cJ>. =^^9 United States Departraent of the Interior, J. A. Krug, Secretary Fish and .Vildlife Service, Albert LI. Day, Director Fishery Leaflet 263 Chicago 54. 111. September 1947 The Japanese Agar- Agar Industry r ^ r> a^^S' ^^^ United States Departraent of the Interior, J. A. Krug, Secretary Fish and .Vildlife Service, Albert M. Day, Director Fishery Leaflet 263 Chicago 54, 111. September 1947 The Japanese Agar-Agar Industry ta s i THR JAPAN^'.Sl? AGAR-AGAR IITOUSTRY TABLT^ OF COMT^TTS Page Summary 2 A. Raw Material 3 B. Processing Plants 5 C. Manufacturing Process 5 D. Production and Export 12 E. Production in Areas Outside Japan Proper 16 Figures Figure 1 ..... 4 Figure 2 5 Figure 3 7 Figure 4 8 Figure 5 . .• 9 Figure 6 10 Figure 7 11 Figure 8 11 Figure 9 12 Figiire 10 13 Figure 11 14 Figure 12 14 Figure 13 15 Maps Yield of Agar-Agar Seaweed by Prefecture 18 Distribution of Agar-Agar Manufacturing Plants 19 Tables Table 1 20 Table 2 21 Table 3 21 Table 4 22 Table 5 24 Table 5 24 Table 7 24 Table 8 24 THE JAPANESli; AGAR-AGAR Il^USTRY ^ Summary 1. Japanese dominance in the production and exportation of agar-agar is so great that tne product may be considered peculiar to Japan. 2. The five largest consuming countries of Japanese agar-agar, judged by their imports, were the United States, "fSngland, Germany, France, and the Netherlands "^st Indies. 3. The method of manufacturing a^r-agar in Japan, while primitive, is essentially simple and effective. Little mechanical or stationary equipment is required and no expensive or scarce ingredients are used. Wood for fuel is the largest single item of supply. Four pounds of fuel are required for each pound of raw material used. 4. In the United States and most other countries agar-agar has many uses. Chiefly, it is used in the manufacture of confections, laxatives, cosmetics, and bread; in meat canning; in dental products; and for bacterial culture media. Other uses include the clearing of wines and vinegar, the glazing of textiles and upper leather; use in cordials and condiments and in welding fluxes. In Japan its chief use is as a food. Although agar-agar has practically no food value, when mixed with beans or various kinds of fruit, it is highly regarded by the Japanese. 5. Although some agar-agar was diverted for war use in the manufacture of shatterproof glass for airplanes, the industry is primarily a peacetime one. The method of gathering and processing the raw material employs a large number of persons. The product is of high q\;iality and is in world demand. 6. The agar-agar bearing seaweed is abundant along the entire coast of Japan. The most important sources are the Izu Islands and the coast of shizuoka Prefecture. 7. During the decade from 1930 to "1940 .the average annual production was 2,476 metric tons, and the average value was ¥10,569,486. Sixty-one percent of the average production was exported. In 1945, because of a shortage of labor for gathering the seaweed, production fell to 716 metric tons. The value went up in proportion to the scarcity of the finished product, reach- ing a level of ¥5.7 per pound compared to the average price of ¥1.5 per pound in the years from 1930 to 1939 inclusive. Photos courtesy of Japan Agar-Agar Distribution Control Company. 1/ This report is based on information gathered and compiled by Capt. Claude M. Adams, Fisheries Division, llatural Resources Section, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, Tokyo. Report No. 42, June 28, 1945. (Reproduced by permission of the Civil Affairs Division, War Department). TEE JAPMESE A&Afir-A&AB DTDUSTEI A. Baw Material 1. Agar-£sgar is made from the car'bohydrate extracted from certain types of seaweed. The weed Is boiled and filtered and the extract allowed to solidify. It is then subjected to a freezing and thawing process which ronoves nearly all of the impurities and moisture. The name agar-agar comes from the Malayan language and means seaweed. The name was originally used to describe a seaweed, Bueheuma epinostim. found in large qviairtities in the South Sea Islands. 3. Many kinds of seaweed are used in the manufacture of agar- agar. Bach has a special ptirpose. The same variety may have different properties depending upon the location and the season in which it is gathered. To obtain a uniform product it is necessary to blend carefully seaweeds from different areas and of different varieties. This blending produces an agar-agar with a low setting point and viscosity and a high jelly strength. The season is important because seaweed from the first growth collected in May and June has a greater agar-agar content than that of the second growth. Table 1 gives the botanical names and common Japanese terms for most of the species of seaweed used. 3. The most important source of agar^agar from a standpoint of quality as well as quantity is the seaweed &elidium Amansii. This variety is found in considerable qxiantlty along the coast of Japan Proper. The most abundant sources are the Izu Islands off the Izu Peninsula and along the coast of Kanagawa and Shizuoka Prefectures. 