PACIFIC SALMON Hatchery Propagation and Its Role In Fishery Management CIRCULAR 24 FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Abstract Population growth and industrial in- crease have intensified the problems of salmon-fishery maintenance. Natural propagation has been interfered with by pollution and by dams that cut off the salmon from their natural spawning grounds. Hatchery propagation helps maintain the fishery by offsetting the loss in natural spawning. This review of salmon-hatchery operations describes the life history of the Pacific salmon and ex- plains the equipment used and the methods followed in hatchery propagation. PACIFIC SALMON Hatchery Propagation and Its Role In Fishery Management By William Hagen, Jr. Circular 24 United States Department of the Interior, Douglas McKay, Secretary Fish and Wildlife Service, John L. Farley, Director UNITED STATES GOVERNMENTiPRINTING OFFICE : 1953 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Price 30 cents Contents Page Tlu> Pacific- saliiK.n 3 Life hist ory 3 ("iiinook 8 Rod 9 Silver 10 Pink 11 Chum 11 Steelhead trout 12 The liomiug instinct 12 Economic value 14 Hatchery propagation of Pacific salmon 16 Early history and objectives 16 Circumstances reciuiring hatchery propagation 16 Methods 22 Spawn taking 25 Incubation of eggs 28 Rearing 30 Diseases 32 Foods for hatchery salmon 33 The hatchery and fishery management 37 The salmon hatchery 39 Hatchery water supply 39 The hatchery building 42 Troughs 42 Food preparation 44 Food storage 45 Rearing ponds 46 Trapping adult salmon 48 Adult holding ponds 51 Personnel, equipment, and facilities 53 Literature cited 54 Photographs: Fig. 1 by Dick Black; fig.2by \V. F. Kuhichek (FWS); flg.Sby G. Kelez (FWS); figs. 4, 9, 10, by H. F. Kelly (FWS); figs. 5, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, by E. B. Horn (FWS); figs 6, 11, 23, 25, by Fish and Wildlife Service; figs. 7, 8, by Corps of Engineers; figs. 12, 15, 16, 17, by Bureau of Reclamation; figs. 18, 19, by Z. Parkhurst (FWS); fig. 24 by W. Hagen, Jr. (FWS). ^ H mm .-J Figure 1. — Coleman (Calif.) Salmon Hatchery of the Fish and Wildlife Service. In foreground, diversion dam in stream, fish ladder to adult-salmon ripening ponds, fingerling rearing ponds. Buildings from left to right : equipment and shop, cold storage and food preparation, and the hatching building. The waste-water channel back to the stream serves also for passage of young fish released from the rearing ponds. IV PACIFIC SALMON Hatchery Propagation and Its Role In Fishery Management The salmon of the Pacific coast have alwaj^s been an important food source for man. Craig and Hacker (1940) give an excellent account of the dependence of the Indians upon the salmon of the Columbia River, and estimate that before the arrival of the white man the catch was about 18 million pounds annually. Eostlund (1952) also indicates the importance of the salmon to all the Indian tribes of the western shores of North America. The early set- tlers relied upon the resource for food, and later exploiters took the salmon in great numbers for com- merce. Throughout the development of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, salmon have played an important part. Today, the salmon fisheries are essential in the economy of these two regions. The resource contributes a substantial bulk of protein food. Population growth and indus- trial increase have intensified the problems of salmon-fishery mainte- nance. Streams required for the natural reproduction of the species have been polluted and dammed for irrigation and the production of electric power; watersheds have been denuded of forest cover result- ing in floods ; and the rivers gener- ally have been so utilized as to deny the original users — the salmon — adequate spawning area for self- perpetuation. Overexploitation, too, has depleted the stocks. Man's inevitable progress has had a damaging impact upon the salmon resource. There have been rela- tively minor attempts to counteract or mitigate the damage. Artificial or hatchery propaga- tion of salmon on the Pacific coast was first undertaken in the ISTO's, when efforts were made to establish runs of various species in other areas of the United States and in foreign countries. In later years, salmon-hatchery operations have had as their objective the mainte- nance of salmon runs in streams where overfishing, pollution, dams, and other factors have decimated populations. The operation of a present-day hatchery is considered successful only if its output of young fish contributes to the man- agement of a fishery and results, either directly or indirectly, in the maintenance or increase of catch by sport or commercial interests. On the Pacific coast, industrial advancement and its demands upon water for power lias discouraged and will further discourage the nat- ural reproduction of salmon. The need for the hatcheiT-reared sal- mon to overcome, at least in part, the manmade deterrents to natural reproduction is becoming ever more apparent. The conservation of the salmon resource is a public responsibility and, as such, is of concern to the agencies of the State and Federal govermnents. In the Territory of Alaska, tlie United States Fish and AVikllife Service is charged with jurisdiction over the fishery; in the coastal States, the salmon fisheries are regulated by the States and con- servation activities are undertaken by both the Service and the States. It is not possible for a private indi- vidual or a group to control the catch of salmon resulting from nat- ural or artificial reproduction in a given stream. This is true because the catch is from public waters, ei- ther the open ocean or the mouth of the stream. However, in years past some packers of salmon have under- taken to improve salmon runs by as- sistance to natural reproduction and through artificial propagation. Probably the earliest such eftort was by Hume (1893). This publication describes briefly the species of Pacific salmon and their characteristics, reviews jjres- ent-day methods of the artificial propagation of the Pacific salmon, outlines the human factors endan- gering the maintenance of the fish- ery, and explains the role of the hatchery in the attempt to maintain the fisheries at their highest possible level. FiGUlil Indiana aL Culilo Falls uii llie Columbia Jtivt'r lisliiu.^- i\ir .salmon. TLl Dulles Dam Keservoir will eliminate this ancestral fisliing site. THE PACIFIC SALMON Five species of salmon tire native to botli North Pacific Ocean coasts, from Monterey Bay in California and from northern Japan on the Asiatic coast, northward to and somewhat beyond Bering Strait be- t ween Alaska and the Soviet Union, One additional species that is not native to the North American coast is found in northern Japan. Attempts have been made to in- troduce various species of Pacific salmon into waters of the eastern coast of the United States, as well as into waters of many foreign countries and the Hawaiian Islands. Chinook and red (sockeye) salmon have been planted in waters of 17 Gulf and Atlantic Coast States. Introductions of the species have been successful only in southern Chile and in southern New Zealand, although temporary success has at- tended the efforts to establish chi- nook, sockeye, and silver salmon in the coastal streams of eastern Can- ada and northeastern United States. These efforts and successes, as well as the factors apparently limiting the habitat of Pacific salmon, are re- ported by Davidson and Hutchinson (1938). No substantial and suc- cessful efforts to transfer species have been undertaken since their report. ]\Iany lakes in Canada and in northern United States contain landlocked red or sockeye salmon. Within the natural range of sockeye salmon, many individuals remain in the lakes by choice; whereas else- where the species has been stocked in lakes not accessible from the ocean. Tliese lake-dwelling forms generally have the same life cycle as their ocean-reared brothers but usually attain not more than half their size. Life History All the species of Pacific salmon are anadromous, that is, they spend a portion of their lives in the ocean and at maturity ascend fresh- water streams to spawn. All have the same general pattern of life. Early life is in fresh water ; growth to ma- turity is in the ocean ; and maturity- is followed by the return to the orig- inal stream to spawn and die. There is no authenticated record of a Pacific salmon surviving the first spawning and returning to the ocean. There are variations among species and within species with re- gard to the length of time spent in fresh-water and in salt-water habi- tats. Man-made conditions have resulted in considerable deviation from the natural schedules of salm- on, often with disastrous conse- quences to the population of salmon. "When salmon enter fresh water OTi their spawning migrations, they cease feeding. Pink and chum salmon, being "short-run" species, may stop taking food while still in salt water and some distance from their home streams. Chinook and silver salmon, the principal sport species, strike at lures prob- ably in annoyance rather than as possible food after entering the brackish and fresh waters of their streams. Sustenance for the fish during the journeys up the river is iDrovided by the body fats and tissues, which also provide ma- terials for the development of rej)roductive products — the eggs or ova of the female and the spermatozoa of the male. The lat- ter, however, are usually fully de- veloped when the fish enters fresh water, whereas the eggs of the fe- male become "ripe" or mature at about the time the fish arrives at the spawning area. The flesh of the adult salmon deteriorates rapidly after the fish enters fresh water, as the body is being drained of its sus- taining materials for the survival of the fish and the development of re- productive products, while there is no intake of food for conversion to energy. Thus, the salmon taken at the mouths of the rivers, or offshore in the ocean, are much more desir- able for human consumption than are those taken uj)stream in the rivers. Fish taken offshore or at the mouths of rivers have firm flesh of good color but the fish taken up- stream have flesh that is soft and off color. There is variation among and within the species in this respect. Durmg the spawning migration in fresh water, the adult salmon will proceed quite rapidly upstream. The rate of progress usually is from 3 to 10 miles or more a day. Chi- nook and red salmon in the larger streams of Alaska may spawn at the extreme headwaters 1,500 or more miles from the ocean, and the same was true in the Columbia River be- fore the construction of dams. Chum and pink salmon usually spawn within a few miles of the ocean and often just above the reach of the tides. Here, too, there is con- siderable variation among and within species. Despite the much-publicized abil- ity of adult salmon to leap vertical "\ Figure 3. — Salmon leaping at falLs. distances of 10 or more feet, it has been established that waterfalls of this height will quite effectively block the upstream migration of most salmon. Even a waterfall of 5 or 6 feet will stop the majority of salmon unless water-flow conditions are ideal. Fish ladders for salmon at dams rarely require the fish to leap a vertical distance of more than 2 feet, and most ladders are so ad- justed as to permit the fish to swim, rather than jump, a rise of about 1 foot. Upon arrival at the spawning area the female deposits her eggs in a nest, or redd, which she digs in the gravel of the stream or, in some instances, in shallow lake-shore wa- ters. Burner (1951) describes the characteristics of the redds, as well as their preparation and the activi- ties of the fish : During the prespawning state, the fe- male salmon is green, that is, the eggs are neither ripe nor loose in the ovaries. Males are seldom in attendance, and are frightened away by the female, who re- pels all intruders of either sex. The fe- male digs the redd as she turns on either side, at an angle of about 45° to the cur- rent, head upstream, body arched, and makes a series of violent flexions with body and tail. The tail strilies gravel oc- casionally and the strong-boiling current created carries gravel and silt a short distance downstream. This material spreads out in a flat semicircle at first; then, as the digging upstream proceeds, it collects into a loose pile called the tail- spill. With more digging, the redd as- sumes a long oval shape about twice the length of the salmon and several inches deep. The prespawning digging of the redd may go on for as many as 5 days. At the beginning of the spawning stage, the nest is ready for the eggs. All loose gravel and fine material have been re- moved from the pot, or center of the redd, the shape of which is such that any cur- rent in the bottom flows upstream then upward and outward. Usually there re- main in the pot large stones too heavy for the fish to move far, and the crevices between these rocks provide excellent lodgement for the eggs. Males are con- stantly present now. The female alter- nately digs at the redd and settles back into the depression to release eggs. A male then moves quickly alongside the resting female, curves his body against hers, and releases sperm in a small milky cloud that settles briefly in the bottom of the redd where the eggs are lodged. The newly deposited eggs are thus sur- rounded by sperm and eventually fer- tilized. Excess