THE GOLDEN EAGLE and its economic status Marine Biological Laboratory JAN 2 5 ..55 WOODS HOLE, MASS. CIRCULAR 27 FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR THE GOLDEN EAGLE and its economic status By LEE W. ARNOLD Biologist CIRCULAR 27 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Douglas McKay, Secretari/ FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, John L. Farley, Director The investigational work on which this report is based was done while the author was a member of the staff of the Denver Wild- life Research Laboratory of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. The report was submitted after the author had left the laboratory, and parts of it were condensed and revised by E. R. Kalnibach, (lien director of the laboratory. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1954 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, II. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. - Price 2.5 cents CONTENTS Page Range 1 Characteristics 2 Life history 4 Age_ 4 Courtship and nesting 4 Young 7 Territoriality 8 Migration 9 Food and economics 9 Food habits 10 Stomach analyses 11 Carrion as food 12 The golden eagle and its prey 13 Rabbits and rodents 13 Big game 15 Pronghorn antelope 15 Deer 18 Bighorn sheep 20 Game birds 22 Sharp-tailed grouse 22 Pheasant 22 Sage grouse 23 Wild turkey 23 Waterfowl.^ 24 Other birds 26 Livestock 26 Sheep 26 Cattle 30 Summary and conclusions 31 Literature cited 33 III The golden eagle. From a Fish and Wildlife Service p.iintiiii; in ((ilur liy I.mii;' Agassiz Fuertes. THE GOLDEN EAGLE and its economic status Arthur Cleveland Bent aptly summarized the present economic status of the golden eagle when he stated that it had "a powerful in- fluence for either good or evil ac- cording to the conditions of its habi- tat."' The present study has aimed at determining the nature of this influence under the varied condi- tions within the range of the species. To approach this goal, significant life-history information was first assembled as a background for an understanding of the species. Data were then gathered to aid in an ap- praisal of the influence of the golden eagle on certain wild and domestic animals. Lastly, techniques useful in the bird's management were appraised. This study was first assigned to Kalph H. imler, of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, who conducted some of the earlier field work and examined numerous stomachs of these birds. Early in 1947 the writer conducted additional field research and reviewed the lit- erature. Among others who con- tributed substantially to this pres- entation were members of several State game departments, including Frank W. Groves of Nevada, Rob- ert R. Elliott of Colorado, and Paul V. Jones and O. F. Etheredge of Texas. Charles C. Speri-y and nu- merous field personnel of the United States Fish and Wildlife Sei-vice also contributed. RANGE The golden eagle, Aquila chri/.s- aetos in its various subspecies, has a circumpolar distribution in the Northern Hemisphere (Peters 1931) . Despite barriers formed by oceans, mountain ranges, and great distances, only slight racial differ- ences appear among golden eagles living in widely separated regions. The American race, Aqmla ehri/s- aetos canadensis^ the only recog- nized subspecies on this continent, breeds from northern Alaska and Labrador southward into Mexico and sparingly in the Appalachian Mountains to western North Caro- lina and eastern Tennessee. Its principal breeding range in the United States is in the area west of the 99th meridian. The writer has found it nesting from near sea level in southern California to near tim- berline in Colorado. During win- ter it ranges below sea level in some California valleys (Sumner 1929), and it wanders casually over the region east of the Rocky Mountains south to the Gulf Coast. Fossil remains indicate that the golden eagle has been present in the Western Hemisphere for m a n y thonsands of years (Howard 1930) . Deposits in caves of southern New Mexico (Howard and Miller 1933) sliow that this eagle lived during the Pleistocene period along with the California condor and sage hen, species that have long since disap- peared from the area now knowm as southern New" Mexico. Consequently, it may be assumed that the golden eagle is a tolerant and resourceful species and is capa- ble of adjusting itself to a variety of environmental and habitat con- ditions when not subject to uudue interference by man. Yet, it is signiticaut that within the memory of man this bird has been almost eliminated as a breeding species in the mountainous regions of Eastern North America. CHARACTERISTICS The golden eagle is a bird of many aliases. Conunon names for this species ^ include the American war bird, bird of Jupiter, brown eagle, calumet bird, calumet eagle, Canadian eagle, gray eagle, king of birds, ringtail, ring-tailed eagle, ringtail falcon, royal eagle, war bird, and white-tailed eagle. The same authority records the follow- ing folk names: American eagle, black eagle, black Mexican eagle, black Spanish eagle, dark eagle, grepe, Mexican eagle, mountain eagle, and war eagle. The names jackrabbit eagle and German eagle have also found usage. Partly responsible for this va- riety of names is the fact that in its juvenile })lumage the basal half of the tail of the golden eagle is white and white blotches are conspicuous on the under surfaces of the wings. With each molt during the first lew years, these white markings be- come less extensive. When 4 or 5 y( ars old, the adult has the appear- ance of a uniformly colored, dark- ^ W. L. McAtee, Dictionary of vernacular names of North American birds. MS. brown or blackish bird (Jollie 1947). At close range, however, the ocherous cast to the feathers of the hind neck and the tarsus, feathered to the base of the toes, make identification of the adult simple. The golden eagle is a large bird. The average weight of 13 Colorado individuals was 9.1 pounds, the largest bird weighing 12.25 pounds. The average w^ingspread of six eagles taken near Las Cruces, N. Mex., and measured by Cecil Ken- nedy, manager of the San Andres National Wildlife Refuge, was 6 feet 81/2 inches. Other published accounts have indicated a wing- spread of 7 feet and more. That the golden eagle is superbly adapted to soaring-gliding flight is empha- sized by the fact that although it weighs approximately the same as the whistling swan it has almost double that bird's wing surface (Poole 1938). The golden eagle's stomach ca- pacity also is substantial. Although C. C. Sperry (laboratory notes) de- termined that the maximum weight of the crop and stomach contents of nine birds killed in the wild was 1.24: pounds, it is reasonable to as- sume that when the golden eagle is gorged, its crop and stomach ca- pacity exceeds this amount. In captivity, a golden eagle will con- sume