quotient or jDercentage of heat implies that the plant does not need any com- pensation as the heat is diminished, but directly adapts its cycle of operations to the diminished sum and transmits this power to all further generations. In addition to this, however, since the impor- tance of light to the plant is proven, it is necessary to remember that with the increasing duration of the day as we go northward there is a steady diminution in the intensity of the daylight because o Ought we not to infer from this that after a perennial phint has received sufficient heat to blossom and eventually to ripen its fruit it then at once begins to repeat this cycle of processes, and is ordinarily only delayed by the cold of winter? If this is true, it must be considered that with the warm weather of spring the plant takes up these vital processes at the point where they were left in the autumn. Therefore, in such cases, our sums total of temperature, jnoisture, etc., should all begin to be counted with the ripening of the fruit, or the fall of the leaf, and not merely with the opening of vegetation in the spring. — C. A. 219 \\\c suiTs :iltiui(l( I able." iiiiinislios. This Linssoi- sliows (Ik Maximum dura- Altitude of sun at ; Relative quantity of heat re- tion of aunshin*. noon. i ceived by the ground in 1 day under an atmosphere St Pe- whose transparency is 0.70. i(lat^4&.4 I (lat (i„o |^ia,^*»-* , (lat.()0° N.). N.). N.). j Hours. I Hours. January 1(! 9.0 j li.S February ir. 10.3 | i».^ Marchlti 11.9 j 11.8 Apriliri 13.5 U.5 May 16 14.8 17.2 .Timelo 15.6 18.8 Julyl6 15.3 18.1 Augustl6... U.l 15.6 Septemberl5 -.. 12.6 13.0 October 16 10.9, 10.;> November 15 9.5 7.6 December 16 8.7 1 6.0 Dcfjrce.s. 2:^.7 31.5 42.8 54.3 67.8 66.0 58.4 47.7 35.8 26.2 21.3 Degrees. 9.0 49.1 53.4 .51.5 43.9 m.2 21.2 11.6 6.7 Lat. 40ON. Lat. 50° N. 150 70 210 1.55 400 295 .5r>0 450 615 570 650 625 ! 630 585 1 .5.50 480 430 ;a5 ;i8() ia5t 180 85 t 13;-. .,. Lat. 60° N. 570 .525 :Rt5 230 90 20 2 Lat. 70° N. In reference to the first part of this table Linsser remarks that the intensity of the light of the sun varies as the sine of the aiii>iilar altitude of the sun, so that from the maximum altitude on any day Ave get an approximate idea of the influence of sunshine; and Ave see also that the fartiier north we go the longer duration of the sunshine is partly counterb;Uanced bv the diminishing intensity of its influence.'' I^insser remarks that the theory of compensation between duration of the day and intensity of sunshine may also be tested by considering the eifect of ascending a mountain, wdiere there is no increase of dura- tion but a great increase in the intensity, of sunshine. If the rapid development of the plants on the mountains is due to the increase in the intensity of the light, then how can the diminution of intensity in northern regions bring about the rapid development that is demon- strated in the experiments of Von Baer and Schuebeler and Ruprecht which are quoted and analyzed in the following paragraphs? o To which I have added three columns of relative intensity of the total heat received in twenty-four hours on each date. a>; interpolated from .Vnjiofs tables, for a coefficient of transparency equal to 0.70. — C. A. '' The exact figures that yive the relative sum total of the direct sunshine and the diffuse daylight for various latitudes and solar altitudes for clear and cloudless days have been published l)y Marie Davy. Angot. Wiener, and others. The fi.irnres that I have given in the last jiart of the al)ove tables from .Vngot show still more clearly to what e,\tent the effect of sunshine diminishes as we approach the pole, but how surprisingly powerful are the consecutive twenty- four hoiu's of sunshine on .Tune 1.^ within the Arctic Circle. — C. A. 220 111 his socond meuiuir Liiissi-r (iSiU)) begins by showing that many well-recognized facts liave been found which harmonize with the conclusions at which he had previously arrived. Thus, in the tiri-t and second halves of the eighteenth century the northern limit of the cultivation of grain had not passed beyond latitude 60° 30' X., a::(l many unsuccessful attempts had been made to ri^^en the grains in more northern regions; but in 1829 Erman found a small successful beginning going on at Yakutsk, and since then it has spread in all directions and has extended to barley, oats, rye, and wheat. Similarly in Lapland the cultivation of grain succeeded only for a long time in the southern regions, but now it extends to the north and even among the mountains. In Lapland this cultivation succeeded only when the seed w^as brought from near by, not from a distance, and Von Baer says that it was commonly said that the grain had accli- matized itself, or, as he expresses it, " It seems to me that gradually a quick-ripening variety or ' sport ' has developed that is not injured hj the early frosts of summer nights." F. C. Schiibeler (1862) in his memoir on the cultivated plants of Norway states that in 1852 the seed of yellow^ maize brought to Nor- W'ay from Hohenheim, near Stuttgart, was sown on the 26th of May and reaped one hundred and twenty days later, but after continued annual cultivations, in which every harvest came a little earlier than its predecessor, Schiibeler, in 1857, sowed the seed on May 25 and har- vested it in ninety days, while the seed of the sa«ie variety brought fresh from Breslau and sowed on the same date ripened only after one hundred and tw^enty-two days. Even Kalm had remarked that maize when transported from a southern to a northern latitude gradually overcomes the difficulty of ripening and eventually gives a nearly constant variety of grain. Morren, in the Belgique Ilorticole (1859-60), says the principal problem to be resolved in Xorway in the amelioration of its agricul- ture is the introduction of new varieties and the development of precocity. This precocity increases year b}^ year, as if the plant could not all of a sudden obey the new climatic influences under which it had been brought. Plants cultivated many years in succession under a northern climate when transported to a southern climate preserve something of their former rate of development and are more preco- cious than plants of the same species that have remained in their first situation. Just as wdieat carried from Germany northward into the Baltic Provinces of Russia fails to ripen its grain, so grain carried from the valleys up to the highlands in Switzerland fails to ripen. Bastian quotes an old English author Avho says that in the accli- matization of plants the graduation of the process is the principal necessity, and that a sudden acclimatization in a new home is impos- sible, so that a plant gradually learns to live in a climate in which 221 its molhor plr.iit Avas sickly and its <)^raiidinotlier would havo died at oneo. It was iii recognition of this view that in the eiji:hteenth cen- tury the hotanical warden at Teneriffe was established (the so-calleil acclimatization c coiisulcrcil in his second memoir. So he h'aves the stiuly of atmospheric vapor and plant life to the future, while confining himself at present to the relation between rai:ifall and the periodic phenomena of vegetation. It is not necessary to reproduce the tables of normal monthly rain- fall given by Linsser for each of his stations, and generally based upon many years of observations. Of course, these numbers express- ing the local rainfalls are, as is well known, less directly applicable to a neighboring locality than are the mean monthly temperatures, and they must l)e used with correspondingly less confidence. The constant fractional part of the annual sum total of heat, as previously established by Linsser. afforded him a valnable suggestion or a working hypothesis as to the relation between the life of the plant and other factors, such as sunshine, rainfall, nutrition, and in fact every factor that influences the life of the plant. If, namely, a plant utilizes one-tenth of its annual cycle of heat in order to bring it to the leafing -stage, why may it not also require one-tenth of its annual cycle of rain or sunshine or some similar constant fractional part ? Xow. in the development of a plant there is necessary, first, the material, viz, rainfall, or irrigation water with the nutrition con- tained therein, and on the other hand one or more forces, such as sunshine and heat, by the help of which the plant can utilize that material in its process of assimilation. The different phases of the development of the plant, such as the appearance of the blossoms and the ripening of the fruit, are work accomplished; in this work the water supplies the principal material, while the heat, says Linsser, plan's, the role of the principal force; but the work of the plant — that is to say, its progressive development — will onl}^ be in proportion to the force, so long as the latter finds a sufficient quantity of material present to insure the complete utilization of the force. Evidently a force that is competent to convert a certain quantity of material to the use of the plant will only be half utilized if only half of this quantity of material is present. In other words, the development of the plant goes on in proportion to the quantity of heat only so long as the plant has at its disposal the maximum (juantity of material that can be worked over by this heat. Therefore any further investigations as to the relation of the life of a plant to its external factors must necessarily consider the dis- tribution of material with reference to the distribution of heat. In our present case it is the distribution of the quantity of rain with reference to the heat, and if such relative distribution is not considered then its omission is only permissible under the assumption that dur- ing the whole period of vegetation the material necessary to the growth of the plant is ahvays present in such quantity that at any 224 inoinent the force then acting can be completely utilized. This assumption as to rainfall is actuall}^ fulfilled over by far the largest part of the European area hithei'to studied by Linsser. Of course, we can not speak of absolute quantities of heat or nour- ishing material. We have to do only with their relative distribution during the period of vegetation — that it to say, with the ratio of the quantity of material (/) to the quantity of heat {w). If we con- sider tliait the quantity of material that a definife quantity of heat is able to work up for the use of the plant is directly proportional to this quantity of heat, then the ratio f/iv will ha^e for each plant and phase a certain definite value that may be called the most favorable ratio and for which value the material on hand is completely used up by the heat or active force that is present. If the material that is present is not sufficient for the heat, then f/ir is smaller than this most favor- able value, and in this case the material is completely used up ; but a portion of this heat remains unused and wasted. If, on the other hand, the heat is not sufficient to iise up all the material, then f/tr is loo large and the heat is completely used, but a portion of the material is Avasted. The fractional portion of the. annual sum total of heat that is needed to bring a plant up to any stage of vegetation is by Linsser called the " physiological constant "" for that phase and plant, and is constant wherever the plant is acclimatized. The ratio f/w, as com- piled by him month by month for each of his stations, is a local cli- matic constant, which is large Mhen the climate is favorable to the growth of the plant — that is to say, when there is abundance^ of rain — but is small when the climate is more or less unfavorable-to the plant — that is to say, when the summer rains are deficient. The vegetation of the Avhole Avorld is, according to Linsser's vieAvs, to be diA^ded into zones (A, B, C, D, E, F), according to the annual distribution of the monthly ratios f/n\ Thus in the highest lati- tudes (Linsser's zone A) and in the greater part of the European region covered by Linsser's researches, there is during the entire year a deficiency of heat, but a sufficiency of moisture and of material to employ all the heat force that is aA'^ailable. In the Steppes of Rus- sia, however, there is a deficiency of moisture during the summer and autumn, and the fraction f/w becomes quite small for the zone B. The other localities that haA^e a wet and a dry period annually may be diAnded into three classes, viz, C, Avhere the drought comes during the months of July and December ; D, where the drought comes dur- ing the months of January and June, or E, Avhere there are two annual droughts, January to March and June to August. This latter arrangement is shown in ^Madeira in the A'egetation of certain kinds of apples. Finally, we may haA'e in zone F a perpetual abundance 225 of both heat and moisture, in which case all annual periodicity dis- appears and the plant goes through its cycle of vegetation independ- ent of the months of the year, as in the warm and rainy regions of Java. As before said, the absolute value of the ratio f/w need not be considered at present, and in fact it changes with the units of time, of temperature, or rainfall, etc. Linsser divides the depth of the monthly rainfall, expressed in Paris or French lines, by the average temperatures of the respective months expressed in degrees Centi- grade. In order to ascertain which of his European stations lies in the zone A and which in the zone B it is necessary to adopt some limit- ing value for the ratio /Ai', and to this end Linsser examines these latios in connection with the phenomena of plant life, adopting the principle that as two plants from different places, accustomed to different quantities of heat, behave differently when they both receive the same quantity of heat, so also two plants from places having dif- ferent distributions of rain will behave differently and arrive at the same phase at different times when they are brought into the same place or under the same local climatic influences as to moisture and temjjerature. In order to decide as to the limiting value Linsser studies the I'atios for the hottest months of the year, which all relate to the ripening phases of vegetation, and finds that for the units of measure adopted b}" him the value of ratio f^'W^ that rej)resents approximately a dividing line between the stations that have an abundance of rain in summer relative to the summer heat and those that have little rain relative to the heat, is 1.2. I have indicated in the preceding table by the letters A and B the stations that have //i«>1.2 and /Ay<1.2, and which Linsser puts into his zones of abundant and scanty sum- mer rains, respectivel3\ I give in the following table some of the more striking and perma- nenth^ important results of Linsser's computations. Plis original work, based on about 30,000 observations, gives for each of his 31 sta- tions and for 118 species of plants and for each of the three phases — leafing, blossoming, and ripening — the ordinary phenological con- stant or sum total of mean daily temperatures above 0° C., and also his own physiological constant, which is the ratio of this sum total to the annual sum total for the station. In the following summary I give the physiological constant as it results from the average of all the individual stations in the zone A ; but for the sake of quicker comparison between the results for zones A and B the summary gives not the physiological constant for B, but its departure or difference 2667—05 M 15 226 from that of zone A. For example, for Acer campestre the constant in zone A for leafing is 0.131, but for zone B it is less than that by 0.039, and would therefore be 0.092. Tabular siinimari/ of Linssers results. Orders, suborders, and species. Physiological con- stants for zone A. Leaf- Bloom- Ripen- ing, ing. ing. Departures of phys- iological constants for zone B from those of zone A. Leaf- Bloom- Ripen- ing, ing. ing. Sapindaceae (Acerineae): Acer campestre Acer platanoides Acer pseudoplatanus Acer tataricum Sapindese: Aesculus hippocastanum . Aesculuslutea Aesculus pavia _ Cupuliferae (Betuiese): Alnus glutinosa Amygdaleae: Amygdalus communis Amygdalus persica Aristoloc*hiace£e : Aristolochia sipho Berberidace«: Berberis vulgaris Cupuliferae (Betulaceaa): Betula alba Betula alnus Bignoniacese: Bignonia catalpa Euphorbiacese: Buxus sempervirens Papilionaceae: Caragana arborescens Cupuliferae: Carpinus betulus Leguminosas (Papilionacefe): Cercis siliquastrum Colutea arborescens Tiliaceae: Corchorus japonicus Comacese: Cornusalba.. Cornus mascula Cornus sanguinea .... Cupuliferae: Corylus avellana Pomaceae: Cotoneaster vulgaris Rosacea? : Crataegus coccinea Crataegus oxyacantha Leguminosas: Cytisus laburnum 0.131 .100 .132 .132 .107 .114 .132 0.170 .105 .161 .875 .808 .752 .821 -0.072 - .019 - .067 227 Tahuhtr siniiDiaru of Liiisscr'x results — Continued. Ordei-s, suborders, and species. Thymelseacesp (Daphnoidre): Daphne laureola Daphne mezereum Celasti-aceae: Euonymus europaeus Euonymus latifolius Euonymus verrucosus Cupuliferse: Fagus castanea Fagus sylvatica Oleacese: Fraxinus excelsior. Fraxinus ornus Leguminosaj (Papilionaceae): Gleditschia triacanthos ... Araliacese: Hedera helix. ElaeagnaceaB: Hippopht© rhamnoides nicineffi (Aquifoliacese): Ilex aquif olium Juglandaceae: Juglans nigra Juglanaregia Oleacese: Ligustrum vulgare Mignoliaceae: Liriodendron tulipif era . . . Capri foliacese: Lonicera caprif olium Lonieera periclymenum . . Lonicera symphorycarpos Lonicera tatarica Lonieera xylosteum Pomacese: Mespilus germanica Magnoliacese: Magnolia yulan Urticaceae: Morns alba Morus nigra Saxifragaceao: Philadelphus coronarius . . Philadelphus latifolius Coniferse ( Abietinese): Pinuslarix Platanac«e: Platanus occidentalis Physiological con- stants for zone A. Departures of phys- iological constants for zone B from those of zone A. Leaf- ing. Bloom- ing. Ripen- ing. Leaf- ing. Bloom- ing. Ripen- ing. 0.05)0 O.WO 0. 375 -t-0.030 .061 .039 .433 -fO.009 - .026 -0.1*3 .110 .228 .852 - .0.36 — .078 - .232 .106 .192 .767 - .006 - .029 - .147 .094 .253 . 775 - .034 - .105 .148 .a52 .183 .804 .737 - .038 - .050 .152 - .053 - .217 .161 . 136 .845 - .049 - .a5o - .*15 .156 .184 ..310 .806 - .066 - .036 - .0.50 - .094 .176 .120 .779 - .020 - .097 .116 .m .630 -^ .053 - .003 .095 .231 + .0.55 - .111 .203 .227 .798 - .102 - .077 .161 .196 .794 - .059 - .060 - Am .082 .32:5 .841 - .017 - .055 - .121 .142 .343 . 259 .810 .670 - .052 - .(m .05(J - .060 .049 .286 .663 - .009 - .033 - .13:3 .072 .2&5 .177 .7fi6 .,587 .048 - .008 - .040 - .227 .085 .190 .624 - .018 - .0.54 - .254 .130 .246 .921 - .070 - .068 - .121 .137 .108 .880 - .0:57 - .008 .166 .249 - .tt57 - .088 . 169 .267 ..566 - .0.59 - .027 - .1.58 .063 .265 .746 - .006 - .048 - .110 .101 .316 .098 .1 .093 - .019 - .028 .1(W .276 .9:« - .061 - .119 228 Tabular summary of Linsscr's results — Continued. Orders, suborders, and species. Physiological con- stants for zone A. Departures of phys- iological constants for zone B from those of zone A. Leaf- Bloom- Ripen- Leaf- Bloom- Ripen- ing, ing. ing. ing. ing. ing. Salicacese: Populus alba Populus balsamifera. Populus canescens . . . Populus fastigiata ... Populus nigra Populus tremula Amygdaleae: Prunus armeniaca _ _ . Prunus aviiim Prunus cerasus Prunus domestica . . . Prunus padus Prunus spinosa Ptelea trifoliata. Pyrus communis Pyrus cy donia Pyrus japonica Pyrus malus Pyrus spectabilis Cupiiliferae: Quercus pedunculata . Quercus robur Quercus sessiliflora . . . Rhamnacese: Rhamnus cathartica. . Rhamnus f rangula . . . Anacardiacese: Rhus cotinus Rhustyphina Saxifragacese: Ribes alpinum .... Ribes grossularia Ribes nigrum Ribes rubrum.. Leguminosse: Robinia pseudo-; Robin ia viscosa . Rosacanina Rosa centifolia.- Rosagallica Rubus idsBUS Rubus odoratus. Salix alba Salix capraea. Salix fragilis. 0.124 .108 .110 .107 .091 .150 .130 .186 .114 .128 .176 .147 .072 .051 .158 .147 .111 .104 .082 0.072 .068 .074 .080 .093 .050 .123 .186 .074 .160 .152 .230 .246 0.517 .300 .480 .175 .621 .421 .419 .659 .545 037 - .013 033 4- .027 -0.031 ■ .002 ■ .026 - .050 - .024 - .011 - .050 + .010 - .076 .136 .110 297 297 .794 315 256 .460 348 .480 115 .294 a57 .236 116 .340 -1- .011 044 074 - .067 - .048 - .050 - .101 - .072 - .042 - .067 - .027 229 Tabular .tiiuniiar!/ of Linsscr'.^ results — Continued. Orders, siiborders, and species. Physiological con- stants for zone A. Leaf- Bloom- Ripen- ing, ing. lug. Departures of phys- iological constants for zone B from those of zone A. Leaf- Bloom- Ripen- ing, ing. ing. Caprifoliaceae: Sambueus ebulus Sambticus nigra Sambueus racemosa - Sorbus aueuparia (or Pjn'us autn'.paria). Spirtea bella Spirfea hypericifolia Spiraea Itevigata Spiraea salicifolia Spiraea sorbifolia Sapindaceae: Staphylea pinna ta Staphylea trifoliata Saxifragaceae: Syringa persica Syringa vulgaris. Coniferae: Taxus baccata Tiliaceae: Tilia europaea Tilia graudifolia Tilia parvifolia Urticaceae: Ulmus campestris .• L^mus effusa - Caprifoliacete ( Lonicerae): Viburnum lantana. Viburnum opulus Vitacese : Vitis vinifera 0.105 .067 .183 .174 .073 .063 l-hO.005 - .066 - .018 - .047 .07 - .156 - .156 - .046 - .087 - .028 - .015 .057 .075 -0.150 - .053 - .173 .025 .128 .242 .108 .152 .258 In the original, from which the foregoing abstract is copied, Linsser gives the so-called probable error or the limit of uncertainty as deduced from the agreement among themselves of the numerous individual determinations of the physiological constants in zone A, whereas the mean values alone are given in our summary. It appears that the uncertainties are larger for the ripening jDhase than for the leafing and blooming phases, if we consider only their absolute values, but decidedly smaller if we consider their relative values. In general the uncertainty of the constant for leafing is about one-twentieth of its own value, the uncertainty of the constant for blooming is about one-fortieth of its own value, and the uncer- tainty of the constant for ripening is about one-fiftieth of its own value. 230 The values of the constants, as deduced from stations that lie in the dry zone B, vary much more than those in zone A; but this is a necessary consequence of the law of growth, since in such dry regions the quantity of heat required to produce a given phase ceases to be a simple constant and becomes a complex function of the available heat and moisture and depends upon the individual ratio f/w at each station. It will of course be noticed that, with few exceptions, the figures in the columns of departures are negative, thereby indicating that the quantities of heat actually utilized by plants in the dry localities in zone B are less than the quantities utilized by the same plant when it has an abundance of moisture in zone A. Most of the 17 positive figures among these departures relate to the period of leafing, and many of them are but little larger than the limit of uncertainty deduced by Linsser for the respective plants. All of the plants investigated by Linsser belong, as is seen by the above list of names, to the exogens. They are also perennials, but his intention was to extend this investigation to the herbaceous annu- als, and a large mass of work in this direction had been accomplished before his untimely death in 1871. The conclusions drawn by Linsser from the data, as summarized in his published tables, may be presented as follows : Although the general fact above mentioned, that plants growing in regions that have scant summer rains utilize less heat and less moisture to produce a given phase of development than similar plants having the same quantity of heat at their disposal with plenty of rain during the summer, might be considered as only a further con- sequence easily deduced from the principle that underlies the theory of Linsser's physiological constant, yet we may also consider the fact as one established empirically and seek for the most probable expla- nation. Any general relation between the vital phenomena of plants and their external influences can, according to the ideas established in Linsser's first memoir, be looked upon either as due to temporary influences or as a consequence of the habits of the plant. If we adopt the former view, then the cause of the accelerated development of plants in zone B will consist in the fact that from the beginning of vegetation onward one or more accelerating forces have come into play, the intensit}^ and duration of whose action is greater for sta- tions in, zone B than in zone A. Such accelerating forces may consist in a greater quantity of heat or of sunshine or possibly other influ- ences. But when we come to examine the temperature curves for stations in the two zones we see at once that heat alone can not be considered as the stimulating force. A similar comparison shows that rainfall during the growing season can not be the stimulus. Again, stations such as Parma and Pessan show that great differences in 231 sunshiiio alone fail to give n sufficient explanation. Finally, a natural and sufficient explanation is found in the study of the relation of the rainfall in summer to the gi^^en climatic conditions, as has already been done in the study of the heat; it is not the rainfall of the spring months that stimulates the plant, but it is the drought of the suc- ceeding summer, or, as it were, the knowledge of that approaching drought which stimulates the plant to hasten and complete its devel- opment in the springtime or earliest summer. The plants of the north are accelerated because of the rapidly approaching autumn; the plants of the highlands because of the shortness of the approach- ing summer; the plants of the steppes and of regions with rainless summers hasten in order to have their work finished Avhen the time arrives at which their activity should come to an end. The plants at localities in our zone B complete their labors in the springtime be- cause of the drought of the coming summer; under almost the same external conditions the plants at Parma hasten their develop- ment while those at Venice live leisurely along; the plants at Vienna, Breslau, and Kief accelerate their growth, while the same plants at Heidelberg, Gorlitz, and Orel live leisurely. The problem, so often discussed, of the reforestation of the steppes is thus referred back to another -more definite problem, viz., the acclimatization in the steppes of those plants whose normal cycle of vegetation in their native locality is such that when transplanted to the steppes these processes, especially the blossoming and leafing, can go on with sufficient rapidity to be completed before the begin- ning of the hot, dry summer. Quite similarly the problem of culti- vation of fruit in those regions can be thus exactly defined. Thus Helmersen states that experiments with fruit trees brought from Hamburg to Orenburg entirely failed. But here we have to do with a double violation of the theory, since the plants brought from Ham- burg came to a locality having a much smaller annual sum of heat and were not yet adjusted to the dryness of the Orenburg summers, wherefore they continued living at Orenburg according to the easy habit acquired at Hamburg. Linsser suggests that success would be much more likely if plants were taken to Orenburg from Bokhara or Khiva, where the extraordinary rapidity of development, on account of the great drjaiess of the summer following after a rainy spring is well known. Further questions as to the temporary influence of rainfall during any part of a cycle of vegetation must be investigated by studying the life of plants at localities having very different climates. After studies on the development of vegetation in various climates throughout the world, in all of which the rainy season is the blossom- 232 ing time, while the dry season is the ripening time, Linsser gives the following general conclusions : There are two especial laws regulating the life of every individual plant, (1) the individual habit; and (2) the principle of econom3^ The application of these principles explains and gives us a better comprehension of the course of vegetation under the equator as well as near the pole. The principal factors in the life of plants that we have thus far considered are heat and moisture. If the former is that whose periodicity gives warning of the necessity of economy, then the whole life of the plant is intimately dependent on the course of this heat, as in the extreme north and the greater part of the Temperate Zone where the moisture is otherwise sufficient. If it is the moisture that is subject to large periodical changes and the question of suf- ficiency of heat becomes unimportant because of its uninterrupted abundance, then the cycle of vegetable life depends upon the peri- odicity of this moisture, as in Madeira. If, finally, the variations of the climate are such that there is sometimes insufficient heat and moisture, then the necessity of economy in the use of both of these materials is enforced, and in the course of the year the plant seeks to develojD as far as possible in accordance with both these necessities, as in the Steppes of southern Eussia and near Bokhara and in isolated shady locations such as mountain sides. The law of fractional parts of the total annual quantit}'^ of heat, as demonstrated in Linsser's first memoir, is therefore now seen to be only a special case, for northern and temperate latitudes, of the gen- eral proposition just enunciated. The former w\as the first approxi- mation toward a rational theory of the periodical phenomena of vege- tation, just as this more general proposition is the second approxima- tion. We have thus far studied principally the differences in the life of plants due to differences of climate in different localities. It still remained for Linsser to study the peculiarities of the same plants in different years in the same locality, to which end his manuscript material already offered a sufficient basis. Of the questions proper to be considered in this second category, viz, the study of plant life as depending on temporary variations of local climates, Linsser enumerates the following as having already been taken up by him, viz : (1) The influence of cloudiness, insolation, and atmospheric pressure; (2) the especial influence of the various distributions of rain on the individual periods of vegetation; (3) the relation of the length of the da}^ and the night, as also of light itself, on the plant; (4) the influence of the nonperiodic variations of temperature; (5) the influence of cold or warm winters on the sub- sequent summer's growth; (6) the investigation of the sums of tem- 233 perature for the same phases of phmt life from year to year, and the reason of their variations. On this hist point he concludes by stating that it is well known these sums do vary from year to year for each phenological epoch. For the present he states only that these temperature sums are not only apparently, but in reality, not constant, and from his preliminary work for this second series of studies the most important causes that determine the sum total had already become known to him. Without anticipating too much the course of further investigations, he states that studies already finished demonstrate that there should be differences annually in the tempera- ture sums, as is evident from the folloAving consideration : If seeds brought from Stuttgart to Christiania accelerate in successive gener- ations in successive years because of the smaller sum total of heat in their new home, then exactly the same w^ould occur if the plants remain in Stuttgart and w'e at that place offer them the sum total of heat peculiar to Christiania. That is to say, seeds that have ripened at any one place in colder years produce plants that develop more rapidly than do seeds from the same place but which were ripened in warmer j^ears. APPLICATION OF LINSSEr's RESULTS. This application to each plant and each locality of the principle of economy which Linsser had established from the geographical dis- tribution of plants offers to us by far the most important principle yet discovered and well established to guide us in the development of grains and plants appropriate to the vicissitudes of our climate. For instance, in general it is desirable to sow and plant so as to avoi(^ the early autumn frosts and the late spring frosts — that is to say, to \ ^ secure varieties of plants whose course of vegetation will be complete in the very short time that is free from danger of frost. Therefore, if we wish to develop plants that wall ripen in the earliest summer, before the droughts destroy them, as in the region from Nebraska to Texas, then Ave have to remember that the seed perfected in Kansas in a dry year is already, by its own experiences, prepared to become the best seed for sowing in anticipation for the next dry year. The seeds raised in dry years should therefore alwaj'^s be preserved for sow-ing, as likely to be far more appropriate than any seed that may be brought from a distance, unless brought from a region where equally dry, short seasons prevail, as in southern Russia and Bokhara. The rule of sowing one year the seed raised the preceding year is, in general, not the best rule. By always utilizing as seed that which is raised in the driest years one may hope speedily to develop plants whose vegetating period will be so short that the crop will rarely be injured by the dry, hot winds of July. A similar rule holds good for any modification we desire to make in the seed. If we wish to 234 raise plants peculiarly fitted for wet climates or for cold climates, we begin with the seed that was rij^ened in wet or cold seasons. I think that probably a further prosecution of Linsser's studies would have led to the conclusion that the influence of sunlight and dif- fuse sky light is the next important factor in vegetation, and that the quantity and quality of the seeds produced — that is to say, of the crop as distinguished from the mere epoch of ripening — depends upon the ratio of the nutrition carried up in the sap to the total intensity of sunshine. The grain harvests of the world may be divided into zones «, Z>, (?, analogous to the phenological zones that Linsser has given, and in which the quantity of the harvests is large when the nutrition is sufficient to use up all the sunshine, but is small when either nutrition or sunshine is deficient. As the plant begins a new cycle so soon as the last is finished and usually is delayed by the speedj'^ approach of winter cold or autumnal drought, therefore Linsser's laws would lead us to the conviction that by artificially regulating the temperature, moisture, sunshine, or artificial light, and the nutrition in the soil, we ought to be able to develop an ideal method of cultivation that should gi*eatly increase the number of crops per j^ear and the yield per acre, and especially so within small, limited areas that are protected by cover from injurious frosts. The need of water for the varieties of plants and seeds usually cul- tivated has led to great engineering projects for irrigation, and the scarcity of natural rainfall has led to wholesale condemnation of many arid regions as being unfit for profitable agriculture, but the progress of knowledge now shows us that nature has a power at work gradually overcoming these disadvantages, and that man by taking advantage of her ways may profitably cultivate crops in extreme cli- mates and soils, not so much by irrigation as by developing seeds and plants that suit the natural circumstances, just as our own ancestors developed our European grains from the grasses of Asia or our wide- spread maize from the weeds of Mexico. It is the duty of our agri- cultural experiment stations to lead the way in this evolution of new varieties quite as much as in the mere introduction or acclimatization and study of old varieties. Now that we have learned the secrets of Nature's method of evolution we must hasten to apply it to the needs of mankind. DOVE. In 184G H. W. Dove wrote as follows : In the tropical regions the mean temperature of an}^ year differs but little from that of any other, but the quantity of rainfall differs largely. The result is that the yield of crops varies exceedingly, not onh^ on loAvlands that depend upon the periodical floods of the rivers, but also on the islands, where there are no large rivers. Therefore in these climates the agriculturist cares less about the temperature than about the rainfall. 235 In Europe, however, the connection between the temperature of the air and vecvtation is so intimate that some investigators maintain that on the occurrence of a given tem[)erature the phmt enters at once upon a corresponding definite stage of develojDment, "while others maintain that in order to enter into this stage a definite sum total of heat must be received. Therefore the former determined the stages of 'develoi3nient by the ordinates of the annual curve of temperature, while the latter determine them by the area of the space that is bounded by such ordinates. Tt is evident that if under a given lati- tude the temperature of the atmosphere is the principal factor, Avhile under another latitude the moisture of the atmosphere is the princi- pal factor, tlien neither of these should be entirely overlooked, but the part played by each must be examined. To this end the study of the geogra23hical distribution of plants gives very little information. Again, the study of the influence of periodic variations of the atmos- phere on plants is useless in the attempt to distinguish between the effects of temperature and moisture, because as a general rule the atmospheric conditions all attain their maxima and minima at about the same time. The study of the nonperiodic variations gives prom- ise of greater success. But in studying the relation of temperature to vegetation the data given by thermometers hung in the shade, as to the temperature of the air, can have little to do with the life of the plant as compared with the temperature given by a thermometer ex]:)Osed to the full sunshii\e by day and the radiation from the sky by night. Dove then discusses the observations of maximum sunshine and minimum radiation thermometers made in the botanic garden at Chiswick, near London, from 1816 to 1840, and shows among other things that when the mean temperature of the air is low the freely exposed radiation thermometer is especially low, and when the aver- age temperature is high the freely exposed solar thermometer is es- pecially high. He then investigates the observations of earth tem- perature made by Quetelet, of Brussels, from 1834 to 1843, and shows that the upper layers of soil, whether dry or wet, have temperature variations parallel to those of the temperature of the air. He then studies the phenological observations of Eisenlohr at Carlsruhe from 1779 to 1830. These show that a plant enters into a definite stage of development when the air attains a definite degree of tem- perature rather than when the plant has received a definite sum total of heat, this conclusion being, of course, based upon the internal agreement of the computed figures for these fifty-one years of observations. Analogous results were obtained by him by studying similar ob- servations made in the State of New York and at Wurttemberg, Germany. With regard to the influence of rainfall. Dove finds that it is not so plain as that of temperature, and that it is not so much the quan- tity of rainfall that is important as the frequency; too great fre- 236 quency is injurious, inasmuch as the cloudiness cuts off the influence of sunshine. The fact that years of low temperature are always years of poor crops is a fact that must be generally considered as a local phenomenon because of the simultaneous conpensation as to temperature that is continually going on in contiguous localities. HOFFMAN. Prof. Dr. H. Hoffmann published, first at Giessen and afterwards in the Memoirs of the Senckenberg Association at Frankfort (Vol. VIII, 1872), the details of a work which he began in Giessen in 1866 on the relation between the development of plants and the tempera- ture recorded by a maximum thermometer in full sunshine. Some account of that work and its subsequent continuation at Giessen is given in successive papers published in the Journal of the Austrian Meteorological Association (Zeitschrift O. G. M.) during the years 1868 to 1891. The detailed references to these will be found in the list of papers af)pended to this present report. Hoffmann's first conclusion, as stated in 1868, was that he had found a precise, intel- ligible, and comparable expression for the quantity of heat that is needed for the attainment of any definiie phase of vegetation. He would take the sum of the daily maxima of a thermometer fully ex- posed to the sunshine. His first work at Giessen was done with a naked glass bulb, self-registering, mercurial, maximum thermometer, graduated to Reaumur's scale, attached to a wooden frame and set out in full sunshine 4.5 French feet above the soil or green sod in an open portion of the botanic garden at Frankfort. The exposure was indeed not perfectly free, but was such that the sun shone upon the thermometer from sunrise to 2 p. m. in January and until 4.30 p. m. in June. Hoffmann's summations begin with midwinter, or January 1, and he gives the sums of the positive daily maxima (i. e., above 0° Reaum. ) up to the dates of leafing and flowering for 10 plants. Apparently preliminary values are given in the Journal of the Austrian Meteorological Society for 1868 and 1869, but final values in the memoir published at Frankfort, 1872. In the Meteorologische Zeitschrift for 1875 Hoffmann says that after four years' work at Giessen (1866-1869) his thermometer was broken. A new one was constructed by Dr. J. Ziegler, of Frankfort, in accordance with their mutual understanding; this had a mercurial bulb, but was very many times larger than the former, and therefore very much more sluggish. Observations with such instruments, graduated to accord with the Reaumur scale, were begun in 1875 by Hoffmann at the botanic gardens at Giessen, and by Ziegler at the gardens at Frankfort. In order to compare these two series together and to unite them with the earlier Giessen series the ratios of the sums as given by the earlier and the later thermometers for the same 237 plant were taken, and it was found that the ratios are very nearly the same for all jDlants; therefore the ratio given by the best series, viz, for Lonicera alplgena was taken as a standard and applied to the series for the other plants, so as to reduce all observations with the later thermometers back to agreement with what would have been given by the first thermometer had it not been broken. The ratios of the sums observed at Giessen with the new thermometer as com- pared with the sums observed at Frankfort, also with a similar new thermometer, agreed closely for all the plants, and as the two new thermometers agree closely with each other when placed side by side, it was assumed that the ratios thus obtained represent the reduc- tion from the climate of Frankfort to that of Giessen. Adopting the same standard plant and the ratio of its sums for any place to its sums at Giessen as the standard ratio, all the sums for plants at that place can be reduced to what would have been given by the same plants at Giessen and to what w^ould haA^e been given by the first Giessen thermometer. Although these reductions are very arbitrary, yet the agreement of the sums thus computed for Giessen with those actually observed was quite close. But, as we shall see,^subsequent years of observations have shoAvn that such agreements do not always recur. In the Zeitschrift for 1881 Hofl'mann shows that it is not the low temperatures but the subsequent too rapid thawing that injures most plants; thus the hill stations suffered less at the close of a period Avhose lowest temperature was — 31° Reaum. than did the plants in the lowlands; the shady side of the tree suffered less than the sunny side. It i& indifferent Avhether the sudden rise in temperature is caused by great solar rays or by a sudden warm wind ; the sudden rise from — 12° Reaum. to -|-13° Reaum. is as bad for plants as the sud- den rise from — 20° Reaum. to -(-5° Reaum.; the amount of injury is proportional to the extent and to the suddenness of the rise. In the same volume of the Zeitschrift (p. 330) Hoffmann givew the results of observations at Giessen for 1880. He finds that the blossoming in spring-time is so subject to disturbances by frost that the midsummer and autunmal phases of vegetation are more proper to show the accuracy of his methods. He finds that these later phases, as observed at Giessen (1866-1869), when reduced to the new stand- ard thermometer at Giessen agree within 1 per cent with the actual observations of 1880 at that place. For plants that bloom in the spring he finds that if these are protected from injur}'^ by frost by placing them under glass covers there is then a better but still unsat- isfactory agreement between the observations at Giessen and Frank- fort. On computing the mean temperature of the air in the shade for the dates of blooming at Giessen he finds no apparent connection, so that from the date of blooming we can not infer the mean tempera- ture of that day nor can we reason from the temperature to the date. 238 The sum total of daily maximum sun temperatures at Giessen is much more nearly constant. In the Zeitschrift for 1882 Hoffmann gives the sums of the daily positive readings of his naked bright-bulb mercurial thermometer in the full sunshine; he also gives the sums of the temperature in the shade, and computes the average discrepancy or probable error of these numbers as deduced from their internal agreement year by year. He finds the jjrobable uncertainty of the sums of maxima to be plus or minus 1 per cent and of the sums of shade temperatures to be plus or minus 10 per cent. These latter sums relate to low-lying stations, such as Vienna and Dorpat, and these discrepancies diminish very much when we consider high mountain stations, where the shade temperatures of course give much smaller sum totals. He recognizes that the advantage of using the shade temperatures lies in the greater comparability of the observations made at different stations and with different instruments, but that the sunshine method is also greatly improved if the thermometers are perfectly similar and properly compared together, as in the instruments made by Doctor Ziegler at Frankfort. (8ee the report of the Senckenburg Association, 1879- 1880, p. 337.) Hoffman's observations with a varietj^ of instruments convinced him that this difficulty as to instruments and exposures is not insurmountable. He collects comparative readings at several places and shows that the difference between the average tempera- tures in the sun and in the shade is larger at higher altitudes; thus at Giessen the average difference in summer at midday is 5° Reaum., and the whole range of the differences between sunshine and shade is from 3° to 15° Reaum. The corresponding average in the Hochge- birge, 7,000 feet, is never less than 8° Reaum. At the Bernina hospice, 8,113 feet, it is 25° Reaum. The average temperature of these mountain stations is 16.4° Reaum., corresponding to an elevation of about 6,000 feet. Similarly, J. D. Hooker observing a black-bulb thermometer in the sunshine in the Himalayas, found a difference of — 15° Reaum. at 7,400 feet elevation, as contrasted with 4.4° at sea level. R. S. Ball, also using a black bulb, finds a difference of 18° or 20^ Reaum. in the Hochgebirge and of only 3° at Chiswick. These differences show the effect of the great dryness and mechan- ical purity of the air in the Hochgebirge. Hoffmann considers the smoke and clouds above us as affecting the difference between the sun and shade thermometers, but says nothing of the earth's surface which completes the " inclosure " of the thermometer. The date from which Hoffmann begins his summation for Giessen is January 1 ; but as it would seem more proper to begin with some definite phase of vegetation, therefore he investigates the accuracy with which we can determine the initial phase and the effect of errors therein upon the ultimate sums. By painting the buds of certain 239 trees and oxtimining them very freciuently Hoffinann seeks to deter- mine how accuratel}' the date of the beginning of vegetation or the flow of sap can be determined by the swelling of the buds and the visible cracking of the delicate pencil lines of paint. lie finds that the date can be determined to within one day when spring comes on rapidly, but within eight days when it comes very slowly. The cor- responding uncertainty or variability of the sums of the maximum sunshine thermometer from the swelling of the buds up to the date of the first blossom, for instance, for Castanea vulgaris, is -t per cent while the uncertainty of similar sums, counting from January 1, is only 1 per cent. These and similar data are only deducible from observations made upon the same tree or bush from year to year; the variations are materially increased when different plants in dif- ferent localities are observed ; moreover, they are based upon observa- tions for only four years, which period is not long enough to give a reliable value of the relative inicertainties. As in previous cases in making up these abstracts, I give Hoffmann's actual figures in the following summary, which I have compiled by collating the few observations published by him in the Zeitschrift during the j^ears 1870-1890. I have selected only the few plants for which he has published the sums for several years or for two localities, so that comparisons may be made and a judgment arrived at as to the pro- priety of his method. It will be observed that Hoffmann has, when possible, observed the same tree or bush from year to year, so that the problem of the influence of heat is much more definite than when different plants or a general mass of plants is observed; but, on the other hand, single plants are more liable to irregularities produced by special disturbances which would exert no appreciable influence on the average of a large number of similar plants. Temperature sums at Glessen (Iloffmanirs method) from the first sivelliii(/ of the buds to the first blossom. [Z. O. G. M., Vol. XVII, 1882, p. 127. All in Reaumur degrees.] Castanea vulgaris . . . Catalpa syringafolia. Lonicera alpigena: First specimen . . . Second f pecimen Persica vulgaris: Fir.st specimen Second specimen. Syringa vulgaris: First specimen . . . Second specimen. Vitis vinifera: First specimen . . . Second specimen. 