sperm is carried slightly upstream along the bottom of the redd and gradually carried away by the cur- rent. During the spawning stage the redd inci-eases considerably in length and depth, and appears to move upstream as a result of the continued digging at the upstream wall and the filling in of the tailspill area. The postspawning stage begins after the female finishes depositing her eggs. Males are no longer attentive. The fe- male is gaunt and spent, but she continues to dig at the gravel with ever- weakening efforts until she dies. This postspawning digging, which may con- tinue for 10 days, becomes shallow, off center, and ineffective. The area of the nest is increased without (after the first day at least) adding to the protection of the eggs. Each salmon female produces from 2,000 to 5,000 eggs, the number depending upon the s^^ecies and size of the fish. The time required for the eggs to hatch is regulated by the temperature of the water. One measure that was devised by Seth Green for brook trout was 50 days at 50° F., and plus or minus 5 days for each degree less or greater than this average. This formula can be applied only as a general guide for salmon. Newly hatched fish, called 259307—53- alevins or fry, live in the gravel of the redd, where they are somewhat protected from their larger enemies. They gradually absorb the food in the attached abdominal yolk or umbilical sac. Upon almost com- plete absorption of the yolk sac, the young fish emerge from the gravel, usually in late winter or early spring, and seek food. The young of some species almost immediately start downstream toward the ocean, but others remain in fresh water for a year or more. The young of pink and chum salmon usually enter salt water soon after emerging from the gravel. The young of the fall chinook salmon may also start down very soon after emergence. The fingerlings of spring chinook, red, and especially silver salmon may remain in fresh water a year or longer. Why some species of salmon enter salt water soon after emergence from the gravel and why other species remain in fresh water for extended periods, is imperfectly known. Clemens (1952) believes that the behavior of the fish at all ages is the result of a series of inter- actions between the fish and the en- vironment. Seaward migration of red (sockeye) salmon fingerlings from the Fraser River (British Co- lumbia) is described from this view- point. Then, too, there must be some physiological changes in the organism. According to Black (1951), "Young salmon entering the sea must have adequately de- veloped chloride-secreting cells in the gills to survive." Studies indicate the heavy mor- tality among young salmon during their periods in stream and ocean. Neave (1953) shows that, of young pink salmon spawned, 13.1 to l.G percent enter the ocean, and of those entering the ocean about 2 percent survive to return as adults to their home stream. The mortal- ity of other species seems to be about the same. Under completely bal- anced conditions, two fish of each brood, a male and a female, would have to survive to spawn^ — repre- senting 100-percent effective main- tenance of the species. There are years of too few fish and years of too many fish for the spawning areas available, but with- out outside influence, the runs would tend to stabilize themselves. As in the maintenance of all living things, one species lives upon, and is controlled by, other species to pro- vide a balance throughout the natu- ral environment. It is well that in nature's scheme of survival the salmon produces so many eggs and resulting offspring, for through the stages of its life the salmon is preyed upon by in- sects, birds, reptiles, mammals, and fishes. The eggs in the nest provide food for bottom organisms such as crayfish and the water forms of some insects. The fry are taken by birds, other fishes, crayfish, flies, and even by snakes. The young fin- gerling on its way to the ocean runs a gantlet of larger fish and birds. In the ocean, other fishes and mam- mals such as seals and sea lions prey upon the salmon. When returning to the river, the adult fish is sub- jected to attacks by birds and bears in the shallow rapids and on the 6 '^ • Figure 4. — Stages of development of silver salmon {Oncorliynchus kisutch ) from eyed egg to feeding fingerling. Approximately twice normal size. spawning beds. In addition, death from other natural causes, inchid- ing- disease, reduces the brood. Top- ping all of these hazards are man's nets and hooks, and his dams and pollution, which take a large toll of the remnant of the original brood. Fortunately, nature was so very generous in the stock of fish surviv- ing to enter the rivers to spawn that in most instances a spawning stock was left even after man's take and destruction, although man has been (horougli in his harvesting or de- struction of entire runs in some In general the order in which the species are discussed here is the se- quence of their time of entering the streams to spawn, as well as the dis- tance they ascend the streams. Those which run first go farthest. The economic value of the individ- ual fish of each species rates in the order given, but the magnitude and the overall value of the species differ from the order of listing. The identifying characteristics for the systematic classification of the adults of the various species of salmon are reported by Jordan (1925), Schultz (1936), Clemens and Wilby (1946), and many others ; characteristics for the iden- tification of young salmon, by For- ester and Pritchard (1944) , Schultz and Hanson (1935), and others. The identifying characteristics are not repeated here. Oncorhy^7ichu.s tshawytscha: Chi- nook (Columbia Kiver and south), spring (British Columbia), king (Alaska), quinnat, tyee, Columbia or Sacramento salmon. Range : Bering Sea to Monterey Bay, but predominant in the Colum- bia and Sacramento Rivers. Of the 1951 United States and Alaska pack of canned chinook salmon, 61 per- cent was from the Columbia River, though many of the fish originating in this river were taken at sea or landed elsewhere. Weight: Average at maturity, from 12 to 40 pounds. Fish of greater average weight are found in Ahiska, and fish of progressively smaller weights are taken farther south. The average for the Cohun- bia River is 20 to 22 pounds; and for the Sacramento River, about 16 pounds. The maximum weight of chinook salmon is about 120 pounds, but 50- to 80-pound fish are quite common in Alaskan waters. The species is the first of the sal- mon to enter the rivers in the early spring, but the spawning migra- tions are distinctly separated into spring and fall runs, and often a summer run is considered to exist. The spring run consists of the most desirable fish, entering the rivers in the spring of the year and ascend- ing farthest upstream. The fall run enters the rivers in August and September. The fall fish are some- what heavier than the spring fish and are more nearly mature upon entering the rivers ; the flesh of the fall fish is soft and pale when in the river, and the exterior has the dis- coloration typical of salmon ap- proaching the time of spawning. The fall chinook do not seek the upper reaches of the streams to s})awn. On the Columbia River the bulk of the fall chinooks spawn within 200 miles of the ocean, mostly within a few miles of salt water. Spawning of spring-run chinooks may occur as early as mid- July; that of the fall run in August and September, and often into October. In some streams south of Sacra- mento, spawning may take place in midwinter. In one small stream tributary to the Columbia River, fall chinooks of large size have been observed spawning in December, considerably later than is usual in the watershed. Chinooks usually are 4 years of age at the time of spawning, but a few may be younger and substantial 8 nunilHM's may be 5 years old, Avliilo some are several years older. Yoinig of the spring diiiioolv may remain in fresh "vvater for a 3^ear or more after emerging from the gravel, or thej^ may enter the ocean ^vithin weeks of hatching. The latr ter is generally true of the fall chi- nooks. Studies indicate that the fish that migrate to the sea at the earliest time attain the greatest mature size (Van Hyning 1951), but it is probable that the smaller the fish upon entrance into the ocean, the less the chance of survival. Chinook salmon are most abun- dant in the Columbia River, and the spring run used to migrate hundreds of miles to the headwaters. The power and irrigation dams erected in the upper river, therefore, have been particularly harmful to this species. The blocking of the spring chinooks from major spawning areas, together with pollution and overfishing, has resulted in a major reduction of spring-chinook popu- lations in the Columbia River, as well as in other streams. The fall chinook has, in most watersheds, been able to reproduce satisfactorily in the lower tributaries, but water- use projects also threaten these fish. Of interest to this discussion is the appearance of "grilse," "jacks," or precocious chinook males in the spawning migrations. These males usually are 3 years old, whereas the average age of chinooks is 4 years. These smaller fish are fully mature but are not utilized in hatchery spawning operations and are at a disadvantage in natural spawning. It is reported that the numbers of "jacks" or rod salmon enicring the Fraser Rivei- aic indicative of the size of the run (o be expected the following year (Gilbert 1931-34, Rounsefell and Kelez 1938). The writer was unsuccessful in attempts to correlate the returns of "jack" fall chinooks to specific streams in the Columbia River Basin wdth the returns of average-age fish the fol- lowing year. OncorhynchuH nerlu: Red (Alas- ka), sockeye (British Columbia and Piiget Sound), blueback (Columbia River), Fraser River salmon. Landlocked forms are known as kokanee, silver trout, yank, or little redfish. Range : Bering Sea to the Colum- bia River, predominating in suit- able streams north of Puget Sound ; rarely found south of the Columbia River, although in 1953 five "strays" entered the traps at the Coleman Hatchery (California) of the Fish and Wildlife Service in Battle Creek, tributary to the upper Sacra- mento River. Weight : Columbia River average, 3 pounds; British Columbia and Alaskan waters, up to 7 pounds, with maximum about 16 pounds. The red salmon, like the spring chinook, often ascends the rivers for great distances. It spawns only in streams having lakes in their head- waters. (Rare exceptions to this rule have been reported. ) The adult red salmon remains in the head- water lake until the reproductive products are almost fully developed and then ascends the smaller streams tributary to the lake to spawn. A few fish may spawn in gravel in shallower lake areas 9 where springs issue from the l)Ot- tom, or in the gravel of the outlet from the lake. Red salmon gen- erally are 4 years of age at spawn- ing; a few may be younger and many may be 5 or more years old. The young red salmon, after their emergence from the gravel, descend to the lake and remain there for a year or more before fol- lowing the river to the ocean. As red salmon feed upon plankton (minute organisms in the water), the length of residence in the lake may be determined by the abund- ance of plankton. Some of the young fish may remain in the lake throughout their lives, spaw^ning and dying at 4 years of age like their sea-grown brothers but usually attaining only about one-half their size. The progeny of these lake- dwelling forms may descend to the ocean and return as normal sea-run specimens. The run of red salmon into the rivers begins in June and continues tiiroughout August. Spawning may start as early as July in north - erii streams and be concluded in September, Jbut in the upper Colum- bia spawning is complete early in October. Oncorhynchiis hisiifch: Silver, coho, silversides. Range : Sacramento River to Ber- ing Strait, but most abundant in Puget Sound and British Columbia waters. Present in most streams of the Pacific coast. Weight: In Alaskan waters the species attains an average weight of about 14 pounds, but in the streams to the south the weight is consider- ably less. Maximum weight is about 30 pounds. Most mature silver salmon enter fresh water from late September to early November, rJthough some may appear earlier or much later. Of the five species of salmon, the silver is best adapted to diverse condi- tions. It spawns in the very head- waters of streams as well as very close to salt water. The wide vari- ations in time and place of spawn- ing result in differences in time of hatching and in development of the fry and fingerlings. Silver eggs usually hatch during the early spring, and a few of the young fish migrate soon after to the ocean. Most of the young fish re- main in fresh water throughout the summer and the following winter, usually migrating to the ocean early in their second year. Because of this tendency to remain in fresh wa- ter for a year or more, the silver, like the red salmon young, must de- l)end upon the food supply of a lim- ited fresh-water area, and survival probably is jeopardized during years of heavy spawning and sub- sequent overutilization of available food. Investigations have indicated that young silver salmon in the ocean may remain relatively close to their home stream, often remaining in estuaries and inside passages while making remarkable growth. The majority return to their respective streams to spawn during the fall of their third year. The silver salmon is taken, along with the Chinook, in the offshore commercial troll fishery and is 10 caught by sportsnioii throughout tlie year in some bays and estuaries. Oncorhynchm yorhuHcha : l*iuk or lumii)back. llange: AVashingtou State to northwest Ahiska, but most abun- (hint northward from Puget Sound. Kare appearances in California (Smedley 1952). Weight: Smallest of the Pacific salmon, averaging only about 5 pounds and rarely attaining a weight of y pounds. The pink salmon usually repro- duces in the smaller streams a short distance from the sea and often just above tidewater. With the ap- proach of the spawning season in August and early September, tlie fish develop a prominent hump on the back (from which is derived one of the common names of the species) and a distortion of the jaw. Each female deposits about 2,000 eggs. The fry, upon emergence from tlie giavel, migrate at once to the sea. 