as much as 2 pounds of meat daily (Oberholser 1906). The size of the burden carried in (light varies with the characteristics of the individual, its incentive, the altitude, wind conditions, speed at the moment, and possibly other fac- tors. Once the momentum of its first thrust from the ground is lost, the golden eagle is dependent either on its own laboring flight or on the irregularities of air movements in- cluding thermals. During the spring of 1937, C. C. Sperry (field notes) tested the weight-lifting ability of a wild bird caught in the vicinity of Fort Davis, Tex. He did this by fasten- ing weights to its feet and then re- leasing it. The 11-pound bird with which he experimented could not raise itself from the ground with a 51/4-pound weight attached to its feet. Walker and Walker (1910) con- ducted experiments with a captive bird in good condition near sea level in southern California. When re- leased from a platform about 15 feet above the ground, the eagle, with a weight of 8 pounds attached, beat the air wildly and was able to fly only 10 to 14 yards before coming- down to earth. Cameron (1908) observed an eagle carrying a T-pound jackrabbit. Under exceptionally favorable con- ditions greater weights might be carried. Conversely, personal ob- servations of the writer and various i-eferences in the literature show that under unfavorable conditions golden eagles with no more than a gorged crop are unable to "take off" in the absence of air movements. Dixon (1937) also observed that with a burden the size of a ground squirrel the eagle will often take a circuitous route to its nest to utilize the lifting power of air currents and thermals. It is fundamental to recognize, however, that the golden eagle will kill animals that it cannot carry away under any conditions. In view of the apparent inability of the eagle to carry heavy objects, reports of eagles attempting to carry off children are worthy of comment. The writer has investi- gated the facts associated with three such alleged attacks. Two reported attacks occurred during August 1950 near Albuquerque, N. Mex. The first of these appeared to be based on the fact that a Buteo hawk did nothing more than circle 50 to a 100 feet over a suburban home. In the second case, a "huge bald eagle" was described by eye witnesses as being a pure-black bird with about a 3-foot wing-spread which alighted in the yard of a suburban home only to be frightened away by a dog. The third alleged attack occurred in the vicinity of Carlsbad, N. Mex., during February 1948 (Arnold 1948) and was the only incident of the three in which a golden eagle even was involved. In this case the bird had been in captivity for some time and could not fly. The "at- tack" actually was occasioned by a boy tossinjr the weakened bird on n smaller boy's head. Despite the unlikelihood of a :)7) jiresents fairly conclusive evidence that one bird lie studied lived at least 30 years under natural conditions. Cameron (1908) records an eagle that lived at least 23 years, while other writers indicate an even greater life span in captive birds. COURTSHIP AND NESTING The time of courtship varies both with altitude and latitude. In the Mount McKinley, Alaska, area, Sheldon (1908) stated the birds ar- rived in April and inuuediately started nesting activities. In moi-e southerly aicas. where the bii-ds may i-emain in the viciuity of the nesting teri'i(oi-y tlii-oughout the year, courtshij) may begin considei'- ably earliei' with efi even kejit in eaiitivity so that Ihesc feallli'i-s nii-lil lie lilnrUeil wlieli tliey xrew out. YOUNG Accounts of the groAvth and de- velopment of the young of tlie golden eagle have been recorded by several observers (Cameron 1905, Sumner 1929a, Bent 1938, and Jollie •") . At about 9 or 10 weeks of age the young are fully feathered and ready for their first flight in the vicinity of the nest (fig. 2). Bent reports, and the writer's ob- servations verify the conclusion, t hat young eagles frequently renuiin in the vicinity for some time after they leave the nest. They aiv ap- pi'oximately 3 months old before they gain the full power oi flight. On first leaving the nest they hunt with their })arents, who normally watch and guard them until they learn to take care of themselves. In northern Colorado, young and old birds were ol)served together until the last part of October. An increase in the number of eagles seen in early fall in certain localities may be the result of the appearance on the wing of the young of the year and should not be con- fused with winter aggregations of migratory birds from other areas. The young are, for the most part, more fearless of man than the adults and consequently more conspicuous. 2 Malcolm T. Jollie. The golden eagle — its life history, behavior, and ecology. Unpub- lished thesis, University of Colorado, 1943. FiGURK 2. — Nestliui golden eagles on Colorado State Antelope Refuge, by Lee W. Arnold.) (Photograph The juvenile pliimuj^e of tlic golden eagle is retained for 1 year, the only change being a wearing away of tips of the feathers. From tlie postjuvenile molt on, progres- sive changes take place through annual molts, each bringing the bird a step closer to mature plum- age. At times, one or the other of a nesting ]5air may not have ac- quired its full adult plumage. Tlie fully adult ])lumage is acquired at the age of ']^/2 years, or more ( Jollie 1947). There is evidence that the golden eagle, contrary to common belief, does not mate for life but that, in the jockeying of birds for better ter- ritories or for more virile mates, new matings are not uncommon (Dixon 1937). TERRITORIALITY In northern Colorado, the writer observed that each pair of golden eagles occupied a specific territory. Territory referable to the six nests studied there embraced about six townships. Feeding, roosting, and soaring-playing areas w^ere all found within each pair's territory. and the size of these areas varied with availability of food, nest sites, and suitable terrain. Dixon, in studying 27 pairs of golden eagles, mapped their tei'ri- tories and kept records ol" their ac- tivities, lie found a dii-ect relation between the amount of actual hunt- ing area axailable to a i)air and the overall size of the territory oc- cupied. As a rule, a ])aii\of eagles in a wihk'rness ai'ea with ample food snp[)lies occtii)ied a smallei- territoi'\' than one whose territor\ was planted to crops. Therefore. it can be expected, if other things are equal, that the geographical area occupied by a pair of eagles in hilly country will be smaller than in flat, open country. The minimum area studied encompassed 19 square miles, the maxinmm 59 square miles, and the average for the 27 pairs was about 30 square miles, the equivalent of a townshii). Dixon (1937) noted that the bonndaries of the territory claimed by a pair of birds were definite and the area was handeil