4. The seaweed is gathered by fishermen and their families and by deep sea divers. Seaweed gather- ing rights, like fishing rights, are issued by the Central Feder- ation of Fishermfen' s Cooperative Associations and give the fishermen or the local aBsociatlon of fishermen the ezcluelTe right to gather eea- veed in specified areas. The regulations of the Central Federation goyerning the collection and distri'bution of seaweed require the fisher- men to torn over the entire amount of seaweed collected to the Central federation for distri'bution. The Federation allocates the raw material to branches of the Japan i^ar-Agar Control Distribution Company in the various processing centers. The company in tum distributes it to indi- vidual plants. 5. The method of gathering the seaweed differs with the locali- ty 'depending upon the customs of the various areas, the depth of the water, and the fomation of the ocean bottom. Generally, the seaweed growing in shallow places is gathered by two methods: One consists of dragging raking instruments over the rocks and ocean bottom. Hen and women wade into the water and scratch the seaweed off the rocks with long-handled rakes. Where the water is too deep to permit wading, the tools are weighted and lowered from boats or rafts. In the other method, women divers operate from surf boards, boats, rafts, £uid large wooden tubs. The tubs or rafts are propelled to the desired place by women who use wooden paddles for the purpose. The women dive from these tubs and pull the seaweed from the rocks and place it in the tubs . When the women are tired or the tub has a stiff ieient quantity of seaweed in it the women swlra to shore, towing the tub (Figure l) . Women divers using no mechani- cal equipment except goggles operate to a depth of 30 feet. Women endure the cold water better than men because of their subcutaneous layer of fat. They have developed an abnoroEilly large chest ex- pansion and lung cepacity. In gathering seaweed from rocks where the ocean depth is greater than 10 fathoms, men divers equipped with diving ^paratus are employed. (Figure 2). 6. The quality of seaweed gathered in shallow places is not so desirable as that gathered from deeper areas. The season for harvesting the seaweed is from April to September depending on the locality. The first gfowth is gathered from %>ril to June and the second growth from July to September. The seaweed is spread on bamboo racks eilong the beacn to dry and is partially bleached by the action of sun and rain. The time required for proper drying depends upon the locedlty and the tempera ttire. The dried material is stored in barns in the same manner that hay is stored. It may be held in this state from Figure 1. Women dive tor agar-agar sea- weed. ligav 2. Men dlTe for agar-agar seaveed in depths greater than 10 fathoms. one year to the next without fe&r of deterioration. The "kanten genryo" or agar-agar raw material, packed in bundles weighing from 60 to 80 pounds, is shipped tj rail to the processing centers. 7. Agar- agar may be extracted from the dried seaweed in individ'oal homes by a simple boiling process. Agar-agar when used as food l3 eaten either plain or mixed with other foods BMch. as beans, or with fruits for a desert. During the present food shortage much of tne seaweed has been sold direct t& consumers for use in this manner. This direct sale of agar-agar bearing seaweed through unauthorized channels has resulted in the present low production of agax^agar for eoomercial use. The Jelly obtained from this simple boil- ing process is called tokoroten. It is highly regarded as a food, especially daring the sunmertime when it is considered a great delicacy. 8. In the production of agar-agar in Japan, about thirty species of seaweed are used. These species are classified in seven groups under the following names: tengusa, onl, toriashi, ego, ogo, igisu, and hirakusa. Four of the groups, tengusa, onl, toriashi, and hirakusa are classified as hard weeds, and the others, ego, ogo, and igisu are classified as soft weeds. B. Processing Plants 1. The choice of a site for a processing plant is extremely important as the freezing and thawing method of dehydration and purifi- cation requires a combination of ideal weather and water conditions. Ideal weather conditions incltide freezing at night with the t^nperature remaining above 7^ to 8° below zero Centigrade and clear, sunny days with light southerly winds. Strong winds would blow dust and soot onto the drying gelatin, resulting in an impure product. Because of the alti- tude of the processing areas and the season of the year, north winds usually cause a low temperature that drops below the desired point at night and retards the thawing process during the day. Soft water should be used in the process. 5 ■ 2. The five largest processing areas on Honshu are located in the mountainous regions of the following prefectures: Osaka, Kyoto, Hjrogo, Gifu, and Hagano. The largest plants are in Hagano Prefecture where the average capacity is 225 kilograms of raw material per batch or day's run. The capacity of the plants in Gifu Prefecttire is 187 kilo- grams; the plants in Osaka, Kyoto, and %ogo average 121 kilograms. The processing season usually extends from the first part of December to the latter part of February with an average of 70 production days, excepts in Kagano Prefecture where the season is five days longer. 