'J'he pink salmon invariably have a life cycle of 2 years. In some areas there is a large run every second year. OncorhyncJivs Jxcta: Chum or clog. Range: Columbia River north- Avard, especially abundant in Alas- ka. Occasionally taken in the Sac- ramento River. Weight: Average about 10 pounds; maximum, 30 pounds. Chum are the latest of the sal- mon to run, usually reaching the streams and spawning from Octo- ber through December. The ma- jority of the migrating adults are 4 3 ears old, but a large proportion of the run are 3-year fish. Spawn- ing is in the lower tributaries of the main rivers and in a great many of the smaller streams. The species does not ascend the streams for anv FiGtiBE 5. — Chum salmon (0/ ■hyncluis keta) at spawning time. Male upper, female lower. 11 great distance, usually spawning very close to salt water. Upon emergence from the gravel, the fry migrate to salt w^ater. The chum is the least valuable of the Pacific salmon. The flesh de- teriorates rapidly after the fish en- ter fresh water. Salmo gairdneri: Steelhead trout. Range: Southern California to Avestern Alaska. Weight: Average is about 12 pounds, but individuals may exceed 35 pounds. Steelhead are included in this ac- count because of their close associa- tion to salmon in habits, their en- trance into commercial and sport fisheries, and their inclusion in hatchery operations along with the salmon. The steelhead trout is a rainbow trout that has spent part of its life in the ocean and ascends the coastal streams to spawn. It does not stop feeding upon entrance into fresh water, nor does it necessarily die after the first spawning. Steelhead trout apparently range widely in the ocean along the coasts, and it is believed that they return to their native streams to spawn. The steelhead may enter fresh water in almost any month, although they do not spawn until late winter or s]jring Steelhead adults may enter prac- tically all streams. They may as- cend to the extreme headwaters or sj)awn very close to salt water. In this respect they are similar to silver salmon. The young steelhead trout spend 1 or 2 years in fresh water and 2 or more summers in salt water. Adults may enter the rivers in their third, fourth, or fifth years. Like the At- lantic salmon, they may spawn more than once, returning to the sea after each spawning, but it is reported that less than 15 percent survive to spawn a second time. Steelhead enter into the commer- cial fishery for salmon to a consider- able extent and are much sought [ifter by sport fishermen. The Homing Instinct Jordan (1925), discussing the theory that Pacific salmon return to their home streams to spawn, reit- erated his 1880 statement that "we fail to find any evidence of this [homing] in the case of the Pacific- coast salmon, and we do not believe it to be true. It seems more prob- able that the young salmon hatched in any river mostly remain in the ocean within a radius of 20, 30 or 40 miles of its mouth." He believed that the salmon return to their home stream by chance rather than through instinct. Nevertheless, there is little doubt that salmon do possess an instinct that leads them from the ocean to their home stream and hundreds of miles upstream to the particular tributary of their birth. iVn interesting experiment was undertaken at the Spring Creek hatchery of the Fish and Wildlife Service at Underwood, Wash., some 200 miles upstream from the mouth of the Columbia Eiver. At this hatchery a run of 10,000 to 18,000 fall Chinook salmon has been estab- lished: the adults return to the small stream where they were re- 12 Siiliiioii li;i(l iippi'iirt'd hcl'orc llu' estaltlishiiu'iit of (lie lialcluTV in is;)'.». In ID.M. I.", oftlu'si' i-ctnrninii- iulults wt'iv marked, loaded into a tank trnrk. and released IS miles farther np the Columltia Kivei'. Of these. H\t' I'etnrned downstream, past tlu> mouth of the Biii 17 the efforts of State and Federal agencies. It is anticipated that the Willamette block will be eliminated by 1954. However, sawmill and mining wastes, as well as warm wa- ters from atomic-energy plants on many streams have tended to de- crease the suitability of the waters for salmon, as well as for humans. Early logging operations were detrimental to salmon. All cover was removed from the hills, logging debris was dumped into streams, and logging dams were constructed wherever convenient. The net re- sult was extremely harmful to anad- romous fish. Kapid runoff waters fi"om the bare hills silted streams and spawning beds, high- and low- water periods were accentuated, wa- ters often became too warm for sal- mon survival, and dams blocked up- stream migration. Only in recent years have our forests been managed on the basis of sustained yield. Many of the heavily logged water- sheds have now developed good sec- ond-growth cover, and present-day logging practices and laws are more conducive to preservation of salmon habitat. A large-scale salmon-salvage i)ro- gram was undertaken on the upper Columbia River in 1939, when construction of Grand Coulee Dam blocked salmon from hundreds of miles of spawning area. This pro- gram transferred the runs of salm- on that formerly ascended to the areas above Grand Coidee to tributaries below the dam. As part of the salvage program, several salmon hatcheries were constructed. The chinook and silver salmon as- cending the river to Grand Coulee Dam have been maintained in pre- dam numbers, and the populations of red salmon have shown tremen- dous increases (Fish 1948). The hatchery production and release of fingerling red salmon can definitely be correlated with the return of the adult fish to the fishery 3 years later. On the Sacramento River in Cali- fornia, the construction of Shasta Dam stopped salmon from ascend- ing to the major spawning areas of the watershed. A hatchery (fig. 1) was constructed on Battle Creek, a tributary below the dam, and adult salmon ascending to Keswick Dam immediately below Shasta were trapped and transferred to Battle Creek. This operation has resulted in maintenance of the salmon in the Sacramento River — ^liatchery oper- ations have provided necessary stock, and cooler waters issuing from the reservoir have made the river below the dam more suitable for salmon spawning. The hatch- ery operation has resulted in defi- iiite and substantial contributions to the fishery in the San Francisco Bay area, as well as in the coastal waters as far north as Vancouver Island. The improvement of con- ditions for spawning of salmon be- low Shasta Dam has not been dupli- cated in connection with the con- struction of any other major dam. To mitigate the losses of salmon expected to result from the con- struction of additional dams in the Columbia Basin, the Fish and Wildlife Service, together with the fishery agencies of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, evolved in 1947 a plan known as the lower Columbia liivei- tislicries develoi^ment pro- 18 .5 o 5 19 gram. This had as its objective the maximum development of popiihi- tions of sahnon in the streams trib- utary to the lower Columbia River. Under this program, log dams and debris were removed from streams, and natural waterfalls were blasted or laddered to permit free access for salmon to all possible spawning- areas. A large number of hatch- eries are producing fingerling sal- mon that are stocked into barren streams or used to develop as rap- idly as possible the maximum popu- lations of salmon in all suitable streams. Most of the dams to be constructed will include fish-pas- sage facilities to permit the mainte- nance of at least a part of the upper- river runs of salmon. As a result of these activities, it is anticipated that a substantial portion of the average (1940-49) sport-connner- cial-Indian catch of 31 million pounds of salmon a year attributa- ble to production from the Colum- bia River Basin can be maintained. Irrigation developments have most consistently been destroyers of }()ung salmon. On their migration lowarcl the ocean, large numbers of (he young fish using any major downstream How enter irrigation ditches and merely provide fertilizer for the farm fields. During the ])ast 20 years, primarily in the Co- lumbia River watershed but also in other streams of the Pacific coast, the Fish and Wildlife Service and the fisherv aaencies of Washington, 20 FiGi'KE 10. — Revolving fish screens in irrigation canal. Waterflow from right to left. Oreo-on, and California have in- stalled or have re({iiired the instal- lation of hundreds of screens to pre- vent entrance of the j^oung fish into the irrigation ditches. On some of the very large Federal irrigation de- velopments such as the Delta-Men- dota diversion, at Tracy, Calif., complicated fish-screen installations are required. Such screens save many thousands of young fish an- nually. In many streams, however, the diversion of water for irrigation has resulted in the complete loss of spawning areas, as the water re- maining has been insufficient to sup- port fish life. Often artificial prop- agation must be relied upon to re- ])lace these losses. Probably the greatest threat to the resource is in the contemplated construction of power dams in the streams of Alaska and British Co- lumbia, where tremendous hydro- power potentials exist. Piecemeal reduction of available spawning areas has been most harmful. The construction of a dam on a relatively small stream usually is not consid- ered particularly harmful to the overall salmon production, but in the aggregate these projects destroy major portions of the resource. It is anticipated that large segments of the remaining salmon populations will be destroyed by the construc- tion of dams, and that the salmon hatchery will be necessary for par- tial preservation of some of the af- fected populations. A comprehensive research pro- gram is expected to determine means by which adult salmon may be passed over dams without delay and means by which the young sal- mon may proceed downstream with- out suffering substantial mortalities in passage through turbines or over 21 spillways. A popular belief is that if fish ladders or fishways are pro- vided in a structure for the up- stream passage of adult salmon, the problem is solved. This is far from the truth. A salmon, as jDreviously stated, has stored energy which is sufficient only to maintain himself and develop reproductive products during the diffcult journey from the ocean to the spawning area. Fur- thermore, he follows a time sched- ule and must arrive at the spawning area during the brief period when water temperatures are suitable for successful spawn- ing. His time schedule does not take into consideration one or more dams at each of which he may be delayed several days before finding and ascending the fish-passage fa- cility. Losses of young salmon when passing a dam while on their way to the ocean are substantial. Stud- ies at 62-foot Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River indicate sub- stantial loss among young salmon, and current investigations of the Washington Department of Fish- eries and of the International Pa- cific Salmon Fisheries Commission at 3 dams over 100 feet high reveal losses of 35 percent or more among downstream migrant salmon. It is apparent from the foregoing that fish ladders alone will not pre- serve salmon runs. The adults must quickly find and easily ascend the ladders, and the young salmon must be led to safe passageways by some as-yet-undeveloped device. There are still other undesirable features that develop upon the con- struction of many dams. Species of fish that prey upon young salmon and are not themselves desirable for sport or food find reservoirs behind some dams conducive to their exist- ence and increase. In a single reservoir, and particularly in a series of impoundments such as is planned for the Columbia River, predatory species will cause major losses among young salmon. Also, reservoirs often inundate spawning areas, making them unattractive to spawning salmon because of water depth and absence of quite rapid flow over and through the gravel. Hatchery propagation is not ex- pected to be able to compensate for or to mitigate satisfactorily the losses caused by dams and pollu- tion, but hatchery-reared salmon can help maintain populations at the highest possible level of abun- dance by supplementing natural reproduction. Methods The salmon hatcheries operated by the fishery agencies of Califor- nia, Oregon, and Washington, and by the United States Fish and Wild- life Service in the three States, propagate, collectively, chinook, red, silver, chum, and pink salmon, and steelhead trout. There are dif- ferences in techniques and proce- dures employed by different hatch- eries, usually because of the species propagated and the physical char- acteristics of the watershed and the fish-cultural station, but generally the methods of salmon propagation at hatcheries on the Pacific coast are quite similar. The species of salmon differ con- siderably in characteristics, and 22 tlioso (lifftM-ences complioatc liatcli- t'ly [)r()paiiation. The adults of one s[)ecies may be diiru-ult lo \\-a\) and liold to spa^Ynino•, and t he youno- of another species may be dillieult to rear. Differences in these and other respects are found within species in tlie same Avaterslied, al- though the hatchei'y water supply or physical characteristics may de- termine the extent of deviation within species. .Vhhou^h more detailed descrip- tions of procedures and equipment will be given, it is well to outline briefly the essential stei)s taken to propag-ate salmon at a hatchery. The methods are quite similar to those employed at trout hatcheries. The first requirement is adult salmon from which eggs and sperm may be secured. These brood fish are trapped by placing a rack or racks across a stream up which the mature fish are migrating. ''Ripe'' females are selected and killed, and the eggs are removed from the body cavity. The milt or sjDerm of males is expressed onto and mixed with the eggs. After a few^ minutes the surplus sperm is washed from the eggs and the latter are taken into tlie hatchery, wdiere they are placed in baskets or on stacked trays so arranged in the hatchery troughs as to permit circulation of water among the eggs. At the end of the incubation period, which varies ac- cording to the water temperature (50 days at 50° F.), the small fish or fry emerges from the egg shell with an attached umbilical or yolk sac that supplies sustenance until the fish is capable of taking food hy mouth, a])pro.