2,142 2,085 1,984 1,058 1,058 1,315 1,181 1,04(J me, 2,317 2,547 1,014 1,032 1,248 1,16<> 1,5:^1 1,222 240 Temperature sums from January 1 to the date of first blossom {by Hoffmann's method) at Oiessen and at Frankfort. [Z. O. G. M., Vol. X, 1875, p. 251, and Vol. XVI, p. 331. All in Reaumur degrees.] Lonicera alpigena Sambucus nigra — Berber is vulgaris Prunusavium Syringa vulgaris — Aesculus hippocastanum . Vitis vinifera - Prunus spinosa Giessen. ther-- mometer A. 1,167 1,678 1,317 1,077 1,317 2,600 1,315 1,091 1,091 1,069 1,995 mometer mometer Bi. Bo. Frank- fort, 1875, ther- mometer 1,110 Temperature sums {by Hoffmann's method) at Oiessen from January 1 to fir^t blossom, for plants that blossom in midsummer and autumn. [Z. o. G. Vol. XVI, p. 331, and Vol. XVII, p. 130 ; M. Z., Vol. I, p. 407, and Vol. Ill, p. 546.] Plant (always same stock). Ther- mom- eter A, 1866- 1869. Thermom- eter Bi. Thermometer Bo. 1880. 1881. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. Aesculus macrostachya . . . 3,353 3,930 3,710 4,033 5,318 3,381 3,504 4,091 2,872 4,091 5,495 3,618 3,479 4,003 2,855 4,260 5,261 3,263 3,191 3,753 2,603 3,753 5,054 3,753 3,254 3,768 2,639 4,040 5,017 3,045 3,929 4,522 3,113 4,555 3,846 4,569 3,228 4,670 3,639 4,363 3,010 4,502 3,546 3,556 Plumbago em'opaea Pulicar ia dysenterica 5,386 5,494 The contrast between the ordinary spring of 1881 and the very early spring of 1882 with its preceding warm winter, affords a test of the question as to how much the thermal constant is liable to change with the variations in the seasons. Hoifmann finds that although the first blossoms in the spring of 1882 occurred fifteen days earlier than usual, yet the sums of the maximum temperatures since January 1 ^ere not much changed. The figures as given by him (Z. O. G. M., A'ol. XVII, p. 460) are reproduced as follows: Thermal sums. 1882. Date of blossom- ing. 1881. Carpinus betulus Larix euroi)aea Lonicera alpigena Prunus spinosa. Ribes grossularia Crataegus oxyacantha Sarothamnus vulgaris Berbei-lH vulgaris 1,159.7 789.9 1,471.7 1,159.7 1,086.5 1,681.6 1,790.8 1,681.6 1,134.6 759.9 1,490.4 1,091.6 1,091.6 1,751.9 1,751.9 Apr. 19 Mar. 30 May 6 Apr. 19 Apr. 16 May 15 May 20 May 15 Apr. 2 Mar. 15 Apr. 19 Mar. 31 Mar. 31 Apr. 30 May 1 May 1 241 Many of the plants observed by Hoffmann show such discordant sums from year to year as to prove that his method has no meaning for them, but for others the agreement is such that he reconnnends them to be observed in connection with the observations of the sun- shine thermometer, as follows: For the following plants observe the temperature sums from tlic first swelling of the buds to the first flower blossom : Castanea vesca, Bupleurum falcatum^ GovydaliH fahacea^ Dianthus cartiivsiano- rum^ Lonicera alpigena^ Salix dafhanoides^ Syringa vulgaris, Amyg- dalus 7ia7ia, Alniis incana, Alnus viridis, Atrova belladonna, Betula alha, Crataegus oxyacantha, Larix europaea (up to the date when the pollen first falls froni the anthers), Ligustrum vidgare, Lonicera tatarica, Prenanthes purpurea^ Prunus pad/us, Pninvs spinosa, Rham- nus fraiigida, Rihes aureiim, Rosa arvensis, Rosa alphia, Salix caprea, male (for the catkin, or the flowers of the willow, the beginning of pollination, as ascertained bv a light stroke on the flower, is to be considered as the date of the first blossom). Hoffmann also applies his summation of sunshine maxima tempera- tures to the interval from January 1 to the ripening of the fruits and shows an excellent agreement between the numbers for 1880 and those for 1881 at Giessen. In the Zeitschrift for 1884 Hoffmann gives his results for 1882, 1883, and 1884 as collected in the preceding table and says that the vexed question of the thermal constant for vegetation is still far from being settled ; either temperature and vegetation are independ- ent of each other, which no one can easily believe, or they stand to each other in a relation for which the correct expression is still unknown. Pfeffer in his Pflanzen Physiologic (Vol. II, p. 114) has stated that the approximate uniformity of the sums of temperature, from year to year, can onh^ mean that, in general, for each year the heat received from the sun amounts to about the same sum total for the same date annually; but this is not in strict accordance with facts, for if it were true a small change in the date should make a small change in the sums, which is not always the case. Thus, if for Linosyris vidgaris the dates of blossoming are August 15, 18, or 20, the sums from January 1 for different years will be as follows : Year. Aug. 15. Aug. 18. Aug. 20. 1882 4,555 4,597 4,363 4,637 4,670 4,452 4,698 1883 4,728 1884 4,500 From these figures we see that the sums vary from year to year quite independently of the change of date. The thermometer Bj, similar to B,, having been sent to Upsala for observations at that place, it gave from January 1 to the first blossom 2667—05 M 16 242 sums that agree so well with those found at Giessen that Hoffmann thinks no better can be expected. In the Zeitschrift for 1885 Hoffmann continues to give the com- parative observations at Giessen and Upsala, and remarks that the question is not as to whether his method is correct and the others are wrong, but as to which of all methods is even a little better than the others. Of these others only one can, he thinks, be compared with his own, viz, that of Karl Fritsch, who takes the sum of all positive mean daily shade temperatures. Hoffmann applies Fritsch's method to the observations at Giessen and Upsala and finds the argument not in its favor. He also tries another form of thermometer, viz, the so-called black bulb in vacuo, but finds it too sensitive, which he thinks is because its bulb is too small. In the Zeitschrift for 1886 (p. 546) Hoffmann gives a summary of observations at Giessen and Upsala during 1886. In general the sums are smaller at Upsala and so also for high Alpine stations. He is thus led to the laws established by Karl Linsser, as published in St. Petersburg in 1867 and 1869, which laws he expresses as follows : "• Every wild plant has in the course of time so adapted itself to the surrounding local climate that it utilizes this climate to the best advantage. For any given phase of vegetation it uses a certain pro- portional part of the available annual sum total of heat. Thus, if the annual sum at Venice is 4,000 and if the corresponding sum at St. Petersburg is 2,000 and if the plant utilizes one-fourth in order to bring it to the flowering stage, then it will require 1,000 at Venice and 500 at St. Petersburg." From Linsser's law he concludes; (1) plants that have been raised in the north and are transplanted to the south reach their phenological epochs earlier than plants already living there, while southerly plants carried to the north are retarded as compared with those already acclimatized; (2) plants raised on colder highlands when transplanted to the warmer low- lands have their epochs accelerated as compared with those already domesticated; plants raised in the lowlands and transplanted to the colder highlands develop more slowly than the acclimatized plants. In the Zeitschrift for 1886 (p. 113) Hoffmann determines the rela- tive retardation of vegetation as determined by the dates of the first blossom of several plants at different altitudes. The result is for the Pyrus communis (pear tree) and allied varieties a retardation of 3.7 days per 100 meters, and corresponding to this a retardation of 2.8 days per 1° of latitude. The analogous data for Pyrus malus (apples) are 2 days per 100 meters and 4.4 days per 1° of latitude. Charts are given showing by means of isophenological lines the gradual progress northward of the development of vegetation as spring advances. 243 In Petermanirs Geog. Mitth. for 1881 Hoffmann gives a general phenological chart for central Europe showing the acceleration or retardation of the phases of vegetation with respect to Giessen. In the Zeitschrift, 1882, Vol. XVII, page 457, Hoffmann gives the results of his study of observations collected by Karl Fritsch, showing the dates of blossoming and ripening of fruits in Europe, as reduced to the latitude and altitude of (xiessen; and, second, the thermal con- stant by Hoft'mann's method from observations at (jiessen for the years 1881 and 1882, as collated in the preceding table. He also shows that the advance of vegetation in the early and very warm spring of 1882 did not materially diminish the sums total of maxi- mum temperatures, the figures for which I have reproduced in the preceding table (p. 240). MARIE-DAVY. The extensive researches conducted at the observatory of Mont- souris (Paris) are scattered through many annual volumes, from which I have culled sufficient to show the views held by Marie-Davy and his coworkers, wiio distinguish very clearly between thermometry and actinometry, and attempt to determine separately the constant amounts of air temperature and of sunshine which constitute the total molecular energy needed to develop the plant. In his Annuaire for 1877 Marie-Davy quotes from Tisserand (1875) and Schuebeler (1862) the results of a series of observations on the culture of grain in Europe. Special praise is given to the records from Norway and to the high state of education among the Norwegian farmers. The durations of the periods from sowing to ripening are as follows : Lati- tude. Mean annual tempera- ture. Sowing to ripening. LocaUty. Sf Spring rye. Pour- row bar- ley. Halsao Bodo Strand SMbotten. Algiers. " N. 59.47 67.17 68.46 69.28 36.45 ° a 6.3 3.6 2.9 2.3 Days. 133 121 115 114 142 139 Days. 139 118 116 113 Days. 117 102 98 93 Paris (Fouilleuse) 48.50 For other plants — oats, peas, Ijeans, vetches, etc. — the duration of the vegetating period diminishes in a similar manner as the latitude increases or as the temperature diminishes; therefore we can not assume at once that warmth hastens the ripening, for in this case cold appears to hasten it. I say "' appears," because with the cold comes in another influence, viz, the amount of sunshine. Thus as we go 244 northward we have a greater amount of possible sunshine during the growing period, ahhough the actual sunshine is very materially diminished by the quantity of cloud and fog. Tisserand calls atten- tion to the maximum possible duration of sunshine as given in the following table for the season of spring wheat from sowing to ripening: Latitude north. Maxi- mum sunshine dura- tion. Correspond- ing locality. o / Hours. 48 30 1.996 Alsace. 59 0 1.795 Christiania. 59 30 2,187 Halsno. 67 0 2,376 Bodo. 68 00 2,472 Strand. 69 30 2,486 SMbotten. These numbers of possible hours of sunshine should be diminished to actual hours of sunshine on account of cloudiness. Moreover, actual actinometric observations would have shown that owing to the atmospheric absorption the efficiency of the sunshine is less at low altitudes and, therefore, at high latitudes. But in the absence of fundumental climatic data Tisserand is probably correct in conclud- ing that the temperature of the air has apparently little to do, in and of itself, with the duration of the time from sowing to ripening, but that this depends principally on the sunshine, so that at northern latitudes the wheat ripens best in localities that have the least cloudi- ness or the sunniest exposure. On the other hand, the temperature of the air does appear to materially affect the chemical constitution of the grain, since the northern crops are richer in hydrocarbons, and the proportion and quality of the starchy principle increases and the nitrogenous compounds diminish as the locality ap^'oaches the equator. The acclimatization of plants is accompanied b}' notable changes in their nature; frequently the leaves increase in size relatively to the rest of the plant, and their colors are more pronounced, as if the plant sought to supplement the low temperature by a more complete absorption of the solar rays. A similar change as to the leaves and colors takes place in the flora of high mountains as compared with that of the plains below. The aromatic principles of plants are also developed in a remarkable manner in high latitudes. Thus the beans have a more decided flavor in Norway in proportion as we go north- ward, and at Alten (lat. 70° N.) the most aromatic cumin {Cuminum cyminum) of all Europe is cultivated. The incident sunshine seems to be the productive climatic element in effecting the growth of plants ; it furnishes the total vis viva, or 245 the mechanical or molecuhir onorijy, that is at the disposition of the plant, but it is also the last consideration to l)e studied and under- stood. The temperature is the next important climatic element and that which has been most studied; the heat involved in temperature is the mechanical, molecular energy that is utilized by the vital powers of the plant." Each plant utilizes a fraction of the molecular energy that is at its disposition, according as its sunshine, temperature, and sap are favorable to the formation of the chemical substances that it can elaborate within its cells. The remaining elements important to the production of crops are : (a) The water that enters the root, which may be natural rain or artificial irrigation. (b) The chemicals dissolved in the water. (c) The soil that furnishes these chemicals. (d) The atmosphere that furnishes nitrogen, oxygen, and carbonic- acid gas. (e) The evaporation of moisture from the plant and soil, mostly through the influence of the wind and heat. Of these, only the rain water, the gases in the atmosphere, and the evaporation are, properly speaking, meteorological or climatic ele- ments not under the control of man; whereas the irrigation of the soil and its chemical constitutents are largely under his control. The quantity of water actually consumed by the plant or evapo- rated from its leaves and that which is daily evaporated from the soil or which drains away to other localities, and thus becomes useless to the plant, have been the subject of many experiments, some of whose results may be summarized as follows : Thus, for example, Lawes and Gilbert, at Rothamsted, England, from experiments in vases entirely under their control, derived the following numbers, showing the weight of water evaporated relative to the weight of grain produced per unit area of ground: Manure. Weight of grain. Weight of evapo- rated water. Ratio. None Grams. 9.6 7.2 4.2 Grams. 6,4:38 3,627 766 882 Mineral and ammoniacal fertilizers 864 In these experiments, therefore, the ground during the wheat sea- son consumed water equivalent to a rainfall of from 184 to 212 milli- meters in order to produce a harvest of 30 hectoliters, or 80 kilograms in weight per hectare. 0 Is it not in fact the vital power of the plant? — C. A. 246 Thus, again, Risler, at Caleves, in France, measured the harvest and the rainfall in an open field, having an impermeable subsoil. He measured the quantity of rainfall and the outflow through the drains, and allowed for the moisture in the soil at the beginning and end of his experiments. The result attained was that a field of winter wheat consumed 256 millimeters in depth of water from April to July. He does not give the quantity of grain that was harvested. Marie-Davy, at Montsouris, cultivated winter wheat in twelve sam- ples of earth of very different qualities, in 1874. The soil was enriched with compost, with results as in the first part of the follow- ing table. In 1875 the soil was enriched with Joulie's complete fertilizer for cereals at the rate of 1,000 kilogi^ams per hectare, with results as in the second part of the table. Evaimration and crops at Montsouris. Experiment of 1874. Experiment of 1875. Sample No.— Evapo- ration. Crop. Ratio. Evapo- ration. Crop. Ratio. 1 Kilos. 380 360 348 347 340 365 344 329 339 359 346 372 Grams. 394" 187 300 380 303 z 324 312 308 313 236 1,924 1,160 913 1,122 1,426 1,049 1,015 1,086 1,165 1,105 1,576 Kilos. 362 356 345 364 356 363 366 344 346 366 346 363 Orams. 394 372 474 479 425 435 424 387 379 469 379 919 2 _ 957 3 - 728 4 760 5 837 6 1,386 7 . --- 841 8 811 9.... 894 10 965 11 _ __ _ _. 738 12 ?58 352 303 1,140 356 407 877 We remark that in these two years the quantity of water evaporated has remained the same, but the harvest changed notably, being in both cases much superior to those of Rothamsted and Caleves. A box of earth, similar to those containing the wheat, lost by evapora- tion from January 2G to June 9, 1875, 114 millimeters, while a box planted with wheat lost 35G millimeters, and the Piche evaporimeter lost 302 millimeters. Similarly, in 1876, from the 22d of February to the 5th of July, the soil covered with winter wheat lost 426 milli- meters, but the naked soil 163 millimeters and the I^iche 465 milli- meters. However, in this connection it must be noted that while the boxes containing naked soil received only the natural rainfall, those containing the growing plants received weekly the water that they 247 had lost by evaporation the preceding week. These hitter, therefore, show us the niaxinmni elt'ect that water can have on vegetation in the climate of Paris. The proportion of water that is consumed is exaggerated, but the crop increases at the same time, but less ra^iidly than the consumption of water. We may, therefore, say that to a ccKtain extent, water can with the aid of the sunshine supplement the fertilizers, although we can not say that a deficiency of fertilizer is a good thing. In general, all the observations recorded in France, Switzerland, and England show that the total annual evaporation from cultivated soils is TO to 80 per cent of the total annual rainfall. A large part of the rain falls in the autumn and winter w^hen vegetation has ceased. The rains of these seasons j^artly filter into the earth and feed the subterranean springs, but they must first return to the soil its own water supply. Xow the more the soil is impoverished by cutting the crops the more it will take up of the autumn rains and the less will be received by the subterranean water beds. It is then easy to understand that in cultivated lands the mean flow in the water courses diminishes in proportion to the progress of the cultivation. It seems certain that in France, and especially in the central portions, the grains do not find in the soil all the water that they could profitably use to the advantage of the crop and that irrigation would be advantageous in these and many other crops wherever there is a good soil and an abundance of sunshine. Notwithstanding this necessity for water, the rainy years are frequently bad for cereals. Rainy summers are deficient in light and dry summers have too much. It is the relative distribution of heat, sunshine, and moisture from day to day throughout the whole season that is important. From a meteorological point of view we should say that from the sowing to the formation of the embryo grain sunlight is indis- pensable, but from the formation to the maturity it is far less important. In his Annuaire for 1878 (p. 468) Marie-Davy gives a summary of the meteorological data, month by month, for several years, as a sample of what may be done by way of explaining the general rela- tions between meteorology, as hitherto pursued, and the crops of the agriculturist. He says: Meteorology, as seen from the agricultural point of view, has for its ultimate object to enable the farmer to anticipate the future of his current crop. This explains why we think it necessary to study the influence that each of the meteorological elements has on the progress of the development of the plants in the successive phases 248 of their growth. The tables of statistics of the climate and the crops, or the corresponding graphic diagrams, allow us to take exact account of the features of the past years and to approximately com- pare these characteristics with the agricultural features of the cur- rent year. Let us compare among themselves the five crops for the years from 1873 to 1877. Of these five years, 1873 gave a poor crop. On the contrary, 1874 gave a very good crop, both as to quantity and quality. The crop of 1875 attained an average as to quantity, but the quality of the grain was below the average. Notwithstanding the great irregularities of 1876 it gave us a good average as to quan- tity and excellent grain as to quality. In 1877, notwithstanding a great development of straw or stalks, the crop of grain was below the average as to quantity and quality; therefore, as regards their crops of grain, these years can be classed in the following decreasing order: 1874, 1876, 1875, 1877, 1873. We will compare these harvests with the following meteorological tables for these years, as based on observations at Montsouris : MONTHLY RAINFALL. 1874-75. 1875-76. October... November December January .. February _ March April May June July August September mm. 65.2 36.5 6.0 23.1 17.5 11.4 16.1 36.6 47.8 54.5 23.1 65.1 mm. 5L0 44.2 8L8 63.2 10.9 8.6 10.1 24.6 82.0 82.1 73.7 32.8 75.4 22.4 9.1 57.8 62.7 24.3 14.3 70.6 24.6 72.3 65.3 mm. 29. .51. MONTHLY EVAPORATIONS, AS MEASURED BY THE PICHE EVAPORIMETER. October November . January ... February . . March April May June July August September. mvi . mm. mm. mm. 58.2 52.1 47.1 26.8 55.4 52.9 34.1 40.8 48.3 22.4 32.0 11.3 36.8 50.5 80.6 34.0 25.0 84.3 8.0 31.5 63.3 85.5 110.5 99.0 135.0 107.2 121.7 110.0 115.0 147.5 97.4 142.8 92.3 115.8 121.7 149.8 81.5 144.2 129.7 130.6 84.7 123.7 72.4 78.3 65. 6 44.2 39.3 33.1 58.9 58.3 40.5 46.5 90.5 90.8 120.7 99. 2 93.8 63.0 249 DEGREES OF HEAT OR MONTHLY SUMS OF THE MEAN DAILY TEMFERATURES. 1872-73. 187»-74. 1874^76. 1875-76. 1876-77 October . . . November December. Januai-y .. February . March April May June July August September "C. a26 2()2 152 62 254 267 375 510 628 601 435 • aw 216 99 146 120 22:3 312 366 528 667 561 507 291 186 3 122 205 301 355 500 594 570 DEGREES OF LIGHT OR MONTHLY SUMS OF THE MEAN DAILY ACTINOMETRIC DEGREES. October November December January Februai-y March.. April May June July August - .• September "Actin. °Actiu. °Actin. °Actin. 552 .598 738 604 276 403 414 372 a32 282 285 267 440 397 363 406 353 490 426 453 791 871 766 800 909 1,152 1,248 1,191 1,401 1,442 1,453 1,433 1,398 l,.5fi6 1,359 1,458 1,702 1,590 1,428 1,.569 1,376 1,311 1,172 1,243 930 945 1,041 900 "Actin. 583 195 a53 763 1,050 1,134 1,439 1,254 Our summaries are divided into three periods. The first, October to February, corresponds to the sowing and the winter season ; the second, March to Julj^, corresponds to the vegetation of the cereals; the third. May to September, corresponds to vegetation of the vine. In these summaries the years are rearranged in the order of tiie decreasing value of the grain harvest. Siimniary from Octoher to February. 1873-74. 1875-76. 1874-75. 1876-77. .1872-73. Rainfall 148 215 931 2,187 242 118 673 2,102 251 172 2.226 200 225 1,2.33 1,727 376 Degrrees of heat 1,000 1,953 In the first period, or the winter, the climatological facts have very little ai)parent bearing on the crops. The sowing period may have been more or less difficult, but very pronounced anomalies in the climate must occur in order to coini)romise the harvest in an irremedi- able manner. The year 1872-73 is the only one that i^resents a fact of 250 this latter kind. The excessive rains of autumn drowned the wheat and produced disastrous inundations. Up to that time we perceived the influence of the light, which strengthens the young shoots and gives them a real progress, but which may be promptly effaced by the subsequent bad weather. SuniDiary from March to July. 1873-74. 1875-76. 1874-75. 1876-77. 1872-73. Rainfall 166 582 2,096 6,621 197 558 1,995 6,450 207 508 2,053 6,249 320 448 2,007 6,008 307 537 Degrees of heat 2,039 Degrees of liglit 6,201 In the second period the light is the element which appears to be of the least importance. Its variations do not correspond to the value of harvest attributed to each year. It is not the same with the rainfall, which increases regularly in proportion as the harvest becomes less favorable. The two last years, 1877 and 1873, differ little from each other in general characteristics. Experience shows that we may water grain planted in pots or in free earth every day and only increase the quantity and quality of their product in.stead of diminishing them. It is not, therefore, that rain water in itself is injurious — far from it : but rainfall brings with it cloudy weather, Avhich diminishes the light. We see in fact that the sum of the actinometric degrees decreases regularly in proportion to the increase in the value of the crop year, except in the case of the last year, 1873, which only descended to this rank in consequence of the meteorological accidents of the autumn. In reality 1873 would have been a more favorable year for the crops than 1877 if the autumn had not been so exceptionally unfavorable. The crop of 1877 only recovered its value, because of the abundance of the wheat stalks. Thus we see that it is in vain that the season be favorable as regards weather if the heads of the grain are scarce. Resumes from May to September. Rainfall. Evaporation Degrees of heat. Degrees of light 612 2,629 6,854 2,709 6,448 468 2,494 6,347 318 543 3,544 This third period relates to the wine crop. Diri'ing this period, as in the others, heat seems to play only a very secondary part for the same country. There would not be the same difference in the nature of the product from one country to another. On the contrary, the quantity of light decreases regularly from the first or best crop to the year l)efore the last or poorest crop. The last year, on the other hand, which was so bad at the beginning, recovered in a most extraordinary manner at the end, and as regards the quality of the 251 wine this year should have had a great simihirity with 1874. Never- thelss, the Aviiie of 187H was not of very g-ood quality, which can perhaps be attributed to a too prolonged growth of the vine stems, caused by the humidity of the soil. If in general a good wheat year corresponds Avith a good wine year this rule is far from invariable. In regard to quality the vintage depends but too often on the late spring frosts. The extremely important part played by light in agriculture makes us regret that the actinometer should still l^e so little known. It perfectly replaces the thermometer for agricultural purposes, but the thermometer can not take its place. In his Annuaire for 1882 Marie-Davy gives the following study of the development of cereals, wine, and other crops : Cereals. — The cereals offer a great number of varieties, and this number increases annually, but often the differences that we see be- tween them are due to certain influences of the soil and climate which disappear by change of locality. However, there are some varieties whose qualities have been fixed by long-continued cultiva- tion in the ordinary way or by long-continued selection, and which jjresent decided advantages for the specific climates. The varieties brought from the south are more sensitive to cold than those from the north, and can not be propagated without special precautions in higher latitudes or at greater altitudes than belong to the localities where these varieties were gradually developed. The varieties brought from the north are generally more precocious and suffer more from dryness. The expressions " early " or " late " have reference to their behavior in the new localit_v. The grain brought from the south comes to maturity at a later date than that raised in the north. Influence of heed and licjht on development of wheat. — We shall divide the development of wheat into four phases, whose dividing epochs are the processes of (1) sowing and germination, (2) heading out, (3) flowering, and (4) ripening. According to Gasparin the ger- mination of wheat begins when together with the necessary moisture it also enjoys a temi)erature in excess of 5° C., and it sprouts when it has received a sum total of effective mean daily temperatures (above 5° C.) equal to 84° C. Its sprouts shoot above the soil a few^ days later. Some wheat sown by Marie-Davy April 23, 1880, was up on the 4th of May, the sum of the mean temperatures being 9()°, so that the germinating sprout had taken about two days to grow from the seed to the surface. In thy following table columns 2, 3, 4, and 5 show the duration in days of the period required for the germination of wheat supposed to be sown at Montsouris in the different years on four different dates — «, h^ e, d — as stated at the heads of the columns. These durations are calculated to the nearest whole days, on the 252 assumption that the sum of the mean daily temperatures in the shade must be 84° C. [Date of sowing: a, October 1; b, October 15; c, November 1; d, November 15. Aver- age date of germination: a, October 7; b, October 22; c, November 14; d, December. 18. Average date of heading : a, February 8 ; b, March 4 ; c, March 3 ; d, Feb- ruary 26.] Year. Duration of germinating stage. Duration of heading stage. a. b. c. d. a. 6. c. d. 1873 Days. 5 6 5 9 6 6 Days. 6 6 7 10 6 9 Days. 12 9 9 13 8 26 11 16 Days. 13 40 12 17 45 94 28 Days. Ill 151 151 59 138 1.51 155 86 Days. 159 166 165 87 130 179 156 133 Days. 142 163 148 93 149 151 152 125 Days. 142 1874 143 1875 118 1876 113 1877 137 1878 128 1879 57 1880 87 6.4 7.5 13.0 33.4 124 147 140 116 Counting from the date when the mean daily temperature is 5° C. and the wheat begins to sprout to the date when the wheat begins to head, Gasparin adopts 430° C. as the sum of the mean daily shade temperatures. Marie-Davy finds from the date of actual sowing of the seed to the date of heading out a sum of 555° C. after rejecting all daily mean temperatures that are below 6° C. according to the rule of Herve Mangon. He also finds 639° C. for the sum total of tempera- tures between the dates of germination and heading out after reject- ing all days below 6° C. On this last hypothesis are calculated the duration of the heading stage and the mean dates of heading for the respective years as given in the columns 6 to 9 of this table. These computed dates of heading out show that the sowing of wheat on October 15 or November 1 or 15 brings it to a head at the end of February or beginning of March, but when the sowing occurs on October 1 it is brought to a head so much earlier in February as to expose it to great chance of injury by the frost; for although the grasses and the green wheat plant resist the action of frost, yet the embryo seed in the ear or head does not do so, and if once destroyed by frost will not be replaced unless the soil is very fertile. The third epoch, or the flowering of the wheat, takes place in France, according to Gasparin, when the mean temperature has risen to 1G° C. oi* when the sum total of daily shade temperatures has amounted to 813° C, counting from the beginning of vegetation in the spring or from the date when the mean daily temperatures is 5° C. in the shade. This figure relates, of course, to an average of many years, and the individual years may vary very considerably. Marie-Davy, as before, adopts the views of Herve Mangon as to 253 rejecting all mean daily temperatures below 6° C, and thus finds 1,496° as the mean value of the sum of temperatures from the date of sowing to that of flowering. The similar sum from the date of head- ing to flowering is 8(50°, or 1,490° less 689°. The fourth epoch, or the ripening of the wheat, occurs when the sum total of the mean dail}^ shade temperatures since the date of flowering, rejecting all below 6° C., amounts to 815° C., and in the climate of Paris this occurs about fortj^-five or forty-six days after the date of flowering. The range of uncertainty in this last interval is only four or five days, owing largely to the uniformity of the climate at this season. It is the best defined of all the periods and so well ascertained that, knowing any actual date of floAvering we can safely predict the date of ripening. In proportion as we approach the latter date the process of ripening seems to concentrate itself more and more within the wheat ; water and sunlight become less and less important ; rain becomes a source of uneasiness as to the harvest, and the intensity of sunshine has only an indirect influence on the quality and quantity of the grain. The influence of sunlight during the first phase or germination is negligible and probably nothing; it is a maximum at the beginning of the fourth phase, but diminishes rapidly as the fourth phase progresses and in proportion as the wheat becomes more yellow. We shall therefore consider the amount of sunshine, or more properly the total radiation from sun and sky, during the first thirty days after flowering and neglect its amount during the remainder of the period up to maturity. The following table shows the amount of radiation, as expressed by Marie-Davy in actinometric degrees or percentages and com- puted from actual observations of his actinometer at Montsouris for the various stages of growth, viz, the second or heading stage from germination to heading, the third or flowering stage from heading to flowering, and fourth for the first thirty days of the fourth or ripening stage immediately following the flowering: Year of sow- ing. Total radiation received dviring heading stage. Total radiation received during flowering stage. Total radiation received during 30 days of ripen- ing stage. a. b. c. d. a. b. e. d. a. b. c. rf. 1873 - 1874 1875 842 908 904 1,332 1,191 1 nnf) 1,755 1,663 1,161 f546 977 1,476 1,582 1,924 1,848 1,938 1,247 811 1,255 1,743 1,600 1,991 3,205 3,031 3,214 2,979 2,933 3,169 2,870 2,620 3,169 2.954 2,4«2 2 821 1,176 1,403 1,419 1,608 1,220 1,504 1,548 1,171 1,526 1,581 1,194 1,558 1876 652 i 698 733 73fl 1877 2,096 2 :?02 2 282 : 2.2ns l,l(e 1,330 1,076 1,391 1,199 1,496 1,092 1,433 1,399 1,131 1,321 1,433 1,3(!0 1,450 1,184 1,362 1,486 800 840- 1,000 1,251 1,578 2,749 3,095 3,519 2,634 2,580 3,106 2,630 2,5()6 2,658 1 2,607 2,849 1 2,865 1879 1880 Average of 6 years 857 1,117 1,497 1,653 2,977 2,808 2,723 2,629 1,268 1,363 1,363 254 If we sum up the second, third, and fourth series of fio:ures we finally obtain the sum total of the effective radiation received during the whole interval from germination to ripening, as given in the following table : Total radiation received from germination to ripening. Rela- crop. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. ^879 . 5,223 5,342 5,537 5,919 5,344 6,173 5,454 5,856 5,614 5,924 5,438 5,676 5,011 5,910 4,240 5,512 4,658 5,237 5,561 4,913 5,433 5,569 6,345 4,436 5,263 5,266 6,145 19.0 26.5 22.5 15.2 11.1 Average of 6 years. 5,102 5,288 5,550 5,645 The relative value of the wheat crops, as observed at two stations, is given in the last column of the preceding table, and the comparison of the figures shoAvs that a deficiency of sunshine has a decided effect in diminishing the relative value of the crop ; but the converse is not true, for we may have an excess of sunshine and still get poor crops, owing to a deficiency of rain or irrigating water. In fact, the pre- ceding study only shows the nature of the influence of the solar radiation ; the exact quantitative effect on the amount of the crop must vary with the irrigation or rainfall, with the fertilizers applied to the soil, and with the peculiarities of the seed. As to the rainfall, it was in the preceding cases distributed as shown in the following table: Rainfall during stages. Total sunshine from germina- tion to ripening. Year of sowing. Germi- nating. Heading. Flower- ing. Ripen- ing. 1873 1.19 2.97 1.84 0.75 1.36 0.78 0.99 1.65 1.72 1.44 1.94 5,924 1875 5,676 1878 5, 263 - From these figures we conclude that the excess of rain in the wheat season of 1878-79, which would have been advantageous with a clear sky, as in Egypt," was at Paris accompanied by too little sunshine, and therefore the crop suffered. For a given quantity of sunshine a certain quantity of water is best for the crop; if the sunshine is diminished the plant can not use so much water, and that must be correspondingly diminished. a Or as in the case of irrigation in tlie arid portions of tlie United States. — C. A. 255 The influence of the date of sowing and its relation to sunshine and frost is fully shown in the table for Montsouris, which gives the sum total of actinometric degrees from the time of germination to maturity for seeds sown on successive weeks in 1879, 1880, and 1881, and harvested in 1880, 1881, and 1882 : Date of sowing. Total sun- shine fiMm arerminatiiii: to ripening (actinomet- ric degrees) Total sun- shine from germination to ripening (actinomet- ric degrees). 1879 October 1 Octobers October 15 October 22 November 1 Novembers November 15 November 22 1880, Februarys February 15 February 23 March 1 September 29 c October 6c... October 13 October 20d October 27d November 3No sowing during this interval. <• See note 1 in text. d See note 2 in text. eSee note Sin text. / Frozen ground prevented sowing. Among other conclusions that may be drawn from these figures are the following, most of which are also given by Marie-Davy : 1. The season 1880-81 was characterized by much sunshine and little rain, which hastened the ripening, but delayed the flow of nap, and therefore of nourishment to the grain, so that the crop was rather poor. 2. For the crops of fall wheat the sunshine increased more and more as the seed was sown later from September, 1880, even to the end of December; then it began to diminish, and for the spring wheat, sown in March, 1881, it was too small. 3. By considering other weather records it is evident that the freezing of the ground in January, 1881, not only prevented the sow- ing of the seed, as noted in our table, but prevented the germination of the seeds sown on December 22 and 29, 1880, which would other- wise have sprouted on February 4 and 19, 1881, respectively. 256 4. The wheat sown September 29 and October 6, 1880, which headed out December oO and February 19, was injured as to the heads by the subsequent frost. 