^ 1 rN^i *''^^ll— V ^^^^^^ .p=^^-l ^5i^ i , -r^^-^=^ -M^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS V 4 FLOEA OF BRITISH INDIA FLORA OF BRITISH INDIA. BY SIR J. D. HOOKER, C.B., G.C.S.T. M.D., F.R.S., D.CL. OXON. , LL.D, CANTAB. COKRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE, AND HON. MEMBER 01'' JHE ASIATIC SOCIETV OF BENGAL. ASSISTED BV NTAKIOUS BOTANISTS. VOL. Yll. CITERACEJ'J, ailAMlNEJ£ AND GENE HAL INDEX. PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR INDIA IN COUNCIL. LONDON : L. REEVE & CO. PUHLISUERS TO THE HOME, COLONIAL, AND INDIAN GOVERNMENTS 6, HENRIETTA STREET, GOV EN T GARDEN. 1897. LIBRARY UNIVERSi 1 Y ( jv CALIFORNIA; DAVIS m"* LONDON : VKINTED BY GltBEKT AND BIVINGTON, ID ST. John's house, clehkenwell, e.c. PEEFACE TO VOL. VII The length of time, upwards of a quarter of a century, occupied in the publication of the Flora of British India, has resulted in the later volumes containing a far more complete account of the families of plants to which they are devoted than do the earlier volumes of theirs. For this there are two reasons, the extension of the area of British India in the interval, and the many collections that have been trans- mitted to Kew from wholly or imperfectly explored regions of India during the same interval. The extension of area has been : on the East, Munnepore, and by far the greater part of Burma, adding many Indo-Chinese genera and species to the flora ; on the West, British Beluchistan and other trans- Indus hills and valleys, adding Oriental genera and species. Neither of these extensions have, however, added so much to the Indian flora as might have been expected ; for, as regards Burma, extensive materials were already available from Pegu, Martaban, Tenasserim, and the upper and lower Irawaddy valleys ; and as regards the West, the low country Oriental flora is represented in the plains of Sind and the Panjab, and the upland and alpine in the trans-Indus valleys, Western Tibet, and the Kashmir Himalaya, On the other hand, the collections received from previously unex- plored and partially explored regions of India proper have been numerous and full of novelty and interest. Of these the first in importance are Mr. C. B. Clarke's, whether for their extent, the know- ledge and judgment with which the specimens were selected, ticketed, and preserved, or for the valuable observations which accompany them. They were obtained over a greater extent of India than had been traversed by any other Indian botanist, and at all elevations, up to 18,500 ft., from the bend of the Indus at Gilgit, Kashmir, and Western 96197 Vi PREFACE. Tibet, in the extreme West; from Sikkim, Bengal, Assam, and Munne- pore in the East ; from Behar, Central India, and Chota Nagpur in the centre ; and from the Nilghiri Hills in the South. Next in importance are the Malay Peninsula collections made by Father Scortechini, the Messrs. Curtis, Wray, Hervey, Hullett, Merton, and Kidley, and by collectors sent by Dr. King from the Botanic Gardens of Calcutta. These latter have added several hundred species to the genera described in the lirst volume alone of this Flora, and have been published by Dr. King in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Thirdly rank Mr. Duthie's copious and excellently preserved collections made in Kashmir, Western Tibet, Garwhal, Kumaon, Rohilkund, Rajmahal, and Cential India, and Dr. Aitchison's from the Kurrum and other valleys west of the Indus. Of the works upon Indian Botany that have appeared during the pub- lication of Flora of the British India, the more important are Mr. C. B. Clarke's "Composite Indicte " (1876); Mr. Kurz's "Forest Flora of Burma" (1876); Dr. Brandis' "Forest Flora of N.-W. and Central India" (1874); Col. Beddome's "Flora Sylvatica of Southern India," vols. i. and ii. (1869-73), and his " Icones Plantarum Indiai Orientalis," vol. i. (1874); Dr. Trimen's *' Handbook of the Ceylon Flora," Parts i. — iii. (1893-5) ; and Dr. King's "Annals of the Botanic Gardens, Calcutta," vols. i. — vii. (1888-1897), which include illustrated mono- graphs by himself and other Indian botanists of the Indian species of Ficus, Quercua, Pedicularis, MagnoUacece , Anonacece, Bambusce, &c. In the Preface to the first volume of this work I have stated that it was proposed to include in it the Ferns and their allies. This intention has been abandoned, owing to the appearance of excellent available works describing the Indian species, especially Hooker and Baker's " Synopsis Filicum " (1874) ; Col. Beddome's " Review of the Ferns of N.-W. India" (1880), and his " Handbook of the Ferns of British India" (1883), with Supplement (1892). Having regard to this "Flora of British India," I must remind those who may use it that it has no pretensions to give full characters of the genera and species contained in it. It aims at no more than being an attempt to sweep together and systematize within a reasonable time and compass, a century of hitherto undigested materials scattered through a library of botanical books and monographs, and preserved in vastr collections, many of which latter had lain imexamined for half a PREFACE. VU century in the cellars of the India House and in public and private herbaria. It is a pioneer work, which, besides enabling botanists to name with some accuracy a host of Indian plants, may, I hope, serve two higher purposes, to facilitate the compilation of local Indian floras and monographs of the large Indian genera ; and to enable the phytographer to discuss the problems of the distribution of plants from the point of view of what is perhaps the richest, and is certainly the most varied botanical area on the surface of the globe, and one which, in a greater degree than any other, contains representatives of the floras of both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. J. D. Hooker. November, 1897. ADDENDUM. Vol. vii. p. 416, under 2. S. cliiliantlmmy insert habitats; Singapore, Wallicli ; Malacca, Stevens. Distrib. : Java, Sumatra. FLORA OF BRITISH INDIA. Order CLXXIII. GRAMINBH:. Erect dftcnmbent or creeping herbs, or in Tribe BamhusetB shrubs or trees. Stem terete or compressed, jointed; internodes solid or hollow. Leaves simple, usually long and narrow, entire, parallel-nerved, with a sheathing base distinct from the blade; sheath split to the base (very rarely entire) with often a transverse hyaline erect appendage (ligula) at the union with the blade, facing the latter. Inflorescence terminal, rarely also from the upper sheaths, consisting of spicate racemed capitate or panicled spikelets. Spikelets of three or more alternate distichous bracts {glumes), of which, the two lowest are normally empty, and the succeeding, if more than one, are arranged on f n axis {rachilla)^ and are all or some of them flowering ; within eacn flowering glume and opposite to it is an erect narrow 2-nerved scale (palea), the margins of which are infolded towards the glume and enclose at the base the true flower. Flowem iini- or bisexual, consisting of 2, rarelv 3 or 6 microscopic scales (lodicules) representing a perianth, and stamens or a pistil, or both. Stamens 3, rarely 1,2, 6, or very rarely many, hypogynous ; filaments capillary; anthers versatile, fugacious, of two parallel cells, with no apparent connective; pollen globose. Ovary entire, 1-celled ; styles 2, rarely 3, free or united at the base, usually elongate, and exserted from the sides or top of the spike- lets, clothed with simple or branched stigmatic hairs; ovule erect, ana- tropous. Fruit a seed -like utricle {grain) free within the flg. glume and palea, or adherent to either or both ; pericarp very thin, rarely thick or separable from the seed. Seed erect; albumen copious, mealy; embryo minute, at the base of and outside the albumen ; cotyledon scutelliform, bearing on its face an erect conical plumule, and descending conical radicle. Genera about 300 ; species estimated at about 3030, but many are doubtful, and more mere varieties; natives of all climates and regions. lu working up the grasses for tliis I'lora, I find the multiplication of species to have passed all bounds, nnd their nomenclature to be involved in a corresponding degree. This has arisen from two principal cause**, from authors not taking into account the wide area over which the individual species of grasses range,* and from the imperfection of the descriptions of the earlier and many later authors. It is sixty-two years since Kunth published his " Agrostographia Synoptica (Tubingen, 1833), which is an uncritical sweeping up of all previously known supposed genera and species, with imperfect descriptions and synonyms. It was succeeded (in 1835) by a second volume, in which a few hundred species of the first volume are very fully and accurately described, and valuable notes upon others sire added. In 1855 Steudel's " Synopsis Graminum " appeared. It in no respect advances, and in many ways retards the student of the Order. Of more recent works on Graminece, three only are of great mark, namely, Mnnro's very able Monogrsiph of the Bambusece (Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. xxvi. (1868) ; Bentham's revision of tUe genera. Gen. Plant, vol. iii. * It is a fact familiar to every one who examines collections of plants from hitherto unexplored countries, that novelties amongst the grasses are very few indeed, compared with what occurs in other natural families. VOL. VII. B 2 CLXXiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) (1883)^ a work of remarkable completeness and accuracy, considering- the clmntic condition in which the author found the Order; and Hackel's admirable mouoaijiph of the AndropogonecB m A. de CandoUe " Monogr. Phanerog." vol. vi. (1889'Xvtlie largest and most difficult Tribe of grasses. I have cited synonyms to a much greater extent in this than in any other Order described in the "Flora of British India" (except the " Cyperaceae " by Clarki') with the view of aiding the researches of future authors. Many of these synotivuis had never been fixed with any approach to exactness, and many were for the first time identified during Mr. Jackson's and my labours on the '* Index Kewensis."' L cannot expect that all will prove to have been satisfactorily reduced, aud still less that all have been brought to light. l^eferriug to the classification of the Indian genera, I have been compelled to diverge somewhat from Bentham's arrangement, and to abandon some of his Tribes and Subtribes, in many cases following Hackel's more recent and well-considered views. These divisions throughout the Order are of very unequal value, aud are as difficult of delimitation as of definition upon any fixed principles. They are, indeed, in some cases arbitrary, and in others more or less artificial. In this matter, and in the description or revision of some of the very difficult genera, I have derived great aid from Dr. Stapf, Assistant in the Herbarium of the Royal Gardens, who has Intely been instructed by the Director of Kew to study and name, the materials in that Herbarium critically. As Dr. Stapf shares my views as to the wide ranges of the species, and the undue multiplication of their synonyms, his labours may be expected to yield far-reaching results, taxonomic, morphological and geographical, aud to modify some of the conclusions arrived at in the following attempt to methodize the Indian Graminece. As affecting the numbers and synonyms taken from" Wul- lich's List," I have to observe that for some of them I have had to depend on the ticketed duplii ates in Herb. Hook, and Benth,, the types being wanting in the Wullichian cuUection in the rooms of the Linnaean Society. Series A. Panicacese. Spikelets articulate on their pedicels, or deciduous with them, 1-2- fld., upper fi. alone (if 2) fruiting. Exceptions. Spikelets inarticulate on their pedic^els in ArundineUa and Isachne. Spikelets articulate on their pedicels, or with articulate pedicels occur in Poacece, in Alopecurus, Cyathopus, Polypogon, Fingerhuihia, and Lophatherum. Upper flower alone fertile in Tribe ^alaridece o^ Poacece, and in Tristacht^a. ]. Rachis of infl. inarticulate, or subarticulate in Stenotaphmim. Fl. gl. usually coriaceous or herbaceous. Tribe I. Panice-E. Spike/ets 2-fld., upper fl. bisexual, lower male caj: neuter, rarely, both fertile. (Sjjinifex is dioecious.) * Spikelets articulate on their pedicels, except Isachne and ArundineUa. t Spikelets not invo'ueelLit'- by bristles. § Spikelets omt awned (yl. 11 and III heahed or awned in Pan. Crus-gaili). (See also Tricfiolcena and ArundineUa.) Spikelets dorsally flattened, base not thickened ; gls. 3, with very rarely a minute fourth (lowest) ... 1. PaspalfM". Spikelets of Faspalmn, but with a thickened basal callus . 2. Eriochloa. Spikelets subglobose, panicled; gls. 4, I and II sepa- rately deciduous, subequal 3, Isachnk. Spikelets pauicled or spicate, gls. 4 (2 in P. suheglume) 1 and II very rarely subequal, 11 and III awned in P. Crus-yaUi, IV rarely very sliortly awned . . 4- Paxicum:. Spikelets of Panzcwm, but gl. IV. narrowed into a short, flattened stipeSj or with 2 appendages near the base . 5. Iciinantiius. Spikelets innumerable, very minute, hairy, densely crowded in the capillary branches of a very laVge panicle G. Tiiysanol.j:xa. CLXxiii. GBAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) 7. Chaim^raphis. 8. Spinifex. 9. axgnopus. 10. Tkichol^na. 11. Oplismenus. 12. Aruxdinella. 13. Setabia. fertile, or deciduous with 14. Penntsetum. 15. CEi^CHRUS. 16. Stenotapiirum. 17. Thtjarea. Spikelets panicled, branches of panicle produced beyond the uppermost spikelets ; gl. I minute, hyaline . Dioecious, male spikelets in clustered spikes, fern, soli- tary §§ Sj.'ikelet'i awned, except in some sp. of Tricholceua juid Arundinella. Spikelets of Panicum, but nerves of gl. II brondly fimbriate, and palea of III deeply cleft, IV a\vne. VossiA. Spikelets 2-nHte, gl. I flat 46. Rottborllta. Spikelets 2-nate, gl. 1 globose ... . . .47, Manisuris. Spikelets solitary, gl. 1 convex . ' . . . .48. OPHIURUS. Subtribe YII. Ratzeburgie^e. Sp/ite/c^s homo- gamous, 3-nate on the slender internodes of a solitary flattened fragile spike, two perfect, 1-fld., third imperfect ; gls. 4 49. Ratzeburgia. Subtribe YIII. Euandropogone.e. Spikelets heterogamous, 1-fld., 2- rarely 3-nate on the whorled articulate branches of simple or compound racemes or panicles (solitary in Cleistacline) : gls. 4, I net kteled, iV usually awned. 39. POOONATHERUM. 40. Apocopis. 41. Aktmraxon. 42. Thklkpogon. 43. LOPHOtOGON. CLXXin. GRAMiNE^ (J. D. Rooker.) 5 Spikelets 2-3-nftte, in a simple spike, gl. I with tuber- cled ponicillate ribs 50. ElionceuS. Spikelets solitary, terminacing the branches of a thyrsoid panicle 51. Clbistachne. Spikelets capitate, male sessile, 2.fld., forming an involu- criform whorl round the pedicelled fem. . . . 52. Germain (a. Spikelets 2-natc, or the uppermost 3>nate, spicate, or panicled .53. Andropooon. Spikelets in 2 superposed series ; upper series of hetero- gamous pairs, and a terminal male, lower a whuii of 4 persistent males or neuters • . . . . .54. AyiHISTilliA. Spikelets as in Anthisiiria, but male and neater spikelets deciduous with the fem. ; callus 0 .... 55. Iseilema. Series B. Poaceee. Spikelets continu6u8 (not articulate with) their pedicels, 1- inany-Hd. ; rachilla articulate at the base, and often betweeu the flg. gls. ; lowest 11. always fruiting, upper often male or neuter. Exceptions. Upper fl. alone bisexual in Phalaridea. Spikelets articulate on their pedicels, or gl. 1 and II separately deciduous occur in Alopecurus, Melica^ Fingerhuthia, Cyathofus, and iSphcerocar^on. — See under PanicacecB some genera with spikelets inarticulate at the base. Tribe Y. Phalaridejb. Spikelets with a terminal perfect fl., and one or more imperfect male or neater below it; rachilla not produced beyond the perfect ti. Panicle contracted or spiciform ; ppikelets awnlesa . . 56. Phalabis. Panicle spiciform ; gla. 6, 111 and IV neuter, awned ; stameus 2 57. Anthoxanthum. Panicle lax.; gls. 6, III and IV male, awned or not . 58. HikrochLoa. Subtribe VI. Agrostide;£. Spikelets 1-fld. ; rachilla jointed at the base, produced or not beyond the tig. gl. ; gls. 3, I and 11 empty, III flg. awned. Exceptions. . Spikelets sometimes 2-fld. in Sporobolus and Mxiehlenbergia. Subtribe I. fiTiPEi*. Spikelets panicled ; rachilla not produced beyond gl. Ill ; fl. gl. rigid or hard, awned (except Milium). Gl. Ill narrow, awn 3.fld 59. Aristida. Gl. HI narrow, awn entire, grain terete .... (iO. Stipa. Gl. Ill broader, awn entire, grain dorsally compressed . 61. Okyzopsi.s. Gl. HI obovoid, awn 0, grain oblong . . . .62. Milium. Subtribe II. Pulegidee. Spikelets in spiciform or subspiciform panicles, gl. Ill hyaline, loosely wrapping the grain; stigmas exserted from the top of the spikelet. * Rachilla, produced heji/ond the fig. gl. Gl. I and II shorter than 111 63. HELEocnLOA. Gl. I and II longer than I H 64. Phledm. ** Rachilla not produced. Gl. 1 and II longer than III ; panicle cylindric . . 65. ALOPEcrRUS. Gl. 1 and II minute ; panicle laxly subspiciform . . 66. Phippsia. Subtribe III. Euagroste^. Spikelets usually small, in open or con- tracted many-fld. panicles; gls. usually thin or membranous; stigmas laterally exserted from the spikelet. Spikelets rarely 2-tid. in Spiyrobolua and Muehlenbtrgia. \ 6 CLXxiii. graminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) * Tliicliilla not produced beyond gl. II. t Spikelets articulate on their pedicels, or gl. I and II separately deciduous, or pedicel articulate in the middle. Spikelets oblong; gl. I and II 3-nerved, III 5-nerved, awnless 67. Cyathopus. . Spikelets very narrow; gl. I and II 3-nerved, III faintly 1-3-nerved, usually awiied 68. Garnotia. Spikelets compressed ; gl. I and II subequal, awned, nerved . . . 69. Polypogon. Spikelets subglobose ; gl. I nerveless, II and III 1- nerved, awnless 70. SPH^EoCAiivuM. ft Spikelets and pedicels inarticulate, gl. I and II persistent. Gis. all awnless ; I and 11 1-nerved, pericarp of grain loose .71. SpoBOBOLua. Gl. I and II subequal, l-nerved, awnless, awn of HI dorsal or 0 72. Agrostis. Gl. I and II unequal, awnless, 1-nerved, awn of III ter- minal "7^. MUEHLENBERGIA. Gl. I and II 3-nerved, awnless, base of III penicillate with long hairs 74. Calamagrostis. ** Rachilla produced beyond gl. Ill usually peni- cillate with long, silky hairs ; gl. I and II 3-nervecl. . 75. Deyeuxta. Tribe VII. AvenetE. Spikelets 2- or more fid., panicled, vefy rarely spicate, or panicle subspiciform ; fl. gls. usually awned, awn geni<'ulate and often twisted, rarely straight or 0 ; rachilla produced or not beyond the upper fl. gl. Subtribe I. Aire^. Spikelets 2-fld. ; gls. membranous; rachilla not produced. Gl. I acuts, many-nerved ; fl. gl. long-ciliate . . . 70, Eriachne. Spikelets minute ; rachilla and keel of fl. gl. eiliate . . 77. ZkijIlekia. Spikelets awnless ; gl. Ill largest 2-sexual, IV male . 78. Coelachne. Spikelets 3-nate ; gl. I and II awnless. 111 niale, cleft, awned in the cleft 79. Tristachta. Gl. I and TI awnless, III and IV bisexual, hyaline, dor- sally awned , . . 80. Air a. Subtribe III. Euavene.e. Spikelets 2- or more fid.; rachilla pro- duced. Spikelets 2-fld., both bisexual, awned . . . ,.'81. Deschampsia. Spikelets 2-fld., lower fl. bisexual awnless, upper male or neuter awned 81*^. HoLCUS. Spikelets 2-6-fld. ; fl. gl. awned, awn subterminal or dorsal 82. Avena. Spikelets 3- or more-fid.; fl. gl. deeply cleft, awned in '"' the cleft ......... 83. Danthonia. Tribe VIII. Chloride^., Spikelets 1- or uiore-fld., 2-seriate (some- times very distantly) and secund on an inarticulate spike or on the s]:)ici- form branches of a slender panicle ; fl. all or the lower only bisexual ; rachilla produced or, not beyond the upper fl. gl. * Spike solitary, terminal (see also Chloris). Spikelets minute, 1-fld., awnless 84. MicROCHLOA. Spikelets 1-2 -fld., in pedicelled deciduous articulate clusters, awned 85. Gracilea. Spikelets 1-2 fld., in sessile inarticulate clusters, awned . 8o. Knteropogon. Spikelets many-fld. ; fl. gl. 3-avvned . . . .. 87. TuiroGON. CLxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 7 ** Spihes or spiciform branches digitate, racemed or panicled {or solitary in Chloris). Spikes digitate, 1-fld., upper imperfect fl. 0 . . .88. Cynodon. Spikes solitary, spicate or racemed ; spikelets 2- or more- fld., upper fl. imperfect 89. Chloris. Spikes digitate or wborledj spikelets 3-6-fld., densely crowded, awnless 90. Eleusine. Spikes racemed on a long racbis ; spikelets 2-3-flLl., awned .91. Dinebea. Spikes panicled, filiform ; spikelets very minute, alternate, 1- or more fld., awnless 92. Leptochloa. Spikes very long, filiform, simple or divided; spikelets very few, distant, 1-fld., awned . . . .93. Dich2ETaria. Tribe IX. FESTUCACEiE. Spikelets 2- or more-fid., pedicelled, rarely sessile, in effuse or contracted rarely spiciform, panicles ; rachilla articulate at the base and often at the base of the fl. gls., always produced beyond the uppermost fl. gl- Subtribe I. Pappopiiore^. Spikelets few- or many-fld. ; gls. many- nerved, fl. gls. many-awned or 4-5-lobed. Spikelets spicate, 2-5-fld. ; empty gls. 4, 2 upper and flg. 4-lobed ; fl. gl. with a dorsal awn .... 94. Pommerkulla. Spikelets in simple or branched spikes; fl. gl. many-awned 95. Pappophorum. - Subtribe II. ARUNDiNEiE. Spikelets panicled, 2- many-fld. ; gls. very narrow, flg. penicillate with long silky hairs on the callus or sides or both, lowest fl. gl. sometimes male or neuter. Eacbilla .elongate, glabrous ; fl. gl. silkily hairy . . 96. Aeundo. liacbilla very short j fl. gls. glabrous, callus with long silky hairs . . . . . . . .97. Phragmitis. Subtribe III. Seslerie,^. Spikelets in spiciform panicles, or in spioate clusters with (in the Indian species) many imperfect spikelets of imbricating gls. at the base of the spike or of the clusters, 1- or more-fld. {Gynosurus has dimorphous spikelets). Spikelets in a cylindric spike, articulate on very short pedicels ; gl. I and II awned 98. Fingerhuthia. Spikelets very minute, in globose clusters on an elongate simple racbis 99. Elytrophorus. Spikelets in a dense unilateral panicle, uppermost of each brancblet 1-fld., concealed by the longer lower empty gls 100. Lamarckia. Spikelets in spiciform clusters, uppermost of each cluster 2-5-fld., lower of distichous subulate empty pectinately arranged gls 101. Cynosurus. Subtribe lY. Eragroste/E. Infl. various. Spikelets 2- many-fld. ; fl. gls. 1-3-iierved, entire, 3- toothed, 3-lobed or 3-awned. Panicle spiciform ; spikelets 2-5-fld. ; fl. gls. scarious, secund, mucronate or shortly awned .... 102. Koeleria, Panicle efluse ; spikelets 2-4-fld. ; gl. I very short, 3- nerved, sub 3-toothed, fl. gl. broadly truncate, 3- nerved j 103. Catabrosa. Infl. various ; spikelets many-fld. ; empty gls. shorter than the lowest flg. gl., 1 -nerved ; flg. gls. 3-nerved ; grain very minute, terete 101. Ekagrostis. Infl. pyramidal ; spikelets many-fld. j empty gl. longer 8 CLXxiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) than the lowest, gl. II subuhite, 1-nerved ; flg. gls, 3-nerved ; grain broad, concave .... 105. Myriostachys. Infl. subpanicled ; spikelets many-fld. ; empty gl. shorter /fv^ A A/ Of than the lowest flg. gl. I 3-nerVt'd, 11 5-nerved ; ^ A " 7 ^' rachilla silky ; flg. gls. 3-nerved, grain grooved . 106. HAtoPYRUM. Infl. capitate in the (Indian sp.) ; spikelets tV-\v or many- fld. ; empty gls. shorter than the flg., I 1-3-nevved, II 5-nerved; fl. gls. 3-nerved, villous; grain broad, concave 107. Coelachykum. Spikelets sessile on the spicifonn branches of a tall, broad panicle, many-fld. ; fl. gls. 3-4-toothed . . . 108. Diplaciine. Subtribe V. MELiCEiE. ^jpikelets usually panicled, 1- or more-fld. ; gls. many, upper smaller, empty, convolute in a clavate mass. Gl. I and II separately deciduous . . . . . 109. Mblica. Subtribe VI. Centothece^. Spikelets 1- many-fld., 1-2-seriate on the rachis of a simple spike or on the long slender branches of a simple pduicle. — ^Leaves broad-, tessellately nerved. Spikelets 1-fld., secund and articulate at the base; upper gls. empty, convolute with setiform tips . . . 110. Lophatrerum. Spikelets 3- or more-fld., secund, persistent ; fruiting gls. with reflexed submarginal bristles .... 111. Centotheca. Spikelets 1-4 -fld., secund, 2 -seriate on the rachis of a simple spike 112. STREPToavNE. Subtribe VIT. Eufestuce^. iSpi^eZt^* usually panicled, 2- or more-fld. ; fl. gls. 5- many- (very rarely 3-) -nerved, upper empty or 0; styles short (except Duthisea). (Spikelets of Brae hy podium in long very lax spikes of ^leuropus in crowded spikes. ) Spikelets many-fld., subspicately crowded; fl. gl. broad, many-nerved. Prostrate, leaves riyrid, pungent . 113. J^leuropus. Spikelets few-fld., in close secund clusters; gl. I and II shorter than the mncronate or awned flg. . . . 114. Dagtylis, Spikelets on a short panicle, subsessile, compressed ; fl. gls. keeled, tips membranous. Annuals .... 115. Sclerochloa. Spikelets very small, in a narrow panicle with erect branches, awnless. Annuals ..... 116. Schism us. Spikelets ovale, in a lax pyramidal panicle, pendulous ; gls. inflated, awnless, closely imbricate, many-ntrved, dorsally convex 117. HuiZA. Spikelets laxly panicled, few-fld. ; gls. keeled, 5-nervod (3- in P. persica), awnless, nerves rarely meeting at the tip 118. roA. Spikelets laxly panicled, 1-2-fld., awnless ; gls. hyaline, flg. very broad, truncate, 5-nerved, lateral nerves very short 119. CoLPODinM. Spikelets panicled, many-fld., awnless ; gls. obtuse, dorsally rounded, 5-9-nerved, lateral nerves short . . . 120. Glyceria. Spikelets panicled, many-fld. ; fl. gls. acute or awned, dorsally I'ounded, top of ovary naked or hairy . . 121. Festuca. Spikelets panicled, 3- many-fld. ; fl. gls. mucroiiate or awned, dorsally rounded, 5-9-uerved, top of ovary , lobed villous . . . . . . . .122. Bromits. Spikelets few, sub-capitate, 3-5-fld. ; fl. gls. 7-11-nerved, 2.fid ; style very long, 2-Hd 123. DuTiUJiA. Snikfkts spicate, many-fld., mucronate or awned . . 121. Bkachypoihum. CLxxiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hookei.) 9 Tribe X. Horded, Spikelets 1- or more-fld., sessile, 1-2 or more seriate on the rachis of a simple epike, or partially sunk in cavities of the same ; rachilla usually articulate and produced beyond tlie fl^. gls. into a naked or glumiferous bristle ; gls. awned or not, I and II opposite or subcollateral, persistent or separately deciduous, I sometimes absent or very minute. Sabtribe I. Lolie^. Spihelets solitary at the nodes of the spike ; plane of the spikelets radial to the rachis. Spikelets 3- many-fld. ; gls. coriaceous, I absent, except in the terminal spikelet 125. LoLiUM. Spikelets 1-2-fld. ; gl. 1, minute or 0, II much longer than the hyaline III j spike cylindric, rachilla gla^ brous 126. Leptueus. Spikelets 1-3-fld. ; gl. I, minute or 0, II about as long as the hyaline III; spike compressed, rachilla hairy . 127. Oeopetium. Subtribe II. Tritice^. Sjnlcelets solitary at the nodes of the spike ; plane of spikelets tangential to the rachis. FI. gls. 5-9-nerved, lateral nerves not conniving, short or ending in teeth or awns 128. Triticum. Fl. gls. 5-7-nerved, lateral nerves conniving or confluent with the single terminal awn ..... 129. Ageopteum. Subtribe III. Elyme^. SpiJcelets 2 or more, collateral or fascicled at the nodes of the spike ; plane of spikelets tangential to the rachis. Spikelets 1-fld. ; empty gl. subulate, rigid . . . 130. Hoedeum. Spikelets 2- many-tid. ; empty gl. subulate, linear or oblong 131. Elymus. Tribe XI. Bambuse^. Shrubby or arboreous grasses. Leaves flat, jointed on the sheath. Spikelets 1-oo-fld. ; lower 2- or more gls. empty, gradually increasing in size up to the flowering, with sometimes small terminal imperfect ones. Palea usually large, 2-keeled (in Melanocanna). Lodicules usually 3. Stamens 3, 6, or oo. Styles 2-3. Subtribe I. Arundinarie.e. Palea 2-keeled ; stamens usually 3 ; peri- carp thin, adnate to the seed. Spikelets 1- many-fld., racemed or panicled ; empty gls. 1-2 132. Aeundinaeia. Spikelets 1-4-fld., splcate; spathes bracteate ; empty gls. 2-3 . 133. Phyllostachys. Subtribe II. Eubambuse j;. Palea usually 2-keeled ; stamens 6 ; pericarp thin, adnate to the seed. Filaments free ; paleas entire or slightly cleft, all 2-Keeled 134. Bambusa. Filaments free ; paleas deeply cleft, uppermost not keeled 135. ThyksacanthuS. Filaments connate. Spikelets oo-fld. ; paleas all 2-keeled 136. Gigantochloa. Filaments connate. Spikelets few-fld. j palea of upper fl. 0 or glume-like, not keeled . . . . . 137. Oxytenantheea. Subtribe III. Dendeocalame.e. Palea 2-keeled; stamens 6; pericarp fleshy or crustaceous ; seed free. Spikelets 2- oo-fld., 1 only usually fertile, usually capitate in the branches of the panicle ; ovary hirsute at the top, pericarp crustaceous 138. Dendkocalamus. 10 CLXxiii. GRAMi>-EiE. (J. D. Hooker.) Spikclets 2-fld. as in Dendrocalamus ; ovary glabrous at the top, fruit large, pericarp fleshy .... 139. MelocalAMUS. Spikelets 1-fld., loosely spiked on the branches of the panicle, bracteate ; fruit small, depressed-globose ; pericarp crustaceous 140. Pseudostachyum. Spikelets 1-fld. as in Psevdostachyum ; fruit elongate beaked, pericarp crustaceous, . . . . . 141. Teinostachyum. Spikelets 1-fld., bracteate, crowded in globose heads ; fruit oblong, beaked, pericarp thick, separable . . . 142. Cephalostachyum. Siibtribe IV. Melocanne^. Spikelets 1-fld. Palea 0 or glume-like. Stamens 6-oo . Petncarp crustaceous or fleshy, seed free. Spikelets in clusters on the branches of the panicle, rachilla produced far beyond the fl. gl. ; fruit small, pericarp hard 143. SCHizoSTAcnYUM. Spikelets very minute, clustered on the branches of the panicle, rachilla not produced ; lodicules 0 . . 144. Dinochloa. Spikelets bracteate, crowded in unilateral spikes, rachilla not produced ; fruit very large, fleshy . . . 145. Melocanna. Spikelets large, capitate or subspicate; stamens 6 or more ; fruit very large, pericarp fleshy .... 146. Ochlandea. Excluded Genus. Prionanthium, Desv. Opusc. 65 t. 4, is a S. African grass, erroneously described as Indian. It was subsequently published by Nees as Prionachne Ecklonii. Tribe I. Panice^. (See p. 2.) 1. PASPAIiUBI, Linn. Annual or perennial grasses. .Spikelets 1-fld., secund in simple spikes or spikelike branches of a simple panicle or raceme, articulate on the pedicel l)ut not thickened and callous at the base, never awned. Glumes 3 (homologous of II III and IV in Panicum), with rarely a very minute lowest fourth (I of Panicum) ; I and II subequal, membranous, i)oth some- times very small or I (at the back of the fl gl.) absent ; II. epaleate ; III more coriaceous, paleate, bisexual. Stamens^. Styles 2,heQ. Grain iree within the hardened glume. — Species perhaps about 160, natives of all warm regions. As above defined, Paspalum includes the Bigitaria section of Panicum, which appears to me to be artiflcially placed in the lutter genus, because of the occasional presence of a very minute soale-like glume at the base of what is the 3rd gl. of Panicum (that opposite the flg.). This minute glume which is present or absent even in the same species, is nerveless and never embraces that above it, as the lowest gl. always does in Panicum proper. One Indian species alone of Panicum {P. subeglume) has only 3 glumes, but its decompound panicle and the form of its spikelets and its affinities are with Panicum. * Spikelets orbicular or broadly oblong, ovate-oblong in P. distichum. 1. P, scrobiculatuzn, Linn. Mant. i. 29 ; spikelets about as broad as the flat rachis -r'2~8 ^^- diam. ■2-4-ranked plano-convex or hemispheric, gl. I 3-nerved, II 5-nerved. Fluegge Monogr. Gram. 86 (Paspalu^) Trin. Diss. ii. 122, Gram. Panic. 56, S'p. Gram. Ic. t. 143 ; Kunth PJnum. PI. i. 63; Steud. Syn. Gram. 21 ; Boxh. Fl. Ind. i. 278; Grali. Cat. Bomb Pl.234>; Dalz. ^ Gibs. Bomb. Fl. Suppl. 97; Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 357 Trim. Cat. IH. Ceyl. 104; Aitchis, Cat. Panjah PL 104; Wall. Cat. n. 8753 WigU Cat. n. I60I ; DutUe Field and Gard. Crops, 8 t. 27 Grasses N.W. Ind. 1; hidig. Fodd. Grass, t. 1; Fodd. Grass. N. Ind 1 ; Miq. FL Ind. BaL lii. 430 ; Befiik. FL Hongk. 408, Fl Paspalum,'] clxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 11 4nstral. vii. 460. P. alternans, Steud. I. c. 26. P. anriculatum & car.tUa- ^ineuiDj Presl Bel Haenk. i. 217, 216. ? P. bifarinm, Udg^tv. in Journ.As. 'VocriJeng. xxi. (1853) 178. P. coloratura, Rich, ex Doell in Mart. Fl. Bras. ii. II. 78. P. Commersoni, Lamlc. Illustr. i. 175. P. cororaande- lianum, Lamh. I. c. ; Kunth I. c. 55 ; 8teud. I. c. 32. P. dissectum, Linn. Sy.sL ii. 86. P. dimidiatum, Linn. Syst. Ed. x. 855. P. firm urn, Tr'm. Gram. Panic. 105, 8p. Gram. Ic. t. 125; Kunth I.e. 60. P. flexuosum, Xlein ex Presl I.e. 2L5; Kunth I.e. 54; Miq. Fl. Lnd. Bat. iii. 432. P. frumentaceum, Bottb. ex Boem. Sf Sch. Syst. ii. 296 ; Koen. ex Trin. Gram. Panic. 57 ; Kunth I. c. 53. P. Inrsutum, Betz. Ohs. ii. 7 ; Kunth I. c. 33 ; Miq. I. c. 433. P. Houttuynii, II. G. Hall -eH de Vriese in PI. lnd. Bat. Beimv. 113. P. Kora, Willd. Sp. PI. i. 332 ; Host Gram. Austr. t. 74 ; Beauv. Fl. Owar. ii. 5, t. 61 ; Boxb. I. c. ; Grah. I. c; Duthie Indig. Fodd. Grass, t. 2. P. longifolium, Boxb. I. c. 280; Trin. 8p. Gram. Ic. t. 138 ; Wight Gat. n. 1602, Herb. n. 1600. P. mauritanicum, Nees ex Steud. I.e. 26. P. metabolon, P. Metzii, and P. moUipilum, Steud. I. c. 19, 21, 29. P. orbiculare, Forst. Prodr. 7; Fluegge I. c. 88. P. polystachyura and P. pubescens, Br. Prodr. 188 ; Kunth I. c. 54, 55. P. puberulum, Roem. Sf Sch. Syst. ii. 316 (Paspalus). P. sumatrense, Roth Nov. Sp. 35 ; Kunth I. c. 55. P! Thunbergii, Kunth ex Steud. I. c. 28; Franch. & Sav. En. PI. Jap. 159. P. venustum, Forst. f. ex Roem. Sf Sch. I. c. 297. P. Zollingeri, Steud. I. c. 28. Paiiicum dissectum, Linn. Sp. P%. 57. — Paspalum, Wall. Gat. n. 8754. — Rheede Hort. Mai. xii. t. 84<.—Sloane Hist. Jam. i. t. 69, f. 2. Throughout hotter India (wild or cultivated), from the Panjab eastwards and southwards to Singapore and Ceylon. — Distrib. All warm countries. Annual, erect or base very shortly decumbent, 1-6 ft. high, leafy, g'abrous, rarely hairy. Leaves acuminate ; ligule short, membranous. Peduncle rather slender. Sjnkes 2-8, 1-3 in. long, alternate, erect or spreading; rachis yV~t\j '"• broad, margins ciliate or serrulate. Spikelets in 2, rarely 3-4 rows, imbricate, glabrous or sparsely "pubescent, sometimes geminate on a common pedicel; gl. I convex; II Hat with two submarginal strong nerves, along the inner margins of which tlie gl. is sometimes marked with shallow transverse pits (whence the specific name) ; gl. III. with inflexed auricled margins. — I find it impossible to classify the large series of specimens of this variable plant under available varieties. Koxburgh regarded the Indian forms as 3 species, scrobiculatum, Kora, and longifolium. Between the first two of these he gives no differential characters, beyond that of scrobiculatum having erect stems 2 ft. high and being a cultivated foi'm, whereas Kora is indigenous, growing on the banks of watercourses and attaining 8 ft. (? error for 3 ft., as in the description that follows) and has the stem decumbent at the base. P. longifolium lie separates by the creeping stems, geminate terminal spikes and pitted seeds, but as Trinius describes the pitting is microscopic (as in other forms of the species). Having regard to the specimens before me, I recognize with more or less confidence (1) a form with larger dorsally tumid spikelets, which I assume to be the cultivated form (includ- ing orbiculare, frumentacum, Kora, coromandelianum, and hirsutum) ; its gl. II is either pitted or not ; and (2) a form with rather smaller spikelets, often in 3-4 rows, and gl. II never pitted, to which I refer longifolium, Zollingeri, and dissectum (which latter is the earliest name (under Patiicum) of the species). It abounds all over India, and is the only form of which I have seen Malayan specimens. Besides the synony ms adduced above, as to which I am pretty well assured, there may be perhaps many more to be added. 2. P. conjug-atum, Berp. in Act. Helvet. vii. (1772) 129, t. 8; spikes 2 terminal 01* subterminal very slender, spikelets y^ in. subsessile orbicular nearly flat, gl. II hyaline margins villously ciliate. Sw. Fl. Lid. Dec. i. 133 ; Fluegge Monogr. Gram. 102 (Paspalus) ; Beauv. Fl. Oicar. 56, t. 92, f. 2; Trin. Panic. Gen. 54, Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 102;. Kunth Bevis. Gram. 25, Eniun. PI. i. 51 ; Trim. Cat. Cej/l. PL 104. P. bicrurulum et 12 CLXXiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) [Paspalum, bicrurum, Saltzm. ex Doell in Mart. Fl. Bras. ii. II. 55. P. ciliatifolium, Trin.in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. vi. iii. II. (1835), 340. P. ciliatum, Lam. Illustr. i. 175. P. dolichopus, 2Hn. ex Steud. Norn. ed. 2, ir. 271. P. erio- phorum, Willd. ex Nees Agrost. Bras. 56. P. hirsutum, Poir. JEncycl v. 28. P. longissimum, Mochst. ex Steud. 8f/n. Gram. 19. P. nutans, Xam. I/lustr. i. 175. P. 'Renggeri, Steud. I.e. 17. P. protensum, Trin. Gram. Panic. 108. P. pubescens, Muhlb. ex Willd. JSnum. Horf. Berol. 89. P. supinura, Bosc ex Poir. Encycl. v. 29. P. tenue, G-eertn. Fruct. ii. 2, t. 80. Digitaria conjugata, Schult. Mant. ii. 262. — Paspalus, Wall. Cat. n. 8756. Cacttab, Keenan. Penang, Curtis, &c. Singapore, Kinff. Ceylon, Thwaites (" introd. from W. ludies.") — Disteib. Trop. and subtrop. rej^ions. Annual. Stems 1-2 ft., creeping and branching below. Leaves 4-6 by \ in., or less, margins of sheath above, and mouth ciliate. Peduncle very slender. Spikes 3-7 in., usually geminate and divergent, rachis glabrous. Spikelets imbricate, very pale, plano-convex ; glumes with marginal, villous nerves, and an obsolete median j 111 coriaceous, apiculate, white. — A very elegant grass. 3. P. compactum, Bot/i Nov. Sp. 36 ; dwarf, hairy all over, spikes forming a pyramidal raceme, rachis slender triquetrous, spikelets -^^ in. hemispheric. Kunth Enum. PI. i. 61 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 31. P. costatum, Hochst. in Serb. Sohenack. n. 635. P. miliaria, G. Muell. in Bot. Zeit. xix. (1861), 325. P. porrigens, Am. in Herb. Wight. Panicum CanarsD, Steud. I. c. 58. Pan. imperfectum, JRoxb. ex Kunth I.e. Khasia Hills, in wet places, alt. 3-5500 ft., Griffith, &c. Rajputana ; Mt. Aboo, Duthie. The Concan and Canara, Jacquemont, &c. Nilghiri Hills, Lawson. Stem 6-10 in., decumbent, and branched below ; roots stiff, wiry. Leaves 1-2 by 3-^ in., ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, hairy on both surfaces. Raceme 2-4 in. ; spikes many, upper gradually shorter ; axils usually ciliate. Spikelets rather turgid, close-set, but not imbricate, pendulous by short pedicels ; gl. 1 orbicular, obscurely 3 -nerved ; II narrower, margins broadly hyaline; 111 plano-convex, white, coriaceous, tip rounded. 4. P. distichum, Linn. Amoen. Acad. v. 391 ; stem creeping and rooting, leaves narrow distichous, spikes geminate, spikelets ^ in. ovate- oblong, appressed to the rachis, gl. I and II equal acute membranous, III acute. Burm. Fl. Ind. 23 ; Su\ Obs. 35, t. 2, f. 1 ; GcBrtn. Fruct ii. 2, t. 80; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 52; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 460; Baker Fl. Maurit. 431. P. brachiatum, Trin. ex Nees Agrost. Bras. 62. P. depres- sum, Steud. Syn. Gram. 20. P. didactylura, Saltzm. ex Steud. I.e. P. digitaria, Poir. Encycl. Suppl. iv. 316. P. distachyon, Willd. ex Doell in Mart. Fl. Bras. ii. II. 73. P. Fernandesianum, (JoHa in Mem. Acad. Turin, xxxix. (1836), 27. P. fissifolium, Nees ex Doell l.^c. 104. P. fur- catum, Flueoge Gram. Monogr. 114 (Paspalus). P. geniculatum, Heyne in Herb. Rottl. P. Kleinianum, Presl Bel. BcEnk. i. 209 ; Steud. l. c. 19. P. Koia, Forst. ex Spreng. Syst. i. 244. P. littorale, Br. Prodr. 188 ; Trin. Diss. ii. 95, Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 112 ; Kunth Enum. I. c. 51. P. longiflorum, Betz. Obs. iv. 15, ex Roxh. Fl. Ind. i. 279 ; Beauv. Fl. Owar. ii. 46, t..85, f. 2; Grah. Gat. Bomb. PI. 231. P. maculosum, Trin. Gen. Panic. 98, Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 113. P. Michauxianum, Kunth Bevis. Gram. i. 25. P. nota- tum, Fluegge I. c. 106. P. obtusatum, Nees ex Doell, I- c. 103. P. obtusi- folium, Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 115. P. platycaule, Willd. ex Steud. Nom. ed. 2, ii. 272. P. repens, Ic. Roxh. n. 779. ined. P. reptans, Poir. ex Doell I. c. 75. P. serpentinum, Hochst. ex Steud. l.,c. 22. P. tristachyum, Leconte in Jouvn. Pliijs. xii. (1820), 285. P. vaginatum, Sw. Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. 21 ; Fluegge I. c. 108 (Paspalus) ; Beauv. I. c. ii. 53, t. 92 ; M. B. Paspalum.'] clxxiii. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 13 & K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. I 91 ; Trln. Diss. ii. 94, Panic. Gen. 53, ^p. Gram. Ic t. 120; Kunth Enum. 62; Steud. I. c. 20. Panicurn polyrhiznm, Presl I. c. i. 296. Pan. vaginatuni, Gren. & Godr. Fl. Fr. iii. 462. — Paspalus, Wall. Gat. n. 8757?— Bheede Hort. Mai. xii. t. 44. N. W. India, Duthie. Sundehbunds, Boxhurgh, J.D.TJ. Sf T. T. Malabar, Rheede. Carnatic, Reyne. Malacca, Griffith. Andaman Islds., Fruin,.— DibTRiB. warm countries. Stems 1-6 in., erect or inclined from the long creeping base, usually stout, com- pressed below. Leaves 2-4 in., strict, flat or involute, glabrous or sparsely hairy towards the flattened sheath. Spikes close together, I-l^ in., raohis narrower than the 2-seriate spikelets. Glumes faintly nerved. — Apparently a rarer plant in India than in most tropical countries. Andaman Isld. specimens have a stout, woody, creeping stem, with thickened nodes, and very short, erect flowering branches, with distichous, subulate, spreading leaves, and spikes partially exserted from the upper- most sheath. ** Spikelets oyoid, ellipsoid, or lanceolate. t Spiktltts xtj-ff in. long, tcith often a minute scale-like gl. at the base of gl. II. (DlGITAEIA, Auct.). ' 5. P. sangruinalCv Lamhi Illustr. i. 176 ; spikes few or many, spike- lets TV~T^t ^^' obloUg or lanceolate acute or acuminate, g\. I.=| III or shorter or 0, II -S-nerved with or without a minute basal gl.. Ill and ics palea oblong-lanceolate acuminate. D.G. Bot. Gall. iii. 16. P. aegyptiacum, Pair. Encycl. Suppl. iv. 314. P. bicorne, Lam. I. c. 176 ; Poir. Encycl. v. 29, Suppl. 306. P. blepharophorum, Boem. Sf ScJi. 8yst. ii. 292. P. ciliare, DC. Fl. Fr. Suppl. 250. P. consanguineum, Kunth Enum. PI. i. 46. P. corymbosum, Kunth Enum. 48 ; Revis. Gram. i. 28. P." distans, Ne^s ex Trin. Gram. Panic. 83. P. filit'orme, Steud. Nom. ed. i. 586. P. inaequale, Link. Enum. Hort. Berol. i. 103. P. oxyanthum, Steud. Syn. Gram. 27. P. reimarioides, Brongn. Bot. Voy. Goquillo, t. 20. Panicurn sanguinale, Xi^zw. Sp. PI- 57; Schreh. Bes'-hr. Graes. t. iQ ; Fl. Dan. t. 388 ; Host Gram. Austr. ii. t. 17 ; Lamk. Encycl. Bot. t. 849 ; Knapp Gram. Britt. t. 12 ; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 98, 94, 144 ; Thw. Enum. PL Zeyl. 358; Trim. Cat. Ceul. PI. 104; Aitchix. Cat. Punjab. PL 161 ; Duthie Indiq. Fodd. Grass, t. 8", Grass. N.W. Ind. 2 ; Benth. FLHongk. 410, FL AustraL vii. 4ti9; Baker FL MauriL 435; Boiss. FL Orient, v. 433. Pan. a3gyptiacum, Retz. Obs. iii. 8; Boxb. FL Ind. i. 29:!; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. FL 291 ; Griff. NotuL iv. 17, Ic PL AisaL t. 139, f. 131. Pan. adpressum, Willd. in Ges. Naturf. neue Sehrift. iv. (1803), 193; Kunth Enum. PI i. 84. Pan. bicorne and biforme, Kunth Bevis. Gram. i. 33; Enum \. 83, 84. Pan. ciliare, Betz. Ohs. iv. 16; Kunth Enum. i. 82; Host Gram. Austr. iv. t. 15; Br. Prodr. I 192; Roxb. FL Ind. i. 290; Dalz. & Gibs. I.e. 290; Thw. Enum. 358; Griff. I. I. c. c. 32, t. 139, f. 65; Duthie Indign. Fodd. Grass, t. 9; Pan. comran- tatum, Kees in Linn(?a, vii. (1832), 274 ; Benth. EL Hongk. 410. ? Pan. corymbosum, Boxh. I.e. 292. Pan. didactylum, Kunth l.l.c.c. 33, 84; Baker Fl. Maurit. 435. Pan. eriogonura, Schrad. PI. Hoy^t. Goett. fasc. i. ex Sehult. Mant. ii. 253 ; Kunth 1. 1, c. c. 33, 82. Pan. filiforme, Jacq. Obs. iii. 18, t. 70. Pan. horizontale, Mey. Prim. Fl. Esseq. 54 ; Kunth Enum. i. 81. Pan. Linkianum. Kunth Revis. Gram. i. 33. Pan. pabulare, Aiteh. & Hemsl. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xix. (1882), 190; Boiss. Fl. Or/ewi. v. 434. Pan. pruriens, Fisch. ex Trin. Diss. ii. 77, Gen. Pan. ii. 77, Sjd. Gram. Ic. t. 92 ; Kinith Enum. i. 83. Pan. radicosum, Presl Bel. Hcenk. i. 297 ; Kunth I. c. 81. Pan. Eottleri, Kunth Revis. Gram. i. 33; Enum. I.e. 82. Digitaria jegyptiaca & biformis, Willd. Enum. Hort. Berol. 92, 93. D. 14. CLxxiii. GRAMiNEvE: (J. D. Hookei.) [Pas^alum. australis, Willd. ex Trin. in Mem. Acad. Fetersh. Ser. vi. iii. (1835), II. 201. D. ciliaris, Pers. Syn. i. 85 : Ledeh. Fl. Ross. iv. 4(58 ; T. Nees Gen. Ft. Germ. Monoc. n. 16 ; Bei'chh. Ic. FL Germ. i. t. 27 ; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 436 ; Ledeh. Fl. Boss. iv. 468. D. comimitata, Srhult. Mant. ii. 262. D. didac- tyla, Willd. I.e. 91. D. distachya, Bojer Hort. Maurit. 363; LamJc. lllustr. t. 43, f. 2. D. eriantha, Sieud. in Flora, xii. (1829), 468. D. eriogona Link Fnum. Hort. Berol. i. 227, in Flora, I. c. J), horizontalis, Willd. I. c. 92. D. linearis, Pers. I. c. D. marginata, Link. I. c. 102. D. iif^rvosa, Boem. Sf Sch. Syst. ii. 473. D.. nodosa, Webb Sf Berth. Phyt. Canav. iii. III. 384, t. 246. D. pruriens, Biise in PI. Jiingh. 379 ; Miq. I. c. 436. D. radicosa, Miq. 1.0.437. D. repens, Willd. ex Kunth I.e. 81. D. Rottleri, Boem. & Sch. I. c. 471. D. sanguinea, Scop. Fl. Carniol. 72; Weber in Willd., Prim. Fl. Holsat. 6. D. sanguinalis, Seop. I. c. ed. 2, i. b2;Beichb. I. c. t. 87 ; Parlat. Fl. Ital. i. 125 {with full citations). D sanguinoleuta, Edgew. ex Aitch. Gat. Punjab. PI. 161. D. setigera, Both ex Boem. Sc Sch. I. c. 474. Dactylon sanguinale, Vill. Delph. ii. 69. Phalaris velutina, ForsJc. Fl. .^g. Arab. 17. Svntheriama vulgare, Schrad. Fl. Germ. 1. 161. S. eiliare, Schrad. I. c. t. 3, f. 7. ? Axonopus corymbosus, Schult. Mant. ii. 77. Throughout India, in dry and moist situations, ascending the Himalaya to 6~00 ft. (cult, in the Khasia Hills). — Distrib. all warm countries. Annual or perennial. Stem 2 in. to 3 ft., erect or ascending from a creeping, hranchiug base. Leaves very variable, 1-12 by ^-\ in. ; sheaths rarely hairy, except at or near the mouth. Spikes 1-3 in., rarely more, usually strict ; rachis trigonous or flattened, stout or slender, or winged, wings green, rarely more than twice the breadth of the midrib, margins smooth or ciliolate. Spikelets geminate, loosely or closely imbricate, rarely scattered ; gls. often silkily hairy along the margins and nerves. The hairs in the upper spikelet of var. eiliare sometinies abnormally developed into a long beard or brush of curved cilia; there is every gradation between the most densely bearded and almost glabrous spikelets (see also P. heteran- thum) ; gl. I (at the back of the flg. gl.) variously developed from an obscure tuft of . hairs to nearly as long but not quite so broad as III, 3-5-nervedj usually silky ; II 5-nerved, lateral nerves marginal, rarely all close together, and with the interspaces thickened, when the gl. appears many-nerved ; III. lanceolate or oblong- lanceolate, smooth. — The above definition embraces a wide range of forms, which I believe are all referable to P. sanguinale. The species is one of the very commonest plants in India, and in all warm countries. A form (var. commutatum) is cul- tivated in the Khasia Hills, of which fact I find no notice in any work on Indian food grains. The following attempt to classify the Indian forms is founded on a close study of an enormous collection of specimens from all parts of India, amongst which those of Mr. C. B. Clarke are especially noteworthy. As to the result, I am satisfied that no two botanists working independently over the same materials would ai'rive at the same, or agree in any other; and that the results of working over a large collection from any other country would again be different. I have made no attempt to deal with the American forms, at which I have only glanced ; they suggest no modification of my arrangement of the Indian. Var. 1. cruciatum ; spikes several 2-3 in. usually horizontal, rachis slender trigonous narrowly or rather broadly winged, spikelets ovate-oblong acute or cus- pidately acuminate rather loosely imbricate quite or nearly glabrous purple or green, gl. II half as long as III ovate-oblong obtuse 3-nerved, III ovoid or obovoid rather turgid cuspidately acuminate. Panicum cruciatum, Nces ex Steud. S^n. Gram. 39. P. sanguinale. Wall. Cat. n. 8681. iT.P.— Panicum, Wall. Cat. n.8728. Digitaria cruciata, Nees ex Herb. Strack. v. Wmtcrh. No. 3.~Hima]ayan region, alt. 5-8500 ft., from Iskardo and Kashmir to Sikkim and the Munnipore Pa-'ipalum.'] clxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 15 hills. — This form appears to me to be moat nearly allied of any in habit and spiktlets to Fasp. ambiguum. Var. 2. commutatum ; usually tall, stout or slender, tufted or prostrate and widely creeping below, leaves rather long, spikes few or many (up to 20) 3-6 in. long fastigiately or subcorymbosely arranged, lower often whorled or fascicled, rachis slender narrowly winged, spikelets broad rather crowded shortly pedicelled, gl. I lanceolate rather shorter and narrower than III, II with the lateral nerves glabrous or pubescent, and with usually a minute gl. at the base. III lanceolate acuminate. Pan. commutatum, Nees in Serb. Eoyle ; Digit, ciliaris ? Wight Cat. n. 1609, Herb. n. 3033 ; Pasp. paniculatum. Herb. Jacquemont.] Pan. sanguinale, Herb. Strach. ^ Wint. n. 1. P. ciliare, Thwaites (C.P. n. 861, 862).— Panicum, Wall. Cat. n. 8681 A (racemosum. Herb. Hei/ne) B.C. (filiforme, Herb. Hei/ne) E.P.H.I.M.N.O.P.; P. filiforme and tenuifolium, Heyne in Herb. Rottl. I.e. ? P. corymbosum, Boxb, I.e. P. filiforme, Roxb. Ic. ined. — Throughout India, especially in the hills, ascending to 7000 ft. along the Himalaya, and to 10,000 in Western Tibet. — (Asia, Africa.) This is the typical S. African Pan. commutatum, Nees, but I am doubtful as to its being the P. corymbostim, Roxburgh, which is described as found " only in vallej^s of the Circars, growing to a great size in standing waters, with culms creeping, or floating with their erect extremities above water; when found on dry ground it is in general 1-4 ft. high, Boxb." A specimen of var. commutatum in Herb. Kew is labelled Pan. JUiforme in Roxburgh's handwriting, but probably the ticket is misplaced. Var. 3, ciliare ; usually tall, slender, spikes few (2-6) 3-6 in. long, rachis slender narrowly winged, gl. I long or short ciliate, gl. II of lower spikelet, with glabrous or sparingly villous, marginal nerves, of upper spikelet with the marginal nerves densely villous or bearded with soft spreading hairs that are much'broader than the gl. and often hooked at their tips. P. ciliare, Retz.', Wall. Gat. n. 8682).— Digitaria ciliaris, var. quadristachya, Wight Herb. n. 3034. D. commu- tata, Herb. Strach. Sf Winterb. n. 2. The bearded glumes may occur in other of the varieties here enumerated (as in var. debile from the Nicobars) as it is only when the spikelet is well advanced that the beard appears to be fully developed. — Very common. Var. 4, pabulare; perennial, tall, strict, erect, spikes very many 3-7 in., rachis slender trigonous, spikelets rather distant narrowly lanceolate acuminate silkily villous white, gl. I as long as III 3-nerved, II with approximate nerves and usually a minute accessory gl. at its base. III very narrow acuminate. Pan. pabu- lare, Aitchis. 8f Heinsl. I. c. — The lower hills of the Panjab, Atfghanistan, and Belu- chistan, Jacquemont, &c. Var. 5, pruriens ; erect, glabrous, or sheaths hirsute, spikes many 3-5 in., rachis slender trigonous, spikelets narrowly lanceolate acuminate nearly glabrous, gl. I nearly as long as III, II very narrow, with approximate nerves and a minute basal gl., Ill very narrow acuminate. Pan. pruriens, Fisch. I. c. — Bengal, Wallich {Cat. n. 8681, L.).'Burma, Griffith, Malacca, Cuming (n. 2397), Maingag [Kew Distrib. 1729), (Java. &c.).- — Hardly different from var. extensum. Var. 6, Griffithii; spikes seveial 2-4 in. long very slender often drooping, rachis filiform trigonous, spikelets linear-lanceolate solitary or in distant pairs glabrous or ciliate, pedicel of upper often longer than the spikelets, gl. I nearly as long as III narrow 5-nerved ciliate, II with ciliate lateral nerves, III narrow acuminate. Pani- cum Griffithii, Am. in Herb. Wight. Pan. corymbosum, Thio. Herb. (C.P. 3800). Pnn. dissitiflorum, Nees ^ Am. in Wight Cat. n. 2341 {not of Steud.). Pan. sanguinale. Wall. Cat. n. 8681, D.G. and 8748. Pan. Rottleri, Kunth (nervosum, Willd.) Herb. Wight, n. 1610 {not of RunthRevii<. Gram.) —Panicum? WaV . Cat. u. 8748.— Madras, Burma, Ceylon. — This resembles Pan. commutatum, but has filiform spikes of scattered, longer pedicelled spikelets. It occurs in S. Africa, and no doubt elsewhere. There is no locality on Arnott's ticket of Griffithii, which is doubtless from the Madias peninsula, he has added to it, Wight Cat. n. 2057, which is Pan, horizontale, var. macanthrum, Nees, of which I have seen no specimen. Var. 7, extensum; stout or slender, sheaths glabrous or hirsute, spikes few or 16 CLXxiiT. GRAMiNE.n:. (J, D. Hooker.) [Paspalum, many, rachis narrowly winged, spikelots oblong-lanceolate acuminate more or les* ciliate, gl. I half the length of III or less or minute dliate. Pan. exteusnm, Nets Sf Am. in Wight Cat. n. 2340 (which is Pan. dilatatuna, Steud. I. c. 39), Pan. nervosum, Bottler in Ges. Naturf. Fr. Neue Schrift. iv. (1803), 194 {not Moxb). P. filiforrae, Her}). Roxh. — Common. This resembles a slender form of var. commutatum, with reduced gl. I. Var. 8, debile ; small or dwarf, 4-10 in. high, much branched from the tufted or prostrate or creeping base, glabrous or hairy, spikes 2-5 1-3 in. digitate or nearly so slender, wings of rachis narrower than the midrib, spikelets lanceolate acuminate, gl. I. from minute to nearly as long as III ciliate, II 5-uerved glabrous or ciliate. Pasp. debile, Pair. Encycl. v. 34 (excl. syn.) ; Roem. Sf Sch. Syst. ii. 303. Pan. debile, JDesf. Fl. Atlant. i. 59; Bertol. Fl. Ital. ii. 778; Trin. Panic. Gen. 117. Digitaria debilis, Willd. Fnum. Hort. Berol. i. 91; Parlat. Fl. Ital. i. 127. — Plains and low hills, from Bengal to Burma, Malacca, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islds. Ceylon (C.P. n. 866,867).— Wall. Cat. 8683 (spikes longer, more slender). Avery common dwarf form in low ground or poor soil, passing into var. commutatitm, and the following. The specimens with gl. I nearly as long as III are typical Pan. debile of the Mediteranean region, but there is a gradual shortening of that gl. to a mere fimbriate scale. A minute accessory gl. at base of gl. TI is present or absent. The Nicobar specimens have the bearded upper spikelet of var. clliare. Var. 9, Rottleri, characters of var. debile, but rachis of spike stouter broader green, the wings two or three times broader than the midrib, glumes broader as in commutatum, of which it is a dwarf form. — It resembles Host's and Reichenbach's figures of ciliare. Pan. Rottleri ? and P. ciliare, Wight Herb. n. 3032 {not Cat» 1610), and 3033.^Common in the plains of India. 7. P. heteranthum, Sook. f. ; stem stout, spikes many 6-12 in., rachis very stont rigid trigonous, spikelets \ in. very distant, upper long- pediceiled lanceolate, gls. rigid finely acuminate, I and II longer than ITT, of lower spikelet glabrous of upper villous. Panicum barbatum, Kunth Bevis. Gram. i. 33 ; Enum. Pl. i. 84 ; Steud. Hyn. Gram. 43. Benth. Fl. Hongk. 410. Pan. elytroblepharum, Steud. in ZoU. Syst. Verz. 54. Pan. eminens, Steud. I.e. 43. Pan. heteranthum, Nees et Meyen in Nov. Act. Nat. Cur. xix. Suppl. i. (1843), 174; Steud. I.e. 43. Digitaria barbata, Willd. Enum. Sort. Berol. 91. D. elytroblephara, Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 439. Malay Peninsula; Pahang, Ridley.- — Distbib. Java, China. ■ A very remarkable species, of which I have seen only one Malayan specimen. The sfiikes appear to be irregularly produced, being leafy where their bases meet ; rachis strict or flexuous, margined with green. Lower spikelet of each pair with very strongly nerved, acuminate, glabrous gls., and no small basal gl,, upper with a rigid pedicel and minute, orbicular, naked, basal gl., its other gls. densely villous ; gls. of the upper spikelet at length spreading, hairs very long, with hooked tips. — Perhaps only an extreme form of P. soguinale, var, ciliare. I have seen no authentic specimen of P. elytroblepharum, but Miquel's description of it accords with the Malayan plant, and he cites P. eminens as a synonym. 8, P. pennatum, Hook. f. ; spikes 8-10 radiating elongate filiform ciliate, spikelets ^-f in, solitary or binate narrowly lanceolate subsilky, gl. I as long as III 3-5-nerved, II with or without a n)inute basal one nerves, 5 equidistant, III narrowly elliptic-lanceolate acuminate. Pani- cum pennatum, Sochst. in Flora, xxxviii. (1854), 197. SiND; at Kurrachee, S^ocfcs, Beluchistan, 2^rere. — Distrib. Arab., Abyssin. Stem 1-2 ft., branching from the suberect or prostrate base, slender. Leaves 1-6 by -i in., glabrous, or sheaths and sometiaies margins- and both surfaces hairy, ciliate with long hairs towards the base ; ligule rather long, membranous. i>pihe, 3-6 in. ; rachis almost capillary, trigonous, very rarely branched, cilia very long. Spikelets erect, pedicel of the upper almost as long as the gls. Pasjpaluin.] clxxiii. gramine-E. (J. D. Hooker.) 17 -■■- 9. P. ambig-uum, DC. Fl. Franc, iii. 16 ; stems diffasely decumbent ot ascendinor, spikes 2-4 subdigitate spreading, rachis narrowly winged, pedicels nearly glabrons, spikeleta imbricate y^ in. elliptic subacute silkily pubescent with slender hairs or ^labrate, gl. 1 nearly = III, II 5-nerved, III ovate-oblong acute. Panicum ambiguum, Lapeyr. Hist. Ahr. PL Fyr. 31 ; Fiq. 8c Not. in Act. Tor. (1854) 33G, t. 11 ; Sang, in Atti Line. Ser. I. xviii., (1865) 219, t. 421. Pan. arenarium, Bieb. Fl. Taur. Cauc. i. 52. Pan. distichum, Gaudin ex Steud. Nom. JEd. IT, ii. 255. Pan. glabrum, Gdudin. AgroH. Ilelvet. i. 22 ; Fl. Helvet. i. 155 ; Trin. Diss. ii. 83 ; Sj[>. Gram. Ic. t. 149; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 83; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 433; Steud. Si/n. Gram. 1. Pan. humifusum, Kunth Bevis. Gram. i. 33. Pan. Ischsemum, ScJireh. ex Scliweigg. Spec. Fl. Erlang. 16. Pan, lineare^ Kroclc Fl. Siles. i. 95. Pan. sanguinale, Pollich. Hist. PI. Palat. i. 57. Digitaria filiformis, Koel. Descr. Gram. 26 ; Beichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 27. D. glabra, Beaiiv. Agrost. 160 ; Zedeh. Fl. Bo^s. iv. 468 ; Parlatj Fl. Ital. i. 127. D. hnmifn^a, Pers. Syn. i. 85 ; Fngl. Bot. t. 2613. D. linearis, Bostaf. in Verh. Bot. Zool. Ges. Wien. xxii. (1872) 99. D. procumbens, Sort, ex Steud. Nom. Ed. II, i. 508. Syntheripma glabrum, Sckrad. Fl. Germ. i. 163. Western Himalaya, alt. 5-10,000 ft. ; Kashmir, Stewart ; Simla, Thomson. Western Tibet, alt. 8-10,000 ft., Thomson. — Distrib. Europe, N. Asia. Stems 6-12 in., usually diffusely spreading, rarely erect. Leaves Linear-lanceolate, acute, glabrous; mouth of sheath bairy. Spikes 2-6, 1-2 in, long, suberect or divaricate, green or reddish. Spikelets variable in hairiness ; the hairs often with slightly clavate tips ; gl. II with rarely a minute one at tbe base ; III quite smooth. — Very similar to var. cruciatum of P. sanguinale, but has smaller broiider not acuminate spikelets, and gl. IV is never acuminate. Even more like P. ternatum, which is best distinguished by the bri.sfcle-like hairs on the pedicel, and short clavate ones on the outer gls. 10. P. ternatum, Sooh.f.\ stems erect or decumbent below, spikes 2-3 subdigitate erect or spreading, rachis narrowly winged ciliolate, spike- lets t^^-yV in. geminate imbricate elliptic subacute villous with clavellate hairs, pedicels setulbse, gl. I nearly = III or shorter, II 5-nerved nerves equidistant. III ovate-oblong acute. P. humifusum, Heyne ex Wall. Gat. n. 8755. Panicum ternatum, Hochst. in Flora, xxiv. (iSil) i. Infell. 19; Steud. Syn. Gram. 40. Cynodon ternatum, A. Bich. Tent. Fl. Abyss, ii. 405. ■ Western Ghats ; Bababudan Hills, Jfeyr? e ; Belgaum, Ei/cWe. Khasia Hills: Pomrang, alt., 4-5000 ft., J. 1). H. Sf T. T.— Distrjb. Abyssinia. Habit of P. amhiguum. Leaves 2-5 in., linear-lanceolate or linear ; sheath glabrous or with a few haii^, mouth ciliate ; ligule short, membraneous, truncate. SpiJces2-Z in., silvery-white. Spil^elets pale, pedicels short, hispid with stiff hairs, the upper hairs half as long as. the spikclet ; gl, land II with the hairs forming a dense fringe along the margins.' — The Belgaum and Khasian specimens are tall and long leaved ; the Bababudan ones very short. Said by Schiinper to be a pest in cultivated land in Abyssinia. It so closely resembles P. amhiguum, that without microscopical examination of the hairs of the spikelets it is very difficult to dis- tinguish it from that species. A Ceylon plant; from Thwaites (C.P. 2573), with larger spikelets than P. longijiorum (to which I doubtfully refer it), cannot be distinguished from P. ternatum except by the structure of the hairs of the spikelet. ft Spikelets 2V~TV.i^') ^*'^^* ^^ m^inute gl. at base of 11. 11. P. long-iflorum, Betz. Ols.\Y.lb[non Trin.)-; stems procumbent below rarely erect from the bas^ spikes 2- many subterminal erect ar VOL, VII. ' a 18 CLXxiii. QRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) \_£aspalum. spreading, rachis filiform, apikelets -i^8~t* ^^ elliptic-oblong silky with slender (not clavellate) crisped hairs, pedicels glabrous or nearly so, gl. I and II Bnbequal or I shorter or obsolete, II 5-nerved, III ovate acuminate. Wall. Cat. n. 87cl, C. ; Wight Gat n. 1603; Baker Fl. Maurlt. 431. P. bifarium, JEdgetv. in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxi. (1853) 157 nomen. {ex Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 358). P. brevifolinm, FJuegge Oram. Monog. 150 (excl. Syn.) ; Kunth Enum. Ft. i 48 ; Wight Cat. n. 1603, 1604 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 41 ; Beiith. Fl. Hongk. 408, Fl. Austral, vii. 461 ; F ranch. Sc Sav. Fn. PI. Jap. ii. 169. P. chinense, Nees in Hook. & Am. Bot. Beech. Voy. 231 ; Steud. I.e. P. filicnlme, Nees ex Thw. I.e.; Wiqht Cat. n. 1604; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 104; Franch. Sf Sav. I. c. ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 1. P. granulare, Trin. in Spreng. N. Entdeck ii. 47 ; Kunth I. c. 50. P. minutiflorum, Steud. I. c. 17 ; Benth. I. c. P. nematodes, SchuH. Manf. ii. 71; Kunth I. c. 65. Panicum argyrotrichum, Anderss. in Peters Reise Mossamh. Bot. 548, Pan. lineare, /S Pseudn Duroa, Nees in Herb. Wight. Pan. lonjjifloriim, Gniel. Syst. 158; Wall. Cat n. ^l^A K. Pan. parvulum, Trin. Pari. Gen. 117, in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Ser. vi. iii. II (1835) 305. Pan. propinquum, Br. Prodr. 193. Pan. Ps'^udo-Duroa. Nees Fl. Afr. Austr. 21; Wight Cat n. 1608. Pan. tenuiflorum, Br. I. c; Kunth I. c. 85; Buthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 7, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 13. Digit iria linearis, Schult. Mant. ii. 264 (ex Miguel). D. longiflora. Per*. Syn. i. 85. D. Pseudo-Duroa. Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 439. D. Roxbnrghii, Spreng. Syst. i. 270. T). tenniflora, Beauv. Agrost. 51. Milium filiforme, Boxh. Fl. 'ind. i. 314; Wight Cat. n 1604, a.b.c. M. radiatum, Herb. Rottl. M. setaceum, Herb. Koen. in Mus. Brit M. triracemosum, Boxb. Ic. Ined. n. 315. Agrostis lenta, Ait. Hort. Kew, i. 96. A. triracemosa, Herb. i2ra6.— Paspalum, Wall. Cat. n. 8751, 8752 B.D.E. Throughout India, from Kashmir eastwards and son th wards to Ceylon (C.P. 860) and Malacca ; ascending the Himalaya to 600G ft. — DiSTEiB. Trop. and subtrop. regions of the Old World. Annual or perennial ? Stems tufted, 6-18 in. , simple or branched below and root- int; with ascending branches,or prostrate. Leaves very various, 1-1^ in. long lanceol -te and divaricate, or 6-8 in. long, linear erect or spreading; sheath smooth or hairy; ligule short, truncate, membranous. Spilces 1-4 in.,sul)digitate or alternate, usually silvery-white. Spikelets geminate, a subsessile and pedicelled, pale green or purplish ; gl. Ill pale, or dark brown. — Tiie e.xtreme forms of this species are very dissimilar, the most marked are P. longijlorum, proper (brevifolium, Flnegge), with often prostrate stems spreading from the root or creeping and rooting from 6-12 in. with short lanceolate leaves, and 2-3 divaricate spikes, and P. minutiflorum, Steud., with slender erect stems, narrow linear leaves and many long erect spikes, exactly as P. Royleanum. The hairs on the spikelets seen under the microscope are very slender and as it were crisped or wrinkled, quite unlike those of P. ternatum and Royleanum. Thwaite's CP. n. 2573 is a puzz'ing plant, tall, with much longer spikelets, approaching those of P. ambiguum. Thougfh in this species and its allies tliure is no distinct gl. at the base of II, a microscopical rudiment of one may often (always?) be detected. 12. P. Royleanum, Nees ex Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 358; erect or shortly decumbent below, leaves usually erect, spikes 2-10 erect, rachis filiform, spikelets 2^o~iV i^- .o^^long, gl. I and II densely crisply white- tomentose with clavellate hairs, pedicel setulose, gl. I = f III or shorter or obsolete, II broadly oblong subacute 5-nerved, III oblong subacute quite smooth. Trim. Gat PI. Ceyl. 158 ; Herb. Strach. Sf Winterb. Pasp. n. 2 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 1. P. filiculme, Herb. Strach. & Winterb. n. 3 Paspdtum.'] clxxiii. gramineje. (J. D. Hooker.) 19 {non Nees). P. trachyanthum, Ke^s in Herh. Wight. Pam'cum pube- rulum, Kunth Eevis. Gram. i. 32; Enum. PL i. 81; Sieud. 8yn. Gram. 41. Digitaria puberula, Link Enum. Hurt. Berol. i. 223. Milium ovatum, Meyne ex Wall. Cat. n. 8752. Agrostis villoaa, Koen. in Kerb. Mus. Brit. Zoysia Codia, Ham. in Wall. I. c. — Paapalam, Wall. I. c. n. 8684, 8752, A.C. Hilly districts of India, from Kashmir eastwards to Munnipore, and southwards to Ceylon; ascending the Himalaya to 7000 ft. — Distrib. Africa trop. Habit of the tall forms of P. longijiorum, almost always erect with long leaves, except in starved specimens ; we 1 distinguished from that plant (as Dr. Stapf first pointed out to me) by the short clavellate thick walled hairs of the spikelets, and the usually setulose pedicels, the longer hairs of which are sometimes half as long as the spikelet, as also by the shorter broader gl. Ill, which is (as in longijiorum) pale yellowish or dark brown and shining. Gl. I is often reduced to a tuft of hairs; II always = III. — This species was referred by Munro to P. ischnocaulon, Trin., a grass erroneously attributed to India, by its author in Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 126, but corrected to America in the corrigenda at the end of that work. Some specimens have been referred by Munro to P. concinnum, Steud. (Syn. Gram. 19), a very doubtful species of unknown origin. In the Ceylon specimen, C.P. 859, the pedicels are hardly setulose. In African specimens, apparently of this species, they are remarkably developed and longer than the spikelets. Specimens from Poona are tall, 2 ft. high, very robust, and branched from the base. Steudel's P. Boyleanum is according to his description a very different plant, and judging by his reference of it to Wall. Cat. n. 8700 B. is Panictim auritum. 13. P. pedicellare, Trin. ex Steud. Nom.'Ed. II, ii. 272 ; erect, spikes alternate approxinnate erect or spreading, spikelets 2V ^^- geminate or 3-5- nate, upper of each pair half as long as their pedicels elliptic acute, gls. membranous, I and II subequal 5-nerved, III elliptic -oblong acuminate pale. P. granulare, Trin. in Spreng. Neue Entdeck. ii. 47 ; Spreng. Syst. i. 244; Kiinik Enum. PL i. 50 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 16. P. pedicellatum, Nees Sc Am. in Wight Cat. 2310, Sf Herh. n. 3027 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 1. Milium capillaceum, Koen. ex Sieud. Nom. Ed. II, ii. 145. M. punctatum, Koen. in Herb. Mus. Brit. M. sanguinale, Roxb. EL Ind. i. 315 [excl. Syn. Burm.). M. setaceum, Koen. in Herb. Banks. \ Jacq. ex Trin. I.e. M. striatum, Herb. Ham. ex Wall. Cat. n. 8747 A.—? Paspalum, No. 3, Griff. Notul. iii. 14 {in part), Ic. PL Asiat. t. 146, f. 1. — Panicam, Wall. Cat. n. 8747. Throughout India, in the plains and low hills from the N.W. Provinces to Bengal. Nilghiki Hills, alt. 5000 ft., Beddome. Upper Burma, Collett. Stem 6-18 in., branched from the base. Leaves 2-6 by ^-i in., finely acuminate ; ligule short, scarious. Spikes 3-10, 1-4 in., subtermiual on the very slender pedun- cle, spi'eading ; rachis capillary, trigonous ; pedicels -^j-^ in. ; gls. slightly hairy. — Munro identifies Griffiths' Pasp. 3 with this ; it difters in the flattened rachis, red prostrate stem, and pale red spikelets, which I have never seen in pedicellatuTn. Roxburgh's excellent drawing (as Milium sangninale) shows pale spikelets. 14. P. jubatum, Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 84<{Gesamm. Abhandl. 301) ; erect, rather stout, leaves long, spikes very many lower whorled, spikelets -2V 1^3. in scattered pairs pale or dark purple elliptic acute, gls. finely tomentose, I rather shorter than III ^nerved, II 5-nerved, III elliptic-lanceolate acuminate. The Khasia Hills ; in wet places, alt. 5-6000 ft., /. D. H. ^ T. T., &o. Stem 2-4 ft., shining, internodes long. Leaves 6-10 by ^-^ in., smooth ; sheath very long; ligule short rounded. Spikes 4-7 in., very unequal; rachis slender, c 2 20 CLXXiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) [Pasimlum. trigonous. Spilcelefs s\\h^G»?\\c; gls. thin, shining. — Pule spikes and spikelets occur on the same plant with the dark coloured. 15. P. Perrottetiij JSook.f. ; stem creeping below, spikes in a pyra- midal panicle lower often whorled, rachis capillary, spikelets 2V~tV i"* oblong-lanceolate acute brown, tipper of each pair long-pedicelled, gl. I and II snbequal many-nerved, III elliptic-lanceolate acuminate. Panicum Wallichiauum, Wight & Am. in Wight Cat. n. 1607, Herb. 3086; Steud. Si/n. Gram. 41; t/iw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 358; Trim. Oat. Ceyl. FI.J04,. Pan. mnltibrachiatum, Hochst. ex Steud. I. c. 74. Pan. Perrottetii, Kuntli Beris. Gram. ii. 395, t. 3 ; Enum. PI. i. 96. Milium minutiflornm, Trin. Panic. Gen. 33. NiiGHihi Hills, Wight, &c., alt. 6000 ft,, Lawson. Ceylon, in the Central Province, Thivaites. — Distrib. N. Africa. Very variable in height, 6-24 in., much branched below. Leaves 1-6 by -^-\ in., glabrous or ciliate ; sheaths 1-1| in.; ligule rounded, scarious. Fanide 2-3 in., peduncle filiform. Spike.i erecto-patent, lowest i-f in., upper gradually smaller; rachis trisronous. Spikelets geminate, lower sessile or pedicelled. — The pauicled inflorescence is very different from that of P. pedicellare. DOUBTFUL SPECIES. p. Griefithianum, C. Mull, in Bot. Zeit. xxix. (1861) 325. " Foot of Khasia Hills, Grrffitli." — There is no Indian Paspalum that at all resembles the description of this, which, according to its author, is an ally of P. fluitans, Ell., and other American species. There is probably an error as to the habitat and collector. 2. BRIOCHIiOA, H. B. Si K. Annual or perennial grasses. Leaves flat. Spikelets secnnd on the spicil'orm branches of a raceme or panicle, base thickened and articulate on the thickened top of the short pedicel. Glumes 3, I and II subeqnal, membranous; III shorter, apicnlate, hariiened in fruit. Lodidules truncate. Stamens 3, anthers linear. Styles free. Grain oblong, free within the hardened glume. — Species few, tropical. The thickened base of the spikelet alone distinguishes Briochloa from Faspalum. 1. E. polystachya, H. B. ^ K. Nov. Gen. 4' Sp. i. 95, f. 31 ; spikes panicled, spikelets ^ in. long erect ovoid acute, gl. 1 & II silky or glabrous 3-5-nerved. Zam. Encyrl. t. 909 ; Kunfh Enum. PI. i. 72, Suppl. 53 ; Trim-. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 104 ; Duthie, Indig. Fodd. Grass, t. 41, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 2. E. annulata, Kunth Bev. Gram. i. 30, Enum. i. 73; Aitchis. CatPavjah. PI. 158; Buthie Gras^. N.W. Ind. 2; B€7ith. Fl. Hongk. 409, Fl. Austral, vii. 463. E. punctata, Ham. Prodr. Fl. Ind. Dec. 5; Kuntk Ernnn. i. 72, Suppl.t^ M'q. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 441; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 462. E. suudaica, Miq- I. c. Suppl. 606. E. succincta, Kunth I. c. i. 73. Helouus n.nT;ii^|i|tijs, Kees in Mart. Fl. Bras. ii. 17 ; Wight Cat. n. 1605 ; tVdll. (jat. n. 8750. H. Isevis, Trin. ex Spreng. Neue Entderk. ii. 49, fig. 4. H. pilosus. Trin. Fund. Agrod. 104, fig. 4. H. aci'otrichn.«, Steud. Syn. Gram. 100. Paspalum puncjatum, Fluegge I. c. 127 (Pa:-palus) ; Trin. Sp. Gram. la. t.~\bo. P. annulatum, Fluegge I. c. 133 (Piispalus) ; Trin. I. c. t. 133. P. succinctum, Trin. Diss. li. 19 ; Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 156. Milium Carar & M. Lan?uchinia, Serb. Ha^n. ex nail. Gat. n. 8750, F Gr. M. polystachyum, Spreng. Syst. i. 251. M. punctatuu), Linn. Amccn. Acad. v. 392, Sp. PI. 91 ; Br. Prodr. 188. M. Eriochloa.'] clxxiii. geamine^e. (J. D. Hooker.) 21 orixense, Roxh. Ic. ined. n. 818. M. ramosam, Hetz. Obs. vi. 22 ; JRoxh. Fl. Ind. i. 316 ; Griff. Notul. iii. 15,1c. FirAsiat.'t. 139, f. 60. Piptatherum puQctatum, Beauv. Agrost. 18, t. 5, f. 1. P. confine, Schult. Mant. ii, 184 (ex Kunth). P. annulatum, Baddi Agrost. Bras. 30. Agrostis punctata, Lamk. Fncycl. i. 58. CEdipachne punctata. Link Enum. Sort. Berol. i. 51. Plains of India; from the Punjab to Bengal, Burma, Central India, and southward to Malacca and Cetlon. — Disteib, All hot countries. Stems 1-5 ft., ascending from a creeping base. Leaves 3-LO by ^-^ in., glabrous or hairy, li albens, Trin. Sp. Gram.Tc. t. 25 ; tall, erect, leaves and sheaths smooth, panicle large pyramidal effuse, spikelets aV^rV i°- rather shortly pedicelled, globose. Kunth Enum. PI, i. 137 ; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 459. Buthie Grass. iV. W. Ind. 2 {excl. Syn.), Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 3. Panicum albens, saxatile & Zollingeri, Steud. Syn. G^-am. 96, 97.— Isachne, Wall. Ca/f. D. 8658. Temperate and subtropical Himalaya and theKHAsiA Hills, alt. 2-6000 ft. from Simla easjtward; ascending to 9000 ft. in Sikkim. Burma, Griffith. Perak, alt. 4600 ft. TTmy.— DiSTRiB. China, Mnlaya. Stem 1-1 ft., branched. Leaves 2-8 in., very variable (^-1 in.) in width, linear Isachne.'] clxxtii. qramij^ej:. (J. D. Hooker.) 33 or linear-lanceolate, glabrous or sparsely hairy beneath ; margins thickened, scaberulous; midrib and 3-5 pairs of principal nerves distinct, mouth of sheath ciliate. Panicle 3-14 in. long, branches and pedicels capillary; gl. I and IE obtuse, glabrous or sparsely setulose, usually pale green, faintly many-nerved ; III and IV glabrous or pubescent, both of ten bisexual. Var. hirsuta; leaves broad, sheaths hirsute. — Isachne, Wall. Cat. n. 8657. — Silhet, de Silva. Cachar, Keenan. 6. X. scabrosa, Hook, f, ; leaves saberect, sheaths scabrid, panicle 2-3 in. pyramidal, spikelets 2V~tV i°- Khasia Hills, alt. 4500-5000 ft. Clarice. Stem rambling belovir, then suberect, 1-3 ft., stiff, sparingly branched. Leaves 3-6 by i-2 in., linear-lanceolate, scabrid on both surfnces, pale and strongly-nerved beneath, margin thickened ; mouth of sheath sparingly ciliate. Panicle very shortly peduncled ; branches erecto-patent, 1-1^ in. long; pedicels capillary, smooth, tips not swollen. Spikelets sparsely setulose, tips rounded ; gl. I and II glabrous or sparsely setose, many-nerved. — Easily distinguished from P. albens and hima'aica by the scabrid leaf-sheaths ; but most nearly allied to the latter. 7. X. himalaica, Hook. f. ; erect, leaves linear or linear-lanceolate strict scaberuloas above, margins slightly thickened, sheaths smooth, panicle pyramidal, spikelets -iV~tV ^^' globose, pedicels long capillary tips hardly thickened, gl. I and II faintly manv-nerved. I. anstralis, Aiichis, Cat. Punjab. PI. 761 ; Herb. Ind. Or. Hf. & T. (the Khasian plant) ; Duthie Grass. N. W Ind. 2, Fodd. Grasfi N. Ind. 3. I. muricata, Munro in Herb. Strach. 8c Winterb. No. 2. PPanicam montanum, Buthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 4.— Isachne, Wall. Gat. n. 8656, D E. Westeen temperate and subtropical Himalaya ; in wet places, ascending to 6000 ft. ; KuMAON, Strac/t. & Winterb. Nepal, Wallich. Pkshawur, ^itc/u- son. Rajaori, Jacquemont. Khasia Hills, in marshes, alt. 4-5 00 fc. common. — DiSTRiB. Affghanistan. Stem 1-2 ft., erect from the base, stout or slender, stiff. Leaves always narrow (i-^ in.), nearly ensiform ; nerves 9-11 pair, usually very strong, margins thickened ; n)outb of sheath stiffly ciliate. Panicle with erecto-patent branches 1-1^^ in. long. Spikelets green or purplish ; gl. I and II glabrous scabrous or bristly, III sometimes longer aud flatter than IV. — Very like I. australis, but a larger and more rigid plant, with gl. II and III usually equal, and both hemispheric. In a note in Munro's herbarium this is referred to the Javan /. virgata, Nees (Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 462 =; Panicum rhahdinum, Steud.), but that is described as being f'astigiate spikelets, and glumes with narrowed obtuse mucronute points. It closely resembles a Sumatran plant from Beccari (n. 198). 8. X. elegrans, Balzell mss. ; erect, tufted, flaccid, glabrous or nearly BO, leaves 2-5 in. very narrowly linear acute soft smooth on both surfaces or scaberulous above, margins^ thickened, panicle subsessile contracted, branches erect, spikelets Va~TV i^i- pedicels short, tips rounded, gl. I and II many-nerved. The CoNCAN, Balzell, Stocks, in wet places between Poonah and Carli, Jacque- mont (n. 143), Woodroio (n. 175). Stems 8-12 in., densely tutted, soft. Leaves ^-^ in. broad, principal nerves 0 or 1-3 on each side, margins thickened, smooth or serrulate, rarely with a few scattered bristles beneath ; sheath quite smooth, mouth ciliate. Panicle 3-5 in., glabrous ; branches ^-1 in., smooth ; pedicels rarely longer than the spikelets, which- «re hispid green or blueish, gls. lil and IV pubescent, usually equal and both- hemispheric, but III sometimes longer and flatter. — The tufted flaccid habit is quite ' unlike /. australis, but may be due to local conditions. 2i ■ CLXXiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) [Isachne. 9. Z. javana, JSFees ex Miq. Ft. Jmujli.pe,^ Sc Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 462; stout, erect, leaves 2-3 in. acute or obtuse stiff glaucous beneath, margins much thickened, panicle lax, branches and pedicels very long and slender tips obconic, spikelets obovoid iV~T2 i^- long. Panicum batavicum, Steud. S^n. Oram, 96. Upper Bt7Rm:a, Serh. Eort. Calcutt. Malacca, Mainrjay ; Mt. Ophir, T. Lohh, Hullett. Peeak ; on Gunong Bubu, alt. 5000 ft. Wray. — Distrib. Java, Borneo. \ 'Rahit o^ I.liimalaica. Stem 2-3 ft., quite smooth, stiff; nodes ciHolate. Leaves erect or erecto-pateut, strict, nearly smooth on both surfaces, or sparsely hairy beneath, with 9-11 pairs of often very obscure nerves, margin smooth or serrulate ; sheaths quite smooth, margins glabrous or ciliate, mouth bearded. Panicle 2-4 in., glabrous, lower hranches 2-3 in. ; pedicels more thickened at the tip than in most other species. Spikelets broad, smooth; gl. I and II often polished ; nerves many, obscure ; III and IV usually equal and both hemispheric; III rarely larger and flattened, usually male; IV fem. or bisexual; sometimes both III. and IV. ai-e triandrous or hexandrous, in one spikelet III was triandrous and IV tetrandrous. — A much larger plant than I. australis. 10. X. Clarkel, Hooh.f. ; stem short very slender, leaves 1-2 in. ovate-lanceolate acute very thin, margins thickened serrulate, panicle 2-3 in. pyramidal, branches horizontal and pedicels capillary tips slightly thickened, spikelet^ ^V~2V i^« SiKKiM Himalaya; meadows in the Lachoong valley, alt. 8-11,000 ft. — J.D. H. MuNNiPORE; ou Kohima, alt. 5800 ft. Clarke. Stems 6-12 in., almost filiform, base prostrate. Leaves spreading, almost mem- branous, nerves many faint, midrib obscure ; sheath and its mouth often strongly ciliate. Panicle long-peduncled, branches 1 in. and less. Spikelets scattered, hispid, green or purplish ; gl. IV. hispidly pubescent. — Apparently a distinct little species with very small spikelets, but possfbly a small state of I. albens. 11. Z. rigrida, Nees ex Steud. 8yn. Gram. 95; stems rigid much branched from the base, leaves |-1 in. rigid spreading and recurved ovate to ovate-lanceolate almost pungent scaV)rid base cordate margins thickened, panicle small pyramidal glandular, spikelets few 2V i^-j pedicels long slender tip ^ubclavate. Mic. 46 L. I. |Dolygorioides, Boell in Mart. Fl. Brtis. ii. II 273. L genicnlata & stiginatosa, Grif. Notul. iii. 41, 42, Ic. PL AsiaL t. 139, f. 206, 148, f. 2.' Panicum requatum. Nees ex Steud. L c. 98. P. adstans, Steud. I. c. 94. P. Benjaraini, Steud. I. c. 96, ex. Miq. L c. 459. P. Meneritana, Sprcng. Syst. i. 321. P. minutnlum. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. Bot. 4:10 ; Sfeitd. l.r. P. polygonoiiles, Xam. Eiicyel. iv. 742; Decne in Nouv. Ann., Mtis. Par. iii. 3q^. P. patens, Roxb. FL Ind. i. 305 ; Kunth I.e. 12Q; Hohcnack. PI. Ind. Or. n. 202. P. gonalodes, Steud. I.e. 95. Neurachne Meneritana, Poem. S( Sch. Syst. ii. 475 (excl. syn.). Aira coerulea, var. Herb. Ileyne. — Isachne, Wall. Gat. n. 8655. Low marshy ground, from the SiKKiM Terai, Bkngal and Silhbt to Burma and'southward to Malacca, the Nicobar Islds., and Ceylon.— Disirib. China, the Malay and Pacific Kids., S. America. Very variable in si/.e ; stem rarely 6-8 in. high, nodes of stem glabrous or ciliate ; sheaths glabrous or sparsely hairy. Leave-t flaccid or rather stifi^, usually spreading, nerveless or nearly so, glabrous or sparsely hairy on both surfaces. Spikelttx US in I. ausiralh, but usually smaller, glabrous, rarely sparsely setose ; gl. I and II 5- or more- nerved ; IV glabrous or pubescent. — The small states of this plant look very different from typical /. australis, but larger appear to unite them hy many intermediates. Trinun I'efers /. Menerllana to /. audralis, Mr. Ilendle, who h;is carefully compared the types of each in the British Museum, agrees with me that it goes best \vith miliacea. He also informs me that Burman's Thes. 26 OLXxii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) \_Isachne. Zeyl. 110, t. 47, f. 3, is not an Isachne, but resembles an Eragrostis ; and tbat Plukenet's Pliyt. t. 300, f. 2. (in JB:erb. Sloane) is E. ciliaris from the Malabar Coast. Trimen has pointed out {.Tourn. B >t. xxxiii. (1885) 271) tbat the *' Mene- ritana of the Cingalese is not an Isachne, but is applied to Farucum miliare and psilopndium. nl 14. Z. dispar^ Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. o ; stem short ascending from a branched creeping base, leaves |-1 in. ovate-cordate to lanceolate acumi- nate scaberulons margins thickened, panicle oblonor at length pyramidal, spikelets tVtV i'^-? pedicels short tips thickened. Kunth Enum. PL i. 136 ; Dutkie Grass. N.W. Ind. 2 ; Miq. FL Ind. Bat. iii. 460. I. muricata, xVee* in Wight. Gat. {ex Miq. I.e.). Panicum dispar, Steud. Syn. Gram. 96. PP. muricatnm, Uetz. Obs. v. 18. Nepal, Wallich. Sikkim Tebai, Clarke. Rajpootana, on Mt. Aboo, King, Duthie. NiLGHiEi Hills, alt. 5000 ft. Clarke. Stems 2-6 in. Leaves spreading, rather rigid, striated ; midrib slender. Spike- lets as in I. australis; pedicels smooth or I'ough ; gl. 1 and II scabrid or setulose, nerves many, faint; III glabrous ; IV pubescent. — This again is perhaps a var. of /. audralis, of lower stature with more rigid scaberulons strongly margined leaves, sometimes ciliate at the base, and smaller panicles with shorter pedicels. ** Spikelets ^-J in. long. 15. I. Walkeri, Wight & Am. ex Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 361 ; tall, slender, leaves linear-lanceolate acuminate margins^ thickened, panicle very lax branches and pedicels very long capillary, gls. I and II subeqnal 7-9-nerved. I. nilagirica, Hochst. Fl. Hohenach.n. 1280; Trim. Cat. Geyl. PL 104. Panicum Walkeri, Steud. Syn. Gram. 97. NiLGHiRi Hills ; Khoondah Ghsit, Wight ; Conoor, alt. 6000 ft,, Clarice, &c. Ceylon ; forests of the Central Province, Walker, Thwaites (C.P. 282). Stem 2-3 ft., as thick as a crow-quill, decumbent below. Leaves 4-6 by \-\ in., rigid, smooth above, hairy beneath with a distinct midrib and 3-5 pairs of primary nerves, base narrow rounded; sheath smooth, margins above and mouth bearded. Panicle 8-12 in. ; branches 1^-3 in., sparingly divided. SpilcAets \-\ in., few, very distant; gl. 1 and II persistent^ oblong, obtuse; III and IV oblong, obtuse, glabrous. 16. Z. Gardner!, Benth. in Gen. PI. iii. 1100 ; tall, slender, leaves lanceolate acuminate margins hardly thickened, panicle very lax, branches and pedicels very long filiform, gl. I much shorter than II 3-nerved, II 5-nerved. I. nilagirica. Trim. Gat. Pi. Geyl. 104 {n-.n Hochst.). Panicum Gardneri, Thio. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 359. NiLGHiRi Hills j Madawattan, alt. 6O0O ft., Lawson. Anamallay Hills, Beddome. Ceylon ; Central Provinces, alt. 4-6000 ft., Gardner, Thwaites, &«•. Stem 2-3 ft., slender, quite smooth, decumbent below. Leaves 2-3 by \-\ in., thin, glabrous or sparsely hairy beneath, base broad cordate, principal nerves 3-4 pairs, very slender ; mouth of sheath ciliate. Panicle with widely spreading sparingly divided branches ; tip of pedicel thickened. Spikeletz' |-i in,, few, distant, oblong ; gl, I and II obtuse glabrous or sparsely setose, I ovate ; II ovate-oblong ; 111 and IV elliptic-oblong, acute, quite smooth. 4. PANZCUIWZ, Linn. Annual or perennial grasses. Leaves various, Spikelets small, 1-2-fld., terete or dorsally or laterally compressed, articulate on their pedicels, very rarely awned, never silkily villous ; glumes 4, I and II empty, epaleate ; Panicum.'] CLXXiii. QEAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 27 I smallest and fewest nerved; IC. and III usually subequal, 3-» -nerved oblong ovate or lanceolate; III paleate or not, triandrous or neuter ; IV paleate, bisexual, oblong ovate or lanceolate, har lened in fruit, glabrous, dorsally convex ; palea 2-nerved, membranous or hardened in fruit. Lodi- cules 2, cuneate or quadrate, rarely 0. Stamens 3, apically exserted. Grain free within gl. IV and palea. — Species very many ; all warAi countries. ^ Exceptions. In P. suheglume, gl. I and II are absent. In P. Crus-galU gl. Ill is sometimes produced into a rigid long or short awn. In P. not.abile, amhiguum audjavanicum, gl. IV is crowned with a short awn that is concealed by gls. II and III. Under Pospalum (p. 10), I have given my reasons for removing to that genus the group Digitaria, which has hitherto been referred to Panicum ; those for excluding Tricholcena and Axonopus will appear under the respective genera. Ichnanthus is excluded on less satisfactory grounds. KEY TO THE SECTIONS. A. Spikelets terete or dorsally compressed. I. Branchlets of panicle not produced beyond the termi7ial spikelets into awn-like bristles. Sect. I. Paspaloide^. Spihelets 2-seriate, close-set on the under- surface of the flat rachis of a simple spike, globose or ovoid ; awn 0 ; gl. I very small, IV more or less rugose. — Perennials. Spikes alternate forming a simple raceme. {Sp. 1-4) Sect. II. EcHiNOCHLOA. Spikelets 3-4-seriate (2-seriate in P. notabile) crowded on the undersurface of a simple or rarely branched spike, globose or ovoid; gl. I half as long as III or shorter, II and III strongly nerved cuspidate or rigidly awned, IV hard in fruit. — Annuals. Spikes alternate or crowded in usually a simple raceme. {Sp. 6-7.) Sect. III. Brachiarta. Spikelets irregularly 1-2- (rarely 3-) seriate on the slender or spiciform branches of a simple raceme, solitary or geminate, distant or crowded, ovoid or obovoid ; gl. I not half as long as III (except in P. amhiguum), II and III subequal, awn 0, or IV with a very short awn concealed by gls. II and III. {Sp. 8-18.) Sect. IV. Hymenachne. Spikelets small, crowded in spiciform panicles (except P. auratum and curvatum) ovoid or lanceolate, sometimes decUrved; gls. usually strongly ribbed, I much shorter than III, IV usually much shorter than III, narrow, white. {Sp. 19-25.) Most of the species of this section are very variable. Sect. V. BREViGLUMiE. Spikelets very small, in pairs or fascicle^ on the filiform branches of a lax panicle or simple rachis, dorsally much compressed; gl. I and II both much shorter than IV, III and IV lanceo- late. {Sp. 26, 27.) Sect. VI. ErFtJSi^. Spikelets solitary, rarely binate, sessile or pedicelled on the slender branches of a decompound usually open panicle. (See also P. auratum and curvatum in Sect. Hymenachne.) {Sp. 28-47.) 28 CLXiiii. GR AMINES. (J. D. Hooker.) [Panicum. II. Branclilets of panicle of ten produced beyond the termvial spikelet into a rigid awn-like bristle. Sect. YII. Ptychophyllum. Spikelets solitary, sessile or pediceUed oa the slender branches of a decompoan'l open panicle. Leaves plicate. (See also Setaria Forbesiana.) {Sp. 48, 49.) / B. Spikelets strongly laterally compressed. Sect. YIII. GriBBOS/E. Spikelets very minute, panicled ; gl. IV" semi- lunar. Perennial very slender grasses. {Sp. 50-54.) Sect. IX. PsEUDECHiNOLjJNA. SpiJcelets rather large, distant, subspssile on a slender simple or sparingly divided rachis, often glandular. {Sp. 55.) Sect, I. Paspaloide/E. (See p. 27.) 1. P. Xsac.hne, Hath Nov. Sp. 54; spikes many longer than the intprnodes, spikelets ^\ in. suberect oblong acute villous, gl. I minute, II and III equal faintly S-nerved, II = IV, III paleate empty, IV oblong rounded at both ends quite smooth. Roem. So Sch. 8_i/st. ii. 458 ; Schult. Mant. ii. 252 ; Kunth EnuM. PI. i. 97 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 57. P. ernci- forme, Sihth. Fl. Grxc i. t. 59 ; Sihth. Sc Sm. Prodr. Fl. Grsec. i. 40 ; Po-m. & h'rk. I. c. 42G ; ICuntli I. c. 78 ; TJivj. Enmn Pi: Zeyl. 359 ; Trim. Cat. Cet/l. PI. ^04i^;DutUe Grass. N.W. Tnd. '6, Indig. Fodd. Grass, t. 43, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 6; Baker Fl. Manrit. 4!34i ; Parlat. Fl. Ital. \ 119 ; Boiss. Fl.Orlent. y. 437. P. Koeni^ii,> iZ"«ri. Wight ex Nees Fl. Afr. Austr.m. P. caucasicum, Trin. in Mem.- AcqA.. PeiersK /S'er. 6 (1835) iii. '237, Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 262, Panic. Gen. 149: Steiid I.e. P. Crus Galli, Roxh. ex Wight Cat. n.J616 {non Fl. Ind.) P. pubiuode, Hochst. ex A. Rich. Tent. FL Abyss, ii. 363 ; Steud. I. c. 57. P. Wightiannm, Am. & Nees. ex Nees Fl. Afr. Austr. 30. P. "Wightii, Nees I.e. 29 ;•>■'/> in. .Pan. Gen: 148; Steud. I. c. 58. Brachiaria eruciformis, Griseb. in Ledeh Fl. Ross. iv. 469. . Echinochloa eruciformis, Reichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 29; C. Koch, in Linnxa, xxi. (1848) 437.— Panicum, Wall. Cat.n. 8693. Plains of India; in watery places, from Kashmir, nU. 6000 ft., and the Panjah, to Bengal, and southward to Ceylon. — Distrib. Westward to Italy and N. Africa. Siems 1-2 ft., slender, ascending from a decumbent base, much branched ; nodes often bearded. Leaves 1-2^ in. by ^-^ in., glaucous, linear-lanceolate, atruminnte, flat, glabrous or softly hairy^ base rounded ; mouth of sheath with long hairs. Spikes 8-12, ^-1 in. long, erect or suberect; rachis narrower thnn the s])ikelets, ciliate. Spikelets subsessile, very pale ; gls. membranous, I cordate ; II about | shorter than IV, which is white. 2. P. flavidum, Petz. Obs. iv. 15; spikes erect shorter than the internodes, spikelets tV-iV ^^- divaricate gibbously globose glabrous, gl. I = about ^ III suborbiciilar 3-nerved, II nearly = tV 7-nerved tip^rounded, Illoblcng obtuse 3-5-nerved paleate neuter, IV broadly ovate cuspidate reticulately piinctulate. Br. Prodr. 190; Mmth Revis\ Gram. i. 211, t. 17, Enum. PI. i. 78, Suppl. 60 ; Trin. Panic. Gen. 151 ; Nees Jgrost. Bras. ii. 116; Griff. Notul. iii. 33, Ic. PL Asiat. t. 139, fig. 67; Duthie Gross. N. W. Ind. 3, Indig. Fodd. Grass, t. vi , Fudd. Grass. N. Ind. 7 ; TFight Cat. n. 1613, & Herb. n. 3059 ; WaU. Cat. n. 8692 {excl. B, & H Panicum.'] olxxiii. graminej:. (J. D. Hookfir.) 29 partiin ) ; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 474. P. brizoides, Jacq. Eclog. Gram. 2, t. 2 ; Trin. Diss. ii. 128, Sp. Gram. Jc. t. 158, 159 ; Kunth Enum. Pi. i. 78; Boxb. FL Ind. i. 293; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 290; Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 359; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PL 169 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 2; Miq. FL Ind, Bat. iii, 445; Aitclns. Cat. Panjah PZ. 159 ; Nees Agrost. Bras 115; Baker FI. Maurit. 433. P. clistans, trin. S]j. Gram. Ic. t. 172. P. brizoides, var. distans, Trin. Ic. t. 159 B. P. flaccidum, Koen. mss. in Herb. Mus. Brit. P. fioridum, Royle ILL Bot. HimaL 420. P. granulare, Lam. IH. i. 170, Encycl. iv. 740; Trin. Diss. ii. 129. P. Sama, Mam. ex WalL Cat. 8(592 F. ^'■ Plains of India ; in ^t^^cfy places from the Panjab to Assam and Burma, ascending" to 5000 tt. in Nepal anfrlvumaon, and southward to Ceylon. — Distrib. Trop. Asia and Africa. fitem 1-4 ft.; compressed, legfy, branched from the decumbent base. Leaves bifarioup, 3-5 by A-:^ in., linear-lanceolate acuminate, or ligulate with a rounded tip ; slieatlis compressed, lower tumid, mouth hairy ; ligule 0. Spikes few or many, distant, .^1 in. Spikelets 2-20, very pale, sessil^ Glumes menil)raiious, white with green nerves ; III neuter or male ; IV sometimes almost orbicular, white or brownish, very minutely rough. — The var. distans of Trinius is a depauperate state, and occurs on the i^ame plant as the normal. A sti)l more depauperate form, densely tufted, with stems and leaves 2-3 in. long and very few spikelets, is Wall. Cat. 8692 D from Herb. Wight, also found in Bengal. Mr. Reudle informs me that the name^awdwin. may be a mistake for Jiaccidum, under which Koenig sent it to Retzius from Herb. jMus. Brit, where it is ubimed Jiaccidum. 3. P. punctatuxn, Burm. Fl. Ind. 26 ; spikes longer than the inter- nodes tip nsiuailj excurrent setiform, spikelets 2V~tV i^- plano-convex erecto- patent glabrous, gl, X very short truncate, II = about half IV suborbicular 3-iierved lip rounded or truncate, III ovate acute 3-5-nerved neuter, IV ovate'cuspidately acuminate granulate. P. fluitanf*^ Betz. Ohs. iii. 8 {not v: 18) ; Roxh. FL Ind. i. 293 ; Griff. ]SotnLm."25, Ic. PL Asiut. 139, f. 231 ; Dalz. & Gihs. Bomb. Fl 290; Tine. Enum. PL ZeyL 339; Trim. Cat. CeyL PL 104 ; Aitchis. CaL Panjab. PI 159 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 4, Indiff. F^odd. Gixiss. t. 44, F'odd. Grass. N. Ind. 7 ; Baker FL Maurit. 433 ; Boiss. FL Orient, v. 437; Si end. 8yn. Gram. 59; Nees Affrost. Bras. 115. P. brizoides, Betz. I. c. ; PottL in Naturf. c I. Ges. Neue Schrift. iv. (1803), £11; WaiL Cat. n. 8690; WigJd Cat. n. 1614. P. f\mVdns, Herb. Madr. WalL Cat. n. 8692 B.. P. -granulare, Bojer Hoi^t. Maurit. 364. P. mucro- naium, Both JVov.'Sjo. 45; Steud. I.e. ; JSfees Affrost. Bras. 116. P. pa!>pa- loides, WalL I. c. n. 8691 A (partim), B. Marshes throughout India, from the Panjab to Assam, and southwards to Malacca and Ceylon.— DisxRiB. Malaya, Mauritius, trop. and N. Africa. Perennial, quite glabrous. Stem 2-4 ft., base floating, rooting at the nodes ; lower internodes very stout, spongy. Leaves 4-8 in., linear, acute or acuminate; lower slieaths dilated; ligule a ring of hairs. iSpilas many, ^-l in., distant, sessile, secund, appressed to the glabrous rachis, very pale ; rachis about f\ in. broad, margin quite smcoth, tip free acicular as long as the upper spikelet. Spikelets iV"iV ^^' long, imbricate, sessile, ovate-oblong. Glumes membranous, IV as long as HI. — Mr. Kendle informs me that he has examined in the British Museum the specimen (in Herb. Sloane) on the figure of which Burman founded P. funcfatum, and that it is the same asj^. fiuitans, Betz. - And further, that the name fMitans is a ms. one of Koenig, and was no Goubt sent by him to Betz, who says that he leceived the plant from Koenig. As to the rival claims of punctatum and fiuitans for adoption, the former (published in 1768) has a quarter of century's priority ; but whereas the P. fluiians has had more than a century of recognition in all countries, P. punctatum 30 CLXxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hookei.) [Panicum, has never till now been recognized, nor could it have been from Burman's description only. Under these circumstances, and taking into consideration the facts, tliat Retz described two different plants under the name of Jluitans, and that punctatum has been applied to no other species, I have adopted the latter. 4 P. paspaloldes, Pers. 8yn. \. 81 (paspalodea) ; spikes erect longer than the internodes, spikelets 2^-iV in. erecto-patent subglobose glabrous, gl. I very short saborbicular retuse, II nearly = IV strongly 5-nerved tip rounded, III broadly ovate acute 5-nerved paleate neuter, IV" oblong subacute nearly smooth. Kunth Enum. PI. i. 77 ; Trin. Pan. Oen. 153. Wall. Cat. 8691 (in part) ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 60 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 436. P. affine, Nees Agrost. JBras. 113. P. appressura, Doell in Mart. Fl. Bras. ii. II 184. P. beckraanniaeforme, Mikan ex Trin. in Spreng. Neue Fntdech. ii. 83 ; Spreng. Syst. i. 309. P brizaeforme, Presl Eel. Hsenh. 302; Steud. I.e. 60. P. brizoides, Lamk. III. i. 170 {not Trin. or Jacq). P. carnosum, Salizm. ex Steud. I. c. P. fluitans, Betz. Obs. v. 18 ; Mlq. Fl. Ind. Bat. in. 455. P. numidianum, Sieh. ex Schult. Mayit. ii. 267 {not Lamk.). P. truncatum, Trin. Diss. ii. 130, Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 168 {noti. 172). Paspalum adpressum, Pers. Syn. i. 85; Rich, ex Lamk. I.e. 176. Digitaria affinis, Boem. and Sch. S^st. ii. 470. KuMAON, StracTiey 8c Winterbottom, alt. 5000 ft. Upper Gangetic Plain ; Delhi, Clarke. Bundelktjnd, Duthie. Scind, the Concan, Malabar and Tranquebar, Heyne, Ac. Ceylon, Walker, &c. — Disteib. AflFghanistan, Arabia, Afric. and Amer. trop. Perennial, stem glabrous ; prostrate, usually floating below and rooting at the nodes. Leaves spreading, linear, acuminate acute or obtuse, lower sheaths dilated. Spikes ^-1 in., appressed to the narrow, compressed, setulose rachis. Spikelets subsessile, turgid. Glumes membranous. — Habit of P. punctatum, which it closely resembles, but differs in the rachis of the spikes not produced at the tip with a few imperfect terminal spikelets, in the size of gl. II, in paleate III, and smooth lY. — P. brizoides, Lamk., is the earliest name, but it has been so promiscuously applied that it is better abandoned. Sect. II. EcHiNOCHLOA. (See p. 27.) 5. P. Crus-g-alli, Linn. Sp. PI. 56 ; stem erect, leaves linear flat glabrous or scabernlous, raceme contracted or pyramidal, spikes many 2-4 in. often secund simple or subcompound, rachis setulose, spikelets -jia-l in. {excl. awn) subglobose hispid or scabrid rarely glabrous, gl. I = ^-5 lil acute 3-5-nerved, II = 111 mucronate or shortly awned, III paleate male or neuter awned, awn short or long rigid scabrid, IV ovoid obtuse or cuspidate and palea coriaceous shining white. PI. Dan. t. 852, & t. 1564 ; Host Gram. Austr. ii. 15, t. 19 ; Encycl. Bat. t. 276 ; Knapp Gram. Britt. t. xi. ; Beichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 29; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 161, 162; Wall. Cat. n. 8687 {excl. I.); Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 359 {excl. Syn. colonum); Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 104; Duihie Grass. N.W. Ind. 3, Indig. Fodd. Grass, t. 5, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 4 ; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. in. 464 ; Benth. Fl. Bongk. 411, Fl. Austral, vii. 479 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 435; Franch. Sf^ Sav. En. PI. Jap. ii. 160; Griseh. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 546. P. Burmanni, Bieh. Fl. Taur. Gauc. iii. 57, ex Link. Hart. Berol. i. 204. P. corvipes, Stokes Bot. Mat. Med. i. 141. P. digitatum, Gilih. Exercit. 517. P. dubium, Sieh. ex Steud. Nom. Ed. II, ii. 256, Syn. Gram. 46. P. echina- tum, Willd. Enum. Hort. Berol. 1032 ; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 162 ; Jacq. PTclog. Gram. ii. 28, t. 20. P. hirtellum, Walt. Fl. Carol. 72. P. hirti- Panicum,] clxxiii. gramineje. (J.D.Hooker.) 31 calycinum, Steud. Norn. Ed. II, ii. 257. P. hispidulum, Lamk. Encycl. iv. 741 [non Del.) ; Retz Ohs. v. 18; Eoxh. Fl. hid. i. 303 [M. Ic. Pict.){ Wall. Gat. 8688 A. ; Wight Cat. n. 2042 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 47 ; Franch. & Sav. I. c. 160. P. hispidum. Forst. Prodr. 7 ; Nees Agrosi. Bras. 257. P. horri- dum, Saltzm. ex Steud. I. c. 47, P. Hosti, Bieb. I. c. P. limosum, Presl ex Nees I.e. P. longisetum, Torr. in Am. Journ. 8c. Ser. I iv. (1822) 58. P. miraV)ile, Braun Del. Sem. Sort. Carlsruhe (1846). P. muricatum, Michir. Fl. Bor. Am. i. 47. P. oryzinum, Gmel. 8yst. i. 157 ; A. Braun in Ivd. Sem. Hort. Berol. 1851. P. pilosum, Dalz. |* Gibs. Bomb. Fl. Swppl. 98. P. eabalicolum, Nees Agrnst. Bras. 258. P. scabrum, Lamk. III. i. 171 ; Wiffht Gat. n. 1648; Steud. I. c. 47. P. stagninum, Befz. Obs. v. 17 ; Host Gram. Austr. iii. t. 61 ; Koen. in Naturf. I. c. ; Boxh. Fl. Ind. i. 295; Nees in Mart. I.e. 26; Griff. Notul. iii. 17; Wall. Gat. n. 8688; Wight Gat. n. 1649. P. Walteri, Pursh Fl. Am. Sept. i. QQ. Oplis- menns Crus-galli, Dum. Obs. Gram. Belg. 138; Ktmth Bevis. Gram. i. 44, Enum. PI i. 143 ; Host I. c. ii. t. 19; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 161 ; Dalz. ^ Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 292. O. Crns-pavonis,^. B. &. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. i. 108. O. ? duhius, Kunth Bev. Gram. i. 44, Enum. i. 143. O. limosns, Presl Bel. Hsenh. i. 321 ; Kunth EnuTn. i. 144. O. longiaetus, Kunth Bevis. Gram. I. c. O. muricatus, Kunth I. c. 44. O. sabulicolus, Kunth Enum,. i. 145. O. scaber, Kunth Rev. Gram. i. 44. O. stagninus, Kunth Bevis. I. c, Enum. I. c. ; Dalz. Sc Gibs. I. c. ; Aitchis. Cat. Punjab PI. 161 ; Miq. I. c. 464: . Echinochloa comnmtata, Schult. Mant. ii, 267. E. Crus corvij Beauv. Agrost. 53. E. Crus-galli, Beauv. I. c. ; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. • Monocot. I t. 21 ; Beichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 29. E. ? dubia, Poem & Sch. Syst. i. 479. E. hispida, Schult. I. c. E. hispidula, Nees in Boijle ill. Bot. Mimal, 416, 420; Dalz. Sr Gibs. I.e. Suppl. 98. E. stagnina, 5eawv. /. t\ Ortho- pogon Crus-galli & Retzii, Spreiig. Syst. i. 307. Ischasmum abbreviatum & tasciculatum. Herb. Ham. ex Wall. Gat. n. 8688. Digitaria hispidula, Willd. Enum. Hort. Berol. 91. Milium Crus-galli, Moench. Meth. 202. Throughout India, especially in wet places and rich soils — Disteib. all warm countries. Annual. Stem 1-3 ft., stout or slender, erect or decumbent below, simple or branched. Leaves flat, up to an inch broad, glabrous or hairy j ligule 0. Raceme 4-8 in., usually inclined, or drooping. Spilies sessile or subsessile, upper gradually shorter, erect erecto-patent or rarely decurved. Spikelets densely packed in 3-5 rows, turgid ; gl. I not awned ; II and III subequal, usually 5-nerved, awn of III some- times IJ in. long ; IV from orbicular to broadly oblong.— Amongst the innumerable varieties of P. Crus-galli, I find it impossible to find characters constant enough for their limitation. Of exceptional states one with almost glabrous spikes is Echi- vocfdoa glahrescens (Munro mss.) ; it has large spikelets and cuspidate gls. It is Wallich's n. 8687 E. B. C. H., and has been collected in the Western Himalaya, Khasia Hills and elsewhere. Another is Ischaemum glahrescens, Ham. ex Wall. Cat. n. 8688 D, with the stem nearly as thick as the little finger, solitary or 2-nate spikes, and spikelets with tubercle-based bristles. Thwaites CP. 900 and 3237, from Cf^ylon is a third, it has very broad leaves, and the rachis of the spikes is villously hairy. P. mirahile, Braun, is a remarkable plant, with 3.fld spikelets, the lower fl. paleate and neuter, two upper hermaphrodite. Some forms with cuspidate, very short y awned spikelets pass iuto P. colonum, through var. frwnentaceum, and it is not unlikely that some of the synonyms placed under P. Crus-galli should be transferred to P. colonum, and vice versa. YsLr.frumcntaceum; tall, robust, spikes thickened incurved sometimes corymbose with densely crowded unawned spikelets, otherwise as P. Crus-galli. P. frumenta- ceum, Roxh. Fl, Ind. i, 304; Schult. Mant. ii. 230; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 164; Diss. ii. 132; Wall. Cat. n. 8686; Wight Cat. h. 1617 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 4*, 32 CLXXiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) [Panicum. Field ^ Gard. Crops 3, t. 24, Fodd. Qran^. N. Ind. %yF ranch. ^ Sav. En. PI Jap. ii. IGl. P.Crus.galli, Wall. Cat. n. 8687, C. G. P. Crus-galli, var. frumentaceum Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. lOi. P. grossum, Salish. Prodr. 18. P. sogetale, Hcrh, Roxb. Oplismenus frumentaceus, Kunth Revis. Gram. \. 4:5,Enum. PL i. 146; Dalz. Sf Gibs. Ppmh. Fl. Suppl. 98. Echinochloa frumentacea, Link PJnum. Bort. Berol. i. 204; Aitchis. Cat. Panjah PI. 161; Miq. Fl.>Ind. Bat. iii. 465.— Cultivated in the hotter parts of Asia and Africa. — Roxburgh (i^/. Ind. I.e.) says of P. hispidulum, which is undoubtedly referable to P. Crus-ffalLi, " it comes very near my P.frwneri' taceum, and may probably be the same in its wild sta^e." 6. P. colomim, Linn. Syst. Ed. x. 870; stem rather slender decum- bet: o or ciiortly creeping below, leaves narrow scaberulous, raceme contracted, spikes suberect 1-1^ in. iisually distant, rachis pilose, sp'kelets tV~8 i"* acute or subcuspidato glabrous or hispidulous, gl. 1 = \ 111 or shorter acute 3-5-nerved, II and III subeqnal acute, III paleate, lY ovoid or oblongobtuse or acute and palea coriaceous white. Jacq. Eclog. Gram. t. 32; Ehret Ic. Bel. t. 3, f. 3; Beauv. Agma. t. x. f. 6; Trhi. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 160 Steud. Spi. Gram. 46; Wall. Cat. n. 8685: Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PL 104 Buthie Grass. N. IV. Ind. 3, Indig. Fodd. Grass, t. 4, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind 4; Benth. Fl. Hovgk. 411, Fl. Ausiral. vii. 478; Boiss. FL Orient, v. 436 Franch. ^ Sav. En. PL Jap. i\. 160; Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. b4b. P arabicunijiV^ees ex Steud. JSom.Ed. II, ii. 251, Spt. Gram. 63. P. brizoi^es Li fin. Mant. i. 184. P. casv'-ium, ISees in Hook. 4' ^i^n. Bot. Beech. Voy 235 ;, Steud. I. c. 47. P. confertum, Ilerh. Rottl. ex Wall. Cat. n. 8687 B P. Crus-galli, Wall. Cat. n. 8687 I ; var. colonum, Coss. Expl. Alger. 28 ; var minor, Thw. Enum. PL Zeyl. 359. P. cuspidatnm, Boxh. Fl. Ind. i. 298 Dvthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 3; Steud. I.e.; Fig. c^ de Not. in. Mem. Acad. Tor. (1854) 340, t. xiii. f. 1-1&: P. Daltoni, Parlat. ex Webb in Hook. Niger FL 185; Steud. I c. P. flaccidum, WalL Ca^. n. 8692 H {in part). P. ^irossarium, 'Griff. Notul iii. 36, Ic. PL Asiat. t. 139, f. 113. P bsematodes, Presl Fl. Sic. i. 43 ; Steud. I. c. P. numidianum. Presl Cyp. ^ Gram. Sic. 19. P. Petiveri, Kotsch. ex Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 545. P. pictum, Kun. in Naturf xxiii. (1788) 204; Wight Cat. n. 1648; Nees in Mart. FL Bras. ii. 120? P. Pseudo-colonum, Roth Nov. Sp. 147 ; Steud. L c. 46. P. semiverticillatum, Herb. Rottl. {wm Rottl. in Ainsl. Mat. Med.). P. tetrastichum, ForsJc. FL Mg. Arab. 19. P. zonale, Presl Prodr. Fl. Sic. i. 82. Oplismenus colonns, H. B ^ K. Nov. Gen. Sf Sp. i. 108 ; Xunth Emim. PL i. 142 ; Dalz. Sc Gibs. Bomb. FL 291; Aitchis. CaL Punjab PL 161. O.P caspidatus, Kunth Revjs. Gram. i. 45, Enum. i. 147. O. Pseudo-colon us, Kunth 1. 1, c. 44, 142. Digitaria? cuspidata, Schult. Mant. ii. 265. — Panicum, Wall. Cat. n. 8694, 8726. — Sloane Hist. Jam. i. t. 64, f. 3. Throughout India and Ceylon, ascending the Himalaya to 6000 ft.— Disteib. all warm countries. ' In its typical form P. colonum differs from Crus-galli by the characters given above, but there is a gradual transition of one into the other ; and the cultivated var. frumentaceum has been assigned to both, having the unawned spikelets of the former, and the broad leaves robust habit and long crowded spikes with crowded spikelets of the latter. I find it very difficult in many cases to decide whether to refer certain specimens to the one or to the other, and am not at all confident that the synonymy of the two is in all cases right. Both Cosson and Thwaites regard colonum as a form of Crus-galli. 7. P. notabile, Hooh. f. ; spikes much longer than the internodef, rachis scabrid, spikelets g in. 2-3-seriate silkily hairy, gl. II subaristately Panicum.] clxxiii. GBAWiXEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 33 acuminate, III paleate male, lY orbicalar-oblong rugiiloae shortly awned. — PanicuDi, Wall. Cat. n. 8723. ^ Bfrma ; Petroleum wells of the Irawaddi, Wallich. Stem 18-24 iu., robust and foliage of Crus-galli, nodes pubescent. Leaves 3-5 in., finely acuminate, ciliate towards the base ; sheaths sparsely hairy ; ligule 0. Panicle 5 in., rachis flattened and angular, much narrower than the spikelets. Spikelets erect, imbricate, pale, sparsely silkily pubescent ; gls. membranous, I=|- III, broadly ovate, obtuse, 3-nerved ; II ovate, finely beaked, 5-nerved, hirsute; III very broadly obovate, cuspidately acuminate, the inflexed margins densely ciliate with long erect hairs ; awn of IV as long as itself, strict, scabrid. — A very remarkable grass, with the habit of P. Crus-galli, but with the rugulose awned gl. IV of P. javanicum, and hence intermediate between the sections Echinochloa and Brachiaria. Sect. III. Beachiaria. (See p. 27.) See P. turgidum in Sect. Effuse. * GI. I nearly as long as III ; IV shortly awned. 8.' P. ambigrunzn, Triyi. Gen. Panic. 155 ; leaves narrow hairy base rounded, spikes few suberect, spikelets ^—^ in, glabrous, gl. 1 ovate acute 5-nerved, II ovate-lanceolate acuminate 7-nerved, III epaleate, IV oblong minutely rugulose. Steud. Syn. Gram. 61. P. intidum, Trim. Cat. Geyl. PI. 104 {non Trin.). P. javanicum, Thio. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 358. P. sanguinale, Purm. PI. Ind. t. 10, f. 2 (non desrr.). Urochloa paspaloides, Presl Pel. Hsenk. i. 318 {fid. Trin.) ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 75. Burma ; Mergui, Griffith. Ceylon, Gardner, Thwaites (CP. n. 858, 3244). — DiSTEiB. Mascarene, Malay and Pacific Islds. Annual. Stems 1-2 ft., slender, much branched from the base; nodes glabrous or puberulous. Leaves 3 -6 by ^-g in., acuminate j sheaths glabrous or margins ciliate ; ligule a tuft of hairs. iSpikes 3-4, 1-2 in. ; rachis slender, triquetrous, glabrous or with a few hairs at the nodes. Spikelets 2-seriate, alternate, sub- erect; palea of IV with green nerves; awn of IV concealed by II and III. — The subequal gls. I and 111 will distinguish this from all otlier species of the Brachiaria section. P. amhiguum, Fig. & de Notar. is a very difi'erent plant. Presl describes two varieties in the Philippines ; o lower gl. hardly half as long as the others ; /3 glumes subaequilong. I have seen no Indian or other specimens answering to o. ** Gl. I much shorter than III ; IV often abruptly apiculate. § Spikelets aV-rV ^^' 9. P. prostratuxn, LamJc. Illustr. i. 171, Encycl. iv. 745; leaves sbort, base broad am plexicaul and sheaths ciliate, spikes usually crowded suberect, rachis trigonous, pedicels with long cilia, spikelets aV-yV i^- crowded subsessile 2-3-seriate ellipsoid glabrous, gl. I very short semi- lunar, II ovate acute 5-7-nerved, III 5-nerved paleate, IV obovate apicu- late minutely rugulose. Trin. Diss. ii. 150, Panic. Gen. 158, ;S'^. Gram. Ic. t. 184, 185 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 89, Suppl. 68 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 62 ; Thw. Enum. PL Zeyl. 359 : Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PL 105; Aitchis. Cat Pan jab. P/. 160; But hie Grass. N.W. Ind. 6, Indig, Fodd. Grass. t.4ib,Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 11 ; Benfh. Fl. Austral vii. 476 ; Griseh. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 540. P. barbatum, Lamk. Illustr. I.e. P. cifispitosum, Sw. Fl. Ind. Occ. i. 146. P. crispum, Pianos Fragment. 42. P. birsutum, Ileyne ex Wall. Gat. n. 8734 B. P. marginatum, Vahl ex Herb. Evttl. et ex Wall. Gat. n.- 8732 VOL. VII. D 34 CLXXiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J, D. Hooker.) [Pa7ucum, B. P. procumbens, Nees Agrost. Bras. 109 ; JTerh. Wight, n. 3052. P. repens, Burm. var. alt. Fl Ind. 1. 11,/. 1 ; EoUL in KeueSchrlft. iv. (1803) 182. ^ P; setigerum, Herh. Boxh. ex Wall. Gat. n. 8733 A. ;D. P. Sieberi, Link. Horf. Berol. i. 207. P. v\?ii\c\im. Saltzm. ex Doell in- Mart. "Fl. Bras. ii. II 155— Pauicum, Wall. Oat., -l ,8733 A— D. 8734, B. C. D. Gramen paniceum minus, &c. Petiv. ex Scheuchz. Agrost. 51 {non P. Petiveriiy Trin.). Plains of India, from the Paiijab to Assam and Burma, and southward to Ceylon.' — DistkiIb. Tropics generally. Annual or perennial, usually small ; stem 4-18 in., creeping below ; nodes ghibrous. Leaves 1-2 in., up to | in. broad, ovtrte-lanceolatc, acuminate; sheaths ciliate ; liguleO. Pamcie usually shortly peduncled. Spikes subsecund, at length spread- ing ; rachis scabrid and hairy. Spikelets pale, rather turgid j pedicels with cilia longer than the spikeliets; gl. I perveleps or, 3-nerved ;, palea of III oblong, acute. — A common,. Bt^ngal plant, of which and P. viUosum I find it impossible to unravel the synonymy with confidence. Nees (Agrost. Bras. 109) includes under jorofiMmben*, repens, Burm. & Eoxb. (not Linn.)., prostratum, j8 Lamk., setigerum, Retz^ & Roxb., umbrosfiim, Eetz & Roxb., grossarium, Koen. (not Linn.), harhatum, Lamk,, & suhcordatum, Roth. "Wight . Fl. Ind i. 297 ; Huchst. in Herh. Holien. n. 919. P. nanum, Nees in Herb. Boyle, ex Steud. I.e.; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 5. ,P. nilagiricum, Steud. I.e. P. procumbens, /3 (setigerum, Boxh.) Wight Gat. n. 3053. P. repens, Boxb. Fl. Ind. i. 29^. 'P...vestitura, Nees in Herb. Boyle ex Steud. l.q.; Aitchis. Cat. Panjah. PI. 160: Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 7, Fudd. Grass. N. Ind. 13.— Panicum, Wall. Oat. n. 8733 E, 8735. Subtropical and tropical Himalaya, from theChenab to Sikl^im, alt. 3-6000 ft. Khasia Hills,, alt. 2-6060 fc. Nilghiei Hills. Burma, TFallich. Ceylon, Gardner. — Di si rib. Tonkin, China. ,, ,. Annual. R-Ahit, of, F. prostratum, with which it has been confounded, but is a hill plant, distinguished by its hairy leaves and much more hairy spike and spikelets. ft Spikelets -i^-} in. § Spikelets usually close together, more or less imbricating. 10*.' P. muticum, Fortk. Fl. Aeg. Arab. 20; stout, nodes bearded, Panicum.'] clxxiii. GRAMOEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 35 leaves. long, base suboordate, panicle deltoid glabrous, spikes alternat*^, rachis narrow flattened, spikelets 5 in. crowded ovoid acute glabrous, gl. I = ^ oi III ovate acu^^e 1-nerved, II and III subequal 5-nerved, II £ paleate male, IV ellipsoid obtuse margins narrowly incurved. Schult. Mant. ii. 225 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 93 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 40. P. amphi- bium, Steud. I.e. 61 ; Zoll. PL Bar. Jan. 416. P. barbinode, Trin. Gram. Panic. 168, 8p. Gram. let. 318; Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 361; Steud. I.e. 67; DutJiie Grass. N.W. Ind. 2. P. equinura, Saltzm. ex Steud. I.e. P. leiogouum, Sieb. PL Egypt, exdcc. ; Link. Sort. BeroL i. 206 ; Steud. Lc. 79. P. Meyerianum, Nees FL Afr. Amtr. i. 32 ; Steud A. c. 61. P. inolle, Griseb. EL Brit. W. Ind. 547 {excL Syn.) non Sw.\ Baker PI. Maurit. 43t); Trim. Gat. CeyL PL 105 {non Sw.). P. numidianum, Lamk. IlL i. 122, Dibt. iv. 749 ; D(^sf. FL Atlant. i. 60, t. 11 ; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ig. t. 174; Steud. L c. 345 ; BoelL in Mart. FL Bras. ii. IT. 187. P. pictiglume, Steud. L c. 73. P. Paraguay ense, Steiid. in PL Rengz {name only). P. puuc- i\x\ntwm, Am. ex Wight 'Cat. x\. 2039; Steud. I.e. Q2. P. purpurascens, Raddi ex Opiz. in Flora, v. (1822) 266 ; Nees Agrost. Bras. 240 ; Steud. L c. 57. P. sarmentosam, Hassk. PL Jav. Par 17 [non Boxh.). Paspaluiu mollicoranm, Kunth I.e. 47; Steud. Lr.3l. Digitaria mauritiana, Walt, mss {lc. in Herb. Kew). — Panicum, Wall. Gat. n. 8724. Bengal and Ceylon, in marshes, cultivated or naturalized. — Distbib. Java, Africa, America. /Si6m ascending, 6-8 ft. high ; nodes softly bearded, rarely glabrescent. Leaves 6-10 by ^-f in., and slieaths glabrous or liairy ; ligule short, ciliate. Panicle erect, 3-5 in. ; rachis stiif, scabritl. Spikes rather distant, stout, simple or divided belowi lower 2-4 in., upper gradually shorter, rachis -^j^m. broad subhispid. Spike-, lets tuigid, sometimes solitary and alternate throughout the spike, green or purplish ; gl. IV obscurely dotted or roughened. — The Water-grass of the Mauritius and "Ceylon. I find gl. Ill to be always male, but being described as neuter by others it no doubt varies in this respect, as do so many other Panica. It is veiy liear the American P. molle, Sw., and is often confounded with it, and the English names given above apply to both. It is distinguished from P. molee by the glabrous panicle and 1-nerved (not 3-nerved) gl. I. 11. P. javanicum, Poir. Encycl. Suppl. iv. t. 274; pubescent or hairy, leaf-base rounded' or cordate, spikes 6-12, spikelets ^-h in., bi- seriate alternate or upper scattered ovate acute, gl. I not = |^ II 3-nerved, II 7-nerved acute. III like II 5-nerved paleate, IV oblong rugulose shortly abuptly awned. Tinn. Pan. Gen. 155; Baker FL Maurit^ 434. P. Helopus, Trin. in Spreng. N. Entdeek. ii. 84, Par. Gen. 150, Sp. Gram. lc. t. 183; Nees Agrost. Bras. 117; Steud. Syn. Gram. 7; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 4, Indig. Fodd. Grass, t. 7, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 8 {excL some Syns.) ; Benth. FL AustraL vii. 476 (in note). P. japonicum, error for javanicuin, Kunth Revis. Gram. i. 205, in syn. P. birsutum, Koen. ex 'Poxb. FL Ind. i. 300, & Wight Gat. n. 1620 ; Aitchis. Cat. Panjab. PL 159. P. Koenigii, Spreng. Syst. i. 311. P. papillosum, Fenzl ex Steud. I.e. 100. P. paspaloides, Herb. Heyfie, ex Wall. Cat. n. 8729. P repens, Herb. Roxh. ex Wall. I. c. n. 8731 A [non F'l. Ind.). P. trichopas, Hochst. in Flora, xxvii. (1844) 254. Oplismenus.^ hirsutus, Schult. -Mant. ii. 271. O. javanicus, Poem. Sc Sch. Syst. ii.891. Helopus trichopus, Hochst. ex Steud. Lc. 100. Setaria ? hirsuta, Kunth Revis, Gram. i. 47, Enum. PL i. 157. S. pilifera, Spreng. Syst. iv. Cur. Post. 33. Urochloa panicoides, Beauu. Agrost. 5-, t. 11, f. 1 ; KiuUh I. c. i. 20b, i. 14, Enum. 74 {cxcl. Syn. Kuxb.)\ Schult. D 2 36 OLXXiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) IPanicum. Mant. iii. 595. U. piibescens, Kunfh 1. 1, c. 31, 74. U. mauritiana, Bojer Hort. Maurit. 363.— Panicum, Sp. Wall. Gat. n. 8729. Plains of India, from Kaslimir to Bengal, and southward to Cbylon. — Disteib. Tropics genei'ally. Annual. Stem 1-2 ft., decumbent and rooting below, nodes pubescent. Leaves 1-5 by \-\ in., flat or undulate, very variable in breadth and form of base, lanceolate, acuminate and loose sheath laxly hairy ; ligule a beard. Spikes |-2 in. long, secund, spreading; rachis 3-gonous, pubescent and with a few long hairs. Spikelets i in., geminate or upper solitary, usually pubescent, pale ; pedicels very short ; gl. I acute or obtuse; III male, palea oblong; IV rounded at the tip. — Kunth (Revis. Gram. i. 206) says, under Urochloa panidmdes, that he has examined in Desfontaine's Herbarium the type of Poiret's P. javanicum, and identified it, which he cites as a syn, of Urochloa panicoides, but his figure of which again quite accords with a narrow-leaved form of P. Belopus, Trin. This requires the adoption the name javanicum (by misprint japowicwji in Kunth Revis.), for the species. Bentham, on the other hand (Fl. Austral, vii. 477), says that Munro has seen an authentic speci- men of javanicum, and that it is quite distinct from P. Selopus. I have no means of verifying either authority. 12. P. raxnosum, Linn. Mant. i. 29 ; suberect, glabrous or pubesceut, leaves amplexicanl, spikes many often crowded suberect, rachis scabrid and hairy, spikelets y%-| in. 1-2-seriate elliptic ovoid or obovoid glabrous or pubescent, gl. I = ^ III ovate 3-5-nerved margins overlapping, II 7-nerved, III •5-7-nerved neuter, palea narrow, lY subobovoid apiculate transversely rugulose. Kunth JEnum. PI. i. 125 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 97 ; Wall. Gat. n. 8727 A. P. arvense, Kunth Revis. Gram. ii. 391, t. 109; Enum. PI. i. 93 ; Steud. I. c. 67. P. aquariorum, Bansium & quinquan- gulare, Ham. ex Wall. Gat. n. 8727 C, 8725 A. B. P. canescens, Wight Gat. n. 1622 (non Both.). P. fiuitans, Herh. SEeyne ex Wall. Gat. n. 8727 B. P. grossariura, Kocn. in Naturf. xxiii. (1788) 205 (& Ileyne & Boxh. in Serb. Banks). P. Kotschyanum, Hochst. in Flora xxv. (1842) Beihl. i. 33 ; Steud. I.e. 68. P. nudiglume, Boclist. I.e. xxvii. (1844) 33; Steud. I.e. R PpJ^^iyerii. TAr^^ T)isi lanceolate, acuAinate, thin, glabrous or pubescent, base rounded and usually deeply lobed, margins minutely ciliolate ; sheath glabrous or pubescent, mouth usually ciliate ; ligule short. Panicle 2-6 in., inclined, oblong, glabrous or pubescent ; rachis angular. Spikes 1-2 in., erecto-patent, rather distant, sometimes divided at the base. Spikelets alternate, close or distant, often in pairs a sessile and pedlcelled, pale green or yellowish, turgid ; pedicel usually with long cilia. — I think this is certainly P. umhrosum, Retz & Koxb. 13. P. setig-erum, Betz. Ohs. iv. 15 ; leaves ovate-lanceolate with long cilia towards the amplexicanl base margins below crenulately wrinkled, spikes alternate, pedicels with scattered long hairs, spikelets i in. biseriate alternate imbricate subsessile ovate acuminate glabrous or pubescent, gl. I Panicum.'} clxxiii. gramine^. (J, D. Hooker.) 37 = f III obtuse 3-nerved, II ovate-lanceolate acuminate 7-nerved, III 5- nerved nenter, palea as broad acuminate, IV broadly oblong mucronate or shortly awned finely ru^ulose. Boxh. Fl. Ind. i. 299; KunthEnum. PI. 90 (excL some Syns.) ; Herb. Ham. ex Wall. Gat. n. 8730 B. P. affine, Poir. Fncycl. Suppl. iv. 273 {ex Kunih). P, grossariura, Uoxh. Ic. Ined. t. 798 {not Fl. Ind.). P. Helopus, Trin. (hirsutum, Koen.\ Wight Gat. n. 1620. P. lanceolatum, Herb. Heyne ex Wall. Gat. n. 8730 A. P. nutans, Herb. Mottl. P. prostratum, forma major, Thw. Fnum. PI. Zeyl. 359. P. prostratum, var. horizontale, Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 105, P. repens, Herb. Wight ex Wall. Cat. n. 8730 0. P. subcordatum, Herb. Wight ex Wall. Gat. 8730 D. ? Oj^lismenus prostratus, Fdgew. in Journ. Linn. Soc. vi. (1862) 195. — Panicum, Wall. Gat. n. 8727 D, in part, 8730. Bengal ; common. The Concan and South Deccan, Eottler, &c. Ceylon, Thwaites (C.P. 3236). Stem 2-3 ft., slender, prostrate and widely straggling below ; lower internodes long ; nodes rooting, tomentose. Leaves 3-5 by ^-1^ in,, finely acuminate, flat, margins crispedly wrinkled below, or to beyond the middle ; sheath with ciliate margins ; ligule a few hairs. Spihes 3-6, suberect or spreading, rather distant ; angles of rachis scaberulous. Spikelets solitary or geminate, suberect, very acu- minate.— It is impossible to recognize this species from Retz's description, but the name attached to three different specimens in Bottler's Herbariinn leaves little doubt as to his plant. Roxburgh describes setigerum as having the stem almost woody towards the base, which is hardly the case in the specimens I have seen. Edgeworth cites P. setigerum^ Roxb., for his Oplismenus prostratus, but it may well be doubted if he knew Roxburgh's plant. Var. tomentosum, leaves 6-7 in., margins and sheaths with very long hairs, spike- lets larger i in. long tomentose, awn longer. 14. P. distachyux^f Linn. Mant. i. 138 ; slender, quite glabrous, or panicle sparsely hairy, leaves linear or lanceolate base rounded, spikes 2-4 distant spreading, spikelets ^-^ in. solitary subsessile 1-2-seriate ellipsoid glabrous, gl. I = | II 5-7-nerved, II ovate acute 7-nerved, III 5-nerved, IV ellipsoid obscurely rugulose top rounded. Betz. Obs. iii. 17 ; Lamk. III. i. 43, f. 2 ; Ku7ith Fnum. PI. 91 ; Steud. 8vn. Gram. 41 ; Wight Cat. n.l612; Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 359; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PZ. 104; AitcUs. Gat. Panjab. PI. 159; Duthie Grass. JSf.W. Ind. 3, Indig. Fodd. Grass. t. 42, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 6 ; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 478. P. distachyon & marginatum, Herb. Madr. ex Wall. Gat. n. 8732 A. B. P.-'ditnidiatum, Heyne ex Wall. Cat. n. 8732 D. P. subquadriparum, Trin. Gram. Panic. 145, Sp. Gram. Ic. 1. 186; Funth I. c; 80; Steud. I c. 60. P. repens, Herb. Boxb. ex Walt. I. c. 8731 A. Digitaria distachya, Pers. Syn.i. 85.— Panicum, Wall. Gat. n. 8731, 8732. Plains of India, from the Panjab to Upper Assam and Burma, and southward to Malacca and Ceylon. Geeat Cocos Isld. (Ind. Ocean), Prain. — Disteib. China, Malaya, Australia. Stems 1-2 ft., branched, straggling and creeping below. Leaves 2-6 by f-^ in., flat, margins of sheath ciliate or not, mouth hairy. Spikes 1-2|^ in., rarely more than 4, erect, at length spreading; rachis slender, glabrous. Spikelets variable in size, pale green ; gl. I with overlapping margins below ; iQpaleate or not, palea if present narrow, neuter, Var. brevifoHum, Wight & Arn. in Wight Cat. n. 1612 a ; leaves |-1 in., ovate- ^nceolate, spikes shorter, rachis broader, spikelets 2-seriate. — Di'ier places. 38 CLXXiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hoolvcr.) [Panietwi. §§ Spilcelets more or less remote. 15. P. sexniverticillatunij Rattler in Ainslie, Mat. Med. Hindos t. Ed. I. 2 19 {name only) ; stem stout erect branched, lea^-es broad base woolly , )taiiicle large pubescent, spikes distant long alternate or whorled lax-tid., ruchis slender, spikelets ^-^ in. ovoid obtuse glabrous, gT. I much shorter than III verv broad obtuse 5-nerved, II obtuse 7-nerved, III 5-nerved,palea narrow hyaline, IV ovate-oblong obtuse minutelv granulate. Steud. Syn. Gram. 62. P. semiverticillatum, Wight Cat. n. 3050 ?, 3051. P. Petive'rii, !^'}iw. Mnum. PI. Zeyl. 359. South Deccan, Coimbatore, Bottler, Wight; Anamallay Hills, Beddome. Ceylon, at Damboul, Qardner {C.P. 895). Stem tall, erect, or base shoi-tly decumbent ; nodes and often interuodes below them tomentose. Leaves 5-8 by ^-^ in., linear-lanceolate, finely acuminate, flat, glaljrous except at the narrow base ; slieath tomentose above ; ligule a tuft of wool. Pam'cZe 4-8 in., subpyramidal ; Spikes 1-2^ in. ; racftis triquetrous, glal)rou8 or pubescent. Spikelets pale, often solitary, upper shortly pedicelled. — Possibly a cult, form of P. ramosum. Described by Ainslie as a grain eultivu^ed by tlie poor at Coimbatore and in other grain countries. I assume it to be Rotiler's plant, relying on Wight, who had resided at Coimbatore. P. semiverticillatum, herb. Bottler, from Jaffna in Ceylon is P. colonum. 16. P. remotum, Betz. Ohs. iv. 17 ; very slender, leaves^ long narrow and sheaths quite glabrous, spikes few distant slender spreading, spikelets -iQ in. distant subsolitary ellipsoid obtuse glabrous, gl. I = ^-\ III obtuse or subacute 3-nerved, II obtuse 5-7-nerv7ed, III 5-nerved, palea narrow, JV elliptic obtuse minutely rugulose. Kunth Eni{m. Fl. i. 125; Steud. Syn. Gram. 68.. P. grossarium, Koen. var. Herb. Bottler. P. Petiverii, Trif. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 176, f. C. P. relaxatum, Nees ex Steud. Nom Ed. II. ii. 262 ; Wight Cat. n. 1623 a, and /3 depauperatum. Orissa, Herb. Calcutt. South Deccan, Bottler i Courtallam, Wight; Ana- mallay Hills, Beddome. Stem 1-2 ft., much branched, decumbent, flaccid. Leaves 2-4 by \-\ in., finely acuminate, membranous, base quite glabrous ; ligule very short, lacerate. Spikes (5-8, 2-4 in. long; rachis very slender, almost capillary, triquetrous, quite glabrous. Spikelets solitary or in distant pairs, sessile, or the upp.r loug-pedicelled ; glumes thin, pale with green nerves. — I fiiid no difference bet\yeen Nees' two vars. of relaxatum. 17. P. Kurzil, Hook.f. ; slender, leaves short lanceolate base cordate, margins of sheaths ciliate, spikns few very slender naked or with few hairs, spikelets ~ ^^' ovoid acute glabrous, gl. 1= ^-2 ^^^ 3-5-nerved,'II ovate acuminate 7-nerved, III 5-nerved, palea broad, IV elliptic- oblong minutely rugulose, tip rounded apiculate.— Panicum, Wall. Pat. n. 8745. Lower Bengal, Wallich, Griffith; Seebpore, Kwz ; Vicrampore and Dacca, Jlarlce. Behak ; top of Parusnath, J. B. H. Annuiil, decumbent and rooting below, flaccid. Leaves 2 -Shy |-| in., acuminate, margins crisped towards the usually ciliate base ; sheath with villous margins ; ligule bearded. Panicle 2-6 in. long; spikes few, very distant, 2-3 in. long, with rarely a sliort branch bearing 2-3 spikelets towards the base of the lower. Spikelets pale, subsessile or pedicelled.— This Lower Bengal plaut found at Seebpore close to the Calcutta Bot. Garden, should be one of Koxburgh's species, but I cannot identity it. It is very closely allied lo P. remotwn and altogether hke that plant in habit, differing chiefly in the short leaves and the ciliate margins of the leaf-s'hcaths and in habitat, A doiibtful specimen from Baidyanath (Santal Pergunuahs) collected by Clarke, has the narrow leaves of remotum. Pam'cum.'] clxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hopl^er.) 39 18. P. latifolium, Linn. S.p. PI. 58; stem prostrate and rooting below, leaves lanceolate acuminate base rounded or cordate, panicle lax, branches distant stout, rachis scaberulous, spikelets large |-i in. very distant secund solitary or in pairs, gluihes coriaceous 5-nerved, tips thickened, I = ^ II oi: longer, II and III siibequal, III' broadest triandrous, palea narrow, IV ovoid acuminate quite smooth. Willd, Sp. PI. i- 350 ; Kunth Enum. PL i. 117; H. B. & K. Nov. Gen. & 8p. i. 100, P. Balbi- sianum, Schult. Mant. ii. 254 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 76. P. grandiflorum, Trin. ex Nees Agrost. Bras. 154. P. oryzoides. Sw. Prodr. 23, FL Ind. Occ. i. 161; Kunth I.e. 129; Nees Agrost. Bras. 154; 8teud. Ic. 80; Arduin. Animadv. ii. t. 5 ; Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 547. P. Pseudo-oryzoides, Steud. I. c. 75. P. Ridleyi, Hack, in Trans. Linn. 8pc. 8er. II. Bat. iii. 401 {name). P. zizanioides, H. B. K. I. c. ; 8teud. I. c. 75. — Panicum, Griff. Notul. iii. 31, n. VI.— Wall. Gat. n. 8706.— Gram. Virgin. &'c. Moris. Hist. PL iii. 196, t. 8, f. A.—Sloane Hist. Jam. i. 114, t. 71, f. 3. ' ' ' Bengal, Silhet, Cachar, Buema, and the Malay Penins. — Disteib. Eastern trop. Asia and AmericH. * • > . . iStem 6-24 in., rather stout, extensively creeping, glabrous, or nodes tomentose. Leaver 1-6 by j-f in., subdisticlwus, flat, glabrous ; sheaths smooth ; ligule short, ciliate. Pamclel-^Qxa., erect, contracted ; 'branches simple or sparingly divided, having short 3-fld. bianchlets at the base ; rachis stiff, angular. Spikelets turgid, very obscurely jointed on the short stiti' pedicels, pale green; gls. all broadly ovate, their thickeued.'tips laterally compressed, laternl nerves 6n each side close together j III empty or impertectly triandrous. — The comipressed thickened tips of the glumes are vt-ry characteristic. - • ' Var. majtis ; stem stout 4-6 ft., internodes 4-6 in. rigid, nodes tomentose, leaves Ii- in. broad, ihargius thickened, base narrowed, panicle -nearly 12 in. long. — Malay Peninsula, at Goping, King's Collector. Sect. IV. Hymenachne. (See p. 27.) 10. P. myurus, H. B. 8c K. Nov. Gen. &8p. I 98 {excL 8i/n. Lamk.) ; stem tall stout spongy below, leaves long flat base cordate, panicle narrow very compound often interrupted, branches closely appressed, spikelets ^-^ in. erect narrowly lanceolate, gl. I = ^ III, II 8-nerved, III mucii longer than II 3-5-nerved, IV small thin lanceolate. lO.mth Eevis. Gram. i. 33, Enum. PL i. 86, 8icppL 65 ; Thw. Enum. PL Z-eyl. 361 ; Trim. Gat. Geyl. P^.'104; ButUe Eodd. Grass. N. Ind. 10 {excL 8yn.)\ Benth. FL Austral, vii. 480 {excl. 8yn. interruptum) — ExcL in all 8yn. Lamk. Rudfja, Richard, Trin. P. acutiglumum, 8teud. 8yn. Gram. QiS. P. auritum, Has.sk: PL Bar. Jav. 22 (non PresL). P. cynosuroides, Herb. Bottl. P. Hasakarlii, ISteud. in ZolL 8yst. Vcrz. 54, 8yn. Gram. 70 ; 3Iiq. FL Ind. Bat. iii. 456, P. niyuruuf, Meyer Fl. Esseq. 50 {excl. 8yn. Lamh Sf Budge). -P. mangn- loricum, Intend. I: c. "S: P. nerratuhim, Herb. Ham. in Wall. Gat. n. 8699. P. serrulatum, lioxb. Fl. Ind. i."307 ; Kunth Enum. PL i. 126. Hymenachne niyuios, Beauv. Agrost. 49, t. 10, t'. 8 {excl. 8yn. Lam.) ; Nees- Agrost. Bras. 275; Griseb. Fl. Brit. W.Ind. 553 {exd. 8yn.) ; Steud. I.e. Agrpstis a!ope- curoides, Vahl. mss., & A. monostachys. Pair. Encycl. Suppl. i. 256, ex Kunth L c. — Panicum, JVall. Cat. n. 8699. Marshes in Upper and Lower Bengal, Assam, SilHet, the Deccan, Malayan Peninsula and Ckylon. — Distrib. Trop. As. Austral, and Amer. Stem erect, 2-6 ft., leafy, rooting at the nodes of the prostrate base, which is often as thick as a swan's quill. Leaves 12-18 by f-1 in,, tapering from a hroiid cordate base to a line point, margin serrulate ; sheath smooth, glabrous ; ligule very 40 cixxiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) [Panicum. sliort, rounded. Panicle 6-12 in., rarely 1 in. diam., often interrupted, sometimes quite cylindric. /S;?i^e/e^s erect, very shortly pedicelled, pale green; gl. I broadly ovate, acuminate ; III tapering into a long rigid erect beak, palea 0 or imperfect. — Generally cited as P. mt/unis, of Lamk, but as Nees has pointed out (Agi-ost. Bras. I.e.) Lamk's plant is Richards' P. mijosurus (= P. indicum). In Munro's herbarium P. wyurus is, perhaps rightly, referred to P. amplexicaule, Rudge (PI. Gui. i. 21), which is a much broader leaved plant. 20. P. assaxnicuxn, Book. /. ; slender, erect, leaves narrow base rounded, panicle spiciform cylindric very narrow interrupted, spikelets | in. densely crowded on the appressed branches, gl. 1= i III 3-nerved, II and III lanceolate 5-nerved, III rather longer than II epaleate, IV ovate- lanceolate thin smooth. Assam, Masters, GriJJlih ; Dacca, Clarice. Stem 12-18 in. or more, ascending, as thick as a sparrow's quill, lower nodes rooting. Leaves 2-4 in., narrowed from the base to the acute tip, margins quite smooth, involute (when dry) ; sheath glabrous or month slightly hairy ; ligule a narrow membrane. Panicle 3 in., hardly ^ in. diam., pale green, quite glabrous. Spikelets very shortly pedicelled ; glumes thin. — I advance this species with hesita- tion. It is nearest to P. myurtis, differing in size, narrow leaves, very narrow panicle, smaller spikelets, and shorter glume III. (^^P.'auritum, Presl ex Nees Jgrost. Bras. 176; tall, erect, leaves lin^ar^lanceolate base broadly cordate, panicle long contracted or more or less effuse much fastigiately br;inchecl, branches erect, spikelets to~t\j ^^^ crowded on short branchlets solitp.rv f^essile or shortly pedicelled oblong or ovate-oblong subacute, gl. 1 = ^111 obtuse or acute nerves 3-5 arching, II and III subequal acute or acuminate 5-nerved, III paleate neuter, IV lanceolate acuminate smooth. Presl Bel. Hsenlc. i. 305 ; Trin. Pan. Gen. 176; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 118; Steud. Syn. Gram. 70; Thw. Enum. PL Zeyl. 361 ; Trim. Gat. Geyl. PI. 105 ; Baker Fl. Maurit. 437 ; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. in. 456. P. insulicola, Steud. I.e. 7S. P. javanum, A^ee^ & Blikse in Miq. PI. Jungk. 376 ; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. I. c. 463. P. maximum, Wall. Cat. n. 8715 F. P. patens, Bojer Hart. Maurit. ex Baker I. c. P. secundum, Herb. Eottl. Hymenachno myurus, Herb. H.f. So T. {in part). — Panicum, Wall. Cat. n. B701, 8707. Marshes from Bengal and the Concan to Burma, Teavancoee, the Malay Peninsula, and Ceylon. — Distrib. Malaya, China, Mauritius? Perennial. Stem 3-6 ft., sometimes as "stout as a goose-quill, soft. Leaves 8-14 by 1-1 i in., glabrous or sparsely hairy beneath, as is the, sheath; mouth viHously bearded ; ligule very narrow. Panicle 8-18 in., green, rachis scaberulous, branches 2-5 in., branchlots and fascicles of spikelets subsecund, Spikelet.9 green, glabrous, nerves strong; gl. I broadly ovate ; II and III ovate-oblong; palea of III small; IV as long as III, white, thinly coriaceous. — The Ceylon specimens have longer (yo-g in.) narrower and more acuminate spikelets than the normal. 22. P. interruptum, Willd. Sp. PI. i. 341 ; stem tall very stout spongy below, leaves long flat base rounded or subcordate, panicle very narrow almost ' reduced to a spike, spikelets (many imperfect) jr-} in. fascicled very shortly pedicelled ovoid rather turgid, gl. I = | III orbicular hyaline 5-nerved, II = III ovate-oblong obtuse strongly 9-nerved, III ovate-oblong robtuse, paha small, IV much smaller lanceolate acuminate polished white. Nees FL Jfr. Avstr. 51 ; Kv.ntli Enum. PL i. 87 ; Boxb. FL Ind. i. 286 ; WaU. Cat. n. 8695 Excl.V.. ; Thw. Enum. PL Zeyl. 361 ; Trim. Gat Geyl PL 104; Wight Cat. n. 1640; Griff. Notul iii. 20; Ic. PL Asiat. Panicum.'] CLXxiii. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 41 t. 139, f. 221 & t. 146, f. 2. ; Dalz. Sf Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 316. P. caudafciim, ■ Thunh. FL Cap. i. 393. P. inuudatum, Kunth JRevis. Gram. i. 34 ; Enum. PL i. 88. P. spiciforme, Roclist ex A. Rich. Tent. FL Abyss, ii. 359.- P.. stagninum. Herb. Ham. ex WaU. Gat. n. 8695 D (non Retz). P. turritum, TJiunb. in Mus. Nat. Acad. UpsaL x. 148. P. uliginosum, Roth Nov. PL Hp. 50. Hymen achne interrupta, Buhse in Miq. PL Jungh. i. 377 ; Miq. Fl Lid. Bat. iii. 458; Steud. L c. 101. Swamps; from the Upper Gakgetic plain to Assam and Bcjkma, and south- ward to Ceylon— DisTKiB. China, Miibiya, Afr. trop. Stem 3-5 ft., lower internocles often as thick as the thumb, rooting. Leaves 6-12 by ^-^ in., many-nerved, base hardly contracted j sheath smooth ; ligule short, membranous. Spike 6-10 in. by ^ in. diam., strict ; rachis stout, terete, channelled. Spikelets spreading, much longer than their pedicels, green, her- baceous.— Very near the Americiin P. vilfoides, Trin. {fluviatile, Nees). Bentham reduces P. interrwptum to P. myurus, but they are very different plants. ,23., P. indicum, Linn. Mant. ii. 184; stem slender, leaves linear glabrous or hirsute base narrow, panicle spiciform oblong or cylindric dense fld. branches very short, spikelets longer than their pedicel yo~8 i^* crowded ovoid or oblong subacute straight or curved glabrous or hispid, gl. I = about ^ III 3-nerved, II ovoid cymbiform obtuse or subacute 7-9-nerved, III as long as II oblong obtuse 7-9-nerved, palea minute, IV minute ovoid subacute. Retz. Ohs. iii. 9 ; Kunth Enum. PL i. 133 ; Steud. 8yn. Gram. 84; Trin. Diss. ii. 170, Pan. Gen. 84, 8p. Gram. Ic. 197 ; Roxh. FL Ind. i. 28^ ; Thw. Enum. PL ZeyL 361 {excl CP. 909) ; Trim. GaL GeyL PL 104 ; Bentk FL Hongk. 413, FL Austral vii. 480 ; Franch. 8f Sav. En. PI Jap. ii. 163. P. angustum, Trin. 8p. Gram. let. 331; Wight Gat. n. 1642 ; Steud. I c. P. arcuatum, Br. Prodr. 189 ; Kunth L c. 77 ; Grif. NotuL iii. 39, 40, In. PL Asiat t. 147, f. 1 ; Dathie Grass. N W. Ind. 5, Fodd. Grass N. Ind. 9. P. contractum, Wight ^ Am. ex Nees in Herb. Wight ; Steud. I. c. 84. P. conglomeratum, Herb. RottL ; ? Linn. Mant. 324; Kunth I.e. 133. P. interruptum, Wall. GaL n. 8695 G. partim. P. Johannce & incurvura, Herb. Linn, ex Munro in Journ. Linn. Soc.ri. 39. P. microstachyum, Xo^mfc. Ill i. 170, EncycLiY. 739; Kunth I c. 88. P. myosurus, Rich in Act. Soc. Hist. Nat. Par. i. (1792) 106. P. myurus, Lamk. III. i. 172. P. phalaroides, Roem. 8f Sch. Syst. ii. 452. P. phleoides, Br. ex Kunth I. c. Hymeuachne indica, Buhse ex Miq. FL Ind. Bat. iii. 458. H? phalaroides, Nees Agrod. 276; Steud. I c. 202. PAira indica, Linn. Sp. PL Ed. 2. 94. Panicum, WalL GaL n. 8696 B. C. {in part) D. E. F. {in part) G. H., 8697, & 8698. Tropical and subtropical India (ascending 6000 ft. in the HimaUya) from Garwhal eastwards and southwards. Ceylon. — Distrib. Trop. Asia and Australia. (Mexico,,an alien). P. indicum appears to pass insensibly into P. interruptum and P. myosuroides, the former of which differs in its stouter habit, the latter in its caudiform spike and more minute rounded spikelets. Though so abundant in the, Plains to the eastward of the Jumna, I have seen no specimens from the west of that river'; nor from Africa, The following are the principal Indian forms, in describing which I have used the word spike in a conventional sense. Var. indicum proper ; stem 6-18 in. erect or decumbent at the base, leaves narrow, spikes -^-2 in. cylindric green whitish or blue-purple, spikelets -^0 -} in. ovate-lanceolate acute straiglit or decurved glabrous or sparsely setose. — The common Plains form. P. phalaroides, Roem. & Sch. is a common state with more setose spikelets; it is P. indicum, /3, Wight Cat. 16il B. 42 CLXXTii. GRAMTNE.'E. (J. D. Ilooker.) [Panicum. Var. elatum ; gl{^bron<5, sf-em 3-4 ft. stout erect, leaves 6-10 in. by \ in., spike 3-6 in. rathier stout, spikelets i iu. erect oblongf-ovate acute violet blue rarely greenish. — Khasia hills, in wet places alt. 5-6000 ft. The nearest form to P. interruptum. Var. pilosum ; like var. elatum, but not so tall, more flaccid, leaves hirsute with spreading hairs.— Khasia hills, alt. 4-5000 ft. Var. villosum ; softly silkily villous, stem 1-2 ft., leaves quite erpct, spike 2-6 in., spikelets }-^ in. green or purplish ovate-oblong glabrous. — P'anicum, No. 39, Herb. Ind. Or. Hook, f.'^ T.— Khasia hills, alt. 5-6000 ft. Var. gracile ; stem 1-2 ft. very slender simple or branched, leaves 4-6 by ^-i in. flaccid, spikes 2-4 in. pale, spikelets ^ in. ovoid subacute glabrous spreading. — Nepal, Kumaon, Sikkim, &c. Var. angustum ; whole plant very slender spike of veiy minute loosely packed spikelets -J^ in. long. — This, the P. angustum Trin., is a starved form. Var. turgidum ; stem 6-12 in., spike short cylindric or oblong very pale often proliferous, spikelets ^-i in. oblong turgid setulose. — Pauicum, Wall. Cat. n. 8697, 8698. — In wet places. Perhaps a diseased form. ■ 24. P. myosuroides^ Br. Prodr. 189 ; slender, leaves narrow, spike- lets innumerable tV~T2 i°- densely crowded in an elongate cylindric curved caudiform panicle broadly obovoid or subglobose obtuse, gl. I about ^ III 3-nerved, IE very convex and III 6-7-nerved, III oblong obtuse palea minute, lY minute ovate-oblong. Kunth Knum. Fl. i. 77 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 56 ',\Benth. Fl. Avstral.vii. 480 (excl. syn. angustum) ; Duthie Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 11. P. artuatum, Wight Cat. n. 1639 {no7i Br.). P. aiigustnm, Wig/it I.e. 1642 (non Trin.); Wight O^t. n. 164. P. curva- tum, Boxh. Fl. Jnd. i. 286 (non Linn.) ; Kunth I. c. 87 (e.vcl. sj/n.). P. indicum, Herb. Wight n. 3042 ; Thw. Enum. PL Zeyl. 361 {in part). P. interruptum, va^r. contigua. Steud. in Pi. Ind. Or. Hohen. n. 1606 {non Willd.). P. multiflorum, Eoxb. Ic. Pict. ined. t. 782. P. nervosum, Serb. Beyne ex Wall. Gat. n. 8696 A.— Panicum, Wall. Cat. n. 8696 A. C. P. {in part) G.— Sporobolus, Wall. Gat n. 3766 ex Wight. Cat. n. 1642. Throughout the hotter parts of India from Nepal eastward to Assam and Burma, and southward to the Malay Peuinsu;;! and Cktlon. — Distrib. China, Austral. Afric. trop. ' ' S*em erect or shortly creeping. Leaves rarely \ in. broad. Spiciform or rather Ciiudifonu panicle so;netimes 8 inches long, tapering from base to tip, with rarely a short branch abruptly breaking out from near the base. SpilceletH longer than their pedicels, green or purplish. — This is unquestionably P. myosuroides, Br., and Rox- burgh'^ P. curvatum, but I hesitate to cite all the authors who have taken up these names, in some cases probably from forms of P. indAcum. In its ordiuat-y state it is a very distinct grass, from its elegant tail-like inflorescence and minute obtuse spike- lets, but I find it impossible to separate specimens with short spikes from states of P. indicum. P. angustum, Trin., is such a state, and is referred to myosuroides by Bentham, but its larger spikelets are rather those of true indicum. 25. P. curvatum, Linn. Syst. Nat. xii. 730 ; stem very slender, and narrow leaves flaccid, spikelets in a lax panicle witH capillary flexuous branches, spikelets gibbously ovoiu-oblong decurved, nerves very strong, gl. I minute, II cymbiform or almost galeate, lit shorter than Fl ovate, palea linear-oblonir, IV minute. Wight Gat. n. 1636 ; Thvj. Enum. PI. ZSyl. mO\ Trim. Gat. Geyl. PI. 105 ; Nees Agrost. Bras'. 207, Fl. Afr. Audr. 50. P. costulatnm, Bojer, mss. P. coryophorum, Kunth Peris. Gram. 93, t. 107; Fnum. PI. 88; Suppl. 66.— Panicum, Wall. Oat.n. 8742. Panicnm,'] clxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hookei:.) 43 South Deccan Penhststtla ; Heyne, &c., Courtallam, Wight. Geylon, Walker, Thwaites. — Distrib. Madagascar, S. Africa. Stem 6-18 in,, prostrate, much branched, remotely leafy, nodes glabrous. Leaves 2-3 by ^ in., Hat, sometin)es sparsely hairy ; sheath long, slender; liifuie hardly aity. Fanicle 1-4 in., branches alternate, quite glabrous. Spikelets xa^xV i"'> very strongly nerved, except gl. I, which is transversely oblong; II very strongly 11- nerved ; III 3-5-nerved ; IV ovoid, obtuse. — A very elegant small grass. Steudfl (Syu. Gram. 85] has referred Sprebgel's P. madagascarense (Syst. i. 317) to this, but Sprengel's character "glumes obsoletely nerved" is irreconcilable. Sect. V. Beeviglumj;. (See p 27.) 26. P. canaliculatum, Nees in Wight Cat. n. 1624; stems, very slender flaccid branched, leaves narrow, spikelets T0-5 in. solitary or few- together clustered on distant very short branchlets along a capillary simple rachis ovat^-oblong very shortly pedicelled, gls. membranous, I and IT not = | III broadly ovate subequal, III ovate acute paleate male, lY as long as III lanceolate acuminate thin muriculate tip minutely 2-toothed and mucroriulate. Steud. Syn. Gram. 55. P. myurum, Wig^Jit ex Steud. I. c. P. stenostachyum, Thw. Enum. PL Zeyl. 436 ; Tri'm. G-at. PI. Ceyl. 105. Aira interrupta, Ilottl. ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 55. Southern Deccan Peninsula, Wight. Ceylon; Jatfna ,Her&. Eoti^er; Trinco- malee, Glenie. Quite glabrous. Stems 2-3 ft., many from a small woody branched nodulose rootstock, erect or df-cumbeut at the base. Leaves 3-10 by |-i in., thin, llat, quite smooth, nerves very slender, tips setaceous, base narrow ; sheaths smooth ; lignle obscure, ciliate. Spike 3-8 in., almost capillary. Spikelets solitary, binate, or in clusters of 3-6, on a very short branch, sessile or subsessilej pale, glistening; gl. I and II very broadly ovate, acute or obtuse; I 3-nerved ; II rather the longest, 5-nerved ; III faintly 5-7-uerved, its palea large, obtuse with broadly inflexed margins and green nervies at the smooth angles, which are faintly produced at the tips; IV very pale, dorsally flattened and channelled, 5-nerved; palea acute. Lodicules quadrately cuneate. Anthers linear. Style long, stigma short.— A very peculiar species. ' '^ 27. P. nodosum, Kunth Enum. PI. i. 97 ; stem creeping and rooting below, leaves linear base rounded or cordate, panicle broad rachis very slender scaberulous, t)ranches very long filiforin striate bearing remote racemose or solitary spikes of few secnnd elliptic-oblong acute spikelets yV-i in. long, gl. 1 not = | III 3-5-nerved, II rather longer than I 6-nerved, III 5-7-nerved epaleate, IV elliptic-lanceolate acute thin smootli. Steud. Syn. Gram. 59 ; Benth. Fl. Hongh. 412 ; Thw. Enum. PL Zeyl 360 ; Trim. Cat. CeyL PL 1P5.. P. Arnottianum, JVee.y in Wight Cat. n. 1611, Herb. n. 3068; Steud. I.e. K multmode, Presl' Eel Hwnk. i. 303 (.non Lamh.). P. violaceum, Llanos Fragm. 4'2.. ' ' . ' ' Bengal, Assam, and southwards to Malacca, Travancoee and Ceylon. — DiSTKiB. Malaya, China. Stems 1-3 ft., slender, leafy. Leaves 2-5 by ^-| in., flat, thin, and as well as their sheaths glabrous pilose or hirsute, base ciliate; ligule very short. Panicle 4-6 in., branches 2-3 in., solitary or fascicled. Spikelets pale green, sessile or veiy shortly pedicelled, glabrous or slightly hairy; gl. IV. as long as III, dorsally flattened. 44 CLXXiii. GRAMi.vEiR. (J. D. Hookei.) [Panicum. Sect. YI. Effuse. (See p. 27.) * Gl. I as long as III or nearly so. (The three following species are in no way allied.) 28. P. sequig'luine, Hooh. f. ; slender, leaves linear-lanceolate base narrow, panicle ovate lax, branches lax in alternate fascicles or whorls spreading laxly few-fld. and branchlets and pedicels capillary smooth, spikelets y^ i^* solitary oblong obtnse faintly nerved, I =111 oblong obtuse white nearly flat faintly 5- nerved deciduous, II broadly ovate sub- acute 9-nerved convex, III shorter than II oblong paleate male or neuter nerveless, lY much shorter than II stipitate broadly ovate obtuse sparsely pilose above or glabrous white. NiLGHiRi Hills ; Goodadoor Ghats, alt. 5000 ft., in a wood, Lawson. 8teml-2 ft., apparently geniculately ascending, smooth, purplish ; nodes glabrous. Leaves 2-3 by ^-| in., flat, green, smooth, 5-7 -nerved and striate, midrib slender; base rounded or narrowly cordate ; sheath purple, margin fimbriately ciliate ; ligule a row of hairs. Panicle 4 in., branches in 6-8 rather distant fascicles of two or three, lowest 2^ in. long, Spikelets very pale ; gl. I very deciduous (so that the mature spikelet appears 3-glumed), but leaving a distinct scar ; II more coriaceous, nerves more distinct ; III and its palea sometimes very small and empty. — ^A very curious grass. 29) P. ovalifolium^ Poir. Encycl. SuppL iv. 279 ; stem slender decumbent and rooting below, leaves 1-2 in. ovate acuminate amplexicaul, panicle ovoid excessively branched, rachis branches and pedicels capillary, spikelets solitary Jg-Jg- in. ovate subacute, gl. I. nearly = III, II hemi- spheric pubescent or hirsute 5-nerved, III flat obtuse, palea large, lY oblong acute dorsally rounded smooth, margins narrowly inflexed. Beauv. Fl. Owar. ii. 79, t. 110, f. 1 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 113 ; Steud. 8yn. Gram. 84 ; Benth.Fl. Rungk. 413; Thw. Enum. Pi. Zeyl. 3o9 ; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PL 105 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 6. P. amplexicaule, Poir. {teste Beauv.) ex Kunth I.e. p. arborescens, Linn. Sp. PL 59 {in part) {cf. Trim, in Journ. Linn. Soc xxiv. 135). P. brevifolium, Boxh. FL Ind. i. 306, & Herb. Linn. P. guineense, Desv. mss. ex Poir, Encycl. Sujppl. iv. 279. P. tricarinatum, Steud. Nam. Ed. II ii. 264, Syn. Gram. 94. Isachne tricarinata. Both Nov. . Sp. 57 ; Ku7ith Enum. PL i. 136.— Panicum, WatL Cat. 8737. SiKKiM Himalaya, alt. 4000 ft. ; Khasia Hills, alt. 2000 ft. ; Munnepore, BuEMA, the Malay Peninsula and Ceylon. — Distkib. Malaya, China, trop. Afr. Stem geniculate and ascending below, leafy usually up to the panicle. Leaves membranous and sheaths glabrous ciliate or hairy above or all over ; ligule very short, ciliate. Panicle ovoid. Spilcelets variable in size ; gl. II very persistent. — Resembles Sphcemcaryum elegans and often mixed with it in Herbaria. As Trimen has pointed out {Journ. Linn. Soc. L c.) this, according to Serbi. Linn. & FL ZeyL is P. arborescens, Linn., described as being as high as the loftiest trees. This error has no doubt originated from its having been accidentally assorted with an Arundinaria in Herb. Linn. 30. P. turg-idum, Forsh. FL ^g. Arab. 18; shrubby, rootstock very stout creeping, stem woody, branches alternately or proliferously fascicled at the sheathed nodes, leaves short rigid, panicle erectJ^ glabrous branches solitary distant simple or sparingly divided, spikelets solitary yV-8 in. subglobose pale, gls. coriaceous cymbiform, I = 111 or nearly so orbicular 5-7-nerved, II broadly ovate acute 7-nerved, III acumi- Panicum.'] clxxiii. geamine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 45 nate 9-nerved paleate male, lY small ovoid acute quite smooth polisbed. Del Fl. JEffypt. III. 51, t. 9, f . 2 ; J^ees Agrost. Bras. i. 172 {in note) ; Trin. Pan. Gen. 221, 8p. Gram. Ic. t. 227 ; Kuntk Enum. PI. i. 97 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 88 ; Duthie Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 13. SiND aad Central India, Duthie I. c. — Disteib. Beluchistan and westward to Egypt. liootstock sometimes as thick as the little finger, root fibres strong woolly ; branches 2-4 ft., hard, solid, smooth, sometimes as'thick as a goose-quill, clothed at the base with imbricating scarious scales, and the nodes higher up with long scarious leaf sheaths, branches sometimes forming dense subglobose fascicles at the nodes 2-3 in. diam., with many short reduced particles. Leaves at the base of the stem 2-3 in. long, flat, coriaceous linear-hmceolate, acuminate, smooth, at the upper nodes reduced to brown chartaceous open sheaths with a deciduous setiform blade, ligule a row of short hairs. Fanicles very variable, 1-5 in. long ; rachis and branches slender, subscaberulous ; pedicels short, tips cupular. Spikelets subsecund, young ovate-lanceolate acute, mature turgid ; palea of gl. Ill broad with ciliate keels; of IV" coriaceous like the gl. and shining. Anthers purple. Styles short, stigmas short, primrose-purple. — A remarkable grass, intermediate between JBrachiaria and JSffusce allied to no other Indian, with something of the habit of Spinifex. Duthie is my authority for the Indian habitats of this fine species; that of Sind is natural, the Central Indian I doubt exceedingly. As a species it is unmistakable. I should be disposed to refer it to the Brachiaria section, but Trinius places it under his section Miliaria, which answers to Effusce. ** Gl. I much shorter than III. t Annual erect leafy grasses. 31. P. miliaceuxn, Linn. Sp. PI. 58 ; leaves linear acuminate and sheaths clothed with long spreading hairs, base not cordate, panicle tbyrsiform usually decurved or nodding, branches long slender suberect, spikelets ^-J in. ovate-oblong cuspidately acuminate glabrous, glumes channelled between the nerves I = § HI 5-7-nerved, II and III subequal 7-11-nerved, III paleate neuter, IV broadly ovate turgid 3-5-nerved polished. Jlost Gram. Austr. ii. 16, t. 20 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 104, Suppl. 81 ; Trin. Diss. ii. 186, Pan. Geii. 194, 8p. Gram. Ic. t. 221 ; Steud Syn. Gram. 17 \ Eeichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 82; Boxh. Fl. Ind. i. 310 Wall Gat. n. 8716 ; Trim. Cat Ceyl PI 105 ; AitcJds. Cat. Panjab. PI. 158 Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 5, Field Sf Card. Crops, t. 23, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 9 ; Franch. ^ 8av. En. PI Jap. 165. P. asperrimum, Fisch. Cat Hort. Gorenk. ex Jacq. Eclog. Gram. 46, t. 31 ; Nees Agrost. Bras. 199 ; A Pick Tent. Fl Abyss, ii, 374 ; Steud. I. c. P. callosum, Hochst. ex A. Rich I. c. P. densepilosum, Steud. I. c. 72, ex Miq. Prolus El. Jap. 275. P. Milium, Pers. Syn. i. 83. P. pilosum, Serb. Boxh. & Serb. Heyne ena, Wall. Gat. I. c. P. striatum, Spreng. Syst. i. 318. Milium esculentum, Moench Metli. 203. M. Panicum, Mill Gard. Diet. Ed. 8, n. 1. Cultivated or naturalized (Wild ?) throughout the hotter parts of India, Afsica, and other hot countries. Annual ; stems tufted, 2-4 ft., stout, branching, leafy up to the panicle, often as thick as the little fingor below. Leaves 6-12 by |-1 in., glabrous ciliate or hirsute, base narrow, margin scabrid often ciliate ; sheaths lax, deeply grooved, clothed with very long spreading or reflexed hairs ; ligule of long hairs. Panicle 6-12 in., branches filiform, fascicled, densely crowded, scaberulous ; pedicels often much longer than the spikelets, but sometimes much shorter. Spikelets green, erect, turgid ; gl. IV pale, sometimes dorsally 5-streaked. — Closely allied to P. miliare and P. psilopodium with which it possibly hybridizes, but with much larger spikelets. I am 4G CLXxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hookcr.) . [Pariicum. far from satis'fieVl that I have not erred in the synonyms cited for these three species, which are almost inextricably mixed. For a lenrned discussion on the Millet, the cultivation of which in Europe dates from prehistoric times, see A.'de Candolle's " Origine de Plautes Cultives," p. 302. Muuro has attached the fallowing to a speci- men from Bombay (Woodrow, No. 89), '* I believe this to be an uncultivated form of P. miliaceum " — it has spinulosely toothed scabrid leaves, and a perfectly erect panicle with very long erect branches, and few spikelets. 32. P. miliar e, Lamlc. III. Gen. 173 ; leaves linear hairy base rounded, panicle contracted or thyrsiform much branched erect or nodding, branches slender erect alternate, spikelets -^^-^ in. solitary or geminate usually shorter than their pedicels turgidly ovoid or ellipsoid acute, gl. I = | III broadly ovate acute 3-5-nerved, nerves Arching, II ovate-lanceolate 11-13-uerved, III 9-nerved paleate neuter, lY fropi oblong to broadly ovate acute shining ofteu 3-5-streaked dorsally. Eottl, in Neve Schrift. Ges. Naturf. Berol. iv. (1803) 83 ; Boxh. Fl. IndA. 309; Wall. Cat. 8712 C. inpart, F. G-. H. I. ; Wight Gat. n. 1629 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 104 j Trim. Gat^rCeyl. Pl. 105; Aifchis. 'Cat. Punjab PI. 159; Nee.^ Fl. Afr. Austr. 40; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 6, Field. & Card. Crops. 7, t. 26, Indig. Fodd. Ch-as^. t. 46, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 10. P. attenuatura, WUld. Enum. Hok. £ero/.. 1033; Nees Agrost. Bras. 173; Tfin. Diss. ii. S26. P. brevifolium, Balh. ex Nees Fl. Afr. Austr. 40. P. Menieri, Koen. ex Nees I. c. P. itniliaceum, Thtv. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 300. P. miliaceum, var. BotU. in Neue Schrift. I. c. P. musciparum. Herb. Linn, ex Munro in Journ. Linn.,_Sop. vi. (1862) 39. P. psilopodiura, Wight Gat. n. 1633a. P. simplex, 'Bottl. ex Trin. Gram. Panic. 216 ; St'eud. Syn. Gram. ^7. P. sumatrense, Both Nov. Sp. 50; Kunth I.e. — Panicum, Wall. Gat. n. 8718 B, 8720, Culfciy?ited or naturalized (or native ?) throughout India and Ceylon.— Distrib. Tropics cult. Annual. Stem 1-3 ft., rather slender, erect or base geniculate, simple or branched, usually leafy up to the panicle. Leaves 1-2 ft. by |-1 in., flat, and sheaths. rarely hirsute \yith tcibercle-based hairs, acute or acuminate; liffule a narrow row of hairs. Panicle 2-10 in., lower branches long, pedicels of spikelets sometimes ^ in. Spikelets glabrous, rather flattened, usually green or purplish ; gl. I variable, white, membranous, margins overlapping at the base, nerves arching and anastomosing ; II and 111 herbaceous ; palea of III as long as its gl. — If I remember aright P. miliare was conjectured by Muuro to be a cultivated form of P. psilopodium ; and except in the greater size, more contracted panicle, rather larger spikelets and usually shorter pedicels of P. miliare I -fail to find characters whereby to separate them, and these are not vei'y reliable. In its common state the grain of miliare is broader than in any torxno? psilopodium and much darker colrd. P. simplex, Rottl. is a weak flaccid form from Tranquebar, growing inshade. Triuius distinsruishes it from P. psilopodiiim, by the scabrid pedicels of the spikelets, but they are quite glabrous in bottler's speci- men of simplex. I am not at all satisfied that I have rightly identified the synonymy of this and P. psilopodium. Var. hirtum; upper leaf-sheaths with long spreadinghairs. P. hirtum, Wall. mss. in Herh. Linn. Soc. Panicum, Wall. Cat. n. 8718 {in ^'ar<).— Burma, Wallich. — Wallich's sheet has three difi'erent looking plants; viz. 8718 A, from Malloon, with tlie panicle oi' psilopodium, and hirsute sheaths; B from tbe banks of the Irawaddy with hirsute sheatbs and the panicle of miliare ; along with these is a plant with a similar panicle to the last but with glabrous sheaths. 33. P. psilopodium, Trin. Gram. Panic. 217 ; leaves narrovsr glabrous base rounded, panicle elluse branches capillary at length spreading, spike- lets I'.-g in. geminate 'ovate-lanceolate acute, pedicels capillary usually Pa7iicum.] cLxxin. (^RAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 47 longer than the spikelets, gl. I = ^ III or less broader Ihafi long 3-5- nerved tip obtuse or rounded, H ovate acuminate 11-nerved, HI as long as II 9-nerved paleate neuter, lY oblong obtuse apiculate. Ntes Agrost. Bras. 199 ; Kuntk Enum. PI. i, 100 ; Steiid. '8yn. Oram. 83 ; Thwaites Enum. PI. Z^yl. 360 ; \\ ; Anderss. in Waljp. Ann. \i. 944. P. amj)lissimum, Steud. I. c. 54. P. asperatum, Eunth Hevis. Gram. i. 39, Enum. PI. I. c. 39; Miqutl Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 456. P. excurrens, Trin. Pan. Gen. 131, 249, Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 49 ; Kunth Enum. i. 94 ; Benth. Fl. Hongk. 412, excl. syn. P. Kleinianum, Nees ex Anderss. in Walp. Ann. vi. 946. P L no, Steud. I. c. 54. P. mauritianum, Willd. ex Spreng. Syst. i. 305. P. nepalense, Spreng. I. c. 321 ; Kunth Enum. i. 94 ; Dalz. ' & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 291 ; Aitchis. Cat. Panjab PI. 160 ; Miq. I. c. 448. P. nervosum, Eoxb. Fl. Ind. i. 311 ; Wall. Cat n. 8702. P. neurodes, Sckult. Mant. ii. 228 ; Wight Cat. li. 1647; Anderss. I.e. 9-15; Duthie Grass N.W. Ind. 5. P. paucise- tum, Steud. I.c.b2. P. palmifolium, Koen. in Naturforsch. xxiii. (1788) 208; Kunth Emim. 93; Anderss. l.c 945. P. Wallichianum, Nees Fl. Afr. Austr. 49 ; Miq. l.c. 449.— Panicum, Wall. Cat. n. 8703. Throughout the moister hilly part^ of Indfa, from Kdmaon in the Himalaya eastward, ascending to 5000 ft. in SiKKiM, the Shan Hills in Burma, the NiL- GHiEis, alt. 6000 ft., the Malay Penijnsula, and Ceylon.— Disteib. China, Malay Islands. ~ Stem 1-8 ft., erect or ascending from a woody branched stock, from the thickness of a sparrow's to a swan's quill, leafy. Leaves 6-24 by ^4 in., finely acuminate, sessile on the sheath or petioled, membranous or chartaceous, glabrous or sparsely hairy ; slieath sometimes hispid, mouth ciliute ; ligule short. Panicle thyrsoid, striate and erect with short branches, or efifuse and drooping, 1-2 ft. long, with branches 2-4 in, long (spiciform in reduced states) ; branches, pedicels and their setiferous scabrid tips green or purplish. Spikelets \ in., ovoid ; gl. I = | III Qr less, very broadly ovate, obtuse or acute, 5-7-nerved, paleate or not, male or neuter ; IV acuminate, coriaceous, more or less rugulose. — Afcer a study of an immense suite of specimens of this species from all, parts of India, I am unable to follow Andersson (in Walp. Ann. 1. c.) in his separation of it into plicatum, palmijolium, neurodes and the seven vars. of the latter. These are, I think, all forms chiefly dependent on climate and age. Lavnark's P. plicatum was described (1797) from a cultivated specimen of uncertain origin (Mauritius or St. Domingo), but Jacquin's excellent figure of it leaves no doubt of its identity with the Indian plant, for it resembles no American one. It has been widely cultivated for nearly a century, and a garden specimen in Beutham's Herb, supports the identification. I doubt P. palmifolium of Poiiet being specifically difierent, it is described from an E. Indian specimen, though Grisebach (Fl. Brit. Ind. 547) identifies it with the W. Indian P. sulcatum, Aubl. Grisebach distinguishes palmifolium from plicatum by gl. II of the latter shorter than IV, and longer in palmijolium, but I find this a most variable character and not borne out by the 55 €LXXlii. GRAMINEJ3. (J. D. Hooker.) IPanicum. material that Grisebach worked upon. He also describes g\. IV as ellipsoid, but it is ovate-Innceolate in both. Whether P. sulcatum is specifically different may be doubted. P. excurrens, Trin., is a small narrow-leaved flaccid (perhaps young) state, with a very slender panicle and erect branches; it is Wall. Cat. n. 8703, and a common Himalayan form. Wall. Cat. n. 8705 is a gigantic form from Silhet, where I found it abundantly. 48.* P. flavescens, 8w. Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. 23, Fl Ind. Occ. i. 158 ; annual, leaves plicate linear-lanceolate, panicle erect branches spreading simple pubescent and bristly, spikelets subsecund, gl. I = \-^ III orbicular obtuse 3-nerved, II = ^ IV apiculate 5-7-nerved, III = IV 5-7-nerved paleate male, IV ellipsoid acuminate transversely rngnlose. Kunth Enum. PI i. 128; Stmd. Syn. Gram. 80; Griseh. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 547. P. bar- batum, Telf. ex Wall. Cat. n. 8689 D. P. costatum, Eoxh. Fl. Ind. i. 312 ; Wall. Gat. I. c. ; .Kuntk I. c. 93 ; Steud. I. c. 64 ; Anderss. in Walp. Ann. vi. 947. P. fasciculatum /3, Nees Agrost. Bras. 152. P. raauritianum. Herb. Willd. ex Sj)reng. Si/st. i. 305. P. paractaenioides, Trin. in Mem. A'lad. Petersh. Ser. 6, iii. II (1835) 219. P. Thouarsianum, Nees ex Steud. I. c. 62. P. plicatum var. costatum. Baker Fl. Maurit. 437. Setaria mauritiana, Spreng. Syst. i. 305 {ex Baker). Cultivated in Hoet. Box. Calc, Wallich. Siam ? Serb. FMayson. — Distrib. Trop. Anier. 8tem.Z-Q ft., slender above, stout branched creeping and rooting below. Leaves 5-8 by ^-1 in., finely acuminate, narrowed to the very narrow base, thin, flaccid, softly hairy on both surfaces ; sheath with hispidly ciliate margins towards the contracted mouth ; ligule obscure. Panicle 3-5 in., ovate-oblong, branches 1-1^ in. Spikelets -J^ in., subsessile, green. — This grass is described as annual by Grisebach, and as perennial by other authors. 49. P. rhachitrichum, BCochst. in Flora, xxvii. (1844) 254; annual, nodes of stem pubescent, leaves plicate, panicle subpyramidal, brancbes slender spreading and pedicels laxly hairy, gl. I minute membranous, II and III subequal ovate-oblong obtuse, III paleate neuter, IV ellipsoid rugulose tip rounded. Parlat. in Hook. Niger Flora, 187; Steud. Syn. Gram. 63. P. cbamaeraphis, Nees ex A. Braun, Ind. Sem. Hart. Berol. (1853), App. 20 ; Anderss. in Walp. Ann. vi. 947. P. bomonymum, Steud. I. c. 48 ; But hie Grass. N. W. Ind. 4 (homogynum). Stjbtkopical Himalaya ; Dehra Dhun, Royle ; Chamba, alt. 5000 ft., Clarice ; Kumaon, Dufhie; Sikkim, alt. 6000 ft. Chota Nagpus and Calcutta, Clarice. DiSTRiB. Africa trop. Stems tufted, erect, 8-18 in., leafy. Leaves 6-8 by 1-li in., flaccid, glabrous or sparsely hairy, base rounded ; margins and mouth of sheath villous. Panicle 2-6 in., branches alternate spreading ; rachis very slender, flexuous, bristle of pedicel twice as long as the spikelet. Spilcelets -^ in., secund, 1-2-seriate, loosely or densely imbricate, sometimes fascicled in the Calcutta specimens, dorsally compressed ; gls. membranous, pale, nerves green ; I 1-3-nerved ; II 5-6-nerved, obtuse ; lil 5-nerved, palea minute. Sect. VIII. GiBBos^. (See p. 25.), * Spikelets usually shortly pedicelled. • 50. P. trigronum, Petz. Gls. iii. 9 (eo'cl. Syn. Burm.); leaves 1-2 in., panicle contracted, branches short, spikelets y^ in. very shortly pedicelled Pantcum.'] clxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker,) 57 hispidnlous, gl. I = about ^ III obtuse or acute 3-uerved, TIT 5-iierved. Xunth Enum. PI. i. 116 ; Nees Agrost. Bras. 206 ; Roxh. Fl. Ind. i. 305 ; Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 359 {in part) ; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PL 205. P. difForme, Roth Nov. Sp. 52. P. gibbum, Stend. I. c. 87. P. radicans, Bulise in Miq. Pl.Jungh. 375; Mig. FL Ind. Bat. iii. 453 (non'Petz). P. repens and' Burmanni, Heyne ex Serb. Wight. Aira repens, Sh. Keyne ex Wall^ Gdf, n. 8743 A.— Panicum, WalL Cat. 8743 A. C. Lower Bengal, Wallich. The Deccan Peninsula, Hei^ne, kc. Ceylon, WalJcer, &c., Thwaites (C.P. n. 8^8).— Distrib. Java. Perennial. Stem as thick as packthread, decumbent branching and interlaced below ; brnnches erect. Leaves linear-lanceolate, jrlabrous or laxly hairy ; sheath glabrous or margin ciliate ; ligule rounded^ Panicle 1-H '"•» rachis and short suberect branches glabrou* ; gl. I-III pale brown j tip of IV naked or bearded. 51. P. pilipes^ Nees Sf Am. ex Buse in Miq. PL Jungh. iii. 376 ; tall, leaves 2-6 in., panicle contracted, branches short with often slender hairs on the pedicels, spikelets y^^ in. very shortly pedicelled glabrous, gl. I = about i III obtuse 3-nerved, III 5-Derved. Wight Gat. n. 2343; Miq, PL Ind. Bat iii. 453; Trim. Cat. CeyL PL 105. P. hermaphroditum, Steud. Syn. Gram. 67; Benih. Fl. AustraL vii. 485. P. oxyphylluni, Hochst. ex Steud. L c. 65. ?F. cmnatum, Presl ReL Haenk. i. 309 {ex Hack, in EngL Bot. Jahrb. vi. (1885) 235).— Pauicumy WalL Cat. n. 8743 B. D. SiKKiM Terai, Clarhe. Khasia Hills, alt. 0-2500 ft., common. Burma, Central Provinces, Nilghiri Hills, alt. 4000 ft., the Malay Peninsula, NicoBAR IsLDS. and Ceylon (C.P. 100, 709, 891).— Distrib. Tonkin, Malaya, Australia, Pacific Islds., Mascarene Islds, and Madagascar. Perennial. Stem 1-2 ft., geniculately ascending from a slender creeping branching base, lower nodes rooting, upper subpubescent. Leaves i-li in. diam., glabrous or sparsely hairy above, puberulous beneath, finely acuminate, base narrow ; sheath glabrous or ciliate, mouth hairy ; ligule I'ounded. Panicle 3-5 in. ; branches rather remote, erect or spreading with short fastigiate brauchlets ; spikelets brown ; gl. IV" wliite, its palea narrow, patent, hard. — The Madagascar and Seychelle Islds. P. mul- tinode, Lamk, is very closely allied, if not the same, in which case that name takes priority. In Nicobar specimens the spikelets are sparsely pubescent. Thwaites regarded pilipes as a form of P. trigonum. • ** Pedicels capillary, much longer than the spikelets. 52. P. patens, Linn. Sp. PL 86 ; stem creeping and rooting below, leaves ovate^to linear-lanceolate glabrous or ciliated below with tubercle- based hairs, panicle contracted or effuse, rachis branches and pedicels capillary, gl. I = ^-f III ovate obtuse 3-nerved, II and III glabrous or with ciliate tips. Burm. Fl. Ind. t. 10, f. 2 ; Spreng. Syst. i. 322 {excL syn, multinode) ; Xunth Enum. PL i. 126 {excl. syn. Roxh.). P. accrescens,, Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 88, (Sf corrigend. vol. iii. ; Kunth L c. 1 16. P. obliquum, Hath Nov. Sp. 51 ; Kunth L c. i03 ; Miq. FL Ind. Bat. iii. 452. P. radi- cans, i2e^«. Ohs. iv. 18; ^ Trin. Pan. Gen. 218; Nees Agrost. Bras. 206; Kunth I c. 216 ; Wight Cat, d. 2344. P. trigonum, in part, T/iw. Enum. PL Zeyl. 359. P. velutinum, Willd. Herb, ex Spreng. I. c. — Panicum, WalL Cai. n. 8738, 8740: Throughout India, from the Lower Himalaya in Garwhal to Sikkim, and the Kb ASIA Hills, ascending to 3000- ft., southward to the Malayan Peninsula and Ceylon. — Distrib. E. tropical Asia and the Malay and Pacific Islds. Stem 1-3 ft., branched below, leafy ; nodes glabrous. Leaves 2-6 by i-5 in., 68 CLXxiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.} iPanicum. thin, finely acuminate j margins and mouth of sheath ciliate ; ligule rounded. Panicle 2-5 in., usually iuclined with spreading glabrous or puberulous branches unked below, and very long distant spreading brauchlets. Spikelets ^^^ in. long. — Very variable in the size of the whole plant and of its leaves and panicle. The smaller forms agree with the specimens of P. patens in the Linnean Herbarium, antl are Wallich's n. 8740, and n. 8738 C; the larger are P. accrescens of Trinius (referred by himself to obliquum, Roth.), and are Wallich's 8738 A. B. D. A small variety ? With larger" spikelets, neatly ^^ in, long, occurs in the Kilghiris {Herb. Wight n. 3047) J at Goodavery Ghats, Lawson; and in Ceylon, at Newera Elia (C.P. n. 886). 53. P. longripes, Wiffht et Am. in Wight Cat. n. 1638; tall, leaves 4-10 in., panicle 5-10 in. fastigiatelj supra-decompound, branches and long pedicels capillary, spikelets J^ in. glabrous, gl. I nearly = III ovate acnminate 3-nerved, II and III acute Aira capillaris, Heyne in Herb. Bottler, 8c in Wall. Ca^.— Panicum, Wall. Gat. n. 8741. NiLQHiKi and Pulnet Hills, Seyne, &c.j Karkun Ghat, alt. 2000 ft., Lavjson. Stem 2-3 ft. and upwards, as thick as a crow-quill, quite smooth, base decumbent. Leaves ^— | in. broad, finely acuminate, narrowed and sparsely hairy at the base, finely puberulous beneath ; sheath nearly glabrous ; ligule rounded. Panicle sub- fastigiately branched ; branches simple sometimes naked below for an inch and more, then fastigiately branched. Spikelets pale brown ; gl. Hand III with sparingly ciliolate tips. — Distinguished from P. patens by the greater size, robuster habit, and much larger spikelets with acute glumes. What may be a small state of it was found at Golaghat, Seebsagur, by Clarice. Compare also the form of P. patens with larger spikelets. 54. P. sparslcoxnum, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 83 ; stem filiform diffusely branched, leaves 1-2^ in. softly pubescent, panicle effuse of few long capillary branches and branchlets, spikelets j\ in. oblong glabrous, gl. I = ^ III faintly 3-nerved, II longest and III ovate-lanceolate acute 5-nerved, IV thin pale. Wight Cat. n. 1635 {name), Agrostis zeylanica? Serb. Wight. ; Klein ex Steud. I. c. 83. Ceylon ; Cookie or Cocklaj, Jan. 23rd, 1796, Heyne in Herb. Eottl. Stems 6-18 in., almost capillary, rooting at the nodes. Leaves \-\ in. broad, acuminate, hairy on both surfaces ; sheaths and their mouths hairy. Panicle on a filiform peduncle, 3-4 in. long and broad. Spikelets few, distant ; gl. IV not so strongly laterally compressed and gibbous as in its allies. — A very distinct species, I think, but not easily characterized. Sect. IX. PSETJDECHINOL.ENA. (See p. 28.) 55. P. uncinatum, Raddi AgroMt. Bras. 41; Trin. Gram. Panic, 174, Sp. Grain. Ic. t. 216; Xunth Enum. PI. i. 172; Steud. Syn. Gram. 60 ; Thw. Enum. PI. Zeylan. 359 ; Trim. Gat. Ceyl. PI. 105. P. echinatum, Willd. ex DoelVin Mart. Fl. Bras. ii. II, 193. P. glandulosum, Nees ex Trin. Gram. Panic. 174. P. heteranthum. Link Enum.. Hort. Berol. i. 212. P. nemorosum /3, Trin. I.e. 174. P. Trinii, Mor. Syst. Verz. Zoll. 102, Echinolaena polystachya, H. B. Sc K. Nov. Gen. 8f Sp. i. 119, t. 679 ; Eunth I. c. i. 172, Suppl. 127. Cenchrus lappaceus, Herb. Heyne. ? Lap- pago aliena, Spreng. Neue Entdeck. iii. 15. — Echinolaena, Wall. Cat. n. 8661. Easteen Himalaya ; from Nepal to Sikkim, alt. 3-6000 ft. Khasia, Naga, Paniciim.] clxxiii. graminb^. (J. D. Hooker.) 59 and MuNNEPORE Hills, alt. 2-5000 ft. Sottth Deccan, on the Shivagerry Hills, WigJit. Ceylon, common — Disteib. Trop. Asia and America. Perennial. Stem decumbent, straggling and branched below ; branches 4-18 in., leafy, slender. Leaves 2-4 in., ovate-Ian oeol ate, membranous, flat, base narrow oblique ; sheath ciliate ; ligule oblong, scarious. Fanicle 1-3 in. ; branches 2-6, distant, spiciform, flexuous, scaberulous. Spikelets ^-^ in., solitary or 2-nate, dimidiate-ovate ; pedicels very short, uncinate, scabrid ; gl. I oblong-lanceolate, acu- minate, keeled, 3-nerved, tip scabrid ; II gibbously cymbiform, acute, 7-nerved, pale dull red, hispid, hairs sometimes hooked; III broadly ovate, obtuse, 7-nerved, paleate, male, green, sides centre and obtuse tip broadly hyaline, lateral nerves approximate ; IV cymbiform, shorter than III, laterally compressed, thinly coriaceous. Lodicules 0. DOUBTFUL AND EXCLUDED SPECIES. P. ABLUDENS, Roem. ^ Schult. 8i/st. ii. 457 j Roth Nov. Sp. 53. P. ramosum, ITei/ne mss. ex Roth I.e. P. paradoxum, Rottl.mss, ex Roem. 8f 8ch. I.e., is evidently a Paspalum. P. ACICULARE, Desv. in Pair. Encycl. Suppl. ii. 274 ; Nees Agrost. Bras. 235 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 116 ; Steud. Sxjn. Gram. 82, is, I suspect, an American species, erroneously described as E. Indian. There is no Indian Panicum at all answering to it. P. ANO-USTATUM, Edgew. in Journ. Beng. As. Sac. xxi. (1852) 157; name only. P. ARANEOSUM, Edgew. vci Index Kewensis, is an error for Pennisetun araneosum, Edgew. (= Penn. lanugiuosum). P. coiJciNNUM, Edgew. I.e. 157, 179, 187; the description will apply to various species. P. PESTUCOIDES, Pair. Encycl. Suppl, iv. 283 j Kunth Enum. PI. \. 131 is un- determinable. P. FLEXUOSUM, Retz. Ohs. iii. 9, and iv. 16 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 83, described as an Indian Plant of Koenig's by Retz., is doubtfully referred to the Brasilian Isachne ventricosa by Doell in Mart. Fl. Bras. ii. II, 274. Retz describes it as being like capillare, Linn., but with the nodes bearded by reflexed hairs. P. ruGAX, Koen. in Naturf. xxiii. (1788) 209 ; Gmel. Syst. 162 ; Kunth I. c. 134, is undeterminable, — Mr. Rendle informs me that this probably refers to a plant alluded to by Koenig in his correspondence (now in the British Museum) as " a decumbent Panicum growing in rice-fields, in which the panicle flowered almost before it had left the sheath, often a larva is found in the flower when the latter perishes otherwise it is caducous." A diseased Panicum (possibly P. psilopodium) bearing the name P. insectiferum^ Koen. mss. in Herb. Mus. Brit, is presumably the plant. — I find diseased spikelets to be frequent in P. psilopodium. P. Heynit, Roth Nov. Sp. 49 ; Kunth I. c. 130 ; Steud. I. c. 80 ; branches of oblong panicle strict divided, base hairy, lowest whorled with fascicled flexuous scabrid branchlets, pedicels solitary alternate, gl. I cordate obtuse embracing the spikelet, leaves sharply serrate, margins and mouth of sheath hairy. P. INPIDUM, Steud. Syn. Oram. 63, is probably a Paspalum. P. KuNTHii, Steud. Nom. Ed. II, ii. 258. P. orthum, Voigt Sort. Suburb. Calcutt. 701 ; P. Pseudostricta, Steud. Syn. ''Gram. 39 ; Digitaria stricta, Roth Nov. Sp. 38; Setaria ? stricta, Kunth Revis. Gram. i. 47, Enum. PI. i. 157. I have failed to identify this plant. It is possibly a Paspalum,. P. liEPENS, Roxb. Ic. ined. t. Ill, 112, 796. Three plants of the section Bra- chiaria thus named are in Roxburgh's collection of drawings, none of them answering to his description of repens in Fl. lud. (which I take to be P. vestitum), nor to the P. repens, Linn. All are represented .as perfectly glabrous, with stem 12-18 in. high, creeping below ; leaves tlat, 4-5 in., strict, narrowed from a rounded base to the top; panicle 4r-6 in.; spikes 10-20, l-l|in. ; spikelets subsessile, about | in., close set, sometimes obscurely paired, green ; gl. I ^-^ III, 5-nerved. In t. Ill the spikes are about 10, distichously spreading. In t. 112 there are about 20 dis- 60 CLXXiii. GiiAMiNE-E. (J. D. Hookei.) [Panicujn. tichously spreading spikes. In t. 796 there are 10, all secund. The grain of t. Ill is ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, with three dorsal lines; oft. 212 ovate-lanceolate, acuminate; of t. 7li6 elliptic-oblong, acute. — It is evident that in this as in other cases, Roxburgh had not named his Icones in accordance with the descriptions prepared for the " Flora Indica." P. SERiCEUM. Soland. in Ait. Hort. Kew, 88, is a West Indian plant erroneously entered as from " Ind. Or." by Steudel. P. simplicissimttm:, Zbe«. in Neue Schrifb. Naturf. xxiii. (1788) 209 {ex Index Keivensis). There is no such species described in the work cited, but Mr. Rendle has pointed out to me that at the bottom of the page Koenig mentions a very fine grass sent by him to Dr. Solander, adding, ** Er hat eine Paniculam simpli- cissimam," P. TENUE, Roxh. Fl. Ind. i. 310 ; stem 1-6 ft. erect, ramous, panicle thin, spike- lets binate on a common hairy pedicel with unequal partial pedicels, gl. Ill paleate, grain ovate transversely waved. — Wild in the Circar Mts. {Roxh.). — Stem sometimes piostrate and rooting. Leaves large, upper surface hairy, margins with very sharp points ; sheaths shorter than the internodes, hairy, mouths bearded. Panicle erect, till fruiting, then bowing as in P. miliaceum, of alternate compound nearly secund racemes ; rachis 4-5-angled, branchlets 3-angled, flexuons hairy. Spikelets smooth, gls. many-nerved. III male in luxuriant plants. — I have altered Roxburgh's phraseology to bring it into harmony with that of this work. I have seen no plant answering to the above description except perhaps a small state of P. maximum. P. TRACHYPTJS, Trin. Panic. Gen. 170 ; rays suhracemiform, shortly compound from the base alternate, ray lets spreading, pedicels very short, spikelets lineal obovate submucronulate pubescent, gl. 13-4 times shorter than the spikelet, 3-nerved, II 5-nerved, 4 mucronate rugose. Leaves glabrous lanceolate from a cordate base. — Nepal. P. TRJFLORUM, Edgew. in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxi. (1853), 157, 179 ; Duthie Grass. If. W. Ind. 7, Fodd. Grass. If. Ind. 13 j Edgewortns description will apply to various species. 6. ICHNANTKVS, Swartz. ' Aninial or perennial branching grasses. Leaves broad. Spikelets 1-2-fld., long panicled, ovate or lanceolate, terete, articulate (but often per- sistent) on their pedicels. Glumes 4, I II and III subequal or II longest, strongly nerved ; III paleate or not, male or neuter ; IV mucb shortest, stipitate, paleate, bisexual, oblong or oblong- lanceolate, stipes with, an anticous simple or 2-fid or 2 lateral appendages. Lodicules 2, minute. Styles free, exserted apically. Stamens 3. Grain coriaceous, acute or acuminate, polished, articulate at the base of the stipes. — Species about 20, tropical. This genus differs from Panicum in the appendaged base of gl. IV. 1. Z. pallens, Munro in Benth. Fl. Hongh. 414; stem slender elon- gate, leaves broadly lanceolate, panicle open, rachis and subsecund branches slender, gls. spreading, I ovate-lanceolate acuminate. III paleate neuter or male, IV when mature exposed, turned on one side, oblong obtuse, appendages 2 adnate to its sides. Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 361 ; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 105. Panicum pallens, Swartz Proclr. 23, Fl. Ind. Occ. i. 164 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 89 ; Nees Agrost. Bras. 137 ; Trin. Sp. Gram Ic. t. 211 ; Griseh. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 550. P. vicinum, Baily Syn. Queensland Fl. iii. 82. Apluda Zeygites, Auhl. PI. Guian. ii. 933 {excl. Syn.). .PAgrostis nutans, Poir. Fncycl. Svppl. i. 255. IcUn'anthu?.'] clxxiit. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 61 SiKKTM Himalaya; ascending to 3500 ft. Khasia Hills, alt. 1-4000 ft., Assam, and Bengal.— Ceylon, alt. 4000 ft. — Distrib. Tropics generally. Stem 1-2 ft., weak, d^'cunibent ; loosely branched, more or less pubescent. Leaves 3-6 by ^-1 in., broadly-lanceolate, thin, flat, caudate-acuminate, scabernlous ; base rounded or cordate, ciliate; sheath lax; lio:nle a few hairs. Panicle ^-^ in., uni- lateral; brandies erect or spreading, and pedicels scabernlous. SpiJcelets ^ in. long, green ; gl. l-IU persistent, keels scabrid ; I more than \ III, ovate-lanceolate, sub- aristate, 3-nerved, II acuminate 5-nerved ; III obtuse 5-nerved, palea large; IV = ^ III deciduous, smooth, pale, turned half round so that the long diam. is at right angles to the plane of the spikelets ; appendages obscure. — The oblique position of the grain is very peculiar. 2. Z. foliolosus, Munro in Kerb. Keio ; dwarf, hispidly hairy, fastigiately branched from the base, leaves short almost subulate, spike- lets ^ in. in short panicles half immersed in the leafy tips of the short branches erect, gl. I neaily=III 5-nerved, II longer than HI sub- aristate, HE epaleate 5-nerved, IV ellipsoid acute, appendage minute anticous 21obed. Panicum foliolosum, Wall. Cat. n. 8680. Burma; Ava, Wallich; Mengoon, J. Anderson. Densely tufted, 6-8 in. high, stiff, branches suberect or prostrate to the tips. Leaves 1-li by xo~6 i"-' ^^^» strongly many-nerved, clothed like the short sheatlis and panicles with spreading hairs ; ligule of rigid hairs. Panicles with short erect angular branches. Spikelets green, tips scabrid; gl. IV much shorter than III, stipitate, base truncate. — A very peculiar species. 6. TKYSANOZiABNA, Nees. A very large glabrous grass ; stem solid. Leaves broad, flat. Panicle very large, effuse, with myriads of crowded long filiform compound sub- erect branches and branchlets bearing innumerable subsecund very minute 1-fld. spikelets which are jointed on very short pedicels. Glumes 4 ; I and II minute, concave, obtuse, awnless ; I shortest nerveless ; II nerveless ; III much longer, epaleate, empty, coriaceous, acuminate, 1-nerved, harden- ing; IV rather shorter membranous, oblong, acute, clothed with white erect hairs, palea short, truncate. Stamens 2-3, anthers short. Styles free. Grain most minute, free within the hardened glumes. T. AgTOStis, Nees in Edinh. new Phil. Journ. xviii (1835) 180; Steud. Syn. Gram. 119. T. maxima, Herb. 0. Kuntze. T. acarifera. Am. Sc Nees in Nov. Act. Nat. Citr. xix. Suppl i. (1843) 181 ; Wall. Gat. n. 8882; Lishoa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Sac. v. (1890) 347 ; Duthie Grass N. W. Ind. IS, Fodd. Grass. N.Ind.2l. Panicum acariferam, Trin. Sp. Gram. Jc. t. 87' ; Baker Fl. Maurlt. 437 ; Miq. FL Ind. Bat. iii. 517. P. Amlisa, Herb. Ham. ex Wall. I. c. 0. Myriachaeta arundinacea, ZoU. Sf Mar. Sy.H. Verz. Zoll. 101 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 404. M. glauca, Mar. ex Steud. l. c. 404 ; Zoll. Syst. I. c. Melica latifolia, Boxb. Fl. Ind. i. 328. Agrostis maxima, Boxb. I. c. 317. A. latifolia, Heyne in Herb. Eottl. {non Trevir.). A. scoparia, Koenig ex Herb. Rottl. {nun Steud.). Arundo montana, Herb. Ham. ex Wall. I. c. B. Subtropical Himalaya, from Kumaon eastwards and the Khasia Hills, alt. 4 5000 ft. Behar ; on Parus-n;ith. The Deccan, Burma; Nicobae Isli^s., and Penang. — Distrib. Eastw. to New Guinea. Stem 4-12 ft., sometimes as thick as the little fingor. Leaves 1-2 ft. by 2-4 in., coriaceous, tapering to a fine point, base cordate ; mouth of shejiths hairy ; ligule 62 CLXxiii. GEAMiNEJE. (J. D. Hooker) [TJiysanoJaena. short., ciliate. Panicle 1-2 ft, soft, quite glabrous. Spikelets -J^ in., pale yellow, rather shining, very obscurely jointed on the pedicels which are jointed on the branches. — Myriachaeta glauca, Mor., was founded on the erroneous supposition that its gl. IV was hairless. The spikelets are sometimes viviparous. 7. CKAMAXSBAFKZS, Br. Glabrous marsh, or aquatic grasses. Leaves linear or lanceolate. Spikelets 1-2-fid., subsessile and subsecund on the branches of a simple panicle whicb are produced in an awn-like bristle beyond the terminal spikelet, obscurely articulate on their pedicels, narrowly lanceolate. Glumes 4, I very small, truncate, hyaline, nerveless ; II longest, acuminate or narrowed into rigid awn, 6-many-nerved ; III lanceolate acute or aristately acuminate paleafce male or neuter ; TV very small, oblong, hyaline, fem. or bisexual ; palea hyaline. Lodicules of male fl. cuneiform. Stamens 3. Styles free. Grain linear-oblong, compressed; free within the gl. — Species 6-6, trop. As. and Austral. Besides the spikelets on the branches of the panicle, there are often one or more on the peduncle below the panicle, which are appressed, and sometimes somewhat sunk in a groove of the peduncle. The species are very variable. 1. C. spinescens, Poir Encycl. ii. 189 ; stems elongate rather stout, panicle pyramidal or contracted, branches with one few or many spikelets each ^-\ in., glume III aristately acuminate many-nerved, lY obtuse. Bf^nth. FL Austral, vii. 499 ; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PL 106. 0. aspera, Nees in Wall. Gat n. 8679; Wight Cat. n. 1655; C. paradoxa, Poir. I.e., Kunth Enum. PI. i. 148, Suppl. 105. C. spinosa, Beauv. ex Schult. Mant. ii. 253. Panicum asperum, ICoen. in Naturf. xxiii. (1788) 209 ; Wight ex Sfeud. 8yn. Gram. 49 ; Thwaites Enum. PL Zeyl. 4"6. P. spinescens, Br. Prodr. 193; Kunth Enum. PL i. 131. P. ischseraoides, Heijne ex Wall. I.e. P. squarrosum, Lam^. Encycl. iv. 743 ; Kunth Enum. PL i. 131. Andropogon squarrosus, Linn. Herb. Echinochloe squarrosa, Roem. & Sch. Syst. ii. 479. Orthopogon squarrosus, Spreng. Syst. i. 307. Setaria longiflora, Desv. Opusc. 81. Marwae ; on Mt. Aboo, King. Banda, Duthie. Lower Bengal, Roxburgh, Griffith, &c. South Deccan Peninsula, Heyne, Wight, &c. Ceylon, Ferguson Glennie. — Distrib. China, Malaya, Australia. Floating in much branched masses, with leafy stems 1-3 ft., and panicles 2-4 in. long, varying very much in the number and size of their spikelets. Leaves 1-3 in., and their somewhat inflated sheaths smooth or scaberulous. Spikelets \-i in. long. Var. Brunoniana ; spikelets one or two on the branches of the panicle i-^ io. long. Panicum Brunonianum, Griff Ic. PI. Asiat. t. 145 and 139, f. 107. P. (Chamaeraphis) intermedium, and Pseudoraphis Brunoniana, Qr/ff. Notul. iv. 29. Holcus natans, Herh. Boxb. — Lower Bengal, Roxburgh, Griffith.- — Tonkin, Australia. Var. depauperata ; slender, leaves very short, panicle short contracted, spikelets A in. C. depauperata, Nees in Wight Cat. n. 1654; Steud. St/n. Qravi. 49; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PL 106. Panicum sordid um, Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 443.— Jheels of Bengal, the Deccan and Ceylon. 2. C. gracilis, Hack, in EngL Bot Jahrh. vi. 326 ; branches of panicle many simple with many minute spikelets yV^ i^- ^ong. LowEE Bengal; Clarke. Cachar, Keenan. Burma, Zmj-^.— Disteib. Ton 1; in. Stems 6-8 in., decumbent and rooting at the nodes, geniculately ascending, Chamaer aphis.} clxxiii. graminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) 63 branches slender ; internodes 1-2 in. Leaves 1-1^ by i-i in., spreading-, strict, linear, acute, striate, base rounded, glabrous or sparsely hairy ; sheaths broad, loose, membranous, compressed, 2-auricled, glabrous; ligule short, hyaline, toothed. Panicle shortly exserted beyond the upper sheath, 1-2 in. long, racliis and erecto- patent subsimple branches capillary, smooth. Spikelets very shortly pedicelled, gret-n or brownish; gl. I truncate ; II straight, sometimes long-acuminate or almost beaked, glabrous or obscurely sparsely hairy, nerves close, strong; III \-^ shorter than II, subacute; IV" about \ III. — Very near the Australian C. ahortiva, Poir. (C. spifiescens var. parvispicula, Benth.) which has a lax panicle with few branches and spikelets. 8. SPZNZFZSX, Linn. Stout, rigid, busby, polygamo-dioecioas grasses. Leaves long, rigid, involute. Male spikelets 2-lld., sabsessile, articulate on rigid peduncled spikes, which are collected in umbels surrounded by spathaceoas leafy- bracts ; glumes 4, membranous, not awned ; I and II empty; III and IV" paleate, triandrous. Fem. spikelets collected in large globose heads of stellately spreading very long rigid rod-like rachides, surrounded by shorter subulate bracts ; eacb spikelet solitary, and articulate at the very base of a rachis, lanceolate, 2-fld. Glumes I, II, III, as in tbe male, but larger; III paleate, empty or triandrous; IV fem. Lodicules 2, large, nerved. /S'^yZes long, free; stigmas shortly feathery. Grain free within the hardened glumes. — Species 4 ; an Indian and 3 Australasian. S. SQuarrosus, Linn. Mant. ii. 300; glabrous, glaucous, leaves pungent, male spikes 2-3 in., spikelets distant, fem. spikelets concealed bv the bracts. LamJc. lUust. t. 840 ; Kunth Enwm. PL i. 17r> ; Wall. Oct?^. n. 8631 ; Steud. 8yn. Gram. IV6 ; Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 362; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 106 ; Elliott Fl. Adrh. 163 ; Lisboa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Sist. 8oc. V. (1890) 339; Dutkie Grass. N.W. Ind. 11 ; Benth. Fl. Hongk. 415 ; Mlq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 474. S. dioicus. Ham. ex Pritz. Icon. Index, 1058. Stipa littorea, Burm. f. Fl. Ind: 29. S. spinifex, Linn. Mant. i. 84. — Bheede Sort. Mai. xii. t. 75. Sandy coasts of both Peninsulas, Burma, and Ceilon. — Distrib. Java, China. A squarrose gregarious bush, several feet high and broad. Leaves 4-6 in. ; sheaths often imbricating; ligule very short, hirsute. Peduncles of male 2-3 in. ; scaberulous, tips naked, pungent. Male spikelets ^-^in.; gls. thin, all glabrous, I and II subequal, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, 7-9-nerved, nerves scaberulous ; III rather longer, 5-nerved, paleate ; IV shorter, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, 5- nerved; paleas of III. and IV. narrowly lanceolate, keels ciliate. Fem. spikelets I in., narrowly lanceolate ; gls. all glabrous, I oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, man>- iierved, nerves scaberulous ; II rather shorter, acute, 7-nerved; III like II, 5-nerved; IV ovate-lanceolate, abruptly narrowed above the middle and acuminate, 5-nerved ; palea shorter but broader than the gl., acute, 2-nerved, keels smooth, style very long, branches slender. 9. AXONOPUS, Beauv. Perennial grasses. Spikelets 2-fld., articulate with the pedicel, sessile or subsessile in whorled or digitate spikes, awned. Glumes 4, I shortest, ovate, acuminate or cuspidate, glabrous, 3-nerved ; II ovate-lanceolate, acuminate or awned, 5-nerved, lateral nerves marginal villous ; III oblong, acute, 5-nerved, paleate, male, palea very short 2-fid or 2-partite ; IV = II, 64 * CLTXTii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hookei.) [Aa-onopug. oblong or ovate, coriaceous, narrowed into a straight subulate awn ; palea oblong, coriaceous, 2-nerved. Lodicules ciineate. Stamens 3, anthers loug. Styles distinct. Grain small, subttrbicular, free within the glumes. A natural g;euu8, remarkable for the smaU cleft palea of gl. III. It was established by Bcauvois on Panicum clniicinum, Retz, to which other grasses having no affinity with it were added. Kanth erred in taking np Beauvois Urochloa (which is Panicam javanicuniy Poir) and placing A. cimicinum in it. 1. A> cimiclnus, Beauv. Agrost. 12 ; leaves ovate or ovate-lanceolate, spikes subverticillate. Panicum cimicinum, Retz. Obs. iii. 9 ; Bottl. in Neue Srhrift. Ges. Naturf. Freund. iv. (1803) 191, 194 ; Boxh. Fl. Ind. i. 295; Thw. Enum. PL Zeyl. 358; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI 104. P. conjugatum, Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 291. Urochloa cimicina, Kunth Revis. Gram. i. 31, ii. 56, t. 103, Enum. PL i. 74, Suppl 56 ; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. FL 289. Coridochloa cimicina, Nees in Edinh. N. PhiL Journ. xv. (1833) 381. C. fimbri^ta, Nees ex Wight Gat. 1656; WalL Gat. n. 8749; Aitchis. Cat. Panjah PL 158. Milium cimicinum, Linn. Mant. 184. Throughout India, in the plains and lower hills, Burma, Penang and Ceylon. — DiSTRiB. Malaya, China. Stem 1-2 ft., tufted, stout or slender, erect, or decumbent and geniculate at the base, and leaves hirsute with long spreading white hairs, rarely glabrescent. Leaves 1-3 by ^-1 in., acute or obtuse, flat, green, striate, ciliate, base deeply cor- date, ligule obsolete. Spikes 3-8 in a whorl, 1-6 in. long ; rachis filiform, simple or divided, scaberulous ; flowerless below. Spikelets |-^ in. long, solitary or clustered, very shortly pedicelled, dorsally compressed, pale, rather shilling; gl. I acuminate ; II mucronate or shortly awned ; III acute; IV with a setiform awn. 2. A> semi-alatus, Hook. f. ; leaves long linear, spikes few sub- digitate. Panicum semi-alatum, Br. Prodr. i. 192; Benth. FL AusfraL vil. 472; Thw. Fnum. PL Ze^^L 368; Trim. CaL GeyL PL 104. P. viaticum. Griff. Ic. PL Asiat. t. 145, f. 2. Blutfia Eckloniana, Nees in LindL Introd. Nat. Syst. Ed. II 447. Coridochloa semi-alata, Nees in Edinb. New PhiL Journ. XV. (1833) 381. Urochloa semi-alata, Kunth Bevis. Gram. i. 311, Enum. PL i. 74. Oplismenus semi-alatus, Desv. Opusc. 81. Arundinella ISchultzii, Benth. I. c. 545. Aira viatica. Griff. NotuL iii. 54. Holosetum philippinense, Steud. L c. — Coridochloa, WalL Cat. n. 8758. Subtropical Himalaya, alt. 4-6500 ft., from Kumaon to Sikkim. The Khasia Hills, alt. 4-5000 ft.; Munnepore; Burma, Collet; Beuar on Parusnath 3-5000 ft. Ceylon up to 5000 ft. — Distkib. Mauritius, S. Africa, China, Philippines, Australia. Stems 1-3 ft., densely tufted, ba^s thickly clothed with the woolly remains of old leaf-sheaths. Leaves 8-12 by ^-^ in., glabrous or pubescent, finely acuminate; ligule obscure. Spikes 2-b, 3-6 in. long; rachis slender subflexuous, smooth or hairy. Spikelets ^^ in., pale or brown, solitary or in distant pairs, sessile or pedicelled. 10. TRXCKOXiH:NA« Schrad. Erect, tufted, annual or perennial grasses. Leaves narrow. Spikelets 1-2 fld., articulate on their pedicels, panicled, laterally compressed, clothed with long silky hairs, callus stipitiform. Glumes 3 or 4, I if present very small, often inserted much below III ; II and 111 subequal, membifanous, broadly ovate, mucronate or awned, dorsally rounded ; III paleate, trian- drous ; IV very thin, shining, fem. or bisexual. Lodicules 2, minute, dolabri- form. Grain loose within the gls. — Species many, chiefly S. African. Tricliolcena.'] clxxih. ORAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 65 A genus the characters of which cannot be satisfactorily determined till a great many indetermiued species are examined. It dirters from Panicum in the villous or silky awned spikelets with membranous glumes. The two Indian species differ remarkably in the form of gl. IV. 1. T. Teneriffee, Parlat. in Webb Sf Berth. Vhyt. Ganar. iii. 425, Fl. Ital. i. 130 ; perennial, gl. I minute or obsolete, IV sessile ovate-lanceolate acuminate margins incurved. T. micrantha, Schrad. in Sch. Mant. ii. 163; Nees in Ann. Sc. Nat. Ser. II yi. (1836) 106. Panicum plumosum, Presl Fl. Sic. i. 43. P. saccharoides, Trln. Gram. Panic. 245. P. TenerifPffi, ^r. Prodr. 189 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 98, Suppl. 75. P. villosum, Presl Gram. & Gyp: Sic. 18. Saccharum Teneriffse, Linn. f. Suppl. lOQ; Jacq.f. Eclog. Gram. 51, t. 34 {excl. 8yn.) ; Biv. Bern. Stir p. Sic. Bar. iv. 6, t. 1. Sibtk. Fl. Grsec. i. t. 53 {excl. Anal.). Agrostis plumosa, Ten. Fl. Nap. Prodr. Suppl. i. 59. Western Panjab, Falconer; alt, 3500 ft., Stewart. Scind, Stocks.— Histrib. Westward to Sicily and N. Africa. Stems many from a woody stock, geniculate below, slender, rigid. Leaves very slender, convolute, rigid, glabrous; mouth of sheath bearded; ligule, a narrow mem- brane. Panicle 2-4 in. rather open, branchlets and pedicels capillary. Spikelets ■Yo-Q ^^'t white or purplish, silky with spreading hairs; gls. II and III ovate acute or mucronate, concave ; IV articulate at the base, white or brown, shining. 2. T. Wig-htii, Nees & Am. ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 93 ; annual, gl. I very sm^ll linear, I Y ellipsoid obtuse convolute. Nees in Wight Gat. n. 2345 ; Lishoa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. v. (1890) 347. T. micrantha, Schrad. in Sch. Mant. ii. 163; Schmidt Beitr. Fl. Gap. Verd. 153. T. tuberculosa, Hack. mss. Rhynchelytrum Wightii, Duthie Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 21. Panicum megalanthum, Steud. Syn. Gram. 93. Saccharum Teneriffae, Pari, in Sook. Niger Flora, l83 {excl. Syn.). Aira chinensis, Itetz. Obs. iii. 10.— Tricholsena, Wall. Gat. n. 8660. Rajpootana ; Ajmeer and Oodeypore, Duthie. The Deccan, Heyne, Wight. — DiSTEiB. Arabia, Cape Verd Islds. Stems 6-18 in,, tufted, stout or slender. Leaves 1-3 in., linear, acuminate, flat, and sheaths glabrous or hairy; ligule obsolete. Panicle 2-4 in., very narrow; branches and pedicels capillary, flexuous. SpiTcelets very variable in size, ^-^ in. long; stipitiform callus gibbous, bearded; gl. I yV-- ny ^^- linear-oblong, obtuse, concave spreading; II and III tumid below, subrostrate, awned below the acute or obtuse tip, nerves smooth or tubercled ; awn very slender, not twisted, longer than the gl. or shorter, palea of III narrow, keels ciliate ; IV very thin, margins often overlapping. — The great variability in the size of the spikelets is very deceptive. It is not known where in the Deccan Heyne's and Wight's specimens were collected. 11. OPZiISBZISNUS, Beauv. Weak grasses ; stems decumbent below, leafy. Leaves thin, flat, ovate to lanceolate'; ligule a ridge of hairs. Spikelets 1-fld., sessile or subsessile, fascicled on a simple terminal spike or on panicled spikes. Glumes 4, I short, 3-nerved, long-awned, awn straight ; II short, awn short or 0 ; III longest, 5-nerved, paleate or not, empty ; IV lanceolate, terete and with its palea hardened. Stamens 3, anthers linear. Styles distinct. Grain free within the glumes. — Species few, very variable. Of the 30 or more reputed species of Oplismenus, Burmannii and compositus seem VOL. YII. £ 66 CLxxiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) [OpUsmenus. to be the most distinct, for undulatif alius, though constant over wide areas, is only a form of compositus with the branches of the panicle represented by one or a few sessile or subsessile spikelets. 1. O. undulatifolius, Beauv. Agrost. 54; spikelets solitary or clustered in a simple terminal spike. Kunth Bevis. Gram. i. 44, Enum. PI. i. 139, Swppl. 101 ; Farlat. Fl. Bal. i. 123 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 442 ; Franch. 8f Sav. Fl. Japon. ii. 654; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monoc. i. n. 28 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 8. O. acuminatus, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 46. O. sBmulans, flaccidus & imbecillis, Boem. Sc Sch. Syst. ii. 487. O. 9dmxx\u9, Kunth Bevis. i. 44. 0. latifolius {error for nndn latifolius) -Her&. Strach.'Sf Winterb.; AHcUs. Cat. Panjah PI. 161; DutUe I. c. 8. 0. . parvifolins,Zww^/i 45. O. setariiis, Boem. Sj- Sch. I. c. Ortliopogon gonyr- rhizus, Miq. FL Ind. Bat. iii. 443 ; Orth. hirtellus, semulus & flaccidus, Br. Prodr. 194. Orth. setariua, Spreng. Syst. Veg. 306 ; Griseh. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 545. Orth. undulatifolius, Spreng. Syst. i. 306; Beichb. Fl. Germ. F!xcurs. i. 23, In. Fl. Germ. i. t. 28. Orth. nndulatus, Link Hort. Bef. Berol. i. 203. Panicum barbifultum, Sochst. PI. Sohenack. n. 1279, ex - Schlecht. in Linnsea, xxxi. 307. P. Burmanni, Schrenk PI. Exsicc. Gent. iii. D. 68; Balb. Misc. Bat. i. 8. P. gonyrrhiznra, Steud. I. c. 44. P. liirtellum, All. Fl. Pedem. ii. 240. P. imbecille, Trin. I.e. t. 191 ; Wulf. in Jacq. Collect, i. 263 ; Schrad. Fl. Germ. i. 242. P. setarium, Lamk. III. i. 170; Poir. Encycl. iv. 741; Pers.Syn.i. 82. P. undulatif olium, ^rc?«^»«. ^ Sp/AljJU, t. 4 ; Gand. Agrost. Eelvet. i. 28 ; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 192 ; ^ IS^cKSyn. Fl. Germ. Ed. ii. 892. P Setaria hirtella, Schult. Mant. ii. 276. ^\ Temperate Himalaya, alt. 6-9000 ft., from Kashmir to Sikkim. Khasia [ , ) Hills, alt. 4-5000 ft., Nilghiei Hills. — Disteib. Central and S. Europe, warm '^ regions generally. Stem 1-2 ft., usually very slender, simple or branched below. Leaves lJ-6 by ^1 in., from ovate to narrow lanceolate, finely acuminate, glabrous or sparsely hairy ; sheaths glabrous or hirsute. Spike 2-5 in. ; rachis glabrous or pilose with spreading hairs ; lower clusters of spikelets rarely produced into a very short spike. Spikelets \-\ in. (excl. awns), solitary with a second reduced to an awn, or clustered, glabrous or nearly so. Gl. I 3-nerved, ciliate; awn f in. or less; II usually awned, 5-nerved ; III acute or shortly awned, 7-nerved, palea narrow or 0. — Though as observed under the genus, this grass is only a form of compositus, it keeps its characters of the inflorescence throughout its distribution, and may hence be regarded as distinct. The Nilghiri form {acuminatus, Nees) has very narrow leaves, 3-4 by \-\ in. It is remarkable that no specimen of this species should exist in the Wallichian Herbarium. 2. O. cpxfiposltus, Beauv. Agrost. 54 ; stem usually tall from a decumbent base, leaves 2-7 in. lanceolate, spikes 4-10 1-6 in. long or more, spikelets usually loosely imbricate, awns rather stout pale or dark. Kunth Enum. Pl.i. 141 ; Trin. Sp. Gi^am. Ic. t. 188, 189, 190; Benth. Fl. Austral. vii. 491; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 105; Aitchis. Gat. Punjab. PI. 161; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 81. O. brasiliensis, Baddi Agrost. Bras. 40. O. brom- oides, Baher in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxi. (1885) 452. 0. Burmanni, Thw. Enum. 358 ; Hochst. PI. Holien. n. 368 {non Beauv.). O. decompositus, Nees in Endl. Prodr. Fl. Norfolk. 19. 0. elatior & loliaceus, Beauv. I. c. ; Kunth I. c. 142. 0. hirtellus, Boem. Sc Sch. Syst. ii. 481. O. indicus, Willd. in Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. iv. 224. O. Jacquini, Kunth Bevis. Gram. i. 44, 45, Enum. i. 140, 146. O. lanceolatns, Kunth 11. cc. 45. 146 ; Wall. Gat. n. 8676 ; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 292. 0. latifolius, Sxnke es Steud. Nom. OpUsmenus.] clxxiii. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 67 JEd. IT ii. 220. 0. "pratensis, Schult. Mant. ii. 597. O. sylvaticus, Roem. 8)- Sek. I. c. 481 ; Kunth Bevis. i. 44, Enum. i. 139, Suppl. 101. Orthopogon compositus, Br. Prodr. 194 ; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. Orth. Junghuhnii, Nees ex Miq. I.e. 4<4Ai. Orth. longeracemosus & sylvaticus, Miq. I. c. Orth. pratensis, & loliaceus, Spreng. Sy>it..\. 306. Orth, remotus, Trin. Fund. Agrost. 181. Panicum aristatum, Betz. Ohs. v. 17. P. biden- tatiim & certificanduin^ Steud. I. c. 44, 45. P. compositurn, Linn. Sp. PL b7 ; Trin. 8p. Gram. Ic. t. 187 ; Steud. L c. 44 ; Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 379 ; Benth. Fl. Hongk. 411 ; Baker Pi. Maurit. 439. ' P. composito-proximum, Bottl. Ges. Naturf. Fr. Neue Schrift. iv. (1804) 224. P. elatius, Juinn.f. Suppl. 107. P. lanceolatum, Retz. Ohs. v. 17 ; Boxh. Fl. Ind. i. 294 ; Steud. I.e. 48. P. longeraceniGSum, Steud. I.e. 45. P. peninsulanum, Steud. I. c. 44. P. sylvaticum, Lamk. Encycl. iv. 733 ; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 190 A.; Ste7id. Z.c. 45. P. undatnm, Steud. Norn. Ed. II. ii. 264. P. Tinguinosum, Herh. Banks ex Roxh. Fl. Ind. i. 294. Echinocliloa lanceolata, Boem. & Sell. I. c. 476. ?E. l;iirta, Schult. Mant. ii. 270. Hekatercsachue elatior, Steud. I.e. US. Digitaria composita, Wllld. Enum. Berol. i. 91. Andropogon undatus, Jacq. Goll. iii. 237, t. 631. — Orthopogon sp. Griff. Notul. iii. 43. Throughout India, from Kashmir to Upper Assam, Munnepore, and Burma (up to S'iOO ft. in Sikkim) and southward to the Andaman and Nicobar Islds., Penang and Ceylon. — Disteib. most trop. regions (except Australia). Stem 1-3 ft., stout or slender, branched from the base and sometimes upward?. Leaves very variable, 1^-1^ in. broad ; sheaths ghibrous, pilose or hirsute. Racemes 2-6 in., stout or slender ; rachis glabrous, pilose or hispid ; spikes ^-3 in. long, erect or spreading, green or purplish. Spikelefs ^-i in. (excl. awns) solitary or in rather distant pairs or fascicles, appressod to the rachis or spreading, glabrous or with few or many bristles longer than the glumes at the base, rarely softly hairy ; gls. pale green or reddish purple, I short, 3-nerved, ciliate, awn ^ in. to nearly f in., slender flexuous, pale yellowish or dark stouter and stitf; II longer or shorter than I, 5-7-nerved, acute, awn much shorter than of I or 0 ; III longer and broader than II; III acute or obtuse, 7-9-nerved, tip hispid, palea narrow or 0; IV lanceolate, terete, acuminate, and its hardened palea yellowish shining. — I am unable to group the Indian form of this most variable grass under practicable varieties. The following are indications of prevalent states, of which 6 is very aberrant. 1. Tall, stout, leaves 4-6 in., sheaths glabrous or hirsute, spikes and stout rachis of panicle more or less hirsute with long cilia, stout dark purplish awns often black. Wall. Cat. 8676 D, Gb A. (left-hand specimen). Pan. elatius, Heyne ^ P. decompo- situs, Nees, in Herb. Wight n. 222, 1651. Andropogon undatus, Jacq. — Sikkim, Assam, Silhet, Burma and the Deccan. 2. Dwarf, branches short stout decumbent, leaves f-1 in. ovate green or purplish^ sheaths hirsute, panicle erect, spikes erect stout glabrous or pubescent, and s pikelets green or purple, awns short ^-^ in. stout. — Oudh forests, Assam, Chittagong. 3. Slender, leaves 2-3 in., ovate-lanceolate, sheaths hirsute, panicle long very slender drooping rachis and very slender spikes finely pubescent, spikelets distant subsilky, awns very slender. — Sikkim alt. 1-3000 ft. Munnepore 4750 ft. 4. Tall, stout and much branched, or slender, leaves 4-7 in. lanceolate, sheaths glabrous, -spikes many long stout or slender erect or drooping, rarely dark-colrd., spikelets rather distant very many glabrous or sparingly setose at the bnse, awn stout or slender. 0. lanceolatus, Kunth, Wall. Cat. 8676 A. B. C. H. L. O. com- positus, Kunth, &c. — The commonest form. 5. Same as 4, but always slender, with glabrous sheaths and rachis of panicle, fewer very slender smooth spikes, with few distant quite glabrous spikelets, awns slender pale. 0. indicus, Wight Herh. n. 63, 1652 and lanceolatus, n. 2332. O. lanceolatus, Wall. Cat. 8676 E. F. M.— A reduced form of 4, and quite as common. F 2' 68 CLXxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) [OpUsmenus. 6. Slender, diffusely branched below ; spikes few, distant, very slender ; spikelets few, silkily villous, pale green, gl. I 3-5-nerved ; II 5-7-nerved ; III 7-9-nerved, its palea narrow tip ciliate. — Of this there are three forms or varieties, a, stem 2 ft., ratlier stout, leaves 3-4 in. linear-lanceolate, spikes 2-3 in., awns ^ in. — Penang, Curtis, n. 1102. — b, Very slender, leaves 1-1|^ in., awns shorter. O. indicus, Wight Cat. n. 1652. — Ceylon, Thwaites (CP. 3963) — o. very slender, leaves f-1 in., spikes 2-3, short, gC I as long as its awn, — Ceylon, Thwaites (CP.. 3964). ^ 3. O. Burmani^iiy Bemiv. Agrost. 64 ; decumbent, flaccid, leaves ^-1 in., spikes "^-5 short, spikelets secund closely imbricate awns pale capillary. Boem. 4* Sch. Syst. ii. 484. Kunth Bevis. Grain, i. 44, Enum. i. 139, Suppl. 101 ; Trin. Sp.'Gram. Ir. t. 193 ; Dalz. 8r Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 291 ; N.E. Br. in Gard. Citron. (1886) ii. 776 ; Franch. 8r Sav. Enum. Fl. Jap. ii. 160 ; Wight Gat. n. 1650; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 8, Indig. Fodd. Grass, t. 47, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 13. 0. africanns, Beauv. Fl. Owar. ii. 16, t. 68, f. 1 ; Kunih Enum. i, 141. 0. aibus, hoem. dc Sch. Si/st. ii. 890. 0. brasiliensia^ Baddi Agrost. Bras. 4(10T*'*t5".1)romoides, Beauv. Agrost. 54 ; IS^ofer^^tortTmaurit. 366. O. Hnmboldtianus, ^eeT' Agrost Bras. 264; Fresl Bel. ffsenk. i. 322. TTTlncrrcus, IToew. ^ Sch. I.e. 484; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 8. QxJthQPOgon'TO'fmanni, Br. Frodr. 194; Miq.Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 442 ; Reichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. i. t. 28. Orth. albus^JVees ex Steud. I. c. 44 ; Miq. I. c. Panicum Burmanni, Betz. Ohs. iii. TO; Boxb. Fl. Ind. i. 298 ; Trin. Sp. yTrMTTcTri^^ Salter El, Maurit. 438. P. album & africannm, Foir. Encycl. Suppl. iv. 274, 275. P. bromoides, Lamk'. 171. i. iftf^^ncycl. iv. 742. P. hirtellum, Burm. ft' Ind. 24, t. 13, f. 1 {non Linn); Steud. I. c. 44. ''**Pr]aponicum, Steud. in Flora xxix. (1846) 18. P. mnlf.iHP.tnm. Eochst PI. Schimp. Abyss, n. 1469; A Rich. Terd. Fl. Abyss, ii. 377. Echinocliloa hirtella, Schult. Mant. ii. 269.— Oplismeiius, Wall. Gat. 8677, 8678. Plains or India, from Rohilkund to Bengal, Silhet and Chittagong, ascending the Himalaya in Sikkim to 5000 ft. Behab and Cbnteal India, Ceylon, Jaffna (Herb. Rottl,); Ferguson. — Distrib. Malay Islds., China, Japan, Afr. trop. Diffusely branched and rooting below, stems often almost filiform. Leaves always small, sheaths glabrous or hairy. Panicle 1-4 in., inclined or nodding; spikes rarely 1 in., very pale, rachis glabrous or pubescent. Spikelets -f^-^ in. (excl. awns) ; gl. I ciliate, 1-3-nerved, awn i in. or less ; II 3-5-nerved, awned ; III 5-9-nerved, shortly awned, palea 0. — Usually very distinct from 0. compositus, but I have found specimens growing in the Jheels, with spikes nearly two inches long and stouter awns, forming a transition to that plant. Wall. Cat. 8678 is a very small Silhet form, with ovate leaves ^-| in. Clarke found it also in Silhet. — 0. africanus is the earliest name for the species under Oplismenus, but Burmannii is. of universal adoption, and is the earhest specific name ; both were given by Beauvois, 0. africanus in 1807, 0. Burmannii in 1812. DOUBTFUL SPECIES. O ? DUBius, Kunth Revis. Gram. i. 44 ; Enum. PL i. 143. 12. AXtUNOZNEIiXiA, Baddi. Annual or perennial erect grasses. Leaves narrow. Spikelets panicled, not jointed on the pedicels, 1-2-fld. Glumes 4, membranous or subcoriaceous, I ovate acute or acuminate, rather shorter than II, 3 or 5-nerved ; II lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate or subaristate, 5-rarely 7- nerved; n Arundinella.'] clxxiii. GRAMiNEiB. (J. D. Hooker.) 69 III equalling I or rather longer, oblong, subacute or narrowly truncate 5- or 7-nerved, paleate, triandrous or neuter ; IV much the smallest, bisexual, articulate at the base and deciduous, membranous and oblong in flower, lanceolate subcoriaceous and scaberulous when mature, andawnless or with one terminal subgeniculate awn more or less twisted at the base, and with sometimes 2 lateral shorter capillary awns ; base usually bearded. Anthers long. Styles 2, iree or connate below; stigmas long. Grain free within gl. IV. — Species about 30, tropical. A very well marked genus, referred by Baillon (Bull. Soc. Linn. Paris (1893) 1023, 1083, 1093) to Panicum, from which it differs in the inarticulate spikelets with the small thin gl. IV articulate at the base, as also in gl. IV being awned in many species and bearded at the base. The species are most difficult of determina- tion, the Peninsular especially, which have not been so collected as to provide suffi- cient material for satisfactory study. I greatly doubt the value of the characters afforded by the awns. * Gl. IV with 3 awns, the lateral short, capillary. (Miliosacchaeum, Nees.) 1. A. avenacea, Munro ex Thw. Bnum. PL Zei/l. 362 ; annual, leaves short, panicle ^1 in. ovoid compact, spikelets ^— ^ in. subsessile, gl. I and II awned. III awned acuminate, IV hispid or bearded, median awn flattened and strongly twisted at the base. Lishoa in Journ. Bomb. Nat Hist. Soc. v. (1891) 345 ; Trim. Gat. Geyl. PI. 106. A. Campbelliana, Lishoa I.e. 346. Avena malabarica, Heyne ex Herb. Rottl. — Arundinella? Wall. Gat. 8670.— Aira, No. 3, Griff. Notul. iii. 55, Ic. PI. Asiat. 1. 146, f. Khasta Hills, in wet placea, alt. 3-4000 ft. Griffith, &c. Deccan Penin- sula, from the Concan southward. Buema; Pegu, Kurz ; Moulmein, Griffith. Ceylon, in swamps, at Eatnapoora, Thwaites. A weak straggling slender grass. Leaves 1-2 in., ovate-lanceolate, acute, glabrous or pilose, base amplexicaul and subpectinately ciliate ; sheaths slender j ligule membranous, ciliate. Panicle pale green, branches short glabrous or hairy. Glumes I and II glabrous hairy or with tubercled-based bristles; I 3-5-nerved ; II :|^ longer, 5-nerved; III acute or acuminate, 5-nerved, paleate, male or neuter; IV linear-oblong, more or less hispidly pilose or with lateral beards, base with long hairs ; lateral awns triangular at the base, median about twice as long as the spikelet, geniculate above the twisted portion. 2. A. tuberculata, Munro ex Lishoa in Journ. JBomh. Nat. Hist. Soc. V. (1891) 344 ; annual, erect, hispid with long white tubercled-based hairs, panicle lax, spikelets ^ in. shortly pedicelled, gL I 3-nerved shortly awned, II nearly twice as long 5-nerved narrowed to a long beak. III male obtuse, IV glabrous, median awn slender twisted or not below. The Concan ; Poona, Stocks, &c. Centeal India, King. Stem 12-18 in., sheaths leaves and panicle clothed with white spreading stiff hairs. Leaves 1-3 in., linear-lanceolate, base rounded ; ligule a ridge of hairs. Pa^icZe 3-6 in., narrowly oblong ; branches |-1 in., suberect, scaberulous. Spike- lets ovoid, single or geminate, beak of gl. II as long as the rest of the gl. ; III as long as I, narrow, glabrous, 5-nerved ; IV lanceolate, scabrid when ripe, base pilose, median awn about twice as long as the spikelet, lateral acicular. 3. A. mesophylla, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 115 ; Nees 8f Am. e.v Wight Gat. n. 2347 ; annual, erect, pubescent or hirsute, leaves narrow, branches of compressed panicle spiciform short simple, spikelets sessile imbricate sub 4-ranked bifarious, gl. I. subawned 3-nerved, II rather longer 70 CLxxiii. GRAMINBJS. (J. D. Hooker.) [Arundinella. 5-7-iiGrved, narrowed into a long beak, III obtuse male, IV lanceolate base pilose, median awn about i longer than the spikelet slender hardly twisted.— Arundinella, Wall. Cat. n. 8663 B. TbavancOR ; Pulney Mts. and Courtallam, Wight. Stem 1-2 ft., branching from the base, slender. Leaves 3-4 by ^^ in., base narrowed ; ligule obscure. Panicle 2-4 in., hirsute, branches ^f in., sessile (i.e. flowering to the base), rachis hairy ; spikelets distichously spreading. Gl. I hardly awned, ovate; II about \ longer, lanceolate; III glabrous, narrowly oblong ; lY not seen ripe, base bearded. 4. A. nervosa) JSfees in Wall. Cat. n. 8662 ; annual, leaves narrow, softly hairy with spreading hairs, panicle much branched, branches capil- lary laxly many-fld., spikelets ^ in. pedicelled, gl. I acuminate 3-nerved, 11 nearly twice as long 6-nerved narrowed into a long straight beak. III obtuse, IV ovate-lanceolate scaberulous, median awn slender. Steud. Syn. Gram. 115 ; Wiffht Cat, n. 2387, 1669 a ^ y. Holcus nervosus, Bo:ib. ex Wight Cat. n. 1669 {non Roxh. Fl. Ind.) Ischaemura melicoides, Koen. ms in Herh. Wight. Andropogon hirsutum & scoparium, Seyne in Serb, JRoitl. Agn stis scoparia, Koen. ex Steud. I. c. Anemagrostis Neesiana, Wight Sc Am. ex Steud. I. c. — Arundinella, Wall. Cat. n. 8665. Southern Deccan Peninsula; Het/ne, Wiffht, &c. Stem 12-18 in., slender, branched from the base. Leaves 4-8 by a-J in., and sheaths usually copiously hairy on both surfaces with long white spreading hairs, base narrow; ligule membranous, ciliate. Panicle 6-10 in.; branches 2-4 in., fascicled and whorled, erect, flexuous, smooth, glabrous. iSpikelets suberect, glabrous or nerves of gl. I and II more or less setose ; gl. Ill neuter or male; IV slightly bearded at the base, median awn more or less twisted at the very slender base. — Wight's j8 laxior (Cat. 1669 h) is only a slender form. — Lisboa {in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. v. (1891) 344) gives Concan, Coromandel and Ceylon as habitats, but without seeing specimens it is not safe to cite an authority in so difficult a genus. A. nervosa, I>uthie Grass. N.-W. Ind. 13, from the Himalaya is probably one of the forms of hrasiliensis. 5. Ai setosa, Trin. Diss. ii. 63, Panic. Gen. 245 ; perennial, tall, leaves usually narrow, panicle 6-12 in., branches subsolitary slender erect laxly many-fld., spikelets i-j in. subsecund pedicelled, gl. I and 11 aris- tately acuminate glabrous or setose, 1 = |-| 11 3-nerved,* II elongate lanceolate 5-nerved, III shorter obtuse or subacute 6-7-nerved, IV = | III lanceolate scaberulous. Steud. Syn. Gram. 114; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 13. A. hirsuta, Nees ex Steud. I. c. 115, 8f Mochst. in Hohen. PI. Ind. Or. n. 920. A. setit'era, Stevd. I. c. 115. A. stricta, Nees in Hook. Kew Journ. ii. (1850) 102 ; Dalz. 6f Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 292. Milium cimicinoides, Boxh. 7nss. — PArundinaria sp. nov. Lisboa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. v. (1891) 343. Western Himalaya ; alt. 5-8000 ft., from Dalhousie to Nepal, Wallich, &^c. Khasia Hills, alt. 3-6000 ft. Behar, on the Soane river, J.D.H. Cbnteal India, Clarke. Nilghiei Hills, alt. 6000 ft., Schmidt, &c. CeyloN; at Trin- comalee, Ferguson. — Distrib. Tonkin, China, Philippines. Stems densely tufted on a hard rootstock, 1-3 ft., stout or slender, leafy. Leaves 6-10 in., convolute, glabrous pubescent or villous; ligule obscure. Panicle 2-6 in., sometimes corymbiform ; branches 2-5 in., usually naked below. Spikelets often in pairs, pedicels with sometime'=i a few hairs near the tip. Median aion of gl. IV about as long as the spikelet. — The name hirsuta is attached to a specimen in Herb. Koyle, so named no doubt by Nees. Arundinella^ clxxiii. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 71 6. A« khaseana, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 115 ; tall, robust, leaves narrow, panicle 6-18 in. branches long or short erect scabrid, spikelets ^-\ in. setose with long tubercled based bristles, gl, I and II aristately acuminate, 1= I II 5-nerved, II 5-nerved, III acuminate or subaristate, IV oblong-lanceolate nearly smooth. ArundinellaP Wall. Co.^. n. 8672. Khasia Hills; alt. 4-6000 ft., common. Stem 3-6 ft., from a woody tufted rootstock, as thick as a swan's quill or less, nodes pubescent or bearded. Leaves 6-12 in., and sheaths glabrous pilose or villous; ligule a ridge of hairs. Panicle effuse or contracted or thyrsiform ; branches 1-6 in. long. Spikelets pedicelled, crowded or distant, dark green ; gl. IV. with the median awn variable in length, strongly twisted at the stout base, lateral awns short. ** Awn solitary, longer than the spikelet. t Spikelets about y2~to *^- ^ong. 7. A. agrrostoldes; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 265 ; annual, villous or glabrescent, leaves broad flat flaccid, panicle contracted, branches fascicled suberect, spikelets glabrous or setose, gl. I = f II ovate acuminate 3-5- nerved, II subaristately acuminate 6-nerved, III subacute 3-5-nerved, IV oblong-lanceolate scabrid. Steud. Syn. Gram. 116. A. holcoides, Trin. in Bull. Sc. Acad. Fetersh. i. (1836) 71. Brandtia holcoides, Kunth Mevis. Gram. ii. 129, t. 170 ; Steud. I. c— Arundinella ? Wall. Gat. n. 8671. South Deccan, and the Concan, &c.. Wights &c. Tenasseeim, Wallich, Heifer. — Distrib. Philippines. Stem 6-18 in., stout or slender. Leaves 1-4 in., up to ^ in. broad, narrowed to tlu! base, and sheaths usually clothed with long soft hairs ; ligule a ridge of hairs. Panicle 1-9 in., always contracted ; branches \-l in., capillary, suberect, sparingly divided ; gl. I and II rarely without bristles ; III male or neuter j column of awn exserted, twisted. Var. ciliata; panicle more copiously setose, spikelets rather larger. Arundinella ciliata, Nees in Wight Cat. n. 1666. A. pilosa, Hochst. in LLohen.. PI. Ind. Or. n. 647 & 935; Miq. in Verh. Nedel. Ind. iii. iv. (1851) 30. Holcus ciliatus, Roxb. Fl. Ind. i. 318. Audropogon paniceus, Heyne ex Wall. I. c. 4* in Herb. Rottl. Perotis polystachya, Herb. Segue ex Wall. I. c. ' The Deccan Peninsula, from the Concan southward. Moulmein, Griffith. — Arundinella, Wall. Cat. n. 8664. 8. A. tenella^ Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 115; annual, glabrous, leaves flaccid lanceolate, panicle very large effuse copiously branched, rachis and branches capillary spreading, spikelets yV^ i°- solitary long- pedicelled glabrous or sparsely setose, gl. I = | Hi 3-nerved, II ovate- lanceolate acuminate 5-nerved, III 5-nerved, lY oblong, awn twice as long as the spikelet. Wight Gat.n. 1668 ; Dalz. Sf Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 292 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 13; Lishoa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. v. (1891)345. A. pnmiia,, Steud. I.e. 114!; Lisboal.c. Acratherumpumilum, Hochst. ex A. Rich. 2'ent. Fl. Abyss, ii. 414, t. 100. Anemagrostis tenella, Wight ex Steud. I. c. Western Himalaya ; Garwhal, alt. 4O0O ft. Rajpootana, on Mt. Abu, &c. Behar and Central India, alt. 3-400O ft. The Khasia Hills, the Concan and Pegu. — Distrib. Abyssinia. Stem 6-20 in., erect, soft, leafy, very sparsely hairy. Leaves from ovate and 2-4 in. long, to linear- lanceolate and 14 in. long, often | in. broad, acuminate, membranous, many-nerved, base narrow ; sheath rarely hairy ; ligule short, hairy. Panicle 2-10 in. ; rachis slender, strict, erect ; branches alternate or the lower 72 CLxxiii. GRAMINE^. (J. D. Hooker.) [Arundinella, subverticillately fascicled, each with widely spreading capillary branches and branch- lets. Spikelets the smallest of the genus, usually shorter than their capillary pedicels ; gl. IV scabrid above ; column of awn slightly twisted. 9. A. pygrmea, HooJc. /. ; animal, very small, slender, leaves chiefly radical narrow hispidly hairy nerveless except the midrib margins serru- late, panicle erect effuse, branches few capillary, spikelets few ^3^ in. setose, gl. 1 = 1 II ovate acute 3-nerved, II ovate-lanceolate long-acuminate 6- nerved. III obtuse obscurely 5-nerved, lY oblong truncate, awn twice as long as the spikelet. NoBTH Canara, Lisloa. Whole plant 6 inches high and very slender.— Closely allied to A. tenella, but very much smaller, with very slender stem, narrow chiefly radical leaves 1-1^ in. by To ^°«> sparsely clothed with long bristles, and a very sparingly divided panicle with few larger spikelets on very long capillary, pedicels. — The specimens are very poor, and the character given may hence require modification. 10. A. Metzli, Eochst. ex Miq. in Verh. Ned. Inst. Ill Iv. (1851) 31 ; tall, glabrous, leaves linear, panicle 3-10 in. effuse erect or inclined branches alternate or fascicled elongate, spikelets t2~TV i^- subsecund, long or short pedicelled glabrous or sparsely setulose, gl. 1 = | II ovate acuminate 3- nerved, II ovate-lanceolate acuminate 5-nerved, III acute 5-7-nerved, IV oblong truncate obtuse or retuse scaberulous, awn about twice as long as the spikelet. Steud. Syn. Gram. 116 {excl. Syn. Roxh.) ; Hochst. in Herh. Hohenack. n. 257. A. agrostoides, Trin. var. tenella, Herh. Ind. Or. Hf. 8f T. Agrostis fusca, Heyne ex Wall. Cat. ^ in Serb. JRottler. — Arundi-' nella, Wall. Cat. n. 8668. NiLGHiEi Hills ; the Wyumd,' Eeyne. The Concan and Canara, Law, Metz, Thomson, Woodrow, &c. Annual ? 1-3 ft. high. -Leaves 4-6 by \-\ in., scaberulous and sheath more or less hairy or glabrous. Panicle 1-8 in. ; rnchis slender, smooth or subscaberulous ; branches 1-4 in., uniformly flowering. Spikelets green or purplish, solitary or 2-nate, longer or shorter than their pedicels which are sometimes ^ in. long; gl. I nerves sometimes scabrid ; IV very obscurely bearded at the base, awn straight. — Hohen- acker's specimens appear to be annual, Heyne's have a small hard rootstock. This is certainly not Roxburgh's Holcus nervosus, which Steudel cites for it. The panicle varies greatly in length, breadth and composition ; in small specimens it is sl)ort and triangular with spreading nearly simple branches, in taller it is more efl'nse with long flexuous branches and much longer pedicels. ft Spikelets more than -^^ in. long. 11. A. villosa, Am. ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 115 ; stems tufted villous btelow the very narrow panicle, rachis villous, branches spiciform short simple hirsute, spikelets ^-J in. secund crowded setosely hirsute, gl. I = f II ovate acuminate 3-5-nerved, II subaristately acuminate 6-nerved, III acute 5-nerved neuter or male, TV oblong-lanceolate very minutely scaberulous, awn not twice *a8 long as the spikelet. Tkw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 362 ; Trim. Gat. Ceyl. Fl. 106. Eastern Himalaya, the Khasia Hills, Central India, the Deccan Penin- sula & Ceylon. Stem 12-16 in., slender, stiff, leafy at the villous basc'^'Zeayps 4-8 byYa-TU ^"m strict, rather rigid, glabrous tomentose or villous ; ligule of long hairs. Panicle 2-4i in., spiciform ; branches |-f in., brown. Spikelets subdistichously crowded, spreading or erect ; column of awn included twisted. — Nees, according to Steudel, describes gl. IV. as 2.toothed. I find it to be ^usually rounded at the tip, but 2-toothed in Arundinella.] Olxxiii. qramine-S}. (J. D. Hooker.) 73 van himalaica. Gl. Ill is more acute than is usual in the genus and its palea larger. Var. Wightii ; leaves very narrow convolute, basal sheaths woolly. Var. Heyne ; taller, stouter, basal sheaths nearly naked, leaves longer broader and flat 12 by ^ in., panicle 4 in. long. Andropogon paniceus, Herb. Heyne ex Wall, Cat. n. 8663 a!— Courtallam, Wight. y a,r. himalaica ; basal sheaths naked, leaves 2-6 by :|-i in. flat, spikes some- times shortly peduncled, gl. IV 2-toothed. A. Hookerii, Munro -wi*.— Bhotan, E. Nepal and Sikkim Himalaya, alt. 6-11,000 ft., Griffith, J. D.H., Clarke. 12. A. birmanica, HooJc.f.; annual, stout, stem glabrous, leaves linear-lanceolate flat hirsute, panicle linear-oblong interrupted, branches sessile simple or sparingly divided, rachis ciliate and scaberulous, spikelets i-i in. densely crowded subsessile glabrous or with a few setae, gl. I = |IL ovate subaristately acuminate 6-Derved, II ovate-lanceolate long- acuminate 5-nerved, III acute 5-nerved, IV oblong-lanceolate scabrid, awn not twice the length of the spikelet. BtTR.MA ; Rangoon, M^Lelland, Scott, Kurz. Stem tufted, 1-2 ft., stout, soft, leafy, nearly as thick as a goose-quill, nodes bearded. Xeat'es 4-8 by J-| in., base subcordate, sheath hirsute; ligule a narrow ciliate membrane. Fanicle 3-7 in., very pale, branches or spikes 1-2 in sessile, erect; gl. Ill male female or neuter, awn of IV with twisted included column. — Near A. villosa, but annual, with soft stems and leaves much smaller and hardly setose spikelets, stem glabrous below the panicle. 13. A. brasiliensis, Raddi, Agrost Bras. 37, t. i. fig. 3 ; stem erect stout or slender, leaves broad or narrow, panicle pyramidal subcorymbose or thyrsiform sparingly or copiously branched, spikelets ^-^ in. subsecund longer than their pedicels usually quite glabrous, gl. I=:§ li ovate-lanceo- late acuminate o-nerved, II lanceolate finely acuminate 5-nerved, III sub- acute 5-nerved, IV oblong-lanceolate acute scaberulous, awn twice as long as the spikelet. Trin. Diss. ii. 62, Panic. Gen. 246, Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 266 ; Doell in Mart. Fl. Bras. ii. II, 298, t. 38. A. Ecklonii, Nees Fl. Afr. Austr. 8<>, A. martinicensis, Trin. Diss. ii. 62; Panic. Gen.24:Q\ Griseh. Fl. Brit. Vr. Ind. 556. A. Mikani, iVees Agrost. Bras. 465. A. nepalensis, Trin. Diss. ii. 62 ; Panic. Gen. 335, Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 268 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 13 ; iSteud. Syn. Gram. 115; Lishoa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. v. (1891), 343. A. pallida, JVees Agrost. Bras. 465. A. rigida, Nees Fl. Afr. Austr. 80. A . Ritchiei, Munro ex Lishoa I. c. A. stricta, Nees in Hook. Kew Jowrn. ii. (1850), 102'; ? Dalz. &. Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 293. Acratherum miliaceum, Link Mart. Berol. i. 320. Orthopogon agrostoides, Trev. ex Steud. Nom.^I^d. II. ii. 234. Aira brasiliensLs, Spreng. Syst. Veg. i. 278. Goldbachia Mikani, Trin. in Spreng. Neue Entdeck. ii. 81. Ischaamum hispidura, H. B. & K. Nov. Gen. Sf 8p. i. 194 ; Kvntli Bevis. Gram. I 373, t. 100 ; JEnum. PI. i. 515. Riedeliia Mikani, Trin. ex Kunth Eimrn. I. c. Holcus nervosus, Uoxh. Fl. Ind. i. .318. Thysanachne scoparia, PrtsZ Nov. PI. Gen. Diss. 1829, cum Ic. Bel Hcenk. i. 253. Andropogon hispidus, Willd. Sp. PI iv. 908. A. ? epiphyllus, Wall. Cat. n. 8667 A. A. virens, Spreng. Syst. i. 287. — Airacea, Griff. Notul. 53, Ic. PL. Asiat. t. 141, f. 11.— Arundinella, Wall. Cat. n. 8666, 8667. Throughout the hilly parts of India, from the Himalaya, ascending to 7000 ft., to Burma and Ceylon. — Distrib. China, Malaga, Australia, S. Africa, trop. America. Perennial ; rootstock stout, hard, creeping and sending out stout sheathed branchcsj bometiiues as thick as a goose-quill, or Lulled auu intricately branched. 74 CLXXiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooket.) [Arundinella* Stems 1-5 ft., from the thickness of a sparrow's to a goose quill, simple or branched, nodes glabrous or pubescent. Leaves 6-12 by i-| in., usually ciliate at the narrow base; ligule of soft hairs. Panicle 4-18 in.; branches 1-10 in,, few or many, fascicled or subverticillate, densely or laxly imbricating, usually slender and undivided. Spikelets distant or crowded,' green or purplish ; gl. I sometimes very sparingly setose J III male or neuter, rarely imperfectly bisexual ; IV always bearded at the base, column of awn more or less twisted. — An abundant grass in many parts of India, but so variable that it is difficult to formulate a character for it that will not include other species. Dr. Stapf has aided me in the examination of a mass of Indian specimens, including many hundreds collected by Clarke over the length and breadth of India; and especially in the more important matter of identifying A. nepalensis with the American A. hrasiliensis, and various others here brought together as synonyms. The largest form is Wallich's 8666 A, with a stout creeping woody rhizome, sheathed surculi as thick as a goose-quill, a stout stem 5 ft. high, broad often hirsute leaves, and a large panicle 6-12 in. long of spikelets ^ in. long; it is a tropical and subtropical plant extending in the Himalaya from Kumaon eastward, and is common in the Khasia Hills. Wallich's 8666 B (from the Calcutta Bot. Gardens ?) is a tall much more slender plant, with matted roots, very narrow leaves with tubercle-based hairs, and a slender thin panicle. His 8667 A. B. from Burma, is a tall plant with soft hairy leaves ^-^ in. broad, and an effuse sub- pyramidal panicle with fascicled capillary branches and smaller spikelets about ^ in. long. It is common throughout the lower Himalaya and Khasia Hills. Another variety, with a straggling branching rootstock, proliferously fascicled branches sheathed at the base, short or long glabrous or hairy linear-lanceolate leaves, and small oblong panicles with few slender branches and few spikelets, occurs at elevations of 4-6000 ft. Lastly, there is a common Himalayan slender form from the Panjab eastwards, six inches to a foot high, with tufted roots, very narrow leaves, a small oblong panicle, and small spikelets. A. Rifchiei, Munro, is a tall stout Concan form, 2^ ft. high, with a shortly creeping rootstock, narrow obscurely hairy convolute leaves, a very narrow panicle, and pale small spikelets. 14. A. fuscata, Nees ex Buese in Miq. PI. JungJi. 359 ; perennial, stout, rather short, leaves short flat hirsute, panicle oblong dense-fld. -usually pur- plish, rachis stout pubescent or villous, branches crowded erect, spikelets \—^ in. secund crowded sessile or shortly pedicelled glabrous or sparsely setose, gl. I = f II broadly ovate acuminate 3-5-nerved, II ovate-lanceolate acuminate 6-nerved, 111 obtuse or truncate 6-nerved, lY oblong-lanceo- late emargi'nate scabrid, awn short. Steud. S^n. Oram. 114,; Wight Cat. n. 1667 ; A. purpurea, Hochst. ex Steud. I, c. 115 ; ?Lisboa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. v. (1891) 345. Acratherum fuscatum, Nees ex Steud. I. c. The CoNCAN (Lwboa). Nilghiri Hills, Seyne; Ootacamund, alt. 6000 ft., Wight, Lawson, King. Pegu, at Rangoon, Kurz. Stem 1-2 ft., stiff, glabrous or pubescent below the panicle. Leaves 1-8 by 4-5 in., lanceolate, tapering from the base to the tip, coriaceous, strongly nerved ; sheath hirsute ; ligule very short, ciliate. Panicle 2-5 in., erect; rachis and sub- simple branches stiff, angular, scaberulous. Spikelets stouter and glume much broader than in any form of hrasiliensis. — Heyne's specimens are more slender than Lawson' s. I have seen no specimens from the Concan. The Rangoon plant has a very pale panicle. 15. A. capillar is, Hooh. f. ; perennial, very slender, leaves narrow glabrous or hairy, panicle oblong branches alternate slender flexuoQS naked below, spikelets ^ in. distant solitary glabrous shorter than their pedicels, gl. I = § II ovate-lanceolate acuminate 3-5-nerved, II lanceolate acuminate 5-nerved, III not exceeding I obtuse 5-nerved, IV lanceolate acute scabrid, awn about twice as long^s the spikelet.' A mutica, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 116; ? Lishoa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. v. (1891) Arundinella,'\ CLXxni. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 75 8. Andropogon capillaris, JSerh. Heyne. — Arundinella sp., Wall. Cat. n. 8665 A. The Deccan, H^yne. Pulney Hills, Herh. Wight (n. 3338). Stem erect from a tuberous i:hizome which is clothed with the woolly bases of leaf-sheatbs. Learns 6-12 by i-^ in., acuminate, base rather narrow ; upper sheaths glabrous ; ligule a ridge of hairs. Panicle 5-7 in., flexuous; rachis filiform, scaberu- lous ; branches few, 4-6 in., naked below except a solitary long-pedicelled axillary ppikelet ; pedicels capillary. — An obscure plant. Nees describes the leaves as with Fparsely setulose margins, and gl. IV as mucronate, from which it is evident that the awn has fallen away in his specimen. This latter suggested the name niutica, which, being misleading, I have replaced by Heyne's of capillaris. Wight's Pulney spe<-imens have a slightly hairy panicle 3 in. long, with more numerous close-set branches and closer spikelets. Lisboa (Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soo. v. .(1890) 34-4) gives mutica as a common plant all over Bombay, but without seeing specimens I cannot confirm this. 16. A. lazifloray Hook. f. ; very slender, glabrous, leaves narrow, panicle effuse, branches spreading capillary solitary alternate or opposite or the lower fascicled, branchlets spreading, spikelets ^-^ in. solitary shorter, than their capillary pedicels, gl. I = | II ovate acuminate 3-nerved, II ovate-lanceolate 5-nerved, III longer than I oblong acute, TV longer than III oblong'lanceolate scaberulous, awn 0 or shortly exserted. A. nervosa, T/tw. Enum. PL Zeyl. 362 {excl. Syn.) :, Trim. Cat. Geyl. PI. 106. Ceylon, Gardner ; Central Province, alt. 3-5C00 ft., Thwaites (C.P. 919). Annual ? glabrous. t)tem 12-30 in., tufted, geniculately ascending, nodes glabrous.. Leaves 4-8 by ^-^ in., finely acuminate ; ligule narrow, membranous, cihale. Panicle 4-6 in., green. Gl. 1 scabrid on the keel or not ; IV bearded at the base or not ; column of awn twisted. — The open panicle with long capillary pedicels of the spikelet and quite acute gl. Ill which is ^ longer than I, characterize this species. One specimen ( Gardner, n. 1007) has no trace of au awn. *** ^^n 0, or very short and hardly exserted (see also A. laxijlora). 17. A. Wallichil, J}^ees ex Steud. Syn, Gram. 114 ; perennial, stout,, erect, panicle elongate contracted strict, branches 1-1^ in. stout stifE spiuiform, spikelets 3-4-seriabe ovoid secund densely imbricate very stoutly pedicelled setose, gl. I nearly = II ovate acute 3-5-nerved, I II oblong obtuse 6-nerved, IV ovoid subacute nearly smooth, awn 0 or very short. Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. Vd. Panicum strictum, Boxb. Fl. Ind. i. 303. P. bengalense, Spreng. Syst. i. 311 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 48. P. pyramidale, (3 ? Herb. Ham. ex Wall Cat. n. 8700.— Panicum, Wall. Cat, n. 8700.— Arundinella ? Wall. Cut. n. ' Teopical Himalaya ; on dry banks from Simla to Sikkim, alt. 1-6000 ft. Bengal, Behak, the Khasia, Naga and Satpura Hills. Bukma ; Shan Hills, Manders. — Distrib. Tonkin. Stem 1-3 ft., from a woody creeping or tufted hard rhizome ; nodes bearded or not. Leaves 12-18 by ^-| in., all radical in small forms, glabrous hairy or villous, lanceolate, acuminate ; sheath smooth scabrid or villous j ligule a ridge of hairs. Panicle t -12 in. (the stoutest of the Indian species) ; branches -j-l in., lower some- times whorled, erecto-patent, flowering to the base ; rachis angular, scabrid. Spike' lets green or purplish ; gl. IV naked at the base j awn not twisted. 18. A. Clarkei, lIooTc.f.\ tall, very stout, leaves very long, panicle very large subcorymbiform, branches 3-8 in. fascicled erect very slender simple upper much longer than the rachis, spikelets jg-g in. 1-2-seriate secund shortly pedicelled, gl. I = | II ovate acute 5-Herved, IL ovate- 7G CLXXiii. GKAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) [Ajmndinellcltt lanceolate acute 5-nerved, III oblong obtuse, IV ovate-lanceolate, awn very shortly exserted base twisted. SiKKiM Teeat, Clarice. Stem 6 ft. or more, stouter than a swan's quill above. Leaves 2-3 ft. by 1 in., coriaceous, hairy beneath ; sheath long, margins fimbriate j ligule a ridge of hairs. Panicle 12-18 by 4-6 in. ; raehis stout, erect, angular, nearly smooth ; branches rarely divided, filiform, scaberulous. Spikelets solitary or 2-nate, pale, usually longer than their pedicels. — The great size, large panicle with long branches, the upper far exceeding the raehis, will characterize this gigantic species. 19. A. leptochloa, Sook. f. ; tall, slender, leaves narrow, panicle pyramidal or subcorymbiform often interrupted, branches short simple slender alternate whorled or fascicled, spikelets yo i^- 1-2-seriate secund sessile or pedicelled glabrous, gl. I = f II ovate acuminate 3-nerved, II ovate-lanceolate acuminate 5-nerved, III ovate-oblong subacute 6-nerved, IV lanceolate scaberulous base naked, awn minute or 0. Panicum lep- tochloa, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 62 ; Wight Gat. n. 1621 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 62; Thw. JEnum. PL Zeyl. S60 ] Trim. Gat Geyl. PI. 105. P. zeylanicum. Am. mss. Leptochloa P panicoides. Herb. Wight, n. 125, em Steud. I. c. L. pectinata, Steud. I. c. Malabar ; at Quilon, Wight. Cbtlon, not uncommon, Thwaites. Stem 2-4 ft., from a woody rootstock, as thick as a crow-quill or less ; nodes glabrous. Leaves 6-10 in., rarely ^ in. broad, glabrous or hairy ; sheath smooth or hairy ; ligule obscure. Panicle 2-14 in., raehis faintly scaberulous ; branches 1-4 in., suberect, rarely spreading, slender, not flexuous ; axils bearded or ciliate. Spikelets rarely longer than their pedicels j gls. thin, nerves of 1 scabrid. Var. gracillima', more slender, leaves narrower, panicle pyramidal, branches alternate very distant, spikelets more distant very shortly pedicelled. — Cochin, Johnstone, in wet places. Nilambar, Lawson. 20. A. Xiawsonl, Sooh.f.; tall, stout, leaves linear-lanceolate acute scabrid above, panicle tall pyramidal, raehis scabrid, branches fascicled or subverticillate erecto-patent filiform strict simple or lower branched, spikelets | in. solitary or 2-nate glabrous about equalling their pedicels, gl. I = I II ovate acuminate 3-5-nerved, II ovate-lanceolate acuminate 5-nerved, III obtuse 6-7-nerved, IV lanceolate seabei-ulous base' naked, awn 0. NiLOHiEi Hills ; in swamps at Goodaloor, alt. 3000 ft., Lawson. Stem erect, 3-4 ft. high, nearly as thick as the little finger below. Leaves, lower few, 8-12 by f in., narrowed from the base to the acuminate tip, flat, rigid, upper very narrow ; midrib slender ; nerves very many and close, margins scabrid ; sheath hairy ; ligule 0. Panicle dull blue-purple ; raehis strict and branches scaberulous ; branches alternate or fascicled, lower 4-6 in. branching at the base. Spikelets glabrous, sessile or pedicelled, longer or shorter than their slender pedicels ; gls. rather coriaceous, nerves strong. — A very distinct-looking plant, unlike any known to me, but I have seen only one specimen, and it may prove to be a form of A. leptochloa. 21. A. grigrantea, Dalz. in Dalz. & Gihs. JBomh. Fl. 293 ; tall, stout, upper leaves l-lj in. broad lanceolate base rounded or subcordate, panicle subcorymbosely thyrsiform, raehis stout, branches 2-4 in. densely crowded slender simple erect angular, spikelets ^^ in. 2-3 seriate secund very shortly pedicelled, gl. I = f II broadly ovate acute 3-nerved, II ovate acuminate Afundinella.'] CLXxiii. qraminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) 77 S-nerved, III rather longer than I, obtuse 6-nerved, lY lanceolate base naked, awn 0. The CoNCAN, Stocks; Kineshwur, at the foot of the Ghats, Dalz. 8c Gibs. Stem 6 ft., branched below, as thick as a goose-quill at 18 in. below the panicle, node« swollen. Leaves 12-24 in., finely acuminate, subcoriaceous, many-nerved, scabrid "above, glabrous or sparingly hairy, margins smooth j sheath sparingly hairy ; ligule a narrow glabrous membrane. Panicle 5-7 in. long by 2-3 broad, brush-like, branches uniform, quite concealing the angular scabrid raohis. Spikelets brownish, short and broad, keel of gl. I scabrid. — A distinct-looking plant, nearest perhaps to A. Clarhei in inflorescence. 22. A. blephariphylla, Trim. mss. ; tall, stout, leafy, leaves long broad thin smooth, margins setosely serrulate, panicle broadly oblong, branches laxly whorled spreading filiform, spikelets ^ in. snbsolitary as long as their pedicels glabrous, gl. I = f II broadly ovate acute 3-nerved, II ovate acuminate 5-nerved, TY oblong subacute 5-nerved, IV lanceolate scaberulous base naked, awn 0. — Panicum blephariphyllum, Trim, in Lond. Journ. Boi. xxii. (1885) 272, Cat. Ceyl. PL 105. Ceylon ; margins of woods by the sea at Kesanwelle, Ferguson^ Trimen. Annual ? Stem 3 ft. and upwards, nodes glabrous. Leaves 12-18 by nearly I in., rather membranous ; sheath loose ; ligule obscure. Panicle 4-6 in. ; racliis strict, nearly smooth ; branches spreading or subrecurved ; axils hairy. — The speci- mens are few, but the species appears to be a distinct one, nearest to A. leptochloa, which has narrower more coriaceous leaves and smaller spikelets. 23. A. Thwaitesii, Hook. f. ; very slender, glabrous, leaves very narrow, panicle oblong effuse, branches capillary solitary alternate or the lower fascicled, branchlets spreading, spikelets | in. solitary shorter than their capillary pedicels, gl. I = § III very broadly ovate acute 3-5-nerved, II broadly ovate acuminate 5-nerved, III as long as II acute 7-nerved, lY lanceolate acute, awn 0. A. nervosa, var. Thwaites wiss. Ceylon, Wallcer ? ; Ambagamowa district, Thwaites (C.P. 3782). Stem 2-3 ft., strict, erect; nodes glabrous. Leaves 4-8 by |-|- in., finely acuminate ; ligule a short ciliate membrane. Panicle 3-5 in., branches naked at the base. Spikelets more turgid and coriaceous than usual in the genus, with shorter, broader, shorter pointed, purplish glumes ; IV naked at the base Nearly allied to A. laxifiora, but has much broader glumes, of which III is longer than I and about as long as II. UNDETERMINABLE SPECIES. A. INDICA, Trin. mss. ex Steud. Nom. Ed. II i. 143 s= Agrostis biseta, Herb. Spreng. — Name only. A. SPICATA, Dalz. in Dalz. ^ Qibs. Bomb. Fl. 293 ; stem 1 ft., leaves 1-1^ by i in. ensiform and sheaths hispid, spike 1^ in. cylindric (as in Setaria) dense-fid. gl. I Jj i^^' lanceolate subulate subpilose 3-nerved, upper i in. long-attenuated and folded concealing the awn. — The Concan, on the Mahableshwur Hills, common. A. JAPONicA, DutAit Grass. If.W. India, 13. 13. SETARZAi Beauv. Spikelets 1- rarely 2-fld., not awned, clustered on the very short branches of a spike-like or narrowly pyramidal panicle, articulate on very short pedicels which bear a persistent involucel of few or many scabrid or barbed bristles (barren branchlets). Olumes 4, membranous; I = about 78 CLXxiii. graminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) [Setaria. \ III; II = or sliorter than IV; III neuter, rarely paleate and male, 6-7-nerved; IV coriaceous, plano-convex, bisexual, triandrous. Styles distinct. Grain free within the hardened gl. and palea. — Species about 10, temperate and tropical. Distinguished from Panicum by the involucel, but connected with it by P. pUcatum and S. Forbesiana; and from Pennisetum by the persistent involucels and articulate deciduous spikelets. The species are for the most part difficult of limitation, and much of the synonymy requires revision. 1. S. Italica, Beauv. Agrost. 51 ; leaves broad, panicle dense inclined or nodding simple and cylindric or lobed or compound, bristles few smooth or with minute spreading barbs, gl. 1 oblong or subglobose nearly smooth. Kunth Revis. Gram. 146, Enum. PL i. 153, Suppl. 108; Reichb. Ic. M. Germ. t. 47; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. n. 22; Wall. Cat n. 8643; Tnm. Gat. Gevl. PI. 107; AitcUs. Gat. Panjab. PL 162; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 8, Field & Gard. Crops, 5, t. 25, Fodd. Grass. JV. Ind. 15 ; Miq. Fl Ind. Bat. Hi. 467; Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 554. S. asiatica. Sort, ex Reichb. Fl. Germ. Excurs. 29. S. compacta, Schur. Enum. PI. Transylv. 967, Index S. erythrosperma, flavida, persica & violacea, Hornen. ex Reichb. I. c. S. germanica, Beauv. Agrost. 51, 1. 13. S. globularia, Presl. Rel. Haenk. 407 ; Miq. I. c. S. macrochaeta, 8ch. Mant. ii. 274. S. maritima, R. So S. Syst. ii. 492. S. melinis, Link, ex Sieud. Nom. Ed. II. ii. 574. S. panis, lessen Deutschl. Graes. 248. Panicum segyptiacum & sibiricum, Hort. ex Poem. Sf Sch. Syst. ii. 493. P. asiaticum, mel-frugum, & serotinum. Sort, ex Schult. Mant. ii. 598, 599. P. attenuatum, setaceum & setosum. Sort, ex Trin. Gram. Panic. 166. P. brevisetum, Doell Fl. Grossh. Bad. 233. P. compactum. Kit. in Schult. (Ester. Fl. Ed. II. i. 212. P. elongatam, Salish. Prodr. 18. P. germanicum & indicum, Mill. Gard. Diet. Ed. 8, n. 1 & 3. P. srlobulare, Steud. Nom. I.e. 51 ; Syn. Gram. I. c. P. glomeratum, Moench. Meth. 207. P. intermedium & erythrospermum, Vahl ex Sornem. Sort. Safn. i. 82. P. italicum, Linn. Sp. JPl. 56, Sost I.e. t. 314; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 188, 189; Roxb. Fl. Ind. i. 302 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 51 ; Bah. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. Suppl. 98 ; Wight Gat. n. 1645. P. miliaceum, Blanco Fl. Filip. Ed. 1. 39. P. maritimum, Sort, ex Lamk. Encycl. iv. 737. P. pumilum, Link Enum. Sort. Berol. 76. P. vulgare, Wallr. in Linn sea, xiv. (1840) 542. Pennisetum macrocbaetum, Jacq. Eclog. Gram. iii. 36, t. 25 ; Kunth Enum. i. 152. — Setaria, Wall. Gat. n. ^<6hl.~Rheede Sort. Mai. xii. t. 79. Hab. Cult, throughout India, and up to 6000 ft. in the Himalaya. — Distbib. Most warm, temperate and tropical countries. Stem 2-5 ft., usually branched, tufted, rooting towards the base; often robust. Annual. Leaves often long broad, margins retrorsely hispid, sheath smooth, mouth bearded. Spiciform panicle 3-5 in. long, very variable in diameter, number and length of bristles of involucel, and size and form of gl. IV. — Possibly a cultivated form of S. viridis, but nothing is known of its origin, which reaches back to the period of the Swiss Lake-dwellings. It has from time immemorial been cultivated in Asia, and one form ts regarded by the natives as indigenous in Japan and China (see Du CandoUe rOrigiue des Plantes Cultivees, p. 303). Duthie and Stewart regard some small forms as indigenous in India, but they are more probably escapes or their progeny. 2. S> grlauca, Beauv. Agrost. 51 ; panicle spiciform cylindric, in- volucels of 6-12 bristles with spreading or erect barbs, srl. IV transversely rugose. Kunth Enum. PI. i.U9, Suppl. 106; Wall Cat. n. 8639; Griff. Noiid. 44, Ic. PI. Asiat. t. 149, f. 1 ; Dalz. Sf Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 293; Aitchis. Setaria."] CLXXiii. gramine^e. (J. D. Hooker.) 79 Cat. Panjah. PI. 162 ; Trim. Cat Geyl. PL 105 ; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 466 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 8, Indig. Fodd. Grass, t. x., Fodd. Grass. N.Ind. 14; GriseK Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 654; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii 492; Reichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 47 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 442 ; Baker Fl. Maurit. 442. S. aurea, Hochst. ex A. Br. in Flora, xxiv. (1841) 276. S. auricoma. Link, ex Loud. Sort. Britt. 25. S. clirysantlia, Seynh. Norn. ii. 661. S. flava, Kunth Bev, Gram. i. 46. S. helvola, Boem. ^ Sfh. I.e. ; Miq. I.e. 467. S. humifusa & rubicunda, Bum. Obs. Gram. Belg. 189. S. pumila, Sch. Mant.- ii. 274. ? S. sciuroidea, G. Muell. in Bat. Zeit. xix. (1861) 316. S. tejucensis, Kunth Enum. PL i. 150. S. Ventenatii, Kunth Bev. Gram. i. 251, t. 37. S. dasyura, Ilort. Hal. ex Schlecht in Linnsea, xxvi. (1853) 463. S. penicillata, Nees in WalL Cat n. 8640 A. B. C. E. Panicu >i . alopecuroides, Koen. ex Trin. Gravel. Panic. 162. P. chrysanthum, 8teud. Nom. Ed. 2, ii. 254. P. flavescens, Moench. Meth. 206. P. glaucum, Linn. Sp. PL 56 ; Host Gram. Austr. ii. t. 16 ; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 195 ; Boxl). FL Ind. i. 285 ; Thw. Enum. 361; Wight Cat. n. 1643; Benth. FL Hongk. 411 ; Nees Fl. Afr. Aut,tr. 55, Agrost. Bras. 241. P. helvolum, Linn. f. Suppl. 107. P. holcoides, Jacq. Fclog. Gram. t. 22. P. IsBvigatum, Ell. Sketch, i. 112. P. lutescens, Weig. Obs. 20. P. luteum, Guldenst. Beis. ii. 58. P. minimum, Wall. Cat. 8641 B. P. penicillatum, Willd. ex Nees Agrost. Bras. 242 ; Willd. /3 (or P. helvolum, Linn.) Wight Cat. n. 1644. P. polystachyum, Herb. Heyne ex WalL Cat. 8639 E. P. pumilum, Poir. EncycL iv. 273 {ex Kunth I.e.). P. Yentenatii, Steud. Nom. Fd. II, ii. 265. P. verticillatum, Rottl. ex Spreng. Syst. i. 304. P. viride, Poll. Hist. PL Palat. i. 55. Pennisetum glaucum & helvolum, Br. Prodr. 195. - Throughout India, especially in cult, ground.— Disteib. All warm, temp, and trop. regions. Annual. Stem 1-2 ft. erect or ascending, simple or branched. Leaves broad or narrow, sometimes 18 by ^ in., flat, glabrous or sparsely hairy, margins scabrid. Spictform panicles cylindric, 1-7 in., dense-fld., usually yellow, rarely purplish or green, rarely interrupted ; sometimes reduced to an ovoid head with very few s?pike- lets ; bristles of involucel 6-12, very variable in length, from a little longer to four times as long as the ovoid spikelet ; gl. I minute j II rather shorter than III, sub- acute; III usually empty, sometimes paleate and male; IV broadly ovoid, very convex. Var. macrocarpa; gl. Ill and IV equal and subsimilar. in the ripe state, forming a subglobose crustaceous rugose sphere ^ in. diam.. Ill paleate empty, IV fem., bristles of involucel J in. pale rufous. — The Panjab, AitcMson, Western Bengil and Behar, Kurz. — A remarkable forraj but passing into the ordinary state of the plant by intermediates. Var. parvifiora, Munro mss. ; stems 6-10 in. branched and decumbent below, leaves smaller, spiciform panicle J-1 in., ovoid nearly white, bristles of involucel }-i in., g:l. IV much less strongly rug-ose. — ? S. imberbis, Roem. Sf Sch. ii. 891 ; Wall. Cat. n. 8641 A in part, B-F. Panicum Codaea, Herb. Ham. in Wall. Gat. I.e. — Kumaon, alt. 4-5000 ft., Dxdhie. Khasia HjlLs, alt, 5000 ft., Clarke. The Concau, Madras and Burma, Wallich. — Probably the 8. imherhis, of Africa, &c., but a smaller plant, with very small spikes, differing in this respect and in the less rugose gl. IV from S. glauca. 3. S. intermedia, Boem. Sc Sch. Syst. ii. 489 ; panicle narrowly pyramidal subspiciform or very slender with segregate clusters of involucels, bristles of involucel with spreading or suberect barbs, gl. IV small oblong subrugulose. Kunth Enum. PL i. 150 ; Aitch. Cat. Panjab. PL 162 ; Trim. Cat Ceyl. PI. 105 ; Duthie Grass. N W. Ind. 9, Fodd. Grass. N Ind. 14; Miq. FL Ind. Bat iii. 466. S. verticillata, WalL Cat n. 8642 (D. in 80 CLXXiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) [Setaria. part) (jr. S. glauca, Hoc/isf. PL Rohenack. n. 937. Panicum intermediuca, Moth Nov. S^. 47 ; Thw. Enum. 361. Plains and lower hills of India, but-^ot common. Himalaya, the Pan jab, to Bengal, Centeal India, and the Nilghiei Hills. Ceylon, in shady places, TAwcn'te*. — DiSTRiB. Temp, and trop. regions. Undistinguishable from 8. vertlcillata except by the barbs of the bristles of the involucel not being reversed. It is probably a common but overlooked grass. 4. S- verticlllata, Beauv. Agrost. 51 ; panicle subpyramidal or sub- spiciform, lower involncels in segregate clusters, bristleia with reversed barbs, gl. lY minutely rugulose. Kunth Enum. PI. i. 152; Wall. Gat. n. 8642 A. B. C. D in part, E. F. ; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 294; Aitch. Gat. Panjah PI. 162 ; Trim. Gat. Gey I. PI. 105 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 9, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 15 ; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 494 ; Host Gram. Austr. 1. 