3. The Ministry of Agricultxire and Forestry registers and gives permits to the operators of processing plants. Permits were issued to 536 plants in 1945. Of this number only 170 plants actually operated because of the scarcity of raw material. In order to continue in business, the operators of two to four plants combined their supply of raw material and processed it in one plant, using a combination of labor- ers and technicians from the several plants as a crew. 4. A typical, fairly large processing plant consists of several buildings and fenced-in drying yards occt^jying an area of about one-half acre. The buildings usTially consist of a warehouse, where both the raw material and the finished product are stored; an office building; a wash- ing shed in which the dried seaweed is soaked end washed; a boiling house where the gelatin is extracted from the seaweed and placed in trays for the final process; and the sheds where the finished material is sorted and tied into bundles of a convenient size for handling and storage. 5. Each plajat requires an average of el^t men for full oper- ating strength in normal times. As personnel have been combined in the 170 plants now in operation, a total of 1,700 persons is employed in the industry. In 1947 conditions are expected to approach a more normal state, and possibly 600 plants will operate, employing a total of about 4,800 men. C. Manufacttiring Process 2/ 1. Soaking and Washing a. The dried seaweed is placed in cement bins approximately 10 by 3 by 1.5 feet in size and covered with cold water. This step in the process has a twofold purpose. The tanks are located to take advantage of the maximum amoxint of svmlight each day, and. the material is stirred frequently so that all of the surfaces are exposed to the li^t, resulting in a bleaching of the product. This is one of the purposes of the soaking operation. The other is the removal of foreign material, 2/ The description of manufacturing methods is based on observations of plants in Hagano Prefecture. Methods used in other areas are simi- lar, although plant capacities are smsdler. Btich as tiny shells and lime particles, salt, and sand from the seaweed. b. The so-called hard weeds are soaked for periods to 25 hours; the soft varieties from 12 to 15 houxa. The water used in the soaking tanks must be soft and should never be over 10° C as the seaweed will spoil at this point in the process at a hi^er temperature. c. When the soaking is completed the material is washed Tintil as much as possible of the foreign matter is removed. Fonaerly, the washing %ms done by primitive methods such as placing the seaweed in pits and pounding it with mallets attached to long poles. This was done by hand. Irentually, the mallets were suspended from an overhead eccentric shaft, and the process was mechanized (Figure 5). d. The use of washing machines is a more recent innovation. The tubs are open on the bottom and rotate on a perforated disc in an eccentric circle. At the same time the plunger, which is slightly smaller in diameter than the washing tub, presses the seaweed; a stream of water is run through the machine froc a half- inch hose. The seaweed remains in the washing ma- chine on an average of one- half hour. The length of time depends on the amotint of lime and shell particles or sand adhering to the sea- Although \,he washing machine has been satisfactory for soft weeds e 4) hard varieties are still subjected to mechanical potinding to them in order to 'aid in the extraction of the agar-agar. fl^e 3. weed. (rigor soften Soaking and bleaching tanks and mechanical pounders for hard varieties seaweed. e. After being washed the material is placed in clean cement tanks to drain until a batch of about 225 kilograms has been aecnnulated. As each batch is bro light to the boiling sheds for the next step in the process (Figaro 5) , it is given another soaking for about tvo hours. This aids in the bleaching and keeps the weeds soft and plia- ble. 2. Boiling a. This is the most important emd critical step in the manufacture of agar-agar. The correct blending of different species of seaweed in proper proportions and temperature control are of vit»l Figure 4. Modern machine method for washing soft varieties of seaweed. kilograms of seaweed and al^out 3,400 liters of water. the boiliiig process is a typical plant follows. importance in the production of a pure product of high quality.. Table 2 shows the most desirable proportions of the various kinds of seaweeds blended in each batch. The tanks used for the boiling process are mada of wood and are large enoiigh to hold one batch or about 225 A description of b. The water is placed in the boiling tank and a fire is started in the brick fire box under the tank at 1800 hours. Wood should be used for this purpose to minimize the dust and soot in the vicinity of the drying agar-agar. The water should be boiling by 2000 hours; at this time the hard varieties of seaweed are added. The addition of the seaweed stops the boiling. When it is resvuned, approximately 740 grams of sulphuric acid are added to help break down the hard outer covering of the seaweed and to control the Ph value of the batch. Care must be taken to see that too much sulphuric acid is not added, as the Fk value of the finished product should not be above 6.5 or 7.0. Hard weeds are boiled for one and one-half hours, and then the soft weeds, iglso and ogo, are added. This mlxtta-e is boiled for 15 minutes. Then the softest weed, ego, is added. When the ego is added, no more wood is placed in the