5. The seeds sown October 20, 27, and November 3, 1880, flowered between the 4th and 8th of June, 1881, but at this time there was experienced at Paris a spell of very cold weather, the minimum daily temperature being 3.1° C, and even white frosts were reported, so that wheat which was then in flower was badly injured. 6. -In general, the dates November 10, 1880, to December 15, 1880, are those indicated as most favorable for sowing wheat in that year, and the crop of 1881 may be predicted as likely to be small, but of excellent quality. The grape and loine crop. — In a short study on the relation between the vine and the weather, Marie-Davy (1882, p. 290) states that, in general, the annuals, such as the cereals, concentrate all their energy in the formation of the ear and the seed or grain. Their work is then finished and they die. The next year's crop of these annuals is largely under the control of the husbandman, who can obtain seed from more favored regions if his own crop was inferior. On the other hand, the work of the vine, like all perennials, is not merely to ripen its fruit and seed, but to preserve its own individual self for usefulness in future years. Therefore it elaborates out of its own sap not merely leaves and fri^t and seed, but a store of woody fiber. Corresponding to this more complex system of growth the relations of the perennials to the climate are apparently more complex 1 han the relations of the annuals, and, it may also be added, the range of geographical distribution, whether by nature or by cultivation, is more restricted. Our studies will be confined to the data furnished by the observa- tions at Epernay (1873-1881), to which Marie-Davy adds other data computed from the observations made at Montsouris, in which latter computation certain laws of growth of the vine as established by Gasparin were adopted. In the neighborhood of Paris the leaf buds of the vine burst open in May when the mean daily temperature has permanently passed above 11° or 12° C. Assuming that the mean of twenty days, as observed at Montsouris, will give this date (which was unfortunately not observed at Epernay), we obtain the figures in the first three col- umns of the following table. In some of these years the early leaf buds were undoubtedly killed by nocturnal frosts, but they were soon replaced by other buds, and the dates here given must be adopted in the absence of actual observations, especially when we remember that the quantity and quality of the final crop of grapes depend not only 257 on the meteorological conclitioiis, but, equally or more, on the condi- tion of the woody fiber of the stock and stems. Similarly the date of flowering is calculated by assuming, with Gasparin, that the sum total of the mean daily temperatures in the shade must be 466° C, count- ing from the date of leafing. This number is more especially appli- cable to the vineyards of Champagne and Burgundy, and is not necessarily strictly applicable to P^pernay or to the vineyards of the south of France. The fifth and subsequent columns of the table give the mean climatic conditions for a period of sixteen days, in the middle of which is the calculated date of flowering. There appears to be no simple relation between this latter data and the resulting wine crop, nor has the crop any apparent relation with the total sky radiation during this period. In fact we may conclude that up to the time of flowering the energy of the vine has been devoted to building up its own structure as a preparation for the work that is to come. The development of the grape does not depend upon nitrog- enous particles stored away in the vine, but on the power to elaborate the sap which is to become the juice of the grape, and that power depends upon the leaf surface, the roots, and the stock during the first stages of the growth of the grape, but eventually upon changes that go on within the grape itself. These facts are brought out by the study of the conditions prevail- ing during the last stages, viz, from flowering to maturity : Calculated date of leafing. During 80 days. During 16 days. Average tempera- ture. Total rainfall. Calculated date of flow- ering. Average tempera- ture. Average radia- tion. Total rain- fall. May 21, 1873 ° C. 12.1 13.2 16.0 14.2 11.5 14.1 12.6 14.0 14.6 mm. 25.3 20. 5 25. 5 3.0 .56.8 .51.7 a5.9 0.0 39.0 June 22 .. . •a. 18.7 16.8 19.0 19.4 20.9 16.4 16.6 16.2 14.9 ° Actin. 46.1 41.5 55.2 49.0 51.6 40.3 43.0 37.6 48.7 mvi. May 20, 1874 June 13 26 8 May 9, 1875 May 28, 1876 Jiine 25 52 3 May 13, 1877 May 16, 1878 June 16 55 1 May 21, 1879 June 23 May 16, 1880 June 16 45 5 May 21, 1881 15 2 Average June 16.. Average May 18 . . . 13.6 27.5 17.7 45.9 «.6 According to Gasparin the grape reaches its maturity when it has received a sum total of mean daily shade temperatures of 1,926° C, counting from the date of flowering, but the grape ceases to be nourished or to ripen when the mean daily temperature falls lielow 12.5°, If, now, we ascertain the date of maturity by summing up the daily temperatures, as required by Gasparin's rule, we obtain the results given in the first column of the following table. If we 2667—05 >i 17 258 lake the mean values for the twenty days previous to the date of maturity we obtain the data in the second, third, and fourth columns, and we notice that although in the warmer seasons there may be a great variety in the value of the crop, yet in the cold seasons, 1877 and 1879, when the mean temperatures fell below the. limit (12.5°) required for ripening, the crop was very poor or failed altogether. If noAv the total radiation from sun and sky is computed according- to Marie-Davy's method for the period betAveen leafing and flowering and again from flowering to maturity Ave obtain the figures in the columns five, six. and seven. Here we see, as before, that the variation during the flowering period Avas of little importance, Avhereas that during the ripening period has a direct relation to the character of the wine crop, such that in general the larger the total radiation the better the crop, provided the temperature of the air has not fallen too low. During previous 20 1 Total radiation by days. ! stages. General character of— Calculated dates of ripening. Mean daily tem- tui-e. Sum. Juice. Wine crop. Sugar. Acid. October 7, 187,3 16.1 16.0 17.4 16.2 11.9 13.3 11.5 15.2 15.1 °Actin. 30.2 27.6 40.6 27.7 30.4 25.5 36.1 27.8 24.2 mm. 1° Act in. 20.3 1,278 28.8 1,343 5.9 1,306 16.7 1,222 8.2 1-280 "Actin. 4,590 4,544 4,322 4.205 4,603 4,165 •4,033 3,966 4,262 ° Act in. 5,868 5,887 5,728 5,427 5,883 5,403 5,301 5,837 162 8.2 179 6. 1 181 5.4 174 6.8 186 ; 8.7 181 ' 6 7 September 35, 1874 September 21, 1875 October 7, 1876 Finest. Good. October 2, 1877 Very poor. Good October 2, 1878 23.8 6.3 25.0 81.2 1,238 1,355 1,305 1,575 October 15, 1879... September 29, 1880 September 26, 1881 154 188 180 9.5 6.4 6.1 Very poor. Excellent. Average Octo- ber 2 14.7 28.9 34. 0 1 322 4, .302 5,636 176 7 1 In general, Marie-DaA-y concludes that the number of grapes to the bunch and the number of bunches to the vine do not seem to have any clear relation to meteorological conditions, except in the case of spring frosts, Avhich can destroy a crop. Besides the conditions as to pruning the vine and dressing the soil, the number of grapes that haA^e set (on which principally depends the quantity of the tn-op that Avill be pro- duced) is a result primarily of the meteorological conditions during the previous year and of the state of preparation of the Avoody stock. On the contrary the final size of the grapes and the quality of the juice depends on the meteorological conditions of the crop year and those that accompany the flowering and succeed it up to the time of maturity. A final sum total of radiation is not ■ sufficient ; it is necessary to take account of its distribution Avith reference to the 259 phenological perio is and of other accoiiip-uiying- circumstances. Thus in 1877. with a low mean temperature and a high radiation during maturity, and in 1879, with a low temperature and a low radiation during the last phase, both alike gave a poor crop, but the sunshine of l.'^77 was able to make a large quantity of sugar as compared with the small quantity of sugar in 1871). Sugar heets. — Marie-Davy (1882) and Pagnoul (1870) give the data of a research into the relation of climate to the development of sugar beet as cultivated at Arras, the agricultural station of the Department of Pas de Calais. The following table gives the i-esults of meteorological observations and chemical analyses of sample beets taken up every ten days during the season. The beets were sown April 5, 1879, averaging six plants to the square meter. They were of a poor variety, but of the kind ordinarily planted in that section ; they were of a rosy color, and were planted a great distance apart in order that they might grow more rapidly. Decade ending 1879. During the decade. Total rain. Total heat (sum of mean daily shade tempera tures). Total sunshine (daily average of clear skyj. Total radia- tion (sum of daily actino- metric degrees at Mont- souris). At end of decade. Average weight of— Root. Leaves. Aver- age density of juice. Weight of sugar per 100 beets. Weight of sugar June 11 June 21 Julyl July 11 July 21 JulySl August 10 August 20 August 30 September 9 . . September 19 . September 29 . October 9 October 19 ... . October 29 .... Per cent. 41 30 31 16 Actin. 393 479 31 41 110 105 222 220 333 346 462 486 452 666 433 778 335 878 312 1,040 200 1,048 126 1,048 194 1,056 98 l,a50 128 Beau- me. 4.0 4.2 4.1 4.4 4.3 4.1 4.4 4.1 4.5 2.13 5.18 .5.:w 5.88 6.K5 7.57 8.20 7.46 7.46 8.06 7.46 7.94 ■.m 776 1,422 1,848 3,073 3,534 4,320 4,655 4,691 5,068 4,727 5,002 The influence of sunshine is to be found by studying the fourth col- umn of the sum total of daily average cloudiness at Arras, as result- ing from twelve daily observations of the amount of cloudiness. The clearness of the sky, as given in the fourth column in percentages, is 260 the complement of the cloudiness and represents the relative duration of sunshine, but owing to the varying altitude of the sun can by itself alone give no idea of the intensity of the radiation received by the plant. To obtain this ^ \st item and as no actinometric observa- tions were made at Arras I give in the fifth colunni the results of observations at Montsouris, expressed in actinometric degrees; The beets are reported to have sprouted very late and very un- equally ; this was due not to dryness, since the rain during March and April was in excess of its normal value, but was directly traceable to the low temperature, which was especially low in April. The study of the development of sugar, week by week, as given in the last two columns of the above table shows that after September 9 the sugar crop increased slowly, became stationary, and then fluctu- ated very much as the weight of the leaves fluctuated. The rainfall had at that time become light and the development of the beet seemed to depend mostly on the temperature, so that it may be concluded that the beet ceases to increase in its quantity of sugar after the mean daily temperature falls below 13.1° C, and that there is no probable advantage in leaving the beets in the soil after that date, which in this case is September 29, 1879. Marie-Davy points out that the actual increase per decade of the weight of the roots coincides with the increase of the rainfall and the temperature, but the proportion of sugar increases with the degree of radiation or total sunshine; the sunshine precedes the formation of sugar, since its action is slow and indirect, being through the assimilation that takes place within the leaves. It is therefore not an excess of water, but a deficiency of light and heat that causes rainy autumns and summers to give poor crops of sugar. Therefore, if during dry, clear, warm summers having large radiation, one could irrigate the fields properly one would realize the best conditions for a good crop. Therefore, every ray of sunshine that strikes the ground instead of the leaf is a loss to the formation of sugar and by helping to evaporate the moisture of the soil it also causes further great loss of sap to the plant. These conclusions agree with other experiments made by Pagnoul, who raised beets both in darkness and under a transparent bell glass, and again in the free air, and found the amount of sugar to increase with the strength of the sunshine. The following table gives a general survey of the beet crops in Pas de Calais and the corresponding climatic data at Montsouris, which is about 90 miles south of Arras. The numbers given in the columns for quantity and quality of the crops are the estimates obtained from many planters and are recorded on the following scale : 1, very small 2(>1 or verv bad ; 2, small or bad ; ;J, passable or niodiocre ; 4, fairly trood ; 5. good ; 0, ver}' good. Dates when mean temperature of air thermome- ter in shade— During the season. General character of sugar crop in Pas de Calais. The climatic data given in the above table as directly applicable to the seasons of growth of the beet root illustrate what should be given for any similar study of development of any crop. But it is com- monly the case that the dates of the various phenological epochs are not exactly given, and that we have to rely upon general tables of general climatic conditions month by month, such as are recom- mended by the International Meteorological Congress of Vienna and by that of Rome. Therefore, for the sake of comparison with other climates whose data are given on the so-called international forms, I give in the following table a part of PagnouFs tables of average tem- perature Centigrade and rainfall in millimeters as observed at Arras : Mean daily shade temperature. 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 Apr. i May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. 8.6 11.0 9.6 9.3 19.1 20.1 17.4 19.6 17.8 18.0 15.5 17.0 19.1 19. 15 17.7 18.6 17.6 Total monthly rainfall. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. 48.6 20.7 8.0 41.3 45.0 45.5 ^.3 32.9 I 25.7 m.7 [ H2.0 1.5.3 32.0 88.2 23.0 88.4 60.6 51.7 138.6 26.2 16.0 6:17 61.3 46.7 40.3 I 33.5 34.2 1 93.3 87.3 87.0 96.5 50.3 42.9 ;«.5 56.1 47.2 61.6 24.5 48.5 87.3 4.5.4 The preceding stud}' gives n first idea as to the relation between climate and the development of the leaves, the roots, and the sugar, and offers a first step toward determining how suitable for the beet- sugar industry any climate may be, and especially does it suggest to 262 the planter how he may early in August begin to safely predict from week to week what his jDrobable crop will be early in October. Thus, table on page 259 shows, by the samples taken August "20, that there were then in the beets 3,073 kilograms of suger per hectare, whereas on October 9 there was 5,068. or five-thirds of that present on August 20. This factor, five-thirds =1.()T. is. therefore, that by which the figures of August 20 are to be multiplied in order to obtain those of October 9. The following table gives similar factors for the succes- sive decades for the crop of 1879, and when a succession of years has been thus treated we shall know something of the accuracy with which the harvest crop can be predicted. The regularity with which these numbers run shows that after the 1st of September the error of pre- diction can only be a small per cent. ICrop fac-! •vrrp;„>,* Date of sampling , 1879). tor for 'of ®'|rr 'this date. °^ sugar. AugustlO 2.74 1,848 August 20 l.&j 3.073 AugustSO _ 1.43 I 3,534 Septeinber9 1.17 ! 4,320 September 19 __ 1.09 4,655 September 29 1.08 4,691 October 9. 1.00 5,068 Pagnoul calls attention to the fact that the roots contain a consid- erable portion of nitrates, although the soil in which they grow had not received during this or previous years a trace of these salts. This salt could only have come into existence by the nitrification of organic nitrogenous matter, and it is well to insist upon this fact, for we can thus remove from the minds of certain persons the idea that if the beet root contains nitrates they must have been put into the soil by the cultivator. This mistake has frequently caused un- happy contests between the farmer and the sugar manufacturer. If the beet root had at its -disposal only a proper proportion of nitrates that had been formed in tlie soil before sowing, these salts would be rapidly absorbed; they would by their decomposition give rise to a large and i)rompt development of leaves, and, consequently, to an easier elaboration of sugar, and in proportion as vegetation advances we should find smaller quantities of nitrates in the beets. This fact was proven by Marie-Davy in 1878. If on the contrary the nitrogen is furnished by a process of nitrifi- cation that is prolonged during the ^hole season, then the absorp- tion of the nitrates goes on continuously and their total weight per hectare increases steadily to the end of October, as shown in these analyses for 1879. 263 Some fiii'tlier experiments l)y Pno-noul (1R70, p. 4S()) on the beet as grown in darkness and in sunshine shows that the former were exceptional!}^ rich in alkali, ash, and especially the nitrates. This is explained as above, viz: The nitrates Avill not decompose within the plant except under the influence of sunshine; if the plant is kept in darkness it stores up the nitrates within itself without having the power of utilizing its own nitrogen, so that the substances in the formation of which this nitrogen ought to be of assistance can not be formed. P'rom this one must conclude that years that are bad for the beet- sugar crop are so not only because of unfavorable temperatures and humidities but above all because of a defect in the insolation. Lively complaints have been made of the quantity of nitrates in certain harvests; now these salts that accumulate in the molasses and in the inferior products and augment the difficulty of the w'ork occnr often in beets cultivated upon a soil that has never received a trace of nitrates as a fertilizer. It is therefore not to the abuse of nitrates as a fertilizer that we ought to attribute their presence, but rather to a too cloudy sky. We know that the neighborhood of large trees is injurious to the vegetation aronnd them. Ordinarily we attribute this injurious influence to their roots. It would perhaps be more exact to attribute it to the shade that they cast, and the more so because it has been demonstrated b}' Cailletet that green light has no power to bring about the decomposition of carbonic acid. In the Annuaire for 1883 Marie-Davy studies the influence of the date of sowing. In order to ascertain the best dates for sowing and trace out the various vicissitudes to which the crop is subject, whether resulting from the climate as such or from the ravages of insects or fungi, it is necessar}' to make a rather detailed study of the state of development of the plant under the assumption that the seeds were sown on successive dates — for instance, on a given series of successive week days. An elaborate study of this kind is given for wheat by Marie- Davy (pp. 244-285 of his ^Vnnuaire for 1883), from which the following tables have been extracted. In general the varieties of wheat cultivated in the south of Europe are more sensitive to cold than those of the north, but the studies of Marie-Davy for the latitude Montsouris, when paralleled by similar studies for localities in the United States, can but be of the greatest value both to the farmers and the statisticians of this country. The study of such tables will enable one to very closely i)redict the time of harvest, the quantity and quality of the cro]), and the range of uncertainty. To this end it is, of course, imderstood that corresponding elaborate tables of 264 meteorological conditions must be accessible, samples of which I have prepared for twenty United States stations." If we suppose some wheat to have been sown on the :l2d of Septem- ber, 1871, near Paris, and if we adopt the rule established by Gas- parin that the vitality of the seed is actively aroused as soon as its temperature in a moist earth exceeds 5° C, and that it germinates visibly when it has received a sum total of mean daily temperatures that is equal to 85° C, and that the sprout rises above the surface of the earth in a few davs after the seventh, then we obtain six days as given in the folloAving table for the interval from sowing to germina- tion. A similar computation for every other date of sowing, as given in the following table, shows at a glance the effect of the temperature of tJie soil on this phase of plant life. Duration, in (Itn/n. from aoiriiifi to f/rriiiiuation of irintrr irJieat at .l/o»f.«oj2 276 260 252 259 257 Aug. 1 November 24 . . . 248 249 249 257 250 240 248 270 254 247 254 251 Aug. 2 December 1 241 244 242 251 243 234 243 263 247 241 258 245 Aug. 3 Decembers 234 240 235 245 236 232 234 256 240 235 241 239 Aug. 4 December 15 227 234 228 238 229 231 2:« 249 233 231 234 233 Aug. 5 December 22.... 220 229 221 231 225 226 225 242 226 226 329 227 Aug. 6 December 29 213 226 217 224 219 220 218 236 219 220 222 221 Aug. 7 In the following table I present a summary of the iDreceding de- tails, showing the average duration and dates for the ten years from 1872 to 18S1, inclusive. To this I have added the average total daily radiation for crops sown in 1873 to 1880, as computed by Marie-Davy in actinometric degrees for two phases, viz, from heading to flower- ing, and for thirty days after flowering, which brings us through the greater and more important part of the ripening phase. Summary of dates and radiation for icinter ivheat during ten years, 1872-1881, at Moiitsouris, France. Date of sowing. Average interval from sowing to— Average Aver- date of age date Ripen- germina- of head- ing, i tion. ing. Germi- Flower- ing. Days. Days. 99 236 120 236 141 2;i5 147 233 154 zn 1.55 227 154 2£i 151 219 149 214 145 2(H) 140 2(« i:« 197 128 191 134 184 118 179 September 22. September 29. October 6 October 13.... October 2(J..-. October 27.... November 3.. November 10. November 17. November 34. Decern V)er 1 .. December 8 . . December 15 . December 22 . December 29 . Days Days. Sept. 29 Oct. 6 Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 31 272 ' Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Dec. 13 Dec. 23 Dec. 31 Jan. 12 .Tan. 18 Jan. 19 Jan. 29 Feb. 1 Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 270 Summuri/ of dates and radiaiioii for iriiitrr a-heut diiriitf/ ten years. 1872-1881, at Moi'tsouris, France — Continued. Date of sowing. Average total radiation, in acfinometric degrees, 1874- Average ' 1^81. date of Flower- Ripen- ing ing stage. stage. September 22 . September 2ft . Octobers October 13 — October 20.... October 27 .... Novembers... November 10. . November 17. . November 24-. De(.:eniber 1 . . . December 8... December 1.5.. December 22. . December 29. . 3,906 3,989 4,116 4,1.W 4,131 4.i2n 4.127 4.131 4. 131 4,131 4,lft6 4,121) 4,128 4,04.5 4,018 On the average the Avheat sown October IH and ripening July V.) received the most sunsliine during the hist two stages and shoukl give the best crop. The preceding study gives the details of the weather and the development of the wheat from 1872 to 1882. Marie-Davy compares these figures with the annual reports of the total crops actually gathered in the Department of Seine-et-Oise, immediately surround- ing Montsouris, as shown in the folloAving table, assuming that the crop ripened at any time between July 6 and August 7 during those years. Wlieat crops and sunshine at Montsouris. Year of harvesting. hectoli- ters per hectare. Total ac- tinometric degrees during flowering and ripen- ing stages. Year of harvesting. Total a<-- rs. ^r^ tinomctric y. 1% degrees terfper ^"""K Wta^re Aowering hectaie. and ripen- ing stages. 1872 31.0 17.3 28.9 21.9 25.0 23.0 19.4 17.9 1880* 24.4 4,1.54 1873 1881* 24.6 4.a51 4,494 3,892 4,416 4,140 3,584 3,703 26.8 3,941 * Average of 5 good years + Average of 4 poor 25.9 20.4 1876* 4,284 1877t --- 3,827 1879t If we summarize the five years of crops above the mean and the four years of crops below the average, as ijidicated in the preceding 271 table, there results an apparent continnation of our view tliat the radiation during the flo>vering and ripeniiiii: phases has an important, direct influence; in fact, the diminution of the average sunshine from 4,284 to 3,827 actinometric degrees has been accompanied by a diminution of the crop from '2'k^^ to '20A hectoHters per hectare This diminution of 25 per cent of the crop corresponds to a h)ss of about 1.2 hectoliters per hectare, or 4 per cent of tlie normal crop, for every 100 actinometric degrees. We have already seen that if we suppose the same number of stalks to the hectare and the same relative total simi of solid nutriment taken from the soil by each stalk, then, according to theory, the radia- tion can serve as a measure of the possible work of assimilation by the plant, and consequently of the actual sum total of the assimilated material. These conditions are never completely realized for many reasons, and one can not hope for an exact relation between the crop and the radiation, but it is interesting to see that the above-reported crops, both in detail and general averages, confirm the theory. Some of the minor departures from perfect agreement are ex- plained by a detailed examination of the conditions during the suc- cessive phases of germination, heading, flowering, and ripening during the good years and the poor years. The following table gives the average climatic conditions during the first three phases and shows that as between the good and bad years there can have been but slight average differences in the condition of the stalks and the embryo seeds up to the beginning of the ripening stage, as far as it depends on climatic conditions. Compurifson of cliinateK during five ijood and four poor yean Stage. Germiuating period: Duration days.. Freezing weather days.. Average minimum temperatures "C. Rainfall during the period millimeters.. Heading ijeriod: Duration • days.. Freezing weather days.. Average of the minimum temperatures °C.. A vert-ge temperature at the epoch of heading "C. Average rainfall at the epoch of heading millimeters.. Flowering period: Duration days . . Mean daily temperature at the epoch of flowering ° C. . Average rainfall at the epoch of flowering millimeters.. Average radiation during this period Actinometric- degrees. . Ripening period: Average radiation during this period Actiuometri<- degrees.. Good yeai's. ll.fi - 4.66 9.4 114 5.7 - 1.7 10.1 14.8 75 16.3 ii6.3 2,826 1,45H '.t.O - a. 7 11.6 113 6.1 - 2.1 9.7 22.1 80 16.3 31.6 2,525 272 The preceding table shows that the only important difference between these good and poor years consists in the fact that the latter have more rain and less sunshine. The influence of the tempera- ture of the air as such and of the number of days of freezing weather does not seem to be important, so that we must conclude that the cloudy weather which accompanies the rain and cuts off the sunshine, affects the plant unfavorably only by this loss of radiation. xV defi- ciency of light is more unfavorable than excessive moisture in the soil. In general in France, and especially in dry countries such as the arid regions of America, it is the deficiency of Avater in the soil that affects the crops unfavorably. Where an abundance of sunshine exists the wheat plant can utilize more water than ordinary soils possess; hence the great advantage of irrigation, as long since prac- ticed in Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, India, Arizona, and South Africa. The numerical data with regard to the quantity of water and the times of irrigation have been approximately determined at agricultural experiment stations, Avitli results given in the next sec- tion of this present report. In the Annuaire for 1890 Marie-Davy gives climatic tables espe- cially adapted for phenological study. In order that meteorological data may he presented in form con- venient for the comparison of crop reports or for the prediction of the future development of the current crop or for other studies in the growth of plants it is necessary that the data should be compiled in a manner very different from that ordinarily given in climato- logical tables. The monthly means and other data given in the so-called international form recommended and urged by the recent international conferences of Europe have much more regard to dynamic meteorology and to questions in hygiene than to questions in agriculture. For our agricultural studies a continuous sunnna- tion must be made from the beginning to the end of the year, either by decades, by weeks, by pentads, or even by days for each succes- sive year. From such tables we can calculate the total work that has been done upon the plant bj the sunshine and the work that remains to be done before the harvest. Such tables can be compiled in an empirical approximate way from the data furnished by the international forms, as I have attempted to do in table — ." But it is far better to prepare them from the original records, and they nuist be prepared for every agricultural experiment station in the United States before we can profitably study the influences of our a Tliis table is omitted iu the present edition. 273 climates upon our crops. Those tables must include at least the following data : 1. The mean temperature of the air in the shade. This may be deduced most simply from the average of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures. 2. The mean temperature of a thermometer, preferably a black bulb, but not in vacuo, exposed to the full sunshine and wind and placed amid the foliage of the trees or the blades of the grain that is to be studied, so that its temperature may be ap])roximately that of the plant. This should also preferably be obtained by using maximum and minimum thermometers. 3. The temperature of the soil at depths of 1 inch and 6 inches, corresponding to the depths of the roots of the plants. 4. The hygrometric condition of the free air, which may be expressed either as relative humidity or as dew point or as vapor tension. The latter Avill be most convenient in all our calculations. 5. The velocit}^ of the w^ind or its daily movement. 6. The cloudiness of the sky. This may be obtained from the ordinary estimates of cloudiness if these are made very frequently, but with more ease and accuracy from some form of sunshine recorder. 7. The total effective radiation from sun and sky. This may be obtained from frequent observations of the Marie-Davy actinometer or the so-called Arago-Davy conjugate thermometer, or Violle's conju- gate bulbs, but still better when these are made self-recording, and better yet from such forms of apparatus as the photantitupimeter or phantupimeter of Marchand, or the radiometer of Bellani, which Marie-Dav}^ has improved uj^on in the form described by him as the vaporization lucimeter. (See Annuaire de Montsouris, 1888, p. 207, or 1890, p. 61.) The methods of using these instruments are doubt- less subject to improvement, but these or some more delicate sub- stitutes are absolutely necessary in order to enable us to appreciate the w^ork done by solar radiation. In the absence of instruments we may use the maximum sunshine as diminished by the estimated cloudiness. 8. The actual evaporation from plants and soils, or in lieu of this the evaporation recorded by the Piche or even older forms of evapo- rimeters whose records are doubtless closely parallel to those of the plants in the soil, but usually largely in excess of these. 9. The total rainfall as measured by the ordinary rain gauges in the experimental field. As an illustration of the convenience of such tables I have com- piled the following table for Montsouris by pentads in so far as the data is given by pentads by Descroix in the Annuaire for 1890. Some of the data is obtained by interpolation from monthly values 2667—05 M 18 274 and some columns are left blank to show that they are still desirable." The pentads or decades to be used in such a table as this should always be those introduced by Dove, the limiting dates of which are as given in this table; the twelfth pentad of the ordinaiy year has five days, but that of the leap year has six days, so that the limiting dates are alw^ays as here given, viz, from February 25 to March 1, inclusive. The data given by Descroix in the Annuaire for 1 890 con- sist of the mean values for the respective pentads. From these I have constructed the sum totals from January 1 to date, which are needed in agriculture, and which are still more easily obtained when we have the original tables of observations at hand, by simply taking the sums in a continuous series and avoiding the labor of computing the means. From such a table of sum totals w'e obtain the sum between any two dates by subtracting the sum for the earlier from that for the later date. a The omitted columns are: (1) Sunshine; actual duration. (2) Actino- metric degrees; actual daily average. (3) Ratio of actual actinometric degrees to the maximum possible daily average. (4) Soil temperature at the surface. (5) Soil moisture. (U) Percentage of saturation. 275 C ^ -i> 3 t- X. ri -N c 3 r 0 c t- 0- ,- - AT S ,> CD Baq o; .r; ^ ■M in c: — ? cc ^ CC = 2 = 2^ = 28'- = '-^'"* ^2^ = s^ii C g § a 3^ S? i ^1 g ^ s|igisSSS5!SS8S &m iJ U ^ k OS L i £ fo P^ (x. ^ P^ b |x. b fc fc fe &. ^^6 . ■in |lr- n N s rr ;c c ^ 3- ?jss22;:-d2ii=:-d |i| * s 8 3! S 3 s cc U5 -1 ccoiiriccin^irioocDuscococoi-'os • Rela- tive humid- ity. o CD t- ^ >-H ec o cc c OS V ososi-iniooNajxxinoscc ft; g ^ s S gE= & t~ ?: l^ ^ g g rigSSggSSSSSSd Sun tem- ture (daily maxi- mum). ci ® OC OS t- X X 3 ^ X ^ -^e*-#^cc<^J050cD(3soscsos ^ S ^ S ^ 2 S §j SJ g Si 53 ^ 'k fsi in ^. c cc 05 -« CC !d t- in cc cc rH C X o- os^oxoccxinxcD^io-* o t-^ 5ci OS C5 o ■* i-J cc in CO x OS ig -f Qsa 1^ li « 5^1 o cc r-l •* ^ cc in ^- ^ CD •-IX^SOSCOX'-^CD'NXXX t^ :c X ..c t^ 1- =;• x" x" - -^ a>j ^" 1 -1- 4 1 .•^i >. ' j> U5 -* >-■: S5 X c cc m ;d X r- = t- -. C: t- = I- X X m o ^ cc ^^.a '3 >^ 5: Sig?55gS^§§§ q) § SS ^ ^3fSSSSSS£§p:?if2 B 1 §. pgo3 tk g t- l^ ••i' :o»'rHej-*U5t^ ^i « 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + -f + 6 !N cc -* O CD oo OS g rH S 2 3S2SS2S53§JSS;SS ^ 1 1 S 1 a "-• 1 > r-i ® s ,d (■ ^ ;2 > a 2 S 1 3 ^ ? a 1^ cc ei 1 5 > 5 1 1 . > e 3 •7 — 1 1 C£ 1 5? a 1 < 1 1 2 5 >> 1 276 I 03 eS 3 o m 00 c 111 s: ^ i.~^-^'!i^air^c6docc^^^ai:i<£<6d^t~aT^cici g » l~^ 9.1 9.0 12.4 9.5 11.8 13.8 14.7 11.4 10.6 14.4 14.4 11.4 12.8 14.3 14.3 9.9 11.0 14.2 14.7 21.9 9.3 6.1 9.0 4.9 13.1 III 1 S:SSSgeggS3gS^^'g8g3S8^SS3^Si ^S^jdi^'^SSSSSS^^'^^'SSSSpi^^^SSS* iiF ai s ssssssSsssssssssssiS^SSSs OC'-KtOOOiOCOCO-* 5^S;5g^^^^§?5J5S O 1-H IN 05 5D lO «0 CO^CCiO(NOOOOOT«DT-linCO-*ieiN IM IN IN i-H IN >-l lO ■* -* CO OsOl-COiOOOtO>Ot-OS ■Sift -* -* o in CO «o to ■^t-t-t-COOSOlNCOi-lO 05 O N IN CO CO IN rH rH t-«omcoot-coo>o^ec i(ji5ioin>ri^-*'*cococ.i CCaoOOODCOODODOOODGOOO nil ^CO»na0t-00O5lO«Ot-t-COlOINir-IN-* i-H -*( IC 05 O O i-H T-H r-H ^•»o»c>o»cifr?D:ocDcocD:o»c lNOOOinCOOl--*rHOO >oio-*^'-*-*cococooj .-H CO in o CD -* N"*^ QO IN OS t~ CO ^ g ^ ^ s OJINCDNODiOCOi-lOOS S3§SSS53g?S^5SISfeSS§S:S^95!^^^§SaS s s ;s s ?^ ^ ... -H.— (ClC-l07_(r-i-:r-(r-(r-l(na)(V) >>>>>,>>** S d ;3 S S 3 3 t-5 1-5 l-S 1-5 l-S l-S »-5 277 X X «5 « iC » 05 r: X := ^ — CO -4- 3: = 00 o TC t- = n-' — ■ ->i ^ ?. _ „ ), 1- ^ — — — •r :- r,~ ■<«< — — — ■ , S Sg s S ^ S g g «n S :g s g s C! 8 § a § g § nn « fO fi t- rn fn IX h. rp S |z< b b [>< tb [i< [^ fe t CO ^ CO CO w ^ CO « s s 05 s ^ ^ ?; 3 '^^ 2 OC e KO 2 s 3 2 X CO s 2 ^ g SSSgSSSS§3S8§ 3 8 § S! g s '" CO '^ *" *~ OC '" i- '" * ^ ® «5 lO CO CO "T CO -* CO CO ^ » 00 00 (33 (M 05 i- CO -J3 CO ,- » « OS -^ ^ c: OS l^ CO ggggj ?i S fS S ''' •"^ ^ {= §g s s s SS ss s s » so « >o ^ CO CO 00 09 00 CO 05 >o o ^ CO CO CO OM ^ OS ^^ 5^ s ^ ^ s 2 53 s s s *" ^ '~ -M -* CO !N o '^ ^ 5D ■>*< CO ^ N o 00 SI ^ 00 c» CS ^ CO CO X t- I, CO CO s 2 s s s s s 2 ^ 2h 2 2 as s '^ o rj •N ■N OS " t- ^ ^ c: ^ ?r _ s: u- « JT CO w t- CQ CO o N o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ — _ — _ — H — — ,, -f 'N ^ ^ — ^ o 1 + i (N OS lO CO •* n b- X »i X in t- o X X xxt-cDiacoi-tt-co osoooixi->oeoo»iooeocDt-cecoosco-*->>3jicg«3j^«c5g5H^g^gjgjgjm + I I I I I I I I I I I I I ioioin»ftiOiciococo5bti5co SI S S jt i s O (B 3) « £: 8 ^ I S ^ ci 53 ^ Q i^ ?^ V3 — s 53 CM S u u u -^ ^ © 0) a> o . ^ „ ^ ^ fi ^ fi J2 h 3 i a a s a s ' " u :j O i^ I § 278 THE REStriiTS OF RECENT STUDIES BY ANGOT. In 1880 the Central Meteorological Bureau of France, under the minister of public instruction, organized a system of phenological observations; the resulting data have been studied by Angot in a series of memoirs. In his first paper (1882) Angot grouped the dates of the wheat harvest as observed during 1880 and 1881 at several hundred stations in France in groups of four or five stations and plotted these upon maps showing the elevations of the stations. By a careful comparison of neighboring stations he shows that the date of ihe harvest is everywhere quite uniformly retarded with increase of elevation, and at the rate of four days in time for every hundred meters of ascent. Apparently this retardation is the general result of a complex sys- tem of influences in which rainfall, drainage, soil, sunshine, tempera- ture, and other local peculiarities combine. It is evident that the spe- cial influence of any local climate on the crop can not be successfully studied until the observations have been corrected for the general influence of elevation. He therefore reduces all the dates of harvest to sea level by applying the preceding correction. A similar calculation showed him that the phenomena of flowering are also retarded at precisely the same rate of four days per 100 meters of elevation and these dates also are thus reducible to sea level. Angot's charts, showing the dates of flowering and harvesting thus, reduced to sea level, show great regularity and the isanthesic lines show the perfect regularity with which the reduced epoch of flow- ering begins in southern France on the 11th of May and advances nortliward until it reaches the northern boundary of France on the 25th of June ; in a similar way the harvesting of winter Avheat begins in southern France on the 10th of June (reduced epoch) and in northern France on the 9th of August. The variations of these isanthesic lines from year to year may be compared Avith the ordi- nary charts of temperature reduced to sea level or with other mete- orological data in a very simple manner. Angot has modified and apparently improved the methods of determining the influence of temperature on the date of flowering and harvesting. He says that since 1837 Boussingault's idea that the ripening demands a certain sum total of heat, which is constant for each species of plant, has been generally adopted. At first this sum total w^as calculated by adding together all mean daily tem- peratures from the germination of the seed or the beginning of vegetation after rejecting such means as were below freezing point. Then, as C. H. Martins, De Gasparin, and A. de Candolle had shown 279 that the temperatures useful to the phmt vary with the species and are decidedly above freezing, therefore students have taken other limits. Thus Gasparin and ITerve Mangon adopt 0° C. for the initial temperature in the growth of wheat. In order to ascertain the proper method of counting temperatures Angot has accomplished the labor of prosecuting three parallel computations by tliree difi'erent methods, as follows: (A) First method. — By observations of daily maximum and mini- mum temperatures. In this method Angot has examined separately the observed maxima and minima of the thermometer in the shade. After rejecting all observations below 6° C., he subtracts 6° C. from all the others and takes, the separate sums of the remaining maxima and minima for each month and then the average of these two sums, which consequently represents a sum total of heat received during the month in excess of ()° C. (B) Second method. — By the daily means. In this method the mean of each day is first computed by taking the average of the maxinunn and minimum; 6° C. is then subtracted from each of these daily means and all negative remainders are rejected. The sum of the positive remainders represents the sum total of heat received in excess of 6° C. (C) Third method. — By maximum temperatures alone. In this method, which is a modification of that proposed by Hoffmann, a max- imum thermometer is exposed to the direct rays of the sun and the sum total of the maximum temperatures is used by Hoffmann. But Angot prefers to use the maximum thermometer in the shade, as in the first method, and, as before, takes the sum total of all the posi- tive remainders after subtracting 0° C. In all these methods the principal difficulty is to fix the epoch from which the summation should begin. Sometimes the date of sowing has been adopted as this epoch, but from the date of sowing up to the date of sprouting the seed and the young plant are sub- jected only to the temperature of the soil, and not to that of the air, which often differ considerably. It would perhaps be better to start with the date at which the plant appears above the earth, but the date of sprouting is not generally given by observers. He there- fore provisionally adopts the 1st of December as the point of depar- ture and calculates the sum total of temperatures for the nine stations in France for which the dates of flowering and harvesting of winter wheat have been best determined for the years 1880 and 1881. The agreement among themselves of the numbers calculated by these three methods for nine stations and two different years is such that no decision can be arrived at as to which method is the best, and such decision is reserved for a future study of other harvests. 280 A similar elaborate study of the harvest of rye gave the following results : (1) Retardation for altitude is approximately four days per 100 meters, with some indication that the correct figure is rather less than this. (2) The date of harvest reduced to sea level begins with the 5th of June in southern France and ends with the 25th of July on the northern border. (3) The sum total of temperatures computed by the three methods A, B, C, above mentioned, shows that whatever method be finally adopted as the best, these sums are less for rye than for winter wheat. A similar study for spring barley shows the following results: (1) A retardation of four days per 100 meters of altitude suf- ficiently harmonizes the observations. (2) A retardation of thirty or forty days in the date of sowing has no appreciable effect on the date of harvest, which varies from the 20th of June in southern France to the 14th of August on the northern boundary. (3) The sum total of temperatures from sowing to harvest is too variable to be determined. A similar study of the flowering of the narcissus {Narcissus fseudonarcissus) shows that the retardation of the date of flowering is at the rate of four to five days per 100 meters, and four days can be adopted without notable error. A study of the currant {Rihes ruhrum) shows that the retarda- tion is between three and four days per 100 meters. The sum total of heat from December 1 up to the date of flowering, as deduced by the second and third methods, but under three different assumptions — i. e., that the initial temperature is 4°, 6°, 8°, respectively, seems to show that 4 is the proper figure for this plant. A study of the flowering of the lilac shows that a retardation of four days per 100 meters best satisfies the observations of both leafing and flowering. The latter begins in southern France on the 22d of March and ends in northern and eastern France on the Oth of May. The calculation of the heat required for leafing shows that the most accordant results are obtained when we take the sum of maximum daily temperatures above 4° C. and count from the date of the last heavy frost, w^hich sum is about 360° C. For the flowering, on the contrary, we have to take the sums of the mean daily temperatures, counting from 4° C. and from the same date of frost, which sum is then 350° C, while the sum of the maximum daily temperatures would have given 695° C. A study of the leafing and flowering of the horse-chestnut (.