13 ; Beichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 47 ; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monoc. n. 22. S. floribunda, Spreng. Syst. i. 305; Wall. Gat. n. 8642 B. S. nnbica, Link. Hort. Berol. i. 220. S. respiciens, Hochst. ex Miq. FL Ind. Bat. iii. 467. S. verticilliformis, Dum. FL Belg. 150. S. Rottleri, Spreng. Syst. Veg. i. 304; Steud. 8yn. Gram. 153. ? S. tomentosa, Eu7ith Eevis. Gram. i. 47; Enum. PL i^l57. Panicum Aparine, Steud. 52. P. adhaerens, ForsJc. Fl. j^gypt. Arab. 20. P. asperum, Lamk. Fl. Fr. iii. 577. P. floribundum, Willd. ex Spreng. Syst. i. 306. P. humile, Trin. Gram. Panic. 167. P. italicum, TJcria, Hart. Reg. Panorm. 54. P. respiciens, Hochst. ex Steud. ■I. c. 52. P. rude, Lamk. ex Steud. Nam. Ed. 1, 589, 772. ? P. toraentosum, Boxh. FL Ind. i. 301. P. verticil latnm, Linn. Sp. PL Ed. II, 82 ; Roxh. FL Ind. i. 301 ; Thw. Enum. 361; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 202. P. viride, De.s/. FL Atlant. i. 58. Pennisetum verticillatum, Br. Prodr. 195. Penn. respi- ciens, A. Pick. Tent. Fl. Abyss, ii. 379. Throughout India, in shady places, ascending the Himalaya to 6000 ft. Ceylon, not very common. — Disteib. Temp, and trop. regions. Annual. Habit of 8. glauca but usually more flaccid. Leaves sometimes 1 in. broad, scaberulous. Panicle 2—7 in. long, erect or curved, green ; bristles of involucel one or few, about ^ in. long, flexuous. Spikelets y^-I^ in. ; gl. I about = | III ; II about = IV which is nearly smooth and shining. 5. S. viridis, Beauv. Agrost. 51 ; panicle spiciform cylindric often interrupted, bristles of involucel 3-6 with erect or spreading barbs, gl. IV oblong minutely punctulate or subrugulose. Kunth Enum. i. 151 ; Aitch. Gat. Panjab. PL 162 ; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 467 ; Most Gram. Austr. ii. t. 14 ; FL Dan. t. 352 ; Reichb. Ic. FL Germ. t. 47 ; Boiss. FL Orient, v. 443 ; Benth. FL AustraL vii. 494 ; Griseb. FL BriL W. Ind. 554 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 9. S. affinis, Schult. Mant. ii. 275. S. ambigua, Guss. FL Sic. Syn. i. 114. S. chlorantha, Sc/mr Enum. PI Transs. 723. S. decipiens, G. Schimp, ex Nym. Gonsp. 787. S. imberbis & Weinmanni, Eoem. & Schult. Syst. ii. 891, 490. S. nana, Dttm. Obs. Gram. Belg. 139. S. penicillata, Wall. Gat. n. 8640 D. S. villosa, Beauv. Agrost. 51. Panicum bicolor, Moench. Meth. 206. P. cynosuroides. Scop. Fl. Gam. Ed. II. i. 50. P. humile, Thunb. ex Trin. Gram. Panic. 164. P. imberbe, Poir. Encycl. Suppl. iv. 272. P. Isevigatum, Lam. Fl. Fr. iii. 578. P. psilocaulum, Steud. Syn. Gram. 50. P. purpurascens, Opiz. in Flora, v. 266 ; Baddi ex Nees Agrost. Bras. 240. P. quale Linnsei, Krock Fl. Siles. i. 88. P. reclinatum, Vill. Hist PL Dauph. ii. 64. P. tejucense, Nees ex Trin. Gram. Panic. 166. P. virescftus, Salzm. ex Doell in Mart. Fl.Brds. ii. II, 157. P. viride, Linn. Setaria.'] clxxiii. ORAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 81 8i/sf. Ed. X. 870; Trin. 8p. Gram. Ic. t. 203. Pennisetum viride, Br. Prodr. 195. Temperate Himalaya and Western Tibet, ascendino: to 11,000 ft., but not common; rare on the plains of India. Nilghiri Hills? (perhaps introduced) Heyne {in Herh. Wallich. n. 8640 D.). — Distrib. Temp, and subtrop. regions of the Old World. Annual. Habit of 8. glauca, but spike-like panicle more interrupted; bristles of involucel 3-6, usually short, green or reddish; spikelets larger and more ovoid, and gl. IV nearly smooth. Ol. 1 = about*^ HI, acute; II -and III subequal, 5-7- nerved. 6. S> gTacillimaj JHbo^.y. ; leaves long narrow pubescent, peduncles elongate filiform scaberuloue, spike-like panicle elongate rachis capillary villous or pubescent, spikelets minnte solitary or in distant shortly pedicelled clusters of 2-3, bristles 1-2 capillary most minutely scabe'rulous, gl. IV transversely rugulose. Ceylon, Gardner (n. 968). Whole plant 18 in. high, flaccid, very slender ; stems densely tufted. Leaves 8-12 by i in., finely acuminate, pubescent on both surfaces, base narrow'; sheath narrow, mouth villous. Peduncles 3-4 in., quite erect, rachis hardly flexuous, pedicels pubescent, bristles erect, often solitary. Spikelets subglobose, glabrous, green ; gl. I = ^ III, broadly ovate, 3-nerved ; II shorter than IV, 5-7-nerved ; III as long as IV, subacute, 5-nerved, palea large hyaline ; IV pale, coriaceous, acute. — Quite unlike any other species. 7. S. Forbesiana, Hook. f. ; perennial, tall, erect, leaves linear- lanceolate base rounded, panicle narrowly pyramidal, branches short or elongate, bristles few very rigid, spikelets ovoid, glumes strongly nerved, IV minutely transversely rugulose. Setaria macrostachya, Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 9 ; Lishoa in Journ Bomb. Nat. Hist. Sac. v. (1890) 2 ; Herh. Ind. Or. Hooh. f. & Thorns, (vix H. B. Sc K.). Panicum Forbesianum, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 98 ; Anderss. in Walp. Ann. vi. 948. — Panicum, Wall. Gat. n. 8704. Temperate Himalaya; from Nepal, TTaZiicA, to Mishmi, G^rt^^^, ascending to 5000 ft. Khasia Hills, alt. 2-4000 ft. The Concan, Lisbod. Stems 3-5 ft., tufted, as thick as a duck's quill, quite smooth. Leaves 12-18 by i-§ in.i finely acuminate, flat, nearly smooth except the margins; sheath glabrous or margins and mouth villous ; ligule of long silky hairs. Panicle 5-12 in., strict, rachis stout, either. narrowly pyramidal with erecto-patent lower branches ^-1^ in. long, or spiciforni with short branches. Involucel of few green or purple stout bristles, i in. long or less. Spikelets yV~i ^"-j sessile, ovoid, green; gl. I = i III, acute or obtuse, 3-nerved; II shorter than IV, orbicular, subacute or obtuse, 9- nerved; III = IV, 7-9-nerved, paleate, male or neuter; IV oblong-ovoid, subacute turgid, white. — Very near Setaria macrostachya, H. B. & K. of tropical America and Australia, which difi'ers more in habit than an}' other characters, having a much denser panicle and the leaves very much narrowed at the base. Both are closely allied to Panicum plicaUtht, but the leaves are not plicate. undeterminable, &c., species. S. ? CANESCENS, Kunth Eev. Gram. i. 47, Enurn. i. 157 = Panicum canescens, Roth Nov. (S/». 54; Steud. Si/n. Gram. 54. S. FiELDiNGii, C. Muell. in Bot. Zeit. xix. (1861) 323. Not an Indian grass. S. HIBTA, Kunth Rev. Gram. Sf Enum. II. c.c. = Panicum hirtum, Roth I. c. 46. P. Rothii, Spreng. Syst.\:Z\0. Oplismenus ? hirtus, Roem. Roem. Sc Sch. Syst. ii. 499. r. yiolacejim, Bich. in Pers. Syn.i. 72? Penicillaria alopecur^ides. Sweet Hort. Brit. Ed. I. 440 ; A. Braun Ind. t^em. Hort. BerofJlSbb), App. 25. Pftny. ciliata. Willd. Enum. Hort. Berol. 1037. PpmV p.hiT^An^q JVees ex A. Br. I. c m. Penic. cylindrica, Roem. & Sch. I. c. 498 {nonJSees). Penic. fallax. Fig.^ Sc Nol'.'in Mem.'^cad. Tor. II, xii. (1852) 371. Penic. involucrata. Scliult. Mant. ii. 283 ; Schlecht. in Linnsea, xxv. (1852), 5d5^ P^nici nigrj- tayum & Sieberiana, Schlecht. I. c. 561, 565. Penic. Plukeneti, Link Enum. Hort. Ber'Ol. 1. 221 ; Nees Fl. Afr. Austr. 72. Penic. KOSKojeghii, A. Br. & Bouche Ind. Sem. Hort Berol. I. c. 26. Penig. typhoidfia & Raddiana, Fig. 8c Not. I. c. 371, 373. PeniQi_8olitajda, StoJces Bot Mat. Med^l 12^. Pgnic. ST^icai^ Willd. I. c; Beauv. 'Agrost. 58, 1. 13, f. 4 ; Wall. Gat. n. 8644 ; Anderss. in Walp.Ann.v\.mQ; Kunth Enum. Pi. i. 165, Suppl. 120, t. 11, f. 1; Jacq. Eclog. Gram. 1. 17 ; Aitchis. Cat. Panjah. PI. 163. Panigum spigatum, Boxh. Fl. Ind. i. 283. P.aji. fl.mp,n>.a.nT;im. Linn. Sp. PlT^. Oenchms aJapecuTiiiiies, Thunh. Prodr. Fl. Gap. 24. C. p^iniceus, Heyne ex Wall. Cat. n.^650. C. spicatjis, Gav. Descr. 304, 614. Holcus panicitormis, Roxh. Ic. ined. n. 896. H. racemosus, Forsk. Fl. ^g. Arab. Ub. ji.' spicatus, Linn. Syst. Ed. x. T30b ; Grah. Cat. Bomb. PI. 238 ; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. Suppl.'99. ^-^pcCr"^"" -i^^^^""^ Linn. Syst. Ed. Murray 92 {excl. Syn. Pluk.). A tvvih.oide8fBurm. f. Fl. Indi 27. — Penicillaria, Wall. Cat. n. 8644,8650. """^ ' Throughout the hotter parts of India, cultivated or an escape; also all Africa and S. Europe. Pennisetum.] olxxiii. graminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) 83 Annual. Stem 3-6 ft., erect", simple, or branched from the root, slender or stout, sometimes as thick as the middle finger at the base, solid, leafy, upper nodes glabrous or woolly, lower rooting. Leaves 1-3 ft. by ^-2 in,, lanceolate, spreading and drooping, flat, more or less hairy ; midrib stout or slender ; sheath rather inflated ; ligule of hairs. Peduncle more or less woolly below the spike. Spike 6-12 in. by ^-1^ in, diam,, erect, cylindric, dense-fld. ; rachis hairy or woolly, branchlets 1-8-fld., concealed by the densely packed spikelets ; bristles of involucel more or less unilateral, as long as the spikelets or longer, scabrid and ciliate, white or colrd. Spikelets -J-i in., usually solitary in the involucel, oblong ovate or ovate- lanceolate, pedicelled, pedicel ciliate; gl. I minute or 0, ^-oi-bicular or subquadrate, 1-3-nerved; II very variable in length, sometimes absent, usually ^-^ IV, sub- quadrate, truncate, obtuse or retuse 3-nerved, very rarely as long as IV and coriaceous ; III ovate-oblong, obtuse or truncate and apiculate, 5-nerved, epaleate or paleate, and male or neuter, rarely bisexual ; IV coriaceous or herbaceous, ovate, acute, 5-7-nerved ; palea very broad, truncate, ciliate at the tip and dorsally, nerves 2 approximate excurrent. Lodicules 0. Anthers linear. Grain oblong, obovoid, or pyriform, smooth, free, and top exposed. — Only known in cultivation or as an escape, and it is difficult to say whether the many known forms originated in one or more species. Alph. De Candolle unfortunately does not include it in his " Oiigine des Phintes Cultivees." Its abundance throughout Africa would point to that continent as its source. There are very great differences in the number, sizes, and shapes of the glumes, of I and II especially, which are not unfrequently both absent. The materials are not sufficient to enable me to attempt a classification of the numerous forms cultivated or growing as escapes in India. To do this would require an exhaustive examination of the African forms, of which there are legions. I can only refer to Schlechtendahl's paper in the Linnaea, xxv. (1852) 530, to Kornicke & Werner's Handb. der Getreidebaues (i, 291), and toBraun's descriptions of 22 cultivated forms, chiefly African, in Walp. Ann, vi. 961. Roxburgh alludes to five varieties as cultivated in India, but does not distinguish them. The following five are selected as noteworthy. 1. Tall, very stout, leaves broad, spike very stout (Typha-like), 8-12 by 1-1| in. diam., involucels on long ciliate pedicels with sometimes a superposed one, bristles much longer than the spikelets, dark brown ; spikelets clustered in the involucels or chiefly in the upper involucel if present, ovoid or oblong, gl, I minute semilunar or 0, II 0 or like I or larger and quadrate truncate 3-lobed 3-nerved, III = IV 5.nerved, paleate, palea very broad quadrate entire or 2 -fid. 2-nerved dorsally villous, IV 7-nerved emarginate apiculate, palea as in III. — The largest cult. form. Wall. Cat. n. 8644. 2. Spike cylindric 7 by | in., involucels shortly pedicelled, bristles shorter than the spikelet pale, spikelets 1-3 -^ in., gl. I and II minute semilunar, III broadly oblong paleate and 3-nerved, palea dorsally villous, IV 7-nerved nerves and margins ciliate, palea as in III. — N.W. India, Roj/le. 3. Tall, erect, spike 4-5 in., stem densely villous towards the top, involucels shortly pedicelled, bristles longer than the spikelets pale or purplish, spikelets subsolitary ^ in. elliptic-lanceolate, gls. 3, 10, II = |-| IV oblong truncate 5-nerved paleate. III ovate cuspidate 5-nerved. — A very common cult. form. Lahore, Steioart. — Alopecurus indicus, Hh. Heyne. *- 4. Stem slender 12-18 in., leaves very narrow, spike 1 in. rather slender, involucels shortly pedicelled, bristles longer than the spikelet, pale, spikelets subsolitary ovate, gls. 3, I minute semilunar, II = ^ III subquadrate 3-nerved, III ovate tip truncate and mncronate strongly 5-nerved, nerves and tip ciliate. — Monghyr. 5. Spike 4-7 in,, involucels shortly pedicelled, bristles much longer than the spikelets very pale, spikelets i-^ in. narrowly lanceolate, glumes 3 all membranous, I minute, II = ^ III oblong truncate 3-nerved, III elliptic-lanceolate strongly 3-nerved tip emarginate mucronate, palea narrow oblong-lanceolate smooth, anther cells most minutely bearded, ovary produced into a flexuous compressed twisted G 2 Si CLXxiii. GEAMiNEiE. (J. H. Hooker.) [Pennuetum. awn nn inch long. Penieillaria cylindrica, S. <^ S. ; Wight Cat. n. 1662. — A diseased form. Sect. II. Pennisetum proper. Anther-cells not bearded. * Bristles of involucel all free to the base, slender. t Bristles branched. 1. P. lanatuxn, Klotzsch in Bot. Erg. Waldem. Beise, 65, t. 93. P. sericeum, Munro mss. P. nepalense, Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. C1868) 302 (non Sprenff.) Western Himalaya, alt. 7-9000 ft. j from Kashmir to Garwhal, and Western TiBT^T, Jacquemont, &c. Perennial ; rootstock often stout, woody, creeping and branching ; stem 1-3 ft. Leaiies 6-18 by ^-\: in., flat, glabrous hairy or silkily villous. Spikes 2-5 in., \-^ in. diain., pale green; peduncle and rachis more or less villous; involucels podicelled, deiisfly imbricate. Spikelets ■!• in., solitary in the involucels, rather shorter than the scabrid and sparsely ciliate branching bristles; gl. I = ;^ III, ovate, acute; II = ^ IV, oblong, obtuse, 3-nerved, III and IV lanceolate, acuminate, 5-nerved. tt Bristles unhranched, scaherulous, not or s'paringly ciliate. 2. P. AlopecuroSy Steud. Syn. Gram. 102 {non Jacq.) ; peduncle and rachis of spike glabrous, spikelets ^ in. solitary narrowly lanceolate, gl. I minute, II = ^ III oblong obtuse 1-3-nerved, III lanceolate acuminate 7-11-nerved, IV subulate-lanceolate 5-nerved. Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 10; L'shoa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. v. (1890) 338. P. Hohenackeri, Morl/st. ex Steud. I. c. 103. P aureum, Da/z. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 294 ; ? Link. Hart. Berol. i. 215. Gymnothrix Alopecuros, Nees in Wight Gat. n. 1663; Steud. I.e. G. cenchroides, Boem. & Sch. Syst. ii. 499 ; Kunth JEnum. PI. i. 155 ; Wight ex Steud 8yn. Gram.. 102. Cenchrus hordeiformis, Herb. Rotfl. ex Steud. I. e. 102 (non Thunh.). Panicum helvolum, Herb. Madr. ex Wall. Cat. n. 8652 A. Pan. hordeiforme, Thunb. Fl. Ja'pon. 46 ifartly). —Gymnothrix ? Wall. Cat. n. 8652. Rajputana ; swamps on Mt. Abu, Duthie. The Concan, Stocks, &c. Nilghiri Hills, alt. 5500 ft. Perennial. Stems 2-3 ft., stout, ei'ect, densely tufted below, subdistichously brandling upwards; branches strict, erect. Leaves 12-18 by -j\j-i in., coriaceous, convolute, glabrous, base and flattened distichous sheath often villous ; ligule of hairs. Spikes 5-7 in., usually pale green ; rachis flexuous ; involucels very shortly pedicelled ; bristles few, very unequal, nearly straight, longest 2-3 times as long as the spikelet, bases quite fi-ee ; gl. I suborbicular, — Habit of P. compressum. The Pv aureum of the Bombay Flora is, I do not doubt, P. Alopecuros^ but what P. aureum of Link may be is uncertain. 3. P. flaccidum, Griseb. in Goett. Wachr. (1868) 86; peduncle and rachis of spike glabrous, spikelets ^ in. solitary ovate-lanceolate, gl. I very- small orbicular or 0, II = | IV lanceolate 5-nerved, III and IV ovate- lanceolate subsets ceously acuminate 5-nerved. Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 10. P. mongolicum, Franch. mss. Gymnothrix flaccida, Munro ex Aitchis. Cat. Panjah. PI. 163. Temperate and alpine Himalaya, alt. 5-11,000 ft. ; from Kashmir to W. Nepal and Western Tibkt. — Di^trib. Aff'ghan., Central Asia. Perennial. Stem 6-24 in., densely tufted, creeping below, branching at the base only, slender above. Leaver 5-10 by \-\ in., flat, ghibrous or sparsely hairy, base JPennisefum.'] clxxiii. gra.mine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 85 contracted, mouth of the often ciliate sheath bearded. Spikes 2-S in., rather slender, very pale, often flexuous j involucels subsessile ; bristles nearly straight or flexuous, one often very much the longest, all free to the base. 4. P. compressum, Br. Prodr. 193 ; tip of peduncle and rachis of spike more or less villous, spikelets ^ in. solitary lanceolate, gl. I minute or 0, II = ^-| III ovate-lanceolate acute or obtuse 1-nerved, III ovate acuminate 5-7-nerved epaleate, IV = III 5-nerved. Schrad. in Linncsa, xii. (1838) 431 ; Benth. Fl Austral, vii. 495; Steud. Si/n. Gram. 102. P. alopecuroides, ^/jreii^. 8^-st. i. SOd {in part). P. chiim-nse, Steud. I.e. 108. P. cynosuroides, Wall. Cat. n. 8653. P. bordeiforme, Spreng. Syst. i. 302. P. nigricans, Trin. ex Steud. Nom. Ed. IT. ii. 297, Sijii. Gram. 103. P. japonicum, Trin. in Spreny. Neue Eyitdeck.ii. 7Q, Diss. li. 63, Pan. Gen. 88, Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 19 ; Franck. et Savat. Fnum. Pi. Jap. ii. 164. Penicillaria cliinensis, Nees ex Steud. I. c. Gymnothrix compressa, Brongn. Voy. Cog. Bot. 103. ? G. cenchroides, lloem. Sc Sch. i. 499 {in part). G. hordeiformis, Nees in Linnasa, vii. (1832) 276. G. japonica, Kunth Fnum. PI. i. 158. G. nigri- cans, Presl Bel. Haenk. i. 315. G. purpurascens, Sw. ex Trin. Diss. ii. 64, Pan. Gen. I. c. ? Cenchrus hordeiformis, Thunb. Prodr. PL Gap. 24. C. purpurascens, Thunb. in Trans. Linn. Soc. ii. (1794) 329. Setaria com- pressa, Kunth Revis. Gram. 46, Fnum. i. 150. Panicum alopecuroides, Linn. Sp. PI. 55. P. aristidoides, Willd. ex Spreng. Syst. i. 302. Pan. asperum, Link. Enum. Hort. Berol. i. 75 {non Sch. P). Pan. hordeiforme, Thunh. Fl. Jap. 46, t. 9 {excl. cit. Afr.). ? Alopecurus hordeiformis, Linn. Sp. PI. 60.— Gymnothrix, Wall. Cat. n. 8653. Burma ; Taong Dong, Wallich ; Shan Hills, alt. 4000 ft., Manders. — Distrib. China, Japan, Tonkin, Australia. Perennial; stem 1-2 ft., densely tufted. Leaves 12-18 in., very narrow, con- volute, silkily villous towards the base; sheath glabrous or ciliate ; ligule obscure. Spikes 2-4 in., purplish in Indian specimens; involucels pedicelled, pedicels villous; bristles few, very unequal, one or two much longer than the rest and an inch long, all free at the base. — 'Trinius refers to P. compressum, the Alopecurus hordeiformis, Linn. {Cenchrus hordeiformis, Thunb., Gymnothrix cenchroides, R. & S.), which appear to me to be more probably P. Alopecurus. 5. P. dichotoiuum, DeWe Fl. .^gypt. 159, t. 8, £. 1 ; stem dicho- tomously branched rigid, peduncle and rachis glabrous, spikelets 5 in. usually solitary lanceolate, gl. I = | III ovate-lanceolate acuminate, II = III lanceolate acuminate 5-7-nerved, II L = IV both 5-nerved. Trin. Diss. ii. 66, Pan. Gen. 94; Kurdh Enum. PI. I 161, Suppl. 110; Steud. Syn. Gram. 105 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 444 ; Aitchis. Cat. Panjah. PI. 162 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 10. _ P. phalaroides, Schult. Mant. ii. 147 ; Nees Agrost. Bras. 283. Gymnothrix longiglumis, Munro in Cat. Griff. Sec. PI. 56 {name). Cenchrus ramosissimus, Poir. Encycl. vi. 51; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 294. Phalaris setacea, Forsk. FL ASgypt. Arab. 20. Panicum dichotomum, Forsk. I. c. ; Steud. I. c. 105. Panjab and the N, W. Provinces (fid. Duthie). Peshawdb, Aitehison. Sind and GuzEBAT ; on sand hills, Stocks. — Distrib. Affghan. and westwards to N. Africa. Perennial, quite glabrous, bushy. Stems distantly branched ; interaodes long, rigid, polished ; branches sometimes fascicled. Leaves short, rigid, convolute. Spikes 3-5 in., c)'lindric, pale, nearly white; rachis scabrid ; bristles of sessile involuctd, very many, slender, flexuous, pale, the longer nearly twice as long as the spikelnif» iimer stouter somewhat plumose, all free at the base. — I have seen no specimens from the Punjab or the N.W. Provinces. 86 CLXxiii. GRAMiNEJE. (J. D. Hookei.) [Pvnnisetums. 6. P. parviflorum, Trin. Diss. ii. 65, 8p. Oram. Ic. t. 288 ; annual, erect, peduncle and rachia glabrous, spike very narrow purple, spikelets ^ in. solitary narrowly lanceolate, gl. I minute suborbicular, 11 longest truncate cuspidate 5-nerved, III = f II truncate toothed 5-nerved paleate male, IV = III lanceolate obtuse nerveless shining. Steud. Syn. Gram. 103. P. imberbe, Edgew. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxi. (1852) 181 {name) ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 104; Duthie Grass. JSf. W. Ind. 10, Indig. Fodd. Grass. t. 50, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 18. Gymnothrix hordeoides, Kunih Bevis. Gram. i. 48, Fnum. i. 60. Panicum hordeoides, Poir. in Lam. Illust. i. 170. Alopecurus rubicundus, Herh. Ham. ex Wall. Cat. n. 8646 B. Eajputana ; at Oodeypore, W^ngate (Herh Duthie). Behak, on Parusnath, and at Hazaribagh, Clarice. — DiSTRlB. tropical Afi'ica. Stem 2-3 ft., branching upwards, leafy, branches erect. Leaves 4-10 by ^-^ in., flat, base and mouth of sheath ciliate. Spikes 3-5 by ^-i in. diam. ; rachis very sk-nder, strict, as it were crenate from the projections between the close-set spike- lets ; bristles of sessile involucel very slender, quite free, a few 4-6 times as long as the spikelet. — Closely allied to P. setosa. Probably not indigenous in India. ft Bristles unhranchedf inner copiously ciliate or lanate. 7. P- orientale, Bich. in Pers. Syn. i. 72 ; perennial, rachis of spike hairy, spikelets 2-5 in each pedicelled involucel \ in. lanceolate, gl. I = III ovate or oblong nerveless, II shorter than lY ovate-lanceolate acuminate 3-nerved, III longest aristately acuminate 5-nerved, IV oblong-lanceolate aristate shining. Trin. Diss. ii. 69; Kunlh Fnum. PI. i. 162, ii. 117; Griseh. in Ledeb. Fl. Ross. iv. 472 ; Coss. Sf Dur. Fl. Alger, ii. 39 ; JBoiss. Fl. Orient, v. 445; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 10. P. araneosum, Edgew. in Journ. Beng. As. Soc. xxi. (1852), 180; Steud. Sun. Gram. 105; Aitchis. Cat. Panjah. PI. 162; Duthie Grass. N.W. Irid. 10. P. asperifolium, Kuntli Revis. Gram,, i. 49, Fnum. PI. I. c. P. elatum, Hochst. ex Steud. Nom. Ed. II. ii. 297. P. fasciculatum, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. 8er. 6, iii. II. (1835) 181. P. Griffithii, Munro Cat. PI. Griff, dire. ined. 56. P. macrostachyum, Fresen. in Mus. Senlcenb. ii. 135 {non Trin.). P. persicum, Boiss. Sc Buhse in Nov. Mem.. Soc. Nat. Mosc. xii. (1860) 232. P. phalari- forme, Steud. Syn. Gram,. 106 {ex descript.). P. Ruppellii, Steud. Nom. I.e. 298. P. sinaicum, Decne in Ann. Sc Nat. Ser. 2, ii. (1834) 11 ; Aitchis. I. c. DutJiie I. c. P. tenue & variabile. Fig. Sf Notar. in Mem. Accad. Torin Ser. 2, xii. (1852), 246, 248. P. tiberiadis. Bois.^. Diagn. Ser. I. xiii. 43. Cenchrus asperifolius, Desf. Fl. Atlant. ii. 388. C hordeiformis, Pers. I. c. 71 (non LamJc.). 0. orientalis, Willd. ex Trin. Diss. ii. 69; Kunth I.e. 162. Panicum orientale, Willd. Fnum. Hort. Berol. ii. 1031. Western Himalaya, from Kashmir to Kumaon, alt. 3-6O0O ft. The Panjab, SiNDH, the CoNCAN and Behar (on Parusnath, alt. 2000 ft., Ciar&e).— Distrib. Westward to Asia Minor and N. Afr. Stem 2-6 ft., erect or ascending from a densely tufted often stout creeping branching rootstock. Leaves 1-2 ft. by ^-J in., narrowly linear, flat or subconvolute, glabrous or hairy. Spike 5-16 in. ; rachis stout, subterete, not grooved or notched ; pedicels of involucels hispid ; bristles |-f in., all very slender, flexuous, often pur- plish, very unequal, villous below, quite free at the base; spikelets on the short branches of a hispid pedicel, outer often imperfect. Var. triflorum, Stapf mss. ; spike elongate dense-flowered. P. triflornm, Nees in Herb. Royle ; Steud. I. c. 107, 8. P. pedicellatum, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Ser. vi. iii. Pennisetwn.'] clxxiii. qramineji. (J. D. Hooker.) 87 II. (1835) 184; annual, spikes dense-fld., rachis glabrous, spikelets ^ in. solitary or geminate shortly pedicelled in the sessile involucels, bristles densely villous, gl. I very small oblong woolly, II broadly oblong apiculate 7-nerved, III ^ IV truncate 6-nerved tip toothed, IV lanceolate acute smooth shining. P. lanuginosum, Hochst. in Flora xxv. (1842), Beibl. i. 133 ; A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss, ii. 385 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 107 ; Lisboa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. v. (1891) 339. P. amoenum, A. Rich. I.e. 386. P. lanatum, Herb. Ham. ex Wall. Cat. n. 8647. P. implicatum, Steud. I. c. 107 {ex descr.). P. intertextum, Schlecht. in Bot. Zeit. ix. (1851) 878. Briochaeta densiflora, nervosa & secundiflora. Fig. et De Not. in Mem. Ace. Torin. Ser. II. xiv. (1854) 375-378.— Pennisetum, Wall. Cat. I. c. Rajpootana and Banda; on Mt. Abu, Duthie. Behab, at Monghyr, Hamilton ; Hazaribagh and on Parusnath, Clarke. — Disteib. Afr. trop. Stems 1-3 ft., branched from the base and above, leafy. Leaves 6-10 by i-5 in., flat, flaccid, glabrous or sparsely hairy. Spikes 2-5 in. ; rachis notched ; involucels quite sessile ; outer bristles short, inner ^ in. long, densely villous below the middle, liexuous, very unequal, pale. Spikelets with the pedicel and often the base of the lower glumes woolly ; tip of gl. IV hispid. 9. P. setosum, Rich, in Pers. Syn. ii. 729 {excl. syn.) ; annual, peduncle and rachis of spike glabrous, spikelets -^q in. solitary in the sessile involucels, bristles 5-^ in. sparsely ciliate, gl. I minute or 0, II oblong cuspidate 5-nerved, 111 shorter than II oblong truncate 3-toothed 5-nerved, IV ovoid tip ciliate. Trin. Diss. ii. 66, Fan. Gen. 95, Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 20 ; Nees in Mart. Fl. Bras. ii. II. 305 ; Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 555; Baker Fl. Maurit. 441. P. barbatum, Schult. Mant. ii. 147; Nees Agrost. Bras. 283 ; Kunth Fnum. PI. i. 163 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. lOS. P. breve, .^ee* /. c. 281. P. ciliatum, Pari, in Hook. Niger Flora, 184. P. ciliares, Herb. Ham. eaj] Wall. Cat. n. 8640 A. P. dasystachum, Besv. Opusc. {ex descr.) 76. P. elegans, Nees ex Steud. I. c. 105. P. flavescens, Presl Rel. Haenk. i. 316 {ex descr.). P. hirsatum, Nees Agrost. Bras. 284. P. holcoides, Schult. I. c. 148 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 10, Indig. Fodd. Grass, t. 49, Fodd. , Grass. N. Ind. 17. P. gracile, Benth. in Hook. Niger Fl. 564. P. intertextum, Herb. Ham. ex Wall. Gat. 8648. P. myurus, Pari, in Atti Riun. Qtt. Sc. Ital. 586. P. pallidum, Nees Agrost. Bras. 185 {ex descr.). P. polysta- chyum, Schult. I. c. 146 ; Nees in Hook. Niger Fl. 563. P. purpurascens, H.B, Sf K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. i. 113 ; Nees I. c. 282 ; Kunth I. c. 160. P. Eichardi, Kunth Revis. Gram. i. 49, 255, t. 39, Fnum. 161. P. Sieberi, Kunth Revis. i. 49 {ex parte) ii. 877. P. tenuispiculatum, Steud. I. c. 107 (e.r descr.) P. triticoides, Roem. ^ Sch. S2/st.ii.S77. P. uniflorum, H.B. ^K. I.e. t. 34. P. violaceum. Hart, ex Trin. Diss. ii. 67 {non Rich.). Gymno- thrix Thouarii, Herb. Ham. ex Wall. Cat. n. 8645 A. {non Beauv.). Peni- cillaria ciliaris, Herb. Ham. I. c. n. 8646 A. Panicum Alopecuros, Lamk. III. i. 169; Fnci/cl. iv. 739. Pan. barbatum, Roxb. Fl. Ind. i. 282 ; Wall. Cat. n. 8646 0. Pan. cenchroides, Rich, in Act. Soc. Hist. Nat. Par. i. (1792) 106. Pan, densispica, Poir. Encycl Suppl. iv. 273. Pan. holcoides, Roxb. I. c. 285, Ic. ined. n. 784. Pan. polystachyum, Schult. Mant. ii. 146. Pan. triticoides, Poir. I. c. 274. Setaria cenchroides, Roem. ^ Seh. Syst. ii. 495. Cenchrus setosus, Sw. Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. 26 {excl. &yn.). — Penniseti sp.. Wall. Cat. n. 8646, 8648. Upper Gangetic Plain, at Cawnpore {Herb. Wight). The Circars ; in culti- vated ground among the mts., Roxburgh. Bengal, Behar, and Chota Nag pore. — DiSTRiB. Afric. and Amer, trop. 88 CLXXiii. graminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) [Pennisetum, Stem erect, often stout and fastigiately branched at the nodes, green or purplish. Leaves 6-10 by ^-f in., flat, flaccid, glabrous or hair3\ Spikes few or many, 2-4-. in., usually purplish brown; rachis slender, deeply pitted; involucels close-set, at length spreading ; bristles laxly but copiously ciliate below the middle, all slender and free at the base ; gl. II. suddenly or gradually cuspidate; III with two obtuse lateral teeth at the tip and an acute median. Sti/les free at the base. — Possibly not indigenous in India. 10. P. borbonicum, Kunth Eevis. Oram, i. 259, t. 41, Enum. PI. i. 162, Sufpl. 118 ; habit, &c. of P. setosum, but spikes longer 1 in. diam. across the bristles, spikelets \ in., gl. II much longer than III acuminate. Gymnothrix Thuarii, Beauv. Agrost. 59. G. Thouarii, Steud. Nom. Ed. II. ; 386. Panicum longisetum, Poir. Encyc. iv. 275 [Excl. 8yn. Beauv.). — Pennisetum sp. Wall. Gat. n. 8645. Bengal; at Serampore, Carey; margins of fields, &c., Kurz. Silhet, Griffith, — DisTEiB. Bourbon. A very doubtful native of India. ** Inner bristles of involueel dilated below, their bases confluent in a coriaceous disk. 11. P. cenchroides^ Rich, in Pers. Syn. i. 72 ; peduncle and rachis of spike glabrous, spikelets \ in. 1-3 in each pedicelled' involueel, gl. I = ^ III ovate acuminate nerveless, 11=5 I^ ovate acuminate 1-nerved, III oblong truncate 5-nerved, IV lanceolate truncate or cuspidate. Beauv. Agrost. 59, t. 13, f. 5 ; Triiu Fund. Agrost. 171, t. xv.,Dws. ii. 69, Pan. Gen. 93; N^es Agrost. Bras. 184, Fl. Afr. Austr. 70, inLinnsea, vii. 162; Kuntk Enum. PI. i. 162 ; Suppl. 119 ; Parlat. Fl. Ital. i. 108, in Webh. 8f Berth. Phyt. Canar. iii. III. 380, t. 244 ; Steud. Syn Gram. 105 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 445; Baker Fl. Maurit. 441; Wall. (7ai.n.8649; AitcUs. Gat.Panjab. PI. 162 ; lAshoa in Joiirn. Bomb. Nat. Hist. 8oc. v. (1891) 338 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 10, Indig. Fodd. Grass, t. 12, 13, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 17. P. cilia re, Link. Sort. Berol. i. 213; Goss. 8f Bur. FL Alger, ii. 38. P. incomptum, Nees ex Steud. I. c. 105 {ex descr.). P. distylum, Guss. Ind. Sem. Hort. Bocc. 8, Fl. Sic. Prodr. i. 12 ; Bertol. Fl. ItaL i. 393. P. petreum, Steud. I. c. 106. PP. Vahlii, Kunth Bevis. i. 49. P. rufescens, Spreng. Syst. i. ^02 \ Kunth 1. 1. CO. 162, ii, 117- Steud. I.e. Oenchrus Anjania, Herb. Ham. ex Wall. Cat. n. 8649 B. C. ciliaris, Linn. Sp. PI. 302 ; Desf. Fl. Atlant. ii. 387. C. digynus, Schreb. ex Boiss. I.e. 449. 0. longifolius, Hochst. ex Steud: I.e. C. mutabilis, Wight. Herb. C. pennisetiformis, Hochst. et Steud. ex Boiss, I. c. 448. C. rufescens, Desf. I. c. 388. Panicum vulpinum, Willd. Enum. Hort. Berol. 1031. Plains and low hills through6ut Western India, from Kashmir to the Upper Gangetic plain and southwd. (Absent from Ceylon.)— Disteib. Westwd. to Sicily, tro]'. Afr. and the Canaries. Stems tufted, 6-18 in., erect or decumbent and much branched from the base, stout or slender, leafy, or ascending from a branching often nodose rootstock, the sheaths of which are often woolly. Leaves 6-10 by l-\ in., glabrous hairy or villous. Spikes 1^-4 in., pale, rarely purplish ; peduncle often flexuous ; rachis scaberulous ; involucels subsfssile, outer bristles slender, squarrosely spreading; inner twice as long as the spikelets, thickened and ciliate below, filiform flexuous and scabrid above. Spikelets 3, polygamous, gl. Ill male or sometimes fern, with an obcordat'e ovary; IV coriaceous ; styles nearly free at the base. Var. echinoides ; inner bristles of the involueel shortly connate above the basal disk. Cenchrus echinoides, Wight ex Steud. Nom. Ed. 11. i. 317 ; Syn. Gram. 109. Fennisetum."] clxxiii. geamine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 89 C. bulbosus, Fresen. ex Steud. I. c. C. pennisetiformis, Hochst. ex Steud. I. c 109. C. setigerus, Herb. Heyne ex Wall. Cat. n. 8649 A. ; Altchis. Cat Panjab. Pi. 162. C. lappaceus, Tausch in Flora XX. (1837) 57. — The Panjab, Upper Gaugetic Plain, and Deccan Peninsula, Arabia, Africa, Madeira. A nearer approach to Cenchrus than P. cenchroides, but at once distinguishable from that genus by the filiform tips of the bristles of the involucel. It occurs here and there in the san/e areas as P. cenchroides, and passes into it. 12. P. Prieurii, Kunth Revis. Gram. ii. 411, t. 119, Enum. Pl.i. 162, SuppL 119; habit of P. cenchroides, but involucel nearly twicd ^^'s large, the longer bristles f in. long, the spikeiets one or two sessile and gl. I minute or 0. Steud. Syn. Gram. 105. Cenchrus macrostachyus, Hochst. ex Steud. I. c. 109. The Panjab ; Drummond (Eerh. Duthie). Rajputana; at Jeypoor, Duthie.— DiSTKiB. Afr. trop. Quite glabrous. Stems tall, slender, erect, or short prostrate stout and much branched, with geniculate leafy branches. Leaves 1-8 in., rigid, narrow with filiWirm tips, s caber ulous ; sheath inflated; ligule of very tine hairs. SpiTces on long exserted or short included peduncles, 2-4 in. long, 1^ in. diam. across the bristles, very pale ; rachis slender, geniculatoly flexuous, compressed, quite smooth ; invulucels subsessile ; bristles 1 in. flexuous, dilated and ciliate below. Spikeiets ^ in. ; gl. I 0 ; II = III both ovate-lanceola|;e, cuspidately acuminate, 5-nerved ; IV like III, but rather longei-, 5-nerved ; palea like the gl., 2-nerved. Anthers linear. Grain broadly orbicular-oblong, cuspidate, flattened, DOUBTFUIt SP'ECIKS^ p. NEPALense, Spreng. Syst. i. 303 (to which Grisebach refers lanatum, Kl.) differs according to the description from lanatum in the coloured set-se, which are not described as branched, and in the habitat, Nepal, which is far to the east of the range of lanatum. Sprengel's specimen is in all probability from Wallich, who alone had distributed plants from Nepal at that time. 15. CENCHRUS, Linn. Characters of Pennisetum, but involucels composed of subulate hard spines without filiform tips, connate below into a short coriaceous cup, which is surrounded by erect or squarrose bristles. — Species few, tropical and subtropical. 1. C. biflorus, Eoxh. Fl. Ind. i. 233; involucels rounded at the base, inner spines subulate-lanceolate erect puberulous dorsally flat with thickened margins, outer short or long erect or sub-squarrose. Kunth Enum. PI. i. 167 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 110; Wight Oat. n. 1664; Dalz. ^ Gibs. Bomb. FL 294 ; Aitc'his. Gat. Panjab. PI. 163 (triflorusj ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 9. C. bulbifer, Hochst. ex Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 448. C. echinatus, Wall. Cat. n. 8854 B.C. C. montanus, Nees in Boyle III. Himal. PI. 416 {name); Steud. I.e. Ill \ BoissTl. c. Aitchis. I.e.; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 9, Indig. Fodd. Grass, t. 48, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 16. C. quinquevalvis. Herb. Ham. ex Wall. I. c. C. C. Schimperi, Hochst. ex Steud. Nom. Ed. II. i. 317. C. tripsacoides, Br. in Salt Toy. Abyss. App. 62 (nomen). C. uniflorus, Ehrb. ms. ex Boiss. I.e. The Panjab and Upper Gangetic Plain, Royle, &c. The Concan and Scind, Stocks. Uajvootana, Duthie. Coromatudti^Jj, Roxburgh, &c. — Distkib. Beluchistan, Arabia, Africa. Annual ? Stem erect, 6-24 in., simple. Leaiies narrow, glabrous or hairy, mouth of sheath hairy. Spikes 2-^ \n., solitary, cyliudric,\ green ; rachis flexuou8. 90 CLXXiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hookei.) [Cenchru. angalar, smooth ; involacels loosely imbricate, spines sometimes hooked at the tip, inner ^-i in. long, as long as the sessile spikelets. 2. C- cathartlcusy Delile Gat. Sort. Monsp. 1838, in Linnsea xiii. (1839) Litterb. 103 ; base of involucels turbinate or truncate, inner spines squarrosely spreading subulate dorsally deeply grooyed, margins ciliate or Bcaberulous, outer spreading or reflexed. Steud. 8yn. Gram. 130 ; ?Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 9, Indig. Fodd. Grass, t. xi., Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 15 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 448. 0. ajunnlaris, Anderss. in Peters. Reise Mossamb. Bot. 553. C. echinatus, A. Rich. Tentyi. Abyss, ii. 389 ; Wall. Gat. n. 8654, A.D. AitcMs. Cat. Pavjdb. VI. 163; ? Buthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 9 {non Linn.). C. Lapeta, Herb. Sam. ex Wall. Lc. D. C. niloticus, Fig. Si" Notar. in Mem. Accad. Torin. (1854), 380. Elymus Caput Medusae, Forsk. Fl. ^g. Arab. 25 {non Linn.). The Panjab and Upper Gangetic Plain, Bamilton, Boyle, &c, — Distrib. Arabia, Afric. trop. Quite glabrous. Stem j^eniculately ascending, branched from the base, leafy. Leaves 1-3 in., lanceolate, finely acuminate, scaberulous ; sheath inflated. Spikes 1-6 in., usually more or less enclosed in the uppermost leaf-sheath ; rachis flexuous, smooth ; involucels i— j in. across the spreading spines. Spikelets | in., 1-2-fld. j gl. I membranous ; II and III hyaline, orate, acuminate, 5-nerved ; IV ovate- lanceolate, cuspidately acuminate, — Resembles Pennisetum cenchroides, but at once recognized by the rigid involucel spines. Duthie's figures under tlm names of catharUr.'n.st and mnnt^nus are not recognizable. The widely distributed C. echinatus, lAnn., is very closely allied, but should be' recognized by the broader spines of the involucel. I doubt its being distinct. 16. STfilfOTAPHXlUlMr, Trin. Coarse grasses. Stem flattened. Leaves distichous. Spikelets spicate, partially sunk in one face of a broad flat herbaceous rachis, usually bise- riate, ovate, acuminate, 1-fld., dorsally flattened, sometimes on short flat appressed branches of the rachis ; rachis simple or jointed, tip acute. Glumes 4; I short, broad, rarely 0 ; II convex, empty ; III as long as II, flat, paleate, empty or triandrous ; IV equalling III, coriaceous, bisexual; palea large, ovate, acute, coriaceous. Anthers linear. Styles free. Grain broad, flattened, free within the hardened glume and pale. — Species 2 or 3 tropical. 1. S. g-labrum, Trin. Fund. Agrost. 176, Gram. Panic. 60; gl. I very short truncate membranous nerveless. Nees Agrost. Bras. 92 ; Boell in Mart. Fl. Bras. ii. II. 301, t. 39. S. americanum, SchranJc PI. Ear. Sort. Monac. 98, t. 98, in Flora, vii. (1824) Beib. 27, 28 ; Kunth Enum. PL i. 138; Benth. Fl Ait'stfal. ' vii. 501; Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 544. S. complanatum, Schrank in Flora I. c. 26 ; Kunth Enum. I. c. 137 ; ]Sfees I. c. 93 ; Thwaites Enum. PI. Zeyl. 361 ; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PL 106 ; Baker Fl. Maurit. 440. S. dimidiatum, Brong. Bot. Voy. Coq. 127 ; Wight Gat.w. 1606. S. glabfum, Trin. I.e. 175; Nees I.e. S. Koenigii, Schrank I. c. S. madagascariense, Kunth Bevis, Gra^n. ii. 163, t. 211 ; Enum. PI. i. 524, SuppL 99; Steud. I.e. 118. S. sarmentosum, Nees in Mart. Fl. Bras. ii. 93 ; Fl. Afr. Austr. 63, S. Swartzianum, Nees Fl. Afr Austr. 62. Rottboellia complanata, Sw. in Ges. Fr. Naturf. Berl. Mag. iv. (1810) 89, t. 6 ; Schrank I. c. R. compressa, Beauv. Agrost. 109, t. 21, f . 8, Stenotaphrum.'] clxxiii. GEAMiNEiB. (J. D. Hooker.) 91 B. dimidiata, Thunh. Prodr. Fl. Cap. 23. E. paleacea, Steud. ex Doell in Mart. Fl. Bras. ii. II. 301 . R. tripsacoides, Lamk. Illustr. i. 205, t. 48, f . 1. Panicum dimidiatum, Linn. Syst. FJd. xiii. 90; Willd. Sp. PI. i. 339; Retz. Obs. vi. ; Eoxb. Fl. Ind. i. 287. P. poaeforme, Bojer Hort Maurit. 365. Diastemanthe platystachys, Steud. I. c. 360. Ischsemum secandatum, Walt. Fl. Carol. 249.— Stenotaphrum, Wall. Cat. 8673. Plains throughout India.*— Disteib. Tropics generally. Stem stout, creeping below ; branches 2 in. to 2 ft. high. Leaves 3-6 in. by J in. broad or less ; sheath broad, flat ; ligule a ring of fine hairs. SpiUe erect, 2-4 by ii in., not or obscurely jointed j branches when present f in. by ^ in., erect. Spikelets i in. long ; gl. I about ^ II, orbicular ; II thin, ovate, acuminate, 7-neryed ; III lanceolate, acuminate, margins thickened obscurely incurved. — Very variable in the number and arrangement of the spikelets. 2. S. Helferi, Munro in Cat. PL GHff. Falc, 8^c. (1865) ined. ; gl. 1 half as long as III ovate-oblong strongly 3-5-nerved. — Panicum dimi- diatum, Seyne in Kerb. Mottl. Tenasseeim, SeZ/er. Malay Peninsula ; Plus river, Wray ; Quedah, ICtn^r's Collector ; " Hengeiturei, Feb. 12th, 1796," H&yne ? in Serb. Bottler.— I>iSTniB. Tonkin. Stem 1-2 ft., as thick as a crow-quill or thicker, base decumbent geniculate. Leaves 6-10 by ^-^ in., strap-shaped, upper acuminate, lower obtuse apiculate ; sheath broad, flat j ligule a ring of. short hairs. Rachis of spikes 3-6 by i-f in., straight or flexuous, not jointed ; spikes ^-^ in. ; spikelets 3-6, imbricate, ^-\ in. long, ovate, acute ; gl. I obtuse ; II lanceolate, thin, 7-nerved ; III = II, 5-nerved, paleate, male ; IV chartaceous, dorsally flattened ovate, beaked, smooth.— Hey ne's specimen is probably from the Malay Peninsula, from whence he received plants j it is accompanied by one of 8. glabrum. 17. TKUARSA, Pers. A small mnch-branched prostrate leafy littoral grass. Leaves short, flat. Bpike terminal, included in a leaf-sheath ; rachis flat, herbaceous, base at length accrescent and enveloping the spike. Spikelets uniseriate, jointed on one face of the rachis, 4-6 upper male, 2-fld. ; 1-2 lower fem. or bisexual. Glumes 3-4; I small, hyaline, or in males 0; II empty; III and IV subequal, triandrous in the males ; IV of the lower spikelets rigid, thin, bisexual, paleate. Anthers linear. Styles distinct. Grain free within the glume, but with the rest of the spikelets closely enveloped by the thick hardened base of the rachis, which forms an obconic caducous nut with a free deflexed and incurved beak. T. sarmentosa, Pers. Syn. i. 110; Kunth Bevis. Gram. i. 247, t. 35, Fnum. PL i. 174, Svppl 128; Beauv. Agrost. 127, t. 22, f. 9; Steud. Syn. Gram. 112; Thw. Enum. PL ZeyL 363; Trim. Cat. PL Ceyl. 106; Benth. FL Hongk. 415, FL Austral, vii. 502. T. latifolia and media, Br. Prodr. 197 ; Kunth Enum. l. c. 173, 174. T. involuta, Br. I. c. ; Miq. FL Ind. Bat. iii. 473. Ornithocephalochloa arenicola, Kurz in Trim. Journ. Bot. iv. (1875) 332, t. 171. Ischaemum involutum, Forst. Prodr. 73. Ceylon, the Laccadive and Nicobae Islds. — Disteib. Malay Islds., Mada- gascar, Australia, Polynesia. Leaves 1-2 in., linear-oblong, acute, glabrous or silky ; sheaths broad, silky ; ligule of hairs. Spikes ^-1 in. Spikelets ^ in. Glumes obtuse, ciliate, I minute ; II ovate-oblong, 5-nerved j III much broader, 5-nerved ; IV oblong-lanceolate, tip 92 CLXXiii. graminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) [Thuarea. ciliate. Fruit ^ in. long and broad, trigonously obconic or turbinate, obscurely ribbed, with a deep depression on one side of the crown. Tribe II. Oryze^. (See p. 3.) 18. ORYZA, Unn. Leafy tall grasses. Leaves long, flat. Spikelets jointed on the slender "branches of an elongate rarely spiciform panicle, 1-fld., oblong, laterally compressed, pedicels ajtatrteTr at the top. Glumes 2-3, 1 and II much the smallest, empty, scale or bristle-like, ' rarely 0; III chartaceous, obtuse acute or awned, strongly S-S-nerved ; palea as long as the gl., keeled. Lodicules 2, 24tTbed7~~rarely entire. Stamens 6, anthers linear. Styles short, free ; stigmas laterally exserted. Grain narrow, free or adnate to the gl. and palea. — Species 5-6, tropical. The gl. IV of most authors, is here considered to be a palea, as is indicated by the positions of the lodicules and stamens in relation to it. 1. O. sativa, Linn. Sp. PI. 333 ; ligule long 2-partite, spikelets loosely ?anicled ^~\ in. long, gl. I and II i-| the length of III lanceolate, It hispid above dorsally spinescently ciliate, awn very long. Gsertn. Frnct. ii. 5, t. 80, f. 6 ; Sost Gram. Austr. iv. t. 325 ; Lamk. Encycl. t. 264 ; KuntJi Enum. PI. i. 7, Suppl. 4 ; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. 2 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 3 ; Eor&. FL Ind. ii. 200 ; Wall. Cat. n. 8632 ; Griff. Notul. iii. 5, Ic. PI. Asiat. t. 139, f. 149 ; Dalz. ^ Gibs. Bomb. Fl. Suppl. 98 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 12, Field Sc Gard. Crops, 15, t. 4, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 20 ; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 368 ; Doell in Mart. Fl. Bras. ii. II. 7, t. 1 ; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 550. 0. fatua, Koen. ex Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Ser. 6, ii. IT. (1839) 177. O. rufipogon, Griff, l.l. c.c. & t. 145, f. 2, & t. 139, f, 147. 0. palustris, SaJisb. Prodr. 25. O. repens & palustris, Serb. Sam. ex Wall. I. c. ¥. ex Steud. I. c. O. segetalis, Buss, ex Wall. I. c. B. O. sorghoides, Sieud. I. c. Indigenous in marshes of Rajpootana, Sikkim, Bengal, the Khasia Hills, Centeal India, The Cikcars and Pequ. Ceylon, Ferguson. — Distrib. Austral, trop. Annual. Stems 2-10 ft., creeping or floating. Leaves 1-2 ft. by }-^ in. or more, flat, striated, 1-nerved, scaberulous; sheaths smooth. Panicle at length drooping. Spikelets not imbricating, awn 3-5 in. long, yellow or reddish, shining.— I have described above the plant which Roxburgli and other Indian authors consider to be the indigenous Rice, and who have collected it as such in the localiiies mentioned above, as I have in hot valleys of Sikkim and the Khasia Hills. It resembles in all essentials a commonly cultivated awned sort. I have seen no specimens of Griffith's 0. rufipogon, which he describes as a very different-looking plant, but his characters are not diagnostic, and a memorandum by Munro (in Herb. Kew) states that he can find no real distinction for it. For the cultivated varieties of Rice in India, see Watt. *' Dictionary of the Economic Products of India," vol. v. • — The awnless O. denudata, Steud. Nom. Ed. I. 577 (0. mutica, Steud. I. c. ; Lour. Fl. Cochinch. i. 267, 0. sativa, var. submutica, Miq, Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 369), is a cultivated form. 2. O. latifolia, Desv. Joum. Bot. i. (1813) 77; ligule very short, branches of panicle very long often whorled, spikelets subimbricate oblong beaked, gi. I and II = \-^ 111 lanceolate, III hispid finely granulate awn Oryza.] clxxiit. gramine^e (J. D. Hooker.) 9.3: as long or twice as long as the gl. Kunth Bevis. Gram. i. 185, t. 4, Enum. PI. i. 7, Siippl. 4. O. officinalis, Wall. & montana, Ham. Wall. Gat. n. 8635, 8633. 0. platyphylla, Sch.f. Syst. vii. II. 1364. Low valleys in Sikkim, Assam, Silhet, Cachab, Munnepore, Central India, and Burma. — Distrib. Trop, As. Afr. aud Amer. Stems up to 6 ft., tufted, as thick as a swan's quill below. Leaves 1-2 ft. by •j-l^ in., nearly smooth, many-nerved; midrib slender, shining beneath; sheath very long. Branches of panicle 4-8 in., very slender ; pedicels and branchlets bearded at the base. Spikelets ^—^ in. ; gl. Ill and palea hairy. Var. collina; gl. land II minute or 0. 0. sativa, Thwaites Enum. PL Zeyl. 357. O. sativa var. collina, Trim. mss. — Ceylon ; hills about Colombo and in the Western Provinces. 3. O. grranulata, Nees et Am. in Wight Cat. n. 2354, ex Wall. Cat. n. 8634; ligule very short, spikelets in simple racemes obtuse awnless ; gl. I and II minute or 0, III and palea fflabrous granulate. 8teud. 8yn. Gram. 3. 0. filiformis, Herb. Ham. ex Wall. I. c. O. triandra, Herh. Heyne ex Steud. I. c. Padia Meyeriana, Zoll. red-brown in age, horizontal or slightly deflexed from the pedicel. — One of the most singular Indian grasses. 26. PEROTZS, Ait. A slender grass, with short broad leaves and a crinite spike. Spihelefs subsessile, 1-fld., jointed on a slender simple unjointed rachis, very narrow, callus conical. Glumes 3 ; I and II empty, subequal, narrowly linear, 1-nerved, tapering into long capillary awns ; III very minute, flg. ; palea hyaline. Lodicules short, hyaline. Stamens 3, anthers very short. Styles very short, united at the base, stigmas very short. Grain much longer than its glumes, narrow. P. latifolia. Ait. Hart. Kew, i. 85; Beauv. Agrosf. t. 4, f . 9 ; 6 (laxi- folia), Kuni'h Beiis. Gram. i. 357, t. 92, Unum. PL i. 471, Suppl. 380; Steud. Syn. Gram. 186 ; B.oxb. Fl. Ind. i. 239; Wall. Cat. n. 3783 ; Wight Cat. n. 1740 ; Grah. Cat Bomb. PI. 237 ; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 296 ; T/iw. Enum. PI Zeyl. 369; Trim. Cat. Ceyl PL 106; Duthie Grass. JV.W. Ind. 13; Benth. Fl. Hongk. 418; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 479. P. Burmanni, Steud. Nom. Fd. I. 605. P. cubana, Wright in Sauv. Fl. Cub. 202. P. glabrata, Steud. Syn. Gram. 186. P. hordeiformis, Nees ex Steud. Nom. Ed. II. ii. 306; Syn. Gram. I. c. ; Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Ser. VI. vi. II. (1845) 267. P. longiflora, JSfees in Hooh. ^ Am. Bot. Beech. Voy. 247 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 186. P. patula, Nees ex Steud. Nom. I c. ; Trin. Fund. Agrost. ii. 266 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 186. P. rara, Br. Prodr. 172 ; Benth. Fl. Austral. vii. 509. P. scabra, Willd. ex Trin. Biss. ii. 172. P. spicEeformis, Beauv. ex Steud. Nom. Ed. I. 605. Perostis laxifolia, Beauv. I. c. 6. Saccharum spicatum, Linn. Sp. PI. 54. S. brevifolium. Herb. Ham. ex Wall. I. c. B. Agrostis spiciBformis, Linn.f., Suppl. 108; Willd. Sp. PI. i. 362. Anthox- arithum indicum, Linn. Sp. PL 28. Xystidium barbatum, Presl Bel. Hivnk. i. 228. X maritimum, Trin. Fmid. Agrost. 102, t. 2. — Bheede Hort. Mai. xii. t. 62. ^ Perotis.'] clxxiii. graminejj. (J. D. Hooker.) 99 LowEE Himalaya, ascending to 5000 ft., from KunawurtoSikkim. Plains of India from the Punjab to Burma and the Malay Peninsula and southwards to Ceylon. — Disteib. Affghan., Trop. Asia, and Africa. Stems stout and branching at the base, then ascending, 3-10 in., leafy. Leaves ■^1 in., ovate or lanceolate, base cordate; sheath short; ligule ciliate. Spikes 1-8 in. Spikelets to-^ »i-> contracted into a callus above the joint. Glumes scaberulous ; awn very variable in length. — Bentham is, I think, right in his suggestion that P. rara, Br., is not different from P. latifolia, and that there is but one species of Perotis, varying greatly in the size of all its parts. 27. ZOirSZA, WiUd. A small, much branched, rigid, glabrous grass. Leaves subulate, pungent. Spikelets small, ovoid, 1-fld., spicate, subimbricate, jointed on and appressed to a rigid notched unjointed rachis, sessile or shortly pedi- celled. Glumes 2; I empty, coriaceous, laterally compressed, shining, nerveless, margins connate below, hyaline; II much smaller, membranous, linear-oblong, obtuse, complicate; palea short, 't^4>^1p^ hyaline or 0. Lodicules 0. Stamens 3, anthers long. Styles very long, distinct, stigmas elongate. G^ain free within the glunies. Z. pung-ens, Willd. in Ges. Naturf. Fr. N. Schr. iii. (1801) 441 ; Br. Prodr. X. 208 ; Kunth JSnum. IH. i. 471, Suppl. 381 ; Beauv. Agrost. i. t. 4, f. 1 ; Steud. Si/n. Gram. 414 ; Wall. Cat. n. 3763 ; Wight Cat. n. 1728 ; Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 370 ; Trim. Gat. Ceyl. PI. 106 ; Miq^. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 478 ; Hook.f. Fl. New Zeal. i. 312 ; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 506 ; Buchanan Grasses, N. Zeal. t. 13 A. ; Baker Fl. Maurit. 442. Z. aristata, Brownii, Griffithiana, & sedoides, C. Muell. in Bot. Zeit xiii. (1855) 272,. 273, 274. Z. japonica, Wendl. ex Steud. I. c. 414. Z. sinica, Hance in Joum. Bot. vii. (1869) 168, & in Joum. Linn. Soc. xiii. (1873) 134. Z. setacea, Nees ex Steud. Norn. Ed. II. ii. 801. Z. tenuifolia, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. VI. iv. Sc. Nat. ii. (1836) 96. Matrella juncea, Pers. Svn. i. 78. Panicum Crinum-ursi, Boiy ex Steud. Nom. I. c. 255. Milium maritimum. Keen, ex Wall. I. c. Ophiurus erectus, Herb. Wight, ex Wall. I. c. B. Agrostis Matrella, Linn. Mant. ii. 185 ; Roxb. Fl. Ind. i. 317. Sandy shores of India, Malacca, and Cetlon. — Disteib. Trop. Asia, Austral., and Maurit. Rootstock rigid, wiry j branches interlaced and rooting, sending up short leafy stems, 6-10 in. high. Leaves 1-3 in., coriaceous, usually spreading, margins incurved ; sheath short, mouth ciliate. Spikes 1-1^ in. Spikelets ^-^ in. Tribe IV. ANDROPOGONEiE. (See p. 3.) 28. COIX, Linn. A tall annual or perennial grass. Leaves long, broad. Spikes numerous, axillary and terminal; lower spikelets solitary, fem., enclosed in an at length hardened polished nut-like bract, through the apex of which the pedicelled male portion protrudes. Male spikelets 2-3-nate at each node of the rachis, one sessile and one or twro pedicelled, lanceolate ; glumes 4, I and II subequal, empty, rigid, or herbaceous; I keeled along the in flexed margins ; III and IV hyaline, paleate, triandrous or empty. Fem.s'pikelets ovoid, acnminate ; glumes 4, 1 chartaceous ; II-IV successively H 2 100 CLXxiii. GRAMINEJR. (J. D. Hooker.) [Coix. thinner ; IV paleate. Staminodes minute. Lodicules 0. Ovary ovoid, styles 2, free slender. Grain orbicular, ventrally furrowed, enclosed in the hardened globose ovoid or cylindric involucre. C. liachryma-Jobl, Linn. Sp. PI. 972 ; C. Lachryma, Linn. Ed. X.1261 ; Lamk. 111. t. 750; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 20, Suppl. 16, t. 3'i 4^ Beauv. Agrost. t. 24, f. 5; Pot. Mag. t. 2479; Steud. Syn. Gram. 9; Wehb. Phyt. Ganar.t. 242, 243; Eoxb. Fl. Ind. iii. 568 ; Grah. Gat. Bomb. PZ. 240; Wall Gat.n. 8623; Griff. Notul. in. 10; Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 375 ; Trimen Gat. Ceyl. PL 106 ; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 289 ; Aitchis. 'Cat. Panjah. PI. 167 ; DutUe Grass. N.W. Ind. 11, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 18; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 476, t. 41 B. C. agrestis, Lour. Fl. Gochinch. 651. C. arundinacea, Lamk. Encycl. iii. 422. C. exaltata,, Jacq. Eclog. Gram. 6, t. 40. C. ovata, Stokes Bot. Mat. Med. iv. 342. C. pendula, Salish. Prodr. 28. C. puellarum, Balans. in Journ. de Bot. iv. (Paris, 1890), 77. G. stigmatosa, Koch 8f Botiche, Ind. Bern. Sort. Berol. (1855) 9. Lithagrostis Lacryma-Jobi, Gsertn. Fruct. i. 7, t. i. f. 10. Thronghout the Tiotter and damper parts of India, wild or cultivated (not wild in Ceylon). — Disteib. Trop. Asia, cult, in Africa and America. Stem 3-5 ft., stout, leafy, rooting at the lower nodes. Leaves 4-18 by 1-2 in., wavy, base cci'date ; sheaths smooth ; ligule very short, glabrous. Spihes 2-3 in., suberect, peduucled ; male spike! ets 3, or 2 with an imperfect one, ^ in. long ; gl. I narrowly winged. Fruit ovoid or spherical, 5-^ in. long, osseous, bluish gray. Vae. ffigantea, Stapf mss. ; perennial, attaining 15 ft. high, leaves narrower more strict, male spikelets 3-nate at the internodes, often forming long cylindric drooping spikes, gl. I broadly winged, fruit as in the type. C. gigantea, Boxh. FL Ind. iii. 569 ; Wall. Cat. n. 8624, 8fi25. Aitch. Cat. Panjah. PI. 157 ; Puthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 11; Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 18. C. lingnlata, Hack, in CEstr. Bot. Zeitschr. (1891) h.—Eheede HoH. Mai. xii. t. 70.— Hot valleys from the N.W. Provinces to Assam and southwards to the Malay Peninsula and Travancore. — Affghanistan. Vab. stenocarpa, Stapf mss. ; fruit subcylindric ^-f in. long white osseous. 0. stenocarpa, Balams. I. c. C. tubulosa, Hack, in Fngl. Bot. Jahrb. iii. 260? — Upper Assam, Bruce. Mergui, Griffith. Karen Hills, Wallich.—'Yox^km, N. Guinea. Var. Jfa-'j/uen, Stapf mss.; annual, fruit crustaceous or chartaceous. C, Ma- yuen, Roman, in Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris. Ser. 3, viii. (1881) 442. Sikkira and the Kbasia hills, ascending to 5000 ft. (cult.). Burma, Watt. — Cochinchina, Borneo, Ins. Philipp. DOTJBTFTJL SPECIES. C. AQrATiCA, Boxh. Fl. Ind. iii. 571 ; floating and creeping from 50-100 ft., leaves linear most acute, margins hispid, male spikes drooping many-fld., flowers 3-fold, middle one pedicelled, fem., corolla 6-7-valved, seeds turbinate." " Floating in margins of lakes in Lower Bengal," Eoxb. This species is unknown to me and to the ofiicers of the Calcutta Bot. Gardens. 29. POZiVTOCA, Br. Tall branching grasses; nodes bearded; flg. branches fascicled, spathaceous. Leaves long, flat. Spikes solitary or panicled, bisexual and fem. below, or the upper male only, rachis jointed ; spikelets geminate, a sessile and a pedicelled. Male spikelets lanceolate, 2-fld. ; gls. 4, I many-nerved, 2keeled; II 5-7-nerved ; III and IV hyaline, paleate, triandrous; anthers very long. Lodicules cuneate. Fon. spikelets imbricate, the pedicelled imperfect, its pedicel confluent with the rachis; gls. of sessile spikelet 4, I oblong, coriaceous, margins inflexed Pohjtoca.'] CLxxiii. GRAMINBJE. (J. D. Hooker.) 101 embracing the rachis, at length crustaceous ; II thin, acuminate; III hyaline, epaleate ; IV hyaline, paleate, fertile. Staminodes and lodicules 0. ^ Ovary minute ; styles long, stigmas slender. Grain very small, orbicular, enclosed in the hardened outer gls. — Species 8, tropical Asiatic and Australian. * Infl. mostly compound ; male spikelets terminalf superposed, Miry ; fern. 3-7. Pedicelled fepi. spikelets of one bract-like gl. terminating the joint of the rachis. — Spathes always tightly closed. 1. P. bracteata, Br. in Bennett PL Bav. Jav. 20, t. 5 ; male spikes rather stiff, pedicelled - spikelets mostly (nearly all) rudimentary and adnate to the rachis. Steudr. Fyn. Gram. Coix heteroclita, Boxb, Fl. Ind. III. 572 ; Wall. Gat. n. 862', . n SiKKiM Terai, Assam and the Khasia Hills, ascending to 5000 ft. Bubma, on the Shan hills, Collett.—BiSTTiiB. Tonkin. Stem 3-5 ft., stout or slender ; sheaths and leaves glabrous, or hirsute with tubercled-based hairs. Leaves 1^-2 ft. by |-1 in., margins rough, base contracted. Inflorescence 3-6 in., usually long-pedicelled and digitate ; lower branches spreading ordeflexed; rachis hairy. Male spikelets \ in., glabrous or pubescent; fem. spike- lets lei^s than ^ in., pale, shining ; rudimentary pedicelled spikelets lanceolate, ^-1 in. long, at length spreading; gl. I oblong, obtuse or emarginate, 2-keeled. 2. P. Wallichiana, Benth. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xix. (1881) 52 ; male spikes slender flexuous, pedicelled spikelets free. Cyathorhachis Walli- chiana, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 403. — Gen. Nov. Wall. Cat. n. 8629. Burma ; Prome and Tenasserim, Wallich ; Pegu, M'Lelland, &c. ; Tenasserim, Wallich, Heifers. Stem leaves and sheaths glabrous or hispid with tubercle -based bristles. Leaves 2-3 ft. by 1-1^ in., lower narrowed from the middle to the base. Terminal infl. often long peduncled, branches 2-2| in. ; lateral more or less enclosed in the spathe ; rachis hairy. Male spikelets \ in. ; fem. as long, pale, shining; rudimentary pedicelled spikelets f in., lanceolate, at length spreading. ** Terminal infl. only compound ; male not spathaceous, fem. spatha- ceous, spathe at length expanded, lateral of simple spikes. Pedicelled fem. spikelets of 2 jls., pedicels adnate to the rachis. 3. P. Cookii, Stapf in Hook. Ic. PI. t. 2333 ; male infl. very fragile, spikes 2-3 in., pedicelled spikelets free, fem. spikelets glabrous, gl. I 3-lobulate at the tip. N. Canara. and the Concan, Jacquemont, &c. Aunual. Stem 3 ft. and leaves more or less hispid with tubercle-based hairs. Leaves 1^-2 ft. by 2-3 in., margins thickened. Male infl. often long -peduncled, rachis villous; spikelets \ in. J^em. spikes 1 in. long ; spathe 1-1^ by J-^in., at length open above ; rachis glabrous ; spikelets i in. j rudimentary gl. like I and H of male, but smaller. ** All infls. of simple hisexiial spikes ; spikelets glabrous. 4. P. semiteres, Benth. in Gen. Plant, iil 1113. Spathes 1-1| in. always closed, fem. spikelets 2 or more. Chionachne Wightii, Munro ex Benth. in Gen. Plant. I. c. Tripsacum ? seraiteres, Wall. Gat. n. 8628. The Deccan Peninsula; Palamcotta, WigM, Burma; Taong-dong hills, Wallich. Rootstock creeping; stems 2-2^ ft., stiff, glabrous. Leaves 8-10 by \-^ in,, rigid, tip setaceous, margins thickened ; sheaths glabrous or hairy. Spathe 1-1^ in. tipikes 1^-3 in., male part stout, rachis glabrous; spikelets \~l in. glabrous; 102 CLXxiii. GEAMiNE-si. (J. D. Hooker.) [Polytoca. pedieelled spikelets adnate to the rachis; fem. spikelets rather longer, gl. of pedicelled. 0 or minute. ^, 5. P. barbata, Stapfmss. ; brandies of infl. many "ambelled, spathes i in. a/E length open, fem. spikelets solitary, margins of gl. I keeled tip entire. C. arnndinacea, Koen. ex Willd. Sp. PI. iv. 203 {non Lamk,). Coix barbata, Roxb. Fl Ind. iii. 669 ; Wall. Cat. n. 8620 ; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 289. C crypsoides, C. Muell. in Bot. Zeit. xix. (1861) 334. 0. gigantea, Herb. Puss, ex Wall. Gat. I. c. 0. Koenigii, Spreng Syst. i. 228 ; Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 357. Chionachne barbata, Br. in Benn. PI. Par. Jav. 18 ; Trim. Gat Geyl. PI. 106 ; Aitchis. Cat. Panjab. PI 157 ; Duthie Qi-ass. N.W. Ind. li, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 19. Ch. Koenigii, Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 369. \ Hot and damp parts of India, from the Panjab to Assam and Munnepore-^ and southward to Ceylon. — Distrib. Java. Sterns 3-5 ft., glabrous or with the leaves and sheaths bristly with tubercle- based hairs. Leaves 1-2 ft. by ^-f in., finely acuminate, margin thickened. Spikes 1-1-j in., rachis usually glabrous. Male spikelets \ in., glabrous or softly pilose, keels ciliolate ;/eOT. ^ in., glabrous, pale; gl. of pedicelled minute or 0. 6. P. punctata, Stapfmss. ; branches of infl. few unequal, terminal subumbellate, outer spathes long green, gl. I of fem. spikelets constricted in the middle, then suddenly dilated into an ovoid obtuse claw, keels broad. Scleracbne punctata, Br. in Benn. PI. Ear. Jav. 15, t. 4. Chion- achne Massii, Balans. in Journ, de Bot. (Paris, 1890), 78. Coix sulcata, Herb. Bottl. The Deccan Peninsula, Bottler.— BisrniB. Java, Tonkin ? Stem slender, branched, glabrous, and leaves glabrous or sparsely hairy. Leaves 6-8 by i in., linear-lanceolate, flaccid. Spathes of lower outer branches long, lan- ceolate. SpiJces i in. ; male spikelets one pair, i in., glabrous j fem. i in,, pale ; gL of pedicelled minute. 29*. ZEA, Linn. A tall stout annual monoecious grass. Leaves broad, flat. Spihelets unisexual, males in terminal racemed spikes ; fem. in solitary axillary stout sheathed spikes, rachis thick, inarticulate, spongy. Male spikelets 2-tid.^ 2-nate, a sessile and a pedicelled at each of the alternating teeth of the inarticulate rachis; glumes 4, acute; I and II subequal, membranous, empty;! enclosing tbe hyaline paleate III and IV. Lodicules fleshy. Stamens 3, anthers linear. Fem. spikelets 1-fld., sessile, densely crowded in many vertical series on the thick cylindric rachis ; glumes 4, membra- nous, I and II very broad, obtuse or emarginate ; III hyaline, paleate, empty ; IV hyaline, often 2-fld. Lodicules 0. Ovarij obliquely ovoid, plano-convex ; style very long, 2-fid, arms papillose. Grain large, sub- globose or flattened, surrounded by the marcescent gls. Z. BXays, Linn. Sp. PI. 971 ; Beanv. Agrost. 136, t. 24, f. 3 ; Knnth Mium. PL i. 19, Suppl. 15 ; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. n. 3, 4. Bonafous Hist. Nat. Mays {Paris^ 1836), t. 1-19 ; Doell in Mart, Fl. Bras, ii. II, 30, t. 11 ; Eoxb. Fl. Ind. iii. 349; Grah. Gat. Bomb. PI. 240; Dicthie Field Sf Card. Crops. 25, t. 5; Miq^. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 477. Z. alba, americana & vulgaris, Mill. Gard. Diet. Ed. viii. n. 1, 2, 3. Z. segetalis, Salisb, Prodr. 28. Mays zea, GiBrtn. Fruct. i. 6, t. i. f. 9. Cultivated throughout the hotter parts of India. — Native of Peru, CLXXiii. GRAMixBiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 103 30. DZBZERZA, Br. Slender annual or perennial grasses. Leaves narrow. Spikelets l-flL, unilateral on a single terminal spike or several racemed spikes, sessile or pedicelled, rachis inarticulate. Glumes 4, I linear, rigid ; II broader com- pressed ; III smaller, hyaline, empty ; lY hyaline, bisexual, entire or 2-lobed, keeled, 1-nerved, usually awned ; awn terminal or in the sinus, capillary, twisted at or below the middle. Lodicules minute or 0. Stamens 2, filaments short ; anthers small. Styles distinct, stigmas short. Grain linear, laterally compressed, free. — Species 12 or 14, tropical Asiatic and Australian 5 — all want revision with more copious material. * Spike solitary ; spikelets conniving ; gl. I erect, II not appressed to the rachis of the spike. 1. D. pusilla, Tliw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 369 ; stem filiform, leaves short, rachis very slender compressed-trigonous, spikelets \-\ in. long sessile or pedicelled, gl. II acuminate awned. Hack. Monogr. Androp. 78 ; Trim. Gat. Geyl. Fl. 107. The Deccan Peninsula and Ceylon {cP. 957.) Very variable, 6-18 in. high.— Amongst the many forms the following appear the most distinct. I cannot satisfactorily identify them with Hackel's descriptions. D. pusilla, proper ; stems 6-8 in. filiform, rachis of spike filiform trigonou-} smooth or scaberulons on the angles, spikelets pedicelled, pedicel usually naked below villous upwards. D. pusilla, Tliw. I.e. ? Hack. Monog. Androp. 78, Ceylon; at Kokotodua, Gardner (CP. 957 in part). — This and the following I have described from Thwaites' type specimens. Var. pallida, Thw. mss. ; stem as in D. pusilla proper, spikolets all sessile, or the lowest on the spike pedicelled, awn of «gl. I shorter. ?I). Thwaitesii, Hack. I.e.— Ceylon at Damboul, Thwaites (CP. 39d5). Var. elatior; stem 12 in., stouter, somewhat branched, spike longer, rachis as broad as the shortly pedicelled spikelets keeled down the centre margins scaberulous, awn of gl. I sometimes as long as the gl. — Ceylon j at Trincomalee ; Glenie (CP. 957). Var. Lawsoni, stem short leafy, spike inclined, rachis broader than the sessile villous spikelets, margins ciliate, glume II shortly awned. — Malabar j VVynaad, Lawson. 2. D. Kurzii, stem 10-18 in. erect, rachis of spike rather broader than the sessile spikelets strongly ciliate, gl. II acute not awned, more or less ciliate. Burma, Kurz (n. 2741) ; Mergui, Griffi.th. Much stouter than any form of D. pusilla, which the spike closely resembles j. but the spikes are longer, -|-2 in. ; spikelets y\y in. long. — The spikes are some- times inclined or recurved as in the species with several on the peduncle, henco two spikes may occur. Kurz's specimens are very slender, 12-18 in. long ; Griffiths' solitary one is in a very young state, with broader leaves sheathing the spike. ** Spikes 2-3 ; erect spreading or involute ; gl. I erect or spreading ; II usually closely appressed to the rachis. t Rachis capillary. 3. D. Kohenackeri, Hochst. ex Miq. in Verh. Ned. Inst. III. iv. (1851) 35, stem capillary, spikes very slender, rachis fi,litorm trigonous, spikelets distant narrow pedicelled, gl. 11 acuminate dorsally ciliate. Mack, Monog. Androp. 79 ; Lisboa in Jouni. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. vi. (1891), 189. 104 CLxxni. GEAMiNEji!. (J. D. Hookei.) [Dimei'ia. Psilostachys Hohenackeri, Steud. Syn. Gt^am. 413; Hoclist. in Flora (1856), 90. N. Canara and Mangalore, in rice fields, HohevacTcer, Talbot. Stem 6-8 in. Leaves short, upper sheathing. Spikes 1-1^ in. ; rachis with scabrid angles. Spikelets -^ in., awns twice as long ; gl. I. very narrow, acuminate, nearly glabrous, at length divaricate. ft Rachis trigonous or linear, sometimes as broad or broader thangl. II, joints much shorter than the spikelets. 4. D. ornithopoda, Trin. Fund. Agrost. 167, t. 14 ; spikes very- slender, rachis flexuous, spikelets yV i^^- sessile or subsessile, glume II linear acute dorsally ciliate. Hack. Monogr. Androp. 81. D, filiformis, Hochst. in Hohenack. PI. Ind. Or. n. 231. D. stipaeformis, Miq. Prolus. Fl. Jap. 176 ; Franch. Sf Sav. Fnum. PI. Jap. i. 187. ?D. diandra, Griff. Notul. iii. 71, Ic. PI. Asiat. t. 157, f. 2. D. psilobasis, F. Muell. Fragm. vii. 104. D. tenera, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. vi. ii. (1833), 335 ; Benth. Fl. Austi^al. vii. 523. Didactylon simplex & ramosum, Zoll. Sj- Mar. 8yst. 'Verz. 100. Andropogon filiformis, Roxb. Fl. Ind. i. 256; Steud. I.e. 372. A. E-oxburghianus, Schult. Mant. ii. 451. A. stipasformis, Steud. I.e. 377. Psilostachys filiformis, Balz. ^ Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 305. — Dimeria, Wall. Cat. n. 8839, 8840. Throughout India ; from Nepal and the Khasia Hills to the Deccan, Burma and the Nicobar Islds. (not in Ceylon), — Distkib. Malay Islds., Japan, Trop. Austral. Annual, much branched, leafy. Leaves 1-3 in., erect; sheaths glabrous or pilose. Spikes 2, rarely 3; rachis about as broad as the spikelets, margins scaberulous, costa strong. Spikelets linear, acuminate, callus villous ; gl. I slender, nearly glabrous ; III short, acute j palea 0. — Hackel has 6 varieties of this species, of which more might be made. 5. p. Woodrowii^ Stapf in Hooh. Ic. PI. t. 2312; spikes 2 circin- ately involute, rachis rigid glabrous, spikelets very shortly pedicelled, callus shortly bearded, gl. I and II subequal acute. III linear hyaline, IV shortly awned. The CoNCAN; Eatnagherry district, and near Goa, Woodrow. Annual. Stem 3-6 in. slender, leafy to the top, simple or sparingly branched ; upper internode (or peduncle) with its leaf abruptly deflexed after flowering. Leaves 2-3 in., linear, acuminate, erect, strict, glabi'ous or sparsely hairy ; ligule very short, hyaline. Spikes f-1 in., at first erect, rachis dorsally convex, concave ventrally. Spikelets few, rather distant, suberect, divergent as the rachis incurves ; gl. I glabrous or sparsely hairy ; awn of IV about twice as long as its glume ; palea 0. — A very peculiar species, at once recognized by the two spikelets forming together a hoop. 6. D. connivens, Hack. Monogr. Androp. 689 ; annual, rachis of spike nearly as broad as the spikelets ciliate, spikelets ^ in. subsessile, callus minutely villous, gl. I very slender ciliate, II oblong-lanceolate acuminate dorsally ciliate. Chota Nag pore, alt. 2000 ft., Clarke. Stems ascending, 6-10 in. Leaves short, erect. Spikes 1-lf in. ; rachis nearly straight, costate. Spikelets erect, closely imbricating ; gl. I slender, sparsely ciliate ; awn twice as long as the spikelet. 7y D. Xiehxnanni, Hack. Monogr. Androp. 82; spikes slender spread- ing, rachis undulate scabrid or ciliate, spikelets sessile | in. long, callus very shortly bearded, gl. I and II subacute, I narrowly linear, keel eiliate. Dimeria,'] clxxiii. geamine-E. (J. D. Hooker.) 105 III oblong. D. ornithopoda, TJiw. Enum. 369. Ptervgostachyum Leh- manni, Nees ex Steud. Nom. Ed. II. ii. 412, Syn. Gram. 413. Ceylon, Macrae, Walker y Thwaites. Annual, branched, 8-10 in. high. Leaves erect, flat, acuminate. Var. a; glabrous, rachis of spike ciliate, spikelets awned. (C.P. 952.) Var. (3 ; rachis of spike scaberulous, spikelets not awned. (C.P. 955.) 8. 1>. pubescens, JETac^. Monogr. Androp. 83 ; spikes stout spreading, margins of broad straight rachis ciliate, spikelets | in. sessile silky, gl. I and II shortly acuminate, I narrowly linear with membranous margins ^ longer than III. D. ornithopoda, var. y, Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 369. Ceflon, Gardner; Pasdoon Corle, Thwaites (C.P. 956). Perennial, branched from the base, glabrous to villously hairy. Racemes 2-2^ in., often solitary and inclined ; rachis flat, -^ in. broad or less. Spikelets densely im- bricate; gl. I and II silky all over; awn twice as long as the spikelet or longer. 9. D. fuscescens, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Ser. YI. ii. (1833) 335; spikes stout spreading, rachis undulate margins smooth or scaberulous, spikelets ^-| in. sessile, callus minute or 0, gl. I and II acute or acuminate, I narrowly linear much longer than III, margins of II broadly membranous. Sack. Monogr. Androp. 84 ; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PL 107; lAshoain Journ. Bomh. Nat.' Hist. /S'oc. vi. (1891) 189. D. ornitho- poda, var. /3, Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 369. — Dimeria, Wall. Gat. n. 884] . i Nepal, WallicTi. Khasia Hills, alt. 4-5000 ft,, Griffith, &c. Tenasserim, Selfer. The Concan, Lishoa. Ceylon, Gardner, Thwaites (C.P. 3256). Perennial, 2-3 ft. high, stout, simple or branched. Leaves glabrous or hairy. Spikes 2-4 in. ; rachis compressed trigonous. Spikelets reddish-brown ; awn twice as long as the gls. — The Tenasserim specimens are small and in a poor state. 10. D. alata, Hook. f. ; spikes 2-3 rather stout, spikelets yV i^* sessile glabrous callus naked, gl. I scaberulous, II dimidiate-ovate keel broadly winged, III nearly as long as II, awn 0. D. ornithopoda d mutica, Thw. {in part). Ceylon, Thwaites (C.P. 955 of 1864). Annual. Stems 6-18 in., tufted, slender, erect. Leaves, 6-12 by ^-\ in., erect, strict, narrowed to the base, and sheaths hirsute with long spreading hairs. Spikes 3 in., strict, spreading ; rachis -Jjj in., stout, straight, margins scaberulous. Gl. I divaricate ; II appressed to the rachis, broadly hyaline ; wing opaque, strongly ciliate; III oblong, ciliate, 1-nerved ; IV obovate-oblong, ciliate. — The small glabrous spikelets and broadly winged gl. II distinguish this species from D. fuscescens. *** Spikes 4-10 (rarely 3) digitate or fascicled. 11. D. gracilis, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 413 ; leaves not con- tracted above the sheath, spikes 3-10 long slender flexuous quite glabrous, rachis filiform subtrigonous, spikelets ^^ in., pedicels long slender glabrous, callus bearded. Hack. Monogrt Androp. 88 ; Lishoa in Journ. Bomh. Nat. Hist Soc. vi. (1891) 190. D. laxiuscula, Thw. ex Trim, in Journ. Bot. xxiii. (1885), 272, Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 107. The Concan, Law; on the Ghats, Lishoa. Ceylon, Macrae, Thwaites, &c. (C.P. 3863). Perennial, 1-2 ft. high, stout or slender. SpiJces 1^-3 in., pale red-brown ; gl. I and II, lanceolate, ciliate; I scabrid above the middle or all over; II with narr*vly membranous margins ; awn twice as long as the spikelet. 12. D. leptorhachis, Hack. Monogr, Androp. 89 ; leaves contracted 106 CLxxiii. GRAMINE^. (J. D. Hooker.) [Dimeria. above the sheath, spikes slender, rachis filiform ciliolate at the nodes, spikelets ^-^ in., pedicels very short thickened, callas bearded. D. pilo- sissima, T/iw. JEnum. PI. Zeyl. 369 ; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. Fl. 107 {not of Trin.). Tenasserim, Meljer, Griffith (Kew distrih, 6799). Ceylon ; on Adam's Peak (C.P. 24, 3261). Perennial, stout. Leaves glabrous or villous. Racemes 2-6 in. ; rachis straight or flexuons ; internodes i-5 in, in Tenasserim specimens, much shorter in Ceylon ones. Spikelets pale or dark, red-brown ; gl. I and II acuminate, ciliate in CCylon, scaberulous in Tenasserim ; II with narrowly membranous margins. 31. IMPERATA, Cyrill, Perennial, erect, often tall grasses. Spikelets 1-2-fld., in spiciform or thyrsiform silvery-silky panicles, binate, both pedicelled, upper fl. perfect, lower imperfect or 0. Glumes 4, membranous, awn less ; I and II lanceolate, hairy ; III much smaller, hyaline, glabrous ; IV still smaller, hyaline, glabrous; palea hyaline, glabrous. Stamens 1-2; anthers large, linear. Styles connate at the base, stigmas linear. Grain small, oblong, free. — Species 5, tropical, chiefly American ; 2 Asiatic, one also European. 1. Z. arundinacea, Cyrill. Fl. Ear. Neap. Fasc.\\.2Q, t. 11 ; panicle very narrow spiciform, branches short appressed, gl. I 5-9-nerved, stamens 2. Br. Prodr. 204 ; Kunth Enum. Fl. i. 477 ; Sack. Monogr. Androp. 92 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 405 ; Eeichb. Ic. Fl. Germ, t, 55 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 452 ; Thw. Enum. PL Zeyl. 369 ; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. Fl. 106 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 14, Indig. Fodd. Grass, t. 15, Fodd. Grass. N. Fnd. 22; Aitchis. Cat. Funjah. Fl. 173. I. Allan^ Jungh. in Tijdschr. Nat. Gesch. vii. 295 ; Steud. I. c. 405 (AlaGg).'"*T;r condensja^, Steud. I. c. 431. li^C^liilcirica^ Beauv. Agrost. 165. I. filifoliaV Nees ex Steud. I. c. I. Koenigii, Beauv. Agrost. 165; Wall. Gat. n. 8850. I. pedicellata, Steud. in Flora, xxix. (1846) 22, Syn. Gram. I.e. I. Sieberi, Opiz. Natural, x. (1825) 190. T. Sisca, Beauv. ex Steud. Nam. Ed. II. i. 805. I. Thunbergii, Nees ex Wall. Gat. n. 8851. Saccharum cylindiicum, L'amk. Encycl. i. 594 ; Roxb. Fl. Ind. i. 234; Grah. Gat. Bomb. PI. 239 ; Griff. Noiul. iii. 80. S. diandrum, Koen. e«, Retz. Ohs. v. 16. S. europaeum & S. indura, Fers. Syn. i, 103. S. Koenigii, Retz. Obs. v. 16. S. spicatum, Burm. ex Kunth I. c. S. lagu- roides, Fourr. in Mem. Acad. Tout. iii. (1788) 326. S. Ravennge,' Bieh. Fl. Taur. Cauc. iii. 51. Lagurus cylindricas, Finn. Syst. Nat. Ed. x. 878, Calamagrostis Lagurus, Xoel. Ftscr. Gram. 112; Host Gram. Austr. iv. t. 40. Hotter parts of India, from the Panjab southward and eastward to Malacca and Ceylon,— DiSTRiB. All warm countries. Eootstock creeping. Stem 1-3 ft., solid, nodes glabrous or bearded. Leaves erect, often exceediiig the stem. Panicle 3-8 in,, silvery with dark anthers and stigmas. Spikelets |-i in., callus-hairs about twice as long as the gls. ; gl. I rather, thickened towards the base, dorsidly hairy, tip obtuse ; II as long as I, 3-7-nerved ; III = i-i II, oblong, irregularly toothed, nerveless; IV ovate, acute, toothed, faintly 1-nerved or nerveless; palea about half as long as the gl., quadrate, retuse or toothed, nerveless, glabrous. — Hackel distinguishes the Indian form as var. Koenigii^ having villous nodes and broader less rigid leaves, but some of the Indian specimens appear to me quite like the Western, Var, laiifolia ; stem 3-4 ft. very robust, nodes glabrous, leaves long i-| in. broad, palea of gl. IV with long-ciliate lobes. — Tropical Himalaya, from Kuuiaon to Assam. Imperata.'] clxxiii. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 107 2. I. exaltata» Brongn. Toy. Goq. Bot. 101 {excl. Syn,) ; panicle thyrsiform, lower branches elongate, gl. I 3-5-nerved, stamen 1. Mack. Monogr. Androp. 99. I. caudata, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. vi. ii. (1833) 331. ? I. jaculatoria, Boem. ^ Sch. Syst. ii. 289. I. ramosa, Anderss. in (Efvers. Vet. Akad. Stochh. (1855) 158. Saccharum Alopecurus, Nees in Hook. Keio Journ. ii. (1850) 100 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 406. S. caudatum, Mey. Brim. Fl. Esseq. 68. S. confertum, Presl Bel. Hsenk. i. 346. S. con- tractum & dubium, H. B. & K. Nov. Gen. ef sp. 182, 183. ? S. jaculatorium, Lour. Fl. Gochinch. 53; Boiret Encycl. Suppl. ii. 70. S. macilentum, Chauv. ex Steud. I. c. S. negrosense, Steud. I. c. Anatherum porto-ricense, Spreng. Syst. i. 290. A. caudatum, Schult. Mant. ii. 445. Syllepis poly- stachya, Fourn. ex Hack, in 3fart. Fl. Bras. ii. III. 251. Singapore, doming. Burma ; Mergui, Griffith. — Distrib. Malaya, N. Hebrides, Am. trop. Stem tall, up to 7 ft., slender, fistular, glabrous, nodes glabrous. Leaves 2-3 ft. by f-1 in., linear, finely acuminate, smooth, glabrous or sparsely pubescent ; sheath glabrous ; ligule very short. Panicle 12-18 in., 4-5 in. broad at the b;ise, narrowly subpyramidal ; rachis slender ; lower branches 3-4 in. long, branchlets and pedicels ciliate. S pikelets ^-\ in., like those of I. arundinacea, but gl. I and II fewer nerved; III = ^ II oblong, deeply irregularly toothed above the middle, glabrous, nerve very slender ; IV cuspidately lanceolate from an ovate base, quite entire, glabrous ; palea quadrate, many -toothed, glabrous. 32. MZSCANTKUS, Anderss. Tall perennial grasses. Spikes long, simple and branched, very slender, crowded at the top of the peduncle into a nodding fan-shaped corymb ; rachis obscurely jointed. Spikelets very numerous, in unequally pedicelled pairs, 1-fld., dorsally subcompressed, one or both usually awned, callus with long silky hairs. Glumes 4; 1 chartaceous, nearly flat with narrow incurved margins ; II similar but more convex ; III hyaline, ovate, epaleate; IV hyaline, 2- fid or 2-toothed, with a long awn (rarely short or 0) in the sinus ; palea minute. Lodicules cuneate. Stamens 2-3. Styles free, stigmas rather stiort. Grain linear- oblong, free. — Species 5-6, Asiatic and Polynesian. 1. lUE. nepalensis, Hack. Monogr. Androp. 104 ; spikes very many densely crowded 5-7 in., hairs of callus much longer than the spikelet. Eulalia nepalensis, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Ser. vi. ii. (1833) 333, Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 332, Poliinia nepalensis, Benth. ex Buthie Grass. JSf. W. Ind. 16.— Erianthus, Wall. Cat. n. 8848. Temperate Himalaya ; from Garwhal to Bhotan, alt. 5-7500 ft., Wallich, &c. Khasia Hills, alt. 4-5000 ft. Naga Hills, Prain. Stem 3-6 ft., as thick as a goose-quill in large plants. Leaves 6-18 in. by ^-^ in., margins smooth, midrib stout ; ligule rounded. Spikes flexuous ; rachis capillary, glabrous ; pedicels } in. Spikelets y^ i"- ^ong, purplish or golden yellow, shining ; gl. I and II minutely 2-toothed. 2. BI. nudipes, Hack. Monogr. Androp, 109 ; spikes few 2-3 in., hairs of callus not longer than the spikelet. Erianthus nudipes, Griseb. in JSTachr. Akad. Wiss. Goett. (1868) 92. SiKZiM Himalaya, alt. 9-12,000 it.yJ.D.H. Upper Assam ; Mishmi Hills, Griffith. 108 CLXXiii. QRAMiNBiB. (J, D. Hooker.) [Miscanthus. Much smaller than M. nepalensis, 2-3 ft. high, with leaves 4-10 in. long, the margins of which are smooth as in that plant ; spikelets very much longer, ^-4 in. long, and narrower. 33. SP0DZ0P060N, Trin. Tall grasses. Leaves often long-petioled. Spitelets 1-2-fld., panicled, laterally compressed or subterete, 2-3-nate, lower sessile male, upper bisexual, rachis jointed. Glumes 4 ; I and II subequal ; I lanceolate, 5-9- nerved, tip acuminate or toothed ; II membranous, lanceolate, 3-7-nerved ; III hyaline, paleate or not, 3-androus or empty; IV 2-fid or 2-partite with a very slender exserted awn in the sinus ; palea shorter. Lodicules cuneate. Anthers linear. Stigmas linear. Grain free, narrowly fusiform. — Species about 5, Asiatic. 1. S. albidus, Benth. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xix. (1881) 66; decumbent, leaves long-petioled broad flaccid, panicle narrow, spikelets 2-fld. laterally compressed, silkily villous, gl. I membranous. Sack. Monogr. Aridrop. 185. Andropogon albidus, Hb. Heyne. A. rhizophorus, Steud. Syn. Gram. 381 ; Duthie Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 26. — Andropogon ? Wall. Gat. n. 8821. Rajpootana J on Mt. Aboo, Duthie. Deccan Peninsttla, from the Concan to Travaucore. A weak struggling tufted branched annual ?, 2-4 feet ; stem very slender, much branched, leafy. Leaves 6-10 by .f-f in., flaccid, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, 1- nerved, usually suddenly narrowed into a slender petiole 1-3 in. long; sheath 3-5 in. ; ligule oblong, glabrous. Panicle at first enclosed in a long narrow spathaceous leaf-sheath ; rachis compressed, ciliate. Spihelets about i in. long, white ; shortly pedicelled. Gl. I minutely 2-mucronate, 7-nerved j II broader, much compressed ; III truncate tip erose. 2. S. dubius, Sach. Monogr. Androp. 186 ; erect, leaves sessile long narrow and sheaths softly hairy, panicle narrow, spikelets 1-fld. silkily villous, gl. I chartaceous 7-9-nerved. — Andropogon, n. 16, Serb. H. f. Sc T. Temperate Himalaya; from Kashmir to Garwhal, alt. 6-8000 ft., Thomson, &c. Perennial. Stem 2-4 ft., solid, as thick as a goose-quill, quite smooth. Leaves 12-18 by :^-J in., smooth hairy or villous, base villous, margins scaberulous, base villous, midrib broad, white ; sheath glabrous ; ligule densely villous. Panicle 6-8 in., narrowly oblong, erect, very dense-fld., pale; pedicels very short. Spikelets i in. ; gl. I acuminate, dorsally convex, margins narrowly incurved; TI as lonff, subcliartaceous, 3-5-nerved, hairy dorsally, sometimes obtuse and apiculate; III oblong, obtuse, hyaline, 1-nerved ciliate ; IV shorter than II, cleft into lanceolate segments with a slender interposed awn as long as the spikelet, 3-nerved below the middle ; palea lanceolate, 2-fid. 3. S. cotulifer, Hack. Monogr. Androp. 187 ; tall, ei'ect, leaves long sessile and petioled, panicle lax effuse branches and long capillary pedicels short subdavate, spikelets 1-fld. lanceolate terete sparsely hairy, gl. I and II coriaceous strongly nerved. Eulalia cotulifera, Munro ex Miq. Prolus. Fl. Jap. 177 ; Franch. Sc Sav. Fn. PI. Jap. ii. 189. Miscanthus cotulifer, Benth. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xix. (1881) 65. Eccoilopus andropogonoides, Steud. Syn. Gram. 124. Andropogon cotulifer, Thunh. Fl. Jap. 41. Westeen temperate Himalaya, alt. 4-6000 ft., from Kashmir, ClarTie, to Spodiopogon.'] CLXXiii. graminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) - 109 Garwhal, Jacquemont, Duthie. Khasia Hills, alt. 3-4000 ft., J. B.S. ^ T. T.— DiSTRiB. China, Japan. Perennial. Stem 3-8 ft. or more from a woody branched stock, as thick as a swan's quill or less. Leaves 2-3 ft. by ^-f in. ; sheath long, grooved; ligule short. Panicle 6-12 in., rachis slender, terete, branches whorled, capillary, lower 1-3 in., lax-fld., flowering towards the ends ; pedicels -jL-i in., clavellate, tips cupped. Spike- lets ^ in., green; tall callus bearded; gl. I and II very strongly 7-9-nerved, nerves scaberulous, tips 2-dentate and very shortly awned ; III oblong, tip rounded, scaberulous above the middle, not ciliate ; palea lanceolate, subciliate ; JV glabrous, cleft to below the middle into setiform lobes, awn twice as long as the spikelet ; palea large, broadly ovate, obtuse, ciliate, nerveless. — A peculiar grass very unlike the other species. 34. POZiIiZNIA, Trin. Annual or perennial grasses. Spikes subdigitately approximate or fascicled, hirsute silky or ciliate, rachis fragile. Spihelets binate a sessile and pedicelled rarely both pedicelled, 1-fld. or the sessile 2-fld. Glumes 4, I membranous or coriaceous, dorsally flattened or concave, truncate often narrowly, or tip 2-toothed, mars;ins narrowly inflexed throughout its length ; II as long, usually laterally compressed, keeled, acute, rarely awned; III hyaline, ciliate, rarely neuter or male,, paleate (sometimes represented by a gl.-like palea) ; IV very short, hyaline, entire 2-fid or 2- auricled or reduced to a dilated base of the long twisted exserted awn ; palea small or 0. Lodicules obliquely truncate. Stamens 3, rarely 2. Stigmas long. Grain free. — Species about 30, tropical and subtropical of the Old World. The characters by which Pollirda is distinguished from Ischcemum are very un- satisfactory. The colour of the hairs of the spikes in Sect. Eulalia cannot be altogether depended upon ; nor can the sexuality of the spikelets and presence or absence of gl. Ill be in Sect. Leptatherum. The apparent replacement of gl. Ill in some species by a palea as long as gl. I and concave towards it, first observed and commented on by Hackel (Androp. 171) is a very curious departure from the normal condition of the spikelet in Andropogonece. It is n6t confined to Pollinia. Sect. T. Stem erect. Leaves not conspicuously constricted or petioled above the sheath. Gl. I as long as II, narrowly truncate ; II not broadly truncate ; III or its palea present. * Glume II of sessile spikelets awned. Basal sheaths of stem naked. 1. P. articulata, Trin. in Bull. Sc. Acad. Petersh. (1836) 71 ; annual, very slender,, leaves usually filiform, spikes usually very many, hairs of rachis white, spikelets tVtV i^- brown, gl. I narrowly truncate, keels villous below with white hairs, II glabrous except the margins. III (? palea of gl. lY) ovate obtuse, IV narrowly oblong 2-fid or 2-toothed, awn very long ciliate, palea short broad. Sack. Monogr. Androp. 153 ; Benth. Fl. Hongk. vii. 525. P. setifolia, Nees in Rook. Kew Journ. ii. (1850) 101. Pogona- therum contortum, Brongn. ^ot. Toy. Goq. 90, t. 17. Erianthus articulatus, F. Muell. Fragm. Phyt. Austral, viii. 118. Eulalia concinna, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 412. Andropogon koretrostachys, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Ser. vi. ii. (1833) 273. A. brunneus, Heyne in Herb. Bottler. A, asthenostachys, Steud. I. c. 381. — Andropogon,' Wall. Oat. n. 8813, 8814. 110 coxiii. GRiMiNEJE. (J. D. Hooker.) [PolUnia, Plains of lower Gang-etic Valley and Behar, ascendins: to 3000 ft. Sikkim and Khasia Hills. Chota Nagpur, G'amble. Nilghiri Hills j the Wynasid, Hei/ne. Burma, Wallich. — Distrib. Malaya, China, Australia. Stem 1-2 ft., erect, tufted, nodes pflabrous. Leaves 6-18 in., erect, flexuous, ■YT~\\5 ^^' broad (except in Wallich's n. 8813), glabrous. Peduncle filiform. Spikes |-2^ in., fascicled, very slender, erect. Spikeleis amongst the smallest of the genua; gl. IV very variable in length and in depth of lobing, sometimes subentire, awn some- times 1 in. long. — Hackel has two subspecies, one with the nodes of the spike longer and not disarticulating, which includes the Burmese plant of Wallich, n. 8814, and the Sikkim plant ; the other has fragile spikes with much shorter nodes, to which Wallich^s Burmese, n. 8813- belongs ; this latter is a much taller stouter plant with leaves ^ in. broad and stems thicker than a crow-quill. — What Hackel describes as gl. Ill appears to me to be the palea of gl. IV, for it surrounds the ovary. Var. j8, pedicellata, Hack. mss. ; both spikelets long pedicelled. Kumaon, Dathie. 2. P. pallens, Hack. Monogr. Androp. 156; leaves very slender, spikes 5-10 silkily hairy white, rachis slender, spikelets I in.,* gri. I narrow memr branoas bicuspidate shortly villous, II laxly villous. III oblong obtuse ciliate, IV narrow 2-fid, awn 2-3 times as long as the spikelet. Khasia Hills, alt. 5000 ft., Griffith, &c. — Distkib. China. Stem 2-3 ft., slender ; nodes glabrous. Leaves 12-20 by xo~a ^^'> bairy beneath,, margins revolute, tips filiform. Spikes 2-4 in., slender, silkily hairy. Spikelets narrowly lanceolate. Gl. 1 2-nerved ; II with the capillary awn very variable in length, keel and margins ciliate ; III oblong, obtuse, ciliate; IV ciliate, oblanceolate,. adnate portion of awn forked about half-way down j palea broadly ovate or orbicular,, entire, not ciliate. ** Glume II of sessile spikelet not awned. t Basal sheaths of stem naked. § Spikelets ^-^ in. 3. P. quadrinervis, Hack. Monogr. Androp. 168; spikes 3-6 and pedicels villous with long silvery-grey hairs, spikelets \^ in. oblong- lanceolate subacute, gl. I dorsally concave 4-nerved (often obscurely), lil glabrous, IV short broadly deeply obcordate, awn 3-4 times as long as the spikelet, palea short broad. P. villosa, Munro in Benth. Fl. Hongkong, ' 420 (jion Spreng.). Erianthus tristachyus, Nees in Hook. & Am. Bat. Beech. Voy. 241 ; etin PI. Meyer. 183 {excl. 8yn.). — Andropogon, Wall. Gat. n. 8808. Subtropical Himalaya ; from Simla to Sikkim, the Mishmi, and Khasia Hills, alt. 3-5000 ft., Clarke. Pegu, alt. 4-6000 ft., Z'wrz.— Distrib. China. Stem 1-2 ft., leafy upwards, nodes glabrous. Leaves narrow, glabrous or' hairy beneath, or on both surfaces, or with the sheath hirsute, tips finely acuminate; ligule oblong. Spikes 3-5, 2-6 in., erect or flexuous. Spikelets pale yellow-brown ; callus hairs long white; gl. I with hispid keels above, tip contracted minutely truncate, margins rather broadly inflexed; II acute, minutely apiculate, sub 3-nerved, keel smooth, margins ciliate; III linear-oblong, long-ciliate above; IV with the adnate awn forked towards the base, lobes romided ciliolate ; palea lanceolate, ciliolate. — Nees, as Hackel observes, errs in describing tbe base of the stem as rufous -hajred. The Khasia plant has softly villous foliage and has paler spikes, and closely resembles P. speciosa, var. heterotricha. Var. Wightii ; stem tall stout silky below the panicle, leaves \ in. broad acute, spikes 3-7 in., spikelets nearly ^ in., gl. I 2-4-nerved, IV cuueately obovate broadly Pollinia.'] CLxxiii. GEAMiN^EiE. (J. D. Hooker.) Ill 2-lobed. — Pulney Mts., Wight. Possibly a species, differing- fiom quadrinervis m the broad leaves which have not setaceous tips and in the broad gl. IV. 4. P. hirtifolia^ Sack. Monogr. Androp. 165 ; spikes few, racKis and pedicels villous with long pale violet hairs, spikelets ^ in. linear-oblong, gl. I dorsally slightly concave obscurely 4-nerved, keels laxly villous with long hairs, gl. IV short broadly obovate-oblong 2-lobed, awn several times longer than the spikelet glabrous, palea minute. Western temperate Himalaya, alt. 6500-8000 ft., from Simla, Suegel, to Kumaon, Strachey Sf Winterh. (n. 925). Stem 2-3 ft., leafy, nodes glabrous. Leaves 8-18 in., very narrow, more or less hirsute beneath or ou both surfaces, tips filiform ; ligule very short, long-bearded. Spikes 3-8, rather distant, 3-7 in. long, joints and pedicels rather stout, hairs shorter than the pale brown spikelets ; gl. I chartaceous, shining, tip entire, obtuse or truncate, l^eels ciliate aculeate above; II obtuse, glabrous except the ciliate margins, keel smooth ; III lanceolate, ciliate, nerveless ; IV ciliate 3-nerved ; palea broadly ovate, glabrous. — The joints of the rachis are decidedly obliquely truncate. Very near P. quadrinervis, of which it may be a variety. 5. P. Thjvaitesii; Hack. Mono g. Androp. \Q^\ stems short, leaves chiefly radical very slender subdistichous, spikes 2-3, rachis and pedicels villous with white hairs, spikelets \-\ in. lanceolate, gls. I concolorous acute 2-nerved, lY linear 2-fid lobes narrow acute, awn more than twice as long as the spikelets, palea miaute. P. tristachya, var. Thw. Enum. 368; var. distachya, Trim. Gat. Ceyl. PI. 106. Ceylon ; in swamps, alt. 7O0O ft., Gardner, Thwaites. Stem short, lengthened downwards and nodose, above densely clothed for 1-3 in. with subdistichously imbricating leaf -sheaths, 1-2 in. long, which are produced into slender wiry erect convolute leaves 6-12 in. long ; ligule minute. SpiTies 2-3 in. long. Gl. I pale brown to the tip, dorsally concave, margins narrowly incurved ; keels villous ; II lanceolate, acute, keel hairy below scaberulous above ; III linear-lanceo- late, acute, convolute, obsoletely 2-nerved, tip ciliate j IV nearly as long, glabrous; palea ovate, ciliolate. 6. P. mollis^ Hack. Monogr. Androp. 161; spikes usually many, rachis and pedicels villous with very long silvery-white hairs, spikelets ^-^ in. narrowly lanceolate acuminate dorsally flat faintly 2-uerved, lY narrow shortly 2-fid or 2-toothed, awn 3- or more times longer than the spikelet, palea minute. Erianthus mollis, Griseb. in Goett. Nadir. 1868, 92, Eulalia mollis, Munro mss. Temperate Himalaya; from Kashmir to Sikkim, alt. 5-8000 ft. Stem 10-12 in., slender, tufted, leafy chiefly at the base. Leaves 2-3 in., narrowly lanceolate ; sheath glabrous or ciliate ; ligule very short, bearded. Spikes 3-10, 1-2 in. long, crowded, flexuou^, joints and pei icels slender beautifully silvery-silky with very long hairs. Spikelets pale ; gl. I thin, villous, hairs much longer than itself, lower half dark brown, upper pale, tip obscurely notched or 2-mucronate ; II subacute, dorsally sparsely hairy, l^eel smooth, margins ciliate; III lanceolate, hyaline and ciliate in the upper half, 1-nerved ; IV much shorter, awn very slender ; palea glabrous. — Almost intermediate between Pollinia and Erianthus, Hack. 1. c. 162. §§ Spikelets yV-s iii« » 7. P. arg-entea, Trin. in Bull. 8c. Acad. Petersh. i. (1836) 71 ; spikes many, rachis and pedicels villous with silvery hair?!, spikelets iV i'"- linear- oblong pale, gl. I dorsally flat nerveless membranous above the middle 112 OLXXiii. geaminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) [Pollima. villons or glabrate below it, IV linear 2-fid, lobes narrow acnte,- awn several times longer than the spikelet ciliate, palea 0. Hack. Monocjr. Androp. 162. P. tristachya, Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 368 {in jpart); Benth. Fl Austral, vii. 527. Duthie Fodd. Grass. N.W. Ind. 26, t. 63. E alalia argentea, Brongn. Voy. Coq^. Bot. 92. Erianthus rufus, Nees ex Sttud. 8yn. Gram. 409 (partim). E. hexastachyus, Hochst. in Holien. PL Ind. Or. n. 279; Miq. Anal. Bot. Ind ii. 35. E. Roxburghii, F. Muell. Fragm. Phyt. viii. 117. E. tristachyus, Nees in Herb. Strach. & Winterb. No. 4; in Hook. Sc. Am. Bot. Beech. Voy. 241. Saccharum rufum & tristachynm {in part), Steud. I.e. 408. Andropogon minutiflorus & hexastachyus, Steud. I. c. 379, 380. A. trispicatus, Schult. Mant. ii. 452. A. tristachyus, Boxb. Fl. Ind. i. 256.— Andropogon, Wall. Gat. n. 8811. Teopical Himalaya, alt. 1-5000 ft., from Kumaon eastwards to the Khasia Hills, Bengal, Behae and southward to Ceylon. — Disteib. Malaya, Australia. Btem 2-3 ft. high, leafy, or in small specimens leafy at the base chiefly. Leaves 12-18 in., rarely \ in. broad, glabrous or sparsely hairy ; ligule very short, bearded. Spikes 2-12, lJ-6 in. long, flexuous; racbis and pedicels slender. Gl. I thin, pale brown below, pale yellow above the middle ; II and III as in P. hirti- folia, but IV longer and narrower. — Roxburgh describes this as an annual delicate beautiful species, but most of the specimens appear to be perennial. The very small spikelets resemble those of P. articulata. 8. P. fimbriata, JTac^. Monogr. Androp. 164; stems very slender shining, leaves very narrow, spikes 2-4 villous with white hairs, joints very short slender, spikelets ^^-^ in., gl. I lanceolate truncate nerveless dorsally smooth depressed, keels ciliate, II obtuse. III oblong-lanceolate ciliate, IV narrow 2-fid, awn much longer than the spikelets ciliate, palea very minute or 0. Westeen Himalaya, Simla, alt. 7-8000 ft., Thomson. Malabae and Concan, Stocks, <^c. Pegu, M'Lelland. Annual. Stem 1 2 ft., internodes much longer than the sheaths, nodes glabrous. Leaves 6-10 by i in,, flaccid, sparsely hairy above; sheath glabrous; ligule a ciliolate ridge. Spilces 1-3 in., long-peduncled, flexuous, pale; rachis slender, joints densely villous ; gl. I with villous keels above, obscurely 2-toothed ; IV with oblong ciliate lobes. — Hackel describes gl. IV. as epaleate, but I find a minute palea. He suspects that Andropogon conjugatus, Roxb. (Fl. Ind. i. 255) to be closely allied, but Roxburgh describes his plant as the smallest of the genus, with minute leaves, the two spikes as exactly paired and touching one another j which is not the case in P. fimhriata. tt Basal sheaths of stem villous or woolly. 9. P. phaeothrix, JSach. Monogr. Androp. 168 ; basal sheaths rusty- tomentose, leaves very slender, spikes 2-4, spikelets ^-| in., gl. I broadly or narrowly truncate nerveless or faintly 2-nerved dorsally hispidly villous, IV short deeply 2-fid segments narrow, palea small obovate ciliate. P. Cumingii, Thw. Enum. PI. Zajl. 368 ; Trim. Gat. Geyl. PI. 106 {non Nees). P. argentea, Balans. in Journ. de Bot. {Paris, 1890) 81. Erianthus, aureus, Nees in Wight Cat. n. 1690 {excl. syn.) ; Steud. Syn. Gram, {sub Ful. nepalensis). E. Cumingii, F. Muell. Fragm. viii. 118. E. tristachyus, Nees I.e. n. 1691. Andropogon pilosus, Willd. ex Wight I.e. 1690. A. brunneus, Reyne in Herb. Rottl. Nilghiei Hills, alt. 6-7000 ft. Wight, &c. Cbylon, in the Central Provinces. — Disteib. Tonkin. Stem 18-24 in., slender; peduncle silky under the panicle. Leaves 6-18 in., PolUnia.] clxxiii. gramineje. (J. D. Hooker.) 113 rarely i in. broad, acute, short and filiform in some Nilpfhiri specimens, glabrous or hairy ; ligule short, bearded. Spikes 1-3 in., stout, dark brown, rather distant, joints about ^ as long as the spikelets. /Spi^eZe^s linear-oblong ; gl. I dorsally densely villous chiefly at the sides and above ; II tip narrowly truncate, keel obscure hairy about the middle; III as long as I, nerveless, ciliate above the middle; IV half as long, awn stout inserted in the cleft, broadening out and vanishing. — A Tonkin specimen is 3^ ft. with broader leaves and white hairs on the rachis. 10. P. birmanica, Hooh. f. ; tall, stout from a very stout rootstock with rusty-woolly basal sheath, leaves narrow glabrous, spikes few 3-6 in. strict erect, rachis stout villous, spikelets i in. oblong, gl. I narrowly truncate nerveless, IV very narrow 2-fid eciliate. Burma ; Yomah, Kurz. Rootstock as large as a walnut. Stem 4-5 ft., villous below the panicle ; nodes pubescent. Leaves 10-18 in., smooth, glabrous. Spikes closely appressed to the rachis, villous with golden-brown hairs ; joints as long as the spikelet, obliquely truncate. Spikelets dark brown ; gl. I dorsally flat, sparsely villous, sides copiously so, margins rather broadly incurved from base to apex ; II narrowly oblong, obscurely keeled, sides villous ; III oblong-lanceolate, hyaline, ciliate ; IV very small, awn f in. long ; palea orbicular-ovate, long-ciliate. — Possibly only a very large form of P. phaothrix, with a stout rootstock, and rachis of the spikes narrower. 11. P. speciosa^ Hach. Monogr. Andr(yp. 159; tall, stout, basal sheaths clothed with pale yellow-brown wool, leaves narrow usually villously hirsute, spikes 3-5 often very long slender flexuous villous with pale yellow-brown hairs, spikelets I in. oblong, gl. I narrowly truncate faintly 4-nerved back and sides villous, lY narrowly 2-fid lobes acute eciliate, awn tortuous and twisted, palea very small suborbicular. Erianthus speciosus, Debeaux in Act. Linn. Soc. Bord. xxxii. (1878) 53. — Erianthus, No. 9, Herb. Ind. Or. Ef.SfT. Khasia Hills, alt. 5-8000 ft., common. Naga Hills, Prain. — Disthib. China. Stems 3-4 ft., densely tufted, peduncle silky below the panicle. Leaves 12-18 by i-:5 in., densely villously tomentose on both surfaces in the Khasia specimens (var. hete- rotricha, Hack, mss.), tips filiform ; ligule a long beard. Spikes 3-8 in. , joints slender = I the spikelet. Spikelets with sometimes parti- coloured hairs, those of the callus white or concolorous ; gl. I narrowly oblong-lanceolate ; II subacute, dorsally sparsely hairy, margins ciliate ; III linear-oblong, ciliate ; IV shorter, linear-oblong, lobes shorter than the gl. ; awn several times longer than the spikelet, vanishing downwards in the gl. Lodicules 2-fid, ciliate. — The Naga Hill specimen has glabrous leaves like the Chinese. Closely resembles JP. hirtijiora and quadrinervis, diff"ering in the woolly bf^sal sheaths, colour of hairs of spike, and narrow gl. IV. In Sampson's Chinese specimens preserved at Kew (the j3lant described by Hackel) the base of the stem is wanting ; but in fine ones collected at Ichang by Henry, the basal sheaths are woolly, exactly as in the Khasian plant. 12. P. velutina, Hach. Monogr, Androp. 169; tall, stout, basal sheaths villous with long silky hairs, leaves narrow glabrous, spikes 3-8 long, villous with long pale yellow-brown hairs, spikelets ^ in. oblong, gl. I narrowly truncate 2-cuspidate 4-nerved, back and sides villous, IV narrowly 2-fid or 2-toothed eciliate, awn tortuous and twisted, palea broadly ovate shortly ciliate. Khasia Hills, alt. 4-5000 ft. J. D. H. Sf T. T., Clarke. Except in the silky villous clothing of the basal sheaths of the stem, this hardly differs from glabrous states of P. speciom ; but whereas the leaves of speciosa are VOL. VII. I 114 CLxxiii. GBAMINE^. (J. D. Hooker.) [Pollinia. (as far as has been observed) always hirsutely villous in the Khasia, those of velutina are always glabrous. Gl. I V varies in the breadth and depth of its lobes which are obtuse or acute. — Duthie (Grass. N.W. Ind 15) Sfives this as a N.W. plant, but I have seen no specimens from west of the Khasia Hills. Sect. II. Stem decumbent below. Leaves not contracted or petioled on the sheath. Gl. I shorter than II, truncate ; If broadly truncate ; III absent or present. 13. P. Cumingrii, JSfees in Rook. Kew Journ. ii. (1850) 98; leaves short flat, spikes 2-4 distant slender densely villous with red-brown hairs, sr^ikelets yL-| in. oblong, gl. I dorsally hairy hairs longer than the gl., •Ill 0, ly minute 2-fid, awn very slender 3-4 times as long as the gl., palea minute. HackiMonogr. Androp. 167 iexcl. var. fulva). Steud. Syn. Gram. 373. P. fulva, var. leptophylla, BentJi. Fl. Austral, vn. 526. Audropogon aureo-fulvus, Steud. I. c. 373. A. Leschenaultianus, Decne. Herb. Timor. Bescr. 29. Upper Gangetic Plain; Moradabad, Thomson. Kumaon ; at Dehra-dun, Duthie. SiKKiM Terai, Clarke. — Distrib. E. Asia, Malaya, Australia. Stem 12-18 iu., hardly thicker than a sparrow's quill, tufted, decumbent below with «.«cending leafy branches ; nodes sometimes proliferous. Leaves 2-4 in., linear-lanceolate, finely acuminate; lower sheaths hairy ; ligule 0 or obscure, hairy. Peduncle filiform. Spikes slender, 1^-2 in., subdigitate ; joints villous, shorter than the spikelets. Spikelets with a shortly bearded callus; gl. I truncate, often 2- cuspidate, 2-nerved or nerveless, margins and tip ciliate ; II longer and broader than I, truncate, keel ciliate above the middle, sometimes shortly awned ; III absent in all the specimens which I have examined ; IV very variable, narrow with subulate lobes in the Moradabad specimen, mast minute and 2-toothed in the Sikkim and Kumaon ones, with lanceolate subulate lobes in Tonkin ones, 14. P. Ridleyi, Hach. in (Ester. Bot. ZeitscJir. xl. i. (1891) 7 ; spikes 3-6 digitate, spikelets \ in., gl. I broadly truncate entire or 3-toothed densely villous with dark brown hairs shorter than the gl., II cuneate- obovate, III present or absent, IV short linear-oblong abruptly awned, awn twice as long aS the spikelet or imperfect, palea minute or 0. Malay Peninsula ; Pahang and Johore, Ridleij, Feilding. — Distbib. Borneo. Stem compressed, 6-10 in., creeping below. Leaves 6-20 by xo-^ in., sub- distichous, rigid, flat or convolute; sheath glabrous. Spikes li-2| in., erect, rather stout, joints and pedicels = ^ the spikelets, stiffly ciliate. Spikelets linear-oblong ; gls. dark; I ciliate at the truncate apex, dorsally flat; II sub 3-nerved ; III if present hyaline, obscurely 3-nerved, with an oblong palea larger than itself; IV half as long as If. — Habit of P. Cumingii, but the leaf-sheaths are all glabrons, the spikes fewer digitate much darker coloured, the hairs of gl. I are much shorter and paler. Sect. III. Leptatheeum. Stem prostrate or decumbent. Leaves con- spicuously contracted at the base or petioled ; basal sheaths naked. Gl. I often deeply channelled dorsally ; III present or absent, empty or male ; when absent the palea is sometimes as long as gl. I, hyaline or rigid, faintly 2-nerved or nerveless. * Triandrous', anthers long narrow, 15. P. eucnexnis, Neesex Steud. Syn. Oram. 409; leaves subpetioled, spikes few or many more or less villous with purple hairs, joints short clavate, spikelets i ia. oblong, gl. I dorsally sulcate truncate keels shortly PolUnia.'] cLXxiii. graminej!. (J. D. Hooker.) 115 ciliate, IV shortly 2-fid, palea minute. Sack. Monogr. Androp. 173. — Andropogon, Wall. Gat. n. 8812. Burma; near Prome, WalUchi Popan district, Collett; Pegu, Scott, Kurz. — DisTRiB. Celebes. Stems elongate, diffusely branched, stout or slender, smooth, polished j nodes glabrous ; sheaths much shorter than the internodes. Leaves 2-10 in., from elliptic to lanceolate, acute, tips setaceous, nerves slender, and sheath sparsely hairy ; ligule short, ciliate. Spikes 6-20, densely fascicled, 3-5 in. long, rather stout, pale ; joints hiilf as long as the spikelets, often pyriform, margins densely ciliate with purple hairs. Sp-ikelets shining, callus shortly bearded ; gl. I truncate, strongly ciliate, dorsally scaberulous ; II 2-toothed, shortly awned; III 0, or very slender, ciliate, with a lanceolate acuminate glabrous 2-nerved palea as long as gl. I, triandrous or neuter ; I V minute, oblong, acutely 2-toothed ; awn very slender ^-| in. 16. P. Stapfii, Hook. f. ; branclies tall from the distant smooth internodes of a long prostrate stem, leaves elliptic-lanceolate acuminate, spikes erect densely fascicled shortly stipitate thickly softly hirsute with fulvous brown hairs each with imperfect naked spikelets at the base, joints and pedicels very stout hollow, gl. I dorsally flat truncately 2-toothed hirsute all over 5-7-nerved, II dorsally convex hirsute aristulate, III 0, IV minute 2-toothed, awn very slender, palea very small, pedicelled spikelet very small awned. Arracan ; on low hills of sandstone at Akyab, Kurz. Stem prostrate and ascending, 12-18 in. long and more, rooting at the lower swollen nodes, as thick as a crow-quill, fistular; internodes 2 in. long, quite smooth ; branches 2-3 ft. high, again branched, erect, internodes much longer than the sheaths, the lower of which are open and scarious. Leaves 4-6 by ^-f in., flat, flaccid, very thin, setaceously acuminate, sparsely hairy, midrib slender, margins smooth; ligule membranous, truncate, ciliate. Spikes 2-3 in., erect; joints -j shorter than the spikelets and nearly as broad as the sessile one, very stout, truncate, plano-convex, hirsute all over the back and sides ; pedicel of upper as large as the joint but rather shorter. Sessile spikelet concealed between the joint and pedicel, ^^ in. ; callus .short, hirsute ; gl. I oblong, flat, sub 2-toothed, 5-nerved, nerves sometimes anastomosing, margins narrowly incurved from base to tip, copiously ciliate; II cymbiform, 1-nerved, 2-toothed; IV and its nerveless oblong palea eciliate ; awn = spikelet or longer, very slender, column twisted. Pedicelled, spikelets = about 4 the sessile, elliptic, shortly hirsute, fem. or neuter, gls. 4. Basal spikelets of the spikes smaller than the perfect, sessile, closely appiessed to the rachis, sparsely hairy or nearly glabrous, gl. I dorsally more or less channelled. 17. P. vagranSy Nees ex Steud. Si/n. Gram. 410; leaves sessile, spikes 3-5, joints slender shortly ciliate, spikelets |-i in. linear-oblong, gl. I obovate-oblong dorsally sulcate glabrous ciliate, IV very minute 2-toothed, awn twice as long as the spikelet, palea minute toothed. Hack. Monogr. Androp. 173.— Andropogon, Wall. Gat. n. 8807 B. Nepal, WalUch. Stem laxly branched, slender, glabrous. Leaves 2-4 in., very narrow, setace- ously acuminate, scaberulous, glabrous. Spikes very slender, rachis glabrous. Spikelets reddish, callus shortly bearded ; gl, I chartaceous, dorsally smooth ; II membranous, subacute, keel above and margins ciliate ; III usually 0, if present male or neuter; palea larger than its gl., oblong, obtuse, rather shorter than gl. I, membranous, 2-nerved, ciliate j IV smaller than its small subquadrate 3-4-toothed palea. 18. P. grata, Hack. Monogr. Androp. 175 ; nodes of stem pubescent, leaves 5?essile, spikes few or many densely fascicled, joints subolavate I 2 116 CLxxiii. GRAMINE.E. (J. D. Hooker.) IPoIhrtia, shortly densely ciliate, spikelets |-^ in. oblong, gl. I dorsally channelled keels rigidly ciliate towards the truncate or 2-tootbed tip, II mucronate or aristulate, III 0, palea ovate-lanceolate bisexual ciliate, IV minute 2-tGothed, awn long or short, palea small ovate. P. ciliata, Nees in PL Meyen. 186. PP. montana, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 409. Ephebopogon, gratus, Nees mss. ex Sack. I. c. SiKKiM Himalaya, the Khasia and Mishmi Hills, alt. 1-5000 ft., Griffith, &c. — DiSTRiB. Java, China. Stem rather stout, 3-5 ft., pubescent or scaberulous below the nodes. Leaves 4-8 by g-f in., linenr, setaceously acuminate, scaberulous and sparsely hairy; sheath bearded at the nodes; ligule obscure. Spikes 2^-4 in., pale or dark, joints = f spikelet, rather long^er than the pedicels; gl. I dorsally smooth or scaberulous. — This resembles P. eucnemis more than any other species, but has more numerous and darker spikes with more slender joints, and the nodes are pubescent. In some spike- . lets I find no gl. Ill or its palea, only an ovary and the ciliate palea of gl. IV. PVar. hirsuta ; leaves ^ in. broad pubescent, sheath clothed with very long spreading and reflexed hairs, gl. IV all but reduced to the awn. Pegu, Kurz. 19. P. ciliata, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Ser. vi. ii. (1833) 306 ; leaves sessile, spikes very many, joints slender compressed rather shorter than the spikelets shortly ciliate, spikelets | in. narrow pale, gl. I lan- ceolate deeply grooved dorsally keels scaWrid below ciliate towards the forked tip, II awned or mucronulate, 111 0, palea empty or male, IV minute lanceolate or broader and 2- toothed, awn long or short, palea minute. Hack. Monogr. Androp. 176 ; 8teud. Syn. Gram. 410. P. Wallichiana, Nees ex Steud. I. c. ; T/iw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 369 ; Trim. Cat. Ceijl. PI. 107. P. lancea & laxa, JVee.v ex Steud. I. c. P. tristachya, Thw. I.e. 368 {in part). Andropogoa biaristatus, Steud. I.e. 379. A. fascicnlatus, Lmw. Sp. PI. 1047.— Andropogon, Wall. Gat. n. 8815 B, 8822, 8823.— Batratherum, ? Wall. I. c. n. 8831 in part. Tropical Himalaya, alt. 2-5000 ft., from Kuraaon to the Mishmi and Khasia Hills. Behab, on Parusnabh, Clarke. Nil&hiri Hills, Wi^hf. Okylon, Thwaifes. Stems 2-4 ft., much branched below, stragijling, glabrous or sheaths sparsely hairy; peduncle very slender. Leaves very variable, usually small, 1-4 by i-^ in., narrowed at both ends, finely acuminate, sometimes petioled. Spikes flexuous. Gl. I minutely scaberulous; II sometimes with the awn longer than itself; IV variable, as is its palea, both in breadth and length. Antlius \evy long.— I am puzzled with various forms of the glumes of this pUiut. Hickel has four varieties : a. genuina (P. ciliata, Trin., P. lancea, Nees) with linear-oblong spikelets, gl. I entire, keels pectinately ciliate, II mucronulate, IV 2 toothed long awned; — b. laxa (P. laxa, Nees] with linear-lanceolate spikelets, gl. I pectinately ciliate, II awned, IV entire long awned ;—c. Wxllichiana (Nees Sp.), spikelets linear-oblong, gl. I entire rigidly pectinately ciliate, II long-awned, IV entire, awn imperfect; — d. seminuda, spikelets linear-lanceolate, gl. I bimucronate, keels scabrid, II long- awned, IV entire, awn imperfect. — Ceylon (C.P. 411 in part). 20. P- monantlia, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 410 ; very slender, spikes 4-6 slender flexuous joints shorter than the spikelets sabclavate, spikelets yVro i^-' l-Ad-* gl- I narrow ciliate dorsally channelled, II truncate apiculate, III 0, IV minute rounded 2-toothed, awn about twice as long as the spikelet, palea very minute ovate. Hack. Monogr. Androp. 174. P. miscantha {error for monantha), Herh. Ind. Or. Hf. Sf T. — Andropogon, Wall. Cat. n. 8819. Subtropical Himalaya; Garwhal, alt. 5000 ft., DiUUc. Sikkim Tkrai, Pollinia.] CLXXiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 117 J.D.H. Khasia Hills, alt. 4000 ft., J.B.JI. ^ T.T. Burma, Taongdong, Wallich ; Rangoon, M'Lelland ] Kiug's Isld., Heifer. Stems 1-3 ft., nodes naked. Leaves 3-6 in., base contracted, flaccid. Spikes 3-6, 2-4 in. long, very slender, pale green or yellowish brown ; joints compressed, broader upwards, ciliate. Glumes usually widely spreading ; I subacute or narrowly truncate, keels scaberulous or shortly ciliate above ; II with villous margins towards the mucronate or aristulate tip ; IV very minute, rounded. Anthers linear, half as long as the gl. or more. — Resembles P. ciliata, but the spikelets are much smaller. 21. Pi delicatula^ JETook.f. ; stem very slender vaguely geniculately branched leafy, leaves linear-lanceolate acuminate base very narrow, spikea 3-5 fascicled slender pale, joints linear, margins shortly ciliate, spikelets tV-tV ^^-f callus stellately bearded, gl. I thin linear-oblong truncate dorsally convex shining, keels ciliate above the middle, II apiculate keel ciliate, III 0, IV awn simple or minutely dilated at the base. Pegu, M^Lelland, Kurz. Stems 1-2 ft., straggling, as thick as a sparrow's quill or less, smooth. Leaves 2^-5 by \-\ in., flat, thin, sparsely ciliate chiefly towards the base, tip capillary, margins smooth, base a mere point, midrib slender; sheath very slender; ligule minute. Spikes 2-1^ in., erect, flexuous, pale green, joints truncate. Gl. I, of sessile spikelet 0-5-nerved, tip more or less 2-toothed; II obtuse, 3-nerved ; IV awn capil- lary about — the spikelet. Pedicelled spikelet like the sessile or reduced, awued or not, male or neuter. Stamens 3, imperfect only seen, filaments short. ** Triandrous, anthers minute, filaments very long. 22. P. ixnberbiSy Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 410 ; stem very slender grooved, spikes solitary or few and racemose very slender, joints com- pressed, spikelets ^~\ in. lanceolate, gl. I narrow subtruncate keels minutely scabrid, II acute nearly glabrous, III-O, TV minute ovate-lan- ceolate, palea ovate, awn short. Rack. Monogr. Androp. 177 ; Buthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 16. P. japonica, Franch. Sc Sav. Enum. PL Jap. ii. 608 {nonMiq.). P. Willdenowiana, Benth. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xix. (1881) 67. Andropogon vimineus, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. vi. ii. (18813) 268. Microstegium Willdenowianum, Nees ex Steud. I.e. 411. — Arthraxon, Wall. Cat. n. 8838.— Batratherum ? Wall. Gat. n. 8832. Temperate Himalaya ; Simla, Gamble ; Nepal, Wallich ; Sikkim, alt. 4-7000 ft., J.D.H., Clarke. Khasia Hills, alt. 4-5000 ft. — Disthib. China, Japan. Leaves narrowed to the base, flaccid, smooth or subscaberulous. Splices 1-3 in., not fascicled, green, joints more or less ciliate, hardly Qlavate ; callus naked ; gl. I concave dorsally, 2-6-nerved, nerves sometimes anastomosing ; II 1-3-nerved ; awn of IV sometimes capillary, and very short (var. Willdenowiana, Hack.) ; sometimes (var. genuina, Hack.) it is longer, stouter, with a twisted base. — Very variable in size ; small Nepal specimens have filiform stems 6-12 in., with oblong-lanceolate aoute leaves aa inch long, and solitary spikes ; some large Khasian specimens have stouter much branched stems 2-3 ft. long, with acuminate linear-lanceolate leaves 3-6 in. long, and 6-7 spikes. — The mmute persistent didymous antliers are those of Arihrase^n^ aud differ from those of all other Indian species of Pollinia. *** Diandrous, anthers linear -ohlong. 23. P. nuda, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. ii. (1833) 307 ; very slender, spikes few racemed very slender, joints slender terete, spikelets ^-^ in. narrowly lanceolate, gl. I bicuspidate very narrow keels scaberulons, II acuminate. III as long as II hyaline ciliate or 0, IV lanceolate, palea, 118 CLXXiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) [Follinia. minute truncate, awn short. Hack. Monogr. Androp. 178; Steud. 8yn, Gram. 410, P. japonica, Miq. Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. ii. 290. Leptatherum Eoyleanum, Nees in Proc. Linn. Soc. i. (1841) 93 ; Franch. 8f Sav. Enum. PI Jap. ii. 609.— Batratherum ? Wall. Cat. n. 8831 in part. Tempeeate Himalaya ; from Chamba to Upper Assam, alt. 4-7000 ft. (to 10,000 in Kumaon), Khasia Hills, alt. 4-5O0O ft., Griffith, &c. — Distrib. China, Japan, S. Africa. Stem 2-3 ft., grooved. Leaves 1-4 in., lanceolate, very variable in breadth, acuminate, flaccid ; sheath hairy ; ligule glabrous. Spikes 3-5, rarely more, 1-4 in. long, flixuous, green ; joints longer or shorter than the spikelets, glabrous or ciliolate. Spikelets sometimes distant, callus nearly naked or villous; gl. I rarely truncate or obtuse, often strongly forked, dorsally concave, glabrous or most minutely scaberulous, margins rarely ciliatc ; II nearly glabrous; III if present narrow, glabrous or sparsely ciliate, nerveless; IV" variable in size, never = ^ III, 3-nerved. EXCLUDED SPECIES. p. JAPONICA, BentJi. ex JDuthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 16. — Dnthie gives this grass which is no doubt Euriantlms fulvus, as a native of the Panjab and N.W. Himalaya up to 9000 ft. I find no authority for the name. P. japonica, Franch. & Sav. is P. imherbis, Nees, and P. japonica, Miq. is P. nuda ; both are Japanese and Himalayan plants. There is also JEulalia japonica, Trin. (Mischanthus sinensis^ Anderss.), which is not Himalayan. 35. SACCKARUBI, Linn. Tall perennial grasses. Lnfl. a large silky much and densely branched panicle, with spreading at length erect articulate capillary branches and branchlets (spikes). SpiJcelets minute, awnless, 1-fld., binate, a sessile bisexual and pedicelled, fern., rarely both pedicelled and bisexual. Glumes 4, all membranous, or I strongly chartaceous, or I and II rarely coriaceous ; III empty; lY shortest, rarely 0; palea hyaline nerveless or 0. Lodicules cuneate. Stamens 8. Stigmas laterally exserted. Grain oblong. — Species about 12, tropical, chiefly Asiatic. Sect. I. EusACCHARUM. Rachis of spike fragile. Spikelets of each pair subequal, sessile and pedicelled, both fertile. Stem solid. S. OFFiciNARUM, Linn. Sp. PI. 54; stem solid glabrous below the panicle, upper leaves long margins scabrid, joints of spikes and pedicels glabrous, hairs of callus about twice as long as the spikelet, gl. I glabrous subchartaceous, IV very narrow or 0, palea small lanceolate. Roxh. FL Ind. i. 237 ; McFad. in Rook. Bot. Misc. i. (1830) 95, t. 26; Steud. Syn. Gram. 405; Hach. Monogr, Androp. in. Ill ; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 507. Morris in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxviii. (1890) 197, t. 23. S. sinense, Boxb. I. c. Cultivated in the hotter parts of India. — Native country unknown. For history and cultivation of the sugar-cane in India see Watts' " Dictionary of the Economic Products of India," and for its origin A. de Candolle " L'Origiue des Plantes Cultiv^es." 1. S. spoxitaneuxn, Linn. Mant. ii. 183; stem silky below the panicle, upper leaves long margins smooth, hairs of callus many times longer than the spikelet, gl. I thickened below, IV usually 0, palea ciliate. Roxh. Fl. Ind. i. 235 ; Eunih Enum. PI. i. 475, Swppl. 384 ; Wight Cat. D. 1682 ; Griff. Notul. iii. 73, Ic. PI. Asiat. t. 139, f. 63 ; Dalz. ^ Gibs, Bomb. Fl. 304; Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl, 369; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 106. SaccJiaruni ."] CLXXiii. graminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) 119 Aitchis. Cat. Panjab. PL 172 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 15, Indig. Fudd. Grass. 57, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 25 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 405 ; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 113; Anderss. in CEvers. Vet. Akad. Homdl. StocJch. (1885) 156; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 512. S. ffigyptiacum, Wllld. Enum. Hort. Berol. i. 82; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 454. S. bengalense, Boga, Oasi, Lola & tennius, Serb. Ham. ex Wall. Cat. n. 8854. S. biflorum, Forsk. Fl. Mg. Arab. i. 16. S. caducum, Palisotii & speciosissimum, Tauach in Flora (1836) 627; Steud. I.e. 406, 405,407. S. canaliculatum, i^oa-i. I.e. 246; Wight Cat. n. 1682; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 14; Sieud. I.e. 406. S. chinense, Nees in. Hook. Sf Am. Bat. Beech. Voy. 241. S. Glaza, Beinw. ex Blume Gew. Buitenz. 38. S. insulare, Brongn. Voy. Cog. Bot. 99 ; Steud. I. c. 406. S. Klaga, e/ww^^. ex Tijdschr. Nat. Gesch. vii. 296; Steud. I.e. (Klagha). S. punctatum, /S'cAum. Besch. PI. Guin. 4,6. S. propinquura, Steud. I.e. S. spontaneura, var. Klaga, Trin. Fund. Agrost. t. 15, p. 1-6. S. semi- decumbens, Boxb. I.e. 236; Duthie I.e. Steud. I.e. 406; Wall. Gat. n. 8854 A. Imperata spontanea, Beauv. Agrost. 8 ; Boem. & Seh. Syst. ii. 289; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 512.— Saccharum, Wall. Cat. n. 8854. Throughout the warmer parts of India and Ceylon, ascending to 6000 ft. in the Himalaya. — Distkib. S. Europe and warm regions of the Old World. East Australia. Stem 5-20 ft., erect from a stout rootstock. Leaves erect, very long, narrow, margins convolute or incurved ; mouth of sheath woolly ; ligule membranous. Panicle 1-2 ft. ; branches whorled, spreading ; branchlets fragile ; joints filiform, dorsally long-ciliate. Spilcelets f-i in,, lanceolate ; gl. I 2-nervecl ; II lanceolate, subkeeled; III ovate-lanceolate, subacute, ciliate j IV very variable. — Hackel recog- nized two subspecies and several varieties of them. Subsp. indicum; slender, leaves narrow, ligule ovate subacute, spikes slender lax-fld., spikelets |-i in. 4-6 times shorter than the snow-white villi. — All parts of India. Subsp. cegyptiacum ; slender, leaves broadly linear, ligule truncate, spikes stouter more dense-fld., spikelets longer ^-^ in., villi shorter. — Almost confined to Africa, except var. nepalense, with spikelets only i in. — N.W. India, Royle (n. 197). 2. S. arundinaceum, Betz. Obs. iv. 14 ; stem glabrous below the panicle, upper leaves long margins hispidly ciliate, joints and pedicels glabrous or ciliate, hairs of callus silky much shorter than the sjnkelet, gl. I chartaceous acuminate florsally villous, IV broadly lanceolate. Kunth Enum. PI. 1. 475; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 117; Steud. Syn. Gram. 407. ? S. benghalense, Betz. I. c. 16. S. ciliare, Anderss. in (Evers. Vet. Akad. Handl. Stockh. (1855) 155 ; Hack. I. c. 118 {excl. vars. ^. y.). S. exal- tatum, Boxb. Fl. Ind. i. 245 ; Wight Cat. n. 1681 ; Grah. ' Cat. PI. Bomb. 239; Steud. I. c. S. Moonja, Boyle III. Himal. PI. 416. S. Munja, Boxb. I. c. 246. S. procerum, Boxb. I. c. 243; Steud. I.e.; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 106; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 15. S. Sara, Boxb. I.e. 244; Kunth l.c.\ Steud. Z. Sch. Syst. li. 772 ; GHff. Notul. iii. 110, Ic. Fl. Asiat. t. 158 {excl. 4 upper left-hand figs.). M. muricata, Betz. Obs. ii. 27. Ischsemum pectinatum, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Betersh. ber. vi. ii. (1833) 206 ; Vy^oJl. Gat. n. 8847 ; Thioaites JEnum. PI. Zeyl. 436; Trim. Cat. Geyl. PL 107. 1. ciliare, Nees in Serb. Wight. n. 1717 (not of Wight Gat.). Andropogon pectinatus, Steud. Syn. Chram. 369. Eottboellia muricata, Retz. I. c. iii. 12. South Deccan Peninsula, Koenig, &c. Ceylon ; Trincomalee, Glenie. — DiSTEiB. Australia. Quite glabrous. Stem 6-18 in., compressed. Leaves 3-6 by i-J in,, tips rounded apiculate. Spike 2-5 in., linear ; .rachis glabrous, brittle, not excavated. 8piTcelet$ •^in. ; gl. I nearly orbicular, dorsally slightly convex, many-nerved, wings crenate ; spines very many, upcurved, nearly as long as the gl. is broad. Pedicelled spihelet a single lanceolate acuminate coriaceous nerved gl. with thin inflexed margins. 2. E. bimaculata, Sack. Monogr. Androp. 265 ; gl. I elliptic sub- acute with 2 small low rounded terminal wings, spines shorter than the gl. is broad. Ischaemum pectinatum, Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 521. Upper Burma ; near the Serpentine Mines, G^nJi^A.— Distrib. Australia. Habit, &c. of E. muricata, but leaves much narrower, narrowed at the obtuse tip ; spikes more slender j spikelets much narrower, with fewer nerves and shorter spines, callus puberulous. 3. E. zeylanica, Bach. Monogr. Androp. 263; gl. I elliptic obscurely winged at the subacute tip, spines longer than the gl. is broad. Trim. Gat. Ceyl. PI. 107. Ischgemnm pectinatum, Wight Gat. n. 1717. I. falcatum, Thw. JEnum. PI. Zeyl. 436. Ceylon, Walker, Thwaites (O.P. 3327). ? Deccan Peninsula, Wigld. Habit, size of spikelets, &c. as in himaculata, of which it is probably only a variety, differing chiefly in the long spines of gl. I and glabrous callus. 4. E. leersioides, Mach. Monogr. Androp. 264 3 gl. I narrowly oblong acute, spines suberect longer than the gl. is broad. Ischaemum leersioides, Munro in Proc. Amer. Acad. iv. (1864-5) 363 ; Benth. Fl. Hongk. 425. Eremochloa.'] olxxiii. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 141 Pegu, Kurz. — Distrib. China, Tonkin. Very near E. zeylanica, but gl. I is smaller and narrower with the long spines of E. muricata. 5. S. Kelferi, Munro ex Rack. Monogr. Androjp. 266 ; gl. I broadly ovate subacute, spines longer than the ^1. is broad, upper spikelet a scabrid pedicelled bristle. E. ciliatifolia, Hack. I. c. Tenasserim, Griffith, Heifer. Leaves 4-6 by 5-5 iu, (broader than in the other species), flat, ciliate, tip rounded. Spike 1-1^ in. Spikelets ^ in. ; gl. I 5-ueryed, nerves anastomosing above. 39. POGONATKBRUIME, Beauv. Delicate annual or pferennial grasses witb capillary peduncles. Leaven erect. Spikelets 1-2-fld., binate (usually a sessile bisexual and pedicelled fern.) imbricate on the fragile rachis of a solitary terminal capillary spike, 2-awned ; awas capillary, often interlaced. Glumes 4, membranous ; I oblong, concave, tip truncate or rounded, long ciliate; II as long as I or rather longer, tip acute or 2-toothed, awn terminal; III (in the upper spikelet 0) hyaline, paleate, male ; IV hyaline, narrow, 2-fid, long-awned, palea oblong glabrous. Lodicules 0. Stamens 1 or 2, anthers long. Stigmas slender. Grain oblong, free. The following three species are probably forms of one, being united by many intermediates ; they are however for the most part readily distinguishable in India. 1. P- saccharoideum, Beauv. Agrost. 56, t. 11, f. 7 ; spikelets -jV"F ill-) gl- 1 truncate retuse or tip rounded, II ciliate above the middle, stamens 2 rarely 1. Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 365; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 107 ; Dutkie Grass. N.W. Ind. 16, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 27. P. saccharoideum, a. genuinum. Hack. Monogr. Androp. 193. P. polystachyum, Boem. 8r Sch. Syst. ii. 497 ; Wight Cat. n. 1679 ; Wall. Cat. n. 8844. PoUinia polystachya, Spreng. Syst. i. 288 ; Kunth Revis. Gram. 493, t. 162. Perotis polystachya, Willd. Sp. PI. i. 324. Saccharum paniceum, Lamk. Encycl. i. 595, Illust. t. 40, f. 31. Throughout the hilly parts of India, in dry places, from the Panjab eastward to Bhotan, Manipur and Burma, ascending the Himalaya to 4000 ft., and southward to Central India and Ceylon. — Disteib. China, Malaya. Stem 6-18 in. usually densely tufted, nodes glabrous or bearded. Leaves 1-3 in. Spilies J-1 in. Hairs of callus shorter than the spikelet. 2. P. crinitum, Trin. Fund. Agrost. 166; spikelets t^-iV i°v gl- I truncate, II glabrous or nearly so, stamens 1 rarely 2. Kunth Enum. PI. i. 478, Suppl. 380, Aitchis. Cat Panjab. PI. 173, Franch. Sf 8av. Enuyn. PL Jap. ii. 189 {excl. cit. Beauv.). P. saccharoideum, var. (3. monandrum. Hack. Monogr. Androp. 193. P. polystachyum, Kunth Revis. Gram. 493 {in part) t. 161. P. refractum, Nees in Hook. & Am. Bat. Beech. Foy. 239; in PI. Meyen. 182. Pollinia monandra, Spreng. Syst. i. 288. Pogonopsis tenera, Presl Rel. Hsenk. i. 133, t. 46. Homoplitis crinita, Trin. Fund. Agrost. 166. Ischaemum crinitum, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. vi. ii. (1833) 298. Andropogon crinitus, Thunh. Fl. Jap. 40, t. 7. A. monandrus, Roxh. Fl. Ind. i. 260 ; Steud. 1. c. 368.— Pogonatherum, Griff. Notul. iii. 81, Ic. PI. Asiat. t. 145, f. 2. 142 OLXxiii. GRAMiNBiE. (J. D. Hooker.) \_Pogonatherum, Throughout India, extending to the Malay Peninsula, usually at lower elevations and in hotter places than P. saccharoideum. — Disteib. AfFghan, China, Malaya, N. Hebrides. A different looking plant from the common form of F. saccharoideum, with paler more flexuous squarrose awns, much smaller spikelets, and the hairs of the callus longer than the callus, but intermediates occur, and I could have followed Hackel in uniting them had he included the following. 3. P. rufo-barbatum, Griff. Notul. iii. 81, Ic. PI. Asiat. t. 145, f. 11 ; spikelets ^-\ in., gl. I broadly 2-lobed, III villous above the middle, lY and its palea ciliate, stamens 2. Hack. Monogr. Androjp. 193. P. majus, Griseh. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 92. Khasia Hills; by streams, alt. 3-5000 ft., Griffith, &c. Stem 10-24: in. ; nodes glabrous. Leaves 2-4 in., sometimes \ in. broad. Spikes 1-2^ in. ; hairs of callus shorter than the spikelet ; gl. I, 2-lobed but hardly 2- auricled (as described by Hackel). — Only, I think, a large form of saccharoideum growing in wet places. 40. APOCOPZS, Nees. Annual or perennial grasses. Leaves short. Spikelets 2-fld. (lower fl. bisexual,, upper fern.) solitary or the upper reduced to a pedicel, dis- tichously imbricate on solitary or digitate articulate spikes, dorsally com- pressed. Glumes 4, I ^ broad, cuneiform, coriaceous, many-nerved, tip rounded ciliate ; II thinner, truncate, 2-keeled ; III narrow, hyaline, paleate ; IV hyaline, entire or 2-fid, av^ned or reduced to an awn dilated at iihe base ; palea very short, convolute, truncate, tip ciliate, or 0. Lodi' cules 0. Stamens 2-3. Styles very short, stigmas long. Grain terete, free. — Species 3-4, Eastern Asiatic. 1. A. Royleanus, Nees in Froc. Linn. Soc. i. (1894), et in Ann. Sf Mag. Nat. Hist. vii. (1841) 220 ; perennial, gl. IV oblong 2-fid, awn short or 0. Hack. Monogr. Androp. 267 ; Duthie Grass. N. W Ind. 16. Ischse- mum paleaceum, Trin.in Mem. Acad. Petersh. S'er. 6, ii. (1833) 293; Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 333. Andropogon paleaceus & himalayensis, Steud. Syn. Gram. i. 376, 377. IscTisemum denticulatum. Herb. Ham. ex Wall. Cat. n. 88b7.— Wall. Cat. n. 8843. Subtropical Himalaya ; alt. 3-4000 ft., from Kumaon to Bhotan. Khasia Hills, alt. 4000 ft. Munnepoee, alt. 4-5000 ft.. Watt.— Bistrib. Borneo. Stem erect, 10-24 in., usually simple. Leaves 2-4 in., narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, and sheaths glabrous or softly hairy. Peduncle long, slender ; spikes 1-2, rarely 3, erect, 1-1| in. ; rachis rusty -villous, brittle. Spikelets about a in., much longer than the joints ; gl. I truncate, dark red-brown with a broad yellow tip ; IV awn very slender, included or if exserted not twice the length of the spikelet. 2. A. Wierhtii, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 377; annual, gl. IV linear entire ot 2-dentate, awn long. Wight Cat. n. 2352 ; Hach. Monogr. Androp. 258 ; Thwaites JSnum. PI. Zeyl. 365 ; A. Wrightii, Munro in Proc. Am. Acad. iv. 363, et in Benth. Fl. Hongk. 421, A. Beckettii, Tkw. ex Trim. Cat. Zeyl. PI. 107. Amblyachyrum mangalorense, Hochst. ex Hohenack. PI. Ind. Or. n. 231 & in Flora, xxxix. (1856) 26. / Behar, Centbal India, throughout the Deccan Peninsula, Bubma, and Ceylon. Apocopis.] cLxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hookei.) 143 stem tall, erect like A. Royleanus, or low and densely tufted. Leaves 1-3 in., glabrous or hairy. Spikes ^-1^ iu,, slender or stout. Spikelets |-i in. ; gl. I yellow with red-brown tips, or dark brown with yellowish tips, glabrous or clothed with red-brown shiny hairs, tips retuse ciliate with minute or long hairs ; II 3-nerved or nerveless, sides sharply inflected, angles smooth or scabrid; III nearly = I, tip ciliolate ; IV very narrowly oblong or almost linear, awn two to six timea as long as the spikelet ; palea very short and convolute. — Very variable, and doubtfully separable from Royleanus which is stouter with stouter spikes. Wight's original specimen (Cat. n. 2352) is 18-20 in. high, very slender, leafy upwards, with slender pale spikes, and glabrous gl. I j it strongly resembles some specimens of Royleanus, and is I suspect perennial. This and a var. zeylanicus (Wightii, Thw.) with more hairy, darker gl. I, forms Hackel's Sahsp. genuinus. His Subsp. mangalurensis includes short densely tufted states, with shorter red-brown densely hairy and long-ciliate gl. I ; it is the common Deccan form, and includes Thwaites' A. Beckettii. The difference between the narrow gl. IV of all states of A. Wiffhtii, and the much broader hyaline one of A. BfOyleanus, is one of degree only. Var. taginata ; spikes more or less included in the long spathiform sheaths of the uppermost leaves. A. vaginatus, RacJc. in (Estr. JSot. Zeitschr. xli. (1891) 8. — Hazaribagh, Clarice. 3. A. pallida, Sook.f. ; annual, gl. IV reduced to a slender awn. NiLaniEi Hills, Foulkes. Stems slender, stiff, widely creeping and rooting, with short geniculately ascend- ing flg. branches, 2-6 in. high. Leuves 1-2 in., linear, acuminate, smooth, sparsely hairy, margins thickened, subscaberulous ; sheath open ; ligule 0. Spikes ^-1 in. ^ in. diam., very pale; rachis slender, ciliate. Spikelets -^ in.; gl. 1 broadly cunei- form, ciliate with long hairs, 7-9-nerved ; II oblong, obtuse, 3-nerved, lateral nerves submarginal, keels ciliate j III oblong or lanceolate, glabrous, nerveless ; IV awn ■|-1 in., brown, not dilated at the base ; palea 0. Pedicelled spikelets, gl. I spathulate, truncate, villous, sides recurved ; II as iu the sessile spikelets. 41. ARTKRAXON, Beauv. Annual or perennial slender grasses. Leaves short, broad, deeply- cordate. Spikele.ts 1-fld., solitary or with a rudimentary pedicelled second, sessile on binate digitate or fascicled jointed spikes. Glumes 4, I largest, usually strongly tubercled, not embracing the inner ; II keeled, 3-nerved ; III small, hyaline ; lY shortest, lanceolate, keeled, hyaline, with usually a long dorsal or basal awn; palea minute or 0. Lodicules subquadrate. Stamens 2-3. Styles short or 0, stigmas long, laterally exserted. Grain narrowly linear. — Species 8, tropics of Old "World. Sect. I. Pleuroplitis. Joints of rachis of spike rectangularly trun- cate. * Stamens 3, anthers large, nearly as long as gl. IV. 1. A. lanceolatus, Hochst. in Flora, xxxix. (1856) 188 ; spikelets linear-lanceolate, gl. I linear dorsally convex smooth margins hyaline in flexed, marginal nerves armed with very strong curved ^eth. Hack. Monogr. Androp. 347; ^Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 17. A. echinatus & serrulatus, Hochst. I.e. Batratherum echinatum, Nees in Edinb. Phil. Journ. xviii. (1835) 181 ; Wall. Gat. n. 8829 ; Aitchis. Cat. Panjah PI. 174. B. lanceolatum, Nees I. c. ; Wight Gat. n. 1684. B. serrulatum, Hochst. ex A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss, ii. 458. Andropogon echinatus, Herb. Heyne ex' Wall. Cat. n. 8829 ; Steud. Nom. Ed. II. i. 191 ; Edgew. in Journ. As. 'Soc. 144 CLXXiii. geaminej:. (J, D. Hooker.) [Arthraxon, Beng. xxi. (1853) 182: DutUe Grass. N.W. Ind. 16. A. lanceolatus, Roxh. Fl. Ind. i. 257 ; Kunth Enum. PL i. 498. A. prionodes, Maxim, in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. liv. (1879) 68 {non Steud.). A. sermlatus, Link Enum. Sort. Berol. i. 241 ; A. Rich I. c. Thelepogon ele^ans, Roth Nov. 8p. 62 (char.fah), ex Roem. 8f Sch. Syst. ii. 788; Wiffht Cat. n. 1684.— Batratherum, Wall. Cat. n. 8830. Western Himalaya, alt. 5-8000 ft. from Kashmir to Nepal. Plains of the Panjab and Rajpootana. Behab, on Parusnath, alt. 40OO ft., Clarke. CoEO- MANDEL, Roxburgh. Sind, Stocks. — Disteib. Abyssinia, Tonkin, China. A tall much-branched suberect or subscandeut grass 1-3 ft. high with rigid stems thicker than a crow-quill. Leaves very variable, from broadly ovate and ^-3 in. by ^-1^ in., to narrowly lanceolate and 1-4 by i-| in., caudate-acuminate, flaccid or rigid, glabrous or hairy, margins serrulate or ciliate with stiff hairs, nerves obscure ; ligule rounded. Spikes few or many, ^-2 in., rachis sparsely hairy, joints about half as long as the spikelet, margins cili ite. Spikelets {-\ in,, very narrow ; gl. I acute, tip hyaline 5-7-nerved, dorsally smooth or muriculate ; II lan- ceolate, 3-nerved; III shorter, linear-oblong, acute ; IV hyaline, awn about 1 in. long. Pedicelled spikelets linear-lanceolate, keels hispidulous; anthers perfect. — Hackel has 5 varieties and subvarieties of this species, but I fail to limit them after studying copious materials. 2. A. rudis, Hochst. in Flora, xxxix. (1856) 188 ; spikes few, spikelets ovoid, gl. I ovate acute convex 7-nerved, nerves above armed with a few irregular spinescent tubercles, margins hyaline narrowly incurved IV paleate. Hack. Monogr. Androp. 348. Andropogon rudis, Steud. Syri. Gram. 383; Thwaites Enum. PI. Zeyl. 368; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 107. A. castratus, Griff. Notul. iii. 89. Batratherum rude, Neesex Steud. I, c. — Arthraxon, Wall. Cat. n. 8834, 8837. Upper Assam ; Suddiya, Oriffith. Silhet, de Silva. Ceylon ; in the Central Province, Thwaites (C.P. 866). Stem 1-2 ft., erect from a geniculate branched rooting (blood-red, Griff.) base, rigid, as thick as a crow-quill or less. Leaves 2-4 in., lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous or sparsely hairy, margins strongly ciliate. Peduncle long, slender, naked. Spikes 1, 2, or few, ^-1 in., peduncled ; peduncle and rachis rather stout smooth, with sometimes an empty glume. Spikelets { in. (red-brown, (jn/.), coriaceous ; gl. I 9-nerved ; II 3-nerved, acute; III hyaline, oblong, ciliate, l-nerved; IV lan- ceolate, ciliate, awn inserted below the middle, about twice as long as glr II, palea linear-oblong, ciliate. — The only species in which I have seen a palea to gl. IV. 3. A. breviaristatuS; Sack. Monogr. Andro]j. 350; spikes many, spikelets ovate-lanceolate, gl. I oblong-lanceolate subacute convex nerves 7 pair tubercled nearly to the base, II acute keel ciliate margins with deflexed cilia, awn short. Batratherum khasianum, Munro mss. B. echinatum, Herb. Ind. Or. Hf. & T. {in part), Khasia Hills, alt. 5000 ft., Griffith, &c. Stems 2-4 ft., geniculately branched below, about as thick as a dove's quill. Leaves 1-2^ in., ovate or ovate-lanceolate, finely acuminate and sheaths glabrous or hairy. PeiwTicZe long, usually naked, slender. Spikes 10-20; 1-3 in. ; rachis and pedicels nearly glabrous. Spikelets i-^ in., purplish ; gl. I variable in the number and size of tubercles on the nerves ; IV not much shorter than II, awn subbasal, shortly exserted. Anthers very large (sometimes 2 only ?) — Resembles a very large A. ciliaris. 4. A. submuticus, Hochst. in Flora, xxxix. (1856) 188 ; spikes few short pale, spikelets all sessile very small linear- oblong terete, gl. I Arthraxon.] olxxiii. gramine^e. (J. D. Hooker.) l45 7-nerved, nerves more or less muriculate, II acute keel ciliate, tV with a very short incladed basal awn or 0. A. ciliaris, Subsp. 6, submuticus. Hack. Monogr. Androp. 356. Batratherum submaticum, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 382; Dathie Grass. N.W. Ind. 17. Andropogori submuticus. Steud. Z. c— Arthraxon, Wall. Gat. n. 8835 B {in part) & 8836. Western Himalaya ; from Garwhal to Central Nepal, alt. 2-6000 ft., Wallich, &c. Tavoy, Gomez. — Distrib. China, Loocboo Islds. Annual. Stems 6 in.-3 ft., slender, much-branched and rooting below, as thick as a sparrow's quill. Leaves §-l| in., broadly ovate-cordate, acuminate, and sheaths glabrous or hairy, margins strongly ciliate. Peduncle filiform, usually long and naked. Spikes 3-5, ^-1 in. long, very slender ; rachis quite glabrous, flexuous. Spikelets^ in., pale, all sessile (male?). Stamens as long as gl. IV. — A puzzling plant, and possibly the male of an unrecognized form of ciliaris from which species it differs in the 3 stamens as long as gl. IV, as well as in the minute flowers, and usually the want of an awn, though a very short one is sometimes present. One very long specimen (Herb. J. S. Lace) has besides the terminal naked peduncle, very short sheathed lateral ones. 5. A. spathaceus, Hooh. f. ; slender, panicles (always ?) in long spathiform narrow sheaths, spikes few, spikelets oblong-lanceolate, gl. I of sessile spikelet oblong-lanceolate 5-7-nerved, nerves covered throughout their length with a row of acute tubercles, awn of gl. iV dorsal. — Batratherum, Herb. Wight n. 3257. Deccan Peninsula ; Gunde Cottah Hill fort, Cuddapah, Wight Herb. 357. Stems 1-2 ft., not thicker than a sparrow's quill, branched. Leaves 1-2 in., oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, flaccid, ciliate and sheaths sparsely hairy ; floral sheaths terminal, erect, 1^-2 in. by ^-^ broad, membranous, green, usually over- topping the panicle. Spikes -g-^ in., very pale ; pedicels and joints sparsely hairy. Upper spikelets male ; gl. I quite smooth, striate ; II hyaline ; IV awnless. Stamens more than half as long as gl. IV., linear. — A well-marked species by the spathe and tubercles of gl. I. A specimen from Belgaum (Ritchie, n. 796 in Herb. Muuro) closely resembles this in the tubercled gl. I ; it has only .2 very small imperfect anthers and no pedicelled spikelets. 6. A. Inermls, Hook. f. ; spikelets solitary (pedicelled 0) oblong- lanceolate, gl. I dorsally convex obtuse strongly 7-9-nerved unarmed margins (not incurved) and nerves scabrid. The CoNCAN, Woodrow. Stems very slender, much geniculately branched. Leaves 1-2 in., ovate, broadly araplexicaul, caudate-acuminate, tips setaceous, glabrous or puberulous above, ciliate with long hairs beneath, margins smooth ; sheath hairy. Spikes few, short, green, irregularly sparingly divided; peduncle slender, naked, branches -^ in., very slender, ciliolate. Spikelets y\j in., all sessile, rather distant j gls. thin, I strongly nerved; 11 as long as I, obovate-oblong w^hen spread out, obtuse, emarginate, apiculate, 3-nerved, hardly keeled, nearly smooth ; III 0 (or palea of IV) shorter than II, lanceolate ; awn basal, twice as long as the spikelet ; palea oblong, obtuse, glabrous. Anthers very large. ** Stamens 2 or 3; anthers not half the length of gl. IV. 7. A. ciliaris, Beauv. Agrost. 3, t. xi. f. b; peduncles glabrous below the spikes, spikes many |-3 in. subflexuous, joints = f the spikelets in length or longer glabrous or shortly ciliate, gl. I entire at the tip, nerves scabrid or echinate above the middle, II acute or acuminate. Hack. Monogr. Androp. 354; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 524 {excl. si/n.). VOL. VII. L 146 CLXXiii. QRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) [Arthraxon. Bance in Journ. Linn. Soc. xiii. (173) 134. Andropogon Retzii & incertus, Sieud. St/n. Gram. 375.— Arthraxon, Wall. Cat. n. 8833. 8835 A. (B. in part) 8836. Hilly districts of India from Kashmir eastwards to Burma, ascending the Himalaya to 5500 ft., and southward to the Nilghiri Hills and Ceylon. Stems tall or short, weak, rarely as thick as a crow-quill, tufted and branched from the base, or with long creeping stems and ascending leafy branches. Leaves 1-3 in., ovate to lanceolate, glabrous or laxly hairy, margins ciliate ; sheath with ciliate margins. Spikes few or many, on long naked or spathaceously sheathed glabrous peduncles, pale green or purplish. SpiJcelets \-\ in., lanceolate or linear- lanceolate, callus naked or shortly bearded ; gl. I scabernlous, 7-10-nerved ; II obscurely 3-nerved ; III much shorter, oblong acute ; IV usually awned. Stamens variiil)le in length never = \ gl. IV. — I give below Hackel's grouping of the two principal forms of this protean plant and their synonymy. For his elaborate sub- division of these into 4 subspecies and 9 varieties I must refer to his work. These are founded on characters of unequal value, and subject to diverse limitations. After a long study of the mass of materials at Kew I recognize the following widely distributed leading Indian forms : — 1, A. violaceus ; rather robust, spikes 6-20 1-2 in. long, spikelt'ts i in. more or less purple, awns twice as long as the spikelet or shorter ; 2, nudus, usually tall and widely stra5. A. nudus, Benth. ex Clarice in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxv. (1889) 86. Batratherum nudum, Nees ex Steud. Si/n. Gram. 383. Pleuroplitis centro-asiatica, Griseb. in Ledeh. Ft. Ross. iv. 477. P. Lang-dorflRaiia, Trin. Fund. Agrost. 175, t. 16. Lucaea gracilis, Kunth Revis. Gram. ii. 489, t. 159, Enum. i. 472. L. Lang^dorfRana, Steud. I. c. 413. Lasiolytrum hirtum, Steud. in Flora (1846) 18; Syn. Gram. 12. Las. pilosum, Steud. ex Jord. in Num. Soc. 8c. Nat. Cherb. v. (1857) 299. Pollinia ciliaris, Spreng. Syst. i. 289. Andropogon amplexifolius, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Str. VI. ii. 1833, 274. A. lasiocoleos & nudus, Steud. I. c. 383. Phalaris hispida, Thunh. Fl. Jap. 44. Deyeuxia japonica, Spreng. I. c. 254. b. Joints of rachis, at least the upper, more or less ciliate. A. coloratus, major, Schimperi, Se-hmidtii & violaceus Hochst. I. c. 188. Batratherum plumbeum, Munro ex Dulhie in Atkinson Gazdte, 640. Pleui'oplitia ciliata, Schmidt Beitr. Fl. Cap. Verd. Ins. 152. P. plumbea & violacea, Steud. I. c. 414. P. Quartiuiana, Regel in Bull. Acad. Petersh. v. (1866) 757, Wight Cat. u. 1683. P. caucasicji, Rupr. ex Regel in Bull. Acad. Petersh. x. (1866) 373. Lucaea ciliata, major, plumbea & violacea, Steud. I. c. 414. Andropogon Alectoridia, Steud. I. c. 383. A. violaceus, Het/ne ex Steud. I. c. 414. Alectoridia Quartiniana, A. Mich. Tent. Fl. Abyss, ii. 448, t. 99.— Wall. Cat. n. 8833 A. c. Spikes silliily villous, spikelets I— i t'/t., gl. I acu'e entire or minutely 2-toothed, awn i in. or more. A. cuspidatus, Hochst. in Flora (1855) 188; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 353. A. niicans, Hochst. I. c. Batratherum micans, Nees in Ann. Sf Mag. Nat. Hist. vii. (1835) 220. Pleuroplitis major, Re. B. Schimperi, Hees ex Hochst. I. c. 177. Pleuroplitis lancifolia, micro- phylla & Schimperi, Begel in Bull. Acad. Petersb. x. (1866) 747-756. Lucaea Schimperi, Steud. St^n. Gram. 414. Andropogon microphyllus, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. 8er. Vf, ii. (1833) 275. A. lancifolius, Trin. I. c. 271 ; Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 368 ; Ttim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 108. A. minor, Hochst. I. c. 188. A. molle. But hie Grass, N. W. Ind. 17. A. muralis, Herb. Ham. ex Wall. Cat, n. 8828. A. multicaulis, Steud. I. c. 383. Psilopog(»n Schimperi, Hochst. ex A. Rich, Tent. Fl. Abyss, ii. 447. Ps. Figarei, Figar. Ind. 8em. Hart. Gen. (1852), in Ann. Sc Nat. Ser. III. xix. (1853) 370. .Ppogonatherum tenue, Edgew. inJourn. As. Soc. Beng. {185S) Ibl. —Batratherum, Wall. Gat. n. 8828. Temperate Himalaya, from Kashmir, alt. 4-5000 ft. to Sikkim, alt. 5-11,000 ft. ; the Khasia Hills and southwd. to the Nilghieis. Buema, Collett. Ceylon, Thwaites. — Disteib. Tonkin, Afr. trop. Except in the smaller size, hairy peduncles and rachis of the shorter spikes, small spikelets, and toothed tip of gl. I, there is little to distinguish this from some of the states of A. ciliaris. Hackel indeed says that these are very closely allied. Sect. II. Trichatherum, Hack. Joints of rachis of spike obliquely truncate. Awn 10 in. long, capillary, flexuous. 9. A* jubatus, Hack. Monogr. Androp. 358. The CoNCAN ? Stocks. Annual, decumbent, glabrous; stems slender, ascending, branching, 6-12 in. long. Leaves 1-2 by 5-3 in., lanceolate from a convolute amplexicaul base, acuminate, flat, flaccid, pubescent or villous ; sh.aths lax, pubescent, upper spathiform leafless ; ligule short. Floral spathes l^-2j in,, linear-lanceolate, membranous, gret-n, S^- ' ^"^ rachis puberulous, spathe glabrous or with tubercle-based hairs. A. ciliata, Anderss. I. c. 177-179.— *' Hardly a distinct variety," Hackel. Var. villosu/a ; spathe half as long as its spike, sessile spikelet \ in., bulboua base of rachis Jg. in., gl. I and pedicel scabrous-pubescent, terminal spikelet shorter than the sessile, pedicelled spikelet y\ in. ciliate. A. communis, Nees 8f Am. in Nov. Act. I. c. 194 ; Andtrss. I. c. Ill, t. 5, 2. A. villosa, Bchreh. Beschr. Grces. 98 ?— Wight Cat. n. 1713. Var. rostrata ; spike strongly incurved far exserted beyond the spathe, spike- let ^ in., callus ^-\ in. A. rostrata, Am. ^ Nees I. c, 194. Wight Cat. n. 1714.— Apluda, Wall. Cat. n. 8762. 45. VOSSZA, Wall. Sc Griff. A gigantic floating grass. Spikes terminal, solitary or 2- (rarely 3-6-) nate, stout ; rachis narrow, compressed, tiexuous, jointed. Spike/ets 2-fld., imbricate, 2-nate, longer than tlie subexcavate joints, one sessile by a very broad callus ; the other smaller pedicelled. Glumes 4, I very broad, ovate, flattened, coriaceous, smooih, narrowed into a long rigid green tail ; II chartaceous, ovate-lanceolate, acute, 3-nerved, keeled above ; 111 hyaline, 2-nerved, paleate, male; IV hyaline, oblong, 3-nerved, tip ciliate, palea 2-nerved. Lodicules large, toothed. Anther& 3, long. Styles dis- tinct, stigmas short. Grain unknown. V. procera, Wall. & Griff . in Jottm. As. Soc. Beng. v. (1836) 673, t. 23; Wall. Cat. n. 887S ; Grant in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxix. 175, t. 116; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 270. Y. cuspidata, Griff. Notul. iii. Index p. xii., Ic.Pl. Asiat. Index p. v. t. 153. Ischaemum cu^pidatum, Boa-b. Fl. Ind. i, 324 ; Kunth Fnum. PI. i. 516 ; Griff. Notul. iii. 70. I. ensiforme, Herb^ Sam. ex Wall. Cat. I. c. Jheels of Bengal, Silhet and Assam. — Distrib. Afr. trop. Stem 6-12 ft., spongy, as thick as the thumb, rooting at the lower Bodes» Leaves 1-2 ft., linear, acuminate, hispidulous, midrib stout ; sheath large j ligul© densely cihate. Spikes 6-8 in., nearly terete ; rachis narrower than the gls., margins ciliolate ; joints \ in., and pedicels cupped at the tip. iSpikelets 1-1^ in. with the spreading ciliolate tail of gl. I, green, callus annular. — Hardly generically diftereuU fx'om Ischamum. 46. aOTTBOSZiZiZA, Linn.f. Tall, annual or perennial grasses. Spikes few or many, subsolitary or panicled rarely racemose or panicled ; rachis usually lragile» joints usually excavate at the tip. Spikelets 2- rarely 3-nate, one (rarely two) 152 CLXxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hookei.) [Bottboellia. sessile and both or one only perfect, the other pedicelled imperfect, with the pedicel often adnate to the joint. Sessile spikelets, glumes 4, I coriaceous, fiat or slightly convex, obtuse or acute, rarely 1-2-awned ; II thinner, keeled; III hyaline, neuter or male; IV hyaline, 1 or 3-nerved, usually paleate, palea usually 2-nerved. Lodicules 2, truncate. Stamens 3. Styles distant. Grain oblong or obovoid, subcompressed dorsally.— Species about 30, temperate and tropical. I have followed Hackel for the most part in the disposition of the species of the first four sections of the genus. For my departure from him in the fifth see remarks under Ophiurus (p. 160). A. Sessile spikelets solitary in all the joints of the spike. Sect. I. Phacelurus, Sack. Spikes digitately racemed (rarely solitary), rachis fragile, tips of joints flat, not hollowed. Spikelets 2-fld. — Phacelurus, Griseb. (gen.) 1. It. siieciosa^ Hack. Monogr. Androp. 282; perennial, spikes soli- tary or alternate or subdigitately fascicled 2-i^ in. long, spikelets ^-\ in. 1-fld., gl. I flat 11-1 3-nerved. iBcbsemum speciosum, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. i. 375. Andropogon speciosus, Steud. I. c. Yossia speciosa, Benth. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xix. (2881) 70; Buthie Grass. W.W. Ind. 18, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 32. Westeen temperate Himalaya, alt. 5500-9000 ft.,from Kashmir to Garwhal, Royle, &c. Stems tufted, 1-4 ft., stout or slender, simple above. Leaves 6-12 by \-\ in., linear, hispid or glabrate, margins scabrid ; sheath glabrous or margins above hairy ; ligule a ciliate .border. Spikes 3-6 in., rarely solitary, glabrous, green or purplish ; joints about as long as the spikelets, subclavate, trigonous, angles ciliate. Spikelets lau eolate, glabrous; gl. 'I obtuse, tip oblique, margins narrowly inflexed, keels scaberulous ; II navicular, acute ; III lanceolate, 3-5-nerved ; IV elliptic-lanceolate, 1-nerved. Sect. II. Thyrsostachys, LTaclc. Spikes panicled, lower whorled, peduncled ; rachis fragile, tips of joints hollowed. Spikelets 1-fld. 2. R. Zea, Clarke in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxv. (1889) 86, fig. 38 ; panicle thyrsiform or pyramidal, spikes smaller upwards, spikelets ^ in., gl. I scabrid 1-3-nerved. Hack. Monogr. Androp. 690. R, thyrsoidea. Hack. I. c. 283. Khasia Hills, alt. 2-3000 ft., J.D.H. ^T.T., ClarTce. Munnepobe, alt. 3500 ft., Clarke. Upper Burma ; at Camein on the Mogaung river, Griffith. Stem tall, 6-8 ft., very stout, as thick as the forefinger below, erect, simple or sparingly branched, nodes silky. Leaves large, 2-3 ft. by 1-1 1 in., linear, flat or complicate, glabrous, margins scabrid ; sheaths subcompressed ; ligule short, truncate. Panicle 10-20 in. long, long-peduncled, rachis very stout, strict. Spikes erecto- patent, lower branched, sometimes distichously ; rachis stout, flexuous or zigzag, joints about as long as the spikelets, subclavate, glabrous. SpiTcelets glabrous ; gl. I obtuse, dorsally scabrid, 1-3-nerved, margins narrowly inflexed, keels scaberulous ; II ovate, acute, 3-nerved; III lanceolate; IV oblong, obtuse. Sect. III. Hemarthria, Hack. Spikes solitary or fascicled, com- preBsed; joints coherent or subfragile, tips obliquely or transversely truncate, not hollowed. Spikelets of each pair similar, pedicel of upper usually adnate to the joint of the rachis. — Hemarthria, JSr. (Gren.). Eottboellia.] clxxiii. qhaminej!. (J. D. Hooker.) 153 3. R. compressa, Linn f. Suppl. 114; rachis of spike coherent, sessile spikelets yq-^ in., callus distinct, gl. I of sessile spikelets coriaceous obtuse or acute 7-9-nerved, gl. II of pedicelled acuminate or shortly awned 7-9-nerved. Throughout the hotter parts of India, generally in wet places, Burma and Ceylon.— DisTBiB. Westwards to Spain and the Canaries, and in most warm climates. Erect or decumbent below, usually branched throughout, leafy ; nodes glabrous or pubescent. Leaves short or long, linear, acute, margins and sometimes the upper surface scaberulous ; mouth of sheath hairy. Splices solitary or fascicled, 2^-5 in. long, slender, erect, rarely branching ; gl. I of pedicelled spikelets subulate or narrowly lanceolate, tip scabrid. — A polymorphous grass, whose Indian varieties are disposed of as follows by Hackel : — Var. a. ffenuina, Hack. 1. c. ; stems creeping below, then erect, scandent, 5-20 ft. long (Roxb.), spikes slender solitary or 2-3-nate, spikelets i-i in., gl. I broad ovate-lanceolate obtuse not constricted below the tip. R. glabra, Boxh. Fl. Ind. i. 353; Wall. Cat. n. 8871 A. R. anceps & quarterna, Serb. Ham. ex Wall. I. c. B. 0. Hemarthria compressa. Kunth JEnum. i. 465 (in part) ; Gmli. Cat. Bomb. PI. 233; Thw. Unmn. PL Zeyl. 364; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 107; Aitchis. Cat. Punjab. Fl. 172; I>uthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 18, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 30. H. coromandelina, Steud. Syn. 358. — Common in India. — Hackel does not notice Roxburgh's description of this grass as scandent, and attaining 20 ft. in length. Var. p.fasciculata. Hack. I.e.; stem 2-5 ft. creeping, then erect, upper spikes usually fascicled longer stouter often curved, spikelets -i-^ in., gl. I of sessile constricted below the tip. R. altissima, Potr. Voy. Farh. u. 106. R. compressa, Z/iww. /. /S'ltppZ. 114 ; Fetz. Obs. iii. 12 ; Boxb. Fl. Ind. i. 354. R. fasciculata, Lamk. III. i. 20i; Desf. Fl. Atlant. t. 36. R. spathacea, Ten. Fl. Isap. Prodr. p. xi. Lodiculuria capensis, NeesFl. Afr. Austr. 128. L. fasciculata, Beauv. Agrost. 108; Wiglit Cat. n. 1721. L. fastigiata, Herb. Beauv. {non Agrostogr.). L. laxa, Nees ex Steud. I. a. 358. L. peruviana, Meyen Reise, ii. 71. Lepturus fasciculatus, Trin. Fund. Agrost. 123. Hemarthria capensis, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. VI. ii. (1833) 248. H. caudiculata, Steud. I. c. 359. H. fasciculata, Kunth Fevis. Gram. i. 153, Fnum. i. 465 ; Benth. Fl. BongJc. 418; Hack, in Mart. Fl. Bras. ii. Ill, 314, t. 72, f 2; Luthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 13, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind: ^0. H. laxa, Steud. I.e. 358. — Hemarthria, Wall. Cat. n. 8871 {hi part). — Common especially on the borders of pools often climbing amongst bushes. Var. d. japonica, Hack. 1. c. 288; leaves with setaceous tips, upper spikes sub - fascicled stout, spikelets ^-5 in., gl. I sessile hardly constricted below the subobtuse tip 7-11-nerved, of pedicelled lanceolate not subulate. — Hackel sa}s of this Japan plant that " WalUch's n. 8868 B is exceedingly Uke it." But that number of Wallich's Herb, is Ratzehurghia pulcherrima, and there is no B under it. 4. R. protensa, Hack. Monogr. Androp. 289; rachis of spike firm, sessile spikelet \ in. lanceolate, callus obscure, gl. I subacute many-nerved, gl. II of pedicelled spikelet lanceolate narrowed into a long slender awu 1-3-nerved. E. repen s, i?oa;6. mss. ex Wall. Cat. Hemarthria protensa, Steud. Syn. Oram. 359. PH. vaginata, ^uhse PI. Jungh. iii. 354 {ex .ffacfe.).— Hemarthria, Wall. Cat. n. 8872, 8910. Assam, Bengal, Silhet, Cachab and .the Khasia Hills, in marshes. ? Laccadive Islds., A. B. Hume. Stem 3-6 ft., erect from a decumbent base, stout, leafy, flowering from all the nodes. Leaves 3-12 by ^-\ in., linear-lanceolate, acuminate, narrowed from below the middle to the base, surfaces and margins smooth, glabrous ; sheath glabrous or hairy. Spikes 4-8 in., slender, joints shorter than the sessile spikelets, top transversely truncate; pedicels adnate to the joints. Sessile spikelets linear-lanceolate j gl. I 154 CLXXili. GRAMiNE^. (J. D, Hookei.) [Rottboellia, narrowed from the middle upwards; II more or less usually wholly ad n ate to the joint, IV very short or 0. Pedicelled spikelets, gl. I 7-uerved ; II 5-^ in., keel excentric. — Very nearly allied to S. compressa. " The only Androp. grass in which fruiting spikelets are not detached, hence there can be no dissemination except from the whole spike," Hackel. The Laccadive Islds. specimens are very slender with narrow leaves and quite erect strict lanceolate finely acuminate spikelets, rather longer than the joints. Var. Hamiltoniana ; callus of sessile spikelets bearded with short hairs. ? R. Hamilton!, Trin. mss. em Steud. Nom. Ed. II. ii.474. E. compressa, Wall. Cat n. 8870 A. C K. compressa var. Hamiltoniana, Hack. Monngr, Androp. 288. Hemar- thria Hamiltoniana, Steud. Syn. Gram. 358. Lodicularia Hamiltoniana, Nees eno Steud. I.e. 359.— Lower Gangetic Plain; Natlipur, Hamt7^o».' — Referred to com- pressa by Hackel, but I thmk nearer to protensa. 5. R. longrlflora, Sook.f. ; spikes short, rachis firm, sessile spikelets \-\ in. lanceolate narrowed into a long point, callus obscure, gl. II rather longer subaristate, pedicelled spikelets like the sessile. Tenasserim ; at Mergui, Griffith. Assam, Herh. Ihcnro. Stem 1-2 ft., erect, leafy, stout, spongy ; nodes glabrous or pubescent. Leaves 3-6 by \-\ in., linear-lanceolate from a rounded base, flaccid, smooth, glabrous, margins smooth ; sheath inflated ; ligule short, membranous. Spikes 4-6 in., sheathed below, stout, nearly ^ in. across the spikelets; rachis subtetragonous. Spikelets twice as long as the joints, the pedicelled rather longer and longer awned than the sessile ; gl. II adnate to the joint; III of sessile spikelet oblong, obtuse, nerveless; IV like III, palea small. Lodicules quadrate, broader than long, membranous. Gl. IV of pedicelled spikelet narrower than the sessile, paleate, with imperfect stamens and pistil. — Resembles a very large state of R. protensa. Sect. IV. Peltophorus and Ccelorhachis, Sack. Spikes solitary or fascicled, fragile, terete or compressed ; joints transversely (rarely obliquely) truncate, deeply hollowed, dorsally convex, ventrally excavate ; pedicel of npper spikelet free or adnate to the joint of the rachis, tip hollowed. Peltophorus, Desv. (Gen.). * Gl. I of sessile spikelets broadly winged. 6. B,. imyurus, Benth. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xix. (1881) 68 ; perennial, gl. I of sessile spikelet panduriform dilated above the middle into an orbicular wing, and towards the base into two auricles joined by a trans- verse ridge. Hack. Monogr. Androp. 290. Manisuris Myurus, irww. Jfan.^. ii. 300 ; Desv. ex Beauv. Agrost. 14, t. 1 ; Rottl. in Neue Schnft. Nat. Fr. Berl. iv. (1803) 191 ; Roxh. Coram. PI ii. 10, 1. 117, Fl. Ind. i. 351 ; Schreh. Beschr. Graese, t. 43; Kunth Enum. Fl. i. 470; Grif. Notul. iii. 100; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 410. Peltophorus My urns, Desv. in Nouv. Bull. Soc. Philom. ii. (1810) 188, Journ. Bot. i. (1813) 73; Beauv. Agrost. 119, t. 21, f. 11 ; Wall. Cat. n. 5880; Wight Cat. n. 1725, Kerb. n. 3071. Ischaemum, Hyurus & ^Egilops sanguinea. Herb. Linn. The Deccan Peninsula, Heyne, Wight, &c., in dry places. Stem creeping and rooting, with ascending compressed branches 6-28 in. high. Laaves 2-6 in., spreading, linear, acute, flat, glabrous; sheath compressed, margins cildate ; ligule short, ciliate. Spikes 1-2 in., solitary, terminal and axillary, shortly €xserted ; joints scaberulous, shorter than the spikelets, excavate on each side leaving a pore between the spikelet and joint. Sessile spikelets ^^ in., brown, callus minute ; gl. I scaberulous, 5-nerved, wing scarious ; II ovate, acute, 3-nerved ; III oblong, obtuse, empty ; I V lanceolate, nerveless ; palea obsolete. Pedicelled spikelets ; gl. I obluug, obtuse, 5-nerved, winged on one side; II navicular, 3-nerved ; 'III 3-nerved, paleate; IV oblong, obtuse, male; pedicel free or adnate.to the joint. RotthoelUa.'] clxxiti. qramine^e. (J. D. Hooker.) 156 7. R. acuminata, Hack. Monogr. Androp. 291 ; annual, spikes short, gl. I of sessile spikelet broadly ovate acuminate winged above the middle, coriaceous below it with 3 to 6 dorsal transverse echinulate or warted ridges. The Deccan Peninsula, Q. Thomson ; N. Canara ; Carwar, Talbot. Stem 3-12 in. , ascending from a creeping base, compressed, leafy. Leaves flaccid, lower 2-3 in., linear-lanceolate from a narrow base, acuminate, upper shorter spreading and recurved ; sheath turgid, compressed, keeled, mouth hairy ; ligule short, truncate, glabrous. Spikes 1-2 in. ; joints subclavate, much shorter than the sessile spikelets, base not excised. Sessile spikelets ^-| in., callus obscure ; gl. I 5-nerved in the narrow coriaceous part between the wings ; II elliptic-lanceolate, acute, 3-nerved ; III elliptic, paleate, male; IV short, oblong, obtuse; palea small, 2-lobed, nerveless. Pedicelled spikelet ; gl. I winged on one side, 5-nerved, base not tubercled ; II 3-nerved; IV male, lanceolate, many times longer than the joint. Var. Stocksii ; diffusely branched from the root, gl. I of pedicelled spikelet | in. subulate-lanceolate erect or recurved narrowed into a slender scaberulous awn not or obscurely winged. — Mai war, Stocks.- — The long gls. of the pedicelled spikelets give this variety a very different appearance, but intermediates occur, and the specimens were mixed with those of jB. acuminata proper. 8. R. divergrens, Hack. Monogr. Androp. 293; annual, spikes short, gl. I of sessile spikelet crossed below the middle with echinulate ridges ovate 2-mucronate or 2-ari8tate with broad hyaline wings above the middle. Zisboa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. vi. (1891) 195. East Indies, Huegel. The Concan and Canaea j Belgaum, Ritchie ; Satara and Mahableshwar, Lisboa. Stem 4-10 in., erect or ascending, slender, terete, nodes 2-3 all with 2-nate flowering branches. Leaves l^-l^ in., narrowly linear, hairy beneath and on the margins; sheath compressed, naked, hairy; ligule short, memf)rauou8, rounded. Spikes about f in., slender, erect, pale ; joints shorter than the spikelets, subclavate, excised, outer margins of the cavities filiate. Sessile spilcelets iV'i i"'j broadly oblong, dorsally with 7 lines of small pits (Hackel) or rugose with long or short transverse tubercled or echinate ridges or crests, mucros or awns erect scabrid sometimes as long as the spikelet; II shorter, ovate, acute, keeled, 3-nerved, HI broadly ovate, nerveless, empty ; IV = 1II, ovate-oblong, obtuse, nerveless. Pedicelled spikelets lanceolate ; gl. I smooth, 5-nerved, broadly inflexed on one side with a winged keel, on the other produced into a mucro ; II lanceolate, acute, keel winged; pedicel adnate. — The ridges on gl. I of the sessile spikelet are very variable, and are sometimes replaced as it were by vertical rows of incurved spinules on the nerves. 9. R. Talboti, Hook. f. (non Lishoa); annual, leaves linear, spikes solitary short, gl. I of sessile spikelet lanceolate narrowed into a slender scabrid awn, and with 3 transverse ciliolate ridges towards the base broadly winged above it, pedicel of upper spikelet adnate to the joint of the rachis. Goa Disteict, Talbot. Sterna 6-8 in , slender, erect or base geniculate, subsimple. Leaves 2-3 in,, narrow, smooth; sheath glabrous; ligule short, membranous. Peduncles 2-3 in., Tery slender, flexuous. Spikes ^ in. diam., green, joints very short, tumid, excavate opposite the spikelet, top broad, cavity very large, margins thick hispidulous. Spikelets closely imbricating, ^ in. long including the awn ; callu« annular, ciliolate ; gl. I of sessile spikelet many -nerved on the coriaceous disk; II much short* r, hyaline, ovate-oblong, acute, 1-nerved ; III broadly oblong, tip rounded, faintly 3-nerved, male ; IV small, oblong, obtuse, nerveless, palea as long nerveless. Pedicelled 15fi CLxxTii. GEAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) [RottJioellia, spikelets as long as the sessile ; gl. I very unequally winged, dorsally smooth, awn as in the sessile ; pedicel wholly adnate to the joint of the rachis. 10. R. Clarkei, Sack, in (Esfr. JBot Zeitschr. xli. (1891) 8 ; annual, leaves lanceolate base cordate, spikes solitary short, gl. I of sessile spikelet orbicular- oblong dorsally gibbous and scabrid below the middle winged above it, tip notched, pedicel of upper spikelet quite free. E. gibbosa, Hack, ex Lisboa in Bomb. Journ. Nat. Hist. vi. (1891) 195. R. Talboti, Lisboa mss. I. c. Bbhar, on Parusnath ; and Hazaribagh, in Chota Nagpore, alt. 2000 ft., Clarke. Bombay ; N. Kundra District, Talbot, Lishoa. Stem 6-8 in., branched, erect, compressed. Leaves 3-5 by i-g- in., acuminate, glabrous or hairy ; sheath ciliate ; ligule of hairs. Spikes ^-1 in., erect, rachis fragile, joints clavate shorter than the spikelets, tips ciliolate, side not hollowed. Spikelets ^^y-i in., closely imbricating. Gl. I of sessile spikelet with a coriaceous 3-5-nerved disk and ciliate hyaline wings ; II much smaller, ovate, 1-nerved ; III ovate, obtuse, hyaline, nerveless; IV much smaller, broadly oblong, obtuse, nerveless, sides incurved, palea like the gl. nerveless. Pedicelled spikelet like the sessile, but smaller and less gibbous ; pedicel pyriformly clavate, truncate, top scaberulous. ** Gl. I of sessile spikelet winged at the tip only or narrotvly on the margins. 11. R. exaltata, Linn. f. Suppl. 114 ; annual, leaf-base narrow rounded tip setaceous, gl. I of sessile spikelet very coriaceous about as long as the joint obtuse hardly margined or winged dorsally flat smooth, pedicels of upper spikelet shorter than the joints. Kunth JEnum. PI. i. 466 ; Hack. Monoqr. Androp. 294 ; 8teud. Syn. Gram. 361 ; Boxb. Coram. PI. ii. 30, 1. 157, Fl. Ind. i. 354 ; Grah. Cat. Bomb. PI. 233 ; Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 364 ; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. Bl. 107 ; Aitchis. Gat. Banjab. Bl. 172 ; Buthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 17; Lisboa in Bomb. Journ. Nat. Hist. vi. (1891) 196 ; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. in. 406 ; Br. Brodr. 206 ; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 513 ; Baker FL Maurit. 457; Wall. Cat. n. 8875 ; Wight Cat. n. 1724, Herb. n. 3286. E. arundinacea, Hochst. ex A. Pick. Tent. Fl. Abyss, ii. 444 ; Sieud. I. c. 362. E. denudata, Steud. ; Miq. I. c. 408. E. gymnorhiza, Herb. Ham. €X Wall. Cat. n. 8875. E. hispida, He7'b. Boxb. E. setosa, Presl liel.Hieuk. i. 329. Ophiurus appendiculatus, Steud. I. c. 359. Stegoasia cochin- chinensis, Lour. Fl. Cochinch. 51. Plains and lower hills of India, from the N.W. Provinces to Assam and Bukma (ascending the Himalaya in (Jarwhal to 7600 ft.), and southward to Travancore and Ceylon. Andaman Islds., Frain. — Distkib. China, Malaya, Australia, Africa. Stems 6-10 ft., stout, erect, spongy within, as thick as the little finger below and hispid. Leaves 6-24 by ^1 in., linear-lanceolate, setaceously acuminate, scabrid or hispid above, margins scabrid; sheath hispid with tubercle-based hairs or glabrate. Spikes 3-6 in., stout, cylindric below, much narrowed with imperfect spikelets above ; joints smooth, scaberulous. Sessile spikelets ^-i in.; gl. I ovate-oblong, 2-fld., keels scaberulous narrowly winged, entire or emarginate ; II broadly ovate, charta- ceous, convex, 9-11-nerved, keel scabrid ; III elliptic, 3-nerved, male, margins inflexed ; IV shorter, convex, ovate, acute or mucronate. Pedicelled spikelets with the pedicel usually adnate by one margin to the joint, 1-2-fld. or neuter. Var. robusta ; leaf-base more cordately confluent with the sheath, spikes stouter below, slender above the middle, spikelets in upper half distichously imbricate longer than the joints, fertile nearly to the tip, palea of gl. IV auricled at the base. — Mal.bar and at Palamcotta, Wight Herb. n. 3286 ; Wall. Cat. n. 8875 E. Poona, Woo draw. CLXXiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 157 12. R. nig-rescens, Thw. Enum. PL Zeijl. 364; leaf -base cordate, spike fragile, gl. I of sessile spikelet ovate-oblong very obtuse or 3-lobulate dorsal ly tessellately foveolate obscurely 2-winged in the upper third or tip. Mack. Monogr. Androp. 296 ; Trim. Cat Geyl. PI. 107. Ceylon ; Central Province, alt. 40C0 ft., Thwaites. Stem tall, suberect, slender, glabrous. Leases 4-8 in,, linear-lanceolate, glabrous or sparsely liairy, margins scabrid, base ciliate ; sheath glabrous or sparsely hirsute; ligule rounded, ciliate. Spikes 2-3 in., solitary or 2-nate, axillary and terminal ; joints as long as the spikelet, stout, margins smooth. Sessile spikelets \ in., ovate- oblong; gl. I oyate, 9-nerved, wings scarious ; II elliptic, obtuse, gibbons, keel winged below the tip; III hyaline, oblong, obtuse, paleate, nerveless ; IV elliptic, obtuse, emarginate. Pedicelled spikelets; gl. I smooth, striate, winged above on one side, 7-9-nerved ; II 5-nerved, keel excentric, winged; III and IV as in the sessile spikelet; pedicel adnata to the joint. 13. R. Striata, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 361 ; leaf-base narrowed, spikes fascicled, often on very long peduncles, gl. I of sessile spikelet oblong- lanceolate shortly winged below the tip dorsally smooth with 4-6 often interrupted grooves below the middle. Hack. Monogr. Androp. .301. — Wall. Gat. n. 8876, 8877. SiKKiM Himalaya, alt. 1-4000 ft., J.D.H., &c. Silhet and the Khasia Hills, Wallich, &c. Buhma and SiNaAPORB, Walltch, &c. Stem 3-4 ft., slender, thickened under the spikes, smooth, branched above. Leaves 2-i ft. by ^-2 in., linear-lanceolate, setaceously acuminate, flat, midrib broad ; sheaths glabrous, upper spathiform ; ligule very short, membranous. Spikes 1-2 in., pale, slender, terete, glabrous. Sessile spikelets as long as the joints ; callus annular, glabrous ; gl. I obtuse, convex, many-nerved within, keels smooth ; II chartaceous, ovate, subacute, acutely keeled, 1-nerved ; III ovate, acute, hyaline, nerveless, paleate ; IV ovate, faintly 1-nerved. Pedicel of upper spikelet linear, flattened, free or ^ or wholly adnate to the joint, tip hollowed, circular or compressed. Hackel has two subspecies. Subsp. genuina ; leaves 1-2 ft. by ^-f in., spikes in a simple lax panicle, joints ofrachis scaberulous, sessile spikelets i in., pedicelled spikelets of one long obtuse glume winged on one side. — Of this there are two vars., a. glabrior, stems and surfaces of leaves quite glabrous, margin of leaves and sheaths ciliate. — Singapore and Tavoy ; and 13. pubescens, stem above and surfaces of leaves pubescent. — Khiisia Hills. Subsp. khasiana ; stem very tall much branched, leaves 3-4 ft. by 1-2 in., spikes 1-1^ in. in a compound panicle; joints smooth, sessile spikelets ^ in., gl. I more brondly winged, pedicelled spikelet ^ in., oblong. R. khasiana, Munro mss. — Sikkim and the Khasia Hills. 14. R. grlandulosa, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. 6, ii. (1833) 250 ; perennial, spikes fragile, sessile spikelets ovate-lanceolate, gl. I narrowly winged in tho upper third, dorsally scaberulous, margins below with on each side 5-7 upcurved mucros or tubercles. Hack. Monogr. Androp. 302 ; Miq. Fl. Ind. Pat. iii. 408. Coelorachis muricata, Prongn. in Duperr. Voy. Pot. i. 65, t. 14. Ophiurus muricatulus, Steud. in Zoll. Syst. Verz. 57, S^/n. Gram. 360.— Eottboellia ?, Wall Cat. n. 8887 B. Btjema, Wallich. Malay Peninsula; Singapore, Wallich-, Malacca, Griffi^th', Perak, King's Collector; Pahang, Ridley. • — Distrib. Java, Philippines. Stem 3-8 ft., tall, stout, branched, nodes pubescent or bearded. Leaves 2-3 ft. by ^-1 in., linear, caudate- acuminate, base usually flmbriate, margin scabridly serrulate ; sheath bearded at the mouth ; ligule densely hairy. Spikes' many, 2^-4 in., slender, terete, pale or violet. Sessile spikelets ^~\ in., 1-fld , rather shorter than the glabrous joints ; gl. 1 flat, obtuse, dorsally scaberulous; II charta- 158 OLxxiii. QRAMiNB^. (J. D. Hooker.) [RottboelUa, ceous, ellipfcic-lanceolate, ciliolate ; III ovate-oblong, obtuse; IV hyaline, 3-nerved; palea truncate, nerveless. Pedicelled spikelets reduced to a solitary gl. winged on one side, rarely with a second ; pedicel adnate to the joint of the rachis. — A solitary specimeti of a closely allied, I think, umleseribed, species from Rangoon, McLellaniy has caudate acuminate leaves, solitary spikes, sessile spikelets longer than the Joints, gl. I narrowly oblong, margins smooth, 15. R. Kelferl, HooTc.f. ; perennial, spikes solitary fragile subsessile in the sheaths, joints very short pyriform, sessile spikelets longer than the joints, gl. I ovate obtuse narrowly winged above the middle, back and sides smooth. Tenasserim, Heifer. Stem 1-2 tt., slender, erect, from a nodose stock, sparingly branched above; nodes faintly bearded. Leavps 1-2 ft. by ^-J in., erect, linear from a hardly narrowed base, finely acuminate, hairy on both surfaces ; sheath glabrous, bearded at the tip. Spikes 1-4 in., slender, erect ; joints ^\ in., excavate on one side, base shortly hairy. Spikelets | in. ; gl. I broadly ovate, narrowed suddenly above the middle, smooth, glabrous, or slightly pubescent on the sides below, wings serrulate ; II ovate, acuminate, chartaceous, 1-nerved, keeled, faintly obliquely winged above, III broadly ovate, obtuse, hyaline, faintly 3-nerved, palea small 2-toothed ; IV" ovate, obtuse or subacute ; palea broad, truncate, 2-nerved. Pedicel of upper spikelet longer than the joint, linear, flattened, strongly 2-nerved, ciliolate at the base j spikelet reduced to a minute ovate glume. B, Sessile spikelets geminate in all but the uppermost joints of the spike. Sect. V. Mnesithea, Kunth (genus). 16. R. perforata, Boxb. PL Corom. ii. 43, t. 182, Fl Ind.i. Sh&; leaves very narrow, spikelets glabrous, pedicelled spikelets reduced to a minute gl. R. las vis, Setz. Ohs. iii. 11 ; Steud. Si/n. Gram. 362. Ophiurus perforatus, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. 6, ii. (1833) 246 ; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 319. 0. laevis, Benth. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xix, (1881) 69 ; Trim. Gat. Geyl. PI. 107; Duthle Grass. N.W. Ind. 17, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 29; Lisboa in Bomb. Journ. Nat. Hist. vi. (1891) 193. Mnesithea laBvis, Kunth Revis. Gram. i. 154, Enum. PL i. 466, SuppL 375, t. 18, f. 3; Thw. Fnum. PL ZeyL 364; Wall. Cat. n. 8873; Wight Cat. n. 1722; Aitchis. Cat. Pavjab. PI. 172. Hemarthria ? perforata, Kunth L c. 453, Enum. i. 465. Diperium cylindricum, Desv. Opusc. 76, t. 6, f. 3. Thyri- dostachyum laeve, Nees in Lindl. Introd. Nat. Syst. Ed. II. 379. -^gilops cuneata, Herb. Boxb. Throughout India, from the Indus to Bdema and southward to Ceylon. — DiSTRiB. Atfghan., Java. Stem 2-4 ft., rather slender, simple or branched above ; nodes few. Leaves 6-30 by i in., flat (conduplicate in vernation), linear from a narrow base, glabrous or base hairy, upper acute, lower obtuse, margins scaberulous ; sheath terete ; ligule very short. Spikes 4-8 in., shortly exserted, joints seuii-cylindric, excavate on opposite sides with the pedicel of the imperfect spikelets between the opposite fertile spikelets. Spikelets i-i in. ; gl. I oblique, smooth or pitted above the base. 17. R. mergruensls, Hooh.f. ; leaves i-^ in. broad, spikelets glabrone, pedicelled spikelet minute imperfect. Rotthoellia.'] CLXxrii. graminej!. (J. D. Hooker.) 159 Tenasserim; Mergui, Oriffifh^ Heifer. Habit of R. perforata^ but at once distinguished by its greater size, and broad leaves which attain an inch in breadth with the tip finely acuiniu'tte, base rather narrowed, margins ciliate below the middle or towards the base only, both surfaces glabrous; sheath with glabrous or ciliate margins. Spikes 2-3 in., long peduncled ; top of peduncle slightly clavate ; joints ^ in., about as long as the spikelets, clavate, quite smooth. Sessile spikelets ovate-oblong, winged at the top, quite smooth or with a few linear impressed pits, margins naked or obscurely ciliate. 18. R- greminata, Hack, in (Estr. Bot. Zeit. xli. (1891) 48 ; gl. I o£ sessile spikelets hirsute below with tubercle-based hairs. Malay Peninsula ; Pahang, Ridley. Stems upwards of 2 ft. high, sparingly branched and flowering above; nodes bearded with reflexed hairs. Leaves 12 by |-i in., linear, acuminate, rigidulous ; sheaths appressed, mouths bearded ; ligule short, membranous. Spikes about 2^ by i in., green, fragile; joints al©t i in., shorter and as broad as the spikelets, clavate, dorsally convex, ventrally and the tops deeply hollowed. Spikelets ^ in., separated by the narrow pedicel of the withering upper spikelets, dimidiate-ovate, glabrous, callus annular ; gl. I coriaceous, acuminate, narrowly winged at the top on each side, margins narrowly inflexed, nerves many very slender, hairs white ; II as long as I, ovate, subulate-acuminate, keeled, chartaceous; III shorter, hyaline, ovate, acuminate, empty, nerves 0; IV 1-nerved ; palea like its gl. — Description from Hackel ; I have not seen it. UNDETERMINARLE SPECIES, R. viLLOSA, Poir. Encycl. vi. 313; is, according to Hackel {Monogr. Androp. 313), probably an Ischcemum or Andropogon. 47. »XANXSURIS, Sw. Annual, erect, much branched grasses. Leaves cordate at the base. Spikes terete, solitary, axillary and terminal, peduncles often confluent in rt leafy spiciform panicle; racTJis fragile; joints short, deeply excavate, tips with 2 pits, Spikelets 1-2-fld., in dissimilar pairs, one globose, sessile, bisexual ; the other ovate, pedicelled, neuter, pedicel adnate to the joint of the rachis. Sessile spikeUt; glumes 4, 1 hard, globose, foveolate, with an oblong opening opposite the rachis ; II chartaceous, immersed in the cavity of I and filling the opening; III hyaline, empty; IV audits palea hyaline. Lodicules 2, broadly cuneate. Anthers minute. Styles free, stigmas short, exserted. from the opening in gl. I. Grain subglobose. — Species 2, tropical. 1. m. g-ranularis, Linn.f. Nov. Gram. Gen. 37, f. 7, fig. 4-7; sessile spikelets globose deeply pitted smooth between the pits, gl. II 1-nerved. Sto. Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. 25 (partim), Fl, Ind. Occ. i. 186 ; Gsertn. Fruct. ii. 468, 1. 175; Beauv. Agrost. 119, t. 21, f. 10; Roxh. PI. Gorom. ii. II, 1. 118 ; Kunth Fnum. PL i. 469 ; Hack. Monogr. Androp. ^14 ; Sieud. Syn. Gram. Grah. Gat. PI. Bomb. 234; Dalz. & Gibs. ^gmb. Fl. 300; Griff'. Notul. iii. 101 ; Tkw, Enum. PI. Zeyl. 364 ; Trim. Gat. Ceyl. PI. 107 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 18, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 29, t. 46 ; Lisboa in Journ. Bomb. Soc. Nat. Hist. vi. (1891) 196; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 511 ; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 409 ; Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 557 ; Doell. in Mart. Fl. Bras. ii. II. t. 46 ; Wall. Gat. n. 8879 ; Wight Gat. n. 1726. M. polystachya, Beauv. FL Owar. Sf Ben. i. 24, t. 14. M. hirta, Herb. Russ. ex WaU. Gat. L e. Cenchrus granulans, Linn.f. Mant. ii. App. 675. 160 CLxxiii. QRAxMiNEJ!. (J. D. Hooker.) [Mamsuns. Throughout the hotter parts of India, from the Panjab eastward to Burma, and southward to Ceslon. — Distbib. Most tropical countries. Stem 1-2J ft. and leaves softly hairy, leafy to the top, as thick as a crow-quill. Leaves 4-10 by i-| in., flaccid, flat, acuminate ; sheaths hirsute, inflated ; ligule a raised ciliate margin. Spikes ^-1 in. ; peduncle filiform. Sessile spikelets ~ in. diam., superposed like minute beads on the rachis, and each as it were bracteate by the upper spikelet of the pair below it. 2. BX. porifera, JBCack. in (Estr. Bot. Zeifschr. xli. (1891) 48 ; sessile spikelets broadly oblong trimcate deeply broadly pitted, gl. I 5-nerved between transverse longitudinal ridges, II 3-nerved. SiKKiM Himalaya ; Dikeeling, alt. 30OO ft., Clarice. TknasSerim, Kelfer. Habit and foliage, &c. of M. granularis. Spikelets -^-^—^'m., hrownhh ; callus smooth or foveolate; gl. I excised at the base on both sides, leaving a rounded pore between it and the rachis. — There is a specimen of this in Hei*b. Wight, without name or locality. 48. OPKZURUS, Gsertn. Animal or perennial grasses. Spikes solitary or fascicled, terete, fragile ; joints excavate, top concave. Spikelets 2-fld., solitary and sessile in the joints (with no upper or pedicel of one), not awned. Glumes 4, I thickly coriaceous, convex, obtuse ; II almost membranous, concave, keeled; III elliptic, obtuse, hyaline, faintly 2-nerved, margins infolded, paleate, male ; IV as long as III, oblong, obtuse, -nerved, paleate bisexual, palea narrow ; lY oblong, obtuse. Lodicules 2, cuneate. Stamens 3. Grain oblong, free. — Species one or two. Tropical Asiatic and African. Opkiurus, as defined by Hackel and Bentham, is an artificial genus, of which the original species, 0. corymhosus, has solitary sessile 2-fld. spikelets on each joint of the spike, with no obvious traces of a second, by which character it differs from Botfhoellia. Of other Indian plants referred to it, O. perforatus (Rotthoellia per- forata, Roxb.) has 2 sessile 1-fld. spikelets on each joint of the spike, with a long interposed pedicel of a second perfect or imperfect one. It is the genus Mnesithea of Kunth. • Two admitted species of Rottboellia have the same structure as O. perforatus, namely, R. hirsuta, Forsk., and R. geminata, Hack. These three should form either a separate genus (Mnesithea), or a section of Rottboellia, which latter course I have adopted. Hackel describes the joints of 0. corymhosus as being thickened on one side by the presence of the confluent pedicel of a second spikelet, but I find no trace of this (nor can Dr. Stapf), and he describes R. perforatus as with one sessile spikelet on each joint, or with two on the lower joints only ; but I find that in all the specimens two sessile spikelets is the normal condition almost throughout the spikes, the uppermost joints alone having but one. O. corymbosus, Gsertn. f. Fruct. iii. 4, t. 181, f. 3 a (Ophiuros) ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 464; Hack. Mdviogr. Androp. 317 ; Steud. 8yn. Gram. 359; Wall. Gat. n. 8874; Wight Gat. n. 1723; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 17, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 29, t. 55 ; Lishoa in Bomb. Joum. Nat. Hist. vi. (1891) 193; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 512. Rottboellia corymbosa, Linn.f. Si(ppl.-U4<; Roxh. PI. Corom. ii. 42, t. 181, Fl. Ind. i. 3b5 ; Grah. Gat. Bomb. PI. 233. R. punctata, Betz. Obs. iii. 11. -^gilops exaltata, Linn. Mant. ii. App. 575 ; Betz. I. c. ii. 27. Dry hills, ascending to 3500 ft. in the Himalaya and Khasta Hills, and southward to the Deccan Peninsula (not in Ceylou).-^DisTEiB. Tonkin, Aus- tralia. Perennial. Stems erect from a tuberous base, 5-6 ft., as thick as a goobc-iiuill Ophiurus.] clxxiii. qraminktE. (J.D.Hooker.) 161 l)elow, solid, branching upwards, leafy throughout. Leaves |-2 ft. by ^-1 in., flat (convolute in vernation), linear-lanceolate from a rounded base, finely acunainate, hairy above, margins spinulose; sheaths short, terete, upper leafless; ligule very sliort. Spikes corymbosely fascicled, 2-5 by -J^ !"• diam., erect, often in very dense fascicles, shortly peduncled ; joints as long and broad as the spikelets, tips obliquely truncate. Spikelets ovate-oblong, obtuse, glabrous; gl. I smooth or scrobiculate, at length recurved. 49. RATZEBURGZA, Kunth. A tufted slender perennial grass. Spikelets 1-fld., superposed in opposite pairs on a slender simple compressed sublragile spike, each pair sessile on a joint of the rachis, dorsallj strongly compressed and appressed face to face (looking like one), rachis prolonged along the margins of the pairs on one side, and with the rachilla of a neuter along the opposite edges. Glumes 4, I thickly coriaceous, flat, oblong, deeply pitied, terminated with 2 erect coriaceous wings, margins strongly tubercled ; II thinly coriaceous, lanceolate, acute, glabrous ; III oblong, obtuse, hyaline, epaleate ; lY smaller, epaleate. Xorf-iewZe^ obliquely quadrate. Anthei^s o, short. Stigmas long. R. pulcherrima, Kunth Revis. Gram. ii. 487, Enum. PI. i. 468 ; Wall. Fl. As Bar. iii. 253, t. 273 (Aikinia), Gat. n.8868; Hach. Monogr. Androp. 321. Ophiurus auriculatus. Trin. in Mem. Acad. JPetersb. Ser. VI. ii. (1833), 246. Aikinia elegans, Wall. I. c. Burma ; at Paghan and the Petroleum Wells, Wallich ; Upper Burma, Collett. Stoloniferous ; stem 6-18 in., geniculate and leafy below. Leaves 1-3 in., narrow, flat, margins thickened, tip rounded ; sheath compressed; ligule short. Spike 1-2 in., \ in. broad ; peduncle very slender with 2-3 long-sheathed leaves below ; joints and pedicels of neuter alike, incurved, obtusely angled, bearded along the inner angle and the hammer-headed top. SpiJcelets about ^ in. ; wings of gl. I earlike, sub- lobed. 50. BZiZONURUS, Humh. Sc Bonpl. Aromatic grasses. Spikes solitary, subsimple, clothed with silky hairs, rachis flattened, jointed, fragile. Spikelets 2-xi^iQ, a sessile and pedicelled; joints compressed, margins thickened, tips obliquely truncate. Sessile spikelets dorsally compressed, 1-fld. ; glumes 4, I coriaceous, entire or 2-fid, embracing II by its margins ; II narrower, membranous ; III hyaline, empty, paleate or not ; IV small, hyaline, paleate or not, awn 0. Lodicules obliquely quadrate. Anthers 3, short. Styles short, free. Grain narrow, plano-convex, free. — Species about 15, tropical and subtropical. Hackt'l observes that Elionurus difi'ers from RotthoelliecB and agrees with J^uandropogonece in the entire sessile spikelet falling away with the joint, whereas iu Rottboelliece, gl. I is removable and II and III persistent in the hollow of the joint. The Aromatic oil of Elionurus is contained in the glumes. 1. E. Royleanus, Nees ex A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss, ii. 471 ; annual, dwarf, spikes corymbose each sheathed, gl. I of sessile spikelet lanceolate narrowed into a 2-fid beak, margins with penicillate tubercles, III and lY epaleate. Hach. Monour. Androp. 343; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 17, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 28, t. 54. >1 Grisebachii, Schmidt Beitr. Fl. Lis. Gap. Verd. 154. Rottboellia elegantissima, Hochst. Sf Steud. ex Steud. Nom. Ed. II. ii. 474. Andropogon elegantissimus & Grisebachii, Steud. Syn. Gram. 364, 365. Ratzeburgia Schimperi, Steud. Nom. I. c. 439. 162 CLXxiii. graminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) [Elionurus. Upper Gangetic Plain, Eoyle ; Agra and Ettawah, Duthie j Delhi, Clarke. — Di>TRiB. Arabia, Abyssinia, Cape Verd Islds. Stems 4-12 in., slender, leafy, geniculate. Leaves 4-10 in., narrow, flat or convolute, glabrous or sparsely bairy, base fimbriate ; lower sheaths terete, upper spathifonn ; ligule very short. Spikes 1-2 in., erect, clustered towards the top of the stem, stout, green or purple, each enclosed in a long narrow flattened acute sheath ; joints bearded below the tip. Sessile spikflets ^ in., erect ; callus densely bearded ; gl. I deeply 2-tid at the top, lobes linear ciliate divergent, sides with a row of large tubercles each carrying a pen il of long hairs; II membranous, linear- lanceolate, acuminate, 1-nerved ; III shorter^ oblong, acute, nerveless, glabrous, epaleate ; IV much shorter, oblong, obtuse, 1-nerved or nerveless. Pedicelled spikel'ts ^ in., naiTowed almost fi'om the base into a long subulate ciliate blade ; II cymbiform, glabrous, narrowed into a scabrid awn ; III and IV 0, pedicel with one margin shortly ciliate. 2. Zi. hirsutus, Munro ex Benih. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xix. (1881) 68; perennial, spikes peduncled naked, gl I of sessile spikelet narrowed into a long narrow flat 2-fid beak margins villous, gl. Ill and IV paleate. Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 466 ; Buthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 17, hodd. Grass. N. Ind. 28, t. 17. Rottboellia hirsuta, Vahl Symh. i. 11; Bel. Fl. Mgy^t. t. 14, f. 1; Kunth Enum PL i. 467 ; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 311. Ischaemam hirsutum, Nees ex Stead. 8yn. Gram. 361. 1. mastucatum, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. VI. ii. (1833), 298. Coelorachis hirsnta, Brongn. in Duperr. Voy. Bot. 68. Lasiurus hi'sutus, Boiss. Diaqn. PI. Or. II. iv. (1859) 146. Saccharum hirsutum, Forsk. Fl. Mgypt. Arab. 16. Northern Panjab ; Jelalpoor on the Jhelum, Jacqwemont; Peshawur, alt. 3500 ft., Stewart. Rajpootana ; Multan, Edgeworth; Sind, Stocks. — Disteib. Westward to N. Africa. Rootftock woody, branched. Stems 1-2^ ft., ascending from a branching base, stout, smooth, rigid. Leaves narrow, coriaceous, sheaths white. Peduncle 6-10 in., slender. Spike solitary, stout, 2-4 in., silvery silky all over. /S/?iA;e^e^s imbricating, appressed to the rachis ; gl. I of lateral spikelet divergent, narrowly lanceolate, coriaceous, 7-!*-nerved; II ^ shorter, chartaceous, 5-nerved, aristately acuminate, awn scabrid ; III hyaline, oblong, obtuse, faintly nerved, neuter, palea lanceolate, nerves scaberulous ; IV oblong, obtuse, faintly 5-nerved, palea as of gl. Ill but smaller. Pedictlled spikelet smaller, erect ; gls. shorter, flowerless. — Regarded by Hackell as an anomalous Rottboellia, and nearer to Ischtemum than to ElionuruSy but neither in habit nor characters does it approach the Rotthoelliece ; and is naturally, I think, an Elionurus, from other species of which it only diflfers in the paleate gls. Ill and IV. 51. CZiSXSTACKNE^ Benth. Tall perennial grasses. Leaves long, narrow, flat. Spikelets solitary, 1-fld., in an oblong contracted much branched panicle, linear-oblong, terete, hirsute, jointed on the branchlets of the panicle. Glumes 4, I and II narrow, rigidly coriaceous, obtuse, completely enveloping III and IV; III much smaller, narrow, hyaline, 2-nerved, margins inflexed ciliate; IV very short, liyaline, with a terminal stout twisted awn ; palea minute, hyaline, ciliate: Lodicules cuneate, ciliate. Anthers 3, large, linear. Styles free, stigmas short. Grain obovate-oblong, compressed, free. — Speiies 3, the following and 2 African. The affinities of this genus and of Gennainia are with Anthistiria. C. Stocksii, Sook. f. ; ligule oblong, spikelets dark brown, margins of gl. IV entire, palea ovate obtuse. Cleistachna.] clxxiii. QRiMmEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 163 Malabae ; on the Bababoodan Hills, Stocks, RitcTiie. Stem tall, stout, simple. Leaves 12-J6 by \ in., finely acuminate, softly hairy, midrib stout, margins slightly thickened ciliolate ; sheath terete ; ligule coriaceous. Panicle 6-8 in., long-peduncled, suberect ; racbis and branches spar^sely ciliate, branchlets (pedicels of spikelets) strigose with bright yellow hairs. Spikelets ^ in., crowded; callus short, bearded ; gl. I dark brown, obscurely many-nerved, hirsute, shining; II like I but narrower, nearly glabrous; III 2-nerved, margins infolded, tip hispid ; IV a twisted awn |-1 in, long, dilated at the base into a hyaline 3-nerved membrane embracing the minute palea. — Very closely allied to the African G. sorghoidef!, Benth., which differs in its very short ligule, golden yellow spikelets, usually 2-fid gl. IV, and transversely oblong ciliate palea. 52. GERMAXNZA, Balans. ^ Poiti^ass. Rigid perennial grasses. Leaves narrow. Peduncles erect, bearing terminal riarrowly oblong naked heads of 4 male spikelets, forming an in- volucriforra whorl round a few long-awned females. Male spikelets sessile, 2-fld., glumes 4 ; I linear-oblong, very coriaceous, truncate, many-nerved, dorsally convex; II rather longer but much narrower, membranous, narrowly- lanceolate, 3-nerved ; III hyaline, narrowly lanceolate, 1-nerved, diandrous, its palea (if present) as long as itself ; IV hyaline, lanceolate, diandrous ; palea as long. Fern, spikelets much smaller than the male, cylindric, obliquely inserted on a pedicel by an obconical bearded callus; glumes 3, I charta- ceous, linear, truncate, convolute round the others ; II similar, but shorter; III the long twisted awn which is slightly dilated at the very base; palea short, very broad, tip erose. Lodicules 0. Anthers 2, very long. Styles slender, stigmas long narrow. Grain closely wrapped in the glumes. — Species 3 or 4, Indian, African and Chinese. 1. G-. khasiana, Hack, in (Estr. Bot. Zeitschr. xli. (1891) 50; leaves short linear-lanceolate quite glabrous, male spikelets sessile on the con- tracted tip of the peduncle, gl. I entire retuse or notched. Khasia Hills ; at Nurtiung and Poorung, alt. 4-4500 ft., Clarke. Stents densely tafted, a foot high, erect, leafy, terminating in long slender peduncles, iea'ye* 1-2 in., narrow, acuminate, coriaceous, 1-nerved; ligule hardly any. Heads ^— | in. long. Gl. I of male fl. polished, tip ciliolate ; gl. I of bisexual spikelet scaberulous, tip ciliolate ; awn of III 2 in. long'. — Very near G. capitata, Bal. & Poitr. of China, and probably only a form of that plant, which has rather larger heads and its gl. I has a semicircular retuse tip with a sharp tooth on each side. 2. G-. lanipes, Hook.f. ; leaves very long and narrowly linear sheaths at the base of the stem clothed with silvery wool, male spikelets superposed on a very short rachis. Tenasserim, Heifer. I have examined very scanty material of this curious species, which differs from G. lihasiana in the short stout rootstock with very thick roots, clothed for au inch or more with snowy wool, and radical leaves a ft. long by \ in. broad. 52.^ COEIiARTKBON, Hooh.f. (Genus not in Glavis, p. 5.) A very slender, straggling, nearly glabrous grass. Leaves small, elliptic, acute at both ends. Spikelets 1-fld., binate, a sessile bisexual and a minute often imperfect pedicelled, secund and imbricating on the fragile rachis of M 2 164 CLXxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hookei.) \_Coelarthron, a Bolitary erect spike ; lowest pair on the spike imperfect ; joints of racliis shorter than the sessile spikelet, clavate, tubular, tip truncate open, mouth entire compressed. Sessile spilcelets dorsally flattened ; callus very short, bearded ; gl, I ovate-oblong, tip narrowly truncate, dorsally glabrous with a deep median channel, margins narrowly inflexed above broadly incurved below, keels subpectinately ciliate above the middle ; II cymbiform, 1-nerved, awned ; III oblong, 1-nerved ; IV very small, 2-fid, 3-nerved, awn slender, twisted; palea minute. Lodicules 2, cuneate- quadrate. Stamens 3. Styles 2. 6rram fusiform. Pedicelled spikelets =-\ the sessile or less, male or neuter gls. 2-3, not awned ; pedicel linear, flat. A remarkable grass, differing from Andropogon in the secund spikelets, hollow joints of 'the raehis, deeply channelled gl. I of the sessile spikelet (as in Sect. Sehima ot'Ischcemum), and the reduced pediceiled spikelets. C. Brandisil, HooJc.f. in Hoolc. Ic. Plant, ined. EuRMA ; high ground, generally with Teak, Brandts. Stems very weak, branching, struggling, rooting -at the node?, white ; with ascending filiform 1-2-leaved flowering branches. Leaves 1-2 by i-^ in., inserted on the sheath by a mere point ; acute or acuminate at both ends, membranous, flaccid, surfaces and margins quite smooth, midrib and nerves very slender; sheath glabrous ; Hgule oblong, obtuse. Spike 1-1 ^ in., strict or incurved, quite white. Sestile spikelets i in. ; gl. I with a strong median keel on the ventral surface ; IE notched at the tip, awn as long as the gl. or shorter, very slender, recurved ; III flat, ciliate; awn of IV f in., very slender, geniculate, column brown twisted, upper half very pale. 53. ANDROFOaOIT, Linn. Grasses of various habit. Leaves usually narrow, bise rarely rounded or cordate. Injlorescence of solitary binate digitate fascicled or panicled sp'.kes (which are sometimes reduced to 3 spikelets), raehis articulate, usually fragile. Spikelets binate, a sessile fem. or bisexual, and a pedi- ceiled male or neuter. Sessile spikelet 1-fld., glumes 4, I dorsally rarely laterally more or less compressed, margins inflexed or incurved, usually keeled ; II as long as I, usually laterally compressed, awned or not; III hyaline, empty, 2-nerved or nerveless, epaleate ; IV hyaline, broad or narrow, 2-fid and awned in the cleft or reduced to an awn more or less dilated at the base, paleateor not. Lodicules cuneate-quadrate. Stamens 3. Stigmas laterally exserted. Grain free. Pediceiled spikelets various, gls. 3-4, IV awnless. — Species about 200, chiefly tropical. In this most difticult genus I have followed H^ckel as closely as I could, not venturing to depart far from liis groupinj^ of the Indian species, to attempt which with any prospect of success would demand a revision of the whole genus. Hackel's two principal groups (Series), Isozygi and Heterozygi, unfortunately sepurate widely subgenera of clo>e affinity in habit and in all other characters, except that adopteil to distinguish between these groups. Thus the first two or even 4 subgenera of Isoztigi are closely related to Cymhopogon amongst Heterozygi, ;ind not to those that immediately follow them iu the series. Added to this, on the one hand the characters di-awn from the form, sexuality, &c., of the lower sessile spikelets of the Heternzygi as distinguishing them from those of Isozygi are often variable and very difficult of detection ; and on the other hand the same characters do occur here and there in several subgenera of the latter group. With regai^l to Hackel's subg^enera, they appear to me to be on the whole well constructed and natural, though often de])endingon charactei-s; some inconstant, others difficult of detection or appieciation. Of the best defined I should, following older authors, have preferred to have treated Andropogon.] clxxiii. "geamine.e (J.D.Hooker.) 165 them as genera, especially Chri/sopoffon, Cymbopogon and JSeteropogon ; and his section Pseudanthistiria of subgen, Hypoginium, should certainly rank as a genus closely allied to Anthistiria. The following is Hackel's grouping : — • Scries I. Jsozygi. Sessile spikelets of all the pairs alike in sex and form throughout the spikes. * Peduncle of spikes enclosed in spathiform leaf -sheaths. f Joints of rachis and pedicels of upper spikelets clavate or trumpet-shaped, top cupular with toothed margins. § Spikes solitary on the peduncle. Podicelled spikelets smaller than the sessile ... 1. ScHlzAOHYRiCM. Peduiicled spikelets larger than the sessile . . . .2. Diectomis. §§ Spikes 2 or more on the peduncle ..... 3. Arthroloi'his. ft Joints of rachis and pedicels of upper spikelets slender, top obliquely truncate cupped or not .... 4. Hypogynium. ** Peduncles of spikes not enclosed in spathiform leaf- sheaths ; joints of rachis slender. Joints of rachis and pedicels of upper spikelets linear com- pressed with usually a central translucent channel and thickened margins 5. Amphilophis. Joints of rachis very few, filiform, opaque; lodicules ciliate ; grain dorsally compressed 6. Sorghum. .Joints of rachis many, stout or slender, opaque ... 7. Vetiteria. Joints of rachis few ; spikes articulate on the obliquely truncate bearded tips of the branches of the panicle . 8. Chrysopogox. Series B. Heterozygi. Lowest one or more sessile spikelets didering from all those above it in sex or form. Spikes many (rarely 1 or few) on the peduncle digitate, sessile spikelets dorsally compressed .... 9. Dichanthium. Spikes binate on the peduncle which is enclosed in a spathi- form sheath ; sessile spikelet dorsally compressed . ". 10. Cymbopogon. Spikes solitary, lower pairs of spikelets very unlike the upper; upper sessile spikelets cylindric . . .11. Hktbropogon. Subgen. I. Schizachyrium, Benth. SpiJces solitary; peduncle in a spathiform leaf-sheath ; joints and pedicels clavate orbucciniform, mouths broad cupular irregularly toothed. Sessile spikelets dorsally compressed, callus short ; gl. I keeled ; II not awned ; IV hyaline, 2-fid, awned in the cleft. Fedicelled spikelets usually small, imperfect and withering. * Annuals. 1. A. brevifolius, Sw. Prodr. Veg. Ind. Oce. 26, Fl. Ind. Occ. i. 209 ; glabrous, stems slender straggling much branched leafy, leaves divaricate linear obtuse or subacute, spathes very narrowly linear sprea'*- ing, spikes glabrous or sparsely hairy. Kunth Bevis. Gram. ii. 663, 1. 196, Enum. PI. i. 488, 8uppl. 399 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 366 ; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 363 ; ^ in Mart. FL Bras. ii. III. 302 ; Benth. Fl. Hongk. 428 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 19„ Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 34 ; GHseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 538. A. debilis, -Kimth I. o. A. flaccidus, A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss, ii. 452. A. floridus, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Se*'. Y I. ii. (1833) 265. A. fragilis, Br. Prodr. 202; Kunth Fnum. I.e. A. obtusitolius. Poir. Encycl. Suppl. i. 583. A. parviflorus, Boxb. Fl. Ind. i. 274. A. tenellus, Presl Ret. Hsenk. i. 335. Pollinia fragilis & brevifolia, Spreng, Byst. \. 288, 289. P. vaginata, Sprevg. Pugill. ii. 11. Schizachyrium, brevifolium, Nees Agrost. Bras. 332. — Andropogon, Wall. Gat. n. 8824-5- 6. Batratherum, TTa^^. /.c. n. 8827. Tropical Himalaya, from Kumabn to Sikkim, Behar, Central Ij*dia, 166 cLxxiii. GRAMiNEiE (J. D. Hookei.) [Ajidrojwgon. CHiTTAGONa, Bdkma, the NicoBAE IsLDS , aud the Malay Peninsula.— Distrib. Tropics. Stems 8-24 in., very many from the root, filiform, flaccid, geniculate, leafy tliroughout. Leaves 1-3 in., ^-^ in. broad, flat, glabrous, margins and nerves beneath scabrid. Spikes numerous ; peduncle capillary ; spathes 1-1^ in., flat ; joints 5-10 as long as the sessile spikelet, and pedicels clavate, tips 2-toothed. Sessile spikelets f in., linear-oblong; gl. I coriaceous, tip 2-fid ; avvu i-^ in. Pedicelled spikelet reduced to a long-awned glume. 2. A. axilis, Hochst. in Flora, xxvii. (1844) 241 ; slender, erect, fasti- giately branched above, leaves verj narrow acuminate, spathe erect narrowly lanceolate, epikes silkily villous. Sack. Monogr. Androjp. 365. A. fragillimus, Steud. Syn. Gram. 384. A. fragilissimus, Moc/ist. in ScMmp. Fl. Abyss, n. 2067. A. Petitianus, A. Hich. Tent. Fl. Abyss, ii. 461. N Bengal, Chota Nagpore, and the Central Provinces, Clarke, Duthie, &c. — DiSTEiB. Afric. trop. Stems short stout and densely tufted, or lax erect and 12-18 in. high, leafy. Leaves 1-3 in., erect, glabrous or sparsely hairy. Spathes 1-1^ in., slender ; peduncles ^-1 in., compressed. Spikes very slender ; joints 8-12, about i in. long, silkily ciliate, and pedicels thickened upwards, tips lunate. Ses-ile spikelets as long as the joints, subulate lanceolate ; gl. 1 coriaceous, dorsally silkily villous, tip very slender bifid; II linear-lanceolate, 1-nerved, tip with a short bristle; IV bifid; awn ^-| in., very slender. Pedicelled spikelet subulate, silky ; gl. I shortly awned, whole plant reddish when dry. #* Perennials. 3. A. impressus, Hack, in (Estr. Bot. Zeit. xli. (1891) 49 ; very slender, sparingly branched, leaves very narrow, joints of spikes 3-5 and pedicels very stout densely ciliate, gl. I of sessile spikelets glabrouB lanceolate acuminate, deeply impressed between the scaberulous keels. N. W. Himalaya ; Kishtwar, Clarke, alt. 4000 ft. Perennial. Stems erect; flowering branches distant. Leaves 4-8 in., setaceously acuminate ; sheath short, smooth ; ligule rounded. Spathes slender. Spike about 1 in., scarcely exserted ; peduncle glabrous; joints and pedicels subclavate, shorter than the sessile spikelets, densely ciliate, tops obliquely cupped. Sessile spikelets } in., linear-lanceolate, greenish, callus nearly glabrous ; gl. 1 chartaceous, glabrous, tip 2 -toothed, margins rather broadly iufltxed ; II lanceolate, acute, keeled, 3-nerved scabrid above ; III oblong, obtuse, nerveless, ciliolate ; IV oblong, clelt to below the middle, lobes glabrous; awn |-f in., very slender, pale. Pedicelled spikelets very narrow, gl. I linear -lanceolate, acuminate, purplisb, 9-11-nerved ; II 3-nerved, acute; HI 2-nerved, obtuse j IV 0. — Near A. Alopecurus, Hack, (of the Mauritius), which difl'ers in the many-jointed spikes, in the 6~7-nerved gl. 1 which is more deeply channelled in the middle. The habit is that of a Cymhopogon, 4. A- bootanensis, JSook.f.; tall, stout, leaves very long, joints of spike few and pedicels long-ciljate, gl. I of sessile spikelets glabrous linear-oblong truncate dorsally convex keels obscurely winged above. Bhotan Himalaya ; Tassangsee, alt. 5-6000 ft., Griffith. Perennial. Leaves 2-3 ft. narrowly linear, coriaceous, and sheaths smooth and glabrous. Spike ^-f in., peduncle subexserted from the very narrow spathe : joints aud peduncles half as long as the sessile spikelet, rather slender, tips toothe^^ Spikelets red-brown, i in. ; callus bearded ; gl. I nerves obscure ; II coriaceous, acute, 1-ncrved ; III linear-oblong, ciliate, nerveless; IV short, lobes ciliate ; awn very slender short ; palea minute, ovate. Pedicelled spikelet like the ^^K£^' I Andro2)cgon.] clxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) ^ 167 have seen but one specimen, it is allied to A. impressus, but is a much stouter plant, 3-4 ft. high. 5. A. hirtiflorus, Kunth Eevis. Gram. ii. 569, t. 198, Enum. PI i. 489 ; erect, stiff, leaves linear, rigid, spathes long-peduncled, spike 2-5 in. glabrous or nearly so, sessile ppikelets ^-i in. narrowly lanceolate. A. Pseudograyia, Steud. Syn. Gram. 365 ; Mack. Monogr. Androp. 370. A. zeylanicus, Am. ex Benth. Fl. Hongh. 423 ; T/iw. JEnum. PL Zeyl. 368 ; Trim,. Gat. Geyl. PI. 107. A. semiberbis, Kunth Enum. I. c. Roltboellia sanguinea, -Re^z. Obs. iii. 25. PPollinia fulta, Desv. Opusc. 69; Hack. I.e. 392. Thelepogon sanguineus, Sprang. Syst. i. 299. Schizachyriuofi zeylanicum, Arn. I. c. S. hirtiflorum and semiberbe, Nees. Fl. Afr. Austr. 334, 336. Khasia. Hills, alt. 4-5000 ft., J. D. H. ^ T. T., Clarke. Burma, Kurz. Central Provinces, alt. 3-4000 ft. Ceylon. — Distbib. Tonkin, China, Mada- gascar, Trop. and S. Africa and America. Perennial. Stems tufted, 1-4 ft., simple or sparingly branched upwards, as thick as a crow-quill or less, smooth, shining. Leaves chiefly radical, 2-6 in. by ^-^ in., obtuse acute or acuminate; sheath compressed. Spathes 1-2 in., linear- lanceolate, acuminate. Spike stout, very narrow, subterete ; racliis stout, shining, joints shorter than the sessile spikelets, outer or both margins ciliolate, tip hollowed strongly toothed. Sessile spikelets ^ in., very narrow, half sunk in the concave faces of the joints; gl. I narrowly lanceolate, bicuspidate, dorsally rounded, faintly 5-nerved ; II lanceolate, acuminate, with a gibbous base, and a narrow ciliate dorsal wing above the middle ; III linear-oblong, acute, fimbriate ; IV lobes- narrow, acuminate, avvn about ^ in. Pedicelled spikelets, gl. I flat, subulate, awned, margins inflexed; II short, oblong. — Dr. Stapf has identified the Indian A. Pseudograyia with its Aujerican and African species cited above, of which I have not given all the synonyms, which will be found in Hackel's Monograph. . Siibgen. II. DiiscTOMis, Sack. Spikes solitary; peduncle in the axil of a spathiform leaf-sheath, joints and pedicels bucciniform, mouths toothed. Sesdfe spikelets laterally compressed, callus short ; gl. I accumbent, keeled, II much broader long-awned; lY 2-toothed, awned in the sinus. Pedicelled spikelet twice as long and broad as the sessile and concealing it. 6. A. fastlgriatusj Sw. Prodr. Veg. Ind. Dec. 26, Fl. Ind. Dec. i. 207 ; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 393 ; Griseh. Fl. Srit. W. Ind. 559. A. diatherus, Hoclisi. in Schimp. PI. Abyss, n. 2013 (nan Steud.). A. Hochstetteri, Steud. Sijn. Gram. 384. Diectomis fastigiat^i, H. B. Sf K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. i. t. 64 (exel. Syn. Beauv.) ; Kunth in Mem. Mus. Par. ii. (1815) 09 ; Nees Agrost. Bras. 340 {non Beauv.) ; Hack, in Mart. Fl. Bras. ii. II. 303. Pollinia fastigiata, Spreng. Pugill. ii. 13. Heteropogon Hochstetteri, Anderss. in Scliweivf. Beitr. Fl. JEthiop. 310. BeJar ; near Gya and Chota Nagpore, Clarke, Duthie. Tenasserim, Heifer. — DisTRiB. Tonkin, China, Afr. and Amer. trop. Perennial. Stem erect 6 in. to 3 ft., or decumbent below and fastigiately branched upwards, leafy. Leaves 3-12 in., narrowly linear, acuminate, scabrid ; lignle elon- gate, acute. Spathes 2-3 in., linear-lanceolate, often very slender ; peduncle variable, tip cupular. Spikes solitary, 1-2 in., fragile, joints much shorter than the spikelets^ villous with white hairs, tip broad strongly toothed. Sessile spikelet ^— ^ in., pbloug ; callus hairs = | the spikelets ; gl. I linear-lanceolate, bicuspidate and keeled, margins thickened, ciliate towards the top ; II shorter, cymbiform, 2-fid, awned between the short obtuse lobes, dorsally keeled and ciliate above, awn much longer tb>'^ 4,j|%. spikelets ; III linear -oblong, margins ciliate; IV cymbiform, 2-toothed, ^v%»f^!?gy^^iout dorsal avvn from below the tip ; palea minute, hyaline. Fedicell^ 168 CLXxiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hookei.) {^Andropogon- spikelets neuter ; gl. I ovate- lanceolate, twisted, acuminate, 2 cuspidate and awned, ciliate, green, many-nerved; II much smaller, thin, acuminate, awned, III still smaller, oblong, hyaline. — I have examined spikelets of the type of Homceatherum chinense, Nees in Hook. & Am. Bot. Beech. Voy. 239, which is certainly not Aitdrop. ajpricus, as supposed by Hackel, but very close to A. fasHgiatus, if not the Snbgen. III. Hypogtnitjm, HacJc. Spikes solitary, peduncled in the axil of a fc;ivtbiform leaf-sheath; joints and pedicels slender, tops obliquely truncate. Sessile spikelets dorsally compressed; gl. I with inflexed or involute keeled margins; II kei led, awnless ; III hyaline or 0; IV a simple awn (in the Indian species). Pedicelled spikelets like the sessile. Hrtckel's section Fseudanihistiria forms one of the most distinct genera of Andro- pngonecE, with characters of inflorescence and spikelets totally at variance with his characters of Hypogynium. He however observes its aflfinity with Anthistiria, near to which genus I place it. 7. A. foveolatus, Del. Fl. Egtjpf. 16a, t. 8, f. 2 ; densely tufted, basal sheaths silkily villous, spikes 3-6 elongate erect, gl. I of sessile spikelet smooth with usually a deep dorsal pit. Kuntli Enum. Pl.i. 490; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 402; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 20, Fodd. Grass. N. Jnd. 34, t. 21 ; Aitchis. Cat. Panjah. PI. 176. A. strictus, Roxb. Fl. Ind. i, 260. A. Orthos, Schult. Mani.ii. 455. A. monostachyus, Sprenq. Pugill. ii. 9. A. ramosus, Heyne ex Wall. Cat. n. 8802. — Andropogon, Wall. Cat, 8802. Drier parts of India, from the Panjab and Sind to Bengal, Chota Nagpore, Centraij Provinces, Ciecars and Coromandel. — Disteib, Westwards to the Cape de Verd Islds. Stem 1-2 ft., simple or subfastigiately branched above, as thick as a sparrow's quill ; nodes sparingly bearded. Leaves very narrow, sometimes almost filiform, rigid, scaberulous beneath, sheaths shorter than the internodes, scabrous or glabrous; ligule short, truncate, hyaline, ciliolate. Spikes l-lj in.; peduncles capillary, erect, usually far exserted beyond the very slender spathe ; joints and pedicels slender, villous. Sessile and pedicelled spilceleis subequal ^-^ in., linear- oblong, subacute, purplish, glabrous except the shortly villous callus, shining; gl. I flat, 4-7-nerved, keels scabrid ; II as long, S-nerved, acute; III much shorter, glabrous, nerveless ; IV awn ^-| in. long, very faintly margined towards the base. Pedicelled spikelet rufous or purplish, neuter ; gls. 2, I subacute, dorsally pitted or not, keels scabrid, S-nerved, glabrous ; II linear-lanceolate, acute, 3-nerved. 8. A. tuberculatus? Hack. Monogr. Androp. 404 ; tall, etout, basal sheaths glabrous, spikes solitary long-peduncled erect, gl. I of sessile spikelet lanceolate keels and nerves tubercled not pitted. Central Provinces; in the Khandua and Betul districts, Duthie; Asinagarh, K^mtze. Stem 4-6 ft., stout, stiff, pale yellow, shining, paniculately branched, nodes glabrous. Leaves 1-2 tt. by ^ in., rather rigid, glaucous, stroDgly closely nerved, setaceously acuminate, base narrowed, scabrid, midrib very broad; sheath quite smooth ; ligule lai ge, membranous, auricled. iSpikes 1-lf in. Panicle leafy ; spatbes very narrow, scabrid with tubercle-based hairs; peduncle 2—4 in., strict, scabrid ; joints and pedicels very slender, ciliate with long hairs. Sessile spikelets i in., linear-lanceolate, callus shortly bearded; gl. I lanceolate, tip narrowly truncate, dorsally flat, 3-7-nerved, margins narrowly inflexed, keels and nerves tubcrculate ; II membranous, lanceolate, acute, 1-nerved, ciliate j III linear, acute, Andropogon.'] clxxiii. geamine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 169 glabrous J IV awn ^-f in. Pedicelledspikeletsm-d\e, gl. I strongly nerved ; IV 0. — A very handsome grass. Subgen. lY. Arthrolophts. Spikes 2-nate digitate or subpaniculate, on a common peduncle arising from a spathiform sheath ; joints few or many, clavate or bucciniform (slender in A. tristis), tips cupular with toothed margins. Sessile spikelets dorsally compressed ; gl. I not awned, margins inflexed, keeled; li dorsally keeled, awned or not; III hyaline ; IV small, 2-fid with an interposed awn, or reduced to a simple awn. PediceUed spikelets usually unlike the sessile ; gl. I awned or not. — A heterogeneous assemblage. * Joints of spikes and pedicels of upper spikelets rather slender; gl. II of sessile spikelet not awned. 9. A. tristiSj Nees ex Hack. Monogr. Androp. 439; spikes 3-6 un- unequal stipitate or subsessile on the peduncle, gl. I of sessile spikelet lanceolate deeply depressed between the thickened sides, lY very narrow 2-fid. Temperate Western Himalaya, alt. 8-1000 ft., from Kashmir to Garwhal. Stems 2-3 ft., compressed, tufted on a stout short or creeping rootstock, slender or rather stout, ei'ect or geniculate below, branching above ; nodes glabrous. Leaves 6-10 by -J-^ in., narrowly linear, sr-aberulous, ratlier rigid, hairy at the base ; lower sheaths broad, compressed ; ligule oblong, membranous. Spikes 1-3 in., livid green ; peduncle 2-6 in., spathe very narrow ; joints and pedicels = f the sessile spikelet, hardly clavate, shortly ciliate. Spikelets loosely imbricate, sessile \ in., very narrow ; callus hairs very short; gl. I more or less scaberulous margins broadly inflexed ; II narrowly oblong, apiculate, ciliate, keel subscaberulous ; III lanceolate, 2-nerved, eiliate ; IV awn short or 0 ; palea minute, quadrate. PediceUed spikelets as long as the sessile, gl. I 3-7 -nerved; II 1-5-nerved; III hyaline; IV 2-fid and mucrouate or 0, paleate or not. ** Joints of spikes and pedicels of upper spikelets clavate or buccini- form. t GL II of sessile spikelets awned. 10. A. apricuSj Trin. in Mem. Acad. PeteYsh. Ser. YI. iv. (1836) 83 ; tall, slender, leaves very narrow, spikes 2-5 hispidulous, joints and pedicels bucciniform, gl. I of sessile spikelets linear 2-cuBpidate or 2-aristulate, IE long-awned, IV bifid awned between the ciliate lobes. Hack, in Mart. Fl. Bras. ii. II 304. A. apricus var. indicus, Hack. Monogr. Androp. 457. A. ascinodis, Clarice in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxv. (1889) 87, t. 36. Khasia Hills, alt. 2-^3500 ft., /. D. H. ^ T. T. {Herh.^ Ind. Or. Androp. n. 4). MuNNEPORE ; on Jackpho, alt. 7500 ft., Clarke. Pegu ; in the Eng forest, Kurz. — DiSTRiB. Trop. Africa and America. ■ Stem 3-5 ft., strict, sparingly branched upwards, quite smooth, nodes glabrous. Leaves 1-3 ft. by ^-^ in., erect, coriaceous, glabrous except a few hairs at the base; sheaths very long, narrow, upper spathiform, very slender, tips setaceous, lower open ; ligule oblong, obtuse, cbartaceous. Inflorescence subpanicled ; peduncle 2-4 in., filiform, puberulous, sheathed almost up to the spikes. Spikes ^-1 in,, very unequal in each fascicle, very shortly stipitate, hairs or cilia rigid setiform brownish, joints and pedicels half as long and as broad as the sessile spikelets, cuneately cam- panulate, base narrow, dorsally rounded, glabrous or scaberulous, sides ciliate with long hairs. Sessile spikeltts i-i in. ; callus conical, rigidly bearded; gl. I deeply channelled dorsally, keels scabrid above the middle, thickened below, nerves 2-nate at the keels; II 1-nerved, margins ciliate, keel setulose at the top, tip 2-fid, awn as long as itself; III linear, hyaline, broadly ciliate; IV shorter, oblong, l-nerved; 170 CLXxiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) [AndrojTogori:- awn 1 in. slender ; palea small, linear-oblong, ciliate. Pedicelled spikelets narrower and rather smaller than the sessile, purplish; gl. I ovate-lanceolate, 2-cuspidate, keels long ciliate above the middle; II and III as in the sessile spikelet. — According to Hackel the Indian plant differs from the African in the longer hairs of the joints and pedicels and in the more exserted peduncle of the spikes, but I find that these and other minute characters are very inconstant. Homoeatherum chinense, Nees^ included under A. apricus, is, I think, certainly A. fastigiatus. 11. A. long-ipes, Sach in Flora (1885) 138 ; annual, stem slender ascending, leaves linear and sheaths sparsely hirsute, spikes 2 both stipitate, peduncle naked (spathe 0), joints many and pedicels rather stout subclavate tips cupped shortly ciliate, sessile spikelets ^ in. dorsally compressed oblong-lanceolate, gl. I broadly unequally winged above the middle aristu- late, II long-awned, lY obovate cleft to the middle, awned between the lobes. NiLGHiBi Hills, Perrottet. Stems 12-16 in., decumbent below, nodes glabrous. Leaves 4-6 by ^-i in., hairs tubercle -based ; ligule very short. Spikes 2-3 in., rather stout, dense- fld., green ; joints and pedicels = ^ the sessile spikelet, concavo-convex, margins rounded. Spikelets imbricating, callus short, obtuse, bearded ; gl. I dorsally sparsely hairy and depressed or convex, many-nerved, wing produced beyond the summit serrulate; II ciliate, 3-nerved, lateral nerves submarginal, tip 2-toothed, keel scaberulous, awn as long as the gl. ; III hyaline, 2-nerved, copiously ciliate ; IV as long as III ; lobes lanceolate, acuminate; awn f in., glabrous. Pedicelled spikelets as long as the sessile, male; gl. I shortly awned, 6-7-nerved; II membranous, 3- iierved ; III and IV linear-oblong, ciliate. — I have seen only one specimen. This, I think, is iaj'oubtful member of the subgenus, the peduncle not arising from a distinct flattened sp^gb^e. ft Glume II of sessile spiheleis not awned, 12. A. pumilus, Boxb. Fl. Ind. i. 273 ; stem paniculately branched, leaves narrow, spikes in pairs, joints and pedicels clavate or trumpet- shaped, sessile spikelets dorsally compressed, gl. I very narrow lanceolate deeply channelled between the thickened keels, lY very narrow bisetose. Kuntk Enum. PL i. 492 ; Steud. 8yn. Gram. 388. A. demissus, Steud. I. c. A. geminatus. Herb. Muss, ex Wall. Cat. n. 8798 0. A. huoiilis, Wight Gat. n. 17(U. A. caesius a, Nees ex Wight I.e. n. 1700. A. hirtus, Heyne in Herb. Both. A. pachyarthrus, Hach. Monogr. Androp. 449; Duihie Grass. N.W- Ind. 21, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. t. 39.— Andropogon, Wall. Cat. n. 8798, A. B. C, 8799. Drier parts of India. Nepal, Wallich, ^c. ; from Banda in Eajpootana, and Surat to the Central Provinces and Coromandel. Annual or perennial ? Stem 6-18 in. high, slender, suberect or geniculate and decumbent below ; nodes glabrous. Leaves 3-5 in., rarely ^ in. broad, sometimes almost filiform, acuminate, glabrous ; sheath compressed, keeled ; ligule short, ti'uucate. Spikes ^-| in., in pairs terminating a very slender peduncle which arises from a narrow flattened glabrous spathe ^-^ in. long; joints 6-8 and pedicels shortly ciliate on one margin, tops dilated cupped with 2-3-toothed margins. Sessile spikelets a in. ; callus glabrous ; gl. I membranous, acuminate, bicuspidate, lateral ribs often ending below in 2 tubercles ; II as long, narrowly lanceolate, mucronate, coriaceous; III shorter, linear, hyaline, 2-nerved; IV very narrow, cleft into two capillary -lobes with an interposed capillary awn -J-^ in. long; palea minute, oblong. Pedicelled spikelets ^-^ m., ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, 5-nerved; gls. 3. — An excellent figure amongst Roxburgh's drawings attests Hackel's A. pachy- arthrus being A. pumilus. The peduncle of the spike is sometimes 2 in. long. Wallich's n. 8799 is very tall and slender, as if drawn up amongst other plants. AndropogonJ] clxxiii. gramine-e. (J. D. Hooker.) 171 13. A. BKunrol, Glarhe in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxv. (1889) 87, t. 37 {char, reform.) ; tall, slender, leaves very narrow, spikes in a small open subsimple panicle terminating solitary capillary sheathed peduncles,, joints and pedicels clavate shortly silkily ciliate, sessile spikelets lanceolate, gl. 1 acumiuate deeply hollowed between the thickened keels, IV very narrow bisetose. North Munnepore, alt. 3500 ft., Clarke. Stem 2-3 ft., sparingly branched upwards, slightly compressed, nodes glabrous. Leaves 6-10 by Jy in., rather coriaceous, smooth, glabrous, nerves close-set, glaucous beneath with prominent midrib ; sheath terete, smooth keeled ; ligule rather long. Spathe l~2i in., very slender, terete, acuminate. Panicle l-la in., as broad as long, of few irregular spreading branches. Spikes 4r-8, ^-f in. long, very shortly stipitate, solitary or 2-3-nate, divaricate or drooping, peduncle and pedicels of spikes smooth, glabrous ; joints and pedicels of upper spikelets with irregularly toothed cupular tips ; lowest pair of spikelets sometimes imperfect or male. Spikelets 4-6 pairs, ■i in. long, laxly imbricating ; sessile, callus shortly softly bearded; gl. 1 coriaceous, glabrous, shining, margins incurved, keels minutely scaberulous, nerves 0, or one vanishing below the middle ; II acuminate, 3-nerved, keel ciliolate above the middle; III hyaline, ovate-oblong, 2-nerved, glabrotis ; IV as long as III, lobes subulate, awn ^-§ in., capillary ; palea minute, truncate. Pedicelled spikelets male, gl. I linear-oblong, convex, subacute, 7 -9-nerved ; IllXcuminate, 3-nerved, glabrous; III as in the sessile spikelets ; IV lanceolate. — The figure in Journ. Linn. Soc. gives the habit of the plant, but the description and analysis are very wrong. The former also errs in citing Androp. No. 4, Herb. Ind. or Hf. & T. under A. Munroi, it is A. apricus. Subgen. V. Amphilophis, Trin. Spihes 2 or more fascicled )r panicled, with many or few joints ; joints and pedicels of upper spikelets narrow, linear, flattened, usually channelled and translucent between the thickened sides along the mesial line, terete and opaque in 21. A. concunensis, 27. fascicularis, and 28. venustus, tips simply truncate. Sessile spikelets dorsally compressed; callus short; gl. I acutely 2-keeled ; II keeled, awn- less ; III hyaline, epaleate ; IV an awn with the base acute or very rarely dilated and 2-toothed or 2-fid. Pedicelled spikelets usually as long as the sessile, but narrower, many-nerved, and male. A. Spikes with many pairs of spikelets. ^ * Pedicels of upper spikelets and joints of rachis slender, strongly com- pressed, with thickened margins and translucent centre. t Spikes digitate or fascicled, not panicled, lower longer than the rachis of the inflorescence. (See also 24. A. intermedius.) § Glume I of sessile spikelets more or less villous lelow the middle. {See also 19. A. pertusus.) 14. A. Zscheemuxn, Linn. Sp. PI. 1047 ; leaves narrowly linear, sheaths compressed, spikes 3-20 slender silky rachis glabrous, sessile spikelets ^-^- in., callus shortly bearded, gl. I oblong minutely truncate not pitted 5-7-nerved more or Icvss appressedly hairy below the middle, keels rigidly ciliate. Kunth Enuwi. PI. i. 499 ; Host Gram. Austr. ii. 3, t. 3 ; Reichh. Ic. Ft. Germ. t. 54 ; Nees Gen. Ft. Germ. Monocot. i. t. 92 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 379; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 474; Aitchis. Gat. Panjab PL 176; Buthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 20, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 35, t. 23; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 531. A. angustifolius, Sibth. & Sm. Prudr. Fl. Grsec. i. 47. A. annulatus, F. Schmidt Fl. Gap. Verd. 157. A. radicans. 172 iDLXxiii. GEAMINE^. (J. H. Hooker.) [Andropogon. Lehm. Ind. Sem. Sort. Samh. 1828 ; NeesFl. Afr. Austr. 106. A. villosus, a, Lamk. Fl. Fr. iii. 364. North West India, from Kashmir and "West Tibet to Kunawur, ascending to 12,000 ft. — DiSTKiB. Westward to S. Europe, and tropics generally or sporadi- cally. Stems 2-3 ft., erect or geniculately ascending, subsimple, naked above ; nodes naked or shortly bearded. Leaves 1-2 ft. by xe^e" ^"-j glabrous or hairy abovp, especially towards the base, glaucous, scaberulous above, base rounded ; sheath loose ; ligule very short. Spikes unequal, 1^-3 in., shortly stipitate, usually purplish. Sessile spikelets, gl. I dorsally flat; II lanceolate, raucronulate, keels scabrid above; III oblong-lanceolate, acute, ciliate ; IV awn ^-f in. Pedicelled spikeleU usually darker than the sessile, male ; gl. I lanceolate, 9-nerved, glabrous, keels ciliate above; II linear-lanceolate, 5-7 -nerved j III linear-cblong, obtuse, ciliate ; IV very narrow. 15. A. Pseudischeemum, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 380; tall, nodes bearded, leaves narrow pruinose beneath, sheaths terete, spikes 4-6 stipitate slender flexuous, rachis smooth, joints and pedicels a little shorter than the spikelets silky, sessile spikelets ^-^ in. lanceolate, callns hairs very short, gl. I imperforate sparsely silkily villous below the middle 7-9-nerved, keels ciliate. Hack. Monog*'. Androp. 477. A. annulatus & quinqueflorus, Seyne in Herh. Rottl. A. TschaBoium, Roxh. Fl. Ind. i. 264. A. oryzetorum. Mack. I. c. A. pentastachyus & undulatus, Heyne ex Wall. Cat. n. 8815 A. A. scandens, Tliw. Enwm. Fl. Zeyl. 368 {non Roxh.) ; Trim. Gat. Ceyl. PL 107. The Decca-N Peninsula, Heyne, &c. Coromandel, Moxlurgh. Ceylon, Thwaites. Stem 2-3 ft., terete glabrous. Leaves 6-10 by ^-^ in., glabrous or fimbriate with long hairs towards the base, upper surface and margins soabrid, lower glaucously pruinose, lateral nerves prominent ; upper margins of the sheath membranous ; ligule very short, ovate, membranous. Spikes flexuous or erect, 2-4 in. long, dull green, subracemose, common rachis smooth, axils bearded, special peduncles \-^ in. ; joints and pedicels slender. Sessile spikelets A-i in. ; gl. I minutely truncate, tip hyaline, keels closely ciliolate and with a few long marginal hairs ; II ciliate, 3- uerved ; III hyaline, oblong, ciliate, 2-nerved or nerveless ; IV awn ^-f in,, base obscurely dilated, palea 0. Pedicelled spikelets longer than the sessile, lanceolate, gl. I 9-nerved, glabrous dorsally, keels scaberulous and ciliate ; II 5-7-nerved ; III ovate-oblong; IV minute or U. — The spikelets vary a good deal in size. The pruinose undersurface of the leaves is a very marked character. Roxburgh's figure of his A. Ischcemum has awns an inch long, but allowance must be made for native artists' work. I have seen only a single specimen of A. oryzetorum, the spikes are very long and flexuous. Hackel distinguishes it from Pseudischcemum by the leaves being scabrous on both surfaces, which they are not in the specimen I have examined . 16. A. compressus, Hook. f.\ stem tall robust compressed, nodes glabrous, leaves long broad flat, sheaths compressed keeled, spikes very many densely subcorymbosely panicled pale flexuous silky, joints and pedicels very slender, sessile spikelets ^ in. ovate-lanceolate, callus hairs = \-\ the spikelet, gl. I imperforate 5-7-nerved villous below the middle, keels minutely scabrid. The Deccan, Lishoa (No. 6. ^4. odoratus)^ Woodroiv. Stem 3-4 ft., as thick as a goose-quill at the base, erect, sparingly branched, leafy. Leaves 1-lJ ft. by ^-l in., finely acuminate, slightly scaberulous on the margins and both surfaces, a little hairy towards the base ; sheaths strongly com- pressed and acutely keeled, uppermost forming a lanceolate spathe 4-6 in. long to the base of the paaicle ; ligule a ciliate membrane. Fascicles of spikes 4-5 in. long, Andro^jogon.'] CLxxin. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 173 erect, branches slender, lowermost ^ in. lou^, and rachis smooth. Spihes 1-2 in. branched at the base, firm, nearly white, callus-hairs ^ the length of the spikelet. Sessile spikelets, joints and pedicels about = \ spiUelet, centre hyaline, upper hairs reaching the top of the sessile spikelet ; gl. I, thin, margin narrowly incurved, tip truncate, hyaline ; II ovate, 1-nerved, tip hyaline ; III shorter, ovate obtuse glabrous nerveless ; IV awn about \ in., inconspicuously margined below. Pedicelled spike- lets narrower than the sessile, hairs of callus half their length ; gl. I 9-11-nerved ; II 3-uerved ; III oblong, long-ciliate, nervtless. — Sent by Lisboa as A. odoratus, but apparently very different from the description of that. plant and from the specimens received in the strongly compressed and acutely keeled sheaths, broad leaves and inflorescence. 17. A. Woodrovil, Hook. /. ; stems tall erect compressed, nodes glabrous, leaves long, sheaths compressed, spikes erect stipitate fascicled strict silky, joints and pedicels slender ciliate with long erect hairs, sessile ppikelets ^-^ in. oblong-lanceolate, callus hairs = |- of the spikelet, gl. I of sessile spikelet 8-12-nerved silky below the middle, tip truncate hyaline, keels ciliolate. Bombay ; Mawal, Woodrow (Herh. Bombay, n. 27). Stems 3-4 ft., tufted on a woody rootstock, thicker than a goose-quill at the base and obtusely 2-edged, solid, stiff, branched above. Leaves 1-2 ft. by |-|- in., rigid, surfaces and margins scaberulous, not pruinose beneath ; sheath loose, keeled, quite smooth ; ligule a truncate ciliate membrane. Spikes 3-5, -j-l in. long, pale, on slender but stiff smooth proper peduncles, f-| in. long ; joints and pedicels linear, margins silky, upper hairs half as long as the spikelet. Sessile spikelets, callus rather long, obtuse ; gl. I coi-iaceous, glabrous above the middle, margins narrowly in- curved, nerves slender ; II chartaceous, 3-nerved, ciliate ; III ovate, acute, nerveless, glabrous ; IV a simple awn ^-| in. Pedicelled spikelets narrower than the sessile ; gl. I 9-uerved, glabrous, keels scabrid ; II 3-nerved, ciliate ; III obovate, ciliate, nerveless; IV 0. — Apparently a very distinct species, of which better specimens are much wanted, the spikes being much broken. Mr. Woodrow observes that the odour is that of camphor. §§ Glume I of sessile spikelets usually quite glabrous (or hairy below the middle in A. pertusus). 18- A. pertusus, Willd. Sp, PI. iv. 922 ; erect or ascending, nodes more or less bearded, leaves linear, sheaths terete, spikes 3-7 usually purple 1-2 in. digitately fascicled shortly stipitate slender feilky, rachis fragile, joints and pedicels silkily ciliate, sessile spikelets }-^ in. oblong-lanceolate minutely truncate usually shining glabrous or sparsely hairy below the middle 5-9- nerved usually 1-2-pitted dorsally callus shortly bearded, keels spinulosely ciliate above. Beauv. Agrost. lol, t. 23, f. 2 ; Br. Prodr. Fl. Austral. 201 ; Uoxb. Fl. Ind. i. 258 ; Kunth Enum. PL i. 498 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 364; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 479; Wight Gat. n. 1696; Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 367 {exrl. Syn.) 437; Trim. Cat. Geyl. PI. 108; Aitchis. Cat. Panjah. PI. 176 (excl. Syn.); Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 21 {excl. Syn), Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 38, t. 25 ; Lisboa in Bomb. Journ. Nat. Hist. vi. (1891), 202 ; Nees Fl. Afr. Ausfr. 107 ; Bentk. Fl. Austral, vii. 530 ; Baker FL Maurit. 445 (excl. some Syns.) ; Boiss. FL Orient, v. 464. A. angustifolius, Pari. Fl. Palerm. i. 269. A. panormitanus, Par^. Fl. Ital. i. 140. A. panctatus, Aitchis. in Journ Linn. Soc. xviii. (1881) 111 {not of Boxb.). Lepeocercis pertusa, Hassk. PI. Jav. Bar. 52. Eleonurus pertusus, Nees mss. ex Steud. L c. Holcus pertusus, Linn. Mant. ii. 301. — Andro- pogon, Wall. Cat n. 8804 A. B. C. D. 174 CLXxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) [Andropogon. Drier parts of India; from the Panjab to Burma, and southward to Ceylon. — DiSTRiB. Westwards to Sicily ; trop. Asia, Africa, and Australia. Very variable in habit and stature, rarely 12 in. high, tufted, annual or perennial ; stem sometimes creeping and rooting, usually ascending from a leafy base, slender, even filiform ; nodes sometimes densely bearded. Leaves 2-12 by xV*6 ^"^ ^cute or acuminate, glabrous except at the ciliate base, rarely hairy, surfaces scaberulous, dull green j sheath hardly compressed, glabrous or villous ; ligule short, membranous, truncate. Spikes pale or purplish ; joints and pedicels very slender = ^ the sessile spikelet ; gl. I of sessile spikelet subacute, coriaceous; II 1-3-nerved ; III-Knear- oblong, obtuse, glabrous ; IV, awn ^-f in., capillary, base slightly dilated ; palea minute or 0. Fedicelled spikelets like the sessile, male or neuter ; gl. I 7-13-nerved, glabrous, pitted or not, keels ciliolate throughout their length ; II lanceolate, 5- nerved, ciliate; III linear-oblong, glabrous ; IV short or 0. — Lisboa describes the spikelets as aromatic when crushed. Hackel has the following Indian varieties, all of which, except longijolius, are united by various intermediates. o. genuinus ; gl. I thin not shining more or less villous below the middle, spikes 3-9. — Common. 3. Wightii ; sheaths villous, nodes long bearded, spikes about 15. — " Panvanasum," Wight Cat, n. 1696. 6. longifolius; tall, erect, stout from a woody stock, 2-4 ft. high, nodes densely bearded, leaves 12-18 by ^ in. hairy, sheaths hirsute, lower spikes branched, spikelets quite glabrous, gl. I of lower spikelet coriaceous. A. Arnottianus, JVees in Wight Cat. n. 2338.— Andropogon, Wall. Cat. n. 8803.— Ceylon ? Wight.— A very different looking plant from the other forms of A. pertusus. r).. insculptus; sheaths glabrous, gl. I of sessile spikelets 1-2-pitted truncate, keels longer ciliate. A. insculptus, A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss, ii. 458. A. bifoveolatus & subunifoveolatus, Steud. Syn. Gram, 380. — Not uncommon. 19. Ai Foulkesii, IIooh.f.\ stem erect or ascending very slender, nodes glabrous, leaves narrowly linear, sheaths terete, spikes 3-6 1-1^ in. long digitately fascicled long-stipitate slender purplish, joints and pedicels shortly ciliate, sessile spikelets ^— g- in. oblong-lanceolate dorsally de- pressed in the middle line imperforate 7-nerved glabrous keels pectinately ciliate. NiLGHTRi Hills, Wight ; Kaity, Foulhes ; Pykora, King. Perennial. Stem 12-18 in. Leaves 6-10 by ^~\ in., finely acuminate, glabrous or hispid on both surfaces with spreading hairs, midrib very strong; sheath glabrous, mouth and ligule villous with long hairs. Spikes 1-1^ in,, special peduncles ^-1 in., very slender, axils bearded with long soft hairs ; joints and pedicels slender, flat with thickened margins and diaphanous centre. Sessile spikelets -J-i in., tip 2-toothed, callus bearded ; gl. I dorsally flattened or convex, nerves obscure or distinct ; II acuminate, 3-nerved, keel scaberulous above, margins ciliate; III shorter, lanceolate, nerveless; IV awn ^-| in., capillary, palea 0. Fedicelled spikelet longer and narrower than the sessile; gl. I strongly 9-nerved. — Resembles A. Ischcemum, diflfering in the much shorter hairs of the joints and pedicels and glabrous spikelets. 20. A. concanensis, Hook. f. ; slender, erect, leafy, leaves very narrow sheaths terete, nodes glabrous, spikes 5-8 2-2|- in. long loosely fascicled long-stipitate slender flexuous pale, joints and pedicels slender compressed not deeply sulcate sparsely shortly ciliate, spikelets | in. ovate- or oblong-lanceolate narrowly truncate glabrous 7-nerved keels very shortly ciliate. Bombay, Woodrow (Herb. Bomb. n. 28). Perennial. Stems many from a nodose stock, 28-24 in., firm, smooth, terete, leafy. Leaves 8-10 by -^-^-^ in., finely acuminate, smooth on both surfaces; sheaths. Aiidro2:)ogon.'] clxxiii. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 175 smooth ; ligule a ridge. Spihes very pale, rachls aud proper peduncles filiform, glabrous, the latter ^-f in. long, axils slightly bearded ; joints and pedicels = ^ tlie lower spiktlet, compressed, hardly grooved and not translucent in the centre, sides not thickened. Sessile spikelets small, callus hairs = \ the gls. ; gl. I thin, nerves very slender, keels ciliate with stiff very short bristles ; II lanceolate, acuminate, ciliate, nerves 3 faint; III much smaller, oblong, obtuse, nerveless; IV, awn | in., capillary, base slightly dilated. Pedlcelled spikelets narrower than the sessile, gl. I 9-nerved ; II and III as in the sessile; IV small, oblong, often unequally 2-fid, ciliate, nerveless. — Although the pedicels of the upper spikelets and joints of the rachis are not as in typical Amphilophis, this appears to be the position of A. concanensis. 21. £L.lSL.\i-n.txe2L.tiU.S^ Sack. Monogr.Androp.^lS; tall, nodes thickly bearded, leaves narrowly linear smooth, sheaths terete glabrous, spikes 12-15 |-2 in. long densely fascicled slender silky purplish, joints and pedicels plumosely ciliate with long hairs, sessile spikelets \ in. linear- lanceolate, callus hairs = ^ the spikelets, gl. I pitted or not 7-9-nerved keels subpectinately ciliate towards the 2-toothed tip. The CoNCAN and Central Peovinces, Kuntze, Dathie. Stem 3-5 ft., as thick as a goose-quill below, with 2-3 slender flowering branches above, terete, smooth. Leaves 10 in. and upwards by i-5 in., glabrous, glaucous, smooth, margins scaberulous, upper cauline short, rigid. SpiTces corymbose, slender, flexnous, proper peduncles ^-^ in., slender, glabrous; joints and pedicels = ^ the lower spikelet or more, translucent in the middle line. Sessile spikelets narrow; gl. I quite glabrous, thin ; II lanceolate, acuminate or mucronate, margins ciliolate ; III lanceolate, glabrous ; IV awn about ^ in., base somewhat dilsAted. Pedicelled spikelets narrower than the sessile, male ; gl. I strongly 9-11-nerved, keels ciliate scabrid at the entire tip; II 5-nerved; III ovate-oblong ciliate, nerveless; IV small, linear, or 0. 22. A. ensiforxnis, SooJc. f. ; stem erect stont compressed, nodes glabrous, leaves erect strict narrowly ensiform acuminate, sheath strongly compressed, spikes many in a thyrsiform fascicle shortly stipitate, joints and pedicels silky with long hairs, sessile spikelets ^ in. ovate-oblong, callus hairs = ^ the spikelet, gl. I membranous dorsally flat 5-7 -nerved very sparsely silkily villous towards the base, tip truncate keels minutely ciliate. The CoNCAN ? Dalzell. Stems 2 ft. and upwards, densely tufted, base as thick as the thumb, with stout roots, clothed with the compressed equitant leaf-sheaths. Leaves 8-10 by i-^ in., rigid, strongly nerved, glabrous or sparsely hairy, tips acicular, margins and both surfaces scaberulous ; sheaths smooth, lower equitant; ligule short, scarious. Spikes i-| in., in an erect narrow thyrsus 3 in. long, pale purplish, proper peduncles i-^ in,; joints and pedicels very slender, flat with a translucent channel, ciliate with very long erect hairs. Sessile spikelets, callus small ; gl. I thin, shining, margins rather narrowly incurved, keels slender ; II ovate-oblong, acute, 3-nerved, ciliate, not keeled ; III narrowly oblong, ciliate ; IV a very narrow entire or 2-toothed mem- branous dilatation of the base of the slender awn, which is |-f in. long. Pedicelled spikelets as long as the sessile, linear-oblong ; callus naked ; gl. I convex, many- nerved ; II 5-nerved ; III linear-oblong, ciliolate ; IV 0. — I have seen only a single specimen from the Herbarium of the late Mr. A. Dalzell, with no locality marked. The straight sword-shaped leaves are remarkable. ft Spikes racemed or panicled, lower much shorter than the rachis of the inflorescence. 23. A* interxnedius, Br. Trodr. 20 ; inodorons, tall, leaves narrowly 176 CLixiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) [Andropogori.. linear, sheatlis terete, racliis and branches of panicle glabrous, spikes fragile, joints and pedicels slender densely ciliate, sessile spikelets |-^ in. oblong-lanceolate acute, callus hairs very short, gl. I of sessile spikelets glabrous or sparsely hairy or hispid below pitted or not, keels scabrid towards the tip. Kunth Enum. PI. i. 500 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 392; Hack. Monoqr. Androp. 485; Lishoa in Bomb. Journ. Nat. Hist. iv. (1889), & vi. (1891)69,202. A. pertusns, Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 367 {in part). PA. FsendlaGhsBmnm, Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 21, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 88. A. fascicularis, Thw. I. c. 437 ; Trim. Gat. Geyl. PI. 108 ; Bent)i. El. Austral. vii. 531. Holcus montanus, Herh. Ham. ex Wall. Cat. n. 8805 C. — Andro- pogon, Wall. Gat. n. 8804 E, 8805, 8806, 8815 0. Throughout India, from the Panjab (ascending^ the "Western Himalaya to 8000 ft.) to Bengal and Arracan and southward to Ceylon. — Disteib. Westward to the Caucasus, China, Malaya, and the Pacific. Trop. Africa. Perennial. Stem 3-5 ft., stout or slender, slightly flattened on one side ; nodes glabrous or hairy. Leaves 6-18 by i-J in., flat, glaucous, setaceously acuminate, ciliate towards the base ; sheath hairy at the top ; ligule very short, truncate. Panicle very variable in form and density, pyramidal thyrsiforra or subcorymbose, rachis and branches glabrous the latter usually in opposite pairs; spikes variable in length. Spikelets pale green or purplish ; gl. I rather thin, obtuse or narrowly- truncate, 4-7-nerved ; II oblong or lanceolate, 3-nerved, keel smooth, margins glabrous; III = i I, oblong, glabrous, nerveless; IV a slender awn, 1-1^ in. long, palea 0. — Pedicelled spikelets linear-oblong or -lanceolate ; gl. I 5-9-nerved, glabrous, keels ciliolate ; II lanceolate, 3-nerved, ciliate; III shorter, oblong, glabrous, nerve- less ; IV 0. — A variable plant, nearest perhaps to a Kuntzeanus from which the paniculate inflorescence and smaller spikelets distinguish it. In some specimens the spikes are reduced to a few, and then the paniculate character disappears. The following ai-e Hackel's varieties of the Indian plant, which a larger series of specimens than he had access to tends to invalidate. — Roxburgh's A. punctatus and A. glaber (Anatherum glabrum, Schult. Mant. ii. 446) of both which there are good original drawings, do not fall under any of Hackel's vars. Both have pitted gl I ; ^. glaber has few i-pikes on the branches of the panicle, A. punctatus has many long quite simple spikes on a rather short rachis. Hackel has given a plant of Duthie's fi-om Simla, 7-8000 ft., the mss. name of var. himalayensis ; it is, I think^ referable to var. caucasicus. Var. genuinus ; panicle 4-5 in. subsimple, branches with one or few spikes, gl. I not pitted appressedly hairy below, keels rigidly ciliolate. A. Vachelii, Nees in Hook. Sf Am. Bot. Beech. Voy. 243. Kumaon, Duthie {ex Hackel). Var. HoBnkii ; panicle 5-6 in. compound, branches with 4-8 spikes, sessile spike- lets i in., gl. I rarely pitted slightly depressed along the middle line, keels rigidly ciliolate. A. Hsenkii, Fresl Bel. Hcenk. i. 340, A. Vachelii, /3, Hook. Sf Am. I.e. A. leptanthus, Steud. Syn. i. 391. Rliaphis stricta, Nees in Hook. Kew Journ. ii. (1850) 99.— Ceylon (C.P. u. 411 in part). Var. caucasicus ; panicle 3-4 in. subsimple, branches simple or subdivided, sessile spikelfts i in., gl. I not pitted sparsely hispid below the middle. A. caucasicus, I'rin. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Ser. VI. ii. (1833) 286. Sorghum caucasicum, Oriseb. in Ledeh. Fl. Boss. iv. 476. — Black Mts., Duthie. Yar. picncfatus; panicle 4-6 in. compound, branches with many spikes, sessile spikelets |-^ in., gl. 1 pitted sparsely hairy below the middle, keels rigidly ciliolate. A. punctatus, Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 328 ; Steud. Syn, Gram. 391 {an Boxh. ?). A. perfossus, Nees ex Steud. I. c. — Commou. ? 25. A, montanus, Roxb. Fl. Ind. i. 267 {non Bentli. & Hackel) ; tall, ascending from a stout creeping base, leaves long slender, panicle tall pyramidal, branches snbverticilled capillary strict bearing one or several very slender elongate spikes, joints and pedicels sparsely hairy, spikeltts Andropngon.'] CLXXiii. gpamine^e. (J. D. Hooker.) 177 minute, gL 1 not pitted sparsely hairy. Kunth Enum. PL i. 506. PA. saccharoides, JRoxh. 1. c. 263 {non Sw.). Northern Circabs, Roxburgh. Stem 3-4 ft., as thick as a large crow-quill, creeping and nodose below. Leaves remarkably long, a little hairy on the upper side near the base only; mouth of sheath bearded. Panicle 4-8 in., pale green. — There are two excellent drawings of this plant in Roxburgh's collection (Nos. 90 and 889) both marked A. montanus, iu which the lower branches of the panicle are 3-nate, the rest alternate, all bearing several spikes of about an inch long. Two other of Roxburgh's drawings, n. 890 and 2017, of which the latter bears the name of saccharoides, represent a plant differing apparently from montanum only in the panicle being composed of simple shortly pedicelled much longer spikes. The difference between the two forms is analogous to what occurs in A. intermedius, from which A. montanus diflfers in the much more slender pale green panicle, and spikes with minute spikelets, and in the capillary joints and pedicels not being represented as compressed and as being laxly covered with distant long spreading hairs. As to this latter character, which is uniform in all four drawings, allowance must be made for native artists' work. I have seen no plant resembling this species, which is a native of a region botanically unexplored since Roxburgh's day. It has obviously no affinity with that which Hackel, following Benthara, has described as montanus, Roxb., and which plant Roxburgh probably never saw. 26. A. odoratus^ Dna. Lishoa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. iv. (1889) 123, cum Ic. & yi. (1891) 68, 203; aromatic, stem stout, nodes villous, leaves long broad, sheaths compressed, spikes few or many densely fascicled stipitate silky purplish, rachis and branches glabrous, sessile spikelets ^-^ in., callus densely silky, gl. I oblong- lanceolate truncate 7-nerved rarely pitted villous below the middle keels scaberulous. The Deccan; Khandeish, Poona, &c., Lishoa. Stem 3-4 ft,, as thick as a swan's quill at the base, sparingly branched, leafy. Leaves 1-2 ft., by i-j in., flat, acuminate, scaberulous on both surfaces and on the margins, bright green, nerves strong; sheath long, glabrous, smooth, upper sheathing the base of the inflorescence; ligule membranous, truncate. Panicle 2-4 in.; branches filiform and spikes 1-2 in. suberect, slender, flexuous ; spikes rather tena- cious, joints and pedicels flattened with a translucent centre, tips truncate. Sessile spikelets, callus-bairs half as long as the gls. ; gl. I thin, rarely pitted, nerves slender, tip truncate, hyaline, nerveless; II keeled, thin, obtuse or truncate, ciliate ; III shorter than II, ovate-lanceolate, eciliate, nerveless ; awn about f in., faintly dilated towards the base. Pedicelled spikelets as long as the sessile or rather longer ; gl. I narrow, many-nerved, dorsally glabrous ; II 3-nerved, ciliate ; III shorter, oblong, obtuse, nerveless, ciliate. — The compressed sheaths, panicled spikes, villous gl. I of the sessile spikelets, and aroma, seem to distinguish this from A. Kuntzeanus, which it strongly resembles in a dry state. ** Pedicels of upper spikelets and joints of rachis subterete, not or obscurely channelled, with no translucent centre. (See also 20. con- canensis.) 27. A. fasclcularis, Boxb. Fl. Ind. i. 265 ; annual, slender, leaves linear, sheaths hardly compressed, panicle oblong, branches subsolitary flowering almost to the base sparingly divided, spikes slender snb- Bessiie, joints and pedicels linear subterete or compressed not channelled shortly rigidly ciliate, sessile spikelets ^-\ in., gl. 1 ovate-lanceolate flat smooth scabrous or shining 7-9-nerved keels shortly ciliate towards tha VOL. VII. N 178 CLXXiii. QRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) [Andropogon. truncate tip. Steud. Syn. Gram. 392 ; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 541. A. gangeticus, Hack. I. c. 539. — Andropogon, Wall. Cat. n. 8816. Tropical Himalaya, from Garwhal to Sikkira. Loweb Bengal, Assam, the Central Provinces, and Burma. — Distrib. Tonkin, Stem 2-3 ft., decumbent and branched below, leafy, nodes glabrous or nearly so. Leaves 12-16 by ^-\ in., glabrous or hairy, base narrowed, setaceously acuminate, scaberulous ; sheath hirsute or subglabrous, mouth bearded ; ligule shortly ovate. Panicle 1-2 in., long-peduncled, usually narrow, green or purplish ; rachis slender, glabrous or nodes bearded ; branches erect, lower usually binate covered to the base with spikes. Spikes i-^ in. ; joints few, flattened but not 2-ribbed, ciliate with white or purple hairs. Sessile spikelets dorsally flattened, callus bearded ; gls. thin, I glabrous on back and sides, margins involute, nerves very slender; II charta- ceous, acute, 5-7-nerved ; III lanceolate, 2-uerved, ciliate ; IV much shorter, 2-fid, lobes triangular, ciliate ; awn \ in. long ; palea 0, or minute, broadly ovate. Ovary glabrous. PediceUed spikelets neuter, narrower than the sessile ; gl. I many-nerved, keels scaberulous ; II acute, 7-nerved ; III obovate-oblong, ciliate. — A good character of this species is the branches of the panicle bearing spikelets down close to the rachis. Hackel (who doubtfully places this in his subgenus Sorghum) describes gl. IV of the sessile spikelet as having a lanceolate acuminate glabrous nerveless palea as long as the gl. j no doubt an error. 28. A. venustus, Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 367 ; stems tall, leaves narrow, sheaths hardly compressed, panicle elongate interrupted, rachis and spreading opposite and alternate branches capillary glabrous, spikes small, joints 3-8 and pedicels very slender glabrous terete not chan- nelled, sessile spikelets narrowly lanceolate acute, gl. I dorsally com- pressed nerveless tip 2-toothed, keels scabrid above the middle, II very shortly awned, keel smooth or scabrid upwards. Hack. Monogr. Androp. 645 ; 'Trim. Gat. Ceyl. PI. 108. Ceylon ; Central Province, alt. 4000 ft., Thwaites. Stem 2-4) ft., strict, subsimple, as thick as a goose-qnlU below and clothed with short pubescent sheaths. Leaves 12-16 in., smooth or scaberulous above, midrib very broad and prominent beneath ; sheath subcompressed, smooth ; ligule a ridge of hairs. Panicle 12-16 in., dull purplish, much branched. Spikes narrow, lax- fld., joints 3-8 and pedicels = -j the sessile spikelets. Sessile spikelets ^ in., slightly curved ; callus small, stellately bearded with white hairs ; gl. I quite smooth, flat or rather convex dorsally ; II chartaceous, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, 3-nerved, keel acute ; III smaller, ovate, acuminate or aristulate, ciliate above, 1-3-nerved ; IV linear, 2-fid, awn very slender. PediceUed spikelets longer than the sessile and more acuminate, nearly glabrous, male ; gl. I 7-nerved, 3 towards the margin on each side; II and III as in the sessile; IV narrow, glabrous, awn 0. — Hackel, who places this in subgen. Vetiveria, describes gl. I of the pedicelled spikelet as 5-nerved. The habit spikelets and glumes ai'e those of subgen. AmphilopMs, but the joints and pedicels are not channelled. Duthie (Grass. N.W. Ind. 22) gives the Jhelum Valley, Stewart^ as a habitat, doubtless erroneously. ^ B. Spikes small, of 1-3- rarely 4 pairs of spikelets, often reduced to 3 spikelets, a sessile and 2 pedicelled. Panicle more or less pyramidal, rachis and branches capillary. «• 29. A. mlcrantlius, Kunth Bevis. Gram. i. 165, Enum. PI. i. 504; stem erect or ascending simple or nearly so, leaves linear base hardly narrowed sheaths closed, spikes of 2-3 pairs of spikelets, joints and pedicels shortly ciliate or subglabrous, sessile spikelets yV~8 i°-» gl- I linear-oblong dorsally channelled glabrous scaberulous or villous, keels minutely subpectinately ciliate. Steud. Syn. Gram. 396 ; Hack. Monogr. Andropogon.'] cLXxni. qriminejj. (J. D. Hooker.) 