SPECIAL PAMPHLET PROPERTY OF MAIN LIBRARY, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA Lent lo....l^,.A:.^C^CL(U.... Dale ZeL.:..lL.'.M±'. Form A.L. 32— Req. 73 Wo. 1 PLEASE RETURN WARTIME ^ PRODUCTION > SERIES -v ,\ ■ »■>■- — '--.m. '■'■'.■' v/ »^t.. '-a, ■■'.>.- AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES BOARD OTTAWA CANADA ^|^'fa- , :-'r. ■' ■'Vi "Si' FLAXSEED CANADA needs another million Bushels of flaxseed to supply her home consumption. The present price of flaxseed In relation to other grains makes its production more attractive than in some years past. The high quality of Canadian flaxseed continues to attract buyers, and there appears to be no danger of over-production. Districts which produce low quality wheat can grow flaxseed of highest market quality. Success in the production of flax depends upon the use of good seed of suitable varieties, sown on clean land, well prepared to produce a good seed bed. coupled with favourable growing conditions. Present Situation and Outlook Canada has been importing flaxseed for the past ten years, domestic pro- duction being far short of demand. An average of over 800,000 bushels of seed and 36,000 hundredweights of linseed oil, equivalent to another 180.0(H) bushels of seed, were imported annually during 1934 to 1939. Flaxseed is consumed chiefly by the linseed oil industiy which crushes an average of more than 1,800.000 bushels annually. j„ 1939 tin of ilax increased 49 per cent ovar thai of the previous two years, producing 2.500,000 bushels. However, the 1939 drop while above that of any year since 1932. was not large enough to satisfy normal require- ments. Out surplus stocks have always found a ready outlet in the United States where production annually falls sh'orl of consumption by about 15.000,000 6304 C212 WPS SP J lished by Authority of Hon. f. G; < iardJrtcr, Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa, 1940 ids. During the last war. Canada produced 6.000.000 to 8.000.000 bushels, bf which a large volume was exported. The high tariff of 65 cent -t flax entering the United States lias done much to reduce our exports to that country .in recent years. However, due to the higher quality of our northern flax, any surplus for export will likely find its way into that market. Crop Value a Factor In viewing the market prospects for flax. Western farmers naturally study the relative prices of wheal and llax. The normal yield of flaxseed is less than half that of wheat and about one-third that of barley. Assuming thai an acre of flax can be handled as cheaply as an acre of wheat and considering the average yield of each, the price of flax should be twice that of wheat in order to make it attractive. Such a relationship exists at time of writing ami has maintained for some time. Advantages of Flaxseed Production Aside from prospective crop value there are other obvious advantages in producing flax. A second cash crop provide- insurance againsl either over- production or failure of other crops. Flax fits into the rotation in exactly the same way as wheat or other small grains, and is sown, harvested and threshed with the same machinery, therefore requiring practically no extra cosl to produce. Some farmers find that since flax has the ability to stand long without shattering, they are aide to extend the use of their equipment. Surveys conducted for a number of years indicate that in general, the northern areas of the Prairie Provinces which produce wheat of lower baking strength than the most southerly districts are most suitable for the production of high quality flax. Earlier maturing varieties such as Redwing an- pushing the flax acreage northward. Points of Importance in Production In the past, the practice on breaking new land was to seed llax the first year to be followed by wheat. This practice is not so rigidly followed to-day as virgin prairie may be more profitably used for the production of registered seed of other grains than llax. Data from Dominion Experimental Station- indicate that yields of wheat following flax are as good as. and in some cases better than, those following wheat, oats or peas. A good practice is in flax after brome grass or other sod. This has a number of advantages but one of the most important is that wire worms are likely to be abundant in such sod land, and they attack flax much less readily than wheat and. oats. The place of flax in the rotation should lie so arranged as to give the crop the best protection against its greatest weakness, inability to compete against weeds. Only land relatively free from weeds should be sown to this cro] Seed and Seeding Cultivation prior to seeding may be a means of reducing weed competition and is necessary to the preparation of an even, clean and firm bed. It is important