^s- eulus hippocastanvm) shows that the retardation of four days per 100 meters also satisfies these observations. The dates of leafing, as 281 reduced to sea level, begin with March 12 in southern France and extend to April '21 in northern France. The dates of fiowerinij; begin with April G in southern France and extend to May 10 in northern France. The smns of temperatures are counted from the last severe frost, and the most accordant results are obtained when the sums of daily maxima are taken, counting from 2° C. The sum total is 715° to (late of leahng, and from leafing to flowering 1,070". The leafing of the birch is found by Angot to have the same rate of retardation — very little less than four days per 100 meters — and the reduced epochs of leafing begin the 9th of March at the southeast corner of France and extend to the 16th of April at the northern border. The sums of temperatures up to the time of leafing are best computed by taking the sums of daily maxima above 2° C, but are very uncertain. The leafing of the common oak {Quercus peduncidata) has ^ retardation of four days per ascent of 100 meters, and the reduced epochs begin with the (Jth of April in southern France and end with the 6th of May in northern France. We can .provisionally admit that the leafing of the oak occurs when the sum of the maximum daily temperatures has attained 910° C, counting above 2° C. and from the date of the last heavy frost. The flowering of the elder {Samhucus nigra) has an approximate retardation of four days per 100 meters. The reduced dates begin on the 6th of April in southern France and end on the 10th of June in northern France. The flowering of the elder occurs when the sum of the mean daily temperatures since the date of the last frost has attained 840° C. if we count from 2°, or 630° if we count from 4° C. The flow^ering of the common linden {Tilia euroj)oea) or the Tilia silvestris is retarded three days per 100 meters' ascent for the moun- tainous countries, but four days is adopted for the whole of France, and the reduced dates of flowering begin with the 1st of May in southeastern France and extend to the 20th of June in northern France. The flowering of the linden occurs when the sum of the mean daily temperatures, counting from the last heavy frost and r.bove 2° C., has attained 1,090° C. It would seem to result from all this that the leafing of the trees and shrubs occurs when the sum total of the maximum daily tem- peratures, counting above a certain limiting value and from the date of the last heavy frost, has attained a certain value characteristic of each plant. But for a certain number of plants the flowering seems rather to depend on the sum of the mean daily temperatures. 282 In his second memoir Angot (1886) studied the additional data for the years 1882 and 1888. A new determination of the influence of altitude on the epoch of leafing again gave an average retardation of four days for each 100 meters of altitude for the lilac, the chest- nut, the birch, and the oak. The average mean daily temperature of the air at the date of leafing varies between 5° and 12° C. for the lilac, with an average of 9.1° ; from 4° to 14° C., with an average of 10.1°, for the chestnut; from 7° to 15° C., with an average of 10.7°, for the birch; from 5° to 16°, with an average of 11.3°, for the oak. These ranges are so large that it is impossible to indicate any simple relation between the leafing of these plants and the mean daily tem- perature at this epoch. The mean of the daily maxima were also computed for the epoch of leafing, and were 14.6° for the lilac, 15.7° for the chestnut, 16.1° for the birch, and 16.4° for the oak. But again the variations were too large to attach any phenological impor- tance to these numbers. As to the sum total of temperatures Angot adopts, not a constant date, as December 1 or January 1, but dates that are variable for each station and each year and approximately represent the close of the last period of freezing weather. They vary in this case between the 18th of January and the 13th of February. After laborious calcu- lations by different methods and starting from different initial tem- peratures he concludes that the leafing of the four plants under con- sideration occurs when the sum of the mean daily temperatures, counted from 0° C, or the sums of the maximum daily temperatures, counting from 0° C. and beginning at the date of the commencement of vegetable growth as above defined, attains the values given in the following table : Plant. Sums of daily means. Sums of daily maxima. Lilac ° C. 333 523 517 077 " C. 550 845 Birch 838 Oak 1,082 In order to decide which of these two modes of calculation, daily mean or daily maxima, are most proper it will be necessary to oper- ate upon a much longer series of observations. The flowering of the narcissus, the lilac, the chestnut, the elder, and the linden was studied in a manner similar to that of the leafing. The retardation for altitude is, as before, four days to the 100 meters. The man daily temperature at the date of flowering is: For the nar- cissus, 6° to 14° C, average 9.4° ; for the lilac, from 8° to 15° C, 283 average 12.2° ; for the chestnut, 8° to 16° C, average 12.0° ; for the elder, 9° to 20^ C, average 13.9° ; for the linden, 12° to 21° C, aver- age 1().4°. The mean daily maximum temperatures at the date of flowering for these same plants is as follows : Plant. Daily maxima. Daily mean. Range. Mean. Range. Mean. " C. 9.. 20 13.. 21 13.. 25 14.. 26 17..29 " a 14.9 IB.G 17.6 19.7 22.5 "C. 6. .14 8. .15 8.. 16 9.. 20 12.. 21 "C. 9.4 Lilac 11.2 12.0 Elder 13.9 16.4 Evidently the maximum temperatures have no clearer connection with the date of flowering than have the mean daily temperatures. The sums of temperatures from the beginning of vegetation to the date of flowering have also been computed by different methods and from different initial temperatures. The following are the results when the initial temperature is 0° C. : Plant. Sums of positive daily means. Sums of positive daily maxima. Narcissus ° C. 359 613 771 990 1,277 ° C. 591 Lilac 983 1,217 Elder 1.542 1,938 Here, again, as in previous cases, the relative value of the different methods of taking account of the temperature is determined numer- ically by taking the sums of the departures from the average for the individual stations and years. In the present case the mean depart- ures as thus determined are exactly the same for both methods, so that four years of observations, 1880-1883, have not sufficed to decide a.s to which mode of calculation it is proper to adopt lus the best. .V similar calculation as to the amount of heat received by the lilac and the chestnut between the epochs of leafing and flowering leads to the same indecision as to the methods of calculation. The actual sums between the leafing and the flowering are as follows : Plant. Sums of 1 Hums of positive positive daily daily means, maxima. Lilac 280 4:« Chestnut - -- 250 372 284 The flowering and ripening of winter wheat during 1882 and 1883 has been studied on the basis of data from about 500 stations, com- bined with the previous data for 1880 and 1881. The mean daily temperature at the time of flowering is for rye 13.3° ; but the individual numbers range from 9° to 18° ; similarly for winter wheat the mean is 16.2° and the range from 10° to 21°. The commencement of vegetation for winter wheat is uniformly adopted as December 1. The sums of the mean daily temperatures have been calculated from several points of departure and seem to prove that the lower limit of useful temperatures is very nearly .5° C, so that we can take ()° C. as the point of departure, as has been done by many authors. The sums of the mean daily temperatures, less 6° C, rejecting the negative remainders and counting from the 1st of December, are as follows : Periods for winter grain. Bye. From December 1 to flowering . From December 1 to harvest. . . From flowering to tiarvest c. " C. 420 596 ft55 1,099 535 503 The harvest date for spring barley is shown to depend in 1882 and 1883 quite as little on the date of soAving as it did in 1881. The retardation due to altitude is as before, four days per 100 meters. Adopting the 20th of March as an average date of sowing, the sums of the mean daily temperatures have been considered up to the date of harvest, with different assumptions as to the fundamental temperature. As before, the best result is given when the sums are taken of the excess of the mean daily temperatures above 0° C, and the resulting figure, 984, is seen to be between the two figures for rye and winter wheat. In his third memoir Angot (1888) studies the phenomena of 1884 and 1885 in combination with the preceding. The same allowance is made for rates of retardation. The relation between the times of leafing, the mean daily temperature at that date, and the maximum 285 ((•iii|H'r;i(iii(' ;it thai dalo, is r()iH|)iitod by llu' saiue process as with the following results for the years 1884 and 1885 : hefori Plant. Daily mean tem- perature. Daily maximum temperature. Meah. Range. Mean. Range. Lilac. " C. 9.1 9.6 10.1 10.3 " C. 5.7..U.2 6. 3.. 13. 7 5. 8.. 14.3 6.0.-15.1 "C. ,14.7 15.3 15.9 " C. 4 7 20 8 Birch 9 7 22 7 Oak • The mean values here given agree well with those of the j^revioiis years, but the individual numbers have such a wide range that w^e can not conclude any simple relation between the leafing and the mean temperatures. The relation between the leafing and the sums of temperatures is found, as before, by assuming the end of the last period of frost as the commencement of vegetation ; for these years this corresponds with the last few days of January. The useful temperatures are considered to be those above 0° C, and Angot has computed both the sums of the mean daily temperatures and also the sums of the maxima alone with the following results : Plant. Sums of daily means. Sums of daily maxima. 1884. 1885. 1884. 1885. Lilac " C. 428 568 609 709 ° C. 414 575 587 717 "C. 686 924 988 1,149 " a 666 Chestnut 925 Birch 944 Oak 1,146 The reliability of these sums is, as before, determined by examin- ing the departures, although not according to the strict rules of the law of probabilities of errors, but sufficiently so to show that the uncertainties of each of these figures is larger than the differences for successive years. The average of the two years, 1884 and 1885, are considerably higher than those for the previous four years. The flowering of the lilac, chestnut, elder, and linden is again inves- tigated by using the observations at some 1,200 stations or less. The reduction for altitude is as before. The mean daily temperatures 286 and the maximum daily temperatures for the dates of flowering give the results in the following table : Plant. Daily mean tem- perature. Daily maximum temperature. Mean. Range. Mean. Range. Lilac ^ ° C. 10.1 U.7 15.3 46.3 "C. 4. 7.. 15. 4 6. 7.. 17.1 10. 7.. 19. 6 12. 9.. 20. 8 " C. 15.6 17.9 22.2 23.0 9.1. .23.0 13. 5.. 26. 3 Elder Linden :.... 15.0.. 29. 5 16. 9.. 29. 9 Again the accord with the results of previous years is satisfactory, but the individual variations are so large as to show that there is no clear connection between the epochs of flowering and the mean tem- peratures. Next the sums of temperatures received by these plants since the last severe cold is computed, assuming 0° C. as the initial temperature, with the following results : Plant. Sums of daily mean tem- peratures. Sums of daily maximum temperatures. 1884. 1885. 1884. 1 1885. Lilac "C. 689 846 1,033 1,366 672 841 1,108 1,354 °C. °C. 1.097 ' 1,070 Chestnut 1,345 1,304 Elder.. 1,619 1,685 Linden 2,091 2,022 • These -sums agree well among themselves for the two years, but are notably higher than the sums for the four previous years, the excess being so much larger than the uncertainty, as deduced from the agree- ment of the numbers among themselves, that we can scarcely con- sider that such sums as these represent the true influence of climate on these plants. The dates of flowering and harvest of rye and winter wdieat at 700 or 800 stations give the following results : The mean temperatures at the date of flowering are, for rye, in 1884, 14° C, and 1885, 12.2° C; for winter wheat,"in 1884, 15.1° C, in 1885, 16.4° C. These figures agree well with the previous four years, but the individual discrepancies show that there is no simple relation between the flowering of these plants and the mean temperature. Again, the sums of temperatures are computed from the 1st of December ; 5° C. is subtracted from all the mean daily temperatures and the sums of the positive remainders are given. Since in previous years ()° C. has been adopted, whereas the evidence points toward a lower figure, therefore Angot now gives the results of a recomputa- 287 tion of the live years, adoptiiij;- 5^ C. as the h)\ver limit of useful temperatures, with the following results : Sums of mean daUy temperatures, less 5° C. and rejecting neoalivc remainder.^, from December 1 up to the dates of fioicering and of harvest inf/. Rye. Winter wheat. Year. Flower- ing. Harvest- ing. Flower- ing. Harvest- ing. 1880 .... . 537 6()2 496 460 527 468 1,113 1,180 1,075 1,076 1,089 1,047 730 793 720 K38 727 686 1,235 1881 1,311 1882 1,271 1883 1,248 1884 1,268 1885 1,245 Mean 515 1,096 716 1,263 The differences between the numbers for flowering and harvesting show, as in previous years, that although winter wheat requires more heat (716° C.) to bring it up to the flowering point than does rye (515° C), yet after having attained that point the wheat requires less heat (547° C.) than does the rye (581° C.) in order to ripen the grain to the harvest. This fact, wdiich has shown itself in each of the six years, can be considered as well established. The harvest of spring harley. — The dates of harvest are, as before, reduced to sea level by allowing for retardation at the rate of four days per 100 meters. The sums of mean daily temperatures, less 5° C., counting from the 21st of Maich, wdiich is the mean date of sowing, and up to the date of harvest, are given for each year in the following table : Year. Spring barley harvest- sums of tempera- tures. Year. Spring barley harvest- sums of tempera- tures. 1880 ° C. 1,071 1,110 1,128 1883 1,083 1881 1884 1,049 1882 . 1885 1,042 The general mean for these six years is (within the range of its probable error) the same as the corresponding figures for winter rye. In a fourth memoir, Angot (1890) gives similar computations for the harvests of 1886 and 1887 in France, the number of stations being now appreciably larger than in the preceding years. A new computation of the retardation due to altitude gives him 8.7 days per 100 meters for the lilac, 4.0 for the chestnut, 3.7 for the elder, 288 and 3.5 for the oak. For all these he adopts 4 days, as in previo,as years. Lea-fing. — The mean temperatures at the dates of leafing for 1886 and 1887 are given, as follows : Data for 1886 and 1887. Plant. Mean of daily tem- perature. Mean of daily max- imum tempera- ture. Plant. Mean of daily tem- perature. Mean of daily max- imum tempera- ture. Lilac " C. 9.4 ° C. 14.8 16.2 Birch <• C. 9.9 n.7 " C. 15.3 ' Oak 17.6 1 The sums of temperatures received by these plants from the last freezing period up to the time of leafing, and counting from 0° C. as the initial temperature, are as follows : Plant. Sums of daily means. Sums of daily maxima. 1886. 1887. 1886. 1887. Lilac - ° C. 356 469 465 622 402 531 531 682 ° C. 622 788 796 1,016 ° C. 772 Chestnut -- - 983 Birch 981 Oak - 1,208 The -flowering of the lilac, chestnut., elder., and linden. — A new determination of the rate of retardation of flowering for these plants gives 4.7, 4.2, 4.4, and 3.8 days per 100 meters, respectively, for which, as before, 4 days is adopted. The mean temperatures at the times of flowering for the years 1886 and 1887 are as follows : Plant. DaUy means. Daily maxima. Lilac - ° C. 12.2 12.8 15.2 16.4 17.8 18.7 21.0 Linden - - - 22.5 The sums of temperatures above 6° C, counting from the last freez- ing period and up to the date of flowering, for the years 1886 and 1887 are as follows: Plant. Sums of daily means. Sums of daily maxima. 1886. 1887. 1886. 1887. Lilac ° C. 621 704 975 1,269 ° C. 661 773 1,001 1,245 ° C. 1,020 1,147 1,543 1,949 " a 1,184 1,351 Elder 2,014 289 The probable errors of these sums, considered individually, arc quite large, and their agreement from year to year is not sufficient to justify the belief that we have attained to a satisfactory expression for the connection between the temperature and the date of flowering. Flowering of rye and winter wheat — Harvest of rye, winter wheat, and spring barley. — A new investigation, based on an increased number of stations for the vears 1886 and 1887, gives for the rate of retarda- tion of these epochs the following figures : Flowering of rye, -1.2 days per 100 meters; flowering of winter wheat, 4; harvest of rye, 4.5; harvest of winter wheat, 4.3; harvest of spring barley, 4.2. We can, therefore, as before, take 4 days as an approximate value for all these phenomena. The mean temperature at the time of flowering is determined, both for daily means and for daily maxima, as follows: Flowering of plant. Daily mean. Daily maxima. 1886. 1887. 1886. 1887. Rye 15.4 16.2 ° C. 12.3 17.3 ° C. 22.1 22.0 ° C. 18.3 Wheat 24 3 Again, the average numbers agree well from year to year, but the individuals from which they are derived have a wide range. The sums of the mean daily temperatures, less 5° C, counting from December 1 for the winter rye and wheat, but from March 21, for the spring barley, are as follows : /S'w»i.s- of tcjiipcrature. Plant and stage. 1886. 1887. Aver- age. ° C. 313 735 1,080 1,286 1,214 415 630 1,017 1,185 1,120 0 C. 364 Flowering of winter wheat 682 1,048 Harvest of winter wheat 1 21% 1, 167 From the flowering to the harvest, on the average of these two years, rye has received 1,048 — 364=684° C., and winter wheat 1,236 — 682=554° C, but on the average of eight years, 1880-1887, the sums of temepratures, less 5° C., have been, for rye, from December 1 to the flowering, 477° C, and from flowering to harvest, 607° C. ; for winter wheat the numbers are, respectively, 708° to 549° C. From the beginning of vegetation up to harvest the numbers are: For rye, 1,084° C; winter wheat, 1,256° C; spring barley, 1,103° C. The.se results can be considered as having definitely established the fact tlmt 2667—05 M 19 ' 290 in France rye requires less heat to bring it to the harvest and winter wheat more ; but, on tlie other hand, from the flowering to the harvest rye requires more and winter wheat less. The following table gives a resume of Angofs general average dates and temperatures for sea level for the whole of France for the vears 1880-1887 : Plant. Mean daily tempera- ture when— Leafing occurs. Flowering occurs. Lilac ° C. 9.1 10.1 10.4 n.i ° C. 11.2 Indian chestnut 14 6 Oali Elder 17.1 Linden 18 9 13.4 Winter wheat 16.2 As to the sums of the mean daily temperatures above 5° C.. count- ing from December 1 : Plant. Sums of temperature at time of— Flower- ing. Harvest. Eye . ... ... . ° C. 477 707 ° C. 1,085 Winter wheat 1 256 The harvest of spring barley occurs when the sum of the mean daily temperatures, less 5° C. and counting from March 21 or the average date of sowing, amounts to 1,102° C. The large variations of the individual numbers whose means are given above are probably due to special meteorological conditions, and Angot states that he will report upon these if it is possible to take them into account when ten whole years of observations have accumu- lated. REQUESTS FOR PHENOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. The influence of a climate upon cultivated crops is parallel to its influence upon uncultivated plants, and the comparative study of climates in their relations to plants can be attained by careful obser- vations of the general features of the natural life of special plants that are widely distributed over the earth. To this end several special invitations have been issued urging the observation of certain phenological stages. 291 (A) Hoti'mann and Ihiie have published a special list of plants selected by them as a result of many years' experience in Europe. The following calendar, copied from the appeal for " phenological obser- vations," contained in their '' Beitrage, 1884," shows the names of the plants and the approximate date in. Europe of the phenomena that they wjsh to have observed. Corresponding observations in America are desirable and should be communicated either to tliem directly or to the journals of botan3% climatology, or general science, or to the botanist of the Department of Agriculture. CALENDAR FOR PHENOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. Instructions. — Plants should be examined daily. The object is to obtain for individual stations average data characteristic of the cli- mate; therefore plants that are known to be exceptionally early or late, and those that are forced by special treatment, or those that are artificially trained on walls are not to be considered. It is not neces- sary to confine the observations to the same plant year after year, but to those individuals that represent the average conditions of the plant in nature. For brevity the following notation may be used : (P) Pollen disseminated {Pollen effunditur. Linne). (1) Leaf, or the first visible surfaces of the leaves, or beginning of the leafing out or of the foliage {frondescentia : prima folia expli- cantur lAnxiQ ; erste Blattoher-fldche Hoffmann; feuiUaixon Quetelet). (F) Full foliage: All leaves have appeared {folatio perf. Linne; allgemeine Blatt Hoffmann). (2). Flower, or the first opening of the flower buds {e-fflorescentia : primi fores ostenduntur Linne; erste Bliithe off en Hoffmann; fiorai- son Quetelet). (3) Ripe fruit {Prima fructas matura; haccm definite coloratm Linne; erste Frucht reif Hoffmann; maturation des fruits Quetelet). (H) Harvest, or first date of cutting cereals {Ernte Anfang Hoff- mann: Messis initium Linne). (4) Leaves color or fall {foliorum pars major decolorata Linne) ; allgemeine Lanhrerfarhung Hoffmann; rolhtdndlge Entlauhung Karl Fritsch ; Effeuillaison^ chute des feuilles Quetelet) . 292 Pheiiological calendar for Giessen. [Lat. 50° 35' N. ; long. 8° 12' east of Greenwich ; altitude, 160 meters.] Date. Plant. Phase of veg- etation. Date. Plant. Phase of veg- etation. Feb. 10 Apr. 10 13 Corylus avellana JEsculus hippocast Pollen. Leaf. Flower. Do. Pollen. Flower. Do. Leaf. Flower. Do. Do. Leaf. Flower. Leaf. Flower. Do. Full foliage. Flower. Do. Do. Do. Foliage. Flower. Do. Do. Do. Do. May 28 Junel 2 2 5 14 20 21 22 26 30 July 4 5 19 30 30 Aug. 1 11 24 Sept. 9 16 Oct. 10 13 15 20 Atropa belladonna Symphoricarpos race- mosa. Rubus idseus Flower. Do. 17 Do. Salva officinalis Cor nus sangu inea Do. 18 PriTniiR avium Do. Prunus spinosa Betula alba Do. Rihfis rnbriTm Fruit. Ligustrum vulgare — Tilia grandif olia Lonicera tatarica Lilium candidum Rubusidaeus Ribes aureum Secale cereale hibern. . Sorbus aucuparia Symphoricarpos race- mosa. Atropa belladonna Sambucus nigra Cornus sanguinea Ligustrum vulgare .... ^sculus hippocast. ... . — .do 22 33 Prunus cerasus Prunus padus Flower. Do. 23 25 28 Pyrus communis ...... Fagus sylvatica Fruit. Flower. Fruit. May 1 3 4 4 Quercus pedunculata . Lonicera tatarica Syringa vulgaris Fagus silv Do. Harvest. Fruit. Do. i 9 12 14 14 16 Narcissus poeticus ^sculus hippocast. . _ . Cratagus oxyacantha . Spartium scoparium - . Quercus pedunculata . Cy tisiis laburnum Cydonia vulgaris Sorbus aucuparia Sambucus nigra Secale cereale hibern. . Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Fall. Do. 16 28 28 Fagus sylvatica Quercus pedunculata.. Do. Do. (B) Smithsonian list. — In the United States calls for phenological observations were issued by the New York Agricultural Society in 1807 and by the Regents of the University of New York about 1820, also by Jo.siah Meigs as Commissioner of the General Land Office in 1817, but the principal work has been that undertaken by Prof. Joseph Henry, who as Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution estab- lished in 1818 a system of phenological observations undoubtedly arranged by Dr. Asa Gray or Dr. Arnold Guyot, and subsequently published a revised list of plants and epochs. This system was also promulgated by the Department of the Interior on behalf of the Patent Office and its Bureau of Agriculture requesting accurate observations. The following is an abstract of Doctor Gray's schedule, which is here produced, because we shall have occasion to quote observations made on this plan, which was a slight modification of Quetelet's plan. The observations thus collected by the Smithsonian, 1854-1859, were used by Fritsch in his memoir and list quoted on page 191. The following observations were requested by the Smithsonian Institution : 293 (1) Frondescence, or leafing: When the buds first open and exhibit tlie green leaf. (2) Flowering: When the anther is first exhibited — {a) in the most favorable location; {b) general flowering of the species. (3) Fnictification : \^'^len the pericarp splits spontaneously in dehiscent fruits or the indehiscent fruit is fully ripe. (4) Fall or leaf: WTien the leaves have nearly all fallen. List uf plants recommended for ohservation hy the Smithsonian Institution. Pages of Gray's Man- ual of Botany. Edi- Edi- tion VI. tion V. 46 31.5 341 50 479 46K 147 153 S37 47 91 322 214 Acerrubrum L Acer dasycarpum Ehrh Acer saccharinum L Achillea millef oliuni L _ Actea rubra Willd Actea alba Bigelow Aesculus hippocastanum L Aesculus glabra Willd Aesculus flava Ait Ailantus glandulosa Amelanchier canadensis Amorpha fruticosa L Amygdalus nana La Anemone nemorosa L AquUegia canadensis L Arctostaphylos uva-ursa (Spreng) - Asclepias cornuti Decaisne Asimina triloba Dunal Azalea nudiflora L Bignonia (Tecoma) radicans (Juss) Castanea vesca L x -- Carya alba Cercis canadensis L Cerasus virginiana D. C Cerasus serotina D. C Chionanthus virginica L Cimicif uga racemosa Ell Claytonia virginica L Clethra alnif olia Cornus florida L Crataegus crus-galli L Crataegus coccinea L Crataegus oxycantha L Epigsea repens L Epilobium angusti folium L Erythronium amt-ricanum Smith Fraxinus americana L Qaylussacia resinosa Torrey and Gray. Gerardia flava L Geranium maculatum L 103 a This genus of Rosacese is not in Gray's Manual of Common names. Red or soft maple. White or silver maple. Sugar maple. Millefoil or yarrow. Red baneberry. White baneberry; necklace weed. Horse-chestnut. Ohio buckeye. Yellow buckeye. Tree of heaven; ailanthua. Shad bush; service berry. False indigo. Flowering almond. Wind flower; wood anemone. Wild columbine. Bearben-y. Milkweed. Papaw. Common red honeysuckle. Trumpet creeper. Chestnut. Shagbark or shellbark hickory. Redbud; Judas tree. Chokeborry or (-hokecheiTy. Wild black cherry. Fringe tree. Black-snake root; rattlesnake root. Spring beauty. White alder or sweet pepper bush-. Flowering dogwood. (The real flower, not the white involucre. ) Cockspur thorn. Scarlet- fruited thorn. English hawthorn. Trailing arbutus; ground laun-l. Willow herb. Dogtooth violet or adder's-tongue. White ash. Black huckleberry. Yellow false foxglove. Crane's bill. Plants Indigenous to United States. 294 List of plants recommended for observation by the Smithsonian Institution — Con. Pages of Gray's Man- ual of Botany. Edi- i Edi- tion VI. tionV. Common names. Halesia tetraptera "Willd. . . Hepatica triloba Chaix Houstonia caerulea Hook. .. Hypericiun perforatum L . Iris versicolor L Kalmia latif olia L 53 536 54 545 505 507 164 161 164 161 475 450 321 300 Laurus benzoin L (Benzoin odorif erum Nees.) Leucanthemum vulgare Lam Linnaea borealis (Gronov) (Linnaeus). Lobelia cardinalis L Lonicera tartarica L Lupinus perennis L Liriodendron tulipif era L Magnolia glauca L Mitchella repens L Morus rubra L Nymphaea odorata Ait Persica vulgarisL.n Podophyllum peltatum L Pontederia cordata L Pogonia ophioglos-soides Nutt Pyrus communis L Pyrus malusL. Quercusalba L Rhododendron maximum L Snowdrop tree. Round-lobed liverwort. Bluets; innocence, etc. St. John's wort. Large blue flag. Mountain laurel. Spice bush; Benjamin bush. Ox-eye daisy; white weed. Twin flower. Red cardinal flower. Foreign spurs. Wild lupine. Tulip tree; American poplar. Small or laurel magnolia; sweet Partridge berry. Red mulberry. Sweet-scented water lily. Peach. Mandrake; May apple. Pickerel weed. Adder's-tongue. Common pear tree. Common apple tree. White oak. Great laurel. 176 165 Ribes rubrum L. Red currant. 134 131 Robinia pseud-acacia L Common locust. 134 131 Clammy locust. 155 157 Rubus villosus Ait Blackberry. Common elder. 217 2a5 Sambucus canadensis L — 217 205 Sam hn ens Tiigra Ti Black elder. 58 60 Sanguinaria canadensis L Bloodroot. 57 58 Side-saddle flower. 170 168 Saxifraga virginiensis Michx Early saxifrage. Two-leaved Solomon-seal. 526 530 Smilacina bifolia Ker. (Maianthemum canadense Gray.) 174 166 Syringa vulgaris L. (Philadelphus coronarius Gray.) Lilac. 308 280 Taraxacum dens-leonis Desf Dandelion. 101 103 Tilia americana L Bass wood; American lime or linden. 462 442 219 206 Viburnum lentago L Sweet viburnum. « This genus of the order Rosaceae is not in Gray's Manual of Plants Indigenous to the United States. Chapter XI. ACCLIMATIZATION AND HEREDITY. Scientific literature is full of illustrations of the natural and arti- ficial acclimatization of i)lants and the influence of the annual varia- tions of climate on the crops, all of which exemplify Linsser's general laws. GRAPEVINE. The following remarks and data relative to the changes of climate during the historical period, as given by Fritz (1889, pp. 206-269), will be valuable for further study and are referred to in another part of this work : The northern boundary of vine culture in Europe extends from somewhat north of the mouth of the Loire, where the Marne empties into the Seine, to the junction of the Aar and the Rhine, north of the Erzgebirge, to about the fifty-second degree of latitude, descends along the Carpathians to the forty-ninth degree, extends on this parallel eastward, and near the Volga turns southward to its mouth, on the Caspian Sea. In the middle ages wine was made in the south of England, in Gloucester and Windsor; in the Netherlands; in Namur, Liege, Louvain; in northern Germany, in the Eifel range of hills in Sauerland (a division of Rhenish Prussia), on the slopes of the Ruhr Mountains, on the Weser as far as Raddesdorf, in lesser Waldeck (or Pyrmont) ; in Hesse as far as Fritzlar; in Thuringia, in Brandenburg, and in lower Lusatia; in Berlin, Brandenburg, Oder- berg, Guben ; in Prussia, at Kulm, Neuenburg, Thorn, Marienburg, even beyond Konigsberg; in Kurland (Courland), and even in Seeland (Zealand) the vine has been cultivated in great quantities. Although, we have very favorable accounts of many harvests in those times, even for the highest of the latitudes mentioned above, still one must not generalize too far. The sensation of taste is very vari- able and often peculiar. We frequently at the present time obtain a very sour beverage from countries reputed to produce good wine, and in the north we eat grapes which farther south are considered very sour. It must be taken for granted that in those times when there was no communication over long distances they were not very exacting in regard to wine, particularly as the best wines were unknown, as must have been the case in northern Germany, the Netherlands, and England. If the wine was harsh and sour, it was still wine, which in favorable years, and even in those latitudes where the crop did excellently well, could be made into a very drinkable beverage. In later times, and when better wines became known, when (295) 296 the culture of the vine was carried to greater perfection in southern Germany and wine could more easily be carried into northern Ger- many, the cultivation of the vine must have been given up in regions where favorable years were only the exception. "When the first decade of the nineteenth century proved very unfavorable to vine cultivation. a number of vineyards were suppressed even in the best situations, such as Rhenish Hesse and Rheingau, which were afterwards re- stored with the return of better times, namely, after 1834 and 1835. With the present facilities for communication and the competition in the wine business resulting therefrom vine culture is no longer profitable in many places where thirty years ago it was so; in many places even grain cultivation is declining, because the grain can be procured from a distance cheaper than the cost of cultivation, as is especially the case in Alpine countries. Xo one would conclude that this is owing to the deterioration of the climate, and with equal right one can not attribute the decline of vine culture in high latitudes, where it is now no longer profitable, to change of climate. Herodotus describes the fertility of Assyria, notwithstanding that it seldom rains there. Xo one, he says, could bring himself to believe in its productiveness who was not convinced of it by seeing for him- self. At present the fruitfulness of that region is very limited. But Herodotus also describes the excellent irrigation of that country in his time, and Alexander the Great is said to have found on the Scythian frontier an inscriiDtion dedicated to Semiramis (2000 B. C.) : " I forced the streams to flow where I willed, and I willed only what was useful; I made the dry earth fruitful by watering it with my streams." At the present day the countries in question produce only very meager crops, with the exception of the regions on the Tigris, near Bagdad; in Mesopotamia, near Urfa; in northern Syria, near Aintab, and Messir and other places, where recently irrigation canals have again been laid and magnificent cultivation thereby revived. Xo change of climate has taken place; human energy alone has altered. Similar changes are seen in Palestine, in Arabia, in Sicily, and many other countries. Should the Chinese in many portions of their country neglect irrigation for even short periods they would quickly see only deserts where now garden cultivation reigns, while the climate would not change in the least. Xo one acquainted with the true cause would attribute to change of climate the increased productiveness of Lombard}' since the restoration of its excellent system of canals and irrigation, or the gi'eat decrease of grain culture in Switzerland. Without this knowledge only perverted and false conclusions would be derived. The diminution of forests in the extreme north of Europe, in Ice- land, and in the high Alpine regions is more simply to be explained by the partial deforestation done by the hand of man, rendering the remainder sparser and less capable of resistance to wind and weather than by hypothesis of change of climatic conditions. At the same time it will not be denied that by irrigation and drain- age, by important changes in the system of cultivation, by various natural phenomena of nature, etc., many changes of a" climatic character take place. These changes, however, are only local and disappear as soon as the causes which produced them are removed. Besides, there is in climatic conditions only a moderate stability, 297 subject to steady and in all probability periodic variations and inter- chano^es, Avhicli aiv difficult to recognize in consequence of the mani- fold combinations of the numerous effective factors. Climatic changes, extending over long periods of time, are indicated by geological periods, which latter themselves demonstrate again only the gradual and not any sudden alterations of climate. Sudden, and even very moderate slow changes of climate cause the destruc- tion of the vital organism. The comparison of the climatic conditions of individual years, the differences in the yield of fruits of various kinds, as already men- tioned above, the unfavorable years in central Europe at the end of the sixteenth and eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth cen- turies, and the very favorable seasons for grain and wine in the last quarter of the seventeenth and at the beginning of the eighteenth century and in the first third of the nineteenth century, together with the recurring failure inider similar conditions of crops, particularly of wine, in 1847 and 1881, caused by the cool weather at the end of summer and beginning of autumn, in spite of the hot summer which had preceded it, etc., and furthermore the exact numerical researches based on results of observations of the meteorological elements, all show a variability of climate such as is accomplished within a century, or even Avithin the lifetime of a man, and which can be most positively recognized from year to year, from decade to decade. To find the causes of these changes belongs to those who have devoted themselves to researches in the laws of meteorolog:y, and particularly to discov- ering the methods by which to prognosticate the conditions of weather for long periods in advance. Distribution of good and poor wine crops, hy decades, since 1600. [From Fritz (1889), p. 301.] Germany (Rhine). Switzerland (Zurich). Decade. Germany (Rhine). Switzerland (Zurich). Decade. Above aver- age. Below aver- age. Above 'aver- age. Below aver- age. Above aver- age. Below aver- age. Above aver- age. Below aver- age. 1600-1609 1 4 2 4 2 3 5 7 6 4 : 3 5 9 6 8 6 8 5 5 3 9 4 6 7 5 1760-1769 1770-1779 1780-1789 1790-1799 1800-1809 1810-1819 1820-1829 1830-1839 1840-1849 1850-1859 1860 lHfi9 lSTU-1879 1880-1887 General average. 4 5 : 4 i 4 4 2 6 5 5 8 5 6 6 4 7 6 6 6 5 8 8 5 6 5 6 4 6 2 2 5 1610-1619... 3 1620-1629 1630-1639 1640-1649 1650-1659 1 2 2 3 4 3 5 5 6 3 6 5 9 8 8 7 6 7 ' 5 4 7 4 5 5 1660-1669. 1670-1679 5 1680-1689 ... 1690-1699 e 1700-1709... . 4 1710-1719 8 1720-1729 6 1740 1749 3.9 6.0 4.5 5.4 1750-1759 298 Good and poor wine crops, by years, since 1820. [From Fritz (1889), pp. 293, 295, 296.] Year. i 1 pi .as II §1 §^ 1 II If si 8. 0 ^ II M 1 1 Year. I t .So 1? If go h il If l\ II i w o } 1 K m § o 1820 2.03 0.69 11.19 5.70 5.35 8.20 15.65 4.55 16.45 5.16 0.80 3.67 5.28 10.35 15.43 12.65 7 7 16 7 6 32 22 29 16 5 8 10 19 29 33 18 20 12 17 19 6 17 9 9 9 21 22 22 13 11 11 13 10 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858. 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 3.82 3.13 9.95 10.75 9.07 5.94 4.62 8.92 7.14 5.40 2 8 26 17 10 6 15 17 15 17 13 16 27 15 18 17 7 7 15 27 15 10 10 3 2 22 12 8 19 10 4 11 2 4 3 4 64 27 12 6 1821 1822 34 56 14 55 92 1 52 33 4 1824 12.88 12.88 13.17 8.78 9.66 9.08 11.00 6.10 13.21 15.23 24.59 28.99 13.76 16.46 1825 1826 1828 1829 1830 18.7 28.0 44.3 28.4 46.5 31.7 23.6 8.8 3.7 10.0 32.4 51.8 27.8 19.8 31.2 9.3 3.9 36.7 13.5 33.3 1831 41.8 1832 26 55 ■ 45 55 28 14 13 18 35 2 24 15 11 1866 21.4 1833 1867 39.8 1834 1868 19.1 1835 1869 14.9 1836 1870. 236.7 1837 4.51 2.74 7.06 4.24 3.25 8.05 2.33 3.93 5.-36 13.53 10.09 7.95 6.90 6.68 5.57 7.64 7.07 1 1871 91.7 1838 1872. 24.4 1873 10.7 1840 1874..^.. 1875 .... 106.9 24.6 1842 1876 63.8 1843 1877 59.1 1844 1878 80.0 1879 90.3 1846 23 45 32 19 13 15 34 1880 126.0 1847 1881 83.0 1882 121.0 1849 1883 28.0 1884 1851 1885 1852 1886 1887 1 1 1 299 Wheat crop in Ohio, by years, since 1850. [From P'ritz (ISSO), p. 303. The figures for 1850-1877 refer to the average of two coun- ties, viz, Belmont in the southeast and Erie on the north border of the State. The fig- ures for 1878-1883 are averages for the whole State.] Bushels per acre. Bushels per acre. Bushels per acre. 1850 17.0 14.7 14.6 11.8 9.1 15.6 11.4 10.7 9.7 17.0 13.8 13.4 1862 13.8 12.8 6.7 6.8 10.5 13.0 12.9 1874 17.8 1851 1863 1875 187(i 13.3 1852 1864 14.5 1853 1865 1866 18(57.. _ 1868 1869 1877 11.6 1854 1878 16.9 ia55 1879 17.7 1856 1&«0 17.1 1857 1881 1882.