179 Androj). 488 ; Lishoa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. iv. (1889), vi. (1891) 69. A. alternans, Presl Ueli^Hsenk. i. 342 ; Kunth Enum. I. c. 602. A. coeru- lescens, Kunth I.e. 504. A. capilliflorus, Steud. in Zoll. Syst. Verz. bS. A. parvispica, Steud. I. c. ^97. A. serratus, Miq. Prolus. FL Jap. i. 192. Anatherum parviflorum, Spreng. 8i/st. i. 290. Chrysopogoa violascens, Trin,. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Ser. Yl. ii. (1893) 319. Sorghum parviflorum, Beauv. exBoem. 8/- Sch. Syst. ii. 840. Ehaphis coerulescens, Desv. Opusc. 69. E. microstacliya, Nees ex Steud. I. c. 397. Holcu8 coeralescens, Gaud, in Freyc. Yoy. Bot. 411, t. 27. H. parviflorus, Br. Prodr. 199. Western Himilata, from the Ravi to Kumaon, alt. 4-6000 ft. Khasia Hills, alt. 5000 ft., Clarke. The Nilohiei, Concan and Deccan Hills. — DiSTRiB. E. Asia and Malaya, Australia, S. Africa. Stem 2-3 ft., as thick as a crow-quill or thicker, terete, nodes more or less bearded. Leaves 6-12 by ^-5 in., setaceously acuminate, flat, more or less hairy with tubercle- based hairs, surfaces and margins scabernlous, base rounded ; sheaths tight ; ligule short, truncate. Panicle 2-6 in., oblong or pyramidal ; rachis and branches spreading, perfectly smooth, flexuous. Spikes -i-i in., pale yellow violet or red-brown, joints and pedicels slender often ciliate on one margin only. Spikelets small, callus steliately bearded ; gl. I narrowly truncate, 4-6-nerved, seaberulous in all the specimens I have examined ; margins narrowly inflexed ; II lanceolate, acuminate or mucronate, seaberulous, 1-3-nerved ; III short, obtuse, eciliate, nerve- less ; IV awn ^-§ in. Pedicelled spikelets male, callus naked ; gl, I oblong, 7-nerved, margins hardly inflexed ; II oblong, obtuse, 3-5-nerved ; III oblong, hyaline ; IV narrow, awnless. — Spikes often reduced to 3 spikelets, a sessile and 2 pedicelled males. — I have not cited Hackel's synonymy and authorities for the non- Indian forms with more spikelets in each spike. It is very difficult to distinguish A. micranthus from small forms of ^. assimiliB. I have seen no specimens from Lisboa. Var. villosulus, Hack. 1. c. 490 j usually much stouter, sheaths bearded at the nodes and leaves hispidly hairy, gl. I of sessile spikelets often hispidulons. A. villosulus, Steud. Syn. Gram. 397; Lishoa in Bomb . Journ. Nat.Bist. vi. (1891) 69 — (villosus). Chrysopogon villosulus, iVees ex Dufhi^ Grass. N.W. Ind,2,'i (^excl. some Syns.). C. montanus, Duthie Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 40. Rhaphis villosula, Nees ex Steud. I. c. — Kumaon, Eoyle, &c. Rajputana, Mt. Aboo, Duthie. Behar, on Parusnath, J. D. H., &c. Khasia Hills, Griffith. 30. A. 2k.&siTni\i&, Steud. in Zoll. Syst. Verz. 58; Syn. Gram. 397; Ruffruticose, fastigiately branched from a decumbent base, leafy, leaves linear-lanceolate much narrowed to the base, lower sheaths open, branches of pyramidal panicle capillary at length widely spreading, joints and pedicels shortly ciliate, sessile spikelets yV~8 iii^ gl- I oblong or linear- oblong narrowly truncate glabrous or silkily villous below the middle 2-5-nerved between the shortly pectinately ciliate keels. Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii.489. A. montanus, Benth.Fl. Hongk. 423 (excl. Syn.) ; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 491 {excl. Syn.) ; Lisboa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc.vi. (1891) 203. A. capillaceus, Wall. mss. A. glaucopsis & subrepens, Steud. I. c. Chrysopogon pictus, Hance in Ann. Sc. Nat. Ser. 6, v. (1866) 252. 0. glaucopsis, Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 22. Rhaphis repens, Nees ex Steud. I. c— Chrysopogon, Wall Cat. n. 8781, 8786, 8787, 8790. Temperate Himalaya, from Kashmir to Sikkim, ascending to 5*^00 ft. The Khasia and Munnepore Hills. Behar ; on Parusnath, alt. 4000 ft. Burma, Wallich. Rajpootana, Duthie. The Deccan and Central India, King^ &c. — DiSTRiB. Java, China, Japan. Stems 6 to probably 1 2 ft. or more ; as thick as a goose-quill at the base, hard, shining, sometimes proliferously branched here and there, nodes more or less bearded. N 2 180 OLXXiii. GRAMiNEJ), (J. D. Hookcr.) lAndropogon, Leaves 2^-6 by -^-^ in., setaceously acuminate, rather flaccid, glabrous or sparsely hairy on both surfaces, margins subserrulate ; sheaths u§n;illy bearded at t)ie mouth, upper appressed, lower op^a and often divaricate; ligule^ obscure. Panicle 2-5 in., triangular, ternately branched ; rachis and branches capillary, glabrous, axils more or kss bearded. Spikes ^-^ in., joints and pedicels very slender, hairs not longer than the joint. Spikelets pale green ; gl. I membranous, margins incurved some- times cil ate with a few very long hairs, flat or concave towards the centre; II acute, margins nearly glabrou-*, keel flattened ciliolate aliovc ; II [ ovate, obtuse, glabrous ; IV awn \~^ in., slender, base acute. Pedicelled spikelets larger than the sessile, male or neuter ; gl. I linear-lanceolate, green or reddish, glabrous or ciliate, 7-nerved, keels ciliolate; II 3-5-nerved ; III ^ shorter, oblong, glabrous, nerveless; IV 0. — I have seen no Javanese or other authentic specimens, and hence assume the correctness of Hackel's identification of the Indian plant with it. It is certainly not Eoxburgh's A. montanus, 31. A. Hugrelli; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 492 ; stem erect brancliing from the base, nodes bearded, leaves much narrowed below or petioled linear scaberulons, panicle ovate-oblong, spikes with 2-3 pairs of spikelets, joints shortly ciliate, sessile spikelets ^f in., gl. I oblong or oblong- lanceolate glabrous or villous below the middle T-nerved tip truncate keels ciliate with lonsr hairs, III minute ovate. Liahoa in Joum, Bomb. Nat. Sist. Soc. vi. (1891) 69. Western Himalaya ? Huegd. Rajpootana, on Mt. Aboo, King, &c. Central India. and the Central Provinces, Duthie, &c. Stem shortly creeping or sutFrutescent below, often red, branches 2^-3^ ft. Leaves 4-10 by ^-5 in,, acuminate, puberulous beneath, margins scaberulous some- times ciliate with long hairs ; sheath slightly compressed ; ligule short, mem- branous, ciliate. Panicle 2-3^ in., shining, branches capillary, axils softly bearded. Spikei about i in. long, green or purplish ; gl. I of sessile spikelets truncate, chartaceous, dorsally polished, margins narrowly incurved, cilia of keels very variable in length; II glabrous, truncate, apiculate, ciliate, keel much thickened; III minute, ovate, glabrous ; awn of IV ^-| in., base very slender. Pedicelled spikelets rather longer than the sessile, lanceolate, green or purple ; gl. I 9-11- nerved, ksels and back ciliate; II as long, acuminate, 5-nerved, ciliate; III nearly as long, hyaline, oblong, obtuse, glabrous; IV very narrow. — I have seen no typical specimen of this plant which Hackel described from Huegel's specimens, of which the habitat is unknown. The gl. Ill he describes as absent, an oversight, as it is present in spikelets of the type kindly procured from Vienna for me by Dr. Stapf, and in those collected by King, Duthie and others. Lisboa 1. c. 69 describes a var. foetidus, Hack. mss. as common all over the Bombay Presidency, and as having a soft and very pleasant smell. I fail to find any characters in the specimens I have examined, or in the descriptions given, to distinguish it from A. Huyelii, except that according to Lisboa the pedicelled spikelet offoetidus has no gl. IV. 32. A. Schmidii, Hooh. f. ; stems subsimple or branching below, ascending leafy, nodes bea.rded, leaves lanceolate acuminate rigid gcabrid above base suddenly contracted, sheaths terete smooth, panicle contracted, branches short erect, sessile spikelets broadly oblong obtuse convex 6-7- nerved between the very shortly ciliate and sparsely hairy keels, margins narrowly incurved, IT broadly oblong glabrous 3-nerved, III very small ovate, lY a calender awn. NiLGHiRi Hills ; Sclimid ; Nadavatum, in pastures, alt. 6000 ft., Latvson. Stem 3-4 ft., rather stout, red-brown, smooth. Leaves 3-5 by -J—j in., finely acuminate, midrib strong, ecabrid above with sometimes tubercle-based bristles, scaberulous beneath, margins scaberulous ; sheath long, mouth bearded ; ligule obscure. Panicle 2-4 in., loosely or densely branched ; branches and branchlets Aiidropogon.] clxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 181 smooth. Spikelets brown or dull green, callus short, broad, shortly bearded ; gl. I rather coriaceous, dorsally shining, smooth or scaberulous; II chartaceous ; III broadly ovate, obtuse, nerveless ; IV awn ^ in., very slender. Fedicelled spikelets narrower; pedicels shortly ciliate; gl. I 9-nerved, ciliate all over; II narrowly lanceolate, 5-nerved, margins ciliate; III oblong; IV 0. — A stouter grass than the foregoing, with very scubrid leaves and much broader spikelets. Allied to A. micranthus, difiering conspicuously in the rigid scabrid foliage. 33. A. fillci!.linls, Hook. /. ; annual, stem elongate filiform flaccid much branched, nodes bearded, leaves 2-4 in. linear-lanceolate finely acumi- nate flaccid base suddenly narrowed, sheaths lax lov^er open, panicle long-peduncled lax-fld., rachis and branches capillary, pedicels of upper spikelets ciliate with long hairs, sessile spikelets yV~8 in. oblong-lanceolate obtuse 6-7-nerved between the keels villous belowthe middle or all over, keels ciliate with long slender hairs. The Deccan ; Poonah, in rocky places, Jacquemonf (n. 310) ; Mawae ; Dhom- sha, Woodrow (Herb. Bomb. n. 26.) Stems 2-3 ft., apparently decumbent and interlaced, copiously geniculately branched throughout, quite glabrous, very weak, interuodes long pubescent. Leaves pale green, |-i in. broad, tip filiform, glabrous or sparsely hairy beneath, margins smooth ciliate towards the very narrow base, costa and nerves very slender ; sheaths long, narrow, spreading at the ramifications, glabrous, bearded at the top ; ligule broad, membranoua, ciliate. Panicle 1-2 in., branches few of extreme slender- ness. Spikelets pale green or white; callus densely shortly villous; gl. I of sessile membranous, nerves faint; II oblong, truncate, mucronate, 3-nerved, glabrous; III very small, ^ovate, nerveless, eciliate ; IV, awn ^-f in., column brown twisted. Fedicelled spikelets narrower than the sessile ; gl. I lanceolate, tip truncate mucro- nate, 7-9-nerved, cilinte; with long hairs; II as long, ovate-lanceolate, acute, strongly 5-7-nerved ; III broadly oblong, hyaline, nerveless; IV 0. — A very delicate grass. The sessile spikelets of Jacquemont's specimens are nearly glabrous, of VVoodrow's densely villous, with snow-white hairs. 34. A. pteropechys, Clarke in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxv. (1889) 88, t. 88 ; stem very slender, nodes bearded, leaves very narrow, upper sheath spathiform, panicle subpyramidal, branches few capillary villous beneath the few pale brown spikes, spikelets 3-5, joints and pedicels shortly ciliate, sessile spikelets ^ in., gl. I oblong obtuse 9-nerved glabrous keels pectinately ciliate for the upper f. Hach. Monogr. Androp. 690. Munnepore; on Jakpho and Kohima, alt. 5500-7500 ft., Clarke. Perennial. Stem 2-3 ft. erect from a creeping rootstock, sparingly branched, leafy upwards, nodes thickly bearded. Leaves 3-fi by |-i in., finely acuminate, narrowed towards the base, above and margins scaberulous ; beneath sparsely hairy ; sheaths closed, glabrous ; ligule very short, ciliate. Panicle 2-3 in. ; branches 3-6, ascend- ing, flexuous, glabrous except below the spikes where they are villous with brown hairs. Spikes J-f in. ; pedicels of upper spikelets very slender, = \ the sessile spikelets and joints grooved. Spikelets erect, callus hairs = ;} the spikelet ; gl. I dorsally quite glabrous ; II ovate-lanceolate, acute, 3-nerved, ciliate ; III small, ovate, nerveless ; awn ^ in., capillary, base acute. Pedicelled spikelets narrower than the sessile; gl. I 9-11 -nerved ; 11 3-nerved; III oblong, obtuse, glabrous, nerveless. Sultgen. YI. Sorghum, Hack. Spikes panicled, tips of branchlets of panicle- not bearded, joints 1 or few and pedicels filiform not or obscurely grooved ventrally, tips truncate. Spilxele^s few, often large, more or less dorsally compressed, broadly oblong ovoid or lanceolate ; callus short ; gl. I of sessile spikelets coriaceous, often shining, margins narrowly inflexed 182 OLXxiii. QRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hookei.) lAndropogon, above, involute below ; II awnless ; III hyaline, 2-nerved ; IV entire or 2-fid and awned in the cleft, rarely awnless. Lodicules (in the Indian species) ciliate. 35. A. halepensls, Brot. Fl. Lusit. i. 89; perennial, tall, stoat or slender, panicle decompound, rachis of spike fragile, joints bearing a ciraularscar with entire margins, pedicelled spikelets nsually male about aT'long but narrower thaii the Sf^ssile, pedicel = | the sessile spikelet. Sihth. Fl. Orsec. i. t. 68 ; Kunth Enum. PI i. 502, Suppl 412, t. 40, f. 1 ; Steud. S^n. Gram. 394; Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 366. A, arundinaceus. Scop. Fl. Gam. Ed. ii. 274. A. avenaceas, H. B. & K. Nov. Gen. 8f Sp. i. 189. A. controversus & dubitatus, Steud. Syn. Gram. 391, 394. A. laxus, Hoxb. Fl. Ind. i. 271 {non Willd.). A. miliaceus, Boxb. I. c. 272 ; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 541. A. miliformis, Schult. Mant. ii. 448. A. Sorghum, subsp. halepensis, Hack. Z. c- 501. Sorghum capense, Herh. Heijne ex Wall. Gat. n. 8778 C. S. dubium, G. Koch in Linnsea, xxi. (1848) 443. S. giganteum, Edgew. in Journ. As. Sac. Beng. (1852) 181. S. halepense, Pers. Syn. 101 ; Beichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 54; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. n. 54, t. 91 ; Nees Fl. Afr. Austr. 88 ; Griseh. Fl. Brit. W, Ind. 560 ; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 540 ; Wall. Cat. n. 8778 ; Trim. Gat. Geyl. PL 108; Aitchis. Gat. Panjah. PI. 175; DutUe Grass. N.W. Ind. 23, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 40, t. 27. S. saccharatum, Hohen. PI. Nilghiri, n. 1284 {non Pers.). S. Schreberi, Tenore Fl. Neaf. Syll. App. iv. 4. Blumen- bachia halepensis, Keel. Descr. Gram. 29. Trachypogon avenaceus, Nees Agrost. Bras. 354. Holcus halepensis, ^Linn. Sp. PI. 1047 ; Host Gram. Austr. i. t. 1 ; Schreb. Beschr. Grass, i. t. 18 ; Jacq. Erlog. Gram. t. 48. H. decolorans, Willd. Sp. PI. iv. 931. H. Catamucha, JSam. ex Wall. Cat. n. 8778 F. Throughout India, Bijema and Ceylon in open places. — Disteib. Most warm countries. Ttoots creeping, stoloniferous. Stem 3-15 ft., erect, leafy, simple or branched, nodes pubescent. Leaves 8-18 in., or more, up to 3 in. broad, narrowed to the rounded base, tip filiferous, glabrous except towards the often rillous base, flat or waved, midrib broad, margins scabridly serrulate; sheath terete; ligule rounded. Panicle 6 in. 2 ft., very variable in form and amount of ramification, typically pyramidal with long suberect or spreading or drooping whorled branches, axils often bearded. Spikes of 1-3 rarely 5-7 pairs of spikelets, sometimes reduced to a triplet of a sessile fertile and 2 pedicelled male rarely neuter spikelets, joints of rachis and pedicels angular or compressed, glabrous or shortly ciliate. Sessile spikelets ^ to nearly ^ in., usually lanceolate, green or purplish, callus sparsely bearded ; gl. I with involute sides embracing the others, more or less silkily hairy, rarely glabrous, 5-11 -nerved above, there keeled and ciliate tip depressed or not hyaline ; II subcoriaceous, char- taceous and keeled above, margins ciliolate ; III shorter, elliptic-oblong, hyaline 2-nerved ; IV smaller, ovate, obtuse, entire or 2-fid, awned or not, awn ^-5 in. or shorter ; palea linear-oblong, obtuse, ciliate. Pedicelled spikelets linear-lanceolate, gl. I glabrous, 5-9-nerved, margins mflexed, keels subpectinately ciliate; II lanceolate, 3-5- nerved ; III and IV, if present, hyaline. — I have restricted the synonymy of this grass chiefly to Indian names, and those under which good flgures are given. It is no doubt the wild form of the following (.4. Sorghum) and its grain has long been used by natives of India. But whether the Sorghum form originated from cultivatiou of the wild in India, or in Africa, where both are very common, can be only a matter of conjecture. Both seem to be now cultivated in India according to Watt (Diet, of Economic Products of India) and others, and transition forms are frequent. ■ Hackel, who treats A. halepensis as a subspecies of A. Sorghum, subdivides it under • ^ 5 varieties and 6 subvarieties, founded on characters too variable for use. Dr. Stapf, ' who has studied the African species as well as the Indian, proposes 2 varieties, or Andropogon.] clxxiii. graminejs. (J. D. Hooker.) 183 rather prevalent forms, between which transitions occur, both vary in habit and in having awned mucronate or awnless spikelets ; they are a. genuinus, of which ' miliaceus, Roxb,, may be regarded as the type with sessile spikelets \-\ in. long, it is Wall. Cat. n. 8778 A. B. C. And b. effusus, with sessile spikelets \ nearly i in., it includes ^. lamus, Roxb., A. halejpensis, Wight Cat. n. 1672, and Wall. Gat. n. 8778 D. E. F. H. 36. A. Sorghum, Brot. Fl. Lusit. i. 88; annual, tall, usually very robust, panicle decompound usually thyrsiform with crowded whorls of erect branches and branchlets and spikes rarely subeffuse, rachis of spike tenacious, joints when forcibly separated leaving a ragged scar at the tip, pedicelled spikelets usually nejiter, pedicels short. Koxb. Fl. Ind. i. 273 ; Kunth Fnnm. PI. i. 5^1 ; intend. 8yn. Gram. 393. A. Sorghum, aubsp. sativus, Hack. Monogr. Androp. 505. Helens Sorghum, Linn. Sjp. Fl. 1047 ; Gsertn. Fruct. ii. 2, t. 80 ; Lamk. Encycl. t. 838 ; Grah. Cat. Bomb. Fl. 238 ; Balz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. Suppl. 99. Cultivated throughout the warmer parts of Europe, Asia and Africa. — Intro- duced into America, Australia, &c. Under ^. halepense I have alluded to A. Sorghum as the cultivated form of that plant. Of the early history of its culture nothing is recorded, it having no Sanskrit name, and there is no evidence of its being known to the ancients of Europe or the East. Variable as it is, its forms appear to be much less fixed than those of wheat and barley, which gives rise to the suspicion that they are of comparatively recent origin. Many authors have endeavoured to limit by botanical characters some or all of its known varieties, and more have applied specific names to forms they could not, or did not try to identify with known ones. The result is a redundancy of names, and an inextricable synonymy. Watt's *' Diet, of Economic Products of India" has treated in great detail the culture of many varieties, but under names that have little or no significance. Hackel has essayed to clean this Augean stable, and has devoted 15 pages of his Monograph to the forms of ^. Sore/hum, of which he describes 37 varieties and 12 subvarieties. His earnest and meritorious attempt has the great advantage of approximately harmonising most of the Indian citations and synonyms, and I therefore give a precis of it. It, how- ever omits characters of the glumes which Dr. Stapf, in working up the African forms, has studied, and which characters appear to be of far more importance than those relied on by Hackel. Unfortunately it is not possible to combine the two classifications, for the obvious reason that Stapf's characters have been neglected in the descriptions of previous investigators, and it remains for the Indian botanists in this case, as in that of Pennisetum typhoideum, and indeed many other cultivated plants, to remove this reproach to Indian botany. Hackel' s Indian varieties are as follow : — Var. Boxhurghii, Hack. 1. c. 510 ; panicle lax ovate-oblong, rachis elongate, branches drooping, sessile spikelets ovate awnless, gl. I keeled in the upper third, grain white. — A. saccharatus, Roxb. Fl. Ind. i. 271 j Dalz. ^ Qibs. Fl. Suppl. 99 (nan Kunth). Var. fFightii, Hack. 1. c. 511 characters of var. Boxhurghii, but panicle more dense, branches scabrid, spikelets broadly elliptic, gl. I hairy in the' upper half. Herb, fright n. 185. Var. vulgaris, Hack. 1. c. 515 ; panicle dense, branches erect or erecto-patent, sessile spikelets i in. obovoid or subglobose obtuse awned; A. Sorghum, Roxb. I.e. 269; Sorghum vulgare, Per.s. Syn. i. 101; Reichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 80; Duthie Grass. N.fr. Ind. 23, Field Sr Gard. Crops. 2,^, t. 6, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 4>l ; Holcus Sorghum, Linn. Var. cernuus, Koern. Handb. Getreit. i. 314 ; very robust, panicle drooping ovoid obtuse compact, rachis and appressed branches short suberect subvillous, sessile spikelets l~l in. broadly obovoid or rhomboid obtuse awned whitish densely silkily villous or glabrescent dorsally, grain globose white with a black 184 CLXxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hookcr.) \_Andropogon, hilum. A. cernuua, Kunth I.e. (excl. Syn, Ilo»h.). A. com pactus, 5ro^ I.e. 88; Sorghum cernuum, Host Gram. Austr. iv. t. 3 ; Reichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 80. JHolcus cernuus, Ard. in Saa. Sc. e Lett. Acad. Padua, i. 12, t. 3, f. 1, 2. — S. saccharatum, Strachey & Winterbottom, from Kumaon, alt. 5000 ft. is a pro- liferous state. Var. ^lahrosus, Hack. 1. c. 517 ; panicle ovoid compact at length straw-colrd., sessile spikelet ^ iu. suborbicular not awned villous.' — Serampore, Foigt (in Herb. Copenhagen.) Var. miliiformis ; (not A. miliformis, Schult.) ; panicle dense, sessile spikelets } in. suborbicular at length straw-colrd. strigosely hairy, gl. IV" with an exserted mucro, grain djirk brown or violet brown. Var. bicolor, Hack. I. c. 519 ; panicle very dense, sessile spikelets i in. obtusely hexagonal awnless at length black, gl. I coriaceOus below the middle, then deeply ruggt d, upper part striate hairy, grain almost twice as long as the gl. white. ?A. bicolor, Kuttlh L c. 501, non Ruxb. ; ?A. cernuua, Roxb. Fl. Ind. i. 270. PSorghura bicolor, Jf'illd. Enum. Hort. Berol. 1036. PHolcus bicolor, Linn. Mant. ii. 3Ul. — Deccan Peninsula, Herb, fright n. 185 B. Dr. Stapf s arrangement of the Indian forms (including many of the African) is the following. I do not cite the habitats and synonyms of the varieties given by Hackel, for to do so might include plants to which the characters adopted by I)r. Stapf n ay not apply : — * Glume I of sessile spikelets not depressed below the tip. Var. hians, Stapf; gls. I and II divaricate exposing the white grain, tip of gl. I coriaceous. — S. vulgare, Pers. )8. rfigkt Cat. n. 1670 {not in Hackel.) Var. Roxhiirgkii; Hack. I.e. 51u; tip of gl. I hyaline, nerves obscure, sessile spikelets ^ in. ovate acuminate awnless. — fFall. Cat. n. 8777 D. (the right hand specimeu) F. H. Var. iacckaratus, Koern. ; spikelets \ in. ellipsoid acute or apiculate awned, tip of gl. I hyaline, nerves obscure. Var. Tkomsoni, Stapf ; spikelets ^ in. ovate, gl. I strongly nerved below the tip. — A single specimen from Upper Gangetic Plain, Thomson. ** Glume I of sessile spikelets depressed below the tip, nerves distinct up to or near to the base. Var. nervosus, Stapf ; Hack. 1. c. 513. — S. India, Herb. Bottler. *** Glume I of sessile spikelets depressed below the tip, nerves distinct below the tip only. ^ Var. nbovafus, Hack. I.e. 514; panicle very loose, gl. I and II at length more or less black and shining. — /rail. Cat. n. 8777 E. J. L. Var. vulgaris, Hack. 1. c. 515 ; panicle erect contracted, gl. I of sessile spikelets ■i in. acute depressed and triangular for the upper J. — frail. Cat. n. 8777 A j C is a form with smaller spikelets, only ^ in. long. Var. miliiformis, Hack. I.e. 518 (not A. miliformis, Schult.); panicle erect contracted, gl. I of sessile spikelets .i-| in. truncate depressed part very narrow reddish. Var. cernuus, Koern.; Hack. I.e. 576; very robust, panicle forming a dense ovoid or oblong cernuous or decurved head, sessile spikelets small almost orbicular usually tomentose.— fFa//. Cat. n. 8777 B. G. K. 37. An Stapfii, Hook. f. ; annual, stems short branching from the leafy base, leaves 2-3 in. linear-oblong acute base cordate, panicle erect slender loose, branches few short erect, spikelets few \-\ in. ovoid erect acute silkily villous with white hairs, gl. 1 ovate 9-11-nerved tip 2-toothed, and II very coriaceous. TiNNEVELLY, at Palamcottah, Wight. iitcms many, 12-16 in., i^preading from the fibrous roots ; gcniculatoly ascending, I Andropngon,] clxxiii. gramineje. (J. D. Hooker.) 185 quite smooth. Leaves i-^ in. broad, flaccid, flat, margins smooth, nerves 3-5 on each side of the slender midrib ; sheaths of lower short open, of the upper long rather loose, quite glabrous ; ligule very short, membranous, gUibrous. Panicle 2-4 in. ; rachis and branches stifl^, angular, subscaberulous, rather stout, green, SpiTcesot 1-3 pairs of rather distant white spikelets ; joints = f the sessile spikelet, stout, shortly villous truncate, pedicels= ^ the spikelet, more slender. Sessile spikelet terete; callus very ehort, stellately bearded with white hairs ; gl. I and II very coriaceous both with strongly incurved sides, nerves very slender with many cross-nervules ; III oblong, truncate, hyaline, 2.nerved, ciliate ; IV short subrhomboidal, cleft to the middle into triangular acute ciliate lobes; awn in the cleft f in., smooth, slender; palea linear- oblong, ciliate, nerveless, ^n^^er^long. Pedicelled spikelets very nB.rrow, imperfect, neuter, gl. I lanceolate, 9-nerved, bicuspidate ; II shorter, 5-nerved. — A closely allied species, with similarly densely silky white spikelets, has been collected by Lunt in Southern Arabia, where it is stated to be cultivated. It is a stout plant with much larger leaves and the habit of the ordinary SorgJium. The spikelets are shorter and broader than in ^. Stapjii, and are collected in a dense oblong panicle. 38. A. serratus, Thunh. Fl. Jop. 41; tall, erect, leaves narrowly linear, base narrow, lower branches of subsimple narrow elongate panicles whorled, spikes solitary 2-8-jointed, joints pedicels and callus shortly villous with rufous or purple hairs, sessile spikelets \-^ in. ovoid ellipsoid or lanceolate, gl. I rufously hirsute towards the pale tip and sides, lY shortly awned or awnless. Hack. Monogr, Androp. 620 ; Grah. Gat Bomb. PL 288. Throughout India, on the hills and plains from the Panjab to Burma, and southward to Ceylon and the Nicobar Islds. — Distrib. Asia and Austral trop. Perennial. Stem 3-4 ft., subsimple, nodes bearded. Leaves 4-20 by i-f in., setaceously acuminate, glabrous or sparsely hairy on both surfaces, hairs often tubercle-based, midrib broad ; sheaths terete below keeled upward, more or less hairy ; mouth silkily villous ; ligule very short, truncate. Panicle 4-12 in., oblong, rachis glabrous ; branches capillary, about equalling the spikes, glabrous or scaberulous, whorls distant. Spikes l~l^ in., red-brown ; joints and pedicels = ^ the sessile spikelets, margins shortly villous. Sessile spikelets, callus acute; gl. I coriaceous, dark brown or nearly black, glabrous and polished on the middle dorsally, tips pale ; II rather longer, lanceolate, acute, l-nerved, hairy upwards ; III shorter, lanceolate, acute ; IV small, oblong, entire or 2-lobed, awned or not. Lodieules ciliate. Pedicelled jpifeeZets narrower than the sessile, paler, hairy ; gl. I 7-nerved ; II 3-nerved ; III and IV linear, ciliate. — Roxburgh does not seem to have known this grass. Var. genuinus, Hack. ; gl. IV of sessile spikelet 2-lobed, awned in the cleft. A. serratus, Thunh. I. c. (non Retz). A. laxus, Willd. Sp. PI. iv. 907 {non Roxl.) ; Steud. Syn. Oram. 391. A. tropicus, Sp^-eng. Si/st. Yeg. i. 287 ; Kunth Enum. PL i. 503 {non Kunth) ; Thw. Enum. PL Zeyl 366 ; Benth. FL Hongk. 423. A. dichroantbus, Steud. in Zoll. St/st. Verz. 58. Sorghum fulvum, Beauv. ex Jicem. Je Sch. St/st. ii. 840 ; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 541 ; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 108. S. Junghuhnii, Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 783. Holcus fulvus, Br. Prodr. 199. Var. tiitidut, Hack. ; gl. IV. of sessile spikelet entire not awned. A. consimilis and pedicellatus, Steud. Syn. Gram. 394. A. fuscus, Presl Bel HcenTc. i. 342; Kunth I. c. 502. A. nigrum. Herb. Earn, in Wall. Cat. n. 8777 E. A. nitidus, Kunth Mevis. Gram. i. 166, Enum. I. c. 510. Sorghum halepense, Wall. Cat. 8878 E.G.; Wight Cat. n. 2350. S. muticum, Nees in Herb. Wight ; Aitchis. Cat. Panjab. PL 175 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 23. Chrysopogon fuscus, Trin. ex Steud. Norn. Ed. II. i. 360. Holcus quiuqueflorus, Herb. Ham. ex T^all. Cat. n. 8778 G. — Andropogon, fTall. Cat. n. 8879. 39. A., purpureo-sericeus, Kochst. ex A. Rich. Tent. FL Ahyss. ii. 469; annual, robust, upper nodes villous, branches of subsimple panicle 186 CLXXiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) \_Andropo(jon, few or many in a whorl flexuons, spikes subsolitary, joints pedicels and callus villous with long white or red brown hairs, sessile spikelets 5 in. oblong-ovate, gl. I 5-7-nerved villous all over tip acute, II 2-fid, awn long stout. Hack. Monogr. Androp. 624. Sorghum purpureo-sericeum, Asch. & Schweinf. Beitr. FL ^thiop. 310. S. Eitchiei, Munro mss. The Deccan ; Belgaum, Ritchie. N. Canara, Woodrow. Central Provinces, Duthie. — DiSTRiB. Abyssinia. Stem 3-4 ft., erect; stout or slender. Leaves 8-10 by i-J in., linear, finely acuminate, sparsely hairy, margins hardly scabrid ; sheath, ribbed, grlabrous or margin fimbriate, mouth villously silky ; ligule very short, ciliate. Panicle 4—10 in,, erect; rachis glabrous ; branches ^-1 in., capillary. Spikes 1-1^ in., rarely of 3 joints, sometimes of one sessile and 2 pedicelled spikelets, joints about ^ the sessile spikelet. Spikelets erect or spreading or pendulous, dorsally flattened ; gl. I coriaceous, margins involute from base to apex, keels rounded, villi red-brown or snow-white j II as long as I, acuminate or aristulate, dorsally rounded, coriaceous ; III hyaline, epaleate, 2-nerved, ciliate ; IV very fragile, 3-nerved, below the middle ciliate with long hairs; awn I-I5 in., column stout red-brown twisted glabrous; palea minute, ciliate. Pedicelled spikelets usually shorter paler and narrower than the sessile ; gl. I thinner, 7-nerved, shortly silky ; II and III as in the sessile ; IV lanceolate, acuminate, 1-nerved, ciliate, male. — The Indian differs from the African plant in having rather smaller spikelets, in gls. I and II of the sessile not or less scariose at the tip. The pubescence of the spikelet is more copious and pure white in a Deccan specimen from Woodrow, and in a Panjab ? one from Stewart. Hackel has named Duthie' s specimens A. purpureo-sericeus var. variegatus. Subgen. YI. Yetiveria, Hack. Spikes panicled, branches of panicle many, whorled; joints 3 or more and pedicels linear filiform dorsally convex not channelled, tip truncate. Sessile spikelets laterally or dorsally compressed, awned or not; gl. I coriaceous, narrow, margins inflexed or involute, keels muricate ; II awned or not ; III hyaline ; lY entire or 2-fid, awned. Lodicules glabrous. But distinguished from Ghrysopogon by the absence of a beard of rigid hairs on the tip of the branchlets, seen after the fall of the spike. A. venustus is removed to Amphilophis. 40. A, squarrosus, Linn. f. Suppl. 433; stem stout, leaves long rigid, sheaths strongly compressed, panicle narrow, branches simple strict, spikes many-jointed joints and pedicels glabrous, sessile spikelets linear- oblong glabrous, gl. I coriaceous acute dorsally flat, margins broadly inflexed muricate, lY linear-oblong mucronate or shortly awned. Vahl Syrnh. iii. 9 ; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 542 ; Lishoa in Bomb. Journ. Nat. Hist. vi. (1891) 67. A. muricatus, Betz. Ohs. iii. 43, v. 21 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 505, Suppl. 416 ; Boxb. Fl. Ind. i. 265; Wall. Cat. n. 8759; Grah. Gat. Bomb. PL 238 ; Griff. Notul. iv. 84, Ic. PI. Asiat. t. 139, f. 57, t. 155, f . 1 ; Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 368 ; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 108 ; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 302 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 90, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 36, t. 24. A. festucoides, Presl Bel. Hvenk. i. 340. A. nigritanus, Benth. in Hook. Niger Fl. 573; Steud. I. c. 394. Anatherum muricatum, Beauv. Agrostog. 150, t. 22, f. 10 ; Spreng. Pugill. ii. 15. Yetiveria odorata, Vireij in Journ. Pharmac. Soc. I. xiii. 499. Y. arundinacea & muricata, Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 559, 560. Mandelorna insignis, Steud. I. c. 359. Agrostis verticillata, Lam. Diet. 59, III. Gen. n. 162, Suppl. i. 255. Phalaris zizanioides, Linn. Mant. ii. 183. Holcus PYiranae, Herb. Ham. ex Wall. i. c. — Virana, Jones in As. Research, iv. 306. i Andropogon."] clxxiii. GRAMixEiB. (J. D. Hooker.) 187 Throughout the Plains and Lower Hills of India, Buema and Ceylon, ascending to 4000 ft.— Distbib. Java, Afr. trop. Stems 2-5 ft., in large, dense tufts with stout spongy aromatic roots, sparingly branched, as thick below as a goose-quill. Leaves 1-2 ft., subbifarious, narrow acute, erect, keeled, glabrous, margins scabrid ; sheaths equitant, glabrous; ligule obscure. Panicle 4-12 in., conical, erect, rachis stout and erecto-patent filiform flexuous branches glabrous or scaberulous. Spikes slender, joints and pedicels about = the sessile spikelets. Sessile spikelets grey green yellow or purplish, J-l in., slightly curved, glabrous, callus obscurely bearded; gl. I coriaceous, acute, 2-4- nerved ; II coriaceous, 1-nerved, margins hyaline, keel muricate ; III lanceolate, acuminate, 2-nerved, margins inflexed ciliolate ; IV = III ciliate ; palea very small, obtuse, glabrous. PedicelUd spikelets like the sessile but gl. I smooth, IV awnless. — Khus-khus grass. 41. A. Ziawsonli) Hoolc.f.;' stem erect from a stout rootstock, leaves narrowly linear curved acute or obtuse tips serrulate, sheaths compressed, panicle narrow elongate branches erect, spikes pale, joints 6-8 and pedicels slender obliquely truncate, gl. I linear rigid keels muricate dorsally flat scaberulous margins inflexed, II awned keel pectinately ciliate above the middle, IV 2-toothed awned. Mysore ; at Bandypore, alt. 3000 ft., in moist ground, Lawson. Rootstock horizontal ; stems simple, slender, internodes very long. Leaves chiefly subradical, 2-5 by i in., exactly linear, rigid, base not contracted, margins ciliate, nerves 4-8 strong ; sheath of lower very short, of cauline very long, striate ; ligule a ridge of hairs. Panicle 6-7 in., branches or peduncles of spikes opposite and fascicled, and branchlets slender puberulous with a white scurf. Spikes i-^ in., pale reddish, erect ; joints very obliquely truncate, tips obscurely ciliate, and pedicels nearly = spikelet, slender, compressed. Sessile spikelets ^ in., linear-lanceolate, callus bearded with silky hairs; gl. I coriaceous, tip obtuse, bristly; II cyrabiform, tip 2-fid, awn longer than the gl., base ciliate ; III oblong, ciliate, nerveless ; IV arched, linear, obtusely 2-toothed, awn very slender; palea oblong, ciliate, nerveless. Anthers long. Pedicelled spikelets male, longer and narrower than the sessile, callus naked, gl. I ,3-uerved, awned, keels pectinately ciliate ; II acuminate, awned ; III and IV oblong, obtuse, ciliate. — The tips of the branchlets bearing the spikes have a few short unequal bristles, showing an approach to those of Chrysopogon. Subgen. YII. Chrysopogon, Each. Spikes of 3 spikelets, solitary or subsolitary (1-4 in G. Gryllus) on the capillary whorled branches of an erect or inclined panicle ; branches with obconic obliquely truncate tips crowned with a ring or beard of stiff hairs. Spikelets 3-nate, a sessile bisexual, and 2 pedicelled males or neuters. Sessile spikelets narrow, laterally compressed ; gl. I narrow, linear, rigid, erect, 4-nerved, usually laterally compressed ; II broader, laterally compressed, obtusely keeled, 3- nerved, tip 2-lobed awned or not ; III hyaline, 2-nerved ; IV the narrow hyaline 1-3-nerved base of a long awn. Pedicelled spikelets dorsally com- pressed ; gls. I and II awned or not. — Ligule of minute hairs in all. The only subgenus with the tips of the branches of the panicle bearded, as best seen after the fall of the spike. The genus has a better claim to be retained than mo&t oi Andropogonece. The species are, with the exception of the first two, very difficult of definition, and must be regarded as merely provisionally established. * Pedicels of the upper spikelets half as long as the sessile spikelet or longer. t Pedicels of the upper spikelets glabrous or nearly so. 42. A. G-ryllus, Linn. Gent. PL ii. 33 ; stem simple, panicle large. 188 CLXxiii. graminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) [Andropogon. branclies long capillary spreading simple or branched and bearing 2-4 spikes, sessile spikelets ^-5 in., gl. I 2-toothed dorsally rounded with 2 muricate or mamillate keels or channels, II macronate or aristulate keel and sides bristly above the middle. Kunth Enum. PI. i. 604 ; Hack. Monogr. Anclrop. 650; Steud. Syn. Gram, 396; Host Gram. Austr. ii. 1, t. 1; Sibth.Fl. Grsec. i. t. 67; Buthie Grass. N.W, Ind. 22, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 40. A. echintilatus, glabratus & Eoyleanus, Steud. I.e. 395, 397. A. pallidas, Kunth Bevis. Gram. i. 165. A. panicnlatus, Lam. Fl. Fr. Ed. 2, iii. 633 ; III. Gen. 840, f. 1. Ohrysopogon Gryllus, Trin. Fund. Agrost. 188 ; Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. t. 93 ; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 637 ; Aitchis. Cat. Panjah. PI. 176. 0. glabratus, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Pe^ersi. /S'e^'. VI.. ii. (1833) 318. Ehaphis Gryllus, De^y. 0;?it5c. 69. R. Royleana, Nees ex Steud. I. c. 397. R. echinulata, Nees in Royle lllustr. Bot. Himal. 417. PoUinia Gryllus, Spreng. Pugill. ii. 10; Reichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 54. P. pallida, Poem. 8c Sch. Syst. ii. 829. Apluda Gryllus, Presl Gyp. & Gram. Sic. 65. Holcus Gryllus & pallidas, Br. Prodr. 199.— Chrysopogon, WalL Cat. n. 8792 B. C. D. Temperate Himalaya ; from Kashmir to Sikkim, alt. 4-9000 ft. Khasia Hills, alt. 4-5000 ft. — Disteib. Eastwards to S. Europe and N. Africa, Australia. Stems forming dense hard tufts, erect, 6 in. to 5 ft. high, as thick as a goose- quill below ; nodes smooth. Leaves 6-18 by ^-i in., linear, acute, glabrous or hirsute, margins serrulate ; sheath keeled above, glabrous or pubescent. Panicle 3-8 in. ; rachis angular, scabrid, axils bearded ; branches 2-4 in., usually very many in a whorl, tips obliquely truncate densely bearded. Sessile sp^liefets; callus straight, acute ; gl. I coritvbeous, shining, smooth or scaberulous, margins broadly involute ; II chartaceous, lanceolate, hyaline, margins ciliate, awn = the spikelet or shorter; III linear-oblong, obtuse, nerveless; IV linear, minutely 2-toothed, awn minute or ^-1^ in, ; palea small, oblong, glabrous. Pedicelled spikelets rather longer than the sessile, terete, lanceolate, acuminate ; pedicels glabrous or ciliolate ; gl. I acuminate or aristulate, 5- 9-nerved, keels ciliate above ; II lanceolate, acuminate, ciliate; III and IV narrower, ciliate; awn of IV = ^ the glume. — Hackel has 5 subspecies, of which 3 are Indian. 1. genuinus ; callus about ^ in. hairs rusty- brown, awn of gl. IV 1-1^ in. stout. 2. echinulatus, callus hairs pale yellow, awn i-f in. slender. 3. glabratus, awn of gl. II minute. 43. A. aciculatus, Petz. Ohs. v. 22 ; stem creeping and branching below, leaves short, sheaths terete, panicle very narrow, branches strict erect, spikes solitary, sessile spikelets very narrow, callus very long acicular, gl. I linear acute or minutely 2-cuspidate convex margins broadly inflexed smooth below keels scabrid aculeolate above, II acuminate aristulate, keel ciliate above. Boxb. Fl. Ind. i. 262 ; Grah. Cat. Bomb. PI. 238 ; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 662. A. acicularis, Willd. Sp. PI. iv. 906 ; Kunth Enum. Pl. i. 505, Suppl. 417. A. javanicus, Steud. Syn. Gram. 396. A. subulatus, Presl Eel. Hsenk. i. 341. Chrysopogon aciculatus, Trin. Fund. Agrost. 188 ; Wall. Gat. n. 8780 ; Wight Cat. n. 1674 ; Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 366 ; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 108; But He Grass. N.W. Ind. 22 (acicularis), Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 39 ; Benth. Fl. Hongk. 424, Fl. Austral, vii. 538. C. subu- latus, Trin. ex Steud. Nomencl. Ed. II. ii. 360; Miq. FL Ind. Bat. iii. 491. C. trivialis. Am. & Nees in Nov. Act. Nat. Cur. xix. Suppl. i. (1843) 171. Rhaphis acicularis, Desv. Opusc. 69. R. javanica, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 396. R. trivalvis. Lour. Fl. Gochinch. 653 ; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 8, 9. Centrophorum chinense, Trin. Fund. Agrost. 106, t. 6.— Holcus, Grif. Notul. iii. 12, Ic. PI. Asiat. t. 141, f. I (aciculatus). — Rheede Hort. Mcll. xii. t. 43. Andropogon.] CLXXiii. graminejj. (J. D. Hooker.) 189 Plains and lower hills of India, from Kumaon to Sikkira in the Himalaya, the Khasia Hills and southward to the Nicobar Islds. and Ceylon. — Distrib. Trop. Asia, Australia, and Polynesia. Siem woody leafy and extensively creeping below, then erect, 1-2 ft., slender. Leaves densely tufted, 1-5 by ^—^ in., flat, obtuse or acute, often undulate, glaucous, glabrous, margins spinulose ; sheath terete ; ligule a very narrow ciliate membrane. Panicle 1-3 in., pale or purplish ; branches capillary, scaberulous or villous below the spikelets, tips obliquely truncate. Sessile spikelets i in. ; callus nearly as long as the glumes, acicular, shortly bearded ; gl. I chartaceous, obscurely 2-3-nerved or nerveless ; II lanceolate, acuminate or aristulate, 1-nerved ; III linear-oblong, 2- nerved ; IV linear, acuminate ; awA ^-\ in., scabrid ; palea small, linear, obtuse, glabrous, nerveless. Pedicelled spikelets purple, much longer and narrower than the sessile; pedicels slender, scaberulous; gl. I subulate-lanceolate, aristulate, 3-nerved, ciliate j III and IV shorter, ciliate ; palea minute, cuspidate. . ft Pedicels of upper spikelets villous with rusty rarely pale hairs. § Glume I of pedicelled spikelets long-awned^ II not or very shortly awned. 44. A. vertlcillatus, Boxh. Fl. Ind. i. 263 ; tall, stout, leafy, leaves long very hairy, panicle broad of many whorls of many long simple smooth spreading arching branches terminated by solitary drooping spikelets, sessile spikelets \ in., callus rather long glabrous in front, gl. I setulose beneath the tip only strongly compressed above, II glabrous keel ciliate beneath the long awn, awn of IV 1^ in., pedicelled spikelets I in. narrowly lanceolate glabrous 5-nerved keels ciliate at the tip only. Kunth JSnum. PL i. 506 ; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 555. Chrysopogou verticillatus, Trin. ex Steud. Nom. Ed. II. i. 360. Mountainous Regions (of the N. Circars probably), Roxhurgh. Root woody, perennial. Stem 4-6 ft., terete, solid towards the base, smooth, as thick as a small goose-quill. Leaves approximate, 18 by ^ in., particularly hairy on the inside towards the base, margins spinulose. Panicle conical, lax, 8-10 in. ; branches 2-3 in. Spikes narrow, pale. Sessile spikelets about twice as long as the pedicels ; callus -Jg^ in. long ; gl. I 4-nerved, tip hyaline, acute ; II narrow, tip 2-fid, awn as long as itself; III oblong, obtuse, margins retrosely ciliate ; IV the very narrow 3-ncrved hyaline base of the awn, tip obscurely 2-lobed. Pedicelled spike- lets pale, shining, pedicels abruptly truncate rather laxly ciliate on the margins and dorsally ; gl. I with the 2 lateral nerves nearer the margin, awn longer than itself; II lanceolate, acuminate, ciliate, 3-nerved; III very narrow, ciliate, 2-nerved; IV linear, 1-nerved, 2-fid. — I have seen only a single very slender leafless specimen of what I take to be Roxburgh's plant, bearing the name in Arnott's handwriting on a ticket with Roxburgh's name in that botanist's writing in the corner. The de- scription of the habit, leaves, &c., is taken from Roxburgh. Hackel, who does the same, describes the spikelets from a specimen also named by Arnott, and sent to him from Nees' Herbarium. 45. A. asper, Heyne in Herb. Rattler (asperum) ; leaves broadly linear acute base cordate midrib beneath spinulose, sheaths broad compressed laxly hirsute, panicle narrow of many whorls of short simple smooth erect branches bearing solitary rarely 2 erect spikes, sessile spikelets ^ iu., callus long villous all round, gl. I hispid beneath the tip strongly compressed above, II keel and sides more or less hispid above the middle, awn of IV 1^2 in., pedicelled spikelets ^ in. narrowly lanceolate 7-nerved keels ciliate. — Chrysopogoa asper, Heyne ex Wall. Cat. n. 8784. Madras ; Pulicat Hills, Eeyne. 190 CLXXiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) [Andropogofti Stem 2-3 ft., leafy below, very slender above. Leaves disticbous, 12-18 by ^-f in., exactly linear, coriaceous, flat, smooth, midrib very slender, ll-neryed, margins spinulosely serrulate, and with a few long tubercle-based cilia towards the broad semi-araplexicaul base, midrib beneath serrulate ; lower sheaths ^ in. broad, keeled, armed with scattered tubercle-based hairs. Panicle 7 in., rachis smooth ; branches unequal, those of the lowest whorl the longest, about 1 in., usually with only one spike, tips very shortly bearded. Sessile spikelets pale, coriaceous ; callua -j3y-^ in. ; awn of II as long as itself or shorter; III shorter than II, narrow, obtuse, 2-nerved, ciliate; IV the linear hyaline 3-nerved base of the awn. Pedicelled spike- lets pale, shining, pedicels very shortly rufous-villous on both margins, excised at the tip in a semicircle ; gl. I thin, tip 2-toothed, nerves strong subequidistant, or the 3 lateral on each side submarginal, margins narrowly incurved, keels ciliolate from base to tip ; II lanceolate, acuminate, 3-nerved, ciliolate ; III linear-oblong, 2-nerved, ciliate ; IV narrowly lanceolate, 1-nerved. — I have seen only two specimens of tbid plant, that in Herb. Wallich, and another sent by Heyne to Eottler named A. asperum in his own handwriting. Very closely allied to A. verticillatus, but differing totally in habit and foliage according to Roxburgh's drawing and description of that plant, and coming from a very different part of India. 46. A. lancearius, Hook.f. ; stem tall leafy, leaves narrowly lanceo- late acuminate narrowed towards the base quite glabrous flat smooth midrib beneath quite smooth, sheaths imbricate compressed, panicle narrow of many whorls of short simple smooth erect branches bearing solitary erect spikes, sessile spikelets i in., callus short glabrous in front, gl. I glabrous or minutely ciliate at the strongly compressed tip, II keel and sides above the middle more or less hispid, awn of IV If in., pedicelled spikelets 5 in. narrowly lanceolate 7-nerved keels eciliate except at the tip. SiKKiM Himalaya ; at the foot of the hills, Punkabaree, Kurz. Chota Nagpoee; Ramghur, Ghat, 1750 ft., Clarke. Stem 2-3 ft. or more, leafy upwards. Leaves 12-14 by ^-^ in., rather thin, narrowed from below the middle to the base, quite smooth on both surfaces, midrib broad white above, nerves many very slender, margins minutely spinulose ; sheaths keeled, quite glabrous ; ligule a row of very fine short hairs. Panicle 6 in., quite like that of A. asper, from which this plant differs in the leaves, in the callus glabrous in front, in the much more hairy gl. II of the sessile spikelet, and in the eciliate keels of gl. I of the pedicelled spikelets. — The Ohota Nagpore specimen has been named A. verticillatus by Hackel in a letter to Mr. Clarke, from which it differs in the form of the panicle and glabrous leaves ; its gl. IV of the pedicelled spikelets is 2-fid, but that of the Sikkim plant is lanceolate and aristately acuminate. I have examined a specimen of what may prove to be a form of this plant collected at Gya in Behar (Herb. Hort. Calcutt.j in which gls. II and IV of the pedicelled spikelets are both awned, the awn of the latter (IV) being sometimes as fully de- veloped as that of the sessile spikelet ! The specimen is in too imperfect a condition to be described fully : the gl. I of the pedicelled spikelet is quite glabrous with a 2-toothed tip. In all other respects it agrees with A. lancearius. 47. A. Kaxniltonl, Hooli. f. ; tall, stout, leaves very long linear gradually acuminate smooth above scaberuloua beneath margins nearly smooth, panicle large ovoid dense of many long smooth erect branches in many closely approximate whorls each bearing 1-3 spikelets, spikes erect, sessile spikelets \ in., callus very short villous all round, gl. I minutely hispid at the strongly compressed tip, II keel ciliate close under the long awn, awn of gl IV 2\ in., pedicelled spikelets k in. linear-lanceolate, gl. I 7-9-nerved ciliate close to the tip only. Holcus Carar, Ham. in Wall. Gat. n. 8792 A.— Chrysopogon, Wall. Cat. I. c. Behab ; Monghir, Hamilton. Andropogon.'] clxxiii. gramixej;. (J. D. Hooker.) 191 Stem several feet high, stout, terete, leafy, quite smooth. Leaves Ij ft. or more by i-^ in., flat, rather thin, many- nerved, beneath and midrib quite smooth, base rather contracted ; sheath terete, smooth, glabrous; ligule a ridge of minute hairs. Panicle 6 by 2i in., peduncle stout as thick as a duck's quill ; rachis stout, terete ; branches very unequal, longest 2-3 in., each with usually 2-3 spikes. Sessile spikelets, callus 2V ^°' » &^' ^ 4-nerved, polished ; II 2'lobed, awn as long as itself, margins not ciliate J III oblong, obtuse, hyaline, 2-nerved; III the linear hyaline 3-nerved eciliate base of the awn. Pedicelled spikelets pale green, pedicels sparsely villous on the margins and back with short rufous hairs, unequal, ^ and ^ shorter than the sessile spikelet; gl. I narrowed into an awn often as long as itself, lateral 3 nerves on each side submarginal; II and III lanceolate, acuminate, retrorsely ciliate, II 8-nerved, III 2-nerved.— The specimen in Herb. Wallich consists of a portion of a stem a foot long, a panicle fully emerged from a leaf-sheath, with suberect branches which will probably spread later on, and several leaves. Another in Hamilton's Herbarium (now at Edinburgh) corresponds precisely. It is nearly related to asper, but a very robust tall plant, the branches of the panicle are much more numerous and longer, the leaves glabrous and not spinulosely margined, the spikelets much larger, the callus shorter, and the margins of gl. II of the sessile spikelet eciliate. It may prove to be a form of A. verticillatus. §§ Glumes I and II of pedicelled spikelets both awned. 48. A. Wigrhtianus, Steud. Syn. Oram. 395 ; leaves linear acute glabrous or pubescent spinulosely serrulate, lower sheaths compressed, rachis and branches of panicle minutely hairy, sessile spikelets ^ in., callus long densely bearded all round, gl. I laterally compressed above, minutely truncate glabrous below hispid above, II long-awned hispid above on the keel and sides, awn of iV 2-2i in., pedicelled spikelets lanceolate pubescent much longer than the sessile. A. aristulatus, Hochst. ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 397 ; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 556. A. breviaristatus, Steud, I. c. 396. Chrysopogon Esenbeckii, Wight Cat. n. 1805 {nan Steud.). 0. Wightianus, Nees ex Steud. I. c. ; Wight Cat. n. 1676, Herb. 3398. Khaphis orientalis, Desv. Opusc. 69. E. Wightianus, JSfees ex Steud. I. c. — Chrysopogon, Wall. Cat. n. 8785 C. D. Madras, Wight, Griffith, &c. Nilghiri Hills, Schmidt Kuntze. Bfrma, Kuntze {Mackel).- — Distrib. Anam. Variable in habit ; stems short or tall, erect or ascending from a short stout creeping stock. Leaves 3-10 in., rigid, from glabrous to pubescent on both surfiices and with sometimes tubercle-based hairs ; sheath glabrous ; ligule very short, villous. Panicle 3-5 in., contracted, lower branches long, few in a whorl. Spikes solitary, green or brownish. Sessile spikelets subcylindric ; callus long, hairs rusty ; gl. I obscurely 4-nerved, tip 2-dentate ; II chartaceous, tip 2-lobed, awn as long as the gl. or shorter ; III linear-oblong, 2-nerved, ciliate ; IV awn with a narrowly dilated 2-lobed base, column hispid. Pedicelled spikelets nearly ^ in. ; pedicel truncate, margins shortly villous ; gl. I glabrous or pubescent, 7-nerved, awn longer than the. gl., keels ciliate; II lanceolate, 3-nerved, awn as long as the g\, or shorter; III oblong, 2.nerved, ciliate; IV very narrow, ciliate, nerveless. — I have seen no Ceylon specimen of this species ; Thwaites' C.P. n. 3248 in Herb. Kew, is a starved specimen of A. zeylanicus. Nor have I seen Burmese or Anam ones. 49. A. distichopylluSy HooJc. f. ; stem stout fastigiately branched, leaves distichous erecto-patent narrowly linear rigid smooth, sheaths terete, panicle very long-peduncled narrow, branches very unequal erect smooth with one terminal spike, sessile spikelets ^ in. callus elongate shortly villous all round, gl. I 2-cuspidate quite glabrous, II glabrous, awn of gl. IV 2| in., pedicelled spikelets longer than the sessile lanceolate, gl. I glabrous 7-nerved keels ciliate at the tip only. 192 CLXXiii. qraminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) [Andropogoh. Southern Burma ; on the coast at Kobok, Kurz, A perennial, apparently of bushy habit several feet high, branches rigid terete glabrous. Leaves 4-6 by ^L-i. in., striate, complicate, subpunofent, margins smooth , ciliate towards the base ; sheath appressed, smooth. Panicle 5-6 in. ; peduncle 12 in. ; i-achis slender, smooth ; branches strict, in distant fascicles rather than whorls, tips very oblique with erect beards ; lower 1 in. long, rarely with 2 distant spikes. Sessile spikelett very narrow ; callus f in. ; gl. 1 4-nerved ; II narrow, com- plicate, 3-aerved, tip 2-lobed, awn as long as itself; III linear-oblong, obtuse, ciliate; IV the very narrow hyaline 3-nerved base of the awn. Pedicelled spikeleU nearly ^ in. ; pedicels ^ shorter than the sessile spikelet, tip retuse, margins ciliate ; gl. II 3-nerved, ciliate, shortly awned; III as in the sessile spikelet j IV 0. — I have seen but one specimen of this very distinct-looking plant. §§§ Glume I of pedicelled spikelets not awned, II not or very shortly awned. 50. A. zeylanicus, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 397 ; leaves very long and narrow, panicle ovate-oblong, branches in few whorls spreading with 1-3 terminal spikes, rachis scaberulous, sessile spikelets \ in., callus long naked in front, gl. I not laterally compressed above, dorsally with 2 rows of cilia or spinules above the middle tip truncate, awn of gl. IV f-li in., pedicelled spikelets much longer than the sessile lanceolate 6-nerved glal)rous keels eciliate. A. nodulibarbis, Hochst. ex Steud Syn. Gram. 396 ; Hack. Monogr. Andro^. 553. A. peninsulae, Steud. I. c. Chrysopogon Arnottianus, Nees ex Steud. I. c. 396. C. Wightianus, Tkw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 366 (C.P. 3248) {exl. var. /3) ; Trim. Gat. Geyl. PL 108 (nan Nees). C. zeylanicus, Thw. I.e. (O.P. 996) {non Steud.). Rhaphis zeylanica, Nees ex Steud. I. c. — CKr3'^8opogon, Wall. Cat. u. 8785 A. B. NiLGHiEi Hills, alt. 7-8000 ft., Wight, &c. Cktlon, ascending to 6000 ft., Walker, &c. Stems 1-3 ft., tufted, stout or slender. Leaves many from the base of the stem, 12-16 by -ag-^ iii-j flexuous, rather coriaceous, margins more or less laxly ciliate with rather long hairs ; lower sheaths short, flattened, keeled ; ligule of short hairs. Panicle 5-8 in., contracted or effuse, with long naked unequal lower branches. Spikes green or blueish. Sessile spikelets, callus -J^ in., hairs yellow or rusty brown; gl. I coriaceous, tip ciliate, often 2-toothed ; nerves 2 pairs, obscure ; II 3-nerved, tip 2-lobed, keel spinulosely ciliate above the middle; III oblong, obtuse, 2-nerved, retrorsely ciliate ; IV the very narrow sub-2-lobed, 3-nerved, eciliate dilatation of the base of the awn. Pedicelled spikelets f in. ; pedicels truncate, margins shortly densely or laxly ciliate on one or both margins ; gl. I narrowly lanceolate, keels minutely ciliate, nerves subequidistant or the lateral pairs sub- marginal; II acuminate, 3-nerved, retrorsely ciliate ; III oblong, obtuse, 2-nerved, retrorsely ciliate; IV smaller, ovate-lanceolate, 1-3-nerved, ciliate. ** Pedicel of upper spikelets not half as long as tlie sessile spikelets. 51. A. xnonticola, Schult. Mant. iii. 665 ; stem erect or ascending usually very slender, leaves very narrow glabrous, lower sheaths com- pressed, panicles rather short of several whorls of few or many capillary flexuous very unequal branches bearing solitary spikes, sessile spikelets pale, callus short, gl. I compressed glabrous or keel ciliate above the middle, II dorsally more or less ciliate with short or long rigid bristles, awn of lY ^-1 in. capillary, pedicelled spikelets lanceolate awned or not 7-nerved, pedicels = \~^ the sessile spikelet margins more or less villous. Western Himalaya, from Kashmir to Nepal, ascending lo 6000 ft. Hilly Androjwgon.'] CLXxiii. GRAMixEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) ][i)3 distrifits, from the Panjab to Behar and southwd. to Cbylon". Burma, Collett. — DiSTRiB. Affghanistan, S. Africa. Stems tufted, 1-3 ft., simple or branched, usually almost filiform, rarely as thick as a crow-quill or stouter. Leaves 6-18 in., rarely more than f in. broad, finely acuminate, quite smooth above and beneath, margins minutely scaberulous ; upper sheaths terete, lower more or less compressed, sometimes very much so and mem- branous. Panicle 2-4 in., rarely more; rachis flexuousj branches in whorls of 3-12, rarely more, smooth or scaberulous, lowest \-l in. or moi'e, upper shorter ; all quite smooth, or in the lower part together with the rachis scaberulous, rarely scaberulous throughout. Spikes very variable in size ; the green blue and purplish or brown pedicelled always longer than the pale sessile. Sessile spikelets ^-^ in. ; callus hairs short or long, from white to rusty red ; gl. I narrow, strongly com- pressed, margins membranous, tip rounded ; II broader, tip 2-fid, with a short recurved awn, keel obtuse from glabrous to hirsute for a greater or less part cf its length, with rigid or flexuous rufous or white bristles, margins membranous hardly ciliate; III hyaline, oblong, obtuse, ciliate ; IV the long narrow hyaline 3-nerved eciliate dilatation of the awn. Pedicelled spikelets -^-j in., neuter or male, from ovate- to linear-lanceolate, acuminate ; pedicels cuneate, margins sparsely or densely villous, the upper hairs in some of the most densely villous nearly equalling the spikelet from dark rusty red to white ; gl. I thin, acute acuminate or awned, the awn equalling or shorter than the gl., glabrous or pubescent; nerves always 7, sub- equidistant, or 2 on each side sub-carinal ; margins narrowly incurved, spinulosely ciliate or smooth; II lanceolate, acuminate, ciliate; III hyaline, oblong, obtuse, 2-nerved or nerveless ; IV shorter, narrower, hyaline, 1-3-nerved. — I am unable to classify the varieties of this common and variable plant in accordance with geographical areas or other considerations. This, if possible, must be effected by field botanists in India. There is every gradation from the coarsely hirsute keel of monticola, to the perfectly smooth of some states of Trinii ; from the awnless to long awned gl. I of the pedicelled spikelets, and from the glabrous to the pubescent of the same organ ; the colour of which affords no character ; nor does its length, or that of the cilia on its keels. Var. monticola proper ; gl. II of sessile spikelet villous for more or less of its length with long flexuous usually rufous rigid bristles. A, monticola, Schultes I. c. Kunth Enum. PI. i. 506 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 395 ; Hark. Monogr. Androp. 557 {excl. var. vdlosus). A. aciculatus. Herb. Wight ex Wall. Cat. n. 8782 B. A. montanus, Koen. in Herh. Banks. A. Sprengelii, Kunth Bevis. Oram. 166. Chrysopogon montanus, Trin. in Sprang. N. Entdech. ii. 93 ; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 108. Pollinia fulva, Spreng. Pugill. ii. 93. — Chrysopogon, Wall. Cat. u. 8782. Var. Trinii ; gl. II of sessile spikelets glabrous or shortly ciliate, hairs of callus and pedicels often very pale reddish or white. A. Trinii, Steud. Sgn. Gram. 395 ; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 558. A. ciliolatus, coerulens, and increscens, Steud. I. c. Chrysopogon ciliolatus, Poiss. Fl. Orient, v. 458 (^excl. var. /3.) ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 22. C. cceruleus, Duthie I. c. 23, 'Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 39, t. 60. C, increscens, Nees ex Steud. I. c. 396. C. Wightianus, var. leucantlius, Thw, Enum. PI. Zeyl. 366; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 108. C. serrulatus, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Ser. VI. ii. (1833) 318, Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 331; Duthie I.e. Rhaphis ciliolata and coerulea, Nees ex Steud. I. c. 396, 395. — Chrysopogon, Wall. Cat. n. 8788, 8791. Var. rohustus, stem tall stout 2-4 ft. and upwards, as thick as a goose-quill below, leaves 8-10 by ^ in., rather coriaceous, tapering from the base to the tip, scaberulous above, glaucous beneath ; upper sheath 4-6 in. loose, terete keeled, panicle 6 in., sessile spikelets } in. keel of gl. II hispidly ciliate from base to apex, awn of gl. IV 1^ in., pedicelled spikelets \-^ in. lanceolate awned, gl. I awned dorsally pubescent, keels ciliate. Chrysopogon serrulatus. Herb. Strach. <^ Winterb. — Central India, Goona {Herb. Hort. Calcutt.) Kumaon, alt. 5500 ft. Strachey S(* Wintgrhotiom . VOL. VII. O 194 CLxxiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hookei.) [Andropogon, 52. A. Kackelil, Sooh. f. ; stem tall stout, leaves narrow finely acaminate, panicle oblong, rachis strict, braaches smooth crowded in many superposed whorls short very unequal smooth spreading simple each with a solitary spike, sessile spikelets i-i in. golden yellow, callus very short beard fulvous brown, gl. I obtuse glabrous, II glabrous awned, awn of TV |-1 in., pedicelled spikelets rather shorter than the sessile, gl. I oblong acute quite glabrous 5-7-nerved not awned keel eciliate, II shortly awned.— Chrysopogon, Wall. Cat, n. 8783. Wight Serb. n. 1030 {in Herb. Kew). Tbavancore, Wight. Nilghibi Hills ; Gondaloo Ghat, alt. 4500 ft., Lawson. Stem 4-5 ft., or more, as thick as a goose-quill below, leafy, quite smooth, brauching upward, branches erect. Leaves 2-3 ft., by ^-\ in, coriaceous, smooth, pale glaucous green, striate, margins sub-scaberulous j sheath subterete, keeled, smooth, glabrous; ligule a ridge of hairs. Panicle 4-6 in.; branches in 6-10 whorls, ^-f in. apart, the longest about 1 in. long, rather stiff, tips hardly oblique, beard of spreading rufous hairs. Spikes solitary. Sessile spikelets yellow ; gl. I 4-uerved, polished ; II subcymbiform, tip 2-lobed, 3-nerved, margins ciliolate, keel rounded and thickened, awn shorter than the gl. ; III linear-oblong, obtuse, hyaline, ciliate, nerveless ; IV very narrow, 1-3-nerved, hyaline, base and column of awn brown. Pedicelled spikelets pale green ; yellow or purplish, male, pedicels = | nearly ^ the sessile spikelets truncate, margins densely villous with long rufous hairs, the upper of which = half the spikelets, gl. I thin, nerves subequidistant, or 2-3-nate pairs submarginal margins narrowly incurved; II lanceolate, 3-nerved ciliate; III oblong, 2-nerved, ciliate ; lY narrowly lanceolate, 1-uerved ciliate. — A very handsome plant with a bright golden panicle. Wight's n. 1030 (which is not a catalogue number) is referred by Hackel to A. Trinii var. increscens^ with the locality Courtallam, taken from Steudel. It differs from the n. 1030 in Herb. Kew in. the villous sheaths with tubercle- based hairs, the leaves hairy on both surfaces and panicle branches 4-8, and is no doubt rightly referred to Trinii. 53. A. velutinus, Hook. f. ; stem not tall compressed, leaves linear broad flat acuminate puberulous on both surfaces, sheaths strougly com- pressed keeled, panicle with flexuous rachis and short flexuous scaberulous branches minutely bearded at the truncate tips, sessile spikelets pale, callus very short rufous bearded, gl. I compressed keel ciliolate above the middle, keel of II hirsute, awn of IV I in., pedicelled sj^ikelets oblong truncate strongly 7-nerved. not awned keels ciliate dorsally glabrous or hirsute, pedicels very short. Chrysopogon velutinus, Arnott in Herb. Wight n. 2314. Mysoee ; at Cuddapah, Wight. Stems 18 in. high, rather stout, soft, tufted, leafy from the base. Leaves 6-10 by i-^ in., distichous, flaccid, 5-9-nerved, slender midrib beneath and margins spinulosely ciliolate and with a few long hairs at the base ; lower sheaths equitant, s in. broad, strongly compressed and keeled, keel spinulosely ciliate, upper sheaths finely pubescent. Panicle (imperfect) 2^ in., branches ^-1 in. Sessile spikelets \ in., pale yellow; gl. I with minutely ciliolate margins; II margins eciliate, gls. Ill and IV in both sessile and pedicelled spikelets as in ^. monticola. — I have seen only one specimen of this plant which differs widely in habit and foliage fi'om any form of ^V. monticola, in the broad flat flaccid pubescent leaves and sheaths. It is a native of a botanically unexplored district. 54. A. polyphyllus. Hack. mss. in Herb. Duthie; stem simple or fastigiately branched quite glabrous, leaves many long narrow rigid acuminate flat pale glaucous-green glabrous coriaceous, sheaths terete, Andropogon.] clxxiii. graminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) 195 panicle oblong subsecund dense-fid. very pale, branches many short in many closely approximate whorls smooth, sessile spikelets i in., callus long obtuse bearded at the very base only with long fulvous hairs, gl. I obtnae glabrous, keel ciliate towards the tip, II not awued keel glabrous or ciliate, awn of IV ^-| in. nearly straight pale, pedicelled spikelets narrowly lanceolate acuminate glabrous 7-nerved eciliate not awned, pedicels naked villous at the tip only. A. Aucheri, var. polyphylius, Sack, in Herb. JDuthie. Centeal Provinces ; Khandua, Chanda, and Jubbulpore diatricts, by the Nerbudda and Indravati rivers, &c., Dutkie. Stem 2-3 ft., stiff, as thick as a crow-quill or more. Leaves crowded, or not, 6-10 by y^-i in., pale glaucous-green and smooth on both surfaces, midrib and nerves very slender, margins miimtely scaberulous ; sheaths appresaed, hard. Panicle 4-5 in.', branches ^-^ in., very unequal; peduncle slender, quite glabrous. Spikes drooping, white or pale purplish. Glumes as in ^. monticola. Pedicelled spikelets rather longer than the sessile ; pedicels = about ^ ? the sessile spikelets. — Habit, foliage and secund panicle very unlike ^. monticola, and remarkable for the stout naked callus about J^ in. long with a long-bearded base, and the naked pedicels villous at the tip only with erect fulvous hairs half as long as the spikelets. It differs from Aucheri, in the tall habit, long-glabrous glaucous foliage, glabrous peduncle and branches of the panicle, callus, pedicels, awnless pedicelled spikelets, and the very short awn of gl. IV of the sessile spikelet. 55. A. Aucheri, Boisb. Diagn. Ser. I. v. 7 ; densely tufted, basal sheaths silky, leaves short linear pubescent, sheaths terete very pale silky peduncle pubescent below the oblong panicle, branches in approximate whorls short very unequal scaberulous^ sessile spikelets \-\ in. callus long villous all over with long pale silky hairs, gl. I glabrous or keel and tip ciliate, keel of II hirsute, awn of lY f-1 in. pale, pedicelled spikelets longer than the sessile narrowly lanceolate 5-7-nerved, keels ciliate and with a long ciliate awn, pedicels =s ^ the sessile spikelet silkily villous. A. Auoheri, a. genuinus, Hack. Monogr. Androp. 560. Chrysopogon ciliolatus ^. Aucheri, JBoiss. Fl. Orient, v. 458. SciND ; near Kurrachee, StocJcs. — Distrib. Affghanistan, N. Africa. 8te7)i 6-18 in., simple or sparingly branched, base thickened, leafy. Leaves 2-4 by y\j-i in., sometimes undulate, acute or acuminate, pale green, often ciliate towards the base, margins scaberulous j sheath very pale. Panicle 2-3 in., erect, long-peduneled, rachis scabrid. Spihes usually crowded, rarely biuate on a branch. Sessile spikelets ; callus obtuse ; gl. I compressed, with sometimes long terminal bristles ; II awned or not, awn hirsutely ciliate ; III and IV as in A. monticola. Pedicelled spikelets |-^ in., pedicels silkily villous from base to apex j gl. I sparsely ciliate dorsally, and with very long cilia on the keels towards the tip, awn pale hirsute. — I have confined the description to the Scind plants. Hackel describes the species, which extehds to Persia, Arabia, Morocco, and S. Africa as extraordinarily variable, no two specimens agreeing in sll points, and the spikelets varying in the same specimen. These remarks would probably apply to all the allied species of Chysopogon, in whose stability I have no confidence. Subgen. IX. Dichanthium, Hack. Spikes digitate, rarely solitary or panicled, subsessile or stipitate on the peduncle, joints many and pedicels linear filiform dorsally flat compressed ; lower 1-4 pairs of spikelets homogamous (except sometimes in A. annulatus) male or neuter. Sessile spikelets dorsally compressed ; gl. I with the margins usually inflexed and 0 2 196 CLXXiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hookfii.) \_A7idropogon. keeled above and involute or not below ; TI keeled, awnless ; III hyaline ; IV a naked awn, its base rarely narrowly hyaline, or 2-fid and awned in the cleft. Pedicelled spikelets like the sessile, but male or neuter, awnless. * Glume IV of sessile spilcelets a simple awn, acute at the base. 56. A. caricosus, Linn. Sp. PI. Ed. ii. 1480 {exd. Syn. Eumph.) ; stem erect or decumbentbelow, leaves narrowly linear, sheaths compressed, spikes 1-4 in. solitary binate or subdigitately panicled, spikelets closely subdistichously imbricate, joints and pedicels § shorter than the sessile spikelets ^-\ in,, gl. I of sessile spikelets obovate or oblong tip truncate denticulate dorsally more or less villous, keels with ciliate wings, II obtuse 3-nerved, III ovate-oblong ciliate. Sack. Monogr. Androp. 756. Plains and low hills of India, fi'om Scind to Burma and the Andaman Islds. (not in N.W. India) and south wd. to Cetloit. — Distrib. Mauritius, Cliina. 8tein 1-2 ft., erect or ascending from a creeping base, often much branched, stout or slender, even capillary, grooved on one side, leafy ; nodes bearded or not. Leaves Q-^ by xq-^ in., finely acuminate, glabrous or ciliate, margins scabrous, sheaths smooth ; ligule membranous. Spikes inclined, often flexuous, f-| in. broad, silvery, lower sometimes stipitate ; joints and pedicels = \ the spikelet, ciliate on one margin; callus short, broad. Sessile spikelets 5-7-nerved, margins gl. I. broadly jncuryed below, narrowly above ; II narrow, 3-neryed, apiculate, margins ciliate, keel scaberulous; III ovate-oblong, hyaline, nerveless ; IV awn f-1 in., column scabrid. Pedicelled spikelets smaller than the sessile; gl. I broadly oblong, silkily ciliate ; II ovate-lanceolate, acute, ciliate.' — A very variable grass, of which there are two principal forms. Var. genuinus, Hack.; stem glabrous below the usually solitary spike, gl. I smooth above hairy towards the base. A. caricosus, Linn.; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 108. A. binatus & tenellus, Roxl. Fl. Ind. i. 254, 255 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 372, 371. A. filiformis, Pers. Syn. i. 103. A. serratns, Retz. Ohs. v. 21 ; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 329 ; Eoxb. Fl. Ind. 253 ; Steud. I. c. 366. Lepeocercis serrata, Trin. Fundam. Agrost. 203 ; Wight Cat n. 1687, Herb. Prop. n. 1687. Heteropogon concinnus, Tkw. Enum. PL Zeyl. 368. Var. mollicomus , Hack. ; stem pubescent below the spikes, gl. I 3 -toothed dorsally hairy all over. A. australis, Poir. Encycl. Suppl. i. 585. A. barbatus & ■pertmns, Serb. Ham. ex Wall. Cat. n. 8809 B. C. A. curvatus. Herb. Ru^s. ex Wall. Cat. n. 8809 A. A. incurvatus, icen. ex Trin. in Spreng. Fntdeck, ii. 91. A. Koenigii, Steud. Syn. Gram. 381. A. mollicomus, Ktmth Rens. Gram. i. 365, Enum. PI. i. 497. Lepeocercis disritatus, J?oyZe III. Bot. Himal. 416. Dichanthiura nodosum, Uderi Annal. xviii. (1796) 11. Diplasanthera lanosum, Desv. Opusc. 67, t. 5, f. 1.— Andropogon, Wall. Cat. n. 8809, 8810 F. H. Wight Cat. n. 1687. 57. A. annulatus, ForsJc. Fl. ^g. Arab. 173 ; densely tufted, leaves narrowly linear, sheaths terete, spikes subdigitately fascicled, peduncles glabrous, joints and pedicels slender laxly ciliate, sessile spikelets ^-^ in., gl. I oblong obtuse or truncate flat or convex 5-9-nerved keels ciliate above not winged glabrous or more or less villous with long spreading hairs, II acute, keel smooth except below. III oblong obtuse glabrous. Del. Fl. Egypt, in. t. 7, f . 2 ; Kunth Enum. PI i. 498 {eTcl. Syn.) ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 380; Sack. Monogr. Androp. 570; Wight Cat. n. 1697; Aitchis. Cat. Panjab. PI. 175; Duthie Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 33, t. 20 ; Bentk. Fl. Austral, vii. 531 ; Poiss. Fl. Orient, v. 463. A. Bladhii, Betz. Ohs. ii. 27 ; Kuntk I. c. 498 ; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 325 ; Poxb. Fl. Ind. 1259; Wight Cat. n. 1698; Aitchis. I.e.; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 19. A. comosus, Link Enum. Hort. Berol. i. 239. A. garipensis, Steud. I. c. 379. A, Ischaemum, Roxb. ex Wight Cat. n. 1697. A. obtusus, Nees Androjjogon.] clxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 197 in HooJc. 4* ^»*». Bot. Beech. Voy. 243 {excl. 8yn. Boxh.). A. scandens, Bo:ib. I. c. 258 ; Kunth I. c. 498 ; Grah. Cat. Bomb. PI. 238 ; Dalz. Sc Oibs. Bomb. Fl. 301 ; Duthie I.e. 21. Lepeocercis annulata, Nees Fl. Afr. Austr. 98.— Andropogon, Wall. Cat. n. 8810 C. E. G. Throughout the hills and plains of India, from Kashmir westward to Bengal and southward (not in Ceylon). — Disteib. Trop. Africa, China, Australia, Pacific. Stems usually woody at the base with strong wiry roots and tufted leaves, then geniculately ascending, 6-36 in. ; nodes bearded or not. Leaves 3-12 in., rigid, "glaucous, glabrous or haiiy above with tubercje-based hairs, margins scabrid ; sheath bearded at the tip; ligule oblong, obtuse. Spikes 1-2^ in., straight or flexuous, usually inclined, pinkish or nearly white, joints and pedicels = ^ the spikelets, slender, rigid, margins shortly ciliate. Spikelets very variable in size, closely imbricating ; callus shortly bearded ; gl. I thin, nerves strong or faint, not reaching the tip ; II lanceolate, 3-nerved, glabrous or ciliolate; III narrow, glabrous; IV awn f-1 in., column scabrid. Pedicelled spikelets about = the sessile ; gl. I obtuse or acute, 7-11 -nerved, keels bristly ; II narrower, 3-nerved; III ciliate; IV minute or 0, — A very common Indian grass, of which Hackel distinguishes three Indian varieties, to which I have added a fourth : — Var. genuinus ; spikes 3-10, gl. I of sessile spikelets beset with rigid tubercle- based hairs, of pedicelled dorsally hairy all over. Var. decalvatus; gl. I of sessile spikelets glabrous, of pedicelled often papillose. Var. Bladhii ; spikes many, lower long-stipitate, gl. I of sessile spikelets glabrous or loosely hairy. Var. papillosus ; spikes 3-8 decurved, gl. I of sessile spikelets with a transverse row of tubercle-based hairs below the tip. A. papillosus, Hochst. ex A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss, ii. 457 ; Hack. I c. 573. — Behar on Parusnath, Clarke. — Afr. trop. 58. A. Clarkei, Sach. in CEsterr. Bof. Zeitschr. xli, (1891)49 j annual, very slender, much branched, leaves 2-4 in, linear-lanceolate, spikes solitary on capillary peduncles from spathiform shea,ths, joints and pedicels slender silkily villous sulcate, spikelets subdistichous, sessile silk.ily villous with white hairs, gl. I elliptic-oblong flat truncate 2-toothed, keels scaberulous, IV a simple awn, g\. I oi pedicelled, spikelets rather larger narrower red-brown glabrous. Behar ; on Parusnath, alt, 4200 ft,, Olarke. Stems 12-18 in., leafy, nodes bearded. Leaves flat, finely acuminate, base cou". tracted, quite smooth, nerves very slender ; sheaths long, slightly tumid, mouth contracted ; ligule of hairs. Spikes f-1 in. long, flattened, joints and pedicels sulcate, slender. Spikelets 6-8 pairs; two lowest p^irs neuter. Sessile spikelets ^ in. ; callus very short ; gl, I thinly chartaceous, 7-nerved, mai'gins narrowly inflexed; II narrowly cymbiform, acuminate, 3-nerved, margins ciliate ; III oblong, obtuse, hyaline, ciliate; IV the slender awn |-1 in. long. Pedicelled spikelets \ in., dark brown; gl. I obtuse or emarginate, many-nerved; II 3-nerved; III smaller. — The white sessile and dark pedicelled spikelets are a marked feature. 59. A. arzi;ia.tus, SooJc. f.\ annual, tufted, erect, leaves linear copiously hairy, spikes* 2-5 subdigitate long-peduncled, joints and pedicels slender not grooved, spikelets 10-20 pairs, gl I of sessile oblong obtuse sometimes alveolate dorsally densely silky below the middle keels ciliate, lY a simple awn, gl. I of pedicelled spikelet armed with spreading sub- jjnarginal tubercle-based bristles twice or thrice its own length. The Con CAN, Stocks. Stems 12-18 in., as thick as a sparrow's quill, simple or branched above ; nodes bearded. Leaves 4-6 by ^-^ in., flaccid, nerves slender, base rather contracted, softly hairy on both surfaces and with long tubcrcle-bascd bristles at the base j 198 CLXXiii. GEAMiNE^. (J. D. Hookei'.) [Andropogon. sheaths lax, upper smooth pale spathiform ; ligule 0. Spikes |-1^ in., flexuous, nodding or cernuous silvery-green, lowest pairs of spikelets male ; peduncles i-^ in., capilhiry, axils with whorls of long white hairs ; rachis and pedicels slender, terete, silkily ciliate, upper hairs long. Sessile spikelets ^ in. ; callus very short, silkily bearded ; gl. I thin, pale, nerveless, with often a large deep dorsal pit, margins narrowly incurved ; II acute, nerveless, dorsally silkily villous; III oblong or linear, flat, hyaline, obtuse, nerveless; IV, awn about 1 in., slender, nearly smooth, base acute. Fedicelled spikelets i in. rather narrower than the sessile ; gl. I slightly convex, quite smooth between the bristles, keels ciliate, many-nerved ; II ovate- oblong, 3-nerved, ciliate; III oblong, obtuse, eciliate; IV very narrow. 60. A. mucronatus^ Anderss. ex Haclc. Monogr. Androp. 577 ; stem tall stout, internodes alternately flattened, sheaths terete, leaves linear- lanceolate acuminate pubescent, spikes 5-10 flabellately panicled, sessile spikelets } in. twice as long as the joints and ciliate pedicels, callus haira half as long as the glumes, gl. I coriaceous obovate-lanceolate obtuse glabrous shining 6-nerved pitted in the middle, keels setose above the middle, II as long lanceolate acute glabrous except the ciliate margin 3-nerved, IV a stout awn, gl. IV of pedicelled spikelets awned or mucro- nate. India ? Sugel. Stem 3-4 ft. or taller, simple, nodes 4, bearded. Leaves flat, base fimbriate j sheaths smooth ; ligule rounded, ciliolate. Spikes solitary or opposite, shortly peduncled, lower pair of spikelets male. Spikelets yellow-green ; gl. 1 not hyaline at the tip ; II obscurely keeled, dorsally shining ; III linear-lanceolate, nerveless, ciliate; IV awn f in. long, stout; palea minute. Pedicelled spikelets rather longer and broader than the sessile ; gl. I obliquely elliptic-oblong, violet-colrd., keels setosely ciliate nearly to the base, 13-nerved ; II narrower, lanceolate, acute, 5- nerved, ciliate ; III obovate-oblong, 1-nerved, ciliate; IV as long, linear, 1-nerved, glabrous. — Description from Hackel, who says it is a peculiar species, not allied to the preceding, but rather to A. polyptijchus. ** Gl. IV of sessile spihelet 2-fid, awned in the cleft. 61. A. polyptychus, Steud. Syn. Gram. 380; stem slender erect simple or branched below only, leaves erect strict softly hairy acuminate, sheaths subcompressed, spikes 4-6 digitate simple or forked, joints and ciliate pedicels half as long as the sessile spikelets, gl. I of sessile spikelets narrowly elliptic-oblong obtuse 4-7-nerved nearly flat glabrous, margins narrowly incurved, keels strongly ciliate above, II as long mucronate 8-nerved ciliate, IV very narrow with 2 setaceous or lanceolate lobes. Thwaites JEnum. PI. ZeyL 367 ; Trim. Cat. Geyl. PL 108 ; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 578. Ceylon ; at Pedrotallagalla, alt. 7000 ft., Thwaites. Stems densely tufted, 2-3 ft., as thick as a crow-quill below, smooth. Leaves 8-16 in. by ^-i iu., rigid, erect ; ligule short, rigid. Spikes usually 3, very fragile, 2 in. long, shortly peduncled, joints and pedicels not furrowed ; axils hairy; spikelets closely imbricate, lowest pair male or neuter. Sessile spikelets -i in,, callus very short, shortly bearded ; gl. I not winged, sometimes depressed on the median line ; II 3-nerved, glabrous except the margins, acute or aristulate ; III oblong-lanceolate, acute, 1-nerved ; IV rather shorter, nearly glabrous, awn ^-| in. very slender ; palea minute, broadly ovate, ciliate. Pedicelled spikelets broader than the sessile ; gl. I convex, many-nerved, narrowly winged on one side, tip membranous, keels ciliate ; II oblong, acute, 1-nerved, ciliate; III and IV small, oblong, obtuse, 1-uerved, shortly ciliate. Andropogon.] clxxiii. graminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) 199 ■ 62. A. nitidulus, Rook. f. ; annual, very slender, branched, leafy, leaves long narrow flaccid scabernlous base contracted, spikes very few- very unequal on a long capillary peduncle white, rachis tenacious, sessile spikelets ovate-oblong 9-nerved dorsally flat glabrous or scabrid towards the hyaline truncate tip, keels ciliate towards the tip, II 5-7-nerved acuminate, IV short broadly 2-lobed, awn very slender. N.W. Himalaya; on the Sewalik Hills; and Chanda in the Central Puo- ViNCES, Duthie. Stems 3-4 ft., loosely tufted, very slender from the naked base upwards, nodes glabrous. Leaves 8-12 by i- ^ in., acuminate, thin, margins scabernlous ciliate towards the base, midrib slender smooth, nerves very slender ; sheath smooth ,' ligule oblong, membranous, ciliate. Spikes quite white, the terminal on the peduncle 1-1^ in., lower rather distant, sessile, much shorter; peduncle 4-8 in. ; joints and pedicels = about f the sessile spikelet, very slender, ciliate with long white silky hairs, tips truncate, joints terete, pedicels flattened (almost as in Sect. Amp hi lop his). Spikelets few, in rather distant pairs, homogamous pairs one or two. Sessile spike' lets i in., callus very short, stellately bearded with white hairs ; gl. I thin, greenish, dorsally polished, margins narrowly incurved; II chartaceous lanceolate, 5-7-nerved, margins broadly incurved, ciliate; III smaller, lanceolate, 2-nerved, ciliate; lobes of IV ovate, acute, divergent, ciliate ; awn about | in., slender, column quite smooth. Anthers short. Pedicelled spikelets rather longer than the sessile, narrowly lanceolate, green, neuter ; gl. I membranous, 9-nerved, glabrous, margins incurved, ciliate towards the tip only ; II 7-nerved ; III rudimentary or 0. Subgen. X. Heteropogon, Hach. Spikes solitary, joints many and pedicels not channelled ; lowest pairs or 2-8 pairs of spikelets closely iui- bricate, male or neuter. Sessile spikelets subcylindric, gl. I subcylindrio or oblong, II obtusely keeled, not awned; I [I hyaline; IV a long awn with a stout column and often a hyaline base. Fedicelled spikelets very unlike the sessile and concealing them. * Ligule membranous ; column of awn hirsute ; callus of sessile fern, spikelets pungent. 63. A, contortus, Linn. Sp. PI. 1045 ; leaves scabrid above, ligule truncate ciliolate, spikes l-|-3 in,, sessile fem. spikelets ^ in., callus loog rufous-bearded, gl. I dorsally flat, margins smooth involute, awn 3-5 in., pedicelled spikelets i-| in., gl. I obliquely lanceolate obtuse. Lamk. Encyc. t. 840; All. Fl. Pedem. 260, t. 91 ; Xunth Enum. PI. i. 486; Steud. Syn. Gram. S67 ; Rack. Monogr. Androp. 586 {excl. A. polystachvus, Boxb.); Boxh. Fl. Ind. i. 253 ; Grah. Cat. Bomb. PI. 238 ; Dalz. c^- Gibs. Bomb FL 300; Wall. Cat. n. 8800; Wight Cat. n. 1688, 2321, in part-, Baker FL Maurit. 444. A. Allionii, LG. Fl. Franc, iii. 97. A. messanensis, Biv.Pl. ined. 5. A. Bellardi, Bub. in Nuov. Giorn. Bat. Pal. (v. 1873) 317. A. besukiensis, Steud. I. c. 307. Heteropogon Allionii, Boem, ^' Sch. S^st. ii. 835; T.Nees, Gen. Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. 94; Beickb. Tr. Fl. Germ. t. 53. H. contortus, Beauv. ex Boem. & Sch. I.e. 836 ; Benth. FL Austral, vii. 517 ; Aitchis. Cat. Punjab. PI. 176 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. lad. 19, Fodd. Grass, N. Ind. 32, ti 19. H. firmus, Presl. ReL Hxnk. i. 3o4. H. glaber, Pers. Syn. ii. 533; Beauv. Agrosi. 24, t. 23, f. 8. H. hirtus, Pers. Lc; Thw, Enum. PI. ZeyL 368 ; Trim. Cat Ceyl. PL 107 ; Betith. Fl. Hongt. 424. H. hirsutus, Beauv. Agrost. 134. H. hispidi^simus, Steud. Syn. Gram. 367. H Hohenackeri, Ilochst. ex Miq. Anal. Bat. Ind. ,'ii. 24. H. messa- nensis, Guss. FL Sic. Syn. i. 164. H. polystachyus, Nees Agrost. Bras» 200 CLxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. T>. Hooker.) [Andropogon* 364; Wight Cat. n. 2321 {non Boxh.). H. Eoxburghii, Am. ex Nees in Nov. Act. Nat. Gur. xix. Suppl. i. (1843) 183. Throughout India, Burma, and Ceylon to the Straits of Malacca, ascending the Himalaya to 5000 ft. — Distrib. Mediterranean region and tropics generally. Stems 1-5 ft., erect or decumbent below, densely tufted, simple or fastigiately branched, compressed towards the base. Leaves 6-18 in., narrow, glabrous or hairy especially near the base, rather glaucous, rigid, margins and upper surfaces scabrid ; sheaths compressed, keeled. Spikes with the lower 2-6 pairs of spikelets male with coherent joints ; joints of upper (fem.) portion very short and curved callus bearded with brown hairs. Sessile {fern.) spikelets ^ in. j gl. I coriaceous, glabrous or hispid, many-nerved, tip membranous; II coriaceous, 3-nerved; III oblong, hyaline, em- bracing the long slender ovary, tip ciliate j IV awn stout, column hirsute. Pedicelled Spikelets ^-^ in. j pedicel very short ; gl. I lanceolate, obliquely twisted, herbaceous, keels margined or unequally winged ; II membranous, acute, 3-nerved, ciliate j palea minute, ciliate. Sessile spikelets of the homogamous pairs, like the pedicelled, more or less covered with tubercle-based hairs. — Hackel has 2 varieties and 5 sub varieties (excluding polystachyus) of this widely distributed plant, founded chiefly on the number and position of the tubercle-based bristles of the male spikelet. They appear to me to be too inconstant for definition. 64. A. melanocarpus. Ell. SJcetch. Bof. S. Carolin., &c., i. 146; tall, stout; leaves scabrid above, sheaths of upper with scrobiculate keels and often nerves, ligule rounded glabrous, spikes \-l in., sessile fem. spike- lets ^ in. terete hirsute, callus long rufous bearded, gl. I dorsally flat, awn 2-4 in., pedicelled spikelets |-1 in. costa scrobiculate. A. polystichus, Hochst. ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 369. A. polystictus, Hoclist. in 8chimp. PI. Abyss, n. 2012. A. scrobiculatus, Kunth Enum. PI. i. 607. A. segsensis, Steud. I. c. 367 {excl. cit. Wall,) Heteropogon acuminatus, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Ser. VI. ii. (1883) 254. H. melanocarpua, Benth. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xix. (1881) 71 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 19. H- poly- stictus, Hochst. in Flora, xxxix. (1866) 28. H. Roylei, Nees ex Steud. I. c. 367. H. scrobiculatus, Fourn. ex Hack, in Mart. jF7. Bras. ii. III. 268. Upper Gangetic Plain, Boyle, &c. Kxtmaon, up to 5000 ft. — Distbib. Trop. and subtrop. Afric. and Anter. Stem 4-6 ft,, as thick as a swan's quill below, fastigiately branched above. Leaves 1-2 ft. by ^-f in., setaceously acuminate, rigid, green, margins scaberulous, glabrous or with long hairs at the base ; sheaths compressed, glabrous, upper spathse- form, flattened. Spikes green, peduncle stout, in a narrow spathe 3-5 in. long, lower 1-3 pairs of spikelets male or neuter with coherent glabrous joints, upper fiairs with fragile bearded joints. Sessile (fem, or bisexual) spikelets ^-^ in., callus ong bearded ; gl. I obscurely 9»nerved, not furrowed dorsally, margins smooth in- volute ; II coriaceous, linear-oblong 3-nerved, keel hispid ; HI shorter, oblong, nerve- less ; IV awn stout, column hirsute. Pedicelled spikelets ^-^ in., obliquely lanceolate, acuminate, pedicel very short j gl, I many-rnerved, glabrous, keels ciliate- serrulate ; II lanceolate, acute ; HI much shorter, nerveless, ciliate j IV minute, linear. Sessile spikelets of homogamous pair like the pedicelled. 66. A, triticeus, Br. Prodr. 201 ; tall, stout, leaves sparsely hairy, sheaths of upper smooth, ligule very short, spikes 3-6 in,, sessile fem. spikelets ^ in. terete, callus long rufous bearded, gl. I dorsally deeply channelled silkily pubescent, awn 3-6 in., pedicelled spikelets |—1 in. smooth. Hack. Monogr. Andi^op. 588 ; SteiLd. Syn. Gram. 368. A. ischy- nan thus & liananthus, Steud. I. c. 367. Heteropogon iusignis, Thw. Enum. PI Zeyl.4>d7; Trim.. Cat. CeyL PI. 107; Benth. Fl, Austral, vii, 517.— Andropogon, Wall. Cat. n. 8801. Andropogon.] clxxiii. gbamine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 2ol The CoNCAN, Stocks^ JVoodrow. Central Provinces ; Khandwa, Duthie. iBuBMA, at Segaen, Wallich. Ceylon ; Mateke East, Tkwaites. — Disteib. Malaya, Australia. Stem 6-10 ft., as thick as a swan's quill below, hard, smooth, leafy. Leaves 1-2 ft. , narrowly linear, acuminate, glaucous, above and margins scabrid ; sheaths compressed, keeled, smooth ; ligule ciliate. Spikes ^-^ in., very stout, green; lower 12-15 pairs of spikelets homogamous, male or neuter, joints very short. Sessile spikelets ^ in., cylindric, obtuse, callus long-bearded with rufous silky hairs; gl. I truncate ; II obtuse; III glabrous; IV awn hirsute, very stout. Fedicelled spikelets f in., green, pedicel very short; gl. I more or less twisted, lanceolate, many-nerved^ one keel winged ; II linear-lanceolate, margins ciliate ; III and IV hyaline, short, glabrous. Sessile spikelets of the homogamous pair like the pedicelled. ** Ligule of hairs ; column of awn usually bearded ; callus long. 66. A. bellariensis, Sack, in Flora (1885) 123 ; stem tall sheathed to the top, leaves very narrow, sheaths terete, ligule of 2 rows of hairs, spikes 2-2^ in. slender partially sheathed, sessile fern, spikelets } in., callus acute bearded with white hairs, gl. I linear-oblong dorsally channelled 6-nerved glabrous, awn 1-1^ in. base dilated and 2-toothed, pedicelled spike- lets ^ in. glabrous. Heteropogon polystachyon, Ar7i. in Wight Cat. n. 2321. The Deccan ; near Bellary, Wight {Cat. n. 2321 in part). Stem 2 ft., ascending, branched above, terete, glabrous. Lea.ves 6 in. or more, by \-^ in., rigid, green, quite smooth, puberulous above, setaceously acuminate ; sheath glabrous. tSpikes 2-3 in., slender, green, joints and pedicels shortly ciliate, lower 2-4 pairs of spikelets homogamous, male. Sessile fern, spikelets pale, callus straight pungent ; gl, I chartaceous, glabrous, 6-nerved margins narrowly infiexed, keels scabrid, tip entire hyaline ; II oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, 5-nerved, margins intlexed; III linear, nerveless, glabrous ; IV awn stout, column ciliate with white hairs. Pedicelled spikelets ^ in., lanceolate, shortly pedicelled; gl. I lanceolate, 7-nerved, glabrous; II narrower, 5-nerved, ciliate ; III and IV very narrow, glabrous. Sessile spikelet of homogamous pair like the pedicelled. 67. A- Ritchiei, JETooJcf. ; leaves scabrid, ligule a row of stiff bristles connate below, spikes f-1 in. green, hispid, sessile tern, spikelets j in., callus short hirsute, gl. I oblong, terete rufous villous dorsally not channelled, nerves obscure, IV awn 1^-2 in. scabrid base acute, pedicelled spikelets |-| in. very shortly pedicelled green, gl. I narrowly lanceolate acuminate many-nerved and with a marginal series of long spreading golden tubercle- based bristles. The Deccan ; Belgaum, Ritchie. IStem 4-6 ft. (one only seen). Leaves 1 ft. by I in., coriaceous, linear from a narrow base, acuminate, flat, rigid, shortly hairy on both surfaces hairs fine tubercle-based, margins spinulosely serrulate ; sheath smooth ; ligule membranous ? Spikes with peduncles shorter than the very narrow sheaths, stout; lower 1-2 pairs of spikelets homogamous. Sessile fern, spikelets softly villous; gl. I not channelled dorsally ; II linear, 3-nerved, with a coriaceous hispid centre and mem- branous wings ; III smaller, hyaline, nerveless ; IV awn slender, tortuous, red brown, column pubescent. Pedicelled spikelets male, pedicels very short glabrous, gl, I nar- rowly equally wiuged, glabrous, except for the bristles, II lanceolate, 3-nerved ; IV oblong, hyaline. — I have seen only the top of a branch with a single leaf of this remarkable species. The ligule is imperfect. 68. A. olig-anthus, Hochst. ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 368 ; dwarf, annual, leaves subensitorm acuminate softly hairy margins thickened, spikes short, 202 CLXxiii..GRAMiNE^.. (J. D. Hooker.) [Androiy/r/on, joiate and pedicels about half as long as the sessile spikelet long-ciliate, sessile spikelet } in. oblong, callus sbort obtuse, gl. I obtuse chartaceous dorgally villous toward the base not dorsally channelled shining faintly- nerv^ed keels ciliolate towards the truncate tip, II obtuse apiculute, III very short broadly oblong ciliate, lY column of awn glabrous. Hack. Mottogr. Androp. 591. NiLGHiRi Hills ; Wight, Hohenacker, &c. Stems 3-6 in., tufted, slender, sometimes creeping below, geniculate. Leaves 2-3 in., quite flat, margins cartilaginous ; sheaths compressed ; ligule very short, membranous. Spikes usually very shortly exserted from the long narrow glabrous spathes ; peduncle curved, puberulous. Spikes ^-| in. long, v.ith 3-6 pairs of glumes, lower spikelets neuter. Gl. I of sessile spikelets with narrowly involute margins, callus bearded; awn of IV 1^ in. long, shining. Pedicelled spikelet larger than the sessile; gl. I obovate-oblong, obtuse, many and strongly netved, margins ciliolate hardly incurved: II smaller, membranous, obtuse, 1-3-nerved, ciliate; palea of IV very small. — Hackel observes that this species is intermediate between Dichmsnthium and Heferopogon, but nearer the latter in the dorsal furrow of the sessiie spikelet (which furrow 1 do not detect). 69- A. polystachyos, Boxh. Fl. Ind. i. 261 ; dwarf, erect, corymbosely branched, leaves slender short erect strict hairy, spikes ^-I in. on slender strict naked peduncle?, sessile fern, spikelets \ in., callus densely bearded on 0]5jQ side with brown hairs, gl. 1 terete pubescent, awn l|-2 in. base simple acute, pedicelled spikelets oblong many-nerved broadly winged glabrorus. Steud. Syn. Gram. 367. A. pumilus, Roxb. Ic. ined. t. 2021 ^{non Fl. Ind.). IPeninsula of India, Roxburgh, Wight. Si>em6-10 in., slender, leafy above. Leaves 2-4 by ■2^o~T6 ^'^•> lower flat, upper •convolifflte, acuminate, ciliate with long flexuous hairs, margins thickened ; sheaths terete, lower keeled ; ligule a line of hairs. Spikes pale brown (when dry), peduncle 2-4 in., with a very slender sheath and minute leaf about the middle ; 5 or 6 lowest pairs of spikes neuter. Sessile fern, spikelets dark ; gl. I rigid, many-nerved; II linear, coriaceous with broad hyaline marjiins ; III shortei", oblong, ciliate ; IV awn rather «lender, column shortly hirsute. Pedicelled spikelets 5 in. ; gl. I with a coriaceous anany-nerved centre and broad hyaline infolded wings ; II lanceolate, ciliate, •5-nerved, 2 pairs submarginal. Neuter spikelets ; gl. I like the pi dicelled, but broader, tip 2-toothed ; II lanceolate, 3-nerved, ciliate ; III and IV oblong, 1-nerved, ciliate. — A curious little species, of which I have seen only indifferent specimens of Wight. In Roxburgh's Icones this and A. pumilus, Roxb., are figured on the same sheet Vvith the names transposed. Heteropogon polystachyon, Arn. (Wight Cat. 2321) under which is cited Roxburgh's ^. polystachyon is A. hellariensis, Hack. Subgen. XI. Cymbopogon, Sack. Spikes 2, both sessile or a sessile and shortly stipitate terminating a peduncle which is more or less sheathed by a proper spathe, often divaricate or deflexed ; joints and pedicels plano- convex, clavate bucciniform or linear, top concave with usually dilated toothed margins. Spikelets several pairs, lowest pair or pairs of one or both spikes homogamous, male or neuter ; sessile spikelets fern, or bisexual, oblong to lanceolate, dorsally compressed ; gl. I dorsally flat excavate or pitted, awnless, margins inflexed; II cymbiform, acute, keeled, awned or not ; III oblong, hyaline, nerveless or 2-nerved ; IV smaller, narrow, hyaline, 2-cleft, awned in the cleft, awn capillary, rarely 0; palea minute or 0. Pedicelled spikelets male or neuter, dorsally strongly .^£ Andropogon,'] CLXXiii. QKAMiNEiE. (J.D.Hooker.) A. Column of awn of gl. lY glabrous (rarely awn 0). * Peduncle of spikes shorter than the proper spathe. t Joints of spikes and pedicels of upper spikelets coi)iously villous on the sides and back, hairs more or less concealing the sessile spikelet. 70. A.. Iwarancusa, Jones in Asiat. Research, iv. (1795) 109 ; stem short or tall, leaves flat or convolute, panicle subsimple or decompound, joints of rachis and pedicels of upper spikelets subclavate tops toothed, sessile spikelets ]-i in. linear-lanceolate acute, gl. I dorsally flat glabrous, keels scaberulous or ciliolate. Plains of N.W. India, from the Jumna westwd., and south wd. to Scind. The Western Himalaya, from Kashmir to Kumaon, and Westebn Tibet, ascending to 8000 it. N. Canaea and the Deccan. — Distrib. Westwd, to N. Africa. Stems tufted, on an annulate creeping rootstock, 6 in. to 6 ft. high ; whole plant usually of a pale often glaucous green. Leaves 6 in.-2 ft., narrowly linear, tips capillary, rigid or flexuous, glabrous or scaberulous, glaucous or pruinose beneath, midrib slender ; sheaths glabrous, lower dilated ; ligule shortly oblong, membranous, ciliolate. Panicle very variable, branches distant or crowded, subsimple or much densely or loosely branched j proper spathes 3— | in., longer than the peduncle of the spikes, narrowly lanceolate. Spikes i-f in., unequal ; spikelets 3-1 pairs. Sessile spikelets pale, sometimes reddish ; gl. I thin, keels hardly margined not winged, nerves 0 or 2-4 between the carinal ; II cymbiform, acute, 3-nerved ; III 2-nerved j IV narrow, lobes subulate, ciliate. Pedicelled spiJcelets as long as or rather longer than the sessile, purplish, narrowly lanceolate ; gl. I 7-9-nerved, keels scaberulous ; II margins ciliate ; III broadly oblong, hyaline, fimbriate. — Roots aromatic. There are no limits between A. Iwarancusa and laniger. The former is usually the larger plant, with broader leaves and often split sheaths, and is the most Eastern form. The authority for the name Iioarancusa as a specific one is not very clear. Blane describing his Nardus indica says that Sir J. Banks regarded it as a species of Andropoffon. Jones incidentally gives Irawancusa as the specific name ; possibly he may have taken it from Banks. Subsp. 1. A. Iwarancusa proper; tall, much branched, leaves long flat, lower sheaths deciduous splitting into flat often tortuous laminse, panicle narrow compound. Kunth Enum. PI. i. 493; Steud. Syn. Gram. 388. Hack. Monogr. Androp. 599; Bowh. Fl. Ind. i. 275 ; Ainslie Mat. Med. Ind. ii. 114 ; Wall. Cat. n. 8793 ; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 326 ; DutMe Grass. N. W. Ind. 19. Cymbopogon Iwarancusa, Schult. Mant. ii. 458.— Nardus indica, Blane in Phil. Trans. Ixxx. (1790) 284, t. 16.— Common in N. India. I have seen no N. African specimens with the lower leaf- sheaths of this form, a character which is, however, very inconstant. — Khuskus grass. Subsp. 2. A. lANiGER, Desf. Fl. Atlant. ii. 379 j stem short subsimple, leaves junciform, lower sheaths hardened persistent, panicle narrow subsimple. Kunth Enum. PI. i. 493; Steud. Syn. Gram. 386; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 598 ; Aitchis. Cat. Panjah. PI. 174 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 20, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 35, t. 23 ; Lishoa in Bomb. Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. vi. (1891) ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, vii. 465. A. Arriani, Edgev). in Journ. Linn. Soc. vi. (1862) 208 (Ariani). A. circinnatus Hochst. ^ Steud. ex Steud. I. c. 387. A. criophorus, Willd. Sp. PI. iv. 90. A. Olivieri, Boiss. Diagn. v. 76 ; Steud. I. c. 387. A. commutatus, Aitchis. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xix. (1882) 191 {7ion Steud). Cymbopogon arabicus, Nees ex Steud. I. c. C. circinnatus, Hochst. in Schim,p. PL Arab, exsicc. Ed. 2 (1844) n. 783. C. Arriani, Aitchis. I.e. C. laniger, Duthie in Atkins. Gaz. N.W. Ind. SiO. Gym- nanthelia lanigera, Anderss. in Schweinf. Btit. Fl JSthiop. SOO. — A. laniger is the N. African form of the species, also common in N. India. Edgeworth's A. Arriani is certainly this. The A. commutatus of Afighanistan and Scind {iStocks) is also 204 CLxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hookei.) [Andropogon, this ; whether the African plant of that name is the same is doubtful. I have not seen the Scind specimens of A. commutatus alluded to by Hackel (Monogr. 613) ; it is not probable that they differ from Stocks' plant. ft Joints of spikes and pedicels of upper spikelets villous or ciliate on. the sides, hairs not concealing the sessile spikelets, dorsally glabrous or sparsely rarely copiously hairy. § Leaf-skeaths teixte. 71. A. Schoenanthus^ Linn. Sjp. PI. 1046 ; sessile spikelets ovate- or obovate-oblong dorsally Hat or nearly so with a deep narrow longi- tudinal cleft in the centre usually below the middle and answering to a ventral median rib, keels narrowly winged from or from above the middle, II acute keel with a serrulate wing above the middle; Kunth Enuvn. PI. i. 493 ; Grah. Gat. Bomb. PI. 238 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 21, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 38, t. 26. Hotter parts of India, wild or cultivated, from the Panjab to Burma and southwd. to Travancore and Ceylon.— Disteib. Westwd. to tropical Africa. Annual ? Stem 3-6 ft., erect. Leaves long, broad or narrow, finely acuminate glaucous or pruinose, smooth or margins scaberulous, base rounded or cordate and amplexicaul ; sheath glabrous ; ligule oblong, scarious. Panicle elongate, 1-2 ft. long, dense or lax, compound or decompound, rarely subsimple ; proper spathes as long as the spikes, which are as long as the peduncle or shorter. Spikes unequal, one 3-4-jointed, the other 4-6-jointed ; joints and pedicels narrowly chivate, half as long as the sessile spikelet, tips dilated and toothed, margins villously ciliate with long hairs. Sessile spikelets }-^ in., callus obtuse shortly bearded ; gl. I tip obtuse often irregularly toothed, dorsally 2-nerved or nerveless ; II lanceolate, 3-nerved, ciliate, Hi oblong, ciliate; IV small, narrow, 2-fid, lobes subulate glabrous or ciliate ; awn slender, twice as long as the gl. or longer. Pedicelled spikelets oblong-lanceolate, acute or obtuse ; gl. I glabrous or puberulons, keels hardly ciliate; II ovate, acute, 3-nerved; III oblong, ciliate, 2-nerved. — As in the case of ^. Mardus, this grass has been so extensively cultivated in India that it is impossible to say where it is wild, and its synonymy is so mixed up with that of ^. liardus, and the descriptions of both are so inexact, that until the whole subject of their culture and distribution has been botanically investigated by a skilled observer in various parts of India, their history must remain obscure. Botanically, A. Schcenanthus is remarkable for the extraordinary difference between its broad and narrow leaved varieties. Some forms of the narrow leaved closely i-esemble states of A. Nardus, and can only be distinguished from it by the narrow cleft in the centre of gl. I of the sessile spikelet and its corresponding rib in the ventral face of that glume. The figure given by Ventenat (Hort. Cels. t. 89) is unreliable for any grass. I give below Hackel's classification of the varieties with their synonymy, adding one which he does not appear to have seen. I am quite unable to distinguish his vai*s. genuinus and versicolor. — " Geranium grass, Husa oil grass. Oil of Ginger grass." Watt. SnhsTp. ffenuinus, Hack. I.e. 609; panicle linear-oblong, secondary branches usually simple, spikes ^-f in., dorsal cleft of gl. I hardly reaching the middle of the gl., gl. IV cleft 3-^ way down, awn perfect, pedicelled spikelets glabrous. Wall. Cat. 8794 L. Var. Martini, leaf-base cordate and ^-amplexicaul, spathes and spikelets pale or spikelets reddish. A. Schcenanthus, Linn. I. c. ; Lisboa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. iv. (1889) 120. A. Martini, Roxb. Fl. Ind. i. 277 ; Aitchis. Cat. Pavjab. PI. 175; Wight. Cat. n. 1702. A. giganteus, Hochst. in Flora (1844) 242. A. nardoides o, Nees Fl. Afr. Austr. 116. A. pachnodes, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. VI. ii. (1824) 284, 8p. Gram. [c. t. 337. Gymnauthelift Martini, ^Jnderss. in Schiueinf. Beitr. Fl. Mthioj). 310. Andropogon.'] clxxiii. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 205 Var. filiculmis, Hook, f.,; stem 12-16 in., very slender, leaves jL_i. in. broad, spikes reddish-brown. — Upper Burma, Fort Stedman, Herb. Hort. Calcutt. — Probably only a depauperate form. Var. versicolor, Hack. 1. c. 610 ; leaf- base cordate semi-am plexicaul, spathes dull violet and red, spikelets more or less variegated or the pedicelled violet. A. versicolor, Nees in Wight Cat. n. 1705 ; Lishoa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. iv. (1889) 120, vi. (1891) 65. A. aromaticus, Sieh. Fl. MaurU. {Herb. Exsicc.) n. 38. A. connatus, Hochst. in A. Rich. Tent. FL Abyss, ii. 464. A. excavatus, Hochst. in Flora (1846) 116. A. foliatus & polyneuros, Steud, Syn. Oram. 385, 389. A. nardoides, )8, Nees I.e. A. pachynodes, /8, Nees PL Meyen. 190. A. pruinosus, Nees ex Steud. L c. 388. A. Schoenanthus, Wall. Cat. 8794 C.N., 8795, 5a/cer K. Maurit . 4>iQ -, Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PL 107; Went. Hort. Cels. t. 89. A. versicolor, Nees ex Steud. I. c. ; Thw. Enum. PL ZeyL 367. Gymnan- thelia connata, Aschers Sf Schweinf. in Schweinf. Beitr. Fl. JEthiop. 310. Var, ccesius, Hack. 1. c. ; whole plant more or less glaucous, stem slender, leaves very narrow base not dilated, panicle subsimple, gl. I narrowly winged. ?A. bicornis, Forsk. Fl. ^g. Arab. 173. A. csesius, Nees in Hook. 8c Am. Bot. Beech. Voy. 244, in PL Meyen. 189 ; Wight Cat. n. 1700, 1700a. A. Martini, Benth. FL HongJc. 424. A. Iwarancusa, Boiss. FL Orient, v. 466. Andropogon, Wall. Cat. n. 8796. Var. gracillimus, Hook, f . ; glaucous, stem very slender, leaves 2-4 by i in., panicle simple, joints of rachis of spikes and pedicels nearly glabrous, gl. I of sessile spikclet truncate dorsal channel deep or shallow. Andropogon, Wall. Cat. n. 8796 {Herb. Wight). Trachypogon csesius var. a, Nees in Herb. JFight. Subsp. clandestinus, Hack. I.e. 612; habit of var. ccesius, but gl. I and II of the pedicelled spikelet pubescent. - A. clandestinus, Nees ex Steud. l. c. 388. Andropogon, WalL Cat. n. 8794 I K. — Burma, TFallich; Upper Burma, Herb. Hort. Calcutt. 72. A. Nardus, Linn. Sp. PL 1046 ; stem tall paniculately branched leafy, leaves narrow flat, panicle subsimple to decompound, spikes in densely or loosely compacted sheathed fascicles or subsolitary, joints and pedicels rather slender tips dilated toothed, sessile spikelets y-^ in. oblong or lanceolate, gl. I 2-toothed, dorsally flat or with shallow depressions or concave towards the base, margins winged or narrowly margined and scaberulous above the middle. Throughout the hotter parts of India, Burma, the Malay Peninsula and Ceylon, wild or cultivated. — Distrib. Trop. Asia, Africa, Australia. In its common form it is difficult to distinguish A. Nardus from the narrow leaved form of A. Schoenanthus, except by the cleft in the gl. I of the sessile spikelet of the latter ; and not always very clearly by that. Both are cultivated in India and elsewhere, and A. Nardus is (except in foliage never having the broadly cordate leaf-base) quite as variable as its ally. I have been unable satisfactorily to correlate all of the Kew Indian forms with the elaborate classification of varieties established by Hackel. Both his and my conclusions must be regarded as pro- visional and as certain to be disturbed by a study of additional materials, or by a study of all the forms in their native localities by a specialist who has grasped the history of the species wild and cultivated, over a large area of its distribution. One of Hackel's varieties, distans, regarded as a species by Nees, should, I think, be restored to that rank (excluding a Ceylon plant included under it by Hackel) ; it is exclusively a Himalayan form, not found below 4000 ft., and is very constant in habit and foliage. The var. genuinus, Hack., is founded on an awnless form of the plant, which I believe (with Eoxburgh) to be a cultivated state, having seen no awnless specimens in the forms known to be wild. The name is therefore inappropriate botanically, whether or no it represents the first deucribed state of the plant, and better suppressed. 206 OLXXiii. GRAMiNEjE. (J, D. Hooker.) [Andropof/on. A. Naedus proper; rootstock stout, stem tall stout leafy, leaves long narrow, panicle large often supra-decompound oblong or subpyramidal more or less interrupted, branches loosely or closely packed erect at length often drooping, spathes laxly or closely imbricate lanceolate, proper'spathes i-| in., spikes with 4-5 paii-s of spikelets, joints and pedicels rather slender densely or Jaxly ciliate, sessile spikelets i-i in. lanceolate awned, gl. I narrowly winged, awn long or short, A. 'NsLvdus, Be7itl. ^ Trim. Medic. PL t. 297; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 107. A. Nardus, var. grandis. Hack, [in part). A. caesius, Kees in Wight Qat. n. 1700c. A. Schoe- uanthus, Wall. Gat. n. 8794 D. E. F. H.— From the Himalaya to Burma and pouthwd. to Ceylon and Malaya. Mergui, Qriff. IKew Bistrib. 6762). Bengal, Griff. {K.D. 6760, 6761). Forma culta; gl. I of sessile spikelet, dorsally flat or deeply liollowed, awn 0 or very short included in the glumes. A. Nardu^, auct. plur. A. Schcenanthus, Bozo. Ft. Ind. i. 274 j TTall. Cat. n. 8794 E. A. Eoxburghii, Nees in Wight Cat. n. 1699; Steud. I.e. 395. A. Martini, Thw. Enum. PL ZeyL 367. A. Nardus, var. genuinus, Haclc. Monogr. Androp. 662 in part. Forma ahnormis, spathes empty. A. csesius, Nees in Wight Cat. n. 1700d. Anthistiria, Wall.Lc. n. 8768. Var. nilagiricusy Hack. 1. c. 604 ; tall, stem very robust sometimes as thick as the little finger, leaves 2-4 ft. by ^-| in. glaucous beneath, ligule coriaceourt, panicle 10-12 in. narrow, proper spathes about ^ in. broadly lanceolate cymbiform acuminate, sessile spikelets ^-^ in. dorsally flat smooth or with shallow depressions hardy winged nerves obscure, lobes of gl. IV subulate, awn short or long. A. nilagiricus, Sochst. in Hohen. PL Ind. Or. (1851) n. 932. A. confertiflorus, Steud. I. c. 885. A. Nardus, var. glomeratus, Haclc. L c. A. Schcenanthus, WalL Cat. 8794 B in part. Nilghiri Hills, Wight (Herb. n. 3087) &c. ; Conoor, alt. 6000 ft. Gamble. tralis, Br. Prodr. 200; Kunth I. c. ; Steud. I.e.; Anderss. I. c.AB ; Wafp. I. c. 1058. A. arguens, Wight Cat. n. 1709, A. imberbis, Hetz. Obs. iii. 11 ; Kunth I c. 481 {excl. Syn.). — Anthistiria, Wall. Gat. 8764, A. E. F. ** Stems 3-5 ft. Leaves 8-16 by \-\ in. Panicle 16-24 in.; nodes 5-6; lower branches usually compound. Gl. I of invol. spikelets with often broad scarious margins. Var. major, Hack. 1. c. 662 ; proper spathes and invol. spikelets hirsute with green or white tubercle-based hairs. A. ciliata, Thunb. Fl. Jap. 40 ; Wight Cat. n. 1708. ?A. puberula, Anderss. I.e. 12; Walp. I. c. 1038 (see Var. Roxjlei). »** Annual ? Stem very slender, unbranched ; leaves very narrow. Var. Roylei, Hook. f. ; spikes few in peduncled axillary fascicles, spathes glabrous outermost 2-3 in. proper rather longer than the spikes, invol. spikelets } in. naked or with a few cilia, bisexual i-^ in. hispid towards the tip, pedicelled longer glabrous, keels not ciliate. ?A. puberula, Anderss. I. c. 12 ; Walp. I. c. 1058. A. ciliata, /8, Nees in Herb. Eoyle. — N. W. Himalaya, Bnyle ; Simla Hills, Thomson. Kumaon, alt. 7500 ft., Strach. & Winterb. {A. ciliata). — A very distinct form, and the only temperate one of A. imberbis. It closely resembles A. Hoolceri, the only other temp. Himalayan species, which has superposed pairs of much lai'ger invol. spikelets, solitary spikes and short spathes. The glabrous spikelets and larger sessile spikelets hispid at the top distinguish it from ciliata. 3. A. laza, Anderss. in Nov. Act. 8c. Upsal. 8er. III. ii. (1856) 243 ; perennial, stem tall stout leafy proliferously branched, panicles of spikes small of few spikelets in a long lax subsimple leafy panicle shortly peduncled, outer spathes ^-1 in., proper spathes nearly glabrous hardly longer than the spikes, involuc. spikelets |—^ in. nearly glabrous gls. 3, bisexual spikelets |-^ in. solitary with 2 pedicelled, callns short, pedicelled spikelets glabrous or nearly so, awn 1-1^ in. Walp. Ann. vi. 1059. Theraeda Forskahlii, var. ? laxa, Sack. Monogr. Androp. 663. — Anthistiria, Wall. Gat. n. 8775. Nepal, Wallich. Bhotan, Griffith. Centrai. Provinces ; Khandwa, Duthie. Intermediate between A. imberbis and ciliata, with very stout erect polished Btems 2-3 ft. high, as thick as a goose-quill, and very small nearly glabrous heads of spikes. The panicle is leafy and all the leaves are very narrow. There is a specimen in the Kew Herbarium from Roxburgh, but without habitat. It may prove to be a form of A. imberbis, with small spikelets, or o£ strigosa, with unarmed spathes and spikelets. 4. A. ciliata, Linn.f. Nov. Gram. Gen. 35 ; annual, spikes in globose or fan-shaped fascicles, outer spathes 1-3 in. glabrous or sparingly ciliate, proper spathes and spikelets usually copiously clothed with tubercle- based bristles, invol. spikelets |-J in. gls. 3, bisexual spikelets ^-^ in. usually solitary with 1 or 2 pedicelled spikelets scabrid, callus short obtuse, awn 1-11 in. Gsertn. Carp. ii. 465, t. 175 ; Lamh. Illustr. t. 841, f. 1 ; Beauv. Agrost.t. 23, f . 7 ; Steud. Syn. (rram. 401 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 42 ; Baker Fl. Maurit. 448. A. barbata, Desf. in Journ. Phys. xl. 294, t. 2. A. scandens, Roxh. Fl. Ind. i. 248. A. semiberbis, Nees Fl. Afr. Ax{.str.Ylh. Themeda cilia,ta. Sack. Monogr. Androp. 664. Andropogon nutans, Linn. Mant. ii. 303. A. quadrivalva (err. typog.) Linn. Syst. Veg. Ed. xiii. 758.— Anthistiria, Wall. Gat. n. 8764 B. D.' N.W. India, Eoyle, Kiunaon, ascending to 7500 ft., Nepal, Wallich. Bengal, Roxburgh. Bebau, J. D.H. The Concan, Central Provinces, Malabar and Tenasserim. — DiSTRiB. Mascareue Islds. In habit and size A. ciliata often resembles the ordinary states of ^. imberhis and it 214 CLXXiii. GRAMINEJE. (J. D. Hooker.) [AntJiistiria. varies quite as much as that species does. The diagnoses g'iven above servo to dis- tinguish them, especially the small size of the spikelets of A. ', to Assam, Bbhar and the Khasia Hills, ascending to 4000 ft. — Distsib. China, Malaya, Australia, N. Caledon. Stem 8-16 ft., often nearly 1 in. diam. below, erect, solid, terete, glabrous, simple below, branching above, leafy. Leaves 4-8 ft. by ^-1 in., linear, setaceously acuminate, scaberulous above, glaucous beneath, margins scabridly serrulate, base narrowed, midrib broad, lower bifarious ; lower sheaths compressed ; Hgule short, membranous, ciliolate. Panicle 1-3 ft., oblong, rarely simple, inclined, branchlets flcxuous ; spikes often nendulous; spathes narrowly cymbiform, keel and nerves scabrid. Spikes as long as the proper spathes or shorter ; peduncle much shorter than the spathe, filiform, erect or divaricate. Invol. spikelets g-f in. ; gl. I linear- lanceolate, setaceously acuminate, glabrous or hirsute with fulvous hairs, keels scabrid; II shorter, acuminate, ciliate ; HI and IV still shorter, linear-oblong or lanceolate, ciliate. Bisexual spikelets -i-| in., linear-lanceolate ; callus ^-^ in. villous with long brown hairs; gl. I coriaceous, acute or acuminate, dorsally 1-3' channelled, more or less villouhly hirsute all over or below the midille with brown hairs ; II acute in the awnless spikelets, obtuse in the awned ; III oblong-lanceolate, I'Uerved ; IV = III, linear-lanceolate in the awnless spikelets, acute, 1-nerved in Anthistiria.'] clxxiii. QRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 217 the awned ; IV the hyaline base of the awn. — Hackel classifies the form of this protean plant under 6 subspecies and 12 varieties. Of these the Indian (exclusive of inter- mediates) may be grouped as follows. They do not affect definite areas, and some of them may be diftVrent states of one variety. Subsp. genuina, Hack. 1. c. 672 ; panicle decompound, branches branchleta and peduncle of spike villous with rusty hairs, proper sheaths 1-1| in., spikelets ^j-f in, or moi-e dorsally hirsute with rusty-brown hairs, bisexual spikelets 1-3 in each raceme ^ in. awned or not. A. giganfeea, Cav. I. c. A. vulpina, Anderss. in Nov. Act, 8c. IJpsal. III. ii. (1856) 245. Androscepia gigantea, var. a, Brongn. in Voy. Coq. Bot. 78; Kunth Enum. PI. 1. 484 {excl. 8yn.). Calaminea gigantea, Roem. ^ 8ch. Syst. ii. 810 (non Beauv.). Perobachne aecunda, Pre&l. Bel. Hcenh. i. 348, t. 48 ; Kunth l. c. 485. Subsp. arundinacca (including subsp. intermedia), Hack. I.e. 674; panicle compound dense or lax, branches and branchlets glabrous, proper spathes l|-2 in. ciliate, invol. spikelets ^-| in. dorsuUy hirsute with golden or rusty hairs, bisexual spikelets 1 rarely 2 in each spike about -^ in long, awn l§-4 in. A. arundinacea, Hoxb. PI. Ind. i. 251; Kunth Revis. Gram. i. 363, t. 95, Enum. 482, 8uppl. 394; Steud. Syn. Gram. 401 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 23, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 42. A. subsericans, Nees ex Steud. I. c. Cymbopogon arundinaceum, Sehult. Mant. ii. 457.' — Anthistiria, Wall. Cat. n. 8763, 8772, 8774 B. — Subsp. intermedia, differs from arundinacea in the less hirsute male spikelet and in the awn reduced to a bristle. Snbsp. villosa, Hack. 1. c. ; panicle large decompound, branches and branchlets glabrous or scaberulous, proper spathes 1-1^ in., spikes erect or divaricate, invol. spikelets ^-^ in. glabrous smooth or scaberulous, bisexual spikelets ^-l in., awn ^j^-l in. or 0. A. villosa, Poir. Encycl. Suppl. i. 396 ; Lamh. III. t. 841, f. 3; ISfeud. I. c. A. mutica, Steud. I. c. Androscepia gigantea & mutica, Anderss. I. c. 248 {excl. Syn.), t. 3 (gigantea). Andr. gigantea, var. sundaica, Buese PI. Jungh. i. 364. Aristaria mutica. Hassle, in Tijdschr. Nat. Gesch. x. 117, in Ann. Sc Nat. 8er. 3, iv. 178. Heterolytron scabrura, Jungh. I. c. — Anthistiria, Wall. Cat. n. 8776. — Assam, Khasia Hills, Malacca, Java. Subsp. caudata Sf longispatha, Hack. I.e. 676, 677; panicle lax-fid. subsimple or decompound, branches and branchlets glabrous, proper spathes 1-1^ in., spikes often divergent, invol. spikelets \-^ in., keels scabiid glabrous, bisexual spikelets 2-3 in"' each spike, awn \ in. A. caudata, Nees in Rook. ^' Am. Bot. Beech. Voy. 245; Steud. I. c. 4>02. Androscepia gigantea, var. himalayensis, Rupv. ex Anderss. I. c. 248. Andr. gigantea, v. armata, Anderss. I. c. — Anthistiria, Wall. Cat. n. 8774 A. Var. longispatha, Hack. 1. c. 677 ; leaves glaucous beneath smooth except the scabrid margins, stems and sheaths quite glabrous, panicle broad compressed, branches scaberulous, pedice]led spikelets nearly smooth except the scabrid keels, involucr. spikelets about | in.— ^Terai of the Himalaya, Kuntze. — I have seen no authentic specimen. DOUBTPUL SPECIES. Anthistiria sp. P an imperfect specimen from Chota Nagpur, Dr. Wood (Herb, Calcutt.) with the invol. gls. of J., gigantea, var. villosa,-hut with very broad leave* deeply cordate and amplexicaul at the base. 55. ISEXXiEl^A, Sack. Differs from Anthistiria in each spike being jointed below the involucral spikelets on the top of its peduncle, and falling away from it as a whole after flowering; whereas in Anthistiria the involucrant spikelets are persistent iind the rest of the spike deciduous. In the former case, as Hackel ob&erves, the dispersal of the species is by the wind, in the latter 218 OLXxiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) [Iseilema, by the callus of the bisexual spikelets piercing the skin or becoming otherwise attached to animals. — Species 6, tropical Asiatic and Australian. * Keel and suhmarginal nerves of the ajpo/thes granulate or tubercled. 1. Z. Wigrhtli, Anderss. in Nov, Act. Soc. So. Upsal. 8er. 3, ii. 251 ; panicle decompound rather dense, spathes linear-lanceolate shorter or rather longer than the peduncle, invol. spikelets f in. almost concealing the bisexual. Hack. Monogr. Androp. 679 ; Lisboa in Journ. Bomb. Nat, Sist. Soc. vi. (1891) 218. Anthistiria prostrata, Willd. Sp. PI. iv. 901 ; JSoxh. Fl. Ind. i. 260. A. cimicina, Edgeio. in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. (1852) 182 {in Bot. Zeit. (1852) 860) ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 400 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 24. A. Wightii, Nees ex Steud. I. c. ; Duthie I. c. A. Linnseana, Steud. I.e. Andropogon prostratus, Linn. Mant. ii. 304. Cymbopogon glandulosus, Sprang. Pugilt. ii. 14. — Anthistiria, Wall. Cat. n. 8770. Throughout India ; from the Panjab eastwards to Burma, and southwards to Malabar and Mysore. Perennial ; stem 6 to 3 ft., erect or base decumbent, rarely as stout at the base as a goose-quill, usually slender; nodes often bearded. Leaves 4-8 in., narrow, smooth or scaberulous, floral scabrid with tubercled margins, upper glabrous or hairy ; ligule membranous, truncate. Panicle long or short, more or less compound ; branches crowded or distant, strict or geniculate ; nodes bearded ; lower spathes foliaceous, floral ^-^ in., keels and margins tubercled. Involucr. spikelets male or neuter, pedicelled, oblong-lanceolate ; gi. I 5-ribbed, scaberulous. Bisexual spikelets, gl. I bicuepidate ; II 3-nerved ; IV a slender awn three times as long as the spikelet or longer. — Very variable in stature, length of leaves and habit of the panicle. 2. Z. arg'utumj Anderss. I. c. 252 ; panicle linear elongate very lax, spathes elliptic-lanceolate about three times as long as the peduncle of the spike, invol. spikelets j in. shorter than the bisexual. Hack. Monogr. Androp. 681. Anthistiria arguta, Nees ex Steud. Si/n. Gram. 401. — Anthistiria, Wall. Gat. n. 8769. Burma ; at Prome, Wallich. Stem 2-3 ft., very slender, leafy at the base, compressed below. Leaves 3-6 in., narrowly linear, coriaceous, smooth except towards the spinulose rounded tips, deeply striate, midrib broad, floral with spinulose margins and ciliate base; sheath com- pressed; ligule a very short membrane. Panicle almost filiform, flexuous, with distant almost capillary branches ; nodes ciliate ; spathes |-| in., keels and nerves granulate or tubercled. Invol. spikelets shortly stoutly pedicelled, linear-lanceolate ; glumes 2, I 5-ribbed scaberulous, keels ciliate, tubercled ; II 3-nerved. Bisexual spikelets linear-lanceolate ; gl. I long-beaked, beak scabrid ; IV a slender awn. — The materials are scanty ; more specimens may modify the above characters. ** £.eel and suhmarginal nerves of spathe not granulate or tubercled. 3. Z. laziixn, Hack. Monogr. Androp. 682 ; panicle slender, spikes erect, invol. spikelets with short filiform pedicels covering the fem. glumes 3 glabrous, bisexual spikelet narrowly lanceolate pedicelled glabrous. Duthie Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 43 ; Lisboa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. vi. (1891) 218. T. prostratum, Anderss. in Nov. Act. Soc. Sc. Upsal. Ser. 3, ii. 251 (excl. Syn.)^ t. 111. Anthistiria prostrata, Willd., jS. glaucescens, Nees in Wight Gat. n. 1711 b. Andropogon parviflorus. Herb. Wight ex Wall. Gat. 8767 0. A. prostratum, Herb. Muss, ex Wall. Gat. I. c. D. — Anthistiria, Wall. Gat. n. 8767 A {in small part), B. CD. Ui'PEE GATfGETic Plain; Patna, Wallich. The Deccan Peninsula, from the Concau southward, Wight, &c. Iseilema,'] clxxiii. GRAMiNBiB. (J. D. Hooker.) 219 sterns tufted, 8-36 in., erect or ascending. Leaves narrow, 3-10 in^ linear, obtuse, base ciliate ; sheaths lax ; ligule membranous, truncate. Panicle flexuous, narrow; branches short, distant ; spathes 4 in., elliptic-lanceolate, reddish, keel and nerves scabrid. Invol. spikelets i in.; pedicels glabrous; gl. I oblong-lanceolate subacute, 5-nerved ; II 3 -nerved ; III linear. Bisexual spikelets; pedicel ciliate; gl. I chartaceous, lanceolate, acuminate, tip truncate; II acuminate, 1-nerved; IV awn |-| in., very slender. 4. I. anthephoroides; Sack. Monogr. Androp. 683 ; panicle crowded leafy, racemes divergent, invol. spikelets very shortly broadly pedicelled glumes 2, I with 5 strong villous ribs, bisexual spikelet subsessile. An- thistiria prostrata, var. spic. masc. longe ciliatis, Wight Gat. n. 2335. Anthistiria, Wall. Cat. n. 8767 A. The Southern Deccan Peninsula, Wight, &c. Nearly allied to T. laxum, but a shorter stouter plant, with more crowded branches of the panicle and racemes. 55'. PSBUDANTKZSTZRZA, EooTcf. Not in Clavis, p. 6. Annual grasses, with the habits and characters of Anthistiria, but wanting the involucrant spikelets of that genus. — Distrib. India. Pseudanthistiria was regarded by Hackel as an anomalous section of his sub- genus Sypogynium of Andropoyon, with the habit of Anthistiria. As I have pointed out above (p. 168) it is a remarkably distinct genus of Andropoyonece with characters totally at variance with those of Hypogynium as given in the " Monogr. Androp." I think that it is one of a natural group with Anthistiria, Iseilema, Heteropoyon and Germainia. 1 am doubtful as to the specific value of some of the following, more copious material of all collected by good observers is wanting in this, as in so many other genera of grasses. 1, P . heteroclita. Hook. f. ; leaves 6-12 in. linear glabrous or more or less ciliate nerves distinct, fascicles of spikes about i in. broad, proper spathes ^ in. hardly longer than the spikes, sessile spikelets ^-^ in. hispidulous all over, awn f in. base lanceolate. Andropogon hetero- cliins, Nees Fl. Afr. Austr. 116; 8teud. 8yn. Gmw. 389; Hack. Monogr. Androp. 400. A. monomeros, Hochst. in Hohen. PL Ind. Or.- n. 183.. Anthistiria heteroclita, Roxh. Fl. Ind. i. 249 ; Kunth JEnum. PI. i. 483. Bengal ; pastures near Calcutta, Roxburgh. The Concan and Canaea, Law,. Thomson, &c. Sttm 1-2 ft., geniculate, slender, rarely as thick as a crow-quill, smooth, sub- simple or branched. Leaves \-\ in. broad, ciliate on both surfaces together with the sheaths and margins with long tubercled-based hairs in Calcutta specimens, nearly glabrous in Western ones ; sheaths much shorter than the internodes ; ligule short, membranous. Panicle not large, leafy, compound, with many shortly peduncled fascicles; proper spathes and pedicelled spikelets with a few long tubercle-based bristles ; keel ciliate ; base of awn linear-lanceolate. — I have seen no Bengal speci- mens, but the excellent figure in Roxburgh's " Icones pictse" leaves no doubt in my mind as to its being of the same species as the western plant, only more copiously ciliate. A specimen in Herb. Kew from Hackel was communicated as Anthistiricn tremula, the likeness between these two plants being so deceptive. 2. P. hispida^ Rooh.f.; leaves 6-10 in. linear and sheaths ciliate with long hairs or glabrescent, nerves distinct, fascicles of spikes f in. broad copiously hirsute with tubercle-based bristles, outer spathes 11-2 in. long, ) 220 CLxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hookei.) [Pseudanthistiria. proper spathes irnich longer than the spikes, sessile spikelets ^ in., gl. I terete glabrous except as to the scabrid summit, awn l-\\ in. The Concan, Stocks, Law, DaUell, &c. Central Provinces; Khandwa, DutMe (No. 8478). Stem 1-2 ft., rather stout, erect. Leaves \-^ in. broad, base narrowed, Bcaberulous above and on the margins. Panicle elongate, simple, leafy.— Closely allied to P. heteroclita, and perhaps only a variety of it, but a stouter more hispid plant of a pale green colour, with much longer fascicles of spikelets with longer spathes and glabrous sessile spikelets. 3. P. umbellata, Hooh. f. ; stem filiform straggling, leaves 1-2 in. glabrous linear-oblong acute base rounded sessile or petiolnlate, nerves very slender, fascicles of spikelets few axillary ^| in. broad with few sparingly ciliate spathes and spikes, outer spathes ^-1 in., proper spathes rather longer than the spikes, sessile spikelets yg^-g in. scaberulous, pedicelled naked, awn |-| in. Andropogon umbeliatus, Hach. Monogr. Androp. 401. Anthistiria heteroclita, /3 foliis glabris, Wight Cat. n. 1706. Deccan Peninsula, Wight-, Cochin, Johnstone. CErLON, Gardner, &c. A very slender glabrous plant, with prostrate creeping branched stems rooting at the nodes. Leaves distant, with a few scattered cilia on both surfaces, nearly smooth ; sheaths shorter than the blade. Fascicles of spikelets axillary, glabrous or with' a few tubercle -based cilia, on simple rarely branched capillary peduncles shorter than the leaves ; lower peduncles sometimes elongate 1-3 in. long and bearing several fascicles ; outer spathes |-| in. long. Spikes 3-6 in a fascicle, proper spathe glabrous. Gl. I of sessile spikelet dorsally concave ; base of awn as in P. heteroclita. 4. P. burmanica, Hook.f.; stem filiform straggling, leaves 1-2 in., linear-oblong or lanceolate glabrous, nerves very slender, fascicles of spike- lets few axillary very narrow with few sparsely ciliate spathes and spikes, outer spathes 1-1 1 in., proper spathes longer than the spikes, sessile spikelets -5^-^ in. scaberulous, pedicelled naked, awn 1-1| in. base subulate-hastate. Pegu, Kurz. Habit of P. umhellaia (of which it is possibly a variety) but leaves narrower, fascicles of spikelets 1-1^ in. long, very narrow, with much longer awns, the base of which is suddenly dilated and hastate or sagittate at the dilatation. Tribe V. PnALARiDEiE. (See p. 5.) 56. PKAXiARXS, Linn. Annual or perennial grasses. Leaves flat. Spikelets 1-fld., in con- tracted or spiciform panicles, laterally compressed, rachilla with 1 or 2 minute scales (imperfect gls.) below gl. Ill, beyond which it is not pro- duced, jointed at the base. Glumes (perfect) 3, I and II subequal, empty, persistent, keels winged o-r not ; Hi much smaller, bisexual, 3-5-nerved, thin, at length coriaceous ; palea like the gl. 2-nerved. Lodicules 2. Stamens 3. S{i/les 2, free. Grain ovate or oblong, free within the gl. — Species 9 or 10 temperate and tropical. The uppermost glume alone being flowering should technically refer this genus to the Series of JPanicacece ; but its affinities are with Poacece. P. canariensis, Liun. (Canary Grass) is given as a N.W. India Grass by Duthie and others, but 1 have seen no specimens ; it closely resembles P. minor, differing in the quite entire wings of the gls. P. paradoxa, Linn, fib, is stated by Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. to PhalarisJ] clxxiii. gramine-S. (J. D. Hooker.) 221 be Indian on the authority of Wallich (Nepal), and Stewart (The Panjab) ; but in Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. he says that he has not seen specimens; nor have I. It is a Mediterranean plant. * Phalaris proper. 8'piJcelets in a dense cylindric or ovoid spiciform panicle ; gls. I and II with winged keels. 1. P. minor, Betz. Ohs. iii. 8 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 32 ; Trin. Diss. ii. 254, Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 79 ; 8teud. 8yn. Oram. ii. ; Wight Cat. n. 173S ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 25, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 45 ; Aitchis. Gat. Panjab PI. 168 ; Ledeb. Fl. Ross, iv 465 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 472. P. ambigaa, Fig. Sc Notar. in Mem. Acad. Turin. Ser. II. xii. (1852) 326, t. 10, f. 6. P. aquatica, Ait. Sort. Kew. i. 56. P. bulbosa, Desf. Fl. Atlant. i. 35 {non Linn.). P. canariensis, Wall. Cat. n. 3782 (non Linn.). P. capensis, Thunb. Prodr. Fl. Cap. 19. P. nepalensis, Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 80 ; Kunth I. c. 33 ; Steud. I. c. 10 ; Duthie I. c. Alopecurus otiporensis, Griff. Notul. iii. 94, Ic. PI. Asiat. t. 143, f. 1. Plains of Westeen India, and the Himalaya from Kashmir to Nepal, ascending to 5000 ft. — DiSTRiB. Westwd. to the Canaries, S. Africa, Austral. Annual. Stem 1-3 ft., stout or slender, leafy. Leaves long, linear, acuminate ; sheath smooth ; ligule oblonsr, scarious. Panicle small and ovoid, or longer and cylindric, 2^-3^ in. long by | in. diam., green. Spikelets ^ in. broad, very shortly pedicelled, shining ; gls. I and II acuminate, wings irregularly crenate or serrulate ; III ovate, acute, silky, with one bristle-like imperfect gl. at its base. / ** DiAGRAPHis, Trin. (Gren.). Spikelets in a thyrsiform panicle ; gls. I. and IT. not winged. 2. P. arundinacea, Linn. Sp. PI. 55 ; Fl. Dan. t. 259 ; Sost Gram. Austr. ii. t. 33; Engl. Bot. t. 2UiO ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 33, /S'^^pp^. 23 ; Steud. Syn. Gram,. 11 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 474. P. americana, Ell. Sketch, i. 101. P. colorata, Beauv. Agrost. 172. P. intermedia, Bosc ex Poir. Encycl. Suppl. i. 300. P. picta, Hart, ex Steud. Nom. Ed. I. 609. Digrapbis arundinacea, Trin. Fund. Agrost. 127 ; Ledeb. Fl. Boss. iv. 454. D. americana, Loud. Hurt. Brit. 27. Baldingera arundinacea, Dumort. Obs. Gram. Belg. 130. B. colorata, Gsertn. Mey. & Scherb. Fl. Wett. i. 96. Calamagrcstis colorata, DG. Fl. Franc, iii. 26. Arundo colorata, Ait. Sort. Kew.i.llQ; Engl. Bot. t. 402 ; Knapp. Gram. Brit. i. 98. Kashmie ; Wolar Lake, alt. 5550 ft., Falconer, &c. — Distrib. N. temp, and Arctic regions. Perennials. Rootstoch creeping. Stems 2-6 ft., stout, erect. Leaves long, i~j in. broad, finely acuminate ; sheaths smooth ; ligule large. Panicle 4-8 in., saberect ; branches 1-2 in., spreading in flower. Spikelets ^ in., densely crowded on the scabrid branchlets, very shortly pedicelled ; gl. I and II glabrous, lanceolate, acuminate; I nerveless; Il3-nerved; III ovate-lanceolate, sparsely hairy, with 2 minute linear gls. on the rachilla. Lodicules silky. DOUBTFUL species. p. PECTIN ATA, Soth. Nov. 8p. 34; Kutith Enum. PI. i. 34; panicle cylindric spiciform, gl. I and II navicular margins membranous ciliate-pectinate, outer corolla 2-valved villous. 57. ANTKOXANTKUIHC, Unn. Annual or perennial sweet-scented grasses. Spikelets 2-fld, narrow ; in a spiciform panicle, persistent on the short pedicels. Glumes 5, I and II herbaceous, empty, persistent, acute or mucronate; I small, 1-nerved; II longest, 3-nerved, III and IV very short, keeled, hairy, 2-fid, with a 222 OLXXiii. QBAMiNEJi. (J. D. Hooker.) [Anthoxanthum. dorsal bent awn ; Y flg., minute, hyaline, broad, obtuse, glabrous, awnless, 5-7-nerved ; palea narrow, 1-nerved. Lodicules 0. Anthers 2, large. Ovary glabrous; styles long. (7 ram terete, acute, free witbin the shining gl. and palea. — Species 4 or 6, native of temperate regions. A. ODORATUM, Linn. Sp. PI. 28 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 38, 8uppL 28, t. 8 ; Host Gram. Austr. t. 5 ; Fl. Dan. 666 ; Beichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. 106 T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. t. 16; Knapp. Gram. Brit. t. 1 Engl. Bot. t, 647 ; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 14 ; Ledeb. FL Boss. iv. 408 Boiss. Fl Orient, v. 470. Occasionally found in the Hill districts of India, but only as introduced by man or as an escape from cultivation. — Native of Europe and N. Asia. Perennial, sweet-scented, especially when dry. Stem 6-18 in., tufted, erect or ascending. Leaves flat, hairy. Panicle 1-5 in., pubescent or villous. Spikelets i-^ in., fascicled, sometimes squarrosely, green ; gl. I ovate, acute ; II lanceolate ; III and IV curved, obliquely truncate. — The glumes are often described as 6. The sixth, though 1-nerved, is, I think a palea, analogous to the l-nerved palea of Hierochloa and of a few other grasses, the nerves being theoretically formed of two confluent ones. 58. KZEROCKLOA, Gmel Perennial, erect, sweet-scented grasses. Leaves flat. Spikelets 1-3-fld., laterally compressed, panicled, not jointed on their pedicels, rachilla not produced above gl. Y. Glumes 5 ; I and II equal or unequal, l-S-nerred, hyaline or scarious, shining, keeled ; III and lY usually similar, awned, 2-3-androu8 or neuter; palea 2-nervedorO; Y fem. or bisexual, palea 1- (rarely 2-) nerved. Lodicules 2, small. Anthers linear. Styles free. Grain oblong, free within the gls. — Species 8-10, of temp, and cold regions. * Panicle effuse. Spikelets long-pedicelled ; gl. Ill lY and Y hirsute and ciliate, III and IV paleate, palea narrow, male ; Y smaller ; rachilla produced between the gls. 1. K. laxa, Br. in Wall. Gat. n. 3796 ; leaves ensiform acute, spike- lets I in. long, gl. I and II equal or subequal faintly nerved, III and lY truncate very shortly awned, Y hirsute above the middle not awned. Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 25. Western Himalaya, from Kashmir, alt. 10-12,000 ft., to Kumaon, alt. 12-16,000 ft. Stem 1-2 ft., ascending from a stout creeping rootstock. Leaves 6-10 by ^-J in., quite smooth ; ligule large, oblong. Panicle 3-5 in., lax, oblong, inclined ; branches solitary or geminate and pedicels capillary. SpiTcelets much compressed, brown ; gl, I 1-nerved ; II faintly 3-nerved ; IV sometimes fem. and diandrous ; palea of V sometimes distinctly 2-nerved, but usually 1-nerved, more or less hispid. 2. K. flezuosa, Hooh. f. ; leaves narrowly linear, spikelets i in. long, gl. I and II subequal acuminate 3-nerved, III 2-toothed very shortly awned, III acutely 2-fid awn longer than the gl., lY not awned villous in the upper half, palea 1-nerved. > SiKKiM Himalaya ; Bijean, King's Collector. Stem 2-2^ ft., erect, very slender. Leaves about i in. broad; ligule oblong. Panicle 2-3 in. long and broad, very lax-fld. ; racbis branches and pedicels all capillary and flexuous. Spikelets much compressed, brown; gl. I and II lanceo- Hierochloa.'] clxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 223 late, III and IV with a ring of hairs on the callus; V 5-nerved ; palea 2-toothed, hairy above the middle. ** Panicle contracted. Sjpikelets shortly pedicelled or sessile ; gls. Ill and IV hirsute, paleate or epaleate, male or neuter ; Y much smaller, convolute, ovoid, glabrous, its palea linear, concave, 1-nerved ; rachilla not produced between gl. II and IV. 3. K. Kookeri, Clarice mss. ; spikelets |-^ in. long ovoid, gl. I and II very unequal acuminate. III shortly 2-fid shortly awned in the sinus paleate male, IV almost 2-partite epaleate neuter, segments lanceolate acute, awn in the sinus twice as long as the gl. — Ataxia Hookeri, Griseh. in Goett. JSTachr. (1868) 77. E. Nepal and Sikkim Himalaya ; in marshes, alt. 9-11,000 ft., J. D. H., Gammie. Stem 6 in. 2 ft., erect, ascending or geniculate below, sometimes as thick as a crow-quill. Leaves long, narrow, smooth ; ligule oblong. Panicle 5-7 in. long ; branches erect, subseeund ; pedicels very short. Spikelets greenish ; gl. I 1-nerved j II 3-nerved ; III and IV sessile; V stipitate, thinly coriaceous, subacute. 4. K. gracillima, Hook. f. ; very slender, panicle small, spikelets 8~fi^ in. gl. I and II very unequal. III and IV epaleate neuter, III shortly bifid awn in the sinus very short, IV tip obtusely 2-toothed, awn nearly basal twice as long as the gl., palea of V 1-nerved. Sikkim Himalaya, alt. 10-11,000 ft., J. D. H. A much more slender grass than H. Hookerif with short very narrow leaves 2-4 in. long, narrowed from the base to the tip. Panicle 1^-2 in. long, drooping ; rachis flexuous ; branches very short and f ew-fld. Spikelets yellow or purplish, very shortly pedicelled. 5. K. khaslana, Clarice mss. ; slender, panicle very narrow, spike- lets I in. long ovoid, gl. I and II subequal acuminate. III and IV epaleate neuter. III 2-fid to the middle, awn in the sinus as long as the gl. or shorter, IV 2-fid to the middle awn exceeding the gl. Khasia Hills, alt. 4500-6000 ft., Clarke. Stem 1-2 ft., ascending from a shortly creeping base. Leaves 4-6 by |-i in,, tapering from the base to the tip ; ligule oblong. Panicle 1-4 in., very narrow ; branches short, erect, few-fld. Spikelets greenish-brown, erect. 6. K. Clarkei, JSooJc.f. ; tall, slender, panicle very narrow, spikelets ^ in. long oblong, gl. I and II very unequal ovate-oblong acute, III shortly 2-fid shortly awned in the sinus paleate neater, IV bifid to below the middle epaleate neuter, awn in the sinus twice as long as the gl. Khasia Hills, at Lailan Kote, alt. 5500 ft., Clarke. Stem 2 ft., slender, geniculate below. Leaves 6-8 by i-| in., narrowed from the base to the tip ; ligule short. Panicle as in If. khasiana, but spikelets nearly twice as large and narrower in proportion, and gl. IV with a long exserted awn. Tribe VI. Agrostide^. (See p. 5.) 59. ARZSTIDA, Linn. Annual or perennial grasses. Leaves usually convolute. Spihelets panicled, 1-fld., rachilla (or callus of fl. gl.) articulate at the base. Glumes 3, I and II empty, very narrow, keeled, persistent ; III narrow, rigid, 224 CLXXiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hookei.) [A?i6Hda. cylindric, convolute, acnminate, tip produced into a long 3-partite (very rarely simple) naked or feathery awn twisted below the branches ; palea very narrow, embraced by the gl., sometimes minute or 0. Loclicules 2. Stamens 3. Stales distinct. Grain narrow, free within the closely con- volute gl. — Species (assumed; about 100, natives of warm countries. The species and synonymy as given below have been revised by Dr. Stapf with the Oriental and African. Sect. I. Ch^taeia. Awn tripartite from the base, not or imperfectly articulate with the top of the gl., persistent, glabrous. 1, A. Cuaningrlana, Trin. & Rupr. in Mem. Acad Petersh. Ser. YI. vii. (1849) 134 ; annual, dwarf, panicle very slender, spikelets (without the awns) Y^-jQ in., awn inarticulate at the base. Steud. Syn. Gram. 140 ; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 881 ; Ranee in Journ. Linn. Soc. xiii. (1873) 135. A. capillacea, Guv. Ic. v. 43, t. 468, f. 1 (non Lamk.)] Steud. I.e. 134. A. delicatula, Hochst. ex A. Rieh. Tent. Fl. Ahyss. ii.293; Steud. I. c. 139. A. tenella, £urz in Herb. Calcutt. A. trichodes, Walp. Ann. iii. 753 ; Miq. I. e. 380 ; Steud. I. e. 140. Chastaria trichodes, JSfees in Rook. Kew Journ. ii. (1850) 101. W. Bengal, Kurz. Chota Nagpobe, Clarke. Pegu, Kurz; on the Shan Hills, Collett. — DiSTRiB. China, Philippines, Afr. trop. Stem 3-10 in., tufted, very slender. Leaves filiform. Panicle subcyllndric, narrow, loosely branched, rachis branches and pedicels capillary, scaberulous. Spike- lets green or purplish; gls. acuminate, II longest; Til as long as I, scaberulous; arms of awn twice as long as the gls., capillary, median longest. 2. A. Adscenscionis, Linn. Sp. PL 82 {excl. Syn. Sloane) ; annual or perennial, panicle contracted, branches short or elongate and naked below, spikelets (excl. awns) J-i in. acute, gl. I acuminate not awned, II obtuse or emarginate and mucronate, awn inarticulate at the base. Kunth Enum. PI. i. 190; Steud. Syn. Gram. 139. Throughout the Plains and low Hills of India, Bubma and Ceylon, ascending to 8000 ft. in Kashmir. — Distrib. Most warm countries. Stems 6 in. — 3 ft., tufted, usually almost filiform, rarely as thick as a crow-quill, smooth. Leaves very narrow, smooth or scaberulous. Panicle 3-12 in., subsimple or compound, rachis and capillary branches nearly smooth ; branches very short with subsessile fascicles of spikelets, or longer, and erect or spreading. Spikelets pale green or purplish; gl. I \-^ in., acute; II ^-\ in., tip truncate mucronulate j III J-| in., smooth or scabrid ; middle branch of awn ^-| in., rarely 1 in. ])r, Stapf, who has reviewed the whole genus, informs me that besides the following synonyms, which apply to Old World forms, there are in the New World 11 others under Aristida, and 14 under Cheetaria. Var. typica, Stapf. mss. ; gl. Ill about as long as II. A. abyssinica, Trin. 4* Rupr. in Mem. Jcad. Petersh. Set. VI. vii. (1849) 134. A. caerulescens, JDesf. Fl. Atlant. i. 109, t. 21, f. 2 ; Kunth I. c. 191, Suppl 146 ; Steud. I. c. 138. JBoiss. Fl. Orient, v. 491 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 26. A. eanariensis, Willd. Enum. PI. 99. A. chaetophylla, modatica, simplicissima & TenerifFae, Steud. I. c. 139,420. A. cnrvata, Nees ex A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss, ii. 392. A. depressa, Retz. Ohs. iv. 22 ; Roxb. Fl. Ind. i. 351 ; Wall. Cat. n. 3786 ; Kunth. I. c. 190, Svppl. 146; Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 370; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 108; Bah. Sf Qibs. Bomb. Fl. 295; Aitch. Cat. Pavjab PI. 164 {excl. Syn. setacea) ; Benth. Fl. Austral vii. 5ti3; Duthie I.e. ^ Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 4:7, t. 30. A. divaricata, Jacq. Eclog. Gram. 7, t. 6 {non Willd.). A. elatior, Cav. Ic. vi. 65, t. 589, f. 1 ; Kunth ?. c. i. 191. A. festucoides, Rochat. et Steud. ex Trin. Sc Rupr. {von Poir,), A. Arisiida,] cLXXiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 225 gflgantea, Linn. f. Suppl. 113; Kunth I.e. 194, Suppl. 150. A. Jacquiniana, Tausch. in Flora (1836) 508. A. Heymannii, Eegel in Act. Hort, Petrop. vii. (1880) 649. A. Hystrix, Duthie Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 47, t. 31 {wd of Linn.fil). A. nutans, Willd. Hort. Berol. ex Steud. Nomencl. Ed. II. i. 131. A. panicu- lata, ForsJc. Fl. Mg. Aroih. 25 (ea; descript.K A. pusilla, Trin. et Bupr. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. VI. vii. (18i9) 140. A. setacea, Trin. I. c. i. (1831) 84 (now Petz. ) ; Wall. Cat. n. 3785 ; Steud. I. c. 139. A. vulgaris, Trin. Sf Riipr. in Mem. Acad. Peter sh. I. c. 131 (with 10 vars.) Steud. I. c. 138. ClifBtaria Ascenscionis, caerulescens, canariensis, depressa, elatior, & gigantea, Beauv. Agrost. 30. C. curvata & mauritiana, Nees Fl. Afr. Austr. 186, 188. C. Hystrix, Wight Cat. n. 1737 (now Beauv.). Var. A. aathiopica, Trin. Sf Pupr. I. c. 167. A. Ehrenbergii, Trin. ^ Rupr. Stipac. 136 ; Steud. I. c. 138. A. festucoides, Poir. Encycl. Suppl. i. 453 (ex Trin.)', KunthEnum.pl. i. 197. A, mutabilis, Tar. aequilonga, Trin. ^'' Rupr. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. VI. vii. (1849) 150. A. pumila, Hone in Ann. Sc. Nat. Ser. II. iv. (1835) 85 ; Soiss. I. c. 496 ; Steud. I. c. 138. A. spicigera, Trin. Sf Rupr. I.e. 136 ; Steud. I. c. A. vulgaris, Trin. ^ Rupr. I. c. in part (with 6 vars.). —Aristida Wall. Gat. n. 3788. 3. A. setacea^ Hetz. Obs. iv. 22 ; perennial, panicle contracted, spike- lets (excl. awn) 5-3 in., gl. I and II long-awned, awn inarticulate at the base, middle branch ^-l^^ in. Kunth Enum. PI. i. 191 {excl. Sf/n. de- pressa), Suppl. 148 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 141 ; Eoxh. Fl. Ind. i. 349 ; Wall. Gat. n. 3786 A. B in part) ; Grah. Gat. Bomb. PI. 218 ; Bah. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 295 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 27. A. adscendens, Triyn. Gat. Geyl. PI. 108. A. arundinacea, Roem. ex Betz. I. c. {non Linn.). A. coerulescens, Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 370. A. Hystrix, Baker Fl. Maurit. 451 {excl. Syn.). A. quinqueseta, Steud. I. c. 420. Chaetaria setacea, Beauv. Agrost. 36. 0. depressa. Herb. Wight propr. n. 1735. Western India; from Behar and the Concan southwd. Ceylon; Walker^ &c. — DiSTRiB. Mascarene Islds. Stem 3-4 ft., sometimes as thick at the base as a goose-quill, stout, erect, simple, or subfastigiately branched with open sheaths at the ramifications. Leaves filiform, convolute, scaberulous. Panicle 6-12 in., inclined ; branches short, sub- secund, scaberulous, usually fascicled and erect. Spikelets green or purplish ; gl. I narrowed into a short awn ; 2 minutely 2-toothed, awn short ; III nearly smooth j beard of callus copious, white, silky. 4. A. cyanantha, Steud. Nom. Ed. II. i. 131; Syn. Gram. 141 ; tall stout, panicle effuse, branches flexuous widely spreading, spikelets (excl. awns) g-^ in,, gls. I and II shortly awned, awn of III not articulate with the gl. branches very lonsr flexuous middle one up to 2^ in. Trin. in Act. Acad. Sc. Petrop. Ser. VI. v. (1842) 150; Boiss. Fl. Orient v. 492; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 26 (excl. Syn.). Chaetaria cyanantha, JSFees in Royle III. Bat. Himal. 424. Western Himalaya, alt. 3-5000 ft., from Kashmir to Kumaon ; and low hills of the Panjab. — Distrib. AfFghanistan, Periennial. Stem 3-6 ft, attaining the thickness of a swan's quill below. Leaves 6-12 by i-i in., at length convolute, quite smooth, glaucous; sheaths smooth. Panicle 12-18 in., very variable in amount of branching; branches 4-12 in., solitary br 2-3.nate, usually naked for 2-6 in., scaberulous. Spikelets usually dark purple ; gls. I and II with nearly smooth keels, tip of II fimbriately toothed ; III, callus hairs very few ; awn minutely scaberulous. 5. A. Hystrix, jCmw. /. Suppl. IIS; perennial, panicle as broad as long branches distant rigid widely spreading, spikelets (excl. awns) |-| in., VOL. VII. Q 226 CLxxiil. GKAMINE.E. (J. D. Hooker.) [Aristida. gls. I and IT. finely acuminate or awned, awn of III not articulate with the gl. branches very long: rigidly flexuons middle one 1-2 in. Trin. Diss. i. 187, in Ant. Petrop. (1829) 83, (1836) 47 ; Ku7ith Emim. PI. i. 350, Suppl. 147 ; Boxh. Fl. Ind. i. 350 ; Wall. Cat. n. 3784 ; Grah. Cat. Bomb. PI. 335 ; Dalz. ^ Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 295; Steud. Syn. Gram. 141. A. tripilis, Thimb. Fl. Ceyl. Diss. 2, ex Trin. Sc Bupr. iyi Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. YI. vii. (1849) '147. Chaetaria Hystrix, Beauv. Agrost. 30. The Deccan Peninsula, from the Concan and Central Provinces southward. CETnoN (Thunherg). Stem 6 in.-2 ft., as thick as a crow-quill or less, stiff, stout and erect or long inclined or prostrate and prolifei'ously branched with open sheaths at the ramifica- tions. Leaves 2-4 in., narrow, convolute, glaucou^i. Panicle 4-6 in. ; rachis stout flexuous and angular, branches and branchlets smooth. Spikelets straw-colrd. ; gls. I and II membranous or subchartaceous, keek smooth ; II most minutely toothed at the base of the awn ; III smooth, callus naked, awns most minutely scaberulous. — I have seen no Ceylon specimens, for which habitat Thunherg (fid. Trinius) is the authority. 6. A. mutabllis, Trin. & Bujpr. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. VI. vii. (1849) 150 (excl. var. sequilonga) ; annual, panicle very narrow subcylindric, branches very short crowded, spikelets (excl. awns) \ in., gls. I and I L shortly awned, awn of III obscurely articulate with the gl., column long, branches rather short, middle one about \ in. Steud. Syn. Gram. 141. A. articulata, Edgew. in Journ. Linn. Soc. vi. (1862) 209 ; Aitch. Cat. Panjab PI. 164 ; Dutkie Grass. N. W. Tnd. 26, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 47. A. Kunthiana & meccana, Trin. & Bupr. I. c. 151 {ex descr.) 152 ; Steud. I. c. 141. A. Schweinfarthii, Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 493. A. spicata, Bottl. mss. A. tenuis, Ilochst in Flora, xxviii. (1855) 200. The Panjab & Rajpootana ; Multan, Edgeworth ; Jodhpore, King. Southern India, Rei/ne, Wight, &c. — Distrib. Arabia, Africa trop. Stems 6-12 in., many ascending from the root, simple or proliferously branched, slender. Leaves 1-3 in., very slender, curved, convolute, rigid, smooth. Panicle 3-6 in., branches all very short and crowded, or with sometimes a few remote lower down or the stem ascending from a naked base and bearing a dense oblong fascicle of spikelets, rachis smooth, branches scaberulous. Spikelets very shortly pedicelled, pale green or straw-colrd.; gl. I ^ in., keel scaberulous; II \ in., tip 2-toothed i)elow the awn ; III scaberulous, callus shortly bearded; column of awn nearly as long as the gl., slender, smooth, branches capillary. — King's specimens from Jodhpore are in a starved state and mixed with A. Adscenscionis. , Sect. II. Arthratherum:. Column of awn long, twisted, articulate on the glume (obscurely in A. redacta), branches glabrous, rarely 0. 7. A. funlculata, Trin, 8f Bupr. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. VI. vii. (1849) 159 ; annual, very slender, panicle lax narrow, branches very short, gls. I and II ^-1 in. subequal awned, column of awn 1 in. or les^, branches capillary 1-3 in. Steud. Syn. Gram. 142 ; Aitchis. Cat. Panjab PI. 164 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 492 (in part) ; Duthie Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 47. A. funicularis, Trin. ex Steud. Nomencl. Ed. II. i. 131 ; Edgew. in Journ. As. Soc. Peng. xxi. (1852) 160, 163 (fcenicularis). A. Kotschyi, Hochst. ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 142. A. macrathera, A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss, ii. 393 ; Steud. I. c. 142; Boiss. I. c. 493 (macranthera). A. mallica, Eiigew. in Journ. Linn. Soc. vi. (1862) 209 ; Aitch. I. c. ; Duthie 1. 1, c.c. A. murina, Aitchis. I.e. 164 {non Cav.) ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 26. A. ,paradoxa, Schmidt Fl. Cap. Verd. 140. A. pilosa, Herb. Keyne {non Lahill.). A. Royleana, Trin. & Bupr. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. I Aridida.] CLXXiii. QRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 227 VI. vii. (1849) 160; Lishoa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. vii. (1892) 358. A. stipacea, Ehrenb. Sc Hempr. ex Trin. & Rupr. I. c. Chaetaria murina, Nees ex Trin. ^ Rupr. I. c. 160. C. murina, i3. villosa, Nees ex Wight Cat. n. 1736. C. Royleana, Nees ex Steud. Spn. Gram. 143. Arthratherum Kotschyi, Hochst. ex Trin. I. c. — Aristida, Wall. Cat. n. 3787. Plains of the Panjab from the Sutlej westward. Eajpootana, and from the CoNCAN southward. — Distbib. Beluchietan, Arabia, Trop. Africa. Stems many, geniculately ascending, 10 in.-2 ft. Leaves very slender, flat or convolute, base ciliate with long hairs. Panicle 4-10 in., branches erect capillary. Spikelets variable in length, pale ; gl. I rather shorter than II, keels scaberulous ; in smooth, callus sparsely bearded or naked; column of awn very slender, minutely scaberulous, twisted, branches straight capillary. Var. Royleana, leaves eciliate, spikelets smaller, on more distant spreading flexuous branches, gl. I \ in. or less, column of awn i-^ in., branches wiore unequal, longest f in. — A. Royleana, Trin. Sf Rupr. I.e. 160; Steud. I.e. 143. Chaetaria Royleana, Nees ex Steud. I. c. Arthratherum Royleauum, Edgew. eo) Aitehis. I. c. —The Panjab, Kaugra, alt. 3000 ft., Clarke. Var. ? StocTcsii ; gl. I = ^ II. — Concan ? Herb. Stocks. 8. A. hystrlcula, Edgew. in Journ. Linn. Soc. vi. (1862) 208 ; dwarf, very slender, 1-2 in. higb, panicle very small narrow much shorter than the awns, gls. I and II ^ in. subequal or I shorter aristately acuminate, column of awn ^ in. twisted, branches subequal |-| in. Aitehis. Cat. Panjab PI. 164 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 26, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 47. A. funiculata, Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 493 (the Beluchist plant only). The Panjab; 'Mnlisin, Edgeworth. Scind; near Kurrachee, Stocks. — Distbib. Beluchistan. Annual. Steins very many from the root, ^-1 in., densely crowded. Leaves subulate, curved, convolute, acuminate, glabrous. PanicZe without the awns ^-1 in.; branches few, short, erect. Spikelets erect ; gls. I and II very narrow ; callus of III minute, glabrous; column of awn capillary, twisted, smooth, branches of extreme tenuity. 9. A. redacta, Stapf in Kew Bullet (1892) 85 ; stems tufted, tall or short, panicle large effuse, branches spreading, gls. I and II subequal shortly awned about ^ in. long, II deciduous, column of awn capillary twisted, branches 0 or very short. A. depressa, Uetz. Herb. Ind. Or. Hf. So T. in part. Stipa aristoides, Stapf ex Lishoa in Journ. Bomb, Nat, Hist. Soc. vii. (1892) 358. Lower Bengal; Burdwan, Clarke. The Concan, Centeal India, and the Central Provinces, Stocks, Law, &c.— Distrib. S. Persia. Annual. Stems 6 in.-2 ft., rather stout or slender, densely tufted, simple, or proliferously branched in robust specimens. Leaves 4-8 in., very slender, convolute, ciliate with long hairs at the base. Panicle 6-12 in., rachis slender smooth ; branches usually binate, capillary, flexuous, smooth, erect or spreading, each with one or few spikelets. Spikelets on short or long capillary pedicels, green or purplish ; column of awn gradually dilating below, 3-nerved, convolute and passing into the glume from the top of which it separates readily but without an indication of the joint. Sect. III. Stipagrostis. Awn feathery. 10. A. hlrtlgrluma, Steud. Norn. Ed. II. ii. 231, S^n. Gram. 144 ; very slender, panicle narrow strict or flexuous, branches very short, gl. I and II unequal. III muriculate, awn capillary plumose middle branch 1| in, lateral much shorter naked of extreme .tenuity. Trin. & Pup r. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Ser. VI. v. (1842) 171; Aitehis. Cat. Panjab PI. 164: q2 228 CLXXviir. gramine/E. (J. D. Hooker.) [Arisfula, Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 26, Fodd. Grass. ISf. Ind. 47 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 496. A. ciliata, Steud. ^ Hochst. ex Steud. Nom. Ed. II. i. 131 {non Besf). A. decorata, Steud. Byn. Gram. 421. A. paradisea, Fdgeiu. in Journ. yls. Soc. Beng. xvi. (1847) ii. 1219. A. pooronoptila, Boiss. I.e. A. Schimperi, Hoclist. et Steud. ex Steud. I. c. 143. Arthratherum ciliatura, Nees in lAnnsea^ vii. (1832) 287, Fl. Afr. Austr. i. 182. Arth. elatutn, Boiss. Diagn. Ser. II. iv. 128. Arth. hirtiglnme & poffonoptilum, Jaub. Sc Spach, III. PI. Orient, iv. 52, 56. Arth. Schimperi, Nees Fl. Afr. Austr. 178. The PanJAb, Jacquemont, Falconer^ &c. Pesh-awue, &c., Stewart. SciND, Kerb. Calcutta — Distujb. Westward to Esrypt and Abyssiuia. Perenuial. Stem stout at the base, slender and 1-2 ft. high. Leaves 3-8 in,, convolute, filiform, flexuous, tips capillary. Panicle very slender, branches very short, erect, capillary. Spikelets pale green or straw-colrd. ; gls. I and II not or hardly awned, hairy or glabrous ; I ^ in. ; II rather shorter; III muriculate, callus bearded ; awn straight, articulate in the gl., ooluoia twisted, plumose as well as the middle branch. 11. A', plumosa, Linn. Sp. PL Ed. II. 1666 ; stem slender, panicle narrow, branches very short, gls. I and II subequal. III glabrous smooth, awn capillary middle branch 2-3 ia. plumose above naked below, lateral much shorter naked of extreme tenuity. Vahl Symh. i. 11, t. 3 ; Trin. Diss. i. 181, ii. 26; in Act. Petrop. (1829) 89 ; Trin. & Bupr. I.e. Ser. YI. V. (1842) 165 ; Funt/i Emim. PI. i. 195, ii. 151 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 143 ; Aitchis. Gat. Panjab PL 164 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 495 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Did. 26, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 47. A. brachypoda & Forskahlii, Tausch. in Flora (1836) 506; j5ow.9. Z. c. 495, 496. A. lanata, ForsJc. FL JEgypt. Arab. 25. A. Raddiana, Savi i)i Mem. Moden. (1837) 198; Steud. I. Ci 144. Arthratherum plumosum, Nees FL Afr. Austr. i. 182. Western Tibet ; Iskardo, alt. 7700 ft., Clarice. — Distrib. Turkestan, Persia, N. Africa. Perennial. Stem 1-2 ft., from a stout branching woody stock with stout rigid roots. Leaves 2-6 in,, rigid, filiform, convolute, flexuous. Panicle 2-3 in. (excl. the awns) very narrow. Spikelets erect; gls. I and II | in., not awned; III callus bearded, column of awn \ in., very slender, hardly twisted, glabrous; middle brunch strict, silvery, lower ^ naked, lateral about \ in. long. UNDETERMINABLE SPECIES. A. RiGNESCEN8,i2oew, Sf" SchuU. Syst. ii. 400 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 141. A. rigida, Heyne ex Roth. Nov. Sp. 42 (non Cav.) ; Kmith JEnum. PI. i. 197. Arthratherum rigidum, Schult. Mant. ii. 212). — May be A. Hystrix. •60. STZPA, Linn. Tufted perennial grasses. Leaves usually convolute. Spikelets loosely panicled, terete, 1-fid., rarely dorsally compressed, rachilla forming a thickened or narrow callus below gl. III. Glumes 3, I and II empty, persistent, keeled, acute, rarely awned ; III rigid, convolute, terete, narrowed into an entire or notched or 2-fid tip, with a long terminal bent usually deciduous awn, column of awn twisted rarely straight ; palea 2- nerved, closely embraced by the gl. Lodicules 3, large. Stamens 1-3, tips of anther- cells bearded or naked. Grain narrow, terete, free within but tightly embraced by the gl. and palea. — Sp. about 100, temperate and tropical. 'Dr. Stapf has aided me greatly in this difiicult genus. Sti2)a.'\ CLXXiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 229 A. Column of awn twisted. * Awn plumose or hairy throughout its length or nearly so. 1. S. orientalis, Trin. ex Ledeh. FL Alt. i. 83 ; panicle narrow more or less embraced by the dilated sheath of the uppermost leaf, spikelets ^ in., gls. I and II about twice as long as the silkily hairy 111. Ledeh. Ic. FL Ross. t. 223;^ Trin. in Act. Acad. Fefersb. VI. i. (1830) 79; Kunth Enum. Fl. i. 185 ; Steud. 8yn. Orayn. 131 ; Boiss. FL Orient, v. 504 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. lud. 27. S. Seme-novii, lirassn. Descr. PL Thiansch. in Script. Bot. Hort. Univ. Fetrop. ii. 22. S. Szovitziana, DuLhie l. c. 27 {non Trin.). S. tartarica, Jacquem. ttiss. Western Tibet, alt. 10-15,000 ft., Jacquemont, &c. — Disteib. Westward to Persia. Altai Mts. Stems 6-14 in., forming dense hard tufts, clothed below with shining sheaths. Leaves 4-10 in., filiform, tips long capillary ; sheath of uppermost, 4-6 by i-^ in. broad. Panicle elongate, branches and pedicels short, erect. Gls. I and II hyaline, i-^ in. long, tips slender; I 1-nerved or 3-nerved at the base; II 3-nerved ; 111 cylindric, callus = about ^ of the gl., bearded; awn plumose throughout its leugtli, nearly straight, column about ^ of its length. — Probably a form of S. barhata. Said to be the commonest grass on the Pamir. 2. S. basi-plumosa, Munro mss.; panicle very narrow, branches and pedicels very nhort, spikelets purple, gl. I and II ^-^ in., Ill about 5 shorter than II sparsely hairy, awn capillary twice or thrice as long aa the spikelet very densely bearded towards the base. Western Tibet ; Nubva, and the Lanak Pass, alt. 15-17,000 ft., Thovison. Stems 6-16 in., densely tufted, slender, strict. Leaves 4-6 in., convolute, filiform, slightly scabrid. Fanicle 2-6 in., sometimes sheathed; branches and spikelets distant ; gl. I and II ovate-lanceolate finely acuminate, tip and margins white hyaline; I 3-nerved at the base ; II 3-nerved ; callus of IV = about ^ ot the gl. ; awn very delicately plumose upwards with spreading hairs, column slightly- twisted. Var. longe-aristata, Munro mss. ; gl. I and II | in., awn 1^ in. — Western Tibet, Thomson. 3. S. purpurea, Griseb. in Goett. Nadir. (1868) 82; spikelets few purple on long capillary sigmoidly flexnous pedicels, gl. I and II ^-I in.. Ill about k shorter than II softly hairy, awn 2^-3 in. flexuous. S. Bich- teriana, Herb. Ind. Or. Bf. T. ; Duthie Grass. N, W. Ind. 27 {not Kav. Sf Kir.). Lasiagrostis txemuldu, Ruprecht Serf, Thiansch. 35. AVesteen Tibet ; Gnari Khorsum, alt. 17,000 ft., ScTilagintweit ; Lake Eukshun, 15,000 ft., Xance.— Disteib. Thianschal Mts., in Central Tibet, alt. 16,000 ft., Thorold. Stems densely tufted, 6-10 in., filiform, sheathed below the panicle. Leaves 2-4 in., filiform, convolute; ligule elongate. Spikelets very few, hardly forming a panicle, branches and pedicels -} in, or more, sometimes zigzag. Gls. I and II narrowly lanceolate, dark purple with slender hyaline tips; III callus = J- of the gl., villous. Anther 'ti j)s naled. 4. S. mongrolica, Turcz. ex Trin. inBuU. Sc. Acad. Fetersh. i. (1836) 67; panicle open with few distant widely spreading capillary llexaous branches, spikelets §— | in. ovate dorsally compressed, gls. I and II purple below the middle hyaline above it, III hairy, awn about twice as long as the gls. Steud. Sj/n. Gram 132 ; Duthie Grass. JV. W. Ind. 27. Lasia- grostis mongholica, Trin. ex Bupr. in Mem. Acad. Fetersh. Ser. VI. Sc. 230 CLxxiii. GRAMINE.E. (J, D. Ilooker.) [Siipa Nat. V. (1842) 87. L. alpina, F. Schmidt Beise Amurl. 73. Ptilaffrostia mongholica, Griseb. in Ledeb. Fl. Ross. It. 447, in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 82. Alpine Himalaya; Kumaon, alt. 14,000 ft., Strachey ^ Winterhottom. N. Sikkim, alt. 14-16,000 ft., J.D.H. Westeen Tibet; Ladak, alt. 13,000 ft., Thomson, Lance. — Distrib. Altai Mts. Mongolia. Stems 1-2 ft., densely tufted, very slender. Leaves 4-6 in., almost capillary, flexuous. Panicle 4-6 in., branches solitary, lower 1-3 branchiupr at the ends. Spikelets ovoid, pedicels I in. ; gls. I and II oblong-lanceolate, acute ; I 1-nerved or 3-nerved below; II nerves 3, very slender; III about i shorter than II, hairy all over ; awn twice as long as the spikelets or more, hairy to the tip. Anther-cells with bearded tips. 5. S. concJnna, Hook. f. ; panicle small few-fld. contracted, branches and pedicels short erect, spikelets \ in. ovoid dorsally compressed purple, prls. I and II ovate acute tips hyaline. III glabrous, awn about twice as long as its gl. Sikkim Himalaya, in the Tibetan Region, alt. 14-16,000 ft., J. JD. H. Stem 6-10 in., rather stout. Leaves 2-4 in., filiform, flexuous. Panicle 1-1^ in., solitary, branches and pedicels erect. Ol. I and II acuminate; I 1-nerved H 3-nerTed ; awn hairy to the tip. Anther cells with bearded tips. ** Awn plumose above the column onlj. 6. S. pennata, Linn. Sp. PI. 78 ; panicle na.rrow sheathed, gl. T and II subequal cuspidately awned, III = ^ II glabrous above, awn 6-9 in. flexuous plumose above the column only. JTost Gram. Austr. iv. 19, t. 33 ; Engl. Bat t. 1356 ; Trin. in Act. Petrop. (1829) 32 ; Trin. & Rupr. I. c. vii. (1842)80; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 179; Beichh. Ic. Fl Germ. 46; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. n. 26 ; Ledeb. Fl. Boss, iv 450 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 502. S. aperta, appendiculata, gallica & tauricola, Janka ex Celak in CEstr. Bot. Zeitschr xxxiii. (1883) 317, 319, 349. S. eriocaulis, Borh. in (Estr. Bot. Zeitschr. xxxiii. (1883) 401. S. Grafiana, & Tirsa, Stev. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. xxx. ii. 115, 116. S. pulcherrima, G. Koch in Linnsea, xxi. (1848) 44U. Western Tibet ; Gilgit, alt. 9-10,000 ft., Giles. —Distuib. \Yestwd. to the Atlantic. N. Asia. Stem 2-3 ft., densely tufted. Leaves 12-18 in., rigid, convolute, sheaths smooth or rough ; ligule oblong. Panicle few-fld., branches short. Spikelets about 1 in. long; gl. I and II hyaline, tips almost capillary ; III hirsute, callus ^ in. loug ; awn twisted and glabrous from the lower third. *** Awn glabrous or scaberulous, or hairy on the. column only, t Tip ofgl. Ill entire. 7. S. caplData, Linn. Sp. PI. Ed. II. 116; panicle very narrow sheathed, spikelets 1 in., gl. II longer than I, IIl=about ^ II glabrous above, awn 6-8 in. flexuous smooth glabrous throughout. Most Gram. Austr, iii. 4, t. 5 ; Reic/ib. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 46 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 180, Suppl. 133 ; Trin. Sf Rupr. in Act. Petrop. Ser. VI. v. (1842) 72, t. 55 ; Ledeb. FL Ross. iv. 449; Steud. Syn. Gram. 130; Boiss. Ft. Orient, v. 500. S. capillaris, Gronov. ex Trautv. in Act. Hort. Petrop. ix. (1848) 350. S. erecta, Hort. Madr. ex Trin. Diss. i. 186, in Mem. Acad. Petersb.. yi. I. (1829) 81. S. juncea, Lamk. Illust. i. 157., S. Lagascae, Guss. PI. Bar. 48, Fl. Sic Stijja.] CLXXiii. GBAMiNE^. (J. D. Hookei.) 231 Prodi', i, 132 (ex Bertol.). S. sareptana, Beck, in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. Ivii, (1882) 62. S. ukranica, Steud. Norn. Ed. I. 816. S. ukranensis, Lamic. I. c. S. Varonini, Xrassn. in Scinpt. Bot. Hort. Univ. Fetro}^. ii. 22. Western Himalaya ; Kashmir, alt. 9-11,000 ft., Jacquemont, &c. — Distrib. Westwd. to Spain. Dahuria. Cliina. Stem 2-3 ft., rather stout. Leaves 1-2 ft., filiform, convolute, scaberulous ; ligule lanceolate. Panicle very narrow, more or less enclosed in a sheath, which is 6-10 in. long with a filiform blade often as long as itself; branches and pedicels short. Spikelets white, glistening, hyaline, gl. I and II very narrow, with finely acuminate tips; I 5-nerved below; II 5-nerved ; III ^ in. long, nerves pubescent below, above and palea quite glabrous; callus nearly half as long as its gl., scabrid, top bearded. Anther cells with naked tips. — Dr. Stapf informs me that the N. America 8. comata, Trin. & Rupr. might be referred here. 8. S. sibirica^ Lamk. Illustr. i. 158 ; tall, leaves long flat, panicle elongate very narrow branches erect, spikelets %-\ in. green lanceolate, gls. I and II oblong-lanceolate, III hairy, awn about twice as long as the epikelet rather stont hairy towards the. base only. Kunth Enum. PI. i. 185 ; Trin. in Act. Petrop. (1829) 78 ; Trin. Sr Bupr. I. c. 1842, 59 ; Ledeb. El. Boss. iv. 448, Ic. El Boss. t. 99; Steud. Syn. Gram. 129 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 499 ; Duthie Fodd. Grass. N. Jnd. 27. Avena sibirica, Linn. Sp. PI. 79 ; Gmel. Fl. Sibir. i. t. 12. Western Temperate Himalaya, from Kashmir to Kunawur, alt. 8-9000 ft., Falconer, &c. ; Black Mts., Duthie. — Disthib. AfFghan. Siberia to Korea. Stem 2-3 ft., as thick as a duck's quill or more, simple or branched. Leaves 1-2 ft. by 1^- J in., smooth ; ligule oblong. Panicle 6-12 in., inclined ; branches erect and appressed, rarely spreading, scaberulous ; pedicels usually shorter than the terete spikelet. Gls. I and II subhyaline. III nearly as long as II, terete or slightly dorsally flattened ; palea as long as its gl. , linear, obtuse, dorsally hairy ; callus short, conical. Anther-tips bearded. Yar.? pallida ; very slender, leaves filiform, spikelets ^-i in. pale, gl. Ill half as long as II, awn capillary three to four times as long as the spikelet. S. pallida, Munro ex Duthie Qrass. N.W. Ind. 27 (name). S. sibiiica, Linn. var. Herb. Strachey ^ ITmier&o^tow.— Tibet, N. of Kumaon, alt. 15,000 ft., Strack. ^ ^Yinievh. — The specimens are very scanty and want radical leaves. 9. S. tortilis, Desf. Fl. Atlant. i. 99, t. 31 ; annual, panicle partially sheathed dense-fld. almost spiciform, spikelets fascicled, gl. I and II subequal much longer than IV setaceously linear. III linear hairy or scabrid, awn 2-4 in. straight column only hairy, callus long acute. Trin. in Act. Petrop. (1829) 78, 185, Trin. So Bupr. I. c. Yl. v. (1842) 64 ; KiLnth Enum. PI. i. 180 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 130; Boiss. Fl. Orient, y. bOO. S. capensis, Nees Fl. Afr. Austr. i. 170. ?Thunb. Prodr. PI. Afr. Austr. 109. S. bumilis, Brot. El. Lusit. i. 86 (nan Gav.). S. paleacea, Sibth. & Sm. Prodr. Fl. Grsec. i. 65 ; Fl. Grsec. i. t. 86 {non Vahl). S. seminuda, Vahl ex Hornem. Hort. Safn. i. 76. ThePANJAB; Peshawur and Wazuristan, Stewart. — Distrib. Westwd. to the Atlantic, S. Africa. iStem very slender, tufted, 4-6 in. Leaves filiform. Panicle 1-4 in., sheath sometimes ^ in. broad or more. Spikelets f-1 in. ; gl. I and II 3-nerved ; callus of III = i of the gl. bearded at the top only; column of awn hairy throughout its length. Anthers with bearded tips. 232 CLxxiii. GRAMixEJi:. (J. D. Hooker.) [St/pa. ft Tip offfL III2-fid or 2-toothed. 10. S. Jacquemontll, Jaub. & Spach, 111. PI. Or. iv. 60, t. 639 ; leaves convolute filiform, panicle narrow rachis and lax-fld. branches filiform, soikelets ^-k in. linear-lanceolate, gl. I and II subequal lanceolate acuminate, III half as long as II terete villous, awn capillary geniculate 3-4 times as long as the spikelet villous at the base. Lasiagrostis Jacquemontii, Munro ex Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 606. N. W. Himalaya ; Kashmir, Astov, Tilail, &c., alt. 8-9000 ft., Jacquemont, &c. Westehn Tibet ; Piti, Thomson. — Distbib, Affghanistan. Stems densely tufted, erect, 10-18 in., very slender. Leaves 6-10 in., erect, subflexuous ; ligule a very short membrane. Panicle 4-6 in. long, erect or slightly inclined, branches erect few-fld. Spikelets erect, green or purpUsh, pedicels rather shorter than the spikelets ; gl. I and II 3-nerved; III \ in., terete, villous all over ; tip 2-toothed ; awn 1-1 \ in. twisted below the knee ; callus very short, conical, villously bearded; palea much shorter than the gl. Anther-tips bearded. 11. S- Duthiel, Hook. f. ; tall, very slender, leaves very long and narrow, panicle long narrow few-fld., rachis and long pedicels capillary, spikelets \-\ in., very narrow, gl. I and II subequal very narrowly lan- ceolate, III sparsely hairy, awn capillary nearly straight about twice as long as the spikelet. Western Himalaya ; Garwhal, alt. 12-13,000 ft., Duthie (n. 273). Stem 3-5 ft., tufted. Leaves 12-18 in. or more, iV~to i"- broad, flat, or the lower convolute j ligule large, oblong, obtuse. Panicle 8-10 in., branches bearing one or two erect spikelets at the extremity, lower branches 3 in. Spikelets pale, glistening; gl. I 3-nerved ; II 5-nerved ; III about ^ shorter than II, tip minutely 2-tid ; awn f in., hairy at the twisted base ; callus short, conical, oblique, bearded ; palea nearly as long as the gl., glabrous. Anther-tips bearded. 12. S. Kookeri, Staj)f in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxx. (1894) 121 ; tall, robust, leaves convolute, panicle oblong loosely branched, branches many- fid., spikelets }-\ in. longer than their pedicels, gl. I and II subequal oblong-lanceolate acute minutely scaberulous, lY sparsely hairy or villous, awn about as long as the gl. scaberulous. S. robusta, Duthie Grass. N.W. Tnd. 27 {name). Lasiagrostis robusta, Munro mss. ex Duthie I.e. {name). Western Tibet ; in wet places, alt. 10-14,000 ft., Jacquemont ; Nubra, Thomson. TiBKTAN SiKKiM, alt. 15-16,000 ft., J. D. H.— DisTRiB. Central Tibet, alt. 14,800 ft., Thorold. Stems 3-4 ft., densely tufted, as thick as a swan's quill at the base, hard, leafy upwards. Leaves 1-2 ft., smooth or scaberulous; ligule ^ in., oblong. Panicle 3-10 in., inclined ; branches 2-4-nate, suberect, and rachis and pedicels smooth. Spikelets yellowish or purplish ; gl. I broadest, 1-3-nerved ; II 3-nerved ; III rather shorter than II, terete, 5-neryed ; awn more or less curved, slender, hardly twisted towards the base; palea nearly as long as the gl., hairy; callus small, conical, bearded. Anther-tips naked or minutely bearded.-'— In the specimen from Northern Sikkim the stem at the base is as thick as the thumb, the leaves and stems shorter, and panicle sometimes contracted oblong and dense-fld., the short branches crowded, and the spikelets very shortly pedicelled ; their gl. Ill is deeply 2-fid, with equal or unequal setaceous-pointed lobes. B. Column of awn not twisted. (See also 8. HooTceri.) 13. S. splendensj Trin. in Spreng. Neue Entdeck. ii. 54; Diss, i. 183, in Act. Petrop. (1830) i. 76 ; tall, robust, leaves convolute, panicle i Siipa.'] CLXXiii. graminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) 233 very large effuse or contracted, spikelets ^ in. sessile or shortly pedicelled, gls. I and II oblong-lanceolate unequal, HI tip 2-fid, awn ^-^ in. Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 27; Steud. Syn. Gram. 132. S. altaica. Trin. ex Ledeb. Fl. Alt. i. 80, in Act. Acad. Petro;p. 1829, 74 ; Ledeb. Ic. Fl. Boss. t. 222 ; Kunth Fnum. Fl. i. 184. Lasiagrostis splendens, -fi^uw^^ Revis.Gram.i. 58, Enum. F I. i. 178; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. 89 -, Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. 82. -Agrostis longiaristata, Serb. Ross, ex Kunth Enum. I. c. Western Tibet, alt. 8-12,000 ft., Falconer, &c. — Distrib. Siberia. Steyn 3-5 ft., as thick as a goose-quill below, yellow, shining; roots very stout, vermiform. Leaves 6-12 in., and sheaths smooth or scaberulous, acuminate, lower sheaths long loose; ligule elongate. Panicle 12-18 in., pyramidal when open; rachis slender, smooth ; branches semi -verticil late, capillary, 4-10 in., simple below, branched above. Spikelets white or dull purplish ; gl. I and II subacute ; I 1-nerved ; II longest, 3-nerved, III and palea villous; callus short, conical; awn ^-^ in., nob twisted. Anther-tips bearded. Lodicules 3, oblong, very minute. — A small state collected in Balti by Schlagintweit and in the Karakoram, alt. 9000 ft. by Clarke, is only 18 in. high, with an open panicle 3-6 in. long, and pale purple spikelets. 14. S. Orthoraphium, Steud. Syn. Gram. 131 ; stem slender, leaves flat or convolute, panicle very nairov?-, branches few erect few-fld., spike- lets \-\ in., gl. Ill as long as II sparsely hairy tip entire, awn glabrous with 2 or more deflexed spinules towards the base. Orthoraphium Roylei, Nees in Proc. Linn. Soc. i. (1841) 94, in Ann. >s 2-3, filament very long; anthers small. — The Bandulkund specimens are very small and pale, almost silvery white, with very small spikes hardly emerging from the leaf-sheath. The Sikkim habitat is probably due to a misplaced ticket. 2. K. dura, Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 477 ; perennial, minutely pubescent, stem stout ascending, leaves involute pungent, panicle elongate cjlindric narrow. H. alopecuroides, Duthie Fodd. Grass. iV. Ind. 48 {non Boiss.). Crypsis dura, Boiss. Biagn. Ser. IJ. iv. 125. C. phalaroides, Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 25 {non M. Bieh.). Yilfa setulosa, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. VI. V. ii. (1840) 55; Steud. Syn. Gram. 154. SciND, Stocks, in salt water. — Distkib. Arabia. Whole plant pale, and clothed with a very fine velvety pubescence. Stems 6-10 in., densely fastigiate from a woody inclined base which is clothed with leaf- sheaths, ascending, stout, as thick as a crow-quill, hard, few-leaved. Leaves 3-6 in., quite terete, rigid, pungent; sheaths short, coriaceous; ligule 0. Spikes 2-4: in. hy -l-i in. diam. Spikelets -Jj in., membranous, gl. all 1-nerved and with ciliate keels, 1 and ll narrowly oblanceolate, acuminate ; 111 half as long again, oblong, muci'onate ; palea oblong, bifid, 2-nerved, lobes obtuse ciliate. Lodicules 2, obliquely cuneate, acute. Stamens 2 ; filaments very long; anthers short. Ovary ovoid; styles very long, slender. — Boissier cites Griffith by error, for Stocks, under the habitat of Scind. 64. PKXiEUBI, Linn. Annual or perennial grasses. Leaves flat. Spihelets 1-fld., with rarely a rudimentary 2, imbricated on cylindric or oblong spiciform panicles, strongly laterally compressed, not jointed on the very short pedicels ; rachilla sometimes produced beyond gl. III. Glumes 3, I and II equal, keeled, awned or mucronate ; III much smaller, hyaline, awned or not, 3-5-nerved, toothed ; palea small. Lodicules 2. Stamens 3. Ovary gla- brous; styles long. Grain compressed, free within the gl. and palea. — Species about 10, temp, and Arctic. Phleum pratense, Linn. (Timothy grass) is mentioned by Royle (111. Bot. Himal. 417, and Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 28) as a native of the N.W. Himalaya (Urukta & Chur), but this has never been confirmed. 1. P. alpinum, Linn. ISp. PL 59; perennial, upper sheaths inflated, panicle ovoid or oblong, gl. 1 and II truncate as long as their awns keels hispid. III 3-nerved. Fl. Dan. t. 213 ; Host Gram. Austr, iii. t. 10 ; Kunth Fnum. Pl.i. 29; 2rin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 21; Engl. Bot. t. 519; Knapp Gram. Brit. t. 7 ; Reichh. Ic. Fl Germ. t. 50 ; Lcdeh. Fl. Ross. iv. 458 ; SiPMd. Syn. Gram. 150; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 484; Wall. Gat. n. 3779; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 28. P. Hsenkeanum, Presl Rel. Hsenk. i. 245; Flileum.'] CLXXiii. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 237 Steud. I. c. 150. P. nigricans, Willd. ex Tria. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Ser. VI. V. II (1840) 123. P. ovatum, Jacquem. mss. Temperate aud Subalpine Himalaya, alt, 10-13,000 ft., from Kashmir eastwards, in wet places. — Distrib. Arctic and Alpine regions. Fuegia. Stem solitary, 6-18 in., ascending from a creeping base, smooth, stiff. Leaves sliort, spreading ; ligule short. Panicle i-1^ in., green or purplish ; gl. I and II i in. with the awn. 2. P. arenarium, Linn. Sp. PL 60 ; annual, upper sheaths inflated, panicle cyiindrio or oblong narrowed at the base, gl. I and II lanceolate finely acuminate hardly awued keels ciliated above. III very small hairy. Fl. Dan. t. 915 ; Xunth Enum. PL i. 28 ; Beichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 50 ; Ledeh. Fl. Boss. iv. 456 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 151 ; JBoiss. Fl. Orient, v. 481 ; Aitchis. Gat. Panjah PI. 158; Buthie Grasa. N.W. Ind. 28. P. ramosura, Gilib. Exercit. ii. 519. Phalaris arenaria, Willd. Sp. PL i. 328 ; Engl. Bot. t. 222 ; Knapp Gram. Britt. t. 4. Orypsis arenaria, Desf. Fl. Atlant. i. 63. Chilochloa arenaria, Beauv. Agrost. 37. Achnodon arenarius. Link Enum. Hort. Berol. i. 65. Achnodonton arenarium, Trin. Diss. i. 166. The Panjab and Western Himalaya; in Kashmir and Kishtwar, ascending to 9000 ft., Jacquemont, &c. — Distrib. Westward to the Atlantic. Stems 6-14 in., tufted, glabrous, leafy. Leaves flat, sheaths smooth ; ligule elongate, oblong. Panicle 1-2|^ by i-| in., glaucous, sometimes lobed. Spilcelets \-\ in., rachilla produced beyond gl. Ill; gls. I and II punctulate ; III 3-nerved. — Var. Thomsoniij Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 83. I find no character whereby to distinguish this from the common form. 3. P. asperuxn, Jacq. GoUectan. i. 110, Lc. Bar. t. 14 ; annual, panicle long slender cyliudric, gl. I and II cuneately obovate truncate cuspidate, keels scabrid above. III oblong obtuse pubescent. Vill. Fl. Delph. ii. 61, t. 2, f . 4 ; Kunth Enum. PL i. 28 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 151 ; Boiss. FL Orient, v. 481 ; Aitchis. Cat. Panjab PL 158 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Lnd. 28. P. viride, ML FL Pedem. ii. 232. P. panioulatum, Huds. FL Angl. 23 {excl. Syn.) ; Engl. Bot. t. 1077 ; Knapp Gram. Britt. t. 8. P. ventricosum, Moench Ifeth. 177. P. viride, All. Lc. Phalaris aspera, Petz. Obs. iv. 14 ; ILost Gram. Austr. ii. t. 37. Phal. paniculata, Ait. Hort, Kew, i. 87. Chilochloa aspera, Beauv. Agrost. 37 ; Beichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 51. The Panjab Himalaya, Royle, &c. Kunawur (Herb. Munro). Kashmir, alt. 5-6000 ft., Jacquemont, &c. The Salt Range, Aitchison.—BmTRiB. Westward to the Atlantic. Stem 6-18 in ,, tufted, stout, rigid. Leaves broad, margins scabrid. Panicle 1-4^ by ^-J in. dia,m. Spikelets green, X2~i ^^- 5 S^- I ^^d II rigid, glabrous or scabrid, the sinus between them rounded, 3-nerved, di]ated above with gibbous membranous margins, III membranous = f of I and II. — Scent of Anthox' anthum. 65. AZiOPECURUS, Linn. Annual or perennial grasses. Leaves flat. Spikelets ]-fld., strongly laterally compressed, imbricating in a cylindric or oblong spiciform panicle, jointed on the tumid tip of the very sliort pedicels, rachilla not produced beyond gl. III. Glumes 3, I and II subequal, strongly compressed, keeled, often connate by their margins below ; III as long as I and II, hyaline, convolute, with usually a basal or median dorsal awn ; palea 0 (in Indian sp.). Lodicules 0. Stamen^ 2 or 3. Ovary glabrous. Grain laterally compressed, free. — Species about 20, temp, and cold regions. 238 OLxxiii. GRAMiNES. (J. D. Hooker.) [Alopecurus. * Perennials. Panicle ovoid or oblong. 1. A. hlmalaicus, Hook. f. ; upper leaf- sheaths inflated, panicle oblong or subcapitate, spikelets \-\ in., gls. I and II lanceolate sub- aristatelj acuminate hirsute with spreading hairs longer than the spikelet is broad, III much shorter than I and II, awn twice as long as the spikelet or more. Kashmir and Dras, alt. 10-14,500 ft., Falconer, &c. Stem 6-18 in., subsolitary, erect from a creeping base, rather stout. Leaves 3-5 in., erect or spreading, upper shorter lanceolate acuminate ; upper sheaths 3-5 in., ower appressed ; ligule large, scarions, toothed. Panicle 1-1^ in., grey-green or purplish. Spikelets membranous, hairs flaccid; gls. I and I[ connate below, tips dark ; III ^ shorter than I or II, obtuse, apiculate. — Most nearly allied to A. phala- roides, Schur, of Hungary, which is hardly distinguishable from A. hrachystacliyus, Bieb., of Siberia; but the spikelets of ^. himalaicus are much larger than in those species, from which its acuminate gls. ^I and II and short III at once dis- tinguish it. 2. A* arundinaceus, Poir. Enmjcl. viii. 766 ; rootstock creeping, panicle cylindric, spikelets \ in., gl. I and II connate below acute keel ciliate with long hairs, awn short. Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 487 ; Steud. Si/7i. Gram. 150. A. altissimus, Schur in (Estr. Bot. Zeitschr. ix. (1859) 13. A. elatior, Jacquem. wss. A. muticus, Kar. & Kir. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc.xY. (1842) 527; Steud. I.e. 148. A.nigrescens, Jacq. Eclog. Gram. ii. t. 13. A. nigricans, Hornem. Sort. Safn. i. 68 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 24. A. pratensis, Aitchis. Cat. Panjab PI. 168; Duthie Grass, N.W. Ind. 26, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 46 {nan Linn.). A. pratensis, var. ruthenicus, Trin. 8p. Gram. Ic. t. 45. A. repens, Bieb. Fl. Taur. Cauc. iii. 54. A. ruthenicus, Weinm. in Fl. Dan. t. 2881. A. sibiricus, Hort. Vind. ex Roem. & Sch. Syst. ii. 271. A. ventricosus, Pers. Syn. i. 80. Western Himalaya, alt. 8-12,000 ft., from Kashmir to Garwhal. — Distrib. Westward to Europe, N. Asia. Stem 2-4 ft., erect, slender. Leaves 6-10 in., acuminate ; upper sheaths slightly inflated, 4-6 in. long ; ligule rounded. Panicle 1-3 in. by ^-^ in. diam., green, soft. S'piTcelets sxxh&W^y ; gl. I and II lanceolate, acuminate, more or less connate at the base or to above it ; III acute, tip scaberulous ; awn subbasal. — I doubt this being more than a form of A. pratensis, L. ** Annuals or subperennials. Panicle cylindric. 3. A. aristulatus, MicJix. FL JBor. Am. i. 43 ; stems slender genicu- lately ascending, leaves glaucous, panicle slender, spikelets TV~fo i*^- oblong, gls. I and II hyaline obtuse softly ciliate, III truncate, awa median-dorsal short, anthers oblong bright yellow. A. fulvus, Sm. Engl. Bot. t. 1467; Fl. Dan. t. 1804; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 24; Eeichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 49 ; Ledeh, Fl. Boss. iv. 464 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 487 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 407. A. geniculatus. Poll. Hist. PI. Pal. n. 66 ; Host Gram. Austr. ii. t. 32 {non Linn.). A. paludosus, Beauv. ex Mert. & Koch. Fl. Germ. i. 481. A. subaristatus, Pursh. Fl. Am. Sept. i. 66. Western Himalaya; Kashmir, in marshes, alt. 6-14,000 ft., Clarke, Duthie. — Distrib. Europe, N. Asia, N. America. Stem 6-18 in., creeping below, flaccid. Leaves 4-S in., linear, flat; upper sheaths somewhat inflated ; ligule elongate. Panicle 1-2 in. by } \ in. diam., green. Gls. I and II free or connate at the very base, elliptic, obtuse. — Regarded by various authors as a variety of A. geniculatus, L. k Alopecurus.] olxxiii. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 239 4. A- ffenlculatus, Linn. Sp. PI. 60; steins erect or geniculate below, leaves not glaucous, spikelets jL-I in. oblong, gls. I and II connate at or above the base subacute or obtuse hyaline ciliate, III truncate, awn subbasal, anthers linear orange-yellow. Engl. Bot. t. 1250; Knapp Gram. Brit. t. 18 ; Kunth Unum. PI. i. 24, Suppl. 18, t. 7, f. 1 ; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 42 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 147 ; Aitchis. Cat. Panjah PI. 157 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 25, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 46 ; Bekth. Fl. HongTc. 408, Fl. Austral, vii. 555. A. australis, Nees in Hook. Journ. Bot. ii. (1843) 412; Steud. I. c. 148. ? A. diandrus, Griff. Notul. iii. 11, Ic. PI. Asiat t. 142, f. 2. A. paniceus, 0. Muell. in Fl. Ban. t. 861. A. ramosus, Pair. Fncycl. viii. 776 ; Steud. I. c. 146.— Alopecurus, Wall. Gat. n. 3780 C. Temperate and Subtropical Himalaya, alt. 3-7000 ft., from Kashmir to Bhotan. ? Assam, Griffith. — Distkib, Most temp, regions. Stems 6-18 in., stout or slender. Leaves |-^ in. broad ; upper sheaths more or less inflated; ligule oblong. Panicle 1-3 in. by ^-^ in. diara., greenish-yellow. Spikelets larger than in A. aristulatus, not so membranous ; gl. Ill with the truncate tip sub-erose. Stamens 2 or 3. — Of Griffith's A. diandrus, there are under the same number (Kew distrib. 2693) slender narrow-leaved specimens from Rydang in Bhotan, quite like the western Indian plant, but also a much larger one from the sandy banks of the Burrampooter in Assam, with many stout stems from the root, much broader leaves, with more ventricose upper sheaths, and rather stouter panicles (it is n. 6463 Kew distrib.). Griffith, in his Itinerary Notes (158, n. 801, and Notulee I.e.), says the stems and young sheaths are glaucous, and he figures the anthers as oblong and yellow, which are characters of aristulatus ; but the habit aud spikes are those of geniculatus. It may prove to be a distinct species. 5. A. agrestis, Linn. Sp. PI. Fd. II. 89 ; stem erect or geniculate below, spikelets \ in. gl, I. and II. connate to or below the middle obtuse, keels narrowly winged, III narrowly oblong tip truncate, awn subbasal twice as long as the spikelet recurved. Fl. Dan. t. 697 ; Host Gram. Austr. iii. t. 12 ; Engl. Bot. t. 848 ; Knapp Gram. Brit. t. 16 ; Kunth Fnum. PI. i. 23 ; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 37; Beichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 19 ; Ledeb. Fl. Boss. iv. 465; Steud. Syn. Gram. 149; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 485; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 25, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 46 ; Benth. Fl. Hongh. 407, FX Austral, vii. 655. A. myosuroides, Huds. Fl. Angl. 23. Temperate and Subtropical Himalaya; Kashmir, &c. The Panjab. Khasia Hills, alt. 3000 ft., Clarke. Munnepore, alt. 3o00 ft., ITa^^.— Distrib. Europe. W. and N. Asia. Introd. elsewhere. Stem 6-10 in., or more. Leaves scaberulous, upper sheaths slightly inflated ; ligule oblong. Panicle 1-3 in. by i-i in. diam., pale green. Spikelets loosely imbricate, rather narrow, glabrous except the keels of gl. I and IT ; gl. III narrowly oblong, truncate, tip toothed ; awn rather stout. Anthers long, narrow. — Possibly not indigenous in India. Watt describes it as found in rice-fields in Munnepore. 6. A. nepalensis, Trin. ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 148; stem erect or geniculately ascending, spikelets yV~8 i°' obovate, gl. I and II connate to the middle subacute keels narrowly winged scabrid, III narrowly oblong, tip truncate exserted, awn subbasal very short or 0. — A. navicularis, Ham. ex Wall. Cat. n. 3780 A.— Alopecurus, Wall. Gat. I. c. A. B. Upper Gangetic Plain ; Oude, Hamilton. The Pakjab ; Lahore, Thomson ; Garwhal, Jacquemont. Perhaps only a form of A. agrestis, which it closely resembles, but the spikelets are much smaller and very closely imbricate, less contracted at the base, aud the keel of the glume is not ciliate. Stamens 3, anthers long. 240 CLXxiii. GRAMiNE-E. (J. D. Hooker.) 66. PKIPPSIA, Br. Yery small perennial grasses. Leaves narrow. 8pi1celefs minute, laterally compressed, in sparingly branched siibspiciform panicles, not jointed on their pedicels; rachilla not produced beyond gl. III. Glumes 3, membranous, all persistent, i and II very short, obtuse, nerveless ; III terminating the stipitiform rachilla, oblong, obtuse or tip rounded, nerves 0 or 1-3; palea as long or longer than the gl, tip 2-fid, nerves very faint. Lodicules 2, hyaline. Stamens 1-3. Styles very short, free, plumose to the base. Griin oblong, loose. — Species 2, an Arctic and the following. This genus should perhaps be placed near to Colpodium. P. hlmalalcay Hook. f. ; palea much longer than its gl. Alpine Westebn Himalaya; Kumaon, Barji-Khang Pass, alt. 14,500 ft., Slrachey ^ Winterbottom ; Garwhal, on the Duder Glacier, alt. 13-14,000 ft., J)uthie. Densely tufted, 6-S in. high, very slender. Leaves 2-4 by -^^ in., linear, obtuse ; ligule long. Panicle 1-1|- in., sometimes almost reduced to a spike; rachis slender, smooth ; branches very few, short, erect and appressed to the rachis, bearing 2-3 spikelets. Spikelets ^Jg in. long, pale brown ; gl. 1 shortest, ovate, obtuse ; II almost orbicular, concave, = about i III, nerveless, tip rounded; III raised on a short cylindric naked rachilla, concave, obtuse, nerveless, sp:irsely hairy on the back towards the base; palea longer than the gl. and nearly as broad, concave, tip 2-fid, keels ciliate'. Lodicules 2, ovate-lanceolate. Stamen 1, filament very long ; anther nearly as large as jrl. III. Ovary narrow; stigmas bi'oadly plumose. — Difi'ers from the Arctic P. algidg,, in the much narrower leaves, in the fewer very shortly pedicelled larger spikelets not crowded on lateral branches, in the narrower gl. Ill, long palea, very large anther, broadly plumose stigmas, and long liguie. 67. CTATHOPUS, Stapf. A slender perennial grass. Leaves flat. Spihelets l-fld.,-very small, subterete, singly pedicelled on the branches of a decompound narrow panicle, articulate on the cupular tip of the pedicel, rachilla not produced beyond the flg. gl. Glumes 3, 1 and II subequal, oblong, beaked, persistent, stro; gly 3-nerved ; III rather shorter, membranous, obtuse, 6-nerved below the middle ; palea lanceolate, actite, keels smooth. Lodicules 2, ovate- lanceolate. Stamens 3, anthers short. Styles distinct, stigmas short. C. sikkimensis, Stapf in Hook. Lc. PI. t. 2395. Hymenachne, n. 3. Herh. hid. Or. Hf. & T. Milium Treutleri, JS^untze Bev. Gen. PI. 780 {in part). SiKKiM Himalaya ; Lachoong Valley, alt. 7-10,000 ft., J. D. H. Stem 2-3 ft. high, from a creeping stoloniferous base. Leaves 6-10 by \-\ in., finely acuminate, many-nerved, scaberulous, margins thickened smooth ; sheaths deeply striate ; ligule elongate, scarious. Panicle 8-12 in., oblong, or pyramidal; rachis and branches flexuous, terete, scaberulous ; branches fascicled or subverti- cillate, lower 2-4 in. long, naked below. Spikelets xV~tV ^^m scaberulous, shortly pedicelled, pale green; gls. I and II stoutly subaristately loeaked, scaberulous; nerves scabrid ; III oblong, nerves slender; callus obconicid; palea linear-oblong, 2-nerved. Anthers and stigmas short. — Munro regarded this very distinct grass as forming a new genus near the Hymenachne section of Panicum. Dr. Stapf has, I think, rightly referred it to near Qarnotia. CLXxiii. QRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hookei.) 241 6P. WOODROWZA, Stapf. (G-enus not in Clavis, p. 7.) Annual. Leaves narrow, flat. Spikelets 2-5, 1-fld., snbdigitately panicled at the top of a slender peduncle, articulate on a fragile rachis, laterally compressed, rachilla not produced beyond the flg. gl. Glumes 3, I and II strongly laterally compressed, empty, acute, dorsally rounded and there sometimes much thickened, l-nerved, I ^ longer than II; III = II, hyaline, l-nerved, 2-lobed with a slender interposed geniculate awn ; palea obovate- oblong, hyaline. Lodicules 2, cuneate, lobulate. Stamens 2, anthers linear. Styles free and stigmas very slender. Grain slender, cylindric, free within the gls. W. diandra, Stapfin Hook. Ic. PL t. 2447. TheDECCAN; Poonah District, Woodrow. Stem 12-18 in., slender, branched, nodes hairy. Leaves 3-4 by -y^-^ in., acu- minate, hirsute, margins scabrid ; sheaths appressed, glabrous or hairy at the mouth ; ligule short, ciliolate. Spikes 1-2 in., rachis slender, hairy. Spihelets rather distant, ^ in. long, green or blueish; gl. I dorsally hairy, margins ciliolate; keel of II densely ciliate ; awn of III 1 in., column shorter than the upper part, spirally ciliate. — This interesting plant arrived at Kew after the printing of the key, p. 7. 68. aARNOTZA., Brongn. Erect, perennial rarely annual grasses. Leaves flat or convolute. Spihelets very small, 1-fld., panicled, solitary or geminate, jointed on the pedicels, narrowly-lanceolate ; rachilla not produced beyond the fl. gl. Glumes 3, I and II empty, subequal, 3-nerved, acuminate, equalling or longer than III, awned or not ; III bisexual, 1-3-nerved, triandrous, very narrow, terete, tip acuminate or notched, awned, rarely awnless or 3-awned; awn straight or base twisted, rarely geniculate or recurved ; sides of palea auricled at the base. Lodicules 2. Styles free. Grain linear or oblong, free. — Species about 20, Asiatic and Polynesian. In the disposition and description of the species I have been aided by Dr. Stapf, who has drawn up an account of the whole genus. A. Stems densely tufted, uppermost internode exceeding the rest of the Btem. Leaves long, stiff, erect, not articulate on the sheath ; basal sheaths equitant, flattened. * Leaves narrow, complicate (triangular on section) ; margins of lower .sheaths woolly, at length glabrate. t Awn of gl. IIL reflexedfrom the twisted base, 1. C Thwaitesii, Stapf. mss. ; stem very tall stout, panicle 1-2 ft. much branched, branches long slender, spikelets ^-^ in. base shortly hairy* gl- I and II acuminate or shortly awned. G. scoparia, Thwaites Enum. Fl. Zeyl. 363 ; Trim. Gat. Ceyl. PI. 106. Berghansia scoparia, Munro ex Thw. I. c. Ceylon ; hotter parts of the island, Thwaites. Stem 2-4 ft. and more, often as thick as a goose-quill below, compressed. 'Leaves 1-3 ft., about ^ in. broad, wiry ; lower sheaths strongly compressed and keeled, margins above woolly ; ligule very short, ciliate. Panicle very variable in length VOL. VII. R 242 cLxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hookei.) [Garnotia. and breadth, copiously effuse. Gl. I and II entire or notched with a short awn injthe notch ; III tip notched or entire, awn rarely twice as long us its gl. — Steudel refers Koenig's Agrostis scoparia to Arundinella nicrvosa, Nees. A specimen so named in } 3768.— Sporobolus, Griff.Lc, 44, Ic. t.l49, f. 2. Throughout India and Buema, ascendng the Himalaya to 5500 ft. Ceylon. — • Disteib. Asia and Austral, trop. Stems 1-3 ft., slender. Leaves densely tufted, 3-10 in., very narrow, flat or convolute, margins entire ; ligule a few hairs. Panicle 4-10 in., rachis very slender, sometimes capillary, strict; branches -4-I iu., sometimes flovverless at the base. Spikelets sessile or very shortly pedicelled; gl. I and H not half as long as III, broadly truncate and usually erose ; III obtuse or subacute, obscurely 1-nerved. Stamens 2-3. Grain subtruncate, pericarp rather adherent. 2. S. indicus, Br. Prodr. 170; stem stout, panicle very narravir branches short appressed covered to the base with crowded spikelets y\-x\ 248 CLXXiii. GEAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) [Sporoholus. in. long, gl. I and II obtuse hyaline l-nerved, III opaque, grain broadly ob^void. Link Sort. Beg. Berol. i. 87; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 211; Thw. Enum. PI Zeyl. 370 ; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 108 ; DtUhie Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 49 ; Benth. Fl. Hongk. 426, Fl. Austral, vii. 622 ; Oriseb. FL Brit. W. Ind. 533. S. angustus, Buckl. in Proc. Acad. Sc Philad. (1862) 88. S. elongatus, Br. Prodr. 170; PTook. Handh.N. Zeal. Fl. 327; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 376 ; Duthie Grass. JSf. W. Ind. 29. S. Lamarckii, Desv. in Ham. Prodr. Fl. Ind. Dec. 4. S. minor, Kunth Enum. PI. i. 212. S. tenacissimus, Beauv. Agrost. 26 ; Kunth I. c. 212, 8up]pl. 1 67 ; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monoc. i. n. 28 ; Duthie Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 49. Yilfa capensis Aelongata, Beauv. Agrost. 16; Trin. Gram. Diss. \. 154; Steud. Syn. Gram. 159. V. exilis, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Ser. vi. Sc. Nat. v. II. (1840) 89 ; Steud. I. c. 159. V. indica, Trin. ex Steud. Nom. Ed. II. ii. 767, Syn. Gram. 162 ; Baker Fl. Maurit. 449. Y. tenacissima, H. B. ^ K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. i. 138 ; Nees Agrost. Bras. 393 ; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 60 ; Steud. I. c. 160. P. rupestris, Trin. Diss. ii. 22 ; Steud. I. c. 161. Agrostis elongata, LamJc. Illustr. i. 142. A. fertili?', Steud. I. c. 170. A. indica, Linn. Sp. PI. 63. A. tenacissima, Jacq. Collect, i. 85, Ic. Par. 3, t. 16 {excl. Syn.). A. tenuissima, Spreng. Syst. i. 258. — Sporobolus, Wall. Cat. n. 3766, B, 3767. Throughout India, ascending the Himalaya to 5000 ft., Burma and Ceylon. — DiSTEiB. All warm countries. Stem 2-3 ft., sometimes as thick as a small goose-quill at the base. Leaves 8-24 in., convolute or flat, rarely ^ in. diam., margins smooth ; ligule a few hairs. Panicle 6-18 in., often interrupted ; racliis stout, erect, or curved; branches erect, ^ in. or longer, often whorled, densely clothed usually to or to near the base with green spikelets, which are erect and imbricate. Spihelets larger than in S. diander. Gl. I = about i III ; II not twice as long; III acute. PeWcaj-p adherent.— It is not always easy to distinguish this from S. diander, which is much the most common in India. In its normal state indicus is a far more robust plant, with a stout rachis and branches of the panicle, larger and mo^> herbaceous more crowded spikelets, and a broader grain ; but both vary greatly in the panicle. 3. S. minutiflorus, Link Enum. Hart. Berol. i. 88; tall, slender, leaves long, panicle very large effuse supra-decompound, branches capil- lary, spikelets -^^ in., gl. I minute subquadrate, II = |- III orbicular- ovate obtuse, grain broadly obovoid. Kunth Enum. PL i. 214. Yilfa capillaris, Wight &, Am. ex Wight Cat. n. 2036 {nan Miq ). Y. minuti- flora, Trin. Diss. i. 158; Steud. Syn. Gram. 158. Y. mangalorica, Hochst. ex Miq. Analect. Bat. ii. 24 ; Steud. I. c. 159. Y. tenuissima^ Schult Mant. ii. 479. Panicum tenniflorum. Hart. Monac. ex Link. I. c. P. tenuissimum, Mart, ex Schrank in Denkschr: Bot. Ges. Pegensh. ii. (1822) 26. The Deccan Peninsula, Wight. Canaea, SoTienacker. Stem 2-3 ft. Leaves narrow, flat, finely acuminate, margins quite smooth ; ligule of minute hairs. Panicle 12-18 in., erect; rachis quite smooth, very slender; branches innumerable, 1-2 in., spreading, and branchlets excessively slender, flowering at the tips. Spihelets ellipsoid, dark colrd. ; gl. I truncate ; II broadly ovate, obtuse, nerveless ; III ovate-oblong, obtuse, nerveless j palea shorter, broad, truncate. Stamens 2. 4. S- Wallichil, Mknro mss. ; very tall, erect, leaves long, panicle tall oblong or subpyramidal decompound branches capillary, branchlets divaricate few-lid., spikelets ^^^ in., gl. I minute truncate, II = -3- III or Sporoholus.'] CLXXiii. graminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) 249 longer ovate acuminate, grain broadly obliquely obcordate. Sporobolus, Wall Gat. n. 3769 A. Behae ; Rajmahal Hills, Wallich. Peou, Eurz. Cetlon ; between Trinco- malee and Kantalla, Ferguson. Perennial ? Stem 3-4 ft., as thick as a crow-quill, strict, sparingly leafy. Leaves 1-2 ft. by i-^ in., quite smooth ; upper sheaths very long ; ligule 0. Panicle 12-18 in. by 4-5 broad, branches opposite and whorled, branchlets flowering towards the tips. Spihelets -pale brown; gls. II and III faintly 1-nerved; palea oblong, truncate, as long as its gl. Stamens 3. — Habit of S. minutifiorus, but spikelets very different. 5. S. loclados, Nees Fl. Afr. Austral. 161; leaves short, panicle oblong or subpyramidal effuse, branches capillary, spikelets xVtV ^°* scattered, gl. I lanceolate = ^ III, II = f III oblong-lanceolate obtuse, grain linear-oblong truncate. Yilfa ioclados, Nees ex Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Ser. YI. Sc Nat. v. II. (1840) 65. SciND, StocTcs. —DisumB. S. Africa. Stems 10-18 in., densely tufted, rather stout. Leaves 2-3 in., narrow, densely tufted, sheath short ; lignle obscure. Panicle 3-7 in., branches opposite and alternate, spreading. Spikelets oblong, pale. — A very elegant grass. ** Glume I as long as III or nearly so. Panicle contracted. 6. S. vlrgrinlcus, Kunth Revis. Gram. i. 67, Enum. PI. i. 210, Suppl. 167 ; stems erect from a decumbent woody creeping base, leaves strict distichous convolute pungent, panicle elongate narrow interrupted branches very short, sprkelets yo""T2 i^- subsessile crowded, gls. I and II oblong-lanceolate acute, I shorter than II, grain broadly obovoid. Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 108 ; Benth Fl. Austral vii. 621 ; Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 533. S. littoralis, Kunth 1. 1, c.c. 68, 213. Yilfa barbata, Beauv. Agrost. 16. Y. littoralis, Beauv. I. c. ; SUfitid. 8yn. Gram. 162. V. murina, Sieh. ex Steud. I.e. 157. Y. orientalis, Wight Cat. n. 1745 {in part). Y. vir- ginica, Beauv. I. c. ; Trin. Diss. i. 155 ; Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 48 ; Steud. I. c. 157 ; Baker PI. Maurit. 449. Agrostis barbata, Pers. Syn. i. 75. A. littoralis, Lamk. Illustr. 161. A. pungens, Vursh Fl. Am. Sept. 64. A. virginica, Linn. Sp. PI. 63 ; Labill. PI. Nov. Holt. i. 20, t. 23. Podosemum vir- ginicum, Linh Enum. Hort. Berol. i. 85, Calotheca sabulosa, Steud. in Flora, xii. (1829), II. 488. Crypsis maritima, Munro ex Macoioan in Cape Monthly Mag. N.S. iii. (1871), Suppl. 7. Ceylon ; common on the shores, Heyne? Trimen. — D1STR13. Westwd. to tropical Africa and America ; eastwd. to Australia. Perennial. Stem as thick as a durk's quill, branched, hard and often tortuous at the base, then erect or ascending 6-10 in. high. Leaves close-set, erecto- patent, 1-3 in. long or more, narrow and almost terete from the involute margins, very pale, glabrous or scaberulous above, striate ; sheaths terete, short or long ; ligule of long soft hairs. Panicle 1-4 in., subspiciform, very pale, narrow but more or less interrupted. Spt/cele^s very shortly pedicelled ; gls. all l-nerved, keels glabrous or obscurely scabrid towards the tip ; palea oblong, narrowly truncate. Grain with the pericarp loosened if moistened. — Trinius' figure represents gl. I as shorter than in the Ceylon specimens and others that I have examined. It is remarkable that this grass should have no certain habitat on the shores of continental India. There is a specimen from Heyne in Kottler's herbarium, marked " Nawiilus, 21st Aug., 1794," a word which sounds more Cingalese than Indian. There is another in Wight's herbarium, where S. orientalis, spicatus, tremulus and virginicus are all fastened on the same sheet as No. 1745. S. pungens, Kunth, of the Mediterranean 250 CLxxiir. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) [Sjporohalus. region, from Spain to Egypt and Arabia, is a slight variety with a stouter dense panicle, which Dr. Stapf and 1 have independently sought in vain to distinguish by anj «ther character, and this is of the slightest. 7. S. g-laucifolius, Hochst. in Flora, xxv. (1842) I. Sieh. 123; filender, glaiacou'S, leaves short strict narrow flat or undulate glaucous not pungent, panicle elongate contracted white, branches very short erect, spikelets ^^ in. subsessile crowded, gls. I and II subequal ovate- lanceolate acuminate as long as III or rather longer. Vilfa glaucifolia, iStend, Sym. Gram. 154. Y. scabrifolia, Hochst. ex Edgew. in Journ. Linn. Soc^ vi. (1862) 196; Aitchis. Gat. Panjab PI. 165. Agrostis barbata, jS, ^euegalensis, Pers. 8yn. i. 7Q. A. littoralis /S, Lamk. Illustr. 161 ; Pair. Ennjcl. iSnppl. L 251. The Panjab. Dehra Israael Khan, Duthie j Multan, Ed^eworth. Scind, Stochs. — DisTSiB, AtV, trop. Perennial,- steins 12-18 in., densely tufted. Leaves 2-5 by ^-| in., narrowed from the cordate bnse to the finely acuminate tip, margins smooth, somewhat hairy towards the base; ligule a ridge of minute hairs. Panicle 3-5 in., interrupted, very pale yellowish, Spikelets very shortly pedicelled; gls. all 1-nerved ; 1 and II jhyaline, pancticulate ; I rather shorter and narrower than II. — Of the synonymy cited above that of V. littoralis |3, and the two sp. of Agrostis are taken from J. Oay's mss. on a Senegal specimen in Herb. Kew. Of V. scabrifolia I know nothing, nor whei-e Edgeworth gets the name (which is not in the '* Kew Index," but from his citing Stock's number (667) as the same plant, there is no doubt that S. 'glaucifoUnn is that meant. Edgeworth (I.e. 182) mentions this amongst other plants of which the seeds are swept up for food bj the poorer classes of the desert. *** Glume I shorter than II and III. t Punicle contracted. Perennials, except S. piliferus. 8. S- trexnulus, Kunth Eevis. Gram. i. 67, Enum. PI. i. 210, Suppl. 166 ; stoloniferous, leaves short subulate or filiform flat or convolute pungent margins smooth, spikelets y\ in , gl. I shorter than III lanceolate, II as long as III or longer, grain oblong. S. geniculatus, Nees ex Aitchis. Gat. Panjab PI. 165. S. orientalis, Trim. Cat. Gcijl. PL 108 {non Ktk,). "Vilfa geniculata, iVee* ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 156; Herb. Wight n. 3307. Y. orientalis, Wight Gat. n. 1745 {in part). Y tremula, Trin. Diss. i. 155; Steud. I.e. 160. Agrostis juucea, Lamk. Encycl. i. 60, Illustr. t. 41, f. 2. A. Phuldubbha, Herb. Ham. ex Wall. Gat. u. 3770. A. tenacis- sima, Boxb. Fl. Ind. i. 316 {excl. 8yn.). A. tremala, Willd. Sp. PL i. 372 i{eoBcl. S(jn ). Zoysia ? tremula, Beauv. Agrost. 148. — Sporobolus, Wall. €at. n. 3770, 3771. Plains of India, from the Panjab to Bengal and southwd. PEau, Kum. 'Cetlon, Trimen. — DiSTRiB. Tonkin, Cambodia. Stems 2-6 in., many from a hard knotted stoloniferous stock, erect or prostrate, wiry ; stolons 6-18 in., stout or slender, leafy, flexuous. Leaves ^-2 in., rigid, narrowed from the usually hairy base to the tip ; ligule a few hairs. Panicle 1-4 in., subspiciform, sometimes longer flexuous and interrupted, branches short rarely a few spreading ; pedicels short. Spikelets crowded, subpersistent on the very short pedicels, very pale ; glumes all 1-nerved ; palea as long as its gl. Stamens 3. — A very common and variable pasture grass. Vilfa geniculata is a large state from Madras, with almost woody stems 12-18 in. long and flat leaves. 9. S. spicatus, Kunth jRevis. Gram, i, 67, Enum. PI. i. 210 ; fitoloniferous, leaves short rigid, panicle slender cyliadric, spikelets y\ in., Sporoiolus.] CLixiii, gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 251 gl. Tmimite, TI lanceolate acute, grain obliquely oblong. Boiss. Ft Orient. V. 512. S. orientalis, Hei^b. Wight n. 3303, 3304, Gat. n. 1745 {in part). Yilfa spicata, Beauv. Agrost. 16; Trin. Diss. 1, 152, 8p. Gram. Ic. t. 12 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 160. PAgrostis involuta, Pair. Encycl. Sujppl. i. 252. A. spicata, Yahl Symb. i. 9 ; Dei Fl. Mgypt. 20, t. 10, f. 1. A. virginica, ForsJc. Fl. JEg. Arab. 20 (ex E:^^^).— Sporobolus, Wall. Gal n. 3773. The Deccan Peninsula, Heyne; Palamcottah, Wight. — Distrib. Arabia, Egypt, trop. Aft'ica. Stem 6-12 in., from a hard stoloniferous rootstock, stiff, strict above the geniculate base. Leaves 1-2 in., divaricate, pungent, scabrid above ; ligule 0. Panicle spici- form, 2-3 in. by ^^^-i in. diam. Splkelets sessile, persistent on the branchlets, pale. Glumes hyahne, I rounded ; II 1-nerved; III ovate-lanceolate; palea as long as the gl. Grain obliquely oblong or orbicular-oblong. — Agrostis involuta, Poir., referred here by Spreugel, is a Marocco plant, which may be S. virginicus or pungens. 10. S. orientalis, Kunth Enum. Fl. i. 211 ; stoloniferous, leaves pungent, margins serrulate, panicle narrowly oblong, spikelets y^^-^ in., sub- sessile, gl. I = i III or shorter tip rounded, II = III or longer obtuse, grain obovoid. Lalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 295. S. humifusus, Trim. Gat. Geyl. Fl. 108 {non Kunth). Vilfa diandra, Trin. Diss. i. 154 {ea:cl. Syn. Betz.). Y. orientalis, Nees ex Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Ser. vi. 8c. Nat. v. II. (1840), 65; Wight Gat. n. 1745 {in part); Steud. Syn. Gram. 156. Agrostis elongata. Roth. Nov. Sp. 41. A. ox\Qni2i\\Q, Nees Agrust. Bras. 393 {excl. Syn. Boxh.). A. pungens, Merh. Heyne ex Wall. Gat. n. 3772. A. tena- cissima, Linn.f. Suppl. 107 {excl. Syn. Jacq.). — Sporobolus, Wall, I.e. The Deccan Peninsula, Heyne, Wight. Cetlon, at Calpentyn, Trimen. Stem 6-18 in., base stout, hard, branching, branches and flowering stems usually geniculate below. Leaves very variable, 1-6 in., suberect or upreading, more or less pungent, glabrous or haii-y above; ligule 0. Panicle 1^-4 in., erect, subspiciform or more open with here and there short horizontally spreading branches that are naked below, usually pale. Spilceletb closely packed ; gl. I nerveless, II and III 1-nerved. — The Ceylon and Heyne's specimens are 12-18 in. high with long flat leaves and narrow open panicles, Wight's are shorter and stouter with spicitbrm panicles, and closely resemble states of S. tremulus, from which the short obtuse gl. I at once distinguishes it. Although in Herb. Wight Prop, the four species mentioned in the notes to S. virginicus are all included under N9. 1745, S. orientalis^ the latter alone bears that number in Herb. Hook, and Herb. Benth. 11. S. piliferus, Kunth Enum. PI. i. 211 (var. a) ; annual, leaves hairy serrulate, panicle linear branches very short erect, spikelets aV'iV in., gl. I ^-§ III lanceolate, II longer than III oblong-lanceolate, III oblong, grain oblong compressed. S. ciliatus, J\funro in Herb. Ind. Or. Hf.Sr T.; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 29 {non Vilfa ciliata, Presl). Yilfa pilifera, Trin. Diss. i. 157, ii. 23, Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 58. Triachyrum nilagiricum, Steud. in Hohen. PI. Ind. Or. n. 931. — Sporobolus, Wall. Gat. n. 3774. Western Himalaya ; from Kashmir to Nepal, alt. 3-8000 ft., Wallich, &c. The Khasia Hills, alt. 5000 fc. Mysore, at Belgaum, Ritchie. Nilghiri Hills, Wight, &c. Malacca, Eervey. Sterns 3-12 in., densely tufted, erect, roots fibrous. Leaves 1-4 in., chiefly radical, narrowed from the base to the tip, flat or convolute, sparsely hairy above and at the mouth of the sheath, margins sernflate below or nearly to the tip ; ligule 0. i'a7UcZe 1-3 in., strict, erect, dense-fld,, often interrupted. Spikelets brown ; gl. I nerveless; II and III 1-nerved, callus minute ; palea oblong. Stamens 2, anthers very short. — Trinius figures this plant from a Brazilian and a Nepalese specimen. 252 CLXXiii. QRAMiNEiS. (J. D. Hooker.) [Sporobolus. The latter from Wallich is a very dwarf form, which is not uncommon in the Himalaya. The Brasilian is Kunth's /3. major, is a much larger specimen, and may or may not be specifically the same. S. ciliatus, Presl, to which S. piliferus was referred by Munro, is a Panama plant, and is, I think, from the description different. ft Panicle open, effuse. 12. S. arablcus, Boiss. Biagn. PL Or. Ser. I. xiii. 47; perennial, stems many from a woody stoloniferous base, leaves rigid narrow, panicle pyramidal, spikelets yV in. crowded subsessile at the ends of the branches, gi. I minute ovate, II ovate-oblong acute as long as III. S. pallidas, Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 514 (nonLindl.) ; Aitch. Gat Panjab PI. 165 (excl. Syn.) ?Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 29, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 50. Vilfa pallida, Nees ex Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Ser. VI. Sc. Nat. v. ii. (1840) 62 ; iSteud. Syn. Oram. 155. V. arabica, Steud. I. c. 241. Panjab Plains; Boyle, &c. Wazuristan, ascending to 7000 ft., Stetoart- KoHiLKUND, Duthie. Scind, Stocks. — Distrib. Arabia, Belucbistan. Woody base of the stem sometimes as thick as the middle finger, sending out rigid often geniculate stolons, and stout or slender flowering branches 6-24 in. high* Leaves 1-10 in. by ^^ in., narrowed from the rounded base to the tip, flat or con- volute, scaberulous above, finely ciliate-serrulate ; ligule 0. Panicle 2-6 in. long, branches whorled, capillai-y, naked below. Spikelets subspicate on the branchlets, oblong, pale; gl. II and III obtuse, 1-nerved ; palea as long as its gl. Grain sub- globose. — The synonymy of this plant is perplexing, owing to the double use of the specific name pallidus, and to the fact of Vilfa being now regarded as a synonym of Sporoholus. This name (pallidus) was applied by Nees in 1840 to the Arabian plant described above, under Vilfa ; and by Lindley in 1848 to a very different Australian one, under Sporobolus. Bentham {Fl. Austral, vii. 623) assuming that Nees bad referred his plant to Sporobolus, renamed Liudley's S. Lindley i. Lastly, Boissier, when he founded his 8. arabicus, was not aware that it was Trinius's Vilfa pallida, which he erroneously cites in Fl. Orient., under Sporoholus pallidus, Trin. In this case the proper course appears to me to be to retain the name Sp. pallidus^ Lindl., for the Australian plant, and Sp. arabicus, Boiss., for the Arabian and Indian. 13. S. pulchellus, Br. Prodr. 170; annual, slender, leaves narrowly lanceolate flat spinulosely serrulate, panicle oblong, branches whorled capillary few-fld. towards the tips, spikelets ^ in. shortly pedicelled, gl. I = ^ II obtuse, keels of both ciliate, II = III broadly ovate acuminate. Jiunth Bevis. Gram. ii. 106, t. 123, Fnum. PI. i. 216, Suppl. 171 ; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii.. 623. S. capillaris, Am. ex Miq. Ann. Bot. Ind. II. 25 (non Vilfa capillaris, Wt. & Arn.). Vilfa pulchella, Trin. Diss. i. 160. Aerrostis pulchella, RotTi. Nov. Sp. 41. Panicum montanum, Ham. ex Wall. Cat. n. 8883.— Sporobolus, Wall. I. c. Behae, Wallich, Thomson. Chota Nagporb, Clarke. — Distrib. Australia. Stem 6 in. -2 ft., filiform or capillary, strict, erect from the base or nearly so, distantly leafy. Leaves 2-6 in., gradually narrowed from the rounded base to the finely acuminate tip, margins with tubercle-based cilia below ; ligule 0. Panicle 2-6 in., loose, whorls of many branches at regular intervals. Spikelets reddish- brown ? glumes almost hyaline, obtuse. Grain globose ; pericarp loose, hyaline. — Bentham observes that Kunth's figure is of an unusually nan-ow-leaved form with the remarkable cilia not represented. 14. S. coromandelianus, Kunth Bevis. Gram. i. €81, Enum. PI. i. 213 ; annual, leaves lanceolate flat spinulosely serrulate, panicle pyramidal branches whorled capillary, spikelets -^ in., gl. 1 minute Sporoholus.'] CLXXiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 253 oblong or lanceolate, II = III both ovate-lanceolate acuminate. Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl 296; Ih-im. Gat. Ceyl. PI. 208; Wall. Gat. n. 3764. S, commutatus, Kunth Enum. i. 214; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 376 {excl. Syn. pulchellus) : Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 513 ; Aitch. Cat. Panjab PI. 165 ; But/iie Grass. N.W. Ind. 29. S. discosporus, Nees Fl. Afr. Austr. 158. Vilfa commutata, Trin. Diss. i. 156 ; Wight Gat. n. 1743. V. coromandeliana, Beauv. Agrost. 15 ; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 11 {gl. I omitted) ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 153. Y. discospora, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. VI. Sc. Nat. ii. (1841) 59. V. Roxburghii, Nees ex Trin. I. c. V. Roxburghiana, Nees ex Wight Gat. n. 1742 ; Steud. Norn. Ed. II. ii. 59. Triachyrum cor- dofanum, Hochst. ex, Steud. Syn. Gram. 176. T. discosporam, Steud. I. c. Agrostis coromandeliana, Retz. Obs. iv. 19 ; Vahl Symb. i. 10 ; Boxh. Fl. Ind. i. 316. A. indica, Forsk. Fl. ^g. Arab. 104. A. Rura, Sb. Sam. ex Wall. I. c. B. Plains of India, from the Punjab eastward to Burma, and southward to Ceylon, — DiSTRiB. Afighan. N. and S. Africa. (Texas and Mexico, introd. ?). Stems many, 4-12 in., spreading from the root, leafy. Leaves 1-3 by i-^ in., narrowed from the subcordate base to the finely acuminate tip, spinulosely toothed especially towards the base ; mouth of sheath villous. Panicle very large for the size of the plant, 2-6 by 1-4 in., branches 4-6 in subsecund whorls, -2-2 in. long, branchlets drooping 1-2-fld. Spikelets subglobose; glumes hyaline, all 1 -nerved or I nerveless. Stamens 2, anthers very short. (?rai» obliquely oblong or subglobose. — Nees Fl. Afr. Austr. refers Agrostis pulc/ietla, Roth., to Sp. commutatus, as var. /3. Trinianus, Am. et Nees Glum. Ind. Or. ined., with panicle ovate and gl. I 5-6 times shorter than commutatus. Var. Collettii; panicle narrowly pyramidal or conical 2-3 in. long by 1-1 J in. across the lower branches, spikelets bright red-brown. — Shan Hills, Collett. DOUBTFUL SPECIES. Vilfa rigidifoHa, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. vi. Sc.Nat.v. IT. (1840) 80. — E. Indies, Herh. Thouars. — Described by Trinius as having spikelets 2 (French) lines long, which is twice as long as any Indian species known to me. 72. AGROSTIS, Linn. Perennial, rarely annual grasses. Xeave* usually flat. Spikelets small, 1-fld., in effuse or contracted panicles with capillary whorled branches, not jointed on their pedicels; rachilla not produced beyond gl. III. Glumes 3, I and II equal or unequal (sub-awned in A. subaristata), keeled, 1- rarely .3-nerved ; III membranous, 5-nerved, truncate, glabrous, awn dorsal or 0, callus glabrous or with few minute hairs ; palea nearly as long as its gl. or shorter or 0, 2-nerved or nerveless. Lodicules 2. Stamens 3, anthers long or short. Grain free within the gl. — Species about 100, chiefly in N. temp, regions* The genera Agrostis, Calamagrostis, and Deyeuxia are, as all authors agree, separated by artificial characters and are not well limited by these. It therefore becomes a question of expediency how to limit them, and the addition of many hitherto undescribed Himalayan species has not tended to aid this operation. Many authors make of Deyeuxia a section of Calamagrostis. Bentham keeps them distinct, but confines Calamagrostis to species with gl. 1 and II longer than III. After much study, I conclude that for taxonomic purposes, the most practical arrangement is to confine Agrostis to species with no elongation of the rachilla, and a naked or almost naked callus of gl. Ill (a character appreciated by most authors) ; to refer to Calamagrostis those with a villous callus but with no elongation of the rachilla, 254 CLXiiii. GRAMmEA (J. D. Hooker.) [AgrostiB. and to Deyeuxicty those with both a villous callus and the rachilla elongate beyond gl. Ill and (with a few exceptions) penicillate. I know of no species of AgrosUs with the last-mentioned character of Deyeuxia, but there are species of Agrostis with longer hairs than normal in the callus, and of Calamagrostis with shorter hairs than normal ; there are also species of the latter genus with a minute elongation of the rachilla, and of Deyeuxia in which that organ is short. There is no Indian Agrostis except A. myriantha with the tall coarse habit of several species of Calama- grostis and Deyeuxia, but many species of these two genera have the slender habit of Agrostis, and can only be distinguished from it by the minute characters given above. The species of Calamagrostis with the gl. Ill hairy all over form a peculiar section, well limited by this character; their habit is altogether that of Agrostis. * Palea half as long as gl. Ill or longer, rarely minute. 1. A. alba, Linn. Sp. PI. 63 ; ligule oblong, flowering panicle spread- ing fruiting contracted, branches nearly smooth, spikelets y\ in., gl. I and II subequal acute, III about ^ shorter rarely avy-ned, tip truncate crenate, callus quite glabrous. Kunth Enum. PI. i. 219, Suppl 176; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 514; Sckrad. Fl. Germ. t. 2; Fl. Dan. x. t. 1623; Engl. Bot. t. 1189 ; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monoc. i. n. 29 ; Eeichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 33-36 ; Ledeb. Fl. Boss. iv. 436 ; Aitchis. Gat. Punjab PI. 165 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 29. A. diffusa, Host Gram. Austr. iv. t. 55. A. Michauxii, Herb. Strach. & Winterb. A. mutabilis, Knapp Gram. Britt. t. 28. A. Wightii, Schmid. Coll. PI Nilgh. ; Herb. Wight Propr. 1746 {in part). A. Royleana, Trin. Agrost. ii. 125. Western Himalaya and Western Tibet, alt. 6-11,500 ft., from Kashmir to Kumaon. Sikkim, alt. 7500 ft. (introd. ?). NiLGfHiRi Hills (introd.). — Distrib. N. temp, regions. Stems 1-3 ft., stoutly ascending from a tufted base, erect, slender. Leaves rather short, flat, nearly smooth ; ligule variable in length. Panicle 2-8 in. long, pyramidal. Spikelets green or purplish, usually shining ; palea = about ^ of gl. III. — The above description applies to the common Himalayan form of A. alha, and accords with the "European. I have not cited its multitudinous synonyms, of which 50 are recorded in the " Kew Index," for many apply to obscure forms or varieties none of which occur in India; except var. stolonifera (A. stolonifera, Host Gram. Austr. t. 57) of which there are Nilghiri specimens, but no doubt introduced. The awned variety y. aristata, Boiss. 1. c, a widely distributed European, American, and Asiatic plant is noted as Tibetan by Boissier, but I have seen no specimens. It is a tall form with broad leaves. Boissier describes the branches of the panicle as rough in alha, but they are smooth in all Indian specimens. Wight's n, 1746 has a minute palea. 2. A. verticillata, Vill. Fl. Delph. 74i ; leaves scabrid, ligule very short truncate, panicle ovate or oblong contracted or expanded dense fid., branches scabrid, spikelets yV in., gls. I and II subequal subacute scaberulous keels strongly scabrid, III about § shorter not awned tip truncate toothed, palea nearly = gl., callus quite glabrous. Ledeb. Fl. Boss. iv. 438; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 513; Triji. JDiss. i. 195, Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 36 ; ReicJib. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 35. A. adscendens, Lange in Kjoeh. Vidensk. Meddel. (1860) 33. A. anatolica, G. Kock. in Linnsea, xxi. (1848) 379. A. densa, Bieh. Fl. Taur. Cauc. i. 56. A. diffusa, Bess. Prim. Fl. Gallic, i. 68. A. Muelleri, Presl Bot. Bemerh. 120. A. refracta, Moench. Meth. Suppl. 60. A. stolonifera, Linn. Hei^b. nan 8m. ; Bieb. I. c. iii. 62 {ex Ledeb. I. c. 439). A. Yillarsii, Poir. Encycl. Suppl. i. 251. The Panjab ; Hursa, J.i filipesi Hook. f. ; very slender, leaves short very narrow, ligule very short, panicle very narrow elongate, branches short alternate and 2-3-nate erect smooth, spikelets t4~tV ^^' shortly pedicelled erect, gl. I and II unequal acute, ill ^ shorter tip truncate nearly entire, callus quite glabrous, awn dorsal from above the middle geniculate, palea minute. Khasia Hills, alt. 5-6000 ft., in several places, Clarke. Stem 8-15 in., erect or geniculate below, densely tufted, base hard. Radical leaves many, tufted, 1-2 in., subulate, cauline rather longer and broader. Panicle 2-4 in., interrupted; branchlets ^-^ in., capillary, shortly naked below, smooth. Spihelets green or pale reddish; gl. I and II with scabrid keels; awn shortly exserted. Anthers very short. Grain ovoid, acute. — Nearest to A. canina, but the long very narrow interrupted panicle is constant in all the specimens from five distant localities at different elevations. Var. ? palea 0, grain linear-oblong. A. nervosa, Nees, var. aristata, Munro in Herl. Kew.— Sikkim ; at Lachoong, alt 9000 ft. 8. A. Xookeriana« Clarke mss. [non Munro) ; very slender, leaves very narrow flaccid, ligule oblong, panicle broad with rather distant whorls of few very long flexuous capillary branches naked and unbranched for half their length, spikelets y^-s i^-j ^^- I ^^^ ^ unequal lanceolate acumi- nate, III about \ shorter tip truncate denticulate, callus glabrous or minutely hairy, awn dorsal. Sikkim Himalaya, alt. 9-11,000 ft., in meadows, /. D. H. Cummins (in Herb. Clarice). Stem 1-2 ft. Leaves 2-6 in., flat, -^-^ in. broad. Panicle 2-6 in., branches 2-3 in., minutely scaberulous ; pedicels as long as the spikelets or longer. Spikelets green, rather distant ; awn exserted ; callus sometimes distinctly but minutely bearded. Anthers linear. Qrain oblong. — Spikelets very much larger than in the foregoing species. This is not A. Hookeriana, Munro ex Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 30, nor Lachnagrostis Hookeriana, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 192. ft Grl. Ill not awned. 9. A. micrantha, Sieud. Syn. Gram. 70 ; tall, rather slender, leaves narrow, ligule oblong, panicle elongate inclined contracted in fl., branches long capillary smooth spreading in fruit, spikelets yV-yV i^-> g^* I ^^^ H unequal oblong-lanceolate acute, III \-\ shorter tip truncate crenate callus Agrostis.] CLXXiil. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 257 quite naked, nerves very faint, palea = about ^ gl., anthers about ^ gl. — A. Wightii, Munro in Rerh. Hook.f. Sc T. in part). — Agrostis, Wall. Cat. n. 3776. Central Himalaya, alt. 4-6000 ft., from Garvvhal to Sikkira. PKhasia Hills, alt. 5000 ft., Clarke. Stem 2-3 ft., tufted, rather stout below in Wallich's specimens. Leaves 3-6 in., by -Jy-i in., rarely broader, scaberulous. Panicle 4-10 in., lax-fid., slightly scaberulous, branches naked till towards the tips, lower whorled or fascicled ; top of pedicels clavate. Spikelets green, gl. Ill 5-nerved, nerves all V3ry slender or evanescent, the median sometimes arrested half way. Grain linear-oblong, — Steudel describes the palea as long as the gl., but, it never exceeds ^ of that organ. The Khasian specimens have a much reduced panicle and much smaller palea. 10. A. myriantha, Hook. f. ; stems stout leafy, leaves broadly linear-lanceolate, ligule short, panicle 4-12 in. inclined contracted many- and deose-fld., rachis rather stout, branches fascicled or whorled often flg. to the base, spikelets to'tq i°-' ^- ^ ^^ hairs of callus as long as gl?. I and II. Kunth EnuTYi. JPl. i. 237, Suppl. 184; Host Gram. Austr. iv. 24, t. 42. Beichh. Ic. Fl Germ. t. 43 ; Ledeb. Fl. Ross. iv. 432 ; Boiss. FL Orient, v. 525 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 30. C. georgica & thyrsoides, 0. Koch in Linnsea, xxi. (1848) 387, 388. 0. glomerata, Boiss. et Buhse in Mem. Soc. Nat. Mosc. xii. (I860) 229. C. lithuanica & vilneensis, Schult. Mant. iii. 602. C. lanceolata, Stokes in With. Arr. Brit. PI. Ed. III. ii. 122. C. glauca & Huebneriana, Eeichb. Fl. Germ. Excurs. 27, Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 43. C. rigens. Fries Summ. Veg. Scand. 240. Arundo epigejos, Linn. Sp. PI. 81; Engl. Bot. t. 402; Fl. Dan t. 2165 ; Knapp Gram. Britt. t. 97. Kashmir, alt. 8-14,000 ft., Falconer, &c. — Distkib. N. Asia. Europe. S. Africa. Stem 2-4 ft., erect, usually stout. Leaves long, narrow, finely acuminate, scaberulous, more or less glaucous ; ligule oblong, rather long, acute. Panicle 6-12 in. or more, oblong or lanceolate, much brancbed, branches usually erect. Spikelets shortly pedicelled, erect, green or light or dark purple ; gl. I and II subequal or II the longest, 1-nerved or II 3-nerved, keel and often margins scaberulous; III glabrous, smooth or scaberulous, awn equalling its gl. 2. C. decora, Hook. f. ; stems tall tufted very slender, leaves very long flat, panicle looi^ely branched, spikelets \ in., gls. I and II sub- equal lanceolate, scaberulous. III = |-f I truncate 4-cuspidate, awn subbasal exserted, palea as long as the gl., callus hairs rather longer than gl. III. Kashmir; Astor Valley, alt. 9-10,000 ft., Duthie (n. 12.660). Stem 4-5 ft. or more. Leaves 12-18 by i in., scaberulous, pale green ; sheath smooth; ligule large, oblong, rounded. Panicle 3-8 in., pale green, racbis slender and fascicled branches scaberulous, branches naked below. Spikelets shortly pedi- celled, suberect ; gls. I and II hardly membranous, finely acuminate, keels scaberu- lous, I 3-nerved ; III glabrous, exoe'pt the callus; awn shortly exserted. Anthers linear. Galamagrostis.'] clxxiii. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 261 §§ Glume III awned in the upper third or tip. 3. C. emodensis, Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 80; stem stout creeping below, leaves long broad flat glaucous scaberalous, panicle dense or effuse much-branched, spikelets \ in. crowded, gl. I and II unequal subulate-lanceolate, III =11 cleft to about the upper \ awned in the cleft, awn exserted, palea = §-f its gl. C. nepalensis, Herh. Strach. & Winterh. {in part). Galamagrostis, Wall. Gat. n. 3781 B. Temperate Himalaya, alt, 7-12,000 ft., from Kashmir to Bhotan, FalconeTy &c. ■ Stem 3-5 ft., as thick as a goose-quill below. Leaves 12-18 by |-§ in., thinly coriaceous, pale glaucous green, many-iierved ; sheath nearly smooth or scaberulous; liguie oblong, membranous. Panicle 6-10 in., inclined or nodding, very soft, shining and silky, pale grey j branches branchlets and very short pedicels capillary, smooth, or minutely scaberulous. Glumes I and II very thin, smooth, .keels scaberulous, I 1-nerved ; II 3-nerved ; III glabrous, hyaline, usually cleft from the upper third into two lanceolate subulate-acuminate lobes; but the lobes are sometimes irregularly lacerate at the tip ; nerves 5, faint. 4. C. littorea, BG. Fl. Franc, v. 255 ; stem stout or slender creep- ing below, leaves narrow scaberulous often convolute, liguie oblong, panicle dense or effuse, spikelets ^-\ in., gl. I and II unequal subulate- lanceolate scaberulous, III = ^-3 I tip truncate erose or toothed, awn terminal in a notch or short cleft or dorsal below the tip included, palea nearly as long as the gl. Kunth Eniim. PI. i. 237 ; Reichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 42 ; Bofss. Fl. Orient, v. 624 ; Steud. Syn. Oram. 187. C. glauca, Reichh. Fl. Germ. Fxcurs. 27. C. lanceolata, Aitchis. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xviii. (1880) 107 {non Roth.). C. laxa, Host Gram. Austr. iv. 26, t. 43 ; Ledeb. Fl. Ross. V. 432 ; Herb. Ind. Or. Hf. & T. {in part) ; Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 80. 0. nepalensis, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 193 ; Duthie Grass. NAY. Ind. 30; Aitchis. in Trans. Linn. Soc. Ser. II. 5o^. iii. 124. Arundo glauca, M. Bieb. Fl. Taur. Cauc. i. 79. A. laxa, Roem. & Sch. Syst. ii. 602. A. littorea, Schrad. Fl. Germ. i. 212, t. 4, f. 2.— Galama- grostis, Wall. Cat. n. 3781 A. Temperate Himalaya, alt. 6-10,000 ft. from Kashmir to Sikkim. Westeen Tibet, alt. iO-12,000 ft.— Disteib. Europe, N. and W. Asia. Stem 2-5 ft., erect, as thick as a crow-quill or small goose-quill, but some- times very slender. Leaves 12-18 by -^^-^ in , firm, smooth or scaberulous, flat or convolute ; sheaths smooth ; liguie linear-oblong. Panicle very variable in form and composition, erect or inclined, green or purple, rachis and branches scaberulous. Spihelets rarely i in. long, sometimes only ^ in., when the outer glumes are broader ; gl. I and II with scaberulous keels, 1 usually about i longer than II, but sometimes subequal, I 1-nerved and II 3-nerved at the base, but both sometimes 3-nerved; III glabrous, smooth or faintly scaberulous, faintly 5-nerved; awn very slender, variable in length, rarely longer than its gl. — A very difficult plant to define satisfactorily so much do the spikelets vary in size, in the breadth of the empty gls., and in the incision of the top of gl. Ill, which is either rounded and obtusely 2-toothed with an awn in the sinus, or truncate with a terminal awn, or 2.1obed nearly ^ way down with lobes irregularly incised and the awn in the sinus, or finally the awn may be strictly dorsal below the truncate tip. Dr. Stapf, who has revised the whole of the Indian material which I had referred to this species, confirms the above view of its variation, and agrees with me in referring it to the European C. liftoria. Var. tartarica ; stem shorter stouter, leavfs convolute, panicle strict narrowly 262 CLxxiiT. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) [Calamagrostis. oblong' dense-lid., spikelets usually dark purple. C. tartarica, Jacquem. mss. C. laxa, var. robustior, Jlerb. Sj. & T. — Common in the drier districts especially in Western Tibet. 5. C. Stolizkai, Hook. f. ; stem short stout, leaves erect convolute, panicle short oblong contracted dense, spikelets ^ in. shortly pedicelled, gl. I and II subequal lanceolate acuminate scaberulous, III about ^ shorter than II tip truncate 4-aristulate, awn terminal exserted, palea as long as its gl., hairs of callus rather longer than gl. Ill shorter than I and II. Western Tibet ; Zanskar, on the Pensi-la, alt. 12-15,000 ft., Stolizka. Stem 18-24 in., erect. Leaves 3-6 by A-^ in., very scabrid above; sheaths scaberulous; ligule oblong. Panicle 4: in. ; branches short, erect or suberect, scabrid. Spikelets erect, crowded, pale, shining; gl. I and II hyaline, sub 3-nerved ; III glabrous, hairs of callus unequal in length ; awn about twice as long as the spikelet, straight, shortly exserted. — I have seen only two specimens. 6. C> debiliS; ITooTc. f. ; very slender, leaves short very narrow, panicle narrow, branches few rather short laxly flowering and pedicels capillary, spikelets ^ in. pale, gls. I and II unequal lanceolate acuminate keels quite smooth. III about ^ shorter than II or less, tip truncate erose, awn dorsal in upper third of the gl. exserted, palea as long as its gl., hairs of callus = gl. I and II. SiKKiM Himalaya; Chola, alt. 11,000 ft., J.D.B. Stem 12-18 in., tufted, geniculate below. Leaves distant, 1-2 by tV^tV '"•> flat, quite smooth, upper shorter spreading; sheath smooth; ligule oblong. Panicle 2-5 in., branches and branchlets smooth. Spikelets pale purplish brown, long-pedicelled; gl. I and II 1 -nerved ; III glabrous, 5-nerved. Anthers very small.^ — I found this very delicate species only once and then late in the season, the very small anthers are peculiar. ft Hairs of callus much shorter than gl. III. 7. C. tripillfera, Hook. f. ; very slender, leaves short narrow flat, panicle of few very long wide spreading 2-3-nate branches sparingly divided towards the ends, spikelets ^ in. long-pedicelled, gls. I and II subequal lanceolate acuminate, III firm \ shorter than I tip truncate with 2 short lateral awns and a median dorsal exserted awn, palea \ shorter than its gl., hairs of callus very unequal. SiKKiM Himalaya ; in the drier interior, alt. 10-13,000 ft. J. D. H. , Clarke, King's Collector. Stem tufted, 8-18 in., erect, hardly thicker than pack-thread. Leaves 4-6 by •Jq-1. in., rather flaccid, quite smooth ; sheaths smooth ; ligule oblong. Panicle with few whorls of few quite smooth capillary branches 1-2 in. long each bearing 3-5 glistening pale yellow on dull purplish spikelets on pedicels longer than themselves ; gls. I and II 1 -nerved, quite smooth, even the keels; III glabrous, rather strongly 4-nerved, tip with mucros between the lateral and middle awns, the latter of which is stiff and nearly twice as long as its gl. ; callus hairs nearly half as long as' gl. Ill- Yar. Cummiiisii ; panicle contracted, branches much stouter appressed to the rachis, spikelets -^^-\ in. — N.E. Sikkim, Cummins. — Perhaps a diflferent species, but the stems, about a span long, being curved in a semicircle, show that the plant has grown under unfavourable conditions. /y Oalamagrostis.] olxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 263 ** Grlume III hairy all over ; callus hairs shorter than gl. III. t Palea ofgl. Ill nearly as long as its gl. 8. C. Blunroana, Boiss. Ft. Orient, v. 523 ; very slender, leaves long narrow, panicle effuse or contracted, spikelets yV^V '^^•> g^^- I ^^^ ^^ sub- equal oblong-lanceolate acute 1-nerved, keels nearly smooth, III = | I broadly truncate crenate, awn short infra-median included or 0, callus shortly hairy, anthers short. Agrostis ciliata, Herh. Strachey Sj- Winter- bottom; Herb. Ind. Or. Sf. & T. in part; ?Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 29 {nan Nees). A. Munroana, Aitch. Sj' Uemsl. in Journ. Linn. Sac. xix. (1882) 192. A. pilosula, Hack, in Herb. Duthie n. 6231 {non Trin.). A. Royleana, Duthie I. c. 30. Western Himalaya, from Kashmir to Kuraaon, alt. 8-12,000 ft., Royle, &c. — DiSTEiB. Affghan. Stems 6-18 in., tufted, roots fibrous. Leaves 2-8 in., scaberulous or nearly smooth, flaccid, or in high altitudes strict ; sheaths nearly smooth ; ligule variable. Panicle 2-5 in., oblong or pyramidal ; branches capillary, erect or spreading, lower fascicled or 2-3-nate, smooth or minutely scaberulous, lower often long spreading and naked below. Spikelets pedicellled, green or purplish ; gl. I and II very thin, smooth; 111 hairy all over; palea as long as its gl. or ^ shorter. — A very variable plant, one of two (the other is C. pilosula) which have been refei'red by Munro and others to Agrostis Royleana, Trin., a plant described by Trinius as having the bearded rachilla proper to Deyeuxia (see end of genus). I have in vain sought to identify Munroana with any other of the Koylean species, none of which are accurately described. Var. stricta ; stem 6-10 in. strict, leaves very narrow rather stiff erect, panicie contracted, branches short erect or spreading, pedicels very short, spikelets green or purple, gl. Ill always awned. Agrostis No. 4, Serb. Strach. Sf Winterh. — Common at altitudes of 11-15,000 ft. Though diftering entirely in habit from the lax open panicled form of Munroana, 1 feel sui'e that this is only the alpine form of that plant from intermediates occurring between them. It resembles Agrostis incequifflumis, Griseb. 9. C. G-riffithiana, Hook. f. ; tall, erect, leaves long narrow sub- coriaceous, panicle long narrow branches suberect, spikelets ^ in., gl. I and II subequal lanceolate acute, III narrow tip truncate with 4 short bristles the lateral longest, awn subbasal to median exserted, hairs of callus very short, anthers linear. 0. Hookeriana, var. aspera, Munro in Herh. Hf. & T. Agrostis Royleana, Munro in Herb. Strach. & Winterb. n. 2. Lachnagrostis Griffithiana, Munro Cat. HI. Griff. Falc. &c. 67 ined. Deyeuxia Griffithii, Munro I. c. 66. Western Himalaya; Kumaon, alt. 5500 th., Strachey Sc Winterb. Khasia Hills, alt. 5000 ft., Griffith {Kew distrih. n. 6598), Hf. §" T. &c. IStem 2-d ft., quite erect, as thick as a crow-quill. Leaves 6-10 by }—^ in., and sheaths smooth or subscaberulous ; ligule very short. Panicle erect ; branches 2-4 in,, 2-5-nate, naked for half their length, then with crowded branchlets and shortly pedicelled green or purplish spikelets, Spikelets ^ in.. Ill hairy all over; palea nearly as long as its gl. — A much taller and stouter plant than any form of C. Munroana, with much larger spikelets, short callus hairs, and linear anthers. A fourth imperfect gl. sometimes occurs. tt Palea of gl. Ill very short, rarely = \ its gl. 10. C. pilosula, Hook. f. ; stem very slender erect, leaves long 264 CLxyiiT. GRAMiNE^ (J. D. Hooker.) [CalamagrosHs. narrow flat, panicle effuse or contracted, branches long or short sub- erect or spreading, spikelets yV"! in-* gl- I and II subequal oblong-lanceo- late acute or acuminate 1-nerved smooth, III oblong tip truncate erose or crenate with sometimes 4 minute setulae, awn subbasal exserted, hairs of callus = ^ gl. Ill or shorter, anthers linear. Agrostis pilosula, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Ser. VI. vi. XL (1845) 372. Tempebate and alpine Himalaya, alt. 6-14,000 ft., from Kashmir to Sikkim. NiLQHiEi Hills, alt. 3-6000 ft., fTight, Schmid, Jacquemont, &c. Ceylon, alt. 6-8000, fTalker, &c. Stems 1-3 ft. or more, tufted, 6-10 in. in alpine specimens, erect from a short inclined base. Leaves variable in breadth, up to \ in., but usually very narrow, fiaccid, smooth or subscaberulous ; sheath smooth ; ligule very variable, longest in the upper leaves. Panicle very variable, large and effuse with spreading branches 1-4 in. long naked below and with loosely crowded spikelets at the extremities, or contracted with subereet shorter branches, or short broadly ovate or triangular ; branches branchlets and pedicels minutely scabrid. Spikelets membranous, green and glistening in the larger forms, purple in others and more herbaceous in the alpine ; gl. I and II smooth or subscaberulous, I rather the shortest, keels near or quite smooth, rarely scabrous ; III ^-^ shorter than I, hyaline, hairy all over, nerves often indistinct ; palea usually very minute, rarely nearly half as long as its gl. ; awn more or less exserted. — A very variable grass of which Wallich's No. 3775 A from Nepal, with spikelets J^ in. lon^ may be regarded as the type ; his B has rather larger spikelets, but is not otherwise different. I am far from supposing that I have suc- ceeded in unravelling its synonymy which is inextricably confused with 0. Munroana Agrostis alha and others. The following are marked forms in their typical states as defined, but they pass into one another. Var. Wallichiana ; very slender, leaves narrow sometimes filiform smooth, panicle 2-3 in., branches spreading lax-fid., spikelets green or purple. Agrostis ciliata, fi, Nees in Berh. Royle. A. Hookeriana, Munro in Herb. Kew {non iSteud.). A. Neesii, Steud. I.e. 293. A. nervosa, var. aristata, Munro in Herb. Hook. f. ^ T. & Herb. Falconer. A. Roylesina, Puthie Grass. N.W, Ind. 30 {non Trin.). A. Wallich- iana, Steud. Si/n. Gram. 174. Lachnagrostis ciliata, Munro in Herb. Jacquem. n. 215. L. Hookeriana, Munro mss. Arundinella Hookeriana, W. ^ A. ex ^rn. in Herb. Kew (Ceylon). — Agrostis fVall. Cat. n. 3775. — Agrostis n. 5, Herb. Strachey ^ Winter b. — A common form. Var. fcabra ; stem 2-4 ft. stout, leaves 6-12 by i-^ in., panicle very large effuse with long spreading horizontal capillary branches sometimes 4-5 in. long in distant whorls or fascicles, spikelets x2~t ^"- P^'^ green, gl. Ill with the truncate tip some- times minutely 2-4-mucronulate. Agrostis bicuspidata. Hack, in Herb. Duthie n. 10,088. A. Koyleana, Hack. I. c. \\. 7583. Lachnagrostis scabra, Nees in Herb. Royle. — In woods at about 7-10,000 ft. from Kashmir to Sikkim. Var. alpestris; stem 6-18 in. strict, leaves narrow strict, panicle shorter narrow or broad, spikelets smaller •iV~tV ^"- ^^^^ purple rarely green, gls. I and II oblong-lanceolate, palea sometimes = ^ its gl. Agrostis nervosa, Nees in Herb. Royle; ?Trin. in Mem. ^ cad. Petersb. Ser. VI. vi. II. (1845) 328. A. Eoyleana, Nees I. c. {non Trin.). A. ciliata, )8. nervosa, Nees in Herb. Royle. A. Roylei, TriM. ex Hack, in Herb. Duthie n. 6229.— Kashmir to Sikkim, alt. 11-15,000 ft. — A common grass at high elevations. Var. ciliata; panicle narrow eft'use, rachis flexuous, spikelets i in. shortly pedicelled pale shining, palea = i its gl. Calamagrostis ciliata, Steud. St/n. Gram. 193. Agrostis ciliata, Trin. I, c. 373. Lachnaj^rrostis ciliata, Nees ex Steud. I. c. — N.W, India, Royle. An obscure plant of which I have seen a single specimen from Herb. Royle. 11. C Schmidii, Hooh. f. ; stem very slender erect, radical leaves tufted on a woody branched rootstock linear-lanceolate rigid narrowed into Calamagrostis.'] olxxiii. gramineje. (J. D. Hooker.) 265 a slender petiole, canline filiform convolute, panicle short broad, branches few and long pedicels capillary, spikelets few |-^ in., gl. 1 and II unequal lanceolate, III truncate bicuspidate from the outer pair of nerves, awn subbasal exserted, callus hairs short, anthers linear. NiL&HiBi Hills ; Ootacamund, Schmid. Rootstock as thick as a crow-quill. Stem filiform. Radical leaves 2-3 in., glabrous, nerves strong; petiole very slender stiff; sheaths of old basal leaves clothing the base of the new, lacerate, about an inch long ; ligule long, linear, mem- branous. Panicle broad, rachis and few distant branches quite smooth. Spikelets pale purplish, gl. land II membranous, 1-nerved, keels scaberulous ; III hyaline, 5-nerved, hairy, awn twice as long as the spikelet ; palea very minute, suborbicu. lar. I have seen only one poor specimen of this curious species, which should at once be recognized by its rootstock, and the slender rigid petioles of the leaves, long ligule, and tufted lacerate old leaf-sheaths iibout an inch long, crowning the rootstock. There is, however, in Herb. Kew a specimen of what may be the same species collected by Clarke at Conoor (in the Nilghiris) alt. 7000 ft., with a very slender stem 2-3 ft. long, and narrow flat sessile cauline leaves with a short ligule; its spikelets quite accord with those of C. Schmidii, but the base of the stem and lower leaves are wanting. 12. C. Jacquemontii, Hook. /. ; tall, slender, leaves very narrow, ligule oblong, panicle narrow drooping, branches erect naked below, spikelets few ^-^ in. long-pedicelled erect, gl. I and II subequal lanceolate sub 3-nerved, III = about ^ II tip truncate 4-toothed, awn supra-basal exserted, palea minute, callus hairs = ^ gl. Ill, anthers long. Kashmir; moist places on the Pyr Panjal, Jacquemont (n. 97). Stems apparently tufted, 18 in. high, geniculate below. Leaves 5-6 by ^ in., scaberulous ; sheaths quite smooth ; ligule oblong. Panicle 4-5 in., lower branches fascicled, 1-1^ in., scaberulous. Spikelets pale yellowish ; keels of gl. 1 and II smooth. III hairy all over. — I have seen only two specimens. The long spikelets distinguish it. This approaches var. ciliata of C. pilosula, but the spikelets are considerably larger. DOUBTFUL SPECIES. C. HooKERiANA, Steud. Syn. Gram. 292. Lachnagrostis Hookeriana, Nees ex Steud. A Ceylon plant described as having the palea as long as its gl. which occurs in no Ceylon specimen of the genus known to me. C. RoYLEANA, steud. Norn. Ed. II. i. 251. C. Koylei, Steud. Syn. Oram. 193. Agrostis Royleana, Trin. in Act. Acad. Petersb. Ser.Yi. vi. Sc. Nat. II. (1845) 371. Lachnagrostis Royleana, Nees in Herb. Royle ex Steud. Nom. I. c. L. Hookeri, Nees ex Steud. Syn. I. c- — Trinius founded this species on three plants, an Indian of Koyle, a Nilghiri of Zenker, and a Ceylon one from •* Herb. Whytt." One of his characters is the presence of a " bearded rudiment," which refers the plant to Deyeuxia. I know of no Deyeuxia in Ceylon or the Nilghiris. 75. DBVEUXIA, Clar. Characters of Calamagrostis, but with the rachilla of the spikelet pro- duced beyond gl. Ill and usually penicillate with silky hairs ; gl. Ill glabrous; hairs of callus usually short. — Species enumerated about 120. See remarks under Agrostis (p. 253). In 2). Treutleri the produced portion of the rachilla is most minute and naked, in D. abnormis it is awnless and the rachilla 266 CLXxiii. GRAMiNE;E. (J. T>. Hooker.) [Deyeuxia. is very minute or absent, but the hairs of the callus are more or less crowded at the base of the palea. A. Racliilla bearded or penicillate. * Awn of glume III basal or subhasal. 1. D. sylvatica, KuntJi Bevis. Gram. i. 77, Enum. PI. i. 243, Sujppl. 188, t. xiv. f . 5 ; tall, leaves long scabrid beneath, panicle contracted at length open, spikelets ^ in., gl. I and II subequal ovate-lanceolate. III rather shorter than I tip shortly lacerate, callus loosely bearded, awn about twice as long as its gl., palea rather shorter than its gl., rachilla shortly bearded. Calaraagrostis sylvatica, DG. Fl. Fr. v. 253; Host Gram. Austr. iv. 28, t. 48 ; Trin. Gram. Unijl. 223, t. 4 ; Beichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 38 ; Ledeb. Fl. JRoss. iv. 427 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 526. C. arundinacea. Both. Tent. Fl. Germ., i. 33. C. pyramidalis, Sost I. c. 28, t. 49 ; Beichh. I. c. Arundo sylvatica, Schrad. Fl. Germ. i. 218, t. 4, f. 7. Agrostis arundinacea, Linn. PI. Sp. 61. Western Himalaya ; Kunawur, alt. 8000 ft., Thomson; Kashmir, alt. 10-11,000 ft., Duthie. — DiSTEiB. Europe, Reg. Caucas. Stem 3-5 ft., from a creeping hase. Leaves linear, 1-2 ft. by ^-^ in., finely acuminate ; ligule short. Panicle erect or drooping ; branches short, scabrid. Spikelets green or purplish ; gl. I 1-nerved ; II 3-nerved ; awn of III shortly exserted. — I have seen only two Indian specimens, which I think belong to D. sylvatica, Kunth, one from Thomson, with a very large panicle 16 in. long has the callus hairs scanty, about \ the length of the gl., the other from Duthie has a shorter panicle, a much shorter rachilla, and the callus hairs are more copious and twice as long. I do not venture upon further citations than are given above, the synonymy of both Beyeuxia and Oalama^rostis being in great confusion. 2. D. elatior, Hook.f. ; very tall, stout, leaves long, panicle 1-2 ft. pyramidal branches long spreading, spikelets ^ in., gl. I and II subequal lanceolate acuminate. III rather shorter than II tip truncate erose, callus laxly bearded, palea rather shorter than its gl., awn exserted, rachilla very short its hairs about half the length of the gl. or longer. Calamagrostis scabrescens, var. elatior, Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 79. — Deyeuxia, No. 7, Herb. Ind. Or. Hf. & T. Khasia Hills, alt. 5-5500 ft., Griffith, &c. Stem 5-6 ft., as thick as a swan's quill below. Leaves 2-3 ft. by i-f in., coria- ceous, closely nerved, midrib prominent beneath, glabrous or hairy beneath ; sheaths hirsute or glabrescent ; ligule short, scarious. Panicle 4-8 in. broad when expanded ; branches scabrid, lower fascicled. Spikelets subscaberulous ; gl. I and II thin, keels and upper margin of II scabrid ; III membranous, callus hairs sometimes — the gl. ; awn subbasal, twice as long as its gl. Grain linear-oblong. — Grisebach in re- ducing this to a variety of I), scabrescens, has overlooked the great difference in size and habit, and the different position of the awn which is subbasal. 3. D. triaristata, Sooh. f. ; very slender, leaves narrow, panicle flexuous contracted, rachis and branches capillary, spikelets ^ in. few, gl. I and II subequal narrowly lanceolate. III \ shorter than I truncate, two lateral nerves produced into long awns, two intermediate mucros, median awn exserted, palea = I its gl., hairs of callus = i gl. III. SiKKiM Himalaya ; iu woods, Yeumtong, alt. 12,000 ft., J. D. R. Stem 12-18 in., geniculately ascending from a slender creeping base, weak. Leaves 6-8 in., narrowly linear, finely acuminate, smooth, flaccid ; ligule short. Panicle 5-6 in. ; branches few, lower 2-3 in. long, and pedicels smooth. Spikelets Deyeuxia."] olxxiii. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 267 pale green, shining; gl. I and II quite smooth on the sides and keels ; 'III hyaline, lateral awns more than half as long as the gl., dorsal awn inserted \ above the base capillary, about twice the length of the gl. ; rachilla short ; callus hairs scanty short. 4 ]>. coxnpacta, Munro ex Buthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 30 (name only) ; stem short, leaves very narrow, panicle open or spicit'orm, spikelets ^ in., gl. I and II subeqnal oblong-lanceolate apiculate, III truncate tip erose, palea nearly as long as its gl., awn basal, hairs of callus short. PCalamagrostis holciformis, Jaub. & Spach. III. PI. Orient, iii. 61, t. 340. Western Tibf.t, Jacquemont ; Nubra valley, alt. 14-16,000 ft., Thomson; N. of Kumacn, alt. 15,000 ft., Strachey ^ Winterb. (Deyeuxia, No. 1). Stems 6-18 in., densely tufted, rather stout, sometimes slender. Leaves 1-3 in., flat or convolute ; ligule short. Panicle 1-2 in., branches very short, scaberulous. Spikelets purplish ; gl. I and II membranous, nearly smooth ; III \-^ shorter than II, minutely scaberulous, strongly 4-nerved, callus hairs short lax. — In Jacquemont's and all other specimens in Herb. Kew, the panicle is oblong spiciform, with very short branches, and not as represented in the figure cited of Calamagrostis hold' formis which is taken from a specimen collected by Jacquemont and in which the panicle is quite open. The glumes I and II are represented in the same plate as narrowly lanceolate tapering to a point, and scabrid, none of which characters agree with these specimens. Lastly, the date of collection is given as 1830, and that of the Kew specimen 1831. Nevertheless having regard to the gi'eat variability of these alpine grasses, I am disposed to think both referable to one species. 