\iinately '■] week- later. When the young fish are free- swimniing, they are fed in the hatcheiy troughs for a time and then transferred to outside rearing ponds. There the fish continue to receive food and grow to the ap- ])i-opriate size for release. In the early years of salmon culture, prac- tically all young fish were released as unfed fry. In ij^cent years, as many have been held for pond rear- ing as facilities wall permit. Ex- ceptions to this are the chum and pink fry, which, under natural con- ditions, immediately seek salt water and so are released from the hatch- ery. Many of the fall chinook salmon also are released as fry or after a few^ weeks of rearing, prin- cipally because of a lack of rearing space. On the other hand, wdiere it is possible to do so, red, silver, spring chinook, and steelhead trout are held in rearing ponds for a year or more. Some comments regarding the in- dividual species of salmon and of steelhead trout are of interest and pertinent to a discussion of salmon culture but need not be included in the detailed descriptions that fol- low. As has been mentioned, the chi- nook-salmon runs into the rivers are quite arbitrarily divided into two groups. The spring chinook adults enter the rivers in the spring and early summer and usually ascend the rivers farthest, spawning from midsummer to about October. The fall chinooks enter the rivers from midsummer to September, spawn- ing from August to October in 23 relatively lower reaches of the rivers and often close to tidewater. The spring chinook is in prime condition when it enters the rivers, having stored fats for sustenance on a long journey inland; and usually the female contains immature or green eggs that will not be developed for spawning for many weeks or per- haps several months. The fall chi- nook, on the other hand, usually is not in prime^condition when it enters the river; the flesh deterio- rates rapidly, as the spawning time is often a matter of only days or possibly 2 or 3 weeks. It is evident that to trap the spring chinooks for spawning at the mouth of a long river would require that these fish be held for many weeks or several months before the sexual products would be "ripe" and suitable for artificial spawning. Successful holding of adult spring chinook, even in carefully con- structed "natural" ponds or streams sections, has proved very difficult. Experience at several hatcheries has revealed the difficulties to be en- countered in such holding. At a few points spring chinook adults have been retained successfully until mature; the success appeared to be due to the Avater supply. There may be also a psychological as well as a physiological effect upon the fish because they are in foreign waters and not en route to their home streams. Theoretically, it would be possible to trap these spring-run fish immediately below their spawning areas, but the cost in relation to the relatively few fish that w^ould be taken in the small tributaries would be excessive. Even here, too, many quite green fish would be taken. The fall chinook adults are quite readily trapped and spawned in the tributaries of the lower reaches of the various watersheds. There the fish are almost ripe and usually need be held for only a few days before spawning. The fall fish do not "resent" being held in ponds or be- tween racks as do the springs. The fall fish are much more docile and are quite readily "herded" or led where most convenient for accom- plishment of spawning. After the eggs of spring or fall fish are taken and placed in the hatchery, there is no appreciable difference in the incubation. Maxi- mum returns to the fishery are se- cured by rearing the young spring chinooks for about 1 year before re- leasing them into the streams. Such rearing should be wnth as nearly natural water temperatures as pos- sible. Experience has shown that when the spring chinook fingerlings attain a size of 3 to 5 inches they ex- hibit a decided desire to migrate downstream. In hatcheries where warm spring water is available, the tendency is to provide warmer than natural waters for rearing, resulting in unnaturally great food intake and growth of the fish. Thus, the migration urge may come upon the young fish, requiring their release during periods of severe cold when there is anchor ice in the sti-eams or other factors unfavorable for stream survival. The fall chinook finger- lings do not generally exhibit such migration urges. The adults of silver and red sal- mon trapped long before their 24 spawnin<»: i)eri()(l also are difficult to hold in ])()nds or .streams without mortality, but experience with these species has not b?en so extensive as with the chiuooks. (uMierally arti- ficial spawniiit:' of" silver salmon takes place neai- the spawnina- areas. and the red salmon are tiap[)ed and spawned as they ascend streams from lakes to spawn. Steelhead trout adults, too, wlien trapped along with salmon in the fall, are difficult to hold over the winter for spring spawning. Studies by the Washington De- partment of Fisheries have shown that silver-sahnon young should be reared in the hatchery ponds mitil their second spring and then re- leased. The same appears true of steelheacl-trout young. Yearling red-sahnon fingerlings have pro- duced excellent returns when re- leased into their "home" lake in the fall of the year. Chum salmon usually are almost mature sexually when they enter fresh water, and the adults can be readily trapped and spawned. Under natural conditions the young fish proceed to salt water immedi- ately after emergence from the gravel, and the usual hatchery prac- tice is to release the young fish at that time. The fall chinook salmon is the species most extensively propagated at most of the salmon hatcheries. It is probably the easiest to secure and handle in the hatchery. Fur- thermore, the fall chinook is native to the lower reaches of the water- sheds, and therefore usually below major dams, and can be maintained and developed most readily. There is economic justification, too, for concentration upon the propagation of fall chinook in those areas wiiere mamnade conditions req.uire the assistance of the hatchery for the maintenance of the salmon re- source. All of the species require about the same capital and annual investment for hatchery production to secure like returns in numbers of adult fish, but the fall chinook, at- tains the greatest adult size and thus contributes more pounds of fish per dollar invested. The following descriptions of methods, procedures, and equipment are of those generally employed in the propagation of fall chinook salmon. The few deviations from this pattern to propagate other spe- cies will be noted if pertinent. Spawn taking Wlien a group of adults is avail- able in the racked stream area or in the holding pond, and the majority are mature, the fish are brought to- gether in a small area for sorting and spawning. The usual spawn- ing run consists of both sexes in about a 50-50 ratio. Experienced men sort the salmon, placing males and ripe females in separate enclosures. Jacks or pre- cocious males, as well as surplus males, are killed. Green females are returned to the pond for further maturation. The indication of ripeness in the female is the separation of the eggs in the ovaries, but it is not usually possible to determine this by an ex- terior examination. Experienced spawntakers rely mainly upon the general appearance of the female 25 and upon the looseness and position of the eggs as determined by gently passing the hand over the abdomen. Picking the fish up and gently pressing on the abdomen will result in the extrusion of eggs from the vent, but this method is not always indicative of the maturity of all eggs, as those near the vent may be ready for spawning while others further forward may not have sepa- rated. Under natural conditions, spawning by each female is under way for several days, the eggs being released as they become mature. It is impractical in artificial spawning operations to extend the spawning of each fish over several days, so quite often the spawning of appar- ently ripe females is delayed for an additional day in order to be certain that all eggs are separated, which results in improved fertilization of eggs. However, where large num- bers of adults are handled, as at some of the lower Columbia River stations, space does not permit this practice. Usually all males attending the females are ripe and will produce adequate sperm. Only 1 male is considered necessary for the fertili- zation of the eggs of 3 or 4 females when artificially spawned. As the sexes appear in approximately equal numbers the surplus males usually are removed, j^articularly when large numbers of fish must be han- dled and space is at a premium. In the event that there is a shortage of males, those present are utilized sev- eral times, as they create new sperm to replace that taken. When the sorting of fish is com- pleted and all ripe females and a FitiUKK 11 (t'iiiii- i»rt'i):ire(l qiawniii 2S sufficient luiiiiluM- of luiiles are eoi- ralled. workers kill (he lish b v sharp blows on the top of the head. The salmon are hiid in a row, three fe- males and a male, and so on. The tail of each tish is cut to drain blood from the body so that the blood will not later become mixed with (he eggs and interfere with fertiliza- tion. The spawntake • holds a female salmon vertically by inserting one hand in the gills, with the back of the fish hanging between his knees. The vent is held just above a 10- to 14-quart pail or bucket. A knife, usually one specially made for this operation is inserted in the vent and drawn upward toward the head, the body wall being cut to one side of the ventral fins and to (he top of the body cavity (fig. \-^}. If the eggs are fully se})arated. (liey will poui' into the bucket. After the eggs have been stripped from about three females, which is done rapidly, the sperm of a male is extruded into the i)ail and thor- oughly hand-mixed with the eggs. ( )ften a small amount of sperm will be placed in the bottom of the bucket before eggs are placed therein, and sperm may be introduced after eggs have been taken from each female. The foregoing process may be re- peated until the bucket is about two- FiGiRE 12. — Spawning cliinook salmon at the Coleman (Calif.), Hatchery of the Fish and Wildlife Service : Left — eggs being removed from female ; right — extrud- ing spermatozoa from male onto eggs. 27 thirds full of eggs. Within 2 min- utes, if the eggs and sperm have been thoroughly mixed, all eggs should be fertilized, each egg hav- ing been entered by one sperm only. The bucket of eggs is then gently immersed in clear water to permit the flow of water into and around the eggs so that they harden. Ex- cess sperm which may adhere to the eggs and encourage the growth of fungus is washed from the eggs. Recently a device for better washing of eggs has been developed by the Fish and Wildlife Service, 'xhis device consists of a perforated inner bucket or pail which may be re- moved and set in running water to wash all the surplus sperm from the eggs. (See fig. 12.) Each pail of washed eggs is car- ried into the hatchery building, where the eggs are deposited in trays or baskets for the incubation period. Incubation of eggs When the freshly fertilized and washed eggs are taken into the hatchery, they are placed on trays or in baskets in troughs through wdiich water is circulated at all times. The temperature of the water de- termines the rate of