- 13.8 1858 1870 15.6 1859 1871 14.3 8.5 14.4 1883 16.6 1860 1872 1873 """ 1861 GRASSES. Relative to the acclimatization of the grasses Sporer (1867) says: As in the Alps and Himalayas up to altitudes of 15,000 to 16,000 feet, so also in the farthest north, beyond the limit of trees, the grasses flourish. The varieties that compose the grassy carpet of Taimyr are still somewhat numerous. They embrace 10 families and- 21 species; about one-half belong to *the sour-grass family, the binse or rushes, ried (reed), woold or cotton grass. But fully one-half are the sweet grasses, such as in central Europe are esteemed the best fodder, and not less so in Taimyr Land, where they extend to the shores of the icy Arctic Ocean beyond latitude 7.5° 30' north, including among them the '' wiesen " or meadow ^ass, the rispen or ray grass (Poa pratensis), and the " rasen schmiele " or turfy hair grass, Ahri desc/unnpsia ea'spitosa. It is not surprising, therefore, that the best milch cattle, the so-called " cholmogor breed,'" the suc- cessors of the cattle transported thither from the Netherlands by the care of Peter the Great, should flourish in the desert polar regions at Mesenja. The sour grasses, as genuine earl}^ spring plants, form their floAvers in the previous summer season, and at the beginning of the northern summer (July 10 to 20) are in the fullest bloom and have already turned brown when the sweet grasses begin to show their flower buds. In general the ground thaws only to the depth of a few inches and the roots do not penetrate into the frozen soil. The tundra of north- ern Russia and Siberia rests on such a frozen soil ; the steppe or prairie or llano rests on unfrozen, deeper, and dryer soil. The modest circle of plants that surrounds our Arctic Circle is not so complexly constituted under different longitudes as are those of the warmer phenological girdles of the globe; everywhere we have the same species of plants and the same families; everywhere the gramineae, the crucifera?, the caryophyllea% and the saxifra- gacea^, are the dominating families, and among the genera the Draha Saxifj^aya., Ranunculus^ Carex^ and the meadow grasses; all these 300 high northern varieties are enduring; only a few of them fail annu- ally to set their fruit and ripen their seed. An annual plant disap- pears when for a single season it fails to ripen its seed. A comparison of the flora of Spitzbergen and the high portions of the Alps and Pyrenees shows that the former are the lost children of Euroi^ean flowers that have since the Glacial epoch survived at great altitudes in the mountains as well as in the damp, cold morasses of central Europe. A comparison of the flora of Taimyr and the mountains of southern Siberia shows that the northern flora has wandered thither and be- come acclimatized from the southern, and that this process is still going on. CEBEAIiS. The elaborate report of Brewer on cereals, in the Tenth Census of the United States, contains the fullest information as to the rela- tion of climate and soil to our cereals. From pages 10 to 27 of this volume I quote the following general remarks : We may say that, as a rule, in all former times, and until modern means of transportation came into use, the grain most largely con- sumed for bread in any country or region was the one most easily and most surely grown at home, or at least at no great distance away ; the bread, of necessity, had to be made of such grain as could be grown or procured with the facilities then enjoyed. Rye, buckwheat, oats, barley, and millet had among our ancestors an imi3ortance as bread plants that they have now lost and will probably never regain. This fact, apparently so obvious and yet so hard to realize in prac- tice, lies at the bottom of that agricultural revolution already alluded to, which is now going on every^^here among nations and peoples of our civilization, and most notably in western Europe. Seven species (calling buckwheat a cereal) are cultivated in Amer- ica in sufficient abundance to be returned in the census tables, and three or four more are occasionally cultivated in a few localities. Taken altogether, these include all the more important cereals of the world. Of the seven species we have to deal w4th, six are natives of the Eastern Hemisphere and one of the western. No cultivated grain has originated on an island, if we except canary grass, and none in southern Africa or Australia, regions otherwise very rich, botanically, in species. Hmnboldt called it a striking phenomenon " to find on one side of our planet nations to whom flour and meal from small- eared grasses, and the use of milk, were completely unknown; while the nations of almost all parts of the other hemisphere cultivated the cereals and reared milk-yielding animals. The culture of the differ- ent kinds of grasses may be said to afford a characteristic distinction between the two parts of the world." The genera to which the principal cereals belong are: Oryza, or rice; Triticum^ which includes all the varieties of wheat and spelt; Avena, oats of various kinds; Hordeum^ the various kinds of barley; Secale^ rye, and Zea, Indian corn. Among the true cereals — that is, belonging to the grass family — there are various species of millet, belonging to several different genera {Panicum, Pennicillaria, Emil- ium, Setaria^ Holcus^ and Sorghum) ; durra, a species of Sorghum 301 (called also Indian millet and Guinea corn, and spelled in various ways, as "dura," " dliura." "doura"'); canary grass, FhaUois, and a few other species holontjing to the grasses. In addition to these botanical cereals are the buckwheats, which, for convenience in this report, are classed among the true cereals. They belong to the genus FoJyyonum^ two species of which are cultivated in this country, and perhaps others elsewhere. Several species belonging to the genus Chenopodium have been cultivated in various parts of the world, particularly in India and central Asia, but none are of impor- tance to European nations as grains. Of a considerable list that might be made, wheat, rice, and Indian corn are the first three in importance; oats, barley, and rye next; then durra, the millets, and buckwheats next ; all the remainder being of insignificant importance to the world at large. However defined and classified, and however used, all the cereals are agricultural grains, all are starchy, all are breadstulfs, and all are annual plants. Being annuals, they are adapted to almost universal cultivation where the summer climate admits, for '' an annual plant may be said to belong to no country in particular, because it completes its exist- ence during the summer months, and in every part of the world there is a summer." This fact underlies the agricultural importance of the cereals. Every gardener knows that annuals may be brought from almost any country and be made to flourish in cultivation in any other country in which they can complete their life in one summer, and that, even if the summer is too short, varieties may be produced by art which w^ill mature quicker, and then their cultivation may be extended to cli- mates unlike that of their original home. This may be continued up to certain limits set by nature for each species, which limits can be determined only by experiment. Not so Avith perennials. They must have not only a favorable summer climate, but also a favorable winter climate and a favorable average climate, and, moreover, be able to stand occasional wide deviations from the average climate. The exceptional heat of one year or cold of another, a too wet season or a too dry one, may kill the tree or perennial which has lived and thrived for many years. Hence all perennials are restricted in their growth to very much narrower limits than annuals. Moreo\'er, annual plants are believed to be nnich more varial)le under ditl'erent external conditions than perennials are. They vary more in nature, and it is among the cultivated annual species that we have the widest variation known to science. They can adapt themselves more readily to changes of soil, climate, and other variable conditions than peren- nials. Thus it is that the plains of Dakota and Manitoba, with their genial summers and fertile soil, even though the winters be of Arctic severity, and California, .wnth its rainless summer, bnt genial winter, can alike send wheat to the mild-wintered and moist-summered British islands. Illustrating the first point regarding excellence of seed, both as to its actual condition and its pedigree, there are numerous illustrations recorded; but the famous experiments of Mr. Frederick Hallett, of Brighton, England, may be taken as a good illustration. The experi- ments were planned with so much intelligence, conducted with such 302 patience and care, were so profitable in their results — the essential results have been confirmed in so many other ways and by so many practical men — that they are worthy of being quoted in this con- nection. He began with a single head of wheat, chosen irrespective of ^ize or vigor, but of a variety producing a good quality of grain. The head was 4f inches long and had 47 gi-ains, which were carefully planted in rows, 1 grain in a place, 12 inches apart each way. At harvest the plants were carefully compared, and the one with the largest number of heads was chosen, and the grains from the best head of this best plant were planted the next year in the same wa}"; and this was continued year after year, choosing each time for seed the best head from the most prolific plant. At the first harvest the best plant bore 10 heads, at the second 22, at the third 39, at the fourth 52, the best head of which was 8f inches long and bore 123 grains. . (Jour. Roy. Agi-. Soc, Vol. XXII, p. 371, and plate.) This was the origin of the famous " Pedigree wheat.'' Later, and in a similar way, he made the varieties of " Pedigree oats " and " Pedigree barley," all very prolific, and each becoming famous. He gave the name '' Pedigree " to these varieties because his process was precisely analogous to that of improving live stock by breeding to points and strengthening the heredity of the good points by pedigree. vStill later he gave his riper conclusions (Trans. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1869, p. 113) drawn from his long series of experiments, in sub- stance as follows: That every fully developed plant, whether of wheat, oats, or barley, has one ear su^Derior in reproductive power to any of the others on the plant; that every such plant has one gnxin more productive than any other, and that this best grain grows on the best ear; that the superior vigor of this grain is transmissible to its progeny ; that by selection this superiority is accumulated ; that the improvement is at first very rapid, but that in successive years it gradually grows less; that an improved type is the result, and that by careful selection the improvement can be kept up. Another paper on his pedigree system, read before the Farmers' Club at Birming- ham in 1874, giving many interesting facts, is republished in sub- stance in the monthly reports of the United States Department of Agriculture for August and September, 1874, page 381. The practical fact underlying this relates to selection. " Natural selection " is undoubtedly the principle by which species are pre- served, whether it accounts for their origin or not, and artificial selection of seed is the only method by which any variety of grain can be improved or even maintained. Without it the variet}^ alwaj^s either runs out or changes; how rapidly this takes place depends upon various circumstances. It is unnecessary to multiply further proofs, because all experi- ment points the same way, and the law is universally recognized. I have merely cited a few out of many scientific experiments. The principle is never denied ; it is simply too often neglected in practice. In this connection it is well to remember that it is easier to deteriorate a crop by using bad seed, or even by simply neglecting the selection of the good, than it is to improve an already good variety; the down- hill road is the easiest traveled. The selection of seed to keep up the vigor and the fruitfulness of the varieties cultivated are more 303 important than fertility of the soil as factors in permanent ijrain growing. The matter of soil exhaustion is so well known that it is the staple argument with the majority of popular writers and speakers on agriculture; but. so far as I have i)ersonally seen or have been able to learn from the observations or the experience of others, in every locality in this countrv where wheat growing has suddenly risen to large tigures the quality and the yield have diminished more rapidly from carelessness in the selection of the seed and in the care of the crop than from mere soil exhaustion. "While there is no absolute proof that any variety of cereal has ever originated in a " sport," nevertheless the indications are that soniie have so originated. The new variety of Baniia cotton originated in a single plant, entirely unlike its fellows, found in a cotton field in the Nile Valley in 1873, and the variety has already nearly revolutionized cotton culture in Egypt. (McCoan, Egypt as it Is, p. 187, and Kew Rept. for 1877, p. 26, fig. 7.) Cotton is propagated from the seed as the cereals are, but the plant being a more conspicuous one, a sport would be more liable to be noticed. A single cereal plant, unlike its fellows, in a great field of grain w^ould be gathered unnoticed unless some very unusual accident secured its preservation. It is well known, however, that many varieties of grain have origi- nated in some single plant differing from its fellows found growing in some exceptional place, but how that plant acquired its special characters, whether suddenly, as sports do, or not, we have no knowl- edge. We simply and only know that here and there some single plant has been found that represents to us a new variety ready made, and varieties have been perpetuated from such plants which have grown true to the seed and which have been valuable and enduring. The variety of oats known as '' potato oats " is said to have originated in a single plant found growing in a potato patch (hence the name) in Cumberland, England, in 1778 (Allen, New America Farm Book, p. 163), or, as some say, in 1789 (Stephen's Farmers' Guide, I, 4-19). This variety, after nearly a hundred years' existence, is still one of the best and brings, it is said, the highest price in the English markets. Its excellence has been proved throughout Europe and entirely across the continent of America, for it is in common cultivation from Maine to Oregon and "Washington. The Clawson wheat originated in a single plant found growing by a stump in the State of New York. Darwin says that the Fenton wheat was found growing on a pile of detritus in a (luarry in Eng- land. The Chidham wheat originated from an ear found growing in a hedge in the same countrv, and numerous other examples are recorded in the agricultural literature of this century. It is only fair to say, however, that many varieties of such origin have been rejected on trial as of no value, just as numerous varieties of seedling apples and potatoes are rejected. It is only the few^ that are actual improvements on what we had before. In ornamental and otlier garden jDlants the tendency to " sport " is much increased by cross- ing varieties, and this is probably also true of all classes of cultivated plants. Using seed which has been grown in some other locality, or, as farmers say. " a change of seed," has been practiced by grain growers m all ages; and that this is very often attended with an increase of 304 crop has been proved by the experience of centuries. Sometimes this change of seed means bringing in a variety previously cultivated there by bringing it from some other place more or less distant. To illustrate: Potatoes grow well as far south as Louisiana, the Bermudas, and other warm climates, if the seed is yearly brought from a cooler region. The same fact is true of peas, and there are large importations of seed peas from Canada to the United States every year. Most garden vegetables behave in a similar way, and on this fact the modern business of growing garden seeds is largely founded. In Connecticut, onion seed is imported from Tripoli. The first crop grown from this seed is of such excellent quality that the trouble and expense oi the importation are justified; but if the cul- tivation is continued from seed produced by the American crop, in a few years the onions degenerate to the size of acorns. The constant sending of the seeds of squashes and other garden vines from the New England States and other places east of the Appalachians to the fertile prairie soils of the West is another familiar illustration, and similar facts have been observed all over the world. Melon seeds from Tibet are taken every year to Kashmir, and produce fine fruit weighing from 4 to 10 pounds; but vines growing from the seed of melons produced thus in Kashmir yield the next year fruit weighing but 2 or 3 pounds. Seed of the sea -island cotton have been carried to every cotton-producing country of the world, but the variety rapidly degenerates in every place yet tried distant from its original home, and if the excellency of the fiber is kept up elsewhere it is only done by the use of fresh seed. Now, it often happens that such a variety, specially prepared for a region by a long process of adaptation, may be better suited to it than any new one, and in such cases no increase of crop follows a change of seed. For example, heavy oats taken from the cool, moist climates of Canada or northern Europe, used as seed in the north- ern or middle United States, usually produce at first a crop weigh- ing more per bushel than that produced from home-grown seed. But in various places, notably so on Long Island, where special varieties have long been grown from seed carefully selected as to weight until this weight reaches that which is produced from foreign seed, no increase of weight is obtained by any change of seed. This appears to be the case in several localities reported. Another example to the point is in the local varieties of corn sometimes culti- vated on farms in New England and the Middle States. Where a single variety has been cultivated for a man's lifetime in the same neighborhood, or even on the same farm each year, the seed having been carefully selected and prepared until no further improvement is reached by such selection, here it often happens that such home-bred local variety yields better than any variety introduced from without. But it also happens that, having' been so long purely bred, it is of especial value in mixed planting, as already described". 305 COTTON. H. Hammond, in his report to K. AV. Hilgard on the cotton produc- tion of the State of South Carolina (Tenth Census U. S., 1880, Vol. VI, p. 475), says: In a handful of ordinary cotton seed three varieties may often be recognized, j) resenting well-marked differences. The largest of these is covered with a green down; another smaller and much more numerous seed is covered Avith a white or grayish down; the third variet}' is naked, smooth, and black. It may not be possible to say whether these three sorts of seeds correspond to three classes under Avhich the numerous varieties of cotton are arranged. These are, first, the ''green seed,' corresponding with the GoHsypbtvi hlrsKtnm, or shrub cotton, attaining a height of from 10 to 12 feet, a native of Mexico, and varying as an annual, biennial, or perennial, according to the climate in which it is grown ; second, the " wdiite seed," corre- sponding with the Gossypiirm herhaceum^ or herbaceous cotton, an annual, attaining a height of 2 feet, native of the Coromandel coast and the Xilgherries; third, the ''black seed," corresponding w^ith Gossypium arhorexm^ or tree cotton, a native of the Indian peninsula, but attaining a height of 100 feet on the Guinea coast, and producing a silky cotton. The black seed, how^ever, is not distinguishable from the seed of the long-staple or sea-island cotton. HISTORY OF THE LONG-STAPLE COTTON. It would be a matter of much interest to determine the origin and history of the varieties of cotton now in cultivation. The difficul- ties of doing this are much increased by the very wide geographical range occupied b}^ the plant. The earliest explorers, Columbus, Magellan, Drake, Captain Cook, and others, seem to have found it almost everywhere in the broad belt extending from the equator to 30° south and to 40° and 45° north latitude, w here it now grows. Although it is not found among those oldest of vestments, the wrappings of Egyptian mummies, its use was known to man in Europe, Asia, Africa, America, and the outlying islands of the sea in the remote past, far beyond the historic age. Its very name itself bears evidence to this, occurring, as it does, in many and in the most ancient languages. Xevertheless nothing can show more clearly the importance of tracing and understanding the history of plants under cultivation than the variation and improvements in black seed cotton since its introduction on the Carolina coast. It is known that the first bale of long-staple cotton, exported from America in 1788, wa^f grown on St. Simons Island, Georgia, by a Mr. Bissell, from seed that came from cither the Bahamas or the Barbadoes Islands." Singularly enough, the authorities leave this matter in doubt, the Hon. William Elliott saying it came from Anguilla, one of the Bahamas," and Signor Filipino Partatori (Florence, 180(5), saying it came from Cat Island, one of the Barbadoes." But as Anguilla is one of the Barbadoes" and Cat Island one of the Bahamas" it would seem difficult to decide to which group of islands we are indebted for these seed. However, as Mr. Thomas Spalding, of Sapelo Island, says, in a letter to Governor tt Sic. 2667—05 M 20 306 Seabrook, in 1844, that three parcels of long-stapled cotton seed were, to his knowledge, brought in 1785-86 from the Bahamas to a gentle- man in Georgia, it would seem certain that the seed reached our coast from those islands. There it was known as Gossypium harhadense, as coming from the Barbadoes. In the Barbadoes it was called Persian cotton, the seed having been brought from that countr3\ In this manner its descent from the G. arhoreum of India is traced. Be this as it may, Mrs. Kinsey Burden, Burden Island, Colleton Covmty, S. C, obtained some of these seeds from Georgia and planted them. This crop failed to mature, and the first successful crop of long-staple cotton grow^n in South Carolina was planted in 1790 by William Elliott, on the northwest corner of Hilton Head, on the exact spot wdiere Jean Eibault landed the first colonists and erected a column of stone, claiming the territory for France a century before the English settled on the coast. Mr. Elliott's crop sold for lOid. per pound. Other planters made use of this seed, but it was not until Kinsey Burden, sr., of Colleton County, began his selections of seed, about the year 1805, that attention was strongly called to the long- staple. Mr. Burden sold his crop of that year for 25 cents per pound more than did any of his neighbors. He continued to make selections of seed and to improve his staple, and in 1825 he sold a crop of 60 bales at $1.16 per pound. The year subsequent his crop sold for $1,255 and in 1828 he sold 2 bales of extra fine cotton at $2 per pound, a price not often exceeded since. The legislature was on the point of offering Mr. Burden $200,000 for his method of improving the staple of cotton, and Mr. William Seabrook, of Edisto, w^as prepared to pay him $50,000 for his secret, when it w^as discovered that the fine cotton was due wholly to improvements made in the seed b}^ careful and skillful selection. Since then the greatest care has been bestowed upon the selection of the seed, and to such perfection was the staple brought by this means that the crops of some planters were sold not by sample, but by the brand on the bale, as are the finest wines. During the war of 1861-1865, the cultivation of the finest varie- ties being abandoned on the islands, the seed removed to the interior greatly deteriorated in quality. So scarce, on this account, was good seed directly after the war that J. T. Dill, a cotton merchant in Charleston, at one time had, in an ordinary letter envelope, the seed from which are derived all the better qualities of long staple now cul- tivated. Nor have the improvements made by careful selection of the seed ceased in later years. The staple has kept fully up to the best grades of former days, and the proportion of lint to seed cotton has been increased. Formerly 1 pound of lint cotton from 5 pounds of seed cott(5n of the fine varieties was considered satisfactor3\ Thanks to the efforts of Mr. E. M. Clark, a cotton has been recently found which yields 1 pound of lint to 3^ of seed cotton, preserving at the same time the lenglh, strength, and evenness of fiber charac- teristic of the best varieties. BEANS. The history of the derivation of the bean ( Vicia sativa, Vicia faha, and Ervum lens) is given by A. de Candolle (see Agr. Sci., Vol. I, p. 58), who shows that its cultivation began in Persia, and that the common white bean, which has been cultivated since prehistoric times 307 in Europe, has some similarity to a bean cultivated in India since the earliest times. The characteristic peculiarities of the cultivated bean and its uncultivated relatives have probably existed for at least five or six thousand years, and the original stock from which the cultivated bean was derived has long since become extinct. PEPPER. The derivation and varieties of peppers from all parts of the world (genus Capsicum) are described by E. L. Sturtevant (Agr. Sci., Vol. II, p. 1). The general effect of climate is to diminish the size of the fruit when the seeds are planted in higher latitudes — that is' to say, with a diminution of temperature. Similarly, the effect of cold nights is to check the growth, diminish the size, and promote early ripening. KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS. The germination of Kentucky blue-grass seed {Pon ptrtteHKh), as also that of red top and timothy, has been studied by Thomas F, Hunt at the agricultural experiment station, Champaign. 111. Al- though the object of the experiment was primarily to determine the relative vitality or honesty of the seeds and samples from differ- ent sources, yet the results have some bearing upon the question as to the best temperature for germination and the possibility of accli- matization, Kentucky blue grass, raised in Kentucky, wdien sown in the Geneva sprouting apparatus, would not germinate in thirteen weeks at temperatures from 70° to 80° F., wdiereas 80 per cent of meadow fescue and 95 per cent of mammoth red clover sprouted during the first w^eek in June, 1888. xVgain, in 1889 a specimen of blue grass from the same locality would not sprout in sixty days at an average temperature of 67° F., whereas during the first eight days 98 per cent of both timothy and red clover and 85 per cent of meadow^ fescue sprouted. Again, a sample from another dealer in Kentucky, tested for thirty days under similar conditions as the last, gave one sprout to a hundred seeds. Another sample w^as sent from Chicago to Manitoba and thence to Champaign for testing. Out of 500 seeds not one sprouted, but in the best of subsequent samples 7 per cent sprouted. Finally, samples were obtained from 19 different sources, mostly in Kentucky, and were all tested uniformly in the Geneva apparatus at Champaign, 111., from July 23 to August 31, 1889. The range of temperature in the apparatus was from 63.5° to 73.5° F. Out of all 308 the samples the maximum and the minimmn percentages of sprouting were as shown in the following table : Variety. Kentucky blue Red top Timothy Per cent. Per cent. ol 4 \ 25 42 76 These are not likely to be abnormal percentages, since, according to Professor Himt's calculation, with an ordinary seeding of 30 pounds to the acre, if only 2 per cent germinates there would be 40 plants to the square foot. But the question may still remain as to whether the soil or the temperature were unfavorable or whether the seed of the Kentucky blue grass was in some abnormal condition. (Agr. Sci., Vol. IV, p. 4.) Chapter XII.« RELATIONS OF SPECIAL CROPS TO SPECIAL FEATURES OF CLIMATE AND OTHER INFLUENCES. The preceding chapter on phenology has given several illustrations of the influence of the date of planting upon the dates of the resulting phases and on the amounts of the harvest for special plants. The exper- iments at experiment stations now about to be quoted were under- taken with a view to the further direct elucidation of this relation. From such experiments we obtain definite data by which to decide as to the best date for planting and the probable resulting crop both in normal and abnormal seasons. We "see to what extent the seed and plant have acquired habits suitable to the prevailing climate, and furthermore, what climatic influences the plants were not able to withstand when the seeds were planted too early or too late. It is, of course, of prime importance in each case to know where the seeds were grown or to what climate they were acclimatized before being planted at the experiment station. By measuring the weight and nutritious value of a sample of a crop at various stages of development we are able to form tables showing the relation of the mature ultimate harvest to the immature plant, and this relation is found to be sufficiently constant to justify one in predicting the harvest per acre from its condition on any given day several months before harvesting. Examples of this process have already been given and others now follow. BEETS AND POTATOES. DATE OF PLANTING. Briem finds the crops of beets and potatoes that have become accli- matized in Austria-Hungary varv with date of planting, as given in the table following. a A chapter on " Forests and climate." which was originally intended to pre- cede this chapter, is omitted. (309) 310 Date of sowing. From sowing to harvest.^ Number of days. Sums of mean daily temper- atures. Number of days when rain fell. Average weight of one tuber. March 1 . . March 16 . Aprill Aprilie... Mayl May 16. . - . June 1 June 16 _ . . Julyl July 16.... August 1 - . August 16- " C. 3,271 3,209 3,151 3,020 2,881 2,726 2,469 3,197 1,890 1,627 1,331 1,026 mm. 519 506 496 453 417 373 294 169 154 122 222 272 257 302 217 173 158 Harvest October 20. SUGAB BEETS. Durin has shown that the sugar beet loses the sugar in the root by its consumption in forming stalks and leaves as well as seeds. The roots die when all the sugar is used up, from which I infer that the best time for gathering the beets must be at that period of ripeness in which the formation of leaves ceases, and possibly this formation of leaf and loss of sugar can be checked artificially by cutting the young leaves. (Agi*. Sci., Vol. IV, p. 326.) 6BASSES. The changes in the chemical composition of grass and in the nutritious quality of the dried hay have been determined by E. F. Ladd (Agr. Sci., Vol. I, p. 221) by experiments on timothy {Phleum 'pratense)^ who concludes as follows: (1) The amount of water in timothy diminishes rapidly. (2) There was a large increase in crude fiber in late-cut timothy over that cut at the period of full bloom. (3) As the grass approached maturity there was a considerable diminution in the percentage of sugar and an increase of the starch. (4) After the period of full bloom the proportion of albuminoids to the other organic constituents diminished. ******* (8) Finally, from a chemical point of view, it seems preferable to cut timothy for feeding at the period of full bloom, rather than after the seeds have formed. (Agr. Sci., Vol. I, p. 223.) The effect of climate on the yield and chemical composition of 311 grasses, especially the pasture grass, has been studied at the Pennsyl- vania State College Agricultural Experiment Station, by G. L. Holter (Agr. Sci., Vol. Ill, p. 285), in connection with studies on the yield per acre. Samples of grass were cut every few days during the season (of 1887), but the comparisons with rainfall and temperature showed no definite relation, except, perhaps, that the percentage of ash increased as the temperature diminished. The following table gives the figures showing the average rainfall and temperature from the middle of one period to the middle of the next, and for the average of seven plats of ground : Period. Rain- faU. Tem- pera- ture. Yield per acre, in pounds. Period. Rain- fall. Tern- Yield per acre, in pounds. Fresh Dry grass, hay. Fresh grass. Dry hay. May 5-22 Inches. 'F. 1,300 525 325 140 229 171 247 170 101 105 145 339 130 91 41 65 50 67 45 34 23 43 Aug. 29-Sept.5- Sept. 10-14 Sept. 18-21 Sept.22-29 Sept. 29-Oct. 2 - Oct. 15-17 Oct. 17-22 Oct. 30-Nov. 5.- Inches. 0.88 1.56 1.50 0.41 0.39 0.85 1.42 1.37 "F. 66.5 60.2 60.4 60.2 55.9 45.2 46.1 45.6 147 216 202 84 85 32 43 9 May 2o-June 4 . . June 6-12 June 13-22-- June 25-July 2-. July 3-11 July 13-20 July 21-29 - 2.62 0.52 0.23 1.75 0.51 1.74 0.72 0.25 1.48 3.24 61.0 70.0 75.3 67.2 67.9 69.2 75.2 72.6 68.6 52 53 24 21 11 16 3 July30-Aug. 7.- Total 4,277 ! 1.145 Aug. 8-20 Aug. 22-28 1 If we assume that the whole season extended from May 10 to Sep- tember 29, we may compute the average daily growth, which will be found to be very large at first, but rather uniform from June 13 to September 16, after which it steadily diminishes. The irregularities in the growth from one week to the next have no simple connection with rainfall or temperature, but there is no evidence to show that other climatic elements, such as sunshine and evaporation, would not have thrown some light upon the subject. • Mr. Holter has also experimented on the yield per acre of pasture grass, as measured week by week during the growing season of 1888 and 1889 at the Pennsylvania State College Agricultural Experiment Station. (See Agr. Sci., Vol. V, p. 52.) The plat experimented upon represents an average of the uplands of the Alle- gheny Mountains. The weather of the season was most favorable for the growth of grass, having a heavy, evenly distributed rainfall. The following table shows the dates of cutting and the average daily growth between these dates, expressed in pounds of dried grass per acre. It will be seen that there was a rapid increase in growth up to May 21, after which there was a steady decline. The daily average for the whole season of one hundred and seventy-eight days S12 is 32.1 o pounds of fresh matter and 9.06 of dry matter. , Evidently a pasture that is fairly well stocked Avith cattle in May and June will be overstocked in August and September. Date of cutting. April 2() May 1 - . May 9 . . May 15 . May 21 . May 24 _ May 29. June 5 . June 11 Weight of dry matter. Pounds. 0.00 4.86 15.93 20.01 15.29 12.48 12.81 13.49 Date of cutting. June IT . June 22 . . June 28 . . July 5.... July 11.. July 17.. July 23.. July 29.. August 3 Weight of dry matter. Pounds 13.26 13.04 9.78 13.41 8.77 9.74 11.46 9.79 13.91 Date of cutting. August 9 August 16 August 23 August 29 September 9 . September 23 October 4 October 15... Weight of dry matter. Pounds. 8.53 7.95 8.48 5.78 4.65 .5.-35 4.32 1.78 CEREALS. C. Richardson (Agr. Sci. Vol. I, p. 125) states that the quality of the grain produced in any locality is dependent principally on three conditions — the climate, the soil, and the cultivation. Wheat is most susceptible to its environments; thus the Atlantic slope produces a wheat grain of medium size and with less than the average amount of nitrogenous constituents. In this part of the country latitude exerts a minor influence. In the Central States — Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas — the grain is larger and contains more nitrogen. In the Xorthwest a grain is harvested smaller than anywhere and richer in nitrogen. In Colorado, where irrigation is practiced, a large grain is grown which is rich in nitrogen. On the northwest Pacific slope the grain is large, very starchy, and with less nitrogen than anj^where else. The above conditions, as at present existing, are probably in a state of transition. The following table shows the difference in the composition of the crops of standard varieties of wheat in Minnesota and Dakota : Crop. Albumi- . noids. Crop. Albumi- noids. Per cent. 13.21 15. 14 1884 Pei- cent. 14.28 15.99 313 The followino; table shows the diflferences for the varieties raised in the respective States : Weight of 100 kernels. Albumi- noids. kernels. Albumi- noids. Grams. 3.644 3.489 3.684 3.205 4.091 3.325 3.969 Per cent. 12.15 11.35 12.66 14.07 9.73 10.87 11.67 Ohio Grams. 3.476 3.150 3.454 3.43:^ 3.579 3.424 Per cent. 12. K^ 12.50 Central States Kentucky 13 15 12. 10 North Pacific Georgia 11 78 11. 2S) Michigan The effect of climate and soil on wheat is strikingly shown in that a soft plump yellow wheat from Oregon and a small hard red variety from Minnesota, when used as seed in Colorado, in three years' time had lost nearly all their differences, so as to look more like Colorado grain than like their own originals." A study of 38 varieties grown during seven years on one farm in Colorado shows a progressive change, as in the following table : Year. Weight of 100 grains. Albumi- noids. Weight bushel. Year. Weight of 100 grains. Albumi- noids. Weight per bushel. 1881 . ... Grams. 4.865 4.283 3.941 Per cent. 13.40 13.04 11.74 Pounds. 1884 Grams. 4.222 3.810 Per cent. 12.53 11.34 Pounds. 65.2 1882 1885 62 2 1883 These determinations show plainly that the soil and other condi- tions in 1885 would not produce as good a crop from introduced seed as in 1881, and that the drop in character of the crops as a whole is due as much or more to soil than to season. The seven varieties grown for several years in Colorado which showed no signs of deteri- oration are on this account worth considering, since they are perhaps the varieties to select for the locality, because they may be more suited to the conditions there existing than any others. Attention is called to the fact that deterioration in quality, as evidenced by diminution of albuminoids, is shown by the loss of weight per bushel. In the present case a drop of 1,2 per cent in albuminoids was accom- panied by a loss in weight of 3 pounds per bushel. No other cereal seems to be influenced by its environment in the same way as wheat. Oats are more changed, by climate and soil, in the outward physical appearance and properties of the grain; barley is modified in its a There is nothing to show how nmch this may have been due to spread of pollen from one field to the other. — C. A. 314 chemical composition; maize is modified as to its size; rye varies very little with change of conditions, except as to the effect upon the htraw ; but, as we have seen, wheat changes both its external appear- ance and its chemical constituents. With regard to maize, the high ripening temperature of the South- ern States appears to diminish the size of the kernel and prevent a large formation of starch. But the variations in size peculiar to the varieties are much smaller than variations that are due to the climate and soil, thus Dent varieties of corn from Tennessee and Indiana have been found weighing, respectively, 64.1 and 13.9 grams per 100 ker- nels, or a ratio of 5 to 1 in the weights of the kernels. Hence a comparison of the yield per acre by the weights of the crops would differ very much from a comparison by volumes in bushels. The per- centage of albuminoids varies very much less in the large and small kernels of maize. As to oats, the climatic surroundings cause a ver}" large variation in their physical appearance. The extreme weights per bushel are 48.8 and 24.7 pounds; the extreme ratios in the weight of the kernel, with reference to the weight of the kernel plus the hull, are 79 and 55 per cent. The average composition all over the country as to the percentage of albuminoids is between 12 and 10 per cent, except in a few extreme cases of 9 and 19 per cents, which are as liable to occur in one locality as in another. Barley is not as variable in composition and aj)pearance as wheat and oats; the extreme weights per bushel are 00.2 and 50.4 pounds, and the extreme weights of 100 kernels are 4.900 and 2.630 grams; the extreme percentages of albuminoids are 14.88 and 8.75. For malting purposes the large quantity of albuminoid is not desirable, while starch is desirable. WHEAT— GENERAL RELATIONS TO CLIMATE AND SOIL. In his tenth census report Professor Brewer says : While the cultivation of wheat in a commercial sense is determined by a complicated set of conditions, in an agricultural sense the matter is very much simpler. The yield and quality of the crop practically depends upon but five conditions — the climate, the soil, the variety cultivated, the method of cultivation, and the liability to destruction by insects. Even under poor cultivation and exemption from insect depredations, if the other three conditions are favorable good crops of wheat of good quality may be very often grown, and in a good climate and with a good variety of wheat an excellent quality may be grown even where the soil is comparatively poor. The yield may be small, but the grain itself will be good. As regards soils, we nvAj say in a general way that light clays and heavy loams are the best for wheat. On the one hand, very heavy 315 clays often procluco o-ood crops, both as to yield and as to quality, and on the other hantl the liohter soils may yield a good quality. It is simply smaller in quantity. The best crops, however, come from moderately stitf soils, but any fertile soil will produce good wheat if all the other conditions are favorable. Geologically considered, the most of the wheat grown in the United States is over the region of drift, but much of the wheat soil has been so modified by other geological influences that the geological factor is not an important one, the essential character which gives it its value being as largely physical as chemical. Good wheat lands agree in this, that they are sufficiently rolling for natural drainage; are at the same time level enough to admit of the use of field ma- chinery, and are easily tilled, admitting the use of light field imple- ments in their tillage and thus allowing of a very large production of grain in proportion to the amount of human labor emplo^yed. The facility of putting in the crop and harvesting it is really the controlling condition in many localities, so much so that the very important wheat regions, where some of the most speculative farm- ing of the United States is practiced, are in regions where the cli- matic conditions are such that the average yield one year with another may be as low as 10 bushels per acre. In such cases this low average is usually due to climatic reasons rather than to a lack of fertility in the soil, and in favorable years the yield may be very much larger. The ease of cultivation, the facilities for gathering the crop, and its good qualities in favorable years incite to the hope that all years will be favorable, and in good years the profits are large. In color, in the amount of clay contained, in physical and in chemical characters, there is much diflference in the different soils of the coun- try. Some contain much vegetable matter, others but little. We may say that the soils of all the more important wheat regions (so far as we have chemical analyses) are rich in lime, as well as in those other elements of fertility, such as potash and phosphoric acid, which are necessarv for a good crop and a good quality of grain. For commercial as well as for agricultural success climate is an all-controlling condition. AMieat is normally a winter annual. For a good crop the seed must germinate and the young plant grow dur- ing the cool and moist part of the year, which season determines the" ultimate density' of growth on the ground and, consequently, mostly determines the yield. "\Alieat ripens in the warmer and drier parts of the 3'ear, which season more largely determines the quality, phunp- ness, and color of the grain. In climates with winters so cold that all vegetable growth is suspended- we have tAvo distinct classes of varieties, known, respectively, as spring and winter wheats. Through- out all the Northern States, from ocean to ocean, and to some extent in those Southern States which lie east of the Great Plains, these two classes of varieties are very distinct as regards their cultivation and to scmie extent also as regards their characters. In California and in similar climates, as in Egypt, this distinction does not exist in respect to their cultivation, although the varieties partake more of the character of winter wheats than of spri ug, both in their mode of growth and in the character of the flour made from them. But in all climates and whatever variety may be grown, the crop must be sown and have its early growth in a cool part of the year. 316 AYheat branches only at the ground, and produces no more heads than stalks. It only sends out these branches early in its growth or dur- ing cool weather and when the growth is comparatively slow. The branching of wheat (called '' tillering "' in the Old World, and '' stock- ing," " stooling," and " tillering " in different sections of this) must take place before the plant attains any considerable height or it does not occur at all. Hence, in climates like those of the Northern and Eastern States this takes place mostly in the spring, and a cool, pro- longed, and rather wet spring is therefore best for the ultimate yield of the crop; the grain then stands heavier on the ground. On the contrary, a warm, rather dry, rapidly growing, and early spring in those parts of the country diminishes the yield of wheat, because of this habit of growth; there are then fewer stalks, and the heads are fewer. Consequently, when from the nature of the season or the general climate of *the region there is an undue tendeuc}^ for the Avheat to shoot up without sufficient branching it is common to check the growth by pasturing off the grain in the early spring, as is a common practice in many of the Southern States. In a countrj" of cold winters, for good crops it is better that the ground bo continuously covered with snow. Bare ground, freezing and thawing, now exposed to cold and dry winds and now to warm sunshine, is exceedingly destructive to wheat. It " Avinter-kills "' in two ways — what may be frozen to death by cold, dry winds, or, as is more often the case, particularly on soils rich in vegetable matter, it "heaves out," and by the alternate freezing and thaAving of the sur- face soil the roots are lifted out of the soil and the young plant perishes. The means of guarding against this or of lessening the danger will be spoken of later. After the wheat comes in head more sun is needed and less rain. Too much rain, particularly if accompanied with heat, induces rust, juildew, and other diseases, and, on the other hand, too dry Avinds shrink the grain. The ideal climate for Avheat is one with a long and rather wet winter, with little or no frost, prolonged into a cool and rather Avet spring, Avhich gradually fades into a Avarmer summer, the Aveatlier groAving gradually drier as it grows warmer, Avith only comparatiA^ely light rains after the blossoming of the crop, just enough to bring the grain to maturity, with abundant sunshine and rather dry air toAvard liie harA^est, but Avithout dry and scorching Avinds until the grain is fulh^ ripe, and then hot, dry. rainless Aveather until the harAx^st is gathered. This ideal is nearer realized in the better years in Cali- fornia than in any part of the United States, and it is there in such years that Ave find the greatest yields knoAvn to tlie country. The quality of the grain is largely determined by the climate, a liot, dry, and sunny harA^est time being best for wheat of the first grade. The berry is then brighter, and millers say the quality is bet- ter if the climate has been hot and dry before the harA^est. • The wheat of sunny climates — those of California, Egypt, northern Africa, and similar countries — has ahvays ranked high for quality, and the statement is often made that the Avheat of such climates is also richer in gluten — that is. makes stronger flour — than the Avheat of cooler climates. Of this latter assertion T find no proof from the mod- ern and fuller chemical analyses. The chemical composition depends 317 more upon the variety cultivated than upon either soil or climate. The spring wheat of Dakota and ^linnesota produces as strong flour as does grain from a sunnier climate. It is true that certain varieties of very hard wheats only grow in hot, dry climates. Such is said to be the' case with the best macaroni wheats. It is claimed that the macaroni wheats of California are equal to the best of northern Africa or of southern Europe and that the macaroni made from it in San Francisco is equal to the best Italian. But while, as a whole, the quantity of gluten and the strength of the flour is determined more by the variety of wheat than by the climate or the soil, yet both of the latter have their influence on chemical composition. Although direct chemical evidence is lacking, derived from a large numl)er of chem- ical analyses from samples chosen with this special object in view, it is claimed that abundance of phosphates in the soil increases the quantity of gluten in the crop. The millers of western New York say that the flour has grown stronger with the increase in the use of superphosphates in growing wheat in that region, and that the same has often been stated as a fact in English experience. The particularly bright character of American grain, however, depends upon the climate rather than upon the soil. The sunny climate of the whole United States south and west of New England is favorable for this, and from the time of the first settlement of the colonies the bright color of American grain, as compared with that of northern Europe, particularly that of Great Britain, has been remarked. The table of distribution according to annual temperature (Tenth Census, Cereals, Table XIX, p. 14) shows that the greatest produc- tion is where the mean annual temperature is between 50° and 55°, 173,895,149 bushels, or 37.8 per cent, being grown in this belt, and 136,401,822, or 29.7 per cent, where the mean annual temperature is between 45° and 50°. Adding these two, we see that 310,296,971 bushels, or 67.5 per cent, is grown where the mean annual tempera- ture is between 45° and 55°. Considered in respect to the mid- summer or July temperature (Table XX, p. 14), which has much to do with the ripening of the gi^ain, our figures are of less interest in this crop, because over considerable regions of the country the crop is already ripe before July begins, notably in California ; but we find that 223,852,371 bushels, or 48.7 per cent, grows where the mean temperature of July is between 70° and 75°, and 178,530,037 bushels, or 38.9 per cent, where the midsummer temperature is between 75° and 80°, or an aggregate of 87.6 per cent wdiere the July temperature is between 70° and 80° and 97.3 per cent where it is between 65° and 85°. AMiile the ideal climate for wheat is one of mild winters, and some of the most noted wheat regions of the world are where snow and frozen ground are unknown or very rare (as in Egypt, India, and California), nevertheless most of the wheat of the world grows in regions of cold winters. The table of distribution according to mean winter temperature (Tenth Census, Cereals, Table XXI, p. 15) shows that in this country 46.6 per cent grows wdiere the mean January temperature is between 20° and 30°, 68.9 per cent where it is below "30°, and it is safe to say that 70 per cent of the wheat crop of the country is grown where the 318 average January temperature is below the freezing point. This same condition marks most of the great wheat regions of the world. The wheat countries (which are also the countries of oats, barley, and rye) are where the summer season only is the growing season, and the comforts of winter must be provided for by forethought and labor; and hence they are also the countries of labor, industry, and enterprise, and wdiere the highest civilization has been developed, the result being correlated to these climatic conditions. The table of distribution according to rainfall (Table XXII, p. 16) shows that 132,152,234 bushels, or 28.8 per cent of the crop, grows with an annual rainfall of between 40 and 45 inches, 62.7 per cent Avhere it is between 35 and 50 inches, and 92.4 per cent where the annual rainfall is above 25 inches, although some important wheat regions, notably those of California, are where the mean annual rainfall is less than 25 inches. We have an explanation of this in the seasons at which the rain falls. The table of distribution accord- ing to the rainfall of the growing season (Table XXIII, p. 16) shows that 220,656,637 bushels, or 48 per cent of the crop, grows where from 20 to 25 inches of rain falls during this season, and 366,381,658 bushels, or 79.7 per cent, where the rainfall during the growing season is from 15 to 25 inches, 6.4 per cent wdiere it is below 15 inches, and only 1 per cent where it is less than 10 inches — a fact of much significance for great tracts of our country. CULTIVATION OF CEREALS— EXPERIMENTS AT BROOKINGS, S. DAK. The first annual report of this station, for the year ending June 30, 1888, gives following table of results of experiments on different varieties of wheat, at Brookings, S. Dak. (lat. 44.3° N.; long. 98.5° W.), in April and May, 1887, on plats of ground that had already borne one crop of wheat or flax or oats. Some were soAvn broadcast and had no subsequent cultivation; others were "drilled by hand" and subsequently hoed twice or thrice. The columns giving the calculated sums of degrees of temperature are based upon observations at the Signal Service station at Huron, some distance to the westward, because the special station at Brook- ings was not then established. The meteorological table for Huron follows the agricultural tables, so that the student may make such further studies as he desires. A fragment of the meteorological record at Brookings for 1888 is given in the station Bulletin No. 5, which I have compared with the record for Huron and find that no important error will result from using the Huron records. 