5. D. nivicola; Hook./.; stem short, leaves obtuse or acute, panicle contracted spiciform, branches very short, spikelets i in. very narrow, gls. I and II unequal lanceolate smooth, III truncate tip 4-mucronate, palea nearly = the gl., awn included ? rachilla half as long as the gl. shortly plumose, callus shortly bearded. Deyeuxia n. 4, Herh. Ind. Or. Sf.Sc T. SiKKiM Himalaya ; Momay, alt. 15,000 ft., J. D. S. Stern 5-7 in., densely tufted, erect or ascending, stout. Leaves as long as the stem or shorter, flat or subconvolute, xtye i"- broad ; ligule short, truncate. Panicle 1-1| in., strict, erect, green and purplish. Spikelets erect, appressed; gl. I about 'I longer than II, both l-nerved, acuminate; III about half as long as I, hardly scaberulous, neives 4, strong; awn basal, not twice as long as the gl., erect. ** Aivn of gl. Ill inserted above tlie middle of the glume {awn 0 in D. abnormis and rachilla very minute or obsolete). 6. D. scabrescens, Munro ex Duthie in Aihins. Gaz. N.W. Ind. 628 ; tall, stout, leaves long, panicle long contracted, spikelets ^-\ in., glumes all scaberulous, I and II subequal l-nerved. III tip narrowed obtuse truncate crenulate or 2-fid, awn submcdian, palea linear, callus shortly bearded. Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 31; Clarke in Journ. Linn. Soc. XXV. (1889) 89, t. 39. Calamagrostis scabrescens, Griseh. in Goett. Nac/ir. (1868) 79. Temperate Himalaya, alt. 10-13,000 ft., from Kashmir to Bhotan. Munne- POEE, alt. 9900 ft., Clarke. Stem 2-5 ft. Leaves 6-18 by ^-j in., flat or convolute, scaberulous ; sheath smooth; ligule membranous, lacerate. Panicle 6-10 in., erect or inclined, dense- fld., branches scaberulous; pedicels long or short. Spikelets green or purplish; gl. I and II linear-lanceolate, acuminate, margins smooth or villously ciliate ; HI scarious, tip usually 2-fid, awn inserted rather above the middle about twice as long as the gl., slightly bent, rachilla = i-| gl. Ill, sparingly or copiously bearded. 268 CLxxiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) [Beyeuxia. Grain narrowly oblong. — I do not find the awn to be twisted, as in the description cited, and it is inserted lower than in the figure in the Linnsean Journal. Var. humilis, Griseb. 1. c. ; smaller, stems weaker, leaves xo~i ^"' broad, panicle small lax-fid., spikelets green, gl. Ill hardly scaberulous, palea shorter. Deyeuxia No. 2, Herb. Ind. Or. Hf. ^ T.— Sikkim Himalaya ; Lachen Valley, alt. 11-12,C00 ft., /. D. H. 7. D. filiformis, Kook. f. ; stem very slender, leaves short, panicle short, spikelets | in., gl. I and II subequal subscaberulous, II 3-nerved, III hyaline asperulous, tip truncate 4-cleft, awn capillary submedian exserted palea = |-f its gl., hairs of rachilla about = the gl., hairs of callus short. Calamagrostis filiformis, Griseh. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 79. ♦ SiKKiM Himalaya ; Lachen Valley, alt. 10-12,000 ft., J. D. S. Stem 12-\^ in., terete, tufted. Leaves 2-4 in., narrow, nearly smooth; ligule membranous. Panicle 2-3 in. long and nearly as broad, pyramidal j branches few, very slender, nearly smooth. Spikelets shortly pedicelled, pale purplish ; gl. I and II sometimes both 3-nerved ; III strongly 4-nerved, irregularly 4-cleft at the apex, the lobes almost setaceous; awn inserted a little above the middle of the back. 8. D. pulchella, HooJc.f. ; stem short stout, panicle 1-2 in. oblong or ovate, spikelets ;^in. crowded dark purple, gl. I and II scaberulous finely acuminate. III scaberulous irregularly 4-toothed or sub 4-aristate, awn supra-median to sub-apical included, palea g-H as long as its gl., rachilla densely penicillate hairs =gl. Ill, callus shortly bearded. Calamagrostis pulchella, Griseh. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 78. Alpine and subalpine Himalaya ; from Kumaon and Garwhal, alt. 10-15,000 ft., to Sikkim, alt. 14-16,000 ft.— Distrib. Tibet. W. Szechuen, Pratt. Stems densely tufted, strict, erect. Leaves 3-5 in., rarely more, -^-^^ in. broad, smooth or scaberulous, usually flat; ligule short, membranous. Panicle variable in size and form ; branches minutely scabrid, sometimes elongate and spreading. Spike- lets smaller than in 1). scahrescens and not so strongly scaberulous, I and II rather unequal ; III split at the tip into almost setiform lobes ; insertion of awn most variable, but never quite terminal, capillary, as long as its gl. or shorter. — A very variable plant ; the N.W. specimens have large looser more open panicles than the Sikkim. In one specimen from Garwhal, alt. 10-13,000 ft. (No. 143 and 245 Duthie) the panicle is very open) and I find occasionally a gl. terminating the rachilla. 9. D. abnormis. Hook. f. ; tall, leaves narrow flat, panicle broad or narrow, branches in distant whorls of 3-6 divided and fig. toward the ends, spikelets i^2~to ^^- long-pedicelled, gls. I and II subequal oblong- lanceolate acute, III rather shorter than I tip narrowly truncate crenulate, awn 0, palea = about ^ its gl., rachilla very minute or obsolete, callus hairs ■= ^-| the gl. Agrostis abnormis, Munro Cat. PI. Griff. Heifer, &c., 57,ined. Calamagrostis capillacea, Clarke mss. — Agrostis No. 11 & 12, Herh. Ind. Or. Hf. So T. Sikkim Himalaya; Lachoong Vklley, alt. 9000 ft., J. D. H. Khasia Hills, alt. 5-5500 ft. , common, Griffith, &c. Stem 6-18 in., densely tutted, erect strict and slender with a narrow panicle, or rambling with stout branching stems 3-4 ft. long and a very eff"use panicle ; upper internodes sometimes scaberulous. JLeaves 6-8 by ^-j in., rather rigid, scaberulous, as are the sheaths; ligule short, rounded. Panicle 4-6 in., rachis very slender strict; branches and branchlets capillary, quite smooth. Spikelets pale brown ; gl. Deijiuxia.] CLXXiiI. gbamine^. (J. B. Hooker.) 269 I and II 1-nerved; III glabrous, nerves faint; hairs of callus longest under the palea. — ^Resembles Agrostis alba, from which the long callus hairs at once distinguish it. B. Eachilla minute, glabrous ; callus hairs very short. 10. D. Treutleri, Stapf in Hook. Ic. Plant, t. 2396 ; tall, slender, Danicle elongate lax-fld., spikelets tV-i^ iii-> gl- I and 11 very unequal lanceolate subacute scaberulous, III longer than II coriaceous obtuse scaberuloup, palea as long as the gl., rachilla very snnall styliform, callus minutely hairy. Milium Treutleri, 0. Kuntze Rev. Gen. Flant. 780 {jpartiTn). SiKKiM Himalaya, alt. 7-12,000 ft., in woods, .7. D. H., Treutler, Clarke. Stem 2-4 ft., leafy nearly to the top. Leaves 8-10 by ^-^ in., linear -lanceolate, acuminate, flaccid, scaberulous beneath ; ligule oblong. Panicle ovate, flaccid, at length rigid, scaberulous; branches in distant whorls. Spikelets narrowly ovjid, pale; gl. I ovate-lanceolate, acute, 1-nerved ; II longer, subacute, 1-nerved ; III longer than II, laterally compressed, keeled ; palea about as long as the gl. Grain oblong, laterally compressed, tightly wrapped in the gl. and palea. — A very anomalous species. Tribe YII. Avene^. (See p. 6.) 76. ERIACKNE^ Br. Rigid, densely tufted grasses. Leaves filiform, convolute. Spikelets few, 2-fld. (both fl. perfect), not jointed on their long pedicels ; rachilla jointed at the base, not produced beyond gl. lY. Glumes 4, I and II empty, subequal, persistent, keeled, many-nerved; III and lY subequal, narrow, at length rigid, awned or not ; palea rigidly coriaceous, 2-cuspidate or 2-ari8tate, nerves obscure. Lodicules 2, oblong, truncate. Stamens 2-3. Styles free, stigmas plumose. Grain free within the rigid gl. and palea. — Species about 22 Australian, and 2 Asiatic. 1. B. triseta, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 237 ; gl. I and II linear- lanceolate, III and lY long-awned. palea long-awned. Trim. Cat. Ceyl. Tl. 108 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 237. Megalachne zeylanica, Thwaites JEnum. Fl. Zeyl. 372, 444. Tenassebim ; Mergui, Griffith, Heifer. Ceylon j Colombo, Thwaites. Stems 1^-2 ft., slender, erect, branched below. Leaves 3-nerved; ligule very short, ciliate. Panicle 2-4 in. Spikelets with the awns ^— | in. long, purple ; gl. I iind II subaristate, glabrous; HI and IV" narrow, silky; callus long. 2. E. pallescens, Br. Prodr. 184 ; d. T and II ovate acuminate, HI, lY, and palea biouspidate. Kunth Enum. PI. i. 310; Steud. Syn. Gram. 237- Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 630. B. chinensis, Hance in Ann. So. Nat. Ser. IV. xv. (1861) 228,- in Jour n. Linn. Soc. xiii. (18731 136. E. Hookeri, Munro in Journ. Linn. Soc. vi. (1862) 42, name. Aira effusa, Spreng. Syst. i. 278. Chittagong, J. D. H. & T. T. Pahang, Ridley. Nicobar Islds., Rurz. — DiSTKlB. Borneo, Tonkin, China, Australia. Stem 1-2 ft. Leaves glabrous or slightly hairy. Panicle very lax. Spikelets with the awns ^ in.; gl. I and II slightly hairy ; III and IV narrow and palea villously hirsute, awns of III aqd IV about = the gl., of palea very short. — Bentham describes the palea as entire, but in the Indian specimens they terminate in two short viffid spines. 270 cLXXiii. GRAMTNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) 77. ZENKERIA, Trin. Tall, perennial, long-leaved grasses. Spikelets small, panicled, 2-fld. (both fl. perfect), not jointed on their pedicels; rachilla jointed at the hairy base, not produced beyond gl. IV. Glumes 4, 1 and II empty, sub- equal or unequal, 1-nerved, keeled, acute, persistent; III and IV equal, obtuse or acuminate, many-nerved ; palea as long as its gl., broad, keels strongly ciliate or hirsute. Lodicules 2, ovate, denticulate. Stamens 3. Styles short, distinct. Grain unknown. — Species the following. 1. Z. eleg-ans; Trin. in Linnsea, xi. (1837) 150, t. 3 ; leaves long narrow, panicle thyrsiform, branches erect, gl. I and II unequal. III and IV acuminate much longer than II. Trim. Gat. Geyl. PL 108. Amphi- donax Heynii, Nees in Wight Gat. n. 1747 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 97 ; Thwaites Enum. PI. Zeyl. 370. A. tenella, Wight 8f Am. ex Steud. I. c. — Pappo- phorum ? Wall. Cat. n. 8903. Southern Deccan Peninsula, Heyne, &c. Burma, Kurz. Cktlon, Thwaites, &c. Stem 2-3 ft., as thick as a crow-quill, rigid, base woody. Leaves as long as the stem or longer, strict, coriaceous, convolute, rarely flat, glabrous or sparsely hairy ; sheaths coriaceous; ligule rounded. Panicle 6-8 in. j rachis flexuous; branches filiform, smooth. Spikelets ■y\j-8 i"-j pedicelled, white; gl. I and II ovate, hyaUne, 1-nerved ; I shortest, midrib very strong, excurrent; III and IV lanceolate, sparsely villous, 7-9-nerved ; IV longest and most acuminate ; callus bearded with long straight hairs ; palea as broad as the gls., hirsute. Anthers long, narrow. 2. Z. obtusiflora, Benth. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xix. (1881) 93 ; leaves broadly linear-lanceolate narrowed at both ends, panicle pyramidal, branches widely spreading, gl. I and II unequal or subequal. III and IV obtuse not longer than II. Trim. Gat. Geyl. PI. 108. Amphidonax obtusiflora, Thwaites Enum. PI. Zeyl. 370. Ceylon ; at Eatnapbora, Thwaites. Stems 3-5 ft., glabrous. Leaves 2 ft. by f-1 in., acuminate, pungent, glabrous, coriaceous; ligule very short, densely hairy. Panicle 6-8 in.; branches capillary, solitary or 2.nate ; pedicels longer than the spikelets, with a glandular callus at the base. Spikelets -^--^o in., as broad as long ; gl. I and II ovate, apiculate by the strong excurrent nerve, glabrous; III and IV rather longer, sides and callus villous; palea as in Z. elegans. 78. COEZiACKNE, Br. A small leafy very variable marsh grass. Leaves short, flat or con- volute. Sjpihelets 2-fld. (both fl. perfect or upper imperfect) in open or contracted or spiciform panicles, not jointed on the pedicels, not awned ; rachilla jointed at the base, produced between gl. Ill and IV but not beyond IV. Glumes I and II broad, concave, obtuse, persistent, empty, I the largest ; III much longer, subsessile, coriaceous, glabrous, except the shortly bearded callus ; palea as long, coriaceous ; IV much smaller and palea more or less hairy. Lodicules 0 ? Stamens 3 ; ahthers long, narrow. Ovary ovoid, stigmas free. Grain free within the gl. and palea. C. pulchella, Br. Prodr. 187. .'Nepal, Wallich, Khasta and Munnepoee Hills, alt. 4-6000 ft., Burma, Central and Southern India, and Ceylon. — Distrib. Trop. Asia, Australia, and Madagascar. \ \ Coelachne.'] clxxiii. gramine^. (J. D. HookerJ 271 Stem 6-18 in., flaccid, decumbent or ascending, slender or rather stout, leafy up to the panicle. Leaves uniform throughout the stem, 1-1 in,, lanceolate, subulate, acuminate, distant or subequitantly sheathing, ecostate, minutely scaberulous above, nerves striate ; ligule a few hairs. Panicle very various. Spikelets -io-^Ti ^"v sessile or pedicelled, globose or ovoid ; gl. I and II suborbicular or hemispheric, many-nerved, membranous or herbaceous; III hermaphrodite, coriaceous, dor- sally rounded, nerves 0 or very obscure ; palea coriaceous, margins incurved ; IV much the smallest, often imperfect, neuter or fem. — After a long study of a multitude of specimens from all the countries mentioned above, I conclude that there is but one known species of this genus. If there are two, the second is one to include vstrs. gracillima and perpusilla, in which case the latter name would be very inappropriate for both. Var. pulchella proper ; stems filiform decumbent and ascending, leaves lanceolate flat, panicle with distant spreading filiform branches, spikelets ^VttV ^"- ^^^'^ globose, gl. I and II hemispheric, III broadly ovoid, IV faintly hairy or glabrous. C. pulchella, Br. I. c. ; Endl. Iconogr. t. 2 ; Kunth Revis. Gram. ii. t. 143, JEnwm. PI. i. 371; Steud. 8i/n. Oram. 284:; Benth. Fl. Austral, vi. 626. Gramin, Wall. Cat. n. 8909. — Burma; source of the Chappedong River, Wallich. Australia. Var. hrachiata, Munro in Herb. Kew ; stem stout or slender suberect or ascending, panicle 2-4 in. long, branches shorter than in pulchella proper, spikelets J^-tV ^"• like those of pulchella proper but sessile. C hrachiata, Munro ex Benth. Fl. Austral. vii. 626 (partim). — Tenasserim, Griffith (Kew Distrib. 6675) Heifer. Var. simpliciuscula ; stem suberect or creeping and rooting rather stout, leaves flat, panicle elongate narrow, branches short stiff, spikelets -^-g in. ovoid sessile crowded on the branches or in fascicles on the main rachis, gl. I and II unequal, III ovate-lanceolate. C. simpliciuscula, Munro ex Benth. in Journ. Linn. 8oc. xix. (1881) 93, FL AiiHral. vii. 626. C. infirma, Buese PI. Jungh. i. 350; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 399. C. pulchella, Thw. Enum. 273 ; Benth. Fl. Hongk. 430. C. hrachiata. Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 108. C. madagascariensis, Baker, in Journ. Linn. Sac. xxv. 0 890) 348. Isachne brachyglumis, Hochsf. in Hohen. PI. Nilgh. n. 1283 {name). Panicum simpliciusculum, Wight Sf Am. ex Steud. Syn. Oram. 96.— Khasia and Naga Hills, alt. 4-5000 ft. J. JD. H. & T.T., Clarke. Nilghiri Hills, Wight, &c. Ceylon, Waller, Thwnites (CP. 884).— Java, - Tonkin, China, Madagascar. — Intermediate between hrachiata and spicata. Var. spicata ; stem short stout suberect, leaves flat, spikelets 2^o~tV ^"- ovoid in dense spiciform panicles subsessile, gl. I and II orbicular subequal membranous. III broadly ovate. — Nepal, ff^allich (Cat. n. 8908). Chota Nagpore, Clarke. S. India, Wight {Herb. n. 3376).— China. Var. gracillima, stems 6-12 in. capillary or filiform, leaves flat, panicle very slender, branches short spreading, spikelets few to~i\t ^^- pedicelled, gl. I and II very unequal, III and IV lanceolate. C. perpusilla, Thw. Enum. 373 {in part). — Nilghiri Hills, Schmid. Ceylon, Adam's Peak and Newera Elia, in swamps, Thwaites (CP. 130). Var. perpusilla, stems capillary densely tufted, leaves filiform, panicles as in gracillima but with fewer branches and spikelets. C. perpusilla, Thw. I. c. in part (CP. 450), Trim.l. c. {in part). Isachne perpusilla, Wight ^ Am. ex Wight Cat. n. 2043.— Ceylon, Walker, Adam's Peak, Thwaites. Var. Oardneri ; stem 12-18 in, stout flexuous, clothed throughout with subulate- lanceolate erect sheathing leaves, panicle stiff" with few short spreading branches, spikelets tV-to '^^' sessile, gl. I and II subequal. III ovate. — Ceylon, Gardner (n. 1018, 1019). 79. TRXSTACHVA, Nees. Perennial grasses. Leaves various. Spikelets 2-fld. (lower tl, male upper • fem. or perfect), panicled, not jointed on their pedicels ; raohilla villous, produced between gl. II and III but not beyond IV, jointed at the base. '^ Glumes 4 ; I and II unequal, not awned, persistent, empty, lanceolate, 272 OLXXiit. a&AMlNEJ!. (J. H. Hooker.) [Tristachya. acuminate, glabrous; III lanceolate, acuminate, membranous, awn 0; IV deeply 2-fid with a long twisted awn in the sinus (copiously bearded above the middle in the Indian sp.) ; palea narrow, acute. Lodicules minute, cuneate, fleshy. Anthers long. Styles long, slender. Qrain narrow, free. — Species 8, chiefly tropical. T. barbata, Nees ex Steud. 8yn. Gram. 238 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 552; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 32. T. Stocksii, Boiss. l.c.\ Munro in Aitchis. Cat. Panjah. PL 168; Duthie Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 51. Loudetia barbata, A. Braun in Flora, xxiv. (1841) ii. 714. Sorghum barbatum, Sochst. et Steud. PI. Arab. Exsicc. n. 788. SciND; Stocks. — DiSTRiB. Arabia, Nubia. Stem 6-18 in. branched and woody below, geniculately ascending, base clothed with tomentose sheaths, slender and wiry above ; nodes bearded. Leaves 1-3 in., lanceolate from a rounded base, finely acuminate, pungent, rigid, glaucous, many- nerved, margin thickened subserrulate ; sheaths smooth ; ligule 0. Panicle sparingly branched, 1-2 in. long and broad; branches solitary and 2 -nate, capillary, flexuous, subscaberulous, branchlets 1-3-fld. Spikelets J in., pale yellowish; gl. 1 and II 3-nerved, II 4-^ longer than I; III much longer than I, interruptedly 7-nerved, and its callus glabrous; IV with a very short broad lamina, margins involute, lateral lobes lanceolate, aristate, 3-nerved, rather longer than the hairs ; median awn about twice as long as the gl. — I find no character for T. Stocksii. 80. AZRA, Linn. Annual or perennial grasses. Leaves narrow. Spikelets 2-fld. (both fl. perfect) panicled, branches capillary ; rachilla jointed at the base, not produced i3eyond gl. IV. Glumes 4, hyaline ; I and II subequal, 3-nerved, acute, empty, persistent ; III and IV smaller, often 2-toothed ; awn dorsal, capillary, usually twisted below; callus naked; palea hyaline, 2-nerved. Lodicules 2. Anthers small. Grain minute, free or adhering to the hyaline gl. — Species 4 or 5, Europe and temp. Asia. A. caryophyllea^ Linn. Sp. PI. 66 ; annual, very slender, leaves setaceous, ligule lanceolate, panicle broad erect capillary trichotomously branched, spikelets long-pedicelled. Kunth Enum. PI. i. 289, Suppl. 241, t. 18, f. 2 ; Fl. Dan. t. 382 ; Lamh. Encycl. t. 44 ; Host Gram. Austr. ii. 33, t. 44; Svensk. Bot. t. 508; Beichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 94; Engl. Bot. t. 812.; Knapp Gram. Britt. t. B5; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. n. 44; Steud. Syn. Gram. 221; Ledeb. Fl. Boss. iv. 424; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 529 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 31. A. canescens. Host I. c. iv. 21, t. 36. A. Cupaniana, Guss Fl. Sic. Sj/n. i. 145. A. curta, patulipes & plesiantha, Jord.. ex Bor. Fl. Gentr. Fr. Ed. III. ii. 701. A. divaricata, Pourr. in Mem. Acad. Toul. iii. (1788) 307. A. multiculmis, (multicanlis, Kunth), Dumort. Agrost'. Tent. 121, t. 7, f. 28. A. purpureo-argentea, Gilih. Exercit. ii. 526. A. rigida, Dulac Fl. Haute-Pyren. 82. A. Todari, Tenore ex Tod. Ind. Sem. Hort. Panorm. 1859 ; Linnsea, xxx. (1859) 788. A. triaris- tata, Clarice Trav. ii. 452. Aveua caryophyllea, Weber in Wigg. Prim. Fl. Hols. 10. Fussia caryophylla, Schur Enum. Pi. Transs. 754. N.W. Himalaya ; Kashmir, Vicary, Stewart, Kohat, and Lahul, Hay, &c. Western Tibet, alt. 12,000 ft., StoUzka. — Disteib. N. Africa, temp. Asia (introd. elsewhere). Stems 2-10 in., tufted, filiform, scabrld above. Le.ives obtuse and sheaths Aim.] CLXxiii. QRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) 273 scabrid, ligule long. Panicle 1-2 in. long and broad. SpiJcelets -^^^^ in., ovoid, shining, gl. I and II ovate, exceeding II and III, keels scabrid ; tips of fig. gls. 2 -setose ; awn twice as long as the gls., bent. 81. DSSCKAMPSZA, Beauv. Perennial grasses. Leaves flat or convolute. 8]piJcelets2- (rarely 3-) fld. (both fl. perfect) panicled, not jointed on their pedicels ; raohilla jointed at the base, produced beyond gl. IV as a naked or peniciliate stipes rarely bearing a male fl. Griumes 4; I and II empty, subequal, or II largest, persistent, keeled, acute, membranous, shining; III and lY'subhyaline, tip toothed or lobed ; awn dorsal, slender, straight or twisted ; palea narrow, 2-nerved. Lodicules ovate, fleshy. Stamens 3. Styles distinct. Grain oblong, free within the gl. — Species about 20, of temp, regions. 1. D. caespitosa, Beauv. Agrost. 91, t. 18, f . 3 ; stem short or tall, panicle effuse or contracted, spikelets variable in size, gl. I aud II ovate- lanceolate acute subequal or II rather longer, IV hardly exceeding II, awn about equalling the gl., straight not twisted. Knnth Ennm. PI. i. 286, Suppl. 241; Ledeb. Fl. Boss. iv. 421; T. Nees Gen. FL Germ. Monocot. i. n. 48 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 531 ; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 587 ; Hooh.f. Fl. Nov. Zel. i. 301 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 31. Aira csespitosa, TAnn. 8jp. PI. 64; FL Dan. ii. t. 2t0; Engl. Bot. t. 1453; Knapp Gram. Britt. t. 33; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 253/ 256; Reichh. Ic. FL Germ. t. 96. A. Kingii, Hook.f. Fl. Antarct. 376, t. 135. A. major, Syme Engl. Bot. Ed. III. xi. 63. A. micans, Jacquem. mss. Triodia splendida, Steud. 8yn. Gram. 249.— Deschampsia, Wall. Gat. n. 3802; Gramin. Wall. Ic. n. 8911. Tbmpeeate and Alpine Himalaya and Western Tibet, in swamps from Kashmir to Bhotan, alt. 10-16,500 ft. — Distrib. N. and S. temp, and cold regions. Stem 6 in. to nearly 3 feet high, stout or slender, smooth, shining, leafy upwards or in small states at the base chiefly. Leaves short or long, flat, rather softly coriaceous, quite smooth ; sheaths smooth, upper vei-y long ; ligule obtuse. Panicle 4-8 in., short dense-fld. and erect, or lax-fld. eflfuse and inclined, sparingly branched ; branches and pedicels capillary, smooth or minutely sparsely scaberulous. Spikelets \-\ in., white and silvery or fulvous purplish ; rachilla slender, hairy ; gl. I and II concave, subacute, nerveless, or II which is broadest sub-3-nerved ; III and IV truncate, erose, crenate or irregularly toothed, callus silkily hairy ; awn dorsal, sub- basal. — 1 have not attempted to give all the synonymy of this almost cosmopolitan (in temperate regions) and very variable plant which, I think. Includes fully a dozen supposed species of the N. temperatp and Arctic zones. Wallich's n. 8911 *^Aira coerulea, Kb. Madr.'* was long a puzzle to me. It is accompanied with the ticket "Aira coerulea, Bli ik tel," which latter word Dr. Stapf recognized as the Swedish for Molinia coerulea. No doubt the specimen, which is of Deschampsia ccespitosa, is a Swedish one, and was introduced by accident into the Madras Herbarium. Var. colorata, Griseb. Spicil. Fl. RumeU ii. 457 ; stem short strict 4-6 in., leaves short basal, panicle small broadly ovate dense-fld., pedicels and branchlets very short, spikelets dark bronzy-yellow, sometimes 3-fld,, Boiss. I. c. D. Bieber- steinianus, Sch. f. Mant. ii. 380. D. brevifolia, £r. in Parry Yoy. App. 191. Aira brevifolia, Bieh. Fl. Taur. Cauc. iii. 63. A. triflora, Trin. in Flora, i. (1836) 433. A. Wilhelmsii, Steud. Syn. Gram. 219.— Western Tibet ; Balch Pass, alt. 16,500 ft., Strach. ^ Winterb. Sikkim, alt. 14-16,000 ft., J. D. H. 2. D. koelerioides^ Hegel in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. xli. (1868) 299 ; stem short, leaves basal linear erect, panicle short ovoid or subspiciform, VOL. VII. T 274 CLxxiii. graminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) [Deschampsia. spikelets very shortly pedicelled imbricating brownish -yellow, gls. Ill and IV broad more or less 2-lobed lobes irregularly toothed. Kashmir and Baltistan, Dras, and Iskardo, alt. 10-14,500 ft., Clarke Duthie. — DiSTRiB. Turkestan. Stem 6-18 in., leafy below, rather stout, strict, erect. Leaves 2-5 by ^^i in., linear, acute, flat, nearly smooth ; ligule oblong. Panicle 1-1^ in., erect. Spikelets i-i in. ; gl. I shorter than II, sometimes 2-lobed nearly | way down with erose lobes, at others hardly lobed but unequally rather deeply toothed. — Perhaps only a form of D. ccespitosa, the flg. glumes of which vary much in breadth and toothing, Regel describes the leaves of kceleriodes as narrow setaceous and scabrid above, which is totally at variance with his specimens, which are even broader than those of the Indian plant. 81*. HOLOUS, Linn, Annual or perennial tomentose grasses. Leaves usually flat. Spikelets panicled, laterally compressed, oblong, 2-fld. (both fl. bisexual, or upper male or neuter), not jointed on their pedicels ; rachilla articulate at the base produced into a short stipes beyond gl. lY. Glumes 4; I and II empty, persistent, obtuse or acute, keeled, I 1-nerved ; II 3-nerved ; III and I V shorter than I and II, membranous; III not awned, at length hardened ; IV with a slender dorsal awn ; palea narrow, 2-keeled. Lodicules 2, cuneiform. Stamens 3. Stales very short, distinct. Grain oblong, free within the hardened gl. — Species about 8, European and African. H. LANATUS, Linn. Sp. PL 1047; perennial, softly tomentose, panicle spreading pale green, spikelets ^ in., awn of gl. IV hardly exserted. Fl. Dan. t. 1181 ; Host Gram. Austr. i. p. 275, t. 2 ; Engl. Bot. t. 1169 ; Knapp Gram. Britt. 1. 17 ; Kuntli Enum. PI. I 34, Suppl. 24, t. 9, f. 2 ; Ledeb. Fl. Ross. iv. 410; Beichh. Ic.Fl. Germ. t. 105 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 532. SiKKiM Himalaya ; Darjeeling, alt. 7000 ft., Clarice^ apparently naturalized. — DiSTBiB. Europe, temp. Asia. Stems 1-3 ft., densely tufted, roots fibrous, nodes villous. Leaves 6-10 in. ; upper sheaths inflated; ligule short, oblong. Panicle 2-5 in., branches 2-3-nate. Spikelets pale green or reddish ; gl. I and II acute or apiculate, strongly-nerved ; II often retuse and mucronulate ; III smooth and shining in fruit. — H, mollis, L., an almost equally common European grass, may be expected to be introduced into the hills of India; it closely resembles H. lanatus, but has a creeping rootstock and the awn of gl. IV is longer and exserted. 82. AVENA, Linn. (Including Trisetum, Beauv.) Annual or perennial grasses. Leaves usually flat. Spikelets 2- or more-fid., in eff'use contracted or spiciform panicles, not jointed on their pedicels ; rachilla jointed at the base and sometimes between the flg. glumes. Glumes dorsally rounded, I and II empty, subequal or unequal, thin, persistent, few- or many-nerved ; fl. gls. ovate or lanceolate, entire 2-toothed or -cleft, lobes awned or not, 3-7-nerved, lateral nerves sometimes obsolete ; awn dorsal below the cleft, usually long and geniculate or reflexed with a twisted base, rarely straight; palea narrow, keels scabrid or ciliate. Lodicules usually 2-fid. Ovary glabrous or top villous ; styles short, free. Grain yB.rion9, free or (in some sp. with villous top) adherent to the palea. — Species many, chiefly N. temperate. Avena.] clxxiii. qramine.e. (J. T>. Hooker.) 275 Having regard to the Indian species of Avena and Trisefum, I find it impossible to separate them by characters of the fl. gls., there being all transitions in A. aspera from the entire gl. of Avena to the 2-aristate lateral lobes of Trisetum. There are two distinct types of ovary in both genera, the perfectly glabrous, and that with a broad hirsute or villous crown, characters which .may suggest a better means of breaking up Avena. The following arrangement is provisional only. It is difficult to diagnose Avena from Bromus & Koeleria (q.v.). Sect. I. EuAVENA. Annnal. Spihelets pendulous ;.gl. I and II 5-7- nerved, lobes of fl. gls. awned or not ; awn cylindric, column 2-grooved, coDoidally twisted. Ovary with a villous top. — The determinations of the species of this section are by Dr. Stapf. * Flowering glumes glabrous or hairy at the base only, rachilla tenacious or tardily disarticulating at the base. A. SATIVA, Jjinn. Sp. PI. 79. Cult, in Northern India, from Bengal to the Indus ; and in the Himalaya up to 12,000 ft. There are few specimens of the common oat in Indian collections. These repre- sent two varieties. Var. sericea; branches of panicle spreading equally all round, spikelets 2-fld., both fl. perfect, gls. Ill and IV silkily hairy at the base, rachilla silkily villous. — Bhotan, Griffith. Sikkim Himalaya, cult, at Yeuratong, alt. 12,000 ft., J. B. H, Beluchistan and Affghanistan ; wild in cult, fields in the Kurrum Valley, Aitchison (n. 24). Var. orie?italis ; branches of panicle more or less secund, spikelets 2-3-fld. the lower only perfect, gl. Ill with stiff hairs at the base, IV and rachilla glabrous. A. orientalis, Schreb. Spicil. Fl. Lips. 52 ; Bost Gram. Austr. iii. 31, t. 44 ; Kunth Enum. Fl. i. 302, Suppl. 255 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 541. A. sterilis, Royle Illustr. Himal. Bot. 417. — N.W. India, Bot/le. Soane Valley, J. D. E. Murshidabad, Clarke. ** Flowering glumes hairy to and beyond the middle ; rachilla freely disarticulating at the base, more tardily above it ; gl. Ill and IV firm, shortly 2-fid., scaberulous. 1. A. fatua, Linn. Sp. PI. 80 ; panicle branches equally spreading all round, gla. I and II subequal 9-nerved, III and IV firm scaberulous shortly 2-fid. clothed below with long fulvous hairs. Host Gram. Austr. ii. 42, t. 58; Fl. Dan. t. 1629; FJngl. Bot. t. 2221 ; Knapp Gram. Britt. t. 93 ; jLunth Enum. PI. i. 302, Suppl. 256 ; Beichb. Lc. Fl. Germ t. 103 ; 8teicd. Syn. Gram. 230; Ledeb. FL Boss. iv. 412; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 643; Eoyle III. Himal. Bot. 416; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 31, Fodd. Grass. N, Ind. 51. A. byzantina, C. Koch in Linnsea, xxi. (1848) 392. A. sterilis, Bel. ex Boiss. I. c. ; Duthie I. c. 32 {non Linn.) ? A. pilosa, M.B. Griseh. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 78. The Panjab, N.W. Himalaya, and Western Tibet, in cult, fields, ascending to 9030 ft. Sikkim Himalaya, alt. 9000 ft., Gammie.— Distrib. Temp. Europe, N. Africa, and N. Asia. Stem 1-3 ft., stout, nodes hairy. Leaves flat, scaberulous ; sheaths smooth ; ligule short, torn. Panicle 6-10 in. ; branches and pedicels scabrid. Spikelets about 1 in. ; rachilla hairy. Callus of gl. Ill short, obtuse, setulose ; awn stout, longer than the gls. 2. A. barbata, Brot. Fl. Lusitan. i. 108 ; softly tomentose, panicle T 2 276 CLXXiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. B. Hooker.) [Avena. subsecnnd, spikelets 2-fld., gls. I and II 9-iierved, III and IV thin not scaberulous 2-fid with awned lobes densely hirsute below the middle. Ledeb. Fl. Ross. iv. 41 :i; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 543 ; Griseb. in Ooett. Nachr. (1868) 78. A. athenaathera, Presl Gram. & Cyp. Sic. 30. A. hirsuta, Roth. Gatalect. Bot. iii. 19 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 3u2 ; Webb. Phyt. Ganar. iii. 400, t. 247 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 230 ; Boyle III. Himal. PI. 417. A. hirtula, Lag. Gen. & Sp. Nov. 50 ; Kunth I. c. Sc Suppl. 256. Western Himalaya ; Kumaon, Thomson. — Disteib. Mediterranean region, W. and N. Asia. Habit of A. fatua, from which its hairy leaves, &c. distinguish it. — These Avenaeeous weeds of cultivation have not been much collected in India, where the above and others no doubt abound. Sect. II. Annual, dwarf. Spikelets erect, gl. I 1-nerved, II 3-nerved, top of fl. gl. 2-ari8tate. Ovary glabrous, narrow. 3. A. Cavanillesil, Koch Syn. Fl. Germ. Ed. I. i. 797 ; leaves flat or convolute, panicle spiciform, spikelets 2-fld. A, Loefflingiana, Gav. Ic. i. t. 45, f. 1 ; Gaud. Agrost. Reloet. i. 327 ; Balb. Misc. Bot. i. 12 {non Linn.). A. valesiaca, Nym. Syll. Fl. Europ. 414. Trisetum Cavanillesii, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Peiersb. Ser. YI. i. (1831) 63 (excl. Syn. Gav.) ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 297 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 225. T. Gaudinianum, Boiss. Voy. Esp. (^53, Fl. Orient, v. 535 ; Parlat. Fl. Ital. i. 259. T. Loefilingianum, Beauv. ex buthie GrOfSS. N.W. Ind. 31. T. valesiacum, Boiss. ex Nym. Gonspect. 814. Beitish Beluchistan ; at Killa Abdulla, Buthie. Peshawue, Stewart {ex Duthie). — Disteib. Westward to Spain. Stems 4-6 in., densely tufted. Leaves ^-1 in., linear, obtuse, sparsely hairy, rather thick; ligule oblong, hyaline. Panicle 1-2 in., oblong; branches and pedicels very short, smooth. Spikelets ^ in., shining, green with purplish awns, 2-fld. and with a third imperfect ; rachilla densely villous, hairs longer than the gl. ; gl. I and II very unequal, keels smooth ; I lanceolate ; II oblong, acute ; III much shorter than II, lanceolate, hyaline above and 2-nerved, the nerves ending in lateral awns as long as the gl. ; callus bearded ; dorsal awn nearly twice as long as the gl. ; palea narrowly linear, nerveless. Sect. III. Perennial. Spikelets erect. Fl. gls. 5-9-nerved. Ovary hirsute. 4. A. pratensis, Linn. Sp. PI. 80; panicle contracted, spikelets 5-7-fld., gl. 1 and II 3-nerved, tig. gls. entire rounded notched or erose at the tip. Fl. Ban. t. 1083 ; Host Fl. Austr. ii. 38, t. 51 ; Engl. Bot. t. 1204 ; Knapp Gram. Britt. t. 91 ; Reichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. i. t. 99 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 300, Suppl. 254 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 231 ; Ledeb. El. Boss. iv. 414 ; Boiss. El. Orient, v. 546; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 31. A. alpina, S>n. in Trans. Linn. Sac. x. (1811) 335; Kunth I. c. 301 ; Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 78. A. argaea, Boiss. I. c. A. bromoides, Mert. Sr Koch in Boehl. Fl. Deutschl. Ed. III. i. 570. A. secnnda, Jacquem. mss. (non Salisb.). Henffelia praeusta & pratensis, Schur Enum. PI. Transs. 780. H. aus- tralis, Fourn. in Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon^ N.S. xvii. (1869) 183. Westeen Himalaya ; from Kashmir to Garwbal, alt. 9-15,000 ft.>— Disteib. Europe, Asia Minor. Stems 10-18 in., densely tufted, rather stout, strict, leafy below. Leaves 6-10 by |"-g^ in., erect, coriaceous, scaberulous above, margins thickened; sheath nearly smootU ; ligule oblong, lacer.ite. Panicle 3-4 in., erect or inclined ; branches short, erect, and pedicels scaberulous. Spikelets ^-f in., narrow, glistening, green or Avena.] clxxiii. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 277 copper^'-brown ; rachilla penicillate ; gl. I and II scarious, nerves scaberulous ; I linear-oblong; II oblong-lanceolate; fl. gls. oblong, scarious above the middle, strongly 7-9-nerved, tip and margins broadly hyaline, margins and nerves scaberulous; awn median-dorsal, twice as long as the gl., bent just above the top of the gl. ; keels of pa lea smooth.— Ha ckel (in litt.) refers the Kashmir plant to A. argaea, Boiss., which the latter author distinguishes from A. pratensis by the short leaves, very short branches of the short few-fld. panicle, and golden-bi-own spikelets, characters all of which may be traced in Kashmir and European A. pratensis. 5. A. aspera, Munro ex Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 372 ; tall, slender, panicle elongate contracted flexnous inclined or nodding, branches sub- erect naked below, spikelets 3-4-fld. scattered, gl. I and II very unequal scarious, 1 1-3-nerved, II 5-nerved, fl. gls. coriaceous smooth or scabrid 5-7- (rarely 3-) nerved tip entire erose 2- fid or 2-aristate, keels of palea closely pectinately ciliate. Trimen Cat. Geyl. PI. 109 ; Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 78. SiKKiM Himalaya, alt. 9-10,000 ft., J.J). H., Clarke. Khasia Hills, alt. 5-6O0O ft., Griffith, &c. Nilghiri Hills, Schmid, Maxwell. Ceylon, alt. 6000 ft., Thwaites. Stem 2-5 ft., slender or rather stout, erect or inclined, glabrous, or nodes slightly pubescent. Leaves 6-12 in. or more, flat or convolute, rarely \ in. diam. ; sheaths smooth, glabrous or pubescent ; ligule short, truncate, membranous. Panicle 8-16 in., usually nodding, rachis and branches smooth or faintly scabrid ; lower branches 1-6 in., solitary geminate or fascicled. Spikelets l-% in. long, glistening, green, oblong; rachilla penicillate, slender ; gl. I narrowly lanceolate, acuminate; II \ longer, oblong-lanceolate, rather shorter than III ; fl. gls. ovate-lanceolate, glabrous, from entire to 2-dentate or cleft nearly I way down ; callus bearded ; awn dorsal rather above the middle but below the cleft of the gl., and twice to thrice its length, slender, column twisted then bent and more or less recurved ; keels of palea with long close-set fine cilia. Lodicules narrow, cleft. Anthers linear. Ocari/ obovoid or pyriform, top densely hirsute. — A very variable plant. Some of the Khasian specimens have stems 5 ft. high, and as thick as a goose-quill below, others are much smaller and very slender. The fl. gi. are most scabrid in Ceylon and Peninsular specimens, least so in Sikkim ones which pass into var. Roylei. The nearest European species is A. Besseri, Gmel. {A. sempervirens, Bess, non Vill.) of Hungary, a rigid species with narrower scabrid leaves, usually longer spikelets and obtuse erose flg. glumes. A. ASPEBA, PROPER; leaf sheaths smooth, panicle glabrous, fl. gl. more or less scaberulous entire 2-dentate or 2-fld., lobes not awned. — Sikkim, the Khasia and Nilghiri Hills and Ceylon. Var. Roylei, Hook. f. ; leaf-sheaths glabrous or softly pubescent, panicle glabrous or puberulous, fl. gls. quite smooth tip entire 2-toothed or 2-fid almost to the awn into acuminate or long-awned lobes, or tip split into 3-4 short unequal bristles. A. aspera, Grlseh.l.c. A. pubesceus, Eoyle III. Himal. PI. 417; Duthie I. c. 32. Trisetum virescens, Nees ex Stead. S^n. Gram. 226; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 31 {non Hegel).— Avena, Wall. Cat. n. 3793.— Kashmir to Nepal, alt. 6-12,000 ft. A very common grass, often 4-5 ft. high with leaves half an inch broad. Var. parvijlora, Hook. f. ; sheaths villously pubescent, branches of panicle short scabrid, spikelets crowded shortly pedicelled ^ in. long, gl. II 3-nerved, fl. gls. 2- dentate smooth. — Sikkim, on Singalela, alt. 11,000 ft., Clarke. Var. ? Schmidii, Hook. f. ; stem slender, leaves chiefly radical, sheaths softly hairy, panicle very contracted, rachis short branches and very short pedicels puberu- lous or scaberulous, spikelets 5 in. 2-3-fld., flg. gls. very scabrid 5-uerved tip 2-aristate, keels of palea shortly ciliate.— Nilghiri Hills, Schmid; Ootacamund, alt. 7500-8000 ft., C?ar*e.— Possibly a distinct species. One specimen has 7-nerved fl. gls. 6. A. polyneura, JSo6k.f.\ panicle pyramidal, branches long few-fld. 278 CLxxni. gbamine^. (J. D. Hooker.) [Avena. lower horizontally spreading, spikelets i in. long, glumes opaque all with very strong close-set raised nerves, I 1-3-nerved, II 6-nerved, fl. gls. ovate- lanceolate tip 2-dentate 7~9-nerved, keels of palea pectinately ciliate. NiLGHiBi Hills; Dodabetta, alt. 8000 ft, Gamble. Stem 2-3 ft., rather stout, strict. Leaves strict, narrow, convolute; sheaths deeply grooved, lower sparsely hairy; ligule very short, truncate. Panicle 8 in., and nearly as broad; branches 2-3-nate, smooth. Spikelets reddish -brown. — Possibly only a state of aspera, as more specimens may prove ; but of a very different habit and conspicuous for the large spikelets and opaque ribbed glumes. Sect. TV. Perennials. Spikelets erect. Fl. gls. 3-5-nerved. Ovary quite glabrous. 7. A. subspicata, Ciairv. Man. Herb. 17 ; pubescent or tomentose, ligule oblong, panicle spiciform or ovoid strict erect dense-fid. rarely effuse, spikelets ^-5 in. 2-3-fld. ovoid-oblong very shortly pedicelled, gl. I and II subequal or II longest, fl. gls. ovate or ovate-lanceolate 2-cuspidate or shortly 2-ari8tate 1- or faintly 3-nerved, awn reflexed rather longer than the gl. Svensk Bot. t. 722 ; Seichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. i. t. 98 ; Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 78 ; Ledeh. Fl. Ross. iv. 418. A. airoides, Koel. Gram. Gall. Sc Germ. 208. A. mollis, Mich. Fl. Am, Bor. i. 72. A. phleoides, Urv. in Mem. Linn. 80c. Far. iv. (1826) 601. A. toluccensis, H. B. & K. Nov. Gen. ^ Sp. i. 148. Trisetum airoi'les, Boem. Sf Sch. 8yst. ii. 666. T. an- dinum, Benth. PI. Hartw. 261 ; Steud. I. c. 228. T. antarcticum, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Ser. VI. i. (1831) 61 {non Nees). T. grcenlandicum & labradoricum, Steud. Syn. Gram. 228. T. molle, Kunth Rev. Gram. i. 101, Fnum. PL i. 296 ; Torrey Fl. K York, ii. 452, t. 154 ; Steud. I. c. T. phleoides, Kunth 1. 1, c. 101, 295 (non Trin.). T. spiciforme, Dulac Fl. Haut. Fyren. 86. T. snbspicatum, Beauv. Agrost. 88; Kunth Fnum. i. 295, Suppl. 248 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 31 ; Book. Fl. Bor. Am. ii. 244 ; Hooh.f.Fl.Antarct. i. 97, ii. 'S96, Handb. N. Zeal. Fl. 335; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 588 ; Steud I. c. 225. T. toluccense, Kunth Revis. I. c. 297, t. 60, Fnum. I. e. 296 ; Steud. I. c. Aira spicata, Linn. Sp. Pi. Fd. II. 95 (non Fd. I.) ; Fl. Dan. t. 228. Aira subspicata, Linn. Syst. Ed. X. 873 ; Most Gram. Austr. ii. 33, t. 45 ; Wulf. in Jacq. Collect, iii. t. 19, f . 3, Koeleria aristata, Loisel. Fl. Gall. Ed. II. i. 66. K. spicata, Willk. & Lange Prodr. Fl. Hisp. i. 72. K. subspicata. Mart, ex Beichb. Fl. Germ. Excurs. 49. Alpine and Subalpine Himalaya and Tibet, alt. 10-18,000 ft. (18,500 ft. in Kunawnr, Jacquemont). — Distrib. Alpine, Arctic, and Antarctic regions. Stems densely tufted, 6-24 in., strict, stout or slender, always pubescent or tomentose. Leaves flat, soft, hairy, rarely glabrate, lower sheaths loose. Panicle 2-4 in., from shortly oblong to cylindric, rarely interrupted or lobed with a few very short spreading lower branches. Spikelets yellowish-green, purplish, or white, densely imbricating; rachilla short, liairy ; gl. I and II more or less unequal, nearly as long as III, keels scaberulous; I 1-nerved ; II 3-nerved; fl. gls. glabrous or puberulous, tip sometimes almost entire ; callus bearded ; awn inserted ^-^ way below the tip, column slightly twisted but sometimes awn shorter than the gl. and straight j keels of palea scabrid. Lodicules oblong, 2-fid. Anthers short. Ovary fusiform, glabrous. Grain fusiform, compressed. 8. A. Clarkel, Hook. f. ; stem very slender and branches of panicle pubescent or tomentose, ligule very short, panicle slender spiciform inter- rupted, spikelets narrow ^-^ in. 2-3-fld. glabrous sessile or shortly pedi- celled, gl. I and II unequal, fl. gls. narrowly lanceolate acuminate tip Avena.'] Clxxiii. GEAMiNEiE. (J, D. Hooker.) 279 2-ari8tuIate 1- or sub 3-nerved, awn longer than the gl. recurved or reflexed column not twisted. Kashmir; at Laki and Budrawur, alt. 10-11,000 ft. ChambA; Dalhousie, alt. 8700 ft., Clarke, Stem 1-2 ft. Leaves 4-8 in., flaccid, softly hairy on both surfaces ; sheath with spreading or reflexed soft hairs. Panicle 3-5 in., erect or inclined, rachis slender; lower branches solitary or fascicled, rarely 1 in. long. Spikelets erect, pale brown, shining, rachilla penicillate with very long hairs ; gls. hyaline as in A. suhspicata, but longer and narrower. — Very near A. suhspicata, but much more slender, with a longer loose panicle of shining much narrower spikelets, with obsolete side nerves. 9. A. znicans, Hook. f. ; stem and rachis of panicle pubescent or tomen- tose, leaves glabrous, ligule short lacerate, panicle contracted elongate ovoid or linear interrupted dense fld., branches short flowering to the base, spikelets ^ in. densely imbricate silvery hyaline 3-5-fld. quite glabrous, gl. I and II very unequal 3-nerved, fl. gls. lanceolate obscurely 5-nerved, tip acuminate shortly 2-aristate, awn inserted \ way from the tip very slender as long as the gl. column not twisted. Western Himalaya; Garwhal, banks of the Ganges, alt. 8-10,000 ft., Duthie. Stems 12-18 in., densely tufted, rather stout, leaty. Leaves 6-12 in. flat, narrow, rigid, finely acuminate strongly nerved, smooth or scaberulous ; sheath quite smooth ; ligule reniform, membranous. Panicle 3-4 in, by ^-1^ broad, erect or inclined, strict or subflexuous ; lower branches solitary, densely flowering to the base. Spikelets very pale greenish yellow ; rachilla slender, ciliate; gl. I lanceolate. II ^ longer than I oblong-lanceolate, keels of both scaberulous; fl. gls. with bearded calli ; awn straight or recurved; keels of palea minutely scabrid, Lodieules narrow, cleft. Anthers linear. Ovary obovoid, quite smooth, style bases close together. — Quite unlike any other Indian species, but very near A. virescens, Kegel of Turkestan which has flaccid leaves and an entire tip of fl. gls. 10. A. flavescenS} Linn. Sp. Fl. SO; tall, slender, quite glabrous, ligule long, panicle effuse flexuous inclined or nodding branches capillary few-fld, naked below, spikelets ^ in, 2-3-fld brown shining rachilla slender, gls. spreading, I and II unequal hyaline narrow I 1-nerved, II 3-nerved, fl. gls. narrowly lanceolate 3-nerved tip acuminate 2-aristate, awn stout inserted J-i way below the tip, twice as long as the gl. base twisted, Fl. Dan. t. 1507; Host Gram. Austr. iii. 27, t. 38; Engl. Bot. t. 952; Knapp Gram. Britt. t. 89; Reichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 99; Ledeb. Fl. Boss. iv. 417 ; Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 78. Trisetrm flavescens, Beauv. Agrost. 88 ; Kunth Fnum. PI. i. 298, Suppl- 252, t, 19, f, 2 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v, 537. Temperate Himalaya; Sikkim, alt. 12-13,000 ft., J.B.B.—Bistkib. Europe N. Asia, Japan, N. Africa, Stem 2-3 ft. Leaves 6-18 in., flat, finely acuminate, more or less hairy ; sheaths smooth ; ligule elongate, membranous, lacerate. Panicle 3-5 in., quite glabrous, lower branches solitary or 2-nate. Spikelets larger than in most other species of this section, the awn longer ; rachilia nodose below the fl. gls., penicillate with long hairs; gls. I and II lanceolate, acuminate; fl. gls. chartaceous with hyaline margins and tips, keels scaberulous as are the keels of the palea. Lodieules short, 2-lobed. Anthers small. Grain narrow. 11. A. aenea^ Hook. f. ; stem glabrous, ligule short rounded, panicle spiciform dense-fld. oblong or linear simple or lobed, branches very short, spikelets \-\ in. 2-3-fld, densely imbricating sessile or very shortly pedicelled dark or pale brown shining, glumes hyaline I l-nerved, II 1-3- 280 CLXXiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) [Avena. nerved, fl. gls. ovate faintly 6-nerved tip acuminate 2-ari state, awn twice as ItAig as the gl. or less reflexed, -column twisted. Trisetnm anreum, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 225 {non Tenore) ; Duthie Grass. N, W. Ind. 3. . T. aeneum, Sack. mss. Westeen Himalaya, alt. 11-12,000 ft., from Kashmir to Kumaon. Stem erect, 1-2 ft., stout or slender. Leaves 6-10 by i-j in., gjabrous or hairy, as are the sheaths. Panicle 3-4 by ^-1 in. diam., erect, strict, or very narrow looser-fld. and flexuous ; rachis branches and pedicels quite glabrous. Spikelets erect; rachilla penicillate ; glumes not widely spreading, all acuminate ; I lanceolate; II i longer, oblong-lanceolate ; fl. gls. rather longer than II, keel scaberulous as are the keels of the palea. Grain fusiform, compressed. 12. A. slkklmensis, 5^00^./. ; tall, slender, stem and panicle quite glabrous, ligule short rounded, panicle narrow elongate effuse nodding flexuous, branches few-fld. capillary, spikelets j-^ in. 3-4-fld. sessile or shortly pedicelled pale or brown, rachilla not long, gls. I and II unequal acute hyaline glistening, fl. gls. coriaceous ovate 2-aristate, 1-3 nerved, chartaceous smooth, awn inserted ^-^ way below the tip as long or nearly twice as long as the gl. reflexed column twisted. SiKKiM Himalaya ; Lachen and Lachoong Valleys, alt. 10-11,000 ft., J. B. H. Stem 2-3 ft. Leaves 6-12, by ^-\ in., more or less hairy, flat, flaccid ; sheaths glabrous except near the mouth. Panicle 6-10 in. ; branches subsecund, fascicled, ^-1 in. long, naked below. Spikelets usually 4-fld., sometimes nearly as brown as in ^. fiavescens. 13. A. flaccidai Hack, mss.; very slender, quite glabrotis, panicle small open, branches few capillary spreading, spikelets few pedicelled 3-fld. i in. long white and rose-colrd., rachilla long slender scaberulous, gls. I and II very unequal subulate-lanceolate, I and II 3-nerved, fl. gls. ovate- lanceolate acute 5-nerved, awn inserted a little below the tip as long as the gl. straight column not twisted. The Panjab ; Black Mts., alt. 8-9000 ft., Duthie (n. 7609 in part). A foot high. Leaves 4-6 by ^-^ in., quite glabrous; ligule short, rounded. Panicle 3 in. long, branches rather distant. Spilcelets erect ; gl. I much shorter and narrower than II ; fl. gls. smooth, glabrous, chartaceous, white in the lower half pale rose in the upper, margins and tip hyaline, nerves very slender; awn very delicate; keels of narrow palea smooth. Lodicules lanceolate. Ovary pyriform, quite smooth, style bases rather distant. — Described from a single insufficient specimen. DOUBTFUL SPECIES. A. BENGHALENSI8, SchwacffT. Breit. ex Steud. Norn. Ed. I. 94. I have no clue to this plant, which is not taken up in Ed. II of Steudel's Nomenclator. A. P1L08A, M. Bieh. Fl. Taur. Cauc. iii. 84; Qriseh. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 78 Tibet, iSchlagintweit. — I have seen no Tibetan specimen of this, for which Griesbach is the authority. 83. DANTKONIA, DC. Annual or perennial grasses. Spikelets 2- or more fld. (fls. all perfect or the uppermost male) panicled, erect, not jointed on their pedicels ; rachilla hairy and jointed at the base and between the fl. gls., produced beyond Danthonia.'] clxxiii. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 81 the uppermost gl. Glumes 5 or more, I and II empty, subequal, as long as the whole spikelet, persistent, keeled, acute or acuminate ; flg. gls. dorsally rounded, ciliate, 7-9-nerved, 2-fid, lobes acute at the base or awned and with a rigid twisted awn in the sinus ; palea broad. Lodicules 2, fleshy. Stamens 3. Styles free. Grain free within the membranous or hardened gl. and palea. — Species about 100 enumerated. 1. D. himalaica, Hook.f. ; leaves as long as the stem wiry, panicle 3-4 in. contracted few-fld., branches and pedicels very short, spikelets few ^-1 in., 5-6-fld., gls. I and II unequal 6-7-nerved, flg. gls. sparsely hairy 9- nerved, lateral awns 0. KuNAWAR ; Jaunsar, on Lokardi Peak, alt. 8-9000 ft., JDuthie. Stems 12-18 in., densely tufted, filiform. Leaves convolute, erect, quite smooth, deeply ribbed in the inner surface ; sheath short, smooth ; ligule i in., hyaline, lacerate. Panicle of 4-8 erect spikelets ; rachis and short erect pedicels, smooth, glabrous. Gls. I and II pale brown, much longer than the flg. gls., finely acuminate, margins hyaline, I 6-7-nerved; II longest, 7-nerved ; flg. gls. ^—^ in., pale green, 2-fid; awn straight, base strongly twisted; callus silkily villous; palea short, obtusely 2-lobed, keels scabrid. Lodicules clavellate. Anthers as long as the palea. Ovary ovoid, hirsute, styles short, stigmas long. 2. D. exilis y Sook. f. ; stem and leaves filiform, panicle short con- tracted racemiform few-fld., branches and pedicels verv short, spikelets ^ in. 3-5-fld., gl. I and II unequal 1-3-nerved, fl. gls. villous, lateral awns very short. Kashmir; Tilail and Bargil, alt. 9-11,000 ft., GlarJce ; Gurail, alt. 8-9000 ft., Duthie. iS tew 3-10 in., densely tufted, very slender. Leaves 3-5 in., convolute; ligule short. Panicles \-l in., erect or cernuous, 6-10-fld., green or brownish, branches and pedicels smooth, Spikelets erect; rachilla very short between the upper gls. ; gl. I and II scarious, lanceolate, acuminate, l-nerved or obscurely 3-nerved at the base, I the shortest; flg. gls. much shorter than II, oblong, coriaceous, faintly 7-nerved, cleft nearly to the middle, lateral awns as long as their gl., median twice as long erect; callus densely bearded ; palea linear-lanceolate, 2-toothed, sparsely hairy ; nerves strong, scabrid. Grain obovoid, smooth, glabrous. 3. I>. cachemyriana, Jauh. Sc Sp. Illustr. PI. Orient, iv. 46, t. 331 ; stems ascending from a stout woody stock, leaves very long narrow con- volute, panicle contracted, spikelets |-| in., gl. I and II subequal 3-7- nerved, flg gls. sparsely hairy, lateral awns much longer than gl. II. D. kashmiriana, Duthie in Atkins. Gaz. N.W. Ind. 630, Grass. N.W. Ind. 32 ; Griseh. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 78. Temperate and ALPl^'E Himalaya, and W. Tibet, alt. 10-14,000 ft. Stem 1-2 ft., densely tufted, or creeping below and clothed with shining sheaths. Leaves as long as the stem or longer, erect, flexHOus, wiry, glabrous ; sheaths glabrous, or lower rarely tomentose ; ligule a pubescent ndge. Panicle most variable in number and disposition of the spikelets, erect, 4-5 in. long, with 30 or more close erect spikelets f in. long, or more lax with fewer (3-4 or more) spikelets on longer or shorter rarely spreading branches and pedicels, the latter smooth hairy or scabrid. Spikelets 2-5-fld., erect, pale, rather shining ; rachilla more or less hairy ; gls. I and II membranous, sometimes purple, rarely very sparsely hairy, keels smooth ; I rather the smallest, nerves very variable, more or less trabe- culate; flg. gls. much smaller, linear- lanceolate, cleft about \ way down, 9-nerved ; lateral awns as long as the gl. or longer, exserted, median strongly twisted often to 282 CLxxiii. GRAMiNBiE. (J. D. Hooker.) [Danthonia. the tip, variable in length, about twice that of gl. II ; callus bearded ; palea as long as the gl., linear, obtuse, keels nearly smooth. Anthers linear. Grain narrowly oblong, glabrous, — A very variable plant in panicle but constant in habit. Jaubert and Spach's figure is of a veiy starved small form, and I have not found in Jacque- mont or other specimens the whorl of hairs at the top of the pedicel (base of gl. I and II) which they represent. The nervation of gl. I and II varies remarkably. I find both 3-uerved in Sikkim specimens, both S-uerved in many Western Himalayan ; both sub 7-nerved in Kuuawur ones ; both 4.nerved in Simla ones ; I 3-uerved, II 5-nerved in some Western ; I 5-nerved, II 7-nerved in Gajwhal ; I 5-nerved and II sub 6-nerved in Jacquemont's n. 260, in which the awn is twisted to the tip ; both are very sparsely hairy in a few specimens. The lower sheaths are villous in Simla (Hattu) specimens. Var, minor', stems 6-8 in. very slender, leaves filiform, panicle often recurved, spikelets 4-8, gl. 1 and II often purple 5-7-nerved. Danthonia No. 2. Herh. Strach. ^ Winterb. — Alpine Himalava, from Grarwhal to Sikkim, alt. 12-14,000 ft. 4. D. Cummlnsli, Hooh. f. ; stem ascending, leaves filiform, panicle small, rachis and pedicels villous, spikelets 3-6 i in. long very shortly pedicelled, lateral awns of gl. Ill very short, median not twice as long as gl. Il hardly twisted. Bhotan ; Gnatong in the Sikkim frontier, alt. 12,000 ft., Cummins. Possibly a form of D. cachemyriana, but the characters are marked. The specimens are curved in a semi-circle, no doubt from growing amongst rocks, as was the case with Calamagrostis tripilifera, var. (p. 262). DOUBTFUL SPECIES OF DANTHONIA. D. Griffithiana, C. Muell. in Bot. Zeit. xiv. (1856) 374.— Khasia Hills, Oriffith. — ^Judging by the description this is not a Danthonia, but 1 have formed no idea of what it may be. 84. DUTKZSSA, Hack. No. 123 in Clavis, p. 8. Tufted perennial erect glabrous grasses. Leaves linear, subcon volute. Spikelets 3-5-fld., often bracteate, in a short simple unilateral raceme, later- ally subcompressed, not jointed on the pedicels, uppermost fl. imperfect; rachilla articulate. Gls. I and II empty, persistent, lanceolate, acuminate, 7-11-nerved, dorsally rounded ; fl. gls. herbaceous, oblanceolate, 7-11-nerved, 2-fid, awned in the sinus, margins membranous, awn half-twisted ; palea 2-keeled, keels scabrid, excorrent. Lodicules 0. Stamens S. Ovari/ hispid, narrowed into a slender style ; stigmas very long, papillose, exserted from the top of the spikelets. Grain oblong, crowned with the style, hirsute. — Species 2, Western Himalaya and Affghanistan. ^ D. bromoides, Rach. in Verliandl. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien. (1895) 200 ; spikelets 3-5-fld., rachilla hairy, gl. I and II 7-11-nerved margins narrowly hyaline, fl. gls. obtusely 2-lobed dorsally hairy below, style about as long as the stigmas. Stapfin Hook. Ic. PI. t. 2474. Kashmib, alt. 12-13,000 ft., Jacquemont, JDutkie. Western Tibet, alt. 12,000 ft., Thomson, Clarke. Jirenda Pass, KunAWDR {Herb. Saharunpore) . Stems 18-24 in., slender, compressed, scaberulous above. Leaves 6-12 in., rather rigid, cauline very short, flat, acute ; sheaths compressed, of uppermost inflated embracing the raceme; ligule oblong. Raceme 1-2 in., inclined, rachis scabrid. Spikelets 5-6, subsessile, ovoid, about \ in. long (without the awns) green ; bracts DuthiceaJ] clxxiii. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 283 scarious ; gl. I often faintly nerved ; II 7-nerved, subaristate ; flg. gls. oblanceolate , hairy below the middle, lobes obtuse ; awn |-1 in., scabrid, obscurely geniculate. Ovary narrow, style \-\ in. long. — A remarkable grass, the character and affinities of which are discussed at length by Haekel, who places it next to Bromiis, where it will be found (No. 123) in the clavis of this work, p. 8. The recognition by Dr. Stapf of a second species, D. oligostachi/a, Stapf (Avena oligostachya, Munro in Journ. Linn. Soc. xviii. (1880) 108, name only, Aitchison I. c. xix. (1882) 193, t. 30) proves the position of the genus to be near Danthonia, where I had placed it, before its publication by Haekel, when I deferred to that author's high authority. Tribe YIII. Chloimde;e. (See p. 6.) 84 mZGROCKIiOA, Br. Slender perennial grasses. Leaves filiform, convolute. Spikelets very narrow, 1-fld., minute, 2-Beriate, unilateral on a solitary terminal filiform curved spike, not jointed at the base, awnless ; rachilla jointed at the base, not produced beyond gl. III. Glumes 8, I and II empty, membranous, 1-nerved, keeled, persistent; III very small, oblong, hyaline, awnless; palea as long as the gl., keels ciliate. Lodicules 2, truncate. Anthers linear. Styles distinct. Grain oblong, fusiform, glabrous, free within the hyaline gls. — Species 3, two confined to Africa and the following. !«. setacea, Br. Prodr. 208 ; H. B. & K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. i. 84, t. 22; Beauv. Agrost. 115, t. 20, f. 8; Nees Agrost. Bras.Ul\ Fl. Afr. Austr. 247; Kunth Enum. PL i. 258, Suppl. 201 ; Doell in Mart. Fl. Bras. ii. III. 76, t. 21 ; Steud. Syn. Gram 202 ; Bentk. Fl. Hongh. 428, Fl. Austral. vii. 608. M. elongata, Br. in Wall. Gat. n. 3807. Rottboellia setacea, Boxh. Corom. PI. ii. 18, t. 132, Fl. Ind. i. 357. Nardus indica, Linn. J. Suppl. 105. Bengal, S.oxhurgh, on walls. Nepal, Wallich. Khasia Hills, alt. 4-6000 ft, J. D. H. ^ T.T., Clarice. Central Pkovinces; Chanda, DwtAie. Nilghiei Hills, Perrottet. — Distrib. Tropics of Old and New World. Stems tufted, 6-10 in., wiry. Leaves as long as the stem, curved, glabrous or sparsely hairy; ligule very short, cjliate. Spike 2-10 in., with the spikelets •^-i in. diam. ; rachis slender, dorsally rounded. Spikelets -itin., close-set, alternating in two unilateral rows, erect; gls. I and II subequal, lanceolate, acute„ twice as long as III, which is o btuse, haii-y, nerveless ; palea lanceolate, 2-toothed . 85. GRACIZiEA, Koen. Small grasses. Leaves short. Spikelets '[-2-M. (fl. unisexual ?) col- lected in turbinate awned deciduous spicate clusters which are secund sessile and jointed on a filiform or capillary flexuous terminal rachis; rachilla not jointed, sometimes produced beyond gl. IV and bearing an imperfect fl. Glumes 4-6; I and II narrow, rigid, ciliate with "long hairs, narrowed into long rigid scabrid awns, I narrowest ; II with broad hyaline margins; III and IV broadly ovate, membranous, scaberulous, 3-nerved, shortly awned, tip entire or 2-cuspidate; palea as broad as the gl., 2-cuspidate. Lodicules cnneiiorm. Anthers sm'dil. Gram oblong, free. — Species, 2 Indian and African. 1. G*. nutans, Koen. in Ges. Naturf. Fr. Neue Schrift. iv. (1803) 218; perennial? leaves lanceolate. Melanocenchris Rothiana, Nees in 284 OLXXiii. GEAMiNE^. (J. D. Hookei.) \Oracilea, Proc. Linn. 8ocA. (1841) 95; Wight Cat. n. 1768 ; Dalz. . C. incoxnpleta, Hoth. Nov. Sp. 60 ; tall, perennial, spikes 4-10 whorled 4-6 in. long, awns ^ in. straight. Steud. Syn. Gram. 207. C. digitata, Steud. I. c. ; Dutlde Grass. N. W. Ind. 23 ; Lishoa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. vii. (1893) 369 {excl. Syn.). C. radiata, Heyne ex Roth. I. c. 61 ; Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 371 ; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PL 409. C. ^oyihurghii, ijdgew. in Journ. As. 8oc. Beng. xxi. (1853) 160, 183; Duthie Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 54, t. 65 ; Lishoa I. c. 368. C. tetrameris, Trin. Gram. Unifl. 235; Steud. I.e. 206. Diprit-iria elongata, Spreng. Syst. i. 271. Gymnopogon digitatus, iVees in Wight Gat. n. 1753; Steud. Nam. Ed. II. i. 713. Melica digitata, Boxb. Fl. Ind. i. 326 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 37. Cteniura digitatum, Sprejig. Syst. i. 274. Cynodoa elongatus, Trin. in Sp7'eng.,N. Entdeck. ii. 64; Kunth I.e. Agrostis filiformis, Koenig in Herb. Banks, ex Trin. I. c. Througliout the Plains of India, from the Panjab to Burma and southward. Cetlon. Andaman Islds,, Kurz. — Distrib. Affghan., China. Stem 2-3 ft., or more, stout or slender, often branched, straight or geniculate; Leaves 6-12 by i-^ in., flat j ligule of long hairs. Spikes very slender, spreading. Spikelets very variable, ^-i in., narrowly lanceolate, green ; gl. I not ^ of II which is narrowly lanceolate notched and shortly awned at the tip ; III as long as II, ovate- lanceolate, tip 2-toothed, base bearded ; palea very narrow, keels nearly smooth ; rachilla produced to half the length of the gl., bearing a very minute long awned gl. that is bearded at the base. *** Spikelets 1-fld.; rachilla produced beyond the flg. gl., and bearing 1-3 reduced empty gls. (In C. villosa, the gl. IV contains imperfect anthers.) t Spikes 1-3 ; gl. Ill broadly cuneiform. 6. C. tenella, Eoxb. FL Ind. i. 329 ; annual, slender, spike solitary, spikelets 3-4-awned, gl. HI broadly cuneiform, upper margin truncate naked. Kunth Enum. PL i. 267; Spreng. Neue Entdeck. iii. 126; Steud. Chloris.] OLXXiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 291 Sijn. Gram. 204 ; Dalz. Sf Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 296 ; ? Buthie Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 54, t. 66; Lishoa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. 8oc. vii. (1893) 368. 0. trianpulata, Hochst. ex A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss, ii. 409 ; Stand. I. c. 203; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 33. Ctenium indicutn, Spi^eng. Sj/st. i. 274. Tetrapogon triangularis, Hochst. PI. Arab. Schioeinf. n. 967. Rajpootana ; Oodey pore, Wingate {Herb. DuUie). SciND, 8 iocTcs. Khandeish, Dalzell. South India, Roxburgh. Wight,.— Bi-t rib. Arabia, Abyssinia. Stem 10-18 iu.. weak, branched from the ba-^e. Leaves 6-10 by ^-^ in., flaccid; ligule short, truncate. S/nke 1-2^ in., erect, fl.it. Spikelets large, ^ in. long and more, bifarious ; jrls. 5or H, I and II ovate-lanceolate, hyaline; I acute; II i longer, shortly aw ned ; III as long as II, coriaceous, nerves distant from the margin and keel villous ; awn subdorsal, straight, spreading ; keels of palea finely hairy ; IV half as long as III, narrower ; V and VI still smaller, fan-shaped, awned. ft Spikes 1-3 ; gl. Ill ovoid, hirsute all over. 6. C. villosa, Pers. Syn. i. 87; perennial, stout, spikes 1-3, spikelets 4-awned, gl. Ill ovoid acute hirsute all over with long hairs, margins hyaline. Kunth Fnum. PI. i. 267, Swppl. 217, t. 16, f. 3; Jaub. ^ Spach III. PI. Orient, iv. 40, t. 327 ; Coss. & Bur. Fl. Alger. 87 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 204 ; Aitchis. Cat. Panjab PI. 167. C. tetrapogon, Beauv. Agrost. 158. Tetrapogon villosus, Be'sf. Fl. Atlant. ii. 388, t. 255 ; Trin. Fund. Agrost. 760 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 555 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 33, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 55, t. 68. The Panjab ; Peshawur, Stewart', Eawul Piudu, Aitchison. Rajpootana ; Oodeypore, King. Multan, Edgeworth. — Disteib. Westward to the Canaries. Stem 6-10 in., from a densely-tufted stout woody ba^e, which is clothed with equitant leaf-sheaths. Leaves 1-3 in., very narrow, acute, flat or twisted, rig'd; ligule obscure. Spikes H-2^ in. by ^-^ in. broad, erect, pale yelloA'. Spikelets ^ in., obconic ; gls 5, I and II lanceolate, shortly awned; I acuminate; II ^-i longer, tip 2-tootlied ; III about as long as II, coriaceous, with broad hyaline mari;:ins hounded by the lateral nerves, imperfectly triandrous, tip entire or minutely 2-toothed, hairs much longer than the gl. silky ; awn spreading, keels of palea scaberulous ; IV not half as long as III, also hirsute; V very small, cuneate; VI reduced to an awn. ttt Spikes 4-10 ; gl. Ill bearded at the base and on the margins above the vniddle. 7. C. virgrataj Sw. Fl. Ind. Occ. i. 203 ; spikes 6-9, spikelets 2-awned, gl. II tip 2-Hd awned in the sinus, III ovate bearded with long hairs above the middle, IV narrowly cnneiform. Trin. Gram. Unifl. 136; Doell in Mart. Fl. Bras. ii. III. C. compressa, BC. Gat. Hort. Monsp. (1813) 94 ; Trin. Gram. Unifl. 230 ; Nees Agrost. Bras. 421, Fl. Afr. Austr. 240 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 204. C. caudata, Trin. ex Bunge Enum. PI. Chill. Bor. 70. C cryptostachys, Steud. in Schmidt Fl. Cap. Virid. 148. C. decora, Nees in Herb. Foyle\ Steud. I. c. 205. C. elegans, Kunth Enum. PI. i. 264. C. meccana, Hochst & Steud. ex Schult. Ind.. Sem. Hort . Hal. (1843)7; Steud. I.e.; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 554; Buthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 33. 0. montana, Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 84, Abhandl. 300 ; Buthie I. c. (non Roxh). C. pallida, Link Hort. Berol. i. 56, ii. 223. C. penicillata, Hort. ex Nees I.e. {non Poir.). C. polydactyla, Burand Biss. Chlorid. (1808) 14, 22 ; Jacq. Eclog. Gram. 12, t. y (non Sw.). C. tetrastachys, Hack.mss.{ex Herb. Buthie). Heterolepis elegans, Ehrt. ex Boiss. I. c. ; Ribdochloa virgata, Beauv. Agrost. 84. — Chloris, Wall. Cat. 3212 {in Herb Benth.). u 2 292 OLXXiii. GRiMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) [Chlor.is. Rajpootana, and Upper and Lower Ganoetic Plains, and soutliwnrd to Behar, and Central and Southern India. Western Tibet, Thomson. Burma, Wallich. — DiSTRiB. Westward to Algeria ; China, Mongolia, Trop. and S. Africa and America. Stem rather stout, flattened, 8-12 in. high, usually leafy, decumbent and much proliferouslv branched below. Leaves rather broad, flat, acute ; upper sheaths more or less inflated. — Australian specimen of this in Herb. Kew from Mueller, are ticketed C. barhata, Muell., var. with one empty gl. The Western Tibet habitat is remarkable; there are two specimens collected by Tlionison, dated by himself at a time he was in Ladak, at an elevation not less than 12,000 ft. 8. C> barbata, Sw. Fl. Ind. Occ. i. 200 ; spikes 4-20, rachis scaberu- lous, spikelets 3-awned. Jacq. Eclog. Gram. 10, t, 8 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 264, Swppl. 209 ; Durand de Chlorid. 13, 22 ; Trin. Diss. i. 282, Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 306 ; Nees Agrost. Bras. 421 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 204 ; Boxh. Fl. Ind, i. 331 ; Gra/i. Cat. Bomb. PI. 231-; Wight Cat.n. 1764; Aitc-h. Cat. Panjah PI. 167 ; Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 371 ; THm. Cat. Ceyl. PL 109 ; ButUe Grass. N.W. Ind. 33, Fodd Grass. N. Ind. 53, t. 34; Lishoa in Journ. Bomh. Nat. Hist. Soc. vii. (1893) 367; Griseh. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. ^39 ; Benth. Fl. Hongk. 429, Fl. Austral, vn. (5\Z {excl. Syn. decorei) ; Doellin Mart. Fl. Bras. ii. III. 67. Andropoffon barbatus, Linn. PI. Jam. Pugill. 30, Mant. ii. 302.— Chloris, Wa/l. Cat. n, SS12.—Rheede Hort. Mai. xii. t. 61. Throughout the plains of India, Burma, and Ceylon. — Distrib. Tropics generally. Stem, 1-3 ft., stout, erect from a geniculate or from a creeping proliferously branched base, simple or branchina: above, nodes with often large tufts of leaves having oomprtssed rquitant sheaths. Leaves 6-18 long, flat ; mouth of sheaths ciliate ; ligule obscure. Spikes ^-4 in., suberect, strict or flexnous. Spikelets ■^^-^ in., green or red-pnrple ; gls. I and II acuminate, II much the longest; III ovate, more or less densely be.irded above the middle and dorsally, tip acute or notched; awn ^-^ in. ; III cuneiform, at length globose, ciliate; IV much smaller, globose, awned. — Extremely variable in size and habit. 9. C. polystachya, Eoxh. Fl. Ind. i. 330; spikes many, rachis glabroiip, spikelt^ts very minute 3-awned. Kunth Enum. PI. 1. 265 ; Spreng. Neue Entdeck. iii. 127 ; Graft. Cat Bomh. PI. 235 ; Wight Cat. n. 1763 ; Biithie Grass. N.W. Ind. 33, C. Eoxburghiana, SchuU. Mant. ii. 239; Steud. Syn. Gram. 206.— Chloris, Wall. Cat. n. 3811 {ex Wight I. c). Deccan Peninsula, Roxburgh, Wight. Stem 1-2 ft., ascending from a procumbent base. Spikes about 16, 2-3 in. long ; gls. I and II lanceolate, acuminate; II much the longest; III ovate, acute, margins ciliate above or nearly glabrous ; awn flexuons, IV like III but very much smaller, glabrous; V a minute-awned gl. — Wigbt's is the only specimen I have seen, it is very much smaller than in Roxburgh's drawing. ■ - 10. C. montuna, Boxb. Fl. Ind. i.'fe; spikes 2-6, rachis glabrous, spikelets 4-awned. Kunth Enum. PL i. 265 ; Spreng. Neue Entdeck. iii. 127; Steud. Syn. Gram. 204; Lisboa in Journ. Bomh. Nat. Hist. Soc. vii. (1893) 369. C. decora, Thw. Enum. 371 {excL syn.). C. bavbata, var. decora. Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PL 109. Tetraposron tetrastachys, Hack, in Herb. Buthie (in part) n. 7759. Andropogon tetra-aristatus, Roxb. Ic. ined. n. 882.— Chloris, WalL Cat. n. 3810. Mountain districts of CoROMANDEL, i2oa;bwr^A. Upper and Lower Gangetic Plains, and southward to Ceylon. iStem erect or geniculately ascending from a creeping base, 4 in. to 2J ft., simple Chloris,] CLxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 293 or branched. Leaves 3-8 in., narrow, finely acuminate; mouth of sheath ciliate; ligule very short. Spikes 1-3 in., erect, very pale. Spikelets i-i in.; gl. I and II both finely acuminate, or II which is much the largest obtuse and shortly awned; III ovoid, acute, upper margins more or less thickly bearded ; IV and V cuneiform, glabrous or ciliate ; VI minute, awned.— Very variable in the length of the spikes and size of the spikelets. 11. C. Wigrhtiana, Nees in Wight Cat. n. 1766; Steud. 8yn. Gram.206', spikes 3-5, rachis villous, spikelets i-awned.— Chloris, Wall. Cat. n. 3809. Southern India, TFight. Stem 4-6 in., stout, much branched, decumbent and leafy below, sometimes creeping. Leaves 2-4 by |-i in., flat, linear, acuminate and sheaths pubescent ; ligule of hairs. Spikes red-brown, stout. Spikelets, gl. I and II ovate-lanceolate ; I acuminate; II 4 longer, tip notched mucronate ; III as long as II, obliquely broadly ovate in profile, suddenly narrowed into the terminal awn, lateral nerves marginal above and keel villously bearded ; palea very broad, keels ciliate ; IV like III but smaller j V subglobose, glabrous, VI very minute. DOUBTFUL AND EEJECTED SPECIES. C. MONGSTACHri, Poir. Encyd. Suppl. ii. 238.- C. distachya (Kunth Rev. Gram. i. 291, t. 57. Eleusine monostacliya, Spreng. Syst. i. 249. Leptocldoa ? monostachya, Reaum. ^ Sch. Si/st. ii. 580. Cyuosurus monostachyas, Vahl Symh. ii. 20) is a Mauritian grass, not found hitherto in India. C. PBNiciLLATA, Pers. Syii. i. 87 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 268; Steud. Si/n. Gram 206. Cynosurus penicillatus, VaM Symh. ii. 21. Eleusine penicillata, Spreng. Syst. i. 350. — Vahl's description does not enable me to identify this. 90. EZiSUSINE, Gaertn. Annual or perennial grasses. Leaves long or short. Spikelets 3-12-fld. (fl. all but terminal perfect) sessile, 2-3-8eriate and secund, forming digitate capitate or whorled spikes, laterally compressed, not jointed at the base; rachilla continuous between the fl. glumes. Glumes few or many, keeled, I and II shorter than the flg., subequal or unequal, persistent; I lanceo- late; II lanceolate, acute or acuminate, or very broadly ovate, or didymous with a short stouZ^ recurved awn ; flg. gls. like the empty 3-nerved ; palea complicate, keels strong. Zoc?icw/e* 2, cuneate. ^w;^/ier* 3, short. Styles short, distinct. Grain free, pericarp hyaline, loose. /SeecZ rugose.— Species about 7, all warm countries. The specimens of this genus are absent from the Wallichian Herbarium in the Liunean Society's rooms ; the tickets alone existing there. I. Eleusine proper. Spikelets densely imbricate, pointing forward. Gl. II obtuse acute or acuminate. 1. S. indlca, Gsertn. Fruct. i. 8 ; annual, erect, leaves flat, spikes digitate elongate, glumes subacute glabrous. Lamk. III. i. 203, t. 48 ; Kunth Unum. PI. i. 273, Suppl. 224, t. 16, f. 4; Steud. Syn. Gram. 211 ; Roxl. Fl. Ind. i. 345 ; Grah. Gat. Bomb. Fl. 235 ; Griff. Notul. iii. 52, 53, Ic. PL Asiat. t. 119, f. 156 & t. 150, f. 1 ; Thw. Enum, Fl. Zeijlan. 371 ; Trimen Cat. Ceyl. Fl. 109 ; Aitchis. Cat. Fanjab Fl. 168 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 34, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 57, t. 69; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 385; Wall. Cat.n. 3816; Wight Cat. n. 1758; Boiss. FL Orient, v. 555; Benth. FLHongk. 429, Fl. AuUraL vii. 615; Nets Agrost. Bras. 439, Fl. Afr. Austr. 251 ; Griseb. FL Brit. W. Ind. 540. E. distacliyt*, Trin. ex Sttud. 294 CLXXiii. giiamine;h;. (J. D. Hooker.) [Eleusive. Now. Ed. IT. i. 549. E. distans, Mcench. Meth. 210. E. domingensia, Sieb. €X Schult Mant. ii, 323. E. Gouini, iuasqualis, rigidifolia, &scabra, Fourn. ex Eemsl. Biol. Gtntr. Amer. iii. 565. E. gracilis, Salisb. Prodr. 19. E. marginata, Lindl. in Mitch. Three £xped. i. 319 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 212. E. tiistachya, Lamk. I. c; Eunth Bevis. Gram. i. 92, Enum. i. 273 ; Siend. I. c. Cyuopurus indicus, Linn. Sp. PI. 72. C. Ara, Herh. Ham. ex Wall. Cat. n. 3816 I. PC. pectinatus, Lamk Ennjd. ii. 188. PLeptochloa pectinata, Kunth Revis. Gram. i. 91, Enum. PL 272; Steud. I. c. 210. Panicum compressum, Eorsk. Fl. jEg. Arab. 18, Paspalum dissectum, Enijohof. Cent Bot.inOrig. 1. 11. Triticum geminatum, Spreng. Svst. i. 326. Agropyrum gerainatum, Schult. Mant. iii. 655. — Bheede Hort. Mat. xii.t.69, Tlirougliont the low country of India (ascending to 5000 ft. in the Himalaya) to Penang and Ceylon. — Distrib. Tropical Old World ; iutrod. into the New, Stem 1-2 ft., stont, Foft. Leaves distichous, narrow, flaccid, acuminate; sheaths flattened, ciliate; ligule obsolete. Spikes 5-7, 2-5 in. long, all in a terminal whorl, or with sometimes 1 or 2 lower down. Spikelets very variable in size, ^^^2"^ '^^-f 3-5-fld. ; quite glabrous; gl. I small, 1 -nerved ; II 3-nerved ; III and succeeding ovate, subacute. G^ra/» oblong ; pericarp loose, but persistent ; seed oblong rugose. Cult. form. E. cokacana, Gaertn. FrucL i. 8, t. 1 ; stem stout 2-5 ft. often as thick as the thumb, leaves l)r<)ad, spikes very stont up to Bin. long by ^ in. broad straight or incurved, grain gl()l)ose. Lamk. Illustr. t. 28; Schreh. Gram, ii. t. 35; Trin. 8p. Gram. Ic. t. 70 ; Stead. Si/n. Gram. 211; Panz. in Muench. Lenlcschr. iv. (18H) t. 8; Nees Fl. Afr. Austr. 251; Kunth Enum. PL i. 273, Suppl. 225; Roxb. Fl. Ind. i. 342; Wall. Cat. n. 3817; Grah. Cat. Bomb. PI. 235; Aitchis. Cat. Punjab PL 168; Trim. Cat Ceyl. PL 109; Luthie Gross. N.W. Ind. 34, Focld. Grass. 'N. lad. 57, t. 69, Field Sc Gard. Crops, 15, t. 28 ; Miquel FL Ind. Bat. iii. 386; Lishoa in Journ. Bomb. Nat Hist. Soc. vii. (1893) 373. E. cerealis, Sa/isb. Prodr. 19. E. sph£erointed at the base, produced beyond the fl. gls. and bearing an imperfect gl. Glumes 4-5, I and II empty, persistent, much longer than III and IV, lanceolate, awned, 1 -nerved, keeled; II \ longer than I ; III and IV very small, broadly ovate, subacute, hyaline, 1-nerved; palea hyaline. Lodicules 2. Anthers 3, small. Stales free. Grain ovoid, trigonous, wrinkled, free. D. arablca, Jacq. Fragment. 77, t. 121, f. 1 ; Beauv. Agrost. 98, t. 16, f. 2 (Dineba); Trim. Cat. Geyl. PI. 109; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 3'1-, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 55 ; Lisboa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. vii. (1893) 372. D. aegyptiaca, Del. Fl. ^gypt. 25, t. xi. f. 3 (Dinaeba). D. retro- flexa, Fanz. in Denksck. Acad. Muench. iv. (1813) t. 12; Boiss. Fl. Orient. V. 557. Leptochloa arabica, Kunth Bev/'s. Gram. i. 91 ; Enum. PI. i. 271, Suppl. 221 ;' Wiqht Gat. n. 1756; AUch. Gat. Panjab PL 167. L. calycina, Kunth l.l.c.c. 91, 272; Steud. I.e. 210; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb Fl.297. L. coromandeliana, Steud I. c. 209. Eleusine calycina, Roxb. Fl. Ind. i. 346. Oynosurus coromandelianns, Herb. Fottl. C. paniculatuv^, Herb. Boa'b. C. retroflpxus, Vakl Sj/mb. ii, 20. Dactylis pHSDaloide", Willd. Fnum. Hort. Berol. 111. D. cynoaunddes, Koen. mss. in Herb. Mus. Britt. D. madraspatensis. Herb, i^o.rj.— Dinebra, Wall. Gat. n. 3814. Western Peninsula, from Klinndeish and the Carnatic southward. Ceylon, Trimen {^introduced) . — Distbih. Aft'ghan. and westward to Senegal. Stems 1-3 ft., tufted, branching from the base, erect or geniculately ascending, leafy throughout. Leaves flat, 3-8 in,, flaccid, finely acuminate, sparsely hairy ; ligule short. Racemes 4-12 in., erect ; rachis strict, stout, smooth. Spikes^-I^ in., opposite alternate or whorled, sessile, green or pale yellow, shining, at first erect, at last deflexed. Spikeleis closely imbricate, about ^ in. long j gl. I and II with straight terminal awns. — Dinehra verticillata, Wight ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 209, is Myrio' atachys Wightiana. 92. IiBPTOCKXiOA, Beauv. Annual grasses. Leaves flat or involute. Sp^kelets very minute, compressed, 1-many-fld., sessile or shortly pedicelled, alternate and uni- lateral on the very slender spike-like branches of a lax panicle, not jointed at the base ; rachilla produced between the flg. gls., jointed at the base. Glumes 3- many, membranous ; I and II unequal, oblong or lanceolate, 1-nerved ; III and following broadly ovate, subacute or obtuse, 3-nerved, nerves usually hairy, 2 lateral near the margin ; palea nearly as long as the gl., 2-keeled. Lodicules 2, cuneate. Anthers 3, short. Styles free. Grain subglobose oblong obovoid or 3-gonous, closely invested by the gl. and palea. — Species about 12, tropical and subtropical. I have had great difliculty in disposing of the synonymy of this genus, the species of which are in a chaotic condition, and I regard the result here attained as tentative only, some of the synonyms adopted being little better than guesses, though the results of much study. The genus is absent in the Wallichian Herbarium of the Linnaean Society. * Leaves short, broad, m,embranou8. 1. Xi. uniflora, Hochst. ex A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss, ii. 409 ; spikelets 1-fld., gl. I and II linear-lanceolate, Til ovate acuminate. Trim. Cat. Geyl. PL 109. L. gracilis, Wight ex Steud. Si/n. Gram. 213. Cvnodon gracilis, iV'e^s ex Steud. I. c. ; Thw. Enum. PI. Ceyl. 371 ; WigJd Gat. n. 298 CLXXiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hookftp.) [LepiocJiloa. 1762. Poa cliinensis, Burm. Fl. Ind. 27, t. xi. f. 3 (non Linn.). Agrostis montana, Merb. Bottler. — Leptocliloa, Wall. Cat. n. 8895. Tjnnevelly ; at Palamcotta, Bottler. Ceylon, dry parts of the island.— DiSTBiB. — Trop. Afric. Stem 1-2 ft., very slender, genicnlately ascending from a creeping base. Leaves 1-3 by -\-% in., elliptic-lanceolate, acute and apiculate, very thin, flaccid, base narrowed; ligule short, hyaline, lacerate. Panicle 6-8 in., very slender; spike^ capillary, 2-3 in. Spikelets about j\ in. ; nerves of gl. Ill and palea fringed with long hairs. Grain not seen. — Judging from Burnmuu's figure of the leaf his Poa chinensis is, I think, L. unijiora. ** Leaves long, narrotv. 2. Ii. polystachya, Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 617 {non Kunth); panicle elongate contracted, spikes 1-1^ in. crowded, erect, spikelets 1-fld. L. Neesii, Benth. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xix. (1881) 108 ; Trim. Gat. Ceyl. PI. 109. Cynodon Neesii, Thw. Enum. Ceyl. PI 371. C. poly- stachyuR, Br. Prodr. 187. C. virgatns, Nees ex Wall. Cat. n. 8894; Wight Cat. n. 1751; Steud. Syn. Gram. 213. Agrostis virgata, Herb. Rottl. & Herh. Madr. ex Wall. I. c. ; A. chinensis, Koen, ex Herb. Bottl. The Carnatic, Bottler, Wight. Ceylon ; Trincomalce, GZeJue.— Distrib. Australia. Stems erect, 2-3 ft,, stout or slender, sometimes proliferously branched below ; lower nodes glabrous or bearded. Leaves 12-18 in,, convolute, rarely flat, finely acuminate. Panicle 6-10 iu,, flexuous ; branches filiCorm. Spikelets -J^ in,, close- set, pale; gls. I and II nnocjual, ovate-lanceolate, rather longer than III, pale green; III broadly ovate, subacute, 3-nerved, nerves and keels of palea ciliate; Grain oblong, deeply grooved on one side, — The form of the panicle differs much from that of the following ; but the spikelets and glumes are very much alike. L. poly' stachya, Kunth, an American plant, is a species of Diplachne. 3. Ii. filiformis. Poem. ^ ScJi. Syst. ii. 580; spikes 2-3 in., sp'kelets 2-3-fld. Xunth Enum. PL i. 270, Suppl. 220; Steud. Si/n. Gram. 209; Wiyht Cat. n. 1754; T/ivj. Enum. PL Zexjl. 271 ; Trim. Cat. Ceyl PL 109 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 192 ; Aitchis. Cat Panjab. PL 167 ; Miq. FL Ind. Bat. iii. 389. E, chinensis, Duthie Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 59, t. 71. ? E, tiliformis, Pers.^yn. i, 87. Aiia filiformis, Roxb. FL Ind. i. 326; Herb. Ham. ex Wall. Cat. n, 3804. Poa malabarica, Klein ex Steud. Nom. JSd. ii. 303, 60. P. chinensis, Herb. Bottler. P. coutracta & panicea^ Betz. Obs. iii. 11. P. virgata, Path. Nov. Sp. 66; Wight L c. Festuca tenuis & F. ? Basnia, Herb. Ham. ex Wall. Cat. n. 3805 C. D. — Leptochloa, WaU. Cat. 3804, 3805, Throughout India and Burma in the low country. Ceylon ; Colombo, i^er- ^Msow.— DisTRiB. Trop. Asia, Africa and America. Stem 1-2 ft., slender, geuiculately ascending. Leaves, 4-10 in,, flat, flaccid, finely acuminate; ligule short. Panicle 4-8 in,, contracted or diffuse, branches very many almost capillary ; spikelets 2V i"-5 B^- ^ ^"^^ ^^ oblong-lanceolate, acute; III and IV broadly ovate, nerves and palea ciliate. Grain oblong, closely invested with the gl, and palea.— I have followed my predecessors in referring this Indian grass to Leptochloa filijorm'is, 11. & S., though that plant is described as American, and as having glabrous flowers ; a chura( ter apparently confirmed by Jacquin's drawing of its synonym Eleusine filiformis, Pers, (.Jaeq. Eolog, Gram, t, iv.) and by an observa- tion of Doell in Mart. Fl. Bias, ii III, 93, On the other hand, I find the nerves of gl. Ill to be invariably hairy in American specimens corresponding with Jacquin's plate and the description of L. filiformis, and hence must suspect that this very inconspicuous character (except under a good magnifying power) has been overlooked. Lejjtochlua.^ CLxxiii. gkaimink^. (J. D. Hooker.) 299 Amongst other grasses referred to jiVformis, but which from want of ninterials or descriptions or both I refrain from citing, is L. tenerrhna, R. & S., which is described as having a 2-lobed tip of gl. Ill, a character which is approached only in L. ohtusi- flora, but which is easily produced in the very concave glume by a slight force in analyzinj? that organ. Benthain Fl. Hongk. and Fl. Austral, refers it to L. chinensis, to which its few (2-3-) fid. spikelets is opposed. It is probably a weak state of L. filiformis. With regard to Aira filiformis, Koen., in Roxb. Fl. Ind., Mr. Reudle informs me that there are in the British Museum a specimen so named by Koenig himself, and another authenticated by Roxburgh, and that both are the Indian L. filiformis. Roxburgh's characters of " leaves ensiforra " and ** calyx large" are therefore erroneous. 4. Xi. chinensis, Nees in SyU. Batish. i. (1824) 4, Agrost. Bras. 432; stem tall stout, spikes 2-4 in.; spikelets 4-6- fld., gl. iii. obtuse and apiculate; Miq^. Fl Ind. Bat. iii. 389 {e^cl. 8>jn. Burm.). Steud. Syn. Gram. 209 ; Benth. Fl. Hongk. 4^0, Fl. Austral. Yu. 617; Thw. Etium. PI. Zeyl. 371; Trim. Gat. Geyl. PL 109; Wall. Cat. n. 8896 ; Wight Cat. n. 1755 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. 'ind. 35 {excl. syn.), Fudd. Grass. N. Ltd. 59, t. 71; Lisboa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. S»c. vii. (1893) 372 {exal. Syn. tenerrima). E. decipiens & imbecilla, Steud. I. c. 279. Cynodon virgatus, Nees in Wight Cat. n. 1751. Poa as henes, Roem. 8f Sch, Syst. ii. 574. P. decipiens, Br. Prodr. 181. P. chinensis, Linn. Sp. PI. 69 (excl. Syn. Burm.); Boxh. Fl. Ind. i. 332. P. malabarica, Betz. Obs. v. 19. P.. secundaria, Heyne in Herb. Bottl. Throughout India and Burma, in moist places. Ceylon, Atakalam Corle, Thwaites. — DisTRiB. tUiina, Japan, Malaya, Australia. Stem «rect, or geniculately ascending, 2-4 ft., often as thick as a goose-quilli Leaves 6-18 in., flat or convolute, scaberulous ; sheaths loose; ligule short, lacerate. Panicle 6-18 in. ; branches opposite or alternate, suberect or spreading. Spikelets about -j\y in. ; nerves of gl. Ill and keels of palea pilose. Grain loose, obtusely trigonous, subrugose. — A much more robust species than L, filiformis, but some of its forms are quite as slender as is that plant. 5. Zi. obtusiflora, Ho"hst. in Flora, xxxviii. (1835) 203; stem stout tall, panicle branches few erect, spikelets | in. 6-fld., gl 111 oblong-ovate tip truncately rounded or retuse ero-?e, grain obovoid triquetrous. Steud. Syn. Gram. 209. Poa maysorensis. Bottler mss. Southern India ; Cochin, at Ayacotta, Rottler. (June 10th, 1808). — Distrib. Afr. trop. Stem 2 ft. and upwards, erect, branched, leafy. Leaves narrow. Panicle of d-12 simple erect branches 2-3 in. long. Spikelets alternate, sessile, as in L. chinensis, but larger with fl. glumes ^V in. long, more oblong, with broad more or less truncate toothed tips, sometimes emarginate or retuse with an apiculus ; keels of pulea quite smooth. G'ram larger than in c4/wen.st-?, triquetrous, ventrally depressed. — Rottler's speciu)en is imperfect; he has labelled it '' Poae species mala- lariccB proxima, P. maysorensis, nob," and added the above description of the. stem leaves and panicle, which exactly accord with African ones. It is very near L. chinensis, but of the great many plants of that species which I have examined none have the large spikelets ami glumes of this. The habitat is an old fortified town near Cochin, that had great trade with Africa, whence the plant was probably introduced with merchandise. DOUBTFUL INDIAN SPECIES. L. ctnosuroides, Roem. ^^ Sch Sust ii. 579; Kunfh Enum. PI. i. 270; Sieud. Syn. Gram. 208. L. filiformis, Beauv. Agrost. 7L Cyuosurus filiformis, Vahl Symb. ii. 20. Chloris filiformis, Poir. Encycl, Suppl. ii. 238. Pollinia filiformis, 300 CLXXiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) \_Lepiuchloa. Sprencf. Syst. Veg. i. 288; spike solitary, spikelets 3-fld. — Probably not a iep- toclxloa. 93. BZCKSTARZA, Steud. A tall slender perennial grass. Leaves long, narrow, flat. Spikelets 1-fld. with the very long filiform gl. of a 2nd, sessile or shortly pedicelled, distantly scattered along a very long filiform rachis, very narrow, terete, not jointed at the base; rachilla not produced beyond gl. Ill, jointed at the base. Glumes 4i, I and II unequal, empty, separately deciduous, narrowly lanceolate, acuminate or dorsally rounded, subaristate, entire or minutely 2-toothed below the tip, 3-nerved; III linear, terete, coria- ceous, 3-nerved, tapering into a very long rigid recurved awn with two erect setae at its base ; IV, a filiform, awn-like, recurved glume, minutely 2-aristate above the middle; palea very narrow, 2-cuspidate, keels scaberulous. Lodicules large, obliquely cuneif.>rm, fleshy. Anthers 3, very slender. IStyles distinct, stigmas slender. Grain narrow. D. Wigrhtii, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 145. Gymnopogon rigidus, Thw. Enum. Fl. Zeyl. 372, 4U;'Trim. Cat, Ceyl. Pl. 109. Aristida linearifolia, Bottl. mss. — Serb. Wight n. 1035. Southern India; Tranqnehar, Rot fler ; probably Travancore, Hero. Wight. Ceylon, in dry parts of the island, Thtvaites. Stems, erect, 2-3 ft., tufted on a creeping woody rootstock. Leaves as long as the stem, A-^ in. broad, quite glabrous, margins smooth ; ligule of hairs. Panicle 12-18 in., rachis and few short Lranches filiform, quite smooth. Spikelets with the awns 1\ in. long, erreen ; gl. 1 shorter than II, which is about ^ in. long and about I as long as III below the short lateral bristles ; rachilla below III bearded. — I think Steudel was right in separating th'.s grass from Gymnopogon, all the species of which are American, and from which it differs totally in habit, and in the form of the spikelets, gl. Ill of which greatly exceeds I and II. Tribe JX. Festucace^. (See p. 7.) 94 POXMCIVISREUZiZiA, Linn.f, A short stout perennial creeping grass. Leaves short, strap-shaped. Spifielets 2-3-fld., distichously racpmed, narrowly turbinate, villous, not jointed on their pedicels ; rachilla stipitiform, narrowly obconic (resembling a callTi«), villous, jointed at the acute base, crowned by empty deformed fl. gls. Glumes b-7, I and II narrow, persistent, empty; I lanceolate, 1- nerved ; II longer, oblong-lanceolate, 3-5-nerved; III and IV embracing V and VI, empty, flabelliform, 4-lobed, dorsally shortly awned ; V-VII flg. cuneate-obovate, 3-lobed ; palea ovate, acute, nerves 2, pubesceut. Lodicules 2, membranous. Stamens 2-3, anthers small. Styles distinct. Grain oblong, compressed, free. P. CornucopieB, Linn.fil. Diss. Nov. Gram. 31, & Suppl. 105; Vahl Enum. PI. ii. 393; Beauv. Agrost. 91, t. 18, f. 6; Boxb. PI. Coram, ii. 17, t. 131, Fl. Ind. i. 331 ; Both. Nov. Sp. 33 ; Kunth in Ann. Sc. Nat. Ser. I. xxiii. (1831) t. 7, Entim. PI. i. 321 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 249 ; Trimen Cat. Ceyl. PI. 109; Wall. Cat. n. 8904; Wight Cat. n. 17(59. P. elongatum, Wiiht 4' Am. in Wight Cat. n. 1770. Pennisetum Cornucopiae, Heyne ex Wall. I. 0. .Pommereulla.l CLXxiii. gra^mine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 301 Mysore and the Cabnatic, Heyne, Wiffht. Ceylon ; Northern Province, Trimen. Stem as thick as a crow-qnill, rootinfir at the nodes ; branches erect, stout, leafy, flattened. Leaves 1-3 in., distichous, flat, exactly linear, coriaceous, tip rounded, margins sparsely ciliate ; sheath long or short, broad, flattened ; ligule a ciliate ridge. Raceme ^-2 in., usually half sunk in the uppermost sheath, rarely with an exserted naked peduncle and sometimes 2 erect branches. Spikelets J,y-i in., shortly pedicelled, white, tomentose, awns shortly exserted; gls. I and II much shorter than the spikelet, keels nearly smooth, bii^es narrowed ; II inserted much above I, its base tightly embracing the rachilla ; III and IV narrowed into a tomento'se stipes, embracing V and VI, 4-lobt'd with a short dorsal awn, disk coriaceous, margins and lobes hyaline ; V-VII cuneately obovate, 3-lohed.— A very curious grass. The turbinate spikeiets resemble clusters of those of Oracilea, but are not jointed at the base, and their structure is totally different. The above characters are drawn from many analyses, but they will no doubt be found to vary in a more extended suite of specimens. 95. PAPPOPKORUM, Nees. Perennial grasses. Leaves narrow. Spikeiets 1-3-fld., in contracted or spiciform panicles, not joiLted at the base ; rachilla jointed at the base. Gl. I and II membranous, keeled, 3- many-nerved, persistent ; TIT and IV much shorter (except the awns), coriaceous, orbicular, concave, obscurely many-nerved, cleft into 9 or more equal or alternately longer lonsr-ciliate erect awns ; IV and V usually imperfect ; palea small, broad, 2-keeled. Lodicules 2, dolabriform. Stamens 3. Styles short, distinct ; stigmas plumose. Grain ovoid or oblong, free.— Species about 20, in warm regions. The synonymy of the species of this genus is iu a most unsatisfactory condition; I am doubtful of the nomenclature of some here described, and the Indian materials of others, not here alluded to, are insufficient for reliable determination or de- scriptions. 1. P. elegrans, Nees in Wight Gat. n. 1771 ; gl. I 9-nerved, IT 7-nerved, awns of fl. gl. nearly equal about thrice as long as their grl. Wall. Gat, n. 8902 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 199 ; Duthie Grass. N. W I:id. 35. Ischaeraum papposum, Herh. Bottler. Enneipogon dipsaceus, Wall. mss. Calotheca elegans, Wight & Am. ex Steud. I. c. Peshawur, Stewart. Scind, Stocks. Mysore and the Cabnatic, Ileyne, Wight, &c. Burma, Wallich, &c. Stem 3-18 in., very slender, wiry, erect or ascending from a woody often thickened base; nodes glabrous or tomentose. Leaves very narrow, flat or con- volute; ligule a ridge of hairs. Panicle 1-3 in., branches very short and rachis villous. Spikeiets with the awns ^-\ in., ses^le and pedicelled, softly tomentose, nearly white ; gl. land II oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, I ^ shorter than II; awns of III and IV ciliate below the middle ; keels of palea pubescent. 2. P. Aucheri, Jauh. & Spach III. PI. Orient, iv. 32, t. 323 ; gl. I and II 7-nerved, awns of fig. gls. three to four times as long a«» the gl. 4 much shorter than the others. Steud. Syn. Gram. 200; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 35. P. turcomanicum, Trautv. in Act. Bort. Petrop. i. (1871) 27.. P. persicum, Steud. I. c. ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 558 ; ? Edgew. in Journ. Linn. Soc. vi. (1862) 196 ; Aitchis. Cat. Punjab. PL 106. Enneapogon persicum, Boiss. Diagn. i. V. 71. 302 CLxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. J), Hooker.) [Pappophorum. Western Pan jab and Mooltan, Aitchison, Stewart, Edgeworih, &c. Western Tibet, alt. 3-7600 ft., Clarke, Duthie, &c. — Distrib. Affghan., Persia, Turkestan, Stem 6-12 in., ei-ect or ascending, slender, puberulous. Leaves 2-8 in., narrow, flat or convolute and filiform ; sheaths smooth, or lower tomentose ; ligule a pubescent ridge. Panicle 2-5 in., cylindric, silvery-yellow, with sometimes purple awns ; racbis pubescent. Spikelets including the awns, :^— | in. Ols. I and II narrowly lanceolate, finely pubescent; II rather the longest; III very short, villous, awns softly silky below the middle, the longer four times as long as the gl and about \ longer than the intermediate; palea as in P. elegans. — F am doubtful about the identification of Edgeworth's Mooltan plant, of which the only specimens I have seen are very bad, consisting of tall very slender much branched rigid stems 12-18 in. high, with long very narrow rigid leaves, and a spiciform slender flowerless panicle 6 in. long, together with a spike of very immature spikelets. It is ticketed as from the Shah Kot Hills. 3. PP. brachystachyum^ Jauh. Sf Spach 111. PL Orient, iv. 34, t. 324; dwarf, tomentose, spike very short, gl. I and II faintly 3-5-nerved below the middle, awns of fl. gl. about twice as long as their gl., 4 shortest. Steud. Si/U. Gram. 200 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient v. 558. ? P. arabicum, Hochst. ex Steud. I.e. 199; ? JEdgew. in Journ. Linn. Soc. vi. (1862) 196; Aitchis. Cat. Panjah PI. 166 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 35. ? P. nanura, Steud. I.e.; JEdffew. I.e.; Aitchis. I.e.; Duthie I.e. P. vincentianuoij Schmidt ex Duthie I. c. {in Syn.) ThePANJAB; 'M.wMim, Edgeworth. Eajpootana ; at Jodhpur, jSTiw^r. — Disteib. Arabia, N. Africa. I am very doubtful about this plant. King's specimens of which resemble a small state of P. Aucheri, with much shorter awns, the four shorter of which are noti so short as in the figure cited of P. brack ustachyum. Edgeworth's specimens of P. arabicum and P. nanum are insufficient for identification. 4. P. robustum, HooJc.f. ; stem stout, gls. I and II 3-nerved, awns of III nearly equal, about twice as long as their gls. Upper Gangetic Plain ; Hissar, Drummond {Herb. Duthie). Stem 18 in.-3 ft., erect, or geniculately ascending, as thick as a crow-quill, pubescent ; nodes tomentose. Leaves 6-10 by |-i in., flat ; lower sheaths pubescent ; ligule a riilge of hairs. Panicle 2-5 in., silvery-gre>, dense-fid., cylindric. Spikelets Sessile, \ in. with the awns, villous ; gl. I ^ shorter than II, ovate-lanceolate ; II lanceolate ; III and palea as in P. elegans^ but awns shorter, and as in that species with long cilia below the middle. 96. ARUNDO, Linn. Tall stout perennial grasses. Leaves flat. Spikelets few-fld. in large decompound panicles, laterally compressed, fls. mostly bisexual ; rachilla jointed at the base and between the flg. gls., glabrous or shortly hairy. 'Glumes 6 or more, I and II subequal, empty, narrow, acute or acuminate, glabrous, scarious, persistent, 3-nerved ; flg. gls. lanceolate, acuminate, or 2.fid with a short awn, 3-nerved, dorsally hairy all over below the middle; palea hyaline, 2-nerved. Lodicules 2, obovate. Stamens 3. Ovary glabrous, styles distinct, stigmas plumose. Grain oblong.— Species 6 or 7, temp, and trop. A. Donas, Linn. Sp. PI. 81 ; stem creeping below, leaf-base am-- plexicaul, panicle erect thyrsiform, spikelets 3-4-fld., gls. I and II oblong^- knceolate 3-nerved, tip of tig. gls. minutely 2-toothed shortly awned. Arundo.] clxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 303 Host Gram. Amtr. iv. 22, t. 38; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 246, Swppl. 159; Beichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 109; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. n. 36; Ledeh. Fl. Boss. iv. 394 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 564 ; Aitchis. Cat. Panjah PI. 166 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Lid. 35, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 60. A. benga- lensis & bifaria, Betz. Obs.iv.22, & v. 20 ; Boxb. Fl. Ind. i. 347, 348; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 247. A. longifolia, Salish. Prodr. 24. A. sativa, Lamk. Fl. Fr. iii. 616. A. triflora, Boxh. Ic. Pirt. t. 853. Donax aiundinaceus, B^aun. Agrost. 78, t. 16, f. 4. D. bengbalensis, Beauv. I. c. 78. D. bifarius, Trin. in Spreng. Neue Entdeck. ii. 73. Amphidoaax beoealensis, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 197 ; Wight Cat. n. 1748. A. bifaria, Nees ex Steud. Si^n. Gram. 410; Mici. FL Ind. Bat. iv. 410. Scoloohloa aruadinacea, Mert. & Koch Fl. Germ. i. 529. Aira bengbalensis, Gmel. Syst. i. 174. — Arundo, Wall. Gat. n. 5018, excl. F., 5020. Lower Himalaya ; from Kashmir to Nepal, asceudinfif to 3500 ft. ; and from the Panjab to Silhet, the Naga Hills, alt. 5-8000 ft., and Burma. TheCiRCARs, NiLGHiRi, and KURG Hills. — Distrib. Westward to Europe, N. Africa, N. Asia. Stem 6-10 ft., tistular. Leaves 1-2 ft., tapering from the base to the apex, smooth, bifarions, drooping ; ligule a ridge of hairs. Panicle 1-2 ft., branches scaberulous, erect or drooping. Spikelets J in., green or yellowish ; gls. I and II acute or obtuse and apioulate. — A curious branched small-leaved apparently dwarf form named A. hambusifolia, mss., was collected by Griffith on the summit of Thumathaya (Mishmi Mts.),and is alluded to in his Journals, p. 45, as " an Arundo festucoidea." Gri^vebach (in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 76) describes a form of A. Pliaiana, Turra, with the mouth of the sheath ciliate, as a native of the Himalaya (Simla, alt. 3-9000 ft.). The above character is found in Indian specimens of what I cannot distinguish from A. Donax. A. PUniana appears to Dr. Stapf and myself to be a mere form of Donax with small--r spikelets, which organs iu Indian specimens vary from ^-^ in. The plants with the smaller spikelets are, I presume, the A. mauri- tanica, Poir. (a synonym o^ PUniana) o( Duthie Grass. JV.W.Ind. 35, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 60. 97. PKRAG-MXTSS, Trin. Tall perennial grasses. Leaves long. Spikelets 3-7 -fid. in decompound* panicles, not jointed on the pedicels, laterally subcomprepsed ; racbilla jointed between the flg. gls. and above gl. Ill, silkily penicillate with very long hairs, not produced beyond the fl. gls. Glumes all glabrous, I and II unequal, oblong-lanceolate, 3-Derved, membranous, persistent; III much longer, narrowly oblong-lanceolate, acute, 3- nerved, male or neuter, per- sistent; flg. gls. subulate-lanceolate, subaristate, hyaline; palea much shorter. Lodicules 2, obtuse. . Stamens 1-3. Styles 2, terminal, free, stigmas plumose. Grain oblong, terete. — Species few, temp, and trop. 1. P. communis, Trin. Fund. Agrost. 134 ; stem 6-10 ft., and leaves withering in winter, leaf-margins rough, panicle 6-18 in. subsecuud, inclined, branches not widely spreading, gl. Ill \~% in. Kunth Bevis. Gram, i, 277, t. 50 ; Fnum. PI. i. 251, Suppl. 193 ; Fl. Dan. t 2664 ; Beichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. 1. 108 ; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. n. 37 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 195 ; Franch. Sf Sav. Enum. PI. Japon. ii. 170; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. .563 ; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 636 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 35, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 60. P. chilensis, Steud. Nam. Ed. II. ii. 234. ? P. Emodi, Am. 4; Nees in Nov. Act. Nat. Cur. xix., Suppl. i. (1843) 174. P. hispanica, Nees I.e. P. humilis, Not. in Cat. Hort. Genuen. (1846) 27. P. longivalvis, Steud. I. c. 196. P. mauritanica, Kunth Bevis. i. 80, 277, t. 50, Enum. i. 251. 304 OLxxni. GRAMiNEJE. (J. D. Hooker.) [Phragmites. P. pumila, Griseh. in Goett. Naehr. (1868) 76 {an Willk. ?). P. vul^aria, Trin. Fund. Agrost 134. Arundo graeca, Link in Linnsea, ix. (1834) 136. A. maxima, Forsk. Fl ^g. Arab. 24. A. Phragmites, Linn. Sp. PL 81 ; Host Gram. Austr. iv. 23, t. 39 ; Enql. Bot. t. 401 ; Knapp Gram. Britt. t. 95; Ledeh. Fl. Boss. iv. 393; Aitchis. Gat. Panjah PL 266. ?A. tecta, Blanc. PI. Philipp. 48. A. vulgaris, Lamk. FL Franc, iii. 615. Czernya arundinacea, Presl Gyp. Sf Gram. SiciL 22. Kashmir Lake, alt. 5-6000 ft., Jacquemont, &c. Garwhal, alt. 4-5000 ft., Duthie. Westekn Tibet, alt. 9-10,000 ft., Thomson, &c.— Disteib. N. and S. temp, regions. Stem erect from a stout creeping rootstock, leafy up to the panicle, fistular. Xea». rather larger, narrowed into short awns, 3-nerved, uppermost empty; palea complicate, one or both keels winged. Lodicnles 2, obliquely oblong. Anthei^s 1-3, minute. Styles free, stigmas long hairy. Grain obliquely oblong, beaked, free. E. articulatus, Beauv. Agrost. 67, 1. 14, f. 2; Kunth Revis. Gram. ii. 481, t. 154, JEnnm. Fl. i. 391, Stippl. 325; Thw. Eyium. PI. Zeyl. 374; Trim. Cut Ceyl. Fl. 189 ; Aitchis. Cat. Panjab Fl. 171 ; Wall. Cat. n. 3825 ; Buthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 36, Fodd. Gra.«s. N. Ind. 61, t. 72 ; Lisloa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soe. vii. (1893)379; Miquel Fl. Ind. Bat. ui. 400; Benth. Fl. Anstral. vii. 688. Echinalysium articulatum & strictum, Trin. Fund. Agrost. 142, Dactylis spicata, Willd. in Ges. Naturf. N. /S'cAr//'^. iii. (1801) 416. Sesleria »i)'ica.ia, Spreng. Pugill. ii. 21. Eleusiue calycina, Ilerh. Ham. ex Wall. I.e. Mi/trophorus.] clxxiii. graminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) 307 From the Sutlej to Benga.l, Assam, the Deccan Peninsula, Burma, and Ceylon,— DiSTEiB. Trop. Asia, Africa, and Australia. Whole plant 6-18 in. high, strict, glabrous ; flowering part often longer than the rest. Leaves as long as the stem and spikes or shorter, very narrow ; sheath loose ; ligule obscure. Spiciform panicle 2-8 in. by i—J in. diam., pale green or white, rarely branched bdlow. Spikelets i in., empty gls. ciliate, hyaline, nerve green ; flg. gls. ovate, membranous, tips and awns scaberulous ; palea hyaline, 2-fid. 100. ZiAMARKTA, Moench. A small annual tufted grass. Leaves flat. Spikelets dimorphic, fertile and neuter, crowded on the drooping branches of a simple secund nodding panicle, terminal spikelet of each branchlet fertile of few gls. surrounded by empty gls., and by neuter spikelets of many obovate convolute erose gls. Fertile spikelet ; glumes lY, I and II membranous, subequal, subulate- lanceolate, 1-nervod, subaristate, persistent; III shorter, ovate, convolute, dorsally awned belov?' the 2-fid tip; IV terminating the slender rachilla, neuter, long-awned ; palea of III narrow, 2-fid, 2-keeled. Lodicules very minute. Stamens 3, anthers linear. Styles distinct, stigmas slender, hairy. Grain elliptic-oblong, closely wrapped in the gls. and palea. Zi. aurea^ Moench Meih. 201; Kiinili Enum. PI. i, 389, Supjpl. 324; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monoc. i. n. 77; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 570; Ai'chis. Cat. Panjah PI. 170; But hie Grass. N.W. Ind. 36, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 61. L. Hookeriana, Griff. Notul. iii. 94, Ic. PI. Asiat. t. 143, f. 2. Chrysurus aureus, Beauv. Agrost. 123, t. 22, f. 5 ; Beichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 58. C. cynosuroides, Pers. Syn. i. 80. Pterium elegans, Desv. Journ. Bot. i. (1813) 76. Tinaea elegans, Garzia Bel. Ace. Zel. Aci.-Beale, Ann. 3-4, 24, ex Parlat. Fl. Palerm. i. 138. Cynosurus aureus, Linn. Sp. PI. 73; Host Gram. Austr. iii. t. 4; Sibth. Fl. Graec. i. t. 79.— Gramin. Griff. Itin. Notes, 349, n. 106. Western Panjab; Peshawar, Vicary, Stewart, Aitchison. — Distrib. Westwd. to Spain and the Canaries. Stem 4-8 in., stout or slender, leafy. Leaves broadly linear, acuminate ; ligule oblong. Panicle 1-4 in., golden-yellow, shining; branches crowded, ^-^ in. long, covered with fascicles of pendulous scaberulous spikelets. Flowering spikelets I, ^-4 in. — A very beautiful grass. 101. CVNOSURUS, Linn. Annual or perennial tufted grasses. Leaves flat. Spikelets dimorpbic, fascicled, fascicles collected in a dense unilateral spiciform terminal panicle, the 1-2 terminal of each fascicle 2-3-fld., the lower 1-2 of many neuter distichous pectinately spreading subul ite glumes, persistent on an uujointed rachilla. Glumes of fertile spikelet 4-5; I and II narrow, acute or subaristate, 1-nerved ; III and IV awned or mucronate, 1-3- nerved, uppermost imperfect ; palea narrow, 2-toothed, keels ciliate. Lodiculei 2, acuminate. Stamens 3. Stj/les short, free. Grain elliptic or oblong, glabrous, adherent to the gl. and palea. — Species 3-4, in N". temp, regions. C. cristatus, Linn. Sp. PI. 72; perennial, fertile spikelets 3-5-fld. Fl. Dan. t. 238 ; Host Gram. Austr. ii. t. 96 ; Kunth Enum, PI. i. 388, X 2 308 CLxxiii. GRAWiNEJi;. (J. D. Hooker.) [Ci/nosurus. Suppl. 323 wEvgl. Bot. t. 316 ; Kno/pp Gram. Britt. t. 64 ; Beichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 7 ; T. Nees Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. n. 96 ; Beauv. Agrost. 66 ; Steud Syn. Gram. 299 j Ledeb. Fl. Hoss. iv. 348 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 570 ; Duthie Grass^N.W. Ind. 36. Western Himalaya ; Urankar, iu Piti, alt. 12-14,000 ft., StoUzJca (introd.?) — DiSTRTB. Europe, As. Min. (iutrod. elsewhere). Perennial. Stem 1-2 ft., slender, simple, wiry, strict, stoloniferous, naked above. Leaves very narrow, slightly hairy ; ligule 2-fid. Panicle 1-3 in., semi- cylindric, strict, rigid, oblong or linear ; rachis flexuous. Spikelets about Jj in., the outer pectinately arranged, forming an involucre to each fascicle ; flg. glumes 1 and II oblong; Fcabrid above, very shortly awned ; neuter gls. rigid, cuspidate, concave, scabrid, pungent. — I have seen no Indian specimen of this couimon European grass. According to Boissier its Eastern limit is the Caucasus. 102. KOSZ.ERIA, Pers. Annual or perennial tufted grasses. Leaves narrow. Spikelets 2-7- fld. (uppermost flg. sterile), densely crowded in subspiciform panicles, strongly laterally compressed, very shortly pedicelled ; rachilla jointed between the fl. gls., and produced bej'ond the upper. Glumes I and II unequal, empty, persistent, keeled, acute or acuminate ; fll. gls. broadly scarious, 3-5-nerved, mucronate acuminate or bifid and shortly awned in the sinus; awn straight scabrid; palea hyaline, 2-toothed. Lodicules 2. Stamens 3. Stigmas subsessile, plumose. Grain oblong, laterally com- pressed, free. — Species about 12, of N. temp, regions. Sect. I. AmocHLOA, Link. (Gen.). Perennial. Flg. glumes entire, not awned. 1. XL. cristata^ Fers. Syn. i. 97 ; leaves short, panicle shining, spikelets 2-4-fld. I 1-nerved, II longest, 1-3 nerved ; flg. gls. acutH or mucronate. Fl. Ban. t. 2223 ; Kunt/i Enum. Fl. i. 381, Suppl. 315 ; Reichh. Lc. Fl. Germ. t. 93 ; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. n. 64; Steud. Syn. Gram. 292; Duthie Grass. N.W. Lnd. 36, F'odd. Grass. N. Ind. 61; Aitchis. Oat. Panjah PI. 170; Ledeh. Fl. Ross. iv. 402; Boiss. FL Orient, v. £71; Be7ith. Fl. Austral, vii. 639. K. glauca, DO. Cat. ffort. Monsp. p. 117; Ledeb. I.e.. K. gracilis, Pers. I.e. K. Linkii. Kunth I.e. K. lobata, Boem. Sc ScJi. Syst. ii. 620. K. nitida, Nutt. Gen. Am. i. 74. K. valesiaca. Gaud, in Alpina iii, 47, Agrost. i. 149. Aira cristata, Linn. Sp. PI. 63 ; Engl. Bot. t. 648 ; Knapp Gram. Britt. t. 30. A. glauca, Spreng. Naclitr. Bot. Gart. Halle, i. 10; Fl. Dan. t. 1566; Kunth I. c. i. 381. Airochloa cristata, valesiaca, pubescens, & gracilis, Li7ik Enum. Hort. Berol. i. 127, 128, ii. 228. Dactylis cristata & lobata, Bieb. Fl. Taur. Cauc. i. 67. D. paleacea, lAnn. Herb, e.v Mnnro in Journ. Linn. Soc. vi. (1862) 44. Poa cristata, Withering Arr. Brit. PI. 145 ; Host Gram. Austr. ii. 54, t. 75. P. nitida & pyramidata, Lamk. lllustr. i. 182, 183. Festuca cristata, Vill. Hist. PI. Dauph. ii. 93. F. dactyloides, & F. glaucescens, Roth. Nov. Sp. 78. Temperate and Alpine Himalaya, and Western Tibet; from Kashmir to Nepal, alt. 5-13,000 ft. — Distbib. N. temp regions. Densely tufted, stoloniferous. Stem 1-3 ft., slender, glabrous or pubescent. Leaves narrow, flat or involute, glabrous or the lower ciliate; old sheaths not lacerate ; ligule obscure. Panicle 1-4 in,, linear- oblong or lanceolate ; branches very short, scabrid; peduncle glabrous or tomentose. Spikelets ^-^ m., shining, green, KoeleriaJ] CLXXiir. graminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) 309 purplish, or silvery with agreeu keel ; gls. I and II acute, broadly hyaline, glabrous pubescent or scabrid, keel subscaberulous, rachilla scabrid; flg. gls. lanceolate, acute or submucronate. — The synonymy given above includes but a few of the names given to this variable grass, the determination of the species of which would involve great labour. In India there are two prevalent forms, both common European ones, which following Boissier may be thus defined. Var. fenuifoUa, Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 575; stems 6-10 in., leaves very short narrow convolute, panicle 1-3 in., spikelets -|-i in. green or purplish. K. brevis, Stev. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. XXX. (1857) II 110.— Koeleria, Wall. Cat. u. 3792.— Subalpine and alpine situations, alt. 9-13,000 ft. Var. grandijiora, Boiss. 1. c. ; leaves longer broader flat, panicles 3-5 in. white often interrupted or branched below, spikelets i in. K. glauca, Ledeb. Ft. Ross. iv. 402. K. grandiflora, Bertol. ex Schult. Mant. ii. 345. — Temp, regions, alt. 5500-11,000 ft. Sect. II. LoPHOCOLEA, Reiclih. (Gen.). Annual. Fig. glumes 2-fiJ, awned. 2. K. phleoideS; Pers. 8^n. i. 97 ; leaves soft flat glabrous or hairy on the margins and towards the base, panicle cylindric pale or dull green lobulate or not, spikelets 3-7-fld., gl. I and II unequal acute or aristately acuminate glabrous pubescent or hirsute, flg. gls. 2-fid awned in the sinus, awn \-^ as long as the gl. rarely longer. Kunth Enum. PI. i. 383, t^iippl. ill, t. 28, f. I ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 294; Ledeb. Fl. Boss. iv. 403; Boifis. FL Orie)tt. v. 572; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 36, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 61; Aitchis. Gat. Panjab. PL 170; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 639. K. berythea, Poiss. & Bl. Diagn. Ser. II. iv. 135. X. brachystachya, DC. Cat. Hort. Monsj). 120. K. cristata, Bertol. Amoen. Ital. 67. K. dacty- loides, Spreng. Syst. 332. K. Figarei, de Notar. in Ann. 8c. Nat. Ser. III. ix. (1848) 325. K. obtusiflora, Boiss. I. c. I. vii. 131. K. trapezuntina, C. Koch in Linnxa, xxi. (1848) 396. Festuca cristata, Linn. Sp. PL 76. F. phleoides, VilL FL Delph. 7, Hist. PL Del'ph. ii. 95, t. 2 ; Host Gram. Avstr. iii. t. 21. Lophochloa phleoides, Reiclib. FL Germ. Excurs. 42, Ic FL Germ. 73; T. Nees Gen. FL Germ. Monocot. i. n. 63. Wilhelmsia caucasica, C. Koch in Linnvea, xxi. (1848) 4u0. Dactylis caudata, & cylindracea, Brot. FL Lusit. i. 99, 100. D. pungens, Rornem,. Fnum. Hort. Hofn. ex Kunth (1804) 9. D. spicata, Brot. ex Spreng. Syst. i. 332. Trisetum phleoides, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersh. Ser. Vl. i. (1831) 65. Poa phleoides, Lanik. Illustr. i. 182. Bromus alopecuroides, Lagasc. Gen. Sf Sp. Nov. 4. B. dactyloides, Both Nov. Sp. 60. Rostraria pubescent, Tri7i. Fund. Agrost. 149. Plains of the Panjab, from Lahore westwards. The Salt ranoe, *&c. Kashmir, Clarke. — Distrib, Westwd. to the Atlantic. (Australia, iutrod.) Stems 6-12 in., erect or ascmuling. Leaves as long or shorter, erect, acuminate ; sheaths smooth ; ligule short, truncate. Panicle ^—3 in., by ^-^ in. diani., some- times lobed or branched at the base. Spikelets |-^ in., hardy shining, gls. 1 and II unequal, shorter than the fig., keels scabrid or smooth ; 1 oblong-lanceolate, 1-nerved; II longer, oblong, acuminate, 3-nervfcd; flg. gls. elliptic-oblong, 5-n«rved, at length tubercled, awu shortor long, rachillahairy.— A variable plant in the glumes, of which Boissier has 4 varieties. As with K. cristata, 1 have confined the synonyms of K. phleoides to those I am pretty sure of. Probably a dozen others might be cited. « 3. IL. arg-entea$ Griseh. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 77 ; leaves fiat glabrous, panicle interrupted elongate, spikelets 2-3-tid. silvery white 310 CLXxiTi. GBAMINEJ;. (J. D. Hookei.) [Koelena glabrous shining, tip of gl. I 2-toothed, awn of flg. gl. very short dorsal above the middle of the gl. Western Tibet, and Kishtwar, alt. 10-13,000 ft., Falconer, Thomson, &c. Stem 12-18 in,, tufted, tomentose below the panicle. Leaves 3-5 in., very narrow, glabrous, flat or convolute ; ligule short, lacerate. Panicle 1^-3^ in., rachis tomentose. Spikelets ^\n., shining, gls. I and II subequal or I rather the shortest, both 1-uerved; rachilla laxly villous; awn of flg. gh. a little exceeding the gl. itself. 103. CATABROSA, Beauv. (by 0. Stapf). Perennial soft grasses ; stem erect or creeping below ; innovations extra-vaginal. Leaves flat. Spikelets very small, 2- (rarely 3-4)- fld., loosely panicled, oblong or obconic, awuless, subarticulate on their pedicels; rachilla jointed at the base, produced beyond the flg. gl. Glumes 4 or more, uppermost usually imperfect ; I and II very unequal, hyaline, empty, persistent, 0-3-nerved ; I obtuse or truncate ; II broadly obcuneate or orbicular; III and IV longer than II, broadly cuneate or flabelliform, 3-5-nerved, truncate, crenate ; palea as long as the gl., very broad, keels smooth, glabrous or hairy. Lodicules 2, minute, fleshy. Stamens 3. Stigmas subsessile, feathery. Grain obovate or oblong, free, glabrous. — Species 10-12, natives of cold or temperate regions. Under Phippsia (p. 240), I indicated the affinity of that genus with Colpodium, and a further exiimination of the Indian plants referred to the latter, suggested to me the possibility of these, together with Dupontia, forming one genus. I accord- ingly drew Dr. Stapf's attention to the group, and requested him to give U)e his opinion. This he has done, confirming my hypothesis and drawing up a systematic account of the Indian species to be included under Catabrosa. As to Phippsia algida, the solitary arctic type of that genus, it differs from the other plants of the Colpodium group in the emj^ty gls, being minute or obsolete, and may hence be considered as forming a section by itself, whilst P. himalaica, with larger empty gls., enters that of Colpodium. The position of Catabrosa is after Foa, replacing 119. Colpodium in the Key to the Genera. § 1. Catabeosa proper. Empty gls. almost nerveless; flg. gls. strongly 3-nerved, rarely with 2 intermediate fainter nerves. — Aquatic or subaquatic plants, rooting at the lower nodes, and with usually long creeping or ascending branched stolons. 1, C> aquatica, Beauv. Agrost. 97, 1. 19, f. 8 ; stem compressed, leaves linear obtuse, panicle oblong or pyramidal, lower branches at length de- flexed, spikelets 2 rarely 3-fld., gl. Ill erose, nerves subpercurrent. Kujith Enum. PI. i. 369, Swppl. 306, t. 25, f. 1 ; Ledeh. Fl. Ross. iv. 387 ; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monoc. i. n. 58 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 576. ? C. frigida, Phil. Fl. Atac. 55. C. ochroleuca, Guss. Fl. Sic Syn. i. 100; Dumort. Ohs. Gram. Belg. 108. Aira aquatica, Linn. Sp. PI. 64 ; Fl. Dan. t. 381 ; Host Gram. Austr. ii. t, 41 ; Engl. Bot. t. 1557 ; Knapp. Gram. Britt. t. 29. Colpodium aquaticum, Trin. Fvnd. Agrost. 136. Glyceria airoides, Beichb. in Moessl. Handb. Ed. II, iii. 1827, Ic Fl. Germ. t. 78. G. aquatica, /. 4* C. Presl. Fl. Cech. 25 [non Wah/h.) ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 286. Molinia aquatica, Wibel Prim. Fl. Werth. 116. Poa airoides, Koel Descr. Gram. 194. British Beluchistan ; Quetta (Dufhie). — Distrib. N. Temp, and Arctic regions. Catahrosa, 0. Stapf.] CLxxiir. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 311 Btem 6-24 in., erect from the "creeping sometimes floating base, sheathed nearly up to the panicle ; stolons creeping or ascending, branches long or short. Leaves 1-6 by \-\ in., linear, obtuse, flat, subflaccid, smooth ; sheaths tight, smooth, of young branches closed to near the mouth but easily split to the base ; ligule ovate or truncate, hyaline. Panicle up to 8 in., open, loose, rachls smooth, lower branches 5-10-nate, slender, very unequal, subscaberulous, the longer 4 in., branching ; lateral pedicels very short. Spikelets pale green or yellowish, rarely purple; rachilla smooth; gls. very thin broad and obtuse; I about i in., nerveless or 1- nerved ; II i in., 1- sub-3-nerved; fl. gls. nearly J^ in., obovate to broadly oblong, truncate, shortly hairy below ; palea broad, very obtuse, keels hairy below. Lodicules obliquely ovate. Anthers -^^ in. Grain J^ in., oblong, subacute at both ends or top rounded, laterally subcompressed, hilum punctiform. — I have seen no ludiau specimens, but am informed by Mr. Duthie that his was named by Hackel. Var. augusia, Stapf; dwarf, tufted, with or without stohms, panicle narrow contracted, branches very short, gls. I and II nerveless or nearly so, flg. gls. ■^-^- -j^L in. C. aquatica, Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 36. — Western Tibet; Lanak Pass, alt. 15-16,000 ft., Thomson. 2. C. sikklmensis, Stapf; stem short, stolons long, leaves |-1 in., panicle 1|- in. narrow loose, branches 2-nate subsimple, spikelets -^^ in. 2-fld., gl. 1 minute, flg. gls. 5-nerved, nerves ending below the hyaliuo margin, lateral rather strong. Alpine Sikkim ; alt. 17,000 ft., Gammie. Stfin up to 6 in., prostrate or ascending; stolons with short fascicles of few short complicate leaves. Spikelets dark purple, variegated with yellow ; gl. I up to ^l in. nerveless, broadly ovate to oblong, II up to ^ij '"•> hroader, sub-1-nerved ; flg. gls. Y^y iu., truncate, erose, glabrous ; palea broad, very obtuse, keels smooth. — The specimens are very scanty, and have all the appearance of being reduced forms, growing on wet soil on the upper limits of vegetation. Specimens from a lower altitude may require modification of the above characters. §2. CoLPODiTJM, Trin. (Gen.). Empty gls. 1-3-nerved; flg. gls. 5-3- nerved, nerves faint, lateral short, intermediate often suppressed or represented by a single spiral vessel. * Empty gls. about ha/f as long as the flg. 3. C> himalalca, Stapf; panicle erect spiciform dense-fld., spikelets tVs ^"- 1-2-fld. Colpodium subspicatum, Hach. mss. Phippsia hima- laica, Hook.f ante, p. 240. Vilfd, sp. 2, Herb. Strachet/ & Winterb. From Kanhmir to Kumaon,alt. 13-14,500 i^. Stems 3-8 in., tufcetl, erect, smooth, nodes 1-2. Leaves complicate or the canline flat ; sheaths tight, closed almost to the month ; ligule very sliort. Panicle continuous or interrupted ; rachis ami branches smooth. Spikelets nhovo'nl to oblong, rachilla glabrous; gls. very thin, nerves obscure; I very shortly 1-nerved ; II with short obscure side-nerves ; III with very short obscure side-nerves, keel and nerves shortly hairy; keels of palea ciliate. Lodictdes connate at the base. Grain elliptic- oblong, compressed. — For further description see p. 210. Duthie's n. 12,160 has more acute empty glumes with sometimes erose margins, but does not otherwise differ. 4. C. Thoxnsoni, Jlook. f; panicle erect open lax-fld., spikelets i-^ in. 2-4-fld. Western Tibet ; Nubra Valley, alt. 10-11,000 ft., Thomson. Stems 4-6 in., tufted, very slender, erect, smooth, nodes 3-5. Leaves ^-l^ in., linear, acute, flat, few-nerved; sheaths closed to ^^o~i '^^^ of the mouth, thin, tight ; 812 CLXXiii. GiiAMiNE-E. (J. D. Hooker.) [Catahrosa, 0. Stapf. ligule broadly ovate, rounded. PawicZe 1 iu., ovate, erect ; rachia smooth ; branches spreading or deflexed, tiliform, with few spikelets ; lateral pedicels very short. Spikelets oblong, pale green; racbilla smooth, tip setiform ; gls. thin, obtuse, I 1-nerved ; J I longer with 2 short lateral nerves; III 5-nerved, lateral nerves very faint and keel hairy ; palea 2-fiii, keels with long hairs. J.»i/iers oblong. Lodicules connate near the base. Grain obliquely oblong, compressed. 5. C. nutans, Stapf; panicle open or contracted flaccid, ppikelets i-^ in. 2~5-fld. Colpodium nutans, Grueh. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 76. Graphaphorum nutans, Munro ex Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 41. Alpine Himalaya; from Kashmir to Garwhal, alt. 10-14,000 ft., Jacquemont, &c. Stems 12-18 in,, «tufted, erect, smooth, nodes 2-3. Leaves very variable in length and breadth, up to 6 in. by i in., flat flaccid, many-nerved; sheaths of innovations closed nearly to the mouth ; ligule i in. Panicle 2-5 in., nodding or Hexuous ; rachis smooth; branches subcapillary, lowest 2-3-nate, sparingly divided beyond the middle ; lateral pedicels half as long or as long as the spikelets. Spikelets broadly obovate, variegated, rachilla glabrous ; gls. very broad, thin, obtuse and erose ; 1 1-3-nerved, II longer, -^ in., with 2 short lateral nerves ; III obovate, 3-5-ncrved, lateral nerves very short, all hairy; keels of palea hairy. Lodicules lanceolate, connate near the base. Anthers linear. Grain oblong, subterete, with a shallow ventral groove. ** E nifty gls. as long as the fig. or longer. Dupontia, Br. (Gen.). 6. C. Wallichiij Hook. f. ; panicle subracemose few-fld., spikelets iVi ill- 1-2-ild.— Gramin., Wall. Gat. n. 8907. Nepal, Wallich. Sikkim; Kankola Pass, alt. 14-15,000 ft., J. D. //. Stem 6-18 in., from a shortly creeping base, slender or rather stout, smooth, nodes 1-2. Leaves 1-3 in., narrowly linear or filiform; ligule ^^ in. oblong, obtuse. jPamc/e 1-2 in., very narrow, usually reduced to a few-fld. raceme, erect ; rachis smooth ; branches with 1-3 spikelets, capillary, flexuous. Spikelets pendulous, green or purplish; rachilla with a setiform tip; gls. very thin, obtuse; I oblong 1-3-nerved ; II broader, more obtuse, 3-nerves, side-nerves reaching about the middle ; III broadly elliptic-oblong, 5-nerved, inner side-nerved very faint, glabrous or nearly so, outer and keel shortly hairy, keels of palea ciliate. Lodicules lanceolate, connate to the middle or below it. Anthers linear-oblong. Grain oblong, compressed. — The Sikkim specimens have somewhat smaller and paler spikelets than the Nepalese. 104. ZSRAGZtOSTXS, Bcauv. (by O. Stapf.) Annual or perennial grasses. Stem erect or genicnlately ascending, very rarely prostrate. Leaves narrow. Spikelets many- (rarely 1-2-)^ fld., in open or contracted panicles, raiely in simple spike?, not articulate at the base (except E. cynosuroides), usually strongly Literally compressed ; rachilla firm or subarticulate between the flg. glumes, not produced be- yond the uppermost gl. Glumes many, broad, obtuse acute or raucronate, never awned, dorsally rounded and keeled; land II mucli shorter than the spikelet, equal or unequal, empty, per.-^istent or separately deciduous, 1-nerved cr It 3-nerved ; flg. glumes imbricating, at length deciduous from the rachilla, 3-nerved, all bisexual or the uppermost and rarely the lowest imperfect ; palea broad, membranous, drciduous with its gl. or per- sistent ou the rachilla, keels 2 ciliate scabrid or smooth. Lodicules 2, very minute. Stanv.ns 2 or 8'. Ovary glabrous; styles 2, stigmas EragrosUs, 0. Stapf.] olxxiii. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 313 plumose. Grain minute, globose oblong ovoid or obovoid, free in the gl. and palea. — Species about 100, of warm countries. The Asiatic aud African species of this very difficult genus have been studied by Dr. Stapf, to whom I owe the classification and diagnoses of the Indian. With regard to their synonymy, and the citation of authorities, we have together en- deavoured to determine these ; but from the want of authentically named spt'cimens of tlie species described by Roxburgh (under Poa) and by older authors, and of those enumerated in more recent works, we cannot hope to have attained complete accuracy in these respects. — J. B. H. A. S pikelets panicled; panicle open contracted or spiciform. — Species 1-23. Sect. I. Cataclastos. Bachilla of spikelets more or less jointed, and breaking np from above downwards. — Species 1-7. * Panicle spiciform, rachis bearded at the nodes; margins of jig, glumes ciliate. 1. IS. phleoides, Stapf; perennial, panicle compact subclavate, spikeletfy ^-j by yV^s ^^- 1'-*- oi' fewer fld,, flg. gls. mucronate, keels of palea long-ciliate. Dactylis phleoides, Klein ex Steud. Nom. Ed. II. i. 478. D. phleoides & spicata, Herh. Heyne e.v Wall. Gat. n. 5015. — Eragrostoides, Wall. I. c. Southern India, Heyne. Stems 1-3 ft., densely tufted, erect or geniculately ascending, very slender. Leaves 3-5 in., linear-laiiceolate, finely acuminate, spreading, fiat, glabrous, base rounded ; sheath bearded close below the mouth ; ligule a few hairs. Panicle 1-3 in. by ^-^ in. diam., pale, rather shining; branches very short, villous at the nodes. Spikelets moderately compressed ; gls. I aud II subequal, acute ; flg. gls. T\j-i J^M niembranous, minutely scaberulous ; nerves slender, prominent ; palea i shorter than its gl. Anthers -jj^ in. Grain i^—^o'in., elongate-ellipsoid. 2. ZS. ciliata^ Kees Agrost. Bras. 512; perennial, panicle cylindric compact, spikelets tV~6 ^^- ^^ smaller much compressed 6-r2-tld., flg. gls. cuspidately acuminate, keels of palea long-ciliate. Wight Gat. n. 1788; Steud. Syn. Gram. 265; Bah. ^ Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 298. E. rupestris, Steud. I. c. Poa ciliata, Roxh. Fl. Ind. i. 334. P. cylindrica, Herh. Heyne & incurvata, Rottl. e.v Wall. Cat. n. 5014. P. duplo-ciliaris, Boxb. Ic. Fict. Hml. t. 831. P. rupestris. Both. Nov. PI Sp. 71.— Eragrostid. Wall. I. c. Bombay; at Domus, Balz. Sf Gibs. Chota 'Nagpore, Clao-ke. Southern India, Heyne. — Distrib. Cochin China. Stems 2-4 ft., erect or geniculately ascending from a nodose base clothed with ■ hard sheaths, smooth. Leaves linear-lanceolate, finely acuminate, widely spreading, flat or convolute, rarely ^ in. broad, smooth, glabrous; sheath bearded close below tlie mouih ; ligule a few hairs. Panicle 2-3 by ^ in. diam. ; brauchlets hirsute. Gls. I and II acute, cilitite; flg. gls. j\-^ in., membranous or subhyaline, minutely scaberulous, nerves prominent ; palea } shorter than its gl. Anthers about -iQ-Yt ^^' Grain ovoid to ellipsoid, J~ in., terete. — I have not seen Bombay ^•pecimens. 3. E. coarctata, Stapf. ; perennial, panicle elongate subspiciform oftfen lobed or lax-flcl., spikelets ^\-^ by .,V ^^-^ slightly compressed 5-10- fld„ flg. gls. obtuse, keels of palea long-ciliate. E. cylindrica, A.itch. Cat. Punjab PI. 169 {non -S^ewc^.).— Eragrostis, Wall. Gat. n. 5003 {in part).* 314 CLxxiii. GRAMiNE/E. (J. D. Hooker.) \_Eragrostis, 0. Stapf. From the Upper Gangrtic Plain, Moradabarl, Thomson, to Stkrim, Behau, Chittagong, Arracan and Burma. Central Provinces & Chota Kagpokk Clarlte. Stems in small or large tufts, 4-18 in. high, gcnieulately ascending from a nodose branched stock, base clothed with short hard sheaths. Leanes linear, spreading horizontally, more or less convolute, finely acuminate, glabrous, sometimes flat and ^ in. broad, quite smooth, glaucous ; sheath rather tight, smooth, bearded below the month ; ligule very short. Pavicle 2-6 in. by ^-| in. broad, sometimes veryj narrowly pyramii al, white, branches hispid; gls, I and II subequal ; flg. gis. .jL. in., membranous nerves prominent. Anthers -J^ in. Grain shortly ovoid, J^ in. — Dwarf states 2-3 in. high occur; and tail ones 2-3 ft. high from the Sikkim Terfti and Arracan, with leaves J in. broad and a long lax narrow panicle 6 in. long. ** Panicle open or more or less contracted or spiciform ; margins of Jig. gls. eciliate. 4. IS. aspera, Nees Fl. Afr. Austr. 408; annual, panicle large thyrsiform, at length expanding, branches and. pedicels long, spikeiets linear-oblong \ by 2^^ in. er( ct 4-16-tid., empty gls. subequal, flg. gl?. obtuse nerves prominent, keels of palea scaberulous, stamens 3. Lishoa in Journ. Bomh. Nat. Hist Soc. vii. (1893) 386. E. tenella, Nees in Wight Cat. n. 1783 {non Linn, nee Benth.). E. paniculata, Steud. X?/;?, Gram. 278. Poa aspera, Jacq. ffort. Vind. in. 32. P. paniculata, Boxh. Fl. Ind. i. 340.— Eragrostis, Wall. Cat. n. 3841. SoiTTUERN India ; Dlndygu!, Wight Bangalore, Vuckle {Tc. in Herb. Kew), N. atid S. Co CAN, Lis' oa. — Distrib. Afr. trop. Isle of France. Stem with the long panicle 2-4 ft., stout, suberect, branched, smooth. Leaves 8-18 in., flat, keeled, smooth ; sheath villously bearded ; ligule of long hairs. Panicle 10-20 in. by 4-6 broad, ol)long to obovate-oblong, raehis scaberulous, bearded at the nodes with long white hairs ; branches solitiiry or pseudo-whorled, capillary, divided from the base or nearly so, suberect; pedicels much longer than the small, rather scattered spikeiets. Flg. gls. hardly -J„ in.; palea obscurely 3-lobtd, lobes very obtuse, keels scabrid. Anthers ~ in. Grain subglobosc, about ^\j in. — Panicle quite unlike that of any other Indian specie?. 5. E. ciliaris. Link Enum. Hort. Berol. i. 192; annual, panicle spiciform rarely open, branches and pedicels very short glabrous, spike- lets about -I'o in. long and broad (D-12-fld ttrongly compressed, empty gls. subequal acute, flg. gls. wideh' spreading mucrouulate, lateral nerve submarginftl, keels of palea very long-ciliate, stamens 3. Plains of N, and S. India (not in Ceylon). — Distrib. Reg. trop. Stem 1-2 ft., procumbent below and geuiculately ascending, slender. Leaves very narrow, flat; mouths of sheath with very loui? hairs. Panicle 3-6 in., inter- rupted or lobed be'ow, apjjcai ing hairy from the long cilia of the paba, branches very short (except var. Clarkei) divided from the base, glabrous ; nodes of glabrous rachis naked. Spil^elets very pale, as broad as long, much compressed ; flg. iiU. subhyaline, scabeiulous, often slightly recurved and elegantly distichous ; rachilhi of spikelet persistent. Anthers -x^o in. Grain elongate ovoid, about -g^j in. Var. ciliaris proper, Stapf; panicle spiciform more or less lobed or interrupted. E. ciliaris, Boisf{. Fl. Orunt. v. 582; Baker Fl. Maurit. 456; Dutliie Grass. N.W. Ind. 37, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 62; Aitchis. Cat. Punjab. PI. 169 ; Lisboa in Journ. Bomh. Nat. Hist Soc. vii. (1893) 386 ; Griseb. Fl. Brit W. Ind. 532. E. lobata, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Set. VI. i. (1831) 396. E. lepida, Hochst. ex A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss, ii. 424. E. plumosa, Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 582 (excl. S_i/n.) ; Berith. hi. Honak.^Zl. E. pulchella, Pari, in Hook. Niger Flor. 186. Mega- i Erag'Tostis, 0. Stapf.] clxxiii. GBAMiNEiB. (J. D. Hooker.) 315 stachya ciliarls, Beauv. Agrost. 74. — Eragrostis, Wall. Cat. n. 5009, 5003 (in fiari). — N. India from the Pan jab to Burma. — Westwd. to trop. Africa and America. Var. hracht/stacht/a, Boiss, Fl. Orient, v. 582 ; panicle short compact cylindric. E. urabica, Jaub. Ef Spach III. Fl. Orient, iv. 31, t. 322. E. riparia, JVees in Herb. Royle. — Upper Gaugetic Plain, Scind & the Concan. — Arabia, Afr. trop. Var. Clarkei, Stapf; panicle open as in E. tenella. — Delhi, Clarke. G. E. tenella, .Roem. ^ Scli. Syst, ii. 576 (excl. fi) {non aliorum) -, panicle variable, spikelets -i^-^ in. by ^V i°- broad or less, not strongly compressed 3-9-fld., empty gls. subequal or unequal, flg. gls. oblique not mucronate lateral nerves remote from the margins, keels of palea usually obscurely ciliate, stamens 3, grain ovoid. Throughout India, in the plains and lower liills, from the Panjab to Malacca and Ckylon. The Nicobar Islds. — Distrib. Trop. Asia, Africa. Very variable, from 6-18 in. high, stems usually slender, many from the root and densely tufted. Leaves narrow. Panicle 2-8 iu. long, contracted or spreading, pale green or purplish, excessively branched, oblong ovate or cylindric, never with the long interrupted racliis and pseudo-verticillate branches of E. interrapta. Var. plumosa, Stapf; p:inicle open often flexuous branches capillary nodes bearded, spikelets -^i--^ in. long- or short-pedicelled 3-9-fld., empty gls. unequal I -J-J shorter than II, rachilla subarticulate, tig. gls. 3\^ in., anthers very minute, grain ovoid about Jj in. K. despiciens, Schult. Mant. ii. 318. K. elegantula, Nees B., Wight Cat. u. 1781b. K. laxa. Baker Fl. Maurit. 45e). E. plumosa. Link Enum. Hort. Berol. i. 192 (non Bohs.) ; Wight Cat. n. 17b6 ; Thiv. Emm. tl. Zeyl. 373; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 109; Dutkie Grass. N.W. Ind. 38, Fodd. Grass. iV. In'i. 61, t. 38,77 ; Aitchis. Cat. I'anjab PI. 17.»; Lisboa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hi^t. .S'oc.vii. (1893) 3S5. E. tenella, Roem. • Grain obovoid or ellipsoid, laterally compressed, about -^ by i in. ** Spikelets usually linear or linear-oblong, less compressed and with less prominent nerves than in *, or if strongly compressed and nerved then with persistent puleas. ■ t Spikelets more or less fascicled on the primary or secondary branches or shortly pedicelled in narrower racemes. 9. E. malayana^ Stapf; annual, panicle ovoid, branches solitary at length spreading flowering to the base, pedicels as long as the spike- lets or shorter, spikelets xr^-^ in. linear-oblong 10-30-fld., rachilla almost straight internodes very short, gls. all broad closely imbricate, sides 318 OLXXiii. GRAMrNE/E. (J. D. Hooker.) [Erayrostis, 0. Stapf. convex, empty gls. unequal broadly ovate acute, flg. gls. ovate shortly acuminate keel curved, keels of palea scaberulous. Perak, Wra>/. Malacca, Hervey. — Distrib. Borneo, B mca. Stems densely tufted, 10-18 in., erect or geniculately ascending, very slender. Leaves 2-3 in., very narrow, strict, finely acuminate, convolute ; mouth of sheath with long hairs. Panicle 2-3 in., open or contracted, branches ramified from near the base, brauchlets short contracted filiform, rachis glabrous. Spikelets slightly compressed, rachilla tough; gl. I Jg- in.; II J^ in.; flg. gls. -^^ \n., mucronulatc, lateral nerves inconspicuous ; palea obovate-oblong, rather shorter than its gl., keels narrow. Grain -=l in., ovoid or ellipsoid, slightly laterally compressed. 10. E. stenophylla, Hochst. ex Miquel Analect. Bot. Ind. ii. 27 ; branches of panicle much rumified from above the base, pedicels short filiform, spikelets i— ^ in. linear 30-40-fld., rachilla zigzag, empty gls. sub- equal subacute l-nerved, flg. gls. ovate acute sides convex, keel curved, palea caducous with the gl. keels scabrid. Lishoa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. vii. (1893) 385. E. Brownei, Nees in Wight Cat. n. 1780 joartim (non Sfeud.). E. elegantula, Nees I.e. 1781, a, n3 {nun Steud.); Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 37, I'odd. Grass. N. Ind. 63, t. 74. E. gaugetica, Steud. Syn. Gram. 26(5. E. ovina, Nees ex Steud. I.e. 268. .PR. Willdenovii, Steud. Nom Ed. II. i. 565. P. amabilis & nutans, Herb. Heyne ex Wall, Gat. n. 3847 A. Poa amabilis. Herb. Rottl. {non Linn.). P. atroviridis, Herb. Ham. ex Wall. Gat. n. 38i4 partlm (non Desf.). P. gangetica, Roxh. Fl. Ind. i. 340. P. nutans, Retz. Gbs. iv. 19 {non Roxb.) ; IViwaifes Enum. PI. Zeyl. 373. P. procera, Bh. Wight ex Wall. Cat. n. 3831 C. P. ovina, A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss, ii. 428. P. viscosa, var. Wall. J.c.'n. 3831.— Eragrostis, Wall. Gat. n. 3030 A, 3831 B. CD., 3832 A. {in part) 3043 E., 3844, 3847. Throughout Inlia and BtfRMA. Ceylon, Thwaites (CP. 925, 932).— Distrib. Trop. Asia and Africa. Annual or subp'^renuial. Stems many, densely tufted, 12-18 in. high, geniculately ascending. Leaves rather short, smooth, usually strict and convolute ; sheaths smooth. Panicle ovate or oblong or sublinear, subfle.xuose, inclined ; branches rather distant, alternate, obliquely spreading wben ripe, ramifications sliort, con- tracted. Spikelets crowded, blue grey, rachilla tough; gl. I 3^2 '"•» HaV'"* ^^ shorter j flg. gls. -J^ to -^l in. or ui jre, lateral nerves slender ; palea rather shorter than its gl., gently curved. Stamens 3, anthers minute about t2TJ~too ^"* Grain about -3^0 i"-> globosely oblong to subglobose. 11. IS. elegrantula^ Steud. Syn. Gram. 266 {non Nees) ; perennial, ■p>anicle oblong, branches solitary «hort, pedicels very short, spikelets i-:Jin. linear to linear-oblong 8-30-flJ., rachilla tough, empty gls. subequal acute l-nerved, tig. gls. ovate acute sides convex, palea caducous with the gls. keels scabrid. Griseb. in Goett. Naclir. (1868) 75; Lisboa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Sue. vii. (1893) 384. E. Brownei, Nees ex Wight Cat. n. 1780; Aitchis. Cot. Panjab. Fl. 169; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 36, Fodd Grass. N. Ind. 62. E. luzonienais, Steud. I.e. 266. Poa^ atro- viridis. Ham. ex Wall. Cat. n. 3843 A. P. ca;6. Fl. Ind. i. 339. P. multiiiora. F^r'^sh. Fl,. ^(j. Arab.lX. P. polymorpha, Koen. ex WalL I. c. n, 3828 A. -P. Eox- bur^hiana, Schult. Mant. ii. 315. P. subsecunda. Herb. Ham. ex WalL L c. n. 3828 D. P. tortuosa, Spreng. SysL Veg. i. 345. Megastachya ^ra-. grostie, Beauv. Agrost. 74. Briza Eragrostis, Linn. Sp. PL 70 ; Schreb. Besch. Grxs. ii. 74. B. oblouga, Moench. Meth. 185.— Eragrostis, WalL Cat. n. 3828, 3837. Throughout the Plai>^s and lower Hills of India luvl Buema, ascending to 5200 ft. in the Himalaya. Ceylon, (C.P. 3163).-Distr!b, Westward to S. Europe, Asia trop. and subtrop. Eragrostw, 0. Stapf.] olxxiii. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 321 Annual. Stem 1-2 ft., usually stout and branched, but very variable. Leaves flat, smooth, flaccid, narrow, rarely ^ in, broad ; sheath sparingly bearded. Panicle 2-8 in., sometimes contracted, rachis glabrous, branches stitf or flexuous, ramifying from or near the base. Spilcelets slightly narrowed upwards, dark olive-grey ; Gl. 1, 1- or sub-l-3-neryed ; II 3-nerved ; flg. gls. -^ in., uppermost usually empty and smaller, nerves strong ; palea i-i shorter than its gl. Anthers about g^ in. Grain -5^5— g^ in., loose within the turgid gl. §§ Spikelets ^^ in.; fl. gls. less than y\ i^- o^ i^ longer then narrower and more or less acute. X Panicle rather stiff, branches and lateral pedicels usually short lateral nerves of fig. gls. strong. — Leaf-margins often glandular. 16. B. minor, Host Gram. Austr. iv. 15, Ft. Austr. i. 135 ; leaf-margins glandular, patiicle ovate or oblong rather stiff, branches solitary capillary ramifying from near the base, pedicels short, spikelets ^-5 in. linear to ovate up to 12-fld., empty gls. subequal acute 1-nerved, tig. gls. broadly ovate obtuse, grain globose or ellipsoid-globose dorsally convex. E. poaeformis, Link Hart. Berol. i. 188 ; Beichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 91 ; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monocot. n. i. 55. E. poaeoides, Beauv. Ag^^ost. 76 ; Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 74; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 38, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 65; Aitchis. Gat. Fanjab PL 170; lAsboa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. vii. (1893) 387; Ledeb. Fl Poss. iv. 380; Boiss. Fl Orient, v. 580. E. poaeoides j3, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. VI. i. (1831) 404. Poa Eragrostis, Linn. Sp. PL 68 {in part) ; Kunth Enum,. PI i. 332 ; Schreh. Beschr. Grses. ii. t. 38 ; Host Gram. Austr. ii. 50, t. 69. Briza Eragrostis, Vill.^ Fl. Delph. ii. 50 {non Linn.). Plains of Northern India, ascending the Himalaya to 8000 ft., ft-om the Panjab eastwards to Bengal. The Concan, Jacquemont^ &c. Western Tibet ; Ladak, alt. 12-13,000 ft., Thomson.— -Bistrib. Westward to S. Europe, N. Asia. Annjial. Stems 6-18 in., densely tufted, slender. Lear.es rather short, flat ; mouth of sheath slightly bearded. Panicle 2-6 in., rachis glabrous, branches spreading when ripe. Spikelets pale green to dark purplish or olive-grey, glistening ; rachilla tough; gls. I and II aV~TV ^"•' ^^^^ scabrid ; flg. gls. -^^ ""arely^y-J^ i'^-j lateral nerves strong ; palea i shorter than its gl., obovate-oblong, keels scabrid or subciliate. Stamens 3, anthers -j-^„ in. Grain ^^ in. or more, dorsally rounded or slightly flattened. — The glands are a very constant character. A single Bombay specimen is eglandular, but placed here from its strong resemblance to glanduli- lerous- specimens also from Bombay. The Tibetan specimens are very small, 1-6 in. high. 17. £. Rottleri, Stapf; leaf-margins eglandular, mouth of sheath naked, panicle oblong open rather stiff, branches solitary or lower geminate ramifying from near the base, pedicels of lateral spikelets very short, spikelets ^-^ in. linear 6-12-fld., empty gls. subeqnal, rachilla tough, flg. gls. oblong subacute, palea persistent, grain terete. E. viscosa, Wie/ht iMerh. propr. n. 1785, in part. Poa pauciiiora, Herb. Bottl. The Carnatic ; at Tranquebar, Het/ne, Bottler, Wight. Leaves 1-7 in,, flat or more or loss convolute. Panicle 2-6 in,, rachis naked, branches filiform to capillary. Spikelets pale brown or white ; empty gls. about 2V iu-': flg- gls- tV~2\i ^"i-j lateral nerves strong; palea rather shorter than its gl., keels scaberulous. Stamens 3, anthers about y^^j in. Grain ^^^ in. — Rottler's P. pauciflora is a tall form with few spikelets. Wight's specimen has the stem viscid VOL. VII. r 322 CLXXiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) [Eragrostis, 0. Stapf. below the paniole as in B. tenella var. viscosa, with certain forms of which P. Mottleri has much in common. The persistent rachilla with deciduous glumes of E. Rottleri are as in B. minor, as are the scabrid not ciliate keels of the palea. 18. E. Willdenoviana, Nees in Wight Cat. n. 1779 (non in Nov. Act. Nat Cur. xix. Suppl. i. (1843) 205) ; leaf-margins rarely glandular, paniole short ovate stiff open, branches solitary capillary, pedicels short, s pikelets ^-i in. by -^ in. linear pale up to 25-fld., empty gls. very unequal, l' minute hyaline nerveless, fl. gls. broadly elliptic acute, palea oblong persistent, grain truncate at both ends dorsal ly grooved. E. poaeoides, Trim. Gat. Ceyl. PI. 109 ; Herb. Ind. Or. H. f. Sc T. (the Carnatic plant). Poa glabra & laevis, Rottl. mss. ? P. polymorpha, Koen. ex Bottl. in Schri/t. Naturf. Fr. Berl. iv. (1803) 194.— Eragrostis, Wall. Gat. n. 3848. Mysore, Bottler, Het/ne ; Dindygul, Wiffht. Ceylon ; Trincomalee, Glenie (C.P. 3944). Annual. Stems 4-18 in., very slender, smooth, rigid, erect or geniculately ascending. Leaves short, flat, narrow, erect, rather rigid; mouth of sheath naked. Panicle 1-3 in., branches spreading when ripe, ramifying from near the base; pedicels (except sometimes the terminal) shorter than the spik^ets. Spikelets olive- grey or greenish : gl. I -sV-to '^^ J ^ ovate, acute, ^V in., 1-nerved ; flg. gls. xV"iiV ^"-j lateral nerves strong ; palea \-\ shorter than its gl,, keels scaberulous. Stamens 3, anthers about y^^ in. Grain oblong, -it— an ^"-j dorsally flattened and grooved. — This may prove to be E. polymorpha, Roem. Sf Sch. S^st. ii. 575. Rottler's specimen was named P. polymorpha, but that name was crossed out and replaced by P. glabra, Nob E. Willdenoviana, Nees in Hook. & Am. Bot. Beech. Voy. (of China) is E. elongata. XX- Panicle very loose, ramifications very slender often flexuous orfiaccid ; lateral nerves of jig. gls. usually faint. — Leaves eglandular. 19. E. tenuifolia, .HbcA.s^. in Flora, xxiv. (1841) i. Intell. 20, name only; ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 268 ; perennial, panicle oblong to ovate very open, rachis glabrous, branches solitary or 2-nate distant, spikelets ^-yV in. by ^ in. linear 5-15-fld., empty gls. very unequal, I minute hyaline, rachilla tough, fl. gls. ovate acute, subacute or apiculate, palea \ shorter than its gl. strongly curved persistent, grain obovate-oblong. E. collocarpa, K. Schum. in Engl. Pflanzenw. Deutsrh-Ost. Afr. C. 114. ?E. mucronata, Roem. Sc Sch. Syst. ii. 577. E. parviglumis, JSochst. ex Steud. I. c. 267. Poa tenuifolia, A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss, ii. 425. • NiLGHiRi Hills, Hohenacker. Belgaum, Ritchie i Satpura Hills, Thompson. — D I ST RIB. Africa trop. Stem 2-3 ft., erect, slender, branched. Leaves long, very narrow; mouth of sheath naked. Panicle 3-fJ in. ; branches ramifying from near the base and brancli- lets rather distant, spreading, filiform, stiff, shorter than in E. nigra. Spikelets olive-grey; gl. I SMq-J- line nerveless; II remote from I, about 3^ in., ovate, sub- acute, nerveless or faintly 1-nerved ; flg. gls. J^ in., keels of palea scabrid. Stamens 3, anthers Jg in. Grain J^ in., slightly compressed, dorsally grooved. 20. E. papposa, Steud. Nam. Ed. II. i. 564 ; perennial, panicle ovoid very delicate lax open sj)aringly branched, rachis glabrous, branches solitary rarely 2-nate branchlets stiff divaricate, pedicels long capillary, spikelets ^-^ in. linear 7-23-fld., empty gls. subequal or I shorter hyaline, rachilla tough, flg. gls. broadly ovate margins above hyaline, palea obtuse denticulate persistent, grain obovoid. Willk. & Layige Prodr. FL Sispan. i, 83; Griseb. in^Goett. Nadir. (1868) '75. E. ?itro-virens, Lange i)i XoebJ. EragrosHs, 0. Stapf.] clxxiii. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 323 Vedimh. Meddel. (1860) 47 {non Def.). E. rigidifolia, Hochst. ITerh. Mem. Div. Forsh. (nomen.). E. speirostacliya, Goss. et Dur. ex Lange I.e. E. verticillata, Goss. ex Lange I. c. (non Cav.). E. vulgaris, var. speirostachya, Coss. et Dur. Fl. Alger. 148. Poa nigra, Glem. ex Willh. Sf Lange Prodr^ Fl. Hisp. i. 83. P. papposa, Desf. in Boem. & Sch. S^st. ii. 585. Mega- stachya ? papposa, Boem. & Sch. I. c. N.-Eastern Panjab ; common in the Trans-Indus districts; Rawul Pindi, &c., Stewart, Aitchison. — Distbib. Westward to Arabia, N. Africa, and Spain. Siem 12-18 in., very slender, simple. Leaves short, strict, very narrow, con- volute ; mouth of sheath bearded with long silky hairs. Panicle 4-8 in..; rachis filiform ; branches spreading, alternate, almost capillary, naked below, loosely branched beyond the middle with capillary spreading branchlets. Spikelels very pale yellow or dark or pale olive-j^rey; gl. I ^5-^ in. or less, nerveless; II aV^a^o ^^•■> f'liitly l-nerved; flgr- gls. about Jy in.; palea rather shorter, keels scabrid. Stamens 3, anthers yL_ in. Grain ^o—g^ in., dorsally grooved. — A very elegant species, with usually quite pale very narrow spikelets. 21. E. pilosa, Beauv. Agrost. 71 ; annual, panicle oblong to pyra- midal flaccid (^pen or contracted, rachis glabrous or hairy, branches usually more or less whorle 1 and branchlets very slender, pedicels longer or shorter than the spikelets which are \ in. linear 5-12-fld., empty gls. unequal hyaline, rachilla tough, flg. gls. ovate acnte, palea subpersistent keels scaberalous, grain ellipsoid. Reichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 91 ; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. n. 55; Thw. Fnum. PI. Zeyl. 373; Trim. Ga\ Geyl. PI. 209; Wight Gat. n. 1784, 1784b.; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 38, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 64; Aitchis. Cat. Panjab PI. 170; Lishoa in Journ, Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. vii. (1893) 381, Ledeh. Fl. Ross. iv. 382 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 881 ; Benth: Fl. Honglc. 432, Fl. Austral, vii. 645 ; Baker Fl Maurit. 455 ; Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 5H2. E. elegantula, a, Wees in Wight Cat. n. 1782. E. indica, Steud. Syn. Gram. 264. E. parviflora, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. VI. i. (1831) 411. E. pellucida, Steud. I.e. 279. E. punctata, Link, ex Steud. Norn. Ed. II. i. 561, St/n. Gram. 264. E. verticillata, Roem. & SeJi. Syst. ii. 575; Rsichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 9; Aitchis. Cat. Panjab PI. 170. Poa amabilis, Herb. Ileyne ex Wall. Cat. n. 3829 B. P. indica, Koen. ex Rottl. in Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berl. Neue Schrift. iv. (1803) 194. P. nutans. Herb. Wight ex Wall. Cat. n. 3829 D. P. parviflora & pellucida. Br. Prodr. 180. P. Phnllica, Herb. Ham,, ex Wall. I.e. 3829 C. & 5012 (Phulcia). P. pilosa, Linn. Sp. PI. 68; Host Gram. A^lstr. ii. 168, t. 68 ; Kunth I. c. 329. P. punctata, Li7i7i. f. Suppl. 109; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 330; Roxb. Fl. Ind. i. 338. P. tenella, Herb. Heyne^x Wall. I. c. 3829 B. P. ^verticillata, Cav. Ic. i. 63, t. 93 ; Kunth Enum. 329. Milium tenerum, Herb. Heyne ex Wall. I. c. 3829 B. — Era- grostis. Wall. Cat. n. 3829. Throughout India and Buema ; ascendiris- the Himalaya to 5000 ft. or more. Ceylon ; common (C.P. 929). — Distrtb. S. Europe and most warm countries. Stem 3 in. -3 ft., tufted, erect, usually very slender and simple, rarely stout and branched. Leaves short, narrow, flaccid or strict and convolute, rarely elongate ; mouth of sheath bearded. Panicle very variable in size and form, erect inclined or noddiiit^ ; rachis hairy or not at the nodes ; branches filiform or capillary, fascicled or sub-whorled, simple below, lower sometimes 6 in. long. Spikelets usually grey tipped , with purple; empty gls. nerveless or II faintly l-nerved; flg. gls. J^-i in. Stamens 3, anthers -^^^ in., violet. Grain -^^-^ in., base laterally apiculate. — Dwarf specimens 2-4 in. high look very different from the ordinary state of the plant. ( Y 2 324 CLXXiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) [JEragroatis, 0. Stapf. 22. E. nigra, Nee8 ex Steud. Nom. Ed. II. i. 563, Syn. Gram. 267 ; perennial, basal sheaths narrow terete or obscurely compressed, panicle oblong to ovate large open lax-fld., branches usually many in whorls or fascicles rarely solitary or geminate, spikelets up to ^ in. linear to oblong 3-9-fld., empty gls. subequal acuminate strongly 1-nerved, fig. gls. ovate acute, palea obtuse denticulate persistent, grain short truncate at both ends. Griseh. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 75; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind.38. E. atropurpnrea, Hochst. ex Steud. Si/n. Gram. 267. E. amabilis, Willd. non Linn, ex Ham. in Wall. Gat. n. 3842. E. pauiculata, Thwaites Enum. PI Zeyl. 373 (won iSYewci.).— Eragrostis, Wall. Gat. n. 3834, 3835, 3842, 3346. Temp, and trop. Hcmalata, iiscending to 9000 ft. from Simla to Sikkun and the Khasia Hills, and southward throughout the Deccan Peninsula. Ceylon, Thwaites (C.P. n. 2626). Stem 6 in.-3 ft., erect, stout or slender, usually stout and leafy at the base, simple or branched. Leaves in small forms chiefly basal and flat, in taller elongate ; mouth of sheath bearded. Panicle up to 2 ft. long and broad, very copiously but loosely branched except in small specimens, rachis glabrous at the nodes, branches simple below, pedicels usually longer than the spikelets. Spikelets olive-grey ; empty gls. membranous, keels scabrid ; flg. gls. yV~tV i"- Stamens 3, anthers -J^ in. Grain Jj in. or smaller, dorsally slightly grooved. — Habit as variable as of jE/. pilosa. 23. E. ferrugrinea, Beauv. Agrost. 71; perennial?, basal sheaths broad compressed keeled, panicle oblong, branches solitary or 2-nate filiform rather stiff, pedicels longer than the spikelets, spikelets \ in. linear to ovate 3-11-fld., empty gls. unequal acute 1-nerved, rachilla tough, flg. gls. ovate acnte or acuminate, palea obtuse much shorter than its gl. persistent keels scabrid, grain obovoid truncate at both ends. Franch. Sc Sav. Enum. PI. Jap. ii. 177; Miq. Prolus. Fl. Jap. 188. E. orientalis, Trin. in Bunge Enum. PI. Chin. Bar. 71, in Mem. Acad. PetersB. Ser. VI. iv. II. (1838) Suppl. 73. Poa ferruginea, Thunh. Fl. Jap. 50. SiKKiM Himalaya ; Lachoong Valley, alt. 9O0O ft., in meadows with E. nigra, J. D, H.— DiSTRiB. N. China, Japan. Stem with the panicle in the Sikkim specimen 18 in., erect. Leaves 3-5 in., narrow, or the lower broad at the base; sheath naked at the mouth. Panicle 4-6 in., shorter than in E. nigra, with stouter branches and fewer spikelets ; branches rather wiry, bearing few dark spikelets. Spikelets dull green to violet. Gl. I about -^ in., shorter than II ; flg:. gls. yy-^^ in. Stamens 3, anthers J^ ^^- or less. Grain y\ in., slightly grooved or flattened dorsally. — [ have seen only a poor Indian specimen, but it seems to be identical with the Chinese and Japanese plant. Bunge says that the same plant is cultivated in Hort, Petrop. from Nepal seeds. B. Sect. III. Desmostachya, Stapf. Spikelets much compressed, im- bricate, secuud, sessile and jointed on the very short densely crowded branchlets of a tall narrow racemiform panicle, deciduous, acute; rachilla subarticulate. 24. E. cynosuroides, Beauv. Agrost. 71, 162; perennial, tall, branched from the base, leafy, panicle linear-elongate, branches very short crowded, densely covered from the base with sessile imbricating much compressed deflexed spikelets ^ in. long up to 30-fld., empty gls. very unequal, rachilla tough, flg. gls. broadly ovate aoufce, palea shorter than its gl. Steud. Hyn. Gram. 2Q^; Wight Gat. n. 1774, 1774b.; Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. VI. i. (1831) 415 ; Dalz. Sf Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 298 ; AitcUs Eragrostisj 0. Stapf.] clxxiii. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 325 Cat Panjab. Fl. 169 ; DutJiie Grass. N. W. Ind. 37, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 62, t. 40 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 583 ; Lisboa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. vii. (1898) 387. Poa cynosuroides, Betz. Obs. iv. 20; Boxh. Fl. Ind. i. 333 ; Del. Fl. ^g^pt. 159, t. 10 ; Grah. Cat. Bomb. PI. 236 ; Kunth Fnum. PI. i. 227. Leptochloa bipinnata, Hochst. in Flora, xxxviii. (1855) 422. Briza bipiunata, Linn. Syst. Nat. x. 875. Cynosurus duriis, Forsh. Fl. jFgypt. Arab. 71. Dactylis interrupta. Herb. Rottl. Uniola bipinnata, Linn. Sp. PI. Ed. II. 104.— Eragrost. affine & Eragrostoides, Wall. Cat. n. 3821, 5016. Plains of India, from Peshawar and Sind to Burma aud southward, in moist phices. (N^ot in Ceylon). — DiSTRiB. Westward to Syria and N. Africa. Rootstock stout, creeping ; stolons very stout clothed with shining sheaths ; steins 1-3 ft., tufted, smooth, ei*ect, stout. Leaves many, hasal fascicled, very long, rigid, long acuminate tips filiform, margins hispid ; mouth of sheath with long hairs ; ligule 0. Panicle 6-18 in. by 1 rarely 2 in. broad, strict, erect, narrowly pyramidal (;r columnar, often interrupted ; rachis puberulou-^, branches ^-1 in., very many oowded ; branchlets rigid, glabrous or hispidulous, spreading. Spikeleis unilateral, 2-seriate and crowded, defltxed, pale brown, rather shining; internodes of rachilla very short; gl. I J„ in. ; II about Jg- in., obtuse ; flg. gls. -tq-j^ in., coriaceous ; palea l-i shorter than its gl., rather coriaceous, keels minutely scabrid. Stamens 3, anthers Jg ^f- Grain less than J^ in., obliquely ovoid, laterally compressed, obscurely trigonous. C. Sect. IV. PxAGiosTACHYA, Beuth. Spikelets secund distichously spreading in a long simple slender terminal spike. * Keels of palea distinctly winged. 2b. El> leioptera, Stapf. ; perennial, leaves coavolute wiry, spikelets ^-^ in. oblong compressed 10-20-fld., glumes tumid, I ^^ in. acute, wings of keels of palea ^ho ^^- t)r<^ad eciliate. Khasia Hjlls, alt. 4-5000 ft., arijiih, &c. Stems 1-2 ft., densely tufted, erect, very slender, strict. Leaves 8-12 in., glabrous, stout, terete, pungent ; sheaths short. Spike 6-10 in., erect, strict ; rachis angular, smooth. Spikelets not crowded, suberect ; empty glumes y\ in. Kubequal, or I shorter; I acutely keeled; II dorsally rounded; flg. gls. broadly ovate, obtuse or subacute, ^^ in. ; wings of palea hyaline. Anthers about Jg- in. long.— The moro tumid glumes at once distinguish this from E. hifaria. 26. E. bifaria, Wight ex Sleud. Norn. Ed. II. i. 562, 8yn. Gram. 264, Supjpl. 282 ; perennial, leaves flat or complicate aud keeled, spikelets :^-§ ill. ovate-oblong rarely linear mucli compressed 6-40-fld., wings of keels of palea about yi^ in. broad ciliate. Wall. Cat. n. 3827 B. 0. ; Wight Gat. n. 1773 ; ? Lisboa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. vii. (1893) 387. E. tliraulostachys, K. Solium, incd. Poa bifaria, Vahl Sj/mh. ii. 19 ; Boxb. Fl. Ind. i. 331 ; Kunth Bevis. Gram. i. 334, t. 80, Enum. PI. i. 327, Suppl. 282. The Deccan Peninsula, Heyne, &c.— Distrib. Africa trop. Stem 1-3 ft., densely tufied, erect, simple, subcompressed, glabrous, base clothed with the soft fibres of old sheaths. Leaves 2-2j in., linear, wiry, sometimes J in. broad, flexuous, acute, rigid, smooth ; sheaths scaberulous, keeled ; ligule a ciliate line. Spike 10-12 in., ovate to oblong aud 15-20-fld., rarely linear flexuous and up to 40-fld., erect, rachis smooth, subcompressed. Spikelets spreading, lower fewer- fld., olrve-grey or -green ; gl. I very acute or acuminate ; II almost -^^ in., keel very stout, rounded ; flg. gls. i in., broadly ovate, subacurainate, keel scaberulous above, nerves faint. Stamens 3, anthers ^V ^^- 326 cLXxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. L). Iluokei'.) [^Erayrostu, U. Stapf. 27. S. Collettii, Stapf; perennial, leaves filiform convolute, spikelets \-^ in. linear or oblong-liuear slightly compressed 6-12-fld., glumes tumid, wings of keels of palea about ^^^ in. broad minutely ciliate. BuKMA ; P'mmonn, Abul Huk ; M^iktalla, Collett. Stems 18-20 in., densely tutted, very slender, bases densely clothed with a brush of sort filiform fibres f in. long. Leaves 2-4 in., glabrous or sparsely hairy. Spike 5-7 in., erect, strict or slightly curved ; rachis slender, terete, smooth. Spikelets purphsh, ''erect, close-set, almost imbricating ; empty gls. subequal, xV~tV "'• > ^ acutely keeled; II dorsally rounded ; flg. gls. -^^ in. or less, turgid, broadly ovate, obtuse or acute with incurved tips ; palea almost as long as the gl., dorsally pubescent. Anthers almost 217 in. ** Keels of palea not or obscurely winged. 28. E. nardoides, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. VI. i. (1831) 415 ; perennial leaves 3-9 in. almost capillary convolute with tufts of hairs on the surface below the middle, spike very long slender, spikelets 5-^ in. and upwards oblong to linear 20-32-fld., glumes turgid. E. bifaria, Wall. Cat. n. 3827 D. F. ; Butkie Grass. N. fF. Ind. 36 ; Fodd. Grass. K. Ind. 61, t. 73; Griseh. in Goett. Nadir. (1863) 76; Steud. Syn. Gram. 266. Outer Himalaya, from the Panjab to Nepal, up to 5500 ft. Behar, on Parasuath, and Chota Nagpore, Clarke, J. D. H. Stems 12-18 in., densely tufted, filiform. Leaves as long as the stem or shorter. SpiJce 6-10 in,, very slender, straight or subflexuous ; rachis terete, smooth. Spikelets erecto-patent, close-set, laterally compressed, olive-green ; empty gls. subequal or I slightly shorter, acutely keeled; II yV ^"' °^ ^^^^» obtusely keeled; flg. gls. nearly -J^ in., ovate, acute or subobtuse, nerves faint, keel smooth or nearly so. Anihers -^^ m. Grain -^ in. or more, narrowly ellipsoid or subovoid, subterete or obscurely triquetrous, epicarp finely reticulate. 29. Zi. coromandelina, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. VI. i. (1831) 415 ; perennial, leaves 1-3 in. filiform convolute puberulous above, spike- lets ^i by yV ill- oblong to linear 10-32-fld. Steud. Syn. Gram. 264. E. cretacea, JSfees in Ann. Nat. Hist. i. (1838) 284. Poa coroinandelina, Xoen. ex Bottl. in Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berl. Neue Sclirift. iv. (1803) 191 ; Roth. Nov. PI. Sp. 71 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 327. P. secunda, Roxb. Ic. pict. ined. t. 827. Plains of India ; from Uajputana to Behar, and southwards. Chota Nagpore, WooA. Upper Burma, Abdul Uuk. Stem 12-18 in., rather stout. Leaves short, rarely flat, spreading and recurved. Spike 4-8 in,, interrupted ; rachis slender, terete, smooth. Spikelets close-set, erecto-patent, laterally compressed, olive-grey or -green; empty gls. equal or I slightly shorter, acutely keeled ; II ^ in. or less, usually obtusely keeled ; flg. gls. up to ^2 hi., ovate, acute or subobtuse, nerves faint, keel smooth or nearly so ; palea almost as long as its gl., keels sometimes obscurely winged scabrid. Stamens 3, anthers 3^ in. Grain -^--^^ in., shortly ellipsoid or subovoid, obtusely 3-quetrou8, epicarp loosely reticulate. 30. E. secunda, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 264 ; perennial, leaves 6-18 in. convolute or flat minutely puberulous above, spike very slender flaccid, spikelets \ in. linear-oblong up to 10-fld., empty gls. unequal. E. bifaria, Thwaites Enum. PI. Zeyl. 373 {excl. Syn.) ; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PI. 109. Ceylon, ascending to 5000 ft., Walker, Thwaites (C.P. 60). Spikelets secnnd or distichous, laterally compressed, olive-grey or straw-colrd. ; empty gls. unequal, I about J^ in. acutely keeled ; II } in., dorsally rounded; flg. gl». EragrostiSy 0. Stapf.] clxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J, D. Hooker.) 327 \ in., ovate, acute ; palea with rather narrow seabrid keels. Anthers Jg- in. long. Grain almost J^ in., elongate ovoid or ellipsoid, almost terete. — The materials for this species consist of only two specimens, one from Thwaites (C.P. 60), with leaves 6-7 in. convolute, erecto-patent; the other, from Walker, with much longer flat or subcon volute leaves 8-10 in. long. 31. E. brachyphylla, Stapf \ perennial leaves 2|-4 in. linear plicate glabrous above, spikelets |— f in. oblong to linear about 20-fld., empty gls. subequal. E. bifaria, Wall. Gat. n. 3827 A. B. E. bifaria, /3. minor, Wight & Am. in Wight Gat. n. 1773 C. & Herb. n. 3528, 3356. Poa secunda, Boxb. ex Wall. Gat. I.e. A. P. bifaria, Vahl, & P. coroman- delina, Both, ex Wight Gat. n. 1773b. From Behar and the Central Provinces, southward to the Nilghiris, Wight, Perrottet. Stem densely tufted, 10-18 in., slender. Leaves coriaceous, acute, rarely flat and Jy in. broad. Spikes 3-6 in., slender. Spikelets close-set, usually secund, slightly compressed, olive-green; empty gls. up to -^^ in., 1 acute, acutely keeled ; II obtuse, dorsally rounded ; flg. gls. up to ^ in., broadly ovate, obtuse, keel scaberulous below the tip; keels of palea narrow, seabrid. Anthers -^.^^ in. Grain -j^-^a in., shortly ellipsoid, obscurely triquetrous, almost terete, epicarp coarsely reticulate. INDETERMINABLE SPECIES RECORDED AS INDIAN. E. cernna, Steud. Syn. Gram. 266. Poa cernua, Willd. in Oes. Naturf. Fr. Berl. Neue Schrift. iv. (1803) 182. E. confinis, Nees ex Steud. I. c. 265. 105. MVRZOSTACKITA, HooJc. f. A tall stout perennial glabrous grass. Leaves very loug, flat. Spiroc- lets 4-20-fld., racemed on the short branchlets of a narrow elongate panicle, pedicels jointed at the base; rachilla stout, flexuous, naked, at length jointed at the base and between the fl. gls. Glumes coriaceous, dorsally rounded, I and II very small, ovate, 1-nerved, keeled, long-awned ; flg. gls. ovate, cuspidately acuminate, keeled, 3-nerved ; palea coriaceous, as long as its gl., tip 2-toothed, keels close together stout scabrid-ciliate. Lodicules very minute, obliquely cuneate, retuse. Stamens 3, anthers very small. Ovary globose, styles united at the very base, stigmas long penicillate. Grain obliquely ovoid, obtuse, subterete, scutellum large. — Eragrostis, Sect. Myriostachya, Benth. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xix. (1881) 117. m. Wig-htiana, Hooh.f. Eragrostis Wightiana, Benth. in Hook. Ic. PI. xiv. 62, t. 1381. Leptochloa Wightiana, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 209; Wight Cat. n. 1757. Dinebra verticillata, Wight ex Steud. I.e. Festuca natans, Ham. in Wall. Gat. n. 3823. — Eragrost. affine, Wall. I.e. Marshes in the SunderbundS, Hamilton, Griffith, &c. S. India? Herb. Wight. Tenassebim, Heifer. Stem 6-10 ft., densely tufted, erect from a stout sheathed sometimes floating rootstock with long branching roots, as thick as the thumb at the base, smooth, simple or sparingly branched. Leaves several feet long, up to ^ in. broad, linear, finely acuminate, quite smooth ; sheath very long, narrower than the blade, of lower leaves broad and compressed ; ligule 0. Panicle 1-2 ft. by 2-3 in. broad ; rachis quite smooth ; branches 1-1^ in., very many, crowded fascicled and wborled erecto- 328 CLXxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hookei.) [Myriostachya. patent, flowering to the base. Spihelets i-^ in,, 4-8-fld., compressed, quite smooth ; pedicels short j gls. I and II unequal, keels scaberulous, awn ^ in. or more stift" stout. — In many respects Myriostachya is allied to Eragrostis cynosuroides, having a very similar inflorescence, and spikelels jointed on the branchlets of the panicle ; but diflfers in the spikelets being pedicelled, in the long awned gls. I and II, and in its great size. Var. longispicula ; spikelets longer, up to ^ in. and 8-20-fld. — Penang, Curtis. Ceylon ; at Koltiyar, Trimen. 106. KAIiOPYRUXa, Stapf. A tall stout perennial glabrous grass, with a branching creeping sheathed rootstock. Leaves narrow, rigid, convolute. Spikelets large, many-fid., sessile or shortly pedicelled on the short alternate branches of an elongate panicle, ovate, strongly laterally compressed, not jointed on their pedicels, nor are the pedicels on the branches ; rachilla jointed at the base and between the flg. glumes, silkily hairy. Glumes man j, closely distichously imbricate, dorsally rounded, coriaceous, keeled, I and II subequal, empty, ovate- lanceolate, acuminate or apiculate ; I 3-nerved, II 5-nerved; flg. gls. 6-lU, rather shorter than the empty, mucronulate, 3-nerved ; palea as long as the gl., subacute, 2-keeled. Lodicules 2, obcordate. Stamens 3. Styles short, free, stigmas elongate. Grain ellipsoid, compressed, deeply hollowed anticously, free. K. mucronatum, Stapf in Houh. Ic. PI. t. 2448. Brizopyrum mucronatum, Nees in Wall. Cat. n. 8898; Wight Cat. n. 2386. Desmazeria' unioloides, Deji. Voy. Yemen, 220, Eragrostis mucronata. Trim. Cat. Geyl. PL 109 {non Poem. 6f Sch.). ? Uniola mucronata, Linn. Sp. PI. 104 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 425; Steud._ Syn. Gram. 281. Triticum repens, Thwaites Enum. PI. Zeyl. 376. — ^luropiis, Aitclii^. Gat. Panjah PI. 169. — Eragrostis sp. Sect. Sclerostachya, Benth. in Gen. Plant, iii. 1187. Coasts of India from Sind to Cape Comorin and Tinuevelly. Cbylon, Gardner, &c. — DiSTKiB. Westward to Arabia and E. trop. Africa. Stem below creeping, as thick as a ctow-quill, hard, smooth, woody, with strict vermiform roots, sending up rigid slender flowering stems 12-18 in. high, and shorter leafing ones. Leaves 8-12 in., flat or convolute, very narrow, wiry, glaucous, finely acumir^ate, glabrous, sheath terete, appressed, striate, hard, mouth villous ; ligule a few hairs. Panicle 12-16 in., erect or inclined ; bru,nches short with few spikelets and rachis quite smooth. Spikelets \ in. long, sessile or shortly pedicelled, smooth, white or pale yellowish ; rachilla very short, hairs half as long as the gls. ; gl. I hardly longer than the lowest flg. gl,, ovate-lanceolate, apiculate, 5-nerved towards the centre ; II \ longer, strongly 5-nerved. — There being no specimen of Uniola mucronata in Linnseus's Herbarium its citation here is doubtful. 107. COEIiACHYRUIM:, JV^ee*.' (Seep. 8.) 108. DIPX.ACKNE, Beauv. Tall perennial grasses. Leaves flat or convolute, narrow. Spikelets many-fld., spicate on the slender simple branches of a tall simple panicle, ^ This genus was erroneously supposed to be Indian when the Key was drawn up. DipJaclme.'] clxxiii. gramine^. (J. J). Hooker.) 329 not jointed at the base ; rachilla jointed at tW base and beneath each flg. gl., not produced beyond the uppermost gl. Glumes many, I and II unequal, obtuse, membranous, 1-nerved, persistent ; flg. gls. rather longer, oblong, 1-3-nerved, tip 2-4-toothed, mucronate or awned ; palea linear. Lodicules 2, broad. Stamens 3, anthers short. Styles distinct, stigmas plumose. Grain ovoid-oblong, subtrigonous, free within the gls. and palea. — Species about 14, of warm regions. A second Indian species has lately been brongfhb from Chitral, and will shortly be published by Dr. Stapf in the Kew Bulletin as I). Gatncrei. D. fusca, Beauv. Agrost. 163 ; tall, leaves convolute, panicle long, spikelets ^-^ in. linear 4-10-fld. Benth. Fl. Audrjtl. vii. 619 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 561; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. Bl 109. D. indica., \Sprenff. Syst. i. 351. Uralepis fusca, Steud. Syn. Gram. 247 ; Thwalies Enum. Fl. Zeyl. 372. tr. Druramondii, Steud. I. c. Triodia, ambigua, -Br. Frodr. 183. Tvidens indicus, A'ec* m Wight Cat. n. 1794. Leptochloa? fusca, KuntJi Revis. Gram. i. 91, Fnum. Fl. i. 271. Festuca fusca, Linn. Sp. Fl. 109 ; Dei. Fl. ^gyjjt. 24, t. xi. f . 1. F. indica, Jletz. Obs. iv. 21 ; Kunth JEnum. 412. F. reptatrix, Linn. Sp. Fl. Ed. II. 108; Kunth I.e. 410. Eragrostis procera, Sfeud. I. c. 266. Poa procera, Eoxb. F'l. Ind\ i. 332 ; Kunth I. c, 345. Jh'omns polystachios, Forsh. Fl. Mg. Arab. 23. Eragrostis, Wall. Cat. n. 5013. — Rhecdc Hort. Malab. xii. t. 45. Uppeb Gangetic Plain to Bengal and southward to Ceylon. — Distrib. Egypt, Tiop. Asia, Africa, and Australia. Rt.em tufted, 3-5 ft., stout, erect, or geniculately ascending, often branched, clothed with leaf-sheaths. Leaves long, narrow, flat or convolute, smooth j sheath's smooth; ligule large, membranous, lacerate. Panicle 10-18 in,, oblong, nodding; rachis smooth ; branches 2-3 in,, erect, filiform, smooth or scaberulous. Spikelets distant, very shortly pedicelled, pale or dark green ; rachilla smooth or scaberulous ; callus hairy; gls, 1 and 11 1-nerved, tips erose, keels nearly smooth ; I lanceolate; II i longer, oblong; flg, gls, thinly coriaceous, 3-nerved, lateral nerves submarginal, tip 4-toothed, mucronate by the percurrent median nerve. 109. BIEZiZCA, Linn. Perennial erect grasses. Leaves narrow . Spikelets in o-pen or spiciform or racemiform panicles, laterally compressed, jointed or not on their pedicels, 1-3-fld. and with small convolute neuter gls, forming a clavate o narrow body terminating and jointed on the elongate rachilla. Gluwies 4 cr more, membranous, hyaline or with hyaline tips and margins ; I and II equal or unequal, empty, I 1-3-nerved; II 5-nerved, persistent or separately deciduous ; flg. gls, solitary, or 2-3 then distant on the rachilla, 5-9-nerved, lowest stipitate ; palea 2-keeled, Lodicules 2, connate, often most minute or 0. Stamens 3, Styles free, stigmas plumose. Grain oblong fusiform or subcylindric, — Species proba,bly 20 or 30, of temp, regions. * Fanicle spiciform or racemiform ; spikelets more or less jointed on their pedicels : lodicules most minute or 0. 1. BI.. Cupani, Guss. Fl. Sicul. Frodr. Suppl. 17; panicle subspici- form, flg. gl, solitary clothed all over with long silky hairs. Boiss. Fl. Orieivt. V. b^O', Farlat. Fl. Ital. i. 301. M, ciliata, Duthie Grass. N.W. Lid. 39 {non Linn.). M, Jacquemontii, JDecne in Jacquem. Voy. Bot. 174, 1.175; Dutliie I.e. M. Hohenackeri, Boiss. Diagn. Ser. I. xiii. 54. M. 330 OLXxili. GRAMiNE^. (J. 1). Ilooker.) [Afelica. micrantha, Boiss. & Heldr. var. inaequalis, Griseh. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 76. M. persica, Kunth Bevis. Gram. i. 351, t. 89, Enum. PI. i. 375, Suppl. 311 ; Ledeb. Fl. Boss. iv. 398 ; Duthie I. c. ; Griseb. I c. 76, 77. M. trachy- antha, Boiss. Biagn. Ser. I. vii. 124. Western Himalaya ; in the drier regions from Knmaou westwards, alt. 7-11,000 ft. Western Tibet, alt. 8-11,000 ft.— Uistrib. Westwards to Spain and N. Africa. Stems 8-18 in., densely tufted, creeping below, very slender. Leaves 2-8 in., very narrow, flat or convolute, and as well as the sheaths glabrous puberulous or tomentose with spreading or reflexed hairs; ligule oblong, short, or 0. Panicle 2-4 in, ; rachis filiform, smooth ; branches very short and pedicels scaberulous. Spikelets more or less secund, i-^ in. long, suberect or spreading, pale straw-colrd. or dark purple ; rachilla glabrous, very short slender and geniculate below the flg. gl., stouter and strict beyond it, articulate beneath the neuter gls. Glumes aW scaberulous, I ^-5 shorter than II, ovate, subacute, 1-3- rarely 5-nerved ; II lanceo- late, acute, 5-nerved ; flg. gl. about as long as II, clothed with straight hairs nearly as long as itself that spread when dry, 7-nerved ; palea oblong, 2-toothed, scaberulous, keels ciliolate ; lower neuter gls. coriaceous, glabrous scabrid hispidulous or rarely sparsely hairy, usually obliquely clavate and truncate, rarely oblong, strongly nerved. Lodicules 0 or most minute. Grain fusiform. — A most variable plant, presenting, according to Boissier, eight varieties, and under which are ranged fourteen species of his own and other authors. The Indian specimens may be roughly classed under two very distinct-looking forms, which, but for Boissier's wider experience and authority, 1 should have been disposed to regard as species ; though I find specimens which seem to be intermediate between them. These are, M. Cupani, Guss. (which includes trachyantha, Boiss.) with stems 12-18 in. high, pale straw-colrd. spikelets 5-5 in. long, with gl. II usually only about^ longer than I ; and M. persica, Kunth (including Jacquemontii, Decne.), with stems 6-12 in. hij^h, purple (rarely pale yellowish) spikelets ^-^ in. long, and gl. II almost twice as long as I. In both the leaves or their sheaths or both, are glabrous or tomentose, and the club-shaped neuter gls. from nearly smooth to scabrid. 2. m. nutans, Linn. Sp. PI. 66 ; panicle racemiform very lax, spike- lets 2-fld., gls. I and II cymbiform very obtuse. III quite glabrous. Fl. Dan. t. 962 ; Host Gram. Austr. ii. 9, t. 10 ; Gsertn. Fruct. ii. 5, t. 80, f. 4; Schreb. Gram, ii, 62, t. 6, f . 2 ; Engl. Bat. t. 1059 ; Knapp Gram. Britt. t. 42; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 376; Cav. Ic. t. 175; RelcM. Ic.Fl. Germ. t. 72; Steud. Syn. Gram. 291; T.Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. n. 60; Ledeb. Fl Boss. iv. 399 ; Boiss. El. Orient, v. 568. Kashmir, Falconer ; at Hirpoor, alt. 8000 ft., Clarice. — Distrib. Europe, N, Asia. Stem 10-18 in., very slender, inclined, from a long stoloniferous rootstock. Leaves 6-10 in., very narrow, acuminate, sparsely hairy; ligule very short or 0. Panicle long, nodding or drooping, rachis and few branches secund, capillary, Spikelets l in, long, few, distant, very shortly pedicelled, pendulous, broadly oblong ; gls. I and II subequal, scarious, green or purplish ; III oblong, strongly many-nerved, scaberulous. Lodicules minute, connate. Grain fusiform. ** Panicle with spii'eading branches ; spikelets not jointed on tJieir pedicels; gl. Land II persistent ; neuter gls. forming a small oblong body; lodicules 2, connate. 3. BI. scaberrima, Hoolc.f. ; branches of panicle elongate opposite alternate or 3-nate, spikelets 3-5-fld., gls. I and II ovate-lanceolate, flg. gls. narrowly lanceolate. Festuca scaberrinia, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 316. Glyceria scaberrima, Steud. I. c. ; Duthie Grass. iV. W. Ind. 41. Poa Zizania, Jacquem. mss. AfeHca.] CLXXiir. GiiAMiNKyE. (J. D. Hooker.) 331 Westkun Temperate Himalaya ; from Kashmir to Kumaon, alt. 6-10,000 ft. Stem 3-5 ft., very sleuder, flaccid, smooth. Leaves 8-10 by ^-l in., more or less scabrid ; sheaths scabrid, hirsute on the upper margins ; ligule short, truncate, 2-auricled. Panicle very variable, rai'ely reduced to a subsimple raceme ; rachis Hliform ; branches 2-5 in., at length horizontal, often 2 in, apart, smooth or scabrid. Spikelets often irregularly disposed, shortly pedicelled, crowded on short branchlets, or distantly scattered, i-i in, long, pale green; rachilla slender, scaberulous; gl. I and II ovate-lanceolate, I 1-nerved ; II 3-nerved ; flg. gls. distant, lowest about twice as long as II, narrowly lanceolate, strongly 7-9-nerved, tip quite entire ; palea shorter than its gl., keels scaberulous. Lodlcules very minute. Anthers variable in length. Grain subcylindric or fusiform. — Closely allied to the AfFghan M. secunda, Kegel (M. gracilis, Aitch. cf* Hemsl.) a native of AfFghan. and Turkestan. Var. micrantha ; spikelets -i in., leaf -sheaths nearly smooth, ligule hardly auricled. — Kishtwar, alt. 6000 ft., Clarke. 110. ZiOPKATKERUBI, Brongn. Tall slender leafy perennial grasses. Leaves petioled, lanceolate, acu- minate, nerves tessellate. Spikelets 1-fld., narrowly lanceolate, terete, solitary, secund and jointed on the long strict alternate branches of a lax panicle ; rachilla not jointed at the base, produced beyond the flg. gl. and bearing several closely sheathing awned empty gls. Glumes dorsally rounded, I and II empty, oblong, obtuse, margins membranous, 5-nerved, deciduous with the flg. gl. ; III much longer, coriaceous, ovate-oblong, 7-9- nerved, mucronate or shortly awned ; keels of palea narrowly winged, smooth. LodiculesJ^. Stamens^ Styles connate at the base,, stigmas long. Grain oblong, free. — Species 1 or 2, trop. Asia. Asia.^^^^ ), t. 8 ; J^V^ Et Xi. gracile, Brongn. in Duperr. Voy. Bot. 50, t. 8; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 391 ; Sleud. Si/n. Gram. 300 ; Benth. Ft. Rongh. 4^6'i ; Thwaites Enum. PI. Zeyl. 374 ; " Trim. Cat. Ceyl. PL 109 ; Miq. Fl. Incl. Bat. iii. 400. L. elatum, Zoll. Sc Mor. Syst. Verz. Zoll. 102. L. japonicum, multiflQtum and dubium, Steud. Si/n. Gram. 300. L. Lehmajmi, JSIees ex iSteudTl. c. Acroelytrum japonicum, Sleud. in Flora, xxix. (1846) 21. AUelotheca tJrvillej.. hiteud. ISyn. Gram. 117. — Centothecse affiae, Wall. Cat. n. 8900. —ITnff.Ic. PI. As'iat. t. 152, f. 2. Tropical Himalaya, from Sikkim eastwards ; the Khasia and Naga Hills, Burma, Ceylon (up to 4000 ft.), and the Malaya Peninsula. — Distrib. China, Japan, Malaya, N. Guinea. Stem 2-5 ft., ascending from a branched woody rootstock. Leaves 4-10 by ^-l^ in., narrowed into a slender petiole ^-i in. long; sheaths smooth; ligule minute. Pan-icie of few distant strict stiff smooth branches, 6-18 in. long. Spike- lets ^-^ in., including the short awns of the closely imbricate upper empty glumes, which form ^a pencil of short erect or spreading bristles projecting from the apex of the tightly rolled flg.vgls. — It is remarkable that this plant has not been observed in the Deccan Peninsula. DOUBTFUL species. L. DUBIUM, steud. Syn. Gram. 300. — Herb. Wight, n. 1090, The description is of leaves only, and quite unrecognizable. 111. CENTOTKECA, Desv. Tall perennial grasses. Leaves broadly lanceolate, tessellately nerved. Spikelets 1-2-fld., secund on the long branches of a lax subsimple panicle, 332 OLxxiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) [Centotheca. not jointed on the very short pedicels ; rachilla jointed at the base and between the flg. gls. Glumes 5, I and II oblong-ovate, keeled, 3-5-nerved, empty, persistent ; flg. gls. oblong, acute, dorsally rounded, 7-nerved, naked or the upi^er bearing soft erect at length deflexed tubercle-based spines above the middle; palea shorter than the gl., keels ciliolato. Lodicules 0. Stamens 2-3, anthers short. Styles free. Grain ovoid, acute, terete, free. -^Species 1 or 3 ?, Trop. Asia, Africa, Australia. C. lappacea* Besv. in Nouv. Bull. Soc. Philoni. ii. (1810) 189, & in Journ. But. i. (IBL^ 70 ; Beauv. Agrost. 69, t. 14, f. 7 ; Kunth Revis. Gram. i. 317, t. 70, J^nuni. PI. i. 366, Suppl. 302; Steud. 8yn. Gram. 116; Thw. Enum.Bl. Zeyl. 374; Trim. Gat. Ctyl. PI. 109; Wall. Cat. n. 8826; Griff. Notul. m.Q2, Ic. PI. Asiat. t. 152, f. 1 ; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 398; Bentk. Fl. Austral, vii. 640; JSoclist. in Bot. Zeit. (1857) 33; Lishoa in Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. vii. (1893) 388. C. latitblia, Trin. Fund. Agrost. 141. C. parviflora, Anderss. in Peters. Reise Mosamb. Bot. 559. Hierochloa? latifolia, Kunth Revls. Gram. i. 21. Holcus latifolius, Osheck. Iter. 24!? ; Linn. Syst. Ed. x.VdOo. 0|)lisnienus .P magellanicus, Roem. Sf Sch. Sysf. ii. 485. Melica lappacea, Rasp, in Ann. Sc. Nat. Ser. I. v. (1825) 44;i. M. diaiidra & refracta, Boxh. Fl. Ind. i. 327. Poa latifolia, Forst.f. Prodr. 8 ; Fa/d Symh.ix.lS. P. malabarica, Linn. Sp. PL 69; Bitrm Fl.Ind.27, t. 11, f. 2, P. nemoralis, Ilej/ne ex Wall. Cat. n. 3826 A. Torresia .^ latifolia, Beauv. I. c. 165. T. biflora, Boem. ^ Sch. Syst. ii. 515. Uniola lappacea, Trin. in Act. Petrop. YI. i. (1831) 358, Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 298. Cenchrus lappaceus, Linn. Sp. PI. Ed. II. 1488. Festuca latifolia. Roth. Nov. PI. Sp. 75. B\ bUpharophora, Roem. Sc Sch. Sysf^\\. 728. F, ciliaris, Heyne ex Roem: &( Sch. I. c. F. ciliata, Hb. Heyneex Wall. Cat. n. 3826 A. F. virgata, Heyne ex Steud. Norn. Ed. II. i. 633. Panicum festnciforme, Hochst. PL Ind. Or. Hohenack. n. 363.— Panicum, Wall. Gat. n. 8708. Tropical Sikkim Himalaya, the Kuasia Hills, Munniporr, Burma, Centkal India, and southward to Malacca, the Andaman Islds., and Ceylon. — Distrib. Malaya, China, Polynesia, Africa trop. Slon 1-3 It., stout, erect from a hranched woody rootstock, with stout root- fibres, heaves 4-10 l)y 1-li in., many-nerved, glahrous or sparsely hairy, haso narrow obtuse or subcordate, midrib oblique; sheath ghibrous or hairy; ligule short, lacerate. Panicle 8-10 in. long and broad, branches smooth. Spikelets ^-5 in., green; rachilla scaherulous ; palea often dtcurrent on the rachilla below tlie gl. — The number of flg. gls. varies, but 5 is, I think, a normal; I and II are rather distant at the base, lu one spikelet I find 6 gls., of which III was empty naked and epaleate, IV naked and paleate, V and VI with stout reversed tubercle-based spines; not untVequently the fern, spikelet has only a single strongly-armed gl. and a produced raciiilla. Kunth (I. c. Suppl. 302) des^cribes gl. Ill and IV as complete and bisexual, V minute and imperfect. I suspect that this grass is polygamous. 112. STRBPTOGVNA, Beauv. A tall erect perennial grass. Leaves petioled, flat ; nerves tessellate. Spikelets 1-4-fld., narrovr, terete, subsessile, not jointed on the long, rigid, strict, unilateral spike; rachilla elongate and jointed between the fl. gls. Glumes 3-6, very narrow, I and II empty, persistent ; I small, 3-neiyed ; II longer, convolute, acute, awnless, m^ny-nerved ; III longer, rigid, tightly convolute, many-nerved, acuminate and awaed ; IV-VI empty; palea embraced by the gl., narrow, 2-fid. Lodicules 3, subulate. Stamens Streptogyna.] clxxiii. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 333 2-3. Sti/les filiform ; stigmas 2-3, very long, at length spirally twisted. Grain linear, terete, Iree but closely embraced by the gl. and palea. S. crinita, Beauv, Agrostogr. 80, t. 16, f. 8; Poir. Encycl. Suppl. t. 912 ; Kunth Enum. PL i. 427, t^uppl. 349 ; DoellinMart. Fl. Bras. ii. lit. 171, t. 46; Steud. Syn. Gmm. 339 ; Griseh. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 528; Thw. Enum.Pl.Zei/1374^; Trim. Cat PL Get/L 110 ; Wight Gat n. 2362. S. guianensis, Hich. ex Ruem. 4' Sck. ^iijst. ii. 614. Streptia crinita & secunda, Hei'h. Rich. Tbavancore ; Courtallam, Wight, Beddome. Ceylon; Matele district, Gardner. DiSTRiB. Africa and America trop. Stem 4-6 ft., smooth. Leaves often as long as the stem, lanceolate, gradually narrowed to the base and apex, membranous ; sheath long, open ; ligule short. S/nkes terminal, 8-16 in. long, with a spathiform basal sheath ; rachis compressed, smooth, produced beyond the spikelets, with often an imperfect glume. Spikelets 1 in., quite smooth and glabrous; gls. subcoriaceous ; I lanceolate, finely acuminate; III narrowed into the very slender awn, |-f in. long. Anthers very long and narrow. '• 113. HSZiUROPUS, Trin. (ex parte). Low much branched rigid leafy perennial grasses. Leaves distichous, usually spreading and convolute, rigid and pungent, rarely flat. Spikelets 6- many-fid., sessile or subsessile in oblong spiciform panicles or capitate, densely crowded, laterally compressed, villous, not jointed on their pedicels ; rachilla jointed at the base and between the flg. gls. internodes very short. Glumes many, oblong, membranous, dorsally rounded, apiculate cuspidate or mucronate, I and II shorter than the fig. gls:, I 1-3-nerved ; II 5-7- nerved ; fl. gls. closely imbricate, 7-9-nerved, longer than the empty gls. ; palea as long and broad as its gl., broader upwards, truncate, keels ciliate. Ludicules 2, obliquely truncate. Stamens 3, anthers small. Styles free, stigmas plumose. G/mw ovoid to ^blong, free. — Species few, Reg. Mediter., Oriental and Indian. Parlatore (Fl. Ital. i. 462) has, under Ml. littoralis, pointed out that two plants have been referred to M. l 4- many-fld., crowded, sessile, villous with soft hairs, pale green or white ; gls. closely imbricate, ovate-oblong, apiculate, concave, margins hyaline, nerves strong ; I 3-5-nerved ; II longer, 7-9-nervpd ; flg. gls. rather longer than the empty, many-nerved, lower 2-4 sometimes neuter; palea broadly truncate or 3-lobed, keels villous. Ovary obovoid. Grain -^^ in., obovate-oblong, compressed dorsally. — A very variable grass in habit, foliage and size of the heads and spikelets. Re- garded by Cosson and others as a form of ^. littoralis, in which the panicle is elongate. 114. DACTVIiIS, Linn. Stiff erect tufted perennial grasses. Leaves flat. Sjnkelets 3-10-fld. compressed, subdistichously crowded in short unilateral spikes forming a terminal unilateral panicle, not jointed at the base ; rachilla continuous, glabrous. Glumes I and II unequal, scarious, lanceolate, acuminate or mucronate, keeled, empty, persistent; 1 1-nerved, II 1-3-nerved ; flg. gls. rather longer, rigid, 5-nerved, subaristate, keel scabrid; palea 2-fid, keels ciliolate. Lodicules 2, 2-lobed, fleshy. Stamens 3, anthers long. Styles free, terminal; stigmas plumose. Grain oblong, acute, trigonous, dorsally Dadylis.'] clxxiii. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 335 subcompressed, ventrally channelled, glabrous. — Species few, Europe temp. Asia and Africa. D. grlomerata, Linn. Sp. Fl. 86 ; leaves keeled, sheaths compressed, ligule long laciniate, panicle erect or inclined, branches short or the lower long erecto-patent naked below, spikelets 3-5-fld., keels of fig. gls. ciliate-scabrid. Beauv. Agrost. 85, t. 17, f. 5; FL Dan. t. 743; Host Gram. Austr. ii. 67, t. 94; Kunth Enum. Fl. i. 386, Suppl. 320, t. 29, f. 1 ; Engl. Bot. t. 335 ; Knapp Gram. Britt. t. 62 ; Relchb. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 59 {excl. f. 1520) ; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. n. 65; Webb. Fhytog. Canar. t. 249 ; Wccfl. Cat. n. 8899 ; Diithie Grass. ]^. W. Ind. 39 ; Ledeb. FL Boss Av. 355; Boiss. FL Orient, v. 596. FesLuca glomerata. All. FL Fedem. ii. 252. North-Western Himalaya from Kashmir to Kumaon, and Western Tibet, :ilt. 8-10,000 ft. — DisTBiB. Europe, N. Africa, W. and N. Asia (an alien else- where). Stem 2-3 ft. from a short creeping stock, smooth. Leaves subglaucous, glabrous or hairy towards the base, margins scabrid ; sheath much flattened or 2-edged. Panicle 1-6 iu., strict, green or purplish ; lower branches sometimes 2-3 in. long. Spikelets l-\ in., ovate ; gls. I and II pale with green nerves, subaristately acu- minate, terminal flg. gl. sterile. — There are many synonyms of this common variable European plant, but the whole genus must be studied before the species can be disentangled. 115. SCZiEROCKZiOA, Beauv. A small annual prostrate grass. Spikelets minute, 3-6-fld., compressed, biseriately crowded on the branches of a secund subspiciform panicle; rachilla thickened under the flg. gls. Glumes 5-8; I and II very unequal, membranous, concave, emarginate, empty, persistent, I 3-nerved ; II 5-8- nerved, unequal-sided ; fl. gls. larger, complicate, keeled, strongly 5-nerved, tip obtuse, margins hyaline ; palea hyaline, 2-fid, keels spinulosely ciliate. Lodicides 2, hyaline, ovate, 2-4-toothed. Stamens 3. Sti/les short, free, stigmas plumose. Grain oblong, free, subconcavo-convex, glabrous, tip 2-tid. S. dura, Beauv. Agrost. 98, t. 14, f. 4 ; Beic/ib. Ic. FL Germ. t. 58 ; Ledeh. FL Boss. iv. 367 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 635 ; Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1863) 293. Poa dura, 8cop. FL Cam. i. 70 ; Host Gram. Austr. ii. 53, t. 73. rfesleria dura, Kunth Revis. Gram. i. 110, Enum. FL i. 323, Suppl. 278. Oynosurus durus, Linn. 8p. Fl. 72; Follich Hist. Falat. i. 98, Fig. 1. iilleusine dura, Lamk. Illust. i. 203. Festuca dura. Fill. Hist. Fl. Dauph. ii. 94. Amblychloa dura, Link in Linnsea, xvii. (1843) 399. Kashmir, Valley, alt. 5000 ft., Thomson. — Distrib. Europe, N. Asia. Stems 4-6 in., tufted, compressed, leafy throughout. Leaves linear, acute ; sheath open; ligule oblong. Panicle 1-2 in., ovate-oblong, rigid, green; pedicels very short, stout, trigonous. Spikelets ^-j in., spreading or appressed to the rachis ; gl. I ovate-oblong, obtuse, keeled, margins hyaline ; II twice as long ; flg. gls. ovate-oblong, herbaceous, compressed above ; palea shorter, oblong. 116. SCKZSnZUS, Beauv. Small annual grasses. Leaves narrow. Spikelets many-fld., in a sub- spiciform panicle, with very short erect branches and pedicels, not jointed 336 OLXXiii. GRAMINE^. (J. D. Hooker.) \_ScJiismus, at the base ; rachilla elongate, jointed at the base and between the flg. gls. Glumes 6-10; I and II large, empty, subequal, lanceolate, acute, concave, persistent, herbaceous, margins scarious, I broadest, 6-7-nerved ; II 3-nerved ; flg. gls. much shorter, oblong or obovate, 2-fid, raany-nerred, mucronate or not between the hyaline lobes; palea spattiulate with 2 submarginal diverging basal nerves. Lodicules 2, hyaline, truncate. Stamens 3, anthers minute. Styles terminal, long, stigmas plumose. Grain minute, broadly obovoid, compressed, free. — Species 2 or 3, Earop. Asia, N. Africa. S. margrinatusi JBeauv. Agrost 74, t. 15, f. 4 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 385, Suppl. 318, t. 28, f. 2 ; Ledeb. Fl. Boss. iv. 403 ; Dufhie Grass. K. W. Ind. 39. S. calycinus, G. Koch in Linnsea xxi. (1848) 397 ; Goss. & Dur. Expl. Sc. Alger. 138, in Bull. Soc. Bat. Fr. iv. (1857) 399; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 599. S. hirsutus, Trin. Fund. Agrost. 148. Festuca calycina, 'Loefl. It. JSispan. 116 ; Gav. Ic. i. 88, t. 44, f*. 2 ; Lamk. Illustr. t. 46, f, 5. Koeleria calycina, DG. & Duby. Bat. Gall. Suppl. 271. Hemisaoris gona- todes, Steud. in Flora, xii. (1829) 490. Electra calycina & nitida, Panz. in Muench. Denkschr. iv, (1813) 299 cum Ic. Trisetum Loeflingianum, Duthie Grass. JV.W. Ind. 31 (non Beauv.). — Griff. Notul. 96 (gramen pusillam, &c.), Ic. PI. Asiat. t. 154, f. ii. Upper Punjab; Peshawur, Stewart. Western Tibet, alt. 9-11,000 ft., Nubra and Dras, Thomsony Iskardo, Clarke. — Distrib. Westwd. to the JN. Atlantic, N. Asia. Stems 2-8 in., densely tufted, filiform. Leaves glabrous or sparsely hairy, -^^ in. broad ; ligule of hairs. Panicle 1^-2 in., green, glistening, pedicels scabrid. Spike- lets i in. ; gl. I and II glabrous ; flg. gls. hairy, cleft to about ^ of their length ; lobes ovate, acute. 117. BRZZA, Linn. Annual or perennial erect grasses. Leaves flat or convolute. Spike- lets many-fld., laterally compressed, pendulous, in lax rarely contracted or spiciform panicles not jointed on the pedicel ; rachilla jointed at the base. Glumes many, scarious, cymbiform or saccate, closely imbricate ; I and II subequal, empty, 3-5-nerved, persistent ; fl. gls. broader, obtuse acute or shortly awned, 5- or more-nerved, terminal often empty or imperfect; palea often small, broad, flat, hyaline, 2-nerved. Lodicules 2, ovate-lan- ceolate. Stamens 3. Styles ,free. Grain ovoid, dorsally compressed, closely invested by the palea. — Species about 10, of temperate regions. £. maxima, Linn., has been found as an escape in several parts of India. It may be recognized by the very large spikelets. B. minor, L., with very small spikelets may be also expected to occur. B. media, Linn. Sp. PI. 70 ; perennial, panicle erect, branches spreading, spikelets ovate 5-9-fld., gl. I and II shorter than III. Fl. Dan. t. 258 ; Host Gram.Austr. ii. t. 29; Knapp. Gram. Britt. t. 60; Engl. Bot. t. 340; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 291 ; Beichh. Ic. Fl. Gtrm. i. t. 92; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. n. 59 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 371, Suppl. 307, t. 25, f . 2 ; Ledeh. Fl. Boss. iv. 365 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 592 ; Buthie Grass. N.W.Ind.'S'd. Western Himalaya ; from Kashmir to Garwhal, and Western Tibet, alt. 9-13,000 ft. SiKKiM, at Grnatong, Cummins. — Distrib. Europe, N. Asia. (An aliuu elsewhere.) / Briza.] clxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 337 Stem 1-3 ft., very slender, creeping below and stoloniferous. Leaves flat, smooth or scaberulous J sheaths smooth, upper inflated; ligule short. Pan tcie pyramidal; branches long, capillary, horizontal. Spikelets ^-5 in., green or purplish, shining, orbicular-ovate ; fl. gls. cordate, imbricate. 118. POA, Unn. (by O. Stapf). Annual or perennial grasses. Leaves flat or convolute. 2-6-fld., in lax or close rarely spiciform panicles, laterally compressed; rachilla jointed at the base and between the fig. gls., glabrous or sparsely hairy, upper fl. usually imperfect. Glumes 4 or more, acute or obtuse, usually thinly herbaceous ; I and II empty, persistent, l-3-nerv6d, keeled ; flg. gls. obtuse or acute, 5-7- very rarely 3-nerved, nerves conniving to- wards the top, callus often bearded with long wool ; palea shorter than the gls., 2-keeled. Lodicules 2. Stamens 3. Styles short, free, stigmas plumose. Grain ovoid oblong or linear, free or adherent to the palea. — Species about 80, temperate and cold regions, rarely tropical. The Indian Poae have been worked up by Dr. Stapf, who has kindly given me his mss,, from which the characters given below are taken. The nomenclature agrees closely with that of Hackel in a very extensive series of North Indian grasses collected by Mr. Duthie. The names of early distributed collections including those of Dr. Thomson and myself were given by Genl. Munro after a cursory examination, and should be disregarded. Subgen. I. Pseudopoa, G. Koch. Fl. gls. 3-nerved, often very faintly. 1. P. perslca, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Sc. Petersb. Ser. YI. i. (1831) 373; Kunth Enum. PL i. 358; Boiss. Fl, Orient, v. 610; Steud. Syn. Gram. 255. P. parvula. Herb. Tin. Bin. ex Steud. I. c. P. pamphyliea, Boiss. Diagn. Ser. I. xiii. 58. Nepbelochloa persica, Griseb. in Ledeb. Fl. Boss. iv. 366, in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 74. Festuca persica, heptantha, & polygama, C Koch in Linnsea, xxi. (1848) 409, 410. F. Amherstiana, Boyle III. Himal. Bot. 417 {name only).—Foa, n. 19, 20, Herb. Ind. Or. H.f. 8r T. Western Himalaya ; from Kunawur to Kashmir and Western Tibet, alt. 7-12,000 ft. — DrsTRiB. Westwd. to Asia Minor, Soongaria, Altai Mts. A very slender erect, quite glabrous, usually flaccid annual, 1-18 in. high, most variable in habit ; from a simple capillary stem with few-fld. contracted panicle, to a tall strict herb, with a pyramidal or oblong copiously branched panicle 6-8 inches long, and sometimes 6 in. across the spreading branches. Leaves narrowly linear, rarely i in. diam., quite smooth, flat ; ligule lanceolate. Panicle-hranches 2-9 in a whorl, pedicels capillary, often very long and divaricate. Spikelets yo'i ^^' long. 2-15-fld., green, rachilla slender; gls. I and 11 lanceolate, acuminate, I very small, II 3-nerved ; flg. gls. longer than II, linear-oblong, acute acuminate or obtuse and mucronate, smooth or obscurely pubernlous, tip and margins more or less broadly scarious and shining ; palea 2-toothe(l, keels scaberulous. Lodicules ovate-oblong. Anthers minute. Grain narrow, linear, subadherent. The following are divei'gent forms with many intermediates of this extremely variable grass. In India they do not seem to affect special localities. All seem to occur in Western Tibet, where the plant is very abundant. P. PBRSiCA proper ; rather tall, spikelets many-fld., fl. gls. acute or acuminate very narrowly scarious. Var, soongarica ; spikelets l-3-fld.,flg. gls. acuminate, margins broadly scarious. var. oxymeris, Boiss. Fl. Orient. I. c. P. soongarica, Boiss. I. c. 611. P. paradoxa & P. subtilis, Ear. ^ Kir. in Bull. Soc. Naf.. Misc. (1841) 464, (1842) 532. P. diaphana (error for diaphora)^ Trin. in Bull. Sc. Acad. Petersb. i. (1836) 69. VOL. VII. Z 338 CLxxiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hookei.) [Poa, 0. Stapf Nephelochloa altaica & soongarica, Griseh. in Ledeb. Fl. Boss. iv. 367. Glyceria soongarica, Schrenk in Fisch. Sf Mey. Enum. Fl. Schrenh. i. 1. Aira altaica^ Trin. in Bunge Verz. Suppl. F I. Altaic. 8. Var. aljoina, Boiss. 1. c. 610 ; 1-2 in, high, fastigiately branched, panicle de- pressed amongst the leaves, rachis short, branches crowded spreading subsquarosely and decurved, spikelets 2-3-fld. fl. gl. acute. Var. minor, Boiss. in Bourg. Fl. Lycia (I860). Var. wa/or, Boiss. I.e.; tall, panicle spreading, spikelets few or many-fld., flg. gls. tmncate or rounded at tlie tip mucronate, margins very narrowly scarious. Nephelochloa tripolitana, Boiss. ^ Blanch. Diagn. Ser. II. iv. 133. Subgen. II. EupoA. Fig. gls. 6-nerved, lateral pairs sometimes obscure. * Stem bulbously thickened at the base. — § Arenariae. 2. P. bulboaa, Linn. Sj). PI. 70, var. elanata, Stapf; densely tufted, leaves linear acute flat, ligule ovate or oblong, panicle oblong, lower branches binate, spikelets |-^ in. 4-7-fld. subsessile crowdedi^ften viviparous, gl. I ovate acute margin broadly hyaline, flg. gls. oblong acute, upper i—^ hyaline silkily hairy below the middle, nerves obscure, wool 0 or very scanty, keels of palea scabrid. P. bulbosa, Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 40; Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 74. Western Himalaya ; from Kashmir to Zanskar, alt. 5-9000 ft.. Falconer, &c. Western Tibet, alt. 9-13,OCO ft.— Distrib. (of P. hulbosa) temp. Europe and Asia. Steins 6-16 in., terete, smooth. Leaves chiefly subradical, margins smooth, shortly acute, lower 2-2f in., upper much shorter, i in. broad, of tlie surculi very narrow ; sheaths lax, often open, upper more appressed shorter than the internodes ; ligule ^-^ in., or shorter in reduced forms. Fanicle 1-2 in., rarely ovate, lobed, contracted, lower branches nearly smooth ; branchlets short, scaberulous. Spikelets shortly pedicelled or subsessile, oblong or ovate-oblong, pale green; gl. I Yt~'l ^^'f ovate, acute, 3- )arely 2-nerved, margins denticulate, nerves rough ; II similar but larger, more acuminate, 3-nerved ; fl. gls. -J-f in., oblong, acute, sometimes mucro- nuliite, upper i-i hyaline; nerves obscure; palea -^ shorter. Anthers i^^y-iV "'• — Diflers from typical bulbosa in the absence or scantiness of wool in the spikelets. Kashmir specimens are unusually tall and stout, with many broad leaves and some- times a laxer habit. Zanskar ones are typical in all respects but the absence of wool. The viviparous state is very common. ** Stem not bulbously thickened at the base. + Spikelets broadly ovate ; gls. thin, broad, dorsally strongly arched, fl. gl. base silkily hairy, wool 0. — § Alpinae. 3. P. alpina, Linn. Sp. Pi. 67; densely tufted, surculi clothed with short distichous thickish sheaths, leaves short broadly linear firm acute, panicle broadly ovate, lower branches mostly binate, spikelets ^-\ in. 3-G- fld. broadly ovate, gls. all thin arched, I ovate acute margin broadly hyaline, flg. gls. ovate-oblong obtuse upper g hyaline silky-hairy below the middle nerves obscure, wool 0, keels of palea ciliate below the middle. Host Gram,. Austr. ii, 49, t. 67 ; Engl. Pot. t. 1008 ; Knapp Gram. Pritt. t, 50 ; Beichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 83 ; Ledeb. FL Boss. iv. 370 ; Poiss. Fl. OHent. V. 605; Griseh. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 74; Buthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 40. Western Himalaya and Western Tibet; from Kashmir to Garwhal, alt. 10-16,000 ft. — Distrib. N. temp, and Arctic regions. Stem 4-16 in., terete, smooth. Leaves chiefly crowded at the base of the stem ; rarely more than i in. broad, flat or of the surculi plicate, firm, margin^ rough ; lowest sheaths and of the surculi distichous, the thickened bases enclosiug the stem, upper Poa, 0. Stapf.] OLXXiii. QRAMiNBiB. (J. D. Hooker.) 339 much louger, up to 2-t in., smooth, open or not, uppermost remote from the panicle ; ligule of the lower and of the surculi very short, truncate, ciliolate, of the upper longer, ovate, sparingly coarsely denticulate. Panicle up to 2\ by 2 in., lax or dense, lower branches more or less spreading, usually naked in the lower half; branchlets short, scaberulous. Spihelets crowded, usually parti -coloured, the lower shortly upper longer-pedicelled ; gls. thin, I^ in., 3-nerved, lateral nerves faint or one obsulete, margins subentire, keel rough; II similar, but rather broader ; fl. gls -|— i in., often emarginate; palea hardly shorter, keels ciliate below the middle, serrulate above it. Anthers ^\ in., oblong. ft Spikelets narrower, gls. all or fig. especially firmer, I and II lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate. a. Gls. all firm; 1 8f II acute or suhacuminate, I 1- or sub o-nerved; anthers y^-iV ^^- — T^cither tall robust or suhrohust species, stoloniferous when fig. ; stems smooth. — § Pratenses. 4. "P.tibeticei^ Munro ex Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 41; tall, stout, stoloniferous, leaves linear acute firm, ligule short truncate, panicle con- tracted or spiciforrn, lower branches 2-4-nate unequal smooth, spikelets \-^ in. 4-6-fid. pedicelled crowded pale, gl. I ovate-lanceolate margin hardly hyaline, II ciliate on the margins towards the base, £1. gls. oblong, tips only hyaline, keel alone silkily hairy, lateral nerves obscure, wool 0. Western Tibet, alt. 9-16,000 ft. ; Piti, Jacquemont ; saline plains of Ladak, &c., Thomson. Plains of Tibet N. of Kumaon, alt. 15,0J0 ft., Strachey 8f Winterbottom (Pea, n. 1.) Stem 12-20 in., stout, terete, smooth, closely sheathed below, 1-2-leaved much below the panicle. Leaves, lower 8 in., upper 2-3 by i-| usually plicate, glab- rous, smooth ; sheaths firm, upper very long, smooih ; ligule yL in., firm, ciliolate. Panicle about li in. long, narrow, interrupted; lower branches 2-nate, the longer appressed to the rachis, and branchlets smooth. Spikelets crowded, all pedicelled, oblong, pale ; gls. firm, I |-f in., suhacuminate, sub 3-nerved, keel minutely scaberulous, margins hardly hyaline ; II rather larger, more oblong ; fl. gls. A-^ in., subacute, ciliate on the margin towards the base, lateral nerves obscure ; palea rather shorter, keels subserrulate. Anthers -^^ in., linear. Var. aristulata, Stapf; gls. more acuminate often very shortly aristulate. — Eastern Tibet, N. of Sikkim, alt. 16-17,000 ft.— J^. D. H. 5. P. pratensis, Li7in. Sp. PI. Q7 ; tall, stout, stoloniferous, leaves usually flat acute upper much the shortest, ligule truncate or subobovate, panicle ovate or oblong lower branches usually 5-nate, spikelets ^-i in. 3-5-fld. ovate acute crowded green, gl. I ovate-lanaeolate acute, fig. gls. oblong upper ^-^ hyaline nerves prominent, keel and lateral nerves silkily hairy to the middle or above it, wool copious, keels of palea scabrid-serrate. — Host Gram. Ausir. ii. 44, t. 61 ; Enql. Bot. t. 1073 ; Knapp Gram. Britt. \. 55 ; Kunih Enum. Fl. L 352, Suj)pL 297 ; Steud. 8yn. Gram. 251 ; Beichh. In. Fl. Germ. t. 88 ; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. n. 56 ; Ledeh. Fl. Boss. iv. 378 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 601 ; Griseh. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) -74 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 40. P. alpina, Griseh. I.e. {Herb. Schlagintw. n. 2772.) Western Himalaya ; from Kashmir to Kumaon, and Western Tibet, alt. 5-15,000 ft. Bhotan, Griffith. — Distrib. North temp, regions. Stems 6-20 in., smooth, terete. Leaves crowded at the base of the stem, lineai-, rarely plicate or subinvolute, firm (flaccid in shade), margins asperulous, glabrous or rarely spai'sely hairy, lower very variable in length, upper 5-I in. by -3^-^ in. ; lowest sheaths firm, close ; upper much longer, 4 in. and upwards, smooth ; ligule rarely more z 2 340 CLXxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hookei.) [Poa, 0. Stapf. than yij in. Panicle up to ^ in., lax or contracted ; lower branches rarely 2-3-nate, erect or spreading, naked below or rarely branched to the base, smooth or asperulous. Spikelets shortly or terminal longer-pedicelled, green ; gl. I tj-y'^ in., 3- or 2-1- nerved, keel aspt rulous, margins hyaline denticulate; II rather larger, B-nerved; gls. |-i in., acute, nerves prominent ; palea shorter. Anthers yV^xV in. linear. — There are many forms, characterized by narrow almost setaceous or by very short leaves, by very narrow and contracted panicles, by shorter spikelets, or by various combinations of these characters ; but these are all so intricately connected, and in many cases so evidently the product of conditions of habitat, and are so independent of geographical distribution, that it is impossible to define them satisfactorily. The two extreme forms are — Var. angustifoUa, Sm. Fl. Britt. i. 105; Gaud. Agrost. Helvet. i. 214; leaves extremely narrow often setaceous. P. angustifolia, Linn. Sp. Fl. 67. P. strigosa, iZo/w. &setacea, Hoffm. P. compressa& trivialis {in part) Herh. Ind. Or. -H/*. ^ T. — Occurs with the type and passes directly into it. Var. alpigena, Blytt Norg. Flora, 130 ; stem 3-8 in., leaves short plicate, ligule jL-i in., panicle f-l-j in. ovate, lowest branches solitary or 2-5-nate glabrous more orlessflexuous spreading sometimes deflexed, branches sparingly asperulous or glabrous, spikelets 3-2-fld. variegated. P. bulbosa, Serb. Strach. ^ Winterb. n. 4. P. variegata, Jacquem. mss. P. alpina, Herh. Ind. Or. Hf. 8f T. (in part). — Western Tibet, alt. 13-17,700 ft., Topidhunga in Kumaon, alt. 14,500 ft., Strach. ^ Winterb.— K very distinct variety, with the habit of P. alpina, and confounded with it in various collections. 6. P. pseudo-pratensiS; Hooh. f. ; stem tall stoloniferous, leaves acute or acuminate usually plicate lowest usually shortest, ligule ovate acute or truncate, panicle ovate or oblong lax-fld. lower branches usually binate branches very long flexuous scaberulous, spikelets i-i in. 3-2-fld., gl. I ovate-oblong acute margin hardly hyaline, flg. gls. oblong tips alone hyaline base silkily hairy nerves prominent, wool scanty or 0, keels of palea ciliate below. — Pestuca, Wall. Gat. n. 3798 {partly). P. pratensis & P. flexuosa ? Herb. Ind. Or. Hf. So T. (in part.) Centbal & Eastern Himalaya; Nepal, Wallich; Sikkim and W. Bhotan, alt. 10-12,000 ft., J. D. H., Cummins. Stems 8-20 in., smooth, terete. Leaves crowded at the base of the stem, 1-3^ by i in., lowest shorter, cauline far distant, of the surculi longer, linear, gradually narrowed into the sheath, glabrous smooth or minutely scaberulous ; lowest sheaths short, firm, scarious, loose, upper much longer up to 6 in., membranous, smooth; ligule Jg- in. Panicle up to 8 in., branches 3-5-iiate, about 2-3 in. long, naked except towards the ends, all spreading or suberect, flexuous, smooth or asperulous, branchlets rough. Spikelets 4-3 i"-. blueish, crowded, shortly or the terminal longer-pedicelled, ovate-oblong; rachilla pilose; gls. firm, li in., 1-nerved, with rarely a lateral pair, keel roughish, margins minutely denticulate ; II rather larger, more acuminate ; fl. gls. A-i in., oblong, acute, tip spotted with yellow, keel and outer nerves silky beyond the middle, intermediate at the base only ; palea rather shorter, ciliate below, and scabridly serrulate above or in the whole length. Anthers Jj-J^ in., linear. 3. Glumes all, or the flg. especially somewhat firm, 1 8f II acuminate, I always distinctly S-nerved ; anthers aV"!^ ***■ — ^^^'^ *^** ''^^ore often tall slender species, stems when flowering surrounded by buds or short stolons, or fascicled with longer stolons. — § Nemorales. 7. P. attenuata, Trin. in B tinge Verz. 8uppl. Fl. Alt. 9 ; stems tufted erect rigid 1-2- leaved above, leaves narrowly linear plicate or involute, sheaths white scarious, ligule ovate, panicle contra.".ted dense-fld., lower branches solitary or 2-nate short appressed acaberulous branching from Foa, 0. Stapf.] clxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 341 the base, spikelets ^\ in. 2-5-fld. subsessile, gl. I ovate-lanceolate acumi- nate margins narrowly hyaline, fig. gls. sparsely hairy below, wool 0 or scanty. Ledeb. Fl. Ross. iv. 371 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 608. P. attenuata & P. altaica, Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 74. P. laxa, Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 40. P. laxa & trivialis 'partim Herb. Ind. Or. Hf. Sf T. P. flexuosa y. humilis, Herb. Royle. P. sterilis, Bieb. ex Duthie I. c. Alpine Himalaya & Western Tibet, alt. 13-17,000 ft.— Distrib. Persia, Turkestan, N. Asia. Stems 4-6 in., densely tufted, not stoloniferous, bearing axillary surculi. Leaves 1-2 by Jg^in., firm, smooth or nearly so ; lower sheaths mostly scarious, white, upper up to 2 in,; ligule ^5-^ in., acute. Panicle f-1^ in., strict, continuous or sub-interrupted, lower branches rarely 3-nate, ^-f in., erect, often stout. Spikelets green, often variegated ; gls. close together, firm, I hardly ^ in. 3-nerved, keel nearly smooth or ronghish ; II rather longer, broader in the middle ; flg. gls. ^ in., oblong, upper ^ hyaline, minutely scaberulous, tip usually erose; nerves 5, slender, obscure, keel and outer nerves silky at the very base only or subglabrous, rarely with longer hairs ; palea rather shorter, keels serrulately scabrid. Anthers -^\ in. — Grisebach's P. altaica (Goett. Nachr. 1. c.) is a stunted depauperate form. 8. P. nemoralis, Linn. Sp. PI. 69 ; stem not stoloniferous when flg., but bearing at the base surculi or leaf -buds 2-4-leaved above the base smooth or scaberulous, leaves very narrowly linear, ligule very short ovate or longer and oblong, panicle contracted or open, lower branches usually binate usually branching to the base and branches scaberulous, spikelets ^-^ in. long-pedicelled 2-4-fld., gls. crowded I ovate-lanceolate acuminate margins hyaline, flg. gls. oblong upper i or ^ hyaline nerves obscure and keel at the base silky-hairy, wool 0 or scanty, keels of palea scaberulous. Fl. Dan. t. 709 ; Engl. Bot. t. 1265 ; Host Gram. Anstr. ii. 6, t. 71 ; Reichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 86 ; Steud. 8yn. Gram. 251 ; Ledeb. Fl. Ross. iv. 375 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 607 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 40. Temperate & Alpine Himalaya & Western Tibet, alt. 5-15,500 ft. — Distkib. Europe, N. Asia, N. Am, Stem 1-2 ft., erect, rigid or flaccid, smooth or scaberulous above, lower inter- nodes hidden in the sheaths or nearly so, uppermost more or less exserted. Leaves cauline 2-5 by -^^ in., flat plicate or involute, firm or flaccid, erect or spreading, smooth or minutely scaberulous above ; sheaths appressed, uppermost up to 4 in. ; ligule truncate, up to \ in., often erosely denticulate. Panicle lax, rigid flexuous or flaccid, lowest branches solitary to 3-nate, slender, erect or spreading, asperulous. Spikelets loosely disposed, green or variegated; rachilla .smooth scaberulous or pilose; gls. close or rather distant, firm or rather thin, I ^-i in., 3-nerved, keel roughish, margins narrowly or broadly hyaline ; II rather longer and broader ; flg. gls. -i in., subobtuse (or subacute in profile) upper ^-^ hyaline and sometimes erose, nerves 5, slender, interspaces sometimes puberulous ; pale* rather shorter. Anthers ja~^o i"' — Ad extremely variable species in habit and length of ligule especially, which is usually short in European examples. The form with a long ligule forms a link with P. attenuata, Trin. , which has usually a more contracted habit. Most of the described varieties of nemoralis are also Indian. Var. LinncBi, Stapf; ligule very short about Jg in. long. — From Kashmir to Kumaon, alt. 5-9000 ft., rarely higher. Var. liffulata, Stapf; ligule elongate x\-|^ in. P. attenuata, Griseb, in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 75. {ScUagintw. n. 2791) |* P. botryoides {ScUag. 7068, 7196). P. flexuosa, Berh. Ragle, ^ Strach. ^ Winterh. n. 7. P. laxa. Herb. Ind. Or. Hf. 8c T. {the SiTckim plant). P. serotina, var. botryoides, Griseb. I.e. {Herb. Schlag. n. 7562). P. variegata, Jacquem. mss. (partim). — From Kashmir to Sikkim, alt. 7-15,000 ft. 342 CLXxiii. GRAMiNE-a:. (J. D. Hooker.) iPoa^ 0. Stapf. y. Glumes all thin, I & II acute or subacute, 1 1-nerved or with a very slender 2nd ; anthers ■^2~i *^- — Stem slender, densely ccespitose with fascicled basal surculi, or tnore loosely <^'- stoloniferous ; panicle slender, branches capillary. — § Glareosae. 9. P. polycolea, Stapf; stems fascicled wiry smooth, leaves narrowly linear or subsetaceons, lower sheaths very lax white scarious, ligule very short, panicle contracted or effuse, lower branches 2-5-nate capillary, branchlets and pedicels long, spikelets }-^ in. loosely 3-fld., gl. I acute or subacute margins hyaline, flg. gls. oblong upper ^-i hyaline, nerves and keel sparsely silky hairy or glabrous, keels of palea minutely scabrid. P. sefotina. Herb. Strach. Sf Winterb. n. 11. Poa n. 15, Herb. Ind. Or. Hf. & T. Western Himalaya; from Kashmir to Kumaon, alt. 8-12,000 ft. Stem 6-12 in., erect or aseeuding, rather strict, lowest internodes loosely sheathed, uppermost rather far exserted. Leaves lower 8 in., loug-acuminate, flat or more or less convolute, subflaccid, glabrous, smooth or margins and nerves beneath asperulons; uppermost sheaths up to 3^ in. Panicle 2^-4 in., pyramidal, rigid or flaccid, lowest branches 2-3 in., flexuons, lower ^ or ^ naked, then loosely branched ; branches rather long, roughish ; pedicels of spikelets up to ^ in. Spikelets loosely disposed, oblong, bi'ight green or variegated; gls. thin, I i-^ in., lanceolate, 1-nerved, keel roughish; II longer, oblong, 3-nerved ; flg. gls. -J-^ in., acute or subacute ; nerves slender, prominent or obscure, outer and keel glabrous or sparsely silky ; wool 0 or hardly any ; palea rather shorter. Lodicules unequally 2-lobed. Anthers -j^ in., linear. 10. P. Palconeri, Hook. f. ; stem tall leafy, leaves narrowed from the middle scaberulous above and beneath, upper equalling or exceeding their sheaths, ligule ovate, panicle narrow very lax, lower branches binate, spikelets }-\ in. 2-3-fld., gl. I oblong-lanceolate acute, II subobovate- oblong, flg. gls. acute or subacute tip shortly hyaline, nerves obscure sparingly pubescent, wool 0, keels of palea finely serrulate. Western Himalaya, Falconer ; Garwhal, alt. 12-13,000 ft. Duthie (n. 288). Stem 2-22" ft., erect, smooth, terete, 4-5-leaved above the base ; internodes short, or the upper more or less elongate and exserted. I/eaves about 6 by ^ in., subflaccid, linear, glabrous, flat or subplicate, upper about equalling their sheaths; lower sheaths lax, upper adpressed, firm, uppermost 3-6 in. ; ligule -J^—i iiK Panicle about 4 in., narrow, very lax, flexuous and flaccid; lower branches flexuous, erect, sparingly and loosely again branched, smooth or nearly so, branchlets roughish. Spikelets as long as or shorter than their pedicels, oblong, green or purplish below, gls. thin, I -^-i in., 1-nerved, margin broadly hyaline, keel minutely asperulons; II rather longer, 3-nerved ; flg. gls. } in., oblong, nerves very slender, pilose on the side at the base only; palea rather shorter than the gl. Lodicules unequally 2-fid. Anthers about ^ o-J in. 11. P. flexuosa, Wahlb. Fl. Carp. 22, Fl. Stiec. 57 {ex parte) ; stems usually very slender tutted stoloniferous, leaves narrowly liuear acute or acuminate flat plicate or" involute, cauline sometimes deflexed, panicle pyramidal lax, lower branches 2- rarely 3-nate or solitary, branches and pedicels scaberulous, spikelets ^—j in. 2-3-fld., gls. thin I oblong-lanceolate 1-3-nerved margin broadly hyaline, II rather longer, fl. gls. broadly oblong upper i or "1^ hyaline base shortly silky-hairy, nerves obscure or slender and prominent, wool scanty or 0, keels of palea scabrid. Reichenb. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 84; Mytt Norg. Fl. 126. PP. cenisia, Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 40 ; ?Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868). 75. P. cenisia, var. /3. flexuosa, Hartm. Poa, 0. Stapf.] CLXxui. graminbj;. (J. D. Hooker.) 343 Sandh. SJcand. Fl. 262 ; Anders. Gram. Skand. t. 4, f. 41. P. flexuosa, var. a. efPusa, Herh. Royle. — Poa No. 9, Herb. Strach. ^ Winterh. — Poa No. 7, & P. flexuosa {of Sikkim), Herh. Ind. Or. Hf. Sf T.) Alpine Himalaya, alt. 10-17,000 ft., from Kashmir to Sikkim.— Distrib. N. temp, and Arctic regions. Stem 8-16 in., erect or with the branches geniculately ascending, smooth ; lowest internodes short, laxly or closely clothed with short sheaths, the following 2-4 elongnte, uppermost exserted. Leaves 2-5 by -j\j in., glabrous, smooth or nearly so, flaccid or rather firm ; lower sheaths scarious, uppermost about 4 in. ; ligule Tf-^ in., ovate. Panicle 2-4 in., erect or inclined ; lower branches capillary, floxuous, often spreading or deflexed, naked except towards the tips smooth. Spike- lets shortly or the terminal longer pedicelled, green, generally suffused with purple; gl. I g-f in., sub-obtuse or -acute, margins broadly hyaline, keel smooth or roughish ; II rather longer, ovate-oblong, sub-obtuse, 3-nerved, lateral nerves often short; fig. gls. i-i in., nearly glabrous or keel and nerves at the base silky, smooth or minutely rough ; palea rather shorter than the gl., dorsally most minutely puberulous between the keels. Anthers xa^i ^^-t linear. d. Glumes I Sf II thin, acute or acuminate, I 1-nerved, or with a very slender 2nd, rarely S-nerved ; anthers very minute, rarely j— ^^- ^ong. — Usually perennial, sometimes jig. in the first year, or truly annual ; leaves Sc often stem flaccid ; stems loosely tufted or on a slender rhizome & with more or less elongate lower internodes, hardly stoloniferous when flowering. — § Micrantherae. X Ligule very short ; keels of palea serrulately scabrid. 12. P. khasiana* Stapf; stem slender erect or ascending, leaves linear long-acuminate, ligule very short truncate, panicle narrowly pyramidal, lower branches 3-5-nate and branchlets scaberulous, spikelets ^-i in. 3-4- fld., gls. rather distant, I oblong-lanceolate acute margins very narrowly hyaline, II ovate-lanceolate, fl. gls. minutely granulate, nerves prominent base nearly glabrous, wool copious or scanty, keels of palea scabrid. — Poa himalayana & Poa n. 17, Serb. Ind. Or. Sf flaccid, flat, smooth or margins roughish ; sheaths siTiooth, uppermost up to 5 in., usually longer than the blade ; ligule erose. Panicle 4-6 in. long, lax, sometimes subsecund ; lower branches subrigid or flexuous, slender, at length spreading or deflexed, unbranched except the tips or loosely branched almost from the base. Spikelets ovate-oblong, pale green ; gls. firm ; I ^ in., 1-nerved, keel rough ; II rather longer and broader, 3-nerved ; fig. gls. ^-i in., oblong, obtuse, tip shortly hyaline, nerves 5 distant, keel and outer nerves sparsely silky or subglabrous. Anthers -2V-2V i"- — Differs from P. annua var. sikkimensis in being taller, with leaves long-attenuate, ligule very short, branches of panicle 3-5- nate, in the wool, and in the keels of the palea not ciliate ; and from P. anvua var. nepalensis, in the 3-5-nate more flexuous branches, rather larger spikelets, narrower firmer gls. with more prominent nerves, rough keels of the palea and rather longer anthers. XX Ligule long ; keels of palea ciliate. 1. Spikelets obovate \ gl. I Sc II equalling the fly. or rather shorter. 13. P. hirtig'luxnis, Sook. f ; stem stout, lower internodes usually 344 CLXXiii. GRAMiNEJi. (J. D. Hookfii.) IPotty 0. Stapf. short, upper elongate, lower sheaths lax scarious, leaves linear flat or plicate acute flaccid, panicle pyramidal, lower branches binate spreading or deflexed, spikelets ^ in. obovate 2-fld., flg. gls. broadly oblong obtuse, base copiously silky-hairy, wool 0, keels of palea long-ciliate. P. alpina partly, & P. flexuosa, ??jpartly Herb. Ind. Or. Sf. Sf T. SiKKiM Himalaya, alt. 16-18,000 ft. ; PLachoong Valley, alt. 11,000 ft, J. B.H. Stems 8-12 in., from a slender evanescent rhizome, forming lax stoloniferous tufts with the surculi, smooth, terete ; internodes mostly very short, the penultimate ae ^-^ the stem, uppermost up to 6 in., exserted. Leaves 2-3 by tV'tV i"'» chiefly crowded towards the base of the stem, with 1-2 shorter higher up, or all short, glabrous, smooth with roughish niar lanceolate, acute, 1-nerved, with sometimes 2-slender lateral nerves, keel minutely scabernlous j II rather longer, 3-nerved ; flg. gls. ^ in., obtuse, rarely subacute. Anthers Jjj in. Grain ^V~i^ i"-j oblong. Var. nepalensis, Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (186bj 75, perennial, stem 20 in., leaves 12-20 in., ligule shorter, panicle up to 6 in., lower branches almost capillary, upper and branchlets subscaberu]ous, spikelets more distant longer pedicelled glaucous green, keel and outer nerves of fl. gl. silky-hairy to the middle, wool often copious. — ■p. annua, (3. Nees in Herh. Hoyle. Poa nepalensis. Wall, ex Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 40. — Poa, Wall. Cat. n. 3791. Western Hinialnya, from Dalhousie to Nepal. Var. siJckimensis, Stapf; perennial, rootstock slender giving off stems surculi and stolons at the nodes, leaves up to \ in. broad, ligule ^\ in. denticulate, panicle 3-6 in., branches slender flexuous and branchlets subscaberulous, glumes firmei", fig. gls. nearly glabrous, wool 0. P. alpina & nepalensis {in part), Herb. Ind. Or. HJ. Sf T. — Eastern Himalaya, alt. 11-15,000 ft., J. D. H., &c., W. Bhotan, Cummins. Some specimens approach P. himalayana in their slender habit and narrower leaves, but the ligule is much larger. UNKNOWN SPECIES. P. HAN8IANA, Poyle III. Bot. Himal. 416 {name). — Hansi & Saharunpore, Soyle. Probably, from the localities, P. annua, 119. CoLPODiUM, Trin. See 103. Catabrosa, Beauv. p. 310. 120. GIiVCXSRZA, Br. Perennial, rarely annnal grasses. Leaves linear, flat or convolute. Spikelets few or many-fld., in contracted or effuse panicles ; rachilla jointed between the flg. gls. rarely hairy, uppermost fl. usually imperfect. Glumes I and II hyaline, empty, persistent, 1-5-nerved ; fig. gls. broadly oblong obovate or fan-shaped, dorsally rounded, 3-9-nerved, nerves often obscure vanishing below the broa/lly hyaline obtuse rounded (rarely subacute) or truncate tip ; keels of palea smooth or scaberulous. Lodicules 2, minute or well developed. Stamens 3. Styles short, distinct. Grain terete or com- pressed, free or subadherent to the palea — Species about 30 enumerated. Sect. I. Hydrochloa. Fig. glumes strongly 7-nerved. Lodicules minute. 1. G-. tongrlensis, Clarke in Journ. Linn. Soc. xv. (1876) 119; very slender, leaves narrow smooth, panicle elongate slender, branches few erect at length spreading unequal lower up to 4 in. erect at length deflexed, snikelets ^-J in. 4-8-fld., gls. I and II 1-nerved. G. caspica, Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 76 (non Trin.) G. fluitans, Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 41 {non Br.). G. rivularis, Jacquem. mss. — Poa n. 24, Herb. Ind. Or. Sf. Sf T. Temperate Himalaya, from Kashmir, alt. 7-9000 ft., and Kumaon, alt. 4-5000 ft., to Sikkim, alt. 7-12,000 ft. Munipore, alt. 9000 ft., Watt. Stems widely creeping in wet places, more tufted in drier, 4-18 in., ascending, Glyceria.] clxxiii. graminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) 347 slender. Leaves 3-8 by to~^ iu., flat, tips obtuse; sheaths smooth, closed to the mouth ; ligule short, rounded or truncate, 2-auricled. Panicle very variable, 4-8 in. long; rachis slender; branches few-fld. Spikelets pale-green or purplish, rarely more than 4-fld. ; rachilla flexuous, glabrous ; glumes glabrous, 1 and II ovate or ovate-oblong, hyaline, obtuse or subacute, I = about ^ 11 ; flg. gls. char- taceous, ovate-oblong, tip rounded hyaline, nerves 7 very prominent ; palea rigid, incurved, keels strong scaberulous. ^wt/i#r* very small, linear-oblong. Gram long, slender.— Very near G. Jluitans, Hr. , of wliich it may be a variety, but dirters from it in the much smaller and fewer-fld. spikelets. Some luxuriant specimens from marshy woods in Sikkim have larger 6-10-fld. spikelets nearly 3 in. long. Sect. II. Attjopis. Fl. gls. 5-nerved. Lodieules large, hyaline. 2. G-. distans, Wahlh. Fl. JJpsal. 36 ; leaves linear flat or convolute smooth, panicle erect pyramidal or contracted lower branches up to 2^ in. at length deflexed, spikelets -^2~8 i°- 4-6-fld., gls. I and II very unequal scarious obtuse, flg. gls. broadly ovate-oblong or cuneate tip rounded or retuse and mucronulate crenate. Fl. Dan. t. 2222 ; Beichb. Ic. Fl. Germ, t. 79 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 41. Poa distans, Linn. Mant. 32 ; Host Gram. Austr. ii. t. 63 ; Fl. Ban. t. 251 ; Engl. JBot. t. 986 ; Xnapp Gram. Britt. t. 47. Atropis distans, Gris'eb. in Ledeh. Fl. Ross. iv. 388, in Goett. Nachr. (18B8) 7<6 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 616. Festuca distans, Kunth Revis. Gram. i. 129, Enum. PI. i. 393, Sup:pl. ii. 303. Western Tibet, alt. 10-16,000 ft., abundant, Thomson, &c. — Disteib. Europe, N. Asia. Stems densely tufted with copious fibrous roots, 4-24 in. high, erect or ascending, stout or slender, leafy upwards or at the base only. Leaves very various, flat and i in. broad in large specimens, quite smooth ; sheaths open for | of their length, lower membranous shining ; ligule short, scarious. Panicle 3-15 in,, rachis and branches smooth, lower branches 2-5-nate, Spikelets minute, green, more or less shining, minutely scaberulous ; gl. I oblong, l-nerved ; II almost twice as large, usually l-nerved ; flg. gls. very variable, base minutely hairy, margins and tip broadly hyaline, nerves reaching ^-| from the base ; keels of palea ciliate. Lodieules oblong, toothed. Anthers 3^-477 in. Var. convoluta, Boiss. 1. c. ; stem taller very slender, leaves all convolute, panicle long narrow, branches shorter erect. G. convolutu. Fries Mant. iii. 176. Festuca convoluta, Kunth Revis. Gram. i. 129 ; Enum. PL 393. Atropis tenuiflora, Griseb. in Ledeh. Fl. Koss. iv. 389,471 Goett. Nachr. I.e. 76. — Tibet common, N. Europe and Asia. — A dift'ereut-looking plant from G. distans in its Tibetan form, being much more slender, with narrower more ovate flg. gls. ; but very variable, and with intermediates. 3. G-. Thomsoni, Siapf; leaves rigid asperulous above smooth be- neath, lowest branches of panicle 2-3 in. spikelets up to i in. oblong 3-5-fld., gl. I J^ in. oblong-lanceolate subacute, II 5 m. elliptic-oblong obtuse, flg. gl. ^ in. tip subacute and margins hyaline yellow, Poa compressa, Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 75, Western Tibet, Rupchu above Pugha, alt, 15,500 ft., Thomson. Tufted, innovations erect. Stem raiher stout, compressed, glabrous, sheathed thr-oughout. Leaves up to 6 in., tapering to an acute or subobtuse point, upper short, pale green, thick, rigid, nerves 7-9 strong ; sheaths more or less compressed, not keeled, smooth, striate, loose above; ligule broadly ovate, obtuse, scarious. Panicle ovate-ojalong or contracted, erect or inclined ; rachis scaberulous or smooth below ; branches geminate, tiliform, sparmgly divided at length spreading, naked to about the middle; lateral pedicels short. Spikelets pale green or variegated ; rachilla glabrous; gl. I l-nerved, margin broadly hyaline; II 3.nerved, tip and margins 348 CLXxiii. GRAMiNEiB. (J, D. Hooker.) [Glyceria. hyaline j flg. gls. smooth, glabrous, 5-nerved, outer nerves short. Lodicules obliquely ovate, acute. Anthers y\j in. Ovary obliquely ovoid; styles very short, subtermiual. — The long subacute flg. gls. are characteristic. 4. G-. poaeoides, Stapf\ leaves complicate scabrid above, longest branches of panicle 1-1| in., spitelets \-\ in. 2-4-fld., gl. II about -^^ in., flg. gls. g in. obtuse tip broadly hyaline. Western Tibet ; Rupchu, grassy plains at the head of the Salt Lake, Thomson. Stems 1-li ft., tufted, erect ; innovation extravaginal erect, their sheaths open to near the base. Leaves 2-^ in., linear subacute, rather thick, smooth beneath, ligule triangular ovate acute. Panicle 2i-i in., erect or inclined, rachis scabrid ; branches 2-4-nate, filiform, erect, sparingly divided, scaberulous, lowest very unequal, lateral pedicels clavate. Spikelets oblong rather loose, pale green or purplish, rachilla glabrous, disarticulating; gls. thin, finely ciliate-serrulate; callus glabrous; I ovoid acute, 3-nerved, side nerves faint short; II similar with stronger side-nerves; flg. gls. broadly elliptic-oblong, quite glabrous, dorsally rounded, nerves obscure except with transmitted light ; keels of palea scantily shortly ciliate. Lodicules obliquely ovoid. Anthers -^ in. Ovary pyriform, glabrous. 121. FESTUCA, Linn, (by O. Stapf.) Perennial, rarely annual grasses. Leaves flat convolute or setaceous. Spikelets 3- many-fld., in open or contracted sometimes spiciform panicles, uppermost fl. imperfect; rachilla jointed below the flg. gls. not produced beyond the uppermost imperfect. Glumes 5 or more ; I and II subequal or unequal, empty, persistent, keeled; I 1- very rarely 3-nerved, II 3- very rarely 5-nerved ; flg. gls. narrow, acute acuminate or awned, 5-7-nerved, dorsally rounded, or keeled towards the tip only ; palea 2-keeled. Lodicules 2. Stamens 3. Ovary glabrous or crown more or less bairy, not or slightly enlarged ; styles terminal, rarely subterminal, stigmas plumose. Grain ventrally concave or grooved rarely flat, glabrous or crown hairy, free or more or less adherent with the palea, rarely with the gl., hilar area elongate. — Species many, chiefly of temp, climates. The species are for the most part extremely difficult of discrimination. Sect. I. Eu-Festuca. Perennial. Em^ty gls. subequal. Stamens 3. A. Yernation of all tbe leaves conduplicate permanently, or cauline more or less flat, always very narrow. * Flg. gls. strongly involute, tightly embracing the grain firm, scabrid or if smooth not shining ; ovary glabrous, innovations always intravaginal, their leaf-sheaths usually open to or near to the base, or middle in F. Cumminsii. 1. P. valesiaca, Schleich. ex Gaud. Agrost. Helvet i. 242 ; slender, rigid, erect, leaves 2-6 in., panicle 1-2 in. narrow usually stiff, branches very short, spikelets ^-\ in. 3-4-fld., awn much shorter than its gl., anthers linear gV-yV i^-' grain adherent to palea and often to the gl. Kunth Enum. PI. i. 4U1, Suppl. 334 ; Ueichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 63 ; Steud Syn. Gram. 306. F. duriuscula, & parviflora. Hack, in Herh. Didhie, & var. tenuis, Hack. Monogr. Fest. Europ. 288. F. ovina, L., var. Pseudovina, Sack. I. c. F. ovina, Host Gram. Austr. ii. 62, t. 86 {non Linn.). F. stricta, Herh. Boyle. F. dubia & F. filiformis, Jacquem. mss. — F. n. sp. Herh. Strach. ^ Winterb. n. 2. Festuca, 0. Stapf.] clxxiti. qramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) 349 Tempbeate and Alpine Himalaya, alt. 10 -16,000 ft., from Kashmir to Sikkim. — DiSTBiB. Central and Eastn. Europe, Orient, Central Asia, Rocky Mts. Stems 4-14 in. tufted, nodes 2, both in the lower \ of the stem. Leaves 2-6 in., setiform to capillary, 3-5-nerved, green or glaucous, rarely rough, bands of sclerenchyma distinct ; sheaths of iunovs. tight, smooth, open to near the base, persistent when dry ; ligule very short, obscurely auricled. Panicle contracted ; branches erect, solitary or 2-nate ; lateral pedicels shorter than the spikelets. Spikelets oblong, broadly obovate when open, pale green or purplish; gl. I J3in., lanceolate, acute or subacute ; II similar i in. ; flg. gls. \-^ in., smooth to scaberu- lous, pruinose, 5-nerved ; palea oblong-lanceolate, sub-2-toothed, keels scabrid. ioc^icitZes minute, obliquely ovoid. Anthers ^^-^^m.,Y\nea,r. Omr^ glabrous. Grain y\- in., ventrally grooved, hilum almost as long as itself. — As represented in India F. valesiaca is a very well defined species. Var. tibetica, Stapf ; stem 2-6 in., sheaths entire below the middle, panicle ^-1 in. long up to ^ in. broad, flg, gls. ^ in., more or less purplish black and scabrid in the upper |, awn minute, anthers -^q—^ in. P. ovina, var. alpina, Oriseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 73. Tibet N. of Sikkim, alt. 17-19,000 fc. Differs from P. ovina, loar. Halleri, to which it is referred by Hack. I.e. 112, in the sheaths being open to the middle and in the very minute anthers. 2. P. Cumxninsii, Stapf; stem slender, leaves f-4 in., sheath open to below the middle, panicle 2-4 in. narrow nodding or flexuous, branches distant erect and flexuous, spikelets i-i in. elliptic or (open) obovate awned, rachilla scabrid, flg. gls. oblong-lanceolate, palea 2-fid, anthers elliptic a^-Ys i°-> grain free. P. duriuscnla, Serb. Ind. Or. Hf. 8f T. {in part). SizziM Himalaya, alt. 11-12,000 ft., J. D. H. W. Bhotan, Cummins. Stems 1-1^ ft., tufted, nodes 2-3 uppermost towards the middle, smooth except (usually) below the panicle. Leaves setaceous, or cauline rarely flat, very narrow (Jq in.), subacute, smooth, nerves 5 green strong above, obscure beneath, mar- ginal and oarinal bands of sclerenchyma very slender ; sheaths of innovs. open far beyond the middle, smooth, sub persistent, of the cauline leaves tight; ligule short, auricles usually long and acute. Panicle with scabrid rachis ; branches usually solitary, dividing from near the base, scabrid ; lateral pedicels shorter than the spike- lets or very short. Spikelets pale green or purple, more or less scaberulous ; I ^^} in., 1 -nerved ; II lanceolate, acute, }-^ in., 3 -nerved ; flg. gls. |-Ain., awn half as long to as long as the gl. ; palea as long as the gl., conspicuously 2-fid, more or less scabrid. Lodicules 2-lobed. Ovary glabrous. Grain linear-oblong, }-^ in., ventrally grooved, hilum slightly exceeding the middle. 3. P. polycolea, Stapf; densely tufted, leaves setaceous, sheaths of innovs. crowded open to the base, panicle 2-3 in. open or contracted rigidly erect, rachis scabrid rarely nodding, branches subsolitary, spikelets ^-§ in., glumes scabrid, flg. gls. oblong-lanceolate awned, palea 2-fid, anthers linear yV~T4 i°-> grain free. F. duriuscula, Serb. Ind. Or. Sf. & T. {in part). Nepal, Wallich. Sikzim, alt. 12-16,000 ft., J. B. H., &c. Stevis |-li ft., nodes 2 in the lower half or third, smooth or scabrid below the panicle. Leaves rather rigid, of the innovations up to 6-8 in., subacute, smooth, not or obscurely sulcate, 5-nerved, bands of sclerenchyma continuous beneath or nearly so ; sheaths pei-sistent, pale, shining, of the stem tight smooth ; ligule very short, obtusely auricled. Panicle ovate or narrower ; lower branches scabrid, some- times 2-nate, ^- rarely 1\ in., very sparingly divided from near the base, upper with 1-2 spikelets ; lateral pedicels shorter than the spikelets. Spikelets greenish ; glumes firmly membranous ; I -^^ in., subulate-lanceolate, 1-nerved ; II f-y^ in.. 350 CLXxiii. GRAMiNEJC. (J. D. Hooker.) [Festuca, 0. Stapf. lanceolate, acute ; flg. gls, ^-f in., strongly involute, nerves 5 faint ; awn from ^ to as long as the gl. ; palea as long as the gl., scabrid or puberulous. Lodicules 2-lol)ed. Ovary glabrous. Grain -^ in., linear-oblong, deeply grooved, hilum slightly exceeding the middle. Var. brevis, Stapf; stems 4^6 in. often shorter than the leaves, sheaths open to the middle only, panicle ^-1^ in. contracted, flg. gls. \ in., anthers ^V^tV '°- — Sikkim Himalaya, alt. 11-13,000 ft.— Referred by Hackel (Monogr. Festuc. Eur. 89) to F. ovina, var. supina, but evidently only a dwarfed state of ^. polycolea. ** Flg. gls. glabrous or nearly so except sometimes towards the tip, thin, more or less shining ; ovary very rarely glabrous. — Innovations intra- vaginal, their sheaths closed to beyond the middle, except in nitidula. t Flg. gls. \-]- in. ; anthers minute ; panicle usually very flexuoiis and flaccid. 4. r*. nitidula, Stapf; stems tufted, node solitary near the base, leaves 1-2 ,in. very narrow, panicle 1|— 3 in., ovate open or contracted, branches usually spreading flexuous naked to beyond the middle, spikelets ^-i in. 2-5-fld., margins of gls. narrowly hyaline, flg. gls. y in. oblong- lanceolate, awn half as long as the gl., anthers elliptic -^o~4V ^^-i ovary top sparsely hispidnlous. F. pumila, Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 42 {non Vill.) ; Herh. Strach. & Winterh. —Festucai, n. 10, Herb. Ind. Or. H.f. ^ T. Western Tibet; Nubra, alt. 12-14,000 ft., Thomson. N. of Kumaon, alt. 15,000 ft., Strachey ^ Winterbottom. Stems ^-1^ ft., fiir exserted beyond the uppermost sheath, smooth. Leaves complicate, rather tliick, green, 5-7-nerved, praooth, bands of sclerenchyma hardly any; sheaths of innovs. closed -to about |, smooth; Hgule very short, ciliolate, more or less auricled. Panicle flexuous, sometimes flaccid ; rachis smooth below ; branches up to I in., solitary or lowest 2-nate, subcapillary, sparingly divided ; lateral pedicels often very short. Spikelets elliptic to lanceolate, green or purplish ; gls. thinly membranous, I xV~ro '"•» lanceolate; II j in., lanceolate, distinctly 3-nerved; flg. gls. smooth, very minutely scaberulous below the tip ; awn ^ as long as the gl. ; palea about as long as the gl., keels scaberulous. Lodicules 2-lobed. Grain -^^ in., free or adherent to the base of the palea, linear-oblong, hilum ^ of the grain. — Thomson's specimens are tall and very slender, Strachey & Winterbottom's only 3-5 in." high. 5. r. undata, Stapf; stems tufted erect or base geniculate sheathed beyond the middle or almost to the panicle, nodes 2-3, uppermost about median, leaves subsetaceous subacute complicate or the cauline flat taper- ing to a fine point, panicle 4-6 in. flaccid flexuous, branches few sub- capillary flexuous, spikelets i-5- in. 2-4-fld. lanceolate, gls. thinly mem- branous, flg. gls. oblong-lanceolate, awn 0 or very short, anthers not ^5- in., top of ovary hispidulous rarely glabrous. — Bromus, No. 16, Herb. Ind. Or. H.f ^ T. Sikkim Himalaya, alt. 12,000 ft., J. D. H. Stems 1-2 ft. Leaves gUbrous or puberulous above, 7-9-nerved, green ; sheaths tight, basal thin brown rarely finely hairy; ligule very short, truncate, scarcely auricled, glabrous or sparsely ciliolate. Panicle often more or less secund ; rachis smooth or scabrid, very slender ; branches simple or very sparingly divided, solitary or the lowest binate up to 3 in. Spikelets pale green, somewhat shining; rachilla scantily scabrid, internodes very short ; gl. I ^\ in,, lanceolate, 1-nerved ; II ^ in., broadly lanceolate, acuminate, 3-nerved ; palea obloiig-lanceolate, about equal the gl., obscurely 2-toothed. Lodicules obliquely ovoid, sub-2-lobed. Anthers violet. Styles terminal. Festuca, 0. Stapf.] clxxiii. graminejj. (J. D. Hooker.) 351 Yar. aristata, Stapf ; awn as long as the gl. or rather longer very slender, anthers ^^-^ in., ovary (very young) glabrous. — Bromus?, No. 15, Serb. Ind. Or. Hf. ^ T.— Sikkim, alt. 11,000 ft. ft Fig. gls. \-yq i^- '■> c^'n^thers linear ^ T2~« i^- 5 panicle less wavy or flaccid. 6. r. kashmiriana, Stapf; stems tufted, nodes 1-2 rarely 3 upper- most below the middle, leaves ut the mnovs. hexagonal, panicle 2-5 in., branches solitary lowest rarely geminate, spikelets ^-f in. elliptic-oblong 3-5-fld., gls. thinly membranous, fig. gls. oblong-lanceolate |-| in., awn = ^ gl. or longer, top of ovary densely hispid, grain loosely adherent to the palea. F. duriuscula, Buthie Grass, N.W. Ind. 41; Serb. Boyle & Hook. f. 8j- T. in part. Tempbeate and Alpine Himalaya; from Kashmir to Kumaon, alt, 8- 14,000 ft. Stem 1-2 ft., innovations always apo-geotropic ; sheaths of (always?) intra- vaginal shoots, tight, smooth, closed to the middle or f , rarely higher. Leaves (cauline) setaceous, usually shorter than of the innovations, rarely flat, more or less puberulous above, smooth beneath, green, sulcate between the 5-7 nerves, bauds of sclerenchyma distinct ; ligule short, truncate, ciliolate, scarcely auricled. Panicle usually contracted, rather stiff or flexuous; rachis scaberulous or smooth below; branches erect or spreading, filiform, scaberulous, sparingly divided from below the middle ; lateral pedicels = \ the spikelet or shorter. Spikelets green or tinged with purple or violet ; gls. smooth or obscurely scaberulous ; internodes of rachilla Jq in., minutely scaberulous ; gl. I rV~TV ^^'f lanceolate, 1-nerved ; II ^ in., lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, acute, 3-nerved ; flg. gls. faintly 5-nerved. Lodicules obliquely oblong, 2-lobed. Anthers ^^-^ in-> linear. Grain \ in., linear-oblong, grooved, hilum nearly as long as the grain. — I have seen only one specimen amongst all the forms of F. Tcashmiriana with apparently (but by no means typical) extravaginal innovations. Variegated specimens of the type resemble var. nigricans {F. nigricans, >chleich.) of F. violacea, and F. rubra var. fallax, forma alpestris (F. nigreseens, Lam.) from which they differ in absence of extravaginal shoots, more open sheaths, and more hispid ovary with a slightly developed constriction below the top. Var. ligulaia, Stapf j more flaccid, leaves up to 1 ft., ligule up to -^^ in. with more or less acute auricles. F. violacea, var. virescens, and F. rubra genuina, Hack, mss.— Kashmir, alt. 11-13,000 ft., Buthie. Var. debilis, Stapf; very flaccid, cauline leaves up to 8 by Jjy in. pubescent above, nerves very prominent beneath, panicle flaccid, spikelets green, awn long or short. F. heterophylla, XamA;. ca? ^acL W5*. ; Griseh. in Goett, Nachr. {18(j8) TS. — Kashmir, alt. 8-12,000 ft., Duthie. — Approaches closely shade forms of F. hetero- phglla, differing only in the structure of the leaves. Var. smiensts, Stapf; taller, more robust, cauline leaves up to 1 ft. by ^l in. almost flat, ligule short, panicle 6-12 in., spikelets ^-f in,, internodes of rachilla up to f in., gl. I ^-^ in., II i-^ in., flg. gls. up to i in., awn = the gl. or rather shorter. F. duriuscula, Herb. S. f. ^ T. {in part). ? F. ovina, Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 73.— Simla, alt. 7-8000 fc, Thomson, DittAtd. — Habit rather of i^'. duriuscula^ dittering in the more closed sheaths and hairy tip of ovary. Distinguished from certain forms of F. rubra, L., by the hairy ovary and absence of stolons^. 7. F. altalca, Trin. ex Ledeh. Fl. Alt. i. 109, Fl. Ross. iv. 354, Ic. t. 228 ; stems tufted, nodes 1-2, leaves up to 9 in. subsetaceous, sheaths crowded open to the middle latterly to the base, ligule very short, panicle 4-6 in. very loose, lower branches 2-nate long slender with 1-2 subterminal spikelets, lateral pedicels equal to or longer than the 3-6-fld. variegated spikelets which are ^-^ in. long, glumes thin tips and margins hyaline. 352 CLXxiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) [Festuca, 0. Stapf. %• gls- \ ~^ i^-> awns shorter or gl. mucronate, ovary pyriform tip his- pidulous. Kunth Enum. PL i. 411 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 316. F. DatWei, Hack. mss. Western Tibet ; Dras, alt. 11-12,000 ft., Duthie j Karakoram, alt. 14,500 ft., Clarke. — Distrib. Central Asia, Siberia. Stems 1^-2^ ft., smooth. Leaves subrigid, complicate, smooth, margin obscurely scabrid, nerves 7-9 slightly prominent, bands of sclerenchyma distinct, cauline some- times flat, short ; sheaths of innovs. open to the middle, soon splitting to the base ; ligule very short. Panicle ovate, rachis slender smooth, branches up to 3 in. sub- capillary flexuous. Spikelets oblong, internodes -^ in., scaberulous ; gl. I }-\ in. lanceolate, acute, 1-nerved, II ^-i in., distinctly 3-nerved ; fig. gls. oblong -lanceolate, smooth or subscaberulous towards the acute tip, nerves 5 faint; palea = the gl., linear-oblong, keels minutely scaberulous. Lodicules obliquely ovate. Anthers |-i in., linear. Styles terminal. — Very near the American F. scabrella, Torr. Trinius describes the rhizome as stoloniferous, but I find no trace of stolons. *** Fig. gls. glabrous or pubescent ; top of ovary glabrous, rarely minutely hairy. Innovations intra- and extravaginal, their leaf-sheaths closed almost to the mouth, the extravaginal often stoloniferous. / 8. P. Zievingrei, Stapf; stems smooth, nodes 2, upper in ^ of stem, cauline leaves up to 4 in. very narrow, sheaths of innovs. open to middle, glabrous or minutely puberulous above, ligule very short obscurely auricled, panicle 2-3 in. linear strict, branches usually binate erect, lower naked for ^, spikelets ^-^ in. 4-5-fld. compact, internodes of rachilla very short minutely scaberulous, fig. gls. ^-^ in. oblong acute awnless or mucronate, anthers oblong, ovary glabrous or nearly so. Kashmir, Levinge. Stems 1^ ft., extravaginal innovations present very slender, their leaves finely setiforra, flaccid, green, 5-nerved, bands of sclerenchyma fine. Panicle striate, branches often appressed to the rachis, lowermost up to 1^ in. ; lateral pedicels short, thick. Spikelets green ; rachilla minutely scaberulous ; gls. membranous, glabrous or minutely puberulous or scaberulous ; I ^o '°-> lanceolate, acute ; II broadly oblong-lanceolate, acute or subobtuse ; palea linear-oblong, almost = gls., keels ciliolate. Lodicules oblong, sub-2-lobed. Anthers yxy-s in. Grain J, in,, loosely adherent to the palea, linear-oblong, grooved, hilum almost = the grain. 9. r. rubra, Linn. Sp. PI. 74 ; stems smooth, nodes 2, extravaginal innovations frequent ascending or stoloniferous, leaves subsetaceous, ligule very short truncate exauricled, panicle 3-5 in., rachis scabrid, branches solitary or lowest binate divided from or near the base, spikelets f-f in. oblong loose 4-9-fld., fig. gls. strongly involute oblong-lanceolate margin above broadly hyaline awned, anthers linear, ovary glabrous. Host Gram. Austr. ii. 59," t. 82; PJngl. But. t. 2056; Xu7ith Enum. PI. i. 401, 8uppl. 334 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 308 ; Ledeh. Fl. Boss. iv. 352 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 62; Dutliie Grass. N.W. Ind. 42 {in part) ; ? Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 74. Temp, and Subalpine Himalaya, alt. 6-13,500 ft. Kuasia Hills, alt. 5-6000 ft. (var. Clarkei).- — DiSTRlB. Temp, and Arctic Europe and Asia. Stems 1-2-2.1 ft., erect or geniculate below, striate. Leaves 3-5 in., all subseta- ceous or cauline linear flat, rather thick, green, 3-7-nerved, subacute or almost obtuse, smooth ; sheaths of innovs. tight, smooth, closed almost to the mouth. Panicle very variable, narrow, nodding and secund or erect, rather dense and ovate, longest branches 2 in. ; pedicels short. Spikelets green or variegated, glabrous or hairy and ciliate ; rachilla scabrid, internodes ^^ in. ; gl. 1 1 ^^-t lanceolate, acuminate, nerve Festuca, O. Stapf.] clxxiii. graminejj. (J. D. Hooker.) 353 percurrent or iubexcurreut ; II ^ in., ovatc-lauceolate; flg. gls. up to i-| in., nerves 5, faint ; awn slender, up to ^ in. ; palea = the gls., linear-oblong, shortly 2-fid, keels ciliolate. Lodicules obliquely ovate, sub-2-lobed. Anthers -^^-^ in. Ovary with rarely 1-2 minute hairs. Grain } in., linear-oblong, grooved, some- times adherent to both gl. and palea, hilum nearly equal the grain. — It is impossible to separate the hairy glumed from the glabrous forms ; these vary in specimens from diflFerent localities, and Clarke has found them growing in the same spot in the Karakoram Mts. To make a comparative analysis of the Indian forms with the European and Oriental would involve a most minute examination of all the latter and lead to the creation of a number of new varieties and subvarieties with ephemeral characters. Most of the Indian specimens fall into Hackel's subsp. eur. rubra var. genuina, and yur.fallax (Monogr. Festuc. Europ. 138, 142). The glabrous stoloni- ferous specimens answer more or less to his subvar. vulgaris ; those with short erect or ascending innovations to va,r.fallax and mostly to forma alpestris, which has thicker leaves and highly variegated spikelets ; the pubescent to his subvar. E. harbata. The principal synonyms cited by Hackel for these forms are : — F. alpestris, Wulf. Fl. Nor. Pkan. Ed. Fenzl, Sf Graf, 151. F. barbata, Schrank Prim. Fl. Salisb. 46. F. heterophylla, Hcenke in Jacq. Collect, ii. 93. F. hirsuta, Fl. Dan. t. 1627? (non Host). F. Kitaibeliana, Schult. Mant. ii. 398 (for var. genuina). F. longifolia, Hegetsch. ^ Heer Fl. Schw. 91. F. nigrescens, Lam. Encycl. ii. 460. F. pubescens, Willd. Enum. Fl. 6. F. repens, Hegetsch. Sf Heer I. c. 92. F. rubra, var. baikalensis, Griseb. in Qoett. Nachr. (1868) 74, is probably this. The true F. baikalensis is not found in India. Var. Clarkei, Stapf; extra vaginal innovations very rare slender, leaves sub- setaceous cauline rarely flat, panicle 3-5 in. nodding, branches few subsecund lowest up to 3 in. rigid or flexuous mostly obliquely erect, spikelets ^ in. pale green, gl. I } in., II ^ in., flg. gls. ^-^^ in., awn = ^ to nearly all gl., anthers aV'T ^"m grain i in.— Kangra and Dalhousie, alt. 7-8000 ft., Clarice. Khasia Hills, alt. 4-6000 ft., Clarke (a form with setaceous leaves and very long anthers). B. Yenation of leaves convolute, at length flat or subconvolute ro-yo i^- broad. * Flowers hermaphrodite ; innovations (when known) extra vaginal. f F/g. gls. awned, awn as long as the gl. or longer, very slender. 10. P. grig-ant ea^ Vill. Hist. Fl. Dauph. ii. 110 ; leaves amplexicaul, panicle 4-16 in., branches rather distant undivided to the middle, spikelets about ^ in., flg. gls. ^^-^ in., awn twice as long, anthers linear. Kunth Ffium. PL i. 407, Suppl. 339 ; Reichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 358 ; Fnql. Bot. t. 1820; Ledeh. Fl. Ross. iv. 354, Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 621 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 41 ; Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 74 {In part). F. aristata, C. Koch in Linnsea, xxi. (1848) 412. F. triflora, 8m. Fngl. Bot. t. 1918; Desf. Fl. Atlant. 6, t. 20. Bromus giganteus, Linn. Sp. PI. 77; Fl. Dan. t. 1630 ; Eeichb. I. c. t. 76 ; Knapp Gram. Britt. t. 87 ; Host Gram. Austr. 87, t. 6. B. triflorus, Linn. Sp. PL Fd. ii. 115 ; Fl. Dan. t. 440. Temp. Himalaya ; from Kashmir to Kumaon, alt. 5-9500 ft. — Disteib. Europe, X. Asia. Rootstoch very short', roots fibrous. Stems loosely tufted, 2-4 ft., smooth, nodes 3-5. Leaves 5-12 by ^-^ in., linear to linear-lanceolate, finely acuminate, flat, flaccid, dark green, loosely many-nerved, smooth, margins minutely scaberulous ; sheaths of innovs. terete, open to the base, smooth or asperulous below the month ; ligule vary short, truncate, glabrous. Panic Zg^xjvfite or oblong-ovate, nodding, branches solitary or the lowermost binate, spreading, flexuous, scabrid ; branchlets few-fld. spreading or apprcssed, pedicels short or the lower sometimes = the spikelet. Spih/els liiitar-lanceolate, pale green, rachilla scabrid j gls. membranous, I x\)-| in., VOL. VII. A ^ 354 CLXXiii. GEAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) [Fesiuca, 0. Stapf. subulate-lanceolate, 1- or obscurely 3-nerved at the base, margin white-hyaline ; II i in., lanceolate ; flg. gls. -^-^ in., oblong-lanceolate, acute or tip obscurely 2-ficl, margins narrowly hyaline, minutely puberulous below the tip, nerves faint ; awn subterminal, straight or flexuous ; palea oblong-lanceolate, 2-tootbed, keels minutely scaberulous. Lodicules large, 2-3-fid. Anthers -yo~t ^^- Ovary quite glabrous. Grain } in., linear-oblong, tightly adherent to the palea and usually the gl., groove flat ; hilum nearly = the grain. 11. r. leptopogron, stapf; leaf-base obtuse or rounded, panicle 6-12 in., branches distant dividing from near the base, spikelets i in. or rather more, %. gls. i-i in., tip 2-fid, awn in the sinus = the gl. or rather longer. F. gigantea, Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 74 {in pari). Bromus, No. 17 & 18, Herb. Ind. Or. H.f. Sc T. SiKKiM Himalaya, alt. 8-11,000 ft., /. D. H. Khasia Hills, alt. 5-6000 ft., Boole, f. & T., Clarice. Rootstock short, slender, roots fibrous. Btems 2-4 ft., loosely tufted, nodes 5-6. Leaves, sheaths and ligule as in F. gigantea, but blade smaller, 4-7 by \-\ in., and base not amplexicaul. Panicle open or contracted, erect or nodding, branches Bcabrid ; branchlets few, distant, more or less appressed, lateral pedicels very short. Spikelets linear-lanceolate, pale green; rachilla scabrid, internodes short; gls. membranous, I Jj in., subulate-lanceolate, margins white-hyaline; II ^ in., lanceo- late; flg. gls. scaberulous below the tip, margins narrowly hyaline, nerves faint; palea linear-lanceolate, finely pointed, keels minutely scaberulous. Lodicules 2-fid. Anthers ■^^"aV ^'^•> elliptic. Ovary with the top minutely hispidulous. Grain ^ in., linear. oblong, free or adherent to the base of the palea, groove very shallow, top hispid, hilum = | of the grain. ft Fig. gls. awnless, TYiucronate. 