development of the salmonoid eggs and therefore the number of days required for hatching. The highest sustained temperatures should be less than 60° F. Slightly warmer waters may re- sult in excessive mortalities. On the other hand, prolonged ])eriods of water temperatures below approxi- mately 34:° F. result in a very long- incubation period and often in the production of abnormal frv in which the yolk material is not ab- sorbed. In waters having an aver- age temperature of 50° F., it can be expected that the salmon (or trout) eggs will hatch in about 50 days, and that the fry will have absorbed the yolk sac in about 3 weeks and will then start taking food by mouth. The rate of development of the eggs and fry is important to the routine fish-cultural operations. Throughout the various stages of development the salmon egg is sub- ject to mechanical injury. There are some stages in which the egg is much more susceptible than in others, a condition that influences hatchery procedures. Two princi- pal phases of development of the salmonoid egg are commonly recog- nized by the fish culturist. The "green" state is that period of devel- opment from the fertilization and water hardening of the egg to the closing of the blastopore. During the first 24 to 48 hours of this phase, the eggs are quite resistant to me- chanical injury, and it is during this period that the eggs must be placed on the trays or in baskets to remain undisturbed until the green stage is complete. Usually the eggs are so placed witliin a few hours of spawn- ing. The remainder of the period of egg development to hatching is called the ''eyed'' stage and is char- acterized by the appearance of the eyes of tlie embryo through the shell of the egg. After all eggs are eyed, they can be handled gently. It is common practice in salmon and trout hatcheries to shock the eggs at this time to rui)ture the vitelline membrane of undeveloped eggs. This is done by dropping the 28 Figure 13. — Saliuon eggs in basket raised eggs several inches into water, with the result that infertile or undevel- oped eggs turn white. These eggs, which would eventually become dead tissue and encourage fungus growth, are removed. Shocked eggs are replaced on the stacked trays in the water or, if they were in baskets, they may now (or later) be placed on trays, to re- main there until hatching is com- plete and the fry have absorbed most of the yolk sac. The young fish are then placed directly in the troughs, where they are fed finely ground meats. In some salmon hatcheries the eggs are permitted to hatch in the baskets, and the fry drop through the wire mesh to the trough bottom. Dead eggs provide the tissue for the growth of fungus that, if not controlled or removed, will spread over and smother surrounding eggs. In view of the delicacy of the eggs during the green stage, it is not de- sirable to attempt to remove the dead eggs because adjacent eggs might be injured. It is possible to prevent or inhibit growth of fungus by routine chemical treatments of the eggs, and during the green stage such treatments are a weekly rou- tine at many hatcheries. Burrows (1949) describes this treatment. Silt carried in the water supply can also coat and smother eggs. For this reason and others a clean water supply for the hatchery is desirable. Silt can be removed by passing the water through a filter 29 ^ (lend (wliite) eggs from tray, cell and the darker colored eggs a A •e al .. .. \\y hatclied fry lut to liateh. before the water enters the liatch- ery. Silt also may be drawn from the stacks of eggs by raising dam boards between stacks and drawing the water down the entire trongh. This should not be done during the critical development stages when the eggs are green. Rearing Most hatcheries have a number of ponds in which the young salmon are reared to larger sizes. It is a generally accepted principle that the larger the fish are when released, the better the chance of survival to maturity. Chum and pink salmon fry normally migrate to salt water inmiediately upon emerging from the gravel of the stream bed, so these species are released from the hatchery as fry. Fall chinook salmon fry usually ;tre reared in hatchery ponds for a few weeks to several months, the time depending upon the capacity of rearing facili- ties. For the best results with spring chinook, I'ed, and silver salmon, and steelhead trout, the young hsh nuist be reared for a year or more. Silver and spring chinook fingerlings released in the second spring about II/2 years after spawning have produced good re- turns, whereas the release of silvers at small sizes has given unsatisfac- tory returns. It is apparent that the rearing of some species of salmon for varying periods is necessary for adequate re- turns. It is equally true that such rearing can be justified on a basis of economics, the hatchery costs being calculated against the returns of adult Hsh to the commercial and 30 sport fishermen. This subject is dis- cussed in a following section. Upon absorption of the yolk sac (see fig. 4), fry usually are fed in the troughs for a week or more be- fore being placed in the rearing ponds. To secure maximum pro- duction, the ponds are stocked to a safe carrying capacity and some of the growing fish are removed at in- tervals and stocked into native wa- ters. By this practice the quanti- ties of salmon being reared may be near the safe carrying capacity at all times. If adequate rearing space is available, or if all of the fish must be reared to a specific size or for a definite period before releasing, the initial stocking of the ponds is lim- ited to the numbers of salmon young that can safely be held in the ponds until released. It is the practice at all Fish and Wildlife Service salmon hatcheries to use pounds as the measure for calculating the carrying capacities of ponds, troughs, or fish-distribu- tion tanks, and the quantities of food to be presented to the fish. At- tempting to determine carrying ca- pacities and quanities of food to be fed when only numbers of fish are known is inconvenient and inaccu- rate. The objective of Fish and Wild- life Service hatcheries is to produce annually 1 pound of salmon for each cubic foot of water available in troughs and ponds for rearing. Oc- casionally, at some hatcheries, this goal is exceeded, but the average is still below the objective. When at- tempting to achieve an annual pro- duction of 1 pound per cubic foot of water, it is necessary to carry near the maximum poundage in all rearing facilities throughout the year. One important factor that may limit the efficient utilization of rear- ing equipment is the incidence of disease. Some hatcheries may ex- perience persistent disease among the stocks of fish held, usually at- tributable to the water supply. Although the usual diseases at the modern hatchery need not cause ex- cessive mortalities if prophylactic measures are routine procedure, the methods of applying treatments often require that the rearing facili- ties be stocked with fish at levels considerably below capacities. Such routine control measures also require labor. Diseases and their control wdll be discussed in a follow- ing section. Obviously the foods presented to young salmon in ponds are of ex- treme importance, not only for ade- quate growth but also to maintain the fish in a healthy condition. This subject is discussed separately. Cleanliness in the troughs and ponds in which salmon or trout are being reared is desirable. Al- though some hatcheries appear to be able to produce fish successfully and efficiently with but a minimum of labor expended on the cleaning of ponds, experience has shown the advantages of cleanliness. Only the concrete ponds in general use for the rearing of salmon can be cleaned satisfactorily. At some liutcheries the growth of algae on pond walls and floors is removed by weekly brushing. Another proce- dure is to apply special paint or a solution of copper sulfate and salt 31 Figure 15. — Cleaning a raceway p to tlie dry pond, and then tiush the pond tlioroughly before the intro- duction of fish. This inliil)it8 or prevents growth of algae during the rearing season. Algae are not harmful to salmon in ponds and usually (as in the wild) harbor small animal organ- isms upon which the fish can feed, but the large numbers of fish held in a rearing pond minimize the con- tribution of this food source. Also, the algae growth is a lodging place for fish excrement, unconsumed food, and disease organisms. With water adequate in tempera- ture, quality, and quantity, with dis- ease control, proper diets, and exper- ienced care, the maximum produc- tion of healthy salmon may be expected. Diseases Throughout their lives all fishes are subject to attack by a great tingerlii variety of disease organisms. In tlie wild, diseases rarely become epi- demic, because of tlie Avide disper- sion of the fishes, which greatl}' decreases the probability of direct or indirect transmission of disease organisms. In the hatchery pond or trough, the fish usually are exposed to the same diseases as are hsh in the wild, })articularly if— common in the l)ropagation of salmon — the hatch- ery water supply is taken from a stream. Disease organisms among hatcher}^ fish have an ideal oppor- tunity to spread because crowded conditions permit easy transmission l)etween lish. To combat disease epidemics or even relatively minor losses of hsh, the fish-culturist elim- inates the possibility of disease breeding or being retained in the algae and excrement in ])onds and troughs. He has as a tool an ade- (jiiate flow of water tliat washes 32 oi'gaiiisins from the pond as I'apidly us ])()ssib]e. Furllu'r. and most im- portant, lu' nst's propri' diets to Ivccp his lish in healthy condition ami thus less snsct'pt ihle to disease. lie has. too. the i-ecommendations of researchers who ha\ c identified dis- ease ortjanisnis and methods of control. If unable to cope with a erceut each of beef livei-, hoR liver, and hog spleen^ SO percent salmon viscera, and 10 percent flame-dried siilmon-offal meal. At temperatures be l(i\v r>()° the meal is deleted from the die! and tlio other ingredients increased pro Ijortionally. At all salmon and trout hatcllel■ie^^ the objective is to produce healthy fish at the minimum cost. One gen- eral measure of success is the pounds of food required to produce a pound of salmon or trout. A few years ago 4: to 5 or more pounds of food were required to produce a pound of Hsh. This ratio has been consider- ably reduced through research ; now it is not uncommon to average about 3 pounds of food to 1 pound of fish. In general, costs, too, have been reduced, but this does not neces- sarily follow, as the foods in the low-ratio diet may be more expen- sive than those in other diets. At salmon hatcheries of the Fish and Wildlife Service, it is con- sidered most desirable for the fish to be presented suitably prepared food that floats on the surface of the water for a time. This is accom- plished by preparing food that does not easily separate in the water. There is less leaching of the food, and consequently almost all of the food is available to the fish. Cer- tain ingredients tend to bind foods together. Salt in combination with hog, beef, or horse liver will form a rubberlike mass that is resistant to water. Dry^ meals in a food will absorb the nutritive juices of the meats, and the binding action will hold tlie food together so fish will receive the full benelit. Reconnnended hatchery practice is to juvpare and feed a food in the same (h>y or within -21 lioui's at the uiost. l*repared foods should not be ref rozen but shoidd be held at low temperatures. The preparation of food involves grinding the components to a fine- ness required for the fish size, mix- ing, and presenting the prepared food to the fish at regular inter- vals— several times each day to newly feeding fish and once or twice daily to larger fish. For the small fish the consistency of a diet may be changed so that the food will break up more readily in the water to pro- vide particles fine enough for the fish. The quantity of food to be pre- sented to the fish is governed by size, species, and the temperatures of the water. The water temperature de- termines the activity of the fish and of the digestive processes. The in- take of food to meet nutritive re- quirements increases as the water temperature rises, and vice versa. Growth of salmon in hatcheries is extremely rapid during the first year of life, when the body weight increases many fold. The food re- quirements of the various species of salmon and trout are definitely dif- ferent. As a general guide to the feeding of salmonoids, charts have been prepared by which the quan- tities of food to be fed to a pond of fish may be determined if the total weight of the fish in the pond is known. The first charts w^ere by Tunison (1936) and by Deuel, Haskell, and Tunison (1937, 1942). 35 Figure 16. — Weigliinii' a sample weight of all tish in rh ejxi )f a known nnml (1 ti) ascertain qi »f salmon finger rities of food to gs to determine fed daily. Modified feeding charts have been prepared for the various species of sahnon. To use feeding charts it is neces- sary lo know the weight of the fish in each ])on(L By weigliing repre- sentative samples of fish at intervals and knowing the numbers of fish in the pond, tlie weight of all fish can be calculated. At large hatcheries, where it would be impractical to weigli numbers of fish in each pond at semi weekly inter\als to de- termine amounts of foods to ()e fed. the Fi.