that the land- should be in a good state of tilth and thai sowing be at an even depth, and no deeper than is necessary to cover the seed well, rate of seeding appears to be depended on the moisture supply and nothing is gained by the increase of the stand beyond the capacity of the soil. The amount of Beed required will vary from 28 to 40 pounds per acre depending partly on the size of the seed. The seed should be carefully cleaned. Experi- ments conducted on Dominion Experimental Farms indicate thai early seeding is preferable, and generally produces the highest yields per acre. The beat period for seeding is about two weeks after the season open*. Late Seeding Detrimental The common practice has been to seed (lax when it i- too late for wheat. With some farmers, fear of spring frosts has been responsible; with others, moisture has been a determining factor. If moisture came late, flax would be seeded instead of and later than wheat. Late sowing, and therefore, late ripen- ing frequently are responsible for difficult it's in harvesting and threshing. Weed growth may be stimulated by late rain- and may smother tl or at be-' delay the harvest. Fall ploughing may thus be delayed and fall cultivation hindered. Flax appears to have been damaged more by fall frosts because of late sowing than by spring frosts on new seedli \ arieties Recommended The situation with regard to flax varieties has changed appreciably during ; years. Previous to 1934 more than To per cent of the crop con of the variety called Crown. This variety has a very serious defect in that it is very susceptible to the disease known as Flax Wilt. Though some pro- ducers are still growing (town, the spread of Bison ha.- been so remarkable that it has become the most widely grown variety in both Canada and the United States. The popularity of Bison rests on many favourable characteristics chief among which are resistance to llax wilt, a large, bold plump seed, and a growth that is vigorous and productive. A recent survey has shown an increa the Redwing variety, especially in Manitoba and Alberta. Redwing is wilt resistant and is earlier maturing than Bison. It is recommended for those districts where frosts are likely to be a hazard or in any area where, because of early maturity, it might fit in more ctorily with general farm operations. In the spring of 1939, a wiit resistant type -elided from Crown at. the University atchewan, was licensed and distributed. This selection, n Royal, while yielding well, appears slightly later in maturity and weaker in straw than Bison. The Weed Problem flax seedlings are rather slow in making growth, produce Little -hade and are therefore poor competitor- with weeds. This is an added reason for early -ceding. Fate seeding with the consequent hue harvesting, allows many weed* if teach maturity and thus in the meantime choke out the flax and rob it of moisture and fertility. Generally, light soil is not well adapted to the successful growing of flax. In the main soils which are well suited to the growth of cereal grains and other farm crop.-, and having good moisture retention properties will produce a good crop of flax. The areas, of the most extensive production are there- fore, our fairly heavy loams, these having greater ability to retain moisture than have the lighter soil.-. It is the general experience of producers that grasshoppers may do more damage to flax than to other grain crops, owing to the succulencv of the stem of the flax plant which is generally quickly cut off for thai reason. It may he considered a heavy risk to seed flax where a grasshopper infestation is to be feared. If seeding is to he undertaken however, early -ceding, which provides early maturity, may tend to reduce tin damage from drought. Late seeding finds the Max .-till green when other grains have become almost mature. HarM-dUn-; Methods Flax is usually cut with the ordinary hinder when the bolls are ripe and the stems yellow. Flax should he cut when dry as otherwise it i- very difficult to handle. If free from weed-, it make- a good combine crop since it does not shatter easily and may lie left standing longer than other grains. To combine well it should he fully ripe and thoroughly dry. No attempt should lie made to thresh under unfavourable weather conditions owing to the fibrous nature of the plant. There should he no end play in the cylinder as the cracking r used, -own at the proper lime, on land free from weeds. Conditions indicate a good market for flax seed and as has been pointed out in the introduction, an additional million bushels can easily he handled in the domestic market. » Prepared by Cereal Division, Experimental Farms Service, Dominion Department of Agriculture Ottawa : Printed bj .1. 0. Patenacoi [.8.0. Pi : ■ Kxrdlriu M:i.i<-ty, l!Mn