12. r. asthenlca^ Hook. f. ; stems rather slender, nodes 3, leaves linear narrowed at the base, panicle 5-8 in., branches capillary rough sparingly divided beyond the middle, pedicels capillary, spikelets ^q-\ in. lanceolate 2-4-fld., internodes of rachilla short, flg. gls. ovate-lanceolate acute 3-5-nerved. Kashmir, alt. 7-9000 ft., Clarke, Duthie. Stem tall, up to 4 ft., smooth, innovations unknown. Leaves 6-11 by ^-^ in. linear, finely acuminate, flaccid, rough, pale green, many-nerved, flat, young con- volute; sheaths smooth or the lower scabrid, striate ; ligule xo~t ^^-^ scarious, very obtuse, ciliolate, at length lacerate. Panicle more or less contracted, nodding, flexuous; rachis smooth below ; lowermost branches up to 3 in., binate. Spikelets obovate when open, green ; rachilla minutely scaberulous, internodes -§)j—^^ in. ; gls. thinly membranous; I |-i in., subulate-lanceolate, 1 -nerved, hyaline except along the percurrent nerve ; II f-i in., oblong-lanceolate, acute, 3-nerved ; flg. gls. A in., ovate-lanceolate, acute, 5-nerved (3 lateral nerves very faint), scaberulous, tip hyaline ; palea linear-oblong, minutely 2-toothed, keels slightly scabrid. Lodicules obliquely ovate. Anthers y\j in., linear. Ovary hispidulous on the top. Grain i in., linear-oblong, dorsally fiat and almost so ventrally, slightly adherent to the palea, hilum ^-^ in. shorter than the grain. 13. P. modesta, Steud. Syn. Gram. 316 ; stem tall rather stout, nodes 2-3, leaves of innovations linear finely acuminate, cauline smaller, panicle 6-12 in. loose open, rachis scabrid, lower branches very long binate sparingly divided beyond the middle, lateral pedicels short, spikelets about J in. loosely 3-4-fld., internodes of rachilla long, flg. gls. oblong acute 5-7-nerved. Duthie Grass. JSf. W. Ind. 42. F. elatior, Herb. Strachey 6( Winterb. n. 3. Schedonorus modestus, Kees ex Steud. I. c. Feb'tuca, 0. Stapf.] clxxiii. GRAMiNBiB. (J. D. Hooker.) 355 Western Tempeeite Himalaya, from Jamu to Kuinaon, alt. 7-8700 ft., Royle, &c. Stems 4-5 ft., loosely tufted ; innovations ascending or stoloniforra. Leaves of innovs. up to 2 ft. by |-f in., flat, young convolute, rough or almost smooth, sub- rigid, many-nerved, cauline 4-6 by ^-y% in. ; -sheaths open to the base, smooth or the lower rough, strongly striate, at length brown ; ligule | in., truncate, ciliolate, at length lacerate. Panicle ovate, lower branches up to 8 in. Spikelets green, open obovate ; rachilla scabrid, internodes up to J^ in. ; gls, thinly membranous, I ^ in., subulate-lanceolate, hyaline except along tUe percurrent nerve; IL ^ in., oblong- lanceolate, acute, 3-nerved ; flg. gls. f^j-j in., scaberulous, margins narrowly hyaline; palea linear-oblong, 2-dentate, keels scarcely scabrid. Lodicules broadly elliptic, very obtuse. Anthers ^^ in., linear. Ovary top hispid, styles terminal. 14). r. luclda, Stapf \ stem tall, nodes 2, leaves linear glaucous, sheaths long loose white, panicle 6-7 in. broadly ovate, branchlets very scabrid, lateral pedicels long, spikelets ^--f^ in. glistening, fig. gls. oblong acute or subobtuse mucronate £-7-nerved, tips and margins hyaline, white. West Himalaya ; Gakwual, Jauusur, in the Deodar forest,- alt. 9000 ft., Duthie. Stem 2-3 ft., rather stout, smooth; internodes 2, elongate. Leaves 6-12 by i-f in., finely acuminate, flat except the involute scaberulous margins, firm, smooth, glaucous, mKuy- nerved ; basal sheaths of innovs. very long, cauline tighter pale glaucous; ligule f-f in., white, split to the middle into fine fibres. Panicle very lax ; branches simple to beyond the middle, rough, lowest 4 in. ; lateral pedicels ^-5 in. Spikelets pale green ; rachilla scabrid, internodes yi,-^ in. ; gl. I ^ in., ovate, acute or subacute, shortly 1-nerved, hyaline except at the base; II similar, ■|-| in., midrib percurrent, 2 side-nerves very short ; flg. gls. ^— | in., membranous, pale green, scaberulous, side-nerves prominent; palea linear-oblong, obscurely 2-fid, keels scabrid. Lodicules obliquely ovoid. Anthers ^ in,, linear. Ocary with a slightly obliijue hispidulous top, styles just below the top. ** Flowers dioecious ; innovations intravaginal. 15. P. sibirlca, Sack, ex Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 626 ; stem sheathed to the top, leaves linear firm, panicle 3-6 in. ovoid or linear, lower branches simple or divided beyond the middle with 1-4 ovate-oblong 4-6-fld. spike- lets, flg. gls. }-\ in. ovate or ovate-oblong subobtuse scaberulous, margins subciliolate or denticulate, awnless or tip setiform. F. mutica, Jacquem. mss. Schedonorus transparens, Munro mss. Poa albida, Turcz. ex Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. VI. i. (1831) 387 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 387. P. pallida, Jacquem. mss. Leucopoa sibirioa, Griseb. in Ledeb. Fl. Hoss. iv. 383, in. Goett. Nachr. (1868) 76.— Festuca, n. 3, Herb. H.f. & T.— Schedo- norus, n. 2, Herb. Strachey & Winterh. Western Tibet, alt. 13-15,000 ft., from Ladak to X. of Kumaon.— Disteib. Caucasus, Altai Mts., Dahuria. Stems 1-2 ft., tufted, erect, smooth. Leaves 6-10 in., rarely more, by xg~"f ^^•■> linear, finely acuminate, smooth or scabrid, subconvolute, dull green, nerves many very prominent, lower cauline one 3 in. ; sheaths of innovs. open to the base, terete, Lasal crowded, cauline smooth; ligule very short, membranous, truncate, ciliate. Panicle very narrow or expanded, stifl" or flexuous; lower brunches solitary or binate, erect or spreading, very variable in length ; lateral pedicels very short. /Sp^/ce^eii pale green, ^j^-^% in., very broad when open; rachilla minutely scabrid, internodes -^j^ in. ; gls. thiu, I -^y-\ in., ovate to ovate-lanceolate, subacute, 1-uerved or 3-nerved at the vt ry base, white and hyaline except along the green nerve; II about 4 in., similar, but more oblong fnd usually distinctly 3-nerved; flg. gls. A a 2 356 cLxxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) [Featuca, 0. Stapf. 5-nerved, tip and margins broadly hyaline ; palea oblons: acute or sub 2-dentate ; keels seal rid. Lodicules obliquely ovate, sometimes 2-lobed. Anthers |-^ in., linear, reduced and empty in the fern. fl. Ovary pyriform, top slightly oblique, hispidulous; styles very short, subterminal ; stigmas i in., plumose, more or less filiform in the male fl. Grain j- in., linear-oblong, quite free, dorsally subconvex, ventrally flat, hilum reaching rather above the middle. Sect. II. VuLPiA. Annuals (the Indian species). Spi^elets subsecnnd in spiciform or racemiform panicles ; pedicels clavate, often very short. Glumes divergent, I minute or 0, II much shorter than the flg., long- awned. Stamens 1-3 ; anthers very short. Ovary glabrous. Gram linear, adherent to the palea. 16. P. ZWyuros, Linn. Sp. PL 74; panicle elongate branched below base usually embraced by the upper sheath, pedicels half the length of gl. II or longer, gl. I minute, flg. gls. 5-8 as long as their awns, stamens 1-8. Host Gram. Austr. ii. 66, t. 93; Engl. Bot. t. 1412; Knapp Gram. Britt.t. 70; Kunth JEnum. PL i. 396, 8uppl. 330; Ledeb. FL hoss. iv. 349. F. Psendomyuros, 8oyer Willem. in Ann. Sc. Nat Ser. 1. vii. (1826) 445. ?F. uniglumis, Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 73 (non Soland.). Vulpia Myuros, Gmel. FL Bad. i. 215 ; Beickh. Ic. FL Germ. i. t. 60 ; C. Koch in Linridea, xxi. (1848) 409 ; T. Nees Gen. FL Germ. Monocot. i. n. 71 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 628. V. Pseudo-myuros, Reichb. FL Germ. Fxcurs. 37. Mygalurus caudatus, Link Enum. Sort. BeroL i. 92. Western Himalaya, from Kashmir to Garwhal, alt. 5-9000 ft. Western Tibet, alt. 9-12,000 ft.— Distrib. Europe, N. Asia. Stem 6-18 in., very slender, leafy, glabrous. Leaves setaceous, upper with rather tumid grooved sheaths embracing the base of the panicle ; ligule short, biauricled. Panicle 4-10 in., strict or flexuous, glabrous or puberulous, rachis and branches smooth or scaberulous, lower branches appressed, upper very short. Spikelets with the awns ^-| in. ; rachilla smooth or ciliolate ; gls. I and H subulate ; flg. smooth or more or less scaberulous, nerves obscure. — I have seen no specimen of F. uniglumis, Soland. from India, and suspect Grisebach's plant to be E. Myuros. Sect. III. Nardurus, Reichb. (Gen.). Spihelets spicate, solitary, sessile on the joints of the rachis or with very short flat pedicels. Glumes diver- gent, equal or unequal ; flg. gls. awned or not. Stamens 3, anthers minute. Ovary glabrous. Grain oblong or subpyriform, obtuse, ventrally concave, glabrous, adherent to the palea. 17. P. tenuiflora, Schrad. Fl. Germ. i. 345 ; leaves very short fili- form subflexuous convolute, spike simple, spikelets secund sessile 3-7-fld., gls. 1 = 1 II linear- subulate acuminate keeled, flg. gls. linear-lanceolate mucronate or shortly awned smooth or hispidulous. Kunth Enum. PL i. 395, SuppL 330. F. maritima, lAnn. Sp. PL 75. Nardurus tenuiflorus, Boiss. Voy. Bot. Espan. ii, 667, FL Orient, v. 632. N. unilateralia, Fries ex Linnsea, xxix. (1867-8) 730 ; Fourn. in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. xiii. (1866) 181. Catapodium unilaterale, Griseb. in Ledeh. Fl. Boss. iv. 347. Triticum hispanicum, Willd. Sp. PI. i. 479. T. maritiraum, Willd. I.e. {in Syn.). T. Nardua, PC. FL Franc, iii. 87. T. tenellum, Viv. Ann. Bot. i. II. 154; Host Gram. Austr. ii. 20, t. 86 {excl. Syn.). T. unilaterale, Linn. Mant. i. 36. Brachy podium tenuiflorum & tenellum, Moem. Sc Sch. Syst. ii. 745 {ex Kunth). Kashmir; near Siriuagur, alt. 5-6000 ft., DwfAie. — Disteib. Westwd. to Spain. Stems 3-16 in., tufted, slender, wiry erect, strict or curved, smoofh. Leaves Festuca, 0. Stapf.] clxxiii. ORAMiNEiE, (J. D. Hooker.) 357 1-3 in., erect, sometimes almost capillary, grooved between the prominent ribs, ligule 0. Spike 2-4 in., short or curved, rachis smooth, wiry, grooved, ^- terete, with a shallow groove opposite the spilcelets. Spikelefs ^-^ in., green ; fl. gls. rigid, terete, nerves indistinct. Lodicules subcuneate, acutely 2-lobed. DOUBTFUL SPECIES. F. filiformis, Nees ex Bxithie Grass. N. W. Ind. 42 is probably a Tripn//nn. 122. BROMUS, Linn. (0. Stapf). Annual or perennial grasses. Leaves narrow, usually flat. Spikelets many-fld., panicled, laterally compressed ; uppermost tls. usually imperfect ; rachilla juinted below the flg. gls., not produced beyond the uppermost gl. Glumes many, I and II unequal, empty, acuminate, 1-5-nerved, per- sistent, flg. gls. acuminate or shortly cleft; 1- very rarely 3-awned, median awn erect or recurved sometimes twisted towardo the base ; palea 2-tid or 2-toothed, keels scabrid or ciliate. Lodicules 2, oblong or lanceolate, entji'e or cleft. Stamens 3. Ovary oblong or cuneiform, crown more or less enlarged and hairy or villous. Styles usually inserted ventrally below the tip of the ovary, short; stigmas plumose. Grain linear-oblong, usually concavo-coQvex and adherent to the palea. — Species about 40, natives of temp, regions. JB. unioloides, H. B. K. (B. Schraderi, Kunth ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 43 ; Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 67), a tall American species with many-nerved keeled gls. has been introduced into India as a fodder grass, and has been found at Darjiling and elsewhere as au escape. Sect. I. Festucgides, Goss. & Dur. Perennial, usually tall. Gl. I 1-nerved ; II 3-nerved ; flg. gls. 5-7-nerved ; awn terminal or nearly so or 0. 1. B. inermis, Ijeyss. Fl. Hall. 16; rootstock creeping, panicle large, spikolets up to 2 in., awn of flg. gls. minute or 0. Poll. Hist. Fl. Palat. i. Ill ; Schreb. Besc/ir. Graes. i. 97, t. 13; Host Gram. Austr. i. 8, t. 9; Knnth Enum.Pl. i. 412, Swppl. 340; Ledeh. Fl. Boss. iv. 357; Steud. Sijn. Gram. 321 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 642. B. littoreus, Georgi Beschr. Buss. Beich. Nachtr. 257; Griseb. in Goett. Naahr. (1868) 74; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 4'3. B. purpurascens, Turcz. ex Ledeb. I.e. ?B. variegatus, Griseb. I.e. {non Bieb.). Schedonorus inermis, Beauv. Agrost. 99. Festuca inermis, DG. Fl. Fr. iii. 49; Beichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 70. F. Leysseri, Motncli Enum. PI. Hass. 41. F. poaeoides, Thuill. Fl. Paris, Ed. LI. 51. F. poaeformis, Pers. Syn. ii. 94. F. speciosa, Schreb. Spicil. Fl. IJps. 59. Tragus inermis, Panz. in Denkschr. Akad. Muench. (1813) 296. Westekn Himalaya; from Kashmir to Kumaon, alt. 9-13,000 ft. — Disteib. N. Europe, Reg. Ciiucas., N. Asia. Stem 2-4 Jt., often stoloniferous, nodes usually pubescent. Leaves 6-9 by 4-5 io., tiuely acuminate, glabrous or hairy above, smooth or scaberulous beneath, many-nerved ; sheaths tight, striate ; ligule very short, truncate, toothed. Fanicle 6-8 ill., open or contracted, erect or nodding, rachis smooth ; lower branches 2-5 in., 3-4-nate, simple or sparingly divided. Spikelets pale green, rarely purplish, linear-oblong, loosely 5-12-fld., rachilla pubescent; gl. I ^-^ iu., lanceolate, keeled ; II ^-| in., oblong.lanceolate, subacute; flg. gls. ^-^ in., oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, 5- sub 7'-ner\'ed, glabrous or nearly so, tip and upper margins scarious ; awn up to i iu. ; keels of palea rigidly ciliolate. Anthers |-i in. Qrain ^^-^ in., oblong, more or less folded. — B. inermis in K.E. Asia passes into B. citiatas, L., 11 characteristic form in N. America where JB. inermis is absent. 858 CLXXiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) [Bromus, 0. Stapf. Var. villosus, Mert. & Koch in Rohl. Deutsch. Flor. i. 675 ; spikelets pubescent to villom, lower sheaths and leaves more or less hairy. — Kashmir and Gilgit. Kurope. Vai'. confinis, Stapf; stem 1^-2^ ft., leaves hardly 4 in. broad hairy, panicle usually reduced to a raceme, spikelets densely pubescent. B. confinis, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 320 ; Duthie I. c. 42. B. pubescens, Jaequem. mss. B. Muni'oi, Boiss. Fl. Or. v. 643. — Kunawur and Gilgit. 2. B. asper, Murray Prodr. Stirp. Gotting. 42; rootstock short praemorse, panicle large, spikelets up to 1^ in., awn of flg. gls. ^ to nearly as long as the gl. straight. Host Gram. Austr. i. 6, t. 7 ; Engl. Bot. t. 1172; Eeichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 76; Steud. Syn. Gram. 820; Ledeh. Fl.Eoss. iv. 356; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 643; Griseb. in Goeit. Nachr. (1868) 64 ; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 42. B. altissimus, Weber in Wigg Prim. Fl. Holsat. 9 (non PursL). B. dumetorum, Lamk. Fl. Fr. iii. 605. B. gigan- teus, Vill. Hist. PL Dauph. ii. 118 (non Linn.). B. hirsutissimus, Cyrill: ex Poem. ^ Sch. Syst. ii. 643. B. hirsutus, Curt. Fl. Lond.fasc. ii. t. 8 {non SchranJc.). B. montanus. Scop. Fl. Gam Ed. II. i. 82. B. nemoralis, Huds. Fl. Angl Ed. II. i. 51. B. nemorosus, Vill. I. c. 218. B. Pseudo-asper, Schur. Enum. PI. Transs. 804. B. ramosus, Huds. FL, Angl. 40 {non Linn.). B. serotinus, Benek. in Bot. Zeit.in. (1845) 724; Steud. l. c. Festuca aspera, Mert. ^ Koch in Boehl. Deutsch. Flor. i. 672. F. scaberrima & Wightiana, Steud. I.e. 316. Schedonorus asper, Gaud, ex Boem. ^ Sch. I. c. S. Benekeni, Lange in FL Dan. t. 2826. S. serotinus, Rostoup in Kjoeb. VidensJc. Meddel. (186i) 119. S. bromoides, Wight ^ Ann. in Wight Gat. n. 1795.— Bromus, n. 10 {partim), Herb. Ind. Or. Hf. Sc T. Temperate Himalaya, alt. 6-11,000 ft., from Kashmir to Sikkiui. Khasia Hills, alt. 5000 ft., J. D. E. and T. T., Clarice. Nilghiri and Pdlney Hills, Wight ; alt. 7000 ft., Ciarfee.— Distrib. Europe^ N. Afr., W. and N. Asia. Stems 2-6 ft., erect, smooth. Leaves 1-1^ ft. by ^^ in., finely acuminate, flaccid, hairy above, beneath and margins scabrid, nerves many ; sheaths villous or retrorsely hirsute, upper glabrous ; ligule short, obtuse, ciliolate. Panicle up to 1 ft., loose, open or contracted, rachis rough or smooth below j branches 2-nate or lower 3-5-nate and unequal up to 7 in., spreading or deflexed, naked below. Spike- lets linear to oblong, green, loosely 7-9-fld. ; gls. rather firm; rachilla scabrid ; gl. I ^-\ in., linear-lanceolate J II \- nearly ^ in., broader, more oblong; III i- nearly f in., oblong-lanceolate, keeled below the tip, glabrous pubescent scabrid or side nerves, scabrid to ciliate, 5-7-nerved, tip and margin more or less hyaline ; awn terminal or subterminal ; palea obtuse, keels rigidly ciliate. Anthers -^-^-^ in., linear. Grain ^ in., linear-oblong, flat tightly ♦adherent to the gl. and palea. — The Sikkim, Khasia and some Nilghiri specimens have more acute and strongly nerved gls. than most of the N. -Western ones ; but they are linked by many interme- diates, and similar variations occur all over Europe. 3. B.liiinalaicus,^i^ap/; rootstock very short, panicle usually reduced to a raceme, spikelets up to 1 in., awn of flg. gl. as long as the gl. or longer recurved. B. asper, & Bromus n. 9 & 10 {partim), Herb. Ind. Or. Hf. 8f T. Tempkbate Himalaya; E. Nepal, Sikkim and W. Bhotan, &c., alt. 8-12,000 ft., J. D. H. Steins 2-2^ ft. Leaves 6-9 by i-i in., finely acuminate, flaccid, hairy above, beneath and margins scabrid, many -nerved; sheaths tight, glabrous or lowest hairy when young ; lij?ule short, truncate, usually dark colrd. Panicle 5-7 in., open or contracted; rachis rough, or smooth below ; branches 2-nate, or the lower 3-5-nate, spreading or deflexed, unequal, lowest up to 3 in., simple or sparingly divided. Spikelets linear-oblong, green, loosely 9-fld. ; rachilla subscaberuloHS ; gl. I i-To ill', narrowly lanceolate, 1-nerved, keeled ; II longer (i^-iin.) and broader; Brom2ii>, 0. Stapf.] cLXXiii. gramine^e. (J. D. Hooker.) 359 III broadei- and thinner than in B. asper, glabrous pubescent or rigidly hairy towards the margins, 5-7-nerved, scarcely keeled below the tip, tip and margins .hardly hyaline ; callus large; palea obtuse, keels rigidly ciliate. Anthers linear-oblong, „L-^ in. Grain, ^ in., linear-oblong, plano-convex, adherent to the gl. and palea. ^ Var. grandis, Stapf; branches cf panicle almost all simple and bearing a solitary villous spikelet, gls. larger. B. confinis, Herb. Strach. ^ Winterb. — Kumaon and Sikkim, alt. 11-12,000 ft. Sect. IT. Stenobromus, Griseh. Annuals. Gl. I 1- rarely 3-uerved ; II 3-5-nerved; flg. gls. 5-7-nerved; internodes of rachilla slender. 4. B. crinitus^ Boiss. Sf Hoh. in Boiss. Blagn. Ser. I. xiii. 64, Fl. Orient, iii. 647; panicle rather stiff, spikelets |^in. elliptic-oblong, fig, gls. clavate not imbricating. Steud. Syn. Gram. 320; Griseh. in Goett. Nachr. (1868; 74. B. gracillimu to 5 in., flaccid; rachis smooth or nearly so; branches 3-6- nate, capillary, flexuous, often decurved with erect tips, sparingly divided, Spike- lets green, loosely few- many-fld,, rachilla scabrid ; gl. 1 i-^ in., lanceolate, acute, 1- rarely 3-nerved, tip and margins hyaline; II ^-^ in., oblong-lanceolate, 3-5- nerved; flg. gls. ^- nearly § in., thin, oblong-lanceolate, acutely 2-fid, 5-7-nerved, puberulous or scabrid above or all over, tip and margins hyaline ; awn g-f in., from the tip or below it, straight or slightly recurved ; keel of palea long and loosely ciliate. Anthers ^-^ in. Grain J-f in., linear-oblong, dorsally compressed, ventrally concave or folded. — The form with a solitary flg. gl. (-S. abortijiorus, St. Amans) may be expected to occur in N. India. 360 CLXxiii. GRAMINE^. (J. D. Hooker.) [Bromus, 0. Stapf. Sect. III. Serrafalcus, Pari. (Gen.) Annuals. Gl, I 3-5- rarely 1- nerved; II 5-9-nerved; fig. gls. 7-9-nerved ; internodes of rachilla clavate above. * Fig. gls. all 1-awned. Panicle compact, rarely/ loose, branches short. 6. B. scoparius, Linn. Gent. Pl.'x. 6, Sp..Pl. 76; panicle very com- pact oblong to obovate, spikelets densely fascicled about ^-^ in., flg. gls. oblong obtuse, awn = the gl. at length spreadiag. Kunth Enum. PI. \. 420; Bory Exped. Moree, t.5; Steud. 8yn. Gram. 318; Boiss. Fl. Orient. V. 650. B. confertus, Bieh. FL Taur. C'auc. i. 71 ; Steud. Z. c. 324; Duthie Grasss. N.W. Ind. 42. B. chrysopogon, Viv. Ft. Lyh. Spec. 4, t. 2 ; Steud. I. c. 327. B. erectus, Moris Stirp. Sard. Elench. i. 50 {non Huds). B. hurailis, Cav. Ic. vi. 65, t 589. ?B. rubens, Gav. I. c. t. 45 {non Linn.). Serrafaicus scoparius, Pari. Fl. Ital. i. 19. S. Cavanillesii, WillTe. & Lange Prodr. Fl. Hisp. i. 101. Kashmir, alt. 5-6000 ft.. Falconer, Duthie.— DisiniB. Reg. Mediterr., Oriens. Annual. Stems ^-1^ ft., erect, slender, glabrous. Leaves 2-3J in. by ^ in., linear, acute, hairs scattered stiff; sheaths tight, glabrous, mouth hairy; ligule short, truncate, toothed. Panicle 1-lf in., erect, compact; rachis smooth; branches solitary or binate, short, crowded, scaberulous. Spikelets yV^f ^"- broad, pale green, densely 5-8-fld., rachilla scaberulous; glumes glabrous or bairy, nerves strong; gl. I y in., ovate-lanceolate, acute or subacute, 3-5-nerved ; II ^in., 5-7- nerved ; flg. gls. | in., minutely 2-fid, 7- sub 9-nerved ; awn slender ; keels of obtuse palea loosely long-ciliate. .Anthers g^j-^V in. Grain J^ in., linear-oblong, flatly concavorconvex or folded. 7. B. mollis, X?'«». Sp. PI. Ed. IF. 112; panicle compact or loose but contracted ovate to oblong branches distinct, spikelets |-f in. ovate- oblong or elliptic, awn about as long as the gl. straight. Host Gram. Austr. i. 16, t. 19 ; El. Dan. t. 1324 ; Engl. Bot. 1. 1078 ; Knapp Gram. Britt. t. 77 ; Peichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 74 ; Schreb. Beschr. Gram. t. 6, f. 1 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. t. 413, Suppl. 340; Steud. Si/n- Gram 323 ; Ledeh. Fl. Boss. iv. 361 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 323 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 653 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. (Boyle's plant only) B. arenarius, Thomine Desm. in Mem. Soc. Linn. Calv. (1824) 40 [non Labill.). B. atticus, Steud. ex Nym. Gonsp. 823 ; Syn. Gram. 321. B. compactus, Hort. ex Steud. Num. Ed. II. ii. 227. B. Ferronii, Mo.belli in Act. Soc. Linn. Bard. xxv. (1864) 613. B. glomeratus, Tausch in Flora, xx. (1837) 125 {ex Boiss.) ; Steud, I. c. 328. B. hordeaceup, Linn. Sp. PI. 77. B. nanus, Weig. Obs. 8. B. patulus, Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 42 {in part). B. simplicissimus, Cesati ex Nym. he. Serra- faicus mollis. Pari. Bar. PI. Sic. ii. 16. S. Thomini, Hard, in Gongr. Sc Fr. Septr. I. (1833) 59. North-West India, Berl. Royle (Introd.?). — Distrib. Europe, N. Afr., As. Min. Annual. Stems ^-3 ft., erect or ascending, villous to glabrous. Leaves l^-i in., linear, acute, flaccid, subhirsute above, pubescent beneath; sheaths velvety or softly hairy ; ligule very short, denticulate, glabrous or hairy. Panicle 1-6 in., erect, rachis hairy ; branches 3-6-nate, scabrid or softly pubescent. Spikelets i-i in. broad, pale green, densely 5-12-fld., rachilla scaberulous; gls. broad, hairy to velvety, rarely glabrescent, nerves strong, tips and margins scarious; I i-yxj in., ovate-lanceolate, acute or mucronate, 5-nerved, midrib percurrent ; II i in., elliptic- oblong, 7-9-nerved ; flg. gls. -^-^^ in., broadly subobovate, obtuse, shortly 2-lobed, 7-nerved ; awn subterminal as long or '-ather shorter than the gl. ; palea obtusely Bromus, 0. Stapf.] olxxiii. qramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) JiGl 2-lobed, keels loosely long-ciliate. Anthers i in., oblong. Gram ^-^ in., linear- oblong, flatly concavo-convex or folded, tightly adherent to the gl. and palea. ** Fig. gls. all l-awned, or some S-awned in B. macrostachys. Panicle loose, open or contracted. 8. B. patulus, Mert. & Koch in Bohl. Beutsch. Flor. i. 685 ; panicle linear-oblong usually nodding often secund branches long slender up to 6 in., spikelets f-1^ in. linear- oblong, awn about = the gl. usually re- curved. Kunth Enum. PI. i. 415 ; Reichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 74 ; Ledeh. Fl. Ross. iv. 364 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 655; Steud. 8yn. G^-atn. 325; Griseh. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 74; Dtithie Grass. N.W. Ind. 43. B, annuus. Herb. Jacquem. B. anatolicus, Boiss. et Heldr. in Boiss. Diagn. Her. 1. xiii. 63. B. arvensis, Buthie I. c. 42 (non Linn.) ; Herb. Lid. Or. Ilf. ^ T. B. chapprianus, De Not. ex Nym. Gonsp. 824. B. contimiitatus, M. Bieb. Fl. Taur. Cauc. iii. 77 {non Mert. ^ Koch.). B. CyrI, G. A. Mey. Verz. Pfl. Gauc. 24. B. japonicus, Thunb. Fl. Jap. 51, t. 11 ; Franch. & Sav. Enum. PI. Japon. ii. 181 {nam. prius). B. Kochii, C. Gmel. Fl. Bad. iv. 76, t. 6. i^. va.o\\h, Buthie I.e. B. multiflorus, Host Gram. Austr.i. {ex,cl. exempl. Royle) t. 11 {nom Sm.). B. pendulns, Schk. in Verh. Siebend. Ver. Naturn. iv. (1853) 90. B. phrygius, Boiss. Blagn. 8er II. iv. 140. B. polymorphus, Hoh. Enum. PL Talusch. 19. B. secalinus, M. Bieb. I.e. i. 71 {non Linn ). B. squarrosus, Herb. Royle \ Herb. Strach. ^ Winterb. (Bromus, n. 3); Buthie I.e. {non Linn.). B. unilateralis, Schur. I.e. B. velutinus, Nocc. et Balb. Fl. Tic. i. 64 {non Schrad.). B. Y^merm, Steud. Syn. Gram. 326 {in part). Serrafalcus patulus. Pari. Fl. Pal. i. 394. Western Himalaya, alt. 6-14,000 ft. Bhotan, Griffith. — Distuib. Europe, W. and N. Asia, China, Japan. Annual. Stems 1-2 ft., erect or ascending, glabrous or puberulous. Leaves up to 8 by :f in., linear, acute or subacute, green, flaccid, hairy especinUy above; sheaths rarely all glabrous or hairy ; Hgule short, ovate, toothed. Panicle up to 8 in., narrow or open ; rachis glabrous or pubescent ; branches solitary or 3-7-nate, unequal, 1-4-spiculate, slender, flexuous, lower up to 6 in. long, simple or racemose, suberect spreading or nodding, scabrid at least above. Spikelets densely or loosely 7-14-fld., pale green; racliilla scabrid ; gls. rather narrow, thin between the pro- minent nerves; I ^^ in., lanceolate, subacute, pubfscent or scabrid, 3-nerved, tips and upper margins hyaline, II ^^-^ in., oblong-lancrolate, 7-nerved ; flg. gls. i-^ in., elliptic-oblong or -lanceolate, subacute or obtuse, 2-toothed, margins inflexed from the middle or above it; awn yo-f iu., infra-apical, base rather stout, not or obscurely twisted ; keels of palea loosely long-ciliate. Anthers -^j—^ in. Grain i-f in., linear-oblong, more or less concavo-convex, tightly adherent to the gl. and palea. — Griffiths' Bhotan specimen is a solitary one, probably introduced. The following are rather abnormal forms than varieties. Var. Falconeri, Stapf ; panicle very loose villous, gl. I narrowly lanceolate l-nerved, II 5-nerved, flg. gls. 7-nerved. — B. tomentellus, Duthie I. c. 43 {non Boiss.). — N.W, India, Falconer. Var. microstachya, Stapf.; spikelets small few-fld., gb. broader, I j- in. 3-5- nerved, II i in. 7-9-nerved, flg. gls. i-^^ by ^ in. broad. — N.W. India, Falconer. 9. B, oxyodon, Schrenh Enum, Pi. Nov. ii. 1 ; panicle usually stiff suberect oblong contracted, branches up to 2 in., spikelets 1§ in. linear or linear-oblong, flg. gls. broadly hyaline, awn |-1 in. Steud. Syn. Gram, 326. p. macrostachys, var. oxyodon, Griseb. in Ledeh. Fl. Boss. iv. 363. B. multiflorus, Kar. & Kiril. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. (1841) 865. Kashmir, Dras, Baltistan, Zanskar, &c., alt. 9-12,000 ft., Thomson, &c. — — DiSTRiB. — Turkestan, 362 CLxxiii. GRAMiNE^:. (J. D. Hooker.) [Bromu.% O. Stapf. Annual. Stems 6-18 in., erect or ascending, pubescent or subvelutiuous. Leaves 2-5 in., linear, narrow, subacute, hairy or velvety ; young sheaths villous ; ligule ovate, lacerate. Panicle up to 5 in., usually contracted, erect, rachis pubescent ; branches 2-5-nate, unequal, suberect, rarely nodding, scabrid, simple 1-3-spiculate. Spikelets pale green, densely 5-lO.fld. ; rachilla puberulous ; gls. rather narrow, glistening, scabrid with appressed hairs, tips long-hyaline, nerves ])rominent ; I ^-f in., lanceolate, 1-3-nerved ; II gVlu i°-' oblong-lanceolate, 5-nerved ; flg. gls. ^-| by \~\ in., oblong-lanceolate, margins inflo.xed below the middle, subacute, 2-toothed, 7-9-nerved ; awn 5-1 in., infra-apical, nearly straight or moderately recurved ; keels of palea loosely long-ciliate. Anthers -ro"! ^'^• Orain y%-i in., linear-oblong, slightly concavo-convex. 10. B. macrostachys, Desf. FL Atlant. i. 96, t. 19, f. 2, var. triaris- tatus. Hack, in Flora (1879) ; panicle oblong or obovate-oblong loose or contracted, spikelets l|-lf in. elliptic to linear-oblong, flg. gls. all or the upper only with 2 straight slender lateral awas, median awn ^-f in. finally twisted and strongly recurved. B. Danthoniae, Trin. in C. A. Mey. rerz. Pfl. Cauc. 21; Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 353; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 43. Boissiera Danthoniae, A. Br. Ind. 8em. Sort. Berol. (1857) 3. Triniusa Danthoniae, Steud. Syn. Gram. 328. Western Tibet ; Spiti, alt. 12,000 ft.. Lance. — Distrib. Aflfghan., Turkestan, As. Min. (of B. rtiacrostachys, Mediterranean regions, Persia). Annual. Stem 6-18 in., erect or ascending, glabrous or pubescent. Leaves 2-6 in., narrowly linear, acute or subacute, more or less hairy or velvety; young sheaths villous or velvety ; ligule ovate, lacerate. Panicle up to 5 in., sometimes reduced to a spikelet, rachis glabrous or pubescent; branches solitary or the lower 3-4-nate, unequal, rarely 1 in., simple, 1-2-spit'ulate, strict, suberect, scabrid, rarely fiexuous. Spikelets pale green, densely 6-20-fld. ; rachilla pubescent ; gls. broad, villous velvety or scabrid, tips and margins usually scarious and dull white, nerves prominent or not; gl. I ^-i^ in.j broadly lanceolate, 5-nerved; II about I iu., oblong, 7-9-nerved ; flg. gls. f- nearly ^ in., elliptic to obovate-oblong, subacute, 2-toothed, 9-11-nerved, margins inflexed from or from above the middle ; lateral awns l^-i in , median ^-f in., infra-apical, often purplish, base stout ; keels of palea long-ciliate. Anthers nearly ^-| in. , rarely y% in. Grain y3__i jn., linear-oblong, slightly concavo-convex, tightly adherent to the gl. and palea ; hilum almost as long as the gl. DOUBTFUL SPECIES. B. MEMBRANACEU8, Jacquem. mss.; Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 74 Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 43 is Duthiaea bromoides, Uaclt. (see p. 282). 123. DuTHiEA, Hack. See p. 282. 124 BRACKYPODIUM, Beauv. Perennial slender grasses. Leaves flat or convolute. Spikelets terete, many-fid., subsessile or in along slender spike appressed to the rachis; rachilla elongate and jointed below the fl. gls. Glumes many, imbricate in fl., spreading in frt. ; I and II persistent ; empty, narrow ; flg. gls. oblong- lanceolate, acuminate, with a terminal straight awn or macro, 7-9-nerved ; keels of palea pectinately ciliate. Lodicuhs ciliate. Stamens 2-3, anthers linear. Ovary and grain as in Bromus. — Species 5 or 6, of north temp, and mt. regions. 1. B. sylvatlcum, Beauv. Agrost. 101 ; roots fibrous, leaves more or less hairy or scaberulous flat, spike drooping, awn as long as its gl. Thw. Enum. PL Zeyl. 374 ; Trim. Gat. Ceyl. PI. 110 ; Ledeb. Fl Boss. iv. 346 ; Brachypo'lium.'] CLXXiii. OKAMiNEiE. ^^J. D. Hooker.) 363 Boisa. Fl. Orient, v. 657. B. Fontanesianum, Nees Fl. Afr. Ausir. 457. B. Fontanesii, Ne-^s in Herb. Ind. Or. Hohenack. n. 914. B. gracile, Beauv. /. c. ; Reichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 16. B. nepalense, Nees ex Steud. Syn. Gram. 316. B. scaberrimum, Wight & Am. in Wight Cat. n. 1796 ; Steud. Nomencl. Fd. II. i. 221. Bromus silvaticua, Pollich Hist PI. Palat. i. 118 ; ffost Gram. Austr. i. 17, t. 21 ; Engl. Bot. t. 729. B. diimosus, Vill. Hist. PI. Dauph. ii. 119. B. gracilis, Weig. Obs. 15, t. 1, f. 11. B. pinnatus, Fl. Dan. t. 164 {non Beauv ). Festuca gracilis, Moench Meth. 191. F, svlvatica, Huds. Fl. Angl. Fd. I. 38; Knapp Gram. Britt. t. 76; Steud. Syn. Gram. 316. Triticum sylvaticum, Moench Enuni. PI. Hass. 54; Kunth Fnum. Pl.i. 44^5. T. gracile, Brot. Ft. Lusit. 121. T. scaberrimum, Steud. Nom I.e. 717. Tragus gracilis, Panz. in DenJcschr. AJcad. Muench. (1813) 296.— Festuca, Wall. Cat. n. 3800. Temperate Himalaya, alt. 6-12,000 ft., from Kasbinir to Sikkim. The Khasia and Naga Hills, alt. 4-6000 ft., Clarke, Ac. Nilghiri Hills, alt. 6000 ft., WigM, &c.— Ceylon, alt. 8000 ft., Walker, &c.— Distrib. Europe, N. Asia, S. Africa. Stem 2-4 ft., very slender, simple or branched. Leaves J-f in. broad, usually flaccid, finely acuminate ; sheaths more or less hairy ; ligule short, obtuse. Spikes 2-6 in., or more, nodding; rachis compressed, glabrous, edges ciliolate. Spikelets 8-18 by f-1 in., green, glabrous sparsely hairy or scaberulous, nerves strong ; gl. I and II strongly nerval; I subulate, ^ shorter than II or less; 11 oblong-lanceolate, acute acuminate or sliortly awned; flg. gls. about ^ in. long, gradually narrowed into a slender erect awn, 7-nerved ; awn -J-^ in. Anthers i-^ as long as the palea. — The characters of the following varieties are far from constant. Var. longe-aristatum. Hook, f . ; flg. gl, \ in., awns ^-f in. — N.W. Himalaya ; Kumaon and Dalhousie, alt. 6-9000 ft. Var. khasianum. Hook. f. ; callus of fl. gl. villous awn np to \\ in. — Khasia Hills. Var. Watlii, Hook. f. ; stem stouter, lower spikelets pedicelled, pedicel of lowest half as long as the spikelet or less pubescent, awn about as long as the gl. B. Wattii, Clarke in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxv. (1887) 90, t. 40.— Naga Hills, alt. 5500- 7500 ft., Clarke. Var. Pseudo-distachyon, Hook. f. ; stem short 10-18 in. strict, leaves very narrow erect, spikelets few closer together, awn = half thegl. or shorter. — Kashmir and Kumaon. 2. B. pinnatum, Beauv. Agrost. 101, t. 19, f. 3 ; rootstock creeping, leaves convolute, spike erect, flg. gls. mucronate. Ledeb. Fl. Ross. iv. 345 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 658; Beichb. Ic. Fl. Germ.t. 16, 17; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. t. 70. B. Barrelieri, Roem. 6c Sch. Syst. ii. 741. B. coespitosum, Boem. 8f Sch. I. c. 737 ; Beichb. I. c. t. 17 ; Host Gram. Austr. i. t. 22. B. constrictum, Presl Cyf. Sc Gram. Sic. 40. B. corni- culatura, DC. Fl. Franc, v. 608. B. rupestre, Boem. & Sch. I. c. 736 ; Host I. c. iv. I. 17, 18. Bromus gracilis, Leys. Fl. Hal. 26. B. pinnatus, Linn. Sp. PL 78 ; Host Gram. Austr. i. t. 22 ; Engl. Bot. t. 730. Festuca pinnata, Moench. Meth. 191 ; Huds. Fl. Angl. Fd. II. i. 48 ; Knapp. Gram. Britt. t. 75. Triticum bromoides, Weber ex Wigg. Prim. Fl. Holsat. ii. T. gracile, DC. Fl. Fr. iii. 84. T. macrourum, Turc. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. (1838) 105. T. phoenicioides, DC. I.e. vi. 284. T. pinnatam, Moench Fnum. PI. Hass. 53 ; Kunth Enum. PI i. 445, Suppl. 364, t. 35. Tragus pinnatus, Panz. in Denkschr. Acad, Muench. (1813) 256. Avena laeta, Salisb. Prodr. 22. Kashmir ; alt. 6000 ft., Clarke.— Duirib. Eastwd. to Europe, N. Asia. Glaucous. Stem 1-3 ft., very slender, naked above, smooth. Leaves rigid, almost glabrous, rarely flat ; ligule ciliate. Spike 1-6 in. ; rachis flattened, smooth. 364 CLXXiii. GRAMiNE^E. (J. D. Hooker.) [Brachypoch'nm. Spikelets f-ia in., erect, recurved from the rachis, glabrous or pubescent, green and purplish. Qiumes coriaceous ; I 5-nerved j 11 7-nerved ; flg. gls. oblong, mucronate, 5-nerved. Tribe X. Horded. (See p. 8.) 125. IiOZiZUlMC, Linn. Erect annual or perennial grasses. Leaves flat or convolute. Spike- lets many-fld., solitary, sessile in the alternating distichous hollows of a terminal inarticulate spike, with the back of the lowest fl. gl. towards the rachis, rachilla jointed. Glumes many, 1 0, except in the terminal spikelet ; II erect, rigid, persistent, many-nerved, empty, margins not involute ; flg. shorter than the empty, oblong, obtuse, acute or awned, dorsally rounded. 5- many-nerved ; keels of palea ciliolate or serrulate. Lodicules 2, fleshy. Stamens 3. Ovary glabrous ; styles terminal, feathery to the base. Grain glabrous, adherent to the palea. — Species few, of the temperate Old World. The Italian Rye-grass. L. multijlorum, Lamk. {italicum, A, Br.) is a cultivated form of L. perenne. 1. Xi. temulentuxn, Linn. Sp. PZ. 83; annual, leaves flat, spikelets cblong-cuneate 3-8-fld., empty gl. linear many-nerved equalling or exceed- ing the rest of the spikelet, flg. gls. elliptic acute or awned. Fl. Dan. t. 160 ; Host Gram. Austr. t. 26; Engl Bot. t. 1124; Knapp Gram. Britt. t. 101 ; Beichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. bi'T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. t. 78 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 34A3; Kunth Enum. PL i. 437; Ledeb. Fl. Boss. iv. 345 : Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 681 ; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 667 ; Aitchis. Gat. Panjab. PL 171; WaU. Cat. n. 3790 ; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. U, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 68. L. annuum, Lamk FL Fr. iii. 620. L. arvense, With. Arr. Brit. PL Ed. III. ii. 168. Craepalia temulenta, Schranh Baier FL i. 382. The Upper Gangetic Plain, the Panjab, Sind, and Western Himalaya, alt. 4-6000 ft. — DiSTEiB. Europe, N. Asia (introd. elsewhere). Stem 6-18 in., erect, usually stout. Leaves f-^ in. broad, and sheaths smooth or scaberulous ; ligule very short. Spike 6-10 in., strict, rachis stout. Spikelets very variable in size and shape, longer or shorter than the internodes; gl. I ^-f in., rigid, erect; fl. gls. ^-J in., awn ^ in. or shorter, or 0. Var. speciosum, Griseb. in Ltdeb. 1. c. ; spike very stout, gl. I large, flg. gls. short turgid obtuse. L. speciosum, Stev. ex Bieb. Fl. Taur.Cauc. i. 80. L. robustum, Reichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. xi. II. t. 4, — Western Himalaya (introd. ?). 2. Zi. rigriduxn, Gaud., var. Duthiei, Hack. mss. ; annual, stem and spike very slender strict erect, leaves short narrow, spikelets narrowly oblong closely appressed to the rachis 3-6-fld., empty gl. rather shorter than the rest of the spikelet oblong-lanceolate subacute 5-ribbed, flg. gls. elliptic subacute 5-nerved scaberulous above the middle narrowed at the hyaline apex into a slender terminal awn or awn infra-apical. Kashmir; near Sirinagur, alt. 5-6000 ft., Duthie (no. 10,846). — Distrib. of/.. rigidum, westward to the Caucasus and S. Europe. I adopt Hackel's determination of this grass, which differs from L. rigidum proper in the narrower spikelets closely appressed to the rachis of the spike, and in the awned glumes, a character to whicli there is no approach iu auy of the numerous Lolium.'] CLxxiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hooker.) 365 specimens of Z,. rigidum which I have examined. The awns are as long as the gls, or lorger. 3. Zi. perenne, Linn. Sp. PI. 83; perennial, leaves linear complicate in vernation, spikelets oblong 3-11-flcl., empty gl. 3-5-ribbed, shorter than the rest of the spikelet, fl. gls. oblong-lanceolate obtuse or sub-acnte o-nerved awned or not. Fl. Dan, t. 747 ; Sost Gram. Austr. i. t. 25 ; Enpl. Bot. t. 315 ; Knapp Gram. Britt. t. 180 ; Reichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. t. 8 ; 2\ Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monoc. I n. 78; Xunth Enum. PI. i. 436, Suppl. 358, t. 33, f. 1 ; Ledeb. FL Ross. iv. 343 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 679 : Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 44-, Fodd. Grass. JSf. Ind. 68. L. vulsrare, Host I.e. t. 25. Western Tibet, alt. 15,000 ft., StoUzha (Duthie); Sikkim Himalaya, alt. 7000 ft., Clarke (introduced). — Distrib. Europe, N. Asia. Probably not indigenous in India, though likely to occur in temperate regions. Its perennial character and stoloniferous habit at once distinguish it. 126. ZiEPTURUS, Br. Small slender grasses. Leaves flat or convolute. Spikelets 1-2-fld., sessile, solitary, | immersed in hollows of the rachis of a simple terminal articulate or not- straight or incurved spike, with the back of the lowest fl. gl. opposite the rachis; rachilla jointed. Glumes 3 or 4, I minute or 0 ; II longer than the flg. gls., linear, rigid, acute, 5-nerved, erect or at length deflexed ; III and IV much shorter than 11, hyaline ; palea 2-keeled. Lodicules 2, cuneate or lobed. 8tamens\-2). Ovary glabrous ; styles short,. distant. Grain narrow or oblong, glabrous, free. — Species 6, natives of the Old World. 1. Zi. repens, Br. Prodri 207 ; perennial, creeping, spikes shortly peduncled fragile, gl. I 0, II acuminate or sub-aristate many-nerved much longer than the flg. gls. Brongn. in Duperr. Voy. Bot. 57, t. 16; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 463, Suppl. 374 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 357; Trim. Gat. Geyl. PL 110 ; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 668. L. aciculatus, Steud. I. c. ; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 403. Rottboellia repens, Forst. Prodr. 9. Monerma repens, Beauv. Agrost. 117. Lolium coelorachis, Forst. in Herb. Paris, Steud. Norn. Ed.lL ii. 64. Cbylon ; near Colombo, Trimen. — Distrib. Malay and Pacific Islds., Australia. Stem elongate, woody bi-anched and widely creeping below. Leaves 3-6 by s-^ in., spreading or erect, acuminate, glaucous ; sheaths glabrous or mouth ciliate ; ligule inconspicuous. Spikes 2-6 in., strict, erect; rachis glabrous. Spikelets 2-fld., rachilla elongate bearing an upper imperfect fl. ; empty gls. 1 (or 2 in the uppermost spikelet) flat, rigid, ^-| in. long, closely appressed to the rachis; flg. gls. much shorter than the empty, elliptic, concave, 3-nerved ; palea 2-keeled. Lodicules fleshy, obliquely truncate or 2-lobed, glabrous. Grain oblong. 2. Xi. Roxburg-hianus, Steud. Syn. Gram. 357; annual, erect, spikes long- peduncled very slender inarticulate, gl. I minute ovate, II linear-oblong acute rather shorter than the flg. gls. Rottboellia biflora, Boxb. Fl. Ind. i. 357 {nan Roth.) ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 467. E. ? Eox- buighiana, Schult. Mant. ii. 430. Deccan Peninsula, Roxburgh. Eastern Panjab, dry hills in Hissar, Herb. Duthie. Whole plant 8 in. high, densely tufted. Leaves 3-i. in., filiform or setaceous, 366 ^ CLxxiii. graminej:. (J. D. Hooker.) [Lepturus. flexuous, flattened, margins ciliate with long strict hairs ; sheath very short ; ligule minute, 2-auricled. Spikes 2-3 in., as long as the filiform pedicels and hardly stouter, strict, erect. Spikelets J^-J in. 2-fld., both fl. bisexual (always ?) ; gl. I sunk in the hollow of the rachis, obliquely ovate, 1-nerved, hyaline ; H linear-oblong, acute, coriaceous, dorsally smooth, convex with a broad undefined midrib ; III hyaline, distinctly 3-nerved, oblong, truncate, calllis penicillate; palea hyaline, keels smooth ; IV narrower than III ; rachilla slender, penicillate. Lodicules minute. Anthers very short ; filaments long. Ovary short ; styles short, bases remote, divergent. — There is in Roxburgh's unedited Icones an excellent drawing of a small state of this plant, of which I have no specimen but Mr. Duthie's ; it is no doubt overlooked from its small size and habit. 127. OROPETZUBI, Trin. A very small densely tufted erect annual. Leaves filiform. Spikelets very minute, 1-fld., half immersed in the alternating distichous cavities of the rachis of a simple slender curved inarticulate spike ; rachilla bearded. Glumes I and II empty, persistent, I very minute, hyaline; II linear- lanceolate, rigid, recurved in fruit, tip obtuse or emarginate; III shorter, broader, hyaline, obtuse or truncate, 1-nerved; palea narrow, keels smooth. Lodicules 0 ? Stamens 3. Styles short. Grain oblong, terete, free. Nardus stricta, Linn., is, according to Stewart, " Panjab Plants," p. 257, a native of the Trans- Indus district, and at a considerable elevation in the Jhelum basin. This is no doubt an error. Boissier gives as its Eastern limit, the Caucasus. O. Thoznaeum, Trin. Fund. Agrost. 98, t. 3 ; Kunth Enum. Fl. i. 464, Supyl. 375 ; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 403 ; Thw. Enum. PI. Ze.yl. 363 ; Trim. Gat. Ceyl. PI. 110; Wall. Gat. n. 8869; Wight Gat. n. 1727; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 45, Eodd. Grass. N. Ind. 69. Rottboellia Thomsea, Koenig in Naturf. xxiii. (1788) 210; Willd. Sp. PI. i. 464; Roxb. PI. Gorom.ii. 17, t. 133, Fl. Ind. i. 357; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 300. R. pilosa, Willd. I. c. 465. Nardus Thomtea, Linn. f. Suppl. 105 ; Sm. in Trans. Linn. Soc. i. 116. Plains OF India ; from the Panjab to Bengal, Burma, and southward in the Western Peninsula. Ceylon, Gardner. Whole plant 2-3 in. high, forming hard tufts, stems compressed. Leaves ^-1 in., erect, margins ciliate with long strict hairs ; sheath short, open ; ligule lacerate, not auricled. Spikes 1-1^ in., about gL in. diam., solitary or fascicled on very short branches, curved ; rachis undulating, green, tetragonous, with a broad central nerve on the flat faces. Spikelets -^^ in., closely appressed to the, rachis in the hollow of which the minute gl. I is sunk j gl. II slightly convex with a broad thickened centre; III semicircular in profile, excessively membranous, keel most minutely scab rid. 128. TRITICUBI, Linn. Annual 6r biennial grasses. Leaves flat. Spikelets few-fld., tumid, sessile, distichously spicate, solitary, with their sides opposite cavities in the articulate or inarticulate rachis ; upper fl. male or neuter. Glumes rigid, often unequal-sided, I and II empty, obtuse or shortly avvned, few- nerved, persistent ; flg. gls. oblong or ventricose, dorsally rounded or keeled above, awnless or 1-3-awned, 5-9-nerved, lateral nerves not conniving with the central; keels of palea ciliate. Lodicules entire, ciliate. Stamens 3. Styles very short. Grain grooved ventrally, often hairy, free or adherent to the palea. — Species about 10, Oriental and Eastern Asiatic. T7'itic7/m.] CLXXiii. GRAMij^EiE. (J. D. Hooker.) 367 Sect. I. Tritictjm, proper. Glumes keeled. T. vuLGARE, Vill. Hist. PI. Dauph. ii. 153 ; Host Gram. Austr. iii. 18, t. 26; Wa/l. Cat. n. 2334: Kunth Enum. PL i. 438, Suppl. 360, t. 34; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monoc. i. t. 79; Aitchis. Gat. Panjab Fl. 171. T. sativum, BG. Fl. Fr. iii. 625 ; Lam. Encycl. ii. 554; Duthie Grass. N. W. Ind. 45, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 68. Cultivated in many parts of Northern India and the Deccan Peninsul'a, especially in the N.W., and up to 13,000 ft. in the Himalaya and Tibet. It is beyond the scope of this work to detail the races of wheat cultivated in India, for which I must refer to Murray's article in Watts' " Dictionary of the Economic Products of India," and to Koernecke & Werner's "Handb. der Getreide Arten," ii. 209. All are believed to have been derived from T. monococctim, Linn., a native of the East from Greece to Mo8opotamia.»^^^Hackel, the latest botanical writer on the wheats (in Engler & Prant. Planzenfam. li. 80), regards all as referable to three species, monococcum, sativum, & polonicum^ Linn, (the last is not cult, in India). According to Mui-ray and others the following races are cultivated in India as else- where : — T. sestivum, Linn. 8p. PL 86 ; Roxb. FL Ind. i. 359 ; Grah. Cat. Bomb. PL 234; Dalz. Sf Oibs. Bomb. Fl. SuppL 97. T. amyleum, Ser. MeL Bat. i. 124. T. compactum. Host Gram. Austr. iv. 4, t. 7. T. compositum, Linn. Sp. PI Ed. II. 126. T. dicoccum, Schrank. FL Baier, i. 389. T. durum, Desf. Fl. Atlant. i. 114 ; Stewart Panjab. PL 2,Q2. T. hybemum, Linn. Sp. PI. 80, Roxb. L c. T. Spelta, /Ann. I. c. ; Host I. c. iii. 31, t. 30. T. Zea, Host I.e. t. 29. T. trngidum, Jjinn. Lc. ; Host. L c. t. 28. Dalz, & Gibs, have also, as cultivated in' the Concan, a T. pilosum, Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. Suppl. 97, the " Buckshee wheat" with tomentose spikelets. I have seen no specimens of it. * Sect. II. ^GiLOPS. Glumes dorsally rounded, not keeled. T. Slgrilops, Beauv. Agrost. 180; annual, leaves linear flat, spike elongate cylindric fragile, spikelets oblong turgid 3-5-fld. half sunk in hollows of the rachis, gl. I and II similar oblong-quadrate many-nerved, fl. gis. rather longer awnless or in the upper spikelets with one strict erect awn. ^gilops squ^rrosa, Linn. Sp. PL 1051; Tausch. in Flora, xxxix. (1837) 108 ; Kuntk Enum. PL i. 458, SuppL 371 ; Jauh. ^ Spack. IlL PL Or. iv. 12, t. 310; Schreb. Gram. ii. t. 27, f. 2; Gav. Ic. t. 90; Ledeb. *Fl. Ross. iv. 326; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 676. M. cylindrica, G. A. Mey. Verz. PL Gauc. 26 {non Linn). M. Tauschii, Coss. Notes Grit. 69. N.W. India, Falconer ; Wazuristan, alt. 45C0 ft., Stewart. — Distrib. Westward to Spain and N. Africa. Stem 6-18 in., erect or geniculately ascending, stiff, leafy. Leaves acuminate, smooth or slightly scabrid ; sheaths smooth, upper subventricose ; ligule very short. Spike 1^-5 in., strict ; mchis stout. »S/>tA;eZeis ^-5- in., alternating in close succession; gl. I and II coriaceous, tip truncate often crenulate; flg. gls. hardly longer, truncate or retuse ; awns ^-1^ in. DOUBTFUL SPECIES. T. BENGHALENSE, Host cx Steud. Now. Ed. II. ii. 715. iEaiLOPS ciLiAEis, Koen. ex Roem.et Sch. Syst. ii. ll^igann^Manisuroproximus) — Rottboellia ciliaris, Willd. ex Stand. I. c. 474 (Ischcemi sp., Trin.). JEg. cordata, Linn., Aitch. Cat. Panjab. PL 560. 129. AaROPVRON, J. Gairtn. Annnal or perennial grasses. Leaves flat or convolute. Spikelets 3- many-fld., solitary, sessile, distichously arranged opposite to hollows in the rachis of a simple spike, with the sides of the glumes opposite the rachis ; 368 CLXxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) [Agrajryron. rachilla usually jointed between the fl. gls. Gl. I and II empty, opposite, (not collateral) narrow, unequal, persistent ; fl. gls. rigid, awned or not ; nerves 5-7, converging above ; keels of palea ciliate. Lodicules entire or ciliate. Stamens 3. Ovary hispid at the top, styles short, distant. Grain narrow, grooved in front, adherent to the palea or not. — Species about 20, in all temp, climates. The following arrangement and nomenclature of the Indian plants of this most puzzling genus is tentative only, and I cannot render these more worthy of con- fidence without undertaking a critical study of the whole genus. The characters given under the species must not be regarded as absolute, though founded on careful study of very large series of specimens ; for the more of these that are studied, especially if they come from dift'erent localities, the more do exceptional characters and connecting forms present themselves. It would hence appear that all the members of the section Eu-agropyrum (perennials with dorsally convex not keeled fl. gls. to which all the Himalayan forms belong) wilt resolve themselves into a very few widely distributed species. A further difficulty is the distinguishing Agropyrum from Eli/mus, and indeed E. sihiricus from A. longe-aristatum, in which two plants the empty p:lumes are not placed side by side as in Elymus proper; added to which the spikelets are often solitary in E. sihiricus, and I think sometimes aggregated in A. longe-aristatum, var. Aitchisoni. A. caninum, Eoem. & Sch. ; Duthie Grass. J!^.W. Ind. 44, has according to Duthie's mss, been found at Simla, alt. 6500 ft., by Gamble j and by himself in Gaugotri, alt. lC-11,000 ft. I have seen no specimens. * Spikelets awned. 1. A. longre-aristatum, Boiss. Fl. Orient, i. 660; stems leafy, leaves flat or convolute, spikelets loosely imbricate flattened laterally 6!-12 fld., I and II long or short 3-5-nerved, flg. gls. spreading linear-lanceo- late 3-5-nerved towards the tip narrowed into a long usually recurved awn 1-1^ in. long. Brachypodium longearistatura, Boiss. Diagn. Ser. I. vii. 127. Griseh. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 73. Triticum longearistatura, Jauh. ^ Sp. III. PI. Orient, ii. t. 199 ; Steud. 8yn. Gram. 346. T. ely- moides, Kochst. ex A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss, ii. 440 ; Steud. I. c. Temperaie Himalaya; from Kashmir to Kumaon, alt. 5500-13,000 ft. Easteen and Western Tibet, alt. 12-17,000 ft.— Disteib. Affghan, Persia, Abyssinia. Stem 1-3 ft., stout or slender, erect or ascending from a tufted base. Leaves 6-10 by |-i in., rarely convolute, and sheaths smooth ; ligule very short. Spikes 3-5 in., erect or nodding, or horizontal from the decurved top of a very slender peduncle, rarely ovoid and very dense-fld. ; rachis slender, smooth ; margins of hollows scaberulous or ciliolate. Spikelets sessile, remote or approximate, sometimes crowded and secund, ^-| in. long without the awns, green or blue-purple. Gl. I and II most variable in length, ^-f the length of the lowest fl. gl., elliptic-ovate to narrowly setaceous, awned or not, tip sometimes notched on one side ; flg. gls. narrowly lanceolate, smooth or scabrid, narrowed into a usually straight but some- times recurved stout or slender scabrid awn, prominently 5-nerved above the middle rarely to the base, tip sometimes toothed unilaterally or on both sides of the awn ; palea coriaceous, keels ciliolate with erect teeth above the middle. Lodicules hyaline, ciliate. Anthers short. Grain oblong, compressed.— Except by the long awns I am at a loss how to diagnose this variable grass, some states of which approach Elymus sihiricus so closely that I can hardly distinguish them. The following varieties arc represented amongst Persian specimens. I do not find that they afiect definite localities or elevations in the Himalaya. 1. Gl. I and II very short oblong-lanceolate acute or acuminate usually strongly 3-nerved, fl. gls. glabrous or nearly so except towards the tip. Agropi/ron.'l clxxiii. graminej^. (J. D. Hooker.) 369 2. Gl. I aud II as in 1, fl. gl. scabrid more or less throughout. 3. Gl. I aud II long setaceously lanceolate or lanceolate and long-awned, fl. gls. smootli or scabrid towards the tip. 4. Gl. I and II as in 3, fl. gls. scabrid more or less throughout. 2. A. semicostatum, jVees ex Sfeud. 8yn. Gram. 346; tall, slender, leaves flat, spike elongate, spikelets distant 7-8-fld., gl. I and II linear- lanceolate acuminate smooth or scaberulous strongly 5-7-nerved, fl^. rather longer erect lanceolate scaberulous above tip entire or 1-2-toothed and narrowed into a straight rarely recurved slender awn twice as long as itself or shorter. Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 662; Duihie Grass. N.W. Ind. 45. Tkmperatk HiMALA-YA; from Kashmir to Sikkim, alt. 6-11,000 ft. (as low as 3000 ft. in the Sutlej valley), Thomson, Royle, Jacgaemoiit, &c. — Distrijb. Affghan. Turkestau. Stems 2-3 ft., tufted, erect, or longer, and up to 8 ft., then weak and inclined. Leaves narrow, rarely ^ in. broad, acuminate, scaberulous ov smooth ; sheaths smooth ; ligule very short. Spikes 3-8 in., vachis scabrid, slender or rather stout. Spikelets 1-2 in. including the awns, green ; internodes of ruchilla short ; gls. scabrid as is the callus of the fl. gl. ; empty gls. always large but very variable in size and nerves, ^~\ in. long ; flg. gls. erect and appressed, not at all spreading, tip toothed on one or both sides ; awn rarely 1 in. long. — As suggested by Boissier this is very closely allied to A. caninum. In a specimen from Kashmir [Duthie, No. 12,651) named 'semicostatuin by Hackel, the awns are upwards of an inch long aud reflexed as in Ibnge-aristatum, to which it may be referable. Var. Thomsoni, Hook. f. ; leaves hairy, sheaths villous with reversed hairs. — Kunawur, alt. 11-12,000 ft., Thomson. 3. A. Striatum, Nees ex Steud. Sj/n. Gram. 346 ; tall, robust, leaves flat or involute, spikelets many large imbricatii;g, gls. I and il linear- oblong or oblong-lanceolate as long as gl. HI acute or obtuse very strongly 7- many-nerved, flg. gls. ovate-lanceolate 5-nerved puberulous or glabrous margins usually ciliate, tip notched or entire, awn straight longer or shorter than the gl. Triticum striatum, Steud. I. c. Kashmir, alt. 8-12,000 ft., Royle, Jacquemont, &c. Stem 2-4 ft., as thick as a goose's or swan's quill, or more slender. Leaves ^-^^in. broad, scaberulous above. Spike 3-8 in., rachis stout, glabrous with ciliolate margins of the hollows or puberulous. Spikelets ^-1 in. long, glumes not spreading; I and II subequal, very coriaceous, II ^-f in. long, deeply channelled when dry ; tip sometimes notched or obliquely truncate. — Probably a gigantic form of A. seini- costatum or caninum. 4. A. Jacquexnontii, Hook./.; dwarf, leaves filiform flexuous, sheaths hyaline silvery, spikelets 2-5 cuneately obovate, glumes spreading, I and II small lanceolate acuminate, II 3-nerved awned, fl. gls. lanceolate smooth 5-nerved above the middle narrowed into a slender recurved awn many times longer than itself. Bromus tataricus, Jacquem. tyiss. Western Tibet; Bekar, Jacquemont', Nubra, alt. 17,000 ft., Thomson; plain N. of Kumaon, alt, 15,500 ft., Strachey cj" Winter bottom ; Chimoreri, Stoliczka. Stems 6-12 in., erect or ascending, densely tufted, thickened at the base and clothed with short shining sheaths. Leaves 1-3 in., convolute, glabrous, tip obtuse. Spikelets subterminal, close together, |-f in. long without the awns, 4-6-fld. ; rachilla smooth ; gls. 1 and II i-j in., margins hyaline, nerves very prominent; flg. with the outer pair of nerves margi^id and produced to the base, the inner pair rarely reaching below the middle, tip sometimes 2-toothed ; awn sometimes strongly recurved, rarely straight; palea obtuse, keels ciliolate. Anthers very small. — I VOL. VII. B b 370 CLxxiii. GRAMiNE-a). (J. D. Hooker.) [Agropyron. should hare taken Jacquemont's mss. specific name for this species, had it not been that it was taken up by Munro for another plant. (See Ulymus sibiricus.) 5. A« Thomsoniy Hooh. /. ; lower sheaths villous, spikelets many ovoid erect, glumes erecto-patent, I and II ovate-oblong acute or acuminate 5-7-nerved margins hyaline, flg. gls. silkily villous ovate- lanceolate narrowed into an erect slender awn twice as long as the gl. or shorter. Western Himalaya, alt. 10-12,000 ft., from Kunawur and Piti, Jacquemont, Thomson, to Garwhal, Strachey ^ Winterhottom, Buthie. Stem 2-3 ft., stout or slender, densely tufted. Leaves narrow, margins flat or involute, upper glabrous, lower more or less hairy. Spikes 3-6 in., rachis pubes- cent on the margins or all over. Spikelets ^-| in. without the awns, 5-7 -fld. ; internodes of rachilla short, scaberulous; gls. I and II with scaberulous nerves; II sometimes toothed at the tip and mucronate ; flg. gls. faintly nerved ; keels of palea ciliate. ** Spikelets awnless (or very shortly awned in Indian specimens). 6. A. repens, Beauv. Agrost. 102 (the Indian form) ; stem very slender, leaves narrow, spike slender, spikelets rather distant 5-6-fld. oblong quite glabrous, gls. I and II unequal linear or linear oblong obtuse acute or notched at the tip strongly 3-5-nerved margins scarious, II much shorter than III, flg. gls. linear obtuse or obliquely retuse or notched strongly 3-5-nerved in the upper half. Beichh. Ic. Fl. Germ,, i. t. 20 ; T. Nees to. Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. n. 80 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 343 ; Ledeb. Fl. Boss. iv. 341 ; ?Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 663. A. acutum, Roem. 8f Sch. Si/st. ii. 751 ; Beichh. I. c. t. 22. Triticum repens, lAnn. Sp. PI. 86; Fl. Dan. t. 748; Host Gram. Austr. ii. 27, t. 21 ; Engl. Bot. t. 909 ; Knapp Gram. Britt. t. Ill ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 440, Suppl. 261. Kashmir, alt. 9-12,000 ft., Buthie. Western Tibkt ; Gilgit, alt. 8:00 ft., Giles ; Ladak, Zanskar and Karakoram, alt. 8-14,000 ft., Thomson, &c. Stems 1-2 ft., densely tufted at the base, erect or ascending-. Leaves flat, or convolute when dry, j^-^ in. broad, smooth, glabrous or puberulous above. Spikes 3-6 in., erect, rachis slender, margins of hollows quite glabrous. Spikelets |-f in., very pale, internodes of rachilla short nearly glabrous ; glumes rather spreading, calli quite glabrous ; keels of palea smooth. — 1 follow Munro, Clarke and Hackel (in litt.) in referring this species to A. repens, though it diff'ers much from Boissier's description of that species in the leaves not being scabrid, in the unequal glumes, of which I and II are much shorter than the flg. and in the latter not being lanceolate. 7. A. dentatum, Hook.f. ; root creeping, leaves flat, spike slender, spikelets imbricating 3-5- ttd. quite glabrous or sparsely pubescent, gls. I and II large subequal oblong obtuse obliquely truncate unidentate or mucronate rarely awned very strongly 7-9-nerved, fl. gls. linear-oblong obtuse acute or acuminate strongly 5-nerved above the middle. Kashmir, alt. 9-12,000 ft., Jacquemont, Thomson, &c. Western Tibet, Karakoram, alt. 14,000 ft., Clarke. Habit of A. repens, to which specimens have been referred by Munro and Clarke, but the spikelets (which are green or purplish) are closely imbricating, the margins of the hollows of the rachis scaberulous or ciliolate, the empty gl. much larger broader and as long as the flg. or nearly so and many-nerved. — Under No. 12,432 of Duthie's Kashmir collections I find along with typical A. dentatum, and Agropyron^] clxxiii. gramine-S. (J. D. Hooker.) 371 apparently from the same plant, a specimen with seaberulous leaves and sheaths, ovate-lanceolate acuminate shortly awned 3-5-nerved empty gls. and fewer pubescent acuminate shortly awned flg. gls. Var. ?€latum, Hook. f. ; stem 3-4 ft. stout, leaves -| in. broad, empty gl-i-a in. long ovate-lanceolate acuminate , shortly awned entire or notched on one side 5-7-nerved, fl. gls. narrowed into a short awn. — Kashmir; Dras, alt. 12-13,000 ft., Thomson. — Perhaps this had better be referred to semicostatum or striatum. It was placed in repens by Munro. 130. KORDBUIKE, Linn. Erect annual, rarely perennial grasses. Leaves flat. Spikelefs 1-fld., 2-3-nate in the hollows or at the nodes of a simple cylindric spike, the lateral often imperfect; rachilla jointed at the base of the fl. gl. and produced above it with sometimes an imperfect gl. Glumes I and II empty, very narrow, rigid, persistent, the outer of each cluster of spikelets often together resembling an involucre; III dorsally rounded, 5-nerved above, narrowed into an erect or recurved awn ; palea 2-keeled. Lodicules 2, ciliate. Stamens 3. Sti/les very short. Grain grooved in front, tip usually villous, adherent to the palea or free. — Species about 12, natives of temperate regions. * Annuals. H. vuLGAEE, Linn. Sp. PI. 84 ; spikelets 2-6-ranked, fl. gl. lons"- awned. Beauv. Agrost. 114, t. 21, f. 1 ; Host Gram. Austr. iii. 23, t. 34; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Monocot. i. n. 83 ; Steud. Syn. Gratn. 357; Dutliie Grass. N. W. Ind. 45, Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 69, t. F. f . 32 ; Nees Agrost. Bras. 455 ; Wall. Cat. n. 3789 ; Hack, in Engl. Sf Prantl Fjlanzenfam. ii. 80 ; Koern. ^ Wern. Handh. der Getreideh. ii. 600. H. sativum, Pers. Syn. i. 108. H. coeleste, Vihorg ; Wight Cat. n. 1772. Cultivated, chiefly in N. India iind up to 13,000 ft. in the Himalaya. Var. hexastichon, Aitchis. Cat, Panjab. PI. 171; spikelets 6-ranked, H. hexa- stichon Linn. Sp. PI. 85 ; Beauv. I. c. 114 (hexastachyon) ; Kunth I. c. 455, Suppl. 368 ; Host I. c. iii. 24, t. 35 ; Gc^rtn. Carp. ii. 10, t. si, f. 3 ; Roxh. Fl. Ind. i. 358 ; Grah. Cat. Bomb. PI. 234 j Dalz. Sf Oihs. Bomb. Fl. Suppl. 96 ; Nees Agrost. Bras. 455 ; Steud. I. c. Var. distichon ; spikelets 2-ranked. H. distichon, Linn. I.e. 85; Host I. c. 35, t. 36; Kunth I. c. i. 455, Suppl. 369, t. 37; Gcertn. Carp. ii. 10, t. 81, f. 3 ; Ledeb. Fl. Soss. iv. 327 ; Nees Agrost. Bras. 454 ; Steud. I. c. 351. Zeocriton disticum, Beauv. Agrost. 115. — Qnetta, Stocks (cult.). Ysr. ^giceras, Aitrhis. Cat. Panjab PI. 171; spikelets 2-ranked, gl. Ill pro- dnced into a dilated 3-fid appendage with the lateral lobes deflexed. H. Aegicer:is, Royle III. Bot. Himal. 418, t. 97; Henslow in Hook. Kew Journ. i. (1849) t. 2, 3; Schlecht. in Bot. Zeit. (1847) 768; Lindl. Nat. Syst. Bot. Ed. II. 372. H. coeleste rar. trifurcatnra, Hort. Monsp.; Schlecht. in Linn aa, xi. (1837) 543; Str. in Ann. Sc. Pliys. S( Nat. Soc. Agric. Lgon. iv. ex Bot. Zeit. (1847) 768. H. heterostachyum, Beauv. Agrost. 114. H. himalayense, var. trifurcatum, Hort. Monsp. ; ex Irmischin Linncea, xiii. (1839) 124, t. 4 ; Steud. I. c. 252. H. nepalense, Siveet Hort. Brit. Fd. 1. 444. H. trifurcatum, Fisch. ^^ Mey. Ind. Sem. Hort. Petrop. fasc. 3 (1837) 131 ; Wender. in Flora (1843) 233. H. vulgare, var. cornutmr, Schrad. in Llnncea, xii. (1838) 471. H. vulgare, var. trifurcatum, Koerrt. Sf Wern. I. c. \. 170, t. 3, f. 26. ,Critho Aegiceras, B. Mey. hid. Sem. Hort. Eeginm. 1848, 5; in Ann. Sc. Nat. Ser. III. xi (1849) 253; Linnaa, xxiv. (1851) 195. Triticum 1 oi-deiforme, Wall, ex Stetid. Nomencl. Ed. II. ii. 716.— Thibet Barley, Hook. Bond. Journ, B b 2 372 CLxxni. gramine^. (J. D. Hooker.) [Hordeum. Bot. vii. (1843) 215.— Temp, aud Alp. Himalaya, from Kashmir to Sikkim, Tibet and China. Var. nudum ; spikelets 2-rauked, grain free within the palea. H. nudum, Arduini in Schult. Mant. ii. 437. H. gymnodistiehum, Watt Diet. JEcon. Prod. Ind. iv. 274. H. distichum, )8. Kuntli I. c. i. 455 ; Kew Bullet. (1888) 271. H. coeleste, Koern. et Wern. I. e. i. 166, ii. 629. ?R. himalayense, Eittig Beschr. Hinial. Gerste (1822), ex Schult. Mant. ii. 481. — Cult, up to 14,000 ft. with brown or often purplish spikes. 1. K. spontaneum, C. Koch in Linnsea, xxi. (1848) 430; tall, densely tufted, leaves flat finely acuminate, spike narrow rachis fragile, spikelets 2-ranked lateral stipitate male awnless, flg. gl. lanceolate plumosely ciliate, awn very long flattened. Steud. Syn. Gram. 351. H. ithabnrense, Boiss. Biagn. Ser. I. xiii. 20; Fl. Orient, v. 687; Aitchis. in Trans. Linn. iSoc. Ser. II. iii. 127. H. Decaisueanum, Sort. British Beluchistan; Quetta, Stocks. — Distrib. Westwd. to Palestine. Stems forming great clumps 3 ft. hiyjh, resembling cultivated barley, Aitchis. I. c. Leaven flaccid, narrowed into very long points ; ligule short. Spikes 1^-3 in. Spikelets | in., pedicel flat with villous margins ; gls. linear-oblong. Awn 4-8 in. — The only truly wild Barley of the cultivated type, most nearly allied to vulgare var. distichon, but differing in the villous spikelets and jointed fragile spike. Grisebach, however {m Ledeh. Fl. Ross. iv. 317) says under the cultivated H. distichum, that he has found the spike to be fragile in some of its forms. 2. H. murlnum, Linn. Sp. PI. 85 ; stems ascending leafy, spike stout subcylindric fragile dense-fld., spikelets 3-nate lateral male or neuter, fl. gl. lanceolate awned ciliate below or glabrous. Fl. Dan. t. 629; Host Gram. Austr. i. 25, t. 32 ; Fngl. Bot. t. 1971 ; £:7iapp Gram. Britt. 104 ; Reichb. Lc. Fl,. Germ., t. xi, ; T. Nees Gen. Fl. Germ. Mononot. i. n. 83 ; Kunth Fnum. PL i. 456, Suppl. 370 ; Ledeh. Fl. Boss. iv. 328 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 686 ; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 669 ; Nees Agrost. Bras. 453, Fl. Afr. Austral. 363; Steud. Syn. Gram. 352; Buthie Grass. N.W. Lnd. 45. H. leporinum; Link in LinniEa, iv. (1835) 133. H. vaginatura, G. Koch in Linnsea xxi. (1848) 433 ; Steud. I. c. Triticum marale, Salisb. Prodr. 27. Zeocriton murinum, Beauv. Agrost. 125. Kashmir ; alt. 5-6000 ft., Jacquemont; &c. Peshawur, Stewart. — Disteib. Westwd. to the Atlantic. Stem 6-18 in,, ascending from an often decumbent base. Leaves flat, glabrous or sparsely puberulous and scaberulous ; sheaths inflated ; ligule small, scarious. Spikes 1-2| by ^-§ in., inclined, green. Spikelets with the awns 1 in. ; empty gl. filiform ; flg. gl. flattened, much shorter than the straight awn ; keels of palea ciliate. ** Perennials. 3. K. secalinum^ Schreh. Spicil. Fl. Lips. 148 ; stem erect leafy, spike narrow subcylindric dense-fld., spikelets 3-nate lateral male or neuter. Host Gram. Austr. i. 26, t. 33 ; Trin. Sp. Gram. Ic. t. 3 & 4 ; Benth. Fl. Austral, vii. 669 ; Boiss. Fl. Orient, v. 687. H. pratense, Huds. Fl. Angl. Ed. II. 56 ; Fngl. Bot. t. 409 ; Trin. I. c. t. 4 ; Knapp Gram. Britt. t. 105 ; Beichh. Ic. Fl. Germ. i. t. xi, ; Ledeh. Fl. Ross. iv. 328 ; Steud. Sun. Gram. 352; Buthie Grass. N.W. lnd. 45. H. nodosum, Linn. Sp. PI. Fd. II. 126 {excl. Syn. Bay.). H. brevisubulatum, Link in Linna^a, xvii. (1843) 391. H. maritimum, Roth Tent. Fl. Germ. II. i. 150 ; Fl. Ban. t. 630. Zeocriton secalinum, Beauv. Agrost. 115. Kashmir & Iskardo, alt. 7700 ft., Clarke, Buthie. Westbrn Tibet, alt. 10-15,000 ft., Thomson. Shibchilam (N. of Kumaon) alt. 15,000 ft., Strachey ^ Winter b otto m.— J) isi&iB. Europe, N. Asia, temp. N. & S. America. Hordeum.'] clxxiii. graminb/E. (J. D. Hooker.) 373 Stemff densely tufted, 3-6 in., stout or slender, ofben geniculate afc the base. Leaves short, linear, flat, glabrous or hairy beneath; ligule small. Spikes 2-3 J by -i— ^- in., erect or inclined; raehis subfragile, green or purplish. Spikelets densely crowded, sub hexastichous, ^-^ in. long, awns longer or shorter than the gl. — Some of Dr. Thomson's Tibetan specimens are upwards of 3 ft. high with the stem nearly as thick as a goose-quill. 131. ZSIiVMUS, Linn. Characters of Agropyrum, bat spikelets for the most part in pairs, threes, or fascicled in the nodes of the raehis, and empty gls. usually more or less collateral — Species about 20 enumerated, of N. and S. temperate regions. Boissier (Fl. Or. v. 690) considers Elymus as too closely allied to Hordeum. To me it appears to be connected witli Agropyrum through E. sibiricus, and A. longe- aristatum, in both which the empty glumes are opposite one another, not as in the other Indian Elymi placed more or less collaterally. It is as difficult to limit the species in one genus as in the other, and the more specimens one has of any species, the more diflBcult it is to limit it. * Aivn offl. gl. murJi longer than the gl, 1. ZS. sibiricus? Linn. Sp. PI. 3 ; spike short or elongate and flexuous, spikelets geminate and fascicled, empty gh. subopposite much shorter than the 5-7-fld. spikelet, fl. gls. lanceolate 5-nerved narrowed into a slender erect or recurved awn much longer than the gl. Sckreb. Gram. i. t. 21, f. 1 ; Xunth Enum. PI. i. 451, Sii-ppL 367 ; Ledeh. FL Boss. iv. 330; Steud. Syn. Gram. 348; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 46. E. glaucus, Buf-hl. in Proc. Acad. Sc. Philad. 1862, 99. E. nutans, Griseh. in Goett. Nachr. (1868) 72. E. tener, Unn. f. Suppl. 114. Temperate & Alpine Himalaya ; from Kashmir to Sikkim, alt. 10-14,000 ft. Eastern & Western Tibet, alt. lU-15,000 ft. (15-18,000 ft., 8ioUczka).—Disriiiii. Atfghan., Abyssinia, N. Asia & America. Stem 1-2 ft., densely tufted, ascending, smooth, erect inclined or decurved below the spike. Leaves i— j in. broad, nearly smooth ; ligule very short. Spike very variable, 4-10 in. long, green or brownish, straight curved or flexuous ; raehis smooth, or faintly scabrid, as are the margins of its hollows. Spikelets J-1 in. long excluding the awns, sessile and pedicelled ; rachilla slender, minutely scabernlous, its internodes long or short; gl. land II most variable, II ;^-f the length of the lowest fl. gl., from narrowly oblong to ovate-obloiig lanceolate or almost setaceous, acute acuminate or both or II only awned, quite entire (never notched), usually strongly 3-nerved ; fl. gls. narrowly lanceolate, narrowed into the awn, quite entire or tip toothed on one or both sides at the base of the awn, glabrous smooth or faintly scabernlous, 5-nerved usually to the base; awn f-1 in.; palea linear, keels ciliate- toothed above the middle. Lodicules lacerate. Anthers short. Oi-ary pyriform, top hirsute; stigmas short. — A very abundant grass in Tibet and the higher Himalaya, states of which are with difficulty distinguished )iron\ Agropyrum longe-aristatum (which see), and just as variable, in the empty glumes especially, but the awns are usually shoiter. A small very slender form with an inclined horizontal and upcurved spike of secuud purplish spikelets is var. minor of Uackel. (Duthie n. 13,745) and Agropyrum long e-aristatum var. Aitchi.soni of Boiss. (Fl. Or. V. 660) and Brachypodium tafarivum, Munroin Journ. Linn. Soc. xviii. (1881) 109. — Another variety (Bromus duhius, Jacquem. mss.) has oblong very dense short sub- cylindric spikes. It is a very alpine form, found at 15-18,000 ft. elevation in Eastern and Western Tibet. 374 CLxxiii. GRAMiNEiE (J. D. Hooker.) [Elymus. 2. E. dahuricus, Turc. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. (1838) 105, et xxix. I. (1867) 62 ; spike narrow strict or subflexuous, spikelets geminate 2-3-fld., empty gls. collateral linear-lanceolate acuminate or subaristate 6-7-nerved nearly as long as the spikelet, fl. gls. lanceolate scaberulous 5-nerved narrowed into a slender erect awn as long or twice as long as the gl. PHordeum sylvaticum, Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 45. Kashmir. Falconer, ka. ; Iskardo, Qlarlce, alt. V500 ft.; Sind Valley, 6000 ft., Gammie. Western Tibet, alt. 11-14,000 ft., Thomson— Bistrib. N. Asia. Stem 2-3 ft., rather stout and leafy, or shorter more slender and leafy at the base chiefly. Leaves 3-8 by i-^ in., flat, finely acuminate, nearly smooth or scaherulous above ; sheaths smooth ; ligule very short. Spi/ce 3-8 in. ; rachis glabrous or nodes pubescent. Spikelefs ^-^ in. exclusive of the awns, green, im- bricating; gl. I and II subequal, strongly 3-5-nerved, smooth or scaberulous, rarely toothed on one side towards the tip; fl. gls. lanceolate, more or less distinctly notched at the tip, 5-nerved, from nearly glabrous to scaberulous, nnd with minutely ciliolate nervts ; awn ^-^ in. ; keels of obtuse pulea strongly shortly ciliate. Grain oblong, dorsally compressed, concavo-convex, tip villous. Var. ? more I'obust, spike stouter, spikelets large, ^-| in., more crowded, 3-5-fld., awns of fl. gl. |-| in.— Karakoram, alt. 12,000 ft., Clarke. ** Awn offl. gl. much shorter than the gl. I. 3. E. dasystachys, Trin. in Ledeh. Fl. Alt. i. 120, Fl. Boss. iv. 333, Ic. t. 249 ; spike stout strict, spikelets geminate 2-5- fld., empty gls. collateral unequal subulate-lanceolate 1-3-nerved aristately acuminate, II nearly as long as the lowest fl. gl., fl. gls. lanceolate more or less silky 5- nerved tip notched towards the subulate or shortly awned tip. Steud. Syn. Oram. 350; Duthie Grass. N.W. Ind. 46. E. jenisseensis, Turc. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. xxix. (1856) i. 64. Kashmir & Kunawur, alt. 8-12,000 ft., Jacquemont, Clarke, &c. Western Tibet, alt. 10-14,000 ft., Thomson, &c. Luptal (N. of Kumaon) alt. 14,500 ft., Strachey Sf Win/erhottom. — Disthib. Turkestan, Siberia. Stent 2-5 ft., stout or slender. Leaves 6-12 in., flat and ^s in. broad, or narrow with margins involute, smooth or scaberulous. Spike 6-8 in., variable in breadth ; rachis stout, pubescent sparsely villous or nearly glabrous. Spikelets ^ in. long; gl. I and II very narrow, 1- rarely 3-nerved ; fl. gls. notched at the base of the awn on both sides, 5-nerved, rarely almost glabrous ; keels of obtuse palea stoutly ciliate. 4. E.? Thoznsoni, Hook. /. ; spike stout strict, spikelets 2-3-nate densely crowded sessile and pedicelled, glumes all scarious (in frt.) broadly oblong or ovate-oblong with hyaline margins or very stout midrib and 7-9 fainter lateral nerves suddenly ending in a short stoat awn. Western Tibet ; Danskar, in Piti, alt. 13,000 ft, Thomson. Stem 12-14 in., very stout, erect. Leaves 3-6 in., narrow, convolute, coriaceous, smooth, finely acuminate, subpungent ; sheaths broad, striate ; ligule very short. Spike 3-4 in,, rachis very stout, smooth or subsilky on the angles. Spikelets ^-^ in., glabrous or faintly pubescent ; rachilla very short and stout; glumos subpubes- ceut, usually broadly notched below the awn often unequally, margins ciliolate, 7-9- nerved; palea very broad, pubescent, ciliate, 2-lobed, keels unequal more or less ciliate. Grain free, concavo-convex, top glabrous. — I have seen only two specimens of this plant, which I'esembles a wheat more than an Elymus, from which latter genus it difiers in the free grain with a glabrous tip; both specimens are far advanced, and I doubt the grain being in a normal condition. CLXxiii. GRAMiNE^. (J. D. Hookei.) 375 131.' ASPERXSIiZiA, Sumh. (Not in Clavis, p. 9.) Tall perennial grasses. I/eawes narrow, flat. 8 pikelets 1- or more-fld., 2-3-nate opposite hollows in the rachis of a terminal elongate simple slender spike, with the sides of the glumes opposite the rachis ; rachilla jointed under the flg. gls. Glumes I and II 0, or in the lowest spikelets minute, subulate ; flg. gls. rigid, lanceolate, convolute, narrowed into an awn, dorsally rounded, 5-nerved above the middle ; palea 2-keeled. Lodi- cules 2, obovate or dimidiate-obovate, hairy. Styles very short, free, stigmas plumose. Grain narrowly oblong, ventrally grooved, adherent to the palea, tip villous.— Species 6, 1 Siberian, 2 American, 1 N. Zealand, and the following. A. Duthiei, Staj)f in Hook. Ic. PI. ined. f.\ spikelets 1-fld., rachilla produced. Western Himalaya; Tihri-Garwhal ; alt. 7-8000 ft., Buthie. — Disteib. China. Stem 3 f t , glabrous. Leaves 10 by f in. lanceolate, setaceously acuminate, thinly membranous, scabrid on both surfaces ; sheaths elongate, nodes thinly villous ; ligule truncate, minutely ciliolate. SpiJce 6 in., very slender, rachis pubescent. Spikelets ^-^ in. long, nearly all 2-nate, pale ; rachilla glabrous terminated by an awu ; flg. gl. lanceolate, 7-nerved, narrowed into an awn almost twice as long as itself, nerves rough ; palea about as long as the gl. Lodicules obovate, hairy. — Allied to A. Hystrix, Willd., and to A. sibirica, Trautv. differing from both in the 1-fld. spikelets. Foliage as in A. Hystrix, but spike not at all stiff". A. sibirica has narrower firmer leaves, more markedly nerved gls., and much shorter awns. — Stapf. Tribe XI. Bambuse^e. (See p. 91.) By J. S. Gamble, M.A., F.L.S., Conservator of Forests, K-W. Provs. The following account of the Indian Bambuseae is drawn up, almost verbatim, from Mr. Gamble's *' Bamboos of British India," which forms part of vol. vii. of Dr. King's *' Annals of the Royal Botanic Gardens of Calcutta," and of which Dr. King favoured me with a copy in advance, together with his and Mr. Gamble's permission to reproduce its contents in a form suited to the " Flora of British India." In doing this [ have been obliged to curtail the descriptions. And in order to preserve the arran pairs; sheath smooth, striate, tipped witli a ciliate callus, auricles bristly ; ligule very short. Spikelets 1 in. or more; gl. I and II 4^ in., ovate, acuminate, 3-5-nerved, keel ciliate; fi. gls. similar, 7-nerved and transversely nervuled; palea obovate, 2-fitl, 2-nerved between the white-ciliate keels and 1-nerved on each side of them. 5. A. polystachya? Ktirz ex Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 7, t. 5 ; stems soft, leaves thin soft lanceolate acuminate with a twisted tip, rough above white hairy or smooth beneath not or rarely tessellately nerved margins scabrous ligule long, spikelets long 4-6-fld. in a large terminal or axillary racemose leafy panicle with papery bracts, fl. gls. distant ovate long-acuminate. SiKKiM Himalaya & the Khasia Hills, alt. 3-5000 ft., Grifith, Kurz, Maun, &c. A small shrubby bamboo ; stem-sheaths unknown. Leaves 6-8 by -^q-I in., base rounded or narrowed, petiole very short, midrib rather broad, principal nerves 5 pairs, with lines of pellucid glands between the secondary, transverse nervules few or 0; sheath greenish yellow, striate, glabrous, ending in a broad 2-fid callus, and produced upwards to meet the long striate obtuse fimbriate ligule. Spikelets ^-^ in., rachilla clavate ; gls. I and II ovate, acuminate, 5-7-nerved, keeled and ciliate above; fl. gls. about twice as long, 7-9-nerved, ciliate; palea longer, mucronate, tip 2-fid, l-nerved between and 1-nerved on each side of the ciliate keels. 6. A. debilis, Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 375 ; shrubby, stems much branched, leaves small linear-lanceolate acute obscurely or not tessellate tip scabrous base acute or subtruncate, ligule short, spikelets short 3-fld., shortly pedicelled in a terminal short leafy panicle, fl. gls. imbricating ovate mucronate. Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 24; Bedd. Fl. Sylv., Forest. Man. p. ccxxx. ; Trim. Gat. Ceyl. Fl. 110 ; Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 7, t. 6. Ceylon ; Central Province, alt. 6-8000 ft., Thwaites, &c. (C.P. n. 1). Stems elongate; nodes rather enlarged, internodes 2-6 in. by i-y»y in. diam., upper smooth yellow shining, lower glabrous or top hispid with long hairs. Leaves 1^3 by -^-^ in., glaucous, glabrous, or hairy above glabrous beneath, one or both margins scabrous; midrib thick, primary nerves 2-3 pairs, obscure, transverse Arundinaria.'] clxxiii. gramine-s:. (^Barribusece^ Gamble.) 379 nervules obscure or 0 ; sheath glabrous, striate, paleaceous, ending in a ciliate callus and shortly auricled, with 2-4. short bristles. Spikelets | in., pedicels often ob- cuneate, glabrous or slightly pubescent; gls. I and II ovate, mucronate, 5-7-uerved ; fl. gls. similar but longer ; palea 2-cuspidate, hirsute, tip ciliate, keels smooth, ttt Spikelets racemose. 7. A. densifolia, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 32 ; small, densely gregarious, leaves leathery densely imbricate subsessile lanceolate acute or long-acuminate spinulose-serrate tessellately nerved, base rounded or cordate, spikelets 1-ild. in a dense panicle of leafy hranchlets bearing racemes of 5-6 spikelets, fl. gl. long-mucronate. Trhn. Cat. Ceyl. Fl. 110 ; Gamble Bamh. Brit. Incl. 8, t. 7. Tkavancor ; on the Anamallay Hills, alt. 8500 ft., JSeddome. Ceylon ; Horton Plains, alt. 7200 ft., and Pedrotallagalla, G. Thomson, Maxwell, Trimen, &c. Stem 6 in.-3 ft., with stiff strong leafy branches arising from a thick scaly rhizome; internodes 1^-3 in. by \ in. diam. or less, smooth, walls rather thick; stem-sheaths 1 in. or longer, striate, hirsute, narrowed to the truncate acutely 2-auricled top; blade short, ovate. Leaves 1-1^ by ^-^ in., tip glabrous, margins broadly cartilaginous, midrib thick, primary nerves 1-2 obscure, secondary 4-5 regularly tessellate with nervules ; sheath striate, ciliate with whitish stiff hairs above; ligule short, rounded, hairy. Spikelets -^^-^m., rachilla glabrous; gl. I short, lanceolate; II broader, 5-nerved, keel scabrous; palea 2-mucronate, with a faint nerve outside each scabrid keel. Lodicules obovate, fimbriate. Anthers long. Ovary ellipsoid. 8. A. racemosa, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 17 ; stem erect from a long rhizome, internodes scabrous, leaves linear-lanceolate tessellate tip setaceous, margins scabrous-serrulate, spikelets 4-8-fld. on short racemes of a simple terminal panicle of close leafy whorled branches surrounded by persistent sheaths, flg. gls. caudate-acuminate from a broad base ciliate. Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. 9, t. 8 ; Mitford, The Bamboo Garden^ 174. A. Gammieana, Gamble mss. (an Alpine form). E. Nepal and Sikkim, alt. 6-12,000 ft. Stems 5-15 ft. by xo~2 in. diam., walls thin, nodes a mere riug ; internodes 12-15 in., blue-green when young; branches fascicled at the nodes; stem-sheaths usually 10 in., striate, covered with scattered stiff black hairs, narrowed couvexly to the truncate tip J blade subulate, reflexed. Leaves 4-7 by ^-f in., base rounded or narrowed into the very short petiole, glabrous or sparsely hairy above, midrib prominent, primary nerves 3-5 pairs, secondary 5-7, trausverse nervules conspicuous; sheath 2-aurioled with a ciliate membrane below the blade ; ligule short, obtuse. Panicle with a glabrous rachis, pedicels 1-1-a in., wavy, angular. Spikelets 1-1^ in., rachilla clavate ; gl. I and II very small, distant, acumiuate; flg. gls. 7-9-nerved, setaceous, tip scabrid ; palea shorter, 2-mucronate, tip scabrous, keels ciliate, nerves 0 or obscure. — Flowers rarely and only in the higher elevations, when the stem is sometimes reddish. ** Nodes of stem spinous (except A. Pantlingi). 9. A. Griffithiana, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 20; gregarious, internodes furrowed, nodes girt with a ring of tawny hairs, leaves thin linear-lanceolate acuminate tessellate margins smooth, tips setaceous, spikelets 4-6-fld. in whorled clusters on a terminal panicle which is sur- rounded by sheathing bracts, pedicels hairy, flg. gls. lanceolate long- mucronate. Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. 10, t. 9. Bbitish Bhutan, Fantling. Khasia and Jaintea Hills, alt' 3-4500 ft., Griffith, &c. Stems 10-30 ft. by 1-1^ in. diam., oUve-green ; spines short, stout; internodes 380 CLxxiii. GRAMiNE^.. {Bambusem, Gamble.) [Arundinaria. 7-9 in., stem-sheaths 6-9 in. by 4-5 in. broad at the base and y^„ in. at the top, .with a basal belt of thick soft tawny hairs, narrowed upwards, tip with rounded auricles, thinly covered with stiff tubercle-based hairs; blade -} in., triangular, acute, hairy. Leaves 4-5 by ^ in. or less, narrowed into a petiole, margins smooth, midrib sliining, primary nerves 4-5 pairs, transverse nervules strong ; sheaths seriate, glabrous, ending in a narrow ring with a few stiff curved bristles ; ligule rather broad, hairy. Panicle with a hairy rachis, laterally flattened. iSpikelets 1-1^ in., narrow; rachilla long, flattened, top clavate, ciliate ; gls. I and 11 ovate-lanceolate, mucronate, 5-7-nerved, scabrous, dorsally hairy above; fl, gls. -^ in., scabrous, hairy above, 7-nerved ; palea 2-uiucronate, keels ciliate. Anthers with bearded tips. — Only once seen in flower. 10. A. Pantling-i* Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. 129, t. 118; tall, spines 0? nodes with a hairy ring, leaves lanceolate petioled. tessellate smooth above scabrid. on one margin, tip long twisted scabrid, spikelets panicled surrounded by sheathing bracts, pedicels glabrous capillary, nodes glandular, spikelets very narrow curved 6-10- fid,, rachilla clavate with a tuft of w^hite hairs beneath the ovate acuminate long-mucronate fig. gls. British Buotan ; on Rechi La, alt. 11,000 ft., Pa^itling. Stems upwards of \ in. diani., smooth ; iuternodes 7-8 in. or more, cavity large ; stem -sheaths about 10 in., smootli, striate, tapering to a convex top, margins long- ciliate ; blade 3-4 by 4-^ in., glabrous, decurrent on the sheath into hairy aurich'S bearing 6-10 long curved bristles; ligule about -^^ in., toothed, faintly ciliate, dorsally pubescent. Leaves _b-l by ^— | in., base narrowed, petiole 4-^ in., midrib narrow pale shining, nerves 4-5 pairs with 7-9 intermediate pairs, cross-nervules very many, sheath glabrous, ending in a very hairy ring with a few twisted bristles, margins long-ciliate ; ligule dorsally pubescent. Pawicles 4-B in., terminal and axillary on leafless branches; bracts like small stem-sheaths, glabrous. Spikelets 2 in. or more, siil)verticillate ; uppermost flg. gls. usually empty; rachilla about i in., white- pubescent ; gls. I and II empty, 1 ^ in.; II nearly | in., 3-5-nerved, subciliate ; flg. gls. prominently 7-tierved, keels scaorid ; palea with 2-ciliate keels alternating with 3 nerves, tip 2-fid and 2-mucroiiate. Lodicules 3, ovate or obovate, acute, ciliate. J.n^ro in Trans. Linn. Soc xxvi. (1868)30; inter- nodes smooth, nodes girt by the base of the fallen sheath, leaves thin oblong-lanceolate acuminate tessellate glandular-scabrid above pubescent beneath, margins scabrous-serrulate, spikelets bracteate 6-12-fld. in a branched axillary panicle ending in a leafy branchlet, flg. gls. ovate acute mucronate. Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. 12, t. 10. Eastern Himalaya ; in the Duphla Hills, alt. 4500-G800 ft., Lister. Khasia Hills, alt. 6O0O ft., J. D. H. ^ T. T., &c. Stem 12-20 ft. by ^-1 in. dinm., smooth; nodes spinous and with a ring of soft brown hairs; iuternodes 6-10 in., walls above the spinous thickened nodes thin; stem-sheaths as long as the internodes or longer, thin, transversely nerved, narrowed from a softly hairy base to a narrow truncate tip; blade ^-1 in., subulate, hairy on both surfaces, auricles short fringed decurrent. Leaves 8-9 by -L-fi in., narrowed from a suboblique base to the very short petiole, tip scabrons, midrib hairy shining above, primary nerves 5-8 pairs, transverse nervules raised beneath with interposed pellucid glands ; sheath densely tawny-pubescent, at length glabrous, tip with a ciliate callus and a few stiff" curved bristles ; ligule short, huiry. Panicle with the rachis striate, flattened on one side, and with a pubescent vertical line, terminal joints clavate, hairy ; bracts narrow, straw-colrd. Spikelets 2-3 in., rachilla very Arundinaria.'] clxxiii. GRxVMiNEJi. (Bamhusece, Gamble.) 381 prominent, glabrous ; gl. I and II short, ovate, acute, glabrous, 1-3-nerved ; flg gls. ovate, 3-7-nerved, tip ciliate; palea acute, thickly pubescent, keels ciliate. Anthers short, obtuse. , Sect. II. Erect shrubs. Infl. of fascicled racemes on leafless or on both leafy and leafless stems ; bracts small. 12. A. falcata, Nees in Linnasa, ix. (1834) 478 ; stems annual, inter- nodes smooth, nodes swollen, leaves small linear shortly petioled scabrid glandular between the nerves, above not tessellate tip setaceous twisted, infl. of fascicled falcate racemes at the nodes, bracts short narrow mem- V^ranous. flg^. gls. 1-2 subacute mucrotiate 7-9-nerved, tips ciliate. Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. 12, t. 11, 12; Mitford, The Bamboo Garden, 167. ? A. ntilis, Gltgh. in Journ. Agr. Horf. ^oc. Ind. xiii. (1865) 388. Western Himalaya j from the Ravi to Kepal, alt. 4-12,000 ft. (rarely over 7000 ft.). Stems 6-10 ft. from a woody rootstock, ^-^ in. diam., green, sometimes pruinose; nodes glabrous or hirsute; internodes 6-12 in., walls thin; stem-sheaths papery, often 12 by 3 in., glabrous aud scaberulous above, hairy beneath above the middle, margins ciliate, tapering to a truncate tip ; blade ^-2 in. by -j\j in., subulate recurved ; ligule often | in., toothed. Leaves about 3-4 by ^-^ in., or 12 by 1 in. on young shoots, glands in rows like nervules pe'lucid ; sheath glabrous ; ligule long. Panicles on separate stems. Spikelets ^-| in. ; rachilla cuneate, tip hairy ; gl. I ^ in., 3-5-nerved ; II longer, 7-9-nerved, tip acute ciliate ; fl. grls. ^ in., mucronate, scabrous ; palea = fl. gl. or rather longer (margins of gl. and palea often black). — There are two vars. : a. typica, Gamble, spikelets distant in filiform falcate racemes; fi. glomerata. Gamble, spikelets 3-4 together in close racemes or panicles. — A. utilis, Clegh., may hefalcata or spathijlora. 13. A. khasiana. Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 28; stems annual, dark green or blackish, nodes prominent, branchlets fascicled dark colrd., leaves 3-4 by \ in. linear-lanceolate glandular between the nerves not or hardly tessellate, infl. of fascicled falcate geniculate panicles at the nodes, bracts short ovate, fl. gl. mucronate, margins above and tip ciliate. Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 15, t. 13. Khasia Hills ; alt. 5-60OO ft., common. Most difl&cult to separate from A. falcata, but a stiifer stronger plant, panicle more dense aud imbricated, flowers shorter, rachilla of spikelet hairy. 14. A. intermedia, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xvi. (1868) 28 ; stems 8-12 ft. slender, nodes swollen with a prominent ring and whitish line below them, leaves very variable 8 by 1 in, (in young shoots to 3-4 by ^- in.) linear- or oblong-lanceolate setaceously acuminate, base narrowed into a swollen petiole, nerves 3-7 pairs with Q-7 intermediates, sparingly tessellate with interposed pellucid glands, sheath ciliate with falcate auricles, infl. of whorled racemose panicles, bracts axillary triangular, spikelets 3-5-fld., fl. gls. 7-9- nerved. Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 15, t. 14. SiKKiM Himalaya, alt. 4-7000 ft., J. D. H., &c. Stems greyish-green ; internodes 5-10 in, walls y^-i in. thick; stem-sheaths 8-10 by 1-2 in. at base, glabrous, striate, narrowed upwai'ds and truncate, ciliate below the small subulate blade. Leaves bright green, upper surface and margins scabrid, midrib prominent ; sheath with long marginal hairs, a minute ciliate callus below the petiole and on each side a falcate auricle bordered by stiff curved bristles ; ligule long. Iw/l. on leafless stems. Spikelets ^-lin., yellow ov purplish, nodes of rachilla clavate long-ciliate; gl. I and II ovate, membranous. — The long ciliate leaf-sheath is an excellent character. 382 OLi^xiii. GRA.M1NEJ!. {Bamhusece, Gamble.) lArundinaria. 15. A. Hookeriana, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 29 ; stems 15-20 ft. slender, nodes not much swollen ringed by the base of the sheath, leaves 6-12 by 4-l| in. narrowed into a swollen petiole, nerves 4-8 pairs with oblique transverse pellucid glands not tessellate, sheath glabrous minutely ciliate, ligule long, infl. of loosely fascicled falcate bracteate panicles, spikelets drooping 1-fld., fl. gl. large broadly ovate 3-nerved. Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 17, t. 15. Eastern Himalaya, alt. 4-7000 ft. ; Sikkim and W. Bhotan, J. B. H., Gammie, &c. Sterns 15-20 coespitose, glaucous green, with white scurf when young ; older inter- nodes 8 by |-1^ in., with a dark blueish ring at the top, often striped green and yellow, walls J^ in. thick; stem-sheatlis often 12-24 in. by 3-6 in. broad at the base, narrowed upwards and truncate ; blade 3-6 in., linear ; lij^^ule -j^y-i in., depressed in the middle. Leaves glaucous green when young, upper surface and margins scabrid ; sheath ending in a broad callus and thin naked membrane. Injl. loose, on separate stems. Spikelets about i in., pedicelled ; gl. I J^ in., 3-nerved, tip hairy; II i in. 5-nerved, mucronate ; fl. gl. hard, involute, angled, scabrous between the nerves ; palea glabrous, tip hirsute. Grain ellipsoid. Sect. III. Erect shrubs. Inflorescence usually in leafy panicles ; bracts large. 16. A. spathiflora, Trin. in Mem. Acad. Petersb. Ser. VI. iii. II. (1835) 617, Sjp. Gram. Id. 350; stem-sheaths oblong tip rounded, leaves 2-4 at the end of the branches, 3-5 by ^-^ in. linear-lanceolate tessellate, sheath loose, bracts enclosing 2-3 compressed 4-8-fld. spikelets, gl. I short obtuse, II long-mucronate, flg. gls. 4-5 ovate long-acuminate, palea very short. Bujorecht. Bamb. 24, t. 2, f. 5 ; Steud. ^yn. Gram. 334; Brandts in Ind. Forester, xii. 206; Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 17, t. 16; Mitford, The Bamboo Garden, 172. A. procera, WalL mss. Thamnocalamus sputhi^orns, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxv\. (1868) S4<, partly; Brandis For. Flor. 563. Bambusa macro. Wall, in Herb. Rook, {ex Munro). — Gen. Nov. Wall. Cat. n. 5041. Western Himalaya; from the Sutlt^j to Nepal, alt. 7-9000 ft., Wallich, &c. A gregarious shrub 12-20 ft. high. 8Um ^-f in. diam., smooth, young glaucous green and scurfy, older yellow or reddish-brown, nodes prominent, internodes 6-15 in., branchlets chiefly from the upper nodes, leafing branches with loose yellow sheaths 3-5 by ^-f in. Stem-s7ieaths loose, glabrous, margins ciliate, mouth ^-^ in. broad, with a few stift" bristles ; ligule y\y in., fimbriate. Leaves shortly petioled, base narrowed, tip acute hairy ; sheath 2-3 in., truncate, auricles bristly callus narrow, ciliate; ligule long-ciliate. InJl. usually on leafless stems, brnnches fascicled flrooping, with narrow papery sheaths, 1^-3 in. long. Spikelets 1-2^^ in., pedicelled; ra' hilla long, clavate, tip hairy ; gl. land II linear-lanceolate, glabrous; fl. gls. |-1 in. scabrous. — Distinguished from A. falcata by the tessellate leaves, and f vom jaunsarensis by the short rhizomes and tufted habit. 17. A. aristata, Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 18, t. 17 ; stem-sheaths narrowed to a broad rounded top, leaves fascicled on jointed purple branch- lets oblong-lanceolate tessellate, sheath loose keeled with a thickened spongy callus below the petiole, bracts of infl. broad enclosing 3-5 compressed 4-8-fld. spikelets, gl. I and II oblong-lanceolate scabrous 5-7-nerved, fl. gls. ovate long acuminate, palea nearly as long. Thamnocalamus spathi- florus, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 34<, partly. Arundinaria.'] cLxxiii. GRAMiNEa;. (Bamhusece, Gamble.) 383 SiKKiM and Bhotan Himalaya, alt. 9500-11,000 ft., Griffith's Collectors, Kurz, &c. A gregarious shrub 8-12 ft. high, very closely allied to A. spo.thiflora, of which it is the Eastern representative, distinguished from that species in having broader bracts enclosing more spikelets, shorter leaves, a hairy callus below the longer petiole, longer mucros of the fig. gls, and a long more acuminate palea. It is I'eadily recognized by its yellow stems and reddish branchlets. The stems are leafing only, or flowering only, or both. 18. A. Falconeri, Benth. in Gen. Plant, iii. 1208; stem-sheatha oblong top narrowed truncate, leaves 3-6 by ^-f in. oblong-lanceolate soft thin petioled not tessellate but with a few pellucid glands, sheath glabrous with ciliate margins and a minute narrow ciliate callus below the petiole, ligule long hairy, bracts of larj?e leafy panicles ovate-lanceolate, spikelets 1-fld., gl. I and II oblong acute or mucronate 3-5-nerved, fl. gl. ovate- lanceolate mucronate 5-7-nerved, palea as long or longer. Gamhle Bamb. Brit. Ind. 20, t. 18 ; Mitford, The Bamboo Garden, 169. Thamnocalamus Falconeri, HooJc.f. ex Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 1834 ; Brandis For. Fl. 563. Bambusa floribunda, Munro in Herh. Trin. Goll. Dublin. — Bambusoides, Wall. Gat. n. 5010. Tkmpeeate Himalaya; from Kuniaon to Bhotan, alt. 7-9000 ft., Wallich, &c. Tall, shrubby. Stem ^-f in. diam., young smooth, old scurfy-white, often striped yellow and green ; nodes raised, base of sheath persistent ; internodes 8-15 in., walls i in. thick ; branches many at the nodes with bracteate sheaths. Stem- sheaths 8-12 by 2-3 in. ; ligu'.e narrow, dark, hairy. Leaves smooth on both sides, ligule rounded hairy. Machis of raceme flexuous, flattened. Spikelets with a terminal freerachilla, and a ring of hairs below the flg. gl. ; keels of palea glabrous except at the tip, 1-nerved on each side. — The small sheaths enclosing short sinuous racemes, and the absence of transverse nervules in the leaves characterize this species. Sect. lY. Climbing shrubs. Stamens 6 or fewer. 19. A. Prainii, Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 21, t. 19 ; stem slender wiry, leaves 2-4 by ^-f in. not tessellate, slieath with a glabrous callus below the petiole, spikelets distant pedicelled on a wiry rachis, gl. I lanceo- late keeled ciliate, II ovate acute 5-nerved, flg. gls. 3-6 on a flexuous clavate rachilla triangular acute 9-11-nerved. Microcalamus Prainii, Gamble in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. lix. ii. (1891) 207, t. 7. Assam ; on the Naga and Jaintea Hills, alt. 3500-7870 ft., Prain, &c. Stem up to 30 ft. long, yellowish, i-J in. diam. ; nodes swollen, solid or walls thick; branches fasc'cled. Stem-sheaths 2-6 by ^-f in., narrowed to a point in the upper half with an acicular blade. Leaves 2-4 in. thin, quite glabrou?, base rounded petioled, tip curved setaceous; sheath smooth; ligule long, rounded. Injl. of axillary and terminal panicles of spikelets in the axils of sheathing bracts. Spike- lets l-lj in., pedicels slender; '^empty gls. 2-3, nodes of rachilla clavate flattened; gl. I margins ciliate; II tip ciliate; fl. gls. falcate, strongly nerved; palea as long, lalcate ; keels minutely ciliate. Stamens 6. B. Species of which the flowers are unknown. * Stem-sheaths 2-8 in., imperfect blade generally recurved. t Leaves tessellate with transverse nervules. § Stems tufted on a short rootstock. 20. A. xnicrophylla, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 32 ; 384 CLXxiii. GRAMiNE^. {Bamtusew, Gamble.) [Arundinaria. stems 2-4 ft., leaves ^-1 by Yo—h io- linear-lanceolate acute mucronate tesaellate, sheath hairy above tip long-fimbriate. Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 22. Bambusa microphylla, Griff. Journ. i. 242, 259, kc. Bhotan, alt. 6-10,000 ft., Griffith. A gregarious low shrub, formiug large patches iu wet places ; iuternodes 2-3 in., glabrous ; branches -l-whorled at the uoties. Leaves with almost membranous fimbriate or glabrous margins, nerves 2 pairs; sheath often dark; ligule obscure. — Descript. after Munro. 21. A. hirsuta, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 30; stems 4-8 ft. solitary from the rhizome often strigosely hairy above, leaves 3-5 by i-3 in. tessellate strigosely hairy beneath, sheath strigosely bristly ending in a hairy callus and reflexed spiuescently bristly auricle. Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. 22, t. 20. Khasia and Naga Hills, alt. 5000-9500 ft., Griffith, &c. Stems greyish-green, -i— 3 in. diam., nodes glabrous; iuternodes iTp to 13 iu., walls rather thiu. Stem-sheaths 6 in. by 1 in. broa tip cuspidate setaceous twisted scabrid, nerves &-12 inconspicuous ; sheath minutely villous, then glabrescent, margins whitish-ciliate ; ligule short. 22. B. IMCastersii, 3funro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 113 ; stem scandent reed-like, leaves oblong-lanceolate narrowed into a glandular (wrinkled.?) often hairy petiole tessellate by oblique pellucid glands, tip beaked acuminate hairy, callus of sheath narrow, auricles with long stiff folded bristles. Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 56. Assam; at Dibrugarh, Masters. Leaves 10-13 by about \^ in., base yellowish, glaucescent beneath, costa yellowish shining, nerves 10-12 pairs ; sheath striate, margins ciliate, sides appressed-bristly ; ligule very short. 23. B. margrinata, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 114; stems tall scandent dark-colrd. fistular, branches detlexed, branchlets bracteate geniculate, lower internodes hirsute, leaves oblong-lanceolate margins towards the setaceously acuminate tip shaggy with thick silky JSamlmm.] CLXxiir. graminej:. {Bamhusece, Gamble.) 397 hairs, callus ciliate, ligule truncate toothed hairy outside. Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. 57. Tenasserim ; top of Daunat range, alt. 5000 ft., Brandis. Leaves 6-7 by 1-H '"•> glabrous, base rounded', petiole J,^— J in., costa yellowish, nerves 4-7 pairs, pellucid glands few ; sheath striate, keeled, glabrous.— Perhaps a Dinochloa. rNDETERMINABLE SPECIES. B. ARTSTATA, Lodd. ex Lindl. in Penny Cyclop, iii. 357. 135. TXZVRSOSTACKirS, Gamhle. Arborescent erect bamboos. Stem-slieaths elongate, thin, persistent ; blade long, narrow. Leaves small or moderate sized. Panicle compound. Spikelets prominently bracteate, loose, pale, 2-3-fld., upper gl. fertile, terminal rudimentary on a produced rachilla ; empty gla. 1-2, striate ; flg. similar ; palea of lower gl. 2-cleft, lobes caudiform, keels ciliate, of upper entire, elongate, not keeled ; rachilla hairy. Lodicuhs 0-3, long-acumi- nate. Stamens 6, anthers mucronate. Ovary depressed-turbinate, style long, stigmas 2-3 feathery. Grain cylindric, long-beaked, glabrous, top shining, side grooved; pericarp crustaceous, adherent to the seed. 1. T. Oliveri, Gamhle Bamh. Brit. Ind. 58, t. 50; stem-sheaths transversely truncate not auricled blade, long subulate, leaves lonyr linear- lanceolate, panicle thyrsoid curved, spikelets |-1 in,, empty gls. 2 ovate acute sparsely hairy many-nerved, nervea trabeculate, flg. gls. similar, palea 3-5-nerved hairy between the keels. Upper Burma, alt. 2000 ft., iu moist forests, Oliver ; Shan Hills, Abdul Huh. Coespitose. Stems straight from a stout rootstock, 50-80 ft. by 1-2| in. diam., bright green, young silkily-downy old dull green or yellowish, nodes thickened; internodes 16-24 in., walls rather thin. Sf em -sheaths persistent, shorter than the internodes, green to orange and brown, dorsally thickly pubescent, margins ciliate, not auricled ; blade 8-9 by f in., recurved, hairy above; ligule serrate. Ijeaves 7-8 by \-^ in., rougl)ish, base rounded, hairy beneath, nerves 6 pairs, pellucid glands irregular ; sheath hairy, keeled ; callus glabrous or hairy. Tht/rsiis bracteate at the nodes ; rachis flexuous, hairy, top swollen ; bracts ^-f in., narrow, obtuse, sometimes foliiferous. Spikelets long and short, rachilla hairy. Lodicules 2, lanceolate, ciliate. Filaments purple, anthers yellow, connective obtuse. Orary depressed turbinate, pedicelled, yellow, stigmas 3. 2. T. siaxnensis, Gamhle Bamh. Brit. Ind. 59, t. 51 ; deciduous, stem-sheaths waved and truncate at top, auricles short triangular, blade narrowly triangular, leaves small narrow linear, panicle large, spikelets jDedicelled fertile and sterile mixed, empty gl. soHtary ovate acute 8-nerved base white-pubescent, flg. gls. 3 larger uppermost alone fruiting base and tip pubescent 14-16-nerved. Bambusa regia. Thorns, ex Munro in Trans. Linn. Sor. xxvi. (1868) 116 {non Kurz). B. siamensis, Ku7^z mss. Burma, from Mandalay to Tenasserim, Brandis, Oliver. — Distrib. Siam. Stems coespitose, very graceful, 25-30 ft., l|-8 in. diam., branchiug towards the top oniy, branches after flowering often producing small-leaved tufts of wiry branch- lets ; nodes not prominent ; internodes 8-11 in., with a white ring below the nodes. Stem-sheaths very persistent, 9-11 by 4^-8 in., thin, soft, white-pubescent; blade 398 CLXxiil. GRAMiNE^. {Bamhusec^, Gamble.) [Thyrsosiachys. 4-5 in., margins recurved ; ligule narrow, glabrous, ciiiate. Leaves 3-6 by \~^ in., glabrous or young puberulous, tips sbort twisted, costa narrow, nerves 3-5 pairs; sheath white pubescent and ciiiate, truncate, callus glabrous ; ligule short, ciiiate. Panicle graceful, pale ; branchlets many, thin, bearing bracteate clusters of few fertile spikelets mixed with sterile ; bracts cymbiforra, glabrous, tip truncate ; rachis fine, wiry, curved, smooth, clavate. Spikelets whitish. Palea of upper fl. gl. longer than the gl., not keeled, concave, striate, glabrous, 2-inucronate, narrowed into a beak. Lodicules 0. Ovary at first ovoid, then depressed, flattened ; style glabrous. 136. GXGANTOCKIiOA, Kurz. Arborescent or scandent. Stems unbranched below. Siem-sheaths usually stiff, hairy above, auricled. Leaves long. Panicle compound, branches long spiciform, bearing heads of few usually fertile and sterile spikelets. Empty gls. 2-3; fl. gls. ^similar. Palea of all the fl. 2-keeled, keels ciiiate. Lodicules 1-3 or 0. Stamens 6, filaments connate into a short thick at length elongate membranous tube. Ovary hairy, stigmas 1-3 hairy. Grain usually oblong or linear and furrowed, pericarp membranous. Species about 11, chiefly Malayan. * Spikelets oblong or ovoid, rounded, or flattened in G. Scortechinii. 1. Gr. verticillata, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 124 ; spikelets 2-4-fld. jq— y% in. ovate subacute glabrous, empty gls. 2-3 broadly ovate ciliolate, flg. gls. 3-4 similar many-nerved mucronate. Gamble Pamh. Brit. Ind. 61, t. 52. Gr. maxima, iturz in Tidschr. Ned. Lnd. xxvii. (1864) 226, Ind. Forester, i. 343. Bambuaa verticillata, Willd. Sp. PL ii. 245. B. pseudarundinacea, Steud. Syn. G^-am. 330. Malay Peninsula, wild and cultivated. — Distrib. Malay Archipelago. Stems tufted, 80-100 ft., 4-5 in. diani., young striped yellow, mealy and with appressed browu deciduous bristles ; old gray-green ; nodes hairy, not prominent ; interuodes 18 in., walls rather thin. Stem-sheaths 12 in. long, as broad or broader, rounded to the mouth with rounded ciiiate auricles, clothed without with golden brown hairs, glabrous and shining within; blade short, recurved, ovate, acuminate, narrowly decurrent ; ligule narrow. Leaves 10-15 by 1^-21^, base narrowed, top setaceous twisted scabrid, young hairy beneath, nerves 8-12; sheath truncate, young hairy, callus narrow, auricle short glabrous ; ligule minute. Rachis and branch- lets glabrous, smooth, slender. Palea of flg. gl. shorter than the gl. sometimes 2-mucronate, 3-5-nerved, ciiiate on and between the keels. Lodicules variable. Anthers yellow. Ovary suborbicular, very hairy ; style pubescent, stigmas 2-3. 2. G-. Scortechinii, Gamhle Bamh. Brit. Ind. 62, t. 53 ; spikelets trimorphous larger fertile, medium rigid, small sterile, fertile spikelet Yo-^o ^^' ovate acute flattened densely clothed with silvery grey hairs, empty gls. 2-3 ovate mucronate, fl. gls. longer. Malay Peninsula, Scortechini, &c., alt. 400-600 ft. Gregarious, forming forests. Stems 40-80 ft., 4-6 in. diam. Leaves lineir- lanceolate, 12-16 by 1-1^ in., often unequal sided, base narrowed, tip acuminate twisted scabrid, softly hairy beneath, tessellate by pellucid glands ; sheath densely pubescent, callus pubescent; auricle small, rounded, fringed with bristles; ligule short, hairy. Panicle compound, of curved spiciform branchlets bearing whorls of distichous heads 1-2 in. apart. Spikelets 2-5 fertile in each head mixed with sterile, rachis pubescent ; uppermost flg. gl. convolute; palea shorter than the gl., 6-nerved Gigardochloa.] CLXXIII. GRAMiNEiE. {JBambusecs, Gramble.) 399 between the 2 ciliate keels, top 2-fid. Lodicules 0. Anthers yellow, long-apiculate. Ovary rounded, style glabrous. Grain obtuse, glabrous. ** Spikelets narrow, cylindric, acute. t Leaf-ligule sliort. 3. G-. znacrostachya, Kurz For. Fl. Burnt, ii. 557; nodes hairj, leaves lanceolate whitish and softly puberulous beneath, spikelets 1-2 in. linear-Bubulate, gls. fringed with black hairs, empty gls. 2-3 ovate mucronate dorsally many-nerved with a few bristles, fig. gls. 2-3 longer linear-lanceolate convolute, palea very narrow keels white-ciliate dorsally 3-5-nerved. Gamble JBamb. Brit. Ind. 63, t. 54. Assam ; Garrow Hills, Mann. Chittagong, Arracan, & Burma, Kurz, &c. Evergreen. Stems 30-50 ft., 2^-4 in. diam., fistular, young glaucous, old dark green, sometimes striped ; nodes scarcely tliickened ; interuodes 16-30 in., lower shorter, walls -nj-x^o i^i- thick. Stem-sheaths 5-8 in. long, up to 14 broad, top truncate, densely covered with blackish hairs ; blade as long or shorter, renitbrm, acute, appressed hairy beneath, base rounded dilated into a long-fringed band \-\ in. broad with rounded auricles ; ligule narrow. Leaves thin, lanceolate, 6-15 by ^-2 in., tip setaceous scabrid, margins scabrous, midrib narrow, nerves 5-13 ; sheath hairy, at length glabrous; callus rounded, auricles 1 or 2 ciliate ; ligule short. Panicle large, leaty, branchlets spicate; spikelets 1-2 in., clustered, fertile and sterile. Lodicules 0. Anthers purple, tips setaceous. Ovary ellipsoid, style long curved hairy, stigma undivided. Gram linear, puberulous above. — The leaves resemble Bamh. Tulda ; the sheaths B. nutans and teres ; the spikelets Oxytenanthera nigro-ciliata, 4. Gr. Wrayi, Gamble Bamb. Brit. Lid. 64, t. 55 ; branchlets scurfy glaucous, leaves large oblong-lanceolate cuspidate shortl}'' petioled strigose beneath, spikelets f in. conical acute, gls. fringed with black hairs, empty gls. 2-3 ovate mucronate striate, flg. gls. 3-4 longer narrower, palea narrowly oblanceolate keels faintly ciliate 5-7-nerved. Malaya ; Perak, at Bakit Gantang, L. Wray. Stems 3 in. diam. Leaves 12-15 by 2-2^ in., tip setaceous, scabrous, midrib broad yellow, nerves 10-12 pairs, nervules of pellucid glands; sheath smooth, keeled, mouth and short auricle fringed with long stiff" white bristles, callus narrow ; ligule short, puberulous. Panicle compound, branchlets spiciform, fertile spikelets few, sterile shortly bracteate, rachis curved. Spikelets subcorapressed ; empty gls. 2-3, flg. gls. narrower. Lodicules 0. Anthers long, narrow, tips elongate setaceous hairy. Ovary hairy, style slender pubescent, stigma broadly plumose. 5. Gr. ILurzii, Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 65, t. 56; leaves linear- lanceolate base cuueate petioled sparsely hairy beneath, spikelets | in. acute, gls. fringed with brown hairs, empty gls. 2-3 ovate mucronate many-nerved, flg. gls. 2-3 longer narrower terminal imperfect, palea linear obtuse 3-5-nerved keels ciliate. Tenasserim, Kurz. Perak, Ridley. Stem-sheaths 6 by 3 in., cylindric, truncate, glabrous ; blade longer, recurved, lanceolate, decurrent in a narrow black band lining the top of the sheath, ending iu a naked round auricle. Leaves 8-13 by i-1^ in., petiole ^ in., midrib narrow, nerves 9-11 pairs ; young sheath appressed hairy, truncate, auricles rounded ; ligule short. Panicle leafy, branchlets spicate. Spikelets 2-3 in. in heads with narrow bracts. Anthers obtuse, apiculate. Ovary stipitate, puberulous, style long, stigma plumose. Grain (young) glabrous. tt Leaf-ligule long. 400 CLXxiTi. GRAMINE^. (Bamhtsecv, Gamble.) [Gigantochloa. 6. G-. heterostachya, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 125 ; subscandent, leaves linear-lanceolate base rounded shortly petioled tip setaceous twisted scabrous sparsely hairy on the midrib beneath, spikelets dimorphic sterile ^-f in., flg. 1-1^ in. oblong compressed, empty gls. 1-3 ovate glabrous, flij. gls. 4-5 with 1-2 imperfect convolute, palea short obtuse 4-8-nerved keels ciliate. Kurz Ind. Forester, i. 345 ; Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. QQ, t. 57. Bambusa hetirostachya, Munro in Herb. Trin. Coll. Dublin, fide Munro 1. c. 126. Malay Peninsula ; near Aver Punas, about houses, Griffith. Stemtt 30 ft., graceful, thin-walled. Leaves 4-11 by ^-1 iu., midrib narrow shining, nerves 6-8 ; sheath striate, auricle and callus rounded glabrous ; ligule long, toothed, sometimes loug-eiliate. Panicle large, leafy, branches spiciform, heads of spikelets ^4 in. apart, in the axils of chaffy glabrous bracts, rachis smooth, upper joints puberulous ; fljr. spikelets sometimes solitary, empty gls. with sometimes an imperfect fl. Lodimles 2 (or 3 ?) ovate or oblong, long-fimbriate. Anthers nearly f in., tip apiculate penicillate. Ovary ellipsoid, very hairy ; style often curved, hairy ; stigmas 2-3, plumose. 7. G. lig-ulata, Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. Q7, i. 58; leaves large oblong-lanceolate base wrinkled unequal narrowed into a flat petiole, tip acu- minate with refiexed margins scabrous, ligule long 2-fid, spikelets |-| in., conical acuminate, gls. ciliate with brown hairs, empty gls. 2-4 ovate acute mucronate many-nerved, flg. gls. longer, palea short 5-nerved keels long- ciliate. Malay Peninsula ; Perak, Wray, Vahang, Ridley. Leaves 12-16 by 2-3 in., beneath pale and smooth except the seabrid tip, midrib broad yellow beneath, nerves 12-14 pairs, cross-nervules of pellucid glands ; sheaths smooth, shining, brown, striate ; callus rounded, shining, often ciliate ; ligule up to 1 in,, glabrous, lobes long-acuminate, membranous. Panicle terminal, long, of spiciform branchlets bearing distant heads on leafy branches, each with 5-8 fertile spikelets in the axils of long yellow glabrous bracts ^-1^ in. long, mouth of bracts truncate, furnished with round dark naked auricles and long fimbriate ligules, rachis fistular, glaucous, lower joints 3 iu. Lodieules 0. Anthers long-apiculate, tip hairy. Ovary long-stij)itate, depressed ovoid, shining, hairy, st}le slender, stigma short plumose. 8. G. latispiculata, Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. ^'7, t. 59 ; leaves broadly lanceolate petioled base cuneate glabrous except the seabrid tips, ligule broad cleft, spikelets over 1 in., nearly glabrous, empty gls. 2-3, lower foliiferous ovate-lanceolate mucronate, fl. gls. 7-9 ovate- lanceolate long-acuminate hairy within margins faintly ciliate, palea shorter obtuse 7-nerved keels ciliate. Malacca, Alwis. Stems 50 ft. Leaves 12-14 by 1-li in., pale, midrib prominent shining, nerves 8-9 pairs obscure ; sheath smooth, glabrous, keeled, callus narrow. Panicle terminal, of spiciform branchlets bearing distinct heads 1-3 in. apart, of 1-4 very large flattened spikelets ^-i in. broad, rachis smooth striate ; bracts very small. Jjodicules small, obovate, 3-5-nerved, fimbriate. Anthers narrow, tips apiculate, penicillate. Ovary narrowly ovoid, pubescent, style slender, stigmas 3 plumose. 137. OXVTSNANTKERA. Munro. Arborescent or scandent unarmed Bamboos, with a stout usually- creeping and Btoloniferous rootstock. Stem-sheaths various. Leaves large or small, shortly petioled. Panicle large, branches with few or man}-- heads of whorled or capitate spikelets. Spikelets elongate, cylindric or Oxytenanthera.'] clxxiii. gramine^. (Bamhusece, Gamble.) 401 conical, 1-3-fld., terntinal fl. usually fertile; empty gla. 1-3; fl. gls. elongate, mucronate. Palea of lower fls. 2-keeIed, of uppermost convolute keel 0 or obscure. Lodicules 0. Stamens as in Gigantochloa. Ovary ovoid, style sleader, stigmas 1-3 more or less plumose. Grain elongate, 'beaked, smooth. —Species the following and a tropical African. * Heads usually of few spihelets. (Burmese and Malay species.) 1. O. nigrociliata, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 228 ; auricles of stem-sheaths naked, spikelets 1 in., gls. friaged with black or purple cilia many-nerved, empty gls. 2-3 ovate acute and mucronate, fig. gls. 2-3 and a terminal imperfect lanceolate acuminate long mucronate, palea narrow 2-o-nerved between the ciliate keels, anther tips elonga.te slender hirsute. Beddome Fl. Sylvat., Forest. Man. p. ccxxxiii. ; Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind 69, t. 60. Barabnsa nigrociliata, Buse in Fl. Jungh. i. 389 ; 3ffquel Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 416. B. Bitung, Hassk. PI. Jav. Par. 42. B. gracilis, Wall. Cat. n. 5033. Gigantochloa nigro-ciliata, Kurz Ind. Forest, i. 345. G. andamanica, Kurz For. Fl. Burma, ii. 566. Ortssa, Chittagong, Burma, the Malay Peninsula, and the Andaman IsLDS. ? Gakrow Hills. — Distbib. Sumatra, Java. Stem 30-40 ft. by ^-2 in. diam., sometimes striped with yellow, internodes scabrous. Stem -sheaths about 6 in., margins ciliate, narrowed to the truncate tip, dorsally strigose; blade ovate-lanceolate, decurrent ; auricle bright green, rounded, naked, hairy within ; ligule narrow. Leaves 6-12 by 1-2 in., lanceolate, tip subulate twisted, base unequal and rounded or narrowed, scaberulous above, pale and at first pubescent beneath, midrib prominent, nerves 9-12, glands like nervules ; sheath stiff, hairy at first only, margins ciliate, auricles rounded naked ; ligule narrow. Panicle large, compressed; racliis of branches pubescent. Spikelets in distant whorls of 3-6. Anthers ^-s in., narrow, purple. Ovary pubescent. Grain linear-oblong, dorsally grooved, beak penicillate. 2. O. albo-ciliata, Munro in Trans. lAnn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 129 ; spikelets -yq—to ^^-j often curved mixed with yellow chaffy white-ciliate bracts fertile and a few sterile together, gls. white-ciliate, empty gls. 1-2 ovate acute, fig. gls. elliptic acute or faintly notched many-nerved can- volute 2-3 lowest male, npper 1 or 2 bisexual, anthers with long hirsute tips. Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. 70, t. 61. Gigantochloa albo-ciliata, Kurz For. Fl. Burma, ii. 565. Throughout Burma, Falconer, &c. Stems 20-30 ft. by |-1 in. diam., densely tufted, greyish-green, curved, nodes raised j internodes 6-15 in., hispid above, walls i-^ in. thick. 8temj-sheathsA-% hy 6 in., tawnily strigose, then glabrous, base coriaceous folded, mouth narrow ending in a slightly auricled naked band; blade lanceolate, base rounded and decurrent; ligule \-^ in., toothed. Leaves 6-8 by f-1 in., linear-lanceolate, tip setaceoiis, base rounded, shortly petioled, glabrous on both surfaces, nerves 6-8, pellucid glands like nervules ; sheatli smooth, striate, truncate, callus smooth ; ligule rather long. Panicle large, spreading; branches smooth, slender, with distant whorls of 10-20 spikelets. Ovary acuminate, pubescent. Grain oblong, acuminate. 3. O. sinuata, Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. 71, t. 62 ; leaves large softly pubescent beneath, panicle-branches softly tomentose, sj^ikelets sterile and fertile mixed, yo~T% ^^- i^ small heads conical puberulous, gls. ciliate many-nerved, empty gls. 2-3 ovate mucronate, fl. gls. 2-3 longer fertile uppermost convolute, lower palere 2-3-nerved between the ciliate keels, tip of narrow anthers slender hairy. VOL. VII. D d 402 CLXXiii. graminej:. {Bamhusew, Gamble.) [Oxytenanihera. Malaya ; Sunjei Ulong. Johoee, Ridley (var. with glabrous spikel6ts). Leaves 10-12 by l^-li iu., oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, base rounded or sub- cordate, petiole broad hairy, tip setaceous scabrid twisted scaberulous above, midrib faint, nerves 10-12 pair ; sheath glabrous or puberulous, keeled, striate, ending in a narrow ciliate callus ; ligule rather short, thickly pubescent. Panicle with slender sinuous branches, internodes ^-1^ in. Ooary broadly ovoid, style hairy, stigma plumose. 4. O. parvifolia, Brandis ex Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 72, t. 63; leaves 3-5 by 2 in. linear-lanceolate puberulous beneath, spikelets narrow §-f in. 4-10 in a whorl with polished bracts, rachis slender wiry, gls. eciliate fertile and sterile mixed, empty gls. 2-3 ovate raacroaate glabrous, tl. gls. similar but longer usually 2 fertile and 1 imperfect, palea 2-3-nerv"ed between the shortly ciliate keels, anthers short obtuse. Burma ; in the Yonzalin Valley, Brandis. Stems up to 3 in. diam. Stem-sheaths 8-9 by 8-10 in,, strigose with brown hairs, top truncate striate ; blade 2-3 by 1 in , base rounded and decurrent in a narrow naked subauricled band ; ligule long, rather broad. Leaves shortly petioled, base rounded, tip subulate twisted, pale and puberulous beneath ; sheath at first hairy, ending in a prominent callus bristly at the top. Panicle of long glabrous branches, with internodes 1-2 in. Spikelets glabrous ; empcy gls. striate towards the tip. Ovary hairy, style long slender, stigmas 1-2 plumose. ** Heads of many spikelets. — South Indian species. 5. O. Thwaitesii, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 129 ; stem reed-like straggling, leaves up to 8-12 by 1-1| in., spikelets f-| in. in dense heads with ovate bracts acute pale usually 1-fld., rachis smooth, gls. with more or less ciliate margins, empty gls. 2-3 ovate mucronate many-nerved, flg. gl. ovate acute cuspidate pubescent above, palea con- volute, anther-tips long hairy, stigmas 3. Beddome Fl. Sylu. t. cccxxii.; Forest. Man. p. ccxxxii. ; Trim. Cat. Geyl. PI. 110; Gamble Bamb. Brit. Lid. 73, t. 64. Dendrocalamus monadelphus, Thwaites Enum. PL Ceyl. 376. NiLGHiEi and Travancoee Hills, alt. 3500-6000 ft. Ceylon, alt. 4-6000 ft. Stems 10-12 ft. by 1 in. diam., gregarious, straggling or subscandent, smooth ; branches whip-like, branchlets whorled and sheathed, nodes prominent, internodes 12-18 in. rough, young hirsute, walls tV-uJ i"* thick. Stem-sheaths about 6 by 8-4 in., of young shoots glabrous yellow shining, of old strigose with light brown hairs, ending in a coriaceous separable ciliate ring; blade 3-5 by 1 in., base rounded decurrent in rounded falcate auricles, pectinately ciliate with long curved bristles ; ligule of old sheaths long-fimbriate, of young narrow erose. Leaves with twisted setaceous tips, sparsely hairy beneath, midrib narrow yellow, nerves 4-5 pairs, pel- lucid glands few ; sheath often hirsute keeled, callus rounded, young with falcate bristly auricles ; ligule long. Panicle very large, leafy j lower heads lg-2 in. diam., upper smaller with fewer spikelets. Ovary ovoid and style pubescent. Grain \-\ in., glabrous, mucronate. — Easily recognized by the whip-like climbing branches and long-ciliate sheaths. 6. O. xnonostigrma, Beddome Fl. Sylv. Forest. Man. p. ccxxxiii., and Ic. PI. Ind. Or. i. 56, t. 234 ; stem solid velvety-tomentose pale yellow, leaves 6-8 by 1| in. linear-lanceolate, spikelets f-1 in. in globose heads fertile and sterile spinescent, glabrous, empty gls. mucronate 2-3 lower small ovate, upper ovate-lanceolate, flg. long linear-lanceolate long-mucronate convolute, palea concave not keeled obtuse, anthers tipped with a long hairy bristle, stigma 1. Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. 14i, t. 65. Bambusa Ritcheyi, Oxytenanthera.'] cLXXili. geamineji. (Bambusecp, Gamble.) 403 Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 113. Schizostachyum hindo- stanicum, Kurz in Journ. Beng. As. Soc. xlii. (1873) II. 262. Western Ghats, from the Concan to the Anamalai Hills. Stems 10-15 ft. or more by 1 in. diam., internodes long^. Stem' sheaths 6-9 by 3 in. broad at the base, narrowed from the base up to the 2.1obed tip ; blade in the sinus, 3 in., linear-lanceolate; ligule long, fimbriate. Leaves variable, shortly petioled, pale green, tip setaceous twisted, base unequal rounded, sparsely hairy beneath, midrib beneath yellow shining, nerves 7-12 ; sheaths striate ; ligule long. Panicle large, terminal, rachis smooth, heads of spikelets up to 2^ in. diam. Ovary ovoid, acuminate and style glabrous, stigma thickened. Grain narrow, tipped with the conic style-base. 7. O. Stocksii, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 130 ; stems glabrous or softly pubescent, leaves 4-8 by ^-| in., spikelets § in. in globose heads spinescent glabrous fertile and sterile, empty gls. 2 ovate mucronate 5-7-nerved, fl. gls. 2 ovate subacute dorsally mucronate, anthers short acute, stigma 1. Beddome Fl. Sylvat.^ Forest. Man. p. ccxxxiii. ; Gamble Bamh. Brit. Lid. 76, t. <6Q. The Cong AN, Stocks, &c. (usually cultivated). Stems slender, grey-green, solid, or tube slender, nodes with a softly pubescent ring ; internodes 6-12 in. Stem-sheaths 6-9 in. by 3-7 at the base, tapering upwards to a retuse tip, densely brown, strigose, margins ciliate ; blade subulate, base dilated into a rounded fringed auricle ; ligule ^ in., deeply fimbriate. Leaves very shortly petioled, tip setaceous, base rounded or cuneate, beneath glabrous or hairy, midrib narrow, nerves 5-6 ; sheath striate ; ligule rather long, toothed, Tanicle l&rge i heads 1 in. diam., mixed with chaft'y bracts, rachis smooth, inter- nodes 1-2 in. Anthers short, acute. Ovary and long style hairy, stigma simple, plumose. 8. O. Bourdilloniy Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 76, t. Q7 ; stem-sheaths coriaceous nearly glabrous, leaves 6-9 by 1-1^ in., mouth of leaf-sheath with 2 shining calli, spikelets f-f in. in globose heads glabrous, rachis soft, empty gls. 2 ovate mucronate many-nerved, fl. gls. 3, mucronate lowest much longer than the next, rachilla ciliate and bearing a setaceous gl., anthers apiculate, stigmas 3, short. Teavancoke ; on the Ghats, alt. 3-4000 ft., Bourdillon. Stem in open clumps of straggling habit, soft, internodes long. Stem-sheaths 6-12 by often 6 in., glabrous, except a few black bristles below, slightly narrowed upwards, tip truncate; blads 2-3 in., triangular, decurrcnt and forming two rounded recurved entire wings that line the upper edge of the sheath ; ligule short. Leaves shortly petioled, thin, tip twisted, scabrous covered above with scabrid papillie near the margins and midrib, smooth beneath; midrib narrow, nerves 7-8; sheath soft, striate ; ligule long, serrate. Panicle large spikelets in globose heads l|-2 in. diam., rachis fistular. Palea of lower fls. 3-nerved between the ciliate keels, rachilla ciliate with a terminal imperfect gl. Ovary and style hairy. Grain linear-oblong, tipped with the thickened style-base. 138. DSNDROCAXiAMUS, Nees, Arborescent unarmed Bamboos, with densely branching rootstocks. Leaves shortly petioled, transverse nervules represented by pellucid glands. Spikelets in globose clusters on the long branches of a compound panicle, ovate, '2-6-fld. ; empty gls. 2-3, ovate, acute, many-nerved; flg. gls. like the empty ; palea of lower fls. keeled, of upper dorsally rounded eciliate. Lodicules 0 or rare. Stamens 6, filaments free. Ovary hairy above, often D d 2 404 CLXxiii. GRAMiNE^. (BamhusecBj Gamble.) [Dendrocalamus. depressed, stigma usually simple. Grain small, pericarp coriaceous or crustaceous. — Species 16 known. Sect. I. Spikelets hard, spiuescent, crowded in spicate heads. — Leaves usually narrow. 1. D. strictus, Nees in Linnsea, ix. (1834) 476; leaves up to 10 by 1^ in., shortly suddenly petioled softly hairy beneath, spikelets |-^ in. hairy spinescent fertile and smaller sterile mixed, empty gls. 2 or more ovate spinescent many-nerved, fig. g]s. ovate tip spinescent and pubescent, palea of lower 6-7-nerved between the ciliate keels, anthers apiculate. Miq. Fl Lid. Bat.m. 421; Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 147 ; Beddome FL Sylvat. t. cccxxv., Forest. Man. p. ccxxxv. ; Brandis For. Fl. 569, t. 70 ; Kurz For. Flor. Burma, ii. 5r)8, Ind. Forester, i. 346 ; Aitcliis. Cat Panjab. PI. 171 ; Lutliie Fodd. Grass. N. Ind. 71 ; Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 78, t. 68, 69. Banibos stricta, Roxb. Coram. PI. i. 58, t. 80. Bambusa stricta, Roxb. Fl. Ind. ii. 193 : Kuvfk in Journ. Phys. xlv. (1822) 148 ; Fnum. PI. i. 431 ; Buprecht Bamb. 56, t. 12, f . 56 ; Stetcd. Syn. Gram. 330 : Bah. Sc Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 299. B. verticillata, Rottl. ex Munro I. c. B. pubescens, Lodd. ex Lindl. in Penny Cyclop, in. (1835) 357. B. Tansea, ffam. ex Wall. Got. n. 5038 A.— Bambnsa, Wall. Cat. n. 5038. Dry hills of N. India, from Garwhal to Nepal and southward from the Panjab to Behar, the CoNCAN, Central and S. India, Burma, and Great Cocos Isld. (Not in Ceylon.) — Distrib. Java. , Stems 20-50 ft, by 1-3 in. diam., hollow in moist climates, solid in dry, ^oung glaucous green, old yellowish, nodes swollen, lower often rooting, internodes 12-18 in., upper blanches decurved. Stem-sheaths varlahie, lower 3-12 in., glabrous or strigose with yellow-brown hairs, striate, top rounded ciliate, slightly auricled; blade tri- angular, hairy, especially within ; ligule narrow. Leaves deciduous, narrowed from the rounded petioled base to the twisted tip, midrib prominent, nerves 3-6 pairs with interposed pellucid glands ; sheath striate hairy, callus prominent, auricle short ciliate with flexuous deciduous hairs ; ligule narrow, serrate. Panicle large, heads dense, 1-1^ in., much smaller in S. Indian forms ; rachis smooth, internodes 1^-2 in. Spikelets usually hairy. Ovari/ stipitate, turbinate, style long, stigma simple feathery. Grain broadly ovoid, shining^, beaked, hairy above. Yav. Frainiana, Gamble I.e. 80, t. 69, fig. A.; spikelets smaller, fls. fewer, fl. gls. nearly glabrous. Great Cocos Isld., Prain. 2. D. serlceus, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 148; cha- racters of D. strictus, but spikelets silkily hairy, anther-tips obtuse. Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 81, t. 70. Behar, summit of Parus-nath, alt. 4000 ft., /. B. H., &c. (I should regard this as a variety of D. strictus had it not been retained by Munro & Gamble. The latter describes the empty gls. as obtuse, but they are acute in the plate referred to. — J. D. H.) 3. D. membranaceus, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 149 ; stems scurfy when young, leaves 5-10 by ^-f in. hispid above, spikelets ^ in., glossy nearly glabrous, empty gls. 2 os'ate obtuse or acute, fl. gls. 2-3 ovate mucronate glabrous margins often ciliate, anthers apiculate. Kurz For. Fl. Burma, ii. 560 ; Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 81, t. 71. Eastern Burma, WalUch, &c. Closely resembles glabrous forms of D. strictus, but stera-sheaths with waved hairy auricles, leaves thinner, base less rounded, grain more elongate, and grooved. Dendrocalamus.'] olxxiii. graminbje. (Bambusece, Gamble.) 405 Sect. II. Spikelets in large soft congested heads. Leaves usually broad. 4. D> sikkimensis, Gamble in Hook. Ic. PI. t. 1770, Bamb. Brit. Ind. 82, t. 72 ; stem- sheaths felted with golden brown hairs, leaves 6-10 by 1^2 in. oblong-lanceolate strigosely hirsute and rough beneath, mouth of leaf-sheaths fringed, spikelets -^-^ in. in large globose red-brown heads lanceolate subobtuse glabrous, empty gls. 3-i ovate keeled keels ciliate, Hg. gls. 2-3 ovate mncronate glabrous margins ciliate, anthers acute. Gard. Chron. (1890), i. 792, fig. 130, XL 279 (1892), ii. 675 cum Ic. Eastern Himalaya; Sikkira and Bhotan, alt. 4-6000 ft. Gtaeuow Hills, on Tura Peak. alt. 3500 ft. Stem 50-60 ft. by 5-7 in. diaui., naked below, dark green, nodes ringed, inter- uodes 18 in., rough. Stem-sheaths 12 by 15 in., top broad; blade lanceolate, re- curved, hairy on both surfaces, decurrent into two large falcate recurv^ed auricles fringed with long curved pale bristles ; ligule sharply serrate. Leaves variable, tip black twisted, base rounded, smooth above, midrib prominent, nerves about 10 pairs; sheath smooth, callus small ciliate, auricles fringed with stift' bristles ; ligule short, fimbriate. Panicle large, branches nodose, heads of spikelets 1| in. diam., rachis dull brown puberulous, internodes about 2 in, Palea of lower fl. obtuse, keels shaiigy many -nerved. Ovary suhglobose, hairy; style short, thick, and clavate Btigma hairy. Grain depressed obovoid, apiculute, wrinkled below. 5. D. Kookeri, Mujiro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 151 ; stem- sheaths felted with black or brown hairs, leaves 10-12 by 2 in. or more oblong-lanceolate rough beneath, mouth of leaf-sheath not fringed, spike- lets about 5 in. in large heads ovate acute puberulous, empty gls. 2 ovate obtuse, fig. gls. 2-3 ovate acute many-nerved uppermost mucronate, anthers long tips penicillate. Brmidis For. Fior. 570 ; Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 84, t. 73. Bambusa globifera, Griseb. in Goett. Nachr. (1868), 72. SiKKiM Himalaya, Anderson, &c. Assam, the Khasia, Jaintea, and Duphla Hills, alt, 2-5000 ft., J. B. H. Sf T. T., &c. Burma; Bhamo district, Oliver. Stem 50-60 ft. by 4-6 in. diam., naked below, internodes 18-20 in., lower some- what rough and hairy, walls about 1 in. thick; branches long, curving. Stem- sheaths large, old very broad, younger about 16 in. by 8-12 broad at the base, top 2-3 in. broad; auricles 2, rounded, ciliate with stiff hairs; blade 3-7 in., triangular, hairy above ; ligule i-5 in., sharply serrate. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, tip long twisted hispid, base rounded very shortly petioled, midrib very prominent yellow, nerves 8-16 pairs, tessellate by pellucid glands (seen when dry) ; sheath hairy below, shining above, truncate, sometimes sparingly hairy, callus large ; ligule conspicuous, glabrous. Panicle large, internodes 2-3 in., dull grey-green, somewhat hirsute ; heads of spikelets 1 in. diam. ; fl. gls. with transverse nervules. Ovary ovoid, acuminate, hairy, style twisted, stigma plumose. 6. D. Kamiltonii, Nees & Am. ex Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 151; stem-sheaths glabrous, leaves broadly lanceolate cuspidate, spikelets nearly | in. long ovoid depressed purple glabrous, empty gls. usually 2 short rounded nerved, fig. gls. 2-4 orbicular margins ciliate, anthers purple with a long black hairy twisted point. Brandis For. Fl. 670. Bambusa monogyna. Griff. Notul. 63, Ic. PI. Asiat. t. 2. B. maxima, Ham. ex Wall. Gat. n. 5039. B. Falconeri, Munro I. c. 95, in part. Tropical Himalaya ; from Garwhal (cult. ?) to Sikkim, Assam, the Khasia Hills, and Silhet. Stems up to 80 ft. by 4r-7 in. diam., much branched above, young appressedly white-pubescent, nodes with root-scars; internodes 12-20 in., walls ^ in. thick. 406 CLXXiii. GRAMiNEJE. (Bambusece, Gamble.) [Dendrocalamus. Stem-sheaths glabrous or with patches of appressed hairs, tip truncate, auricles acute ; blade lanceolate, acute, with a small glabrous triangular point on each side, often 12 in,, glabrous, margin incurved, with black bristles at the base within ; ligule i in., smooth, entire. Leaves variable, small on side branches, up to 15 by 2^ in. in new shoots, base rounded shortly petioled, tips scabrous twisted, margin finely serrate, midrib very narrow, nerves 6-17 pairs with nervules of pellucid glands ; sheaths glabrous above, below clothed with white appressed stiff hairs, subkeeled below the shining callus ; ligule broad. Panicle very large, branches scabrous and white-pruinose, furrowed on one side ; internodes 1 in. or less, thick, fistular, scabrid ; heads hemispheric, ^-1^ in. diam. ; spikelets usually all fertile, surrounded with rounded scarious bracts. Ovary subglobose, hairy, style long, stigma 3-fid feathery. Grain broadly ovoid, beaked, glabrous or hairy above. 7. D. patellaris, Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 86, t. 75 ; stem-sheaths long cylindric margins above with a broad membranous fimbriate wing, leaves 8-16 bj 1-4 in. lanceolate base narrow, spikelets depressed-ovoid obtuse, gls. all orbicular cuspidate many-nerved and palea tomentose within, empty gls. 1-2 membranous, flg. 3-5, anthers purple tip conical hairy. Bambusa patellaris, Kurz in Herb. GalcuH. SiKKiM Himalaya; below Tonglo, alt. 4000 ft., -4m/ersore, &c. Naga Hills, Mann. Stems 20-30 ft. by 1-1^ in. diam., dull green, striate, nodes with a hairy belt, internodes 12-18 in., walls thin. Stem-sheaths very persistent, 10-12 in. by 3 in. broad, sparsely strigose, glabrous within, narrowed in upper third to a truncate top, margins winged for 1-2 in. ; limb 6 in., lanceolate; ligule tringed. Leaves per- sistent, petioled, variable, soft, tip twisted scabrid, midrib stout, nerves 8-10 pairs ; sheath striate, keeled, truncate, or produced into a narrow callus, margins fringed ; ligule very large, fimbriate. Panicle very large, rachis of branches rough, fistular; heads distant, distichous, ^-1 in. diam., bearing hard shining bracts. Spikelets many, dark brown, rachilla produced with a terminal imperfect gl. LodicuCes 0 or 2, narrow, long-ciliate. Ovary ovoid, style hairy, stigmas 3. Sect. III. Spikelets few, in small heads, many sterile. * Spikelets long, ovate, acute. 8. D. g'ig'anteus, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 150; stem-sheaths very large nearly glabrous, leaves up to 20 by 4 in. oblong young hairy beneath, spikelets i in. ovoid acute spinescent puberulous, empty gls. ovate mucronate striate, fl. gls. 3-6 thin mucronate many- nerved, anthers acuminate. Kurz Ind. Forester, i. 346; Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 88, t. 76. Bambusa gigantea, TFa^^. Oa^. Bat. Gard. Calcic-, Voigt Sort. Suburb. Gale. 719. Tenasserim, the Malay Peninsula, and Penang (cult, in Assam and elsewhere in India). Stems 80-100 ft. by 8-10 in. diam., branched above, nodes hairy, internodes rather short, grey-green, young with waxy scurf, walls thin. Stem- sheaths 20 in., as broad at the base, deciduous, thinly i^trigose with golden hairs, top depressed ; blade 5-15 by 3| in., decurrent into glabrous stiff brown wavy auricles, narrowed above into a short point ; ligule 2-5 in., stiff, black, margin serrate. Loaves cuspidately acuminate, tips twisted, young hairy beneath, midrib strong, nerves 12-16 pairs, with pellucid cross bars. Panicle very large, branchlets slender curved ; heads up to 1 in. diam. ^-1 in. apart. Spikelets sometimes all flowering, rachilla produced with an imperfect gl. Ovary ovoid and long style hairy, stigma simple. Qraln. oblong, obtuse, hairy above. Dendrocalamus.'] clxxiii. qramine^e. (Bamhusece, Gamble.) 407 9. D. calostachyus, Xurz For. Fl. Burma, ii. 562; stem-sheaths truncate tawny- strigose, leaves 9-12 by 1-2^ in. broadly lanceolate softly hairy beneath, spikelets about | in. ovate acute faintly pubescent, emjjty gls. 2-3 broadly ovate acute many-nerved, fig. gls. 4-6 rather longer, anthers yellow mucro smooth. Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. 89, t. 77. Bambusa calostachya, Kurz in Journ. Beng. As. Soc. xlii. (1873) 249. Uppee Burma ; Bhamo and Kachia Hills up to 3500 ft., J. Anderson. Stems with appressed silvery hairs ; nodes thickened, annulate. Stem-sheaths truncate ; lignle narrow, subentire. Leaves shortly petioled, base rounded, nerves 9-13 pairs, sheaths white-ciliate, mouth truncate, callus small; ligule broad, truncate. Panicle ofloug whip-like curved spikes ; rachis flattened on alternate sides, glaucous, subpuberulous^ heads of 2-5 spikelets, bracts few small. Spikelets subcompressed ; flg. gls. with conspicuous transverse nervules ; palea 5-nerved and transversely nervuled between the ciliate keels and 1-nerved outside the keels. Ovart/ broadly ovoid, subheraispheric and long style hairy, stigma simple fringed. 10. D. latiflorus, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 152, t. 6; leaves 7-10 by 1-2 in, broadly lanceolate long-acuminate, spikelets |-f in. few in a head ovate-oblong compressed, gls. many-nerved pubescent, empty gls. 2 short broad acute ciliate, li. gls. 6-8 broadly ovate suddenly narrowed to a subobtuse point, margins dark colrd. ciliate, anthers pale tipped by a hairy mucro. Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 131, t. 117. Bambusa latiflora, Kurz in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xlii. (1873) II. 250. B. verticillata, Benth. Fl. Hongk. {ex Munro). Upper Burma; Southern Shan States, King's CoZZector.— Distrib. China, Formosa. A very large Bamboo. Stems tall, fistular, internodes short, 5 in. diam., cavity large, striate, glabrous. Leaves shortly petioled, glabrous, midrib prominent, nerves 9 pairs, transverse nervules many obscure ; sheath sulcate, glabrous or hairy between the lines, ligule truncate. Panicle large, uppermost spikelets followed by leaf-like bracts 1-li in. long, rachis softly hairy, flattened on one side, white-ringed above. Ovary ovoid from a broad base and long style hairy, stigmas 1-2. ** Spikelets short, obtuse. 11. D. long-ispathus, Kurz For. Fl. Burma, ii. 561 ; stem-sheaths persistent papery strigose with patches of brown hair, leaves oblong- to linear-lanceolate narrowed to the base rough almost white beneath, spike- lets \-k in. in small heads obtuse nearly glabrous, empty gls. 2-3 obovate obtuse, flg. gls. 2-3 obovate cucullate margins ciliate many-nerved, anthers short tip mucronate black. Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 89, t. 78. Bambusa longispatha, Kurz in Beng. As. Soc Journ. xlii. (1873) II. 249. SiLHET, Mann. Chittagong, Lister, &c. Arracan, Schlich. Burma, Brandis, &c. Stems 60 ft., leafy above only, nodes often rooting; internodes 10-24 in. by 3-4 diam., grey-green, walls ^ in. thick. Stem-sheaths fragile, 15-20 by 5-7 in., sides parallel till near the depressed sometimes 1-auricled top ; blade 12-18 in., lanceolate, dorsally hairy ; ligule broad, serrate and often fimbriate. Leaves acu- minate midrib thick yellow, nerves 8-10 pairs ; sheath smooth, glabrous ; ligule narrow. Panicle large, sometimes leafy, of interruptedly spicate clusters i-| in. broad, with hard polished bracts at the base. SpiTcelets few or many-fld. Ooary broadly ovoid, subacute ; style rather short, stigma short. Grain ovoid, yellow, beaked. > 12. D. Brandisii, Kurz For. Fl. Burma, ii. 560 ; stem-sheaths thickly coriaceous white-pubescent, leaves 9-12 by 1-2 in. oblong-lanceolate softly 408 CLXXiii. GRAMiXEiE. (Bamhuseo?, Gamble.) [Devdroraldmus. hairy beneath, spikelets ^-^ in. depressed ovate puberulons, empty gls. 1-2 broadly ovate mucronate, flg. gls. 2-4 similar few-nerved margins ciliate hairy below the tip, anthers short apiculate or penicillate greenish- yellow. Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 90, t. 79. Bambusa Brandisii, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 209. Burma ; Pegu, Martaban Hills, and Euby-mines district, Kurz, &c. A^iems 60-100 ft. by 5-8 in. diam., tufted; nodes slightly swollen, iuternodes ashy-grey, 12-15 in., walls thick. Stem-sheaths up to 2 ft. by 12-14 in., top depressed; blade 6-18 in., linear-lanceolate, strigose within, decurrent in small plaited auricles ; ligule |-f in., lacerate. Leaves base narrowed, petiole wrinkled, midrib stout shining, nerves 10-12 witli transverse pellucid glands ; young: sheaths pubescent, mouth with a few long cilia, callus large, glabrous. Panicle lar^e, branches whip-like, rachis densely pubescent flattened on one side, iuternodes 1-1^ in. ; heads ^-f in. diam., bracteate ; paleawith 3-nerved side wings. Lodicules 1, 2, or 0, 3-nerved, long-ciliate. Filaments short. Ovary ellipsoid, hairy, style short, stigmas 2 plumose. Grain ovoid, mucronate, hairy above. — Perhaps not ditfei'ent specifically from D.JlagelUfer. 13. D. flag'ellifer, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 150; very near D. Brandisii, but leaf-base more rounded, rachis of spikes more hairy, heads with fewer spikelets. Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 91, t. 80. Bambusa llagellifera. Griff, tnss. ? B. Bitnng, Schult. Syst. vii. II. 1354. Tenasserim ; on Moolyet, alt. 2000 ft., Beddome. Singapore, Ridley. A little known species, probably only D. Brandisii. 14. D. long'ifimbriatus, Gamble Bamb. Brit. Lid. 92, t. 81 ; leaves 12-14 by 2-3 in. oblong acuminate, auricles of sheath long falcate stiffly ciliate with curved bristles, spikelets very small glabrous, empty gls. broadly ovate striate, fig. gls. 1-2 ovate acute keeled often mucronate, anthers short apiculate. Burma ; in the extreme south of the Mergui district (Herb. Calcutt.). Leaves very large, base rounded unequal, petiole \ in. wrinkled, pale and smooth beneath, midrib hairy beneath, nerves 12-18 pairs, transverse nervules of pellucid glands ; sheath shining, callus narrow ; ligule short, very hairy. Panicle large, branchlets bolid, short ; rachis slender, flexuous, glabrous ; heads (young only seen) bracteate. Ovary ovoid, glabrous, style hairy, stigma plumose.' — An imperfectly known species, best distinguished by the falcate long-fringed auricles of the leaves, IMPERFECTLY KNOWN SPECIES. 15. I>. Parishii, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 149 ; panicle of globose interrupted dense heads, spikelets about ^ in. ovoid subobtuse nearly glabrous compressed, empty gls. 1-2 ovate acute many-nerved ciliate, flg. gls. 2-3 similar glabrous, upper mucronate tessellately nerved ciliate, anther tip obtusely acute. Bi^andis For. Fl. 570; Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 93, t. 82. The Pan JAB Himalaya, Parish. Flowers nearest D. Hookeri (of which it is possibly a planted specimen), differing in the glabrous gls. and obtusely acute anthers. 16. D. CoUettlanus, Ga^nble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 93, t. 83; heads of spikelets ^-1 in. diam. bracteate with 6-12 fertile and a few sterile fls. rachis pubescent, spikelets ^-f in. soft white-pubescent, empty gls. 2 ovate acute many-nerved midrib thickened, flg. gls. 2-1 and an imperfect ovate- Dendrocalamus.'] clxxiti. GRAMiNBiE. (Bambusea;, Gamble.) 409 lanceolate shortly mucronate pubescent many-nerved, palea larger than the flg. gl., keels long-ciliate with white hairs, anthers obtusely apiculate. Upper Burma; Fort Stedman, Ahdul HuJc. The softly white-hairy spikelets are diagnostic. 139. BISX.OCAIiA»EVS, Benth. Stem semiscandent from a stout rootstock. Stem-sheaUis hard, cyliodric, auricled. Leaves large, petioled, transverse nervules 0. Panicle large. Spikelets in dense heads, very small, rachilla continuous and produced beyoad the upper gl. ; empty gls. 2, broad, obtuse, many-nerved ; flg. gls. 2, bisexual but one only fertile; palea very broad, cymbiform, membranous. Lodicules 3, large, ciliate. Stamens 6, filaments short, free, anthers obtuse. Ovary glabrous, style short, stigmas 2-3 plumose. Grain very large, depressed-globose, pericarp tough ; seed large, fleshy. HI. coxnpactiflorus, Benth. in Journ. 'Linn. Soc. xix. (18^1) 134; Gamble Bamb. Brit. Lnci. 94, t. 84. Pseudostachyum corapactiflorum, Kurz For. FL Burm. ii. 567 ; Lnd. Forester ^ i. t. II. fig. 13. Eastern Bengal and Burma ; from Silhet to Arracan, Martaban, and the Euby Mines district. Stems 15-100 ft. by ^-1 in. diam., rough, spreading and arching over tall trees, nodes thickened; internodes grey green, 14-24 in. Stem-sheaths Ahont 6 by 3 in., smooth or ^trigose, mouth dilated ; bhide long-acuminate, dilating into a narrow dark reflexed crescentic auricle fringed with stiff bristles, hispid towards the base; ligule narrow, entire. Leaves 6-10 by 1-2 in., oblonj?-lanceolate, tip subulate penicillate twisted, base rounded, petiole hairy, midrib narrow, nerves 8-12 pairs ; sheath striate, young strigose, mouth truncate, auricle lunate reflexed ; ligule narrow. Panicle interrupted, often leafy, heads \-\ in. diam., sul)globose, rachis flexuous pubescent, laterally flattened. Spikelets Jg in., or rather more, obtuse or truncate, 2-cleft ; empty gls. ventricose ; fl. gls. similar, often ciliate. Grainl-l^ in. diam., seated in the persistent glumes. 140. PSZSUDOSTACKVVBX, Munro. Shrubby, rootstock creeping. Stem-sheaths short. Leaves large, tessel- lately nerved. Panicle with drooping spikes. Spikelets small, solitary in the axils of narrow bracts, 1-fld., rachilla produced with imperfect gls. ; empty gl. usually solitary, broad, mucronate, about 7-nerved ; fig. gl. similar; palea thin, convolute, 2-keeled. Lodicules 3-5, large, ciliate. Stamens 6, anthers apiculate. Ovary linear-oblong, glabrous, style long rigid, stigmas 2 hairy. Grain depressed-globose. P. polymorphum, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 142, t. 4 ; Gamble Bamb. Brit. lnd. 96, t. 85. SiKKiM Himalaya, Assam, the Gtarrow Hills, Munnipore & Burma, GrijBflth, &c. Stem.s up to 50 ft., by 7-12 in. diam., arising singly from the rootstock, often subsciindent, nodes hardly swollen, internodes 7-12 in. by 1 in. diam., at first glaucous, walls very thin. Stem-sheaths shorter than the internodes, triangular, truncate, strigose with brown hairs, auricle very short with a tuft of stifi" bristles ; blade long-acuminate in young shoots, base as broad as the truncate top of the sheath ; ligule short. Leaves 4-14 by 1-2 in., narrowed into the stout ^-^ in. 410 CLXxiii. GRAMiNEiE. (Bamhusew, Gamble.) [Pseudostacliyum. petiole, midrib pale, nerves 7-11, nervules oblique ; ligule short. Faniole large, leafy, branches fascicled, rachis wiry angled. Grain subtended by the gls. and lodicules, pericarp crustaceous. — Spikelets in diseased specimens converted into rounded softly hairy masses. 141. TSINOSTACKVUm, Munro. Shrubby or arborescent; stems thin, arching. Stem-sheaths usually thin. Leaven various. Panicle spiciform, on leafy branches. Spikelets in bracteate whorls, long, narrow, many-fld., upper and lower fls. imperfect; empty gls. 1-2, mucronate ; fl. gls. similar, mucros longer ; palea convolute, keels ciliate. Lodicuhs 3, 3-9-nerved. Stamens 6, filaments free, slender. Anthers obtuse or obtusely apiculate. Ovary ovoid or depressed-globose, apex produced enclosing the style, stigmas 2-3 plumose. Grain ovoid, acuminate, beaked, pericarp crustaceous. — Species the following. 1. T. Criffithii, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 143, t. 3; stem-sheaths auricled, leaves 6-10 by f-l|^ in. oblong-lanceolate glaucous beneath, spikelets 2-3 in. linear puberulous, empty gls. 1 or 2 (the second sterile) narrowly ovate mucronate, fl. gls. 3-5 ovate acute mucronate 9-11- nerved, lodicules glabrous. Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. 98, t. 86. Cepha-' lostachyum Griffithii, Kurz For. Fl. Burma, ii. 566. The Khasia Hills, Assam, Chittagong & Burma. Stems 25-50 by ^-f in. diam., slender, arching, straggling or subscandent, branches whorled, internodes 18-26 in., walls thin. Stem-sheaths 6 by H '"• or more, strigose with white hairs above; blade 3-i in., dilated into large auricles fringed with long curved reflexed bristles, shaggy within ; ligule short. Leaves cuspidate, base rounded, petiole wrinkled, midrib with clusters of long hairs at the base, nerves 8-10 pairs with transverse pellucid glands ; sheath keeled, auricles falcate and short ligule ciliate with deciduous hairs. Panicle leafy, branches often whip like with few often pedicelled spikelets or axillary fascicles, rachis smooth striate; rachilla jointed between the gls. Palea longer than the fl. gl., keels fringed half way down, 4-nerved on each side. Lodicules ovate-lanceolate, glabrous, 7-9-nerved. Anthers yellow. Ovary stipitate, glabrous, style triquetrous. Grain obliquely ovoid, tapering at both ends, beaked, glossy. 2. T. "Wigrhtii^ Beddome Fl. Sylvaf. t. cccxxiii. ; Forest Man. p. ccxxxiii. (excl. Si/n.) stem-sheaths papery hirsute top truncate not auricled, leaves 6-15 by 1-2 in. oblong-lanceolate, panicle with spiciform drooping branchlets, spikelets |-1 in., empty gl. 1 ovate mucronate 5-7-nerved dorsally hirsute, fl. gls. 1 or 2 mucronate nerved transversely, lodicules short ciliate. Gamble Bamh. Brit. Lnd. 99, t. 87. Western Ghats, alt. 3-5000 ft., from N. Canara to Cape Comorin. Stem 10-20 ft., by 1-1^ in., semi-scandent, branches pendulous, nodes narrowly ringed ; internodes bright green, rough above, walls thin. Stem-sheaths 10-12 by 1-1:^ in., hairs black-brown ; blade subulate, 5-7 in., decurrent on the sheath ; ligule J- in. Leaves acuminate, tip scabrous twisted, whitish and spiip«6ly hairy beneath, midrib broad yellowish, nerves 6-7 pair, tesscllate by glands; sheath glabrous; ligule narrow. Panicle large, spiciform branches braoteate, rachis smooth, slender. Pachilla of spihelets slender, flattened and concave below, thickened and ciliate above. Lodicules ovate, 3-5-nerved. Ovary stipitate, depressed -globose, smooth, style included in the long beak of the ovary. Grain stoutly stipitate, ovoid, beaked, glabrous. 3. T. attenuatum, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 143 ; Teinostachywn.'] clxxiii. gramine^. (Bamhusece, Gamble.) 411 stem- and leaf-sheaths not auricled pale strigose, leaves 3-6 by ^-1 in., panicle leafy, spikelets 1 in. clustered at the nodes of simple stiff terminal spikes, empty gl. 1 ovate mucronate 7-nerved ciliate, fl. gls. 2-3 longer 9-11-nerved and 1-2 terminal imperfect, lodicules lanceolate tip ciliate. Beddome Fl. St/lvat. Forest. Man. p. ccxxxiv. ; Trim. Cat. Ceyl. Fl. 110 ; Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. 100, t. 88. Bambusa attenuata, Thwaiies Enum. PI. Zeyl. 375. Ceylon ; Central Province, alt. 4-6000 ft., Thwaites, &c. Stems 12-25 ft. by ^-1 in. diam., tufted, tips filiform, wiry, nodes with many branches. Leaves smooth and pale beneath, tip subulate twisted scabrous, midrib faint, nerves 3-4 pairs; sheath sparingly strigose, margins ci iate, mouth truncate, fringed with deciduous bristles ; ligule short. Panicle leafy, usually of sliort spikes clustered at the nodes, clusters bracteate composed of several barren spikelets and a few longer often curved fertile, rachis smooth swollen above. Lodicules 3-nerved. Filaments long, twisted. Ovary ovoid, acuminate, glabrous, style long, stigmas 3. Grain narrowed at both ends, beaked, glabrous. 4. T. Dullooa, Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 101, t. 89; stem-sheaths not auricled, leaves variable, spikelets i-1 in. in a panicle of spiciform branches subtended »by long truncate bracts softly pubescent, empty gls. 2 small truncate, flg. gls. \ in. acuminate hairy 10-nerved, palea as long glabrous convolute not keeled, rachilla jointed produced into a long point. Bhotan, Assam, Silhet and the hills eastwd. to Chittagong and Upper Burma. Stems 20-30 ft. by 1-3 in. diam., tufted, sometimes scandent ; nodes dark green, little prominent; internodes 16-40 in., dark green with a few whitish hairs ; glossy, white beneath the nodes. Stem- sheaths variable, 4-12 in., strigose with white hairs, top concavely truncate loosely fringed with stiff bristles; blade 3-6 in., narrow, convolute, very hairy within, base rounded; ligule long, fimbriate. Z,eaves oblong- lanceolate, subciliately acuminate, tip twisted scabrid, base rounded, petiole \-\ in., pubescent or glabrescent beneath, midrib pale, nerves 6-10 pairs, tessellate by pellucid dots; sheath striate, margins ciliate, mouth with stiff deciduous bristles, callus ciliate or glabrous ; ligule long-fimbriate. Oy.iri/ glabrous ; style, long re Idish. 5. T. Kelferi, Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. 102, t. 90 ; stem-sheaths thick brittle top truncate with a narrow long-fringed band, leaves 6-18 by 1-3 in. oblong-lanceolate, panicle of long termiual whip-like densely hairy flexuous spikes bearing distant heads of few sterile spikelets which consist of 2-3 striate mucronate hairy empty gls. Bambusa Helferi, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 114. Pseudostachyum Helferi, Furz in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xlii. (1872) ii. 253, For. Fl. Burm. ii. 568. Garrow, Khasia and Jaintea Hills, alt. 3500 ft., Pegu and Martaban. Stems bushy or climbing, 20-40 ft. by 1-1^ in. diam. arching to the ground and rooting, young strigose with white hairs, nodes thickened whitish ; internodes 20-50 in., young white- velvety, old with a white band, walls very thin. Stem- sheaths 8-10 in., persistent, sparsely strigose with white bristles ; blade lanceolate, glabrous or shortly hispid, decurrent on a fringed band on the top of the sheath ; ligule narrow, fringed with stiff white hairs. Leaves very variable, unequal-sided, cuspidately acuminate, glabrous and glaucescent beneath, midrib stout, nerves 7-15 pairs, tessellate by pellucid glands ; sheath glabrous, auricle long-fringed deciduous, callus smooth ; ligule narrow, fringed with fragile hairs. — Very near T. Grlffijthii. 142. CEPKAIiOSTACKYUni, Munro. Shrubby bamboos. Stems slender, straight. Stem-sheaths auricled. Leaves various, shortly petioled. Spikelets 2, in terminal globose heads, or 412 CLXXiii. GRAMINE.E {Bttmlueece, Gamble.) [Ceplialostachyum. a panicle of bracteate heads, l-fld„ elongate, rachilla produced beyond the fl. ; empty gls. 2-3, broad, chaffy, many-nerved, usually long-awned; fig. gls. more membranou^ convolute, awns shorter; palea thin, many- nerved, keels 2 approximate. Lodicules 3, 3-5-nerved. Stamens 6, free, anthers long. Ovary stipitate, ovoid, narrowed into a long thickened style, stigmas 2-3, plumose. Grain oblong, beaked, pericarp separable. — Species all Indian. * Spikeleis in a solitary head. 1. C. capitatum, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 139 ; leaves 4-8 by 1-2 in. ovate-lanceolate base unequally rounded, head I-I5 in. diam., bracts broad long-awned glabrous, spikelets ^^-f in. terminating short spikes, palea obtusely mucronate tip entire, anthers obtuse. Gamble Bamh. Brit. hid. 104, t. 91, Bambusa capitata, Wall. Cat. n. 8913. SiKKiM and Bhotan Himalaya, alt. 2-8000 ft., Khasia, Jaintea, and Naga Hills. Stems 12-30 ft. by 1-1^ in., serni-scandent ; nodes not prominent, internodes often 3 ft. or more, walls thin. Stem-sheaths of young steins papery, 6-12 by 2-3 in., strigose with pale brown hairs, mouth triangular, of the longer upper truncate, of the shorter lower retuse ; bl.tde long, hairy within, base rounded, decurrent into rounded sometimes fringed auricles ; ligule narrow. Leaves pale green, whitish beneath, glabrous on both surfaces, midrib prominent, nerves 4-10 pairs, pellucid dots oblique ; sheaths smooth, shining, auricle short with curved cilia. Empty ffls. softly hairy below ; lower 1-3 flg, gls. sterile ; palea hairy between the keels, rachilla produced, Lodicules ovate-lanceolate, 3-5-nerved, shortly ciliate. Anthers long, tips emarginate. Ovary ovoid, style often twisted, stigmas 2 hairy. Grain depressed-ovoid, beaked, shining, pericarp crustaceous, Var. decoinpositum. Gamble 1. c. 105 ; spikelets in spicate almost paniculate clusters, many fertile. — Sikkim and Khasia Hills. 2. C. pallidum, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 139 ; leaves 1-5 by'-|-l in. base unequally rounded, heads about 1 in., bracts broad rounded, spikelets |-J in., palea 2-fid, anthers long-apiculate. Xurz For. Fl. Burma, ii. 563; Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. 105, t. 92. Bambusa andropogonifolia, Griffith Bin. Notes, 124, No. 417. Khasia, Mishmi, Patkoy and Munnipore Hills, ascending to 5000 ft., Griffith, &c. Shrubby or subarboreous, brandies whorled. Leaves pale green, tip capillary, glabrous or puberulous beneath, not tessellate, midrib pale, nerves 4-6 pairs ; sheath striate, margins ciliate, auricle rounded with a few deciduous cilia ; ligule long. Head in the axil of a leaf, of many- loug-awned empty gls. or sterile fl. gls, or with a few exserted fertile spikelets, all bracteate at the base ; empty gls. concave, awned, many-nerved; flg. gls, similar, awn shorter than the gl. ; palea many-nerved, tip and base hairy, rachilla shortly produced. Lodicules pubescent and ciliate. Ovary ovoid-lanceolate, style long conical, stigmas 2 hairy. Grain globostly ovoid, top conical and beaked, wrinkled, 3. C. latifoliuxn, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 140 ; stem sheaths linear, oblong top narrow, leaves 10-16 by 1-4 in. ovate or ovate- lanceolate base unequal cuneate or rounded, sheaths not fringed, heads l|-2 in. diam. of clustered sterile and 1-fld., fertile spikelets ^-l in. long with broad awned bvacteoles, tip of palea entire, anthers obtusely mucro- nate. Gamble Bamb. Brit. Lnd. 106, t. 93. Bhotan and Munnipore Hills, alt, 5-7000 ft., Griffith, &c. Shrubby serni-scandent. Stems thin, rough, dark green, whitish below the nodes which are conspicuously ringed. Stem-sheaths 6-9 by 2-3 in., papery, sides Cephalostacliyum.'] clxxiii. gramine^ (Bambusece, Gamble.) 413 parallel, top concave with sub-acute triangular glabrous auricles ; blade 4-5 by ^-| in., subulate; ligule broad. Leaves glabrous, base cuneate or rounded, petiole wrinkled, midrib pale prominent, nerves 8-18 pairs, pellucid dots distant ; sheath striate, margins ciliate produced up to the broad ligule ; callus broad, thick, emargi- nate. ^pikelets glabrous, empty gls. ovate-lanceolate, glabrous, long-awued ; fig. gls. acuminate, awn shorter ; palea obtuse, tip hairy, nerves reticulate ; rachilla shortly produced. Lodicules 3-nerved, Ovary ovoid, style long flattened, stiguias 2 short plumose. Grain broadly ovoid, stipitate, carved above, beaked, pericarp ^ crustaceous. 4. C. ruchsianunij Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 107, t. P4; stera- sheaths thin top deeply concave with a bristly fringe in the sinus, leaves 8-14 by 2-4 in., ovate-lanceolate, head 2^ in. diam., simple globose or compoufid elongate and lobed, spikelets |-1 in. glabrous sterile and fertile mixed with awned bracts, palea 2-fid anther tip apiculate or forked. Bhotan and the Duphla Hills, alt. 6-8O0O ft., Fuchs, Lister, Gammie, &c. Arborescent, semi-scandent ; stems small, soft, thin-walled, pale, branches whorled. Stem-sheaths 12 by 4 in., strigose with light brown hairs, sides nearly piirallel, margins reticulately nerved, young cylindric ; blade in the base of the sinus, 6-8 in., subulate, pubescent below ; ligule small. Leaves cuspidately acuminate, base angled or rouuded, midrib shining, nerves 7-10 pairs, tessellate by pellucid dots ; sheath soft, margins thickly long-ciliate, auricle elongate thickly clothed with white bristles -|-f in. long ; ligule moderate, ciliate. E mpty gls. ovate, long-awned, glabrous, 17-19-nerved; flg. gl. longer, awn shorter, 21-23-nerved and cross-nervuled ; palea pubescent, 2- keeled and 5-6nerved on each side; rachilla shortly produced. Lodicules 3-5-nerved, ciliate. Ovary narrowly ellipsoid, style thick, stigmas 2 shorb. Grain as in C. latifolium, but tip more rounded, pericarp crustaceous. ** Spikelets in panicled or spicate heads or fascicles. 5. C> pergracile? Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1863) 141 ; stem-sheaths very short 2-auricled strigose with black deciduous hairs afterwards polished, leaves 6-14 by 1-2^ in. linear-lanceolate rough on both surfaces, spikelets i-f in. diam. bracteate clusters forming filiform drooping spikes, gls. 3-4, empty gls. 0, lower 1-2 sterile, fertile solitary densely hairy with a terminal sterile, palea long 2-fid, anthers obtuse purple. Kurz For. Fl. ii. 564 ; Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 108, t. 95. Throughout Burma, Assam, The Naga Hills and Ckota Nagpore. Arboreous, deciduous. /Stems 30-4:0 ft. by 2-3 in. diam., tufted, erect, glaucous, whitish below the scarcely thickened nodes; internodes 12-18 in., walls very thin. Stem-sheaths i-Q by 6-8 in. ; blade 2 in., densely hairy within, decurrent in a waved fringe bordering the top of the sheath and fringed auricles ; ligule very narrow. Leaves thin, base rounded or cuneate, subglaucous beneath, midrib conspicuous, nerves 7-13 pairs, sparingly tessellate ; sheath glabrous, mouth auricled, callus small ciliate ; ligule very narrow. Panicle large ; heads l|-2 in. apart, bracts small chaffy, rachis wiry. Lodicules narrow, tip ciliate. Ovary smooth, base subglobose, narrowed into a trigonous style, stigmas 2-3 stout. Grain \ in., obovate-oblong, grooved on one side, beak as long as itself. 6. C. flavescens, Kurz in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xlii. (1873) ii. 252, For. Fl. Burm. ii. 664; stem-sheaths short, top triangular truncate smooth or strigose with white or pale brown hairs, leaves 3-6 by ^-| in. linear, sheath with narrow auricles, spikelets -^- in. long linear acuminate hairy, empty gls. 1-2 ovate-lanceolate mucronate hairy 7-9-nerved, fl. gl. solitary similar, palea 2- mucronate, anthers obtuse or aoute yellow. 414 CLxxiii. GRAMiNE^. (Bambusece, Gamble.) \_Gephalostachyum. Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. 109, t. 96. Melocanna lutescens, Kurz in Herh. Galcuti. Burma; Pegu ? (cult, in Calcutta and Madras gardens). Evergreen, subarborescent. Stems 10-20 ft. by 1-1^ in. diam.,. smooth, dull green, at length yellow, nodes not prominent ; internodes rather long. Stem-sheaths 4r-5 by about 5 in., smooth or strigose with pale or brown hairs; blade 1-1 J in., erect, base cordate decurrent as a waved fringe with pointed long auricles edged with stiff curved bristles; ligule narrow. Leaves acuminate, glabrous or sparsely hairy beneath, base contracted, midrib narrow, nerves 4-6 pairs ; sheath smooth, glabrous, callus very narrow, auricles long narrow ; ligule narrow. Panicle of lew whorled slender branches with clusters of spikelets 2-2| in. apart; palea with hairy margins. Lodicules oblong, tip ciliate, 3-5-nerved. Ovary ovoid, acuminate, smooth; style trigonous, stigmas white-hairy. 7. C. virgratum, Kurz For. Fl. Burma, ii. 565 ; panicle leafless drooping, branchlets fascicled bearing lax distant heads of few nearly- glabrous fertile and sterile spikelets, rachis smooth flattened on one side, spikelets \ in. nearly glabrous narrow acute with 2 small sterile fls. at the base, empty gl. short ovate mucronate, fig. gl. convolute coriaceous mucronate, palea 2-mucronate, anthers obtuse. Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 110, 132, t. 97. Melocanna virgata, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 133. Upper Burma ; on the Mogaung river, Griffith ; Bhamo district, Oliver. A medium-sized, slender, tufted Bamboo. Stems erect, dark green, young white scurfy, nodes not thickened; internodes 18-24 by 4 in. diam., regular, walls thin. Stem-sheaths 6-8 by 7-10 in. broad at the base, pale, narrowed to a nearly straight top 5-6 in. broad, strigose with golden hairs; blade 4-5 in., usually recurved, decur- rent along the top of the sheath in a narrow straight baud bordered with stiff recurved bristles, glabrous above, strigose beneath ; base 1-1|^ in. broad cordate, tip cuspi- date, margins incurved ; ligule narrowed, fimbriate. Leaves rather variable, thin, 6-12 by I4-2I in., oblong- to linear-lanceolate, cuspidately acuminate, rough on both surfaces, tip and margins scabrous, pale beneath and slightly hairy, mid-rib pale broad, nerves 10 pairs with 5-7 intermediate, cross-nervules few ; sheath smooth, striate, keeled, ending in a narrow ciliate callus, and bearing short bristly auricles ; ligule very short, fimbriate. Panicles large, heads bracteate ; bracts narrow chaffy. Lodicules lanceolate, acuminate, shortly ciliate, faintly 3-nerved. Ovary ovoid, glabrous, style thickened; stigmas 2-3, purple, plumose. 143. DZNOCKZiOA, Buse. Lofty evergreen scandent Bamboos. Stems zigzag, usually covered with persistent sheaths ; nodes with a broad leathery ring left by the sheath. Stem-sheaths thick, loosely clasping, base wrinkled. Leaves large, rather soft, transverse nervules of pellucid glands. Panicle large, compound, of slender spicate clusters of spikelets. Spikelets very many, ^ minute, in subglobose sessile heads on short branchlets, 1-fld. ; rachilla inarticulate, not produced; empty gls. 1-4 broad, very obtuse, upper gradually larger; fl. gl. similar; palea convolute, not keeled, as long or longer than the gl. Lodicules 0. Stamens 6, free short. Ovary ovoid, glabrous, style short. Grain ovoid, acuminate. — Species, the following. 1. !>. Tjankorreh, Buse in Miq. PI. Jungh. 388; stem-sheaths narrowed to the mouth, leaves 6-10 by 1-1| in. Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 415; Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. 153, t. 5 ; Kurz Ind. Forester, 352; Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 112. Bambusa scandens, Blume ex Nees in Dinochloa.'] clxxiii. graminej:. (Bambtisece^ Gamble.) 415 Flora, vii. (1824) 291. Nastus Tjangkorreh, SchuUes Syst. Veg. vii. 1358 ; Kunth Enum. PI. i. 430 ; /S^ewcZ. Syn. Gram. 333. Chusquea amplo- paniculata, Steud. I.e. 337 ; Miq. I. c. 415. Malay Peninsula; Perak, Ridley. — Distrib. Malay and Molucca Islds. Stems 100 ft. by 1 in. diam. or more, green, glossy, nodes swollen, of the branches often thorny ; internodes 9-18 in., hairy above, walls thin. Stem- sKeaths loo^e, leathery, cylindric, narrowed to the non-auricled mouth, sparsely bristly; blade ovate-lanceolate, minutely hispid above ; ligule rather broad. Leaves lanceolate, rather soft, base narrowed, petiole very hairy, smooth on both surfaces, raid-rib conspicuous, nerves 7-9 pairs ; sheaths strigose at length glabrous, mouth rounded with long white bristles ; ligule rather broad, long-ciliate. Panicle compound, branches thin, wiry ; rachis curved, striate, flattened on one side ; nodes with a ring formed by the base of the fallen bracts ; clusters with few fertile and many empty gls. Spikelets -^^ in. or less, ovoid, glossy, brown, glabrous ; empty gls. with 1-2 smaller at the base, convolute, 5-7-nerved ; flg. gl. similar. Stamens included, anthers acute. Stigma 2-fid, not plumose. Grain xV~5 ^^-f ^eshy. Var. andamanica, Gamble 1. c. t. 9S; spikelets straw-colrd., leaves up to 12 by 2 in. softly ovate-lanceolate, mouth of sheaths more ciliate, ligule more fimbriate. D. andamanica Kurz in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xlii. (1873) ii. 253, For. Fl. Burm. ii. 570. — Andaman and Nicobar Islds., Sieber, Kurz, &c. ■ . » 2. D. Bl'Clellandi, KuTzinJourn^'-As. 'Soc. Beng. xlii. (1873) ii. 253, For. Flor. Burm. ii. 371 (Maclellandi) ; stem-sheaths truncate at the mouth, leaves 6-18 by 1-4 in. Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 113, t. 99. Bambusa M'Clellandi, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. (1868) 114. Chittagong, Pegu and Martaban, Kurz, &c. Stem climbing, 100 ft., or short and straggling, 1-2 in. diam., grey green, nodes swollen ; internodes 6-8 in., young often angled, strigose with brown pungent hairs. Stetn-sheaths 6-9 in. by 7-9 in. at the base and 2-3 at the top, cylindric, leathery, strigose with golden-brown hairs ending in a narrow dark glabrous margin and top ; blade lanceolate, glabrous without, densely hairy within, base rounded decurrent on the sheath ; ligule entire or subserrate. Leaves broadly oblong-lanceolate, base unequally rounded, narrowed into a broad thick petiole | in. long or less, glabrous on both surfaces, one or both margins retrorsely scabrid, mid-rib prominent, nerves 10-18 pairs ; sheath transversely nerved, keeled, at first strigose, mouth produced into a rounded naked auricle; ligule entire or serrate. 144. SCKZZOSTACKVUBI, Nees. Erect or climbing, arborescent or shrubby Bamboos ; stems usually slender, smooth, walls thin. Stem-sheaths short, cylindric, auricles small. Leaves broad, petioled. Panicle terminal, of spicate branches bearing heads of spikelets, often reduced to, a spike of heads, rachis slender. Spikelets slender, fascicled, peduncled or 2-3-nate ; empty gls. 1-3, narrow, usually mucranate, rachilla elongate between them and much beyond with a rudimentary gl. ; fl. gls. 1-2, articulate below, convolute ; palea like its gl., convolute, not keeled. Lodicules 0-4, narrow. Stamens 6, exserted, anthers narrow, filaments free. Ovary narrow, pericarp produced as a tubular beak enclosing the style, stigmas 3 short plumose. Grain ovoid, beaked, beak inclined, pericarp crustaceous; seed rounded. — Species 16, trop. Asia and Pacific. * Heads of spikelets in terminal simple spikes. 1. S. tenue, Gamble Bamb. Brit. Lid. 114, t. 100; leaves 4-6 by 416 CLXXiii. GRAMiNEiE. {BaDihusew^ Gamble.) [Scliizostachyum. ^-^ in. linear-lanceolate, heads 1-3 in a spike bracteate, spikelets few about 5 in. long, empty gls. 1-2 ovate acute 5-7-nerved., fig, gl., longer. P S. elegantissimum, iL^^rz J«cZ. Forester, i. 348. (Bambusa elegantissima, Hassh. PI. Jav. Rar. 42. Beesha elegantissima, Kurz ex Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1808) 146). Malay Peninsula ; Pahang, Malacca and Johore, Ridley. Stems graceful, slender, scandent. Leaves narrowed into a rather long petiole, smooth and glabrous on both surfaces, midrib shining, nerves 3-5 pairs, distantly tessellate by glands, sheaths smooth truncate, callus broad ; ligule very narrow. Rachis of spikes s]etider, curved; bracts chaffy, mucronate, yellowish. Spikelets narrow, acuminate ; palea longer than its gl., 2-keeled, glabrous, 2-raucronate. Lodicules ovate, acute, 3-5-nerved. Stamens exserted, anthers linear tips rounded, 2. S. chilianthum, Kurz in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xxxix. (1870) II. 88, Ind. Forester, i. 348 ; leaves 6-10 by f-l in. linear-lanceolate, heads 3-6 in a spike, spikelets about | in. loug, empty gls. ovate mucronate striate glabrous, flg. gl. longer. Oamhle Bamh. Brit. Ind. 115, t. 101. Chloothamnus chilianthus, Buese in PL Jungh. 387; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. iii. 415. Melocanna gracilis, Kurz ex Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 133.— Bambusa, Wall. Cat. n. 50a;>. ^ 7 / ^^^^ Stem 6-8 ft. by ^-| in. diairy., feniooth, glosry, nodes not prominent; internodes fistular, glabrous ; flowering and leafing branches together haif-whorled at the nodes with many bract-like sheaths; brauchlets slender, cuj^'ed, smooth. Stem-sheaths glabrous, smooth, truncate, margins cUiate; blade narrowly lanceolate, base rounded, hairy, decurrent in a long fringed band, auricles n irrow long-fringed; ligule narrow long-fringed. Leaves long acuminate, setaceous point sometimes 1:^ in., midrib not prominent, nerves 4-6 pairs, tessellate by pellucid glands ; sheath glabrous, mouth truncate bearing about 10 stiff white deciduous bristles, auricles short, callus narrow. Heads about | in. broad, rachis slender, grooved, glabrous. Spikelets acuminate. Palece 2, mucronate, keeled above only. Lodicules 3, 3-5-nerved, ciliate. Ovary oblong, stigmas 3 plumose purple. Grain nearly a in., beak inclined. ** Heads of spikelets in jpanicled spihes, 3. S. Bluxnel, Nees Agrost. Bras. 635 ; leaves 9-10 by l^-lf in. on sterile branches up to 16 in. oblong-lanceolate, spikelets under f in. cylindric, rachilla ciliate, empty gls. 2 oblong long-mucronate glai)rous, flg. gl. longer, paleoe 1 or 2 inner convolute, lodicules 0, anthers obtuse. Kunth Fnum. PL i. 435 ; Bupr. Bnmh. 43, t. 16, 17, f. 4; Stend. 8yn. Gram. 332; Miq. FL Ind. Bat. iii. 424; Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 136; Kurz Ind. Forester, i. 350; Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. 116, t. 102. Melocanna tenuispiculata, Kurz in Hort. Buitenz. and Gale. Singapore, Bidley. — Distrib. Java. Stems 30 ft., hollow, fragile, glabrous. Stem-sheaths cylindric, slightly narrowed to the ciliate truncate moutn, strigose with white bristles ; blade leafy, erect ; ligule narrow. Leaves acuminate, base rounded or narrowed, rough on both surfaces, pubescent beneath, midrib narrow, nerves 5-6; sheath smooth, keeled, mouth truncate and margins ciliate with white bristles ; ligule short fimbriate. Spikes of pauicle with long spreading erect or deflexed spikelets ^-| in. long and chaffy bracts, rachis very slender ; empty gls. 2, striate. Anthers green, obtuse. Ovary narrowly ellipsoid. 4. S. latifolium, Gamhle Bamh. BriL Ind. 117, t. 103; leaves 9-12 by l^-Ss in. oblong acuminate, spikelets 1-lg^ in. long acuminate, empty Schizostachyum.'] clxxiii. graminej:. {Bamhusece^ Gamble.) 417 gls. 2 oblong long-mucronate, flg. gls. 1 much larger ovate-lanceolate long unicronate convolute, lodicules 3-4, anthers obtuse tip penicillate. Malay Peninsula ; Pahang, Ridley. Leaves smooth on both surfaces, base rounded, petiole \ in. wrinkled, midrib prominent beneath, nerves 10-12 pairs; sheath keeled, smooth, callus broad, auricle large falcate bearing long bristles; ligule short, long-ciliate. Panicle 6-12 in. Spikelets mixed with ovate-lanceolate glabrous bracts, shortly pedicelled ; empty gls. distant at the base ; margins of flg. gl. often ciliate ; palea lanceolate, 2-mucrouate, dorsally keeled or channelled. Lodicules 3-4, Jjj-i in., 4th longer (a modified stamen ?). Anthers long, narrow. Ovary narrowly lanceolate. — Near S. lougispiculatum, Kurz Ind. Forester, i. 351, but differs in the presence of lodicules and in the penicillate anther- tips. 5. S. aciculare, Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. 117, t. 104; leaves 6-9 by 1^-2 in. ovate-oblong cuspidate, petiole pubescent, spikelets l\-\\ in. needle-like, empty gls. 2 oblong mucronate pubescent, flg. gl. linear con- volute appressedly hairy long-mucronate, lodicule 1, anthers obtuse tip penicillate. Malacca ; at Rapayoong, Alivls. A small bamboo. Leaves almost elliptic, base rounded or narrowed, tip an obtuse scabrous hairy point, pale and smooth beneath, midrib hardly prominent, nerves 10 pairs; sheath smooth, mouth with a "few long bristles, callus rounded. SpiTces slender, rachis flattened on one side; bracts few, short. Spikelets very long, narrow, on short bracteate peduncles ; empty gls. 2, pubescent, oblong, mucronate ; palea as long as the fig. gl., mucronate, glabrous ; rachilla short, grooved, glabrous. Lodicule 1, narrowly lanceolate, glabrous. Anthers very long, narrow. Ovar^ narrowly ovoid, glabrous. 145. KXSXiOCANNA, Trin. Arborescent unarmed Bamboos. Stems solitary on the branches of a rhizome, distant. Stem-sheaths short, brittle, shortly auricled, blade very long. Leaves broad, petioled, smooth. Panicle large, compound, of spicate one-sided spikelets. SpiJcelets 2-3, fascicled in bracts in the axils of the spikes, acuminate with 1 fertile and 1 or more sterile fls. ; empty gls. indefinite, acuminate, mucronate, striate ; fl. gl. similar ; palea like its gl. convolute not keeled. Lodicules 2, narrow. Stamens 6-7, free or irregularly connate. Ovary glabrous, style elongate, stigmas 2-4 shortly hairy. Fruit very large, pyriform, long-beaked, pericarp very thick. — Species 1 or 2. 1. M. baxnbusoides, Trin. in Spreng. Neue Enterdech. ii. 43, Syst. ii. 113 [excl. Syn. Lour.) ; stem-sheaths 5-6 in. strigose with whitish hairs abruptly truncate with rounded auricles, leaves 6-14 by 1-3 in. lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, spikelets about ^ in. spinous glabrous, empty gb. 2-4 lanceolate, flg. gl. similar but thinner. Rwpr. Bamh. 65 ; Steud. Syn. Gram. 331 ; Miq. M. Ind. Bat. iii. 423; Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 132 ; Kurz For. Fl. Burm. ii. 569 ; Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ivd. 119, t. 105. Bambusa baccifera, Boxb. Gorom.Pl. iii. 38, t. 243, Fl. Ind. ii. 197. Beesha Rheedii, Kimth iuJourn. de Fhys. xlv. (1822) 4 ; Bevis. Gram. i. 141 ; Enum. PL i. 434 {excl. Syn.). B. baccifera, Schult, Syst. vii. II. 1336. Nastus baccifera, Boxb. ex Basp. in Ann. Sc. Nat. Ser. I. v. (1825) 442. Assam, the Khasia and Gaeeow Hills, Ohittagong, Arracan, and Tbnasseeim. Evergreen. Stems solitary on branches of the rhizome, 50-70 ft. by 1^-3 in. diam., green, straight, unbranched till near the top, nodes a thin ring; internodes . VOL. VII. E e 418 OLXXiii. GRAMiNE^. (Bamhusece, Gamble.) IMelocanna. 12-20 in., walls thin. Stem-sheaths 5-6 in. by 6-12 at the base, yellow, margins straight for | up, then waved, auricles often long-fringed ; blade up to 1 ft., base 1 in. broad, decurrent in a narrow strip along the top of the sheath ; ligule very narrow, serrate. Leaves from fascicled branches, tip long twisted scabrous, glaucescent beneath, young hairy, margins ciliate, inner and ^-3 adjoining nerves scabrous, midrib prominent, nerves 8-12 pairs, tessellate by pellucid glands ; sheath glabrous, auricles pointed, ciliate and bearing 10-12 large whitish bristles ; ligule very short. Panicle with drooping branches. Spikelets about ^ in., glabrous ; empty gls. with sometimes abortive buds. Lodicules erose, 3-5-nerved. Fruit up to 3-5 by 2-3 in. 2. M. humills, Kurz For. Ft. Burm. ii, 669 ; stem-sheaths very short glabrous ? mouth much produced rounded inflated and sinuate, leaves 4-6 by §-1 in. lanceolate to linear-lanceolate roughish puberulous beneath, base obtuse, petiole about ^ in., sheath glabrous mouth minutely auricled deciduously long-fringed. Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. 120, t. 106. Arracan and Pegu, Kurz. Known chiefly from the leaves and sheath. Stems 8-15 by 1 in. diam. ; nodes hardly thickened, internodes about 1 ft. Blade of stem-sheath linear, erect, decurrent in a narrow nude green strip bordering the sinuses ; ligule very narrow, entire. 146. OCKXiANDRA, Thwaites. Shrubby, gregarious, reed-like Bamboos. Stems erect, internodes rather long, thin- walled. Stem-sheaths thin, persistent, auricles small. Leaves as in Bambusa, margins cartilaginous, nerves many; sheath striate, fringed ; ligule (except in one sp.) short. Spikelets fertile and sterile mixed, or whorled on terminal spikes or spicate panicles from a leafy branchlet, often very large, 1-fld. ; empty gls. 2-5, usually mucronate ; flg. gl. like the uppermost empty, mucronate ; palea membranous, not or faintly 2-keeled. Lodicules 1 or more, usually appressed to the filaments. Stamens 6-120, filaments free or monadelphous, exserted; anthers long, narrow. Ovary narrow, style elongated, stigmas 3-6. Fruit large, ovoid, long-beaked, pericarp fleshy. — Species the following. * Stamens many, ligules short, filaments free. 1. O. Rheedii, Benth. ex Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 121, 1. 107 ; leaves 4-10 by \-\\ in. linear-lanceolate, sheath smooth, auricles falcate fringed with bristles, spikelets cylindric acute glabrous, sterile ^-f in., fertile 1-lJ in., empty gls. 2-3 broadly ovate mucronate many-nerved, flg. gl. larger subacute, anthers mucronate. Beesha Rheedii, Kunth Enum. PI. i. 434 {excl. all'cit. hut Bheede); Bupr. Bamb. 65; Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 144; Beddome Fl. Sylvat. Forest. Man. p. ccxxxiv. Melocanna Rheedii, Steud. Syn. Gram, 332. Bambusa scriptoria, Dennst. Schluess. Hart. Malab. 31.—Bkeede Hort. Mai. v. t. 60. Cochin and Travancore, White, Johnstone, &c. Stems erect, up to 16 ft. by 1 in. diam. ; nodes somewhat raised ; internodes about 17 in., walls | in. thick. Stem-sheaths 4-6 in., purplish-green, young hairy, margins ciliate, top rounded-truncate, auricles falcate long-ciliate ; blade subulate, base hairy within ; ligule short, ciliate. Leaves usually small, base rounded, smooth on both surfaces, midrib narrow, nerves 5-10 pairs. Spikes or spicate panicles terminal or axillary on leafy branchlets. Palea convolute, long-mucronate, base membranous. Lodicules many, ^-^ in., acute, glabrous, 1-7-nerved. Stamens 16-18. Ovari/ oblong, style embraced by the enlarged perigynium, stigmas 3, plumose. Fruit oblong, long-beaked. Ochlandra.] clxxiii. gramine^. (BamhusecB, Gamble.) 419 Var. sivagiriana, Gamble 1. c. 122, t. 108 ; spikelets rather larger, stamens up to 60, leaves generally larger. — Pulney and Sivagiri Hills, Beddome. 2. O. strldula, Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 376 ; leaves 8-12 by \\-1\ in. oblong-lanceolate, young sheath hirsute, auricles falcate fringed with bristle?, spikelets 1 in. cylindro-conical sparsely hairy, empty gls. 2-3 convolute mucronate ciliate, flg. gl. larger, anther tips 2-fid and mucronate. Trimen Gat. Ceyl. PL 110 ; Gamble Bamb. Brit Ind. 123, t. 109. Beesha stridula, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (1868) 145 ; Beddome Fl. Sylvat. Forest. Man. p. ccxxxiv. Bambusa stridula, Moon Gat. Ceyl. PI. 26. Ceylon ; in the southern parts of the Island, Thwaites. Stems 6-18 ft. by ^f in. diam., tufted, light green, geniculate, nodes ringed ; internodes 12-14 in., scabrous. Stem-sheaths persistent, cylindric, glabrous, young purple, tip rounded with falcate small fringed auricles; blade subulate. Leaves broad, somewhat rough beneath, base rounded, petiole broad, midrib slender, nerves 10-12 pairs, tessellate by pellucid glands. Spikelets in a terminal panicle, whorled, few fertile, rachis of spike long, rough, glaucous. Lodicules 6-12 or more, lanceolate, 1- many-nerved, convolute. Stamens up to 30, filaments free, flat. Ovary narrow, beak trigonous ; stigmas 4-5, plumose, at first twisted. Fruit I'm., ovoid, beak 1 in. Var. maculata, Gamble 1. c. 124 ; stem greyish-green mottled with dark purplish blotches. Teinostachyum ? maculatum, Trim, in Journ, Bot. xxiii. (1885) 273, Cat. Ceyl. PI. 110. — Ceylon, Ferguson. 3. O. Beddomei, Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. 124, t. 110; leaves 6-8 by 1-1| in. oblong-lanceolate margins revolute, auricles decurrent fringed with bristles, spikelets 1-1^ in. hirsute, empty gls. 2 ovate long-mucronate many-nerved, flg. gl. I5 in. ovate-lanceolate mucronate many-nerved glabrous, anther tips 2-fid and mucronate. NiLGHiEi Hills ; in the Wynaad district, Beddome. Leaves long-acuminate, base unequally rounded, subglaucous beneath, midrib slender, nerves about 8 pairs ; sheaths puberulous, margins ciliate, callus narrow. Panicle short, spicate, terminating a leafy branchlet ; rachis stiff, puberulous. Spikelets few together, cylindric-conical, 2-3-bracteate, hairs tuberous-based, brown, spreading; palea 1 in., membranous, acute or obtuse. Lodicules 5, all different, 3-7-nerved, entire or 2-fid. Stamens about 32. Ovary subglobose, beak embracing the style, stigmas 5—6 plumose. ** Stamens many, ligule short, filaments coherent. 4. O. travancorica, Benth. ex Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 125, t. Ill ; leaves 6-18 by 2-4| in. broadly oblong-lanceolate, auricles short falcate spikelets 2-2| in. ovoid or ovoid-oblong, glabrous, empty gls. usually 3, lowest truncate tip subulate upper 2 in. long-acuminate, flg. gl. like the upper empty, anther-tips penicillate. Gamble Bamh. Brit. Ind. 125, t. 111. Beesha travancorica, Beddome Fl. Sylvat. t. cccxxiv. Forest. Man. p. ccxxxiv. Travancore and Tinnevelly, alt. 2-5000 ft., Beddome, &c. (monopolizing miles of country). An erect gregarious reed-like bamboo. Stems 6-20 ft. by 1-2 in. diam., nodes swollen and scarred ; internodes 1^-5 ft., rough ; walls very thin. Stem-sheaths 6-8 in., thin, vertically wrinkled, young strigose with tuberous-based hairs, tip truncately rounded, fringed with bristles; blade subulate. Leaves glabrous or scaberulous, base rounded, petiole broad, midrib thick below, nerves 12-17 pairs, tessellate by pellucid glands ; sheath glabrous, keeled, margins ciliate, callus shining ; ligule short, truncate. Spikelets a few fertile and a few much smaller sterile together in the axils of ovate -lanceolate smooth bracts with subulate deciduous tips ; single E e 2 420 CLXxiii. GRAMiNEiE. {Bambusece, Gamble.) [Ochlandra. spikelets with 2-4 small sheathing bracts; gls. all many-nerved ; palea acute, faintly 2-keeled. Zodicules 3, i in., membranous, 3-7-nerved. Stamens up to 120, filaments coherent. Ovart/ narrow, tip 4-angled, stigmas 5-6 plumose spirally twisted together. Fruit 2 in. by ^ in. diam., ovoid-oblong, beak 2 in., pericarp fleshy. ^ Var. hirsuta, Gamble 1. c. 126, t. 112 ; spikelets densely brown velvety, leaves thicker, margins more cartilaginous, leaf-sheaths with appressed tuberous-based hairs. — Travancore Hills, Beddome. *** Stamens many, ligule 1 in. or more, filaments free. 5. O. Brandisli, Gamble Bamb. BHt. Ind. 126, t. 113 ; leaves 10-20 by l|-3 in. oblong-lanceolate acuminate, auricles short fringed, spikelets 1-1| in. conical glabrous bracteolate with chaffy scales, gls. all many- nerved, 3-4 lower empty thick ovate truncate tip subulate, upper thinner, fig. gl. membranous, anthers lone-apiculate. Bambusa Wigbtii, Munro in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. (186^) lU. —Wight Cat. n. 1009. TiNNEVELLY Ghats ; at Courtallam, Wig/it, Brandts. Leaves thick, base narrowed, glabrous ou both surfaces, whitish beneath, petiole short broad wrinkled beneath, midrib stout, nerves 10-13 p lirs strong, tesselliite by pellucid glands ; sheath striate, callus smooth rounded. Spike terminal, rachis thick, whorls of spikelets several in the axils of ovate glabrous bracts; palea like the flg. gl. but smaller. Lodicule solitary, \-^^ in. ; many-nerved, truncate and retuse. Stamens up to 60. Ovartj glabrous, stigmas 5, plumose. **** Stamens 6 or fewer, unequal, filaments free or coherent, ligule short. 6. O. Ridleyi, Gamble Bamb. Brit. Lnd. 127, t. 114 ; leaves 9-10 by 1-1§ in. oblong-lanceolate cuspidately acuminate, auricles rounded or falcate long-ciliate, spikelets about 1 in. appressedly hairy, empty gls. 1-2 ovate truncate long mucronate, fig. gls. 1-2 longer, rachilla produced beyond the upper, palese 2 not keeled. S[N&AP0EE, Rid/ei/ ^ Feilding. Leaves smooth above except the marginal nerves, scaberulous beneath, base rounded, petiole short broad, midrib slender, nerves 10-12 pairs; sheath short, smooth, striate, callus narrow. Spike or spicate 'panicle 3-4 in., terminating a leafy branchlet; heads subdistichous, bracteate ; bracts with imperfect blades, ovate, truncate, fimbriate. Spikelets several sterile, few fertile ; outer palea narrow, convolute, bimucronate, tip hairy, inner shorter tip rounded glabrous. Lodicules 6-10, many-nerved, entire or forked. Stamens 6, 3 longer obtuse, 3 shorter acute. Ovaiy linear; style long embraced by the enlarged perigynium, stigma plumose. Flowers unknown. 7. O. setigrera, Gamble Bamb. Brit. Ind. 128, t. 115 ; stem-sheaths papery sparsely strigose narrowed to a truncate top, blade subulate hair- like, leaves 6-9 by f-1^ in. oblanceolate acuminate puberulous beneath, sheath smooth, auricles decurrent, ligule very narrow erose. NiLGHiRi Hills ; ravines above Gudalur, alt. about 3000 ft.. Gamble. A small tufted erect or straggling reed-like Bamboo. Stem 20 ft. by i-f^ in. diam., naked below, nodes hardly swollen; internodes 10-12 in., very su)ooth, wails •jL-l in. thick. Stem-sheaths 6-7 in., persistent tessellately wrinkled towaids the top, blade |-1 in., hairy within, margins incurved, top very narrow ; blade ^-1 in., hairy within, margin incurved. Leaves smooth above, puberulous beneath, tip capillary, midrib narrow, nerves 6-7 pairs, tessellate by pellucid glands ; auricles of sheath fringed with long curved bristles. f//. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. TO VOL. VII. p. 4. After 41. Aetheaxon, insert : Spikes solitary, rachis flattened, spikelets of each pair both 2-fld. and bisexual . . . 41^ Ischnochloa. p. 5. After 52. Germainia, insert : Spike solitary, joints clavitte hollow, spikelets secund 2-nate lower l-flJ., upper neuter . 52^ Coelartheon. „ After 55. Iseilema, insert : Spikelets as in Anthlstiria but lower in spike not whorled and neuter 55^ P^EUDANTHISTIBIA. „ For Subtribe VI. read Tribe VI. „ 66. Phippsia, see Cafahrosa himalaica, p. 311. p. 6. After 67. Cyathopus, insert : Spikelets compressed, fls. diandrous,gls. 1 -nerved, III 2-lobed awned in the sinus . . . 67^ Woodrovia. „ Subtribes Airece and Euavenece are distinguished from one another by the very inconstant characters of the rachilla, which in Aira caryophyllea is produced with a minute seta beyond the fl. gl. „ After 83. Danthonia, insert : Spikelets of Danthonia, but lodicules 0, style single very long 83^. Duthiea. p. 7. After 97. Phragmitis, insert : Eachilla elongate bearded, lateral nerves only of fig. gls. with long silky hairs . . . 97^. Neyraudia. „ 103. Catabrosa. This genus includes 66. Phippsia and 119. Colpodium, the position of which latter it should occupy on p. 8. p. 8. The characters of 105. Myriostachys and 106. Halopyrum are partly transposed and erroneous ; read : Infl. pyramidal dense-fld., empty gls. long- awned, grain ovoid 105. Myriostachys. Infl. a lax panicle, empty gls. not awned, I 3- nerved, grain broad deeply concave ventral ly 106. Halopyrum. „ Dele 107. Coelachyrum (see p. 328). „ 119. Colpodium, see p. 311 under Catabrosa. ,, For DuTHLEA read Duthiea, and transfer to p. 6 after 83. Danthonia. p, 9. After Elymus, insert : Spikelets 2- or more-fld., empty gls. 0 or minute 131^ Asperella. „ 135. For Thyrsacanthus, read Thyrsostachys. p. 99. In character of Zoysia, line 5, dele " nerveless "; line 6, the pulea is not always nerveless. p. 100. Under Coix Lachryma-Jobi, var. stenocarpa, after S tap f. insert: "in HooL Ic. PL t. 1764, in Kew Bulletin (1888) 144." „ Under var. Ma-yuen, insert as synonym, C. gigantea, Kew Bulletin (1893) 76. 422 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS TO VOL. VII. p. 167. Under habitats for A. fastiffiatus, for Berar, read Behar. p. 186. For Subgen. VI., read Subgen. VII. p. 187. „ VII., „ VIII. p. 203, line 8 from bottom, for criophorus, read eriophorus. p. 272. In generic character of Aira, the rachilla is described as not produced beyond gl. IV, but it is so in A. caryopJiyllea as a very minute setiform process. p. 282. For 84. Duthi^a, read 83^ Duthiea. p. 311, line 8 from top, for ^, read 3^. ,, „ 14 „ for augusta, read angiista. p. 312, line 9 from top, for Graphaphorum, read Graphephorum. „ „ 13, dele sheaths of innovations ... to mouth. „ Under 6. C, Wallichii, for J^, read }. p. 357, line 6, Festuca filiformis, Nees, is correctly referred to 'JVipogou abyssinicus at p. 287. GENERAL INDEX GENERAL INDEX.* Orders, stihorders, tribes and sections in capital type; genera and species in roman type; synonyms and S2)pcies incidentally mentioned in italic type. Vol. Page Abatua, vide Abutua V. 643 Abelia, 5r. iii . 9 triflora, Br )) 9 Ahelmoschus angulosu8,W .& A . i. 341 crinitus, Wall „ 342 esculentus, W. & A it 343 ficulneus, W. & A. }} 340 moschatus, Mcench ii 342 racemosw*, Wall. ft 342 ruffosus, W. & A. J) 342 tetraphyllus, Grab }> 341 warreensis, Dalz ) ) 341 Aberia, Hochst i. 195 Gardner j, Clos. ... ... )) 195 Abies, Juss V. 654 Brtmoniana, Lindl M 654 Bammara, Poir. .„ ... }) 650 densa, Griff. ... )) 654 Beodara, Lindl ) ) 653 dumosa, Loud )) 654 Griffithiana, Lindl. & Gord • 5» 655 JPindrow, Spach >> 655 Smithiana, Forbes )) 653 spectabilis, Spaoh >) 654 spinulosu, Griff. it 653 Webbiana, LmdZ 654 Abietine^ y. 644 Ahildgaardia, Vahl vi. 649 cinnamometorum, Thw. ... }, 650 compressa, Presl >5 649 cyperoides, Nees 650 EragrostiSy Boeck 648 fulvescens, Thw J> 650 /wsca, Nees 649 indica, Nees »»» ... ... )j 649 laevigata, Link ... 649 monostachya, Vahl >> 649 nervosa, Fresl ... ... ... )) 634 pau-cifl'Ora, Kunth. »> 649 Botthoelliana, Nees tt 649 tristofihya, Vahl ... ... tt 649 sp.,WaH. ..: ' >> 649 Abroma, Jacq. ., angulata, Lamk anguata,, Linn fastuosa, Gaertn Wheleri ( Wheeleri), Retz. Abrtj 8, Linn4 acutif alius, Bl fruticulosus, TFaZZ IcBvigatvs, E* Meyer melanospermus, Hassk. ... minor, Desv paucifiorus, Desv precatorius, Linn pnlohellus, Wall Absinthium vulgare, Gaertn. Abutilon, G(Brtn albidum, Webb & Berth. asiatioum, 0. Don asiaticum, W. & A aurituyn,WaM Avicenn^, Gsertn bidentatumy Hochst. crispnm, G. Bon frutioosam, Guill. Sc Perr. glaucum, G. Don graveolens, W. ^ A. hirtum, G.Don Mrtum, W. & A indicum, G.Bon Leschenaultianum, G. Don microphyllum, A. Rich ... muticum, G.-Bon neilgherrense, Munro ... periplocifolium, G. Don ... •poljandrnm {Schlecht), G. Don . .... poptdifolium, G. Don ramosum, Guill. ^ Perr. sidoideSf Dalz. & Gibs. ... tomentosuni,- -W . & A. A hutua ( Abatua) indica, Lour. Acacm, Wdlld Vol Page i. 375 »> 375 tt 375 tt 375 tt 375 ii. 175 »> 175 )t 176 1) 175 tt 175 i> 175 175 tt 175 *i 175 iii. 328 i. 325 328 tt 326 It 326 328 >) 327 1) 326 M 327 ?) 328 »> 327 » 327 tt 327 tt 327 V 326 >> 325 >> 328 • I 327 )) 328 JJ 325 tt 325 326 tt 328 328 tt 327 V. 643 ii. 292 * The contents of this Index have b^en collated. .witib^thq, Index Kewenaia. VOL. VII. » f 426 GENERAL INDEX. Acacia alha,WiUd. alliacea. Ham amara, Willd. ... ... amhlycarpa, Grab. ... arabica, Willd Arar, Ham arcuata, Dene Arrophula, D. Don ... hiceps, DO csesia, W. & A csesia^ Wall Camphelli, Arn. cfinescens, Grab. Caringa, Ham. ,.. ... Catpebu, Willd. Catechu, Brand. Catpcliu, W. & A. ... catechuoides, Wall. ... chrysocoma, Miq. ;• €hundra, Willd. ,.. y 'cinerea, Spreng. concinna, DC. ... ^.. toncinna, Wall. Dalea, Desv ilealhata, Itink , densa, Wall. dumosa, W. & A. eburnea, Willd. elata, Grab Farnesiana, Willd.... Farnesiana, Wall. ... •ferrnginea, DC. foUolosa, Grab frondosa, Willd. glaucoy DO Hooperiana, Zippel .,. indica, Desv Intsia^ Willd ' intsioides, DO Jaoqnemontii, JBentTi, Julihrissiny Willd. ... Latronnm, Willd. ... Lehbek, Willd lenticularis, Ham. ... leucocepala, DO. . leuQopblsea, Willd. ... lomatocarpa, DO. ... marginata. Ham. megaladena, Desv. . . . melQ,noxylon, Br. microcephala, Grab.... modesta, Wall mollisy Wall myriophylla, Grab. ... Nellyrenza, Grab. ... Nemu, Willd nitida, Willd, Vol. Page ii. 294 )) 297 » 301 »> 298 }i 293 . ». 297 )> 294 j» 298 )i 290 )} 297 >> 298 )} 293 j> 298 )) 290 )) 295 >> 295 )i 294 it 295 }} 294 if 295 )) 288 >» 296 » 298 }) 288 » 292 » 294 » 296 i> 293 )) 299 ») 292 jj 293 )> 295 >j 301 » 290 » 290 jj 296 »> 292 )) 297 » 297 5» 293 >> 300 >> 296 » 298 J> 296 » 290 » 294 »f 299 )) 300 )) 297 >» 292 )) 294 >> 296 )> 300 >» 301 )) 301 5» 300 » 303 Acacia odoratissima, Willd. oxyphylla, Grab paludosa, Miq pennata, Willd pinnata, Dalz. & Gibs. ... planifrons, TF. ^ -4. pluricapitata, Steud. polyacantha, Willd , polycephala, Grab prensans, Lowe procera, Willd Psevdo-intsia, Miq RoxhurgTiii, W. & A. rugata, Ham , rupestris, Stocks ... .., Senegal, Willd Sirissa, Ham speciosa, Willd Smithiana, Wall stipulata, DO Suma, Kurz Sundra, DC Sundra, Wall tomentella, Zipp tomentosa, Willd umbraculata, Wall vera, Willd Verek, Guill. & Perr. Wallichiana, DO Wighiii, Baker AcACIEiE Acalypba, Linn albicans, Heyne alnifolia, Klein amenfacea, Eoxb atropurpurea, Wall. betulina, Eetz boehmerioides, Miq bracbystacbya, Hoimem calyciformis, Wigbt canescens, Wall capitata. Wall capitata, Willd ciliata, Forsk ciliata, Heyne ciliata. Wall. .., coZiina, Heyne ^,, conferta, Roxb. ,^^. corchorifoliq^ Vahl cylindrica, Uoxb Dalzellii, Sk. f. fallax, Mwe^ filiformis, Heyne fimbriata, Sebum fissa, Hb. Madr flexuosa, Wight .. jloribunday Keyne Vol. ii. '1^ >> 297 )> 297 )) 297 )) 297 » 293 »> 298 )9 295 >i 298 it 297 )f 299 tt 297 t> 293 » 297 295 ,i 300 it 300 it 294 )) 295 Ii 294 )> 298 )) 294 ti 296 it 293 >1 295 tl 295 >» 298 ii. 61 V. 414 )) 417 >i 415 >) 415 J) 397 )) 415 )i 417 it 416 a 416 >) 416 )) 415 415 )) 417 tt 417 416 It 417 416 )) 417 )) 417 1) 414 1) 416 415 )) 417 tt 416 it 417 Ii 417 / GENERAL INDEX. 427 Acalypha Vol Page Acanthus Vol Pago fruticosa, Forsk V. 415 leucostachyus, Wall. iv. 4& hispida, Burm. )) 417 longibracteatus, Kurz ... jj 482 hispida, Heyne j» 416 longipetiolatus, Kurz » 480 hispida, Wight )) 417 maderaspatensiSfLirm. ... 55 479 indica, Linn » 416 mucronatus, Heyne fi 517 lanceolata, Heyne » 417 repens, Vahl ... JJ 479 lanceolata, Willd a 417 volubilis. Wall. ), 481 malabarica, MweZZ 416 Accras, vide Acer as. paniculata, Miq )> 415 Acer, Tournef. i. 692 Foiretii, Spreng >> 417 acuminatum. Wall j» 695 racemosa, Heyne >j 415 Buzimpala, Ham. t) 693 rubra, Wight }) 417 caesium, Wall JJ 695 spicata, Forsk 5> 416 Campbellii, m-. /. ^ r. ... j> 696 villosa, Heyne J» 417 caudatum. Wall » 695 virginiana, Russell IJ 417 colchicum, Hort. ), 696 Wallichiana, Thw >) 415 cultratum, Wall. 696 Wightiana, Muell >l 417 Hookeri, Miq. ... f) 694 Acampe, Lindl v 1.54 ,179 isolobum, Kwz,. 694 Cephalotes, Lindl vi 63 javanicum, Jungh )) 693 congesta, Lindl )} 63 laetum, C. A. Mej j» 696 dentata, Lindl „ 62,66 laevigatum. Wall. )) 693 excavata, Lindl jj 63 laurifolium, D. Don >5 693 Griffithii, Rchb. f. j» 66 laurlnum, Hassk )} 693 intermedia, Rchb. f » 66 Mono, Maxim. )) 696 ? longifolia, Lindl » 62 niveum, Bl. » 693 ? mulUfiora, Lindl s> 62 oblongum, Wull. >5 693 papulosa, Lindl 5> 63 pectinatum, Wall }) 695 Wightiana, Lindl »» 62 pentapomicum, J. L. Stew. )5 694 Acanthacea, Griff. ... ... iv. 428, pictum, Thunh }J 696 448, 459, 473, 495 ,548 platanif&lium. Griff. ii 695 Acanthacea iv. 387 sikkimense, ifig )f 694 ACANTHE^ iv. 389 stachyophyllum, Hiern ... >J 694 Acanthephippinm, Bl. V. 815 sterculiaceum. Griff. ii 696 hicoloT, Lindl » 815 sterculiaceum, Wall. J> 695 ringiflorum, Griff. >> 815 Thomsoni, Miq » 695 striatum, Lindl 816 truncatum, Bunge ,) 696 By Ihetenee, Lindl }} 815 villosum. Wall >) 695 Acanthodium grossum, Wight iv. 479 Aceras (Accras) anaustifolia. spicatum, Delile j> 479 Lindl. ... vi. 129 Acantholimon, JBoiss iii. 479 longicru/ris, Wright lapsu, H. )) 129 lycopodioides, Boiss. J) 479 ACERINBiE i. 669 tiheticvm, Rk. t & T. ... >> 479 Achasma, Griff. vi. 234 Aoanthopanax, Dene, Sf macrocheilos. Griff. 1} 235 Planch :. ii. 726 megalocheilos. Griff. ,, 236 aculeatum. Seem }) 726 metric cheilos; Griff. 234 sepium. Seem a 726 Achillea, Linn iii. 311 Acanthophyllnm, 0. A. Mey. i. 216 cuspidata, DC >> 312 macrodon, Edgew ti 216 millefolium, Linn " 312 Acanthus, Linn iv. 480 squarrosa, Ait 312 carduaceus, Qriff. }) 480 Achimenes sesamoides, Vahl iv. 274 ciliaris, Burm }) •479 Achnodon arenarius. Link... vii. 237 JDelilei, Spreng }) 479 Aehnodonton arenarium,Trin. vii. 237 Doloarius, Blanco )i 481 Achras elengoides, Bedd. ... iii. 538 ebraoteatus, Vahl 481 Sapota, Linn ,) 534 edulis, Forsk }} 479 tomentosa, Bedd '* 538 ilicifolius, Linn 9) 481 Achymus pallens (patens) , ilicifolius, Lour >» 481 P f Soland 2 V. 489 428 GENERAL INDEX. Achyranthes, Linn. ... alopecuroides, Lamk. alternifolia, Linn. ... aquatica, Br farffentea, Thw. aspera, Linn a*joej*a, Wall atropurpured, Lamk. hengalensis, Lamk. ... bidentata, Bl hrachiata, Linn. calceoldta, Hb. Rnssel ? carnosa, Wall. corymbosa, Linn. dehilis, Poir diandra, Roxh Digera, Poir echinata, Retz ecJiinata, Willd. ferruffineUf Roxb. javanica, Pers fflauca, Hb. Heyne ... incana, Roxb lanata, Linn lanceolata, Wall. lappacea, Linn. lappacea, Willd. Monsonia, Pers. montana, Klein Moorcroftiana, Br. ... muricata, Willd. natans, Ham nervosa, 'Rotlci iiodijlora, Roxb. nuda, Hb. Heyne ... orhiculata, Heyne ... papposa, J a.oq patula, Linn patula, Willd polygonata, Heyne ... polygonoides, Retz. ... porphyristachya, Wall. prostrdfd, Linn. pubescen's, Roth punffens,' Lamk. radican's, Heyne repens, Heyiie ... ... rotund ifol id,' Klein ... rubro-fu'scd, Wight . . . sarmenfosa, Yahl scandens, Roxb. Sequax,"Wa,U sericea, Keen setaced, Rolh 8tyracifolia',"La,mk. ... thyrsifl'6ro,^eYTLe ... tomentosa. Roth Vol. Page ... iv. 729 ... jj 727 »> 718 . .. }) 730 » 730 »> 730 II 731 »> 723 >> 731 >> 730 )« 726 ... )} 725 ... )) 725 ... i. 245 ... iv. 723 >> 731 >» 718 »> 724 >> 724 ... JJ 725 >> 727 ••• ?» 725 J, 727 ... J) 728 M 731 iv. 723 ,724 ... iv. 724 j» 729 >} 725 ... V. 8 ... iv. 718 ,, 730 >> 729 }> 717 ... )) 725 724 ... V, 8 ... iv. 724 »> 724 716 )> 718 •— » 730 ji 723 >> 729 ... I) 729 ... if 729 >> 723 ... ,, 724 )) 730 >» 731 727 » 722 ... ,, 726 ... „ 729 ... ,f 724 ... J) 716 ,, 722 Achyranthes triandra, Roxb. 673 ,, 673 )t 673 V. 693 iii. 387 )> 230 vi. 368 ,, 368 J 368 JJ 367 ,> 376 »> 368 367 ,368 iii 306 J J 307 ii. 485 ?» 485 ,) 485 i. 27 ,, 29 >« 29 jj 29 J) 29 » 28 29 i) 29 )> 28 )) 28 >» 28 >> 28 >i 29 >> 28 29 >) 28 vi. 555 ti 555 555 j> 556 5» 556 >f 556 >J 555 ,, 555 »> 556 ,> 556 i. 217 iii . 92 51 93 GENERAL INDEX. 429 Aoranthera grandiflora, Bedd Griffithii, HA;. /. Maingayi, jffA;. /. tomentosa, HJc. f. unijlora, Kurz zeylanica, Am Acrafherum fuscatum, Nees miliaceum, Link purailum, Hochst ACRIDOSTACHYA, Hk. f. Acriopsis, Reinwdt crispa, Griflf. GrijUthn, Rohb. f indioa, JFigTit javanica, Reinwdt picta, Lindl Ridley i, HJc. f. Acrooarpus, W. ^ A comhretiflorus, Teysm. & Binn fraxinifoHus, Wight Act oceph&his, Benth axillaris, Benth Slumei, Benth capitatus, Benth scariosus, Wall Acrochsene, Lindl punctata, Lindl Acroelytrum japonicum, Stend Acx'Ogloohin, Schrad chenopodioides, 8chr. ... persicarioides, Moq Schraderianus, Schult. ... AcTonema tenemm, Edgew. s;j.,Hk. f. & T Acronodia punctata, Bh Acronychia, Forst laurifolia, Bl pedttnculata, Miq Porteri, JEZA;. / Acrotrema, Jack Arnottianum, Wight hullatum, Thw costatum, Jack costatum, Wall dissectum, Thw Gardner!, Thw intermedium, Thw lanceolatum, Hook. lyratum, Thw sylvaticum, Thw Thwaitesii, Hk. f. Sf T. ... uniflorum, Hook Walkeri, Wight Wightianum, W. & A. Wightianum, Wall Vol. Page iii 93 5» 92 »> 92 l> 92 )) 86 <> 92 vii . 74 ), 73 71 V. 786 vi. 79 }> 79 )) 79 >> 79 >» 79 )> 79 i> 79 ii. 292 292 n 292 iv. 611 >> 612 t) 611 >> 611 )> 611 T. 783 >» 783 vii. 331 y. 2 ,, 2 J) 2 »> 2 ii. 686 686 i. 408 i. 498 )y 498 498 } } 498 i. 32 J ) 32 33 jt 32 ,, 32 >> 34 jj 33 33 33 ,1 34 33 ,, 34 >» 33 f) 33 >» 32 >» 32 Aotasa, Linn. acuminata. Wall. cimicifioga, Linn. frigida, Wall spicata, Linn Actegeton sarmentosa, Bl. Actephila, Bltune bantamensis, Miq. ... excelssb, Muell javanica, Miq neilgherrensis. Thw. neilgherrensis, Wight puberula, Kurz rectinervis, Knrz Thorasoni, Muell. ... zeylanica, Muell. Actinia sp., Griff..., .„ Actinidia, Lindl cabUoBSi, Lindl Kolomikta, Rupr. ... strigosa, Hk. f. ^ T. Actinocarya, Benth. ... tibetica, Benth. Actinodaphne, Nees ... ambigua, Hk. f. angustifolia, Nees ... angiistifolia, Nees .''... Blumii, Nees campanulata, Hk. f. Candolleana, Meissn. concolor, iViees confertiflora, Meissn. elegans, Thw glanca, Nees glauca, Thw ? heterophylla, Bl. ... hirsuta, Hk. f. Hookeri, Bedd Hookeri, Meissn. lanata, Meissn leiantha, Hk. f leiophylla, iZfc. /. macroptera, Miq. madraspatana, Bedd. Main gay i, Hk.f. malaccensis, Hk.f. ... molochina, Nees Moonii, Thw obovata, £1. ... ... pisifera, Bk. f. pruinosa, iV^ees reticulata, Meissn. ... salicina, Meissn. saliciiia, Bedd sesquipedalis, Hk. f. ^ sikkimensis, Meissn. speciosa, Nees Vol. Page ... i. 29 . . . ,, 29 30 . . . ,, 30 29 .'.'. ill. 620 ... V. 282 . . . ,« 283 v. 282 283 ... V. 283 • . . J) 283 . . . ,, 282 ,, 283 j> 473 • • >> 283 „ 283 ... V. 718 .. i. 285 • •• »» 286 286 286 .. iv. 154 .. . ,, 155 ... V. 147 ... ,, 153 j» 152 . . . ,) 149 .. . ,, 160 . . . ,, 148 j> 153 148 ,, 154 . . . „ 150 150 J, 151 • • • j> 152 152 ... ,, 149 ... ,, 149 ,, 149 V. 154 910 ... V. 910 ,, 152 >i 149 151 . . . ,1 148 >> 150 150 .. . ,, 153 151 . . • ,, 152 > > 147 )> 148 149 T. ;; 151 ,, 147 >» 153 430 GENERAL INDEX. Aotinodaphne Vol. Page sphcei'ocarpay Nees v 154 stenophylla, T/iw ,, 150 Thwaitesi^iAeisan.... ... „ 150 Actinoschoenus filiformis, Benth. ... vi. 650 sp., Benth ,, 651 Actinostemma, Griff. .., ... ii. 632 tenerum, Griff. ,, 633 Adamheh, glabra, Lamk.^ ... ii. 577 Adamia chinensis, Gardn. & Champ. .... ii. 406 ; cyanea, Wall. ,, 406 'Versicolor, Fortune „ 406 Adansonia, I(W7i... .., i. 348_. digit*fea, Linn ^ ,, 348 Adelia harbata, Blanco ... v. 430 Bernardia, B1qi;ico ,,, 430 castanicarpa, "Roxh ,,460 cuneata fWa,\l. ... „ 456 ■giandulosa, Blanco ,, 422 neriifolia, Roth „ 455 refusa, Wight ... ^ „ 456 Adelostemma, If A:. / iv. 20 graoillimum, jffA;. /. ... ,, 21 Adenacanthus acuminatus, Nees iv. 431, 455 Adenanthera, Linn ii. 287 aculeata, Roxb ,, 288 bicolor. Moon „ 287 pavonina, LiMw. .. ... „ 287 Adenema hyssopifoliunif G. Don iv. 101 AdenilemafallaXfB]., ii. Addend. Adenocanlon, Hoolc iii. 302 adhaerescens, Max „ 302 bicolor, Soak. ... „ 302 himalaicuni, Edgew. ... ,, 302 Adenoohlgena, Baill v. 417 indicsk, Bedd. ,, 418 leucocephala, Baill. ... „ 419 silhetiana, Benth „ 418 zeylanica, Thiu „ 419 Adenocrepis lanceolata, Muell. V. 368 Adenolepis calva, Sch. Bip. iii. 310 ? Adenoncos virens, Bl. ... vi. 77 Adenoon) Dalz iii. 229 indicum, Dalz ,, 229 Adenosacme, Wall. ... ... iii. 95 Lawii, HTc.f. ... „ 96 longifolia. Wall ,, 95 macrostachya, Hk. f. ... „ 96 malayana, Wall „ 95 stipulata, ff^". /. ,, 95 Adenosma, Br iv. 263 camphoratum, Hk. f. ... „ 264 capitatum.. Benth „ 264 Adenosma ccBrnleum, Br cuspidatum, Benth macrophyllum, Benth. ... malabaricum, Uk. f. microoephalum, Hh.f. ... ovatum, Benth snbrepens, Benth triflor^im, Seem villosum, Benth Adenosma, '^QQB affinis, Grifif halsamea, Sprang hipUcata, Nees elongata, BI Griffithii, T. Anders. lanceolata, Bl pinnatifidum, T. Anders. polysperma, Spreng. spatulata, Bl Thwaitesii, T. Anders. ... Thymus, Nees tn^ora, Nees uliginosajl^eeB verticillata, Nees Adenostemma, Forst angustifoUura, Avn aquaticum, D. Don elatum, DC erectum, DC fastigiatum, DC fastigiatum, Sch. Bip. ... glandulosum, Benth. vide Odontostemma latifolium., DC latifolium, Wight leiocarpum, DC. ... iii. macrophyllum, DC madurense, DC microcephalum, DC. parviflorttm, DC reticulatum, DC rivale, D&lz Boglei, DC rugosum, DC viscosnm, Foo'st viscosum, DC Adenostylis emarginata, Bl. integerrima, Bl Adhatoda, IJees ... arenaria, Nees argyrostachya, Nees Beddomei, Clarke Betonica, Nees ceylanica, Nees decussata, Nees diversiformis, Nees Hookeriana, Nees Vol. Page iv. 263 „ 262 „ 264 „ 264 „ 264 ,. 263 „ 263 „ 454 „ 404 „ 405 „ 400 „ 404 „ 398 „ 405 „ 406 „ 396 „ 405 „ 404 „ 405 „ 403 „ 4C4 iii. 242 „ 242 „ 242 „ 242 » 243 „ 243 „ 243 i. 242 iii. 242 „ 243 242, 243 iii. 242 „ 243 „ 242 ,. 242 „ 243 „ 242 „ 242 „ 243 ., 242 „ 243 vi. 107 „ 107 iv. 540 „ 526 H 527 „ 540. „ 525 „ 52» „ 532 „ 529 „ 532 GENERAL INDEX. 431 Adh atoda Neesiana, ISTees nilgherrensis, Nees ... nilgherrica, Nees orixensis, Nees quadrifaria, Nees ... o-amosissima, Nees ... sisparensis, Benth. ... tranquehariensis, Nees trinervia, Nees vasculosa, Nees Vasica, Nees renfricosa, Nees ■ wt/naadensis, Nees ... Zollingeriana, Nees ... sp., Griff. .sp., Hk.f. &T. ... iv. 531, Adina, Salish cordifolia, iffc. /. Griffithii, Hk. f. ... polycephala, Benth.... BeBBilUolia, Hk. f. ... Adinandra, jack acuminata, Korth. ... crenulata, T. Anders cyrtopoda, Miq dasi/antha, Chois. dumosa, Jack glabra, Miq Griffithii, Dyer integerrima, T. Anders. Jackiana, Korth. lasiopetala, Chois. ... maculosa, T. Anders stylosa, Miq , trichocoryna, Korth. villosa, Chois Adisca Jloribunda, Bl. ... suhpeltata, Bl Zippelii, Bl Adonis, Linn aestivalis, Linn. autumnalis chrysooyathus, Uk.f. ^^ T. Inglisii, Royle marginata, Bienert ... pyrenaica, Hk. f, & T. scrobiculata, Boiss. ... Adoxa, Linn. inodora, Falc moschatellina, Linn. jEceoceadus, vide CEceoclades JBchmandra conocarpa, Dalz. «&Gibs. ... ' deltoidea, Am epig'^aea, Am indica, Am rostrata, Am Vol. Page iv. 531 5) 526 )) 526 )> 529 )> 530 525 J> 546 )> 530 526 533 540 )} 526 55 533 55 530 540 533 ,542 iii. 24 55 24 55 24 55 25 . 55 24 i. 281 55 282 283 55 282 282 55 282 282 282 55 282 55 282 283 55 282 282 55 282 283 V. 432 55 433 430 i. 15 55 15 15 55 15 15 55 15 J 15 ]] 15 iii. 1 55 2 55 2 vi. 37 ii. 628 626 55 628 626 55 627 jEchmandra Vol. Page velutina, Dalz. & Gibs . ... ii. 628 zeylanica, Thw. 55 629 ^chmanthera, Nees .. ... iv. 428' gossypina, Nees... 55 428 leiosperma, Clarke... 55 429 tomentosa, Nees 55 428 Wallichii, Nees ... ,, 428 ^gialitis, K. Br ... iii. 479 annulata, Kurz... .. 55 479 rotundifolia, Boxb. ... ... ], 479 rotiindifolia, Presl ... 479 .^giceras, Gaertn. '•'!• 55 533 cornioulatuni, BlajJC. 533 ferreuin, Bl 55 .533 floridunij^'R. & S. .. fragrans, Keen. .( 533 > ... ,, 53^^ ma jus, Ga^tn 55 533 Maluspinea, A. DC... ^ ••■* 5, 533 minus, A. DC ... ,, 533 nigricans, A. Rich. .. 533 obovatum, Bl ... ,, 533 ^gilops ciliaris, Keen. ... vii. 367 ciliari^, Koen 55 ^ 140 cor data, Linn ... ,, 367 euneata, Roxb ... J, 158 cylindrica, C. A. Mey 55 367 ^xaltata, Unn^ 55 160 muricata, Retz 140 saccharina, Walt. .. ... ,, 296 sanguinea, Linn. .. 154 squarrosa, Linn. ... ,j 367 Tauschii, Coss .. 367 ^^inetm, Linn. ... .. ... iv. 320 abbreviata. Ham. ... ,, 320 acaulis, Walp iv. 320 ,321^ indica, Roxb . ... iv. 320 pedunoulata. Wall... ... ,] 320 .Egle, Corr. ... ... ' .. 516 Marmelos, Corr. ... ,, 516 ^luropus, Trin. ... vii. 333 arabicus, Steud. ... ,, 334 brevifolius, Nees • • • ,55 295 hrevifoUus, Wall. 334 concinnus, Fig. & Not? ir. ... „ 334 Isevis, Trin vii. 295 , 333 lagopodioides, Trin. .. ... vii. 334 littoralis, Pari. ... .. ... ,, 334 mucronatus, Aschers. ... ,, 334 niliacus, Steud • •• J, 334 niloticus, Edgew. .. 55 334 puhescens, Steud. ... ,, 295 puhescens, Trin. 55 334 pungens, C. Koch .. 55 334 repens, Pari 55 334 siniacus, Fig. & Noia r. ... „ 334 villosus, Trin 334 sp., Aitch 55 328 432 GENERiiL INDEX. VTol. Page brides Vol. Page Aerachne eleusinoides, W. & A. vii. 295 Reichenbachii, Linden ... vi. 47 verticillata, Lindl 5> 295 o'etrofractum, Wall. ... 46 uErides, Lour vi .43, 178 retusum, Sw ... ,) 32 ajinfi, Wall vi. 44 rigidum. Ham ... ,, 48 amplexicaule, Lindl ,j 40 rigidum, Sm ... ,, 197 ampullaceum, Roxb 64 Rohanianum, Rchb. f. 47 appendiculatum, Wall. ... 67 roseum, Lodd ... ,, 45 Arachnites, Lindl j> 41 rostratum, Roxb. 36 Arachnites, Sw 28 spicatum, D. Don ... ,, 32 JBallantinianum, Rohb. f. 5) 47 suaveolens, Roxb. ... 34 Borassi, Ham 48 suavissimum, Lindl. ... ,, 47 £orassi, Sm 5> 10 tceniale, Lindl 31 BrooTceii, Lindl 46 tessellatum, Wight ... ... ,j 52 calceolare, Sm jj 60 testaceum, Lindl. 50 carnosuin, Grifi^ ,, 32 trigonum, Klotz. ... ,, 45 cornutum, Roxb 47 umbellatum., Wall. ... 61 ciassifolinm, Par.&Rchb.f. 46 undulatum, Sm. ... ,, 63 crispum, Zindl „ 45 Vandarum, Rchh. /.... ,, 44 cristatum, Wall 53 Veitchii, Hort 45 cy lindrionm, Lindl.... vi . 44, 196 viridijiorum, Thw. ... vi. 38 196 cylindricum. Hook vi. 44 Warneri, Hort ... vi. 46 cylindricum, Linn 5) 198 Wightianum, Lindl. ... ,, 50 dasypogon, Sm 66 Williawsi, VVarn. ... 45 decnmbens, Gn/. ,, 48 sp., Griflf. ,, 53 densijiorum. Wall jj 72 Mrobion carinatum, Spreng. vi. 1 ,195 difforme. Wall 5) 76 ^rua, Forsk ... iv. 727 Emerioii, -KcTib. / 47 iegyptiaca, Gmel. „ 727 expansum, Rchb. f 5J 46 Bovii, Edgew ... 5j 727 falcatnm, itndZ 46 hrachiata, Mart. » 726 Fieldingii, Lodd >5 45 chenopodiifoUa, Bojer 726 Jlavidum, Lindl 47 floribunda, Wight ... „ 728 guttatum, Roxb „ 32 gl&hr&ta, Hh. f. ,, 728 Hiistrvc, Lindl „39, 76 incana, Mart )) 727 aZws^re, Rohb. f 5) 45 javanioa, Juss 727 Larpentse, Hort 46 lanata, Juss )> 728 lasiopetalum, Willd. }> 48 Monsonia, Mart. 728 latifolium, Thw 32 ? nervosa, Mart. ,, 729 leopardorum, Wall 5) 60 pubescens. Mart. 729 levidnm, Rchb. f 48 radicans, Mart. ... J) 729 Lindleyanum, Wight 45 sanguinolenta, BI. ... )> 728 lineare, HJc. f 47 scandens, Wall. ... ,, 727 Lobbii, Hort 45 scandens, Gamble ... 729 longioornu, J?A;. / 44 ? setacea, Mart. 729 maculatum, Sm J> 51 timorensis, Moq. ... ,, 728 maculosam, Lindl 45 tomentosa, Forsk. ... 5, 727 Mendelii, Jenn J 48 velutina, Moq iv. 724 ,728 mitratura, i2c7i6. /. 44 Wallichii, Moq. ... iv. 727 multiflorum, Roxh j^ 44 Wightii, i?A;. /. „ 728 nohile, Warn 47 Mschynanthoidea, Gritt". . . . iv. 342 odoratum, Lour ?) 47 uEschynanthus, Jach... ... iv. 337 pachyphyllum, Rchb. f. ... JJ 48 acuminata, Wall. ... ... ,, 341 pallidum, Roxb 36 acuminata, G. Don ... 359 prcemorsum, Willd }J 32 Andersoni, Clarke ... ... ,, 341 racemiferum, Wall 68 bracteata, Wall. ... ,j 342 radiatum, Roxb V. 774 hracteata, Benth. 341 radicosnm, A. Rich. vi 46 ceylanica, Gardii. ... ... )) 3 to ramosiom, Wall „ 72 1 ceylanica, Wight 340 GENERAL INDEX. 433 ^sohynanthus Vol. Page -^schynomene Vol. Page chinensis, Gard. & Champ, iv. 341 viscidula^ Willd . ii. 151 chiritoides, C^arfce }> 341 ^isculus, Linn .. i. 675 conferta, Griff. >> 344 asamicus. Griff. JJ 675 fulgens, Wall j> 338 Hippo castanuni, Linn. )j 675 gracilis, Pariah j> 340 indica, Hiern • • » 675 grandiflora, Spreng. 5> 338 punduana, Hiern ... . 5} 675 Griffithii, £r }> 339 JEtheilema mucronatum, ? Griff, iv 417 Hookeri, Clarhe >> 338 parviflorum, Spreng. •• » 417 Kingii, ClarTce >) 342 reniformCf NTees J J 417 levipes, C^ar/ce » 341 sp., Griff. ... 417 Lobbiana, Hook }) 343 ^theria, End! .. vi. 114 longicaulis, IVall JJ 337 fusca, Lindl vi. 97 112 longiflora, Wall }} 342 mollis, Lindl .. vi. 109 maculata, Lindl ;> 339 Afzelia, Sm .. ii. 274 Mannii, Kurz M 341 bijuga, A. Gray ... . JJ 274 Masoniae, Kurz 341 ? coriacea, Baker ... . JJ 275 micrantha, Clarke JJ 340 palembanica, Baker • • JJ 275 obconica, Clarke JJ 343 retusa, Z^urz 274 parasitica, Clarke JJ 338 Agalma cescuUfolium, Seem. ii. 738 parasitica, Wall. iv. 338, 339 340 elatum, Seem JJ 728 jparviflora, G. Don iv. 339 glaucum, Seem j> 728 parvifiora, Clarke JJ 340 Griffithii, Seem. >> 728 Paxtoni, Lindl JJ 342 racemosum, Seem. ... 729 PeeZu, Hk.f 342 Tostratum, Seem. JJ 729 Perrottetii, A. DC JJ 339 tomentosum, Seem. ... JJ 728 Perrottetii, Gardu }) 340 Aganope floribunda, Miq. ., ii. 246 radioan 8, Jacfc JJ 343 Aganosma, G. Don ... ... iii. 663 radicans, Wall iv 339 ,343 acuminata, G. Don ... JJ 663 ramosissima, Wall iv. 339 Blumei, Wight 664 superba, Clarke JJ 342 calyoina, A. DC. )j 664 Wallichii, 5r 5> 343 caryophyllata, G. Bon 664 sp., Griff. iv. 338 , 3b9 ,342 concanensis, Hook. ... ?j 650 sp., Hk. f. & T. iv. 338, 339, 340, c^mosa, G. Don ■ • JJ 665 34Z , 343 cymosa, G. Don 665 ^BOhynomene, Lmw ii. 151 Doniana, Wight JJ 665 aspera, Linn JJ 152 Edithce, Hance ... iv. 6 aspera, Wall JJ 151 elegans, G. Don ... iii. 665 hispinosa, Jp,cq. » 115 gracilis, HA;. / ,, 664 cannabina, Retz JJ 115 laevigata,^ Grab. • * • JJ 665 coccinea, Desv JJ 115 macro carpa, A. DC... 663 coccinea, Linn JJ 115 marginata, G. Don ... • • JJ 663 diffusa, Roxb 115 Roxburghii, G. Don ... 665 diffusa, Willd. ... JJ 151 Wallichii, a: Don ... • • • 5J 665 grandiflora, Linn. 5> 115 Agapetes, D.'Don ... iii. 443 indica, Linn. ... JJ 151 acuminata, 'G.Don ... „ 455 indica, Burm JJ 114 angnlata, Ilk. f. . . . ,, 447 indica. Wall JJ 152 ? arborea, DC 455 kashmiriana, Camb JJ 151 auriculata, Hk. /; ... )j 444 paludosa, Roxb. ... .. 115 bracteata, Z^A;. /. ... • • • JJ 448 procumhens, Roxb JJ 115 buxifolia, ]!^utt. 447 pumila,ljinn, 151 campanulata, Clarke . . . ,, 449 Roxhurghii, Spreng. JJ 151 , discolor, Clarke 448 Seshan, Linn JJ 114 glabra, Clarke ... ,, 444 spinulosa, Roxb JJ 115 grandiflora, ^A;, /. ... 446 surattensis, W. &. A. JJ 152 Griffithii, Clarke ... . . . ,, 449 trachyUha, Miq JJ 152 hirsuta, Klotz 443 uliginosa, Roxb 3J 115 lineariiolia, Clarke ... JJ 449 434 GENERAL INDEX, Agapetes Vol. Page Lobbii, Olarke .„• ill. 448 loranthifolia, D. Don ... jj 446 maorantha, Hk. f. )) 446 macrophylla, Clarke n 445 maorostemoD, Clarke )) 443 miniata, Hk. f. )5 445 mitrarioides, fl^fe. /. 447 nana, m./. 5> 448 Nnttallii, Olarke 445 obovata, Hk. f. 5J 447 odontocera, Hk. f 446 Parishii, Clarke J> 445 pilifera, B'fc. /. )) 448 pulcherrima, Hk. f 53 446 salicifolia, Clarke J> 445 saligna, Hk. f. 5> 444 serrata, G. Don 452 getigera, D. Don )> 443 Sprengelii, G. Don ,, 453 st/mplocifoUa, G. Don >5 455 variegata, D. Don 446 varieffata, DC >J 443 variegata, Hk. f ,, 443 verticillata, H. Don >J 443 Wallichiana, Klotz. 443 Agasta, Miers ii. 507 asiatiea, Miers ,, 507 indica, Miers 5J 507 S'plendida, Miers 507 Agathis, Salisb V. 650 Dammara, Ricb J) 650 loranthifolia, Salish, ... )J 650 Agathisanthes javanica, Bl. ii. 747 Agathotes alata, D. Don ... iv. 125 Chirata, D. Don >) 124 Agati grandijiora, Beav. ... ii. 115 Agave americana, Ijinn. vi. 277 Cantula, Bozb >> 277 vivipara, Linn. 55 277 Agelsea, Soland ii. 46 vestita, Hk. f. 55 46 Walliohii, ^fc. / 47 Ageratum, Linn iii . 243 aquaticiim, Roxb 55 242 conyzoides, Linn S3 243 cordifolium, Boxb 55 243 strictum, Sims 5) 242 Aggeranthus marchantioides. Wight, lapsa Aggeianthus reticulatus V. 786 Aglaia, Lour i. 554 ? andamanica, Hiern 55 555 apiocarpa, Hiern 555 cJiittagonga, Miq 33 560 oordsita, Hiern ,, 557 crassinervia, Kurz 33 536 ? decandra, Wall 35 562 Aglaia Vol. Page Dookkoo, Griff. i. 558 ednlis, A. Gray „ 556 glabriflora, Hiern „ 555 grata, Wall „ 555 khasiana, Hiern „ 554 lepidota, Miq „ 555 midnaporensis, Carey ... „ 555 minutiflora, Bedd. ... i. 557, 690 odorata. Lour i. 554 palembanica, Miq ,, 557 pentaphylla, Kurz „ 554 perviridis, Hiern „ 556 polyantha, Bedd. ... ... „ 557 ? polystachya, Wall ,, 559 Roxburghiana, Miq. ... ,, 555 sexipetala, Griff. „ 556 Sippannas, Miq „ 557 Spanoghei, Bl „ 555 spectabilis, Hort. Calc. ... „ 561 tenuicanlis, Hiern ,, 556 tomentosa, Teysm. & Binn. ,, 557 Wallichii, Hiern ... i. 555, 685 sp., Teysm. & Binn. ... i. 555 ? sp., Wall „ 555 Aglaodorum Oriffithii, Sohott vi. 528 Aglaonema, Schott vi. 528 birmanicnm, Hfc. /. „ 529 Clarkei, iffc. /. „ 529 costatum, JV. E. Br. ... „ 531 ? Cuscuaria, Miq „ 543 Griffithii, Schott „ 528 Helferi, Hk.f. „ 529 Hookerianum, Schott ... „ 529 integrijolium, Schott ... „ 529 longecuspidatum, Schott... ,, 530 malaccense, Schott „ 530 miuvis, Hk. f. „ 530 n&nnm, Hk. f. „ 530 nicobarioum, Hk. f. ... „ 530 nitidum, Kunth „ 529 oblongifolium, Schott ... „ 528 paluitre, Teysm. & Binn. „ 528 pictum, Engl „ 530 pnmilura, ilfc. /. „ 530 Schottianum, Miq „ 529 Scortechinii, i/fe; /. ,, 530 Agraulus caninus, Beauv. ... vii. 255 Agr i monia, Lmw ii. 361 Eupatorium, Linn „ 361 Eupatorium, Thw ,5 362 javanica, Miq. ... „ 361 ianafa, Wall ... „ 361 nepalensis, D. Don „ 361 pilosa, Ledeh „ 361 viscidvJ.a, Bunge „ 361 zeylanica. Moon „ 362 Agropyron, J. Gaertn vii. 367 GENERAL INDEX. 435 Agropyron Vol. Page acutum, E. & S vii. 370 caninum, R. & S „ 368 dentatutn, Hh. f „ 370 geminatum, Sohnlt. ... „ 294 Jacquemontii, H&. /. ... „ 369 longe-aristatum, Boiss. ... „ 368 re-peuB, Beauv „ 370 semicostatum, Nees ... „ 369 striatum, Nees „ 369 Thomsoni, H^•. /. ,, 370 Agrostemma infiata, G. Don i. 225 Agrostide^ vii. 5, 223 Agrostis, jCmn vii. 253 abnormis, Munro „ 268 adscendens, Lange „ 254 alba, i^inn „ 254 alopecuroides, Lamk. ... „ 245 alopecuroides, Vahl „ 39 anatolica, C. Kocli „ 254 arundinacea, Linn. ... ... „ 266 larhata, Pers „ 249 lermudianay TnBsaG ... „ 289 licuspidata, Hack „ 264 liseta, Spreng „ 77 brachiata, iWunro „ 256 canina, Linn „ 255 canina, Mnnro „ 257 chinensis, Koen „ 298 ciliata, Str. & Wint. ... „ 263 ciliata, Trin „ 264 Clarkei, Hk.f. „ 257 contracta, Heyne „ 247 coromandeliana, Eetz. ... ,, 253 cWm^a, Moench „ 245 densa, Bieb „ 254 diandra, Retz „ 247 diffusa, Bess „ 254 diffusa, Host „ 254 diffusa, Mueblb „ 259 divaricata, Griseb „ 258 effusa, Lamk. „ 235 elongata, Lamk „ 248 elongata. Roth „ 251 fertilis, Steud „ 248 filiformis, Koen. ... vii. 289, 290 filipes, Hk.f. vii. 256 fusca, Heyne „ 72 Hookeriana, Clarke „ 256 Hookeriana, Munro... vii. 256, 264 Hookeriana, Wight vii. 255 iuajquiglumis, Griseh. ... „ 257 indica, Forsk „ 253 indica, Linn „ 248 invpluta, Poir ... „ 251 juncea, Lamk „ 250 latifolia, Heyne „ 61 laxa, Eottl. „ 242 Agrostis Vol. Page lenta, Ait vii. 18 linearis, Retz }j 289 littoralis, Knapp 5> 246 littoralis, Lamk J> 249 longiaristatay Rosa )) 233 lutosa, Poir i) 246 malaccensis, Koen >) 246 Matrella, Linn M 99 maxima, Roxb M 61 Michauxii, Str. & Wint... J) 254 micrantha, Steud }> 256 monostachys, Poir J> 39 montana, Rottl J> 298 Muelleri, Presl 254 Munroana, Aitch. & Hems I. ,',' 263 mutahilis, Knapp J> 254 myriantha, Hk. f 257 Neesii, Steud 5) 264 nervosa, iVees ... vii. 256 ,258 ,264 ? nutans, Poir. ... • vii. 60 orientalis, Nees jj 251 panicea, Willd ,, 245 peninsularis, Hk. f. j> 255 Pkulduhhlia, Ham 250 pilosula, Hack if 263 pilosula, Trin J) 264 plumosa, Ten }> 65 procera, Retz >> 258 pulchella, Roth ,, 252 punctata, Lamk >j 21 pungens, Heyne ,, 251 pung ens, 7 nrah ,, 249 refracta, Moench )> 254 ? Rora, Ham )) 245 Uoyleana, Duthie ... vii 263 ,264 Boyleana, Hack vii 264 Boyleana, Munro )» 263 EoyZeawa, Nees )} 264 Royleana, Trin. vii. 254 ,263 ,265 Roy lei, Trin vii. 264 Rura, Ham )) 253 scoparia, Koen. vii. 6 1, 70, 242 spiccpformis, Linn. f. . vii . 98 spicata, Vahl „ 251 stellata, Willd }) 289 stolonifera, Host )) 254 stolonifera, Linn )> 254 subaristata, Ait. Sf Hemsl. 255 sylvatica, Torrey j> 259 tenacissima, Jacq > ) 248 tenacissima, Linn. f. »> 251 tenacissima, Roxb if 250 tenuissima, Spreng. >j 248 tremula, Willd 250 triaristata, Knapp j> 245 triracemosa, Roxb }f 18 verticiUata, FiZZ ff 254 43a GENERAL INDEX. Agrostis Vol. Page Ainsliaea Vol. Page verticillata, Lam. . ... ... vii 186 Brandim'ana, Kurz iii. 389 Villarsii, Poir »» 254 glumacea, Klatt )) 388 villosa, KoeB J, 19 pteropoda, DC J} 388 virgata, Rottl . & Hb. Madr. „ 298 silhetensis, Clarke 388 virginicay Fprsk. )> 251 Aira, Linn vii. 272 ,422 virginica, Lijm >j 249 altaica, Trin vii. 338 Wallichianck, Steud. ), 264 aquatica, Linn 310 Wigbtii, JVees J, 258 henghalensis, Gmel JJ 303 Wightii, Mtinro ,, 257 hrasiliensis, Spreng. 73 Wightii, Sobmid. 254 hrevifolia, Bieb JJ 273 Zenkeri, Steui ,, 258 csespitosa, Linn 273 zeylanica,? Wigbt. ... 58 canescens, Host JJ 272 sp.,Hk. f. &.T. ... vii. 257, 258 ,268 capillaris, Heyne 58 sp.. Str. & VVint. vii. 263 ,264 caryopbyllea, Linn.... vii 272 ,422 sj>., Wall vii. 245 ,257 chinensis, Retz vii . 65 Agrostistacbys, Dalz. ... ... y. 405 coer idea, Heyne JJ 25 filipendula, i/fc. /. ... „ 407 coerulea, Wall 273 Gaudicbaudi, Muell. ... ,, 406 cristata, Linn 308 Hookeri, Benth. 406 Cupaniana, Guss 272 indica, Dah 5, 406 curta, Jord JJ 272 longif oUa, Benth. 407 divaricata, Ponrr 272 longifolia, Kurz ,, 406 e/fusa, Spreng JJ 269 Maingayi, m./. 406 filiformis, Koen JJ 299 Agro8topbylluin, Bl v. 823 fiUformis, K oxb JJ 298 callosuna, Rchh.f. ,, 824 glauca, Spreng JJ 308 j^lumaceum, Hlc.f. y . 824, vi. 193 ? indica, hinn 41 kbasianuru, Griff. ... V. 824 interrupta, Kottl JJ 43 longif olium, Bl. ,, 824 ischxinoides, Koen JJ 25 majup, HIc. f. ... -v . 824, vi. 193 Kingii, Hk. f 273 pancitioruru, Hook,f. V. 824, vi .193 major, Syme JJ 273 'planicaule, Rcbb. f. ... V. 824 malatrina, Ham JJ 97 zeylanicum, Hlc. /. ... » 825 micans, Jacq JJ 273 Agyneia, Vent ... V. 285 multicaulis, Knnth 272 affinis, Kurz " 285 inulticulmis, Dumorb. )j 272 baccitormis, A. Juss. 285 patidipes, Jord. 272 ciliata, W till ,, 397 plesiantha, Jord JJ 272 coccinea, Ham 5> 308 purpureo-argentea, Gilib. JJ 272 flexuosa, Heyne )> 311 repens, Heyne j> 57 impuhes, Hb. Madr ... ,, 308 rigida, Dulao 272 impubes, Vent. ... ,, 285 spicata, Linn JJ 278 latifolia, Moon Cat.... 347 subspicata, Linn JJ 278 onuUilocularis, Willd. ... ,; 307 Todari, Tenore 272 obliqua, WiWd ... ,, 311 triarisfata, Clarke JJ 272 ovata, Miq ,, 332 trifiora, Trin 273 phyllanthoidts, Spreng. ... „ 285 viatica. Griff. j> 64 ? pinnata, Miq. ... jj 317 Wilhelmsii, S>tQud n 273 puhera, Hb. Madr. ... 307 sp.. Griff. vii. 69 ,243 tetrandrajHam. ... ,, 304 Airacea, Griff.. vii. 73 Aikinia carnosa, G. Don ... iv. 369 Airochloa, Link vii. 308 AiMnia elegans, Wall. ... vii 161 cristata. Link JJ 308 Ailantu s, I)esf. ... i. 518 gracilis, Link .'. JJ 308 excelea, Roxh ,, 518 pubescens, Link JJ 308 glandulosa, Besf. 518 valesiaca, Link . 308 malabarica, BC. ... ,, 518 AlZOIDE^ ii. 658 Ainsliaea, BC. ... iii. 388 Aizoon, Linn., ii. 659 angustifolia, Bh.f, ^ T. ... „ 388 canariense, Linn !' 659 apcera, BC ,, 368 Ajuga, Linn iv. 702 GENERAL INDEX. 437 Ajaga Vol. Page braohystemon, Maxim. . . iv. 703 bracfceosa, Wall J) 702 decumbens, D. Don ... . • »5 704 decumbens, Thunb » 704 densiflora, Wall • JJ 7C3 depressa, Maxim 703 disticha, B,oxh • 5> 672 fruticosa, Roxb • J> 673 Jurcata, Link • >> 672 geniculata, Maxim » 704 laxa, Ham 701 lobata, I). Dow • 5> 702 macrosperma, Wall. J5 704 ? ovatsk, Wall • >> 704 parviflora, Benth 5> 703 remota, Benth • J> 703 repens, Bioxh 704 sikhimensis, Miq • »> 704 Thomsoni, Maxim • >> 704 AjUGOIDEiE .. iv. 607 Alanginm, LomTc . ii. 741 decapetalum, Lamk. j> 741 ehenacemn, Griff. • j> 742 glandulosnm, Thw • >5 742 hexapetahim, Lamk. 741 Lamarokii, Thiv • J> 741 Zafi/oimm, Miq 55 741 sundanum, Kurz ... . >. ]) 741 tomentosum, Lamk ... . • 55 741 Albtrsia caudata, Boiss. . . iv. 721 livida, Knnth • 55 721 oleracea, Knnth ... . • 55 721 polyffama, Boiss 55 721 Alberte^ ] ii. 20 ,131 MbikJcia sdicenoides, Presl.. .. vi. 678 scirpoid.es, Presl • 55 678 Albizzia, i?wra2;2 . ii. 298 affinis, F.onrn • 55 301 amara, Boiv.. * 55 301 glomeriflora, iTwrz ... . •s 55 300 Julibrissin, Durazz. * 55 300 latifolia, Boiv 55 298 Lebbek,.-Beni/i • 55 298 lebeJckioides^Beuth 55 299 lophantha, B^nth • 55 298 lucida, Benth. ... ... . 299 micrantha, Boiv 55 299 myriopkylla, Benth. 55 300 odoratisfiima, BevM. • 55 299 pedicellata, .Ba&er ... . • 55 299 procera^ -Bent?i., . 55 299 sericocephala^ Benth. • 55 301 stipulata, Boiv 55 300 umhrosa, Benth 302 Wightii, .Grah * 55 301 Alohemilla, Linn. . ... . . ii. 360 ceylanicck, Moon ... . • 55 361 Alohemilla indica, Gardn vulgaris, Linn. v^dffarit, Wight Alchornea, Sm , discolor, Hk, /. . . ... javensis, Muell. mollis, if we^Z rngosa, Muell tiliaefolia, Muell. villosa, Muell ZoUingeri, Hassk. ... sp Aldrovanda, Linn. verticillata, Roxb. ... vesiculosa, Linn. Alectoridia Quartiniana, Rich Alectra, Thunb cordata, Benth. indica, Benth orobanchoides, Benth. ? Thomsoni, ilA:./. ... Aletris, Linn hyacinthoides, Linn. khasiana, Hk. f. lanuginosa, Bureaud Franch litoralis, Keen nepalensis, S^fc. /. ... sikkimensis, ^&./. ... zeylanica, Mill. Aleurites, Forst , ambinux, Pars ccrdata, Muell. ... ... cordifolia, Steud. laccifera, Willd. moUuccana, Willd.... triloba, Forst Alhagi, Desv mannifera, Desv. maurorum, JOesv. napaulensium, DC. ... Alisma, Linn apetalum, Ram. calophyllum, Wall. ... eristatum, Wall. glandulosum, Thw. ... ? Hamiltonianum, Wall. ? intermedium, Griff. Kotschyi, Hochst. ... , obtusifoUum,. Thw. ... oligocQocum, F. Muell. parnassifolium, Mich, Plantago, Lmw. pubescens, Ham. ranunculoides, All. ... reniforme, D. Dun ... Vol. Page ... ii. 361 ... )) 360 361 .. V. 420 421 422 ••• 5) 420 422 ... )) 421 . . . ,, 421 .. . ), 421 .. • ,, 422 ... ii. 425 . . . ,, 425 55 A 425 ... vii 146 ... iv. 297 55 297 ... ,, 297 297 „ 297 .. vi. 264 * • 55 270 .. . ,, 265 & . .. ,, 265 55 264 .. • ,, 264 .. . ,, 265 55 270 .. V. 384 ... ,, 385 55 384 . .. ,, 385 388 . . . ,, 384 V. 239 ,385 ... ii. 145 55 145 .. . ,, 145 145 ... vi. 559 ... ,, 560 ... ,, 560 .. . ,, 561 560 • • 55 561 •• 55 559 560 . .. ,, 560 ■ • • 55 560 . . . ,, 560 •• 55 559 ... ,, 561 • • • 55 560 ••• . 55 ,560 438 GENERAL INDEX. Alisma sagittifoUum, Willd. stellatum, Ham Alismace^ Allaeanthus, Thw Kurzii, Hk.f zeylanicus, Thw Allaeophania, Thw Arnottii,HTc.f. ... ;.. decipiens, Thw Allardia, Dene glabra, Dene glabra, Schultz Hugelii, Schultz incana, iTZati nivea, HA;. /. ^ T. Stoliczkai, Clarice tomentosa, Dene tridactylites, Hk. f. & T.... tridactylites, Schultz vestita, ilfe. /. ^ T Allelotheca Urvillei, Steud. Alliaria officinalis, Andr. ... Allie.« Allium, Linn Ampeloprasum, Linn. ... asoalonicum, Linn atropurpureum, Waldst. 8f Kit atrosanguineum, Schrenh auriculatum, Kunth Bakeri, Begel blandum, Wall cceruleum, Wall Cepa, Linn Clarkei, HL/. consanguineum, Kunth... Cumaria, Ham ellipticum, Wall eiBsertum, Baker Fedschenkoanum , Begel.. . Govanianum, Wall grandifiorum^ Ledeb. Oriffithianum, BoiBS. Hookeri, Thw humile, Kunth Jacquemontii, Reg el Jacquemontii, Kunth junceum, Jacquem leptophyllum, Wall.... vi. lilacinum, Boyle longise]pialum, Bertol. longistamineum, Eoyle ... loratum, Baker macranthum, Baker narcissifiorunif Vill narcissifoliumt Linn. nivale, Jacq. . Vol. Page vi. 560 „ 561 vi. 559 V. 490 „ 490 „ 490 iii. 48 „ 48 „ 48 iii. 312 „ 313 „ 313 „ 313 „ 314 „ 313 313 5J 313 }J 313 JJ 313 55 313 vii 331 i. 151 vi. 301 vi. 337 55 337 55 337 5) 344 55 338 55 342 55 341 55 339 341 55 337 344 55 340 55 337 55 342 55 341 55 338 55 344 55 339 55 339 55 341 55 344 55 342 55 339 55 342 J39, 342 vi. 339 55 339 55 340 )) 345 )5 345 55 345 55 345 9) 344 Allium obUisifolium, Kl. & Gar. .., odorum, Linn oreoprasnm, Schr Pallasi, Bunge platyspathum, Schr. Porrum, Linn. ., .rohustum, Kar & Kir. Boxhurghii, G. Don... ... rubellum, M. Bie& rubellum, Ledeb ruhens, Baker sativum, Linn Schoenoprasum, Linn. ... Sohrenki, Begel Semenovii, Begel senescens, Miq sibiricum, Linn sikkimense, Baker' splendens, Miq Stracheyi, jBaA;er strictum, Sohrad Sulvia, Ham syntamanthum, C. Koch ... tataricum, Ait tenue, G. Don Thomsonii,. Ba&er tuberosum, Boxb uliginosuTrif G. Don viotorialis, Linn violaceum, Wall vulcanicum, Boiss Wallichii, Kunth AUmania, ^r. albida, Br aspera, Wight dichotoma, Wight esculenta, Br nodiflora, Br. ... nodiflora, Wall nodijiora, Wight procumbens, Wight Allomorphia, .J3i exigua, Bl Griffithii, m./ hispidaj^tira; umbellnlata, .fi^fc. /. AUophylus, Linn Aporetica Cobbe, Bl. distachys glaher lanatuSyBoxh omitrophioides, Bozb. ... pinnatus, Bozb. ... vi. racemos^is Rheedii . serratus Vol. Page IV. 340 343 343 342 341 339 341 716 717 717 717 717 716 717 717 717 527 527 527 527 527 673 674 673 674 674 674 674 674, 680 674 674 674 GENERAL INDEX 439 AUopbylus Vol. Page ternatus, Lour vi. 674 villosus ... „ 674 zeylanicus, Linn „ 673 Allopythion Hookeri. Sohott vi. 518 Allozygia cernua, Nand. ... ii. 526 Alnus, Gaertn v. 600 dioica, Roxb. „ 348 integrifolia, Roxb „ 348 nepalensis, D. Don „ 600 nitida, Endl. ... „ 600 Alocasia, Schott vi. 524 acuminata, Schott „ 527 alha, Schott. ... „ 528 amahilis, B.ort. ... ... ... „ 527 Becoarii, Engl. „ 527 commutata, Schott ,, 526 cucullata, Schott „ 525 deoipiens, Schott „ 526 denndata, lEngl „ 525 fallax, >Sc/io^^ ,. „ 527 f ornicata, (ScAott „ 526 indica, Schott „ 525 J enning sii, Yeit oh ,, 523 longiloba, Mg „ 527 maororrhiza, Schott „ 526 Taonta,na, Schott „ 525 iiavictilaris,£'oc/i ^Bouche „ 527 odora, C. Koch „ 526 perakensis, Hemsl „ 528 rapiformis, Schott „ 525 ruffosa, Schott „ 525 singaporensis, Lind „ 525 s^., Griff „ 528 Aloe perfotiata, Willi vi. 264 vera, hinn „ 264 zeylanica, J a.Gq „ 270 Alopecurus, Linn. vii. 237 agrestiB, Lir.n „ 239 cdtissimus, Schur „ 238 aristatus, Gouan „ 245 aristulatns, Michx „ 238 arundinaceus, Poi'r „ 238 austraUs,'NeeB „ 239 hrachi/siachys, Bieb „ 238 ? diandrus, GriS. „ 239 elatior, Jacq, ... , ,, 238 fulvus, Sra... ... „ 238 genioulatuB, Linn „ 239 ffenicuiatus, Toll „ 238 himalaicus, ^;fc. /. „ 238 ? hordeiformis, lAmi. ... „ 85 indicus, Heyne „ 83 indicus, Linn „ 82 monspeliensis, Linn „ 245 muiicus, Kar. & Kir. ... „ 238 myosuroides, "RvidB „ 239 navieutaris,B.&m „ 239 Alopecurus Vol. nepalensis, Trin vi* nigrescens, Jacq nigricans, Hornem otiporensis, Griff. paludosus, Beauv paniceus, Linn paniceus, O. Muell phalarpides, Schur pratensis, Aitch pratensis, Linn ramosus, Poir repens, Bieb. , ruhicundus, Ham ruthenicus, Weinm. , sihiricus, Kort suharistatus, "PMrBh. typhoides, Burm ventricosus, Pers sp., Wall Alphonsea, BTc.f. Sf T. elliptica, I?A;. /. ^ T. ... , lutea, Hfe./.^r ; madraspatana, Bedd. Maingayi, Hfc./. ^ T. ... Bclerocarpa, Thw ventricosa, Hh. f.SfT. ... zeylanica, Elc.f.SfT. ... Alpinia, Linn i alba, Rose Allughas, Rose aquatica, Rose Asericea, Moon,vide sericea aurantiaca, Wall braoteata, Roxh hracteata, Rose calcarata, Rose Cardamomum, Roxb. Cardamomum-medium,'Roxh. carnea, Griff. cernua, Sims conchigera, Qriff. costata, Roxb cristata, Griff. ? decurrata, jBai;er Galanga, Sw Oalanga, Wall Samiltoniana, Wall. involucrata, Oriff. linguiformis, Roxb malaocensis, Rose malaccensis, Wall. Manii, King ? Missionis, Wall mutica, Roxh Neesiana, Grah Nimmonii, Grah. ,,, ... nutans, Rose (440 GENERAL INDEX. Alpinia petiolata, Baker RaflSesiana, Wall EAeec/w, Wight Roxhurgliii, Sweet scabra, Benth.- ? secnnda, Baker sericea, Moon, lapsn Aseri- cea ,. sessilis, Koen viridijiora , Gr ifif. • Wrayi, King zingiherina, Hk. f Alseodaphne, Nees ? oostalis, iV^ees crassipes, H-k.f. deoipiens, J^fe. / ? grandis, Nees ? grandiSf'Neea grandiSyKTSivz Plncida, Nees panduriformis, if fc. /. ... pednnoularis, fi'fe./. petiolaris, Hk. f semecarpifolia, Nees umbelliflora, Hk. f. Alsine, Burm Meyeri, BoiBB. Roylei, Fenzl „. ALSINEiE ... ... AlsinellaWalUchianayBenth.. Alsodeia, Thouars bengaleD sis, Wall Brownii, Korth dasycoAila, Miq echinocarpa, Korth. Griffithii, Hk. f.SfT. ... lanceolata, Hk. f. ^ T. ... ^ macrophylla, Dene Maingayi, iJA;./. ^'-r. ... moWia, Hk. f. ^ T ohtusa, Korth racemosa, Hk. f.^T. Roxburghii, Hk.f. ^ T. ... virgata, Hk.f. ^^ T. Walliohiaua, Hk^f. ^ T. . . . zeylaniea, Thw. AlsodeiejE Alsomitra, Benth. ^ Hk. /. ... clavigera, ilfc. /. sarcophylla, flfc. /. Alstonia, i?r. angustifolia, Wall cosiafa, -Wall. ; ? costulataj Miq. cwneatUj W-Bil. ..- . grandifelia, M^j ^ - KxiTziiy'Hh,/. v.-. iTol. Page vi. 255 jj 255 1) 254 )> 255 >j 250 M 257 It 256 tt 219 >> 253 n 254 1) 253 V. 143 )j 146 1} 146 145 t) 146 143 125 II 147 II 145 144 II 145 II 144 II 145 ii. 664 i. 236 11 236 213 i. 230 i. 186 186 II 187 II 188 188 1) 187 188 11 187 II 188 11 188 187 II 187 II 186 II 189 187 •1 187 i. 182 ii. 634 II 634 •1 634 iii. 641 643 II 643 II 644 II 642 643 11 643 Alstonia lucida, D. Don ... macrophylla, Wall neriif olia, Z). Dou soholaris, Br spathulata, J5Z spectahilis, Kurz venenatus, JBr Alternanthera, Forsk denticulata, Benth denticulata, Br. - denticulata,'Wdi\\ nodiflora, JBr prostrata, D. Don ... .. sessilis, jBr. ... Althaea, Limv. chinensis, Wall coromandelina, Cav. Lndwigii, Linn oflfioinalis, Linn rosea, Linn. ..» tawrinensis, DC Altingia, Noronha ... .. exoelsa, Noronha Alwisia tenuis, Lindl Alysioarpns, Neck. belgaumensis, Wight bupleurifolius, DC hupleurif alius, Boxb. bupleurifolius, WallT diversifolius, Wall glaher, E. Meyer glumaceus. Wall gracilis, Edgew hamosus, Edgew Harnieri, Schweinf. heterophyllus, Benth. Heyneanus, W. & A. Eochstetteri, A. Rich. ... longifolius, W. ^ A. ludens, Wall ii. lupulinus, Stocks monilifer, DC nummuLarifolius, DC. ohovatus, Edgew parviflorus, Dalz pilifer, Wall pubesoens. Law ... .. quadrangular is, Edgew. .. racemosus, Benth. ... rotundifolius, Dalz rotundifolius, Wight Rubibaroiai W&lli ... ii. rugosusj DGi scariosn^, Grrah spicatus,Royle... styracifolius, DC styracifolius; Wall. .... .. Vol. Page iii. 667 643 II 642 )i 642 II 642 ti 643 II 642 iv. 731 732 II 732 731 II 732 ji 731 II 731 i. 319 II 319 II 319 II 319 II 319 II 319 319 ii. 429 429 V. 788 ii. 157 ' II 160 158 159 159 158 II 159 159 II 158 >> 157 1) 158 » 158 }> 159 159 159 158. 159 ii. 159 )) 157 158 II 159 172 II 159 160 >i 159 160 172 II 157 157 ,158 ii. 159 ]i 159 11 159 II 159 II 159 GENERAL INDEX. 441 Alyeicarpaa tetragonolobus, Edgew. ... trifoliatus, Stocks vaginalis, DC vaginalis, "Wall varius, Wall. ,. WalUchii, W. & A Alyssinej; Alyssum, Linn. ... canescens, DC. cochlearioides, Ebth maritimum, Lam. minimnm, Willd tenuifolium, DC AlytostyliSy Hk. f. Alyxia, Br ? calophylla, Wall. ... ... ceylanica, Wight ooriacea, Wall ? cuspidata, Wall fasoioularis, Benth. glaucescens, G. Don gracilis, Benth Gynopogon, Wall lucida, Wall. ... odorata, Wa^L ... pilosa, Miq pumila, Hk. f. stellata, B. f 8 Amanoa aduwinata, Bedd.... chartacea, Baill collina, Baill. ... ferruginea, Thw indica, Thw indieay Wight pallid a, ^ll\yr patula, Thw tomentosa, Baill AMARANTACEiE Amarante.e Amarantus, Lmw acroglochin, Spreng. adscendens, Hort. Petrop. adscendens, Rchb alopecurus, Hochst. amboinicus, Hb. Ham. ... Anacardana, Ham angustifolius, Roxb arctioideus, Perrott. atropurpureus, Roxb. Blitnm, Linn Blitum, Hb. Fries Blitum, Maxim. campestris, Willd Caturus, Heyne oau'datus, Lmn caudatus, Hochst caulijiorus, Link VOL. VII. Vol. Page ii. 159 )i 158 )} 158 i> 159 )) 159 » 159 i. 129 i. 141 )} 141 )) 145 » 141 )) 141 )i 141 i. 409 iii. 634 )> 630 )) 636 i) 635 )) 629 ;) 636 5> 630 634 )) 635 )> 635 636 )) 635 635 n 636 V. 276 j^ 275 )) 274 280 279 )) ,279 )i 279 279 )) 271 iv. 713 iv. 713 iv. 718 V. 3 iv. 721 721 719 720 719 yy 722 724 }) 722 }> 721 l> 721 ]} 721 722 1) 720 719 ", 719 V. 3 Amaranthus Vol. Page eruentus, Willd iv. 719 diandrus, Spreng V. 3 farinaceus, Hb. Roxb. .... iv. 719 fasciatus, Roxb 1) 720 flavus, Linn }l 719 frumentaceus, Ham » 719 gangeticus, Linw >5 719 gangeticus, Wall JJ 721 grcecizans, Linn 5> 722 inamocnus, Wall }> 720 inamoemis, Willd 720 lanceolatus, Roxb i; 719 UmduSf Hort. Petrop. ... )t 721 lividus, noxh J> 720 mangostanns, Linn. )> 720 melanchoUcus, Linn. }] 720 miniatus, Hort. Avign. ... }f 721 minutus, Leschen }) 726 mucronatus, Hort. Petrop. JJ 720 oleraceus, Linn 721 oleraceus, Roxb }) 719 panioulatns, Linn J» 718 paniculatus, Wall i} 719 persicarioides, Poir V. 3 persicarioides, Spreng. ... „ 3 polygamns, Linn iv. 721 polygamus, Roxb » 720 polygamus, Thw M 720 polygamus, Wall J> 721 polygonoides, Roxb. }? 721 polystachyus, Ham » 720 ruhricaulis, Page » 722 sanguineus, Linn » 719 spe ciosus, Sima ... » 719 spinosQS, Linn 5> 718 strictus, Willd 719 sylvestris, Desf » 721 tenuifolius, Willd » 722 tentiijolius, Wall » 721 tricolor, hiuu. ... V 719 tristis, Hb. Rottl. & Heyne ii 720 tristis, Lmn » 719 tristis, Wall iv. 720 721 viridis, Linn iv. 720 viridis, Linn V. 3 AMABTLLiE vi. 277 AMARVLLIDEiE vi. 277 Amaryllis carnosa. Ham. ... vi. 280 coenosa, Ra.m a 281 insignis, Ker }} 283 latifolia, L'Her }) 283 lineata, Lamk n 284 ornata, Ker vi. 283 ,284 vivipara, Lamk vi. 281 zeylanica, Itixxri j> 283 Amberboa Ooniocaulon, DC. iii 377 indica, DC n 377 442 GBNERiX INDBX. Amblogyna polygonoides, Dalz. & Gibs Amlly achy rum mangalorensey Hoohst Amblyanthus, J.. DC... ... gland alosus, A. DC. Amblychloa dura, Link Amhlyfflottis angustifoUa, Bl. emarffinata, Bl fflava,Bl pulchra, Bl „ veratrifolia^ Bl.. Amhrina (Ambrosia) Botrys, Moq Amhrosinia ciliata, B>ozb. ... retrospiralis, Eoxb spiralis f Boxb unilocularis, Wight Ambulia aromatica, Lamk... ebracteata, Ham Ameletia acutidens, Miq. ... elongata, Bl Jloribunda, Wight indica, DC polystachya, Wall rotundifolia, Dalz. & Gibs. suhspicata, Benth tenuis, Wight Amelina Wallichii, Clarke... Amentacea, Wall Amerimrmm fasciculatum, Ham ohovatum, Ham pallidum,, Ham. secundum. Ham. Amherstia, VTall nobilis, Wall Amheestik^ Amischotolypa glahrata, Hassk marginata, Hassk tnollissima, Hassk , Ammanella linearis, Miq. .. Ammannia, Linn. auriculata, Willd bacoifera, Linn oordAta, W. ^ A debilis, Ait densijlora, Miq densijiora, Roth dentelloides, Zwra egyptiaca, Willd Ji/mbriata, Wight floribunda, Clarke glauca, Wall , hexandra. Wall Heyneana, Wall Vol. Page iv. 721 vii. 142 iii. 533 )) 533 vii. 335 V. 854 851 )} 851 )) 854 )> 851 V. 4 vi. 492 M 493 >> 494 J) 494 iv. 268 )) 268 ii. 566 566 )> 567 }i 566 )) 566 1) 567 )) 567 j> 567 vi. 383 V. 626 ii. 109 246 )> 108 247 ii. 272 >) 272 ii. 61 vi. 384 383 383 ! ii. 571 ii. 566 * >i 570 • »> 569 570 • » 569 * jj 569 568 • >i 568 569 )> 569 567 • 569 569 Ammania indida, Lamk lanoeolata, Heyne latifolia, Linn latijolia, Wall ii. microcarpa, DC multiflora, Boxb nana, Roxb ii. wawa, Wall , ootandra, i/tww. /. ... ... pentandra, Roxb. ... ... peploides, Spreng pygmaea, Z«rz repens, Bottl Ritchiei, Clarice ... ... Rotala, F. Muell rotundifolia, Ham rubra. Ham aalioifolia, Monti ... .. senegalensis, Lamk. simpliciusonla, Kurz snbrotunda, Wall subspicata, Benth subspicata, Hohen tenuis, Clarke verticillata, Boiss verticillata, Lamk verticillata, W. & A. vesicatoria, Roxb Wallichii, Kurz AMMANNIEiE Am,mi copticum, Boiss. daucifolium. Wall Amminb^ Amomum, Linn aoaleatum, Roxb acuminatum, Thw araneosum. Baker aromaticum, Roxb Benthamianum, Trim. .. biflorum, Jack oannascarpum, Benth. .. Cardamomum, Linn. ciliatum, Baker oorynostachyum, Wall. .. oostatum, Benth Curcuma, Jacq dealbatum, Roxb eohinatum, Willd eletteriodes, Baker Fenzlii, Kurz floribundum, Benth. fulviceps, Thw gomphocheilos. Baker .. gramineum, Wall graminifolium, Thw. hypoleuoum, Thw , involucratum, Benth. Vol. Page ii. 569 „ 570 „ 671 566, 567 ii. 571 570 566, 568 GENERAL INDEX. 443 Amomnizi Kjingii, Baker ... . Koenigii, Baker.., . latifolium, Lamk. . Leonurus, Keen. linguiforme, Benth. . littorale, Keen maorocheilos, Bakei' maorodug, Scort. maorostephanum, Baker Maingayi, Baker masticatorium, Thw. maximum, Bioxb. megalocheilos, Baker metriocheilos, Baker miorostephannm, Baker montanum, Keen. nemorale, Benth. pauciflorum, Baker ... pterocarpum, Thiv. ... pulchellum, Thw. racemosum, Lam. repens, Willd. ... ... roseum, Eozb rubro-luteum, Baker rufesoens, Benth. ... scyphiferum, Keen. ... sericewn, Boxb. sphflerooephalam, Baker spurium, Gmel. stenoglossum, Baker snbulatam, Boxh. sylvestre, Poir triorgyale, Baker ... nliginosnm, Kan. ... vitellinum, Lindl. ... xanthioides, Wall. ... Tcanthophiebium, Baker Zedoaria, Berg. Zerumbet, Linn. Zerumheth, Keen. Zingiber, Linn. sp., Griff. Sp., Keen Amoora, Boxh ? auriculata, Miq. ... oanarana, Benth. ^ Hk. f. ? Ohampionii, Benth. ^ ■Bk.f. •ohittagonga, Hiern oucullata, Roxh. decandra, Uierm, Jiciformis, Wight lanceolata, Hiern Lawii, Benth. ^ Hk. f. macrophylla, Nimmo Maingayi, Hiern Rohituka, W. ^ A. Vol. Page Amoora vi. 241 rubescens, Tfiern 237 rubiginosa, .^iern 211 . spectabilis, Kig 236 Amorphophallus, Bl 235 bulbifer, Bl 239 barmanious, Hk, f 235 campanulatus, Bl 236 campanulatus, Bl 243 Chatty, Andre 235 chlorospathus, Kurz 238 oommutatTis, Sngl 239 dubius, Bl 236 elatas, Hfc./. ... 234 giganteus, Bl 239 hsematospadix, iffc. /. 248 longistylns, Kurz 233 lyratus, Engl 238 margaritiferus, Kunth 241 onoophylluB, Praiw 251 Prainii, Hk. f 251 purpurascens, Zwrz 251 Eex, Pram... 244 sparsiflorus, iJfc. /. 236 sylvaticus, Kxinth 242 tuberculiger, Engl 237 variabilis, Bl 239 virosus, N. E. Br 234 zeylanicus, Bl 247 Ampacus a^igidstifoUus, 234 Rumph 240 AMPELIDBiE 247 Ampelopsis himalayana,B,ojh 237 ? ternata, DO 241 Ampelygonum chinense, Lindl 242 Amphicarpsea, Elliott 239 Bdgeworthii, Benth. 241 ferruginea, Benth 211 monoica 247 Amphioome, Lindl 211 argata, Lindl 246 Emodi, Lindl 240 Amphidonax hengalensi'^ 237 Nees 559 bifaria, Nees 560 JHeynii, Nees 560 obtfisijlora, Thw tenella, W. & A 562 Amphilophis, Trin 559 Amphipogon humilis, Ham. 560 Amphiraphis albescens, DC. 562 cuspidata. DC 546 heterotricha, DC 560 indica, Less ,. ... 561 leiocarpa, Benth. ... ... 559 mollis, Wall 562 peduncularis, DC 559 puhescens, DO G g 2 Vol. i. '^x 561 )] 561 vi. 513 515 )i 517 513 5U 513 516 )> 515 514 )i 517 )> 517 517 )i 515 517 )) 519 516 516 )i 515 )) 514 )) 516 )) 518 )) 517 n 517 >i 513 J> 518 i. 488 i. 644. a i. 656 » 650 . V. 45 ii. 181 )) 181 182 )) 181 iv. 385 ;; 386 J> 385 vii. 303 )> 303 270 )) 270 )) 270 vii. 171 vii. 284 iii. 257 }> 296 295 5J 227 J) 245 a 227 }) 253 » 245 444 GENERAL INDEX. Amphiraphis Vol. Page ruhricauliSy'DC. ... . . ill. 296 Wightiaria, Wall >» 301 zeylanica, DC • >> 257 Amydrium humile, laps a Anadryum, Sohott .. vi. 549 Amygdalus colUnus, Wall. . . ii. 313 communisy Linn * )i 313 Tiumilis, Edgew >i 314 persica, Linn >> 313 Amyris acuminata, Roxb. . . i. 530 f Agallocha^ Uoxh » 529 Commiphora, Roxb • »> 529 dentata, Willd >> 506 gileadensis, Roxb • }> 530 heptaphyllaf B,oxh » 504 nana, Roxb. 506 pentaphylla, Hoxh >> 504 punctata, Roxb • >» 505 serratifoUa, Rottl " 529 simplicifolia, Roxb » 513 sujffruticosa, Roxb • jj 506 sumatrana, Roxb ■ >> 505 zeylanica, Retz j> 532 Anabasis, Linn . V. 18 glomerata, M. Bleb >j 20 interm,ediaf Moq >> 19 multiflora, Moq j> 16 phyllophora, Kar. Sf Kii 18 setifera, Moq >5 19 suhulifolia, Sclir» ... . >» 19 ANACARDIACBiE . ii. 7 Anacardie^ . ii. 7 Anacardinm, Bottb . ii. 20 latifolium, Lamk. » 31 occidentale, Linn 20 officinarum-, Gdertn >> 31 Anacolosa, Bl. . i. 580 densiflora, Bedd • >> 580 Griffithii, Mast * Ii 580 ? heptandra, J/amg'... n 581 ilicoides, Mast >j 580 Maingayi, Mast >j 580 puberula, Kurz ... . » 581 Anacyclus aureus, Lamk. . . iii. 317 Anadendrum, Schott ... . . vi. 539 latif olium, ^fc. /. ... . • » 540 marginatum, Schott »> 540 medium, Schott it 540 montanum, Schott ... . • »> 540 Anadryum, vide Amydrium i» 549 Anaectoeliilns, Bl. ... i ri. 94 179 albolineatiis,Fa,T. & Rchb. f. vi. 96 brevilabris, Lindl » 95 crispus, Lindl >> 99 JDawsonianus, Low ... . »> 102 elatus (elatior), Lindl. . 95 grandijlorus, Lindl »» 100 AnaectoohiluB Vol. Page Griffithii, 5^A;. /. vi. m lanceolatus, Lindl 11 101 luteus, Lindl 11 101 regalis, Bl >» 95 Reinwardtii, Bl >> 95 Roxburghii, Lindl 11 95 setaceus, Lindl 11 95 tetrapteruB, 51-. /. 11 96 Anagallis, Tournef. iii. 505 arvensis, Linn 11 506 coerulea. Lam 11 506 multangularis. Ham. 11 505 Anagyris harhata, Grab. ... ii. 62 indica, Lindl 11 62 nepalensis. Grab 62 Anamirta, Colehr i. 98 Coccnlns, W. c^ A M 98 flavescens, Miers 11 9S paniculata, Colebr 11 98 toxifera, Miers 11 98 Anandria Bellidiastrum, DC. ill. 390 Anaphalis, DC,. ..... iii. 279 adnata, DC. ... ]} 282 araneosa, DC. 11 283 aristata, DC 11 285 Beddomei, Eh. f. ... iii. 282 ,290 brevifolia, DC iii. 286 chionantha, Hk. f . «& T. ... )) 280 oinnamomea, Clarke 11 281 contorta, JIfc. /. n 284 cuneifolia, 5A;. /. 280 P cutohica, Ciarfee ri 284 ? elliptica, DC 283 Falconeri, Clarke )) 285 f rnticosa, m. /. 282 Griffithii, flX;. /. 11 280 Hookeri, Clarke )) 282 leptophylla, DC 285 linearis, DC? )) 286 marcesoens, Clarke 286 margaritacea 11 282 monocephala, DC 280 rmicronata, Clarke jj 280 mucronata,,DC T1 280 neelgerriana, DC. 287 Notoniana, DC. 11 284 nubigena, DC. iii 279 ,280 nuhigena, Clarke iii. 280 oblonga, DC 11 283 polylepis, Clarke „ 280 polylepis, DC >i 280 Royleana, DC 11 280 Royleana, Clarke „ 280 f Royleana, Hk. f. & T. ... ,, 280 Stoliczkai, Clarke » ^83 snbnrabellata, Clarke 281 tenella, DC 11 285 GENERAL INDEX. 445 Anaphalis Thwaitesii, Clarice triplinervis, Clarke virgata, Thorns Wightiana, DC Wightiana, Thw xylorhiza, Schultz zeylanica, Clarice Anaphyllnm, Schott Wightii, Schott Anarthrosyne cordata, Klotz. Anatherum caudaturrif Sohnlt, glahrum, Sohult muricatum, Beaav. parvi/lorum, Spreng. porto-ricense, Spreng. ... Anaua sumatrana, Miq Anauxanopetalum Schwenkii, Teysm. & Binn. Anaxagorea, 8t. Hil javanica, Bl, luzonensis, A. Gray sumatrana, Miq zeylanica, Hk. f. & T. Anohnsa, Linn arvensis, Bieb hispida, Forsk italica, Retz rnoltkioides, IBenth. petiolata, Hook pulla, Bieb racemosa,DC sempervirens, Linn sikkimensis, Clarke tenella, Hornem zeylanica, Jacq. f. Anchusopsis longijlora, Bisch. Anoistrocladas, Wall attenuatns, Dyer extensus, Wall extensus, Wall. ? Griflathii, Pla7ic?i Heyneanus, Wall pinangiantxs, Wall sagittatus, Wa,ll i. stelligerus, Wall Vahlii, Am Wallichii, PloMch Ancistrolohus l)revipes,TurcA glaucescens, Turcz ligustrinus, Spach sp.fGriS. sp , Wight Andersonia, Ham aquminata, Herb. Rottl altissima, Hb. Madr. lanceolata, Hb. Eottl. Andersonia, Roxh Vol. Page iii 284 )> 281 t) 285 >> 286 jj 286 }> 281 » 286 vi. 551 ,, 551 ii. 169 vii 107 ,, 176 )) 186 M 179 }> 107 V. 338 ii. 27 i. 68 68 5> 68 )) 51 5> 68 iv. 168 J, 169 5> 168 71 168 }) 170 » 158 M 169 171 M 168 J? 168 167 )) 167 » 159 299 .J 300 299 J? 300 300 )) 299 J> 300 300, 52S 1 i. 300 }) 299 }) 300 i. 257 ;; 258 J> 257 J> 299 » 257 5J ii. 451 j> 450 5> 451 Andersonia cucullata, Roxb Rohitoca, GxiS. Rohituka, Eoxb Andira Sorsfieldii,ljeBch. ... Andrachne, Linn apetala, Roxb aspera, Spreng Cadishan, Roxb chinensis, Bunge Clarkei, Z?A;. /. oordifolia, Muell Decaisneana, Baill Doonkyhoisca, Heyne fruticosa, Dene. fruticosa, Heyne orhiculata. Roth rotiLndifolia, C. A. Mey. ... telephioides, Linn trifoliata, Roxb Andrographis, Wall. affinis, Hook , alata, Nees Beddomei, Clarke ... ... ceylanicaj Nees ceylanica, Wight eohioides, Nees elongata, T. Anders. elongata, "i^eea glandulosa, Nees gracilis, Nees lineatu, Nees lobelioides, Wight maorobotrys, Nees Neesiana, Wight Neesiana, Benth ovata, Benth paniculata, Nees Rothii, Clarke serpyllifolia, Wight stellulata, Clarke stenophylla, CiarA;e subspathnlata, Clarke tenuiflora, T. Anders. visoosula, Nees Wightiana, Am Wightiana, T. Anders. ... sp., Hk. f. & T. ... iv. Androgyne sp., Griflf. Andromeda cupressiforniis. Wall elliptica, Sieb. & Zacc. ... fastigiata, Wall Jiexuosa, Moon formosa, Wall katagherensis, Hook. lanceolata, D. Don ovalifolia, Wall Vol. Page i. 560 M 659 559 ii. 248 V. 283 345 j> 284 J) 275 J} 284 ]i 285 55 283 284 268 55 284 55 287 275 5) 284 55 284 55 345 iv 501 55 505 5) 502 55 506 55 503 55 504 505 55 502 55 502 505 503 )5 504 ?5 505 55 503 )5 504 51 504 5) 502 !5 501 506 506 55 504 55 503 502 55 502 55 504 503 55 503 504 ,505 V. 783 iii. 459 55 460 459 55 457 461 55 457 55 461 460 446 GBNEBAL INDEX. Andromeda ^ sqtuimulosa, D. Don symplocifolia, Wall. villosa, Wall Andbomedk^ Andropogon, Linn acicularis, Willd acicnlatTiB, Setz aciculatus, Wight adscendens, Heyne alhi dus, "Keyne Alectoridittj Stend Allionii, DC Alopecurus, Hack alternans, Presl amplexifolius, Trin angustifolius, Pari angustifolius, Sibth. & Sm. annulatus, i^orsfc annulatus, Heyne annnilatus^ F. Schmt. aprious, Trin aristulatuSy Hocbbt. armatue, JZfc. /. Arnottianus, Nees Arnoitianus, Stead aromaticus, Sieb. ... ; ... Arr iani, Edgew. ... ... arundinaceus, Heyne arundinaceus, Scop. ascinodis, Clarke asper, Heyne assimilis, Bteud. ... ... Asthenos, Steud asthenostachys, Steml. ; ... Aucheri, Boiss aureo-fulvus, Steud. australiSy Poir avenaceus, H. B. K. axilis, Hochst harhatus. Ham ... harhatuSy Linn harhigerus, Steud. ■Barteri, Hack Bec1cetUi,Th^ , ... Bellardi, Bieb bellariensis, Sack hesulciensis, Steud hiaristatus, Stead , ? hicolor^ Kunth ? hicornis, Forsk ftt/id-us, Steud. hifoveolatus, Steud hinatus, Retz hinatus, Boxb Bladhii, B.etz ... bootanenis, Hk. f. ireviaristatus, Steud. Vol. Page iii 461 }> 455 f) 461 iii 456 vii 164 )) 188 II 188 II 193 1) 243 11 108 jj 146 II 199 II 166 II 179 1) 146 II 173 1) 171 11 196 II 172 II 171 II 169 ^ II 191 II 197 >> 174 II 128 205 11 203 If 243 )i 182 >i 169 )) 189 ji 179 II 136 II 109 )i 195 )> 114 II 196 II 182 11 166 II 196 II 292 II 127 II 210 II 244 II 199 II 201 II 199 II 116 II 184 II 205 11 134 II 174 II 129 II 196 II 196 II 166 n 191 Andropogon brevifolius, Sw. Brownii, Kunth hrwnneus, Heyne casius, Nees ... vii. ca/pillaceus, Wall. ... capillaris, Heyne ... capilliflorus, Steud.... oariooBUS, Linn, castratus, Griff. catbcasicus, Trin.. cernuuSy Kunth ? cernuuSy Boxb ciliolatus, Steud. circinnatus, Hochst. Steud citratus, DC clandestinus, Nees ... Clarkei, HacJc coeruleus, Steud. coerulescens, Kunth ... cqloratus, Nees commutatus, Aitch. ? comorensis, Steud. ... comosus, Link compactus, Brot. compressus, Hk.f. ... concanensis, Hk.f. ... confertijlorus, Steud. conjugatus, Boxb. connatus, Hochst. ... consimiliit, Steud. contortus, Linn, controversus, Steud. cordatifolius, Steud. corollatus, Steud. ... cotulifer, Thunb. crinitus, Thunb. curvatus. Buss cuspidatus, Hochst. . . . Cymbachne, Hack. ... Cymharius, Linn. ... dactyloides, Steud. ... dehilis, Kunth demissus, Steud. depauperatus, Kunth diatherus, Hochst. ... dichroanthus, Steud. distans, Aees distans, Thw distichopyllus, Hk. f. diver sifiorus, Steud.... dubitatus, Steud. ... echinatuSy Heyne ... echinulatuSy Steud. ... elatus, Steud elegantissimus, Steud. ensiformis, Hk.f. ... Vol. ... vii. 'Ts ... )) 136 vii. 109 112 170, 205 ,206 ...vii. 179 75 ... )) 179 • •• i> 196 ... ,1 144 ... )) 17^ 184 ... )) 184 ... ]. 19a & ... ), 203 ... )) 210 205 ... ), 197 193 ... )i 179 ... JI 207 ... j; 2oa 134 196 184 ... )) 172 174 206 ... ,1 112 ... jj 205 51 185 199 ',', 182 ... ]) 131 ... J, 139 ... ,} 108 ... 1} 141 196 ... J) 146 ... )} 210 ... )) 210 210 ... )| 165 ... ]) 170 ... ,, 210 ... }j 167 ... JI 185 207 vH. 206 ,208 ... vii. 191 ... }} 210 II 182 J, 143 188 jj 127 161 ... JJ 175 GENERAL INDEX. 447 Andropogon ? epiphyllus, Wall. .. eriophorus, Willd. .. Esenheckii, Steud. .. excavatus, Hocbst. .. familiaris, Stend. .. fascioularis, Eoffb. .. fascicularis, Thw. .. fasciculatus, Linn. .. fastigiatus, Sw. festucoides, Preel filicnlmis, HJc. f. filiformis, Pers filiformis, Roxb. filipendulns, Hochst. finitimus, Hochst. .. flahelliformis, Boxb. Jlaccidus, A. B,icb. .. flexuosus, Nees. Jtoridus, Trin foUatus, Steud Foulkesii, IZfc. /. foveolatns, Del. fragilisy Br. fragilissimus, Hoohst fragillimus, Stend. .. fulvus, Spreng. fuscus, Presl ... .. gangeticuSf Hack. garipensis, Stend. .. getninatus, Hb. Rnss. geniculatus, Steud. .. genuinus, Hack. Gidarba, Ham giganteus, Hochst. ... glaher,/Roxh glabratiis, Stend. glaucopsis, Stend. ... glaucusy Eetz. .,, .. Grayitty Stend..., ... Griffithii, Mnnro Griffithsise, Steud. .., Grisehachii, Steud. .. GrjWuB, Linn Hackelii, JIfc./. HaenTcii, Presl halepensis, Brot. halepensis, Wight ... Hamiltoni, £^fc. /. .. TieteroclituSy'SeeB ,. hexastachyuSy Stend. htmalayensis, Stend. hirsutus, Heyne hirtifloms, Kunth . . hirtuSy Heyne hispidusy Willd. Hochstetteri, Steud. . . Hookeri, Munro Vol. Page • ... vii . . . )j 73 203 » 127 ... )) 205 » • • • >> 210 177 . „ 176 • •• »? 116 '. vii. lt)7 ,422 ... vii 186 . ,, 181 • • • j> 196 .. . )| 104 • • • >» 209 ... )| 209 .. . jj 210 ,, 165 207 ... 