fire box, and the active boiling stops. The entire batch Is simmered for 12 hours or until about 1000 hours the folio- :.. ^- day. c. When this boiling is completed, the so-called "second boiling" of the previous batch (explained in a later pso'agraph) is added and remains in the tank for four hours. This is an overall time of between 16 and 18 hours for the complete boiling process of one batch. During this process it is important that the water not boil too vigorous- ly and that the seaweed be stirred frequently to permit a gooa circu- lation of heat. Prior to the war about five minutes before the liquid was removed from the boiling tank two pounds of sodium dioxide were added. This chemical was used as a bleaching agent. Since it was imported from G-ermany, imports have now stopped. Consequently, none of this chemiceil has been used in the last few years, and the agar-agar produced has not had such a white color as when the bleach was used. d. After the fire ie permitted to die down, the temperature of the batch drops ahout 1° C per hour. When the gelidiim from the second boiling is added, the temper- ature drops another 3° , meilcing a total reduction of 17° to 20°. The temperature of the batch at the completion of the process is between 80° and 83° C. As the tempera- ttire drops, the seaweed settles to the bottom of the tank, madcing the dipping out of the liquor a simple process. e. The residue of seaweed from each batch is placed in another tank and about 1,230 liters of water ej:e added. This mixture is boiled for 10 hours and strained separately. The strained liquid from this batch is called the "second boil- ing". It is added to the next regular batch in the manner previously described. "Transporting" clean seaweed from washing sheds to boil- ing tanks. f . The residue seaweed from the second boiling is dried and used as a fertilizer. From 225 kilograms of raw materiad, approximately 52 kilograms of sea- weed residue are left. As this materisd is rich in potassium and contains some nitrogen smd lime, and as a critical shortage of potassium fertilizer exists in Japan, the residue is valuable. Host of it is used on farms belonging to owners and employees of the plants. The balance is sold. 3. Straining and solidifying a. The mother liquor containing the gelidi-um jelly in sus- pension is dipped from the boiling vats into straining teuaks (Figure 6). The tanks are about 5 by 3 by 2.5 feet in size and are perforated on the bottom and lined with small bamboo rods. A filter cloth is placed in the tanks for straining. This cloth, which is made of cotton, is referred to as a 20-me8h filter and contains 400 holes per square inch. About two hours are required to strain one batch of liquor, b. The strained liquor drops into a collection tank which is about 12 feet long, 6 feet wide, and 3 feet deep (See sketch). The tank bottom is pitched so that the liquid will gravitate to one ena as the gelatin is skimmed off. The liquid is allowed to settle for two hours hefore 'being skimmed. A small section, 3 ty 2 ty 3 feet, is partitioned off at the lowest comer of the tank to act as a skimming tank-. The partition is solid on one side and has fire 2-inch holes with 6-inch centers in the end facing the lowest point of the settling tank bottom. Pltigs £ire inserted in the holes before the tank is filled. As the impurities settle and the gelidium Jelly rises to the surface and begins to congeal, the plugs are removed in order, from top to bottom, as the level of the liquid in the settling tank falls. The material in the last two Inches, which contains most of the impurities, is processed separately and sold as a cheap grade. As the liqioid is drawn from the settling tank, it is dipped into a bucket having a pouring spout and then potired into trajrs for the final process of dehydration. The bucket is marked so that 14 liters of liquid are drawn off each time. 4. Dehydration a. Trays used for the precooling process are 3 feet long, 1 foot wide and 3 Inches deep. The trays are filled to within two centi- meters of the top. Pilled in this way, the trays hold 14 liters each. From each batch of 225 kilograms of seaweed enough liquid containing the gelidium in solutioa is obtained to fill 330 trays. This represents about 4,620 liters of liquid (Figure 7). b. The liquid- filled trays are placed in racks and left for seven hours. By this time the temperature has dropped to about 40° C. During this period the material has solidified enough to be cut into oblong blocks for the freezing and thawing process. The importEince of keeping the Fh below seven is evidenced at this point. A batch having a higher Ph will not solidify to the desired degree. A ! rake type instrument with knife tines is ptilled through the trays of gelatin cutting the material into oblong sections 2 l/4 by 3 by 18 inches. The oblong sections are cut into other sizes, depending on the use to which the agar-agar is to be put. For home con- sumption some of the oblong sections £ire cut to half the width: some are left whole. c. For export to China and a few other countries the material is shredded. Shredding is done Figure 6. Boiling vats and straining tanks. 