319 Variety. Date of t Date of sowing, ^'^r;^^^- Sums of positive tempera- tures (T-43°F.). Sown broadcast: Saskatchewan Fife French Imperial Hand drilled: Blount, Colorado Wellman's Saskatchewan. . Pure Scotch Fife Russian Fife China Tea Velvet Chafif or Blue Stem . BlouHt's Hybrid, No. 15.... Blounfs Hybrid, No. IT.... Champlain.. _. _. Golden Drop Blount's Rustproof Peerless or Black Bearded . Pringle's Grandee 1887. Apr. 25 ...do... Apr. 30 ...do... May 3 ...do... ...do. Apr. 30 May 3 May 8 May 3 ...do.. ...do.. ...do... Aug. 1 July 29 Aug. 10 Aug. 9 Aug. 6 Aug. 11 ....do... July 29 Aug. 9 Aug. 6 Aug. 8 Aug. 4 Aug. 8 Aug. 20 Aug. 12 2,279 2,513 2,484 2,397 2,514 2,514 2,168 2,484 2,373 2,311 2,326 2,437 2,728 2,534 The following table gives the results of experiments on different varieties of barlej- at Brookings, S. Dak., as given in the first annual report of that station. For further details see the preceding section on wheat experiments. Variety. Date of sowing. Date of harvest ing. Sums of positive tempera- tures (T-43° F.) Sown broadcast: Scotch 1887. Apr. 25 ....do 1887. July 18 July 23 July 18 ....do... July 23 July 22 July 20 July 25 ....do... July 20 July 28 ° F. 1,977 Chevalier 2,095 ....do... 1,977 ....do 1.977 Hand drilled: May 5 do 1,946 Two-Rowed 1 922 Melow ....do. . 1,880 Imperial do 2,010 ....do... 2,010 Barley No. 3 do 1,880 Black Hulless do 2,099 320 OATS. The following table gives the results of experiments on different varieties of oats at Brookings, S. Dak., as given in the first annual report of that station. For further details see the preceding section on wheat experiments. Variety. Datp of ^^^® °^ Sums of positive tempera- tures T-43°F.). Sown broadcast: Probstier Welcome White Belgium Wide Awake White Bonanza Hargett's White Seizure. Hand drilled: White Victoria Black Norway Black Tartarian Dakota Chieftain No Name Golden Eussian White Surprise Holstein Apr. 23 Apr. 25 ....do... Apr. 5 ...do. May ....do. ....do. ....do. .do-. 1887. July 29 ....do... Aug. 1 Aug. 3 Aug. 1 July 22 Aug. 3 Aug. 8 ....do... Aug. 1 ....do... July 28 Aug. 1 .-..do... 2,279 2,279 2,:3ti7 2,319 2,365 2,069 2,270 2,389 2,399 2,218 2,218 2,099 2,218 2,218 The meteorological record for the " growing season " of 1887 at Huron is now given for detailed comparisons. The last three columns give the temperatures computed by the two methods of Boussingault and Angot, respectively. Meteorological data for Huron, Dak., in 1887. Mean daily tem- pei-a- ture. Rela- Dew ^ P°i°t- mid- ' ity. Posi- tive tem- pera- ture (T -43° ¥.). Sum of daily tem- perature. All above 43° F. All posi- tive (tem- pera- ture above 43°F.). Apr. 1 2 3 4 5 15 64 17 64 22 52 29 54 33 53 36 32 47 57 30 72 44 76 Per ct. Miles. 55 127 151 437 250 222 187 354 514 476 Per ct. In. 67 1 83 , 0.03 100 .03 Date. °F. 1 4 .! 5 321 Mrtvorolof/iiitl (Ititn for II uron. Dak., in /,S.S7— Contiiiuod. 1887. Apr. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Mean daily tem- pera- ture. May 1 2 3 4 5 Rela- T-.„™ tive D?w Yxn- POii^t- mid- ity. F. \Perct. 43 72 47 93 37 89 30 75 25 59 50 26 53 27 54 40 81 46 45 \ 31 26 35 I 34! 43 I 49 40 44 48 51 1 Clouds. Rain. Frosts 58 Perct. 67 100 67 100 100 70 0 33 10 70 50 67 80 0 17 Posi- tive tem- pera- ture (T -43° F.). Sum of daily tem- perature. °F. 11 6 All above 43° F. 874 921 967 1,002 1,034 1,068 1,109 1,154 1,310 1,268 1,338 1,411 1,468 1,507 1,560 1,621 1,684 1,756 1,831 1,901 1,973 2,047 2,118 2,186 2,251 2,:»8 2,370 2,414 2,465 2,601 2,676 2,7;« 2,792 2,852 2,908 2,970 3,(K36 3,102 971 1,028 I 1,028 j 1,081 1,142 1,205 1,277 1,352 1,422 1,494 1,568 1,639 1,707 1,772 \ 1,891 1,935 1,986 2,049 2,122 2,197 2,256 2,313 2,373 2,429 2,491 2,657 2,623 2,684 All posi- tive (tem- pera- ture above 43°F.). 'F. 94 100 100 100 100 100 UOl 103 107 110 110 110 110 110 112 125 140 167 197 211 211 347 376 407 435 496 515 516 524 544 574 600 T08 731 749 2667—05 M- -21 Light. 322 Meteorological data for Huron, Dak., in 1887 — Continued. daily tem- pera- ture. Dew point. Rela- tive hix- mid- ity. Posi- tive tem- pera- ture (T -43° F.). Sum of daily tem- peratures. All above 43° F. All posi- tive (tem- pera- ture above 43°F.). May 29 30 31 June 1 2 3 4 5 29 30 July 1 2 3 4 6 Per ct 46 Miles. 421 469 237 212 316 360 190 371 441 234 119 141 276 183 160 196 340 461 301 280 211 249 Per ct. 40 67 53 43 100 57 0 0 7 In. Tr. 1.13 .17 Tr. Tr. .92 Tr. .03 °F. 3,226 3,279 3,335 3,396 3,461 3,520 3,576 3,646 3,729 3,799 3,866 4,005 4,079 4,151 4,225 4,305 4,386 4,463 4,538 4,611 4,682 4,747 4,810 4,870 4,929 4,994 5,063 5,136 5,213 5,356 5,429 5,501 5,564 5,628 5,698 5,770 5,843 5,919 5,995 6,066 6,148 6,216 6,367 6,453 "F. 2,747 2,800 2,856 2,917 2,982 3,041 3,097 3,167 3,250 3,320 3,387 3,457 3,526 3,600 3,672 3,746 3,826 3,907 3,984 4,059 4,132 4,203 4,268 4,331 4,391 4,450 4,515 4,584 4,657 4,734 4,804 4,877 4,950 5,022 5,085 5,149 5,219 5,291 5,364 5,440 5,516 5,587 5,737 5.807 5,974 6,054 779 792 810 1,012 1,043 1,072 1,103 1,140 1,178 1,212 1,244 1,274 1,302 1,324 1,344 1,361 1,377 hi 1,425 1,455 1,' 1,516 1,546 1,576 1,605 hi l,t 1,( hi 1,722 1,755 l,' 1,^ 1,855 1,880 1,907 1,945 323 MctcorohHjicul data for Huron, Dale, in 1SS7 — Continued. July 16 1" 18 19 30 31 Aug. 1 2 3 4 5 Mean daily Dew point. Rela- tive hu- mil- ity. Miles. 276 167 174 139 100 332 93 423 0 381 67 248 50 196 73 .48 1.49 Posi- tive tem- pera- ture (T -43° F.). Sum of daily tem- perature. 06,772 6,844 6,911 7,110 7,177 7,249 7,327 7,400 7,471 7,545 7,619 7,836 7,906 7,976 8,170 8,249 8,386 8,458 8,526 8,589 8,654 8,724 8,790 8,856 9,062 9,127 9,195 9,252 9,303 9,356 9,408 9,463 9,526 9,595 9,659 9,726 9.793 All above 43° F. 6,aS2 6,403 6,470 6,531 6,598 6,670 6,748 6,831 6,892 6,966 7,040 7,109 7,181 7,357 7,327 7,395 7,457 7,521 7,589 7,668 7,739 7,805 7,877 7,945 8,008 8,073 8,143 8,209 8,275 8,345 8,412 8,481 8,546 8,614 8,671 8,722 8,775 8,827 All posi- tive (tem- pera- ture above 43°F.). 2,061 2,068 2,087 2,111 2,139 2,163 2,181 3,205 2,234 2,269 2,299 2,327 2,358 2,415 3,444 3,477 2,504 2,539 2,548 2,569 2,594 2,638 2,658 2,681 2,710 2,735 2,755 2,777 2,804 2,827 2,850 2,877 2,901 2,927 2,949 2,974 2,988 2,996 3,006 3,015 8,945 3,047 9,014 3,073 9,078 3,094 9,145 3,118 9,212 3,142 a On and after July 17 the numbers in the column " Sums of all temperatures " must be dimin- ished by lOO. 324 Meteoroloffical data for Huron, Dak., in 1887 — Continued. 1887. Sept. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mean daily tem- pera- ture. Dew point. Rela- tive hu- mid- ity. Perct 80 79 Miles. 119 171 tive tem- pera- ture (T —43° F.). Sum of daily tem- perature. "F. 9,861 9,931 9,998 10,065 10,139 10,207 10,266 10,391 10,441 10,503 10,565 10,620 10,675 10,728 10,^91 10,855 10,921 10,991 11,058 11,111 11,157 11,202 11,260 11,314 11,374 11,423 11,472 11,525 11,578 All above 43^ F. "F. 9,280 9,350 9,417 9,484 9,558 9,685 9,758 9,810 9,860 9,922 9,984 10,039 10,094 10,147 10,210 10,274 10,340 10,410 10,477 10,530 10,576 10,621 10,679 10,73:3 10,793 10,842 10,891 10,944 10,997 All posi- tive (tem- pera- ture above 43°F.). °F. 3,167 3,194 3,218 3,242 3,273 3,298 3,314 3,344 3,353 3,360 3,379 3,410 3,422 3,432 3,452 3,473 3,496 3,513 3,537 3,547 3,550 3,552 3,567 3,578 3,595 3,601 3,607 3,617 MAIZE. The record of the plantings and general condition of the corn for the season of 1888 is taken from the station Bulletin No. d by Prof. Luther Foster, director and agriculturist, and is as folloAvs: The corn experiment embraced a set of 39 plats, each containing 60 rows 24 hills in length. Thirty-three of these plats Avere planted Avith different varieties of corn, 18 of Dent and 15 of Flint, the rest being used for experiments in deep and shallow cultivation. On the first 33 plats the planting began on the 7th and 8th days of May. Two rows of each plat were planted every day for thirty con- secutive working days. It may. perhaps, be unnecessary to state that these daily plantings were made with the object of determining the corn growing season, when germination begins, and the extreme length of planting time. 325 Preparation of soil. — The land nsed is a sandy loam, with a sub- soil of clay, and slopes slifjhtly to the northwest. It was plowed the jjrevious August to a depth of (> inches, and thoroughly harrowed in the spring just before planting. It had produced two crops of small grain, and luul never been manured. FlantiiKj. — The rows were made with a marker 8 feet 0 inches each way. Part of the corn was droi)})ed by hand and covered with the hoe, the rest being put in with hand planters. Of the Dent corn, the hills contained 8 and 4 grains; of the Plint, 4 and 5. The stand. — The early part of the season was not favorable for corn growing, being cold and wet. The coming up W'as quite irregu- lar, from six to ten days frequently elapsing between the appearance of the first and last hills in a row. This was especially true of the iirst fifteen days' planting. The stand in general was poor, resulting in part from unfavorable weather and bad seed, but principally from the w^ork of ground squirrels. This latter evil Avas the most persistent and damaging one with which the corn experiment had to contend. The per cent taken depended upon location of the variety, whether more or less remote from the unbroken j:)rairie. Notwithstanding all efforts to destroy the squirrels, the damage done was very great. For several succes- sive days previous to })lanting poisoned corn was placed in every squirrel hole that could be found. This was done not only on the experiment ground, but also on the whole 80 acres and on the edges of the land immediatel}^ surrounding it. This work, reenforced with the trap and shotgun, was continued throughout the whole plant- ing season. Cultivation. — All the plats were given four different cultivations, a six-shovel corn \Ao\t and a double spring-tooth cultivator being used for the purpose. In addition to this they were twice hoed. Cultivation began on the 11th day of June and ended on the ITth day of July. General remarks. — It was observed in all the plats that the earlier plantings grew larger and stronger than the after ones and that the silks and tassels made their appearance more regularly. The ears of nearly, all varieties of the Flint corn were infested with a species of worm. These did but little damage beyond mar- ring the appearance of the ears. The Dents were not disturbed by the worms. Immediately after the killing frost on the night of September 11 the corn on all the plats was cut and shocked. It was allowed to ^tand a few weeks before husking. The results of a single season's work are only entitled to the pub- lic attention as showing the scope of the experiment undertaken. Definite results of any practical value to the farmer can only be obtained by a continuance of the same experiment under a system of careful observations extending through a number of years. Of this a beginning has been made. Tahuhited statement. — In the following table that date of plant- ing is taken which shows the least number of days from time of })lanting to maturity. The first seven to ten days planting came up and matured at the same time, while the coming up of the rest varied quite regularly with the time of jdanting. The items in the columns headed " Up," " In tassel," " In silk," 326 " Matured," and " Days to mature " apply only to the planting up to and including the date in the first column. The items in the other columns apply to the whole piece. The per cent of corn standing and that taken by squirrels was made from actual daily counts of hills. In computing the yield the corn was weighed instead of measured.^ Experiments of 1888 in pJanting corn at Brookings, *S'. Dak. [First killing frost, 1888, September 12, a. m.] Variety. Dat*»of plant- ing. Date of sprout- ing. Date of tassel- ing. Date of silking. Date of matur- ing. Days to ma- ture _ Sums °'tFvT- (T-43° F.). plant- ing to matur- ing. Yield per acre of shelled corn. Dents: White Rustler Austin's Calico Dakota Yellow.- Davis-s White Hickory King May 14 ....do..- May 13 May 14 do June 5 ....do... June 4 June 6 June 5 June 4 June 5 June 6 ....do... June 8 June 4 June 5 June 6 ....do... June 7 -...do.-- June 6 June 5 June 4 June 6 ....do... ....do--. ...-do..- June 5 June 7 ....do--. June 6 ....do-.- do July 20 July 21 July 18 July 23 Aug. 16 July 20 Aug. 1 July 25 July 21 July 25 July 18 July 24 July 28 Aug. 1 July 23 Aug. 13 July 20 July 24 July 14 July 17 July 19 July 23 July 16 July 19 July 16 July 11 July 23 ....do... July 16 July 20 ....do--. July 26 July 23 July 30 July 31 ..-do... July 30 Sept. 11 Aug. 11 Aug. 10 Aug. 1 ....do... Aug. 4 July 27 Aug. 10 • ....do--. ....do... July 31 Aug. 22 Aug. 4 Aug. 1 July 26 July 31 Aug. 2 -...do-.- July 27 July 26 .--.do.-- July 18 Aug. 2 ....do.- July 26 July 31 July 30 Aug. 2 July 30 Sept. 4 Sept. 10 ....do... Sept. 11 113 119 120 121 Silk. Milk. Soft. 118 115 Soft. 118 Soft. Pair. Poor. 113 Milk. 118 n3 107 106 113 117 109 96 105 90 118 113 103 li- tis 118 111 " F. 2,556 2,692 2,696 2,711 Bush. m m 24 42 Chester County ....do-.- ....do... May 16 do Austin's Yellow. Davis's Yellow Sept. 11 Sept. 8 2,703 2,641 2,703 29 24 ....do... ....do... May 12 May 16 May 15 May 16 May 15 May 16 May 18 May 15 May 14 May 12 May 17 May 16 May 15 May 17 ....do.-- May 15 May 16 do 31 j^ Pride of the North. -- Sept. 11 21i Sept. 6 Improved Learning- - Dakota Gold Coin.... Golden Beauty- Bloody Butcher North Star 2,601 27 Sept. 11 Sept. 8 Aug. 20 Aug. 28 Sept. 3 Sept. 11 Sept. 2 Aug. 19 Aug. 30 Aug. 15 Sept. 10 Sept. 6 Aug. 27 Sept. 11 ....do... ....do.-- Sept. 1 2,703 2,640 2,187 2,410 2,527 2,703 2,505 2,162 2,453 2,071 2,689 2,601 2,371 2,703 2,703 2,703 2,504 15 214 Flints: STTint Nosfi 37i Compton's Early Top Over 27 28 Early Canada- - Self Husking . . 17 45 Early Six Weeks 15i 24i Mandan Indian 20 18 Minnesota White.... 271 37 Waushakum May 17 May 16 ....do... May 13 ....do... June 4 June 8 June 7 36 Silver White 27 King Philip Angel of Midnight. -- 9^ m I regret not to be able to state the source whence the seed was obtained an( Qatic peculiarities under which it was raised. According to Linsser's laws this ind the climatic peculiarities under which it was raised. According to Linsser's laws this must decide as to the behavior of the seed and plant in a new climate. I know, however, tbat some of the varieties had been raised in previous years in the neighborhood of Brookings, S. Dak.— C. A. 327 In comparing the maize experiments at Brookings with the climate of that region, I shall use the record of the Signal Service station at Hm-on, S. Dak. (lat. 44.3° N.; long. 98.1° AV.; altitude above sea level, 1,800 feet), which is 70 miles west of Brookings, and the gen- eral meteorological tables for Huron as calculated for this agricul- tural usage are appended to this table of agricultural experiments. Meteorolcgical data for Huron, Dak., in 18S8. Mean daily tem- pera- ture. Dew point Rela- tive hu- mid- ity. Tem- pera- ture -43° F. Sums of tempera- tures. Re- ject- ing all below 43° F. Apr. 1 2 30 May 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P.ct. 73 73 68 74 P. ct. 80 In. 0.0 Tr. .02 .50 .0 .0 .0 .0 .04 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Tr. .16 .16 .0 .44 .22 Tr. .0 .34 .06 .0 .0 984 1,028 1,085 1,141 1,198 1,240 1,272 1,306 1,343 1,383 1,425 1,465 1,510 1,561 1,607 1,655 1,708 1,765 913 913 913 913 913 913 913 913 958 1,009 1,055 1,103 1,156 1,213 328 Mctcorulogicnl data for Huron, Dak., in 1SS8 — Coutiiuied. May 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 30 21 23 23 24 25 26 27 31 June 1 2 Mean Rela- daily I Dew ^^^^ tern- JifZ ^^^'- pera- P°i°*- mid- ture. ity. P.ct. 54 54 57 44 Wind. Clouds. Miles. P.ct. 261 90 416 30 352 3 295 33 155 50 331 47 106 50 139 100 155 37 430 73 317 63 388 100 400 100 391 100 207 67 79 33 244 100 375 77 290 33 156 53 316 50 109 47 206 0 130 7 439 67 573 77 378 70 166 50 541 30 496 67 508 100 234 17 176 70 183 40 228 37 153 37 382 40 393 3 180 33 355 0 465 40 533 73 615 57 538 90 436 93 299 90 108 87 389 100 104 97 In. .43 .0 Tr. Tr. Tr. .0 Tr. 12 .04 32 0 84 93 0 Tr. Tr. 0 0 60 Tr. Tr. Tr. .0 .0 Tem- pera- ture F. Sums of tempera- tures. ° F. 1,821 1,909 1,952 1,999 2,047 2,095 2,137 2,181 2,296 2,354 2,409 2,461 2,514 3,572 3,685 3,743 3,797 3,852 2,906 14 I 3,014 21 3,144 7 3,194 13 3,349 30 3,333 36 3,391 11 3,445 20 3,508 18 3,569 27 3,639 32 3,714 31 3,788 37 3,868 38 3,949 36 4,038 35 4,106 4,180 35 4,348 16 4,307 18 4,368 18 4,429 19 4,491 19 4,553 14 4,610 19 4,673 31 Re- ject- ing all below 43° F. ° F. 1,269 1,316 1,316 1,316 1,363 1,409 1,457 1,457 1,501 1,553 1,616 1,674 1,729 1,781 1,834 1,893 1,946 2,005 2,062 2,117 2,172 2,226 2,277 2,291 2,314 2,335 2,342 2,354 3,384 2,410 2,531 3,641 3,559 3, .586 3,618 3,649 2,686 3,734 3,760 2,795 2,851 3,867 2,885 2,903 2,922 3,941 3,955 2,974 All posi- tive (tem- pei-a- ture -43" F.). 329 Mctcoroloninn data for Huron. Dah:, in 7888— Continued. Mean tem^ Dew ture. June 38 05 29 ! 70 July la] 2 3 4 72 5 76 6 70 7 70 8 70 9 66 10 75 11 82 12 76 13 67 14 72 15 68 16 66 17 69 18 68 Rela- tive mid- ity. P.ct. 84 Clouds. P. ft. 53 70 In. .0 .03 .0 .0 .0 .34 Tr. Tr. Tr. Tr. .0 .0 Tr. .0 .26 Tr. .0 .01 .19 .07 Tr. Tr. .70 .0 .76 Tr. .01 Tr. 1.50 .48 .0 .01 Tem- pera- ture —43° F. Sums of tempera- tures. All ieX *'^'« .^'"Jii (tem- 5fJo,^ ture 43° F. _43o F.). °F. 4,737 4,807 4,889 4,969 5,043 5,109 5,181 5,357 5,467 5,5a3 5,608 5,690 5,766 5,833 5,905 5,973 6,039 6,108 6,176 6,245 6,323 6,400 6,468 6,5:38 6,606 6,680 6,753 6,831 6,907 6,984 7,062 7,127 7,197 7,268 7,342 7,410 7,475 7,539 7,603 7,658 7,714 7,770 7,828 7,887 op 2,996 3,023 3,062 3,142 3,216 3,282 3,354 3,430 ,3,500 3,570 3,640 '3,706 3,781 3,863 4,006 4,078 4,146 4,212 4,281 4,349 4,418 4,496 4,573 4,641 4,711 4,779 4,8,53 4,926 5,004 5,080 .5,155 5,233 5,298 ,5,4:39 5,513 5,, 581 5,046 5,710 5,774 5,829 5,885 5,941 5,999 6,058 ojr, 1,002 1,029 1,068 1,105 1,136 1,1,59 1,188 1,221 1,248 1,275 1,;302 l,a57 1,396 1,439 1,4.53 1,482 1,507 1,5:30 1,5,56 1,.581 1,607 1,642 1,676 1,701 1,728 1,7.53 1,784 1,814 1,849 1,882 1,910 1,9,51 1,973 2,(XK) 2,(t'8 2,0.59 2,084 2,106 2,127 2,148 2, 160 2,173 2,186 2,201 2,217 » Hours of observation changed July 15, from and 8 p. m. ilean D. P. and R. II. not known. a. m., 3 p. m., and 10 p. m. to 8 a. m. 330 Meteorological data for Huron, Dak., in 1888 — Continued. daily tern pera- ture. Dew point. Rela- tive hu- I Wind. mid- ity. Tem- pera- ture -43° F. Sums of tempera- tures. Re- ject- All posi- tive ing all (**^^- bel«^ ?url" 43° F. ^^^o F.). Aug. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 81 22 23 24 31 Sept. 1 2 3 4 5 Miles. 407 In. Tr. .10 Tr. Tr. Tr. .02 Tr. Tr. .0 .0 Tr. Tr. Tr. Tr. .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Tr. Tr. .0 .01 .04 .0 .0 .0 .0 Tr. .0 .06 .06 Tr. Tr. Tr. Tr. .02 Tr. Tr. Tr. Tr. Tr. .0 .0 .0 Tr. Tr. 7,955 8,021 8,080 8,144 8,208 8,271 8,338 8,406 8,472 3,7.54 8,970 9,042 9,107 9,161 9,222 9,407 9,475 9,546 9,610 9,672 9,735 9,801 9,853 9,901 9,966 10,024 10,076 10,122 4 10,169 5 10,217 17 ;10,277 21 10,341 18 10,402 14 10,4.59 17 10,519 15 10,. 577 7 10,627 6,252 6,316 6,380 6,443 6,510 6,578 6,644 6,710 6,781 6,855 7,142 7,214 7,279 7,333 7,394 7,460 7,523 7,579 7,647 7,718 7,784 7,846 7,909 7,975 8,027 8,075 8,140 8,198 8,250 8,296 8,343 8,491 8,551 8,615 8,851 8,901 9 10,679 8,953 0 10,722 8,996 0 10,765 9,039 2 10,810 9,084 11 10,864 9,138 °F. 2,242 2,265 2,282 2,3a3 2,324 2,344 2,368 2,393 2.416 2,' 2,467 2,498- 2,; 2,555 2,582 2,613 2,642 2,664 2,685 2,' 2,726 2,746 2,: 2,784 2,812 2,833 2,852 2,872 2,) 2,914 2,919 2,941 2,1 2,965 2,! 2,972 2,977 2,994 3,015 3,033 3,047 3,064 3,079 3,( 3,095 3,095 3,095 3,097 3,108 331 Ej-pcriiiicntfi in 1S90 in i)la)iting corn at Brookings, 8. Dak. [Experiment Station Bulletin No. 24.] Variety. Dents: Lovelaud Hughsou Davis White Queen of the North Dakota Dent Dakota King Gold Coin Flints: Squaw. Pride of Dakota Mandan Indian Hudson Bay Mercer King Philip Compton's Early Early Six Weeks. Landreth's Extra Early. Early Canada Blue Blade Smut Nose SeK-Husking Chadwick Dates of Dates planting, matured May IT ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... May 19 ...do... May 17 ...do... May 23 ...do... June 3 May IT May 23 ...do... May 17 May 23 May 17 ...do... May 23 May 16 Aug. 24 Sept. 10 («) W («) Sept. 12 ....do.. Sept. 5 ...do... Sept. 1 Sept. 16 Sept. 12 Sept. 3 ...do... Sept. 12 ...do... ...do... Sept. 5 Sept. 6 Sept. 1 Yield Days to per acre mature, shelled Bushels. 33.5 29.2 32.4 ■ 30.8 21.8 33.6 34.2 35.4 26.2 26.4 24.1 22.1 24.1 20.0 24.3 *2. t! a). 5 22.3 25.8 23.8 25.3 n Some frosted. Notes. — First killing frost 1890, September 13, a. m. The data for 1890 given in this table came to hand too late to allow of preparing the corresponding meteorological table. — C. A. June 30, 1891. MAIZE. From experiments in planting maize, made at the Indiana Agri- cultural Experiment Station (see Agr. Sci., Vol. Ill, p. 192), the following results were deduced : Planting on May 1 gave a loss at harvest of 5.47 bushels per acre: planting on May 21 gave a gain of 0.31 bushels per acre. Deep plowing in 1880 and 1888 gave an increase over shallow plowing of 2.4 bushels per acre, and 0.1 bushel in 1888. Deep culture with a cultivator of 3 to 4 inches gave better results than a shallow culture of from 2 to 3 inches. As to rate of planting or density of stand, two kernels every 28 inches apart and three kernels every 36 inches apart seem to give the best results for hand planting. For machine planting, the best results were given with stalks 12 and 14 inches apart. 332 NEW YORK. Prof. C. S. Plumb states, as the result of a research made by him- self during the summer of 1886 at the New York Agricultural Experiment Station, on the growth of maize and its dependence upon climate, the following conclusions : (1) That maize makes a positive daily growth upward from the appearance of the plant above ground till the plant has reached its maximum height. (2) That the variation in the development of the plant from day to day and week to week is not controlled by meteorological condi- tions, for of two plants that one which is the most backward at the beginning of the season may eventually become the stronger, larger, and more vigorous of the two. The measures on which these conclusions are based (see Agr. Sci., Vol. Ill, p. 1) were made day by day upon seven individual plants, and the aA^erages are given in the folio Aving table ; the date of plant- ing was May 21, 1886, and the dates of sprouting extended from May 31 for plant No. 1 to June 4 for plant No. 7. Date of observation. height of 7 plants. Sums for preced- ing 7 days. Air temper- atures. Soil temper- atures. Sunshine dura- tion. June 6 June 13 June 20 June 27 July 4- Julyll July 18 July 25 Total. Inches. 3 8 14 23 35 41 47 F. 452 475 494 466 Days. 28 60 50 46 84 50 53 50 Inches. 0.76 .0 ■0 .40 .0 .71 .73 4,678 The unsteadiness of the growth is very notable. There was a steady increase up to July 4 and then a drop for fourteen days, but growing more rapidly during the last period. AVhen the greatest growth was made in the eighth or last period, the total air and soil temperatures were less than in the fifth period, when great growth was also made. During this last period of greatest growth the rainfall was large, while during the previous period of great growth the rainfall was zero. Evidently it needs a peculiar combi- nation of rainfall, temperature, and sunshine to bring about the rapid growth. According to Frear, the very rapid growth of plants observed immediately after rainfall is largely due to a simple expan- sion of the cells with water. Although a soil gains some nitrogen from the air as brought down 333 by the rain wvter, yet it loses a large quantity by the drainage water, whicli is, of course, richer in nitrogen than the rain. In 188() and JS87 Bertlelot determined by measurement that the nitrogen carried from th<' soil by drainage water is nearly ten times that brought to the soil by rain water. It is therefore economical to return this tlraiuage water to the field, as far as possible, and thus return with it the nitrogen which has at great expense been given, in the shape of fertilizers, to the field by the farmer. (Agr. Sci., VoL III, p. 35.) MISSOURI. Dr. P. Schweitzer, of the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, publishes in Bulletin No. IX an elaborate study of the chemical changes that go on in the various parts of the maize plant at differ- ent stages of growth. The plant takes up nearly all the ash ingre- dients during the first stages of growth. The more ash constituents a plant takes up over and above its needs the quicker is its develop- ment finished and the smaller is the crop. The young plant takes up nitrogen with extraordinary avidity, and contains a considerable quantity of it. The crop of corn from an acre of land removes there- from 219 pounds of ash and 135 pounds of nitrogen. The ears in this crop alone contain 52 pounds of ash and 86 pounds of nitrogen. (Agr. Sci., Vol. IV, p. 84.) PENNSYLVANIA. The relation between meteorological conditions and the develop- ment of corn is elaborately presented by Messrs. Frear and Caldwell in the annual report for 1888 of the Pennsylvania State College Agricultural Experiment Station, at Harrisburg, Pa. By testing samples of corn at various stages of its growth we obtain not only some idea of the nature of the changes going on in the plant under the influence of the climate and soil, but the records of past seasons on a given variety at a given locality should give us the means of approxi- mately estimating what will be the crop of the present year. For instance, the loss or gain of dry matter is shown in the following table for one variety of corn out of many that were tested at the Pennsylvania Station. Dry ircif/ht in 1 acre of several varieties of corn at diffrmit stafjrs of proicth. Variety. Fully tasseled. Ears filling out. Kernels begin to glaze. Mature ears. Blount's Prolific Pounds. 2,7a5 3.392 2,499 2,846 2,63:^ Pounds. 5,289 4,337 3,950 3,443 3,825 Pounds. 4,695 5,690 4,619 4,636 5,344 Pounds. 2 310 3,073 2 835 Golden Beauty . Do. 3,077 2 529 Golden Dent 334 Such tables as these show that the weight of the rKatiire ears at harvest will not differ much from the weight of the yhole plant when dried at the stage of full tasseling, the variations froixi this rule being about 10 per cent above or below for these varieties. The closeness with which corn or maize or other cereals may be planted depends not only upon the quantity of moisture available in the soil, but also upon the ultimate proposed nature of the croj:). Thus in experiments made by the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, when corn is planted for ensilage one plant to every 3 inches gave the best result. When planting for the grain the thinnest planted plats gave 5,664 and the thickest planted gave 18,932 ears per acre. As to the date of planting, May 4 to May 19 gave the best harvest. As to mode of planting, hills nor drills nor fertilizers gave any strongly marked differences. As to pruning the roots, the pruned and unpruned showed no spe- cial difference in regard to size, vigor, date, or yield of harvest. (Agr. Sci., Vol. II, p. 162.) The development of corn from week to week during the growing season has been studied by Thomas F. Hunt at the University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, at Champaign. He states that the same 18 varieties of corn have been grown at this institution during each of the years 1887, 1888, and 1889, the same varieties being always grown on the same plats and the seed obtained from the same source. The average yield of air-dried corn per acre for the 18 varieties was 29.4 bushels in 1887, 83.2 bushels in 1888, and 66 bushels in 1889. Meteorological conditions appear to have been largely, if not solely, the causes of these differences in the yield. In 1889 measures were made weekly on three plants on each hill of Edmund's Golden Dent, which is usually an early variety, but this year matured late, owing to the low temperature. The corn was planted four kernels to a hill on the 4th of May ; it sprouted on the 20th of May, the soil hav- ing been very dry, and made slow growth to June 10, on account of the low temperature. The following table shows the weight of dried substance in a hill of three plants of uniform character : Dato of cutting. 335 Average weight. June 10 June 17 June 25 Julyl Julys July 15 July 22 July 30 Augusts August 12 August 19 August 26 September 2. . September 10. September 16. Orams. 0.51 1,034. 1,176. Tassels showing; not in bloom; no silk. All in tassel; in bloom; in silk. Silks dead or partly so. Soft milk stage. Milk stage or passed. Mostly glazed. Varies from milk stage to ripe. All ripe except 1 ear. Professor Hunt finds that the varieties of corn that mature about September 25 give the Largest 3'ields ; date of planting has little influ- ence on the j'ield. Depth of planting and drilling versus hill planting did not affect the yield in 1888 or 1889. The quantity of seed planted was more important than the allotment of the kernels to the hills; preventing the growth of weeds was more important than stirring the soil; pruning of roots injured the crops; shallow-working cul- tivators gave better results than deep-working; commercial ferti- lizers did not materially increase the yield, but stable manures did so. (Agr. Sci., Vol. IV, p. 184.) MAIZE AND PEAS. Xir\V YORK. Sturtevant (ISS-t) gives the results of two years' observations (1883 and 1884) at the experiment station, Geneva, N. Y., on the thermal constants* of many varieties of maize and peas. He observed both the temperature of the soil and the air, and takes for his com- putations always the first plant which sprouted, bloomed, or ripened. Observations of 128 varieties of maize, four hills to each variety, gave an extreme variation of 19 days between the blooming of the first and last hill, the average interval being 4.92 days. As Sachs adoj^ts 49.1° F. as the lowest temperature at which maize will ger- minate, and Koppen gives 49.2° F., therefore Sturtevant adopts 50° F., and considers that any observed temperature, less 50° F., leaves a remainder that is nearly proportional to the growth of maize at that temperature. A similar lower limit of 44° F. is adopted for the groAvth of the pea. He notes that in 1885, by trial at this exper- iment station, the '' Chester Countv Mammoth Corn " germinated 336 in 430 hours at a temperature which Avas between 37° and 42°. averag- ing above 40° F., while the AVaushakum variety required 4(30 hours at the same temperature. Sturtevant calculates the sum total of temperatures by three meth- ods, a comparison of w^iich is instructive. His results are in the following table : Thermal constants for maize at Genera, N. Y., from ijermination to blooming. Variety and subvariety. Sums of all mean daily air temper- atures. Sums of all posi- tive mean daily air temper- atures, less 50° F. Sums of all posi- tive daily means of temper- ature of air, and soil at 1 foot lepth. le«s50°F. Sweet corn: Crosby's Early " F. 3,595 3,181 4,342 4.400 3,328 3,751 4,668 3,589 4,187 4,737 5,192 3,818 °ir. 845 756 1,042 1,050 803 901 1,118 893 839 1,012 1,162 1,842 943 ° F. 937 &59 Egyptian 1 132 1,147 Flint corn: Forty Days 854 9ti5 Rural Thoroughbred 1,210 956 Dent corn: 978 1,086 Blount's Prolific 1,235 1,319 Sibley's Pride of the North 987 The dates were : Corn planted May 16. 1883, and May 19, 1884 ; sprouted May 28, 1883, and May 26, 1884 ; bloomed July 16 to August 8, 1883, and July 16 to August 26, 1884. Thermal constants for peas from sprouting to maturity at Geneva, V. Y. Variety.' • Sums of all mean daily air temper- atures. Sums of all posi- tive mean daily air temper- atures, less 44° F. Sums of all posi- tive means of air and soil tem- peratures at 1 foot depth, less 44° F. °F. 3,516 4,516 3,674 4,515 3,836 4,576 -F. 1,150 1,377 1,176 1,376 1,152 1,408 "F. 1,236 1,506 1,501 McLean's Advance - - Premium Gem 1,520 1,250 1,524 Peas planted April 21 and May 12, 1883; April 28, 1884 6, 1883 ; July 2 to 28, 1884. ripened July 10 to August 337 These figures show eccentricities from year to year in the same vari- ety, but the peculiarities of the varieties are nnicli hirger than these eccentricities, Sturtevant suggests that actinism has an influence scarcely second to temperature. SOBGHXTM. UNITED «TATES. ^y. E. Stone (Agr. Sci., Vol. IV, p. 160) siinunarlzes the results of the experiments on sorghum published by Wiley in Bulletins Nos. 20 and 26, Division of Chemistry, United States Department of Agi'iculture. He says the controlling conditions of success are suit- able soil and climate, proximity of cane fields to the factorj^, supply of water and fuel, cost of the factory, and careful control of its operations. All experience points to southern central Kansas as the region best adapted to the growth of the sorghum. In New Jersey the plant, which at one time gave hopeful results, has deteriorated until it has become a worthless variety for sugar making, or even for the production of sirui3. In Louisiana the results were disappoint- ing in seasons which were the most favorable for the sugar cane. At Conway Springs, Kans., the average percentage of cane sugar was 12.42 in 1888 and 11.98 in 1889, being the best record of all. In general, with a normal amount of moisture, and other things being equal, the percentage of sugar depends upon the amount of sunshine received; excessive moisture is detrimental, as it directly interferes with nutrition and indirectlj'^ as being accompanied by cloudiness. A mean temperature of 70° F. is the minimum necessary to mature early varieties. The semiarid region south of the isotherm of 70° F. in the southwest central portion of the United States is best adapted to the groAvth of sorghum. East of the Mississippi the recurrence of wet seasons renders the crop uncertain. A pernuinently improved plant can certainly be developed from existing varieties by selection, OATS. During the drought of 1890 the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station secured the following comparative observations: On un- plowed land the yield of listed oats was 2.4 bushels per acre better than on plowed land; the yield of drilled oats was 1 bushel per acre better on unplowed land; the yield of oats cultivated into the soil was 5 bushels jjer acre better on the unplowed land ; the oats sown broadcast on plowed land gave the same results as the oats cultivated into unplowed land ; the oats jilowed under gave the least harvest of 2667—05 M 22 338 all the five methods of seeding, while the drilled oats gave the best. This superiority of the drilled oats is probably due to the fact that the instrument pressing firmly upon the soil makes a firm bed at the bottom of the drill, into which the seed is dropped. In a loose soil oats run to straw, but in a firm soil they give a larger percentage of grain. In the present case oats drilled into Unplowed land gave 34.5 bushels per acre, but when plowed under gave 21.6 bushels, or a loss of 35 per cent. As to the time of harvesting oats, they should be cut early, viz, in the dough stage, if the straw is wanted for feed; but if the grain alone is wanted they should be allowed to mature, notwithstanding the fact that there is then a greater loss due to the beating out or dropping of the grain in harvesting. (Agr. Dept. Exp. Sta. Record, Vol. II, p. 222.) OHIO. In Bulletin No. 3 of Volume III of the Ohio xigricultural Experi- ment Station it is shown that the experiments of 1889 indicate that more cultivation should be given in dry seasons than in wet seasons. FREEZING OF PLANTS AND SEEDS. Detmer (1887), with reference to the effect of low temperatures on plants, finds : (1) Fruits and seeds that have been dried in the air can be exposed for a long time without injury to very low temperatures, but if they have first been swollen with moisture they are destroyed by low tem- peratures. In the case of wdieat exposed to a temperature of — 10° C, although it will germinate, still its power of growth is decidedly less than before. (2) Many plants and parts of plants withstand temperatures below freezing, and many bacteria withstand much lower temperatures: those experimented on by him w^ere not killed by an exposure to temperatures of— 17° C. (3) In accordance with Sach's experiments, he finds many plants which after being frozen survive if they are thawed out in water at low^ temperatures (6° C), but not when thawed out in water at -f 17° C, thus showing the manner in which a warm rain may act injuriously upon a forest. (4) Certain plants are definitely destroyed by freezing independ- ently of the subsequent thawing, such as the leaves of the begonia. (5) Experiments have given a negative result as to the question whether any plant, although accustomed to the warmest climate, can be killed by a short exposure to a low temperature which is, however, still above freezing. (See Wollny, X, p. 236.) 