\ ASfsslS^s?* ^■JJ-;f ?^P^ V , J \ J ,.\ •/"< ■ ^8k& I z-i*'X •'.-'■' '■■ . '■ , ---,. \ \« > -; ■ '.- ' . 4 W "- ' "'j, ''■!,■• • - . . .. i .,r. . • ■ '•' I 1 ' &<■*■■ .■ 'v. X wk p> - FIRST AND SECOND REDOUT ^[^ ON THE KIF NOXIOUS, / 256 Bnt. BENEFICIAL AND OTHER . .INSECTS, OP THE STATE OF NEW-YORK. MADE TO THE STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, PURSUANT TO AN APPROPRIATION FOR THIS PURPOSE FROM THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE. BY ASA FITCH, M. D., S1 .HS-V^ JUL 1 1 1989 ENTOMOLOGIST OF THE N. Y. STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY; MEMBER OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF FRANCE, OF PENNSYLVANIA, ETC. ALBANY: C. VAN BENTHUYSEN, PRINTER TO THE LEGISLATURE No. 407 Broadwa y . 1856. Entered according to Act of Congress, October 8th, 1856, in- the Clerk's Office of the Northern District of New- York. No, 215. REPORT Of Asa Fitch. M. D., on tlie Noxious, Beneficial, and other Insects of the State of New-York. I herewith submit a Report upon the Noxious and other Insects of the State of New-York, particularly such as are injurious to fruit trees, pursuant to your instructions, delivered to me in May last. I also present specimens of the several insects herein described, and of the vegetation as depredated upon by them, from which drawings may be taken for illustrating this report, and which are thereafter to be deposited in the Entomological department of the Museum of the Society. It has been common in treatises upon economical entomology, to arrange the several species in their scientific order. Although this mode of arrangement has its advantages, it presupposes such an acquaintance with scientific entomology as but very few indi- viduals in our country possess. A person who meets with a worm, say, mining a cavity in the leaves of the apple tree, and consuming their parenchyma, -knows not whether that worm is the larva of a Coleopterous, a Lepidopterous, or some other Order of insects, and consequently is at a loss in what part of a work upon noxious insects, arranged in the usual manner, to look for an account of it. Even an experienced entomologist would be eq 'ally embarrassed in the case we have supposed, and would be [Assembly, No. 215. | 1 Z INTRODUCTION. unable to decide whether such worm was a leaf-mining moth of the Order Lepidoptera, or a prickly beetle (Hispa) of the Order Coleoptera— so closely, according to accounts, do the larvae of these*widely separated groups resemble each other. I have there- fore pursued a different mode of arrangement. As the insects which infest our fruit trees occupy the chief part of this report, they are first considered. Commencing with those which occur upon the Apple tree, I speak in succession of those which affect the root, the trunk, the twigs, the leaves, the flowers, and the fruit. In the same order, insects which occur upon the Pear, the Peach, the Plum, and the Cherry, are successively taken up. From our Fruit trees I pass to some species of much interest which have beeu examined, infesting our Forest trees, our Field crops, and our Garden vegetables. This mode of arrangement of the several topics will be perfectly intelligible to every reader; and, aided by the brief heading which precedes the account of each species, will enable him to turn at once to any insect which he wishes to find, which is here described. In a field of such extent, and comprising such a multitude of objects, it will not be expected that the researches of a single season can suffice to briDg this subject to anything approaching to completeness. I think it is Saint Pierre who remarks that he had made it a point to examiae the several insects which made their appearance upon a particular rose bush in his garden, and at the end of thirty years he continued to find new kinds which he had never seen upon the bush before. And however assiduously one may investigate the history of a particular species during the period of its appearance one season, if he returns to the same insect another year, additional traits in its habits commonly con- tinue to be discovered, equal in importance frequently to those Which were first noticed. Those species which I have been able to investigate since I received your instructions, including several which have never been noticed in our country before, will be found fully reported in the following pages. The history of some important depredators upon our American fruit trees, the Plum weevil, for instance, and the Canker worm, which I have not as yet had time and favorable oportunities for examining, I hope to present on a future occasion. INTRODUCTION. O As it is the primary object of this report to diffuse information upon an important topic with which very few are at present con- versant, I have throughout endeavored to treat the subject in a plain, familiar manner, avoiding any unnecessary resort to techni- cal language, and using no terms but such as will be found clearly denned in dictionaries which are in every school district in our State. A few words such as antenna?, thorax, abdomen, and elytra, which are so common in works upon insects that no one can expect to obtain the slightest acquaintance with this science with- out becoming familiar with them, I have employed, as it would savor of fastidiousness to substitute in their stead the correspond- ing Englisn terms of horns or feelers, chest, body and wing- covers, which applied to insects are mudined from their common meaning, and the general reader will encounter much the same task in familiarizing himself to this modified signification that he will have in learning the more definite and convenient technical terms and their signification. Those portions of the report which are designed for perusal only when one has specimens before him of which he is desirous to ascertain the names, are inserted in a type of a smaller size. The dimensions of the several insects, larva?, &c, are expressed in inches and the fractional parts of an inch, 1.25 thus implying an inch and a quarter, 0.75 seventy-five hundredths, or three- fourths of an inch, &c. With these explanations I submit to you this report, with the hope that it may aid in rendering this branch of science more known to our citizens and available in adding to their comfort and welfare. ASA FITCH. FitcJi's Point {East Greenwich, P. 0.), March 14, 1855. P. S. The Legislature having made provisions for a continu- ance of this work, as another report will be presented the coming year, a number of species which are in a state of forwardness for publication, and which we had contemplated insertingln the pre. sent document, are withheld in the crowded state of the Society's volume of Transactions the present year, with the hope that we 4 INTRODUCTION. shall be able to obtain additional facts to render our account of these species more complete and exact, and also with the antici- pation that we shall be able to accompany them with suitable illustrations, which could not be got ready for insertion in the present volume. A. F. August 7, 1855. [Notk. — This report is also published in the " Transactions of the New-York State Agricultural Society," vol. xiv, pp. 705-880.] INSECTS INFESTING FRUIT TREES. 1. THE APPLE. AFFECTING THE ROOT. Wart-like excrescences growing upon the roots, sometimes of an enormous size; containing in their crevices exceedingly minute lice, often ac- companied with larger winged ones having their bodies covered with a white cotton-like matter. The Apple-root Blight, Pemphigus Pyri. Synonyms, Eriosoma Pyri, Fitch, Fourth Report of the N. Y. State Cabinet of Nat. Hist., A. D. 1851, (Senate Document, No. 30) p. 68. Pemphigus dmericanus 1 Walker, List of Homopterous Insects in the British Museum, 1852, p. 1057. Upon the 29th day of October, 1849, 1 was occupied in setting out a number of young Apple trees which had been brought me from the nursery at Glens Falls, Warren county, when, on the roots of one of these trees, I observed some very singular excres- cences. I was conjecturing as to the cause of this remarkable disease, which appeared to be sufficient to destroy the tree, when, nearly concealed in one of the largest excrescences, a woolly Plant- louse was perceived, and on further inspection, a second one was found, similarly secreted — one of these being dead, the other alive. And on examining the crevices of this excrescence with a magnifying glass, they were discovered to be occupied by nu- merous lice, so minute as to be wholly imperceptible to the naked eye. These, there can scarcely be a doubt, were the young of the larger winged lice, first noticed. Upon the wing, ingioves, late in the autumn, I have captured numerous individuals of this same species, where no apple trees were growing within a half mile. These were probably bred upon the roots of the Thorn or the Shad-bush (Jlmelanckier Canadensis) , and it may possibly prove to be the fact that this 6 APPLE-ROOT BLIGHT ITS EXTENT. insect is not limited to the Pomcoz family, but infests the roots of other deciduous forest and fruit trees. This affection of the roots of Apple trees has occasionally been noticed in our agricultural periodicals, and various inquiries have been made respecting the insect which occasions them, which inquiries have received no satisfactory answers, for the reason that the insect is a new species, different from any hitherto described in books or known to our nurserymen and fruit growers. A communication from J. Fulton, jr., of Chester county, Pa., in Downing's Horticulturist, vol. iii, p. 391, gives additional evi- dence of this being a common disease over a large extent of our country, and causing great losses to our nurserymen. He says : " The main purpose of my writing is to call attention to an im- portant matter, and to ask for light upon the subject. In taking up trees this fall (1848), I notice that some of the roots will .be full of excrescences, or warts, and covered with a minute white, woolly insect; and that some of them find lodgment on the trunks of the trees, in the partly closed wounds made by prun- ing. As the tree seemed vigorous, I paid little attention to the subject, until another nurseryman called my attention to the subject, and stated, that not being able to supply the demand for Apple trees, he had been at several nurseries in this State to purchase, and was hard set to get a supply, because so many proved diseased in this way, and that thousands had to be thrown away. Since this, a young friend of mine has returned from Virginia, where he had sold and delivered several thousand trees ; and he informs me that his trees were very generally so, and that he was not aware that the appearance was at all prejudicial to the health or value of the trees, nor did the propagator of them seem to be aware of their hurtful nature. Can this insect be the ' woolly aphis V And if so, what can nurserymen do to get rid of a pest which, unfortunately, is by no means rarely seen 1 I have detected the presence of the insect much the most frequently on trees which grow on a gravelly or slaty soil, and seldom on trees growing in a mellow loam." A short description of this species was published in my cata- logue of the Homopterous Insects, in the State Cabinet of Natural APPLE-ROOT BLIGHT ITS GENERIC NAME. 7 History, under the name of Eriosoma Pyri, All those Plant lice Which were formerly included in Dr. Leach's genus Eriosoma, which have all the veins of the wings simple, and those in the disk of the hind pair two in number, now form the genus Pem- phigus of Hartig (Germar's Zeitsch. vol. iii, p. 366), to which genus it is therefore necessary to refer this insect.* Several of the other species of this genus, as well as the present one, are known to infest the roots of plants. I entertain scarcely a doubt that this is the same species which Mr. Walker soon afterwards described, from specimens obtained in Nova Scotia, under the name of Pemphigu Jlimricanus ; though the length which he as- signs to it (four lines) is rather greater than any individuals I have met with. To our nurserymen it obviously belongs, to fully elucidate the history of this species, ^ind the disease which it occasions, as they enjoy opportunities lor observing it such as belong to no other profession. The knots, or excrescences, occur both upon the large roots of the Apple tree and their more slender, fibrous, and capillary branches. In the single instance in which they * Mr. Westwood, In his Arcana Entomologia, vol. ii. p. S3, observes that the name Bryso- •crypta (Byrsocrypta) of Haliday must be retained for Hartigs genus Pemphigus. And on the next page we are told: " The generic name of Eriosoma (Leach) must take place of that of Pemphigus, and be restricted to such species as differ from Aphis bursarius." There is a contradiction here, which I can only account for by supposing the distinguished author, who is so accurate a nomenclator, has inadvertently placed the name Pemphigus in the lat- ter quotation, where he intended to insert Schizoncura. The first division of the old Lin- nsean genus Aphis appears to have been made in 1819, when Sainouelle (in his Entomologist's Companion, p. 232) published the genus Eriosoma from Dr. Leach's MSS., with the "E, Mali, the Aphis lanigcra of authors," or the well-known Apple tree blight, as its type. Samouelle's little work, truly a " Ui-eful Companion'' in its day, probably was not circulated upon the Continent, and entomologists there seem to have been uninformed of its contents. Several synonyms, in consequence, have unfortunately been introduced into the science. Five years afterwards, Blot (in the Memoirs of the Linnasan Society of Calvados, vol. i. p. 114) named the same insect Myzoxylus Mali, which name has been extensively circulated by French writers. Still more recently, Hartig (in Germar's Zeitschrift, vol. iii. p. 367) has proposed the name Schizoneura for this same genus; whilst Macquart has bestowed the name Eriosoma upon a genus of flies, in the Order Biptcra. Mr. Westwood is clearly right in re- taining Dr. Leach's name for the genus having Aphis lanigera as its type. With regard to the statement first made above, I would observe, Mr. Haliday first proposed the genus llyrsocrypta, if I mistake not, in the Annals of Nat. Hist, for the year 1839, page 189, placing under this genus the Aphis Ulmi of Geoffroy, and a new species which he names pallida. We henee regard the Ulmi and not the bursarius as the type of Mr. Haliday's genus. Consequently the name Byrsocnpta must be retail, d for the genus which has Ulmi for its typo, namely, the Tctrancura of Hartig; whilst his crius Pemphigus, with bursarius as its type, is entitled to stand. I therefore give our Am' ican species under this name. 8 APPLE-ROOT BLIGHT EXCRESCENCES DESCRIBED. have come under my notice, the main root of the young tree was half an inch in diameter, half a span below the surface, at which point it was two-thirds surrounded by an excrescence two inches in length and three inches in diameter and height, and connected to the root by a neck much smaller than its base. (The accompanying figure is a view of the back of this excrescence, reduced to one-fourth its actual size, and one of the small fibrous roots, with an excrescence thereon. The original specimen is pre- served in the Entomological department of the Museum of the State Agricultural. $ociet}\) It is of an irregular, knobbed form. Its surface is of the same yellowish-brown color as the bark of the root, and is everywhere crowded with little round elevations, from the size of a mustard se^d to that of a buck shot or a small pea. On cutting one of the projecting knobs, it is found to be of a very hard, woody texture, and without any cavities in its center. Upon the main root, between this and the surface of the earth, was a second similar excrescence, but smaller; whilst upon several of the small capillary fibres were similar tubers, from the size of a pea to that of a bullet. These excrescences are doubtless formed in much the some way that galls and other morbid enlargements in the structure of vege- tables are produce.d. The parent insect insinuates herself down- wards along the side of the root, as it would appear, at the close of autumn, and there deposits her stock of eggs, and perishes. These eggs hatch when the ground becomes warm the following spring, and the young lice insert their beaks into the bark of the root to extract their nourishment therefrom. Their punctures produce a kind of irritation, which causes an increased flow t)f fluids to the spot where they are located. This excessive amount of sap thus diverted to this part occasions an increased growth of the wrood, and results in the enormous development which we have witnessed. As in other cases in this family, these lice pro- bably continue to multiply without any intercourse of the sexes until autumn, when wringed individuals are developed, which APPLE-ROOT BLIGHT INSECT DESCRIBED. 9 leave their retreat, and coming abroad into the open air, copu- late, and search out new situations in which to plant their species. Others, as I infer from the lateness of the season when I found young lice upon the excrescences, remain in their abode through the winter, to continue their operations upon the same roots the following year. The yong larva: as appears from the hasty notes and sketch which I was able to take whilst they were still alive, were scarcely four hundredths of an inch in length, of an oval form and a pale dull yellow color. Their legs were shortish, robust, and nearly equal in length. The antennae appeared much like a fourth pair of legs, be- jng robust, and about the same length as the legs; they seemed to be five-jointed, the joints successively diminish- ing in diameter, the one next to the last being longest. From the tip of the abdomen of each of these jroung lice protru- ded a white filament, or short thread of flocculent cotton- like matter, variously curled and crinkled in different indi- viduals, The whiteness of this filament rendered it perceptible to the naked eye, and served to show the situation of the insect as it moved about upon the surface of the excrescence, when otherwise it would have been wholly invisible. The mature winged individuals are nearly or quite a quarter of an inch in length to the tips of the closed wings, and these, when spread, measure thirty- eight hundredths of an inch across. The body, legs and attennse, are coal black; the attennse are about half the length of the body, and the head and ab- domen on its back are covered with a dense mass of snow white or bluish white flocculent down. The upper wings are transparent and slightly smoky, as though fine dust had settled upon them. This cloudiness is rather mqre dense at their tips. The veins are black, faintly margined with dusky brown. The rib vein is robust, and from its base to the stigma, very slightly approaches the margin, it then gradually diverges from it to the base of the fourth vein, where it is more distant from the margin than in any other part of its course* it thence curves slightly towards the margin, and joins it at a very acute angle, the margin being commonly slightly contracted, or obtusely notched, at the point of junction. The first vein curves slightly towards the tip on its basal part, and then runs straight, or near its apex curves almost imperceptibly towards the inner margin. The second vein is rather more robust than the first, is thickest in its middle, at its base curved towards the tip, middle por- tion straight, apical third curving towards the inner margin; its base is nearer to the base of the first vein than to the outer margin, and it is about seven times as far from the first vein at the apex as it is at the base. The third vein is rather more slender than the first, nearly straight, sub-parallel with the second vein two-thirds of its length, its basal third abortive and imperceptible except in a particular reflection of the light, base about the same distance from the base of the second vein that this is from the first, apex nearer the apex of the second vein than this is to the first. The fourth vein is more robust than the first and third, thickest at base and gradually more slender thence to the 10 APPLT-ROOT BLIGHT — REMEDIES. tip, basal portion gently curved, the remaining part straight, its apex nearer that of the third than that of the rib vein, about the same distance from the apex of the rib vein that the apex of the third vein is from that of the second. Marginal vein robust and black from the base to the stigma, very slender and black along the outer margin of the stigma, slender and brown from the stig- ma around the tip of the wing aud along its inner margin to the apex of the first vein, thence robust and black, gradually becoming brown towards the base, stigma dark smoky brown, oblong, its opposite sides nearly parallel, abruptly converging to an acute point at each end, the basal end more acute than the apical, and slightly attenuated. Lower wings more clear and hyaline; marginal vein and Suter filament of the rib vein pale brown, inner filament black and very gradually diverging from the outer, both filaments undulated beyond the base of the second vein; the two discoidal veins blackish, the first slightly undulated, its apex the same distance from the apex of the second that this is from that of the inner filament of the rib vein. ^.n abnormal variety has fallen under my notice in one instance, in which the apex of the fourth vein of the right wing was slightly forked. When a tree ceases to grow with its usual vigor, and its leaves are of a paler and more yellow hue than usual, and no borers in the trunk, or other obvious cause of disease can be discovered, the presence of this blight upon its roots may be suspected, and the earth should be removed from them sufficiently to ascertain whether excrescences such as have been above described are formed upon them, and if discovered, it will be well to clear away the earth from around them as much as can conveniently be done, and pour strong soapsuds upon them, that it may satu- rate the crevices in the excrescences, for there isjittle doubt that every insect that is reached and wetted by this solution will im- mediately perish. And ashes should be freely mingled with the soil with which the roots are covered. It is probable that by a resort to these measures an affected tree can in most instances be cured. It is chiefly in nurseries, upon the roots of young trees taken up to be transplanted, that the blight will be detected. In con- sequence of it thousands of trees in our country have undoubt edly been thrown away. But there is probably no necessity for rejecting such trees. If the root be dipped in soapsuds, unless the lice upon it are a muchharJier race tham their kindred which dwell upon the leaves and twigs of trees, they will at once be destroyed, and such trees may then be set out wrifh as much APPLE-TRUNK BORER ITS EXTENT. 11 safety as though they had never been affected. This, at all events is a point which any nurseryman can easily ascertain by experi- ment. Mr. Downing recommends the mixing of a shovelfull of ashes with the earth in which such trees are set, which may be equally as effectual as an immersion of the roots in soapsuds. AFFECTING THE TRUNK. Excavating a round flat cavity under the bark near the root, and then boring a cylindrical hole upward in the solid wood: a yellowish or white, footless, cylindrical grub, broadest anteriorly, with a brown head and black jaws. The Apple Tree Borer. Saperda bivittata, Say. Synonym, Saperda Candida? Fabricius. This is one of the worst enemies against which our apple trees have to contend. It is much more common everywhere in our country than is generally supposed. The editor of the Ohio Cul- tivator (vol. x, page 212), speaks of it as a New England insect, which has never been seen as yet, to his knowledge, in Ohio. There can be no doubt, however, that it is common in that State, for I met with it last autumn in the orchards of Michigan and Illinois, and am informed by the editor of the Prairie Farmer that it has for many years been found in the neighborhood of Chicago. Specimens of the beetle have also been sent me from Arkansas ; and as this is a native insect which breeds in the dif- ferent species of thorn, in the mountain ash, and the shad-bush, there is a strong probability that it is as widely spread over our country as these trees are. And notwithstanding it*has been so often noticed in our agricultural and other papers, many of out citizens are yet wholly unaware of its existence, and others who are familiar with the published accounts, suppose it occurs only in some distant localities, and are wholly unsuspicious that their own neighborhoods and their own trees are suffering from it. We have reason to believe that in many instances where orchards are dwindling and dicing from the attacks of this insect, their pro- prietors suppose there is something in the soil or local situation which prevents their fruit trees from being more vigorous and flourishing. In many sections of our country, it is the current 12 APPLE-TRUNK BORER — ITS EXTENT. opinion that particular localities are unfavorable to the growth of fruit trees, and this opinion has almost invariably arisen from the fact that orchards planted in these situations have not been thrifty and productive. Now there is a strong probability that, at least in many cases, those failures have been caused by the attacks of insects, and that these localities which are in such bad repute are in reality as well adapted for fruit culture as any others in their vicinity. The justness of these remarks will be evident from the following case : A lot at East Greenwich, Washington co., recently purchased by Dr Henry K. McLean, had ten young apple trees standing upon it, which are about ten feet high. The bad condition of these trees was noticed by the doctor, when bar- gaining for the land, and he was told by the former owner that he must not expect fruit trees to do well there, the soil and situation (a terraced flat of gravel, bordering upon Batten kill,) being unadapted to them. Other residents in the neighborhood reite- rated the same statement. The doctor, on inspecting the trees more closely, soon afterwards, discovered that they were badly infested with the borer, and going to work with his knife, he last spring dug out and destroyed from these ten trees, over sixty worms, as he assures me, although the statement is almost incredi- ble. Several of the trees were almost girdled, and would have been quite so in a short time. These trees now show for them- selves that during the past summer they have scarcely been equalled in the rapidity of their growth and their thrifty condi- tion, by any others in the country. And it is thus rendered evi- dent that the gardens and yards of that neighborhood are well adapted for'the cultivation at least of the apple tree, and that the bad repute in which they have heretofore been held, has been wholly unmerited. Elmer Ealdwin, Esq., of Farm Ridge, La Salle county, Illi- nois, an intelligent fruit culturist, who has had much experience with some of the insects infesting our fruit trees, and to whom I am indebted for several interesting facts relating to thi« and other species, informs me, that he sat out fifty apple trees in the year 1838, and in 1813 when they had grown to about three inches in diameter, a neighbor enquired if the borer was among APPLE-TRUNK BORER ITS EGGS. 13 • his trees, saying it had killed nearly half the trees in his or- chard. This was the first time his attention was directed to this insect, and on examination he found that almost every one of his trees had from one to five worms in them; and several were de- stroyed, beyond all possibility of saving them. In one instance he has found twenty of these worms in one tree. For a few years past they have not been so numerous in his vicinity as they previously were. He has kept a pretty accurate account of his fruit trees, and finds that of all the apple trees he has planted, he has lost one in every eight from the borer. The in- sect is more fond of the quince, even, than it is of the apple, in- somuch that he has found it impossible to grow this fruit, the stalks, notwithstanding all the care he has given them, being almost invariably riddled by the borer. Though he has set out very many quince trees during the past sixteen years, he has never been able to get but a dozen quinces, and these were gathered in the fall of 1853, when all kinds of fruit were so abundant in his section of country. The accounts which have been given, and the ideas that are prevalent respecting the burrow which this worm excavates in the trees which it attacks are very imperfect, and in part erro- neous. It is the common opinion that it simply bores a cylindri- cal passage upwards in the solid wood of the tree, which passage it keeps clean and empty. If this were the case, a constant effort, I think, would be required to prevent this footless worm from falling to the bottom of its burrow. As we shall see, that part of its operations whereby it does the most injury to the tree, has been hitherto overlooked. The winged beetle makes its appearance every year early in June. Like other species of the family of long horned beetles (Cerambycidce) to which it pertains, it flies only by night. In the course of this and the following month the female deposits her eggs, one in a place, upon the bark, low down, at or very near the surface of the earth; but when these beetles are numerous, some of their eggs are placed higher up, particularly in the axils where the lower limbs proceed from the trunk. From each of these eggs is hatched a minute grub, or more properly a maggot, 14 APPLE-TRUNK BORER ITS BURROW. for it has no feet. It is of a white color, with a yellowish tinge to its head. This maggot eats its way directly downwards in the bark, producing a discoloration where it is situated. If the outer dark colored surface of the bark be scraped off with a knife the last of August or forepart of September, so as to expose the clean white bark beneath, as can easily be done without any in- jury to the tree, wherever there is a young worm it can readily be detected. A little blackish spot, rather larger than a kernel of wheat, will be discovered wherever an egg has been deposited, and by cutting slightly into the bark the worm will be found. It gradually works its way onwards through the bark, in- creasing in size as it advances, until it reaches the sap-wood; here it takes up its abode, feeding upon and consuming the soft wood, hereby forming a smooth round flat cavity, the size of a dollar or larger, immediately under the bark. It keeps its bur- row clean by pushing its excrement out of a small crevice or opening through the bark, which it makes at the lower part of its burrow, and if this orifice becomes clogged up it opens another. This excrement resembles new fine saw dust, and enables us rea- dily to detect the presence of the worm by the little heap of this substance which is accumulated on the ground, commonly cover- ing the hole out of which it is extruded, and by particles of it which adhere around the orifice where it is higher up, or in the fork of the tree; the outer surface of the bark also often becomes slightly depressed, or flattened, over this cavity. When the worm is half grown, or more, as if conscious it would now form a dainty tidbit for a woodpecker or any other insect-, ivorous bird, and that it was daily becoming less secure in its present situation, by reason ol its burrow being so large, and forming so much of a cavity as to be liable to be detected by any scrutiny made on the outside of the tree, it seeks to place itself in 'a less exposed situation, by gnawing a cylindrical retreat for itself upwards in the solid heart-wood of the tree. Some of its habits are now reversed. The flat cavity which it was so careful to keep clean it is now intent upon filling up and obliterating, as far as it is able, that it may not be discovered. It ceases to eject its castings, and now crowds and packs them in the lower part of its burrow, as it bores a round hole, upward, in the solid wood. APPLE-TRUNK BORER ITS BURROW. 15 This hole runs slightly inwards, towards the centre of the tree, and then outwards, so that when it is completed its upper end is perfi >rated through the sap-wood, and. is only covered, by the bark. The lower flat portion of its burrow is by this time stuffed in every part with its castings, whilst the long cylindrical passage above is still empty. As if fearful that these castings, being so fine and dry, might sift out, and thus leave an open passage for some marauding in- sect or other enemy to crawl in and destroy it during its defenceless pupa state, and that it may, during this period of its life, be securely held in- the middle of its cylindrical hole, the worm now turns itself around, (as I think for it is impossible to conjecture how otherwise this long round cavity becomes filled in the manner in which we usually find it,) and with its jaws strips a quantity of woody fibres from the inner walls of the middle part of its bur- row, thus enlarging this part sufficiently to give it ample room to repose here in its pupa state, when its body becomes more short and broad than it has previously been. With these fibres of wood, which are from a half to three-fourths of an inch in length, it firmly plugs up all the lower part of its burrow above the flat excavation in the sap-wood, plach g the fibres frequently in as regular order as the hairs of a mustache. And the castings which it voids when in this inverted position are crowded, and firmly packed together in the upper end of its burrow. Thus the long cylindrical hole which it has bored becomes filled up, and securely plugged with woody debris at each extremity, leav- ing only a vacant space in its middle, where it is deepest sunk in the wood of the tree, for the insect to lie during its pupa state. The annexed cut will give an idea of these burrows and their contents, as they appear when the bark is removed and the wood cut away sufficiently to expose their whole length to view. Having now finished its labors ana attained its growth it again turns itself around to its former posture, with its head upwards, 16 APPLE-TRUNK BORER ITS BURROW. becomes inactive, and lies dormant during the winter season, and the following spring is transformed to a pupa. From this pupa the perfect insect soon after hatches, and tearing away the saw- dust like powder which has been packed in the upper end of its burrow, it has only to break through the bark here, which it easily does with its sharp, powerful jaws, to come out of the tree. It will thus be seen that the burrow of this worm consists of two distinct parts — a round flat excavation in the sap-wood, im- mediately under the bark, and a long round hole in the solid wood, running upwards from the upper part of the flat cavity, first inwards towards the centre of the trunk, and then outwards to the bark. This upper portion of the burrow is variable in its length, being sometimes no more than an inch and three-quar- ters, and at other times, as I am informed, a foot or more. The lower flat portion as already stated, is about the size of a dollar, but is frequently much larger than this; and when the worm comes to knots or other obstructions when excavating it, instead of making it round it is cut out in an irregular form. But in all cases the worm passes the first periods of its life in consuming the sap-wood, its jaws probably being too weak as yet to enable it to work in the harder wood of the interior of the tree, and it is by thus mining in the sap wood, and cutting off so many of its vessels, that this worm does the chief injury to the tree, stint- ing it in its growth, and causing the leaves to assume a yellowish, sickly hue. And where four or five worms are at work in one young tree, as is often the case, these flat cavities in the sap- wood are liable to come in contact with each other, and thus completely girdle and destroy the tree. Numerous variations in the form and direction of the burrows of these borers may be met with. Some of the worms seem to be very wild and erratic in their proceedings. It is sometimes the case that as soon as it reaches the sap-wood it works directly up- wards, under the bark, and then turns, it may be, obliquely downwards before entering the heart-wood. A most singular de- viation from the usual habit was related to me by Esquire Bald- win, as follows : " The borer first made a flexuous channel up- APPLE-TRUNK BORER THE LARVA. 17 wards under the bark, a distance of two feet, the channel be- coming gradually larger as the worm had increased in size. Having traced its burrow thus far by means of a pointed twig, for (said my informant) whenever I find one of these fellows in my trees I am after him immediately ' with a sharp stick,' I found he had bored directly through the centre or heart of the, tree, which was four inches in diameter, taking a course slightly upwards, so that after loosening and removing some of the stuff- ing in the hole, I discovered my rod had pricked through the bark on the opposite side of the tree, and yet did not encounter the worm; but on examining upon this side of the tree I found having not quite completed his feast, he had gone upwards in the sap-wood three inches further, where I finally discovered ' the gentleman.' He evidently had finished his travels, for he was an inch and a half in length, was sluggish and inactive, and to all appearances was about changing to a pupa."' According to Dr. Harris (Treatise on New England Insects, page 95,) the larva state of this insect continues from two to three years. Mr. T. B. Ashton, of Whitecreek, New-York, informs me that he has in different years captured about one hundred and fifty of these beetles in their perfect state, and that only one-third of these have been females. According to his observations the time of their appearance varies somewhat, as the season is more for- ward or backward, but commonly, here in Washington county, forty miles north of Albany, they begin to be found upon the trees about the 20th of June, from which time until the close of the month they appear to be more numerous than they are after- wards. The mature worm varies considerably in its size, but is most commonly rather less than an inch long, and over a quarter of an inch in diameter ante- riorly at its broadest part. It is of a cylindrical form, the second segment be- ing bulged and rather broader than the others. It is soft and fleshy, and of a very pale yellow or a white color. The head is chestnut-brown, polished and horny, with scattered hairs; the upper jaws (mandibles) are deep black, sloped at their tips, which are obtusely rounded; between them appears the labrum or upper lip, of a tawny yellow color, and densely clothed with short hairs; the throat is also pale tawny yellow. The feelers (palpi) consist of a conical, three-jointed process, on the under side of each mandible, and inserted upon the lower jaw (maxilla) the tip of which slightly projects in the form of a short roundish process at the inner base of the feelers. The feelers of the [Assem. No. 215.] 2 18 APPLE-TRUNK BORER THE BEETLE. lower lip (labial palpi) are also perceptible, forming a conical two-jointed pro- cess of a chestnut color, inside of each lower jaw. The antennae are also rep- resented by a small jointed, projecting point, near the outer angles of the head, so minute that we should little suspect it would become developed into the long horn which we find in the winged beetle. Scattered oyer the remainder of th& body, more densely in particular places, are numerous short brown hairs. The- second segment is larger than any of the others, as shown in the following cut; its upper side slopes obliquely downwards and forwards, and is occupied by a large smooth spot of a pale tawny yellow color, the posterior part of which is covered with brown points; beneath is a smaller transverse space, occupied by similar points, but with a band destitute of them running across its middle, and on each side is a pale tawny yellow spot destitute of these brown points. The third and fourth segments are shorter than the following ones. On the top of the fourth and each of the succeeding segments, to the tenth, is a trans- verse wart-like elevation, divided into two parts by a strongly impressed lon- gitudinal line. Along each side the spiracles or breathing pores form a row of nine chestnut brown dots, situated upon the second, the fifth and each of the following segments; and immediately below these is an elevated longitudinal ridge, which is interrupted at the joints. Beneath, as above, is a transverse wart like hump on the middle of each seg- ment from the fourth to the tenth, with a faint longitudinal impression across its middle. There are thirteen segments in all, separated from each other by strong constrictions. The last one of these is double, or appears like two segments, its posterior portion being but half as broad as the anterior, into which it is deeply sunk. The perfect insect or beetle measures from slightly over one-half to plump three-fourths of an inch in length, and frc-m 0.17 to 0.25 in width, the males being smaller and much more slender than the females. It is covered with dense appressed milk-white pubescence, and above are three broad stripes, formed by short appressed hairs, of an umber or butternut brown color, not a fuscous brown, as is stated in some of the descriptions. These stripes com- mence upon the base of the head and extend the whole length of the body. Both upon the thorax and the elytra, they are coarsely punctured, each puncture yielding a short black nearly erect bristle. The middle stripe embraces the suture of the elytra, is gradually narrowed to a point posteriorly, and does not reach the apex of the suture. The outer stripes are narrower on the tho- rax, and occupy the outer half of each etytrum, and are edged exteriorly at their tips with white. The white portions of the surface are clothed with fine white hairs, which on the face are interspersed with black bristles arising from fine black punctures. The head has an impressed black line in its mid- dle, upon which in the center of the face is a brown spot, which is round, kid- ney-shaped or like the letter V. In the females this spot is sometimes want- ing, or is replaced by two faint dots. The mouth is black, with the labrum or upper lip and the bases of the mandibles clothed with white appressed hairs. The eyes are coal black. The antennas are inserted upon a short broad promi- nence which arises in the notch of the eyes. They are slightly longer than the body in the males and shorter in the females. They are composed of eleven APPLE-TRUNK BORER — ITS SCIENTIFIC NAME. 19 joints, whereof the second one is quite short and all the others long and cylin- drical, the basal one being much thicker than the others. They are covered with appressed white hairs upon a black ground, causing them to appear gray in the males and white in the females. The basal joint has several scattered black bristles, and upon the under side is a row of similar bristles to the end of the fifth joint, and three at the tips of each of the three following joints. The thorax presents a slender line in its middle, which line is impressed poste- riorly and elevated anteriorly, its anterior end being often of a white color. The legs are of the same color as the antennae, the soles of the feet being pale brown or yellowish, and the hooks at their tips are reddish-brown, This insect was regarded as a new species by Mr. Say, and he accordingly described it in the year 1824, in the Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, (vol. iii. p. 409,) under the name of Saperda bivittata or the Two-striped. Saperda, which name is also adopted by Dr. Harris, and is currently known throughout •our country as the scientific name of this insect. Fabricius long since very briefly noticed a species (Entomologia Systematica, vol. i b. p. 307,) which he found in the museum of Dr. Hunter, the native country of which was unknown, under the name of Super da Candida, or the White Saperda. He merely says of this insect that it is white, above fuscous with two white stripes, and with obtuse, smooth elytra. As Dr. Hunter's museum contained many insects from this country, Prof. HaldemanandDr. Le Conte regard our Apple tree borer as being without doubt the S. Can- dida of Fabricius. In this they are probably correct; but as our insect is clearly of an umber and not a fuscous brown color, and lias punctured elytra, marks which are at variance with the Fa- brician account, I deem it more safe to retain the name given by Mr. Say, connected with which there is no query, until our insect has been compared with the specimen, which is probably still in existence, and from which Fabricius drew his description. Among the means provided by the Author of Nature for de- stroying this borer and keeping it from becoming unduly multi- plied, the woodpeckers of our country, and particularly the Downy woodpecker (Picas pubesce?iSj Lin,) which is so frequently seen in our orchards, stands conspicuous. This gay bird seems to have been endowed with the habits and furnished with the organs which it possesses, for the express purpose of enabling it to discover and prey upon the Apple-tree borer and similar 20 APPLE-TRUNK BORER DESTROYED BY BIRDS. larvse. As these worms place themselves under the bark, down at the very surface of the ground, their lurking place can only be found by a bird which makes its examinations with its head down- wards ; and the slender, extensile, flexible, barbed tongue of this bird was evidently constructed to enable it to probe the holes and explore the crevices and cavities of the bark, and transfix and drag from its cell any worm which is found reposing there. Es- quire Baldwin tells me that in numerous instances he has found the flat cavity excavated by the borer under the bark, without any vestiges of a worm in it, and has been wholiy at a loss to ac- count for its disappearance at this time, when its burrow is not half completed. My neighbor, Peter Reid, who has devoted much attention to our birds and their habits, informs me he has repeat- edly noticed the woodpecker remaining some considerable time down at the very root of the Apple tree, busily occupied in some operation at that particular part. These facts we think clearly elucidate each other, and render it evident that the woodpecker is the most formidable natural enemy to the Apple-tree borer which exists. And whether such a war of extermination should be waged against this bird, as has been declared by high authority (Kirtlands's Zool. 0., p. 179), we leave to be considered hereafter. It is probable, from what is said of the next species, that this also is subject to the attacks of Hymenopterous or Bee-like para- sites, which feed upon and destroy the worm, although I am not aware that any of these have as yet been actually discovered preying upon it. On glancing over the various remedies which have been pro- posed, and which may be met with in our agricultural papers, for the destruction of this borer, we are forcibly impressed with the fact, that, although these publications are doing great good in our community, they still unwittingly circulate many things that are foolish, and some that are pernicious. As an instance, we may cite the following : "One of the surest means to destroy the borers in Apple trees, is to make a solution of potash, two pounds to a gallon of water, which must be injected into the hole where the borer has entered, by means of a syringe holding half a pint." Now, we are not without suspicions that so strong a solution of caustic potash would destroy not only the borer, but the tree APPLE-TRUNK BORER REMEDIES — SOAP. 21 also., especially if a half pint of it could be injected into each of the holes which are frequently made by four or five worms in one young tree. But as these holes are commonly already stuffed full of sawdust-like matter and woody fibres, we see not how any- thing can possibly be injected until these are removed. And this solution, we are further told, must be injected " into the hole where the borer has entered," Now this hole is at first no larger than a pin, and often becomes wholly closed up in the course of a few weeks, so that, as Hood says, " there a'n't no Billy there " — the worm having opened another orifice through which to eject its castings. Yet the terms of the prescription are explicit and peremptory. Through the hole where the worm has entered the solution " must be " injected. In the treatment of the Apple-tree borer, to use a medical term, there are two w indications." The first is, to protect the tree from attack; the second, to destroy the worm. And as we have simple, direct, and effectual modes for accomplishing both these purposes, there is no occasion for dwelling upon those which are of doubtful efficacy or inconvenient to be applied. Experiments amply show that alkaline preparations of suitable strength are most repulsive, nay, directly poisonous to most in- sects and their larvae, whilst upon vegetation they have an oppo- site effect, promoting the health and accelerating the growth of plants. Of these preparations, one of the least expensive, one which is everywiiere at hand, and of suitable strength for being applied freely to the outer bark of trees without danger of ero- ding or otherwise injuring its texture, is common soft soap. Many citizens from all parts of our State, who were present at the last annual meeting of the State Agricultural Society, will recollect the high encomiums passed upon this article, by the Hon. A. B. Dickinson, and his statement that a handful of it placed in the axils of the lower limbs was a sovereign prophylactic, repelling all insects from the tree. Although we cannot deem the applica- tion of this substance in this simple manner such a panacea as was intimated, indeed, we are confident it could have no effect to prevent a moth or a plant-louse from alighting and depositing its eggs upon the distant leaves and twigs — yet against all those 22 APPLE-TRUNK BORER REMEDIES — SOAP. insects which infest the trunk or which are obliged to crawl up the trunk to gain access to the tree, we have little doubt it will prove an effectual safeguard. Washed downwards as it will be by the rains so as to impregnate the bark over the chief part of the trunk and to the very root, there is little probability that the beetle of the Apple-tree borer will venture to deposit its eggs in a situation where those eggs, or the young worms which proceed from them, will be exposed to destruction from encountering this alkaline matter. The late Mr. Downing (Horticulturist, vol. ii. p. 531) recommended a mixture of soap, sulphur, and tobacco- water, with which to paint the bark of the tree immediately above the surface of the ground, and in the axils of the lower limbs ; subsequently (vol. iv,p. 536) he recommends soap merely thinned with tobacco water, to the consistence of thick cream, to be ap- plied to the same places. According to his observations, the borer entirely forsook the trees which were thus washed, even though the mixture had been applied some weeks previous to the appearance of the winged beetle. There can be little doubt that the efficacy of these prescriptions of Mr. Downing depends chiefly, if not entirely, upon the soap they contain. It will be as well therefore, to apply this alone, in the manner in which it is used by Senator Dickinson, or by rubbing it in the axils of the lower limbs and around the base of the tree, these being the parts which are liable to be attacked by this insect. In all orchards where the borer is present or where a visit from it is apprehen- ded, this measure should invariably be resorted to the latter part of May, or in more northern localities, where the beetle will be somewhat later in appearing, early in June. Young thrifty trees,, especially, should be attended to, as this insect appears to be particularly inclined to infest them. With regard, in the next place, to destroying the worm, where the trees have been neglected and the beetle has been permitted to invade them and deposit its eggs. If time permits, the orchard should be examined the last of August, and the outer surface of the bark at the root scraped, to detect any black spots therein; for at tin's time, the minute worms in the bark can be more readily destroyed, than at any subsequent period, and before they have APPLE-TRUNK BORER HOW DISCOVERED. 23 ■done any injury to the tree. It is the practice of Esquire Bald- win to wash the butts of his trees with strong lye, the last of August. The newly hatched grubs are now but slightly sunk in the bark. The lye penetrates the small orifices which they have formed and destroys them. He makes it an invariable rule thus to wash his trees every year, and since he commenced this treat - aaent it is very rare that he has found a borer in them. But if, through the pressure of other avocations during the busy ■summer months, the orchard has been neglected and these borers have penetrated the wood, they should still be carefully searched out and destroyed, for they continue to cause irritation and injury to the tree so long as they remain in it. Before the fall of the leaf, trees which are badly infested may be known by their sickly, chl orotic appearance. Mr. Ashton informs me, an expe- rienced person can easily determine when young trees are suffer- ing from the borer, by taking hold of them and swaying them to and fro. Infested trees, when thus handled, feel as though they were loose at the root, in consequence, no doubt, of having so many of their fibers cut off by the worm; whilst unaffected trees feel more stiff, and as though they were firmly bound by the soil. But at all seasons of the year the presence of this worm can be most readily and certainly ascertained by examining the surface of the ground where it is in contact with the tree. The small heap of sawdust-like castings remains piled up against the bark, covering the orifice from whence they were extruded, for months afterwards. Therefore, in warm days in winter and early spring, when almost every one is most at leisure and has the strongest relish for some out-door work of this kind, the snow being off the ground, these borers may be hunted with success. Various expedients for killing the worm, such as injecting dif- ferent solutions, plugging up the hole, thrusting a wire into it, &c, have been proposed, many of them, I must think, by persons who had very little practical acquaintance with the subject on which they were writing — the opening into the burrow being at the surface of the earth in most cases, so low down and difficult of access by grass and often by suckers or young shoots growing in front of it, as to render a resort to many of these remedies very 24 APPLE-TRUNK BORER REMEDIES SCALDING WATER. difficult if not absolutely impracticable. On the whole, I think the best resort of any now in use, is that which is most commonly practised, namely, opening the burrow with a chisel or a stout bladed kniie, to where the worm lies, and destroying " the vil- lain." Experience shows that the wound thus made in the tree is of little account, as it readily heals, and injures the tree far less than does a continuance of the worm therein. Even where three, four, or five worms are cut out of one small tree, the vigor with which it starts forward immediately afterwards sufficiently attests the benefit which has been rendered it. But when I came to examine the situation of this worm and the construction of its burrow, a remedy suggested itselt to me so perfectly simple and sure, and so easy of application, as I have found on trial, that I am surprised it has never before been pro- posed. It consists in scalding the worm by pouring hot water into the top of its burrow. The upper end of the burrow can easily be found by puncturing the bark with an awl, or even with a stiff pin directly above the orifice where the castings have been ejected. It is commonly about three inches above this orifice, but may be an inch less or a few inches more. It is discovered by the point of the awl readily sinking in much deeper here than it will elsewhere. Then, with the point of a pen-knife cut away the bark, which is already dead, which covers the upper end of the burrow, and scrape out the saw-dust like castings which are packed into this part of the cavity, loosening and removing them as far down as can conveniently be done. Then from a tea pot or other vessel having a small spout, pour hot water into the hole, at intervals as it soaks downwards, for a few moments, until you are certain, from its oozing out at the lower orifice, or otherwise, that it has reached the worm sufficiently to kill it. By cutting downwards into the wood, and extracting the worm, a few min- utes after this operation^ any one can satisfy himself that the culprit is, as Patrick says, " killed dead," and that "A kettle of scalding hot water injected Infallibly cures the timber affected, The worm it will die and the tree will recorer," . Indeed it is quite probable that merely opening the upper end of the burrow, in the manner above described, so as to permit the APPLE-TRUNK BUPRESTIS — ITS HISTORY. 25 rain to enter and soak downwards, will destroy the worm. And it may be that by introducing soap or some other substance into the hole, the tree will be aided in its recovery, and the bad scar- be prevented which commonly results from the wound made by this worm. These are points which can only be determined by experiments which I have not yet had opportunities for carrying into operation. Boring under the bark and in the solid wood; a pale yellow, footless grub, its anterior end enormously large, round and flattened. Running up and down the trunk and limbs in June and the fore part of July; an oblong, brassy-blackish snapping beetle, nearly half an inch long, its back under its wings brilliant bluish green. The Thick-legged Buprestis, or Snapping-beetle, Chrysobothris femoral a, Fabricius. Another insect, which has not heretofore been noticed in our country as a borer in the Apple tree, pertains to the Family Buprestidje, or the brilliant snapping beetles. Mr. P. Barry, of the Mount Hope nurseries, Rochester, has forwarded to us sections of the body of some young Apple trees, which were sent to him from a correspondent in Hilisboro, in southern Ohio, who states that in that vicinity the borer, which is contained in the specimens sent, is doing great damage to the Apple trees, and that lie has had Peach trees also killed by this same worm. From an examination of these specimens, it appears that this insect is quite similar to the common Apple tree borer in its habits. The parent insect de- posits its eggs on the bark, from which a worm hatches, which passes through the bark and during the first periods of its life con- sumes the soft sap wood immediately under the bark. But when the worm approaches maturity and has become more strong and robust, it gnaws into the more solid heart-wood, forming a flattish, and not a cylindrical hole such as is formed by most other borers — the burrow which it excavates being twice as broad as it is high, the height measuring the tenth of an inch or slightly over. It is the latter part of summer when these worms thus sink themselves into the solid heart- wood of the tree, their burrow extending upwards from the spot under the bark where they had 26 APPLE-TRUNK BUPRESTIS — PARASITIC DESTROYERS. previously dwelt. On laying open one of these burrows I find it is more than an inch in length and all its lower part is filled and blocked up with the fine sawdust-like castings of the worm. Thus when the worm is destined to lay torpid and inactive during the long months of winter, it has the forethought, so to speak, to place itself in a safe and secure retreat, within the solid wood of the tree, with the hole leading to its cell plugged up, so as effectually to prevent any enemy from gaining admission to it. Still, this worm is not able to secure itself entirely from those parisitic insects which are the destroyers of so many other species of its race, and which, as is currently remarked, appear to have been created for the express purpose of preying upon those species, in order to prevent their becoming excessively multiplied. We should expect that this and other borers, lying as they do beneath the bark or within the wood of trees, were so securely shielded, that it would be impossible for any insect enemy to discover and gain access to them, to molest or destroy them. But among the specimens sent me by Mr. Barry, is one, where the worm has been entirely devoured, nothing but its shrivelled skin remaining, within and upon which are several minute maggots or footless little grubs, soft, dull white, shining, of a long egg shaped form, pointed at the tip and blunt in front, their bodies divided into segments by very fine transverse im- pressed lines or sutures. They are about one-tenth of an inch long and 0.035 broad at the widest part. These are evidently the larvse. of some small Hymenopterous or Bee-like insect, per- taining, there can be little doubt, to the family Chalcidid^:— the female of which has the instinct to discover these borers, probably in the earlier periods of their life when they are lying directly beneath the bark, and piercing through the bark with her ovipo- sitor, and puncturing the skin of the borer, drops her eggs therein, which subsequently hatch and subsist upon the borer, eventually destroying it. These minute larva? were forwarded to me under the supposition that they were injurious to the Apple tree, whereas, by destroying these pernicious borers, it is evident they must be regarded as our best friends. This fact illustrates APPLE-TRUNK BUPRESTIS — THE LARVA. 