10 Figure 7. Transferring congealed gelatin to dry lag yard. completion of the process. by placing an oblong of gela- tin in a box and pushing it through a screen in the bottom with a pliinger. The screen is 4 inches by 3 inches and the mesh is 15 by 10 (Figure 8). The shredded material and the oblong sections are trans- ferred to larger tregrs to allow betuer circulation of air (FigTires 9 and 10). The tvays are stacked and left in the field for from two to three days for preliminary freezing and hardening and then are spread out for the d. The dehydration process consists of successive slow freezing of the material during the night and thawing and drying during the day. The principle of this process is that by the slow freezing of the water content of the material, large ice crystals form, and when the thawing takes place, the water runs off, carrying with it those impurities which are water soluble ^nd those which are in suspension in the colloidal gelatin. During the process the trays containing the gelatin are placed in a tilted position to permit water to drain off as rapidly as possible (Figures 10 and 11). e. This process is continued for a period of about two weeks. The length of time required depends upon the weather conditions. It is' sometimes necessary to extend the time as much as one week. When snow or rain occurs, the dry- ing material is moved into a ^ oovered shed to avoid ab-. sorption of water and impuri- ties by the gelatin. f . When the dehydration is completed, the agar-ag^r is taken to the packing shed (Figure 12) to be sorted according to size, shape, £ind color and is tied in bundles of a convenient size (Figtire 12) . From the original 225 kilograms of dried seaweed used in one batcli, about 53 kilograms Figure 8. Shraddisg of gelatin. (23 percent) of pure agar^- 11 agar is obtained. g. Since 1923 various experiments have been made in Japan to modernize the dzying and purifying of agar-agar by using mechanical re- frigeration and artificial drying. So far the cost of mechanical methods hat been prohibitive under Japanese conditions of plentiful, cheap labor. D. Production and Jlx^ort Figure 9. Filling and stacking drying trays. 1. The average prodxiction of agar-agar during the years from 1930 to 1940 inclusive, was 2,476 metric tons per annum and the average value was ¥10,569,486. The average amount exported per annum in this period was 1,525 metric tons or 61 percent of the average production. The production for the yeax 19'i5 was 716 metric tons with a total value of ¥10,390,945. The price of ¥12.8 per kilogram was more than three times the average of that 3,000 WT IN METRIC TONS E) (PDF JAPANE! ITS, AND 1 1 BE F H0^ - 0 1 1 RODUGTION, ^E CONSUMP TION ^ / \ 1 ~7^' - \ AGAR- AGAR .^ PRODUCTII^ IN \ 2,006 1926-1945 J / \ / \ 1,000 / / • / \ \ V ^ --^ ^^ .--- / /ex PORTS > / 1 \ > > \ / "• / i \ \ \ \ '\ /HOME CONSUMPTION V . \ -■ — ._.. / < S \ ■"■-1 \ 1926 1 1928 1 1930 1 1932 1927 1929 1931 19 1934 1 1936 33 I93S 19 1938 37 19 1940 1 I9'42 1 I9'44 1 I9'46| 39 1941 1943 1945 | 12 produced from 1930 to 1940. Pro- duction continued to decline and In 1946, onl7 241 metric tons vera i M-^-^ u I »■ »r, I ■MTJ' produced. /Mm • f # I k'-'--- ' ■■■--'im% ^' ^^ 1926 Jspaa exported /- JH 9 j M I f ?"i^ 1,083 metric tone of agar-aigar or r ^v V it h :'/ fill f : ' 82 percent of the total production of 1,308 metric tons. Production figures rose sharply in 1933 to 2,081 metric tons. Since the world market could not absorb this increase, exports accounted for only 63 percent of the total pro- d\iction. Production continued to increase, and the percentage exported declined until in 1940 less than half of the total production was ex- ported. As foiu" of the five largest foreign users of Japanese agair-agar were nations allied against Japan, escorts of agar-agar fell off abruptly immediately preceding the war against these nations. JJixports continued to decline during the war years until finally in 1945, only 77 metric tons, or 10 percent of the production, was exported (Table 3). Figure 10. Dehydration of agar-agar 3. From 1934 to 1940 Japan exported agar-agar to more than fifty countries. The largest users of agar-agar during this period with the average annual imports in metric tons were the United States, 257; United Kingdom, 181; (Jermany, 178; France, 161; and the Netherlands East Indies, 128- The annual average export to all countries in the same period was 1,455 metric tons. According to these totals, the United States imported about 18 per- cent of all the agar-agar exported by Japan d\iring the years from 1934 to 1940 inclusive. a. Table 4 gives the . total exports by country for the years from 1934 to 1940 with the exception of 1938. Complete figures for 1938 axe not available at this tine because this was the year when the Japan Agar- Agar Control Company was first formed, and some statistics were misplaced d\iring the confusion following the organization of a central statisti- cal office. 700 600 500 400 1 S300 .E 1 200 100- A ^ERAGE AGAR-A GAR EX 'CRTS BY 1 CONTINENTS 1934-1937 s to o i IS h Si ■«) EUROPE ASIA NORTH OCEANIA SOUTH AFRICA AMERICA AMERICA 13 Tigaxe 11. Drying shredded and oblong agar-agar. 4. The examination and grading of agar-agar is the responsi- bility of the Japan Agar-Agar Distribution Control Company. The classi- fication of qoality is based on a visual examination for shape, color, degroe of hardness, and nonsoluble impurities remaining in the product, and a ealculation by chemical analysis and mechanical means of the jelly strength, viscosity, solubility in hot water, speed of solution, moisture, and :rude protein present. 