339 xV tletailod s;tiuly of the relation of low teniporatiiros to the growing: of wheat has been made by S. G. Wright, of Indiana, from which I take the following conclusions : SIcef. — When the winter wheat has its blades covered with ice that has fallen as sleet, and after the ice has melted otf a microscopic exam- ination shows the cellular structure to be altered, the epidermis is separated from the underlying cells and there is a general disunion of tiie cells, and when the growing season comes the plants are found to be entirely dead. Sudden thawing. — '\Mieat plants exposed to a very low freezing temperature in dry air if thawed out slowly are not much injured, but if thawed out rapidly the younger sprouts are completely killed and the older ones subsequently die. The similar rule obtains for the germination of seeds. ^^Tien frozen seeds were quickly thawed out only 18 per cent germinated, but when slowly thawed out 86 per cent germinated. Freezing temperature of the juices of the ivheat. — The juice ex- tracted by pressure from the wheat has a lower freezing point than that of pure '\\'ater when contained in its original living tissues, but after being extracted by pressure it freezes at an intermediate point below that of pure water. Again, the juice extracted from plants that have been exposed to a low winter temperature withstands freez- ing better than the juice from plants that have not had such exposure. For example, the juice within the cells was not frozen at — 13° C, while that thrust out of the cells froze at — 6° C., and in general the power to resist freezing is increased by exposing plants to the ordinary winter temperatures of the open air. Method of sowing. — The best method of sowing wheat in order that it may withstand severe winter weather is (1) to avoid mulching or having any layer of porous material about the roots of the wheat, as experiment shows that this is a decided injury both to the winter- ing, the after growth, and the harvest. An average depth of seed jolanting of 1.5 inches is much better than three-fourths inch or 3 inches. Range of temperature for germination. — According to Sachs, the minimum temperature is 5° C. and the maximum 37° or 38° C. According to Haberlandt, the temperature for germination ranges between 0° and —4.8° C. at the lower limit and 31° to 37° C. at the upper limit. Wright's experiments, at a constant temperature of 39° C, gave germination successful in forty-eight hours; at a tem- perature of 42.5° C. only a very few seeds could be made to germinate. At a temperature of 0° C. the seeds germinated in ten days ; hence the extreme range of germinating temperatures for winter wheat of the varieties thus tested in Indiana is from 0° to 42.5° C. As to the effect 340 oi) germination of freezing the seeds just before they were ready to ger- ]ninate, it was found that seeds soaked until ready to germinate and then kept frozen for a length of time required a longer time to com- plete, the germination than did those that had not been frozen; the I'etardation increased in proportion to the duration of the freezing, amounting to about twelve daj's for a freezing of twenty-four days. The percentage of thawed-out seeds that germinated was also smaller in proportion as the duration of the freezing increased, being -t-t per cent for a duration of tw^enty-four daj'^s. Changes in the seeds produced hy frost. — After the seeds had remained frozen for ten to twelve days a white, glutinous material oozed out at every slight break in the coat of the seed. A micro- scopic examination showed that the cell w^all and starchy protoplasm was almost entirely disorganized, but the starch granules themselves were entirely unaffected. Strange to say, the power of the seeds to germinate was not destroyed by this. (Agr. Sci., Vol. IV, p. 337.) Protection from frosts. — The formation of artificial clouds of smoke for the protection of plants from frost is generally successful, and should be resorted to in critical cases; thus, in a vineyard at Pagn}' about 3 a. m. of May 13, 1887, wdien the temperature was 3° F. below freezing, liquid t^' was ignited, which had been poured into tin boxes, as also pieces of solid tar. Large clouds of smoke quickly enveloped the vineyard ; the fires lasted for about two hours, but the smoke lasted considerabl}^ longer. All injury to the plants by frost was entirely prevented. (Agr. Sci., Vol. 1, p. 172.) INJURIES AND BENEFITS DUE TO WIND-BREAKS. Protection against the injurious effects of wind may be obtained by the use of wind-breaks, which are usually made b}^ planting a couple of rows of trees on the windAvard side of the field, or by so arranging the plantation that the hardiest and most vigorous decidu- ous trees are on the windward side. According to Bulletin No. IX issued by the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, the benefits derived from Avind-breaks are the following: Protection from cold, diminution of evajjoration from soil and plants, diminu tion of the number of windfalls, diminution of liability to mechanical injury to trees, retention of snow and leaves, facilitation of outdo(n- labor, protection of blossoms from severe winds, protection of trees from deformity of shape, diminution of evaporation and drying up of small fruits, diminution of the encroachment of sand or the loss of dry soil or the scattering of rubbish,, increased rapidity of m.atur- ity of fruits, and encouragement of birds that are beneficial to agriculture. Among the organisms arrested by wind-l)reaks and usually reckoned as an injurious climatic influence are the fungi or the spores of fungi. 341 Joiisen h;!--. however, shown that bunt in wheat and smnt in oats or barley or rye can be ahnost wholly prevented by washing the seed ))ef()re sowing, in water whose tenij)erature is not lower than 130° F. nor higher than 135° F. The sacks to receive the seeds should also be disinfected. Professor Kellernian shows that if the seeds are Ijreviously soaked in cold w^ater for eight hours the hot-water wash may have a temperature of 12J:° to 128°. I infer that the spores of the smut, having been by the winds blown over the field in the ripen- ing period, have stuck to the grains from that time on to the next sowing season. (Agr. Sci.J Vol. IV, p. 100.) THUNDERSTORMS AND OZONE. A. L. Treadwell seems to have shown that the souring of milk during thunderstorms can not be attributed to any formation of ozone, and is more likely to be due to the fact that the bacteria caus- ing this souring multiply with unusual rapidity during the warm sultry Aveather that precedes and accompanies thunderstorms. (Agr. Sci., Vol. V, p. 108.) PRUNING VERSUS CLIMATE. Kraus (188G) in some experiments on pruning hop vines shows first that those that w^ere not pruned had lui advantage in the early growth, especially in the cold and wet of June, 1886, in Germany, but in consequence of this precocity the early ones suffered from frost. Those that were early pruned surpassed them in the harvest. Those that were pruned late gave the smallest harvest, but of the highest quality, the leaA^es remaining a beautiful green up to the harvest time, while those that were not pruned or those that were late pruned turned dark and soon yellowed. This explains why for a long time it has been impossible to define exactly the climate that is best for the cultivation of hops, since it is now evident that changes in the pruning, harmonizing with pecu- liarities of weather or locality, have so great an influence upon the successful cultivation. (See WoUny, X, p. 230.) WHEAT, TEMPERATURE, AND RAIN IN ENGLAND. The wheat harvest of England has been studied by an anonymous writer. (Nature, 1891, vol. 43, p. 569.) I do not know the authori- ties for his statements as to the character of the harvests from year to year, but reproduce in the following tables the figures given by him as to the general character of tlu; wheat harvests for each year and the corresponding mean temperatures and total rainfall for the months of June, July, and August as observed at the Royal Observatory, at Greenwich. Certain deductions are given by him as to the connection between the harvests and these items of the weather, but a more care- ful study of the figures convinces me that taken as they stand no infer- 342 ence can be safely drawn from them which will endure the test of critical examination. Any small selection of years may be made Avhich will seem to support some suggested relation between tempera- ture, rainfall, and crop, but other years will be found to contradict this. In a general way good crops result from hot and dry summers and bad harvests depend upon the large rainfalls rather than on the low temperatures. I have added the column of departures and have com- puted the probable errors of the averages, the study of which shoAvs that the temperatures of the good harvest seasons are not sufficiently above those of the poor harvest seasons to 'justify the conclusion that warm seasons are intimately connected with good harvests. If, how- ever, we go into more detail and examine all of the fifty-three years from 1816 to 1888, inclusive, and arrange them by the character of the harvests, we find innumerable contradictions. The study of the rainfall with its probable errors, or rather its probable variability, shows a somewhat stronger argument in favor of the idea that large rainfalls accompany poor harvests, and yet here again the contradic- tions are too numerous to allow us to suppose that this simple state- ment expresses exactly any law of nature. Thus the largest rainfall of 1888 and the small rainfall of 1886 both contradict this law. In the notes a few statements are made by the author as to special occur- rences which seem to him to explain these anomalous cases, and by hunting through the records a few more notes might have been added so that after leaving out the anomalous cases one might say that the remainder accords well with the idea that dry hot summers give large crops and that heavj" rains give poor crops. In general, however, it seems more proper to conclude that we are far from having attained the expression or formula connecting the crops and the weather, and that even if we knew this it would be improper to study the crops of England with reference to the temperature and rainfall at Green- wich, or, indeed, any other single station. English irlieat liarvests and Greemcich iceather. [Weather in June, July, and August.] I. SUPERIOR WHEAT HARVESTS. Character of harvest. Temperature. Rainfall. Year. Ob- served. Dep. Ob- served. Dep. 1775 1779 1791 1818 ■plentiful - F. 62.0 62.3 59.5 64.3 60.3 58.0 62.0 64.0 60.0 " F. +0.8 +1.1 -1.7 +3.1 -1.9 -3.2 +0.8 +2.8 -1.2 Inches. (?) (■') Dry. 1.4 4.6 8.2 3.3 .5.1 2.9 do -4.3 -1.1 1820 +2.5 -2.4 -0.6 1827 Good -- -8.8 343 Eiifflifih trhrat harvcftts and Greciiicich weather — Contirmed. I. SUPERIOR WHEAT HARVESTS— Continued. 1834b isai 1840 1849 1851 1854 1857 1858 1863 1864 1868 1874 Character of harvest. Abundant Early; very productive . Good Fine yield Above the avei*age ....do.. Extremely good Above the average ...-do. Abundant Good Productive Very good Above the average Mean of 23 and 20, respectively . Probable errors of these means Temperature. Dep. Ob- served 61.2 ±0.37 Ob- served. 11.3 4.5 3.9 3.8 7.2 5.6 6.0 5.7 6.6 2.5 4.1 6.4 13.8 Dpp. 5.68 ±0.65 II. INFERIOR WHEAT HARVESTS. 1795 1800 1810 1811 1812 1816 1817 1821 1823 1828 1829 1860 1867 1873d 1875 1876e 1877* Very deficient . Inferior Very defective. Scanty Very scanty Vei-y defective Very great deficiency . Deficient Inferior Deficient Inferior. Late; unproductive Damaged Very bad Below the average.. Very deficient Deficient Very deficient Very unsatisfactory. Unsatisfactory do Worst known Deficient do do Mean of 28 and of 21, respectively . Probable errors of the means 59.7 +0.3 Wet. 58.3 -1.1 Wet. 57.8 -1.6 (?) 60.7 +1.3 Wet. 60.0 +0.6 CO 59.0 -0.4 (?) 56.0 -3.4 (?) 55.2 -4.2 8.4 57.4 -2.0 7.9 57.8 -1.6 7.0 57.8 -1.6 7.1 60.3 +0.9 12.0 59.0 -0.4 9.4 59.1 -0.3 7.3 59.3 -0.1 7.6 59.5 +0.1 10.6 61.7 +2.3 11.4 60.1 +0.7 11.0 56.7 -2.7 11.6 59.8 +0.4 10.2 61.7 +2.3 7.6 60.3 +0.9 9.8 62.7 +3.3 3.7 62.0 +2.6 6.0 .58.5 -0.9 13.3 60.6 +1.2 7.1 61.1 +1.7 7.9 61.0 +1.6 4.1 58 .4 8 ±0 .33 ±0 " May was very dry. » The winter was very mild ; the spring very dry. " The winter and early spring were very cold ; May was very dry, with much sunshine. d Frost occurred at blooming time. eThe spring was cold. /The winter and early spring were very cold: May was very wet. 344 SUGAR CROP AND RAIN IN BARBADOS. Sir R. AV. Eaw'son, as governor of the British colonies at Barba- dos, published (1874) a colonial report, printed by the house of assembly, giving an elaborate study of the dependence of the cane- sugar crop upon the monthly and annual rainfall. Barbados offers an exceptional opjDortunity for such study, since the cane is the only staple and is nearly all exported, so that the records of the crop are accessible in the customs' returns. Moreover, the number of rainfall records averaged more than 1 to a square mile, being 178 for the whole island and for a period of about twenty-five years, this re- markable system of observations being due largely to the labors of Dr. R. Bowie Walcott, who still resides in the parish of St. Joseph, and was, in May, 1890, on the occasion of my recent visit to him, still active in collecting rainfall data. To his devotion and Governor Rawson's assistance we owe this unique study of rainfall and sugar crop. It is impossible for me at present to do more than give the accompanying Tables I, II, and III of monthly rainfalls and annual crops. The crops, as given in Tables II and III, iix hogsheads, are credited to the years in which they passed thrOugh the custom-house. The cane is usually gathered and the sugar and molasses shipped between January and May; after the latter date the fields are newly planted and in eighteen months are again ready for cutting, so that the crop of any year has been grown under the influence of the rain of the preceding year and the latter half of the year preceding that. In the second table I give the dates of the first shipment of sugar each year, thus showing whether the crop was gathered early or late, and also the general character of the croi? as credited to that year. Table III illustrates Governor Rawson's conclusion that the crop of any year is influenced only in a slight degree by the rainfall of that year, but depends upon the rainfall of the jjreceding year. Thus it is arranged according to the quantity of rainfall, and the crop of the following year is compared with the rain of the ciirrent year ; the wet years are followed by large crops the next year, while the dry years are followed by small crops; the increase being 10 per cent after a wet year and the decrease being 12 per cent after a dry year. The general development of the sugar plant is illustrated in the following extract (see p. ?>3, Rawson's Report) : The influence of the rainfall in particular months and seasons y'.'jon the coming crop is generally felt and admitted, but not known \vith any certainty. It is believed, writes an experienced agricul- turist, that any marked excess of rain during the first six months of the year is injurious both to the crop that is being reaped and to that which is to follow. The cane plant during the early stages of its growth is very hardy and requires but little moisture; the small 345 early shoots are hard and fibrous, and very different from the large succulent shoots which are afterwards produced and which lengthen into the juicy reed whence the crop is made. In ordinary and favor- able years, with light showers during the first six months, the young canes make no marked progress, but the roots are increasing in length and strength, and in the months of July and August the i)lant begins to sucker, as it is called, and to put out the shoots which form ihe canes, but these make no great progress in length before the end of August and in September and October, when the rains usually come to their aid at the critical time. They then grow with extreme rapidity, are extremely tender and succulent, and a short spell of dry weather at that time usually does serious mischief. If, however, the first six months of the year are wet, and the young canes are excited to an abnormal rapidity of growth, they are liable to be seri- ously aifected by any interval of dry weather in the middle of the year. Moreover, rainy weather in the reaping season retards the nuinufacture, and, especially in the black soils which contain an excess of iron variously combined, causes a great loss from the rotting of the canes at the roots. An illustration of this is afforded by the rainfall and crops of 18G0 and the two following years. 1860 was a model year; the rain fell at the right time, and in exactly the average quantity, 57.01 inches, of which 12.46 fell during the first six months. The crop of 1861 would undoubtedly have reached 55,000 hogsheads but for the w^et reaping season of that year, in which the rainfall of the first six months was 31.93 inches — 6,35 in April, 8.01 in May, and 8.01 in June. The consequence was that the crop only reached 49,745 hogsheads, and although so much rain fell throughout the year (73.82 inches), the following crop of 1862 was only 46,120 hogsheads. In the same manner the heavy rainfall of 1855 (77.31 inches, of which 30.68 fell in the first six months) Avas followed in 1856 by only a moderate crop (43,077 hogsheads), although the reaping season of that year was most favorable. The result, however, is by no means constant. The sugar-crop records go back to the year 1806, but the returns are only interesting since 1847, which was "the first in which the crop recovered from the effects of emancipaticm in 1839. Since 1847 there has been a steady increase until the crop has attained nearly twice what it was before emancipation. There has also been a slow increase in acreage of canebrake; the size of the hogsheads has been gradually increasing since 1806; there has been a decided increase in the usage of guanos and other foreign manures; there has also been a very decided improvement in the machinery and processes for crushing the cane and manufacturing the sugar."' « Although Governor Rawsoii was evidently consc-ious of these progressive c-hanges, and in fact, niejitions most of tlieni, yet he docs not aijproxiniat 'v eliminate their effects by taking the difference JK'tweon the individual cr< and a progressively increasing ideal normal, but takes the difference between the simple average and the individual years; his results, therefore, need to be computed and all the data for this puriwse are given In the tables here- with.—C, A. 346 The average crop divided by the average rainfall of the preceding year shows that each inch of rain corresponds to about 800 hogs- heads in the resulting crop; the extreme limits of variations are 713 and 877 hogsheads, so that in general Governor Rawson proposes to predict the crop that will be gathered during the dry season, February to May, each year by simply multiplying the ramfall of the preceding calendar year by 800. The average uncertainties of the crop thus predicted is very small, the extreme error being 28 per cent positive following the wet year 1861 and 4 per cent negative for a certain dry year; therefore as an improvement on this method he adopts the rule of adding 7 per cent for wet years and subtracting 7 per cent for dry years, the average year being that which corre- sponds to 55 inches of rainfall. In supplementary calculations Rawson and Walcott show the chances of a good crop as calculated from a large, small, or average rainfall, respectively, for each month of the year, but I do not find that they have at any time compared the crop with the total rainfall for the whole eighteen months or growing period that immediately preceded the crop, which comparison I have therefore made and give in Table III. From all which it appears that large rains gives large crops, but occasionally much smaller rains do also, so that it may reasonably be suspected that here, as elsewhere, the sunshine must be considered ; probably large rains are only of advantage when they occur at such a time that they do not diminish the sunshine and in such a manner that they do not wash the soil too severely. It would have been desirable to have stated these crops as yields per acre rather than as total crops, but I find no stateihent of the actual acreage in cane. Rawson gives only the total areas of the six divisions of the island, Avhich sum up 107,000 acres; probably two-thirds of this is planted in sugar cane, so that an inch of annual rainfall corresponds to touott? oi' one-ninetieth of a hogshead of sugar per acre. It is, however, more proper to reason upon this matter as follows : Eleven j^oor crops- gave, according to Table I, an average deficit of 15 per cent; 12 good crops gave an average excess of 14 per cent; the average rainfalls were 55.15 and 58.18, respectively. Therefore an increase of 1 inch in rainfall corresponds to a gain of ^, or 10 per cent of an average crop. 347 Table I. — Barbados sugar crop and monthly rainfall. Excess of sugar crop. Jan. Apr. May. June. July. 1852. 1871. 1854. 1867. 855. 851. '60. .TO. 18a7. 1849 . 1847. Average of 12 positive . . Average of 11 negative All (25).. Percent. +29 +27 +21 +20 +17 +14 +13 +11 +10 + 2 + 2 + 1 0 0 - 5 - 6 - 8 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -27 nclies. 4.29 3.76 3.30 4.13 2.64 2.68 1.62 1.73 3.49 7.60 2.36 6.96 1.62 4.04 2.28 1.19 1.14 2.10 3.96 2.63 3.61 .2.83 2.74 4.76 1.63 Inches. 1.74 2.75 1.58 2.29 1.95 4.49 1.28 2.18 1.96 1.12 2.19 2.95 3.01 3.94 2.85 3.88 2.52 2.64 1.35 5.78 2.72 0.96 2.47 2.04 1.47 3.70 2.43 Inches. 1.93 1.57 1.53 1.07 1.43 0.88 1.40 1.19 2.76 0.31 1.39 1.86 1.99 2.38 1.13 2.26 0.78 1.22 0.90 2.02 3.90 1.20 0.77 2.66 1.03 Inches. 0.97 1.26 2.17 0.56 1.20 1.64 0.96 0.81 6.36 1.12 4.13 5.49 1.58 3.38 2.41 2.26 2.96 1.24 0.93 1.64 2.69 2.98 0.63 1.58 Inches. 1.68 2.74 7.11 0.98 1.33 2.66 2.23 2.94 8.01 3.63 6.89 6.13 9.26 0.66 0.56 4.70 3.56 2.34 1.02 3.07 6.74 4.32 Inches. 3.46 2.63 2.17 2.71 5.56 10.94 4.64 5.49 9.31 7.18 9.19 6.61 5.31 6.21 3.13 10.48 5.68 10.15 5.43 6.63 2.10 2.17 2.21 3.05 Inches. 6.26 6.23 2.49 3.65 5.68 7.50 7.35 8.00 6.63 3.89 3.90 3.66 9.01 5.72 5.62 7.14 5.64 2.27 7.51 6.25 4.42 2.21 2.42 2.58 1.44 1.62 1.47 2.05 1.99 2.76 3.64 6.80 4.78 6.45 5.62 6.56 5.70 348 Table I. — Barbados sugar crop and montlili/ rainfall — Continued. Aug. Sept. Oct. Annual- Rain. I Crop. 1871 1854 1867 1858. 1856 _._ 1861 1862 _. 1865 1855 ..-. 1851 1853 - 1860 1863 __. 1850 .__ _.. 1859 _. 1870 1857... 1849 1847 _ 1864 1848 - 1869.. Average of 12 positive. Average of 11 negative All (25) Inches. 11.89 7.36 5.37 5.11 9.62 4.24 7.80 4.65 7.23 8.91 12.84 7.00 8.08 7.93 9.34 6.82 3.21 5.61 5.26 7.37 7.53 6.95 .55 Inches. 4.63 4.22 6.70 3.97 8.54 3.54 5.98 6.77 4.74 5.07 9.27 9.25 7.75 7.31 4.99 3.34 4.80 5.03 7.93 4.74 10.20 10.77 5.41 4. .56 5.59 Inches. 8.20 8.99 7.03 12.74 10.46 6.15 7.60 11.18 11.00 5.12 6.53 10.43 13.30 2.89 10.17 10.13 11.24 6.58 8.53 7.11 9.14 11.78 6.99 Inches. 4.42 7.85 14.15 4.03 11.19 4.30 6.13 7.25 7.50 7.40 4.53 5.98 4.29 8.36 7.97 6.45 9.61 10.18 8.37 9.74 1.43 8.45 6.31 5.79 5.13 7.06 Inches. 1.40 4.08 3.79 3.89 5.22 4.21 7.11 6.58 5.41 6.05 2.20 5.09 3.37 6.36 3.74 3.10 3.73 3.73 6.16 7.04 5.73 4.71 4.66 4.50 Inches. 44.60 59.68 58.77 41.46 50.88 69.93 45.22 48.49 73.82 59.27 68.64 77.31 59.40 68.84 57.91 42.38 67.88 54.22 60.17 60.90 52.77 48.10 59.19 &3.77 48.52 58.18 55.15 57.74 Hhds 58, &5:! 57,1KH 48,€i: 53,907 4.5, 1.-! 51,30J 50,7.'« 43,077 49, 74.-. 46,12'! 46,0(vs . 39,2-.'. 38, 7:, i 38,: ' 42,(^- 42,2--: 35, 311-: 39, &i. 39, 2; c 5,l;^!i B,l()li 349 Table II. — Barhados sufjar crop and rainfall of the growing period. 1S47. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. 1853. 185:5. 1854. ia55. 1861. 1862- 1863. 1864. 1865- 1866. 1867. 1870. 1871. 1872. Total rainfall of cur- rent year. Inches. 48.10 63.77 52.77 67.88 59.40 58.77 68.84 50.88 77.31 48.49 60.90 45.22 54.22 57.91 73.82 59.27 42.38 59.19 68.64 59.68 69.93 44.60 48.52 00.17 41.46 48.36 Crop. 28,169 33,077 35,302 38,731 48,611 38,719 4.5,181 39,290 43,077 38,798 50,788 39,666 42,684 49,745 46,120 42,281 36,199 46,068 57,188 51,304 58,250 33,150 39,370 53,907 39,167 Date of first ship- ment. Jan. Feb. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Jan. Feb. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Feb. Feb. Mar. Total rainfall during growing sei son of the crop of current year. .11 of I Latter mgyear. ^lf^^^_ 48.10 63.77 52.77 67.88 59.40 58.77 68.84 50.88 77.31 48.49 60.90 4.5.22 54.32 57. 91 73.82 59.27 42.38 44.60 48.52 60.17 41.46 48.36 37.02 43.80 30.88 45.31 40.81 40.71 36.77 46.62 34.25 40.82 33. 28 37.78 45.50 41.91 38.30 30. .59 47. 26 43. 44 44.98 46.59 30.53 33.78 39.25 100.79 96.57 98.76 104.71 98.52 109.65 91.. 59 114.08 95.11 95.15 86.04 87. .50 9.5.69 118. »2 101. 18 80.68 89.78 11.5.90 K)4. 12 114.91 91.19 79.05 93.95 80. 71 78.55 First half of year be- fore. 11.08 19.97 31.89 22. .57 19.65 17.% 28.13 u.n 30. 69 14.24 2(J.(I8 11.94 16. 44 13.41 31.91 30.97 11.79 11.93 25.20 14. 70 23. :w 14.07 14.74 30.92 11.30 350 Table III. — Barha(l0)< siifjar crop and rainfall of preceding yen) Year. Above (-)the Rainfall, average of crop of fol- [ lowing year. Year. Rainfall. 1855 Inches. ^ Per cent. 77.81 : +11 73.82 I 4- 2 1864 Inches. 59.19 58.77 57.91 54.22 52.77 50.88 48.52 48.49 48 10 ■+ 2 Q 1861 1852 1867 _ 69.93 . 68.84 68.64 67.88 63.77 60.90 60.17 59.68 59.40 59.27 +29 +17 +27 0 -15 +13 +20 +14 +25 + 6 1860. 1853 1859 5 1865 1849 9 1850 1854 1848 . 1869 13 1857 1856 1847 1870 27 1866 .- 1858 45.72 44.60 42.38 12 1851 1868 28 1862 1863 . . -19 Note. — In calculating the average crop and the respective annual excesses or deficits given in Tables I and III Governor Rawson says that " he has made an arbitrary division of the whole period into two sections marked by the introduction of the use of guano as a fertilizer." For the first section, 1847-1856, inclusive, he considers 38,795 hogsheads as the average, but for the second section, 1857-1872, inclusive, he takes 45,036 hogsheads as the average. He states that this is virtually assuming that duriug the whole period climatic and other conditions were nearly constant and that the principal difference was in the introduction of the use of guano and the great increase of crops was due to that. During the first interval an inch of rain corresponded to 642 hogsheads of sugar in the crop of the next year, but during the second interval it corresponded to 800 hogsheac"^. 353 f'vr- T. to which we can rely upon them for further instruction, can ', . ' 5 estimated by a study of such exact experiments as have been made at the experiment stations throughout this country and Europe. Some ilhistrations of this matter are given by C. S. Plumb, under the title of the " Fallacies of plat experimentation " (Agr. Sci., Vol. II, p. 4), to which I will add the following remarks. Two sets of meas- ures are taken from the results of the year 1887 at Geneva, N. Y. The plats were arranged in two series, or two fields, but were in every respect as much alike as possible and supposed to be identical. The harvests from the respective plats were as follows : Plat. Weight of good ears. Plat. Weight of good ears. Series C. Series E. Series C. Series E. Pounds. 237.2 224.2 222.7 242.0 264.2 155.3 107.3 222.2 243.8 224.6 209.0 191.7 Pounds. 223.8 216.9 199.0 222.2 / 196.1 174.2 182.7 213.6 197.6 186.0 168.1 169.1 177.6 14 Pounds. 172.8 171.8 172.6 183.4 Pounds. 2 15 167 1 3.. 16 4 17 150 1 18 . 6 . . 19 128 2 7 Average 204.6 182 7 8 Yield per acre bushels. . 9 51.1 12,380 12,180 45.7 12,320 11,400 10 11 Number of good ears 12 13.. The individual differences between these 36 plats simply show that the conditions were not so uniform as the author supposed ; in fact, the regular gradations from the high numbers at the top of the column to the low ones at the bottom show that there was a slight systematic difference among the plats in each series. On the other hand, the decided apparent differences between the two series, as well as between the plats, is very largely of the nature of those differences that are called accidental in the theory of exact measurements. Similar dif- erences in a long series of observations of the temperature or the rain- fall of any locality are spoken of not as accidental error but as the variability of the climate, and these differences in the present case may properly be treated as variability in the productive power of any plat compared with the neighboring plat without for the moment inquiring as to the cause of this variability. But the mathematical theory of probabilities, or chance, or errors of observation, is equally applicable to this question of variability due to unknown influences. According to that theory we obtain the index of variability if we take the difference betAvcen the average of a series and the individual num- 2667—05 M 23 354 bers in the series and treat these departures according to the following formula : Index of variability of the plats equals I ,-) op , / Sum of all the (Departures)^ \ Number of departures less 1, which formula may be interpreted as meaning that from the squares of the departures added together and divided by the number of plats less 1 we derive an index called the '' probable uncertainty of 1 meas- ure," or " the probable variability of 1 plat as compared with all the plats of the series." Again, knowing this uncertainty of any one measure, we find the " probable uncertaint}^ of the average of n meas- ures " by the following formula : Index Probable nncertaintv of the average = ± — 7^. vn This latter formula is to be interpreted as meaning that there is an even chance that the computed average is too large or too small by this probable uncertainty. Applying these principles to the meas- ures of plats C and E, I obtain the figures 31.3 and 22.9 as the indices of variability and 8.33 and 5.26 as the probable errors of the two averages. That is to say, so far as any internal evidence is given l\y the discrepancies between the measurements of the plats them- selves, there is an even chance that the crop from a plat in series C is betw^een the limits 212.9 and 196.3 or outside of these limits; simi- larly, for series E there is an even chance that the crop from any plat is within the limits 188.9 and 177.4 or outside of these limits. But the numbers within each of these two series overlap each other so much that it is perfectly possible that if we could increase the number of plats in each series sufficiently, all other conditions remaining the same, we should eventually arrive at very nearly the same average value for each. In other words, the mere difference of the two aver- ages 201.6 and 182.7 is no evidence that in this particular case there was any important constant difference between the plats of series C and those of series E, but that, on the contrary, unknown sources of influence are at w^ork in each series and in all the plats that are more important than any that were thought of when the experimenter endeavored to make these 36 plats perfect duplicates of each other. Professor Plumb shows that this difference did not depend upon the previous crops or treatment of the j^lats during the previous five years. It certainly did not depend on the meteorological climate, the mechanical condition of the soil, nor on the seeds, nor on injury by insects and animals. We may possibly fiiKl a partial explanation in the irregular distribution of microbic life in the soil, but it is more likely that it depended upon the inherent variability of the 355 vitality of the seed, due to unknown causes, and which we have no means of measuring except by just such experiments as these. The elaborate measurements made by Lawes and Gilbert at Rothamsted, England, since 1850, furnish innumerable illustrations of this same principle; so, also, do those of ^Y. R. Lazenby, at Columbus, Ohio, and many others. "We shall therefore hope to derive more reliable results from the study of farming operations on a large scale, taking the averages by counties and States where the crops have been carefully measured. We may possibly eliminate irregularities in many disturbing ele- ments, and be able to clearly set forth that small percentage by which the crops of the United States as a whole are influenced by purely climatic conditions. Such influences may in extreme cases be very large, but, on the average, they are not so large as those which depend upon seed, cultivation, rotation, and fertilizers. EFFECT OF VARIATIONS IN METHOD OF CULTIVATION AND IN aUALITY OF SEED FOR DIFFERENT REGIONS AND YEARS. Among the modes of cultivation that materially affect the devel- opment of the plant and the quantity of the harvest must be consid- ered the practice of sowing seed broadcast with the hand as con- trasted with that of putting it in wdth the drilling machine. The drilling requires less seed, the saving being about one-half bushel per acre; the grain is buried more evenly, starts more uniformly, and stands the droughts better. Moreover, the drilled wheat fields are considered to yield more per acre, although it is difficult to state how much is due to the drilling independent of the character of the soil, because in general the fields that are drilled are most apt to be those free from stumps, stones, and steep slopes, while the broadcast sow- ing is especially adapted to this latter character of field. The census of 1879 shows that the drilled fields of winter wheat in Ohio yielded 50 per cent more than the broadcast fields of sunnner wheat in the Northwest ; but it is not plain w^hat proportion of this is respectively due to the drilling and to the soil. In the report for 1875 of the Department of Agriculture (p. 42) the follow^ing statistics are given as to the percentage of area drilled, the quantity of seed per acre, and the increase of harvest in drilled fields over that in broadcasted fields : The following table omits the New England States, which produce little wheat, neai'ly all of which is sown broadcast. The wheat area of New York is divided efjually between the two methods. In New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland the drill greatly predominates. Tn the Soutliern States the area is small, particu- larly in the cotton States, and the drill is comparatively unknown. North of the Ohio River, in the winter-wheat States, the drill is very 356 generally used, the proportion rising to 76 per cent in Illinois. In the spring-wheat region there are several reasons for prominence of broadcasting. One comes from a prevalent practice of sowing wheat on the irregular surface of a cornfield without plowing; another is found in the use of the combined cultivator and broadcast seeder, which destroys many of the weeds that would otherwise be left between the drills. * * * The result of the investigation shows that 47 per cent of the winter wheat and 30 of the spring, or 37 of both, represent the proportion seeded by the drill. The improvement by drilling is made to average 10 per cent. The average quantity of seed used for seeding winter wheat is 1.35 bushels per acre; 1.24 for drilled, 1.44 for the sown. The details are as follows : Percentages for 1875. Relative area- Sown. Drilled Seed per acre. Increase of prod- 1 uct by Broad- Ti-..;ni drilling, casting. DriUmg New York New Jersey Pennsylvania... Delaware Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Alabama Mississippi Texas Arkansas Tennessee West Virginia . Kentucky Ohio Michigan niinois- Indiana Missouri Kansas Nebraska California. Oregon Per cent. 50 45 Per cent. 50 55 70 74 Per cent. 13 6 12 10 Btishels. 1.80 1.95 1.74 1.75 1.70 1.44 1.07 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.18 1.10 1.20 1.53 1.36 1.57 1.62 1.52 1.48 1.52 1.49 1.56 1.33 1.50 Bushels. 1.60 1.60 1.49 1.50 1.43 1.21 0.83 0.70 0.90 0.90 1.10 1.33 1.11 1.33 1.40 1.24 1.21 1.21 1.23 1.25 1.21 857 The following table, from the Agricultural Report for 1882 (p. G36), gives the proportion of winter wheat that was drilled and broadcasted in the autumn and winter of 1881 and 1882 for each State : Connecticut ... New York New Jersey Pennsylvania . . Delaware Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Alabama Mississippi Drilled. Broad- casted. Percent. Per cent. 5 ml 53 48 56 U 70 30 75 25 63 37 30 70 8 92 1 99 2 98 6 94 • 99 Louisiana Texas Arkansas Tennessee West Virginia Kentucky Ohio Michigan Indiana niinois Missouri Kansas Percent. 1 II 2 15 40 31 78 52 81 71 58 73 Broad- casted. As it has not been practicable to obtain data that will accurately present the effect on the crop of the diverse features of cultivation that are independent of climate, I give, in addition to the preceding, the following general statements bearing on the annual crop statistics .kindly communicated by Mr. J. E. Dodge, Statistician to the Depart- ment of Agriculture. Relative to the seeding and the stand of the crop and other matters, he says : The practice varies with the kinds of corn. The small northern corn is planted closer than the larger more southern varieties. In the South corn is given greater distances than in the AVest. It grows larger there and makes more stalk growth and fewer ears. Only one or two stalks are planted in the hill there, while two or three in the middle, and three and even four in the extreme northern latitudes, are sometimes left in the hill. We have allowed one-third of a bushel per acre. The individual differences in yield per acre in the States of highest, as well as of the lowest yield, are far greater than the dif- ferences in these State averages, as produced by differences in soil, in the effects of the various vicissitudes on different soils, in fertility or lack of it, in thoroughness of cultivation. In the extreme West, beyond the Mississippi, where land is plenty and labor scarce, the cultivation is reduced to the minimum. Satis- factory results are now produced in southern Iowa in winter-wheat growing by simply " cultivating '' between corn rows and sowing wheat at a labor expense of 00 cents per acre. The rough surface is favorable for exemption from Avinter killing, and some records of experiment show an increase of 25 i)er cent in yield over |)lanting after clover on a smooth surface. This is so notwithstanding the clover soil might be expected to have something like as great aii advantage in real fertility over the .soil that had grown a crop of maize. The corn exhausts, the clover enriches, and still the yield is 358 the greater after the corn, because the plants are not much injured by frost. EFFECT OF VARIATIONS IN DATES OF SEEDING AND HARVESTING. The injurious effects of late frosts on early vegetables and on grains sown in the spring is generally annulled in part by a second sowing, so that the crop reports for the year do not show the full extent of the injury done to the plant by the climate. In a general comparison between the climate and the crops accu- racy would require that we know the date of last planting, but in the absence of this fundamental datum w^e are obliged to use the average dates between which the planting is done in any given State, and such dates are given in the following table and are assumed to refer to the dates of planting the seed which actually brought forth the subsequent harvest, whose yield per acre is given in the tables pub- lished by the statistician of the Department of Agriculture. These tables are also necessary in order to compute the thermal constants and to anticipate the dates of bloom and harvest. The following tables, for 1882 and 1889, as published in the Annual Reports of the Department of Agriculture (pp. 409 and 636, respec- tively), give the dates of seeding for wheat: Date of seeding. Fro in- seeding. Date of seeding. From- Aver- age date of seeding. Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania .. Delaware Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina. Georgia Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas... Arkansas Tennessee West Virginia . Kentucky Ohio Michigan Indiana niinois Missouri.. Kansas California Oregon Sept. 1 Aug. 15 Aug. 28 Aug. 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 1 Aug. 20 Sept. 1 Oct. 1 Sept. 1 ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... Aug. 1 Aug. 20 Aug. 25 Aug. 1 Aug. 20 Aug. 15 Aug. 20 Aug. 15 Aug. 1 Nov. 1 Oct. 30 Nov. 10 Oct. 20 Oct. 10 Dec. 1 Nov. 25 Jan. 10 Jan. 1 Jan. 10 Dec. 20 Dec. 1 Nov. 20 Mar. 15 Jan. 15 Dec. 15 Nov. 15 Dec. 20 Nov. 20 Nov. 15 ....do.. Nov. 10 Dec. 1 Jan. 1 Sept. 25 Sept. 16 Sept. 28 Sept. 20 Oct. 1 Oct. 13 Oct. 15 Oct. 29 Nov. 1 Nov. 2 Nov. 3 ...do... Nov. 5 Nov. 7 Oct. 26 Oct. 15 Sept. 30 Oct. 7 Sept. 20 Sept. 17 Sept. 10 Sept. 20 Sept. 25 Sept. 23 Sept. 1 Aug. 15 Aug. 25 Aug. 10 Sept. 15 Aug. 20 Sept. 5 Sept. 1 Oct. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 15 ....do... Oct. 25 Oct. 15 Oct. 25 Oct. 30 Nov. 1 Nov. 20 Dec. 1 Dec. 15 Dec. 10 Dec. 25 Jan. 1 Dec. 30 Sept. 25 Sept. 15 Sept. 25 Sept. 19 Oct. 10 Oct. 13 Oct. 19 Nov. 5 Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 7 Nov. 5 Sept. 1 ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... Aug. 25 Aug. 20 ...do... Aug. 25 Aug. 15 ...do... Sept. 1 Sept. 15 Feb. 1 Jan. 10 Dec. 20 Nov. 15 Dec. 10 Nov. 15 Nov. 1 Nov. 20 Nov. 13 Dec. 1 ...-do... May 1 Apr. 1 Nov. 6 Nov. 1 Oct. 22 Oct. 2 Oct. 12 Sept. 24 Sept. 15 Kv- •■ Bopt.23 Sopt.:.-^! St'.pt 3* Dilf 46 47 45 00 45 00 45 00 45 00 44 40 44 40 43 30 44 00 43 00 42 00 42 15 42 15 43 00 42 45 42 45 43 00 42 45 42 45 41 45 42 15 42 00 Date of sowing. Date of reaping. Dec. 1 . ....do. Nov. 16 Nov. 1. May — . May 13 . May 20. June 2 . July 2.. Dura- tion. Days. ISO Sept. 12 Aug. 7. Sept. 8 Aug. 14. Nov. 1.. July 16. Aug. 4.. ....do.. May 15 May 20 May 21 to June 1 . May 25 to June 1 . Apr. 10 to May 10 Apr. to June Sept. 1 Sept. 20 Aug. 15 -. Aug. 20 to Sept. 20. Sept. 10-20 August- Sept. to Nov Sept. 18 ^ept. 1 Sept. 1-15 Sept. 10-25 Sept. 5-25 Sept. 1-20 Aug. 15 to Sept. 15 Sept. 15 Aug. 20 to Sept. 25. Sept.25 Sept.10-20 July. July: Sept. 2.... Sept. 1-20. Aug. 25 to Sept. 10. . Sept.6 Aug. 15 July 20 July 10-20 July 5-15 July 8-20 July 25 July 20 to Aug. 20 July 15 to Aug. 1 . Julys July 20 July 13.... July 10-20 . July 25 . Variety of wheat and remarks. May. Dayton. Mediterranean. 360 Locality. Lati- tude north. Date of sowing. Date of reaping. Dura- tion. "Variety of whea*^ and remarks. o , Days. 43 00 Iowa. Scott County, 43 00 April July Iowa. Henry County, 41 00 September Julyl Iowa. 41 00 Apr. 1 20 _ July 15 Da Iowa. Do 41 (X) July 4 . Lee County, Iowa. 40 45 September July 5-12 40 00 Oct.1-15 111. St. Clair County, 38 30 Sept. 28 to Oct 18 m. ^' 39 00 Sept. 1 to Oct. 30. _. Sept. 15 June 30 Mo. 40 15 Julyl 15 ty, Ind. Rusli County, 3St 30 September Sept. 1 to Oct. 15 June 25 to July 5 Ind. "Wayne County, 39 45 June 25 to July 7 Ind. Han-ison County, 40 15 Sept. 1-20 July 1-10 Soule. Ohio. 39 30 Sept.3 Julyl Ohio. Clinton County, Ohio. 39 20 July 4 Rock. Lawrence Coun- 38 40 October May 30 May. ty, Ohio. 41 00 July 15 ty, Ohio. 39 45 Do. Ohio. 40 30 Sept. 10 to Oct. 15.. Julys County, Pa. Fayette County, Mifflin fiouTltv. 40 fX) Sept 1 20 July 7 Do. ' 40 30 Sept. 10 to Oct 1 July 1 . Pa. Dauphin County, Pa. Berks County, Pa. Philadelphia County, Pa. 40 30 Sept. 1 to Oct. 1 .... Sept 10-15 July 4:-15 40 30 July 4-20 Blue Stem. 40 00 Sept. 15 to Oct. 15.. July 15 Mediterranean. Bergen County, 41 00 Oct. 1 July 5 15 39 45 do July 1-10 ty,N.J. Salem County, N.J. Newcastle Coun- 39 30 Sept. 30 to Oct. 7... Sept. 20 to Oct. 10 June 25 to July 1 Do. 39 00 Do. ty, Del. Dover County, Del. 39 00 do June 15 23 Sussex County, Del. Harford County, Md. Jefferson County, Do Sept. 28 to Oct. 15.. Sept. 1 until frost.. Sept. 25 to Oct. 15 . . Sept 4-23 39 45 39 15 June 25 to July 1 39 15 July 22 . . Do. Richmond Coun- 37 50 Sept. 16, 1859 Junel4,1860 Japan. ty, Va. Do 37 50 June 2 Early Conner. Do 37 50 May 26,1842 May. 861 Lati- tude north. Date of sowing. Date of reaping. Dura- tion. Variety of wheat and remarks. Franklin County, Va. Bxickingham County, Va. Mason County, Ky Clark County , Ky . Logan County, Ky CabarrasCounty, N. C. Bedford County, Tenn. Habersham County, Ga. Cherokee Coun- ty, Ala. Montgomery County, Ala. Gaudalupe Coun- ty, Tex. Santa Fe, N. Max Albuquerque, N. Mex. Donna Ana Coun- ty, N. Mex. Utah Territory. . . Stanislaus Coun- ty, Cal. British North America. PortFraser Cumberland House, on Sas- katchewan River. Red River settle- ment. Fort Francis, Rainy Lake dis- trict. Quebec, Canada . . Prince Edward Island. Fredericton. New Brunswick. Pictou, Nova Scotia. Beyond north polar limit of successful icheat culture. Sitka, Alaska Fort York, on Hudson Bay. Edmonton, on Saskatchewan River. Carlton House, on Saskatchewan River. Fort Liard, Mc- Kenzies River. St. Johns, New- foundland. 37 40 38 30 38 00 37 (X) 35 30 34 45 34 15 32 30 30 m 35 40 35 10 33 30 43 00 54 30 53 57 50 00 48 36 46 49 46 12 46 00 45 34 57 00 .-.3 40 60 00 47 33 Days. Oct.l to Dec. 15.... Oct. 1 to Nov. 15.... Sept. 1 to Oct. 15 . . . Sept. 15 to Oct. 30 . October and No- vember. November Sept. 15 to Nov. 15.. Sept. 15 to Dec. I . . Oct. 1 to December. June 20 to July 10. June 15 to July 4. . June2 June and July . June 10-30 June 1-10 June 1-14 June 15 to July 15. June 1-15.. May 31.. Junel. April. February and March. August. July 31 . August. Sept.l toMay 1. November June to September Junel Early May. West of the Rocky Mountains. Sown May 8; reaped in August. Wheat grows luxu- riantly. Sown May 1: reaped in August (120 days). Wheat succeeds. Extensively grown. Wheat succeeds. August mean, 63; wheat succeeds. Wheat does not ripen. Do. Often destroyed by frost. Do. Grows occasionally. Wheat does not ripen. 