27 how important it is for us to be acquainted with our insects in the different stages of their lives, that we may be able to discrimi- nate friends from foes, and know which to destroy and which to cherish. The preparatory states of but a very few species of the exten- sive family of insects to which the borer now under considera- tion belongs, appear to have been hitherto noticed; and, so far as I am able to ascertain, the only figure of a larva like this which infests our Apple trees, which has yet been published, is that of Jlgrilus Fagi. in Dr. Ratzeburg's work on the Forest Insects of Europe, (plate ii, fig. 8 c.) The form of this borer is quite singular, and bears some resemblance to that of a tadpole, or a battledoor. It consists of a very large, round, flattened por- tion, anteriorly, which is suddenly tapered into a long cylindrical tail or handle- like portion. The broad anterior part of this worm is about two-tenths of an inch in diameter and the narrow posterior part is but half as wide. Its length is about 0.G5. It is soft, flesh-like, and of a pale yellow color. In front two short robust jaws of a deep black color and highly T polished are slightly protruded. When these are spread apart the tips of the feelers and between them the lips are perceptible. The head is blackish brown and polished, and is deeply sunk into the second segment. Near each outer angle of the head is a small pale yellow, bead-like protuberance, which is probably the attenna. In Dr. Ratzeburg's figure, above alluded to, this slight protuberance is represented, probably incorrectly, as arising from the second segment. The second segment is deep- ly sunk into the third, and like all the remaining segments is a pale yellow, and clothed with short minute hairs. The third or large segment is rather more broad than long, and is round and flattened above and beneath. Its upper side is occupied b}r a large callous-like, transverse-oval elevation, the surface of which is flat and covered with numerous brown raised points, and in the mid- dle arc two smooth impressed lines, which diverge from the anterior to the pos- terior margin. Between these, on the middle of the basal edge, is a more faintly impressed line, running forward, but becoming effaced before it reaches the cen- tre. On the under side is also a callous-like elevation, similar in all respects to that on the upper side, except that in the place of the impressed lines it has in its middle a single channel or furrow, which does not extend to the posterior nor quite to the anterior margin. The fourth segment is a third narrower than the preceding, and has an impressed tranverse line in the middle. In the deeply impressed suture which divides this from the third segment, on each side, is a smooth, crescent shaped, elevated spot of a chestnut brown color, resembling a little tick adhering in the fold of the Skin. The nine remaining segments arc of nearly equal length and diameter, except the two last, which are successively narrower. They are separated from each other by sutures which are strongly constricted. Along the middle of the back is a smoothish faintly marked line, i X 28 APPLE-TRUNK BUPRESTIS TREES IT INHABITS. and on each side of each segment is an irregular triangular indentation, from the inner angle of which a faint impressed line extends inwards. On each side, beneath, is an impressed, longitudinal line. There are no conical projecting points at the apex of the last segments. These borers, sent to me as above stated, have not yet completed their transformations; but they will in all probability remain in their present cells in the wood, and be changed to pupse the com- ing spring, from which the perfect insects will issue the latter part of May and during the month of June. And there can be little doubt that they will prove to be the species named by Fa- bricius Buprestisfemorata, which species pertains to the modern genus Chrysobothris . This insect may be met with in all parts of our country. The natural place for its larva is in the White oak, and it is probable that being deprived of a sufficient supply of this wood, in which to deposit its eggs, in consequence of our forests being so rapidly and extensively cut down, this insect has been obliged to resort to the Apple and Peach trees. Dr. Harris speaks of meeting with it upon and under the bark of Peach trees, and I have captured it upon the Apple tree. Professor Kirtland, of Cleveland, Ohio, doubtless alludes to this species, (Downing's Horticulturist, vol. ii. p. 544,) when he says, "Our Apple trees are often injured by the larvae of the Buprestis, which will girdle out extensive portions of the bark and young wood." This, moreover, is in all probability the beetle of which a wood cut illustration is given in the Ohio Cultivator, vol. x, page 242. Although no description of the insect or its larvse is given, the figure presents more points of resemblance to C.femoruta than to any other common American species. The following interesting particulars, there stated, sufficiently indicate that this beetle will be liable to do great damage in our orchards. The editor says, " The late Dr. Barker of McConnellsville, (Morgan county, Ohio,) called our attention to the injury done to his Apple trees, by the beetle represented above, several years ago. It was in the month of July, and large numbers of these beetles were seen running up and down the trunks and branches of the trees, while beneath the bark extensive ravages of .the larvae were found. We ob- served, however, that these injuries seemed in nearly or quite all cases to have commenced where the bark had previously been APPLE-TRUNK BUPRESTIS — THE BEETLE. 29 killed from some other cause, and were almost invariably on the south side of the trees. We have since found occasional marks of these insects in other orchards, but never where the trees ap- peared to have been in perfect health previous to their attacks." This beetle, however, is by no means limited to old and decaying trees, as the observations of the editor of the Ohio Cultivator lead him to infer. The sections of wood sent me by Mr. Barry are from young and thrifty Apple trees; and it occurs in Oaks, also, of this character, as well as those which are aged and perishing. Like other species of its family, the Thick-legged Buprestis is variable in size, measuring from four to five-tenths of an inch in length, and about two- tenths in width. It is of a black or greenish black color, polished and shining with the surface rough and uneven.' The head, and sometimes the thorax, and the depressed portions of the elytra, are of a dull coppery color. The head is sunk into the thorax to the eyes, is densely punctured, and is clothed in front with fine white hairs, which are directed downwards. Upon the middle of the top of the head is a smooth, raised black line, with a narrow impressed line through its middle, a mark which serves to distinguish this from some of the other species which are closely related to it. The thorax is much more broad than long, and is widest forward of the middle. Its surface is covered with dense, coarsish punctures, which run into each other in a somewhat transverse direction. It is also somewhat uneven, with slight elevations and hollows, but has not two smooth raised lines on its middle and anterior part, which are met with in another species very similar to this, the Tooth-legged Snapping beetle, (Chrys 6 Ahris dentipes, Germar.) The elyra or wing-covers present a much more rough and unequal surface than any other part of the insect. Three smooth and polished raised lines extend lengthwise of each wing-cover, and the intervals between them are in places occupied by smaller raised lines, which form a kind of net-work; and two impressed transverse spots may also be discerned more or less distinctly, dividing each wing-cover into three nearly equal portions. These spots reach from the inner one of the three raised lines nearly to the outer margin, crossing the two other raised lines, and interrupt- ing them more or less. They are commonly of a cupreous tinge, and densely punctured, but are more smooth than the other portions of the surface. A smaller and more deeply impressed spot may commonly be found in the space next to the suture, and forward of the anterior spot, of which it is, as it were a continuation. The wing-covers are rounded at their tips, so as to present a slight notch at the suture when they are closed; and the outer margin, towards the tip, has several very minute, projecting teeth. When the wing-covers are parted the back is discovered to be of a brilliant bluish-green color, and thickly punctured, with a row of large impressed spots along the middle, one on each segment, and half way between these and the outer margin is another row of smaller impressed dots, having their centres black. The under side of the body and the legs are brilliant coppery, the feet being deep shining green, their last joint and the hooks at its end black. Here also the surface is everywhere 30 APPLE-TRUKK BUTRESTIS REMEDIES. thickly punctured, the punctures on the venter or hind part of the body open- ing backwards. The last segment has an elevated line in the middle at its base, and its apex is cut off by a straight line, in the middle of which is commonly a small projecting tooth. The anterior thighs are remarkably large, from which circumstance this species has received its name, and they have an angular pro- jection on their inner sides, beyond the middle. The tibiaj or shanks of these legs are slightly curved. The remedies for destroying this borer must necessarily be much the same with those already stated for the common borer or Striped Saperda. They consist essentially of three measures: 1st, coating or impregnating the bark with some substance repul- sive to the insect; 2d, destroying the beetle by hand picking; and 3d, destroying the larva by cutting into and extracting it from its burrow. A.s it is during the month of June and fore part of July that the beetle frequents the trees for the purpose of depositing its eggs in the bark, it is probable that whitewashing the trunk and large limbs, or rubbing them over with soft soap, early in June, will secure them from molestation from this enemy. And in districts where this borer is known to infest the Apple trees, the trees should be repeatedly inspected during this part of the year, and any of these beetles that are found upon them should be cap- tured and destroyed. It is at midday of warm sunshiny days that»the search for them will be most successful, as they are then most active, and show themselves abroad. The larvae, when young, appear to have the same habit with most other borers, of keeping their burrow clean by throwing their castings out of it through a small orifice in the bark. They can therefore be dis- covered, probably, by the new sawdust-like powder which will be found adhering to the outer surface of the bark. In August or September, whilst the worms are yet young, and before they have penetrated the heart- wood, the trees should be carefully examined for these worms. Wherever from any particles of the sawdust- like powder appearing externally upon the bark, one of these worms is suspected, it will be easy, at least in young trees, where the bark is thin and smooth, to ascertain by puncturing it with a stiff pin, whether there is any hollow cavity beneath, and if one is discovered, the bark should be cut away with a knife, until the worm is found and destroyed. After it has penetrated the solid APPLE-TRUNK BARK-LOUSE ITS APPEARANCE. 31 wood, it ceases to eject its castings, and consequently we are then left without any clue by which to discover it. Hence the im- portance of searching for it seasonably. A small, oblong, flattisli, brown scale, shaped like an oyster shell, fixed to the smooth bark; often in prodigious numbers; in winter and spring covering a number of minute, round, whitish eggs. The Apple Bap.k-louse, Jlspidiotus cone hi fur mis, Gmelin; Coccus ar- b ,rum linearis, Modeek and others; Diaspis linearis, Costa. The Bark-louse is, on the whole, the most pernicious and de- structive to the apple tree, at the present time, of any insect in our country. Every where through the northern States it is in- festing the orchards to a grevious extent, causing the death of many trees, and impairing the health and vigor of many more. It appears in the form of minute scale«, resembling the shell of a muscle or an oyster in their shape, adhering to the surface of the bark, as shown in the annexed cut. It is no rare occurrence to meet with young trees, the bark of which is literally covered and crowded with these scales from the root to the end of the twigs, and some in- dividuals finding no vacant spot upon the bark where they can fix themselves, are driven to the leaves and the fruit, for upon these one or more of these scales may sometimes be found. And when a tree continues to be thus infested, year after year, it dwindles away and finally dies. I have observed this to be the case especially with young trees standing alone in fields, where, when the vigor of the tree becomes impaired, the insect has no other tree to which it can migrate, better adapted for its suste- nance. Other trees have been noticed as overrun by this insect for a year or two, when, probably from the tree becoming so ex- hausted as no longer to be capable of suitably sustaining the in- sects, they cease to affect it, and it, after a few years, recovers. Whether in such instances the insects perish for want of due nourishment, or whether they migrate to other trees, I am unable to say, though I incline to the opinion that the former is the case with the chief part oi them. 32 APPLE-TRUNK BARK-LOUSE — ITS DESTRUCTIVENESS WEST. Badly as this insect is infesting our orchards in the State of New-York, it is scourging our western neighbors far more severe- ly. In those districts bordering upon Lake Michigan, in parti- cular, it is at the present time making the most appalling havoc, surpassing anything which has hitherto been recorded of this species. Scarcely a tree is free from them, and unless measures for destroying the insect are resorted to, the tree is sure to perish within a few years after it is invaded. George Kimball, Esq., of Kenosha, Wisconsin, gave me the fol- lowing interesting account of the introduction and spreading of this insect among his trees : " The bark-louse appears to have been introduced here in the year 1840 by four young sweet apple trees which my son brought from Cleveland, Ohio. These trees dwindled, their limbs had a black appearance, and the bark was everywhere covered with these lice, crowded upon and over- lapping each other, so that they would peel off in large scales, and be washed off by rains, clusters of them adhering together in sheets, till finally, in the year 1848, these trees died, having grown not more than an inch annually fur the last three years. And the same lice had now spread upon and were covering my other trees more or less. All my trees became badly infested, the sweet ones beimj; overrun more than the others. Some of them took up their abode upon my pear trees also, particularly upon a small tree which I happened to have, bearing hard worth- less fruit; this was covered with them as badly as some of my apple trees. We could find nothing in books, or in agricultural or horticultural papers which seemed to apply to this louse, and hence were thrown upon our own ingenuity to combat it. Efforts were made in this village to organize a society, with an admission fee of ten dollars, to raise a fund with which to encourage expe- riments, and handsomely reward the person who discovered the best remedy. A secret remedy, which proved to be worthless, was extensively sold all over this section of country for one dol- lar to each person. Hoping that my younger and more vigorous trees would outlive the pest, I dug up and threw away all my old trees, upwards of thirty in number. I have now about one hun- dred and fifty trees, none of them over twelve years old, and APPLE-TRUNK BARK-LOUSE ITS WESTERN LIMIT. 33 have strong confidence that the remedy to which I now resort will keep them freed from the bark-louse But through all this district of country the trees are overrun and dying from these insects, a tree not living but about three years after it becomes badly infested, and on almost every farm several dead trees may be seen, and many more which are so far gone that they can never recover." This insect does not appear to have penetrated west, as yet, beyond the districts bordering upon Lake Michigan. I found the orchards upon the Mississippi river free from it, and on a most particular inspection of the trees of Esquire Baldwin, of Farm Ridge, less than a hundred miles west of Chicago, they were found to be wholly uninfested. But that it will gradually extend itself onwards over the entire west, there can be no doubt. And it is to be feared that for some years after its first arrival in each place, it will run much the same career it is now doing on the borders of Lake Michigan, it being common for a noxious insect when newly introduced, to multiply and thrive to a much greater ex- tent than it does subsequently, after it has become fully natu- ralized. At the west it is generally supposed that this insect is a new species, peculiar to that section of the country, as no distinct de- scription and account of it is given in works accessible to the mass of readers. And, entertaining this view, my friend Robert W. Kennicott, of West Northfield, Illinois, in a communication read in June last, before the Cleveland Academy of Natural Sciences, and published, with a figure of the young larva, in the newspaper report of their proceedings, names it the Coccus Pyrus Mi. lusj under which name I observe it is since spoken of in some of the western agricultural periodicals. But this insect is cer- tainly identical with the one which we have here at the east, which has all along been regarded as the same which has long been known upon the apple and some other trees and shrubs in Europe. It was first described by Reaumur, in 1738, who found it upon an elm in France; and it appears to have been named Coccus arbc- rum linearis, (which literally means the Linear Bark-louse of [Assem. No. 215.] 3 34 APPLE-TRUNK BARK- LOUSE ITS SCIENTIFIC NAME. trees,) first by Modeer, (Act. Gothenb. i. 22,) by which name it has been noticed by Geoffroy, and authors generally since. Gmelin refers to the same insect, at least as it has been generally supposed, under the name Coccus conckiformis, or the Shell-form or Oyster- shaped Bark-louse. The specific name, arborum linearis, if really designed for the Bark-louse upon the Apple-tree, is a very unfor- tunate one, as this species is not linear in its form, but tapering, and nearly all the other species of Bark-lice infest trees as well as this. Costa has recently reformed this name, by omitting from it the redundant word arborum. But if the original name is to be rejected, in consequence of its non-conformity to the present rules of scientific nomenclature, Gmelin's name ccnchiformis must assuredly take its place, in consequence both of its priority and its appropriateness. Some of the latest authorities, however, regard the conchiformis and linearis as being two distinct species. This threw such doubt upon the question which of these names should be adopted for our Apple Bark -louse, provided it was identical with the European insect, as I felt myself scarcely com- petent to resolve, with the few authorities upon these insects which I have at hand. As Mr. Curtis, the distinguished British entomologist, now president of the Entomological Society of Lon- ilua, had communicated a series of articles upon several of the species of this genus, to the third volume of the Gardener's Chro- nicle— a volume to which I have not access — and as I had here- tofore had some correspondence with him, I recently enclosed to him for his opinion, specimens of our Apple Bark-louse, and also a seemingly identical species found upon our Red Osier, (Cornus sericea.) The following is an extract from his reply : " I have carefully examined your specimens. They are identical, and are the Coccus arborum linearis, Geoif., and I believe the C. conchi- formis of Gmelin, which is in that case a synonym. You are right in placing them in the genus Jlspidiotus." I trust this information will satisfy some of my western friends, who have been reluctant to credit my statement that their insect is not new, but is common here at the east, and also in Europe. Mr. Rennie speaks ol having found this species in great plenty upon currant bushes. I have never met with it upon the culti- APFLE-TRUNK BARK- LOUSE KINDRED SPECIES. 35 vated currant, but have found it upon our wild currant (Ribes jloridvm,) pretty numerous. Scales very similar to those of the Apple bark-louse, but of a smaller size, of a pale brownish color, and not curved, may be met with also upon the twigs of the but- ternut. Some of these are so small as to be imperceptible to the naked eye. As they are evidently a distinct species, I propose to name them the Butternut Bark-louse, Jlspidiotus Jugldndis. My friend, Dr. A. S. Todd, of Wheeling, Virginia, has sent me speci- mens of another species of this same genus, occurring upon Rose bushes. He says : " My finest roses are cursed with these ver- min. They kill ' for certain ' every Rose bush they get upon. It dies to the ground." This is a round, flattish, white scale, about five hundredths of an inch in diameter, often with a light yellow spot or cloud in its center. This is probably the Aspidiotus Rosce of Bouehe, (Schadl. Gart. Ins., p. 53,) which is briefly noticed in Kollar's Treatise, English edition, page 179. The Apple Bark-louse is about one-eighth of an inch long, of an irregular ovoid form, often bent in its middle, and more or less curved at its smaller end, which is pointed, the opposite end being rounded. It is of a brown color, of much the same tint with the bark, its smaller end being paler and yellow. It closely resembles an exceedingly minute oyster-shell pressed against the bark — a similitude so striking as to I be readily perceived by every one, and is frequently l«lWiP> designated in common conversation, under the name of the Oyster-shaped Bark-louse. These shells or scales are situa- ted irregularly, though the most of them are placed lengthwise of the limb or twig, with the smaller end upwards. The^e scales are tlie relics of the bodies of the gravid females, covering and protecting their eggs. During the winter and spring, these eggs may be found on elevating the scales. The number of eggs under each scale is very variable. Several which I have counted, have shown the following numbers— 13, 22, 36, 54, 58, 71, 86, 102. I have uniformly found a greater number of eggs where the scales were upon a thrifty tree When a tree becomes overrun, so as to dwindle and not afford a copious supply of nourishment, the number of eggs is reduced. 36 APPLE-TRUNK BARK-LOUSE — EGG-PARASITE, LARVA. Under these scales I have also repeatedly met with a small maggot, three hundredths of an inch long, or frequently much smaller, of a broad oval form, rounded at one end and tapering to an acute point at the other, soft, of a honey-yellow color, slightly translucent and shining, with an opake brownish cloud in the middle, produced by alimentary matter in the viscera, and divided into segments by faintly impressed transverse lines. This is probably the larva of some minute Hymenopterous insect, spe- cially designed by Providence for destroying the eggs of the bark louse. That these eggs are its food is shown by the fact that when the maggot is small a number of eggs are found under the scale with it, when it is larger the eggs are fewer. The indivi- dual from which the above measurement and description was drawn, had but two eggs remaining for it to consume. Whether the maggot be larger or smaller it, with the eggs, appears to com- pletely fill the cavity beneath the scale, and I have only met with this parasite upon thrifty trees, where each scale had a large number of eggs beneath it. It doubtless remains beneath the scale during its pupa state, and then makes it exit by perforating a small round hole through the scale. Scales which are thus perforated may frequently be met with. Our cut represents a scale magnified and perforated for the escape of a parasite, the short line on the right hand side of the figure indicating the natural length of the scale. The eggs are somewhat less than the hundredth part of an inch in length; they are of a regular oval shape, about twice as long as broad, smooth but not shining, opake, most of them of a white color, others dull pale yellow. As early as the 12th of May I have found individual larvae hatched, and running about with much activity among the eggs, but remaining under the scale for protection. It is not till about a fortnight later that the eggs mostly become hatched, and the young crawl out from under the scale and scatter themselves over the bark. To the naked eye they appear like minute white dots, uniformly diffused over the smooth bark of the twigs, and ap- pearing like natural white points or glands of the bark. A per- son to whom I once pointed out these white specks was reluctant APPLE-TRUNK BARK-LOUSE — REMEDIES. 37 to believe they were anything else than white dots natural to the smooth young bark, until by careful watching some of them could be perceived to be moving about upon the bark. When first hatched from the egg the larva is but about half the size of the egg, of an oval form and a pale dull yellow color. Three pairs of legs are perceptible, two placed anteriorly, the other posteriorly and distant. It walks about with much life and agility. I have not traced this insect through the subsequent stages of its life with sufficient accuracy of observation to give its history. A number of remedies for the bark-louse will be found report- ed in late volumes of the Prairie Farmer and other western agri- cultural papers. The secret remedy which was hawked through that section, as perfectly sure of destroying these lice, was simply an infusion of quassia, with which the trees were to be wet from a syringe or watering pot. This of coarse was soon discovered to be worthless, or effectual only when applied to the young new- ly hatched lice, at which time infusion of tobacco or soap suds would be a more economical and still more effectual remedy. These, and also strong lye, potash water, whitewash, dry ashes, sulphur, and I know not how many more articles have been re- commended by different writers. In a late number of the Michi- gan Farmer (vol. 13. p. 82), A. G. Hanford gives a very favorable account of the effects of tar and linseed oil, beat together and ap- plied warm with a paint brush thoroughly, before the buds begin to expand in the spring. This, when dry, cracks and peels off, bringing off the dead scales with it. Trees which were thus treated grew from two to two and a half feet last summer, which had advanced only a few inches in previous years. The remedy to which Esq. Kimball, of Kenosha, resorts, is probably one of the most efficacious, and as convenient as any; he boils leaf tobacco in strong lye till it is reduced to an impalpable pulp, which it will be in a short time, and mixes with it soft soap, (which has been made cold; not the jelly-like boiled soap,) to make the mass about the consistence of thin paint, the object being to obtain a" preparation that will not be entirely washed from the tree by the first rains which occur, as lye, tobacco water, and most other 38 APPLE TWIGS SEVENTEEN-YEAR LOCUST. washes are sure to be. The fibres of the tobacco, diffused through this preparation, cause a portion of its strength to remain where- ever it is applied, longer than any application which is wholly soluble in rain water can do. He first trims the trees well, so that every twig can be reached with the paint brush, and applies this preparation before the buds have much swelled in the spring. Two men, strictly charged to take their time, and be sure that they painted the whole of the bark to the end of every twig, were occupied a fortnight last spring in going over his hundred and fifty young trees. When I saw his trees, the latter part of September, this composition was still plainly to be seen upon the rough bark of their trunks and upon the under sides of their limbs, resemb- ling a whitish mouldiness of the bark. The trees had grown very thriftily, and yielded well, whilst only a single scale could here and there be found upon the twigs of the present year's growth, all the older parts being entirely free from them. Although trees perishing with lice were standing in the adjacent yards and gardens, it seemed these insects preferred starvation at home rather than being poisoned by invading these trees, hence it ap- pears that one thorough application of this preparation is suffi- cient to destroy all the insects upon the trees, and to protect them from invasion from neighboring trees for a period of two years; for free as the trees were from these insects in September, there can be no call for a renewal of this composition upon them the coming spring. "Wounding the twigs and causing them to wither and fall; a very largo black fly with four glassy wings, with orange-colored ribs and red eyes. The Seventeen-year Locust, Cicada septemdecim, Linnaeus. On some accounts the Seventeen-year Locust is the most re- markable insect of which we have any knowledge. The unusual length of time which it requires for completing its growth, and the perfect regularity with which every generation, numbering many millions of individuals, attains maturity, so as to come forth at the end of seventeen years, the entire brood hatching within a few days' time, has caused this more than any other American APPLE TWIGS, LOCUST DIFFERENT BROODS. 39 insect to be noted throughout the world. And it was, doubtless, from its suddenly appearing in such vast numbers, at long inter- vals of time, like the Migratory Locust of the East, that the early settlers of this continent gave it the name of " Locust," by which it is now universally designated; although it is wholly unlike those insects wrhich are properly termed locusts, both in its form and habits. Another remarkable fact with respect to this species is, that in different districts of our country broods appear in different years; yet the brood of each district invariably preserves the interval of seventeen years for coming out in its winged state. We have three of these broods partly within the bounds of the State of New- York, and there appear to be at least six others in other parts of the United States. One of these inhabits the valley of the Hudson river. Its nor- thern limit is the vicinity of Schuylerville and Fort Miller, and this appears to be the most northern point to which this species anywhere extends. From thence it reaches south along both sides of the Hudson, to its mouth, wrhere it extends east, at least to New-Haven in Connecticut, and west across the north part of New-Jersey and into Pennsylvania. Its last appearance was in the year 1843, and it will consequently make its next ap- pearance in 1860. The second brood occurs in Western New- York, Western Penn- ) sylvania and Eastern Ohio. The last year of its appearance was 1849; it will consequently reappear in 1866. The third brood appears to have the most extensive geographi- cal range. From the southeastern part of Massachusetts it ex- tends across Long Island and along the Atlantic coast to Chesa- peak Bay, and up the Susquehanna at least as far as to Carlisle in Pennsylvania. And it probably reaches continuously west to the Ohio, for it occupies the valley of that river at Kanhawa in Vir- ginia, and onwards to its mouth, and down the valley of the Mis- sissippi probably to its mouth, and up its tributaries, west, into the Indian territory. This brood has appeared the jDresent year, 1855, and I have received specimens from Long Island, from 40 APPLE TWIGS, LOCUST DIFFERENT BRCODS. Southern Illinois, and the Creek Indian country west of Arkan- sas, these last having been gathered by my friends, Robert W Kennicott and William S. Robertson. They show that from one end of this vast stretch of territory to the other, the species is quite uniform in its size and marks. Mr. Robertson, writing from Tullehassie, under date of May 24th, says : " I have heard the Seventeen-year Locusts for ten days past, but they are not plenty here. At Park Hill, however, twenty-five miles south of this, in the Cherokee country, they are very numerous, and in these hungry times, occasioned by the severe drouth of last year and this spring, the people are glad to gather and eat them." A fourth brood, and which has been the oftenest and most fully noticed of any, reaches from Pennsylvania and Maryland to South Carolina and Georgia, and, what appears to be a detached branch of it, occurs also in the southeastern part of Massachusetts. It was observed as long ago as 1715, and its reappearance has been recorded seven times since, the last one of which was in the year 1851. It will consequently reappear in 1868. A fifth brood extends from Western Pennsylvania, through the valley of the Ohio river, and down that of the Mississippi to Louisiana. This appeared last in 1846, and will therefore re- appear in 1863. A sixth appeared the past year around the head of Lake Michi- gan, and as far east as to the middle of the State of Michigan, and extended west across Northern Illinois and onwards, an unknown distance, into Iowa. It reached south at least as far as Peoria, and north to the line of Wisconsin. Mr. M. P. Weter, of Tirade, Walworth county, Wisconsin, informed me that a narrow strip, but about a mile in width, extended through his neighborhood, and onwards, north, for a distance of at least twenty miles. A seventh is recorded as having appeared in the western part of North Carolina in the year 1847. An eighth was noticed at Martha's Vineyard, Mass., in 1833. A ninth was noticed in the valley of the Connecticut river, in Massachusetts, in the years 1818 and 1835. APPLE TWIGS, LOCUST — OTHER SPECIES. 41 It is possible that in some of these last cases other species may have been mistaken for the seventeen-year locust, and that in those instances where straggling individuals of this locust are re- ported to have occurred during the intervals between the appear- ance of the main swarm, other species have been confounded with this, particularly the Creviced cicada, (C. rimosa, Say,) which comes out in the same month, and in its colors, &c, closely re- sembles the C. septemdecim* I have personally met with this species in two instances; the first was upon the forenoon of the tenth of June, 1826, upon the oaks and other trees and shrubs between West Troy and Cohoes, which were covered with these insects at that date, making the neighborhood ring with the discordant din of their shrill song. After the long interval of seventeen years, in a grove in the town of Stillwater, the same note was heard again, and was instantly * We have in our country several species of the large interesting insects which pertain to this family. The most common one in our State is the Dog-day cicada, (C . canicvlaris — Harris,) which probably is not distinct from the Frosted cicada, (C. pruinosa) of Say. It appears annually in most parts of the State in autumn. The Creviced cicada (C. rimosa — Fay,) and also the Bordered cicada, (C. marginata — Say,) occur also within our bounds. Farther south the species become more numerous. Among a number of those sent me by Mr. Robertson, from the Creek Indian Territory, the following do not appear to have been hitherto described. The Superb Cicada (C supcrba) is of a rich olive green color, having a black band be- tween the eyes, and six black spots upon the anterior margin of the middle segment of the tho- rax. The abdomen above is olive-yellow, with two mealy-white spots at the base. The un- der side is whitish-yellow, coated over with a mealy-white powder. The wings are clear and glassy, the apical row of cells of the fore wings and the hind margin slightly smoky; the veins are bright green, except those surrounding the apical row of cells, which are dark brown, and the two short anastomosing outer veinlets are margined with smoky-brown, forming the usual dusky W -shaped mark. This species measures an inch and three-fourths to the tips of the closed wings. It occurred in August upon two small elm trees growing two. rods apart, be- side a brook in the middle of a prairie, with no other trees near, and no elms within some miles of these. On climbing one of these trees the cicadas, of which there were a number of individuals, all flew to the other tree ; on climbing this last they all flew back ; so that on climbing one tree three times and the other twice, but a single specimen could be captured, so shy were they. Robertson's Cicada, (C. Robert sonii.) — Green, variegated with brown and black ; upper side of the abdomen black and shining, with two 3rellowish spots near the base; middle seg- ment of the thorax yellowish brown, the elevated x green, and a large green spot at the end of each of its anterior horns; wings glassy-hyaline, their veins slender, green, becoming light yellow "at their apices ; rib of the anterior wing edged with black on its inner side ; length tot is prolonged in the axilla. Another pretty species of Acinia, which is commonly found resting upon brakes in our meadows in midsummer, but which I have not yet discovered in its preparatory state, may be named the New-York Acinia {A. Novaboracen- sis.) It measures 0 35 to the tip of its wings, and is of a pale brownish or tawny flesh color, and like- the preceding species, is clothed with a short stiff beard, which is of a silver gray color, with scattered black bristles. The or- bital edge of the eyes is whitish, and the eyes, when the fly is alive, are of a pale coppery red color, crossed with three golden yellow stripes having a green reflection, the middle one of these stripes being broadest, and the upper one slightly narrower than the lower one. When dead the eyes change to black- ish brown and the stripes to black, and they are now much less obvious. The antenn?e are pale, tawny yellow, with a simple black seta or coarse bristle on their upper side. The face is whitish, with two large black dots in the mid- dle and one on each side between the antennae and the eye, and a transverse brown spot is placed on each side between the anterior part of the mouth and the eye. The abdomen is dull pale yellow, with the apical segments black ex- cept on their posterior margins. The wings are opake, black, with a slender, hyaline-white crescent upon their tips, the anterior horn of which is sometimes tinged with tawny yellow, and upon the middle of the anterior margin is a small streak of the same color. The whole wing is covered, except towards the anterior side and the apex, with numerous white dots, those in and to- wards the axilla being larger. In some specimens a pruinose powder of a more intensely white color forms a ring upon the margin of all the larger dots- 68 APPLE LEAVES, APHIS ATTENDANTS — SARATOGA TETANOCERA- Similar to the fly last described, in size and in the dots of its wings, is another species which Macquart regards as being the Tetanocera guttularis of Wiedemann, although it differs slightly from his description. The genus Tetanocera, belongs to a small group of the Ortalidan flies, differing from the other genera in having the second joint of the antenna? equal in length to the third joint, instead of being but half as long or less. Another character presented by all the species I have seen I do not ob- serve noticed in books. The whole surface of the wings in our American Tetanocerides is finely striated with obtusely impressed lines and intervening ridges, which have a longitudinal direction towards the apex, and an oblique one towards the inner margin. These flies also subsist upon the honey-dew secreted by plant- lice, and, according to Desvoidy, their larvae live, some in the unripe seeds of plants, others in the parenehyma of the leaves, stems or roots. In addition to the guttularis or Dotted-winged Tetanocera, we have, common in the State of New- York, a spe- cies which is probably the Canadian Tetanocera (T. Canadensis) of Macquart, although the spots in its wings are sub-hyaline rather than white, and there are six only of these spots in the outer or costal cell. Associated with this species is frequently found another, similar to it in size and colors, but without any sub-hyaline sjiots in the dusky outer and apical margins of the wings. From that part of our State in which I have captured this species, I propose for it the name Saratoga Tetanocera (71 Saratogensis), as the mineral waters in this neighborhood have given to the locality a world-wide celebrity. The dried specimen of this fly measures 0.23 to the tip of the abdomen and 0.30 to the end of the wings. The head above is golden yellow with two small rusty stripes on its forepart, a black spot at base and dot each side anteriorly, almost in contact with the eye, and a second one, also black, on the anterior margin, between the eye and the antennae. Face silvery white. Antennas light yellow, second joint longer than broad, with fine short black bristles along its upper and under edge; third joint tinged with brown, narrow and curved, its upper side being concave, its lower side convex and nearly parallel with the upper side, but slightly narrowing towards the apex, which is rounded; seta yellowish white, plumose. Thorax pale dull yellow, with a faint darker stripe each side of the middle, which stripes have an ash gray re- flection when viewed from the front; clothed with a short black beard and a few long black bristles. Scutel ash gray with two nearly erect black bristles each side. Poisers (the little pedicels back of the insertion of the wings, end- APPLE LEAVES, APHIS ATTENDANTS — SHORT-HORNED STEM-EYE. 69 ing in an oval knob) yellowish white. Abdomen dusky, clothed with a short black beard, hind edges of the segments pale dull yellow. Legs pale yellow, with a fine black beard, and the spine-like bristles at the end of the shanks black. Wings iridescent, smoky brown on the outer and apical margins, hya- line towards the axilla, the space between divided into numerous square hya- line spots by dusky longitudinal stripes, one stripe being placed in the middle of each cell, and sending short, transverse branches to the veins at regular in- tervals; veins and veinlets black. Nearly related to the flies which we have been considering are those very singular ones, called Stem-eyed flies from having straight horn-like processes extending outwards from the sides of the head, upon the ends of which the eyes are inserted. These form the old Linneeari genus Diopsis. About a dozen species are known, all inhabiting tropical Africa and the East Indies, with one exception — the Short-horned Stem-eye of this country, origi- nally described by Mr. Say under the name of Diopsis brevicornis. As this species has the tubercles on which the eyes are inserted •quite short, their length being less than their breadth, whilst in the other species they are much longer, and cylindrical, Mr. Say, in the third volume of his American Entomology, plate 52, proposed for it a distinct genus, which he named Sphyracephala. The European entomologists, however, ignore this genus and con- tinue to arrange our species in the old genus Diopsis. I am somewhat surprised at this. A specimen from Senegal, ticketed D. thoracica by Macquart, for which and numerous other speci- mens of Diptera, I am indebted to M. Bigot, of Paris, indicates the foreign species of this tribe to be quite unlike ours in their general appearance. Having recently taken a second species closely related to the brevicornis, I think our two American spe- cies must be ranked as generically distinct from those of the •old world. In addition to the extreme shortness of the ocular protuberances and the minuteness of the projecting points to the scutel and on the sides of the thorax towards its base, they are further distinguished by having an anastamosis between the cos- tal or anterior marginal vein and the sub-marginal or short vein which runs into the anterior margin near the middle, this anas- tamosis taking place a short distance before the two veins unite. In the new species which I have alluded to a dusky spot or short band extends from this anastamosis across the two basal cells of the wing, and a second band half way from this to the tip 70 APPLE LEAVES, APHIS ATTENDANTS TWO-BANDED STEM-EYE. reaches nearly or quite across the wing, the same that it does ire brevicornis, whilst the apex of the wing is hyaline, without any vestiges of the dusky spot which occurs at the tip of the wing in Mr. Say's species. This species, which I name the Two-banded Stem- eye (Sphyraccphala sub-bifasciata), was swept from grass at the baseoi the bluffs of the Illinois river, north of the city of Ottawa, the middle of last October. The Short-horned Stem-eye I first captured in Saratoga county, upon a cold windy day the latter part of May, between the leaves of the Skunk's-cabbage ( Symplo- carpus fatidus), where it had, probably, retired for shelter — this being the same situation in which it was originally discovered by Mr. Say. Near my present residence, upon sunny days in the middle of April several were found associated with other flies and small bees, drinking the sweet sap of a newly cut maple, beside a stream of water at the base of a hill. It was more tame and less inclined to take wing when approached than any of the other flies. It seems limited to low shady situations, for other stumps upon the side and summit of the same hill, equally frequented by other flies, had none of this species. Near the same spot I once captured a specimen the last of October, resting upon a sand bank and basking in the sun. I state these facts thus particularly as so little is known respecting the habits of this tribe of insects. The Two-banded Stem-eye measures 0.15 to the tip of its abdomen. It is black and polished, the thorax brownish, the head and anteniue tawny yellow, and above on the middle of the head is a black spot. The legs also are tawny yellow, and the anterior thighs have a brown cloud-like spot upon each side, the anterior shanks being black. The middle legs have a brown band above, and another below the knee. The hind thighs and shanks each have a brown band at tip. The wings are hyaline, with two dusky bands, the inner one short, as already described. Prominent among these insects which subsist upon and destroy plant-lice are the Aphis-lions as they have been termed. These are larvae of the Golden-eyed and Lace-winged flies, insects which form the Family Hemerobiid^: in the Order Neuroptera. In their perfect state they are delicate slender-bodied insects, most of them less than half an inch long, with four large wings beautifully reticulated with veins, resembling the finest gauze or lace work, whence they have received the name of Lace-wings, and with prominent globular eyes, which in many of the species have a APPLE LEAVES, APHIS LIONS EGGS. 71 brilliant golden appearance, which has obtained for them the name of Golden-eyes. These last are mostly of a bright pale green color, and several of these, although they have such a pretty appearance, emit a peculiar and very disagreeable odor, which remains upon the fiugers for some time after one of them has been handled. This odor appears to be given out constantly by those species which possess it, and not merely when they are disturbed, as is frequently stated; for in numerous instances I have by it been aware of my nearness to one of these insects be- fore I had seen it. These flies may be met with daily during the summer season, generally in the vicinity of trees or other herbage infested with plant-lice. Their eggs are placed in a very curious manner. This work is done in the night time, so that no one has been able to inspect one of these insects when engaged in this operation, they being so timid as to flit away when approached with a light. Still, the mode in which the fly proceeds in this work is sufficiently evident. Nature has furnished these insects with a fluid analogous to that which spiders are provided for spinning their webs, which possesses the remarkable property of hardening immediately on being exposed to the air. When ready to drop an egg, the female touches the end of her body to the surface of the leaf, and then elevating her body, draws out a slender cobweb-like thread, half an inch long, or less, and places a little oval egg at its summit. Thus a small round spot resembling mildew is formed upon the surface of the leaf, from the middle of which arises a very slen- der glossy wMte thread, which is sometimes split at its base, thus giving it a more secure attachment than it would have if single. The egg, at its summit, is of a pale green color, when newly de- posited, but before it hatches it becomes whitish, and shows two or three faint dusky transverse bands. The larva leaves it, com- monly I think in less than a week from the time it is deposited, through an opening which it gnaws in the summit, and the empty shell remains supported on its stalk, somewhat shrivelled and of a white color. And where several of these are placed together in a group, they bear a close resemblance to the fruit-bearing or- gans of those mosses whose capsules are elevated upon capillary 72 APPLE LEAVES, APHIS LIONS — EGGS. pedicels, insomuch that botanists have in some instances actually mistaken them for vegetable productions of this kink. Authors state that these eggs are deposited on leaves in clusters of ten or a dozen. I have a small willow leaf, upon the mid- vein of which, in a distance of one inch, twenty-three of these eggs are implanted, with seven more in a row close by the side of these, and five more in a second row, making thirty-five eggs in all, which undoubtedly was the stock deposited by a single individual in one night. But however it may be with the European Lace- wings, certain it is that most of our American species of these insects do not place their eggs in clusters, 'but singly, one or two upon the edges or surface of the leaf. On a young apple tree in my yard, about eight feet high, I found these eggs the first of July, scattered over all the leaves. This tree had ten limbs, each about three feet long, and inserted upon the leaves of one of these limbs and its twigs I counted sixty-four eggs, and some probably escaped my notice. There was thus at least six hundred eggs upon that one small tree, all seeming to have been newly laid. And upon look- ing about, I discovered these eggs upon every other fruit and for- est tree in my yards, and also upon the fillets of cloth by which newly set trees were tied to stakes for support, and two were even found attached to the iron trimmings of the latch to my office door. Being thus profusely scattered, it will readily be con- ceived what an amount of benefit these insects render us. Having enjoyed favorable opportunities for inspecting the habits of this family of insects, and having noticed several points in their economy different from the observations which have hereto- fore been recorded, I give their history somewhat in detail, be- lieving I shall thus render a more valuable contribution to the stores of human knowledge, than by occupying the same space with brief and superficial notices of a number of dissimilar insects. From the accounts usually given in books it would be inferred that plant-lice were the exclusive food of the larvae of this family of insects. It however is recorded that when in confinement and pressed with hunger, they will devour each other, and Mr. Curtis APPLE LEAVES, APHIS LIONS FOOD WHEN YOUNG. 73 relates (Journal Royal Agricultural Society, iii. 62) that having enclosed two of them in a box with a caterpillar three-fourths of an inch long, one overcome and devoured the other, and then sucked the juices out of the caterpillar, leaving only the skins of his victims remaining. In the same connection, he says these larva? " begin to feed upon the Aphides as soon as they escape from the egg." Such being the current account of the larva?, I was surprised at meeting with their eggs in abundance upon trees which were wholly free from Aphides, and which had none of these insects established anywhere in their vicinity. The small apple tree which was stocked with so many hundred eggs had no lice or other insects upon it or near by it, that I could discover. And still more was I surprised on hatching some of these larva? from their eggs, and putting both old and newly born plant lice into the vials with them, to find that they died of starvation, utterly refusing to touch the lice or to devour each other. In one instance a hungry young aphis lion was noticed to cautiously approach a louse which was standing still, and grasp one of her feet between his jaws. The louse instantly pulled her foot away, whereupon the Aphis-lion drew back in evident fear, as though expecting the aphis would pounce upon and destroy him. Had it been a spider he could not have showed more alarm. Repeated experiments produced the same results — the infant larva? dying of starvation with young and tender plant-lice wandering around them. At length, the middle of July, I found upon a leaf a cluster of insect's eggs of a brick red color, and a half-grown aphis-lion standing with his jaws sunk into one of them, sucking out its contents, three eggs in the group having been already exacted, nothing remaining of them but the empty clear and glass-like shells. Every observer knows it is not rare on meeting with a cluster of the eggs of insects to find some of them which are mere empty transparent shells, but I believe it has never been noticed before that it is young aphis-lions which thus destroy these eggs. The leaf above alluded to was secured with its contents and placed in a vial. Only two or three more of the eggs were sucked, when they became too old for the use of the aphis-lion, and he remained without food for a time. Six days after they were 74 APPLE LEAVES, APHIS LIONS DEVOUR WORMS AND SPIDERS. found, small inch-worms (Geometrid^e), about 0.15 long Avere hatched from them. The aphis-lion was at this time reposing at the top of the vial when one of these worms approached him. It was instantly seized, and- the contents of its skin were sucked out with avidity, and he now commenced searching for another worm, probing every crevice in the cork stopper with his long jaws, and then walking down the vial, examining from side to side as he went along, until he came to the leaf at its bottom, now curled and shrivelled. He first crawled through every fold of this and then wandered over its surface, till coming to another worm, it was instantly seized. Thus sixteen of these newly-born inch- worms were consumed as fast as he could find them. They were seized indifferently by whatever part of their bodies was first ac- cessible, and he was occupied four or five minutes in sucking out the fluids of each worm. As the skin became empty it was folded together, and rolled about between the tips of his jaws in a little wad, until the last particle of juice which it contained was ex- hausted. The skin was then adroitly wiped off from the tips of his jaws, and he started off in search of another worm, always carrying his head down close to the surface on which he was walking. Sometimes on coining to a skin which had already been sucked, it was taken up and rolled between the tips of his jaws again, as if to asceitain whether he had done his work well. When occupied in sucking a worm he stood still, adhering more by means of his tail than his feet, and there was a pulsating mo- tion to his body indicating the satisfaction he felt in the act in which he was engaged. If another worm approached so near as to touch him at this time, he gave a sudden spiteful shrug, where- by it wras frightened away. Only three worms remained when I introduced into the vial a cocoon of spider's eggs, with some of the young spiders hatched and crawling about the cocoon. These were immediately discovered by the aphis-lion, and leaving the worms he commenced devouring these small spiders in the same manner, each spider occupying him about half the length of time one of the worms did. The fine cobweb of the spiders appeared to adhere closely to his jaws, and to wipe this off, after finishing one spider, and before seeking another, he thrust his jaws repeat- edly into the cocoon. Thus quite a number of the spiders were APPLE LEAVES, APHIS LIONS DEVOUR THEIR OWN EGGS. 75 destroyed, when, having fully glutted his appetite, he retired into a corner of the vial to repose. This larva pertained to the spe- cies hereinafter described under the name of the New-York golden-eye. • It is thus evident that many of the species of this family of in- sects, contrary to what has been heretofore published, when first hatched are too feeble and timorous to attack plant-lice or any other living prey, and subsist during the first stages of their lives upon the eggs of insects. By destroying these eggs they are often as beneficial to us, probably, as they would be if aphides were their sole food. The aphis-lion, however, is perfectly indiscrimi- nate in his appetite, consuming the eggs of beneficial as well as injurious insects, and we now learn why it is that the parent of these insects places her eggs upon thread-like pedicels, whereby they are elevated from the surface of the leaves. Hitherto it has been unknown why this insect deposits her eggs in this singular manner. By a reference to that mine of information upon all subjects of this kind, Westwood's Introduction, (vol. ii. p. 47,) wre find it merely stated that these eggs have been supposed to be placed in this manner to protect them from the attacks of para- sites. But we see not why a parasitic insect may not alight upon and puncture and drop its eggs within these eggs almost as readi- ly as it could do if they were placed upon the surface of the leaf. Certainly many of these parasitic insects display far more sagacity than this would be in discovering the appropriate receptacle for their eggs. But speculation upon this subject is no longer neces- sary when we have facts to guide us to a conclusion. In a recent communication to the Country Gentleman, which is not yet pub- lished, (No. 5 of my series of entomological articles in that peri- odical,) I suggested that these eggs are elevated upon pedicels to prevent their being found by the young larvae of their own kind, which probably would instantly devour them if they were laid upon the surface of the leaves. To ascertain more fully the cor- rectness of this opinion, I sought an egg which was upon the point of hatching, and placed it in a vial; the next day a young aphis lion was found disclosed from this egg. Two freshly laid eggs were now obtained; one of these was placed in the vial elevated 76 APPLE LEAVES, APHIS LIONS — THEIR CANNIBALISM. upon its pedicel, the other was laid upon the surface of a leaf in the vial. Next morning the latter was found flattened, and with only a small portion of fluid remaining in one end, and the plump size and green tinge of the young larvzf showed plainly that he had appropriated the missing contents of this egg to himself, and in a short time he approached the egg and inserting his jaws into it wholly exhausted it of its remaining contents under my eye. We thus see that the young aphis-lion will devour the eggs of its own species if they are placed within its reach. Is it not won- derful that the female knows this fact when no other insect pos- sesses this knowledge ? It would seem as though she had a re- collection of what her own habits were in the larva period of her life, else why does not instinct inform other insects of this same fact, and excite them to similar artifices for placing their eggs be- yond the reach of these destroyers 1 A cocoon of spider's eggs was now introduced into the vial last spoken of, upoh which the aphis-lion therein became plump and well fed. Three days after this, the other egg elevated upon its pedicel, having been wholly undisturbed, hatched, and the infant larva from its approaching the older one, which was full three times its size, the latter to my astonishment, passively and with- out manifesting the slightest resentment, permitted the newly- born infant to pierce him repeatedly with its jaws until life was extinct. His carcase was then shoved off from the leaf, and aban- doned, little if any of the juices being sucked from it. I can only account for this strange phenomenon — the young and weak de- stroying the strong — by supposing there had been some poisonous quality in the spider's eggs on which the older aphis-lion had fed, which had rendered him diseased and weary of life, for he even seemed to solicit his pigmy kinsman to slay him. Our American species, however, appear to be less inclined to cannibalism than those of Europe, this being the only instance in which I have known one to destroy another, and for several days I have had a Chrysopa and a much larger Hemerohius larva enclosed together and left at times without food, yet they have manifested no incli- nation to molest each other. APPLE LEAVES, APHIS LIONS USE OF THEIR LONG JAWS. 77 Later in the season I have known young plant-lice to be de- stroyed by newly born aphis-lions. And although the fact is indisputable that plant-lice are the chief food of this family of insects during their larva state, they are by no means so limited in this respect as is represented in the accounts heretofore pub- lished. They appear to seize and devour worms of different kinds with the same avidity that they do the plant-lice. I have more than once seen them devour the maggots of the Syrphus- flies which were feeding upon the plant-lice on the same leaves with them. And a few days ago I placed in a box with a newly captured aphis-lion an imbricated gall which is formed by a species of midge (Cccidomyia) at the summit of the stalks of the golden-rod, having first torn off the outer valve-like leaves of this gall until I came to one of the larvse residing in it. The aphis- lion immediately began to examine this gall, and coming to the maggot, instantly grabbed it, sucking out the contents of its skin with an evident relish. With his long jaws he then commenced probing the fissures between the remaining valves ol the gall and soon found another worm so deep between the valves that he could only reach and pierce it with one of his jaws, and thus he remained stationary until he had sucked the fluids of this worm, the point of the unemployed jaw being pressed against the outer surface of the gall during this operation. His proceedings at this time plainly showed the purpose, I think, for which Nature has furnished these larvse with such remarkably long slender sickle- shaped jaws, namely, to probe narrow crevices and small holes and fissures — the situation in which a portion of their prey lurks. The dexterity with which he insinuated sometimes one, at other times both of these instruments between the valves of the gall, showed he was no tyro in operations of this kind. He even crowded the valves somewhat apart, at times, to reach further in between them. Whether these larvse are able to separate the chaff surrounding a kernel of wheat sufficiently to insert their jaws therein to destroy the larvse of the wheat-midge (C. Trilici), I have not ascertained, though I should judge them capable of doing this. If so, it may be possible to turn the labors of the aphis-lion to a most valuable account in restraining the ravages of this insect which is making such appalling havoc in our wheat 78 APPLE LEAVES, APHIS LIONS DESCRIPTION. crops of late years. A number of the small yellow grubs sufficient to destroy every kernel in a head of wheat would no more than suffice an aphis-lion for a single meal. And if these voracious creatures are usually so common as I have found them to be the present season, it would be an easy matter for a person who is familiar with them to gather such a number of the eggs and larvae as, scattered through a wheat-field infested by the midge, would greatly diminish the damage done by this insect. The larvae of different species of these insects differ considera- bly in their colors. They' are mostly of a reddish-brown color, with a darker stripe in the middle, and a cream-colored along each side. They have bodies of a long narrow weasel-like form, wrinkled transversely, with six rather long legs anteriorly. But they may be distinguished from all our other insects and larvse by their two long slender jaws, curved like sickles, which project horizontally forwards from their heads. Along each side is a row of projecting points, one to each segment, from the ends of which several fine bristles radiate in all directions. Others have the whole of their backs covered with rows of similar elevated points and radiating bristles, giving them a truly frightful ap- pearance. But these have the artifice to conceal themselves from view, by placing the empty skins of their victims between their radiating bristles, so that they adhere, and completely hide the insect from view. It is the skins of the woolly plant-lice which they mostly employ for this purpose. Thus covered they resem- ble a little mass of white down adhering to the bark of the apple tree, and at a short distance one of these insects thus covered can scarcely be distinguished from a colony of the Apple-tree blight, which is usually covered with a mass of down of similar size and appearance. Thus disguised they are able to approach their vic- tims without exciting their alarm and putting them to flight. It is in autumn that the species which thus cover themselves appear upon the apple trees. I have noticed none but the naked kinds without bristly backs in July and August The Larvae cast their skins soon after birth and often before they have taken any nourishment. No other moulting occurs, that I have observed, until they change to pupae. When newly born, the larva of the New-York Golden-eye is 0.05 long, soft and tender, long and narrow, with the opposite sides of the head and thorax straight and parallel, the abdomen tapering. It is white, with APPLE LEAVES, APHIS LIONS — DESCRIPTION. 79 two dusky stripes upon the head, and the outer side of its long sickle-shaped jaws is blackish. Its back is at this time clothed with numerous long line hairs. It walks about with an easy, sedate step, making very good progress, and could readily crawl down a tall tree and probably travel some distance therefrom before it has taken any nourishment. When full grown it is about 0.J50 long, broadest in the middle, and tapering thence to both ends, but more posteriorly; its color is reddish brown, paler in the middle of the back, with a narrow darker stripe the whole length of its body. It presents numerous transverse impressed lines above, those at the sutures being more conspicuous. The sides of each segment are cream-yellow and protuberant, forming elevated points, with short diverging white hairs A 1the apex. Under side pale. Head pale with two blackish stripes which taper and diverge from each other anteri- orly. The antennae are about as long as the jaws, slender and tapering, with- out any apparent joints. The jaws are tinged with dusky. The legs are pale and somewhat translucent, with a dusky band above and another below the knees; the feet are also dusky. The twelfth and thirteenth, or the two last segments are quite narrow and destitute of tubercles tipped with radiating hairs on each side, but have two black stripes on their upper side. They form a kind of tail turning in every direction, and by the tip of the last segment the insect adheres, particularly to smooth surfaces like glass, much more securely than it can do with its feet. This adhesion appears io be effected by a power of suction in this part. The larvae of the other species of Chrysopa appears to be similar to the one which has now been described. One of them, however, has fallen under my notice, having the whole surface above mottled with light yellow and brownish red, with a slender black line on the middle of the back, having a reddish spot upon it in the centre of each segment, and the head with two black spots on its base and a black stripe anteriorly upon the middle. The species which is produced from this I have not yet ascertained. Having attained its growth, the aphis-lion for its final meal gluts itself as full as its skin can hold. For two days afterwards it remains torpid and inactive, as though sick of a surfeit. It then commences spinning its cocoon. This operation is performed by its tail, which is supplied with a glutinous fluid similar to that from which the spider spins its web, which adheres to whatever point it is applied, and hardens immediately upon exposure to the air. The amount of lite and motion which the tail possesses at this time, when all the rest of the body is lying still and unem- ployed, is truly astonishing. Like the head of a leech, it con- tracts, elongates and turns from side to side and up and down with the vivacity of the hand of a musician beating upon a tarn bourine, attaching its thread here and there as it darts around from point to point. By the New-York Golden-eye scattering threads are first fixed around the hollow in the bark, or elsewhere 80 APPLE LEAVES, APHIS LIONS COCOONS HOW SPUN. where it lies, and to these the skins of any dead plant-lice or particles of dirt which may be within reach are affixed, to serve as more convenient points of attachment for the threads which are afterwards spun than what the naked threads would be. In- side of these the. insect lies, with its tail playing around back- wards and forth. At first the skin is so distended and the body so stiff that it can only bend inwards in the form of a semicircle or of a horse-shoe, and the head is thus brought opposite the tail, giving the insect a ludicrous aspect as it lies still, with its eyes gazing fixedly at the tail as if in astonishment at seeing it fly around in such a singular manner. The tail at this time reaches around to every part of the half of a sphere, and when one side has become sufficiently filled with threads, the body moves along to give it acces to another side, the insect thus lying at one time upon its side or its back, and at another time standing as it were upon its head. Occasionally, as if tired with its cramped position it straightens out somewhat, thus putting the threads upon the stretch and moulding the sides of the cavity in which it lies into a smooth and even surface. As so much matter is given out from its body to form the threads of the cocoon, the skin ceases to be distended as it was at first, the body shrinks and becomes more flexile, and as the cavity in which it lies becomes more and more contracted in size by the threads which the tail is constantly add- ing on every side, the insect is drawn together into a smaller space and becomes coiled into the form of a ball, the head being pressed down upon the breast, with the tail directly over it briskly continuing its work in the small vacant space which here remains. The feet are now so cramped that they are incapable of turning the body around as at first, and it now only moves along slightly by a vermicular motion often repeated. The threads have now become so numerous and close that finally no open meshes are left between them-, and thus a small ball of paper-like texture is formed in the centre of the cocoon, within which the insect is entirely hid from view, tightly bandaged like the feet of a Chinese lady and compressed to a quarter of its previous size. This is a most remarkable circumstance in the history of these insects — that the larvse contract and compress themselves into cocoons of scarcely one-fourth their size, and from these cocoons come flies APPLE LEAVES APHIS-LIONS, PUPA. 81 which are double the size of the larvae. It is like a full-grown hen hatching from an ordinary-sized egg. It requires five or six hours for the New- York Golden-eye to spin so much of its cocoon as to hide itself from view. The threads of which it is composed are of a white color, and the little paper-like ball in its centre is scarcely the tenth of an inch in diameter. Within this the insect changes to a pupa of a pale green color, with large hemispherical eyes, and with each of the legs, the wings and the antennae enclosed in separate sheaths. The antennae -sheaths show the bead-like joints of these organs very distinctly. They stand out in strong relief upon the sur- face, passing above the eyes and along the sides of the thorax, and on the outer surface of the wing-sheaths near their anterior margin to their tips, where the remainder of their length is coiled and doubled together in a singular and curious manner. These insects lie through the winter enclosed in their cocoons. Some of the species, however, have two generations annually, and these remain in their pupa state in the summer season about a fortnight. M. Andouin informed Mr. Westwood that they escape from their cocoons by means of a slit made in a spiral direction at one end. But this certainly is not their usual manner of open- ing their cocoons. One side of the cocoon where it is globular, and one end where it is oval, is cut smoothly off, so as to form a little lid, which commonly hangs to the cocoon by some of the loose exterior threads, which serve as a hinge to retain it in its place. Through the opening thus made the pupa crawls out of its cocoon before it casts its skin to become a perfect fly. Of this family of insects, which are rendering us such important services, our American species are somewhat numerous. Only two of these, I believe, have as yet been named and described. I therefore present herewith descriptions of most of the species which are known to me. These pertain to two genera, Hemerobius or the Lace- winged flies, having the joints of the antennae globu- lar, and Ckrysopa or the Golden-eyed flies, in which they are short cylindrical. To these genera it is necessary to add a third, resembling C/irysopa in most of its details, but instead of having (Assembly, No. 215. | 5 82 APPLE LEAVES SIGNOREt's GOLDEN-EYE. the antennae inserted close together, they are separated at their bases, and a cylindrical protube;anc s or horn projects from the front between them. For this genus I propose the name J\IclcomaT formed from two greek words, implying bad smell, in allusion to the odor which in common with several species of Chrysopa, these insects exhale. But one species is known to me, which may be named and described as follows : Signoret's GOLDEST-EYED Fi.y , (Mtkoma Signarelti} is of a pale yellowish green color, and is clothed with a fine short pubescence, especially upon the abdomen. The cylindrical horn which arises between the base of the antennae is longer than broad, and is directed forward upon a line with 'the head and thorax. It is a third longer and somewhat thicker than the enlarged basa* joints of the antennae, is slightly dilated at its anterior end, where \Hs abruptly turned downwards almost at a right angle, this deflected part forming a thin transverse lamina of a light yellow color, vertically striated on its anterior face, and with a projecting acute tooth in the middle of its lower margin, which is of a brown color and turned backwards. Upon the top of tlic head is a transverse elevation, with a deep excavation immediately back of it. The face has a round smooth elevated brown spot upon each side of its centre. The antennae are very pale brownish, the two basal joints light green. The basal edge of the anterior segment of the thorax is elevated, and there is a more prominent obtuse elevation forward of this, separated from the base by an in- tervening transverse groove. The basal elevation shows a longitudinal im- pressed line on its middle, and back of this a more strongly impressed line extends across the middle of the anterior elevated lobe of the second segment. The legs are whitish, the feet tinged with dull yellow, with black hooks at their tips. The wings are slightly angulated at their tips, the hind pair more conspicuously so. They are hyaline and glass-like, with a slight opacity at the stigmas or that part of the wing which is forward of the extremity of the outer margin. Their veins and veinlets are whitish except the two subapical scries of veinlets of the anterior pair, and tho.se which are given off along the inner side of the rib-vein, which are brownish black. This species measures 1.15 across the wings when spread. It was captured the latter part of July, near the summit of Mount Antonio, one of the outliers of the Green Mountain range, slightly beyond the boundary of our State, in Rupert, Vermont. I name it in honor of my valued friend, Dr. Signoret, of Paris, whose elegant Iconograph of the Tetligoniides now publishing in the Annals of the Entomo- logical Society as well as his previous productions, are an enduring monument of the extent and accuracy of his researches in that branch of the science to which he devotes himself. The sp( cies of the genus Ciirysopa are all of a bright pale green or yellowish co'.or; tl e number and situation of the veins and veinlets or short connecting veins in their wings, is the same, and they differ but 1 ttle in size. To the naked eye they seem to form but a single species. I had long noticed that individuals of APPLE LEAVES — GENUS CHRYSOPA. 83 this genus presented black dots and other marks upon the head and thorax, but they were in all other respects so much like others destitute of these spots, that I was in doubt whether they were anything more than mere varieties of two species, the Pcrla and chrysops of the old authors, or the American representatives of those species, the one having the veinlets pale green, the other having them varied more or less with black. Awaiting for some fact that would throw light upon this subject, I several years ago met with ten chrysalids upon the leaves of a yellow pine, attached near each other, and all obviously the progeny of one parent. It occurred to me that when these disclosed the perfect insect they would furnish evidence whether the same species presented those slight differences in its markings which I had noticed among different individuals of this genus. I accordingly gathered them, and in a short time obtained from them the mature flies. These were all alike in every respect, and were destitute of any dots or other marks except a tawny yellow spot upon the cheeks. I therefore regarded this mark upon the cheeks as forming the distinctive character of a species. All the specimens which were obtained in the manner stated, had the veinlets of their wings pale green; other individuals, however, occurred, having the same tawny yellow spot upon the cheeks, but in which the ends of the veinlets were dark green or black. These I had been inclined to regard as only varieties of the species, until the pre- sent season I discover that these individuals which have the ends of their veinlets black or dark green come from cocoons which a.re globular, white, with a rough ragged surface from nu- merous loose fibers of silk adhering to them, whilst those which were gathered upon pine leaves were oval, pale green and smooth. From the cocoons, therefore, it is evident that they are of dif- ferent species. It is thus shown that a variation in the color of the veinlets of the wings, as well as in the dots and other marks upon the head and body in this genus, is to be regarded as indi- cating a difference in the species. The general reader is com- monly inclined to the opinion that naturalists make their favorite science unduly complicated and obscure by founding multitudes of species upon what appear to be slight and unessential dis- tinctions. But the facts here stated will show him some of the 84 APPLE LEAVES CHRYSOPA SPECIES. evidences which compel us to regard these minute and seeming- ly unimportant marks as valid indications of differences which?, actually exist in nature. To facilitate the discrimination of these species of this genus which are here described, they are arranged in an analytical se- ries, which, on a slight inspection, will be intelligible to every reader. 1. (18.) Sockets in which the antennse are inserted margined more or less with black. 2. (5.) Two black or dusky stripes upon the top of the head- 3. (4.) Veinlets mostly black, a few with a short green band on their middle. The White-horned Golden-eye (Chrysoja albicornis'). Antennse whi- tish, basal joint with an orange-red ring surrounding it wholly or in part, se- cond joint with a black ring ; sockets at their base with an uninterrupted black margin. Head above with two parallel black stripes confluent anteriorly with the black margins of the antennse sockets; face with an orange-red spot each side upon the cheeks and a black crescent under each eye, its anterior horn run- ning into the black margin of the antennae sockets. First segment of the tho- rax with an impressed line in its middle, and three brown spots on each side, behind which are two black dots and a fourth brown spot situated upon the basal edge; second segment with two short black lines upon its anterior and two brown spots near its posterior edge. Veinlets black, those in the disk green in their middle, those ending on the inner and apical margins green ex- cept at their bases, those of the hind wings green except the row towards the tips, those outside of the rib-vein and the bases of those branching from the in- ner side of the rib-vein. Wings expanded 1.15. My specimens of this species were captured in the State of Mississippi, in April. 4. (3.) Veinlets green3 slightly marked with black at their bases. The Disagreeable Golden-eye ( C. illepida'). Pale yellowish green clothed with short white hairs. Head yellowish white, pale yellow above with two black stripes which are often dusky in their middle and slightly converge an- teriorly, their anterior ends confluent with the black margins of the antennae sockets; a black dot on the base behind each eye. Antennae pale yellow, be- coming dark brown towards their tips; basal joint white with a pale tawny spot on the upper side; second joint with a black ring; sockets broadly mar- gined with black except above between the anterior ends of the longitudinal stripes where is an interruption of bright tawny red. Eyes dark golden green. A black crescent under each eye, the anterior horn of which joins the black margin of the antennse sockets in the middle of their under sides, and APPLE LEAVES CHRYSOPA SPECIES. 85 from that point a black stroke is sent down-wards upon the cheeks, which stroke is margined on its anterior side with tawny red. Palpi black with white rings. A small oval black spot upon each side of the throat. Thorax with a dusky or black mark each side at its apex and four spots above at the angles of an imaginary square, and behind these a faint yellowish brown ■spot each side of the middle. Feet pale dull yellowish. Wings pellucid, their tips angular, those of the upper pair very slightly so; an opake pale greenish yellow stigma; veins pale green; veinlets branching from the rib vein on both sides black at their bases; two series of veinlets towards the tip of the wings black, some of them sometimes pale green. Lower wings, veinlets on the out- side of the rib-vein and bases of those opposite to them black. Wings expand 1.10. Found the last of June in this State and also in Illinois. When captured it emits the disagreeable odor peculiar to several of its kindred species. 5. (2.) Head above with black dots but no stripes. A tawny yellow spot on each cheek, commonly with a black line or dot on its posterior edge. 6. (17.) More than two dots upon the top of the head. 7. (12.) Dots six in number, four at the angles of an imaginary square, the anterior two often confluent with the black margin of the antennse sockets, and one each side behind the eye. 8. (11.) A black dot or streak on the posterior edge of the tawny spot on the cheeks. 9. (10.) Ends of the veinlets black. The O-marked Golden-eye ( C. Omikron). This is of a pale green color with a light yellow head and a black 0 mark surrounding the base of each an- tenna, broader on the upper side, and above interrupted with orange red be- tween the two anterior dots on the top of the head, which are commonly con- fluent more or less with these black rings. This species corresponds with the one last described in all its details, except that in addition to wanting the black stripes on the head, the veinlets branching from the rib-vein on both sides are black at their tips as well as their bases, and the remaining transverse veinlets are mostly black at their bases ; and instead of a line in the tawny spot upon the cheeks this commonly has only a black dot. A variety occurs in which the tawny reddish spot on the upper side of the basal joint of the antennse is wanting. The wings expand from 0.95 to 1.10, the females being slightly larger than the other sex. It is a common species during the month of June, and exhales the same disagreeable odor as the preceding. 10. (9.) Ends only of the veinlets on the outer side of the rib vein and bases of those given off from its inner side black, all the others green. The Yellow-headed Golden-eye ( C. xanthoce2.hala) is distinguished from the foregoing by having the veins and veinlets all green, except those veinlets 86 APPLE LEAVES — CHRYSOPA SPECIES. which are given off from the rib vein, which are black at their bases, and those on the outer side at their tips also. It is of a pale yellowish green color with a light yellow head, the orange red spot on the cheeks with a black streak to- wards its hind edge, and the two anterior dots on the top of the head confluent with the black margins of the sockets of the antennae, which, between these spots, is interrupted with tawny yellow. Its wings, expanded, measure 1.10. It is much less common than the preceding species, and occurs with it in the month of June. Specimens have also been sent me from Michigan by T. E. Wetmore, Esq. 11. (8.) The tawny spot on the cheeks without any black dot or mark. The Yellow-cheeked Golden-eye ( C. fulvibucca) corresponds with the O-marked golden-eye in the color of its veinlets, and the spots and marks upon its head, except that no black dot or streak occurs in the tawny spot upon its cheeks. Like that species also, this has an impressed line the whole length of the first segment of the thorax, but here that line is crossed slightly back of its middle by a straight transverse one, the ends of which on each side are deep black, and a pale umber brown spot extends from this backwards, nearly to the base of this segment, having an oval black dot outside of it. Forward of the brown spot is a smaller one of the same color, and on the anterior mar- gin on each side behind the eye, as in several of the species, are too shorfc blackish lines converging and confluent at their hind ends. The second seg- ment has also an impressed medial line, and two brown spots upon each side. A variety occurs in which these spots last mentioned are wanting. The wings expand 1.10. This species occurs the last of July and in August. 12. (7.) Four clots only upon the top of the head, situated in a transverse row. 13. (14.) A black crescent-shaped mark under each eye.- The Mississippi Golden-eye (C Mississippicnsis.) The dead specimen sulphur yellow. Antennae white, dull yellowish towards the tips, their sockets margined with black with a tawny yellow interruption above in the middle. Head with two black dots above, and one behind each eye. A black crescent under each eye, its anterior horn uniting with the black margin of the antennae sockets, from which point a black dash is sent downwards upon the cheek, which is edged with pale tawny yellow. Thorax with spots on the first and dots on the second segment analogous to those in the following species. • Legs pale green, feet pale dull yellow. Wings rounded at tips; veinlets mostly black, their middle pale green, those towards each end of the outer cell and the two veins towards the tip entirely black. Wings expand 1.20. Taken in the vicinity of Jackson, Mississippi, by my daughter, in the month of April. 14. (13.) A black dot under each eye. Tips of the wing8 rounded. APPLE LEAVES CHRYSOPA SPECIES. 87 15. (16.) Sockets of the antennae broadly margined with black except upon their outer sides. The X-marked Golden-eye (C. Chi). Antennae whitish, towards the apex black, their sockets widely edged on their inner sides with hlack, forming a mark resembling the Greek letter chi, or an italic x. A large black dot under each eye and another- forward of it, with a black point in the centre of the face. Four large black dots in a transverse row upon the top of the head. First seg- ment of the thorax with four large brownish black spots at the angles of an imaginary square; second segment with four black dots also forming the angles of an imaginary square, and a minute one above the base of each fore wing. Abdomen black, except at its tip. Veins black at their ends; veinlets black, the middle ones on the outer side of the rib-vein with a green band on their middle; veinlets of the hind wings which branch from the rib-vein, black; those on its inner side with a green band on their middle, those branching inwards from the wavy longitudinal vein slightly black at their bases. Wings expand 1.25. Taken the last of June upon bushes in swamps. 16. (15.) A black Y-shaped mark between and dot below the bases of the antennae. The Y-marked Golden-eye (C Upsilori). Light yellowish green. Anten- nae dull whitish, dusky towards their tips; basal joint palegreen, blackish at its apex on the under side. A black dot under each eye and a somewhat square spot forward of it towards the mouth. Mouth tinged with dirty whitish. Palpi with black rings. Four black dots in a transverse row upon the top of the head, the two inner ones larger. Thorax with four equidistant black spots upon each side in a row, the hind ones on the anterior edge of the second seg- ment; back of these four black dots at the angles of an imaginary square, and another above the base of each fore wing. Abdomen obscure greenish above with two faint brownish dots near ihe middle of each segment. Wings pellu- cid, veins pale green, veinlets black, mostly with a pate green band on thek middle, their hairs and those of the veins black; hind wings with the veinlets towards the tip, those in the outer cell and bases of those in the next cell black. Wings expand 0.90 in the male, and 1.10 in the female. This is one of the ^earliest appearing species, coming out the last of May and early in June. 17. (6.) T#o black dots only upon the top of the head. The Two-dotted Goldsn-eyk (C. bipunctata). Pale yellowish green. Head pale yellow, with a black dot on each side of its base above, almost in contact with the eye. Antennae whitish, dark brown towards their tips; basal joint white, with a tawny red band on its upper side; second joint black; their sockets margined with tawny red on the upper and with black on the under side. Eyes brilliant coppery red when alive. Face with a tawny red spot en each side, having an oval black dot in its hind margin. A black stripe undeT each eye sending a slender line from its lower end forwards to the margin of the antennae sockets. Palpi white with black tips and rings. Thorax without gpots. Wings rounded at tips; veinlets green, some of those arising from the rib vein slightly marked with black at their bases, those in the outer cell of 88 APPLE LEAVES CHRYSOPA SPECIES. the hind wings black. Wings expand 1. 05. Taken the. fore part of June- 18. (1.) Sockets of the antenna} not marked with black. 19. (38.) A dot or spot upon the cheeks. 20. (29.) Cheeks with a black streak or dots under each eye 21. (22.) Two black dots under each eye. The Colon Golden-eye ( C. colon). Light yellow. Antennse pale tawny yellow, black towards their bases; basal joint light yellow, unspotted. Face with two black dots each side upon the cheeks. Thorax with a black dot on each side at the apex, and in the middle a transverse but no longitudinal im- pressed line. Wings slightly angulated at their tips; the two rows of subapi- cal veinlets, those branching outwards from the rib vein and bases of those branching inwards black. Wings expand 1.40. Taken the fore part of June 22. (21.) A black streak or short line under each eye. 23. (26.) The black line not margined with tawny yellow. 23. (25.) Several of the veinlets black at one or both ends. The Clean Golden-eye ( C. emuncta). Light yellow. Head without dots or marks except a short black stroke under each eye, anteriorly joining the narrowed end of a second black stroke. Thorax without spots, save a black point at the apex on each side. Wings rounded at tips, hind pair slightly an- gulated ; veinlets on the outer side of the rib vein black at their bases only in part, all those upon the inner side black at base and tip. Palpi black on their outer sides. Wings expand 1.30. Taken the middle of August. 25. (24.) Veinlets all green. Robertson's Golden-eye ((7. Roberlsonii}. Pale green with a whitish stripe from the head along the middle of the back. Head sulphur yellow, with- out spots except a short shining black stripe under each eye. Antenna? pale dull yellow, basal joint white. Thorax without spots. Legs whitish, feet tinged with brown. Wings rounded at their tips; stigma green, slightly opake;. veins and veinlets all pale green. Wings expand 1.05. Captured at Tullehas- sie, in the Creek Indian Territory, west of Arkansas, the middle of May, and sent me by William S. Robertson. 26. (23.) Cheeks with a tawny yellow spot in which or on its hind edge is a black line or dot. 27. (28.) Color pale green. The Weeping Golden-eye (C plorabunda). Very pale green, with a paler cream yellow stripe from the head the whole length along the middle of the back. Head cream yellow; cheeks pale tawny yellow, with a small black stripe posteriorly under each eye. Antennae whitish, clay yellow towards their tips. Thorax without spots. Beneath and legs greenish white, feet pale clay APPLE-LEAVES — CIIRYSOPA SPECIES. 89 yellow. Wings rounded at tips, the hind pair slightly angular; veins and veinlets pale greenish. A variety, which is common, has a brown or reddish spot above upon each side of the head, contiguous to the eye, in which an ocel- lus or small simple eye appears to be situated. Wings expand one inch. This is an abundant species the last of September and in October, both in this State and in Illinois, occurring upon the foliage of apple and peach trees, and also upon various wild bushes and weeds. 28. (27.) Color straw yellow. The Counterfeit Golden-eye ( C. pseudographa). Very like the preceding species, but of a straw yellow color without any tint of green, the head brighter cream yellow, the cheeks tawny yellow with a short black stripe running down- wards from the under side of the eye, the antennas, legs and feet, and veins and veinlets of the wings pallid white, the wings rounded at their tips, the abdo- men with a smooth more clear white stripe along the middle of the back, upon each side of which at the apex of each segment is a pale tawny yellow spot. A variety has a band of this last color upon the apex of each segment of the abdo- men. Though so closely related to the weeping golden-eye, and associated with it, it is evidently a distinct species and is easily discriminated. The wings expand one inch. Several specimens were captured upon apple trees in nor- thern Illinois the fore part of October. 29. (20.) No black dot or mark under the eye. Cheeks tawny yellow between the eye and the mouth. 30. (35.) Ends of some or all of the veinlets black or dark green. 31. (32.) Color sulphur yellow, with orange yellow spots each side of the abdomen at base. The Sulphur Golden-eye ( C. sulphurea). Bright sulphur yellow, with an orange colored spot under each eye, one on each side of the apex of the tho- rax and of the basal segments of the abdomen. Antennae, legs and feet whitish . Wings rounded at tips, the hind pair slightly angular, veins white, the rows of veinlets towards the tips of both pairs. of wings and the ends of most of the other veinlets black. Wings expand 1.05. Taken in New- Jersey the latter part of September. 32. (31.) Color pale green, with a pale yellow stripe on the back. 33. (34.) A row of orange-colored spots above on each side of the thorax and abdomen. Sichel's Golden-eye ( C. Sichelli). Pale yellowish green with a pale bright yellow stripe along the middle of the thorax and abdomen. Head white with a large pale yellow spot above, a streak from the eye to the mouth, a small dot between the antennas and a spot on the base behind each eye bright 90 APPLE LEAVES — CHRYSOPA SPECIES. orange yellow. Eyes brilliant coppery red with a golden j-ellow reflection in the living specimen. Antennas white. Palpi white, their tips brownish. Thorax pale yellow above, pale bright green on each side, bluish white beneath ; first segment with a row of three equidistant bright orange spots on each side, the anterior one largest and placed rather more outwardly, an impressed trans- verse line across the middle; second segment with an impressed longitudinal line crossing the two anterior elevated lobes, and a bright orange spot on each side on the anterior edge. Abdomen pale greenish yellow with a deeper bright yellow stripe above, on each side of which on the five first segments is a bright orange spot, each spot crossed by an impressed longitudinal line, those on the second and third segments larger, their centres tawny; those on the fifth segment small and pale. Legs pale bluish white, feet yellowish. Wings ob- tusely angular at their tips, the fore ones very slightly so; stigma opake pale green; veins pale green, the marginal one white; veinlets pale green, the two series towards the tip and the ends of most of the others black. Wings ex- pand 1.05. Taken the first of August. This is the most variegated of our American species belonging to this genus. I name it in honor of my esteemed friend and correspondent, Dr. Sichel, President of the Entomological Society of France. 34. (33.) No orange spots along the sides of the back. The New- York Golden-eye ( C. NovcEboracensis'). Pale green with a pale yellow stripe from the mouth the whole length of the body. Eyes dark green- ish golden when alive. A bright orange red stripe between each e}re and the mouth. Sides of the head greenish white. Palpi pale dull yellowish, tips black and a black line on their outer side. Antennas whitish slightly tinged with dusky towards their tips. Thorax commonly with a large blackish spot anteriorly on each side, formed of two or three confluent smaller ones. Be- neath greenish white. Legs very pale green, feet yellowish white. Wings angular at their tips, the hind ones more conspicuously so, veins pale green; veinlets black at both their ends except those ending in the inner and apical margin, the two series of veinlets towards the tip entirely black; veinlets of the outer cell of the hind wings black at both ends, those branching from the inner side of the rib vein black at their bases. A variety has the veinlets marked with dark green instead of black. Wings expand 1.05. Common the latter part of June and through most of the month of July, depositing its eggs singly, commonly on the margins of apple and other leaves, elevated upon threads the tenth of an inch long. This, like some of the other species, is per- fectly inodorous. 35. (30.) Veinlets entirely pale green or white. 36. (37.) Stigma hyaline, scarcely obvious. Harris's Golden-eye (C Harrisii). Like the preceding in all respects, except that it is slightly larger and the veinlets of the wings arc greenish white without any traces of dark green or black at their ends. Wings expand 1.15. Taken the last of July and in August. Its cocoon is smooth, of a bright pale green color and a regular oval form, 0.14 long by 0.11 in diameter, whilst that of the preceding species is rough externally, with numerous threads loosely APPLE LEAVES CHRYSOPA SPECIES. 91 attached to its surface, and of a white color and a globular form. I have here- tofore regarded this species as the Chrysoj a Perla of Europe, and it is proba- bly the species designated under this name by Dr. Harris (New England In- sects, page 215). It does not appear to be fully settled to what species this name is to be applied, the British entomologists (Curtis, Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society, iii, 63; Stephens, Illustrations Mandib. vi. 105) descri- bing a different insect from that of Rambur (Neroptcres, p. 424). But on comparing our species with the full descriptions given by these authors, it is evidently distinct from both the European species that have received this de- signation, neither of which appear to possess a paler dorsal stripe and some other marks belonging to our insect.* 37. (36.) A blackish brown opake spot on the stigma. The Virginia Golden-eye (C Virginica). Immaculate, save a blackish spot on each side of the thorax at its apex. Wings slightly angular at their tips, veins and veinlets pale green, those branching from the inner side of the rib vein faintly tinged with dusky at their bases; first veinlet of the second row towards the tip black, and margined with smoky; stigma with an opake brown spot, more strongly marked on the hind pair. The small semi-oval cell which is formed in the straight mid-vein towards its base in all our other species is here irregularly quadrangular, and bounded by straight veinlets on each of its four sides. Wings expand 1.35. Taken in Virginia, near Cartersville, by the late Thaddeus A. Culbertson, of Chambersburg, Pcnnsjdvania, whose love of sci- ence and activity in its pursuit, rendered his early death a loss to our country. 38. (19.) Cheeks pale and without any spot or dot. 39. (42.) Antennae black towards their bases. 40. (41.) A black stripe on the outer side of the basal joint of the antennae. The Stripe-iiorned g6lden-eye ( C. lincaticornis'). Pale green. Head white, greenish on the top with two or three small dark brown dots on each side anteriorly, upon the upper edge of the sockets of the antennse. Antennse pale brown, basal fourth part of their length black, basal joint white with a * Next to the Perla, Fabricius describes a species from the Society Islands in the Pacific ocean, which he met with in the cabinet of Sir Joseph Banks, which is rather larger than Perla and of an ash gray color with whitish wings and antennae double the length of the body, from which last character he names it filosus, or the Threadlike golden-eye. I hare specimens from the same locality, presented to me by Lieut Pattison, U. S- Navy, which are perhaps the game species, as they coincide with the description in most of its points. They, however, are rather smaller than Perla, the wings expanding from 0.75 to 0.90, and only the posterior part of the thorax is ash gray, its anterior part and the head being bright yellow and without spots. The antennae are double the length of the body, blackish, becoming yellow at the base, with a black dot on the upper side of the basal joint; the wings white, but pellucid, their veins and veinlets pale dull yellow. Should this prove to be different from the Fabrieian species, as it appirently is, it mxy appropriately be named the Chrysopa filicomis or Thread-horned golden-eye. 92 APPLE LEAVES — HEMEB.0BIUS SPECIES. black stripe the whole length on its outer side. Thorax with an impressed transverse line forward of the base of the first segment, and a longitudinal one on the anterior elevated lobe of the second segment. Legs white. Wings very slightly angulated at their tips; stigma marked by a slight opacity; veinlets dusky ox black. Wings expand 1.10. Taken the middle of July. 41. (40 ) A black dot on the outside of the first joint of the antennse at its tip. The Dotted-iiorned Golden-eye ( C. punctic-rnis} is perhaps only a va- riety of the preceding, as it corresponds with it in all respects, except that the basal joint of the antennas has only a black dot at its apex on the (niter side, and there are no dots on the edge of the sockets of the antennas ; the first seg- ment of the thorax has two transverse impressed lines and a longitudinal one behind the middle. The abdomen has a brown stripe above on each side. Wings expand 1.15. This also occurs in the middle of July. 42. (39.) Antenna? pale. The Consumptive Golden-ete (0. tabida) is pale green, almost white; the head is white and without spots, except a slight discoloration on the cheeks in some individuals which commonly disappears in the preserved specimen; the antennas are white their whole length; the thorax is white along the mid- dle, and pale green upon each side; the wings are obtusely angulated at their tips, their veins white tinged in places with green, the veinlets greenish white, their ends black, the two series towards the tip entirely black. Wings expand 0.95. Occurs the fore part of August. The Lace-wing flies pertaining to the genus Hemerobius differ from each other much more than these we have been considering. They are generally of pale dull colors, but vary greatly in size, in the veins and spots upon their wings, &c. Most of the fol- lowing species have three longitudinal veins branching from the rib vein towards its base on the inner side ; the three last species however, have only two such veins, whilst the first has several, and the second has four. The Freckled lace-winc (Flemerobius irrara'us, Say) is black and hairy with a pale yellowish stripe on the middle and another upon each side of the thorax. The head, scutel and under side of the body is also pale yellowish. The wings are hyaline and glassy, with numerous irregular blackish spots and dots, those on the margin larger and alternated with whitish spots, and there is a largish darker colored spot near the middle and another towards the tips of the inner longitudinal veins, situated upon their connecting veinlets. The veins are black alternating with white. The hind wings are without spots ex- cept in the region of the stigma; their veins are black with only the marginal and rib veins alternating with white. The wings expand from 2.25 to 3.20 / APPLE LEAVES HEMEROBIUS SPECIES. 93 This species is rather rare. It begins to be met with about the middle of July and continues until the arrival of cold weather. Mr. Stephens has also described a species under this same name. Mr. Say, however, appropriated the name to our insect more than ten years anterior to its use by Mr. Stephens. Another name therefore becomes necessary for the British species, which, if it has not already been re-named should be designa- ted the Stephensii, in honor of its first describer, the eminent entomologist recently deceased. Mr. Say in connection with the preceding (in the appendix to Long's Expe- dition, page 30G) describes another species, the vittatus or Striped lace-wing, from a specimen in the Philadelphia museum, found by Mr. Titian Peale, in New Jersey. This is of the same size with the Freckled lace-wing and closely resembles it, but has the body of a pale yellowish color, with a broad blackish stripe upon each side of the thorax, and a small white spot on the outer edge of the fore wings near the tip. I have never met with this, which appears to be a rare species. The Alternated lace-wing {II. allerna us) is dull whitish or yellowish white varied with dark brown, and is clothed with short pale yellowish hairs. Its face and a stripe on each side of the thorax is blackish brown. The abdo- men is dull whitish with a clearer white stripe along each side, which is mar- gined above by a row of spots and below by a slender line of a brown color. The wings are pellucid and iridescent red and green; the veins are white with alternating blackish spots giving off fine bristles of the same color. The vein- lets are black, robust, and broadly margined with smoky, forming two irregu- lar rows of spots across the wing, with a third short one betwTeen them upon the inner margin. The margin is whitish, with dusky spots of different sizes, the larger spots having two or sometimes only one smaller spot between them. The hind wings arc pellucid, their veins white, those next to the rib vein with dusky spots, the veinlets blackish but not margined with smoky; the inner fork of the innermost longitudinal vein is also blackish from the anastamosing veinlet half way to the furcation. The margin of these wings is whitish alter- nating with dusky spots around the apex. A dot or short line is placed on the margin between the tips of all the veins and their forks.- The wings expand 0.80. This occurs the last of June, particularly upon pine and hemlock bushes. The Stigma-mariced lace-wing (//. stign.aterus) has the veins of the fore wings black with white bands; the cells are smoky with clearer spots at each of the white bands upon the veins; stigma opake tawny-reddish; two series of black anastamosing veinlets; a third veinlet near the inner base connecting the first longitudinal vein with the inner fork of the second longitudinal, and on the opposite side continued to a branch of the first longitudinal, thus forming two closed basal cells, the outer one of which is long and narrow, with the second longitudinal vein forking near the middle of this cell. This last men- tioned veinlet is more robust and more obviously margined with dusky than the others. Head and antenme pale dull yellow; legs paler; thorax and ab- domen blackish brown. A variety which is common has the tip of the abdo- men pale yellow, and another variety has a pale stripe along each side of the abdomen. The wings expand from 0.55 to 0.60. This is a common species throughout the Northern and Western States, occurring from March until Oc- tober, resting upon the foliage of various evergreen and deciduous trees, and 94 APPLE LEAVES — HEMEROBIUS SPECIES. upon the grass of meadows and prairies. I have met with it upon peach but never upon apple leaves. The margin of the fore wings presents a curious ap- pearance, being occupied like several of the other species with a row of dots, which, when magnified, resemble a string of beads, and it is almost always the case that, around the entire margin, every fourth dot is white, the other three being black. The Chesnut lack-wing (//. Castanecb) has all the veins white alterna- ted with black or brown rings, with the usual two series of veinlets black fee- bly margined with dusky; a large blackish dot on the first longitudinal vein at the apex of the outer basal cells, and a smaller one at the next fork beyond this, and similar dots on the inner rib-vein at the origin of each of the discoidal veins; wings hyaline, the margins faintly tinged with smoky. Body whitish with a large spot under each eye, a stripe on each side of the thorax and a row of spots on each side of the abdomen, brown. Wings expand 0.G5. This is one of the most common species throughout the northern and northwestern States, and both the larvas and the perfect insects may always be found upon chestnut trees infested with plant-lice, and also upon the walnut and other trees, from April till October. It varies much in the depth of the color of the dots on the wings and the rings upon the veins, these being sometimes black and very distinct and at other times much more faint, either brown or tawny. The dots on the margin are white interspersed irregularly with black ones. A variety has all the rings upon the veins black and more broad than usual, and instead of the three dots which commonly occur upon the inner rib-vein, this vein is annulated with black through its whole length. The larva is white or tawny yellowish, with a slender brown line in the middle and a row of black- ish spots on each side, the head with two large longitudinal black spots and a black dot above the base of each leg. Its sides have a serrated appearance, from a row of projecting tubercles the tips of which are furnished writh slender ra- diating hairs. The Preserver lace-wing (//. lutatrix) has translucent wings with white veins, which on the fore wings have black rings at somewhat regular intervals, and from each side of each ring proceeds a short smoky brown line, which is inclined towards the apex of the vein, thus forming a series of V-shaped marks crossing the veins at each ring; near the base of the inner margin of the fore wings are a few black dots. The body throughout is white, tinged with yel- lowish; the thorax has three brown spots on each side which are often some- what confluent into a continuous stripe; the abdomen has a rowr of eight brown spots each side of the middle, situated upon the sutures. The wings expand 0.60. This is much like the preceding species, but is a size smaller, with the wings more clear and glassy and without any dusky tinge towards their mar- gins, and with the scries of marginal dots all white. It was captured in Sep- tember upon apple trees. The United-veined lace-wing (//. conjunctus) has pellucid wings becom- ing dusky towards the margins; veins of the fore wings white with blackish rings and bands; a blackish spot around each of the veinlets except the two innermost ones, and a smaller spot at the base of each discoidal vein; marginal dots alternately black and brown, the black ones occupying the apices of the veins; lower wings and their veins without spots. Wings expand 0.53. The wings arc spotted much like those of alternatus, except that the margin is APPLE LEAVES HEMEROBIUS SPECIES. \)9 wholly immaculate. Its spotted wings at once separate it from the following species, which differ from all our other lace-wings with three discoidal veins hy having, like this species, an anastomosing veinlet running inwards from the base of the first discoidal. This species occurred upon pine bushes the latter part of May. The Pine-bush lace-wing (//. Pinidumus). Wings hyaline, slightly tinged with smoky, the marginal dots all of a uniform brown color; veins of the fore wings white with brown rings; veinlets black margined with dusky, forming a few brown spots, of which three or four form a curved row across the disk. Body pale dull yellow, sides of the thorax brown. Wings expand 0.45. This is nearly related to tutatrix, from which, however, it is readily distinguished by having a slender anastamosing veinlet connecting the second longitudinal vein with the base of the third longitudinal or the first of the three which branch from the rib-vein. It may frequently be met with upon pine bushes, from May till the last of July. The Glassy lace-wing (//. hyalinalus) is much like the preceding, but the wings are more clear and glass-like, their veins very faintly mottled with dusky the veinlets colorless instead of brown and not in the least margined with dusky, and in the middle of the inner margin forward of the medial series of veinlets, arc two or three veinlets connecting the first longitudinal vein and its branches with the margin. The marginal dots are unicolor. Wings expand 0.45. Possibly this is only a variety of the preceding. It occurs with it upon pine bushes in May, June, and July. The Little friend lace-wing (//. amiculus). Two discoidal veins only arising from the inner rib-vein, as in the remaining species. Wings hyaline mottled with smoky dots and irregular unequal spots; margin of the fore wings with a regular series of black dots, one between the apex of each of the veins, but none upon the tips of the veins; veins brown dotted with black, more conspicuously so in the axilla and the area outside of the rib-vein; veins of this last mentioned area (the costal) forked; the two rib-veins rather dis- tant from each other, with an anastamosing veinlet towards their base; second discoidal fork anastamosing with the outer branch of the first near its base, then forking, with the outer fork anastamosing twice with the rib-vein and once with the inner fork; slightly forward of this last is another veinlet con- necting the inner fork of the second discoidal with the outer fork of the first discoidal, and a second, commonly continuous with this last, connecting the outer with the middle fork of the first discoidal; another veinlet is situated halfway between this and the base of these forks, which is the first of a series extending inwards and bordered with dusky, which color is continued onwards to the inner margin; there are also three veinlets towards the base. The hind wings are hyaline and without spots or veinlets; the margin has a dot between the tip of each vein. Body dull brown, antennae yellowish, legs dull white. Wings expand about 0.42. Taken from May until October, on peach trees and on wild shrubs, both in this State and Illinois. The Western lace-wing (//. occidentalis) has the wings hyaline and not mottled with smoky dots or clouds, but adorned with two faint parallel lines of a more dusky tinge in all the cells; margin dusky; veins and veinlets ro- bust, black; a black dot on the margin between the tips of each of the veins; outer fork of the first discoidal vein anastamosing with the rib-vein near its base instead of with the second discoidal as in the preceding species, the other 96 APPLE LEAVES — MEALY-WINGED FLY. veinlets similar in situation to those of the preceding. Body blackish; anten- nae shorter than the body, robust, thread-like and not tapering, black; legs pale. Wings expand 0.38. Taken in Illinois, on bushes beside Henderson river, the first of October. The Titman lace-wing (if. delicatulus). Two veins arising from the in- ner rib-vein, the first more towards its base, the second more towards its tip than in the preceding species; wings hyaline with dusky dots on the veins and a single row of veinlets running obliquely across the disk from the rib- vein to the first longitudinal and broadly margined with dusky; veins pale brown, those of the costal area blackish, the alternate ones towards the base forked, all the others simple; margin thinly fringed with short hairs, a dot on the tips of the veins and a smaller one between them. Body dusky yellowish; antennas longer than the body, brownish; legs pale. Wings expand about 0.40. Swept from the grass of prairies in Illinois, the first of October. Another insect closely related to the HexMerobiidje, and the larva of which is supposed to feed upon plant-lice, may be noticed in this connection. It is of minute size, and by no means rare, occurring upon apple and other trees, and also upon the wing at twilight or in shady situations, from early in June until the end of July. It is so anomalous that, at one time and another, I have been occupied several days in investigating it and determining where it should be arranged. When first captured I supposed I had a species of Jlhurodes in hand, its minute size, its mealy- white coating, and the size of its wings giving it a close resem- blance to the insects of that group. Indeed the European species allied to this were at first placed by Mr. Stephens in that family. But the number of veins in the wings and of joints in the feet and antennae, and above all the structure of the mouth with jaws for masticating food and not a beak for suction, absolutely excludes these insects from'such an association, and also from being arranged with the moths, where the old authors placed them. It is ob- vious that our insect pertains to the order Neuroptera. And in this order its many points of resemblance to the Coniopteryx Tineiformis, Curtis, leaves no doubt that it finds its true relatives with that insect and its associates, the classification of which has so much perplexed the entomologists of Europe. Whilst Messrs. Curtis and Stephens associate this genus with the Psocim:, Mr. Westwood regards it as having more affinities with the Hemero- BiiDiE. Important differences, however, separate it from both ot these families. It is unlike the Psocidae in having five-jointed feet, and antennse of a different form and with joints doubly numerous: and differs from the Hemerobiidse in having wings APPLE LEAVES MEALY-WINGED ELY. 97 with but few veins and veinlets, the hind pair smaller than the anterior, &c, and is separated from both these families by the mealy coating of the perfect insects. Its arrangement in either is evidently incongruous Dr. Burmeister has therefore elevated these insects to the rank of a distinct family, named Conioptery- gidje or Mealy-wings, the single genus Coniopteryx, with its four European species, being all that is at present known pertaining to this family. On comparing our insect with those of Europe, although its general resemblance is so close, we notice some important dis- crepancies in its details. The veins of its wings are more simple and less connected by anastamosing veinlets, there being but one of these veinlets in the disk of the wing, and three near the base, arranged in a continuous line, and leaving only the outer and inner veins insulated from their origin to their tips. Thus, while the European insects have three closed discoidal cells, in our insect there is but one. The veins of the hind wings in the European species are forked and connected by veinlets, whilst in ours there are no veinlets, and only one of the veins is forked. Westwood states the wings to be wholly destitute of cilise or fringe-like hairs along the margin, whilst here a series of short, fine erect hairs are very distinct along the apical and inner edges. The eyes moreover are widely notched and kidney-shaped, instead of being round. These differences forbid our including our insect in the same genus with those of Europe. It will therefore form a second genus in this family, for which I propose the name Jileuronia (Greek aXsupov, farina or dust) having allusion to the mealy coating with which these insects are covered. And as Mr. Westwood (through whose kindness my cabinet has been enriched with specimens, particularly of some of the minute and interest- ing species which he has described) was the first to separate the insects of this group generically, this species may appropriately be dedicated to him. Whilst the more simple veins of its wings would approximate this family more closely than heretofore to the Psocidee their ciliated margins give it an additional resem- blance to the HemerobiidsB, and leave the question as to which [Assem. No. 215.] 7 98 APPLE LEAVES MEALY-WINGED FLY. of these families the present is most nearly related in much the same doubt in which it has hitherto been. Westwood's mealy-wing (Jllcuronia Westiooodii) measures one-tenth of an inch to the tips of its wings which project a third of their length beyond the tip of the abdomen, against the sides of which they are held almost perpen- dicularly when at rest. It is of a blackish color, its abdomen bright yellow of a paler or deeper tint, its legs pale, and the whole surface of its body and limbs is dusted over with a white meal-like powder, except the antennge, which are black, thread-like, about two-thirds the length of the body and comjwsed of about twenty-eight joints, whereof the basal is the thickest, and the second is longer than those which succeed, which are all of equal size and short cylin- drical, their length and breadth equal, the apical oval. The head is elevated upon a short neck in the living specimen and is wider than long, round and flat- tened in front; the palpi rather long; five-jointed, the apical joint oval, and as long as the two which precede it taken together; the labial palpi three-jointed, their apical joint large, and egg-shaped. Legs of medium size, the hind pair longest, and about equalling the body in length; feet five-jointed, the basal joint cylindric and forming nearly half of their whole length; the third joint short- est, the tips ending in two minute hooks. The wings are broad, rounded at their ends, with six veins proceeding from the base, whereof the second or rih- vein gives off two branches, one at the end of the anastamosing veinlet near the base and the other forward of the middle, both of these branches forking rather beyond their middle, thus making ten veins which end in the apical and inner margin. The first of these branches forward of its furcation sends an anasta- mosing veinlet inward to the next or mid-vein, which, with the rib-vein, are obviously thicker and more robust than the other veins. The hind wings have five veins ending in their margin, whereof the second and third unite near the middle of the wing. Having occupied so much space in describing the aphis-lions and their habits, we present but a brief sketch of the habits of the remaining destroyers of the plant-lice, reserving a description of their species for a future occasion. Equal to, or even surpassing the aphis-lions, in the havoc which they make among colonies of plant-lice and the numbers which they devour, are the insects popularly called lady-bugs or lady- birds. These pertain to the family CocciNELLiDiE, in the Order Coleoptera. The eggs of these insects — smooth, oval, and of a bright yellow color — may frequently be met with upon the under surface of leaves, placed in a cluster of twenty — thirty or forty, in contact with each other, and gummed by one end to the leaf. These hatch within a few days, a small blackish larva coming from them, which is slender bodied, tapering posteriorly and with six legs anteriorly. It walks about with much animation, and APPLE LEAVES LADY-BIRDS. '9$ *ommg to a plant-louse, much larger than itself it may be, the little hero, though only a few minutes old, boldly seizes the louse, which, like a cowardly poltroon, makes no resistance except try- ing to pull himself away. But the little assailant hangs lustily to him, preventing his advancing a single step further, and using his anterior legs as arms, he commonly raises the louse off from the leaf and leisurely devours his body, leaving only the empty skin remaining. As he grows, the sides, and in some species the whole surface, becomes diversified with bright red and yellow spots and rows of tubercles or elevated points. He is a most ac- tive voracious little creature, running briskly over the limbs and leaves in search of his prey, and consuming hundreds of aphides.. He grows to about a quarter of an inch in length in the course of two or three weeks^ he then fixes himself by his tail to a leaf, or the limb or trunk of a tree, and hanging with his head downwards the skin cracks open along the middle of his back, and the smooth back of the pupa protrudes partly out of the prickly skin of the larva, and thus remains, the old larva skin continuing to cover the pupa on each side and beneath. But in some of the species, a, fact which I do not find mentioned by authors, the larva skin is thrown entirely off, its shrivelled relics remaining around the tail. It is thus with one of our largest species, named the apple- tree lady-bird [Coccindla Mali) by Mr. Say, but which had long before been described by the celebrated French entomologist Olivier, under the name of the fifteen-spotted lady-bird ( C. 15- punctatci) ; and probably the pupa of the European C. occellata will be found to throw off its larva skin in this same manner, as these two species are closely related, and have been elevated to a distinct genus named Anatis by Mulsant. The pupa of the fifteen-spotted lady-bird is quite pretty, being of a clear white color with the middle of its back tinged with flesh-red, and with from two to six black spots of different sizes on each of the seg- ments, the sheaths of the elytra also having a broad black border upon their inner side and four black spots. Exposed as the pupa is upon the surface of a leaf or of the bark, it probably is often discovered and devoured by birds, and to save it from such a casualty appears to be the design of Nature in having most of the species retain their prickly larva skins. When annoyed by the 100 APPLE LEAVES LADY-BIRDS.. approach of a fly or other insect, the pupa gives a s jdden spiteful, jerk, by which to frighten the intruder away, and if this fails, by a sudden spring it elevates itself so as to stand out at right angles- from the surface to which it is attached, remaining motionless in this posture about half a minute, when by a similar spasmodic snap it returns to its usual position. The insect remains dormant in its pupa state about a fortnight,, when its hard exterior shell cracks open, and from it crawls a small shining beetle nearly the size and shape of a half pea? though often much smaller than this. The species generally are prettily colored, being bright red, yellow or white, with black spots, or black with red or yellow spots. These different spots- and colors serve as marks whereby to distinguish the different species, of which nearly a hundred are named and described, in- habiting the United States. The perfect insects subsist upon plant-lice also, though they pursue and devour them with less avidity than when in the larva stage of their lives. They may always be met with where plant-lice abound, and I have known persons who supposed that it was these insects which bred the plant-lice, and who consequently made it a point to destroy every one which they could discover upon the currant bushes, cherry trees, &.c, in their yarus, and who were surprised to find that notwithstanding all their care and pains in searching out and destroying these " old ones," their shrubs and trees appeared every year to be worse infested with lice than were those of their neighbors. This fact is but one of a multitude which might be adduced, showing to what sad mistakes ignorance leads, and how important it is that information with respect to our insects and their habits should be diffused among our citizens. Other inveterate enemies of the plant-lice are certain two- winged flies pertaining to the Family Syrphid^, in the Order Dip- tera, which family has the genus Syrphus as its type. These flies resemble our common house-fly in size and shape but are much handsomer, being of a bright yellow color with various spots and bands of black, according to the species. They may frequently be seen in summer hovering around and alighting Apple leaves — syrphus-flies. 101 upon flowers. These flies drop their eggs, one in a place, upon leaves and twigs which are infested with plant-lice, so that their young may have their appropriate food immediately around them the moment they require it. One can seldom inspect many in- fested leaves without meeting with one or more of the eggs of these flies scattered around among the lice — little white smooth oval bodies, much like the eggs which the bot fly glues to the hairs of horses' fore-legs. From them a maggot hatches which in its motions will remind one of a leech or blood-sucker. It has no eyes, and consequently cannot see in which direction to crawl in search of its food; but fixing the hind extremity of its body to the surface of the leaf, it reaches as far as it is able to stretch it- self and feels around first upon one side and then upon the other. If nothing is discovered it moves along one or two steps and again feels all around, until finding a plant louse it at once fixes its tiny mouth at the slender-pointed anterior end of its body to its prey, having such power of suction as not only to hold the louse from escaping but to tear it away from its attachment and raise it up in the air wholly away from the surface of the leaf. The louse sprawls its long legs about in a vain endeavor to touch some support so enable it to escape. Its body is soon perceived to be diminishing in size, the worm sucking out the fluids which it con- tains, and in a minute's time, or less, nothing of it remains but an empty shrivelled skin. These Syrphus-worms are of various colors, almost transparent and watery, or white, or greenish, and •commonly clouded or spotted, particularly in the centre of their bodies, with more opake white, yellow, tawny or red, and their skin is so thin and transparent that the circulation of the fluids within may be distinctly seen even with the naked eye In the larger worms. Some of them have two cylindrical processes like little straight horns jutting out from the hind part of their bodies. One or inore of these worms may almost always be met with wherever a colony of plant-lice is located, and one medium sized Worm will consume a hundred of these insects in an liour. The ants do not appear to molest them, but the aphis-lions, as already remarked, devour them with avidity. When the worm has com- pleted its growth it fixes itself to the surface of the leaf or the bark, and contracts to a shorter oval form; its skin becomes hard 102 APPLE. FRurT APPLE THRIPS; and horny, with numerous impressed transverse lines, and change?1 to a dull yellow or a black color, and those species which have two horns forward of the tip still retain them. Within this shell the insect puts on its pupa form, from which the fly subsequent- ly hatches. The aphis, likewise, has foes within as well as without. In addition to the several insects of which we have now treated, all of which attack it externally, it has internal enemies also, a group of insects which dwell in the interior of its body during their larva state, and eventually kill it. These are nearly as efficient in keeping its numbers reduced as any of those which we have been considering. We will speak more particularly of them in connection with the aphis which infests the cherry. A succession of the several species of these different kinds of destroyers are making their appearance the whole season through, and as many of these species are among our most common insects, it will at once be perceived that thsy render us most important services in destroying these pests of vegetation, and preventing them from becoming excessively multiplied notwithstanding their unparalleled fecundity. But without actually observing them at their accustomed work no one can fully appreciate their value to us, and the amount of herbage which they save from destruc- tion. Wherever plant-lice become numerous, there these several kinds of enemies speedily congregate and rapidly multiply, de- vouring incredible numbers of these vermin, and often in a sur- prisingly short space of time completely exterminating, them. AFFECTING THE FRUIT. In a round cavity ate near the tip end of the young fruit'; a minute, very slender blackish-purple insect, with narrow silvery-white wings upon its back resembling a long Y-shaped mark. The! Apple Theips. Phlceothrips Mali. Although a profusion of flowers in the spring is often hailed as a harbinger of a copious yield of fruit, this expectation is very frequently disappointed. Whilst they are yet young, quantities of APPLE. FRUIT — APPLE THRIPS. 103 apples, plums, and other fruits wither and fall from our trees, often literally covering the ground beneath them. Young apples are thus blasted in consequence of the punctures and wounds which they receive from the Apple worm or Codling moth, the Plum weevil, and other insects. Among these destroyers is one which has hitherto escaped notice, more in consequence of its minute size, probably, than its rarity; for we suspect it will prove to be a common insect. In the month of August several apples were noticed upon the trees, which were small, withered, and ready to %11, yet without any of those worms in them which occasion the destruction of so much fruit at this season of the year. On searching for the cause of this withering of these apples we found a small cavity or little hollow at the tip end, commonly close beside the relics of the flower. This cavity had the appearance of having been gnawed; it was about the size of a pea, and its surface of a black color. Several of these cavities were occupied by a minute slender insect; and from appearance I inferred that the young of these insects had taken up their residence upon the apples whilst they were quite small, and by wounding them slightly day after day, had retarded their growth and finally caused them to wither. It is possible that some other insect had originally produced these wounds, and that these which were now there had been attracted to the wounds to suck their juices; but every appearance indi- cated that these were the real culprits. They pertain to the group THRipsiDiE, which is composed almost entirely of minute species like the present, which subsist upon the juices of plants, especially melons, cucumbers, beans, &c, to which they are often quite injurious, producing small decayed spots upon the leaves. They also occur in numbers upon different flowers. We have several American species of these insects, none of which have yet been studied out and described. This which occurs in wounded spots upon young apples, appears to pertain to the genus named Phlaolhrips by Mr. Haliday, and I propose for it the specific name Mali^ or the Apple Thrips. 104 APPLE. FRUIT APPLE THRIPS. This insect measures only six hundredths of an inch in length and one hun- dredth in width. It is polished and shining, and of a blackish purple color, Its antennje which are rather longer than the head and composed of eight nearly equal joints, have the third joint of a white color. The abdomen is concave on its upper side, and is furnished with a conical tube at its tip which has a few bristles projecting from its apex. The wings when folded are linear, silvery white, and as long as the abdomen; they are pressed closely upon the back, spreading asunder at their bases, and appear like an elongated white Y- shaped mark. Viewed from above, the head is of a square form, longer than wide. The first segment of the thorax is well separated from the second, is broadest at its base, and gradually tapers to its anterior end, where it is as wide as the head. The following segment is the broadest part of the body and square, with its length and breadth equal. The insects of this tribe, abroad, are found to be great pests and difficult to exterminate. Dusting the vegetation which they infest with flour of sulphur and washing it off a few days after- wards has been found successful in some cases. It is probable that when young and in their larva state they are more tender and more easily destroyed than when mature. But until the history of this species which infests our apples has been more fully observed we shall scarcely be able to decide upon the most judicious measures for combatting it. 2. THE PEAR. AFFECTING THE LIMBS. A hemispherical chestnut-brown scale, the size of a half pea, upon the under sides of the limbs the latter part of June. The Pear Bare-louse. Lecanium Pyri, Scurank. As the pear is so closely related to tlie apple, most of the in- sects which affect one of these trees will be found upon the other also. We have already noticed this fact in repeated instances when considering the insects of the apple tree. But in addition to those species which are common to both, there are others which are limited to one of these trees and never invade the other, except perhaps in those extreme cases when they become so mul- tiplied upon their appropriate tree that it fails to afford sufficient room and nourishment for all the individuals which are called into existence. Of those insects which are peculiar to the pear, the only one which has as yet fallen under my notice is a species of bark-louse, which, it is altogether probable, is the same which occurs upon this tree in Europe, named Coccus Pyri by Schrank (Fauna Boic. ii. 1. 145), and which pertains to the modern genus Lecanium in the Family CocciDiE and Order Homoptera. This insect had never been publicly noticed as an inhabitant upon this side of the Atlantic, that I am aware, when, upon the first of July, 1854, I met with it quite common upon pear trees in the cities of Albany and Troy. I observe, however, that Dr. Harris, in his discourse before the American Pomological Society in September last (page 8), incidentally mentions the fact that our pear trees " suffer oc- casionally from bark-lice." The form under which this insect appears is that of a hemi- spherical scale about 0.20 in diameter and of a chestnut brown 106 PEAR. LIMBS — PEAR BARK-LOUSE. color, adhering to the bark on the under sides of the limbs, par- ticularly of young trees which are growing thriftily. These scales are the relics of the dead females covering and protecting their young. Some are of a darker color than others, and smaller ones occur which are of a dull yellow hue. These scales are not freckled with paler spots like many of our species of bark-lice; their surface frequently presents shallow identations as though it had been slightly pressed upon in places Avith the head of a r~ — i pin, and the outer margin is wrinkled, as shown in 'Jl^, accompanying figure, and is sometimes marked with [ faint black bands. If one of these scales is removed ^'j a round white spot the size of the scale remains upon the bark, appearing as though made with chalk. Upon the un- derside of one small twig, in a distance of nine inches, thirteen of these scales occurred and five white spots where other scales had been rubbed off. 4 At the time when I noticed these scales the young lice under them were active and so minute that they appeared to the eye like particles of dust. I conveyed a twig to my residence and bound it to a thrifty limb of a young apple tree, to ascertain whether they could subsist upon this tree; but they all perished, not one of them leaving the pear twig, that I could discover. The following May the chalk-like spots where the scales had been fixed upon the twig were still distinct, the storms and frosts of autumn and winter having scarcely dimmed them in the least. Beneath the scales the young lice are interspersed through a mass of white cotton-like matter. This subsequently increases in volume and protrudes from under one end of the scale, elevating it from the bark, as shown in the annexed cut. The young lice now crawl out from among this matter and diffuse themselves over the smooth bark, appearing to the eye like minute whitish specks or fine dots. When magnified they are found to be of an oval form, somewhat flat- tened, about the hundredth part of an inch in length, and two- thirds as broad as they are long. They are of a dull white color, with six legs and two short antennse of a hyaline-white appear- ance. The antennge are thread-like or of equal diameter through PEAR. LIMBS — PEAR BARK-LOUSE. 107 their whole length, and are about one-fourth the length of the body. They are composed of several small joints and are clothed with a few fine longish hairs. I have not had an opportunity to trace the history of this insect further, but doubtless, like the other species of this genus, the young larvse in a short time fix themselves to the bark and in- crease somewhat in size, but retain the same form through the winter; and early in the spring the males enter their pupa state, and soon after come out under the form of minute delicate flies with only two wings; whilst the females, without undergoing any very obvious change, gradually grow to the size and form of the hemispherical scales already described. A parasitic insect, which probably pertains to Mr. Westwood's genus Coccophagus, in the Family Chalciuid^: and Order Hyme- nopetra, lives in the bodies of the females, subsisting upon their young. The worm, which is doubtless similar to that noticed under scales of the Apple bark-louse, but of a larger size, having completed its changes makes its escape through a rather large round hole which it gnaws in the scale. Several scales were ob- served which were thus perforated, the hole being rough and jagged at its edges, and the scale being of a paler color at the part surrounding this peforation. This insect cannot but prove very detrimental to the pear tree when the females were present in such numbers as they were in the instances in which I met with them. No tree can remain thrifty and vigorous with such a number of tiny beaks inserted every where in the smooth tender bark as a few of those females upon each limb will breed. Fortunately they are of such a size that they can easily be seen upon a careful inspection of the under sides of the limbs, and can readily be removed. They should be looked for the latter part of June, as the females will then have attained their full size; and wherever they are discovered the under side of the limbs should be rubbed with a brush or a sponge to dis- lodge every scale which can be perceived. Being at this time nearly or quite dead, and wholly destitute of legs, they will be unable to reascend the tree when brushed off, nor are the young sufficiently strong to crawl away from their parents. 3. THE PEACH. AFFECTING THE ROOT. Cankering and destroying the bark of the root and causing the gum td exude profusely; a white cylindrical fourtecn-jointed worm, with six true legs and ten pro-legs. The Peach-tree Borer. JEgeria exitiosa. Say. With all the care and attention which can be bestowed upon the peach tree, it is much more short lived at the present day than when the country was newer. What medical men would term a change of " diathesis " appears to have taken place; some altera- tion in the soil or climate has occurred, whereby this valuable fruit tree cannot be grown so readily and successfully as formerly. Hon. John A. King informs me, that when the property which he now occupies at Jamaica, on Long Island, was purchased by his father, in the year 1816, there were growing contiguous to the farm mansion, peach trees which were thrifty and vigorous, although they were scores of years old and of such size that it was necessary to climb up among the limbs to gather the fruit. The fruit, moreover, was of a finer quality and more delicious flavor than any which is met with at the present day. Upon the same ground he can now obtain but one fair crop of fruit; as soon as a tree has yielded this it produces no more, but rapidly dwin- dles and dies. The Messrs. Parsons, nurserymen at Flushing, confirm this statement. They say that four bearing years is the utmost that can be anticipated from this tree, and that to insure a supply of this fruit annually, it is indispensable that new trees be set out every year. They say there would seem to be some peculiar principle or quality in the soil favorable to the growth of the peach, which has now become exhausted upon PEACH. ROOT THE BORER. ITS EXTENT. 109 Long Island and in the adjacent districts, so that this tree does not now flourish as formerly. And similar to this is the concur- rent testimony of nurserymen and writers in our agricultural periodicals. Whilst upon new land at the west and southwest, without any of the care and attention which we here bestow, this tree grows with all its pristine vigor and luxuriance. Two maladies, more particularly seem to attack and destroy this tree, preventing it from attaining that age and size which it formerly acquired. These are, the " yellows," which seems to be a kind of decline or consumption peculiar to this tree, and the borer or grub at the root, the insect which we are now to consider. This last it confessedly the worst enemy which the peach tree has to encounter in our country. During the past year, 1854, I noticed it everywhere, from the banks of the Hudson to those of the Mississippi. At the west, however, it is much less common, and by no means so destructive as with us. My own residence is near the northernmost limit where the peach can be cultivated, the severity of the winters commonly destroying the trees whilst they are young and tender; and as I here had never captured the moth which produces these borers, I have hitherto supposed this was beyond the limit to which this insect reaches. But of a dozen peach trees in my yard, now about ten years old, I the pre- sent spring, find all except one are destroyed, the roots being sur- rounded and enveloped in a mass of jelly-like gum from one to three inches in thickness at the surface of the ground, and the bark entirely eroded and worms of all sizes burrowing in it. And throughout this district of country the peach trees are almost all found to be dead the present spring. It is universally sup- posed and confidently affirmed that it has been the winter which has destroyed them. But in several instances where I have in- formed persons of the condition of my own trees, they find, on coming to examine theirs, that the roots are surrounded in the same manner with a bed of exuded gum, in which a number of worms are nestled. It is thus evident that it is the borer and not the winter that has occasioned this wide-spread calamity, and that the evil which we have suffered might have been averted by 110 PEACH. ROOT THE BORER. TIME OF ITS APPEARANCE. timely care. It would appear that the excessive drouth of the past summer and autumn had favored the multiplication of the moths which produce these borers, bringing them out in such numbers that the roots of all our peach trees were stocked to repletion, and the insects were obliged to resort to other kinds of trees to dispose of a surplus portion of their eggs, as we shall presently see. Many intelligent persons who are acquainted with this insect and the Apple tree borer only in their larva states, cannot fully persuade themselves that the two are really different insects, so much do the worms resemble each other in their external appear- ance and the habit of attacking the trees at the surface of the ground. But any one Avho places them side by side will readily perceive that they differ from each other in several important particulars. The Peach borer is cylindrical and not broader anteriorly, like the Apple tree borer; it has three pairs of small feet, whilst the Apple tree borer has none; it has only a few scattered coarsish hairs, whilst the Apple tree borer has numer- ous fine shorter ones. Such important differences prove that these worms are really distinct. They differ much more widely when they come to attain their perfect state. Whilst the Apple tree borer is transformed, as we have already seen, to a Long horned beetle, the worm of the peach tree changes to a four-winged fly, bearing some resemblance to a large wasp, and pertains to the Family iEGERiiDiE of the Order Lepidoptera. This insect was named JEgeria exitiosa or fhe destructive iEgeria by Mr. Say, and was described by him in a communication giving an account of its habits by Mr. James Worth, which was pub- lished in the Journal of the Philadelphia Aacademy of Natural Sciences, (vol. iii. p. 216) in the year 1823. Mr. Worth having obtained the winged moths in July supposed this month only was the one in which the perfect insect makes its appearance. But whoever examines infested roots will find worms upon them of all sizes, at all times of the year. Even in the winter, small worms occur with others which are full grown, showing that these last will complete their changes much earlier in the season than PEACH. ROOT THE BORER. ITS HABITS. Ill the former. The insect, however, does not commence coming out in its winged form so early as would be expected from the large site and matured appearance of many of the worms in the winter season. The stumps of five of my dead trees were allowed to remain undisturbed. Around these thirteen chrysalids were found upon the tenth of July, none of them having hatched the perfect insects. They were removed to a pot of moist earth, and the first winged moth came out upon the fourteenth of that month. The first female appeared upon the twenty- fourth, six males having hatched upon the preceding days. Twelve more chrysa- lids were found at this dafe and were placed in the pot with the others. Males and females continued to come out in about equal numbers- afterwards, the two last of this stock making their ap- pearance upon the fifteenth of August. The pupa state there- fore lasts at least three weeks in the warmest part of the summer, and it appears to be the latter part of July and in August that the females come abroad to deposit their eggs in this latitude. Far- ther south they doubtless begin to appear earlier in the season. The eggs are smooth, oval, slightly flattened, of a dull yellow color and 0.025 long. Some of the dark blue scales from the tip of the abdomen of the parent fire often glued to them. They are deposited upon the bark at the surface of the ground, and the worms hatching from them work downwards, at first in the bark of the root, forming a slender flexuous channel which becomes filled with gum. At a distance of an inch or two below the surface the whole of the bark of the root be- comes consumed in badly infested trees, and the soft sap wood is also extensively gnawed and eroded, so that frequently the root is nearly severed, as shown in the accompany- ing figure. The larger worms in the winter season repose with their heads upwards, in contact with the exterior surface of the root, commonly in smooth longitudinal grooves which they have excavated, their backs being covered over with the castings mingled with the gum and with cobweb-like threads. 112 PEACH. ROOT — THE BORER. INFESTS THE PLUM ALSO. thus forming a kind of cell the cavity of which is considerably larger than the body of the worm inhabiting it. The smaller worms have no such cells, but lie promiscuously in the gum %r between it and the root. Although from their habits they would seem to have no particular use for it, these worms, like those of their order generally, spin a silken thread as they crawl about, which is of sufficient strength to hold them suspended in the air when one drops from a stick on which he is placed. When ready to enter its pupa state the worni crawls upwards to the surface of the ground, and there forms for itself a follicle or pod-like case of a leathery texture, made from its castings, held together by dry gum and cobweb-like threads. This follicle is of a brown color and oval in its form, with its ends rounded; it is about three-fourths of an inch long and over one-fourth in dia- meter, but is variable in its size, being sometimes but half an inch long. Its inner surface is perfectly smooth and of the color of tanned leather. It is placed against the side of the root, often sunk in a groove which the worm appears to have gnawed for this purpose, with its upper end slightly protruding above the surface of the ground. But if the earth has been recently stirred so as to lie loose around the root, the worm will commonly form its follicle an inch or more below the surface. Among the means whereby to grow the peach securely from the depredations of this worm, Dr. Harris, in his discourse before the Pomological Society (page 9), suggests that of grafting it upon plum stalks, saying when it is thus reared he believes it is never injured by the borer. Unfortunately for the success of the plan proposed, the root of the plum is attacked by this same borer, in which it appears to thrive equally as well as in the peach root. My friend Mr. J. E. Gavit, of Albany, who is a close observer, recently assured me of this as an item of information which he presumed I would be reluctant to credit, not supposing I had myself already noticed the same fact. Some young plum trees in my grounds were found to be dead this past spring, and on rooting them up, the peach borer was discovered to be the PEACH. ROOT THE BORER. THE WORM DESCRIBED. 113 cause of the mischief, several of the worms being present in the roots. This, taken in connection with the modification which the habits of the worm undergo when in this situation, is a remarkable fact. Although the plum abounds in gum like the peach, none of this gum exudes from its root when attacked by this borer. The worm, therefore, having no covering to protect it does not erode the bark and nestle upon the out- side of the root of the plum as it does in the peach, but lies under the bark and subsists entirely upon the soft sap-wood of the root. Commencing slight- ly below the surface of the ground it works its way downwards immediately under the bark for a dis- tance of about four inches, forming a long and some- what irregular cylindrical channel. The annexed cut shows this burrow as it appears when the bark is removed from the root. As the worm moves along it packs its castings which appear like a tan colored powder, into the channel behind it. This is an important fact, showing that if no peach trees were cultivated in our country this species would still sustain itself without difficulty in the roots of the plum. Indeed, as this insect is a ' Native American,' wholly unknown in the peach trees of other countries, it is quite probable that before the peach was in- troduced upon this side of the Atlantic it bred exclusively in our indigenous species of plums, and has now almost entirely forsaken these and attached itself to this more congenial foreigner. The Larva is a naked soft white cylindrical grub, slightly flattened on its under side (of which the left hand figure of the accompanying cut gives a view,) and when full grown measures over half an inch in length and nearly a quarter of an inch in diameter. It is divided into fourteen nearly equal segments by broad shallow transverse constrictions. Its head is shining yellowish red, marked in front with black and at base in the middle with whi- tish, which last is also the color of the throat. Two impressed lines on the face converge and meet each other towards the base of the head and then diverge. Inside of and parallel with these are two slen- der black lines, meeting each other in the form of a letter V. The jaws are black and strongly notched at their tips, forming two sharp equal teeth. The upper lip is blackish with a pale stripe in the middle. The palpi or feelers are conical and two.jointcd, and inside of their base is the apex of the lower jaws, [Assem. No. 21 5. J 8 114 PEACH. ROOT THE BORER. PUPA. MALE MOTH. a short obtuse projection with minute hairs at its tip. The antennae are coni- cal and three-jointed, the last joint minute and the second one armed exterior- ly with a short bristle. At their base en the under side of the head, are three or four dilated punctures. There are a few scattered brown bristles upon the head and also upon each of the other segments; those on the third, fourth, twelfth and thirteenth segments, are arranged in transverse rows, and on the other segments they are placed symmetrically and arise from faint, smooth, wart-like spots. The second segment is tinged with yellowish above and has a breathing pore upon each side. The two next segments are somewhat short- er than the following ones and are destitute of breathing pores. These three segments each bear a pair of conical legs ending in a black polished claw. The remaining segments except the two last show a faint stripe, at least posterior- ly, upon the middle of the back, and each has also a transverse impressed line in the middle and a breathing pore upon each side. The two last segments, which perhaps should be regarded as one double segment, are narrower, short- er, and retractile, shutting into each other and into the segment forward of them, like the joints of a telescope. Beneath is a pair of prolegs upon the seventh and three following segments, which scarcely protrude from the gene- ral surface, but are very perceptible from their soles being furnished with two transverse rows of minute black hooks, about twelve hooks in each row; and the last segment has a single shorter row of six similar hooks upon each side. The young worm is quite similar in its details to the mature one; its breath- ing pores upon the second and the twelfth segments, however, are much larger and more obvious than the intervening ones. The Pupa enclosed within its follicle is at first white, the wing and leg sheaths and the thorax being slightly tinged with tawny yellow. The breathing pores form a row of tawny dots along each side of the abdomen, each segment of which has a row of little sharp-pointed teeth on its anterior and a second short- er row of smaller ones on its posterior margin, extending half way around, from one row of breathing pores over the back to the opposite row, these teeth being of a pale, tawny color, and directed backwards. The three apical rows of these teeth, however, have no intervening rows of smaller ones. At the tip is a row of eight larger teeth extending entirely around. It is by means of these teeth that the pupa when ready to disclose the winged fly crowds itself forward, out of its follicle. All the teeth become longer and more sharp-point- ed as the pupa approaches maturity, and the whole of the surface now assumes a pale tawny yellow color, with a darker ring at each of the sutures. The mature insect, like most of the species of butterflies and moths, varies considerably in its size. It measures from one-half to three-fourths of an inch in length, and the wings when extended, are from 0.80 to 1.30 across, the fe- male being more variable in its size than the male and furnishing both the smallest and the largest individuals. The wings of the female also measure more than those of the male when their bodies are of equal length, the more thick and heavy body of the female plainly requiring larger wings to sustain it in the air. The male is of a deep steel blue color, with various sulphur yellow marks, and has a glossy lustre like that of satin. The antennae are black, less than half as long as the body, abruptly curved outwards at their tips and densely fringed along their inner sides with numerous fine short hairs, with a slight PEACH. ROOT — THE BORER. VARIETIES. FEMALE. 115 vacancy between them at each of the joints. The feelers are yellow on their lower sides; there is a paler yellow spot between the bases of the antennas and a deeper yellow transverse stripe at the base of the head both above and be- neath. The thorax has a yellow stripe on each side of its middle, a transverse one at its base which is slightly interrupted in the middle, and a short broader one on each side under the wings; its base on the underside is white. The abdomen commonly has two slender yellow bands above, at the apex of the second and fourth segments, and a white line on each side of the tuft of hairs at its tip. The forward hips are yellow on their anterior face, the four others at their tips. The shanks are yellow at their tips, the hind ones have a yellow ring on their middle interrupted on the inner side, the other four have a large yellow spot on their anterior sides; their spines are white, their upper sides black at least on the basal half. The fore feet have a white ring at the apex of each joint, and a broad white stripe upon the inner side; the middle and hind feet have a slender white line on their inner sides, which is often nearly oblit- erated, showing only a few white scales at the apex of each joint. The wings are transparent and glass-like, with a slight tinge of smoky yellow; their veins, margins and fringe is steel-blue. The fore wings have a steel-blue band beyond the middle upon their transverse anastamosing veinlet, a slender yellow line upon their outer or anterior margin both above and below, and a similar line on the inner edge of their inner margin, the hind wings also have a similar line on the inner edge of their outer margin. The following varieties occur in this sex : a. The pale yellow spot between the bases of the antennae wanting. b. The same spot enlarged and extending backwards to the neck. c. The abdomen without white stripes upon the sides of the tail. d. The abdomen without any yellow bands. e. The abdomen with but one band, that upon the apex of the second seg- ment wanting. f. Three yellow bands, one on the apex of the fifth segment. Common. g. Four bands, one on "the apex of each segment from the second to the fifth inclusive, that upon the third segment often imperfect. The female differs from the male so much that it would not be supposed to pertain to the same species. The abdomen is of a long oval form instead of being slender and cylindrical, and is twice as broad across the middle as that of the male. This sex is of a glossy steel blue color, with a purplish reflection in places, and blackish upon the face, and upon the middle of the abdomen is a broad band of a bright glossy orange yellow color occupying the whole of the fourth and fifth segments* except upon the middle of the underside, where, at least on the fourth segment some orange scales often occur interspersed with the steel blue ones. The antennae have no fringe along their inner sides. The fore wings are opake and of the same steel blue color as the body, their tips and fringes being of a purplish tint both above and beneath. The bind wings' are transparent broadly margined upon both sides and marked at the base with steel blue, the glass-like portion being crossed by five robust veins, and com- *Say describes the abdomen as having only the fifth segment of an orange color, but in every specimen which I have seen, the fourth segment also is of this color. 116 PEACH. ROOT THE BORER. REMEDIES. monly there are traces of a straw yellow stripe on the outer margin towards the tip. The female presents the following varieties :"' a. A slender transverse black line in the middle of the orange hand upon the suture between the fourth and fifth segments of the abdomen. Common. b. The outer edge of the hind wings with a slender straw yellow stripe its whole length.' c. No vestiges of a straw colored stripe on the outer edge of the hind wings. d. The space between the two inner veins of the hind wings nearly or quite covered with blue-back scales, forming a stripe which divides the transparent disk into two parts. Quite common. Various remedies have been proposed for protecting the peach trees from this pernicious insect, by the numerous writers who have treated upon this subject in our agricultural and horticul- tural publications, such as raising a mound of earth around the tree and removing it during the winter season; pouring boiling water around the root; placing around it abed of cinders, of ashes, of lime, &c; surrounding it with a collar of mortar; en- veloping the root and base of the trunk in matting or in paper. There is much testimony showing that several of these measures are, singly, a sufficient safeguard. Recently an article has been going the rounds of the papers, stating that tanzy set out around peach and other fruit trees would protect them against this and other insects. Attention was said to be directed to this remedy from the fact of a large peach tree, upwards of torty years old, being noticed as having a bed of tanzy growing around its trunk, and the account states that upon setting out this herb around several trees it grew thriftily, and it appeared that whilst sound trees were preserved by it, unsound ones were renovated. Al- though some editors have expressed themselves as skeptical with regard to the efficacy of this measure, I am inclined to think it merits a trial. That this herb is repulsive to insects generally I infer from the fact, that on sweeping it for insects only a very few can, be obtained, when a similarly dense growth of other weeds is certain of yielding to the collector quite a variety. This at least has been my own experience. One of my correspondents however, thinks he has captured insects as abundantly from this as from other weeds. The hollow cavity extending down the side of the root of the peach tree which is formed by the peach borer, does not become PEACH. ROOT — SOW-BUGS. 117 obliterated after the worm has left it, but remains often for years afterwards, and forms a favorite abode for those pseudo-insects which are commonly designated sow-bugs or wood-lice. When one of these old burrows of the borer is examined, these little animals will commonly be found huddled together within it, and covering the sides of the cavity as closely as they can stand. And on digging around the roots of a peach tree at any time several of them will commonly be found. As no notice of our American species of these creatures has ever been published, that I am aware, some account of them may appropriately be given in this connection. These animals are popularly known in different countries under the names of millipedes, wood-lice, hog-lice, slaters or sclaters, and sows. In this section " sow bugs " is the popular name in- variably given to them, whilst the name wood-lice would here be understood as designating the wood-tick, Ixodes Americanus, and its kindred species, and millipede would be regarded as a synonym of centipede or " thousand-legged worm," a species of Julus or Scolopendra. The sow-bugs were ranked as insects by the older naturalists, but by most writers at the present day they are grouped with the lobster, crab, craw-fish, horse-hoof, &c, in a distinct class, which is named Crustacea, in allusion to the hard shell-like crustaceous covering which forms the exterior coat in most of the species. They differ from true insects essentially in their breathing apparatus, which is a kind of gills of a pyramidal form, and made up of thin plates or short threads placed on the under side of the body, commonly at the base of the legs. Insects on the other hand, respire through spiracles or breathing pores, placed in a row along each side of the body, through which, by small pipes, air is admitted into two principal tubes which run parallel to each other, and are extended the whole length of the body. The crustaceans, like insects, have jointed antennae and legs, and the body composed of a number of segments connected by transverse sutures, but they differ from most insects in being destitute of wings, and in undergoing no metamorphosis, the young, when first hatched, having the same form and parts which belong to it when mature. In this class 118 PEACH. ROOT SOW-BUGS. the animals under consideration pertain to the order IsopodAjL e„ equal-footed, having fourteen pairs of legs of nearly equal size, and to the family ONisciDiE, which, like other families of this order has four antennae, but here the inner pair of these antennae is quite short and little apparent, consisting at most of only two joints. The typical genus of this family, named Oniscus, by Lin- naeus, is by modern naturalists restricted to those species in which the external antennae have eight joints, the three last joints being much more slender than the others, and the sutures separating them much less distinct than those between the other joints. I have never met with any American species having this number of joints to the antennae. The general Porcellio and Armadillo differ from Oniscus in having the slender terminal portion of the antennae divided into but two joints instead of three, making the number of joints seven in all. The genus Armadillo is distinguished from Porcellio, and from Oniscus also, by being destitute of the two conical projecting points or short tail-like processes which we observe at the tip of the abdomen in those genera, and also by having the faculty of rolling itself into a ball, resembling when thus rolled up, a pea or pill, whence they are popularly named pill-millipedes. We have one or more species of these inhabiting the southern part of the State and Long Island, but they do not extend to the neighborhood of my residence, and I have not examined them sufficiently to determine whether they are different from the European species of this genus. All the animals of this family which have yet been discovered in the central and northern sections of our State pertain to the genus Porcellio. These crustaceans are everywhere common about the roots of trees, under logs and stones, in the crevices of the foundation walls of our buildings and in our cellars, and they are particularly numerous under any logs or billets of wood which are left in our chip yards. They occur, in short, in all situations that are damp, cool and dark. Frequently, by night in wet weather, they crawl about the rooms in our dwellings. They are perfectly innocent and harmless, subsisting upon decay- PEACH. ROOT — SPECIES OF PORCELLIO. 119 lag vegetable and animal substances. They afford a dainty bit to domestic fowls, which devour them with avidity, and are always scratching our yards in search of these more than any other arti- cle of diet This is their chief importance in an economical aspect, and being so abundant they form an item of no small value to the poultry breeder, though one of which but little notice is taken. In former times the species of this family were highly reputed for their supposed medicinal virtues, and old books upon the materia medica inform us that when dried and pulverized " they have a faint disagreeable smell, and a somewhat pungent sweetish nause- ous taste, and are highly celebrated in suppressions, in all kinds of obstructions of the bowels, in the jaundice, ague, weakness of sight, and a variety of other disorders." And the wine of Milli- pedes, prepared by crushing these animals, when fresh, and in- fusing them in " Rhenish wine," is spoken of as "an admirable cleanser of all the viscera, yielding to nothing in the jaundice and obstructions in the kidneys." In the light of modern science we can impute the cures attributed to these creatures only to the effect produced upon the imagination of the patient, and the curative powers of nature, for beyond some slight demulcent qua- lities, they must be wholly inert, and are now wisely discarded from the pharmacopeias. Six American species, pertaining to the genus Porcellio are known to me, as follows: The Smooth Porcellio ( P. glaber) has the surface of the body smooth and slightly shining, of a brownish black color, each segment presenting, except along the middle of the back, numerous short whitish lines or oblong clots arranged longitudinally and near the outer margin a whitish spot; under side and legs white or cream yellow; antennas and projecting apical filaments unicolor with the body. Length half an inch This sometimes when captured doubles i'tserj into a ball, similar to the Armadillos, but is incapable of assuming a form so compact and perfectly spherical as the crusteceans of that genus. It is less common than our other species. Young individuals are slightly paler, and a variety which I name conjhtentus , and which is quite rare, has the oblong dots more or less confluent, forming irregular white spots. This is at once distinguished from all our other species by having the surface perfectly smooth and even, without either elevated points or granules. I had long regarded this as identical with the P. hvis of Europe, but specimens of that species, taken in the forest of St. Germain, France, and kindly sent me, with other species of these crustaceans pertaining to western Europe, by my esteemed friend and correspondent, Andrew Murray, AY. S., Edinburgh, show it to be 'different. That species has a dusky spot below the knees which does not ap« 120 PEACH. ROOT SPECIES OF PORCELLIO. pear in ours. It also has a double row of whitish lines, more or less distinct, towards the outer margin, which in our species is replaced by a single row of whitish spots. Other differences might be specified, but these suffice to show the glabcr distinct from its European analogue. The Unspotted Porcellio (P. immacu'atus) is dull blackish brown or leaden brown with faint short pale lines and the middle of each segment rough from elevated granules; under side and legs white or lurid. Length 0.30 or less. This is readily discriminated by its uniform brown color unvaried by spots or stripes save the short longitudinal lines which are so faint as scarcely to be perceived and are frequently wholly wanting. It is also our smallest species. It probably occurs throughout the United States, for I met with it in Illinois, and specimens have also been sent me by Mr. Robertson from west of Arkansas. The Striped Porcellio (P. vittatus) is black or leaken blackish with tlio head deeper black and the under side whitish; the segments are rough from elevated granules with their hind margins smooth; along the middle of the back is a row of white spots and another more distinct near the outer margin; these spots are often confluent, forming continuous stripes. Length 0.35. The same pale short longitudinal lines which are common in other species are more or less perceptible in this also. Young individuals are of a pale or even whitish color but show the usual stripes of a more clear white. It is one of our most common species. The Mottled Porcellio (P. Mixtus) is tawny yellow variously dotted and spotted with black, and with a row of whitish spots which are often confluent into stripes along the middle of the back and near the outer margin; outer edge pale, at least on the angles -of the segments; segments rough from elevated black granules, their basal and apical margins smooth. Length 0.40. The elevated granules form round and oblong black dots, and often on each side of the back the intervals between them are white, thus presenting short longitu- dinal lines of this color, and in a variety (yariega'us) these lines are confluent, forming a longitudinal row of white blotches between the dorsal and lateral stripes. Sometimes the stripe on the middle of the back is tawny yellow in- stead of whitish. This appears to be the most rare of any of our species. The Pretty Porcellio (P. limalus'). Black or blackish, with a stripe each side and the outer margin broadly whitish, and two rows of bright yel- low spots along the back ; the segments rough with raised granules over their whole surface. Length 0.50. This is our most common species, being thrice as numerous as any other. It occurs in abundance in our cellars, and under stones and billets of wood in the yards about dwellings and barns. It is quite variable in its colors. In young individuals the two rows of spots along the back are pale or whitish. As it increases in size they all gradually change to yellow, or one or two of these spots take on a bright yellow color whilst the rest remain whitish, but this yellow color is successively assumed by the others, and in old individuals the whole become of a vivid ochre yellow. Dots of this same color sometimes appear also upon the narrow posterior or caudal seg- ments prolonging the rows to the tip of the body. The following varieties of this species may be distinguished. PEACH. ROOT SPECIES OF POItCELLIO. 121 a. d rsalis. The space between the rows of yellow spots of a deeper black color than other parts of the body, forming a black broad stripe along the mid- dle of the back. This stripe is much more obvious in the living specimen than after death. b. mulligutlatus. A row of smaller whitish spots along ihe middle of the back between the yellow ones. Common. c. marginatus. The hind margins of the segments pale or whitish. d. lateralis. The outer fourth part of each segment whitish with a black spot therein. e. limba is. The spots of var. d confluent forming a black stripe with a brown or blackish spot on each side of each segment outside of the stripe. It is difficult, in short, to find two individuals of this species which are alike in every respect. Still, the species is in all instances readily distinguished by its sculpture, the raised granules occupying the hind margins of the segments although they are less elevated here than upon the disk. In all our other spe- cies having the surface granulated, these margins are smooth. The Hough Porcellio (P. scaler, Latreille). Blackish lead-colored often varied with irregular blotches of whitish, the surface rough from numerous elevated points which are arranged in irregular transverse rows. Length 0.45. This is much more rough and the elevated points more acute than in either of the foregoing species. I have not met with it in this State. Specimens sent me from Ohio by Dr. Robert H. Mack, and from Illinois by R. W. Kennicott, differ in no respect that I am able to perceive from European individuals of this species. THE PLUM. AFFECTING THE LEAVES. Wrinkling and distorting the leaves; a black, shining plant-louse, with a pale green abdomen. Th\e Plum Leaf-louse, JJphls Prunifoli APPLE-TREE CATERPILLAR — REMEDIES. DROWNING. 201 of a dull reddish color with a black head and neck. It subsists upon the old effete matters of the nest, or perhaps consumes the shells of the chrysalids after the moths or their parasites have come from them, for cocoons frequently occur from which these shells have disappeared. For destroying these caterpillars a variety of measures are re- ' sorted to by different persons in all parts of our country. Whilst some of these are more or less efficacious others are puerile and worthless, and some do the worms more benefit than harm. I have known persons to content themselves with simply thrusting a stick into the nest and tearing it asunder and knock- ing or shaking the worms to the ground, thinking that few of them would be able to find their way up the tree again and that at least a part of them would perish from starvation. Such per- sons have no correct conceptions of the distances which these caterpillars can travel and the variety of leaves on which they can subsist. I have known other persons to tear open the nest and pour water into it till it was saturated, thinking this operation drowned the worms. And in former years I was myself accustomed to cut off the limbs containing nests upon the choke cherries in my meadow and throw them into the adjacent creek, supposing the worms would thus be drowned and become food for fish. I have since learned that in this act I was no more wise than the sages of Gotham when they sat about destroying an eel by drowning it. I have known one of these worms after being immersed un- der water two hours revive and crawl away on becoming dry. Nor is hot water more efficacious. Several nests of quite young caterpillars, through which water that was near the boiling point was profusely poured were next day found all alive and appa- rently unharmed by the operation. I have sometimes poured soap suds into the nests and upon the worms when exposed upon the limbs and leaves. When wetted in this manner they shrink up and fall to the ground, dead as I have supposed, but I am not certain that none of them have re- vived again when thus treated. Some persons have used ley in the same manner, and this is undoubtedly more destructive. A swab charged with spirits of turpentine or with whale oil soap 202 APPLE-TREE CATERPILLAR BURNING THE NESTS. and thrust into the nest, it is said will kill many of the insects and compel others to escape. Burning the nests and thus destroying the worms when at rest within them, has been recommended. A very neat method of effecting this was given by Prof. Mapes at the meeting of the Farmers' club of New-York on the fourth of September last. It is to saturate the nest with a mixture of alcohol and camphene and set it on fire. I have not tested the efficacy ot this mode, but, clustered together in a mass as the worms commonly are in their nests I should be fearful those in the inner part of the mass would not be killed by the transitory heat thus produced, since hot water fails to destroy them. Another method which has often been resorted to is to hold to the nest the muzzle of a gun lightly loaded with powder and discharge it. I have been in- formed that only a part of the worms are commonly destroyed by this operation. Sulphur has been in higher repute and has been oftener re- sorted to in this country than any other remedy, for expelling caterpillars and all kinds of worms from trees. A hole is bored in the trunk of the tree to the depth of about six inches; this is filled with sulphur and a plug is inserted to retain it from being washed out by the rain or by sap flowing from the wound. This remedy obtained much currency from the experiments of the late George Webster of Albany, reported in the Memoirs of the old New- York Board of Agriculture, vol. ii, p. 250, and exten- sively copied into other publications at that period. And like Mr. Webster, many others have become assured of the efficacy of this remedy, from the mere fact that the worms have all disappear- ed from the infested trees within a day or two after this measure has been resorted to. Now there is a peculiar liability to be de- ceived and misled, by experiments like this. The larvae of in- sects generally, become most voracious and make the greatest havoc, just as they are arriving at maturity. And as they are now grown to a larger size than they had previously been, they commonly are not noticed until this time. Having nearly com- pleted their growth, they of course forsake the tree which they infest within a few days. Persons nut conversant with the hab- its of these vermin, will hence suppose the remedy which they APPLE-TREE CATERPILLAR SULPHUR AS A REMEDY. 203 have applied has driven them from the tree; whereas it is their natural habit to crawl from the tree at this time. Now in all cases like this it is an easy matter to conduct an experiment in such a manner that there can be no deception or mistake in the result. Obviously, if sulphur, applied in the manner stated, has any effect in rendering a tree repulsive to the worms infesting it, it is in consequence of its being absorbed and circulated in the sap to every limb and leaf of the tree. For the purpose, therefore, of ascertaining the effect of sulphur upon the apple tree caterpillar, I on the third of May cut off the limb of a wild cherry tree on which wTas a nest, the worms of which were a quarter of an inch in length, and inserted the but-end of this limb in a cup of sulphur slightly moistened with water — where- by the twigs and leaves would certainly become much more strongly impregnated with this substance than they ever can be from sulphur inserted in a hole bored in the trunk of a tree. A limb containing another nest was also cut off and inserted in a cup containing water only. These two nests were placed side by side in my office, where they would be subject to the same temperature and influences, except in the one particular speci- fied. As the leaves upon the first mentioned limb became con- sumed by the worms, a fresh limb the but of which had been in- serted in moistened sulphur during the twelve hours preceding, was placed in 'contact with it. Sulphur was also sprinkled upon a part of the nest. But the worms seemed to wholly disregard this, traveling freely around and over it, and soon inclosing it under the newly woven tissues of their nest. At the end of nine days the caterpillars in both nests were larger than any of those out of doors, the temperature of the office warmed by a stove upon chilly days and evenings, having evidently favored their growth. At this time, May 12th, the worms which had fed upon ordinary leaves were four-tenths of an inch in length; those which had subsisted upon leaves impregnated with sulphur were double their size, measuring 0.80 to 0.85. It was clearly appa- rent, therefore, that so far from being in the least degree prejudi cial to them, the sulphur had rendered them more healthy and robust, rapidly accelerating their growth. And it hence is quite probable that those hundreds of persons in our country who APPLE-TREE CATERPILLAR SOAP AS A REMEDY. have spent more or less time in inserting sulphur in the trunks of trees infested with worms have hereby benefitted these vermin more than they have injured them. Soap being so efficacious a remedy against some insects in- duced me to test its effects upon these. A nest of late caterpil- lars, only half grown upon the last day in May, were upon the limb of a small garden cherry, when I placed a band of soft soap around the limb, slightly below the nest. Several worms started out of the nest to feed, but each on touching its nose to the soap retreated back hastily into the nest. Three worms coming in from feeding, on touching the soap, turned about and crawled away from it, whereupon I placed a second ring around the limb, below them. On coming to this they again turned around, up the limb, and continued traveling backwards and forth from one barrier to the other, without attempting to pass either of them. My hopes were high that this substance would prove in- valuable in combating these insects. Other rings quarentining more worms, were placed around other limbs, and a quantity of the soap was put in the forks of all the larger limbs. But, two hours afterward, the surface of the soap having become dry so as to give the worms a foothold, they were found everywhere traveling over and scarcely noticing it. Next, to ascertain whether the alkaline matter of the soap would be absorbed and pass into the circulating juices of the tree and impregnate the leaves sufficiently to render them un- palatable to the caterpillars, the main trunk of the tree from near the ground to the limbs, a distance of five feet, was pro- fusely coated over with soap, and some of the larger limbs were also rubbed with it. A slight rain coming on aided in washing this substance into the small crevices of the bark. But I could not discover that it had any effect upon the worms. They con- tinued to feed and to thrive upon this tree. A fortnight after- wards, when the caterpillars had almost universally forsaken the trees, a few were still remaining upon this tree. And I may add that the leaves of this tree after the soap was thus copiously applied to it, appeared as much infested with the black aphides or cherry plant lice described in my First Eeport, as were the leaves of other trees around it. It thus appears that this sub- APPLE-TREE CATERPILLAR — DESTROYING THE EGGS. 205 stance is not such a sovereign prophylactic against all insects upon fruit trees as the observations of some of our most success- ful fruit growers have led them to suppose. And there can be no doubt that in this as in the higher classes of animals, what is poison to one may be meat for another. There are two measures only which we can confidently recom- mend, whereby to subdue these insects and save the fruit trees from defoliation by them. And these universal experience con- curs in pronouncing the only efficient and reliable measures to which recourse can be had. The first of these is destroying the eggs. This must be at- tended to in the winter or early in the spring before the leaves begin to put forth. As this is a period of t\\e year when other avocations leave us comparatively at leisure, it is economy to accomplish now whatever can be done which will diminish the demands upon our time during the busier parts of the year. And every cluster of these eggs which can be discovered can be much more easily and speedily destroyed than a nest of caterpillars can be exterminated at a later date. The orchard should there- fore be carefully passed through at this time and the ends at least of all the lower limbs should be examined. And for this work it is necessary to call into exercise the sharpest scrutiny which we are able to give, for despite of our utmost care some of these clusters will elude our search. A practised eye will detect the unevenness or swelled appearance of the twig where these eggs are placed, much more readily than that of a novice. They are sometimes at the very end of the twig, sometimes one or two feet from its extremity, and not unfrequently two belts of eggs occur upon the same twig. The eggs are to be gathered either by cutting off the twig to which they are attached or by breaking and tearing them from the twig. They should be car- ried to the house in a basket and thrown into the stove, for if merely dropped upon the ground the worms will afterwards hatch from them and many of these will be apt to find their way to some tree or shrub on which to subsist. There perhaps has never been more urgent necessity for a universal resort to the measure now specified than there will be the coming winter, the trees being stocked with eggs at the date when these pages are 206 APPLE-TREE CATERPILLAR CRUSHING THE WORMS. going to the press, to an extent never before known. Persons who have never seen these eggs upon their trees hitherto, now notice them frequently, notwithstanding the trees are in full leaf. And should the season prove favorable to them, and no artificial destruction be had recourse to, our orchards bid fair to be stripped of their foliage next year to an extent never before paralleled. But, as already stated, notwithstanding the most searching scrutiny, many of these clusters of eggs will escape notice, par- ticularly upon the higher limbs of the trees. The proprietor of an orchard, therefore, is often vexed, after entirely ridding his trees of the eggs of these insects, as he supposes he has done, to find nests of caterpillars appearing upon them when the leaves are beginning to put forth. A second measure, the destruction of the caterpillars, therefore becomes necessary. And certainly the most expeditious and effectual method for accomplishing this is to crush them when they are gathered together and reposing in their nests. Practical orchardists are quite unanimous upon this subject, although in killing the worms there is some diver- sity in their practice. The best method is that stated by the late Willis Gaylord : " With a suitable ladder and a pair of stout mittens, if you are fastidious about using your hands, * * * when the worms are all in their web, at a single grasp every occupant may at once be destroyed." (Trans. N. Y. State Agric. Soc, vol. iii, p. 153.) Those, however, who are at all squeamish in encountering work of this kind, which it must be confessed is more agreeable when done than when doing, prefer tearing the nest from the tree and trampling its contents into the earth beneath the sole of the boot. By thrusting a stick or pole through the nest as low down in the fork of the limbs as possible, and then raising it outwards, nearly the entire nest and its occu- pants can be removed from the tree, when there are no small late- ral limbs growing within the fork to catch and retain portions of it. Others thrust into the nest a cylindrical brush constructed by the manufacturers for this purpose, or the top of a dry mullen stalk, attached to a pole for those nests which are high up in the tree, and turning it about in such a manner as to wind the nest around it, by pressing and rubbing it against the limbs, hereby APPLE-TREE CATERPILLAR CRUSHING THE WORMS. 207- crush most of the worms, and complete the work by returning to the nest on a subsequent day and repeating this operation. Whichever of these methods is adopted, the work is in all cases the most easily performed and the least disgusting, when the worms are young and small. It should therefore be done early in May, as soon as the white nests, appearing like cobwebs in the forks of the limbs, become sufficiently conspicuous to be readily seen. The worms of some nests will be out, feeding, at the same hours when others are resting within their tents. They are more universally in their webs in the morning than at any other time. But days during which there is a slight sprinkling rain are probably the best for this work, as the worms are then all in their nests, as a general rule, and are more torpid and less apt to crawl away; though the nests when wet are not so easily dis- covered. Often, too, when from the number of worms reposing in the nest we imagine the whole of the brood is there, a portion of them are in reality absent, engaged in feeding. Thus it fre- quently happens that wrhen we suppose we have entirely exter- minated a nest, on returning to it a few days afterwards we are surprised to find it rebuilt and quite a number of worms inhab- iting it. In order therefore to entirely destroy these pests, it is necessary to go through the orchard repeatedly. And every owner of an orchard should make it a point to wage a war of extermination against these insects, annually. Not the fragment of a nest which is accessible should be allowed to remain. The rich green foliage in which the trees will be clad when released from this most common enemy, and the quantity and fairness of the fruit which they are then enabled to grow, will amply repay the care which is thus bestowed upon them. Within the circuit of my own observation I presume one-half the owners of orchards give no attention whatever to the caterpillars which yearly invade their trees. Most of them are men of such strict economy they think they cannot afford to spend their time in such trifling work as destroying these worms' nests. Now it re- quires but a few moments, with a suitable ladder, to mount into a tree and with one hand covered with a buckskin mitten, crush every worm in the nest there. Ten of these nests can thus be destroyed with ease in an hour. Each of these nests contains -208 APPLE-TREE CATERPILLAR — CHERRY TREES AS DECOYS. about tliree hundred worms, and each worm, as already stated, devours two leaves daily. Six hundred leaves are each day stripped from each tree on which there is one of these nests. An hour's labor therefore saves to the orchard six thousand leaves daily, for the space of two or three weeks. Where else can an hour's labor be so profitably devoted as in destroying these worms? Surely men who are such close economists, when they are apprised of these facts, will never allow one of these nests to remain upon their trees for a single day. Some persons do not allow any wild cherry trees to grow on their lands, in consequence of the numbers of these caterpil- lars which they breed. But the orchards of such men are probabiy about as much infested with these insects, coming in to them from the fields and forests of their neighbors, as they would be were wild cherries growing upon their own lands. And valuable as the timber of this tree is for cabinet work, we cannot recommend its extermination. It appears to be the young, thrifty growing trees of this species which are the espe- cial favorites of these insects. Large old trees are rarely infest- ed to a great extent, especially when trimmed of their limbs to a considerable height from the ground. And even if every wild cherry tree in our country was cut down and not a caterpillar's nest was tolerated in any of our orchards, these insects would con- tinue to sustain themselves, though no doubt in greatly dimin- ished numbers, upon the other species of cherry and upon the thorn apples and other trees and shrubs on which they are able to subsist and thrive. As the wild black cherry is so much preferred to the apple or any other tree by these insects, and as it is easier to destroy a hundred nests upon one tree than a quarter of that number where they are scattered upon different trees, it strikes me that this tree may perhaps be turned to a valuable account as a decoy for these insects. If one or two cherry trees are standing in the fences on each of the sides of an orchard, the eggs of these insects it is probable will nearly all be deposited upon these trees which otherwise will be scattered over all the trees in the orchard. These trees can be kept trimmed and headed down so that all parts of them will be readily accessible. The ends of VAPORER MOTH BEAUTY OF THE CATERPILLAR. 209 the limbs, moreover, are so much more slender, long and straight than those of the apple tree, that the eye detects the belt of eggs upon them far more readily than upon the latter tree. Hence a hundred clusters of eggs or a hundred caterpillars' nests upon a half dozen cherry trees on the outer edge of the orchard can be exterminated much more easily than half that number upon forty or fifty apple trees within the orchard. And the work when brought within so small a compass can be much more completely accomplished, leaving nothing to produce a crop of these vermin another year, except what straggles in from the surrounding premises of shiftless neighbors. Every reader will perceive the plausibility of the measure now sug- gested- but it is only after testing it by carrying it into practice, that we can know with certainty whether it will fulfill our expectations. Eating the leaves, in July; a slender caterpillar with pale yellow hairs and tufts and hlack pencils, its head and two small protuberances on the hind part of the back bright coral red. In winter, clusters of white eggs and a dead leaf adhering to a whitish cocoon attached to the twigs or limbs. The American Vaporer moth, Orgyia leucostigma, Abbot and Smith. The term "caterpillar" is applied to a worm which is clothed with hairs; and we commonly associate this term with something which is ugly and repulsive in its appearance. But many cater- pillars are far from meriting this prejudice, being in reality ob- jects of much beauty. This is eminently the case with one which may frequently be seen in the month of July upon apple trees, and also in our yards upon rose bushes. We cultivate the rose for ornament; and nature, as if to further our designs, places upon the leaves this neat prim little caterpillar, which is a more delicate, elegant object than the handsomest rose that ever grew. I well remember the first time I noticed one of these caterpillars. It was in the hay-field, in my boyhood. One of the laborers, who had little taste for any of the beauties of nature — a man of that class of whom the poet sings, " The primrose growing by the river's brim Is but 'A yellow primrose' — nothing more — to him" — in stooping for a handful of grass to wipe off his scythe, had his attention arrested by one of these caterpillars. Taking up the [Assembly, 215.] 14 210 VAPORER MOTH CATERPILLAR. leaf on which it was standing, he was for several moments ab- sorbed in contemplating its bright colors and the artistic arrange- ment of its elegant plumes. Then, as he was laying it down he said to himself, " That is the prettiest thing I ever saw ! " Let us not murmer, if the leaves of our rose-bushes are somewhat gnawed and eroded, when they hereby produce for our admira- tion objects far more beautiful than we look for them to yield. These caterpillars are an inch or more in length, slender, sixteen footed, and have the skin of a cream yellow color with a black stripe along the middle of the back and a broader brown or black one upon each side. The body is thinly clothed with pale yellow hairs which radiate from small wart-like elevations, and in a row on the fore part of the back are four brush-like tufts of a deeper yeilow color. On the hind part of the back are two little knobs or bosses of a bright coral red color, or like sealing wax, and the head is of the same color. Projecting upward from the hind end of the back like a camel's hair pencil is a bundle of long black hairs, and inclining forward and outward from each side of the neck is a similar pencil. The hairs of these pencils are minutely bearded through their whole length, and each hair has a small knob at its end, which is formed of a tuft of minute bristles. The pencils have a jointed appearance, from their hairs being in sets of different lengths. The yellow hairs are also bearded, but have no knobs at their ends. I have, on willows and on basswood met with caterpillars differing from the preceding in having the head yellow, no red knobs upon the back, a black spot behind each of the brush-like tufts except the first, and beyond these a deep yellow instead of a black stripe, and no brown stripe along the sides. Whether these are a distinct species, or only a variety, I am unable to say, two individuals which I reared having proved to be wingless females. These caterpillars do not associate together in companies, nor form any web for their protection, but live solitary, exposing them- selves openly upon the leaves and in the glare of sunlight, as if they thought that no creature would have a heart to injure anything so pretty as they are. They eat irregular notches in the margins of leaves, and where they are very numerous they consume the whole of the leaf, leaving nothing but the mid-vein. They feed upon many different kinds of trees, the elm, the maple, the horse chestnut, the oak, &c, but they appear to be most fond of the apple, the plum, the rose, and other perennials belonging to the Family Rosacea. They attain their growth and spin their co- coons mostly during the latter half of the month of July. The cocoons are attached to the twigs and limbs of trees, and some- times to the leaves, and also to the posts and rails of fences, it probably being some of those caterpillars which are to produce male moths which select the latter situations. The cocoons are VAPORER MOTH COCOON. 211 formed of whitish silken threads so loosely woven together that the enclosed chrysalis can often be seen. They consist of an outer and an inner covering or tunic. The outer covering is commonly formed in part of two leaves, which are bent and tied together in such a manner as to make a kind of roof, sheltering the co- coon from rain, the lower leaf being overlapped by the lower edge of the upper one. There is considerable diversity, however, in the mode in which the leaves are attached to the cocoon. Sometimes they are drawn around it in the form of a cone with its point upwards. Sometimes but a single leaf is used. I once met with one of these cocoons upon the upper surface of a but- ternut leaf, the sides of which were drawn upwards so that the leaf formed half of the exterior portion of the structure. And as if the worm was aware of the brittle attachment of the leaf to the main stem, and was conscious that its own weight added to that of the leaf would inevitably cause it to break off and fall should a gale of wind arise, it had spun several threads to the main stem, thus securely tying it thereto. It is impossible for us to conceive how this worm came to possess such know- ledge. The main stem would have fallen with the fall of the leaves in autumn. This cocoon produced a male moth. The female caterpillars undoubtedly place their cocoons, in every instance, where they will remain upon the tree through the win- ter; whilst the males are indifferent in this matter, caring for their safety only for the short time they remain withiu them. This is a signal instance of the harmony of nature, as will ap- pear when we come to see where the eggs of the female are de- posited. Woven into the cocoon are numerous black and pale hairs, derived from the body of the caterpillars; and the remains of plant-lice are sometimes interspersed, probably from these stu- pid creatures having wandered over the cocoon at the time of its construction, and becoming inextricably involved in its meshes. The cocoon is about an inch and a half long. The inner tunic is but half the size of the outer, the space between being occupied with single threads crossing each other in every direction, and with the shrivelled remains of the caterpillar lying in the lower end. This inner covering is a closed sack of a regular oval form. 212 VAPORER MOTH CHRYSALIS. smooth on its inside, and a little larger than the chrysalis which reposes within it. The cocoon is placed indifferently either in a perpendicular, an oblique, or a horizontal direction. The chrysalis is of an oval form, twice as long as broad, measuring from 0.60 to 0.70 in length. It is rounded anteriorly and drawn out into a little horn- like point at its hind end, furnished with minute hooks at its tip, which are fastened into the threads of the cocoon. It is of a brown color with pale clouds and the under side of the abdomen whitish. Sometimes it is black and shin- ing, with scarcely any traces of whitish. Upon the head back and sides it is thickly covered with rather long fine white hairs. The three anterior segments next to the head have each upon their middle, above, an oval or square trans- verse spot of a pale clay color, formed of scales which resemble little collapsed vesicles or bladders, and each of these spots is crossed by a slender line upon its middle. The wing-sheaths appear to be of the same length in both the sexes, reaching to the anterior edge of the first abdominal segment. On break- ing open a female chrysalis, its inside is found filled with eggs which appear to be grown to their full size. In each instance when I have bred these insects, the moth made its appearance on the thirteenth day after the cocoon was spun. It therefore begins to appear abroad upon the wing about the first of August. We sometimes, however, meet with the chrysalis unhatched in the cocoon in the winter. These are doubtless individuals which have been later in completing their growth and from which moths will be given out early in the fol- lowing spring. From the gay appearance of the caterpillar one would expect a very pretty moth to be produced by it, and will be disappointed on obtaining a dark sooty brown thing, little variegated with spots or streaks. These moths may sometimes be seen resting upon the door posts or the shady side of build- ings, with their fore legs stretched out in front, and their antennae ' elevated. They frequently enter open windows in the evening, attracted by the light. They fly also in the day time. Their mode of flight is peculiar, consisting of short jerks or in a flirt- ing manner. This has probably obtained for insects of a similar kind which occur in England, their common name, vaporer moths, a term indicating something of a volatile, peevish, hysterical dis- position. They pertain to the genus Orgyia in the family Arc- TiiDiE and order Lepidoptera, and this species is named leuco- stigma or the Pale vaporer moth, in the splendid work of Abbott and Smith upon the Insects of Georgia, plate 79. The epithet " pale," however, is inappropriate for these moths as they occur VAPORER MOTH VARIETIES. 213 in the State of New- York. Indeed the specimens which I meet with in Washington county, fifty miles north of Albany, are so uniform in their characters, and so unlike the insect figured and described by Abbott and Smith that I should deem them a dis- tinct species, were it not that the caterpillars, which are so pe- culiarly colored and clothed, appear to be identical with those of Georgia, and specimens of the moths from the vicinity of the city of New-York are intermediate in their marks, between the more northern and the Georgia insects, thus indicating that there is a gradual transition from the one to the other. The winged moths as they occur in the Southern States, appear from the representations given, to be of a pale grajr or ash' color, the fore wings with a white crescent near the inner hind angle, and crossed by two conspicuous curv- ed black bands, the hind one of which and the black spots upon these wings are nearly as in the following variety. The intermediate variety (0 Icucost'gma var. intermedia) which" occurs in the southern part of New-York measures about 1.40 across the extended wings. The fore-wings are ash-gray, their basal third smoky brown, paler on the inner side and crossed by a faint wavy pale band, which is confluent outwardly with an ash-gray cloud which extends from this band to the base. A blackish crinkled band commences on the inner margin behind the middle, runnin"- in- ward and then curving backward, till it approaches the outer edge, when it abruptly turns forward almost at a right angle and extends straight in an ob- lique direction more than the tenth of an inch to the outer edge. In the mid- dle of the pale gray space forward of this band is a slender black crescent hav- ing some resemblance to the letter L, with a dot between it and the outer mar- gin, a slender black line sometimes reaching with a curve from the crescent to the dot. The wing back of the band is pale smoky brown, except towards the outer margin, where it is pale gray, with a rhombic black spot on the margin immediately behind the band, this spot being cut across longitudinally by a slender gray line. Inside of this spot and much nearer the hind edge are two smaller blackish spots or streaks. Near the inner hind angle is a large white comma-like dot having its tail towards the inner edge. From this dot a pale streak often extends across the wing, parallel with the hind mar°in. The fringe is smoky, crossed by pale lines at the tips of the veins. In the northern variety ( O. leucustigma var. borealis) which is met with in the more northern sections of the State, the wings when spread measure from 1.20 to 1.30. Both pairs are alike in color, being dull smoky or dingy brown. The upper ones have a large ash-gray patch on the middle of the outer margin, which commonly extends to the tip, and is crossed by an oblique blackish streak, which is all that can be perceived of the band noticed in the preceding variety. Immediately back of this is a blackish spot, commonly of a rhombic form and sometimes crossed by a pale line. The base of these wings is somewhat clouded with ash-gray ; and near the inner hind angle is a roundish white spot which is sometimes faint and almost effaced. Sometimes a row of small dark brown crescent-shaped spots is perceptible along the apical edge at 214 VAPORER MOTH — FEMALE. the base of the fringe. The specimens which I have gathered in Washington county have uniformly been of this variety. The antennae of these moths are about a third of the length of the wings. They are gray, with a double row of dark brown branches resembling the teeth of a comb. Each branch has a row of very fine hairs, like eye-lashes, along each side, and at its tip three bristles, one of which is much longer and direct- ed inward towards the head. The body is gray, with a small black tuft near the base of the abdomen. The under side is paler and the legs are varied with blackish. It is the male insects which we have described above. The females are totally different objects, to appearance, being desti- tute of wings, and having in place of them two small scales the tenth of an inch long and half as broad, situated upon each side of the thorax. The vaporer moth therefore is analagous to the canker wrorm in this respect, the females in both species resem- bling worms more than perfect insects. The body of the female vaporer moth is short and thick when it first crawls from the cocoon, and longer and more cylindrical after the eggs have been deposited, being over half an inch long and a third as broad. It is of an ash-gray color from the hairs with which the body is densely covered, and often a broad dusky stripe runs the whole length along the middle of the back. The colors be- come more dull and obscure after the eggs are deposited. The antennce in this sex are short and not branched as in the males, merely presenting a row of saw-like teeth along their inner side, each tooth having a short bristle at its apex. The females merely crawl from the inner to the outer side of their cocoons, and there remain awaiting the approach of their mates, who invariably find them immediately. The instinct of the males for discovering the opposite sex is remarkable; and collectors are accustomed to avail themselves of it for obtaining specimens. By placing a box in which a newly hatched female is enclosed, in the haunts of this species, dozens of males will sometimes be attracted to it. Thus the females commence de- positing their eggs often within a few hours after they have left the chrysalis state. The eggs are from one to two hundred in number, about the size of a mustard seed, white and round with a small depression in the summit. They are placed upon the cocoon from which the female came, and are enveloped in a large quantity of frothy, milk-white, viscid matter, causing them to VAPORER MOTH EGGS HOW DEPOSITED. 215 adhere securely to the cocoon and to each other. They are ex- truded in a continuous string, which is folded and matted together so as to form an irregular mass. I once pierced one of these females with a pin while she was in the act of depositing her eggs; and so tenaciously did she adhere to them that for a time it was uncertain whether the body would not tear asunder before it would separate from the string. Within a day or two after she comes out of the cocoon the female has completed her labors. Her body which was at first plump, swollen and un- wieldy, is now shrunken and flaccid, and she is so exhausted that she soon lets go her foothold, falls to the ground and per- ishes. The designs of nature in giving to these insects the habits which they possess are very evident. Having no wings by which to escape when menaced with danger, were these worm- like females to crawl about 'the limbs and trunk of the tree, as the canker worms are accustomed to do, their pale gray bodies would cause them to be discovered and devoured by birds. The canker worm runs no risk of this kind, as it makes its ascent in the winter and early spring when the birds are all absent upon their migration to a warmer climate. The vaporer moth, coming out in August, by remaining stationary upon its light colored cocoon, is but little liable to be noticed. Still, there being even here some risk of its discovery, it hastens to fulfill the purpose of its existence immediately upon coming out of its cocoon, lest some mishap should befall it if it were to remain longer in this exposed situation. The white frothy matter with which the eggs are covered be- comes dry and hard and impervious to wet, thus protecting them through all the storms and vicissitudes of autumn, winter and spring. Nor will a bird be inclined to pick off and devour these eggs with this foam and the hairs of the cocoon adhering to them. They are thus shielded from harm although placed in such an exposed situation, until the return of warm weather brings out a crop of leaves for the subsistence of the worms; whereupon they hatch from the eggs, early in May, and grow up till they become the gay caterpillars which we first noticed above. But though the vaporer moth is able to guard itself and its progeny from destruction in several directions, it is not thus 216 VAPORER MOTH PARASITES. fortunate in other particulars. It is exposed to the attacks of parasites. These are minute bee-like insects pertaining to the Family Chalcididje |n the Order Hymenoptera. They puncture, the skin of these pretty caterpillars dropping an egg therein, from which hatches a minute maggot which feeds internally upon the fatty matter of the caterpillar, thus exhausting and eventu- ally killing it. I once gathered two of these caterpillars which I placed with some leaves in a box- Two days afterwards one of them was found to be dead, and the other being lively and vigorous was removed to another box. Next day, what appeared to be the ends of little worms were seen protruding from the body of the dead caterpillar. Upon the following day these worms were found to be seventeen in number. They had all left the dead carcase of the caterpillar and just above it upon the side of the box they had arranged themselves in a circular row, and had changed to pupse of a milk white color, 0.12 long and half as broad, hanging by their tails with their heads down- ward and their backs against the side of the box. This was upon the last day of July. Next day they had changed to a pale red color and had somewhat shrivelled, each having discharged a little cluster of clay-yellow graias which were adhering to the side of the box at the tip of their bodies. They subsequently altered to a black color, and on the sixth of August they hatched the winged insects, which were of a brilliant brassy green color, with a blackish purple abdomen and white legs, and about the same size as the pupse. In an account of the vaporer moth which I published in the Country Gentleman in reply to enqui- ries respecting it from some of the subscribers of that paper, I named this insect (vol. vii,p.235) the vaporer-moth parasite (Tri- chogramma 1 Orgyia) . This parasite measures 0.12 to the tip of its abdomen, the wings being slightly longer. The head is brassy green, as broad as the thorax, three or four times as wide as long, and appearing slightly notched in front when viewed from above. The antennae are brown, the basal joints pale yellow. They are composed of six very distinct joints, of which the first is long and forms an elbow with the following ones. The second joint is smallest; the fourth and fifth are equal, oval, and shorter and thicker than the third; the last is boader than the preceding and longer than the third, and is shaped like an elongated egg. The thorax is brassy-green and finely sha- greened, twice as long as wide, broadest across the middle, the collar of a crescent shape and separated by a very distinct suture, the scutel large, pro- VAP0RER MOTHS PARASITES. 217 niinent, rounded, tinged with golden-yellow, with an elevated line on each side at its base, extending obliquely forward and outward upon the thorax. The abdomen is purplish-black, very smooth and polished, shorter than the thorax, short cylindrical with rounded ends, depressed above and in the dried specimen deeply excavated and boat-like. Near its base is a pale yellow band occupying the apex of the basal segment above and beneath, and nearly or quite interrupted upon each side. The legs are yellowish-white, including the ante- rior haunches, the tips of the feet being black. The shanks are without con- spicuous spines at their tips, and the feet are composed of four cylindrical, nearly equal joints, each joint having a coarse bristle at its tip on the upper side. The wings are clear and glassy, with numerous minute punctures except upon the basal part, each puncture yielding a fine bristle. A broad glabrous stripe extends along the inner margin of the fore wings, in which is a single row of equidistant punctures and bristles. The fore wings are destitute of veins/except a robust one of a pale color near the outer margin, which unites with the margin through about one-fourth of the length of the wing, separating from it again towards the tip, where it ends in a short branch or stigma which is slightly thickened and notched at its apex. Another parasitic insect, so much like the preceding in all its details that it might be regarded as its brother reared at the same table, I met with upon rose leaves in September last, where it was very probably searching for these same caterpillars in which to deposit its eggs. In the Country Gentleman this was named The Brother parasite, (Trichogrammal fraterna.') It is 0.10 in length and its wings when extended are 0.15 across. The thorax is much less rough than in the foregoing species, being very minutely shagreened and the abdomen is of the same brilliant brassy-green color as the thora£, without any pale spot or band towards its base, its under side being black. The sub-marginal vein of the fore-wings is also black, and is united with the margin two-thirds of its length, with the stigmal branch quite short and more conspicuously notched at its end. In all other respects the description given of the preceding species applies to this also. By these parasites, and probably other means of which we are yet in ignorance, the vaporer moths of our country are crip- pled and restrained from becoming so numerous as they other- wise would be. In the vicinity of my residence I have never known them to be sufficiently multiplied to merit any attention on account of the depredations they commit. I should judge I had never met with a half dozen of the caterpillars in any one year, until last summer (1855), when they were noticed as being unusually common. This is probably near the northern extreme of their geographical range. In districts farther south and east, where the climate is warmer, they are much more numerous and 218 VAP0RER MOTH ITS DESTRUCTIVENESS. are frequently quite a nuisance. How pernicious they are upon fruit trees, even when their numbers are not excessive, is suffi- ciently shown in a communication from H. B. Ives, of Salem, Mass., published in Hovey's Magazine, vol. i, p. 52. Mr. Ives removed all the eggs of these insects from three of his apple trees. He found twenty-one clusters of eggs upon these three trees. The rest of the trees in his orchard he left untouched. The eggs hatched and the* young worms had commenced their ravages upon the tenth of May. He watched them " from time to time, until many branches had been spoiled of their leaves, and in the autumn were entirely destitute of fruit; while the three trees which had been stripped of the eggs, were flush with foliage, each limb without exception, ripening its fruit." Dr. Harris states (Treatise, p. 283) that these caterpillars were quite abundant in the vicinity of Eoston in 1848, '49 and '50; and that the horse-chestnuts planted beside the streets and in the parks of that city — trees which are so little liable to be attacked by insects — were almost entirely stripped of their leaves by them. Fortunately it is an easy matter to exterminate these insects from the trees which they invade, by picking off and destroying their eggs. These are readily found during the winter, the dead leaf adhering to th« cocoon to which the eggs are attached, being conspicuous upon the naked twigs. Sometimes, though very rarely, little clusters of dead leaves will be met with adhering to the limbs of fruit trees, which have not been tied there by the vapor er moth, but by another creature belonging to this di- vision of the animal kingdom. The careful orchardist will hereby, when gathering the- eggs of the vaporer moth, be some- times deceived, and put to the trouble of mounting into a tree and bending a limb towards him, by this impostor; though from the greater number of the leaves, their more dull and decayed appearance, and their being more loosely tied together, making a rattling noise when agitated by the wind or by shaking the limb, the cheat will generally be known at a distance of several feet. These counterfeit clusters of dead leaves originally formed the nest of a Palmer worm {Chatochilus pometellus) or some other worm having the same habit of drawing several leaves together VAP0RER MOTH THE DECEIVING SPIDER. 219 by cob-web like threads, around the little web within which it dwells. This is evident from the leaves as we see them in win- ter, being worm-eaten and having the castings of the worm, in the form of dry grains, still adhering to them. But the threads by which such worms tie the leaves together are so slight and fragile, that the leaves forming their nests are all torn off and dispersed by the storms of autumn. In some instances, however, it appears that after the worm has evacuated this abode, another tenant takes possession of it, finding it to be the very situation which he desires for his winter quarters. This new occupant is a small spider, which ties the leaves anew, with threads of its own, numerous threads being woven together, forming a narrow fillet or ribbon which is so strong that although the leaves flut- ter and rustle with every breeze, they are not torn away by the most violent winds of winter. And within the leaves this spider forms for itself a little oval cot of soft silken threads of snowy whiteness and matted densely together, within which as in a bed of down, it reposes through the winter in comfort ant:! security. This spider is very closely allied to an Alabama species, named Epeira displicata, by Prof. Hentz in his valuable monograph of the spiders of the United States, published in the Boston Jour- nal of Natural History, (vol. v. p. 476.) It however is suffi- ciently distinguished from that species by wanting the impressed black dots on the anterior part of the abdomen, and by its col- ors. In allusion to the circumstance which will probably cause this minute object to be most frequently noticed, I propose to name it The deceiving spider {Epeira decipiens). As it occurs in its nest in the winter season, this spider is 0.12 long, and of a pale hrown color, reddish brown beneath, the head and legs being paler brown or yellowish horn colored, sometimes with a greenish tinge. The abdomen is nearly globular, slightly depressed, and is surrounded horizontally with a whitish band. Posteriorly upon the upper side of this band is a row of six large equidistant black dots, each of which is encircled with a pale yellow ring. Behind the two posterior dots are two very minute ones, which are encircled in the same manner. The spinnerets at the tip of the abdomen are olive green. There are traces of two white cloud-like stripes along the middle of the abdomen, and in a particular reflection of the light it appears to be crossed by imperfect white bands. The legs are furnished with blackish bristles. As in several of the other species of this extensive genus the two upper or posterior eyes are largest and are almost in contact with each other, and the two outer ones upon each side are conflu- 220 VAPORER MOTH ITS EGGS TO BE DESTROYED. ent, forming but a single dot, which is slightly elongated. When preserved in balsam of fir this spider retains the black dots and pale rings and band, but the abdomen changes to a bright blood red and the thorax and legs to a honey yellow color. In a few other instances dead leaves will be found upon the apple and other trees during the winter; but these are chiefly single leaves at the tip ends of the twigs, which had withered prematurely from being infested with plant lice, and will not be liable to be mistaken for the work of the vaporer moth. One of the most remarkable pieces of mechanism may be met with upon the sycamore or button wood, where the dead leaf is drawn to- gether in such a manner as to form a little wheel, whirling around and sliding up and down upon the last joint of the twig, the bud at the end of the twig forming a knob or button which prevents this wheel from sliding off its axle, and a tube or socket in its centre the fourth of an inch long serves as a hub, prevent- ing it from turning askew. It appears to be an insect, perhaps a species of plant louse, which draws the sycamore leaf around the twig in this truly curious manner. Care should be taken to rid fruit trees especially from the vaporer moth; for whenever one of these insects takes up its abode upon a tree, a part at least of its progeny will be apt to remain for several generations, sustaining themselves at the ex- pense of the tree. In the winter, or before the foliage puts forth in spring, search should be made for their nests of eggs. They will be much more readily discovered than those of the common caterpillar. Occasionally a cocoon will be met with having no eggs upon it. In this the chrysalis is still lying unhatched, or a male moth has been given out from it. It will be the safest course to strip the trees of all the cocoons found upon them, whether covered with eggs and foam or not, tearing them off from the larger limbs and cutting off the smaller twigs to which they are attached, and throwing the whole into the fire. No one but the veriest sloven will permit his fruit trees to be depre- dated upon by insects which can be so easily subdued as the va- porer moth. PALMER WORM EARLY NOTICES OF IT. 221 A pale yelloAvish green worm having a dusky or blackish stripe along each side of the back with a narrower whitish stripe on its upper side and a dusky line in the middle, and a shining yellow head, the hue of beeswax; residing in worm-eaten leaves drawn together by silken threads, and when jarred, dropping and hanging in the air suspended by threads; appearing the latter part of June, at times excessively numerous. The Palmer-worm, Chatochilus pometellus, Harris, (Plate 4, fig. 4.) Though not abundant, this worm is common upon the leaves of orchards and forests, making its appearance every year about the middle of June and continuing till the last of the month. But it sometimes becomes multiplied in a most astonishing man- ner, appearing suddenly in prodigious numbers over a vast ex- tent of country, in a single day changing the green foliage every- where to a withered brown hue, as though it had been scorched by fire. And after continuing a week or two it disappears as suddenly as it came, so that on a tree which to-day contains hundreds of these worms, to-morrow not one can be found. And the following year when the same season comes round and we are looking for multitudes of these insects to make their appearance again, no traces of them are to be seen. As this worm comes forth nearly a month later in the year than the apple tree caterpillar spoken of in the foregoing pages, it is much more destructive to the trees. When their foliage is stripped off and destroyed by this worm, only a slight crop of leaves puts out upon them after it disappears. Old trees and many of the limbs upon young thrifty trees die; and after a visitation of these worms, should the weather during the month of July'prove to be dry, and hot, as it frequently is, the damage is much more extensive, whole orchards and forests perishing. At a former period when the surface of our country was covered with one continuous forest it must have been a singular and sad spectacle to see the timber over such vast districts all blighted and leafless, as it doubtless was at times, from havrng been overrun by these worms. It is most probably these insects to which the Sweedish naturalist, Kalm, in his travels through this country a century ago, alludes in the following passage, (vol. ii, p. 7.) " There is likewise a kind of caterpillars in these 222 PALMER WORM ORIGIN OF ITS NAME. provinces, which eat the leaves from the trees. They are innu- merable in some years. In the intervals there are but few of them : but when they come, they strip the trees so entirely of their leaves, that the woods in the middle of summer are as naked as in winter. ^They eat all kinds of leaves, and very few trees are left untouched by them; as, about that time of the year the heat is most excessive. The stripping the trees of their leaves has this fatal consequence, that +hey cannot withstand the heat, but dry up entirely. In this manner, great forests are sometimes entirely ruined. The Swedes who live here showed me, here and there great tracts in the woods, where young trees were now growing, instead of the old ones, which, some years ago, had been destroyed by the caterpillars. These caterpillars afterwards change into moths, or phalence." If our western prairies were ever covered with wood it is most probably by this insect that they were first made naked, those trees only surviving the attack which grew upon the bottom lands along streams, where the drouth of mid-summer would be less felt than upon the uplands. In the year 1791 , the orchards and forests of New England were overrun by this worm, and the leaves of the apple, oak and other trees were devoured by it. It was at this time that it re- ceived the name "palmer worm" by which it has since been cur- rently designated. This name was evidently derived from our English translation of the sacred scriptures. Another insect which a month or two before had devastated the fruit trees to an extent never previously known, appears simultaneously to have received the name which it still retains, the canker worm; for previous to this date we find this name given to what is now called the army worm. Many persons at that time, we doubt not, supposed them to be the very insects to which the inspired pro- phet alluded. Two years before, a clergyman who, from some remarkable phenomena which had just then occurred, had formed the opinion that the arm of the Lord was extended in wrath over our laud, had written a discourse, in which it was predicted that great calamities were soon to happen. And the advent at that time of one of these strange insects immediately after the other, in such countless numbers all over the country, 'the palmer worm PALMER WORM ITS APPEARANCE IN 1853. 223 eating what the canker worm had left,' was an event well calcu- lated to make a deep impression upon community, and to strike superstitious and weak-minded persons with awe and terror. The facts here stated we obtain chiefly from Webster on pestilen- tial diseases, vol. i, pp. 286, 293. Another remarkable visitation of these insects occurred in the year 1853, unparalleled by any event of this kind within the memory of the present generation. It at this time appeared suddenly in excessive numbers, over all the eastern part of the State of New-York, and all the New England States, the news- papers noticing it everywhere from Maine to Connecticut. Al- though we have no definite information respecting it beyond these limits, it was probably numerous in most parts of our country, several specimens of the moth having been sent me this year from the state of Mississippi, this being the only in- stance in which I have ever received this insect from any of my correspondents. It was on the sixteenth day of June that it first attracted notice in the section where I reside, but in the southern part of the State it began to be observed about a week earlier. When attention was once directed towards it, it was found to be common in all the orchards and forests around; and within a few days of the date mentioned, its depredations were so conspic- uous that in every town and neighborhood thoughout this dis- trict of country it was noticed and had become the leading sub- ject of conversation, commonly before they were aware at each locality that every place aronnd them was invaded in the same manner; and the worms were sent to me from different directions by persons who supposed it did not extend beyond the vicinity where they resided. It was currently regarded as a new and unknown insect; and in the prevalent ignorance upon matters of this kind, the most absurd and extravagant conjectures with regard to the origin and transformations of this worm were passed from mouth to mouth, even among educated men and persons of good general intelligence. As it is probably atmospherical causes or some peculiarity of the seasons which favors the multiplication of this as of other insects, it merits to be observed that the weather had been re- markably dry and hot for some time previous to its advent. And 224 PALMER WORM ITS SUDDEN DISAPPEARANCE. according to my own observations, those trees which stood in situations where they were openly exposed to the sun appeared to be most severely devastated, whilst in some instances at least, those standing in the shade of buildings remained green and un- harmed; though I was informed of cases in which trees in shaded situations were stripped of their leaves. The trees everywhere assumed a brown withered appearance, looking as though they had been scorched by fire. Apple trees and oaks seemed to suffer most, but all other trees and shrubs were more or less infested with these worms at this time. On jarring or shaking a tree, hundreds would instantly let them- selves down from among the leaves, by fine threads like cobweb, some dropping to the ground, others remaining suspended in the air. Persons at work at this time upon potatoes or other field crops growing in orchards would have numbers of them crawl- ing everywhere over their clothes, and, as an instance of the power of the imagination, the following may be related : A ro- bust laboring man assured me that in three instances in which these worms happened to fall upon his naked arm he felt a sting- ing sensation like that from the puncture of a mosquito, this being occasioned, as he was firmly persuaded, by their bite. But other persons, with these worms crawling in numberless in- stances upon their naked skin, experienced nothing of this kind; and subsisting as they do exclusively upon leaves and other succulent vegetation, it is not probable that they employ their jaws upon any substance for which they can have no relish; their natural resort when irritated being not to bite but to wriggle violently and thus throw themselves away from the place where they are molested. The worms continued in full force until the night of the twenty-third of June, when brisk showers occurred, accompa- nied with heavy thunder, terminating the drouth which had pre- vailed, and with this the worms suddenly disappeared. Upon the following day not one could be obtained by shaking trees which had been overrun with them the day before — the rain drops falling upon the leaves having doubtless dislodged them, in the course of the night, and perhaps drowning a considerable portion of them after reaching the ground. With a beating net. PALMER WORM FRUIT DESTROYED BY IT. 225 however, a few specimens could be gathered from the leaves for several days afterwards. The weather now becoming more moist, with copious showers repeatedly during the month of July, the trees in a measure re- covered their leaves, although the crop of fruit for the year was everywhere destroyed. George Christie of East Greenwich informed me that the trees on his farm, in good bearing years produce probably a thousand bushels of apples, and the pros- pects for an abundant yield were never fairer than they were this year, until this worm made its appearance, blighting the trees and causing the orchard to look as though it had been frost b'tten. And he gathered from it this year only two or three bushels of fruit, of a quality so inferior that it was scarcely worth picking. And similar to this was the experience of the owners of orchards generally — young thrifty trees yielding a scanty supply of inferior fruit which commonly sufficed for family use, nothing being gathered from full grown and old trees. The following year, in June, it was universally expected that these worms would again appear, but the month passed away and no traces of them were anywhere to be seen. They could readily be found, however, on searching upon the leaves of the apple trees, but were no more common than several other kinds of worms in the same situation. Last year, 1855, they were quite rare, a very few specimens only having presented themselves to my notice. The present year 'they have been much more abundant, and in gardens in the city of Albany I observed a number of fruit trees the leaves of which had been badly eaten by them. |2 At the time of the appearance of this worm in such myriads in 1853, I was answering a letter from Hon. B. P. Johnson upon another apple tree insect, and inserted therein an account of this worm, with a description of it and the cocoon which it had then formed, stating that I would subsequently complete its history. I suggested that a small gay yellow moth which frequently occurred among apple leaves, a descrip- tion of which under the name of Jlrgyrolepia pomariana I thereto appended, might probably be the parent of these worms. For tfrS'information of my immediate neighbors and friends upon a [Assem. No. 215.] 15 226 FALMER WORM— ITS SCIENTIFIC NAME. topic which was of surpassing interest to them at that time, a copy of this communication was inserted in the Salem Press newspaper of July 12th, copies of which were distributed to all my correspondents. Upon the 8th of Juy I obtained the insect in its perfect state, and met with specimens in abundance, in orchards and forests upon the following day. A postscript to my previous communication was accordingly prepared, giving a description of the moth, when I was not a little surprised to receive from Dr. Harris a slip from the Cambridge Chronicle of July 19th, containing a short description of this same insect, under the name of Rhinosia pometella. Although this name, thus published in a local newspaper, had no scientific validity, I cheerfully adopted it. My communication of June 30th, and a postscript thereto dated July 23d, was published in the Jour- nal of the New-York State Agricultural Society, September 1853, (vol. iv, p. 36), and was re-published with Dr. Harris's article from the Cambridge newspaper appended, in the Society's Tran- sactions for that year, (vol. xiii, pp. 178 — 192). These are the principal papers upon this insect, so far as I am aware, which have hitherto appeared. Although from its habit of drawing leaves together in a clus- ter, secreting itself between and feeding upon them, letting itself down by a thread, &c, the palmer worm corresponds with the Family Tortricidce of the Order Lepidoptera, there is a section of moths of Family Tineidje which possess these same habits, and it is to this latter family which this insect pertains. The genus to which it belongs is characterised principally by having the scales with which the feelers or palpi are clothed very long, jutting forward of the head horizontally like a camel's hair pen- cil, or a beak, with the last joint slender and projecting upwards from the middle of this beak like a little horn or spur, as repre- sented in the profile view of the head, plate 4, fig. 4 a. The name Chatochilus given to this genus by Mr. Stephens, is retained by Westwood and Humphrey in their recent work on British moths. The name Rhinosia bestowed almost simultaneously upon this genus by the German naturalist Treitschke and adopted by Dr. Harris, is too nearly identical with the name Rhi?wtia, gkfPp. many years anteriorly by Mr. Kirby to a genus of weevils^) PALMER WORM THE WORM DESCRIBED. 227 allow its being retained, were it otherwise entitled to stand. Chaetochilus pometellus thus becomes the scientific name of the palmer worm moth. Dr. Harris proposes "the little Snout moth" as the common name for this insect; but the designation Snout- moth is popularly applied to a very different group of insects, pertaining to the genus Hyjjena in the Family Pyralidce; and the name palmer worm is so well established that no other designa- tion for this species appears to be required or desirable. When they are young these worms eat only the green pulpy tissues of the leaf, leaving its net work of veins entire. But as they become larger and more robust they consume the whole of the leaf except the coarse veins. It is the young and tender leaves, however, which grow at and near the tips of the limbs, • which they prefer; the older and tougher leaves are commonly eaten only at their tip ends, and have irregular holes of various sizes gnawed in them, some of these holes being no larger than a puncture made with a pin. The green succulent ends of the twigs are also frequently ate off. And the young apples which were nearly as large as walnuts when these worms made their appearance, almost without exception had either round holes or larger irregular cavities gnawed in their surface. Thus wounded they wilt and fall from the tree, a few only having the wounds so slight that they recover and remain upon the tree till they ripen. Both the larvae or worjns, and the moths are much more vari- able in their colors and irregular in their marks when they are excessively numerous, than they appear to be at other times. The larvx when small are somewhat tapering, as represented in the first figure of the cut, and pale yellow varied only with a darker stripe along the middle of the back and a darker head. They grow to nearly half an inch in length, and are then more nearly cylindrical, as represented in the second figure. They have sixteen feet, and bodies divided into thirteen segments by transverse constrictions. When approaching to maturity they are commonly of a pale green or yellowish green color, but when these worms are numerous, specimens of a sulphur yellow, watery whitish and flesh red colors will be met with. They are paler or whitish beneath. Along each side of the back a dusky or blackish stripe running the whole length of the body is the most conspicuous and constant mark which they possess. Above this a narrower whitish stripe is more or 228 • PALMER WORM — ITS PUPA. less distinct, and along the middle of the back is a slender dusky stripe between the whitish ones. A transverse line of a clearer white color occupies the hind edge of each segment. Several small black dots symmetrically arranged and each one yielding a fine hair, may be perceived, whereof two above near the hind edge of each segment are the most conspicuous. The head is polished and of the yellow color of bees-wax. The neck or second segment is of the same color, and has above on each side of the middle a black stripe which curves inwards at its hind end, sometimes forming a hook, and outside of this are two black oblong dots, the lower one smaller. It appears to be the ordinary habit of these worms to remain upon the trees and change to pupa? in the same tuft of leaves in which the larva? have resided, the worm retiring into a plait or fold of a particular leaf and spinning a slight web of fine silken threads over itself, of so thin a texture that it may be seen through this web. But when they are numerous, multitudes of the worms live openly exposed upon the leaves, and the foliage is so totally destroyed on many trees that it can furnish no safe retreats in which they can conceal themselves when they are ready to change to pupa?. In such cases, as I infer from the habits of the worm when bred in cages, they secrete themselves under dry leaves on the surface of the ground, in crevices of the bark and similar situations, spinning a slight web over them- selves. As they remain in the pupa state only a short time they require no regular cocoon or other substantial fabric for their protection. The pupa is at first of a pale tawny yellow color with the head and sheaths of the wings and legs lighter yellow, and is about a quarter of an inch long. It gradu- ally changes to a darker color, and in about ten or twelve days after the worm ceases feeding and shuts itself up within its web the perfect insect is disclosed. In different years the moths which I have bred have mostly come out of their pupse state upon the eighth of July; and on one occasion, passing on this day under a large white oak tree which had been entirely stripped of its leaves by these insects, at every step among the weeds and grass a swarm of the moths would arise and flit a yard or two aside and alight again, this fact showing that they were mostly hatched at this date or earlier. The moths are of a gray color and three-eighths of an inch long, and rest with their long narrow wings folded together and laid flat upon their backs, the PALMER WORM THE MOTH DESCRIBED. 229 fore part of the body being slightly raised from the surface on which they are standing and the antennae turned backward and pressed down upon the wings. The moth of the palmer worm (see plate 4, fig. 4) measures about 0.65 across its wings when they are expanded. It is of an ash-gray color. The fore wings are sprinkled more or less with black atoms, and have on the apical edge at the base of the fringe six or seven equidistant black dots. On the disk are also four larger black or brown dots, two before and two behind the mid- dle, the latter nearer together than the former. These dots are placed ob- liquely with regard to each other, the anterior pair having the outer dot more towards the base of the wing than the inner one, whilst the posterior pair has the inner dot nearer the base than the outer one. Frequently there is a tawny yellow streak or cloud between the anterior dots and the base, situated upon the slight plait or groove formed by the midvein. Sometimes also a dusky transverse band may be discovered on the posterior part of the wing, half way between the posterior dots and the tip. The fringe on the inner tips of these wings is dusky, with a pale tawny band occupying its basal half. The hind wings above and beneath. are dusky with a glossy azure blue reflection, and blackish veins, their long fringes being dusky. The under side of the body and the legs are dull whitish with a silky lustre, the feet darker with a white ring at each joint. The antennae are alternated with rings of black and white. The varieties of this moth are numerous, particularly in those years when it is abundant. The more important of these are as follows : a. Ground color of the fore wings dull white instead of ash-gray. b. Ground color of the fore wings pale tawny yellow. c. The fore wings with a strong purplish-red reflection. d. Dots on the middle of the fore wings three only, the anterior one being effaced. Rare. It appears to have been a specimen of this variety from which Dr. Harris's description of the species was taken. «. The four dots on the middle of the fore wings all wanting. f. The dots on the apex of the fore wings faint or wanting. Numbers of these worms are every year destroyed by a small footless grub or maggot, which lives in the palmer worm until it has attained its growth, when it perforates a hole through .the side of the worm, and crawling out, spins a small white oval cocoon for itself, commonly attaching this cocoon very slightly to the surface of the leaf. The worm from which this parasite has crawled remains upon the leaf beside it, its feet seemingly paralyzed, so that it is unable to move from the spot. It turns its head at times from one side to the other, but eats no more and soon perishes. When these worms were present in 1853 some persons attempted to save favorite trees from their ravages by repeatedly jarring the trees and with a pole breaking off the threads by 230 PALMER WORM REMEDIES. which the worms, suspended themselves and carrying them to a distance, repeating the operation day after day. But little benefit, however, appeared to result from this measure. More good may undoubtedly be done by attaching a long stiff handle to an old tin pan, smearing the inside of the pan with tar, bird lime or some similar adhesive substance, and catching the worms in this by swinging it around under the tree, as they hang suspended — renewing the coating as often as it becomes so covered with the worms and their threads as no longer to adhere to them. The fact of the sudden disappearance of these worms with showers of rain was noticed in several places in the year 1853, and suggests the showering of trees when infested with the palmer worm, with water, by means of a garden engine, as a measure whereby to dislodge and destroy this enemy. At the time of its disappearance in the manner stated, worms of all sizes old and young were upon the leaves, showing it was not in conse- quence of their having come to maturity and being ready to withdraw, that they left the trees thus abruptly. The fact is reported (Trans. N. Y. State Ag. Soc, vol. xiii, p. 187) that a gentleman having a farm near Albany, discovering that two of the trees in his orchard had their leaves destroyed by these worms, procured some whale oil soap and diluting it with water, drenched the remainder of his trees with it, with a garden en- gine, whereby they were entirely preserved from the ravages of these worms. The worms were no doubt numerous upon those as they were upon all other trees at that time. Whether the whale oil soap made the application more efficacious than it would have been without it can only be known by further experi- ments. But the suddenness with which a portion of these worms drop themselves from the leaves of a tree when it is shook or jarred, renders it probable that the greater agitation which showering the leaves, simply, will occasion, will entirely rid them of these vermin. TAWNY-STRIPED PALMER WORM. 231 A slender pale yellowish worm with a tawny yellow stripe along each side of its back, this stripe having a whitish stripe upon its lower as well as its upper side, and a pale yellow head; residing in the fold of a worm-eaten leaf, the fore part of July. The tawny-striped palmer-worm, Chrvtochilus Malifoliellus, new species. A similar worm, but having a shining black head and neck; residing in a similar situation, the latter part of June. The comrade palmer-worm (probably), C. contubernalellus, Fitch. In addition to the common Palmer worm, described in the pro- ceeding pages, other worms very similar to it in their appear- ance, motions and habits, and pertaining to the same genus of moths with it, are occasionally met with upon the leaves of ap- ple trees. One of these I have noticed in different years, the fore part of July, at which time the common Palmer worm has nearly or quite disappeared. It is rather more narrow and slen- der than that worm but is otherwise like it in form and size. The stripes along each side of its back, however, are of a tawny yellow color, instead of dusky or blackish, and it has a pale stripe along the lower as well as the upper side of this dark stripe. It appears to be even more agile than that species, when disturbed wriggling and throwing itself about with lightning- like velocity. One of these worms which I met with in an apple leaf which it had folded and tied together with silken threads was placed in a large mouthed vial. Three days afterwards it had eaten the whole of the leaf except its mid-vein, under which and some fine threads which it had spun, it remained concealed. Two fresh leaves were now put into the vial, July 4th. Forsaking its former domicil the worm now took up its abode in one of these leaves, which it folded neatly together, with the edges ex- actly adjusted to each other and securely sewed in their places. Here entirely hid from view it ate but little more before enter- ing its pupa state, from which the perfect insect was obtained on the twenty-fifth of the same month. The accompanying fig- ure is designed to represent the manner in which these different species of Palmer worms draw the leaves around them, tieing them together with fine silken threads and gnawing them more or less. The pupa also lies within these tufts of worm-eaten leaves, and when ready to disclose 232 TAWNY-STRIPED AND BLACK HEADED PALMER WORMS. the winged moth it crowds itself partly out from between them, in which situation the empty shell remains after the moth has evacuated it. At the upper left-hand corner of the figure the relics of the pupa are represented, protruding in this manner from between the leaves. The larva when full grown is half an inch long and about 0.0G in diameter, composed of thirteen segments, distinctly marked by strong wide contractions at each of the sutures. The last segment is divided into two parts by a su- ture across its middle. The body is slightly flattened and of a pale tawny yellow color above, with two stripes upon the back and one along each side of a white or yellowish white color. Below the lateral white stripe the body on the sides and beneath is pale watery yellowish. Upon the back the edges of the segments are j^ellowish white, and on the hind part of each, outside of the white dorsal stripes is a polished black dot, from which arises a fine hair. A few other hairs are scattered symmetrically over the surface, arising from small faint dots. The head is flattened, slightly shining and of a paler yellow color than the body, with the antennae and the tips of the feelers dusky. The neck has five or six dark brown dots each side, irregularly placed and some of them slightly confluent. The moth is very similar to that of the common species, from which it may be distinguished, however, by its fore wings being destitute of any black or darker colored atoms. They are ash-gray and glossy, often with a purplish red reflection, with a row of equidistant black dots on the apical edge at the base of the fringe. Forward of the tips is a dull tawny yellow band margined on its anterior side with dull white. Two dots behind and two forward of the middle, placed as they are in the common species, are also of a dull tawny yellow color margined anteriorly with dull white, sometimes these dots are confluent, forming two short oblique stripes. The expanded wings measure 0.65. The common Palmer worm is so variable both in the larva and the perfect stages of its life, that I am not without suspicions this may be merely a variety of that species. But as it is later in the season in making its appearance in each instance where I have met with it, and is differently marked in its larva as well as its perfect state, I am induced to regard it as a distinct spe- cies. Associated with the Palmer worms on apple and also on forest trees are found worms which are in all respects like them, ex- cept that the head and the upper side of the neck or second seg- ment is black and highly polished, the neck having a slender whitish line on the middle. Though I have not succeeded in breeding any of these it is quite probable they are the progeny of a moth which may occasionall > be met with in company with that of the Palmer worm, and which I named C. contubemalellus COMRADE AND TRIPLE SPOTTED MOTHS- 233 or the Comrade in the postscript to my communication on these insects (Trans. N. Y. S. Ag. Soc. vol. xiii, p. 187). This moth is of the same size with that of the Palmer worm and has the same black dots on the middle and apex of the fore wings, but the ground color of these wings is so very dissimilar as to separate it at once from that species. Tub Comrade of the Palmer worm moth has the fore wings dark brown on their inner sides and their outer half white, often tinged with tawny yellowish, and sprinkled with minute black atoms. When the insect is at rest this white color forms a broad stripe along each side. The inner edge of this stripe is well defined, and the stripe occupies all that part of the wing which is outside of the two outer dots of the four black ones near the middle of the wing, these two dots forming indentations upon its inner edge. Posteriorly the white stripe is gradually narrowed and ends in the fringe slightly forward of the tip; the fringe being black at the tip and yellowish white inside of this, becoming pale dusky towards the inner angle of the wing. On their under sides the fore wings are smoky and the fringe is blackish at the tip and pale dull yellow on each side of this. In all other points this moth is quite similar to that of the palmer worm. We have several other New-York species pertaining to the genus ChcBtochilus. One of these is occasionally met with the latter part of June in the yards about our houses. It also is of an ash-gray color and has a white band near the tips of its fore wings and three small pale yellowish spots on their outer edge beyond the middle, from which circumstance I propose naming it The triple spotted, ( C. trimaculcllas'). It measures 0.G5 across the wings when spread, is ash-gray and very glossy, the fore wings paler on the inner ba-al portion, black at their tips and on the outer margin towards their tips, and with a broad blackish streak through the middle, not reaching to the base. The surface of the fore wings is sparsely sprinkled with whitish scales, which forward of the tips become more numerous and condensed, forming an angu- lated white band, very obvious to the naked eye, shaped like the letter V with its angle towards the tip of the wing. This band ends on the outer margin in a somewhat triangular pale yellow spot, with a smaller spot of the same color beyond it, almost on the tip, and another forward of it, nearly on the middle of the outer edge. The fringe is black, with a row of small whitish spots on its base and larger ones opposite them on the outer edge. The hind wings are sooty, their outer margin broadly whitish except at the tip, and their fringe pale dusky with a band on its middle formed of black spots transversely con- fluent. The wings on their under sides are dark gray, the anterior pair slightly freckled with whitish and on their outer edge showing the three pale yellow spots which occur above. The body and legs are silveiy white, the latter blackish on their outer sides with a white band at each of the joints of the feet. The feelers which project forward of the head are rather short and thick, of a 234 BELLY-SPOTTED MOTH. gray color marked on their outer side with a broad black stripe which contin- ues backward to the neck and embraces the eye. The spur-like tips of the feelers are white with a black line on the fore side. The spiral tongue when uncoiled is nearly as long as the antennae, and these reach backward almost two-thirds the length of the wings, and are black alternated with white rings. I notice this species as it is the only one belonging to the genus which I have captured when in the act of depositing its e^gs. It passes these through a long tube or ovipositor which is half the length of the abdomen when extended, and is composed of three cylindrical joints of a pale color, which shut into each other like the joints of a telescope. Its eggs are quite small, oval and opake white, and those of the other species are probably similar. Another species larger than either of the preceding occurs in woods at the close of autumn, and is remarkable for having both pairs of wings relatively broader and the tips of the anterior ones much more obtuse and cut off obliquely so that the extreme apex forms an obtuse angle instead of an acute one as in the other species; and whilst the other species show no very distinct spots or marks upon their bodies we here upon the under side of the abdomen meet with a broad white stripe having a row of black spots along its middle. It may hence appropriately be named The belly-spotted ( C. ventrcllus'). Its expanded wings measure 0.80. It is of an ash gray color with a satin-like lustre, the fore wings varied with paler freckles and sprinkled with numerous black atoms which in places are partial- ly arranged in irregular transverse wavy lines, and on the apical edge is a row of equidistant black dots or short streaks placed on the intervals between the ends of the veins. The fringes and hind wings are pale lead colored or smoky. The abdomen is obscure yellowish, its apex ash-gray, and along each side is a row of glossy whitish spots, one upon the hind edge of each segment. Its un- der side is smoky, with a very broad white or pale dull yellow stripe along the middle, in which is a row of conspicuous black dots, one upon the hind edge of each segment, and on each side of these dots the edges of the segments have a glossy white reflection forming bands of this color. The wings are paler on their under sides and very glossy, the anterior ones whitish towards their tips and along the hind edge and regularly alternated with dark spots, whereof one is situated on the extreme tip, four others forward of it along the outer or costal edge and four slightly smaller ones upon the apical edge. Time only can show whether any of these near relatives of the palmer worm which we have now been considering are liable at times to become excessively numerous like that insect, and like an allied species, the cabbage moth, described in my First Report. Should artificial interference to check their depredations become YELLOW-NECKED APPLE-TREE WORM. 235 necessary, it is probable that the same remedial measures to which allusion has been made under the palmer worm, will be of equal efficacy here. But commonly the numbers of these in- sects are so limited that they are unable to do any amount of injury which requires attention. Cylindrical dull yellow worms, with light yellow stripes and black heads, when large becoming black with light yellow stripes and a yellow neck; when alarmed holding both ends of their bodies stiffly upward; clustered closely together and wholly stripping the leaves from one particular limb, in August. The Yellow-necked apple-teee worm, or the Handmaid Moth, Eu- metopona ministra, Drury. (Plate 4, fig. 3.) There is probably no other insect invading our apple trees which excites more notice and alarm than does this. As it lives toge- ther in families, and commencing at the end of a limb, strips it perfectly clean of its leaves, the proprietors of orchards are ap- prehensive when it makes its appearance that it will continue and multiply until it utterly devastates their trees; and persons have repeatedly brought this worm to me, sometimes coming sev- eral miles to enquire its name and whether it is usual for it to remain where it has once made a lodgement. The insect, how- ever, is not very common. Some years a few clusters of these worms will be found scattered upon different trees and then several years will commonly elapse before it is again seen. As these pages are passing through the press it is far more common in the vicinity of my residence than I have ever seen it before. In 1853 it was also to be met with in almost every orchard. And except in these years I have very seldom seen it. The nakedness of the limb on which these insects are located attracts attention to it, and on coming to look for the cause of this nakedness, a whole family of plump glossy dull yellow or large black worms is found upon one of the branches next below those which have been devastated. If engaged in feeding they are huddled together upon the under surfaces of the leaves, a row of shining black heads, like a string of large beads, appear- ing along the sides of the leaf, each mouth busily engaged in 236 YELLOW-NECKED WORM ITS HISTORY. gnawing the margin, which rapidly melts away as they progress in their operations. If at rest they are all crowded together as closely as they can stow themselves, upon the twig where they have last been feeding, clinging to it with their four middle pairs of feet and with the ends of their bodies raised upwards. If the limb be touched or any other alarm is given them they all suddenly throw their tails upward at right angles with the body and curve their heads backward over their backs, with their anterior pairs of feet projecting outwards and resembling little black prickles; and they remain rigidly fixed and motion- less in this grotesque posture for several moments and until the apprehended danger has passed away. The moths begin to make their appearance upon the wing each year as early as the middle of June and continue till the end of July. Each female deposits her whole stock of eggs in a single clustre upon the under side of one of the leaves at the end of a limb. The eggs are from seventy to a hundred in number, white, globular, about three-hundredths of an inch in diameter, placed side by side in nearly straight rows, and securely glued to each other and to the surface of the leaf. The young worm gnaws a large opening through the top of the shell to make its exit. Those eggs which are first laid are hatched about the twentieth of July; others are fully a month later in giving out their broods. Thus some colonies of worms that are almost full grown will be met with when others are small and but a few days old. The young worms eat only the pulpy under surface of the leaf, leaving its upper surface and veins entire. But when the brood has thus fed upon two or three leaves they acquire sufficient strength to consume the whole substance of the leaf, so that only its stem and a part of the mid-vein is left. The tender succulent leaves growing at the end of the limb where the worms have been placed by their parent, are first devoured ; and as the worms advance in size and become more robust, they gradually as they move along down the limb come to leaves which are older and more tough and leathery, such as they would not have been able to feed upon when they were young and small. When the last leaves upon one twig or branch have been consumed, they crawl away to another, to finish their meal. Two or three stragglers YELLOW-NECKED WORM — -LARVA DESCRIBED. 237 may be left behind when this migration occurs, being so intently occupied in feeding as not to notice the departure of their com- rades. But on becoming aware of their solitary situation they hasten after their associates ; and it is curious to observe the un- erring accuracy with which they track and find them. On com- ing to where a twig branches off, it is examined, the worm reach- ing up it a third of its own length it may be, when it ascertains that the brood is not upon that twig, and drawing back, it tra- vels onward, until it reaches the identical twig up which its pre- decessors have gone, and up which it at once mounts. The worm would seem to have some instinct by which it is informed of the direction in which its fellows have located themselves, or to possess an acutenessof smell like that for which the dog is noted, to be thus able to scent their footsteps. But when we come to examine the road they have followed, with a magnifying glass, we discover the clue which has doubtlessly served to guide them in this journey. Stretched along upon the bark we find a mul- titude of threads resembling the finest cobweb, so fine that they are wholly invisible to the eye. These threads the worms spin from their mouths wherever they go. And though so exceed- ingly slender they possess a surprising degree of strength, it be- ing sufficient to sustain the weight of the worm. Individual worms sometimes when they are disturbed suspend themselves in the air hereby. They are more apt, however, to drop them- selves to the ground. Others, when annoyed, throw their heads spitefully from side to side; but their most common resort, as already stated, is to throw the extremities of their bodies up- ward, and some will even bend themselves so far as to touch their heads and tails together, their bodies thus resembling a hoop or a ring. The Larvae are plump cylindrical shining worms, thinly clothed with long soft white hairs . When young their ground color is tawny yellow or sometimes tawny red; when ma- 4 . ture they are coal black. They have been described as gradually changing to a darker color with each change of their skin, but I think this is a mistake- They remain of nearly the same hue from infancy until the last time they change their skins, when they are about an inch and a quarter in length. It is commonly with this change of their skins that they lose their yel- low color and become black. When quite young and less than a quarter of 238 YELLOW-NECKED WORM THE PUPA. an inch in length, two black points surrounded by a pale yellow ring are visible above upon each segment, and others upon the sides. From each of these a white hair arises. These dots disappear as the worm becomes larger. The immature or tawny yellow larvae have black heads and feet, and a spot on each of the prolegs, another on the tip and the two conical processes on the apex are also black. They have four slender pale or sulphur yellow stripes along each side of the body, and between the two lower of these stripes the breathing pores form a row of black dots, one upon each segment. The mature or black worm grows to two inches or more in length, and has the same pale yellow markings as the immature worm. The head is black and without any spots. The second segment or neck is of a wax yellow color, and the lower one of the four sulphur yellow stripes on each side of the body is prolonged forward across this segment, with a black stripe contiguous to it on its lower side, and on its upper side a wider black stripe reaches half way across this segment. Above this the next sulphur yellow stripe is prolonged upon the base of this segment and has a short black line upon its upper side. Beneath, this worm has a sulphur yellow stripe along the middle and another upon each side. These lateral stripes are interrupted by a wax yellow spot on the middle of each segment, which spots are larger upon each of the feet-bear- ing segments and are prolonged inwards, forming transverse bands across the middle of these segments. The six anterior legs are black, the eight prolegs are wax yellow with a black spot upon their outer sides. In place of the pair of prolegs usually occurring at the end of the body this worm has two conical processes, which are abruptly cut off at their tips, and project horizontally backwards. They do not aid the worm in walking, being always elevated from the surface over which it is moving. These worms are from six to eight weeks or more in growing up to their full size. More than half of them are usually de- stroyed, mostly, no doubt, by birds, so that of a brood of eighty or a hundred worms which come from the eggs only from twenty to forty are commonly remaining when they approach maturity. It has been reported that the worms of each brood all reach ma- turity at the same time and evacuate the tree in a single night. But in many broods dwarfish individuals occur, which are scarcely half the size of their fellows, and I have noticed worms which were still engaged in feeding a week or longer after the first ones of their brood had buried themselves. The pupa state of this insect, which lasts from September to the following June does not appear to have been fully observed, and I regret that I am not able at present to fully complete this impor- tant link in its history. If Dr. Harris's observations have been exact, there is some diversity in the habits of these -moths at this time. He says they enter the ground to the depth of three or four inches and within twenty-four hours cast their caterpillar YELLOW-NECKED WORM THE MOTH. 239 skins and become chrysalids. But on examining several of these worms which buried themselves about ten days since, I find they are not yet changed to pupse. They have not inclosed them- selves in follicles or formed the slightest cavity in the earth surrounding them. They are lying with their backs upwards, and have become rigid and motionless, and are contracted to half their previous size, now measuring an inch in length and 0.38 in diameter. They are about two inches below the surface, and it is surprising that such thick-bodied, soft and flesh-like worms as these were, were able to penetrate earth which is so firmly com- pacted that it almost breaks the blade of a knife to open and pry it asunder in clods. The moths (plate 4, fig. 3) commonly measure from two inches to 2.40 across the wings when spread. The fore wings vary from pale huff yellow to russet and auburn brown. They are crossed by four and sometimes five nar- row bands of a rusty or auburn brown color or blackish when the ground color of the wings is dusky, and their surface is more or less sprinkled over with rusty or blackish atoms. The anterior band is transverse and regularly curved like a bent bow, with its concave side towards the base of the wing. The other three bands are parallel with the hind margin. The second, which is commonty slightly broader and more distinct than the others, begins on the middle of the inner margin and runs nearly straight three-fourths of the dis- tance across the wing, when it curves strongly forward to the outer margin. The third band is the most faint and is sometimes wholly wanting. It is par- allel with the second and is similarly curved at its outer end though in some individuals less strongly. The fourth band is half way between the third and the tip and is slightly bent like a bow through its whole length, its inner half being nearly parallel with the hind margin and its outer half gradually rece- ding from this margin. A fifth band sometimes occurs, situated slightly for- ward of this last one and parallel with it. Between the posterior band and the hind margin, commencing on the outer edge of the wing is an oblique rusty brown line, running obliquely inward and forward. Between the first and second bands, outside of the middle of the wing is often a dusky dot and back of it a transverse streak. The fringe of these wings is short and of the same color with the bands, and is edged with whitish on the apex. The hind wings are pale or whitish tinged more or less with tawny yellow or dusky. The hind edge of both pairs is entire and not in the least scalloped or toothed. Beneath they are paler, sometimes dull silvery white, sometimes dusky, at least on the forward pair. The head and fore part of the thorax is bright orange or tawny yellow, this color being deeper or brownish towards its pos- terior edge. The remainder of the thorax and the Clustering upon and devouring the young apples the latter part of June; also infesting roses, plums, cherries and grapevines : — a smallish buff- yellow beetle, with shining yellow legs and very long black feet. The Rose-bug, Macrodactylus subspinosus , Fabricius. (Plate 2, fig. 3.) An insect was recently (June, 1856) received from Dr. John Doy, of Lawrence, Kansas, with a statement that it was greatly infesting the young oak trees, and also the grape vines in that vicinity. He also said it appeared to be virulently poisonous. One of his hens with her nine chickens were found dead one morning, and on opening them a quantity of these insects were found in the crops of each. But the surmise that these insects are poisonous is certainly erroneous, though it may be that the poultry in this instance died in consequence of eating them. Dr. Harris in his prize essay upon the insects of this family (Mass. Agric. Repository, vol. x, pp. 1-12), informs us that fowls eat these insects greedily, and that young chickens sometimes suffer severely from swallowing them alive. He adds that a simple remedy in such cases is pouring sweet oil down their throats. It is not improbable, therefore, that full grown hens when rapidly picking up these insects, may sometimes swallow them whole, and that the irritation and wounds which their prickly feet and sharp claws will occasion may prove fatal. In his report to the Massachusetts legislature in 1838 (House document No. 72, p. 72), Dr. Harris again states that these insects are eaten greedily by domesticated fowls, and the same 246 ROSE-BUG FEEDS ON ALL LEAVES. remark is repeated in both the editions of his treatise on injuri- ous insects. This testimony in connection with the known fondness of poultry for other species of insects most closely related to these, led me to speak of fowls as one of the most efficient means for restraining this insect from increasing, in a communication to the Country Gentleman (vol. viii, p. 75). But according to the observations of C. B. Meek, Esq. (Country Gent. vol. viii, p. 106), fowls and birds will not touch these insects. The fact related by Dr. Doy, however, fully confirms the statements of Dr. Harris. The discordant testimony upon this subject may be reconciled by supposing, what is probably the fact, that fowls after having suffered a few times from feeding upon these insects, will afterwards avoid them. This insect is a beetle which is known by the name of the Rose-bug in different parts of our country. It has doubtless received this name from the fact that it makes its appearance towards the middle of June, about the time that the roses com- mence flowering, and from the injury which it does them. When these beetles are not excessively numerous it is chiefly upon rose bushes that they are noticed, and they would appear to be most fond of this and other vegetation pertaining to the same natural order, including the apple, the plum and cherry. But when we see the avidity with which they consume the foliage of forest trees also, as well as garden vegetables, grain and grass, we are left in doubt whether they really have any discrimination in their taste. Elder, which from the earliest times has been popularly esteemed as peculiarly repulsive to insects, and sumach, they eat freely. Grape vines suffer severely whenever these insects are numerous. They may frequently be met with upon Indian corn. And they seem to be much attached to a worthless weed which in many of our pastures usurps the place of more valuable herbage, the ox-eye daisy {Chrysanthemum hucanthimum). Fond as they are of the wild and the garden rose, still there are some species of this shrub which it is reported that they never molest — the cinnamon rose (R. cinnamomea) for instance. And they devour with avidity the fruit as well as the leaves and flowers of the plants which they visit. It is somewhat remarkable that whilst in many places all over our country this beetle is excessively numerous, in other districts ROSE-BUG INCREDIBLY NUMEROUS IN PLACES. 247 it is quite rare or wholly unknown. It is only occasionally that I have found a specimen of it in the vicinity of my own resi- dence, during the past twenty-five years. Some insects brought me from Bethlehem, Pa., while writing these lines, have this species among them, but the collector informs me it is not so common there as to have been noticed as a depredator. Dr. Harris states that it was wholly unknown in Maine and New Hampshire, and in the northern and western parts of Massachu- setts, although in and around Boston it was excessively numer- ous. My correspondents in some parts of Ohio mention it as one of the greatest pests in their neighborhoods. And in Mercer county, Illinois, two years ago, I received surprising statements respecting it. It was the chief and almost the only pernicious insect which had ever been known upon the fruit trees there. The clerk of the county, T. C. Cabeen, Esq , of Keithsburgh, stated to me that in many orchards its numbers could scarcely be credited by persons who had not seen them. It invades the trees when the young apples are about the size of hazelnuts ; and so eager is it for this fruit that it gathers upon the apples like bees when swarming, crowding together and clinging one on top of another, forming bunches as large as a tea-cup around a single apple, or the two or three apples which commonly grow from one bud. The fruit is wholly consumed by them, not an apple remaining in the orchard; and when there are not apples enough to satisfy them they eat the leaves of the trees also, more or less. He said he was particularly acquainted with one orchard, which had then for seven years in succession been wholly stripped of fruit by these insects, except two of these years, when the insect from some cause being not quite so numerous, here and there a straggling apple could be discovered upon some of the trees. Mr. James Burnet, residing in the same vicinity, informed me, that whilst these insects are out, a person cannot go into an orchard without their alighting upon his clothes, frequently in such numbers as almost to cover him. Though they do not continue long, their numbers and voracity make ample amends for what they lack in consequence of the shortness of their lives. They devour the young peaches also, though they are less eager for them than for young apples. 248 ROSE-BUG ITS NAMES. From other sources I was told that when they first show themselves each year, it is chiefly in the fields of spring wheat. They entirely consume the young wheat plants, and then invade the orchards. In consequence of this, many persons are firmly persuaded it is the spring wheat that breeds these beetles ; and some have made it a point not to have any spring wheat sowed upon their farms, so long as these insects continue in their neighborhood. But this idea is evidently erroneous. We have a sufficient proof of this, in the fact, that this same insect has for many years been excessively numerous in Eastern Massachusetts, where no wheat, or but a very small quantity, is raised. The known habits of the larva, moreover, show that wheat is by no means essential to it. This beetle belongs to the Family Melolonthid^: and the Order Coleoptera, the same group which includes a common insect of kindred habits, the May beetle (Lachnosterna quercina), which some years is so numerous in particular localities, as to wholly destroy the fruit when in its* germ. One of the insects most common in Europe and most often mentioned in books, the cockchaffer, also belongs to this group; and Dr. Harris states that it would be more correct to call the species under considera- tion the rose-chaffer, instead of rose-bug. But this would lead to confusion, as another insect (Celonia aurata), is commonly called the rose-chaffer. Rose-beetle would be the most appro- priate name by which to designate it, the term u bug " in strict- ness belonging only to insects of the Order Hemiptera, although in this country it is universally current for Coleopterous insects also; and the proper term for the latter insects, "beetle," is never heard among us, except occasionally from a person who has learned it from books. This insect, however, has become so widely known by the name rose-bug, that it is useless to attempt changing this name. Its scientific name is Macrodactylus subspinosus . The generic nameMacrodactylus, i. e. great claws or great feet, was bestowed upon it by the eminent French entomologist Latreille, in conse- quence of the remarkable length of its feet. Nearly a dozen other insects are now known which rank in this genus, all of them natives of Brazil or of Mexico. Its specific name subspin- ROSE-BUG DESCRIPTION THEREOF. 249 osus, meaning slightly or somewhat spined, has allusion to the sides of the thorax which jut out into an obtuse angle merely, many beetles closely related to this having sharp pointed spines or teeth where this angle occurs. In Dr. F. E. Melshcimer's Catalogue of Coleoptera, lately published, Linneeus is cited as having originally given this name to this species, but on what authority it is credited to him does not appear. Dr. Harris says this insect was first named and described by Fabricius in 1781; but this author had previously described it (Syst. Entom. p. 39) in the year 1775; and this appears to be the first notice of it on record. Herbst subsequently described it under the name elon- gata and Beauvois under that of angustata^ both these names having allusion to its long, narrow form. The Rose-bug is 0.35 long or a little less. (The figure, plate 2, fig. 3 is in- tended to represent it its natural size.) It is covered with minute scales which give it a buff or ochre yellow color above, the head and thorax being of a lighter yellow tint, and the under side of the body is white. If these scales are rubbed off, the head, thorax and under side of the body is black and the wing covers yellowish brown. The antennae are bright tawny yellow, their tips black. When extended backward they reach the middle of the thorax. They are composed of nine joints (as shown, magnified, plate 2, fig. 3 a), the three last being long, flattened and shutting together like the leaves of a book, and forming a large oval knob. The mouth and feelers are tawny yellowish- red often tinged more or less with black. The thorax is longer than wide, nar- rower than the wing covers, broadest across its middle, where on each side it bulges outwards forming almost an angular protuberance, from whence it is strongly narrowed both before and behind, making it nearly six-sided. The scutel between the base of the wing covers is rounded at its tip and almost semicircular, being rather longer than broad. The wing covers have slightly elevated ridges lengthwise. The whole of the last segment of the abdomen is exposed beyond their tips and is inclined obliquely downwards. The legs are bright tawny yellow, the four hind shanks are black at their tips and armed with a pair of thorn-like spines. The feet are alike in both sexes; each joint is narrower towards its base and of a tawny yellow color, black at its tip and furnished with a crown of black spines and bristles. The feet end in two strong claws or hooks of equal size, the tips of which are split. This species presents several varieties, the scales being sometimes grayish- white above instead of yellow, the thorax beneath the scales brownish-red, &c. The rose-bug first strongly excited public attention, in Massa- chusetts, in the year 1825, and the accounts of the extensive de- vastation which it was producing in various parts of the State induced the Massachusetts Agricultural Society to offer a pre- mium for an essay upon its natural history, and some probable means for checking its progress. No such essay being presented 250 ROSE-BUG ITS HISTORY AND CHANGES. within the time specified, one of the active managers of the so- ciety, John Lowell Esq., the following year drew up an interest- ing statement of the facts in its history which had fallen under his observation, which was published in the Massachusetts Agric. Repository, vol. ix, p. 143. In the succeeding volume of the same publication appeared, in July 1827, Dr. Harris's essay already referred to, entitled u Minutes towards a history of some American species of Melolonthidse particularly injurious to veg- etation,"' to which the prize which had previously been offered was awarded. And shortly afterwards a communication from Dr. Green appeared in the New England Farmer (vol. vi, p. 41 &c.) giving additional information respecting this insect. These are the principal articles upon the rose-bug which have hitherto been published; and from them wTe learn that its history and transformations are as follows. The insects make their appearance suddenly, in incredible numbers. Esq. Lowell states that in 1826 not a rose-bug was visible on the last day of May. On the first of June at eight o'- clock in the morning he gathered a mess of peas, and not a bug was then to be seen on the vines. At 10 o'clock happening to visit the vines again, they were literally overrun with rose-bugs of both sexes, generally paired or double. He proceeded to kill them by hand. Three hours afterwards they had appeared upon some rowrs of bush beans to the number of some thousands. These wrere all killed, and then on returning to the peas to see if any there had been overlooked, he found the vines as full as before. The next day he found them upon his corn, then only six inches high, twenty-five bugs being counted upon a single leaf, and one hundred and five on one of the hills. They also attacked his young cherry trees, and in twelve hours completely stripped them of their leaves. He says it would be but a mode- rate computation to allow that they killed a hundred thousand of these insects on a quarter of an acre. They followed them up regularly every morning, for a week, and thus nearly sub- dued them upon that piece of ground. They continue about a month, and then all disappear. To- wards the close of their lives the females crawl an inch or more ROSE-BUG ITS ENEMIES AND REMEDIES. 251 into the ground, where they deposit their eggs, which are about thirty in number, whitish, and almost globular. These hatch twenty days afterwards, and the little grubs which come from them, feed upon whatever tender, juicy roots they find. They grow to their full size before winter, and are then three-quarters of an inch long, and an eighth broad, of a yellowish white color, the head darker, tawny yellow and polished, and with six short legs inserted beneath upon the breast. The last segment of their bodies is much the largest, bluntly rounded at its end, and is turned under the body. To pass the winter these grubs descend in the ground below the reach of frost, and become torpid. When warm weather returns they revive and crawl back towards the surface, and each worm then forms for itself a pod-like cell of a regular oval form, and smooth on its inside. This is made by the worm turning round and round in one spot, whereby the dirt surrounding it becomes firmly compacted together. In this cell it changes to a pupa, which is soft and of the same color as the worm, but in shape resembles the beetle, the short wings and the horns and legs being traced out upon its surface, enveloped in a thin film, which, when the beetle becomes matured, is cast off. It then breaks open the earthy pod and digs through the ground till it reaches the surface. On its first coming out it is found upon the oak and elm before it invades either the wild or the garden rose. These beetles have several natural enemies. The large dragon- fly or darning needles, and several other predaceous insects, seize and devour numbers of them, whilst the insect-eating birds as well as dung-hill fowls have been' said to feast and fatten upon them. But when they become so excessively multiplied as they do in particular districts, these natural enemies are unable to produce any material diminution in the myriads which are abroad, and it becomes necessary to resort to artificial means for destroying them. The only reliable measure for this pur- pose, yet known, is to gather them day after day by hand, or by brushing them into tin vessels of water, and by shaking and beating them from trees into sheets spread underneath, and then crushing, burning, or scalding them. This beetle is easily captured, being sluggish and drone-like in its motions, and a 252 APPLE-MIDGE FRUIT HOW AFFECTED BY IT. person who enters resolutely upon this work will destroy count- less numbers every hour. But it requires the combined efforts of a multitude of persons, when a district is overrun, to rid it of this pest; and bounties from the public treasury to encourage the destruction of such vermin, might as appropriately be paid, as for the destruction of wolves and other animals which are a public nuisance. I have only further to remark that where these insects have abounded, grapes and other choice fruits, which it was earnestly desired to save from destruction, have been effectually protected, by covering the vines and shrubs with millinet or some other similar netting. In the interior of ripened and stored apples accelerating their decay, 'whilst the outside remains fair; numerous slender tapering glassy-white worms. The Apple midge, Molobrus Mali, new species. The common apple worm or larva of the codling moth (Car- pocapsa Pcmonella,) a soft flesh-colored or white worm with a shining tawny yellow head, which feeds upon the seeds and ad- jacent fleshy parts of the apple and perforates a hole in its side through which to make its escape when ready to become a pupa, is the only insect which has been as yet noticed in our country as residing within this fruit. But from having observed apples the cores of which appeared to be depredated upon in a differ- ent manner from that of this worm, I have long entertained the opinion that we have other insects also which spoil this fruit from feeding internally upon it. And I have recently met with one insect of this kind, my investigations of which I here pre- sent. Among the apples exhibited at the annual meeting of the State Agricultural Society, February 1856, I noticed one perfo- rated with a hole from which a worm of the codling moth had made its exit. I took this apple at the close of the exhibition and examined it next day. It was a fine large specimen, fair externally and without any blemish except the perforation al- ready mentioned. But on cutting it open almost the whole of its interior was found to be decayed. Its fleshy part was mostly APPLE-MIDGE ITS DELICATE WINGS. 253 changed to a dull yellowish spongy substance resembling dried apple, with deep fissures or sinuses running through it. The seeds were blackened but entire and perfect, one only being worm eaten. In the centre was a large irregular cavity or vacant space, the sides of which were wet and slimy, and with numer- ous black grains, the castings of the worms which had occupied this cavity. And adhering to this slimy matter were found two pupae of a small fly or midge, with numerous empty shells or skins of other pupae from which the flies had hatched. And the remains of some of these flies were also present, having perished from their wings becoming entangled in this slimy matter. But they had mostly disappeared, the hole perforated by the codling worm giving them a passage way out to the external air. And it hence appears probable that it is those apples only, which are thus perforated, which are resorted to by these insects, as the passage which may be seen leading from the flower end into this cavity is scarcely of sufficient size to give them an exit after they have completed their transformations. A fly was also discovered, which had that moment left its pupa shell, its wings being then undeveloped and only a third the length of its body. Bat in less than half a minute they had ex- panded to a length equalling that of the body, in which state they remained, the dry atmosphere let into the apple by cutting it asunder rendering them rigid and incapable of expanding to their fall size. This fact beautifully illustrates how extremely delicate the wings of these flies are, requiring the damp atmos- phere which they find in the interior of the apple to keep them soft and pliant until they become fully developed; and if a breath of dry air passes over them at this time, it dries them pre- maturely and they thenceforth remain deformed. Whether the parent fly places her eggs upon the flower end of the apple and the young worms mine their way from thence into its center, or whether she attacks those apples only which the codling worm has left, crawling into the fruit through the per- foration in the side which this worm has made, future researches must determine. The latter, however, appears to be the most probable. And this insect would hence appear to merely con- tinue the mischief which the codling moth has commenced. The 254 APPLE-MIDGE THE PUPA AND FLY. larva? of insects of this kind are long slender footless worms, tapering gradually to a point at the head, the opposite end being blunt. They are of a shining glassy white color, the viscera and alimentary matter contained therein showing more or less distinctly through their semi-transparent skins. They are more than double the length of the pupse. The Pupa of this species is 0.12 long, though slightly variahle in its dimen- sions. It is not enclosed in a cocoon, and its surface is somewhat glutinous, causing particles of dirt to adhere to it. It is of an elongated ovate form, pointed at one end and rounded at the other. Its head, thorax and wing and leg cases are black, the abdomen dull pale yellow, some specimens showing a short broad pale dusky baud upon the back, on each segment, and some have a faint dusky stripe on the opposite side, from the leg cases to the tip. The thorax has the same color as the abdomen. The region of the throat is dull yellowish, more or less tinged with dusky. The flies when at rest and with their wings folded and laid flat upon their backs have a close resemblance to the Hessian fly in every respect except that their legs are not so long and slender. And they pertain to the same group of insects with that, in the Family Tipulid^ and Order Diptera. They belong, however, to a different genus, named Molobrus by Latreille, which may be recognized by its having five longitudinal veins in its wings, the middle one of which is forked. And the pre- sent species, which appears to be different from those which have hitherto been described, may be named The Apple midge, Molobrus Mali. It measures 0.15 in length to the tips of its wings. The head is black, spheroidal, transverse. The thorax is black and smooth, the scutel separated from it by a deep wide fissure. The abdo- men is dusky, almost black, with a bright yellow band at each of the sutures; beneath it is yellow with the middle of each segment occupied by a large square dusky spot; its tip is black, as is also the ovipositor, which is inclined down- ward and is composed of two pubescent linear valves. The legs are about as long as the body and are black as are the antennae also, though of a less deep tint than the head and thorax. The poisers are dusky. The wings are dull hyaline tinged with smoky, and are a fourth longer than the abdomen. In the female the antenna? are half the length of the body and composed of fifteen short cylindric joints half as broad as long, clothed with short bristles which incline towards the tip, the joints very slightly diminishing in diameter outwards and but slightly separated from each other. The two basal joints are thicker and shorter than the following ones, as broad as long, and compacted together, the second and third joints being most widely separated from each other. The flies belonging to this genus are all small, like the one we have described, and of black or blackish colors. Most of the larva? which have been noticed have been found in the roots of APPLE-MIDGE FLIES SIMILAR TO IT. 255 decaying trees, beneath the bark. The genus is somewhat ex- tensive, nearly thirty species occurring in Great Britain alone, and they appear to be equally common upon this side of the Atlantic. Three of our species have been described by Mr. Say, and several others are in my own collection. Our most com- mon species occurs from the last of June till the middle of Au- gust, in woods and in the yards about our buildings, and may frequently be met with upon the windows in our houses. It may be named The Common midge, Molobms vu'garis. It measures 0.10 to 0.12 in length, and is black, with blackish brown legs and pale thighs. Its poisers are whitish, and its wings hyaline. The sides of its thorax below the wings are tinged with pale, and the abdomen with brown, rarely pale. Another common species found in the same situations and at the same dates with the preceding, and quite similar to it in its colors, may be distinguished from it by its much larger size and the smokiness of its wings. The Smoky-winged midge, Molobrus fuliginosus, measures 0.18 in length, and is black with blackish brown shanks and pale thighs, their haunches being commonly white. Its wings are semi-transparent and smoky. The sixteen cylindrical joints of its antennas are more widely separated from each other by short intervening pedicles than in the preceding species. The gravid female, when pinned, extrudes her eggs, connected together in a continuous string. A smaller species than either of the preceding, attracted my notice from the singular manner in which it ran about upon the paper on which I was writing, one night the latter part of December. As other individuals were found at the same period upon the windows, there is little doubt they had hatched from the earth in some flower pots which were in the room. This tiny insect would advance very rapidly two or three inches and then abruptly pause or move backwards a step or two and in- stantly run again in another direction about the same distance, and then back up again and start off in another course. It is quite similar to the Molobrus (Sciara) femoratus of Mr. Say, which like the foregoing, is a common species on windows in the month of July, but here the abdomen is of a uniform color, or pale only at its tip. It may be named in allusion to its mode of running, The Fickle midge, Molobrus inconstans. It measures 0.08 in length, and is black with the thorax smooth and slightly shining, the thighs pale and whitish, and the wings pellucid and glassy with an iridescent violet and red reflection. INFESTING FOREST TREES. 1. THE PINE. AFFECTING THE LEAVES. Fixed upon the sides of the leaves, exhausting them of their juices; small oblong flattish white scales, with a pale yellow spot upon their pointed end. The Pine-leaf Scale-insect, Aspidiotus Finifolia, new species. In those sections of our country where it is not common as a native of the forests there is scarcely any tree which is more esteemed for ornamenting the grounds around a dwelling than the white pine. Especially is it a favorite, and strenuous attempts are making to cultivate it about houses upon the prai- ries of the west; its tall growth and perennial foliage adapting it so well for a shelter from the winds of winter which sweep over those vast plains with such piercing severity; whilst by many of the residents there it is further prized as having been associated with the scenes of their early life, and thus reviving pleasant remembrances of their childhood's home. But when it is transplanted the pine appears to be much more subject to the attacks of insects than when it is growing sponta- neously. At least we meet with some kinds of these depredators upon cultivated pines, which we have never been able to discover upon these trees when growing wild in our forests. One of these, a species of coccus infesting the bark, and named the pine blight, was described in my First Report. We come now to treat of another insect of the same Family Coccid.e, which fixes itself upon the leaves, exhausting them of their juices and thus causing them to perish and fall, and the ends of the limbs to die when thus defoliated. Specimens of the leaves, thronged with these insects, were sent me by Robert W. Kennicott, of West North- PINE-LEAF SCALE DESCRIPTION. 257 field, Cook comity, Illinois, who gathered them the fore part of September, from pines in the yard of S. Francis, Esq., in the city of Springfield, in that State. These insects pertain to the genus Jlspidiotus. No species of this genus has hitherto been discov- ered, infesting any tree of the pine or fir family. I infer this to be different, therefore, from anything which has been as yet de- scribed, and accordingly name it the Pine-leaf scale-insect, Jls- pidiotus Pinifolm. In size and shape these scales bear a marked resemblance to those of the Apple bark-louse {A. conchiformis) described in my last year's report, except that they are not curved as those are. Thus their form is like that of a muscle shell (Mytilus) rather than that of an oyster. Their color more- over, distinguishes them from any of the other kinds of scale- insects which are known to me, it being pure white, with a small pale yellow spot upon the pointed end, which spot is readily dis- cerned by the naked eye. The leaves of the pine are three-sided or shaped like a prism, and it is along one of the sides of these leaves that the scales are mostly placed, a few scattering ones, however, frequently being stationed on one of the other sides. In the specimens sent me they are crowded as closely as they can stow themselves, end frequently one scale overlaps the end of the next one. They are arranged lengthwise in a row, extending the whole length of the leaf, their width being just equal to that of the leaf. The small end in some is towards the base, in others towards the apex of the leaf. When examined with a magnifier, those scales which are fully grown appear externally to be composed of three distinct scales, representing seemingly the head, thorax and abdomen of the living insect — each being of an oval form with rounded ends, and overlapping each other like the tiles of a roof. The largest of these three segments is of a pure white color, and of a some- what waxy lustre, resembling in its appearance a small oblong drop of spermaceti tallow. Numerous parallel curved lines are sometimes perceptible across its surface. Overlapping the end of this is a pale dull yellow scale, a third or fourth of its size, and having a raised line along its middle. To this succeeds [Assembly, 215.] 17 258 PINE-LEAF SCALE — ITS ENEMIES. another, half the size of the preceding, this third segment being subhyaline, yellowish, and obtusely striated transversely. Be- neath, this scale is white its whole length, without any indica- tions of those divisions which appear upon its upper side. It is the tenth of an inch in length. Specimens but half grown are interspersed with the others, and all the scales on some ©f the leaves are of this small size. These show a raised line or slightly elevated keel along the middle of the white portion. Other specimens still, are merely minute oval dull yellow scales, with out any whiteness at the end. The scales which we have now described are the relics of the dead bodies of the female insects, forming a shield for covering and protecting their eggs. At the time the specimens before me were gathered the eggs had not become developed. Consequently on elevating one and another of these scales with the point of a needle, nothing is found beneath them except a small shapeless mass of dried black matter, the remains of the viscera of the insect. But at any time during the winter season, the little cavity under these scales will undoubtedly be found filled with minute round eggs. And the transformations of this species will be similar to those narrated of the Apple bark-louse. It is evident that an insect of the pernicious character of the one under consideration, when so abundant as this appears to have been upon the pines from which the specimens before me were gathered, would soon cause the leaves to perish and the trees to die, if permitted to proceed unchecked in its career. But, fortunately, nature has in this as in most other analogous instances, provided means for restraining these creatures from becoming unduly numerous. A minute worm which feeds upon the eggs of the Apple bark-louse was noticed in our account of that species. Another insect, a species of Lady-bird, or Cocci- nella, common throughout the United States , devours both the Apple bark-lice and those of this species. I have repeatedly met with this Coccinella upon apple trees, but had not ascertained which particular kind of vermin it was in pursuit of upon those trees. For authentic information upon this interesting topic we are indebted to Mr.Kennicott, who has observed the larvae this lady-bird preying with tiger-like ferocity upon the Apple PINE-LEAF SCALE — BARK-LOUSE LADY-BIRD. 259 bark-lice, and who met with the same larvae and also the pupa} and perfect insects upon the pines on which the scale-insects of which we are speaking occurred. Specimens of the insects and their pupse which he sent me, enable me to present an account of the preparatory states of this species. The habits of the group of insects to which this belongs, were narrated in my last report. The lice upon which this species feeds are so exceed- ingly minute that a large number of them will no more than suf- fice it for a single meal; and therefore, in the course of its life, each individual probably slaughters and devours such a multi- tude as can scarcely be computed. They thus render us a ser- vice of great value, and it is to be hoped that no one will fall into the enormous mistake of supposing that these lady-birds breed the lice among which they are found, and therefore under- take to exterminate them, as was once done where a similar spe- cies occurred upon currant bushes, as related in my last report. In allusion to its habits this species may be named the Bark- louse lady-bird. It pertains to the genus Chilocorus of the Family Coccinellid^e and Order Coleoptera. It was noticed more than a century ago, by the Swedish naturalist, Kalm, when traveling through this country, who supposed it to be identical with the European C. bipustufata. It was afterwards for a long time con- founded with the C. Cacti, Linn., a Mexican species closely re- lated to it, which feeds upon the Cochineal insect (Coccus Cacti.) We accordingly find it entered under this name in Dr. Harris's Catalogue of the Insects of Massachusetts. Mr. Say corrected this error in an article in the Boston Journal of Nat. Hist. (vol. i, p. 202) published in 1835, in which he thus speaks of this subject: — ■■" C. Cacti Fabr. This species occurs abundantly in Mexico; it certainly resembles very closely the stigma, Nobis, so common in this country, and the renipustulata, Mull, of Europe; but it is more than twice the size of either of those, insects, and may also be distinguished from the former by the superior mag- nitude of the rufous spot of which the form is transversely oval, whilst that of the stigma is orbiculor." Two years after this, this same species was named bivulnerus in the third edition of Dejean's Catalogue, and in 1851 Mulsant (Coleopt. Trimer. Secu- rip. p. 460) published a description of it under this latter name, 260 PINE-LEAF SCALE BARK-LOUSE LADY-BIRd's LARVA. which is also the name under which it is entered in Dr. Mel- sheimer's Catalogue (p. 130) published by the Smithsonian In- stitution. Although the name stigma is but incidentally given by Mr. Say in the extract above quoted, it still is a published name, accompanied with such a description as makes it perfectly clear to what species this name is applied. This is all that is requisite, in my view, to establish Mr. Say's claim in the premi- ses. In how many instances have authors bestowed names ac- companied with no other description than a mere statement of one or two points in which the species designated differed from another known species. I consequently regard the correct sci- entific designation of this insect to be Chilocorus stigma. The larvae are of a dull white color, with black shining heads, black legs and six rows of long black thorn-like spines running the whole length of the body, one spine of each of the rows arising from each segment. The spines are branched, sending off numerous small slender sharp points on every side. Covered thus formidably with prickles, it is probable that these little alligator-like animals are never devoured by birds, and are able to pursue their useful labors incessantly and without molesta- tion from enemies. At almost every step when studying this department of the works of nature, we are meeting with phenomena which excite our astonishment and admiration. These lady-birds are destined to remain dormant and motionless in their pupa state, for a pe- riod of about two weeks, in the middle of summer, when all nature around them is full of life and activity. We should ex- pect they would at this time select some obscure retreat where they would not be apt to be noticed and devoured by birds or annoyed by any other creature. We have already observed that the leaves of the pine which are infested by the scale insect perish and fall, and that the twigs thus denuded become with- ered and dry. We should suppose that these dead leafless twigs, where it will be so conspicuously exposed, would be especially avoided by the lady-bird when seeking a place to repose during its pupa state. But, to our surprise, we find these insects at this time all crowding together upon the ends of these naked twigs. And they here fix themselves by their tails, and become motion- PINE-LEAF SCALE BARK-LOUSE LADY-BIRd's PUPA. 261 less pupse, retaining around them the prickly skins of their lar- va state. The appearance which they now present is truly re- markable, the twig thus covered bearing the most perfect resem- blance to a stem covered with burrs or thorny seeds, like the ripened spikes of the hound's tongue (Cynoglossum officinale) or some more prickly plant. No bird will be djsposed to approach anything having such a ?wli-me-tangere aspect. And how curi- ous it is that the scale insect by killing the leaves and making the twigs bare should be adapting them for the abode of its mor- tal foe. With such a discriminating eye has the Author of na- ture planned the economy of these useful little creatures, making It on the one hand their especial work to destroy a pernicious family of insects, and on the other hand shielding them from being destroyed in their turn. They would thus appear to be under the special protection of Providence, and it is remarkable that long ago, in a superstitious age, and when the habits of this tribe of insects could have been but vaguely if at all known, they were regarded in this same light, and in different countries, and are supposed to have thus obtained in France the name of " God's cows " and " The Virgin's cattle "and in England " Our Lady's birds," and children were incited to regard them with kindness and leave them at liberty, by chanting to them to " fly away home, your house is on fire, your children will burn." In this family, as stated in my last Report, the pupse remain partly enveloped in the prickly skin of the larvse. In some spe- cies, however^the larva skin is thrown entirely off, as I stated it to be in the fifteen spotted or apple-tree lady-bird, and I observe Mr. Westwood (Introduction, vol. i, p. 396) describes the C. bi- pustulata as throwing off its skin in the same manner. In the species now under consideration, the pupa appears from the empty skins to be almost entirely enveloped in the skin of the larva, with the rows of spines and their prickles protecting it in every direction, and the head and legs of the larva retaining their natural form, the latter being on the side towards the twig from which the pupa is suspended. The empty pupa skin is glassy and of a dull yellow color with blackish clouds. It re- mains partly protruded from the lower or anterior part of the cleft in the back of the larva skin. 262 LARCH CHEATER — ITS DECEPTIVE APPEARANCE. In its perfect state the Bark-louse lady-bird is 0.17 or 0.20 long, very convex and almost hemispheric, highly polished and shining, covered with numerous very minute punctures. It is black with a round red or reddish yellow spot on the middle of each wing cover. Beneath it is black with the abdomen red or yellow, its basal segment black except upon each side. It is probable that the scale insect of the pine can be destroyed by thoroughly showering the leaves with a solution of soap or with tobacco water immediately after the young larvae have hatched from the eggs. Could we be so fortunate as to devise some mode by which we could multiply the lady-bird at plea- sure, it would undoubtedly be the most effectual mode of rid- ding the pine and also the apple tree of these minute vermin which are so pernicious to them. 2. THE LARCH OR TAMARACK. AFFECTING THE LEAVES. On the limbs in June and July, consuming the leaves; a large flattened ash-gray worm, resting appressed to and closely resembling the bark. The Larch cheater or lappet MOTn, Planosa Laricis, (plate 2, fig. 5,6,) new species. The modes by which nature has endowed many insects to ena- ble them to elude the search of birds and other enemies are often truly wonderful. Among the insects thus endowed, the lappet moths and their caterpillars have often excited the ad- miration of the curious. The latter when in repose have the body flattened, somewhat like that of a leech, and on eaeh side of each segment projects a little lappet or flat lobe. These lap- pets are pressed down upon the surface of the limb on which the worm is at rest. The sides of the. body are also fringed with hairs which are similarly appressed to the limb. Thus all ap- pearance of an abrupt elevation or an interstice to indicate the ends and sides of the worm is obliterated, and it resembles merely a slight swell of the natural bark, the deception being made complete by the color, which is commonly identical in its hue with that of the bark. And when there are spots or marks upon the caterpillar, they imitate the glandular dots, scars and LARCH CHEATER — ITS DECEPTIVE APPEARANCE. 2G3 •other discolorations which will be seen upon the bark around it , Even upon the closest scrutiny the eye fails to detect any- thing by which we can be assured this slight elevation is not a tumor which has grown in the bark. A lady to whom I once pointed out one of these caterpillars, I could perceive distrusted my statement and supposed I was imposing upon her credulity, the slight inequality at the point indicated being so exactly like a natural tumor upon the bark and so totally unlike a living worm. But a mite, wandering over the limb, on coming to this elevated spot sought to crawl under it, whereupon it gave a con- vulsive shrug to frighten the intruder away, by which the lady's skepticism was dispelled. The cocoons which they construct upon the limbs are equally exact counterfeits of the bush. One of these upon a limb of the wil'd black cherry is now in the mu- seum of the State Agricultural Society. It is placed longitudi- nally in the slight angle formed exteriorly where one limb branches from another, and a piece of putty could not be more perfectly moulded into this angle and smoothed off so as to leave no inequality. The bark of the cherry is blackish with trans- verse whitish streaks, and this cocoon presents the same colors and of tints almost the same, and what is most remarkable, it in one place shows a whitish streak continued from the bark upon the surface of the cocoon. And finally, in their perfect state, the moths imitate appearances which are common upon the particular trees on which they dwell; those upon deciduous trees, in the colors and scalloped margins of their wings resem- bling a tuft of withered leaves; those upon evergreens resem- bling a scar where the turpentine has exuded and concreted into a whitish mass. Two American species of these curious insects are already known, both of them occurring in our State, upon the apple and other deciduous trees. To these we now add a third species, which resides upon the tamarack or American larch, Abies (La- rix) Americana. It appears to be a rare insect. A specimen was presented to me by Dr. Emmons, in 1847, captured in the neigh- borhood of Albany that year by Mr. J. H. Salisbury, the chem- ist. The only other instance in which I have met with it, was upon a drooping larch in my front yard, in the year 1854. Upon 264 LARCH CHEATER ITS LARVA. a dead, leafless limb of this tree two worms were detected upon the twenty-second day of June, reposing near each other. They crawled from this limb by night to feed upon the leaves of the other limbs and returned to it to repose during the day, as though conscious that such tumors or excrescences as their bodies imi- tated were natural to diseased and dead limbs rather than those which were thrifty and in full foliage, and that they therefore would be less liable to attract notice here than elsewhere. They were observed daily upon this limb for a week, when one of them having disappeared, the limb was cut off to secure the other, although as I afterwards learned, the worm was now but half grown. The young larva is pale ash-gray, identical in its hue with that of the limhs on which it resides. Its surface is^ varied with minute brown points, the larger ones of which are impressed. Along the middle of the hack is a narrow black streak which is interrupted at each of the sutures. On each side of this is a row of small elevated black dots or warts, one on each segment, these dots giving out several black diverging bristles. On the outer side of each dot upon the fifth and the following segments is a small yellow spot. The fourth seg- ment or last one of the thorax is black above and on its sides and has a trans- verse cream yellow spot on its hind margin; and the three segments before the last are black above, between the black dots. The lappets or lobes along the sides of the body are black at their tips and yield a few black bristles, and un- der these and also along the sides of the lappets and of the body between their bases arise numerous diverging white hairs, which are appressed to the surface on which the worm is reposing. The head is ash-gray, with several blackish spots, and is clothed with gray hairs. The branch containing this worm was placed in a breeding cage, and also a twig clothed with leaves, and to this the worm immediately crawled, resting concealed among the leaves. But it was very intolerant of confinement, eating but little if at all, and in about a fortnight it perished. When in motion it has a very different appearance from what it presents when at rest, being much longer and of a nearly cylindrical form. It moves in a hurried impatient manner, its gait resembling that of the hairy Arctian caterpillars. On carefully examining the tree on which these two worms were observed, July 17th, I was so fortunate as to find a mature worm and four cocoons. None could be discovered upon other larch trees in the yard, and these insects were probably the pro- geny of one single parent, which had strayed hither from a LARCH CHEATER ITS COCOON AND PUPA. 265 distance, there being no self-planted trees of this kind within a circuit of several miles. The first moth came from these cocoons upon the twenty-fourth of July and the others hatched soon after. The mature larva was 1.38 long and about 0.25 broad when in repose. It was of a very dull umber brown color, resembling that of the old rough bark upon the body of the tree; its extremities were of an ash-gray tinge and upon each side of the fifth segment was a cloud of the same color. Under a lens some short, wavy, black streaks were perceptible upon the surface. Along the back were little projecting points with rounded summits, one on each side of the middle of each segment, those upon the ninth segment larger and of a paler color, and with a small pale yellowish spot forward of their bases. The lap- pets and hairs upon the sides were the same as in the younger worm. Many of. the white hairs were dilated at their ends into flat triangular heads, ciliated or fringed at their tips. The under side of the body was naked and pale bluish green. The cocoon is of an ash-gray color, of the identical hue of the bark of the smaller limbs to which it is attached, lengthwise. It is an inch and a quarter in length, 0.30 broad, flattened and moulded to the limb and partly surrounding it, its middle ris- ing 0.20 or less than a quarter of an inch in height, forming merely a slight bulge upon the limb, which is only observed upon a particular search. Some wrinkles lengthwise at its ends and sides may also be seen, similar to those of the adjacent bark; and on its surface here and there is a little blackish wart-like spot, placed transversely, closely counterfeiting the glands upon the bark, and also minute blackish points, resembling the pores in the bark. It is of a tough texture with a roughish surface, very similar in appearance to the pale gray wrapping paper which was formerly in common use among grocers and shop men. Woven into its surface is an occasional hair derived from the body of the caterpillar. Its inner surface is smooth and of a paler gray color than exteriorly. The naked bark of the limb forms the floor of the cavity within. And the moth makes its exit by crowding itself forward and thus separating one end of the cocoon from its slight attachment to the bark. The pupa is 0.60 long and 0.25 wide, slightly depressed, rather broadest across the middle, and tapered to a point abruptly, with a very minute tooth standing outward upon each side of -its apex. Its relics are of a chestnut brown color, the sheaths of the wings and legs paler and yellowish. 266 LARCH CHEATER THE MOTH DESCRIBED. The moths are short, stout, thick-bodied, densely coated with long soft hairs, the males dark gray or almost black, the females white and a third larger. Both sexes have a singular crest upon the hind part of the thorax, formed of long curved scales which are glistening and resin-like, of an auburn brown color, arranged like the hairs of a moustache and jutting up from the surround- ing prostrate hairs, forming a large tuft or protuberant oblong spot, broadest posteriorly and narrowing to its anterior end. The scales of this crest are of a peculiar form, being slender and hair-like with their ends dilated into an oval flattened knob, their shape thus resembling that of a spoon. When they are at rest these moths appear like excrescences upon the limb on which they repose, so exactly do they adjust themselves to it, their wings being held together in the shape of a roof, with their lower edges pressed firmly against the sides of the branch, and their white fore feet stretched forward resembling pitch which has exuded from a wound and running downward has dried in white streaks upon the bark. The males (plate 2, fig. 5) measure 0.60 in length to the tip of the abdomen and of the wings, and one inch across the latter when they are spread. The head is densely clothed with white hairs in front and with blackish ones upon each side around the eyes. The feelers are minute and are wholly enveloped and concealed by long fine hairs, their ends forming a slight projection like the point of a camel's hair pencil. These hairs are blackish on their outer sides and ash-gray within. The antennas are short, about a third of the length of the body, and are abruptly bent near their middle (as shown in the magnified fig. 5 a,) or with the ends straight in both directions from the crook near their middle, when they present the shape of an inverted V. They are furnished with two rows of coarse branches, which are long from the base to the crook, where they are abruptly shortened to half their previous length, and continue thence to gradually diminish in length to their tips. Each branch has a row of very fine hairs along one side, resembling eye lashes. The mouth has only the minute rudiments of a spiral tongue, and this not coiled as we see it in moths generally. The thorax is clothed with long hairs of a dark gray color, those at its anterior end white, and on its posterior part is the oblong crest of flossy spoon-shaped scales previously mentioned. The abdomen tapers slight- ly from its base to the tip and is clothed with blackish hairs above, whitish ones beneath, its apex having a dense tuft of long pure white ones. The wings are quite small for such a thick-bodied heavy moth. They are semi-trans- parent, being thinly covered with brown scales which are commonly denuded, the wings then appearing perfectly transparent like glass. Their veins are robust and white with darker irregular bands. The hind margins of both pairs of wings are entire and not in the least toothed or scalloped. When at rest they are pressed against the sides of the abdomen, in the form of a steep LARCH CHEATER OTHER LAPPET MOTHS. 267 roof, the outer edges of the hind wings protruding more or less from under the outer edge of the fore ones. The legs are heavily clothed exteriorly with tufts of lono- snowy white hairs, the forward shanks having a tuft of blackish ones on their insides at the base. The female (plate 2, fig. 6) is quite unlike the male, being much larger and differently colored. It has a peculiarly delicate or mellow appearance, from the softness of its colors and the thinness and translucency of its wings. The latter when extended measure an inch and a half or slightly less. Their hind edge is occupied by a slender white band or line. Forward of this is a narrow pale dusky band which is abruptly widened near its middle to double its usual breadth, this widened part occupying two of the intestines between the veins. This band is margined on its anterior side by a white line, by which it is sepa- rated from a much broader and more dusky band, which is waved in its mid- dle in conformity with the dilation in the narrow band behind it. Forward of this the wings are milk white, crossed by four very faint equidistant wavy bands of the same delicate pale dusky hue with those behind, these bands being often obsolete upon the middle of the wing and distinct at their ends only. The veins are prominent and white, forming slender lines of this color crossing all the bands. The hind wings are of the same soft dusky tint as the bands on the fore wings, but more pale, and on their hind margin is a white line or slender band. The hind edge of both pairs of wings is perfectly entire as in the male, and their fringe is pale dusky, on the fore wings crossed with white lines at the tips of the veins. The body is clothed with incumbent milk white hairs, the tip of the abdomen having a pale brown tuft, and the crest on the base of the thorax appears like a large elevated blackish spot. The antennae in this sex (fig. 6 a) are very slightly crooked in their middles, and their branches though equally thick with those of the males, are much shorter, be- ing but about four times as long as the diameter of their stalk. These branches are longest in the middle, and are gradually shorter from thence, both towards the base and the tips. This insect belongs to the Order Lepidoptera and the Family BoMBYCiDis. Those European caterpillars which have the sides of their bodies projecting in lappets such as the larva of this species presents form a genus to which the name Gastropacha has been given, and it is to this genus that Dr. Harris refers the two American species of lappet caterpillars which have already been alluded to. One of these, named Americana by Dr. Harris (the Ilicifolia of Abbot and Smith, but not the species thus named by Linnseus) in its colors and other charac- ters is intimately related to the European species of Gastropacha. The other, originally named Bombyx Velleda by Stoll, closely coincides with the insect which we have now described, and differs like it from the other insects included in the genus Gas- tropacha in several important points. It has the same singular 268 LARCH CHEATER ITS GENERIC PLACE. PARASITES. crest upon the hind part of its thorax. In both these species the hind margin of the wings is entire and not scalloped as they are in the genus Gastropacha, and their wings are more thin, delicate and semi-transparent. In G. Americana the second vein which is given oft* from the outer side of the outer principal vein of the fore Avings forks forward of its middle and both its branches terminate in the outer edge of the wing forward of its apex. In these two species the same vein forks much beyond its middle, the two branches diverge much more strongly, and both end in the hind margin of the wing, rather inside of the apex, the tip of the wing here being rounded and not forming an angle as it does in the former species. Such differences for- bid our associating these insects together in the same genus. And as their deceptive appearance is one of their most promi- nent characteristics in each stage of their lives, the generic name Plancsa (Greek «rXavos? a deceiver,) or in English, the cheaters, may appropriately be given to the Velleda and the species which we have here described. The best distinctive name for the lat- ter will be that of the tree which it infests. We therefore pro- pose calling it Planosa Laricisj or the Larch cheater. From one of the four cocoons mentioned above, came five parasitic insects, which had destroyed the pupa. These gnawed their way out of the cocoon at short distances from each other, each making a round hole, the edges of which were rough and jagged. They were all females of a pretty species of Ichneu- mon fly (Family Ichneumoniok Order Hymenoptera) 0.30 long, of a black color with the abdomen and legs tawny red and the hind feet, scutel and a band on the middle of the antennas white. They pertain to the genus Phygadeuon of Gravenhorst, which genus is distinguished by having a depressed abdomen nar- rowed at its base into a slender stalk or petiole, a protruded ovi- positor, the joints towards the base of the antennae somewhat long and the small cell in the middle of the fore wings with five sides. This genus embraces a number of described species, most of which have the abdomen red or red and black, with Che scu- tel also black and not pale as we find it in the present instance. This insect may be named MAPLE LEAF CUTTER— LEAVES BLIGHTED BY IT. 269 The cheater's parasite, Phygadeu n Planoscr. Its head is hlack with the feelers and orbits of the eyes broadly white. The antennre are nearly as long as the body, black, with a broad white band beyond the middle, which includes four of the joints and is interrupted on its under side by a black line. The thorax is rough from numerous confluent punctures, which are more coarse and confused on its basal part, the angles on each side of the base above presenting a small tubercle or obtuse tooth. It is black above and tawny red beneath and on the sides, and shows several yellowish-white marks, as follows: a short line above on each side of the anterior middle; the wing sockets and a stripe from them to the head; an oblique stripe above the base of the^interior legs; a spot behind the wing sockets; a transverse square spot occupying the scutel, and an oblique spot upon each side of the base. The abdomen is as broad as the thorax, elliptic, flattened, convex above, concave beneath, the first segment narrowed into a petiole, the following segments abruptly bent down- wards at a right angle with the first; surface with close fine distinct punctures; first segment smooth and polished, punctured each side at its apex, slightly margined by a slender elevated line along each side through its whole length; color tawny red, the five small segments which form the tip black with a slen- der white band on the apical edge of each. Ovipositor half as long as the ab- domen, tawny red, its valves black. Legs tawny red, hind shanks black at their tips, hind feet white, their bases and tips black. TVings glassy-hyaline and iridescent, without spots, their veins and triangular stigma black. The following varieties occurred among the five individuals alluded to, two of them being of the first and one of the other variety. a. An additional white spot, upon each side of the thorax. b. The two short white lines above on the anterior middle of the thorax wanting;. * 3. THE MAPLE. AFFECTING THE LEAVES. Round holes cut in the leaves, and their pulp consumed in rings and semi- circular spots; round scales containing a small white worm between them, adhering to the surface of the leaves. The Maple leaf cutter, Omix ylcerifoliella, new species (plate 4, fig. 5.) In the summer of the year 1850 an affection of the maple trees causing their leaves to turn brown, appearing as though they had been nipped by the frost, was so common in the eastern sec- tion of New- York that it became a common subject of remark. This withered appearance of the leaves began to be noticed the fore part of August and it continued to increase for three or four weeks, and remained until the fall of the leaves in autumn. It was so conspicuous that it could be plainly perceived as far 270 MAPLE LEAF CUTTER THE CASES WHICH IT MAKES. as a grove of maples could be seen. And what appeared to be most singular, whilst the maples growing in forests were every- where affected in this manner, those standing alone as shade trees in fields, and those planted around houses and along the streets of villages remained green and wholly exempt from the prevalent malady. The cause of this fading of the leaves was readily discovered upon examination. They were found, when inspected, to present the appearances which are very well illustrated, plate 4, figure 6. The green parenchyma or pulpy substance of the leaf was de- stroyed in spots and irregular patches, leaving only the fine net- work of veins and the transparent cuticle. These spots were commonly in rings or in segments of a circle, with the centres green and unaffected. In addition to these, holes of a nearly circular form appeared in the leaves, about a quarter of an inch in diameter, with others of a smaller size. A dozen or more of these holes were at that time found in almost every leaf. And some of the pieces which had been cut out of the leaf, forming these holes, might be observed, adhering like round scales to the surface of the leaf, some on its upper others on its under side. On elevating this scale from the surface of the leaf, another smaller one was found beneath it, and between them was a small white worm, which was evidently the artizan by whom all this work had been done — cutting out these circular pieces from the leaf to form a cloak for himself, and when hungry feeding upon the pulpy substance of the leaf, thus forming the circular and irregular spots seen upon it. Occasionally one of these scales might be observed to move slightly along, the worm at such times protruding its head from under the edge of the scale and with its feet pulling its unwieldy domicil to another part of the leaf. Generally the worm was found inclosed by three of these round pieces which it had cut from the leaf probably at succes- sive periods of its life. First was a small one upon its back, about 0.18 long and two-thirds as broad, slightly concave on its under, convex on its upper side. Next was a larger piece, of similar form, placed on the under side of the worm, its edges overlapping those of the first piece, its concavity facing the con- MAPLE LEAF CUTTER LARVA AND PUPA. 271 cavity of the first piece, thus forming a little hollow between, within which the worm lies like a clam within its shells. Fi- nally, covering these two was a third piece still larger, 0.30 to 0.40 in length, placed on top of the first. The several pieces were connected and held together at their edges by fibres of fine silk. On the left hand of the leaf, plate 4, fig. 7, shows one of these cases its natural size ; that on the right hand represents it magnified, whilst three cases of smaller sizes are represented adhering to the surface of the leaf. Frequently, as is shown in these illustrations the largest piece is cut from the leaf where it is crossed by one of the coarse veins, perhaps to render the struc- ture more substantial The worm within these cases is nearly a quarter of an inch in length when mature. It is slender, and of a flattened cylindri- cal form, soft and contractile, composed of thirteen segments marked by slight intervening constrictions. It is dull white, the head, which is strongly depressed, and the three thoracic seg- ments pale rusty brown. An interrupted broad blackish stripe along the middle of the back is more or less distinct. Only the three pairs of legs upon the thoracic segments are distinctly de- veloped. These worms, or many of them at least, are carried to the ground upon the leaves, when they fall from the trees in au- tumn. They remain in their cases and change to pupse, among the fallen leaves beneath the trees, in which situation they may be found early in the following spring. The pupse are 0.18 long, pale yellow, and of an oval form, taper- ing abruptly to a point at their tips. The wings, legs and antennae are enclosed in separate sheaths, not attached to each other or to the surface of the body. Upon the back each of the segments of the abdomen except the two last have a row of minute teeth along their anterior edges, inclined backwards, like the points of needles. By means of these teeth, the pupa when ready to disclose the perfect insect, crowds itself forwards out of its case, by bending itself alternately up and down, the sheaths of the feet upon the opposite side of the body serving as props to aid in effecting this movement. From it comes a small moth of a dark brilliant blue color with a bright orange yellow headj 272 MAPLE LEAF CUTTER THE MOTH. which may frequently be seen during the month of May, flying by day or resting exposed upon the leaves, in forests and along their borders. The moth (plate 4, fig. 5, the cross lines above the left wing indicating its natural dimensions) measures 0.35 across its wings when they are spread. The fore wings are brilliant steel blue or sometimes bluish green, with a purple reflection, and without any spots. The mid-vein forms a deep groove, length- wise, from the base parallel with the inner margin almost to its tip, and on the middle of the wing towards the tip is another similar groove. The tips of these wings are commonly bent inwards, giving them when closed, the appear- ance of a little pod enveloping the abdomen. Their fringe is black interspersed with scales of brilliant blue. On their under sides they are dusky with a grayish silvery lustre and a pale purple reflection. The hind wings are pale smoky brown and translucent, with pale blue and purple reflections, and their fringe is pale brown. The head on the crown and between the antennas has a dense tuft of erect bright orange yellow hairs. The feelers are straight, thread- like, shorter than the head, inclined obliquely downwards and forwards, of a gray color. The antennas are black-brown, very thick and robust, thread-like, their tips curved and often spirally coiled. In the males they show a short spine-like tooth on each side of the apex of each joint, giving them a doubly serrated appearance. The thorax is brilliant steel blue. The abdomen is quite short and conical in the males, cylindrical and with a thin tuft of hairs at its tip in the female. In common with the under side and the legs, it is dark brown with a strong satin-like lustre, the feet being whitish. This moth pertains to the Family Tineid^: of the Order Lepi- doptera. Many of the members of this family reside in mova- ble cases of. various kinds, which they construct from the sub- stances on which they feed. The clothes' moths, furrier moths, and others thus fabricate garments for their covering. Others roll pieces of leaves into cylindrical or conical tubes, within which they reside. And a few cut out circular pieces from leaves and stitch them together as it were, like the insect we have now described. The moths having this last habit pertain to the genus Ornix of Treitschke, one of the Greek terms for a bird, the wings of some of these moths resembling those of par- ticular birds, which has led to their being named the goose- winged, turkey-winged, &c. The species under consideration, however, will be best distinguished by the name of the tree which it infests, and I accordingly call it Ornix Jlcerifoliellus, or the Maple leaf cutter. In the arrangement of the British ento- mologists it would probably be referred to Mr. Curtis's genus Erioccphala. MAPLE LEAF CUTTER HOW DESTROYED. 273 This moth was much more common five and ten years ago than it is at the present time. With the return of the month of May each year it was then met with in numbers in the forests. But for two years past not one has been seen, and last spring on searching among fallen leaves for its pupse where they were for- merly found in plenty none could be discovered. Still, a few holes perforated in the leaves of maples continue to occur, show- ing that the insect is still present in the neighborhood, though in greatly reduced numbers. These holes are always nearly circular when they are first cut, but by the subsequent growth of the leaf they become oblong. A small Ichneumon fly of a pale yellowish color, the tenth of an inch in length, with black antennse longer than its body, has repeatedly hatched from the cases containing the pupae of this moth, and this has probably been one of the most efficient agents in reducing its numbers. The fact has already been stated, that these insects do not in- vade trees standing alone in fields and in yards around houses. The reason of this is sufficiently evident, now when we know their history. The leaves when they fall from such trees are blown away by the winds, or are trampled into the earth by cattle tra- veling around and standing under them. If any of these worms, therefore, happen upon such trees, when the leaves fall and carry them to the ground, they become scattered and destroyed. And a knowledge of this fact at once suggests a remedy, whereby to save the trees from the depredations of this moth. Groves of maples more especially which are valued for the sugar they pro- duce, will be materially injured, there is no doubt, by having their foliage destroyed as it was by these insects in 1850. But all mischief of this kind will probably be prevented by allowing sheep or cattle to range the grounds occupied by the sugar orchard; and if, notwithstanding this, the leaves of particular trees show that they are preyed upon by this moth, it will be well after the leaves have fallen in autumn, to feed salt to the animals under such trees, that any insects among the leaves may be trampled upon and destroyed. [Assembly 2 15. J 18 274 THE WHITE S CATERPILLAR, 4. THE POPLAR. AFFECTING THE LEAVES. In July, consuming all the leaf except its coarse veins, and reposing in a cavity formed of leaves drawn together like a ball; large black cater- pillars with white and yellow dots and stripes, and a hump on their backs anteriorly and behind. The "White-S, Clostera albosigma, new species, (plate 2, fig. 4.) Several different kinds of singular looking caterpillars, humped upon their backs and otherwise closely related to each other, occur upon the poplars and willows in Europe and this country. Although these insects upon the two continents very much re- semble each other, the remark made by Dr. Harris appears to be correct, that they differ essentially in their caterpillar state, and their moths also present certain characters, which, on close comparison, will enable us to distinguish them. One of our species, named the American Clostera by Dr. Harris, corresponds in its marks with the anastomosis, and still more closely with the reclusa of Europe ; and we come now to present another similarly analagous to the curtula and anachoreta. The caterpillars attain their full size about the middle of July and are then an inch and a quarter in length, black, dotted with white above and with numerous wavy white lines on the sides, where are two rows of yellow spots, and on the back are four dull white stripes alternated with orange yellow on the middle of each segment. On the top of the fourth or last thoracic seg- ment is a conspicuous black hump prolonged into a teat-like protuberance and a smaller hump upon the eleventh segment. The caterpillar has a cylindrical form, and is clothed with fine white hairs. The white lines along each side form divers shaped rings and letter-like marks. The stripes upon the back are interrupted upon the two humped segments, and upon the middle of the two segments between the head and the anterior hump is a slightly elevated point in each stripe, of a brighter orange color. The an- terior hump is inclined backward, and is furnished with two long and numer- ous short white hairs. The breathing pores form a row of broad oval black dots along each side, each dot surrounded by a white ring. Above these is a row of oblong yellow spots and below them another, each spot having a pimple in its centre from which arises a hair, and the posterior spots of the lower row having two of these pimples. On the third and fourth segments, the breathing pores being wanting, the two yellow spots are confluent, forming a single large spot with a pimple in its centre. The head is black and the Y-shaped THE WHITE S MOTH. 275 suture upon its front is tawny yellowish. The legs are black and the prolegs pale brown with a white ring on their middle. Several of these caterpillars commonly live together upon a particular limb, which they strip of its leaves, eating all the leaf except its midvein and portions of the other coarse veins. They construct a kind of nest by drawing two or more leaves together, with the silken threads which they spin from their mouths, forming a hollow ball-like cavity within, in which they repose when not engaged in feeding. Three of these caterpillars which I transferred with their nest to a breeding cage on the 14th of July all spun their cocoons within the nest a day or two afterwards. The cocoons were formed of yellowish gray silk loosely woven and attached to the under side of a leaf. The moths all came out on the 25th of July, thus remaining in their pupa state but a little over a week. The moth crawls from its cocoon, and with its fore feet clinging to a twig, hangs perpen- dicularly downwards, swinging with the breeze, until its wings become dry and stiff. It then discharges one or more drops of an opake brick red fluid, and takes to flight. One of these moths dropped a number of eggs, which were of a hemispheric form and dark brown with a wide glaucous gray ring on the outer margin. The moths (plate 2, fig. 4) measure an inch and a half across their wings when spread. They are greyish brown, of a pale umber hue, with a large oval velvet black spot, reaching from the front between the bases of the antennas to the middle of the thorax. The fore wings are slightly sprinkled with black atoms, and are crossed by four nearly equi-distant pale lines, forming slender bands, each of which is faintly margined on its hind side by a darker line. The two anterior bands are nearly straight and parallel, crossing the wing transversely. The third is less dis- tinct than the others and can scarcely be discerned in some individuals. It begins on the inner margin in contact with the fourth band, and inclining towards the sec- ond, with a gentle curve becomes parallel with it through most of its length. It commonly ends before reaching the outer margin and is interrupted in its middle, and is sometimes dislocated at this interruption, as represented in the figure, its outer part being moved backwards from the line of its course. This baud is mar- gined posteriorly by a broad band which is but slightly darker than the groundcolor of the wing and of an olive green tint. It is broader on its inner end, where it is cut across by the fourth band. This last is nearly parallel with the hind margin, and is straight the first half of its length, when it curves slightly forward and then gradually turns directly backward, running parallel with the outer margin a short distance, and changing to a vivid snow-white color; with a curve it again turns out- ward and forward, and finally with an abrupt turn it runs straight and obliquely backward to the outer margin. Its white outer end thus nearly forms a letter S, which is the most conspicuous mark upon the wing. Immediate ^ back of this on 276 THE WHITE S ITS NAME. the outer edge is a rust red spot, and the outer half of all that part of the wing which is back of this fourth band is of a darker brown color, becoming velvet black at its anterior side next to the band. Halfway between the fourth band and the hind edge, on the middle of the wing, an irregular row of black spots or transverse streaks is more or less distinct. The hind wings are paler, and beneath are crossed by a slightly waved dark brown line. This insect pertains to the same family with the handmaid moth, described in the preceding pages, and to the genus Clostera, which is characterised as having the scales upon the thorax elevated into a crest, the wings entire at their hind edges, and the antennae (fig. 4 a) short, curved and with two rows of branches in both the sexes. The English species are popularly named chocolate-tips, the dark spot at the tips of their fore wings being of a chocolate brown hue. But in the species before us that tint is so slight as to be scarcely obvious, and it will be better distinguished by the name White-S, Clostera albosigma, this cha- racter being in most individuals more conspicuous and vivid than it appears in our figure of the species. INFESTING FIELD CROPS, 1. WHEAT. AFFECTING THE STALK. Externally on the stalks sucking their juices, turning the field white in spots where they are numerous; after harvest migrating to corn; a small narrow coal-black bug, with closed white wings, having a black dot on the middle of their outer edge. The Chinch bug, Micropus leucopterus, Say. (Plate 4, fig. 2, and 2a, the same magnified.) This is unquestionably one of the most pernicious insects which we have in the United States. The locusts of Utah and California are the only creatures of this class which exist within the bounds of our national domain, whose multiplication causes more sweeping destruction than does that of this diminutive and seemingly insignificant insect. Although it has never appeared as a depredator in this section of the Union, and was for a long time supposed not to occur to the north of the celebrated " Mason and Dixon's line," I have at different times met with three specimens of it in our own state, and Dr. Harris found it once in Massachusetts. As it exists in our midst, therefore, we have reason to fear that peculiar seasons or other favorable circum- stances may at some future time arrive, which will cause it to multiply and become as destructive here as it now is in some of our sister states south and west. Hence its history is as deeply interesting to us as that of any other insect within our borders. And as enquiries respecting its correct name, its habits and depredations are so frequently appearing in our agricultural papers, I probably cannot render a better service than to present these topics as fully and definitely as I am enabled to do from the information which I have gathered. 278 CHINCH BUG — ITS FIRST APPEARANCE. The chinch bug is a small insect of a coal-black color, with snow white wing-covers, which are laid flat upon its back, and show a black dot upon the middle of their outer sides. The figure representing this insect its natural size (plate 4, fig. 2), will give the reader a very correct idea of its appearance. It belongs to the Order Hemiptera, the same order to which that dis- gusting object, the bed-bug belongs, and it exhales exactly the same loathsome smell which that insect does. It is by puncturing the plants with its sharp, slender, needle-like beak, and sucking out their juices, that this insect subsists. As it does not wound the plant by gnawing it, one would suppose that it could do no great injury. But their numbers are so immense that they bleed the plants on which they congregate, so copiously, as not only to arrest their growth, but cause them to wither and die. They prefer wheat to every other kind of herbage, and when that is not at hand they gather upon oats or Indian corn or grass ; but they seem to be able to nourish themselves upon the juices of all kinds of vegetables. They remain upon the wheat until it is harvested. They then migrate to oats or corn growing adjacent to the wheat field, running nimbly over the ground, appearing at first glance like a swarm of black ants. Though they have wings they seldom use them, and only fly the length of one or two paces at a time. It was just at the close of our revolutionary struggle, or about the year 1783, that this bug was first noticed as a depredator upon wheat, in the interior of North Carolina. It was at first supposed to be identical with the Hessian fly, which at this time was mak- ing such destruction in wheat crops on Long Island and in New Jersey. Two years before this, the British army accompanied by a detachment of its German auxiliaries had marched through North Carolina, and the battle of Guilford was fought. Mr. J. W. Jeffreys states (Albany Cultivator, first series, vol. vi, p. 201) that an aged and highly respectable citizen of Orange county, N. C.j informed him that it was "immediately after this event that the Hessian fly or H&sian bug destroyed their crops of wheat; and they believed and do believe to this day (1839), that those soldiers left the flies or bugs as they passed through the country." The insects continued to increase and spread through CHINCH BUG ITS APPEARANCE A. D. 1839. 279 the Carolinas and Virginia for several years. In 1785 the fields in North Carolina were so overrun with them as to threaten a total destruction of the grain (Webster on Pestilence, vol. i, p. 279). And at length the crops were so destroyed in some districts that they were obliged to wholly abandon the sowing of wheat. It was four or five years that they continued so numer- ous, at this time. The only particular account whicTL was published, of the insect and its habits at this period, of which we have any knowledge, appeared in London, in Young's Annals of Agricul- ture, vol. xi, p. 471. It is from this notice of it, Kirby and Spence state, that they derived the information given in their Introduction to Entomology (p. 127, American edition), which is as follows : "America suffers also in its wheat and maize from the attack of an insect, which, for what reason I know not, is called the chintz bug-fly. It appears to be apterous, and is said in scent and color to resemble the bed-bug. They travel in immense columns from field to field, like locusts, destroying eVerything as they proceed; but their injuries are confined to the states south of the 40th degree of north latitude. From this account the depredator here noticed should belong to the tribe of Geocorisce Latreille; but it seems very difficult to conceive how an insect that lives by suction, and has no mandibles, could destroy these plants so totally." About the year 1809, we are informed by Mr. Jeffreys that the chinch bug again became so destructive in North Carolina, that in Orange county the farmers had to abandon the sowing of wheat for two years, and according to his statement the insects were subdued hereby. At various other times of which we have no record, it has undoubtedly been abundant in that and the adjacent states, that section of country appearing to be its head quarters. In 1839 we have accounts of its having again become exces- sively numerous and destructive in Virginia and the Carolinas. W. S. Gibbes, writing from Chester district, S. C, June 27th, says, " Though we are not yet afflicted with the grain worm (wheat midge), nor much injured by the Hessian fly, a pest has appeared among us within the last two years, which from their 280 CHINCH BUG IN SOUTH CAROLINA, prodigious numbers threaten to be even a more serious eviL They are called chinch bugs in Virginia, though they have no resemblance to our domestic pests (the bed-bug, which is com- monly named the " chinch1' at the south), but their disgusting smell. They are nearly the shape and size of the small black flour weevil; can fly, but take to their wings reluctantly; have no mandibles, but a proboscis with which they penetrate the stalks of plants near the jmnts, and suck them to death. They have destroyed my oat crop totally; I shall not make the seed sown; my white May wheat, harvested the 28th of May, came to maturity too early for themr and was but slightly injured; but my white bearded wheat, harvested the 12th of June, was seri- ously injured by them — many ears not having a single grain filled in them. Bad as this is, it is nothing to what followed; for as soon as the small grain was cut, they took to our corn- fields in such myriads as is inconceivable to any but those who have witnessed them. I have seen some of my corn so perftctly black with them for two feet up, no particle of grain was to be seen but five or six inches of the tips of the leaves; and they hung to the under parts of them in knots like little swarms of bees. It takes them only one or two days to destroy the corn. From such an attack I saw no remedy bat burning them up? corn and all; and by prompt doing so in that part of the field into which they first migrated in such immense numbers, hope I have saved the rest of it from total ruin, though patches of corn in some of my other fields have been totally killed." (Cultiva- tor, vol. vi, p. 103.) Although Mr. G. does not surmise that this excessive increase of the chinch bug was caused by any peculiarity of the season, yet we learn from another part of his communication that the weather at this time was remarkably dry and hot. He says, " We are suffering severely from drought. The whole spring has been dry. Our gardens are burnt up, with- out having yet given us anything. Our corn is in a most deplorable state — so wilted it must perish if we do not get rain in a few days. We have had but one rain to wet the earth below the furrow of a shovel plow since the 8th of May, and very little all April." CHINCH BUG IN NORTH CAROLINA. 281 J. W. Jeffreys, writing from North Carolina the same year, gives the following history of their operations through the sea- son. " They make their appearance in our wheat fields the last of May and the first of June, and continue therein and in oat fields until the grain is cut and secured, and they then march with all their forces and commence their attack on our corn- fields, where they continue until the cold weather commences, and then take flight to the woods, though you may discover them in our cornfields sheltered in the boot of the stalk in the depth of winter, yet they rarely survive the winter. I have discovered them in July taking flight from our wheat and oat fields, and you may see thousands and millions flying to the woods, from which I am under the impression that they never return, but they leave a new generation behind, which are more destructive than their progenitors. No person can have the faintest idea or conception of the ratio of their increase, unless they study their history and movements. At this time there are myriads in our cornfields attached to the stalk, and they shelter under the boot or shuck of the stalk, and there multiply beyond conception, hundreds perhaps thousands attached to a single stalk." (Cul- tivator, vol. vi, p. 201.) It would appear from this statement, that in July the old insects, probably, which are about to perish, take wing and fly to the forest; and that on the approach of cold weather a large part of the new generation also makes the same migration. It may be that there is some truth in this statement, as the bugs would thus obtain a more secure shelter than they can find in the open fields; but I have seen no other testimony corroborating this. The bug had now become so numerous in Carolina and Vir- ginia, that with its continued increase in 1840, the total destruc- tion of their crops appeared inevitable. The prospect was so alarming, that Sidney Weller, of Brinckleyville, Halifax co., N. C, and others in his neighborhood, united in the spring of 1840, in pledging a handsome sum as a prize for some feasible method to arrest the career of this depredator. But at this junc- ture, Providence interfered to accomplish what no human agency could haye effected. Instead of being dry like the two or three preceding years, the summer of 1840 proved to be of an oppo- 282 CHINCH BUG IN ILLINOIS. site character, and the ravages of this insect were at once sup- pressed. Mr. Weller, writing in November, says, " Our fears were disappointed and our hopes exceeded as to this pest, by the hand of an overruling Providence. The season turned off wet and very propitious to crops of all kinds, and the ravages of this bug were arrested. Even fields of wheat that had been greatly injured, suddenly revived and produced tolerable crops; and the corn crop, which last season in places here, was ruined, escaped uninjured." (Cultivator, vol. viii, p. 21.) It was about this period that the Chinch bug began to be no- ticed along the upper Mississippi, and through the northern parts of Illinois. It made its appearance there simultaneously with the establishment of the Mormons at Nauvoo (1840-1844) and many ignorant people firmly believed they were introduced there by these strange religionists, and " Mormon lice " became the name by which they were currently designated, through that district. When we have such instances of the credulity and ig- norance of our own day and generation, let us not smile at our patriotic grandsires for deeming that the Hessian soldiers were breeding and shaking off pestilent vermin and scattering them over the country wherever they marched. It is quite probable that these insects were originally natives of Illinois, and now became multipled in consequence of the settlement of the coun- try and the extensive cultivation of wheat, giving them a copi- ous supply of more congenial food than they previously had ac- cess to; or if it was newly introduced there at that period, as was universally believed, it probably arrived by gradually ad- vancing from the south. In that excellent periodical, the Prai- rie Farmer, which has contributed so much to render the agri- culturists of the west enlightened and intelligent in their voca- tion, several communications upon the chinch bug appeared in 1845 and the following years. An enlarged figure of the insect was given at this time (vol. v, p. 287) and in September 1850 vol. x, pp. 280, 281) a summary account of the insect with a description and a scientific name for it, appeared from the pen of Dr. Le Baron. As this is one of the most important origi- nal papers which has ever appeared, relating to this insect, and the volume containing it is now nowhere accessible, we repro- duce it erftire in the subsequent pages. CHINCH BUG ITS DESTRUCTIVENESS. 283 The chinch hug has now multiplied and extended itself over all parts of Illinois and the adjacent districts of Indiana and Wisconsin, and has become a most formidable scourge. The dry seasons which have recently occurred have increased it exces- sively. In passing over northern Illinois, in the autumn of 1854, I found it in myriads. In the middle of extensive prairies, on parting the grass in search of insects, the ground in some places was found covered and swarming with chinch bugs. The ap- pearance reminded me of that presented on parting the hair on a calf that has been poorly wintered, where the skin is found literally alive with vermin. Our western neighbors have for many years been congratulating themselves upon the security of their wheat crops, exempt from the midge and other insect dep- redators which were causing us such losses here at the east. But they now find they have in the chinch bug a foe more formida- ble and destructive even than the wheat midge ; since it not only cuts oif their wheat but in many localities it takes the corn and other cultivated crops also. Although it is commonly only a strip upon the outer edge of the field which they devastate, yet in several instances the entire field is invaded and swarms with them, so that no grain is developed in the heads, and some have set fire to their wheat fields to consume the hosts of these ver- min which were gathered therein, with the hope of hereby les- ) ning the numbers upon their farms the following year. The disgusting smell, moreover, which these bugs emit, is most loath- some and sickening to the laborers engaged in harvesting the wheat fields. Cilley's reaping machine, made at Elgin, Illinois, has small deep boxes sunk in the platform, for the raker and three binders to stand in, that they may not have to stoop to their work as they would if standing upon the platform. As the machine is in operation, the feet of the men standing in these boxes become buried among the insects and fine chaff which fall into them. The men are so annoyed by these vermin, thus cov- ering their feet and crawling up their legs, that they many times stamp to shake oft* and crush the tormenting things. And whether dead or alive, when thus heaped together in masses, such a stench arises from them, as, when wafted by the air it happens to come full in one's face, is the most loathsome and nauseating of anything that can be imagined. 284 CHINCH BUG SUNDRY STATEMENTS. This information is communicated to me by Mr. Albert Bur- net, of Merc'er county, 111., who further states, that in that vicin- ity the chinch bug was the most numerous last year (1855) that it has ever been known. Having attended a reaping machine through the season of harvest, he says it was noticed in a number of instances, that these insects were most numerous upon the south and east sides of the fields. This is probably owing to these parts of the field being more warm and dry, from their greater exposure to the sun. And where a low damp "spot occurs in a field, the grain or corn is there wholly exempt from injury, although all the rest of the field may be badly affected. He says he first saw the insect in 1850, at which time it was very abundant. The two following years it was but little noticed, but the three dry summers which have now occurred have increased it prodigiously. William Patten, of Sandwich, De Kalb county, informs me that it was in 1850 that it was first noticed in his neighborhood, and that last summer it was more destructive than it had ever been before, the last sowed wheat being greatly injured by it in many fields. The early wheat in Illinois, as in Carolina, is ripened before the bugs become so numerous as to injure it. Charles Hastings of La Salle, tells me the chinch bug had not been noticed in his vicinity until the year 1854, and it then did but little damage, but the following year many fields were much injured, and some were so much damaged that they were not harvested. Edward McCollister of Juliet, tells me it has been less destruc- tive the present year (1856) than it was last, though it has everywhere been quite a serious evil this season. Wheat from fields which have been infested by the chinch bug is readily dis- tinguished by the grain dealers, the kernels not being plump and full, but more or less shrivelled and light of weight. These insects seldom if ever injure the first crop upon newly broken prairie. A strip of greater or less width upon one of the sides of a field is sometimes destroyed in autumn, when the plants are but a few inches high. Entering the field upon the side adjacent to an old wheat field, they advance with the regularity of an army, farther and farther, killing every leaf and spear as they CHINCH BUG SUNDRY STATEMENTS. 285 proceed, until a frosty night occurs, when their operations instantly cease. Dr. ^arshall of Keithsburg, informs me that in destroyed patches individual stalks sometimes occur, which have been missed by them. These remain green and thrifty, and their heads become well filled, when all around is bleached and with- ered. It is commonly a strip, two, three or even five or ten rods in width upon one of the sides of a field, which is whitened and destroyed by them ; but in some instances they enter a field in a narrow strip, and then spread out into a large patch. D. Williams of Geneva, Wisconsin, says the chinch bug made its advent there in 1854, coming apparently from the south, its nearest approach the year before being thirty miles south. In a letter written July 9th, 1855, he says it had that year caused considerable damage, especially in spring wheat, but a heavy rain two weeks before had checked its ravages. The first appearance of the chinch bug at a particular locality and its progress from year to year, is related with more exact- ness than I have elsewhere seen, in a communication to the Country Gentleman (vol. v, p. 396) from E. C. Smith of Christy's Prairie, la., from which the following extracts, containing further information upon the economy and destructiveness of this insect are taken. It is dated May 20th, 1855, before the extent of the depredations of the bug that year could be fully known, and was accompanied with specimens and a request for information as to tl^ correct name of the insect, it being termed the "corn fly" in that neighborhood. Mr. Smith says : — " The first time they were ever observed in this vicinity, so far as I have been able to ascertain, was nine years ago last summer. They were seen in a cornfield, about three miles from this place. They appeared to come from the stubble of a wheat field that bordered on the corn. They did but little damage. A few suc- cessive days of rainy weather put a stop to their progress, and nothing more was seen of them, that season. Two years later, they appeared on the farm of one of my neighbors, about half a mile distant. They came apparently, as before, from wheat stubble, though none had been observed in the wheat while growing; and they began on that part of the corn adjacent to it. 286 CHINCH BUG STATEMENT OF E. C. SMITH. But few appeared at this time, and not much damage was done. In 1851, 1 observed them for the first time, on the farm where I now reside. The field in which they made their appearance had corn on one side and oats on the opposite side, with a strip of wheat between. They were seen immediately after the wheat was cut, on the rows of corn next to the stubble ; and were so numerous, as to cover from one-fourth to one-half of the stalk, in many of the hills. The corn soon began to wither. They did not devour the solid parts of the plant, but pierced the outer part or skin, full of holes, or destroyed it in large patches, here and there, over the stalk, and appeared to feed on the juice. A few rows next to the wheat, were completely destroyed. The crop was more or less injured to the distance of about eight rods from the stubble. On the opposite side, the oats were killed to the distance of two or three rods from the wheat. The remain- der ripened without injury. "They appeared again the next year, and about the same time of the year; but did little damage. Strange to say, it had not yet entered my thoughts, that they had done, or could do, any damage to wheat. The next spring, (1853,) my wheat looked unusually promising. But when it had grown to the height of a foot or more, I observed that more than half of it had stopped growing. This portion was only six or eight inches in height, and it grew no more, but withered and died ; from what cause I could not imagine. The same fly appeared again in the corn, after the wheat was cut. The rank growth of the corn, together with one or two heavy showers, prevented it from doing much injury. " Last summer, there was the same appearance in the wheat, as the summer previous. A part of it dwindled away, after it had grown to the height of a few inches. At the time of cutting the wheat, these insects were observed, in motion towards the corn, which was close by. In a few days the corn nearest to the stubble was so covered with them, as to appear, at a little distance, as if covered with black paint. The corn was back- ward and dwarfish, and the season excessively dry, both of which circumstances favored their destructive effects. About fifteen acres of corn was destroyed by -them. They swept over about CHINCH BUG— ITS GEOGRAPHICAL EXTENT. 287 forty acres more, some parts of which were nearly destroyed, others only slightly injured. One of my neighbors, had twenty- six acres of corn completely destroyed by them last summer, and fifty acres more greatly damaged. There was not a corn-field on the prairie, in which the crop was not greatly damaged. I do not know that they have ever been seen in this region, anywhere else than on the prairies, till last summer. Then, they were seen on farms formerly covered with timber, many miles distant from any prairie. " The attention of people here, was so thoroughly called to this insect, last summer, that when it appeared this spring, it was readily recognized. It was first observed on fences, or flying about, and alighting here and there, like other winged insects. Soon it was found about the roots of wheat,— then in oatfields, and in timothy grass. Wherever it has been seen among grain or grass, some of the blades were seen to turn yellow, and the growth to be checked, or stopped entirely; and in many cases, the whole plant completely killed. Probably, not less than one- third of the wheat crop, in this vicinity, has already been des- troyed by them; and their destructive operations are still in progress." In Virginia and Carolina during the past year or two there has also been great complaints of this insect, and the present year an editorial in the Richmond (Va.) Whig, the latter part of July, says "A general alarm, from the mountains to the seaboard is felt for the corn crop. The chinch bug is universal, and like the sand of the sea-shore for numbers. Many corn-fields are entirely destroyed by them already, and others can only be saved by timely and copious rains." The chinch bug is probably a common insect through all the southern states. I have received specimens of it from Mississippi, and am informed it some years has done much injury to the crops of Indian corn there. I also have a specimen from western Pennsylvania. It therefore appears to occur in all parts of the United States between the Atlantic and the Mississippi, although in the Eastern and Middle states it is exceedingly rare. The three specimens which I have met with in this state, oc- curred upon willows in the spring of 1847 and May 12th 1851. 288 CHINCH BUG DR. LE BAROn's ACCOUNT. It would thus appear to leave its winter quarters with nearly the first warm days of spring, and resort to the earliest foliage which puts forth, for nourishment after its long fast. It passes the winter under the loose bark of decaying trees, in the cracks and crevices of stumps and logs, and similar sheltered situations. Mr. Albert Burnet informs me that i ri turning over chips and pieces of boards lying upon the surface of the ground he has frequently met with it alive, in February, though in a torpid state upon cold days. The history and description of these insects given in 1850 by Dr. Le Baron, of Geneva, Kane Co. 111. in the Prairie Farmer, is as follows : — These insects have prevailed the present season throughout this and the adjoining counties in ruinous profusion. The season has heen excessively dry, which has probably been favorable to their multiplication. I find by reference to the back numbers of the Prairie Farmer that they have been equally destructive in other sections of the country in former years. They make their appearance in the latter part of June, confining their depreda- tions at this period chiefly to the spring wheat. So rapid is their multiplication, that in the course of a few days from the time of their first appearance, whole fields are overrun by them, every straw being more or less intested. They belong to the suctorial division of insects, and do their damage by imbi- bing the juices of the plants which they infest. The sucking instrument, as in other insects of the kind, consists of a slender four jointed beak, which when not in use is bent back under the body, and rests upon the breast. Upon that side of the beak which is undermost when at rest, is a narrow groove, in winch is contained an extremely fine bristle-like lancet, which is capable of being disengaged from its sheath and used as an instrument for puncturing the straw. When a flow of sap has been thus produced, the lancet is returned to its sheath, and the whole instru- ment is used for the purpose of suction. Collected in dense clusters, chiefly about the lower joints of the straw, with their suckers partially inserted into it, or applied to the punctures previously made, these little insects appear to repose in luxurious contentment. Meanwhile the grain being deprived of its necessary nutriment, becomes wholly blasted or much shrunken, whilst the straw turns white prematurely and at length crinkles down beneath the lancets of this infinity of phlebotomists. When the wheat becomes too much dried up to afford them nutriment, they leave the wheat field, and may be seen at this time running on the ground in all directions in search of appropriate food. Next to wheat they usually attack oats, then corn, and lastly timothy or herds-grass; and if none of these are at hand, they will subsist upon some of the wild grasses. The Indian corn is so rapid and vigorous in its growth that it is not usually much injured; yet I have seen, this season, whole fields blackened with them, and large patches of corn blasted and prostrate, as if a fire had run over them. They migrate from one field to another by running over the surface of the earth. Nevertheless when they are obliged to move to a distance, the perfect or winged individuals readily take to flight, and they have been seen flying in dense swarms. They are seen in about equal numbers in their different stages of growth. The younger specimens are found especially abundant in the earth to the depth of an CHINCH BUG — ITS EGGS. 289 inch ot more, about the roots of the grain; from which it may be inferred that the eggs are deposited in this situation, though I have not as yet succeeded in discover- ing them. These insects present, in the course of their development, the following charac- ters. The youngest individuals are vermillion red, the thorax or anterior part of their bodies inclining to brown, and with a white band across the middle of the body, comprising the two basal segments of the abdomen. As they increase in size they become darker, changing first to brown, and then to a dull black, the white band still remaining. The antennas and legs are varied with reddish. In their final or perfect state they acquire white wings varied with a few black spots and lines. These insects belong to the Hemipterous order, and to the genus'Rhyparochromus in the family of Lygaeidae. The generic name is of Greek composition, and signifies sordid color, in reference to the dull colors of the majority of the species. I have not at hand the means of determining whether the present species has been scientifi- cally described and named. It might be appropriately called the Rhyparochromus devastator. The following may serve for a more accurate description of the per- fect insect than, so far as lam aware, has been heretofore published. Length 1 2-3 lines, or three-twentieths of an inch. Body black, clothed with a very fiue greyish down, not distinctly visible to the naked eye,- basal joint of the antenna? honey-yellow, second joint the same tipt with black, third and fourth joints black, beak brown; wings and wing-cases white; the latter are black at their inser- tion, and have near the middle two short irregular black lines, and a conspicuous black marginal spot; legs dark honey-yellow, terminal joint of the feet, and the claws black. So sudden is the invasion and so rapid the progress of these insects, that it is scarcely probable that any preventive or remedy for their devastations will ever be discovered. Yet it is an admirable provision of nature, that those creatures which multiply at certain seasons in alarming profusion, do as suddenly and often as unac- countably disappear. The common method by which the excessive increase of such creatures is kept in check, is by the appropriation to each of them of some para- sitic insect, which multiplies coextensively with them, and by preying upon them restrains their increase within moderate limits. The migratory locust, for example, and also the Hessian fly, and most kinds of caterpillars, are known to be infested by parasitic insects. It is devoutly to be wished that nature may have provided this, or some other remedy, against the indefinite extension of the ravages of the present species, whose origin and progress seem to be so wholly removed from the reach of human control. Little requires to be added to this account. The eggs of these insects according to an editorial in the Southern Planter (vol. xv, p. 269) are deposited in the ground, in autumn, where they remain through the winter and until the warmth of the ground the following year causes them to hatch. This takes place in May at the South and probably not till June at the West. This insect never appears in the form of a worm or maggot, like the larvse of moths, flies and beetles. Still, in its larva state it is quite unlike what it is after it acquires wings, being more flat and broad and having considerable resemblance to a bed- j Assembly 21 5. J 19 290 CHINCH BUG LARVA, AND VARIETIES, bug, though of a brighter red color When it is small. One of these young chinch bugs which I met with in some diseased wheat straw sent from Virginia presented the following charac- ters : The young larva when 0.06 long is about 0.03 in width, with a very flattened body of an oval form and a bright blood red color, with a band across its middle above, of a yellowish white color, occupying the two first or basal segments of its abdomen, behind which, in the centre of the back are two black spots, one behiud the other. Its six legs and its beak or sucker, are of a honey-yellow color. Its antennne are analagous to what they are in the mature insect, having four joints, the last enlarged, forming an oval knob tapering to a point at its end, the two ba- sal joints being light yellow, and the two last ones dark brown. These larva? as they advance in size become darker colored and finally blackish, still showing the white band across the middle of their bodies. At length this band disappears, and the insect becomes a pupa. It is now much like the perfect in- sect in its form and colors, except that it is destitute of the white wings upon its back, having in place of them an oval black scale upon each side of the base of the abdomen. The edges of the abdomen in the pupa are also of a dull pale yellow color. So late as the fore part of October I met with several of these in- sects still in their pupa state, and some of these I do not doubt, would pass the winter in that state, and therefore would not de- posit their eggs until the following spring. The females of this species are tenfold more numerous than the males. The magnified illustration, plate 4, fig. 2 a, shows all parts of the insect so distinctly and exact that no description of it is necessary, beyond what is given in Dr. Le Baron's account. It may be observed that the hind edge of the thorax is of the same deep honey-yellow color with the legs, the beak, and the base of the antenna?, all the rest of the body and the antenna? being coal-black and clothed with fine erect hairs, except the wing-covers which are snow white. The anterior end of the thorax is not so full and broad as represented in the figure, and extending across the thorax rather back of its middle is a trans- verse depression, much more deep and distinct in some individ- uals than in others. This species presents several varieties. On a comparison of numerous speci- mens the following will be readily distinguished: a, immarginatus. Basal margin of the thorax not edged with yellowish. Common. CHINCH BUG ITS NAME. 291 b, dimidiatus. Basal half of the thorax deep velvety black, anterior half grayish. Common. c, fulvivenosus. The stripes on the wing covers tawny yellow instead of black. d, albivenosus. Wing covers white, without any black marks except the margi- nal spot. A male. e, apterus. Wingless and the wing covers much shorter than the abdomen. f, basalis. Basal joint of the antennas dusky and darker than' the second. g, nigricornis. Two first joints of the antennas blackish. ft, femoratus. Legs pale livid yellow, the thighs tawny red. Common- i, rujipcdis. Legs dark tawny red or reddish brown. As will be seen from the historical notices which are given above, this insect was at first called the Hessian fly or Hessian bug, in Carolina. And as appears from the description given by Kirby and Spence, it was only the red larvae of these insects which were then supposed to be the depredators, no one being aware that the black bugs with white wing covers were the same insects in a more advanced state. As these larvae have a close resemblance to the common bed-bug (Cimex ledularius, Linnaeus) which through the Southern states is everywhere designated by its name in the Spanish language chinche,* when it was ascer- tained that they were a very diiferent insect from the Hessian fly of New York, they were definitely distinguished by the name chinch bug, or chinch bug fly. It is altogether probable, how- ever, that the latter was the term by which the winged insects were designated, and that the former was the name given to the larvae; and Kirby and Spence might well be at a loss to under- stand why the epithet " fly " should be given to an insect with- out wings, as this was represented to be. The name chinch bug has now become the established title of this insect, and as the same word has been adopted as a specific name in Natural His- tory (e, g. Argas chinche, Gervais) it would be the most appro- priate scientific designation for this species, had it not already received a different one. The chinch bug was first scientifically named and described by Mr. Say, in a pamphlet (page 14) entitled " Descriptions of New Species of Heteropterous Hemiptera of North America," pub- lished at New Harmony, Indiana — the eight first pages of which appeared in the year 1831, the remainder the following year. This insect must have been much more rare throughout our * For full philological information respecting this word and its use at the South I am under cbligations to W. F. Brand, Esq. of Emerton, Maryland. 292 CHINCH BUG ITS GENERIC NAME. country thirty years ago than it is at present, for Mr. Say had only met with a single specimen of it, an individual of our Variety dimidiutvs, which he found on the eastern shore of Vir- ginia, and he was wholly unaware of its importance in an economical aspect. He named it Lygceus leucopterus or the white- winged Lygseus. This genus now forms the Family Lygaida, and is chiefly characterised by having the scutel or triangular piece between the base of the wings short and not reaching the middle of the abdomen, the antennae inserted upon or below a line drawn from the eyes to the base of the beak, four-jointed with the last joint thickest or at least not more slender than the preceding one, and the thin membrane at the end of the wing covers with not more than four or five veins. At the date when Mr. Say described this insect, M. Serville had proposed separating those species of the old genus Lygseus in which the anterior thighs are swelled or thickened, into a distinct genus which he named Pachymerus. But as this name had anteriorly been applied by Latreille to another genus of insects, it became necessary to alter it; and Mr. Say therefore proposed abbreviating it to the name Pamerus, under which name he placed nine of the nineteen new species which he de- scribed in this family. The European naturalists have proba- bly been unaware of this correction made by Mr. Say, and the following year M. De Laporte proposed to substitute the name Jiphanus for that of Pachymerus. But M. Guerinhad anteriorly given the badly constructed name Aphccna to another genus of insects, the orthography of which, when it came to be rectified, became Aphanus. As this name, therefore, could not be retained, Mr. Curtis proposed the name Rhyparochromus for these insects, which name has been adopted by M. Serville and the European naturalists generally. But the rule of priority will certainly give Mr. Say's name, Pamerus,the precedence of Rhyparochromus. It may be objected to this name, however, that it is a hybrid, not being regularly constructed nor yet a purely fantastic name. Yet under the circumstances, it appears to us it was more judi- cious and serviceable to the science thus to alter a name which had become current, than to abolish it and introduce a new one. CHINCH BUG ITS GENERIC NAME. 293 What has been stated will serve to give the common reader some view of the embarrasments often encountered in this vast science, in arriving at the correct designation for an insect. Especially in this country do we experience such embarras- ments and are obliged in many instances to remain in doubt and uncertainty, from being unable to find in any of our public libraries those authorities a reference to which is indispensible for obtaining the information we desire. The pamphlet of Mr. Say in which this insect is described is out of print and very scarce. Dr. Le Baron not having seen it suggested the name Rhyparochromus devastator as being an ap- propriate one for this insect. Although all the thighs are slightly thickened in this species, the anterior ones are not ob- viously more enlarged than the others, and are not sufficiently inflated to place it in the genus to which Dr. Le Baron assigns it, in which there is a striking contrast between the anterior and the four slender posterior thighs. In more than two dozen species of this genus which are now before me, this contrast is very plain and evident in every instance. Mr. Say therefore was clearly correct in referring this insect to the genus Lygseus and not to his genus Pamerus, which, as we have seen above, is synonymous with Rhyparochromus. This group of insects has been subdivided into quite a number of genera since Mr. Say's day, and the present species now per- tains to the genus Micropus, a name meaning small footed or short legged, proposed by M. Spinola in his Essay upon the in- sects of this order, published in 1840, page 218. I announced this fact a year since in the Country Gentleman (vol. v, p. 396) in reply to the enquiry of E. C. Smith, asking the correct name of this insect. A communication appeared in the same periodi- cal soon after (vol. vi, p. 106), stating among other things, that the genus Micropus had not been recognized by some of the standard writers upon this order of insects, and that " Herrick Schaffer would have placed^the chinch bug, had it been known to him, in the genus Pachymerus" — the same genus in which, as we have seen above, Mr. Say long ago determined it did not be- long ! I deem it unnecessary further to notice an anonymous 294 CHINCH BUG INSECTS SIMILAR TO IT. writer, who is aiming to appear very erudite upon a theme on which he unwittingly betrays himself to be very ignorant. Another species of Micropus, named f aliens by Mr. Say, who discovered it in Missouri, I found common in northern Illinois in October, and I have also met with specimens of it in New Jersey in the month of May, though it has not yet occurred to my notice in the State of New- York. Whether it partakes of the injurious habits of the chinch bug I know not. It may be called the Black-veined Micropus, its wing- covers being dull white with black longitudinal stripes, following the veins to their tips. It is longer and also narrower than the chinch bug, being of a long linear form, 0.20 in length by scarcely 0.05 in width. It is black with the base of the thorax and the legs yellow. The Black-veined Micropus has the base of the thorax elevated and smooth, forward of which is a transverse wide shallow depression, and forward of this is a slight elevation with a short wide longitudinal impression in its middle. The wing covers and wings reach only to the anterior edge of the last segment of the abdo- men, and are frequently shorter with the wings wanting or merely rudimentary. Its pupa is dull yellow, except the antenna?, which are black, with short fine hairs, and are rather shorter and more thick than in the mature insect. Along the back it often shows two rows of black punctures, one situated upon each side of the middle of each segment. Another insect which may frequently be met with upon the same flowers and leaves with the chinch bug, in Illinois and Wisconsin, from the fore part of July until the close of the sea- son, so exactly resembles this culprit that no one would suspect its being different unless apprised of the fact. Indeed it is only by a very close inspection that the one can be distinguished from the other. In one instance this has been sent me as the chinch bug; my correspondent, as I suppose, on finishing his communication, happening to meet with this, immediately in- closed it in his letter, without a suspicion that it could be any- thing else than the insect of which he had been writing. It however is but little more than half the size of the chinch bug, is destitute of hairs, its surface being smooth and shining, and the thin membranous posterior part of the wing covers are without any distinctly traced veins. Though belonging to the same family it pertains to a different genus, named from the circum- CHINCH BUG — REMEDIES. 295 stance of the species being mostly found upon flowers, Jinthocoris or flower-bug. The False chinch bug, Anthocoris pseudo-chinche , is but 0.08 in length, and is black, smooth and shining, with its antennae, feet and four anterior shanks and knees pale dull yellow. Its wing covers are white, tinged anteriorly with yellowish with a large triangular black spot across their middle, occupying the whole poste- rior part of the thick coriaceous portion, this spot being brownish on its anterior "edge. The thorax has an impressed line or groove across its middle. The thin membranous part of the wing covers is somewhat transparent and clear, but a va- riety (which may be named semiclarus) occurs, in which its posterior half is per- ceptibly tinged with smoky. This species is closely related to the European species minutus Linn., and nigrella Zetterstedt, but is readily distinguished by the colors of its legs, not to mention other characters. Identical as so many of our American species of this order certainly are with those of Europe, it is possible that this ■species has been described by some author whose work I have not seen. Another small species resembling this in many points, the Xylocoris domcslicus Hahn, ap- pears to be as common upon this side of the Atlantic as it is in Europe, as is also the variety of this species, named dimidiata by Spinola and Parisiensis by Amyot and Serville. This insect, so far as we yet know, is exempt from any molesta- tion by predaceous insects and other animals. No bird probably lias a relish for such an unsavory morsel as one of these fetid chinch bugs. And this is undoubtedly one of the chief reasons why no check is given to its multiplication, and when one or two favorable seasons arrive, it is able to increase with a rapidity ■and to an extent which has few parallels among the insect races. Nor has any mode for destroying this insect or preventing its depredations, been discovered, of such efficacy as to bring it into public notice and favor. When they are migrating from one field into another, it is reported that they have been arrested by dig- ging a trench before them, up the crumbling dirt of the sides of which, they are unable to climb; and when the whole colony is thus imprisoned, they have been covered with straw and burned. By burning the dry leaves of the forest in places where they have settled in numbers, multitudes have been destroyed. A subscri- ber to the Southern Planter (vol. xv, p. 275), says he knows that strong soap suds will kill them, when on corn, if a half gill or gill be poured upon each stalk — a labor not half so great as a single hoeing of the crop is. When this insect became so numer- ous in North Carolina, in 1839, Mr. J. W. Jeffreys proposed that the farmers and planters should all abandon the sowing of wheat for two or three years, he deeming this the only measure 296 CHINCH BUG REMEDIES. by which it was possible to subdue it. Dr. Le Baron thinks if improbable that any remedy can ever be discovered whereby tc prevent its devastations. My own belief is very different. I do not think Providence has sent any injurious insect into our world, but that when we come to study its history and habits? and become fully acquainted with its economy, we can discover some point where it is assailable, and human ingenuity will be able to devise methods by which it will be practicable, either to destroy the insect, or to shield the vegetation on which it preys. from its depredations. Though often, no doubt, much patient investigation and many experiments conducted by different per- sons will be necessary, before we can arrive at the most certain and successful remedies. As regards the chinch bug, if the facts reported are truer we think they point us to a feasible mode for subduing it. They indicate that moisture is most uncongenial to this insect, If. when it is overruning the land in myriads, a wet season arrives? it is at once quelled in its career. Mr. Williams speaks of its ravages as having been perceptibly checked by a single heavy rain. And it appears from the statement of Mr. Albert Burnet that so slight a circumstance as the dew evaporating before the morning sun, first upon the south and east sides of a field, often causes it to congregate upon those sides of the field exclusively. In view of these facts it would seem that by drenching that part of a field in which these insects are clustered, with water, by means of a fire or a garden engine, they may be washed from the plants and destroyed. Though it will be a formidable task to shower a large wheat field profusely, yet if the crop can here- by be saved from ruin, it will amply repay the expense. But commonly it is only a narrow strip upon one side of the field which will require this operation. And where there is a brook or stream of water passing through or adjacent to a wheat field, this measure can certainly be resorted to, repeatedly should it be necessary, at no great cost. When the small red bugs, the tender young larva? of these insects, have made their appearance and are clustered about the roots of the wheat plants, in the month of June, they can probably be more easily destroyed, than at any subsequent stage of their lives. And it is earnestly to be WHEAT FLIES — THEIR ABUNDANCE. 297 hoped that some one who is conveniently situated for testing the efficacy of this measure, will do so, and make the result known to the public. Burrowing in different parts of the stalks, rendering them dwarfish and often causing the heads to perish; small, slender, pale-green and watery-white shining maggots. The larvae of several small wheat flies and barley flies of the genera Chlorops, (plate 1, fig. 4), and Oscinis (plate 1, fig. 5). In Europe it has long been known that among the worst depre- dators upon the grain crops there, are the larvse of several small flies belonging to the genera Chlorops and Oscinis. Some of these attack the young plants, and taking their station slightly above the root destroy the central stalk. Others burrow in the stalk or straw, and others infest the heads. Thus every part of the plant finds an enemy in one species and another of this group of insects. And so seriously do they injure the crops on which they prey, that Linnaeus a century ago computed the loss occa- sioned by one of them {Chlorops Frit), which infests the heads of barley in Sweden, to amount to nearly half a million of dollars annually. It has not hitherto been known that the wheat in this country was attacked by any insects of this kind. But I have the pre- sent season discovered these small flies in abundance, in every wheat field in my neighborhood. On sweeping with a net any- where among growing wheat, a multitude of them will be gathered. They are of several different kinds and all appear to be of species distinct from those described in the works of Mac- quart, Zetterstedt, and other European writers to which I am able to refer. And upon examining the wheat stalks at different times during the season, the larvse of one and another of these flies are found therein — smooth, shining, footless little maggots, of pale green and watery-white colors, commonly imbedded in the straw in small burrows or cylindrical channels which they have excavated. As these flies appear to be native species, it is probable that before wheat was cultivated upon this continent they sustained 298 WHEAT FLIES THEIR INJURIES. themselves upon some of our wild grasses. Their numbers must therefore have been very limited at that period". But when wheat was introduced and became extensively cultivated, it gave them such an ample supply of most palatable nourishment that they have gradually increased and are now excessively numerous all over our land, laying every wheat field under con- tribution for their support. And I doubt not it is from the numbers of these and other insect depredators which abound upon our wheat, that we are no longer able to produce such crops of this grain as were uniformly harvested formerly, when our lands were newly cleared. How is it possible for wheat to grow with any thriftness when it is incessantly assailed by such hosts of these enemies, bleeding it at every pore? And if any mode could be discovered by which our wheat could be pro- tected from these depredators, I do not doubt that on our old lands which have been under cultivation a century, we could now, with our improved methods of tillage, rear crops of this grain, surpassing those which grew upon the same lands when they were newly cleared. And if wheat could thus be groAvn, the intrinsic worth and the market value of lands in the old settled sections of our state would be advanced probably one- half. At the time of placing the specimens from which the accom- panying illustrations were taken, in the hands of the draughts- man, I supposed I should obtain some one or more of the larvae of these insects, in its perfect state, and thus be able to present its history with some approximation to completeness, in the pre- sent report. But my efforts to rear them have been unsuccess- ful. And it will scarcely be worth while to state the situation in which one and another of these worms is found, and the manner in which it mines or otherwise injures the straw, until the particular species by which the mischief is done in each case, can be identified and named. For the present, therefore, I merely state what will serve to explain the accompanying figures, and give the reader some acquaintance with this group of flies as they appear upon the wheat in their perfect state. These flies form a particular tribe or sub-family, named the Oscinides, the members of which may be distinguished from WHEAT FLIES — MEROMYZA AND SIPHONELLA. 299 those of the other groups of the extensive Family MusciDiE in the Order Diptera, by their small size, by having the last joint of their antennae globular insead of oval or oblong; by being desti- tute of winglets, those small scale-like appendages which occur at the base of the wings, having some resemblance in their shape to the bowl of a spoon; and the veins and veinlets of the wings being as they are represented in the accompanying figures. One of the prettiest of the flies of this group, which we meet with upon growing wheat the latter part of June, pertains to the genus Meromyza, which is readily known from the other genera, by having the thighs of the hind pair of legs thick and appearing as though they were swelled. It is very similar to the European M. saltatrix Linn., but is larger, the stripes on its thorax are deeper black than those upon its abdomen, and here it is the latter stripes which are united or confluent at their ends and not the former. It may be named The American Meromyza, M. Jlmericana. It is 0.17 in length to the tip of its abdomen, and 0.20 to the end of its wings. It is yellowish white with a black spot on the top of its head, which is continued backward to the pedicel of the neck. Thorax with three broad black stripes, approaching each other anteriorly but not coming in contact, the middle stripe prolonged anteriorly to the pedicel of the neck and posteriorly to the apex of the scutel. Abdomen with three broad blackish stripes, which are confluent posteriorly and interrupted at each of the sutures. Tips of the feet and veins of the hyaline wings blackish. Eyes bright green. An- tennae dusky on their upper side. Another minute pretty fly, often found wi^th the preceding upon wheat, and resembling it in its colors, is generically dis- tinguished from it by its short, thick body, its abdomen, when distended by a recent meal, being perfectly spherical and ab- ruptly drawn out at its tip into a conical point. The second veinlet of its wings, moreover, is very oblique instead of being transverse as in all the other genera of this group. It thus be- longs to Macquart's genus Siphonella, and the present species may be named in allusion to its plumpness The obese Siphonella, S. obesa. It measures only 0.09 in length, to the tip of its abdomen and 0.12 to the end of its wings. It is black and polished, with a slen- der stripe on the middle of the thorax, the scutel and the under side of the body bright sulphur yellow, the abdomen having a tinge of green beneath. Legs bright tawny yellow. Head yellowish white. Antennas tawny yellow, their tips black. Two dots on the anterior edge of the mouth, a large egg-shaped spot on the crown, two short stripes low down on each side of the breast, and the anterior pair of feet, black. 300 WHEAT FLIES CHLOROPS AND OSCINIS. In the genus Chlorops, as the name will indicate to those who are acquainted with the Greek language, the eyes are green. They might hence be popularly named the green-eyed wheat-flies. But as their scientific name Chlorops will be a more definite and convenient designation it will be better to adopt it as the popular name of these flies. Their bodies are commonly of a yellow color, varied more or less with black in the different species. One of these species was so abundant the latter part of June that at almost every step in any of our wheat fields a dozen or more of them could be seen. It may therefore be termed The common Chlorops, C. vulgaris, (plate 1, fig. 4, the short line to the left of the figure indicating the natural length.) It measures 0.15 or a little less to the end of its abdomen and from 0.18 to 0.20 to the end of its wings. It is of a pale tawny yellow color, with a round black spot on the top of its head, and the tips of its antenna? and of its feelers arc also black. It has two black bristles at the end of the middle shanks, and one at the end of the forward ones, and rows of black bristles upon the thorax. On the top of the head (fig. 4 a) are two pairs of bristles inclining backward and two pairs inclining forward, the anterior pair of the latter being shorter. The abdomen is oval, and in its normal state is of the same color with the thorax; but from inclosed alimentary matter it becomes variously dis- colored, often showing obscure brown or reddish spots. The feather-horned Chlorops, C. antcnnalis, is the same size as the preced- ing, but with the abdomen commonly shorter. It is pale yellowish varied with tawny and is whitish beneath. The antenna? are pale orange, their tips black, and the bristle which arises from them, and which is simple in the other species, is here feathered or plumose. On the top of the head is a black spot and the feelers are also black. It is also clothed above with black bristles. The abdomen when dis- tended with aliment is broad oval and of a dull livid or pale brown color, with the sutures whitish. The genus Oscinis is distinguished from Chlorops by having the coarse vein which forms the outer edge of the wing prolong- ed around the tip of the wing to the end of the inner of the two middle veins of the wing, at which point this marginal vein ab- ruptly becomes slender, (see plate 1, fig. 5); whereas in the genus Chlorops it is at the end of the outer middle vein that this thick robust marginal vein terminates, (see fig. 4 of the same plate). The species of Oscinis are further distinguished from those of Chlorops by being of a smaller size and of black instead of yellow colors. Several species of both these genera, in addi- tion to those here presented were met with upon wheat, but I defer a description of them to a future occasion. The shank-banded Oscinis, O. tibialis, (plate 1, fig. 5) is 0.08 in length to the tip of its abdomen and 0.11 to the end of its wings. It is black, polished and shining, its shanks and feet being pale dull yellow, the hind shanks having a broad WHEAT FLIES DECEIVING. 301 black band towards their bases (as shown in the separate illustration of the leg, fig. 5 a), and the middle ones having a narrower faint blackish one; the tips of the feet being also black. Bristle of the antenna} black. A slight transverse tawny- yellow line above the base of each antenna?. The two vcinlets of the wings are distant from each other thrice the length of the second or outer veinlet. Two of these flies were enclosed in a vial when captured. Adhering to one of them was a small bright red mite, which is parasitic upon these flies. This fly died in about three hours, the other remaining brisk and lively twelve hours afterwards, when it was removed for examination. The yellow-hipped Oscinis, 0. coxendix , is 0.07 in length to the tip of its ab- domen, and 0.10 to the end of its wings. It is black with a white face and buff yellow front shaded to blackish on the crown, where is a polished deep black semi- circular mark, its concave side facing backward. Its anterior hips are testaceous yellow. The veinlets are less than twice the length of the second from each other. The thick-legged Oscinis, O. crassifemoris, is the same size with the last, and is black with a white head and the thorax with a gray reflection. The last joint of the antenna? with its bristle is black. The legs are pale yellow, the tips of the feet black. The veinlets are so near each other that they are almost united. In the female the abdomen is egg-shaped and polished, its apex drawn out into a long sharp-pointed ovipositor. The middle and anterior thighs are rather short and thick, the hind ones longer and cylindrical. The fly figured, plate 1, fig. 3, is a much larger species pertaining to another group. It occurs in abundance upon the heads of wheat the latter part of June. This is the species which was currently re- garded in the circle of my acquaintance as being the fly from which the little yellow maggots, the larvse of the wheat midge, proceeded, until I came to investigate this subject,and discovered in our coun- try the real culprit (Cecido7iiyia Tritici) described by Mr. Kirby. As I have had occasion repeatedly to allude to this popular mis- take, and this fly has received no name, as I have been able to discover, by which it may be specified, I here present a name and description of it, and also of another common species closely related to it. I as yet know nothing of their habits, beyond the fact that they are both numerous, hovering over and alighting upon the heads of wheat at the time they are in flower. The deceiving wheat fly, Hijlemyia d'Ceptiva, is a quarter of an inch in length to the tip of its wings. It is ash gray, with black legs, antenna? and feelers. Ab- domen with a row of longditudinal brown-black spots forming an interupted stripe along its middle. Thorax in a particular reflection of the light showing a brown stripe anteriorly and on each side of it a brown spot. A tawny yellow spot upon the front, more conspicuous in the females, and passing into a black stripe upon the top of the head. The similar wheat fly, Hymelyia similis, resembles the preceding, but is a size smaller, measuring 0.22 in length, and of a paler shade of ash gray, with the tawny yellow spot upon the front replaced by black, and is destitute of the brown stripe and spots upon the thorax. 302 WHEAT MOW FLY ITS HISTORY. Myriads of small pale maggots crawling from the mow of wheat soon after it is placed in the barn; the kernels of grain shrivelled and dwarfish. The wheat mow fly, Agromyza Tritici, new species (Plate 2, fig. 1). Several years ago a farmer in my neighborhood, soon after gathering his wheat into the barn, found countless myriads of small worms were crawling out of it, literally covering the mow of grain and wandering away from it to every part of the barn. These worms it is evident had just now completed their growth and were crawling about in search of the moist earth, wherein to bury themselves, to repose during their pupa state. It would seem that some cause had made them later than usual in reach- ing maturity; and had the wheat remained in the field a few days longer, they would have escaped from it there, so generally that no notice of them would have been taken, and the fact would never have been known that such an army of insects had had their subsistence upon this crop. Alarmed with the numbers of these worms, and fearing they would perhaps wholly destroy the mow of grain, the proprietor had the whole of it threshed immediately. I happened to visit the barn as the threshed grain was being winnowed, when the above facts were communicated to me. The heap of uncleaned grain was literally alive with these worms and the cracks in the floor were filled with them. The kernels of wheat appeared to be shrunk in the same manner as when they have been infested with the wheat midge. I put a number of these worms into a small box, with some of the chaff and grain. Other engage- ments diverted my attention from this subject and it was wholly forgotten until many months afterwards, when, happening to open the box, I found in it quite a number of small flies, which had completed their transformations and perished in their confine- ment. It therefore appears that it is by no means essential to these worms to bury themselves in the moist earth, though that is doubtless their natural habit. But if they can find any cre- vice in the dry barn where they can stow themselves and lie un- disturbed, it is all they require in order to complete their trans- formations. The worms, according to my recollection, were much like the little yellow maggots of the wheat- midge, but were of a dull WHEAT MOW FLY DESCRIPTION, AND ITS PARASITE. 303 white color, and rather larger. Their transformations are like those of flies generally, the outer skin of the larva or maggot contracting and becoming dry and hard, and forming the case within which the insect lies in its pupa state. When the larva skin of this species is thus dried, with the pupa reposing within it, it appears as represented, plate 2, fig. 2, 2 a being a highly magnified view of its upper and 2 b of its under side. It is but the tenth of an inch long, and 0.03 in diameter; it is shining and of a pale yellow color, of an oval or rather an elliptical form, more rounded at the head and pointed at the opposite end, the segments distinctly marked by transverse constrictions. These flies appear much like the common house fly, reduced to an infantile size. I supposed they would prove to be one of the European species of Oscinis, until I came to examine them, when I found that, though they belong to the group Oscinides, they are generically distinct from both Chlorops and Oscinis, in having bristles or hairs upon the face as well as upon the crown, and in having the two little transverse veinlets of the wings sita- ated quite near the base. They thus pertain to the genus JJgromyza a name meaning field flies, as this genus is characterised by Mac- quart, and to his section AAA, and to his subsection DDD, but they are clearly distinct from either of the species which he de- scribes; nor am I aware that any of the members of this exten- sive genus have hitherto been noticed as depredators upon wheat, like their kindred of the genera Chlorops and Oscinis. The present species may therefore be designated The wheat mow fly, dgromyza Tritici, (plate 2, fig. 1.) It is 0.08 in length, and to the tip of the closed wings 0.11. It is black, with a broad pale reddish yel- low band upon the front above the base of the antennas, and the mouth broadly margined with dull yellow. The legs are brownish black, the knees slightly marked with pale yellow. The wings are notched on their outer margin near the base, at the apex of the first vein. The veinlets are situated near the base of the wing and near each other ; and the inner middle vein is not prolonged beyond the second veinlet. In the same box in which these flies were hatched was found four individuals of a parasitic fly which had evidently come from some of the worms of the wheat mow fly. They pertain to the Family Proctrotrupid^e of the Order Hymenoptera, and to the genus Diapria. They may therefore be named The wheat siow fly's parasite, Diapria Jlgromyzce. They measure 0.06 in length, and to the tip of the closed wings 0.08. They are black and shining, with shanks 304 WHEAT THRIPS — IN WISCONSIN. thickened towards their tips, the hind pair heing very long, and the legs are pale yellowish, with the thighs and the thickened ends of the shanks hlack. The abdo- men is elliptic. The antennse in the males are thread-like and nearly as long as the body, composed of fourteen joints, which are very distinct, equal, oval, a third longer than broad, the apical one being a little longer and egg-shaped, and the ba- sal one club-shaped and thrice as long but scarcely thicker than the following ones. In the female they are shorter and composed of twelve joints which are compacted together, the three last enlarged and forming a kind of knob or club, the last joint nearly as long as the two which precede it, its end bluntly rounded. Upon the heads and stalks in June and July, exhausting the juices of the kernels and rendering them dwarfish and shrivelled; exceedingly minute, active, long and narrow, six-legged insects, of a bright yellow or of a shin- ing black color. The Wheat Thrips. Thrips Tritici, new species. The Three-banded Thrips, Coleothrips trifasciata, new species. My attention lias been called to these insects by a letter from David Williams, dated Geneva, Wisconsin, July 9th, 1855, which says : " Enclosed I send you specimens of a minute little insect that is causing some alarm in this vicinity. They are found in all blossoms in great numbers. They first made their appear- ance about the middle of June, or at least they were then first noticed, so far as I have heard. For about two weeks they were found in the blossoms of wheat and of clover, causing numbers of the blossoms to wither, and in some cases the kernel was also attacked. About a fortnight ago we had a very heavy fall of rain, which appeared to destroy them; but within a few days I have noticed their reappearance in countless numbers. They are very nimble, requiring good eyes and ready fingers to secure them, and I was obliged mainly to my wife for the capture of those which I send you." The insects alluded to in the above extract are so minute, that had only two or three specimens been sent me, I should have been unable to give any definite account of their species. . An acknowledgment is due Mrs. Williams for the number of these insects which she enclosed in the quill — a task which the bung- ling fingers of a man could scarcely have accomplished. Among them I find specimens in all the stages of their growth, and am hence able to present a tolerably complete history and description of the species; although it is only from living specimens that such WHEAT THRIPS EUROPEAN GRAIN THRIPS. 305 minute objects can be satisfactorily studied, and described with that precision and fullness which science requires. Insects of the kind to which these belong may be distinguished from all others by their wings (see the accompanying figure, e), which are long, narrow and strap-like, and in most of the species are fringed on both sides with long hairs like eye-lashes. Their mouths are also different from those of all other insects, being nearly intermediate between the beak or bill with which some of the orders of insects puncture and suck the fluids on which they subsist, and the jaws with which all the other orders gnaw the sub- stances on which they feed. These insects originally formed the genus Thrips, placed by Linnaeus next to the plant-lice, in the Order Hemiptera. But as their wings and the structure of their mouths is so wholly unlike that of any other insect, naturalists of late rank them as a distinct order, which is named Thysan- optera, i. e. fringe- winged. This order contains the single family Thripidid^: (currently written Thripidae by authors, but incorrectly), which is divided into seven genera by Mr. Haliday, whose researches in this group have been unsurpassed. About fifty species of these insects are known to the entomologists of Europe. They are all of small size, more than half of them being only about the twentieth of an inch in length, or less, and but few slightly exceed the tenth of an inch; though recently some have been found in Australia which are three times as large as any which were previously known. Most of the species are found in the flowers of different plants. They feed upon the juices, and are very injurious, especially in hot-houses, causing small dead spots upon the leaves and flowers wherever they wound them. Some of them also infest melons and cucumbers. One species is very injurious to the olive trees in Italy. Another attacks peaches and other fruit to a mis- chievous extent. But the species which appears to do the greatest amount of damage is the grain Thrips (T. cerealivm). Our first accounts of this insect are from Mr. Kirby, in 1796 (Linnaen Transactions, iii, 246), who however supposed it to be the Thrips physapus of Linnaeus, until Mr. Haliday showed it to be distinct from that species. An excellent history of this [Assembly, No. 21 5. J 20 306 WHEAT THRIPS AMERICAN SPECIES OF THRIPS. species is published by Mr. Curtis in his paper on insects affecting the corn crops, in the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society, vol. vi, p. 499; and figures of the insect and its dissected parts, in the several stages of its growth, from Mr. Ilaliday's manu- scripts, are given in the list of Homopterous insects in the British Museum, part iv, plates vi,vii and viii. In the year 1805, one- third of the wheat crop in the province of Piedmont is said to have been destroyed by this seemingly insignificant little insect. Mr. Kirby says it is by far the most numerous of any insect upon the wheat in England; he does not think he ever examined an ear of wheat without meeting with it. He says it takes its station in the longitudinal furrow of the seed, in the bottom of which it seems to fix its beak, and probably sucks the milky juice which swells the grain. Thus by depriving the kernel of part, and in some cases perhaps the whole of its moisture, it causes it to shrink up and become what the farmers call "pungled." According to Vassali Eandi, it also gnaws the young stalks just above the knots, causing the ear to become abortive in consequence of these wounds. It is late sown wheat which is reported to be chiefly injured by this insect; and early sowing is the only remedy which I find spoken of by those who have written upon it. Our American species of this order of insects are probably as numerous as those of Europe, but none of them have been ex- amined and described, except one which occurs in small hollows gnawed in young apples, of which some account was given in my last report. I have repeatedly noticed different kinds of these insects upon growing wheat in the State of New-York, but not in such numbers that I supposed they were doing any ap- preciable injury to the crop. One of these species is very simi- lar to the P/ilaothrips Statices, Haliday, which in Europe occurs in myriads upon the flowers of the Thrift (Statice Armeria Lin.) That which I have met with most common, upon wheat in my own vicinity is the Three-banded Thrips, hereafter described. Dr. Harris has also seen the larva of a Thrips (Treatise, p. 205) which he supposes to be the T. cerealium. He merely states that it was orange-colored; and as the larva of T. cerealium has a black or dusky head and two spots of the same color on the fore part of the thorax, and its antennae and legs have alternate WHEAT THRIPS EGGS AND LARVA. 307 blackish and whitish rings, it is more probable that bis speci- mens were the same which I now have before me from Wiscon- sin. Be this as it may, the communication from Mr. Williams is important, as making us acquainted with an enemy of the wheat crop of which we heretofore have had no definite know- ledge, and which will undoubtedly at times be quite detrimental in the wheat-growing districts of our country. Although this species, like many others in this order, occurs upon the flowers of different plants, it is upon wheat, in all pro- bability, that it will be oftenest noticed, and to which it will prove most injurious. It may therefore appropriately be named the wheat Thrips, T. Tritici. Attached to the surface of the shrivelled flower-leaves in the quill in which these insects were sent me, I meet with what I doubt not are their eggboracensis, 62 " Pennsylvanica, 152 " subsericea, 154 Formicie, Uropoda, 152 fraterna, Trichogramma, 217 Freckled lace-wing, 92 " plume, 145 Frit, Chlorops, 297 Frosted cicada, 39 fuliginosus, Molobrus, 255 fulvibucca, Chrysopa, 86 fumipennella, Aphis, 166 Galls on asters, 66 " golden-rod, 66, 67 " grape leaves, 158 " hickory twigs, 155 '•' poplars, ■ 158 Gamasus coleoptratorum, 153 Gartered plume. 139 Gastropacha Americana, 267 Geometridaj, 74 glaber, Porcellio, 119 Glassy lace-wing, 95 Golden-eye, Signoret's, 82 species of. 84, 92 Golden-rod fly 66 " galls, 66, 67 Gooseberry midge, 176 Gothic Dart motli, 314 Grain Thrips, 305 " moth, 320 Grape leaf galls, 158 " " louse, 158 " vine plume, 139 Graphiphora clandestina, 315 Grossularias, Cecidomyia, 176 guttularis, Tetanocera, 68 Hadena arnica, 316 Handmaid moth, 235 Harris's golden-eye, 90 HemerobiidaB, 70 Hemerobius, species of. 92-96 herculeana, Formica, 61 Hickory aphis, 163 " borer, 146 " gall aphis, 155 " tussock moth, 159 Hog-lice, 117 Honey-dew, 50 fly, 65 Hop-vine Snout-moth, 323 Hornet, 62 hyalinatus, Hemerobius, 95 Hylemyia deceptiva, 301 " similis, 301 Hypena Humuli, 323 '•' elegantalis, 327 Ichneumon-flies, 134 Ilicifola, Gastropacha, 267 illepida, Chrysopa, 84 immaculatus, Porcellio, 120 Inch-worms, 74 Indian meal moth, 320 inconstaus, Molobrus, 255 Insects, distinctive marks, 117 intermedia, Orgyia, 213 irroratus, Hemerobius, 92 Isabella tiger moth, 173 Isopoda order, 118 Ixodes Americanus, 117 Jaws of Aphis-lions, 77 Juglandis, Aspidiotus, 35 Julus 117 Knot -weed Aphidius, 136 Lace -winged flies, 92-96 Lachnosterna quercina, 248 Lackey-moth, American, 181 " Cleonymus, 200 Lactucaphis, Aphidius, 136 Lady-bird bark-louse, 259 ■ INDEX. 333 Page. Lady-bird 15-spottcd, 99 lanigera, Eriosoma, 7, 50 Lappet -moth, larch, 262 Larch-cheater, 262 Laricis, Planosa, 202 Larva of ants, 1 53 " lady-birds, 98 " Monohammus. 149 '■' Syrphus, 100, 158 li weevils, 158 Lateral-spotted Porcellio, 128 " -striped Porcellio, 121 lateralis, Porcellio, 121 Leaf-cutter, maple, 209 Leaf-louse, apple, 56 grape, 158 plum, 122 Lecanium Pyri,. 105 lectularius, Cimex, 291 Lettered Tephritis, 66 Lettuce-louse Aphidius, 136 leucopterus, Micropus, 277 leucostigma, Orgyia, 209 Libellulidae, ' 48 ligniperda, Formica, 61, 152 limatus, Porcellio 120 limlialis, Porcellio, 121 linearis, Diaspis 31, 34 lincatieornis, Chrysopa, 91 Lined cut-worm, 313 Little black-margined aphis, 166 " dotted-winged aphis, 165 " friend lace-wing, 95 " hickory aphis, 163 " smoky-winged aphis, 166 " snout-moth, 2^7 " spotted-winged aphis, 166 " yellow ant, 129 Lobe-winged plume, 143 lobidactylus, Pterophorus, 143 Locust , seventeen-year, 38 Lophocampa Caryse, 159 Louse, apple, 49, 54 " apple bark, 31, 34 ' ' butternut bark , 35 '' cherry 125 " cherry-inhabiting, 131 " cherry leaf, 131 ' ' currant bark, 34 ;' grape-leaf, 158 ' ozierbark, 34 •' ' pear bark, 32, 105 Page. Louse, plum, 122 " plum-leaf, .• 122 " roscbark, 36 L\ gaeus leucopterus, 292 Macrodactylus subspinosus, 245 maculata, Vespa, 62 maculella, Aphis 166 Maize aphis, 318 Malana, Brachytamia, 241 Mali, Aphis, 49, 54 " Coccinella, 99 " Eriosoma, 7 " Molobrus, 252 '' PhkeotliripS, 102 Malifolise, Aphis. #. . . . 56 Malifoliellus, ChsetochiluSj 231 Many-clotted apple worm 241 Maple leaf-cutter, 269 marginata, Cicada, 39 Margined Porcellio, 121 marginella, Aphis. 166 marginidactylus, Pterophorus, 144 Marshallana, Agrotis, 314 May-beetle, 248 Mealy-winged flies, . . . .' 96 Meleoma, new genus, 82 " Signoretii, 82 melliginis, Tephritis 65 Meromyza Americana 299 Micropus, genus, 293 " black-veined, 294 " falieus, 294 leucopterus, 27 7 Midge, 77 " apple, 252 " common, 255 " fickle, 255 " gooseberry, 176 " smoky-winged, 255 Millipedes, 117 ministra, Eumetopona 288 minuta, Myrmica, 129 minutus, Anthocoris 295 mixtus, Porcellio, 103 Mississippi golden-eye, 86 molesta, Myrmica, 129 Molobrus femoratus 255 " fuliginosus, 255 " inconstans, 2V3 " Mali, 252 " vulgaris. 255 Monohammus tigrinus, 146, 150 334 INDEX. Page. Monohammus, tomentosus, 150 Moth, cabbage, 170 " Isabella tiger, 173 Moths split-winged. 141 Mow fly, wheat, 302 multiguttatus, Porcellio, 121 Myrmica Cerasi, 130 " minuta. 129 " molesta 129 Myzoxylus Mali, 7 nffivosidactylus, Pterophorus, 145 nebulsedactylus, Pterophorus, 145 Nenuphar, Conotrachelus, 156 Neustria, Glisiocampa,' 182 New-York Acinia, 67 " ant, 62* 130 " golden-eye, 90 nigrella, Anthocoris, 295 Northern vaporer moth, 213 O-marked golden-eye, 85 Oak borer, 28 obesalis, Hypena 326 Obese Siphonella, 299 occidentalis, Hemerobius, 95 ocellata, Coccinella, 99 Omikron, Chrysopa, 85 Oniscidte, 119 Orgyia leucostigma, 209 " " borealis, 213 " " intermedia, .. . . 213 Orgyia3, Trichogramnia, 216 Ornix Acerifoliella, 269 Oscinis coxendix, 301 '' crassifemoris, 301 " tibialis, ■ 300 Osier bark louse, 34 Pachymerus, genus, 292 Palmer worm, ' 221 " black-headed, 232 " comrade 233 " tawny-striped, 231 •'' triple spotted, 233 Pamerus, genus, 292 Parasites of apple borers, 26 " bark lice, 36. 107 " cabbage moth, 172 " Isabella tiger moth, . . . 173 Parisiensis, Xylocoris, 295 Peach tree borer, 108, 114 Pear bark louse, 36, 105 Pelopceus coeruleus, 62 Pemphigus Americanus, 7 Page. Pemphigus bursarius, 158 Caryaacaulis, 155 Pyri 5 Vitifoliae, 158 " on walnut leaves, 166 Pennsylvania ant , 152 periscelidactylus, Pterophorus, .... 139 Perla, Chrysopa, 91 Phalama ministra, 240 Phheothrips Mali, 102 " Statices, 306 Phygadeuon Planosse, 269 Pine blight, 167 Pine-bush lace wing, 85 Pine-leaf scale-insect, 256 Pinicorticis, Coccus, 167 Pinidumus, Hemerobius,.. 95 Pinifolia?, Aspidiotus, 256 plorabunda, Chrysopa, 88 Planosa, new genus, 268 " Laricis, 262 " Yelleda, 267 Planosfe, Phygadeuon, 269 Plant-louse, apple, 49, 54 " cherry, 125, 132, 204 " cherry leaf, 131 <: plum, 122 " plum leaf, 122 Plum leaf louse, 122 " louse, 122 '' root borer, 112 tk weevil, 156 Plume moths, species, 141-145 Polygonaphis, Praon, 136 pometellus, Chajtochilus, 221 Pomonella, Carpocapsa, 252 Poplar Aphidius 137 Populaphis, Trioxys, 137 Porcellio genus, 118 " species, ,.... 119-121 porrectella. Cerostoma, 174 Praon Polygonaphis, 136 " Viburnaphis, .• 137 Preserver lace -wing, 94 Pretty Porcellio 120 pruinosa, Cicada, 39 Pruni, Aphis, • 122 Prunifoliae, Aphis 122 pseudo-chinche, Anthocoris, 295 pseudographa, Chrysopa, 89 Pterophorus periscelidactylus, 139 " species, 143-145 INDEX. 335 Page. punctatella, Aphis, 165 punetieornis, Chrysopa 92 Pygsera, genus, 241 Pyri, Eriosoitia, 5 •' Lecanhim, 105 " Pemphigus, 5 Pyrus Mains, Coceus, 83 quadrifasciata, Tephritis, 65 quercina, Lachnosterna, 248 quindecim-puncflata, Coccinclla, ... 99 reclusa, Clostera 274 Red-headed cut-norm, 312 renipustulata, Chilocorus, 259 Rhinosia pometella, 226 Rhyparochronius, geuus, . . . , 292 " devastator, . ... 293 Ribesii, Cecidomyia, ^ 176 riniosa, Cicada, 39 Robertson's cicada, 39 " golden eye, 88 Rose bark louse, ; 35 " bug, 245 " chaffer, 248 rostralis, Hypena, 323 Rough Porcellio, , 121 Salicaphis, Trioxys, 137 saltatrix, Merorayza, 299 Saperda bivittata 11 " Candida, 19 Saratoga Tetauocera, 68 scaber, Porcellio, * 121 Scale-insect, pine-leaf, \ 256 Schizoneura genus, I . . . . 7 Sciara feraorata, •>•••». 255 Sclatcrs, <... 117 Scolopendra, , . . 117 Seventeen-year Locust, «. . 3S Shank -banded Oscinis, \ . 300 Short-horned stem-eye, 1 69 Shoulder-striped Tortrix, \ 241 Sichel's golden-eye, .\ 89 Signoret's golden-eye, \ 82 Silky ant, 154 Similar wheat fly, SOI similis. Hylemyia, 301 Siphonella obesa, 290 Slaters, 117 Slender-lobed plume 144 Smoky-winged aphis, 166 " midge, 255 Smooth Porcellio, 119 Snapping-beetle, thick-legged; .... 25 Page. Snapping-beetle, tooth-legged, .... 29 Snout-moth, hop-vine, 323 Snout-moth, little, 227 SolidagipiSj Acinia, 66 Solidago, galls, 66, 77 Sow-bugs 117 Spliyracephala brevicornis, 69 " sub-bifasciala, 70 Spider, deceiving, 219 Spiders, 63, 74 " eggs, 76 Split-winged moths, 141 Spotted-winged aphis, 166 Statices, Phlaeothrips, 306 Stem-eye, short horned, 69 two-banded, 70 stigma, Chilocorus, 259 Stigma-marked lace-wing, 93 Stripe-backed Porcellio, 121 Striped cut-worm, 313 ' ' lace-wing, 93 " Porcellio, 120 Striped-horned golden-eye 91 sub-bifasciata, Spliyracephala, 70 subgothica, Agrotis, 314 subsericea, Formica, 154 subspinosus, Macrodactylus, 245 Sulphur golden-eye, 89 Superb cicada, , 39 sylvatica, Clisiocampa, 198 Syrphus-flies, 100, 158 tabellaria, Tephritis, 66 tabida, Chrysopa, 92 Tawny-striped palmer worm, 231 tenuidactylus, Pterophorus, 144 Tephritis Asteris, 66 " lettered, 66 " melliginis, 65 " tabellaria 66 Tetanocera, Canadian, 68 Tetanocera, dotted- winged, 68 Saratoga, 68 Tetraneura genus, 7 Thick-legged Oscinis, 301 " snapping-beetle, 25 thoracica, Diopsis, 69 Thousand-legged worm, 117 Thread-horned golden-eye, 91 ' ' -like golden-eye, 91 Th-ips, apple, 108 \' three-banded, 308 wheat, 340 336 INDEX. Page. tibialis. Oscinis, <■■• 300 Tick, on ants, 153 " beetles, 153 Tiger Cerambyx, 144 " -moth, Isabella, ■ 173 tigrinus, Monoharanms, 144 Tilije, Aphis, 164 Tinea Zese, 320 Tineiformis, Coniopteryx, 96 Titman lace-wing, 9G tomentosus, Monohammus. 150 Tooth-legged snapping-beetle, 29 Tortrix, shoulder-striped, 241 " triangular-spotted, 244 Trichogramma fraterna, 217 " Orgyiae, 116 trifasciata, Coleothrips, 309 trimaculata, Tephritis, 65 t rimaculellus, Chastochilus, 233 Trioxys Cerasaphis, 138 " Populaphis, 137 " Salicaphis, ...... 137 Triple -spotted moth, 233 triquetrana, Brachytamia, 244 Tritici, Agromyza, 302 " Cecidomyia, 77 Troublesome ant, , 127 Tussock-moth, hickory, 159 tutatrix, Hemerobius, 94 Two-banded stem-eye, 70 Two-dotted golden-eye, 87 Ulmi, Aphis, 7 United- veined lace-wing, 94 Unspotted Porcellio, 120 Upsilon, Chrysopa, 87 Uropoda Formica? 153 " vegetans, 154 Vaporer moth, 209 parasite, 216 Variegated Porcellio, 120 vegetans, Uropoda, 154 Velleda, Planosa, 2G7 ventrellus, Chajtochilus, 234 Vespa maculata, 02 Viburnaphis, Praon, 137 Page. Virginia golden-eye, 91 Vit ill >li;e, Pemphigus, 158 vittatus, Hemerobius, 93 " Porcellio, 120 vulgaris, Chlorops, 300 Molobrus, 255 Walnut ant 151 " borer, 146 Wasp, blue, 62 Weeping golden-eye , 88 Weevil, elegant, 156, 158 " plum, 156 Western lace-wing,. 95 Westwood's mealy-wing, 98 Wheat-flies, 297 ' ' -fly, deceiving, 301 " " similar, 301 " midge, 77 " mow-fly, 302 " Thrips, 304 White cut-worm, 313 White-horned golden-eye, 84 " -Smoth, 274 " -winged Lygseus, 292 Willow Aphidius, 137 Wood-eating ants, 152 Wood-lice, 117 Woodpecker, 19, 150 Wood-tick, 117 AYoolly aphis, on apple, 7, 50 " hickory, 166 Woolly Cerambyx, 150 X-markcd golden-eye. 87 xanthocephala, Chrysopa, 85 Xylocons domesticus, 295 Y-mafeed golden-eye, 87 Yellow-ant, 129 " -cheeked golden-eye, 86 " -headed golden-eye, 85 " -hipped Oscinis, 301 " jacket hornet, 62 -necked apple-tree wornr.. . 235 Zese, Aphis, 319 " Tinea, 320 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES 3 9088 00671 6229 i 1 J 1 \i ■ :! • . ■ i jl] "| iijiplliil iiilst iii]l!]j» ;. 5 )