5. The laboratory test for degree of solidity is made in the following manner: 1.5 grams of agar-agar are mixed in 100 cc of water and placed in a cup. The mixture stands for 15 hours at 20° C. A plunger slightly analler in diameter than the cup and weighing 100 grams with a cylindrical tip one square centimeter in area is placed on the resulting Jelly for 20 seconds. If the plunger enters the Jelly, the material is graded as not suitable for export. If the plunger will not enter the Jslly, the material is graded tentatively as third grade (100) or better. Next, a 200 gram weight is placed on the plunger, and the test is repeated. If the material passes this test, it is graded tenta- tively as 200 or second grade. S'inally, a 300 gram weight is used, and material passed is graded as 300 or first class. 6. The amottnt of crude protein is measured chemically; the results must show that less than three percent by weight of crude prote- in is present in the pro- duct in order for the batch to be considered for export. In the past, complaints were received from buyers in foreign countries that some ship- ments of agar-agar were Figure 12. Transferring dried agar-agar to sorting shed. 14 Figure 13. A^ar-agar ready for shipping to distribution points. discolored. Investigations reveaied that the crude prote- in content of the shipments in question was greater thaJi three percent. The amotmt of crude protein present in the finished product Is controlled hy the slow freezing during the dehydration process. This is another example of the importance of ideal weather conditions in the processing areas. 7. The quantity of insoluble materials is measured at the same time, and the amount must be less than four percent for export pxirposes. The moisture content is also determined at this time, and the finished product must have no more than 2Z percent by weight to be con- sidered for export. 8. The melting point of agar-agar is determined in the follow- ing manner: 1.5 grams of agar-agar are mixed with 100 cc. of water; 10 cc. of the resulting jelly are placed in a test tube, and a thermometer is inserted through the jelly. The material is held overnight at room leniperature to sillow the jelly to harden. When the test is made, five grams of Tiercury axe added, and the test tube is placed in a beaker con- taining 400 cc. of water. The water is heated over a Bunsen burner so that the temperature increases 1*^ C in one minute, "hen the mercury begins to pass through the jelly, the melting point is reached, and the temperature reading of the thermometer is recorded. The test is repeated several times on each batch in order to obtain an average figure. 9. Previously, when sodium dioxide was added to the batch as a bleaching agent, a test was made to determine the amount still present In the finished product. No tolerance was allowed for material used for export; only .00025 percent was permitted for domestic use. 10. Visual inspection to determine the quality in regard to shape, color, and packaging is made when the material is prepared for shipment. The agar-agar is compressed and packed in large bundles weigh- ing about 116 kilograms each. 4>^ 15 11. The following tebl e gives the grading of agar- agar for Solidity Cmde Protein percent Insoluble Material percent Iflt grade 2nd grade 3rd grade 300 200 100 less than 1.5 less than 2 less than 3 less than 2 less than 3 less than 4 If S02 was added: Ko tolerance. Moisttire: Less than 22 percent by weight. £. Production in Areas Outside Japan Proper 1. In 1915 Jfijjan started the production of agar-agar in Sarafuto (Sakhalin Island) . Ahnfeltia plicata and A. plicata var Tobuchiensis are fotmd in fair quantities in the Karafuto and Kuril Islands area. These species are called Itaniso by the Japanese. Unlike the other species, itaniso is not mixed with other kinds of seaweed in the manufactxire of agar-agar. Production in Karafuto was increased year- ly until recently the annual production amounted to 825 metric tons or 23 percent of the total production of Japan. (Karafuto production is inclxided in the figures given for Japanese production in the accompanying tebles.) 2. In 1917 Japanese industrialists started manufactviring agar- agar in Korea. Host of the various species of seaweed used are available in considerable quantity along the coast of Korea. At present the annual agar^agar production edacity of Korea is 635 metric tons. Since the Japanese manufacturers have left Korea, it is reported that only a few plants are operating and that production is negligible- 3. I>atch industrialists of the Netherlands ^st Indies started production of agar-agar when China placed a boycott on Japanese goods. They constructed plants in several South Sea Islands where raw material is found in sufficient quantity. Production fig\irea of this enterprise are not in the possession of the Japan Agar-A^r Control Co]!Q)any. Exports from Japan to the Dutch East Indies fell off from 228 metric tons in 1934 to- 64 in 1940. 4. In 1937 some Japanese ag£u:-agar manufacturers went to Chintow, China, to attempt the orgeuiization of a like industry in that area. Baw material was found along the coast in small quantity, but, as the water in the processing area was not of suitable quality, the project failed. 