down from generation to generation. The death of one bird of a pair soon led to the choice of a new mate, and did not affect the status of the area in- volved. If both birds were de- stroj'ed at the same time the area became open territory but did not seem to remain so for long. This was substantiated by the observa- tion that although the female of one pair was kiUed in December, the male had a new mate and a set of eggs was laid In' February 20. In describing nesting territories of golden eagles, Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway (1^74) rejxu'ted that in sonthern Oregon each ]iair of eagles seemed to confine itself to a certain district, the nests being about 2<) miles a pa it. AV. Steinbeck of Hollistef. Calif., also observed that each pair had its own I'ange and wonld dri\'e any ontsider away (liendire 1.S92). These fa nges were nsnally from 2 to ('> miles wide, and the hi rds became so att ached to them that it seemed im|)ossil)le to drive them away. In one case, wlu're he took thice sets of eggs in successive M'ais and killed the ft>male, the male 8 procured another mate and occupied tlie same nest the next season. A(l()li)h Murie (1944) stated lliat in Mount McKinley National Park individual pairs of goklen eagles confined their activities to areas less than 10 miles in diauietei-. l)nt he suspected that at times tlicv cniistMl considerably faither aticid, espe- cially when carrion was available. MIGRATION There is evidence that the golden eagle's movements in fall and winter may be a somewhat more orderly migration than was commonly sup- posed (Broun 1930). That migra- tion may not influence the entire population is emphasized by the fact that in some areas golden eagles remain in their nesting territories throughout the year and that in other areas winter concentrations may vary from year to year or even from day to day. The available food supply is probably a govern- ing factor in this respect. Weather conditions are evidently of second- ary importance, as the birds are (juite capable of surviving subzero temperatures satisfactorily when food is obtainable. Concentrations and movements during fall and winter have an im- portant bearing on the economic status of the golden eagle in a given locality. Knowledge of these traits and an understanding of the tend- ency toward territoriality during the breeding season is essential in any contemplated ])r()gi"am of eagle management. FOOD AND ECONOMICS There is no easy way to deter- mine the general economic influence of the golden eagle, and, although there are several methods of ap- proach, each has advantages as well as disadvantages. These methods are discussed in the following para- graphs in advance of the presenta- tion of testimony used in arriving at an appraisal. In the final anal- ysis, conclusions must be drawn from a summation of all evidence and the weight to be given each will rest largely on the analyst's famil- iarity with local conditions. Interviews with outdoorsmen yielded evidence regarding the golden eagle that ranged from high praise to outright condenniation and, whereas the author has en- deavored to present all shades of ralid testimony, including that in published form, data unduly af- fected by personal bias was dis- carded or ai)propriately evaluated. Careful analysis of crop and stomach contents is probably the most reliable source of information concerning the food eaten, but even this has its limitations. The in- ability to differentiate carrion from captured prey has long plagued the food analyst. Also, after large numbers of eagles are removed for their stomachs, the relation between the residual population and its prey is different from that at the outset. The examination of regurgitated pellets of undigested food likewise has advantages and disadvantages 9 (Errington 1930; Glading, Tillot- son, and Selleck 1943). It has merit in that it permits detection of seasonal fluctuations in the food of the same group of birds with no individuals being removed from tlie environmental complex. On the other hand, the examination of pel- lets, even more so than that of stomachs, fails to reveal those items that are readily obliterated in the digestive process; and also, when flesh, devoid of hair, fur, or bones, is being ingested, pellets may not be formed. This may happen when the eagle is feeding on large car- casses, yet Murie (1914) found in Mount McKinley National Park, that pellets ejected by golden eagles frequently revealed evidence of the birds having fed on the bodies of caribou calves and Dall sheep — construed to have been carrion. Still another method of food ap- praisal of the golden eagle involves the inspection of food remnants found in or under nests or in the vicinity of perches frequently used by the birds. Through frequent collecting of freshly deposited ma- terial, a picture of seasonal fluctua- tion in food may be obtained by this method. On the other hand, ac- cumulations of food debris over a period of years may have the picture confused by the fact that other crea- tures, particularly packrats {Neo- totna) may add to or detract from the accumulation. The foregoing recital sets forth some of the problems faced by the student of the economy ~ of wild creatures. The science is fraught with many difficulties; it also has many reassuring and coiiviuciiiir characteristics, not the least of which is an adequate and intimate field acquaintance with the creature being appraised. In his analysis, the author has endeavored to make use of all approaches available to him. FOOD HABITS The American golden eagle is both a predator and a carrion eater, and at times it takes carrion even though live food is available. Like most widely ranging species its food varies from place to place depend- ing on availability. Indicative of the golden eagle's adaptability are the following items which have been reported eaten by this species. These lists were com- piled from the literature and from field records of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Among the birds taken are herons, swans, geese, ducks, turkey vultures, accipitrine hawks, Buteo hawks, marsh hawks, falcon s, grouse, ptarmigan, European par- tridge, quail, pheasants, wild tur- keys, coots, plovers, curlews, band- tailed pigeons, owls, kingfishers, magpies, ravens, crows, and various smaller perching birds. Mammals listed as taken by the golden eagle include opossums, moles, raccoons, ring-tailed cats, martens, weasels, minks, skunks, foxes, coyotes, bobcats, woodchucks, ground squirrels, prairie dogs, arboreal stpiirrels, pocket gophers, native rats and mice, muskrats, por- cupines, ])ikas, varying hares, jack- I'abbits. cottontails, deer, elk, cari- bou, i)rongli()ni antelope, mountain sheep, and mounlain goats. 