165 . . . )) 205 • • • >j 174 168 . . . . )) 165 , . . . jj 166 166 . ... )| 210 . »• • }> 185 1. . )i 178 . . • }| 196 170 127 204 208 204 176 ,, 188 179 150 246 209 128 161 187 194 „ 176 182 183 190 • ... » 219 112 ... » 142 70 167 ... „ 170 73 ... „ 167 209 Andropogon Vol. Page Hugelii, Haclc vii. 180 humilis, Wight » ^70 imherhis, Stend „ 127 impressus, Haclc „ 166 incertus, Steud vii. 134, 146 increscens, Steud vii. 193 incurvatus, Keen „ 196 incurvatus, Ketz „ 149 inscalptus, Anderss. ... „ 136 insculptus, A. Rich „ 174 intermedins, Br „ 175 involuttiSy Stend ,» 129 lechaBmum, Linn „ 171 IschcBmum, Roxb. ... vii. 172, 196 ischynanthus, Steud. ... vii. 200 Iwarancusa, Jones „ 203 Iwarancusa, Boiss „ 205 javanicus, Steud „ 188 Jchasianus, Munro „ 206 Koenigii, Steud „ 196 horetrostachySy Trin „ 109 Kuntzeanus, HacJc „ 175 lachnatheruSy Benth. ... „ 209 lancearius, Hh. f. „ 190 lanceolatus, Baker „ 146 lanceolatus, Roxb ,, 144 lancifolius, Trin „ 147 Janiger, Des£. ... ,, 203 lasiocoleos, Steud ,, 146 Lawsoni, J?fc./. „ 187 laxus, Roxb „ 182 laxus, Willd. „ 185 leptanthuSy Steud „ 176 Leschenaultianus, Dene. ,, 114 liananthus, Stend ,, 200 lineatus, Steud „ 136 lividna, Thw „ 209 longipes, Hach „ 170 Macraeif Steud „ 134 macrostachyus, Anderss. ... „ 136 malacophyllus, Hochst. ... „ 134 Martiniy Benth , 205 Martini, Roxb „ 204 Martmt, Str. & Wint. ... „ 207 Martini, Th^^ ,. ... „ 206 melanocarpus, Ell. ...... „ 200 messanensis y Biy „ 199 micans, Steud „ 146 micranthus, JS^uwf/i „ 178 microphylluSy Trin „ 147 miorotheca, Hfc. ^. „ 208 tniliaceus, Roxb „ 182 miliformis, Schnlt „ 182 wmor, Hochst „ 147 minutijlorus y Steud „ 112 minutissimus, Heyne vii. 147, 244 molle, Duthi© vii. 147 448 GENERAL INDEX. Andropogon Vol. Page mollicomus, Kunth vii. 196 monandrus,Roxh „ 141 monomerofi, Hoohst „ 219 monostachyus, Spreng .. „ 168 monostachyus, Steud. „ 127 montanus, Roxh „ 176 montamusy Benth „ 179 montanus, KcBXi „ 193 monticola, Schult „ 192 muoronatus, Anderss. ... ., 198 multicaulisy Steud ;, 147 Munroi, Clarke „ 171 muralis, Ram „ 147 muricatus, Retz „ 186 murinus, Steud „ 135 muticus, Steud „ 133 war doides, Nees .. vii 204, 205 Nardus, Linn vii. 205 Na/rdus, Bentl. & Trim. ... „ 206 oiervosusy Rottl „ 136 nigritanus, Benth „ 186 nigrum, Ham „ 185 nilagiricus, Hoohst „ 206 nitidulus, j?it./. „ 199 nitidus, Kunth „ 185 noduliharhis, Hochst. „ 192 notopogon, Steud „ 129 nudus, Steud. ... „ 146 nutans, Linn „ 213 ohtusifolius, Poir „ 165 ohtusuSf Nees „ 196 ohvallatus, Steud „ 129 odoratuB, Lish „ 177 odoratus, Lisb. , „ 172 oliganthus, Uochst. „ 201 Olivieri, B oiss „ 203 Orthos, Schult. „ 168 oryzetorum, Hack „ 172 pachnodes, Trin „ 204 pachyarthrus, Hack. „ 170 paleaceus, Steud „ 142 , pallidus, Kunth „ 188 paniceus, Heyne ,,71,73 paniculatus, Lam „ 188 panorniitanus, Pari. ,, 173 papillosus, Hochet ;, 197 parvijlorus, Roxb „ 165 parvifiorus, Wight „ 218 parvispica, Steud „ 179 patenti-villosus, Steud. ... „ 134 pectinatus, Steud „ 140 pedicellatus, Stexxd „ 185 fpendulus, Nees „ 206 peninsulas, Steud „ 192 pentastachyus, B-ejue ... „ 172 ^perfossus, Nees ... ... „ 176 pertuauB, Willd „ 173 Andropogon pertusus, Ham per tusus, Thw petiolaris, Steud ? petiolatus, Dalz. & Gibs. Petitiam,us, A. Kich. pilifer, Steud pilosus, Klein pilosus, Willd polymorphus, Steud. polyneuros, Steud polyphyllus, Hack polyptychus, Steud. polystachyoB, Boxh. polystachyus, Roxb polystichus, Hochst. polystictus, Hochst. Princeps, A. Rich prionodes, Maxim procerus, F. Mnell prostratus, Linn prostratus, Russ pruinosus, Nees Pseudischsemum, Nees ... ? Pseudisch 130 i) 215 »J 185 5J 179 JJ 196 )) 144 JJ 134 183 » 183 J5 152 ;) 193 )) 186 >) 62 )} 184 )> 104 136 M 168 145 •) 179 J} 188 174 ;} 136 165 196 )) 292 136 }) 128 5> 149 193 !J 112 112 169 )» 200 185 J> 168 220 )) 67 172 >> 176 >> 194 178 205 >) 189 179 )} 172 }> 117 }J 146 J> 73 191 JJ 178 }} 192 » 167 Andropogon sp., Hk. f. & T sp., Wall. ...vii. 108, 109, 115, 116, 130, 136, 165, 173, 174, 176, 178, 185, 200, 205, 208. Andeopogone/e ... Androsace, Linn. Aizoon, Duhy ... , P car7wsula, Duby Chamasjasme, Host . oordifolia. Wall. Croftii, Watt ... . elegans, Jacquem. foliosa, Duby ... foliosa, Klatt ... geraniifolia, Watt globifera, Duhy glohifera, Klatt ... Hookeriana, Klatt . incisa, Wall. Jacquemontii, Daby lanuginosa, Wall. Lehmanni, Wall. microphylla, Hk. f. muscoidea, Duhy ohovata, Wall. ... , parviflora, Jacquem. patens, Wright primuUna, Spreng. primuloides, D. Don primuloides, Duby rotundifolia, Hardw, rotundifolia, Wall sarmentosa, Wall saxifragsefolia, Bunge .. Bel&go, Hk. f. ^ T sempervivoides, Jacquem septentrionalis, Linn. .. villosa, Linn villosa, Hk. f . & T villosa, Jacquem Androscepia anathera, An- derss gigantea, Anderss glahrata, Anderss mutica, Anderss tremula, Anderss Androsyce indica, Wedd. , Androtropis tomentosa, Br. , Aneilema, Br xquinoctiale, Kunth canaliculatum, Dalz. compressum, Dalz conspicnum, Kunth croceum, Griff. cymosum, Kunth ... . dehile, Wall. ... ..... Vol. Page vii. 108 110, 112, 168, 170, 196, 197, vii. 3, 99 , 495, 672 lii. 497 „ 496 „ 499 „ 500 „ 672 „ 496 „ 498 „ 498 „ 497 „ 500 „ 498 „ 499 ., 496 „ 499 „ 498 „ 500 „ 498 „ 499 „ 495 „ 496 „ 496 ., 492 „ 492 „ 498 „ 496 „ 496 „ 498 „ 496 „ 500 „ 497 „ 497 „ 499 „ 498 . „ 499 vii. 215 „ 217 „ 216 „ 217 „ 214 v. 663 lii. 92 vi. 374 „ 383 „ 378 „ 379 „ 382 „ 380 „ 890 „ 379 460 GENERAL INDEX. Aneilema dejisijlorum, Ennth ... . diandrum, Ham. ^ didymum, Wall. , dimorphum, Balz, ... dimorphum,Thw. ... divergens, Clarice ... diversifolium, Hassk. elatum, Kanth ensifolium, Wight ... esoalentun), Wall. ... filiforme, Ham foliostim, Hassk. giganteum, Br glancuiu, 27iu* graTninetcm, Br. Hamiltoniaimm, Wall. herhaceum, Wall. hifipidum, D. Don ... Hookeri, Clarice Junghuhnianum, Miq. Kcenigii, Wall. lancifolium, GrifiF. . . . laBnginosum, Wall. latifolium, Wight ... lineolatnm, Kunth ... longifolium, Hook. ... longifolium. Wall. ... loriforme, Hassk. Loureirii, Hance ? melanostictum, Hance minutum, Kunth montanum, Wight ... montanum, Thw. nanum, Kunth nudicaule, Kunth ... nudiflorum, Br. nudiflorum, Miq. nudifloruw, Wall. nummularium, Miq — ochraoeum, Dalz. ... ovalifolium, Hh.f. ... ovatum, Wall paniculatum, Wall. ... paniculatum, Wight pauciflorum, Wight... paucijlorum, Dalz. ... pilosum, Wall protensum, Thw. protensum, Wall. radicans, I). Don reniforme, Ham. scaberrimum, Kunth Boapiflorum, Wight ... scapijiorum, Hk. f . & T. secundiflorum, Kunth secundum^ Wight semiteres. Dalz. Vol. Page vi. 3yo >> 379 368 )> 377 376 )) 376 )> 379 377 )j 379 377 ,379 vi. 381 379 379 375 )) 377 380 377 ,382 vi. 390 ;; 376 379 381 379 380 377 376 379 376 j> 379 375 377 J) 379 381 376 377 }} 379 )) 378 377 ,381 vi. 381 378 380 382 382 381 j> 377 378 381 380 j> 376 >} 382 )> 378 ]i 368 382 )> 375 376 J7 368 379 >J 381 Aneilema serotinum, D. Don sinicum, Lindl spectahile, Kurz spicatum, Wall spiratum, Br ... terininale, Wight Thomson), Clarice trichocolea, Soh&Vi. ... ... triqnetrum, l^aii tuberosum, Ham. vaginatnm, Br versicolor, Dalz zeylanicuni, Clarlie sp., Hk. f. & T. ... vi. sp., Miq sp., Wall ... Anemagrostis Neesiana, W. &A ... tenella, Wight ... Anemone, Linn albana, Stev biflora, DC curta, Wall cynosurus, Griff. demissa, Hh.f. ^ T. discolor, Boyle duhia, Wall elongata, D. Don Falconeri, Thorns.' geraniifolia, Wall Qortschakowii, Kar. & Kir. Oovaniana, Boyle Govaniana, Wall. . . . , . . . Griffithii, i/fe./. ^r. ... hispida, Wall longiscapa, Wall micrantha, Klotz mollis. Wall naroissiflora, Linn. ... ... obtusiloba, D. Don ... ... polyanthes, D. Don pratensis, Linn. ... ... rivularis, Ham. ... ... rivularis, Wall. rupestris, Wall. ... ... rupioola, Camh. ... ... scaposa, Edgew tetrasepala, Royle truUifolia, Hlc.f.^T. ... villosa, Boyle ... vitifolia, Ifam TFallichiana, Boyle ... . . , Wightiana, Wall Anemoneje ,. .« Anerincleistus, Korth. Griffithii, HA;. /. ...' ... Helferi, .fffe./. ... ...... Vol. Page vi. 375 „ 379 „ 375 » 375 „ 377 „ 37» „ 37e „ 379 » 37a „ 375 „ 381 » 378 „ 376 376, 382 vi. 377 70 71 7 7 7 2 1& 9 8 9 '10 8 9 7 9 8 8' 9 9 8 8 10 8 9 7 9 10 9 8 9 10 9 9 8 7 9 1 529 529 GENERAL INDEX. m Vol. Page Anethum Fceniculum, Linn. ii. 6y5 graveolens, Linn i, 709 Panmorium, Rozb „ 695 Sowa, Roxb „ 709 trifoliatuniy Boxb „ 685 Angelica, Linn. ... ii. 706 Archangelica, Ijinn „ 707 ? Candolln, Wall „ 700 gl&ucsi, Edgeto „ 706 Angr cecum pugioniforme,K\otz. vi. 70 zeylanicum, Lindl „ 78 Anguillaria, Gaertn. zeylanica, Gaertn iii. 523 Anguillaria, Br. Heyneana, Wall vi. 357 indica, Br. ,, 357 indica, Grab, „ 357 Anguillarie^ vi. 301 Ania angustifolia, Lindl. ... v. 819 hicornis, Lindl „ 820 latifolia, Lindl. „ 820 ? latifolia, Wight „ 821 wacwZata, Thw v. 784, 822 Anictoclea Grahamiana^ Nimmo ii. 657 Anisadenia, Wall i. 412 Ichasyana, Griff, „ 412 pubescens, OriJ'. ,, 413 saxatilis, Wall „ 412 Anisantha pontica, C. Koch vii. 359 Aniseia, Chois iv. 200 Afzelii, G. Don {Ariseia) „ 217 harlerioideSf Chois „ 201 hracteata, Hassk. (Ariseia) „ 217 calycina, Chois „ 201 wni^ora, Chois „ 201 Anisochilus, Wall iv. 627 adenanthus, Dalz. ^ Gibs. „ 630 albtdit*, Wight ,, 628 carnosus, Wall. „ 627 crttssws, Benth „ 627 decussatus, Dalz. & Gibs. ,, 628 dy BoiphjUoides, Benth. ... „ 628 eriooephalus, Benth. ... „ 627 glaber, Schrad „ 627 pallidns, Wall „ 629 panioulatus, JBeTii^i „ 628 plantagineus, /iifc. /. ... „ 628 polystachyus, Benth. ... „ 630 purpureus, Wight ,, 628 robustus, ^it. /. „ 629 rupestris, Wight „ 627 scaber, Benth „ 627 sericenBt Benth „ 629 sudrntioosus, Wight ... >, 628 sufruticosus, Thw ,, 630 verticillatus, flA. /. „ 629 Anisochilns Wightii, Hfe. /. Anisodus humilis, Hk. f. luridus, (^luridans) Link & Otto stramojiifolius, G. Don ... Anisomeles, Br candicans, Benth. ... ... disticha, Heyne ... ... glabrata, Benth Heyneana, Benth intermedia, Wight malabarica, J3r m,oUissima, Wall nepalensis, Sprenp' ovata, Br Anisonema duhium, 31. egla7idulosum, Done. intermedium, Done multifiorum, Wight reticulatum, A. Jnss. Zollingeri, Miq Anisopetalum Carey anumtWs.. v, lasianthum, Knhl Anisophyllea, Br , disticha, Hook grandifolia, G. Hensl. ii. 4 Griffithii, Oliv zeylanica, Benth ANISOPHYLLEiE , Anisophyllum Barman- nianum, Kl. & Gar. Forskalii, Kl. &i Gar. thymifolium, Kl. & Gar. .. Anisoptera, Korth glabra, Kurz oblonga, Dyer odor at a, Kurz Anneslea, Wall crassipes, Hook fragrans, Wall Anneslia spinosa, Eoxb. Anoda, Cav. ... hastata, Linn Anodendron, A. DC Candolleanum, Wight panicnlatnm, A. DC. pauoiflorum, ^fc. /. rhinosporam, Thw ruhescens, Teysm. & Binn Anogeissns, Wall acuminata, Wall hirta, Wall latifolia. Wall myrtifolia. Wall pendula, Edgew phillyreaefolia, Heurck .8f Muell Vol. Page iv. 6:i8 iv. 242 243 jj 243 iv. 672 )) 673 672 )} 672 )) 672 673 )i 673 672 )) 672 )> 672 V. 288 )) 288 288 )) 288 ?i 288 )} 288 . V. 760 » 763 ii. 441 )) 442 42, iv. 86 ii. 442 442 ii. 435 V. 252 252 )j 252 . i. 300 30i )) 301 if 301 . i. 280 )) 280 280 . i. 115 . i. 321 )> 321 iii. 668 )> 669 668 • >> 669 669 )) 669 . ii. 450 ■ >) 450 450 • }i 450 • » 451 ij 451 451 452 GENERAL INDEX. An otnanthodia, HTc, f, anriculata, Hk. f. Anomotianthes dejiciens, Bl. Ancnnospermu')n excelsuni, Dalz Anona, Linn reticulata, Linn. squamosa, Linn. Anonacea ? Hiern Anonackje Anos'porum, Nee? ... Cephalotes, Kurz monocephalum, Nees pallidum, Boeok, Auotis, DC c&lyoina, HTc. f. ... . capitata,'Korth. carnosa, Hh. f. ... deoipiens, Hk. f. foetida, Dalz gracilis, Hk. /. ».. . ingrata, Hk. f. ... lancifolia, Hk. f. Lesohenaultiana, Hk. f. monosperma, Hk. f. Montholoni, Hk. /. . • nnmmulart^aj Hk. /. . oxyphylla, Hk. f. qnadrilocularis, Hk. f. Rheedii, HA;. /. Richardiana, Hk, f. . . Ritchiei, Hk. f. urophylla, JFfA:. /. Wightiaiia, i/A;. /. .. Anplectrum, A. Oray .. annnlatam, Triana .. assamiciim, Clarke ... barbatum, Triana cyanocarp^im, Kurz .. divaricatnm, Triana glaucum, Triana pallens, Bl. ... .. parvijlorum, Benth. .. Anquetilia Laureola, Dene.... Anstrutheria zeylcmica, Gard. Antennaria, Oaertn cinnamomea, DC contorta, D. Don hyperhorea, D. Don muscoides, Hk.f. ^ T. ... nsLU&, Hk. f. ^ T. Timmua, D. Don iriplinervis, Sims villosissima, D. Don, lapsu Gnaphalium Antheischima, excelsa, Korth Anthbmide^ ... ... iii. Vol. Page iii. 108 108 i! 671 V. 282 i. 78 »» 78 ») 78 iii 572 i. 45 vi. 597 i> 597 » 597 ;; 598 iii. 71 73 55 63 5> 74 « 72 )5 74 )) 71 >J 71 JJ 73 55 72 »> 75 JJ 73 JJ 75 72 J> 74 JJ 73 JJ 7o 74 JJ 72 75 ii. 545 JJ 546 JJ 546 JJ 546 JJ 545 ij 546 JJ 545 545 JS 528 i. 499 ii. 441 iii. 278 JJ 281 JJ 285 JJ 264 JJ 278 55 278 55 281 281 J5 283 i. 291 224,311 1 Vol. Page Anthemis, Linn iii. 312 Cotula, Linn JJ 312 odontostephana, Boiss. .. JJ 312 pygvKsa, Bert. ... JJ 316 scaposa, Gay JJ 312 Anthericuin adenanthera, Forst vi. 337 nepalense, Spreng ji 335 'Nimmonii, Grab JJ 336 niveum, Schult. f 336 ornith ogaloideSy Hochst. . . JJ 334 parviflorum, Benth JJ 336 serotinum, Linn • JJ 354 tuberosum, Heyne »j 834 tuberosum, Rozb. ... vi . 334 335 unijlorum, Roxb vi. 355 Anthistiria, Linn vii. 210 anathera, iVees JJ 215 arguens, Willd JJ 211 arguens, Heyne j> 214 arguens, Wight j» 213 arguta, Nees 218 arundinacea, Hack JJ 217 arundinacea, Haesk. >> 211 arundinacea, Roxb JJ 217 australis, Br JJ 213 harhatay Desf 213 caudata, Hack vii. 216, 217 caudata, Nees vii. 217 ciliata, LtTin. / JJ 213 ciliata, Munro JJ 213 ciliata, Retz JJ 212 ciliata, Thunb JJ 213 cinUcina, Edgew j> 218 cymbaria, Eoxh j> 215 fasciculata, Thw JJ 209 Forskahlii, Kunth JJ 212 frondosa, Br j» 211 genuina, Hack, »> 217 gigantea, Cav JJ 216 gigantea, Car. ... ., >j 217 gigantea. Hack. >j 216 Meljeri, Munro >j 214 heteroclita, Roxb J) 219 Hookeri, Criseh )j 216 imberbis, Retz. n 211 imherhis^ Retz JJ 213 Junghuhniana, Nees JJ 211 laxa, Anderss )i 213 Linnceana, Steud it 218 longispatha, Hack JJ 217 mutica, Steud JJ 217 pilifera, Steud 211 ? polystachya, Uo^h, » 212 prostrata, Willd JJ 218 ? puberula, Anderss. >J 213 scandens, Ruxb >J 213 GENERAL INDEX. 45^ Anthistiria semiberfcis, Nees ....... Btrigosa, Ham suhsericans, Nees Thwaftesii, HTc. f. tremula, Nees villosa, 'B.ack villosa, Poir vulgaris, Hack vulpina, Anderss Wightiijl^eeB sp., Wall vii. 206, 214, 215, 217, 218, 219. Anthobole^ Anthocephalus, A. Rich. ... Cadamba, lft(2 chinensis, Hassk indicus, Rich morindcvfolius, Korth. ... Anthocometes aristatus, Nees Anthog oninm, Lindl gracile, Lindl Griffithii, Eohb. f. sp., Griff. Anthozantbnm, Linn. mcZicwm, Linn odoratum, Linn. ... ... Anthrisous, i/o/m Bemorosa, Spreng Anthyllis cuneata, Dum. ... Antiarie, Leschen du&ia, Spanog innoxia, Bl macrophylla, Br rufa, Miq saccidora, Dalz. toxicaria, Leschen Antioharis, JEndl glandulosa, Aschers linearis, Hochst. Antichorus depressus, Linn. Antidesma, Linn acidum, Retz v. acuminatum, Wall alatum, HTc. f. ... Alexiteria, Linn ? Alexiteria, Gaertn. Alexiteria, Pre si andamanioum, HL/. assamicum (nom. delend.) attenuatumyWdM brunneum, flfe. / Bunius, Spreng Bunius, Miq Buy^ius, Wall. ... V. 358, ciliatum, Presl comptum, Tulasne ? coriaceum, Bl Vol. Page vii 213 >» 214 217 >« 215 >> 214 )) 217 j> 217 • > 212 >* 217 jt 218 212, 213, V. 229 iii. 23 »> 23 5> 26 » 26 23 iv. 524 V. 822 >) 822 1) 823 )) 823 vii 221 a 98 »» 222 ii. 692 j> 692 ii. 142 V. 537 )) 537 }> 537 )i 538 >) 538 >} 537 )) 537 iv. 249 249 ); 250 i. 398 V. 354 357, 364 V. 363 jj 358 )) 359 >» 364 >» 362 >> 364 )) 363 ), 356 }j 359 3) 358 >> 364 360, 363 V. 358 5J 365 J' 352 Antidesma coriaceum, Tulasne ... cuspidatnm, Muell. diandrum, Both fallax, Muell fiemtosum, Tulasne ... jiorihundum, Tulasne fruticulosam, Kurz ... Ghesffimbilla, Gaertn. piafej-wm, Tulasne Helferi, /ifc. /. kbasianum, Hk. f. ... Kingii, Hfc./. lanceolarium, Wall. . . . lanceolatum, Dalz. & Gi lanceolatum, Hk. f. & leptocladon, Tulasne leucooladon, HJc.f.... longipes, //A;. /. lunatum, Miq macrophyllum, Wall, martabanicum, Presl Menasu, Miq ? Menasti, Gamble ... Menasu, Kurz Menasu, Muell minus, Bl. ? molle, Wall. montanum, Thw. Moritzii, Muell. nervosum, Wall. neurocarpum,, Miq. ... nigricans, Tulasne ... nigricans, Hk. f. & T. oblongatum, Muell.... ohlongifolium, Bl. oblongum,, Wall, paohystachys, JHk. f. paniciilatum, Roxb.... parviflorum, Ham. ... pendul u m , Hh. f. persimile (perserrula) Kurz puhescens, Hk. f, & T. puhescens, Moritz ... puhescens, Boxb. puhescens, Tul puncticulatum, Miq. pyrifolium, Muell. ... refrax:tum, Muell. ? rotatum, MueW. Roxburghii, Wall. ... salicifolium, Miq. ... simile, Muell sylvestre, Lamk. sylvestre, Wall Thwaitesianum, Muell. tomentosura, Bl. Vol. Pao-e ... V. 359 ... )) 360 ... >J 361 • •• •> 359 360 ... „ 358 ... %, 360 it 357 ... „ 358 357 362 „ 356 ,y 361 bs. „ 364 T. „ 362 362 ... ,, 358 355 ... ,, 352 • • • >> 363 363 ... >> 364 j> 363 ... ,, 364 ••• 5? 363 >» 362 356 ... ,) 362 J, 362 ... J, 485 J> 358 V. 360 ,365 ... V. 365 ,, 365 V. 362 ,363 ... V. 364 ... J) 355 ... ,f 357 ,, 361 ., 356 365 ,f 364 „ 362 ,, 357 ... jj 363 }> 366 it 362 ,f 363 ... „ 360 >> 357 }> 366 ... ,, 363 V.357 ,358 ... V. 361 ,, 358 ... ,, 356 454 GENERAL INDEX. Antidesma velutinosam, Bl, velatinum, Tulasne.. Wallichianumf Presl Wattii, ^A;. /. zeylanicum, Ham. ,. zeylanicum, Lamk. .. Antidesma sjj., Wall. v. 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 364, 440, 619. Antidesmea ?, Fin. Antibehine^ Antierhinide^ Antirrhinam, Linn gihhosum, Wall glaucum, Stocks gr atissimum, Roxh hexandrum, Forsk majus, Linn minus, Linn ^. Orontium, Linn papilionaceum, Burm. ... Antirrhoea, Comm Antistrophe, A. DO oxyantha, A. DC serratifolia, HJc. f. Antitaxis, Miers fascicnlata, Miers Antonia Oriffithii, Wight ... Aopla reniformis, Lin,dl. ... Apama siliquosa, Lamk. Aparisthmium javense, Hassk sumatranum, Rohb. f. & Zoll „ 421 Apaturia Lindleyana, Wight v. 812 " " „ 812 vi. 117 V. 812 „ 812 V. 1^2 „ 182 „ 186 „ 183 vi. 122 Vol. Page V. 356 „ 361 „ 361 „ 366 „ 363 „ 359 ... V. 619 iv. 246, 734 ... iv. 246 ... iv. 253 ... ,, 253 ... „ 252 ... „ 266 ... „ 279 ... „ 253 ... „ 252 ... „ 253 ... „ 252 ... iii. 126 ... iii. 531 532 ... „ 532 ... i. 106 ... „ 106 ... iv. 85 ... vi. 152 ... V. 73 ... V. 422 montana, Lindl. tnontana, Thw senilis, Lindl Smithiana, Lindl Aperula assamica, Meissn... Meissneri, Herb. Calo. .. Neesiana, Bl oxyphylla, Meissn Apetalon minutum, Wight.. Aphanamixis rubiginosa, Griff. ... i. 561 Aphananthe cuspidata, Planch. V. 486 Aphanochilus hlandus,^enth. iv. 644 eriostackys, Benth. .. jlavus, Benth faetens, Benth incisus, Benth. ... paniculatus, B enth . . . ptlosus, Benth polystachyus, Benth. 645 643 644 644 644 644 643 Aphylleia-eruhescenSfCh&m-p. vi. 558 Aphyllorohis, Bl.... montana, Rchh. f. pallida, BL Prainii, HJc. f. .... ? vaginata, Hk.f. Apios, Mosnch. oarnea, Benth. ... Apium, Linn. graveolens, Linn. invohicratuin, Boxb. Aplotaxis albescens, DC. andryaloides, DC. auriculata, DC... Bungei, DC. ccespitosa^ DC. ... caniicans, DC. ... Candolleana, DC. carthamoides. Ham. cirsioides, DC. ... deltoides, DC. ... denticulata, DC. discolor f DC. fastuosa. Done.... foliosa, Edgew.... gnaphalodes, Royle gossypina, DC. ... Jacea, Klotz. Lappa, Done. ... leontodontoides, DC multicaulis, DC. nepalensis, Spreng. nivea, DC obvallata, DC. ... ? pungens, DC. ... Roylei, DC. scaposa, Edgew. sorocephala, Sohrenk Apluda, Linn. aristata, Haclc. ... aristata, Auct. ... aristata, Linn. ... ciliata, Anderss. communis, Nees & Arn, Cumingii, Baese geniculata, Roxb. gigantea, Spreng. ? glauca, Sohreb. Gryllus, Beanv. Qryllus, Fresl ... humilis, Knnth inerm,is, Regel ... microsiachya, Nees mucronata. Stead. mntioa, Rack. ... mutica, Auct. ... mutica, Linn. .... rostrata, Arn. & JSTees GENERAL INDEX. 455 Aplnda . rugosa, Russ scahra, Anderss varia, HacJc , ... villosa, Sohreb Zeygites, Aubl. sp., Wall vii. Apooopis, Nees Bechettit, Thw..^ genuinus, Hack mcmgahirensis, Hack. pallida, Hk. f ... Royleana, Nees vaginatus, Hack. Wightii, iVees Wightii, Thw. Wrightii, Munro APOCYNACKiE Apocynea viminea, Wall. ... 8p.,Wall Apocynnm, Lmw. frutescens, Linn orixense, Eottl. reticulatum, Herb. Madr. tiliasfolium, Lamk yenetnva, Linn -Apodytes, E. Mey andamanica, Kurz Beddomei, Mast Benthamiana, Wight Gardneriana, Miers Apollonias, Nees Arnottii, Nees zeylanica, Thw. .... ... -Aponogeton, Thtmh crispum, Thunb. .« ... echinatum, Boxh Jlavidum, Ham lucens, Hb. Madr miorophyllum, Roxh. monostachyon, Linn. f. ... monostachys, Edgew. undAilatum, E>oxb Aporetica ternata, Forst. .. Aporosa, £1 acuminata, Hiw ., affinis, Baill aurea, Hk.f. ... aurita, Miq ,., Benthamiana, jfffc. /. ... calocarpa, Kurz Clellandii, HJc. f. Cwmingiana^ BailL ... dioica, Muell , ... faloifera, HJt. /. ... ... ficifolia, Baill , fuaiforrais, T/iw. ... .. glabrif olia, Kurz Vol. Page vii. 128 )> 151 )) 150 » 151 )) 60 150, 151 vii. 142 » 142 1) 143 » 143 )> 143 j> 142 143 J) 142 )) 143 » 142 iii. 621 iv. 64 iii. 640 iii. 657 ,j 669 iv. 6 11 5J 46 iii. 657 i. 587 J, 588 }> 588 588 588 V. 121 121 124 vi. 664 )) 564 564 564 564 565 )) 564 564 )) 564 . i. 674 . V. 345 )} 348 349 351 J) 346 352 )) 343 348 }} 346 3> 348 352 346 351 J> 349 Aporosa globifera, IfA;. /. Griffithii, Hk. f. lanceolata, Thiv. lanceolata, Kurz latifolia, Thw Lindleyana, Baill. ,,.- lunata, Benth macrophylla, Muell. Maingayi, Hk. /. microcalyx, Hassk. ... microsphsera, Hk. /..,. microstachya, Muell. microstachya, Knrz ... nervosa, Hk. f. nigricans, Hk. /. ohlonga,, Muell. Planchoniana, Baill. Roxburgh ii, Baill. ... sphaerocarpa, Muell. . . . stellifera, Hk. f. Thwaitesiiy Baill. Tulasneana, Baill. ... villosa, Baill villosula, Kurz Walliohii, iffe. /. ... sp., Griff. sp. , lapsu A. porosa Aporum anceps, Lindl. concinnum, Lindl. ... cuspidatum. Wall. ... indivisum, Bl indivisum, Lindl. Jenkinsii, G riff. Leonis, Lindl. ... ... micranfJium, Griff. ... Serra, Lindl sinuatum, Lindl. suhteres, Griff. Apostasia, Si Brtmonis, Griff. latifolia, Rolfe nuda, Br Wallichii, Br Apoterium^ Bl. ...• ... Appendicula, BJ bifaria, Lindl callosa, Bl oordata, Hk. f. cristata, Bl. cyathifera, Rohb. f. ... echinocarpa, Hk.f.... graniinifolia,TejBni.& Hasseltii, Wight Koenigii, Hk. /...., ... lanoifolia, Hk. f. Lewisii, Griff. long if olia, Bl. Vol. Page .. V. 347 353 351 350 . . )) 347 349 352 346 348 •* 9) 346 350 349 •• >> 351 ■ ■ )) 350 347 ■ * )) 348 • • >> 350 347 ■ *■ M 349 •• )> 352 351 J> 349 345 347 •• 5> 350 II 353 ... i. 283 .. V. 724 724 . . . ,, 724 723 723 •• • 51 725 .. . ,, 723 723 ... J, 723 • •• >» 724 . . • ,, 726 ... vi. 174 175 . . . ,, 175 ... ,, 175 ... „ 175 ... i. 271 ... vi. 82 *• • )i 82 ... „ '83 ... J, 83 ... ), 85 ... >, 83 ... ,) 85 nn. „ 85 ... V. 824 vi. 84, 198 ... vi . 84 • • . }j 83 ... ji 85 456 GENERAL INDEX. Appendicnla Maingayi, 5"^. /. ... . redv/plicata, Kchb. f. stipulata, Griflf. teres, Oriff. teres, Griff. torta, Bl xy triophora, Bchh. f. S2?., Griff. Apter oxx, Kurz , lanceolatnm, Kurz ... . Apteuxis trinervis, Griff. , Aptosime^ i\ Aquilaria, Lamk Agallocha, Roxh malaccensis, Lawfc ovata, Cav Aquilarib^ Aqnilegia, Linn alpinUy Lmn fragranSj ^enth glandulosa, Fisch. . . . glauca, Lindl jucunda, Fisoh. & Mey. . kanawarensis, Camb. Moorcroftiana, Wall. olympica, Boiss pubifiora, Wall. pyreniaca, DC viscosa, Gouan vulgaris, Linn.... ... . vulgaris, DC . Aquilicia Ottilis, Gaertn. . samhucina, Linn. Ababide^ Arabis, Linn alhida, Stev alpina, Linn amplexicaulis, Edgew. . arewosa, Linn. ... . Aucheri, Boiss.. auricnlata, Lamk glabra, Crantz glandnlosa, Kar. Sf Kir. heleophila, DC. mcanescews, Munro ... ? leptocarpa, Wall Monthretiana, Boiss. nuda, Belang perfoliata, Lamk pterosperma, Edgew. scapigera, Boiss taraxaoit'olia, Anders. . Thaliana, Linn Thomsoni, Hk. f tibetica, Hk. f.SfT. Arachis fruticosa, Betz. hypogcea, hinn Vol. Page vi. 85 }> 82 7} 83 >; 85 V. 825 vi 84 » 84 » 85 i. 643 i) 643 ii. 551 246 ,249 V. 199 ,, 199 n 200 200 V. 192 i. 23 )i 24 >» 24 n 24 >5 24 )) 24 }> 24 24 )t 24 >> 24 >J 24 }> 24 ); 24 » 24 i. 667 667 i. 128 i. 135 j> 136 135 )) 136 136 )> 135 135 >> 135 136 5> 140 140 )> 149 135 J> 137 135 5J 136 137 136 JJ 148 136 J? 136 ii. 148 » 161 Vol. P8e» Araohnanthe, Bl . vi. 27 bilinguis, Benth >> 2» Cathoartii, Benth 27 Cl&Tkei, Rolfe >» 28 Maingayi, Sk. f i» 28 moschifera, Bl 28 Arachnis moschifera, Bl. . vi. 28 Aracium IcBvigatum, Miq. . . iii. 411 Aralia, Linn . ii. 721 armata. Seem ■ )> 72a bipinnatifida, Clarke 722 oachemirlca, Dene »> 722 chinensis, Linn * >i 723 cissifolia, Grif. it 722 digitata, B,oxb 5> 729 disperma, Bl. ... ... . 5> 738 foliolosa. Seem • JJ 723 glomerulata, Bl. ... .. " JJ 737 latifoUa, W. & A • JJ 727 macrophylla, Lihdl.... '. JJ 722 malabarica, Bedd. ... .. ■ JJ 722 montana, Bl • JJ 72a palmata^ Lour >J 736 parasitica. Ham ii 724 Pseudo-ginseng, Benth... ii 721 Thomsonii, Seem 723 Araliacea ? Kleinii, W. & ^ i i. 593 ABALIACE.E . ii. 720 Araliad, sp., Hk. f . & T. ii. 722, 723, 724, 726, 728, 729, 730, 732,^ 733, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740. Aralidium, Miq. '.. . ii. 725 pinnatifidum, Miq j> 725 Aealiej: . ii. 720 Araliopsis andamanica, Kurz ii. 733 Abaucaeie^ !;; . V. 644 Arceuthobium, Eic^. ... .. . V. 227 minutissimum, fZ^fc. /. JJ 227 Archangelioa, Hoffm. ... . . ii. 707 decurrens, Ledeb j> 707 oflSoinalis, Hqfm JJ 707 Archytaea, Mart 293 Vahlii, Chois • j> 294 Arctium, Linn. '. . iii. 359 Lappa, Linn i» 359 Arcyphyllum, Elliott . ii. 226 Ardisia, Sw. ... . iii. 518 aUernata,A.'DC • JJ 528 Amherstiana, A. DC. JJ 527 amplexicaulis, Bedd. j» 521 anceps, Wall a 52a andamanica, Kurz ii 521 arbor escens, Wall it 530 attenuata, Wall n 528 avenis, Bl ' it 512 ? Basaal, R. & S ' a 515 GENERAL INDEX. rdisia Vo I. Page Ardisia Vol. Page bhotanioa, Qlarke ii i. 528 ohlonga, A. DC. ... iii 521, 528 Blumu,A.DQ , 520 ohovata, Bl iii. 530 Boissieri, A. DC , , 519 odontopbylla, Wall. J) 525 Brandisiana, Kurz , 526 ovata, Thunb 520 chrtjsophijlloides, Miq. ... , , 521 oxyantha, Wall 5> 532 colorata, Roxh , , 520 oxyphylla, Wall >j 528 complanata, Wall , , 520 paniculata, JRoxh 519 oonrtallensis, Wight ... , , 520 ■panciO-ora,, Heyne 5» 529 crassa, Clarke , , 518 paucijlora, Kejue ?. » 522 crenata, i2oa& , , 524 pedunculaia, Kosb )> 522 crenulata, Lodd , , 524 pedunculosa, Wall J) 523 crispa, A. DC. ... , , 524 peduncxdosa. Wall 522 cymosa, Bl. , , , 52y polycarpa, Wall J> 520 densa, Miq , , 524 poly cephsda, Wall JJ 529 depressa, Clarice , , 522 polycephala, Wight 55 530 divergens, Eoxh , , 521 polyneura, Miq 55 520 diverge7is, Thw. , , 521 polysticta, Miq 524 elegans, Andr , , 524 poroea, Clarke ... .. .. 55 522 elliptica, Bedd , , 530 pumila, Bl. 55 518 eugenicefoUa, Kurz , , 531 pu7ictaia, J&ck ... 521 eugenicefoUa, Wall , , 530 punctulosa, Dietr 55 521 eximia^ Miq , , 519 purpurea, Reinw 55 519 florihunda, Wall. , , 522 pyramidal is, Roth ... .. 55 620 Gardneri, Clarke , , 521 quinquangularis, A. DC..^ 55 522 glahrata, Bl. ... , 525 TefLex&,WaU. 527 glandulosa, Bl. , , , 524 rhomboidea, Wight 55 529 glandulosa, Roxb , , 533 rhynohophylla, Clarke .. 55 529 grandijlora, Wall , 520 rigida, Kurz 55 519 grandifolia, A. DO , , 526 rostrata, Hassk 55 530 Griffithii, Clarke , , 523 Bothn,A. DC 520 Hasseltii, Bl. ... , 519 Boxhurghiana, Dietr. • 55 633 Helferiana, Kurz , 526 salicifolia, A. DC 55 530 humilis, Vahl , 529 sanguinolenta, Bl. • 55 520 hymenandra, Wail , 532 sanguinolenta. Wall. 55 528 Icara, Ham , 523 serratifolia, Bedd 55 532 involucrata, Kurz , 528 serrulata, Kurz 55 523 jamhosioides, Miq , 519 solanacea, Roxb 55 530 iavanica, A. DC , , 521 speciosa, Bl 519 Keenani, Clarke , 526 ? spicata, Wall 55 518 khasiana, Clarke , 527 tavoyana, A. .DC 55 525 Korthalsiana, Sch , 531 Teysmanniana, Scheff. ,. 531 Kurzii, Clarke , 525 thyrsiflora, D. Don 55 522 lanoeolata, Eoxh , 519 Tsjeriam-Cottam, R. & S.. 55 515 lentiginosa, Ker-Gawl. ... , 524 tuberculata, Wall 55 521 LeschenauUii, A. DC. , 519 umhellata, Roth • 55 530 littoralis^ Andr , , 530 Tindulata, Clarke . JJ 524 Lobbiana, Clarke , 529 vestita, Wall 55 525 macrooarpa, Wall , 524 villosa, Itoxh 525 macrophylla, W&U , 526 virens, Kurz • 55 524 membranaoea, Wall. , 527 Walliohii, A. BC • t» 528 missionis, TFalL ... ... , 519 Wallichii, Thyr 55 523 mollis, Bl „ 525 Wightiana, W&U • 55 530 Moonii, Clarke , 623 zeylanioa, Clarke • 51 520 mucronata, B\ , 519 Zollinger i, A. DC 55 520 nenifolia, Wall , 522 sp.f Gritf. • 55 524 neriifolia, A. DC , 521 sp„ Hk. f. & T. iii. 519, 523, 524, neriifolia, Kurz , 522 527, 528, 539. VOL. VII. H h 458 GENERAL INDEX. Areosb, Linn. augusta, Kurz Catechu, Linn conoinna, Thw costata, Kurz ... ,„ ... curvata, GrifF. vi. DicJcsonii, Roxb disticha, Tioxh Faufel, Gaertn. gracilis, Roxb hcematocarpa, Griff. hexasticha, Kurz horrida, Griff. hortensis, Lour. humilis, Roxb Tnalaiana, Griff. uagensis, Griff. Nenga, Bl Nihung, Mart oryz 191 hancornicefolia, Gardn. ... JJ 196 hirsuta, Am 5J 189 Hookeri, Clarice J> 185 involucrata, Clarke 5> 187 lanoeolata, Chois J5 186 Lawii, Clarice J) 190 Leschenaultii, Chois. S> 188 Leschenaultii, Thw. )) 188 malabarica, Chois. }> 189 nellygherya, Chois, 3> 189 obtecta, Clarice JJ 186 ■ohtusifolia,Lo\iT. .... ... )> 186 ornata, Sweet >> 183 osyrensis, Chois }> 192 •pilossk, Arn ... J» 189 pomacea, Chois J J 188 popnlifolia, Chois >> 187 j)opulifolia, Chois )> 186 Eoxburghii, Chois »> 185 Boxhurghii, Chois )) 195 rubicunda, Chois ,J> 195 Bericea, Dalz. ^ Gibs. ... >J 188 setosa, Chois >> 194 speciosa, Sweet ... .... J> 185 aplendens, Sweet }J 186 tiliaefolia, Wight >J 184 tomentosa, Chois ,J> 192 unijiora, Sweet !> 184 venusta, Chois ^.. » 185 Wallichii, Chois. ... ... .15 187 zeylanica, Kurz ... iv. 187 ,196 si>.,Hk. f. &T. iv. 185, 187, 189, 190, 192, 194 , 195 Argyrolobium, Bckl. ^ Zeyh. ii. 63 divaricatum, J. & S. j> 63 flaccidum, J. ^ /S 63 Kotschyi, Boiss. }> 64 ornithopodioides, J. & S. j> 64 roseum, J. ^ S }j 64 Aria humaonensis, Dene. ... ii. 375 lanata, Done )) 375 Arillaria rohusta, Knrz ii. 252 ARINEiE vi. 490 Ariopsis, Nimmo vi. 519 peltata, Nimmo ... ... :J» 519 protanthera, N. E. Br. ... >>_ 519 Arissema, Mart vi. 497 nblreviatum, Schofct a 503 affi^na, Schott it 505 album, N. E. Br )i 498 alienattt/m, Schott ... ... jj 505 anomalum, Eemsl. .,.. ... T) 498 Arisaema caudatum, Engl commutatum, Schott concinnum, Sc^oft consanguinenm, Schott ... cornutum,, Sohott ... ... costatnm, Mart costatum, Wall. curvatum, Kunth cuspidatum, Engl decipiens, Schott dolosum, Schott echinatum, Schott eminenSy Schott , erubescens, Schott , ? erubescens, Dalz. & Gibs. exile, Schott filicandatum, N. E.Br. ... filiforme, Thw fimbriatnm , Mast flavtim, Schott fraternum, Schott galeatum, N. E. Br. ? gracile, Kunth Griffithii, Schott helleborifolium, Schott .. ? heptaphyllum, Bl Hookeri, Schott Hooker ianum, Schott Huegelii, Schott intermedium, Bl Jaoqnemontii, Bl Jacquemontii, Engl , Kunstleri, //fc. /. Leschenaultii, Bl Leschenaultii, Engl. mirabile, Schott MuTvayi, Hk neglectum, Schott nepenthoides, Marf ochracenm, Schott papillosum, Stend ? pentaphyllum, Schott .. petiolulatum, ^fc. /. Prazeri, Hk.f. propinquum, Schott pulchrum, If. E. Br. ? pumilum,'Q\ Eoxburghii, Kunth Scortechini, £/^fc. /. speciosnm, Mart Steudelii, Schott Stracheyanum, Schott tortuosum, Hchott utile, Hk.f. verTucosum, Schott vituperatum, Schott Wallichianum, fi'fc, /, h2 Vol. Pa(?e 460 GENERAL INDEX. Arisaetua Watt^i, HI. f. . Wightii, Schoff. Wightii, Hook. . Wrayi, Hemsl. . sp., Wall. ... Vol. Page ... vi. 498 ... „ 507 ... » 504 ... „ 503 vi. 498, 502, 504, 505, 506, 510 Arisarum amboinense, 'Rnva-ph vi. 5l0 Ariseia (vide Aniseia) Afzelii, G. Don iv. 217 hracteata, Hassk „ 217 Aristaria harbata, Jungh. ... vii. 211 mutica, Hassk „ 217 Arisfega Isevifolia, Miers ... i. 101 Aristida, Linn vii. 223 abyssinica, Trio. & Rupr. „ 224 Adscenscionis, Linn. ... „ 224 Adscenscionis, Trim. (adscendens) „ 225 tethiopica, Trin. & Rupr.... „ 225 arficulafa, Edgew „ 226 arund inacea, Roem „ 225 arundinacea, Wall „ 242 hrachypoda, Tausoh. ... „ 228 cserulescens^ Desf „ 224 canariensis, Willd „ 224 capillacea, Cav „ 224 chcetophylla, Stend „ 224 ciliata, Stend. & Hochst. „ 228 coendescens, Tbw „ 225 Cnniingiana,rrm. ^Ewpr. „ 224 curvata, Nees „ 224 cyanantha, Sfeiid ,, 225 decorata, Steud „ 228 delicafula, Hochst „ 224 depressa,'Retz vii. 2^4, 227 divarictita, Jaoq vii. 224 Ehrenhergii, Trin. & Rupr. „ 225 elatior, Cav. ... „ 224 /esifwcoides, Hochst „ 224 festucoides, Poir „ 225 Forshahlii, Tausoh „ 228 funicularis, Trin „ 226 funiculata, Trin. ^^ Bup¥. „ 226 funiculata, Boiss „ 227 gigantea, Linn. f. „ 225 Heymanniiy Regel „ 225 hirtigluma, Sterid „ 227 hy Btricxila, Edgeiv. „ 227 MyBtrix, Linn. f. „ 225 Hysfrix, Baker „ 225 Hystrix, Dathie „ 225 Jacquiniana, Tausch. ... „ 225 Kotschyi, Hochst „ 226 Kunthiana, Trin. & Rupr. „ 226 landta, Forsk ... „ 228 linearifolia, Bottl „ 800 macrathera, A. Rich. ... „ 226 Aristida Vol. Page mallica, Edgew vii. 226 meccana, Trin. & Rupr. ... ,, 226 modatica, Steud „ 224 montana, Rottl „ 242 murina, Aitch „ 226 mutabilis, Trin. cY Rupr. „ 226 mutahilis, Trin. & Rupr.... „ 225 nutans, Willd „ 225 paniculata^ Forsk „ 225 paradisea, Edgew „ 228 paradoxa, Schmidt „ 226 pilosa,'Kejne „ 226 plumosa, Linn „ 228 pogonoptila, Boiss „ 228 pnmilaf Bene „ 225 jo-jmZZa, Trin. & Rupr. ... „ 225 quinqueseta, Steud „ 225 £addiana, Savi „ 228 redacta, fiffap/ „ 227 rigida, Heyne „ 228 rigesoens, E. ^ S „ 228 Iioyleana,lLTin. & Rupr. vii. 226, 227 »S'c?n'mperj,.Hochst.& Steud. vii. 228 Schweinfurfhii, Boiss. ... „ 226 setacea,^ Eefz. „ 225 setacea, Trin „ 225 simplicissiina, Steud. ... „ 224 spicata, Rottl „ 226 spicigei'o, Trin. & Rupr. ... „ 225 stipacea,'khT enh. & Hempr. „ 227 tenella, Kurz „ 224 Teneriffx, Steud „ 224 tenwis,^ Hochst „ 226 trichodeSy W&\p „ 224 tripilis,. Thunh „ 226 vulgaris, Trin .^ & Rapr. ... „ 225 sp.. Wall vii. 225,227 Aristolochia, Linn v. 74 abyssinica, "Klotz „ 75 acuminata, Duchart. ... „ 76 acummata,^'Roxb „ 75 atropurpurea, Parish ... „ 76 bracteata, Retz „ 75 hracteolata, hanik. „. 75 Cathoartii, ^A;,/. „ 77 Grimthii,Hk. f.-S'-T. ... „ 77 indioa, iw« ... „. 75 KotscMji,. B-OclixBt ,, 75 lamceolata, Wight ... ... „ 75 inauritiana, Pers. ... ... „ 75 maurorumy 'Klotz ... „ 75 maysorensis, Fisch „ 75 pandurata^'W&ll „. 75 platanifolia, Duchart.. ... „ 76 Roxhur ghi&na,, Klotz. ... „ 75 sacoata,. Wall „ 76^ TJiivaitesiif Hook „. 77 GENERAL INDEX. 461 Aristolooliia trilobata, Linn sp.j Griflf. sp., Wall Aeistolochiace^ Arnebia, Forsh. ... ■echioides, Hook. Griffithii, Boiss. hispidissima, DC. perennis, A. DC. Thomsoni, Clarke tibetana, Kurz... tiny ens, A. DC... sp., Hk. f. & T. Arnica nivea, Wall. piloselloides^ Linn, Aroid, WalL ... vi. 495, 518, 5ly, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 529, 530, 533, 534, 536, 537. AROIDEiE vi. Arrhynchium lahrosum, Lindl. vi. Vol. Page ... ii. 600 ...V. 75, 77 ... V. 73 ... V. 72 ... iv. 175 ... ,, 176 iv. 17d 734 ... iv. 176 ... „ 177 ... ,, 176 ... ,j 176 :> 177 • • • 5) 176 ... iii. 390 ... 390 490 Arsis rugosa. Lour. Artabotrys, Br burmanions, A. HC. caudatus, Wall crassifolius, Hk,f. ^ T. ... hamatus, Bl Kurzii, //fc./. ^ r. Maingayi, m-./.^r. ... malayanus, Griff. odoratissimus, Br pleurocarpus, Maing, speciosus, Kurz suaveolens, Bl zeylanicus, HJc.f. ^ T. ... Artanema, D, Dow angnstifolium, Benth. ... sesamoides, Benth Artemisia, I/mTi Absinthii, Heyne ... ... Absinthium, Linn acetica, Jacq affi.nis, Hassk ... amygdalina, Dene, annua, Linn, anornala, Hance hienni^, Willd brevifolia, Wall Campbellii, Hk. f. ^ T, ... caruifolia, Ham cuneifolia, DC. deBertoTum, Spreng Dracunculua, Linn. duhia, W&ll? dubia^ WalL elegans, BoxK Falconeri, Clarke fasciculata, Hk. £. & T. ... 393 53 55 55 54 54 54 55 83 54 54 55 55 54 274 275 274 321 329 328 324 325 325 323 325 324 324 327 324 322 322 321 322 325 323 328 318 Artemisia fcetida, Jacq fragrans, Willd glabrata, DC. glauca, Pai^ Omelini, Bess grata, Wall. ... ... iii. Grifithiana, Boiss Ealimodendron, Ledeb. ... hemispJicerica, Rdxb hirsuta, Rottl. hypoleuca, Edgew hypoleuca ?, Hk. f. & T. ... indica, Willd Jacquemontiana, Bess. ... kohatica, Klatt laciniata, Willd lav andulee folia, DC Lehmaniana, Bunge. leptophylla, D. Don leptostachya, DC macrocephala, Jacq. inaderaspatana, Eoxb. maritima, Linn Messerschmidiana, Bess. .. minima, Linn minor, Jacq mollissima, D. Don Moorcroftiana, Wall. myriantha, Wall nilotica, Linn nuhigena, Wall nutans, Willd pallens, Wsbl] pallida, Salisb paniculata, Roxb parviflora, Roxh. , parvifiora, Wight pBrsica, Boiss pontica, Linn purpurascens, Jacq revoluta, Edgew , riparia, Ham Roxburghiana, Bess. Royleana, DC saororum, Ledeh salsoloides, Willd sooparia, Waldst. cfKit.... Siversiana, Willd sternutatoria, Roxb Stewartii, Clarke Stracheyi, Hk.f. Sf T. ... strict a, Edgew .. tenuiflora, Jacq 325 324 J> 330 )) 325 }) 329 )} 247 323 )> 327 J) 317 }) 329 }) 330 327 325 )J 316 319 )i 324 J5 329 329 325 J> 322 325 ;) 327 330 326 jj 326 324 )) 326 )> 329 )) 326 321 323 329 JJ 317 323 )] 328 323 }i 319 329 )| 324 11 323 462 GENERAL INDEX. Artemisia vulgaris, Linn Wadei, Edgew Wallichiana, Bess Arthratherum ciliatum, Nees elatum, Boiss hirtiglume, J. & S Kotschyi, Hoohst. plumosum, Nees pogonoptilum, J. & S. rigidum, Schult Royleanum, Edgew Schimperi, Nees Arthraxon, Beauv. breviaristatus, Haclc. ciliaris, Beauv ciliaris, Beauv ciliaris, Hack coloratus, Hoohst cuspidafus, Hoohst echinatus, Hoohst gracilis, Hoohst inermis, Hk.f. japonicus, Miq jubatus, HacTc lanceolatus, Hochst lanceotatus, Hochst lancif olius, ^oohat. ... Langsdorjianus, Hochst. .. lasiocoleos, Hoohst major, Hochst. onicans, Hochst. miorophyllus, Hochst. ... microphyllus, Hochst. wmor, Hochst nudus, Benth. ... nudus, Hochst.' rudis, Eochst. Schimperi, Hoohst. ... ... Schmidtii, Hoohst serrulatus, Hoohst.' spathaoeus, Hlc. f. Bubmutious, Hochst. suhmuticus, Hack. ' violaceus, Hoohst sp. Wall. ... vii. 117, 144, Arthrocnemum, Mog..., ... fruticosum, Moq ? glaucum, JJng. ... ... indicum, Moq. indicum, Thw. ... Arthromischus armatus, Thw. Arthrophyllum, Bl. alternijolium, Maingay ... Blumeanum, Zoll. & Mor. diversifolium, Bl. ' ... ii. ellipticum, B\ javanicum,B].' Vol. Page iii. 325 ,, 323 )) 326 vii. 228 )) 228 228 j> 227 j; 228 J> 228 ]) 228 JJ 227 J) 228 vii 143 ,, 144 )) 145 146 )) 145 146 >> 146 143 }> 146 145 ;j 146 147 J> 143 146 jj 147 146 146 ]) 146 146 5) 147 147 J> 147 146 5J 146 144 J> 146 146 )> 143 145 I> 144 145 >> 146 145 ,146 V. 11 » 12 5> 12 )> 12 12 i. 511 ii. 733 J) 734 5) 734 727 733 ii. 734 ?> 734 Arthrophyllum ovalifolium, Jungh pinnatum, Clarice pinnatum, Maingay., , ... Arthrosprion stipulattun, Hassk ? Arthrostachys gracilis, Desv. Arthrostemma paniculatum, D. Don Arthrostylis chinensis, Benth. filiformis, Thw Artocabpe^ Artooarpus, Forst bracteatus, King calophylla, Kurz Chaplasha, Roxh cuspidata, Griff. ... ... Dadah, Miq Denisoniana, King echinata. Roxb elongatus, Miq Forbesii, King Gomeziana, Wall hirsuta, Zawfc. ... incisa, Linn. f. ... ... ... integrif olia, Linn. f. Kunstleri, King ... ... Lakoooha, Roxh. lanceaefolia, Mooch lanceeefolia, Roxb Lowii, King Maine:ayi, King mollis, Wall nobilis, Thw. ... peduncularis, Kurz Polyphema, Pers pomiformis,'Veyem.& Binn. puhescens, Willd puhescens, Moon rigida, Bl ... rigida. Wall rujescens, Kurz Scortechinii, King Tampang, Miq tephrophylla, Miq. Arum, Linn angulatum, Griff. hulhiferum, Roxb ... campanulatum, Roxb. clavatum, Desf. Colocasia, hinx} ... costatum. Wall vi. crenatum, Wight cucullatum, liour cur vat nm, Roxb. cuspidatum, Bl cuspidaturn, Roxb divaricatum, Linn Vol. Page ii. 734 5> 734 9) 734 ii. 300 vii .210 ii. 525 vi 651 )) 650 V. 478 V. 539 JJ 540 540 JJ 543 JJ 540 542 JJ 544 540 JJ 493 539 JJ 544 541 J) 539 JJ 541 JJ 540 5J 543 543 i. 309 JJ 542 JJ 542 543 JJ 542 541 JJ 542 JJ 544. 541 JJ 543 540 JJ 544 540 542 JJ 540 544 vi. 509 512 jr 515 513 JJ 508 JJ 523 500 ,501 vi. 512 J) 525 ji 502 JJ 512 497 510 GENERAL INDEX. 463 Arum Vol. Page divaricatum, Thw. ... ... Yi. 513 echinatum, Wall. ... „ 506 eruhescens, Wall. ... „ 506 flagelliforme, Lodd. ... ... „ 512 flavnm, Forsk ... ,. 503 fornicatiim, Roxb. ... ... „ 526 gracile, Roxb ... „ 512 grand ifiorum, Ham. ... ... „ 518 Qriffithii, Sohott ... „ 509 ffuttatum, Wall. ... „ 508 indicum, Roxb. ... „ 525 integrifoUum, Link ... ... „ 529 Jaoquemontii, J5Z. ... ... „ 509 lyratum, Roxb ... „ 517 onacrorrhizon, Linn. ... ... „ 526 margaritifer, Roxb. ... ... „ 519 minuticm, Willd . ... „ 513 montanuTn, Roxb. ... „ 525 mucronatum, Spreng. ... „ 513 Murrayi, Grab .... ... ... „ 507 nepenthoides, Wall. ... ... » 504 nymphceifoUum, Roxb. ... „ 523 occultatuw, Ham. ... ... „ 515 odorum, Roxb ... „ 526 orixense, Roxb. ... ... ... „ 509 ovatum, Linn ... „ 495 pedatum^ Willd. ... „ 508 peltatum, Lam ... „ 523 pentaphyllum, Linn.... ... „ 508 peregrinum, Linn. ... ... » 526 ? pumilitm, Ldimk, ... ... „ 509 Eumphiij Gaud. ... „ 514 sessiliflorum, Roxb. ... ... „ 508 speciosum, Wall. ... „ 500 spirale, Grab ... „ 494 spirale, Retz ... „ 494 sylvaticum, Roxb. ... „ 518 taccoides, Ham ... „ 515 tortuosum, Wall. ... „ 502 trilohatum, Bot. Mag. ... „ 510 trilohatum, Linn. ... „ 509 trilohatum, Roxb. ... „ 510 venosum, Lindl ... „ 508 viviparum, Roxb. ... „ 522 Si?., Griff. ... „ 520 Arnndina, Bl ... V. 856 affi^nis, Griff. ... „ 857 bambusifolia, Lindl. ... „ 857 Cantleyi, m-. /. 858, vi. 195 chinensis, Bl ... V. 857 densa (densiflora), Lindl. „ 857 minor, Lindl ... » 857 revolnta, MJc.f..., ... ... „ 858 ? speciosa, Bl Wallichii, Echh.f. ... ... » 857 ... „ 858 Arundinaceay Griff. ... vii. 305 Aruudinaria, Michx. ... ... vii. 376 Arundinaria aristata, Gainhle armata, Gamble callosa, Munro callosa, Mnnro de bills, Thvj densifolia, Munro ... elegans, Kurz falcata, Nees Falconeri, Benth. ... floribunda, Thw. Gallatlyi, Gamble ... Gammieana, Gamble glaucescens, Beauv. ... Griffithiana, Munro ... hirsnta, Munro hispida, Steud Hookeriana, Munro... intermedia, Munro ... jaunsarensis. Gamble kbasiana, Munro Kurzii, Gamble Mannii, Q amble . ... miorophylla, Munro... moliniformis, Hochsr. Pantlingi, Gamble ... polystachya, Kurz ... Prainii, Gamble procera, Wall racemosa, Munro ... RoUoana, Gamble ... spatbiflora, Trin. suberecta, Munro ... ? utilis, Clegh Walkeriana, Munro... Wigbtiana, Nees sp., Lisboa Arundinella, Raddi agroBtoides, Trin. ... avenaoea, Munro ... biru.anica, Hk.f. blephariphylla, Trim. bra^ilierjsis, Eaddi ... Oampbelliana, Lisboa capillaris, //A;. /. ciliata, Nees Clarkei, Hlc.f. Echlonii, Nees fuscata, Nees gigantea, Daiz hirsuta, Nees holcoides, Irin MooJceriana, W. & A. Mookerii, Munro indica, Trin japonica, Dutbie khaseana, Nees Lawsoni, Hk. f Vol. Page 382 vii. 385 380 385 378 379 jj 378 381 383 377 384 ]j 379 391 5) 379 384 ); 377 382 381 384 381 385 385 383 )) 377 . 5> 380 • >> 378 5> 383 )) 382 )) 379 • )> 384 382 • JJ 385 381 )5 377 JJ 377 )J_ 70 . vii 68 . JJ 71 JJ 69 JJ 73 '77 JJ 73 . JJ 69 JJ 74 • JJ 71 75 JJ 73 . JJ 74 JJ 76 • JJ 70 »» 71 jf 264 JJ 73 . JJ 77 j> 77 j> 71 • j» 76 464 GENERAL INDEX. Arundiuella Vol. Page Arundo Vol. Page laxiflora, m. /. vii. 76 tibialis, noxh vii. 304 leptocbloa, HI: f . 76 triflora, 'Roxh. ... ... ... )i 303 martinicensis, Triu » 73 vulgaris, Lamk 1} 304 roesopbylla, Nees „ 69 Zollingeri, Buese >» 305 Metzii, Hochst „ 72 sp.. Wall vii. 303, 304, 305 Mikani, "Seea ., 73 Arytera ? macrocarpa, Miq. i. 528 mutica, Nees ., 74 Asarum, Linn v. 72 nepalensis, Triu •, 73 himalaionm, Hk. f. 4" T. » 72 nervosa, Nees vii . 70,242 Ascaricida indica, Cass. iii. 237 nervosa, Duthie „ 70 Ascarina serrata, Bl. v. 100 nervosa, Thw „ 75 AsCLEPIADEiE ir. 1 pallida, Nees „ 73 Asolepias, Linn iv. 18 pilosa, Hochst „ 71 acida, Roxb >> 26 pumila, Steud „ 71 acuminata, Roxb )> 30 purpurea, Hochst . „ 74 annularis, Roxb 21 pygmea, HI: f. . „ 72 aphylla, Roxb )> 26 rigida, Nees . „ 73 asthmatica, Willd II 45 Bitchiei, Monro . „ 73 curapsavica, Linn )j 18 Schultzii, Benth • „ 64 dichotoma, Rottl }> 42 setif era, Stend • „ 70 echinata. Herb. Madr. .. 35 setosa, Trin . „ 70 echinata, Roxb ?> 20 Bpicata, Dalz . „ 77 geminata, Roxb 5> 29 stricta, Nees . .70,73 gigantea, Willd 55 17 tenella, Nees ■ „ 71 herhacea, Roxb 55 18 Thwaitesii, -fffc. /. . » 77 lactifera, Linn 31 tuberoulata, Munro . » 69 laurifolia, Roxb. 55 16 villosa, Am • „ 72 longistigma, Roxb. 14 Wallichii, J^ees... .... .. • „ 75 microphylla, Roxb 55 20 ?si).,Wall. vii. 69, 70, 71, 72,73,75 ? montana, Roxb. ... . . 32 Arundo, Linn . vii. 302 0 dor atissima-y Roxb 55 38 Bamhos, lA-nn . „ 395 pallida, Roxb. 38 hambusifolia, Gritf. . „ 303 parasitica, Roxb, ... .. 55 57 hengalensis. Ret? • :, 303 pendula, Roxb 61 iifaria, Retz . „ 303 5>rocera, Bot. Reg 35 18 colorata, Ait • „ 221 Pseudo-sarsa,'Sio\\i.... 55 5 corea, Rottl . . ., 304 pulchella, Roxh. ... .. 19 Donax, Linn . ;, 302 racemosa, Roxb 55 46 Donax,S&m . ., 304 rosea, Roxb. 17 lEpig ej OS, hinn . ;, 260 spiralis, Forsk. ... 55 20 glauca, M. Bieb . „ 261 Sussuela, Bxixh. 55 59 graeca. Link • „ 304 tenacissima, Roxb •5 35 Karica, Ketz • „ 304 tenuis, Heyne ... 55 41 laxa, R. &S . „ 261 tennissima, Roxb. 55 42 littorea, Schrad • „ 261 tinctoria, Roxb 55 34 longifol ia, S&liah . „ 303 tingens, Roxb. ... ... .. 31 madagascariensis, Ktintb . . „ 305 tomentosa. Herb. Madr. .. 55 35 mauritanica, Foil. ... . . „ 303 tuberosa, Roxh .. 55 63 maxima, Forsk..... . ., 304 tunicata, Hort. Gale. 55 45 montana, Ham — ... . . „ HI tunicata, Roxb 55 23 I'hragmitis, Linn . „ 304 Vincetoxicum, Linn.... 22 Fliniana. Gri se b „ 303 voluhilis, Herb. Madr. .. 55 63 Beynaudia7ia, Kunth . ,, 305 volubilis, Linn, f )5 46 Roxhurghdana, Kunth • „ ^Oi vomitoria, Koen. ... . • 55 45 Eoxhurghii, Kunth ... .. . „ 304 Ascolepis kyllingioides, Steud. vi. 668 sativa, Lamk „ 303 tenuior, Steud 55 663 sylvatica, -Sohrad . „ 266 Ascyrum, Xirm I. 252 ?tecia, Blanc . » 304 filioaule, Dyer . . • 55 252 GENERAL INDEX. 465 jisiphonia piperiformis. Griff. jispalathus cuneata, D. Don. iridica, Linn AsPARAGEiE Asparagopsis dbyssinica, Kunth acerosa, Kunt.h adscendens, Kunth Brovjnei, Kunth ... vi. Curilla, Kunth Decaisnei, Kunth Jlorihunda, Kunth Hohenackeri, Kunth javanica, Miq rubricaulis, Kunth sarmentosa, Dalz. & Gibs. -A.sparagu8, Linn acerosus, Soxb acerosus, Wall adscendens, Roxh aethiopicus, Linn asiaticus, Li7in asiatimis, Wight capitatus, Baker Curillus, ZTaw Curillus,W a.1].... vi. 315, dubius, Dene dumosus, Baker falcatus, Linn fasciculatus, Br. ... vi. filicinus, Ham Jloribundus, Rottl gonocladt-s, Baker gracilis, Royle Jaoquemontii, Baker IsBvissimup, Steud ■ lycopodineus. Wall nepalensis, Baker racemosus, Willd Eottleri, Baker rubricaulis, Sa^er sarmentosus, Heyne sarmentosuSy Linn . ? sarmentosus, Thw subulatus, Steud volubilis, EJaix) voluhilis, Wall vi. zeylauicus, //it. /. ASPHODELJS Asphodelopsis arangadinensis, Steud Aephodelus, 2/WHj sestivus, Bchb clanatus, Boxb OomosuB, JBafeer fistulosuSf Linn microcarpus, Bohb Vol. Page V. 73 ii. 142 }} 94 vi. 300 vi. 316 ,, 317 J 318 316, 317 vi. 318 jj 316 316 jj 316 317 5> 319 ^) 317 vi. 314 j> 317 5} 316 }J 317 J> 318 316 5 J 316 55 315 318 316 318 vi. 316 )5 315 318 316 317 vi. 314 315 55 318 315 316 55 317 315 51 316 316 315 55 318 316 55 319 55 318 315 55 316 317 ,318 vi. 317 vi. 300 vi. 335 vi. 332 55 332 55 332 332 55 332 55 332 Asphodelns Vol. Page parvijiorus, Wight ... ... vi. 332 j)ersicus, J. & S 55 333 tenuifoliup, Cav. 55 332 Aspidistra, Ker ... ... ... vi. 326 longif olia, if fc. /. ■ ... 55 326 Iwrida, Baker ... 5, 326 Ucrida, Ker ...' ..*. ... ,5 32^ ASPIDISTEE^ ... ... ... vi. 300 Asperella, Humh. ... vii. 375 Duthiei, Stapf ... ,, 375 Hystrix, Willd. 375 sibirica, Trautv. 55 375 Asperugo, imw ... iv. 166 prooumbens, Linn. ... 55 167 Asperula, Linn ... iii. 209 brachyantha, Boiss. 55 209 consanguinea, Klotz. 55 205 cynanchica, Linn. ... 209 galioides, Jacq 55 205 Hoffmeisteriy Klotz. ... 205 odorata, Linn ... ,5 205 Asphota, Jones ... iii. 591 Aspidocarya, Hk. f. cf T. ... i. 95 uvifera, Hk. f. ^T.... ... ,j 95 Aspidop-^erys, ./ms8. ... ... i. 419^ canarensip, Dalz. ... i. 420, 697 concava, Juss ,,420 ,422 cordata, /itss ... i. 421 glahriuscula, JuSS. ... ... ,, 420 glomerata, Wight 55 420 hirsuta, Juss 421 lanuginosa, Jiiss. 55 421 nutans, Hk. f. ... J, 421 nutans, Juss ... ,, 421 oxyphylla, Juss. 55 420 Totundifolia, Juss. ... 421 Broxburghiana, Juss. 55 420 Roxburghiana, Juss.... 55 421 tomentosa, Juss. 423 Wallichii, m./. ... ... ,, 421 sp. Heifer. ... ,, 422 Asprella oryzoides, Lamk. ... vii 94 Aster, Linn ... iii. 249 albescens, Wall — ... 257 alpinus, Thorns. ... ,, 250 altaicus, Willd 251 Amellus, Liuu iii. 249 ,250 angustij'olius, Lindl.... ... iii. 251 asperrimus, Wall. ... ,, 252 asperulue, Nees „ 252 aureus, D.Don 253 bellidioides, Ham. ... ... ,, 256 Benthami, Steetz ... 252 cahulicus, Lindl. ... „ 257 diplostephioidep, Benth. 251 elegans, B.^.f.&T. ... 55 250 ferrugineus, Edgew.... 55 257 466 GENERAL INDEX. Aster Heteroohaeta, Benth, himalaicus, Clarke ... hyderabadensis, Wall. indicuSf Heyne , indicus, Linn inuloides, D. Don liBvis, Willd Laka, Clarke li7iifolmSf W&U. mollitisoulus, Wall. .. onultiradiatus, Wall. nitidulus, DC , odontophyllus, Wall. j)edunculariSf Wall. .. Pseudamellus, HA;. /. scabridus, Hk. f. & T. ? scaposus, Klatt sikkimensis, Hk. /. ^ spartioides, Clarke .. Straoheyi, Hk. f. Thomsoni, Clarke .. tibeticus, Hk.f. tricephaluB, Clarke.. trinervius, Boxh. Asteracanthaauriculata,'Kees iv longifolia, Nees AsTEROlDEiE Asteromsea indica, Bl. ... Astilbe, Ham chinenis, Maxim. japonica, Morr. & Dene rivularis, Ham. vuhra, Hk. f. ^ T. ... speciosa, Jungh. Stoliczkai, Kurz Thunhergii, Maxim. ... Astragalns, Linn. acaulis, Baker acutijlorus, Benth. ... adesmiselolius, Benth. Aitchisoni, Baker ... alpinus, Linn Amherstianus, Benth. amonocryptos, Boiss. anfractuosuSy Bunge anomalus, Bunge ardbicus, Ehrhenb. ... bakuensis, Bunge ... bhotanensis, Baker ... bicuspis, Fisch. hijlorus, Linn hracteosus, Klotz. cceruleus, Hort. Par. Candolleanns, Royle carinalis, Benth. cashmiriensis, Bunge chlorostachys, Lindl. Vol. Page ... iii. 250 250 299 299 249 256 253 ... ,j 253 343 251 „ 256 ... }) 253 343 ... )} 252 249 ... ,) 252 251 . . . . )) 252 251 ... )) 250 ... )} 252 ... )j 251 250 ... )) 252 ees iv. 409 ... J) 409 iii. 2Zl ,244 ... iii 249 ... ii. 389 ... ]) 389 389 ... J) 389 389 ... 5) 389 389 ... „ 389 no 118 132 120 121 121 123 119 122 136 133 121 132 126 135 66 125 137 132 126 127 128 Astragalus cioerifolius, Royle ... ciliolatus, Benth coluteocarpus, Boiss. concretus, Benth. confertus, Benth. oontortuplicatus, Linn, crassicaulis, Grab. ... Daltonianus, Bunge densifloruEi, Ear. ^ Kir. distans, Benth Donianns, J)^. Emodi, Steud erpocaulos, Boiss. Falconeri, Bunge ... floridus, Bewf^. frigidns, Bunge Qerardianus, Grab. ... glahrifolius, Bunge ... Govaniamis, Grab. ... gracilipes, Benth. ... Grahamianus, Royle graveolens, Ham. ... hamosus, Linn. Hendersoni, Baker ... Heydei, Baker himala} anus, Klotz. ... himalensis, Jacqueai. liippocrepidis, Benth. hosackioides, Benth. humifusus, Jacquem. hypoglottoides, Baker inconspicnus, Baker Jacquemontii, Bunge khasianus, Benth. ... kongrensis, Benth. ... lasiocladus, Bentb. ... leptacanthus, Benth . . . leptocentrus, Bunge lessertioides, Benth. leucocephalus, Grah. longicaulis, Baker ... longipes, Kar. & Kir. maoropterus, DC. ... macrorhizus, D. Don Maddenianus, Benth. malacophyllus, Benth. Maxwellii, Royle medullaris, Boiss. melanostaohys, Benth. microphyllus, Jacquem. m,inutus, Boiss mirpourensis, Cambes^s. M oorcroftianus, Wall. multiceps, Wall. Munroi, Benth mutabilis, Jacquem — nivalis, Kar. §" Kir. . . . Vol. Page ii. 134 129 5) 130 131 123 )J 122 )> 117 J, 134 125 » 128 119 )> 130 ^?,?, J> 120 127 130 116 136 128 J> 122 134 131 )) 122 120 )) 118 126 55 128 119 123 55 119 124 55 126 55 134 55 130 120 55 135 135 55 135 55 124 )> 128 129 128 128 119 55 127 133 55 124 131 125 55 134 122 118 55 249 134 128 55 125 136 GENERAL INDEX. 467 Astragalus Vol. Pajre nuhigenus, D. Don ... . ii. 117 ophiooarpus, Benth... . . „ 122 oolites, Benth . „ 134 oxyodon, JBater . ,, 125 pednnonlaris, Royle... . . „ 136 podocarpus, Graix. ... . . „ 130 polycanthus, 7?oi/Ze ... . . „ 134 polycanthus, Wall . „ 116 prolixns, Sieher . „ 121 psilocentrus, Fisoh . „ 134 puherulus, Kar. & Kir. . . „ 128 pycnorhizns, Wall . „ 119 pyrrhotriohus, Boiss. . „ 133 ThizanthvLB, Royle ... . . „ 131 rigidulns, Benth . „ 123 rotundifolius,Rojle... . . „ 131 Royleanus, Bunge ... . . „ 132 scariosus, Benth . „ 134 scorpiurus, Bnnge ... . . „ 119 Scottianus, Stocks ... . . „ 131 seshanioides, Benth . „ 121 eikkimensis, ^ewf/i • „ 126 Stewartii, Baker ... . • „ 129 stipnlatus, JD. Bon ... . . „ 131 stipulatus, Jaoquem. . „ 131 strictus, Grah . „ 124 strobiliferns, Rot/le ... . ■ „ 135 suhcaulescens, Koyle • „ 133 subnlatus, M. Bieh . „ 136 subumbellatus, Klotz, . • „ 119 tenuicanlis, iSewf^ . „ 126 tenuispinus, Bunge ... . • » 134 Thomsonianus, Benth. . „ 136 tibetanus, Benth • „ 124 tribulifolins, Benth. • » 120 tribuloides, Delile ... . . „ 122 trichooarpus, Qrah. • „ 121 vesiculosus, 3 SLGqaem. . „ 138 vioioides, Grah . „ 131 vicioides, Ledeb . „ 128 Webbianus, Grah . „ 132 xiphooarpus, Benth. . „ 129 zanskarensis, Benth. . „ 134 Astranthusfoetida, Wal]. . . ii. 598 Astrogyne coriacea, Wall. . . i. 629 Astronia, Bl .. ii. 550 smilacif olia, Trmwa... . . „ 550 ASTRONIE^ . ii. 513 Astronium insigne, Marchan d ii. 30 Astropetalum sp., Griff. . . , ..ii.23,27 Astylus venusta, Wight . ii. 339 Asystasia, Bi .. iv. 492 atroviridis, T. A7iders. . .. „ 495 Blumei^'Neea ... ... . .. „ 493 caPycina, Nees .. „ 469 chelonoides, Nees ... . .. „ 493 chelonoides, Nees ... . .. „ 494 Asy stasia coromandeliana, Nee» ... coromandeliana, Bot. Mag. coromandeliana, Wight ... ctispata, Benth, denticulata, Nees gangetica, T. Anders. intrusa, Bl ? Kunthiana, Nees lanceolata, T. Anders. ... Lawiana, JDalz maorocarpa, Nees mysurensis, T. Anders. . . . Neesiana, Nees nemoruni,'Nee9 ... iv. PanichangaflHeeB PaWs^w, T. Anders pauciflora, Nees plumhaginea, Nees thyrsacanthus, T. Anders. travancorioa, Bedd. violacea, -Da Jz t'zoZacea, Hk. f. sp., Hk. f. &T. ... iv. Atacca cristata, Kunth integrifoUa, Presl Atalantia, Corr ? hilocularis. Wall. ... vii. huxifoUa, Oliy capitellata, Lindl carissoides. Wall caudata, jffA;. /. ceylanica, Oliv jloribunda, Wight missionis, Oliv monophylla, Corr platystigma, Wight racemosa, fV. Sf A Roxburghii, HTc.f. Roxhurghii, Oliv Ataxia HooJceri, Griseb. Ate acuminata, Thw virens, Lindl Atelanthera, Hk. f. Sf T. ... perpnsilla, HL/. |- T. ... Athamantha achilleifolia, Wall Ajowan, Wall anethifolia. Wall depressa, D. Don diffusa, W&U gigantea, D. Don Roxhurghiana, Wall teres, D. Don Athanasia indicafBiOxh. Atherandra, Bene aoutifolia, Dene cuspidata, Bl Vol. Page iv. 493 494 5) 494 494 » 465 J» 493 )> 493 M 496 495 >) 496 tf 495 yf 496 >> 496 493 ,494 iv. 473 }* 499 t> 501 )} 493 >) 497 it 494 )) 494 )) 493 495 496 vi. 287 }t 288 i. 511 508 ,514 vii. 508 l; 512 l> 512 513 ii 512 l> 512 M 513 ii 511 >> 512 >> 512 513 >» 513 vii. 223 vi. 133 )j 133 i. 133 a 133 ii. 684 >» 682 ii 683 ii 701 a 693 if 720 a 682 720 iii 377 iv. 9 ii 9 a 9 468 GENERAL INDEX. Atherandra pubescens, Bl Wallichu, Bentb. ... Atherolepis, Hk. f. Walliohii, HA:. /. .... Atherostemon, Bl. javensis, 5i •. Athroisma, DC. ... ... laciniatura, DC. Athroisma, Grifl'. dentatum, Gri tt". . . . ... serratum, Griff. Atragene zeylanica, Linn. Atraphacis sp., Aitch. ... Atrategia, Bedd Thomsoni, Bedd Atri-plex, Linn Belangeri, Boiss. hengalensis, Lamk. ... crassifolia, C. A. Mcy. cristata, Koen Qriffithii, Moq heterantha, Wight ... hortensis, Linn. Koenigii, Wall laciniata, Aitch. laciniata, Linn Lindleyi, Moq repens, Roth repens, Aitch rosea, Linn Stocksii, Boiss tartarica, Li nn virgata, Both AXRIPLICEiE Atropa, Z/inn. ' acxcminata, Boyle ... Belladonna, Linn. ... lutescens, Jacq physaloides, Linn. ... Atrope.e Atropis distans, Griseb. tenuiflora, Grieeb. Atj\oBm, W. <^ A. albicans, Benth. barbata, Baker ' candicans, Kurz Candollei, W. ^ A. ... circinalis, Bentb. elongata, Benth geminiflora, Dalz. ... glandulosa, Dalz. goensis, Dalz grandiflora, Benth. ... kulnensis, Dalz. Lavjii, Wight lineata, W. 8f A. major, W. & A. .•.•; ... Vol. Page iv. 9 „ 8 . iv. 8 iv. 8 733 iv. 8 8 . iii. 276 276 . V. 396 i) 398 396 . i'. 7 V. 23 . i. 74 55 76 . V. 6 55 7 55 6 55 6 55 7 55 8 55 6 55 6 55 7 55 7 55 7 55 8 55 7 55 7 55 7 55 7 55 7 • 5> 6 . V. 1 . iv. 241 55 241 55 241 55 241 240 • ^i- 228 . vii. 347 55 347 . ii. 212 55 215 216 55 222 55 212 55 219 55 215 !5 212 213 55 216 55 214 55 214 55 213 213 !5 212 Atyloeia mollis, Benth. ... nivea, Benth platycarpa, Benth. punctata, Dal z rostrata, Bakei- rugoea, W, &f A 8earab8eoide!», Benth. sericea, Benth suhrhomhea, Miq yillosa., Benth Auhletia caseolaris, Gaertn... Aucklandia Costus, F&lc ... Aucuba, Thunh himalaica, Hk. f. japonica, Thunb longifolia, Hk Anlacodiscus, Hk. f. premnoides, H/t. /. Aulacospermmn simplex, Ost. & Rnpr Aurantiacea., Wall. ... i. AURANTIE;E Avena, Z/f'nii aenea, Hk. /. airoides, Koel alpina^Sm argsea, Boiss aspera, Munro aspera, Griseb atJienanthera, Presl hfithsiin. Brat henghaleneis, Schv^aegr. , BesserijOtTnel. ..: , hromoides, Mert. & Koch... hy zantina, C Koch. caryophylled, Weber Cavanillesii, Koch Clarkei, iffe./. ... .« ... fatua, Zmw flacoida, Hack flavesoens, Linn hirsuta^ Roth hirtula, Lag laeta, Salisb Loeffljingiana, Cav malabarica, Heyne ... ... micans, Hk. f. mollis, Mich mysorensis, Spreng oUgostachya, Munro orientalis, Schreb phleoide&, TJry pilosa, Bieb« vii. polyneura, Hk. f. pratensis, Linn pubescens, Royle sativa, Linn Vol. Page ii. 213 5) 214 216 5) 218 216 5) 215 215 55 213 218 J 214 ii. 580 iii. 376 ii. 747 55 747 )) 747 55 747 iii. 97 55 97 ii. 705 501 ,502 i. 484 vii .274 55 279 5) 278 55 276 5) 276 it 277 55 277 55 276 55 275 » 280 }l 277 5> 276 5> 275 >. 272 55 276 J> 278 55 275 55 280 279 55 276 276 5) 363 276 55 69 279 55 278 55 287 55 283 )} 275 55 278 275 ,280 vii 277 55 276 5) 277 275 GENERAL INDEX. 46^ IV. Arena Vol. Page secunda, Jacq vii. 276 sempervirensy Bess „ 277 sibirica, Linn „ 231 sikkimensis, HJc.f. „ 280 aterilis, Del „ 275 sterilis, Royle „ 275 Biibspicata, Clairv , 278 toluccensis, H. B. K, ... „ 278 valesiaca, Nym. „ 276 virescens, Regel „ 279 sp., Wall n 277 ATENEiE tH. 6, 269 Averrhoa, Linn Bilimhi, Linn Carambola, Linn Avicennia, jLmn al'ba,B\ inter7)iedia, GrifF. officinalis, Linn officinalis, JLnrz resinifera, Forsk. ... ... resinifera, Griflf. tomentosa, Saioq AVICENNIB^ Axanthes arhorea, Bl Blumeana, Wight ceylanica, Wight ... ... elliptica, Wight enneandra, Wight Griffithiana, Wight hirsuta, Wight longifolia, Wight strigosa, Bl ? Axenfeldia intei-media, Baill ... Axinandra, Thwaites , Beccariana, Baill Maingayi, Clarice zeylanica, Thw Axonopus, Beauv cimioinus, Beauv , corymhosus, Schult semi-alatuB, HI-. /. Axonotechium trianthemoides Fenzl Axyris, Linn amaranthcidea, Linn. .. ceratoides, Linn hyhrida, Linn prostrata, Linn Azadirachta indica, Jnss. .. Azalea fragrans, Adams lapponica, Pall «2Jv, Griff. .. Azanza acuminata, Alef. .. Lampas, Alef Azima, Lamk. 439 439 439 604 „ 604 „ 604 „ 604 „ 604 „ 604 „ 604 M 604 ir. 561 iii. 98 „ 99 „ 98 „ 97 M 97 „ 98 „ 98 „ 99 n 99 V. 436 ii. 581 „ 581 „ 581 „ 581 vii. 63 „ 64 „ 14 ., 64 661 8 8 8 8 9 544 472 472 474 345 „ 345 iii. 620 1. Azima sarmentosa, Benfh tetraoantha, iawZ;. ... ... Bahacfes ohlongifolia, DC. ... Baccaurea, Lowr acuminata, Muell affinis, Mnell bracteata, Muell brevipes, Hfc. /. costulata, Muell courtallensis, Muell. dulcis, Jacq flaccid a, Mwe^Z Griffithii, m-. /. javanica, Mnell lanceolata, Muell latifolia, iTmg' maorooarpa, Muell macrophylla, MweZi onacrostachya, Wight Maingayi, HJc. f malayana, King minor, Hlcf. Motleyana, Muell. ... ... parviflora, Muell polyneura, Uh. f. propinqua, Muell pubera, Muell reticulata, Hk. f. sapida, Muell sapida, Bedd Scortechinii, Hk. f. ? symplocoides, ifA;. /. ... Wallichii, m./. Wrayi, King sp., A. B ... sp., C. D sp., E. F sp., G. H Baccharis indica, Jjinn. nitida, Wall ovalis, Pera trifurcata, Trev Badamia Commersoni, Gsertn. Bseokea, Linn chinensis, Gsertn Cumingeana, Sohau {rutescenB, Linn Bseobotrys acwrrdnata, Spreng acuminata, Wall. i. 619, argent ea. Wall dwbia, Wall fragrans, Wall glabra, Eoxb indica, Eoxb indica, Wall macrophylla, Wall Vol. Page iii. 620 )> 620 iv. 359 V. 367 376 )} 369 )) 372 372 >j 373 >j 367 373 n 370 371 376 >> 368 373 )> 375 >> 369 ;) 371 J5 370 5> 374 370 5> 371 368 >5 369 ?> 371 373 }> 373 M 371 368 J? 368 376 5> 375 374 373 J> 374 M 375 )> 376 iii 272 }> 268. J5 272 )> 259 ii 444 ii 463 J) 463 463 M 463 iii. 508 iii 508 iii 510 ,^ 510 j> 508 >> 508 >> 509 )> 509 )} 510 470 Bxohotroys ? missioniSf Wall mollis, Bl nemoralis, Boxb ovata, Wall panicidata, Wall ramentacea, Boxb Baissea, A. DC acuminata, Benth malaooensis, jHfc. / Balanitep, Del segyptiaca, Wall Eoxburghii, Planch. iii. Balanophora, Forst. ... ... affinis, GritF. alveolata, GriflF. Burmanniana, Griff. dioioa, Br elo7igata, "Kk. f elongata, Schott. & Endl. gigantea, Wall indioa, Wall v. indica,Th.w ... involuorata, HA;. / •picta, Griff. picta, Miq polyandra, Griff. Thwaitesii, ^ic^^er.... v. typhina, Wall BALANOPHOREiE Balanoptet'is minor, G aertn . . . . Tothila, Gsertn Balanostreblus, Kurz ilicifblia, Kurz Balansasa Fontanesii, Boies. & Rent Baldingera arundinacea, Dumort colorat a, Gsertn Baliospermum, Bl angidare, Done. axillare, Bl calycinum, Muell corymbiferum, HI: f. indicum, Dene malayanum, HL /. micranthum, MueZi montanum, Muell Moritzianum, Bail! polyandrum, Wight reidioides, Knvz sinuatum, Jfweii sp., Griff. Ballota cinerea, D. Don disticha, Linn limbata, Benth mauritiana, Pars Balsamiflora deltoides, Griff. GENERAL INDEX. Vol. Page iii 508 JSalsamina chinensis, DC. » 510 coccinea, DC j> 509 cornuta, DO 508 fasciculata,'DC J, 509 hortensis, DO. ... ... ,, 508 latifolia, DO iii 662 Leschenaultiiy'DC. ... jj 663 minor, DC )) 663 mijsorensis, DC i. 522 oppositifolia, DC. ^^ 522 rosmarinifolia, DC. ... 522 ,574 BALSAMINEiE V. 237 Balsamodendron, Kunth. 5> 237 Berryi, Arn J> 237 gileadense,'DC >J 237 Mnkul, Hook J> 237 pubescens, StocTcs ... 238 Eoxburghii, Arn. •) 237 Roxhurghii, Stocks ... 238 ? WightihArn 237 ,862 ? zeylanicum^ Kunth. V. 238 Banihos stricta, .Roxb. . . . 5> 237 Bambusa, Schreh }} 237 affinis, Munro J} 238 Amahussana, Lindl.... »> 238 andropogonifolia, Griff. 238 ,862 aristata, Lodd V. 238 arundinacea, Willd. V. 236 arundinacea, Ait. i. 363 Arundo, Klein 5> 363 afro, Lindl V. 544 attenuata, Thw. J> 544 • auriculata, Kurz haccifera, Roxb. ii. 691 Baicooa, Roxh hifolia, Sieb vii. 221 Binghami, Gamble ... ,, 221 ? Bitung, RsiBBk. V. 461 Bitung, Schult >j 461 Blumeana, Sc/iuit./. >) 461 Brandisii, Munro 462 burmanica. Gamble... .^ 463 caesia, Sieb. & Zuco. ,, 461 calostachya, Kurz J5 463 capensis, Rupr ;> 462 capitata,W a>U jj 462 crinita, Thorns 461 critica, Kurz 5> 461 cyanostachya, Kurz ... }) 461 elegant issima, Hassk. )) 462 Falconer i, Munro ... \ IJ 463 flagellifera, Griff. iv. 679 flexuosa, Munro „ 672 floribunda, Munro . . . )) 680 gigantea, Wall )> 672 glauca, Lodd V. 638 glaucescens, Sieb. Vol. i. ^!!t 454 )t 454 444 454 450 451 446 456 )) 448 448 i. 427 i. 529 >i 529 530 ij 529 )i 529 ,, 529 ,i 529 529 i. 532 vii. 404 vii 386 390 )} 393 412 J) 397 395 392 395 393 ,) 411 396 )i 417 391 )) 386 392 )> 401 408 >> 394 408 )> 388 5) 390 }> 407 391 ), 412 387 j, 389 389 M 416 387 405 vii. 408 )) 392 383 ' jj 406 )) 390 391 GENERAL INDEX. 471 Bambasa Vol. Page Bambasa Vol. Page globifera, Griseh vii. 405 verticillata, Rottl vii. 404 gracilis. Wall 5J 401 verticillata, Willd 5) 398 Griffithlana, Munro 5> 394 villosula, Kurz 55 396 Hei/eW, Munro » 411 viridi-glaucescens, Carr. ... 391 hetirostachya, Munro 400 vulgaris, Schrad 55 391 humilis, Rchb 5> 392 Wightii, Munro ... ... 55 420 kh&aia.na., Munro 5> 390 WrsLji,Stapf 55 394 Kmgiana. Gamble J) 393 sp., Griff. 55 394 latiflora, Karz >l 407 sp., Wall vii. 387, 404 416 lineaia, IfwTiro 5> 393 Bambuse^ vii. 9 ,375 longispatha, Karz » 407 Bambusifolia, Hk. f V. 786 Macala, Ham. ... )) 387 Bainhusoides, Wall vii. 383 macro, Wall 5» 382 Bamia angulosa, Wall. i. 341 niatgiuata, Munro :> 396 cancellata, Wall 55 342 Mastersii, Munro s> 396 fusiformis, Wall 55 342 maxima, Ham J) 405 ynagnifica, Wall 55 342 M'Clellandi, Munro 5> 415 pungens. Wall 55 341 w,icrophylla, Griff. » 384 rugosa, Wall »> 342 monogyna, Griff. J> 405 tetraphylla. Wall 51 341 naua, Roxb 5> 390 sp., Wall 55 342 Neesiana, Arn J> 395 Banalia, Moq iv. 716 migrociliata, Biise J» 401 tbyrsiflora, Moc[ 55 716 nutans, Wall }) 387 Bandura zeylanica. Barm. .,, V. 68 OH veriana, Gamble )} 392 Banglium sulphureum. orientalis, Nees }l 395 Ham ... vi. 217 pallida, Ifwnro J5 389 Banisteria bengalensis, Linn, i. 418 'patellaris,"K.ViTZ )> 406 tetraptera, Sonn 55 418 •picta, Lindl 5> 393 unicapsularis, Lamk. 55 418 polymorpha, Mwwro 5J 389 BanJcsia speciosa, Koen. Vi. 250 prava, Lindl 5> 393 Baptisia ? nepalensis, Hook... ii. 62 pseudarundinacea, Steud >} 398 Barbarea, Br i. 134 puhescens, Lodd :} 404 arcuata, Rchb ^^ 134 pungens, Blanco 55 395 elata, m./.^T „ 135 regia. Thorns J5 397 iberica, DO 55 134 reticulata, Rupr 55 386 intermedia, Bureau 134 Ridleyi, Gamble 388 praecoxy Fries 55 134 Ritcheyi, Vlu..ro ... .. 55 402 vulgaris, Br 55 134 Bumphiana, Kurz ... , . . 55 393 Barclaya, Wall i. 115 scaniens, Bl .. 55 414 longifolia. Wall 55 115 Bohizostachyoides, Kurz 55 393 BarTcania punctata, Ehrb. ... V. 663 scriptoria, Dennst 5) 418 BarJchausia Jlexuosa, DC. ... iii. 394 siamensis, Kurz 397 f(stida,DG 55 393 Sieberi, Griseb. 55 392 porrifolia, DO 55 398 spinosa, Bl 395 Hoylei, DO. iii. 396 ,398 spinosa, Roxb 55 395 tenuifolia, DO iii 395 sterilis, Kurz 391 Barleria, Linn iv. 482 striata, Lodd 55 392 acanthoides, Vahl 484 stricta. Roxb •5 404 acuminata, Wight 55 485 stridula. Moon 419 Arnottiana, Nees y. ... Beddomei, T. Anders. 486 surinamensis, Rupr. 55 392 5) 486 Tancpa, Earn 55 404 bispinosa, Nees )5 484 teres, Ham. ... 388- bracteata, Heyne 55 490 Thouarsii, Kunth 392 buxifolia, Linn 483 trigyna, Roxb 387 buxifolia, Wall 55 484 Tnldh, Roxb 387 ciliata, Roxb. ., 488 Vasaria, Ham ., 391 coerulea, Roxb 55 489 verticillata, Benth 55 407 coerulea. Wall iv. 486 ,490 472 GENERAL INDEX. arlena Vol. rage Vol. Page conspioTia, Nees iv. 48y Ba/rleriacanthus acanthoides, courrallioa, Nees , , 489 Oerst iv. 484 cristata, Linn , 488 noctifiora, Oersti 484 cristata, Lamk. , 484 Barleriosiphon longifiorus, cuspidata, Heyne , 483 Oerst. ... ;. iv. 485 dichotoma, Roxb , 488 Barlerites Hochstetteri, Oerst. iv. 483 difusa, Wight , 518 Barnardia indica, Wight ... vi. 348 eiata, Dalz , 486 Barringtonia, Forst ii. 50& Gibsoni, Dai^. ... , 487 aoutanguia, Gcertn J) 508 grandiflora, Dalz. ... ... , 488 alata, Wall. :.. )) 508 hexacantha, Moris , 409 alba, Miers )} 508 Inrsuta, Wall , 490 alba, Miq ), 507 Hochstetteri, 2^668 , 483 asiatica, Knrz .'..' 507 Hystrix, Linn , 482 augusta, Kurz ., ", 509 incequalis, Bentu , 489 oeylanioa, Gardn jj 50S involucrata, Nees , 485 oonoidea, Grijff'. jj 50& laciniata. Wall , 488 cylindrostachya,' Griff. . . . 5> 509 La.vfii,T. Anders , 486 Helferi, Clarke )) 509 Icngiflora, imn. /. , 485 ? macrophylla, Miq )J 507 longifolia, Linn , 409 m&croBi&otija,, Kurz >J 509 long if olia, T. And evB. , 485 pterocarpa, jfiTwrz >J 50» lupulina, Lindl. , 482 pubescens, Miers )) 509 Macraei, Am „ 485 racemosa, Bl ), 507 macroph'ylla, Heyiae , 489 rigida, CZarAe :.. ii. 510 iii. 581 montaua, Nees , 487 rubra, Miq ii. 507 montanay Wigbt & Nees..'. „ 487 sarcostachys, Miq ;> 509 mysoriensis, Roth , 484 speciosa, Forst.'. 507 napalensis, Nees , 488 speciosa, Wall. )} 507 nitida, 2/ees , 490 BABBINGTONIE.S: '. ... li. 506 nootiflbra, Linn,/. , 484 Barrotia diodon, Gsaul vi. 484 ■ntida, Nees „ 488 Bartsia, Linri... iv. 305 nutans, Nees „ 488 Odontites, HwtZ8 305 jpaniculata, Wall „ 485 Basella, Linn V. 20 pentandra. Am. ... iv. 4J ^5,487 alba, Linn >> 21 pilosa, Wall. i r. 486 canalifolia, Ham. j> 21 polystacluja, Nees „ 490 cordifolia, La.m\i 21 polytricba, Wall. „ 490 crassifolia, Wighli » 21 Prionitia, Lmw. „ 482 japonica, Bnrm )> 21 puhijiora, Benth „ 482 lucida, Linn j> 21 ? pungens, Wall. „ 517 nigra. Lour, '.. 21 purpurea, Lodd „ 487 ramosa, Jacq » 21 racemosa, Heyne „ 485 rubra, Linn 20 rotiindifolia, Heyne „ 484 BASELLBiE V. 2 nihray Ham. „ 482 BsLBsio., Linn ill. 543 salicifolia, Heyne „ 488 argentea, De Vriesc n 545 sepaloisa, Clarke „ 487 batyracea, Roxb )) 546 spicata, Boxb. „ 482 caloneura, Kurz 546 Spina-ceylanicafNees „ 4^4 canaliculata, Bedd. ,j 541 ? spinosa, W&li „ 417 cuneata, Bl >> 546 StookaUyT. Anders „ 489 elliptica, Ualz 542 strigosa, Willd , 489 fulYA, Bedd » 545 terminalis, Nees „ 490 grandis, Bedd. ... j> 540 tomentosa, Roth „ 485 ? hypoleuca, Miq 542 tomentosa, Wall. „ 485 Icev if olia, Bedd )) 541 ? trinervis, yf&\\ » 517 lanceolata, Bedd n 541 yeBtit&, T. Anders n 486 latifolia, Eojcb » 544 sp., Hk. f. &T. ... iv. 4 56,487 Lobbii, Clarke n 546 GENERAL INDEX. 473 Bassia Vol Page loDgifolia, Linn iii . 544 malabarica, Bedd ,j 544 microphylla, HooTc i> 545 Moonii, Bedd ,, 545 Motleyana, De Vr. ... iii. 546 ,672 Motleyana, Clarke iii. 672 neriifolia, Moon jj 545 ohovata. Forst. ... II 546 paucijlora, Bedd. ... .. >> 541 petioiaris, Bedd 11 540 polyantha, Wall II 542 ruhiginosa, Bedd II 541 sericea, Bl i> 547 villosa. Wall ' .. >j 544 Wirjhtiana, Bedd 53y SP-, Miq II 542 Bassovia ? WalUchii, Dunal iv. 232 Batatas, Chois. ... iv. 201 acetosce folia, Chois „ 213 Choisyana, Wight „ 190 edulis. Choia jj 202 littoralis, Chois II 213 raaritiraa, Bojer 212 paniculata, ChoiP ,, 202 pentaphylla, Chois )i 202 xantJiorhiza, Bojer II 202 Baterium validum, MinTB ... i. 106 Batis aurantiaca, Wall. V. 491 fruticosa, Koxb v. 538 ,539 spmo-sa, Roxb V. 491 Batratherum echinatwrn, Hk. f. AT vii. 144 echinatum , N ee s 143 kJiasianum, Munro II 144 lanceolatum, Nees 143 micans, Nees ); 146 molle, Nees & Arn 1) 147 nudum, Nees 146 plmnbeum, Muor o , II 146 rude, Nees 1) 144 ScMmperi, Nees 147 serrulatum, Hochst 11 143 suhmuticum, Nees 145 sp., Wall vii. 116, 117, 118, 144, 147 244 sp., Wig:ht vii. 145 Batschia laurifolia, Vabl ... ii. 273 Bauhinia, Linn ii. 275 acida, Reinw 277 acumioata, Linn II 276 anguina, Roxh 11 284 Benthami, Bedd 283 bidentata, Jack 279 Blancoi, Baker 278 hrachycsir-pd, Wall ',', 276 bracteata, Grah ^^ 282 Buchanani, Desv ^1 278 VOL. VII. Sanhinia Vol. Page Candida, Ait. ... ii. 276 Candida, ^osh. ... „ 284 cordifolia, Roxb 1, 278 oornifolia, Baker II 278 coromandeliana, DC. 1, 284 corymhosa, Roxb II 283 diphylla, i?am II 278 divergens, Baker II 282 elongata, Korthals II 281 emarginata, Jacfe ,1 278 emarginata, Wall „ 279 ferruginea, Roxh „ 283 Finlayeoniana, Grah. ,1 278 ? foveolata, D&lz 1, 277 glabrifolia. Baker 1, 281 g auca, Wall ,1 282 integrifolia, Roxh 1, 279 involucellata, Kurz „ 282 khasiaoa, Baker 1, 281 Lawii, Benth II 277 lucida, WhW. ... ... ii. 278, 285 macrostachya. Wall. ii. 281 malabarica, Roxh ,1 277 onollissima, Wall „ 281 monandra, Kurz 1, 285 nervosa. Wall ,1 283 ornata, Zwrs ,1 281 parviflora, Vahl II 276 parvifolia, Teysm. & Binn. 1, 283 phcenicea, Hei/7ie II 283 piperifolia, Roxh II 285 poly oar pa, Wall. II 276 Pottsii, G. Don ,1 283 purpurea, Linn 1, 284 purpurea, DC II 277 purpurea, Wall. ... ii. 276, 284 racemosa, Lam ii. 276 racemosa, Vahl „ 279 renijormis, Royle ,1 277 retusa, Ham. II 279 rosea, Kurz II 280 rufa, Grail II 280 rufescens, Lam ,1 277 ruficarpa, Desv. „ 283 scandgns, Linn.... II 284 scandens, Roxb. II 282 semibifida, Roxh II 280 speciosa, Koxb II 275 spicata. Keen II 276 timorana. Dene II 276 tomentor'a,, Linn II 275 tomentoBa, WsM, ,1 277 triandra, Ruxb, II 284 ungniculata. Baker II 277 Vahlii, Tf. ^A II 279 variegata, Linn ,1 284 velutina, Wall II 280 I 1 474 GENERAL INDEX. Vol. Page Bauhinikjb ii. 61 Baumea, Gaud vi. 674 Brownei, Boeck jj 675 crassa, Thw 5} 675 riparia, Boeck 674 ruhiginosa, Boeck » 675 Beaumontia, Wall iii. 660 grandiflora, Wall )> 660 Jerdoniana, Wight 661 khasiana, Jffc. /. jj 661 ? longiflora, Lodd 660 multiflora, Teysm. & Binn. 5) 661 Beddomea,iIfc./. i. 566 indica, JTA;. / ;> 566 simplicif olia, Bedd 566 BeesluL haccifera, Schult. vii. 417 elegantissima, Kurz ,, 416 Rheedii, Knnth ... vii. 417, 418 stridula, Knnro vii. 419 travancorica, Bedd 5J 419 Begonia, Linn ii. 635 alaecida, Clarice j> 637 albo-cocciDea, Jfoofc 654 amoeaa, Wall. >} 642 andamensis, Parish 650 Arnottiana, A. DC 5> 641 barbata, Wall 646 harhata, Wall » 645 JSoit-ri/iymTia, Chaatp. 645 Brandisiana, Kxbrz ^j 654 brevioaulis, ^. DC „ 647 canarana, Miq ^j 652 Catlicartii, iffc. /. ,, 646 con oanensis, J.. DC !J 653 cordifolia, Ihw 6U crenata, Dryand )! 651 delicatula, Parish 55 652 dipetala, (jir&h 655 Dnx, Clarke ^^ 637 echinata, Royle j^ 638 elongata, Wall 5> 650 episcopalis, Clarice 644 erosa, Wall. ... ... ii 638, 642 E van siana, Andr, ii. 638 fallax, A. DO. (see Errata^ 5, 643 fibrosa, Clarice 55 652 ? Finlaysoniana, Wall. . . 55 649 flaooidiesima, Kurz 55 651 flocoifera, Bedd 654 gemmipara, Jffc. /. » 641 gigantea, Wall 55 643 giganteayWaW „ 636 goniotis, Clarice J> 648 Grahamiana, Wight 654 Griffithii, HooA: „ 647 guttata, Wall ?) 648 guttata, Wfdl 55 650 Begonia hydrophila, Miq. inflata, Clarice integrifolia, Dalz. ... Josephi, A. DC. khasiana, Clarice laniniata, Eoxh. Lobhiana, A. DC. malabarica, Lairik. (j Krrata) malabarica, Roxb. ... 'malaharica, Wall. ... martabanica, A. DC. megaptera, A. DC. ... minima, Bedd tnodestiflora, Kurz ... moulmeinensi^, Clarice nemophila, Kurz nivea, Parish ohliqua, Hhnnh ovatifolii, A DC. ... paleacea, Kurz ? palmata, D. Don . ... Parishii, Clarice parviflora. Wall, parvuliflora, -4. DC... pedunculosa, Wall. ... pedunculosa, Wall. ... picta, Sm procridifolia, Wall. prolifera, X DC. ... Rex, Ptdzeys Roxburghii, A. DC. ... rubella, Miq rubella. Wall rabro- venia, Hoofc. ... saudalif olia, Clarice . . . Satrapis, Clarice Bcutata, Wall scutata, Wall sikkimensis, A. DC... silhetensis, Clarke ... sinensis, A. DC. sinuata. Wall subovata, Wall subpeltata, Wight ... Bubperfoliata, Par. ... subrotunda, Wall. ... Burculigera, Kurz ... tenella, D. Don tenera, Dryand. tenuifolia, Dryand. ... tessaricarpa, Clarice... Thomsonii, A. DC ... Thivaitesii, Hi ok. ... trichocarpa, Dalz. ... tricuspidata, Clarke... triradiata, Clarke ... Vol. Page GENERAL INDEX. 475 Begonia tuherosa, Hb. Madr velutina, Parish vertioillata, Hooh ... ... Wallichiana, ^. DC Wightiana, Wall xanthine, Hook sp., Wall Begoniace^ Beilschmiedia, Nees assamica, Meissn Bran disii , Hk. f. Clarkei, m./. fagi folia, Nees fagifolia, Bed d Gammieana, iTmgf globnlaria, Kurz ? longipes, HA*. /. macrophylla, Meissn. Maingayi, iJ^-. / malaccensis, Hk. f. oppositifolia, Benth. Roxburghiana, Nees Bo3)hurghiana, Dalz. & Gibs pikkimensis, Z^in{7 Wightii, Benth Belamcanda, Adans chineusis, Xemaw punctata', Moen ch Belenia prcealta, 1)0X16 Belernpone ? fulgida, Hassk. Belostemma hirsutum, Wall. Belosijnapsis kewensis, Hassk. Benincasa, Savi ... cerifera, Savi Benjaminea glabra, Beuj. ... Bennettia affinis , Muell . Finlaysoniana, Br Jackiana, Br pedicellata, Br. pedicellata, MueU phlebocarpa, Muell Wallichii, Muell «J5., Wall V. 378, Bentliamia, Lindl. fragifera,'L'md\ Bentinckia, Berri/ Condapanna, Berry nicobarica, Becc Benzoin Neesianatn, Nees ... sericewm, Hk. f , & T. Bbrbere^. Bebbeeide^ Berheriji, Linn acanthifolia, Wall atnensis, Presl affinis, D. Don Vol. Page ii. 655 64(. 5) 649 5> 655 )5 654. )5 644 636 i'. 635 V. 121 324 5) 123 122 » 122 122 55 ]24 5) 125 123 55 123 123 123 55 124 121 55 122 122 55 124 vi. 27« 277 55 277 iv. 244 iv. 524 iv. 43 vi. 388 ii. 616 55 616 iv. 272 V. 379 55 380 55 378 55 378 378 55 380 380 379 ,380 ii. 745 745 vi. 418 418 418 V. 186 186 i. 107 i. 1 7 i. 108 1'9 109 5) 110 Berberis Vol Page anjfulosa, Wall i. 111 angustifolia, 'Roxh ^j 110 arista ta, DC 110 aristt/ta, DC 55 110 asiatica, Roxh 110 asiatica, iiiifi'. 111 atroviridis, Wa.l\ 111 Bealei, Fort 109 hrachyhotrys, "RdKew. 55 109 ceratophylla, J).. J)on 110 Chitria, Hani 55 110 oonoinna, Hk.f. 111 coriario , Hoyle 55 110 cratcegina, DC 109 cretica, Linn 109 emarginat x,WiU6 ^j 109 floribunda, WblU ,, 110 heteropoda, Sc>irenok 55 309 hypoleuca, Lindi 5> 110 insignis, m-./. cf-T. 55 111 kun'ju-arensis, Royle 55 109 Leschenaidtiana, Wall. . . . 109 Lyoium, Rotjle 55 110 maorosepala, JHTA;. /. 111 ikfi ccm, Ham }5 109 nepaleusi"!, Spreng 55 109 petiolar is, Wa,\} 55 110 spliaerocarpa , Kar. & Kir. 55 109 Thunbergii,TiC 109 tinctoria, Leech 55 110 turcomanici, Kar 109 uiicina, m-./. ^ r. 55 111 umbnllata, Wall 55 110 umhellata, Lind) 55 110 vulgaris, Linn 55 109 WaHiohiana, DO 55 110 Wallichiana, DC. .• 111 Berchemia, Neck i. 637 calophylla, G. Don J, 636 jfldgeworthii, Laws. 55 638 flavescens, Wall 55 637 floribunda, Wall 55 637 ? hamosa, Wid] 55 641 lam,Wa,n 55 637 lineata, DC ... 638 ? oppositifolia, Wa 1 ) . 55 641 ? parviflora, Wa,\l 641 ? Poiretiana, DC 55 638 VolyphyW^, Wall 55 638 Berqera integerrima, Boxb. i. 501 502 Koenigii, Linn i. 503 nitid'i, Thw 55 505 villosa, W&U 51^ P02 Berghausia ascendens, Munro vii. 243 courtallensis, Nees ,j 244 elata, Arn „ 55 242 Emodi, Endl. .... 55 243 I i 2 476 GENERAL INDEX. Bergliausia Vol. Page Bidaria mutica, Munro vii. 242 pergularioides, Thw pallens, Ai'n. » 243 tingens. Den© scoparia, Munro ... vii. 241 242 Bidens, Linn. tenella, Am vii. 243 ? Bandanna, Wall Bergia, Linn i. 251 hipinnata, Linn., aestivosa, TT. ) 251 bipinnata. Wall ... ammannioides, Boxh. 251 calva, Clarice aquatica, Roxb „ 252 oernua, Linn capensis, Linn ?> 252 chinensis. Wall ' ... odorata, Edgew 251 chinensis, WiUd. ... ... pentandra, Guill. & Perr. }> 251 decomposita. Wall suffridicosa, Fenzl 251 jei-vida, Lamk trimera, Fisch. & Mey. ... j> 252 fixa, Lamk yeTtioiUata, Willd 252 frondosa. Ham Bernieria nepalensis, DC. ... iii. 391 leucaniha, WiWd Berrya, Roxh i. 383 pilosa, Limi Ammonilla, Roxh J) 383 pilosa, Linn mollis, W&W 383 pinnatifida, Heyne Bertlielotia lanceolata, DC... iii. 272 Ramtilla, Wall Bertieria fasciculata, Bl. iii. 95 repens, D. Don javanica, Bl j> 95 rigida, Hort. Calo Bessera inermis, Spreng. V. 328 trifida, Roxb Beta, Liym V. 5 tripartita, Xifiw benghalensis, Roxb jj 5 tripartita, Wall. orientaZis, Roth J 5 Wallichii,DQ vulgaris, Linn 5 Biebersteinia, Steph Betonica Icevigata, D. Don ... iv. 659 Emodi, /. ^ S. Betula, Tourn V. 599 o(£ora, Royle acuminata. Wall ;; 599 Biforis benghalensis, Wall.' ... affinis, Endl 599 glauca, WaW alnoides. Ham 599 Bigelovia Kleinii, W. & A. ... Blu)jpaUra,YfQ.\\ JJ 599 Ixvicaulis, Miq. Oastanae, Ham J) 599 lasiocarpa, W. & A. ... ... cylindrostachys, Wall. 599 myri intlia, Miq Jacquemoyitii, Spaoh 599 Boxhurgliiana, W. & A. ... leptostachya, Wall >) 600 Boxburgliiana, Wight Cat. nitida, D. Don )j 599 setidens, Miq utilis, D. Don ... 599 stricta,B] Betulaster acuminata, Spach V. 600 Bignonia adenophylla, Wall ajffinis, Spaoh JJ 600 amoena. Wall cylindrostachya, Spach ... It 599 atrovirens, Roth nitida, Spach 600 Azedaraehta, Koeo. BETULEiE V. 598 caudata, Miq Beurreria aspera, G. Don ... iv. 142 chelonoides, Linn. f. ... .. glabra, G. Don ,, 136 crispa, Ham lasvis, G. Don )) 142 fimbriata. Wall. punctata, G. Don 142 Ghorta, Ham retusa, G. Don J) 143 glauca. Done Bhesa \&j)8n Rliesa i. 622 glauca. Wall Moja, Ham j> 622 indica, Lini' paniculata, Atu. >j 622 laeta,Wan. Biancsea tnimosoides, Todaro ii. 256 longifolia, Willd. Sappan, Todaro )> 255 longissima. Lour scandens, Todaro 256 macrostachya. Wall Bidaria elegans, Dalz. & Gibs iv. 32 multijuga. Wall elegans, Done, „ )) 32 oxyphijlla, DC inodora, Dene 33 Paganelia, Ham. ... .. Vol. PaK« iv. 32 >' 31 iii. 309 310 )) 309 309 )> 310 309 M 310 309 >) 310 307 J) 307 309 )> 309 309 309 310 )) 303 309 310 309 309- }> 309 310 i. 427 427 >> 427 ii. 696 )» 696 iii. 200 ^^ 200 200^ j> 200. 200 ^, 20O 200 200 iv. 381 384 >> 380 377 382 382 379 jj 383 384 378 376 378 376 ;; 384 379 • >? 376 384 376 266 bifoliata, DC 261 cernua, UC. ... 263 Chamissoniana^ DC. )) 671 chinensis, DC. " 268 cichorufolia, DC 672 cinerascens, DC ^^ 263 Clark e«, i?fc. /. 267 crepidifolia,DC. 5» 672 crinir,a, ^r« 267 cuneifolia, DC n 672 densiflora, DC. 26\i elongata, DC iii. 2/0 672 eriantha, DC iii. 266 excisa, DC 269 fasciculata,DC. ... iii. 262 672 fistulosa, Kurz iii. 262 )lava,DC j^ 270 flexQosa, Clarke 267 glandulosa, DC. ... ... ", 263 glandulosa, Thw M 265 glomerata, DC. 262 gracilis, DC. ... iii. 262 265 ,672 grandis, DC. ... iii. 2'>9 guineensis, DC » 271 Hamiltoni.DC 264 Heyneana,DC >> 263 hieracifolia, DC 263 hieracifolia, Hk. f . & T. . . . >) 267 hispidula, DC. 672 holosericea, Dalz. & liibs. 262 holosericea, DC. ... iii 262 ,672 Hookeri, Clarke iii. 269 hymenophylla, DC. J, 265 ■ hymenophylla, Wight . . . j> 265 Jacquemontii, Hk.f. 265 Kiugii, Clarke 265 lacera, DC iii .263 ,672 laciniata, DC iii. 264 laciniata. Ham 672 lactucaejolia, DC )> 672 lapsanoides.DC 264 leptoclada, Dalz. & Gibs, iii .262 ,263 leptoclada, DC 262 Leschenaultiana, DC. ... 671 f leucanthema, DC. 270 longifolia, DC iii .2o9 ,672 inacrostachya, DC iii. 263 malabarica, Hk. f 267 UsAcolmii, Hk. f. 266 membranacea, DC. iii .265 ,672 Metziana, Schultz iii. 266 Milnei,. Seem „ 269 Blamea tnuralis., DC Musra, DC myriocephala, DC. .. myriocephalay Thw. ? napifolia, DC. neilifherrensis, Hk. f. nodiflora, Hk. f. obovata, DC. ohovata? Clarke. oligocephala, DC. oxyodouta, DC. parvifolia, DC paucifolia, DC. phyllostachya, DC. .. procera, DC pterodonta, DC pxihiflora, DC purpurea, DC racemusa, DC riparia, DC runcinata, DC. runcinata, Wall. semivestita, DC. senecioides, Df\ senecionidea, Edgew. sericans, Hk, f. sessilifolia, Kurz sikkimensis, Hk. f. . sonchifolia, DC spectabilis, DC. spinellosa, DC Buboapitata, DC. suhsimplex, DC. tenella, DC. trichophora, DC., trigona, DC trisulca, DC vernonioides, DC. villosa, Schultz virens, DC viscosula, DC , Wightiana, DC Blumenhachia Koel. ... Blumeodendron Tokbrai Jilysmus, Panz compressus, Panz. rufus. Link Blyxa, Thouars oeylanica, Hk. f. echinospermu, Hk.f. GriflBthii, Flaiich. lancifolia, Hk.f. octandra, Plancli. oryzetorufn, Hk. f. . Eoxburghii, Rich. Talboti, m./. ... . Vol. Pasre iii. 265 „ 263 261 „ 265 „ 261 „ 266 „ 261 „ 265 „ 261 „ 268 „ 271 260, 270 iii. 262 „ 262 „ 268 „ 264 halepensis, Kai 672 298 262 )J 269 268 264 269 2'2 672 iii. 261 265 672 iii. 671 >f 261 ,, 263 >> 259 » 271 >i 263 »i 264 265 ,672 iii. 261 vii .182 V. 427 vi. 660 t) 660 )f 661 V. 660 661 (, 661 H 661 ), 661 >} 661 661 »> 660 >> 661 GBNEBAL INDEX. 479 Vol.] Page Boehmeria Vol. Paee Bobartia (lapsu Eohartia) Fuya, Hook ^. 592 indica, Linn vi. 602 ramijlora, Bedd » 575 Bohea glabra, Kortb iii. 127 rotundifoliay D. Don M 579 Wallichiana, Korth. 5> 127 rugosissima, Miq )) 578 Bobua laurina, DC iii. 573 ruga I -sa, Wedd » 577 Bocagea, St. Hil i. 92 sxlicifnlia, D. Don 591 coriacea, HI. /. ^ T. ,, 93 sanguinea, Hassk >> 581 Dalzellii, m. /. ^ T. jj 92 scabrella, Gand >> 578 elliptica, i/&./. ^ r. » 92 sidjBf..lia, Wedd 576 ohliqua, Hlc. f. ^ T. >» 93 spiciflora, Bl >) 580 Thwaitesii, m. /. c^ T. ... » 92 sqwamigr era, Wedd. )J 580 BcBfi, Oommers iv. 361 subperforata, Wedd, 580 amplexiciuUs, Parish >> 364 sylvatica, Hassk >) 590 flocculosa, Clarke 365 tenacissima, Gtiud 576 herbacea, Clarke » 3H5 ternifolia, L). Don >> 579 multiflora, Br >> 365 tomentosa, Wedd 578 prolixa, Clarice 365 travancorica, Bedd 575 sp., Hk. f. &T M 365 velutina, Done >> 589 Boehmeria, Jacg V. 575 viminea, Wall J> 581 acuminata, Gaud » 566 Wightiana, Bl J> 578 aZienaia, Willd jj 581 Boeica, Clarke iv. 362 angustata, Hasek 590 filiformis, Clarke ,, 362 candicans, Hassk „ 576 fulva, Clarke j> 362 canescens, Wedd » 579 Griffithii, Clarke >> 362 caudita, Poir 5> 578 hirsuta, Clarke )> 362 ca^^digera, Wedd >) 579 Boenninghausenia, Rchb. ... 486 cornos'i, Wedd >> 576 albiflora, Rchb.... J, 486 cuspidata, Bl. ... 580 Boerhaavia, Linn iv. 708 dichotoma, Uassk. ... ., >> 590 ascendens, Willd >> 709 didymogyne, Wedd. » 576 crispa, Heyne ... M 709 diffusa, Wedd , .. 576 diffusa, Linn >> 709 ? frondosa, D, Don M 581 elegans, Chois 710 frutescens, D. Don >> 592 fruticosa, Dalz » 710 HamiltoBiana, Wedd. 579 grandiflora, A. Rich. j> 710 Helferii, B/ >> 576 hirsuta, Willd V 709 Jieteroidea, Bl >> 679 procumbens, Hb. Banks ... » 709 Hugeliana, Bl 580 repanda, Willd. ... ... 709 hypoleuca, Eoohst » 591 repanda, Wall >> 709 incana, Hassk >> 589 repens, Linn )> 709 interrupta, Willd 549 repens, Delile ... 709 javanica, Hassk >> 549 rubicunda, Steud >» 710 KnTzi\, HJc.f. 5> 577 rugosa, Rottl 709 macrophylla, D. Don 577 scandens, Gib? ... >> 710 macrostachya, Wedd. >? 578 stellata Wight 5) 710 nialabarica, Wedd 575 umbellata, Wight 709 Tnauritiana, Wedd 578 verticillata, Poir )> 710 melastomoides, Griff. JJ 583 viscosa, Lag J) 709 nana, D. Don 581 Boissiera Danthonise, A. Br . vii . 362 nervosa, Madden ... . >5 577 Bolbophyllum see Bulbo- nivea, Hook. Sf Am 576 phyllum V, 752 ourantha, Miq )> 578 Boltonia, UHer ii . 249 oralis, Miq . J> 581 indioa, Benth „ 249 f)arw/oZta, Wedd >> 593 BOMBACE^ i. 318 pauciflora, Bl )» 593 Bombax, Linn i. 349 peridulijlooa, Wedd )> 577 Ceiba, Burm >> 349 platyphylla, D. Don ... . > 578 Gossi/pmm, Linn » 190 polystachya, Wedd. » 579 heptaphyllum , Cav 11 349 480 GENERAL INDBX. Bombax Vol. Page insisrne, Wall , ... iii. 349 malaharicum, DC „ 349 orientale, Spreng. „ 350 pentandrum, Linn „ 350 Bonatea henghalensis, Griff, vi. 135 herbacea, W&U ... „ 135 punduana, Lindl ,, 135 Bonnava, Link Sf Otto iv. 284 braohiata, Liw^- ^ 0«o ... „ 284 hrachiata, B«nth. ..^ ... „ 284 hracteata. Griff. ... ... ,, 285 ciliata, Spreng „ 285 cordifolin., Spreng „ 282 cyanea, Griff. „ 285 grandiflora, Spreng. ... „ 285 humilis, Spreng „ 357 hyssopoides, Bentb „ 283 murginata, Spreng „ 285 minima, G. Don „ 286 minima, Wight „ 284 oppositi folia, Spreng. ... „ 286 parviflora, Benth „ 283 peduneularis, Bent/i. ... „ 285 procum^hens, Bentb ,, 285 pulegiifoUa, Spreng. ... „ 285 punctata, G. T>on „ 266 pusilla, Henih. .-., ■ „ 284 pusilla, Griff. ...- „ 286 reptans, Spreng „ 284 rigida, Benth „ 285 Rothii, Dietr „ 285 Soxhurghiana, Dietr. ... ,, 285 ruelloide^, Spreng „ 285 serrata, Griff. ....... ... „ 284 tennifolia, S/;rew(jr. - „ 286 Fa^Zw, G.Don „ 2S1 verbenas folia, Benth. ... „ 285 veronii aef lia, Spreng. ... „ 285 Wightii, Benth. „ 285 B0NNETIE.E i. 280 Boorans, Hardwicke iii. 465 Boottia, Wall v. 662 cordata, Wall „ 662 Borages iv. 134 Boraginea, Edgew iv. 169 .Bor-'srmea, Wall iv. 143 BORAGINEiE ... iv. 134 JBorago afncawo, LiiiD. ... iv. 154 indica, Linn „ 153 ? spinulf^sa, Roxh ,, 153 verrucosa, Forsk „ 154 ze-j/iamca, Linn. „ 154 BORASSEiE ... ... vi. 405 Borassus, Linn vi. 481 sethiopum, Mart „ 482 dichotomus, White „ 482 flabellif er, Z/m»i. ,, 482 Borassas Vol. Page flabelUformis, Murr vi. 482 '&omutus, Lour jj 421 Borreria gracilis, Miq. iii. 200 ocymoides, DC ,, 200 pusilla, DC. Ji 200 tetracocca, Thw ,, 48 Boschia, iCori/i i. 351 Griffithii, Mast ), 352 Boschniackia, C. A. Mey — iv. 327 glabra, C. A, Mey « 328 himalaioa, HU. f. ^ T. ... )> 327 Bosea, Linn. iv. 716 trinervia, Roxb. iv. 716, v 483 Bosia, Linn iv. 716 Amherstiana, i?A;. /. )» 716 cypria, Boies >> 716 Yerva-mora, Linn >> 716 Boswellia, Roxb i. 527 glabra, Roxb j> 528 serrata, Roxb 528 thurifera, Roxb )> 528 Bothriospermum, Bunge iv. 167 734 asperugoides, Sieb. & Znoc iv. 167 ? marifolium, A. DC. >j 152 tenellnra, Fisch. ^'' Mey... » 167 Botryadenia Omelini, Fisch. &Mey iii. 247 Botryoloius cachemyrianus, J. &S ii. 88 Botry ophora, Hk. f. V. 476 Kingii, Hk.f. ... » 476 Botryosicyos pentaphylhis, Hochst vi. 289 Boucero8ia, W. ^ A iv. 77 adscendens, Wall j> 76 Aucheriana, Dene. - j> 78 campanulata, Wight >» 77 crenulata, W. ^ A ;> 77 diffusa, Wight >> 78 edulis, Edgew >> 76 Hitchinia, Dene.- )i 78 lasiantha, Wight - )) 78 pauciflora, Wight » 78 Stocksiana, Boiss fi 76 nmbellata, W. §" A. >> 77 Bouchea, Cham iv. 564 hyderabadensip, Walp. ... >» 564 marrubiifolia, Schau. »> 564 Bonea, Meissn ii. 20 Brandisiana, Kurz J, 21 burmanica, Grif. >> 21 diversifolia, Miq. , , . ... 5> 21 fgandaria, Bl. , » 21 macrophylla, Crri^, 5» 21 microphylla, Grijff^. ... ii. 21, iii .611 ? myrsinoides, Bl 11. 21 oppositifolia, Meissn, „ 21 GENERAL INDEX. 481 Vol. Page Boymia glalrifolia^ Champ. i. 490 . rutsecarpa, JvLSB. ... ... » 490 Brachiaria eruciformis, Griseb vii . 28 Brachyaotis, Led iii. 253 indica, Clarke ,, 253 menthodora, Benth. )) 253 robusta, Benth >) 254 umbrosa, Benth )j 253 wanfftuensis, Clarke (vide Conyza) » 253 Brachycome, Cass iii. 248 Passatnica, Clarke i) 248 Brachycorisparvijiora, Schrad. iv. 262 Brachylepis, W. Sf A iv. 7 nervosa, W. 8f A »} 7 Brachynema, Grifl". iv. 600 ferruginea, Griti*. » 600 Brachy podium, Beauv. vii. 362 Barrelieri, K. & S ]) 363 coespitosum, ii. & S 5> 363 constrictum^ Presl » 363 corniculatum, DC }> 363 Fontanesianum, Nees 363 Fontanesii, Nees 363 gracile, Beauv » 363 longearistatiom, Boiss. ... 368 net>alense, Nees J> 363 pinnatum, Beauv, >» 363 rupestre, K. & S 363 scaherrimum, W. & A. ... 7) 363 sylvaticum, Beauv 362 tataricum, Munro )) 373 tenellum, K,. & iS >J 356 tenuijioruiu, E,. & S )> 356 WattU,Cl&ike M 363 BrachypterumBenthami,Th vv. ii. 242 cawarewse, Dalz. & Gibs )) 246 elegans, Thw » 240 robustum, Dalz. & Gibs. ... ')> 241 scandens, Dalz. &. Gibs, ... 5 240 BracMjramphus, DC iii. 403 Ueyneanus , Wight >> 403 obtusus, DC ... i) 416 sonchifoUus, DC }) 403 sonchifolius, Ttiw j» 4U3 taraxacoidesy L»C » 403 Brachy spathasylvatica,'&Qh.ot>i vi. 518 ze (/Zamca, Schott ... ... jj 518 Brachystelma, Br iv. 64 attenuatum, -ff/c./. )) 65 Beddomei, ilA;. /. }) 66 glabrum, if i'. /. J) 65 laevigatum, Hk.f. 65 macu latum, Hh. /. ; » 65 par viflorum , Uh. f. » 65 volubile, HA;./. ... j> 65 Braohystemma, D. Don 1. 235 Brachystemma calycinum, D. Don Brae hy tome, ilA-. /. Walliohii, iffc./. Bradleia coccinea, Wall. coriacea, Wall. ... eoronata. Wall. ... v. dioica, Vahl F inlay soniana, Wall. hirsuta, Roxb lasvigata, Wall. lanceolaria, B.oxb lanceolaria,\WaM. v. 314, littorea, Steud. ... mollis, Wall multilocularis, Spreng. ... nitida, Roxb nitida, Wall. ohliqua, Spreng ohliqua, Wight ... ohtttsa, Wall ovata, Wall philippensis, Ham pinnata, Roxb pubera, Roxb. ... Wight iana, Wall zeylanica, Gaertn Bragantia, iowr. ... hrachycarpa, 'Vhw corymbosa, Gr/jf". Dalzellii, HA;./. hispida, Thw^ .... .... ... khasiana. Griff. latifolia, Lindl melastomsefoUa, Duchart. siliquosa, Miq. ... torn en to sa, Hi Wallichii, Hr sp., Br Bramia indica, Lamk Brandisia, HA;. /. ^ r. discolor, HA;. /. 4- ^'• discolor, Hance Hancei, Hk. f Brandtia holcoides, Kunth ... Brasenia, Sch-reb poltata, Fursh ... Brassaia, Endl actinophylla, Endl capitata, Clarke Brassaiopsis, Dene. Sf Planch. aculeata, Seem. alpina, Clarke confluens, Seem. ... ii. Jlorihunda, Seem. ... ... Griffithii, Clarke ... ... Hainla, Seem hispida, Seem Vol. Page i. 235 iii. 108 J} 108 V. 308 5> 460 324 326 V. 328 J) 323 311 )) 319 308 317 318 )) 808 311 ]) 307 311 307 j> 311 303 ;) 308 322 307 )) 317 307 321 }) 311 V. 72 73 ?> 73 73 J) 73 J> 73 JJ 73 73 J> 73 )) 73 ») 73 _5» 73 iv. 272 iv. 257 257 jj 257 257 vii. 71 i. 113 ]) 113 ii. 732 » 732 )) 732 ii. 735 J) 738 736 732 ,735 ii. 737 )) 736 » 735 736 482 GENERAL INDEX. Brassaiopsifl Hookeri, Clarhe tnitis, Clarice palmata, Zatrz ... simplicifolia, Glarhe speciosa, Dene. Sf Planch. Brassica, Xinn &\ha., Hie. f. 8f T. arvensis, Linn catnpestris, Linn Ertica, Linn. ... erucoides, Roxb foliosa, Willd Griffithii,B.k.{.&'i\ ... juncea, HIc.f.Sf T. Napus. Linn nigra, Koch olerace'i, Linn quadrivalvis, Ek.f. &fT. .. Rapa, Linn Sfocfcsu, Hk. f. & T. Tournetbrtii, Gouan trilocnlaris, Hfc. /. ^ T. .. Willdenovii, Boiss Brassice/E Brathys nepalensis, Bl. Bray a, Sternh. 8f Uoppe ... alpina, St. ^ JJ. glabella, B.ichardg ? oxycarpa, Hk. f. & T. .. rosea, Bunge Thomsoni, Kk.f.&T. tibetica, Hfc. /. ^ r. nniflora, Hfc. /. ^ T. Breweria, B. Br cor data, 5Z elegans, Chois evolvnloides, Chois. latifolia, Benth Roxhurghii, Chois Brewster a crenata, Koera. .. Breynia, Forst angnstifolia, Hfc. / cernna, Muell coronata, U1c.f. discigera, Muell fruticosa, Hk. f . ohlongifoUa, Muell paniculata, Spreng patene, ^ent/i racemosa, Muell reclinata, Hk.f. ... ., rhamnoides, Muell. virgaia, Muell Bridelia. JFtlM acuminata, Wall alnifolia, Griff. , ariKiena, Kurz Vol, ii. '1ll\ )? 736 1 735! ,, 735 1 737: i. 155! )) 157 i ?) 158 156 158 158 157 157 157 156 156 156 •n 156 156 55 156 156 5) 156 157 1. 129 i. 256 i. 155 155 j> 155 155 ?) 155 155 155 155 iv. 223 223 jj 224 J) 224. >» 224 223 . i. 416 V. 329 j> 330 331 >) 330 331 3J :h31 330 • J> 332 329 >> 331 >5 331 330 )> 331 . V 267 323 274 Bridelia Vol.] Page amcena, Wall V. 268 assamica, Hk. f. jj 269 Berryana, Wall „ 305 burmanica, Hk.f. j^ 269 chartacea, Kurz J) 269 chartacea, Wall 275 cinnamomea, Hk. f. •> 273 collina, Hk. & A.rn 274 crenulata, Roxb J) 268 Curdsii, Hk.f. .., 273 dasycalyx, Kurz J, 271 glauca, Bl v. 272 310 Griffithii, fi^fe. / V. 272 Hatniltoniana, Wall. „ 271 heterantha, Wall j^ 315 Kurzii, if A:. /. )) 272 ? lancexfoHa, Roxb. 271 lancifolia. Ham ,, 271 Loureirii, Hk. & Arn. >> 271 minutiflora, -fffc. / )j 273 montana, Willd 269 montana, Wall j> 268 Moonii, Thw 268 ohlongifolia, Hk. & Arn )' 275 ovata, Dene » 274 ovata, Kurz >» 272 patu^a, Hk. & Arn » 279 penangiana, Hk.j j» 272 pubesceup, Zwrz ... v .270 ,282 pustulata, -fffc. /. . V. 271 retasa, Hpreng. >> 268 retusa, Baill ,, 269 retusa, A. Juss j> 270 rhamnoides, Griff. » 271 rufa, //fc./. M 273 scandens, Willd 270 sinica, Grab >) 274 spinosa, Roxb. J> 268 stipularip, BL ... J> 270 stipularis, Kk. & Am. .. n 282 tomentosa, Bl j> 271 urticoides, Gri^f. »> 274 ZolUngeri, Miq 270 Brindonia indica, Thouars.. . i. 261 Briza, Lt»n . vii . 336 hipinnata, Linn M 325 Eragrostis, Lino ,, 320 Eragrostis, Vill. ... . >> 321 maxima, Linn . M 336 media, Linn 336 minor, Linn » 336 oblonga, Moench ... . 320 rubra, Lamk » 317 Brizopyrum mucronatum, Nees • ^\' . 328 Bromheadia, Lindl . vi . 20 ? aporoides, Rchb. f. • • » 20 GENERAL INDEX. 48a Bromheadia Finlaysoniana, Rchb. f. ... palustris, Lindl Bromus, Linn ahortiflorus, St. Am a^opecwroides, Lagaso. altissimus, Weber anatolicus, Bpiss annuus, Jacq arenaceus, Pourr arenarius, Thom arvensis, Dnthie asper, Murray asper, Rk. f. & T atticus, Steud chapprianuSj De Not. chrysopogon, Viv ciliatus, Linn commutatus, M. Bieb. conipactus, Hort confertiis, Bieb confinis, Nees confinis,Strsich.& Wioterb. oriuituB, Boiss. ^ Hoh. ... Cyri, C. A. Mey dactyloides, Roth Danthonia, Trin dubius, Jacqaem dumetorum, Lamk dumosus, Vill erectus, Moris Ferrdnii, Mabelli giganteus, Linn. giganUus, Vill fflomeratus, Tansch. gracilis, Iteysa gracilis, Weig gracHlimuSjBange himalaicup, Stapf hirsutissimus, Cyrill. hirsutus, Cart humilis, Cav hordeaceus, liinn inermis, Leyss japonicus, Thunb JToc^M, C. Gmel laterip7'onuSf St. Laz. littoreus, Georgi macrostaohy s, Btsf. oyie mhranaceus, Jacqnem. mollis, Linn mollis, Dnthie 'tnontanus, Scop multiflorus, Host multiflorus, Kar. «& Kir. ... Munroi, Boiss Myurus, Heyne nanus, Weig Vol. Pa^e vi. 20 ,j 20 vii. 357 ,, 359 >» 309 >> 358 361 >> 361 359 )) 360 >> 361 358 )) 358 ?> 360 361 j> 360 357 361 )> 360 360 )) 358 359 ,, 359 jj 361 309 362 )> 373 >> 358 )) 363 >» 360 )) 360 353 )j 358 360 363 >> 363 >> 359 )) 358 M 358 358 )) 360 >> 360 )) 357 ;) 361 )f 361 }» 359 >> 357 362 >j 362 360 jj 361 358 361 >> 361 358 >> 287 Brom'is nemoralis, Ends nemorosus,Yill oxyodon, Schrenk ... patulus, Mert. 8f Koch patulus, Dathie pendulus, Schk, phrygius, Boiss. pinnatus, Fl. D&n. ... pinnatus, Linn polyniorphus, Hoh. ... polystachios, Forsk. ... Ps udo-asper, Schur pubescens, Jacqnem. purpurascens, Taroz. rumosus, Hnds ? rubeno, Cav scahrifolius, Opiz Sckraderi, Kunth ... scoparins, Linn. secalirtus, M. Bieb. ... serotinus, Benek. silvaticus, Pt>llich simplicissimus, Ces.. . . squarrosus, Royle tataricus, Jacqnem. tectorius, Dnlac teoiorum, Linn. tomentellus, Dathie... triflorus, Linn unilateralis, Schur ... unioloides, H. B. K. ... ? variegatus, Griseb. velutlnus, Nocc. & Balb. villi ferus. Stead. sp., Hk. f. & T. vii. 350, 3 Brongniartia coriacea, Bl. Brotera ovata, Cav. bracteosa, Guill. & Perr. Broughtonia ? fusca, Wall. linearis, Wall pendula, Wall Bioussonetia, Vent. papyrifera, Vent. Brownlowia, Roxb. ... elata, Roxb lanceolata, Benth. ... Brownlowie^ Brncea, Mill dubia, Stend mollis, Wall snmatrana, Roxh. sp., Wall Brugaiera, Lam caryopbylloides, BL. eriopetala, W. ^^ A. gymnorhiza, Latnk. madagascariensis, DC. Vol. Page vii. 358 358 )] 361 361 360 361 361 JJ 363 363 361 n 329 358 )) 358 357 358 360 35» ^^ 357 360 361 J) 358 363 >> 360 5) 361 369 359 359 361 353 361 )) 357 J> 357 361 ]| 361 L,354 ,358 V. 114 i. 372 373 v. 844 ij 836 >> 843 V. 490 n 490 i. 381 381 3»1 ,517 i. 380 i. 520 520 i> 521 521 )) 520 li. 437 1} 438 it 438 437 » 452 484 GENERAL INDEX. Braguiera malabarica, .4rw. •'• *>,';. • %.. parietosa, Griff. ••'• 'iiy -V.. par vi flora, W. ^ A Rheedii, Miq Jiumphii, Bl Wightii, Bl Branella, Linn hispida, Benth. ovata, Wall vulgaris, Linn Bruniera vivipara, Franch. Bryobium, Lind 1 Bryocarpum, UTc. f. ^ T. ... himalaicum, Hk.f. ^ T. ... Bryoiriorpha rupifraga, Kar. &Kir ... .„ Bryonia. Linn alcetBfolia, Hb. Eottl. althaeoides, DC amplexicaulis, Lamk. callosa, Hb. Rottl cheirophylla , Wall cwsotdes, Wall cochinchinense, Lour. deltoid ea, Am dioica, Jaoq. see Errata epigsea, Rottl filica Us, Wall ? Jiliformis, noxb Garcini, DC glabra, Roxb. ... gracilis, Wall grandis. DC grandis, Liun grandis. Wall ii. heterophylla, Wall. ... ,, Hookeriana, W. & A. laciniosa, Lmn Jeiosperma, W. & A maderaspatana, DC. Moimoi. Ser "iuucronata, Bl mysorensis, Miq. ... ... mysorensis, Wall nepalensis, Ser odorata, Ham odorato, Wall ? oxyphylla, Wall palmata. Wall. ... ii. 607, ? pedunculosa, Ser Ferrottetiana, Ser ^t7osa, Roxb. Jiheedii, Bl ... rosirato,' Rottl. sagittata, Bl scahrella, Linn. f. ... •;.. sinuata, Wall :.^'^iii Vol. Page ii. 438 5> 438 438 437 ,j 438 J) 437 iv. 670 5) 671 }> 671 J) 670 vi. 558 V. 785 iii. 501 55 501 i. 243 ii. 622 55 621 55 623 625 ^^ 619 614 55 624 5} 611 626 55 55 628 ,5 6i7 )) 624 5t 630 628 ) J 623 >> 621 >> 621 611 ,617 611 ,6:i9 ii. 624 55 622 623 «5 623 55 621 >J 624 If 623 )> h'24 5> 625 626 ,, 626 .^ 624 611 , 621 ii. 613 J, 627 i» 627 }« 625 6:57 *'j 625 ■"»> 623 ■■-1i' 6;:8 Bryonia sinuosa, Wall. ... tenella, Roxb trijlora, Wall. ... tubifiora, W. & A umbellata, Klein umhellata, Wall \Mghtianaf Wsdl Bryonopsis courtallonsis, Avn. erythrocarpa, Naud. laciniosa, Hk. f . Brjopbyllnaij Sa?isb calyoinnm, Salish pinnatum, Kurz ... ... Bubroma {Bubonia) tomtu- tosa, Spreng Bachanania, Roxb acnniinata, Turcz ? acuminata, Wall. angustifolia, Roxb arborescens, Bl.... aunculata, Bl. ... bancana, Miq ., glabra, Wall. ... intermedia, Wight ... ... lanceolaia, Wight lancifolia, Roxb. ... ... latifolia, Roxb. ... laxiflora, JTwra , longtfolia, Bl. ... ... w, luoida, Bl ... ... macrop'hylla, BL palembanicn-, Bl. ? petiolans , Miq. ... ... sessiLfolia, Bl. ... spicata, Roxb. ...■ '-..i .*. subobovata, Griff.- •'S'.?'^'... zeylanica, Bl. ...'■.:.•'... Bnchnera, Lm?i. ... ... ... angustifolia^ D . D on a4atica, Linn. ... 6i/?(ia, Ham. ... coccinea, Benth. , cruciata, Ham. , d-nsijlora, Benth. ... ,. densiflora, Hk. & Arn. euphrasioides, Vahl. hispida, Ifam hyderabadtnsis. Roth longifiora, Arn. ... Masuria, Ham. ... ... . . orobanchoides, Br phoenicea, Benth. ... .. Schimperiana, Hochst. .. stricta, Benth. ... ... sumntrana, Miq. tetrasticha, Benth. ... .. ' Wallichii, Benth. -... .. Vol. Page ii. 625 „ 626 „ 626 „ 611 „ 625 „ 609 „ 623 ii. 623 „ 623 „ 623 ii. 413 „ 413 5. 413 i. 375 ii. 22 ,. 24 ii.14,24 ii. 23 55 24 „ 41 5, 24 ,5 23 », 24 ., 24 „ 24 ,. 23 „ 24 ,5 24 „ 23 5. 41 „ 24 ,5 24 „ 24 i. 559 ii. 24 „ 16 iv. 297 55 299 ., 299 „ 299 „ 299 „ 298 5, 299 „ 298 „ 299 ,5 298 „ 299 „ 300 „ 300 . „ 299 „ 299 „ 298 . „ 298 . „ 298 „ 298 . „ 300 GENERAL INDEX. 485 Vol. Ff^e Buoklandia, Br. ii. 429 popuUfoUa, Hk. f. & T. .. >» 429 populnea, Br M 429 Buddleia, Linn. iv. 81 acuminatissima^ Bl >» 82 asiatica, Lour >> 82 Colvilei, HTc.f. >) 81 crispa, Benth 81 discolor, Both ... ... .. >» 82 macrostachy-i. Benth. ... 81 Martii^T. A. Schmidc ... ,, 81 Neemda, Ham. ... >> 82 nepalensis, CoUa. ,, 81 panicalata, Wall ,, 81 salicina, Lamk ,, 82 serr ulata. B,oth >y 82 subserrata, D. Don »> 82 virgata, Blanco j» 82 sp., Griff. )} 699 Buettneria, Lmw ... i. 376 an daman en sis, Kurz )> 377 aspera, Colehr 377 catalpifolia, Wall, jj 376 crenulata, Wall j> 376 echina,ta, Wall 376 elliptica, Mast ,, 377 grandi folia, HC j> 377 herbacea, Roxh. 376 hypoleuca, Turcz >> 378 Jackiana, Wall jj 376 Maingayi, Mast 377 nepalensis, Turcz „ 377 pilosa, Roxh. ... jj 377 polyarantha, Wall 376 uncinata, Mast j> 377 veluHna, Wall 377 BuETTNERie^ i. 354 Bulbillaria gageoides, Zncc. vi. 356 Bulhophyllopsis {Bolhophyl- lopsis) maculosa, Rchb. f. V. 776 Morphologorum, B,. f. ,, 776 Bulbophyllum, Tliouars ... V. 752 adenopetalum, Lindl. ... » 770, vi. 188, 189 affine, Lindl V. 756 albidum, Hfc./. 757 alcicorne, Par. ^ R. f. ... >> 766 alopecarum, Rchh.f. >> 770 amplunij Rchb. f » 712 apoflnm, HTc, f. ... v. 766 , vi. 188 auricomum, Lindl V. 765 bicolor, flfc. /. >i 770 bisetumj Lindl 767 hootanense, Par. & R. f. ... „ 775 candid um,J?A;./. ... v. 770, vi. 189 capillipes, Par. ^^ R.f. ... r. 755 capitatum, Lmdi.,^ ..pf ... „ 759 Bulbophyllum Vol. Page Careyanum, Sprang, v. 760, vi. 188 Carey anum, Wall v. 760 carinijiorum, Rchb. f. ... „ 767 oaudatum, Lindl „ 759 cauliflorum, Hk. f. v. 758, vi. 187 cirrhatnm, Hk. f. v. 769, vi. 189 cirrhopetaloide.--, Griff. ... v. 767 clandestinuro, Lindl. v. 753, vi. 187, 198 Clarkei, "Rchb. { v. 769 comosum, Coll. Sf Hemsl. „ 762; concbiferum,Ec^6./. v. 766, vi. 188 concinnum, jtf/l:-. /. vi. 187 confertum, Hk. f. v. 757, vi. 187 cornutum, Rchb. f v. 774 crassifolium, 2'hu- „ 770- crassipes, HJc.f „ 760 cupreum, Lindl. y. 761, vi. 188> cupreum. Hook. v. 760' oylindraceum, Lindl. ... „ 765 Dayanum, Rchh.f. „ 756' elegaos, Gard. ... „ 770 ELlise, Rchb. f. ... „ 777 Epicrianthes, ilfe. /. ... „ 75a eublepharum, Rc/ib. /. ... „ 764 fimhriatum, Kchb. f. ... „ 774 foenixecii, Par. & R. f. ... „ 765 fuscescens, Behb. f „ 712 fusco-purpureum, Wight ,, 760 Globulus, flfe. /. ... V. 767, vi. 189^ gracile. Far. ^ R. f. ... v. 762 grandijinrum, Griff. „ 769' Grijffithianum, Par. & Bohb. f „ 774 Grimtini, Rchh. f. „ 756 guttulatum, Wall „ 776 gymnopue, jtf/c. /. v. 764, vi. 188- HenshalU, Lindl v. 755 hirtnm, Lindl ,, 762 hymenauthum, Mk. f. v. 767, vi. 188 imhricatam, Griff. v. 765 mere, Rchb. f ,, 771 kaitiense Rchb. f ,, 778 khaf^ianuw, Griff. „ 765 khasyanum, Rchb. f. ... „ 765 KiDgn,Hk.f. ... V. 760, vi. 188 lasianthum, Lindl v. 763 lasiochilum. Par. Sf Rchh.f. „ 772 lemuisoatum, Par „ 762 leopardiuum, Lindl. ... „ 756 leptantbum, Hk.f. ... v. 759, 910,, vi. 188 leptosepalum, Hk. f. v. 767, vi. 188 limbatuiti, Lindl v. 763 limbatum, Par.' & Rchb. f. „ 761 ; Lindle>arium, GWf. ... „ 763- Ijohhix, Lindt. ... v. 755, vi. 187 486 GENERAL INDEX. Bulbopbyllura Vol. longipes, Rchb. f v. Macriei, Rchh. f. vi. macrauthuro, Lindl. v. 7&3, vi. Mannii, Rchh. f. v. Medusae, Rchh. f. v. 757, vi. megalanthum, Griff, v. 754, vi, membranifolium, Hk. f. merguense, Par. Sf Rchh.f. micranthum, Hk. f. v. 768 miorotepalum, Echb. /. ... niishtneense, Hfc. / „ niodestnm, Hk.f. v. 759, vi. moniliforme, Far. Sc Rchh f. v. ? motdmeinense, Rohb. f — „ ? inuscicola, BjOhh. f. ... „ ■nasutum, Echh.f „ uilgherrense, Wight ... „ ohlongiim, Rchb. f. „ odoratissimum, Lindl. ... „ oligoglosBum, Rchh. f. ... „ paleaceum, Berdh „ parvifloruni, Par. Sf Rchh.f .^ ,, patens, King .' vi. Penicillium, Par. ^^c/i6./ v. petiolare, T^w „ pictum, Par. & Rchb. f. ... „ picturatum,'Rchh.f „ pileatum, Lindl „ ■poly Th\zam, Lindl „ protractom, BTc. f. v. 75'', vi. psittacoglossutn, Rchh. f. v. Fsjchoou, Echh. f. „ pnrpureum, Thw „ radiatum, Lindl „ re/racfcum, Rchl). f „ Re. nwardtii, Ec^i 6. /. ... „ repens, Qriff. „ reptans, Lindl „ rotundatum, Rchb. f. ... „ Roxburghii, Rchb. f. ... ,, rufilabrum, Par „ rnfinuiD, Rchh.f. vi. rufinum, Rchb. f. v. scahraturtiy Rchb. f „ Schmidtianum, jRc/ib. /. ... „ secundnm, Hk. f. v. 764, vi. siamense, Rchb. f v. sicyobnlbon. Par. Sf R.f. „ Sillenianum, Ec/ib./. v. 771, vi steDobnlbon, Par. Sf'R.j. v. Striatellum, Ridl vi, striatam, EcJib. /. v. suave., Griff. „ suavissimura, RoZ/e „ Thomsoni, iZA;. /. v. 764, vi. Page 771 190 188 780 187 .187 756, 187 772 189 761 769 187 757 781 776 754 761 780 758 771 769 763 187 764 759 781 775 754 767 187 754 771 768 758 779 754 765 768 712 774 761 , 188 766 775 771 , 188 755 76L . 189 758 189 755 762 768 188 Bulbophyiltun Vol. tremulum, Wight v. tripudians, Par. & Rohb. f. „ trisetosum, Griff. „ triste, jRch-b. /. ... „ umhellatum, Lindl „ uniflorum, Gri/f. „ vaginatum, Rchb. f , vermiculare, Hfe. /. vi. virens, Hk. f. v. Walkerianum, Rchb. f . ... „ Wightii, Rchh.f „ WrA\i, Hk.f. ... V. 766, vi. xylophyllum,Par.^/2c/ib./. v. sj)., Griff. V. 756, 764 Bulbostylis, Kunth vi. barbata, Kunth „ capillaris, Kunth ,, wudipes, Kunth „ paberula, Kunth „ pulchella, Thw. ,, BUbspinpscens, Clarke ... ,, trifida, Kunth ,, Wallichiana, Kanth ... „ Willdenowii, Kunth ... ,, Bunium aromaticwm, Linn. ii. Bulhocastanutn, Linn. ... „ Bupleurum, Linn ii. baldense, Host „ distichophyllum, W. ^ A. „ diversifolium, Roche ... ,, Candollii, Wall „ falcatnm, Linn „ fledauosum, Wall „ gracillimum, Klotz. ... ,, heterophyllum, Jacquem. ,, himalensis, Klotz ,, Hoffnieisteri, Klotz „ imaicolum, A. Kerner ... ,. jucundum, Kurz „ lacceolatum, IVall ,, longicaule, Wall ,, Maddeoi, Clarke ,, marginatum, Wall „ mucronatum, W^. ^ ^. ... ,, nervorum, Moon „ nigrocarpum, Jacqaem. ... „ plautaginifolium, Wight „ polyphyllu7n, Ledeb. ... „ ramosissimum, W. & A. ... „ rupestre, Edgew „ sachalinense, F. Schmidt ,, Betacenm, Fenzl „ tenue, D. Bon „ Thomsoni, Clarke ,, trichopodum^ Boiss. & Sprun „ virgatum, W. & A „ Page 763 779 753 768 776 755 773 188 770 780 773 188 766 ,767 651 651 652 651 652 652 652 652 651 651 682 681 674 676 677 675 674 676 677 676 675 677 676 676 675 674 677 678 676 676 676 676 674 675 676 677 675 678 677 675 678 676 GENERAL INDEX. 487 Bupleurum Vol. Page Butonica Vol. Page virgatum, Wall ii. 676 rubra, Miers .. ii. 507 sp., Hk.f. &T ,, 678 BUXB^ .. V. 240 Barmannia, iiTiw; V. 664 Bnxas, Linn .. V. 267 azurea^ Griflf. 55 665 coriacea, Spreng. 55 266 hifurca, Herb. Ham. 665 emarginata, Royle ... . 55 267 Candida, Grif. ... 55 665 japonica, Maell. 55 267 Championii, Thw 55 666 longifolia, Jacquem. 55 267 ccelestis, D. Don 55 665 saligna, D. Don • • 55 266 distachya, Br 5» 664 semper virens, Linn. 267 distioh&y Linn ,, 664 WalUchiana, Baill 55 267 javanica, Bi 55 665 sp.. Wall 267 longifolia, Becc. 55 664 Byrsophyllum, Hk. f. ... .. iii. 107 Bepalensis, Hk. f 55 666 elliptioum, Z?fc. /. ... 55 107 Pseudo-alata^ Champ. 55 666 tetrandrum, Hk. /. ... 55 107 pusilla, Thw 665 Bystropogon (Bysteropogon) sumatrana, Miq 55 664 bipinnatus. Roth ... .. iv. 631 triflora, Roxb. 55 665 graveolens, Bl 55 630 unijiora, Herb. Roitl. 665 Bythophytoa, //A;. /. ... .. iv. 286 Wallichii, m. /. 55 666 indicnm, Hk. f. >> 286 sp., Griif. 55 666 BURMANNIACEJ: V. 664 Cabombe^ ... . .. i. 113 Bursera, Linn i. 530 Cacalia a/ngulosa, Wall. .. iii. 334 serrata, Wall i 508 ,530 angustifolia, Wall. ... 55 336 BURSERACE/E i. 527 aurantiaca, Wall. ... 55 333 Bursinopetalum arhoreum, biiolor, Roxb 55 335 Wight ... ii. 745 6icoior, Wall 334 tetrandum, Wight ,, 745 bwi6osa, Lour 55 334 Susea decurrens, Miq iv. 370 coccinea, Sims ... ,, 336 subsessilis, Miq 55 370 crasiissiina. Wall. 338 Butea, Roxh ii. 194 Cusimhua, D.Don ... . . . ,, 334 acuminata, Wall 55 194 cylindriflora, Wall. ... 335 f rondosa, Roxb 194 Finlaysoniana, Wall. ... „ 335 frondosa, Wall. , 55 195 ^ava, Ham 5) 833 gyrocarpa, Wall 55 193 f cBtens, W&ll 333 minor, Ham. ... ... .. 195 glabra, Heyne ,, 336 parviflora, Roxb 55 193 graciliflora, Wall. ... 55 338 sericophylla, Wall 55 193 grandiflora. Wall. 337 snperba, koxh. ^ }J 195 hastata, Linn . . . ,, 353 Buterxa rhamniJoUa,'StmB ... iv. 433 hieracioi les, Roxb. . . . 335 ulmifolia, Nees ,, 430 incana, Heyne 55 333 Butinia capnoides, Done. ... ii. 691 Kleinia, Grab 55 337 lihanotica, BoisB 673 Kleinia, Hb. Madr. ... 55 337 BUTOME^ vi. 559 laciniata. Wall. . . . ,, 334 Butomopsie, Kunth vi. 562 mucronata, He^yne ... • • • 55 336 lanneolata, Kunth 55 562 pinnatijida, Pers. 5» 334 ? latijolia, Kunth 55 562 purpurascens, Wall. J» 335 Butomus, Linn vi. 562 reclinata, Wall. 55 335 Bobia, Ham 5> 562 rotundifolia, Willd. ... » 234 lancfoiatus, Roxb 562 sagittaria, Heyne 5} 33i latifolius, D. Don 55 562 .yagittata, Vahl 5> 336 umbeliatue, Linn 562 sarmentosa, Lesoh, ... . . . ,, 352 Butonica, Juss ii. 507 sonchifolia, Linn. 3186 alata, Miers 55 508 sonchifona. Wall. ... •• 55 403 alba, Miers ...... ii 507 , 508 teres, Wall • • • 5) 336 ceylaaica, Miers ii. 5U8 ? volubiUs,B\ 55 351 inclyta, Miers 55 507 volubilis, }ia,m 5j 352 racemosa, Miers 55 507 sp., Barm ... 55 268 488 GENERAL INDEX. Vol. Page Cacoucia lucida, Hassk, ii. 454 ? trifoliata,BC'.... ... ... »> 454 Oacte^ ii. 657 Cactus indicus^ Boxb ii. 657 Cad aba, Forsfe i. 172 dw6ia,D0 ,, 173 f&r'mosa, For sk. 5J IT'S heterotricha, Stocks 173 indica, itt/rtfc JJ 172 trifoliata, W. Sf A 172 triphylla, Wight J) 172 CadamhajasminiJlora,Sojir\.ev . iii. 126 CaBsalpinia,itnn. ii. 254 arborea, Miq JJ 257 armata, Grab >> 256 ? axillaris, DC J) 258 hijuga, Wall >) 255 Boaduc, Roxh JJ 255 Bondncella, Fleming ;j 254 cinclidocarpa, Miq JJ 256 Crista, Thanb JJ 256 cucullata, Roxb 258 dasyrachiSjM-iq. »J 257 digyna, Sottl. JJ 256 elata, Schwartz 260 enneaphylla, Eoxb. JJ 258 ferox, Hassk J J 256 ferox, Hohen JJ 261 ferruginea, Miq. 257 F inlay soniana, Grah. » 257 jiavicans, Grah. 256 furfuracea, Wall JJ 25S Glenieii, Thw ,. ... •J 257 gracilis, Miq. ... JJ 256 grandis, Heyne 258 horrida, Wall. , ,j 256 hi/men o car pa. Wall ,, 259 inermis, Roxb. ... JJ 257 japonica, Sieb. & Zaoc. ... >j 256 lacerans, Roxb >j 259 microphylla, Ham 257 mimosoides, Lam JJ 256 mimosoides, Heyne 261 Nnga, Ait JJ 255 oleosperma, Roxb 256 paniculata, Boxb ,, 255 pulcherrima, Siv ,, 255 resupinata, Roxb ,, 256 Sappan, Linn JJ 255 scandens, Keen 255 sepiaria, Roxh ,, 256 sepiaria, Wall JJ 258 Simora, Ham 256 sumatrana, BiOxh JJ 259 sumatrana. Wall 'J 255 tortuosa, 5oj3b 257 torfwosa, Wall. ., >j 257 C.SSALPlNIKyE ... .. Csesulia, Roxh ... I axillaris, Roxh. ... I Caidhfja adherens, Forsk. . . . Cajanus, DC j alhicans, Grah ... fcicoZor, DC I bicolor, Wall I candicans, Wall I yiavus,DC I glandulosus, Dalz. & Gibs. I goensis, Dalz I indions, Spreng ! kulnensis, Dalz. lineatus,GTa.h 1 nervosus, Royle niveus, Grah scarahcBoides, Thou suaveolens, Grah Wightianus, Grah ' CAKILINKiE j C&l&c&nthns, T. Anders. I Dalzelliana, T Anders. ... Caladium acre, Br amhoinense. Ham cucullatum, Pers discretum, Ham esculentum, Vent glycirrhizum, FraPer heterophyllum, Presl macrorrhizon, Br montanum, Heyne nymph csifolium, Vent. ... odoratissimum, C. Koch odorum, Lindl ? ovatum, Ham ovatum, Vent ... pumilum, D. Don vivipar am, hodd Calamaurrostis, Adans. arundinacea. Roth capillacea, Clarke ciliata, St end colnrata, DC debilis, 7^^". / decora, Hk. f emodensis, Griseh Epigejos, Roth fiUformis, Griseb georgicrt, C. Koch glauca, Rchb vii. glomerata, Boiss. & Biihse Griffithiana, Bk. f. holciformi-', J. & S Hooker iaua, Steud Huebneriana, Rchb. Jaoquemontii, Hfc. /. Vol. Page ii. 60 iii. 291 JJ 291 V. 593 ii. 217 215 ij 217 JJ 217 JJ 222 JJ 217 JJ 213 216 tf 217 ij 214 )> 213 >> 216 214 >i 215 222 J ) 215 i. 130 iv. 477 It 478 vi. 523 )j 533 JJ 525 519 JJ 523 526 JJ 527 526 JJ 495 JJ 523 526 JJ 526 JJ 519 JJ 495 522 JJ 522 vii. 260 JJ 266 268 264 'j 221 262 JJ 260 261 JJ 260 268 JJ 260 260 ,261 vii. 260 263 )) 267 265 JJ 260 265 GENERAL INDEX. 489 €alamagrostis Lagurus, Koel ,. lanceolafa, Aitch lanceolata, Stokes laxa, Host iithuanica, Schult iittorea, 1)0 Munroana, Boiss nepalensis, Nees nepalensis, Str. & Wint. ... pilosuJa, Hk. f. pulchella, Hk. f pyramidalis, Host ... ... rigens, Fries Royleana, Steud Roylei, Steud seabrescens, Griseb. Sohmidii, ^fc. /. Stolizkai, Hk.f. sylvatica, DC tartarica, Jacquem. thyrsoides, C. Kocli tripilifera, Hk.f vilueensis, Schult sp., Wall dalaminea ffigantea, Beau v. gigantea, R. & S humilis, E. & 8 'Galamintlia, Moench Clinopodium, Bentli. longicaulis, Benth. ■ nepalensis, Fisch. & Mey. repens, Benth. umbrosa, Benth Calamosagus harinsefolius, GriflF. laciniosus. Griff. ockriger, Griff. polystachyus:, Griff. ... scaphigerus, Griff. ... wallichicefolius, Griff. wallichicefolius, Mart. Cal&rauB, Linn acanthospathus, Griff. amarus, Lour andamanicus, Kurz angiistifoUuSy Griff. ... arboresoens, Griff. ... aureus, Reinw. axillaris, Becc Brandisii, Becc. oaesius, Blume ■calicarpus, Griff. castaneus, Qriff. castaneus, Griff. colUnus, Griff. concinnus, Mart. ... conirostris, Becc. ... VOL. VII. Vol. Page Calamus Vol. Page vii. 106 delicatulus, Thw vi. 446 55 261 densiflorus, Becc jj 445 5? 260 Diepenhorstii, Miq. 454 55 261 rtiffusus, Becc jj 447 260 digitatus, Becc ,, 442 55 261 Doriaei, Becc 55 456 55 263 Draco, Griff. 467 55 261 erectus, Roxb ., 438 55 261 exilis, Griff. 55 454 55 263 extensus, Mart. ... 444 5J 268 extensm, Roxb. 5) 462 55 266 fasciculatus, Roxb 444 5? 260 Feanus, Becc JJ 448 55 265 Fernandezii, H. Wendl. ... 459 265 filipendulus, Becc ,, 443 55 267 Flagellum, Griff. .J 439 JS 264 Flagellum, T. Anders. ... JJ 463 )) 262 floribundus, Griff. JJ 444 5> 266 Gamblei, Becc 453 55 262 geminifiorus, Griff. ., 479 55 260 genicidatus, Griff. JJ 470 55 262 giganteus, Becc ,, 460 55 260 glaucescens, Blume JJ 456 55 261 gracilis, Roxb JJ 453 vii. 150 gracilis, Thw JJ 442 55 217 grandis, Griff. „ 463 55 150 grandis, Kurz .J 463 iv. 650 Griffithianus, Mart. 440 }5 650 Gnrvha, Ham J5 449 651 Helferianus, Kurz 446 55 651 Heliotropium, Ham JJ 447 55 651 hostilis, Hort. Calc JJ 439 55 650 Huegelianus, Mart 452 humilis, Roxb. ... vi. 456 ,462 vi. 475 hygrophilus. Griff. vi. 464 55 475 hypoleucus, Kurz ,j 451 55 476 Hystrix, Griff. 5) 469 55 476 inermis, T. Anders 456 475 insignis, Griff. ., 459 55 475 intermediusy Griff. 55 464 475 javensis, Bl vi. 442 , 462 vi. 436 Jenkinsianu^, Griff. ... vi 439 ,462 5J 448 Isevigatus, Mart vi. 477 447 latifolius, Roxh 455 55 457 latif alius , Kurz 55 458 55 464 leptopus, Griff. 55 468 55 439 leptospadix, Griff. 441 460 Lewisianus, Griff. j^ 465 456 Lobbianus, Becc 462 55 448 longipeSy Griff. 55 471 55 456 longisetus, Griff. 44^ 55 467 longisetuSy Th\7 „ 441 440 luridas, Becc JJ 445 55 440 macr acanthus, T. Anders. 51 456 439 ,472 macrocarpus. Griff. 55 439 vi. 444 Martianus, Becc 55 459 55 461 M> 455 melanoloma, Mart !) 456 travancoricus, Bedd. ... J, 452 Metzianus, Schlecht. J> 462 triquder, Becc. 480 micracanthus. Griff. J> 467 unifarius, H. Wendl. »» 458 micranthus, Blume J5 461 verticillaris, Griff. ... • •• >> 470 mishmiensis, GriS. 5> 445 viminalis, Willd. ... » 444 monoicus, Roxb JJ 448 viridispinus, Becc. ... ,, 458 montanus, Anders J» 449 Wightii, Griff. ,, 452 monticolus, Griff. 5 J 466 zeylanicus, Becc. ... j; 455 multijiorus, Mart >> 445 sp., Griff. »» 477 myrianthus, Becc 451 Calanthe,J3r ... V. 847 neglectns, Becc >> 458 alismsefolia, Lindl — ,, 849 nicobaricns, Becc it 446 alpina,m-./ 850 nitidus, Mart >J 449 anguatsb, Lindl. J> 84^ nutantijiorus. Griff. 55 463 angustifolia, Lindl. v. 854, vi. 195 ornatus, Blume 460 australis, Hort. ... vi. 195 ornatus, Griff. }) 460 hilobs,, Lindl ... V. 848 ovatus, Reinw JJ 460 brevicornu, Lmd?. ... j> 848 ovoideus, Thw J> 457 carinata, Lindl. » 856 Oxleyanus, Teys. 8f Binn. JJ 458 ohloroleuca, Lindl — ... „ 852 pachystemoEius, Thiv. ... >> 442 cl&v&ia, Lindl ,, 854 pallidalus, Becc 457 colorans, Rchb. f. ... ... vi. 195 palustris, Griff'. n 458 comosa, Rchb. f. ... V. 851 paniculatus, Mart 459 cnrculigoides, Wall. ,. 854 paradoxus, KvLTZ ,, 480 derxQi^ora, Lindl . ... ,, 855 paspalanthus, Becc. „ 450 diploxiphion, Hk.f. v. 849, vi. 195 ? 'penicillatus, Roxb. vi. 443 ,4&2 elytroglossa, Rchb. f. ... V. 853 perakensis, Becc vi. 451 emarginata, Wight ... „ 851 petiolaris, Griff. )> 466 Foerstermanni, Rchb /. „ 854 platyspathus, Mart. 449 fulgens, Lindl 851 ? polygamus, Roxb. ... vi . 439, 462 galeata, Lindl ,, 852 polyspathus, Wall vi. 450 gigantea, Uh. f. ,, 856 Pseudo-Botanff, Mart. ... >) 444 gracilis, LmdZ — v. 855, vi. 195 Pseudo-tennis, Becc. >> 445 grandifiora, Hort. Belg . ... vi. 195 quinquenervins, Eoa?6. ... >j 460 Grif^^hxi, Lindl. ... V. 852 radiatns, Thw » 442 herbacea, Xtwdi. ,, 852: radnlosns, Becc 443 labrosa, Rchb. f. v 856, vi .195 ramosissimus. Griff". >> 450 longipes, Hh.f ... vi. 195 Rheedei, Griff. )» 452 Mannii, Hk.f. ... v 850, vi .195 rivalis, Thw vi .441 ,462 Masnca, Lindl. ... V. 850 Rotang, Linn vi. 447 Masuca, Thw ,, 851 Moxburghii, Griff. j^ 448 nutans, Linn 856 Royleanusj Griff. j> 447 occidentalis, Lindl. ... ,, 848 rudentum, Mart ;j 441 odora, ^riff. 853 rudentum, Thw » 455 pachystalix, Rchb. f. ,, 850 rugosns, Becc » 443 Perrottetii, A. Rich. ,, 851 schizospathus. Griff. J> 439 Petri, Rchh. f ... vi. 195 scipionnm, Lour. ■ J> 461 phajoides, Rchb. f. v. 854, vi. 195 scipionum, Lam. 3> 448 plantaginea, Lindl. ... ... V. 853 simplex, Becc J> 456 plantaginea, Griff. ... ,, 853 singaporensis, Becc. 454 puberula, LincZL ,, 848 spathulatns, Becc 5» 459 ? pulchra, Lindl. „ 854 strictus, Miq >» 471 purpurea, Lindl. „ 851 tenuis, Roxh >» 447 rosea, Benth >> 856 GENERAL INDEX. 491 Calanthe Vol. Page Callicarpa Vol. Page rube.ns, Eidl vi. 195 acuminata, Roxb iv. 570 ruhrO'OcnlMa, Paxt. )j 195 acuminatissima, Teijs. & Scortechinii, HJc. f. V. 854 Binn 5> 566 sulphurea, Horfc. Huegel J, 856 adenanthera, Br 569 tricarinata, Lindl. v. 847 vi. 195 americana, Lour )) 569 tricolor, Hort. Huegel ... V. 856 arborea, Roxb JJ 5fi7 tnbifera, Hk.f. ... v. 855 vi. 195 arborea^ Miq n 567 uncata, Lindl V. 853 arborea, Wall 567 vaginata, Lindl »j 849 attenuata, Wall >> 570 veratrifolia, Br. v. 851 vi. 195 bicolor, Juss >) 569 versicolor, Lindl V. 851 csLiidL, Linn. 568 Yeatita, Lindl. ... v. 852 vi. 195 cana, Dalz. & Gibs )> 567 viridi-fusca. Hook V. 820 cana, Gamble 568 Wightii, Rchb. f if 851 cana, Wall iv. 569 ,570 Wrs^yi, Hk.f. ... v. 850 vi. 195 Cumingiana, Sohau. iv. 566 Calanthea, Grifif. V. 853 cuspidata, Roxb 569 Calathodes, i^/fc. /. ^ r. ... i. 22 dentatay 'Koih. »5 569 palmata, Hk. f.^T. >> 22 dentata, Roxb 569 Calcearia fornicata, Bl. vi. 118 dentata, Wall >> 570 picta, Bl j> 118 /anitosa, Roxb it 567 Calceolaria mexicana, Benth. iv. 246 hexandra, Teijs. & Binn.... >< 566 Calendula, Linn iii. 357 Heynei, Roth J> 569 arvensis, Linn )) 358 Hookeri, (nom. delend.) ... >> 568 oflBcinalis, Xtnw ); 358 incana, Roxb ») 568 Calendulace^ iii. 224, 357 lanata, Linn » 567 Caligula odontocera, Klotz. iii. 446 Zawata, Gamble >J 567 pulcherrima, Klotz. j> 446 lanata, GriflP. ... »> 568 Calimeris altaica, Nees iii. 251 lanata, Schan ,, 569 canescew*, Nees... jj 251 lanceolaria, Roxb 5» 570 jlexuosa, 'Siojle )) 252 lobata, Clarke )* 566 integrifolia, Turcz )} 249 longifolia, Lawfc. ... ... » 570 Calispermum scandennyjjour. iii. 513 longifolia, Benth >> 570 Calistemonxide Callistemma iii. 249 longifolia, Hook )> 57a Galla angustifolia, Jack vi. 533 macrophylla, Vahl >> 568 aromatica, Eoxb )} 532 macrophylla, Rheede )) 568 calyptrata, Roxb )) 539 nudiflora. Hook. & Arn. ... >» 568 humilis, Jack )) 534 pedunculata, Br )) 569 montana, Bl. ... )) 540 pentandra, Roxb it 566 miida, Jack ii 529 psilocalyx, Clarke ti 569 oblongifolia, Roxb >♦ 529 Reevesii, Wall »> 568 occulta, Lodd )) 532 Rotburghiana, R. «& S. • J> 570 ovata, Ham )t 541 Roxburghii, Wall )) 568 rubescens, Roxb )9 532 rubella, Lindl — )> 569 virosa, Roxb )> 524 sessilifolia, Wall » 569 Gallasocarpus rhamnifolia. sumatrana, Miq it 569 Miq V. 624 tectoncefolia, Wall. if 567 sumatrana, Miq i1 623 tmuifiora. Champ »t 569 Called vi. 491 tilicefolia, Teijs. & Binn. » 569 Calliandra, Benth ii. 302 toonentosa, Lamk a 569 cynometr aides, Bedd. )) 306 Tomex, Poir ji 567 Griffithii, Benth. ... ;.. 302 vestita, Wall }) 567 umbrosa, Benth )) 302 villosa, Roxb )) 567 Callianthemum, 0. A. Mey. i. 14 villosa, Vahl )> 567 cachemirianum, Ganib. ... )} 14 Wallichiana, Walp ... ... }) 567 Endlicheri, Walp » 21 sp., Hk. f. & T. ... iv. 567 597 pimpinelloides, Hk. f. & T. i> 14 sp., Jones iv. 568 Callicarpa, Linn. ... iv. 566 K ] Calligonum, Linn i 2 V. 22 492 GENERAL INDEX. Calligonum Vol. Page polygonoides, Linn. ... v. 22 Callisia orientalis, Ham. ... vi. 380 'Gallistemma indicum, D. Don, Ifi^svi Calistemon iii. 249 Callistephus cJiine^isis, Nees iii. 249 concolor, Dalz „ 299 Heyneanus, DC „ 299 Wiffhtianus, DC „ 299 Callitriche, Linn ii. 434 stagnalis, Scop „ 434 verna, Linn. „ 434 Wightiana, Wall „ 434 €aUostyUs rigida, Bl v. 802 'Calocedrus macrolepis, Kurz v. 645 Calochlamys capitata, Presl iv. 603 Calonyction, Chois iv. 197 asperum, Chois „ 198 comorenses, Bojer „ 198 comospermum, Bojer ... „ 198 comospermum, Thw. ... „ 198 diver si folium, Hassk. ... „ 198 grandijlorum, Chois. ... ,, 198 longijlorum, Hassk „ 198 muricatum^ G. Don „ 198 muticum, Done „ 198 pseudomuricatiom, G. Don ,, 198 Boxburghii, G. Don „ 197 speciosum, Chois „ 197 trichospermiom, Choia. ... ,, 198 Calophanes, D. Don iv, 410 Dalzellii, T. And&rs. ... „ 411 depressa, T. Anders. ... „ 410 littoralis, T. Anders. ... „ 410 Nagohana, Nees „ 410 rigida, Dalz „ 411 vagans, Wight „ 411 -Calophylle^ i. 259 •Calophyllum, Linn i, 271 amoenum, Wall. ,, 272 angastifolium, Boxb. ... „ 276 hancanum, Miq „ 272 Bintaffor, Roxb „ 273 bracteatum, Thw „ 274 Burmanni, Wight „ 272 e&nnra, Sh f. „ 271 chinense, Walp „ 270 276 mesuse folium, Wall >> 272 microphyllum, T. Anders. 272 Jlfoonn.^Wight >> 271 pisiferum, Planch & Tr. ... M 272 plicipes, Miq >> 272 polyanthum, Wall >) 274 pulcherrimum, Wall. J» 271 retusum, Wall 272 Soulattri, Barm » 276 spectabile, Willd J» 271 spuritim, Choia '> 274 Suriga, Ham i1 276 tetrapetalum, Roxb. 5} 271 tetrapetalum, Wall 273 Thwaitesii, Planch. Sf Tr. 5J 275 tomentosum, Wight 55 274 trapezifolium, Thv:. 5) 275 Walked, Wight )5 275 Wallichianum, Planch. Sr Tr ... >5 273 Wightianum, Wall 55 274 Calorhabdos, Benth iv. 291 Brunoniana, Benth >5 291 Calosacwe acuminata, Wall iv. 349 359 amplectens, Wall. ■. iv. 357 dimidiata, Wall 55 357 fiava, Wall 55 357 grandiflora, Wall 55 358 macrophylla, Wall 55 358 polycarpa. Wall 55 344 Oalosanthes indica, Bl. iv. 378 ? Caloscordon exsertum, Herb vi. 341 Calotheca, Spreng vii. 333 arabica, Spreng )) 334 elegans, W. & A >» 301 mZiaca, Spreng. 55 334 repens, Spreng 55 334 sabtdosa, Stend 5) 249 Calotropis, Br iv. 17 Acia, Ham )) 18 gigantea, Br y) 17 Hamiltoni, Wall i) 18 herbacea, Wight » 18 heterophylla, Wall 55 18 procera, 5r 55 18 Wallichii.W ight 55 18 Calpicarpium Roxburghii, G. Don iii. 639 Oalpurnia, E. Mey ii. 251 anrea, Bake^' 55 251 Oaltha, Linn i. 21 aiJa, Jacqnem 55 21 Qovaniana, Wall 55 21 GENERAL INDEX. 49a- Caltha himalensis, Don palustris, Linn paniculata, Wall soaposa, Hk. f. Si' T. Calyoopteris, Lamt floribunda, Lanik mitans, Kurz Cahfptranthes capitellata, Ham caryophyllata, Pers. cordifolia, Moon ... ii. costata, Ham cuneata, Ham Danca, Ham ffrandis, Ham Janibolana, Moon JamboZawa, Willd mangiferifolia, Hance ohtusifolia. Ham pyrifolia, Bl Taina, Ham tenuis, Ham Calyptrocoryne Wightii, Schott Calyptrostylis, Nees florida, Nees Calysaccion longifolium, Wight ... siamense, Miq Calystegia, R. Br acetosxfolia, Turoz hederacea. Wall Keriana, Sweet Galy triplex ohovata, R. & P. Camarotis obtusa, Lindl. ... pallida, Lindl purpurea, Lindl rostrata, Rchb. f Cambesseaea, sp., W. & A.... Carnbogia venulosa, Blanco Camel ina Gaisir, Wall. Cameline^ Camellia, imri axillaris, Griflf. axillaris, 'Ko-sb axillaris. Wall caudata, Wall caudata, Griff. ... drupifera, Lour japonica, Wall Keina, D. Don Kissi, Wall lutescens, Dyer Master sii, Gritf. oleifolia, Wall Sasanqua, Thunb ? Scottiana, Chois Vol. Page ii. 21 >» 21 » 21 » 21 ii. 449 )> 449 >» 4i9 ii. 4:^9 j» 490 491 ,493 ii. 498 jj 498 5> 500 JJ 498 493 5> 499 )) 498 J> 481 )i 487 J> 498 >5 500 vi. 513 vi. 670 >> 670 i. 270 j> 271 iv. 217 'J 217 ji 217 ?j 216 iv. 272 vi. 36 }} 3rt 36 36 ii. 21 i. 260 i. 145 i. 129 i. 292 293 55 292 5> 282 293 55 293 J> 293 5> 282 293 55 293 293 35 293 55 293 293 55 282 Vol. Page Camellia ? Scottiana, Wall simpUcifolia, Griff. symplocifolia, Griff. theifera, Griff* sp.. Griff. ? sp Gameraria zeylanica, Betz .. zeylanica ?, Wight Gamirium cordifolium, G«0rtn sp., Kumph Campanula, Linn agrestis, Wall Alphonsii, Wall alsinoides, m. /. ^ T. .. argyrotricha, Wall. aristata, Wall Benthamii, Wall Brunonis, Wall cana. Wall cana, Hk. f . & T canescenp, Wall caperonioides, Klotz. carnosa, Wall cashmiriam, Royle colorata, Wall dehiscens, Roxb eriocarpa, Bieb evolvulacea, Royle fnlgens, Wall himalayensis, Klotz. HoffireisLeri, Klotz. integerri'ma,'D.'Dou khasiana, H^. /. ^ T. .. lancifolia, Roxb latifolia, Lwn lavandulcefolia, Reinw. .. macrantha, Fisoh marginata, Thunb modesta, Hk. f.^T. Moorcroftiana, Wall. nervosa, Royle pallida, Wall paniculata. Wall ? peduncularis, Wa,\\. purpurea, Spreng , ramulona, Wall stricta,YfaiW eylvatica, Wall thalictrifolia, Spreng. Thomsoni, Hk. f. & T. .. viridis, Spreng. Campanulace^ Campanule.« * C. Thea, Link, Enum. Hort. Berol, ii. 73, is the earliest name. i. 292 293 55 293 292. 55 292 55 293 iii. 637 55 656 v. 385 55 385 iii. 438 a 429' 440 J, 441 55 441 441 5» 439 » 43» 55 440 ft 441 55 439> 439 437 55 441 440 )} 429 >> 439 JJ 441 55 442 5> 440 55 440 55 439 55 439 5 > 436 J J 439 )) 429 55 439 55 429 442 55 440 440 440 55 428 55 430 55 432 55 440 439 55 439 432 55 438 55 431 iii. 421 iii. 422 494 GENERAL INDEX. Campannmoea, Bl. celebioa, Bl cordata, Maxim. inflata, Clarke javanica, Bl javanica, Hk. f. parviflora, Benth. ... truncata, Endl 'Camphellia alhida, Benth ? aurantiaca, Wight ... „ cytinoides, Wight ,, Lawii, Benth ,, subacauUs, Benth „ Campelepis vi7ninea, Falc. ... iv 'Campelia glabrata, Haesk. vi. marginata, Bl „ marginata, Wall „ molUssimay Bl „ {Jamphora caniflora, Meissn. v. chinensiSf'NeeB „ glandulijera, Nees „ inuncta, Nees „ Parthenoxylon, Nees ... „ Pseudo-sassafras, Miq. ... „ CAMPH0RO8ME.aE V. •Campnosperma, Thw ii auriculata, i/fc. /. „ Griffithii, Marchand ... „ macrophylla, ilfc. /. „ zeylanica, Thw „ -Campuleia coccinea, Hook, iv •Gampylandra aurantiaca, Baker Wattii, Bsiker •Campylanthus, Roth ramosissimus, Wight ■Campy lotropis, Bunge Camunium bengalense, Ham. chinense, Roxb. sinense, Rumph €ananga, Rumph ? monosperma, Hk. f. ^ T. odoT&ta, Hk. f. ^ T. virgata, Hk. f. f T. ■Canarium, Linn halsamiferum, Moon bengalense, Roxb brunneum, Bedd coocineo-bracteatum,Z'itr2r commune, Linn. enphyllnm, Kurz grandiflornm, A. W. Benn hirtellum, A. W. Benn. ... Kadondon, J. W. Benn. ... IsRvigatum, Miq iBxnva.^ A. W. Benn. nitidiuva, A. W.Benn. Vol. Page iii. 435 „ 436 „ 435 ., 436 „ 435 „ 435 „ 436 „ 436 iv. 323 „ 323 „ 323 „ 322 „ 321 iv. 12 vi. 384 384 383 135 135 135 135 135 135 1 40 41 41 41 41 299 vi. 325 „ 325 \v. 289 „ 290 ii. 143 i. 556 5) 5^^ „ 554 i. 56 » 57 „ 56 „ 57 i. 531 „ 532 „ 534 „ 531 „ 536 i. 531, 685 . i. 535 533 534 535 538 535 533 Canarmm Vol. Page parvifolium, A. W. Benn. i. 536 pilosura, A. W. Benn. 5) 533 purpurascens, A. W. Benn. 532 rnbiginosum, ^. W. Benn. 55 535 rufum, A. W. Benn. >J 533 Sajiga, Ham 55 699 seoundnm, A. W. Benn . ... 55 532 strictum, Roxh 55 534 zeylanicum, Bl 5> 532 8p., Wall 55 532 Canavalia, DC ii. 195 dolichoides, Kurz 55 207 en siformi a, DC 195 gladlata, DC 55 195 grandis, Knrz 55 204 incurva, DC 35 196 lineata,BC 196 Loureirii, G. Don 55 196 lucensjKuTZ 207 mollis, Wall ,, 196 obtusifolia, DC ,, 196 rosea, DC 196 rutilans, DC 55 196 Stocksii, BbXz. & Gibs. ... 196 turgida, Grab 55 196 virosa, W. & A )) 196 CandarumBoseburghiijSchott \i. 513 Cankrienia chrysantha, De Vriese iii. 489 Canna, Linn vi. 260 chinensis, Willd 55 260 exigua, Bonche 55 261 flavescens, Link 55 261 indica, Linn 55 260 indica, Linn 55 260 7iepalensis, Wall 55 261 speciosa, Rose 55 261 Cannabine^... V. 478 Cannabis, Toitrnef V. 487 indica, Lamk 55 487 ssitira,, Linn 55 487 Canne.^ vi 200 Canscora, La7nk iv. 102 alata, Wall 55 104 andrographioides, Griff". 55 105 ooncanensis, Clarke 104 decurrens, Dalz 55 103 decussata, R. ^ S 104 diffusa, Br 55 103 diffusa, ?Wa.U 55 105 divaricata, Miq 55 103 foliosa, G. Don 55 103 grandijlora, Wight 104 Helferiana, Wall 55 106 lancifolia, Miq 55 103 Laid, Clarke 103 Lawi, Wight 55 103 GENERAL INDEX. 495 Canscora macrocalyx, Miq Parishii, Hk,/. pauciflora, Dalz perfoliata, Laink perfoliata, Wall pusilla, R. & S Schultesii, Wall sessiliflora, R. ^ S fenella J Wight Walliohii, Clarke sp., Wall Cansjera, Jusv malaharica, Lamk martabanica, Wall parvifolia, Kurz Rheedii, Qmelin scandens, Boxb zizyphifoha, Griflf. 4Jantharospernium albicans, W. &A ? distans, Rojle nervosum, Royle paucijlorum, W. & A. ■Canthium, iam angulosicm, WaM angustifolium, Boxh. campanulatum, Thw. confertum, Korth corymhosum, Pers didymum, JRoxb didymum, Bedd fioiforme, Hk. f. glabrum, Bl glomeratmn, Miq glomerulatum, Miq gracilipes, Kurz horridum, Bl lanceolatwn, Arn Lesclienaidtii, W. & A. ... lucidxim^ Sohlecht macrocarpum, Tliw. montanum, Tltw neilgherrense, lF/(//tt parvifloram, Lamk parviflorwn, Sohl parvifoliam, Roxh puberulum, Thiv recurvum, Wall Rheedii, DC scandens, Bl thyrsoideum, Roem. travancorionm, JBedd, ... nmheW&tnm, Wight zizyphinum, Wall sp., Wall 'Capellia, Bl 105 103 !) 104 JJ 105 100 5> 105 5J 104 35 103 105 105 i. 582 5> 582 582 ;> 583 582 582 !) 582 ii. 215 jj 216 216 )) 215 iii 131 J, 111 135 135 5J 133 )> 102 J> 132 132 5> 133 >> 133 ii. 565 iii 133 134 135 3J 132 135 5J 132 }) 135 132 133 136 111 135 JJ 134 111 )} 134 '' 135 40 j^ 134 5> 132 )> 135 136 ]'. 35 i. 168 CAPPARlDEiE Capparis, Linn acuminata, Willd. ... acuminata, Roxb. ... accuminata, Willd. ... ssgyptiaca, Lamk. apetala, Roth aphylla, Both assamica, Hk. /. cf^ T. hisperma, Roxb. bisperma, Wight hrevispina, DC csernlea, Heyne callosa, Bl conspicua. Wall. coryinhosa, Roxb. divarioata, Lamk. ... divaricata. Wall. diversifolia, W. 4" ^. erythrodasys, Miq. ... Finlaysoniana, Wall. Finlaysonina, Wall. ... flavicans, Wall. floribnnda, Wight ... formosa, Dalz formosa, Wall galeata, Fres glauoa, Wall grandiflora, Wall. ... grandis, Linn. ... * ... herhacea, Willd. heteroclita, Roxb. ... Heyneana, Wall. horrida, Linn.f. incanescens, DC. leucophylla, DC. Unifolia, Roxb longispina, Hk. f. ^' T. malaharica, Wall. ... maximus, Roth mioraoantha, DC molliuscula, Wall. ... Moonii, Wight mnltiflora, Hk. f. ^ ' T. Murrayana, Grab. ... nepalensis, Wall. ohovata, Ham ohovata, Royle ... ... olaoifolia, Hk. f. 4 T. oligandra, GriflF. orbiculata, Wall. ... oxyphylla, Wall. parviflora, Hk. f. c^ T. pedunculosa, Wall. ... pnmila, Ohamp. punctata, Wall. pyrifolia, W. & A. ... Vol. Pagp i. lb7 i. 173 5> 178 M 174 )} 178 173 171 174 177 r> 176 JJ 176 174 JJ 175 JJ 179 JJ 179 176 JJ 174 JJ 175 175 JJ 178 JJ 179 5> 179 179 177 !J 174 JJ 178 JJ 173 180 174 JJ 176 JJ 173 171 JJ 174 178 JJ 177 173 171 JJ 176 177 )J 176 JJ 179 180 175 JJ 178 173 173 J> 176 173 JJ 178 177 176 179 176 176 177 JJ 177 174 496 GENERAL INDEX. 3aris quddriflora, DC racemifera, DC reticulata, Klein retusella, Tbw Rheedii, 'Rotth rotundifoUa, Rottb Eoxbnrghii, DC rupestris, Sibth sabisefolia, ^fc. /. ^ T. ... salaccensis, Bl ae-niaria^ Liii'>i sepiaria, WSll Sodada, Br spinosa, ia«?t stylosa, DO tener, Dalz terniflora {tenuijlora), DC. tetrasperma, Thw trifoliata, Koxb trinervia, H^-. /. ^ r. ... nncinata, Wall variabilis, Wall versicolor. Griff. viminea, -BT/i. /. Sc T. Wallichiana, W. & A. zeylanica, Linn zeylanica, DC zeylanica, Roxb zeylanica, W. & A sp., Griff. Capraria Crustacea, Linn. .. diffusa, Eozb iv. dissecta, Del gratissima, "Roxb rigida, Ham Caprifoliace^ Caprifolium japonicum, D. Don ... macranthum, D. Don Capsella, Moe^ich Bursa-pastoris, Momch. ... elliptica, 0. A. Mey. procumhens, Boiss Thomsonii, .Hfc. / Capsicnm, Linn haccatum, W&1\. cerasiforme, Lamk Chamcecerasus, Nees fastigiatv/iii, Bl. frutescens, jLm'n grosBnm, Willd minimum, Roxl> Caragana, Lam brevispina, iioyie conferta, Benth crassicaulis, Benth cuneata. Baker Vol. Page i. 178 }j 176 J) 175 177 >j 174 174 J) 175 55 173 !5 179 )J 175 !5 I£L 5J 176 5J 175 173 )5 174 179 J? 178 179 55 172 55 175 55 179 180 55 175 55 179 55 174 55 174 55 174 55 178 178 55 178 iv. 279 267 ,397 iv. 258 55 266 J! 301 iii. 1 iii. 10 !5 10 i. 159 55 159 159 55 159 55 159 iv. 238 ., 239 55 239 239 55 239 239 .J 239 55 239 ii. 115 J5 116 55 116 55 117 55 117 Caragana Gerardiana, JRo^/Ze ... Moorcroftiana, Benth. nuhigena, Bunge polyacantha, 'Rot/Ze ... pygma)a, 2)0 spinosissima, Benth. versicolor, Benth. Carallia, Roxb calycina, Thw cet/lanica, Avn confinis, Bl corymbosa, Am. integerrima, DC. lancesefolia, Roxb. ... lanceolaria, Wall. ... lucida, Kurz lucida, Eoxb octopetala, F. Muell. sinensis, Arn Symmetria, Bl timorensis, Bl Caralluma, Br adscendens, Br. attenuata, Wight crenulata, Wall. edulis, Benth fimbriata, Wall. Caranga amara, Vahl ... C ara-pa, Aubl carnosula, Zoll. indica, Juss. moluccensis, Lamk obovata, Bl Cardamine, Linn. africana, Linn. anteniquana, DC. horbonica, Pers. circaeoides, Wc.f.^T. debilis, D. Don elegantnla, Hlc. f. Sr T. foliosa, Wall Griffithii, m-./.^r. hirsuta, Linn hirsuta,B.'k.t.&T. ... impatiens, Linn. macrophylla, Willd. macrophylla, Ledeb. nilagirica, Schleoht. pectinata, DC polypht/lla, D. Don ... prate nsis, Linn. sabumbellata, Hooh. sylvatica. Link. trifoliolata, Ek.f. ^ T. violacea, Wall. Wightiana, Wall. Cardamomum medium, Sohlt Yol. ii. Pag& lis 249 117 116 116 116 lis 439 439 GENERAL INDEX. 49T Cardainomuiii officinale, Salisb Cardanthera, Ham avana, Benth balsamica, Benth Griffithii, Benth - pinnatifida, Benth Thwaitesii, Benth triflora, Ham. ... uliginosa, Ham vertioillata, Benth. ' Cardiolophus decussata, Griff. Cardiopteris, Wall javanica, Bl lobata, Br moluccana, Bl Kumphii, Baill. suhhamata, Wall Cardiospermnm, Linn. canescens, Wall Halicacabnm, Linn onicrocarpum, H. B. K. ... ? ovatum, Wall puhescens, Griff. Schmiedelia, Dalz. & Gibs. villosa, Dalz. & Gibs. Cardiostegia Kotschyi, Presl Carduncelluslanatus, Rchb. Carduus, Linn acanthoides, Sm acanthoides- nutans arffyracanthus, Wall. auriculatus, Wall crispus, Linn elongatus, Wall heteromallus,!). Bon lanatus, Roxb lucidus, Wall MarianuSjlAim nutans, Linn obvallatus, Wall ramosus, Roxb radi cans, Bioxh tectus, Wall Thomsoni, ^fc. /. trichocephaluSt'WsbW. sp., Clarke Carex, Linn acicularis, Boeck acuta, Linn acutiformis, Hhrh lequata, Nees Aitchisoni, Boeck alopecuroides, B. Don alpestris, Allioni alpina, Sw alpina, Boeck alta, BooU Vol. Page vi. 251 iv. 403 )! 405 55 404 55 404 55 405 55 405 55 405 S> 403 404 iv. 272 i. 597 ,, 597 55 597 55 597 597 55 598 i. 669 670 55 670 670 670 55 670 670 55 670 i. 373 iii. 386 iii. 361 55 361 361 55 363 55 374 361 55 380 373 362 55 361 364 jj 361 365 383 381 365 361 J, 380 ^ 361 vi. 699 748 ^ 741 740 55 723 748 737 55 745 55 730 55 748 707 Carex amsena, Boott ampullacea, Good angustifolia, Boott aphanolepsis, Fran. & Sav. Archer i, Boeck arctica, Beinh Arnottiana, Nees Arnottiana, Boott arridens, Glarhe asperula, Nees aterrima, H.op'pe atrata, Linn atrata, Boott atrofusca, Schk austriaca, Schk axillaris, Linn. baccans, Nees haccans, Boott hengalensis, Boeck hengalensis, Boott hengalensis, Roxb. ... vi. hengalensis, Thw Benthamiana, Boott Bertolonii, Schk bicolor, Boeck. ... brevicaltnis, Br hreviculmis, Thw breviscapa, Clarice Brizopyrum, Knnze Bruceana, Boott ... vi. brunnea, Thnnh caespititia, Nees aespitosa, Schk varialiculata, Boott canescens, Linn capillacea, Boott capillacea, Benth capitulata, Boott oardiolepis, Nees caucasica, Stev celsa, Boott cernua, Boott ceylanica, Boeck chinensis, Munro chlorostac?ii/s, B.Bon cinnamomea, Boott coacta, Boott composita, Boott concolor, Nees condensata, Nees condensata, Boott vi. 715, confertiflora, Boott contimia, Clarice cooptanda, Clarice coriophora, Fisch courtallensis, Nees crassipes, Boeck Vol. Pago- vi. 719 55 740 747 J5 737 55 748 >> 701 55 709* 55 741 55 726 55 732 55 731 55 731 733 55 734 701 706 55 722 72a 55 716 716 715 . 718 vi. 715 ,, 709 55 701 55 74a 55 746 55 747 73& 55 707 715, 717 vi. 70& 55 710 55 711 715 55 706 55 713 55 71S 55 721 55 744 731 55 732 708 719 55 73& 55 737 55 732 55 701 724 55 729 716 716, 717 vi. 741 55 717 55 707 734 55 729 726 498 GENERAL INDEX. Oarex Vol Page cruciata, TVahl ... vi. 715 cruciata, Nees .'.. ... „ 718 cruciata, Thw. ... vi. 718, 719 721 cruenta, Nees ... vi. 7^4 Cumingiana, Steud. „ 721 curaica, Kunth 702 curaica, Boiss. ... ... ... ,, 701 curaica, Tnrcz 702 ■curta, Good ... )j 706 curticeps, Clarke j> 729 curvata, Boott ... ,, 728 curvirosttis, Kunze ... ... ,, 722 ■cylocistis, Boeck. ,, 748 <5vrtostachy8, Bronff. 714 Daltoni, Boott ... ,1 726 decora, Boott 725 Deinholliana, J. Gay ... ,, 701 desponsa, Boott 724 diffusa, Boott ,, 717 diluta, M . J5ieb. ... 737 dimorpha, Boeck. ... ,, 748 dioica, Linn 699 disticha, Huds. ... ;, 704 distracta, Clarke 715 divaricata, Wall. v'i.7r5 ,726 diversifloo-a, Host ... vi. 745 divisa, Huds vi. 701 702 divisa, Boott ... vi. 702 divulsa, Good ... ,, 703 dolicop/iylla, Link ... „ 722 Boniana, Drejer ,, 737 Doniana, Spjeng. 737 durmscula, C. A. Mey< jr... „ 701 Dnthiei, Clarke 731 ecostata, Clarke ,, 720 elynoides, J. Gay ,, 712 eminens, Nees 723 emodorum, Spreng. ... „ 737 erostrata, Boo« 711 Esetiheckii, Boott . . . vi. 695 ,712 Esenheckii, Kunth ... ... vi. 6y« excurva, Boott 746 exigua, Boeck „ 748 fallax, Stend ... j; 702 Fedia,l^eeB 747 ferrnginea, Scop. ... ... ,, 738 filicina, Nees 717 Jilicina, Boeck ... 717 finitima, Boott 736 fissilis, Boott vi'. 714 ,715 flaoca, Schr ... vi. 742 flava, Ltww ... ,, 739 Jlewilis, D. Don... 705 ■florihunda, Boeck. ... ... ,, 723 fluviatilis, Bt»o« ... ,, 703 foptida, AUioni 702 foliosa, D. Don ,, 703 Carex fragilis, Boott ... .... frigida, Boeck frigida, Wall fncata, Boott fwliginosa, Boeck. ... fuliginosa, Sohk. fuscifruotup, Clarke fasiformis, Nees Oardneri, Boott Gehleri, Preso glauca, Scop glaucina, Boeck. glomerata, Host glomerata, Schk. gracilenta, Boott gracilis, Boott gracilis, Br Griffitliii, Boott gynohasis, Vill. haematostoma, Nees hcemato stoma, Jacq. ... Halleriana, Asso hebecarpa, C. A. Mey. Helferi, Botck Henningsiana, Boeck. heterolepis, Boeck. ... heterolepis, Boott heterolepis, Bunge ... hirta, Boiss hirta, hinn hirtella, Drejer hirtella, Boott Hostii, Schk hymenolepis, Nees ... impunctata, Boeck. ... inaeqnalis, Boott inanis, Kunth inclinis, Boott incurva, Lightf. incnrva, Boeok. indica, Linn indica, Boeck indica, Munro indica, Nees injmcata, Nees infuscata, Wight insignis, Boott instabilis, Boott Jackiana, jBoofi Jackiana, Thw japonica, Thunh. japan ica, Boott juncifolia, AUioni ... juncifolia, Schk. kashmirensis, Clarke Kirilowii, Turcz Kochiana, DC Vol. Page ... vi. 728 748 ... ,, 734 710 748 ," 735 742 ,, 736 ,, 722 ... ,, 739 742 ... ,, 719 701 ... ,, 734 730 ., 747 ... ,, 705 ... ,, 732 ... ,, 745 744 ... ,, 731 ... ,, 745 vi. 747 ,748 ... vi. 714 702 ... ,, 748 710 ... ,, 710 ... ,, 747 ... ,, 747 744 ... ,, 743 701 ... ., 743 ... ,, 698 ... ,, 726 ... ,, 743 ... „ 728 „ 700 ... ,, 748 ... ,, 714 715 ... ,, 715 vi. 7lri ,720 vi. 730 ,731 ... vi .730 ... ,, 725 ... ,, 735 735 ... 735 736 „ 737 ,, 700 ... jj 701 ... 5, 743 ... J, 745 5, 741 GENERAL INDEX. 499 arex Vol. Page Kunthii, Drejer ... . .. vi. 747 lachnosperma, JVees... . .. „ 747 lachnosperma, Wall .. „ 747 \aeta,Boott .. „ 745 IsevicauUs, Kunze ... . .. „ 737 Langsdorfii, Boott ... . .. „ 746 Lehmanni, Drejer ... . „ 730 Lehmanni, Boeok . „ 748 Lehmanni, Boott ... . . „ 730 leiocarpa, Boeok .. „ 748 leiorhyncha, C. A. Mey. . .. „ 702 lenta, D. Don .. „ 705 lenticularis, D. Don .. „ 708 lepidocarpa, Tausch. .. „ 739 leptooarpa, Clarke ... . .. » 719 \euoa,nth.a, Am . „ 721 leucoclilora, Bunge ... . . „ 746 ligulata, Nees .. „ 747 Lindleyana, Nees ... . .. „ 721 Lindlet/ana, Hk. f. & T. . .. „ 719 linearis, Boott .. „ 712 linearis, Boeok .. „ 748 linearis, Boott . „ 696 lobulirostris, Drejer .. „ 741 ■longepedicellata, Boeck. . . „ 748 longiaristata, Boott ... . • „ 714 loiigicruris, Nees ... . . „ 705 ■longicuspis, Boeck .. „ 748 longipes, D. Don ... . . „ 704 longipes, Thw .. „ 706 lurida, Clarke .. „ 742 macrantha, Boeck .. „ 748 macrogyna, Boott ... . . „ 744 macrogyna, Turoz .„ . . „ 739 niacrolepis, D. Don ... . . „ 704 7nacrophylla, Hochst. • „ 723 macTorrhyncha, Kar. & Kii '. „ 712 macnlskta, Boott ... . . „ 735 magellanica, Boeok. . „ 748 malaccensis, Clarke . „ 722 Maubertiana, Boott ... . „ 747 meiogyna, Nees ... v i. 718,720 melanantha, C. A. Mey. . . vi. 733 melanocephala, Turoz . „ 733 melanolepis, Boeck . „ 748 mercarensis, Hochst. • „ 719 micans, Boott . „ 735 microgloohin, Wahl. . ., 711 microlepis, Boeok . '„ 748 Mielichhoferi, Sohk. . „ 738 2Iilnei, Boott . „ 715 minutijiora, Boeck .. „ 748 mitis, Boeck . „ 704 Moorcroftii, Falc . „ 733 Moritzii, Steud . „ 714 Motoskei, Miq . „ 737 mnnda, Boott \ . » 727 Carex munipoorensis, Clarke . Munroi, Boott mnricata, Linn mutans, Boott Myosurus, Nees Myosurus, Boott ... . Myosurus, Duthie ... Myosiirus,'See8 nana, Boott Neesiana, Am nemostachys, Steud. nepalensis, Clarke ... nepalensis,SipTeng nigra, Siev nilagirica, Hochst nivalis, Boott mt^a? IS, Boeck noibilis, Boott notha, Kunth Notoleia, Nees nubigena, D. Don ... nutans, Boeck nutans, Host ... ... . ohesa, Allioni obscura, Nees v ohscura, Boeck. obscura, Munro & Boott ohsc^ira, Royle (Ederi, Willd oligocarya, Clarke ... . olivacea, Boott Oliveri, Boeck orbicularis, Boott ... . ovata, C. A. Mey paludosa. Good ? pandanophylla, Clarke pandata, Boott papulosa, Boott parva, Nees parvihracteata, Nees v parviflora, C. A. Mey. .. parvigluma, Clarke ... patula, Host pediformis, C. A. Mey. . peduncularis, Wall. ... pellucidoj, Hk. f. & T. pellucida, Turcz pendula, Huds. ... . perakensis, Clarke ... phacota, Spreng phacota, Drejer ... . picta, Boott pihilifera, Linn platycarpa, Hochst. plebeia, Clarke Foiretii, Linn polycephala, Boott ... . Vol. Page vi. 729 738 j> 703 695 5) 723 724 723 5J 723 713 )) 742 746 11 705 704 5J 733 J> 718 732 J> 733 724 J5 709 703 )5 702 739 5) 739 5J 734 731 ,733 vi. 731 731 731 J5 739 746 }} 741 )) 732 )J 711 J) 702 741 )> 714 >J 724 735 J. 712 731 ,732 vi. 733 ) J 716 5) 739 745 )5 729 715 55 745 710 5) 720 708 )5 709 709 55 744 55 709 718 55 665 725 600 GENERAL INDEX. Carex polygyna, Boeck prcecox, Jacq praelonga, Clarice prsestans, Clarice Preecottiana, Boott Prescottiana, H. Mann ... producta, Boott pruinosa, Boott PseudjO-hicolor, Boeck. ... Pseudo-cy perns, Linn. ... psycrophila, iVees ... vi. ptiberula, Boott piihescens, Poir pulchra, Boott pulla, Boeck punctata, Gand. vi. 737, punctata, 'Neea pijcnostackya, Kar. & Kir. radioalis, Boott ramosa, Boott ramosa, Schk vi. raphidocarpa, Nees rara, Boott rectirvirostris, Stead. remota, Linn repanda, Clarice rhizomatosa, Steud. rigida. Good rigida, Strach rigidifolia, Senb rivularis, Sohk Eochehruni, Franch.& Sav. rostrata, Stolces rostrata, Boeck Royleana, Nees rubella, Boott rubro-brunnea, Clarke ... sabulosa, Turcz sandwicensis, Boeck. sanguinea, Boott saxatilis, Schk Schlcuhrii, Willd Schlagintweitiana, Boeck. Schottii, Boies scitula, Boott scoparia,W&\l. ... Scopoliana, Schk sempervirens, Vill setigera, D. Don set ig era, Kunth setosa, Boott sikkimensis, Clarke socia, Boott songorica, Kar. ^' Kir. . . . spadicea, Roth speciosa, Kunth spioigera, Nees Vol. Page vi. 748 J) 744 j> 707 723 ,, 710 55 710 710 >) 709 )J 748 )) 740 731 ,732 vi. 746 665 727 ?j 748 738 ,748 vi. 709 702 )5 729 719 718 , 719 vi. 719 )j 713 722 jj 706 5> 720 721 J) 711 711 )> 737 701 )> 706 740 5> 742 746 722 J, 710 jj 733 ,, 710 5J 720 711 ?J 734 743 JJ 739 724 55 723 738 j^ 738 !) 743 743 )5 745 55 708 709 55 739 55 740 55 729 722 Carex spiculata, Boott stenophylla, Wahl. ... vi. stenophylla, Benth. stenophylla, Boeck stipata, Muhl ... Straoheyi, Boott stramentitia, Boott supina, Wahl sylvatica, Huds teinogyna, Boott tenuis, Nees teres, Boott teres, ? Boott teretiuscnla, Good. Thomsoni, Boott Thwaitesi, Boott Tlivcaitesii, Hance thyrsijlora, Boott tibetica, Boeck tricliostyles, Fran. & Sav. trinervis, Nees trispiculata, Boeck. triatis, M. Bieh tumida, Boott ... ... unciniif minis, Boeck. uncinioides, Boott nstulata, Wahl ustulata, Boeck vacua, Boott vi. Vahlii, Schk valida, Nees vesicaria, Linn vesiculosa, Boott vicinalis, JBoott Victorialis, Nees vidua, Boott vulgaris, Fries vulpinaris, Nees Walkeri, Am Wallichiana, Presc. Wallichiana, Boeck Wallichiana, Clarke Wallichiana, Spreng. Wightiana, Nees Wightiana, Boott ... vi. Winterbottomi, Clarke ... Zollingeri, Boeck sp., GriflF. vi. 701, sp., Nees Si)., Wall. vi. 702, 704,705. 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 730, 734, 737, 743, 747. Careya, Boxb arborea, Boxb herbacea, Boxb herbacea, Griff. onacrostachya, Jack Vol. Page . vi. 724 .700 ,702 vi. 702 55 748 55 703 727 55 717 733 5> 736 705 J> 744 707 55 710 704 55 715 J, 715 747 JJ 721 748 J) 737 55 696 5? 748 738 J5 741 748 5J 698 !) 734 55 748 715 ,716 vi. 730 ,5 715 740- 55 717 735 J) 709 713 55 711 702 55 725 747 '' 747 74T J, 7oa ^^ 720 7j7 ,720 vi. 727 j^ 746 742 ,746 vi. 743 709, 710, 720, 723, ii. 510 j> 511 ,) 510 55 510 51 509 GENERA.L INDEX. 501 €areya Vol. Page orhiculata, Miers ... ii. 511 pendula, GriflF. ,, 509 sphaerica, Boxh. 511 264 obtusifolia, Linn 263 occidentalis, Linn 262 palmata. Wall 265 prostata, Roxb J5 266 pumila, Lam >> 266 purpurea, Roxb J) 263 renigera, Wall J> 262 rhombifolia, Roxb 261 Roxhurghiana, Grab. j; 266 Roxburghii, DC 262 Senna, Linn ,, 264 .'iensitivo, THoxh. J, 266 setigera, DC ,, 265 siamea, Lam ), 264 S ophera, Linn )> 262 Sophera, Wall >> 262 speciosa, Roxb 265 suffruticosa, Koen >j 265 suffruticosa. Wall 265 sumatrana, Roxb i) 264 surattensis, Burm 265 Telfairiana, Wall )) 266 tenella, Roxb ,, 266 timoriensis, DO 265 tomentosa, hinn }j 263 tomentosa, Wall. ... r.. )) 263 Tora, Linn J> 263 toroides, Roxb 263 Wallichiana, DC J) 266 Wightiana, Grab . ... » 263 Gassier ... ... ii. 61 Cassine discolor, Wall. i. 614 excelsa. Wall. ' ^, 603 Cassiope, D. Don iii. 459 fastigiata,-!). Don j^ 459 selaginoides, Bh. f. ^ T. » 460 Cassumunar Roxburghii, GoU& vi. 248 GasBjtha,, Linn. ... ... ... V. 187 americana, Meissn tf 188 capillaris, Meissn 11 188 GENER.VL INDEX. 503 Cassytha filiforniis, Linn. guineensis, Meissn. ... Cassythe^ Castanea argentea, Bl. hrevicuspis, Miq. costata, Bl. diversifolia, Knrz ... echidnocarpa, Hk. f. & Falconeri, Hance glomeo-ata, Bl indica, Eoxb inermis, Lindl javamicay Bl tnartahanica. Wall. ... microcarpa, Lindl. ... montana', Bl ? purp^irella, Miq. ... rhamnifolia, Kurz ... , Boxhurghii, Lindl. ... semicristata, Kurz ... spectahilis, Miq. spTiaerocarpa, Lindl. ... trihuloides, Wall. Tiingurr-nt, Wall. Castanopais, SpacJt argentea, A. DC, argyrophylla, King aroiata, Spach armata, D . D on castanicarpa, Spach catalpaefolia, King ... Clarkei, King costata, A. DC. discocarpa, Hance ... diversifolia, King ... echidnocarpa, A. DC. ferox, Spach 'Enllettii, King Hystrix, ^. DC. indica, A, DC javanica, A. DC. lancecefolia, Kurz mitifica, Hance nephelioides, King ... rbamnifolia, A. DC. sumatrana, A. DC. ... tribuloides, A. DC. ... trihuloides, A. DC. ... trisperma, Scheff Wallichii, E'uifif ? sp. i~ Casuttrina, For.^t. equisetifolia, /''oi'.s/^..^ . nw< Wcaia, Roxb, ... CasuXrinej; ... ' ... Gatabrosa, Beauv. vii. aquatioa, Beauv. ...^ Vo\ Page 188 188 117 621 621 621 620 623 622 623 620 623 620 621 623 621 611 624 621 616 621 622 616 ,623 624 619 621 622 622 623 62 L 621 623 620 6LG 620 623 623 623 620 620 620 616 623 624 621 623 622 623 620 624 624 T. 598 598 ,598 598 346 ,421 vii. 310 Gatabrosa Vol. Page aquatica, Dufchie vii. 311 ?frigida, Phil ,. 310 himalaica, Stapf ... vii. 311 ,421 nutans, Stapf vii. 312 422 ochroleuca, Guss vii. 810 sikkimensis, Stapf ,, 311 Thomsoni, i:/fc. /. >> 311 Wallichii, HA:. /. ... vii. 312 ,422 Catamixis, Thorns iii. 389 bacoharoides, Thorns. 5) 389 CatapodiumfiUforme,lHee8 vii . 287,288 fusifoTmCy Benth vii 287 unilaterale, Griseb. ^, 356 Catappa Benzoin, Gsertn. ... ii. 444 domestica, Rumph >) 444 litorea, Rumph n 444 sylvestris, Rumph. ... ... 444 Catenaria lahurnifolia, Bentli . li. 16a Catha Benthamii, Gardn. & Champ i. 61& emarginata, G. Don jj 621 fruticosa, Thw. ,, 619 Heyneana, Walp >» 620 monosperma, Eenth. ,, 618 montana, G. Don )} 621 ovata, Walp J5 619 Rothiana, Walp 620 Tufa, G. Don j^ 620 Wallichii, G. Don )> 621 zeylanica, G. Don JJ 641 Catharanthus roseus, G. Don iii. 640 Cathcartia, Hfc. /. i. D9 viUosa, JEfA-. / )) 119 Catonia elliptica, Vahl iv. 181 glauca, Vahl )> 181 Caturus spiciflorus, Jacq. ... V. 580 spicifiorus, Roxb. )t 417 Oaucalis, Linn ii. 718 Anthriscus, /Sfcop. ?j 718 eZa^a, Wall >} 718 latifolia, Linn 719 leptophy 11a, Linn 5> 719 Caulinia alzanensis, Poll. ... vi. 569 fragiUs, Willd }5 569 indica, W&U 569 indica, Willd 569 ovalis, Br V. 663 Cautleya, Hoyle ... .^ ... vi. 208 Cathcartii, Baker 208 lutea, Royle 5) 208 petiolata. Baker )> 209 r obusta, ^a/Ler ;) 209 spicata, Baker 209 Cavallium urens, Schott & EndJ i. 355 Ceanothus asiaticus^ Lamk., . . i. 642 capsularis, Forst » 642 504 GENERAL INDEX. Ceanothus Vol. PAge circwmscissa, Gaertn. nipalensis. Wall paniculatus. Both triqueter, Wall Wight iana, Wall zeylanica, Heyne 'Gecicoda'plineglaucescens,'^&eB Oedrela, Linn australis, F. Mnell fehrifuga, Bl hexandra, Wall ? longifolia, Wall ? multijuga, Kurz ? odorata, Hort. Kew. serrata, Boyle Toona, Boxh ? velutina, DC ? villosa, Boxb. sp., DO €EDEELEiE Cedrus, LoJtcZ Deodara,\jouA. Libani, Barrel •Ceiba 'pentandr a, Gy^ttn. ... CELASTKEiE {Jelastrinea, Griff. Celastrinea ? Wall. i. 614, 62 €KLASTRINEie Celastrus, Linn acuminata, Wall. alnifoUa, D. Don ? attenuata, Wall. .. hivalvis, Jack iunoifolia, Boxb. crenata, Both crenulata, Wall. dependens. Wall. emarginata, W. & A. emarginata, Willd. .. Finlaysoniana, Wall. glauca, Vahl Heyneana, Both Hindsii, Be nth. Jackiana, Steud. luciday Wall Mefziana, Turcz micrantha, Boxb. .., monosperma, Roxh. inontana. Both inontana, W. & A. .. multiflora, Roxb. neglecta, Wall nutans, Boxb ohtusifolia, Boxb. opposita, Wall. ovata, Wall 641 640 617 639 639 641 V. 135 568 569 568 568 568 569 568 568 568 568 568 568 541 . 653 653 653 350 606 . 515 ii. 3, i. 536 606 617 570 617 619 614 621 621 618 617 621 621 618 623 620 618 618 618 617 618 618 621 621 617 619 617 618 617 619 Celastrus Vol. Page owypht/lla, Wall. ... i. 619 pallida, Wall ••• 5? 621 paniculata, Willd. ... 617 paucifiora, Wall. ... 55 618 racemosa, Wall. . . . i 618, n . 312 rigida, Wall i. 621 rohusta, Boxb ... 622 iZot/itana, B. & S. ... 617 Rothiana, W. & A. ... 55 620 Royleana, Wall. 620 m/a, Wall ... 55 620 ? sen^galensis, Lanik. J) 621 serrulata, Both ... 5) 620 spinosa, Boyle 620 stylosa, Wall ... )J 618 trigyna, Lamk 618 veno.losa, Wall. .^ 618 verticillata, Boxb. ... "i. 199 5 618 Wallichiaiia, Spreng. ... i. 620 Wallichiana, W&U. ... ... 620 Wallichiana, W. v% A . 621 ? WightiaTta, Wall. ... 55 617 zeylanica, Both 641 Celosia, Linn ... iv. 714 alhida,Wind 717 allmanoides, Moq. ... 715 argentea, Linn. ... 5, 714 aspera. Roth ... 5, 717 baccata, Betz 714 cernua, Boxb 715 coccinea, Linn 715 comosa, Betz ... 5, 715 corymbosa, Willd. ... ... i. 245 cristata, Linn. ... iv. 715 dichotoma, Heyne ... ... „ 717 exstipulata, Hornem. ... 55 715 glauca, Bottl. & Willd. 716 lanata, Linn 5, 727 linearis, Street ... 5) 714 margaritacea, Linn.... ... ,5 714 missionis, Wall. ... 55 716 Monsonia, Betz. 729 nodifiora, Linn ... 55 717 ■nocZi/om, Wall ... 55 717 patula,Wi\\A. 55 716 polygonoides, Retz. ... ,5 715 polygonoides. Wall. ... ... 55 715 pnlcbella, Moq. ,5 715 pyramidalis, Burm. iv. 715 ,717 sanguinea, Hoffm. ... ... iv. 716 spinescens, Hb. Bussel ... 55 730 thyrsiflor a, W nil, ... ... 55 716 trigyna, WiWd 55 715 Celosik^ ... ... iv. 713 Celsia, Linn ... iv. 251 ooromandellana, Vahl ... 55 251 visco«a, Both 51 251 .GENERAL INDEX. 505 Celsia viscosa, Wight Celtide^ Celtis, Linn Acata, Ham ainhoinensis, Willd. ... angustifolia, Lindl. ... au8trali3, Linn caucasica, Willd. caudata, Wall cinnamoinea, Lindl. dt/sodoxylon, Thw. ... elongata, Wall eriocarpa, Done. glabra, Tiajioh. Hamiltoni, Planch. ... mollis, Wall orientalis, Linn. philippinensis, Blacco politoria, Wall. reticulata, Hk. f. & T. Boxhurghii, Planch. serotina, Planch. tetrandra, Roxh. tetrandra, Wall. tomentosa, Roxb. trinervia, Eoxb. virgata, Roxb Waitzii, Bl Wightii, Planch. ...iv. Cenchrus, Linn (Bgyptitis, Beauv. alopecuroides, Thunb. Anjania, Ham annularis, Anderss. asperifolius, Desf. ... biflorns, JRoxb , bulbifer, Hoohst bulbosufs, Fros catharticus, Delile ... . ciliaris, Linn digynus, Schreb e chinatus, liiim echinatus, A. Rich echinatus, Wall echinoides, W ight ... frutescens, Sieb granularis, Linn, f hordeiformis, Pers liordeiformis, Rottl. ? hordeiformis, Thanb. . Lapeta, Ham lappaceus, Heyne ... . lappaceus, Linn lappaceus, Tansoh ... . linedris, Lam longif alius, Hochat macrostachyus, Hochet. . VOL. VII. Vol. Page ... iv. 250 ... V. 477 ... V. 481 „ 482 .. . 55 484 484 . . . 5, 482 482 484 . . . }, 482 ... ;; 483 . . . ;; 589 • • • 5> 482 482 J> 482 • • • ?> 482 484 • • • J ) 483 .. . J) 484 486 >) 482 482 >J 482 )» 589 . . . ); 484 . .. )} 482 >5 483 483 ne.'V .483 .. vii. 89 296 » 82 88 •• j> 90 • • j> 86 >j 89 89 >> 89 . . )) 90 •' if 88 •• >> 88 » 90 » 90 >j 89 »» 88 »» 304 n 159 >> 86 » 84 •• >> 85 >» 90 • • >> 58 332 • • J» 89 )> 97 >> 88 Cenchrus montanus,'Nee8 inuricatus, Linn muricatus, Hb. Russ. mutabilis, Wight ... . niloticus, Fig. & Not. orientalis, Willd puniceus, Heyne ... . pennisetiforrais, Hoohst. purpurascens, Thunb. quinquevalvis. Ham. raceinosus, Linn ramosissimus, Poir rufescens, Desf Schimperi, Hoohst setigerus, Heyne setosus, Sw spicatus, Cav tripsaceus, Linn tripsacoides, Br unijlorus, Ehrb Cenia, Juss turbinata, Pers , Cenolophon, Horan vittellinum, 'Kovsun Centaurea, Linn Galoitrapa, Linn Cyanus, Linn depressa, M. Bieb divaricata. Wall iberioa, Stev lanata, Roxb melitensis, Linn pallida, Wall patula, DC .. phyllocephala, Boiss. taraxieifolia, D. Don Gentaurium nfialabaricuin, Borkh Centipeda, Lour minuta, Benth orbicularis, Lour orbicularis, Clarke Centotheca, Desv , a^7us, Wall lappaoea, Desv latifolia, Trin parvifiora, Anderss. Centranthera, 5r Brunoniana, Benth. Brunoniana, Thw grandiflora, Benth , hispida, Br , hispida, Benth. humifusa, Wall , nepalensis, D. Don prooumbens, Benth. Centratherum, Cass Vol Page . Tii . 89 ... ,, 96 • • II 97 88 90 86 55 8^ vii. 88, 89 . vii . 85 • 5» 89 97 II 85 11 88 l> 89 89 II 87 II 82. II 96 II 89 89 '. iii 316 II die- . vi. 242 II 243 . iii. 384 385. ■ >i 384 • II 385. • II 383 •1 385 • II 384 »i 385 • II 37» * II 383 • II 385 • n 370" . iv. 104 . iii. 317 * II 317 >t 317 II 317 vii. 331 f» 331 11 332 II 332 II 332 iv. 300 II 301 )i 301 II 301 ), 301 II 301 ,y 301 II 301 II 301 iii. 227 506 GENERAL INDEX. Centratherum ■chinense, Less conrtallense, Benth. Hookeri, Clarice Metziamum, Hk. f. ... moUe, Benth phylloleenum, Benth. retioulatTim, Benth.... Bitchiei, Hk. f. scariosum, Clarke ... tenae, Clarice Centro-phorum chinense, 'Vxin. vii. 188 Centrostachys aquatica, Wall. diandra, Wall Centrostemma Lindleyanum, Done multifiorum, Dene Si)., Hk. f. &T Centrostylis zeylanica, Baill. Centunculus, iirm tenellus, I)ubi/ <>ephaelis, Sw cnneata, Korth Griffithii, Hlc.f. herhacea, Kurz Ipecacuanha, Bicb $Upulacea, Bl ■Cepbalandra, Schrad. indica, Naud quinqueloba, Schrad. Schimperi, Naud •Cephalanthera, Rich acuminata, Lindl cucullata, Boiss ensifolia, Rich grandiJlora,S. F. Gray ... Royleana, Regel Thomsoni, Bchb. /. xyphophyllum, Bohb. f. ... •Cephalanthus, Linn a/ralioides, Z. & M. ... chinensie, Lamk nauoleoides, DO OGcidentaliSy Linn piluUfery liSkvak Cephalariacachemirica,J)ojie Oephalocroton indicus, Bedd. leibcocephahis, Mnell. zeylanicus, Baill 'C»phaloschsenus articulatus. Nees longirostriSfT^eea? longisetii, Nees parvus, Nees zeylanicus, Nees Cephalostaohyum, Muwro ... oapitatum, Munro flarescens, Kv/rz Vol. Page iii. 235 5> 227 J> 228 J, 228 }> 227 )) 228 227 5J 228 >5 236 J} 228 Vli. 188 iv. 730 » 731 iv. 52 j> 52 » 53 V. 419 iii. 506 )) 506 iii. 178 )) 178 >j 178 ), 178 5> 178 5) 178 ii. 621 • jj 621 5) 621 • J> 621 . vi. 124 >> 125 • )> 125 • »j 125 )> 125 5> 126 S» 125 • )> 125 . iii. 23 iii. 24, 25 . iii . 26 » 24 » 24 5J 25 5. iii 217 . V. 418 • J> 419 3J 419 vi. 670 yu. 670 411 412 413 Cepbalostaobyum Fttchsianum, Gamble Griffithii, Kurz latif olium, Mwwro pallidum, Munro pergracile, Munro schizostachyoides, Kurz ... virgatum, Kurz Cephalostigma, A. DC. anagalloides, Royle flexuosum, Hk. f. ^ T. ... hirsutum, Edgew. hirsutum, Hk. f. & T. Hookeri, CZarfce paniculatum. Wall paniculatum, J.. DC. Schimperi, Hoc/isf spathulatum, Thw sp., Hk. f. «& T Cephalotaxus, 8ieh. Sf Zucc. Griffithii, Hi. /. Mannii, Hk. f. Ceramium tomentosum, Bl. ... Gerasiooarpum, Hk. f. ? M-aing&yi, Clarke ? penangense, Clarke zeylanioum, Hfc. /. Cerastium, Linn aquaticum, Linu cordifolium, Roxb. ... ... dahuricum, ftsc/i glomeratum, Thuill grandiflorum, D. Don indioum, W. ^ A memhranaceum, Jacquem. napalense. Wall Tbomsoni, m:. /. trigy num, F*7icw's triviale, Link vulgatum, Linn Cerasus acuminata, Wall. ... capricida, Wall cornuta. Wall glaucifolia, Wall integerrima, Wail , Jenkinsii, Hk. f , Lindleyana, Wall martabardca, Wall nepalensiSfSer Phoshia, Ham Pseudo-cerasus, G. Don .. Puddum, Wall punctata, Hk. f nt/a, Wall tomentosa, Wall undulata, Ser Ceratanthera, Lestib Ceratocephalus, Moench. .. Vol. Page vii. 413 5) 411 JJ 412 JJ 412 413 JJ 393 JJ 414 iii. 428 JJ 429 428 ji 429 428 JJ 429 429 JJ 428 ,j 428 JJ 439 429 V. 647 ,, 648 JJ 647 V. 73 ii. 628 629 JJ 629 629 i. 227 JJ 229 JJ 244 JJ 227 JJ 228 JJ 228 JJ 227 JJ 228 228 JJ 228 JJ 227 JJ 228 JJ 228 ii. 317 JJ 316 JJ 315 316 JJ 317 JJ 317 JJ 316 JJ 316 JJ 316 JJ 314 JJ 315 JJ 314 , J 317 JJ 314 JJ 314 JJ 316 vi . 204 16 GENERAL INDEX. 507 ■Ceratocephalus Vol. Page falcatus, Pers. i. 16 orthoceraSfBC 5> 16 ? Ceratochilus orchideus,Lind\. vi. 198 ? Ceratogynum rhamnoides, Wight V. 335 •Ceratolobns, Bl vi. 477 Kingianns, Becc 5) 477 laBvigatus, Becc ,, 477 Ceratonychia Nidus, Edgew. iv. 712 Ceratophorus sp., Maingay ... iii. 547 •Ceratophyllb^ v. 639 'Ceratophyllam, Linn. v. 639 demersum, Linn 55 639 demersum, Klein 640 indiciom, Willd 55 640 misiionis, Wall 55 640 muricatum, Cham 55 640 oxyacanthum, Cham. 55 640 platyacanthum, Cham. ... 640 tuberculatum, Cham. 55 63 ♦ verticillatum, Roxb. 55 639 Ceratopsis rosea, liindh vi. 124 Ceratostachys arborea, BL ... ii. 747 'Ceratostema angulatum, Griff. iii. 447 miniatum, Griff. 55 445 nanum, Griff. 55 448 vacciniaceum, Koxh. 452 variegatum. Griff. 55 446 varicgaium, Roxb. ... iii. 443 ,446 •Ceratostigma, Bunge iii. 481 Griffithii, Olarlce 55 481 -Ceratostylis, Bl V. 825 hraccata, Rohb. f 55 826 olathrata, Hk. f. v. 825 , vi. 193 Gigas, Bl V. 826 himalaica, Hh. /. v. 826 5 vi . 193 lanoifolia, Hh. f. v. 826 ,vi 193 malaooenfais, Hk. f. v. 825, vi .193 pelUta, Rohb. f V. 809 pendnla, Hk. f. ...v. 826, vi . 193 retisquama, Rchb. f. V, 826 robusta, Hk. f. ... ...v, 827, vi 193 tevea, Bchh. f. v.825, vi . 85 ^Cerbera, Linn iii. 637 dichotoma, Lodd ,, 645 fruticosa, Ker 55 639 lactaria, Ham 638 laurifolia, Lodd ',' 638 Manghas, Linn. 55 645 Manffhu, Linn 638 Odollam, Oaertn 51 638 parviflora. Wall H 638 salutari&. Lour. ... iii. 421 ,638 CercocomaBingaporiana^BW. iii. 656 TFallichii,Uici -55 667 <€eriop8, Arn ii. 436 Candolleana, Arn „ 436 Ceriops Roxburghiana, Am. Ceriscus fragrans^ Nees malaharicus, Gaertn. Cerocarpus aqueus, Hasak. ... Cer Qchilus rubens, Itindl. ... Ceropegia, Linn, ... acuminata, Roxb acuminata, Dalz. & Gibs. albiflora, ilfc./ angustifolia, Wight angustifolia, D&lz arcta, Nimmo Arnottiana, Wight attenuata, ^^ Beddomei, Hk. f bijiora, Linn brevioollis, Hk. /. brevituhulata, Bedd. bulbosa, Boxh Candelabrum, Linn. Candelabrum, Roxb. Candelabrimi, Thw oiliata, Wight Decaisneana, Wight Becaisneana^ Miq elegans, Wall EUiottii, Hfc. / ensif olia, Bedd. esciden^a, Edgew fimbrifera, Bedd Gardneri, Hook hirsuta, W. Sf A hirsuta, Wight Hookeri, Clarke intermedia, Wight ? Jacquemontiana, Dene. ... juacea, Roxb lanceolata, Wight Lawii, Hk. f. longifolia. Wall longifolia, Hk. f. & T. ... luoida, Wall Lushii, Grab maorantha, Wight micans, Nimmo mucronata, Roth ? Munroi, Wight mysorensie, Wight ooulata. Hook odorata, Nimmo ophiocephala, Dalz pubescens. Wall pusilla, Wight ? sphenanantha, W. & A. sphenantha, Done spiralis, Wight spiralis, Hk. f. A T. 1 2 Vol. Page ii. 436 iii. 103 110 ii. 473 vi. 115 iv. 66 !S 70 70 75 55 72 67 75 55 74 67 )5 75 75 55 74 66 55 67 70 70 55 71 72 55 73 55 42 68 55 70 75 55 68 55 66 69 55 71 71 55 73 55 71 72 55 68 69 55 67 55 69 55 72 73 55 68 74 55 75 >J 70 67 55 69 7^ 55 75 72 55 73 55 66 67 508 GENERAL INDEX. Ceropegia Vol Pase Stooksii, Hfc. /. iv. 74 Thwaitesii, Hooh, J) 71 tuberosa, Roxb 70 tuherosa, Wall 53 71 vincsefolia, Hook 72 Walkerise, Wight J) 69 Wallichii, Wight 67 Wightii, Grah JJ 68 sp., Hk. f. &T. IV. ti 7,73 Cebopegie^ iv. 3,63 CESTBINiiE iv. 229 Chsenolohium decemjugum, Miq ii. 253 septemjugwn, Miq „ 253 Ghseradoplectron Spiranthes, Schan vi. 163 Ghserophjllnm, Linn. ii. 690 acuminatum, Lindl. )j 691 aromaticum, Jacq 691 aureuvi, Linn !J 691 caohemirioum, Clarice ... 691 csipnoidea, Bentli 5' 691 gracillimum, Klotz. 671 nhillefolium, Klotz ,j 671 reflexum, Lindl ^j 691 villosum, Wall. ... ii. 6yb , 691 ChsptariaAscenscio'nis,}ie&nv. vii 225 cserulescen s, BeBkViV 5t 225 canariensis, Beauv 225 curvafa, Nees 225 cyanantha, Nees 5» 225 depressa, Beauv J? 225 depressa, Wight ... ..^ M 225 elatior, Beauv »• 225 gigantea, Beauv. .^ ... JJ 225 Hystrix, Beauv 226 Hystrix, Wight ,, 225 mauritiana, Nees ,j 225 wwMia, Nees ... 227 Royleana, Nees ); 227 setocea, Beauv 225 tricliodes, Nees }} 224 Chsetocarpus, Thw V. 460 castanooarpus, Thw. 55 460 castano carpus, Thw. ii. 595 coriaoeus, T/iw? V, 461 pubesoens, Hfc. /. 5> 461 pungens, Thw v. 460 ,461 Chcetocyperuscostulatus.'^eeB vi. 629 Li')nnocharts,l^eeB jj 629 setaceus, Nees 629 Clisetospora calostacliyo, Br. vi. 673 nigricans, Kunth jj 673 Ghastostachysmulti/ida,Beixtii . iv. 631 Chailletia, DC i. 570 Brunoniana, Wall ,, 570 deflexifolia, Turcz » 571 Chailletia edulis, Kurz ... gelonioides, iffc. / Griffithii, if ^. /. Helferiana, Kurz lanuginosa, Main g. Laurooerasus, Plan>-h. .., longipetala, Turcz , sumatrana, Miq , sp., Wall CHAILLETIACEiE Chalarium, DC Clialcas intermedia, Roem. paniculata, Linn paniculata, Boem sumatrana, Roem Chamabainia, Wight cuspidata, Wight squamigera, Wedd Chamfebuxus, Tourn arillata, Hassk paniculata, Hassk Cha7nfecladon, Schott angustifolium, Sohott Griffithii, Schott humile, Miq obliquatum, Schott ovatiiw, Schott ^ncrpurescem, Schott sanguiu'ilentum, Griflf. truncatum, Sohott Cham^7neliumprfecox,Viii\fiu Chamaeraphis, £r abortiva, Poir aspera, Nees depauperata, Nees gracilis, Uacli paradoxa, Poir spinescens, Poir spinosa, Beauv Chamaerhodos, Bunge eabulosa, Bunge Chamxrops excelsa, Thunh.... Fortunei, Hook Griffithii, Lodd khasyana, Griff. Martiana, Wall Bitchieana, Griff. Cliamissoa albida, MsiTi. ... angustifolia, Rh. B-iim. ... arafeica, Spreng Brownii, Steud ciliata, Spreng comwit^ato. Sprang. dichotoma, M.oq javanica, Hassk muricata, Spreng pyramidalis, Moq Vol Page i. 594 • 570 571 ^\ 570 572: ,^ 57a 5) 571 570 55 572 569< ii. 164 i. 502 ,^ 5oa 502 ,^ 503 V. 580 580 580 i. 200 55 200 200 VI. 531 533 ^, 534 534 535 536 535 55 532. 535 i iii 316 vii 62; 55 63 62 62 35 62 62 55 62 62: ii. 360 360 vi 436 53 436 436 ^^ 436 436 J» 429- iv. 717 55 717 718 717 718 718 717 55 717 7ia ,, 717 GENERAL INDEX. 509 Vol. Page 'Champereia, Grif. v. 236 Grimthiana, Planch. ... „ 236 Perrottetiana, Baill. ... „ 234 sp., Griflf. „ 236 •Championia, Gardn iv. 361 multijlora, Clarke „ 368 reticulata, Gartln „ 361 ■Chandana, J onea v. 231 ChapelUera glomerata, Nees vi. 675 Chaptalia ffossypinc,, Royle iii. 390 maxima, D. Don „ 391 Chartacalyx, Maing i. 3S2 accrescens, Ifasi ,, 382 "Chasalia, Coram in'. 176 ourviflora, Thw. ... iii. 149, 176 curvijlora, Miq iii. 176 expansa, Miq „ 165 lurida, Miq ... „ 176 montaiia, Miq „ 174 perforata, Miq „ 172 rostrata, Miq „ 177 Sangiana, Miq „ 176 tetrandra, Miq ,, 176 Chaulmoogra odorata, Roxb. i. 195 'Chavannesiaesculenta, A. DC. iii. 658 lucida,A.. DO ... „ 658 'Chavica Arnottiana, Miq. ... v. 86 Betle, Miq „ 85 hoehmericefolia, Miq. ... „ 85 Chuvya, Miq. ... „ 85 ? exasperata, Miq „ 96 Guigual, Miq „ 87 ? lanceolata, Miq „ 85 macrostachya, Miq „ 85 maritimay Miq „ 84 miniata, Miq ,, 85 MullesuayMiq „ 87 Neesiana, Miq „ 83 officinarum, Miq „ 84 peepuloides, Miq „ 83 peepuloides, Wight „ 84 fenangensis, Mtq v. 88, 90 petiolata, C. DC v. 84, 87 pothoides, Miq v. 96 retrofrac^a, Miq „ 96 Roxhiirghii, Miq ,, 83 sarmentosay Miq „ 83 Sirihoa, Miq „ 85 sphasrostachy a, Miq. ... „ 87 Suipiqua, Miq „ 96 sylvatica, Miq „ 84 syringxfolia, Miq ,, 96 thermalis, Miq „ 96 Thomsonii,C. DC „ H7 itallichiiy Miq. ... :.. „ 86 sp., Hk. f. & T V. 84, 87 Cheilosandra leptopvs, Gritf. iv. 368 Cheilotheca, Hlc. f. khasiana, Hk. f. Cheiranthus, Linn albiflorus, T. And Cheiri, Linn Farsetia, Wall himalaicus, Hk. f. & T. ... himalayensis, Camh. parryoides, Kurz Stewartii, T. And sp., Rk.f.&r Cheirostylis, -Bl vi. flabellata, Wight Grimthii, Lindl malleifera. Par. cV' Echh.f. parvifolia, Lindl pubescens, Pr/r. ,V' Schh.f. pnsilla, Lindl Chelonanth era specio> 5 i. 239 >} 239 ii. 117 )) 117 567 jj 568 568 y% 568 568 iv. 374 i. 195 i. 513 V. 46 iii. 626 ,j 626 }> 624 )) 629 }> 627 )) 626 >> 626 j» 625 627 j> 626 vii. 237 >j 237 vi. 33 )> 37 >> 37 iii. 476 vii 102 )} 102 5) 102 )J 101 iii. 608 >> 608 5) 609 )5 611 }> 610 » 609 608 )) 608 }) 610 J) 610 >; 607 610 >) 610 >» 610 M 610 )) 609 »> 609 )> 611 )J 618 608 i! 500 Chionotria ^ ^Tol. Page ? rigida, i&ck i. 500' Chirita, Ham iv. 355 acuminata, Br 359 acuminata, A. DO >> 349 bif olia, D. Don ji 357 brevipes, Clarice )) 359' caliginosa, Clarke » 360 calva, Clarke 35& Clarkei, m./. )} 359 communis, Gardn 9, 356 diaphana, Royle » 357 dimidiata, Br 357 EdgewortUi, A. DO 5} 357 Hava, Br 357 glabra, Clarke ... M 358 grandijiora, Wall >> 358 Griffithii^Hk. t&T, ... >) 344 hamosa, Br 360 Hookeri, Clarke 359 Kurzii, Clarke 358 macrophylla, Wall )) 358 monophylla, Clarke 360 Moonii, Gardn j^ 356 primulacea, Clarke >) 36a pumila, D. Don )> 357 urtiosef olia , Ham )) 358 Walkeri, Gardn 356 WalkericB, Hook )) 356 zeylanica, Sook 355 sj)., Hk. f. & T. ...iv. 349, 352, 358, 359, 360, 361. Chironia centaurioides, Roxb. iv. 102 trinervis, Linn J) 97 Chieonieje iv 94 Ohisocheton, Bl i. 550 ? costatus, Hiern 552 divergens, Bl rr 551 dysoxylifolius, Kurz 551 erythrocarpus, Hiern ... )> 550 fragrans, Hiern )) 551 glomeratus, Hiern JV 561 yrandiflorus, Kurz ... ... jr 562 lolooalyx, Hiern 561 panioulatus, Hiern i. 552 67£ 1,685 penduliflorus, Planch. .... i. 550 spioatus, Hiern J5 550 Chlaotrachelus, vide Claotra- chelus rupestris, Zoii. ... iii 234 Chloothamnus chilianthus Buese vii . 416 Ohloeanthace^ V 99 Ohloranthus, aS^ ,. .. V. 100 braohystachyus, Bl. ,, 100 ceylanicus, Miq >> 100 denticulatus, Oord 1) 100 elatior, Br >> 100 erectus, Sweet » 100 GENERAL INDEX. 511 ChlorauthtiB Vol. Page grandifolius, Miq V. 100 incons'picims, Swartz » 100 t'ndicws, Wight » 100 monander, Br >> 100 oflBcinalis, Bl » 100 Chlorides vii. 6 283 Chloris, Sw vii. 289 barbata, 8w j> 292 caudata, Trin » 291 compressa, DC )j 291 ayptostacTiys, Steud. j> 291 Cynodon, Trin >> 289 decora, Nees jj 291 decora, Thw 5) 292 delicatula, Clarke J) 290 digitata, Steud 55 290 distachya, Kunth 55 293 elegans, Kunth 55 291 filif ormis, Foir 55 299 incompleta, Roth 290 maritima, Trin 55 289 meccana, Hocht-t. & Steu«' J5 29 L monostachya, Poir 55 293 montana, Roxh 55 292 montana, Griseb 55 291 inucronata, Mich 296 myosuroides, jE/fc. /. 55 290 pallida, i/^-./. 55 289 pallida, Link 55 291 penicillata, Hort 55 291 penicillata, Pers 55 293 polydactyla, Durand 55 291 polystachya, Roxh 55 292 radiato, Heyne J5 290 Roxburghiana, Sohult. .. 55 292 Roxburghii, Edgew. 55 290 tenella, i2oa:b. .. 55 290 tetrameris, Trin 55 290 tetrapogon, Beauv 55 291 tetrastachys, Hack 55 291 triangulata, Hoohst. 55 291 villosa, Pers 2yi virgata, Sw )5 291 Wightiana, Nees 55 293 sp.. Wall vii. 291, 292. 293 Chlorophytnm, Ker vi. 333 abyssinicum, Kotachy & Peyr „ 336 acaule, BaJcer „ 336 anthericoideum, Dalz. ... „ 334 arundinaceum, Bake^- ... „ 333 attennatnm, Baker ,, 335 breviscapum, Dalz „ 333 hreviscapum, Thw „ 333 falcatum. Baker „ 336 glancum, Dalz „ 334 Heyneanum, TTall „ 333 Chlorophytum Vol. Page Heynei, Baker vi. 333 khasianum, Hk. f. „ 334 laxijiorum, Baker „ 336 laxum, Br „ 336 malabaricnm, Baker ... „ 335 nepalense, Baker ... vi. 334, 335 Nimmonii, Dalz. ... ... vi. 336 Orchidastrum, Lindl. ... „ 336 parvifiorum, Dalz „ 336 tuberosum. Baker „ 334 undnlatum, Wall „ 335 Chloroxylon, DO i. 569 Dupada, Buoh „ 528 Swietenia, DC ,, 569 Chondrachne articulata, Br. vi. 684 Chondrilla, Zmw iii. 402 auriculata, Wall „ 405 fontinalis, Wall „ 410' gracilis, Wall „ 411 graminea, M. Bieh „ 402 hastata, W&W „ 408- juncea, Linn „ 402 longifolia, Ham „ 410' longifolia. Wall „ 405 nudicoMlis, Linn „ 416 pulchra, Lamk „ 398 racemosa, Foir „ 403' runcinata, WaXl „ 395 sagittata. Wall „ 410 secunda, BiOjle „ 416' setulosa, Clarke „ 402 tenuis, Kskm „ 410- sp „ 402 Chondrospermum coriaceum, Wall iii. 618 smilacifolium. Wall. ... „ 618 Chonemorpha, G. Don ... iii. 661 ? antidysenterica, G. Don „ 644 ? cristota, G. Don „ 664 dichotoma, G. Don „ 664 ? grandijiora, Q. Don ... „ 661 Griffithii, Hfc. /. „ 662: maorophylla, G. Don ... „ 661 malaharica, G. Don „ 662- mollis, Miq ,, 661 vestita, G. Don ,, 662 Choricarpa aphylla, Boeok. vi. 684 Choriophyllum, Benth. ... v. 343 malayanum, JBenf/i ,, 344 Choripetalum, A. DC. ... iii. 515 aurantiacum, A. DC. ... „ 516 undulatum, A. DC „ 516 viridifiorum, A. DC. ... „ 516- sp., GriflF. „ 517 Chorispora, DC i. 166 elegans, Camb „ 167 sabulosa, Caml „ 167 512 GENERAL INDEX. Chorispora Vol. Page Bibirica, DC i. Iti7 tenella, i)C. ... „ 166 Qhorizandra pinnata, Wight v. 328 Chotekia {Chotellia) sericea, Opiz & Corda iv. 639 Chbistisonia, Gardn. ... iv. 321 albida, Thw „ 323 aurantiaca, Wight ... ... „ 322 bicolor, Gardn „ 322 calcarata, Wight „ 322 grandijiora, Gardn „ 323 Hookeri, Clarice „ 321 Lawii, Wight „ 322 neilgherrioa, Qardn. ... „ 322 pallida, Gardn „ 322 Stoclcsii, B.ook „ 322 snbacaalis, Gardn. ... „ 321 tricolor, Qardn „ 323 tvihuloBa, Benth „ 321 ? wmcoZor, Gardn „ 323 Ghristolea, Camb i. 154 crassifolia, Camb „ 154 Chrozophora, Neck v. 408 Burmanni, Spreng „ 409 mollissima, Spreng. ... ,, 430 ohhqna, A. J^lss „ 409 ohlongifolia, A. Juss. ... „ 409 plicata, A /ms* „ 4C9 plicata, B&lz „ 4i0 prostrata, Dalz „ 410 Bottleri, A. SuBB. „ 409 tinotoria, A Jwss „ 408 tinctoria, Muell ,, 409 verhascifolia, Boiss. ... „ 409 Chrysanthellnm, Rich. ... ni. 310 indicum, DC. „ 310 Chrysanthemum, Linn. ... iii. 314 ? artemisiafoliiim, Klatt ., 315 Atkinsoni, Clarke „ 315 coronarium, Linn ,, 314 ctineatum, Roxb ». ., 249 Griffi^thi, Clarke „ 315 indicunif lAnn. „ 314 Riohteria, Benth „ 315 RoxhiirghiifDeBt „ 314 Sboliozkai, Clarke ,, 314 tibeticum, Hfc. /. ^'^ T. ... „ 314 Chrysohala/nea arhorescens,Bi\ ii, 322 Chbysobalane^ ii. 307 Chrysohalanuslcaco, Linn.... ii. 307 sp., WaU „ 318 Chryso baphiis Rox I urghii, Wall vi. 95 Chrysocoma purpurea, Forst. iii. 234 violacea, Schum „ 234 Chrysocyathus, Falc i. 15 Chrysoglossum, Bl v. 783 Chrysoglossum Vol. Page assamicam, Hk. /. v. 784, vi. 190 erraticum, Hk. f. v. 784, vi. 190 maculatum, .HA:. /. ... v. 781,910 vi. 190, 193 villosum, Bl y. 783 Chrysogonum, Linn iii. 302 Arnottianum, Benth. ... „ 303 heterophyllam, Benth. ... „ 303 Chrysophyllum, Linn. ... iii. 535 acuminatum, Roxb „ 535 ?molle, W&U „ 547 Roxburghii, G. Don ... ,. 535 sumatranum, Miq >> 535 Chrysopogon, Hack vii. 187 aciculatus, Trin ,, 188 Arnottianus, Nees ,, 192 asper, Heyne >> 189 ciliolatus, Bo\BS ,. 193 coeruleus, Duthio , 193 Esenheckii, Wight , 191 fuscus, Trin. ... ■ „ 185 glabratus, Trin ,, 188 glaucopsis, Duthie „ 179 Oryllus, Trin ,. 188 mcrescens, Nees ,, 193 montanus, Duthie „ 179 montanus, Trin „ 193 muricatus, Wight ,, 242 pictus, Hance ,, 179 serrulatuSfStr. &Wint. ... ,, 193 serrulatus, T}rin ,, 193 subulatus, Trin ,, 188 tr ivialis, AvD.. & l^eeB ... „ 188 veUitinus, Am :, 194 verticillatus, Trin „ 189 villosulus, Nees „ 179 violascens, Trin. „ 179 Wightianus, Nees „ 191 Wightianus, "Shw „ 192 zeylanicus, Thw ,, 192 sp., Wall. ... vii. 177, 188, l90, 191, 192, 193, 194, 243. Chrysosplenium, Linn. ... ii. 400 adoxoides, Maxim ,, 401 alternifolium, Linn ... ,, 400 carnosulum, Maxim. ... „ 401 carnosum, Hfc. /. ^ T. ... ,. 400 Grimthii, Hk. f. ^ T. ... „ 401 lanuginosum, Hk. f. 8f T. ,, 401 nepalense, D. Don ,. 400 siticaiwm, Maxim ,, 400 tenellum, Uk. f. SfT.' ... „ 401 trichospermum, Edpeit'. ... ,, 400 ChrysuTus aureus, Beauv. ... vii. 307 cynosuroides, Pers „ 307 Chusquta amplopan iculata, Steud vii. 415 GENERAL INDEX. 513 ■Cicca albizzioides, Kurz a no mo ia, Baill. • decandra,B\&nco :.. .. di sticha, hinn .. Emblica, Knrz Qeertneriana, Thw. .•.. Leticopyi-w, Knrz macrocarpa, Kurz microcarpa, Benth obovata, Kurz ... pe7itandra, Blanco reticulata, Kurz •Cir.endia fastigiata, Griseb hyssopifolia, W. & A. inicrophylla, Kdgew. Roxhurghii, Gtiseh. Cicer, Linn arietinum, Linn. Jacqudnontii, J. & S, • Lens, WiUd microphylluDi, Benth. nwrmi la r ice jo Hum , Lam k . . soongaricum, Steph. ClCBORIACE;E iii, •Cichorium, Linn. Cosnia, Ham Endivia, Linu Intybns, Linn •Cicuta, Linn virosa, Linn Cicutaria aquatica,Lhmk. .. •Cimicifuga, Linn foetida, Linn frigida, Royle Cinchona excelsa, Boxb. gratissima, Wall .■ 8uccimbra,FsiY thyrsiflora, Roxb CiNCHONEJE ... ..V ..-. Cinclidocarpus nitidus, Zoll & Mor : Cineraria chinensis, Spreng. repanda, Lour •Cinnamomum, Bl.- ... albifiorum, Nees • ... aromaticumi Grab. ... Bazania, Nees Burmanni, Bl. ..-. ... Campliora, F. Nees Cassia, ^Bi. ..-. ... Cassia, D. Don Cathia, D. Don.<. .. caudatum, ^ees Cecioodaphne, Meissn. oitriodorum, Thw.- ... dubium, Wight... ... dulce, Nees ... • ... Vol. Page .. V. 289 }> 305 288 M 304 >> 289 »5 305 >> 329 • <) 290 288 J> 328 >» 328 288 ». iv. 100 j> 101 5> 99 >» 100 .. ii. 176 >j 176 i> 176 )> 179 >j 176 >i 66 176 '. 225 ,391 .. iii. 391 >' 391 »» 391 391 . ii. 679 )i 679 .. ii. 679 . i. 29 1 > 30 30 '. iii. 35 5? 36 82 5? 35 iii. 18, 34 1. .. ii. 257 . iii. 352 >? 352 . V. 128 • 128 >> 132 5> 133 136 • )» 134 130 '- ',\ 128 ST. 136 142 . V. 134 ^ 135 . ;, 134 >J 132 129 Cinnamomum encalyptoides, F, Nees .. glanduliferum,- Meissn. . . gracile, Hh.f. .. gracile, Miq. ....... Griffithii, Meissn. ... ... Heyneanum, ^ee.< impressinervium, Meissn. iners, Reinvj,' .%, ■ iners, Wall. ? iners, Wight v inodoruni, Meissn inunctum, Meissn javanicum, Bl litseaefolium, lliiv hicens, Miq. macrocarpum, HA;. /. v malabathrum, Batka ? nialaccense, Meissn. moUissimum, JFiZ;. /, multiflurum, Wight Neesianum, M ei ss n . nitidum, Bl. obcusifoliumj Nees ovalifolium, Wight Parthenoxylon, Meissn. ... panciflorum, Nees perpetuo-jiorens, Burm. ... Perrottetii, Meissn. Pseiido' sassafras, Meissn, recurvatum, Wight sulphuratum, Nees ■■iulphuratuniy Kurz Tamala, Fr. Nees tavoyanum, Meissn. tomentosum, D. Don v. villosum, Wight vimineum, JV^ee^ Wightii, Metssn zeylanicum, Breyn. Cionisacc'us lanceolatus,'BvbdH. vi Cipadessa, BU- .^.. . baccifera, Miq-. ..; frutioosa, Bl. ... . ? stibscandens, Miq. . Ciroaea, Zmn alpina, Linn. cordata, Royle ... . intermedia, Wall. lutetiana, Linn. repens, Wall Ciroaeaster, Mavim. . agrestis, Maxim. Cirrhopetalum, Lindl. aoutiflorum, Hl;.f. . albidum, Wight Andersoni, Hk. f. Andersonii, Kurz V Vol. Page . V. 130 )> 135 )) 133 130 >» 130 • >) 136 )» 129 * 130 130 '. 132 133 . V. 135 } t 135 5? 130 i> 133 l> 131 . 133 136 . V. 130 '' 135 131 >! 132 135 •> 130 JJ 128 • >i 133 135 ,, 129 >' 132 !> 134 135 >» 129 132 >J 131 128 M 131 ' 136 .142 V. 132 131 • 132 > 131 a vi. 111 i. 545 545 >> 545 545 . ii. 589 53 589 )5 589 589 589 589 . V. 100 5) 101 . V. 772 !) 779 5) 757 7, vi 190 V. 774 614 GENERAL INDEX. Cirrhopetalum aureatn, Hh. f. Blepharistes, HJc.f. bootanense, Griff, . brevipes, HTc. f. caespitosum, Wall, . caudatum, Wight . Collettii, Hemsl. ooncinnnm, Hk.f, , cornuttim, Lindl, . datum, Hk, f. fimbriatum, Lindl. . Gamblei, HJc. f. gamosepalum, Griff. grandiflorum, Wight guttulatum, 1/fc. /. lasioohilum, Blc.f. lo-n.gesc&pnm,Teys.^£inn Vol. Page y. 777, vi.iyo V. 779,vi. 190 . ... V. 775 V. 777, vi. 190 V. 775 . ... „ 773 . ... „ 773 vi. 190 V. 774 V. 775, vi. 190 . ... V. 774 V. 778, vi. 190 ... V. 774 ... „ 773 . ... „ 776 772 189 Maoraei, Lindl. Macraei, Wight maculosum, Lindl. .. Mannii, Hk. f Medusde, Lindl merguense, Hk. f. . . nilgherrense, Wight ornatissimum, Hchh. f. V. 780, vi. 190 777 776 780 757 772 778 773 parvulum, Hk. f. v. 778, vi. 190 ... V. 774 ... „ 778 ... „ 779 • • „ 776 774, vi. 190 ... V. 775 ... „ 780 778, vi. 190 ... V. 777 pictnratum, G. Lodd Pumilio, Hk.f. refractum, Zoll. retnsitisculum, Rchh. f. Eoxburgbii, Lindl, v. siraillirauin, Rchh. f. tseniophyllum, Hk, f. Thomsoni, Hk. f. v, Thwaitesii, Rchh.f. ... tripudians, Par. & Bohb. f . „ 779 vaginatum, Lindl. v. 773, vi. 189 viridiflorum, Hk. f. v. 779, vi. 190 Walkerianum, Wight ... v. 780 Wallichii, Lmdi „ 776 ? Wallichii, Grsbh „ 774 Wallichii, Lindl „ 779 Wightii, Thw „ 777 Cirsiuin argyracanthum, DC. iii. 362 argyracanthum, Wight ... „ 364 arvense, Scop „ 362 heteromallum, Spreng. ... „ 373 involucratum, DC „ 362 lyrat^im, Bunge „ 373 macracanthum, Soh. Bip. „ 364 nepalense, DC „ 364 sinensis, Clsivke „ 364 Stocksii, Boiss „ 362 Wallichii, DC iii. 363, 364 sp., Hk. f. & T iii. 360 ClSSAMPELIDE^ i. 95 Cissampelopsis voluhilis, "M-iq. iii. 351 Cissampelos, Linn harhata, Wall Caapeba, Linn convolvulacea, Willd. delicatula, Miers discolor, Ham discolor, DC discolor, Wall diversa, Miers elata, Miers , eriantha, Miers glabra, Koxb , grallatoria, Miers hernandifolia, Wall. hernandifolia, Willd. hexandra, Eoxb hirsuta. Bach mauritiana, Wall 06 tec to, Wall officinarum. Pink. , vide Cocculus , oleracea, Wall orhiculata. Bach ovata, Poir Pareira, Linn Plukenetii, DC, vide Cocculus sagittata. Ham. . . . subpeltata, Thw Wightianus, Wall., vide Cocculus Cissus acida. Wall acida, 'Eioxh. ... ... . acuminata, Thw acutif alia, 'Pair adnata, Eoxb angulata, Lamk angustifolia, Eoxb aquosa, Wall arborea, Forsk auriculata, Eoxb cantoniensis, Hk. & An capreolata, Eoyle ... . carnosa, Eoxb cwerea, Lamk cordata^ Eoxb cordata. Wall. ... ... . crenata, Vahl cymosa. Wall discolor, Bl diversifolia, Walp ... , edulis, Dalz. ., elongata, Eoxb feminea, Eoxb. Gardneri, Thw glauca, Eoxb glauca, Thw Vol. Page- 103 104 104 104 104 104 103 104 104 104 104 103 104 104 103 103 104 102 104 105 96 104 105 103 105 96 104 105 654 654 648 663 649 649 654 648 619 654 663 659 654 654 646, 648 i. 649 „ 654 „ 66a „ 647 „ 663 „ 645 „ 658 655, 660 i. 656 „ 648 „ 647 GENERAL INDEX. 515 Cissus Vol. Page GitmB Vol. Page glyptocarpa, Thw. ... ... V. 645 Limetta, DO ii. 515 hastata, "Miq „ 645 Limetta, 'Riaeo >> 515 heptaphylla, Retz „ 662 Limonellus, Wall 515- heterophylla, Herb. Madr. „ 653 Limonum, WbXI j> 515 himalayana, Walp „ 656 Lumia, Risso j> 515- involucrata, Spreng. „ 664 medioa, Linn )i 514r japonica, Willd „ 660 wedtca, Willd » 515 Kleinii, W&n „ 649 Papeda, Miq >> 515 lanceolaria, Roxb „ 660 scandens, GriS, >> 510 latifoUa, Vahl „ 649 vulga/ris, Risso 515 loncMphylla, Thw „ 646 Claderia, m./. ... v. 810, vi .178 irmricata, Dalz. & Gibs. ... „ 660 viridiflora, fl^-. /. v. 810, vi 191 napaideiisis, DC „ 659 Cladium, Br vi. 673 ohtusifolia, Lamk „ 654 germanicum, Schrad. ,, 674 pedata, Lamk „ 662 glomeratum, 5r 5? 675 pentagona, Roxb „ 646 jamaicense, Orantz »> 674 pentaphylla, Herb. Madr. „ 649 Maingayi, Clarke )> 674 ? porphyrophylla, LindJ.... V. 96 Marisous, Br »> 673 purpurea, Roxb i. 648 riparium, Benth 674 quadrangular is, Linn. „ 645 undulatum, Thw >» 674 repanda, Vahl „ 648 Oladosperma, Griff. vi. 411 repens, Lamk „ 647 Oladostachys alterirvifolia, repens, Thw „ 648 Sweet iv. 718 reticulata, Thw „ 655 frutescens, D. Don >> 714 riparia, WskW „ 649 muricata, Moq 718 rotundata, Heyne „ 647 Glaotrachelus (Chlaotrachelus ) " serratifolia, Rottl „ 662 rupestris, Zoll iii. 234 serrulata, Roxb. „ 659 Claoxylon, A /wss V. 410 setosa, Roxb. ... „ 654 anomalum, Jffe. /. J5 412 spicifera, Griflf. „ 650 Beddomei, ^A;. /. 1) 413 tenuifolia, Heyne „ 660 digynum, Wight 453 trifoliata, Ham „ 654 hirsutum, ETc. f. }) 4ia trilobata, Lamk „ 653 indicum, Hassle 4ia trwTicaia, Wall „ 660 khasianum, ^A;. /. }} 411 tuherculata, Bl „ 656 leucocarpum, Kurz >) 4ia velutinus, Lindl „ 647 longifolium, Muell. »> 411 vitiginea, Linn „ 649 longifolium, Baill >5 412 vitiginea, Roxb. ... i. 648, 651 longipetiolatum, jKwrz ... J> 413 Wallichiana, Turcz i. 663 macrophyllum, Hassk. ... >J 410 Cistanohe, ifq^m. ^ Lmfc iv. 323 Mercurialis, Thw )) 412 ^ittea, Wight „ 324 muricaticm, Wight >> 436 tubulosa, Wight ... ... „ 324 oligandrum, Muell J) 412 Cisteila cernwa, Bl vi. 18 parvijiorum, Hook. & Am. >> 410 Citheris, vide Cytheris, spicijlorum, Baill 410> Citrullus, Schroder ii. 620 Wallichiannm, Muell. ... )) 411 Colocynthia, Schrad. „ 6vO Wightii, ilfc. /. »> 413 fistulosus, Stocks „ 621 sp. V. 13,14,15, » 414. vulgaris, ScArad „ 621 sp., Hk. f. & T V. 438 Citrus, Linn 1. 514 Clarkella, m. /. iii. 46- act'da, Roxb „ 515 nana, J?A;./. >> 46- Aurantium, Linn „ 515 Clausena, Burm i. 503; luxifolia, Foil „ 515 excav&tA, Burm n 504. decumana, Linn „ 516 heptaphylla, W. ^ A. ... n 504. Hystrix,DC „ 515 indica, Oliv t) 505 inermis, Roxb „ 514 macrophylla, Hk. f. t} 504 japonica, Thunb „ 514 nana, W. & A 1, 506 latipes, Hk. f . & T. „ 515 pentaphylla, DC » 503 516 GENERAL INDEX. Clausena puhescens, W, & A. simpUcifolia, . Dalz sufirutioosa, TF. ^ ^. Wallichii, OZw. Warn pi, 01 iv. ... Willdenovii, ,TF. ^ A ... •Clavimyrtus UneatafBl. ramosissima, Bl virens, Bl .... Clavnlium peclunculosum, Desv Cleglwrnia acuminata, Wight cymosa, Wight Cleidion, .BZ javanicum, Bl. uitidum, Thw Cleisostoma, Bl vi acanle, Lindl andamanicum. iiZA:. /. bicuspidatum, HI: f. bipunctatnm, Hk,f. breyipee, Hk. f. callosum, Rohb. i crassifolium, imcZZ. Dawsonianumy Rchb. f . . . . decipiens, Lindl discolor, Lindl Juscum, Lindl galeatiim, Thw. lanatum, Lindl latifolium, Lindl loratum, J2c/it>. /. macnlosum, Lindl onaculosum, Thw Mannii, Ec/ib. /. ramoBum, HJc. f. spicatum, Lindl ? suhulaturn, Bl tenerum, H/fc. /. Thwaitesianmn, Trim. ... undulatum, Schh. /. uteriferam, JJA;. / Wendlandorum, Mcli}). f. Cleistachne, Beni/i ' sorgJwides, Benth Stooksii, Mk.f. €leistanihium nejpalense, Kunze Cleistanthus, /ZA;. /. acumiuatus, Muell chartaoens, Muell. ... ... chartaceus, Muell. ... iii. oollinuB, Benth decurrens, Hfc. /. ellipticuB, i?fc. / ferruginous, Muell. gracilis, Hk.f. Vol. Page 1 i. 506 , 498 [^ 506 jj 505 505 ;) 506 ii. 487 >) -480 480 ii. 84 iii. 663 ., 663 V. 444 444 5) 444 . 7J ,179 vi. 62 71 •) 75 73 ,, 73 5> 74 72 43 75 !) 75 71 5) 71 !> 60 5> 71 55 76 JJ 71 75 JJ 74 55 72 JJ 72 5; 70 JJ 73 5J 75 74 JJ 74 55 74 vii. 162 163 JJ 162 iii. 390 V. 274 276 JJ 275 2al 282 iii. 274 JJ 278 5> 281 JJ 28j 5> 277 ! Cleistanthus Helferi, m./. Keterophyllus, Hk. /. hirsotulus, Hk. /.. ... Isevis, Hk.f. lanceolatus, Hk. f. ... lancifolius, Hk.f. ... macrophyllus, Hk. f. Maingayi, Hk.f. malabaricus, Muell. malaccensis, ift. /. ... membranaceus, Hk. f. myrianthus, Kurz . . . nitidus, ilA;. /. ohlongifolius, Brand. oblong if olius, Muell. pallidus, Muell. parvif olius, Hk. f. ... patulus, Mtiell pedicellatus, Hk. f. ... podocarpup, Hk. f. ... robustus, Muell. stenophyllus, Kurz Btipn\a,riB, Muell. st ipulatus, Hk. f. ... suhglaucus, Thw. ..p., Wall. ' Clematidb^ Clematis, Linn acuminata, DC. acutangula, Hk. f. ^ T. alhida, Klotz ample xicaul is, Edgew. anemonijiora, D. Don apiculata, Hk. f. ^" T. barbellata, Edgew, ... Buchananiana, DC. Buchananiana, Wall. Cadmia, Ham cana, Wall comosa, DC connata, DC, ..... ... glauca, Willd (flohosa, Koyle (Jouriana, Roxh. gracilis, Edgew. grata, Wall graveolens, Lindl. ... graveolens, Hook. grewiseflora, DC, . ... grossa, Wall. .., ... bedysarifolia, DC. ... ispalianica, Boiss. Javana, DC loascBfoha, DC . ... ... loasifolia, D. Don lo7igicaudata, Ledeb. moutana,, Ham. V. Vol. Page iii. 280 5, 276 „ 278 ■5 277 . 275 „ 277 „ 278 „ 280 274, 276 277 , 278 , 275 , 280 , 275 9, 282 . 279 , 281 , 279 , 281 , 281 , 279 , 27S , 282 , 281 , 279 , 282 1 2 I 5 3 , 6 2 4 , 3 6 6 J 2 J 4 , 6 , 6 5 , 5 J 4 J 6 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 6 ,■ ■* , 5 , 2 GENERAL INDEX. 517 Clematis Vol .Page montana, D. Dor\ i. 2 Hhmroana, Wight ... ... „ 3 napaulensis, DG „ 2 nepaulensis, Royie „ 3 nutans, Royle „ 5 orientalis, Lmu. ... ... „ 5 paiT^/o^m, Edgew. '.. ... „ 5 parvi folia, Hk. f. & T. ... „ 4 jtuhernla, m. f. cj- T. ... „ 4 punduana, Wall „ 2 scahioscefolia, DC „ 6 smilaoifolia, Wall „ 3 smilacina, Bl „ 3 subpeltata,Wa.U. „ 3 sulcata, Wall „ 2 tenuifolia, Royle „ 5 tortuosa, Wall „ 6 triloba, Heyne „ 3 velutina, Edgew „ 6 venosa, Royle „ 6 rillosa.DC „ 6 vitifoUa, Wall „ 6 Wightiana, Wall „ 5 Cleome, jC> 594 canescens.W&U. ... ... 589 castanecefolium, Klotz. ... ,, 594 Colebrookianam, Walp. ,, 594 cordatum, D. Don jj 594 coroinandelianmn, Spreng. ,, 596 cuneatum, Turcz ,, 592 deflexum, Wall u 593 dentatum, Wall 593 disparifoliam, Bi j» 589 divaricatum, Jack 592 farinosum, Wall ,j 592 fe^rugineum, Turcz ,, 595 fostidum, D. Don ... iv. 596 ,597 fortunatum, Linn iv. 596 fortunatum, Wall )j 596 fragrans. Vent )} 589' gland^dosuorif Wall. ... ... 594 gratum, Kurz 5J 597 ^raii*w. Wall 597 Griffithianum, Clarke „ 590 haatatam^ Lindl. 5) 595 herhaceum. Wall 592 inerme, Gaertn J) 589' inerme, Benth. ... 589 infortuaatam, Qiertn. ... 594 Jackianum, Wall ); 590 javanicwn, Walp J5 592 lasiocephalum, Clarke ... 594 Lencosceptrum,!). Jion ... )> 699' Linnsei, Thw >» 598 Lobbii, Clarke )) 590 macrophyllum,^ivaB 592 macrostaohynm, T^urcz. ... J» 591 molle, Jack ... M 595 neriifolium, Wall )> 589 liutans, Wall. ... ' J) 591 or/iafMw, Wall }J 592 ovatum, Poir n 596 panioulatum, Linn. )) 593 peaanlifloruui, Wall. 591 phlomoides, Linn.f. » 590' pyramidale, Andr M 593 sag ittatum, Wall )) 596 semiserratum, Wall >) 595 sericeum, Wail 596 sericeum, Wall. i. 419- aerratnm, Spreng iv. 592 Siphonanthup, Br ,, 595 splendidwni, Wall jj 593 squamatum, Vahl ,, 593 ternifolium,D. Don )) 592 ? trichotomum, Wall. )) 595 velutinum, Wall J) 595 yenosum, Wall 592 vertillatum, D. Djn >» 595 J518 GENERAL INDEX. Glerodendron villosam, Bl viscosum, Vent sp., Griff. sp., Hk.f. &T. ... iv. 580, -Clethropsis nepalensis, Spach nitida, Spach ■Cleyera, DC emarginata, G&vdn grand iflora, Hk. f.^T. ... grandijlora, Chois grandiflora, Wall. i. 281, gymnanthera, W. & A. ... japonica, Sieb. & Zucc. .. japonica, Thunb lasiopetala, Wight Lushia, G. Don oohnacea, DC oclinoides, G. Don pentapetala, Spreng. Wallichiana, Sieb. & Zucc. •Climacandra littoralis, Kurz muliijlora, Miq. ohovata, Miq Clinacanthus, Nees Burmanni, Nees vClinogyne, Salish dichotoma, Salish grtLudiBy Benth virgata, Benth Clinopodium longicaule, Btb. repens, Boxb vulgare, Linn •Glintonia, Rafin. alpina, Kunth udensis, Fisch. & Mej. ... vClitoria, Linn acuminata, Grab. ... ... biflora, Dalz cajansefolia, Benth Graho/nii, Stend maorophylla, Wall. mariana, i;m7t mexicana, Link pilosula, Wall Ternatea, Linn -^Cluytia androgyna, Linn. . . . coZWna, Roxb montana, Roxb oblongifolia, Ruxb patula, Boxb patula, Wight retusa, Linn retusa, Moon retusa, Wight scandens, Roxb semperflcrens, Roxb. . semperfl or ens, Wal 1 Vol. Page iv. 595 5> 594 i >J 593 1 591 ,592 r. 600 jj 600 i. 283 5> 281 J) 284 5? 284 282 ,284 J. 281 )5 284 280 283 55 284 5) 283 284 ,'' 287 .J 284 i)i. 531 55 530 530 iv. 524 524 V). 257 258 5' 258 258 iv. 651 5> 651 55 650 vi. 361 55 361 361 ii. 208 5> 208 55 208 209 55 208 55 209 55 208 »5 208 5" 208 208 v. 332 5) 275 55 269 5» 275 55 279 55 275 5) 268 55 269 55 275 J> 270 n 397 » 418 CVuytia spinosa, Willd stipularis, Linn sp., Wall Clypea Burmanni, W. & A. hernandifolia, W. & A. ... Wightii , Am Cnemidia angulosa, Lindl. hamhusasfolia, Thw. cwrculigoides, Thw., vide Tropidia semilihera, Lindl Cnemidostachys (Jiamaelea, Sprensr linearifolia, Miq Cnesmone, Bl javanica, Bl Cnestide^ CneatiB, Juss acuminata, Wall Jlaminea, Gritf. foUolosa, Planch ignea, Planch m.onadelpJia, Roxb pldtantha, Griflf ramiflora, Oriff". stenopetala, Griff. vestita, Wall Cnicus, Linn angustifolius, Wall arachnoides. Wall argyracanthus, Clarke ... arvensis, Hoffm candicans, Wall. ... iii. carlinoides, Casp carthamoides, Wall cernuus. Wall eriophoroidep, Hk. f. eriophorus, Hk. f. & T. ... Falconeri, Hk. f. Griffithii, ^fc. /. horridus, C larke involucratus, Wall. niveus, Wall sinensis, Clarke Verutus, D. Don Wallichii, HA;. /. Wallichii, Clarko Cnidiwm cuneatum, Ledeb. diffusum, DC Cobamha dichotoma, Blanco Cohresia laxa, Nees Coccinia indica, W. & A, . . . Wightiama, 'Roem Ooococerae, jllftg mutioum, Muell pedicellatt^m, Hk. f. plioatum, Jliuell Vol. Page V. 268 „ 270 „ 269 i. 104 „ 103 „ 103 vi. 92 5, 94 „ 94 „ 92 v. 475 5, 475 V. 4^6 „ 4S6 ii. 46 ii. 54 55 48 ,5 54 55 54 „ 54 ,5 47 ,5 54 ,5 54 5, 49 „ 47 iii. 362 55 382 5, 364 „ 362 ,5 362 362, 373 iii. 363 „ 373 ,5 364 5, 363 ,5 363 55 363 5, 363 „ 363 „ 362 ,5 375 ,5 364 5, 3^3 ,5 363 „ 364 ii. 704 „ 693 iv. 103 vi. 698 ii. 621 „ 621 V. 424 5, 424 ,5 424 „ 4:^4 GENERAL INDEX, 519 Coccoloha crisjpata. Ham. . . . crispatum, Boxb Totnea, Ham COCCULB^ Cocculus, D(7 acuminatus, DC Aristolochiae, DC Blumeanus, Wall Burmanni^DG calophyUus, Wall convolvulaceus, DC cordifolius, DC crispus, DO cuspidatus, Wall Fibraurea, BC Finlaysonianus, Wall. glaber, W. & A Tiastatus, DC incanus, Colebr lacunosus, DC Icevis, Wall lanrifoliuB, DC. Leaeba, BC. longa, vide Stephania lucidus, Teysm. & Binn. ... maorooarpus, W. (^ A. ... malaharicus, i)C ^memhranaceus, Wall . mollis, Wall ohlongtcs, Wall officinarum, Pluk orbiculatus, DC peltatus,DG petiolaris, Wall. planiJloruSiW all. (error for pleniflorus) poly carpus, Wall populifolius, DC radiatus, DC recisus, Miers Roxburghianus, Wall. sepimn, Colebr suberosus, DC tomentosus, Colebr triandrus, Colebr velutinus, Wall verrucosus, Wall villoBus, DC villosus, Wall Wightianus, Wall, {lapsu Cissamvelos) ... Cochlearia, im-n altaica alyssoides, DC. ., 'flava, Ham , himalaica, iffe./. ^ r, eoapiflora, Hk.f.^T. ... Vol. Page V. 45 5) 52 50 i. 95 i. 101 5> 99 J> 101 99 }J 104 J5 578 » 97 J> 97 96 5> 100 55 98 55 103 102 55 101 55 102 98 5» 102 55 101 55 102 55 103 55 106 )5 101 55 96 55 104 5) 102 55 100 55 105 55 104 55 104 55 97 55 106 55 99 98 55 99 55 102 55 103 '' 101 98 55 96 55 100 55 100 i. 96, 97 1 i. 101 55 104 55 105 i. 145 55 145 55 145 )5 145 55 145 145 Vol. Page Coohlianthus, Benth. ... ... ii. 192 gracilis, Benth. 55 193 Coohlospermum, Ktmfh P... i. 18J Gossypium, DC. •*... 190 COCOINE^ ... vi. 405 Cocos, i/tn?i ... vi. 482 nana. Griff. ... ,, 483 nucif era, Linn. ... ), 482 Codariocalyx conicus, Rr iS8k. ii. 175 gijrans, Hassk ... »j 174 gyroides, Hasak. ... ,, 175 Codiaeum, .fuss ... V. 399 andamanicum, Kurz 403 ? lutescens, Kurz 477 pictum, Hook 55 399 umhellatum, Muell. ... 55 402 variegatum, Bl. 399 Codonaoanthus, Nees .. ... iv. 500 acuminatus, '^ees ... ... ,, 501 paucifloruB, Nees ,, 500 Codonopsis, TFall. . . . iii. 430 amniB, Hh. f. ^ T. .. 55 431 alUflora, Griff. 436 Benthami, ifA;. /. cj- T. ... ,, 432 celebica, Miq ... ), 436 clematidea, Sohi-eiick 433 cordata, Hassk. ... ,, 436 foetens, Hk.f. ^ T. ... ,, 433 gracilis, Hk.f 55 430 Griffithii. Clarice ... ... ,, 431 inJlata,Ek.i 55 436 leucocarpa, Miq. 55 436 ova.ta, Benth ... ,, 433 parvifiora, Wall. 55 436 purpurea, Wall. 55 431 rotundifolia, Benth. ... ,^ 432 subsimplex. Rlc.f. ^ r. ... „ 432 thaliotrifolia, Wall... iii. 430 ,432 fruwcato, Wall ... iii. 436 vitidiiB, Wall ... ,, 431 sp., Griff. iii. 431 ,435 Ooelaohne, JBr ... vii. 270 brachiata, Munro . . ... ,, 271 hrachiata, Trim. 55 271 infirma, Buese ... J, 271 madagascariensis, Bak er... „ 271 perpusilla, Thw. »» 271 pulohella, 5r 55 270 pulchella, Thw. 55 271 simpUciuscula, Munro 271 Coelachyrum, Nees vii. 328 421 Coelarthron, Hfc. /. .. vii. 163, 421 Brandisii, J^fe. /. .. ... vii. 164 Coelodepaa, HassJe. ... V. 419 calycinum, Bedd. 55 419 ferrugineum, Hie. f. .. 55 420 ? longif olium, Hk. f. 55 420 520 genp:ral index. Goelodepas Vo'. Page Wallichiarmm, Benth. ... v. 419 Codlodiscns, Baill v. 425 eriocarpoides, Kurz „ 434 glabriusculus, Kurz ... ,, 426 hirsutulup, Kurz ,, 426 lappaceus, JC^itra „ 425 lougi-pea, K^irz „ 426 movtsmns, Muell „ 425 speoiosQS, Muell „ 426 Thun\)erg\a.nna, Muell. ... „ 427 Cceloglossum acuminatum, Lindl vi. 163 hrevifolium, hi-ndl. ... vi. 157, 166 cernuum, 'Rohh. f vi. 156 densum, Lindl „ 156 lacertiferum, Lindl „ 163 luteum, Dalz „ 150 Ma?mM, Rchb. f ,, 163 peristyloides,Rchh.t. ... ,. 156 secundum, Lindl „ 160 Cosilogyne, Lindl. ...... v. 828 alba, 'Rohb. f „ 843 anoeps, m. f. ... v. 840, vi. 194 angustifolia, A. Rich. ... v. 835 angustifolia, Wight „ ^33 apiculata, Par. & Rchb. f. ,. 783 Ar f hur iana, Rchh. f. ... vi. 194 articulata, 'Rchh. t' v. 844 aeperata, Lindl. v. 835, vi. 194 assamica, Lindl v. 833 barbata, Griff. ... v. 839, vi. 194 tirmanica, Rchb. f. (lapsu Pleione) v. 840 J ^^ . 194 braohyptera, Rchb. f. V. 842 breviscapa, Lindl j» 833 hrumea, Lindl ,, 833 calceata, Rchh. ii jj 846 Candida, hmd] 841 carnea, HJc. f. ... v. 838 J "^j .194 caulescens, GriJ^. V. 842 conferta. Par. & Rchb. f.... J) 831 Gonvallarice, Rchh. t. 846 corniculata, Rchh. f. >> 843 coronaria, Lindl >> 828 corrugata, Wight » 835 corymbosa, Lindl. v. 831, vi. 194 crietsita, Lindl.... ,v. 829, vi. 193 Gamiugii, Lindl. V. 834 cycnoches. Par. ^ Rchh. f. JJ 834 vi. 194 e\at», Lindl. ... v. 838, vi. 194 fimbriata, Lindl. ... ... V. 836 fimhriata, Lind I ,, 836 flacoida, Lindl. ... JJ 829 flavida. Wall 839 flavida,Kk.i » 839 fullginosa, Lindl )j 836 CcElogyne vol. Page fusca, Rchb. f « ... v. 844 fasoescens, Lindl „ 833 fuscescens, Wall. „ 830 Gardneriana, Lindl. v. 828, vi. 193 glandalosa, imdZ. v. 835 Goyveri, Rchh. f. „ 843: jrraminifolia,Par.^i?c/iZ). f. „ 831 Griffithii, HJc. f. V. 838, vi. 194 Hookeriana, Lindl. v. 842, vi. 194 humilis, Lindl. ... v. 840, vi. 194 Huttneriana, i2c/ib./. ... v. 830 imbricata, Rchh. f „ 846 hhasiana, Rchb. f. , „ 844 lactea, i?c/i&. /. „ 843 lagenaria, Lindl. v. 841, vi. 194 lentiginosa, Lindl. v. 830, vi. 193 longibractafca, HA. /, ... vi. 194 longi-pep, Lindl v. 839 Lowii, Lindl „ 836 ?lntea,F&T „ 843 macrobulbon, Hfc. /. ... „ 830 macalata, Lindl. v. 841, vi. 194 Maingayi, Hhf. v. 831, vi. 194 Massangeana, Rchh. f. ... v. 830 vi. I!i3 micrantha, Lindl. v. 836, vi. 194 nervosa, A. Rich v. 835 nervosa, Wight „ 835 nitida, Lindl. v. 837, vi. 187, 194 oconltata, Hk. f. v. 832, vi. 194 ocellata, Lindl. v. 837, vi. 194 ochracea, Lindl v. 831 odoratissima, Lindl. ... „ 834 oralis, Lindl „ 836 pallida, Rchb. f „ 846 pandurata, Lindl. v. 835, vi. 194 papagena, Rchb. f v. 836 Parishii, 1/oofc „ 837 parvijlora, Lindl „ 783 ? pilosissima. Planch. ... „ 836 plantaginea, Liwdi „ 843 porrecta, Rohh.i „ 844 prsBCOX, Lindl. v, 840, vi. 194 prolifera, Lindl v. 838 punctulata, Lindl „ 837 ? pnrpurascens, jffA;. /. ... „ 842 vi. 195 recurva, Rchb. f v. 845 Reichenbaohiana, 2'. jtfoore „ 841 vi. 194 rigida, Par. 4' i?c/ib. /. ... v. 839 Rossiana, Rchh.f. v. 843, vi. 193, 195 rubra, Walp v. 847 salmonicolor, Rchb. f. ... vi. 194 Schiileriana, Rchb. /. v. 834, vi. 194 speciosa, Lindl. v. 834, vi. 194 s^enochUa, Ek. f. v. 837, vi. 194 GENERAL INDEX. 521 Coelogyne Yol. Page suaveolens, Ut. /. v. 832 enUurea,, Rchh. f. „ 833 testacea, Lindl. ,, 829 tomentosa, Lindl. v. 830, vi. 193 Treutleri, Hk. f, v. 837, vi. 194 trifida, Rchb. f v. 835 trinervis, Lindl „ 832 ? triplicatula, Uchh. f. ... „ 836 trisaccata, Griff. , „ 829 undulata, Wall „ 832 undulata, Walp „ 847 ? nniRorsi, Lindl „ 842 nstulata, Par. Sf Rchh.f. ... „ 840 viscosa, J?c?ib. /. „ 832 Wallichiana, Lin^il „ 840 sp., Griff. ... ... V. 837, 838, 841 Coelorachis hirsnta, Brongn. vii. 162 muricata, Brongn „ 157 CcBlospermum, Bl iii. 159 paniculatum, F. Mnell. ... „ 160 reticulatum, Benth. ... „ 160 Bcandenp, Bl „ 159 Coelostegia, Benth i. 352 Grmthii, Benth ,, 353 Coffea, Linn iii. 153 alpestris, Wight „ 106 bengalensis, Eoxh „ 153 densijlova, Bl „ 155 ? elliptica,Thw „ 107 iragr&nB, Wall ,, 154 grumelioides, Wight „ 106 Horsfieldiana, Miq „ 153 Jenkinsii, HA;. / ,, 155 khasiaoa, Hit. /. „ 154 salicifolia, Miq „ 155 tetrandra, Roxb „ 159 travancorensis, TT. ^-4.... „ 154 trifiora, Moon „ 154 Wightmna, W. c^ A. ... „ 154 sp., Hk. f. & T „ 154 sp., Wall iii. 154, 192 Coix, Linn vii. 99 agrestis, Lonr „ 100 aquatica, Eoa;& „ 100 arundinacea, Koen „ 102 arundinacea, Lamk „ 100 barhata, 'Roxh. .. „ 102 crypsoides, C. Muell. ... „ 102 exaltata, Jacq „ 100 gigantea, Roxb. ... vii. 100, 421 gigantea, Hb. Russ vii. 102 heteroclita, Roxb „ 101 Koenigii, Spreng „ 102 Lg,chryma, Linn „ 100 Lachryma-Jobi, Linn. vii. 100, 421 lingulata, Hack vii. 100 Mayuen, Roman „ 100 VOL. VII. Coix Vol. Page ovata, Stokes ... ... ... vii 100 pendula, Salisb. » 100 puellarum, Balans. .. „ 100 stenocarpa, Balans. ... „ 100 stigmatosa, Kooh & Bonche „ 100 sulcata, Rottl ,, 102 tuhulosa, Hack „ 100 Colhertia, Salisb i. 37 augusta, Wall ,, 38 coromandeliana, DC. ... „ 38 Jlorihunda, Wall „ 38 ohovata, Bl „ 37 COLCHICE/E vi. 301 ColchioatD, Linn vi. 356 luteum, Balcer „ 356 Coldenia, Linn iv. 144 procumbenB, Lmw „ 144 Colebrookea, Sm iv. 642 oppositifolia, 8m „ 612 oppositifolia, Lodd „ 643 ternifolia, Roxb „ 642 ColebrooJcia, Donn vi. hulbifera, Roxb „ 206 Coleus, Lour iv. 624 amboinicus, Lour „ 625 aromatious, Benth „ 625 atroparpureus, Benth. ... „ 626 barbatus, Benth „ 625 Benthamianus, Arn. ... „ 626 crassifolius, Benth ,, 625 fruticosus, Benth ,, 6'i3 glabratus, Benth „ 622 Heyneii, Benth „ 624 inflatus, Benth. „ 626 Macraei, Benth. ... ... „ 626 malabaricus, Benth. ... „ 626 mollis, Benth „ 626 ovatus, Benth „ 626 paniculatus, Benth „ 622 pa.ry\Q.oras, Benth „ 625 ? rugosus, Benth „ 624 Schimperi, Yatke „ 625 scutellarioides, Benth. ... „ 626 spicatus, Benth „ 624 ? tuberosus, Benth „ 625 urticifolius, Benth „ 623 Walkeri, Benth „ 626 Wightii, Benth „ 622 Zatarhendi, Dalz. & Gibs. „ 624 Collabium, Bl. ... v. 784, vi. 178 nebulosum, Bl. v. 785 simplex, Rchh.f „ 785 Wray i, HJc. f. v. 784, vi. 190 Golladoa distachya, Cav. ... vii. 128 Colloea cinerascens, Qrauh. ... ii. 213 gibba. Grab ii. 217, 218 mollis, Grah ii. 213 M m 522 GENERAL INDEX. Colloea Vol. Page Columnea trinervitty DC ii. 212 diffusa, Eoxb venosa, Grab. ! » 217 heterophylla, Roxb Collyris major, Y&hl iv. 50, 51 longifolia, Linn minor, Vahl iv 49 minuta, Roxb Colooaala, Linn vi. 523 tomentosa, Roxb acris, Schott » 523 Colutea, Linn affinis, Schott jj 523 arborescens, iiww Antiquorum, 5fc?io'tt 523 nepalensis, Sims cochleata, Miq. ... ij 525 Comarum flavum, Roxb. eucullata, Schott jj 525 Salessovii, Bunge esculenta, Schott )> 523 Comhesia ahyssinica, A. Rich. euchlora, C. Koch & Lind. )> 523 COMBRETACE^ fallax, Schott ... )} 524 COMBRETE^ Fontanesii, Schott 5> 523 Combretum, Linn ? fornicata, Kuuth >) 526 aculeatum, Vent gigantea, HA;. /. J> 524 acuminatum, Roxb indica, Engl. '. » 524 albidum, G. Don indiea, Kunth 5» 525 apetalum. Wall onacrorrhiza, Schott 5J 526 attenuatum, Wall. M&nmi, SJc. f, J> 524 chinenpe, Roxb ? montana, Knvth >> 5.i5 costatum, Roxb. mucronata, Kunth )) 526 dasystachyum, Kurz navicularis, Koch & Boache „ 527 decandrnm, Rocb nymphxifolia, Kunth JJ 523 elegans, Wa,]\ odora, Brongn 526 extensum, Roxb. odorata, Hook J5 526 flagrocarpum, Herb. Calc. pruinipes, Koch J> 523 formosum, Griff. ? pumila, Kunth J) 522 6riffi,thii. Heurck &Muell. rapiformis, Kunth 525 Heyneanum, Wall rugosa, Kunth » 525 Horsjieldii, Miq virosa, Kunth )> 524 insigne, Heurck & Muell. vivipara, Thw. ," 5> 522 Ifetum, Wall Wendlandii, 'Engl 5J 524 latifolium, Bl s;>., Hk. f. &T 5> 523 laxum, Roxb sp., Wall vi.523, 526 ,527 lepidotum, Presl GOLOCASIE^ ri. 491 leucanthum, Heurck & Colpodium, Trin, ... vii. 311, 346 ,421 Muell aquaticum, Trin vii. 310 lucidum, Bl nutans, Griseb. » 312 mucrostachyum, Wall. suhspicdium, Hack )) 311 malulsea, Wall Colpopodeum, sp. Wall. ri. 299 nanum, Ham Colquhounia, Wall iv. 674 netirophyllum, ? M.iq. coccinea, Wall )) 674 ovale, Br ii. elegans, Wall J) 674 ovalifolium, Roxb tenuiflora, Hfc. /. jj 674 pilosum, Roxb tomentosa, Houllet )) 674 platyphyllum, Heurck & vestita, Wall 5) 674 Muell. sp., Clarke 5} 700 Porterianum, Wall Colubrina, Rich i. 642 pyrifolium, Kurz asiatica, Brongn V 642 quad ran gulare, Kurz javanica, Miq 642 rotundifolium, Roxb. pubescens, Kurz ;> 642 Roxburghii, G. Don travancorica, Bedd. _5> 643 Roxburghii, Spreug. Columbia, Pers. ... 393 sarcopterum, Thw floribunda, Wall j> 393 serai-ad natum, Heurck ^- merguensis, Piawc/i. 394 Muell CoUcmnea balsamea, Roxb. ... iv. 271 sertcettm, Wall Vol. Page iv. 277 >> 270 274 281 259 ii. 103 jj 103 103 ii. 359 348 ii. 412 ii. 443 ii. 443 ii. 452 5) 453 )) 455 )> 458 453 456 >J 457 455 )> 457 >) 452 ?J 454 458 }> 455 >> 458 5> 457 458 J5 458 J> 453 5J 453 458 5J 458 » 456 J> 458 J> 454 ;> 458 }> 456 » 457 455 453 ,459 ii. 458 j> 453 5> 458 457 ^) 453 J) 456 458 ii 458 452 5> 455 459 )> 450 GENERAL INDEX. 523 Combretum Vol Page Commelina spinescens, Wall ii. 453 ensifolia, Br squamosum, Boxh „ 456 ensifolia, F. Muell. ... stenopetalum, Heurck & esculenta, Heyne Muell ,, 455 falcata, Hassk subalternans , Wall 5) 454 Forskalii, Vahl snudaicuvQ, Miq 458 gigantea, Vahl ternatum, Wall. » 457 glabra, Clarice Hamiltonii, Spreng. tetragonooarpum. Kttrz . . . 5? 454 tetralophum, Clarice ,, 454 Hapskarlii, Clarice ... Thwaitesianum, Heurck & herhacea, Roxb. Muell ,, 458 hirsuta, Clarice trifoliatum, Vent )5 454 hispida, Ham. ... .... undulatum, Wall 5J 454 Hookerii, Dietr. Van HeurcJcii, M.xxell. 457 Kurzii, Clarke virgatum, Wall )} 453 lanuginosa, Heyne ... Wallichii, DC 5J 456 linearifolia, Kunth ... Wallichii, Hassk 456 lineolata, Bl Wallichii, Kurz 5) 455 longicaulis, Jacq. Wiglitianum, Thw 5> 458 longifolia, Spreng. ... Wightianum, Wall 458 longifolia, Thw. sp., Grift: » 459 lunata, Heyne sp., Rk.f.&T }> 455 wacuZata, Edgew. ... Cometes, Linn IV. 712 ? minuta, Bl apiculata, Dene 5J 712 mollis, Jacq surattensis, Burm 712 multicaulis, Hochst. Commelina, Linn vi. 368 wawa, Roxb agraria, Kunth » 369 nervosa, Burm alba, Ham )) 374 nilagirica, Steud. albescRHS, Hassk » 373 Nimmoniana, Grab. angustifolia, Hassk. » 373 nudicaulis, Burm. ... append! culata, Clarice ... 374 nudi flora, Linn. attenuata, Koen 5} 372 nudijl or a, Ijinn. avenaefoUa. Grab >) 374 obliqua. Ham axillaris, Linn 5> 389 paleata, Hassk. benghalensis, Linn. vi. 370 ,374 palvdosa,B\ henghalensis, Wall vi. 372 paludosa, Burm. hracteolata, Lamk J) 378 pedunciilosa, Link ... caespitosa, Roxb » 369 persioariaefolia, Wight can escer? s, Vahl )) 370 polyspatha, Wight ... clavata, Clarice >j 371 procurrens, Sohleoht. coelestis, Willd 369 prostrata, Regel communis. Lien 5) 374 pumila, Royle communis, Roxb >> 372 radicans, Spreng. ... commu/nis, WsA\ vi. 370, rajmahalensis, Clarke 371, 372 373 repeiis /Roxb. ».. ... communis, Walt vi. 369 rugulosa, Clarke conspicua, HI jj 382 salicifolia, Roxb. ?cristata,B\ j> 385 salicifolia, Bojer cucullata, Linn ;) 370 salicifolia, Thw. cymosa, Bl 5) 390 scaberrima, Bl deficiens. Van Houtte 369 scapijiora, Roxb. delicatula, Sohleoht. 5} 370 Schimperiana, Hochst. densijlora, Bl. 390 secundijiora, Bl. diandra, Koen ;> 379 semiovata. Ham. diffusa, Burm J) 369 semiovata. Wall. Donii, Dietr » 372 setosa, Wight eZa^a, Vahl » 377 aikkimensis, Clarke ... M n 1 2 Vol. Page 624 GENERAL INDEX. Commelina Vol. Pa^e /St WS07U, Clarke vi. 374 sinica, R. & S „ 379 spirata, Linn „ 378 striata, Edgev „ 372 striata, Hochst „ 369 striata, Wall vi. 373, 374 suhaurantiaca, Hochsfc. ... vi. 369 subulata, Roth „ 369 suffruticosa, Bl „ 374 tuherosa. Lour „ 375 turhinata, Vahl „ 370 nndulata, Br „ 373 vaginata, Linn „ 381 zeylanica, Falkenb „ 374 sjp., Edgew „ 374 sp., Hk. f. & T. ... vi. 373, 374, 387 sj)., Miq vi. 371 sp., Wall „ 373 COMMELINACE^ vi. 366 COMMELINE^ vi. 366 Commersonia, ForsTc i. 378 echinata, Bl ... „ 378 herbacea, G. Don ,, 376 javenfts, G. Don ,, 378 platyphylla, Andrews ... ,, 378 Composite iii. 219, 301 Compsanthus waciiiaiMs,Spreng.vi. 359 Compsoa maculata, D. Don vi. 359 Conceveihum javanense, Bl- v. 422 latifolium, Zipp „ 422 Conchidium, Griff.^ v. 785 pusillum, Griff. „ 788 Conchophyllumimhricatum, Bl.iv. 51 Congert,Eoa;6 iv. 602 azurea, Wall iv. 6u2, 604 harhata. Wall iv. 601 ferruginea, Wall „ 601 Jachiana,Wa.]\. ... iv. 601, 602 paniculata, Wall. ... iv. 599, 600 pentandra, Eozb iv. 602 pentandra, Wall ,, 602 tomentosa, Roxh „ 603 unguiculata, Wall „ 601 velntina, Wight „ 603 vestita, Griff. „ 603 villosa, Wight „ 603 sp., Gritf. ... „ 601 C on ff has zeylonensis, Eh. Madr. i. 681 Conifers v. 643 CONNARACE.E ii. 46 Connaracea, Wall.... i. 676, ii. 47, 49, 51, 52, 53, iv. 13 CoNNABEJi; ii. 46 Connaropsis, Planch i. 439 ddversifolia, Knrz „ 440 Griffitiiii, Planch „ 440 monophylla. Planch. ... „ 440 Vol. Page Connarns, Linn ii. 50 asiaticus, Willd „ 50 Championii, Thw „ 52 falcatus, Bl „ 53 ferruginens, Jac^ „ 51 fiorihundus, Wall „ 52 foliolosus, 3 Q.c\i „ 54 fulgens, Wall ... „ 49 gibbosus. Wall „ 52 grandis. Jack ... „ 53 Griffithii, HA-. /. „ 52 igneus, Wall „ 54 ?Jachianus, Wall. ... i. 678, ii. 54 latifolias. Wall ii. 53 Maingayi, m-. /. „ 53 ? mimosoides, Jack „ 49 mimosoides, Vahl ... ii. 49, 50, 54 monocarpus, Linn ii. 50 viovocarpus, W. & A. ... „ 47 monophyllus, Wall „ 56 oliogophyllus, Planch. ... „ 53 panicTilatus, Roxh „ 52 ? pentandriis, Roxb „ 52 pinnatus, Larak „ 50 Ritchiei, HA;./ „ 51 ? rugosus, Wall „ 48 santaloides, Vahl ,, 47 semideoandrus, Jack ... „ 52 unifoUatus, Thw „ 55 ? velutinus, WsiU „ 54 Wallichii, Planch „ 53 Wightii, HI: f „ 51 Conohea indica, Spreng. ... iv. 269 Conocarpus acuminata, Roxb. ii. 450 latifoUa, DO „ 450 Conocephale^ V, 478 Conocephalus, Bl v. 545 amcenns, King „ 545 ? azureus, Teysm. & Binn. „ 546 concolor, DaXz „ 546 grains, Miq „ 545 naucleiforinls, Lindl. ... „ 545 niveus, Wight „ 590 ovatus, Trecul „ 545 puhescens, Treonl „ 545 Roxburghii, Trecul „ 545 Soorteohinii, King „ 545 snaveolenSj-Bi „ 545 suaveolens, Trecul „ 545 subtrinervius, Miq. ... .. „ 546 Conophallus hulhifer, Schott vi. 515 C07mnutatus, Schoit „ 515 lyratus, Schott „ 517 tuherculiger, Schott „ 517 CONOSTYLE^ vi. 264 Conringia, Rchh. i. 152 planisiliqua, Fisch. ^ Mey. „ 152 GENERAL INDEX. 525 Conringia Thaliana, Rchb -. Convallaria cirrifolia, Wall.... Oovaniana, Wall leptophylla, D. Don multiflora, Linn oppositifolia, Wall punctata, Wall verticillata, Linu sp., Griff. CONVALLARIB^ €ONVOLVULACEiE CoNVOLVULEyE Convolvuloides pahnata, Moench triloba, M.oenoh •Convolvulus, Linn acetosasfolius, Turcz , acetosagfolius, Ya,h\ Adanso7iii, JjQ.vak adpressus. Wall affinis, Wall iv. Aitchisoni, Clarice albicans, Wall amplus, Wall anceps, Linn angularis,^!!!! angustifolius, Lamk. arenarius, Vahl .argenteus, Wall argyrophyllus, Wall. arvensis, Xmn. ... asclepiadeus, Wall usper. Wall atropurpureus, Wall. harbatus, Wall. harhiger, Wall. harlerioides, Wall Batatas, Linn Beladamhu, Spreng. -6eiiws, Spreng Benthami, W&U hicolor, Vahl hilobatuSj'Roxh. hinectariferus, Wall. ■hlandus, Roxh. Blumii, Dietr brachyphylhis, Boiss. hracteatus, Va.hl Broivnii, Spreng hryonifsfolms, Salisb. csespitosus, Roxb .cairicus, Linn Calverti, Boiss calycinus, Roxb campanulatus, Spreng. ... candicans, Roth ■candicans. Wall Yol. Page i. 148 vi 322 5J 319 5J 321 319 J) 321 321 5J 321 3^1 vi 300 iv 179 iv. 180 iv. 204 ^J 199 iv 217 ,j 217 55 213 J5 210 196 2(J6 207 iv. 218 ,, 213 55 185 55 212 213 >> 205 213 185 55 186 5) 219 55 220 55 198 194 55 195 55 193 201 55 202 210 S> 215 205 216 55 212 216 55 211 205 217 55 216 214 55 204 205 215 218 201 55 211 183 J» 184 Convolvulus Vol. Page capitatus, Vah 1 ... iv. 193 capitellatus, Wall. ... J5 204 capitiformis, Poir. ... 55 193 carnosus, Spreng. >5 213 cephalanthus,W&U. ... ,5 216 chinensis, Ker 219 Choisyantis, Wall. ... „ 188 chryseides,S-preDg. ... 206 coccineus, Spreng. ... 5, 199 cceruleus, Spreng. ... ,, 199 copticus, Linn ... 200 crispatulus. Wall. ... 212 cuneatus, Willd. ,, 191 cymosus, Lamk. 211 cynanchifolius. Wall. 208 dasyspenmis, Spreng. 215 dentatus, Vahl 206 denticulatus; Lamk. 208 denticulatus, Spreng, 205 deserti, Hochst. & Steud. „ 218 dichrous, R. & S. ^... ,, 213 digitatus, Roxh. >S 215 digitatus, Spreng. ... ••-«e,. 202 Dillenii, Lamk. ,, 199 dissectus, Linn. ,j 214 divaricatus. Wall. ... 5} 219 eduhs, Thnnb 202 elegans. Wall 5> 224 ellipticus, Spreng. ... 5, 192 emarginatus, Vahl ... ,, 201 eriocarpus, Spreng. ... J> 204 erythrocarpus, Wall. ... 5, 187 esculentus, Salinb. ... ... 55 202 fastigiatus, Roxb. 209 fastigiatus, Wa.U. 5» 187 festivus,Wa\\ iv.l85 187 Jilicaulis,Ya.h.l ... iv 205 Finlaysonianus, Wall. ... 186 Jiagelliformis, Roxb. „ 209 flavud, Willd ... ,, 219 formosus, Roxb. 214 fulgens. Wall ',', 191 gangeticus, Linn. 206 gangeticus, Roxb. ... 55 184 gangeticus, Wall. ... 5) 210 gemellus, Burm. ... 55 207 geynellus, Wall 55 207 glandulosus, Ham. ... ... 55 195 glandulosus. Wall. ... ... 55 220 glomeratus, Chois. ... 219 glomeratiis, Wall. ... .5 190 gossypinus, Wall. 203 grandijlorus, Linn. f. ... 55 198 grandijlorus, Wall. ... 197 Hardwichii, Spreng. 55 201 Jiastatus, Lamk. 205 hederaceus, Linn. 5, 199 526 GENERAL INDEX. Oonvolvalaa Vol. Page hepaticifolius, Spreng. ... iv. 204 heptaphyllus, Rottl. >j 215 hirsutissimus, Wall >> 193 hirsutus, Roxb >> 202 hirins, Wall 207 hispidus, Vahl J5 204 Jiypocrateriformis, Lamk. . . J) 184 imbricatus, S-preog ») 191 incrassatus, Wall 209 indicus, Moris 5> 202 insignis, Spreng 202 involucratus, Ker )) 216 Icentrocaulos, Steud. 214 Kleinii, Spreng >> 210 Kleinii, Wall J> 214 lanuginosus, Aitch. 218 lanuginosus, IjQ.vak. >> 218 lasiospermus, Vis J> 207 laurifoUus, Roxb )» 192 laurifolius, Wigh t 186 Unifolius, Wall 5> 205 littoralis, Linn )J 213 lupulifolius, Griff. J> 215 luteolus, Spreng 199 malaharicus, Heyne >> 190 malaharicus, Linn. ... iv. 189 ,190 malaharicus, Roxb iv. 210 malaharicus, Wall >; 186 Malcolmii, Roxb J» 219 marginatus, Lamk )) 209 m,aritimus, Lamk )) 212 maximus, Vahl 209 medium,, Roxb J) 205 melanostictus, Schldl. 184 microcalyx, Clarice }> 220 miorophyllus, Sieb 218 m,ultibracteatus, Wall. • >) 192 wumtws, Wall iv .202 ,214 m,uricatus, Linn . iv . 197 nemorosus, R. & S ,, 202 nervosus, Burm. J) 185 JViJ, Linn >> 199 obiowsfMS, Wall. ... >> '201 ohovatus, Wall 194 obscurxis. Linn. 207 ohfectus, Wall • >> 186 orixensis, Rottl 191 ornatus, Wall >» 183 paniculatus, Linn )t 202 paniculatMS,Wa.\\ 213 parviflorup, Vahl > J 220 pedatus, Roxb >) 215 peduncularis, Wall. rj 186 penangianus, Wall 196 pennatus, Lamk » 199 pentadactiflis, Wall. 214 pentagonus, Roxb • » 211 Convolvulus Vol. Page pentaphyllus, Linn. ... iv. 202 Pes-Caprae, Linn. ... ,, 212 Pes-tigridis, Spreng. >j 204 pMniceus, Spreng. ... 15 199 pileatus, Spreng. ,, 203 pilosus, Roxb ... ,, 213 platensis, Spreng. ... 202 platypeltis, Spanog. ,, 211 pluricaulis, Chois. ... 218 polyanthus, W Sill. iv. 26'^, 210 pomaceus. Wall. iv. 188, 189 purpureus, Linn. ... iv. 200 Quamoclit, Spreng. ... ,, 199 quinatus, Spreng. j» 214 racemosus, R. & S. ... ... ,, 210 Rampania, Wall. ... ,, 204 reniformis, Roxb. 206 repens, Vahl „ 210 reptans, Linn 210 meedii, Wall ... 201 rhyniospermup, Hochst . ... ,, 218 roseus, Kunth 202 Rothii, Spreng. » 211 Rottleri, Spreng. 189 Rottlerianus, Chois. ... J, 219 Roxhurghii, Wall. ... „ 185 rubens. Wall ,, 195 ruhicundus, Wall. ... ,, 195 rufescens, Chois. ... ,, 219 rugosus, Rottl » 209 rupestris, Pallas >j 207 scindicus, Stocks ... ,, 217 scindicus, Boiss. >) 218 semidigynus, Uoxh. ... ,, 223 sepiarius, Wall. ,, 209 sessilijiorus, Spreng. ,, 204 setosus. Wall 194 sibiricus, Linn ,, 207 simplex, Pers „ 205 speciosus, Linn. f. ,, 185 sphcerocephalus, Roxb. ,, 204 stipulaceus Roxb. ... 209 stipulatus, Lamk. „ 200 stoloniferus, Cyr. „ 213 striatus, Vahl ... ,, 209 strigosus, Spreng. 194 strigosus, Wall „ 193 TaWto, Ham iv. 183, 220 tenuifolius, Ham. ... iv 214 tenuifolius, Vahl ,, 214 Thonniugii, Schum 200 tilifefolius, Lamk. ,, 184 tridentatus, Linn. ... ,, 205 triflorus, Vahl ... ... ,, 209 triqueter, Vahl „ 212 Tuba, Schlecht. ,, 198 tuberculatus, Lamk. ... 215 GENERAL INDEX. 527 Convolvnlus Vo I.Patre 1 Conyza Vol. Page Turpethum, Linn iv. 212 elongata, Wall". ... iii. 270 umbellatus, W&\\. , , 211 eriophora. Wall. >> 295 unifiorus, Lsiml: , , 201 eupatarioides, Wall . . . » 295 valerianoides, Blanco ... , , 220 excisa. Wall, .. .. >> 269 vestitus, Wall , , 192 ext ensa, W&W 239 vitifolius, Linn. ... ... , , 213 falcigera, Wall „ 269 Wallichiamis, Spreng. ... , , 217 fasciculata, Wall. „ 270 WigUii, Wall , , 203 Jistulosa, Roxb 262 zeylanicus, Moon , , 216 foliolosa, Ham J) 298 Conjza, Less ii i. 257 foliolosa,^Ql\ iii. 261 397 ahbreviafa, Wall , , 234 glomerata, Wall. ... iii. 262 ahsinthifoUa, DC , , 259 gracilis, Heyne ... .. >> 265 acuminata, Wall , , 239 gracilis. Wall 262 adenocarpa, Dalz. cf Gibs. , , 259 grandis, Wall » 269 segvpt'mca, Ait , , 258 graveolens, Wall. 254 segyptiaca, Uk.f.&T. ... , , 254 heterophylla, Lamk. .. ,, 234 alata, Roxb , 271 heterotricha, WaU. .. ... )) 295 amplectens, Wall , , 260 Heyneana, Wall. » 263 amplexicaulis, Lamk. , 260 hieracifolia, Spreng. ,, 263 amplexicaulis, Wall. , 261 hirsuta,WaU iii. 258 259 anagallidifolia, Wall. , 261 holosericea, Wall. . ... iii. 262 andryaloid.es, DC , 255 hymenophylla, Wall. ,, 265 angustifolia, Boxb , 258 incana, Wall ,, 234 angustifolia, Thw , 254 indica, Miq 272 anthelmintic a, Linfl. , 236 indica, Wall „ 238 appendiculata, Bl , 270 japonica, Less „ 258 arborea, Wall , 239 Jerdoni, Clarke . iii. 254 ,258 argentea, Wall , 295 lacera, Roxb ... iii. 263 aromatica, Wal 1 , 270 laciniata, Roxb. „ 264 asteroides, Wall , 258 lactucasfolia, DO. 263 attenuata, Wall , 231 lactticasfolia, Wall. .. ,, 261 aurita, Linn, f , 271 lanceolaria, Roxb. .. 269 halsamifera, Linn , 270 lanceolata, Wall. '. iii^234 ,272 barbata, Wall , , 262 lanuginosa, Wall. . ... iii. 295 bellidifolia. Wall , 234 Zim/oim, Wall )) 234 hifoliata, Wall , , 261 longicaulis, Wall. . iii. 243 ,244 hifoliata, Willd , , 261 longifolia, Heyne . ... iii. 269 hlanda, Y^slW ... , 241 longispina, Z. & M. ,. J) 268 bracteolata. Wall , 230 macrostachya, Wall. .. ,, 263 candicans, Wall , , 387 marginata, Edgew. ,. • • • • )j 259 Candolleana, Boies , 272 membranacea. Wall. .. 265 Cappa, Ham , 295 mollis, Willd „ 234 cernua, Wall , 271 multicauUs, DC. • • • • j» 258 chinensis, Lamk , 235 multiflora. Wall. 234 clxinensis, Linn. , , 268 m^uralis, Ham ... J, 265 cinerascens, Wall , 234 Musra, Ham 263 cinerea, Linn , 234 napifolia. Wall. ,, 263 conspicua, Wall , 257 nutans. Ham 263 corymbosa, Roxb , 272 nutans, Bl „ 271 cuneifolia, Wall , , 672 nutans, Wall . ... „ 363 dasycoma, Miq , 269 obliqua, Willd >> 260 densijlora. Wall , , 269 obovata. Wall >) 268 diffusa, Roxb , , 265 odontophylla, Boiss. .. 273 dishcKWall , 258 ovata, WaU ... yf 234 'divergens, Wall , , ^-34 paniculata, Wall. ,, 26] eloeagnijolia, Wal 1 , , 237 patula. Ait . iv. 235 ,259 eleganiula, Wall , 234 ? petiolariSyDC. ... iv. 258 528 GENERAL INDEX. Conyza Vol. Page Vol. Page pinnatifida, Roxb iii. 259 Copisma, E. Mey ... ii. 223 polycephala, Edgew. ... , , 258 Coptis, Salish ... i. 22 polygonata, W&W , , 293 Teeta, Wall ... ,, 23 procera, Wall , , 268 Coptosapelta, Korth. ... ... iii. 34 proUfera, Lamk. ... ... , , 234 flavescens, Korth. ... ... ,, 35 puhescens, DC , 254 Griffithii, H^. /. 35 punctulata, Wall , , 235 Corallobotrys, HA;. /. ... ... iii. 455 punduana, Wall , , 240 acuminata, Hk. f. „ 455 purpurea. Wall. , , 262 Corallocarpus, Wehv. ... ... ii. 627 racemosa, Wall , , 262 conooarpa, Hk. f. ... ,, 628 repanda, Roxb , 268 e-pigdsa, Hk. f. ,t 628 riparia, Blume ... , 268 f ethaica, Hk. f. 628 Ro^jlei, DC , 253 Fenzlii, Bk.f. ... ,, 628 rufa, Wall , 259 velutina, HI-. /. 628 runcinata, Wall , 264 Corallorhiza, Br ... V. 709 saligna, Wall , 235 indica, Lindl ,, 709 scandens,WsM , 241 innata, Br ... ,, 710 semipinnatifida. Wall. , 257 Jacquemonti, Dene. ... ,, 710 semivestita, Wall , 268 sp., Lindl 709 senecioides, Ham „ 672 Corchorus, Linn. i. 396 sericea, Wall , 262 acutangnlus, Lamk. ... „ 398 serici-vestita, Wall „ 268 CBstuans 1 Ham ... ,, 398 serrulata, Clarke , 259 cestuansy Hb. Madr. ... 398 serrulata, Wall , 258 Antichorne, Rosusch... „ 398 sessilifoUa, W&\1: , 272 Bur7nanni,'DC 398 sonchijolia, Wall » 264 capsularis, Linn. ... ,, 397 spinidens (spiridens), Miq. „ 265 decemangularis, Roxb. ,, 397 squarrosa, Wall , 269 fascicularis, Lamk. ... ,, 398 striata, Wall „ 258 fuscus, Roxb ... ;, 398 stricta, Willd » 258 humilis, Munro 398 stricta, Wa,[l. „ 258 linearis, Wall ... ,, 398 suhcapitata, Wall „ 262 Marua, Ham 397 suhsessilis, Wa.ll „ 230 olitoriue, Linn. ,, 397 subsimplex, Wall. ... ii''. 2 i4, 265 olitorius, Wall 397 tenera, Wall i ii. 266 pumilus. Ham ,, 399 thyrsijlora. Ham „ 263 subscandens. Wall. ... ,, 398 tomentosa, Wal 1 „ 272 tridens, Linn ,, 398 travancorensis, Wall, „ 258 trilocularis, Linn. ... ,, 397 umhrosa, Kar. & Kir. „ 253 trilocularis, 'Burm. ... 398 veronicsefoUa, Wall „ 258 urticaefolius, W. ^ A. ,, 397 vestita, W&ll. „ 270 Cordia, Z/mu ... iv. 136 villosa, Ham. ... „ 263 acuminata, Wall. ... ,, 143 villosa, Wall. . ; , ' „ 260 africana, Lamk. 136 virens, Wall iii, 2 64, 265 angustifolia, Roxb. . . . ,, 138 visoidula, Wall ii. 258 campanulata, Roxb ,, 140 volkamericsfolia, Wall. „ 240 cordifolia. Wall. ,, 137 voluhili!>, Wall „ 257 coromandeliana, Koen. & WalUchii, DC „ 258 Retz ... ,, 144 wangt'uensis, Clarke, lapsu diversa, Thw. ,, 137 Braphyaotis „ 253, domestica, Roth 137 Wightiana, Wall. ... iii. 2 S9, 261 Finlaifsoniana, Wall. ,, 140 Cookia dulcis, Bedd i. 506 fragrantissima, jSTwrz ,, 139 graveolens, W, & A „ 505 fulvosH, Wight IV. 137, 140 ? macrophylla, Lindl. „ 504 grandis, Roxh. ... ... ... iv 137 punctata, RaBsk. „ 502 grandis, Wall. ... ... » 137 . punctata, Retz „ 559 Gritfithii, Clarke ,, 139 punctata, Sonn „ 505 hexandra, R. & S. ... ,, 140 GENERAL INDEX. 529 Cordis incana, "Royle indica, Lamk latifoUa,l^oxh latifoUa, Wall ? Leschenaultii, DC. Macleodii, HA;. /. ^ T. ... monoica, Boxh Myxa, Linn Myxa, Thw obliqna, Willd ohliqua, Wight oblongifolia, Thw octandra, u4. JDC officinalis, Lamk orientalis, Br paniculata, Roth Perrottetii, Wight Ferrottetii, A. DC jpolygama, Roxb polygama, Wall reticulata, Roth retusa, Vahl Rothii, R. ^ S rotundifolia, Heyne Roxburghii, Clarke Rumphii, Bl Sebestena, Forsk serrata, Roxh fiubcordata, Lamk suhopposita, DC thyrsiflora, Sieb. & Zucc. tomentosa, Wall vestita, Hk.f. ^ T. Wallichii, G. Don sp./Hk. f. &T iv. sp., Wall CORDIE.E ■Cordylestyli? foliosa, Falc. ... Cordyline, Commers Jacquininii, Kunth Sieheri, Kunth terminalis, Kunth ternijlora, Planch Cordylohlaste Henscheli, Mor. Coriandrum, Linn sativnm, Linn Collar la, Li7in nepalensip, Wall CoRIARIEiE ■Coridochloa cimicina, Nees. , . Jimhriata, Nees semi-alata, Nees sp., Wall Corisanthera vestita, Gritf. ... CoRISPERMEiE Corispermtira, Linn hyssopifolium, Linn. Vol. Pajre iv. 139 ,, 136 5> 137 )> 136 5) 138 5> 139 137 }) 136 5> 137 )) 137 ?J 137 138 5> 140 5> 136 a 140 )> 136 138 5J 138 5? 137 14i> J> 138 >J 144 138 )) 139 >) 139 )) 140 >J 136 }> 140 )J 140 }J 138 141 )) 137 J) 139 )> 137 137 140 iv. 140 iv. 134 vi. 111 vi. 331 5J 331 )> 331 }} 331 330 iii. 588 ii. 717 ,, 717 ii. 44 44 ii. 44 vii. 64 5> 64 64 !J 64 iv. 373 V. 2 V. 9 )5 i) CORNACEJ! Cornus, Linn alternifolia, hinv.t. australis, C. A. Mey. hrachypoda, C. A. Mey. ... capitata, TTa^i j aponica, Thunh maorophylla. fVall. oblonga, Wall san guinea, Linn Cornutia corymbosa, Burm. iv, corymhosa, Lamk. ... iv. Coronilla aculeata, Willd. ... cannahina, WiWd grandijiora, Willd Seshan, Willd Cortia, PC. elata, Edgew Hookeri, Clarke Lindleyii, DC vaginata, Edgew sp., Hk.f. &T. ... ii. Cortusa, Linn Matthioli, Linn Corycium? Tiumiie, Ham. ... Corydalis, DC. adiantifolia, Hk. f.^T.... astragalina, Hk. f. «fc T. ... cachemiriana, Royle chserophylla, DC. oornuta, jRoj/Ze crassifolia, Royle crassissima, Camb crithmifolia, Royle debilis, Edgew diphylla, Wdi\\ elegaos, Wall epithymifolia, Walp Ealconeri, Hk.f. ^^ T. ... filiformis, lloyle ... ... flabellata, Edgew flaccida, Hk.f. .j- 7'. geraniijolia, Hk. f . & T. ... Gortschakovii, ' Sc/w. GovauiaDa, Wall Qriffithii, Boise Hamiltoniana, D. Don ... Hqffmeisteri, Klotz Impatiens, Fisch juncea, Wall latiflora, Hk. f. SfT. leptocarpa, Hk. f. ^'^ T. ... longipes, DO. longipes, D. Don meifolia, Wall. Moorcroftiana, Wall. ophiocarpa, Hk. f. df T. ... Vol. Page ii. 740 ii. 744 744 )j 744 » 744 745 5) 745 744 5J 744 744 . 573, 576 567, 576 ii. 115 115 115 M 114 ii. 701 ;> 698 702 5) 701 700 672 702 iii 501 501 VI. 107 i. 121 127 )) 126 123 126 )) 126 127 127 123 126 )> 122 124 )} 123 )) 124 125 5J 127 122 126 5) 125 124 J, 123 123 127 !5 125 123 ;> 126 )J 122 125 )> 122 126 5> 125 122 630 GENERAL INDEX. Corydalis Vol. Page paucijlora, Edgew i. 122 physocarpa, Camb „ 127 polygalina, Hlc. f. Sr T. ... „ 123 ramosa, Wall „ 125 rutaefolia, Sihth „ 122 sibirica, Pers „ 125 Btricta., Stephan „ 126 tibetica, iffc. /. ^ T. ... „ 124 verticillaris, DC „ 123 CORYLE^ V. 599 Corylopsis, Sie&. ^ Zucc. ... ii. 427 himalayana, Griff. „ 427 inultijlora, Hance „ 428 Corylus, Linn v. 625 Colurna, Lt'nw ,. 625 ferox, Wall „ 625 Jacquemontii, Dene. ... „ 625 lacera, Wall „ 625 Corytnbis, Thou vi. 91 brevistylis, m./. „ 92 disticha, hind] „ 91 longiflora, I//c./. „ 92 rhytidocarpa, HTc.f. ... „ 92 veT&trifolia, Rchh. f. ... „ 91 Corymborchis assamdca, m.... vi. 91 veratrifolia, Bl ,, 91 Corynandrapulchella, Schrad. i. 170 Oorypha, Lmw. ... vi. 428 elata, JRoxb. ... '. „ 428 Gehanga, Kurz „ 428 macropoda, Xurz „ 429 Martiana, Becc „ 429 Saribus, Loar „ 435 Taliera, i^OcBfe „ 428 nmbraculifera, Lmn. ... „ 428 umbraculifera, Wall. ... „ 429 CORYPHE;* vi. 404 Goryscunthera elliptica, Wall. iv. 373 vestita, GriS. „ 373 sp., Griff. „ 374 Corysanthea, 5r vi. 118 iornicskta, Lindl „ 118 picta, Lt/i'iZ „ 118 Coryzadenia trifoliata, Grilf. i'. 460 Cosciniura, Colehr i. 98 Blumeanum, Miers „ 99 fenestratum, Colehr. ... „ 99 Wallichianum, Mier 8 ... „ 99 Wightianum, Miers „ 99 Cosmos sulphureus, Cav. ... id. 310 Cosmostigma, Br. iv. 46 acuminatum, Wio^ht ... „ 46 racemosum, Wight ...... „ 46 Costtis, Linn vi. 249 arahicus, J a,cq „ 250 arabicus, Linn. „ 253 argyrophyllus, Wall. ... „ 250 Ccstus Vol. Page globosns, Bl vi. 250 Kingii, Baker ... ,. 250 m.alaccensis, Keen. ,, 255 nipalensis, Rose ,, 250 speciosus, 8m ,, 249 Cotoneaster, Linn ii. 384 acuminata, Lindl „ 385 afflnis, DC ... „ 387 ? affiiiis, Hohen „ 385 affinis, Lindl ii. 383, 385 alpina, Hort ii. 386 bacillaris, Wall „ 384 baxifolia. Wall „ 387 congesta, Baker „ 387 emarginata, flcffm. ... „ 387 frigida, Wall „ 385 lanata, Hort „ 387 Lindleyi, Steud „ 386 microphylla, Wall , 387 microphylla, Wall „ 387 multi flora, Bunge „ 386 nepalensis^'SLori. ... ii. 385,386 nummularia.F'isci'i. ^Jfei/. ii. 386 obtusa, Wall ii. 384, 385 prostrata, Baker ... ... ii. 386 rosea, Edgew „ 385 rotundifolia. Wall ,, 386 rotundifolia, Str. & Wint. li. 385 Royleana, Hort „ 385 Roylei, Rort ii. 385, 386 Simonsii, Hort thymifolia, Hort. ... vulgaris, Lindl. sp., Str. & Wint. Cottonia, Wight ... ... Championi, Lindl. ... maorostachya, Wight peduncu' aris, Rohb. f. Cotula, Linn antbemoides, Linn. aurea, Linn bicolor, Roth conica, Wall dichrocephala, Clarke dichrocephala, Sob. ... hemisphaerica, Wall. latifolia, Pers maderaspatana, Willd. minima, Willd. Russeliana, Wall. ... sinapifolia, Roxb. iii. 245, 2+6, 259 Sphxranthus, Link iii. 247 sternutatoria, W&ll. ... Cotylanthera, Bl. pauci squama, Clarke tenuis, Bl Cotyledon, Linn .11. 386 „ 387 „ 385 „ 386 26, 178 vi. 26 „ 26 „ 26 iii. 316 „ 316 „ 316 „ 245 „ 307 „ 246 „ 316 „ 316 „ 245 „ 247 ,, 317 „ 317 317 94 94 95 416 GENERAL INDEX. '531 Cotyledon Vol. Page amplexicaulis, Heyne li. 415 corymhosa, -Hb. Rottl. fi 415 heterophylla, Roxb J? 415 hirsuta, B.h. Rejne „ 414 laciniata, Roxb ,, 415 Oreades, Clarke ») 416 pinnata, Lamk 413 rhizophylla, Roxb )j 413 spathulata, Clarice (see Errata) „ 416 Bpinosa, Linn >> 416 Courtoisia, Nees vi. 625 cyperoides, Nees )» 625 Cousinia, Cass iii. 359 auriculata, Botss „ 360 aralensis {avalensis), Bunge n 360 Brandisii, Clarke jj 360 calcitrapiformis, J. & S. ... >> 360 PalcoBeri, ^fc. / ); 360 ? Systrix,C)arke 361 microcarpa, -Botss J» 360 minuta, Boiss >j 359 Thomsoni, Clarke 360 Govellia assamica, Miq. V. 523 aurata, Miq 5> 531 conglo7nerata, Miq 523 courtallensis, Miq JJ 523 Cunia, Miq JJ 523 dcemonum, Miq 522 dasycarpa, Miq J> 523 dasycaula,Miq.{lapsu Picus) „ 521 didynama, Miq J, 525 glomerata, Miq. JJ 536 Griffitlin^Mxq 519 ptt^afa, Wight JJ 534 incequiloha, Miq JI 523 lanceolata, Miq 536 lepidicarpa, Miq JJ 525 macrophylla, Miq 534 microcarpa, Miq JJ 524 mollis, Miq >> 536 oppositifolia, Gasp >> 523 paniculata, Miq JJ 524 prostrata, ikiiq 524 racemif era, M-iq. JJ 535 Rihes, Miq JJ 524 setulosa, Miq >> 523 suhopposita, Miq JJ 525 tuberculata, Miq 525 volkhamerixfoUa, Miq. JJ 525 Wightiana, Miq ,, 523 Zollingeriana, Miq. (lapsu Ficus) V. 521 QrcBpalia temulenta, Scbrank vii . 364 Crambe, Tourn i. 165 cordifolia, Stev 165 Kotschyana, Boiss j> 165 Craniosperrawtn parvijlorum, Dene Craniotome, i2c/ib versicolor, Rchb Crassula, Linw campestris, Harv. & Send. indica, Dene, (see Errata) pharnaceoides, Fisch. & Mey. „ Schimperi, Fisch. & Mey. CrASSULACE/E Crataegus, Linv Clarkei, Hk.f. crenulata, Roxh cuspidata, Spach glauca, Wall xntegrifolia. Herb. Ham. monogyna, Boiss Oxyacantha, Linn Pyracantha, Brand ribesius, Bertol ? Shicola, Ham Cratseva, Linn apetala, Sprengr Marmelos, Linn Niirvala, Ham odora. Ham religiosa, Forst religiosa, Ainslie ... ' ... religiosa, Ham Boxhurghii, Br. unilocularis, Ham Vallanga, Keen Cratoxylejg CratoxyloTi, Bl arboresoens, Bl hijloriim, Turcz formosum, Benth. Sc Hk. f. lanceolatum, Miq ligiistrinum, Bl. Maingayi, Dyer ... neriif olium, Kurz polyanthnm, Korth. prnnif olium, Dyer Wightii, Bl Crawfurdia, Wall affinis, Wall affinis, Wall angustata, Clarke Blumei,G. Hon campaualacea, Wall, cjf Griff. fasoicalata, Wall fasciculata, Griff. fascictdata, Thw fasciculata. Wall japonioa, Sieh. ^ Zucc. ... luteo-viridis, Clarke Vol. Page iv. 171 iv. 671 671 ii. 413 JJ 412 413 412: 412 ii. 411 ii. 383 383 JJ 384 375 JJ 383 JJ 387 383 )j 383 384 JJ 38a JJ 371 i. 172; JJ 171 JJ 517 JJ 172; JJ 172 172 J J 517 JJ 172 JJ 172 J J 172 JJ 516 i. 252 i. 257 j» 258 257 JJ 258 JJ 257 257 JJ 258 257 257 JJ 258 257 iv 10& jj 107 107 JJ 106 107 10& JJ 107 108 • J 108 JJ 107 JJ 107 J) 108 632 GENERAL INDEX. Crawford ia Vol. Page pubernla, Clarke iv. 107 speciosa; Wall , , 106 speaosa, Clarke , , 106 Cremanthodium, J5e7it/i. ... ii i. 330 Decaisnei, Clarke , , 331 Hookeri, Clarke , , 331 ohlongatum, Clarke , , 331 palmatum, Benth , , 331 pinnatifidnm, Benth. ... , , 332 reniforme, Benth , , 330 Thomsoni, Clarke , , 331 Cremastra, Lindl. ... vi. 16, 178 Wallichiana, Lindl. ... v i. 16 Gremostachys fulva, Tnlasne \ . 378 Crepidivm J^avescens, Bl. ... m . 690 Bheedii, Bl , , 688 Crepie, Lin7i ii i. 393 acaulis, Hk. f , , 396 austriaca, Jacq , , 394 blattarioides, Vill , , 394 depressa, Hk. f. ^ T. ... , , 397 fiexuosa, Clarke , , 394 foetida, iiwn , , 393 fuscipappa, Benth , , 395 glauca, Benth , , 394 glomerata, Benth. 8f Hk. f. , , 398 glomerata y Clarke , , 397 glomerata, Wall , , 376 gracilipes, Jffc. /. , , 396 gracilis, Hk. f. Sf T.- ... , , 395 Hookeriana, Clarke , , 398 japonica, Benth , , 395 Kotschyana, Clarke , , 393 hjrata, Clarke , , 395 raicrocephala, Clarke ... , , 415 multicaulis. Led , , 396 porrifolia, D. Don , , 398 pnmnorsa, Froel , , 396 primuUfoUa, Hk. f. & T. ... , , 395 pulchra, Linn. , , 398 racemifera, iffc. /. , , 397 sibiTica,, Linn , , 394 silhetensis, Hfc. /. , , :i97 Stoliczkai, Clarke , , 396 tennifolia, Willd , , 395 yotongiformis, Koch , , 3^8 sjp., Hk. f. &T , , 397 Cressa, itww i 7. 225 australis, Br , , 225 cretica, Linn , , 225 indica, Retz , , 225 latifoha, T. Anders. ... , , 224 Cresses h 7. 180 Crinuni, Linn v 1. 280 amoenum, Roxl , , 282 asiatioum, Lmn , , 280 asiaticum, Roxb , , 2S1 Crinum asiaticum, Wall. brachynema, Herh, .. hracteatum, Bot. Reg. hracteatum, Willd. .. hrevifoUum, Roxb. .. canalicidatum, Carey canalifoliu7n, Herb. canalifoUum, Carey Careyanum, Herb. defixum, Ker elegans, Carey ... ensifolium, Boxh. erythrophyllum, Carey Herhertianum, Schult. Herhertianu-m, Wall. hnmile, Herh insigne, Schtilt. latifolium, Linn. Linncei, ^oeva. longifolium, Roxb. ... lorifoUum, Roxb. macrocarpnm, Carey moluccanum, Roxb. ... ornatum, Herb. .« paucifiorum, Miq. pedunculatum, Br. ... pratense, Herh. procermn, Carey ptisillum, Herh. Boxhur ghii, Gr&h. ... speciosissimum, Herb. speciosum, Herb. stenophyllnm, Baker Stracheyi, Baker strictum, Herh sumatranum, Roxb. ... toxicarium, Roxb. umhellatum, Carey ... venustum, Carey WalUchianum, Roem. Wattii, Baker zeylanicum, Jjinu. sp., Wall Critho Aegiceras, E. Mey. Crocus, Linn sativus, -Lmn Croesandra, Salish. axillaris, Nees coccinea, Dalz. & Gibs. infundihuUformis, Nees oppositifolia, Nees ... undulasfolia, Salish. Crotalaria, Linn. ... acioularis, Ham. 'acuminata, G. Don affinis, DC alata, Ham. Vol. Page . 283, 284 vi. 284 „ 284 „ 284 „ 284 „ 284 „ 284 „ 283 „ 283 „ 281 „ 283 „ 281 „ 284 ,, 284 „ 283 „ 282 „ 283 ,, 283 „ 283 „ 282 „ 283 „ 284 „ 283 „ 283 „ 285 „ 284 „ 282 „ 281 „ 282 „ 281 „ 283 „ 283 „ 281 „ 282 „ 284 „ 284 „ 280 „ 284 „ 283 „ 283 „ 281 . 283, 284 281 371 276 276 492 492 492 492 492 492 65 68 77 VI. vii. vi. GENEEAL INDEX. 533 Grotalaria Vol. Paffe albida, Heyne i i. 71 angulosa, Lamk , 77 anthylloides, D. Don , 72 anthyiloides, Lam , 73 Arnottiana, Benth , 78 assamica, Benth , 75 barbata, Grah , 76 henghalensis, Lamk , 79 hialata, Eoxb , 69 bifaria, Linn , 69 hifaria, Wall , 69 biflora, Linn , , 66 hijlora, Herb. Madr. , 71 bracteata, Roxh , , 83 Irevipes, Champ , 73 Brownei, Echb , 84 Burhia, Ham , , 66 Burmanni, DC. , 75 caespitosa, Eoxb , 72 calyoina, Schrank , , 72 Camphellii, Am , , 81 candicanSyW. & A , , 79 canescens, Wall , 68 c&pitata, Benth , 74 Cephalotes, Herb. Madr. ... , , 73 chinensis, Linn , , 73 chinensis, Lamk , , 81 chinensis, Hoxh , , 70 clavata, W. ^^ A , , 83 coerulea, Jacq , , 77 crassifolia, Ham , , 68 crinita, Grah , , 72 cuneifolia, Schrank , , 75 cytisoides, Eoxb , 65 cytisoideSyl^ight , , 83 dichotoma, Eoth , , 69 digitata, HooJc , , 85 d^c/^tatct, Wight , . 85 ddsticha, Zolling , , 68 divaricata, Grah , , 81 dubia, Grah , , 73 elegans, Bedd , , 74 elliptica. Eoxb , , 85 epunctaia, Dalz , , 71 eriantha, Sieb. & Znoo. ... , , 73 evolvuloides, Wight ... , , 68 fenestrata, Sims , 79 ferruginea, Qrah. . , 68 filiformis, JFall. . , 66 filipes, Benth , 66 foliosa, Willd , 81 formosa, Orah. , 76 fulva, Roxh , 80 genistoides, Willd. . , 82 g'lahrescens, Benth, . , 79 globosa, W.^A. . , 66 glohulosa, Wight , 66 Grotalaria * '^ Grahamiana, W. Sf A. grandijlora, Zoll. ffrandis, Hort. ... herhacea, Schweig. herniarioides, W. C linearis, Hb. Madr. linifolia, Linn. f. longipes, W. ^ A. lunulata, Heyne... lupinijlora, Grah. lutescens, Dalz. luxurians, Benth. macrophylla, Weinm macrophylla, Willd. . macropoda, A. Eioh. macrostyla, D. Don . madurensis, Wight . medioagiaea, Lamk. medicaginea, DC. m,edicaginea, Ham. . melanocarpa, Wall. . montana, Heyne montana, Eoxb.... multiflora, Benth. mysorensis, Roth nana, Burm. neglecta, W. & A. nepalensis, Link neriifolia, Wall. ? nervosa, Grah. Notonii, W. Sf A. nummularia, Willd ohliqua, Wall. ... obtecta, Grah. ... occulta, G^'ah. ... Oldhami, Miq. ... orixensis, Rottl. Vol. Page 534 €rotalaria>' ovalifoUa, Wall. pallida, Klotz. ... paniculata, Willd. panu. Grab. patula, Grab, peduncularis, Grah. peduncularis, Dalz. Gibs, peduncuhsa, Deev. peg^nana, Benth. pellita, Bert. pendula, Bert. ... pilosa, Roxb, pilosissima, Miq. pisiformis, Gnill. porrecta, Wall. ... priestleyoides, Benth. procumbens, Roxb. proscrata, JRoxb. prostrata, Wigbt pulcherrima, Roxh. ptdchra, Andr. pulchra, DC. punctata, Grab, pusilla, Heyne ... qninquefolia, Linn. ratnosissima, Roxh. retusa, Linn, rhizophylla, Grab, rigida, Heyne ... rostrata, W, & A. Rothiana^ DC. ... Rothii, Spreng. ... Roxhurghiana, DC. rnbiginosa, Willd. ruhiginosa, Roxb. sagitticaulis, Wall, salicifolia, Heyne Saltiana, Andr. ■saxatiUs, ZoUing. scabrella, W. & A. Schimperi, A. Ricb. scoparia. Wall. ... semperflorens. Vent semperjiorens, Bentb sericea, Hetz. ... ■sericea, Burm. ... sericea, Willd. ... seBsiliflora, Linn, soholifera, Grab. spartioides, Spreng. speciosa, Heyne spectahilis, Rotb stenophylla, Vogel stipitata, Grah. stipulacea, Roxb. Stocksii, Benth. GENERAL INDEX. Perr Vol. Pasre Crotalaria Vol. "^11 .. ] i. 70 striata, DQ ... ii. ... „ 84 stricta. Roth • • • >> 82 „ 81 stricta, Roxb. ... . ... 72 „ 71 subperfoiiata, Wight „ 79 „ 71 teota, Roth • ■• 55 72 » 74 tenuifolia, Uoxh. • • • 55 79 & tenuis, Wall . . . J, 71 » I! tetragona, Roxh. 55 78 „ 84 tetragona. Wall. 55 79 ... » 77 tomentosa, Rottl. 81 ... » 81 tricbophora, Benth. • • • 55 67 ... „ 84 trifiora, Heyne! ... J, 69 „ 70 trifoliastrum, Willd. . . . ,, 82 ... „ 68 trifoliastrum, Wall. ... ... ,, 82 r. » 84 triquetra, Dalz. 55 71 „ 79 tuherosa. Ham 219 „ 74 umhellata, Wigbt .. . ,, 71 „ 81 unijiora, Koen 65 .. „ 67 Vachelii, H. & A. ... .. • )J 85 .. „ 67 vasculosa, Grah. 85 „ 80 venusta. Wall . .. ,, 73 „ 80 verrucosa, Linn. 77 „ 80 yestita, BaTcer 55 67 ,. „ 71 viminea, Wall ii. 72, 79 „ 70 virgata, Ma.Tt ... ii. 81 „ 84 virgata^ Roxb 55 82 „ 80 Walkeri,ArQ .. . ,, 78 .. „ 75 Wallichiana, W. & A. 78 „ 72 Wightiana, Grab. . . . „ 70 „ S2 Wightiana, Wall. 55 70 „ 82 Willdenoviana, DC. . . . J, 81 „ 66 Croton, Linn. ... ... ... V. 385 „ 66 ardisioidep, JTA;. /. ... . . . ,, 393 ... „ 72 argenteus, Forsk. 55 409 „ 69 argutus^ Heyne 55 392 „ 69 argyratas, Bl 55 385 „ 69 aromations, Linn. . . . 55 338 „ 77 aromaticiis, Muell. ... . . . ,, 388 „ 84 aromaticus, Wall 390 .. „ 72 asper, Koen '..". '' 409 „ 70 atrovirens, Hb. M(*dr. ... 441 .. „ 83 iacciferus, Wall. . . . ,, 442 „ 71 licolor, B,ox\) 385 .. „ 78 birmanipus, Muell. ... 389 „ 78 Boragatch, B,oxb. ... „ 387 „ 75 hractiferus, Roxb. ... . . . ,, 399 » 75. cardiospermus, Gaertn. 395 » 79 cascarilloide?, Rauesch • ' • 5) 443 » 73 castaneifolius, Wall. 434 ii 71,72 oaudatus, Geisel. 55 388 li. 82 caudatus, M9q11. . ... . . . ,, 392 » 73 Chiamala, Wall. 422 » 75 chinensis, B^ptb. . . . ,, 389 » 72 oblorocalyx, TFall. .. 55 394 ii. 82,83 chrozophoroidesy Kurz 389 ., ii. 70 coccineus, Vahl . . . ,, 442 » 67 coccineus, WaJl. 441 GEJ^ERAL INDEX. 535 Croton calococcns (coelocoocus), Kurz crassifoUus, Geisel ? cyanospermus, Gaertn. . . . denticulatus, Bl denticulatus, Wall diadenus, Miq distans, Wall. drupaceus, Ebxb ? drupaceus., Wall. Dudia, Haiir. ... elceocarpifohus, Wall, erythrostachys, jE/fc. /. ... flocculosue, Kurz Gibeonianus, Nimmo glahelhis, Heyne Griffithii, Hfe. /. hastatus, Bunn. hastatus, Linn hypoleucus, Dalz. ... ... Jamalgota, Ham Jouffra, Miq. Joufra, Eoxh Klotzschianus, Wight lacciferus, Blanco lacciferus, Mnell lacciferus, Linn lacciferus, Wall laetus, Wall laevifolius, Bl Ixvigatusy Wall. ... v. Lawianus, J>rimmo leiophyllus, Muell longifoUus, Wall malabaricus, Bedd molUssimus, Geisel. moluccanus, Willd montanus, Wall montanus, Willd Moonii, Thw muricatus, Heyne nervosusy Rottl. & Willd., lapsu A. nigro-viridis, Thw ohliquus, Vahl oblongifolius, Roxh. oblongifoUuSy Del ohlongifolius, Ham oblongifolius, Wall paniculatus, Lamk Pavana, Ham pedunculatus, Wall persimiliSy Muell philippensis, Lamk picUis, Wall plicatus, Eoxb plicatus, Vahl Vol. Page 5J 389 305 55 888 5J 391 391 J5 443 }) 388 )) 390 JJ 387 387 5J 391 5} 394 }} 392 )} 403 ?} 392 J> 409 }5 465 386 J) 393 )> 387 387 5) 392 5> 447 388 5> 388 J> 442 }J 425 391 282 387 394 391 396 386 430 409 425 443 390 436 440 393 409 386 409 387 387 430 393 287 387 442 399 410 4C9 Croton polyandrus, Roxb poly carpus, Hort. Calc. .. punctatus, Moon' punctatus, Eetz ramiflorup, Gra/i repandus, Willd reticulatus, -ffe^Tie reticulatus, Willd rhamnifolius, Willd. Rheedei, Qrah. rhodostachyns, Muell. ... rhomhifolius,'Willd. ' ... ricinoides,FeTB.' Tohritttus, Kurz '.y. Rottleri, Geisel.' Rottleri, Thw salicifolius, Geisel, scabiosus, -Bed(Z. sehiferuSyliin-n solanifoliuSy GiQi&el spinosus, Linn sublyratus, Kurz tabacifoliils, Geisel. Thwaitesianus, Mnell. Tiglium, jCmw." tiliaefolius, Lam tinctorius, Wall tinctorius, Bnrm tomentosns, Muell umhellatus, Da,\z. & Gibs... umhellatus, Heyne umhellatus, Willd umhellatus, Wight urens, Linn variegatus, Linn Wa]lichii, Muell zeylanicus, Muell sp., W&U V. 3S7, Crotone^- Crozophora.{See Chrozophora. Cbucifee^ Crudia, Schreh zeylanica, Be7ith Cryphea erecta, Ham Crypsis aculeata, Air aculeata, Duthie arenaria, Desf compacta, Steud dura, Boiss maritima, Munro nilaica, Fres. & Notar ... phalaroides, Duthie schoenoides, Lamk vaginifiora, Opiz Crypteronia, Bi Cumingii, Planch glabra, B? V. 1 . Page V. 462 )j 409 390 5) 442 395 442 }J 386 440 }> 440 5J 395 391 442 430 >J 387 )J 4DQ 410 5> 455 J) 386 5> 470 462 ;) 457 >> 390 JJ 395 JJ 392 5J 393 JJ 384 J) 409 JJ 409 JJ 389 403 JJ 392 5) 402 JJ 402 JJ 465 399 JJ 390 386 390, 434 V. V 242 i. 128 ii. 271 J, 271 V. 100 vii. 235 235 JJ 237 JJ 235 JJ 236 JJ 249 JJ 235 JJ 236 JJ 235 JJ 235 ii 573 JJ 574 574 536 GENERAL INDEX. Crypteronia Vol. Page Cryptoooryne Vol. Page Griffithii, Olarlce .. . ... ii. 574 spiralis, Fisch. vi. 494 paniculata, Bl . ... „ 574 spiralis, Thw ,, 492 panicnlata, Kurz . ... „ 574 Thwaitesii, Schott M 495 pubescens, Bl . ... „ 574 unilocularis, Schott 493 Cryptocarya, Br . ... V. 117 unilocularis, Wight ,, 494 amygdalina, Nees .. . ... „ 118 Walkeri, Schott jj 492 andamanioa, Hk. f. . , . ... „ 118 Wightii, Sc?ioW J) 4:93 ? Andersoni, King . . ... „ 120 sp., Griff. )) 493 cassia, Bl . ... » 119 Cryptolepis, Br iv. 5 caudata, Meissn. . ... „ 117 Bnchanani, iiJ. ^iS. )) 5 costata, Bl . ... „ 121 elegans, Wall » 6 crassinervia, Miq. . ... „ 118 jiliformis,!^ sAl 9 cimeata, Bl . ... „ 125 grandiflora, Wight » 5 enervis, HJc.f. ... . . ... „ 119 laxiflora, Bl )> 6 Ferrarsi, King ... . . ... „ 118 paucifiora, Wight >> 6 ferrea, Bl . ... „ 119 reticulata, Wall )) 5 ferrea, Kurz . ... „ 119 Wightiana, Wall )> 6 Jloribunda, Miq. . ... „ 141 Cryptonema malaccensis. {loriMinda,'Nee8 . ... „ 118 Taroz V. 665 Jloribunda, Wight .. . ... „ 120 Cryptophragmium axillare. Griffithiana, Wighi . . ... „ 117 Nees iv. 510 impressa, Miq . ... „ 117 canescens, Nees >> 509 infectoria, Meissn. .. . ... „ 117 cordifolium, Nees 502 Kurzii, Jf A;. /. . ... „ 119 elongatum, Nees J) 502 membranaoea, Thiv. ... „ 120 pZabrMm, Dalz. ... ... 509 neilgherriensis, Meiss n. ... „ 120 latifolimn, Dalz ») 510 rugulosa, Jffc. /. . ... „ 118 sanguinolentum, Nees 510 Stocksii, Meissn. . ... „ 120 serrulatum, Nees 5) 509 tojnentosa, Hort. Cal( 3. ... „ 118 venustum, Nees 508 venosa, Meissn . ... „ 117 Cryptostegia, Br iv. 6 Wightiana, Thw. . . ... „ 120 grandiflora, JSr >> 6 sp- ••• • . ... „ 121 Cryptostylis, JSr vi. 117 Cryptoohilns, Wall. .. . ... y. 827 Arachnites, 5Z 5> 118 lutea, Lindl . ... „ 827 Cryptotheca apetala, Bl. ii. 569 Meirax, Par. & Eol lb. f. „ 786 dichotoma, Bl. 571 reticulata, Rohb. f. ... „ 78fi Crytoceras, vide Cyrtoceras iv. 52 sanguinea, Wall. . ... „ 827 Otenium digitatum, Spreng. vii. 290 CTjptocorjne, Fisch. .. . ... vi. 492 indicum, Spreng ,, 291 aflfiuis, N. E. Br, . ... „ 494 seychellense, Baker !) 284 Beckettii, Thw. . ... „ 493 Ctenolepis, Jffc. /. ii. 629 ciliata, Fisch . ... „ 492 cerasifbrmis, Naud 5> 630 oognata, Schott . ... „ 494 Garcini, Naud 629 consobrina, Schott . . ... „ 493 Ctenolophon, Oliv i. 577 cordata. Griff". ... . . ... „ 493 grandifolias, Oliv ,, 577 Dalzellii, Schott . ... „ 495 parvifolius, Oliv )) 577 drymorhiza, Zipp. . . ... „ 492 Cu1>eha canina, Miq. v. 82 elata. Griff. ... . . ... „ 492 lanata, Miq )) 82 elliptica, JV. E. Br. . . ... „ 495 Lowong, Miq 5> 82 Gomezii, Schott . ... „ 495 macrostachya, Miq., vide Griffithii, Schott . ... „ 493 Piper >> 85 Huegelil, Schott . ... „ 494 Neesii, Miq 81 Koenigii, Schott. . ... „ 496 sumatrana, Miq >J 81 lancifolia, Schott . ... „ 496 WalUchii, Miq ii 81 ovata, Schott ... . . ... „ 495 Cuhospermum palustre, Lour. ii. 587 retrospiralis, Kunth. . ... „ 493 Cucubalus, Linn i. 221 Roxburghii, Schott . . ... „ 494 bacoiferus, Linn 5) 222 Roxhurghii, Dalz. & Gibs. „ 494 Behen, Linn 218 GENERAL INDEX. 537 Vol. Page Cuculla :. ... vi. 33 CUCUMBRINE^i ii. 604 GuonmiB, Linn ii. 619 acutangulus, Wall ,, 615 africarius, Lindl 5) 617 Chaeta, Wall 55 620 cicatrisatus, Stocks 55 620 Citrullus, DC 55 621 Colocijnthis, Linn 620 eriocarpus, Boiss 55 619 flextiosus, Linn 620 Gurmia, Wall 5» 620 HarclwicHi, Eoyle 55 620 integrifolius, Roxb 612 maculatus, WiWd 620 maderaspatanus, Linn. ... 55 623 maderaspatamts, Roxb. ... 55 619 Melo, Linn 620 Missionis, Wall 55 609 muricatus, Wall 620 prophetarum, Linn. Pseudo-colocynthis, Royle ,'' 619 55 619 puhescens, Thw 619 puhescens, Wall 55 619 sativus, Lwm 55 620 trigonus, Boxh 55 619 turhinatus, Roxb 55 619 utilissimus, Roxh 620 verrucosus, Hb. Rottl. 55 623 Cncurbita, Linn ii. 621 Camolenga, Wall ,, 622 Citrullus, Linn 55 621 farinosa, Bl 616 ficifolia, Wall 55 608 hispida, Wall 616 Lag enaria, Linn 5» 613 m&xima,, Duchesne 55 622 maxima, W. & A 55 622 Melopepo, Roxb >> 622 Melopepo, Wall 55 607 moschata, Duchesne 622 Pepo, DC 55 622 Pepo, Lour 55 616 umlellata, Heyne 55 616 vmbellata. Wall 55 611 Cucurhitacea,W2k\\ ii. 633 CUCURBITACE^ ii. 604 Cudrania, TrecuZ V. 538 artihoinensis, Kurz 538 fruticosa, Wight 55 539 javanensis, Trecul 55 538 pubescens, Trecul 539 Cudranus amloinensis, Miq. V. 538 Euanphii,ThMV 55 538 sp., Rumph 538 Cullenia, Wight i. 350 excelsa, Wight 55 350 VOL. VII. Cuminum, Linn Cyminnm, Linn. Cyminmn, Wall. ? Cuncea trijida, Ham. Cunila Buchanani, Spre nepalensis, D. Don ... Cunoniacese, Griif. Cupauia, Plum acuta, Hiern adenophylla, Flanch. canescens, Pers. edulis, Sch. & Thonn. fascidula, Kurz glabrata, Kurz ... ^.. Helferi, Hiern Jackiana, Hiern JacMana, Hiern Lessertiana, Camh. ... Mischocarpus, Steud. pallidnlR, Hiern pentapetala, W. 8f A. pentaphylla, Wight ... pleuropteris, Bl. regularis, Bl Roxhurghii, Wight ... samatrana, Miq. sj)., Hk. f. &T sp.. Wall. i. 552, 556, Cupid auriciilata, DC. corymhosa, DC. densijiora, DC. macrophylla, DO. oppositifolia, DC. truncata, DC CUPRESSIN^ Cupressus, Linn Doniana, E-ort. fastigiata, DC funebris, Endl. glauca, Lamk horizontalis, Mill. lusitanica. Mill. pendula, Staunton ... pyramidalis, Targ. ... RoyJei, Carr sempervirens, Linn. torulosa, D. Don Whitley ana,, Carr. ... CUPULIFEB^ Cnranga, Jmss amara, Jiiss. ... ,.. Curata pala, Rheede ... Cnrcnligo, Oxrtn. Irevifolia, Dryand. ... crassifolia, HJc. f. Finlaysoniana, Wall. gracili«>, Wall Vol. Pago . . ii. 717 718 55 717 .. iii. 129 g. iv. 647 55 647 .. ii. 440 .. i. 676 55 677 i. 677. 685 i. 671, 679 .. i. 685 677 "i. 676, 685 .. i. 679 55 678 .. ii. 54 i.678 681 .. i. 678 •• 55 676 i. 678 681 .. i. 678 677 676 • • • 55 678 55 678 i. 671 , 679 1, 679 689 .. iii. 108 . . . ,, 102 112 . . . ,, 102 ■ • • 55 112 94 ... V. 644 ... V. 645 ... 645 • • • 55 645 • ■ • 55 646 . . . ,, 645 • • " 55 645 645 . . . ,, 646 • • • 55 645 645 . . . ,, 645 • • • 55 645 • • • 5) 645 ... V. 598 ... iv. 275 » 275 ... iii. 648 ... vi. 278 ... ,, 279 . . . ,, 279 55 279 278 N n 638 GENERAL INDEX. Curouligo Vol. Pajfe Curcuma Vol. Page graminifolia, Nimrao vi. 278 Zedoaria, Roxb vi. 210 latifolia, Dryand „ 280 Zerumhet, Roxb 210 malaharica, Wight „ 279 Cuscuaria marantifolia, orohioides, Gxrtn „ 279 Schott vi. 543 f paucijiora, Moon „ 279 Sumphii, Schott 543 recur vata, Dri/and. „ 278 spuria, Schott 543 sumatrana, Roxb „ 280 Cu scuta, Lin7i iv. 225 villosa, Wall vi 278, 280 aggregata, Roxb 227 Curcuma, Linn vi. 209 anguina, Edgew 226 aeruginosa, Eojrb „ 212 arahica, Wight 226 albiflora, Thw „ 215 Boissieri, Stocks 226 Amada, Roxh „ 213 hrevistyla, A. Rich 227 amarissima, B.osc „ 212 capillaris, Edgew 227 angustifolia, Roxh „ 210 capillaris,WaM 227 angustifolia, Dalz. & Gibs. „ 210 capitata, Roxh 227 aromatica, Salish „ 210 carinata, Br 227 attenuata, Wall „ 213 chinensis, Zr'.«il- 226 caosia, Boxh „ 212 ciliaris, Hohen 227 Carey ana, Wall „ 225 elatior, Chois 226 cauUna, Grab „ 224 europsea, Linn 227 coccinea, Wall „ 216 gig&ntea, Qriff. 226 comosa, Roxh „ 211 grandiflora, Wall 226 cor data, Wall „ 216 Hookeri, Sweet 226 coo'difolia, Roxb „ 216 hyalina, Soth 226 decipiens, Dalz „ 215 hyalina, Wight 227 data, Roxh. „ 211 ma crantha, G. Bon 226 eo'uhescens, Wall „ 213 major, C. Bauh 227 ferruginea, Roxb „ 213 minor, C. Bauh 227 glaucopliyUa,Y^&\\ „ 224 oxypetala, Boiss 226 grandiflora, Wall „ 216 planiflora, Tenore 227 Kunstleri, Bal'er „ 2U reflexa, Roxh 225 Karzii, King „ 216 sulcata, Roxb 227 latifolia. Rose „ 211 sulcata. Wall iv 226, 227 leuoorhiza, Roxh „ 212 verrucosa, Sweet iv. 226 longa, Linn „ 214 CUSCUTE^ iv. 180 ion^a, Wall „ 210 Cussambium glahrum, Ham. i. 681 longijlora, Salisb „ 213 puhescens, Hara » 681 longifolia, Wall „ 246 spinosum. Ham. ,, 681 montana, fiosc. „ 214 Cyamopsis, DC ii. 92 musacea, Wall „ 225 psoralioides, DC „ 92 neilgherrensis, Wight ... „ 210 Cyamus mysticus, Salisb. ... i. 116 officinalis, Salisb „ 211 Nelumho, Sm ,, 116 oligantha. Trim „ 215 Cyanaathus, Wall iii. 433 ornata, Wall „ 211 harbatus, Kdgew „ 434 parviflora, Wall „ 215 Hookeri, Clarice ,, 435 petiolata, Eoa;b „ 216 incanus, Eh.f. SrT. >) 434 plicata, Wall „ 213 inflatus, i/fc. /. '^ r. 435 Pseud')-monta7ia, Grab. ... „ 214 integer, Wall » 434 reolinata, Roxh „ 214 linifolius. Wall 434 Roscoeana, Wall „ 216 ZiwifoZ ms, Hk. f. & T. ,, 434 rotunda, Linn „ 220 lobttup, Wall >> 433 rubescens, Eoxh „ 213 microphyllus, Edgew. 434 ruhricaulis, Link „ 213 pedunculatus, Clarice „ 434 ■speciosa, Link „ 211 sp., Hk. f. &T >) 435 strobilifera, Wall „ 216 Cyananthus, Griff. iv. 371 strohilina, Wall „ 216 umbrosa. Griff. ,, 371 Zedoaria, Rose „ 210 Cyananthus, Miers V. 665 GENERAL INDEX. 539 Cyananthus pusilla, Miers , Cyanitis sylvatica, Reinw. ... ? Gyanodaphne cuneata, Bl Cyanopis decurrens, Zoll. ... ? erigeroides, DC puhescensy DC iii villosa, DO Cyanospermum javanicum, Miq tomentosum, W. & A. Cyanotis, D. Don adscendens, Dslz arachnoid ea, Qlarke axillaris, E. Sf S barbata, D. Bon Burmanniana, Wight concanensis, Hassk criBtatSh, Schultes f. cristaia, Linn cucullata. Kunth decumhens, Wight dichotricha, Stocks ddsrumpens, Hassk.... vi. eriantha, Hassk fasoiculata, SchuUesf. ... fasciculata, Wall. ... vi. glaherrima, Hassk hirtella, Miq Mspida, Dalz Hugelii, Rasek inc erta, iJassfc karliana, Hassk kewensis, Clarke lanceolata, Wight Lawiana, Wight longifolia, Wight nilagirica, Hassle nohilis, B.&ssh nodiflora, Clarke papilionacea, Schultes f. pilosa,, Schultes f pilosa, Wight racemosa, Clarke rosea, Wight sarmentosa, Wight ? sericea, Hassk StocTcsii, Hassk Thomsonii, Hassk Thwaitesiif Hassk txiberossi, Schultes f. vaga, Schultes f. vaginata, Wight villosa, Schultes J vivipara, Dalz Wightii, Clarke ... zeylanica, Hassk sp., Hk. f. &T vi. Vol. Pagre V. 665 ii. 406 V. 125 iii. 234 » 244 235 ,259 iii. 235 ii. 220 }> 222 vi. 384 >} 386 )) 386 ji 388 385 >> 385 jj 386 ]) 385 ;) 385 389 }) 387 )> 387 388 ,389 vi. 388 »> 387 385 ,386 v». 385 }> 385 )) 385 )) 385 ]> 389 }) 389 388 » 387 )) 387 J) 386 389 }> 385 385 )} 384 )) 387 386 }) 385 }) 388 )) 386 )) 386 )) 386 a 386 »> 388 386 ty 387 }t 385 )> 387 388 )) 386 387 386, 387 Cyanotis sp., Wall , Gyatiotis, Miers nepalensis, Miers GyanthilUum, lapsu CynaU' thillium • puhescens, Bl villosum, Bl Cyathidium taraxicifolixmi, Lindl Cyathocalyx, Champ ? Maingayi, Hk. f. 8f T. ... martabaaious, Hk. f. Sj- T. zeylsknicuB, Champ Cyathocline, Cass Jlava, Clarke Lawii, Dalz. & Gibs. Lawii, Wight lutea, Law lyrata, Cass stricta, DC Cyathopus, Stapf vii. sikkimensis, Stapf Cyathorhachis Wallichiana, Nees Cyathostemma, Qriff. viridiflornm, Qriff. Cyathula, Lonr capitata, Jfog. ... capitata, Thw ceylanica, iffc. /. gloluUfera, Moq orhiculata, Moq prostrata, Bl repens, Moq Sequax, Moq tomentosa, Mog Gyhhanthera connata, Ham. Cybele, Falo alpina, Falo Gycadace^ Cjc&B, Linn awrea, Versoh Beddomei, Dyer Boddami, Hort circinalis, Linn circinalis, Roxb dilatata, Griff. glauca, Miq ... Jenkinsiana, Griff. macrocarpa, Griff. madagascariensis, Miq. ... peotinata, Qriff. Pluma, Bull revoluta, Bedd ... revoluta, Thunb Bumphii, Miq Scratchleyana, F. Mnell. 2 Vol Page . vi . 385 V. 666 J5 666 iii 235 » 235 >> 235 iii 369 i. 53 >) 53 53 )j 53 iii. 246 >} 246 JJ 246 JJ 246 246 JJ 246 JJ 246 240 ,421 vii. 240 vii. 101 i. 57 JJ 57 iv. 722 JJ 722 JJ 723 JJ 723 JJ 723 It 724 JJ 723 JJ 723 722 JJ 722 iv. 269 vi. 129 j; 129 V. 655 V. 656 ,^ 657 JJ 658 JJ 656 Ii 656 JJ 657 657 JJ 657 657 JJ 657 JJ 656 JJ 657 JJ 656 JJ 658 )J 656 JJ 657 »J 657 540 GENERAL INDEX. Cycas siamensis, Miq. spliserica, Roxb. squamosa, Lodd squarrosa, Stexid Thouarsii, Br WallichU, Miq sp., Griff. ,y Cyolea, Am Arnottii, Miers hm'hata, Miers Burmauni, Miers Burma iini, Arn debilijiora, Miers lojxijiora, ilievB peltata, m. /. <^ T. 'po'pulijolia, Hk. f. & T. ... versicolor, Miers Cycloca/mpe waigiouensis, Stend Cyclocarpa waigiouensis, Miq. Cyclocodon, Griff. adnatum, Grifi". distans, Griff. loMcifolium, Kurz parviflorum, Hk. f. & T. ... truncaUim, Hk. f. & T. ... Cyclodiscus latifolius, Klotz. toment sus, Klotz Cyclolobe^ Cydostegia strohilifera,Benth Cj cloBtbmou, Bl assamicus, HJc.f. calocarpuB, iJfc. /. confertiflorus, -fffe. /, Curtisii, HL/. cuspidatus, Bl eglandulosus, Kurz ellipticus, Hh. f. Griffithii, iJ^. /. Half eri, jfffc. /. indicus, Muell lanoifolius, Hk. f leiocarpuB, Kurz longifolius, Bi maorophyllns, Bl macrophyllus, Bedd. ? Tnacrophyllus, Knrz malabaricus, Bedd nervosus, ifL /. subsessilis, Kurz zeylanicus, Baill Cydonia, Tourn indica, Spaoh .., , lusitanica, Mill , Sumhoshia, Ham vulgaris, Pers Cylicodaphne, Nees Vol. Page V. 657 >} 656 656 5} 656 }) 656 5> 657 JJ 657 i. 104 5J 104 )} 104 104 ?> 104 104 55 104 104 5) 105 104 vi. 673 vi. 673 iii. 436 55 436 436 55 436 436 jj 436 V. 73 55 73 V. 1 . iv. 645 V. 339 55 342 5 ) 343 55 341 343 55 486 55 341 55 342 55 340 55 343 55 340 340 55 343 341 55 340 55 341 • 55 341 55 341 342 • 55 342 341 ii. 368 • 55 369 369 55 369 55 369 . V. 164 Cylicodaphne feruginea, Meissn. ... ? floribunda, Bl. Gardneri, Meissn. ... ? Hoofcm, Meissn. ... infectoria, Bl myristiccefolia, Meissn. nitida, Meissn ohlonga, Meissn. ohtusifolia, Nees rigida, MeissD sehifera, Bl Thwaitesii, Meissn. ... Walkeri, Meissn. Wightiana, Nees zeylanica, Meissn. ... Cylindrochilus pulc}iellus,Thw. vi Cylindrolohus, Bl Cylindropusjunciformis,^ees vi Cylista, Ait. albiflora, Sims reticulata, Heyne ... scariosa, Ait suaveolens, Grab. tomentosa, Roxb. Cymaria, Bentli diohotoma, Benth. ... elongata, Benth. Cymhachne ciliaris, Retz Cymbidiiim, Swartz ? affine, Griff. affine, Warn Alagnata, Ham. alatum, Roxb aloifolinm, Siv. aloifolium, Heyne aloifolium, Lodd. aloifolium, Wall. aloifolium, Wight aphyllum, Sw assamicum. Linden hamhusifoUum, Roxb. bicolor, Lindl ? hituherculatuin, Hk. carnosum, Griff. chloranthum, Lindl. ... cochlea/re, Lindl. crassifolium, Wall. ... cyperifolium, Wall. ... Dayanum, Rchb. f. ... densiflorum, Griff. Devonianum, Paxt. ... ebumeum, Lindl. elegans, Heyne elegans, Lindl ensifolium, Sw. ? erectu/tn, Wight erythrceum, Lindl. ... V Ul. V. 160 ,, 177 55 173 55 164 55 117 55 172 55 174 55 168 171 55 176 180 173, 174 V. 174 55 177 176 T. \i 39 V. 786 vi. 692 ii. 219 223 220 219 220 223 iv. 704 55 705 705 vii. 210 vi. 8 55 15 55 15 55 52 19 55 10 78 55 10 11 55 11 v. 739 vi. 14 V. 857 vi. 11 V. 696 \i. 14 55 14 15 J> 10 13 55 12 55 14 55 10 55 11 44 55 14 55 13 11 55 13 GENERAL INDEX. 641 Cymbidium Finlaysonianum, Lindl. . Gihsoni, Paxt giganteum, Wall giganteum, Lindl. grandiflorum, Griff. Tioematodes, Lindl Hookerianum, Rchb. f. . humile, Sm imhricatum, Roxb inconspicuum. Wall. iridifoUum, Roxb iridioides, D. Don ... . ixioides, D. Don ... . java7iicum, Bl lanoifolium, Hook lineare, Heyne longifolium, D. Bon... . Loioianum, Rchb. f inacrorhizon, Lindl. Mannii, Rchb. f Mastersii, GriflF. ... . micromeson, Lindl. ... minimifolium, Thw. nitidu tn, Roxb ovatwm, Willd. ... ... . Pamshii, Rchb. f pendulum, Bot. Reg. pendulum, Sw prcecox, Sm prcemorsum, Sw pnbescens, Lindl. ... Satyrium, Ham. scriptum, Sw sikkimense, H^. / sinense, Lindl speciosissimum, D. Don . strictum, D. Don syringodoruru, Gviff.... tenuifolium, Lindl tenuifoUum, Wight ... , tenuifolium, Willd. ... tessetlatum, S w tesselloides, Roxb. tigrinum, Par tricolor, Miq triste, Roxb triste, Wight triste, Willd variciferum, Rchb. f. viridijiorum. Griff. ... Wallichii, Lindl. bp.. Griff. vi. 6, Cymhopogon, Hack. arabicus, Nees Arriani, Aitch. arundinaceus, Schult. circinnatus, Hochst. Vol. Page .. ri. 11 » 9 J, 12 vi. 12, 14 .. vi. 12 •• » 13 » 12 .. V. 8a • • jj 846 .. vi. 56 .. V. 676 .. vi. 14 .. V. 815 .. vi. 9 »> 9 47 » 13 >j 13 9 jj 10 » 15 15 • • >j 37 .. V. 8:^7 » 719 .. VI. 15S » 11 )> 10 >> 194 63 J> 11 „ 58 » 18 J> 9 >J 14 .. V. 829 ... vi. 193 • • >> 12 »> 24 » 22 .. . ,, 26 „ 52 „ 52 „ 9 j> 11 j> 22 „ 24 vi. 23, 25 ... vi. 14 „ 13 „ 11 12, 14 , 192 ... vii . 202 ... „ 203 ... „ 203 ... ,, 217 » 203 Cymhopogon glandulosus, Spreng. Iwarancusa, Schult. laniger, Duihie Cyminosma Ankenda, Gsertn. pedunculata, DC Oymodooea, Koen cegworea, Kunth australis, Trim ciliata, Elirenh. iscetifolia, Asch serrulata, Asch. S^Magn.... CYNANCUEiE Cynanchum, Linn acuminatum. Ham acuminatum, Thunb. acatum, Linn alatnm, W. ^ A angustifolium, W. & A. ... Arnottiannm, Wight asthmaticum. Ham auriculatum, Royle auriculatum, Ham hracteatum, Thunb Callialata, Ram cordifolium, Retz corymbosum, Wight cttspidatum, Thun b Dalhousiae, Wight deltoideum, ^fc. /. echinatum, Thunb extensum, Ait flavens, Thunb. yiavwTO, Thunb glaucum, Wall gracillimum, Wall Heydei, Ek.f. Heyneana, R. & S humile, Falc inconspicuum, Griff. indicum. Herb. Burm. ... inodorum. Lour Ipecacuanha, Willd. Jacquemontianum, Dene. Kenouriense, Wight longifolium, Mart micranthum, Thunb. nanum, Ham ovalifolium, Wight ? ovatum, Thunb pauciflorum, Br pedunculatum, Thunb. .., pyrotechnicum, Forsk. .., reticulatum. Ham , reticuXatum, Retz Roy lei, Wight tingens, Ham tomentosum, Lamk. Vo 1. Patre vii. 218 „ 203 „ 203 i. 498 „ 498 vi. 570 „ 570 „ 570 „ 570 „ 570 „ 570 iv. 2, 16 iv. 21 , 30 , 20 , 24 , 23 , 24 , 22 , 63 , 25 , 24 i^ r.41,45 » 24 „ 20 , 24 „ 32 , 25 „ 24 „ 20 „ 20 n 41 „ 45 „ 22 „ 21 „ 25 „ 26 „ 26 „ 23 „ 45 „ 33 „ 45 „ 26 „ 22 „ 25 » 42 „ 19 „ 22 „ 63 „ 23 „ 26 „ 64 „ 36 „ 63 „ 25 „ 34 „ 26 542 GENERAL INDEX. Cynanohum Vincetoxicnm, Pers. viridiJlor^lm, Sima vomitoriwin. Lamk Wallichii, Wight Wilfordi, Maxim Cynanthillium, vide Cyan- thillium, Bl Cynaroide^ iii. Ctjnoctonwm alatum, Done. angustifolium, Done. Blumei, Dene ... Gallialata, Dene corymbosum, Dene. jormosanum, Maxim. ovaUfolium, Dene paucijiorum, Dene Wallichii, Done Cynodon, Pers dactylon, Pers. elongatus, Trin. , erectus, Presl Jiliformis, Voigt gracilis, Nees linearis, Willd. maritimus, H. B. K. Neesii, Thw occidentalis, Willd polystachyus, Br portoricensis, Willd. radiatus. Roth repens, Dulao sarmentosus, S. F. Giay ... stellatus, Willd ternatus, A. Rich virgatus, Nees ... vii. 288, Cynoglossum, Linn anchusoides, Lindl calycinuni, Wall canescens, Wall canescens, Willd calesiinuw, Lindl denticulatum, A. DG. diffusum, Roxb Edgeworchii, A. DG, Emodi, Schouw furoatum, Wall gloohidiatum, Wall. glochidiatum, Benth. glochidiatumy Dalz. & Gibs grandijiorum, Benth. Heijnei, G Don hirsutum, Jacq. lanceolatum, ForsTc. lanceolatum, Heyne laxum, G. Don longijiorum, Benth. macrostylum, Bunge Vol. Page iv. 22 55 45 45 55 23 55 25 iii. 235 225 358 iv. 23 55 24 23 55 24 24 55 23 55 23 55 23 23 vii 288 }) 288 55 290 288 55 288 297 55 288 288 55 298 288 55 298 288 55 288 55 288 55 ?,88 288 55 17 298 ,299 iv. 155 161 55 157 157 jj 156 )5 160 55 157 167 55 158 55 Ifil 155 55 156 157 55 157 55 159 156 55 156 156 55 156 55 161 159 55 161 Cynoplossuin Vol. Pa^e marifolium, Roxb iv. 152 ? memhranaceum, A. DC. ^j 157 micranthnm, Desf. >5 156 micranthum, Dalz. & Gibs. 156 microcarpum, Kerner 55 157 mioroglochin, Be»f/i. 158 nervosum, JBen^?i 55 158 ovatum, Moon )) 155 petiolatnm, A. BO 55 158 prostratvm, Ham 55 167 racemosum, Roxb 55 156 ? Ritchei, Clarke 55 157 Roylei, Wall 55 161 stellulatum, W&U 55 156 uncinatum, Benth 161 vesiculnsuTn, Wall. ... iv. 156 157 Wallichii, G.Bon iv. 157 zeylanicum, Thnnb. 55 157 zeylanicum, Wight 55 151 sj)., Hk. f. & T. ... iv 157, 161 Cynometra, Linn ii. 267 hijuga, Si>anog 55 267 cauliflora, Binn 55 268 caulifiora, Wall 267 insequifolia, A. Gray 55 267 mimosoides, Wall 5> 267 polyandra, Roxh 55 268 ramiflora, Linn 55 267 travancorica, Bedd. 55 267 Cynosurus, Linn vii. 307 cegyptiis, Linn j^ 296 Ara, Ham. 55 294 aureus,\Ajm 307 Cavara, Ham. ... •, 5» 296 ciliaris, Rett I 55 296 coracanus, Linn 55 294 coromandelianus, Rottl . . . . 55 297 cristatus, Linn 55 307 distachyus, 'Rottl 55 296 dv/rus, Forsk 55 325 durus, Linn 5) 335 jvliformis, Vahl 55 299 ■iwd'icws, Linn 55 294 Macara, Ham 5, 296 worjostac/i ■?/%», Vahl 55 293 paniceus, Linn 55 245 paniculatua, Roxb 55 297 ? pectinatus, Lamk 55 294 ptnicillatus, Vahl 5) 293 retrcflexus, Vahl »> 297 Cyperacea, GrifF. vi. 590 Wall J, 681 Cyperacea vi. 585 CYPEREiB vi. 586 Cyperorohis, £1 vi . 14, 178 cochleare, Benth vi. 15 elegans, JBi „ 14 GENERAL INDEX. 543 Cyperorchis Master sii, Bentli ? Wallichii, Bl Cyperus, Linn acerosus, Roxb acuminatus, Roxb albidus, Heyne , alopecuroides, Boeok. alopecuroides, Heyne alopecuroides, Rottb. alopecuroides, Roxb. amabilis, Vakl amoyensis, Hance Andersonianus, Boeck. . . angulatus, Nees angulatus, Stracb angustifolius, Ham. aphyllus, Boeck arenarius, JRetz arenar'ms, Hance arenarius, Heyne , arenarius, Prain arenarius, Wight aristatus, Rotth arciculatus, Linn ater, Dalz. & Gibs. Atkinsoni, Clarice atratus, Steud atro-ferrugineus, Steud. ... aureus, H. B. K auricomiis, Benth auricomusj Sieb Bahakan, Steud Babakensis, Steud. Baccha, 'Kxinih. Bacha, Ham hengalensis, Clarke hengalensis, C. Spreng. ... licarinatuc, Heyne higlumis, Clarke hromoides, Willd brnnnescene, Boeck. hulhoso-stoloniferus, Steud. bulbosus, Vahl canescens, Heyne canescens, Vahl capillaris, Hochst capillar is. Keen caricinus, D. Don carnosiis, Heyne castaneus, Willd castaneus, Hance Cephalotes, Vahl chilensis, Boeck compactus, Retz cdmplanatus, Wight complanatus, Willd compositus, Br Vo .Page Cyperus Vol Page V . 15 compressus, Linn . vi. 605 >> 13 ooncolor, Steud j> 590 vi . 597 congestus, Heyne )j 595 5) 617 conglomeratus, i?ot<6. .. >) 602 596 conglomeratus, Thw. )» 603 )> 615 conjunctus, Steud • )> 615 '> 617 Coracana, Heyne . vii . 295 )> 595 coromandelinus, Boeck. .. vi. 589 J' 595 coromandelinus, Spreng. .. • » 601 J> 617 coronarius, Kunth 619 J> 598 corymbosus, Eotth • 612 610 corymbosus, Keen )> 631 5» 621 corymbosus, Roxb »j 592 593 corymbosus, Wall 612 }> 590 cruentus, Boeok j> 620 )» 599 cruentus, Roxb 590 >> 590 curvulus, Boeck. ... ., )] 603 5> 602 cuspidatus, H. B. K. 55 598 615 cylindricus, Boeck 619 >J 601 cylindrostacJiys, Boeck. .. )5 622 }} 603 dehiscens, Nees 613 )> 606 densus, Br )5 603 )) 606 denudatus, Heyne >» 614 611 diaphanira, Steud 606 }> 592 diaphanus, Schrad 55 590 j> 603 ditibrmis, Linn 599 )y 590 diffusus, Vahl vi. 603 , 604 592 difusus, Kunth vi. 604 598 diffusus, Roxb >5 662 618 digitatus, Roxb 618 ]] 618 digitatus, Nees 55 617 ,^ 610 dilutus, Vahl 624 ft 610 diluvialis, Schult 595 y> 593 diphyllos, Benth 'i 611 610 diphylius, Retz. 55 612 )) 610 distachyos, Allioni 597 )) 612 distans, Linn. f. 55 607 592 divaricatus, Ham 592 l\ 622 dives, Delile ... ',' 617 >) 593 Donianus, Dietr 55 609 5> 619 dubius, Rottl vi. 597 620 615 effusus, Rottb vi. 603 611 e\a,tus, Linn. 618 ", 598 elatits, Heyne n 617 JJ 623 elatus, Rottb )} 607 589 elatios, Uoxh 55 619 }) d91 elegans, Kunth 603 ?> 718 elegans, Linn It 604 ! J 610 eleusinoides, Kunth 608 )} 598 emincns, Klein >> 619 >> 599 enodis, Boeck 55 612 )J 597 Eragrostis, Uottl 55 592 !