5. Australia and New Zealand began the production of agar-agar during the war years, and Australia is now producing about 80 metric tons 16 a year with the possibility of a much larger production. New Zealafid produces about 15 tons a year, but this agar is of much higher quality than other agair-agars and is ideal for bacteriological use. A solution of 0.65 percent gives a solid medium; the agar-agar is colorless with low ash £Lnd organic content. 6. The United States ente/ed the agar-agar production field as late as 1937 but, because of a lack of raw material, was only able to produce an amount sufficient to meet military demands and to maintain a stockpile d\iring the war years. As little agar-agar bearing seaweed is fo\uid Eilong the coast of the United States, most of it must be iotported from Mexico. A considerable quantity of this raw material is found along^ the coasts of Lower California and Mexico Proper. 7. An inferior grade of seaweed of several species called "kirinso" by the Japanese was formerly imported from Formosa. A substance used medicinally was extracted from the weed; the residue was used in the manufacture of agar-agar. An annual average import of 110 metric tons of high-grade agar-agar bearing seaweed was also made from Formosa. 8. Table 8 shows the amounts of raw material imported into Japan from sources in the Far East d\iring the years from 1939 to 1945 inclusive. 17 YIELD OF AGAR -AGAR SEAWEED, BY PREFECTURE ERAGE ANNUAL YIELD IN METRIC TONS 1939-1944 M:!v"::::i 201-500 ^MB 501-1000 Over 1000 SOURCE JAPAN AGAR-AbAfl OlSTRiauTlON CONTROL COyPANY 18 DISTRIBUTION OF AGAR-AGAR MANUFACTURING PLANTS' SOURCE JAPAN AGAR-AGAR DISTRIBUTION CONTflOL COMPANY 19 TABLE 1. - SP£CISS Of SEA.VXiU) USSS IN THS MAIIUFACTUBE OF JiGkR - AGA£ IH JAPAN MAMUFACTUREHS' TERM SCIENTIFIC NAME COMHON NAME Tengusa fielldiiua Amanell Lmx Tenguea Tengusa Gelidluin Pacificuia Okam. Otusa Tenguea Gelldium divaricatum Martene Teoguea Gelidium crinalp (Turn) Lmx Tengusa Gelidlum liatulum Okam, Tengiisa Gelidium puslllum (Stckh) Je. Jol. TengUBa Gelidlum eubfastlgiatum Okam. Tengusa Gelidium vagum Okam. Tenguea Pterooladla capillacea (Gmel.) Born, et Thur. Obakusa Tenguea Pterocladia tenuie Oknm. Obakusa Tenguea Pteroclndift denea Okam. Tenguea Pterocladia wana Okaa. Tenguea Gelidialla acerosa Feldm. et Hamel. Onl Gelidium Japonlcum (Harv.) Okam. Onikusa Toriaehl Acanthopeltie Japonica Okam. Toriashi ifeo Ceramlum Hypnaeoldeo (J. Ag.) Okam. Jfeonori Ogo Gracllaria conferrolder (L.) Grev. Ogonorl Ogo Grpcllaris gigae Harv. O-ogonori Ogo Gracllaria chorda Holm. Tsuru-shiramo Ogo Gracilaria compresea (Ag) Grev. Shiramo OfeO Graulaae. Blodgetti Haru Ogo Graulana lichenoides (L.) Haru. Igleu Gelidium linoidee Kutz Hlgekuea Igleu Ceramium rubrum J. Ag. Igieu IglBU Ceramium Boydenii Gepp. Amikusa Igieu Ceramium craeeun Okam. Hlrakuea Gelidium sutcoetatum Okam. Hirakuea Hlrakusa Gelidium tenue Okam. Hirakuea Hirakuaa Gelidium planiueculum Okam. Hirakuea Klriuso Euchetuna muricatum (Gm.) Wet V.B. Klrinsal Klrlneo Eucheuma gelatinae (Esp.) J. Ag. Katamen - klrinsal Klrlneo Eucheumn emekueaenEie Okam. Amakuea - kirineai Ki rinso Eucheuma crustaeforme Wet V. Bos. Itanlso Ahafeltia pllcata (Huds.) Fr. Scau 'ar . Tobuchieneis Kanna Itaniguea Note: .GelldixuB Amaneii and G, Pacificum are by far the noet important epeclee in the pro- duction of agar-agar (Kanten) in Japaji. They are known ae "genuine graes" (Hon-so or Oya-kusa) . The other epeclee are called "weede" (Zaeso). 20 TA£L2 2. - JAFAiraSE AGAB-AGAB MAHU7ACTDBS Most desira'ble proportions of the various species of seaveed used In one 'batch as listed ty Japanese ^roup name: Group Same Percent Senguea Onl Toriashi 3go ... * C^o Ifcisu Hirakusn TOTAL: 100 Poxmde U5 225 10 50 5 25 10 50 15 75 3 25 10 50 500 Note: Two other groupiafeS, Kirinso and Itaniso, are foiand only in Pornoea and Karafuto and are not eenerally used in Japan. TABLE 3. - JAPAMESE PBOrCCTION. BOPOfiTS. DOMESTIC CXDNSDMPTIOK AKD CABRT OVER OF AGAB-AGAB, I926-I9U5 PRODUCTION EXPORTS DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION AN." CABBY OVER Metric Tons Metric Tone Percentage Metric Tone Percentage 1926 1,308 1,083 82 225 18 1927 1.38'^ 1.089 78 295 22 192s 1.35« 1,451 1,290 95 68 05 1929 1,322 91 129 09 1930 1.3S7 1.267 91 120 09 1931 I.U9I 1.209 81 282 19 1932 1.573 1,282 81 291 19 1933 193^+ 2,081 1,312 63 769 51 2,320 1,256 51+ 1,066 193& 2,1+95 1.510 60 985 Uo 1936 2,550 1.769 69 781 S 1937 2,655 1.591 60 l,06U 193s 2.579 1,522 59 1.059 Ui 1939 2,59»! 1,5^ 50 1,351 50 19U0 2.93I+ i.igiJ Uo i.7»+o 60 19U1 2.150 589 27 1.561 73 19U2 1,715 315 18 I.UOO 82 19^3 19UU 1.578 157 10 1.1J21 90 1,280 119 9 1.161 91 19^5 716 76 10 6U0 90 SOURCE: Japan Agar-Agar Dietrltution Control Company. 21 TASLi; IJ. - AGAE-AGAH EXPOHTS FROM JAPAN BY COUNTRY OF DESTINATION 193U-19UO a/ (Quantltlea In kHograms) DESTINATION 1 ■ - 193'* 1935 1936 1937 1939 19 1+0 A. ASIA i-ifcnctmJniD 1,680 2,280 7.560 18,780 32,81+6 59.226 Kwaiitung 16,680 2l*.960 52.500 '+9,560 3l+,080 96,187 116,060 China 35.220 ks,kko 51.660 82,023 71,82U Soviet Asia 1,080 — — Hong Xon^' 25.3S0 29.280 32.580 UU.IOO 15.:'60 1+20 120 French Ini^o China 16.560 37.500 ll+,l60 3,120 2,880 Slam 30.730 36,600 35.5SO 2l+,960 7,980 I+.I+70 British Kalaya — 60 — 3,330 2,OU6 Straits Settlements 108,600 93.600 100, uuo 70.020 2J,306 l5.33f British India 23,700 32,UO0 33,2U0 28.080 6,588 1,830 Ceylon sUo 300 2,0U0 1.200 — Iran 60 — Iraq 180 ... ... Palestine 730 1,560 I..56O 1,800 ... Saudi i" rati ft 120 I18O 60 British Borneo 180 300 60 180 ... Ustherlands Indies 228,780 131.220 150,060 126,720 70.1+81 61+, 050 Philippine Islands ii*,oUo 2U,360 27,960 26,760 13,755 9,U83 Others 300 — 120 16,560 20,628 Total AraoTint 503.700 U65,ooo 5'+?. 