10 Anioiia- the reptiles reported taken by the golden eagles are rat- tlesnakes, vai'ious nonpoisonous snakes, terrapins, chnck\A alias, and other iguanas. There are also two references in the literature and one in the field notes of golden eas'les eating frogs. Domestic animals among the eagle's prey include cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, dogs, and cats, while domestic fowl eaten include ducks, geese, chickens, and turkeys. STOMACH ANALYSES The stomaclis and/or crops of 102 golden eagles have been ex- amined in the laboratories of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the former Biological Survey. This material was col- lected under diverse conditions in numerous States and in Alaska over a series of years (table 1). In gen- eral, it reflects relatively modern conditions, 81 of the stomachs hav- ing been collected since 1920. Al- thouo-h a l)ird with such diversified food habits as the golden eagle can- not be judged adequately by a mathematical presentation of data from such a limited series, a digest of findings is presented in the ajj- pended tables. Table 1 sets forth the areas in which the stomach ma- terial was taken and table 2 gives the results of tlie examinations. Carrion, eaten largely during the colder months, had its origin mainly in the carcasses of larger mammals, both wild and domestic. The inter- pretation of carrion w^as made largely on the basis of the circum- stances observed at the time the stomachs were collected. Observa- tions made at that time often indi- cated that the birds Avere shot while feeding on a carcass, or were trapped by carrion used as a lure. The carrion nature of flesh cannot as a rule be determined by labora- tory examination and reliance must therefore be placed on observations made in the field. There will be doubtful cases in which the evidence is not clear and Table 1. — Locations and months in which 102 stomachs and crops of golden eagles were collected state Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total Alaska 1 1 1 3 1 .-__-. 1 6 2 California - - 1 Canada 1 1 Colorado 1 1 ...... 1 2 Idaho - 1 Illinois 1 1 2 Iowa_ -. 1 1 Maryland 1 1 Minnesota.. . . 1 1 Montana 2 6 1 3 Nebraska 2 1 1 5 4 13 Nevada, . _-_ 1 New Mexico 2 1 12 121 3 1 2 25 North Dakota 22 South Dakota 1 2 ...... 1 Texas 1 4 2 2 1 12 Virginia. _ _ . _ ... 1 Wyoming 2 1 1 1 1 6 Total 8 47 10 6 8 1 2 2 3 6 9 102 ' Collected during the periods Jan. 1-Mar. 15 in 1940 and 1941 at a game farm in North Dakota. 11 Table 2. — Occurrence of food items in 102 stomachs and ciops of golden eagles Month Num- ber of speci- mens col- lected Rab- bits! Ro- dents 2 Deer Other wild mam- mals' Up- land game birds < Water- fowl » Other wild birds • Sheep and goats Poul- try' Car- rion s Tota food items 8 47 10 (> 8 1 0 2 2 3 6 9 4 21 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 10 1 3 4 February... March - April - 1 2 1 «19 1 1 2 3 1 54 1 1 12 May... h 1 July 0 August-.- September -- 6 1 1 2 2 1 2 i 1 3 1 2 3 3 1 1 -. 11 Total 102 43 8 2 4 20 1 3 8 1 25 115 1 Jackrahhits {Lfpus) ami fottontails (Sijlrihigus). 2 Gid'jiiil siiuincls iCitt/liix], iiianiiuts ( Mnnnota), and fox and grey squirrels (Sciurus). 3 Skunks {M(philix: and reindeer {Ranyiffr). * Sagi' LTo'i.-;!' (('( niroctrcus) and game-farm pheasants (Phasiaiius). 5 Pintail duek (. l/('/.v). « Turkey vulture (Cathartes). 7 Chicken. 8 Carcasses of domestic sheep, cow, horse, deer (Odocoileus), reindeer (Fangijer), and jarkrahhits il.epvs). » 17 collected at a game farm in North Dakota. those situiitions will have to be charged to the inefficiency of the procedures at hand. This may have occurred in the case of the pintail duck eaten by an eagle in January. Whether this duck was an over- looked victim of a hunt or the prey of the eagle cannot be determined from the stomach contents. Like- wise, under modern conditions, there may be honest doubts as to whether the remains of a jackrabbit is indicative of eagle ])re(lation or of highway hazards, (ieiierally, it is safe to assume, from tlic known predilections of the golden eagle, that the gre;d niajority of the rab- bits and rodents were taken alive. Mention should be made of the 19 instances of ])heasants eaten in the month of February. Circumstances connected with 1 heir coHect ing ai'e discussed undci- Pheasant on pagt's 22 and 23. CARRION AS FOOD It has been a popular conception for many years that the bald eagle is principally a scavenger, but that the golden eagle takes carrion only when compelled by necessity. Data assembled in this study indicate that carrion is frequently taken by the golden eagle even when living- prey is available. Substantiating this contention are the fodowing recorded incidents. ,1. Stokley Ligon. in Socorro County, X. Mex., March 1915, noted that golden eagles fed on the car- casses of stock killed by wolves and thought that "no doubt the destruc- tion of the gray wolves will increase the use fulness of the eagles by forc- ing I hem to kill more of their meat . . . rabbits."- (Bailey 1928.) Murie ( l'.»44) ob.served in Mount McKinley National Park that golden eagles assembled at anv car- 12 rioii they could find althoimli ground squirrels were available most of the time. An experiment conducted by C. C. Sperry (field notes) in the vicinity of Fort Davis. Tex., proved that the carcass of a jackrabbit or of a lamb which had been dead for 2 days or more was preferred even thouoh live lambs of all ages were in the immediate vicinity. As late as April 12, when sheep carrion was abundant and eagles scarce. Sperry trapped an eagle at the carcass of a stillborn lamb that had been dead 4S hours. This is common ]n-oce- dure among stockmen in the South- west in their attempts to trap or poison golden eagles. A number of ranchers interviewed during this study remarked that when fresh carrion is available, golden eagles devour it instead of catching live animals. One also oljserves. in areas of rab- bit concentration in the West, a sub- stantial number of golden eagles destroyed along highways to which these birds have been attracted by rabbits killed by automobiles. Also, their predilection for carrion is revealed in their own misfortune when they die from eating rodents that have been killed by poisoned grain used in rodent control. One might even surmise that simi- lar carrion-feeding habits are re- flected by the evidence found at the |)rehistoric tar pools of LaBrea, Calif. Howard (1930) determined that in these deposits remains of the golden eagle exceeded those of all other hawklike birds, including the carrion-eating vultures. That these l)irds w^ere attracted to the area by the animals which died as a result of miring down in the pools of tar is a logical assumption. Thus, the conclusion is drawn tliat the interrelation of the eagle and game or domestic animals is affected by the presence or absence of carrion as emphatically as by the relative populations of live buffer or prey species. THE GOLDEN EAGLE AND ITS PREY RABBITS AND