-h and Wildlife Service has developed the use of pilot lots of fish. These lots are held in small laidvs and are weighed to indicate, with the application of factors to compensate for differing conditions, tlie weights of the fish in the many large i)()nds (Palmer et ah. f^rtii). The daily offering of food to the lish is from 10 |)ercent to .") percent of the total weight of the fish — the smaller iisli receiving the greater pei-centages. A variety of methods ha\e been employed to disti'ibute the food to lish. 'I"lu' problem is one of [)re- 36 seiitini:' ;i di'siraWlc food in pfopcr form and of (list I'ilxit iiiu' i( so as to eliiuiiiate waste and assure an ade- ((uate daily ration for oaeh lish. A converted potato ricer witli holes of api)ropriate size lias been used suc- ressfully wlien feedini>- small lish in ti'ou<>hs. Food for the tish is i)laced in the ricer and pressure is a])plied by -liaiul to squeeze the food throuah small lioles in the bottom of tlu> ricer. which is moved l)ack and forth in the water, breakino- oti' the "worms"" of food. An extension of this })rincii)le has been developed at t he Leavenworth station of the Fish and Wikllife Service, where a lai-nihcant savinj^s in funds and lanpow (' a\(' |)i'o( »i'm size. d li the s; Ithv lis Figure 17. — Placing Icod pond with air-pressure n a salmiin •icer at the Coleman (Calif.) Hatchery of the Fish and ^^■iIdlitV Service. THE HATCHERY AND FISHERY MANAGEMENT The fingerling salmon prodnced in the modern hatchery are utilized to the best advantage in the mainte- nance and development of popula- tions of fish decimated or threat- ened w^th extinction. A number of hatcheries contribute to sport and commercial fisheries by making pos- sible the capture of substantial numbers of adult salmon that w^ere released as hatchery-reared finger- lings. Under natural conditions, that is. in the absence of man-made deter- rents to natui'al reproduction, the tremendous salmon populations were able to maintain themselves by entering the many coastal streams to reproduce. The early efforts of Indians in capturing salmon were relatively insignificant, for more- than-adequate numbers of fish usu- ally reached the spawning areas. The fishing methods of the white man were much more intensive and efficient, but even then the tremen- dous catch need not have been par- ticularly harmful to the runs. Sci- 37 entific regulation of the fisheries would have permitted the escape of the necessary numbers of salmon during the feak of the run, for these were the fish having the greatest successful s p a w n i n g potential. However, biological data were not available to indicate the desirability of such escapement, and extreme decimations of some stocks of salmon resulted. Basically, then, all that is necessary for the mainte- nance of a fishery is regulation to permit adequate escapement of the best spawning stock. Unnatural conditions exist today in most of the salmon-spaw^ning streams of the Pacific Coast States and in many of the streams of Brit- ish Columbia and Alaska. These conditions have been discussed: dams and pollution, denudation of watersheds, irrigation diversions. These and other conditions have created blocks to upstream and downstream migrations of salmon, have destroyed or made unsuitable and inaccessible hundreds of miles of spawning area. These projects have interrupted the finely balanced timing of the salmon on their spawning migrations, and, regard- less of man's ingenuity in mitigat- ing the harmful effects of a dam (for instance, by the inclusion of fish-passage facilities), the salmon may still be delayed too long to ar- rive at the spawning area during the period of desirable water tempera- tures. The salmon hatchery often, but not always, can substitute in part for natural reproduction lost by rea- son of man's activities. The pro- gram on the Columbia River, for example, includes salmon-salvage projects of unprecedented scope in- volving the transfer of very large runs of salmon to other than their natal tributaries; it also includes the further development of salmon populations in the lower-river trib- utaries to compensate in part for the anticipated loss of major portions of up-river races by reason of mid- dle-river dams constructed and planned. In the first instance, occasioned by the construction of Grand Coulee Dam, dependence was placed upon the instinct of salmon to return to the stream in which they were born or in which they spent their early months before migrating to the ocean. This program, dependent upon hatchery operations to a great extent, has been particularly suc- cessful. Hatchery production and stocking of red (blueback) salmon can be directly correlated with the tremendously increased runs of this species returning as adults. The lower Columbia River pro- gram has not yet proved successful, but there is every indication that the clearance of streams (to permit greater utilization of spawning and rearing areas) and hatchery stock- ing will result in maximum produc- tion in the lower river tributaries that will largely replace loss of up- stream production. Studies of the results of hatchery production on the Sacramento River in California have revealed the major contribution of the hatchery jH-oduct directly to the fishermen. (). B. Cope and D. W. Slater (un- publislied report) state that hatch- erv fish released from the Coleman 38 station of the Fish and Wildlife Service contribute an aveia<»-e of 14.5 percent of the catch of tlie net fisliery alone. Preliminary data in- dicate the ini])()rtaiu'e of the salmon from this hatchery in the offshore troll fisliery northward from the Sacramento Rivei' to Vancouver Is- land, Caiuula. These and other hatchery opera- tions have been successful in par- tially compensatino- for the salmon losses caused by water-use projects. At many localities the direct and economical contributions of hatch- eries to the salmon fisheries can be demonstrated. It is not inconceiv- able that hatchery propagation alone can maintain a salmon fishery of some magnitude in the event that conditions preclude natural repro- duction and if the requirements for successful hatchery operations are available. THE SALMON HATCHERY Hatchery propagation of salmon is not recommended as a substitute for natural propagation but may be necessary to maintain salmon population under certain circum- stances. The construction of a salmon hatchery is justifiable where there is a particular need. A successful installation requires an appropriate site and adequate water of suitable quality and tem- perature. Plans for a hatchery must take into consideration the numbers and species of salmon to be produced, and the sizes of fish to be released. These factors will determine the rearing space re- quired, the number of troughs or other facilities needed to incubate the eggs, and the quantity of fish food to be stored, prepared, and fed. Hatchery Water Supply Most important for the success of a salmon hatchery is the water sup- ply in which the eggs are incubated and the young fish reared. The sup- ply must be adequate in volume. Each hatchery trough may require 5 g. p. m. (gallons per minute) or more ; a rearing pond should receive from 50 to 400 g. p. m., the amount depending upon pond size and the numbei-s of fish, as well as water temperature and oxygen content. A typical hatchery of 150 troughs and 20 raceways, using water only once through each trough or pond, should have available not less than 7,000 g. p. m. or about 14 cubic feet per second. If there are adult hold- ing ponds, these can receive the water from the ponds. Under crow^ded conditions, when the num- bers of adults approach the maxi- mum capacity of the ponds, an ad- ditional supply of fresh, well- aerated water should be introduced. The water to be used for salmon, and trout, propagation must be of a temperature within a definite range, should be relatively free of silt and debris, must be unpolluted, and should not contain excessive quan- tities of dissolved gases such as nitrogen or of minerals such as cop- per and iron. Within the range of the Pacific salmon, hard water rarely is encountered; most of the coastal streams in which salmon are 39 found, and wliere hatcheries are located, are rehxtively soft water. The water should have a dissolved oxygen content of not less than 5 parts per million wlien introduced into the trough or pond, but greater oxygen content may be required if ponds or troughs are heavily stocked, depending upon water tem- peratures. The numbers and size of fish in a pond or trough, and the water temperature, vrill determine the quantity of water required to be introduced. There is no rule by whicli the number of fish to be stocked may be determined, al- though a pond may be expected to carry up to 1 pound of fish per cubic foot of water. Generally a greater weight of larger fish than of small salmon can safely be carried in a pond or trough, but capacities vary with the species. The maximum carrying capacity of a trough or {)()nd should be determined by trial at each hatchery. The total pound- age should be determined with ap- propriate consideration for pro- longed treatments for disease and for water drawdown when cleaning ponds or removing fish. Generally the water supply for the hatchery is drawn from a stream draining an established watershed within which are few if any farms {ind livestock. Such a watershed usually provides impolluted and relatively silt-free water. At some hatcheries it is necessary to provide a sand-gravel filter to remove ob- jectionable silt. The availability of spring water with a temperature range of 40° to (^0° F. is desirable to warm winter stream waters used in the hatchery. Often warmer waters are needed to promote more rapid growth in order to meet certain planting require- ments. Present knowledge indi- cates, however, that the rearing of some species, particularly spring chinook, shoidd not permit too ra})id growth. The young salmon, if they are reared rapidly to large size (6 to 8 inches) may exliibit a desire to migrate to the ocean in midwinter, when stream conditions are most unfavorable in some locali- ties. For the most efficient hatchery production of salmon, the water temperature should range from about 45° to 60° F. Incubation temperatures should be 45° to 55° F., and rearing temperatures of 50° to 60° F. are desirable. Higher temperatures are not to be souglit because of disease development, and lower temperatures retard growth. The supply of water for the luitchery may he carried from the source in a pipe or flume ; an earthen ditch is not recommended because of the algae growth and the possi- bility that disease-carrying fish may Cnd the ditch a suitable habitat. Flumes should be covered if leaves and wind-borne debris are present. The intake structure on a stream usually includes a l)ari-ed grill or grissly to exclude logs and large debris, and a revolving or other type screen to remove smaller debris and to divert fish back to the stream. Also at the intake is a \alve or stop- log arrangement for control of the '^ater. Water may be introduced into troughs or })onds tlirectly from a 40 Fi(.L];l lb. — ltc;\(jl\iii„ ^LiLL'U 111 wuLlt sui)i)l\ Hume diverts fish and debri.s baeli tu stream at Little White Salmon Hatchery of the Fish and Wildlife Service. ]Mpe or from a head trough or flume, lu the latter case, adjustable open- ings or spigots control the flow of water into each pond or trough. The manner of introduction of the water determines the extent of increase of bound oxygen. If circular ponds or other types of j)onds in which the water is re- circulated are in use, it is necessary to have enough force or head behind the entering water to circulate the pond water properly. Here, for best results, the water is introduced from a pipe. Water may be used more than once, that is, it may be passed from one pond or trough into a second pond or trough and thence into others. There should be sufficient fall of the water from the foot of one pond into the upper end of the next pond to assure adequate dis- solved oxygen. One serious diffi- culty when passing the same water through a series of ponds or troughs is the possible spread of disease throughout the series, whereas l^onds supplied with individual wa- ter would limit the disease to the single pond except where the source of water for the entire hatchery is atfected, or tools and equipment are contaminated. There apparently are no advantages to reusing water \7hen an adequate quantity is avail- able. Experience has shown the neces- sity of selecting a water supply suit- able for the propagation of salmon a] id locating the hatchery at that point. The disadvantages of many such locations as to isolation are tol- erable, but an inadequate or unsuit- able water supply will prevent suc- cessful production of fish. 41 Fj(;ri:K ID. — ]'.;ittery of .snljiK.n I'l-aiiiii; ponds, larcc sp.iw iiiiii; jioikU .md fishway from stream to ponds at the Little White Salmon Hatchery of the Fish and Wildlife Service. The Hatchery Building It lias become quite common for modern liatclieries to include in the hatchery building- not only the troughs for the incubation of eggs and the rearing of very small fish but also the service facilities needed in connection with artificial propa- gation : the food-preparation room, cold-storage facilities, garage, shop, office, and often a small laboratory. When the establishment is quite large, it may be more economical to erect a separate garage building. To have all of the facilities under one roof is convenient, usually re- quires smaller initial cost, and re- duces annual maintenance costs. Trouf/hs. — Hatchery troughs in the early days of salmon cultiu"e were connnonly constructed of red- wood or cedar with inside dimen- sions of about 14 feet long by 16 inches wide by 8 inches deep. Although some fish-culturists con- tinue to prefer the shallow troughs, most salmon hatcheries constructed in recent years have been equipped with deep-type troughs, of the same dimensions except that the depth is usually 16 inches. A more modern innovation is a trough 3 feet deep by about 8 feet long which has the same egg capacity as the deep-type trough but requires only about one- half the floorsjDace. Troughs often have been constructed of more mod- ern materials, such as concrete, alu- mininn, and enameled sheet steel. Plastic or plastic-covered troughs 42 Figure 20. — Interior view of Quilcene, W;i8ii., Hatchery of the Fish ami Wihllife Service. Double-deep-type troughs contain baslvets of salmon eggs. have been tried, but the wood troughs continue predominant, ])rincipally for economy. Trays for the incubation of sahnon eggs are of various sizes (for the deep troughs, 14 inches by 16 inches) ; most have a wood frame (11/2 inches by % inch) on the bot- tom of which is fastened a screen of suitable mesh. The eggs are phiced on the trays in a single or double layer, and the trays are stacked and placed in the troughs. An arrangement of metal dam boards directs the flow of water up through a stack of trays, back to the bottom of the trough, and up through the next stack of trays. The trays stacked in a deep-type trough have a capacity of about 200,000 chinook-salmon eggs, run- ning 50 to 80 eggs per fluid ounce. When the young fish are free swimming and capable of taking- food, they are taken from the trays and i^laced directly in the troughs (from which the dam boards have been removed ) . A wire-mesh screen or a perforated plate at the lower end of the trough prevents the es- cape of fish. The water level of the tiough usually is maintained by a standpipe inserted between the screen and the lower end of the trough. The pipe can be removed readily to facilitate cleaning of the trough. Water for the trough is intro- duced either from a head trough or by pipe, and the water may be passed from one to another of a series of troughs to conserve water, but with the disadvantages men- tioned previously. Troughs usu- 43 Figure 21. -Stack of trays containing salmon eggs being lowered into a deep-type trough for the period of incubation. ally are mounted on horses or pedes- tals about waist high. Occasionally troughs may be placed on or in con- crete tanks which later are used for rearing. In some hatcheries the waste water from the troughs may be utilized in outside ponds. At the Spring Creek (Wash.) Hatchery of the Fish and Wildlife Service, it is possible to drain the fish from the troughs into the waste-water trough in the floor and to divert known numbers of these very small fish into the various ponds for further rear- ing, or directly to the fish ladder down which they will descend to the Columbia River and thence to the ocean. Food preparation room. — At salmon hatcheries the young fish are fed for different lengths of time be- fore release. The diet received by these fish is of major importance. To prepare the foods properly for presentation to the fish, a special room and items of equipment are required. The size of the room and the size and variety of equipment depend upon the quantities of food to be prepared and the period of t ime over which such quantities will be required. A typical salmon- liatchery feeding program starts with the preparation of only a few pounds of food for very small fish. As the salmon grow, the quantities of food required gradually increase until a ton or more of prepared food may be needed each day. A feeding operation of this mag- nitude is accomplished in a food- 44 FiGi Ki; 22. — Typical food preparation room at the Quilcene, Wash., Hatchery of the Fish and Wildlife Service. Bandsaw, grinder and vertical mixer are standard equipment. Note chutes from dry meal storage bins. preparfition room with equipment such as a large meat grinder, a heavy-duty bandsaw, a dough mixer and/or a Large vertical mixer, and a bone-and-gristle chopper, all pow- er driven, and scales and sink. Con- struction of the room is such as to provide adequate light, good drain- age, easily cleaned walls, and pro- duction-line arrangement of equip- ment. Food s t o r a g e. — Cold-storage space is essential, as most of the food for salmon is meat or fish waste. A reasonable measure of the space needed is enough room to freeze and store one-half of the total perishable food requirement for a year. If all of the foods received temperature of the cold room should be maintained at about 0° F., with the ability to freeze rapidly large quantities of fresh meats received in one shipment. If fish products are to be held in cold storage, the temperature should be maintained near —10° F. or below, with a ca- pacity of at least —15° F. to freeze quickly fresh-fish products such as salmon carcasses. At most salmon hatcheries a cool room is constructed as a first en- trance into the cold room. In the cool room are stored those prepared foods that are to be kept cold for the next day's feeding but that should not be refrozen. The cool room is entered directly from the food-preparation room. The tem- 45 peratiire of the cool room may be maintained by the effect of the ad- joining cold room, but more often a separate refrigeration unit is necessary to maintain the cool- room temperature just above freez- ing. Animal and fish meals often are used in fish hatcheries. These products are stored in rodentproof rooms or bins, usually in the loft over the food-preparation room. Downspouts from the bins, with controls, make the meals easily available in the feed room. (See fig. 22.) Rearing Ponds Eearing ponds specifically de- signed for the most convenient and efficient operation are required at salmon hatcheries. These ponds are of a variety of sizes and shapes, but certain designs have proved most successful. The early ponds used for rearing of young salmon, particularly chi- nook and silver, were earthen, usu- ally very long and narrow, and had the water flowing from one pond through a second and often through several j^onds. The ponds at the modern salmon hatcheries are of concrete, and the tendency is to pro- vide a good flow of water and use it only once when an adequate water supply is available. This practice permits easier cleaning of the ponds. In certain types of ponds the flow of water over the concrete bottom, as well as the movements of the fish, tends to concentrate debris at the outlet of the pond. Probably the greatest advantage of the concrete pond is in this cleanliness, there being minimum lodgement of dis- ease organisms; whereas the oppo- site is true of the earthen ponds. When disease must be treated with chemicals, the concrete pond lends itself to such treatment. In gen- eral, despite the greater construc- tion cost, the concrete pond is pref- erable to earthen ponds. Probably the most common type of rearing pond at salmon hatch- eries is the raceway, in which a sub- stantial and uniformly dispersed flow is maintained from the water- intake end to the lower or screened end. (See fig. 19.) Ponds of this type are preferred at Fish and Wildlife Service hatcheries. The ponds are usually 8 feet wide and 80 feet long and have an average water depth of 2.5 feet. From the upper to the lower end, the bottom has a slope of 1 inch in each 10 feet of length. The inflow of water is 200 to 400 g. p. m., and spills from a head trough into the pond in a slieet as wide as the pond. This manner of introducing water pro- vides as nearly as possible a uni- form movement of water down the pond witliout dead-water areas. The screen and dam boards also ex- tend the full width of the pond. Tlie removable screen (of appro- priate mesh, galvanized after weav- ing) or a perforated plate, placed in slots or grooves in the concrete at the lower end of the pond, pre- vents the escape of fish. The dam boards, also removable, are located downstream IVoiu the screen and maintain the (U'sired ])()nd level. At some liatchei-ies (he lowei' end of the l)()ii(l is seak'd by a concrete Avail and the overflow i>oes down a stand- 46 pipe of appropriate height located hotwoon tlio oiul Avail uiul the screen. The r;uH'\va_v-t y|)c rcarino- pond lias sonic disadvantages. A very substantial supply of water is re- quired, although this could be re- used in other poiuls in a series. Young fish show a tendency to accu- mulate at the inflow end of the pond, thus apparently not utilizing clliciently the space pi-ovided. However, most efficient utilization of the pond space by stocking the pond to near capacity will result ill better dispersion of the fish. It is believed that the foregoing, if a disadvantage, is minor as compared to the advantages of this type of pond in disease inhibition, ease of feeding:, treatment for disease, and handling of fish. The Washington State Depart- ment of Game has used most suc- cessfully a circular concrete pond, usuallv 4:0 feet in diameter, about 24: inches in water dcptli, and hav- ing a very slight bottom sh)pe to- ward the center staiid-i)ipe outlet, which is surrounded by a square screen. Exceptional weights of trout have been produced from these ponds. The circular pond i'e(|uires a minimum of water, and its use is ad- vantageous where water supplies are limited. Because of the con- tinuous circular How of water, how- ever, disease organisms have greater o})portunity to attack the fish and disease treatments are more diffi- cult. The Washington State Depart- ment of Fisheries and the Oregon Fish Commission favor a rectan- gular pond with a center partition that stops short of the end walls to permit circulation of the water. (See fig-. 23.) In some of these ponds the inflow and outflow are at the same end of the pond. In later Figure 23. — Salmon rearing ponds at the Green River Hatchery of the Wasliingtoii Department of Fisheries. 47 years, the inflow and outflow have been placed at opposite ends of the pond, eliminating dead-water areas to some extent. Of the many types of rearing ponds in use, the raceway pond is believed best suited to mass produc- tion of salmon fingerlings. Its capacity, measured in production per cubic foot of water, or per gal- lon per minute, probably is not so great as the circular pond; but its disease-inhibiting characteristics, as well as ease of cleaning, feeding, and handling the fish make it desir- able where ample water supplies are available. Trapping Adult Salmon The location of traps for the tak- ing of adult salmon for spawning will depend upon the species of fish sought. The most desirable trap- ping locality is immediately below the natural spawning area, where the fish can be taken when fully ma- ture, but this usually is not feasible. The trapping for spawning of spring chinook, silver salmon, and steelhead trout offers the greatest difficulties, for many adults of these species may need to be held for weeks or months before spawning. Until recent years it had been the general practice to place racks or weirs across a stream at a suitable point to enclose an area within which the adult salmon were trapped for spawning. The lower rack was so constructed as to permit the upstream passage of fish through one or more V-openings which could not easily be found again for escape. The upper rack permitted no passage. The mature fish were seined from the area and fipawned. Several variations of this type of rack are sketched and de- scribed by O'Malley (1920). Although the trapping and spawning of some species of salmon in the stream continue to be neces- sary where circumstances permit, a general practice is to install a di- version rack or dam in the stream and thus to divert the adult fish into a side channel or up a fish ladder :and thence into concrete or earthen holding and spawning ponds. A rack placed across a stream con- sists of weighted wood or steel tri- pods between which stringers are extended. Sections of suitably in- terspaced strips laid vertically are placed or leaned against the string- ers on the upstream side of the tri- pods. The interspaces in the rack are of such width and number as to permit the free flow of water through the rack but are sufficiently small or narrow to deny passage of the salmon. The rack must be fish- tight along the stream bottom. O'Malley (1920) gives a detailed description of rack construction. The streamflow characteristics, as well as the size and quantity of debris, such as logs, brush, and leaves, must be considered when de- termining the size and strength of the rack. The largest salmon rack ever attempted was laid across the main Sacramento River. The steel tripods were 12 feet high, and each of these weighed many tons when loaded with rock (on a platform within the three legs) to hold posi- tion in the cuireut. The racks were of steel or strap iron. Flash floods in the river frequently shifted or 48 Figure 24. — Dam constructed across creek to divert adult salmon up fishway and into holding ponds. (See also fig. 1.) carried away sections of the instal- lation. Identical tripods have been utilized in the Big White Salmon Eiver, tributary