000 1+11,780 356.596 367.9^+7 Total Value, Yen 1,291,550 1.238,922 1.580.728 1.666,2U2 ND b/ ND B. EUROPE United Kingdom 136,800 187,980 2U3,U20 198,180 156.135 S9.6U3 163,680 France 97,1'to 218. 6U0 ?l+5.580 15^,260 233,3'+0 83,61+0 Geraany 191I.2SO 259.560 236.9»+0 162,678 63. 5^*0 Italy 10,860 22,71+0 6.8U0 12,600 11.756 22.050 Poland- i^anzig 300 7,020 13.560 5,3^+0 1+,200 Belgium-Luxemhurg 2,160 l+,680 7.630 8,0l»0 ,_ Holland 13,080 19,020 29.520 3'+.330 36,960 20.152 Denmark 8,280 9.720 18,780 1,320 3.3^ 7.680 Finland 1,200 18.81+0 U,86o Sweden 13,020 20,850 30,960 11,830 10,320 ^560 ITorway 360 8l+0 Spain ?Mo 3.780 6,600 ... Irish Free State — 1,200 ..-. _.— USSR — 1.020 ... ... Others 2.220 — 2,61+0 3.000 llU,300 __. Total Amount '+78,380 755.220 779 .OUO 752,91^0 589.352 365.302 Total Value, Yen 1,226,862 2,225,6U>+ 2,1+66.710 3, 279. '+00 ND ND C. NORTH AMERICA United States 191.3'*0 203.880 295.680 303.660 '25.1+35 322,511 Canada 5.9IW 5,100 ll+,580 13.500 16, 788 11.700 Mexico 2U0 120 1.920 960 _— . Cuha ... 360 . ..-. .M. Others 3.000 — — Total Amount 197.520 209.100 315. 5^+0 318,120 ?U2,?23 33^^.211 Total Value, Yen U95.672 556.165 1,070.158 1.307,21+lJ ND ND 22 TABLE 1+. - ASAR-AGAH i3KP0HTS FROM JAPAM BY COUNTRY OF DESTINATION 193I4-I9U0 a,' (CONT'D) (Quantltlee In kilograms} DESTl NATION 193»* 1935 1936 1937 1939 I9I+O D. SOOTH AMEBICA Venezuela 360 ... 1.080 120 ND h/ ND h/ Peru 1,920 1.920 2,160 2.820 ND ND Chile 2l+0 6,660 ND ND Argentina 23.100 22,500 1+2,21*0 25,560 ND ND Brazil 1.320 2,280 8,280 9.2I+O ND ND Urviguay 180 ND ND Dutch CKilana 120 ND ND BritiBh Giilann 60 180 ND ND Total Amount 27,120 26,820 53.820 lil+,580 ^9.170 52.788 Total Value, Yen 73.325 83,5»t7 191,297 213.636 ND ND E. AFMCA tfelon South AfriOB 6,360 U.920 11,160 7.080 ND ND Madagascar 1)20 300 ND HD Kenya, Uganda.) Tanganyika ) 120 1+30 1+80 ND ND Mozamhique 120 120 ND RD Algeria 60 ND ND Others 1,560 120 ND ND Total Amount 8.0U0 5.160 12,060 8,0l+0 3.360 U,620 Total Value. Yen 20,UgU 14.1+1+2 3H.II7 37.658 ND ND F. OCEANIA Australia 33.720 36,600 1+6,980 1+0,560 68,737 UU.U1I+ New Zealand 5.220 9.1+20 15.180 11.61+0 9.090 22.800 New Caledonia 1+20 ... _ — Hawaii 2.160 1,980 3.5»K) I* ,020 1^661 1.656 Total Amount ■+1,100 1+8,1+20 65.700 56,200 79.^*88 68,870 Total Value. Yen 107.225 lU2,925 231.UI+8 206,812 ND ND a/ Data for I938 unavailable. h/ No data available So^ce: Japan Agar-Agar Sletrlhutlon Control Company 23 TA2L£ 5. - ACAS.AGAK OCORTS 7B0I'. JIFAI 1925-19145 Ioclu»lT« AMourr IB TALtB runt FEB TAini PIS Ksrsic TOSS IV TBI IILOSBUI, TZH potrai, Tm 1926 1,083 3,7''2,Ol'0 3.'' 1.5 1927 1,089 ',2^,31'' 3.0 \:l 1928 1.290 '',l'i2,039 3.2 1929 1.3J2 I»,61l9,tl09 3.5 2.0 1930 1,267 3.833.027 3.0 1.3 1931 1,209 3. ''15. 903 2.8 1.2 1932 1,282 3.165,5'w 2.'' 1.1 19;" 1,312 3.198,956 2.11 1.1 1.256 3.215,118 ''.261,797 2.5 l.l 1935 1.510 2.8 1.2 1936 1.769 5.57''.''52 5:^2 l.U 1937 1.591 6,760,992 1.9 1938 1.522 6,201, a? ll.O 1.8 m 1.3'''' 8, !'•'', 217 6.0 2.8 i.igii 11,2'«),97'' 9.1' ".2 191*1 589 ''.953.000 2,6^8,200 8.1> 3.8 19U2 315 8.U J:? ISUk 157 1,'A7,0.-- 9.1 119 I.lt95,120 97it,667 12.U 5.6 MI'S 76 12.8 5.7 Source: Japaa A£ar-A£ar QiBbrlbutlon Coaroi Cocipafiy. TjlBLI 6. - JJU>iJiZS£ AGAB.ASAB AKOtUT COBSUHm LOCALLT A!ID AHOUIjT CASBIED OTH 19l'0-19''5 IncluBlTe thlt; Metric toae tabu; 7. - ESTIMATE 07 AGAR-ACAS PEODDCTIOB IN JAPAB PBDPEH ISC 19U6-ISB 19117 BASED OB COLLECnoB OP HAXIKOM AMOUBT 0? BAK MATEKIAL I ' HUKBZa OF SAW KATEHIAl pEoiocnoB PLAST3 DSU OF AOaB-AOAD Osaka 178 1.635 376 Kyoto 63 57a 133 Hyogo 58 532 12S Bare 1 9 2 01 fu 3k 1.233 283 Ba^sDO 170 2,868 660 Yamanae.Tl 21 35'! 81 Shlzuolca 8 lOU 2U Ounoa 2 26 6 PuJniBhlma U 52 12 Klyagl 2 26 6 Ivate 2 26 6 Aomorl 1 13 3 TOTAl 60I 1 7, "56 1,71'' TXABS TOXD IB HOta COBSDKPTIOB CABBin) OTQ 19'tl 19112 19lii 19''5 2,7'ie 1,582 l,U7li 1,180 UU5 312 880 172 276 3W 589 - AMODBT OF BAW HATE31AL PnaOHiSEB IT THE CEBTBAl FIMEATIOB or nSHEBKEB'S COOPEBATin ASSOCIATIOBS. 1939-19115, TBOH TEE JAPASESS MAIHLAHD ABE nZASST SCOHCIS Anount li. Metric tone - Taloe Id Ten TBAS JAPAI PBOPEB KABArrao RBXA AAt Talse Aat Tain. Ast Talue 1939 i9»io 11,1*77 17,11011,963 1,687 55''. 850 909 662,510 7,879 111,058,185 1,1«U 551.000 780 669.3''7 19U1 7,621 1,312 330.050 6k) 357.11*7 19U2 ''.?33 5. ''51 1,121* 30't,5OO 981* 1.196.39'' '1.138 19)13 7,700,79'! -100 igtu '1,208 5.712,329 — 19''5 1,160 2,867,126 — 17 5.103 TBAB roBi WSA SOUTH Sll k ISLAIDS 101 AL Axt Talue Aat Taloe Alt raise 1939 168 216.760 233 89.535 lU,lt7U 18.928,633 1<^ 160 2ll2.650 137 62.1?5 10,380 15,583.375 19''1 l'i7 11*5.762 — — - 9.720 9.876,100 X9U2 127 76.578 36 11,680 7.3''0 7,750.117 19''? 19l« 65 36.200 113 38,653 5.728 11.253 7.816.787 55 3' 53.36" 5.765.693 19''5 32.251 8 637 1.211.8 2,905.117 Source; Jnpan Agar-A^ar Dletrlbutlon Control Company. 24 25«e< MBL WHOI Library ■ Senals 5 WhSE 0071 J