RODENTS Based on the findings of qualified wildlife technicians in nine western States, Canada, and Alaska, rabbits and rodents are the dominant food of the golden eagle over its wide range in North America. In a study of eagle food preferences in June 1943 in Colorado and Wyo- ming, R. H. Imler found that at nine active nests approximately 77 percent of the food items came from these sources (table 3). On two study areas established in northern Colorado by the author in 1947 (pp. 17, 18) to determine food preferences of the golden eagle, many kinds of acceptable prey were available to the nesting eagles, yet most of the animals eaten by them in that region were rodents or rabbits (fig. 3). Of 138 such animals recorded, 103, or 74.6 per- cent, were rabbits, 32, or 23.2 per- cent were prairie dogs, and 3, or 2.2 percent, were rats and mice. No ground squirrels or pocket gophers were found. Although these studies show that the golden eagle feeds extensively on rabbits and rodents, it does not 302446—54- 13 Table 3. — Food items found near 9 golden-eagle nests in Colorado and Wyoming, I94S Location of nest Date observed Age of young in nest (weeks) Jack- rabbit Cot- ton- tail Ground squir- rel Wood rat Sheep (bones) Sage ben Water- fowl Uni- denti- fied Colorado: Loveland June 5 2-7 "Large" 1-8 2-3 (Same nest) No data 2-3 1-7 (Same nest) No data 1-7 1 .. .. .. 3 10 9 2 6 1 Pawnee Butte Orover June 6 June 10 June 19 June 10 June 11 June 13 June 19 June 18 June 15 Wyoming: Wolcott 9 2 9 11 6 2 2 4 3 1 Do 2 4 1 1 Point of Rock 8 Do 1 2 Parson 2 3 i 4 U Do Do 3 1 2 Rock Springs 1 1 Total 26 53 11 2 4 21 2 12 give the ultimate answer to the eco- nomic considerations involved. The simple fact that rabbits and/or squirrels are considered desirable game species in some areas and in other localities pests, pointedly sets forth the complexity of the prob- lem. In the West, where the golden eagle is resident, rabbits and ro- dents often are considered economic liabilities; consequently, the pres- sure exerted on their populations by the golden eagle is favorable to live- stock, game, and forest manage- ment. Rabbits were not abundant on the two study areas established in northern Colorado during the spring and summer of 1947. On September 3 and 4, 1947, during a 60-mile automobile census on botli areas, one cottontail but no live jackrabbits were observed. The fact that the only jackrabbit seen was being eaten by two eagles may be indicative of food preference de- spite the relative scarcity of rabbits at the time. Corroborating this apparent preference of the golden eagle for rabbits was the fiiuliiiir at a nest on one of the study areas of the re- mains of 60 rabbits as compared with 28 prairie dogs, even though there was a colony of prairie dogs within 500 yards of the nest site. The fact that during the first part of the period, when young were present in another nest, cottontail rabbits predominated as food and later more jackrabbit remains were found there, may be indicative of varying food selectivity^ as the young eagles m a t u r e. Couey (1944) in Montana and others else- where have made similar observa- tions. Since manimalian predators had been drastically controlled in the Colorado study areas, tlie influence of eagles on the rabbit population ma}' have been substantial. Evi- dence indicated that the eagles had to hunt the rabbits they captured, and that the rabbits taken were "seed stock" and not part of a sur- plus population crowded out into a precarious, marginal existence. DesjDite the frequency with which the golden eagle preys on rabbits and rodents there are few refer- ences in the literature describing 14 Figure 3. — Food remains found at nest of golden eagle on Colorado State Antelope Refuge in 1947. They include the skull of a prairie dog, 26 hind feet of cottontails, and 21 hind feet of jackrabbits. (Photograph by E. R. Kalmbach.) the act. H. N. Elliott, a Imiiter for the former Bureau of Biological Survey cited the following incident that occurred in May 193(3 in Jeff Davis County, Tex.: The eagle was seen flying at a height of approximately 200 feet. At a certain point the bird folded its wings and went into a dive. When about 20 feet from the ground it spread its wings and con- tinued toward the ground. When within a few inches of the surface its feet were lowered just enough to strike a prairie dog that was feeding some 10 feet from its hole. The eagle then cii'cled and re- turned to the point where the pi-airie dog had been struck and its back broken. BIG GAME Pronghorn Antelope. — G olden eagles have been known to kill both young and adult antelope. Attacks on athilt antelope occur usually in severe winter weather or during pe- riods of food scarcity or distress for the antelope, the eagles, or both. Such incidents have been reported 15 more f req 1 It'll 1 1 y than those of ea^^les attacking antelope kids. E. S. Cameron ( lU(is) has jjfiven this graphic acctnuit of the attack of several golden eagles on an adnlt antelope in Montana: The ea.iiles had obviously .stampeclod a bunch of antelope and then cut out a victim by a combined jittack. Altogether the antelope could barely have covered three hundred yards afti-r the tirst attack by the eagles. The following observation was made by Willard W. Lahninn, biol- ogist. United States Fish and Wild- life Service, on the Garcia Ranch near Magdalena, N. Mex., on June 19, 1943: Milton H. Webster and I jtimped an antelope and two kids this morning, and on the way back we passed over the same road. In the wheel track was a dead antelope kid with an adult golden eagle feeding on the carcass. About one-quar- ter mile from where the carcass of the kid and tlie eagle were seen, were a female anteloiH^ and one kid. \ot over one-half hour had passed since we had previously seen the female and the two kids. Figure 4 pictures the Aictim of this episode. Despite the authenticity of such re])orts. determining the importance of t'agh' predation in anteloj)e sur- vival is not easy. This becomes ob- vious if one considers that compe- tent observers (Williams and Mat- teson 1948) believe there is a greater al)un(lance of breeding golden eagles in AVyoming on the basis of com- parable area, than in any other west- ern State: yet, through various management practices which placed litth' or no weight on the influence of the golden eagle, a remnant ante- lope p()j)iihition of fewer than 5,000 in 1900 was increased to a point where more than 41,000 were har- vested in 1952. *'-^: v^ip?^.T?f FioiKK 4. — Keniaius nf ;nilcl(iiPf kid killed l)y a golden eagle near .Magilaleiia. .\. .Me\. June lit, I'Jlo. (Photograph l)y W. W. Lahinim.) 