to the lower Co- lumbia River. Smaller rack installations are the rule and usually can be held in the stream with constant attention and effort through the few weeks of the spawning season. Under favorable circumstances it is possible to rack only a portion of a stream and thus divert part of the run of salmon into holding ponds. At other places, such as Walcott Slough on Hood Canal off Puget Sound, Wash., a permanent trap is installed in a small spring outlet within the reach of tidal rise. Here chum salmon are spawned with utmost conve- nience, as the adults entering the traps are fully mature. This run, incidentally, is hatchery-created and hatchery-maintained. In certain streams where the bot- tom and channel are stabilized, con- crete aprons about 15 to 20 feet wide often are placed across the bed of the stream, with appropriate means of anchoring tripods to the apron. Often, too, concrete blocks have been poured at intervals across the apron to replace the tripods. The racks are then laid against the sloping up- stream face of the blocks. Where floods and logs are encountered, such permanent installations are undesir- able because they form a solid foun- dation for a debris dam and resultant flooding of surrounding areas. On the Klickitat River, un- der the Federally financed fisheries program, the Washington Depart- nient of Fisheries has installed a new kind of tripod that is most con- venient and successful in this type of stream with no heavy debris. This installation consists of a con- 49 Figure 25. — Salmon trapinng and spawning installation by tlie Fish and Wildlife Service on Wind River, Wasli. Adult salmon enter the enclosure through a small opening in the far rack and are seined from the area. ciete apron with permanently fixed pipe-rack supports to replace the tripods. At the conclusion of the spawning period, the racks and the plank walkway across the top are removed and the individual pipe supports, attached by swivel joints at each end, are lowered to the apron surface. For the next spawning pe- riod these are caught with a hook and raised to a vertical position, and the walkway and rack sections are placed. This is purely a rack to stop salmon from further ascent of the river and to divert them into pre- pared holding ponds. Another type of diversion struc- ture is that placed permanently in Battle Creek, tributary to the Sacra- mento River, to divert adult salmon into the holding ponds of the Cole- man station of the Fish and Wild- life Service. (See fig. 24.) This structure is a low concrete dam with a downstream sloping surface and apron over which the water pours in a sheet and in which salmon cannot secure a "foothold" to attempt a jump. During the salmon runs the fish are diverted to a fish ladder leading to large holding ponds. Tliroughout the rest of the year, a fish ladder in the dam itself is open to permit ascent of trout and some salmon to the stream above. The type of rack installation for 50 I'iGUKK 2G.— Seining chum salmon from the holding area at the Walcott Slough, Wash., spawning station of the Fish and Wildlife Service. Entrance V at lower right. --■^M^'^^^ik either trapping or diverting the sahnon to holding ponds will de- pend upon the character of the stream and upon the species of fish to be spaAvned. Also dependent upon these factors will be the deter- mination whether fish will be trapped in the stream or diverted to holding and spawning ponds. The latter is most convenient and successful for sjoawning operations at a hatchery where water supplies are readily available for the ponds. In isolated areas or at points re- moved from the hatchery, a tempo- rary installation for trapping and spawning directly in the stream is most economical. Adult Holding Ponds Holding or retaining ponds for adult salmon differ greatly in size, depth, and general features. The principal differences are found in ponds designed for receiving and holding fall chinook salmon and those for spring chinooks. The spring chinook is more vigorous and aggressive in attempting to leave the pond and move further up- stream. He also must be held much longer before maturing than the fall fish. The retaining ponds for spring chinook salmon are quite compli- cated and are carefully designed and constructed to avoid death of 51 adults as a result of injury and disease. At the Grand Coulee sta- tions of the Fish and Wildlife Serv- ice, nmch attention has been given to the development of satisfactory ponds. The most successful pond yet devised, and one in which spring chinooks have been held very satis- factorily, is described by Koger Burrows (unpublished) of the Fish and Wildlife Service. The retention of the fish until sexual maturity must meet two main require- ments for successful operations. First, it must prevent mechanical injury to the adult stock, and second, it must inhibit the development of disease. (1) It is characteristic of adult salmon when barred from further upstream prog- ress to circle the area of impoundment, attempt to move upstream, and finally return to the upstream barrier and at- tempt to surmount it by jumping. Fish thus trapped will circle and mill around restlessly for 10 days to 2 weeks but eventually will settle down in the deeper portions of the area to await maturity. By that time, however, the damage has been done as far as mechanical injury is concerned. Fish have jumped out on the banks and died or returned to the pond severely abraded, injured them- selves by hitting obstructions, or worn their nose fighting the upstream barrier. Any traumatic condition resulting from mechanical injury no matter how minute opens an avenue for infection and the death of the fish may result. It is a relatively simple matter to pre- vent fish from jumping in a retaining area. Fish jump at the point of water inflow but they also jump at vertical banks. To prevent the latter all banks in an artificial pond should have at least a 45° slope. Salmon before making a jump nose along at the surface of the water. If the water surface is covered the fish will not jump. Taking advan- tage of this characteristic the water sur- face in the area immediately below the obstruction is completely covered by floating strips of canvas. By the use of a submerged culvert the water may be introduced into the cen- ter of the upper section of the pond so that the fish can jump but still do them- selves no harm by striking the banks. As far as is know^n jumping by salmon produces no ill effects as long as mechan- ical injury is not incurred. This type of barrier to the upstream migration has two advantages over the usual weir, first, the fish do not fight the upwelling water sufficiently to cause abrasions and, sec- ond, if properly placed or covered, jump- ing will either do no harm or can be prevented. (2) The type of holding area and the water temperature are the two major factors concerned with the development or inhibition of disease. A holding area to be satisfactory must have a continuing and fairly rapid inter- change of water throughout the entire impoundment. Natural pools fulfill this requirement otherwise they would silt up and no longer be pools. Salmon pre- fer deep water in which to lie between migrations but this preference should not be satisfied at the sacrifice of water interchange. If relatively stagnant water is present in the deeper portions of the area, disease organisms which are waterborne have an opportunity to con- centrate in these portions. As these areas are the parts preferred by the fish the infections become dominant and the natural resistance of the fish is not sufii- cient to cope with the disease. A good holding area, therefore, should have a bottom contour such as to avoid the development of areas of semistagnant water. The temperature of the water is, also, an important factor which controls the development of disease. Both fungus {Saprolegnia imrusitica) and columnaris {Chondrococcus columnaris), the princi- pal causes of mortality in adult fish, do not reach their point of optimum develop- ment at temperatures below 60° F. For this reason holding areas in which the water temperature does not rise above 60° may be operated with a smaller water inflow and, consequently, a slower rate of interchange than areas which have FlOLKE 'Si -Adult lipeiiiug and spawning (foreground) ponds to which adult sulmc are diverted from the river in background. temperatures in excess of 60° for ex- tended periods. It is believed that an increase in the rate of interchange of the water in a holding area can be sub- stituted for low water temperatures to inhibit disease development." The retention of adult fall chi- nook salmon until ripe for spawning- is not so difficult as the retention of springs. The former fish usually are almost ready for spawning when trapped and need to be held in the ])onds for only a few days. These fish, also, are not so aggressive and can be retained more easily in the ponds. For these reasons it is not necessary to prepare such elaborate holding ponds. This is true of chum salmon, also. An adequate supply of aerated water is the principal requirement. Personnel, Equipment, and Facilities The number of persons required to staff a hatchery during the entire year depends upon the type of oper- ation, including species propagated, climatic conditions, and the location of the unit. In general, the normal hatchery may be permanently staffed with 1 man for each 10,000 pounds of salmon produced. This rule has been applied to Fish and Wildlife Service units on the Co- lumbia River. The production fig- ure per man is higher than is usually attained at present. Additional help required can be recruited lo- cally when needed. The salmon hatchery is equipped with sufficient trucks to facilitate operations and with a shop in which repairs can be made to such equip- ment as traj'S, nets, and racks. Ma- jor vehicle repairs are most fre- quently made in a commercial shop unless a number of hatcheries in an area can profitably maintain a cen- tral repair shop with a mechanic in charge. 53 Accurate records of hatchery op- order to calcidate the quantities of erations are maintained to facilitate food to be presented to the finger- activities and to provide a fund of lings in the ponds. Efficient opera- basic information to evaluate, in the tion of each hatchery requires tabu- future, the results of the stocking of lation of expenditures for labor, salmon. Eoutinely, the poundage food, and other items, as Avell as the of fish on hand must be known in production of fish. LITERATURE CITED Black, V. S. 1951. Osmotic regulation in teleost fislies. Part II of "Some aspects of the physiology of fish," by W. S. Hoar, V. S. Black, and E. C. Black. Ontario Fish. Res. I.ab., No. 71. Univ. Toronto I'ress. Burner, C. J. 1051. Characteristics of spawning nests of Colunihia liiver salmon. V. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fi.shery Bulletin, No. 61. vol. 52. pp. 'J7-110. Burrows, R. 1949. A lu-ophylactic treatment for the control of fungus (Saprolegnia para- sitica) on salmon eggs. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Prog. Fish-CuL, vol. II, No. 2. Canada Department of Fisheries. 1952. British Columbia catch statistics (1951) Clemens, W. A. 1952. On the migration of Pacific salmon {Oucorhiinchus). Trans. Roy. Soc. Can. (3) 45, pp. 9-17 (1951) Clemens, W. A., and G. V. Wilhy 194G. Fishes of the Pacific coast of Canada. Bull. Fisli. Res. Bd. Can., 68, pp. 81-89. Craig, .T. A., and R. L. Hacker 1940. The history and development of tiie fisliories of the Columbia River. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., No. 32, vol. 49. i)p. 133-216. Davidson, F. A., and S. .T. Hutchinson 1938. The geographical distriliution and environmental limitations of the Pacific salmon (Genus Oin-orhinirhiis) . Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish.. No. 26, vol. 48, pp. 6G7-692. Davis, H. S. 1947. Care and diseases of trout. F. S. t^ish and Wildlife Servico. Kosearcli Report 12. 98 pp. Deuel, C. li., D. C. Haskell, and A. V. Tun i son 1937. The New York State Fisli Hatchery Feeding Chart. N. Y. Conserv. Dept. 29 pp. 1942. The New York State Fish Hatchery Feeding Chart. N. Y. ("onserv. Dept., Fisheries Res. Bull. No. 3. 38 pp. Fish, F. F. 1948. 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Fish-Cult., vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 19-22. RucKER, R. R., A. F. Bebnier, W. W. Whipple, and R. E. Bureows 1951. Sulfadiazine for kidney disease. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Prog. Fish-Cult., vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 135-137. SCHULTZ, L. P. 1936. Keys to the fishes of Washington, Oregon, and closely adjoining regions. Univ. Wash. Pub. ZooL, No. 2, pp. 103-228. ScHULTZ, L. p., and H. A. Hanson 1935. Salmonoid game fishes in the national forests of northwestern United States. U. S. Forest Service. Smedley, S. C. 1952. Pink salmon in Prairie Creek, California. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 38, No. 2. Stone, L. 1880. Report of operations at the United States salmon hatching station on the McCloud River, Calif., in 1878. App. 33, Rpt. U. S. Comm. Fish. 1878, part VI, pp. 741-770. TUNISON, A. V. 1936. Tables applicable to hatchery operations. New York State Conserv. Dept., Fish Culturist, vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 6-16. United States Bureau of Fisheries 1928. Alaska salmon tagging operations. 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