} 619 Eragrostis, Vahl >J 590 J) 624 esculentus, Linn )> 616 608 eumorphus, Steud )> 600 5> Gi6 exaltatus, Retz. ... vi. 596 617 » 595 exaltatus, Strach vi. 608 644 GENERAL INDEX. Cyperus Vol. Patre Cyperus Vol. F&ge extensus, Heyne ... vi. 617 inundatus, Roxb. vi. 595, 607 fastigiatus, Heyne ... ... „ 608 involucratus, Poir. ... ... vi. 617 fastigiatus, Rottl. ... „ 619 Iria, Linn ... „ 606 Fenzlianus, Steud. ... ... „ 615 Ina, Thw ... „ 607 ferax, Rich ... „ 624 ischnos, Bchl ... „ 623 ferox, Vahl ... „ 624 Jacquini, Schrad. ... „ 607 ferrugineus, Poir. .. „ 593 japonicus, Miq. ... „ 594 Fieldingii, Steud. ... ... „ 601 jeminicus, Heyne vi. 590, 615, 616 fiUfonnis, Heyne vi. 589, 592 jeminicus, Retz. ... vi. 611 fimhriatus, Nees ... vi. 609 jeminiciis, Rottb. ... „ 602 flavescens, Linn. ... „ 589 juncifolius, Klein ... „ 615 flavescens, Thw. ... „ 591 junciformis, Desf. ... „ 597 Jlavicomus, Torr. ... „ 594 Junghuhnii, Miq. ... „ 592 flavidus, Retz ... „ 600 Kamphoeveneri, Boe k ... „ 594 Jlavidust Dene ... „ 591 Kleinianus, Hochst. ... „ 625 Jiavidus, Heyne ... ,. 594 Koenigii, Vahl ... „ 612 Jluitans, Ham. 598 Kurrii, Steud ... „ 607 fnscuB, Lm7i ... „ 599 Kurzii, Clarke ... „ 604 gangeticus, Roxb. ... „ 608 kyllingiseoides, Vahl... ... „ 620 geminatus, Heyne ... ... „ 592 IcBvigatus, Linn. ... „ 596 geminatus, Keen. ... ,. 611 lagorensis, Steud. ... „ 604 glaber, Linn ... „ 606 Lamarckianus, Schult. ... „ 591 glohosus, Allioni ... „ 591 lamprocarpus, Boeck. ... » 615 glomeratus, Linn. ... ... „ 607 lateralis, Forsk. ... „ 596 glomeratus, Klein ... ., 625 latespicatus, Boeck — ... „ 590 Goeringii, St end. ... ... „ 599 leptostacliyns, Grifl". ... ... „ 615 gracilis, Heyne ... „ 600 leucocephalus, Retz. ... „ 602 graminicolor, Steud. ... „ 607 leucocephalus, Wight vi. 597, 603 graminifolms, Poir. ... „ 600 littoralis, Br ... vi. 615 Griffithianus, Boeck. ... „ 609 lividus, Heyne ... „ 592 Griffithii, Steud. ... ... „ 605 longifolius. Dene. ... „ 603 grossariiis, Heyne ... „ 590 longus, itn?i ... „ 6U Gula-Methi,'B,. & S. ... „ 612 longus. Baker ... „ 616 gytnnos, R. & S. ... „ 611 longus, Heyne ... „ 594 Haspan, Linn ... „ 600 luciduliis, Clarke ... „ 614 Baspan, Benth. ... „ 600 lucidulus, Klein ... „ 616 Haspan, Rottb. ... „ 601 lucidus, Heyne ... „ 592 Haspan, Wight ... „ 601 macer, Clarke - " Sf hebes, Steud ... „ 609 macropus, Miq ... „ 605 Helferi, £oecA; ... „ 604 macrostachyus, Vahl ... „ 594 hexangularis, Wight ... „ 601 maderaspatanus, Willd. ... „ 623 hexastacliyus,TS[eeB .. ... » 616 malaccensis, Lam. .. ... „ 608 hexastachyus, Rottb. ... „ 615 marginellus, Nees .. . ... „ 609 Heyneanus, Boeck. ., ... „ 609 maximus, Heyne ... „ 617 Heynei, Boeck. . ... „ 610 maximus, Roxb. ... „ 619 Hochstetteri, Nees .. . ... „ 594 memhranaceiis, Vahl ... „ 591 honestus, Kunth . ... „ 609 Meyenii, Nees ... „ 605 HooTcerianus, A.rn. ., . ... „ 592 microcarpus, Boeck. ... „ 601 Hookerianus, Thw. .. . ... „ 597 microiria, Steud. . ... „ 606 hyalinus, Heyne . ... „ 623 microlepis, Baker .. ... „ 606 hyalinus, Vahl , 591 mitis, Steud . ... „ 616 incurvatus, Roxb. . ... „ 608 moestus, Kunth . ... „ 603 indicus, Boeck . ... „ 619 monocephalus, Roxb. vi. 596, 597 indicus, Pers . ... „ 649 monophyllus, Vahl .. . ... vi. 612 infra-apicalis, Nees ... „ 608 monostachyus, Linn. ... „ 649 intermedins, Steud. ... „ 590 Monti, Linn, f ... » 594 inundatus, Nees . ... „ 593 mucronatus, Heyne . , 596 GENERAL INDEX. 545 Cyperus Vol. Page Cyperus Vol. Page mucronatus, Moritz ... vi. 591 Pes -avium, Bertol vi. 600 mv.cronahis, Rottb. ... ... „ 596 pictus, Wall >> 621 multispicatus, Boeck. ... „ 604 pilosus, Vahl vi. 595, 609 musarius, Ham. ... „ 662 piptolepis, Steud vi. 609 mysurensis, Heyne ... ... „ 608 platyphyllus, E. c^ S. >' 618 natdns, Ham ... „ 597 platystylis, Br >> 598 Neesii, Kiiiith ... „ 618 plenus, Heyne j> 592 Neesii, Thw ... „ 618 pleuranthus, Nees )> 596 nigro-viridis, Thw. ... ... „ 603 polystachyus, Br 5) 592 nilagiricus, Hochst. ... „ 592 polystachyus, Rottb. vi. 609 616 nite7is, Retz ... ,, 601 polystachyus, Strach. vi. 592 nitens, Rottb ... „ 601 procerulus, Nees )) 616 nitens, Rottl ... „ 601 procerus, Rotth 3> 610 nitens, Vahl ... „ 591 procerus, Roth J> 609 nitens, Wall ... „ 601 procerus, Roxb. vi. 593, 603 616 niveuB, Retz. .« ... ... „ 601 proteinolepis, Steud. vi. 603 niveus, Heyne ... ,, 596 rseudo-hromoides, Boeck. )> 590 nudus, Roxb vi. 611, 612 puhescens, Steud 653 nutans, Vahl ... vi. 607 pubisquama, Steud. j> 604 nutans, Presl ... „ 607 pulchellus, Br 602 Oatesii, Clarke ... „ 618 pulcher, D. Don jj 619 ohliquus, Nees ... „ 610 pulcherrimus, Willd. ... )) 600 obscurus, Nees ... „ 617 pulvinatus, Nees & Mey. 591 obstinatus, Steud. ... ... „ 591 pumilus, Heyne )> 616 ochreoides, Steud. ... ... „ 615 pumilus,lAvLTi 591 odoratus, Burm. ... „ 617 pumilus, Nees ,, 591 odoratus, Forst. ... „ 624 pumilus, Rottb >> 590 odoratus, Linn. vi. 592, 608 punctatus, Roxb )) 591 oleraceus, Roxb. ... vi. 6U puncticulatus, Aitch. 594 ornatus, Br ... „ 610 puncticulatus, Steud. >> 595 oryzeticola, Steud. ... ... „ 617 puncticulatus, Vahl J) 593 ovularis, Boeck. ... „ 622 pungens, Boeck '> 602 pachyrrhizus, Nees ... ... „ 603 pusillus, Vahl J) 619 pallescens, Boiss. ... ... „ 615 pusillus, Wight ... vi. 598 ,623 follidus, Heyne ... „ 598 pygmxus, Retz vi. 619 Pansrorei, Ham. ... „ 609 pygniceus, Rottb ^j 596 Pangorei, Heyne ... „ 613 quinque/lorus, E.ooh8t. ... ,j 610 Pangorei, Retz. ... „ 616 quinqueJio7'us, Steud. ,, 618 Pangorei, Rottb. ... „ 612 racemosus, Heyne ... vi. 60S ,617 Pangorei, Roxb. ... „ 608 racemosus, Retz vi. 618 Pangorti, Wight ... „ 613 radians, Nees ^ Mey, » 605 paniceus, Boeck. ... „ 621 radiatus, Vahl >} 617 paniculatus, D. Don ... „ 609 radicans, Kunth >> 605 paniculatus, Rottb. ... ... „ 592 Rehtnanni, Boiss }) 590 Panimotha, Ham. ... ... „ 609 Ettzii, Nees 616 parviflorus, Heyne ... ... „ 617 rigidulus, Vahl » 619 parviflorus, Nees ... „ 607 Roestelii, Kuuth ... .. • j> 616 patulus, Kitaib. ... „ 606 rotundus, Linn )) 614 paucijiorus, Steud. ... ... „ 609 rotundus, Benth j> 616 ^aw^er, Clarke ... „ 590 rotundus, Boeck 615 jpectinatus, Roxb. ... ... „ 601 rotundus, Kunth ... vi " 61 ,615 pectiniformis, Nees... vi. 605, 608 rotundus, Miq vi 613 pectiniformis, B. ^ S. ... vi. 601 rotundus, Thw. ... vi . 612, 616 pennatus, Boeok. ... „ 624 Roxhurghianus, Presl .. vi 596 pennatus, Lam. ... „ 623 Roxhurghii, Nees • » 619 pertenuis, Bojer ... „ 616 JRoylei, Arn • >> 617 pertenuis, Roxb. ... „ 612 rubicundus, Kunth M 601 546 GENEEAL INDEX, Cyperus Vol. Pace Cyperus Vol. Page ruhicundus, Vahl ... ... vi. 601 tortuosus, Roxb. ,, vi. 591 sanguinolentus, Vahl „ 590 triflorus, Linn 55 649 scariosns, £r j> 612 trisculus, D. Don ... 55 619 scopariios, Dene. 608 truncatus, Franch. ... 55 609 semidives, Stead. ••• »> 595 tuheriferus, Schi-ad. 618 seminudus, Moritz ... ,, 606 tuberosus, Rotth. ... 55 616 semdnudus, Roxb. ... j> 612 tuherosus, Bojer 55 615 semiteres, Heyne » 592 tnrgidulus, Clarke ... ... 55 604 serotinus, Rotth. ... „ 594 unibellatus, Benth. ... 55 621 setaceus, Retz ... ;, 629 umhellatus, Burm. ... 619 sebifolius, D. Don ... ,, 619 umhellatus, Miq. ... 55 622 silletensis, Nees >> 600 umhellatus, Roxb. ... ... 617 silletensis, Thw. ... ,) 600 umhellatus, Thw.- ... vi. 621 622 smensis, Deb „ 605 unioloides, Br vi. 593 solutus, Steud ... ;, 599 venustus, Br ... 55 617 songaricus, Karel. ... 55 606 venustus, Moritz 55 609 sorostachys, Boeck. ... 55 602 venustus, Nees ... 55 618 spadiceus, Heyne ... ,, 610 versicolor, Nees 55 606 spaniopliyllus, Steud. ... ,, 609 verticillatus, Roxb. ... ... 55 617 speciosus, Heyne 55 595 verticillatus, Herb. Wight 55 617 spicatus, Heyne 55 617 viridis, Roxb .. 605 spinulosus, BiOxb. 55 624 viscosus, Alton .. 55 604 spongioso-vaginatus. vulgaris, Sieb 55 591 Boeck 5» 619 Wallichianus, Spreng . 55 619 squarrosii^s, Linn. vi. 606 ,623 Wallichii,'Nee8 55 608 squarrosus, Roxb. ... ... vi. 596 Wallichii, Wight ... .. 55 609 squarrosits, Trim. 55 598 Wightii, Hance ... 55 613 stenostachyus, Benth. 614 Wightii, Nees .. 55 601 Steitdelianus, Boeck. ... J, 622 xanthopus, Steud. ... ,. 55 608 stoloniferus, jRei^;. ... 615 Zollingeri, Steud. ... .. 55 613 stoloniferus, Nees ... ... ,) 611 sp., Coldstream 55 606 stramiiieuSy Nees 589 sp., Hk. f. &T. vi 608 , 612 strictus, Heyue ... „ 601 sp., Wall. vi. 590, 591, 592, 593, strictus, Lam ... ,, 592 595, 599, 600, 601 , 602, 603, 604, strictus, Rott] 593 605, 606, 607, 609, 611, 614, 615, strictus, Wight ... ,' 591 617, 618, 619, 623, 624, 640, 677, strigosus, Wight 55 592 680. suhulatus, Steud. ... )i 609 sp., Wight vi 616 ,670 subcapitatus, Glarhe ... ,, 616 Cyphostigraa, Benth. ... ... vi. 250 siih'ulatus, Heyne 613 exsertum, Scort. .. 55 251 sulcinuz, Clarke ••• 55 593 pulchellum, Benth. .. .. 251 tegetiformis, JRoxh. ... )) 612 CYPEIPEDIK.E . V. 668 .675 tegetiformis, Benth. 609 vi . 169 ,177 tegetiformis, W. WatP. ... ,, 613 Cypripedium, Linn. .. .. vi 169 tegetaiu, Roxb. ... ,} 613 barbatum, Lindl. .. • 55 174 tegetum, Wight ... ,, 594 Boxalli, Rchb. f. .. . 55 171 tener, Vahl 619 Calceulus, Linn. 170 Tenerifi"se, Poir. 601 concolor, Batem. .. . • *5 170 Tenorii, Presl ... ,, 616 cordigerum, D. Bon .. 55 170 tenuiculmis, Boeck. 613 Crossii, Morr .. 55 174 tenuifi,orus,Ba.U.{. ... ... ,, 615 Drurii, Bedd . 55 172 tenuijiorus, Roxb. ... 616 elegans, Rchh.f. »> 169 tenuijiorus, Royle ... ... ;, 615 Fairieanum, Lindl. .. . 55 173 tenuispica, Steud. 55 601 Godefroyi, G. Leboeul •5 171 teretijructus, Steud. 592 hirsutissimum, Lindl 55 171 Thorasoni, Boeck. ... ... )) 608 insigne, Wall . 55 172 tortiiosus, Keen. 55 592 japonicuni, Thunb. .. . .. M 169 GENBBAL INDEX. 547 Cypripedium Vol. Page Cyrtophyllum Vol. Page maoranthon, 8w vi. 170 ? lanceolatum,, DC IV. 85 Biveum, Rchh.f. !J 171 peregrinum, Reinw. 55 85 orhwm, Rchb. f 5J 174 Cyrtosia altissima, Bl. vi. 89 pardimim, Eohb. f )> 173 javanica,B] 5' 88 Parishii, i?c7ib. / 174 Lindleyana, Hk. f . &T. ... >» 88 purpuratum, Wight » 174 Cyrtosperma, Gri^. vi. 550 Spicerianum, jBc/ib. /. .. „ 172 lasioidep, Grif. 55 551 superbiens, Ec/ib. /. 55 173 Cyrtostachys, Bl vi. 414 Veitchianum, Lem 5J 173 Lakka, 5ecc ,, 414 ventricosum, Sw. 5} 170 Rendah, Bl J, 414 vetiustum, Wall 5J 173 Cyrtotropis carnea, Wall. ... ii. 188 villosum, Lindl 55 171 Ci/ssopetalumJavanum,Turcz. ii. 696 Warnerianum, Eohb. f. ... 55 174 Cystacanthus, T. Anders. ... iv. 513 Cyrilla aquatica, Roxb. iv. 271 cymosus, T. A7iders. 55 514 Cyi-ta agrestis, KaxtL iii. 589 insignia, Clarke 55 514 Cyrtandra. Forst iv. 374 paniculatus, T. Anders. ... >5 514 acuminata, Kurz J, 370 puloherrimus, Clarke ... 55 514 ? acuminata, Wall 55 370 Cystidianthus campanulatus, bicolor, JacA; 55 375 Hassk iv. 62 Blumeana, Clarke 375 CystorohiP, BZ vi .97 179 deourrens, De Vr 55 375 ftisca, Benth vi. 112 dispar, DC 55 375 javauioa, £1 „ 97 fruttscens, Wall 375 variegata, Bl 55 97 hnmilie, Bl j^ 375 Cytheris (lapsa Citheris) ? lanuginosa, Br. 55 372 cordifolia, Lindl V. 818 pendula, Bl 375 Griffithii, Wight 55 852 pilosa, £i 55 375 Cytinace^ v. 71 Gyrtandracea, Griff. ... iv. 340, 341, Cytisus Cajan, Linn ii. 217 342, 358, 362, 36« ,373 Jiaccidus, R(>yle s> 63 Cyrtan droraoea , Zoll. iv. 370 lanuginosus, Hoyle 55 64 acuminata, Benth 55 370 Pseudo'Cajan, Jacq 55 217 cymulosa, Clarke 5} 371 roseus, Camb 55 64 decurrens, Zoll " 370 sericeus, Willd 55 110 grandiflora, Clarke 371 Czernya arundinacea, Prebl vii. 304 Cyrtoceras {IsiTpsn Crytoceras) Jioribundum, Maund. iv. 52 Dacrydium, Soland V. 648 refiexum, Benn 55 52 elatum, Wall 55 648 Cyrtonema convolvulacea. Dactylicapnos thalictrifolia, Rich ii. 627 Wall i. 121 divergens, Rich 55 627 Dactylis, Lj»n vii. 334 Cyrtopera Ucarinata, Lindl. vi. 6 hrevifolia, Keen. vii. 295, 333 ,334 Brunoniana, Wight 55 6 caudata, Brot vii 309 Candida, Lindl 7 cristata, Bieb 55 308 Culleni, Wight ; 55 7 cylindracea, Brot 309 Jlava, Lindl 55 7 cynosuroides, Keen. ... vii. 296 ,297 fusca, Wight 6 geniculata, Roxb vii 295 Gardneri, Thw 55 6 glomerate, Linn jj 335 laxijiora, Gardn 55 6 interrupta, Rottl 55 325 Mannii, Rchb. f 55 4 lagopodioides, Ba, z. & Gibs. 334 mysorensis, Lindl 6 lagopoides, Linn 55 334 nuda, Rohb. f 55 6 littoralis, Willd 55 333 obtusa, Lindl 55 3 lohata, Bieb 55 308 plicata, hindi. 55 6 madraspatensis, Roxb. ... 5) 297 rtt/a, Thw Vi. 8,196 massaviensisy Stend. 5> 334 ' sanguinea, Lindl vi. 8 paleacea, Linn SJ 308 Sjualida,RGhh.f 55 6 paspaloides, Willd 5) 297 Oyrtophyllum Jragrans, DC iv. 85 pMeoides, Heyne 55 313 548 GENERAL INDEX. Daotylis pMeoides, Klein •pungens, Hornem. . repens, Desf spicata, Brot. ... spicata, Heyne ... spicata, Willd Dactyloctenium, Willd segyptiacum, Willd distachyum, Bojer Figarei, Notar gl^ucophylhim, Courb. ... meridionale, Ham mucronatum, Willd. prostratum, Willd radulans, Beauv scindicum, Boiss Dactylon officinale, Vill. sanguinale, Vill Dsedalacanthus, T. Anders. Griffithii, T. Anders. macrophyllus, T. Anders. miorostachyus, T. Anders. montanus, T. Anders. nervosus, T. Anders. Parishii, T. Anders purparascens, T. Anders. roseus, T. Anders saZc/cceiists, T. Anders. ... scaber, T. Anders splendens, T. Anders. strioinB, T. Anders suffruticosns, T. Anders tetragonus, T. Anders. ... tubitiorus, T. Anders. Daemia, Br extensa, Br Dsemonorops, Bl angustifolius, Mart. calicarpas, Mart didymophyllus, Becc. fasciculatus, Mart geniculatus, Mart grandis, Mart grandis, Kurz Ouruba, Mart Mrsutus, Bl hygrophilus, Mart hypoleucus, Kurz Hystrix, Ifarf intermedius, Mart Jenkinsianus, Mart. Kuntsleri, Becc Kurzianus, if/c. /. leptopus, Mart Lewisianus, Mart longipes, Mart macrophyllus, Becc. ... vii. Vol. Paere vii. 313 „ 309 „ 334 „ 309 „ 313 „ 306 295 296 296 296 296 296 296 296 296 296 289 14 417 418 419 420 421 418 421 420 419 421 419 418 419 4-^0 420 417 20 20 462 464 466 468 459 470 463 463 449 468 464 451 468 464 462 469 463 468 465 471 470 Dsemonorops Vol. Paffe Mauii, Becc ... vi. 463 melanolepis, Mart. ... ... „ 452 micracanthus, Becc. ... „ 467 monticolus, Mart. ... ... „ 465 nut intijioTus, Mart — ... „ 462 oligophyllus, Becc. ... ... „ 470 petiolaris, Mart. ... „ 466 platyspathus, Mart. ... „ 450 propinquus, Becc. ... ... „ 467 Pseadosepal, Becc. ... ... „ 465 ramosisshnus, Mart ... „ 450 Rheedei, Mart ... „ 452 Sahat, Becc ... „ 469 Sepal, Becc ... „ 465 strictus, Bl ... „ 471 tabacinus, Becc. ... „ 466 vagans, Becc ... „ 469 verticillaris, Mart. ... ... „ 470 Dalbergia, Linn. f. ... ii. 230 acacisefolia, Dalz. ... „ 235 angustifolia^ Hassk. ... ... „ 104 arborea, Heyne ... „ 235 arborea, Willd ... „ 240 assamica, Benth. ... „ 235 Bluiitei, Hassk ... „ 234 cana, Grali ... „ 237 cassioides, Wall. ... „ 237 Championi, Th'v. ... „ 231 oonfertiflora, Berith. ... „ 233 oongesta, Grah. ... „ 232 Crowe i, DC ... „ 241 cultrata, Grah ... „ 233 eniarffinata, Eoxb. ... ... „ 231 ferruginea, Hoben. ... ... „ 234 ferruginea, Roxb. ... „ 237 flexuosa, Grah ... „ 238 foliacea. Wall ... „ 232 frondosa, Roxb ... „ 235 f rondo sa, Wall ... „ 23t Gardneriana, Benth. ... „ 232 glauca, Wall ... „ 231 glomerirtora, Kurz ... ... „ 236 heterophylla, Willd. ... ... „ 241 hircina, Benth ... „ 236 hircina, Wall ... „ 235 Jwrrida, Grah ... „ 238 javanica, Miq ... „ 231 Junghuhnii, Bentli. ... ... „ 233 Krowee, Roxb ... „ 241 lauceolaria, Lmn. ... ... „ 235 lance olaria. Moon ... ... „ 252 latifolia, Eo;c& ... „ 231 livida, W&n. ... ... ii. 234,237 marginata, Roxb. ... ii. 245 monosperma, Dalz. ... ... „ 237 Mooniana, Thw. ... „ 252 multijuga, Grah. ... „ 234 GENERAL INDEX. 549 Dalbergia ougeinensis, Koxb. ... ovata, Grail panicnlata, Roxh. paniciilata, Wall. parvijlora, Roxb. pendula^ Tenore Pseudo-iissoo, Miq. ... purpurea, Wall. reBiformis, Roxb. rimosa, Roxb rohttsta, Eoxb rohustay Wall rostraia. Grab rubiginosa, Roxb. rw/a, Grab. scandens, Roxb. sissoides, Grab Sissoo, Roxh spinoea, Boxb stenocarpa, Kurz stipulacea, Eoxh. stipulata, Wall. Stock sii, Benth. sympatbetica, Nimmo tamarindifolia, Roxl). tejphrosioides, W. & A. Tbomsoni, Benth. ... timoriensiSy'DC. ting ens, Wall torta^ Grab velutina, Benth. volubilis, Roxh zeylamca, Roxb. Dalbergib^ Dalecbampia, Linn. ... bidentata, Tbw. coromandeliana, Heyne . indica, Wight ... Kurzii, Hlc. f. ... scandens, Kurz ternata, Muell. ... velutina, Wight Dalhousiea, Grah ii. 248 bracteata, Qrah „ 248 DaUbarda calycina, DC ... ii. 327 Dalrympelia pomifera, Roxb. i. 699 Dalzelliafoliosa, 'Wight ... v. 63 Lawii, Wigbt „ 63 pedunculosa, Wight „ 63 ramosissima, Wight „ 63 vivipara, Hassk vi. 388 zeylamica, Wight v. 62 Damasoniwrn indicum, Willd. v. 662 Damniara alba, Binm-ph ... v. 650 orientalis, Lamb v. 650 Itumphii, Frea „ 650 Damnacanthns, Gesrtn. ... iii. 158 Vol. Page ... ii. l(jl 231 ... 5) 236 ii. 233 237 ... ii. 233 „ 231 ,, 232 ... ,, 235 238 ... ), 232 241 ... 235 ... 237 232 ... J, 234 240 ... ,, 231 231 238 ... 238 „ 237 iiV 233 ,238 ... ii. 234 234 234 105 236 ... J, 240 237 237 ... ;; 233 235 . . 1 ;, 235 ... ii. 60 ... V. 467 ... ;, 467 ... 55 467 467 ... 55 468 468 ,5 467 5, 467 Damnacanthus Vol. Pa^e indicuB, Gxrtn. f iii. 158 Danthonia, DC vii. 280 421 caohemyriana, J. ^ S. ... vii. 281 Cumminsii, Hk. f. 5, 282 exi\iB,Hk.f. J) 281 Griffithiana, G. Muell. ... 282 himalaica, Hh. f. 5J 281 Kashmiriana, Duthie JJ 281 leptophylla. A. Ricb. J5 287 sp., iStr. & Wint )5 282 Daphne, Linn V. 1Q3 acuminata, Boiss. & Hob. J, 193 Bholua, D. Don J, 193 huxifolia, Y&hl )) 193 canescens, Wall 195 cannabina, Wall. ... v. 193 5862 ? cashemireana, Meissn. .. V. 193 coriacea, Eoyle ,, 193 eriocephala, Wall )5 197 Gardneri, W&W 55 195 hypericifolia (lapsu Septas , Wall 55 196 inammna, Gardn 195 involucrata, Wall 55 193 longifolia, Meissn 55 193 montana, Meissn 194 mucronata, Royle 55 193 odora, D. Don 193 oleoides, Schreib 55 193 oppositifolia, Ham 55 195 papyracea, WaA\ 193 papyrifera. Ham. .... .. 55 193 papyrifera, Sieb 55 195 pendula, bw 55 194 sericea, D. Don 55 195 virgata, Wall 195 viridijlora, Wall 55 195 Wallichii, Meissn 55 193 sp., Griff. 55 193 Daphnephyllopsis capitata Kurz . ii . 747 Daphnidium argenteura, Kurz V. 187 bifarium, Meissn J, 186 bifarium, Nees 55 184 caudatum, Nees 185 ? elongatum, Nees 55 165 lancifolium, Thw 55 187 melastomacerim, Nees 185 oxyphyllum, Nees 55 183 pulcherrimum, Nees 185 venosum, Meissn • 55 184 Daphniphyllum. Bl V 353 Benthami, Baill 55 354 glaucescens, ^J 353 himalayense, Muell. 55 354 Kingii, m. f. 55 354 560 GENERAL INDEX. Daphniphyllutn Vol. Page lanoifolium, S'fc. /. v. 354 laurinnm, Baill „ 353 majus, Muell „ 353 Roxhurghii, Baill „ 3'A Soortechinii, Hfc. /. „ 354 Dargeria Unifolia, Dene. ... iv. 304 pinnatifida. Done „ 303 Dastjaulus fulvus, Thw. ... iii. 545 microphyllus, Thw „ 545 Moonii, Thw „ 545 neriifolins, Thw „ 545 Dasyloma henghalense, DC... ii. 696 glaucum, DO „ 696 japonicum, Miq „ 696 javanicmn, Miq „ 696 latifoliuvi, Lindl „ 696 suh-hipinnatum, Miq. ... ,, 696 sp., Hk. f. &T „ 697 Dasystephana adscendens, Borkh iv. 117 Datisca, Linn ii. 656 cannabina, Linn „ 656 nepalensis, D. Don ,, 657 Datiscace^ • ii. 656 Datura, Liim iv. 242 alha,'NeeB... „ 243 duhia, G. Don „ 243 fastuosa, lAnn , 242 ferox, Nees „ 242 Hummatu, Bernh „ 242 Metel, imw „ 243 Metel, Roxb „ 243 J^ilhummatu, Dunal ... „ 243 Stramonium, Linn. ... „ 242 Tatula, Willd „ 242 WalUchii, BvLXiSil „ 242 Daucus, Linn ii. 718 C arota, Lmn „ 718 Debregeasia, Gaud v. 590 hicolor, Wedd „ 591 ceylanica, Bk. f „ 592 dentata, fife. / „ 591 hjpoleuoa, Wedd. ... ... „ 591 leucophylla, Wedd „ 591 longifoUa, Wedd „ 590 squamata, King „ 591 velutina, Gaud „ 590 Wallichiana, Wedd. ... „ 591 Wallichiana, Wedd. ... ,, 592 Decadontia ccerulescens, Griff, iv. 602 Decaisnea, Hfe. f. ^ T. ... i. 107 insignis, i/fe. /. a^ r. ... „ 107 Decaisnea angulosa, Lindl. vi. 92 DecJalepis, TT. ^ A ... ... iv. 11 Hamiltonii, W. ^ A. ... „ 11 Decaneuron angustifolium, Hk.f. &T iii. 228 Decaneuron courtallense, Wight ... . ... dendigulense, DO , divergeas, DC Epilejum, DO , glahrum, DC lilacinum, Dalz. & Gibs, micro cephalum, Dalz. molle, Dalz. & Gibs. molle, DC molle, Deleas, lapsu Dio- spermum pJiyllolisnum, DC reticulatum, DC scahridum, DC scabridum, Wight ? scariosimi, DC silhetense, DC silhetense, Wight Decaschistia, W. 8," A. crotonifolia, TF. ^^ A ... trilobata, Wight Decaspermum, ii^orsi paniculatum, Kurz ... ii. Deeringia, Br Amlierstiana, Wall haccata, Moq celosioides, Br indica, Retz Dehaasia, Bl cnneata, Bl v. elongata, Bl. Kurzii, King microcarpa, Bl squarrosa, Zoll. Delima, Linn hehecarpayBG intermedia, Bl sarmentosa, Linn Delime^ ... Delphinium, Linn Ajacis, Linn altissimum, Wall Brunonianum, Royle caeruleum, Jacg-. ... ,.. Carela, Ham cashmirianum, Royle dasycaulon, Fres denudatum, Wall elatum, Linn glaciale, fife./. <^ T. Hoffmeisteri, Klotz. incanum, Royle incisum, Wall Jacquem07itianum, Camb. moschatum, Munro paucijiorum, D. Don poMcifiorum,, B/Oyle Vol Pa?e iii. 227 • » 288 M 234 J> 227 }> 259 J> 241 229 M 228 )) 227 » 227 228 >) 227 227 )J 227 236 }) 232 233 i. 332 a82 >) 332 ii. 469 462, 470 iv. 714 „ 716 )j 714 714 )) 714 V. 125 125 145 V. 126 ,, 125 jj 126 126 i! 31 j> 31 » 31 >) 31 i. 30 i. 24 ,, 27 j> 26 27 )) 25 27 >> 26 M 25 25 » 26 27 ]) 26 )) 25 26 i."26 ,27 i. 27 >) 27 >> 25 GENERAL INDEX. 651 Delphinium Yol. Paj^e penicillatum, Boiss. ... i. 24 penicillatum, Hk. f. & T... „ 24 'pyramidale, Royle „ 26 ranunculi folium, Wall. ... „ 26 rectiveniwin, Royle „ 26 sanioulsefolium, Boiss. ... „ 25 scabriflorum, D. Don ... „ 27 uncinatum, HTc. f. ^ T.... „ 24 vestitum, Wall ,, 26 vestitum, Boiss „ 24 viBcoBum, Hk. f. ^ T. ... „ 27 Dendrobium, Sw v. 710 acerosum, Lindl. v. 726, vi. 184 acicnlare, Lindl v. 725 acinaciforme, Roxh. ... ,, 723 acrobaticum, Rchh.f. ... „ 751 Actinia, Lindl „ 718 aduncum, Wall. v. 730, vi. 185 aduncum, 'Kk. f vi. 185 aggregatum, Roxh. ... v. 749 aggregatum, Wall „ 749 aXhidulum, Thw „ 717 albosanguineum, Lindl.... „ 722 album, Wight „ 739 aloefolium, l^chh.i ,. „ 723 alpestre, JBot/?e „ 715 - amcEnum, Wall ,, 738 amplum, Lindl „ 711 anceps, 8w „ 724 Andersonii, Scott vi. 187 angulatum, Wall v. 728 Aphrodite, Rchh. f. „ 743 aqueum, Lindl „ 739 Arachnites, Ec^b. /. ... „ 734 atropurpureum, Miq. ... „ 724, vi. 184, 198 attenuatum, Lindl v. 727 aurantiaoum, Rc/ib. /. ... „ 751, vi. 187 aureum, liindl v. 737 bambusaefolinm, Par. ^JS./. „ 727 barbatulum, Lindl „ 719 hct/rhatulum, Batem. ... „ 719 harhatulum, Wight „ 719 BensonisB, i?c/ib. /. „ 739 bicameratnm, Lindl. ... „ 729 hicolor, Lindl „ 799 bifarium, Lindl. v. 732, vi. 83, 186 hifarium, Wall vi. 83 binoculare, Rchh. f. ... v. 747 bolboflorum, Falc. v. 729, vi. 184 Boothii, Teysm. & Binn. v. 728 Boxallii, 'Rchh.f. „ 743 hraccatum, Lindl „ 787 hrevifiorum, Lindl „ 729 Brymerianum, Rchh.f. ... „ 745, vi. 187 Dendrobium Vol. Page Bulbophylli, Griff. v. 756 Bullerianum, Batem. ... ,, 743 calcaratum, Lindl. , „ 726 Calceolaria, Carey „ 744 Camhridgeanum, Paxt. „. „ 748 candidum. Wall „ 735 capillipes, Echb. /. „ 751 cariniferum, Pc/i&. /. ... „ 720 carnosum, Rchb. f vi. 184 Cathcartii, Hk. f. v. 727, vi. 184 chloro-ps, Lindl v. 719 cbrysanthum, Wall. ... „ 747 chryseum, Rolfe v. 748, vi. 187 chrysocrepis, Par. ^ R. f. v. 744 chry sotis, Rohh. f „ 745 chrysotoxum, Lindl. ... „ 750 ciliatum, Par „ 719 clavaturn, Wall „ 746 clavatum, Roxb „ 748 clavipes, Hk. f. v. 728, vi. 184 Ccelogyne, Rchh.f. v. 712 coerulescens, Wall „ 740 compressum, Lindl „ 749 concinnum, Miq „ 724 conostalix, Bc/ib. /. „ 726 convexum, Lindl „ 752 cormitnm, Hk. f. v. 730, vi. 185 crassmode, Bens. «fe Rchb. f. v. 741 crepidsitxixn, Lindl „ 740 crepidatum, Grifi'. „ 751 cretaceum, Lindl „ 736 ? crhnferum, Lindl. v. 746, vi. 187 crispum, Dalz v. 716 crocatum, Hk. f vi. 185 cruentum, -Rc/ib./. v. 736 crnmenatum, iSiu „ 729, vi. 184, 187 crystallinum, i2c7ib. /. ... v. 739 cucullatum, Br. „ 739 cumulatum, Lindl. v. 731, vi. 185 cupreum, Herbert v. 744 cuB-pidafam, Lindl „ 716 cuspidatum, Lindl „ 724 cymhidioides, Lindl. ... „ 713 Dalhousieanum, Wall. v.743,vi. 186 Dalzellii, Hook v. 789 demissum, D. Don ,, 783 densiflorum, Wall „ 748 denudans, D. Don „ 715 denudans, Wall „ 715 Devonianum, Paxt. v. 743, vi. 186 Diodon, Pc/ib. f. v. 717 dixanthum, Rchh. /. v. 746, vi. 187 draconis, Pc/ib. /. v. 722 ehurneum, Rchb. f „ 722 Egertonia, Lindl „ 738 eriaeflorum, GriJ^. „ 715 552 GENERAL INDEX. endrobium Vol. Page eulophotum, Lindl. ... V. 723 excisum, Tiindl. .J 733 extinctorium, Lindl. ... 5> 788 Falconeri, Hooh. 742 Farmeri, Paxt ... 750 filiforme, Wight ,, 789 fimbriatxlin, Hooh. ... ... J) 745 Jimhriatum, Dalz. 789 fimhriatum, Lindl. ... ... )> 714 Findleyannm, Par. cf* B . /• )5 742 Flahellum, Echb. f. ... ... 714 flavidulum, Ricii. ... vi. 185 f.exuosum, Griff. V. 720 Hexuosum, Wall. j^ 729 floribundnm, D. Don )j 751 formosum, Eoxh. v. 721 vi 187 fugax, Rchl.f. ... V. 752 fuscatum, Lindl, ... 55 74^ fuscescens, Griff. ... 712 Fytcheantini, Batem. ... 55 719 gemellum, Lindl. 727 geminatnm, Lindl. v. 713 vi 183 Gibsonii, Lindl. V. 746 gramini folium, Wight ... 55 718 graude, HJc. f. ... v. 724 vi .184 grandiflorum, Eeinw. ... V. 755 gratio'sissimnm, Eclib.f 55 743 GriflBthianum, Lindl. ... 749 Guibertii, Carr. ... 55 ' 749 hpemoglossum, Thw. 727 Hanhuryanum, Rchb. f. ... 55 740 Harveyanum, Rchh.f. 747 liedyosmum, Batem. ... 55 735 Henshalli, Echb. f. ... 738 herbaceum, XmcZZ. .., ... 719 hercoglos8um,i?c?ib./. v.730,v] .185 beterocarpum, Wall. ... V. 737 Heyneauum, Lindl. ... JJ 718 hirsutum, Griff. ... 55 720 Hookerianum, Lindl. 745 Hughii, Rchh. f. v. 752, vi 187 liumile, Wight V. 716 hymenanthuni, HTi. f. v .732 5 vi .185 hymen opternm, Hk. f. ... vi. 185 inauditum, Eohb. f, ... 55 183 incurvum, Lindl. ... V. 718 Infundibnlum, Lindl. " 721 Infundlhnlum, Echb. f. ... 721 ionopus, Rchh. f. v. 732 vi 186 Jamesianum, Echb. f. V. 721 JenMnsii, T, Anders. ... 731 Jenkinsii, Wall. ... ^j 750 Jerdonianum, Wight ... 55 734 juncenm, Lindl. 726 kentrochilum, HTc. f. v. 731 vi 185 kentrophyllum, HTc.f. v 725 5 vi .184 Kuhlii, Lixid] ... V. 731 Vol. "ffl 714, vi V. 749 734 ... ,, 740 723, vi . 184 ... v. 756 ... jj 752 740 ... ,, 750 740 r.'728,"v] .184 ... vi. 187 Dendrobinm Kunstleri, HJc. f. v. lamellatam, Lindl. ... lasioglossum, Rchh. f. Lawanum, Lindl. Leonis), Rchh. f. v. leopardinum,, Wall. ... leucochlorum, Rchh. f. Lindlexjwnum, Griff. ... Lindleyi, Steud. lituiflorum, Lindl. ... Lobbii, Teysm. ^Binn. v. Loddigesii, Rolje lonchophyllum, Hk.f. v. 714, vi. 184 loDgicolle, Lindl. v. 712, vi. 183 longicornu, Lindl v. 720 longipes, Wc. f. v. 713, vi. 183 Lubbersianum, Rchh.f. ... v. 722 lutecium, Batem „ 733 Macarthiue, Thw „ 736 Macraei, Lindl. v. 714, vi. 184 macropodum, Hk.f. v. 713, vi. 183 macrostacbyum, Lindl. ... v. 735 marginatum., Batem. ... „ 733 marmoratum, i?c7ib. /. ... „ 738 megaceras, Hk. f. v. 731, vi. 185 m.elanophthahmtm,'Rchh. f. v. 741 mesochlorum, Lindl. ... „ 738 metachilinum, i2c/ib. /. ... „ 733 onicranthum, Griff. „ 723 microbulbon, A. Mich. ... „ 716 microchilos, Dalz „ 789 miseram, J2c/ib. /. „ 717 moschatmn, Wall. v. 744, vi. 185 moulmeiiiense. Par. v. 746, vi. 187 multiflorum, Par. & Rchb. f. v. 724 muscicola, Lindl „ 789 Myosurus,8w „ 685 nanum, IJk. f. „ 717 Nathanielis, i?c7ife. /. ... „ 724 nohile, Lindl. ... „ 740 nodatum, Lindl „ 743 nodosum, Dalz „ 714 normale, Falc „ 748 nutans, Lindl ... „ 734 ochreatura, Lindl „ 747 pachyglos8um,Pcir.<^i2ci'i&./. „ 727 palpebrae, Lindl „ 750 panduratum, Lindl. ... „ 717 panduriferum, Hfc. /. .. vi. 186 par ciflorum, i?c/!,&. /. ... v. 725 parcum, Ec/ib. /. „ 720 jpardalimtm, Rchb. f. ... „ 714 F&rishu, Rchh. f. ,, 740 parviflorum, D. Don ... „ 752 Paxtoni, Lindl „ 747 Paxtoni, Paxt „ 745 peguanum, Lindl „ 717 GENERAL INDEX. 553 Dendrobiam Vol. Page pendnlnm, Roxh. v. 741, vi. 18S perakense, Hk. f. v. 712, vi. 183 Ferula, Rclih. f. v. 732, vi. 186 jnctum, GrifF. v, 743 Pierardi, i^ojcb. „ 738 podagraria, Hh. f. v. 728, vi. 184 pohjanthuyn, Lindl v. 751 f pohjanthum, Wall. ... „ 741 polyphlehium, Rchb. f. .^. „ 741 polystachys. Thou vi. 21 porphyrochilum, Lindl. ... v. 716 prseoinctnm, Rcfib. f. ... „ 752 primulinum, TAndl „ 735 "^ puhescens, Hook ,, 801 pulchellum, Rojch vi. 186 piilchellum, Lindl v. 743 pumilum, Roxb.... v. 713, vi. 184 pumilum, Par. & Rchb. f. v. 714 'purpurascens^^hw „ 842 f piosillum, D. Don „ 715 pycnostachyum, Lindl. ... „ 718 •pygmsBnm, Lindl „ 717 quadrangulare, Par. v. 714, vi. 184 Rahani, Lindl v. 714 ramosissirmim, Wight ... „ 720 ramosura, Lindl ,, 736 revolutum, Linil ,, 732 rhodocentrura, Ec7ib. /. ... „ 731 rhodopterygium, Rclih. f. „ 741 rhomheiim, Lindl. .. ... „ 737 rotundatum, jBewt7i. „ 712 Ruckeri, Lindl. „ 733 sanguinolentum, Lindl. ... „ 731 scabrilingue, Lindl. ... „ 735 Scortechini, ilA;. / „ 741 secundum, Wall. ... ... „ 730 senile, Par. ^ Ec/i& /. ... „ 751 ■seriatum, WaW ... „ 796 Serra, Lindl „ 722 fiinuatum, Lindl „ 724 S patella, Rc/ib. /. „ 725 spathaceum, Lindl. ... „ 737 sphegidiglossum, Bchh. f. „ 737, vi. 186 striatum, Griff. v. 755 strongylanthum, RcTib. f. „ 716 stuposum, Lindl. v. 737, vi. 186 suavissimum, Rchb. f. . v. 750 suhteres, Lindl vi. 184 ■.suhulatum, Hk. f. v. 726, vi. 184 subulatum, Lindl vi. 184 sulcatum, Lindl v. 749 tenuioaule, Hfc. /. vi. 184 teres, Lindl v. 726 ^erbs, Roxb vi. 49 terminale. Par. J^ Bchh. f. v. 725 Teysmanni, Miq vi. 184 ^OL. VII. Dendrobium Vol. Page thyrsifiorum, Rchb. f. V. 748 tortile, Lindl )j 744 transparens. Wall 5J 738 trigonopus, i2c/i5. /. 751 tripetaloides, Roxb >> 765 tripterum, Wall J> 780 tropaeoliflorum, JZ/c. /. ... vi. 186 tuberif erum, F/c. /. v. 72 S, vi. 184 uniflorum, Griff. V. 732 vaginatum, Wall vi 83 veratrifo liti m, R oxb 5> 191 vestitum, Wall. V. 806 vexabile, Rc/i&. /. V. 752 villosulum, Wall. J) 728 virgineum, Rchb. f 5) 722 Wardianum, Warn. v. 742 , vi. 186 Wojrdianum, Warn V. 741 Wattii, I?c/if). /. 721 <» Williamsoni, Day ^Ec/ib./. a 721 xanthophlebinm, Xw(Z^. ... j> 733 xantholeucum, Rohb. f. ... ii 752 sp., Griff. V. 718, 737, 738, 744, 745 Dendrocalamus, JVees vii. 403 Balcooa, Yoigt Sy 391 Braudisii, Kurz 5> 407 calostachyus, Kurz )) 407 Oollettianus, Gamble >) 408 criticus, Kurz )) 389 flagellifer, Munro J> 408 gisrauteus, Munro ... .,. M 406 Griffithianus, Kurz 394 Hamiltoniij-iVees ^ Jrn. .. J> 405 Hookeri, Munro 405 latiflorus, Munro ]; 407 longifimbriatus. Gamble ... >i 408 longispathus, ^urz )) 407 membranaceus, Munro ... )j 404 monadelphus, Thw. J) 402 Parishii, Munro )> 40 S patellaris, GawWe >> 406 sericeus, Munro 404 sikkimensis, Gamble }, 405 str ictus, Nees 404 Tulda, Voigt 387 Dendroohilum, Bl V. 782 braoteosum, i2c?i&. /, 782 fuscum, Teysm. & Binn.... vi. 190 linearifolium, Hk. f. v. 782, vi. 190 pallidiflavens (pallidi- florum), Bl V. 782 roseum, Dalz ^ 740 Dendrocnide crenulata, Miq. V. 550 Dendrocolla amplexicauUs, Bl. vi. 40 Arachnites, Bl 41 Hystrix, Bl }j 39 pulchella, Thw M 39 serrxformis, Lindl )> 41 0 0 554 GENERAL INDEX. Dendrocolla teres, Bl Dendrolirion^ Lindl Dendrolohium Cephalotes, Benth umhellatum, Benth Dendropanax, Dene. Sf Planch japonioum, Seem parviflornm, Benth. ^roiewm, Benth Dendrophthoe coccinea, G-.Don fa/rlnosa, Miq furruginea, G. Don fusca, Miq macrocalyx, Miq ohovata, Miq Oortiana, Miq pentandra, Miq pentapetala, G. Don pulcher, Miq Dendrotrophe huxifolia, Miq. varians, Miq Dentaria dasyloha, Turcz. ... Dentella, ^orsi. ei-ecta, Roth repens, Forst Derris, Lour acuminata, Benth affinis, Benth amcena, Benth brevipes, Baker ... .^. canarensis. Baker cuneif olia, -Be«t/i dalbergioides. Baker A\BOo\ox, Benth elegans, Benth elliptica, Benth eualata, Bedd ferruginea, Benth Heyneana, Bewt/i Maingayana, Baker marginata, Benth mioroptera, Benth oblonga, Benth OYBklifolia,, Benth. ... ii. panioulata, Benth parviflora, Benth pinnata, Lour platyptera, Baker polystachya, Bewt/i robusba, Benth. soandens, Benth secunda, Baker sinuata, T/itw thyrsiflora, Benth trtfoliata, Lour uliginosa, Benth Vol. Page vi. 34 V. 786 ii. 162 J5 161 ii. 733 733 5» 733 733 V. 206 216 JJ 210 210 J) 208 209 >> 210 J> 216 )) 206 JJ 205 V. 234 J> 233 i. 139 iii. 42 428 JJ 42 ii. 240 JJ 247 242 JJ 245 244 )j 246 243 >> 241 j> 242 JJ 242 >j 243 >j 244 )} 245 jj 244 JJ 245 JJ 245 JJ 243 j> 242 243 ,247 ii. 242 j» 240 JJ 234 JJ 245 JJ 247 JJ 241 240 J) 247 JJ 246 JJ 246 JJ 242 JJ 241 Derris Vol. PagB vestita, Baker ii. 242 Wightii, Baker ,, 247 Desohampsia, Beauv vii. 273 aralensis, Regel ,> 359 Biehersteiniana, Sch. f. .... „ 273 hrevifolia, Br „ 273 caespitosa, Beauv „ 273 koelerioidep, Regel „ 273 sp.. Wall vii. 273,344 Desman thus, Tra^d ii. 290 Adenanthera, Wall „ 286 cinereus, Willd „ 288 lacustris, DC „ 285 leptophyllus, DC „ 290 natan^, Willd „ 285 plenus,!)^ „ 286 polyphyllus^'DG. , „ 286 punctatus, DC „ 286 stolonifer, DC „ 285 strictus, DC „ 290 triquetrus, Willd „ 286 virgatuB, Willd ,, 290 Desmazei'ia unioloides, Defl. vii. 328 Desmocarpus misdows, Wall. i. 172 Desmochgeta alternifoUa, DC. iv. 718 atropurpurea, DC „ 723 ciUata, R. & S „ 718 fiavescens, DC „ 724 micrantha, DC „ 723 muricata, Wight „ 718 orbiculata, AVall „ 724 2:)atula, R. & S „ 724 patula,? Wall ... „ 723 prostrata, DC „ 723 pros^mto, Wight „ 723 repens, R. & S „ 723 tomentof-a, a. & S „ 722 velutina,WsiU ,, 724 Desmodiura, Desv ii. 161 ahyssinicum, DC „ 166 alatum, DC ., 163 amosnum,WsM ,, 170 angulatum, DC. „ 167 angulatum, Wall. ii. 144, 171, 172 Aparines, Hassk ii. 164 argenteum, Wall „ 168 aurioomum, Orah „ 172 auricidatum, DC „ 163 australe, Hassk „ 162 hamhusetoriimjMiq ,, 165 harbatuw, Wall „ 167 biarticulatum, Benth. ... „ 163 Znco^r, Wall „ 164 brachystachyum, Grah. ... „ 171 Buergert, Miq. „ 171 cxspitosum^ DC. „ 175 cqf rum, E.&Z. .... .... „ 166 GENERAL INDEX. 555 Desmodium cajanifolium, DC. capitatxim, DC. cateniferum, Arn. Cephalotes, Wall. ... collinum, Wall concinmim, DC. confertum, DO. congestum, Benth. ... congestum, Wall. dasyphyllum, Miq. ... ddchotomum, DQ. dififasam, DC diffusum, DO distans, Roy le dolabriforme, Benth. duhium, Lindl elongatmn, Wall, ferrugineum, Wall. ... flexuosum, Wall. floribundum, G. Don gangeticum, DC. Gardner}, Benth. grskiide, Kurz GrriflSthianum, Benth. gyrans, DO gyroidea, DC gyroides, Hassk. heterocarpi(,m,'DC. ... heterophyllum, DC. heterophyllum, Wall. Horsfieldii, Miq. japonicum, Miq. jucundum, Thw. laburnif olium , D C. ... la&iocarpum,'DG. latifolium, DC. latifoUum, Wight laxiflorum, DC. laxum, DC. leptostachyum, Wall. Deschert aultii, DC. ... lineatum, Span. maculatiim, DC. microphyllum, Miq. ... multijioru m, DC , nervosum, Vogel nutans, Wall obcordatnm, Kurz ... oblatum, Baher oblongum, Wall, ohovatum. Wall. d'hiculatum, Wall. ... ormocarpoides, DC. ovaUfolium, Wall. ... oxyphyllum, Z>C. .. parriflornm, Baker ... parvif olium, DC. Vol . Pajre Desmodium Vol .Pag© ... ii 161 patens, Wisrht ... ii. 171 }) 170 paucinervium, DC. ... n 170 » 163 penduUflorum, Wall. 170 ,, 161 pendulum, Wall. ... >» 170 >> 168 podocarpum, DC. ... »» 16& „ 170 podocarpum, Miq. ... )) 165 „ 167 polycarpum, DC. ... ... » 171 ,, 152 polycarpum, W. & A. 170 162 polycarpum. Wall. ... >> 167 ... ,, 156 prsemorsum. Grab. ... ii. 154 t, 174 ,, 169 Pryoni, DC ... ii. 169 169 Pseudo-gyroides, Miq. ... ff 175 ,, 164 Pseudo-triquetrum, DC. ... ,, 16a 172 pulchellum, Benth. ... 162 ,, 165 punctatum,DG. „ 226 ,, 167 quinquangulare, Wight ,, 16a )> 164 rer.urvatum, Grah. ... ,, 164 „ 171 reniforme, DC. 173 ,, 168 repandum, DC. >j 166 ,, 167 retro flexum, DC. ... )) 170 ... ,) 168 retusum, G. Don 171 5) 165 Bottler i, Dafcer ... >) 174 ,, 162 Rottleri, G. Don >> 164 171 rotundifolium, Baker ... 1) 172, ... „ 174 rotundifolium, Wall. . . )) 170 ... J, 175 Roxhurghii, Wall ... 169 5) 171 Eol/^e^, W. & A. » 175 171 rufescens, DC. ... )) 171 ... }) 173 sambuense, DC 167 J, 173 Soalpe, DC. »» 165 156 Schimperi, Hochst. ... ... 1) 166 ,, 165 scoparium, Wall. » 174 J, 172 sequax, Wall » 170. ... )| 163 sericatum, Presl ... )) 162 >J 169 serpens, Wall ... 1) 172 i) 168 serriferum, Wall. • • i» 167 >> 168 siliquosum, DC. 171 ... } ) 164 sinuatum, Bl ... ,, 166 >> 165 spiral e, DC • • • »> 164. ii. 161 lfi4 stipulacetim, Haesk. 174 ... ii. 154 strangulation, W. & A. „ 165 „ 162 sulcatum, Wall. 164 ... jj 168 tenue. Grab ... )) 172 j> 174 teres, Wall • ■ ■ » 164. ... )> 167 Thwaitesii, Baker . . 169 »> 171 tilisefolium, G. Don 168 ... ); 168 trichocaulon, DC, 17a »> 166 trichocaulon, Hassk. . . . 1) 165 166 triflorum, DC • • ji 173 >> 166 triflortim, Wall. • • >? 173 170 trinerve, Grab • • >> 165 >> 170 triquetrum, DC, ■ • i> 163. .. . )) 164 umbellatum, DC. ... * * M 161 J, 171 vestitum, Benth. • • H 162 )5 167 virgatum, ZoUing. ... >> 169 172 viscidum, DC • • l> 154 >, 174 0 0 viticinum, Wall. 2 •• l» 163 556 GENERAL INDEX. Desmodium WaUen, Arn Wightii, Grah Willdenovii, G. Don zonatimi, Miq Desmosteinon zerjlanicus, Thw. Desmotrichum fimhriatu7n, Bl. geminatum, Bl Detwrium zeylanicum, Thw. Deutzia, Thunh Brunoniana, Wall corymbosa. Br corymiosa, Lindl macrantha, Hk. f. S( T, ... ? parvijlora, Bunge sfcaminea. Br Deyeuxia, Clar abnormis, Hk, f. compacta, Munro elatior, Hk. f. filiformis, Hk. f. Griffithii, Munro japonica, Spreng nivicola, Hk. f pulchella, Hk.f soabrescens, Munro sylvatica, Kunth Treutleri, Stapf triaristata, HA;./. sp., Hk. f. & T. vii. 266, Diacicarpium rotundijoliumy Hassk tomentosum, Bl. Dialium, Linn induin, Linn. ... laurinnm, Baker Maingayi, Baker ovoideum, Thw patens, Baker platysepalum. Baker Dianella, Lamk ensifolia, Redoute javanica, Kunth nemorosa. Lamk odorata, Bl sandvicensis, Hook. & Arn. DlANTHE^ Dianthera, Linn hicalyculata, Retz collina, Clarke debilis, Clarke dichotoma, Clarke Griffithii, Benth Pindica, Clarke Japonica, Thunb leptostachya, BentJi. malaharica, Linn. f. paniculata, Lour Vol. Pftpe ii. 169 5) 169 169 )> 164 V. 400 V. 714 vi. 183 ii. 271 ii. 406 )j 407 j> 406 }) 407 )) 407 J) 406 j> 407 vii 265 jj 268 » 2B7 )> 266 J) 268 )) 263 >» 146 >) 267 )) 268 >> 267 266 >» 269 266 267 ,268 ii. 743 >) 743 ii. 269 )) 269 )) 269 J) 269 M 269 )) 270 270 vi. 336 ,, 337 j> 337 337 )) 337 )> 337 i. 212 iv 541 „ 554 >) 543 542 >) 543 5> 542 543 J) 556 5) 542 >J 554 )> 541 Dianthera Vol. Page tomentosa, Eoxb iv. 395 virgsita,, Benth >) 542 Dianithxis, Linn i. 213 anatolious, Boiss M 214 angulatus, Royle 215 harbatiis, Linn J> 215 cachemiricus, Edgew. 214 Caryophyllus, Linn. ii 214 caucasicus, Sims if 215 chinensis, Linn. )) 213 crinitu?, Sin 215 deltoides, Linn )) 214 Falconeri, Edgew }) 214 fimbriatue, Biehr )) 215 glaucus, Ham » 213 incertus, Jacq. ... 9> 215 Jacqueraontii, Edgrew. 214 Liboschitzianus, Ser. >> 214 Seguieri, Vill. ... ii 215 Diapensia, iy»m iii. 478 himalaica, Hk. f. 8f T. ... JS 478 DlAPENSIACE^ iii. 478 Diaphora cochinchinensis, Lour vi. 690 D iar thron, Twrcz V. 196 carimtum, J . & S j> 196 vesiculosum, Fisch. S^Mey. ■ >> 196 Diastemanthe platystachys, Steud vii 91 Dicselospermum, Clarke ii. 630 Ritchiei, Clarke ;> 630 Dicalyx javanicu^, Bl iii 574 tinctorius, Bl 5> 574 Dicellostyles, Benth i. 333 axillaris, Benth 333 jujubifolia, Benth a 333 Dicentra, Borkh 1. 120 Roylei, m./. S'T. 5> 121 scandens, Walp >> 121 thaliotrifolia, Hk. f. ^ T. J) 121 torulosa, m. /. ^ r. >) 121 Dicerma hiarticulatum, DC. ii. 163 pulchelhim, DC. )) 162 repens, Grah a 173 vestitum, Wall 162 Diceros angustifolius, Wall. . . . iv 275 longifolius, Pers M 275 Dicerostylis lanceolata, B\. ... vi 110 DichoBspermum aurantiacum, Hassk vi 378 Blumei, Hassk 380 giganteum, Hassk a 376 jtmcoides Wight j» 381 Kaenigii, Hassk. )) 381 lanceolatum, Wight 381 ochraceum, Hassk j^ 380 paniculatum, Hk. f. & T. „ 381 GENERAL INDEX. 557 DichcesperrMim repens, Clarke rei:>ens, Hassk repens, Wight semiteres, Hassk DichsBtaria, Steud Wightii, A'ees BicJianthium, Hack nodosum, Uster Dichelactina (Dichelastina) nodicauUs, Hance Diohilanthe, Thiv zeylanica, Thw Dichodon (lapsu Diplodon) cerastioides, Rchb Diohopsip, Thw ? caloneura, Hk. f canal iculata, Benth. elliptica, Benth grskudia, Benth Gntta, Benth Helferi, CZarfee hexandra, Clarke Isevifolia, Benth lanceolata, Benth Maint^ayi, Clarke obovata, Clarke pauciflora, Benth petiolaris, Thw polyantha, Benth rubene, Clarke rnhiginoaa,, Benth JDichostylis Micheliana, Nees pygmrea, Nees Dichotomanthes, Kurz Diohroa, Lour. cyanitis, Miq febrifuga, Lour latifolia, Miq Diohrooephala, DO Benthamii, Clarke ohrysanthemifolia, DC. ... gracilis, DC grangeaefolia, DC Hamiltoni, /:/A;. /. latifolia, DC. nilagirensis, Soh. Bip. ... oblongata, Benth Schmidtii, Wight sonchifolia, DC tanacetoides, Soh. Bip. ... Dichrostaohye, DC. cinerea, W. ^ A Dichrotrichum Grijffithii, Clarke Diclidium ferox, Sohrad. Dioliptera, Juss Beddomei, Cla/rke Vol Page Dioliptera g tvol. Page vi. 380 bivalvis, Jusa iv. 552 )) 378 livalvis, Nees )) 552 j> 380 lupleur aides, Nees >> 554 n 381 Burmanni, T. Anders. ... jj 553 vii 300 Burmanni, Nees )) 553 )) 300 cardiocarpa, Nees >) 554 vii 195 coerulea,B\ ]) 550 >> 196 crinita, Nees 11 554 cuneata, Nees )) 552 V. 289 hirtula, Nees )) 554 iii. 128 Kurzii, Clarke )i 551 n 128 Leonotis, Dalz. }i 55a micranthes, Nees 1) 553 i. 227 parvibracteata, Nees 1} 551 iii 540 repens, R. & S 549 >j 546 reptans, Nees >i 552 >> 541 riparia, Nees )» 553 >) 542 Roxburghiana, Nees ]> 553 )i 640 Roxhurghiana, Boiss. «> 554 n 543 Eoxhurghii, T. Anders. ... M 554 J) 543 rupestris, Nees 1) 554 >i 543 speciosa, Kurz » 552 >> 541 zeylanica, iVees 11 552 )) 541 sp., Hk. f. &T 11 547 y) 543 Dicoma, Cass iii. 387 n 542 lanuginosa, DC. >i 387 )) 541 tomentosa, Cass )) 387 n 540 Dicreea algieformis,Bedd. ... V. 65 j> 542 apicata, Tal >> 68 >j 543 dichotoma, Tnl )) 64 » 541 elongata, Tul 65 vi. 662 longifolia, Wight 11 64 )) 596 minor, Wedd 67 ii. 581 pterophylla, Wedd 11 67 ii. 406 rigida, Tul 11 64 )f 406 selaginoides, Wedd 68 ij 406 stylosa, Wight J, .65 )> 406 Wallichix, Tnl 11 67 iii. 245 Wightii, Tul 64 )) 246 Dicranacanthus huxifolius. )) 245 Oerst iv. 483 »> 245 Spina-ceylanica, Oerst. ... „ 484 }i 245 Dicranostigma lactucoides, )) 246 Hk. f. &T i. 119 » 245 Diotamnus, Linn i. 487 it 245 albns, Linn 487 t} 245 Fraxinella, Pers )j 487 » 317 himalayensis, Royle 487 » 245 Dictyocarpus triincatus,Wight i. 322 » 245 ? Dictyo daphne Candolleana, ii. 288 Meissn V. 125 >> 288 Dictyospermum conspicuum. Hassk vi. 382 iv. 344 montanum, Wight ... » 382 vi. 624 ovaUfolium, Wight >> 382 iv. 550 ovatum, Hassk 382 5> 551 protensum, Wight 11 382 568 GENERAL INDEX. Dictyospermum Wightii, Hassk. Didactylon ramosum, Zoll. Mor simplex, Zoll. & Mor. Didissandra, Clarke frutescens, JacTc lanuginosa, Clarice ... rnfa, King JDidymocarpoid, Griflf. ... Didymocarpiis, Wall, ... acuminata, JBr. Andersoni, Clarke ... aromatica, Wall, aromatica, D, Don ... nromatica, Wall, aurantiaca, Clarice ... barbinerva, Clarice ... cinerea, D. Don corchorifolia, Wall. cordata, Wall crinita, Jack cristata, Dalz floccosa, Thiv Griffithii, Wight hamosa, Wall Hookeri, Clarice Humboldtiana, Gardn. incana, Bentli Kurziiy Clarke ... .,. lanuginosa, Wall, leucocalyx, Clarke ... longepetiolata, Gardn. longipes, Clarke lyrata, Wight macrophylla, Wall. macrophylla, Wall. ... marginata, Clarke ... membranacea, Bedd. miesionis, Wall. mollifi, Wall Mor toni, Clarke multijlora, Wall. oblonga, Wall ohtusa, Wall ovahfolia, Wight paucinerva, Cla/rke ... pedicellata, Br. platycalyx, Clarke ... platypus, Clarke plicata, D. Don podocarpa, Clarke ... jprimuleefolia, Gardn. jprimulijolia, D. Don ptllchra. Clarke punduana, Wall. pygmaea, Clarke re pens, Bedd Vol. Page Didymocarpus Vol. Page vi. 368, 382 reptans, Jack iv. 352 & Kottleriana, Wall 55 353 ... vii. 104 Rottleriana, Wight 55 353 ... „ 104 rufipes, Clarke 5? 351 ... iv. 355 semitorta, Clarke 352 ... „ 355 subalternanp, Wall. )) 347 ... „ 355 suhalternans, Clarke >> 348 ... „ 355 tomentosa, Wight 55 353 iv. 349, 355 verticillata,Wa\\ 55 347 ... iv. 345 villosa, D. Don 5) 347 ... „ 349 villosa, Clarke J) 348 ... „ 346 zeylanica, Br 55 354 ... „ 347 sp., Griff. 5J 358 ... „ 348 sp., Hk. f. & T. iv. 346, 34«, 349, 357 ... „ 346 Didymococcus Da7iura, Bl. ... i. 684 ... » 346 verticillat'us, Bl 55 684 ... „ 350 Didymogyne ahyssinica, Wedd . V. 593 ... n 346 hoehmerioides, Wall. 55 576 ... „ 351 Didymoplexis, Grijff^. vi. 121 ... » 350 pallens, Gri^. jj 122 ... „ 351 Didymosperma, H. Wdl. ^ Dr vi. 420 ... „ 360 grskciliB, Hk. f. ;j 420 ... „ 354 hastata, Becc 420 ... „ 344 Hookeriana, Becc 55 420 .. „ 360 nana, H. Wdl. S" Dr. 55 420 ... „ 349 Diectomisfastigiata, H.B.& K vii. 167 ... „ 353 Dielytra scandens, D. Don ... i. 121 ... „ 352 Dienia congesta, Lindl. V. 690 ... „ 358 cylindrostachya, Lindl. ... 55 689 ... „ 355 fusca, Lindl 55 690 ... „ 348 muscifera, Lindl 689 ... „ 354 Diesingia scandens, 'Endl. ... ii. 212 ... „ 351 Digera, Fo'rsk iv. 717 ... „ 353 alternifoha, Aschers. ,, 718 ... „ 345 arvensia, Forsk 55 717 ... „ 345 ciliata, Mart. J) 718 ... » 352 ciliatay Moq 718 ... „ 354 Forskalii, Bl 5! 718 ... „ 354 nniricata, M&rt )> 718 ... „ 350 DlGITALE;E iv. 248 288 ... » 348 Digitalis stricta, Roxb. iv 301 ... „ 365 Digitaria xgyptiaca, Willd, vii 13 ... » 346 qffinis, R. & S 55 30 ... „ 346 australiSf Willd )| 14 ... „ 354 ba-r&aia, Willd. ... 16 ... „ 350 biformis, Willd 55 13 ... „ 345 ciliaris, Pers 55 14 ... „ 349 ciliaris, ? Wight 55 15 ... „ 352 commutata, Sohult. ,5 14 ... „ 316 commutata, Str. & Wint 55 15 ... „ 347 composita, Willd !> 67 ... „ 354 conjugata, Schult » 12 iv. 347, 348 cruciata, Nees 55 14 ... iv. 348 ? cuspidata, Schult. 59 32 ... „ 349 Dactylon, Scop >5 289 ... „ 345 dehilis,W\\U 53 16 ... „ 354 didactyla, Willd >» 14 GENERAL INDEX. 559 JHgitaria distachya, Bojer disfachya, Pers elongata, Spreng elytroblephara, Miq. eriantha, Steud eriogona, Link ; ... filiformis, Koel glabra, Beauv , hispidula, Willd , horizontalis, Willd humif^isa, Pers , Unea/ris, Pers linearis, Rostaf linearis, Schult littoralis, Salisb longijiora, Pers marginata, Link maritima, Spreng mauritiana, Wall nervosa, R. & S nodosa, Webb & Berth. ... ^rocumhe7is, Hort jpruriens, Biise , Fseudo-JDuroa, Miq. ]}uherula,\Axik ... .^ ... radiata, Spreng-. radicosa, Miq repens, Willd Rottleri, R. & S Boxhurghii, Spreng. sanguinalis, Scop sangiiinea, Scop sa7ijfwmoZe7ifa, Edgew. ... setigera. Roth stolonifera, Schrad. stricta. Roth tenuifiora, Beauv Digraphis, Trin americana, Loud arundinacea, Trin Dilivaria ebracteatj, Pers. ... ilicifoliaflSees scandens, Nees vohthilis, Nees DilleniH, Linn augusta, Roxb aurea, Sm. bracteata, Wight dentata, Thanb elliptica, Thunb floribunda, iffc. /. ^ T. ... grandifoliH, fVall indica, Lm». ... il[itegra, Thunb. meliosmaBfolia, HIc. f. 8f T. crnata, Wall ovata, Wall. ...• Vol. Page viu 14 >j 37 5» 290 J» 16 r> U ?) 1-t J> 17 >j 17 }> 31 55 14 55 17 J> 14 55 17 18 5> 289 55 18 14 55 289 55 35 55 14 55 14 17 55 14 >5 18 55 19 55 289 H. 14 5» 14 )i 14 55 18 >» 14 55 14 >> 14 14 )> 289 55 59 5_5_ 18 vii. 221 ,, 221 5> 221 ir. 481 55 481 55 481 481 i. 36 55 38 37 55 37 .55 36 55 36 38 )5 38 36 ,',' 37 jj 36 37 55 36 Dillenia Vol. Pape parviflors, GriJ^. ... ... i. 38 pentagyna, Roxb , 38 pilosa, Ham , 38 pilosa, Roxb 5, 38 puloherrima, Kurz 5 37 repanda,Roxh 5 37 retusa, Thimb , 37 soabrella, Roxb , 38 speciosa, G-riff. 5 37 speciosa, Thunb , 36 DlLLBNIACE^ i . 30 DiLLENIEiE ] . 31 Dillwynia trifoliata. Roth. ... ii. 63 Dilochia WalUchii, Lindl. ... V. 858 Dilochiopsis, Hk. f V. 786 Dilophia, Thorns i. 160 salsa, Thorns „ 161 Dimeria, Br vii. 103 alata, m./. , , 105 oonnivens, Hack , 104 ^ diandra, Grti^. , , 104 filiformis, Hochst , 104 fuscescens, Trin ; 105 gracilis, Nees , 105 Hohenaokeri, Hochst. ... „ 103 KnTzi\,Ek.f. , 103 laxiuscula, Thw , 105 Lehmanni, Hack , 104 leptorhachis, Hack. , 105 omithopoda, Trin • , 104 ornithopoda, Thw , 105 pilosissima, Thw , , 106 psilobasis, F. Muell. , 104 pubescens, Hack , , 105 pusilla, Thw , 103 pusilla, Thw , 103 stipasformis, Miq , 104 tenera, Trin „ 104 ? Thwaitesii, Hack , 103 Woodrowii, Stapf ,', 104 sp.. Wall vii. 104, 105 Diniocarpus crinita. Lour. ... ] . 687 Lichi, Lour i. 685, 687 Longan, Lour i . 689 pupilla. Moon , 689 undulatiis, Wight „ 689 verticillata, Roxb. ... ... , 684 Si), Wall , 555 Dimorphocalyx, Thw v. 403 andamanicus, Benth. ... , , 403 oapillipes, Hfc. / , , 404 glabellus, Thw „ 403 glabellus, Bedd „ 404 Kunstleri, jfiTingr „ 405 Lawianus, Hfe. /, , , 404 malayanus, HA;. /. , , 404 Dinebra, Jacg vii. 296 560 GENERAL INDEX. Dinebra sejyptiaca, Del. arabica, Jacg- retrojlexa, Panz. verticillata, Wight ... sp, Wall Dinetus paniculatus, Sweet racemosus, Sweet Dinochloa, Biise andamanica, Kurz ... M'Clellandi, JTw-z ... Tjankorreh, Biise ... Dioclea, H. B. K. Fergusoni'i, Thw. javanica, Bentb. lasiocjrpa, Mart. reflexa, Hk. f Dioclea, Spreng hispidissima, Sprenir. Diacia pentandra, Wall. Dioscorea, Li7i7i. acnleata, Linn. aculeata, Ham aculeata, • oxb. aculeata, Wight acutangula, Ham. alata, Linn alata, Griseb altissima, Roxb. amoena, Roxb anjulata, Roxb. anguliflora, Steud. ... anguifia, Roxh atropurpurea, Roxh. Bisantaca, Uam. bulbiferii, Xtnn. bulhifera, Br bnZbi/era, Russ Cerubidium, Ham. ... Cliffortiana, Lam. ... Collettii, Hfc. /. coriacea, Wight crepitans, Ham. orispata, Roxb. cylindrica, Vitm. cymosula, Hemsl. dssmona, Boxb. decemangularis, Ham. decipiens, Hk. f. deflexa, JJ/v. /, ; deltoidea, Wall. Devipata, Ham. digitata, Mill echinata, Ham fasoiculata, Roxh. . . . gibbiflora, H/c. /. glabra, jRowb Vol. Page ... vii. 297 ... ,, 297 297 vii." 297 ,3-17 ... vii 297 ... iv. 222 ... ,, 222 ... vii 414 „ 415 „ 415 414 ... ii. 196 M 196 196 ,, 196 H6 ... iT. ... „ 176 i. 586 ... v". 288 ... ,, 296 291 ... ), 291 295 ... ,, 296 • •• >) 296 295 ... ,, 289 ... ,, 289 ... ,1 2iJ6 ... ,, 296 • •• >j 2;j3 » 21^6 ... ,, 29r; 296 ... ,, 295 ... ,, 296 ... ,, 291 ... ,, 295 ,, 290 292 ... 294 296 ... ), 296 ... „ 291 289 ... , , 295 „ 293 293 ... 1, 2yl 2>6 ... ,, 289 „ 291 )• 2:^6 294 f» 294 Diopcorea Vol. Page glabra, WalL ... vi. 292, 193 ,294 globosa, Roxh vi. 296 Hamiltoni, Hk. f. 295 lieterophylla, Roxb 295 I'irrswto, Detinst 28^ Hurchusia, Ham 296 incrassata, Ham 295 intermedia, Tim 297 Jacqnemontii, H/b. /. 290 japonica, Hb. Madr. 296 Kleiniana, Kunth 28» kumaonensis, Kunth 290 lanata, Balf 291 lanceolata, Heyne 292 lamifolia, Wall. 29a lunata. Roth 289 nepalensis,^yveQt 297 numniMlaria, Kunth 294r nummularia, Lamk. 294 ? mtrnmulaA-ia, Willd. 295 obcuneata, Hfc. /. 293 octangularis, Ham 296 odoratissima, Wall 296 oppositifolia, Linn. 292 orbioulata. Hook 292 ovata. Ham 295 peltata, JusB 297 pentaphylla, Linn 289 pentaphylla. Wall 290 polyclades, ilfc. /. 294 pulchella, Roxb. 295 purpurea, Roxb 297 pyrifolia, Kunth 292 rubella, /?ox6 297 sagittata, Royle 294 sativa, Linn 295 sativa, Hb. Madr 295 sail va, Linn. ... i. 597, vi .291 sativa, Wall vi. 292 ,295 epicata, Soth vi. 291 ,297 spinosa, Roxh vi. 291 spinosa. Wall )> 294 tiliafolia, Kunth i> 291 tomentosa, ifeyne 289 trinervia, Roxb. ... vi. 2»9 ,292 triphylla, Ham vi. 289 triphylla, Linn >» 289 triphylla, Russ )> 289 triiJhylla, Wall 2^0 Tunga, Ham M 295 versicolor. Ham >| 295 virosa, Wall. ... 289 Wallichii, m. /. }) 295 Wighiii, m. /. >) 291 DlOSCOREACE^ vi. 288 Biospermum Metzianum, Sch., vide Oiospermum iii. 22S GENEKAL INDEX. 561 Diospermnm Vol. Page Diospyros Vol Page molle, Deless, vide Deca- hiravita., Linn. f. ... iii. 565 neuron iii 227 hirsuta, Hiern ... )t 566 Diospyros, Limt iii. 553 Horsfieldii, Hiern ... II 570 ? acuminata, Wall V. 172 insculpta, Ham, „ 564 acuta, I'hw iii. 561 insignia, Thw II 565 affinis, Thw )) 566 Kaki, Limi ... II 555 affinis, Hiera )i 567 Kurzii, Hiern II 559 amoena, Wall >i 562 lancesefolia, Roxh. ... iii. 562 ,571 apioulaia, Hiern 553 lanceolata. Wall. ... iii 556 argentea, Griff". >» 569 Lotus, jLinn 11 555 Arnottiana, Miq. ... iii. 560 ,'o66 luoida. Wall ... ,) 568 assimilis, Bedd iii 558 lucida, Hiern II 565 attenuata, Tliw »> 561 macrophylla, Wall. ... II 568 hracteata, Roxb M 555 martabanica, Clarke 554 Braudisiana, Jfitr2 )t 570 melanoxylon, Roo)b. II 564 burmanica, Kurz J> 565 melanoxylon, Hiern 11 563 huxifolia, Hiern 659 microphylla, Bedd. ... ... ), 559 calycina, Bedd )> 557 montana, Roxh. iii. 555 ,571 eanarica, Bedd }> 566 Moonii, Thw ... iii. 566 Oandolleana, Wight » 566 ? Moonii, Hiern 1 569 Candolleana, Miq »> 560 multijlora. Wall. 11 562 Candolleana, Thw M 566 nigricans, Wall. 11 557 capitulata, Wight >l 560 nigricans, Dalz. 11 558 eerasifolia, D. Don i. 285 nilagirica, Bedd. 11 566 chartacea, Wall iii. 571 oblonga. Wall 569 chineiisis, Bl >) 555 ohovata, Wight i> 540 Ohloroxylon, Roxh >i 560 oleitoVia, Wall ,, 567 olavigera, Clarice M 558 oUgandra, Bedd. 566 eordifoUa, Roxb >i 555 oocarpa, Thw 11 560 costata, Carr M 555 opaca, Clarke ••• 11 567 ornmeaata, Thw )) 567 oppositifolia, Thw. ... 565 daayphylla, Kurz )> 554 orixensis, Wight )i 571 decipieoe, Clarke ]) 563 ovalifolia, Wight 11 557 densiaora, Wall >l 570 pachyphylla, Clarke... 568 discolor, WiUd '» 569 Paokmanni, Clarke ... 11 564 duhia, Wall 564 panicuUtB, Dalz. ... >, 570 Ebenaster, Roxb )) 558 pilosula. Wall • •• ,, 554 Ebenum, Koenig )) 558 pilosula, Kurz 554 Ehenum, Hiern 558 pruriens, Dalz. ... ,, 553 ehretioidep, Wall t) 559 punctata, Dont^, ... ,, 555 eleganp, Clarke l> 571 pyrrhocarpa, Miq. ... 11 571 Embryopteris, Pers. >> 556 quaesita, Thw ^1 56a exsculpta, Bedd )) 564 racemosa, R ixb. ... ,, 556 exsculpta, Dalz. & Gibs. ... )l 563 ramiflor^, Roxh. ... ), 569 exsculpta, Ham n 564 Roxhurghii, Carr. ... ,, 555 flaricans, Hiern }> 562 Roylei, Wall ... ,, 572 Jlavicans, Hiera >i 563 rubiginosa, R>th ... ,, 563 foliolosa, Wall )j 556 rugosula, Br 555 ? frondosa, WsiU i. 92 sapotoides, Kurz ... , , 562 frutescens, Haaak iii. 570 Schi-Tse, Bange ... ,1 555 Gardner!, Thw )i 561 serrato, Ham ... i. 285 glauca, Rottl >i 560 BtrictSi, Roxb iii. 563, 571 glutinosa, Koen M 556 stricia, Hiern ... iii. 571 Ooindu, Dalz >) 555 sylvatica, Roxh. ... ,, 559 grata, IFaZi )> 571 sylvatica. Wall. ... ,, 555 Helferi, Clarke )i 569 Thwaitesii, Bedd. ... 566 heterophylla, Wall i> 555 tomentosa, Roxh. 11 564 562 GENERAL INDEX. Diospyros yroi. Page tomentosa, Lamk iii. 5t5U Toposia, Ham 5> 556 Tupru, Mam. ... " 563 undulata, Wall J) 5H8 uriclulata, Hiern ), 56S vaccinioides, Wall >> 559 variegata, Kurz 5J 557 venoea, Wall 5J 572 Waldemarii, Klotz 555 Wightiana, Wall 5» 564 sp.y Griff. 568 Diotacanthus, Eewt/i iv. 515 albiflorus, Benth 515 gramdis, Benth }} 515 Dipcadi, Medic VI. 345 concanense, Dalz }) 346 hydsuricum, Baher )) 347 minor, Hk.f. ... .^ ... )» 346 mont&num, Balcer 346 serotinum. Medic }} 346 nmoolor, Baker 346 Diperium cylindricum, Desv. vii. 158 Dipetalum biloculare, Dalz. i. 497 Diphyes capitata, Bl V. 759 Diphylax urceolata, Hk. f. ... vi. 165 Diplachne, Beativ vii. 328 elongata, Hochst s> 316 fusoa, Beauv 329 Gatacrei, Stapi j> 329 indica, Spreng >> 329 poceformis, Hochst J5 316 Diplacrum caricinum, Br. ... vi. 688 tridentatitm, Brong. >> 688 zeijlanicum, Nees ), 688 Diplanthera, M. Br iv. 385 bancana, Scheff. J) 385 Diplanthera, Thou vi. 570 tridentata, Steinh )) 570 sp., Griff. V. 663 Diplarche, ^fe. /. ^ r. ... iii. 462 multiflora, HA;. /. ^ T. ... 5} 462 pauoitiora, ii^. /. ^ T. ... 55 462 Diplasanthera lanosum,DetiY. vii . 196 Diplocentrtim, Lindl vi. 78 congestum, Wight 5> 78 longifolium, Wight » 78 recnrvum, Lindl 78 Diplovhilos hirsutum, Lindl. vi 167 Longifolium, Lindl J) 167 Diplochtamt/s Griffithianus, Muell V. 433 Diplochonium sesuvioides, Fenzl ii. 661 Diploclinium Arnottianum, Wight ii. 611 hiloculare, Wight jj 650 cordifolium, Wight 5) 641 Diploclinium "^ Lindleyanum, W^ight Roxburghii, Miq Diploclisia inclyta, Miers ... lepida, Mier 8 macrocarpa, Miers pictinervis, Miers Diplocoszet/lanica, Bureau ... Diplodon, vide Dichodon ... Diplomeris, D. Don hirsata, Lindl ... pulchella, D. Don Diplomorpha canescens, C. A. Mey herhacea, Griff. virgata, G. A. Mey ? viridifiora, C. A. Mey. ... Diplopappus asperrimus, DC. asiJer^duSy DC diplostephioides, Hk.f. &T. elegans, Rk. f. & T laxus, Benth molliusculus, Lindl. Roylei, DC Biplopenta pedunculosa, Alef. Diplophyllum cardiocarpum , Kar. & Kir Diploprora, iffc. /. ... vi Championi, Hfc. / Diplosiphon oryzetornm, Dene. Diplospora, DC. apiocarpa, Hk. f. conf usa, iife. /. Dalzellii, m. /. erythrospora, Bedd. Griffithii, i/L /. Kurzii, HI: f. malacoensis, Hfc. /. pubescens, jyfc. /. singularis, Korth singularis, Kurz sphaerocarpa, HA-. /. Diplostemon octandrum, Miq. Diplotaxis, DG acris, Boiss Gnffithii, m. /. c^ T. ... grandijiora. Wall D1PLOZYGI.S: Diplycosia, Bl. discolor, Olarhe niicrophylla, Becc ? semi-infera, Clarke Dipoiium, Br fiavum, Ham khaaianum, Griff, paludosum, Ec/ib. /. piotum, Rchh. f. plicatiim, Ham. roi. Page ii. 643 5} 635 i. 101 J, 101 101 55 101 V. 488 i. 227 vi. 166 jj 167 5» 167 V. 195 >J 285 195 >J 195 iii. 252 55 253 251 51 250 55 252 »5 251 55 256 i. 332 iv. 295 .26 ,178 vi. 26 V. 661 iii. 122 123 55 124 123 55 124 124 55 125 55 124 55 124 123 55 124 123 ii. 571 i_ 157 )5 157 5) 157 55 552 ii. 667 iii 458 55 459 458 [\ 459 vi. 19 55 7 V. 770 vi. 19 55 19 6 GENERAL INDEX. 563 Dipodinm Vol. Page ramentaceum, ^am vi. 4 Boniata, Ham ,, 6 scariosum, Ham „ 3 sp., Griff. ... V. 769, 770, vi. 195 DlPSACE^ iii. 215 Dipsacus, Linn iii. 217 asper, Wall „ 218 atratus, Hfc. /. ^ r. „ 218 auriculatus, Royle ,, 218 inermis, Wall ,, 217 inermis, Wall „ 218 Leschenaultii, Coult. ... „ 218 LescJienaultii, Thw „ 218 longicaulis, Wall „ 217 mitis, D. Don „ 217 ^ilosus, Linn „ 217 Roylei, Klotz „ 217 Btrictus, D. Don „ 217 strictus, Kurz „ 217 Walkeri, Am „ 218 Dijpseudochorion sagittifolium, Bnchen vi. 560 Dijpteracanthus ? calycinus, Champ iv. 408 ciliatas, Nees ,, 4X38 ciliatus, Wall „ 413 dejectus, Nees , 412 erectus, Nees „ 412 lanceolaUiSfNeeB „ 412 longifoUus, Stocks „ 412 Nagchana, Nees „ 410 jpatxdus, Nees „ 412 2>rostratus, Griff „ 412 prostratus, Nees „ 412 Sibua, Nees ,, 413 urophyllus, Nees „ 472 vagans, T^ Andera „ 411 sp., Hk. f. &T „ 411 DlPTEBOCARPKiE 1. 294 Dipterocarpas, Gcertn. f. ... i. 295 alatus, Roxb „ 298 alatus, A. DC „ 297 hngxistifolhis, W. & A. ... ,, 299 .Bandit, Korth „ 296 cordatus, Wa,\\ , 297 cornutns, Dyer ... i, 296, ii, 312 costatus, Gaercn. f i. 298 costatus, Roxb „ 299 crinitu?, Dyer ,, 296 glandulosas, Thw „ :i97 gonopterus, Turcz ,, 298 grandijiorus, Wall „ 297 grandijlorus, Griff , 299 grandifolius, Teysm. ... ,, 297 Griffithii, Uig „ 299 hispidus, Thvo „ 296 inoanne, Roxh / „ 298 Dipterooarpus Vol. Page indicus, Bedd i. 295 insignis, Thw „ 298 lavis, Ham „ 295 Motley anus, Hk. f „ 299 ohlongifoUus, Thw „ 296 oblongtis, DC „ 296 obtusifolius, Teysm. ... „ 295 pilosus, Roxb „ 296 pterygocalyx, Scheff. ... „ 298 Bcaber, Ham „ 297 scabridns, Thw „ 298 tuberculatus, Roxb. ... ,, 297 tnrbinatus, Gcertn. f, ... ,, 295 vestitus, Wall „ 295 zeylanicus, TIiw ,, 297 Dipterosperma, sp. Griff. ... i. 291 Dipterygium, Dene i. 164 glaucam, l)cne „ 164 Dischidia, J5r iv. 49 aoutifolia, Maing „ 51 albida, Orif. „ 50 ? albifiora, GriS. ... .^ „ 51 bengbalensis, Coleb. ... „ 50 Brunoniana, Griff. „ 50 clavata, Wall , 52 ooooinea, Grif. „ 51 CoUyris, Wall. ... ... „ 51 complex, Griff". „ 51 cuneifolia, Wall „ 50 fasciculata, Dene ,, 50 formosana, Maxim „ 50 Griffithii, ilA;. /. „ 51 hirsuta, Dene „ 50 khasiana, Hk.f. „ 50 Nummnlaria, Br , 49 obovata, Griff. „ 51 orbicularis, Dene „ 49 Rafflesiana, Wall „ 50 spathulata, Bl „ 50 WaUichii, Wight „ 52 sp., Hk. f. &T „ 50 Discopleura, sp.y Benth. ... ii. 693 Discospermum apiocarpum, Bedd iii. 123 apiocarpum, Dalz „ 123 Dalzellii, Th.yv „ 123 erythrospora, Thw ,, 124 sphcerocarpum, Bedd. ... „ 123 sphcerocarpum, Dalz. ... „ 123 Discostigma acuminatum, Planch. & Trian i. 268 febrile, Miq „ 260 j/iergfwense, Planch & Trian. „ 267 rostratum, Hassk „ 268 zeylanicum, Planch. & Trian „ 268 Disperis, Sw vi. 168, 177 564 GENERAL INDEX. Disperis neilgherrensis, Wight ... tripetaloides, Lindl. zeylanica, Trimen Disporum, Salish calcaratum, D. JDon ceylanicum, Wight /wZuwm, D. Don Hamiltonianum, D. Don ... Horsfieldii, D. Don latipetalum, Coll. & Hemsl. Leschenaultianum,D. Don multiflorum, D. Don mysorense, Wight parvijiorum^ D. Don Pitsutum, D. Don pullum, Salish. uni/lorum, Baker Wallichii, D. Don & Kunth Dissoohaeta, Bl anceps, Naud annulata, Hk.f. astrosiicta, Miq bancana, Miq braoteata, Bl hracteosa, Naud celebioa, Bl glauca, Bl gracilis, Bl intermedia, Bl microcarpa, Nand ovalifolia, Naud palemhanica, Miq pallida, Bl punotulata, Iffc. /. spoliata, Naud. superha, Naud. Dissotis Finlaysonii, Triana Distemon, Wedd grossum, Wedd indioum, Wedd Distemon, Ehrenb angustifolius, Ehrb. & Hempr yZa«dwZosws,Ehrb.&Hempr. Distylium, Siel. Sf Zucc. ... indicum, Benth racemosum, Sieb. & Zuco. Dithyrocarpus Meyenianus, Kunth paniculatuSf Kunth petinlatus, Wight Rothii, Wight rufus, Kunth undulatus, Wight Dittelasma, Hk. f. Earak, Hk. /. i. Dittoceras, HA;. /. Vol. Page vi. 169 }) 169 )) 169 vi. 359 a 359 )) 360 360 jj 359 J) 360 ]> 359 360 )) 360 >i 360 S) 360 )] 360 )> 360 )} 360 ), 359 ii. 543 >) 546 )) 543 >> 544 544 }i 543 99 543 1) 544 >» 546 )> 544 )) 544 )) 544 )) 544 y} 546 W 544 i) 543 t) 545 ], 544 ii. 525 V. 588 )) 588 588 iv. iv. 250 _>» 249 ii. 426 )) 427 » 427 vi. 390 t) 390 >> 390 i] 390 i> 390 M 390 i. 671 672 ,685 iv. 48 Dittoceras Andersoni, IZ/c. /. Diuroglossum rufescens,T!nroz. Diurospermum aZbwm,Edgew. Dobera, Juss coriacea, A. DC glabra, A. DC Roxburghii, Planch. Dobiuea, Ham vulgaris, ilam. ... Dochafa Jlava, Schott Doc^nia, Dene Griffiihiana, Dene Hookeriana, Dene indica, Dene Dodartea indica, Linn. Dodeoadenia, Nees grandiflora, Ne^^s Griffithii, Hfc. /. ? paniculata, Hk.f. paniculata, Meissn si?.,Hk. f. &T Dodonaaa, X inn. angustifolia, Linn. f. arabica, Hoohst. & Steud. Burmanniana, DC dioica, Roxb heterophylla, Hort microcarpa, DO pallida, Miq pentandra, Griff. : spathulata, Sm. viscosa, Linn Wightiana, Bl. sp., Hohen DoDONiEE^ Dolichandrone, Seem. arcuata, Clarke crispa, Seem faloata, Seem Lawii, Seem Rheedii, Seem. serrulata, Seem stipulata, Benth Dolichos, Linn barbatus, Wall benghalensis, Jacq biflorus, Linn blandus. Grab bracteatus, Baker bracteatus, Wall bulbosus, Linn candicans, Wall Catiang, Linn ciliatus, Klein conspersus, Grah coriaceus, Grah crassus, Grah v«\. Pa^e iv . 48 i. 37& iv. 334 iii. 618 J, 619 1) 619 »» 619- i. 696 )9 696 vi. 50» ii. 369 j> 369 >> 369 9) 369 iv. 262 V. 180 » 181 ij 181 >> 181 )) 170 jj 169 i. 697 ]> 697 )) 697 »» 697 1) 697 II 697 II 697 II 697 II 697 II 697 )i 697 II 697 >i 697 i. 669 ir. 378 )} 380 11 379 II 380 II 380 >} 379 )i 380 II 379 ii. 209 II 216 » 209 i> 210 II 213 II 210 11 225 II 207 II 226 II 205 11 210 II 218 II 196 M 21» GENERAL INDEX. 565 Dolichos Vol. Page Curfisii, G. Don ii. 209 cuspidatus, Grab „ 209 dasycarpus, Miq » 207 dissectus, Lam „ 202 elongatus, Grab „ 215 ensiformiSy Linn „ 195 fahcBfarmis, L'Herit. „ 92 faloatuB, JK'ieiTi .« ... „ 211 fatmensis, Hooh8t.& Steud. „ 224 festivus, Wall „ 209 Jicifolius, Grab „ 199 Finlaysonianus, Grab. ... „ 218 gangeticus, Roxb „ 205 giganteus, Willd „ 186 gladiatus, Jaoq „ 196 glutinosus, Roxb n 225 grandifoliusy Grab „ 198 Labia b, Lmw „ 209 lanceolatuB, Gra?i „ 210 ■lignosus, Linn „ 209 luteolus, Jaoq „ 205 luteus, Sw „ 205 macrodon, Grab „ 225 medicagineus, Lam „ 223 medicagineuSf Roxb. „ 216 •minimus, Linn „ 223 monachalis, Brot „ 205 obcordatws, Roxb „ 196 ornatus, Wall „ 216 ovaiws, Grab „ 211 phaseoloides, Roxb „ 199 jpilosust Roxb „ 207 f>rosfratws, Keen „ 210 pruriens, Linn. ..^ ... „ 187 psoraloides, Lamk » 92 punctatuSy W. & A „ 218 purpureus, Linn „ 209 reticidatuSy Ham „ 213 rhynchosioides, Miq. „ 218 rotundifolius, Roxb. „ 196 rufescensy Grab „ 221 ■scarahseoideSy Linn „ 215 scarahasoides, Roxb. „ 216 sinensis^ Linn „ 205 )So/a, Linn „ 184 spicatws, Wall ii. 198, 199 Bubaequalis, Gra/i ii. 211 subcarnosus, TF. ^ J.. .. „ 211 sufultus, Grab. ... .. „ 212 tetragonolohus, Linn. „ 211 tomentosus, Roth „ 225 tranqueharicus, Jaoq. „ 205 trilobatus, Linn „ 202 irilohatus, Wall „ 211 Wwcatws, Miq „ 218 /wwi/lorMS, Lam „ 210 vestitus, Grab „ 230 Dolichos viridis, Ham virosus, Roxb Dollinera, Eudl Doloniicea macro cephala, DC. Domheya phoenicea, Cav. DOMBEYEJ; Donacodes, Bl Donax arundinaceus, Beau v. heyighalensis, Beauv. hifarius, Trin Thouarii, Beauv Donax, Lour. Arundinastrum, Lour. Dondisia liorrida, Kortb. ... Leschenaidtii, DC Doodia alopeciir aides, Roxb. crinita, Roxb hamosa, Roxb lagopodioides, Roxb. picta, Roxb Doona, Thw. affinis, Thw congestiflora, Thw. cordifolia, Thw Gardneri, Thw macropbylla, Thw nervosa, Thw. ... ..., ... ovalifolia, Thiv trapezifolia, Thw venulosa, Thw. zeylanica, Thw Dopatrium, Ham junceum, Ham. lohelioides, Benth nudicaule. Ham Doratanthera linearis, Bentb. Dorema, sp., Hk. f. & T. ... Doritis, Lindl vi. Bracesina,, HJc. f. pulcherrima, Lindl. taenialis, Benth. ... vi. Wightii, Benth. ... vi, Doronicum, Linn Arnottii, DC calcaratum, Roxb Candolleanum, W. & A. Falconeri, Clarke Gardneri, Clarke hewrense, Dalz. Hookeri, Clarke Lessingianum, W. & A. ... linifolium, DC. Pardalianches, Linn. ? reticulatum, Dalz. & Gibs. reticulatum, Wight Roylei, DC rupestre, Wight Vol. Page ii. 199 „ 196 ii. 166 iii. 378 i. 371 i. 353 vi. 236 vii. 303 vii. 303 „ 303 „ 305 vi. „ 258 iii. 135 „ 135 ii. 156 „ 155 „ 156 „ 156 „ 155 i. 311 „ 311 „ 312 „ 312 „ 312 „ 312 „ 811 „ 312 „ 311 „ 313 „ 311 iv. 273 „ 274 „ 274 „ 274 iv. 250 ii. 708 31, 178 vi. 196 „ 31 31, 196 32, 196 iii. 332 „ 344 » 297 „ 345 „ 333 „ 343 „ 346 „ 332 „ 345 „ 343 „ 332 „ 348 » 347 „ 332 » 345 566 GENERAL INDEX. Doronicum Vol. Page scorpioideft, Clarke ... iii. 332 ,333 tenuifolmm, Wight iii. 346 tomentosum, Wight ]i 346 WalJceri, Am. ... >> 345 Wight a, DC. ... 5> 344 Dorstenia, Linn. ... V. 494 Griffithiana, Kurz 1) 547 indica, Wall. ... )) 494 Doryctandra, Hassk. i. 186 Roxburghii, Hassk. j> 186 Dossinia, Morr. ... vi. 102 lanceolata, Lindl. >i 109 marmorata, Liudl. >j 96 Douepia tortuosa, Oamb. ... 1. 158 Doxomma acuminatum, Miers ii. 509 angustatum, Miers >> 509 cylindrostachyum,, Miers... » 509 macrostachyum, Miers ... 509 maffuificum, Miers »> 509 peiidulum, Miers 509 rigidum, Miers ii. 510, iii 581 sarcostachys, Miers ii. 509 Draba, Linn i. 141 Adamsii, Ledeb )) 142 algida, Adams )) 142 alpicola, Klotz >» 142 alpina, Lin7i }j 142 altaica, Buuge )) 143 androsacea, Willd ») 143 confusa, Ehrb )i 143 elata, m. /. ^ T. )] 142 elegans, Boiss >} 142 ellipsoidea, Hlc. f.^T. ... >j 144 fladnizensis, Wtdf. » 143 glaoialis, Adams )) 142 glomerata, Royle j> 143 gracilis, Ledeb ii 143 gracillima, HJc.f. 8f T. ... a 144 helvetica, Schleiob >) 143 himalayensis, Klotz. 5» 143 incana, Linn JJ 143 incompta, Stev 5> 142 lactea, Kar. & Kir )l 143 lapponica, Wahl >) 143 lasicphylla, Eoyle J> 143 linearis, Boiss )) 144 muralis, Linn 144 ochroleuca, Bnnge J> 142 polytricha, Ledeb J> 142 pygmea, Turcz. )) 143 radicans, Royle ;> 142 setosa, Royle )) 142 siliquosa, Bieh ti 143 stellata, Jacq » 143 stenocarpa, Hk. f. & T. ... >> 144 tibetioa, Hk. /. <^ T. i. 142 ,143 vernOf Linn. i. 145 Draba Vol. Pafire Wahlenhergii, Hartm. ... i. 143 DracaeDH, Linn vi. 327 angustifolia, Roxh a 327 atro-purpurea, Roxb. „ 330 aurantiaoa, Wall „ 329 brachypbylla, Kurz » 328 brachystachys, fffe. /. ... „ 328 Cantleyi, Baker ... ... „ 331 elliptica, Thunh „ 330 elliptica, Thunb. & Dallm. „ 329 ensifolia, Wall „ 327 ferrea, Linn „ 331 Finlaysoni, Baker „ 327 gracilis, Wall „ 330 graminifolia, Wall „ 327 grannlata, ^fc. /. „ 327 Griffithii, Regal „ 330 Heifer iana, Wall „ 330 Heyneana, Wall „ 329 Jackiana, Wall „ 331 javanica, Kunth „ 330 linearifolia, KvLTz „ 331 maculata, Planch „ 330 maculata. Roxb „ 330 maculata, Wall ,r 328 Maingayi, ffA;. /. „ 329 ? 7nar?7ioraia, Baker „ 329 pachyphylla, Kurz „ 329 petiolata, Rk. f. » 331 Porteri, Baker „ 328 spicata, Roxh „ 328 spicata, Baker „ 328 terminalis, Jack „ 331 terminalis, Wight „ 329 terniflora, Boxh „ 328 terniflora, Wall „ 330 tcrnifolia, Kurz ,, 328 Thwaitesii, Regel „ 329 WalUchii, Kunth ... vi. 328, 330 DBAC^NEiE vi. 300 Dracocephalum, Linn. iv. 664 acanthoides, Edgew. „ 666 hipinnatum, Rnpr „ 666 erectum, Royle „ 663 Govanianum, Benth. „ 663 heterophyllnm, Benth. ... „ 665 Hookeri, Clarke „ 666 inderiense, Kar. & Kir. ... „ 667 moldavicum, Linn „ 665 nutans, Linn „ 665 pinnatum, Linn „ 660 Boyleanum, Benth » 667 Ruprechtii, Regel „ 666 Bpeciosnw,Benfh „ 665 stamiuenm, Kar. Sf Kir.... „ 666 Dracontium polyphyllum, Denst vi. 514 GENERAL INDEX. 567 J}racontinm spinoswn, Linn. Dracontomelum, Bl. ... mangiferum, Bl. pubendum, Miq. si/lvestre, Bl Drapiezia multijlora, Bl. Dregea, E. Mey volubilis, Bentli. Drepananthus, Maing. pruniferus, Maing. ... ramuliflorus, Maing. Drimycarpus, Hh.f. .. raicemosnp, HTc.f. ... Drognetia, GaitcZ diffusa, Wedd paucifiora, Wedd. Drosera, Linn « Burraanni, Vahl Findlaysnniana, Wall. folio sa, Hk. f gracilis, Hk. f indica, Linn intermedia, Royle intermedia, W. & A. Lohbiana, Turcz. lunata, Ham peltata, 8ra serpens, Planch. Deoskrace^ Dryadanthe Bungeana, Led. ii. Bryandra oleifera,YI'^\\. ... Brymaria, Willd cordata, WiZW extensa, Wall Drymispermum caulijlorum, Thw Drymoda, Lindl picta, Lir,dl Drymophloe^is singaporensis, Hk. f Brypetes bengalensis, Spreng. v. 328 Deypide^ i. 212 Bryptopetalum coriaceum, Arn i. 625, ii. 440 membranaceum, Miq. ... ii. 441 Duabanga, Ha7n ii. 578 sonneratioides, Ham. ... „ 579 Duhrueilia peploides. Gaud. v. 554 Duhycea, DC hispida, DC Duchassaingia ovalifolia, Walp Duchesnea chrysantha, Miq., fragarioides, Sm fragiformis, D. Don sundaica, Miq Bucliesnia crispa, Cass. Vol. Page vi. 550 ii. 43 J) 43 )} 43 43 vi. 360 iv. 46 )} 46 i. 5^? ,, 56 ») 56 ii. 36 36 V. 593 >j 593 593 ii. 424 )? 424 424 424 424 424 J) 425 425 >> 424 jj 424 424 )> 424 ii. 423 ii. 346 V. 384 i. 244 J5 244 )) 244 V. 199 V. 781 781 413 .. iii. 409 J) 410 .. ii. 189 .. ii. 343 • • )> 343 343 359 .. iii. 299 Diohaldea chinensis, DC. ... Damasia, DC cong^sta, Grab. cordifolia, Benth leiocarpa, Benth puhescens, DC villosa, DC Dumreichera, Hochst. Danbaria, W. Sf A barbata, Benth calycina, Miq ciroinalis. Baker conspersa, Benth debilis, Baker f erruginea, W. ^ A. fiisca, Kurz B.eynei,W.^A Horsfieldii, Miq latifolia, W. & A oblonga,ATn podocarpa, Kurz ■pxi]chTa, Benth Duranta Duri •, Linn malaccensis, Planch. OxUyanus, Griff". zeylanicus, Gardn zibethinup, DC Duthiea, Hack. vii. 282, 362, bromoides, Hack. ... vii. oligostachya, Stapf , Dyera, Hk.f. oostulata, -fffc. /. laxiflora, Hk. f. Dt/mczewiezia, Horan. capitata, Horan elata, Horan marginata, Horan Dyschoriste cernua, Nees ... depressa, Nees littoralis, Nees , Dysodidendron ceylanicum Gardn glomeratum, Gardn. Wightii, Gardn Dysophylla, 5? , anricularia, Bl Bentliamiana, Hanoe crassicaulis, Bentli , cruciata, Benth erecta, Dalz gracilis, Dalz Griffithii, H^. /. Helferi, Hk.f. linearis, Benth linearis. Wall myoauroideB, Benth. Vol. Page iii. 295 ii. 182 „ 183 „ 183 „ 183 „ 183 „ 183 i. 334 ii. 217 „ 216 „ 216 „ 219 „ 218 „ 218 „ 217 „ 204 „ 217 „ 213 „ 217 „ 218 „ 218 „ 218 iv. 560 i. 350 „ 351 „ 351 „ 350 „ 351 , 421, 422 282, 362 vii. 283 iii. 643 „ 644 „ 644 vi. 248 „ 249 „ 249 „ 249 iv. 410 „ 410 „ 410 ! iii. 193 „ 192 „ 193 , iv. 637 „ 638 „ 639 „ 640 „ 639 . » 641 „ 641 „ 641 , „ 640 , „ 639 , „ 639 . „ 638 568 GENERAL INDEX. Dysophylla pentagon a, Clarke pumila, Benth quadrifolia, Benth , ramosissima, Benth. rugosa, Hk. f. , rupestris, Dalz salicifolia, Dalz , BteWata,, Benth. , Stooksii, Hk. f. , sirigosa, Benth tetraphylla, Wight tomentosa, Dalz velutina, Benth vertioillata, Benth Sj3., Griff. Six, Hk. f. &T Dysoxylnm, Bl Beddomei, Hiern binectarifernm, Hk. f. ... brevipes, Hiern catiliflorum, Hiern Championii, Hk, f. & T. ... cuneatum, Hiern flavescens, Hiern grande, Hiern grandijiorum, Roem. Griffithii, Hiern Hamiltonii, Hiern macrocarpum, Thw. Maingayi, Hiern malabaricum, Bedd. ... mtdtijugnm., Ai'n pallens, Hiern paniculatum, Arn prooertun, Hiern ... ... thyrsoideum, Griff^. sp., Bedd Elenacea, sp., Griff. Ehenacea, Wall Ebenace^ 'EhenvLB, Linn ferruginea, J. & Sp horrida, J. & Sp Btellata, Boiss tragacanthoides, J. & Sp. Ebermaiera, Nees angustifolia, T. Anders. ... argentea, Nees aristata, T. Anders. axillaris, Nees Beddomei, Clarke coriacea, T. Anders. diff'usa, Kurz elongata, Nees glauoa, Nees ^iauca, T. Anders. ... iv. Vol. Page iv. 641 }j 640 639 jj 639 )} 638 »5 639 }J 638 >J 640 642 >' 636 )> 639 641 ), 639 639 }) 639 638 i. 546 548 ;> 546 )) 546 )) 549 )i 562 i) 549 j> 549 547 >5 552 549 S) 548 >, f)46 }J 547 548 if 552 i) 548 552 J, 547 >> 547 5) 548 lii. 562 iv. 183 iii. 549 ii. 140 141 ,) 141 140 )) 140 iv. 395 }) 398 398 j> 398 )) 399 }) 402 jj 402 >> 397 >) 400 )} 395 396 397 Ebermaiera glutinosa, Wall gracilis, T. Anders Griffithiana, T. Anders. ... Helferi, T. Anders. ... iv. humilis, Nees iacana, Hassk lanceolata, Hassk lasiobotrye, Nees ligulata, Bedd longifolia, Nees Maclellandii, T.Anders. ... macrophylla, T. Anders. ... merguensis, T. Anders. ... obtusa, T. Anders paniculata, Wall parviflora, T. Anders. polybotrya, Nees racemosa, Miq. setigera, Nees Simonsii, T. Andeis. spatulata, Hassk spatulata, Nees Staurogyne, Nees Staurogyne, T. Anders. ... suhpaniculata, Hassk. thyrsoidea, Nees thyrsoidea, Knrz trichocephala, Miq velutina, Nees zeylanica, Nees zeylanica, T. Anders. sp., Wall iv. Bcbolinm, Kurz Linneannm, Kurz Eccoilopus andropogonoides, Steud Eccrer)ianthuf eximius, Thw. Ecdysaathera, H. Sf A. harhata, Miq hrachiata, A. DC glandulifera, A. DC. micrantha, A. DO Echaltium piscidium, Wight Eohinacanthus, Nees Andersoni, Clarke attenuatus, Nees Brugmansianus, Nees ... calycinus, Nees longistylus, 0/arite parviflorus, T. Anders. ... Pamilio, Clarke .„ ... sp., T. Anders Echinalysium articulatum, Trin strictum, Trin Schinocalyx, Benth Bchinooarpns, Bl Vol. Page iv. 396 }> 402 )j 400 399 ,400 iv. 396 397 )) 397 J5 400 }> 395 )) 399 J) 401 400 ,) 402 401 }) 401 5» 402 55 396 401 5) 398 399 J} 396 )J 396 J} 398 398 J) 400 397 )) 267 J, 398 )) 397 )) 397 5) 397 396 ,400 iv 544 5> 544 vii 108 i. 691 iii. 662 JJ 660 662 660 55 662 iii. 629 iv. 414 55 415 414 55 415 469 415 415 415 >5 415 vii. 306 55 306 ii. 268 i. 399 GENERAL INDEX. 569- Eohinocarpus Vol Page Vol Page assamicns, Benth i. 399 Echites acuminata, Roxb. . . iii 663 dasycarpus, Benth M 400 ajinis, R. & S i» 670 Murex, Benth .. n 399 antidysenterica, Roxb. • i> 644. Sigun, Bl M 399 apoxys, Voigt i» 66i: sterculiaceus, Benth. tt 400 hrachiata, Wall. ... . • II 662 tomentosus, Benth. 400 hracteata, Heyne ... . 665 Echinocauloa perfoliatus, calycina, Wall • 11 665 Hassk T. 46 caryophyllata, Roxb. 665 EcMnochloa commutata, caryophyllatay Wall. »i 664 Sohult Vi] . 31 caudata, Barm • >» 655 Crus-corvi, Beauv }> 31 conferta, Wall >} 665 Crus-galli, Beanv. .« II 31 coriacea, Heyne . i^. 6 ?dubia,R.&S 11 31 coriacea, Wall . iii. 668 emciformis, Rchh. f. 28 ? cristata, Roth »> 664 frumentacea, Link >i 32 cuspidata, Heyne . iv. 5 glahrescens, Munro 31 cymosa, Roxb . iii 665 ? hirta, Schult vii. 67, 81 cymosa, Wall i> 665 hirtella, Schult vii . 68 dichotoma, Eeyjxe ... . . iv. 14, hispida, Schult 31 dichotoma, Roth . iii 66i: hispidula, Nees 1) 81 dichoto'iia, Roxb j> 650 lancenlata, R. & S 67 eleganSy Wall II 665 squarrosa, R. & S 11 62 elliptica, Wall >i 667 stagnina, Beauv ,1 31 ? esculenta, Wall 658 EchinoloBna polystachya, frutescen^, Wall }> 669 H. B. K vii 58 glandulifera, Wall • >» 660 Si?., Wall ... 11 58 grandijiora, Roxb >i 660 Echinolytrum dipsaceum, grandis, Wall 11 661 Desv vi. 635 Heynei, Spreng » 664 Echinops, Linn ill. 358 hircosa, Roxb M 651 eoriarius, Clarke 11 358 Icevigata, Wall l> 666 cornigerus, DO II 358 ? lucida, D. Don >> 658 eohinatus, DQ 358 ? lucida, WaXl • II 658 ? Griffithianus, Boiss. II 358 ? macrantha, Spreng. Jl 661 nivens, Wall II 359 macrocarpa, Wall >l 663 Echinopsilon divaricatusJLsLT. macrophylla, Roxb » 661 «&Kir V. 10 malabarica, Lamk II 662 sedoides, Moq 10 manubriata, Wall >» 668 tiheticus, Hk. f. & T. 10 marginata, Roxb 11 663 Echinospermum, /Sw iv. 162 ? micrantha, Wall II 662 barbatum, Lehm 1, 163 monilifera, Wall »» 660 canum, Benth 164 Pala, Ham II 642 ccelestinum, Wight II 160 paniculata, Roxb 668 glochidiatum, A. DC. I, 161 parvijlora, Roxb M 666 intermedium, Ledeb. 163 paucifiora, Rottl iv. 6 minimum, Lehm. )i 162 polyantha, Wall iii. 668 ? myosotijiorum, A. DC. ... 11 164 religiosa, Teysm. & Binn. >» 653 patulum, Lehm II 163 reticulata, Boj II 663 Redowskii, Lehm II 163 reticulata, Roth iv. 5 semiglabium, Lede&. II 163 rhynchospermum, Wall. .. iii. 667 sericeum, Benth II 165 scholaris, Linn „ 642 spathulatum, Benth. II 164 tomentosa, Roth 11 662 zeylanicum, Lehm 157 venenata, Roxb II 642 sp., Hk. f. & T 161 verticalis, Ham II 667. Echinus trisulcus, Lour. ... V. 430 vestita, R. & S 662 Echiochilon hispidissimum, EcHiTiDEyE iii. 622 650 Tausoh iv. 176 E chium Benthami, W&U. ... iv. 177 Echioglossum striatum, Rohb.i vi. 76 E clipta, I/inw iii. 304: TOL. VII. P P 570 GENERAL INDEX. Eolipta Vol. Page alba, Hassh . iii. 304 alha, Boiss » 304 alba, Dalz. & Gibs 304 erecta, Dalz, & Gibs. >> 304 erecta, Lamk 304 erecta, Linn J5 304 latifolia, Linn, f 305 marginata, Boiss • M 304 parvijiora, Wall JJ 305 prostrata, Linn J) 304 prostrata, Roxb 305 prostrata. Wall ?) 305 scabriuscula, Wall. ... iii 306 ,307 undulata. Wall iii. 305 Ecliptacea, W&U . iii. 307 Edgaria, Clarke ii. 631 darjeelingensis, Clarke .. )j 632 Edgeworthia, Fa\o iii. 534 huxifoUa, Falo j» 534 sp., Grift-. 534 Edgeworthia, Meissn. V. 194 chrysantha, Lindl jj 195 Gardneri, Meissn J) 195 papyrifera, Zucc >» 195 Edwardsia maderaspatana Wight ii. '249 251 mollis, Royle ii. 251 Ehretia, Linn iv. 141 acuminata, Br. 141 affinii, Wall 55 142 aspera, Roxb 142 buxifolia, Boxh. ... .. }) 144 canarensis, Miq )) 142 Championi, Wight & Gardi a. „ 142 cuneata, Wight ,, 145 Cutranga, Ham 5) 142 dichotoma, Rottl 142 JDicksoni, Hance M 141 fioribunda, Benth » 142 • glabra. Roth 5> 136 heterophylla, Spreng. 144 Heynii,R.&S >» 142 IseviB, Roxb 141 laevis, Benth >> 142 lanceolata, Heyne 143 longijlora, Champ >t 144 macrophylla, Wall 141 microphylla, Lamk ' J> 144 mollis. Wall » 144 obovata, R. Br • >) 143 obtusifolia, Hochst >» 142 ovalifolia, Wight >> 143 ovalifolia, Hassk » 141 parallela, Clarke M 143 philippensis, A. DC. >) 142 pubescens, Benth )> 142 punctata, Roth >, 142 Ehretia Vol. Page pijrifolia, D. Don ir. 141 retusa, Wall „ 143 serrata, Roxb „ 141 timorensis, Done „ 142 tomentosa, Roth „ 142 umbellulata,yf&\\ i. 604 viminea, Wall iv. 145 Wallichiana, m. /. ^ T.... „ 143 Wightiana, Wall „ 143 EHRETIEiE iv. 134 Ekebergia indica, Roxb. i. 545 ? integerrirna, Wall. „ 545 Elachncroton asperococcus, Muell V. 475 El^agnacb^ V. 201 E Iseagnu s, Lmn V. 201 angustifolia, Linn „ 201 arbor ea, Roxb „ 202 armata, Ham „ 202 conferta, Roxb „ 202 elliptica, Heyne „ 202 ferruginea, A. Rich. „ 202 hortensis, M. Bieb „ 201 Kologa, Schl „ 202 latifolia, Linn „ 202 Moorcroftii, Wall „ 201 orientalis, Linn „ 201 parvifolia, Wall „ 202 pyriformis, ilfc. / „ 202 rejiexa. Done. & Morr. ... „ 202 Simoni, Hort „ 202 Thwaitesii, Sohl „ 202 umbellata, Thunh „ 201 Wallichiana, Schl „ 202 Elseooarpus, Linn i. 400 Aoronodia, 31ast „ 408 acuminatus, Wall „ 406 adenophyll/us, Wall „ 403 amoenup, Thw „ 404 amygdalinus, Wall „ 402 ? angtistif alius, Wight ... „ 4^3 apiculatus, Mast ,, 407 aristatus, Hoxh „ 405 aristatus, Wall „ 402 bracteatus, Kurz „ 406 ceylanious, Am „ 406 Chackroula, Ham „ 408 copalliferus, Retz „ 313 coriaceus, Hook „ 404 ouneatua, Wight „ 402 cyanooarpa, Maing. „ 406 ferrugineuB, Steud „ 406 ? Finlaysonianus, Wall. .. „ 407 floribandus, Bl „ 401 Ganitrus, Roxb „ 400 glabresoens. Mast „ 403 glandnlifer, Mast „ 406 GENERAL INDEX. 571 Elaeocarpus glandulosus, Wall. ... grandifolhis, Kurz ... Griffith ii, Mast. grossa, Wall Helferi, Kurz integer, Wall integrifolius, Lamk. JacTcianuSf Wall. ? lacunos^ls, Wall. lanoesefolius, Roxh. ... ■lanceolatus, Wall. leptostachya, Wall. Lohhianus, Tarcz. •longifolhis, Wall. lucidus, Roxb Monocera, Oav. monoceroides, Wight montanus, Thiv. llunroii, Mast nitidus, Jacq oblongns, Gcertn. ohlongus. Wall. obovatus, Am ovaUfolius, Wall. paniculatus, Wall. ... parvifolius, Wall. ... jpeduncnlatus, Wall. Perim-Kara, DC. Pirincara, Wall. polystachyus, Wall. ■prnnifolius, Wall. ... puhescens, Hook. punctatus, Wall. robustus, jRoajfe. P rohustus, Wall. mgosus, Roxh 'mgosus, Wall serratuB, Linn serratus, Heyne serratus, Roxb serratus, WsbW serrulatus, Roxb. sikkimensip, Mast. ... stipularis, Bl snbvillosTis, Am. tuber cnlatus, Roxh. Varnnua, Ham. ? venustus, Bedd. Blseodendron, Jacq. f. glauoum, Pers. nilghirense, Wall. ... oxyodon, Turoz. paniculaium, W. & A. Roxhurghii, W. & A. ElsBOsticta, Fenzl meifolia, Fenzl Flate sylvestris, Linn. Vol. Pagre i. 403 .. ,, 405 5> 408 >> 401 5> 402 • • J> 408 401 55 409 i. 401 402 ... i. 402 55 402 • • 55 403 401 55 J 409 •• 55 403 405 • • 55 409 55 404 •►• 55 407 ■ • • 55 401 403 i." 401 , 402 .. i. 404 402 • • 55 407 ... ,, 401 408 . . . jy 403 401 403 •• • 55 407 404 .. . J, 405 . . . ,, 402 408 . . . )) 405 55 405 . . . jj 401 ... J, 403 401 • ■ • 55 402 • • • 55 405 402 . . . ,, 404 404 ... ,) 404 •• • 55 407 405 i. 623 • • • 55 623 614 . . . jj 623 . . . ,, 623 623 ... ii. 673 ..- }, 673 ... Ti. 425 P Elateriospermum, JBl. Tapes, Bl Elatioe, Linn sesti.vosa, Wight ambigua, Wight americana, Am. ammannioides, W. & A. triandra, Schk. verticillata, W. & A. ELATINEiE Elatostema, Forst. acuminatum, Brong. affi.ne, Wedd approximatum, Wedd. hulbiferum, Kurz oiliatum, Clarke Clarkei, Hk.f. cornutum, Wedd. cuneatum, Wight cuspidatum, Wight ... cuspidiferum, Miq. ... deoipiens, Wedd. disBectum, Wedd. ... diversifolmm, Wedd. elliptioum, Wedd. ... ficoides, Wedd. frutescens, Hassk. ... gibhosum, Kurz Griffithii, ^A;. /. Hookerianum, Wedd. integri folium, Wedd. lastum, Wedd Ixvigatum, Hassk. ... lineolatum, Wight ... Uneo^atum., Hk. f. & T. Mariannas, Clarke ... memhranifolium, Kurz Miquelianum, Wedd. molle, Wedd nasutum, Hk. f. nigrescens, Gla.r'k.e ... Novarae, Kurz obtusum, Wedd. oppositifolium, Dalz. ovatum, Wight papillosum, Wedd. ... platyphyllum, Wedd. polycephalum, Wedd. procridioides, Wadd. puhescenSfPevB. pusillum, Clarke reptans, Hit. f. rupestre, Wedd. serratum, Forst. sesquifolium, Hassk. sessile, Forst sikkimense, Clarke ... P 2 Yol. Paere ... V. 381 ... „ 382 ... i. 250 ... „ 251 ... „ 251 ... „ 250 ... I 251 ... „ 251 ... „ 252 .. i. 250 ... V. 562 ... „ 566 ... „ 564 ... „ 568 ... „ 561 ... 5, 574 ... 5. 569 V. 5t)0, 574 ... T. 568 V. 564, 565 ... V. 5B4 ... 5, 570 ... „ 568 ... „ 572 ... 5, 574 ... „ 563 ... „ 575 ... „ 560 ... „ 569 ... „ 567 ... „ 564 ... „ 572 ... „ 575 ... „ 565 ... „ 564 ... „ 563 ... „ 566 ... „ 564 ... „ 564 ... „ 571 ... „ 571 ... „ 574 ... „ 573 ... „ 559 ... „ 559 ... „ 569 ... „ 566 ... „ 564 ... „ 570 ... „ 563 ... „ 568 ... „ 567 ... „ 564 ... „ 563 ... „ 564 ... „ 563 ... „ 571 572 OBNERAL INDEX. Elatostema Vol. PftRe stellatnm, JTJfe. /. ... V. 572 Straoheyanum, Wedd. .. „ 567 ■ubinoisum, Wedd. ... .. „ 566 gnrculosum, Wight ... ... „ 572 Treutleri, EJe. f. .. „ 571 Walkerse, m. /. .. „ 566 Wehhianum, Wedd. ... .. „ 568 Wightianum, Wedd. .. M 575 Wi^htn,Hk.f. .. „ 570 ZoUingerianum, Wedd. .. „ 564 Electra calycina, Panz. .. vii. 336 nitida, Panz .. „ 336 Eleiotis, DC .. ii. 153 monophylla, DC. .. „ 153 Bottleri, W. A A. ... .. „ 174 sororia, DC. ... ... .. „ 153 Eleocharis, R. Br. .. ri. 625 acicnlaris, Br .. „ 628 , acutangula, Schult. ... .. „ 627 afflata, Siewd .. „ 629 j alia, Boeck .. „ 630 atropurpurea, Kunth .. „ 627 , atropurpurea, Boeck. .. „ 627 i csespitosissima, Baker .. „ 629 1 capitate, Br .. „ 627 1 capitata, Boeck .. „ 628 1 Chsetaria, R. ^ S .. M 629 1 Chxtaria, Boeck .. „ 629 ehlorocarpa, Boeck. .. „ 629 1 ? conferv aides, Miq .. ,. 654 congesta, D. Don .. „ 630 equisetina, Fresl ... . .. „ 626 erythrochlawys, Miq. .. „ 630 fistuloea, Schult .. „ 626 fistulosa, Boeck .. „ 629 incurvata, Schult .. „ 656 interstincta, Br .. „ 626 juncoides, Schult .. „ 656 1 Kuntzeiy Boeck .. „ 630 j media, Schult .. „ 627 ochrostachys, Steud. .. „ 626 ochrostachys, Boeck. .. „ 629 ovata, Br .. „ 628 ovata, Boeck .. „ 628 1 ovata, Thw . „ 630 palustris, Br . „ 628 palustris, HoisB . „ 628 palustris, Strach . „ 630 planiculmis, Steud. . M 627 plantauinea, Br . „ 625 plantaginea, Boeck. . „ 626 purpurascens, Boeck. . „ 630 : setacea, Br . „ 629 1 spiralis, Br . „ 627 subprolifera, Boeck . „ 629 Buhprnlifera, Steu'^. . „ 629 suhulata, Boeck . „ 626 Eleocharis subviripara, Boeck. tetraquetra, 'Nees tetraquetra, Boeck Thomsoni, Boeck tumida, R. & S. unigluinis, Nees variegata, Kimth variegata, Boeck Wichurai, Boeck Bp.,Hk.f.^T sp., Wall. ... vi. 626, 627, Eleogenus, Nees atropurpureus, Nees capitatus, Nees ovatus, Neea Eleogiton curvuhis, Nees ... fiuitajiSfltink. 7nono8tachya, Dietr. scabrd, Dietr Elephantopus, Linn scaber, Linn Elettaria, Maton cannpecarpa, Witrht CardauKtmum, Maton costata, Horan. Jlorihunda, Thw involucrata, Thw linguiformis, Schult. major, Sm. media, Liok nemoralis, Thw rufescens, Thw. Elettariopsis, Baker Curtisii, JBafcer exserta, Baker serpentina, Baker Eleusine, Gaertn. segyptiaoa, Desf. ... ... arahica, Hochst arisrata, Ehrenb brevifolia, Br calycina. Ham calycina, Roxb. ... ... cerealis, Salisb chinensis, Duihie ciliata, Ratin ooracana, Gaertn cruciata, Lamk decipiens, Steud distarhya, Trin distans, Moench domingensis, Sieb dura, Lamk ? ji liformis, Pars flagellifera, Nees glaucophylla, Munro Gouini, Fourn Vol Pasre vi. 629' >l 630 630 It 629 625 >> 628 626 >> 626^ II 630 II 630 628 ,630 vi. 627 II 627 II 623 II 628 vi. 653 II 653 II 634 II 631 iii. 242 11 24^ vi. 251 II 240 251 II 235 233 ^j 233 ,, 235 II 251 II 235 II 233 II 242 vi. 251 II 252 II 251 II 252 vii. 293 II 295 294 II 296 294 II 306 II 297 II 294 II 298 II 295 II 294- 295 II 299 II 293 II 294 II 294 335 II 298 II 294 296 »i 294 GENERAL INDEX. 573 lEleusine gracilis, Salisb imhecilla, Steud inasqualis, Fourn indica, Qaertn marginata, Lindl monostachya, Spreng. mucronata, Stokes olig OS f achy a. Wight jpectinata, Moenoh jpenicillata, Spreng. jprostrata, Spreng racemosa, Heyne radulans, Br rigidifolia, Fourn ecahra, Fourn ■scindica, Duthie sphasrosperma, Stokes P stolonifera, Br stricta, Roxb Tocussa, Fresen tristachya, Lamk verticillata, Roxb "Fra^ic/m, Munro ^lichrysum, vide Helichry' sum lElionurus, Humh. ^ Bonpl. Grisebachii, Schm hirsutas, Munro pertusus, Neea Royleanus, Nees Elhania multinervis, Schl. ... ? sp., Hohen EUertonia, Wight Rheedii, Wight Ellipanthus, Hfc. /. calophyllns, Kurg Griffithii, Hfe. /. Helferi, ujTfe. / Thwaitesii, Hk. f tomentosas, Kurz tomentosws, Hk. f Ellipeia, Hk. f. ^ T. cuoeifolia, ilfe./. ^ T. ... ferruginea, Hk f. Sr T. ... glabra, Hfe. /. ^^ T nervosa, Hk. f. ^ T. Elodea formosa, Jack sp.y Griff. Elsholtzia, Willd Beddomei, Clarke blanda, Benth. ... iv. cristata, Willd denea, Benth eriostaohya, Benth iriostachya, Hk. f. & T. flava, Benth •Griffithii, ^Tfe. /. Vol Page vii . 294 ,, 299 >) 294 )) 293 n 294 M 293 295 )l 295 >> 295 »J 293 |> 295 295 )) 296 >l 294 1) 294 n 296 2W4 M 294 M 2^4 )> 294 >> 294 295 » 295 iii. 280 vii 161 M 161 n 162 M 173 161 V. 582 M 585 iii. 641 )i 641 ii. 55 )> 55 It 56 M 55 M 55 M 56 >» 54 i. 52 52 5) 52 ») 52 )« 52 i. 258 )> 257 iv. 642 643 643 046 iv. 645 )} 645 e:45 645 )) 642 644 Elsholtzia Hoffmeisteri, Klotz incisa, Benth leptostaohya, Benth. ocimoides, Pers oppositifolia, Poir paniculata, Willd pilosa, Benth polystaohya, Benth. iv. pusilla, Benth. strobilifera, Benth Thompsoni, Hk. f. ? villosa, Roxb Elymus, Linn vii. Caput Medusse, FoTBk. ... dahuricus, Turcz dasystachys, Trin glaucuSf Backl jenisseensis, Turcz nutans, Griseb. sibirious, Linn tener, Linn, f P Thomsoni, Hk. f Elyna, Sohrad capilllfolia, D.'ne capillifoTia, Hend filifolia, Turcz kokanica, Regel ? laxa, Kunth schosnoides, C. A.. May. ... sibirica, Turcz. spicata, Bois? .'. ... stenocarpa, Kar. & Kir. ... sp., Hk. f. & T. vi. 695, 696, Elytranthe albida, Bl farinosa, G. Don formosa, G. Don retusa, G. Don sphxrocarpus (sphseroidea), G. Don Elytraria, Vahl crenata, Vahl indica, Pers It/rata, Vahl marginata, Beauv Vahliana, Michx virgata, Vahl Elytrophorus, Beauv articulatUB, Beauv Embamma cordigera, Griff. ... heterantha, Griff Embelia, Bunn adnata, Bedd amentacea, Clarke ? Basaal, A. DC canescene, Jack coriacea, A. DC coriacea. Wall Vol. Page iv. 645 1} 644 if 646 t} 610 1, 642 ,) 631 644 643 ,646 iv. 645 645 }) 643 fi 632 373 ,421 vii 90 374 )) 374 >> 373 It 374 )f 373 1, 373 M 373 M 374 vi. 696 1) 697 701 II 699 II 698 II 698 II 697 697 II 697 698 697, 699 V. 222 •1 216 II 220 »> 219 II 221 iv. 394 II 394 II 394 M 394 II 394 394 II 394 v)i. 306 II 306 i. 664 >» 664 iii. 512 II 514 II 514 II 515 II 514 >i 513 M 514 674 GENERAL INDEX. Embelia esculenta, D. Don ferruginea, Wall floribunda, Wall Gamblei, Kurz garcinicpfolia, Wall. ... iii. Gardnpiiaoa, Wight glandulifera, Wight Grossularia, Retz Lampani (Limpani), Scheff. ? lucida, Wall macrophylla, Scheff. microcalyx, Kurz MjitiUna, Kiirz Nagushia, D. Don nutans, Wall oblongata, Miq parviflora, Wall picta, A. DC ? reticulata, Weill Ribes, Burm robnsta, Roxh sessiliflora, Kurz ? Tsjeriam-Cottam, A. DC- umhellulata, Wall urophylla, Wall vestita, Roxh vestita, Kurz villosa, Wall iii. viridiflora, Scheff. sp., Bedd sp., Griflf. JEmblica officinalis, Gsertn. Palasis, Ham racemosa, Spreng Umbryogonia arbor ea, Teysm. & Binn lucida, Bl Emhryopteris gelatinifera, G. Don ghitenifera, Roxb Kaki, G. Don .. lanceolata, G. Don peregrina, Goertn Emericia FerguloA'ia, R. & S. Emilia, Cass angustifolia, DC flammea, Cass mucronata, Wall prenanthoidea, DC. prenanthoidea, ,Thw. iii sagittata, DC scahra, DC Bonchifolia, DC Walker i, Hk.f. zeylanioa, Clarice , Eminenospermum, Clarke .. Vol. iii. Page 515 }> 515 514 >j 516 513 514 iii. 517 )j 513 619 514 jj 517 j> 513 513 516 \^ 516 ,, 517 n 513 515 515 >> 515 513 n 515 513 )> 515 512 ii. 812 iii. 517 )> 517 514 ,515 iii 516 >> 514 >> 517 V. 289 275 ;; 285 AAd ii. 446 n 454. iii. 55« „ 556 „ 555 „ 556 „ 556 iii. 651 iii. 335 „ 336 „ 336 ., 336 „ 336 336, 337 iii. 336 „ 336 „ 336 „ 337 „ 336 iv. 304, 305, 734 Vol. Pag-e Empusa paradoxa, lAndA. ... V. 698 paradoxa, Wall ,j 696 Empusaria sp., ^ohh. f. V. 698 JSnchidium verticillatum, J&ck v. 398 Endiandra, Br V. 126 ? Candolleana, Meissn. ... 125 firma, Nees ,^ 126 Maingayi, HA;. /. » 127 Endopogon Amomum, Nees ... iv. 435 argutus, Nees >» 432 capitatus. Wight 433 covsanguineus, Nees iv. 432, 435 cuspidatus, Benth iv. 435 decurrens, Nees ... iv. 436 440 digitalis, Nees iv. 432 foliosus, Wight )) 43a Gardn erianus, Nees 'J 446 hypoleucus, Nees ... iv 432 436 integrifolius, Dalz iv. 458 khassyanus, Nees » 436 macrostegius, Nees >> 456 rhamnifolius, Wight M 433 Strobilanthes, Wight )> 439 versicolor, Wight 435 viscosus, Nees ,j 431 m'fe^Zmws, Nees ,, 512 Endospermum, Benth. V. 458 chinense, ? Benth 1) 458 malacceuse, Muell. 458 perakense, King »> 458 Endotropis auriculata. Done. iv.^ 25 caudata, Miq >r 25 J acquemontii. Dene. it 26 Roylei, Bene rr 26 Engelhardtia, Leschen. v. 595 aoerifolia, Bl 596 chrysolepis, Hance r> 596 Colebrookiana, LindL .. >j 596 nudiflora, Hk. f. 597 palemhanica, Miq M 596 rigida, Bl 597 Roxburghiana, Lindl. )> 595 serrata, Bl 596 spicata, Bl ^, 595 villosa, Kurz _ 596 Wallichiana, Lindl. ,, 596 Enhalus, Rich V. 663 acoroides, ZoU • >> 663 Koenigii, Ricft- 663 marinus, GrifF u 663 sp., Griff. »> 663 Enhydra, Lour . iii 304 fluotuana, Lottr )» 304 Heloncha, DC • >» 304 Enicosteme, Bf .. iv 100 littorale, Bl . 101 Enkianthus, Lour. . iii . 461 GENERAL INDEX. 575 Enkianthus Vol. Page himalaicus, Hfe. /. ^ r. ... iii. 461 Enhleia inalaccensis, Griflf. ... v. 198 EnJcylia digyna, Griff. ii. 633 trigijna, Griff. ,, 633 Enneapogon dipsaceus, Wall. vii. 301 persicum, Boiss ,, 301 Entada, Adans ii. 286 monostachya, DG ,, 287 Parrana, Spreng „ 287 Purscetha, DC „ 287 Hheedei, Spreng „ 287 RumphU, Scheff. „ 287 soandeue, Benth ,, 287 Bnteropogon, Nees vii. 284 melicoides, Nees ,, 284 Sntosiphon, Bedd ii. 311 Eophylon Lohhii, A. Gray ... iv. 95 Epacride^ iii. 477 Epaltes, Cass iii. 274 divaricata, Oass „ 274 linearif olia. DG. ... iii. 248, 274 pygmaea, DO iii. 274 Ephehopogon gratus, Nees ... vii. 116 Ephedra, Linn v. 640 alata, Edge w v. 641, 863 Alte, Br&nd v. t.41, 863 asparagoides, Grift'. v. 863 ciliata,FiBGh. & Mej. ... „ 641 distachya, Linn. ... r. 640, 864 foliata, Boiss v. 641, 863 foliata, Aitch v. 863 Gerardiana, TFali. ... v. 640, 863 glauca, Regel v. 641 intermedia, Schr. Sf Mey, „ 863 macrocephala, Bert. ... „ 640 monostachya, Linn „ 640 nebrodent-is, Tineo ,, 864 paohyolada, Boiss. ... v. 64L, 863 peduncularis, Boiss. v. 641, 863 vulgaris. Rich v. 64J EphippiofhynchiuTn trijloium, ' Nees ... vi. 670 Spicarpurus asper,8texid. ... v. 489 orientalis, Bl „ 489 spinosus, Wight „ 488 timorensis, Dene „ 488 zeylanicus, Thw „ 488 sp., Hk. f. &T „ 487 Epicharis exarillata, Arn. ... i. 546 exarillata,^ immo ,, 561 mollis, Wall „ 548 sp., Knrz ,, 552 Epichysianthusmacrophyllus, Voigt iii. 661 'Epicranthes harbata, B-chb. f. r. 781 javanica, Bl ,, 753 Epidbndre^... ... Y. 667, 669, 675 V. 1. Page Epidendrum aloides, Curt. ( aloijolium) , vi. 11 aloifolium, Linn „ 10 bidentatum, Keen „ 197 calceolare, Ham „ 60 calceolaria, Keen „ 197 calceolaria terrestre, Keen. „ 197 clavatum, Keen „ 197 clavatum, Retz „ 66 complanatum, Keen. ... „ 197 complanatum, Retz „ 41 Dumunsuttei, Ham. ... v. 748' ensifolium, Linn vi. 14 Flabellum Veneris, Keen. „ 197 Flos xris ? KcBu „ 197 Flos-oeris, Linn „ 28 geniculatum, Ham „ 45 hexandrum, Keen. ... vi. 84, 198. Hippium, Ham vi. 32 humile, Sm v. 841 liliiJolium(liliijiorum)f'Kodi\. vi. 198 longijiorum, Keen „ 198 lycopodioldes. Keen. ... „ 198 moschatum, Ham v. 744 Myosurus, Forst „ 685 nudum, Keen vi. 198 ophrydis, Keen „ 198. orchideum, Keen „ 198 plantaginifolium. Keen. ... ,, 198 prsecox, Sm v. 840' proemorsum, 'Ronh vi. 63^ pusillum, Keen. „ 198' - pusillum, Retz. „ 37 resupinatum, Forst. ... v. 688 retusum, Linn vi. 32 saaronicum, Keen „ 197 scriptum, Linn. „ 18- sessile, Koeu. ... v. 753, vi. 198 spathulatum, 'Kodn vi. 198 spathulatum, Linn „ 50' subulatum, Keen ,, 198 subulatum, Reiz „ 44 Supplex minima, Kodn. ... „ 198. tenuifolium, Linn ,, 25 tessellatum, Roxb ,, 52 tomentosum, Keen. v. 803, vi. 198 triste, Forst vi. 25 umbellatum, Haui ,, 66 variegatum, Keen „ 198 sp.. Griff. V. 842 Epigynium acuminatum, Klotz iii. 455 affine, Klotz „ 45$ Donianum, Klotz ,, 453 Dunalianum, Klotz. ... „ 45$ Griffithianum, Klotz. ... ,, 454 Leschenaultii, Klotz. ... 455 576 GENERAL INDEX. Epigynmm malaccense, Klotz neilgherrense, Klotz. ohovatum, Klotz serratum, Klotz ISprengelii, Klotz venosum, Klotz. Epigynum, Wight Griffithianum, Wight ? Ifflvigatum, HTc. f. Maingayi, Hh. f. ? parviflorum, Hfc. /. Epilasia, Bxinge atnmophila, Bunge Bungei, Clarke Epilobinm, itnn alpinnm, Linn a/nagalUdifolitim, Lauik. ... anguetifolium, Linn, brevifolium, D. Don cylindricum, D. Don /ruticosutn, Lour Qerardiannm, Wall. hirautum, iwn Hoo&eri, Clarke (s- e Errata) khasianum, Clarice Icetxim^ Wall latifolium, Linn laxum, Royle ... origanifolium, Lamk. palustre, Linn parviflorum, Schreb. reticulatum, Clarke rosernn, Schreh sericeum, Benth serratum, Jacquem ^veciosum, Done picatum, Lamk tetragonum, Linn tomentosum, Vent trichoneurum, Haupk. (see vestiticm, Benth .^p, Hk. f. &T. ... ii. Epimedium, Linn elatum, Morr. 8f Dene. ... Epipactie, JBr ? americana, Lindl amoena, Ham ? hicarinata, Ham , carinata, Roxb. ooneimilie, Wall cnnsimilis, D. Don Dalhousice, Wight gigantea, Dougl graminifolia, Roxb herhacea, Lindl intrusa, Lindl Vol. Page iii. 454 ^55 )) 447 )) 452 )t 453 452 iii 665 666 )t 666 t^66 M 666 iii. 419 11 419 M 419 ii. 582 II 586 1) 585 1) 582 II 586 II 585 587 II 5S3 >i 583 585 II 585 II 584 „ 583 ,1 587 I, 586 „ 585 „ 584 „ 583 I, 584 I, 584 „ 583 „ 583 „ 583 „ 586 n 584 Errata) . ii. 584 585, 586 i. 112 I, 112 vi. 125 II 126 I, 126 „ 6 „ 121 II 126 II 125 11 125 11 126 , V. 814 vi. 125 . II 126 Cyanotis Juliana, Roxb latifolia, St^ macrostachya, Lindl. macrostachya, Wight plicata, Roxb Royleana, Lindl veratrifolia, BoisB Epiphanes javanica, Bl. pallens, Rchb. f. Epipognm, Qmel. aphyllum, Stv Omelini, Rich nutans, Ec?ib./. roseum, Lindl Epipremnum, Schott J3eccarti, Engl giganteum, Schott hximile, Hk. f. medium, Engl mirabile, Schott , Epiprinus, QriJ^. malayanus, Griff. Epirhizanthes, Bl Epistylium cordifolium,'Ba\l\ Jlorihundum, Thw. ... v (jlaucescens, Baill latifolium, Thw montanum, Thw phyllanthoides, Baill. polyphyllum, Thw pulchrum, Baill Roxhurghii, Baill zeylanicum, Baill Epithema, Bl carnosum, Benth carnosum, Thw ceylanicum, Wight zeylanicum, Gardn. ?sp., Wall Epithinia malayana, Jack ... sp., Griff. Eragrostidi affine, Wall. Eragrostis, Beauv. affine. Wall amabilie, W. ^ A. ... ainahilis, Willd. arahica, J. & S. aspers, Nees atropurpurea, Hoohsr. atro-virens, Lange ... aurea, Steud hahiensis, Hance barbulata, Stapf bifaria, Wight bifaria, Thw bifaria, Wall braoh J phy 11a, Stapf. . , Vol. Page vi. 119 125 125 " 126 119 126 " 126 vi. 123 122 vi. 124 124 " 124 124 124 vi. 548 II 546 548 II 549 " 540 549 V. 463 464 i. 207 . V. 800 .303 304 V. 303 )i 800 II 303 302 II 802 302 II 300 302 . iv. 369 II 369 • 1 369 )> 369 • II 369 II 369 . iii. 125 II 125 . vii . 295 . vii 312 i. 325, 327 . vii . 317 II 324 • 11 315 314 11 324 II 322 • 51 316 319 II 319 325 • 51 326 i. 326 ,327 .. vii . 327 GENERAL INDEX. 577 ragrostiB Vol. Page brevifolia, Benth. ... vii. 2U5 Brown eana, Nees ... „ 319 Browneif'^ees vii. 318, 319 caudata, Nees ... vii. 316 cernua, Stead ... „ 327 ciliaris, Link ... „ 314 ciliaris, Boiss ... „ 314 ciliaris, Pink ... „ 26 ciliaris, Trin ... „ 315 oil lata, Nees ... „ 313 coarotata, Stapf ... „ 313 Collettii, Stapf. ... „ 326 collocarpa, K. Soham. ... „ 322 confinis, Nees ... „ 327 coromandelina, Trin. ... „ 326 cretacea, Nees ... „ 326 Curtiingii, Steud. ... „ 319 cylindrica, Aitch. ... „ 313 cyaosuroides, Beauv. ... „ 324 despiciens, Schult. ... ... „ 315 diandra, Aitoh. ... „ 316 diarrhena, Steud. ... ... „ 316 diplachnoides, Steud. ... ,. 316 elegantula, Steud. ... ... „ 318 elegantula, Nees vii. 315, 318, 323 elongata, Jacg. ... vii. 319 ferruginea, Beauv. ... ... „ 324 fiexuosa, Steud. ... „ 320 gangetica, Steud. ... » 318 hapalantha, Trin. ... ... „ 316 Hochstetteri, Steud. ... „ 316 indica, Steud ... » 323 interrupta, Beauv. ... ... „ 316 interrupta, Steud. ... ... » 319 Japonica, Trin ... „ 316 Koenigii, Link ... „ 316 laxa, Baker ... » 315 leioptera, Stapf ... „ 325 lepida, Hochst. ... „ 314 lohata, Trin ... » 314 luzoniensis, Steud. .. ... „ 318 major, Host ... » 320 malayana, Stapf ... „ 317 mangalorica, Hochst. ... „ 316 megastachya, Link .. „ 320 minor, Host ... „ 321 minutifiora, Presl .. ... „ 316 mossidensis, Steud. .. ... » 316 ? mucronata, R. & S. ... „ 322 mucronata. Trim. ,. ... » 328 multifiora, Aschers. ... „ 320 multiflora, Trin. . ... „ 320 nardoides, Trin. . ... „ 326 nigra, Nees 324 nutans, Nees . ... „ 316 nutans, Thw . ... „ 316 orientalis, Nees . ... „ 319 Eragrostis orientalis, Trin. ovina, Nees paniculata, Steud. ... paniculata, Thw. papposa, Steud. parvijiora, Trin. parviglumis, Hochst. pellucida, Steud. phleoides, Stapf pilosa, Beauv plumosa, Boiss. plumosa. Link plumosa, Thw poseformis, Link poaeoides, Beauv. poxoides, Trim. po9p,oides,Tv'\r\. polymorpha, R. & S. polymorpha, Trin. ... procera, Steud pubescens, Steud. pulchella. Pari. punctata, Link rhachitricha, Hochst. rigidifolia, Hochst. .. riparia, Nees riparia, Steud Roth'd, Stemd Rottleri, Stapf ruhens, Hochst. rupestris, Steud. secunda, Nees spe rostachya, Coss. & Dur stenophylla, Hochst. stricta, Steud. ... tenella, B. ^ S. tene/la, Benth. ... tenella, Nees ... tenella, R, & S tenellula, Steud. tenuifolia, Hochst. tenuissima, Schrad. Urehinthacea, Kurz thraulostachys, K. Schum tremula, Hochst. unioloides, Nees verticillata, Coss. verticillata, Nees verticillata, R. & S. ... ? viscosa, Dalz. &. Gibs viscosa, Trin viscosa, Wight vulgaris, Presl Wightiana, Benth. ... Willdenoviana, Nees Willdenoviana, Nees ? Willdenovii, Steud. Vol. Page .. vii. 324 318 . . . ,, 314 324 322 M 323 322 323 313 M 323 .. • M 314 315 315 . . . )) 321 321 . . . >> 322 320 322 .. • ,, 317 329 . . . J> 319 314 323 • >• ,, 320 323 . " )) 315 315 316 ... ,, 321 ... ,) 317 ... )> 313 ... ,, 326 ur. „ 323 318 316 315 ... ,) 316 314 315 ... ,, 317 322 317 ... >i 316 im. ,, 325 ... »> :i20 ... >» 317 ... >) 323 ... ,, 316 3J3 ... ,, 316 ... ,, 315 ... ,) 321 vii. M20, 323 ... vi ..'327 ... , 322 ... } 319 318 578 GENERAL INDEX. Eragroatis Vol. Page zeiy Zamca, Nees & Moy. ... vii. 319 sp., Benth „ 328 sp., Wall. vii. 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 32t», 322,323, 324, 329 Eragrostoides, Wall .. vii. 313, 325 Eranthemum, Linn iv. 497 album, J^ees „ 498 amcenum, Ham. ,, 420 Aiidersoni, Masters „ 499 har/erioides, Ruxb. ... iv. 416, 420 bifarium, Nees iv. 500 Blumei,Tej3m.? „ 499 capense, Linn ,, 421 cinnabarinnm. Wall. ... „ 499 crenulatum, Lindl „ 497 crenulatum, Nees ,, 598 crenulatum, Wall. ... iv. 497, 498 dianfherum, Roxb iv. 497 Echolium, T. Anderp. ... „ 544 Edgeworthxanuvi, Nees ... ,, 418 elatum, Kurz „ 498 elegans, Masters ,, 499 fastigiatum, Spreng. ... „ 421 graciliflorum, Nees „ SCO indicum, Clarke „ 497 latifoUum, Kurz ,, 498 leptanthus, Clarke ,, 500 macrophyllumjWal]. ... „ 419 malabaricum, Clarke ... ,, 497 rualaccense, CVarfce „ 498 wontanum. Hook „ 49H montanum, Roxb „ 421 montanum,Wa,\\ ,, 420 nervosum, Br ,, 418 nervosum, Dalz. & Gibs. ... „ 421 palatiferum, Nees „ 498 palatiftru'v, Hk. f. ... iv. 498, 499 Parishii, Clarke iv. 499 pubesof-ns. Roth ,, 500 pulchellum., Andr ,, 418 pulchellum, Roxb ,, 420 punctatum, Nees „ 499 pvrpurascens, Nees ,, 420 racemosum, Roxh „ 497 roseum, Br. „ 419 salaccense, Bl „ 420 semperfiorens, Roth „ 497 strictum, Coleb ,, 419 succisifolium , Kurz ,, 499 suffruticosum, Roxb. ... ,, 420 tetragonum, Wall ,, 420 WigMianum,W&U „ 421 sp., Griff. „ 418 sp., Hk. f. &T iv. 418, 421 'Erebennuscanaranus,AAtif.... i. 341 Eremochloa, Biibe vii. 140 bimaoulata, Sack ,, 140 Eremochloa Vol. Papre- ciliatifolia, E&ck vii. 141 Helferi, Munro „ 141 leersioides, Ifacfc „ 140' muricata. Hack „ 140 zeylanioa. Hack „ 140" 'EremoBt&ohye, Bung e iv. 694 acanthocalyx, Boiss. ... „ 695 laciniata, Aitch „ 695 BU-perhsi, Boyle „ 695 Y icAi-y i, Benth. ,, 695 Eremurus, Bieh vi. 332 himalaious, Bafeer „ 332 persious, Boiss. „ 333 Bria, Lindl v. 785 aoervata, Lindl „ 796 acutifolia, Lindl „ 800- aeidostachya, Kch'\f. ... „ 809 a#nis, Gritf. „ 797 alba, Lindl „ 795 amica, -RcAi. /. „ 800" andamanica, Hk. f. v. 801, vi. 190' Andersonii, m./. v. 795, vi. 190 Anta, Rchb. f. v. 820 annulata, Lindl , 808 anthomeniaca, Rohb. f. ... ,, 798 aporina, Hk. f. ... v. 80S, vi. 191 articulata, Lind? v. 788 bambusifolia, Lindl. ... „ 805 barbata, i2c/ib. / „ 80$ bicolor, Lindl v. 793, 799 bicornis, Rohb. f v. 821 biflora, Gri/. „ 800 hifiora, Lindl „ 80& bipunotata, Lindl „ 792 braocata, Lindl „ 787 Iraccafa, Dalz. & Gibs. ... „ 787 hractetioenB, Lindl ,, 796 calaraifolia, HA;. /. vi. 191 carinata, Gibs. ... v. 803 clavicaulis, Wall „ 799 clavicaulis,? Lindl. ... ,, 805 concolor, Par. ^ Bchh. f. „ 798 oonfusa, H/c /. „ 795 convallarioides, Lindl. ... „ 791 coronaricb, Rchb. f ,, 828 crasaicaulis, Hk. f. ...v. 805, vi. 191 cylindripoda. Griff, {lapsu Trichosma) v. 827 Dalzellii, LindZ. „ 78& dasyphylla. Par. (fiicJib./. „ 808 dasypns, Rchh.f. „ 802 Dayana, EcTib. /. „ 802 discolor. Lindl. ... v. 802, vi. 190 elata, HL.f. v. 704 elongata, Lindl ,, 801 Elwesii, Rchb. f „ 786 ephemera, Rchb. f „, 799 GENERAL INDEX. 57^- Eria Vol. Puge eriopRidobulboD, Par. S^ Rchb.f. ... V. 796 excavata, Lindl. V. 795 796 exi\\B,n]c.f. V. 788, vi 190 extinctoria, Oliv. ... V. 788 feTox,Bl „ 806 ferruginea, imdi. ... ,, eo4 filiformis, Echb. f. ... ,, 789 flava, Lindl 801 fiava, Griff. ,, 801 Jlava, Wall ... ,, 803 floribunda, Lindl. ... 792 Fordii, Rolfe ... ,, 808 fragrans, Rclih.f. 794 gracilis, Hh.f. ... v. 806, vi 191 graminifolia, Lindl. ... V. 794 Griffitbii, Rc/ib. /. ... J 797 hologlossa, Par. & Rchb "f- „ 822 iridifolia, m. /. ...V 7tO,vi .190 Jerdoniana, Rohb. f. ... V. 787 khasiana, Lindl. ... ,, 799 Ki-Dgii, HJi. f. V . 790, vi .190 Kurzii, T. Anders. ... ... V. 797 lanata, Griff. ... 801 laDcifolia, HX-. /. ,..v 801, vi .191 laniceps, Rchb. f. ... V. 801 ieiophylla, Lindl. ... ,, 809 leptocarpa, Ilk. /. . . . r 805, vi .191 Lichenora, Lindl. ... ... V. 787 Lindleyana, Griff. ... ,, 794 Lindleyi, TMo » 799 longifolia, Hk. f. ...v. 790, vi .190 MaiDgayi, i/A;. /. ...v. 798, vi .190 marginata, Rolfe ... V. SCO Meirax, N.E.Br. ... „ 786 merguensie, Lindl. ... 791 microchilos, Lindl. ... „ 789 monticold, ^A-. /. ,, 806 mnscicola, Lindl. ...v 789, vi .190 Myosuru?, Hk. f. ... V. 810 myriBtioifornai>', Hk.f. „ 797 mysorensis, Lindl. ... ... ,, 793 nana, A. Rich ,, 789 nutans, i-iTidi 800 obesa, Xtndi ,, 793 ohliquB,, Li7idl ,, 790 oligantha, HA;./. ...v 807, vi .191 ornata, Lindl ... V. 803 ovata, Lindl ... J) 793 panioulata, Lindl. . . . 789 pannea, Lindl. ... v. 804, vi .191 Parishii, Lindl. ^^ Echl ./. V. 787 panoiflora, Wight ... )■> 799 pellipes, i?c?ib. /. ... ... ,) 802 'perpnsilla, Par. &- Rchb perpusilla, Par. & Rchb ./. „ 788 f. „ 811 planiccmlis, Wall. ... 824 V. 804, vi, ,, ... V. vi. V. J91 Eria Vol. Pletirothallis,Par.c^^J?c^b./. v. polystachya, A. Rich. ... ,, polyura, Lindl. „ pubescenF, Wight „ puhescens, Lindl ,, pulchella, Lindl. v. 801, vi. pulchella, Griff. v. pulvinata, Lindl ,, pumila, LindX ,, pnsilla, Lindl. ... pygmsea, Hk. f.^ ramosissima, Wall recurvata, Uk. f. reticosa, Wight reticulata, Benth „ Rimanni, J2c/i6. / ,, ringens, jRc/i6. / „ rosea, Lindl „ rufinula, Rchb. f. ... ... ,, saccifera, Hk. f. v. 797, vi. soabrilinguis, Lindl. ... v. Scortechinii, Hk. f. v. 809, vi. secuyidijiora, Griff. v. sicAria, Lindl ,, sjpec/o.sa, Rohb. f ,, spheerochila, Lindl , Btriota, Lindl ,, suavis, Lindl ,, teretifolia, Griff. ,, Thwaitesii, Trim vi. Thw aite sii, Rk. f v. tomentosa, Hk.f ,, tomentoia, Lindl vi. tricolor, T/iiy v. truncata, Lindl „ tuberosa, Hk. f. v. 807, vi, imifiora, Da\z v. ustulata, Par. ^ Rchb. f. „ velutina, G. Lodd „ vehitina, Thw „ vestita, Lindl. ,, vittata, Ltndl „ Wightii, nohh. i „ Eriachne, Br vii. chinensis, Hance „ Hookeri, Munro ,, pallesceng, Br ,, triseta, iVees „ Erianthera lobelioides, Nees iv. rhomboidea, ^enth ,, serpyllifolia, Nees ,, Eriantho affi,ne, Wall vii. Erianthus, Ific/io; vii. articulatus, F. Muell. ... „ aureus, Nees „ chrysothrix, Hack ,, Cumin jii, F. Muell. ... „ 804 792 809 798 801 190 797 807 791 787 191 826 190 787 786 809 793 808 807 190 792 191 791 802- 822 795 791 827 804 191 803 803 198 798 799 191 787 787 807 803 806 794 821 269 269 269 269 269 505 678 506 129 121 109 112 125 112 580 GENERAL INDEX. Erianthus Vol. Page elephantinus, UAr. /. ... vii. 122 fastigiatuB, Nees „ 125 filifoliuB, Nees „ 123 fulvus, Nees vii. Il8, 123 Griffithii, Hk.f. vii. 122 hexastaehyus, Hochst. ... „ 112 Hookeri, Hack „ 125 jamaicensis, Anderss. ... „ 121 /aponicus, Str. & Wint. ... ,, 123 lonijisetosus, Anderss. ... „ 124 mishmeensis, Mnnro ... „ 124 onollis, Griseb „ 111 nudipes, Griseb , 107 pollens, Hack , 124 prwpurascens, Anderss. ... „ 122 Ravennee, Beauv ,, 121 .Hoxhurghii, F. Mueli. ... „ 112 rufipiluSy Griseb „ 123 rufus, Nees „ 112 sikkimensis, fl^A;. /. „ 123 speciosus, Debeaux , 113 tristachyus, Nees ... vii. 110, 112 versicolor, Nees vii. 124 vulpinus, Nees „ 126 sp., tlk. f. & T „ 113 sp., Wall vii. 107, 123, 124 Ericacea iii. 456 Ericala aquatica, G. Bon ... iv. 110 argentea, G. Don „ 112 capitata, D. Don „ 113 carinata, D. Don „ 113 coronata, D. Don „ 114 decemfida, D. Don „ 112 depressa, D. Don „ 115 humilis, G. Don ,, 111 mar ginata, J). Don „ 113 crhiculata, G. Don ,, 111 pedicellata, D. Don „ 111 p?'ocumhens, G. Don ... ,. Ill quadrifaria, G. Don ... „ 111 Jioyleana, G. Don „ 112 squarrosa, G. Don „ 111 tubiflora, G. Don , 116 venusta, G. Don ,, 116 EWci/iea, Griff. iii. 469 Ericoila aquatica, Borkb. iv. 110 verticillata, Borkh „ 101 ErigeroD, Linn iii. 254 acris, Clarke ,, 255 cegyptiacus, Kurz ,, 254 alatum, D. Don „ 271 alpinus, Linn „ 255 andryaloides, Bentli. ... ,, 255 angustissimus, Lindl. ... „ 256 anomalus, DC ,, 253 asteroides, Boxh „ 254 asteroides, Roxb „ 270 Erigeron asteroides, Wall bellidioides, Benth. canadensis, Linn falcatus, D. Don graveolens, Linn hieracifolius, D. Don hirstUus, Wall hispidus, DC LeschenoAdtii, DC leucanthus, D. Don linifulius, Willd mollis, D.Don inontioolns, DC multicaulis,W&U multiradiatus, Benth. ohliq^iits, Linn. pinnatijidus, D. Don pyrif alius, Benth ? Roylei,DC se)niharhatus,DG suhlyratus, Roxb tr is ulcus, D. Don Wightia7ius,W8i\l Wightii, DC Erimatalia Rheedii, R. & S. Erinocarpus, Nini)no Nimmoanus, Grah Erinus bilahiatus, Roxb. ... Eriobotrya, Lindl angnstissima, Hfc. /. bengalensis, Hk. f. dabia, Dc7ie duhia, Done eiliptica, Lindl elliptica, Hk. f. & T. Hookeriana, Dene integrifolia, Kurz japonica, Lindl latifolia, Hh. f. longifolia, Hh. f. macrocarpa, JTura petiolata, H/c./. JEriobotryx vel Photinioi ajffinis, Miq Ebiocadle^ Eriocaulon, Li'nji achiton, Kcern. alppstre, Hfc. /. ^- I'. argenteum. Mart argyraum, Stend atratum, Koern australe, Br bifistnlosum, Heurck hracteosum, Steud breviscapum, Koern. Brownianum, Mart. Capillus-naiadis, Hk. f. ... Vo\. Page iii. 260 )> 256 )) 254 270 M 292 >) 263 *) 254 )] 254 M 256 n 270 » 254 »< 26 L M 255 91 255 If 256 260 jj 259 >> 257 }) 255 M 255 )] 254 >) 259 299 >' 256 iv. 181 i. 394 >> 394 iv. 264 li. 370 1) 372 M 371 )} 371 i) 371 372 » 370 371 ,, 380 }) 372 >) 370 J» 370 » 372 >> 370 iii. 582 vi. 571 vi. 571 584 )) 578 582 5> 582 n 574 580 )) 572 572 >j 575 j> 576 572 GENERAL INDEX. 581 Eriocaulon caulescens, Hk. f. ^ T. oeylsijiicuw, Koern ... cinereum, Br cinereum, Ham. Collettii, Hk. f. oollinum, Hk. f. cristatnm, Mart, cristatuin, Benth. cristatum, Mart, ouspldatnm, Dalz. ... Dalzellii, Koern. Dnthiei, Hk. f. echinulatum, Mart, erythropodum, Miq. eurypeplon, Kcern. ... fluviatile, Trim. gracile, Mart gregatnm, Kcern. Hamiltonianum, Mart. 'HelieTi, Hk. f. heterolepis, Steitd. ... hexangulare, Kunth infirmum, Steud. intermedium, Koern. kiusianum, Maxim. ... lanceolatam, Miq. ... leucomelas, Steud. ... longiouspis, Hfc. /. ... longifolium,, Nees ... Inzulsefolium, Mart, luzulcpfolium, Thw. ... Martianum, Wall. ... melaleucnm, Mart minimum, Lam. minutum, Hfc. /. mi serum, Kcern. mitophyllum, Hk. f. Neesianum, i^Krw. ... nepalense, Presc. nigricans, Br nilagirense, Steutl. ... nitidum,, Ham odoratum, Dalz. orysetorum, Mart. ... polycephalum, Hk. f. Fnmilio, Hk. f. jpygmceum, Dalz. quadr angular e, Lour, quinquangulare, Linn, quinquangulare, Heyne quinquangulare, Wall. rivulare, Dalz robustum, Steud. sericans, Mart. setaceum, Linn, setaceum, Benth. setaceum, Heyne Vol. Pago ... vi. 572 ,, 585 • • • )> 578 ,, 578 • • • )> 575 • •• )j 584 „ 574 . . . ,, 574 575 • • • )) 581 580 578 • • • j> 679 582 • • • )> 585 585 ,, 577 • • • )) 581 579 583 585 577 • • • )j 577 572 • • • >» 578 ■ • • )> 577 574 • ■ • )> 573 580 582 . . . J, 584 582 . . . ,1 574 j» 585 579 • • • 11 575 575 ... *„ 585 581 584 • • • )> 576 577 574 • • • >> 579 573 581 584 . . . ,, 580 • • • )> 582 ■ ■ • )) 574 Pi. 581 ,583 ... vi. 580 . . . J) 572 577 . . . J, 572 572 u 577 Eriocaulon setaceum. Wall. sexangulare, Linn sexangulare, Heyne sexangulare, Mart sexangulare, Willd Sieboldiannm, Sieh.^Zucc. Sieholdianum, Keen. SoUyanum, Eoyle stellulatnm, Kcern Bubcaulescens, Hk.f. sululatum, Bojer tenue, Ham Thwaitesii, Kcern trilobum, Ham truncatum, Ham viride, Koern Walkeri, Hk.f. Wallichianum, Mart. vi. Wightianum, Mart xeranthemoides, Heurok & Muell xeranthemum, Mart. EriochcBta densijiora. Fig. & Not nervosa, Fig. & Not. secundijiora, Fig. & Not. Briochloa. H. B. K. annulata, Kunth pol^stachya, H. B. K. ... punctata, Ham succincta, Kunth sundaica, Miq Eriochrysis attenuata, Nees fusca, Nees fusca, Trin. longifolia, Munro Narenga, Nees Eriococcus glaucescens, Morr. &Zoll Eriocoryne nidularis. Wall. Eriocycla, Lindl nuda, Lindl sp., Hk.f. &T Eriodendron, DC. anfractuoaum, DC orientale, Steud Erioglossum, 5Z edule, i^i i, ruhiginosum, Brand. Erioidea, Grifi'. ErioJaena, DC'. Candollei, IFall Hookeriana, W. ^f- A. quinquelooularis, Wight... spectabilis, Planch. StockHii, Hk. f. ^ T. Wallichii, DC Vol. Page vi. 572 M 580 M 576 577 M 580 577 M 578 11 583 579 11 573 5S3 11 577 588 ,, 5S3 J» 578 l> 581 11 583 578 ,580 vi 576 It 584 11 58i vii. 87 11 87 87 vii. 20 M 20" 11 20 • f 20- 20 If 20 vii. 120 11 12a 11 120- M 125 M 12a v. 302, iii. 376 ii. 680 11 68a 11 680- i. 349 J, 350 11 35a i. 672 672, 685 i. 672 V. 803 1. 370 >i 370 11 370 i> 371 11 371 11 370 11 370 582 GENERAL INDEX. ERlOLiENE^ Eriopetahcm attenuatum, Wight ... iGevigahiin, Wight parvijiorum, Wight Eriophorum, Linn arundinaceum, Wall. cannahinu m, Royle capitatum. Host comosnm, TVall cyperinum^ Linn _filamentosu7n, Boeok. humile, Turcz microstaohyum, Boeck. ... Sohenohzeri, Hoppe vaginatum, Curt sjJ., Benth sp., Wall Eriophyton, Benfh Walliohianum, Benth. ... Eriosema, DC. chinense, Vogel Erinsolena montana, Bl. Wallichii, Meissn ^riostemon taraxacifolium, Less Erismanthus, Wall obliqua, Wall Eritrichium, Schrad basifixum, Clarke elongatum, A. DO fruticuloswm, Klotz. Jacquemontii, Dene. longifoUum, Dene micro car pum, DO multicatde, DO Munroi, Clarke nemorosum, A. DO cvalifolium; DO patens, Dene primuloides, Done pustulosum, Clarfee pygmaeurn, Clarke rotundi folium, DO secundifiorum, K.jyG. spathnlatnm, Clarke «. striotnra, Bene tibetieum, Clarke villosum, DO sp, Hk. f. &T iv. Eriura, Lindl Erodium, L'Herit xgyptiacum, Boiss chiuin, Sibth „ chumhalense, Munro oieonium, JVilld cicntariam, Leman Vol. Pacre i. 353 iv. 65 )> 65 >j 65 vi. 663 664 664 >) 664 )) 664 661 664 J) 664 664 j> 664 664 5) 661 664 iv. 695 695 ii'. 219 t) 219 V. 194 >j 193 iii. 370 V. 405 )) 405 iv. 163 j> 165 )) 170 164 )i 164 9) 164 )) 172 172 )> 165 171 >) 172 >) 164 )) 170 164 165 172 n 170 )« 164 164 165 165 164 , 165 V. 785 i. 433 ); 435 )) 435 »> 427 l> 434 434 Erodium Vol. Page himalayanum, Royle . i. 434 malacoides, Willd. »> 435 nilagiricum, Sehleeht. .. j> 435 Stephanianum, Willd. . 434 stipaceum, Edyew J) 435 tibetanum, Edgew 434 violaefolium, Turcz. • >> 435 Erophila, DC . i. 144 vulgaris, DC )) 145 Eruca, Tourn . i. 158 sativa, Lamk • >5 158 Ervum fiUforme, Roxb. . ii. 177 hirsutum, Linu V 177 Lens, Linn » 179 Lens, WsiU. ... • ». 177 tetraspermum, Linn. JJ 177 Erythroxyle^ . i. 410 Erycala, G. Don . iv. 110 Eryoibe, Roxl . iv. 180 caynptohotrya, Miq >> 182 citrinijlora, Griflf. ... . >> 183 coriaoea, Wall >> 182 expansa, Wall 181 ferruginosa, Griff. ... 55 181 fragrans, Wall 183 glauceseens, Wall » 181 glaucescens, DC 181 glauceseens, Kurz J> 181 gloraerata, Wall 183 glomerata, Bl 5) 183 Griffithii, Clarke ... . 182 laevigata, Wall. J> 181 Icsvig ata, WaU 181 Maingayi, Clarke ... ^. 55 182 malaceensis, Clarke... . 182 aanieulata, Roxh 55 180 Prineei, Wall 95 182 Rheedii, Bl 5) 181 subspicata, Wall >5 181 Wightiana, Grab 59 181 sp., Hk. f. &T 182 Eryngium, Linn .. ii. 669 Billardieri, Delar 670 ccerulescens, Jacq M 670 caeruleum, Bieh 99 669 dichotomum, Desf >9 670 Heldreichii, Boisp 670 Kotschyi, Boiss .. „ 670 planum, Lindl 99 669 BryBimum, Z(tnn .. i. 152 Alliaria, Linn ' . 99 151 altaicum, C. A. Mexj. 99 154 deflexum, Hk. f.SfT. . )9 153 funioulosum, Hk.f. 8f T. . 153 gracile, J. Gay 99 153 GrifitUi, Boiss 55 153 hieraeiifolium, Linn, 153 GENERAL INDEX. 583 JErysimum Vol. Page odoiatum, Ehrh. ? ii. 154 longisiliquum, Hie. f. S^ T. „ 154 pachyoarpum, Hlc. f. ^ T. „ 153 patens, J. Gay ,, 153 ^planisiliquum, Led. ... „ 152 repandum, Linn ,, 153 rohustum, D. Don „ 153 strictujn, Ggertn „ 153 Thomsoni, fffc. /. „ 154 Erythracanthus elongatus, Dalz. & Gibs iv. 397 elongatus, Nees „ 400 Griffi,thia7ius, Nees , 40i) obtusus, Nees „ 401 obtusus, Wight „ 400 racemosus,'i!ieeB „ 401 Erythrsea, L. C. JRic/w iv. 101 altaica, Griseb. * ,, 102 babylonica, Oriseb. ... caspica, Griseb. latifolia, Griseb. latifoUa, Sm linearifolia, Clarke ... Meyeri, Bung e nuicrophylla^'Benth. ... pulchella, Hornem. .. ramosissima, Pers. ... ramosissima, Clarke ramosissima, Griseb. Eoxbarghii, G. Don spicata, Pers tenuijiora, Link sp., Clarke Erythrina, Linn alba, Roxb arborescens, Roxb. ... corallodendron, Linn. cuneata, Grah holosericea, Knrz indica, Lam lithosperma^ Bl. maxima, Roxb monosperw^a, Lamk. Nahasuta, Ham. ovalifolia, Roxh. picta, Linn picta, W&ll reniform^is, Ham. resupinata, Roxb. ... secundiflora, Hassk. spathacea, Wall. Btriota, Roxb Buberosa, Roxb „ 189 8ublobata, Roxh „ 190 stamatrana, Miq ,, 190 tomentosa, Ham ,, 190 Ji!rythrocarpusglomerulatus,B]. v. 460 )> 102 )) 102 )) 101 }} 101 5» 101 102 5> 102 M 99 » 101 JJ 101 102 )) 102 M 102 }) 102 101 101 ii. 188 )) 190 j> 190 9) 188 i) 188 M 190 )f 188 )i 190 5> 190 ft 194 )) 190 M 189 ft 189 ff 189 J> 190 189 ^1 190 ft 188 189 Vol. Pasre Erythrochilus indicus, 'Rein w. v. 410 longifohus, Bi ,, 411 mollis, Bl „ 410 Erythrochiton Wallichianum, Griff. i. 28i Erythrogyne frutescens, Vis. v. 529 Erythronium indicum, Hb. Madr vi. 348 Erythropalam, JBi i. 578 populifolium, Mast., i. 578, ii. 600 Bcandens, Bl i. 578 vagum, Mast „ 578 Erythropsis JRoxbiirghiana, Schott & Endl i. 360 Erythrorchis altissima, B\. ... vi. 89 altissima, Lindl „ 89 Lindleyana, Rchb. f. ... „ 88 Erythrospermum, Lam. ... i. 191 phytolacooides, Gard. ... „ 191 Erythrotis Beddomei, Hk.- f. vi. 388 Erythroxylon, Linn. .„ ... i. 414 burmanioum, GriJ^. ... „ 414 indicum, Bedd „ 414 Kunthianum, Wall. ... „ 414 ? Kunthianum, Kurz ... „ 414 lanoeolatum, iffc, /. „ 415 In cidum, Moon „ 415 monogynum, Roxb „ 414 obtneifolium, Thw „ 415 retusum, Bauer „ 415 sideroxyloides, Lam. ... „ 415 sumatranum, Miq „ 415 Br V. 489 EsCALLONIEiE ii. 389 Esmeralda Cathcartii, Rchb.f . vi. 27 Clarkei, Rohh. f. „ 28 Etseria abbreviata, Lindl. ... vi. 109 affinis, Lindl „ 109 albida,B\. „ 97 Jiava, Lindl „ 108 ^ava, Wall „ 109 javanica, Bl „ 97 lanceolata, Rchb. f. „ 109 moulmeinensis. Par. & Kchb. f „ 109 nervosa, Lindl „ l'»8 pusilla. Wall „ 105 Ethalia, Linn iii. 226 angustifolia, Bojer „ 227 conyzoides, Linn „ 2:i7 divaricata, Linn „ 274 divaricata, Wall „ 248 gracilis, Delile „ 227 integrifolia, D. Don ,, 245 ramosa, Roxb „ 2:^7 sp., Grah „ 229 EUASCLKPIADE^ iv. 2 684 GENERAL INDEX. EUBALANOPHOREiE EUC^SALPINIEJE EuCHENOPODlEiE Euchresta, Benn. Horsfieldii, Benn. ... Eaolidium, Br Byriaoum, Br EuCYPEREiE Engeissonia, Griff'. tristis, Griff". Eagenia, Linn acuminatissima, Kurz acutangula, Linn. alha, Eoxb albiflora, Duthie alternifolia, Wight ... amoena, Thw amplexicaulis, Eoxh. androscemoides, Bedd. androscemoides, Wight angustifolia, Roxb. ... anisosepala, Duthie ... aquea, Burm areolata, Duthie argentea, Bedd. Arnottiana, Wight ... assimilis, Bedd. balsamea, Wight Beddomei, Duthie ... Benthamiana, Wight bifaria, Wall hi f aria, Colebr. horneensis, Miq. brachiata, Roxh. bracteata, Roxh. braoteolata, Wight ... huxifolia, Lam calcadensis, Bedd. ... oalophyllifolia, Wight calyptrata, Roxb. ... capillaris, Wall. f capitellata, Am. ... oaryophyllaea, Wight caryophyllata, Willd. caryophylli folia, Lam. cerasiflora, Knrz cerasoides, Roxb. chlorantha, Duthxe ... cinerea, Knrz claviflora, Roxh. codyensis, KuTiro ... colorata, Duthie comosa, Wall concinna, Thw concinna, Wall. conglomerata, Duthie contracta. Wall. rol. Page V. 236 ii. 60 V. 1 ii. 248 248 i. 164 » 165 yi. 586 vi. 480 11 481 ii. 470 It 4S3 508 )> 474 479 i> 497 505 471 491 491 472 481 It 473 It 41)0 II 503 II 483 II 493 499 ii 476 484 II 478 11 475 II 484 496 II 502 488 II 501 i» 502 II 494 II 499 II 478 >i 553 II 490 506 II 499 II 478 II 498 i» 487 i> 496 484 II 501 II 492 II 492 II 506 482 » 497 II 485 Eugenia Vol. Paare cordifolia, Wight ... ... ii. 491 corymhosa, Lam. ... „ 490 corymhosa, Koxb. ... ,1 473 corymhosa, Wall. ... „ 487 cotinifolia, Jacq. ... „ 501 crenulata, Duthie ... ... „ 490 ouneata, Wall. ... „ 495 cuneata, Heyne ... „ 50O cuneata, Dnthie ... „ 485 cuspidata, Wall. ... 1. 470 cyclophylla, Duthie ... ... „ 494 cylindrica, Wight ... 479 cymosa, Lam ... „ 482 cymosa, Roxb ... II 476 decora, Thw ... „ 504 decora, Wall ... „ 475 densiflora, DC ... „ 473 diospyrifolia, Wall. ... „ 47^ elliptica, Lam 501 elliptica, Wall ... „ 48^ expansa, Duthie ... „ 491 fasciculata, Wall. ... ... II 502- ferruginea, Wight ... ... „ 482 ficifolia, Wall ... „ 476- filiformis, Wall. ... ,1 478 fir ma, Wall ... „ 476 floccifera, Thw. ... „ 504 floccosa, Bedd ... „ 501 formosa, Wall ... „ 471 frondosa, Wall. 490 frondosa. Wall 499 irntioosa, Roxb. 499' fnlva, Thw ... „ 504 fusiformis, Duthie ... ... „ 479' Gardneri. Bedd. ... „ 489 glandulifera, Roxb.... ... „ 485 gracilis, Bedd ... „ 505 grandis, Wight ... „ 475 grata, Wiqht ... „ 486 Grilfithii, Duthie ... ... „ 481 Helferi, Duthie ... „ 480 heraispherica, Wight ... II 477 Heyn*-ana, Duthie ... ... „ 500- Heyneana, Rottl. ... „ 500 hypoleuca, Thw. ... „ 501 iuophylla, Rnxh. ... ,1 480- insignia, Thw ... „ 504 Jambolana, Lam. ... ... „ 499 Jambos, Linn 474 javanica, Lamk. ... ,1 474 javanica. Lam ... „ 473 Jossinia, Duthie 500- khasiaiia, Duthie ... „ 491 Kurzii, Duthie ... „ 478 laeta. Bam ... „ 479 Isevicaulis, Duthie ... ... „ 492 lanceafolia, Roxb. ... ... „ 475- GENERAL INDEX. 585 Eugenia lanceolaria, Roxb. ... lanceolata, Lam. laurifolia, Roxb. Jaurina, Willd lepidocarpa, Wall. ... leptantha, Wight ... linearis, Buthie lineata, Dufhie lissophylla, Bedd. ... lucida, Lam lucidxda, Miq * mabaeoides, Wight ... macrocarpa, Roxb. ... macrophylla, Lam. ... macrosepala. Duthie Maingayi, Duthie ... malabarica, Bedd. ... malaocensis, Linii. ... mangifolia, Wall. ... micrantha, Bedd. microcalyx, Ditthie . . microphylla, Bedd. ... Mooniana, Wight ... Mooniana, Wight ... Moorei, F. MuelL ... montana, Wight Munronii, Wight myrtifolia, Roxb. Neesiana, Wight nigrescens, Poir. nitida, Duthie oblata, Roxb oblongifolia, Duthie obovata, Wall obtusifolia, Roxb. ooclusa, Kurz octopetala, Ham. ? odorata, Wight oleina, Wight oligantha, Bedd. olivifolia, Duthie operculata, Roxb. ... paohyphylla, Kurz ... Paniala, Roxb. papillosa, Duthie pauciflora, Wight ... pelluoida, Duthie ... penangiana, Duthie pendens, Duthie polyantha, Wight ... polygama, Roxb. polypetala, Wight ... prxcox, Roxb pldchella, Roxb. purp^^rea, Roxb. puetulata, Duthie ... pyrifolia, Duthie VOL. VII. Vol Papre ... ii. 477 ... ,, 485 478 ... iii. 573 ... ii. 476 >> 484 ... ,) 486 487 ... ,, 488 501 ... 496 „ 505 ... J t 474 ... ,, 471 501 ... J} 484 „ 497 471 ... ,, 480 483 • • • j» 493 505 . • . ,) 505 . . . ,1 505 n 499 ,, 488 ... yy 472 ... ,, 483 .. . ,, 493 482 496 „ 492 ... 491 . . . ), 491 >• • <) 500 498 >» 482 496 M 483 .. . ,) 494 495 .• 498 477 . . . ), 498 ,, 495 479 485 486 ... 475 ii. 496 498 ... ii. 470 472 475 . . . ), 506 472 495 ... )j 487 Eugeaia racemosa, Linn. ramosissima, Wall.... reticulata, Wight revoluta, Wight rhodomelea, Comm. ._. rivulornm, Thw. rostrata, Bedd Rottleriana, W. ^ A. -, rotundifolia, Wight Roxburghiana, Wall. Roxburghiiy DC. rubens, Roxb rubicunda, Wight ... rubicunda, W. & A. rubricaulia, Duthie ... rufo-falva, Thw. sulicifoUa, Baoh. salicifolia, Grab. salicifoUa, Wall. salicifolia, Wight scabrida,WaM sclerophylla, Bedd. ... scoparia, Duthie eingampattiana. Bedd. skiophila, Duthie spicata. Lam Stocksii, Duthie subavenis, Duthie ... subdecTissata, Duthie sylvestris, Moon tenuis, Duthie ternifolia, Roxb. terpnophylla, Thw. tetraedra, Duthie tetragona, Wight Thurara, Roxh Thwaitesii, Duthie ... toddalioides, Wight... ? trinervia, DC. ti-istis, Kurz tumida, Duthie umbrosa, Thw unijiora, Linn valdevenosa, Duthie venulosa, Duthie venusta, Roxb vereounda, Duthie ... WaUichii, Wight ... Wightiaua, Wight . . . Wightii, Bedd Willdenoivii, DO. Willdenowii, Wight wynaadensis, Bedd. xanthocarpa, Thiu. ... zeylanioa, Wight zeylanica, Roxb. zeylanioa, Willd. Vol Page ii. 507 480 ,, 480 M 492 482 if 504 M 482 502 ,) 494 >> 475 >l 502 jj 482 J» 495 }, 500 487 ;, 503 }i 472 >) 500 jj 500 ,, 500 jl 486 494 )t 489 » 506 486 >) 485 ;> 498 >> 489 M 491 >» 493 ) > 500 471 t> 503 ,) 476 )> 497 >> 481 >» 506 )) 482 468 a 477 >» 487 ,, 489 )> 505 >» 489 f > 490 »» 488 )t 496 }> 475 n 485 » 479 505 M 502 ), 506 ), 503 >> 485 )) 502 >l 505 Q q 686 GENERAL INDEX. Eugenia Vol. Page 1 Euonymus Vol. Page sp., Griff. ii. 506 angulatus, Wight ... ... i. 610 Tlugona superha, Salisb. ... Ti. 358 atropurpureus, Roxb. ... „ 612 Eulalia argentea, Brongn.... vii. 112 attennatus. Wall. ... ... „ 610 concinna, Nees ,} 109 hnllsituB, Wall ... „ 610 cotulifera, Munro >» 108 calocarpus, Kurz ... „ 609 japonica, Trin i> 118 capillaceus, Wall. ... 614 mollis, Manro 111 oinereus, Laivs. ... „ 611 nepalensis, Trin i> 107 crenulatus, Wall. ... ... „ 608 EULINE^ i. 410 dichotomns, Heyne ... ... „ 609 EULOGANIE^ iv. 78 echinatus. Wall. ... „ 611 Eulophia, Br. vi. 1, 177, 178, 195 filiformis, Wall. ... „ 614 alhijlora, Edgew. ... vi. 2 fimbriatus, Wall. ... ... „ 611 andamanensis, Echh.f. .. >) 8 frigidns. Wall. ... „ 611 atro-virens, Lindl >> 8 garcinifolius, Roxb. ... ., 614 bioarinata, fffc. /. 1) 6 glaber, Boxh ... „ 609 bicoZor, Daiz. )> 6 fflaucus, Turoz. ... „ 610 hracht/petala, Lindl. M 2 Goughii, Wight ... „ 608 bracteosa, Lindl » 3 grandiflorns, Wall. ... „ 608 bnrmanica, Ilh. f. 1) 5 Griffithii, Kurz ... „ 611 campestris, Wall M 4 grossa, Wall ... „ 623 Candida, iTfc. /. )) 6 Harailtonianus, Wall. ... „ 612 carinata, Lindl M 1 indicns, Heyne ... „ 608 deoipiens, Kurz .vi.5,195 1 japonicus, Wall. ... „ 612 densiflora, Lindl . vi. 5 javanicus, Bl ... „ 607 elata, Hic.f. • j> 3 lacerus, Ham ... „ 608 explanata, Lindl. ... vi. 3 195 ?lceta,WM ... „ 614 flava, m./. vi. 7 lucidus, D. Don ... „ 612 graminea, Lindl. vi. 2 196 ? micrantMis, D. Don ... „ 611 grandijlora, Lindl . vi. 3 nitidus, Benth. ... „ 610 hastata, Lindl . V. 821 ovatus, Wall ... „ 615 hemileuca, Lindl . vi. 4 panioulatup, Wight ... ... „ 609 herbacea, Lindl >> 2 pendulus. Wall. ... „ 612 holoohila, Coll. ^ Hemsl M 196 pterocladus, Hohen. ... „ 610 inconspicua, Griff. M 2 punctatus, Wall. ... „ 610 lachnooheila, ffJc.f. 2 revolntus, Wight ... „ 608 maorobulbon , Par. c^Rc^b./. „ 7 scandens, Grab. ... „ 611 macrorhizon, flfc. /. >> 7 serratifolins, Bedd. ... „ 609 macrostachya, Lindl. ■ }) 4 ? serrulatus. Wall. ... ... „ 609 maculata, Rchb. f 8 sphaerocarpus, Hassk. ... „ 607 Mannii, Hlc. f. »> 4 sumatranus, Miq. ... ... „ 607 tnonophylla, Sp. Moore .. >> 8 theaefolius, Wall. ... ... „ 612 nuda, Lindl 5 Thwaitesii, iaw5. ... ... „ 608 obtusa, Hh. f. • >) 3 timorensis, Zipp. ... „ 610 oohreata, Lindl )> 2 Tina, Ham ... „ 623 pratensis, Lindl J> 4 tingens, Wall ... „ 610 promensis, Lindl . V. 820 vagans, Wall ... „ 611 ramentacea, Lindl . vi. 4 vagans, Wall ... „ 611 ramentacea, Wight ... » 4 Walkeri, Wight ... „ 608 rupestris, Lindl >j 4 zeylanicus, Moon ... „ 608 sanguinea, Hlc. f. .vi. 8 ,196 sp., Bedd ... „ 542 squalida, Lindl . vi.6 ,196 sp.y Wall ... „ 610 stenopetala, Zindl . vi 5 EUPATORIE^ iii. 220, 242 virens, Br . vi. 1 ,198 Eapatorium, Linn. ... iii. 243 sp., Trim . vi.^ 1, 196 asj)erw7n, Roxb. ... „ 233 EUMYESINE^ • \" 507 Ayapana, Vent. ... „ 244 Euonymus, Linn. . i. 607 hirmanicurii, DC. ... „ 244 acutangulus, Wight »» 610 candicans, Wall. ... „ 386 GENERAL INDEX. 587 Eupatorium cannabinam, Linn celehicum, Bl dicline, Ederew divergens, Roxb erfgeroides, DC Finlaysonianum, Wall. ... glahrwn^ Wall hetero'phyllutn, DC javaiiic^im, Bl Lamhertianutn, Wall. longicaule, DC. longicaule, Wall. ... iii. mentlisefolium. Wall. nodiflorum, Wall odoratum, Linn pectinatuni, Wall polyanthuyn, Wall. iii. punduanum, Wall pyramidale, D. Don Eeevesii, Wall. rigidum, Wall. scandens, Linn Simonsii, Clarke spectahile, Spreng squamosum, D. Don suaveolens, Wall versicolor, Wall xnscosum, W&U. ... ... Wallichii, DC zeylanicum., Linn Euphoehe umbellijiora, Bl. ... JEuphora exstipulatis,Gri&. i. Euphorbia, Linn. .« acaulis, Roxb xgyptiaca, Boiss agraria, Bieb. ... androssemoides s Dennst anpustifolia. Ham antiquoruni, Linn ? antiquorum,'W^\\. Apios, Linn ? arhorescens, Roxb. arillata, Edgew articulata, Dennst Atoto, Forst ? auricularia, Boiaa. hijida, Thw hracteolaris, Boiss. v. burmanica, Hk.f. hurmanniana, J. Gay calliadena, Engelm. capitata, Ham. capitata, Wall. ? tashmeriana, 'Rojle cassioides, Presl Cattimandoo, W. Elliot ... ? Chamoesyce, Boxb. Vol. iii. Papre 243 >) 239 )) 244 ii 234 n 244 }) 244 )> 259 >> 243 a 239 M 244 244 235 , 243 iii. 235 M 243 jt 244 » 241 234 ,244 iii. 243 »> 233 )) 243 >) 230 )t 244 ;) 244 t> 386 )> 243 )> 244 )) 234 II 244 II 243 II 238 V. 145 557, 690 V. 244 II 257 II 252 11 265 II 249 II 265 255 11 255 261 II 256 252 248 II 248 251 11 248 249 250 V. 254 252 265 II 247 251 }> 261 249 256 >i 253 Q q Euphorbia Clarkeana, HTc.f. ... coocinea, Roth cognata, Boiss. consanguinea, Klotz. cornigera, Boiss. oorrigioloides, Boiss, cristata, Heyne cuneifolia, Roxb. decumhens, Willd. ... ? dichotoma, Roxb. ... ? disticha, Engelm. divergens, Klotz. dracunculoides, LamJc. dulcis, Linn Edgeworthil, Boiss* elegans, Spreng. elegans, Heyne Emodi, fl/c. /. epiphylloides, Kurz erythroclada, Boiss. falcata, Linn fimhriata, Heyne fimhriata, Wall. foliata, Ham Forslialii, J. Gay fragilis, Dene fusiformis, Ham. ... galioides, Boiss. geniculata, Orteg. ... glauca, Roxb graminea, Keen. granulata, Forsk. ... granulata, Royle Griffithii, ^^•./. halophila, Miq, helioscopia, Linn. ... ? Heyneana, Boiss. ... Heyneana, Spreng. ... himalayensis, Boiss. himalayensis, Klotz. hirta, Linn hispida, Boiss hypericifolia, Linn. hypericifolia, Boiss. iherica, Boiss incequilatera, Sender indica, Aitch. & Hemsl. indica, Boiss indica, Lamk indica, Wall involucrata, Wall. ... Jacquemontii, Boiss. kanaorica, Boiss. khasyana, Boiss. Iseta, Heyne laevigata, Vahl laevigata,? ^qX\. 2 Vol. Page V. 253 248 261 261 261 251 247 264 249 246 251 264 262 261 261 246 247 250 254 247 263 247 262 252 252 252 257 253 V. 239, 266 264 264 252 253 259 248 262 253 253 258 258 251 265 249 250 265 265 250 250 249 251 258 258 264 262 264 248 248 V. 588 GENERAL INDEX. uphorbia Vol. Page Euphorbia Vol. Pase lasvis, Poir ... V. 248 strohilifera, Dalz V. 246 lanceolaria, Heyne ... ... „ 264 tenuis, Ham „ 266 lanceolata, Heyne ... ... „ 263 Thomsoniana, Boiss. „ 260 ligularia, Roxb. ... „ 255 thymifolia, Burm „ 252 linearifolia, Roth ... ... „ 249 thymifoUa, Wall. ... v. 251, 252, linearis, Heyne ... „ 249 253, 254 linifolia, ^nsseW ... „ 264 thyrsoidea, Boiss V. 265 longifolia, D. Don ... ... „ 261 tibetioa,\Botss „ 260 longistyla, Boiss. ... ... „ 247 Tirucalli; Linn „ 254 maculata, Anbl. ... „ 252 tartWis, Rottl „ 256 Maddeni, Boiss. ... „ 263 t rigoila, ATaw „ 256 mioractina, Boiss. ... ... „ 261 nniflora, Roxh „ 266 microphylla, Heyne V. 252, 266 unifi'ora, Dalz. & Gibs. ... „ 253 myrtifolia, Edgew. .. ... V. 261 uniflora, Koxh „ 254 nana, Royle ... „ 257 unijlora, Wall „ 263 nepalensis, Boiss. ... ... „ 264 varian'S, Haw „ 255 vereifolia, Roxb. ... „ 255 variegata, Heyne .' „ 246 neriifolia, Linn. ... „ 255 villosa, Royle „ 252 nilagbirica, Miq. ... „ 265 viminalis. Mill „ 254 Nivulia, Ham ... „ 255 Wallichia7ia, Boiss. „ 253 notoptera, Boiss. ... „ 247 Wallichii, i/fc. /. „ 258 oligantha, Boiss. ... „ 246 Wigbtiana, m-. / „ 248 orhiculata, Miq. ... „ 253 Wightia7ia, Boiss „ 264 oreophila, Miq. ... „ 264 zornioides, Boif^s „ 246 pallens, Dillw. ... „ 248 sp., Aitch „ 258 papilligera, Boiss, ... ... „ 249 sp.. Griff. „ 2.59 parviflora, Boiss. ... „ 250 SJ3., Str. & Wint. ... v . 260, 263 parviflora, Lamk. ... „ 251 sp., W&ll. ... V. 248, 249, 256, 259, parvijlora, Linn. ... „ 249 262, 264 432, 440 peltata, Boxh ... „ 262 EUPHORBIACE^ V. 239 pentagona, Royle ... „ 257 EUPHORBIEJ; V. 240 Peplus, Linn ... „ 266 Euphoria attenuata. Planch. . 684, 690 ■pilosa, Linn ... „ 260 Danura, Wall i. 684, 690 pilulifera, Linn. ... „ 250 fuscata, Bentb. & Hk. f . i. 682, 690 platylepis. Bene. ... „ 246 Gardneri, Benth. & Hk. f. i. 690 procera, Bieb ... „ 260 glabra, Bl „ 687 prolifera, Ham ... ,, 264 Litchi, Juss „ 688 prostrata, Ait ... „ 266 Litchi,WaA\ i. 688, 690 prostrata, Grab. ... „ 252 Longana, Bl i. 686 prostrata, Torr. ... „ 253 Longana, Lamk „ 6S9 prunifolia, Jaoq. V. 239, 266 Nephelium, DC „ 687 pycnosteaia, Boiss. ... V. 246 Nephelium, W&W „ 690 pyrifolia, Lamk. ... „ 266 Noronhiana, Bl. ... i 686, 690 rhipsaloides, Lem. .. ... ,, 254 punicea, Lamk. i. 687 rosea, Eetz ... „ 251 pupillum, Steud „ 689 Rothiana, Spreng. ... ... „ 263 rimosa, Royle „ 690 Royleana, Boiss. ... „ 257 rubra, Royle i. 684, 690 ruhicunda, Bl ... „ 252 undulata, Heyne i. 689 sanguinea,B.ochBt. & Stend. „ 253 verticillata, Lindl. ... i . 684, 690 satureioides, Lamk. ... ... „ 251 verticillata, Wall. ... i . 634, 690 ? segetalis, Grab. ... „ 264 xerocarpa, Bl i . 686, 690 serpens, Engelm. ... „ 253 Si?., Wall i 686, 690 serpens, Kunth ... „ 253 Euphrasia, Linn iv. 304 sessiliflora, Roxh. .. ... „ 257 coromandeliana, Roth „ 302 sikkimensis, Boiss. .. ... „ 259 depauperata, Benth. „ 305 sikkimensis, Boias. ., ... „ 259 ? glandulosa, Benth. „ 304 Stracheyi, Boiss. ... „ 259 Odontites, Linn „ 305 GENERAL INDEX, 689 Euphrasia Vol. Page Eurycoma Vol. 1 Page oflBciualis, Luin iv. 305 apiculata, ^. W. Benn. ... i. 522 rubra, Pers „ 305 1 ongif oliii, JacA; >» 521 ^ simplex, D. Don ... ... „ 305 merguensis, Vldknoh M 521 tartarica, Fisch. V.,.. ,,.. „ 305 tavoyana. Wall 521 Euphrasies ... ...'iv. 249, 304 Eurythalia carinata, D. Don iv. 113 EUPODOSTEMES ... .,.'... V. 62 coronata, D. Don n 114 EuPOLYGONEiE ... .:. ... V. 22 glacialis, G. Don )i 109 JSuproboscis pygmgea', Griff. vi. 86 nUna, G. Don .^ pedunculata, D. Don )) 109 Enptelea, Sieb. ^ Zucc. .-.. i.' 39 109 pleiosperma, Bk. f. Sr T. M ,59 vulgaris, Gueld. ... ... » 305 Eupteron acuminatum, Miq. ii.' 727 EuSIMARUBEiE i. 517 sp., Kurz ... „ 734 Eusynaxis harringtonicbfolia, Eupyrena glabra, W, & A. . . iii. 127 Griff. i. 290 Eurotia, Adans V. 8 EuTHEMIDEjE i. 523 ceratoides, Q. A. Mey. ... ' „ 8 Euthemis, Jack i. 526 Eurya, Thunb i. 284 ? elegantissima. Wall. ... )) 526 acuminata, DC „ 285 eleganttssima, ? Wall. )i 525 acuminata, Royle „ 285 leucocarpa, Jack 526 acuminata, Wall „ 285 minor, Jacfc j» 526 angustifolia, Miq „ 292 ? pulcherrima. Wall. >) 525 angustifolia, Wall „ 285 Euthodon paniculata, Griff. iii. 652 lifaria, Wall „ 285 EUTHYMELES V. 192 ceylanica, Wight „ 285 Euthyra, Salisb. ... vi. 362 chinensis, Br „ 285 Eutrema, Br i. 15L chinensis, Hk. f. & T. „ 285 himalaioum, Hk. f. ^ T. ... f) 152 coneocarpa, Korth „ 284 primulaefoliura, m. /. ^ T. >> 152 elUptica, Gard „ 284 Eutriana ahyssinica, Br. vii 284 euprista, Korth „ 285 enteropogon, Steud >» 284 fasciculata. Ham „ 285 Eutropis, Falc iv. 20 fasciculata,W&\\ „ 284 EUVACCINIES iii. 442 japonica, Thunb „ 284 Euxolus caudatus, Moq. iv. 721 japonica, Bedd „ 284 lividus, Moq »> 721 lasiopetala, Gardn „ 283 oleraceus, Dalz. & Gibs. ... i> 721 Ucida, Wall „ 285 oleraceus, Moq n 721 memhranacea, Gardn. „ 285 polygamus, Moq >> 721 muWjiora, DC „ 285 viridis, Moq >> 721 nitida, Korth „ 284 Evax indica, B.a,m iii. 289 parvifolia, Gardn „ 285 Evia amara, Comm ii. 42 phyllanthoides, Bl „ 284 Evodia, Forst i. 487 Roxhurghii, Wall „ 284 accedens, Miq >> 489 salicifolia, Bl „ 285 f raxinif olia, Hfc. /. j> 490 serrata, Bl . » 285 glabra, BZ 489 symplocina, Bl . » 284 glauca, Miq >> 490 systyla, Miq . „ 284 gracilis, Kurz 488 trichocarpa, Korth . „ 285 Lamarckiana, Benth. jj 488 trichogyna, Bl . „ 285 latifolia, DC n 489 tristyla,W.& A . „ 284 Marambong, Miq 487 vitiensis, A. Gray . „ 284 meliaBfolia, Benth >) 490 Wallichiana, Planch. . „ 285 pedunoulosa, Hk. f 489 Wallichiana, Steud. . „ 285 robusta, Hk. f. >) 488 Wtghtiana, Wight . „ 284 Roxburghiana, Benth. i 487 ',674 Wightiana, Wall . „ 284 rutaecarpa, Hk. f.^T. ... i. 490 Eurysile, Salisb . i. 115 triphylla, DO >> 488 ferox, Salisb . » 115 triphylla, Bedd 487 ferox. Planch . „ 115 viticina, Wall n 489 indica. Planch . „ 115 Evolvulus, Linn iv 220 Eurycoma, Jacfc . i. 521 alsinoides, Linn )» 220 590 GENERAL INDEX. Evolvulns alsinoides, Wall. angustifolius, Rozb. ... emarginatus, Burm. ... ferrugineus, Wall. hederaceus, Burm. ... hirsutus, Lamk. linifolius, Linn. nummularius, Linn. ... pilosus, Roxb sericeus, Wall tridentatus, Linn. EXACE.E Ezacum, Linn alatiivi, Roth atropnrpureum, Bedd. axillare, Tliw Beddomei, Clarke helium, Hance bicolor, Roxh carinatum, Roxb. chironioides, Griseb. ? concinnum, Miq. ... courtallenee, Am. ... diffusunij Willd. erectum, Roth foliosum, Griseb. grand ijlorum, Wall. ... Hamiltonii, G. Don ... heteroclitum, Willd. ... Horsfieldianum, Miq, hyssopifolium, Willd. Lawii, Clarke macranthum, Arn. ... 'macrantherum, Miq. Metzianum, Hohen. ovale, Griseb pedunculare, Arn. ... pednnculatum, Linn. Perrottetii, Qriseb. ... petiolare, Qriseh. pterantham, Wall. ... pumilum, Griseb. punctatum, Linn. f. rivulare, Edgew. sessile, Linn sessile, Clarke stylosum, WaXl sulcatum, Clarke sulcatum, Roxb. sulcatum, Wight teres, Wall tetragon nm, Roxh. ... travancoricum, Bedd. verticillatum, Willd. Walkeri, Arn Wightianum, Arn. ... zeylanioum, Roxh. ... Vol. Page . iv. 224 220 J) 206 218 >) 219 220 220 734 j> 218 220 !J 205 .. iv. 94 . iv. 95 104 >j 97 ?> 96 >» 97 95 96 » 98 95 • J) 100 >) 97 103 » 103 "iv. 96, 97 1 . iv. 96 )> 95 >) 104 >> 95 101 >> 98 » 97 • »> 98 >> 96 96 » 98 • if 97 5J 95 98 , 99 • » 98 )) 99 98 >> 98 98 J) 95 95 • • »> 98 >> 96 >l 95 J> 95 »l 97 • J> 101 96 »> 97 iv. 97 ,733 Exaoum zeylanicum, Wall sp., Griff. Excoecaria, -Linn acerifolia, F. Didr affinis, Endl affinis, Griff. Agallocha, Linn haccata, Muell Camettia, Willd Chamtplea, Baill cochinchinensis, Muell. ... crenulata, Wight discolor, Muell himalayensis, Muell. holophylla, Kurz indica, Muell insignis, Bedd oppositifolia, Qriff. ? 0'p;positijolia, KviTz oppositifolia, Muell. ... v. quadrangularis, Muell. ... rectinervis, Kurz robusta, Hk f. ... sehifera, Muell. ... v. virgata, Zoll. & Moritz ... sp Exocarpus latifolia, Br. Ewyckia capitellata, Walp. cyanea, Bl. Jackiana, Walp latifolia, Bl medinilliformis, Naud. paniculata, Miq tuherculata, Korth Fagara ? Budrunga, Roxb. Lunur-ankenda, Gaertn. ... Rheisa, Roxb triphylla, Lamk. tripliylla, Roxb Fagonia, Linn arabica, Linn Bruguieri, DC cretica, Linn Echinslla, Boise montana, Miq. ... i. 425 mysorensis. Roth Fagopyrum, Gwrtn. cymosum, Meissn. .. emarginatum, Meissn. esculentum, Moench rotundatum, Bab. tataricum, Gaertn. .. triangular e, Meissn. Fagraea, Thunh appendiculata, Bl. .. aurictilaria, Benth. .. Vol. Page iv. 97 » 95 V. 472 )> 473 472 M 470 M 472 470 }> 472 5) 475 )) 473 473 )) 469 5) 473 )) 473 471 }) 472 )i 474 474 473 ,474 V. 474 j> 473 474 239 , 470 V. 471 ;> 475 V. 232 ii. 551 551 jj 551 5J 551 551 5) 551 553 i. 495 j> 487 j> 495 J) 488 487 i. 425 )j 425 425 425 425 5, iii . 620 i. 425 . V. 54 >> 55 55 >) 55 55 )» 55 • » 55 iv. 82 )> 84 83 GENERAL INDEX. 591 Fagrsea Vol. Page aariculata, Jacfc iv. 83 Bhrniei, Steud „ 83 carnosa, Jacfc „ 82 eelehica, Bl » 83 coarctata, Bl „ 84 coromandeliana, Wight ... „ 83 crassifolia, Bl „ 83 ? crassifolia, Wall. ... iv. 83, 84 crassipes, Benth iv. 84 crenulaia, Maingay ,, 83 cuspidata, Bl „ 84 ?dubia. Wall 1. 281 fragans, Roxh iv. 85 Gardneri, Thw , , 84 glohosa, Wall „ 83 imperialis, Miq „ 83 khasiana, Benth ,, 84 lanceolata, Wall „ 85 ligustrina, Bl „ 85 Maingayi, Clarke „ 84 malabarica, Bl „ 83 morindaefolia, Bl ,, 84 obovata. Wall „ 83 ohovato-javana, Bl „ 83 peregrina, Bl „ 85 racemosa, Jacfc „ 84 rohusta, Bl ,, 84 Thwaitesii, F. Muell. ... „ 84 volubilis, Jack ,, 84 Wallichiana, Benth. ... „ 85 zeylanica, Thunb „ 83 Falcaria ? diversijolia^ DC. . ii. 681 Falooneria, Hfc. /. iv. 319 himalaica, HA;. /. „ 319 Falconeria, lloyle v. 471 insignis, Royle „ 471 malaharica, Wight „ 472 Wallichiana, Royle „ 471 Farnesia odora, GskBpSbT. ... ii. 292 Farsetia, Desv i. 140 segyptiaca, Turr „ 140 Edgeworthii, Hk. f. & T.... „ 141 Hamiltonii, Royle „ 140 Jacqnemontii, HJc. f. ^ T. „ 140 linearis, Dene „ 140 longisiliqua, Dene „ 140 ovalis, Boiss „ 141 Fatioa nepaulensis,'^B,\\. ... ii. 575 Fedia grandijiora,Yfa\\. ... iii. 211 Fergusonia, Hk.f. iii. 48 zeylanica, flfc. / , 48 Feronia, Gartn i. 516 Elepbantum, Correa ... „ 516 pellucida, Eoth „ 517 Ferreola huxifolia, BiOxb. ... iii. 551 Ferala, Linn ii. 707 Asafoetida, Boiss „ 708 Ferula Vol. Page foetidissima, Regl. & Sehm. ii. 708 Jasschkeana, Vatke „ 708 Narthex, Boiss „ 707 Thomsoni, Clarke „ 708 Festuea, Linn vii. 348 alpestris, Wulf „ 353 altaiea, Trin „ 351 Ainherstiana, Royle „ 337 aristata, C. Koch „ 353 aspera, Mert. & Koch „ 358 asthenica, //&. /. „ 354 harbata, Sohrank „ 353 ? Basnia, Ham „ 298 blepharophora, K. & S. „ 332 calycina, Loefl „ 336 ciliaris, Heyne „ 332 ciliata, Heyne „ 332 convoluta, Kunth „ 347 cribtata, Linn „ 309 cristata, Vill „ 308 Cumininsii, Stapf „ 349 dactyloides, Roth „ 308 distans, Kunth „ 347 dubia, Jacqueiii „ 348 dura, Vill „ 335 duriuscula, Duthie „ 351 duriuscula, Hack „ 348 duriuscula, Hk. f. d; T. vii. 349, 351 Duthiei, Hack vii. 352 ekitior, Str. & Wint. „ 354 filiforinis, Jacquem vii. 348 / Zt/orm-is, Nees vii . 357, 422 filiformis, Steud „ 287 fusca, Linn „ 329 gigantea, Vill „ 353 gigantea, Griseb „ 354 glaucescens, Roth „ 308 glomerata, All „ 335 gracilis, Moench „ 363 heptantha, C. Koch M 337 heterophylla, Haenke „ 353 heterophylla, Lsimk „ 351 hirsuta, Fl. Dan „ 353 indica, Retz „ 329 inermis, DC „ 357 kashmiriana, Stapf „ 351 Kitaibeliana, Sehult. „ 353 latifoUa, Roth „ 332 leptopogon, Stapf „ 354 hevingei, Stapf „ 352 Leysseri, Moench „ 357 longifolia, Heg. & Heer ... „ 353 luoida, Stapf „ 355 maritima, Linn „ 356 modeeta, Steud „ 354 mucronata, Forsk „ 334 mutica, Jacq - „ 355 592 GENERAL INDEX. Festuoa Vol. Page Ficns Vol. Page mysorensis, Heyne .. ... vii. 284 acuminata, Hook v. 498 mysitrensis, Heyne .. M 287 acuminata, Ktb. &Bonche „ 520 Myurop, Liwi >> 356 acuminata, Roxb „ 497 natans, Ham >> 327 acuminatissima, Miq. ... „ 496 nigrescens, Lam. vii. 351 ,353 acutiloha, Miq „ 519 nigricmis, Schleicli. ... vii. 351 adhxrens, Miq „ 528 nitidula, Stapf >» 350 adnascens, Wall „ 527 ? ovina, Griseb. ,, 351 affinior, Grifi'. „ 513 ovina, Host 348 a#ms, Wall „ 511 ovina, Linn ... )) 348 alba, jReiniv ,, 530 parvijiora, B.}iC^. 348 alnifolia, Miq „ 527 persica, C. Koch ... )j 337 alternans, Wall „ 536 phleoides, Vill 309 Altimeraloo, Roxb „ 497 pinnata, Moench >> 363 altissima, Bl „ 504 poaeformis, Pars. ... ,) 357 alutacaa, Bl „ 527 poseoides, Thnill. >» 357 Ampelos, Keen „ 497 polycolea, Stapf 349 amplissima, Sm „ 515 polygama, C. Koch .. >) 337 anastomosans, Wall. ... „ 519 Pseudomyiiros, Soyer >) 356 ancolana, Miq „ 497 pubescens, Willd. >> 353 angulata, Miq ,, 497 pumila, Duthie 350 angulidens, Miq „ 520 pungems, Vahl ,, 334 angustifolia (angulifolia) Bl. „ 520 repens, Heg. & Heer „ 353 angustifolia, Roxb „ 506 reptatrix, Linn. ,, 329 annulata, BZ „ 502 rubra, Linn ... ,, 352 aperto, Wall. _ „ 537 scaberrima, Nees 330 apiculata, Miq ,, 531 scatm7na, Stand. ,, 358 apiocarpa, Miq „ 518 scahrella, Torr. 352 aquatica, Keen. „ 518 sibirica, Each ... ,, 355 araneosa, Zing „ 529 speciosa, Sohreb. 357 arguta. Wall „ 531 stricta, Royla ,, 348 Arnottiana, Mg „ 513 sylvatica, Huds. 363 artocarpifolia, Roxb. ... ,, 517 tenniflora, Schrad. .. ... ,, 356 asinina, Ham „ 501 tenuis, Ham 298 asperiuscula, Kth. & Bouche „ 521 trijiora, Sm 1) 353 asparrima, £oxb „ 522 nndata, Stapf 350 assamica, Miq „ 519 ? uniglumis^ Griseb. ,, 356 aurantiaca, Or iff". „ 517 uviglumis, Soland. .. ... J, 356 aurantiaca, Miq „ 532 valesiaca, Schleich. ,. ... „ 348 aurantiaca, Wall „ 506 virgata, Heyne ,, 332 aurata, Miq „ 531 Wightiana, Stand. .. ... jj 358 ? barbata. Wall „ 529 *p., Hk.f. &T. vii. 350 355 Beddomei, King ,, 502 sp., Str. & Wint. .. ... vii. 348 bengalensis, Linn „ 499 sj?., Wall vii 340, 344, 363 Benjamina, Linn „ 508 Festucace^e vii. 7 300 Beiijamtna, Wall „ 515 Fihichia umbellata, Koe 1. ... vii 289 Benjamina, Willd „ 511 Fibraurea, Lour ... 1. 97 bhotanica, King „ 519 chloroleuca, Miars .. ... ,, 98 higlandula, Bl „ 519 fasciculata, Miars ,, 98 higlandulosa, Miq „ 519 tinotoria, Lour. 98 biglandulosa, Wall. ... „ 536 P haematocarpa, Hk. f. &t! ;,' 106 btnata, Wall „ 534 Ficaria glacialis, Fisob. ... i. 21 fhistipulata, Griff. „ 506 FlCOIDE^ ' .. ... ii. 658 borneensis (vide Pogono- Ficus, Linn ... V. 494 trophe) „ 527 ahlreviata, Wall. .. ... ,, 536 braotaata. Wall 501 Ahelii, Miq ... ,, 533 hrevipes, Miq „ 521 aoamjftophylla, Miq. ,, 507 oallicarpa, Miq „ 518 GENERAL INDEX. 593 Fious Vol. Page Ficus Vol. Page callosa, Willd ... V. 516 diver sifolia, Bl v . 529 caloneura, Kurz ... ,, 537 diver sif or mis, Miq , , 526 Carica, Linn )> 530 dives, Miq , , 529 caricoides, B,oxh. 530 dubia, Wall , , 509 caicdatay Hk. f. & T. ... 521 elastioa, :Roxh , , 508 caudata, Wall ... ,, 521 elongata, Miq , 519 caudioulata, Trim. ... 510 JEmodi, Wall , , 526 caulocarpa, Miq. v". 514 , 524 erecta, IMmh , 532 celebica, Bl V. 498 erecta, Miq , , 528 cerasiformis, Desv. ... ... „ 498 ? eiiphylla, Kurz , , 509 cerifera, Bl ,, 535 ? exasperata, Roxb. ...■ ... , 496 cerijlua, Jnngh. ... 535 excavata, King , 526 ceylanica, Miq ... 526 excelsa, Vahl , 497 Cliampioni, Benth. ... ... 517 exeelsa, Wa,\l , 497 chartacea, Wall. ... „ 533 fallax, Miq , 520 Chincha, Roxb. ... 521 fasciculata, Ki7ig , 524 chittagonga, Miq. ... J, 536 Fieldingii, Miq. , 534 chlorocarpa, Benth. ... 535 Finlaysoniana, Wall. , 533 chlorocarpa, Miq. ... „ 531 Jirma, Wall. , 503 chrysocarpa, Beinw, ,, 531 fistnlosa, Reinw , 525 chrysocoma, Bl. ... „ 501 fistulosa, Kurz , 524 cinerascens, "Wall. ... ... 537 Jlavescens, Bl , 502 cinerascens, Thw. ... 517 foveolata, Wall , 528 citrifolia, Willd. 500 fraterna, Miq , 506 Clarkei, King ... ? J 53B fruticosa, Roxb. , 526 clavata, Wall 520 fulva, Reinw , 531 comosa, Roxb 508 gemella, Wall „ 534 concentrica, Van Has. ... 498 geminifolia, Miq „ 525 congesta, Roxb. ... 537 geniculata, Kurz „ 516 conglobata, King ... „ 522 gibbosa, Bl V. 496, 497 conglomerata, Roxb. , 523 glabella, iJi v. 511 consociata, Bi 505 glaberrima, BL , 506 copiosa, Steud v. 524 ,537 glandulifera, Wall , 532 cordifolia, Roxb. ... V. 513 globosa, Bl „ 503 coronata, Reinw. 521 glomerate, Roxb , 535 cotonicefolia, Vahl ... ... J, 500 Gonia, Ham , 500 crininervia, Miq. 529 Ooolereea, Roxb „ 536 Crustacea, Wall. 526 gossypina, Wall „ 530 cuneata, Wall ... )) 537 r gracillis, Wall „ 537 cuneata, Bl. 497 grandifolia, Wall „ 498 Cunia, ilam 523 grewiafolia (crewiaeflora). ouspidata, Reinw. ... 520 Bl „ 496 cuspidifera, Miq. ... \] 497 grewitefolia, Ht. Berol . . . , 521 cyo'tophylla, Wall. ... ... 521 grisea. Wall „ 537 Daemonum, Keen. 523 grossinervis, Miq , 529 Dallioasise, Miq. 499 grossxdarioideSy Burm. , 519 dasycaula (vide Covell ia) " 521 guttata, Kurz „ 534 deltoidea, Jack 529 hcematocarpa, Bl „ 508 densa, Miq 534 Hamiltoniana, Wall. „ 535 densiserra, Miq. ,',' 531 hapalophylla, Kurz „ 537 denticulata, Vahl ... 518 hederacea, Roxb „ 526 depressa, Bl ',', 502 heterophylla, Linn. , 518 dic^l/op/ii/Zia, Wall. ... >> 508 hihiscifolia, Champ. „ 531 dilatata, Miq 511 TiiVsitta, Roxb „ 532 ? c?iimc?tate, Wall. ... ... ), 517 hirta, VaM „ 531 dipMKWall 525 hispida, Linn „ 522 disticha, Thw >> 526 hispidissima, Wight „ 522 594 GENERAL INDEX. Ficus Hookeri, Miq. ... humilis, Boxb Sunteri, Miq hypsophila, Miq. ichnopoda, Miq. impressa,, Benth. incisa, Wall. inclinata, Ham. inclinata, Ham. inconstans, Miq. indica, Linn. indica, Linn. infectoria, Roxb. infectoria, Willd. insignis, Kurz ... japonica, Bl. J ungliuliniana, Miq. Kurzii, King laccifera, Roxb. Lacor, Ham. laevis, Bl Lamhertiana, Miq. laminosa, Hardw. Lamponga, Miq. lanceolata, Ham. lancifolia, Miq. ... lanigera, Wall. ... later itia, Wall. ... lepicarpa, Bl. ... lepidosa, Wall. leptocarpa, Steud. leucoxylon, Miq. littoralis, Bl. Lohhii, Miq. longifolia, Ham. Lowii, King lucescens, Bl. ludens, Wall. luducca, Bioxb. ... httescens, Desf. Maclellandi, King macrocarpa, Wight macrophylla, Roxb. macropoda, Kurz mafj/nolicBfolia, Bl. Mappan, Miq. ... martahanica, Wall. microcarpa, Bl. ... • microcarpa, Linn. f. microstoma, Wall. m^icrotus, Miq. ... Millettii, Miq. ... Miquelii, King ... m,odesta, Miq. ... mollis y Miq. 'mollis, Vahl mollis, Willd. ... Vol. Page V. 505 >> 519 530 496 ,521 V. 533 528 5 J 537 637 5) 525 519 JJ 506 499 ,500 V. 515 514 515 532 498 509 504 516 526 516 523 522 536 499 529 500 525 522 528 496 511 520 506 , 508 504 516 528 528 529 ,530 V. 512 534 534 537 512 530 522 528 511 506 496 533 524 512 536 501 523 Picas Vol. Page ? montana, Bvrm V. 519 montana. Wall „ 512 Mooniana, King „ 514 mysorensis, Heyne „ 500 neglecta, Bl „ 508 nemoralis. Wall „ 534 nervosa, Roili „ 512 nigrescens, King „ 520 nipponica, Fr. & Sav. „ 528 nitida, Thunb „ 511 nivea, Bl „ 530 nuda, Knrz „ 537 nuda, Miq. „ 508 obpyramidata, Ki7ig „ 525 obsoura, Bl „ 521 ohtecta, Wall „ 529 obtusa, jffassfe „ 527 ohtusidens, Miq „ 520 obtusifolia, Eoxh „ 507 olig odon, M.iq „ 535 oligosperma, Miq „ 528 onusta, Wall ., 503 oppositifolia, Willd. ;, 522 ovoidea, Jack v 529, 330 oxycoccoides, Linn V. 526 paluiata, Forsk. „ 530 ? palmata, E-oxb. '^ „ 530 papyrifera, GriflP. ,. 508 paradoxa, Bl " ^?1 parasitica, Kcbu „ 497 parietalis, Bl „ 498 parvifolia, Miq. . „ 511 ? pedicellata. Wall. ... .. „ 526 pellucido-punctata,GT[&. .. . „ 506 pendula, Link „ 508 pervia, Miq „ 497 phlehophyllaf Miq „ 498 pilosa, Reinw „ 500 piperifolia, Miq „ 527 pisifera, Wall „ 496 pisocarpa, Bl . „ 510 platycaula, Miq . „ 527 politoria. Moon . „ 522 polycarpa, Roxb „ 524 pomifera, Wall " l^t pomifera, Kurz „ 618 populif alia, Wall „ 513 procera, Bl „ 505 prominens, W&ll „ 523 prostrata, Wall . „ 523 prostrata, Wall . „ 524 pruniformis, Bl „ 502 Pseudo-sycamorus, Dene. „ 530 puhescens. Roth . „ 500 puhigera, Kurz . ,. 537 puhigera. Wall . „ 528 fpulchm, Wall. . „ 537 GENERAL INDEX. 595 ious Vol. Page pumila, Thunb V. 532 punctata, Thunb j» 517 jpunctata, Heyne »> 516 ? pyriJolia,'Evivm )) 632 pyriformig, Hlc. Sf Am. . . . ,, 533 pyrrhocarpa, Kurz >> 523 queroifolia, Boxb M 519 quercifoUa, Bl „ 520 racemifera, Roxb ,j 535 racemosa, Wall S) 536 radicans, Roxb. 520 ramea, Wall 5> 537 rarnentacea, Roxb J) 528 raridens, Miq )> 520 recur va, £i JJ 527 Beemblas, Miq 521 regia, Miq. v. 534 535 Beinwardtii, Link & Otto V. 531 religiosa, Linn 55 513 repens, Ham 518 repens, Willd » 518 reticulosa, Miq 497 retusa, Linn ;) 511 rhododendrifolia, Miq. ... 5) 510 Ribes, Reinw 524 ribesioideSf Wall >5 f)27 rigescens, Miq. ... 55 528 rigida, Migr 55 505 rigida, BL 55 497 rigida, Ham 5) 516 rostrata, LamTc. )) 520 rotundifolia, Koxb 55 537 Roxburghii, Wall 55 534 Boxburghii, Miq » 532 rubescens, Bl )5 506 ruhifolia, GviS. 55 519 rubra, Roth )5 511 rufescens, Ham )> 518 Tufescens, Yahl 55 518 rufipila, Miq 55 498 Rumphii, Bl 55 512 rupestris, Ham 55 500 saemocarpa, Miq 55 523 salicifolia, Miq. * 55 521 saxatilis, Bl 55 520 saxatilis, Miq 496 scabra, Jacq • 55 523 ncabrella, Roxb 518 scandens, Boxb * 55 526 sclerophylla, Roxb 55 497 scleroptera, Griff. 534 scleroptera, Miq 55 516 seti/era, Steud 531 setosa, Bl * 55 531 sideroxifolia, Griff. )) 529 Sieboldi, M.iq 532 sikkimensie, Miq 55 521 Ficus silhetensis, Miq sinuosa, Miq Spanogheana, Miq spathulata, Miq squamosa, Roxb stipulata, Moon stipulata, Wall ? striata. Roth strigosa, Bl subdenticulata, Miq. subobliqua, Miq subopaca, Miq suborbicularis, Miq subpandureeformis, Miq. ... subpedunculata, Miq. subpyriformis, Miq subracemosa, B} subrepanda, Wall. ... v. ? subrigida, Miq subulata, Bl ^ sundaica, Bl sycomoroides, Miq Tabing, Miq Tadjam, Miq Talboti, King ;.. tengtrensis, Miq tenuiramis, Kth. & Bouche terminalioides, Griff. tetangis (tetrargys), Miq.., Teysmanniana, Miq. Thomsoni, Miq , Thunbergii, Maxim Thwaitesii, Ifig Tjakela, Burnt Tjela, W&1\ Tjiela, Roxb tomentosa, Boxb tomentosa, Herb. Madr. ... Tondana, Miq torulosa. Wall trachycarpa, Miq trachycoma, Miq travancorica, King Tremblas, Miq trilepis, Miq triloba. Ham Trimeni, King triplinervis, Wall truncata, King truncata, Ham truncata^ Vahl Tsiela, Boxb tuberculata, BjOxh tuberculata. Wall umbonata, Wall uniglandulosa, Wall. umigera, Miq. '. 7ol. Page 533 519 527 529 523 526 518 508 527 521 497 535 531 519 511 533 535 500, 537 528 497 506 535 498 496 512 525 520 516 518 527 506 528 525 514 515 500 501 500 496 533 521 517 503 496 534 532 £09 526 507 518 518 515 497 523 533 520 527 596 GENERAL INDEX. Fioas Vol. Page Fimbristylis Vol. Page urophylla, Wall V. 498 hiumhellulata, Boeck. vi. 640 urticifoUa, Roxb „ 537 Boeckeleri, Steud. ... vi. 644, 646 vagans, Roxb „ 526 6rac/!/!/p/(y^a, Sohult. ... vi. 636 vaga7is, "Wall. „ 528 hrevifolia, Steud >> 632 valida, Bl „ 502 Buergueri, Miq. 639 variegata, Bi „ 535 capillacea, Steud >> 652 variolosa, Lindl „ 532 capillaris, Benth 652 vasculosa, Wall „ 517 capitata, Zoll >j 640 venosa, Ait „ 514 chcetorrhiza, Kunth 647 venosa, Wall „ 515 chcetorrhiza, Thw. ... vi. 643, 648 vesiita, Wall „ 537 ciliolata, Steud vi. 640 vilUpeSyM^q. ,, 527 cincta, Nees ... j> 636 villosa, Bi „ 529 cinnamometorum, Ba,nce.. . )) 649 • virgata, Reinw „ 497 cinnamometorum, Kunth... )) 650 virgata, Roxb „ 530 comaia, Nees )> 635 volkhameriasfolia, Wall. ... „ 525 communis, Kunth ... vi. 636 638 Wightiana, Benth „ oil complanata, Link vi. 646 Wightiana, Wall „ 516 coinplanata, Benth jj 646 Wrightii, Benth. „ 528 compressa, Boeck „ 639 xylophylla, Wall.^ „ 503 con_/i7iis, Steud ,, 639 Zollingeriana, Miq. (vide connectens, Thw )) 646 Covellia) n 521 curvifolia, Steud. >) 636 sp., Griff. V. 513, 528 cylindrocarpa, KuLtb >) 631 Fieldia gigantea, Rchb. f. ... vi. 27 cyperoides, Br » 650 V\]a.go, Linn iii. 277 cyrtophylla, Miq 639 arvensis, Linn „ 277 dasyphylla, Miq. j^ 641 germanica, Linn „ 277 decora, Nees & Mey. „ 641 prostrata, DC „ 289 depauperata, Br. ... vi 636 ,637 prostrata, F&v\ „ 277 dichotoma, Vahl vi. 635 spathulata, Presl „ 277 dichotoma, Boeck ,^ 637 Filioium, Thiu i. 539 digitata, Boeck )) 648 decipiens, Thw „ 539 dipbylla, Vahl 636 Fimbristylis, Vahl vi. 630 diphylla, Vahl vi. 638 ,646 ahhreviata, Boeck. „ 648 dipsacea, Benth vi. 635 dbjiciens, Steud „ 631 disticha, Boeck n 651 acicularis, Br „ 631 efoliata, Steud 645 actinoschoenus, Clarke ... „ 650 falcata, Boeck »> 648 acuminata, Vahl „ 631 falcata, Kunth 647 lestiyalis, Vahl „ 637 ferrugiuea, Vahl >> 638 albicans, Nees „ 641 ferruginea, Miq. ... 639 albo-viridis, Ciarfce „ 638 filifolia, Boeck • >> 643 amhlyphylla, Steud. „ 645 filiformis, Kunth 633 andamavica, Kurz „ 639 flaccida, Steud >> 644 angularis, Steud „ 644 fiaccidula, Zoll. >) 644 annua, R. & S vi. 636, 637 foliosa, Link • >> 636 aphylla, Steud vi. 644 fulvescena, Thw. 650 argentea, Vahl vi. 596, 640 fusca, Benth • ji 649 Arnottiana, Boech vi. 643 fuscinux, Clarke 638 Arnottii, Thw „ 631 Qamhleana, Boeck 651 arvensis, Vahl „ 639 glabra, Steud. ... vi ' 642, 650 asperrima, Boeck „ 643 glauca, Vahl . vi 636 autumnalis, R. & S. „ 646 globulosa, Kunth >» 644 harhata, Benth „ 652 glomerata, Nees >> 640 henghalensis, R. & S. „ 644 gracilis, Arn >> 639 hiflora, Boeck. „ 650 Griffithiana, Steud. » 637 hispicata, Boeck „ 634 Griffithii, Boeck 637 hispicata, Nees „ 634 Hcenkei, Bietr vi 647, 648 GENERAL imbristylis l/fLfU^ Vol. Paee Halophila, Knrz ... . . vi. 632 Hanceana, Boeck . „ 640 Heynei, Boeck . ,. 636 Hookeriana, Boech . M 641 inconstans, Steud .. „ 634 insignia, Thiu . „ 645 /apowica, Sieb. &Zucc. . . „ 634 juncea, Boeck . „ 632 juncea, R. & S. . „ 633 junciformis, J^TwH^/i ... . . „ 647 junciformis, Mi.nro ... . „ 640 Kamphceveneri, Boeck. . „ 649 Kingii, Clarice . „ 633 Kraussiana, Hochst. . „ 646 Icevissima, Steud .. „ 640 latifoUa, Kiinth ... . . „ 648 laxa, Vahl . „ 636 leptoolada, Benth . „ 647 littoralis, Gaud „ 644 longispica, Steud .. „ 639 malaccana, Boeck . „ 633 marginata, Labill .. „ 639 mergnenBia, Clarice ... . . „ 642 Metzii, Steud . „ 636 onicrocarpa, F. Muell. . „ 646 miliacea, Vahl . „ 644 ? mollis, Kunth ... . . „ 672 monandra, F. Muell. . „ 633 monandra, R. & S . „ 652 monostachya, Hassk. . „ 649 monticola,, SieitcZ . „ 642 muriculata, Benth • „ 642 nigrobrunnea, Thio. . „ 648 nutans, Vahl . „ 632 ochreata, Boeck . „ 639 ova'is, Nees . „ 636 oxylepis^ Steud • » 642 pallescens, Nees ... . . „ 636 pauciflora, Br . „ 633 paupercula, Boeclc . „ 647 pentaptera, Kunth ... . . „ 645 pentastachya, Boeck. . „ 636 Pierotii, Miq . „ 642 podocarpa, Nees ... . . „ 638 podo car pa, Mnnro ... . . „ 638 podocarpa, Nees ... . . „ 636 poltjmorpha, Boeck. ... v . 636, 638 polytriohoides, Vahl . vi. 632 pumila, Benth . ,, 633 pycnostachya, Hance . „ 648 quinquangularis, Kunth. . „ 644 retusa, Thw . M 647 rigida, Kunth . „ 640 rigidula, Nees . „ 640 rigidula, Herb. Berol . „ 640 rigidula, Thw . „ 636 Roxhurghii, Dietr . „ 639 INDEX. - 697 Fimbristylis iAu^*' Royeniana, Nees Salbundia, Kunth ... Salbundia, Boeck. ... Salbundia, Thw. scaberrima, Nees scahra, Kunth schcsnoides, Vahl ... sericea, Br. setaoea, Benth. i^iniilis, Steud spadicea, Boeck. spathacea, Roth spirostachijs, F. Muell. squarrosa, Vnht stolonifera, Clarice' ... subspicata, Nees 4" Meyen sub-hulbosa, Boeck. ... vi. 632, 633 siihtetrastachya, Boeck. ... vi. 648 subtrabeoulata, Clarke ... „ 633 tenera, R. ^ S „ 642 tenera, Boeck. ... vi. 644, 646, 651 Vol. Pagre vi. 636 646 644 645 637 646 634 641 632 636 636 640 637 63^ 637^ 634 tenuicula, Boeck vi. 632 tenuifolia,'Neea M 639 tenuifoUa, Thw !) 642 tetragona, Br vi . 366 ,631 Thomsonii, Boeck . vi. 646 Thwaitesii, Boeck J) 645 tomentosa, Vahl >) 636 Torresiana, Gaud 615 torta, Kunth j> 648 tricholepis, Miq. ... .. 637 trispicata, Steud. ... ' .. >j 639 tristachya, Thw >> 649 uliginosa, Steud 648 umbellaris, Y&hl ... .. • >) 645 velutina, Franch. .. .. • V 641 Wightiana, Nees )> 640 sjp., Wall. vi. 604,612, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 659. Fingerhuthia, Lehm . vii. 306 affghanica, Boiss • >» 306 africana, Aitch 306 Finlaysonia, Wall iv. 7 obovata, Wall it 7 Firmiana, Mar si 1 i. 359 color ata, Br 360 Fisqueiia macrocarpa, Gaud . vi. 484 militaris, Gaud • >> 486 ornata, Gaud >i 486 ovata, Gaud M 487 Fissistigma- scandens, Griflf. . . i. 80 Flacourtia, Comm i. 191 Cataphracta, 220x5 J, 193 Cataphracta, Bl >> 192 Cataphracta, Wall »> 194 ■ cordifolia, Roxh >i 194 598 Flaoourtia crenata, Wall ferox, Wall inermia, Roxh uiermis, Miq inermis, Wall Jangomas, Miq. mollis, m.f. Sr T. ... montana, Grah. montana, Zipp nivea, Moon ohcordata, Roxb. ? Perrottetiana, Clos ? quintuplinervi^ , Turoz. Ramontchi, L'Her. Bamontchi, Wall. rotundifolia, Roxb. Rakam, Zoll. Sf Mor. sapida, Roxb sapida, Wall sepiaria, Roxh stigmarotat Wall. sumatrana, Planch. Wiglitiana, Wall. Flacourtiacea, Wall. ... Flacourtib^ Flagellaria, Lmn. angustifolia, Wall. ... indica, Linn minor, Bl FLAGKLLARIEiE Flemingia, Roxh. ex Ait. ahrupta, Wall angustifolia, Roxb. ... hracteata, Wight capitata, Ham capitata, Zolling. Chappar, Ham. chlorostachys, Wall, congesta, Roxh. ferruginea, Wall. fruticulosa, Wall. Grahatniana, W. 8c A. involuorata, Benth. ... latifolia, Benth. lineata, Roxb nana, Koxb. nana. Wall panicnlata, Wall. ... Phursia, Ham procumbens, Roxb. .. pro cumbens, Wight ... prostrata, Roxb. pycnantha, Benth. ... Rothiana, DC semialata, Roxb. sericans, Kurz striota, Roxh. ... GENERAL INDEX. 1. vi. Vol. Page 191 19 1 192 192 190 193 192 192 192 194, 194 193 192 193 193 194 192 193 191 194 190 192 194 419 189 390 391 391 391 390 226 227 229 227 229 229 227 227 228 229 227 228 229 229 228 229 229 227 227 229 230 229 228 220 229 229 228 'Vl Flemingia stricia, Wall strobilifera, R. Br tuberosa, Dalz vestita, Benth Wallichii, W. ^ A Wightiajia, Grah Flemingia. Roxb. ex Rottl. grandifiora, Rottl. & Willd. Fleurya, Gaud glomerata. Gaud interrupta, Gaud spicata. Gaud Floscopa, Lour Homxiltonii, Hassk Meyeniana, Hassk paniculata, Hassk. ... vi. petiolata, Hassk soandens, Lour undulata, Hassk Flourensia csespitosa, Carab. Flueggea, vel F\\iggea,,Willd. angulata, Baill. elliptica, Ham '. leucophylla, Wall leucopyi'us, Willd leucopyrus, Dalz. & Gibs.... leucopyrus, Wight major, Baill melanthesoides, F. Muell. . microcarpa, Bl ohovata, Ham phyllanthoides, Baill. ... virosa, Baill virosa, Dalz. & Gibs. Wallichiana, Baill ■xerocarpa, A. Juss Fluggea, Rich dracsenoides, Baker Griffithii, Baker intermedia, Kunth Jacquemontiana, Kunth ... japonica. Rich ?prolifera, Baker Wallichiana, Kunth Fluvialis indica, Pers. Fceniculum, Adans dulce, C. Bauh oficinale, Allion Panmorium, DC piperitum, DC vnlgare, Gxrtn Fornicaria Forrestia, A. Rich glabrata, Hassk GriflSthii, Clarke hispida, A. Rich hispida, Bot. Mag Vol. Page ii. 229 ^j 2^7 J) 230 230 ^, 229 >i 229 iv. 392 V. 548 549 )) 548 549 vi. 390 390 j^ 390 382 390 vi. 390 "* >j 890 390 i. 243 V. 328 >> 328 328 )) 328 )) 328 }> 328 i. 194 V. 305 328 M 328 }J 328 ]> 329 5) 328 329 )) 329 329 vi. 268 J) 270 269 )) 269 )) 267 )> 270 }> 268 vi. 569 ii. 695 695 5) 695 695 }> 695 M 695 vi. 33 vi. 383 )] 384 383 M 383 «> 383 GENEEAL INDEX. 599 Forrestia Vol. Page Fritillaria Vol. Page Hookeri, Hassk vi. 384 Hookeri, Baker vi. 352 marginata, Hassle >) 383 imperialis, Linn ,, 353 mollis, Hassk >» 383 ? macrophyUa, D. Don ... >) 352 rostrata, B.SLBsk j> 384 oxypetala, Roijle 352 Forskahlea, lywn V. 593 oxypetala, Hook >) 353 latifolia, Retz 5> 593 Eoylei, Hook 5> 353 tenacissima, Linn 593 Stracheyi, Hk. f. 353 urticoides, Wight 5) 593 Thomsoniana, D. Don )) 352 Fothergilla involucrata, Falo. ii. 426 ? triceps (vide hiUum) 353 Fragaria, Xm« ii. 343 verticillata, Wall JJ 353 arguia, Lindl jj 343 Fnirena, JRotth vi. 665 colUna, Ehrh 344 canescens, Vahl JJ 666 Daltoniana, J. G'a^y n 345 ciliaris, Nees ... )> 666 elatior, W. & A 344 ciliaris, Roxb >) 666 indica, Andr jj 343 cuspidata, Knnth 665 mdica, Wa.U JJ 346 glomerata. Lam JJ 666 nialayana, Roxb 343 paniculata, Lam JJ 667 nilgerica, Zenker J) 343 pentagona, Nees 667 nilgerrensis, Schldl. 344 pubescens, Kunth JJ 665 nuhicola, Lindl. J, 344 puhescens, Boeck 665 Roxhurghii, W . & A. )) 343 quinquangularis, Hassk. . . . )> 667 sikkim ensis^nrz vesca, Linm 345 BoUhoellii,J^eea 666 344 Trilobites, Clarke ... ... 666 Francoeuria erispa, Cass. ... iii. 299 umbellata, Eoi*6 5J 666 Frankenia, Linn . i. 212 uncinata, Kunth )l 666 pulverulenta, Linw. )j 212 uncinata, Thw 667 Frankeniace^ i. 211 Wallichiana, Kunth >> 665 Franqiievillea major, Zol). ... vi. 279 sp., Wall vi. 665, 666 ,667 FrAXINEjE iii. 590 Fullartoruia kumaonensis, Fraxinns, Linn iii. 605 DC. iii 332 ,671 dimorpha, Coss. & D ur. ... ,j 606 Fnmaria, imn i. 127 excelsior, iinw jj 606 par vi flora, Lamk JJ 128 floribunda, Wall. ^ )) 605 Vaillantii, Loisel JJ 128 Griffithii, Clarke 605 FUMARIACE^ i. 120 heterophylla, Vahl j> 606 Fussia caryophylla, Schur ... vii 272 Moorcroftiana, Brand j> 606 Mnorcroftiona, Wall. 606 Gahertia scripta, Gaud . vi. 18 retusa, Champ jj 605 Gaertnera, Lamk iv. 91 urophylla, Wall 605 acuminata, Benth JJ 91 xanthoxyloides, Wall. ... „ 606 divaricata, Thw JJ 91 Frerea, Dalz iv. 76 Gardneri, Thw JJ 92 indica, Dalz ,, 76 grisea, Hk. f. JJ 92 Freycinetia, Gaud vi. 487 Junghuhnii, Miq JJ 91 angastifolia, Bl JJ 487 Koenigii, Wight JJ 91 angustifolia, Kurz 487 laurifolia, Hb. Madr. i. 419 Brunoniana, Wall 5J 487 longifolia, Bojer iv. 93 Dehregeasiana, Gaud. >J 487 obesa, Hk.f. JJ 92 Gaudichaudii, Bennet ... }J 488 obtusifolia,'DC i. 418 insignis, Bl 488 Pongati, Retz iii. 438 pycnophylla, Solms. J, 487 racemosa, Roxb. i. 418 Walkeri, Solms j^ 487 rosea, Benth iv. 92 Freziera ? attenuata, Wall.... i. 290 ternifolia, Thw 92 Fritillaria, Lmw vi. 352 thyrsiflora, Bl JJ 91 cirrhosa, D. Don JJ 353 viminea, Hk. /. 91 Corona-imperialis, Goartn. >j 354 Walkeri, Wight JJ 92 Gardneriana, Wall 353 Gaertneri^ iv. 79 Gf-uliehni- Waldemarii,Klotz. „ 353 Gagea, Salish vi. 355 600 GENERAL INDEX. Gagea Vol. Page Galega Vol. Page amhlyopetala,Boiaa.&lIe\d r. vi 356 Colutea, WiUd ... ii. 114 commutata, C. Koch >> 356 diffusa, Roxb 113 elegans. Wall 5> 355 Heyneana, Roxb. '. ... 111 lutea, Schult. f. ... . >J 355 hirta, Ham 113 Moorcroftiana, Wall. J> 355 incana, Roxb 114 pedunculata, Wall 356 lancecBfolia, Roxb. .. • •". !! 112 persica, Boiss . 5) 355 maxima, Linn 113 ? pulchella. Wan )» 354 pentaphylla, Roxb. .. • • • • )> 112 reticulata, Scluvlt. f. 356 procumhens, Ham. .. 113 sarmentosa, C. Koch J} 356 purpurea, Linn. . ... ,, 112 stipitata, Merkl >) 356 senticosa, Linn. 112 taurica, Stev )) 356 sericea, Ham 112 triphylla, C. Koch .. 356 spmosa, Linn 112 Gahnia, Forst . vi. 676 tinctoria, Lamk. 112 javanica, ik/briiz ... . J) 676 villosa, Linn 113 Gaiillonia., J. Rich . iii. 201 GALEGEyE '. ... ii. 57 oalycoptera, /. ^^ S. » 201 Galeola, Lour . ... vi. 88 hymenostephana, J. ^ S 5» 202 altissima, Rchh. f. .. . ... !) 89 Gaja pippali {nippeli) , Jone S V. 158 altissima ? Rohb. f. .. ,, 89 Galactia, P. £r .. ii. 192 Oathcartii, ilfe./. .. ... ,, 89 graminea, Heyne ... . >> 192 Falconeri, Hk. f. .. ,, 88 ? oxyphylla, Benth M 192 Hydra, Rchh. f. ... ,, 89 simplicifoUa, Dalz . >J 191 javanica, Benth. . vi. 88 197 tenuiflora, W. ^ A 192 Lindleyana, Rc'ih.f. ... vi. 88 tenui/lora, Wall »> 192 ? pusilla, fffc. /. ,, 89 villosa, W. & A 192 Galeopsis, Lmn . ... iv. 677 Galan>ja, Salisb .. vi. 253 Tetrahit, Linn. ... »> 667 Galatella asperrima, Nees . . iii. 252 Oalera nutans, Bl. . ... vi. 124 juncea, Lindl >i 251 rosea, Bl • • • • >) 124 Galearia, Zoll. c^ Moritz. . .. V. 377 Galie^ • "^- .^? ,202 affinis, fir )» 379 Galinsoga, E. ^ P. .. ... iii. 311 angustifolia, Miq )> 380 parviflora, Cav. J, 311 eliiptica, Miq >> 380 Galium, Linn . ... iii. 204 fulva, Muell • . >> 378 acutum, Edgew. ... „ 208 Helferi, Hk. f. • • j» 378 Aparine, Linn ... ,, 205 Jackiana, HJc.f. ... . >) 378 Aparine, Wall . iii. 206 207 Lindleyana, Muell. . >> 379 asperifolium, Wall. . . ... iii 207 Maingayi, HJc.f. ... . . . >> 377 asperuloides, Edgew. ,, 205 pedicellata, Hk. f. ... . » 378 boreale, Linn ,, 205 phlebocarpa, Br 380 capillar e, Cav ... „ 208 splendens, Miq. 5) 380 ceratophylloides, Hk /. ... » 209 Biibulata, Muell )> 379 ciliatum, D. Don ... „ 206 sumatrana, Miq . >> 380 confertum, Royle 206 Wallichii, Br 379 divaricatum, Lam. .. ... ,) 208 Wallichii, Kmvz J> 378 eleqans, Wall >> 204 Galearie^ .. V. 242 exile, Rk.f. ... „ 207 Qaledupa arborea, Roxb. . . ii. 240 floribunduyn, Jacq. .. „ 208 elUptica, Roxb • >) 243 gratum, Wall 5» 205 indica, Lam 240 Hamiltoni, Spreng. .. ,» 204 marginata, Roxb >> 243 himalayense, Klotz. .. 208 Piscidia, Roxb 107 hirtiflorum, Req. ... ,, 206 uliginosa, Roxb • » 241 javanicum, Bl » 205 Galega arhorescens, Hb. Mad r. ii. 111 latifolium. Ham. >» 204 argentea, Larak . >> 113 lividuyn, Jacq j> 207 Barba-jovis, Burm »> 113 MoUugo, Linn 207 Celonila, Ham » 112 paradoxum, Maxim. „ 206 Colutea, Burm » 95 parvijlorum, D. Don 207 GENERAL INDEX. 601 Galium ipaxici^or nm, Bung e punduanitm, Wall Hequienanum, W. & A. ... rotundifolium, Linn. serpylloides, Royle setaceum, LamJc spurium, Linn stellar ix folium, Fr. & Sav. tenuissimum, Bieh tricorne, Wltli. triflorutn, Michx vernum, Scop verum, Linn vestitum, D. Bon Oallesioa graveolens, Roem. pentaphylla, Roem Oalumpita cuspidata, Bl. ... Gamblea, Clarke ciliata, Clarke Gamochilus, Lestib Gamoplexis, Falc. orohanchoides, Falc Qanitrus sphoerica, Gaertn. Ganosma inodora, Lour. Garciana cochinchinensis, Lour Garcinia, Linn acuminata, PI. & Tr. afinis, Wall i. affinis, W. & A. Andersoni, Hfc./. anomala, PI. ^'' Tr. atro-viridia. Griff. bancana, Miq BMimicowa, Roxb Cambogia, Desr camhogioides, Koyle celehica, Desr celehica, Linn. .. Choisyana, Wall. conicarpa, Wight cornea, L inn Cowa, Roxh echinocarpa, Tinv elliptica, Wall i. eugeniaefolia, Wall Gaudichaudi, PI. & Tr. ... Griffithii, Aiiders Gutta, Wight heterandra, Wall indica, Chois i. KydiayRoxb Kydiana, Laness lanceaefolia, Roxh. ... i. laterijlora, Bl lohulosa, Wall i. loniceroides, Anders. VOL. VII. Vol. Page iii. 205 ,, 204 jj 205 >) 204 5) 207 5> 208 }) 208 )) 206 20S )» 207 ;) 205 >i 209 )j 208 206 1. 505 )5 504 V. 486 ii. 739 )) 740 vi. 231 vi. 122 5J 122 i. 4^0 iy. 33 vi. 363 i. 259 ;; 264 260 266 i. 262 270 >) 266 266 )> 263 >) 266 261 )) 265 261 t) 260 265 262 5J 260 262 )J 264 262 ,264 i. 268 265 266 j> 264 265 261 ,262 i. 262 26i 261 ,263 i. 265 262 ,264 i. 264 Garcinia Vol. Page macrophylla, Ander ?. ... i. 270 Maingayi, Hk. f. „ 267 malaharica, Desr. iii. 556 malaccensis, Hk. f. i. 261 Mangostana, Linn. ,, 260 merguensie, Wight ,, 267 More 11a, Desr. ... .. i. 261 ,264 nervosa, Miq. ... i. 715 nigro-lineata, Plane fi. ... „ 263 ovalifolia, Hk. f. j^ 269 oxyphylla, PI. & Tr. 5) 263 paniculata, Roxh. )> 266 Papilla, Wight ... • 262 peduncnlata, Roxh. 5) 264 pictoria, Roxb. ... 264 purpurea, Roxb. J) 261 purpurea. Wall. )) 263 Roxhurghii, Wight 262 speciosH, Wall. .*.* "i. 260, 267 spectahilis, Hk. f. i. 261 stipulata, Anders. 5) 267 succifolia, Kurz 270 terpnophylla, Thw. ,, 268 travancoriua, Bedd. „ 268 umhellifera, Eoxb. 262 umhellifera. Wall. )J 263 venulosa, Chois. 260 Wallichii, Chois. ".'.' "i. 262 ,263 Wightii, T. Anders. i. 265 Xanthochymug, Hk. /. ... „ 269 zeylanica, Roxb. 262 sp., Bedd 268 Garcinie^ i. 259 Gardenia, Linn. iii 115 ? anisopJiylla, Wall. ... ,, 114 arhorea, Roxb. ... 116 ? Blumeana, DC. jj 118 Burha, Ham. 39 calyculata, Roxh. >> 119 campGunulatr., Roxl. 5> 118 campanulata, Bl. 5} 118 carinata, Wall. 117 ? carinata. Griff. )> 117 carinata, Thw. ... 120 coronaria, Ham. 117 costata, Roxb. ... >> 117 cuueata, Br. 120 cuneata, Br. 118 dasycarpa, Kurz )> 120 dasycarpa, Kurz >1 110 dewsa, DC 109 densa. Wall. 109 Donia, Ham. 118 dumetorum, Retz. 110 enneandra, Keen. )| 119 erythroclada, Kurz ... ,, 119 fasciculata, Roxb. 109 n r 602 GENERAL INDEX. Gardenia Vol. Page Garnotia Vo\ Page floribunda, Roxb iii. 110 Fergussonii, Trim yii. 244 fiorida, Linn >) 115 fuscata, Thiu II 244 fragranSy Koen. HI Grj^t/m, Munro II 243 glabra, Br >> 110 miorantha, Thw II 244 glutinosa^l. &B 117 patula, Munro II 243 Griffithi, i/L /. II 118 patula, Thvf 244 gammifera, Lt?i7i. /. 116 polygonoides, Duthie II 243 hygrophyla, Knrz )) 115 polypogonoides, Munro ... 243 inermiSy Dietr 116 sandvicensis, Hillebr. jj 243 ixorsefolia, Br 11 119 Sohmidii, i/fc. /. II 242 latifolia, Ait 116 scoparia, Stapf 242 latifolia, Schlecht ,, 110 scoparia, Thw II 241 latifolia, Thw ,j 120 striata, Brongn 243 longispina, Roxb » 110 striata, Thw II 242 longispina, Wall. ... ill 109 118 tectorum, Hk. f II 242 lucida, Eoxb iii. 115 tenuiglumi?, Stapf II 242 montana, DC jj 118 Thwaitesii, Stapf 241 montana, Roxb t) 118 Garuga, Roxb i. 528 nutans, Roxb II 110 ? madagascariensis, DC. ... jj 528 obtusifolia, Roxb 116 pinnata, Eoxb II 528 oxycarpa, Br II 119 Gastonia Naliu^uda-paxi, Gus- parvijiora, Wall II 10) tonia) i. 667 patula, Horsf II 111 palmata, Roxb. ii. 732 f pomif era. Wall II 110 Gastradiolusvide Garhadiolus iii. 392 propinqva, Br II 110 Gastrochilus, Wall vi. 217 puhescens, Roth 120 affinis, Wall i» 218 pulcherrima, Kurz II 114 jenkinsii. Wall II 218 r esinif era, KoTth. II 117 longiflora, Wall II 217 resinifera, Roth II 115 minor. King 217 rigida, Wall iii. 109 135 parvula, Wall ,, 218 sessiliflora, Wall iii. 118 pulcherrima, Wall 11 217 speciosa, Hook. „ 117 rubrolutea, Baker 218 spinosa, Linn, f II 110 speciosa, Kurz II 217 stipularis, Rottl. & Willd. II 110 ? tilixfolisL, Baker 218 swaws, Wall 116 tillandsioides. Baker II 218 tentaculata, Hh II 119 Gastrochilus, D. Don vi 60 tetrandra, Bedd II 107 calceolaria, D. Don 11 60 tetrasperma, Roxb 11 109 Gastrocotyle, Biinge iv. 168 to7nentosa, H] 110 hispid a, Bunge 11 168 tubifera, Wall II 117 Gastrodia, Br vi. 122 turgida, Roxb 118 elata, Bi 11 122 uliginosa, Retz II 110 exilis, B'/c. /. >> 123 sp., Wall iii 109 PHasseltii.Bi 11 123 Gabdenie^ iii. 19 ,101 javanica, Endi »j 123 Gardneria, Wall iv. 93 orobanchoidea, Benth. ... ,, 122 angustifolia, Wall II 93 Gastrosulum prcecox, Schultz iii 316 nuta^is, Sieb. & Zticc. 93 Ganltheria, Linn iii 456 ovata, Wall '' 93 .' discolor, 'Sutt 11 459 WalUcUi, Wight 93 fragrans, D. Don 457 Qarhadiolus angulosus, J. & S . iii 392 fragrantissima, Wall. ... 11 457 Hedypnois, J . & S II 392 Griffithiana, Wight 458 (lapsa Qastradiolu$) hirsuta, Gardner „ 458 Garnotia, Brovgn vii 241 Hookeri, Clarke 11 458 angustata. Hack 243 Leschenaultii, DC ii 457 arundinacea, Hk. f. II 243 NummularicB, DC »» 457 ascendens, Munro ... 243 nummularoides, D. Don ... 457 courtallensiB, rh.'iy >> 244 ovalifolia, Wall „ 457 GENERAL INDEX. 603 Gaultheria, Vol. Page Gentiana Vol. Page punctata, Bl iii. 457 aquatica, Liwti iv. 110 pyrolEBfolia, m. / ,, 457 aquatica, Pall )i 111 repens, Bl J) 457 argentea, Royle ... iv. 112 ,733 trichophylla, Eoyle 457 aurea, Linn iv. 108 sp.. GrifiF. iii. 457, 460 ,461 azurea, Bunge II 109 Gaylussaccia mcurvata, Griff. iii 450 Bacom, Edge w 113 serrata, Griff. iii. 450 , 452 bar bata. Ft oel 118 serrata, Lindl iii. 452 borealis, Bunge 109 sp., Griff. )' 450 brachypetala, Bunge 118 Geantlmtfi, Reinw. vi. 233 cache mirioa, Dene 115 GeiBsaspia. TT. (^^ ^ • ii. 141 canaliculata, Royle 119 cristata, W. &^ A ,, 141 capitata, Ham 113 tenella, Bentli ,, 141 carinata, Griseb jj 113 Gela lanceolata. Lour. i. 498 carinthiaca, Froel 120 Gelonium, Roxh V. 458 C entailer ium, Linn II 101 angustijolium, Muell. „ 459 cep/iaiodes, Edgew 113 bifarium, Roxh jj 459 Cherayta, Roxb 124 hifarium, Wight ,, 459 Ghirata, Wall ,, 124 fasciculatum, Roxb. n 459 ciliata, Pall II 118 glomerulatum, Hassk. ... 4H0 contorta, Royle 118 lanceolatum, Willd. )j 459 coronata, Royle 114 mnltiflorum, J. Jmss. 459 crsiBsai, Kurz ij 114 obtusum, Miq 460 crinita, Fropl 118 Getnella trifoUa, Lonr. i. 674 dahurica, Fisch J, 117 Oendarussa hifaria, Wall. ... iv. 500 decemfida, Ham J, 112 decussata, Nees jj 532 decumbens, Liww. /. 117 Neesiana, Wall 531 depressa, Z). Dfm 115 onxensis, Nees 529 detonsa,Vv\eB iv lis ,734 quadrifaria, Nees n 530 dichotoma. Pall iv. 109 ? sumatrana, Miq 534 diffusa, Vahl j^ 103 tranquehariensis,'Neea ... >) 530 Elwesii, Clarke J, 115 vasculosa, Nees 534 Falconeri, Clarke ji 108 ventricosa,'Neea ,j 526 ? Jiorihunda, D. Don 124 virgata, Wall )) 525 glacialis, Thomas .,. .^ „ 109 vulgaris, Nees )) 532 heteroclita, Linn jj 104 wynaadensis, Nees 533 holosteoides, Sch, & Kotsch ,, 109 Gen ian thus, Hh.f. iv. 15 Hugelii, Griseb jj 114 craseifolius, IJk.f. J, 16 ImmiMs, Steven J, 111 laurifolius, 5^fe. /. )) 16 infelix, Clarke 111 Maingayi, ^^./. » 16 invohicrata. Tries „ 109 Geniosporum, Wall ir. ro9 Jaesc1ikei,KuTZ J, 119 axillare, Benth M 651 Karelini, Thorns 1) 110 elongatum, Benth 610 Koenigii, Gunn 109 gracile, Benth 5) 610 Kurroo, Royle „ 117 parvijlorum. Wall II 611 laxicaulis, Zoll 111 prost ratum, Benth 610 Ledebourii, Rchb.f. 110 strobiliferum, Wall. 11 610 Loderi, ^;t./. J, 733 Geniostoma acuminatum, lutea, Linn 118 Wall iii. 99 marginata, Clarke II 113 Genista versicolor. Wall. ii. 116 marginata, Griseb 113 Geniste.* ii. 56 marginata, Wall II 113 Gentiana, Linn. ... iv. 108 mioans, Ciarfce 112 ahscondita, Zenk 111 tninutissima, Boiss 110 adscendens, Pall II 117 Moorcroftiana, Wall. ... ,, 108 amtBua, Clarke 115 Moorcroftiana, ' Griseb. . . . II 119 Andersoni, Cl&Tke II 113 nana, Wulf 109 aprica, Dene )i 112 R nubigena, FIdgew r 2 " 116 604 GENERAL INDEX. Gentiana nudicauliB, Kurz oWgfosjoerma, Grieeb. Olivieri, Griseb orhiculata, Heyne ornata, Wall pedicellcita, Wall pedunculata, BiOjle phyllooalyx, Clarhe prostrata, Clarke prostrata, Haencke prostrata, Kar. & Kir. ... pulnionaria, Turoz pumila, GriflF. pygmaea, Clarhe quadrifaria, £1 quinquefolia, Fl. Dan. recurvata, Clarhe riparia, Kar. & Kir. robusta, King ... rotata, M. Bieb Soyleana, Wall serrata, Qunn eikkimensis, Clarke squarrosa, Ledeh Stelleriana, Cham. & Sohl. stipitata, Edgew Stoliczhai, Clarke stylophora, Clarke tenella, Fries tetragona, Roth Thomaoni, Clarhe tibetica, King tristriata, Turcz tubiflora, Wall umbellata, Bieb vennsta, Wall verticillaris, Retz verticillata, Linn volubilis, D. Don zeylanica, Griseb sp., Clarke iv. 110, 114, sp., Gmel sp., Griff. iv. Ill, sp,, Hk. f. & T. ... iv. 109, 112, 114, 115, 117, GENTIANACEiE Gentianella harbata, G. Don. detonsa, G. Don OeocalUs fasciculata, Horan. Geodorum, Jackson appendiculatunir Grif£, ... attenuatum, Griff. oandidum, Wall candidum, Lindl oitrinucQ, Jachs dilatatum, Br dilatatum, Lindl Vol. Page iv. 114 >> 119 11 117 >> 111 116 )) 111 109 )) 116 110 5J 110 ;) 110 >) 109 111 J) 111 >) 111 n 109 110 )i 110 ,, 734 )) 120 ), 112 7) 734 114 J> 111 120 >> 115 109 J> 118 )1 109 )> 109 109 )) 733 5» 109 1) 116 )) 109 » 116 101 >i 101 It 108 5J 111 115 116 iv. 117 113 122 110, 111, 118 ,127 iv. 93 iv. 118 jj 118 vi. 241 vi. 16 n 18 M 17 >» 17 )i 18 17 it 17 tt 18 Geodorum dilatatum, Wall fucatum, Lindl javanicum, Lindl laxiflorum, Oriff". pallidum, Wall pallidum, Griff. purpurenm, Br rariflorum, Lindl recurvum, semicristatum, Lindl. sp., Griff. Geophila, D. Don diversifolia, DC reniformis, 2). Don Oeorchis bijlora, Lindl. cordata, Lindl , foliosa, Lindl secundiflora, Griff., vid^ Goody era vittata, Lindl GEKANIACEifi GERANIEiE Geranium, iinw aconitifolium, L' Her. affi,ne, W. & A ardjunense, Zoll Arnottianum, Steud. Bachhousianum, Kegel .. bicolor, Royle choorense, Royle coUinum, Bieb Donianum, Hk. f. & T. .. Donianum, Wall eriostemon, D. Don. grandiflorum, Edgew. Grev^illeanum, Wall. heterotrichon, Sm himalayense, Klotz Ixvigatum, Royle ? Lamberti, Sweet ? Lawianum, Grab Lindleyanum, Royle luoidum, Linn molle, Linn multijidum, D. Don. nepalense, Sw ooellatum, Camb pallidum, Royle ? palustre, Li^m patens, Royle pedunculatum, Royle polyanthes, Edgew. ^Hk. potentilloides, Klotz. prateose, Linn pusillum, Linn , radicans, DC rectum, Trautv Vol. Page yl 16 „ 18 „ 18 „ 18 „ 18 „ 18 „ 16 „ 18 „ 187 „ 18 „ 18 iii. 177 „ 178 „ 178 vi. 114 „ 114. „ 113 113 114 426 426 428 429 431 431 431 430 433 433 429 431 430 430 430 430 433 429 433 430 427 433 433 432 430 430 433 431 430 431 433 431 432 429 432 431 429 /. » (JENBRAL INDKX. 605 Geranium refractmn, Edgew ^ Hk.f. Eobertianum, Linn. rotundifolium, Linn. sibiricum, Linn Tuberaria, Canib. Wallichiannm, Sw Qerardia dephinifolia, Linn. Heyneana, Benth parviflora. Wall scahra, Wall. ... Sopuhia, Benth stricta, Benth GerardiBuE iv. Gerbera, Oronov anandria, Schnltz Knnzeana, Braun ^ Asch. lanuginosa, Benth maorophylla, Benth. nirea, Benth nivea, Clarke ovalifolia, DO piloselloides, Gass Germainia, Bal. Sc Poitr. vii. capitata, Bal. & Poitr. ... khasiana, Hach lanipes, jffc. /. Germania Forskohlii, Poir. ... nudijiora, Poir. rotundifolia, Poir Oerontogea bijlora, Cham. & Sch GESNERACEiB Gethyllis fusiformis, Ham. ... Qetonia Jioribunda, Roxb. ... nitida, Roth nutans, Roxb Genm, Linn. adnatum, Wall. elatum, Wall Roylei, W&W urhsbnum, Linn. Geunsia, Blume farinosa, Bl Gigantochloa, Kurz alho-ciliata, ISiurz andamanica, Kurz auriculata, Kurz heterostachya, Munro ... KnTzii, Gamble latispicnlata, Gamble ligulata, Gamble macroscachya, Kurz maxima, Kurz nigro-ciliata, Kurz Scottechinii, Gamble verticillata, Munro Wrayi, (?am6Ze ... Vol. Page i. 428 jj 432 M 432 431 » 431 >) 430 iv. 302 n 302 » 303 M 302 )i 302 302 248 ,297 iii. 389 „ 390 11 390 390 >> 391 M 390 390 M 390 389 163 ,421 M 163 l> 163 n 163 iv. 625 ,, 626 »» 624 iii. 64 iv. 336 vi. 279 ii. 449 „ 450 „ 449 ii. 342 „ 343 „ 343 „ 342 „ 342 iv. 566 „ 566 vii. 398 „ 401 „ 401 „ 396 „ 4m „ 399 „ 400 „ 400 „ 399 „ 398 „ 401 „ 398 „ 398 „ 399 Gilibertia Nalugu, DC. palmata, DC Giualloa, Korth andamanica, Kurz Helferi, Kurz spathulifolia, Oliv Girardinia, Gaud heterophylla, Dene. hibiscifolia, Miq Leschenaultiana, Dene. ... Gironniera, Gaud costata, Miq cuspidata, Kurz lacida, Kiirz nervosa, Pianc^ parvifolia, Planch reticulata, Thw subaequalis, Planch. subsequalis, Bedd Gisekia, Linn linearifolia, Sohum. molluginoides, Wi^ht pharnaceoidea, Linn. Givotia, Gri^. rottleriformis. Griff. Glabraria litoralis, Miq. tersa, Linn Glaphyria sericea, Jack Glaux, Tournef. maritima, Linn Glechoma erecta, Roxb. hindostana, Roth indica, Spreng Gleditschia sinensis, Linn.... Gleniea (Glenniea), Hk. f. zeylanica, Hk. f. i. 682, Glinus dictamnoides, Linn. dictamnoides, W. & A. ... lotoides, Linn Mollugo, Fenzl mucronata, Klotz parviflora, Wall trianthewoides, Heyn. ... Globba, Linn Andersoni, Clarke arracanensis, Kurz brachycarpa. Baker bracteata, Heyne braoteolata, Wall bracteosa, Horan bulbifera, Roxb « canarenais, Baker Careyana, Roxb cernua, Baker Clarkei, Baker elongata, King erecta, Red Vol . Page i. 667 ii 732 V. 228 )) 228 228 228 V. 550 550 M 551 )) 551 V. 485 }J 485 486 )) 486 485 )) 486 486 485 )» 485 ii. 664 M 664 664 )) 664, V. 395 ,, 395 V. 158 158 ii. 462 iii. 505 505 iv. 661 j^ 661 661 ii. 261 i. 682 685 ,690 ii. 662 662 n 6H2 )i 662 )) 661 )i 662 661 vi. 201 n 202 203 „ 205 206 n 204 )> 206 206 ti 206 „ 203 )) 205 II 201 II 203 254 606 GENERAL INDEX. Globba Vol. Page expansa, Wall vi. 201, 205 floribunda, Baker vi. 203 Hookeri, Clarke „ 202 Hura,'Roxh „ 205 Kiogii, Baker „ 204 maculata, Bl „ 205 marantiua, Linn „ 206 marantina, Wall „ 206 marantinoides. Wight ... „ 206 multiHora, Wall „ 2u2 multijiora, Wall „ 205 nutans, Linn ,, 256 ophioglossa, Wight „ 202 orixensie, Roxh „ 201 orixensis, Wall. vi. 201, 2u2, 203 pallidiflora, Baker vi. 204 pauoiflora, King ,, 205 pendala, Roxh ,, 205 pendula, Wall „ 202 platystacbya, Baker ... „ 206 purpurea, Andr „ 200 racemosa, /Sm"( „ 201 radicalis, Roxb „ 200 saltatoria, Robc „ 200 Schomhurgkii, Hk. f. ... „ 206 sessiliflora, Sims „ 203 spathulata, Roxb ,, 201 stenothyrsa, Baker „ 204 strohilif era, ZoU.&Morhz. ,, 206 Bubscaposa, Coll. 8f Hemsl. „ 204 Bubstrigosa, King „ 202 suhulata, Roxb. ,, 200 uliginosa, Miquel „ 203 velutina, Wall „ 202 versicolor, Sw , 205 Walliohii, Baker „ 202 Glochidion, Forst v. 805 acuminatum, Muell. ... „ 323 andamanioum, Kurz ... „ 322 arboreum, Wight „ 3l6 assamicum, jfffe. /. „ 319 hancanum, Miq „ 311 bracbylobum, Muell. - ... „ 313 brunneum, Hfe. /. „ 312 calocarpum, Kurz „ 309 canaranum, Miq „ 311 canarum, Bedd. „ 311 Candolleanum, Hk. f. ... „ 316 coocineum, Muell „ 308 coriaoeum. Thw „ 321 coriaceum, Thw. ... v. 313, 316 coronatum, ^&. /. v. 326 Curtisii, ifA:. / „ 327 Daltoni, Ktirz „ 320 dasyphyllum, Miq ,, 323 dasystylnm, Kurz „ 327 desmooarpum, ii/A;./. ... „ 318 Glochidion desmogyne, Hk. f. ... distichum, Hance diver sifolium, Bedd. ellipticum, Wight ... fagifolium, Miq. frondosuni, Baill. Gamblei, ^A. /. Ga,rdneri, Thto. glaucifoiium, Muell. glaucogynum, Bedd. goniooarpum, Hk. f. Helferi, Hk. f Heyneanum, Wight hirsutum, Muell. Hohenaokeri, Bedd. insulare, Hk. f. Johnstonei, HA. /. ... Jussieuiayiutn, Thw. khasioum, Hk. f. ladvigaitMta, Hk. f. ... lanceolarium, Dalz. leiostylum, Kurz leptogynum, Bedd. ... littorale, Bl maorostigma, Hk. f. malabaricum, Bedd. microbotrys, Hk. f. mishmiense, If A. /. ... montanum, Thw. Moonii, Thw multilooulare, Miiell. nanogynum, HA;. /. ... neilgherrense, Wight nemorale, Thw. nitidum,'DB\z. & Gibs, nubigenum, Hfc. /. ... oblatum, Hk. f. ohliquum, Dene. obscurum, Bl peiakense, Hk. f. ... Perrottetianum, Bedd. pycnocarpum, Bedd. Ralphii, Hk. f. rigidnm, Muell. Roxhurghianum, Muell. solerophyllurn, Hk. f. eericeum, Hk. f. Bphaerogynum , Kurz subscandens, Kurz ... Buperbum, Baill. symplocoides, Bedd. Thomsoni, Hk. f. Thwaitesii, Muell. ... tomentosum, Dalz. ... velutinum, Wight ... villicaule, Hk. f. Wallichianum, Muell. Voi. Page GENERAL INDEX. 607 Glochidion ZHylanioum, A. Jass. Glocliidiopsis sericea, Bl. OlocJiisandra acuuhinata, Wight Glomera, £L ... v. 823, Gloriosa, Linn Doniana, Sohultes f. simplex, D. Don super ba, Linn. ... ... Olossanthus granclifloi-us, Benth malaharicus, Klein ... Notonianus, Br zeylanicus, Br Glossocardia, Cass. Boivallia, DC liuearifolia, Cass. ... Glossocarya, Wall. Linnaei, Benth. mollis. Wall. ...• ... Olossocomia clematidea,Fi8ch. tenera, D. Don thalictrifolia, Wall Glossogyne pmnatifida, DC Glossonema, Dc7ie varians, Benth. Glossospermum ? cordatum, Wall ? qui7ique-alatum, Wall. ... velutinum, Wall Glossostelma, Wight Glossostigma, Ar^i spathulatum, Am Olossostylis arvensis, Benth... Olossida Tentacula, Lindl. ... Gluta, Linn coarotata, HJc.f. elegans, Hk. f. tavoyana, Hfc. /. travancorioa, Bedd. Glvceria, Br airoides, Rchb aquatica, J. & C. Presl ... caspica, Griseb convoluta, Fries distans, Wahlh Jluitans, Br jluitans, Dnthie poaeoides, Stapf rivularis, Jacq scaherritna, Steud soongarica, Schrenk Thomsoni, Stapf tonglensie, Clarke Glycine, Linn aurea, Willd Vol. Page Glycine Vel. Page V. 310 cana, Willd ii. 222 V. 326 capitata, Heyne )j 221 cylindrijiora, Wall „ 182 T. 308 dehilis, DC 5J 184 , vi. 178 densifiora, Roth )i 226 vi. 358 elongata, Roth 221 ,, 358 ferruginea, Grab 5J 182 )> 358 fiUformis, Wall 192 5» 358 Jlaccida, Wall Jlexilis, Grab 5> 63 185 iv. 371 Grahami, Wall. 191 ,, 366 involucrata, Wall. ... ii. 181 , 182 )) 366 javanica, Lwm ii. 183 !) 367 lahialis, Linn ;) 184 iii 308 leptocarpa, Grab )) 63 J) 308 lucida, Grab 192 308 Memnonia, Delile 5> 224 iv. 598 mollis, W. & A 184 >5 598 monophylla, Bnrm » 153 598 nummularia, Linn )J 221 . iii. 433 oxyphylla, Grab 192 jj 432 pallens, Grab )) 184 >) 432 parvijiora, Lam )» 184 iii. 310 parviflora. Wall 5» 184 ,, 310 pentaphylla, Balz )) 184 iv. 16 pondicheriensis, Spreng.. . )> 220 >> 16 rhomhifolia, Willd. ... .. 223 rufescens, Willd )J 220 i. 374 senegalensis, DC. ... .. 184 J, 393 SojsL, Sieh. ^ Zucc ,, 184 ?> 374 sitaveolens, Linn ^) 222 iv. 47 suffulta, Wall j> 182 iv. 287 tenerrima, Gvaih. }) 184 )) 288 tenuijiora, Wal 1. ... . . . )> 192 iv. 297 tenuijiom, Willd 192 vi. 163 unijlora, Dalz >) 210 ii. 21 vestita, Grab 181 ,, 22 viscida, Willd 154 >> 22 vjarreensis, Dalz ;y 184 >> 22 Glycosmis, Correa i. 499 22 angustifolia, Lindl. .. . ... J> -500 vii 346 arborea, DC 500 J) 310 bilocularis, Thw 500 5> 310 chlorospermn, Spreng. ... ?> 501 » 347 chylocarpa, W. & A. )) 500 347 crenulata, Turcz '' 501 » 347 macroca/rpa, Wight 500 )> 347 macrophylla, Lindl ;> 500 M 346 nitida,W.&A 500 J> 348 pentaphylla, Correa M 499 346 puberula, Lindl 501 >> 330 Retzii, Roem ;, 500 338 sapindoides, Lindl )) 501 J) 347 triphylla, Wight » 500 )> 346 Glycy carpus racemosus, Dalz . ii. 40 ii. 183 Glyptopetalum, T/iiy i. 612 >> 221 grandiflorum, Bedd. 5> 613 608 GENERAL INDEX. Glyptopetalum Yol. Page 1 Gnaphalium Vol. Page sclerocarpum, Kurz i. 313 nilaicum, Raddi iii. 289 zeylanicam, Thw jj 612 Notoniamim, Wall >» 284 Gmelina, Linn iv. 581 nuhigenum, Wall 280 arborea, Linn ,, 581 orixense, Roxb J, 288 aBiatica, Linn >> 582 pallidum, Ham •> 288 asiatica, Wall »» 582 perfoliatum, Wall 281 coromandeUana, Burm. ... ,, 582 prostratum, Roxb ,, 289 Finlaysoniana, Wall. ji 582 pulchellum. Wall jj 279 Hystrix, Kiirz ,j 582 pulvinatum, Del ,, 289 inermis, Blanco »' 582 purpureum, Linyi ,, 289 lohata, Gaertn >) 582 ramigerum, DC ,, 288 oblongifolia, Roxh 582 semi decurr ens. Wall. >' 283 parvijlora, Roxb j> 582 simplicicaule, Wall 5) 285 parvifolia, Roxb 582 spathulat'um, Del 289 Rheedii, Hook J) 581 spicatum, Vahl >» 278 speciosissima, D, Don iv 257 583 Stewartii, Clarke »» 289 villosa, Roxh iv. 582 strictum, Roxb 289 sp., Grifi M 582 subdecurrens, DC >> 283 Gnaphalium, Linn iii. 288 tenellum,Wal] >) 285 adnaUim, Wall. jj 282 Thomson], Hk. f. >» 290 affine, D. Don >i 288 uliginosum, Clarke l> 290 alho-luteu7n,'Roxh 288 ? villosissima, vide Anten- ammopliilum (anemophi naria J> 283 Zitm), Wall j^ 278 Wightianum, DC >> 286 hrevifolium, Thw ,, 287 Wightianum, Thw. iii. 281, 282 ,291 Busua, Ham 5» 283 WigMii,Thw iii 284 camtm, Wall )• 280 sp., Wall iii. 284 ,291 chrysanthum, Sch J) 290 Gnetace^ V. 640 cinnamomeum, Sch 286 Gnetnm, Linn V. 641 cinnamomewn, Wall. )I 281 apiculatum, Griff ,, 642 confusum, DC 28S Britnonianiwi, Griff. ,, 642 contortum, Ham • >) 285 edule, Bl >> 643 crispatulum, Clarke 289 fnniculare, Bl 643 crispatulmn, Bel n 290 fimiculare, Wight >> 643 c^ineifoli^im. Wall 280 Gnemon, Lmn ,, 641 cylindrostachyum, Wall. .. )i 275 gnemonoides, Brongn. )) 643 cynoglossoides, Sob 291 Griffithii, Parlat ,, 642 cynoglossoides, Trev. • .. 281 latifolium, Parlat »> 643 ? dectirrens, Ham t 283 macropodum, Kurz ,, 643 depressum, Roxb 5> 289 maorostachyum, Hk.f. ... M 642 flacoidum, Kurz .., .. 290 tnicrocarpuon, Bl J, 642 Hamiltoni, WsiW >) 264 ? neglectum, Bl ,, 642 Hookeriamwi, Thw ■ >> 291 pyrifolium, Miq l» 643 hurdivaricum, Wall. 277 scandens, Roxh >> 642 hypoleucum, I>C • » 288 Ula, Brongn 643 indicum, Linn • 289 sp., Wall }> 643 indicum, Thw 283 Gnidia eriocephala, Meissn. V. 197 intermedium, Wall f ) 280 insularis, Gardn JJ 197 luteo-album, Linn >» 288 monticola, Miq ,, 197 macranthum, Sch. B'\p. .. »> 290 sisparensiSy Gardn ,, 197 marcescens, Wight J? 286 Oochnatia spectahilisy Less iii . 387 martabanicum, Wall. >> 288 Goehelia alopecuroides, Bauge ii. 250 multicaule, Roxb 289 Goldbachia, DC i. 166 multiceps, Wall M 288 laevigata, DC >» 166 muscoides, Deaf >> 287 torulosa,DC „ 166 neelgerrianum, DC )> 287 Ooldbachia, Trin vn nilagiricum, Sch 287 Mikani, Trin » 73 GENEBAL INDEX. 609 Vol. Page Goldfussia anisopliylla, Neea iv. 462 hiceps, Neea ... ... ... >) 459 biceps, Wa\] 429 hracteata,'Neea iv. 443 460 capitata, Neea iv. 459 colorata,'Seea J, 473 cWnita, Nees >> 473 Cusia, Nees 468 Dalhousieana, Nees )) 460 decurrens, Wight 5> 440 discolor, Nees i, 462 divaricata, Nees )) 469 Edgeworthiana, Nees )) 466 extensa, Nees )J 463 flexuosa, Nees >> 460 glomerata, Nees 448 isophylla,'NeeB )> 462 lamiifolia, Nees 463 LescJienaultiana, Nees iv. 433 439 Myrtinia, Neea iv. 437 nutans, "Neea jj 454 pentstemonoides, Nees ... >» 460 sessilis, Nees 461 Thomsoni, Hook ,j 471 tristis, Wight 51 441 Zenkeriana , Nees 439 Zenkeriana, Wight ,, 440 sp., Griff. 55 469 sp., Hk. f. & T. iv. 461, 4H2, 463, 469, 471 ,472 Golowninia japonica, Maxim. iv. 107 Gomphandra, Wall i. 585 affinis, Mast ,, 586 axillaris, Wall • > 586 coriacea, Wight 586 ? crassipes, ifa«f ,, 587 penangiana, Wall •J 587 jtolymorphi,, Wight ,, 586 polymorpha, Wight 55 586 tomentella. Mast 587 Gomphia, Schreh i. 525 angustifolia, Vahl 55 525 Hookeri, Planch 525 malabarica, DC ^, 525 sumatrana, Jack ... i. 525 ,527 sumatrana {sumatrensis) Planch i. 525 umbel 1 ata, Hfc./ ,, 526 zeylanica, DC 55 525 Gomphocarpus Isevigatus, Ham iv. 65 voluhilis, Ham 5> 21 Gomphogyne, Griff. ii. 632 cissiformis, Grij^. 55 632 heterosperma, Kurz 5> 632 Gomphostemma, Wall. iv. 696 acaule, Kurz it 696 Gomphostemma crinitum, Wall eriocarpum, Benth Heyneamiw., Wall lucidnm, TFa^Z Mastersii, Benth melissffifolinm. Wall. milissxfolium. Wall, memhranifolium, Miq. multiflorum, Benth nivenm, Hk. f. nutans, Hk. f. oblongnm. Wall ohlongnm, Wight ovatum. Wall parviflornm, Wall pedunculatum, Benth. .. strobilinnm, Wall Thomsonii, Benth velutinnra, Benth viride, Wall Goinphostylis Candida, Wall. Gomphrena, Linn angustifolia, Vahl globosa, Linn hispida, Linn sessilis, Linn GoMPHRKNEjE Gomutus obtusifolia, Bl. sacchariftr, Spreng. . . Gonatanthus, Klotz, Griffithii, Schott ? ornatus, Schott sarmentosns, Klotz. Gonatostemon Boucheanum, Kegel Gongronema, Dene columnare, Dene ? Finlaysonii, Dene nepalense, Dene sag ittat urn. Dene ventricosum, 7/^-. /. Walliohii, Dene Goniocarpus micranthus. Keen. & Sims scaber. Keen. & Sims tetr agy nus, Jj&hiW Goniocaulon, Cass glabrum, Cass indicum, Clarke Goniogyna hebecarpa, DC. ... latebrosa, DC leiocarpa, DC , Gonioscypha, Baker eucomoides. Baker ... ... Goniostem'tna acuminatum, Wight Goniothalamus, Bl Vol. Paare iv. 698 ;, 698 696 J, 697 699 )l 698 55 699 694 J) 697 697 697 J, 697 r> 698 J5 699 697 55 696 696 _^ 698 55 699 696 V. 141 iv. 732 ,, 732 55 732 732 ^^ 731 iv. 714 vi. 421 , 421 vi. 522 ,^ 520 „ 522 » 522 iv. 358 iv. 33 ,^ 33 34 ^, 33 33 55 34 33 ii. 430 55 431 55 431 in. 377 55 377 55 377 ii. 65 55 65 65 vi 326 55 326 iv 15 i. 72 610 GENERAL INDEX. Goniothalamus cardiopetalus, Hk. f. ^ T. f uiFus, m-. /. ct r. Gardneri, HTc/f.^' T. giganteus, Uk. f. ^ T. ... Griffithii, ilA;. /. ^" T. ... Hookeri, I%w niacropliyllus, Hk. f. ^ T. malayauus, Hk. f.SfT. ... reticulatus, Tliw salicinus, Hk.f. ^ T. sesquipedalis, Hk. /. c^ T. Simonsii, Hk.f. Sf T. Stingelandtii, Scheft". Thomsoni, Thw Thwaiteeii, Hk.f. ^ T. ... Walkerii, Jf/f. /. c^" r. Wightii, Hk.f. T wynaadensis, Bedd Gonocarpus mierunthus, Thunb Qonocaryu^n ? gracile, Miq. ... Oonostegia oppositifolia, Turcz Gonotheca Blumei, DC. Gonyanthes ? Candida, Bl. ... nepalensis, Miers pusilla, Miers Wallichii, Miers Gonystylus, Teijsni. ^ Binn. hancanus, Baill. Maingayi, Hk.f. Miqii,elianus,Te\jsin. & Binn. GOODENOVIE^ Goodyera, Br vi. hi&or&, Hk.f. carnea, A. Rich cordata, JBe«,t/i discolor, Ker elongata, Lindl. jiahellata, A. Rich foliosa, Benth famata, Thw f usca, Hk. f gracilis, Hk f hirsuta. Griff. hispida, Lindl marginata, Lindl ovalifolia, Wight Prainii, Hk.f. procera, Hook recurva, Lindl. repens, Br robusta, iffe. /. rubens, Bl secundiflora, Lindl. seeundifiora, Griff, (lapsu Georchis) Vol. Page i. 75 )) 75 55 73 75 J> 73 ;) 73 ?) 74 ;> 75 5> 75 )> 76 55 73 5> 74 75 )) 74 >J 72 74 ^) 76 i> 74 ii. 430 i. 590 V. 583 iii. 70 V. 665 ,, H66 jj 665 666 V. 200 ,, 201 j^ 200 , 201 iii. 420 110 179 vi. 114 5> 111 J> 114 101 5? 116 106 )J 113 111 >) 112 J) 112 » 94 ;j 114 5» 112 )) 115 112 5» 111 )> 112 >> 111 1) 113 111 :> 113 >> 113 Goodyera Vol. Page rittata, Benth vi. 113 sp., Griff. ... vi. 105, 11^ 115 ,116 Gordonia, Ellis i. 290 acuminata, Wall. ... i. 282 ,290 anomala, Spreng i. 292 Ghilaunia, Ham JJ 289 decandra, Roxb J) 417 elliptica, Gardn 291 excelsa, Bl 5) 291 floribunda, Wall 289 integrifo lia, Roxb 5J 289 Maingayi, Dyer 5> 291 mollis, Wall „ 288 ohlata, Roxb „ 289 obtusa, Wall JJ 291 ohtusifolia, Wight >> 291 parvi folia, Wight J, 291 ? peduncularis, Wall. >J 416 reticulata, Wall J> 282 singaporiana. Wall J> 291 speciosa, Thiv ,j 292 superha, Hk. f. & T. 5> 289 Wallichii, DC 289 zeylanioa, Wight )> 291 sp.. Griff. >> 289 GoRDONIEiE i. 279 Gossampinus rubra, Ham. ... i. 349 Gossypium, Linn i. 346 acuminatum, Roxb „ 347 alhum,W.&A j> 346 arhoreum, Linn >> 347 larhadense, Linn 5> 347 herbaceum, Linn }> 346 hirstitum, Linn J) 347 indicum, Lamk 346 micranthum, DC JJ 346 nigrum, Ham )) 347 nigrum, W. & A ,, 347 ohtusifolium, Roxb ?> 347 peruvianum, Cav ,, 347 religiosum, Pari )> 347 religiosum, Roxb 347 ruhicundum, Roxb )) 347 S t ocksii, Masf 346 vitifolium, Lamk J) 347 vitifolium, Roxb 347 Gouania, Linn i. 643 integrifolia, Kiirz )) 643 lanceolata. Wall 644 leptostachja, DC >» 643 microcarpa, DC 5J 643 napalensis, Wall >> 644 tiliafolia, Heyne 643 GoUANIEiE i. 630 Gouffeia crassiuscula, Oamb. i. 241 Goughia Grijffithiana, Wight V. 353 himalensis, Benth j> 354 GENERAL INDEX. 611 Goughia Vol. Page Gratiola laurina, Benth V. 353 Monniera, Linn. neilgherrensis, Wight J, 354 nudicaulis, Willd. .. Govania nivea. Wall V. 395 oppositifolia, Roxb. .. Govinclovia nervosa, Wight... vi. 92 pannjiora, Roxb. Gracilea, Keen vii. 283 pulegiifolia, Vahl nutanp, Koen )j 283 pusilla, Willd Eoyleana, J?/c. / 284 racemosa, Roth Gbamine^ vii. 1 racemosa, Roxb. Gramin. Griff vii. 307 reptans, Koxb Qramin. Wall. ... vii. 242, 243, 271, rotundifolia, Linn. .. 273 , 312 Roxhurghiana, R. & S Orammatophyllum, Bl. vi. 18 ruelloides, Koen. affine, Griff. ,j 19 serrata, Roxb fasUwsicm, Lindl 5> 18 strigosa, Roth ? Finlaysonianum, Lindl. 20 tenuifolia, Vahl macranthum, Rohb. f . J) 18 trijida, Willd paludostim, Griff. 19 verbenafolia, Colsm. scandens, Griff. „ 19 veroniccefolia, Retz. .. speciosum, Bl 5> 18 virginiana, Linn. Grammica aphylla, Lour. ... iv. 227 Gratiole^ Oranatum littoreum, Rumph i. 567 Graijia elegans,'See» .. Grangea, Forsk. iii. 246 zeylanica, Arn. latifolia, hamk ,, 245 Greenea, W. Sf A. .. maderaspatana, Poir. 55 247 .Fackii, W.^ A. sphcerantluis, Koch 55 247 Wightiana, W. .f A. Gra7itia Aucheri, BoiSB. iii. 296 Grewia, Linn glohosa, Griff. vi. 558 abutilifolia, Jits.s. .. microscopica, Griff. ,, 558 acuminata, Jnss. Graphaphorum nutans, affinis, Hask Muuro vii. 312 ,422 atjfinis, Lindl Oraptophyllum, JV^ees iv. 545 angustifolia, Wall. .. hortense, Nees 55 545 araria, Wall pictum. Griff. 55 545 arhorea, Roth Gratiola, I/inw, iv. 273 asiatica, Linn amara, Roxb J, 275 asiatica, Wall aphylla, Roth „ 274 aspera, Roxb aromatica, Pers 55 268 hegonifoUa, Wall. aspera, Roch ... 55 279 hetulcefolia, Jups. chamaedrifolia, Lamk. ... 55 273 hicolor, Juss Chamsedrys, Roth 55 273 hicolnr. Roth ciliata, Colsm 285 hiloha, Wall ciliata, Koen 55 285 bipartita, Wall. cordifoUa, Vahl 282 Bhomei, tiassk cuneifolia, Roxb 55 274 bracteata, Roth goodenicefolia, Hornem. ... 55 259 hracteata, Miq grandijiora, Ro.\b 285 calophylla, Ktirz Griffithii, Hfc. /. 55 273 oarpinifolia, Juss. .. hyssopioides, Linn 283 carpinifolia. Roth hyssopioides,'RoKh 55 274 carpinifoUa, Roxb. .. integrifolia, Roxb 281 carpinifolia, Wall. .. inundata, Kit ^ 281 Carreu, Ham juncea, Roxb. ^j 274 ? caudata,W SiW. lobelioides, Retz 5) 274 columnaris, Sm. lucida, 'H.eyne .., 55 266 commutata, DC. Ueida,Ya,hl 279 coriacea, Garcke marginata, Colsm 55 285 coryUfolia, Guill. & minima, Roth 286 didyma, Roxb Perr. Vol. Page iv. 272 J5 274 55 286 J) 283 285 281 55 285 55 285 5) 285 55 284 285 55 285 55 284 5) 273 55 286 271 55 285 55 285 271 247 ,258 vii 246 246 iii. 41 41 55 41 i. 383 )) 390 389 393 ^^ 393 ,, 391 55 386 55 386 386 387 , 390 i. 390 55 393 55 385 386 )5 385 55 391 388 55 393 389 383 55 392 387 55 384 388 55 383 387 55 379 383 55 388 55 388 55 388 55 389 612 GENERAL INDEX. Grewia Vol. Page Grewia Vol. Page diplocarpa, Thw i . 390 rhamnifoUa, Roth i. 384 disperona, Rottl , 389 rigida. Ham ,, 385 elasUca, Royle „ 387 Ritchiei, Mast >> 389 emarginata, W. ^^ A. , 384 Rothii, DC j> 385 excel sa, Vahl , 385 rotundifolia, Juss 386 ferruginea, Hochst , 389 Roxburghii, G. Don j> 391 fibrocarpa, Mast , 391 rugosa, Wall >j 393 Jlavescens, Juss , 388 salvifolia, Heyne „ 386 glabra, Jack , 393 salvifolia, Roxb )> 385 globulifera, 31ast , 391 salvifolia, Wall 391 lielicterifolia, Wall , 391 tapida, Roxb )> 387 heterodita, Eoxb , 379 saxatilis, Ham 391 heterotricha, Masf , 385 scabrida, Wall. 389 hirsuta, Vahl , 391 scabnda, Wall J, 388 hirsuta,Wa.]] , , 391 scabrophylla, Roxb j> 387 humilis, Wall , , 390 sclerophylla, Wall 387 involucrata, Wall , , 384 sepiaria, B.oxh 5> 388 involucrata, Wight , 388 serrulata, DC )> 388 laevigata, Vahl , 389 sinuata. Wall 392 Lalpeta, Ham , , 389 subincequalis, DC >> 386 lancecefolia, Grrah , , 391 subincpqualis, Wall 386 ? lancecefolia, Roxb , , 391 suff'ruticosa, Ham }> 387 lanceolata, Hb. Heyne ... , 391 sulcata, Wall 387 latifolia, Mast , , 392 Sulcoria, Ham 391 laurifol ia, Foo^ , , 392 tilia3folia, I'a/i^ " 386 laurifolia, Hook v . 136 uhnifolia, Roxb 392 longifoUa, Ham i . 391 umbellata, Roxb J 385 onacrophyllaf G. Don ... , , 390 umbellifera, Bedd )) 393 MicTOOoB, Linn , , 392 variabilis, Wall JJ 386 microstemrna, Wall. ... , , 390 vestlta, Wall 387 woZ/ococca, Ham , , 389 villosa, Willd )) 388 mnltiflora, Juss , , 388 viminea, Wall. , 391 nana, Wall , , 387 Geewik;e ... i. 380 ohliqua, Roxb , , 387 Griffithia curvata, Kurz iii. 111 obfecta, W&U , ,■ 387 fragrans, W. & A j^ 111 obtusa, Wall. ... i. 383, 38 4,389 'Gardneri, Thw )> 112 odorata,B\ , , 389 rugulosa, Thw. i> 113 oppositifolia, Roosb , , 384 siamensis, Miq >> 111 orbicularis, G. Don , , 386 s^^eciosa, Bedd 113 orh'iculsiia., Rottl , , 386 si3., Hk. f. &T iii 112 ,113 orbicnlata, G. Don , , 388 Grislea micropetala, Hoohst. ii. 572 orbicidata, Wall , , 386 punctata, Ham. j> 572 oriental! 8, Linn , , 384 tomentosa, Roxb 572 orientalis, Gsertn , , 388 uniflora, Rich ;) 572 orientuUs, Vahl , 383 Grona, Lour. ii. 191 orientalis, Wall , , 384 Dalzellii, JBaAcr JJ 191 ovalifolia, Juss. , 389 filicaulis, Kurz „ 191 ovalifolia, Wight , 384 Graharai, Benth j> 191 paniculata, Roxb , 393 Grosourdya Hystrix, Rchb. f. vi. 39 pedicellata, Roxb , 385 G rmnilea affinis, ThYf. iii. 167 pi 1 osa, I/a7ri A: , 388 aurantiaca, Miq >> 165 pilosa, Roxb , 391 elongata, Wight M 163 pilosa, Wall. i. 383, 384, 387, 3fc 9, 390 GardweW, Thw )l 161 polygama, Roxb i . 391 JunghuhniaHa,M.\Q{ li. 166 populifolia, Vahl , 385 longifolia, Bedd ,, 171 pumila, Ham , 387 Moonii, Thw ,, 170 retusifolia, Kurz , 390 ^ nigra, Gaertn >) 162 GENERAL INDEX. 613 Orumilea Vol. Page Guazuma Vol Page nudifiora, Thw . ii. 162 tomentosa, Kunth i 375 patens, Schlecht • „ 162 ulmifolia, Wall » 375 polycarpa, Miq . „ 165 Guettarda, Linn iii. 126 stenophylla, Thw • „ 161 Brwnonis, Wall )5 127 suhintegra, W. & A . „ 162 Finlaysoniana, Wall. 127 vaginans, Dalz • » 176 missionis, Wall. )J 127 WigMiana, Thw • » 167 ? peduncularis. Wall. 127 Grymania, Presl . li. 309 pedimcularis, Wall ,, 127 Guarea acuminata, Wall. ., . i. 547 speciosa, Lmn 5> 126 Alliaria, Hara. ... . „ 548 sp.. Wall 41 ? Amaris, B.8im . „ 546 GUKTTARDE^E ii 1.20 , 126 binectarifera, Roxb . „ 546 Guilandina ajcillaris, Lamk. ii. 258 disj/phonia, Griff. . „ 547 Bonduc, Linn „ 255 Qohara, Ham • „ 547 Bonduc, W. & A 5) 254 Gotadhora. Ham . „ 546 Bonducella, Linn 254 grandis, Wall . „ 547 glabra, Mill „ 255 mollis, Watt . „ 548 macrocarpa, Grah J5 258 ohlonga, Wall . n 547 Moringa, Linn J) 45 oblongifolia, Griff. . „ 567 Nuga, Linn »J 255 paniculata, £>oxb . „ 552 Wallichiana, Grab 268 paniculata, Wall . „ 548 Guizotia, Oass ill. 307 procera, Wall . „ 547 abyssynica, Cass 55 308 Guatteria acutijiora. Wall. .. . i. 64 oleifera, DC „ 308 acuti folia, Wall . „ 89 Guide Dstaedtia, Fisch. ii. 117 Ufaria, A. DC . „ 62 cuneata, Be nth ,j 117 higlandulosa, Bl . „ 65 himalaica, jBaA;. r ,, 117 brevipetala, Miq „ 66 mirpourensis, Benth. 55 118 ? cawcZato, Wall . » 85 multiflora, jBiwgre 55 118 cerasoides, Dun . „ 6t Gumira integrifolia, Hassk. iv. 574 cinnamomea, Wall • „ 65 littorea, Rumph 55 574 co/eoicZes, Thw . » 62 Gumsia chloroxylon, Ham. ... i. 371 cordata, Dan . „ 49 hirta, Ham 55 370 costoto, Hk. f. &T . „ 67 tiliacea, Wall 55 371 fasciculata. Wall . „ 63 Gunisanthus, A. DC iii. 553 ?yiawca7is,'Wall iii. 562 mollis, Kurz 55 554 fragrans, Dalz . i. <^3 piloswlus, A. DC 554 SrZobosa, A. DC . „ 87 Gur tta (ibovata, Ham iv. 7 Jenkinsii, Hk. f. & T. .. . „ 64 Gussnnea cyperoides, Piesl ... vi. 650 Korinti, Dim. 64 paucijiora, Brong jj 649 laurifolia, Grab . „ 95 Gitstavia valida, DC ii. 511 longifolia, Wall . » 62 Gtcstonia, vide Gastonia i. 667 macrophylla, bl . „ 66 G^ittifera i. 266 267 malaharica, Duu • » 51 GUTTIFEB^ _ i. 258 membranacea, A. DC. . „ 68 Gymnadenia Chusua, Lindl. vi. 127 micrantha, A. DC „ 51 cylind^'ostachi/a, Lindl. ... 55 142 montana, DC . „ 51 galeandra, Kchb. f. 164 multinervis, Wall „ 65 Helferi, Rchb. f 5) 164 mitcZa, A. DC . » 64 longifolia, Lindl 55 141 paiiida, Hk. f . & T . „ 67 obcordata, Rchb. f. 164 persicoefolia, Hk. f. & T. .. . „ 66 Orchidis, Lindl 55 142 ramosissima, Wall . „ 68 platyphylla, Lindl 141 sesquipedalis, Wall „ 73 pitberula, Lindl 55 127 simiarum, Ham . „ 63 secunda, Lindl 160 swberosa, DC „ 65 spathulata, Lindl 5) 127 utionafolia, A. DC „ 71 ? tenuiflora, Lindl 5} 163 velutina, A. DC . „ 87 ? tenuis, Lindl 156 Guazuma, Pittm 1. 375 violacea, Lindl 5> 142 614 GENERAL INDEX. Vol. Ttige Gymnandra, Pall. iv. 558 horealis, Maxim „ 560 cashmerianus, Royle ... ,, 560 glohosa, Kurz ,, 558 Jcunawurensis, Royle & Chois „ 560 Pallasii, Maxim „ 560 spectahilis, Kurz „ 560 Stelleri, Hk. f . & T. ... „ 559 Stelleri, M&xixn „ 560 stolonifera, Koch „ 558 Gyinnanthelia connata, Aschers. & Sohweinf, ... vii. 205 lanigera, AjxAqtss „ 203 Martini, Anderss „ 204 ? Gymnanthemum acutnina- tum, Steetz iii. 239 extensrim, Steetz ,, 239 Metzianum, Schnltz ... ,, 234 molle, Sohultz „ 228 phyllolcenum, Schultz ... „ 228 reticulatum, Schultz ... „ 227 scandens, Steetz ,, 241 vagans, Steetz „ 241 Gyinnema, Br iv. 28 acuminatum, Wall ,, 30 affine, Dene „ 29 aurantiacum, Wall „ 63 cohtmnare, Wall „ 33 Becaihneanum, Wight ... ,, 29 elegans, TF. 4^ ^ „ 32 Finlaysonii, Wight „ 34 glabrum, Wight „ 30 hirsutum, TT. ^ ^ „ 29 hirsutum. Wall ,, 43 laotiferum, Br. ... ... „ 30 lactiferum, Br. „ 31 latifolium, Wall „ 30 ? macranthum, JIfc. /. ... „ 733 Maingayi, ift. /. „ 31 malayanuvi, Griff. „ 31 melicida, Edgew „ 29 molle, Wall „ 29 montanum, HA:. / „ 31 nepalense, ? Grskh. iii. 668 nepalense. Wall iv. 33 nitens, Bl „ 31 parvifloruon, Wall ,, 29 pergularioides, Wight ^ Gardn „ 32 rotundatum, Thw „ 30 sagittatum, Wall. ... iv. 33, 45 stenoloba, at. / iv. 32 sylvestre, Br „ 29 tenacissima, Spreng „ 35 ? Thorn soni, HI: f „ 32 tingens, IF. c^ ^ „ 31 Gymnema Vol Page WalUchii, Wight ... iv. 33, 45 zeylanicum, Dene iv. 31 Gymnocarpos fruticosiiSyPeTB. iv. 712 Gymnopetalum, Am ii. 611 ? calycidatum, M.iq „ 6i6 cochinchinense, JTitrz ... „ fill ? heterophyllum, K.nrz ... ,, 611 Horsfieldii, Miq „ 631 integrifolium, Kurz ... „ 612 piper if oliii/m, Miq ,, 631 quinquelobum, Miq. ... ,, 611 Wiorhtii, Am „ 611 zeylanicum, Arn „ 611 .sf)., Hk. f . & T. ... ii. 612, 632 Gymnopogon digitatus, Nees vii. 290 rigidus, Thw ,, 300 Gymnosporia, TF. ^ A. ... i. 618 acuminata, Hk.f. i. 619, iii. 508, 511 emarginata, r/iw i. 621 Falconeri, Laws „ 620 frutioosa, Thw „ 619 Heyneana, Laivs „ 6:i0 montana, Benth „ 621 neglecta, Laws „ 619 oblanceolata, Laws. ... ,, 619 ovata, Laivs „ 619 puberula, Laws ,, 619 Rothiana, Laws ,, 620 Royleana, Laws ,, 620 rufa, Laivs ,, 620 rugulosa, Laws. „ 620 salicifolia, Laios „ 619 Wallichiana, Laws „ 621 Gymnostachyum, Nees ... iv. 507 aZafw^rt, Wight „ 508 andrographioides, T. Anders „ 50 .i canescens, T. Anders. ... ,, 509 ceylanicum, Arn. &f Nees... „ 508 febrifugum, Benth „ 508 glabrum, T. J.nders. ... ,, 509 hirsutum, T. Anders. ... „ 510 latifolium, T. Anders. ... „ 509 leptostachyuni, Nees ... ,, 509 longifolia, T. Anders. ... ,, 509 ovatum, T. Anders ,, 502 paniculatum, T. Anders. „ 508 Parishii, T. Anders. ... „ 502 polyanthum, Wight ... „ 508 a&ugnino\entutn,T. Anders. „ 510 serrulatum, T. Anders. ... „ 509 Thwaitesii, T. Anders. ... „ 508 tomentOBum, T. An(iers. ... „ 510 venustum, T. Anders. ... „ 507 Gymnostemma trigyna (vide Gynostemma) i. 663 Gynmothrix Alopecuros,^eeB vii. 84 GENERAL INDEX. 615 Qymiiothrix cenchroides, E. & S, .. compressa, Brongn Jlaccid,a, 'Mnnvo hordeiformis, Nees hordeoides, Knnth japonica, Kunth longiglumis,/M.vinro nigricans, Presl ptirpurascens, Sw Thouarii, Beauv. Thouarii, Ham Thouarii, Stend ? sp., Wall vii Gynaion vestitum, A. DC. ... Gynandropsis, DC pentaphylla, DC. Gynocardia, Br odorata, Br Gynocephalum hracteatuniy Tree giganteum, Tree ohlongum, Tree. palmatum. Tree Gynochthodes, Bl coriacea, Miq macropliylla, Kurz sublanoeolata, Mi:}. Gynoon Heyneanum, W. & A. Jussieuianum, Wight rigidum, A. Juss triandrum, W. & A Vol. Page vii. 84, 85 85 Vll. , 84 , 85 , 86 , 85 , 85 , 85 , 85 , 88 , 87 , 88 84,85 r. 139 . 170 , 171 . 195 , 195 . 592 , 591 , 592 , 592 \. 160 , 160 , 160 , 160 . 323 , 320 , 320 , 320 Gynopachis axilliflora, Miq. iii. 112 oblongata, Miq. .. Gynopogon breviflorum Kurz lanceolatum, Kurz ... stellatum, Labill. Gynostemma, Bl cissoides, Bth, & Hk. f. pedata, Bl pedata, Bth. A Hk. f. trigyna, Laws Wightiana, Bth. & Hk. f. Gynotroches, jBi. axillaris, Miq. Dryptopetalum, Bl. ... reticulata, A. Gray ... Gynura, Cass angulosa, DC aurantiaca, DC. auriculata. Cass, auriculata, Clarke bioolor. DC. ecalyculata, DC. Finlaysoniana, DC. foetens, DC. glahrata, Clarke 112 637 637 636 633 633 633 63 i 663 633 440 440 440 440 353 ... „ 334 iii. 333, 335 ... iii. 335 ... „ 335 ... „ 335 ... „ 336 ... „ 335 ... „ 333 ... „ 335 m. Gynura Vol. Page hispida, Thw iii. 335 lycopersioifolia, DC. ... „ 334 nepalensis, DC „ 333 nitida, DO „ 333 nudicaulis, Am ,, 334 Pseudo-china, DC „ 334 Pseudo-china, Benth. ... ,, 335 purpurascens, DC ,, 335 sarmentosa, DC ,, 335 simplex, Dalz. & Gibs. iii. 333, 334 sinuata, DC iii. 334 Wallceri, Wight „ 337 Gypsophila, Li7in i. 216 cerastioides, D. Don ... ,, 217 erinacea, Boiss. „ 216 pedifolia, Kurz „ 217 Stewartii, Thorns „ 216 ^ibeitca, Hk. f. & T „ 217 Vaccaria.W. & K „ 217 GyrandjVa laurina, Wall. ... v, 353 Gy rin ops. Gaer^?i v. 199 Walla, Gaerin v. 199,862 S2?., Benth v. 200 Gyrocaepe^ ii. 443 Gyrocarpus, Jacq ii. 461 acuminatus, Meissn. ... „ 461 americanus, Jacq „ 461 asiaticus, Willd „ 461 Jacquini, Roxb „ 461 rugosus, B;. Br „ 461 sphenopterus, R. Br, ... „ 461 Gyrostachys australis, Bl. ... vi. 102 Haasia cuneata, Nees ... incrassata, Nees nitida, Meissn oppositifolia, Meissn. peduncular is, Nees ... Wightii, Nees Habenaria, Willd. acuifera, Wall acuminata, Thw. afiSnis, Wight a;ffinis, D. Don Aitchisoni, Hchb. f. andamanica, ifA-. /. ... arcuata, H'k.j. arietina, Uli-j. aristata, Bk. j. avana, Hk. f. barbata, Wight bicornuta, Hfc. /. hrachyphylla, Aitch. Hemsl hrachyphylla, Rchb. f. Brandisii, Hk. f. breviloba, Ek. f. V. vi. ... V. 125 ... „ 126 V. 126, 145 ... V. 124 V. 126, 144 124 131 146 133 149 166 152 134 155 138 158 148 133 I5ti 152 151 162 159 ■616 GENERAL INDEX. Habenaria Candida, Dalz. ... carajensis. Dalz. Cephalotes, Lindl. ohlorina, Par. (^ Rchb.f. vi ciliolaris, Kranz. cooamelinifolia, Wall concinns, Hk. f. constricta, Hk. f. corymbosa, Par. Sf Rchb. f. craBsifolia, A. Rich. ... crinifera, Lindl. cnbitalis, Br decipiens, V/ight decipiens, Hk. f. densa, Wall dichopetala, Thw. ... digitata, Lindl. diphylla, Dalz ditricha, m-./. dolichostachya. Thw. elliptica, Wight •ensi/folia, Lindl. fimbriata, Wight flavesoens, Ht. /. foliosa, A. Rich, furcifera, Lindl. f nrf nraoea, Hk. f. ... fusifera, Hk. f. galenndra, Benth. GsLrdnevi, Hk. f. genioulata, D. Don ... Gerardiana, Wall. ... Gibsoni, Hk. f. gigantea, D. Don gigas, flfe./. glabra, A. Rich, goodyeroides, D. Don goodyeroides, Hook.... graoillima, i3it. /. gracilis, Coleb graminea, Lindl. graminea, A. Rich. ... grandiflora, Lindl. ... GTiffithii, Hk. f. hamigera. Griff. Hamiltoniana, Hk. /. Helferi, Hk. f. Hey neana, Lindl. intermedia, D. Dow .. jantha, Bent/i ■Jerdoniana, Wight ... Josephi, Rchb. f. khasiana, Hk. f. Kingn,Hk.f. lacertifera, Benth. ... Zacmi'ata, Dalz latifolia, Lindl. Vol. P«ge ... vi. 148 166 139 Vi. 147 197 ... vi. 144 143 ... ,, 155 161 ^•'f. ," 136 vi. 151 197 ... vi. 142 157 vi! ui 197 vi. 165 197 ... vi. 153 ... ,, 136 134 ... ,, 151 151 ... ,) 135 ... )) • 47 ,, 137 139 ... ;) 150 ... ,, 135 ... )) 149 144 147 ... ;, 163 158 ... ,) 138 137 ... ;j 135 137 ... ;; 160 148 ... ,, 161 162 • t> 163 166 ... „ 151 loO ... jy 136 197 ... ,) 149 160 164 ... J) 148 ... J) 138 ,, 164 ... ,j 152 ... „ 152 5, 151 ... ), 144 163 ... ;j 135 „ 140 Habenaria Vol. Page latilabris, Hk. f. Lawii, Hk. f. leptocaulon, IfA:. /. ... leptoceras. Hook. Lindleyana, Steud. ... Lindleyana, Wight .., Linguella, Lindl. Lobbii, Rchb. f. longibracteata, Hk. f. lougicaloarata, J.. Rich. vi. 141, 197 longicornicuJata, Grah. ... vi. 141 longicornn, Lindl. ... vi. 139, 197 longifolia. Ham. lucida, WaU lutea, Benth macroceratitis, Rottl. macroBtachya, Lindl. malabarica, FA;. /. ... . malleifera, ff^-, / Mandersii, Hemsl. Sf Coll marginata, Coleh modesta, Dalz monophylla, Ooll. ^ Hemsl inontana, A. Rich. montana, Wight miiricata, Vidal Murtoni, fffc./. nematocaulon, Hk. f. oligantha, J?fc. /. Orchidis, Hk. f ovalifolia, Wight pachycaulon, HA*. /. Parishii, Hk. f. pectinata, D. Don pectinata, Lindl pelorioides, Par. &f RcJib. f. peristyloidcH, Wight Perrottetiana, A. Rich. ... plantaginea, Lindi platyphylla, Spreng. poly odon, Hk. f. Prainii, JfA;. /. promensis. Wall pterocarpa, Thiv pubescens, Lindl rariflora, A. Rich reniformis, Jf A-, /. rhynchocarpa, Hk.f. Richardiana, Wight robustior, jyA;. /. rostT&ta,, Wall. ..^ rotmidifolia, Liudl Schischmareffiana . Cham. schizochilus, Grah' Becundiflora, Hk. f. gikkimensiB, Hk.f. ... ... Bpatulsef olia, Par. S( Rchb. j. 153 162 154 166 140 135 146 166 166 141 133 164 141 134 159 143 146 150 166 143 vi. 139, 197 vi. 141, 197 ... vi. 144 ... „ 144 ... „ 154 ... „ 154 ... „ 142 ... „ 149 ... „ 154 ... „ 161 ... „ 137 ... „ 138 166 156 164 141 140 139 159 150 145 144 136 152 145 139 160 146 136 130 142 165 155 145 GENERAL INDEX. 617 Habenaria Btenantha, HTc, f. stenopetala, Lindl ? stenopetala, Lindl Stenostachya, Benth. Stooksii, Ul. /. suaveolens, Balz. ^ Oibs. subpubens, A. Rich. SusannsB, Br Sutler i, Echb. f temiicornis. Wall tenuis, GriflF. tipulifera, Par. ^ Bchh.f. torta, Hk. f. . travancorioa, Hk. f. trichosantha, TFaZi^ triflora, D. Don trifurcata, Hfc. /. trinervia, Wight unijiora, Dalz ^mijlora, D. Don unijiora, Griff. iiroeolata, Clarke vidua, Par. Sf Echh. f. ... viridiflora, Br Wightii, Trim zosterostyloides, Hk. f. ... sp., Griff. Hahzelia, A. DC jerruginea, Hk. f. &T. ... oxyantha, Hk. f. & T. Haemaria, Lindl. ... vi. discolor, Lindl Hseinatocarpus, Miers co7npius, Miers {lapsu F.) incusus, Miers {lapsu F.) Thomaoni, Miers Hasmatorchis altissima, Bl. ... Hsematospernviiin cuneatum, Wall neriifolium, Wall riparium, Wall. salicinum, Baill. HiEMODORACE^ Halenia elliptica, D. Bon Perrottetii, Griseh sihirica, BoTckh Halimocnemis sulphv/rea,'M.oq. Hallia hirta, Willd sororia, Willd trifoUata, Roth Halocharis, Moq ? sulphurea, Ifog violaoea, Bunge HalodendronThouarsii,}i. & S. Halodule australis, Miq. Halogeton, 0. A. Mey. VOL. VII. Vol. Page vi. 153 T> 134 145 ,, 156 )J 158 140 >) 148 >J 137 152 J> 149 150 )> 157 >) 159 135 „ 138 !J 142 J) 148 135 137 ^, 166 ^, 167 165 .J 146 ,, 150 JJ 162 >? 155 138 i. 83 >? 83 83 101 179 vi. 101 i. 106 }> 106 >) 10^ 106 vi. 89 V. 456 455 455 'I 455 vi. 264 iv. 130 130 J} 130 130 V. 20 ii. 65 153 )j 220 V. 19 19 19 iv. 604 vi. 570 V. 20 Halogeton Vol. Page glomerattis, C. A. Mey. ... v. 20 tiheticus, Bnnge „ 20 Halophila, Thouars v. 663 Beccarii, Aaoh „ vi. 570 ovalis, Hk. f v. 663 ovata, Gaud „ 663 stip^dacea, Asch „ 664 Halopyram, Stapf ... vii. 3:i8, 421 mucronatam, Stapf ... vii. 328 Halobage.^ ii. 430 Hal oragi s, J'orsi ii. 430 disticha, Jack ,, 442 micrantha, 5r '. „ 430 oligantha, A.TU ,, 431 oligantha, W. & A ,, 433 sca6ra, Benth „ 430 tenella, Brongn ,, 430 tetragyna, Hk. f ,, 430 Halostemma, Wall vi. 681 Haloxylon, Bunge v. 15 Griffithii? Hk. f. & T. ... „ 16 mnltiflorum, Bunge ,, 16 recurvum, Bunge ,, 15 recurvuvi, Hk. f ,, 15 salicornicunij Bunge ... „ 16 Stocksii, Hk. f ,, 15 Thomsoni, Bung ft ,, 16 Hamamelidea, Griff. ii. 427, v. 186 Hamamelide^ Hamamelis chinensis, Br. ... Hamatris triphylla, Salieb. Hamiltonia, Roxb mysorensis, W. & A. propinqua, Dene suaveolens, Roxb suaveolens, D. Don Sanguana, Bl Hapale, Schott Hapali n e, Sc?ioW Benthamiana, Schott Brownii, ilfc./. Hapalocarpum indicum, Miq. vesicatorium, Miq Hapalosa Loe/lingice, Wall. ... Haplanthus, Nees ? hygrophiloides, T. Anders nilgherrensis, Wight plumosa, T. Anders tener, Nees tentaculatus, Nees verticillaris, Nees sp., Hk. f. & T Haplostylis, Neea Meyenii, Nees Wightiana, Ne-es Haplotaxis, Bee Aplotaxis ... Haplozygijs 11. ii. vi. iii. 425 428 289 197 197 197 197 198 391 521 521 521 521 5b9 569 245 506 507 507 507 502 507 506 507 669 668 669 377 665 s s 618 GENERAL INDEX. Vol. Page Hardwiokia, Soxh ii. 270 binata, Roxh „ 270 pinnata, Boxb „ 270 Harina caryotoides^ 'H.&m. ... vi. 419 nana, GriflF. „ 420 oblongifolia, Griff. „ 419 Harlandia bryonioides, Hance ii. 625 Harnieria dimorphocarpa, SoliuB iv. 531 HarpuUia, i^oicb i. 691 cxipanoides, Roxh „ 692 imbricata, Thw.- „ 692 Harrachia speciosa, 3 SLCq. ... iv. 492 Harrisonia, Br i. 519 Bennetii, if A;. /. „ 519 Brownii ?, Kurz 519 Hartighsea Alliaria, Am. ... „ 548 Gohara,W.& A „ 547 ramiflora, Griff. ,, 549 Sartwegia Nimmonii, Dalz. vi. 336 Hasskarlia leucacantha,WaAp. vi. 485 Sastingia coccinea, Sm. ... iv. 596 scandens, 'Roxh. „ 596 Hehradendron camhogioidee, Grab i. 265 Choisyanum, Choia „ 265 Wallichii, Chois „ 265 Hecheria siobpeltata, Kunth v. 95 Hedeoma nepalensis, Benth. iv. 647 Hedera, Liym ii. 739 aculeata, D. Don „ 738 acuminata, Wigbt „ 727 cesculifolia. Wall „ 738 ? Aralia, Jack „ 732 confluens, Wall „ 732 disperma, DC , 738 elata, Ham „ 728 emarginata. Moon , 729 exaltata, Thw „ 730 ferruginea, Wall , 732 dorihunda. Wall „ 737 fragrans, D. Don „ 725 glauca. Wall „ 724 glomerulata, D.C 737 Hainla, Ham „ 735 Helix, Linn „ 739 Helix, Linn i. 663 heterophylla, Wall ii. 731 hypoglauca, Hance i. 663 Jackiana, G. Don ii. 734 japonica, Jungh „ 733 Leschenaulti, W. & A. ... „ 724 woiits, Wall „ 731 ohovata, Wigbt „ 730 ? ovata, Wall „ 734 paimata, Wall „ 732 parasitica, D. Don „ 724 Hedera parvijiora, Champ polyacantha. Wall racemosa, Wight rostrata, Wight suhcordata, Wall terehinthacea, Vahl terebinthacea, Wall tomentosa, Ham trifoliata, W. & A undulata. Wall Vahlii, Thw venosa, Wall Wallichiana, Dalz. & Gibs. Hederk.e Hederopsis, Clarice Maingayi, Clarke Hedraiostylus corniculatus, Hassk. ... Hedycarpus caulijlora, Ha ssk. lanceolatus, Miq malayanus, Jack Hedychium, Keen acuminatum, Eoso album, Ham angustifolium, Roxb. vi. angustifolium, Wall. aurantiacnm, TraZi. aaream, Clarke barhatum. Wall. hicornutum, Wall carneum. Rose cernuum, Wight chrysoleucutn. Hook. coccineum, Ham coccineum, Lindl coccineum. Wall. ... vi. coronarium, Kan crassifolium, Baker densiflorum, Wall elatum, Br elatum, Clarke ellipticum, Ham. Elwesii, Baker fastigiatum, Wall Jiavescens, Carey jiavescens, Lindl Jiavescens, Lodd Jlavum, Wall flavum, Roxb Qandasulium, Ham Gardnerianum, Eosc. Gardnerianum, Wall. vi. glaucum, Rose. Gomezianum, Wall. gracile, Eoxh graeile, Wall gratum, Wall Vol. Page ii. 733 )> 735 It 729 )> 729 )) 724 jj 730 1) 729 )} 728 724 )) 738 730 )> 729 730 ii. 721 ii. 739 )) 739 V. 464 V. 368 }) 368 374 vi. 225 )> 227 5) 225 231 ,232 vi. 231 ,, 232 )) 229 231 >) 227 232 )> 226 >} 226 >> 231 i) 231 231 ,232 vi. 225 >> 228 )) 227 232 i) 231 228 5J 226 J> 228 J> 226 >> 227 227 )) 226 226 )) 225 )) 230 2^1 ,232 vi. 229 }) 228 229 }) 229 232 QBNERIL INDEX. 619 Hedychium Vol. Page Hedyotis Vol. Page Griffithianum, Wall. . vi. 229 capillipes, Schlecht. iii. 73 heteromallum, Liadl. 5J 230 capitata, Bedd. „ 52 Hookeri, Clarke n 230 capitellata, Wall „ 56 longicornutum, Grif. 228 capitulifiora, Miq „ 58 longifolium, Rose )) 231 carnosa, Dalz. & Gibs. „ 74 luteum, Serb. Calcutta .. 232 cephalophora, Br „ 56 marginatum, Clarke j> 226 cinereo-viridis, Thw. „ 55 maximum, Rose 226 coerulea, W. ^ A „ 60 pallidum, Regel J5 230 ccerulea, Korth „ 58 Prophet(e, Ham J> 22r> congesta, 5r » 61 Soscoei, WaU 231 oonnata, Wall „ 62 Roxhurgliii, Sieb J) 227 corymhosa. Wall „ 51 scaposum, Nimmo 5> 224 costata, Br „ 59 SieboUii, Wall »> 227 costata, Kurz „ 58 speciosum, Wall >> 231 cyanantha, Knrz „ 60 spicatum, Ham 227 cyanescens, Thw „ 62 spicatum, Lodd » 225 cymosa, Thw „ 50 squarrosum, Ham » 231 cyriiosa, Br „ .. ,. 72 stenopetalum, Lodd. 5> 231 deUoidea,W. & A „ 72 sulphureum, Wall )> 226 depressa, R. & S „ 71 thy rsiforme, Ham )) 230 dichotoma, Koen „ 67 Tocucho, Ham }J 230 dichotoma, Wall „ 67 trilohum, W&W J> 227 difusa, Willd „ 65 urophyllum, Lodd 226 eleganSj'TFaiJ „ 53 venustum, Wight » 226 P elongata, Br ^. ... „ 68 villosum. Wall ?> 228 evenia, Thw „ 50 sp., Griff. vi 225 ,228 extensa, Br. ... . . .. „ 65 HEDYOTIDE.B iii. 18, 42 Finlaysoniana, Wall. iii. 57,75 Hedyotis, Linn iii. 49 flavescens, Thw iii. 52 acutangula. Champ. „ 53 foetida, Dalz. & Gibs. „ 74 affinis, R. & S )) 67 frutioosa, Linn „ 42 affinis,W.& A 72 fruticosa, Retz „ 201 alata, Koen )> 70 fulva, flfc./ „ 58 albo-nervia, Bedd 9) 55 fusca, Ham „ 68 alsincefolia, Br 64 galioides. Wall „ 53 andamanica, ^wrz )) 64 Gardneri, T/iit" „ 53 angustifolia, Cham. & Schl. 60 glabella, Br „ 61 angustifolia. Wall >J 67 glabra, JBr » 59 approximata, Br >> 60 gracilis, Wall „ 68 51 Griffithii,Hfc./ „ 58 aspera, Bedd 68 Helferi, Hk.f. „ 53 aspera, Heyne J> 68 Heynii, Bedd „ 67 52 hispida. Roth „ 71 hijiora, Linn ]) 70 inamoena, Thw „ 61 hijiora, Roth }> 64 inamcena, Thw „ 55 bt}iora, Wall 70 ingrata, Wall .^ » 71 horreroides. Champ JJ 56 intermedia, W. «fe A. „ 64 brachiata, M.\q 5J 60 lancifolia, Dalz. & Gibs. „ 73 hracliiata, W. & A » 66 latifolia, Dalz ,. 73 Burmanniana, Br J) 64 Lawsonise, W. 8f A. .^. ... „ 56 bnxifolia, Bedd 52 lentiginosa, Bedd « „ 51 calycina, Wall » 73 s s ? Leschenaultiana, DC. ... 2 ,, 51 620 GENERAL INDEX. Hedyotis Vol. Paore Hedyotis Vol. Page Lesclienmdtiana, W. & A. iii. 72 Rheedii, W. & A. . . . iii. 73 Lesserfciana, Ar7i j> 52 Richardiana, Arn. .. ... t) 75 linarifolia, Wall jj 66 rigida, Miq ... ,, 60 Lindleyana, Hook 63 rotundifolia, DC. ... ,, 66 litieata, Roxh >> 59 rotundifoUa, Ham. .. j> 70 lineata, Wall 58 rugulosa, Korth 48 linoides. Griff. • • }j 67 Bcaberula, H^. /. ... > J 50 Maerssi, HI: f 50 scabra, Wall ... ) ; 62 macrophylla, iraZZ >> 54 scandens, Roxh. 57 macrophylla, Thw 54 scapigera, Br JJ 70 Maingayi, Hk.f »> 49 serpyllifolia, Poir .. JJ 66 marginata, Thw j> 53 spergulacea, Kurz ,, 70 maritima, Linn, f .. iv. 287 stipulata, Br 63 maritima, Wall .. iii. 69 stipulata, Br ... J, 71 membranacea, Thw 54 Stochsii, Hk. f. & T. 67 merguensis, Hk. f 5? 62 stricta, Wall JJ 68 minima, Heyne ... . . iii. 69, 70 stylo sa, Br »J 51 mollis, Wall . iii. 57 suhcarnosa, Wall. ... ,, 62 monocephala, Br >j 63 suhtiliSy Miq 74 m07iosperma, Wight ... . >5 75 swertioidea, ^Z,;. /. .. JJ 51 multicaulis, Schldl 59 tenella, Miq 74 mysurensis, Wall 1) 75 tenelliflora, JBi JJ 60 Neesiana, Arn. ... ... 61 tenuiflora, Schlecht. JJ 74 nervosa, Wall • )J 58 Thomsoni, HA;. /. .. JJ 63 nitida, W. <5' J- 61 Thwaitosii, m-./. ... >J 54 nodijlora, WaAl >• 54 travancorica, Bedd. >> 55 nodulosa, Arn. ... ... , JJ 54 trinervia, W. & A. .. J> 66 nudicaulis, W, & A >J 70 tubularis, Br ... ), 74 nummularia, Arn 75 tubularis,WQ\\. J, 7» nummulariformis, Arn. . • J) 75 ulmifolia, Wall. JJ 59 obscura, Thw >) 51 umhellata, Lamk. ,j 66 orhiculata, Heyne ... . >> 66 UDcinella, Hli. ,5" Am . ...iii. 56, 58 ovata, Thw JJ 52 urophylla, Wall. ... iii. 72 ovatifolia, Cav 70 venosa, Korth ,. 59 oxyphylla, Wall ,, 72 verticillaris, W. ^ A „ 56 'paniculata, Dene >5 69 vestita. Br >j 58 paradoxa, Kurz ... . 5) 59 villosa, W. & A. JJ 58 pin i folia, Wall. 60 viscida, jBedtZ JJ 57 j)lantaginifolia, Arn. 3> 56 voluhilis, Wall JJ 57 polycarpa, Br 57 Wallcerii, Arn JJ 55 polygonoides,Wa.\\ 5> 65 Wallichii, Kurz JJ 53 procumhens, Wall JJ 58 Wightiana, Wall. .. JJ 75 prostrata, Korth JJ 61 Hedtsabe^ ... ii. 58 pruinosa, W. 8c A 51 Hedysarum, Linri. ... ii. 145 pterita, Bl JJ 70 adhesrens, Poir. ... ,, 164 puherula,W&\\ JJ 66 alatum, Roxb. j> 163 pumila, Linn, f JJ 65 Alhagi, Linn ... „ 145 piirpnrascens, Bedd. JJ 50 alopecuroides, Roxb. >> 156 pygmcea, Wall. 60 arhoreum, D. Don .. >j 156 quadrilocularis, Thw. JJ 74 arboreum, Roxb. JJ 161 qninquenervia, Thw. 52 articulatum, Roxb. .. }, 169 racemosa. Lam • 70 astragal oides, Benth. it 146 racemosa. Wall. JJ 73 hiarticulatuviy Linn. >> 16a racemosa, W. & A JJ 69 hijugum, Klein JJ 141 ramosa, BI. JJ 64 hracteatum, Hb. Madi JJ 159 ramosissima, Kurz ... . 65 hracteatum, Roxb. .. >> 227 repens, Lam JJ 42 Inpleurifolium, Linn. ... „ 158 GENERAL INDEX. 621 Hedjsarum cachemirianum, Benth. cajanifolium, H. B. K. capitatitm, Burm. caudatum, Thunb. ... CephaloteSy Roxb. collinum, Roxb. conicum, Poir conjugatum-, VVilld. ... crinitum, Linn cylindricum, Poir. ... dichotomutriy Willd. ... difusum, Roxb. diffttsum, Willd. diphyllumy Linn. erinaceum, Poir. Falconeri, Baker Jlorihundu'm, D. Don gangeticum, Linn Gibsoni, Grah glumaceum, Koen. ... gramineum, Retz. gyrans, Linn gyroides, Roxb hamatum, Burm. hamatum, Heyne hamoswm, Roxb. Jieterocarpum, Linn. heterophyllum, Willd. junceum, Linn. f. kumaonense, Benth. lahurnifoUum, Poir lagenarium, Roxb lagopoides, Burm. latebrosum, Linn. ... , latifolium, Roxb laxiflorum, Benth. ... laxum, Spreng. lineatuhi, Linn. longifolium, Rottl. ... maculatum, Linn, miorocalyx, Balder ... moniliferam, Linn. ... mucronatum, Bl. Neli-Tali, Roxb. nummularifoUnTn, DO. nummularifoliu7n, Linn. oicordatum, Poir. orhiculatum, Rottl. ... ormocarpoides, Desv. patens, Roxb pictum, Jacq polycarpum, Lam. ... prostratum, Linn. pulchellum, Linn. ... punctatum, Rottl. ... purpureum, Roxb. ... quinquangulatum, Roxb. Vol. Page 146 >> 161 171 • 163 162 •• 168 171 148 155 158 169 164 169 >> 147 92 146 >5 167 168 140 •• 159 158 174 175 148 157 •• 156 171 173 14:i 145 163 152 156 65 169 146 165 228 159 168 147 157 161 151 140 ii. 92 ,158 154 174 164 171 155 171 94 162 226 171 169 Hedysarum Vol. Page recurvatum, Roxb ii. 164 reniforme, iiinu ,, 173 reniforme. Lour „ 154 reptans, Roxb „ 173 retrojlexum, Linn „ 170 retusum, D. Don „ 171 Bottleri, Spreng ,, 164 rotundifolium, Vahl. ... „ 92 Roxhurffhii, S-preng „ 164 rugosum, Willd ,, 159 8anlh^lense, D. Don , 167 Sennoides, Willd „ 152 sericeum, Thunb ,, 142 sikkimense, Be^ith „ 145 siliquosuyn, Burm „ 171 sorormm, Linn „ 153 sparteum, Burm ,, 140 spirale, Schwartz „ 164 stipulaceum, Burm „ 173 Btrobiliferum, Baker ... „ 146 strohiliferum, hinn ,, 227 styracifolium, Linn „ 170 sfyract/bimm., Roxb ,, 159 tenelUi^m, D. Don „ 174 tilicefolium, D. Don ... ,, 168 t omenta sum, Tuxmh. ... „ 143 trijlorum, Linn „ 173 triquetrum, Linn „ 163 tuberosum, Roxb ,, 197 uriihellatum, Linn „ 161 umhellatum, Roxb ,, 162 vaginale, Linn „ 158 varium, Roth „ 158 Vespertilionis, Linn. ... „ 154 viscidum, Linn. ,, 154 WalUchianum, Spreng. ... „ 167 Hegetschiueilera pulchtlla, Regel ii. 158 Hekaterosachne elatior, Steud. vii. 67 Hekorima Candida, Kunth vi. 322 Heleocharis, Lestib vi. 627 Heleoohloa, Host vii. 235 alopecuroides, Duthie ... ,, 236 dura, Soiss „ 236 Bchoenoides, Host ,, 235 HELIANTHOIDEiE iii. 222, 302 Helianthus oleifera, Wall. ... iii. 308 Heliohryeum, Gaertn iii. 290 buddleioides, DG 290, 291 ? eZegrans, D. Don , 280 Hoofcertamtm, DC ,, 291 leptophyllum, DC , 285 nepalense, S-preng ,, 280 Notonianunif DC ,, 284 stoloniferum, D. Don ... ,, 280 Wightii, Clarke , 291 Helioia, Lour v. 189 622 GENERAL INDEX. Helicia attenuata, Bl castanemfolia, Meissn. ceylanica, Gardn. ... cocliincliinensis, Kurz erratica, Rk. j excelsa, Bl java7iica, Bl. ... ... loranthoides, Preal ... 'macrophylla,'WaU. ... Dilagirica, Bedd. petiolaris, Benn. pyrrhobotrya, Kurz robusta, Wall rohusta, Bedd robusta, Hk. f . & T. ... salicifolia, Presl terminalis, Kurz travaneorica, Bedd. HELICTEREiE Helioteres Linn angustifolia, Linn. .;. earth agenensis, Wall. chrt/socalyx, Miq elongata, Wall. glabriuscula, Wall. ... grewixfolia, Wall, ... hirsuta?, Hb. Ham. ... Isora, Linn lanceolata, DC lanigera, Wall longifolia, Wall. oblonga, W&U obtnsa, Wall plebeja, Kurz Roxhurghii, G. Don ... spioata, Colebr. ? spinulosa, Wall. ... vestita,WaM virgata, Wall Helie afalantioides, Roem. Heligrne javanica, A. DC. Rheedei, Wight spiralis, Thw. ... ... HelinuB, E. Mey lanceolatus, Brandts Heliophytum indicum, DC. ... velutinum, DC Heliopsis platyglossa, Cass. Heliospora Jiavescens, Jack HELIOTROPlEiE Heliotropiunn, Lmw affghanuw, Boiss anisophyllum, Beauv. bracteatnm, DC brachuicum, Stocks breviiolium, Wall Brocchianum, Yis iTol. Page Heliotropinm Vol V. 190 calcareum, StocJcs iv J5 191 cinerascens, Aitch jj 190 compactum, D. Don )) >> 189 coromandelianum, Retz. ... >> 189 crispum. Desf J) >> 191 cyrtostachyum, Miq. ... „ 191 dasycarpum, Ledefe 5» J, 191 Eichwaldi, S^ewd J) ,J 191 ellipticum, Ledeb ,, 190 eriocarpum, Delile )> 5» 190 europcBum, Aitch ,, 191 europxum, Linii >) )' 191 foliatum, Br ... )> 191 glabellum., Br )5 189 glabelluw, Heyne ,j 191 ffracile, Br J> >» 190 indicum, Linn J> 191 Kunzei, Lehm }) 353 lasiocarpum, Fisch. & Mey i. 365 laxijlorum, DC )> >> 365 linifolium, Lehm. - J> )» 366 luteum, Aitch )) '' 365 luteum, Poir 365 macrocarpum, Guss jj 366 inalaharicu7n, Retz J 366 marifolium, Bdz ,^ 366 marifolium, Wall > 365 niloticum, A. DC )) 365 nubicum, Bunge J 366 ohovatum, D. Don )> 368 ophioglossum, S^ocA;s J 366 ovalifolium, Forsk 5) 366 paniculatum, Br > >> 366 paniculaium, Heyne 365 paniculatum, Roxb „ 366 persicum, Lamk , >) 366 polystachyum, Poir. , 5> 366 ramosissimuvi, Sieb. , 365 ramoswm, Roxb i. 508 rariflorum, Stocks J iii. 650 nottler'}, Lehm ' „ 650 Roxburghii, Spreng. jj 650 scabrnoi, Retz J i. 644 Schrenkianuyn, Ledeb. ... ) ,j 644 strictum, Ledeb iv 152 Btrigosum, Willd J j^ 152 stylosum, Franch , iii. 308 supinum, Linn J iii. 127 Syenites, Spreng , iv. 134 tenue,W&\\ J iv. 148 tomentosum, Poir ) 150 undulatum, Tahl > )) 152 viridiflorum, Lehm J 151 zeylanicum, Lamk j^ 148 zeylanicum, Heyne ^ )) 151 zeylanicum, Lamk 150 zeylanicum, Wall , GENERAL INDEX. 623 Vol. Pa^e 191 1 253 254 256 250 256 295 Helittophyllum javanicum , Bl. HELLBBOREiE Hellenia alba, Willd y Allughas, Willd aquatica, Horan grandiflora, lletz scahra, Bl Helmia bulbifera, Kunth .. \ ? dmmona, Kunth P tomentosa, Kunth Helminth ospermum g labresceiis Thw scahridum, Thw Helopus acrotrichus, Steud. ^ annulatus, Nees leevis, Trin pilosus, Trin trichopus, Hoohst Helosciadiuin ? Meyneanum, DC : ? pubescens, BC ? tenerum,hG ? trifoliatum, DC WaUichianum, Miq. HELOSIDEiE Helwingia, Willd. himalaica, HTc.f. Sf T. populifolia, Spreng. ruscijiora, Willd. Helygia javanica, Bl. ... Hemarthria, Br capensis, Trin caudiculata, Steud. ... compressa, Kunth ... coromandelina, Steud. fasciculatay Kunth ... Hamiltoniana, Steud. laxa, Steud ? perforata, Kunth ... protensa, Steud. ? vaginata, Biihse ... sp., Wall. . . Hemerocalle^ Hemerocallis Linn. ... disticha, Donn fulva, Linn longituba, Miq Hemiadelphis polysperma Nees ^emiandrinaborneensis, Hk.f. ii. 289 486 485 20 20 20 20 35 684 688 V. 237 ii. 726 „ 726 >) 727 726 iii. 650 vii. 152 >? 153 ]) 153 >> 153 j> 153 )) 153 >} 154 153 >) 158 jj 153 )) 153 >> 153 vi. 300 vi. 326 >> 326 326 » 327 iv. 406 . ii 47 Hemicarex, Benth. curvata, Clarke... fiUcina, Clarke ... Hookeri, Clarke Idxa, Benth. pt/gmcea, Clarke trinervis, Clarke vi. 694, 698 ... vi. 699 ... „ 696 ... „ 695 ... „ 698 ... „ 696 vi. 696, 712 Hemicarex sp., Benth Hemicarpha Isolepis, Nees ... Hemichoriste montana, Nees Hemicyclia, W. ^^ A andamanica, Kurz elata, Bedd Gardneri, Tliw lanceolata, Thw' sepiaria, W. ^ A sumatrana, Muell venusta, Thw Wightii, J5f A;. / Hemidesmus, £?' indious, Br puhescens, W. & A WallicMi,M\q Wallichii,W. & A Hemigraphis, Nees confinis, T. Anders dura, T. Anders ebracteolata, Clarice eleganp, Nees elegans, T. Anders flacoida, Clarice jlava, Kurz glandulosa, T. Anders. ... glauoesoens, Clarice Griflfithiana, T. Anders. ... hirta, T. Anders late brosa, Nees Pavala, Kurz ... quadrifaria, T. Anders. ... rupestris, 'V. Anders. venosa, Clarice Hemigymnia Macleodii, Griff. Henaigyrosa, £i canescens, Thw. i. 671, deficiens, Bedd. ... i. longifolia, Hiern trichocarpa, Thw Hemiorchis, Kiirz burmanioa, Kurz Hemiphractum oxyandrum, Turcz Hemiphragma, Wall heterophyllum, Wall. Hemipilia, LtnfZZ calophylla, Par. Sf Rchb. f. cordifolia, Lindl. ... Hemisacris gonaiodes, Steud. Hemisteptia lyrata, Bunge ... Henckelia hifolia, Dietr. cinerea, Spreng crinHa, Spreng frutescens, Spreng grandijiora, Dietr grandtfolia, Dietr Vol. Page vi. 712 vi. 663 iv. 525 V. 337 „ 338 „ 339 „ 338 „ 338 „ 337 „ 338 „ 339 „ 339 iv. 4 „ 5 I i iv. 422 „ 423 „ 422 „ 424 „ 424 „ 423 „ 424 „ 426 „ 467 „ 425 „ 425 „ 422 „ 423 „ 423 „ 425 „ 424 „ 423 iv. 139 i. 670 679, 685 671, 685 i. 671 „ 671 vi. 206 „ 207 i. 313 iv. 289 „ 289 vi. 167 „ 167 „ 167 vii. 336 iii. 373 iv. 357 „ 346 „ 351 „ 355 „ 285 „ 358 624 GENERAL INDEX. Henchelia incana, Spreng. macrophylla, Spreng. ohlonga, Spreng. oppositifolia, Dietr. ... plicata, Spreng. primulifolia, Spreng. pumila, Dietr reptans, Spreng. Roxhurghiana, Dietr. urticxfolia, Dietr. villosa, Spreng. Wallichiana, Dietr. Henoais, Hk. f. v. 771 ; longipes, Hk. f. v, Henslovia, Bl buxifolia, Bl erythrocarpa, Kurz... frutescens, Benth. ... granulata, Hk. /. ^ T. heterantha, Hk. f. ^ T. heterantha, Hk. f. & T. heterantha, Vidal Lobbiana, A. DC. ... ? philippinensis, A. DC. spicata, Bl umbellata, Bl varians, Bl Henslowia ajffinis, Planch. Hookeri, Wall pubescens, Griff. glabra, Wall leptostachys, Planch. paniculata, Miq. puhescens, Wall. sp., Griff. Hepatica sp. Falc. Heptapleurnm, Gaertn. biternatUHi, Clarke ... capitatum, Seem. Cephalotes, Clarke ... elatum, Clarke ellipticum, Seem. emarginatum, Seem. exaltatuni, Seem. glanoum, Clarke glaucum^ Kurz heterophyllum, Seem. hypoleucum, Kurz ... impressum, Clarke ... khasianum, Clarke ... macrophyllum, Wall. racemoBura, Bedd. ... rostratum, Bedd. stellatum, Gaertn. ... snbulatum, Seem. vennlosum, Seem. ... Wallichiannm, Clarke Vol. Page Heptapleurnm Vol. PagP .. iv. 353 Wallichianum, Seem. ii. 730 iv. 346 ,358 Heracleum, Linn. ii. 711 . . iv. 347 ah sinthi folium, Vent. J, 717 »f 286 aquilegifolium, Clarke ... )> 715 »> 346 Brunonis, 5en*?i 713 >> 347 burmanicum, Kurz t) 714 357 cachemiricum, Clarke ... 712 ,, 352 candioans, Wall i) 714 ... ,j 285 canesoens, i>inc^( 713 ,, 358 ceylanicum, Gardn. 5) 716 ... J, 347 ? cinereum, Lind 1 713 ,, 358 concanense, Dalz }) 716 vi. 177 ,189 diver sifolium, Wall yf 712 71; vi 189 grandijiorum, Dalz. & Gibs >> 716 ... V. 232 hirsutum, Edgew >> 713 ... ,f 234 Hookerianum, IF. ^* A. ... 715 )> 234 Jacquemontii, Clarke )) 712 ... ,, 233 nepalense, D. Don 714 ,, 232 nnbigenum, Clarke )> 713 ... ,) 233 obtnsifolium, TFaZZ 714 ,, 227 pedatum, Wight )> 716 ... ,, 232 Pinda, Dalz. ^ Gibs. 717 233 pinnatam, Clarke 5) 712 ,, 233 rigens, Wall 715 234 Sprengelianum, W. d^ A. J) 716 v. 222 233 8prengelianum,D&\z.& Gibs 715 ... V. 233 Sprengelianum, Thw. )> 716 ... ii. 571 Bublineare, Clarke 713 ... ,, 574 Thomsonii, Clarke 5J 711 574 tomentosum, Dalz. & Gibs. 689 ... ;; 574 tomentosum, Sm J> 717 ... J) 574 tragoides, Benth 712 ... ,) 574 Wallichii, DC )) 712 574 sp., Hk. f. & T. ii. 712, 715 ,716 ... ,) 574 Heritiera, Ait i. 362 ... i. 8 attenuata, Wall. ... i. 363 ,517 ... ii. 727 Fomes, Buch i. 363 731 Fomes, Wall 363 ii. 731 732 littoralis, Dry and }) 363 ... ii. 731 macrophylla. Wall >! 363 728 minor, Roxb 5> 363 729 Papilio, Bedd }> 363 729 Heritiera, Eetz vi. 730 alba, Retz 253 ... ,j 728 Allughas, Ketz j> 254 ... ,, 728 aquatica, Retz )j 256 ... ,, 731 Hermannia alnifolia. Wall. i. 322 728 Hermannik^ i. 354 728 Herminium, Linn. ... vi. 128 ,180 ... ;) 730 angustifolium, Benth. vi. 129 730 congestum, Lindl M 130 ... 729 constrictum, Lindl >» 161 729 Dnthiei, Hk. f. >> 130 730 fallax, Lindl 129 '•• 11 730 goodyeroides, Lindl. 5> 161 ... J, 729 gramineum, Lindl ?> 131 ,, 730 grandijiorum, Lindl. „ 129 GENEEAL INDEX. 625 Herminium Vol. Page Hayniltonianum, Lindl. ... vi. 160 Josephi, Rchh.f. jj 129 lon^icruris, Wright, vide Aceras jj 129 Monorchis, -Br 55 128 orbiculare, Hk.f 55 130 pugioniforme, Lindl. 130 reniforme, Lindl <> 152 . unalaschcense, Rchb. f. ... 55 130 sp., Griff. 55 165 Hernandia, Linn r. 188 peltata, Meissn 55 188 So7iora, Linn 188 Hernandie^ V. 117 Herniaria, Linn iv. 712 Besseri, Fiech 712 cinerea, DC 55 712 hirsuta, Linn 712 incana, Lamk 55 712 macrocarpa, Sibth 55 712 Eerpestis, Gaertn. f iv. 272 amara, Benth 55 275 amara, Spanoghe 55 273 connata, Spreng 269 floribunda, 5r 273 Hamikoniana, Benth. ... 55 272 Javanica, Bl 55 263 lanceolata, Wight 55 273 lanuginosa, Bl 263 linearis, Spreng 55 273 Monnieria, H. B. K. 55 272 ovata, Benth 263 poly g 0710 ides, Benth 276 pulcherrima, Griff. ,, 267 pygmcBa, Griff. iv. 267, 268 rugosa, Roth 55 266 spathulata, Bl 55 272 sp., Griff. 267 Herpetosperraum, Wall. ... *ii'. 613 caudigerum, Wall )) 613 Herpysma, Lindl. ... vi. 98 179 longicanlis, Lindl vi. 98 Hersilia ramosa, Klotz. iii. 251 simplex, Klotz J, 251 Hesperethusa acidissima. Roem i. 507 amhigua, Roem 507 cremdata, Roem 55 507 Hesperis acris, Forsk 157 Hetaeiia, Bl vi. 114 179 {vide ^theria and Etse- ria) vi. 116 anomala, Lindl 55 116 elata, Hk.f. 116 eloiigata, Lindl. ... vi. 116 197 Gardneri, Benth vi. 115 Helferi, m./. 55 115 Hetaeria longifolia, Benth ovalifolia, Benth rubens, Benth Heterocanscora Schultesii, Clarke . Heterocarpus glaher, Wigh hirsutiis, Wight ? ohliquus, Hassk. ... Heterocaryum minimum A. DC pachypodum, A. DC. rigidum, A. DC. Szovitzianum, A. DC. Heterochxta, asteroides, DC diplostephioides, DC erigeroides, DC. sp. Str. & Wint. Heterolepis elegans, Ehrt. Heteroloma, Benth. Heterolytron scahrurv , J nngh Heteiopanax, Seem fragrans, Seem. ... . HETEROPETALyE Heterophragma, DC adenophyllam, Seem. chenoloides, Dalz. & Gibs Roxburghii, DC suaveolens, Dalz. & Gibs sulfureum, Kurz Heteropogon, Hack Heteropogon, Pers acuminatus, Trin Allionii, R. & S concinnus, Thw contortus, Beauv firmus, Presl glaher, Pers hirsutus, Beanv hirtus, Pers hispidissimxis, Steud. Hochstetteri, Anderss. . Hohenackeri, Hochsr. insignis, Thw melanocarpus, Benth. m,essanensis, Guss. ... polystachyon, Arn. ... v polystachyus, Nees ... polystictus, Hochst. Roxhurghii, Arn. RoyJei, Nees scrohiculatus, Fourn. Heteropyxis, Griff. HeTEROSCIADI/E Heterosmilax, Eunth ... indica, A. DC Heterostalis diversifolia Schott Vol. Page vi. 109 115 55 115 iv. 105 vi. 371 55 371 372 iv. 163 163 55 163 163 . iii 250 251 256 55 250 vii. 291 ii. 168 vii. 217 ii. 734 55 734 i. 380 iv. 380 J, 381 382 55 381 55 383 381 vii. 199 vii. 200 199 55 196 199 199 55 199 199 199 199 55 167 199 200 55 200 199 201 ,202 vii 199 55 200 200 200 200 i. 352 ii. 665 vi. 314 314 vi. 510 626 GENERAL INDEX. Heterostalis foliolosa, Schott Huegeliana, Schott ... Heterostemma, W. ^'' A. alatum, Wight Dalzellii, Hk.f. stellatum, Hk. f. tanjorense, W. Sf A. tanjorense, Thw. urceolatum, Dalz. Wallichii, Wight Wallichii, Dalz. «&: Gibs. sp., Hk. f. & T. ... iv. 47, 48 Heibfelia australis, Fonrn. ... vii. 276 ^ol. Page : VI. 510 „ 510 : iv. 47 „ 47 ' „ 48 i „ 47 „ 47 ] „ 48 „ 49 „ 47 „ 48 prceusta, Schur • ••• „ 276 pratensis, Sohur ... ,, 276 Hew.ttia, T^. ^X . . ... iv. 216 bicolor, Wight ... . ... ,, 216 ccespitosa, Stead. 205 Hexacentris acitniinata, Nees iv. 393 coccinea, Nees ... . 393 dentata, Nees ... ... ,, 393 mysorensis, Wight . 393 Hexakistra, Hk. f. .' 'v. 240 283 Heeapora Gurtisii, . v. 189 862 Hey land ia, DC . ... ii. 64 ? cordifolia, Grab. . ,j 93 hehecarpa, DC jj 65 latebrosa, DC ... ,, 65 leiocarpa, DC ,, 65 Hevnea, Soxb i. 565 affinis, Juss >) 565 connaroides, Wight . 565 q^iinquejuga, Roxb. . j> 565 . sumatrana, Miq. 565 trifoliata, Juss. >> 564 trijuga, Roxh 565 HlBISCEiE i. 318 Hibiscus, Medik i. 334 Abelmoschus, Linn. ... ,, 342 acerifolius, DC. 338 aculeitus, Eoxb. >j 335 cestuans, Rottl 344 cestuans, Wall >» 338 alhus, Wan 336 angulosus, Mast. 341 Arnotti, Gritf. ... . 344 asperatiis, Wall. ,j 338 hifurcatus, Roxb. 335 horbonicus, Wight . ]\ 337 canaranus, Miq. ^j 341 cancellatus, Boxb. >) 342 canescens, Heyne 337 cannabinus, Linn. J) 339 chinensis, Wall. ,, 342 clandestinus, Cav. 335 coUinus, Roxb. ... . )) 338 coriaceus, Heyne 332 Hibiscus crotonifolius, Wall cuspidatus, Edgew dissectus, Wall. ... .. di versifolius, Jacj eriocarpus, DC esculentus, Linn. ferrugineus, DC ficulneus, Linn Jiculneus, Cav. flaves cens, Ca,y floccosus, Mast. ... ... fragrans, Boxb. furcatus, Boxb furcatus, Wall gangeticus, Roxb Gibsoni, Stocks heptaphyllus, Dalz. & Gibs. hirtus, Linn hirtus, Ham hispidissi^nus, Grifi". hostilis, Wall intermedius, A. Bich. lagtmeoides, Edgew. Lampas, Cav liliijlorus, Griff. Lindleii, Wall longifolius, Roxb lunariifolius, Willd. maorophyllus, Roxb. Manihot, Linn. micranthus, Linn mutabilis, Linn, obtusifolius, Willd odoratus, Roxb ovalifolius, Vahl panduraeformis, Burm. ... pentaphyllus, F. Muell. ... pentaphylluSj'Roxh phoeniceus, Willd populneoides, Bioxh. populneus, Linn procerus, Wall prostratus, Roxb pruriens, Roxb. pterospermoides, Wight .. pumilus, Roxb. punctatns, Dalz pungens, Eoarfe raceinosus, liindX radiatas, Willd rhombifolius, Cav ricinifolius, Wall rigidus, Linu. f Bosa-malaboAica, Ker Rosa-sinensis, Linn. rugosua, Mast Sabdariffa, Linn. Vol. QENEKAL INDEX. 627 Hibiscus Vol. Paj?e ( Hieroohloa ^o1. Paere sagittifolms, Kurz i 342 Hookeri, Clarke vii. 223 ? sangtiineus, Gri&. , , 340 khasiana, Clarice ,, 223 seller, WaU , , 339 ? latifolia, Knnth. >> 332 scandens, Roxh , , 337 laxa, Br ?! 222 scandens, Dalz. & Gibs. ... , , 336 Higginsia longifolia, B\. iii. 120 scindicus, Stocks , , 336 microcarpa, Bl ,, 120 septemnervosus, Wight ... , , 337 Hildegardia poimlifolia, Br. i. 361 serratus, Wall , , 338 Hingtsha repens, Roxb. iii. 304 setosus, Eoxb , , 337 Binterhuhera (lapsn Hinter- setosus,Wsi]l , , 338 puhera)Kotschyi, Schultz iii. 310 sidoides, W. & A , , 338 Hippia hicolor, Sm iii. 245 simplex, Roxb , , 338 Hippion aquatic'um, Schmidt iv. 110 sinuatus, Cav , , 340 hyssopifolium, Sprang. ... ,, 101 Solandra, L'Her , , 336 longe2}ed^l7lculatum, spathaceus, Wall , , 342 Schmidt ,, 109 strictus, Roxb , , 340 orientale, Dalz. & Gibs. ... >> 101 suhorhiculat'us, Wall. ... , , 336 verticillatum, Spreng. 101 surattensis, Linn , , 334 Hippocratea, Linn i. 623 syriacus, Linn , 344 angulata, GviS. )) 611 tetralocularis, Roxb. , 345 arborea, Roxh 625 tetrapbyllus, Eoa?6 , 341 Arnottiana, Wight ,, 624 tiliaceus, imn , 343 larhata, F. Muell )> 623 tortuosus, Roxb , , 343 Cumingii, Laws 624 tricnspis, Banks , , 344 dispernia, Vahl 5) 625 TrioDum, Linn , , 334 ? disperma, Wall 625 truncatus, Roxb , 338 euony moides, Yaiil >) 625 tuhulosus, Chv , , 338 Grab ami, Wight 5> 624 velutinus, DC. ., , 338 ? grandijiora, Wall 624 venustus, Bl , 344 indica, Willd >J 624 vesicarius, Ca.y , 334 lanceolata, Wall 624 vestitus, Griff. , 337 Lobbii, Laws j^ 624 vestitus, Wall , 341 Maingayi, Laws ,, 625 vitifolius, Linn , 338 obtusifolia, Roxh 1) 623 WigUianus, Wall , 3:<9 ohtusif alia, ^oxb. 625 zeylanicus, Linn , 331 obtusifolia, Wight „ 625 Hieracium, Linn ii i. 399 rigida, Hamp >> 624 blattarioides, Linn , 394 iortuosa, Wall 624 corynihosum, Pers , 400 voluhiliSy Heyne )) 624 crocatnm, Fries , 400 Hippocrates i. 607 dichotomum, Roxb , 415 HiPPOMANEJE V. 244 heteranthum, VVall , 410 Hippophae, Linn v. 202 hispidum, D. Don , 410 conferta, Wall )) 203 lanceolatum, Royle , 400 rhamnoides, Linn 203 lanceolatum, Vill , 401 salicifolia, D. Don 203- Lessertiariuni, Wall. , 409 tihetana, Schlecht ^^ 203 murorum, Clarke , 399 Hippuris, I/mn ii. 432 prenanthoides, Villars ... , 400 vulgaris, Linn n 432 siHricum, Gmel , 394 Hiptage, Goertn i. 418 silhetense, DC , 397 acuminata, Wall 419 sylvaticum, Lamk , 399 candicans, HA;. /. 5) 419 umbellatum, Linn , 400 Madablota, Gcertn 418 Tirosum, Pall. , 400 parvifiora, Wight „ 419 vulgatum, Koch , 399 parvifolia, W. ^ A )) 419 Hieroohloa, Gmel v ii. 222 sericea, HA;. /. ... i. 419, iv -.596 Cldrkei, //A;./. „ 223 sp., Wall i. 419, ii . 448 flexuosa, iffc. /. , 222 Hircsa concava. Wall i. 420 gracillima, Hh.f. „ 223 cordata, Heyne ,, 421 628 GENERAL INDEX. Hirisa Vol. Page Finlaysoniana, Wall. i. 422, ii. 462, 470 glahriuscula, Wall. Mrsuta, Wall. ... indica, Roxb. indica, Wall. lanuginosa, Wall. merguensis, Wight nutans, Roxb. ... mitans, Wall. ... orhiculata, Roxb. oxyphylla. Wall. Hisutsua cantoniensis, DC Hitchenia, Wall. ... Careyana, Benth. caulina, Baker ... glauca, Wall. ... tnusacea. Baker... Boscoeana, Benth. Hitchinia indica, W. & A Hochstetteria, DC. Schimperi, jDC Hodgsonia, Hk. f. 8f T. heteroclita, Hk. f. 8f T. Holarrhena, Br antidysenterica, Wall. Codaga, G-. Don malaccensis, Wight ... mitis, Br puhesctns, Wall. ? villosa, Ait Holboellia, Wall acuminata, Lindl. ... anuustifolia, Wall. ... latifolia, Wall Holboellia ornithocephala, Wall Holcus, Linn ? bicolor, LinD Carar, Ham ',', 190 Catamucha, Ham „ 182 cernuus, Ard „ 184 ciliatus, Roxb „ 71 coerulescens, Gaud „ 179 decolorans, Willd „ 182 fulvm, Br „ 185 Gryllus, Br „ 188 halepensis, Linn „ 182 lanatus, Linn „ 274 latifolius, Oabeck „ 332 mollis, Linn „ 274 montanus. Ham , 176 natans, Koxb. ... nervosus, Roxb. ... vii. 70, 73 pallidus, Br vii. 188 paniciformis, Roxb „ 82 parvijiorus, Br „ 179 i. 420 „ 421 „ 420 „ 421 „ 421 „ 420 „ 421 „ 421 „ 421 „ 420 iii. 249 vi. 224 „ 225 „ 224 „ 224 „ 225 „ 216 iv. 78 iii. 387 „ 388 ii. 606 „ 606 iii. 644 „ 644 „ 644 „ 644 „ 645 „ 644 „ 645 i. 108 „ 108 „ 108 „ 108 vii. 98 vii. 274 „ 184 Holcus Vol. Page pertusus, Linn . vii. 173 quinquefioTus, Ham. >j 185 racemosus, Forsk j> 82 Sorghum, Linn. 183 spicatus, Linn )> 82 ? Viranae, Ham. 186 sp., Griff. )> 188 Holigarna, Ham . ii. 36 albicans, m-. /. J) 38 Arnotfciana, HA;. /. .. 36 Beddomei, Hk. f. .. ^ 38 ferruginea, March. .. >j 37 Grahamii, Hfc. /. }■> 37 Qrahamii, Kurz • j> 38 Helferi, m./. • M 37 longifolia, Roxh. • >J 37 longifolia, W. & A. . . )J 36 racemosa, Roxb. 36 Holmskioldia, Retz. .. . iv. 596 rubra, Pers • 596 sanguinea, Retz. ,, 596 Holochilus micranthus, Dalz . iii. 552 Hologamium nervosiim, Nees vii 136 Holopeira auriculata, Miers i. 101 australis, Miers • )> 101 fusiformis, Miers 5> 101 Iseviuscula, Miers • 5> 101 laurifolia, Miers 5> 101 villosa, Miers !' 101 HOLOPETALiE 380 Holoptelea, Planch. .. . V. 481 integrifolia, Planch. !> 481 Holosehasnus australis, Rchb . VI. 655 filijormis, Rchb M 655 iwAirvatus, Dietr >> 656 subarticulaius, Dietr. 656 vulgaris, Link >) 655 Holosetum philippinense, Steud . vii 64 Holostemma, Br . iv. 21 Adakodien, R. & S 21 Brunonianum, Royle 5> 21 Candolleanum, Spreng. .. J> 21 fraarans, WaAl 21 "lave, hi • ^^ 23 Rheedei, Wall 21 Rheedtanum, Spreng. • j> 21 Holosteum, Linn. ,.. .. . i. 226 umbellatnm, Linn 5) 227 Homoeatherum chinense, Nee s vii. 168, 170 Homalanthus, A. Juss. . V. 468 populifolius, Grah j> 469 Homalium, Jacq . ii. 595 foetidum, Benth 5> 597 fcetiduni, Kurz • 5> 598 grandiflorum, Benth. >> bus GENERAL INDEX. 629^ Homalium GriflBthiannm, Zwr2 longifolium, iSenth longifolium, Beuth jQinutiflorxixn, Kurz nepalense, Benth propinquum, Clarice Schlichii, Kurz tomentosum, Benth. tray SLncoi-icnm, Bedd. ... zeylanioum, Benth Homalocenchrus oryzoides, Mieg Homalomena, Schott angustifolia, Hfc. /. aroBiatica, Schott ccerulescens, Jungh. co7'(Za to, Schott deltoidea, JFZfc. / elHptica, fik. f Gaudichaiidii, Schott Griffithii, H^-. /. hnmilis, Hk. f Kingii, Hk. f lanoifolia, Ek. f majus, Griff. viimis, Griff. nutans, jETA;. /. obliqu«ta, JIfc. / ovata, HL. /. paludosa, H^-. /. pontedersofolia, Griff. ? p rop in q ua, S chott puraila, Hk. f ^nirpurescens, Hook. rostrata, Griff. rubescens, Kuntn rvJjra, Hassk BagittaBfolia, JitngJi. Soovtechinii, i/fc. / singaporensis, Kegel trapo zif o lia , Hk. f. truncata, JT/c. /, velutina, Scort Wallichii, Schott Homocentriavagans, Naud — Homonoia, Lour retusa, 3Iuell riparia, Lour symphilUx folia, Kurz HomopUtis crinita, Trin. ... Homostyles tenerrima. Wall. Homostylium cahuUcum, Neea Hopea, Linn. racemosa, Dalz. & Gibs. ... spicata, Dalz. & Gibs. Hopea, Rozh decandra. Bach Vol. Page ii. 597 ?> 596 597 ]> 596 596 J5 597 597 596 )) 598 596 vii. 94 vi. 531 )) 533- 532 533 )! 532 536 536 5) 532 534 533 ?) 535 533 533 533 535 534 >J 536 531 533 J) 531 535 )> 535 532 532 5) 532 )5 531 5J 534 ?) 537 536 )> 535 534 533 ii. 526 V. 455 456 j> 455 456 vii . 141 iv 44 iii 257 iii )> 582 M 573 i. 308 Hopea discolor, Thw eglandulosa, Roxb. ... i, faginea, Hort. Calc... faginea. Wall jiorihunda, Wall. glabra, W. ^ A. grandijiora, Wall, gratissima, Wall. Griffi thii, Kurz jucunda, Thiv longifolia, Dyer micrantha, ffA;. /. oblongifolia, Dyer ... odorata, Roxh. ,.. ... odorata, Wall parviflora, Bedd. parvijlora, Bedd. racophloea, Dyer Scaphula, Roxb. suava, Wall suavis, Kurz vasta. Wall Wightiana, Wall. ... Wightiana. Miq. Hoppea, Willd dichotoma, Willd. .,. dichotoma, Vahl fastigiata, Clarke ... HoBDEiE Hordeum, Linn Aegiceras, Royle hrevitithulatum, Link coeleste, Koern. & Wern coeleste, Viborg Decaisneanum, Hort. ddstichon, Linn. distichuni, Knnth gymnodistickum, Watt hetemstacliyum, Beau v. hexastichon, Linn. ... ? liimalayense, Rittig ithahurense, Boiss. ... leporinuni, Link maritinum, Roth murinum, Linn. nepalense, Sweet nodosum, Linn. nudum, Ard pratense, Huds. sativiwi, Pers. ■ secalinum, Schreb. ... spontaneum, C. Koch ? sylvaticum, Duthie trifurcaium, Fisch. & Mej. vaginatum, C. Koch ... vulgare, Ln/n Hornemannia hicolor, Willd Vol. Page .. i. 310 308, y. 342 ... i. 308 .. „ 301 ... „ 304 .. „ 309 ... „ 301 ... „ 307 ... „ 310 .. „ 310 ... „ 309 ... „ 310 ... „ 309 ... „ 308 ... „ 308 ... „ 303 ... „ 309 ... „ 310 ... „ 301 ... „ 304 ... „ 304 ... „ 308 ... „ 309 ... „ 308 ... iv. 100 ... „ 100 ... „ 100 ... „ 100 vii. 9, 364 ... vii. 371 ... „ 371 ... „ 372 ... „ 372 ... „ 371 ... „ 372 ... „ 371 ... „ 372 ... „ 372 ... „ 371 ... „ 371 ... „ 372 ... „ 372 ... „ 372 ... „ 372 ... „ 372 ... „ 371 ... „ 372 ... „ 372 ... „ 372 ... „ 371 ... „ 372 ... „ 372 ... „ 374 ,y. „ 371 ... „ 372 ... „ 371 Id. iv. 259 630 GENERAL INDEX. Horneinannia Vol. Page Hoya Vol. Page ovata, Link & Otto ... .. iv. 279 nicoharica, Br ... iv. 62 pinnata, Benth. )) 288 Nummularia, Dene ... ,, 55 prostrata, Jack 281 obcordata, Hk. f. ... ,, 56 Homstedtia, Retz. '.'.'. v'i. 236 oblanceolata, Hk.f.... 57 Leonurus, Retz. ., „ 236 obtusifolia, Wight ... ... ,, 58 Scyphus, Retz )> 237 opposita, D. Don 62 Horsjieldia odorata, Willd. ... V. 106 orhiculata, Wall. ... ,, 61 Bortonia, Wight ... V. 115 ovalifolia, W. ^ A. ... 60 acuminata, Wight ... ,, 115 ovalifolia, W&U. „ 55 floribunda, Wight ... ••• 55 115 pallida, Dalz. & Gibs. 59 ovalifolia, Wigbt 115 pallida, Lindl 55 57 Hosackia indica, Grab. .. ii. 63 parasitica, Wall. 57 Hottonia indica, Linn. ... iv. 271 parviflora, Wight ... 55 54 serrata. Wind ... V. 659 pauciflora, Wight ... 56 sessiflora, Vabl ... ii. 4 34, iv. 270 pendula, Wight 55 61 Houttuynia, r/iitw?). ... ... V. 78 pendula,W.& A. ... ir. 59, 62 cordata, !Z7iu«b. 55 78 planijiora, Wall. ... iv. 45 Hovenia, Thunh .. i. 640 polyneura, Hfc.f. „ 54 acerla, Lindl 55 640 polystachya, Bl. 57 dulcis, Thunh 5) 640 retusa, Dalz. . . ... 55 56 incequalis, DC 640 revoluta, Wight 56 Hoya, 5r ... iv. 52 Rumphii, Bl 51 62 acuminata, Benth. ... 55 53 serpens, Hk.f. ,, 55 Arnottiana, Wight ... 55 60 ? Shepherdii, Hook. . . ,, 57 bella, Hooh 55 56 ? speciosa, Dene. 55 59 Brunoniana, Wigbt... 55 61 teretifoiia, Griff. .. »» 54 campanulata, Bl. 55 62 Teysmanniana, Miq. ... ,, 58 carnosa, Br 62 Tbomsoni, iffc. /. ... 55 61 caudata, Hk. f 55 60 vaccinioides, Hk. f. 56 cinnamoniijolia. Hook. 57 velutina, Wight 55 58 ooriacea, Bl • . . ,, 61 verticillata, G. Don ... 62 coriacea, Lindl 52 viridijiora, Br 55 46 coronaria, Bl iv. 58, 62 Wallichiana^ Dene. .. 6i crassifolia, Haw. ... iv 62 Wightiana, Thw. ... 55 56 diversifolia, Bl. 55 61 Wightii, HA;. /. 55 59 Edeni, King 53 sp., Hk. f. & T. iv. 54, 59, 60, 61 elliptica, a^t. /. 55 58 sp., Wall ... iv. 67 Finlaysonii, Wight ... 62 Hngonia, Linn. . . ... i. 413 fuBca, Wall 55 58 ferruginea, W. c^" A. 51 413 globulosa, Hh.f. 60 Mystax, Linn ,, 413 Grifithiana, Dene. ... 55 53 ohovata, Ham 55 413 Griffithii, IR;. /. 59 HUGONIE^ ... i. 410 aymnanthera, Wight 55 62 Kallettia, King ... V. 547 Hookeriana, Wight ... . . . ,, 57 dumoea, King 55 547 imperials, Lindl. ... . . . ,, 59 Griffitbiana, King .. „ 547 Lacuna, Ham 47 Humboldtia, Vahl .. ii. 273 lacunosa, Bl ... ,, 55 Brnnonis, Wall. 55 274 lanceolata, Wall. 54 laurifolia, Vahl 55 273 latifolia, G. Don ... ,, 57 unijnga, Bedd 274 latifolia, Wall 62 Vahliana, Wight „ 274 linearis, Wall ... 53 Humea elata, Roxb. ... ... i. 381 Lobbii, iJfc. /. ... ... ... ,, 54 Hamulus, Linn ... V. 486 longifolia, Wall. 56 Lupulue, lAnn. 55 487 macTophylla, Wigbt 55 57 Huateria, Roxb . ... iii. 637 Maingayi, Hk. f. 55 62 f atroviridis. Wall. .. 55 626 mior&ntba, Hk. f. ... . . . ,, 55 ? coriacea, Wall. ,, 635 multiflora, Bl 55 52 corymbosa, Roxb. .. „ 637 GENERAL INDEX. 631 Hunterja ? cuspiclata, \Ya.]\ eugenifolia, Wall ? fascicular is t Wall. ? gracilis^ Wall ? ZanceoZaia, Wall Roxhurghiana, Wight zeylanica, Gard ?sp.,Wall Hur a siamensium, Keen. ... Hutchinsia calycina, Desv..,. procumhens, Deev tihetica, Thorns sp., Griff". Hyacinthorchis variabilis, Bl. Hyacinthus purpureus, Griflf. serotinus, Linn Hyalisma janthina, Champ. Hyalostemma Roxhurghiana, Wall HydnocarpuB, Gcertn alpina, JFight castanea, Hk.f. ^ T. ... inebria7is, Vahl inehrians, Wall. octandra, Thw. venenata, Gcertn Wightiana, Bl Hydnophytnm, Jack forniioarinm, Jacfc montanum, Bl Hydrangea, Linn altissima, Wall. ii. 404, Be anomala, D. Don aspera, D. Don cyanema, Nutt heteromalla, D. Don Tchasiana, Hk. f . & T. robusta, H/c. /. ^ r. scan dens, Maxim stylosa, if/c. /. ^ T vestita. Wall Hydrangeje Hydrilla, Rich ang ustif olia, Bl dentata, Casp ovalifolia, Rich verticillata, Casp verticilhita, Rich Wightii, Planch HYDRILLEiB Hydrobryum, JEndl Griffithii, Tul griseum, Tul lichenoides, Kurz olivaceum, Tul Hydrocera, Bl angustifoUay B\. iii. Page 629 )) 653 5) 636 634 JJ 637 >> 637 637 !) 624 vi. 205 i. 159 )) 159 159 139 vi. 16 vi. 349 )) 346 vi. 558 i. 87 i. 196 j; 197 n 197 196 )) 196 J) 197 196 196 iii. 194 }) 194 ii. 194 403 e errata | jj 405 404 )) 404 405 }) 405 >} 405 404 )) 405 405 ii. 388 V. 659 659 659 tj 659 659 ii. 432 V. 659 V. 658 V. 63 >) 64 66 67 i. 66 483 n 483 Hydrocera triflora, W. ^ A Hydrocharide^ Hydrocharis, Linn asiatica, Miq Morsus-ranse, Linn. Hydrocotyle, Linn asiatica, Linn burmanica, Kurz conferta, Wight densiflora, DC Heyneana, Wall hirsuta, Bl. hirta, R. Br hispida,!). J) on javanica, Thunb laxijlora, DC Iwrida, Hance nepalensis, Hook nitidiola, A. Rich perexigua, Hance podantha, Molkenb. polycephala, W. & A. puncticulata, Miq ranunculoides, Bl rotundifolia, Roxb sibthorpioides, LsLva strigosa, Ham tenella, D. Bon Wightiana, Wall zeylanica, DC Zollingeri,M.o\kenh. Hydrolea, Linn javanica, Bl zeylanica, Fa/iZ Hydrolythrum, Hk.f. WsLllichu, Hk.f. Hydropeltis purpurea. Rich . . . Hydro phylax, Linn. f. mAiitima,, Linn. f. HYDROPHYLLACEiE Hydropityon pedunculatmn, Seringe Hydroschoenus, Moritz. kyllingioides, Zoll. & Mor. Hydrotrophus echinospermus, Clarke Hygrophila, Br ang ustif olia, Br assurgens, Nees dimidiata, Nees incana, Nees longifolia, Kurz ohovata. Griff". obovata, Nees obovaia, Wight phlomoides, Nees polysperma, T. Anders. ... Vol. Page i. 483 V. 658 V. 662 662 >} 662 ii. 667 669 668 ^^ 668 668 >) 667 667 667 667 667 668 669 )) 667 668 )) 668 )) 6^8 667 >> 668 668 668 J) 669 667 J) 668 669 667 M 668 iv. 133 ,, 134 j> 133 ii. 571 ,, 572 i. 113 iii. 199 >) 199 iv. 133 iv. 271 vi. 597 M 597 V. 661 iv 406 jj 407 407 >) 407 408 >> 409 408 )7 408 )) 408 » 408 )> 406 632 GENERAL INDEX. Hygrophila quadrivalvis, Nees radicans, Nees Balicifolia, Nees Serpyllum, T. Anders. ... spinosa, T. Anders Stocksii, T. Anders. undiilata,'Nees Hygrorhiza, Nees aristata, Nees Hylophila, Lindl. ... vi. lanceolata, Jf A;. /. mollis, Lindl Hymenachne niyuros, Beanv. myurus, Hk. f . & T. indica, Buhse interrupta, Biilise ? phalaroides, Isees sjp., Hk.f.&T Hymenandra, A. DO Wallichii, A. DC Hyme7ieria,liijid\ HymenidiumBrunonis, Jjindl. ? densijlorum, Liudl. ? suaveolens, Klotz Hymenocallis tenuijiora, Herb. Hymenocalyx variabilis, Zenk Hymenooardia, Wall. plicata, Kurz pnuctata, Wall Wallichii, i'ulasne .„ HymenochcBte grossa, Nees ... Kysoor,'NiHi8 maxima, Nees Hymenodictyon, Wall. excelsum, Wall flaccidum, Wall Horsfieldianum, Miq. obovatum, Wall obovatum, Wight thyrsiJlorum,Wa,U. ... ... utile, Wight Hymenolcena angelicoides, DC. Benthami, DC Brunonis, DC Candollii, DC dentata, DC Govaniana, DC latifolia, Lindl Lindleyana, Klotz nana, Ost. -Sack obtusvuscula, DC pimpinellifolia, Ost, -Sack. pumila, DC rotundatajDG stellata, Lindl sp., Hk. f. & T Vol Page iv 408 ?) 407 407 >) 406 408 \\ 407 J) 408 vii 94 )5 95 110, 179 vi. 110 j^ 110 vii . 39 5) 40 41 5J 41 f1 41 )5 240 iii 532 532 V. 785 ii. 706 5> 706 706 vl 286 i. 341 T. 376 }, 425 !) 377 JJ 377 vi. 660 660 J) 660 iii. 35 }) 35 36 J) 35 36 jj 35 >) 35 35 ii. 703 703 >j 706 703 }> 704 702 )> 703 705 ,j 705 )j 673 703 >j 704 >> 703 705 5) 705 Hymenopogon, Wall. assamicus, Hk.f. parasiticus. Wall Hymen opyramis. Wall. brachiata, Wall Hymenosperm um dentatum, Benth HYGSCYAMEiE Hyoscyamus, Linn agrestis, Kitaibel angulatus. Griff. hetcBfolius, Lamk Datora, Forsk insanus. Stocks muticus, Linn. •. niger, Limi p)ersicus, Biihse prcBaltus, Walp pnsillxis, iinii Hypcelyptum argenteum, Vahl ceylanicum, Nees micro ceplialum, Br sphacelatum, Vahl sp., Griff Hyparrkenia finitima, Anderss. Hypecoum, Tourn leptocarpum, Hk. f. Jy' T. procnmbens, Linn. Hypelytrum, see Hypoly- trum Hyperanthera decandra,'^ Willd Moringa, Vahl HYPERICEiB Hypericinea angustata, Wall. dentata, Wall lucida. Wall macrocarpa, Wall micrantha, Wall pedtmculosa, Wall pimentifolia, Wall Hypericineje Hypericum, Linn acutum, Wall adenophorum, Wall. alternifolium, Vahl arborescens, Vahl hracteatum. Wall breviflorum, Wall calycatum, Jacqaem. calycinum, Linn carneum, WaJl cernuum, Roxb. chinense, Jjinn Choisianwn, Wall coccineum, Wall Vol Page iii 34 34 J, 34 iv 598 » 598 ir 297 iv. 228 iv. 244 244 >j 245 245 n 245 '> 245 j> 245 J, 244 jj 244 ,, 244 JJ 245 vi. 667 JJ 667 668 JJ 667 603 vii 209 i. 120 „ 120 JJ 120 vi. 677 ii. 45 ,, 45 i. 252 ii. 24 i. 416 ii. 24 i. 417 ii. 466 i. 416 ii. 466 i. 252 i. 253 JJ 253 256 j^ 294 ,1 253 253 JJ 257 256 253 257 253 ji 253 254 11 258 GENERAL INDEX. 633 Hypericum Vol . Page oordifoHum, Chois i. 258 coriicenm, Royle )) 254 elodeoides, Chois )« 255 erectum, Thunb 255 Jilicaule,Hk.f.SDT. j> 252 fcetidum, Hk. f. & T. 5> 257 gnicUcefoUum, Rich )) 253 Govaniamim, Wall. 253 grandifoUum, Chois. )> 253 Griffithii, m. /. ^ T. ... 5> 253 Hooker ianura, W. Sf A. ... 5» 254 horridum, Wall. 257 humifusam, Linn. ... i. 255 ,256 intermedium, Steud. i. 256 japonioum, Thunh 5> 256 Lalandii, Chois )) 256 Leschenaultii, Chois. 254 lysimaohioides, Wall. ... 5? 254 monanthemum, Hlc.f. S^ T. 256 monogynum, Willd 5> 253 montanum, Linn 256 myrtifolium, Spach >J 253 mysorense, Heyne J» 253 napaulense, Chois 256 neriifo liu m , Wal 1 . ' ... J> 257 nervosum, D. Don 256 ohlongifolium, Chois. 253 oblongifolium, Hook. 5) 254 ohlongifolium, Wsd\ 254 pallens, D. Don J} 256 patulum, Thunb >> 254 perforatum, Linn 255 jpetiolatum, Walt )) 257 petiolulatum, Hk.f. ^ T. 5> 255 prunifoliitm, Wall 5- 258 pulchellum, Wall !> 257 jpusillum, Chois 256 reptans, JfA;. /. ^ T. )> 255 rutritw, Wight 255 salicifolium, S. & Z. }) 253 Sampsoni, Hance 255 setosum, Wall 5 t 256 speciosum, Wal] )J 253 tenicaule, Hk. f.SpT. ... 254 triflorum, Bl JJ 254 uralum,, Ham 254 Wightianum, Wall •> 256 Hypobathrum, Bl iii. 120 racemosum, Kurz 120 strict um, Knrz 121 Hypohrichia Spruceana, Benth .ii. 568 Hypoohseris, Lmn iii. 400 glabra, Lmn 401 Hypoes.tes, R. Br iv. 557 Decaisneanaf'Nees 5> 558 Ian ata, DaZz 557 laxifiora, Nees JJ 558 VOL. VII. Hypoestes Vol. Page malacQensis, Wight iv. 558 purpurea, R. Br „ 557 triflora, R. ^f- S „ 557 Wallichii, Nees „ 557 Hypojynium, Hack vii. 168 Hypolytbe^ vi. 587 Hypolytrutn, Rich vi. 677 borneense, Kurz „ 680 compactum, ? Moritz. ... „ 682 costatum, Thw „ 684 diandrum, Dietr „ 678 giganteum, Nees „ 678 giganteum. Wall „ 678 humile, Boeck ,, 682 latifolium, Rich „ 678 latifolium, Dietr „ 678 latifolium, Thw „ 679 longirostre, Thw „ 679 mauritianum, Boeck. ... „ 678 myrianthum, Miq ,, 678 Pandanophyllum, P.Maell. „ 680 penangense, Clarice „ 679 proliferum, Boeck ,, 679 schcenoides, Nees „ 678 triceps, Dietr „ 667 trinervium, Kunth „ 679 turgidum, Clarke „ 679 Wightianum, Boeck. ... „ 678 sp.. Wall vi. o62, 678, 680 Hypopithys, Scov iii. 476 lanuginosa, Niott. .. ' ... „ 476 Rypoporum, Nees vi. 685 annulare, Nees „ 687 cap I taiwm, Nees „ 689 gracile, Nees ,, 685 lithospermum, Nees „ 685 Roxhurghii, Nees „ 686 HYPOXIDEiE VI. 277 Hypoxidopsis pumila, Steud. vi. 357 Hypoxis, Linn vi. 277 aurea, Lour ,, 277 hrachystachya, Wight ... „ 279 curculigoides. Wall. ... „ 278 dulcis, Steud „ 279 Franquevillei, Miq „ 278 latifolia, Wight „ 279 leptostachya, Wight „ 279 ininor, D, Don „ 278 paucijlora, Wight „ 279 Saarpata, Ham. „ 278 trichocarpa, Wight „ 279 Hypserpa cuspidata, Miers i. 100 pauciflora, Miers „ 100 prxvaricata, Miers ,, 100 unijiora, Miers ,, 100 Hyptianthera, W. Sf A. ... iii. 12 L macrocarpa, Thw „ 122 T t 634 GENERAL INDEX. Hyptianthera rha7n7ioides, Morr. & Zoll. stricta, W. Sf A stricta, Wall Hyptis, Jacq. ... bre vipes, Poit stachyodes, Link suaveolens, Poit Hyrtanandra hirta, Miq. ... javanica, Miq pentandra, Miq triandra, Miq Walkeriana, Thw Hyssopup, Linn cristatiit<, Lamk. lophanthoides, Ham. iv ocymif alius, Lamk officinalis, Lmw. ...