362 BRIEF SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS. Some of the principal points that have been brought out in this collection of data will seem like the expression of ideas that have long been known, yet whose importance has probably been under- rated by those who desired to deduce definite numerical relations between the climate and the crops of any locality. (1) We have seen that in a general way the plant, like every other living being, adapts itself, when possible, to its climatic surroundings, and therefore will produce some crop, if possible, the first year and will do better and better in the next few succeeding years if the seasons are not too severe. So sensitive is the plant to a change of environment that the ordi- nary seasonal irregularities from year to year have a strong influence upon it, so that the general disposition acquired by the seed in a single dry or wet, or cold, or early, or late season prepares it for a corresponding dry or wet, cold, early, or late season next year. Or, again, a " sport " that has unexpectedly developed under the special influence of a given season and soil, and has acquired to a high degree characteristics which make it harmonize with that season, becomes the progenitor of some important variety whose adoption may, in a few years, revolutionize the agriculture of that region. The weather of any growing season affects the crops of future years by modifying the seeds of the current crop. The current season and the resulting seeds must harmonize together. (2) If, instead of adapting the plant to the climate, we, for instance, plant the seeds proper for a moist climate in an arid region, and if we must therefore artificially irrigate in order to secure a crop, such irrigation should be looked upon, not as establishing an expensive custom to be adhered to in future ages, but as simply a temporary device to be managed in the interests of the evolution of new varieties that can eventually be cultivated in that soil and cli- mate without irrigation. This is the result that nature has herself frequently achieved by the slow process of carrying seeds, step by step, from moist to arid regions, and which man endeavors to hasten when he carries seeds by railroad and steamship from England to our arid region. (3) Inasmuch as the cultivation of the cereals cotton, tobacco, sugar, and other important crops will hardly be attempted except in regions where the climate is known to be reasonably in harmony with the seed that is planted, therefore we may assume that an average crop is certain under the average climatic conditions. The departure of any special season as to climate will produce a corresponding departure as to crop, but the latter must be expressed as a percentage of the average ordinary crop, and not simply in absolute measure, 363 as bushels or pounds, since the absohite crop depends so much upon the soil, the manuring, the cultivation, the thickness of seeding, and other details. On the other hand, the crop of one season must have some relation to the crop of the preceding season by reason of the inherited tendencies of the seed from which it was raised. The cli- ,, „ rainfall or useful moisture , rainfall or nutriment matic factors te.,,perature^.Fh^ ^"^ ^iTH^hi^ " are, as shown by Linsser, the data that must be compared with the resulting harvests. (4) It is evident that the (juestion of the effect of climate on a given crop in the past is not so important as the prediction of what crop will be harvested from a given field already planted. On this point I have given all the illustrations that I could find, especially in Chapter XII, showing how from an analysis of a sample at any given date one should be able to predict the resulting crop. The result can be made correct to within 10 per cent, if we allow for the ordinary average irregularities of the clitnate, a statement of whose extent can easily be made up from meteorological records. As to extraordinary irregularities of climate w^hich can not be foreseen, I remark : (a) First of all the effects of excessive droughts at each stage of the plant can be estimated from the experimental data given in Part I, and will be found to harmonize as well as could be expected with the results of actual experience as given in Part II : (h) The effect of severe unusual droughts, or heat, or cold, or mois- ture are ordinarily felt over relatively small portions of the country, so that the average result is small in comparison with the whole crop available in the country; for instance, in 1890, in Kansas and Nebraska the corn harvest was one-half of its usual amount and almost the same in 1887, reckoning, of course, the yield per acre, but this and the corresponding small yields in a few other States represent only an inapiireciable percentage of loss to the country at large. (5) The studies of the effect of climate on the daily development of sugar in beets, sugar cane, or sorghum, or on the nutritious harvest of grass and cereals has shown the approximate best dates for harvest- ing these crops. (6) The studies of the j^hysiological importance of the leaves of beets will eventually show whether these should be trinnned or how they should be treated in order to stimulate the production of sugar. As the pruning of hop vines and grapevines stimulates the ripen- ing and increases the amount of the crops, and as the plucking of the tassels from the maize apparently increases that crop, and as the plucking of the flowers and balls from the potato vines increases the growth of the tubers, so doubtless in many other ways the methods of 564 cultivation may be made to simulate the effects of a favorable climate, so that in general we are justified in the conCltisiori tMt-'^thile unculti- vated plants and their fruits are wholly'd't^ii^n'cWn^'dn the weather, yet methods will be found by which we ma}" r^td'^r the harvests from cultivated j^lants largely independent of the weather. (7) The data here collected demonstrate that the richness of the soil determines the amount of the annual cereal crop more than does the climate. The latter determines principally the dates of sowing, ripening, and the immunity from early or late frosts or the possi- bility of bringing the plant to maturity. (8) We see that rain or irrigation water, so necessary as the medium for bringing the nitrogenous molecules from the soil up into the seed cells of the plant, also by drainage and seepage carries away any such molecules if these are present as earths or manures, whereas if these are present in living microbic or rotting leguminous cells they are far more available for plant use. The best method by which the nitrogen of the free air is thus made available for agricul- ture is elaborated in chapters VIII and IX. (9) From the data now at hand I should say that the yield per acre for any one of the ten principal crops whose statistics are here given has probably never been either increased or diminished by 50 per cent of the normal yield per acre by climatic influences alone over any large region, such as 100 square miles, and, further, that the total annual harvest for any given crop in the United States is not likely to be diminished 5 per cent by the occurrence of an inclement season in some one portion of the country. The detailed comparison of the climate for each season with the crop for that season has become practicable to me only since complet- ing the table of statistics in this chapter, and it is as yet too soon to anticipate all the results that will follow therefrom. Note. — As these statistical tables are very voluminous and only extend to the year 1890 their publication has been deferred until they can be brought up to date. They will probably form a continuation of this present text. — C. A. PART IV. Chapter XIV. CATALOGUE OF PERIODICALS AND AUTHORS REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT BY MERELY aUOTING THE AUTHORS' NAMES AND THE DATE OF PUBLICATION. Abbott. Helen C. De S. Plant analysis as an applied science. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 1887. Vol. CXXIV. pp. 1-33. The chemical basis of plant forms. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 1887. Vol. CXXIV. pp. 161-185. Agricultural Experiment Station, Amherst, Mass. Eighth Annual Report of the Board of Control. Boston, 1890. Agricultural Science. A monthly periodical. Charles S. Plumb, ed. Vol. I, Geneva, N. Y., 1887; Vol. II. Kuoxville, 1888; Vol. Ill, Knoxville, 1889; Vol. IV, Knoxville, 1890 ; Vol. V, Lafayette, Ind., 1891. Andre, Ch. Influence de I'altitude sur la temperature. Lyon, 1880? •Ingot, Alfred. Etude sur la luarche des phenomenes de la vegetation en France pendant les annees 1880 et 1881. Annales du Bur. Cent Met. de France, annee 1882, Tome I. 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De I'intiueiice qu'excercent sur la vegetation des plantes et la germination des graines los rayons solaires trausmis a travers des verres colores. Paris, 1843, C. R., XVI, p. 747. INDEX. In this index special attention has been paid to the spelUng of proper names, ami in case of any discrepancy being detected between the index and the text, the reader will kindly consider the former as the proper authority. Abbott, assimilation, 68. Absorption, atmospheric, 90. of oxygen, by plants, 18, 47-52. Acclimatization, 7, 41, 215-221, 231, 233, 244, 362. barley, 217. gardens, 221. heredity and, 295-308. Linsser's law, 215, 242. Actinometer, 82. Arago-Davy, 83, 273. Bellani's vaporization, 97, 273. Desains' thermoelectric, 99. formulse for, 87. Marchand's, 96. standardization of, 85. Aetinometrie constants, 168. degrees, 85, 86, 177. Adanson, thermal constants, 169, 170. Adaptation, 37, 362. Aerobics, 149. S^culus hippocastanum , phenology of, 280. Air, and respiration, 37. Alabama, soil temperatures, 61. Alais, France, phenology, 184, 185. Albumen in seed.s, 35, 48. Albuminoids, and absorption, 51. and temperature, 40. in cereals, 312-314. in plants, 17, 18. Alfalfa, fixation of nitrogen, 160. Algeria, rye and wheat, 41. Algiers, acclimatization garden, 221. Alps, grasses, 299. phonological observations, 242. Alten, Norway, acclimatization of barley, 217. aromatic cumin, 244. Altitude and plant development, 242. as retarding vegetation, 186. See also Elevation. Amaranthus tricolor and light, 27. Ammonia, absorbed by soil, 136. and plant life, 138. fertilizer, 163. liberation by soil, 142. Anaerobies, 149. Angot, insolation and latitude, 219. phenological studies, 278-290. summation of temperatures, 278, 320. Apple, time of blossoming, 242. Arago, cyanometer, 99. Arago-Davy actinometer, 82, 83, 273. Arata, distribution of germs, 130. Archangel, Russia, 187. Arid region, adaptation of plants, 234. acclimatization, 233. Arnstadt, Germany, wheat and temperature, 180. Aromatic principle and latitude, 244. Arras, France, sugar beets and climate, 259-263. Asia, origin of grains, 234. Asparagin, 49, 51. Assimilation, chemistry of, 67. and sunshine, 67-80. Atmosphere, composition, 67, 133, , dust in, 130. electricity, 131. layer traversed by sunlight, 84, 85. Atwater, fixation of nitrogen, 159. Auburn, Ala., soil temperatures, 61. Austria, phenology, 167. Authorities, list of, 365-375. Auvergne, France, soil fertility, 144. Arena orientalis, period of ripening, 217. Aymonnet, actinometry, 90. Bacteria, nitrogen-fixing, 136-161. Baer, von, acclimatization of seeds, 216, 220 Baker, measurement of insolation, 82. Ball, black-bulb temperatures, 238. Balland, phenological constants, 176. Barbados, sugar crop and rainfall, 344-3.50. Barley, acclimatization, 217. albuminoids and cellulose, 18. environment, 314. latitude, 73, 74. nitrogen, 136. phenology, 280-290. polar region, 39. ripening period, 243. thermal constants, 319. water consumption, 113, 123. Bastian, acclimatization of plants, 220. Beans, acclimatization, 306. albuminoids, 18. water consumption, 113, 120. Becquerel, soil temperatures, 63-66. Beets, sugar, date of planting, 309, 310. rainfall, 125. Belgium, progress of vegetation, 182. Belbomme, germination, 44. Bellani, radiometer, 97, 98, 273. (377) 378 Berlin, phenology, 186. Bernina hospice, sun temperatures, 238. Bert, chlorophyl and light, 42. Berthelot, ammonia and soils, 138, 139, 159. light and vegetation, 38. nitrifying bacteria, 147, 161. Bertholon, germination, 42. Bessel's formula in phenology, 212. Bibliography, 365-375. Billings, bacteriology of air, 130. Birch, phenology of, 281, 290. Birner, potatoes and moisture, 119. Black-bulb temperatures, 171, 238. Blight, wheat, 268. Blooming, see Flowering. Bodo, Norway, sunshine and cloudiness, 74. Bogota, Colombia, wheat, 180. Bohm, chlorophyl and light, 39. Boitard, germination, 43. Bokhara, A.sia, plant development, 231, 232. Bonnier, climate and vegetation, 40. Boston, Mass., evaporation experiments, 105. Boussingault, assimilation, 75-78. coefficient of growth, 40. fixation of nitrogen, 147, 155. ripening of grain, 73. soil nitrogen, 142, 143. summation of temperatures, 169, 320-331. thermal constants, 169. vegetation and light, 37. Braunschweig, Germany, phenology, 173. Br6al, fixation of nitrogen, 137, 151-154. Breslau, Germany, plant development, 217, 220, 231. Brewer, cereals, 300-304. wheat, 314-318. Briem, beets and potatoes, 309. sugar beets and rainfall, 125. Broadcast sowing, 337, 355-358. Brogniart, germination, 44. Brookings, S. Dak., cereals, 318-331. soil temperatures, 59, 60. Brunswick, Germany, phenology, 173. Brussels, Belgium, phenology, 182-186, 213-214. Buckwheat, albuminoids and cellulose, 18. water content, 116. Bunsen, photochemical researches, 92. Bunt, wheat, 341. Burckhardt, germination, 28. Burgundy, France, thermal constants, 257. Caldwell, maize experiments, 333. Calendar, phenological, 292. Caleves, France, harvest and rainfall, 246. California, plant growth and cold, 129. Campbell-Stokes, sunshine recorder, 99. Canada, soil temperatures, 63. sunshine recorder, 99. thaws and tree growth, 128. Candolle, de, beans, 307, 309. chlorophyl, 76. climatic laboratory, 7, 24. germination, 28-36, 43. summation of temperatures, 40. thermal constants, 278. vegetation and light, 39. Caracas, Venezuela, thunderstorms and nitrates, 135. Carbohydrates, 17. Carbon, assimilation of, 141. Carbonic acid gas, absorption by plants, 18. decomposition of, 38, 42. exhalation of, 49, 50, 51. Carlsruhe, Germany, phenology, 186, 235. Catalogue of authorities, 365-375. Catania, Italy, chemical intensity of sunshine, 94. Cell structure, 16. Cellulose, 16-18. Celosia cristata, germination, 28-36. Cereals, acclimatization, 300-304. albuminoids, 312-314. Brookings experiments, 318-331. climate and soils, 364. limit of cultivation, 187. varieties, 251. weather, 248. Champagne, France, thermal constants, 251. Charts, isophenological, 243. Chemical measurement of sunshine, 96. Chestnut, phenology, 282-290. Chile, potatoes in, 80. Chinook winds, 128. Chiswiek, England, radiation temperatures, 235, 238. Chlorophyl, and absorbent media, 77. climate, 77. formation, 38, 42, 75. function, 22. light and air, 37. Christiania, Sweden, acclimatization, 233. thermal constants, 217. Clausius, sunlight, 81, 82. Climate and cereals, 364. changes of, 295-298. control of, 9. favorable and unfavorable, 16. influence on crops, 364. plant structure, 77. sugar beets, 259-263. wheat, 251-256,263-272. vegetation, 188,244,245. Climatic laboratory, 7, 24-27. Climatic tables, for phenological study, 272-277. Climatic zones, 221,224. Climatology, 15. Cloez, chlorophyl, 75. Cloudiness, and absorption of carbonic acid gas, 47. actinometry, 90. data for phenology, 273. soil temperature, 21. Clover, albuminoids, 18. fertilization by, 158. fixation of nitrogen, 160. water consumption, 113, 119. Codazzi, thermal constants, 170. Coefficient of growth, 40. Colin, germination, 33, 37. thermal constants, 170. Collomia coccinea, germination, 28-86. Colombia, wheat, 180. Columbia, S. C, prize corn crop, 165. 379 Comparison of harvests. 3(52- 363. Compensjition, tlieory of, 219. Composition of crops, 18. Conjugate thermometers, 81-89,97,283. Constant, solar, 91. Constants, phenological, 168,189-191,223-226,239, uncertainty of, 229. Corn. See Maize. prize crops, 164. Cornell University, germination experiments, 37. Corvallis, Oregon, soil temperatures, 62. Cotton, 303-306. Coutagne, phenological formula, 178-179. Cracow, Austria-Hungary, fixation of nitrogen, 154. Crops and fertilizers, 162-166. water and, 116. weather and. 247-251. Cultivation and evaporation, 108. crops, 331, 35.5-358. prize crop, 165. soil moisture and drainage, 114,115. Cuminnm cyminum and latitude, 244. Currant, phenology, 280. Cyanometer, 99. Darkness and absorption, 48, 50. exhalation, 51. germination, 42, 43, 45. respiration, 19. vegetation, 37. Darwin, germination, 44. Daubeny, light and vegetation, 26. sunshine and temperature, 71. Day-degrees, 73. Deblanchis, leaf temperature, 174. vegetation and temperature, 174. Decades, Dove's, 274. Degree, actinometric, 85, 86, 177. Deh4rain, fertilization, 146, 158. soil nitrogen, 142. transpiration, 69-71. Desains, actinometer, 99. chlorophyl, 76. Descroix, Ballani's actinometer, 97. evaporation data, 104. phenological data, 273-274. Detmer, germination, 44. plant development and cold, 33.S-340. Diastase, 17. Dodge, seeding and crop yield, 357-.358. statistical tables, 7. Dollen, acclimatization gardens, 221. Dombes, France, fixation of nitrogen. 1.50. Dorpat, Rassia, thermal constants, 238. Dove, climatic factors, 234. pentads and decades, 102, 274. Drainage and soil nitrogen, 364. Draper, light and chlorophyl, 76. light and vegetation, 26. Drill planting, .^34, 337, 355-358. Drontheim (Throndhjem), Norway, plant devel- opment, .39. Drought, 337, 363. Drouin, nitrifying bacteria, 149, 159. Dryness and plant growth, 19, 80. Duchartre, germination, 44. Durasno, Teneriffe, acclimatization garden, 221. Durin, sugar beets, 310. Dust, atmospheric, 130. Ebermayer, forest temperatures, 7. Economy in plant-life, 232. Edwards, germination, 33,37. thermal constants, 170. Effective temperature, 170. j Eggs, grasshopper, 36. hatching, 36. Eisenlohr, phenology, 235. Elder, phenology of the, 281-290. Electricity, atmospheric, 131. and vegetation, 27. Elevation, influence on date of harvest, 278,279. See a!so Altitude. Emory, soil thermometers, 66. Engelmann, chlorophyl, 77. England, average wheat crop, 179. .soil temperature, 68. transpiration. 69. wheat and temperature, 180, 181. Epernay, France, wine crop and weather, 266, 257, Epochs, phenological, 167, 172. Erman, acclimatization of grain, 220. phenological constants, 212. Europe, grain culture, 243-247. grape culture, 295-298. phenological charts, 243. phenological epochs, 171-172. Evaporation and crop yield, 245, 246. cultivation, 108. data for phenology, 273. from a plant, 19. .soil temperature, 63. water surface, 104. wind, 107. Evaporimeter, Piche, 106. Everett, soil temperature, 58. Exhalation of carbonic acid gas, 49-52. Experimental hothouses, 24-37. plats, 352-355. Factors, climatological, 223, 232, 234. Faivre, germination and light, 44. Falling of leaves, epoch of, 186. Fecamp, France, chemical effect of sunshine, 96. Ferrel, actinometric theory, 83, 188. Fertilization, clover, 1.5s. Fertilizers, 162-166. crop yield, 121. nitrogen, 1,33, 134. rotation of crops, 162. soil temperature, 54. Fittbogen, water and crops, 118, 122, 123. Fitzgerald evaporation, 105. Fixation of nitrogen, 13(i-161. Flahault, chlorophyl, 39. sunlight, 40. Flax, water consumption, 126. Fleischer, germination, 44. Flowering, and altitude, 278. epoch of, 182, 185, 278-290. phenological constant of, 291, 293. second, 218. 380 Flowering, and temperature, 172. thermal constant, 191, 226. of vine, 257. of wheat, 262,267. Food crops, cells of, 16. Forest, and change of climate, 296. studies, 8. temperature variations in, 7. thaws, 128. Formulae, actinometric, Ferrel's, 88. Lambert's, 84. Laplace's 84. Mari6-Davy's, 88. evaporation, Fitzgerald's, 105. Russell's, 106. phenological, Bessel's, 212. Kabseh's, 173. Foster, maize, 324-327. Fractional parts, law of, 223, 232. France, phenology, 278-290. rye and wheat, 41. Frank, fixation of nitrogen, 157, 159. fungi and plant growth, 138. Frankfort, Germany, phenological obervations, 236, 243. Frear, maize, 333. Freezing, germination at, 33. plants and seeds, 338, 340. Fritsch, phenological epochs, 167-189. phenological experiments, 189-211. phenological list, 191. phenological predictions, 242. Fritz, changes of climate, 295-298. Frondescence, 293. Frost, and plant development, 237, 252, 256. and wheat, 266, 340. Fructification, 293. Fruit, color and sunlight, 77. ripening of, 15. Fungi, distribution, 340. and plant development, 138. Gardner, light and vegetation, 26. Garreau, assimilation, 67. Gasparin, effective temperature, 170. flowering of grape, 257. initial temperature, 251, 279. phenological epochs, 172. phenological list, 172. sun temperatures, 39. thermal constants, 169, 278. wheat, 251, 252, 264. wind and vegetation, 129. Gautier, nitrifying bacteria, 149, 159. Geneva, N. Y., cultivation and bacteria, 108. fertilization experiments, 163. maize and peas, 335-337. plat experiments, 353. soil temperatures, 53. Geneva, Switzerland, phenology, 186. Geography, plant, 40, 233. Georgeson, soil temperatures, 54. Germany, potatoes, 80. Germination, absorption of oxygen, 18, 48, 49. albumen, 35. beginning, 35. light, 37, 42, 52. Germination, absorption of moisture, 37. temperature, 28-36. Germs and agriculture, 130. forests, 130. Giessen, Germany, phenology, 236-243. phenological calendar, 292. Gilbert, evaporation, 245. fertilizers, 145. nitrogen, fixation of, 151. in rain, 135. loss by soils, 142. sources of, 137. plat experiments, 356. Girard, rainfall and sugar beets, 126. Gluten, in wheat, 41. Goff, percolation, 109. soil temperatures, 53. Goodale, physiological studies, 15. Gorlitz, plant development, 231. Gossi/phan, 303-306. Grain, acclimatization, 220. culture in Europe, 243-247. thermal constants, 73. Grandeau, nutrition of plants, 40. Grape, and climate, 295-298. crop and weather, 256-259. water consumption, 13. Grasses, acclimatization, 299. germination, 307. time of harvest, 310, 312. water consumption, 113, 119. Grasshopper, hatching, 36. Grassmann, sugar beets and rainfall, 126. Gratiolet, chlorophyl and temperature, 75. Gray, phenological observations, 292. Green, soil thermometers, 65. Greenhouses, 79. Greenwich, England, soil temperatures, 58, 59. Grignon, France, fertilization, 145. "Grobers," Germany, experiment station, 125. Groningen, Netherlands, phenology, 186. Growth, coeflBcient, 40. factors of, 244-245. influence of light and heat, 37. plant, 16. Guastalla, Italy, phenology, 186. Guettard, transpiration, 69. Guillemin, light and vegetation, 26. Guntz, chlorophyl and climate, 77. Guyot, phenological observations, 292. Haberlandt, crops and water, 116, 122, 123. oats and light, 39. soil evaporation, 110. wheat, germination, 339. Habit, law of, 232. Haddonfield, N. J., wheat and temperature, 180. Hallett, wheat, 301. Halsno, Norway, sunshine, 74. Hamburg, Germany, plant development, 231. Hammond, cotton, 305, 306. Harrisburg, Pa., maize experiments, 333. Harvard University, botanical experiments, 27. Harvest and climate, 364. epoch of, 278-290. heat and moisture, 23. quantity and quality, 23. water supply, 116-118. 381 Hatching, grasshopper eggs, 36. Heading of wheat, '265. Heat and chlorophyl, 3J<, 75. fractional parts, 223, 232. germination, 137. harvest, 23. plant development, 221. respiration, 19, 48. ripening of grain, 73. solar, and latitude, 91, 219. Heer, climatic zones, 221. Heidelberg, Germany, insolation, 82. intensity of sunshine, 93. plant development, 231. Heiden, germination and light, 44. Heinrich, crops and water, 119. Hellriegel, fixation of nitrogen, 136, 151-155. shade and plant development, 79. water and crops, 117. Helmersen, fruit trees, 231. Henry, phenological observations, 292. Heraeus, fixation of nitrogen, 139. Heredity and acclimatization, 295-308. Herodotus, climate of Assyria, 296. Himalayas, grasses, 299. sun temperatures, 238. . Hochgebirge, sun temperatures, 238. Hoehner, transpiration, 112. Hoffmann, phenological investigations, phenological notation, 291. thermal constants, 174. Holter, grasses, 311. Hooker, black-bulb temperatures, 238. Hop vines, pruning, 341. Horse chestnut, phenology, 280. Hough, phenology, 5. Houghton Farm, N. Y., soil temperatures, 63, 66. Humboldt, germination, 45. phenology, 72. sunshine, 169. Hunt, germination, 307. maize experiments, 334, 335. Huron, S. Dak., meteorological data, 320-330. Hydrocarbons, 17. Hygrometric data, 273. Iberis amara, germination, 28-36. Iceland, acclimatization, 217. Ihne, phenological notation, 291. Illonkoff, crops and water, 116. Illinois, maize experiments, 334-335. "Inclosure" of the thermometer, 238. Indiana, maize experiments, 331. Ineffective temperatures, 34-36. Ingenhousz, germination, 42. Initial date, 238. point in phenology, 168-189, 213, 214, 218. temperature, 279-290. Inoculation of soils, 136-161. Insolation, measurement, 82, 90, 91. compensation, theory of, 219. Instructions, phenological, 291. International Meteorological Tables, 101. Irkutsk, Siberia, cereals, 187. Irrigation, 23, 234. acclimatization, 362. crop yield, 116. Isanthesic lines, 184. 189, 278. Isochimenal lines, 72. Isophenological lines, 242. Isotheral lines, 72. Isothermal lines, 72, Japan, soil temperatures, 54. Java, climatic zone, 225. Jensen, wheat smut, 341. Jordan, sunshine recorder, 99. Joulie, fertilizer, 246. fixation of nitrogen, 150. Kabsch, phenological formula, 173. Kalm, acclimatization of maize, 220. Kansas, oats, 337. sorghum, 337. Keith, germination, 43. Kentucky blue grass, 307. Kew, atmospheric electricity, 131. insolation, 82. photochemical researches, 93, 94. Khiva, Central Asia, plant development, 231. Kidney beans, transpiration, 71. Kief, Russia, plant development, 231. Kiel, Germany, intensity of sunlight, 95. Knight, pruning and tuber development, 80. Koppen, germination, 335. Kraus, pruning, 341. Krakow, Austria-Hungary, fixation of nitro- gen, 154. Kupffer, limit of cultivation, 187. Laboratory, climatic, 24-27. Lachmann, thermal constants, 173. Ladd, fertilizers, 163. grasses, 310. Lambert's formula, 84. Langenthal, pruning and tuber development, 80 Laplace, sunshine, 84. Lapland, acclimatization, '2'20. phenology, 186. Latitude, and plant development, 242. ripening, 243. solar heat, 91. vegetation, 183-186, 218. Laurent, fixation of nitrogen, 150,151. plant nutrition, 77. Lausanne, phenology, 186. Lavoisier, light and plants, 37. Lawes, evaporation, 245. fertilizers, 145. fixation of nitrogen, 151. nitrogen in rain, 135. plat experiments, 3.55. soil nitrogen, 142. sources of nitrogen, 137. transpiration, 113. Lazenby, plat experiments, 355. Leafing, epoch of, 181, 185, '238, 278-290. of vine, 256. temperature, 172. thermal con.stant, '2'26,'291,293. LeClerc, germination, 43. Lef^bure, germination, 35, 43. Legumin, 49, 51. Leguminosae, fixation of nitrogen, 136,151-161. tubercles on, 151. 382 Leone, nitrification, 160. sources of nitrogen, 160. Lepidium sativuyn, germination, 28-36. Leyst, earth temperatures, 65. Libbey, sunshine tables, 101,102. Light, and absorption of oxygen, 47, 48, 50, 51, germination, 37,42-52. Pauchon's experiments, 45. respiration, 19. vegetation, 26,40,79,80. Liglitning and fixation of nitrogen, 135. Lilac, phenology of, 280-290. Limit of cultivation, 187. Linden, phenology, 281-290. Linsser, laws of acclimatization, 7, 215, 242. phenological studies, 6, 211-234. .sunlight and vegetation, 218,219. thermal constants, 173. zones, 224. Linum usitatissimum, germination, 28-36. Lippincott, dates of sowing and harvest, phenology of wheat, 179. Lisbon, Portugal, intensity of sunshine, 94. photochemical researches, 94. Lobositz, Austria, rainfall and harvest. 111 Locality, influence on vegetation, 183. Lonicera alpigena, phenology, 237. Lucerne, fixation of nitrogen, 137, 153. water consumption, 113. Lucimeter, Bellani, 99, 273. Lupin, fixation of nitrogen, 153, 160. Lynden (North Cape) Norway, wheat, 39 gluten in wheat, 41. McLeod, soil temperatures, 63. Madeira, seasons. 221-232. Maize, acclimatization, 220. albuminoids, 18. date of ripening, 125. environment, 314. experiments with, 321-334. fertilizers, 162. thermal constants, 335-337. Manche, France, climate and crops, 175. Manchester, England, insolation, 82. photochemical action of daylight, 93. Mangon, chlorophyl, 76. initial temperatures, 279. thermal constants, 174, 252, 265. Manitoba, Canada, forest experiments, 128. Manures, 162-166. and crops, 121. soil temperatures, 54. Maquenne, nitrogen and vegetation, 139. Marcano, lightning and nitrogen, 135. Marchand, actinometer, 96, 273. shade and plant development, 79. Mari6-Davy, acclimatization of plants, 41. actinometer, 273. actinometric results, 96. chlorophyl, 75. maize, 170. meteorology and crops, 247-251. phenological constant, 176, 177. phenological researches, 243-277. prediction of harvest, 178. radiation, measurement, 81. sunshine and transpiration, 69, 70, 113. Mari^-Davy, water and crops, 246. Martins, thermal constant, 278. Martins, von, light and vegetation, 27. Marvin, sunshine recorder, 99. Mascagno, light and assimilation, 78. Matotschkin-Schar, Nova Zembla, acclimatiza- tion, 216. thermal constants, 216. Maurer, soil temperatures, 21. Maximum temperature of germination, 34. Mecklenburg, Germany, water and plant develop- ment, 119. Meech, sunshine tables, 101. Meigs, phenology, 292. Melon (canteloupe), germination, 28-36. Mendenhall, soil thermometers, 66. Meteorology and crops, 247-251. Mexico, origin of maize, 234. Meyen, germination, 44. Michael, botanical classification, 68. Miesse, germination and light, 42. Mikosh, chlorophyl, 38. Milk, souring, 341. Millet, silkworms, 36. Minimum temperature of germination, 33, 34, 336. Miquel, collection of, germs, 131. Modification of plants, 233. Moisson, respiration of plants, 18. Moisture and germination, 37. plant development, 222. records, 273. soil, 20, 104, 110-111. Moleschott, light and vegetation, 37, 39. Montreal, Canada, soil temperatures, 63, 64. Montrouge, France, flowering of wheat, 178. Montsouris, France, actinometric percentages, 87. actinometric degrees, 89, 96. atmospheric electricity, 131, 132. bacteriology of air, 130, 131. Bellani lucimeter, 98. evaporation data, 105, 106. insolation and transpiration, 71. intensity of sunshine, 89. nitrogen in rain, 133, 134. researches, 243, 277. variations in atmospheric air, 133. Morley, variations in atmospheric air, 133. Morren, acclimatization, 220. germination, 43. phenology, 167. Mulder, protein, 17. Munich, phenology, 186. soil temperatures, 54, 55, 57. Muntz, fixation of nitrogen by lightning, 135. nitrifying ferment, 142. Miittrich, forestry, 7. Naples, phenology, 184, 185. Narcissus, phenology, 280, 282. Nertchinsk, Siberia, cereals, 187. New York State, maize experiments, 332, 333. phenological observations, 235, 292. Xigella sativa, germination, 28-36. Nitrates in sugar beets, 262. Nitrogen, artificial fertilizers, 162. fixation by plants, 136-161. by soils, 139. in rain, 133-135. 383 NitroRen, loss from soils. 141, 142. nitrifying bacteria, 148, 149. plant nutrition, 133, 141, 3frl. sugar beets, 262. Nobbe, germination, 44. Nordlinger, variations of temperature in forests, 7. Normandy, thermal constants, 175, 176. North Cape, Norway, germination, 39. gluten in wheat, 41. Norway, acclimatization, 220. rye, 41. Notation, phenological, 291, 293. Nutrition, r61e of water, 114. of plants, 22, 140. Oak, phenology, 281-290. water consumption, 113. Oats, cellulose, 18. drought, 337, 338. environment, 314. fertilizers, 162. light, 39. nitrogen, 136. phenological constant, 177. thermal constants, 320. TurkL«h, 217. water consumption, 113, 123. Observations, phenological, 290-294. Ohio, oats in, 338. Optimum temperature, 36. Orange. France, thermal constant of wheat, 39. Oregon, soil temperatures, 62. Orel, Russia, plant development, 231. Orenburg, Russia, acclimatization, 231. season of vegetation, 221. Orkneys, plant development, 39. Orleansville, Algeria, thermal constants, 176. Orotava, Teneriffe, acclimatization garden, 221. O.xygen, absorption by plants, 18, 47-52. absorption by seeds, 46, 50. in asparagin, 49. Ozone and thunderstorms, 341. Pagnoul, assimilation, 78, 79. fixation of nitrogen, 150, 161. sugar beets, 259-263. Papilionaceae, fixation of nitrogen, 157. Para, Brazil, insolation, 82. photochemical researches, 93, 94. Paris, France, germination of wheat, 39. insolation, 82. .S'ec, also, Montsouris. Parma, Itiily, phenology, 185. plant development, 231. Pasteur, light and vegetation, 37. modification of bacteria, 157. Pauchon, light and germination, 37, 42-52. northern vegetation, 40. Peas, albuminoids, 18. fixation of nitrogen, 136, 153, 155, 160. thermal constant, 335-337. time of flowering, 242. water consumption, 113, 124. Penhallow, soil temperatures, 53,63. Pendleton, Oreg., soil temperatures, 62,63. Pennsylvania, maize experiments, 333-334. Pentads, in phenology, 273-274. Pepper, acclimatization, 307. Percolation, 109. Periodic variation of climalo, 297. Periodical phenomena, 232. Perret, water and plant nutrition, 114. Petermann, fixation of nitrogen, 161. Pfeffer, asparagin, 49. thermal constants, 241. Phantupimeter, 96, 273. Phenological observations, 290-294. Phenology, 167-294. climatic tables, 272-277. epochs of, 167,181. Linsser's law, 214,215. lists of plants, 172, 191, 226, 242, 243. temperature, 172,211. thermal constants, 336. summation of temperature, 279-290. Philadelphia, Pa., bacteriological examination of air, 130. Photantupimeter, 96, 273. Photochemistry of sunshine, 92. Photographic measurement of sunshine, 95. Physiological constant, 224-230. Physiological method, 6. Piche evaporimeter, 106, 246, 273. Pieper, germination, 44. Pine, water consumption, 113. chlorophyl and light, 38. Pinus. See Pine. Plant growth, 15, 244, ;245. respiration, 18. Plants, acclimatization, 215. and air, 18. ' climate, 22. fixation of nitrogen, 136-161. phenological lists, 172, 191, 226, 239, 240. soil moisture, 114. sunshine, 168. temperature, 53, 235, 236. water drainage, 115. water supply, 116-127. Plat experiments, 352-355. Plumb, maize, 332-333. plat experiments, 353. Poa pratensis, 299, 307. Poggioli, light and vegetation, 26. Polar region, vegetation, 39. Pollen, dissemination, 129, 291. Polperro, England, epoch of awakening, IM, 185. Postelberg, Au.stria, rainfall and harvest. 111. Potato, cellulose, 18. date of planting, 309, 310. • dryness and sunlight, 80. harvest and water .supply, 127. water consumption, 113-119. Potsdam, Germany, atmospheric electricity, 131. Pouillet, actinometer, 82. Poulkova, Russia, phenology, 213-215. PrazmofTski, fixation of nitrogen,[151-155. Prediction of crop, 247-251, 363. tables for, 272-277. time of harvest, 175, 189. Prillieux, nitrifying bacteria, 152. Prize crops, 164. Progress of vegetation, 183, 185. Protection from frost, 340. Protein, 17. Protoplasm, 16. 384 Pruning and climate, 341, 363, 364. Pyrus communis, 242. mains, 242. Quetelet, phenological constants, 181-189, 212. soil temperatures, 286. | time of germination, 37. Quinchuqui, Colombia (?), wheat and tempera- ture. 180. Radau, measurement of radiation, 81, 96. Radiation, conjugate thermometers, 89. data for phenology, 273. influence on plants, 16. measurement of, 81, 89. plant development, 170. soil temperatures, 20, 53. thermometer readings, 235. wheat harvest, 253, 254, 269-271. Radiometer, Bellani, 97, 273. Rain, 'nitrogen in, 133-135. soil temperatures, 54, 110. sugar crop, 344-350. Rainfall and crop yield, 116-127, 253. data for phenology, 273. plant development, 223, 234, 235, 245. soil moisture, 110-111. sugar beets, 125, 260. wheat crop, 341-343. Rainy days, and plant growth, 117. soil moisture. 111. Range of germination temperatures, 35. Rape, water consumption, 120. Rawson, rain and sugar in Barbados, 344-350. Reaumur, thermal constants, 168. Reforestation, 231. Respiration, influence of light, 22, 37, 50. plants and seeds, 18, 47-48, 50. temperature, 19, 48. Rhone, cold waves, 129. Ribes rubrum, phenology, 280. Richardson, grain and environment, 312-314. Richmond, Va., wheat and temperature, 180. Ripening, epoch of, 182, 186. latitude, 243. period, 183. thermal constant, 169, 173, 191, 226, 278-290. vine, 2.57. wheat, 253, 267. Risler, water consumed by plants, 113, 246. Robinet, silk worms, 36. Roscoe, measurement of sunshine, 82. photochemical researches, 92. Rotation of crops, 141, 144, 157. and artificial fertilizers, 162-166. Rothamsted, England, composition of rain, 135. evaporation and crops, 245. ■ fertilizers, 138, 142, 145. plat experiments, 355. Royer, available moisture. 111. Russell, evaporation, 106. Russia, acclimatization of wheat, 220. Rye, growing period, 243. phenology, 280-290. water consumption, 113, 120, 124. Sachs, climatic laboratory, 24. chlorophyl, 38, 39. light and vegetation, 26, 78. Sachs, limiting temperatures, 174, 335, 339. physiological studies, 6. tuber growth, 79, 80. ultraviolet light and plant growth, 80. Sainfoin, fixation of nitrogen, 153. St. Louis, electricity of air. 131, 152. St. Petersburg, phenology, 214. thermal constants, 214, 216. .sunshine, 219. Salfeld, inoculation of soil, 158. Salkowsky, nitrifying ba^'teria, 139. Sambucus nigra, phenology, 281. Sanborn, fertilizers, 162. Saunders, thaws and plant life, 128. Sau.ssure, de, germination, 43. Schleiden, potato and light, 39. Schloesing, ammonia in soils, 136, 142, 143. atmospheric ammonia, 144. nitric ferment, 142. Schloesing, jr., fixation of nitrogen, 150, 151. Schott, sunshine tables, 101. Schuebeler, acclimatization, 217, 220. climate and plants, 40. culture of grain in Europe, 243-247. Schweitzer, maize experiments, 333. Seeds, germination, 28, 41-52. relations to air and soil, 18. Seeding. See Sowing. and harvest, 358-361. Seignette, available moisture. 111. Sendtner, phenological list, 189. S^nebier, light and germination, 42. light and vegetation, 26. Serafina, germs and forests, 130. Serradella, fixation of nitrogen, 160. Sesnmum orientate, germination, 28-36. Seynes, de, germination, 33. Shade, and plant development, 79. temperature, 238. Sid^ration, 158. Silver chloride, measurement of sunshine, 92. Sitmpis alba, germination, 28-36. Singer, rain and soU temperature, 54. Six, soil thermometers, 65. Smithsonian Meteorological Tables, 101. Smithsonian phenological list, 292-294. Smut, wheat, prevention, 341. Soaking, influence on germination, 37. Soda, nitrate of, fertilizer, 163. Soil, ammonia, 136, 139. cereals, 364. evaporation, 246. exhaustion, 142. moisture, 20, 104-127. temperature, 20, 53-65, 235, 273. thermometers, 21,65,66. wheat, 314-318. Solar constant, 91. Sorauer, water consumption, 123. Sorghum, 337. South America, seasons, 221. South Carolina, prize corn crop, 164. Sowing, date of .and wheatharvest,263-272, 368-361. and crop yield, 337, 339, 355-358. Sporer, acclimatization of grasses, 299. Sports, origin of, 303, 362. Starch and light, 41. composition, 17. 385 statistical mothod in botany, 7. Stettin, Genniiny, phenology, ISti. Stone, sorghum, 337. Stnu'ture of seeds, 35. Sturtevant, cultivation and evaporation, lOS. pepper, 307. range of plants, 9. thermal constants, 335-337. Stuttgart, Germany, acclimatization, 220, 233. Sugar beets, and climate, 2.59-2G3. rainfall, 125. time of harvest, 310. Sugar crop and rain, Barbados, 344-350. climate, 303. Summation of temperature, 279-290. Sunshine and absorption by seeds, 47, 48. assimilation, 67-80. chlorophyl, 75. diminution, 99. distribution, 72. dust and diffused sunshine, 81. effects, 22. hour degrees, 74. latitude, 244. measurement, 22, 81-103. Montsouris, 89, 90. photochemical intensity, 92. photographic measurement, 95. plant development, 160, 244, 247. recorder, 21. records, 99, 100. ripening of grain, 73. soil temperatures, 20. sugar beets, 259. total possible, 101-103, 219. transpiration, 69. wheat crops, 255. Sun temperatures, 238. Surface slope and soil temperature, 67. Sweden, phenology, 186. Switzerland, acclimatization of grains, 220. Symbiotic life, 138. Tables of possible sunshine, 101-103. Taimyr, Siberia, grasses, 299. Temperature, black bulb, 171. chlorophyl, 38. effective, 170. germination, 28-36. ineffective, 36. low, and vegetation, 338-340. phenology, 211, 273. plant development, 19, 168, 211, 234, 236, 239. respiration, 19, 48, 50. soil, 20, 53-66. sugar beets, 260. summation, 279-290. wheat crop, 341-343. Tenerifle, botanical garden, 221. Tessier, light and vegetation, 6. Thaws and plant life, 128, 237. Theory of compensation, 219. Theory of errors in agriculture, ;5.53, 354. Thermal constants, 168, 189-191, 236-243, 278-290, 320-331. barley, 319. grape, 25&-2.59. Thermal constants, ninize, 336. oats, 320. peas, 336. wheat, 251-256, 265, 267, 278, 319. Thermoelectric aetinometer, 99. Thermoelectric sun.shine recorder, 97. Thermometer, soil, 21, 65, 66. Thcrmometric constants and plant growth, 168. Thcrmometric measurement of sunshine, 83-92, 96. Thermophone, 65. • Thorpe, insolation measurements, 82. photochemical researches, 94. Thunderstorms, and .souring of milk, 341. and nitrates, 135. Thuija, chlorophyl and light, 38. TiUacuropcxn, Tllin ^ilvcittrif, phenology, 281. Timiriazeff, chlofophyl, 38, 41. Timothy, cellulose, 18. time of harvest, 310. Tisserand, grain culture in Europe, 243-247. light and vegetation, 41. sun.shine and prain, 73. vegetation in high latitudes, 40. Tokyo, Japan, soil temperature, 54. Tomaschek, thermal eon.stants, 173. Transmission of solar heat, 92. Transpiration, 19, 112. diurnal periodicity, 70. plant temperature, 53. and .sunshine, 67-80. Treadwell, souring of milk, 341. Trees and rapid thaws, 128. Trifoliiun repent, germination, 28-36. Tubercles, on nitrogen-fixing plants, 136, 137. Tubers, dryness and sunlight, 80. Ultraviolet light and plant growth, 80. United States, average wheat crop, 179: crops and climates, 351-364. evaporation, 107. phenology, 186. Upsala, Sweden, germination of wheal, 39. phenological observations, 241-242. Valognes, France, epoch of awakening, 185. Van Tieghem, phenological constants, 179. Vegetation, anpual progress, 183. beginning of, 238. climatic factors, 188. development of, 232. high latitudes, 40. Lin.sser's law, 214, 215. thermoscope, 174. wind, 129. zones, 224. Venice, Italy, phenology, 185. plant development, -M. sunshine, 219. Vienna, Austria, phenology, 189, 190. plant development, 231. thermal constants, 238. Ville, atmospheric ammonia, 144. fertil ization by clover, 158. fixation of nitrogen, 146, 1.53, 155, 1.59. germination, 44. Vilmorin, thermometer expo.sure, 176. 2667—05 M- -25 386 Vincennes, Prance, acclimatization of barley, 41. Vine and weather, 249-251, 295-298. Vines, physiological studies, 15. Violle, actinometer, 82, 97, 171, 273. conjugate bulbs, 97. sunlight, absorption by air, 85. Vital principle, 15-16. Vochting, light and vegetation, 79, 80. Vogel, measurement of sunshine, 95. Walcott, rainfall and sugar crop of Barbados, 344-350. Warington, fertilizers, 103. nitrifying bacteria, 139. nitrogen in rain, 135. Warren, thermophone, Go. Washington, D. C, soil temperatures, 66. Water, composition, 17. evaporation, 104. plant nutrition, 114. supply and plant growth, 116-127, 245. Weather, artificial modification, 8. and prize crops, 165. Weber, photographic measurement of sun- whine, 95. Welitschkowsky, percolation, 109. Wheat, average yield, 144. cellulose and albuminoids, 18. climate and soil, 263-272, 314-318. date of flowering, 178. environment, 312-314. fertilizers, 162. growing period, 243. heat and light, 39, 41, 251-256. latitude, 73, 74. low temperatures, 339. nitrogen in rain, 142. phenology, 179, 278-290. sports, 303. sowing and harvest, 358-361. temperature and rain, 341-343. thermal constants, 1G9, 170, 177, 318-319. Wheat, water consumption, 113, 123. weather, 250. Wheeler, fixation of nitrogen, 159. Whipple, thermophone, 65. Whitney, percolation, 109. soil thermometers, 65. Wiesner, chlorophyl, 38. sun.shine and temperature, 71. Wild, earth temperatures, 65. Wilfarth, fixation of nitrogen, 136, 151-16.5. Wind, data in phenology, 273. evaporation, 105, 107. plant growth, 19. vegetation, 129. Wind-breaks, 340-341. Wine crop and climate, 295-298. weather, 250, 256-259. Winnipeg, Canada, sunshine, 100. Winogradski, nitric ferment, 142. Wisliczenus, atmospheric electricity, 131. Wollkoff, actinometry, 82. Wollny, crops and water, 116, 120, 124. pruning and tuber growth, 80. soil moisture, 110, 114, 115. soil temperatures, 57. transpiration, 113. Woods, fixation of nitrogen, 160. Woodward, transpiration, 69, 113. Wright, wheat and temperature, 339, 340. Wurttemberg, Germany, phenology, 235. Yakutsk, Siberia, acclimatization of grain, 220. temperature range, 187. Zahner, soil temperatures, 62. Zantedeschi, germination, 44. Zea mays. {See also Corn and maize. ) germination, 28-36. Ziegler, phenology, 236. Zones of vegetation, 221. Linsser, 224. Zurich, Switzerland, soil temperatures, 21. vegetation and light, 37. o nuriUiKuuLfiiiiiii Biiim U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES