ee. O UJ Z I- z UJ »- ee, < a. ui < I- o UI Z Progress in 1964-65 at the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Honolulu Thomas A. Manar Circular 243 February 1966 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Stewart L. lUlall, Secretary John A. Ciirvcr, Jr., Under Secretary Stanley A. Cain, Ag.nxtanf Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks FLSH AND VVILDT.IFK SERVICE, Clari'iicc F. I'autzkr, Com»imiV„«.,- Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Donald 1.. .McKciikui, Dirertur Progress in 1964-65 at the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Honolulu Thomas A. Manor Chief. Publication Sei\'ices Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory Honolulu. Hawaii Circulor 243 Wat?hington, D. C. February 1966 ABSTRACT This report deals with research results achieved by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory in Honolulu from January 1, 1064, to June 30, 1965. Described are developments in the following fields: the sensory capa- cities of tunas: tuna behavior; subpopulations research using genetic techniques; studies of the ecology of the ski])- jack tuna and the albacore tuna: biological surve.vs of the Indian Ocean; investigations of the oceanography of the Hawaiian Islands area and of the entire Pacific: and studies devoted to the evaluation of the use of a submarine for research in fisheries and ocean()gra|)hy. Publications issued or in i)ress during the period are listed. INTRODUCTION This report deals with research results achieved by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (BCF) Biological Labora- tory in Honolulu from January 1, 1964, to June 30, 1965. Highlig-hts of the reporting period include: 1. Successful employment of new methods to maintain living tunas in experimental tanks, a feat that has made possible the first visual acuity curves and hearing curves obtained from any of the several species of tunas; new measurements of swimming speeds of tunas ; description of the fish community around and near a floating object at sea; 2. Discovery and use of a highly sensitive new blood group system for the identification of subpopulations of the skipjack tuna; 3. Publication of a set of hypotheses that analyzes all published material on the skipjack tuna to depict their migrations in the eastern half of the Pacific; these hypoth- eses suggest that the eastern Pacific and Hawaiian fisheries are in part drawing on the same stock, a subpopulation that is spawned in the equatorial waters south of Hawaii ; they suggest also that the fishery reflects the passage of year- classes of varying strength ; rich, warm current that sweeps northward off the shores of Japan ; 6. Surveys of the fishery resources of the world's third largest and least known body of water, the Indian Ocean; 7. Commissioning of one of the Nation's finest oceano- graphic research vessels, the Townsevd Cromwell, and her employment ; 8. Conclusion of 16 month-long cruises in the Hawaiian Islands as precursor to a larger investigation of the oceano- graphy of the entire Trade Wind Zone, one of the most ambitious projects in American oceanography; 9. Completion of an oceanographic atlas of the Pacific Ocean, drawn from a massive amount of data collected dur- ing the past 58 years and offering definitive depictions of average seasonal conditions in the sea in layers of most concern to the fisheries, those between the surface and about 5,000 feet ; 10. Research on a bold new concept in man's study of the sea, a nuclear-powered submarine dedicated to research. 4. Analysis of the emerging tuna fishery of the South Pacific ; establishment of a cooperative agreement between this BCF Laboratory and the Nankai Laboratory in Japan to carry out common studies of the Pacific's tuna resources ; 5. Representation of the interests of the United States in international organizations designed toward the better utilization of the marine resources of the Indo-Pacific region and the conduct of a multination survey of the Kuroshio, the Put more briefly, the period has seen significant research on the fishes, the fisheries, and the sea. This report deals with those topics in that order. To provide background for the general reader, material is touched upon that deals neither with the work of the past 18 months nor of this Laboratory. Detailed descriptions of research methods have been kept at a minimum, on the grounds hat the person most likely to be interested in them, the specialist, will have ready access to such material elsewhere. FIGURE 1. Living tuiiu> fur behaviurul experiments are collect oil b> expert fishermen <>f the HCS Laboratorv'?. \e»sei (harlen //. (filbert. At ih*' left, the struggling tuna is ^Huiig over the shipV rail us technician Haits t one in the world where living tunas are regularlv available fur behavioral studies. THE FISHES The World of fhe Tunas Fish and fish products, according to estimates of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), provide man with 12 percent of the animal protein in his diet. The percentage is small, but the surprising thing may be not that men take so little of their food from the sea, but that they are able to take so much, for the fish are small and the ocean very large. Consider the catch of skip- jack tuna, Katsuwoinoi pelamin (Linnaeus), in the Pacific Ocean: About 100 million fish (550 million pounds) are taken annually. These may represent one-tenth of the adult population, which would then be 1 billion fish. These 1 billion skipjack are found in an oceanic area covering some 23-million square miles. If they were spread out evenly, like checks in a plaid, then there would be one skipjack for each 0.023 square miles, or one for each 14.7 acres. To capture 3,000 of them, a relatively good catch, a boat would have to collect every skipjack tuna in an area 10 miles wide and 69 miles long. But fishes are not distributed evenly. They seek out areas favorable for feeding or spawning, they gather in schools, they migrate from place to place with the seasons. Commer- cial fishing is possible only because over the millennia keen- eyed fishermen have noted and taken advantage of recurrent patterns in the behavior of fishes. Now these age-old obser- vations are being extended and reinforced by the skills of modern science. During the past few decades, scientists have learned a great deal about the sensory capacities of fish and how the animals behave. Much of that knowledge rests, however, on experiments with species that have little or no commer- cial value, with the notable exception of the salmon. Hindering efforts to conduct systematic experimental studies of the food fishes of the open sea, such as the tunas, has been the difficulty of maintaining relatively large and swift creatures in captivity. The Laboratory in Honolulu has conquered this obstacle in a way that has made possible several basic inquiries into the sen.sory capacities and be- havior of tunas. Several times a year, the Charles H. Gilbert, the smaller of the Laboratory's two research vessels, alongside the dock in Honolulu carrying on her deck a cargo of what look like oversized bathtubs with lids on them (fig. 1). A complex of water hoses runs to and from the tanks. P^ach container carries 5 to 10 live tunas caught only a few hours previously by the Gilbert's crew of expert pole-and-line fishermen. KKrl RE 2. Eve»ifehl [ilavs a significant role in lht> behav- ior of tunas. The ^^tear*'' in the eve of this skipjack is an artifact; it is u drop of water that remained when the fish u;ts taken fri»iti the lank for photography. The Gilbert's arrival is the signal for a crane operator to stand by. Fishery scientists fit a bridle to the "bathtub" tanks. One at a time, the tanks are lifted from the deck and taken to the 24-foot plastic swimming pools that are part of the Laboratory's complex for behavioral research. There the lids are unbolted. The crane lifts the containers and then lowers them into the sea water pools. Fishery scientists carefully tip the containers to let their living cargo swim free. Such painstaking methods have had impressive results: the Kewalo Basin facility often has as many as 60 or more tunas waiting their turn for behavior studies. Thus this Laboratory has become the only one in the world where living tunas are regularly collected and held for study. The procedure for handling the fish was worked out by biologist Eugene L. Nakamura. One of the technological triumphs of the Laboratory has been its ability to keep skipjack tuna alive for several months. Prior to our improved handling methods, the skipjack usually dashed themselves to death. Now specimens -have been kept alive as long as 6 months in the Laboratory's tanks. Only since Nakamura perfected his methods of handling have he and other behavioral scientists in the Laboratory been able to conduct controlled experiments with tunas. Already several scientific papers have been prepared, each of them revealing previously unknown facets of behavior. Currently underway are studies of how well the fish see and hear and how they are able to maintain swimming depth. From the broad base of such information may come new and unconventional methods of catching tunas for commer- cial purposes. How Well Do Tunas See".' How well tunas see has obvious implications for the fishery. Experiments in the lucent waters of the central Pacific a few years years ago proved it well-nigh impossible to catch skipjack tuna in any numliers with a monofilament FI(>1 RE ^{. Vi»ual ucuily depi-nds upon iht- liri^htiu'»» of :\n objert. This figure cftnipares llit- \i»u!il aruilie«« «if >t'lloMfiii. skipjack, and littl*- 1uiin>. gill net; they dodged it easily. Ob.server.s .stationed at the underwater ports of the Charles H. Gilbert and Toinixend Cromwell have marked the apparent importance of vision in feeding behavior. Eugene Nakamura has now measured the visual acuity of three species of tuna: skipjack, yellowfin, Thiouuis albucare.i (Bonnaterre), and little tunny, Euthynnus ajfinis (Cantor). His experimental apparatus and methods were described in the Laboratory's last progress report. Briefly, the fish are taught to respond to a pattern of black-and-white stripes presented on a square of illuminated opal glass. Reward (food) follows one pattern, punishment (a mild electric shock) another. The characteristic being measured is visual acuity, which is one of the several elements of visual perception. Tech- nically, visual acuity is "the reciprocal of the minimum visible angle measured by minutes of arc." This measure of visual perception depends upon the brightness of an object. As the target becomes dimmer, details tend to blur. The yellowfin "sees better," in this sense, than the skip- jack, and the skipjack better than the little tunny (figs. 2, 3, and 4). Comparative size may have something to do with these results, a possibility Nakamura is now investigating. It will be some time before these studies can be extended to the other elements that sum up the visual experience: the responses to color, form, size, number, position. Yet it is only in such a painstaking way that quantitative studies can be carried out. A brightly lighted square of opal glass striped black and white is obviously nothing that a tuna is ever likely to encounter in its natural environment. Experiments of this nature represent only a first step toward an understanding of the role that sight plays in the life of the tuna. Neverthe- .28 .20 .18 o .14 .06 .04- -2.0 1 1 YFI 1 r\\kir.\K\ K, ./' / KIPJACK V / / / / ■J / / \^ '■'' / / ^ LITTLE TUNNY 1 1 1 / \ ••• 1 1 / 1/ 1/ ..-••■■ ...••■ 1 ,.*' ,.•' /' ■••■ J: 7 > -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 LOG OF LUMINANCE | FOOT- LAMBERTS) 1.0 1.5 less, it is a step that has needed taking. Equally desirable have been investigations of the responses of tunas to another stimulus that is also unknown in the sea — pure tones, the sort of tuneless "beep" with which television stations signal the passage of the hour. '1 52FTV LITTLE TUNNY SKIPJACK FUil'RE 4. At a constant brightness, a ,^ellowfin sees details of an .olijcct better than a skipjack nnrl a skipjack belter than a little tunny. How Well Do Tunas Hear? All man's ingenuity has failed to greatly improve his ability to see underwater, yet with the aid of relatively simple instruments, he can hear across oceans. Sound travels fast and far in the sea, obeying physical laws that are well defined. The explosion of a 1-pound charge of dynamite off the Hawaiian Islands has been picked up by hydrophones on the Caliiornia coast. The first quantitative measurements of the hearing capa- city of a fish were made in the 1920's. The creature was a goldfish, and it responded to frequencies between .32 and 2,752 c.p.s. (cycles per second). That is, it could hear sounds so low that men could scarcely hear them but was unable to hear high-pitched sounds common in the human experience. Despite the worldwide interest on the part of scientists and the fishing industry in the use of underwater sound to attract or repel food fishes, little quantitative research has been performed on the hearing abilities of the creatures. One rea.son may be that such knowledge is only slowly acquired because it is dependent on training the animals to respond to signals that offer punishment or reward. During the past months, Robert T. B. Iversen has recorded several hearing curves for yellowfin tuna. No such curves are avail- able for any other member of the scombrids — the large and commercially important family to which the tunas belong. Iversen has shown that the yellowfin tuna hears well at frequencies from about 100 to 2,000 c.p.s. Its hearing is most acute between 350 and 800 c.p.s. (fig. 5). Many sounds in the sea that might be expected to have biological significance for tunas are contained within that range. Examples are the sounds made by small fish swimming and by schools of squid. Iversen has been measuring audi- tory "thresholds," the minimum intensity at which the yellowfin tuna can hear a sound of a particular frequency. He has not yet ventured into other aspects of hearing, such as directional orientation, the ability to locate the source of a sound. Although tunas respond to sound, there is only the slightest evidence that they themselves produce sound. That fish make sounds men can hear was demonstrated to science 101 years ago. (Fishermen had known it for untold millennia). Since the advent of sensitive hydrophones, scientists have learned that the sea is quite a noisy place. Many laboratories possess tape recordings of the hissings, grunts, squeaks, and moans that contribute to the totality of audible sound in the ocean. The living sources of some of these have been identified. The carangid Trachurus tiachurus Linnaeus, for example, is known to make "sounds like those produced by running the fingers along the teeth of a comb." Yet from the experimental work to date, one would think that the tuna, which is demonstrably far from deaf, is com- pletely silent. A biological sound produced by its own kind might well be of importance in the behavior of tunas, but whether such a sound is produced is uncertain. Maintaining Swimming Depth Visitors to the Kewalo facility, watching the tunas con- tinuously circling the tanks, are likely to ask two questions: "Do they always swim in the same direction?" and "Don't they ever stop swimming?" The answer to both questions is "No." The fish do change their direction of swimming. And never do they cease to swim, although normally they swim only slowly. For swimming, to the tuna, is far more than a method of getting from one place to another. It is as vital to the fish as breathing is to a man. If the tuna stopped swimming, it would suffocate. And since the density of its firm body is slightly greater than that of sea water, the fish would also sink. The Kewalo facility allows exact studies of the swimming speed of tunas as it is related to the needs for ventilation of the gills and the maintenance of hydrostatic equilibrium. John J. Magnuson has found that the little tunny circles the tank at 0.75 meter second (about 1.5 m.p.h.) both day and night. When the fish were deprived of food for several days, their speed declined to 0.55 m. sec. (about 1.1 m.p.h.). The little tunny feeds by day. If the search for food played a pi'edominant role in establishing swimming speed, one would expect the fish to swim slower by night; and certainly one would expect that the creature starved for several days and questing for food would swim faster than the satiated one. The little tunny, however, show^ed neither behavior. Whether the minimum speeds reached were chiefly related to a single function — gill ventilation or hydrodynamic lift — Magnuson is not yet sure. For some tunas, there is evi- dence that the requirements for gill ventilation are .some- 30 20 O •10 -20 50 100 200 300 400 500 CYCLES PER SECOND 1000 FIGl RE 5. Thf >rlIo»*Jin hear^ brwl sound> that arc near ."jOO r.p.s.. as is shown by the dip of the hearing curve at that freqiienry. Sounds of this frequenrv are common in the sea. An example is the sound pr«»duced h> a school :>f small fish swimming. what less than those for hydrodynamic lift, which means that the fish would sink before it would suffocate. Magnuson's research, summarized very briefly here, has turned up one interesting if probably not too important bit of information : when he began to measure body density, he discovered that the little tunny in the laboratory tanks were slightly less dense than those fresh from the sea, most likely because of the presence of more lipids in their flesh — the creatures seemed to be getting fat on their shoreside diet. The Fastest Fish So far as this capability has been measured, the tuna seems to be one of the fastest fish. It ranks with the cheetah. 1 K the eagle, and the dragonfly as among the swiftest creatures of their kind on earth. Most of the time, however, in tanks at least, the tunas swim rather slowly. Rates reported from studies at sea vary widely. The presence of underwater viewing ports on the Charles H. Gilbert has enaVjled our Laboratory scientist Heeny S. H. Yuen to make quantitative studies of the swimming speeds of yellowfin and skipjack tunas in the ocean. The procedure for finding these speeds is ingenious: the fish are photo- graphed with a 16-mm. camera; from calculations that take into account the speed of the camera, the ship's forward movement, and its roll, Yuen is then able to measure suc- cessive images on the film in such a way as to arrive at a realistic estimate of the actual speed of a fish that may have appeared within the viewing range of the camera no more than half a second (fig. 6). In this manner, he has made 510 measurements of the swimming speed of feeding skipjack tuna from four .schools and 33 measurements of yellowfin from a single school. These results were then treated statistically to determine the validity of some of the relations suggested by the data. The swimming speeds of the yellowfin tuna so measured were from 1.6 to 5.4 m. sec. (3.2 to 10.9 m.p.h.). These results fall between those reported for yellowfin swimming at a depth of about 350 feet (2 m.p.h.) and struggling at the end of a fishing line (40.8 m.p.h.). The swimming speeds of the skipjack tuna (0.3 to 6.9 m. sec, or 0.6 to 13.9 m.i).h.) are much lower than those found by other researchers (about 10 m. .sec, or 20.2 m.i).h.) . The reason for this difference is unknown. Both species swam faster (covered more body lengths) at the tailbeat rates measured than did the few other kinds of fish studied by earlier workers. Kl<;i KK 6. Till' «>iimmin)s >|><'»'d» of luiias al >fa havo ln'iii i'<>iii|iul<'il frimi the moxiiwnl of the lUh from fraiiw li> fruiiu- on iiiolion piiliirt- film lak<-ii from ihi- >i<->«iii(5 rliaiiiliiT-. of till- ( liiirlfH II. *.i(/>n«*» offers crampoH quarl«T> to the objicrvrr, who >il> in a wiiiHonod cai^'-on with a 360-d('gree \i('\% of ihi" *irran art>un(l him. Thr rafl ha> i»ro\<'d useful in sluHies of ihe fi^h cominunilies of the upper laver of lh<> oe<>an. especially designed for fishery-oceanography research, the first nuclear submarine to be used for nonmilitary purposes. All the advance planning for this addition to the Nation's research capability has been done at our Laboratory and will be di.scussed later. Obviously, the submarine will have enormous possibilities for enlarging man's knowledge of the behavior of creatures in the sea. The new sonar and the research submarine — these are exceedingly complex instruments for research. They make demands on many types of technical skills and cost a great deal of money. They are characteristic of much of the con- duct of science of the latter half of the 20th century. But complexity and great cost are not necessarily the sole hall- marks of progress. The past months have seen some good science done at our Laboratory with a piece of equipment that was technologically feasible at least 2,000 years ago when Alexander the Great made his celebrated descent in a diving bell to the floor of the Mediterranean. A Log With a View Fishes collect around logs and other flotsam at sea. This habit is commonly exploited in sport fishing, and some small commercial fisheries have been based upon it. A few years ago, Reginald M. Gooding built what is essentially "a log with a view," a small raft equipped with a many-windowed caisson beneath the waterline. Tested first off the island of Hawaii, the raft Nenue proved seaworthy. The informa- tion she provided was found worth collecting. Early in 1964, the Nenue was shipped aboard the Churles H. Gilbert to equatorial waters. There she undertook two drifts, one of 8 days, the other 9. During daylight, she was manned at all times by two observers. Among them, Gooding, Magnu- son, and Randolph K. C. Chang .spent 276 hours observing the behavior of fishes under the dazzling canopy of the sea surface (fig. 8). The raft allowed them to obtain some striking photographs (fig. 9). What did they find? When the raft was first put in the water, no fish were to be seen. Within 10 minutes the first of them arrived, little rudderfish that are cousins of the Hawaiian nenue for which the raft is named. Dolphin fish, known as mahimahi in Hawaii, appeared. They mingled with triggerfish, close relatives of the Hawaiian humuhumu- nukunukuapuaa, and many others. Within a short time, numerous fishes had been sighted. By the end of the longer 10 drifts, almost a thousand fishes and some other creatures were swimming within sight. Many of the same species are present in both the Hawaiian and equatorial localities. The length of these creatures ranged from a few inches to several feet. The observations on these drifts constitute the most exhaustive study yet made on an underwater community in the open sea. These raft studies and those described earlier have dealt with individual fish or at the most a few thousand, the school. Between the school and the millions of fish that make up the total population of a single species lies anothei- natural unit of study, the subpopulation, a group of geneti- cally related fishes. Its dimensions are as yet unknown, other than that they must stand somewhere between the few thousands of a school and the many millions of a species. The relatively recent application to fisheries of techniques of genetic research that have proved their value in agricul- ture and animal husbandry, as well as in the treatment of human illness, is now providing a powerful tool for under- standing some of the fundamental jjroblems of fishery utilization. Blood Kin The water that Hows through a tap may have come from a single reservoir or from one fed by half a dozen streams. In a like manner, the reservoir of a species of fish that is sampled by a fishery may consist of groups from many sources. Such isolated, interbreeding stocks of fishes (or other animals) are called subpopulations. Many lines of evidence have strongly indicated that fished populations are not as a rule homogeneous, like water from a reservoir fed by a single stream, but consist of several subpopulations that breed separately in different places and perhaps at different times of the year. Evidence for the e.xistence of subpopulations has come from morphometries, the study of the physical character- istics of the fish, from mathematical treatment of statistics ■"//«. i^-T^ FKfI KK 9. >\ hitelip sharks (Carcharbinus tttuffhiKtiius) photugraphrfl from lh<* rafi .\*>fiu<'. Th*- >lript-(l fish**» a^<^ pil4>tfi>li<'^ ( ytiucrntfs tluctor) thai arronipaiiv iUv sharks. \ i>ibl> altai'hfil Ui ill** sharks ar«* surkcriish. Rentttra rt'itiarn. Sharks fm|uenll> approa*-h«-cl thf .\**iim#'. a^ nie blood , !-uiiipb'^ Hrt- frozen in a ((Urfriii solution f*»r lalrr ust* in >liinHiir(li/-ing rfa|E<*i'l^. H«'r<' u U-chnician ^>rin|[*"> blood into solution ihat will b#- fr«»/*-ii. 12 In Slimmer 1964, Kazuo Fujino. internationally known for his studies of the genetics of whales, joined the staff of the Laboratory in Honolulu to head the work on subpopulations. The discovery by Fujino and his colleagues of a highly sensitive new blood group system for distinguishing sub- populations of the commercially important skipjack tuna has highlighted recent blood group research at our Labora- tory. This new system is called the Y blood group system. (As with most blood group designations, the name is arbi- trary). What the Y system offers is an opportunity to examine any sizeable portion (100 or more fish) of the skipjack population and determine mathematically whether it represents a single subpopulatiun. It supplements earlier systems and. in recognizing several more and e.xtremely subtle differences in blood types than the others, holds forth the promise of differentiating subpopulations that are closely related. To date, tests of the Y system have shown the existence of 15 kinds of "Y" individuals among skipjack. It is the proportion of each of these kinds of "Y" types in a sample that allows scientists to delineate subpopula- tions. A single system is often not adequate, hence the merit of several. The Y system of skipjack blood will thus not replace the B and other systems already used but sup- plement and extend them. The geneticist drawing his samples from the commercial fisheries can distinguish subpopulations, but he cannot deter- mine the place of their origin. To do that, he must have samples from far afield. For this reason, our Laboratory has collected samples of tuna bloods from throughout the Pacific. The blood group studies represent the apijlication to fishery problems of principles and techniques pioneered in other fields. Another technique of genetic research on human beings that has recently come into use in fishery work is the study of the sera of fish bloods. Certain inherited components of the clear fluid of bloods can be distinguished by a method called starch gel electrophoresis, which relies on the diflferential response of certain proteins in the serum to an electric current. Fujino and his associates have used this technique to locate two types of proteins in the sera of both skipjack and yellowfin tunas. They have found three phenotypes that allow the rigorous mathematical analysis upon which conclusions concerning subpopulations are based. An additional, very rare phenotype has been observed in the skipjack tuna. Research on subpopulations deals with fish in units of .r thousands to .r millions These units in their totality con- stitute a species. And it is with the concept of species that both fishermen and fishery scientists are most familiar. At our Laboratory, two species are of special interest, the skipjack and the albacore tunas, both of which form the basis of large U. S. fisheries in the Pacific. THE FISHERIES The Catch of Tunas Two hundred sixteen countries have commercial fisheries, but pickings are small for many of them. In 1963, the most recent year for which reliable statistics are available, two I'acific nations, Japan and Peru, took almost one-third of the world's 51.1 million ton harvest of the sea, according to FAO. By weight, the tunas (or FAO's "tunas, bonitos, and skipjacks") do not bulk large in the world catch, accounting for only 3 percent of the total, or 1.4 million tons out of 51.1. They are among the most highly prized of fishes, so that in value to the fishermen they overshadow many others caught in greater quantities. In California in 1964, the four main species — albacore, bluefin, skipjack, and yellowfin — com- 13 JAPAN- UNITED STATES PERU "ALBACORE" JAPAN - UNITED STATES PERU BONITO" JAPAN UNITED STATES PERU JAPAN UNITED STATEr PERU 40 60 80 100 THOUSANDS OF TONS 120 FKil RE II. Thi' ruli'li uf lullu^ uiiil luiialiki' fi!-h<-> in llic PjirifM- Orraii ar<-iuinl> f<»r about c>n«'-lialf of llw worM's total for lli<*M* ^|M•«•i€*^. licrt- ar*- >lio\«i) 4-;itrhf> of the ilala :ir.- tlu' KAO I96:{ '^.arl k of KMi.r> Stali>li<".. \ i,\. 16. and niatrrial from tin* !Naiikai Kcgional h'ivhrri4'> l{r>4*ar<-l) Laboratory, Japan. 1 A PAKI i UNITED STATES BIGEYE 1 PERU 1 J 1 UNIT© STATES ■■ "BLUEFIN 1 1 140 TABLE 1. Catch (in thousands of metric tun>>) of major tuna and lunalike specie;" bv Japan, United Slaloji, and IVru in Pacific Ocean, 1963. Sources: FAO Yearbook, Vol. 16, and INankai Hegional Fisheries Research Laboratory, Japan. Japan ■nited States Peru Total 30.3 107.7 110.2 15.8 51.1 100.0 100.0 52.2 18.6 704.8 55.0 12.3 195.2 153.3 130.9 140.6 Albacore 77.4 Bigeye 110.2 Bluefiin 35.3 Bonito Skipjack 124.4 Yellowfin 73.3 Total 420.6 manded prices ranging between 3200 per ton for skipjack and $350 per ton for albacore, against $47.50 for Pacific mackerel and jack mackerel. Similar disparities exist in other countries. In Peru, tunas in 1963 commanded a price per ton nine times that for the average of all other marine products and in Japan, about three times. Although tunas are found all around the globe and are an important element of the French and Spanish landings, Japan, the United States, and Peru have the major fisheries. These three, in 1963. took 75 percent of the recorded world catch of tunas: Japan, 677,100 tons (half the world catch) ; the United States, 162,000 tons; Peru, 130,900 tons. The total value to the fishermen was: in Japan $209 million, in the United States $45 million, and in Peru $10 million. In dollar values, the tunas formed the base of the most impor- tant fishery in Japan, the second in Peru, and the third in the United States, where they were exceeded only by shrimp and salmon. The Japanese fishing fleets range the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans, so that the 1963 total of 677,100 tons repre- sents a worldwide catch. Recently the Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory has made data available that allow the separation of statistics on fishes caught in the Pacific from those caught elsewhere. These figures show that in 1963, the total Japanese catch in the Pacific of the major tuna species was 420,600 tons, 64 percent of all Japa- nese tuna landings. The U. S. Pacific total was 153,300 tons. the Peruvian 180,900 tons. The Peruvian catches were dominated by the tunalike bonito, which are not taken in quantity by the United States and Japan. Thus about one- half (704,800 tons) of the world's catch of tunas comes from the Pacific Ocean (table 1 and fig. 11). At the BCF Laboratory in Honolulu, investigations are now concentrated on two species, the skipjack and the albacore. Honolulu is located a little to the south of the North Pacific albacore fishery but within the spawning grounds of the species. With regard to the skipjack, Hawaii stands at what may be either the terminus of a migration of enormous dimensions or merely the center of a commuting web; or, like Grand Central Station, it may partake of the nature of both. Within a few miles of its shores lie the boundaries of two of the great water types of the Pacific Ocean, and the State itself is bathed in summer by one of the major oceanic currents, a circumstance that may have a profound significance in tuna studies. The local fishery affords scientists an opportunity e.xcelled nowhere else in the world to collect living tunas and to observe the conduct of a year-round fishery. And near Hawaii lies a hidden tuna resource of immense potential value. The Skipjack Tuna The name "skipjack" has been applied to several species of fishes that jump above or play at the surface of the water. The tuna that is called "skipjack" is found and fished in all the world's oceans except the Arctic. There are names for it in at least 20 tongues.' In 1'.h;:'>, the skipjack tuna outranked in weight all other tunas caught in the Pacific (table 1). The skipjack is a short-lived fish and has a dark blue back and a silvery belly. It attains a length of about 30 inches. There are at least three cogent reasons for the study of the skipjack: the commercial importance of the present fishery ; the much greater potential commercial importance of the species; and the growing possibility that elucidation of some of the mechanisms that link the skipjack and its environment in the central Pacific may give results that could be applicable to fishery problems throughout the world. The Aku Fishery The Hawaiians have a name for the skipjack tuna that is halfway between a cough and a sneeze — "aku." The aku catch is by far the State's largest, accounting for 69 percent of the total landings of 5,874 tons (about the average annual catch) in 1963, according to the Hawaii Division of Fish and Game. The skipjack are caught in Hawaiian waters every month in the year, but the fishery depends heavily upon the larger fish that are most often in evidence during the summer. The Hawaiian aku fishery is conducted by the sampan fleet, the size of which has been dwindling with the years, although catches have not paralleled this trend. Fishing is done by pole and line. Usually schools are located by observ- ing bird flocks. The schools are chummed with live bait, by preference the "nehu" or anchovy ( Stolephorua purpureus) . Landings have varied from 29,000 pounds in January, tradi- tionally one of the poorest months, to more than 3 million pounds at the height of the season in July, according to Richard N. Uchida, our Laboratory scientist who has made a definitive statistical study of the 1952-1962 catch. 'These ini'lude patois of ihe ItritUh West Indies (barriolcti ; t ulai;utlura t : Chinese (tow chun^i ; RnKlish (skipjack tunai ; Spanish latunl ; Danish (buKstribet bimit) ; f reni'h (bonili- a ventre raye) ; tlerman (bauchstreifiirer I ; (ireerage skip- jack catches (bars). Note that as salinitv dropped. es|i. mated skipjack catches increased. 17 MARQUESAS ZONE 170' 160* 150' 140' 130° 1^0' IIP* 100* 9p° 80' W. FIGURE 13. In a paper published during this reporting period, one of our scientists hypothesized that the large I'. S. fishery for skipjack tuna in the eastern Pacific depends upon fish that are spawned in equatorial waters south of Hawaii. The skipjack remain in the fishery area only a short while, returning to the equatorial Pacific to spawn. The Hawaiian skipjack fishery may also depend to some extent on fish spawned in the Equatorial Zone. there briefly (no more than a year), and then return to the central Pacific. On the basis of subpopulation studies and other evidence, he suggests that the skipjack caught in Hawaiian waters do not comprise a single population unit. He postulates that the central Pacific spawing area can be divided into three adjacent zones, one lying near the latitude of Hawaii, an- other around the Equator, and the third south of the Equator near the Marquesas. The fish spawned in this last zone, he says, probably do not enter the eastern Pacific fishery. He seeks to determine whether the skipjack caught by the U. S. fishery in the eastern Pacific originate for the most part in the Hawaiian or the Equatorial Zone. Several lines of evidence suggest the conclusion that they come from the Equatorial Zone. Some of the skipjack in the Hawaiian catch do not orig- inate in Hawaiian waters; whether these come from the same equatorial stock as the eastern Pacific skipjack is not known. There is some direct avidence that the two fisheries are related: two skipjack tagged off Baja California in 1960 were caught in the Hawaiian fishery about 2 years later. Another skipjack from Baja California was caught at Christmas Island 16 months after tagging. Other .scientists have suggested that the skipjack of the eastern Pacific make long offshore-inshore migrations. What is new about Rothschild's hypotheses is that dimensions have now been postulated for these migrations: they reach from the coasts of the Americas 3,000 miles westward to the equatorial waters south of the Hawaiian Islands. New is the suggestion that the Hawaiian and eastern Pacific fisheries are to some extent drawing on the .same population, with the implication that the "season" skipjack on which the Hawaiian pole-and-line fishery so heavily depends may be those which have escaped the nets of the eastern Pacific fishery earlier in their lives (fig. 13). Rothschild offers evidence of fluctuations in year-class strength in the skipjack. This means that Hawaii could well serve as a base from which future eastern Pacific catches could be forecast as they could not be in the fishery area itself. The reasoning is this: Some of the skipjack taken in Hawaii originate in the same Equatorial Zone as do those caught in the eastern Pacific; the Hawaiian catch appears to reflect fluctuations in year-class strength : n knowledge of the mechanisms that affect year — class strength in the central Pacific would provide a lever toward understanding success of spawning in the Equatorial Zone and hence allow estimates of eastern Pacific catches. Rothschild's paper is particularly important because he suggests critical tests of the hypotheses advanced. Because adult skipjack at the time of spawning have so far almost completely eluded capture, the next best indicators of recent 18 spawning, the larval and juvenile skipjack, should be sought in an area of the Pacific reaching from the Hawaiian Islands 2.400 miles southeast to the Tuamotu Archipelago, and their genetic relationships determined. Equally important will be genetic studies of the skipjack of the eastern Pacific catch. A few days before Rothschild's paper was scheduled to come off the press, the Laboratory received a copy of the Bulletin of the Tolioku Regional Fisheries Research Labora- tory that contained an article by T. Kawasaki whose conclu- sions to some degree paralleled those of Rothschild. It is interesting that two men working independently should have arrived at somewhat similar conclusions from the sparse existing data on an exceedingly complex problem. Kawasaki goes a step further than Rothschild is now prepared to do. He suggests that there are relations between the catch in Japan and that in the central Pacific. If he is right — and it is not known that he is wrong — he has intro- duced a new element into considerations of the fishery. The present controversy over the salmon of Bristol Bay illus- trates vividly some of the difficulties that can arise when two nations draw upon a single stock. The possibility that his assumption may be valid underscores the pressing need for more detailed information about the skipjack resource. Hawaiians, Californians, and Japanese are not the only fishers of skipjack tuna. It is one of the most widespread of the food species. Prior to World War II, the islands that now form the Trust Territory of the Pacific were mandated to the Japanese, and a skipjack tuna fishery flourished there, taking as much as 72.8 million pounds in a single year, seven times the average Hawaiian catch. Today this fishery is being revived under the auspices of the i)resent trustee of the islands, the United States. A substantial fieet is build- ing up at Palau in the Carolines and an American compan\- I'K.l l<\: I I. A n<» iirl 2 lili'li'r~ (aboul 6 fi-it) l<> lh«- >'u\v h;i^ l4-^lf(l ii(T Oahu in ihi- vunimiT of I yfl-S. l! >*«?• conipar*'*! wilh lh4- rirciilar m-l I mt-lrr in ilianwU'r that i* Hifl<'l> li^rd lo t-ol)<-f*l iilaiikliin. 19 has established a freezing plant there. In the spring of 1!)65. with the cooperation of the High Commissioner of the Trust Territory and the American firm there, the Bureau's Lab- oratory in Honolulu stationed an observer at Palau to document the resumption of the fishery at a commercial level. The data from the Trust Territory should offer an interesting supplement to those gained from the other U. S. skipjack fisheries and of Japan. The Youngest Tunas Our Laboratory has collected more than 3,000 samples of larval and juvenile tunas from the Pacific. Walter M. Matsumoto is identifying these fish and preparing charts of their distribution. He has also studied the larval phases of other fishes, recently completing a description of the larval and juvenile stages of the vvahoo ( AvunthocijbiiiDi solandri), one of the scombrids closely related to the tunas. Towards the end of the reporting period, Matsumoto has been investigating improved methods of collecting juvenile tunas (fig. 14). Often found near the surface, they have proved to be the most elusive of fish, escaping capture so readily that much of the information on them comes not from nets operated by scientists but from the stomachs of those more experienced collectors — the larger fish. About 550 million i)Ounds of skipjack tuna are taken an- nually in the Pacific Ocean. The resource may be able t(] withstand a heavier rate of fishing. At present, however. skipjack remain (e.xcept in Hawaii) a secondary resource. They are taken in the eastern Pacific along with and as a supplement to or substitute for the more highly valued yellowfin. In Japan, skipjack suijplement catches of the most prized of the tunas, the albacore. the other si)ecies upon which the Bureau's Laboratory in Honolulu is e-xpenil- ing a considerable share of its research effort. The Prized Albacore Honolulu is one of the most cosmopolitan of .American cities. Its cuisine reflects its various cultures. The diet ranges from poi to trench fries to kasha, from taro leaves to spinach to bak choi. There is a particularly wide varietx of sea foods, both locally caught and imported. The visitor to the fresh-fish market finds a profusion of fishes for sale, from the slender, silvery wahoo to the enameled splendor of the red and blue and green reef fishes. Much of the product of the fresh-fish market is supplied by the Hawaiian longline fishery. Although Honolulu is located in a region fished successfully by the Japanese long- iiners, the Hawaiian longline fleet, composed of small vessels. stays close to shore, rarel\' losing sight of land. Only in recent years have some of the ships, with the encourage- ment of our Laboratory, ventured 200 or 300 miles to sea. where in some seasons they were rewarded by catches four and five times as great as those taken nearer shore. Tunas make up the bulk of the Hawaiian longline catch: bigeye and yellowfin account for more than half. Only a few albacore are caught (about 8 tons in 1962), but these, it turns out. are uniquely important to science, for the\' provide key information on the history and habits of this valuable species. Highly regarded as a food fish because of its tiavor. te.xture, and color, the alljacore is found in all the world's oceans except the Arctic. The Pacific catch is the world's largest. In 1963, Japan, fishing in three oceans, took 127,300 tons of albacore. Of these. 77.400 came from the Pacific. The United States, which has the onl>- other large fishery, took 30,300 tons in an area that reached from Ba.ja California to the Pacific Northwest and several hundred miles to sea. Tagging studies have proved that the United States and Japanese albacore catches in the North Pacific are related. Working with data from these studies and the catch. Tamio Otsu of our Laboi'ator\' has depicted a complex pattern of migrations. Though nianx' features are still obscure, in broad terms this investigation showed that the albacore are siiawned in tropical and subtropical waters, migrate to 20 temperate waters in their second year, and enter the eastern Pacific catch in large numbers in their third year. Many cross the Pacific to mingle in the catch off Japan, where they spend several years ; eventually the older fish perform another migration, returning to subtropical and tropical waters to spawn. The albacore is a long-lived fish. It does not reach sexual maturity until its sixth year. The fish that migrate to the south are large and old. The albacore taken in the Hawaiian longline fishery are unlike those caught anywhere else; they are on the average considerably larger than those in any other North Pacific fishery. They have reached record weights (93 pounds is the largest; albacore caught in the eastern Pacific fishery average about 14 pounds). These fish seem to represent the large, old segment of the population that has entered .subtropical waters to spawn. That the albacore do spawn near Hawaii has been borne out by other studies. Although tuna eggs cannot be distinguished by species, many of the postlarvae can. Identification is especially simple for the albacore postlarva, which develops a flattened haemal spine on the first caudal vertebra. This unique characteristic appears in specimens as short as 2 centimeters, about three- fourths of an inch. Discovery of these small fish in Hawai- ian waters has shown that the albacore spawn nearby. Little Albacore Very few of the juvenile albacore have been taken by the scientists' nets. More have been found in the stomachs of billfishes. During this reporting period, Howard O. Yoshida has studied juvenile albacore collected from the stomachs of billfishes from the Honolulu fresh-fish market. From 3, .348 stomachs collected between June 1962 and December 1964, he took 23 juvenile albacore. (Stomachs contained far more skipjack — 696 ; these form the basis of another study.) Most of the billfish, 2,791, were striped marlin (Makaira audax), which weigh from 10 to 325 jtounds. By measuring the length of the vertebral column of his specimens, Yoshida was able to estimate the standard length of the intact fish. Using these lengths and his information on the date of the landing of the billfish, he estimated the growth rate of the very young fish, a matter upon which very little data exist. His estimate is that the young albacore grow about 3 centimeters (a little more than an inch) a month during most of their first year of life (fig. 15). He was able to estimate the date of spawning, which appears to begin late in May and to last several months. It is only rarely that fish smaller than 40 centimeters (15.6 inches) enter the albacore fisheries. Hence Yoshida's work corroborates other information that would place the North Pacific albacore in subtropical or tropical waters dur- ing the first year of its life. Where its spawning grounds are centered and how extensive they are, is unknown. Some JUNE JULY AUG. SEFT. OCT. NOW DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. FIGURE 15. The juvenile albacore grows about 3 cenli- melers (a little more than an inch) a month in Hawaiian **alers during ihe fir!st vear of its life. 21 evidence suggests the Hawaiian Lslaiuis may be only on the eastern fringe of them. Yoshida's work also hints at varying seasonal and annual abundances of the juvenile albacore in Hawaiian waters. O'- W- 20*s ao's.- 1954 170*E. 180* 17 TONGA IS. MARQUESAS IS O" W ISO* IW 130° 1^0' W. V' 1964 10*- 20* V 30«S.- FlJh IS* MARQUESAS IS •SAMOA IS TONGA IS. ; P%. ^1 170° E. 180' 170° 160° 150' 140» iy)« 1^0* TC tlCrLRE 16. The iireu fishfd for Iuiiuti bv ^e»!ieU ha!«eH ill Aiiii'riruii Sniilou has fxpandi'il gr4-atl> >inrf operation!' lM><;aii ill 19,>l. It iioM r€*arlir> cast of \\\v MariiiH-*a?« iHlaiul^. The lU^K LaboraliioliiJu niailitaill> a lii-lil station tlitTi*, a> it aUo doc? at Paiaii in llii- 'I'ru^t Ti-rritor.f f>f the Purifir lKlan(l>. Darker shaitiii^ in the fif;tire« al>o\4' (ll*|liel> areu> of heu\ie>t eateh. A New Fishery The North Pacific albacore fishery is relatively old, dating back to the turn of the century at least. The albacore fishery of the South Pacific was established'only 11 years ago. The most important operations are based in American Samoa, where one American firm established a cannery in 1954. another in 1963. Starting modestly with 7 Japanese tuna boats in 1954. the fishery grew to a total of about 100 vessels in 1963. In December 1964, 68 vessels from three nations were operat- ing; 40 vessels were from Japan. 17 from South Korea. 11 from Taiwan. The growth of the South Pacific fishery has been a matter of extreme interest to the Bureau's Laboratory in Honolulu. Samoa provides a rare opportunity to study the early history of a considerable commercial fishery. As a result, the Laboratory, through the cooperation of the Governor of American Samoa and the American firm there, established a field station at Pago Pago in 1963. Manned by observers from our Laboratory, the field station is effective not only in obtaining biological samples of the catches, but also in collecting catch and operational data from the vessel opera- tors who deliver their catches to the canneries. These data are transmitted to Honolulu, where Otsu is preparing a com- (H-ehensive report on the Samoan fishery. The fishery has expanded rapidly. Figure 16 shows the fishing area in 1954, and in 1964, when the vessels were fishing in an area from the Equator to as far south as 30 , the latitude of mid-Australia, and from slightly east of the international date line to long. 120 W.. south of San Fran- cisco. The area covers about 8 million square miles and takes the vessels as far as 3,000 nautical miles from their base. The fishermen gear their efforts toward capturing the ])rofitable albacore. The albacore catch increased from about 360 tons in 1954 to 14,900 in 1963, but dropped to 11,700 in 1964. Figure 17 shows the total annual landings of 22 albacore, the total number of fishing trips made each year, and the average catch per fishing trip. The rather sharp decline in landings in 1964 appeared to be caused by a decrease in fishing effort, compounded by the effects of a decreased average catch per fishing trip. Cooperative Effort It is obvious that American and Japanese interests are linked in both the North Pacific, where the fishing fleets draw on a common resource, and in the South, where mutually dependent commercial efforts are involved. Fishery scientists of neither nation can speak with full authority on albacore problems without access to all available infor- mation on the Pacific, and much of it has not been published. Under these circumstances, the Laboratory in Honolulu in 1964 entered into an informal agreement with the Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory, where much of the Japanese tuna research is conducted, to cooperate in studies of the albacore. Tamio Otsu left Honolulu in Sep- tember and spent the next 6 months at Kochi, Japan. Un- published data from the North Pacific fishery, some going back to the years before World War H, were made freely available to him. In return, our Laboratory has provided its Japanese sister laboratory data from its cruises, from the eastern Pacific, and from Samoa. Although this project was launched before the formal beginning of the Inter- national Cooperation Year, it is fully in the spirit of that enterprise. Otsu returned to Honolulu in March 196.5, bringing with him transcriptions of the Japanese data to be coded, checked, and key punched so that they can be analyzed by com- puters. This work is scheduled to be finished by the end of 1965. The wealth of information in the data should l)rovide the basis of many new studies of the prized albacore. The Hidden Resource The central Pacific is fished by the Hawaiian fleet and the Japanese. The Hawaiian fleet is rarely out of sight of land. It takes about 7,000 tons of tuna a year. The Japanesi> fleet ignores the islands to reap a harvest overwhelmingly larger than that taken by the Hawaiians. Several lines of evidence suggest that the Japanese fleet is not exhausting the protein riches of the central Pacific: there are still far less potentially harvestable fish caught than uncaught. The most plentiful tuna larvae in the area are of the skipjack tuna. Because the skipjack appar- ently spawn no more frequently or plentifully than the other tunas, the presence of these larvae point to the existence in the central Pacific of an immense population essentially un- touched by the Japanese longline fleet and only sampled by the Hawaiian vessels. The bigeye and yellowfin tunas taken on the Japanese longlines are large and old; somewhere in the area there must be not only more of these fishes but a o a. 35 30 O 25 g5 20 15 10 rTTTT^ V^, m 1954 1955 1956 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 FKU RF. 17. (mil 196.'<, ihr hi>lor< of lanHitig> al Annr- iraii >ani fa<*tor* am>uiil for lh<- sluriip in 1964: fener \f>><'I.. Hi-rt- ri..liiM^ atul lh«' a^rragr oaN-h |»«-r trip H