16 To ()l)tain (luaiititative data con- cerning the o()l(]en eai»le-antelope relationship, two areas in north- central Colorado bounded on the north by the Wyomino; boundary "svere selected as study areas in the spring of 1947. One was the Colo- rado State Antelope Refuge, of ap- pi-oxiniately 114 square miles, and the other an are." of similar size some 14 miles to tl e east. Although the refuge was adi littedly the more suitable for ant^elope, ap})roxi- mately one-half of the other area compared favorably with the refuge in forage, teri-ain, and lack of bar- riers that would inhibit antelope movement. Xest sites and hunting- territories for eagles were about the same on both areas. The principal economic use of each area was graz- ing of sheep and/or cattle. The study on the refuge was conducted cooperatively by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the Colorado Game and Fish Dei)art- ment, represented by Biologist Robert R. Elliott, who was con- ducting fawning studies at the time. Between June C and 18, 1947. four occupied eagle nests were found on the refuge and two on the area to the east. An aerial survey of the areas at a later date failed to disclose additional nests. The activities of the six pairs of eagles and their young were followed at intervals until October 1(). During the fol- lowing winter, P^lliott maintained records and determined the year- round presence of eagles in the vi- cinity of certain nests on the refuge. In April 1948, the writer again visited each nesting territory to de- termine occupancy during the 1948 nesting season. Tnfoi-mation supplied by the Colorado Game and Fish Depart- ment indicated that approximately 548 adult antelope were on the refuge during the 1947 eagle nesting- period. The antelope population on the other area was estimated to be not more than 50. Relatively few white-tailed and black-tailed jack- rabbits or cottontails were ob- served on either area. Two prairie- dog "towns'- of several dozen bur- rows each were located within the radius of influence of one nest on the refuge area and another "town" was within a few hundred yards of one of the nests on the other area. There may have been other undis- covered towns on either or both areas. A scattered population of mide deer was present in suitable habitat on each area. In addition to these potential ]n-ey species, each area supported numerous other acceptable food species including small rodents, small mammalian predators, and several species of birds. Scarcity of sign indicated low coyote and bobcat populations, due no doubt to intensive control for several years. Fresh carrion was found on one occasion on each of the areas dur- ing the 1947 nesting season. Eagles were observed feeding on it in the refuge. Although a carcass on the other area gave evidence of having been fed on, none of the large birds was observed feeding on it. All golden-eagle nests under study on the two areas were located on rock ledges adjacent to open country iidiabited by antelope. Two nests 17 were situated so as to afford a clear view of several square miles of ante- lope range. Althoiio;h anoilu-i- nest had a more restricted view, a newly dropped fawn was obsei'ved by Elliott within siglit of it. Tlu' fourth nest on the refuge was jjlaced on the ])recipitous face of a small cany(m. Although it was sliut off from the open country, the rock ledge above the nest afforded a clear view of the open antelope range. In two of these four nests two young eaglets each Avere raised to flight stage; another nest was probably successful; and at the time of dis- covery on June 10, the fourth nest contained two recently dead eaglets approximately 6 Aveeks old. Nest contents, animal remains, and pellets at these nests were ana- lyzed for evidence of golden-eagle predation on antelope kids. Al- though a portion of one antelope kid found beneath a nest indicated possible predation by eagles, El- liott's field observations revealed little predation of any sort on young- antelope during the 1947 kidding season. The two active eagle nests on the eastern area were inaccessible to the Avriter, but remains only of rabbits and prairie dogs were dis- covered below them. According to Robert Niedrach of the Denver Museum of Natural History, the 1017 caglf pojjulat ion for the eastern area was ai)|)i'()xi- mately one-half of that present be tween 1930 and 19o5. lianchers in the vicinity stated the antelope pop- ulation had shown no noticeable increase. In contrast, at the time of this study the refuge was believed to support close to the maxinuuu mnul)er of eagles for an area of its type, and according to the Colorado Game and Fish Department the antelope population had increased from 250 in 19:]9 to more than 500 in 1947. It woidd api)eai' that the number of nesting gohh'n eagles on these areas at kidding time had no appreciable effect on antelope ])()pu- lations. Elliott reported three instances ill which eagles may have caused the death of adult anteloi)e during the winter of 1947-48. Lehti (1947) also reported one highly probable eagle kill on the refuge on February 21, 1947. Although from the spring of 1947 to the spring of 1948. golden eagles exerted some in- fluence on the antelope, evidence indicates that this was detrimental only in a minor way. Under a four- pliase utilization program involv- ing sheep, cattle, antelope, and to a less degree deer, there was competi- tion for forage. Therefore, in the overall analysis of the situation in 1947. it is believed that the destruc- tion by the golden eagle of rabbits and prairie dogs which were in direct competition for forage with the four major species, outweighed whatever minor negative influence there might have been. This brief field study does not solve th(» eagle-antel()i)e pi'oblem lliroiighoiil the wide overla]iping range of the two species. Under othei- conditions the situation as it existt'd during the 1947-48 season iiiiglit be subject to different inter- pretation, even in northern Colo- rado. Deer. — Under favorable condi- tions the golden eagle may kill 18 adult or young deer. Somewhat typical of the evidence concerning such activities is the following ob- servation made in September 1939 in southeastern Arizona by Glen Taylor, a hunter for the former Bu- reau of Biological Survey. The animal under attack was a white- tailed fawn. While huuting lions on the south end of the Galiuro Mountains, I was walk- ing up a very rough canj-on. As I ueared the head I heard a noise like a liaby crying in pain and looking up to the rim of the canyon, saw a Mexican (golden) eagle swoop down and then rise very fast. I then noticed an old doe deer standing on her hind legs and ])awing at the eagle and a fawn was lying on the ground under the doe. After the eagle had swooped six times, the doe struck it on cue wing, and it flew over in the top of a juniper, where I shot it. Upon returning to camp that evening I came back by the place where the fight took place and there lay the fawn nearly dead. It could not control its back legs. The eagle had injured its hack and no doubt it died later. In contrast, is an incident observed by Philip Wells of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission during the spring of 1945 in northern Ari- zona, in which a doe was able to pro- tect twin fawns from eagle attack. The following account from Adolph S. Hamm, Cheyenne, Wyo., is illustrative of eagle depredations on adult deer : J. W. Yerplancke, and his companion Arthur Vany, while running their trap lines in southern Carbon County in De- cember 1938, were 300 to 400 yards from a small group of mule deer when sud- denly a large golden eagle swooped down and attacked a five-point buck in this herd. The eagle caught the deer in the back with its talons and within a hun- dred yards in snow 2 feet deep brought it to the ground. In a few seconds 7 more eagles swarmed on the deer and started ripping him open. It took the boys about fifteen minutes to work their way through the deep snow to where this deer was down and during that time the eagles had completely disemboweled the deer and, of course, he was dead. When the men returned 2 days later, the eagles had practically devoured the entire car- cass as there were no signs of any other animals having fed upon it. These records and others indicate that under certain conditions eagles may kill even adult deer. Here again, as in the case of the antelope, the importance of this factor is diffi- cult for the game manager to as- certain. Often golden eagles swoop at a wide variety of animals ranging in size from ducks to grizzly bears (Murie 1944) merely to harass them. An example of this was re- ported in 1948 by Refuge Manager Greenwalt of the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Eef uge in Oklahoma : On the 8th Shrader saw an eagle feint three times at an adult* doe deer within a distance of a half a mile while the animal was running for cover. He said the eagle did not strike the deer but came close each time. The following account, narrated in a letter by Jack A. Parsell, Forest Service employee of the Nezperce National Forest in Idaho, indicates that at times these passes at prey may be of more serious intent. He stated : On one occasion, in the spring of 1936 I personally observed an eagle in the act of separating a yearling mule deer from a band of fifteen others. The eagle, after thoroughly frightening the deer by swoop- ing down and flagging the animal with its wings, proceeded to direct the course of the deer through an exceedingly pre- cipitous area to the river some 1,000 or 19 1, .">()() t'cet below. There was no mistak- ing the intent of tlie eagle. Il diiccted its efforts toward forcing the deer over the sheer bluffs, thereby either killing the deer or crippling it so badly that it could offer no further resistance to the attack of the eagle. Sutton (liJ-!8) ie{)<)rts a similar case of a golden eagle pursuing a fawn until it was driven over a sharp declivity. The deer's leg wan broken in the fall, whereupon it be- came easy prey for the large bird. Anderson (1940) also reports two instances where he thought golden eagles were intentionally trying to knock mountain goats from ledges. In one of these the eagle actually knocked a yearling goat off the ledge but the latter landed on a ledge K) feet below with no apparent ill effects. To what extent such observations portray the unusual or the connnon- place is not possible to state. Pend- ing the time when adequate field appraisal of the deer-eagle relation- ship can be made, available evidenc? indicates that the golden eagle has only a minor influence on deer. .Vl- tliough more than UK) years havi' elapsed since Audubon (IS-'U) placed "young deer'' at the top of the golden eagle's food list, there still is almost as much need foi- factual data on this specific trait as there was in bS^U. B}(/h(}rn Shi'( j). — In u study of the bighorn in .Vi'izona. cooix'ra- tively conducted by the National Association of Auduljon Societies, the Arizona Game and Fish Com- mission, and the I'niversity of Ari- zona in 10.")T. A. A. Xichol (corre- spondence) found that the thnH> major factors operat ing to the det ri meiU of the species at that time were I)oaching, roads, and drongiit. and the greatest of these was poaching. Xo eagle depredations on bighorn sheep were observed during the investigation. Since Xichol's survey, this species has been subjected to research in practically every State in the AVest, bighorn-sheep refuges have been established, and technically trained wildlife managers have been as- signed to them. Even with this in- creased emphasis on bighorn-sheep restoration, authentic information is still sketchy concerning the etfect of golden eagles on bighorn sheep with which they often share the same range. Great interest, however, was man- ifested when Allen (lOoS)) in his account of the ecology and manage- ment of Nelson's bighorn, consid- ered the eagle a serious threat to bighorns in southern N^evada. He expressed the opinion that golden eagles probably killed far more newborn lambs than did mam- malian predators, and stated that he had personally observed 17 kills of bighorn lambs by eagles. Ivefnge^SIanager Kennedy ( 1948) of the San Andi'es Xational Wild- life Kefuge, X". Mex., n'corded a highly probable case of a golden eagle's killing a desert bighorn lamb. In this instance the ewe was observed in the process of giving biilh to I he lanib. and she was seen wit h the hinib -1 days later. On the thii'd day a golden eagle was ob- served feeding on the lamb, and circuinstances attending tlie obser- Nalion indicated that the eagle had Ivilled the lamb. It may be signifi- 20 cant that although a study has boon nui(U' by personnel of the San Andres Kefuge of six nwii came I lie two birds pre- cipitously, the eagle with set wings and clutching its victim. Oscar T. Thordarson, making a study of the food of predatory species on the I'pper Souris Wild- life Eefuge, N. Dak., shot and wounded a great horned owl. Be- fore he could arrive at the point wdiere the owl had come to earth a piuv of golden eagles appeared and one picked up and carried away the still-struggling owl (Henry 1939). H. H. Brimley (correspondence) in Nash County, N. C, reports he found the remains of a crow in the stomach of a golden eagle. With respect to domestic poultry, the golden eagle is only an oc- casional in-edator. Such preclation is most likely to occur during the winter months when the large birds, pressed for food, concentrate in the vicinity of unprotected poultry. The remains of a single chicken in the stomach of 1 of the 102 eagles examined (talile li) attest to the infrequency of such feeding. LIVESTOCK Sheep. — The domestic sheep is a highly bred, man-controlled exotic without the defenses against hostile elements in its environment found in native sjiecies. Furlhennore, there has been a growing tendency in recent years to replace sheep herding with large, fenced pastures in which sliee|) aic pefniitti'd to roam. As in e\ery other pfoblein of eco- noniii-s. \\\v eleineiil of |)r()fit is the yai'dstirk. W'hichexcr proves the nioic piohlalile techni(iiie — that of herding oi' thai of fencing and rii:(irou>-l \' coiii lollini:' 'he eiix'iron- 26 nient — is likely to be the one used. Consequently, methods vary con- siderably from one section of the country to another. When factors such as range utilization, relative abundance of ground predators, time of lambing, presence and ab- sence of buffer species, availability of carrion, unseasonal freezes or ex- tremely hot weather, screw worms, disease, and poisonous plants are taken into account, any attempt to fit the golden eagle into the picture becomes a complicated problem. During this study, two areas in Avhich combined cattle and sheep raising was the principal land use were compared. One of these was country north of Fort Collins, Colo., on the eastern piedmont plain of the Rocky Mountains in northern Colorado and southern Wyoming; the other the sheep-raising country of west Texas. The Colorado-Wyoming area in- cludes rolling foothills, scattered blutl's and buttes, and open prairie. In general, it is Upper Sonoran })i'airie grassland with brushy cover on the slopes. The resident eagle population varies from place to place depending on the availability of suitable nesting territories, but it approximates one pair to a town- ship. Sheep usually are herded in flocks of about GOO to the herder (hiring the late-winter and prelamb- ing season. Lambing is from March 25 to mid-May, and usually occurs in sheds with the ewes and lambs being confined for 10 days. The flocks are kept under close su- pei'visioii until summer herds of ap- proximately IjoOO lambs and ewes are formed. Grazing pressure va- ries from moderate to heavy. In this region, sheepmen feel that the golden eagle is no particular problem. W. H. Delvin, foreman for one outfit in the Colorado area, stated that he has neither seen nor lieard of an eagle's killing a lamb or a sheep in this area during his 20 years of experience. On the other hand, his observations lead him to believe that they are quick to find and devour any sheep dying from other causes. The Texas area west of the Pecos is devoted to cattle (GO percent) and to sheep and goats (40 percent). Topographically, this region is characterized by scattered moun- tain ranges sejDarated by rolling- hills and flat valleys. The flora is semiarid grassland or scrub in the lowlands, diffusing into scattered brushy cover on the steeper slopes. Although the eagle j)<)pulation has been disrupted in recent years, early observations indicate that before control operations were initiated the golden eagle population compared favorably in numbers with that in the Colorado- Wyoming area. Sheep are restricted to fenced areas. The peak of the lambing season is about March 15, although some young are born as early as December. For the most i^art, lambing is in pastures rather than in sheds. ( Irazing pres- sure varies from heavy to extremely heavy, and land use may be abusive. In the Texas area, many ranchers consider the golden eagle one of the most detrimental factors with which they have to contend in raising sheep. Even though observations of 27 ea<^]es kiirni42-4;5. l.OOS in 1943-44, cSOO in 1944-4.5, 8(')7 in 1945- 4(), and 819 in 194()-47, for a total of 4,818 (Buechner 1950). The extent of eagle damagi' under foi'iner conditions of less I'igid con- liol in this same area is reflected 28 ill Sperry's report^ in wliicli lie stated : Some more definite data on lamb losses due to eagle depredations were obtained from J. W. Lawhorn, manager of the Thompson Brothers Ranch in Schleicher County east of the Pecos lliver. For a inunher of years "> or (} eagles have been noted during the winter on that 2ri,0(KI- acre ranch. They came late in Novem- ber and stayed through January, but in- variably left about February 1. For the past 10 years such has been the case and. as lambing did not start until February 1. no losses were charged to eagles. This year (1937), however, the eagles did udt leave on schedule and there were about -o present during February. Depreda- tions on newborn lambs were soon noted but no effective means of checking them found until late in February when 10 eagles were killed from an airplane. A checkup late in March revealed a heavy lamb loss chargeable to eagles. Records of 5 or more years showed that the average lamb markup for the Thomp- son Brothers Ranch was 90 percent, and that for 1937 it should have been well above average because the spring was extremely favorable for lambing. In fact, a small group of ewes (47) moved from a large pasture (later frequented by eagles) to a small enclosure near the ranch buildings actually gave a lamli crop of 105 percent, while a markup from 178 ewes in the large pasture and 330 in an adjacent one — in both of whicii lambs wei-e exposed to eagle attack — was only 7r> and 87 percent, respectively. It has not been possible in this study to determine the magnitude of the total daina<2;e done to sheep in this area by the oolden ea-e, should uot unduly influence llie ovei'all status of the species. Jie- cause the birds tend to congrejiate. esj)ecially in winter, in areas where carrion is available, it would be to the slieep rancher's own advantaae to detei'niine whether the eagles on his ranch are preyina' as in North American birds. Auk, vol. 55, pp. 511-517. Prudy, James B. 1898. The golden eagle and barn owl at Northville, Wayne Co., Michigan. Auk, vol. 16, p. 77. Ridgway, Robert. 1877. United States geological exi)lomtion of the fortieth parallel. Vol. 4, pt. Ill, Ornithology, p. 591. 1889. The ornithology of Illinois. Part I. 2d ed. Illinois Natural History Survey, vol. 1, p. 484. 34 Scott, John W. 1942. Mating behavior of tlie sage grouse. AuU, vol. 59, pp. 477-498. Sheldon, Charles. 1908. List of birds observed on the upper Tolclat River near Mount McKinley, Alaska. Auk, vol. 26, p. 68. Spencer, Clifford C. 1943. Notes of the life history of Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep in the Tarryall Mountains of Colorado. Jour. Mammal., vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 1-11. February. Sumner, E .L., Jb. 1929. Golden eagle in Death Valley. Condor, vol. 31, p. 127. 1929a. Notes on the grovpth and behavior of young golden eagles. Auk, vol. 46, pp. 161-169. Sutton, George Miksch. 1928. An introduction to the birds of Pennsylvania. J. Horace McFarland Co., Harrisburg, Pa., 161 pp. Walker, Lewis, and Marian Walker. 1940. Headlines on eagles. Nature Mag., vol. 33, pp. 321-323. June-July. WiixiAMS, Ralph B., and Clyde P. Matteson. 1948. Wyoming hawks. Wyoming Wildlife, Wyoming Game and Fish Dept., Bull. 5, 84 pp. Wood, Dale T. 3946. Eyewitness account of golden eagle killing calf. Condor, vol. 48, p. 143. 35 MBL WHOI Library - Serials IlilllllllllHI 5 WHSE 00090