• ... Hysteria veratrijolia, Reinw. Iberidella, J5om Andersoni, Hk. f. Sf T. ... ICACINEJJ Ichnanthus, Sw foliolosus, Munro pal 1 ens, Mwnro ... lohnocarpns, Br affinis, Hk. f. & T dasy calyx, Miq. fragrans, Wall frutescjens, Br. ? inflata, Ham latifolia, Ham leptodictyus, Muell ovatifolius, A. DC pubiflorus, Jfifc. /. radicans, Wall Idea dentata, DC indica, W, & A. Ifloga, Cass canlijiora, Clarke Tcntauesii, Cass spicata, Schultz Iguanura, Bl bioorni?, Becc brevipes, Hk.f. corniculata, Becc. ... diffusa, Becc geonomseformi , Mart. ... malaccensis, Becc parviila, Becc polymorpha, Becc Walliohiana, Hk. f Ilex, Linn asiatica, Linn cymosa, Bl daphnephylloides, Knrz Vol. Page iii. 135 )) 121 187 iv. 630 630 j> 641 630 V. 586 ,j 583 }? 583 587 n 583 iv. 649 )) 631 .618 ,624 iv. 646 649 vi. 91 i. 162 163 i. 573 vii. 60 » 61 60 iii. 669 670 j> 6fi9 667 5) 669 667 }) 670 669 J) 670 670 >) 669 i. 506 J) 531 iii. 277 278 277 jj 278 vi. 415 417 416 ,, 417 jj 416 415 j^ 416 417 ,, 417 )5 426 i. 598 » 606 J) 605 i. 606, ii. 1 747 1 Ilex Vol. Page denticulata. Wall i. 600 dipyrena, Wall „ 599 ? ellipti'-a, D. Don „ 603 emarginella, Tnrcz „ 600 embelioides, Hk.f. „ 601 excelsa. Wall „ 603 exsulca, Wall „ 603 fragilis, m./. „ 602 Gardneriana, Wight „ 603 gauUhericefolia, Knrz „ 601 U-odajam, Colebr „ 604 Grimihii, Hk. f. „ 601 Horsjieldii, Miq „ 602 iusignis, Hk. f „ 599 intricata, Hk.f. „ 602 latifolia, Thunb „ 599 macrophylla, Wall „ 604 Maingayi, if A;. / „ 605 malabarioa, Bedd „ 600 niligirica, Miq „ 600 odorata, Ham „ 599 rotunda, Thunb „ 604 sclerophylla, Hk. f. „ 606 singapuriana, Wall „ 605 spicata, :Bi „ 598 sulcata, Wall „ 604 thesefolia, JIfc./ „ 601 thesefolia, Hk. f iii. 512 Thomson], Hk.f i. 602 venulosa, Hk. f. „ 602 Walkeri, Wt. ^ Gard. .. „ 600 Walkerii, Turcz „ 600 Wallichii, m. / „ 605 Wightiana, Wall „ 603 Wightiana, Dalz. & Gibs. „ 60O Psp., Wall „ 599 Ilicinea, ? Wa.U . i. 605 iLICINEiE i. 598 IlLECBBRACE/E iv. 711 Illecehrum heftgalense, Linn iv. 731 hrachiatum, Linn „ 726 javanicum, Ait „ 727 lanatum, Linn „ 728 Monsonium, Linn „ 729 pubesceyis, Willd „ 7:^9 verticillatum, Burm. . i. 247 Illicium, Linn . i. 39 Griffithii, Hk. f. ^ T. i. 40, 281 majus, m. /. 4'^ r . i. 40 Illigera, Bl . ii. 460 appendiculuta, Bl „ 46J Coryzadenia, Meissn. „ 46 J khasiana, Clarke „ 461 Kurzii, Clarke „ 460 ohtusa, Meissn. . „ 46L Ilysauthes, Rafiti . iv. 283 gratioloides, Regel . „ 281 GENEKAL INDEX. 635 Ilysanthes Vol. Page hyssopioides, Benth. iv. 283 minima, Benth „ 284 parviflora, Benth „ 283 rotundifolia, Benth. „ 284 Impaktiena, Linn i. 440 aoaulis, Am „ 443 acuminata, Benth „ 462 AkTca, Bedd „ 443 albida, Wight „ 458 amphorata, Edgew. .. i 475. 476 amplexicaulis, Ed jew. ... i. 4f)9 anamalayensis, Bedd. „ 452 angnstiflora, Jfl-. / „ 480 appendiculata, Am. „ 464 arcuata, Wall „ 454 arguta, m. /. <^ r. „ 470 Amottiana, Miq „ 446 Arnottii, Thw „ 466 assamensis, Griff. „ 483 auriculata, Wight „ 460 Ballardi, Bedd „ 482 Balsamina, Linn „ 453 Balsamina, Dalz „ 454 Balsamina, Linn „ 454 Beddomei, jBTA;. /. „ 442 beiia, m-./. ^r. „ 458 hicolor, Royle „ 476 bicorunta, Wall „ 475 bifida, Thunb „ 457 higlandulosa. Moon „ 463 bipartita, Arn „ 457 brachycentra, Kar. 8f Kir. „ 481 bracteata, Coleb „ 461 hrevicomu, Arn „ 455 lulhosa, Moon „ 443 calychia, Wall „ 472 caiiipanulata, Wight „ 463 Candida, hindl „ 469 capillipes, HA;. /. ^ r. ... „ 456 Cathcarcii, m. /. „ 473 ohinensis, Linn „ 444 cJrojDoides, Wall „ 453 circxoides, Turcz „ 452 clavicornu, Turcz „ 483 eoccinea, Wall „ 454 conoinna, Hh.f. „ 449 cordata, Wight „ 462 cornigera, Am „ 466 comigera, Hook „ 454 comuta, Linn „ 454 crenata, Bedd „ 442 cristata, Wall „ 472, cuspidata, W. & A „ 450 . cymbifera, HA;./. „ 474 Dalzellii, Hfc./. ^ r. „ 449 dasysperma, lFt(//it „ 457 dehilis, Turcz „ 483 T t Impatiens Denisonii, Bedd. depauperata, HA-. /. ... discolor, Wall diversifolia, Wall. ... Edgeworthii, HA;. /. elata, Edgew elegans, Bedd, elongata, Am eriantha, Turcz. fasciculata, Lamk. ... JiUformis, W. & A. ... fimbriata, HooA;. flaccid a, Am flavida, Hlc.f. ^ T. ... Jloribunda, Wight ... fruticosa, DC Gardneriana, Wight Gardneriana, Wight gibbosa, Arn gigantea, Edgew. glandulifera, Arn. ... glandulifera, Royle ... glauca, Hlc.f. Sf T. ... Goughii, Wight gracilis, Bedd grandis, Heyne Griffitbii, HA;. /. cf" T. Hamiltoniana, D. Don Henslowiana, Arn. ... heterophylla, Wall. ... hispidula, Benth. ... Hoffmeisteri, Klotz, ... Hookeriana, Arn. ... inconspicua, Benth. inconspiciia, Wight ... insiguis, DC. jauthina, Thw Jerdoniae, Wight Jurpia, Ham Kleinii, W. ^ A. ... laevigata. Wall. latiflora, Hh.f. ^ T. latifolia, Linn, latifolia, Hook. latifolia, Moon latifolia, W. & A. ... Lawii, m. f.SrT. . laxiflora, Edgew. laxiflora, Hk, f. & T. laxiflora ? Wall, leptoceras, DC. leptopoda, Arn. leptura, HA;. /. . . . Leschenaultii, Wall leucantha, Thw. ligulata, Bedd. ... . linearis, Arn 2 i. 44 /, i. 479, 480^ Vol. Page i. 444 481 471 446 476 481 465 466 457 444 448 461 457 452 457 459 445 450 455 469 454 468 482 452 413 463 445 472 458 444, 446 470 471 463 447 448 477 461 460 471 445 473 459 450 457 457 451 448 483 481 478 477 455 467 450 464 446 464 636 GENERAL INDEX. Impatiens Vol. Papre Impatiens Vol. Page lineata, Turcz ... i. 468 rufescens, Benth i. 449 Lobhiana, Tnrcz. ... ,, 454 salioifolia, Hk. f.^T. . 450 longicornu, Wall. i. 4 75, 476 477 salicifolia, Turcz. V. 450 454 longijiora, Heyne ... i. 447 scabrida, DC i. 472 longifolia, Wight ,, 454 scabriuscula, Heyne... . ,. 454 longipes, Hk. f. ^ T. „ 473 scapiflora, Heyne ... . •• jj 443 lucida, Heyne ,, 451 scapiflora, Hook • • 55 443 macrochila, Lindl. ... ••• 5J 469 scapiflora, W. & A 442 macrophylla, Gardn. ,, 454 semiverticillata, Turcz. . •• 482 maculata, Wight ... ,, 465 serrata, Benth 473 malayensis, Griff. ... ,, 483 setacea, Colebr 55 444 micrantJia, D. Don ... ... ,, 479 setosa, Hk.f. .j^ T. ... . • * 55 455 mioranthemum, JSclgew. 481 spirifer, Hk. f. ^- T. 55 471 mishmiensis, Hk.f. ... ... 5, 476 stenantha, Hk.f. ... . •• 55 478 modesta, Wight 442 Stocksii, Hk. /. c^ T. 55 442 mollis, W&n . .. ,, 470 subcordata, Am • • 55 461 moschata, Edgew. ... 469 sulcata, Wall i. 469 475 multi flora, Wall. „ 470 Tangachee, Bedd .. i 467 Munronii, Wight 456 tavoyana, Benth 55 468 mysorenis, Roth 5, 456 tenella, Heyne 55 447 mysorensis, Roth 447 tenella, Rottl 447 mysorensis, Wall . „ 447 tenella, Wall 55 446 natans, Willd 483 tenuicula, Steud 447 Noli-me-tangere ... ,, 482 tenuis, Bedd •• 55 442 odorata, D. Don ... ,, 477 Thomsoni, U^. /. ... . 469 oppositifolia, Linn. ... ,, 448 tingens, Edgew 55 479 orchioides, Bedd. ... ... ,, 443 tomentosa, Heijne ... 449 pallens, Edgew. ,, 476 tomentosa, Dalz 55 447 paludosa, Hk.f. „ 480 travanoorica, Bedd. 464 parasitica, Bedd. 460 tricornis, Lindl 55 472 Parishii, m-./. „ 456 trijiora, Linn 483 parvifolia, Bedd. 453 trilobata, Colebr • • 55 451 pendala, Heyne ,, 455 tripe tala, Roxh. 55 470 Perrottetii, Turcz. ... „ 447 tropaeolifolia, Grif. 55 472 phoenioea, Bedd. ... ,, 466 truncata, Thw. 55 455 picta, Kn. & West. ... 476 tuberculata, Hk. f. ^ T. 55 478 porrecta, Wall. „ 472 umbellata, Heyne ... • • 55 461 pubemla, DC. ,, 470 umhrosa, Edgew. 476 pulcherrima, Dalz. ... 458 umhrosa, Hk. f. • • 55 476 pulohra, Hk. f. ^ T. „ 459 unoinata, Wight 465 pulniensis, Bedd. 452 urticifolia, Wall. •• 55 474 pusilla, Rejne "i. 447 ,448 verrucosa, Bedd. 55 444 racemosa, DC. ... i. 479 verticillata, Wight ... 55 452 racemosa, Hk. f . & T. ... ,, 476 violaeflora, Hk. f. ... 457 racemosa, Wall i. 478 ,479 Tiridiiora, Wight ... 460 racemulosa, Wall. ... ... i. 468 viscida, Wight 5> 462 radiata, Hk.f. ... ,, 476 viscosa, Bedd .. 432 ,453 radicans, Benth. 451 Walkeri, Hook i. 467 ramosissima, Dalz. ... "i. 447 ,448 Wightiana, Bedd. ... •• 55 467 repens, Moon ... i. 455 Imperata, Cyrill. ... vii 106 reticulata, Wall. ... ,, 448 Allang, Jungh •• 55 106 rivalis, Wight ,, 444 arundinacea, Cyrill. •• 55 106 rosea, Lindl 454 caudata, Trin • • 5) 107 rosmarinifolia, Retz. "i. 447 ,448 condensata, Steud. ... •• 5> 106 rosmarinifolia, Wight i. 447 448 cylindrica, Beauv. ... 106 Roylei, Walp ... i. 468 exaltata, Brongn. 55 107 Boylei, Klotz • •• )> 476 filifolia, Nees SJ 106 GENERAL INDEX. 637 Imperata ? jaculatoria, E. & S. Koenigii, Beauv pedicellata, Steud ramosa, Anderss Sieberi, Opiz Sisca, Beauv spontanea, Beauv Thunhergii, Nees Incarvillea arguta, Royle . . . diffusa, Royle Emodi, Wall ohlongifolia, Roxb parasitica, Roxb Indeterminata, Wall. ... i. ' 627 J ii. 22, 50, 106, 2 iii. 132: Indigastrum, defiexum, J. & S. Indigofera, Linn. adenophylla, Grab xruginis, Schweinf. anabaptista, Steud anceps, Vahl ansrulosa, Edgew arborea, Roxb arcuata, Willd. argent ea, Linn argentea, Roxb argentea, Wall armata, Wall articulata, Gouan aspalaihijolia, Roxb. aspalathoides, Vahl asperifolia, Hochst. atropurpurea, Ham. hrachyca/rpa, virah hracteata, Grali Brunoniana, (?ra/i/ ccBTulea, Roxb ccespitosa, Wight caloneura, Kurz canescens, Grab canescens, Lamk capitata, Grah. cassioides, Rottl cinerea, Willd congesta, Grab cordifolia, Heyne cylindracea. Wall debilis. Grab desniodioides, Benth. Dosua, Sam Dosua, Wall echinata, Willd elliptica, Roxb endecaphylla, Jacq. enneaphylla, Linn ferruginea, Sch. & Th. ... Vol. Page Indigofera Vol. Page vii. 107 Finlaysoniana, Wall. ii. 100 ,, 106 fiaccida, Keen JJ 97 jj 106 jiexuosa. Grab JJ 113 ,, 107 foliolosa, Grab JJ 99 „ 106 fragrans, Retz 95 jj 106 frumentacea , lioxh JJ 94 jj 119 fusca, G. Don ., ... JJ 98 106 galegoides, DC 100 iv. 385 Gerardiana, Wall }j 100 J5 385 Gihsonii, Grab. JJ 101 385 glabra, Linn j> 95 >J 359 glandulosa, Willd j> 94 338 glauca, Lamk 98 498, 520, glaucescens, Grab JJ 101 40, 657; glutinosa, Perr 95 ; vi .299 glutinosa, Roxb JJ 95 ii. 97 graveolens, Roxb 95 ii. 92 Hamiltonii, Grab JJ 101 „ 96 bebepetala, Benth 101 >> 94 hedysaroides, Lamk. JJ 96 102 heterantha, Wall. ... ii 100 ,102 >) 98 heterophylla, Roxb ii. 97 97 hirsuca, Lin7i j> 98 101 Hochstetteri, Baker J) 102 J) 96 inamoena, Tbw JJ 99 98 indica, Lamk ji 9y )7 97 Jirahulia, Ham it 101 96 Kleinii,W.& A y) 98 96 lateritia, Willd JJ 95 JJ 98 leptostachya, DC 100 94 Leschenaultii, DC >j 96 94 linearis, Guill. & Perr. .. » 97 94 linifolia, Retz JJ 92 \\ 101 marginulata, Orah. 97 JJ 99 moluccana,DG , 96 JJ 100 mucronata, Spreng. J> 97 JJ 93 multicaulis, DC J> 96 j> 99 mysorensis, JRottl J> 102 94 orixensis, Roxb ,, 96 93 ornithopodioides, Hocbst. )> 102 JJ 96 parviflora, Heyne J> 97 96 pauciflora, Delile J J 97 JJ 81 pedicellata, W.^ A. ... J' 95 JJ 101 pentaphylla, Liim JJ 95 96 peregrina, DC JJ 96 JJ 96 polyphylla, DC 100 93 polyphylla, Heyne J> 102 JJ 99 polyphylla, Rottl 99 JJ 98 prostrata^ Roxb >» 92 JJ 153 prostrata, Willd 96 JJ 102 pulcbella, Roxb J> 101 100 purpurascens, Roxb. 101 JJ 92 pusilla, Lamk >J 98 JJ 101 quadrangularis. Grab. .. j> 100 JJ 98 retusa, Grab JJ 99 94 rigida, Willd 96 j> 98 scabra, Roth „ 97 638 GENERAL INDEX. Indigofera Vol. Page Inga Vol. Page Schimperiana, Hochst. ... ii. 98 xylocarpa, DC ii. 286 semitrijxLgeb, Forsk 5> 98 Inodaphnis lanceolata, Miq. i. 392 stachyodes, Lindl 5> 102 Intsia coriacea, Mfiing&j ... ii. 275 subnlata, Vahl 96 palemhanica, Miq JJ 275 sumatrana, Gaertn ., 99 Inula, Linn iii. 291 tenuifolia, Rottl •J 95 aenminata, DC JJ 294 ternata, Roxb. .... 96 appendiculata, Wall. JJ 297 Thonnirtgii, Sch. & Th. ... 5} 97 asperrima, Edgew ,, 293 timoriensis, Willd )) 96 auriculata, Wall JJ 297 tinotovisi, Linn 5} 99 ? hrahuica, BoiB? JJ 292 tinctoria, Forsk !> 98 ^ Cappa, DC JJ 295 tomentosa, Grab J> 102 cuspidata, Clarke j> 296 trifoliata, Linn 5J 96 mtchica, Clarke JJ 296 trigonelloides, J. ^ S. ... >> 94 dysenterica, Linn 298 triquetra, Dalz 93 eri'^phora, DC )> 295 trita, Linn. f. )> 96 eupatorioides, DC • 295 uncinata, Roxb 100 Falcnneri, HA;./. JJ 294 Tiniflora, Ham M 94 gnaplialoides. Vent. 299 verrucosa, Grab 5J 101 grandiflora, Willd J) 294 vestita, Baker J) 96 grantioidep, Boiss 296 violacea, Roxb )> 101 praveolens, Desf. JJ 292 virgata, DC 96 Griffitbii, Clarke 296 virgata, Uoxh ii. 100 102 Helenium,mi.i.&T. ... !J 292 viscosa, Lamk li. 95 Hookeri, Clarke JJ 294 Wightii, Grah J) 99 indica, Linn 5> 297 Zollingeriana, Miq 100 Kalapani, Clarke 295 Inga, Wiild li. 306 ? macrocephala, Kotschy JJ 292 acutangula, Grah jj 306 m.icrosperma, Hk. f. JJ 292 annularis, Grah 5) 303 nervosa, Wall J> 293 attenuata, Grah 305 nitida, Edgew JJ 293 higemina, Willd JJ 303 obtusifolia, Kerner J, 293 hubalina, Jack ... 304 Oculus-Christi, Clarke . 5J 293 huhalina, Wall. )) 304 polycephala, Klatt 296 Clypearia, Jack )) 305 polygonata, DC JJ 293 Glypearia, Wall. ' 5> 304 Pseudo-Cappa, DC „ 295 concordiana {corcondiana) Ptdicaria, Linn JJ 298 DC 5> 303 quadrifida, Ham 5> 299 contorta, Grab )J 305 racemosa, i?A;. /. JJ 292 cynometroides, Bedd. 5> 306 rbizooephaloides, Clarke... 295 dimidiata, Hk, & Arn. ... 305 rhizocephala, Scbrank. ... JJ 295 dolahriformis, Grab. 5) 286 Royleana, DC 292 dulcis, Willd 302 Boyleana, Clarke JJ 292 Finlaysoniana, Grab. }> 305 rubricaulis, Clarke 296 Finlaysoniana, Wall. 301 salicina, Clarke JJ 294 fiexuosa, Grab 303 salviodora, Scbultz 295 geminata, W. & A 303 Simonsii, Clarke J> 293 grandiflora, Wall 301 Stoliczkai, Clarke JJ 292 Jiringa, Wall )J 304 Thomsoni, Clarke >» 293 Koenigii,W.&A 303 verrucosa, Klatt 293 lignosa, Grab JJ 286 vestita. Wall ,, 297 lobata, Grab 305 Inuloide^ ... iii 221 ,260 lucida, Wa.\l ii. 299 , 303 Involucraria Wallichii, Ser. ii. 607 suhfalcata, Zo\] ii. 306 lodes, BL' i. 595 umhellata, WiUd J, 303 ? Brandisii, Kiorz j> 596 umbrosa, Wall JJ 302 Hookeriana, Baill ,, 596 ventricosa, Grab JJ 301 oblonga. Planch j> 697 Wightiana, Grab 5> 303 ovalis, -B/ JJ 596 GENERAL INDEX. 639 lodes Vol. Page Ipomaea Vol. Page Thomsoniana, Baill. i. 596 ealycina, Benth. ... iv. 208 tomentella, Miq „ 596 oampanulata, Linn. ... ... „ 211 lone hicolor, hind] V. 770 capitata, R. & S. ... „ 193 Candida, Lindl „ 770 capitellata, Chois. ... „ 204 cirrhata, Lindl „ 769 cariosepala, Klotz. ... ... „ 201 fusco-purpurea, Lindl. ... „ 769 carnosa, Br ... „ 213 khasiana, Lindl „ 770 Cateshcei, Mey ... „ 202 paleacea, Lindl „ 769 chryseides, Ker ... „ 206 virens, Lindl „ 770 Clarkei, ilifc. /. ... „ 734 lonidium, Vent i. 185 cocoinea, jCi'wti. • •• „ 199 enneaspermurti, DC „ 185 ccerulea,Koen ... ,. 199 erectum, DC „ 18. coerulescens, Koxb. ... ... „ 200 heterophyllum, DC ., 185 compressa, Guss. ... „ 215 hexaspermum, Dalz. „ 185 coptica, Hoth. ... „ 200 leptorhizum, DC „ 185 cuspidata, D. Don ... ... „ 215 ramosissimura, Thw. ,. 186 cymhalaria, Fenzl ... ... ., 206 suflfruticosTim, Ging. ,; 185 cymosa, B. Sf S. ... „ 211 Wightiamim, "Wall „ 185 cymosa. Baker ... „ 208 loniris Boniana, Klatt vi. 272 cynanchifolia, Clarke ... „ 208 fragrans, Klatt „ 272 dasysperma, Jacq. ... ... „ 215 Pall asii, Kl&tt „ 272 dentata, Willd ... „ 206 trijiora, Klatt M 272 denticulata, Chois. ... ... „ 208 Iphigenia, Ktmth vi. 357 denticulata, Br. ..> „ 205 caricina, KiiDth „ 357 dichroa, Chois ... „ 213 indica, Kunth „ 357 digitata, Linn ... „ 202 pallida, Balcer „ 3P7 Dillenii, B. & S. .. „ 199 racemosa, Kunth ., 357 dissecta, Willd. ... „ 200 Iphisia Qovanii, Wight iv. 40 dissecta, Chois ... „ 214 multiflora, W. & A „ 40 elliptica. Roth ... „ 192 Ipomsea, Linn iv. 196 eriocarpa, Br ... „ 204 acetoscefolia, R. & S. „ 213 eriosperma, Beatrv. ... ... „ 202 aculeata, Bl „ 197 fastigiata, Siveet ... „ 209 nncepsy R. & S „ 212 fastigiata, Chois. ... „ 187 angularis, Chois „ 213 Jilicaulis, Bl ... „ 205 angustif olia, Jac(^ „ 205 gangetica. Sweet ... „ 18* aquatica, Forslc ,. 210 gemella, Chois ... ., 207 atropurpurea, Chois. ., 194 gemella, Roth ... ;, 206 atrosanguinea, Hook. ,, 191 glaberrima, Bojer ... „ 198 harhata, Chois. „ 195 Glenieii, Thiv ... „ 208 harhata, Roth „ 199 Gomezii, Clarke ... „ 211 barlerioides, Benth. „ 201 gossypifolia, Willd. ... ... „ 202 Batatas, i/stmfc „ 202 grandiflora, Lamk. ... ... „ 198 Belndamboe, JR. tt S. „ 209 grandiflora, Roxb. ... ... „ 197 hicolor, Sweet „ 216 hederacea, ,/acq. ... „ 199 hifida, Roth „ 211 hepaticifolia, Burm. ... „ 204 biloba, Forsfc „ 212 hepaticifolia, liinn. ... ... „ 204 ? bipeduncnlata, Clarice... „ 215 Hetjnei,R. &S ... „ 211 hlanda (lapsn Olanda), Heynei,WM ... „ 209 Sweet „ 211 hirsuta, Br ... „ 214 Bona-nox, Linn „ 197 hispida, R. & S. ... „ 204 Bona-nox, Bl „ 197 Horsfieldiana, Miq. ... ... „ 204 bracteata, Wight „ 203 imhricata. Roth ... „ 191 hracteata, Bl „ 216 insignis, Andr ... „ 202 bracteata, Grah „ IBS insuavis, Bl ... „ 207 Buchananii, Chois „ 210 involucrata, Bean v. ... ... „ 203 caliginosa, Chois „ 211 Jucunda, Thw ... „ 198 calycina, Benth „ 201 kentrocaulis, Clarke ... „ 213 640 GENERAL INDEX. Ipomgea Kleiniana, E. & S. ., laciniata, Clarice lanceolata, G. Don .. laurifolia, Sweet ligulata, Bojer lilacina, Bl linifolia, Bl littoralis, BoisB. littoralis, Thw longijlora, Br longifolia, Bentli. luteola, Jacq macrantha, R. & S. .. malabarica, R. & S... 'maritima, Br rnawnt-iana, Jacq. melanosticta, G. Don microphylla, Roth .. multiflora, Roxh. ... muricata, Jacq. nicoharica, Kurz Nil, Roth noctijlora, Griflf. noctiluca, Herb. obscnra, Ker ohscura, Hassk. ochroleuca, Spanog. ocularis, Bartl Olanda, vide hlanda osyrensis. Roth ovalifolia, Chois. palmata, ForsJc. paniculata, Br paniculata, Burm. .. 'parviflora, Pers. peltata, Chois pendula, Br pentadactijlis, Chois. pentaphylla, Jacq. .. Pes-CaprcB, Roth •Pes-tigridis, Linn. .. petaloidea, Chois. .. phoenicea, Roxb. pileata, Soxh pilosa, Sweet pilosa, Cav platensis, Ker ... polyantha, Miq. poranoides, Clarice :. pulchella, Roth punctata, Pers. purpurea, Lamh. Quamoclit, Linn, quinata, Br racemosa, Roth reniformis, Chois. .. repens, Lamk Vol. Page ... iv. 188 ... „ 200 ... „ 201 ... „ 192 ... „ 2u4 ... „ 184 ... „ 205 ... „ 213 ... „ 208 ... „ 198 ... „ 213 ... „ 199 ... „ 198 ... „ 189 ... „ 212 ... „ 202 ... „ 184 iv. 216, 218 ... iv. 215 ... „ 197 208 . . . , 199 197 197 • • • ) 207 207 ... 207 207 ... 211 ... 102 ... 216 ... , 214 202 ... 220 , 220 ) 211 214 ... , 214 202 • • • ) 212 204 • • • J 212 199 ... 203 ... 213 J 202 202 ... J , 206 , 208 214 ... 199 ... , , 200 ... , 199 ... , , 214 210 ... 20^) ) 209 IV. Ipomsea Vol. Paee repens. Roth reptans, Poir rhyncorhiza, Balz. Rothii,R.&8. Boxhurghii, Steud. ... ruhens, Chois rugosa, Chois rumicifolia, Cliois. ... sagittata, Roxb. salicifolia, Roxh. ... scahra, Chois senegalensis, Lamk. . . . sepiaria, Keen sessiliflora. Roth setulosa, Zoll sibirica, Pers sidsefolia, Chois. sinnata, Orteg speciosa, Bl spharocephala, D. Don sphaerocephala. Sweet splendens, Sims staphylina, R. ? 25 ciliare, Nees ... „ 140 642 GENERAL INDEX. schsemnm Vol. Pape Ischsemum Vol. Page Colladoa, Spreng. ... ... vii. 127 robustum , Hk. f. vii. 139 commutatum, Hack. 131 Rottleri, Jik. f jj 127 oonjugatnm, Boxh. ... 131 Roijleanum, Miq ,, 127 conjtigatum, Thw. ... 130 rugosum, SaUsb. „ 127 corollatum, Nees ... 139 scrohiculatum, W. & A. ... :i 133 corrugatum, Ham. ... 127 secundatum, "Walt J? 91 crinitum, Trin ,, 141 segetum, Trin 127 cuspidatumy Roxb ... „ 151 Sehima, Spreng ,, 136 denticulatmn, Ham.... „ 142 semisagittatum, Roxb. ... 5) 130 diplopogon, Jffc. /. ... 129 semisagittatum, Thw. 131 ensiforme, Ham. „ 151 sparteum, Ham )> 129 falcatuni, Thw 140 spathiflorum, JJA:. /. 338 fasciculatum, Ham. ... „ 31 speciosum, Nees n 152 fasciculatum, Rottl — 127 sulcatum, Hack )J 137 Feildingiannm, Rendle ... 132 tenellum, Roxb. )} 136 geniculatum, Hochst. 127 tenue, Ham J> 133 geniculatum, Roxb. ... ... 133 timorense, Kunth ?) 136 glahratum, Presl 133 sp., Griff. 5> 136 glahrescens, Ham. ... 31 sp., Trin 367 heterotrichum, Hack. 134 Isohnochloa, i?A:. /. ... vii. 147 ,421 Tiirsutum, Nees ... 162 Falconeri, m:./. vii 148 hirtum, Hack 135 IschttrocMoa fioribunda, Biise > vii 391 Jiispidum, H. B. K. ... ,, 73 spinosa, Biise 35 395 Huegelii, Hack. 139 Iseilema, Hack vii. 217 ,421 imherbe, Hack 5, 127 anthephcroides, Hack. ... vii 219 imberhe, Retz ... 126 argatum, Anderss !> 218 impressum, Hack. ... ... 132 laxum, Hack )> 218 inscalptum, Hocbst. 136 prostratum, Anderss. 218 involucrat'itm, Russ. ... ... 151 Wightii, Anderss 5> 218 involntum, Forst. ... 91 Isolepidis, sp., Kucth vi. 619 Kingn,Bk.f. .. . 129 Isolepis, Br vi. 654 Koenigii, Hk. f 127 ambigua, Zoll )> 656 laxum, Br 136 anguloA'is, R. & S >)^ 644 leersioide.i , Munro ... ... 140 articulata, Nees j> 656 •Lisbose, Hk. f. ... 133 barbata, Br 651 longispicatum, Munro 5, 140 bispicata, R. & S )> 634 macrostachyum, Hochst. ... 136 capillaris, D. Don ,, 652 magnum, Rendle ... 128 cochleata, Steud j> 632 mastucatum, Trin. ... ... 162 complanata, R. & S !> 646 raeJicoides, Keen. vii. 70 , 284 coronarii, R. & S !» 619 moUe, Hk.f. ... vii 128 corymbosa, R. & S 5J 657 monianum, Russ. ,, 136 Curaingiif Steud ,, 652 murinum, Forst. ... 135 curvata, Zoll >J 653 muticum, Linn 132 curvifolia, Schrad 636 Myurus, Linn ... 154 curvula, Kunth !) 653 nervosum, Thw. 136 densa, R. & S 652 notatum, Hack. ... ]38 dipsicea, R. & S 5) 635 paleaceum, Trin. 142 dura, Moritz 643 papposiun, Rottl. 301 echinulata, Kunth ... . „ 606 pectiriatum, Benth. ... ... 140 elachista, R. & S M 635 pectinatum, Trin. 140 falcata,n.&S 647 pectinaUim, Wight ... ... 140 jiidtans, Br 5J 653 petiolare, Hack. 138 globulosa, R. & S ,, 645 pilosum, Hack ... 130 gracilis, Nees 5) 653 raraosissimum, Hack. ... 137 inclinata, Barb J> 657 repens, Roxb 133 incitrvata, in ees „ 656 rivale, Hack ... „ 135 invohtcellata, Steud. !5 652 GENERAL INDEX. 643 Isolepis Vol. Page Isonandra Vol. Pftge kyllingioides, A. Eich. . . vi. 662 villosa, Wight iii. 538 longispica, Steud 15 649 Wightiana, A. DC )j 539 lupiuina, Nees 5> 657 Isonema ovata, Cb,b8 iii. 235 maxima, Dietr )> 660 Isopteris penangiana,WH\]. ... i. 208 Micheliana, n. & S 662 Isopyrnm, Linn i. 23 miliacea, Presl ... . 5) 644 adiantifolium, Hk. f. S)' T. ,, 23 monostacliya, Spreng. 634 anemonoides, Kar. & Kir. )> 23 oligantha, C. A. Meyer . J) 654 grandiflorum, FiscZt. 55 23 oryzetorum, Steud 656 microphyllum, Royle 23 ? pentagona, R. & S. J5 644 thalictroides, Linn. 55 23 prolongata, Nees )> 656 Itaher, Koem^f V. 532 puherida, Stend 653 Itea, Linn ii. 407 pubescens, R. & S 5) 665 chinensis, Hk. Sf Am. ... 55 408 piimila, R. & S )> 654 fragrans, Wall 409 rarijiora, Schrad 634 macrophylla. Wall 55 4^8 Roylei, Nees • 657 nutans, Eoyle 408 setacea, Br 654 Ixeris, Cass iii. 410 squarrosa, R. & S 663 fontinalis, DC 5J 410 subtristachya, Hochst. .. !J 652 polycephala, Cass 5> 410 supina, Br 655 Ixia chinensis, Linn vi. 277 tenuissima, D. Don ... ;j 652 IXOXANTHE^ i. 410 ? tetragona, R. & S J> 644 Ixonan thes, Jacfc i. 416 trichokolea, Steud ?> 652 cnneata. Miq jj 416 trifida, Nees .. 5) 652 dodecandra, GritF. 55 416 uncinata, R. & 8 H66 icosandra, Jacfc 55 416 uninodis, Delile n 656 khnsiana, H^\ /. 416 verrucifera, Max )} 635 obovata, Hk. f 55 417 Wallichiana, R. & S. 651 reticulata, Jack 417 Willdenoivii, R. & S. )? 646 Ixora, Linn iii. 137 sp., Wall. ... vi. 398, 596 605, 627, acuminata, Roxb 55 137 ? 628, 629, ? 631, 632, 633, 63 1, acuminata^ Thw 55 138 635, 637, 640, 641, 649, 652, 657, acutijlora. Reinw S> 149 b62 .663 affinis. Wall 55 149 Isolohua carr.panuloides, A. DC. iii. 425 alba, Roxb 55 145 radicans, A. BC 5) 425 amoena. Wall 55 146 Eoxhurghianus, A. DC. . 425 arhorea, Roxb 55 142 Isonandra, Wight . iii. 538 arborescens, Hassk 55 143 acuminata, Drury !> 542 ? arguta, Br 55 149 ? caloneura, KuTA ... . 546 Arnottiana, Miq 55 142 calophylla, Kurz )J 546 attenuata, Wall. ... iii. 149 ,177 c^naUculata, Thw 541 Bandhuca, Roxb iii. 145 Candolliana, Wight... . ?5 539 barbata, Roxb 55 148 diplostemon, Clarke 54^ blanda, Ker 55 145 grandis, Thw )> 540 brachiata, Roxb 55 142 Gutta, Hook 543 Brand isiana, Kurz )S 142 hexandra, GrifF. • " 543 brunnescens, Kurz 143 IsevifoUa, Thw • 5> 541 Branonis, Wall 5> 139 lanceolata. Wight ... . 539 calycina, Thw. ... 55 138 laneeolata, Thw !? 541 Canjia, Wall 55 147 ohovata. Griff. 542 coccine>,iww 55 145 paucijlora, Thw 541 coccinea, Cnrt 145 Perrottetiana, Wight !> '539 concinua, Br 55 147 Perrottetiana, A. DC. • )> 539 congesta, Roxb. 55 146 polyandra, "Wight • ' 5> 548 coriacea, Br 55 143 polyantha, Kurz J> 542 corymbosa, Heyne 55 140 ruhiginosa, Thw ?> 541 crocata, Lindl 55 145 Stockpii, Clarice 539 cuneifolia, Roxb. ... iii. 144 ,149 644 GENERAL INDEX. Ixora Vol. Page Ixora Vol. Page decipiens, DC iii. 142 spectabilis, Wall iii. 141 ? densa, Br jj 149 stricta, Roxh 145 diversifblia, Wall 141 S'uhcapitata, Wall 151 elliptica, Br J, 143 subsesailis, Wall 139 elongata, Heyne jj 141 suhulata, Teysm. & Binn 149 erubescens, Wall J) 149 Thozetia, F. Muell 112 fulg'ens, Roxh 146 Thwaitesii, HA;. /. 138 fulgens, Wall J) 146 tomentosa, DC 150 glaucina, Kurz 149 tomentosa, Roxb 150 grandiflora, Br J) 145 tomentosa, Thw 153 gmndiflora, Schleoht. 139 undulata, Roxh 147 grandifolia, Zoll. ^ Mor. 5) 143 villosa, Roxh 144 grandifoUa, Br. 105 WallicMi,W. & A 149 grandis, Miq >J 140 Wallichii, Wight 138 Griffithii, Hook 146 webercefolia, Kurz 105 Helferi, Ktirz „ 107 WigUiana, Wall 139 incarnata, DC )J 145 IXOREiE ii 1.20 ,137 incoA-nata, Roxb 145 Jobnsooi, i?^\ /. )! 139 Jackia, TFaZL iii. 125 jucauda, Thw 144 ornata, Wall 5) 126 Kingstoni, FA;. /. 5) 140 Jaegeria (lapsu Joegeria) Kurzeana, Teysm & Binn. 143 calendulacea, Sprang. ... iii 306 lanceolaria, Colehr 138 Jaeschkea, Kurz iv. 119 lajcijiora, Hassk '', 149 gentianoides, Kurz 3) 119 leucantJia, Heyne J> 138 latisepala, Clarice 119 longifolia, G. Don 105 niicrosperma, Clarice J, 119 lucida, Br. )J 148 Jamholifera pedunculata, Qiiacrophylla, Br 105 Gaertn ii. 500 macrosiphon, Karz 5> 143 pedunculata, Vahl i. 498 memecylifolia, Kurz 149 Jambosa acuminatissima, merguen sis, Hk. f. J> 140 Hassk ii. 483 montana, Miq 40 temula, Bl 472 naucleiflora, Kurz J> 152 alha, Rumph 474 nigricans, Br 148 amplexicauUs, DC J5 471 Notoniana, Wall J> 139 aquea, DC; 473 oblonga, Br 148 hifaria, Miq 478 oUonga, Br jj 149 hracteata, Miq 485 ohovata, Heyne )) 145 coarctata, Bl 474 ohtusata, Miq 142 conferta, Korth 480 opaca, Br )) 147 cylindrica, Thw 480 oxyphylla, WaH] 139 densifiora, Korth 473 paniculata, EottZ )) 149 domestica, Rumph 471 paniciilata, Lamk 150 Jirma, Bl 476 parviflora, Valil J) 142 formosa, Walp 471 Pavetta, Andr 142 glabrata, DC 480 Pavetta, Roxb 150 grandis, Bl 476 pendula, JacA; • » 141 inophylla, Miq 481 pedimculata, Dalz J) 141 Uta, Bl 479 polyantha, Wight 140 laiir%jolia, DC 478 propinqua, Br • » 145 lineata, DC ^ .. 487 puberula, Wall >? 144 macrocarpa, Miq 474 recurva, Kurz 197 macrophylla, DC 475 rosea, Wall iii . l4'^, 145 madagascariensis, Bl. 473 rosella, Kurz . iii 143 malaccensis, DC 471 rugosula, Wall . „ 146 mdppacea, Korth. 471 salicifoUa, DC j> 146 media, Korth 472 ? sessiliflora, Kurz >> 147 nigra, Rumph 472 GENERAL INDEX. 645 Jamhosa 'pauciflora, Dalz. & Gibs. pulchella, Miq purpurascens, DC. ... purpurea, Wall. ruhricaulis, Miq. samarangensis, DC. ... sylvestris alha, Rnmph. tenuicuspis, Miq. tetraedra, Miq Teysmanni, Miq, vulgaris, DC urceolata, Korth. Wightiana, Bl Jardinea ahyssinica, Stend. Jasmines Jasminum, Linn. acuminatum, Heyne... adenophyllum, Wall. affine, Wight amplexicaule, Wall. ... anastomosans, Wall. angustifolium, Vahl angustifolium, Ker ... angustifolium, Wall. arborescene, Roxb. ... arhoreum, R. & S. aristatum, Wall. attenuatum, Roxh. ... ■attenuatum. Wall. aureum, D. Don auriculatum, YaM ... ■azoricwm, Heyne bifarium, Wall. hignoniaceum, Wall, si hracteatum, Heyne ... hracteatum, Roxb. ... hracteahom, Wall. hracteatum, Wight ... brevilobum, A. DC. ... calophyllnm, TFaZJ. ... oaudatum, Wall. chrysa^itherwwi, Roxb. coarctatum, Roxh. ... congestu'tn, Wall. cordifolium, Wall. ... ■courtallense, Wight ,.. ■crassijolium, Bl. cuspidatum, Rottl . ... decassatum, Wall. ... ■dichotomum, D. Don dispermum, Wall. ... erectijiorum, A. DC. ... extensum, Wall. flexile, Vahl fragrans, Salisb. Gardnerianum, Wight glahellum, Wall. Yol. Page ... ii. 479 ,, 492 471 472 . . . ,, 487 474 ... ,, 471 482 ,, 476 480 474 ... 476 „ 482 ... ii. 148 ... iii. 590 ... iii. 591 ... j; 601 597 600 ... ,, 592 596 598 .. . 55 597 597 .594 ... 594 592 ... 55 599 601 ... 55 603 ... 55 600 601 ... 55 595 602 ... 55 593 593 ... 55 595 592 600 ... 55 602 601 ... 55 602 593 ... 55 592 ... 55 596 602 ... 55 600 598 596 599 ... 55 602 ... 55 596 603 601 591 5J 599 iii. 594, 595 Jasminum glahrum,'RorBf. glabrum, Willd. glandulosum, Wall. gran difl Drum, Linn. GriflBthii, Clarice Hamiltonii, G. Don heterophyllura, Roxh. Heyneanum, Wall. ... hirsutum, Miq hirsutum, Wall. hirsutum, Willd. humile5 Linn ino dorum, Jacq . intermedium, Wight latum. Wall lanceifolium, Roxb. ... lanceolaria, Roxh. ... latifolia, Roxb Iatipetalum5 Clarice ... laurifolinm, Roxh. ... laurifolium, Gamble laurifolium, Wall. ... Lessertianum, DC. ... ligustri folium, Wall. Maingayi, Clarke malabarioum, Wight mau/ritianum, Bojer ... montanum, Roth multijiorum, Roth myrtophyllum, Zenk. nepalense, Spreng. ... nilagiricum, Hohen. nobile, Clarke nummularoides,'S\. ... ohlongum, Burm. oflBcinale, Linn, ovalifolium, Wight ... ovatum, Wall paniculatum, Roxb. . . . parvifiorum, Dene. . . . Perrottetianum, DO. ... pubescens, Willd. ... pii^hescens, Miq p^lbescens, Wall, pubigerum, D. Don. punctatum, Wall. purpureum, Heyne ... quinquejlorum, Heyne reticulatum, Wall. ... revolutum, Sims rigidum, Zenk rigidum, Thw Ritchiei, Ciarfee Rottlerianum, Wall. Roxburghianum, Wall, Sambac, J^it scandens, Valil Vol. Page ... iii. 595 ... 55 595 ... „ 599 ... „ 603 ... 5, 5^3 ... 5, 599 ... „ 601 ... 5, 592 ... 5, 593 ... 5, 593 iii. 126, 592 ... iii. 602 ... „ 602 ... „ 599 ... „ 595 ... 55 601 ... ,5 601 ... „ 594 ... 55 599 ... 5, 597 ... „ 599 ... 5, 596 ... „ 595 iii. 598, 603 ... iii. 594 ... ,5 594 ... 55 600 ... 5, 594 ... 5, 592 ... .5 598 ... 5, 599 ... 5, 600 ... 5, 597 ... 5, 595 ... 5, 603 ... 5, 603 ... „ 600 ... „ 601 ... 55 601 ... ,5 601 ... ,5 598 ... 5, 592 ... „ 593 ... „ 591 ... 5, 602 ... „ 595 ... „ 598 ... „ 591 ... 55 593 ... 55 602 ... 5, 598 ... 5, 593 ... ,5 598 ... 5, 593 ... 5, 595 ... 5, 591 ... „ 595 646 GENERAL INDEX. Jasminum Vol. Page scandens, Griff. . iii. 592 sessiliflorum, Vahl )) 597 silhetense, Bl 596 simplicifolium, Bc-nth. ,, 599 smilacifoliTim, Qrif. )) 600 solenantliiim, DC 603 stenopetalum, Lindl 5) 596 subglandulosum. Kurz .. 600 STibtriplinerve, Bl „ 59H syringJBfolium, Wall. )) 595 tetraphis, Wt. & Gardn. .. ,j 5^9 travancorense, Heyne 601 trichotomum, ifej/ne 599 trifiorum, Heyne 5! 598 trijtorum, Pers 55 598 trinerve, Koxb .. jj 596 trinerve, Vahl „ 596 trinerve, Wall • 596 tubijlorum, Roxb • 55 603 undnlatum, iCer ,, 592 undulatum, Heyne jj 592 undulatum, Willd jj 591 vimineum, Willd ,, 598 Wallichiammi. Lindl. 602 Wigbtii, Clarice ,, 598 Zamlac, Roxb 55 591 zeylanicum,Burm 647 sp.. Griff. „ 592 sp., Hardwicke 602 sp., Hk. f. &. T. iii. 592, 593, 596, 597, 601 Jatropha, Linn V. 382 Curcas, Linn ,, 383 C ureas, Wall „ 383 glandulifera, Roxh ,j 382 glanca, Vahl ,, 382 ^osBjpifolisi, Linn 55 383 leterophylla, iJe^?ie 882 moluccana, Linn J, 385 moluccana, Hb. Russ. „ 383 wontana, Willd jj 462 multifida, Linn 383 nana, Dalz. ^^ Gihs. j^ 382 peltata, Wight ,, 383 Wightiana, MweU 383 Jenkinsia assamica, Griff. ... i. 593 cristata, Wall iv. 11 Jerdonia, Wight iv. 367 indica, Wight ,, 368 Jocaste alhijlora, Kviuth. vi. 323 purpurea, Kunth 55 323 Joegeria, Yide Jaegeria iii. 306 Johnia, Roxb i. 626 coromandeliana, Roxb. ... jj 626 salacioides, Roxb 55 627 Jo/mm, Wt. & Am ii. 183 congesta, Dalz. & Gibs. .. „ 210 Johnia Vol. Page Wightii, W. & A. ... ... ii. 183 Johrenia alpina, Fenzl ... ii. 665 Jonesia Asoca, Roxb. . . . ... ii. 271 pinnata, WiWd ... 271 scandens, Roxb. 272 triandra, Roxb. 272 Joaephia, Wight ... v. 823, vi .178 lanceolata, Wight ... ... V. 823 latifolia, TF^^M ... ,, 823 Jossinia indica, Wight .. ii. 500 lucida, DC 501 JUGLANDE^ ... V. 594 Juglans, Linn ... V. 595 ?ar;7wto, Wall 595 Catappa, Lour. ."' ii. 444 pterococca, Roxb. V. 595 , 596 regia, Linn ... V. 595 villosa, Wall 596 Julostyles, Thvj i. 333 angustif olia, Thw. . . . 333 JUNCACE^ vi 392 Juncellus, Kunth vi. 594 alopecuroides, Clarl-e 595 inundatus, CZarA-e ... 595 laevigatus, Clarke ... 596 Monti, 'Rotth 610 pygmseus, Clarice .f^96 serotinus, Clarice 594 stylosus, Clarice 595 Juncus, Linn 392 articulatus, Linn. 395 henyhalensis, Kunth 398 bracteatus, Buchen. ... 397 bufonius, Linn. 392 campestris, Linn. 401 castaneus, Hk. f. & T. 398 chrysocarpus, Buchen. 394 Clarkei, Buchen. ... 4m communis, E. Mey. ... ... „ 392 oompressus, Jacj. ... ,, 393 concinnus, D. Don ... 55 399 concinnus, Hk. f. & T. 398 effusus, Linn 392 effusus, Steud 393 elegans, Royle 399 filiformis, Linn 394 Gerardi, Loisel. 394 glaucus, Ehrh 393 Grisebachii, Buchen. 394 himalensis, Klotz. ^ Gar eke „ 398 Hoffmeisteri, Klotz. ... 55 398 indicus, Royle „ 396 khasiensis, Buchen. 399 lampocarpus, Ehrh. ... 395 leptosperraus, Buchen. 55 396 Leschenaultii, J. Gay 395 leucanthus, Boyle ... ... „ 397 GENERAL INDEX. 647 Juncus leacomelas, Eoyle maritimtis, Lamk membranacetis, Rot/le minimus, Buchen rtionticola, Steud nematocaulon, ^fc. /. ochraceus, Buchen 'plumosus, Wall. prismatocarpus, Br. pnnctorins, Linn, f scirpoides, J acq sikkimensis, ^fc. /. sinensis, J. Gay sphacelatus, Dene sphenostemon, Buchen. ... tenuis, Willd Thomsoni, Buchen triglumis, Linn unihracteatus, Griff. Wallichiaiius, La Harpe ... zehrinus, Gard. Chron. ... sp., Wall vi. 396, Juniperus, Linn. ... , communis, Linn densa, Gord elata, Roxb excelsa, Bieb esocelsa, Brand excelsa, Wall gossaintlianeana, Lodd. ... indica, Bertol Lamhertiana, Wall macropoda, Boiss nana. Willd Phillippsiana, Wall. Pseudo-sabina, Fisch. Si' Mey recurva, Har.i relig iosa, Royle rigida, Wall v. ? iSabina, Hk. f. & T. sqiiamata, Ham. squamosa, Ham. Wallichiana, Hk. f. & T. Jurinea, Cass adenocarpa, Ledeb ceratooarpa, JBenf^ cheetolepis, Boiss guaphalioides, Klatt macrocephala, Benth. modesta, J5(/'iss foaulaita,, Klatt ? Tricholepis, DC Jussiaea, Linn anyifstifolia, Lamk. ... ... Burmanni, DC dectmibens, Wall Vol. '^7 vi. )j 393 >> 397 400 ,, 396 jj 400 ,, 394 J) 401 395 ,, 395 ») 398 >) 399 39H )) 398 398 )) 393 397 396 )) 396 396 )) 658 398 ,399 V. 646 )) 646 647 649 )) 647 647 )) 646 ?5 647 646 }) 647 647 )J 646 55 649 >) 646 647 n 647 647 ,649 V. 646 )) 647 647 5) 646 iii. 378 jj 372 >> 378 382 J) 379 378 }) 378 >, 379 >5 383 ii. 587 587 )) 587 55 587 Jussisea Vol. Page diffusa, Forsk ii. 587 exaltafa, Roxb )) 587 jiorihunda. Griff. 587 Jiuviatilis, Bl 5) 587 fruticosa, DC 55 587 longipes, Griff. 587 octofila (octophila), DC. ... „ 587 repens, Linn ,, 587 sca6ra, Willd 55 587 suffruticosa, Linn 587 ^wartziann, DC J) 587 viUosa, Lamk 587 Justicia, Linn iv. 524 acaulis. Lino. f. 5) 394 acuminata, Wall. ... It. 555 556 Adhatoda, Linn iv. 540 alata, Vahl 5) 503 alba, Roxb 498 andrographioides, C?arA;e... 55 5.^4 argyrostachya, T. Anders. 527 aristata. Wall 57 524 asperula, Lodd. 512 assamica, Clarke ,j 537 Atkinsoni, T. Anders. J) 528 hengalensis, Sprang. 395 Betonica, Linn. J) 525 Betonica, T. Anders. " 526 hicalyculata, Vahl 554 biflora, Va-d J) 539 hivalvis, Linn 552 hivalvis, Roxb )) 525 boerhaavisefolia, T. Anders. }) 535 hracliiides. Roth 529 hracliionoides, Spreng. ... 5) 529 Brandisii, T. Anders. 531 hrunelloides, Lamk 395 burmanica, Clarke 527 calcarata, Wall 541 caloneura, Kurz >) 529 canescens, Lamk. ... iv. 395 , 409 canescens. Wall iv. 554 Careyana, Wall >; 535 ceylanica, T. Anders. 529 chinensis, Vahl )) 551 chinensis. Wall.... iv. 553 554 , 557 collina, T. Anders iv. 543 conspicua. Wall J) 489 cordifolia, Wall 5C2 curvijiora. Wall 5) 511 dasycarpa, Kurz J) 528 deoussata, jRoa;6 532 dentata, Klein 545 dichotoma, Bl ), 543 dicliotoma, Rottl JJ 541 diffusa, Willd 538 Ecboliuw, Linn >J 544 echioides, Linn, 505 648 GENERAL INDEX. asticia ^ol. Page Edgeworthii, T. Anders. . . . iv. 536 elongata,YsM „ 502 emarginata, Nees „ 544 fastigiata, Lamk „ 421 flaccid a, Kurz „ 533 flagelliformis, Clarice „ 535 flava, Kurz „ 531 fragilis, TFaZi „ 528 fulgida, Bl „ 524 gangetica, Linn „ • 493 Gendarussa, Lmw. /. „ 532 glabra, Koen „ 535 glanduloea, Wall „ 505 glanchdosa, Roth „ 506 glauca, Rottl „ 529 graciUflora, Wall „ 500 gracilis, T. Anders „ 548 grandifolia, T. Anders. ... „ 528 GriffitUi, T. Anders. „ 543 grossa, Clarke „ 535 guttata, Wall iv. 512, 513 liedi/otidifolia, WaiU iv. 538 Helferi, ClarTce „ 533 heterocarpa, T. Anders. ... „ 531 hirsttta, Vahl ., 395 Mrtella, Wall. ... „ 539 Hookeriana, T. Anders, ... „ 532 inconspicua. Wall „ 525 infracta, Yahl „ 550 infundihuliformis, Linn. ... „ 492 khasiana, Clarke „ 537 Kurzii, Clarke „ 527 Igetevirens, Vahl „ 545 lamifolia, Koen „ 395 lanceolaria, Roxb „ 555 ? latehrosa, Koen „ 551 latehrosa, Roxb. „ 551 latifolia, VaM „ 497 ligulata, Lamk „ 554 ligwstrina, Vahl „ 544 lineata. Wall. ... iv. 504, 505, 533 linijolia, Wall iv. 548 Iwic7.a, Nees ., 545 ZobeWoicZes, Wall ;, 505 longifoUa, Wall „ 525 madurensis, Burm „ 410 Maingayi, Clarke „ 534 micrantha, Wall. ... iv. 536, 539 moUissima, WaM iv. 539 montana, Wall „ 525 montana, Roxb „ 421 Moretiana, Vahl „ 540 nasuta, Linn „ 541 Neesiana, Wall „ 531 neilglierrensis, T. Anders, „ 526 nervosa, Vahl „ 418 nilgherrensis, Wall. „ 526 Jnsticia notha, Clarke nummularifolia, Wall. nutans, Burm ochroleuca, Bl orbiculata, T. Anders. orhiculata. Wall. orcliioides, Griff, creophila, Clarke orixensis, Roxb. palatifera, Wall. paniculata, Burm. ... parviflora, Betz. pectinata, Linn. peploides, T. Anders. picta, Linn. ... ... plumhaginea, Wall. ... polystperma, Roxb. procambens, Linn. ... procumhens, Linn. procumhens, Wall. Pseudo-Betonica, Roth ptychostoma, Wall. ptychostoma, 'SeeB ... pubescens, Lamk. pubigera, Wall. pulchella. Roxb. punduana, Wall. purpurea. Wall. quadrangidaris. Wall. quadrifaria, Wall. ... quadrifaria, T. Anders. quinqueangalaris, Koe7i quinqueangularls. Wall. ramosissima, Roxb. ... repens, Linn repenSf Wall retorta, Vahl rosea, Vahl Bottleriana, Wall. ... rotundifolia, Nees ... Roxhurghiana, R. & S. Royeniana, Clarke ... ruhicunda, Ham. salicifolia, T. Anders. salsoloides, T. And^ers. sangitinolenta, Vahl scandens, Vahl serpyllifolia, Vahl ... serrulata, Wall. simplex, D. Don speciosa, Roxb. stricta, Vahl sijlvestris. Wall. tliyrsijlora, Uoxb. tinctoria, Roxb. tomentosa, Roxb. tomentosa, Wall. Vol. Page ... iv. 537 506 ... ,, 524 525 ... ,, 539 iv. 498 538 ... iv. 544 526 ... ,, 529 ,, 498 ... ,, 501 550 ... 550 537 ... ,, 545 493 ... ,, 460 ... ,, 539 iv. 536 538 iv. 537 539 ... iv. 525 ... ,, 534 534 ... ,, 409 536 420 527 ... 557 512 ... 530 ... ,, 530 )! 536 538 „ 525 549 ... J, 549 ... ,, 551 419 ... ,, 541 545 ••• !) 556 537 ... ,, 498 531 530 510 541 ... ,, 506 509 ... ;, 539 556 ... ,, 409 ... ,, 556 512 ... ,, 556 ... Jj 395 395 GENERAL INDEX, 649 Jnsticia tranquebariensis, Linn. f. tranquebariensis, Eoxb. ... trinervia, Vahl tuhijiora, Wall. umhellata, Wall undulata, Vahl Vahliana, B, & S Vahlii, Rcth vascnlosa, Wall ventricosa, Wall. venusta, Wall verticillata, Roxb virgata, T. Anders. vitellina, Roxb Wallichii, T. Anders. Wight iana, Wall wynaadensis, Wall. ZoUingeriana, Clar'ke sp., Benth sp., GrifF. iv. JuSTICIEiE Kadsnra, Kcempfer grandijiora, Wall japonica, Wall propinqua, Wall Roxburghiana, Am. scandenSf Bl Wightiana, Am Esempferia, Linn Andersoni, Baker angustifolia, Rose Candida, Wall. conoinna, Baker Craivfurdii, Wall diversifolia, Link elegang, Wall. ... Galanga, Linn Galanga, ^YiUd Jiumilis, Salisb involncrata, King linearis, Wall longa, Jacq macrochlamys, Baker marginata, Carey ovalifolia, Roxh cvata, Roxb pandurata, Roxh Farishii, Hk. f parviflora, Wall parvula, King plantaginifolia, Salisb. . . . Prainiana, Ki^ig Roscoeana, Wall Roseoei, Wall rotunda, Linn Roxburghiana, Schult. VOL. \I1. Vol. Page Ksempferia Vol. Page iv. 530 scaposa, Benth, vi. 224 „ 529 seounda, Wall. jj 223 „ 526 sessilis, Keen )) 219 „ 511 sikkimensis, iTtnc; 223 „ 552 siphonantha, King ,, 222 „ 555 BpeciosH, Baker J, 220 „ 538 undulata, Link jj 219 ., 538 versicolor, Salisb 222 „ 533 Kalaochoe, Adans. li. 414 „ S26 acntijlora, Haw )5 416 „ 508 ucutijlora, Kurz 5> 414 „ 506 cegyptiaca, DC. 414 „ 542 brasilien8i8,Cawb.(8ee Err .) ,',' 415 „ 512 crenata, Oliv ii. 414 ,415 „ 542 floribunda, W. ^ A. ii. 414 „ 546 floribunda, Thw ^^ 415 „ 533 gland ulosa, Hochst. ,, 414 „ 530 grandiflo. a, IF. cj- A 5) 415 „ 547 heterophylla, Hb. Wight ... 414 4i)7, 528 laciniata, L>0 5> 415 iv. 389 mtdicaidis. Ham 414 olivacea, Dalz. (see Errata) i. 45 pinnata, Pers ?) 413 ,, 44 Ritchieana, Dalz 414 „ 45 spathulata, DC J> 414 „ 45 spathulata, Wall 415 „ 45 teretifolia, Haw jj 415 „ 45 teretifolia, Wall !) 416 „ 45 varians. Haw >> 414 vi. 218 Wightiana, Wall 415 „ 221 Kandelia, TF. 4f ^ ii. 437 „ 219 Rheedii, TF. «£• yl 5> 437 „ 222 Kanilia caryophylloides, Bl. ii. 438 ., 221 parviflora, Bl M 438 „ 222 Kariviajavanica, Miq. ii. 623 „ 220 Rheedii, Roem ;5 625 „ 222 samoensis, A. Gray 624 „ 219 umhellata, Arn. ... .. )) 625 „ 219 Katou Indel, Ham vi. 425 „ 219 K&jea,Wall i. 276 „ 221 cuspidata, PI. & Tr. !J 277 „ 223 floribunda, Wall 276 „ 222 nervosa, T. Anders. )| 277 „ 223 racemosa, Fl. d: Tr. )> 276 „ 219 stylosa, Thw 276 „ 219 Keen&nia, Bk. f. iii. 101 „ 220 modesta, HA;. /. 101 „ 220 Kendrickia, Hfc. /. ii. 626 „ 220 Walkeri, m./ ii 526 „ 221 ATeiifia, Steud iv. 84 ., 223 niorindx folia, Steud. >) 84 ., 219 Kentia, Bl vi. 411 ;, 220 paradoca, Mart )) 411 ;, 220 Kentrophyllumlanatum, DC. iii. 386 „ 221 Keppleria sp. Mart vi. 418 222 Keratephorus Leerii, Hassk. iii. 534 ,', 219 Wightii, Hassk >> 548 u u 650 GENERAL INDEX. Keratephorus Vol. Page Knoxia Vol, Pflgre Wight a, Maingay iii. 547 sumatrensis, Wall. iii. 129 Keyserlingia, Bunge ii. 251 teres, DC „ 129 Kibara, Endl V. 114 teres, WaW „ 129 Blumei,8tBnd. „ 114 umhellata, Banks „ 129 coriacea, Endl „ 114 Wightiana, Wall. „ 129 Kibessia, DC ii. 552 Wightiana, Schl, „ 51 acuminata. Dene „ 552 zeylanioa, Linn. „ 130 cupidaris, Dene „ 552 Knoxie^ iii, 20, 128 pubescens, Dene „ 552 Kobresia, Willd. ... vi. 694 simplex, Korth n 552 angusta, Clarke „ 695 tuberculata, ^^-.Z. „ 553 hrunnescens, Boeck. ,. 697 Kiesera sericea,'Reinysr. ii. Ill oapillifolia, Clarke „ 697 Kingstonia, iifc. /. C „ 130 sedoides, Schrad. „ 10 microcarpa (macrocarpa), stellaris, Belang. „ 11 Knrz „ 130 stellaris, Moq. ... „ 11 mo\Vi(=,W.^A „ 129 Koeleria, Peo-s. vii. 308 mollis, Br „ 129 argentea, Griseb. „ 309 plantaginea, Wall „ 130 aristata, Loisel. „ 278 platycarpa, Arn „ 131 berythea, Boiss. & B 1. ... „ 309 ? stricta, Gaertn „ 129 hrachystachya, DC. „ 309 strtcta, Thw „ 129 brevifolia, Spreng. „ 295 stricta, W.& A „ 130 hrev'ifolia, Wight „ 334 sumatr ensis, DG „ 131 brevis, Stev. „ 309 GENERAL INDEX. 651 Koeleiia Vol. Page Vo calf/cina, DC. & Duby . vii. 336 KraschninniJcowia rupestris, crista ta, Pers „ 308 Turcz i cristata, Bert.o] „ 309 Kuhlia morindtefolia, Reinw. iv dactyloides, Spreng. „ 309 Kurrimia, Wall i Figarei, de Notar „ 309 bipartita, Laws , glauca, DC „ 308 calophylla. Wall , glauca, Ledeb „ 309 ceylanica, Am. . , , gracilis, Pers „ 308 Maingaji, Laws , grandijinra, Bertol „ 309 panieulata, Wall , lagopodioide!', Panz „ 334 pulcherrima, Wall , lagopoides, Panz „ 295 robusta, Kurz , Linkii, Kunth „ 308 sp. ?, Wall ii lohata,R.&S „ 308 Kurzia v ?i**i(Za, Nutf „ 308 Kydia, Eoxh i obtusijtora, Boiss „ 309 angustifolia., Avn , phleoides, Pers „ 309 axillaris, Thw „ spicata, Willk. & Lange .. „ 278 calycina, Roxh „ subspicata, Mart, „ 278 fraterna, 'Roxh „ trapezuntina, C. Koch „ 309 glabrescens, Mast „ valesiaca, Gaud „ 308 j^tjub'i folia, Griff. ,, sp., Wall „ 309 pulverulenta. Ham „ Koelpinia, PaU. iii. 392 Boxburghiana, Wight ... „ liDearis, Pa ?i „ 392 Kyllinga, Rottb vi Koenigia islandica, Linn. ... V. 24 albescens, Steud „ monandra , Dene „ 24 aurata, Neea „ nepalenais, D. Don „ 25 brevifolia, Rottb „ sp:,m.i.&T „ 25 brevifolia, ? Kejne „ Kohautia coccinea, Royle ... iii. 69 brevifolia, l!iees ... ,, gracilis, DC „ 68 brevifolia, Rottb „ senega' ensis, Eridl „ 68 hulbosa, Keen ,, sp., Griff. „ 68 cruciata, 1^ eeB „ Kokoona, Thru i. 616 cy lindrica, IV^ees „ littoralis, Laws „ 617 cyperina, Retz ,, zeylanica, T/iw „ 616 cyperoides, Roxb „ Koon zeylanicus, Gaertn. i. 105 fuscata, Miq „ Kopsia, B/ iii. 639 fuscescens, Boeck „ flavida, Bl „ 639 gracilis, Kunth. „ fruticosa, A. DC. „ 639 gracilis, Zoll „ macrophylla, m-. /. „ 639 intei-media, Bt „ panciflora, ilA-. /. „ 639 melanosperma, Nees ... „ Korthalsia, Bl vi. 474 M etzii, Sten6 „ andamanensis, Becc. „ 475 microcephala, Steud. ... „ angustifolia, Miq „ 476 mindor ensis, Steud „ echinometra, Becc „ 474 monocephala, Rottb. ... „ ferox, Becc „ 476 monocephala, Nees ,, flagellaris, Miq „ 476 monocephala, Strach. ... „ laciniosa, Mart „ 475 monocephala, Thuub. ... „ Lohbiana, H. Wendl. „ 475 monocephala, Xoihl „ polystachya, Mar^ „ 476 panicea,'Siott\i „ rigida, Bl „ 476 sororia, Kunth ,, rostrata, Bl „ 475 sororia, Miq „ scaphigera, Marf „ 475 squamulata, Vahl „ scaphigera, Kurz „ 475 triceps, Rottb „ Scortechinii, Becc „ 475 triceps, Linn, f „ teDDissima, Becc „ 476 triceps, Thunb , , wallichiaefolia, H. Wendl. „ 475 umbellata, Rottb „ Kosteletzkya pentacarpos, Led. i. 324 umbellata, Roxb. ... vi. 621 Page U U 2 662 GENERAL INDEX. Kyllinga i vaginata, Zoll sp., Wall. vi. 587, 588, 589, Kyllingia, Bee KjMivga. Ldbiata, ? Griff. iv. LABIATiE Labisia, Lindl pothoina, Lindl Lablah cultratus, DC le^tcocarpus, DC lignosus, Grab micro carpus, DC nanTcinicus{nanTcinensis)\)C. perennans, DC vulgaris, Savi Lachncea eriocephala, Heyne Lachnagrostis ciliata, Munro ciliata, Neee Oriffithiana, Munro Hookeri, Nees ... Hookeriana, Mnnro Hooker iana, Nees Royleana, Neee ... scahra, Nees ? Lachnastoma, Korth triflorum, Korth. Lachnopodium ruhrolimhatum, Bl Lacis Wallicliii, Steud Lactnca, Linn. amurensis, Kegel arvensis, Ed pew. Benthamii, Clarke bialata, Griflf. bracteata, Hk. f. & 1 hracteata, Wall. breviroBtris, Champ. Brunoniana, Clarke Clarkei, m./. ... decipiene, Clarke diesecta, D. Don Dubyeea, Clarke fflahra, DC. graoiliflora, DC. gracilis, DC. hastata, DC. Heyneana, DC. Hoffmeisteri, Klotz. laevigata, Clarke laevigata, DC. ... Lessertiana, Clarke longifolia, DC. ... xuacraBtha, Clarke macrorhiza, Hk. f. napifolia, DC. ... nudicaulis, Murray chtusa, Clarke ... Vol. Page vi. 588 597 620 vi. 619 572 ,610 iv. 604 iii. 518 5} 518 ii. 209 5> 209 209 )) 209 209 5) 209 209 v. 197 vii 264 55 264 263 55 265 55 264 256 ,265 vii. 265 55 264 iii. 154 )> 151 ii. 523 V. 67 iii. 402 4^5 55 405 55 411 55 405 55 409 55 404 405 406 55 406 407 405 55 409 55 396 406 55 410 55 407 55 403 408 jj 408 55 411 408 55 405 55 409 408 55 395 416 >J 416 Lactuca orien talis, Boiss polycephala, Benth. ramosissirna, Gren.& Godr rapunouloides, Clarke remotiflora, DC. rigida, DC. runcinata, DC sagittarioides, Clarke sagitatta, Hk. f AT. sarmentosa, DC. sativa, Linn sativa. Wall Scariola, Lmn Schimperi, J. & S. ... squarrosa, Miq Stocksii, Boise tatarica, C A. Mey. ... undulata, Ledeh. virifiinea, Clarke violcefolia, Clarke sp., Benth Lagaropyxis gigantea, Miq. glandulosa, Miq. Lagarosiphon, Harv. ... Roxburghii, Benth. Lagaeoea, Cav mollis, Cav Lagenandra, Dalz. insignis, Trim Koenigii, Thw lanoifolia, Thw. ovata, Thw. ... .... Thwaitesii, Engler ... toxicaria, Daiz Lagenaria, Seringe hispida, Ser idolatrica, Ser vittata, Ser vulgaris, Ser Lagenophora, Cos*. Billardieri, Cass. Harvey i, Thw sundana, Miq Lagerstroemia, Linn. ... calyculata, jKttrz corymhosa. Griff. cuspidata, Wall. elegans, Wall Fatioa, Bl floribunda, Jacfc Flos ReginsB, i?et2. ... grandiflora, Boxb. ... hexaptera, Miq. hirsuta, Rottl hypolenca, Kurz indioa, Linn lanoeolata, Wall. GENERAL INDEX. 653 Lagerstroetnia lanceolata, B<»dd macrocarpa, Wall inicrocarpa, Wight parviflora, Roxh 'pitbescens, Wall Regince, Eoxb Rottleri, Clarke tomentosa, Presl venusta, Wall villosa, Wall Laggera, 8ch. Bip alata, Sch. Bip arida, Clarke aarita, Sch. Bip divaricata, Oliv flava, Benth pterodonta, Benth Lagonychium Stephanianwn, M. Bieb ... Lagopsis incana, Bu-Dge Lagoseris tenuifolia, Rchb. ... Lagotis, Oaertn Clarkei, Hfc./. decutnbena, Svpi- glanca, Gaertn. globosa, Hlc.f. spectabilis, Hh. f. stolonifera, Koch Laguma (Lagunea), Cav. ... aculeata, Cav lohata,Wmd silenijiora, Wall Lagunea, Lour CO chinchinensis, hoar. LagtiTus cylindricus, Linn. ... Zahaya corymhosa, Schult. spadicea, Schult Lalleraantia, Fisch. ^ Mey. Royleana, Benth Lamarkia, Moench aurea, Moench Kookeriana, Griff. Laminm, Linn album, Xcinw amplexicaule, Linn. petiolatum, Royle rhomboideum, Benth. Lampetia racemosa, Rcem .... LamprachaeDium, Benth. ... microcephalum, jBent/i. ... Lamprocarpus thyrsifloruSyB]. Lamprodithyros paniculatus , Hassk protensus, Hassk Lampuzium minus, Bampb. Lancea, Hfc. /. dif" T. tibetica, Hk. f. ^ T. Yol. ii. ^■^5 >> 577 576 )) 575 578 „ 577 J) 576 578 M 576 578 iii. 270 j^ 271 ,, 273 ^^ 271 „ 271 270 ,. 271 ii. 288 iv. 671 iii. 395 iv. 558 ,, 559 )) 559 559 558 M 560 558 i. 336 jj b40 336 )j 336 V. 30 )i 30 vii .106 i. 245 245 iv. 666 ^^ 667 vii. 307 >i 307 307 iv. 678 ^j 679 679 j^ 679 678 i. 512 iii. 228 >> 229 vi. 367 vi. 390 382 vi. 249 iv. 260 260 Vol. Pajre Lancretia suffrihticosa, Del. i. 251 Langeveldia acuminata, Gaud . V. 566 Langsdorffia indica, Arn. ... V. 238 Languas aquaticum, Koen. . . . vi. 256 sylvestre, Koen „ 256 vulgare, Keen >) 253 Lansium, Humph i. 557 anamalayanum, Bedd. . . . >> 558 aqueum, Miq >» 558 oinereum, Riern f} 558 domesticum, Jack 558 humile, Hassk. )i 558 javanicum, Roem 558 pedicellatum, Hiern 558 silvestre, Roem 559 sp.,W.&A ]] 562 Lantana, Lm-n. iv. 562 aculeata, Lmn 562 alha, Schauer I] 562 annua, Hort. Calo 563 Camara, Linn )) 562 canescens, Hort. Calc. 564 collina, Dene M 562 crenulata, Otto Sf Dietr. ... >> 563 duUa, Wall iv 5t>2 ,563 indica, Roxh iv. 562 indica, Wall 563 ^a'^/o^^a, Tausch 562 mista (? mixta), Linn. ... )) 562 repens, Spreng. 563 sarmentosa, Spreng. M 563 scabra. Wall 563 trifolia, Linn 563 Wightiana, Wall ii 562 sp., Hk. f. & T. ... iv. 562 ,564 Laportea, Gaud V. 549 crenulata, Gaud ,1 550 evitaia, Wedd 549 gigantea, Gaud. i> 550 latifolia. Gaud. 550 oleracea, Wedd )) 549 terminalis, Wight M 549 Lappa major, GaertTi iii. 359 minor, Schkuhr jj 359 tomentosa, Lamk 359 ? Lappago aliena, Spreng. vii. 58, 97 hiflora, Roxh vii. 97 Latipts, Steud )) 97 occidentalis, Nees 97 racemosa. Honck 97 Lapsana, Linn iii. 391 communis, Linn 392 Koelpi7iia, Linn t) 392 Lardizabale^ i. 107 Larix, Miller V. 655 Oriffithiana, Gord 655 Griffithii, m. /. ^ r. ... >i 655 654 GENERAL INDEX. Larysacanthus ciliatus, Oexht. Laserpitium ? coniifolmm, Wall striatum, Wall .sp., Wall Lasia, Loiir desciscen s, ^chott Hermanni, Schott beterophylla, Schott JenJcinsii, Schott Roxhurgliii, Griff. • spinosa, TfiW Zollingeri, Schott Lasiagrostis alpina, F. Schtn. Jacquemontii, Munro mongholica, Trin robusta, Munro splenclens, Kunth treniula, Rupr Lasianthera, Beaitu apicalis, Thw.. ? lanceolata, Mast Maingayi, Mast malaccensis, Mast secundi/lora, Miq ? tetandr a, Weill prasina, Miq Lasianthus. Jacfc SiOXimiTLB.tuB, Wight acuminatus, Wight andamanicus, -ff^-. /. appressus, Hfc. /. attenuatus, Jack Biermanni, King Blumeanus, Wight hracteatus, Wigbt capitulatus, Wight chinensis, jBe«^/i ciliatus, Wight oonstrictns, Wight crinitns, HTi. f cyanocarpus, Jack densifolius, Miq dichotomus, Wight ? duhius, Wight ellipticuB, Wight foetens, Wight Gardneri, Bk. f. Griffithii, Wight Helferi, m./. Hookeri, Clarke inconspicuus. Hk.f. Jackianup, Wight Kurzii, fffc. /. Icevicaulis, Kurz lancifolius, Hk. f. longicauda, ifA;. /. Vol. Page iv. U3 ii. 700 „ 699 „ 695 vi. 550 „ 550 „ 550 „ 550 „ 550 „ 550 „ 550 „ 550 vii. 230 „ 232 „ 229 „ 232 „ 233 „ 229 i. 584 „ 584 „ 585 „ 585 ., 584 n 584 „ 586 „ 587 iii. 178 „ 185 „ 185 „ 189 „ 181 „ 181 ., 190 „ 184 „ 179 „ 191 „ 187- „ 184 „ 188 „ 182 ., 179 :, 182 „ 191 „ 167 „ 182 „ 193 „ 186 „ 179 „ 189 „ 184 „ 187 „ 180 „ 183 „ 179 » 187 „ 190 Lasianthus longifolius, Wight lucidus, Bl Maingayi, f/A. /. micranthTis, Hfc. /. Moonii, Wight nitida, Thw. ? obliquus, Thiv oblongif olius, Bedd. obovatus, Bedd obscurus, Bl OculuS'Catiy Miq olig&nthns, Hk. f. parvif olius, Wight pauciflorus, Wight pilosus, Wight plagiophyllus, Hance pteroBpermue, Wight retosus, Wight rhinophyllus, HA;. /. rostratics, Wight Roxhurghii, Wight . . sikkimensip, iii. /. stercorariiis, Kurz stipularis, Bl strigilloBUB, i/fc. /. strigosus, Wight tentaculatus, Hk. f. Thwaitesii, HA-. /. truncatuB, Bedd tubiferus, Bk. f tuhijiorus, Bl varians, Hk. f venosus, Wiffht venulosuB, Wight Walkerianus, Wight Wallichii, Wight Wightianus, Hk.f. sp., Wall. ... ii. 179. 180, Lasiohema anguina, Miq. Horsfieldii, Miq Lasiocicca, Hk.f. symphilliaBfolia, Hk. f. ... Lasiolepis, Bceok. Bennettii, Planch hrevifolia, Boeck multijuga, Benn paucijuga, Benn Lasiolytrum hirtum, Steud. pilosum, Steud. Lasiopogon, Ca.<^s lanatum, Cass muscoides, DC Lasiosiphon, Fres eriocephaluB, Dene Hugelii ? Meissn insularis, Meissn Metziamis, Miq Vol. Pasre lii. 187 )5 184 188 5> 190 180 j^ 189 ^ 192 183 ;j 186 183 ^, 179 ,, 186 jj 186 189 55 182 180 55 188 181 185 185 179 , 180 ^^ 183 ^, 179 J, 185 55 189 181 55 185 189 183 197 191 55 188 190 ^, 186 180 55 188 181 , 182 ii. 284 55 284 V. 456 55 456 vi. 748 i. 519 vi. 748 i. 519 55 519 vii. 146 55 146 ill. 287 55 287 55 287 V. 197 197 55 197 197 J, 197 GENERAL INDEX. 655 LasiosiphoQ scandens, Endl. sisparensis, Meissn speciosus, Done. ... ... Lasiostoma formicarium, Spreug Lasiostyles salicifolia, Freel Lasmrus hirsutus, Boiss. ... Lathrsea, Linn squamaria, Linn Lathyrus, Liym altaieuH, Led. ... angidatus, Benth Aphaca, Linn cashmericns, Royle erectus, Lag himalensis, Oamb inconspicuus, Ltmi Inteus, Baker ovatus, Koyle pratensi s, Linn sativus, Lmw sphaericus, Retz tingitanus, Linn Latipes, Kunth senegalensis, Kunth Launaea, Cass aspleniifolia, Hfc. /. chondrilloides, Hk. f. glomeraia, flfc. /. miorocephala, Mk. f. uudicauiis, Hk. f pinnatifida, Cass secunda, Hk. f. Laureola fragrans, TLcem. ... Laurinea? (iriflF. Laurine^ Laurinese, Wall v Laurus alhiflora, Wall amygdalinay Ham attenuata, VVall Bazania, Ham Bejolghota, Ham hilocularis, Koxb hoiahycina, Ham. ... v. ? camphorata. Ham. Cassia, Burm Cassia, Ham Cassia, Linn Cassia, Roxb caudata, Wall Champa, Ham v Cinnamomum, Roxb. ? Culitlahan, Roxb cuspidata, D. Don declinata, B\ dubia, Wall dulcis, Roxb Vol. Page V. 198 ;j 197 197 iii. 194 V. 444 vii. 162 iv. 317 J) 318 ii. 179 ,, 180 )) 180 179 J 80 ^, 18'J ,j 178 jj 180 ?j 180 )j 180 j> 180 179 )j 180 ?} 180 vii. 97 5J 97 iii. •414 !) 415 ;> 415 417 >} 415 416 416 j^ 416 i'. 499 iii. 575 V. 116 .157 ,161 V. 128 118 143 jj 129 129 122 139 ,861 V. 141 J? 132 129 • )) 179 128 134 . IdtJ ,861 V. 132 )) 130 ?> 185 142 132 LaiM-us Vol. Page fir ma. Wall ... V. 127 fioribunda, Wall. V. 118, 140 glandidifera. Wall. ... ... V. 135 glaucescens. Ham. ... „ 135 glaucescens, Jloxh. J) 140 itrandis, Wall V. 143, 146 Gidlawara, Ham. ... V. 152 Heyneana, Wall. ,, 136 incrassata. Jack 126 indica, Lour ... JJ 139 involucrata, Koen. ... 158 involucrata, Vahl J, 179 lanceolaria, Roxb. ... 141 lanceolata, VVall. 141 ligustrina, Wall. J, 142 lucida, Bl 5) 143 PZucuifl, Wall. .:. .. ... 147 macrantha, Wall. „ 141 ? macrophylla, D. Don V. 181 186 macrophylla, Wall. ... ... V. 129 malahathrica, Soland. „ 136 malahathrum, L. ? ... ... JJ 130 malabathrum, Wall. V. 130 ,132 Nac'usua, D. Don ... V. 184 nitida, Roxb ... JJ 130 nitida, Wall 132 ohovata, Ham ... J, 153 obtusifolia, Roxb. ... ,, 129 odorati^sima, Wall. ... V. 139 J 859 paniculata. Wall. ,, 142 Parthenoxylon, Jack 136 peduncularis, Wall. ... J, 144 porrecta, ^o\h. JJ 136 puhescens, Wall. 142 recurvata, Roxb. J, 129 rigida. Wall 136 Sailyana, Ham. JJ 128 salicifolia. Ham, ,, 141 salicifolia? Wight ... ,j 174 smcea, Wall ,, 139 ? smilacifolia, Wall. ,j 136 Soncaurium, Ham. ... 128 Tawala, Ham ... JJ 128 Tazia, Ham ... - JJ 128 umhellata. Ham. 180 villosa, Roxb JJ 140 viminea, Wall 131 zeylanica, Herm. ... JJ 179 Lavallea, Baill ... i. 579 ceylanica, Baill. J, 579 Lavandula, Linn. ... iv 630 Burmaani, Benth. .. ... „ 631 carnosa, Linn J, 627 Gibeoni, Orah 631 L ami, Wight ,, 631 mulUfida, Burm. ,j 631 Perrottetii, Benth. ... »j 631 656 GENERAL INDEX. Lavatera, Linn kashmiriana, Camh. Lavenia alba. Wall. carnosa. Wall deniata, Wall erecta, Wall fastigiata, B 1 macrophylla, Bl. parvijiora, Bl. ... rigida, Wall rw^o«a, Wight viscida. Wall Lawia acuminata, Wight . . . longipes, Tul. ... .' pulchella, Tal. .... zeylanica, Tul Lawsonia, Linn alba, Lamk inermisy Roxb purpurea, Lamk. .. ii. 57 spinosa, Linn Lehidiera malaharica, Mnell. pallida, MneU patula, Maell stipularis, Mnell Lebidieropsis collina, Muell. orbicularis, Muell Lebretonia flava. Wall. procumbens. Wall Lecananthus, Jack erubescens, Jack sp., Griff. Lecanocarpus ca^diflorus,'See8 nepalensis, Fisch Lecanthus, Wedd major, We^d peduncularis, Wedd. Wallichii, W^dd. ... ... Wightii, Wedd Lechea verticillata, Willd. ... LeCVTHIDEvE Ledeboiiria hyacinthina, Roth maculata, Dalz. Leea, Linn acuminata, Wall seqiiata, DC ssquata, Wall alata, Edgew angastifolia, Laws aspera, Wall i. cinerea, Laws compacti flora, Knrz cordata, Wall coriacea, Laws crispa, Willd diffusa, Laws. ... gigantea, Griff. Vol. Page i. 319 „ 319 iii. 242 „ 242 „ 247 „ 242 ., 243 „ 242 „ 242 „ 248 „ 243 „ 242 iii 96 V. 63 „ 62 „ 62 ii. 573 „ 573 „ 573 '3, iii. 56 ii. 573 V. 276 „ 279 „ 279 „ 282 V. 274 „ 274 1. 331 „ 331 iii. 100 „ 100 „ 100 V. 3 3 V. 559 „ 559 „ 559 „ 559 „ 559 i. 252 ii. 463 vi. 348 M 348 i. 664 „ 666 „ 667 „ 666 „ 665 „ 6*^5 665, 667 i. 665 „ 667 „ 668 „ 665 „ 665 „ 667 „ 666 Leea Vol. Page ? herbacea, W&U i. 666 hirta, Eoxb „ 668 integrifolia, Rojeb „ 667 Zffita, Wall „ 666 loevis, Heyne „ 565 latifolia, W&W ., 664 macrophylla, JRoxb. ;, 664 ? macrophj/lla, DC „ 665 odontophylla, Wall „ 668 ottilis, DC „ 666 parallela, Wall „ 666 pinnata, Andrews „ 665 pumila, -K'ttrz „ 666 robusta, Roxh „ 667 rubra, Royle „ 665 sambucina, Willd ., 666 ? saiiguinea. Wall , 666 scabra, Steud „ 668 simplicifolia, Griff. „ 664 staphylea, Roxb „ 667 staphylea. Wall „ 666 trifoliata, Laics. „ 666 Leersia, Sir ' srii. 94 aristata, Roxb „ 95 australiSj^r M 94 ciliaris, Griff. „ 94, ciliata, Roxb „ 94 glaberrima, Trin ,. 94 hexandra, Sw , 94 mexicana, H. B. K „ 94 oryzoides, Sw » H Legnotide^e 1 i. 435 Legouixia amabilis,'Kxjie\\ — iii. 666 Leguminos^ i. 56 Leiocarpus serratus,^.^.^^^.. v. 346 LeiocaryaKotschyana,^Qc\i%t.XY. 154 Leiospermum ferrugineum, Wall iv. 726 ferrugineum, Wight „ 725 Leleba lineata, Rumph. ... vii. 393 Bumphiana, Kurz „ 393 Lemna, Linn vi. 556 arrhiza, Linn „ 558 cruciata, Roxb „ 557 gibba, Linn ... , 556 globosa, Roxb , 558 major. Griff. , 557 melanorrhiza, F. Muell. (^apsif Spirodel a) , 557 minor, Linn , 556 minor. Griff. , 556 obcordata. Ham „ 556 oligorrhiza, Kurz , 557 orbiculata, RoTih , 557 paucioostata, Hegelm. ... , 556 pleiorrhiza, F. Muell. (ia^jsw Spirodela) , 557 GENERAL INDEX. 657 Lemna polyrrhiza, Linn. trisuica, Linn sp., Griff. LEMNACEiE Le^icymmaa, FtbbI Lentibularie^ Leobordea lotoides, Del. Leonotis, Br nepetsQfolia, Br Leontodon eriopoditm, D. Don. eriopus, Spreng glaucescens, M. Bieb. ? Kunthianum, Wall. parvulum, WhII Leontoglossum scabrvjni, Hanoe i. Leontopoditim, Br '.. alpinum, Cass , himalayamim, DC monoceplialum, Edgew. .,, LeonnrTis, Linn Cardiacs, Zwm glohosus, Moench heterophyllus, Sweet indicus, Burm Marrubiastrum, Burm. ... pubescens, Benth Soyleanus, Benth sibiricus, Linn tartaricus, Burm Zeopardanthus scandens, Bl. Lepeocercis annulata, Nees ? digitata,'^eeB digitata, Roy le pertusa, Hassk serrata, Trin. ... Lepidadenia ferruginea, Miq. Grijlthii, Wight ovalifoUa, Wight Wiffhtiana, Nees Lepidagathis, Willd a/ristata, Nees Beddomei, T. Andert. calycina, Hochst ceylanica, JVees chlorostaohya, ^ees clavata, Dalz cristata, WiUd cristata, Wall ouspidata, JVees diffusa, Clarice dulcis, Nees dnlcis, Wall falcata, Wall fasciculata, Nees goenfiis, Dalz. grandijiora, Dalz Hamiltoniana, Wall. Vol .Page vi 557 557 M 557 vi 556 ii. 512 iv . 328 ii 64 iv 691 ,, 691 iii 401 M 401 401 M 369 40i 8 i. 31 iii 278 279 )i 279 279 iv. 677 ^j 678 691 )) 678 691 689 ^^ 678 678 678 >i 678 vi. 19 vii. 197 210 196 173 196 160 172 173 180 iv. 515 521 516 519 522 519 518 516 517 519 518 520 515 515 522 522 478 516 Lepidagathis hirta, Nees hyalina, Nees incurva, D. Don iridescens, T. Anders. linearis, T. Anders loDgifolia, Wight lutea, Dalz mitis, Dalz tnucronata, Nees Neesiana, Wight nervosa, Wight neurophylla, T. Anders... prostrata, Dalz pungens, iV^ees purpnrioaulis, A'ees rigida, Dalz riparia, Nees rupestris, Bedd rupestris, Nees scario sa, iVees semiherhacea, Nees Shuteo-i, T. Anders simplex, T. Anders spharostachya, Nees spinosa, Wight striata, Nees strobil.ifera, Stocks strobilina, T. Anders. ... subuninervia, Clarke terminalis, Hochst trinervis, Nees ustulata, Nees Walkeriana, Nees sp., Griff. sp., Hk. f. &T LEPIDINE.S: Lepidium, Linn. capitatum, HI: f. ^ T. ... chalepense, Schrenk Draba, Linn incisum, Edajew. latifolium, Linn repens, Boiss ruderaie, Linn. sativum, Linn. LEPlDOCARPE/t Lepidoconia trifoliatuw, Jungh Lepidopelma podocoA'pifolia, Klotz Lepidosperma, Labill. chinense, Nees Sf Mey. . . . zeylanicum, Nees Lepidostachys grandifolia, Planch Griffithiana, Planch. lanceolata, Tulasne Vol. Page 522 ii. 229 V. 266 vi. 676 „ 676 „ b74 v. 351 „ 349 „ 351. 658 GENERAL INDEX. Lepidostachys Vol. Page macrophylla, Tulasne V. 346 ? ohlonga, Wall ,, 348 parvifl,ora, Planch jj 350 Hoxburgliii, Hk. f. & T. ... 350 Rojoburghii, Wall !) 348 ?vaiosa,Wa.U 346 Lepidostemon, Hk. f. ^ T. i. 147 pedunoulosus, Hk. f. c^ T. )) 147 Lepigonum, Fries i. 244 Lepionurus, Bi i. 583 oblongifolius, Mast. ,, 583 Lepironia, Rich vi. 684 bancana, Miq ,, 680 ceylanica, Miq 5) 682 cuspidata, xMiq H83 humilis, Miq ,, 683 muoronata, Rich ,^ 684 palustris, Miq ',' 681 Lepisanthes, Bl. i. 679 BrownisiiMi, Hiern 680 cuneata, Hiern j^ 680 montana, Bl. 679 Lepistemon, £L iv. 216 Jlavescens, Bl 216 jiavescens, Wight !) 216 mttricatum, Spanog. 206 Wallichii, Qhois ^j 216 Lepta triphylla, hour. 1. 488 Leptacanthus alatus, Wight iv. 458 helicnides. Nee 8 J, 475 ruA ic itndits, Nees ^> 475 TFa?.fcm, Nees 475 T7aZA;eH, Wight )) 476 Leptadenia, Br iv. 63 appendiculata, Dene. J) 63 brevipes, Wight 63 gracilis. Dene ;) 64 imberbe, Wight 63 Jacquemontiana, Dene. ... „ 64 pyrotechnica, Done, J, 64 reticulata, W. ^ A. jj ^3 Spartinm, Wight ,, 64 Leptanthe macrostachya, Klotz iv. 177 Leptanthes verticillata, Wight V. 659 Leptaspis, Br vii 95 eochleata, TAiy 95 manillensis, Steud 95 ureeolata, Br 95 zeylanica,'Nee8 )) 95 Leptatherum Roijleanum, Nees vii 118 Leptobsea, Benth iv. 368 glabra, Clarke „ 368 multiflora, G'ambZe ,, 368 pubescens >) 368 Leptocarpaa Loeselii, DC. ... 1. 151 Leptoohloa, Beauv arabica, Knnth bipinnata, Hochst. ' calycina, Kunth chinen sis, iVees corotaandeliana, Steud. ... cynosuroides, R. & S. filif ormis, R. ^' • S filiformis, Beauv f' fusctty Kunth fifract7«s, Wight ? monastachya, R. & S. ... Neesii, Benth obtusiflora, Hochst ? panicoides, Wight ? pectinata, Kunth pectinata, Steud polystachja, Benth. polyatachya, Kunth ? racewiosa. Kunth tenen'ima, R. & S tripogonoides, Munro uniflora, Hochst verticillata, Kunth Wi/jhtiana, Nees sp., Wall Leptocnide borbonica, Bl. ... Leptocodon, iJfe. /. ^' T. ... gracilis, m. /. ^- r. Leptocoma racemosa. Less. ... Leptodermis, Wall Griffithii, Z?A:./. laneeolata, Wall seabrida, -ff/c. /. virgata, Edgew. sp. ? Leptodesmia, Benth congesta, Benth Leptolepis tibetica, Boeck. vi. Leptonema nielanthesioides, Maell Leptonium o b long i folium. Griff. Leptonychia, Turcz acuminata. Mast glabra, Tiircz moacurroides, Beddj. Leptopus cordifolius, Done. Leptorhabdos, Schrenk Benthamiana, Walp. linifolia, Walp parvijiora, Benth virgata, Benth. Leptospartion grandijiorum. Griff. Leptosperme.* Leptospermum, Forst. Vol. Papre vii. 297 „ 297 „ 325 „ 297 „ 299 „ 297 „ 299 „ 298 , 299 „ 329 „ 297 „ 293 „ 298 „ 299 „ 76 „ 294 „ 76 „ 298 „ 298 „ 298 „ 299 „ 286 „ 297 „ 295 „ 327 „ 298 V. 581 iii. 430 „ 430 in. 248 iii. 198 „ 198 „ 198 „ 199 „ 198 „ 199 1). 152 „ 152 660, 712 V. 328 i. 583 i. 378 „ 379 „ 379 „ 379 V. 284 iv. 303 „ 303 „ 304 „ 303 „ 303 Ji. 579 ii. 462 ii. 464 GENERAL INDEX. 659 Leptospermum amboinense, B^ Jlavescens, Sm fiorihundum, Jungh. javanicum, Bl. scalrum, Wall. stamineum, Wall Leptostachya dichotonm, Nees virgata, Nees Wallichii, Nees zeylanica,'SeeH Leptostemmafasciculatum, Bl hirsidum, Bl Lepturus, Br aciculatus, Stend fascicuiatus, Trin repens, Br Roxburghianns, Steiid. ... Lepurandra saccidora, Nimtn. Lepyrodiclis, Fenzl holosteoides, Penzl tenera, Boiss Leapedeza, 1/ic/i argyrcea, Sieb. & Zucc. ... hicolor, Tnrcz cuneata, G. Don decora,, Kitrz elegans, Cainh eUiptica, Benth eriocarpa, DC Gerardiana. Grah glomerata, Hornem. hirta, Elliott tndica, Spreng invohicrata. Wall jancea, Fers jtcncea, Wall ii kanaoo-ensis, Carnb lagopoides, Pers lineata, Pers macrostjla, Baker paniculata, Royle parviflora, Kurz -pinetorum, Kurz Royleana, Miq sericea, Miq sericea, Royle Thoinsoni, Benth tomentosa, Sieh va/riegata, Camb viatorum, Champ Lettsumia, Roxh adpressa, Miq aggregata, Eotcb., aryentea, 'Roxh atropurpurea, Clarke barbata, Clarke Vol. Page ii. 464 ,j 464 ?) 4fi4 461 407 )) 407 iv. 543 ,, 542 „ 542 5) 532 IV. 50 M 5) vii. 365 365 )> 153 365 JJ 365 V. 537 i. 241 5) 241 )5 242 ii. 142 >) 142 )> 143 142 ,j 144 ,, 143 .J 143 J J 144 )j 142 ■ J 143 143 .^ 220 !} 229 )J 142 . 94 ,142 ii. 142 >} 156 M 228 • J 143 144 J> 144 145 ^, 144 )> 142 144 144 )J 143 142 )J 143 iv. 191 196 191 J) 185 194 !> 195 Lettsomia barbigera, Clarke ... bella, Clarke Bona-nox, Roxb. bracteosa, Clarke capitata, Miq cuneata, Roxb cymosa, Roxb eJliptica, Wight elliptica, Wight hancornisefolia. Clarke hirsutissima, Clarke ? Kurzii, Clarke Maiogayi, Clarke mysoreDsis, Clarke ... nervosa, Hort nervosa, Roxb ornata, Roxb peguensis, Clarke ... penangiana, Miq. pomace a, Roxh rubeiis, Clarke rubicunda, Clarke ... setosa, Roxb sikkimeneig, Clarke ... speciosa, Roxb splendens, Roxb. Btrigosa, Roxl Thomsoni, Clarke ... unijiora, Roxb Leucaena, Benth glauca, Benth Leucas, jBr angnlaris, Benth. angustifoUa, Wall aspera, Spreng aspera, Hohen biflora, Br hijiora, Wall capitata, Desf. Cephalotes, Spreng. ... chinensis, Br ciliata, Benth Clarkei, Hk. f collina, Dalz decemdentata, Sm. ... decurva, Benth. ditfnsa, Benth dimidiata, Spreng. . . . dimidiata, Benth. ... eriostoma, Hk.f. flaccida, Br hamatula, Arn ? Haviilto7nava, Benth. Helferi, Hk.f. helianthemifolia, Desf. helianthemifolia, Benth. hirta, Spren J Vol. Page iv. 193 ?» 192 184 192 :» 193 191 55 190 192 55 195 196 >» 193 196 195 J J 192 >> 187 185 183 ); 193 196 ) , 188 H 195 195 ft 194 194 >> 185 t) 186 >J 193 193 55 184 ii. 290 5) 290 iv. 680 55 684 )« 682 55 690 55 691 683 683 55 689 689 55 68 L 55 687 688 55 681 684 55 688 55 689 691 55 690 5) 686 55 684 686 5» 682 5> 681 685 „ 687 55 687 660 GENERAL INDEX. Leacas ^ STol. Page Vol. Papre hyssopifolia, Benth iv. 690 Leucojum capitulatum, Lour. vi. 278 involucrata, Benth. ... ... „ 689 Leuoomeris, D. Don iii. 386 lamiifolia, Desf. „ 686 decora, Kurz ,, 387 lanata, Benth „ 681 macrophylla, DC J, 386 lanopsefolia, Des/. „ 685 spectabilis, D. Don )> 386 lanciformis, Wall „ 685 Leuconotis', Jacfc iii. 627 lavandulepfolia, Sm „ 691 anceps, Jack ,, 628 lepistoma, Hb. Wighr. ... „ 686 cuspidatus, Bl ,, 628 liuifolia, /Sprengr „ 690 eugenifolins, A. DC. ,, 627 longifolia, J5enf7i ,. 684 Griffithii, Hit. /. )» 628 marrnbioides, Desf. „ 683 Maingayi, Dyer ,, 628 marruhioides, Wall „ H84 Leucopoa sihirica, Griseb. ... vii. 355 martinicensis, Br „ 688 Leucopogon, R. Br iii. 477 melissajlora, Benth „ 684 mal ay anus, Jack ,, 477 melisstJBfoUa, Benth „ 684 woiitccanus. ScheflF. )) 477 memhranacea, Bentli. „ 680 Leucorchis, Bl vi. 121 mollissima, Wall „ 682 sylvatica,B\ )> 122 montana, Spreng „ 6S2 Leucosceptrum, Sw iv. 699 'iiiontana, Wight „ 682 canum, Sm J, 699 nepetaefolia, Benth „ 681 Leucostachys, Hoffm vi 111 nutans, Spreng „ 698 JLeucostemma latifolia, Benth. i. 231 ovata, Benth „ 682 Wehhiana, Wall J, 230 parviflora, Benth „ 634 Leucothoe, D. Don iii. 460 pilosa, Benth „ 633 Griffithiana, Clarke I) 460 Pluhenetii, Benth „ 690 ? katagherc7isis, DC 457 polycephala, Wall „ 688 Leucoxylum huxifolium, Bl.... iii. 559 procumbens, Desf. „ 683 ? Levisticum argutum, Lindl. ii. 699 procumhens, Thw „ 6 S3 Leycesteria, Wall iii. 16 pubeacens, £ewf/j „ 684 formosa, Wall >» 16 pubescens , Thyr „ 684 glauoophylla, Hk.f. » 16 rosmarinifolia, Benth. „ 685 Lhodra cratcegoides, Dene. ... iii. 573 rufescens, Benth „ 637 Liatris lohelioides. Wall. iii. 388 stelligera, Wall „ 686 Libanotus asiaticus, Stackh. i. 528 stricta, Benth „ 688 Libanus thurifera, Colebr. ... i. 528 strigosa, Benth n 6S2 Libocedrus macrolepis, Benth. V. 645 suffrui ioosa, Benth „ 685 Lichenora Jerdon^ana, Wight V. 787 teres, Benth „ 680 Licuala, Thunb vi. 430 terni folia, Desf „ 685 acntifida, Mart ,, 433 urticsefolia, Br „ 680 ferruginea, Becc >» 432 vestita, Benth ... „ 686 glabra, Griff. ,, 432 Walkeri, Benth „ 689 horrida, Bl ,, 431 Wightiana, Benth „ 690 Kingiana, 5ecc ,, 434 zeylanica, Br „ 689 Kunstleri, Becc ,, 433 zeijlanica, Dalz , 6S1 longipes, Griff. > 431 Leucohlepliaris subsessilis, raalayana, Becc ,, 431 Am iii. 276 modesta, Becc J, 433 Leucocasia gigantea, Schott vi. 524 paludosa. Griff. ,, 430 Leucoceph ala graminifoUa, paludosa, Kurz ,, 431 noxh vi. 582 peltata, Roxb ,, 430 spathacea, Roxb „ 578 pusilla, Becc „ 433 Leucococcus orientalis, Liebm. V. 588 ramosa, Bl )> 431 Leucocodon, Gardn iii. 93 Soortechini. Becc )) 434 reticulatum, Gorciw „ 94 spinosa, Wnrmb „ 431 Leucodermis {Leucoderis) triphylla, Griff. »» 432 javanica, Fl&nch i. 605 Lightfootia gracilis, Miq. ... iii 429 Lencodictyon malvensis, Dalz i Ligularia am'plexica^dis, DC iii 348 & Gios ii. 192 ; arnicoides, DO J) 351 GENERAL INDEX. 661 Ligularia Vol. Page arnicoides, Wall . iii. 332 corijmhosa, DC . „ 348 frujida, Schultz ... . .. „ 351 nana, Dene . „ 357 palmata, Hk. f. & T. . „ 331 pinnatijida, Hk. f. & T. . . „ 332 racemosa, DC . „ 3.50 reniformis, DC .. „ 331 retusa, DC . „ 350 sihirica, Case .. „ 350 sp., Hk. f. &T .. „ 331 Ligusticum, Linn. . ii. 698 Ajawain, Fleming ... . . „ 682 Ajouan, Roxb .. „ 682 angelicoides, Wall .. „ 703 Benthami, Wall . „ 703 Brunonis, Wall .. „ 706 Gandollii, Wall .. „ 703 coniifoUum, DC .. „ 700 dentatum,W&U .. „ 704 diffusiun, Boxb .. ., 693 elatnm, Clarke .. „ 698 Govaniamim, Wall .. „ 702 indicum, Wall .. „ 693 marginatnm, ClarJce .. „ 698 ? meoides, Jacqnem ... . .. „ 671 ? nepalense, D. Don .. „ 720 ohtusiusculum, Wall. .. „ 673 pumilum, Wall. .. „ 704 rotundatum, Wall .. „ 703 striatum, DC .. „ 699 Thomsoni. Clarke ... . .. „ 698 LiguBtrum, Linn .. iii. 614 hracteolatum, D. Don • ■ „ 617 Candolleanum, Bl . „ 615 Candolleanum, Done. .. „ 615 cgy'tanicum, Dene • „ 614 compaetura, Hk. J. Sf T. . .. „ 616 compactum, Dene .. „ 615 conf UBum, Dene .. „ 616 Decaisnei, CUrke ... . .. „ 616 grandyiorum, Wall. ... .. „ 617 kumaonense, Dene .. „ 617 loAirifoUum, Roxh .. „ 618 lucidum, AitoTi . „ 615 Massalongianum, Vis. . .. „ 616 microphyllum, Wight .. ., 616 •micro phyllum, Bedd. .. „ 616 Myrsinites, Dene .. „ 617 neilgherrenBe, Wight .. „ 615 neilgherrense, Dene. .. „ 616 nepalense, Wall .. „ 617 parvijlorum, VIb -• „ 617 Perrottetii, A. DC „ 615 puhescens. Wall . „ 614 punctatum, Griff. . „ 614 robaetum, Bl .. „ 614 Vol. Pflge iii. 615 614 616 615 617 617 617 614 617 616 iii. 614, 616, 617 vi vi Ligustrnm robustum, Bedd. rohustum^ Thw. rohiistum, Wall, Roxburghii, Clark spicatum, Ham. Uva-ursi, Dene. vestitum, Wall. Walkeri, Dene. ... Wallichii,^]. sjp., Griff. sp., Hk. f. & T. Liliacea, Griff. LlLlACE^ Liliam, Linn BakerianumjJfemsZ. ^ Coll. Bafiswa, Ham claptonense, Hort eordifolium, D. Don giganteum, Wall Hoofceri, Baker lovffiflorum, Wall longifolium, Griff. Lowii, Baker Metzii, Steud nanam, Klotz neilgherrenBe, Wight neilgherrense, Hemel. & Coll neilgherricum, Lem. nepalense, D. Don nepalense, Coll. & Hemsl. ochroleucum, Wall oxypetalum. Baker polyphyllum, D. Don primulinum, Baker pi(,7ictatum, Ja,cq roseum, Wall roseam, Wall stylosum, Klotz sulphnreum, Baker Thomsonianum, Roijle ... TJwmsonianum, Lindl. ... triceps (lapsu Fritillaria), Klotz. ...^ tuhiflorum, Wight Wallichiannm, SchuUes f. Wallichianum, Wight Limaoia, Lour Amherstiana, Miers cuepidata, Hk.f. ^ T. ... distincta, Miers inornaia, MievB oblonga, Miers triandra, Miers velntina, Miers Wallichiana, Miers Limatodes gracilis, Lindl. ... 662 GENERAL INDEX. Limatodes Vol Page Limnophila Vol P-igft lahrosa, Rohb. f V. 856 refiexa, Benth iv. 270 mishmensis, Lindl. & Paxt . 817 repens, Benth 266 rosea, Lindl 856 Roxburghii, G. Don 265 Limeum, Lhi77 664 Roxhurghii, Benth. . .. 271 indicam, Stocl-s 6S4 seirata, Benth 266 Limnanthemtim, S. P. Gmel 131 ser rata, Gsiud 266 aurantiacnm, Dalz 132 sessiliflora, Bl 270 hiliorum,T!hw 132 sessilitiora, Griff. 272 calycinum, Miq 132 tillseoide.-, m-. / 27a cristatum, Griseh 131 trifida, Spreng 271 Forbesianniu, Griseh. 132 viilifera, M.iq 266 indicum, Thw 131 Limnophyton, Miq vi. 560 Kleiniamim, Griseh. 131 obtusifolium, Miq 560 Moomi, Thw 132 LimodorumangustifoUuin,'S.Si\ Ti.vi. 13 nymphseoides, Link 131 aphyllum, Roxb V. 739 parvifolium, 6fnse6. 132 hicallosum, Ham vi. 196 Wightianum, Griseh. 132 hicolor, Roxb 2 Limnochloa. Nees ... vi. 625 ,628 hideuUtuni, Wiild 197 acutangula, Nees vi. 627 hracteatum, Roxb V. 818 media, Nees 627 callostim, B\ 817 plantaginea, Nees ... ..'. 626 candidum, Roxb vi. 18 spiralis, "Nees 627 carinatum, Willd V. 856 tumida, Nees 626 clavatum,, Wiild vi. 66 Limnogeton [Limogetnn) sp., cowplana^um, Willd. ,, 41 Edgew vi. 564 duhium, Ham J, 4 Limnophila, Br iv. 265 ensatum, Thnnh „ 14 h&laame&, Benth ,, 266 epidendr aides, Willd. jj 1 Borthamiana, Miq jj 271 Flos neris, Sw ;) 28 campanula ides, Benth. ... „ 80 graminifolimn, Ham. V. 857 ca^nphorata, Benth 267 liliiflorum, Willd vi 198 cana, Gri_f. 269 longifalium. Ham ,, 12 chamisdrifolia, G. Don ... 273 longifalium, Koxb J, 13 conferta, Benth 266 nutans, Roxb >) 16 diffusa, Benth 266 pusillum, Willd 37 diffusa, G. Bon 267 ramentaceum, Roxb. ^^ 4 elongata, Benth 271 recurvum, Roxb J, 17 ereota, Benth 267 retusum. 8w ^j .32 gratioloides, Br 271 roseum, D. Don ,, 124 gratissima, JB^ iv. 26S 273 spathulatum, Willd. )) 51 Griffithii, m-. / iv. 271 striatum, Reinw V. 854 Helferi, ^A-. / ji 269 sululatum, Willd vi. 44 heterophylla , Benth. 270 Tanhervillix, Roxb V. 816 hirsuta, Benth ^^ 26S veratrifolium,, Willd. ^^ 851 hypericifolia, Benth. 269 virens, Sw. vi. 1 hrjssopifolia, Roth ,, 272 Limonia, Linn i. 507 laxa, Benth 267 acidissima, Linn }> 507 laxa, Benth 267 &\&ta.,W.^A 508 Menthastrum, 'Benth. 265 alternans. Wall J 508 miorantha, Benth 267 alternifolia, Kurz 508 'myriophylloideSf'Roth. ... 271 ? angustijolia. Wall, j> 500 polyantha, Kurz 263 arhorea, Roxb 500 polystaohya, Benth. j^ 269 hilocularis, Roxb )j 508 pulcherrima, jff/c. /. 5J 267 ? caudafa. Wall )) 513 punctata, Bl iv. 268 273 citrifolia, Roxb 510 ? punctata, Vahl iv. 266 crenulata, Roxb )) 507 py gm sea, H/c. /. )) 268 diacantha, DC 507 racemosa, Benth 271 ? Jiavicans, Weill ,, 508 GENERAL INDEX. 663 Limonia Vol. Page Lindera Vol. Page grandiflora. Wall. ... ... i. 510 malaccensis, F/t-. / V. 183 Laureola, DC „ 499 Meissneri, King „ 182 Laureola, Wall. ,, 499 melastomacea, Benth. v. 185, 862 leptostachya. Jack i. 492, V. 378 Neesiana, Benth „ 186 missionis, Wall. 510, 512 ,513 7i ervosa, Kurz „ 161 rmssionis, Wight ... i. 513 oxyphylla, Benth „ 183 mollis, Wall ,, 504 pulcherrima, Benth. ,, 185 monophylla, Linn. .. ,, 512 reticulata, Benth „ 183 oblo7iga, Wall i. 508 510 ? sikkimeneis, Meissn. ... „ 187 oligandra, Dalz. ... i. 497 triloba, Hk. f . & T ^ „ 186 pentagyna, Roxb. ,. 508 venosa, Benth ., 184 pentagyna, Roxb. ,, 531 Linderniajaponica, Thnnb. iv. 259 pentaphylla, Retz. .. ,, 500 Kitaibelii, G. Don „ 281 ? pubescens, Wall... ,, 507 ? micrantha, D. Don „ 283 pnsilla, Gaertii ,. 191 pyxidaria, All „ 281 retusa, D. Don ,, 508 sesamoides, Spreng. „ 273 scandews, Roxb ,, 509 LlNE^, i. 409 trifoliata, Linn. ,, 507 Linociera, Swartz iii. 607 Limosella, Linn. ... iv. 288 acuminata, Wall „ 610 aqnatica, Litm. >> 288 albid ifl o ra, CJarfce „ 608 diandra, Linn ,, 288 continifolia, Vahl ,. 611 Linaria, jwss ... iv. 251 dicliotoma. Wall „ 608 cabulica, Beidh. ... „ 251 insignis, Clarke „ 610 inoana, Wall ,, 252 intermedia, Wight „ 609 minor, Desj ,, 252 laxijlora, Bl „ 610 ramosissima, Wall. ... ,, 251 leprocarpa, Clarke „ 608 Roylei, Chav ,, 261 ? loranthifolia,Wsi\l. „ 611 splianrocarpa, Benth. ,, 252 maorophylla. Wall. „ 610 striata, DC ... ,, 251 malabarica. Wall „ 607 triphylla, Mill. n 251 minutiflora, Clarke „ 610 Lindelofia, Lehm. ... iv. 159 M^ielleri, V. Heurck M 611 anchusoides, Lehm. ... ,, 161 ? oblonga, Wall „ 609 Benthami, Hfc. /. ... „ 159 pauciflora, Clarke „ 609 speotabilis, Lehm. ... >) 159 paucijlora. Wall „ 609 Lindenbergia, Lehm. ... ... iv. 261 purpurea, Vahl ., 608 abyssinioa, Hochst. ... M 262 ramijl or a . Wal I . „ 611 grandiflora, Benth. ... ,, 261 o'ostrata, Thw „ 608 Griffithii, m-. /. 262 tenuiflora. Wall ,. 611 Hookeri, Clarke ... >, 261 terniflora, Wall „ 610 macrostachya, Benth. 2ri2 Wightii, Clarke „ 608 philippensis, Benth. ,. 261 sp.Rk.t.&T „ 610 polyantha, Boyle ... ,, 262 Linostoma, Wall V. 197 siamensis, Miq M 262 decandrum, Wall „ 198 urticBE folia, Lehm. ... ,, 262 pauciflorum, Griff. „ 198 sp., Hk. f. &T. ... J> 261 scandens, Kurz „ 198 Lindera, Thunh. ... .. . V. 182 862 siamense, Kurz „ 198 assamica, Kurz ... V. 182 Linnm, Linn i. 410 bifaria, Benth >» 184 Cicanobum, D. Don „ 412 bootanioa, Meissn. ... 186 corymbulosum, Rchb. „ 411 Cauda ta, Bewt/i. ... ,, 184 humile, Heyne „ 411 citriodora, Hk. f. {Ape 'ula. humile, Mill „ 411 Bl.) ,, 183 mysorense, Heyne „ 411 Gvi^thW, Meissn 187 perenne, Linn. „ 411 heterophylla, Meissn. ,, 186 repens, D. Don „ 412 Hooker i^ Meissn, 156 Stocksianum, Boiss „ 411 Kingii, ma. i ... ,, 183 striatum, Linn „ 411 latifolia, m. /. »» 183 tetragynum, Colebr. 412 664 GENEEAL INDEX. Linum Vol. tri^ynum, Roxb i. trinervium, Hohen „ trinerviuin, Roth „ usitatissimum, Linn. ... „ Liparis, Sich v. acuminata, Hk, f. v. 696, vi alata, A. Rich v. angustifolia, Thw „ atropiirpurea, Lindl. ... „ atropurpuTetty Wight ... ,, auriculata, Rchb. f „ barbata, Lindl. „ Beddomei, Ridl „ bidentata,Gr\S. ... ... „ biloba, Wight ,, bistriata, Par. ^ Rchh.f. „ bituberculata, Lindl. ... „ bootanensis, Griff, v. 700, vi. bootanensiSj'Ridl v. ? Boothii, Regel „ brae hyglot tis, i2c/ib. /. ... „ hracteosa, Wall ,, caspitosa, Ridl ,, campjlostalix, i?c?ib. /. ... ,, Cathcartii, Hk.f. ,, compressa, Lindl „ condylobulbon, Rchb. f. ... „ cordifolia, Hk.f. ,, Cumingii, B,id\. ,, Dalzellii, Hk.f. „ decurrens, Ridl. decursiva, Kchb. f. deflexa, Hfc. /. ... delicatula, Hk.f. densiflora, A. Rich diodou, Rchh. f. diphyllos, Niramo distans, Olarke ... disticha, Lindl. Dolabella, Hk. f. Duthiei, Hk.f. ... elegans, Lindl. „ elliptica, Wight „ ferrnginea, LmdZ „ flaccida, Rchh. f. v. 703, vi. Oamblei, IZfc. /. v. Glossula, -Rc/ib. /. „ gracilis, -Hfc. /. vi. gregaria, Lindl v. Griffithii, Ridl. ... v. 700, grossa, .Kc?i6. /. v. Hookeri, Ridl „ ? intermedia, A. Rich. ... „ Jovispluvii, Par. ^ iJc^ib. ,, lacerata, Ridl ,, lancifolia, Hfc. /. ,, latifolia, Lindl. v. 703, vi. V. 707, vi. V. 697, vi. V. ... VI. 704, vi. ... V. ... vi. ... V. Page 412 411 410 410 691 .181 707 701 698 695 701 707 699 702 696 182 700 703 699 782 701 706 704 692 707 698 705 183 181 705 691 693 152 183 706 183 701 699 704 697 182 693 663 182 706 702 707 704 690 697 702 700 182 Liparig livida, Royle livida, Lindl. longipes, Lindl. luteola, Lindl. ... macrantha, Hk, f. macrocarpa, Hk. f. Mannii, Rchh. f. mucronata, Lindl. nepalensis, Lindl. nervosa, Lindl. ... ? nesophila, Rchb. f oboordata, Vahl obscura, Hk. f. ... odontostoma, Rchb. f. odorata, Lindl... olivaoea, Lindl. olivacea, Wight orbicularis, Lodd pachypus, Par. ^' Rchb. f. paradoxa, Rchb. f. Pariehii, Hk.f. parvijiora, Ridl. pendula. Lindl. perpusilla, Hk. f. plantaginea, Lindl. platyphylla, Ridl. ^platyraohis, Hk. f Prainii, Hk.f ... priochilus, Lodd pulohella, Hk. f. pnsiUa,, Ridl. ... rejiexa, Lindl. ... resupinata, Ridl. Ridleyi, Hk.f. ... robusta, Hk. f. .. ro St rata, Rclih. f. rupestrie, Griff, rupestris, Ridl. ... Scortechini, Hk. f. selligera, Ridl. .. serrceformis, Lindl. spathulata, Lindl. stachyurus, Rchh. f. Btenoglossa, Par. ^Rchh.f. Stricklandiana, Rchh.f. tenuifolia, Hk. f. Thwaif esii, Hk. f. torta, Hk. f. Trimenii, Ridl. tristis, Lodd. venoBS, Ridl. ... veetita, Rchh. f. viridiflora, Lindl. Walkeriae, Grah. Walkerice, Wight Wightiai a, Thiv. Wightii, Rchb. f. Vol Page V. 707 699 703 704 704 5> 696 701 '' 706 693 vi. 182 V. 703 7 07 "v. 701 ,'vi . 182 r V. 707 698 5> 694 699 )> 702 hb. "f. >>^ 700 V. 697 > vi . 181 vi. 182 .. V. 704 703 706 ... jj 702 55 695 706 55 700 . )J 690 )) 693 701 \i. 183 V. 7^5 5 ^i 183 V. 705 vi. 182 V. 5» 6^4 692 ^J 694 V. 703 vi 182 . V. 702 vi. 41 V. 703 >> 707 chb.f. ?> 697 •/. >5 707 vi. 182 V. 692 5 vi 181 . vi. 182 . ... V, 695 708 . ... 5- 5" 695 703 704 698 699 ." v."'692, 695 V. 704 GENERAL INDEX. 665 Liparis Vol. Page Litsaea Vol. ^m Wrayii, m-./. vi. 181 Beddomei, Hlv. f v. zeylanica, Eidl. v. 708, vi .183 Blnmii, Jhk.f. (vide Tetran- Lipocarpha, Br vi. 667 thera) „ 160 arsfentea, Br )) 667 caatanea, JHfc. /. „ 171 foliosa, Miq 677 caulijlora, Moon (vide Icevigata, Nees >> 667 Tetranthera)... „ 167 tnicrocephala, Kunth 668 ohartacea, Wall. „ 170 microcephala, Hanoe >j 663 cjiinensis, Lamk „ 158 ephacelata, Kunth M 667 citrata, Bl ,, 155 triceps, Nees n 667 citrata, Herb. Calo „ 156 ZnlUngeriana, Boeok. )j 668 consimilis,l^eea „ 179 sp,, Wall vi. 587, 602 667 cordata, Hk. f. ,, 177 Lippaya telephioides, Endl. iii. 42 coriacea, Hk. f. „ 166 Lippia, Linn. iv. 563 ? Cuipala,'Seea „ 178 geminata, H. B. K. „ 563 elongata, Benth. ^ Hk. f. 165 nodiflora, jRic/i )) 563 ferruginea, Bl „ 160 Liquidambar Altingia, B]. ... ii. 429 firma, m-./. „ 162 Altingiana, B\ )> 429 foliosa, Nees ,, 178 tricuspis, Miq M 429 furfuracea, Nees ,, 178 Liriodendron grandiji(yrum, fuscata, 77iw „ 178 Roxb , ... i. 41 Gardneri, Meissn „ 176 liliifera, Roxb J5 40 geminata, Bl ,, 158 Liriope spicata, Lour vi. 270 glaberrima, fffc. /. „ 173 Lisianthus zeylanicus, Spreng. iv. 97 glahraria, Juss. „ 158 Listera, Br vi. 103 180 glabrata, if fc. /. „ 174 micrantha, Lindl vi. 104 gracilipes, if fc. /. „ 159 ovata, Br M 104 grandis, Hk. f ... „ 162 pinetorum, Lind/. >> 104 Helferi, ifA;. / „ 172 reniformis, D. Don 152 Hookeriana, Hk. f. „ 166 tenuis, Lindl » 104 iteodaphne, Thw ,, 173 Lithagrostis Lacryma-Johi, ? khasiana, Meiaen „ 169 Gaertn vii 100 khasyana, iiA;. /. „ 164 Lithospermum, Li7in iv. 174 khasyana, Hb. Calo. ... „ 164 arvense, Linn jj 174 Kingii, HA;. /. „ 156 disperrmim, Linn >) 166 Kurzii, King „ 164 echiotdes, Benth >> 170 laeta, Benth. Sc Hk. f. ... „ 169 elongatum, Done 170 IcBvis, JUSB. ,, 158 euchromon, Royle >) 177 lanoifolia, ift. /. „ 159 heliotropoides, Forsk. » 149 lanuginosa, Nees „ 178 hispidissimum, Lehm . 176 leiantha, if A;. /. „ 170 hispidum, Forsk >) 150 leiantha (error for leio- leucophlaeum, Sohweinf. ... 152 phylla) „ 154 moUTcioides, Done ji 170 leiophylla, ifA;. /. „ 910 oflBcinale, Linn. )) 175 ligustrina, Trim „ 158 ovalifolium, Done, 171 longifolia, Benth. ^ Hk. f. „ 167 retortum, Pallas II 166 longipes, Meissn „ 172 secundijlorum, Done. 170 macrophylla, Kurz „ 151 tenuiflorum, Linw. /. 11 175 Maingayi, m. /. „ 175 vestitum, Wa,U. II 176 Mannii, King „ 180 viridijlorum, Roxb i; 146 martabanioa, fl&. /. „ 164 Litssea, Lamk r. 155 Meissneri, S'fc. /. „ 169 albicans, if fc. /. t) 171 membranif olia, ifA;. /. ... „ 159 amara, Bl >j 163 mishmiensis, S'A;. /. „ 161 amhigua, Meissn >i 153 monopetala, Pore „ 162 anguktifolia, Hk. f. »i 169 multiflora, Bl „ 158 angustifolia, Kurz JI 152 myristicsefolia, Hk./. ... „ 172 assamica, Hfc. /. 161 nemoralis, Trim „ 167 VOL. VII. X X 666 GENERAL INDEX. Litsaea nemoralis, Trim. nitida, Hk. f nuculanea, Hk. f. oblonga, Wall ohlonga, Nees obovata, Nees oleoideB, i?A;./. orbicularis, Thw. or eophilsi, Hk. f. ovalifolia, Trim. PanamoDJa, Hfe. /. ... penangiana, Hk. f. ... petiolata, Ek. f. platyphylla, Pers. polyantha, Jtiss. rangoonensie, Hk. f. rugosa, Kurz salicif olia, Hlc. f. scrohiculata, Meissn. Be bif era, Pers semeoarpif olia, Hk. f. serioea, Hk. f. BesBiflora, Hk. f. Stooksii, Hk.f. striolata, Bl striolata, Meissu. Tetranthera, Mirb. ... Thorn sonii, Hk. f. ... tovaentoBBb, Heyne .. trinervia, Jnss nrabrosa, Nees undulata, Hk.f . velutina, Bl renulosa, Hk. f. Wallichii, H&. /. Wightiana, Benth. ^ Hk. zeylanioa, G. Sf T. Nees LiTSEACBiE Livistona, Br chinensis, Br cochinchinensis, Mart. Diepenhorstii, Teysm. Jenkinsiana, Gri^. ... Kingiana, Becc. sinensis, Mart Bpeciosa, Kurz spectabilis, Griff. ... . Lloydia, Salish alpina, SaliBb himalensis, Royle kunawarensis, Royle longiscapa, Hook serotina, Rchh. Zohhia dependens. Planch. . Lobelia, Linn affiniB, Wall alata, Heyne Vol. Page V. 166 )) 174 166 3) 168 178 JJ 153 35 175 35 153 156 33 173 >» 175 171 ^j 171 158 33 162 163 180 ;; 167 3, 178 157, 158 V. 165 156 160 176 178 180 158 170 157 178 179 158 180 161 160 177 178 116 434 434 434 436 435 435 434 465 435 354 354 354 356 354 354 74 423 424 425 Lobelia anceps, Linn. f. arenarioides, A. DC. aromatica, Moon begoniiefolia, Wall. ... ctsspitosa, Bl campanuloides, Thunb. chenopodifolia, Wall. chinensis, Lour. CUffortiana, Linn. ... colorata. Wall decurrens. Both dichotoma, Miq dopatrioides, Kurz ... ereota., Hk. f. 8f T. ... excelsH, Leschen. frutescens, Linn. gratioloides, Roxb. ... Griffith!, Hk. f. ^ T Heyniana, R. & Sch. hirta, Wight Horsfieldiana^ Miq. ... Lohhiana, Hk. f . & T. micrantha. Hook, microcarpa, Clarke ... raiBhmica, Clarke montana, Reinw. niootianaefolia, Heyne Numimdaria, Lamk. Plumieri, Burm. Plumieri, JAnxi ? pumila, A. DC. purpurascens, Wall. ... pyramidalis, Wall. ... radicana, Thunh. roBea, Wall Seha, A. DC stipularis, Roth suhcuneata, Miq. subincisa, Wall. subracemosa, Miq. Taccada, Gaertn. terminalis, Clarke ... trialata, Ham triangulata, Roxb. ... trichandra, Wight. ... trigona, jRoajb trigona, Hk. f. 425 424 33 426 427 5> 421 423 424 425 424 422 35 424 426 424 426 J, 423 55 427 422 33 421 421 55 428 426 55 426 425 55 427 425 ,j 423 5J 424 55 425 55 425 421 55 4-24 425 55 423 427 35 423 425 425 «> 425 425 426 5> 426 425 55 424 5) 423 iii. 422 A. V.316 GENEEAL INDEX. 667 Vol. Page Lohojphyllum tetrandrum, F. Muell iv. 144 Lodicularia capensis, Nees vii. 153 fasciculata, Beauv !> 153 fastigiata, Beauv 153 Hamiltoniana, Nees >} 154 laxa, Nees 153 peruviana, Meyen ,, 153 Loejiingia indica, Retz. i. 245 L0GANIACE.E iv. 78 Lolitim, Linn vii. 364 annuum, Lamk >) 364 arvense. With 364 coelorachis, Forst >; 365 italicum, A. Br. 364 multifiorum, Lamk !5 364 perenne, Linn. )> 365 rigidum, Gaud ,, 364 rohustiim, Rchb 13 364 speciosum, Stev 364 temulentnm, Linn jj 364 -ywZgrare, Host ... !S 365 Lomatogonium carinthiacum, A.Br iv. 120 Lomatolepis, Cass iii. 417 glomerata, Cass „ 417 Lonchomera, HJc. f.^T. ... leptopoda, fifc./. |- r. ... i. 93 ,j 94 Lonicera, itnn iii. 9 acnminata, JFall n 10 ' alpigena, Linw 15 anguBtifolia, Wall. .. ... J> 13 asperif olia, Zf^t. /. ^ T. ... ,, 11 hracteata, Royle j> 11 cTiinensis, Royle „ 16 confusa, Royle }> 16 confusa, DC )) 16 decipisns, Hfe. /. ^ r. ... 5> 14 depressa, ^oyle 13 discolor, Lindl 55 15 diversifolia, Wall >> 14 elliptica, Royle » 14 Finlaysoniana, Wall. >> 16 glabrata, TFaZi >> 10 glauca, m./. ^ T. >> 11 glaucophylla, Hk. f. & T. >> 16 Govaniana, Wall » 15 gracilis, Kxxrz JJ 16 heterophylla, Dene. 15 hispida, PaZZ )> 11 hypoleuca, Dene 5> 14 japonicayliima 10 japonica. Wall )) 10 lanceoj^ata, Wall 14 Leschenaultii, Wall. )) 10 ligustrina, Wall )> 12 longifolia, Royle )) 16 X Lonicera Loureirii, Hk. f. & T. macrantha, DC micropliylla, Willd. mollis, Wight Myrtillus, Kk.f.&T. ... obovata, Royle orientalis, LamJc ovata, Ham oxyphylla, Edgew parvifolia, Edgew pnrpurascens, Hlc. f. ^ T. quiDquelocularia, Hardiv. Royleana, Wall rupicola, HTc.f.^T. sericea, Royle Sieversiana, Bunge spinosa, Jac^wem stipulata, Hk. f . & T. tomentella, Hh. f. ^ T. ... Wehhiana, Wall Wightiana, Wall sp., GriflF. LoNICEREiE Lontanus domestica, Rumph. liophathertiin, Brongn. duhiwtn, Stend. elatum, Zoll. & Mor. graoile, Brongn japoni cum, Stend Lehmanni, Nees multijiorum, Steud. Lophiocarpus guayanensis, Mich Lophocolea, Rchb phleoides, Rchb Lopholepis, Dene ornithocephala, Steud. ... Lophopetalum, Wight celastroides, Laws. dabium, Laws filiforme, Laws fimbriatum, Wight floribtmdum, Wight grandijioriom, Arn javanum, Turcz lucidum, Wight ovatum, Presl pallidum, Laws reflexum, Laws Wallichii, Kurz Wightianura, Arn Lophophyllum, GriJ^. bicristatum, Grijf. i, Lophopogon, Hack Kingii, H&./. tridontatuB, Hack sp., Wall 2 Vol. Pasre Vll Vll. i. 561 309 309 98 98 614 615 616 616 615 616 608 615 608 615 615 616 615 615 i. 105 105, 595 vii. 149 149 149 149 668 GENERAL INDEX. Lophopyxis, Hh. /. Maingayi, Hk. f. Lophostylis javanica, Miq. LOEANTHACE* Lorantlms, Linn. albidus, Bl amplexicaulis, Wall. amplexifolius, DC. ... ampnllaceus, Roxh, ampullaceus, Wall. ... Arnottianus, Korth. Arnottianus, Wight exanthxis, Korth. hicolor, Boxb. ... ... hifloruSy Desr Blumeanus, Wight ... bracteatus, Heyne ... hracteaUis,lL)C BrandisianuB, Kurz huddleioides, Dear. ... huddleioides, Thw. ... Candolleanus, Hoh. CandolleannSy W. & A. capitellatns, W. ^' A. carinatulus, Wall. ... carnosMS, Wall. ... carnosus, Wight cinnamomeus, Wall. ? clavatus, Roxb. clavigerus, Wall. coccineiiB, Jaclc coccineus, Hook. concavifoUus, GriflF. contractus, Wall, cordifolius, Wall. ... coriaceus, Desr. Corynitis, Spreng. ... crassus, Hh. f. cuneatns, Heyne cuneatusy Wall, elasticus, Desr. elatus, Edgevj elegans, Wall ele^itheropetalus, Kurz ensifolius, Thw. erythrostachyus, Wall. Euphorbioe, Wight ... falcatus, Linn. f. farinosus, Desr. ferruginens, Roxh. ... Finlaysonianus,W&\\. ? Jirmns, Wall. formosus, Bl , ? fuscus, Bl Gardner!, Thw. globosas, Soxh. goodenio'Jlorus, DC. ... Vol Pa^e ... V. 476 476 ... i. 208 ... V. 203 ... V. 203 ... ,, 222 ... ,f 215 215 ... 220 ... ,, 221 222 ... ;, 207 204 ... J, 215 222 ... y, 205 213 ... ,, 212 219 ,, 209 ... ,, 209 ... ,, 213 214 ... J, 221 . . . ,, 220 ... ), 211 ... ;; 217 209 ... yy 212 212 ... y, 206 205 209 ... ;, 216 ... J, 209 ... ), ?,?,?, 212 ... ]) 217 214 ... ,) 210 216 ... J) 212 215 ... jj 208 206 V. 206 ,223 ... V. 216 „ 215 . . . jj 216 210 „ 216 • • • >> 222 220 •• • >> 210 . . . fy 218 >) 220 » 214 Loranthus gracilifiorus, Wall. ... heteranthns. Wall. ... hexapetalus, Ham. ... Heyneanus, Schnlt. ... Heyneanus, Wall. Heynii, DC Hookerianus, W. Sf A. hypoglauous, Kurz imhricatuSy Edgew. intermedins, Wight involucratns, Roxh. Kanneli, Sohult. KoenigianiiSy Agardh Isevigatus, Wall, lageniferus, Wight ... La^nhertianuSy Sohult. leptayithuSy DC. leptanthus, Wall. leucosiphon, Griff. ... ? ligulatus, Thic. 1 i gu strinu s , Wall. . . . ligustrinus, Hk. f . & T. lineatuSy Edgew. Lobbii, m-./. lohelicejiorus, DC. lonchiphyllus, Thw. longiflorus, Desr. loniceroides, Linn. ... macrophyllus, Zenk. Maingayi, HI: f. malaccensis, HJc.f. ... memecylifolius, W. Sf Mitchelii, Wall. montanusy Wight neelgherrensis, W. 8c nodiflorus, Thw. obovatus, Griff. ohovatus, Bl ohtectus, Wall obtusatus. Wall. odoratus, Wall. oleifoliuSyWall. oleoideSy DC Oortianus y Korth. ... pallenSy Wall Parishii, Hk. f. pentandrus, Linn. ... pentapetalus, Roxh. polycarpus, Wall. ... polystachyuSy Wall. ... psilanthus, jfffc. /. ... pulcher, DC pulverulentus, Wall. puniceuSy Wall. pyrifolius, Wall. racemiferuSy Wall. ... recurrus, Wall. Vol. Pag© V. ... ,, AW 208 204 ... ,7 213 209 ... J) 209 207 220 215 205 ... ,, 218 223 ... ,, 215 209 ... 218 223 211 211 222 214; 207 ... ,, 208 215 ... ,, 204 214 ... ,, 215 214 ... ,. 221 221 ... ,) 222 210 A. " 217 ... ,, 223 214 A. ]'y 216 ... ,) 204 ... ,, 223 209 209 205 204 ... ,, 221 220 210 220 ... ,) 205 y. 216, 223 „ 206 223 ... V. 206 205 222 205 211 ... ,, 223 209 ... ,, 206 r.213 223 GENERAL INDEX. 669 Loranthus repandiis, Bl retusns, Jack retusus, Wall rhopalocarpus, Kurz rkjidus, Wall rufidulus, WslU rugulosus, Heyne Barcophyllns, Wall Scliuliesii, Bl scleropbyllap, ITity Scnrrala, Liwn. Scurnda, DC serrulat'iis, Roxb siamensis, Kurz speciosus, Wall. sphcero carpus, Bl sphenoideus, Bl Stooksii, m-. / suhglohosus, Wall suborbicularis, Una. terrestris, Hlc. f. .terrestris, Heyne tetranil/rus, Hey Be thelocarpus, Hfc. / tomentosue, Heyne iomentosus, Wight ' tvlgonnB, W. <^ A turhinatus, DC umhellatus, Heyne umbellatus^W&W umbellifer, Schultz .... ... umhellifer, Brand vestitns, Wall viridifior^ts, Wall viscifolius? Wight Walliohianus, Schultz WighUanus,Ws\\ wightii, m-. /. sp., Hk. f. & T. V. 209,211, Loropetalnm, Br. chinense, Oto LOTE^ Lotonionis, DG Leobordea, Benth Lotns, Linn hracteatics , V^ ail cornicnlatus, Linn PGarcini, DC indicus, Desv major, Scop Stocksii, BoisB Loudetia ha/i'hata, A. Br. Lourea, Neclc oampanulata, Benth. microphylla, WaU obcordata, Desv panioulata, Wall Vol. Page V. 209 ,, 219 )) 217 JJ 210 216 J) 209 223 >) 217 210 ,, 214 )) 208 209 J) 223 223 )J 205 5J 221 209 >J 213 )} 220 )) 214 n 207 205 5) 205 211 J) 212 )> 213 219 J) 223 221 ,, 211 )> 211 212 ,, 212 55 221 55 223 55 204 55 215 55 207 213 ,222 ii. 428 55 428 ii. 57 ii. 64 55 64 ii. 91 55 91 91 ,, 91 55 63 91 91 vii 272 ii. 154 155 55 154 154 154 Lourea Vol. Page reniformis, DC. ii. 154 Vespertili onis, -Dest;. „ 154 Lowia, Scort. ... vi. 263 longiflora, Scort 5J 264 Loxanthus Gomezii, Nees iv. 511 , 514 Loxocarpus, Br iv. 352 alata, Br 55 352 Loxocoocas, H. Wendl. ^'Dr. vi. 413 rupicola, B. Wendl. .f Dr. ,, 413 Loxonia? alata, Wall iv. 352 ? decurre7is, Bl 55 370 Loxostemon, Hk. f. cf T. ... i. 139 pulchellas, iife. /. ^ r. ... 55 139 Loxostigma, Clarke iv. 344 Griffithii, Clarke 55 344 Loxotis interfile dia, Benth. iv. 367 ohliqua, Benth ,, 367 ohliqua, Br j, 367 Luccea ciliata, Steud vii 146 gracilis, Kunth ^j 146 Langsdorffiana, Stend. „ 146 major, Steud 55 146 plumbea, Steud 146 Schimperi, Steud 55 147 violacea, Steud 146 Lucinaea, DO iii. 93 Morinda, DO 5J 93 Luculia, »SWet iii. 36 gratissima^ Stoee^ 55 36 gratissima, Wall 55 37 Pinceana, Hook 37 Ludia foetida, Roxb. i. 192, ii. 598 spinosa, Roxb i. 190 Ludisia discolor, Lindl. vi. 101 Ludolfia glaucescens, Willd. vii. 391 Ludwigia, Linn ii. 588 diffusa. Ham ^ 588 fruticnlosa, Bl '' 588 jussiceoides, Wall 588 lythroides, Bl ,, 588 parviflora, Ttoxh jj 588 prostrata, Boxh 55 588 Luffa, Cav li. 614 aontangula, iJorft 5) 615 acutangula, W. & A. 614 aegyptiaca, Mill J, 614 amara, Roxb ^j 615 amara, Wall 55 618 Bendaul {Bindaal), Koxb. 55 615 Cattu-picinna, Ser 614 clavata, Roxb 55 614 cylindrica, Roem 614 echinata, Eoxh .^ 615 Goza, Wall .' 614 graveolens, Roxb 55 614 hederacea, Wall. ... ... 614 Kleiuii, W. ^ ^. „ 616 670 GENERAL INDEX. Luffa Vol. Page longistylis, Edgew ii. 615 Parvala, Wall J, 614 pentandra, Roxb >> 614 Petola, Ser 614 Flukmetiana, DC n 615 racemosa, Roxb 614 Satpatia,Wal] >> 614 tulerosa, Roxb V 618 umhellata, Roem >) 616 Luisia, Gaud yi .22 178 alpina, Lindl vi. 53 antennifera, Bl ^^ 25 hicaudata, Thw 26 Birchea, Bl J, 24 braohystachys, Bl ,, 23 hurmanica, Lindl ,j 22 filiformis, M./ 71 23 Grovesii, Hfc. / » 25 macrotis, Ec/ib, / )> 24 miorantha, Jfi. /. 23 microptera, fic/i&. /. M 25 platyglossa, Rchb. f. 22 primulina, Par. ^^ lichh. f. ,y 24 YBjche, Rchb. f. ... .'.. ,, 24 retusa, Rchb. f J, 23 tenuifolia, Bl 24 teretifolia, Gaud 22 teretifoUa, Rohb. f. >) 23 tricborhiza,, Bl 23 trichorhiza, Lindl j^ 23 tristis, m-. f ^^ 25 uniflora, Bl ^, 44 Tolncris, Lindl 25 zeylanica, Lindl ^j 22 zeylanica, Thw )J 24 Lnmnitzera, Willd ii. 451 coocinea, W. ^ A )) 452 Uttorea, Voigt 452 pentand,ra, Griff. J> 452 racemosa, Willd 452 Lumnitzera, Jacq iv. 610 capitata, Spreng ,, 611 fastigiata, S-preng )) 656 prostrata, Spreng 610 ruhicunda, hpreng )) 615 virgata, Spreng 615 Lupinus cochin chinen sis, hour ii. 75 trifoliatus, Cav >> 92 trif oliatus, Rottl 82 Luvunga, Ham i. 508 elentherandra, Dalz. jj 509 eleutherandra, Thw. J, 509 scandens, Ham 509 scandens, Thw ,, 509 tavoyana, Lindl 5> 509 Luzula, DC vi. 401 campestris, DC ^ )) 401 Luzula Vol. Page effasa, Buchen vi. 401 Forsteri, Hk. f. & T. 40L pilosa, Willd >) 401 plumosa, E. Meyer 401 spicata, DC >} 401 Lyama, Roxb iii 669 Lychnis, Linn i. 222 apetala, Linn jj 222 brachypetala, Hort. Berol. „ 223 cachemeriana, Boyle jj 224 oancellata, Jacg 226 ciliata, Wall ^^ 225 coronaria, Lamk 222, cuneifolia, Royle J, 226 eriostemon, Wall ,) 225 Falconeri, Rohrb )) 223 fimhriata, W&n 225 himalayensis, Edgew. ... >> 223 indioa, Benth )> 225 inflata, Wall 225 macrorhiza, Royle 223 niadens, Jacquem ,, 223 multicaulip, Wall ,, 224 nigreBcens, Edgeiu ,, 223 nutans, Benth J, 225 nutans, Koyle ,, 224 pilosa, Edgew ,, 226 pumila, Royle „ 226 Stewartii, £dc/eu' J, 224 tristis,^^. f . & T 223 Ltchnide^ i! 213 Lycium, Linn iv. 240 arahicum, Sohweinf. jj 241 armat^im, Griff. )> 241 barbarum , Linn 241 depressum. Stocks )) 241 Edgeworthii, Dnnal 241 europseum, Linn J) 240 foliosum, Stocks 241 glaucum, Miers )) 241 indicum, Wight 240 intricatum, BoiBB )> 241 mediteo-raneum, Duu&l ... 240 orientale, Miers 5) 240 persicum, Miers 240 ruthenicum, Murray ,, 241 ssevum, Miers )) 240 tataWcttw, Pall 241 turcomannicum, Turcz. .. )) 241 Lycopersicum, Miller iv. 237 cerasiforme, Dunal J, 237 esculentum, Miller ), 237 Lycopsis, Linn iv. 168 arvensis, Linn J, 168 pulla, Linn n 169 Lycopus, Tourn iv. 648 dianthera, Ham >> 647 GENERAL INDEX. 671 Lycopus Vol . Page Maba Vol. Page europaeus, Linn. ... ... iv. 648 acuminata, Hiern iii. 550 exaltatus, Linn. 648 andamanica, Kurz „ 551 Lygia Passerina, Fasiati V. 194 buxifolia, Pers „ 551 Lj^iama,Hk.f iv 39 Cumingiana, A. DC. „ 551 angustifolia, HJc. f. „ 39 Ebenus, Wight „ 551 Lysimaohia, Linv iii . 501 guineensis, A. DC „ 551 acroadeiiia, Maxim. 502 littorea, Br „ 551 alata, Gard 504 madagascariensis, A. DC. „ 551 alternifolia, Wall 504 Maingayi, Hiern „ 552 Candida, Lindl )> 502 mergaensis, Hiern „ 552 chenopodioides, Watt ... 503 micrantha, Hiern „ 552 Clementsoniana, Wall. 502 neilgherrensis, y^i^hl „ 551 consobrina, Hance 502 nigrescens, Dai2 „ 551 debilisy Wall 505 oblongifolia, Hiern „ 550 decurrens, Hance 502 ovalifolia, Hiern „ 551 deltoides, Wight 505 8meath7nanniy A. DC. „ 551 evalvia, Wall 504 sp., Wall „ 551 ferruginea, Edgew 505 Macaranga, Thouars V. 445 FcBnum-grsecum, Hance ... 504 borneensis, Maell „ 450 glandulosa, Edgew >) 504 Brandisii, King „ 453 glandulosa, Klatt 503 Curtisii, HTc. f. „ 448 glaucescens, Wall 502 denticulata, Mtiell „ 446 heterophylla, D, Don >j 503 depressa, Muell „ 454 japonica, T/IM71& 505 digyna, Muell „ 453 japonica, Thw 505 Jlexuosa, Wight „ 446 }&\&mc&, Bl 502 Gamblei, HA;. /. „ 445 Leschenaultii, Duly 501 gigantea, Muell „ 449 linearifolia, Griff. 504 gmelinaef olia, King „ 445 lobelioides, Wall 502 Griffithiana, Muell „ 452 Metziana, Hohen j> 505 gummifiora, Muell „ 446 multijiora, Wall 502 Helferi, Muell „ 450 Notoniana, Wall 502 B-oaei, King „ 449 obovata, ifam 502 HuUettii, Xmsr „ 452 peduncularis, Wall. \\ 504 hypoleuoa, Muell „ 448 prolifera, £:Za« )) 503 indica, Wight v. 424, 446 pyramidalis, Wall 503 involucrata, Muell V. 454 quinquangularis, Ham. ... 504 javanica, Muell. ... v 451, 454 ramosa, Wall 503 Kingii, m-./ V. 451 secwwda, Ham '', 502 howii, King „ 453 ieneZZa, Wall 5) 506 Maingayi, /ffc. / „ 449 tetragona, D. Don 504 megalophylla, Muell. „ 449 ximhrosa, Gardn ^^ 505 membranacea, Zwrz „ 454 Lysimachie^ iii. 482 minutiflora, Muell „ 450 LysionotUB, D. JOoTi iv. 343 molliuscula, Kurz „ 447 conferta, Clarice J, 344 perakensis, fifc. /. „ 447 serrata, I>. Don 344 populifolia, Muell „ 450 ternifolia, Wall )) 344 pustulata, King „ 445 Lysistemma dendigulense,Steet7. iii .238 Eoxburghii, Wight „ 448 divergens, Steetz )i 234 rugosa^ Muell „ 449 multyiorum, Steetz i} 234 Tanarius, Muell „ 447 pectiniforme, Steetz fi 239 tomentosa, Wight „ 448 Ltthre^ ii. 565 trichocarpa, Muell. „ 450 Lythrace^ ii. 565 triloba, Muell „ 452 Ly thrum fruticosum, Linn, ii. 572 Wightiana, Baill „ 448 Perhphis, Linn, f » 573 S2).,Hk. f. &T Macclellandia Qriffithiana, „ 454 Maba,J. ^ G. Forst iii. 550 Wight ii. 573 672 GENERAL INDEX. Machxrina,Yskhl :. restioides, Vahl Macharisia icosandra, Planch, Machilus, Nees v. bombycina, King bootanica, Meissn. ... v. Clarkeana, iimfy ...■ „ Duthiei, King edulis, King v. irniicosa, Kurz ... „ Gamblei, King ... „ Gammieana, King ... ,, glaucescens, Wight incrassata, Nees indica, Kurz ? khasyana, Meissn. v. Kingii, Hlc.f. ... ;.. ... Kurzii, jK'mgf Listeri, King v. macrantha, Nees ... ,, odoratissima, Nees ... „ odoratissima, Wall parviflora, Meissn. ... v, peduncularis, Nees ... ... ptihescens, Bl rimosa, Bl v. sericea, jBi „ tavoyana, Meissn villosa, Hk. f. v. sp MacTcaya 'po'pulifolia, Am. Mackenziea sessilis, Nees ... Macklottia amhoinensis, Korth javanica, Korth Madura amhoinensis, Bl. ... javanica, Bl javanica, Miq timorensis, Bl Macraea Gardneriana, Wight my rti folia, Wight ... - ... ohlongifolia, Wight ... ovalifolia, Wight Rheedii,Wig'ht Macreightia acuminata, Thw. andamanica, Kurz ohlongifolia, Kurz ohlongifolia, Thw ovalifolia, Thw Macrocapnos scandens, Royle Macrocladus sylvicola, GrifF. Macrocnemum strictum, Willd MacTolinum trigynum, Rchb. Macrolohium hijugum, Coleb. Macrolomia hracteata, Nees Macronyx strigosus, Dalz. . . . Vol. Pacre vi. 674 )j 674 i. 416 136 859 V. 861 138 .861 137, 860 V. 861 138 ,860 140 861 138 , 860 137 860 V. 141 126 !> 139 137 861 Y. 861 5) 860 138 860 140 861 139 859 V. 861 137, 860 V. 144 ,, 862 139, 861 139, 861 V. 143 140, 860 V. 862 i. 578 iv. 474 ii. 464 )) 464 V. 538 >) 538 538 )) 538 V. 296 J) 296 295 J) 296 296 iii. 550 551 ,, 551 )) 550 551 i. 121 vi. 423 iii. 121 i. 412 ii. 275 vi. 694 ii. 111 Macropanax, Miq jioribundum, Miq glomerulatum, Miq. oreophilum, Miq undulatum, Seem MacrophthalmOi elastica^ Gasp Macrosolen formosus, Miq. ... oleoides, Miq ? pallens, Miq retusus, Miq sphcerocarpus,'M.iq Macrostigma tupistroides, Kunth Macrostomium aloefolium, Bl. Macrostylis disticha, Breda ., Macrotomia, DC. Benthami, DO cyanochroa, Benth endochroma, Hk. f . & T. ... onosmoides, Kegel & Smir- now perenniB, Boiss Macrotropis bancana,'M.iq. ... sumatrana, Miq Madacarpus helgaumensis, Wight Madaractis arachnoidea, Hb. Calc glabra, DC lanuginosa, Edgew. Metziana, Schnltz pinnatifida, DC. polycephala, DC scahra, DC Maddenia, Hk. f. 8r T. himalaica, Hk. f.&fl\ ... pedicellata, i?A;. / Maerua, Forsk. ... arenaria, Hk. f. Sf T. ohlongifolia, A. Rich. ovalifolia, Camb scahra, Camb MsBsa, Forsk. acuminata, A. DC acuminata. Wall andamanica, Kurz argentea. Wall canarana, Miq Chisia, D. Don coriacea, Champ dioica, A. DC dnbia. Wall ... fulvinervis, A. DC glabra, A. DC indica. Wall lanceolata, G. Don Vol. Page ii. 738 >} 738 737 738 ,, 738 V. 508 V. 220 >> 221 J> 220 J> 219 >5 221 vi. 325 V. 723 vi. 91 iv. 176 ,, 177 }> 177 jj 177 J) 177 >> 177 ii. 254 !5 253 iii. 348 iii. 347 >5 344 >J 346 J) 344 5) 345 j» 344 345 ii. 317 )> 318 5J 318 i. 171 5> 171 J> 171 ?} 171 171 iii. 507 508 jf 511 508 !> 510 510 JJ 509 )5 508 5) 509 !5 510 510 508 » J 509 508 GENERAL INDEX. 673 Msesa latifolia, A. DC macrophylla, Wall. missionis, A. DC. mollis, A. DC mollissima, Kurz rnollissima, Wall. montana, A. DC, muscosa, Kurz ovata, A. DC paniculata, A. DC. ... permollis, Kurz Ferrottetiana, A. DC. pyrifolia, Miq ramentacea, A DC. ... rugosa, Clarke sumatrana, Scheff. ... tomentosa, D. Don ... verrucosa, Kurz virgata, A. DC M^sea: Magnolia, Liim Campbellii, Hk. /. cj^ T. excelsa, Wall. globosa, Hk. /. ^ r. Griffithii, Hk. f. ^ T. insignis, Wall punduana, Wall. ephenocarpa (error pterooarpa), Roxh. Masnoliace.e Magnolie.i-: Maharanga hicolor, A. Emodi, A. DC Wallichiana, A. DC. Mahonia nepalensis, DC. ... Mahwah or Madhuea, Ham. Maingaya, Oliv malayana, Oliv. Malachium aquaticum, Fries Malachra, Lin7i capitata, Linn Malacochcete littoralis, Nees pectinata, N ees ? Malaisia tortuosa, Kurz ... Malaspincea laurifoUa, Presl Malaxis acuminata, D. Don anceps, Echb. f angustifolia, Rchb. f. anthropophora, Rchb. f. ... 6»cornis, Rchb. f brachystachys, Rchb. f. ... Brunoniana, Rchb. f. caulescens, Rchb. f. cernua, Willd cimicina, Rchb. f compressa, Bl cordifolia, Sm for DC. Vol. PaRe 'Malaxi& Vol. Page iii. 509 decurrens,'S\. V. 706 „ 510 demissa, Rchb. f j> 680 5» 508 disticha. Thenars 706 ?J 510 e7isiformis,Sm >5 679 )> 510 forcipata, Rchb. f 681 510 Griffi,thiana,'Rch.h. f. ;> 676 •1 509 iridifolia, Rchb. f 675 511 Jenkinsiana, Rchb. f. .J 676 ,, 508 lancifolia, Sm 3) 698 )) 509 latifolia, Bl vi. 182 510 latifolia, Sm. V. 690 ,, 509 Lindleyana, Rchb. f. >> 682 ,, 509 longehracteata, Rchb. f. . . >j 679 )) 508 lunata, Bl . vi. 180 508 miniata, Rchb. f . V. 685 ,j 508 inucronata, Bl j> 706 )J 510 Myosurus, Walp 5> 685 508 myriantha,'Rchb.f 680 jj 509 nervosa, Sw vi. 182 iii. 507 nutans, Willd ^, 16 i. 41 ohcordata, Rchb. f . V. 684 4L odorata, Willd 5) 698 >> 43 platycaulon, Rchb. f. J> 682 41 plicata, Roxb J5 690 j> 41 pyrulifera, Rchb. f. 678 42 recurva, Rchb. f 680 j> 43 Rheedit, Heyne Rheedii,Sw 690 688 5> 41 rnfilahris, Rchb. f 683 i. 38 Scyllce, Rchb. f >» 685 i. 39 setifera, Rchb. f 680 iv. 179 sikkimensis, Rchb. f. M 680 , 170 tenuis, Rchb. f. >> 682 jj 179 truncata,^c\ib. f 677 i. 109 verticillata, Rchb. f . )> 678 iii. 544 viridijiora, Bl 5> 704 ii. 428 Wightia7ia, Rchb. f. 683 ^^ 428 Malcolmia, J5r . i. 146 i. 229 africana, Br 146 i. 329 stenopetala, Ledeb 146 J, 329 stricta, Camb ;> 149 vi. 659 Btrigosa, Boiss 146 )) 659 torulosa, Botss • 5> 146 V. 490 Mallea integerrima, Wall. i. 545 iii. 533 Rothii, Juss. 545 V. 686 suhscandens, Teysm. & )) 685 Binn !> 545 J) 684 Mallica, Jonea . iii. 591 )> 684 Mallotus, -Lo^tr . V. 427 682 SLcnminatTiB, Muell 5J 431 )i 677 ? acuminatus, Kurz >» 431 €81 albuB, Muell 'J 429 5) 683 amentifonnis, Muell. J> 432 vi 17 andamanicue, Hk.f. 439 V. 676 anisophylluB, jffA;. /. >5 436 ^j 706 Apelta, Muell. ... . >) 424 ,, 693 atrovirens, Mwci? J> 440 674 GENERAL INDEX. Mallotus Vol. Pag« aureo-punctatuSf Muell. . . y. 438 barbatus, Muell . „ 428 Beddomei, H^. /. ... . . „ 438 bracteatus, fffc. /. ... . . „ 436 ? Caput- Medusae, Ht. /. . . „ 443 Clellandii, m. /. ... . . „ 435 coohinchinensis. Lour. . „ 430 decipiens, Muell . „ 434 distans, Muell „ 441 eriocarpoides, Muell. • „ 434 eriocarpus, Muell „ 432 filiformis, m. / „ 435 floribundus, Muell „ 432 fuscescena, Muell . „ 441 Griffithianus, HJc. f. . „ 433 ? ReUeri, Muell „ 431 khasianua, iffe. /. ... . . „ 438 Kingii, m-./. . „ 439 ? Kunstleri, King ... . • „ 443 Kurzii,Hfc./. . „ 427 lancifolius, iffc./. ... . ■ „ 434 lappaceus, Muell • „ 425 L&wii, Muell • n 438 leptostachyus, Hk. f. . „ 435 leuoodermis, Hh. f. ... . „ 441 longipes, Muell . „ 426 Diacrostaohyus, Muell. . „ 429 micranthus, Muell ■ !, 440 inoluccanus, Linn • » 444 muricatus, Bedd. ... ^ r. 436, 438 muricatus, Kurz . V. 439 onuricatus, Muell • „ 437 nepalensiSjMweZZ • „ 428 nitidus, Muell • „ 444 oreophilus, Muell ■ „ 429 paniculatus, Muell. ... ^ 7. 427, 430 penangensis, 3Iuell. .. V. 440 philippinensis, Muell. „ 442 polyneurus, HJc. f • „ 439 ToTteTismus, Muell • „ 432 puberulus, JfA:. / . „ 435 repandus, Mweii „ 442 rhamnifolius, Muell. • „ 440 Ticinoidea, Muell . „ 430 Koxburghianus, Muell. . • „ 428 stenanthus, Muell • „ 437 subpeltatus, Muell. ... i. ( 590, V. 433 tetracoccus, Kurz ... . .. V. 429 ? vernicosus, Hh. f. ... . • „ 443 W&lkerse, Hk. f. ... . .. „ 437 Wallichianus, Muell. . .. „ 434 Wrsiji, King .. „ 433 zeylanicus, Muell .. „ 440 Malpighiace^ .. i. 417 Malus haccata, Deav . ii. 373 communis, Desv . „ 373 Sieversii, Ledeb .. „ 379 Malva, Linn alchemillse folia, Wall. horealis, Wallm ciliata, Wall malwensis, Edgew mauritiana, DC neilgherrensis, Wight parviflora, I(Mi7i parvijiora, Huds rotundifolia, Linn rotundifolia, Roxb silvestria, Linn spicata, Linn tricuspidata, Ait verticillata, Linn vulgaris, Friea MALVACE.f: Malvaatrum, A. Gray spicatum, A. Gray tricuapidatum, A. Gray ... Malvaviscus populneus, Gadrtn MALVE/E Mammea americana, Linn. ... asiatica, Linn longifoUa, Planch. & Tr. ... siamensis, T. Andera. ... Mandelorna insignis, Steud. Mandragora, Juss caulescena, Clarke o^cmarwm, Linn Mangifera, Linn axillaris, Lamk cseaia, Jack caloneura, Kurz domestica, Gsertn foetida, Lour fcetida,B\ foitida, Miq fragrana, Ifaingrar/ glauca, Rottb gracilipea, Hk.f Griffithii, m. /. Horsfieldii, Miq indica, Linn indica, Thw indica, Wall lagenifera, Grif. longipea, Crrijf. macrocarpa, Bl. Maingayi, Hk.f. micropbylla, Grif. oblongifolia, Hk. f odorata, Griff. oppositifolia, Boxb Parih, Miq pentandra, Jf /c. /. pinnata, Koen Vol. Page i. 320 ^^ 320 320 320 319 320 320 321 )) 320 320 jj 320 320 ); 321 321 )> 320 320 i. 317 i. 321 )) 321 321 . i. 345 i. 318 i. 259 ii. 507 i. 270 271 vii 186 iv. 241 u 242 242 ii. 13 ,, 23 » 19 14 >» 14 18 )> 19 ii.17,19 ii. 18 i. 623 ii. 16 ,, 14 ,, 19 ,^ 13 16 J, 15 J) 18 15 ^j 18 „ 17 ,, 17 J, 16 ,, 17 )> 21 18 )) 14 )> 42 GENERAL INDEX. 675 Mangifera policarpa, Griff. qnadrifida, Jack aclerophylla, Rk. f. superba, Hk. f. sylvatica, Roxb zeylanica, H^-. /. Manglietia, Bl Candollei, Wall Caveana, iffc. /. ^ r. ... insignia, Bl Manihot utilissima, Pohl ... Manisuris, Siv granulans, Zrmn. /. hirta, Russ Myurus, Linn polystachya, Beau v. porifera, Hack. Manna hehraica, D. Don ... nepalensis, D. Don Mantiaia, Sims saltatoria, Shns spathulata, Schult Manule^ iv. Manungala pendula, Blanc. Maoutia, TFedd Puya, Wedd Mapania, Aubl andamanica, Clarke hancana, Benth. & Hk. f. humilis, Nav. Sf Vill. ht/polytroides, Benth. immersa, Benth Kurzii, Clarke longa, Clarke lucida, N. E. Br multispicata, Clarke paluBtria, Benth Fandanophylltvm, Sch. & Hollr silhetensis, Clarke tenuiscapa, Clarke Wallichii, Clarke zeylanica, Benth Mappa acuminatissima, Zipp. hancana, Miq cochinchinensis, Spreng. ... denticulata, Miq digyna, Muell Jlorihunda, Zoll. & Mor. ... glabra, A. Juss g ummijiua (gummijlora) , Miq ? hypoleuca, Rchb. & Zoll. • javanica, Bl inegdlopfiylla, Muell. moluccana, Wight paniculata, Wall Vol. Page ii. 20 )> 16 15 19 j^ 15 ,, 16 42 J, 41 42 >> 42 V, 239 vii. 159 j^ 159 159 )) 154 )) 159 )) 160 ii. 145 >» 145 vi. 200 )) 200 201 247 258 i. 519 V. 592 592 vi. 680 681 680 683 680 682 681 683 683 682 681 680 681 683 682 682 433 451 430 446 453 432 447 446 448 451 449 447 446 Mappa Vol. Page ? peltata, Wight V. 448 populifolia, Muell ,, 451 rwg'osa, Muell ,, 449^ Tanaria, Spreng ,, 447 Tanarius, Bl ,, 447 tomentosa, Bl j^ 447 trichocarpa, Rchb. & Zoll. ,, 450 triloba, MaeU ,, 452 truncata, Muell jj 446 Wallichii, Baill 446 Zippelii, Zoll. & Mor. ... ,j 430 Zollingeri, Miq ,, 450 Mappia, Jacq i. 588 Championiana, Miers ,, 589 icBtida, Miers )) 589 /a**da, Bedd 589 Gardneriana, Miers 589 oblonga, Miers... i. 589, iv . 140 orata, Miers i. 589 ovata, Miers iv. 144 tomentosa, Miers i. 589 Wightiana, Miers ,, 589 Maranta caespitosa, A. Dietr. vi. 259 dichotoma, Wall ^^ 258 Galanga, Linn >) 253 grandis, Miq )) 258 imbricata, A. Dietr. 259 malaccensis. Barm >> 255 parviflora, A. Dietr. 259 Placentaria, A. Dietr. jj 259 ramosissima. Wall j> 258 spicata, Thw 260 virgata, Wall >) 258 Marante^ vi 200 Maranthes multifiora, Korth. ii. 310 Margaro carpus vimineus, Wedd V. 581 Margarospermum arvense, Dene iv. 174 officinale, Dene j^ 175 Marisous, Vahl vi. 619 albeseens, Gaud )) 623 biglumis, Gaertn 622 bulbosuB, Clarke 620 capitatus, Zoll >) 677 corymbosus, Boeek 622 eyperinus, Vahl 5) 621 cyperinus, Nees ... vi. 621 ,622 cyperoides, Dietr vi. 625 dilutus, Nees 624 Dregeanus, Kunth 5> H20 ferax, Clarke 624 giganteus, Boeek >> 624 Hookerianus, Clarke 62a irroratus, Nees >) 620 ischnos, Clarke 623 kyllingiaeformis, Boeek. ... ,, 620 676 GENERAL INDEX. Mariscns mioroceplialus, Presl paniceus, Vahl paniceus, Strach pictus, Nees pictus, Nees Ptt^w, Steud Sieberianus, Nees sqnarroBUB, Clarice sundaicus, Miq. tennifoliue, Schrad. umbellatus, Moritz timhellatus, Vahl Wallichianus, Kunth sp., WalJ. vi. 618, 620. 621, Markhamia stipulata, Seem. Marlea, Roxh. affinis. Dene barbata, E. 5r begoma3folia, Pi,oxh. ebenacea, Clarice GriflBthii, Clarice heterophylla macrophylla, Sieb. & Zucc nobilis, Clarice tomentosa, Endl Bp.,Hk.f.^T Marmoritis rotundifolia, Benth Marrubium, Linn indicum, BiU'm. lanatum, Benth. Malcolmii, Dalz mollissimum, D. Don odoratissimum, Bnrm. propinquum, Benth. vulgare, Linn Marsdenia, Br angustifoUa, Wight Bninoniana, W. ^ A. Calesiana, Wight eriocarpa, Hk. f Griffithii, S'fc. /. ..; ... Hamiltonii, Wight Jenkinsii, Hfc. / luoida,, £!dgeiv. lucida, Hk. f. &T monostachya, Wall rotundifolia, Dene Eoylei, Wight tenacissima, W. ^ A. thyrsiflora, Hfc. / tipctoria, Br tinctoria, Hk. f. & T. Mabsdenie^ Marty nia diandra, Glox. lanceolata, Moon ... iv, Marumia, Bl. Vol. Page vi. 624 j^ 620 622 5J 621 620 621 622 )) 623 5J 621 !> 622 )> 621 622 )) 621 622 ,624 iv. 379 ii. 742 743 )> 743 743 !) 742 742 )> 744 J> 744 )) 743 743 „ 744 iv. 662 iv. 671 5) 672 671 5) 650 >5 681 1> 672 671 671 iv. 34 39 36 37 5) 35 JJ 36 36 }) 36 36 jj 37 34 J? 37 )J 35 35 jj 37 JJ 34 37 iv. 3,27 iv 386 3.5e ), 437 ii. 541 Marumia affinis, Korth echinulata, Naud nemorosa, Bl oligantha, Naud reticulata, Bl stelhdata, Koith zeylanica, Bl Maruta Cotula, DC hemisphierica, DC Mastersia, Benth. cleist ocarpa, Bafcer Mastixia, Bl arborea, Clarice bracteata, Clarice cuspidata, Bl Junghuhniana, Miq. Maingayi, Clarice pentandra, Bl tetrandra, Clarice trichotoma, Bl Mastostigma varians, Stocks Matrella juncea, Pere. Matricaria, Linn. aurea, Boies Chamomilla, Linn oleracea, Ham prseoox, DC s^iaveolens, Lino Matthaea, Bl sancta, Bl. Matthiola, Br incana, Br odoratissima, Br tristis, Br Mattia himalayensis, Klotz. Mayodendron, Kurz igneum, Kurz Mays Zea, Gaert n Mazus, Lour. ... hicolor, Benth dentatus, Wall pinnatus, Wall. rugosus, Lour Burculosue, D. Don vandelloides, Hance Meconopsis, Vig aouleata, Royle Gul.-Waldemarii, Klotz. horridula, m. /. ct T. ... nipalensis, DC robusta, Hk.f. ^ T. simplicifolia, HI: f. 8f T. Wallichii, -ffoo^ Mecopus, Benn nidulans, Benn Medeole^ Medioago, LwH Vol. Page ii. 542 ^^ 542 542 5> 542 542 5) 542 ,, 542 iii. 312 316 ii-. 195 195 li. 745 745 j> 746 746 5) 746 746 )J 746 745 )5 746 iv. 16 vii 99 iii. 315 JJ 317 315 JJ 314 316 •J 315 V. 115 115 i. 130 JJ 131 JJ 131 131 iv. 162 iv. 381 JJ 382 vii 102 iv. 259 ,, 'Z59 JJ 260 288 259 JJ 260 259 i. 118 ,, 118 JJ 118 )i 118 JJ 118 118 J, 118 JJ 119 ii. 160 160 vi 301 . ii. 89 GENERAL INDEX. 677 Medicago canescens, Grab denticulata, Willd falcata, Linn laciniata, All lupulina, Linn. minivaa, Lamh orbicularis, All polymorplia, Boxb proctomhens, BeBsev sativa, Linn sativa, Wall Medinilla, Gaud Beddomei, Clarice crassifolia, Bl crassifolia, Triana erythrophylla, hdl fnchsioides, Gardn Griffitbii, Glarhe Hasseltii, Bl himalayana, Hk, f. maorocarpa, Bl. _ maculata, Gardn Maingayi, Clarice ... ... malabarica, Bedd merguiensis, Clarice panciflora, Hk.f. radicans, Bedd rosea, Gaud rubicunda, Bl speciosa, Bl ? Walheri, Wight MEDINILLEiE Medora divaricata, Kunth ... Medusa anguifera, Lour. Meesia serrata, Gsertn. Megahotrya meli3efolia,^&Tice Megacarpsea, DC bifida, Benth polyandra, Benth Megalachne zeylanica, Thw. Megastachya ciliaris, BeauT. elongata, Beauv Eragrostia, Beauv ? papposa, R. & S. polymorplia, Beauv vii. M eg era, yide Meyer a Megistostigma, Hk. f. malaocensis, 5^A-. /. Meistera, Giseke Melaleuca, Linn Cajuputi, Roxb. Gumingiana, Turcz. decurrens, Wall eugeniifolia, Wall lancifolia, Turcz Leucadendron, iiwr?. Leucadendron, Lam. Vol Page Melaleuca «^ Vol. Page ii. 90 minor, Sm. ii. 465 )) 90 saligna, Bl. ,, 465 90 viridiflora, Gaertn >) 465 )) 90 Melampyrum, Linn iv. 318 90 indicum, ^fc. /. 4^ T. 318 ,, 91 Melandryum apetalum, Rohrb. i. 222 M 90 hracliypetahim, Fenzl ,, 224 ,, 90 Falconeri, Rohrb )> 222 )) 90 Oriffithii, Rohrb )) 220 90 infiatum, Rohrb )) 225 ,, 90 intrusuin, Rohrb 226 ii. 546 macrorhiztmi, B.ohrh. 223 ,, 548 tnulticaiile, Bjohrh )) 224 J) 547 •nw tows, Rohrb i. 225 ,226 547 Melaniumfruticosum,8preTie;. ii. 573 >> 547 Melanocenchris Jacquemontii, 548 J. &S vii. 284 „ 549 Perrottetii, J. & S J) 284. )) 547 plumosa, J. & S,, 284 549 Rotliiana, Nees )) 283 ,, 547 fioyZeaim, Nees 284 >j 548 Melanochyla, m. /. ii. 38 >> 549 . angustifolia, ^A:. /. >> 39 >? 548 auriculata, Hk.f 39 »5 549 Maingayi, J37c. /. j> 39 549 tomentosa, Ifl-. /. 38 )> 548 Melanorrhoea, Wall ii. 25 )> 547 glabra, Wall j> 25 »> 547 Maingayi, m./ 25 5> 549 usitata, Wall )> 25 526 Wallichii, Hfc. / >5 25 ii. 513 sp., Griflf. 25 vi. 323 Melanoseris bmcfeato, Hk.f.&T ill 409 i. 188 lyrata, Done J> 409 i. 525 panictdata, Edgew 5> 408 1. 490 saxatilis, Edgew >> 408 i. 161 Melanthacefe, Griff. vi. 356 ,, 161 Melanthesa chinensis, Bl. ... V. 331 j> 161 ohliqua, Wight j> 329 vii. 269 reclinata, Muell 331 vii. 315 rhamnoides, Wight J) 330 » 319 rupestris, Miq 295 j> 320 turhinata, Wight ii 329 >} 323 Mela-nth^ sopsis frutitosa, Kurz v. 332 317 ,319 patens, Muell 329 iii. 304 variabilis, Muell 55 329 V. 466 Melanthium caricinum, Roth vi 357 9> 467 hyacinthoides, Herb. Madr 348 vi. 237 indicum, Linn 357 ii. 464 nudum, Heyne 348 ,, 465 racemosum, Roth 55 357 >5 465 Melastoma, Linn ii. 523 467 annulatum, Wall 55 546 >> 467 anoplanthum, Naud, .">. 55 523 465 asperum, Linn 55 519 >) 465 ? hariatum. Wall 546 M 465 hrachyodon, Naud ,, 524 678 GENERAL INDEX. Melastoma i^f vol. Pa^e Vol. Page hracteatitm, Jack i . 543 Melhania, ForsTc i. 372 bracteatum, Wall , , 543 ahutiloides, Arn 5) 373 cernuum, Koxb , , 526 dbutiloides, Aitch 373 cernuum, Wall , , 545 abyssinica, A. Rich J> 372 crinitum, Naud. , , 524 hracteosa, Boies >J 373 crinitum, Roxb , , 517 cannabina, Wight » 372 curvum, Roxh , , 525 Denbami, Br }) 373 cyanoides, DC , , 522 fntteyporensis, Munro ... 373 decemfidum, Jack , , 524 Hamiltoniana, Wall. !> 372 elUpticum, Naud ', , 525 Hamiltoniana, Munro ... 373 eryth')'Ojphyllum,W&\\. ... , , 547 incana, Heyne 55 372 exiguum, Jack , , 527 ovata, Boiss 372 •eximium,'B\ , , 549 tomentosa, Stocks 5) 373 jallax, Wall ii. 54 4,545 Melia, Linn i. 5t3 fasciciilare, Naud i . 524 aethiopica, Welw 55 545 Finlaysonii, Wall , , 525 argentea, Hb. Ham 545 ^ glauQwin, Griff. , glaucvm, Jack , , 545 australasica^ Juas J5 545 , 546 Azadirachta, Linn 544 glaucum, Wall , , 545 Azedarach, Linn !) 544 gracile, Jack , , 545 haccifera, Roth 545 Houtteanum, 'Naud. ... , , 524 Bombolo, Welw )5 545 imbricatum, Wall , 524 Buhatjun, Royle 544 lanuginosum, Bl , , 525 composita, Willd ,, 545 laiirifolium, Wall , , 547 dubia, Cav 5- 545 ? Uttoreum, Wall ', , 528 excelea, Jack 544 longifoUum, Naud , , 525 indica, Brandis 544 znalabathricnm, Linn. ... , , 523 Koetjape,Bxirta J> 553 malabathricum, Jack , 524 montandy Hb. Madr. 545 microphyllum, Naud. ... , , 525 parvifiora, Moon ,, 544 moluccanum, Bl , , 522 pendulijlora, Wall 550 napalense, Lodd , , 524 puraila, Moon ,, 543 nemorosum, Jack , , 542 rohusta, Roxb jj 545 normale, 1). Don , , 524 sempervirens, Sw ,, 544 ? obvolutum, Jack , , 523 superba, Roxb 55 545 oxyphyllum, Benth , , 528 tomentosa, Roxb 543 palliditm, J &ck , , 544 ? tomentosa, Knrz 55 568 pet iol are, W&l] , , 545 Meliacea penangiana, Wall. i. 569 polyanthum, Bl , 523 rugosa, Wall 55 569 polt/anthum, Benth , 546 singapureana, Wall 556 pulchellum, Kozb , 518 Wight iana, Wall 55 559 pulverulentum, Jack , 550 sp., GriflF. 560 refiexum, Bl , , 550 Meliacea ].' 540 rhodocarpiom, Wall , , 542 MiSLIANTHEiE i. 669 rotundifoliitm, Jack , , 541 Melianthus, Tourn i. 697 Royenii, Bl. , , 525 ]Liinalayanios,'WBM 55 698 ruhicundum, Jsick ... ii. 5- t7, 550 major, Linn >) 698 rithiginosum, Wall ii . 544 Melica, Linn vii 329 rugosiom, Roxh , , 525 ciliata, Duthie >j 329 sanguiueum, Sims , . 524 Cupani, Guss 55 329 smilacifolium, Wall. ... , , 550 diandra, Roxb >> 332 iri/iorwTO, Naud , 525 digitata, Roxb 290 vagans, Roxb , 526 gracilis, Aitch. & Hemsl. 55 331 velutinum, Seem , 524 Hohenackeri, Boiss. 329 Wallichii, DO , , 524 Jacquemontii, Dene. 55 329 Melastomacea, Gritf. i I. 518 lappacea, Rasp 55 332 MBLASTOMACE.S; i i. 512 latifolia, Roxh 6L Melastomea i i. 512 micrantha, Boiss. & Heldr. 55 330 GENERAL INDEX. 679 Melica Vol. Page nutans, Linn . vii. 330 persica, Kunth >> 330 refracta, Roxb 332 Bcaberrima, Hfe. /. 5) 330 secunda, Regel )) 331 trachyantha, Boise 330 Melicocca puhescenSfBC. .. i. 681 trijuga, Jnss ,, 681 Melioope, J'ors* i. 491 ? Helferi, flfc. /. ,, 492 indica, Wight .492 ,496 tetrandra, Roxb . i. 491 Melie.e . i. 540 Melilotns, Jwss . ii. 89 alba, Lawfe J) 89 altissima, ThniU 89 altissima, Wall 5J 89 Emodi, Wall )) 88 indica, All 89 italica. Lam >) 89 leucaniha, Koch 89 macrorhiza, Pers !) 89 minima, Rotb • 89 officinalis, Willd !? 89 parviflora, Desf. • 89 parvijiora, WaXl )5 89 vulgaris, Willd 89 Melioema, Bl . ii. 3 acuminata, Royle ). 4 Arnottiana, Walp )5 6 Amottiana, Bedd . i. 685 confusa, Bl . ii. 7 dilleniaefolia, Walp. 55 4 elliptica, m. / 5 ferruginea, Sieb. & Zucc. . . 55 4 intecjrijolia, nom. delend. 55 4,5 lanceolata, Bl 7 lancifolia, m. / 55 5 omjriantha, Sieb. & Zucc. 55 4 nitida, Bl 6 pinnata, Maxim 55 6 pungens. Wall 55 4 pungens. Wall .. 55 4 rigida, Sieb. & Zucc. 55 4 simplicifolia, Walp. 5 sumatrana, Walp 55 6 Wallichii, Pianc^i 6 Wightii, Planch 55 4 Melissa, Lmn. . iv. 651 Clinopodium, Benth. 55 650 flava, Benth 652 longicaulis, Benth 5) 651 maxima, Arduin 55 646 nepalensis, Benth 55 647 officinalis, Linn 651 parviflora, Benth 55 651 repens, Benth 55 651 Melissa umhrosa, Bieb MelocalamuB, Benth compactifloruB, Benth. ... Melocanna, Tnw bambusoides, Trin gracilis, Kurz humilis, Kurz ? Kurzii, Munro lutescens, Kurz Bheedii, Steud tenuispiculata, Kurz virgata, Munro Melochia, Linn affinis. Wall concatenata. Wall corchorifolia, Linn. corchorifolia. Wall paucijlora, Wall pyramidata, Linn , supina, Linn truncata, Wall truncata, Willd. ... ... velutina, Bedd Melodinus, JPorst ? eugenifolius, Wall. khasianus, Hfc. / , ? micranthus, Hk. f. monogynus, Hoxh orientalis, Bl Melodorum, Dun. bicolor, m. /. ^ T cylindricnm, Maing. eleg&nB, Hk. f. ^ T. fulgens, m./. ^r. i. Griffithii, Hic.f. Sf T. .. Kentii, Hk. f . & T lanuginosum, HJc. f ^ T. latifolium, Dun Maingayi, Hk. f. Sr T. .. manubriatum, Hk.f. 8f T. mollissimum, Miq pisocarpum, Hk.f. 8c T. .. polyanthum, Hk. f. ^ T. prismaticum, Hk. f. ^ T. rubiginosum, Hk. f. ^ T. rufinerve, i?^. /. ^ r. verrucosum, Hk. f. Sf T. .. Walliohii, Hfc./. ^ r. .. Melothria, Linn bicirrhosa, Clarke deltoidea, Thw. fcetida, Lamk indica, Lour odorata, if A;. /. ^ T. Regelii, Naud Walliohii, Clarke zeylanica, Clarke Vol. Page iv. 651 vii. 409 409 v'ii 417 417 95 416 418 393 414 418 416 414 i. 373 55 374 374 )) 374 374 374 J5 374 374 55 322 55 374 374 iii. 628 >i 628 629 '' 629 629 35 629 . i. 78 80 55 80 82 82,"v .113 . i. 80 „ 82 55 79 79 55 80 J, 79 55 79 82 55 81 55 81 79 35 81 80 S» 81 ii. 625 55 627 55 626 627 55 626 626 55 626 • 55 626 626 680 GENERAL INDEX. Melothria (Melotlirix) z lanica, Koen Memecyle.* Memecylon, Linn. acutniDatum, Sm. acuminatum, Wall. ... amabile, Bedd amhigmim, Bl Amherstianum, Clarke araplexicaule, Roxh. angustifolium, Wight Arnottianum, Thw. ... australe, F. Mnell. ... caeruleum, Jack campanulatum, Clarke Cam-pongum, Miq. capitellatum, Heyne capitellatum . Linn. ... capitellatum, Thw. ... celastrinum, Kurz ... cerasiforme, Kurz ... cordatum. Wall. costatum, Miq cuneatum, Thw. deccanense, Clarke depressum, Benth. ... edule, Roxl) edule, Lamk edule, Roxb elegans, Kurz elegantulxim, Thw. ... ellipticum, Thw. flavescens, Triana ... fiorihundAim, Wall. ... fuscescens, Thiv. garcinioides, Bl. Grardneri, Thw. glohiferum. Wall. graoile, Bedd grand e, Retz grande, Bl grande, Waiil Griffithianum, Naud. Griffithianum, Kurz heteropleurum, Bi. ... Heyneanum, Benth — Heyneanum, Wight ... Hookeri, Tlito HorsfieldAi, Miq. intermedium, BZ. ... jamhosoides, Wight . . . laevigatum, Bl laxijiorum, Wall. leucanthum, Thw. ... lucidum, Presl lutescens, Presl madrocarpum, Thw. . . . Vol Page ey- ... i. 662 ... ii. 513 ... ii. 553 562 ... 5, 565 555 ... )) 557 557 ... ,, 569 562 ... ,, 553 ... ,, 555 559 ... ,, 563 554 ... )) 564 564 ... ,, 564 558 ... ,) 557 559 558 564 560 ... ,, 559 563 ... 573 ii'. 563 ,564 ... ,) 554 ... „ 555 ... ,, 556 562 ii". 499 ,564 ... ii. 562 ... ,, 561 553 ... ,, 563 555 . . . ,, 557 558 ■ • • !) 564 554 558 557 560 . . . ,, 560 554 ii. 554 558 ... ii. 561 »» 560 ... }, 561 ,, 557 564 • • ■ >> 564 . . . „ 559 „ 556 Memecylon Vol. Page macrophyllum, Thw. ... ii. 559 Maingayi, Clarke ,, 557 manillanum, Naud. ... 559 microstomum, Clarke ... ,, 557 myrsinoides, Bl. ii. 555 , 563 myrtif (ilium, Wall. ... ... ii. 564 Myrtilli, Bl „ 561 ohtusum, Wall ... ]) 564 orbiculare, Thw. ... 560 ovatum, Sm 564 ovoideum, Thw. 556 pachy derma, Wall. ... ... ,) 561 parvifolium, Thw. ... 556 pauciflorum, 5Z. 555 paucijlorum, Wall. ii. 565, iii .133 phyllanthifolium, Thw ... ii. 56a plebejum, Kurz ... ,, 561 prasinum, Naud. 564 procerum, Thw. ... ,, 556 pulchrum, Kurz 55» punctatum, Presl 564 pyrifolium, Naud, ... ... ,, 56a pyrifolium, Presl ... 564 pyriforme, Wall. ... ,, 565 ramijiorum, Grifi". 564 revolutum, Tliw. ... ,, 560 rhinophyllum, Thw.... 562 rostratum, Thw. ... ,, 562 Royenii, Bl j» 564 ruhro-cseruleum, Thw. ... „ 564 scutellatum, Naud. ... 564 sessile, Wall ii! 559 , 564 suhquadr angular e, DC. ... ii. 564 subtrinervium, Miq. ... ,, 565 sylvaticum, Thw. „ 561 terminale, Dalz. ... ,, 558 tinctorium, Keen. ... ,, 563 ^^mhellatum, Benth. ... ... ,, 555 umbellatum, Bl. ... ,, 561 umbellatum, Burm. ... ii. 563, 56a umhellatum, Heyne ... ... ii. 564 umbellatum, T\xw. ... ,, 564 umbellatum, Yf&W. ... ii. 556 563 varians, Thw ... ii. 556 Vosmoerianum, Scheif. „ 561 Walkeri, Hook ; ... ,, 564 Wightianum, Triana 560 Wightii, Thw „ 554 Memorialis ambigua, Wedd. v. 584 aquatica, Wedd. ,, 583 bracteata, Wedd. ... ,, 585 ca^idata,Wedd 585 ciliaris, Ham ... ,, 58a concinna, Wedd. ... ,, 584 coi'data, Wedd 584 Dalzellii, Wedd. ... ,, 587 hirta, Wedd 585 GENERAL INDEX. 681 Memorialis hispida, Ham hispida, Wedd integrifolia, Wedd. ... mysorensis, Wedd. ,., nilghireixsis, Wedd, ... parvifolia, Wedd. pentandra, Wedd. ... quingtienervis, Ham. quinquenervis, Wedd. scahra, Wedd ternafa, Wedd iriandra, Wedd. Mengea tenuifolia, Moq. MENI8PEEMACE.E Menispermea, Griff. Menispermum acuminatum, Lamk Cocculus, Linn. cordifolium, WiUd. ... crispum, Linn fenestratum, Gsertn. heteroclitum, Roxb. ... Jiirsutum, Linn. laurifolium, Roxb. ... malaharicum, Lamk. myosotoides, Linn. ... orhiculatum, Linn. ... peltatum, Lamk. polycarpuvi, Roxb. ... radiatum, Lamk. tomentosum, Roxb. ... triandrum, Roxb. tuberculatum, Lamk. verrucosum, Roxb. ... viUosu'm,'L&m'k. villosuTu, Roxb Mentha, Lmn aquatica, Linn arvensia, Linn arvensis, Thw auricularia, Linn. ... hlanda, DC hlanda, Wall fcetida, Burm ? fruticosa, Roxb. incana, Willd javanica, Bl. ... ;.. malabarica, Ueyne ... myosuroides, Roth ... ocimoides, Lamk. ovata, Car. ... ... paniculata, Roxb. perilloides,W illd. ... piperita, Linn pum'ila, Grah quadrifolia, D. Don .. quadrifolia, Roxb. ... VOL. VII. Vol Page V. 586 585 ,586 V. 587 jj 586 584 ,, 587 )> 583 586 >> 586 J) 585 584 )) 587 iv. 722 i. 94 ») 595 i. 99 }j 98 97 )> 96 j> 99 )• 98 J) 101 !) 101 96 )) 101 M 104 )) 104 J> 99 >J 99 96 5> 100 96 J> 96 }) 101 _J» 102 iv. 647 }i 647 if 648 )) 648 )> 638 J) 644 )> 644 j> 638 )> 632 647 }j 648 }> 640 638 )) 610 616 )> 644 6i6 5} 647 640 639 ,, 639 Mentha quaternifoUa, Heyne Royleana, Benth rugnsa, Herb. Heyne sativa, Linn sativa. Roxb secunda, Ruxb stellata. Ham stellata, Lour 8,ylve8tris, Linn venul'sa, Heib. Heyne ... verticil: ata, D. Don , verticillata, Roxb viridis, Linn sp., Burm Menyanthe^ Menvanthes, Linn hijiora, Moon campestris, Macrae & Wight campestris, Moon , cristata, Roxb. indica, Linn nymph'xoides, Linn trif(jliata, Linn , Meoschium aristatum, Beaur Arnottianum, Nees barhatum, Beauv elatum, Nees elegans, Am. & Nees Oriffithii, Nees & Am. .. imbricatuni, Mnnro , monostachys, W. & A. Neesianum, Arn Royleanum, Nees rugcsum, Nees rugosum. Wall semisagittatum, Schult. ... Wightianum, Nees W'Ightii, Nees Mephitidia attenuata, DC. ... chinensis, Champ cyanocarpa, DC Qardneri, Thw lucida, DC. Moonii, Thw obscura, DO oligantha, Thw protracta, Thw rhinozerotis, Kurz rhizophyllus, Thw stipularis, DC strigosa, Thw tomentosa, Thw varians, Thw. ... iii. 186, Walkeriana, Thw Wallichii, W. & A sp., Griff. iii. 18H, Y Vol. Page iv. 639 )» 647 638 >> 647 648 >> 632 )> 640 640 >> 647 638 ,, 640 J, 640 647 >> 610 iv. 94 iv. 130 n 132 )j 132 ?> 132 131 )j 132 131 )) 130 vii. 127 ,, 127 127 ?> 1:^7 128 » 127 127 127 n 127 128 Ji 128 )) 128 130 j> 128 128 iii. 181 »j 187 179 ,) 186 184 »» 180 M 183 )> 186 189 „ 180 J> 185 179 >J 189 )) 185 189 191 iii. 18« jj 180 192 193 y 682 GENERAL INDEX. Mepliitidia s^.,Hk. f. &T. iii. 183,184, Mercurialis alternifoUa, Desv Merendpra, Ramond Aitchisoni, Ilk. f pereica, Boiss. t^" Kotfich. Meriandra, Benth bengalensis, Benth. BtTohilifera,, Benth Mertensia, Eoth eohioides, Benth elongata, Benth moltkioides, Clarke priniuloidep, Clarke racemosa, Benth tibetica, Clarice sp., Hk. f. &T Mesoclastes hrachystachvs, Lindl ... unifiora, Lindl. Mesodactylus dejiexa, Wall. Mesona, Blume j ;: Wallichiana, Benth. MeBopiera, Sk. f. Maingayi, Hk. f. Mespilus acunihiata, Lodd. affinis, D. Don Bengalenais, Ruxb crenulata, D. Don Cuila, Haul japonica, Bamks tinctoria, D. Don J/Lesserschnnidtia hispida, Benth Meeua, Linn. coromandeliana, Wight ... ferrea, Linn ? lepidota, T. ^ncZ Nagana, Gardn nervosa, PI. & Tr ". pedunculata, Wight pulchella, Pi. & Tr Roxburghii, Wight salicina, PI. & Tr sclerophylla, Thw sin gapor tana, Wall speciosa, Chuis sptciosa, Thw Thwaitesii, PL c^ Tr. ... Walkeriava, PI. & Tr. ... Metalolus cairuleus, Bl. lineatus, Biirtl. prostrat'us, Bl. ... venosiis., Bl Metachilicum cyathiferu7n, Lindl Methonica Doniana, Kunth Vol. Page Methonica Vol. P»pe 187 ,190 superha, Lamk Ai. 358 Metroxylon, Hottl vi. 481 V. 412 inermis. Mart jj 481 vi. 356 Rumphii, Mart. ', 481 >> 3o7 Sagus, Eo«6 jj 481 „ 357 Meyenia Hautayniana, Nees iv. 391 iv. 652 longiflora, Benth jj 391 n 653 652 Meyera Helonycha, Hau . ... lapsu Megera. iii. 304 iv. 169 orientalis, D. Don 55 291 ,, 170 Mezierea Griffithiana, A. DC. ii. 644 55 170 nepalensis, A. DC 55 643 170 Mezoneurura, Des/. 11. 257 55 170 cucul latum, W. Sr -A.. ^j 258 >5 171 enneaphyllum, W. S," A. „ 258 >• 171 glabrum, Desf. 55 258 170 macrophyllum, Bl pubescens, Ue/tf. 55 258 259 vi. 23 snmatranum, W. ^^ A. ... jj 259 55 44 Michelia, Linn i. 42 vi. 175 anrantiaca. Wall 42 iv. 611 Cathcartii, Bh. f. ^^ T. ... !5 42 55 611 Champaca, Lmn 55 42 iii. 136 Doitsopa, Ham 42 jj 137 excelsa, Bi 55 43 ii. 385 glauca, Wight 44 55 385 Kisopa, Ham 55 43 371 lactea, Wall 55 43 55 384 lanuginosa. Wall 55 43 55 372 macrophylla, D. Don 55 41 372 nilagirica, Zenk 55 44 55 371 oblonga. Wall 55 43 ovalifolia, Wight 55 44 iv. 148 pulneyensis, Wight 55 44 i. 277 punduana, JIfc. /. 4" r. ... ,, 43 jj 277 Rheedii, Wight 55 42 jj 277 rufinervis, DC. 55 42 55 278 velutina, DC. 55 43 55 277 Walkeri, Wight 44 )y 277 Michelia, Amman iv. 582 277 spinosa, Amman 55 582 55- 277 Micranthemum indicum, Hk. 277 f. &T iv. 286 55 277 Micranthus oppositifoliw, ;, 277 Wendl iv. 4i7 55 27o Micrargeria, Benth iv. 303 )) 277 - Wighti'}, Benth 5» 3U3 278- Micrechites, Miq. ... ... in. 670 !> 278 elliptioa, Hk.f 55 671 277 polyantha, Miq 55 671 111. 58 Microcalamus Prainii, Gamb. vii. 383 55 58 Microcarpaea, Buc, iv. 286 55 62 alternifiord, Bl ,, 287 55 59 cochlearifolia. Sm diandra. Griff, 55 287 287 vi. 83 mucosa, Br 55 287 55 358 spathulata, Bentb 55 288 GENERAL INDEX. 683 Vol. Page Microchites (see Mioreohites) Microchloa, JSr vii. 283 elongata, Br ,, 283 setacea, £r „ 283 Microchlcena Jiavescens, Garcke i. 371 qtmiquelocularis, W. & A. „ 371 Microcos Mala, Kam i. 393 paniculata, Linn „ 393 Stauntoniana, G. Don ... „ 393 tomenfosa, Sm „ 393 Miorodesmis, Planch v. 380 casearioefolia, Planch. ... „ 380 Microelics Roeperianus, W. & A V. 345 Mioroglossa, DC. ... v. 256, 671 albescens, Clarke ... v. 257, 67 L cahulica, Clarke v. 257 Griffitliii, Clarke „ 257 volubilis, DC „ 257 zeylanica, Benth „ 257 MicrogynsBcinm, Hfc. /. ... v. 9 tibeticum, JffA;. /. „ 9 Microloina spectahilis, "Wall. i. 371 Microlo'maangustifolia,}iaim, iv. 64 pyrotechnica, Spreng.-^... ,, 64 Microlorichus divaricatus^jyC . iii. 383 Micromeles, Dene ii. 377 Castanet folia, Dene. ... „ 379 Griffithii, Dene „ 377 khasiana, Done „ 378 rhamnoides, Dene „ 377 verrucosa, Dene. ... ii. 378, 379 Micromelum, Bl i. 501 hirsatnm, Oliv „ 502 monophyllum, Wight ... ,, 510 pubescens, Bl „ 501 Micromeria, Benth iv. 649 biflora, Benth „ 650 capitellata, Benth. ..." :.. „ 649 Hydaspidis, Falc „ "650 Malcolmiana, Benth. ... „ 650 ovatu. Beck „ 650 Micropera,'Da,\z vi. 55 Micropera, Liudl. vi. 33 maculata, Dalz „ 64 pallida, Lindl vi. 3f^, 67 pallida, Wall vi. , 36 viridijlora, Dalz „ 63 Micropiper exiguum, Miq. ... v. 97 pusillum, Miq „ 99 Micropora, B^. /. v. 189 Curtisii, m. /. v. 189, 862 Micropteyyx stricta, Walp. ... ii. 189 suherosa, Walp „ 189 suhlobata, Walp „ 190 Micropyxis pumila^Duhj ... iii. 506 , Y y Micropyxis Vol. Pajre tenella, Wight iii. 506 Microrhynchus, Less iii. 414 acaulis, Kurz „ 3.:)6 asplenifolius, DO „ 415 ckondrilloides, Clarke ... „ 415 fallax, J. & S „ 416 glaber, Wight „ 396 glomeratus, J. & S „ 417 nudicaidis, Lesd ,, 416 patens, DC ,, 403 sarinentosus, DC ,, 416 secundus, Clarke „ 416 Microsaccus, Bl vi. 77 javensis, Bl „ 77 virens, Hli.f. „ 77 Microschoenus, Clarke ... vi. 675 Dathiei, Clarke „ 675 Microstachys Cliamcelea, A. Juss V. 475 Mercurialis, Benth' ,, 412 sp., Wall V. 473, 474 Microstegium Willdenowia- num, Nees vii. 117 Microstylis, Nutt v. 683 acutangula, Hfc. /. „ 683 hella, Rchb. f „ 688 Bernaysii, Muell „ 689 biaurita, Lindl „ 687 hiloba, Lindl „ 686 congesta, Rchh. f. v. 689, vi. 181 crennlata, Ridl. v. 691, vi. 181 cylindrostaohya, Rchh. f. v. 689 discolor, Lindl „ 689 jiavescens, Lindl „ 690 furoata, Hh. f. „ 690 fusca, Rchb. f v. 689, 690 Josephiana, jRc/i6. /. ... v. 687 khasiana, Hk.f. v. 686, vi. 181 lanoifolia, Thw v. 691 luteola, Qk. f. & T „ 691 luteola, Wight „ 691 Maingayi, iZ^fe. /. „ 689 micrantha, iTA; /. „ 688 musoifera, liidl ,, 689 parvula, ^A;. /. „ 690 plantaginea, /S'feud „ 688 polyodon, Hk. f. v. 688, vi. 181 pratensis, B,idl v. 691 purpurea, Lmdi. ... ... „ 687 Rheedii, Wight... v. 690, vi. 181 Rheedii, Lindl ... v. 688 Rheedii, Bchb. f ,', 688 Scottii, Hk. f. ... V. 687, vi. 181 Stocksii, HA;. /. . ... ... v; 691 trilobulata, Kurz ..'. ... „ 689 versicolor, Wight „ 691 versicolor, Lindl. V.-690, vi. 181 2 684 GENERAL INDEX. Miorosfcylis Wallichii, Lindl. MicroUmis, Oerst. Miorotropis, Wall. bivalvis, Wall coriacea, Wall. densiflora, Wight ... discolor, Wall latifolia, Wight ? lonrjifolia, Wall. miciocarpa, Wight ... ovalifolia, Wight ramiflora, Wight Wallichiana, Wight ... Microula, Benth Benthaini, Clarhe ... Mikania, Willd chenopodifolia, Willd. chenopodioides, Wall. clematidea, Wall. longican is, Wall. ... scandent^, Willd. volubilis, Willd. Miliosaccharum, Nees... Militim, Li7in amndinaceum, Koen. asceniens, Roxb. ca-pillaceum, Koen. ... capillare y 'Sk.oth. Carar, Ham cimicinoides, Roxb. ... cimicinum, Linn. Crus-galUyMcBnoh ... dv.hkim, J acq effasum, Linn esculentum, Moench filiforme, Roxb. globosum, Thunb. Languchinia, Ham. ... laterals, Regel 'inaritimum, Koen, ... inxinutijiorum, Triti. ... orixense, Roxb ovatum, Heyue Panicum, Mill phleoides, Sw •polystachyxim, Spreng 109 107 ... ,, 109 105 ... 110 ... I 106 ,, 107 106 ... ,, 105 105 ... ,, 107 106 ... ,, 104 ... ,, 105 ... ,, 104 ... ,, 104 104 ... „ 106 246 ... iv. 377 377 ... 11. 3 6 4 „ 4,5 )« 6 ,, 4 5 ... ,, 6 ... i. 555 556 ,, 554 555 555 555 ... ii. 291 GENERAL INDEX. 685 Mimosa Vol. Page Mimosa Vol. Page ahstergens, Spreng. ... ... ii. 296 Sirissa, Roxb ii. 298 Adenanthera, Roxb — 5, 286 Smithiana, Roxb jj 300 ugrestis, Sieh 3) 288 speciosa, Jacq 33 298 alba, Rottl ,, 294 spinosiliqua{spinos!siliqua) alhida, Koxb ,, 294 Rottl 55 291 amara, Roxb 301 stipulacea, Roxb 35 300 299 javanicus, Bl 33 279 frondosa, Heyne ,, 294 nepalensis, 5ent/( 35 258 Farnesiana, Linn. .. ... )j 292 orbicularis, Benif/i 35 259 ferruginea, Kottl. ... „ 297 strict'ics, Bentb. 259 Jerruginea, Roxb. 295 ? tenellus, Bunge 35 259 hamata, Willd ,, 291 Mimusops, Lwri iii 548 heteropMjlla, Roxb. .. 5J 30b ?attenuata. Wall 55 537 korrida, Hm „ 293 Balota, B\ 55 549 Intsia, Linn ... „ 297 Browniana, Benth 549 Jiringa, Jack „ 205 dissecta. Br 55 54y Kseringa^ Roxb }J 305 Elengi, Linn 35 548 Kalkora, Roxb ... ;) 300 hexandra, Roxb 549 Kleinii, Poir ), 294 Hookeri,A. DC 33 549 Latronum, Linn. ... }J 296 indica, A. DC 33 549 leucophlaea, Roxb. .. 294 indica, Kurz 33 549 lucida, Roxb. '. ii.' 299 ,303 Kauki, Linn 35 549 marginata. Lam. ... ii. 299 KauU, Wall 53 549 onicrophylla, Roxb. .. „ 301 littoralis, Kurz 35 549 monadelpha, Roxb. .. 5, 303 lucida, Wall 35 547 mutabilis, Roxb. JJ 291 Manilkara, G. Don 55 534 nutans, Roxb >» 285 Roxbur^hiana, Wight ... 55 548 initida, Vahl 303 Minyranthes heterophijlla, obovata, Roxb ... 5) 29t> Turcz iii. 304 octandra, Roxb. ,, 291 Miquelia, Meissn i. 593 cdoratissima, Linn. .. >J 299 assamica, Bl 55 593 ped/unculata, Roxb. .. 5> 289 dentata, Bedd 53 593 pennata, Linn 297 Pgibba, Baill 55 594 procera, Roxb 55 299 Kleinii, Meissn. 33 593 , pndica, Linn 53 291 Miquelia, Bl. vji 242 pulchella, Roxb. 35 301 couitallensiSj Am 55 244 rubicaulis, Lam. . ... 5) 291 elata, Arn. 55 242 Rottleri, Spreng. 291 Emodi, Am. & Nees 55 243 rugata^ Lam • • 53 295 MlRABILE^ u. 708 scandens, Linn 287 Misoanthus, Anders vii . 107 Bepiaria, Bentli. • ■•• I) 2)1 cotulifer, Benth 33 108 686 GENERAL INDEX. M'8canthu8 fiiscus, Benth iiepalensigi, ifacfc nndipes, Hack sinensis, Anderss Mischocarpus sumatraniis, Bl. sundaicus, Bl Mischodon, r/i-u; zeylanicus, Thw Mischospora efoliata, Boeck. Missiessya hypoleuca, Wedd velutina, Wedd Wallichiana, Wedd. Mitopetalum Wightii, Bl. ... speciosum, Bl. ... Mitrasacme, Ldbill. alsinoides, Br. ... capillaris. Wall. chinensis, Griaeb. crystallina, Griff. indica, Wight ... malaccensis, Wight nudicaulis, Reinw. , polymorpba, Br. pusilla, Dalz. trinervis, Span. Mitreola, Linn. inconspicua, Zoll. & Morr. oldenlandioides, Wall. ... paniculata, Wall pedicellata, J3ewt^ petiolata, A. DC Mitrephora, Bl , Pexcelsa, Hfc./. cf-T. grandiflora, Bedd Heyneana, Thw Maingayi, Hh.f. ^ T. ... obtusa, £1 reticulata, Hk. f. ^ T. ... tomentosa, Hk. f.^'T. ... MiTEEPHOREiE Mitrosicyos lohatus, Maxim. Mneslthea laevis, Kunth Mnianthus longipes, Walp. . . . pulchellus, Walp. zeylanicus, Walp. Mniopsis Hookeriana, Tul, Johnsonii, Wight selaginoides, Bedd. Moacurra gelonioides, Roxb. Modecca, Lam. ... aliena, Wall. ... apiculata, Mast. cardiophylla, Mast. cordifolia, Bl. ... diversifolia, Wall. fv.rjuracea, Wall. ? heterophylla, Kurz, Vol. Page vii. 120 >) 107 107 ^^ 118 ). 679 >3 678 V. 344 5» 344 vi. 631 V. 591 590 ,, 591 V. 821 )> 822 iv. 79 !> 80 80 ?J 80 J> 80 80 80 JJ 80 80 55 80 55 80 iv. 79 55 79 79 55 79 79 )J 79 i. 76 55 77 78 55 77 55 77 55 76 77 )5 76 46 ii. 633 vii 158 V. 63 ,, 62 55 62 V. 66 55 66 68 i.' 570 ii. 601 „ 603 35 603 55 eo2 602 55 601 J> 603 602 Modecca Vol. Page integrifolia. Lam ii. 603 integrifolia, Wall ,, 603 nicobarioa, Kwz ,j 603 palmata, Lam 55 603 populifolia, B? 55 603 singaporeana, Mast. 55 601 trilobata, Eoxb 5» 602 tuherosa, Roxb 55 603 Wia:htiana, Wall 601 MODECCE.*: li. 599 Modeccopsis vaga, G riff. i. 578 Mogorium pubescens, Lamk. iii. 592 Samhac, Lamk JJ 591 trijlorum, Lamk 55 598 undulatum, Lamk 591 vimineum, Lamk JJ 598 Mohlana nemoralis, Mart. . . V. 21 Molina racemosa, Lamk. i. 418 Molinxa canescens, Roxb. ... i. 671 sp., Wall. ... 55 678 Molineria capitulata, Herb. vi. 278 crassifoha, Baker 55 2 79 Finlaysoniana, Baker 55 279 gracilis, Kurz 278 latifoUa, Kurz 55 280 plicata, Colla ,j 278 plicata, Kurz 55 280 recurvata, Herb 55 278 sumatrana, Herb 55 280 Molinia aquatica, Wibel. ... vii 310 coerulea, Moench i. 273 Mollia corymhosa, Willd. ... i. 245 spadicea, Willd. 55 245 MOLLUGINEJl ii. 659 Mollago, Linn. ... ii. 662 hellidijiora, Ser >» 664 Cerviana, Ser 55 663 distioha, Ser 55 663 Glinus, A. Rich 51 662 hirta, Tliunl 55 662 Lmkii, Ser 55 663 lotoides,^.& A 55 662 nudicaulis, Lamk 664 parvijlora, DC 55 662 p)entaphylla, Linn 55 663 Spergula, Linn 55 662 striota, Linn 55 663 tripliylla, Lour 663 umhellata, Ser 55 663 verticillata, Roxb 55 662 Moltkia, Lehon iv. 171 parviflora, Clarke ,, 171 Molucella Marrubiastrum , Stepb iv. 671 Momordica, Linn ii. 616 Balsamina, Linn 55 617 Balsomina, Wa\l, 617 GENKBAL INDEX. 687 Momordicd Vol. Page Monochilus Vol. Pagtt calcarata, Colebr., see Errata davus, Wall vi. 108 calcarata, WsiU ii. 631 paleatus, Lindl. >i lor Charantia, Linn )> 616 longilahris, Lindl 10$ cocbinchinensis, Spreng. 618 nervosus, Wall }, 108 Cymbalaria, Fenzl „ 618 regius, Lindl J) 108 denudata, Thw 5> 618 Monuchoria, Presl vi. 362 dioioa, Roxh 617 dilaiata, Kunch 5> 362 dioica, Wall )) 618 hastaefolia. Presl 362 Hamiltoniana, Wall. 617 hastaia, Solms JJ 362 Heyneana, Wall J) 617 linearis, Miq )J 363 humilis,W&U 617 paucijiora, Kunth & Miq. 363 Luffajhiuji. J> 614 sagittata, Kunth J> 363 Missionis, Wall 617 vaginalis, PresZ 363 mixta, Roxb ,, 618 MonocycUs rohusta, Wall. ... i. 565 monadelpha, Ruxb )> 6:il Monolophus, Wall vi. 222 vmricata, DC 617 elegans, Wall ,, 222 Ptttwa, Wall J> m.\ linearis, Wall JJ 223 renigera, Wall 5> 617 scaposus, Dalz 224 senegalensis, La,mk ,, 617 secundus, Wall )j 223 suhangulata, Bl >> 617 Monomeria, Lindl V. 781 tubijiora, Roxb. JJ 611 barbata, Xmc/Z ,, 781 tuhiflom,^9.\\. H15 Crabro, Par. & Rchb. f . ... JJ 781 umhellata, Roxb J) 625 Monoon canangioides, Miq. ... j. 64 fVallichii, 'Sioeat 617 Monopbyllsea, Br iv. 369 Monarda zeylanica, Buiui. .., Iv . 672 Horsfieldii, Br JJ 370 MONAKDE^ iv. 606 Monoporandra, Thw i. 316 Monenteles spicatus, Labill. iii. 275 oordifolia, Thw. ... i. 303 ,317 Monerma reptns, Beau v. ... vii 363 elegans, Thw i. 317 Monttia barlerioides, L Heiir. iii. 620 lancifolia,Thw JJ 316 Brunoniana, ' Wal 1 j> 620 Monosoma littorata, Gritt'. ... 1. 567 laxa, Planch >> 620 Monothecamascattvsis,A. DC. iii. 534 sarmentosa, Bail I 620 Monothecium, Hochst. iv. 523 tetracantha, Salisb 1. 425 aristatum, T. Anders. JJ 524 MONIMIACEJJ , V. 114 Monotropa, Linn ill. 476 Mo7iocera, Jack 1, 404 Morifoniana, Michx. JJ 476 ferruginea, Jack ... i. 406 , 409 •auifLvr a, Linn ,j 476 ferruginea, Wi^bo j. 406 sp., Griff. )j 476 glandulifera, Hook j> 4u7 MONOTROPE/E 111. 476 Grijffithii, C. Mull 407 Monoxora spectabilis, Wight ii. 469 Griffi^thii, Wight j> 408 Monsonia, Linn i. 427 holopetala, Tarcx,, lapsu chumbalensis, Wigrht ,, 427 ZolJ >) 408 heliutropioides, Cav. JJ 428 leucohotryum, Miq n 407 heterotricha 435 macrocera, Turcz., laps a Lawiana, Stocks JJ 427 Zoll >> 405 mallica, Edgew 428 Munroii, Wight J> 407 senegalensis, Guill. Sf petiolata, Jack 408 Perr i. 427 ,435 petiolata, Miq )> 408 Monstera decursiva, Schott vi. 547 Roxhurghii, Wi^ht 405 giyantea, Schutt JJ 548 suhintegerrima, Miq. >> 40) glauca, C. Koch J, 547 trichanthera, Griff. >5 40S Peepla, Schott JJ 545 tuberculata.W.&A. >> 405 pinnatifida, Schott j> 549 Walkeriiy Wight 406 Moonia Arnottiana, Wight . . . iii. 303 Monochilus, W&ll vi. 107 heterophylla. Am )i 303 obffinis, Lindl >> 109 Moorcroftia adpressa, Chois iv. 196 affinis, Wight 108 penangiana, Chois. J) 196 jiahellatuSyWighx. )> 106 Moorva, As. Kee. ... ... .. vi. 271 GENEliAL INDEX. Vol. Page Morxa chinensis, Mnrr. ... vi. 277 MoREJ-; V. 478; vi. 271 ■Morgania aspera, Spreng. ... iv. 279 hyssopioides, Spreng. ... „ 283 » juncea, Spreng „ 271 luciday tspreng. ,, 279 Moricandia, DO i. 158 arvensis, DC „ 158 tortuosa, Hh. f. ^ T. ... „ 158 Morina, Linn lii. 216 Aucheri,3.&S „ 216 betonicoides, Beiitli. ... „ 217 hreviflora, Edgew „ 216 Coul teriana, iio?/Ze „ 216 elegans, Fisoh. & Lalleui. ,, 216 grseca, J. & S ,, 216 longifolia, Wall „ 216 Tiana, Wall „ 217 nepaleBsis, D. Bon „ 217 persica, Dmn ,, 2 6 polyphylla, Wall „ 216 Tournefortii, J. & S. ... „ 216 Wallichiana, Eoyle ... „ 216 Morinda, Linn iii. 155 acgustifolia, Boxh „ l.')6 angustifolia, Roth „ 156 aspera, W. & A „ 156 bracteata, Roxb „ lr>6 C/iacMca, Ham „ 156 citrifolia, Linn. ... id. 155, 156 citrifolia, Bedd iii. 156 Goreia, Ham „ 156 exse'ita, Roxb „ 156 lanceolata, Wall „ 157 leiantha, Kurz „ 15H multifiora, l^oxh ,, 156 Naudia, Ham „ 1515 nodosa, Ham ,, 16 Padavara, Juss ,, 157 persicu'folia, Ham „ 157 polysperma, J&ok „ 93 rigidn, Miq „ 15/ scandens, Roxb ,, l.')7 speciosa, Wall „ 158 squarrosa, Ham „ 157 stenophylla, Spreng. ... „ 156 tetrandra, Jack ,, 1,=>7 Teysmanniana, Miq. ... „ 156 tiuctoria, Eoojb ,, 156 tomentosa, irieyim ,, |.6 umbel latH, Linn ,, 157 villi-sa, HA;. / „ 158 Wallichii, iCwrz ,, 158 Zollinger iana^ Miq „ 156 sp., Wall. ... iii. 94, 121, 15t>, 157, 158, 172 MoRiNDEiE iii. 20, 155 Vol. Page Morindopsis, £ifc. /. iii. 121 capillaris, Kiirz „ 121 Moringa, Lamli ii. 45 conoanensis, Nimm. ... ,, 45 oleifera, Lamk ,, 45 polt/gona, DC „ 45 pterygosperma, Grtn. ... „ 45 zeylanica, Pers „ 45 MOKINGE^. ii. 45 Morisia Wallicli'i, Xe^M ... vi. 668 Morocarpus angiista/u< (an- gulatus), Bl v. 590 longif alius, Bl „ 590 rnicrocephalus, Be ij 1 1 > . ... „ 590 salicifolius, Bl „ 591 WalUchianus, Kurz „ 591 WalUchianus,Thw „ 592 Morus, Linn v. 491 ? acidosa. Griff. ,, 492 alba, Linn „ 492 alba, Bureau ,, 492 atropurpurea, Rox*'. ... „ 491 bif aria, Hort. Cn\v „ 493 Ctidranus, Ham „ 538 cuspidata, Wall „ 492 glahrata, W-d\l „ 4»3 Indies, Linn „ 492 laevigata. Wall ,, 492 pahularia, Dene „ 492 paniculata, Roxb ,, 589 parvifolia, Royle „ 492 serrata, lloxh „ 492 serrata, Wall „ 492 tatarica, Linn ,, 492 mcoru?/i, Jacqueni ,, 492 viridis, Ham „ 493 Moschosma, Rchh iv. 612 ociinoides, Rchb ,, 647 polyptachyum, 5e?3i/j. ... „ 612 Mosla, Ham iv. 646 diauthera, Maxim „ 647 ocimoides, tiam. „ 647 MoulinsiacupanioideSfCHiub. i. 672 ruhiginosa, G. Don „ 672 Mucuna, ^cians li. 185 acun)inata, Grah ,, 185 anguina. Wall „ 185 atropurf>uie», DC ,, 186 bracteata, Z)C „ 186 capitata, Ti^. ^ J. „ 187 corymhosa, Grah ,, 185 cristata. Ham „ 185 gigantea, DO „ 186 ? gracilis, GrAh. „ 193 hirsuta, IV. & A „ 187 imbricata, DC „ 185 macrocarpa, Wall „ 186 GENERiLL INDEX. GS9 Mucuna monosperma, DC monosper'Tna, Wall nigra, Ham nivea, DC. pruriens, DC prunta, Hook recta, Wall utilis, Wall velutina, Hassk Muehlenbergia, Schreh . Duthieana, Hack geniculata,'NeeH himalayensis, Hack. Huegeln, Trin sylvatica, Torr. ^ Qr. viridissima, Nees Mukia, Am leiosperma, Thiv maderaspatana, Kurz Boabrella, Am Muldera diandra, Thw. galeata, Miq multinervis, Miq trichostachya, Miq Wightiana, Miq Wightiana, Wight Mulgedium cyaneum, DC. ... decipiens, Hk. f. & T. Icevigahvm, DC. Lessertianum, DC macranthum, Hk. f. & T. macrorhizuiii, Royle nilgherryense, Wight- rapunculoides, DD robustiim, DC rostratiim, Schuitz sagittatum, EiOyle Mmibya cyanochroa, Boi».-, Muiidulea, DC pulchra, Benth suberosa, Benth Munnicksia, Dennstd MvLUTonia, Wight , neilgherrica, Wight pnmila, Wight Wallichii, Wight Murdannia tuberosa, Koyle... Muricia cochinchinenHis, Lour Murraya, Linyi brevifolia, Thw Burmanni, Spreng cremdata, Oliv elougata, A. DC exotica, Linn exotica, Reinw exotica, Thw Vol Page ii. 185 >j 185 188 5) 188 187 5J 187 5J 207 JJ 187 187 VI.. 258 )> 259 259 J) 2J9 259 }) 259 >J 259 11. f^23 )) 623 623 J) 623 V. 91 80 ?} 91 80 )) 91 )) 80 iii. 408 407 )) 408 409 5) 409 JJ 408 )} 408 5} 407 408 J) 406 J> 405 . iV 177 . i'. 110 105 )) 110 1. 196 ). 542 )^ 543 543 )> 543 VI. 375 ii. 618 i. 502 5) 503 504 501 J> 51-3 502 !J 554 503 Murraya Glenieii, Thw Koenigii, 8%->reng. paniculata, Jack siimatrana, Roxb. Muea, Linn aralcanensis, Ripley .. assamica, Hort. Bull aurantiaca, Mann. .. (hampa, Hort .Cliffortiana, Linn. .. coccinea, Andr. corniculata, Kurz .. Dacca, Horan dasycarpa, Kurz glauca, i?oa;b Mannii, Wendl. nepalensis, Wall. .. ornata, Roxb. .. ' .. paradisiaca, Linn. rosacea, Jacq sanguinea, Hk. f. sapient urn, Linw. sikkimensis, Kurz simiarum, Kurz superba, Roxb t»-xtilis, Nees text His, Grah troglodytarum, Linn, uranoscopos. Lour. . velutina, Wevdl. vittata, W. Ac km. . zebrina, Van Houtte Muscari hootanense, Gr MUSEiE . Mussaenda, Linn calycina. Wall cordifolia, Wall. curymbosa, Roxb. . ? corymbosa, Kurz . ? corymbosa, Roxb. . ? corymbosa, Wall. . cuneifolia, D. Don . Dovinia (Dorinia), H fiavescens, Ham. formosa, Linn. .„ liondosa, Linn. frondosa. Wall glabra, Vahl glabra. Wall Griffithii, Wight hispida, D. Don incana, Wall ingrata. Wall. ?... . Jelinekii {J el inckii) , Keenani, Hk. f.... . longifolia, Wall. Luciilia, Ham Vol. Page ... i. 503 503 jj 503 503 vi. 261 >} 2^3 263 r. 263 262 262 >> 263 263 ), 262 263 262 >) 263 261 263 262 55 263 263 262 55 262 262 261 5> 263 261 ... ,5 262 55 263 263 55 263 ... ,5 263 •iff. ... vi. 299 vi. 200 iii 86 >5 8y 55 91 55 91 55 87 55 89 87 .'.'. "iii. 34, 92 lam.... iii . 89 55 89 55 89 89 '.'. '"iii."87, 89 iii . 90 ?5 88 5' 88 55 89 55 87 55 89 Kurz „ 88 87 55 88 55 36 690 GENERAL INDEX. Masssenda macrophylla, Kurz maorophylla, Wall ? macropliylla, Kuiz parva, Wall pavettsefolia, Kurz penangensis, Miq pubescens, Ham ? pubescens, WsiW repens, Wall Roxburghii, Hh. f. sefitZosa, Klotz tomentosa, Wight tomentosa, Wight nniflora, Wall variolosa, Wall villosa, Wall villosa, Sohlecht villosa, Wall. .. Walliohii, G. Don zeylanica, Burm sp., Hk. f. & T MuSSiENDEiE MuTISIACEiE iii Mycaranthes, Bl ohliqua, Lindl stricta, Lindl Mycetia caulijiora (lapgu ja vanica), Reinw Mygalurus caudatus, Link .. Myocla rufesces, Lindl. Myonima inultiflora, Ait. . . Myosotis, Linn arvensie, Hoffm harbata^ Bieb csBspitosa, Schultz ecliin jphora, FsdlsiS Hookeri, Clarke intermedia, Link lingulata, Lehm longijlora, Wall microcarpa, Wall montana, Besser multicaulis, Wall ovalifolia, Wall pallens, Wall palustris, Benth racemosa, Benth robusta, D. Don rotundffolia, Wall Btricta, Link sylvatica, Hoffm tenuijicra, Viv villosa, Ledeb MyriachcBta arundlnacea, ZoU. & Mor. glauca, Mor Myriactis, Less Vo}. Page iii. 91 89 ;> 90 )? 91 55 i*l 90 55 87 87 55 84 55 87 91 55 88 90 )5 86 90 55 91 90 ^^ 89 88 55 89 87 iii."l9, 86 . 225 ,386 V. 785 J, 790 » 791 iii . 95 vii. 356 v. 101 ii. 462 iv. 173 55 173 163 )r 173 162 ,^ 174 55 174 173 171 55 172 55 173 55 172 55 172 173 173 171 55 174 172 ,', 174 • ?5 173 • )) 175 165 '. vii. 61 61 147 Myriactis carnosa, Wall Gmelini, DC gracilis, Edgew Javanica, DC nepalensis, Less oleosa, Edgew Walliohii, Less Wightii.DC Myrialepis, Becc Soorteohini, Becc triqueter, Becc. Myrica, Linn canarensis, Miq Farquhariana, Wall. integrifolia, Roxb. ... integrifolia, Wall missions, WaW Nagi, Thunb rubra, Sieb. & Zuco sapida, Wall v. triplinervis, Miq , Myricacb^ , Myricaria, Desv hracteata, Royle elegaiis, Royle germanica, Desv Hoffmeisteri, Klotz prostrata, Benth. & Hk. f. vaginata, Desv Myriogyne minuta, hesB. Myrioneuron, Wall angustifoliam, fffc. /. Clarkei, Hk. f. nutans, Wall Myriophyllum, Linn indicum, Willd indicum, Grifi indjicum Wight intermedium, DC intermedium, Wight , lineare, Hayne , spicatum, Linn tetrandrum, Roxh tuberculatum, Eoxb. variipfolium, Hook vertioillatum, Li7?7i Myriopteron, Griff. Horsfieldii (error = fseq.) ... paniculatum. Griff'. Myriostachya, Hk. f. ... vii. Wightiana, H/c. /. ... „ Myristica, Linn. ... ... v amygdalina, Wall amygdalina, Grab andamahica, Jf fe. /. ? angustifolia, BiOxh. (tro^naiifa, Lamk. Vol. Page iii. 247 55 247 247 247 247 ^^ 247 55 247 5) 247 vi. 480 480 5) 480 V. 597 ^^ 266 597 597 113 )) 597 597 55 597 113 ,597 V. 266 V. 597 i. 249 250 55 250 250 ^, 250 250 249 . iii. 317 iii 96 >5 97 96 55 96 11. 432 55 433 55 432 55 433 433 55 432 433 J, 433 433 432 55 433 433 iv 10 „ 11 j^ 11 3i57 ,421 297 ,327 . 102 , 858 V. 106 111 55 103 111 . 102 GENERAL INDEX. 691 Myristica attennata, Wall. bivalvis, Hh.f. Cantleyi, HI-./. ceylanica, A. DC. corticosa, Bedd corticosa, Hk. f. & T, crassifolia, Hh f. cf- T. dactyloides, Wall. ... diospyrifolia, A. DC. elllptica, Wall. ? elliptica, Kurz erratica, Hk. f. & T..., eugeniafolia, A. DC. exaltata, W&U Farquhariana, Wall, ferruginea. Wall. Finlay soniana. Wall. Jioribunda, Wall, fragranp, HouU. furfuracea, Hk. f. ^ T. gibbosa, Hk. f. d; T. ... glabra, Bl glauca, Bl glaucescens, Hk.f. Sf T. glaucescens, Wall. ff lobular ia, Hk. f. & T. Griffithii, Hfe. /. Heyneana, Wall. Hookeri, Wall Hookeriana, Wall. ... Horsfieldii , Bl Horsfieldii, Bl. ? hi/posticta, Miq iners, Bl Integra, Wall integrifo lia, S te ud . ... intermedia, Bl Irya. Gaertn Iryadghedi, GaertD.... javanica, Bl Kingii, m-./. lanceo lata , Wal 1 . laurifolia, Hk. f. ^ T. lanrina, JBl ? Unifolia, Roxb. longifolia, Wall, longifolia, Hk. f. & T. magnifioa, Bedd. Maingayi, Hk. f. malabarica, Lamki ... malaccensis, Hk. f. ... inicrantha. Wall. missionis ?, Wall. montana, Roxb moschata, Thunb. ... Murtoni, Hk.f. noiha, Wall. ... ... Vol. Page V. 110 ^^ 107 ,, 110 7> 103 111 li'o ,111 V. 108 103 ^^ 103 ,, 102 7J 103 110 J) 113 107 , 109 V. 108 106 ^, 113 107 !J 102 112 )J 112 77 107 111 7) 111 113 161 V. 108 77 109 113 7) 113 109 77 106 106 ,103 V. 104 77 113 107 113 77 112 109 106 77 109 106 77 111 103 77 112 77 110 110 lib 113 v. 104 101 77 103 104 77 113 111 ,, 113 10;i 77 105 103 Myristica Vol. Page ? ohtusifolia, Wall v. 113 officinalis, Linn, f ,, 102 paniculata, A. D.C ,, 108 pendulina, ilfc. / „ 859 polyspherula, HA;. / ,, 108 sapida,Stexid ,, 113 sesquipedalis, Wall. v. 113, 151 sphcerocarpa, Wall v. 109 sphaerula, H/c. /. ,, 859 ? sumatrana, Bl ,, 111 superba, m-. /. ^ r. ... „ 105 sylvestris, Houtt ,, 859 tomentosa, Hk.f. ^ T. ... „ 105 tomentosa, Bl ,, 112 ? tomentosa, Grab „ 103 tomentosa, Thw. „ 103 Waliichii, iTA:. /. ^^ T. ... „ 105 zeylanica, Thw. ,, 103 sp., Wall „ 113 sp., Malacca ,, 113 sp., Singapore , 113 Myristicacea, Wall v. 105 Myristicea, Wall t. 381 Myristice^ V. 101 Myrmechis glabra, Bl vi. 98 Myrmecodia, Jack iii. 194 armata, DC „ 194 ? echinata, Gaud „ 194 ? tuberosa, Bl ,. 194 Myrobalanus b ellir lea ^b el erica) Gaertn ii. 445 Che'jula, Gaertn „ 446 citrina, Gaertn „ 44& Myrsine, Linn iii. 511 acuminata, Royle ,, 511 afrioana, Linw ,, 511 avenis, A. DO ,, 512 bifa/ria. Wall „ 511 capitellata, Wall „ 512 excelsa, D. Don ,j 512 glabra, Gaertn. ,, 511 khasi ana, Kurz , 512 lanceolata. Wall ,, 512 lepidocarpon, Wight ... ,, 512 lucida, Wall „ 512 Mt/rtilhos, Hk „ 516 neriifolia, Sieh. & Zacc. . . „ 512 pachy Sandra, Wall. ... ... „ 531 philippcnsis, A. DC. ... „ 512 Porteriana, Wall „ 512 Potama, D. Don ...... „ 511 retusa, Ait, „ 511 rotundifolia,ljaxnk „ 511 scabra, Gaertn. ,., 511 semiserrata, Wall „ 511 sessilis,!). Don ,, 511 sttbspinosa, D. Don „ 512 652 GENERAL INDEX. Myrsine thece folia, WalL umhellulata. A, DC. ? tmcZ-u^af a, Wall. ... Wightiana, Wall. Myrsine^ Myktace^ Mybte.e Myrius acuminatissima, amboinensis, Kuraph. androsoemoides, Poir. hracfeata, Willd, hraziliana, Linn. ■canescens, Lour. caryopliyllatcu, Linn. Commer^onii, Spreng. communis, Linn, coromandeliana^ Koen cotinifolia, Spreng. ... Cumini, Linn cymosa, Bl. cymosa, Spreng. densijiora, Bl Heynei, Spreng. Jamhos, Kunth javanica, Bl latifolia, Heyne laurina, B.etz Leucadendron, Linn, lineatas, Bl littoralif, Roxb. macro'phylla, Spreng. iiialaccensis, Spreng. quudrangularis, Ham. r'scifolia, Wilid. ■i^aligna, Gmel tmilacifolia, Wall. ... Soneratii, Spreng. ... sjpicata, Ham tomentosa. Ait trine rvia, Sm zeylanica, Linn. Mystacidium, Lindl. ... zeylanicuru, Trim. ... Myxopyrum, Bl nervosum, Bl smi.lacifolium, BL. ... Mya'ospermitm chylocar Roem. Nageia hracteata, Kurz, japonica, Gaertu. Latifolia, Gord Fidranjiva, Roxb. ... Xaiadace-e Naias, Linn dichotoma, Roxb, falciculata, A. Braun Vol. Page i. 601, ill 512 ... iii. 512 516 ,, 512 ... iii. 507 . ... ii. 462 ... ii. 463 Bl. ii. 483 4H4 ... )) 462 5, 502 505 469 490 ... 51 501 462 502 501 ■Si 499 496 ,, 482 ,, 473 ... 33 502 474 ... 53 473 502 . ... iii. 573 ... ii. 465 ... ■33 487 502 ... 55 472 • • • ■» 472 ... ■)> 486 ii. 486 ,502 • • • « 465 468 ... 53 485 • •-• 5J 502 469 53 468 • • • « 485 . ... vi. 78 , 78 ... iii. 617 618 3, 618 •p in, . ... i. 500 ... V- 650 ... 5, 597 649 • ■ • • 53 337 . ... vi. 562 vi. 568 . ... 53 569 ' ... 3, 569 Naias Vol. Page fucoides, Griff. vi. 569 graminea, Del ,, 569 heteromorpha, Griff. >) 570 iiidica, Cham 3> 569 major, Allioni 5> 569 minor, Allioni >5 569 muricata, Del 569 rigida, Grif. ... 5» 570 seminuda, Griff. ... ... 569 sen istipula {semistipula ) Balb 3> 569 spinosa, Ham 55 560 tenuis, A. Br 55 570 ternata, Roxb 569 Nama zeylanica, hinu. iv. 134 sp., Linn ,, 134 Nannorhops, If. Wdl VI. 429 Ritohieana, H. Wdl. • J 429 Nanothamnus, Thorns. iii. 273 sericeus, Thorns 5> 273 Naravelia, DO i. 6 Finlaysoniana, Wall. 55 7 laurifolia, Wall 5» 7 zeylanica, DC 5> 7 Nardostachys, DC iii. 210 grandijiora, DC 5> 211 J atamansi, DC 55 211 Nardurus, Rchb vji 356 tenuijicrus, Boiss 55 356 unilateralis, Fries 5' 356 Nardus indica, Blsine vii. 203 indica, Linn. f. 55 283 stricta, hmn 5» 366 Thomxa, Linn. f. >5 366 Naregamia, W. ^ A i. 542 alata, IT. ^^ j> 542 dentata, Miq 5> 542 Nargedia, JSedti iii. 122 macrocarpa, £edd 5> 122 Narthecie^ vi. 301 Iiarthex,¥&\c ii. 707 Asafcetida, Falc j» 707 Nasturtium, Br J. 133 heterophyllum, Bl ,j 134 heterophyllum, D. Don ... jj 133 indicum, DC. 51 134 madagascariense, W. & A. »» 134 montanum, Wall 134 oflacinale, Br 35 133 palustre, DC 133 terrestre, Br ,, 133 Nastus haccifera, Roxb. vii 417 Thouarsii, Spreng 55 392 TjangTcorr eh, Schxxlt. „ 415 Natsiatum, Mam i. 595 gamosepalu7n, GriS. M 595 herpeticum, Ham 55 595 GENERAL INDEX. 693 Natsiatum Vol. Page Vol. Pa^e he^^etieum, Ham . vii. 595 Neerija dichotoma, Roxb. . . . i. 623 oppositifnlmm, PI . „ 596 Neesia, Bl, i. 352 sp., Griff . „ 595 altissima, Bl » 352 Nauclea, Linn . iii. 26 synandra. Mad j> 352 acida, Hunter . ,r 33 Neillia, Z). Don ii. Add end. aralioides, Miq •• „ 25 rubiflora, D. Don ... „ J Brw«om's, Wall .. „ 26 thyrsiflora, B. Bon ... „ >5 Cadamha, Roxb . ,. 23 virgata, Wall „ »> coadunata, Roxb . r, 22 NelitHs Jambosella, Gaertn. iii. 127 cor data, Roxb .. ,, 22 pallescens, Miq.. ii. 470 cordifolia, Willd . „ 24 paniculaia, Lindl >> 470 diversifolia, Wall .. „ 26 poi]/(;a?72.a, Sprang 470 elliptica, Dalz. & Gibs. . -. ., 27 pcdymorpha, Bl >> 470' excelsa, Bl . „ 27 Nelsonia, i2. Br iv. 394 ferrea, Bl . „ 33 campesfcris, Un )> 394 ferruginea, Bl . „ 28 canescens, Nees 394 ? Gamhier, Hunter ... , . „ 31 lamiifoH'f, Spreng ,j 394 lanceolata, Bl . ., 26 orlganoides, R„& S. M 394 lanosa, Poir . „ 33 senegalensis, Oerst 395 Main gay i, //fc. /. ... . . „ 27 8 mithii, 0 erst J> 395 mici'oceplialn, Wall . „ 25 tomentosa, Nees 394 missionis, Wall . „ 27 ves'ita, R.. & S ,, 395- oblonga, Miq . „ 27 villosojf Oerst. M 395 occidentaMs, Linn . „ 24 Nelsonie^e iv^. 388 orientalis, Hb. Madr. • „ 27 Nelumbie^e .... ..'. i. 113 oWeniaZ/s, Lamk . „ 28 Nelumbium,. /wss i. 115 ovalifolia, Roxb • » 27 asiaticum, Rich „ 116 parvifiora, Pars. ... . . „ 25 speciosum Willd >5 116 parvifoUa, Wall ... . . „ 22 Nelumbo indica, Poir i. 116 parvifolia, Willd . „ 25 Nennatopyxisfruticulosa, Miq. ii. 588 peduncularis, TfaZZ. . „ 27 prostrata. Miq jj 588 peduncularis, Thw • » 26 pusilla, Miq >) 588 polycepliala, Wall . „ 25 Nemedra Nimmonii, Dalz. ... i. 561 purpurea, /«'oa;b • „ 26 Nemodon sp., GriS. ir. 216 purpurea, Wall . „ 22 Nenga, H. Wendl. Sf Drude vi. 412 rotundAfolia, Roxb . „ 26 gracilis, Beoo »> 407 Roxhurghii, G. Don ... . „ 22 macrocarpa, Scort )) 412 scandens, Roxb . „ 30 pumila, Wendl. 412 scandens, Sm . „ 32 Wendlandiana, Schef. ... JJ 412 sclerophylH, Hunter . „ 28 Nengella paradoxa, Beco. ... vi. 411 sericea, Wall . „ 24 Neoctia,. imw vi. 103 ,180 sessilifolia, Roxb . „ 2i amosna,. Bieh vi. 102 setigera, Bl. .., ... . . „ 33 australis, Br ,, 102 stipulacea, Roxb. .►. . • „ 22 crispata,.B\ ,, 102 tetrandra, Roxb . „ 24 flexuosa, Sm .^ 102 trichotoma, ZoU. & Mor. , . „ 25 Li n die y ana, Dene >) 103 tuhulosa, Am ■ » 25 listeroides, Linil >> 103 undulata, Roxb . „ 22 inacrophidla, D. Don 130 undulata. Wall . „ 22 monophyll a, D.T)on M 131 Wallichiana, Br • „ 22 parvifiwa,. S m 5> 102 zeylanica, Iffe./. ... . .. „ 26 plantaginea, D. Don 181 Nauclee^ iii. 17, 22 procera, Ker )) 111 Nechamandra alternifolia,Ti. iw. V. 659 sinensis, Pera 102 Boxburghii, Planoh. . „ 659 iftrateumatica, Br JJ 103 Neciandra decandra, Roxb K V. 198 viridifiora, Bl JJ 96 Nectarobothrium striatun i, Neottie.e ... V. 668, 672 ;, vi 88 Ledeb . vi. 354 Nepenthace^ V. 63. 694 GENERAL INDEX. Vol. Page Nepenthes, Lm?i v. 68 albo-marginata, Xiohh „ 70 ampullacea, Bl „ 69 ampullaria, JacA: „ 69 distillatoria, Linn „ 68 distillator)a,Wa.\\ , 70 fiinhriata, Bl , 69 gracilis, Zbri?i „ 71 Hookeri, Alph 69 indica, Poir „ 68 khasiana, m. /. , 70 Korthalsiana, Miq „ 71 Igevis, Korth , 71 macrostachya, Bl „ 69 phyllamphora, Willd. ... , 69 phyllamphora, Hk. f. & T. „ 70 Eafflesiana, Jacfc , 69 Reinwardtiana, Miq. , 70 ssinguinea,, Lind I, , 70 sanguinea, Griff. » 70 tomentella, Miq „ 70 Nepeta, iinu i V. 656 amhoinica, Linn , 672 annua, Pall , 657 hipinnata, Cav , 657 bombaiensis, JDalz , 661 botryoides, ^ii , 657 calaminithodes, Benth. iv. 6 31, 662 campestiis, Benth i V. 658 campesf-ris, Hk. f. & T. ... , 658 Cataria, Lmw , 662 ciliaris, Benth. , .661 Clarkei, ^fc. /. , 663 clinopodioidesy Royle , 661 connata, Eoyie , 657 discolor, Benth , 659 distAus, Benth , 660 disticha, Bl , 672 elliptica, EoyZe , 658 erecta, Benth , 663 eriostaohya, Benth , 657 erodiifolia, Boiss , 667 floccosa, Benth , 662 glntinosa, Benth , 660 Govaniana, Benth , 663 graoiliflora, Benth , 663 indica, Bnrm , , 683 indica, Lino , , 672 lamiopsis, Benth , , 659 leucolaena, Benth , , 662 leucophylla, Be«tl'i , , 662 linearis, Royle , , 657 longibracteata, Benth. ... , , 660 inacrantha, Led , , 663 madagascariensis, Lamk. ? , , 624 malabarica, Linn , , 673 mollip, Benth , 660 Nepeta Vol. Page wultijida, hinn. ... iv. 657 vepaiensis, Sprenp'. .. ,, 664 nervosa, Boyle „ 658 nivalis, Benth 664 polystachya, Benth. 11 658 raphanorhiza, Benth. 659 rotundifolia, Benth. „ 662 ruderalis, Ham. ... 661 ruderalis, Boiss. ... 55 662 Sabinei, T. A. Schm. 659 salviaefolia, Royle .. 5, 664 secunda, Wall ... J, 661 spicata, Benth 11 659 supina, Stev ... 5, 658 ThomBoni, Benth. .. ... ,, 658 tibetioa, Benth. ... ,, 664 versicolor, Trevir. .. ... ,, 672 sp., Hk. f.&T 660 Nepete^ ... iv. 606 Nephelaphyllum, Bl — V. 818, vi .192 cordifolium, Lindl. .. ... V. 818 grandiflorum, Hk.f. ... vi. 192 nndum, HTi.f. ... J, 192 pulchrum, Bl ... V. 818 tenuiflorum, Bl. v.819,vi .192 Nephelinm, Linn. ... i. 686 lengalense, G. Don .. ... ,, 689 hifoUolatum, Thw. .». . i. 684 690 costatum, Hiern. ... i. 688 dimocarpus, Hk. f. & T. ... „ 688 duriocarpus, T. And. „ 688 echinatum, Noronh. ... ,, 687 erectum, Thw , i. 683 690 eriopetalum, Miq. .. ... i. 689 eximium, Thw . i. 690 691 fuscatum, Thw „ 682 690 Gardneri, Thw. ... i. 690 gliibrum, Noronh. ... 687 Griffithianum, Kurz ,, 687 hypoleucum, Kurz ... ... 5, 680 lappaceum, Linn. . . . „ 687 Lit-ohi, Camb i. 685 687 Longana, Camb. i. 679, 685 688 ? Maingayi, Hiern. ... ... i. 688 malaiense. Griff. ... 5^ 689 mora, Gardn 689 mntabile, Bl 5) 686 Noronhiamtm, Camb. i. 686 690 pupillum, Wight ... i. 689 Hmosum, G. Don ... ,, 690 rnbescens, Hiern ... 688 rwbrwm, G. Don i.' 684, 691 simplicifolium, Thw. „ 683, 691 stipulacenm, Bedd.... ... i. 690 variahile, W Sill >> 691 verticillatum, G. Don i. 684, 691 xerocarpum, Camb. ... „ 686,691 GENERAL INDEX. 695 Vol. Page Neurocalyx Vol. Page Neplielocldoa altaica, Griseb. vii. 338 Hool-eriana, Wight iii. 47 persica, Griseb 5) 337 Wightii, Arn >> 47 soongarica, Griseb )» 338 zeylanica, HooTc j> 47 tripolitana, Boiss. & Blanch. „ 338 Neurocarpu7n cajanaioUum, Nephroccelium malaccense^Turcz v -.665 Presl ii. 209 NepTiroica mollis, M-iera i. 102 retusum, Hassk 55 209 Neptuuia, Lour ii. 285 Neurolonia (Neurotoma) oleracea, Xoitr jj 285 nudicaii^e, DC i. 131 plena, Berdh ,, 286 scapigerum, DC 5> 131 triquetra, Benth )i 286 Neuropeltis, Wall iv. 224 Nerium, Linn iii. 654 hracteata, Griff. ,, 225 antidysentericum, Linn. ... )) 654 inttrmedia, GriS". )> 225 caudatum, Larak 655 ovata, Wall 5> 225 caudatum, Roxb >> 656 racemopa, Wall » 225 coccineum, Roxb )) 654 Neustanthus javanicus, Benth ii. 199 Coraia, Ham M 653 peduncularis, Benth. )j 197 coronarmm, Jacq 647 phaseoloides, Benth }j 199 diva/ricatwn, Hb. Madr. .. )) 654 sericans, Miq ]99 divaricatum, Linn 647 i'uhspicatits, Benth ,j 199 grandijiorum, Roxb iv. 6 Neuwiedia, Bl vi. 175 indicum, Mill iii. 655 Curtisii, Bolfe 55 175 latifolium, Mill )) 655 Griffithii, Ec/ib./. it 176 odoratum, Lamk J) ^55 Lindleyi, Rolfe J> 175 odorum, Soland 51 655 Neyraudia, ilA;. /. ... vii. 305 ,421 paucijlomm, 'Eioxh iv. 6 madagascjvriensis, Hk. f. vii. 305 Fiscidium, B.OTt. C&lc. ... 5> 46 Nicandra, Ada7is rv. flD Piscidmm, Roxb iii. 629 anomala, Link & Otto ... >> 243 reticulatum, Roxb iv. 5 indica, R. & S ii 238 scandens, Lour iii. 655 physaloides, Oaertn. JJ 240 ? tinctorium, Ham 653 Nicolsonia, DC li. 170 tinctorium, Roxb )) 653 congesta, Wight JJ 152 tomentosum, Roxb 653 reptons, Mbissn >» 373 zeylanicum, Linn 654 Nicotiana, Linn iv. 245 NerviUaAragoana,.Ga,u.d. ... VI. 121 crispa, Pers j» 246 Nescea triflora, Kunth ii. 565 plumbaginifolia, Viv. >j 246 Neslia, Desv. ... i. 164 rustica, Linn ii 245 panicalata, Desv ») 164 Tabaoum, imn j> 245 Neubeckia decora, Klatt vi. 274 Nictanthes, vide Nyctanthes sulcata, Klatt » J 274 Niebuhria, DG .- ... i. 171 Neuracanthus, Nees iv. 490 arenaria, DC 5J 171 grandiflorus, Kurz }) 491 linearis, J)C )J 171 Lawii, Wight )j 491 ohlongifolia, DC JJ 171 Neesianus, Clarhe )) 491 ohlongifolia, Royle JJ 171 sphEerostaobyus, Dalz. ... 491 Nima quassiodes, Ham. mss. i. 520 suhuninervius, Kurz ,, 519 Nimmonia Jioribunda, Wight. ii. 5H7 tetragonostaohyus, Nees... n 49 L iawM, Wight i. 561 tetragonostachyus, Wall. . . . 528 Niota Lamarlciana, B\. i. 519 trinervius, Wight )) 491 lucida. Wall JJ 519 sp., Kew Distrib )) 491 pentapetala, Foir JJ 519 Neii,rachneMeneritana,U. & S. vii. 25 ? polyandra, Ham JJ 517 Neurada, Lmn ii. 368 tetrapetala, Lamk 519 procumbens, Linn 5J 368 Nipa, Wurmh vi. 424 Neurade^ ii. 308 frutioans, Wurmh J) 424 Neurocalyx, JTooit iii. 46 Nirhisia, G. DoD. i. 27 capitata, Benth jj 47 Noccasa iHollis. J -Acq iii. 302 Championii, Benth >> 47 Nolina ? javanica, Hassk. ... vi. 336 Gardneri, Thw ... j> 47 Nomaphila, Bl iv. 409 696 GENERAL INDEX. Komaphila Vol. Pace Nyctanthes Vol. Page corymbosa, Bl iv. 409 liirsuta, Linn iii. 126, 592 rarishii, T. Anders j> 409 multifiora, Burm iii. 592 pinnat'xfitia, Dalz 5> 405 puhescens, Retz >) 592 jpuhesce7is, Knrz » 4r9 Samhac, Linn 591 striota, A^'ees 5» 409 scan'] ens, Retz 595 Nomismia aurea, W. & A. ... ii. 221 trijiora, Burm 5> 598 capitata, W. & A ,, 221 undulata, Linn 591 nummularia, W. & A. 53 221 viminea, Retz JJ 598 Nonatelia ? h^spida,Wa\\. . . . iii. 180 Nyctocalos, Teysm. <^ Binn. iv. 376 1^ onnea, Mnench iv. 169 Thomsoui, m. /. ,, 377 Edgeworthii, A. DO jj ]f^9 Nymphaea, Linn i. 114 pulla, Lanik )j 169 alba, Linn JJ 114 taurica, Ledeb 5J 169 cachemiriana, Camb. 114 Norisca mysorensis, Wight i. 253 cyanea, Roxb ,, 114 Norrisia, Oardn iv. 85 Devoniensis, Hook j^ 114 malacoensis, Oardn. » 85 Edgeworthii, Lehm. 114 NorteniaThouarsii{Thomassn) eduUs^DG ,, 114 Cham. &Schl iv. 278 HooTceriana, Lehm J) 114 Notelcea Posua, J). Don. iii. 611 Lotus, Linn 114 ZolUngeriana, Teijs. & Binn „ 612 Nelumho, Linn. )> 116 Nothaphcehe ? petiolaris. punctata, Edgw. ... ... 114 Meiasn v. 145 puhescens, Willd ,, 114 umhelliflora, Bl >j 145 pygmsea, Ait ,, 115 Notlwcnf^sti-^ sumatrana, Miq. i. 622 rubra, Roxb ,, 114 Notholirioa macrophylUim, sagittata, Edsew j^ 1J4 Boise ^ vi. 352 stellata, Willd. ... ... JJ 114 roseum., Wall ,, 352 versicolor, Roxb 114 Nothopanax fruticosum, Miq. ii. 725 NYMPH.EACE.E i. 113 ? pinnti turn., Miq >» 734 Nymphanfhus Niruri, Lour. V. 298 tricoclileatum, Miq jj 727 NYMPHEyE i. 113 Nothopegia, Bl ... ii. 39 Nyssa, Linn ii. 747 aureo-fulva, -Bedd „ 40 sessiliflora, m. /. rj 747 Colebrookiana, Bl >> 40 travanoorica, Bedc? » 40 Oberonia, Lindl V. 675 Nothosa^rua, Wight iv. 726 acauUs, Griff. „ 679 braohiata, Wight >» 726 acaulis, Hook >J 679 Nothoscordium Sulvia, Kunth vi. 337 anceps, Lindl JJ 685 Notoceras, Br i. 140 angustifolia, Lindl. v. 684, vi . 181 canarieuae, Br ,, 140 anthropophora, Lindl. ... V. 684 hispanicum, DC >> 140 Arnottiana, Wight 683 Notochaete, Bent/i iv. 694 bicornis, Lindl 682 ha^mom, Benth j> 694 brachysr.achys, Lindl. ... 677 Notonia, DC iii. 337 Broivneana, Thw 680 jj balsamica, Dalz. cD Gihs. J) 337 Brunoniana, TF'ig'^i 681 corymhosa, DC 337 caulescens, Lindl. y. 682. vi .181 crassissiina, DC j> 338 ciliolata, JIX:. /. vi. 181 crassissima, Schultz 337 cimicina, Griff. V. 676 grandiflcira, DQ jj 337 Clarkei, i^fc. f. JJ 676 Walkeri, Clarice . 337 demissa, Lindl 680 Notonia,W. & A ii. denticulata, Wight J^ 676 Wightti, W. & A >j 183 ensiformis, LmdZ )J 679 Notothixop, Ohv. V. 227 Falconeri, HA;. /. v. 678, vi. 180 floccosux, Oliv }> 227 ferruginea, Par V. 679 Nyctagink/E ... iv. 708 fie.cuosa, Par JJ 676 Nyctanthes, lAnn iii. 603 forcipata, Lindl )) 681 angustifdlia, Linn >) 598 Gardneriana, Thw )> 686 Arbor-tristis, Linn. J5 603 gracilis, Hk. f. 685 GENERAL INDEX. 697 Oberof ia GriflBthiana, Lmdl. v. Griffithii, Wight Helferi, iZA. /. hnbricata, Wight insectifera, Hfc. /. ... iridifolia, Lindl. v. iridifolia, yf all Jenkinsiana, Griff. ... Lindleyana, Wight ... longibracteata, Lindl. longihracteata, Thw. lunata, Lindl Mannii, Hlc.f. maxima, Par miniata, Litidl Myosurus, Lindl. myriantha, Lindl. ... obcordata, Lindl. ... orbicularis, Hlc.f. ... pachyraohis, Rchh. f. v. platycaulon, Wight ... platycaulon, Thw. ... pyrulifera, Lindl. ... recnrva, Lindl. v. rosea, Hk. f. rnfilabris, Lindl. Scortechini, Hlc.f. ... Scyllse, Lindl setifera, Lindl sUdcimensis, Lindl. ... spiralis, Griff. sfachyoides, A. Bich. tenuis, Lindl Thwaitesii, /Zfc. /. ... Treutleri, Hfc./. trilohata, GriS. truncata, Lindl. yerticillata, Wight ... Wallichii, flfc. /. ... Wightiana, Lindl. ... zeylanica, Hk. f. Ohione Belangeri, Moq. Koenigii, Moq nummularia, Moq. ... Stocksii, Wight Oohanostachys, Mast. amentacea, Mast. Ochlandra, Thw Beddomei, Gamble ... Brandisii, Gamble ... Eheedii, Benth. Eidleji, Gamble setigera, Gamble stridula, Ihw trava'ncorioa, Benth. Oohna, Linn. andamanica, Kurz ... VOL. VII. Vol. Pasre 676, vi . 180 ... V. 685 , ... ,, 679 ... ,, 6S5 ... vi. 180 675, vi 180 V. 678 ,681 ... V. 676 ... „ 681 ... ,, 678 680 ... vi. 180 ... 180 ... V. 677 ... ,, 685 685 » 679 ,, 884 677 681, vi .181 ... V. 682 686 ... „ 678 680, vi .180 ... vi. 180 ... V. 683 „ 683 684 ... ,, 680 679 ... 686 >> 6H3 682 ... ,, 678 ... ,, 683 679 ... ,, 677 ... ,, 677 ... ,, 681 683 ... ,, 680 ... V. 7 ,, 7 ... J, 7 7 ... i. 576 ... ,, 577 ... vii. 418 ... ,, 419 420 ... 418 ... ,, 420 » 420 419 419 ... i. 523 ,, 524 Ochna ? brevipes, Planch. ... . collina, Edgew. ... • cor data, Thw . crocea, Griff. fruticulosa, Kurz Heyneana, W. & A humilis. Wall lucida, Lamk Moonii, Thw nana, Ham •nitida, Thunb nitida. Wall obtusata, DC parviflora, Griff. parvifolia, Vahl ? pumila, Ham rufescens,Thunh.? ... . squarrosa, Linn squarrosa, Kurz stipulacea, ? Colebr Walkerii, Planch Wallichi, Planch Wightiana, Wall zeylanica, Lamk OcHNACEiE OCHNE^E « ... . Ochradenns, Del baccatus, Del Ochrocarpus, Thouars... . longifolius, Benth. Sf Hk. siamensis, T. Anders. Ochr osia, Jitss borbonica, Gmel salubris, Bl Ochthocharis, Bl javanioa, Bl paniculata, Korth Ochthocloa dactt/loides,^dg OCIMOIDE^ Ooimum, Linn acrocephalum. Bl adecendens, Willd adscendens, Wight ... . albwm, Linn album, Roxb americanum, Jacq americanum, Linn asperum, Roth Barrelieri, Roth ... . Basilicum, Linn bullatum, Lamk canum, Sims capitatumy Roth. ... . capitellatum, Linn. f. caryophyllatum, Roxb. . Chandra, B-Am ciliare, Heyne Vol. Page ... . 525 , 524 , 524 , 525 , 524 ... , 524 , 524 , 523 , 524 , 524 , 523 , 524 , 523 , 524 , 524 , 524 ; 523 , 523 , 524 , 524 , 524 , 524 , 524 , 525 ".'. i . 52» .. i . 525 .. i . 182 , 182 ... . 270 /. , 270 . 270 ."." iii. 63» , 638 , 638 '.".* ii. 528 , 528 , 528 'ew.vii. 294 ... iv. 605 ... iv. 607 , 611 , 609 , 614 , 608 , 607 , 608 ... , 607 , 625 , 608 , 603 , 608 , 607 , 611 ... , 611 , 608 ... , 611 ... , 608 z z 698 GENERAL INDEX. Ooiraum ciliatum, Hornem cinereum, Br citronatum, Ham Coetsa, Spreng cordifolmm. Herb. JMadr. cristafum, Roxb, ... iv. densiflorum, Roth ? dij^usum, 'Ben th. fastigiatum, Roth Jlaccidum, A. Rich Jrutescens, Linn glaucum, Heyne ^randiflorum, Bl gratissimurn, Linn hirsutum, Benth hirsutum, Wall hispid^im, Lamk indicum, Roth inodorum, Burm integerrimum, Willd. lacerum, Heyne Thongifjorum, Ham •macrostachyum, Poir. mayporense, Roth medium, Mill menthcefolium, Benth. menthcBfoUum, Hochst. ... menthoides, Burm minimum, Linn ■oninim^im, Burm Miria, Ham. .„ ^ molle, Ait mollissimum, Wall monachorum, Linn woHttdeip/iWH, Roth petiolare, Miquel pilosum, WiWd polystachyum, Linn. prostratum, liian rigidum, Ham. rohustum, Heyne ruhicundum, Ham saccharoides, Willd eanctum, Linn ,. ... scahrum, Wight scutellarioides, Linn. , , suave, Willd sxihserratum, Heyne ienuiflorum, Barm tenuiflorum, Heyne tenuiji or um, Jjinn. ... ... ternifolium, Spreng. ? thymiflorum, Roth thyrsijiorum, Linn triste, Roth, lapsu Ortho- siphon .r tuberosum, Roxb V. 1 Page iv. 608 j^ 625 " 608 620 ^^ 6U 608 ,609 iv 624 ;j 613 5) 656 611 !> 6t6 614 615 55 608 )5 609 55 613 6J8 ,, 609 5? 609 608 )) 608 5» 615 610 55 n21 5) 60S 608 j^ 6oy ;; 610 609 ) ) 608 55 615 621 55 .615 55 609 55 625 614 5) 603 612 55 610 615 55 608 >J 615 625 55 609 608 55 626 609 55 609 612 jj 610 jj 609 )> 621 55 614 608 5) 613 615 Ocimum urticoefolium, Roth verticillatwm, Heyne villosum, Roxb virgatum, Bam. ? Zatarhendi, Forsk. Ocotea attenuata, ^ees declinmia, BI glaucescens, Noes lanceolata, NeeB ... ... ligiistrina, Nees ligustrina, Str. & W. pallida, Nees paniculata, Nees ^yuhescens, Nees sericea, Nees umbellifera, Nees Octarrhena parvula, Thw. .j. Octomeria alba, Wa.[\ convallarioides, Wall. excavatd, Wall Jiava, Wall pubescens, Spreng secunda, Wall spicata, D. Don Octotropis, Bedd. travaucorica, Bedd. Odina, Roxb. Wodier, Roxb ;. Odonia trinervia, Spreng. ... Odontanthera, Wight Odontites rubra, Benth. serotina, Boiss. ... Odontochilup, Bl v brevistylis, 7://c. /. ... calcaratus, Bk. f Clarkei, Hk. f. crispus, Hk. f. 'ElweBU, Clarke jiavus, Benth, grandifloros, Benth. lanceolatus, Benth macranthus, jfffc. /. pectinatus, £r^. /. pnmilus, Hk.f. Odontostemma (lapsu Adeno- stemma) glandulnsum, Benth (Eceodades flexuosa, Lindl. paniculata, Lindl pusilla, Lindl Retzii, Lindl tenera, Lindl (Edipachne punctata, Link CEnanthe, Linn benghalensis, Benth. corticata, Edge?v Jistulosa, Linn Vol. Pafje iv. 609 „ 609 „ 009 „ 615 5, 625 V. 143 5, 1^2 „ 140 „ 141 ,5 142 „ 140 ,5 142 ,5 142 „ 142 5, 139 5, 145 V. 811 V. 795 „ 791 „ 795 „ 801 5, 801 „ 791 „ 791 iii. 131 „ 131 ii. 29 „' 29 ii. 212 IV. 4 iv. 305 „ 305 . 98, 179 vi. 100 „ 99 „ 100 „ 99 „ 100 „ 101 „ 100 „ 101 „ 98 „ 99 „ 99 i. 242 VI. 72 „ 58 „ 57 ,, 37 „ 73 vii. 21 ii. 695 „ 696 „ 696 „ 6.^7 GENERAL INDEX. 699 (Enanthe Hookeri, Clarice .« ... javanica, DC laciniata, Miq linearis, Wall stolonif era, Wall Thomsoui, Clarke (Enothera odorata, Jacq. ... rosea, Sol tetraptera, Cav, (Eonia ? alata, A. Rich. Oianthus, Benth , Beddomei, HA;. /. discifloras, -fffc. / urceolatus, Benth Oiospermum ? Metzmmtm. Schaltz, lapsa Diosper- mum Wig htianu m, DC, Olace.b OLACtNiE Olax, Linn acnmiaata, Wall. Baditr, Ham. Heyneana, Wall. imbrioata, Roxh. longifolia. Wall. lucida, Heyne... mergaensis, Planch. nana. Wall. psittacoriim, Vahl , sca,nden8, Roxh.... ? sumatrana, Miq. Wighliana, Wall. zeylanica, Linn. zeylanica, Wall. Oldenlandia, Linn. affinis, DC. "... alata, Hk.f. alata, Roxb. alsinifidia, G. Don " angusti-folia, Bentb. arguta, Hk. f. ... aspera, DC. asperida, DC. ... bitiora, Hk. f. ... ■ hijiora, Lamk. ... brachiata, Hk. f. hrachijpoda, DC. capillaris, DC. ... coccinea, Hk. f. corjmbosa, Linn. orystallina, Roxh. ? depressa, Willd. dichptoma, Hk.j. diffusa, Rojob. ... digi/na, lletz. gracilis, Hk.f. ... Vol. Page ii. 6J7 „ 696 „ 696 „ 696 „ 696 „ 697 ii. 582 „ 582 „ 582 vi. 73 iv. 48 „ 49 „ 49 „ 49 ... iii. 228 ,, 301 . ... i. 573 ... i. 572 ... i. 574 576 • ••• 5? 575 : i. 576 586 . ... i. 575 i,576 5S6 ... i. 575 576 i. 576, iii. 620 ... i. 575 ,, 575 ... ,, 58 i i. 575, V 213 i. 576 • • • • !) 57-5 . .,. iii. 64 • • • • ,» 67 70 • • • • j> 69 64 ,, 60 67 ... ,'> 68 . 65 f, 70 >, 64 66 ,, 65 ... ,t 7L 69 • .. ,1 6i 65 • ■'• " 71 ,, 67 65 *. '.".'. ii 3»9 . ... iii. 6fS y'z Oldeolandia graminifoUa, DC. herhacea, DO herbacea, Willd. Heynei, Hk. f. hirsiUa, Linn. f. hispida, B^nth. ? hispida, DC japonica, Miq lactea, Cham. & Soh. linarifolia, Hb. Made ? linearis, DO linifolia, DO maritima, Roth. multiflora, Cav. mysurensls, G. Don ... nudicaulis. Roth ovatifoUa, DO oxt/phylla, G. Don ... paniculata, Lin.n. paniciilata, Roxb. Parishii, Hk. f. pterita, Miq paherida, G. Don pumila, DC pusilla, Roth racemosa, Bl ramosa, Roxb ramosissima, Bl. repens, Barm repens, Lino retrorsa, Bnss rotundifolia, G. Don ruhioides, Miq. ... '... scabrida, DC ? senegaleasis, Hiera Shuteri, Hk.f. sptrgulacea, DO. Stocksii, Hk.f. striata, Linn Teysmaniana, Miq. ... triuerv^ia, Retz nmbellata, Linn. Wightii, Hk. f. Olea, Linn apetala, Vahl attenuata, Wall. clavata, Gr. Don compacta, Wall. cuspidata, Wall. de'ntata, Wall d.ioica, Roxb ferruginea, Royle fragrans, Thunb. Gamblei, Clarice Gardner i, Thw gliindalifera, Wall. .. grandijiora, Wall. Q Vol. Page . iii. 69 64 65 )> 65 . >' 63 61 >) 71 63 71 67 65 iii. "65, 69 . iv. 287 . iii. 69 . 75 )> 70 >i 70 " 72 69 70 )) 70 J' 7j 66 65 ?) 67 69 64 69 ,, 66 J) _ 42 68 70 • j> 57 64 >j 68 69 • ft 70 >» 67 68 75 6G ■ \\ 66 • >> 66 .. iii. 611 613 )) 611 J) 615 616 >> 611 613 612 611 606 •• 613 613 )5 612 617 / 700 GFNERAL INDEX. Olea Vol. Pasre Het/neana, Wall. ... iii. 612 Zindleyi, W&ll „ 616 Uno&ieroides, Wight ... ... ,, 608 maritima, Wall. ,, 612 microcarpa, Vahl ,, 613 panicidata, Roxb. ... ,, 609 pauciflora, Wall. ,, 609 polygama, Wight 613 rohusta, Wall ... ,) 614 Roxhiirghiana, R. &. S. 609 Roxburghii, Spreng. iii. 609 ,615 Roxhurnhii, Wall. ... ... iii. 615 salicifolia, Wall. ... ,, 613 ternijlora, Kurz 610 Wightiana, Wa,\\. ... ... ;, 612 s:p.. Griff. '.'. 614 Oleace^ ... iii 590 OLEINE.E ... iii 591 Oleoxylon halsamiferum,W&U, i. 298 Oligolepis amaranfhoides, Wight iii. 274 Oligomeris, Camh i. 181 glancesoens, Camh „ 181 Oligopholis tubulosa, Wight iv. 321 Olus calappoides, Rnmph. ... v. 657 Ohjra malaccensis, KoQD. ... vi. 688 orientalis, Lour ,, 685 Omalanthus Lesclienaultiamts, A. JuBS V. 469 Omphalohium indicum, Gsertn ii. 51 pinnafum, DC „ 50 OtDTphalodeB, Moench iv. 155 longijlora, A. DC „ 159 nervosa, Edgew „ 158 ThomBoni, Clarke „ 155 sp., Hk. f. &T. ... iv. 155, 162 Onagrace^ ii. 582 Onoosperma, Bl vi. 414 cambodiana, Hanoe „ 414 fasciculata, Thw „ 415 fi lam en to pa, Bl „ 414 horrida, Sc/is/. „ 415 Onobrychig, Gcertn i:. 141 cuneifolia, DC. ... ,, 92 diffusa, Camb „ 140 heterophyUa, C. A. M. ... „ 142 rotundifolia, Desv „ 92 Stewartii, Baiter „ 141 Ononis, Linn ii. 85 altissimajliSiTn. „- 85 arvensis, Linn ,, " 85 Aucheri, J. & S „ 91 glutinosa, Mart „ 8l hiroina, Jacg „ 85 procurrens^ Benth „ 85 Onopordonlan'itum^'E.hM.'dkdY. iii. 387 Vol. Pagre Onosma, Linn iv. 177 arena/riuni, Waldst. & Kir. „ 17S bicolor, Wall „ 179 bracteatum. Wall „ 178 echioides, Linn „ 178 Emodi, Wall „ 179 J^modi, Wall. Cat „ 179 Gmelini, Ledeb ,, 178 hispida, W&U „ 178 Hookeri, Clarice „ 178 macroceplmlum, D. Don ... „ 178 Thomsoni, Clarice „ 178 vestitum,W&\] „ 179 Walliohianum, Bew^/i. ... „ 179 siJ.,Hk. f. AT „ 178 Onychium crumenatum, Bl. v. 729 lamellatum, Bl. ,, 749 suhulatum, Bl vi. 184 Operculina TurpetMtm,'MB.na. iv. 112 Ophelia affinis, Am iv. 126 alata, Griseb „ 125 a.lba, Am „ 127 angustifolia, D. Don ... „ 125 himaculata, Sieb. & Zacc. „ 123 Chirata, Griseb „ 124 ciliata, G. Don „ 121 cordata,D, Don „ 123 cordata, Griseb „ 123 corymhosa, Griseb „ 326 Dalhousieana, Griseb. ... „ 121 densifoUa, Griseb ,, 127 elegans, Wight ,, 126 /oricZa, G. Don „ 125 Grisehachiana,Wighi ... „ 126 Lawii, Avn. ... ,, 126 l»cida, G. Don „ 124 lurida, D.Don „ 124 macrosperma, Clarke ... ,, 123 minor, Griseb „ 120 muUijlora, Dalz ,, 127 nuda, Klotz „ 123 panicidata, D. Don „ 122 pauciflora, Dalz „ 126 porrigens, G. Don „ 125 pratensis, Edgew „ 125 p^ilchella,D. Don „ 125 purpurascens, D. Don ... „ 121 racemosa, Griseb „ 124 tetragona, Edgew „ 122 tric/iotomtt, W. & A ,, 126 umhellata, Wight „ 126 Wallichii, G.Don „ 122 zeylanica, Griseb ,, 127 sp., Hk. f. &T. ... iv. 123, 124 Ophiopogone.*; vi. 264 Ophiopogon, iCer vi. 267 brevifoWts, Royle „ 324 GENERAL INDEX. 701 Ophiopogon Vol. Pacre Ophiorrhizi Vol. Paj?e Clarkei, HA;. /. ... vi. 268 subcapitata, Wall . iii. 83 dracaenoides, Bk.f. ,, 268 succimbra, King jj 82 Griffithii, H^. /. ... ,, 270 Thomsoni, Hi. /. • J) 82 indic\ts, Kottl ... ,, 269 tomentosa, Jack • 7» 79 indicus, Koyle ,, 270 Treutleri, iffe. /. ^ 83 indicus, Wight „ 269 trichooarpa, Bl • !> 78 intermedins, D. Don J, 269 villosa, Roxh 55 79 japonicus, Ker ,, 267 villosa, Kurz 55 78 japonicus, Wall. vi. 268, 269 1 villosa, W&U 55 83 longifolius. Done, ... vi. 268 Wallichii, Hk.f. 55 79 Maloolmsoni, Boyle ... ... J, 269 sp., Griff. 5> 82 mioranthus, JTA;. /. ... J, 269 sp., Hk. f. & T. iii. 78, 79, 62, 83, 84 minor, Royle ,, 270 Ophiorrhiziphyllon, Kurz .. . iv. 403 mollis, Royle vi. 270 324 macrobotryum, Kurz 55 403 ? pallidus, W&U. ... vi. 270 324 Ophioxylon helgaumense. proliferus, Lindl. ... ... vi. 270 Wight . iii. 634 reptans, Hk. f. ,, 268 ceylanicum, Wight 55 633 spicatus, Ker ,, 270 densiflorum, Thw 633 Wallichianns, Hk. f. ,, 268 macrocarpum, Wight 55 633 Ophiorrhiza, Linn. ... in. 77 micranthum, Wight 633 angustifolia, Thw. ... ,, 77 neilgherrense, Wight 55 633 argentea, Wall ,, 78 ohversum, Miq 632 bracteolata, Br 83 serpentinum, Linn 55 632 Brunonis, W. Sr A. ... J) 79 trifoUatum, GaQTtn 55 632 calcarata, Hfc. /. 84 Ophiria paradoxa, Becc. . vi. 411 discolor, Br ... jj 79 Ophiurus, Gartn . vii 160 discolor, Wall ... ,, 79 appendiculatus, Steud. .. • 55 156 «riantha, Wight ... ,, SL auriculatus, Trin 161 erubescens, Wall. ... ,, 84 corymbosus, Gcsrtn. 55 160 fascionlata, D. Bon ... ... ,, 83 erectus, Wight • 5> 99 ? geminata, Wall. 77 lasvis, Benth 55 158 glechomaefolia, Thw. ... ,, 84 m,uricatulus, Stend 55 157 gracilis, Kurz ... ,, 80 perforatus, Trin. ... vi L. 158 160 grandiflora, Wight ... ,, 80 OPHETDEiE V. 668, 674, vi . 126, 177 Oriffithii, Hfe. /. ... 5, 82 Ophrys aranifera, Huds. . . vi. 26 Harrisiana, Jfeyne ... ... ,, 78 Honor chis, Linn 55 128 hirsatnla, Wight ... ,, 81 nervosa, Thunb • 55 182 hispida, JTfc. /. ,, 83 Opilia, Roxh . i. 583 hispidula, Wall. ,, 78 acuminata, Wall 55 583 imlricata, Gardn. ... ... J, 81 amentacea, Roxb. ... i 574 ,583 lurida, IZfe. /. 82 arnentacea, Wall i. 582 Mungos, Linn ,, 77 Cumingiana, Baill . V. 236 Mungos,Wskll ,, 8L javanica, Miq . i. 584 nana, Edgew 46 manillana, Baill . V. 236 nemorosa, Thw. „ 77 odorata, Spreng . i. 554 nutans, Clarice 84 OPILIEiE . i. 573 ochrolenoa, m. /. ... „ 78 Oplismenus, Beauv . vii 65 oppositiflora, Hk. f. ... 5) 80 acuminatus, Nees • 5> 66 pallida, Thw. ... "... ... ,, 81 eemulans, R. & S J> 66 panciflora, HJc. f. ... » 84 cemulus, Kunth ... . 55 66 pectinata, ^rn. ... J, 81 africanus, Beauv 55 68 prostrata, D. Don ... ,, 78 albus, R. & S • 55 68 radicans, Gardn. ... ,, 80 hrasiliensis, Raddi ... vii. 66, 68 rosea; HA;. /. 78 hromoides, Baker . vii . 66 Roxburghiana, Wight ... ,1 81 hromoides, Beauv • 55 68 rwgosa, Hk. f. & T. ... 82 Burmanni, Thw 66 rugosa, Wall „ 78 Bnrmannii, Beauv •• SJ 68 701 GEWEEAL INDEX. Oplismenus Vol. Page colonus, H. B. K vii. 32 oompositus, -Beawr „ 66 composihis, Kunth ,, 67 compositus, Roth „ 34 Crus-galli, Dum. .„ ... „ 31 Crus-pavonis, H. B. K. ... ,, 31 ? cuspidatuSfK-anih „ 32 decompositus, Nee 8 „ 66 ? duhius, Kanth ... vii. 31, 68 elatior, Beanv vii. 66 flaccidus, R. & S „ 66 frumentaceus, Kunth ... „ 32 ? Mrstitus, Sohult „ 35 hirtellus, Ti. & S „ 66 ? hirtus, B.. & 8 „ 81 Humholdtianus, Nees ... ,, 68 imhecilUs, R, & S „ 66 ? indicus, R. & S ,, 68 indicus, Wight ... vii. 67, 68 indicus, Willd vii. 66 Jacquini, Kunth „ 66 javanicus, R. & S ,, 35 lanceolatus, Kunth ... vii. 66, 67 lanceolatus, Wall vii. 67 lanceolatus, Wight „ 67 latifolius, Haenke „ 66 latifolius, Str. & Wint. ... „ 66 limosus, Presl „ 31 loUaceus, Beauv „ 66 longisetus, Kunth ,, 31 ? magellanicus, R. & S. ... „ 332 muricatus, Kunth ,, 31 parvifolitis, Kunth. ,, 66 pratensis, Schult „ 67 ? prostratus, Edgew. ... ,, 37 Pseudo-colonus, Kunth ... „ 32 sahulicolus, Kunth „ 31 scaher, Kunth ,, 31 semi-alatus, Desv „ 64 setarius, R. & S ,, 66 sfagninus, Kntith. „ 31 sylvaticus, R. & S „ 67 undulatifolius, Beauv. ... „ 66 undulatifolius, Str. & Wint. „ 66 sp., Wall ,, 68 Opuntia Dillenii, B-Skw. ... ii. 657 Orania, Zippell vi. 423 macrocladus, Mart , 423 vicoharica, Kurz ,, 418 Oraoma canarana, Turcz ... i. 560 Orchida^itha, ^.E. Brown... vi. 264 ORCHiDEiE V. 667, vi. 1 Orchipeda fcetida, Bl iii. 658 Orchis, Linn vi. 126 altissima, Ham ,, 137 Chusua, D. Don „ 127 clavatayB.ejne „ 150 Orchis Vol. pagre commelinifolia, Roxb. ... vi. 14S cuhitalis, hinu „ 157 gigantpa, Sm „ 137 grandiflora, Heyne „ 136 Hatagirea, D. Don ,. 127 incarnata, Linn ,, 127 latifolia, Xinti „ 127 leucantha, Ham ,, 161 longicomu, Heyne „ 139 maculata, Linn ,, 127 micrantheyna, Biani ,, 160 mysorensis, Heyne ... vi. 135, 150 ohcordafa, D. Don vi. 164 pectinata, Sm „ 137 plantaginea, Roxb ,, 140 platyphyllos, Roxb „ 141 platyphyllos, WilU „ 140 Eoxiiirghii, Fers „ 140 spathulata, Eclih.f. ,, 127 Stracheyi, fll-. / „ 128 strateumatica, Linn. vi. 103, 197 stylosanthes, Ham vi. 143 SusanncB, Heyne ... ... ,, 164 Susannce, Linn „ 137 tenuis, Rottl „ 141 triplicata, Willem v. 851 ^tnijiora, Roxb vi. 167 viridiflora, Sw „ 150 Oreocnide acuminata, Kurz v. 589 sylvatica, Miq „ 590 Oreocome Candolleana,Edgew. ii. 70O elata, Edgew „ 700 filicifolia, 'Edgew „ 700 sjp.,Hk. f. &T ii. 698, 705 Oreorchis, Lindl v. 709 foliosa, Lindl „ 709 indica, m./. ... V. 709, vi. 183 micrantha, Lindl v. 709 Oreoseris lanuginosa, DC ... iii. 390 lanuginosa, Wall ,, 390 ? nivea, DC „ 390 ovalifoUa, W&n „ 390 pusilla,'DG „ 390 Oreosolen, Hfc./. iv. 318 Wattii, ^^. /. „ 319 Origanum, Tourn iv. 648 ? henghalense, Burm. ... ,, 632 ? indicum, Roth ... iv. 632, H34 laxijlora, Royle iv. 648 Majorana, Linn ,, 648 normale, D. Don ,, 648 vulgare, Linn ,, 648 Wcdlichiana, Benth. ... „ 648 watariense, Roxb ,, 627 Watsoni, T. A. Schmidt ... „ 648 Ormocarpum, Beauv ii. 152 coronilloides, Gr. Don ... ,, 152 GENERAL INDEX. '03 Orraocarpum Vol. P*M« seanoides, DC. ... ii. 152 Ormosia, Jacks ii. 25:2 acuminata, Wall jj 250 coar data, J aoka. ' >j 253 florihunda, Wall !> 252 glauca, Wall )) 253 macrodisca, Baker J) 253 miorosperma, Baker 253 parvifulia, Baker >> 253 robueta, Wight !J 2o2 travanoorica, Bedd. )J 2o3 venosa, Baker )J 254 Ornithariumstriatulum,Jj\ndl .71. 34 Ornithidium hracteatum, Wall . V. 772 imbricatum, Wall jj 846 Ornithoboea, Clarke iv". 365 Parishii, Clarke )> 3d6 Ornithocephalochloa areni- cola, Kurz vii. 91 Ornithoohilns, Wall. ... ti .76 ,179 eublejpharon, H.B,n.ce Yi. 76 fuscns, Wall 76 striatulus, Hort. Calc. ... jj 34 Ornithogal'iim falcatum, Wight vi. 336 indicum, Keen >> 334 nndicum, Roem. 335 polyphyllum, Heyne >> 348 Ornithojpus perpusillus, Schmidt ii. 161 Ornitrophe allophyllus, Pers. i. 673 aporetica, Roxb jj 674 asiatica, Hort j> 674 Cobbe,\YiM j> 673 glabra, Roxb 674 'iiialaharica, Hb. Madr. ... )) 674 Schmiedelia, Pers u 6^ serrata, Roxb 674 villosa, Roxb )) 674 Ornus florihunda, Dietr. ... ill. 605 Moorcroftiana, G. Don ... ,, 606 urophylla, G. Don 5) 605 xoMthoxyloides, G. Doa ... 606 Okobanchace^ iv 319 Orobanche, Lmw iv. 324 acanlis, ^o\h J) 320 jEginetia, Linn j> 320 segyptiaca, Pers 327 borealis, Turcz >j 325 ca^ofropidis, Edge w. j> 824 cernna, Loeffl >> 325 Clarkei, HL/. >j 326 Epithymnm, DC 325 ? fceiida, Klotz ,j 325 ? Gain, Klotz >) 325 Hansii, i^erri >) 325 indica, Ham >> 326 Orobanche indica, Sprang indica. Wall kashmirica, CZarfce Nicotianse, Wight pedunculata, Roxb psila, Clarke ramosa, Linn Solmsii, Clarke Orobus aureus, Stev Emndi, Wall liBvigatus, W. & K luteus, Linn orientalis, Boiss Orontie^ Oropetium, Trm Thomsenm, Trin Orophea, Bl acnminata, A. DC. B r&ndisn, Hk. f. ^ T. ... coriacea, Thw enterocarpa, Maing. erythrocarpa, Bedd. Heyneana, Hk. f.^T. ... f^'obliqua, Kk. f. & T. ... polycarpa, A. DC Thomsoni, Bedd uniflora, m-. /. i' T. zeylanica, -ff A;. /. ^ r. ... Oroxylum, Vent indicum, Vent Orsidice amplexicaulis, Rchb.f Orthanthera, Wight viminea, W". ^ J. Orthopogon semulus, Br. agrostoides, Trev. ... ... albus, Nees ... Burmanni,'Br compositus, Br. Crus-galli, Spreng Jlaccidus, Br gonyrrhizus, Miq. ... ... hirtellus, Br Junghuhnii, Nees loiiaceus, Sipveng longeracemosus, Miq. pratensis, Spreng remotus, Trin iSe^zJi, Spreng setarius, Spreng squarrosus, Spveng. sylvaticus, Miq undulatifolius, Spreng. ... undulatus, Link sp., Griff. Orthoraphium Boylei, Nees Orthosiphon, Benth Vol. Page iv. 2y9 325 )) 324 326 320 ,^ 3:i7 326 )) 325 ii. 181 181 )) 180 180 )) 181 vi. 492 vii. 366 n 366 1. 9) ^ 91 )> 91 93 >) 92 91 )> 77 93 91 )) 91 90 90 iv. 377 » 378 vi 40 iv 64 )5 64 vii 66 }j 73 )) 68 68 J) 67 >> 31 )j 66 )) QQ j> 66 5) 67 67 67 )) 67 67 ^j 31 66 J) 62 5) 67 )) 66 >) 66 67 vii 233 iv. 612 704 GENERAL INDEX. Orthosiphon Vol. Paee Vol. Pa? hractextus, Wight ... . .. iv. 615 Osbeckia, Linn ... ii. 513 comosus, Wight 615 alveolata, Bedd. ... „ 520 diffusuB, Benth. 613 angustijolia, D. Don ... „ 515 glabratus, Benth. ... 614 aspera, Bl ... „ 519 hispidus, Benth. 613 aspera, Wt, & Arn. ... ... „ 519 incurvus, Benth. 614 aspericaulis, Hk.f. ... ... „ 520 inodorus, Keen. 613 brachi/stemon, Naud. ... „ 514 pallidue, Royle 613 buxifolia, Arn ... „ 518 robustus, HTc.f. 614 campestris, Wall. ... „ 518 rubicundus, Benth. ... 614 capitata, Benth. ... „ 516 scapiger, Benth. 615 chinensis, Linn. ... „ 515 stamineus, Benth. ... 615 chinensis, Linn. ... „ 516 tomentosus, Benth. 613 Chulesis, D. Don ... ... „ 522 ? trisle, Uoth, vide Ooimnm „ 613 confertiflora,N&u.d. ... ... „ 514 verticillatus, Heyne 5) 613 crinita, Benth ... „ 517 virgatusy Benth. 615 crinita, 'Naxid ... „ 517 viscostts, Benth. .. 614 cupularis, D. Don ... ... „ 514 Orthosperme^ .. ii. 605 dehilis, Nand ... „ 516 Orthostemon erectum, Br. .. iv. 103 decora, Wall ... „ 515 Hugelii, Griseb. M 103 elliptica, Naud. ... ., 520 Orjgi^, Forsh . . ii . 661 Gardneriana, Wight ... ;, 520 decumbens, Forsk. .. M 661 glahrata, Wall ... „ 515 Oryza, Linn vii . 92 glanca, -Bent7t ... „ 519 ciliata, Ham 94 fflauca, Naud ... „ 516 clandestina, A. Br. ... 94 gracilis, Bedd ... „ 518 coarctata, Roxh. •• 55 93 hispidisaima, Wight ... „ 516 denudata, Stead. 3J 92 japonica, Naud. ... „ 515 fatua, Keen M V2 Kleinii,Axii ... „ 519 Jiliformis, Ham. Jt 93 Lesohenaultiana, BC. ... „ 520 granulata, Nees 8c Am. 93 Leschenaidtiana, Dalz. & hexandra, Doell 94 Gibs ... „ 514 latifolia, Desv 92 Leschenmiltiana, Thw. ii. 514, 515 montana, Ham. • • 5' 93 Leschenaultiana, Wight ... ii. 514 n>utica, Stend 92 linearis, Bl ... „ 515 r>;fflcinalis,Wa.\l. •• M 93 longicollis,^YsA\. ... „ 518 palustris, Ram 5) 92 minor, Triana ... ,. 519 palustris, Salisb. 35 92 Moonii, Thw ... „ 520 platyphylla, Sch. )) 93 muralis, Naud. ... „ 514 repens, Hain 35 92 myrtifolia, Bl ... „ 515 Ridleyi, Hk. f 93 nepalensis, Hook. ... „ 521 rufipogon, GrifF. .. 92 nutans. Wall ... „ 521 sativa, Linn. \ 92 ootandra, DC ... „ 521 sativa, Thw 33 93 parvifolia, Arn. .., „ 515 segetalis, Russ '3 92 polycephala, Naud. ... ... „ 521 sorqhoides, Steud 92 pulchella, Wall. ... „ 518 triandra, Heyne 93 reticulata, Bedd. ... „ 520 triticoides, Griff. '3 93 Rheedii, Thw ... „ 515 Oryze^ vii. 3, 92 rostrata, D. Don ... „ 517 Oryzopsie, Miohx. .. vii. 233 rnbicmida, Arn. ... „ 520 aequiglumie, Duthie ... 33 234 seriaZ/s, Naud ... „ 51G ? ccerulescens, Duthie 3> 234 speciosa, D. Don ... „ 522 divtdsa, Clarke 33 234 stellata, D. Don ... „ 517 Duthiei, Back 33 234 .sfe^iata, Naud ... „ 517 ejfum, Hack 234 stellata, Wall ... „ 517 kashmirensis, Hack. 33 234 ternifolia, D. Don ... ... „ 517 lateralis, Stapf •• 33 234 tetrandra, Roxb. ... 33 545 Munroi, Stapf 3> 234 truncata, D. Don ... 3, 514 GENERAL INDEX. 705 Osbeckia Vol. Page truncata, Am ii. 514 virgata, W. & A 5J 521 virgata, Wight 55 521 Walkeri, ^r» 519 Wightiana, Benth 55 519 Wightiana, Benth. ... ii. 514 ,521 wynaadensis, Clarice ii. 521 zeylanica, Willd 5) 516 zeylanica, Ker JJ 515 zeylanica, Naud 55 515 zeylanica^ Steud 514 OSBECKIE^ ii. 512 OsbecTcioidea, GriflF. ii. 516 Osmanthus, Lour iii 606 acuminata, Wall 55 607 fragrans, Lour 55 606 sna.viB, Kinff 55 607 Osmelia, Thw ii. 595 zeylanica, Thw ~',, 595 Osmorhiza, DC ii. 690 hrevistylis, DC ,, 690 Claytoni, Clarke ,, 6£0 laxa, Royle ,j 690 longistylis,'DC ,, 690 Osmothamnus fragrans, DC. iii. 472 pallidus, DC ,, 472 Ostodes, Bl V. 400 appendiculata, HA;./. ... 55 401 Helf eri, MueU. ... 401 oninor, M.ue]\ )) 400 muricata, HA;. /. 5' 401 paniculata, Bl 400 zeyl&nica,, Muell >) 400 OSYRIDE^ , V. 229 Osyrie, Linn. V. 231 arborea, Wall >/ 232 ? peltata, Roxb J5 448 rotundata, Griff. 234 Wightiana, Wall 55 232 Otandra cernua, SskliBh. vi. 17 Otanthera, Bl ii. 522 bracteata, Korth >) 522 cyanoides, Tri&na, 5» 522 Koti-gueda, Naud J> 523 moluccana, Bl 522 nioobarendis, TeysOT.^Bmw. 5» 522 ruhro-limhata. Link & Otto 523 Othonnopsis, J. ^ S iii. 356 intermedia, Boiss 356 OtochiluB, Lindl V. 843 alba, Lindl. ... v. 843 5 ^i 195 fusca, Lindl. V. 844 lancifolia, Griff. ,, 844 latifolia. Griff. ^j 844 ■pot recta, Lindl ,, 844 Otonychiu7n imhricatum, Bl. i. 692 Otophora, Bl i. 680 Otophora Vol. Page erythrocalyx, Hiern ... i. 680 fruticosa, Bl. ... i. 674, 680, 685 paucijuga, Hiern i 680 Otosema caudata, Benth. ... ii. 109 extensa, Benth 55 109 fruticosa, Benth 55 109 macrophylla, Benth. 108 Otostegia, Benth iv. 679 limbata, Benth ^j 680 Otostemma lacunosum, Bl. ... iv. 55 Ottelia, Pers V. 662 alismoides, Pers '' 662 md-ica, Planch. 662 Ottilis zeylanica, Gaertn. i. 667 Oudemansia integerrima, Miq . i. 365 Ougeinia, Benth ii. 160 dalbergioidee, Benth. J5 161 Onrisia pinnata, Benth. iv. 288 Outea hijuga, DC ii. 275 Ouvirandra undulata, Edgew . vi. 564 Omedia mitis, Burm iv. 595 Ox^LIDW^ i. 426 Oxalis, Linn i. 435 Acetosella, Linn 55 436 Apodiacias, Turcz 437 corniculata, Linn 55 436 Cumingiana, Turcz. 437 gradient a, Kurz 55 438 Griffithii, Edgeiv. ^" Hk. /. 55 436 Metziana, Miq 55 438 Fetersii, Klotz 55 437 pusilla, Salisb 55 436 Beinwardtii, Zucc. ... i. 437 438 repens, Thnnb i. 436 sensitiva, h'lnn 55 438 sensitiva. Wall 55 438 sensitiva, Hb. Wight 55 439 sensitiva, Zucc 55 437 spssilis. Ham 437 Oxyant}iejaponica,^tendi.. ... vii. 304 Oxyanthera, Brongn vi. 87 micrantha, Brongn. vi. 87, 88 Oxybaphus, Vahl iv. 708 himalaicue, Edgeiv 55 708 Oxy carpus gang etica, Ham.... i. 262 Oxy dium sp., Beun ii. 174 Oxygraphis, Bunge i. 21 glacialie, Bunge 5> 21 polypetala, Hk /. S" T. ... »S 21 Oxymitra, Bl i. 70 affinis, HA;./. 8c T 55 70 filipes, Hk.f.SfT 55 71 fornicata, Hk.f. ^ T. ... 55 71 glanca, Hk. f. S" T. 55 71 latifolia, m./. c^ T. 70 Maclellandii, Hk.f. ^^ T. .. 55 70 macrophylla, A. DC. 73 706 GENERAL INDEX. , Lindl. li. Wight Oxjmitra stenopetala/iTfc. /. ^ T. Tiaonsefolia, Hk. f. ^ T. Oxyrcmiphis macrosty macrostyla, Wall. se^ncea, Grab. stenocarpa, Klotz. virgata, Wall. ... Oxyria, Hill digyna, Hill elatior, Br. reniformis, Hook. Oxysepala ovalifoUa^ Oxyspora, DC cernua, Triana paniculata, DC vagans, Wall vagans, Hook vagans, Wall OXYSPOREiE Oxysbelma, Br ? caudatum, Ham esonlentnm, Br WalUchii, Wight Oxystophyllum atropurpureu Bl carnosum, Bl macrostoma, Hasek Oxytenanthera, Munro albo-ciliata, M^mro Bourdilloni, Gamble monostigma, Bedd nigrocilia ta, Mwnro parvifolia, Brandis siauata, Qamhle Stocksii, Munro Thwaitesii, Mwwro Oxytropis, DC argentata, Led oachemirica, Camh. cMliophylla, Royle densa, Benth diffusa, Led Jloribunda, Benth glabra, DC glacialis, Benth Jiumifusa, Kar. & Kir. .. lapponica, Gaud Meinshausenii, Schr. microphylla, DC microrht/ncha, Benih. mollis, Royle Straoheyana, Benth. tatarica, Jacqiiem Thomsoni, Btnth OzodiafoBnicidacea, W. & A Pachyce7itriatiiherculata,Kovih. ii. 56: ^ol. Fuse j. 71 ,, 71 li. l-tl 114 )> 141 144 ^^ 144 T. 58 )) 58 58 5) 58 V. 7oS ii. 525 J) 52« ;; 525 " 526 525 J) 526 11. 512 iv. 17 20 jj 17 17 V. 721 >) 721 723 vii. 4cO ,, 401 jj 40 i 4U2 5> 401 402 )> 401 4U3 }> 402 li. 137 )) 139 139 J) 139 138 j> 140 138 j> 140 137 }j 137 137 jj 139 M 139 137 >> 137 )) 138 138 )) 138 ii. 695 ii. 526 iii. 612 i. 105 „ 10) „ 105 „ 105 „ 105 „ 105 i. 95 ii. 207 „ 207 „ 199 „ 207 266 Pachycentria Vol. Page Walkeri, Thw Pachy derma javanioum, Bl Pac bygone, Miers i. adversa, Miers „ concinna, Miers „ odorijera, Miers ,, ovata, Miers ... „ Plukenetii, Miers „ PACHYGONE.E " ... i. Paohyrhizus, Rich ii. angalatus. Rich „ TrKjllis, Hassk ,, trilobus, DC „ Pachysandra ? coriacea, Hook. v. Pachystemon populifoUus, Miq V. 451 trilobus, Bl „ 452 Pachystoma, Bl. v. 811, vi. 178 Edgeworthii, Rchb. f. ... v. 812 ForHmei, Rchb. f „ 814 Josephi, Rchh. f „ 815 Lindleyanum, Rchb. f. ... „ 812 malabaricum, Rchb. f. ... „ 812 montanum, Rchb. f ,, 812 parvifolium, Rchb. f. ... ,, 814 senile, i?c;ib. / „ 812 Smithianum, Rchb. f. ... „ 812 speciosiim, Rchb. f. ... ... ,, 812 Wijhtii, Vichh. i „ 814 Pacourea GvAara, Ham. ... lii. 624: Padbruggia dasyphyila, Miq. ii 110 Padia Meyeriana, Zoll. and Mor vii. 93 Paederia, Liiiti iii. 195 barbulata, ^iq „ l'>7 calycina, K^irz ,, 196 erecta, Roxb „ 197 foetida, Liiin „ 195 foetida, Benth „ 197 fcBtida, Wall „ 196 lanuginosa, Wall. „ 196 lanuginosa, Kuvz ... ... ,, 196 lanuginosa, Wall „ 196 ? linearis, ilfc./. „ 197 macrocarpa, Wall „ 196 ovata, Miq. ,, 195 pilifera, HA;. /. „ 196 recurva, Roxb „ 197 sessiliflora, DC „ 195 ternata, Wall „ 193 tetrandra, Wall „ 160 tomentosa, -BZ „ 197 verticillata, Bl „ 195 Wallichii, Hfc. /. „ 196 sp., Griff. „ 197 PiEDEEIEiE iii. 21, 195 Poederota Amherstiana, Wall. iv. 291 GENERAL INDEX. '07 Posderota cochlearifolia, Koen. mi7iiina, Koen minima, Retz Tsdonia,, Linn albiflora, Pali Emodi, Wall officinalis, Hk. f. & T. P^ONIE.f: Pajanelia, DC miiltijuga, Kurz Kheedii, DC Palenga zeylanica, Thw. Palimhiaramosissima, DC. ramosissima, Thw. ... Palme^e Palmia hicolor, Endl. ... Panacea Panax, imn aculeatum, Ait. armatum, Wall. hijugum, Wall hipinnatifidum, Seem. curcifolium, GriflE". ... decomposiiuni. Wall. ? foliolosum, Wall. ... fragrans, Roxb fraticoaum, Linn. ... Ginseng, C. A. Mey. ? Heyneanum, Wall. JacTcianum, Wall. Lesclienaultii, DC. ... Lov/i'eirianum, DC. ... micranthum, Wall. ... palmatum, Eoxb. pimiatum, Lamk. polycarpum, Wall. ... Pseudo-ginseng, Wall. quinquefolius, Linn. secundum, Schultz ... serratum. Wall. spinosum, Linn. f. ... tomentosum, DC. tripinnatum, Wall. ... Pancratium, Linn. biflorum, Roxh cambayense. Herb. ... longiflornm, Roxh. ... longijlorum, Herb. ... malabaricum, Thw. ... malahathricum, Herb. parvutn, Dalz tiarcejlm'um, Salisb. ... triflorum, Roxh. yereoandum, Ait. ... verec^lndum, Wight zeylanicum, Linn. ... PaNDANEvE , Vol Page iv. 287 ,, 287 5) 288 i. 30 „ 30 )? 30 30 i. 2 iv. 384 J) 384 J5 384 V. 337 ii. 709 5> 710 vi. 402 iv. 216 ii. 720 ii. 725 J5 726 )) 723 725 )> 722 735 722 >J 723 >? 734 725 )> 721 727 734 )» 724 726 ,, 724 }> 735 734 )J 734 J> 721 722 }) 734 )J 738 }} 726 5J 728 ,) 722 vi. 285 285 ,, 286 )t 286 J] 285 >> 286 285 )) 286 >> 285 ,) 285 }> 285 286 J) 285 vi. 483 Vol. Page Pandanese, Wall Pandanophyllum , Hassk. ... angustifolium, Kurz costatum, Kurz humile, Hassk humile, Zoll hypolytroides , F. Muell. ... immersum, Thw Miquelianum, Kurz - palustre, Boeok. palustre, Hassk palustre, Kurz Wendlandi, Gard. Chr. ... zeylanicum, Kurz zeylanicum, Thw Zippelianum, Kurz Pandanus, Linn andamanensium, Kurz ... albus, Hort atrocarpus, Griflf. ... ... Candelabrum, Kurz carioosus, Spreng caricosus, Miq oeylanicus, iSolms crassipes, Wall fascicularis, Lam foetidus, Roxh {nr G&tua, Eoxb furcatus, Hassk furcatus, Thw graminifolius, Zwrz; horridw, Reinw Houlletii, Carr humilis, Thw integr if alius, Lour Lais, Kurz laevis, Rumph Ler&m, Jones Leratn, Kurz leucacanthus, Hassk. Linnai, Gaud minor, ilcMn odoratissimus, Roxb. odoratus, Salisb , ornsLtna,, Kurz oysktuB, kurz poly cephalus, Law. Rheedii, Gaud spinifructus, Dennst. turhinatus, Lodd unguifer, Hk. f. unipapillatus, Dennst. ... verus, Kurz Yvani, Solms sp., Wall vi. Panderia pilosa, Hk. f. & T. Pangie^ 486 486 486 485 485 486 485 485 485 486 486 487 485 484 487 485 485 485 487 484, 485 V. 11 189 '^os GENERAL INDEX. yol. Page Panicace^ .. vii. 2 Panice^ vii. 2 . 10 Panicum, Linn ... vii. '26 ahludens, E. & S. • • )> 59 acariferum, Trin. ... • • • jj 61 accrescens, Trin. ,, 57 aciculare, Desv. 59 acroanthum, Steud. ... J) 52 acutiglumum, Steud. .. . .J 39 adhaerens, Forsk. ... 80 adpressum, Willd. ... .. . )) 13 adstans, Steud. 5, 25 aegyptiacurn, Hort. ... „ 78 asgyptiacum, Retz. . . 13 wquatum,'Nees 55 25 sequiglume, HJc.f. ... • • • 55 44 aJine,'Seea • • • 55 30 affine, Poir 37 africanum, Poir. 68 airoides, Br • • • 55 50 albens, Steud • • • 55 22 album, Poir ... J, 68 alopecuroides, Keen. 55 79 alopecuroides, Linn. 85 Alopecuros, Lamk. . . . 55 87 altissimum, Brouss. • •• 55 49 ambiguum, Trin. 33 amhiguum, Fig. & de Notar. „ 33 amhigumn, Lapeyr. ... 55 17 ameTicanu7n, hinii. ... • • • 55 82 Amlisa, Ham. .... ... 61 ampkihium, Steud, ... 55 35 ampUxicaule, Poir. ... ... )j 44 aynplexicaule, Rudge 55 40 amplissimum, Steud. 55 angustatum, Edgew. 55 59 angustwn, Trin. vii. 41 5 42 angustum, Wight ... vii. 42 antidotale, jRetz. 55 52 antipodum, Spreng. 55 25 Aparine, Steud. 80 appressum, Doell 55 30 aquariorum, Ham. ... J5 36 aquaticwn, A. Rich. 55 fO arahicum, Nees 32 araneosum, Edgew. ... ... • . 59 ariorescens, Lamk. ... ... ,^* 391 arhorescens, Linn. ... 55 44 arcuatum, Br vii. 41, 51 arcuatmn, Wight ... vii. 42 arenarnim, Bieb. 55 17 arenarium, Brot. ., 50 argyrotrichum, Anderss 18 aristatum, Retz. 55 67 aristidoides, Willd. ... ... ), 85 Arnottiamimy Nees ... ... ,, 43 arvense, Kunth 5, 36 Panicum asiaticum, Hort. asperatum, Kunth ... asperrimum, ¥iBch. ... asperum, Keen. aspertim, Lamk. .^ asperum, Link aseamicum, HTc. /. attenuatum, Hort. ... aUetnmtum, Willd. . . . atro-virens, Trin, ... aurantiacum, Ham. ... auritum, Presl auritum, Hassk. auritum, Wall australis, Rasp. Balhisianum, Sohult. Bansium, Ham. harhatulum, Wall. ... harhatum,, Kunth harhatum, Lamk. harhatum, Roxb. harhatum, Telf . harhijhiltum, Hochst. harhinode, Trin. hatavicum, Steud. hechmanniceforme, Mikai hengalense, Spreng. ... Bevjamini, Steud. ... hicolor, Moench, bicorwe, Kunth hidentatum, Steud. ... hifloruon, Lamk. hiforme, Kunth hlepJiariphyllum, Trim. hrevifolium,'BaAh. .... hrevifolium, Roxb. ... hrevisetum, Doell hrizcejorme, Presl hrizoides, Jacq hrizoides, Lamk. hrizoides, Linn. hrizoides, Retz bromoides, Lamk. Brownianutn, W. & A. Brunonianum, Griff. Burmanni, Bieb. Burmanni, Heyne ... Burmanni, Retz. Burmanni, Schrenk caesium, Nees ceesium, Nees ceespitosum, Sw. callosum, Hochst. ... canaliculatum, Nees Canarce, Steud. canescens, Roth canescens, Wight Vol. Page ... vii. 78 • • • 55 55 45 55 62 5> 80 85 „ 40 .. . 5J 78 5» 46 ■ • 5< 25 55 50 55 40 • • • .'J 39 19 55 25 ... >» 39 ... ;) 36 . . . ,) 53 .. ■ ;) 16 vii. 33, 34 ... vii'. 87 •• • 55 56 66 ..'. ',', 35 55 24 1 55 30 J5 75 55 25 80 55 13 67 5> 25 55 13 » 77 ... }) 46 ... ,) 44 55 78 f) 30 29 ... 5j 30 5> 32 29 55 68 51 5> 62 30 vii. 21 , 57 . . . vii. 68 66 55 48 32 ... )j 33 45 43 ... }) 12 ... ), 81 ... ,< 36 GENERAL INDEX. 709 Panicnm Vol. Page capillarey Linn vii, 59 ? Careyanum, Nees „ 34 ? carinntum , Pveal ,, 57 carno.sum, Saltzm , 30 caucasicitm, Trin ,, 28 caudcHum, Thunb „ 41 cenchroides, Rich ,, 87 cert^ficandum, Stead. ... „ 67 C hamaer aphis, 'iHeea ... ,, 56 Cliintaman, Ham ,, 47 chrysanthum, Steud. ... ., 79 ciliare, Retz „ 13 ciliare, Thw „ 15 ciliare, Wight ... ,, 16 cimicinum, Retz „ 64 coccospermum, Steud. ... ,, 34 Codaea, Ham ,, 79 colonum, Linn „ 32 coloratum, Cav ,, 50 coZorafM«i, Nees „ 47 commutatum, Nees ... vii. i3, 15 compactuw, K.it vii. 78 compositO'proxitnuw , RottJ. „ 67 compositum, Linn „ 67 compressum, 'Forsk. .. ,, 294 concinnum, Edgew. ... ,, 59 concinnvm, Nees ,, 54 confertum, RottI „ 32 confine, Hochsc , 47 confusum, Trin. ,, 49 conglomeratwn, RottL ... „ 41 conjugatwn, Dalz. & Gib^. ,; 64 contractum, W. & A. ... ,» 41 convolutum, Beauv „ 50 corvipes, Stokes „ 30 ? corymbosum, Roxb. vii. 13, 15 c trymhosum, Thw „ 15 coryopliori^m, Kunth ... „ 42 costatum, Roxb ,, 56- costnlatum, Bojer „ 42 courtallense, Nees & Arn. „ 53 Crinum-iirsi, Bory „ 99 crispum. Llanos „ 33 cruciatuvi, Nees „ 14 Crns-galli, Linn , 30 Crus-Gallif Roxb „ 28 Crus.galli, Wall „ 32 cur va turn, Linn „ 42 curvatum, Linn „ 48 cw^vatum, B,o\h ,, 42 cuspidatuin, Roxb „ 32 cuspidiglume, Steud. ... „ 21 cynosuroides, Rottl ,, 39 cynosiiroides, Scop ,, 80 Dactylon, Linn ,, 289 Daltoni, Parlat „ 32 debile, Desf „ 16 Panic urn Vol. Pajre decamp 0 sit um, Br vii. 51 decompositum, Duthie ... „ 50 decompositum, Nees ... „ 67 densepilosum, Steud. .., „ 45 djensispica, Poir „ 87 dichoto7num, Forsk. ... „ 85 didactylum, Kunth _ ... „ 13 difforme. Both „ 57 digitatum, Gilib „ 30 dilatatum, Steud.' „ 16 dimidiatum, Burm „ 96 dimidiatum, He^ne... vii. 37, 91 dimidiatum, Linn vii. 91 dispar, Steud „ 26 dissectum, Linn „ 11 dissitiflorum, Nees & Arn. ,, 15 distachyon, Hb. Madr. ... „ 87 distachyum, Linn „ 37 distans, Trin „ 29 distichum. Gaud ,, 17 dubium, Lamk. ,, 25 dubium, Sieb „ 30 eburneum, Trin ,, 49 echinatum, Willd. ... vii. 30, 58 elatius, Heyne vii. 67 elatius, Linn, f „ 67 elegans,W. & A „ 246 elegantissimum, Hie. f. ... „ 52 elephantipes, Nees ,, 50 Elliottii, Trin „ 50 elongatum, Salisb „ 78 elytroblepharumy Steud. ... „ 16 eminens, Steud „ 16 equinum, Saltzm ,, 35 Equisetum,'^eeB „ 49 eriogonum, Schrad ,, 13 eruciforme, Sibth „ * 28 erythrospermum, Vahl ... „ 78 euchroum. Stead „ 53- excurrens, Trin. ,„ ... „ 55 extensum, Nees & Arn. ... ,, Ifi fasciculatum, Griseb. ... „ 49 fasciculatuih, Nees ,, 56 fest'uciforme, Hochst. ... „ 332 festucoides, Poir '•j, 59 fiUforme, Heyne „ 15 filifo^me, .] acq ,, 13 filij^rme, Ruxb vii. 15, 16 fistulosum, Hochst vii. 50 fiaccidum, Keen „ 29 fiaccidum, Wall ,, 32 flavescens. Sw. „ 56 fiavescens, Moench „ 79 flavidum, Retz „ 28 fiexuoaum, Retz. „ 59 fioribundum, Willd „ 80 fioridum, Royle „ 29 710 GENEEAL INLEX. Panicum Vol. Pa?e fiuitans, Heyne .. vii. 36 Jimtans, Hb. Madr. ... ,. 29 Jiuitans, Retz vii. 29, 30 fiuviatile, Nees ... vii. 41 . foUolosum.,Wa.\l. ,, 61 Forbesianum, Nees .... ... 5) 81 frumentaceum, Roxb. 31 fugax, Koen ,, 59 Gardneri, Thw. 26 germanicum, Mill. ... ,, 78 gibhum, Steud 57 glabrum, Gaud. ., 17 glabrum, Heyne 47 glandulosum,'NeeB ... ,, 58 glaucum, Linn „ 79 ^globular e, Steud. J, 78 ghmera*um, Moench 78 gonatodes, Steud. ,, 25 ffongy lodes, Jacq. vii. 49 , 50 gonyo-rJiizum, Steud. ... vii. 66 grandijlorum, Trin. ... ,, 39 granntare, Bojer ., 29 granulare, Lam. ,, 29 Grimtliii, Arn ,, 15 grossarium, Grifif. ... S^ grossdruim, Koen. ... vii. "34 ,36 grossarium, Roxb. ... „ 34 ,37 grossuin, Salisb. ... vii. 32 puineev.se, Desf. .5 44 hcematodjcs, Presl ,, 32 Sasskarlii, Steud. ... ... 5j 39 Helopus, Trin. ..." ... vii. 35 37 helvolum, Hb. Madr. ... vii. 8+ helvolum, Linn. ,5 79 hermaphroditwm, Steud. !> 57 lieteranthum, Link ... 58 ^eterawi/H(,?n,Nees&Meyen „ 16 Hey nil, Eot/i )> 5't liirsuttim, Heyne ,, 33 Uirsutum, Koen. vii. 35 37 hirtellum, All .. vii. 63 hirtellum, Burm. 55 68 hirtellum, Walt. J) 30 hirticalycinum, Steud. 30 hirtum. Roth vii. 34 81 hirtum. Wall .. vii. 46 Jiispiduhim, Lamk. ... '5> 31 hispiduin, For St. ,, 31 /loZcoides, Jacq. ,, . 79 liolcoides, Roxb. 5) 87 homonymum, Steud. )) 56 hordeiforme, Thunb. vii. 84, 85 liordeoides, Poir. .. vii. 86 liorizontale, Mey. 5J 13 horridum, Saltzm 5) 31 Hosti, Bleb 31 humidorum, Ham. ... 3> 53 Panicum humifiisum, Kunth .. humiie, Nees humile, Aitch humile, Thunb. humile, Trin hydaspicum, Edgew. hygrocharis, Steud. .. imbecille, Trin imberbe, Poir imperfect itm, Ro.vb. .. incisum, Munro ? inaomptiim, Duthie incomptum, Trin. inc'urvum, Linn. indicum, Linn indicnm. Mill indicum, Wight infidum., Steud. infidwin, Trin insectifsrum, Koen. .. insuUcoIa, Steud. intermedium. Griff. .., intermedium, Roth .., intermedium, Vahl .., interruptum, W&W. ... interruptum, Willd. inundatum, Kunth ... Isachne, Roth ischsemoides, Heyne ischsemoides, Retz. ... Ischsemum, Schreb. ... italicum, Linn italicum, Ucria japonicum, Steud. ... javanicura, Poir, javanicum, Kunth ... javanicum, Poir. javanicum, Thw. javanum, Nees & Biil.f Johannse, Linn. jumeiitorum; Pers. ... jumentorum, A. Rich, khasianutn, Munro ... Kleinianum, Nees ... Koenigii, Spreng. ... Koenigii, Wight Kotschyanum, Hochst. Kunthianum, W. & A. Kunthii, Steud. Kurzii, Hk.f. latve, Lamk Icevigatum, 'Ell Icevigatum, Lam. lanceolatum, Heyne lanceolatum, Retz. ... latifolium, Linn, leiogonum-, Sieb. Vol. Page GENERAL INDEX. 711 Panicum lene, Steud lepidotum, Steud leptochloa, Nees ... . limosum, Pre si liyieare, Burm linear e, Krook Linkianum, Kunth ... longeracemosiom, Steud. . loncfifiorum, Gmel longipes, W. Sf A longipes, W. & A longinetum, Poir longisetum, Torr lutescens, Weig lut eum, GuldenBt. .. madagascarense, Spreng. malaccense, Trin w.angaloricum, Steud. marginatum, Heyne... marginatum, Hb. Madr. . marginaixvm, Vahl ... ma/riiimum, Hort mauritianum, Willd. maximum, Ja eg' maximum, Wall. '...vii. inegalantlium, Steud. megiston, Schult mel-frugiom, Hort Meneritana, Spreng. M enieri, K.oen Metzii, Hochst. Meyerianum, Nees ... . micrognostum, Steud. microstachyum, Lamk. miliaceum, Linn iniliaceum, Blanco m.iUaceum, Thw miliare, LamJc miliar e, Wall Milium, Pers minimum, Wall. ..-. minutidum Gaud mirahile, Braun molle, Griseb molle, Sw montanum, Soxh ? montanum, Duthie montanum, Ham mucronatum, Heyne mucronatum, Roth ... m,ucronatum, Wall multihrachiatum, Hochst, multiflorum, Roxb m,ultinode, Lamk multinode, Presl multisetum, Hochst. muricatum, Michx Vol. pHge .. vii. 55 .. ., 25 .. ., 76 •• „ 31 .. „ 289 .. „ 17 .. „ 13 • „ 67 .. „ 18 •• „ 5S •• „ 49 .. „ 88 .. „ 31 • • „ 79 .. „ 79 „ 43 .. „ 246 .. „ 3H .. „ 21 .. „ 37 .. „ 33 .. „ 78 vii. o5, 56 .. y'y 49 40, 52, 54 1 .. vii. 65 .. ., 49 .. „ 78 .. „ 25 ■■ „ 46 .. „ 21 .. „ 35 .. „ 54 .. „ 41 .. „ 45 • • „ 78 .. „ 46 •■ » 46 vii. 26, 47 .. vii. 45 .. „ 79 .. „ 25 .. „ 31 .. „ 35 .. „ 35 .. „ 53 .. „ 23 .. „ 252 .. „ 47 .. „ ' 29 .. „ 47 . „ 20 .. „ 42 .. „ 50 .. „ 43 .. „ 68 • „ 31 Panicum Vol. Pasre ? muricatum, Retz. ... ... vii. 26 musciparuon, Liun. ... ... „ 46 muticum, Forsk. ... „ 34 myosuroides, Br. ... ... „ 42 myosnrus, Rich. vii. 40, 41 my u rum, Lamk. vii. 40, 41 inyurwrn,, Meyer ... vii. 39 myurum,, Wight ... „ 43 Uyuxub, H. B. K. ... .. „ 39 , nanmn, Nees ... „ 34 natans, Koen ... „ 50 Neesianum, W. & A. ... „ 47 nemorosum, Trin. ... » 58 nepalense, Spreng. ... .. „ 55 nervosum, Heyne ... ., 42 nervosum, Rottl. ... „ 16 nervosum, Roxb. .. „ 55 nervosum, Willd. .. „ 15 neurodes, Schult. ... „ 55 nilagiricum, Steud. ... ... „ 34 nodiharbatum, Hochsr. ... „ 25 nodosum, Kunth .. „ 43 notabile, m-./ ... „ 32 ? notatum, Dutbie ... ... „ 47 ? notatum, Wight ... „ 53 nudiglume, Hochst. ... ... „ 36 numidianum, Lamk. ... „ 35 numidianum, Presl ... ... „ 33 mimidianum, Sieb. ... ... „ 30 nutans, Rottl .. „ 37 ohliquum, Moritz. ... ... „ 21 olUquum, Roth ... „ 57 orientale, Willd. ... „ 86 orthum, Voigt -. » 59 oryzinum, Gmel. ... „ 31 oryzoides, Sw .. „ 39 ovalifolium, Poir. ... vii. 44, 247 o^yphyllum, Hochst. .. „ 57 pabulare, Aitch. & Hemsl, vii. 13, 15 pallens, Sw ... vii. 60 palmifoliuyn , Koen. ... .. „ 55 palmifolium, Poir. ... .. „ 55 paludosum, Hochst. .. „ 50 paludosum-, Roxb. ... .. „ 50 pamplemoussense, Steud. „ 49 papillosum, Fenzl ... .. „ 35 paractaenioides, Trin. . .. „ 56 paradoxum, Rottl. ... .. „ 59 Paraguay ense, Steud. .. „ »5 parvuhom, Trin. .. „ 18 paspaloides, Pers. ... .. „ 30 paspaloides, Heyne ... .. „ 35 paspaloides, Wall. ... .. ., 29 patens, Linn .. „ 57 patens, Bojer .. „ 40 patens, Roxb .. „ 25 712 GENERAL INDEX. Panicum paucisetum, Sfc<*ud. ,,. penicillatitm, Willd. peninsulanum, Steud, pennafum, Hochst. ... Perrottetii, Kunth ... Petiveri, Kotschy ... Petiverii, Thw Petiverii, Tri n vii plialaroide-'!, R. & S. phleoides, Br 'pictiglume, Steud. ... pictum, Koen pilipes, Nees Sf Am. pilosum, Dalz. & Gibs. , pilosum, Roxb. & Heyne piluliferum, Nees ... plicatum, LamTc. plumosum, Presl ... , poaforme, Bqjer ... . polygamum, Hb. Madr. . polygamum, Sw polygonoides, Lam polyrhizum, Presl ... polystachion, Ucria ... polystachi/timj Heyne polystachyum^ Sohnlt. . porphyrrhizos, Steud. prativulum, Saltzm. procumlens, Nees ... . proliferutn, Lam propinquum, Br prostratuni, Lamh. prostratum, Thw pruinosum, Bernh pruriens, Fisob. Pseudo-colonum, Both Pseudo-Duroa, Nees Pseudo-oryzoides, Steud, Pseudo-setaria, Steud. (lapsu Pseudostricta) Pseudostricta, Steud. psilocaulum, Steud. psilopodium, Trin. psilopodnim, Koen. psilopodium, Trin psilopodium, Wight puherulum, Kunth ... . puhinode, Hochst pulchellum, Spreng. pumilum., Link pumilum, Poir. ... . punctatum, Burm punctulatum, Arn purpurascens, Opiz. pairpurascens, Baddi pyramidale, ? Ham. qvMle Limicei, Krock. Vol. Page .. vii. 55 •• » 79 )> 67 16 5J 20 32 ?> 38 34, 36 38 .. vii. 41 » 41 J5 35 J? 32 >J 57 J5 31 )f 45 ' 5> 24 vii. 55 81 J5 52 49 )J 25 55 13 50 79 >» 87 47 •• 5! 49 55 34 * • 55 50 55 18 vii. 33 ,34 .. vii. 37 55 52 vii. 13 ,15 .. vii. 32 55 18 55 39 55 55 59 • • 55 80 vii^26 ,46 .. vii. 36 50 • • 55 46 55 19 55 28 55 246 78 55 79 55 29 35 55 80 55 35 75 55 80 -"aiiicum Vo'. Pasre quinquangtilare, Ham. .. vii 36 racemosum,RejJie ... •• 55 15 radicans, Biibse ... . 57 radicans, Retz 57 radicosum, Presl ... . •* 55 13 ramosum, Linn 36 ramomm, Heyne ... . 55 .^9 ramosum, Koen. 47 reclinatum, Vill 55 80 relaxatuni, Nees 38 remotum, Retz • • 55 38 repene, Linn 49 . repews, Burm 55 34 repens, Heyne 57 repens, Roxb. ... vii. 34 "35,' V ',59 repens, Thw .. vii. 50 repens, Wight 55 37 respiciens, Hochst 80 reticulatum, Thw •• 48 rliahdinum, Steud ., 23 rhachitriohlium, Hochst. 56 rliignon, Steud ,. 24 Eidleyi, Hack •• 39 rigidum, Heyne vii. "47 , 50 Rothii, Spreng. „ 34 ,81 Rottleri, Kunth „ 13 ,15 Rottleri ?, Wight ... . .. vii. 16 RoxhurgManum, Schult. 55 50 Boxhurghii, Spreng. 47 Royleanian, Nees ... . 55 47 rude, Lamk 80 sahulicolum, Nees ... . 55 31 saccharoides, Trin 65 Sama, Ham 29 sanguinale, Burm • " 33 sanguinale, Linn 55 13 sanguinale, Pollich 55 17 sanguinale, Str. & Wint. 55 15 sanguinale, Wall. vii. 14 ,15 sarmentosum, Roxh. . vii. 54 sarmentosum, Hastk. 55 35 sarmentosum, Wight 50 saxatile, Steud • 22 acaho'um, Lamk 31 secundum, Heyne 55 247 secundum, Rottl 40 segetale, Roxb • 55 32 semi-alatum, Br 55 64 semiverticillatum, Roitl. 38 semiverticillatum, RottJ. 55 32 semiverticillatum, Wight vii. 36 38 sericeiim, Soland . vii. 60 serotinum, Hort 55 78 serratulum, Ham 39 serratulum, Roxb 55 39 setaceum, Hort 78 setarium, Lamk 55 66 GENERAL INDEX. 713 Panicum Yoi. Page Betigernm, Ret^j. vii. 36 setigerum, Retz. & Roxb. „ 34 setigerum, Roxb „ 34 setosum, Hort. ... ,, 78 sibiricum, Hort „ 78 Sieheri, Link ... ... ... ,, 34 simplicissimum, Koen. ... „ 60 sim.'pliciusculum, W. &. A. ,, 271 simplex, Rottl ,, 46 sordidiim, Tbvr. „ 62 sparsicomum, Nees ... „ 58 sipicatum, Roxb „ 82 spiciforme, Hochst. ... „ 41 spinescens, Br „ .62 squarrosum, Lam. ...... „ 62 sqtiarrosum, Retz „ 96 stagninum, Ham „ 41 stagninum, Retz „ 31 stenostachyum, Thw. ... „ 43 striatum, Spreng. „ 45 strictum, Roxb. „ 75 suhalbidum, Kunth ... ,, 52 subcor datum, Roth „ 34 suhcordatum, Wight ... „ 37 snbeglume, Tnn „ 51 suhquadriparum, Trin. ... ,, 37 sulcatum, Aubl „ 55 sumMtrense, BjOth „ 46 sylvaticum, Lamk „ 67 tejucense, Nees „ 80 tenellum. Griff. ,, 48 tenellum, Roxb ,, 47 Teneriffci, Br „ 65 tenue, Roxh vii. 52, 60 tenuifiorum, Br vii. 18 tenuijlorum, Hort „ 24S tenuifolium, Heyne „ 15 tenuissimum, Mart „ 248 ternatum, 'ELoch^t „ 17 tetrastichum, Forsk. ... „ 32 Thouarsianum, Nees ... „ 56 tjicoyaense, Steud „ 54 ? tomentosum, Roxb. ... ,, 80 Torreyanum, W. & A. ... „ 51 trachypuB, Trin „ 60 tricarinatum, Steud. ... „ 44 trichocondylum, Steud. ... „ 49 trichopus, Hochst „ 35 . trijlorum, Edgew. „ 60 trigonum, Hetz „ 56 trigonum, Thw. „ 57 trinapalium, IJam ,, 53 Trinii, Mor „ 58 triticoidef!^ Poir „ 87 trv/acntv.n, Trin ,, 30 trypherou, Schult ,, 47 tuberculaii'.m, Preal ... „ 49 VOL. VII. Panicum V()l. Page turgidam, ForsJc vii. 44 turritiim, Thanb 5' 41 vMginoswin, Roth 41 ? uliginosum, Roxb. 5' 50 umbrosum, Retz 36 umbrosum, Retz. & Roxb. vii'.'34, 36 uncinatum, Baddi vii . 58 undatum, Steud >) 67 undulatifoUum, Arduin. 66 u7iguinosum,, Hb. Banks. „ 67 vacillans, Steud >> 54 vaginatum, Gren. & Godr 13 velutinum, Willd ' j» 57 Fewiewain, Steud }> 79 verticillatum, Linn. , j> 80 verticillatum, Rottl. . i„ 79 vestitum,'iiieea » 34 viaticum. Griff. 3) 64 viaticum, Saltzm 34 vicmum, Baily J> 60 vilfoidjes, Trin 41 viilosum, Lajnh JJ 34 villosum, Presl J) 65 violaceum, Kleine 25 violaceum, lA&nos 3) 43 vire^cens, Salzm 80 vio-gatum, Roxb »> .47 viride, Desf I> 80 viride, Linn 80 viride, Poll ,J 79 vulgare, Wallr J> 78 vulpinum, Willd 88 Walkeo'i, Steud 5) 2a Wallichianum, Nees 55 Wallichianum, W. & A. .. 5>. 20 Walteri, Pursh 31 Wightianum, Arn. & Nees » 28 WigMii,J^eeB J> 2a Willdenowii, Steud. }> 82 zeylanicum, Avn. ' J> 76 zizanioides, H. B. K. 39 Zollingeri, Steud » 22 zonaZe, Presl J) 32 sp., Griff. 39 sp., Hk. f. &T >! 42 sp., Wall. vii. 14, 15, 19, 28, 32 ,33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 50, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 75,81 ,246 332 Panisea, Lindl V. 782. apioulata, Lindl. „ 783 parviflora, Lindl. . }) 783 rejiexa, Lindl j> 783 uniflora, Lindl. >} 842 Papaver, Linn i. 116 OAiioenum, Lindl. >» 117 Argemone, Linn. >> 117 ? A 7U GENERAL INDEX. 11. vii. Papaver Vol. Pnge duhium, Linn i. 117 fflahrum, Royle ,, 117 hybridum, Linn „ 117 nudicaule, Linn ,, 117 orientale, Linn. „ 117 ^ paniculatum, D. Don ... „ 119 Rhoeas, Linn \. ... „ 117 siniplicifolium, D.Don ... ,, 118 somniferum, Linn „ 117 PAPAVERACEiE i. 116 Pajpeda Rumphii, Cat. Hort. Bog Papilionacbzb Pappophorum, Nees ? arahicuin, "ELochet. Aucheri, J. (^ Sp brachystachyum, J. -Sf Sp. elegans, Nees ?na:num, Steud persicum, Steud robustnm , Hh. f turcomanicuin, Trautv. ... vincentianum, Schmidt ... ?sp., Wall. ' Papularia crystalUna, Forsk. Papyrus coryinhosus, Nees ... dehiscens, Nees elatus, Nees latifolius, Willd Pangorei, Nees venustus, Nees ... venustus, Schrad „ Parabcena, Miers i. /errtigfmea, Miers „ heterophylla, Miers „ oleracea, Miers „ sagittata, Miers „ Paracaryum, Boiss iv. anchiiso%des,Benth.&ii.ook. „ caelestinum, 5eni^ „ gloobidiatum, Benth. ... ,, heliocarpum, A. Kerner... „ himalayense, Clarke ... „ ? Lambertianum, Clarke... „ malabaricam, Clarke ... „ microoarpum, Boiss. ... „ Thomsoni, Clarke „ tibeticum, Clarke ,, Paracelastrus hivalvis, Miq. i. Paragnathispulchella,Spreng. vi. Parameria, Benth. glandulifera, Benth. .. polyaeura, -fffc. /. Paramignya, Wight .. armata, Oliv citrifolia, Hk. f. citrifolia, Oliv 515 56 301 302 301 302 301 302 301 302 301 302 270 660 613 ... „ 613 ... „ 618 ... „ 619 vi. 612, 613 ... vi. 618 ... „ 617 ... i. 95 ... „ 96 ... „ 96 ... „ 95 ... „ 96 ... iv. 160 161 160 161 161 162 161 160 162 161 162 614 167 659 660 660 509 5il 510 510 Paramignya Vol. Page grandiflora, Oliv i. 510 Griffithii, l/fc. /. „ 510 longispina, H^. / ,, 511 monophylla, Wight „ 510 Parapottsia, Miq iii. 652 ParartahotTyssumatrarta,'Miq. i. 83 Parashorealongisperma,Knrz i. 308 stellata, Kurz „ 304 Parastemon, A. DC ii. 312 urophyllam, A. DC. ... „ 312 Paratropia capitata, W. & A. ii. 731, 732 elliptica, Miq ,,729,730 heterophylla, Presl ii. 731 macrantha, Miq ,, 729 micrantha, Miq „ 730 subulata,iA.\q „ 730 terehinthacea, Arn „ 730 venulosa,W. & A „ 729 Wallichiana, W. & A. ... ,, 730 Pardanthus chinensis, Ker... vi. 277 nepalensis. Sweet „ 277 Parietaria, Tournef. v. 592 hracteata, Wight ,, 585 debilis, Forst „ 593 indica, Linn „ 581 judaica, Linn ,, 592 micrantha, Ledeb ,, 593 punctata, Willd „ 593 tihethana, Bl ,, zeylanica, Linn „ Parilium Arbor -tristis, Gsertn. iii Parinarium, Juss. asperulum, Miq. corymhosum, Miq. costatum, Bl. ? diUenifoUum, B. Br. excelsum, G. Don Griffithianum, henth. ReUeri, Hk. f. indioxnaa., Bedd ? Jackianum, Benth. multijiortim, Miq*. nitidum, JIfc.y*. oblongifolium, Hk. f. polyneurum, Miq. ... salicijolium, Benth. sumatranum, Benth. sumatranum, Kurz ... travancoricum, Bedd. Wallichianum, Wall. Paris, Linn Daisua, Ham imperialis, Jacquem. polyphylla, Sm. Pari shia, Hk. f. insignis, Hk. f. 11. 581 603 308 ... „ 310 ... „ 310 ... „ 309 .. „ 312 ... „ 312 ... „ 310 ... „ 311 ... „ 311 ii 309, 312 ... ii. 310 ... „ 310 ... „ 309 .. „ 309 ... „ 310 ii. 309, 310 ... ii. 311 ... „ 311 ... „ 311 ... vi. 362 ... „ 362 ... „ 362 ... „ 362 ... ii. 29 ..-. „ 30 GENERAL INDEX. 715 Parishia Vol. Page Parsonsia Vol. Page Maingayi, H^. /. ii. 30 acmninata. Wall iii. 650 pubescens, if/i;. /. ,, 30 harhata, Bl ., 660 Paritium gangeticicm, G. Don i. 345 ohlonga, Wall „ 650 tiliaceum, W. & A jj 343 ovata, W&n „ 652 tricuspe, G. Don „ 344 paucijlora, Wall „ 650 T&rkia, H. Br ii. 289 spiralis, Wall „ 650 biglandulosa, TT. ^ ^. ... ,, 289 Partlienoxijlon porrectum, Bl V. 136 higlohosa, Benth •.. )) 289 Pseudo-sassafras^ Bl. „ 136 Brunonis, Grab 289 Parvatia, Dene i. 108 insignis, Kurz 290 Brunoniana, Dene „ 108 leiophylla, Kurz )) 289 Pas pal am, Linn . Tii. 10 Roxburghii, G. Don 289 adpressum, Pers ., 30 Parkinsonia, Li7in ii. 260 xgyptiacum, Poir ., 13 aculeata, Linn J, 260 alternans, Sfceud „ 11 Parnassa, Jones ... iv. 609 ambigaum, DC n 17 Parnassia, Linn. ., ii. 401 annulatum, Fluegge „ 20 a#ms, Hk. f. &T 403 auricidaUim, Presl „ 11 cahulica, Planch )5 403 hicorne, Lam .,• 13 folio sa, m. /. .f T. 402 hicriirulum, Saltzm. '., 11 foliosa, Drude 5> 402 hicrurum, Saltzm » 12 Laxraanii, Pall. 5J 403 hifarium, Edgew. ... vii. 11, 18 maisorensis, Hend 403 hlepharophorum, R. & S... vii. 13 mysorensis, Heyne )> 402 hrachiatum, Trin ., 12 nubicola, Wall )) 402 hrevifolium, Fluegge '., 18 JSfummularia, Drude 5> 402 cartilagineum, Presl ,- 11 ornata, Wall )5 402 chinense, Nees „ 18 ovata, Ledeh 403 ciliare,'DC „ 13 palustris, Linn )J 401 ciliare, Retz. • „ 15 pusilla. Wall 403 ciliati folium, Trin • „ 12 Schmidii, Zenker ... ... )) 402 ciliatum, Lam .. . ., 12 subaccbulis, Kar. & Kir. ... )) 403 coloratum, Rich „ 11 tenella, m-. /. ,t r. 403 Comuiersoni, Lamk. • „ 11 trinervis, Drude )5 403 compaotum, RotJi „ 12 Turczaninovii, Led 403 concinnum, Stend „ 19 Wightiana, Wall 5J 402 conjugatum. Berg » 11 Parochetus, Ham ii. 86 consanguineum, Kunth .. „ 13 communis, Ham >5 86 coromandelianum, Lamk. „ 11 maculata, R. Br 5) 87 corymhosum, Kunth „ 13 major, D. Don '> 86 costatum, Hochst ., 12 oxalidijolior, Royle >» 87 Daetylon, DC ;, 289 Paronychia bengalensis, R. debile, Poir „ 16 &S iv. 731 depressum, Steud „ 12 suhulata, Lamk i. 245 didactylum, Saltzm. ., 12 PAEON-JCHIiE iv. 712 Digitaria,Po\v ., 12 Parophiorrhiza khasiana, dimidiatum, Linn ■ „ 11 Clarke iii. 8£ , iv . 79 dissectitm, Kniphof „ 294 Paro psia, iVoron?i ii. 600 dissectum, Linn. V 11 malayana, Flanch J) 6C0 distachyon, Willd ;, 12 vareciformis, Mast. 600 distans, Nees „ 13 Parrottia, C. A. Meyer ii. 426 distichum, Linn ., 12 Jacquemontiana, Dene. ... j^ 426 dolichopus, Trin -, 12 Parrya, Br i. 131 eriophorum, Willd ., 12 exscapa , Meyer !! 131 Fernandesianum, Colla .. ., 12 » lanuginosa, Hk. f.^T.... 132 JiliculmeflSeeB ., 18 macrocarpa, jBr J! 131 Jiliculme, Str. & Wint. ... . 18 platycarpa, Hk.f. &f T. ... 131 filiforme, Stead „ 13 Parsonsia, Br iii. 650 3 fir mum, Trin. ... i 2 ., 11 716 GENERAL INDEX. Paspaium Vol. Page Paspaium Vol. Pasre fissifolium, Xees ... . . vii. 12 reptans, Poir vii. 12 jiexuosum, Klein ... . » 11 Royleanura, Nees 18 Jluitans, Ell » 20 Hoyleanum, Steud 19 frumentaceum, Eottb. • j> 11 sanguinale, Laml- 13 furcatum, Fluegge ... . >> 12 sorobiculatum, Linn. 10 geniculatuni, Heyne 12 serpentinum, Hochst. 12 granular e, Trin. vii."l6 1,19 succinctum, Trin 20 Griffithiamm, C. Mull. . . vii 20 sumatrense, Roth 11 heteranthnm, HI: f. j> 16 supimim, Bosc 12 hirsutum, Poir 12 tenue, Gaertn 12 hirsutum, Retz. jj 11 ternatum, HA-. /. 17 Houttuynii, H. C. Hall . 11 TJiunherffii, Kunth 11 humifusum, Heyne ... J5 17 . trachyanthum, Nees 19 inxquale, Link J> 13 tristacliyunt, Leconte ■ ... 12 iscTtnocaidon, Trin 19 'umbellatum, Lam 289 jubatum, Griseh J? 19 vaginatum, Sw 12 Kleinianum, Presl ... . ?5 12 venustum, Forst. f 11 Kora, Forst J5 ]2 Zollingeri, Steud 11 Kora,WiUd 11 sp., Griff. 19 Uttorale, Br !5 12 sp., Wall vii. 11,'] 8,1^ longiflorum, Retz 17 Paspalus sp.,Wa,U. ... vii. 1 2, 13 longijloriim, Retz )J 12 Passerina annua, Wikstr. ... V. 194 longifoliuvi, Roxb. ... . 11 costata, Griff. „ 196 longissimum, Hochst. 5) 12 diarthronoides, Griff. J) 194 maculosum, Trin 12 racemosa, Wikstr JJ 196 mawritanicum, Nees >» 11 Stelleri, Wikstr 196 onetaholon, Steud • >J 11 Passiflora, iinw ... ii. 599 Metzii, Steud 11 caloneura, Kurz ,, 600' Michauxianum, Kunth . J? 12 fwtida, liinn J) 599 miliaria, C. Muell JJ 12 geminijlora,!). Don ,, 600 minutijloriim, Steud. JJ 18 Heynea)ui,WaX\. ... ... „ 600' mollicomum, Kunth 35 Leschenaultii, DC JJ 599 molUpihim, Steud JJ 11 iiepalensis, Wall jj 600 nematodes, Schult 18 penangiana, Wall J) 603 notatum, Fluegge ... JJ 12 singaporeana, Wall „ 601 nutans, Lam 12 suherosa, Linn J) 599 ohtiisatum, Nees ... . • • 77 12 WalT^erice, Wight ... ... „ 599 ohtusifolium, Trin 12 Passiflore^ ii. 5y8 , 599 orhiculare, Forst >J 11 PastinacaCandolleana, W.& A. ii. 715 oxyanthum, Steud 13 glauca, Dalz „ 709 X>aniculatum, J acq JJ 15 grandis, Dalz. & Gibs. JJ 710 pedicellare, Trin 19 HooTceriana, Wight „ 715~ •pedicsllatum, Nees ... JJ 19 ligusticifolia, Wight JJ 715 pennatutn, I?A'. / JJ 16 rigrens, Wight JJ 715- Perrottetii, HA-./ 20 Sprencjeliana, Wight „ 716 platycaule, Willd ... . JJ 12 sp., m. f. 12 ovata, Bunge JJ 210 punctatum, Fluegge » 20 Pattonia macrantlia, Wight vi. 18 reimarioides, Brongn. >J 13 Paullinia asiatica, Linn. . . . i. 497 ^ Renggeri, Steud JJ 12 Pavetta, Linn iii. 149 repens, Roxb 12 ^c/tcriiic/cv, Teysm. & Binn. JJ 144> GENERAL INDEX. 717 SPavetta Vol. Page alha, Vahl ... iii. 150 angustifoUa, Thw. ... „ 151 ? aristata, W&n. iii. 1U4, 153 Bandhuca, Miq. ... iii. 145 breviflora, -DC. ... „ 151 Brunonis, Wall. ... „ 152 Bruno nis, Miq ... „ 139 Brtmonis, Wight ... „ 150 ? cawanca, Bedd. ... „ 106 canescena. Wall. ... „ 150 ce)-bera?/oZia, Miq. ... ... „ 102 coccinea, Bl ... „ 145 ?co/'ea cm, Wall. ... „ 153 compactifiora, Kurz ... „ 153 congesta, Miq ... „ 146 Finlaysoniana, Wall. ... „ 150 fulgens, Miq ... „ 146 Gleniei, Thiu ... „ 152 gracilijiora, Wall. ... ... „ 150 hispidula, W.^A..., ... „ 151 hmnilis, Hk.f. ... „ 151 incarnata, Bl ... ,. 145 indica, Z,imi. ... ,; 150 ■ indica, Linn ... „ 150 indica, Wall ... „ 150 involacrata, Thw. ... ... „ 152 Lohhii, Teysm. & Binn. ... „ 146 longifolia, Miq ... „ 105 flucens, Br ... „ 106 macrocoma, Miq. ... „ 143 macrophylla, Bl. ... „ 143 mollis, Wall ... „ 150 nauoleiflora, Wall. ... ... „ 152 nilagirica, Bedd. ... „ 107 ?ohlonga,Wall ... „ 153 opaca, Miq ... „ 147 jpendula, Miq. ... » HI petiolaris, Wall. ... „ 150 polijantha, Wall. ... „ 150 BotMana, DC ... „ 150 salicifolia, Bl ... „ 146 siphonantha, Dalz. ... ... „ 151 suboapitata, HA;. /. ... ... „ 150 Teysmanniana, Miq. ... „ li3 tomentosa, Roxb. ... „ 150 veiwtma, Wall ... „ 150 villosa, Heyne ... „ 150 webercefoUa, Br. ... „ 102 wehertBfolia, Wall. ... ... „ 105 TFtV/itmna, Wall. ... ... „ 102 Wightii, Hk.f. ... „ 152 Wyckii, Hassk ... „ 144 sp., Bedd ... „ 106 Pavia indica, Wall. ... i. 675 khassyana, Voigt ... „ 675 punduana, Wall. ... „ 675 cPavonia, Cat' ... 1. 330 Pavonia Vol. Page acerifolia, Lk. & Otto i. 338 arabica, Hochst „ 331 ceratocarpa, Dalz „ 331 glecbomifolia, A. Rich. ... „ 330 grewioides, B.och8t „ 332 odorata, Willd „ 331 procumhens, Boiss „ 330 propinqua, GarcTce „ 332 repanda, Spr. ... „ 330 , Romlorua, Wall » 331 roaea, Wall „ 331 sidoides, 'Korn „ 331 zeylanica, Cav „ 331 Payanelia (ride Pajanelia)... iv. 384 Payena, .4. DC iii- 547 Grifjithii, Kurz „ 543 luoida, A. DC „ 547 Maingayi, Clarke „ 547 malaccensis, Clarke „ 547 paralleloneura, Kurz , 548 Pechea suh-cylindrica, Pourr. vii. 236 Pedis meijolia, WbX\ iii. 308 Pedaline^ iv. 386 Pedalinm, Linn iv. 386 Murex, Linn „ 386 Pedicularis, Linn i V. 306 abrotanifolia, Bleb „ 309 ahrotanifoUa, Hk. f. & T. , 309 Alberti, Kegel „ 310 aspleniifolia, Floerke , 315 aspleniifolia, Wall „ 315 Pauawa, Wall , 405 bella, m./ ... , 313 bicornuta, Klotz , 312 brevifolia, B. Don „ 307 Brunoniana, Wall ., 307 carnosa, Wall „ 313 cheilanthifolia, Schrenk ... „ 308 Clarkei, m-. /. „ 310 comosa, Linn , 316 curvipes, Hk. f. , 316 denudata, ^fc. /. „ 309 elephantoides, Benth. , 314 Elephas, Boiss , 314 Elwesii, m-. /. , 312 excelsa, Hk. f , 311 eximia. Watt , 312 fissa, Tibrcz. ? , 316 flagellaris, Benth , 315 flexiiosa, Hk.f. , 308 mrfuracea, Wall , 316 globifera, Hk.f. , 308 gracilis, Wall , 307 himalaica, Klotz , 313 Hoffmeisteri, Klotz , 313 Hookeriaaa, Wall , 313 integrifolia, Hk.f. , , 3^ 718 GENERAL INDEX. Pedicularis Vol. Pa?e Korolkox<:i, Regel iv. 308 lahellata, Jacqaem „ 313 lachnoglossa, -fffc. /. ... „ 311 lanigera. Wall „ 307 lasiostachijs, Bunge „ 316 macrantha, Klotz ,, 311 megalantlia, Z). Dow ... „ 312 microcalyx, iTfc. /. ,, 315 mollis, Wall „ 309 pectinata, Wall „ 306 pectinata.B.'k.t &T. ... „ 306 Perrottetii, Benth „ 317 polygaloides, H.l:f. :., ... „ 317 porrecta, Wall „ 307 Portenschlagii, Saut. ... ,, 315 punctata, Dene „ 313 pycnantha, Boiss „ 310 pyramidata, Royle „ 306 resupinata, Linn ,, 314 rhinanthoides, /ScTire^i/i- ... „ 314 Tohusta,, Hk. f. „ 306 rubens, Steph „ 316 siphonantha, D. Don ... ,, 313 Stevenii, Bnnge „ 309 stricta, Wall. ... „ 307 tenmroBtris, Behth „ 307 trichoglossa, iJfc. /...., ... „ 310 tubiflora, Fz.scTi „ 314 tuhifor mis, Klotz „ 314 vemista, Scbangin „ 316 versicolor, Wahlh „ 316 verticillata, Linn „ 309 Wallicliii, Bnj^e „ 315, zeylanica, Benth. „ 317 sp., Hk. f . & T. iv, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 315, 316, 317 sp., Strach. & Winterb. ... iv. 311 Fedilanthus tithymaloides, Poit V, 239" Pedilonutn hiflorum, Bl. V. 727. secimdum, Bl 730 Pegannm, Linn i. 486 Harmala, Xr/m 486 Feffia .^ ColehrooHana, Wight ii. 40 nitida, Coleb. 28 Pelargonium grossularioides i. 435 Peliosanthes, Andr, vi. 265 albida, JBaler ... 267 Bakeri, Jf^-. /. 5> 267 campanv. lata, Wall 266 conrtallensis, Wight 266 Gri&thii, Baker 266 hnmilia, Andr ',', 266 liumilis. Baker ^ 267 longifolia, Steud >> 266 macrophylla, Wall. 266 neilgherriensis, Wight ... >J 266 Peliosanthes Teta,, Andr. Teta, Wall. violacea, Wall. ... violacea. Wall. ... Pellacalyx, Korth. axillaris, Korth. Pellaianthus, Hk. f. Pellionia, Gaud. ... acaulis, Ifi. / ,j/ Vol. Page ... vi. 265 ... „ 266 ... „ 266 ... „ 265 ... ii. 440 ... „ 440 T. 786,809 ... V. 559 562 560 ambigua, Wedd. bulbifera, m-. /. „ 560 burmanica, flfc, /, „ 561 Daveauana (lapsu Du- vauana) N. E. Br. ... „ 560 frutescens, Bl „ 562 Griffithiana, TFedc? „ 559 Helferiana, Wedd „ 561 heteroloba, Wedd „ 559 Heyneana, Wedd ,, 561 javanica, Wedd „ 561 Isevigata, Bl. „ 562 procridifolia, Kiirz ... „ 562 stenocarpa, Wedd „ 560 Peltandra Jtexuosa, Thw. ... v. 287 longipes, Wie[ht ,, 287 parvifolia, Wight „ 287 Peltanthera solanacea. Roth iii, 650 Peltophorum, Vogel ii. 257 dasyraohis, Kurz „ 257 ferruginenm, Benth. ... „ 257 Peltophorus, Desv vii. 154 Myurus, Desv „ 154 Pemphis, Forst ii. 572 acidula, JPorsf „ 573 angustifolia, Roxb ,, 573 Fenicillaria alopectiroides,^w. vii. 82 f/ienensts, Nees vii. 82,85. ciliaris. Ham vii. 87 ciliata, Willd „ 82: cylindrica, R. & S. ... vii. 82, 84 /aZZ«aj, Fig. & Not vii. 82, involucrata, Sohult. ... ,, 82. nigritarum, Sohlecht. ... „ , 82 Phikeneti, Link „ 82. Badaiana, Fig. & in ot.- ... „ 82. Roxhurghii, A. Br. & Bouche „ 82. Sieheriana, Schlecht. ... „ 82 solitaria, Stokes „ 82 spicata, Willd ,, 82 typhoidea. Fig. Al^iot. ... „ 82 sp., WaU. ... „ 82 Pennisetum, Pers; vii. 82 alopecuroides, Spreng. vii. 82, 85 Alopecuros, Steud. vii. 84 amoenum, A. Rich „ .87 araneosum, Edgew. ... vii. 59, 86- asperifolium, Knnth ... vii. 86. GENERAL INDEX. 719 Pennisetum Vol. Pa^e Pennisetum Vol. Page aurevm, Dalz. & Gibs. .. . vii. 84 phalaroides, SohuU. vii. 85 harhatum,S:ohn\t • ,, 87 plumosum, M.och.6t „ 284 borbonicum, Kunth , „ 88 polystachyum, Schult. ... ., 87 Ireve, Nees • „ 87 Prieurii, Kunth „ 89 cenchroides, Rich „ 88 purpurascens, H. B. K. ... „ 87 cereale, Trin . ., 82 respiciens, A. Rich „ 80 chinense, Stend • „ 85 Richardi, Knuth. „ 87 ciliare, Ham ,, 87 rufescens, Spreng „ 88 ciliare, Link ■ n 88 Ruppellii, Steud „ 86 cilidtum, Par] . „ 87 sericeum, Munro „ 84 compressum, Br • „ 85 setosum, Rich „ 87 Cornucopia, Heyne . „ 300 Sieheri, Knnth „ 87 cylindricnm, Sw . „ 82 sinaicum, Dene „ 86 cynosuroides, Wall • „ 85 spicatum, R. & S ., 82 dasystachyum, Desv. • „ 87 tenue, Fig. & Not „ 86 dioDotomum, Belile . ,, 85 tenwispiculatum, Steud, ... „ 87 distylum, Guss . „ 88 tiheriadis, Boiss „ 86 elatum, flochst • „ 86 trijiorum, Nees „ 86 elegans, 'NeeB . „ 87 triticoides, R. & S „ 87 fasciciilatum, Trin . „ 86 typhoideum, Rich „ 82 flaccidum, Griseb . „ 84 unifioruin, H. B. K „ 87 fiavesceois, Presl . „ 87 ? Vahlii, Knnth „ 88 giganieium, Tenore • » 82 variabile, Fig. & Not. ,. 86 pZawcwm, Br . „ 79 verticillatum, Br „ 80 gracile, Benth • » -87 violaceum, Hort. „ 87 Griffithii, Munro . „ 86' violaceum,'Rich „ 82 lielvolum, Br • „ 79 viride, Br. „ 81 hirsutuniy'Sees . „ '87 sp., Wall vii. 87, 88 Hohenacheri, Hochst. . „• 84 Pentab othra , Hk. f. iv. 18 holcoides, Schult . » 87' ' nana, Hk. f. „ 19 hordeiforme, 'Spreng. . „ -85 Pentace, Hassk i. 381 imherhe, Edgew . „ 86 burmannica, Kurz „ 381 implicatum, Steud . „ 87'. triptera, Mast. ... „ 382 incomptum, Nees . „ «8 Pentacme siamensis, Kurz ... i. 304 intertextum, Ham • » 87 suavis, A. DC „ 304 intertextum, Schlecht. .. . „ 87' Pentaglottis suherifolia. Wall. japonicum, Trin . „ 85 vide Pentapetes i. 369 lanatum, XZofs. vii. 84, 89 tomentosa lapsu Penta- lanatum, Ham . vii. 87 petes tomentosa i. 373 lanuginosum, Edgew. . „ 59 Pentaloha?^hengalensis, Wall. i. 186 lanuginosum , Hoohst. . „ 87 , lanceolata,Wal\ „ 188 Linnaei, Kunth . » 82 macrophylla, Wall „ 187 macrochcetum, Jacq. . „ 78 Roxburghii, Wall „ 186 macrostachyum, Fresen. .. . „ 86 zeylanica, Am. ... „ 187 meffastachymn, Steud. .. . „ 82 Pentanema radiatum, Boisp iii. 297 onongolicum, Franch. . „ 84 Pentanura, Bl iv. 4 Myy.rus, Pari . „ 87 khasiana, Kturz 4 nepalense, Griseb . „ 84 sp., Benth 4 nepalense, Spreng . „ 89 Pentapanax, Seem ii. 723 nigricans, Trin . „ 85 Leschenaultii, Seem. „ 724 orientale, Rich. . „ 86 Leschenaultii, Seem. „ 725 pallidum, 'Seea • » 87 parasiticum, Seem. ... ... „ 724 parviflornm, Trin . „ 86 racemosum, Seem „ 72^ pedicellattim, Trin. . „ 86 subcordatum, Seem. „ 724 persicuti}, Boiss. & BUhse „ 86 umhellatum, Seem „ 725 petreum, Steud . „ 88 . Pentapetes, Linn i. 371 phalariforme, Steud. . „ 80 acerifolia, Cav „ 363 720 GENERAL INDEX. Pentapetes phcenicea, Liyin. suherifoUa, Linn, lapsu Pentaglottis tomentosa, Wall, vide Pentaglottis Pentaphragma, Wall. ... begonisefolium, Wall. Pentaptera angustifolia, Roxb. Arjuna, Roxb bialata, Roxb coriacea, Roxb crenulata, Roxb glabra, Roxb macrocarpa, Wall. .« ... paniculata, Roxb pyrifolia, Treal pyrifoUa, Wall Roxburghii, Tul Saja, Wall tomentosa, Roxb und^data, Wall Pentapterygium, Klotz. flavum, HJc. f. Hookeri, Clarke Liateri, King rugosTim, /^fc. /. serpens, Klotz Pentapyxis, IZfe. /. stipulata, iZfc. /. sp., Hk. f Pentasacme, Wall caudatum, Wall Wallichii, Wight Pentaspadon, flfc. /. ? velutinus, 1/A-, / Pentatropis, Br microphylla, TF. ^ ^4. ... microphylla, Wall spiralis, Bc7ie Pentsteira lapsu Peristeira ... dichotoma, Griff. ? grandiflora, GriS. paniculata, Griff. racemosa, Griff. Peperomia, Ruiz ^ Pav. Candolleana, Miq ceylanica, Miq confnsa, Jf A;. /. coiirtallensis, Miq courtallensis, Thw dindigulensis, Miq exigua, Miq Heyneana, Miq Heyneana, Wight moulmeiniana, Cas. DC. ... portulacoides. A. Dietr. ... pseado-rhombea, Cas. DC. Vol. Pase Peperomia Vol. Pajre i. 37 L reflexa, .4. Di'eir Thomsom,Hk.f V. 35 99 97 367 ,369 Thwaitesii, Cas. DC. Wishtiana, Miq 98 98 i. 373 ? Wightiana, Cas. DC. . 55 98 iii. 437 ? Wightiana, Wight. 55 98 35 437 sp., Hk. f. &T 55 97 ii. 447 Peplidium, Delile . iv. 287 9) 447 humifusum, Delile 93 287 }) 449 Peplis indica, Wind . ii. 566 J» 448 Peracarpa, l/it. /. .^^ T. . iii. 437 )J 448 carnosa, m./. 1^ T. 55 437 55 447 448 Peraphora robusta, Miers .. Perdicium semiflosculare, . 1. 105 55 448 Ham . iii. 391 55 448 i,"i/? or urn, Ham 33 388 453 Pereiria medica, Lindl. 99 )5 452 Pergularia, Linn . iv. 37 448 Calesiana, Ham 33 37 !5 447 coromandeliana, Dene, .. 38 455 crocea, Zipp 33 36 iii. 449 exilis, Sprang •3 4J jj 450 glabra, Linn . i'li 65J 5) 450 minor, Andr . iv. 3S 450 minor, Roxb 33 38 55 450 montana. Dene 33 38 449 odoratissima, 8m 38 iii. 17 odoratissima, Wight... 35 38 ,, 17 pallida, W. ^ A ,, 3^ ,, 16 parvijiora, Bl 35 34 ir. 28 puberula, Miq 55 38 ,j 28 tinctoria, Spreng 35 34 55 28 Periandra ccespitosa, Camb. i. 243 ii. 28 Pericanipylus, M(er8 i. 102 ^^ 28 adimcus, Miers 33 102 iv. 19 a6sa7iiicus, Miers 33 102 20 ineanue, Miers •3 102 19 inembranaceus, Miers 33 102 55 19 Pericopsis, Thw . ii. 252 IV. 277 Mooniana, Thw 55 252 278 Perilla, Linn . iv. 646 277 f iafa, D. Don iv. 044 ,646 279 fruticosa, D. Don ... , 643 ,646 278 leptostachya, D. Don . iv. 644 V. 96 macrostachya, Bentb. 33 646 98 ocimoidep, Linn 646 ]] 98 polystachya, B. Bon 35 646 55 98 Periplexis rigida. Wall. V. 337 55 98 ■sp.. Wall •3 337 5) 98 Periploca, Linn . iv. 11 35 9S aphylla, Dene ■3 12 35 97 calophylla, Falc 33 12 99 emetica, Retz 35 13 •35 98 esculenta, Linn. f. 55 17 97 h y da spid i s, i'^ctZc 12 jj 98 fttd'ca, Willd 33 5 55 97 khasiana, Beutb 33 4 GENERAL INDEX. 721 Periploca Vol. Page Perotis \'ol. Page reticulata^ Eoth iv. 26 hordeiformis, Nees ... vii. 98 sylvestris, Willd 5? 29 latifolia, ^i* j> 98 tunicata, Herb. Madr. ... 24 laxifoUa., Beauv )5 98 tunicata, Ketz J) 23 longifiora, Nees 98 Periploce^e IV 1,4 patula.l^eeB !) 98 Peripterygium quinquelohum polystachya, Hb. Heyne .. 71 Ha88k i. 597 polystachya, Willd J, 141 ? Peristeira vide Pentsteira iv 277 rara, Br jj 98 Peristrophe, Nees iv. 554 .scabra, Willd )> 98 acuminata, JSTees „ 555 spicaeformis, Beanv. !> 98 bicalv cnlata, JVees ^^ 554 Perowskia, -K'areZ iv. 652 Blumeana, Nees 555 abrotanoides, Karel. n 652 dichotoma, Hassk )j 543 atriplicifolia, Benth. «52 fera, Clarke 556 Fersea grandis, Nees v. 143 146 gracilis, ^ces >j 555 incrassata, Nees V. 126 grandijlora, P&rish. 5.o6 lucida, Bl. vide Phoebe ... ,, 143 jalappa-fo lia, Nees ,, 557 peduncular is, Nees ,, 144 Kotscliyana, Nees )) 554 Pseudo-sassafras, ZoU. ... ,, 136 lanceolaria, Nees 555 Tamala, Spreng J) 128 montana, Nees iv. 552 556 Pebseacejo V. 116 puhigera, Nees iv. 536 Persica ? saligua, Royle ii. 313 rivinoides, Wall J5 .555 vulgaris. Mill J, 313 speciosa, Nees 55 5o6 Persicaria virghdana, Gaertn . V. 31 tioctoria, Nees 556 Pestalozzia laxa, Thw ii. 633 tmctoria, Nees !) 556 pedata, ZoU. & Mor. 5J 633 undulata, Nees )) 555 Petalidium, Nees iv. 416 sp., Griff. 556 barlerioides, Nees >) 416 feristijliis aristatus, Lindl. vi. 158 patuUim, Dalz. & Gibs. ... 412 aristatus, Th-w jj 158 Petaloma alternifolia, Roxb. ii. 452 hrachyphyllus , A. Rich. ... )! 159 Fetilium iniperiale, J. St. Hil vi. 354 hrevilobus, Thw 15y Petrocarya dillenifolia, Steud ii. 312 chloranthus, Und] jj 163 excelsa. Jack ii. 309 312 constr ictus, Lindl n 161 sxi7natrana. Jack ii. 309 elatus, Dalz 162 Petrosciadium ccBspitosura, e^•^fe, Wight )> 158 Bdgew ii. 689 ' fallax, Lindl 5) 129 Petunga, BC iii. 120 goodyeroides, Lindl 161 longifolia, DC. ... iii. 120, iv 711 gracilis, Bl ;> 157 microcarpa, DC iii. 120 grandis, Bl. 161 Roxburghii, DC.^ ,, 120 Havdltonianus, Lindl. J, 160 variabilis, Hassk 5} 120 lancifolius, A. 'Rich. !> 160 venulosa, Hk. f. 121 I/a id I, Wight 162 PEUCEUANEiE ii. 666 , 670 Parishii, Uohh. i JJ 162 Peucedanum, Linn ii. 708 persimilis, Wight 55 160 anamallayense, Clarke ... ,, 710 plantagineus, Lindl. 162 ceylanicum, Ga.rdn. ,j 710 Richardiamts, Wight 5) 156 Dhana, Ha7n 3) 709 robustior, Wight )) 160 dissectum, DC 701 spiralis, A. Rich 159 glaucum, DC ii. 709 710 Pernettya repens, ZoU. iii. 457 glaicciim, Hk. f. & T. ii. 712 Perohachne secunda, Presl . . . vii. 217 glaticura, W&ll ,, 709 Peronema, Jacfc iv. 599 grande, Clarke >5 710 cane seen Sy Jacfc )) 599 graveolens, Benth 709 heterophyllum,M.iq.la,psn C 599 ramossisimum. Wall. )> 709 Perotis, Ait vii. 98 sikkimense, Clarke 15 710 Burmanni, Steud 98 ? skardicum, Clarke 5J 711 cwbana, Wright )> 98 Soi'.'a, Kurz 709 glahrata, Steud j» 98 Thomson], Clarke „ 711 722 GENERAL INDEX. Peucedanum Vol. Page Wallichianum, DC. ... ... ii. 700 sp., Hk. f. &T. ,, 711 Phaca astragalina, DC. ... ii. 124 cachemerica, Benth. ,, U6 frigida, Linn 13? Hoffmeisteri, Klotz. ... ,, 121 lappo7iica, DC 137 longicaulis, Benth. ... ,, 126 Vogelii, Web 7 121 Phacellaria, Benth. ... ... V. 235 com-pvessa, Benth. ... „ 235 TigidvUa, Benth. ,, 235 W attii, Wc. f 236 Phacelurus, Griseb. ... vii. 152 Phacordyli.^ areolata, Griff V. 239 Phseanthus, Hk. f. ^ T. ... i. 72 malabaricas, BecM. ... ... ,, 7:^ nutans, Hh.f. cf T. ... 72 Phseoasium, Cass. ... iii. 398 lampsanoides, Cass ... '„ 398 pulchrum, Kchb. ,, 398 Phaenopus {Phenopus) orien- talis, Boiss ... iii. 401 Phceocordylis areolata, Griff, v. 239 Phagnalon, Cass ... iii. 287 acuminatum, Boiss. ... ,, 288 denticulatum, Clarke ,, 288 niveuin, Edgew. 288 Phajus, Lour ... V. 816 albus, Lindl. ... v. 818, yi . 19:: australis, F. Muell ... ... vi. 191 Bensonix, Henisl. ... 5, 192 hicolor, Lindl ... V. 816 hicolor, Veitch ... vi. 191 ? Blumei, Lind]. ... V. 816 callosus, Lindl. ... J, 817 Garronii, F. Muell. ... ... vi. 191 Dodgsoni, Dean ... V. 818 grandifoUus, Lindl » 816 grandifolins, Lour. ... „ 816 grandifoUus, Veitch ... vi. 191 leucophseus, F. Muell, ... ,, 191 luridus, ThiV ... V. 817 maculatus, Lindl. v. 817, vi . 19:i MarshalUanus, Bchb. f. vide Thunia ... V. 818 mishmensis, Rchb. f. ... ,, 817 nanus, Hl-.f. ... VJ. 192 veratrifolius, Lindl. v 816, V .191 Wallichii, Lindl. v. 816, vi . 191 Phakellan th i. is multijiorus Zoll. V .676 Phalsenopsis, Bl vi. 29 , 178 amabilis, Bl ... vi. 29 antennifera, Echb. f. ... 31 Cornu-cervi, Par. ^iJc/ib./. „ 29 Esmeralda, Rchh.f.... ... ,, 31 fuBcata, Bchh. f. 31 A^il. vii. 6, .. vii. Phalaeuopsis Kunstleri, fr/i. /. vi. Lowii,Rchh.f. „ Mannii, Rchb. f. „ Parishii, Rchb. f „ speoiosa, Rc/i6. / ,, tetras-p'ia, Rchb. f „ violaoea, Teysm. S^ Binii. „ Wiglitii,'Rchh.i.' „ Phalangium Adenanthera,Voiv. vi alatum, Ham ,, alatum. Wall ,, attenuatum, Wight ,, falcatum, Wall „ indicum, Kunth „ nepalense, Lindl ,, niveum, Poir ,, oligospennum, Wight ... „ ornithogaloides, Schweinf. „ ? parviflorum, Wight ... ,, tuberosum, Dalz. & Gibs. ,, tuberosum, Wight Phalaride^ Phalaris, Linn ambigua, Fig. & Notar americana, Ell aquatica. Ait arenaria, Willd. arundinacea, Linn. aspera, Eetz hiilbosa, Desf canariensis, Linn. ... canariensis, Wa\\. ... capensis, ThxiTxh. colorata, Beauv. cristata, Forsk. hispida, Thunb. intermedia, Bosc. minor, Retz mwricato, Forsk. . ... nepalensis, Trin. oryzoides, Linn. paniculata, Ait. paradoxa, Linn. f. ... pectinata, Roth picta, Hort setacea, Forsk vaginiflora, Forsk. ... vehitina, Forsk. zizanioides, Linn. Phaleria, Jack cauliflora, Benth. Phalerie^ Phanera Blancoi, Benth hidentc^ta, Benth. hracteata, Benth. diphylla, Benth. diptera, Miq Pasre 30 30 30 31 30 30 29 32 . 337 333 334 335 336 335 335 336 336 334 H36 335 334 , 220 220 221 221 221 237 221 237 221 220 221 221 221 245 146 221 22 L. 97 221 91: 237 220 221 221. 85 235 14 18« 199 199 192 278 279 282 278 285 GENERAL INDEX. '23 Phanera Vol. Page Phaseolus Vol. Page 'elongata, Benth ii. 281 compressuSyDC ii. 200 excelsa,B\ „ 283 cornutus, Bl J, 202 ferruginea, Benth , 283 decurrens, Grah „ 196 Finlaysoniana, Benth. .. , 278 diffurmis, Wall 5) 207 glahrifolia, Benth , 281 dolichoides, Roxb 206 ylauca, Benth , 2!J3 farinosus, Linn 11 203 Grijithiana, Benth. , 283 fuscus, Wall 204 integrifolia, Benth , 279 fusiformis, Grah „ 206 lucida, Benth , 278 glaber, Roxb 11 203 inacrostachya, Benth. , 282 glahrescens, Steud 203 nervosa, Benth , 283 gonospermus, DC ^^ 200 phcenicea, Benth , 283 Grahamianus, W, ^ A. ... ,, 201 purpurea, Benth , 281 grandis, Dalz. 8f Gibs. ... 11 202 retitsa, Benth , 279 grandis, Wall 204 rufa, Benth , 280 hcematocarpus, DC 11 200 semihifida, Benth , 280 hirtus, Retz 11 203 Vahlii, Benth , 279 Uirtus, Wall 11 203 variegata, Benth , 281 inamcBuus, Linn 11 200 velutina, Benth , 280 lucens. Wall 207 sp., Beuth , 285 Innatus, Linn 11 200 Pharbitis, Chois i^ T. 199 Max, Roxb 203 harbata, G. Don , 199 multijioriis, Willd „ 200 harbigera, G. Don , 193 Mungo, Linn ... ,, 203 divcrsifolia, Lindl , 199 mm^o, Wall ,, 203 hederacea, Chois , 199 nanus, Linn )> 200 laciniata, Dalz , 200 ■ oblongus, DC 200 Nil, Chois , 199 obovatus, Grah. „ 205 punctata, G. Don , 199 pauciflorus, Daiz ,, 202 PursMi, G. Bon ... .. , 199 psoraleoides, W. & A. 55 201 variifolia, Dene , .199 puberulus, H. B. K. 55 200 Plmrnaceum Cerviana, Linn i i. 663 pubescens, Bl 203 depressum, Linn i. 245 pulnierisis, Wight 55 206 distichum, Linn i. 663 radiatus, Linn ,, 203 Mollugo, Linn , 662 repens, Grah 55 205 occultum, Forak. ... ... , 664 Roxburghii, W. & A. 55 203 parvifioruvii, Roth , 662 rostratus, Wall 200 pentagonum, Roxh , 662 saponaceus, DC 55 200 pentaphyllum, Spreng. .. , 663 semierectus, Linn 55 201 spathulatum, Spreng. , 664 senegalensis, Guill. & Perr. 200 strictum, Spreng. ... ... , 663 sepiarius, Dalz. 55 206 triphyllum, Spreng. , 663 setulosus, Dalz „ 203 Pharus aristatus, Retz. vi 1. 95 sphcBricus, DC „ 200 ciliatus, Retz , 94 sublobatus, Wall. ... ii. 202 ,203 natans, Russ , 95 subvolubilis, Ham ii. 203 urceolatus, Roxb , y5 tenuicaulis, Baker 55 201 Phaseole^ ... 1 I. 58 torosws, Roxb 55 204 Phaseolus, Linn i i. 200 trilobus, Ait 201 aconitifolius, Jacq , 202 trilobus. Wall 55 202 adenanthus, G. F. Meyer , 200 trinervius, Heyne 55 203 alatus, Roxb , 200 truxillensis, H. B. K. 200 amarus, Roxb , 200 tumidus, DC 55 200 angustifolius, WalL „ 206 tunkinensis, Lour 200 aureus, Ham , 203 velutinus, Grah 55 204 caloaratus, Koxh , 203 vexillatus, Linn 55 206 circinalis, Ham , 219 vulgaris, Lm« 55 200 cirrhosus, H. B. K. ... , 200 vulgarifi, Wall 55 200 coccineus. Lam , 200 WigMianus, Grah 203 724 GENERAL INDEX. Phaseolus Vol. Page Phleum Vol. Paf^e WightU,W.& A ii. 203 nigricans, Willd . vii. 237 Xnare-sii, Zucc. .J 20O oyaf itm, Jacquem . „ 237 Phaylopsis, Willd iv. 416 paniculatum, Huds . 55 237 parviflora, Willd ., 417 pratense, Jjinn . „ 236 Phelipasa xgyptiaca, Boies. iv. 326 ramosum, Gilib . „ 237 xgyptiaca, Hk. f. & T. ... .^ 327 Kchceniodes, Linn . „ 236 Calotropidis, Walp '., 324 ventricosum, McBnch . 5, 237 cytinoides, Renter !5 323 viride. All . „ 237 indica, G. Don 326 Phlogacanthns, Nees ... . . iv. 510 ramosa, C, A. Meyer .J 327 albifiorus, Bedd . „ 515 ■suhacaulis, Benth 321 asperulus, JVee.N- . „ 512 tuhulosa, Solirenk 5) 324 asperidus, Wall . „ 511 Phellandrium stolonijeruni, cnrvifloms, A"et> ... . . „ 511 Roxb , ... ii. 696 cymosus, Knrz — . ... . . „ 514 sp., Wall ,, 682 elongatus, T. Anders. . „ 513 Phenax pentandriLS, Bl. V. 580 'jrandis, Bedd . „ 515 Sonneratii, Wedd, ... v 477 , 580 guttatus, Nees 5, 512 Pheuopus (vide Phaenopns) insignis, Kurz - ,5 514 Phialacanthtis, Benth. iv. 523 Jenkiasii, Clarke . ,5 513 Grimthn, Benth M 523 latifolius, Wi^ht . ., 510 Philadelphus, Linn ii. 407 •|.)arvifloru8, T. Anders. .. . ;, 512 coronarius, Linn 407 pubinervius, T. Aruiers. .. . ., 513 cori/mhoim, Wall 406 pulcherrimus, T. Anders.. . '„ 514 nepalensis, Loud ]] 407 thyrsiflorns, Nees . 5, 512 tomentosus, Wall jj 407 tubiflorus, Nees . ,5 511 trijlorus, Wall 407 vitellines, T. Anders. . ,5 512 Philagoniafraxinifolia,Roo]s i. 490 Wallichii, CiarAe . „ 511 procera, DC 490 sp., Hk. f. &T . ,5 513 samhucina, Bl 490 Phlomis, Linn . iv. 691 Pliillyrea indica, hoviv. iii. 613 alha, Blanco ... ... • 5, 672 paniciilata, Roxb 55 615 aspera, Willd . „ 690 ramiflora, Roxb 611 fcirfora, Roxb . ., 683 rohitsta. Roxb 55 614 hifiora, Vahl . „ 683 terminalis, Roxb 615 bracteosa, Royle . „ 693 Philodkndre^ vi. 491 breviflora, Berdh . ., 693 PMlodendron ? peregrinum, calycina, Roxb . „ 679 Kunth vi. 526 cashmeriana, Royle . ., 692 Philydwace^) vi. 363 Cephalotes, Roth . ;, 689 Philydrum, Banks vi. 363 chinensis, B,etz . ., 681 lanuginosum, Banks 363 cordata, Royle • „ 693 Phippsia, Br vii. 240 421 diffusa, Herb. Rottl. .. ., 689 algida, R. Br „ 240 310 eriostoma, Heyne . „ 686 himalaica, Hk. f. ... ,, 240 311 esculenta, Roxb . „ 690 Phlebocalymna, Grif. i. 589 hirta, Heyne . ., 687 Griffithiana, Mast 590 lamiifolia, Royle . ., 693 Lobbiana, Mast 55 590 latifolia, nojle . ,5 693 Plilehochiton extensum, Wall. ii. 28 Un'ifolia, Roth . „ 691 Phlehopliyllum angustifo- macrophylla, Wall . 55 692 Hum, Benth iv. 434 montana, Roth . 5, 682 Kunthianum, Nees 434 nepetisfoUa, Linv . „ 691 Phleum, Linn vii. 236 nutans, Roth . „ 688 alpinum, iimi. . 236 obZigwa, Ham . ., 690 arenarium, Linn 55 237 oreophila, Kar. & Kir. .. . „ 692 asperum, Jacg-. ... 55 237 parviflora, Benth „ 693 crinitum, Schreb 245 Piukenetii, Roth . „ 690 ' Hifnkcanuw, Vreal 236 rotata, Benth ., 694 monspeliense, Koel. ,, 245 rugosa, Benth ;, 693 GENERAL INDEX. 725r Phlomis setigera, Falc simplex, Royle Bpectabilis, Falc Stewartii, lir/c. /. ... . stricta, Heyne urticcpjolia, Vahl ... . zei/lanica, Linn zeylanica, Roxb Phoberos acuminatus, Thw. Arnottianus, Thw crenatus, W. & A HooJcerianus, Thw lanceolatus, W. & A. macrophylla, W. & A. Rhinanthera, Benn Boxhurghii, Benn Wiglitianus, W. & A. Phoebe, Nees angustifolia, Ifeissu. attenuata, IJces ... . attenuata, Miq declinata, Nces ... . fuscans, Meissn. glaucascens, Meissn. glaucesccns, Neeg lanceolata, Nees ... . latifolia, Champ, ligustrina, Nees lucidM, Bl, lapsn Per sea . malaccensis, Meissn. onicrantha, Meissn , opaca, Bl pallida, Nees paniculata, Nees ... \ puhescens, Nees sericea, Nees tarovana, Hlc. f. ... .. ? umhelUJlora, Nees ... ., villosa, Wight ., Wightii, Meissn Phoenicantheinum, Miq. Iiennetia7ium,M.iq , coccineum, Miq. pentapetalum, Miq PnCENICEiE Phoenicoidea, Griff. Phoenix, Linn acaulis, Ham , acanlis, Miq , Andersoni, Hort. Calc. ., ajcadifolia, Kegel ... ., dMctylifera, Linn , farinifera, Roxh , humilis, Royle Tiumilis, Royle , Loureirii, Kunth Ouseleyana^ Griff. ... ., Vol. Paffe ir. 693 ,^ 693 5> 692 >> 692 688 r» 680 689 „ 691 i. 191 ,, 191 n 191 JJ 191 191 j> 190 190 190 J) 191 V. 141 j^ 141 ^^ 143 y-! 143 142 142 ,910 142 ,910 V. 140 141 yj 136 142 n 143 143 J) 135 >5 143 142 136 142 V. 142 )> 139 143 145 JJ 140 142 V. 204 206 206 ,J 206 vi. 404 vi. 425 vi. 424 jj 426 427 M 425 428 424 5> 426 »> 426 427 427 „ 427 Phffinix Vol. Page paludosa, Roxh. ... vi. 427 pedunculata, Griff. ... 427 pusilla, Gaerfcn. 425 pusilla, Lour 427 ? pusilla, Trim. 426 robusta, HTc. f. 427 Boehelinii, O'Brien .„ 427 rapioola, T. Anders. 425 siamensis, ^liq 427 sylvrestris, Soxh. 425 sylvestris, Thw 425 si/lvestris? Wall. 427 zeylanica, Trim. 425 zeylanica, Hort. 425 Phoenixopus, GsLSs. ... iii. 403 Pholidocarpus, Bl. ... vi. 436 ?Ihur,mq 436 macrocarpa, Becc. ... 436 Pholidota, Lindl. 844 ad vena, Rchh. f. 846 articulata, LtndL ... 844 calceata, Rchh. /. 846 carnea, Lindl 847 Convallarise, Hk. f. ... 846 Griffithii, //fe. / 845 imbricata, Lindl. ... 845 hhasiana, Rchb. f. ... 844 micrantha, Hk. f. v. 847, vi .195 obovata, Hk.f. ... V. 845 pallida, Lindl ,, 846 parviflora, Hlc. f. ... vi. 195 protracta, Hk.f. ... V. 845 recurve, Lindl ... ,, 814 Tuhra, Lindl 847 suaveolens, Lindl. ... ,) 832 undulata, Lindl. 847 Photinia, Lindl ... ii. 380 / arguta, W&ll ii. 379 ,382 Blumei, Dene ... ii. 380 .^ duUa, Lindl ... „ 371 dubia, Wa.\L^ ... 371 duhia, Wenzig 371 eugenifolia, Lindl. ... ... ,, 381 Griffithii, Dene. 381 integrifolia, Linil, .. ... " 381 integrifo Ha, Miq. ... 331 Lindleyana, W. Sf A. ,, 380 longifolia, Dene. 370 micrantha, Dene. 381 mollis, m-./. ... 381 Notoniana, W. cS'^ A. „ 380 Notbniana, Wall. ... ,, 380 polyneura, King 377 serrulata, Lindl. ••• 5J 380 suhsessiUs, King 371 Phragmites, Trin. vii. 303 ,421 bifaria, Wight ... vii. 304 726 GENERAL INDEX. Phragmites chUensis, Steud. cincta, Clarke oommunie, Trin. ? Emodi, Am. & Nees hispanica, Nees hiiniilis, Not isiaca, Rohb Karka, Trin longivalvis, Steud. ... mauritanica, Ktinth nepalensis, Nees pumila, Griseb. Roxburghii, Steud. .,, vulgaris, Triu Zoliingeri, Steud. Phreatia, Lindl elegans, Lindl. minutiflora, Lindl. ... Myosurus, Lindl. Myosurus, Eohb. f. V. 811 •nana, Hk. f •parvula, JBewf/t, perpusilla, Benth uniflora, Wignt Phryma, Linn leptostachya, Linn. Phryme^ Phrynium, Willd Cadellianum, King capitatum, Willd didiotomum, Korn ■ dichotomum, Roxb Griffithii, Bafcer imbricatum, Roxh macrostachyuin, Wall. ... musaceum, Wall parviflorum, Roxh spicatum, Roxh spicatum, Griff. sumatranum, Miq virgatum, Roxb zeylanicum, Benth Phtheirospermum, JBunge iv glandulosum, Benth. Parishii, Hfc. /. Phyla chinensis, Lour. Phyllagathis, 5i rotnndifolia, Bl Phyllamphora inirahilis^liaaT PHYLLANTHEiE Phyllanthus, Linn acutus, Wall acutus, Wall aflBnis, Muell alatus, Bl albicans, Wall. .., albizzoides, HA:./. Vol. Page vii. 303 5) 305 5) 303 303 303 J) 303 304 }J 304 )) 303 )) 303 304 304 jj 304 304 305 V. 810 )J 810 811 ,, 810 JJ 810 , vi 191 V. 811 5) 811 788 iv. 561 562 iv. 560 vi. 258 55 260 258 55 25S 258 J, 260 „ 259 55 259 259 55 259 55 259 260 260 ^, 258 5/ 260 .304,734 iv. 304 304 iv. 563 ii. 541 „ 541 . V. 69 V. 240 V. 285 57 301 55 292 304 55 293 329 »> 289 Phyllanthus Vol. Page anabaptizatus, Muell. ... V. 302 anceps, Heyne V. 293 295 ancrps, Hb. Madr. ... V. 285 Anderso%ii. MuelL ... 320 andrachnoides, Willd. 293 anomalus, Muell. 305 arhoreas, Muell. 316 asperas, Muell 55 327 assamicus, Muell. ... 320 hacciformis, Ham. 55 335 hacciformis, Hb. Madr. 55 299 iacci/brmw, Linn. 285 baeobotryoides, Wall. 291 Baillonianus, Muell. 300 hicolo); Muell 323 hrachylolus, MuelL ... 313 brevipes, Ek. f. 297 canaranus, Muell. ... ., 311 cantonienses, Hornem. 293 ccrnuus, Ham. ... 330 Chamissonis, Klotz. ... 288 Cheremila, Roxb. 304 Cicca, Muell. 304 cinerascens. Wall. ... 331 cinereus, Muell. 303 Clarkei, Hfc./. 297 coccineus, Muell. '., 308 columnaris, Muell. .. 291 cordifolius, Wall. 284 coriaceus, Wall. 292 cyanospermus, Muell. 305 dalhergioides. Wall. 288 Daltoni, Muell 320 debilis, Ham 299 dehilis, Wight 296 depressus, Russell ... y. 295 ,296 distichus, Muell. .. V. 304 divers if oliiis, Miq, 51 321 echinatus. Ham. • • • ;5 293 elegans, Wall 300 Emblica, Linn ., 289 EmUica, Wall ... „ 290 emblicoides, Muell. ... ... 290 fagifolius, Muell. ;, 317 fimbriatus, Muell. ... 55 302 Jlaccidus, Thw 5) 293 Jlueggeiformis, Muell. 5) 289 frondosuB, Wall. 55 292 fruticosus, Heyne 55 296 Gardneri, Thw „ 295 Gardnerianus, Baill. 295 fflaucifolius, Wall. ... V. 322 ,330 glaucogynus, Muell.... . .. V. 325 glaucus, Wall ., 288 glaucus, Wall V. 284 ,328 glomeratus, Roxb. ... ... V. 289 gomphocarpus, Hk. f. ... „ 301 GENERAL TNDEX. 727 Phyllanthus Vol. Page gracilipes, Muell y . 301 Grimthii, Muell , 294 griseus, Wall. ... v. 288, 289, 328 ? gymnanthus, Baill. .,. \ . 345 hakgalensis, TJiw , , 291 ila,mi\tonia,nus, Muell. ... ', , 304 Helferi, Muell , , 312 Heyneanus, Muell. ... v. 302, 323 hirsutus, Muell. .., ... v . 311 Hoffmeistiri, Klotz. , 284 Sohenackeri, Muell. ... , , 314 HooJceri, Muell. , , 294 hysteranthus, Muell , , 305 ij}dicxis, Muell , , 305 javanicus, Poir. , , 293 juniperinoides, Mnell. ... , , 290 iuniperinus, Wall , 294 Jussieuianus, Muell. v. 3: -0, 320 Ichasicus, Muell \ r. 324 Kirganelia, Ham. & Roxb. , 288 Kunstleri, JTfc. /. , 292 Icevigatus, Muell , 319 lanceolarius, Mnell , , 308 Lawii, Grah , , 290 leprocarpus, Wight , , 293 leptogynus, Bedd , , 325 Leschenaultii, Muell. ... , , 296 leucophyllus, 8tr. & Wint. , 328 leucopyrus, Keen , , 329 linearis, Hb. Madr , 293 littoralis, Muell , , 308 longiflorus, Heyne , 302 longifolius, Jacq , , 304 longipes, Muell , 287 Lonphali, Hb. Madr. ... , , 298 Lucena, Heyne , 329 lucidus, Hort. ,,, , , 328 Macraei, IftteZZ , 296 macrocalyx, Muell , , 301 maoropns, Hk. f. , , 287 maderaspatensis, Linn. ... , , 292 malabaricus, Muell. , 319 malabaricus, Wight , , 293 marginatus, Heyne , 296 microcarpus, Muell , , 288 Miquelianus, Muell , , 296 Missionis, Hk. f , 297 Moonii, Muell , 325 mucronatus, Heyne , 293 multifiorus, Willd , 288 multilocularis, Muell. , 307 murivatus, Hb. Madr. ... , , 293 myrtif olius, Moon , 296 myrtijolius, Wall , 288 Myrtillua, Ham , 385 nanogynus, Muell , 318 nanus, Hk.f. , 298 Phyllanthus ^,,1, Page Naviruli, Miq v. 329 neilglierrensis, Muell. ... „ 316 nemoralis, Muell „ 324 nemorum, Russell ., 291 nepalensis, Muell .. 322 nephradenius, Muell. ... „ 302 Niruri, Linn „ 298 Niruri,W&ll v. 293, 299 nitidus, Muell v. 311 obcordatus, Willd „ 293 ohliquus, Muell „ 311 ohliqtius, Wall „ 303 ohhmgijolius, Dennst. ... „ 331 ohscurus, W'Ald. ,, 317 otiitsiis, Sohrank ... .., ,, 328 oreophilus, Muell „ 303 ? oxyphyllus, Miq ,, 292 pacht/phyllus, Muell. ... „ 292 pallidifoUus, Muell. ... ., 302 pallidus, Muell „ 3 2 parvif olius, Hami ,, 294 patens, Miq „ 296 patens, Roxb „ 329 pectinatus, H^-. /. ,, 290 Feltandra, Muell. _ ... ., 287 penangensis, Muell ,, 326 pendulus, Roxb „ 298 pentandrus, Roxb „ 288 Perrottetianus, Muell. ... „ 316 polyphyllus, Willd „ 290 ? polyphyllus, Dalz. & Gibs. „ 290 polyphyllus, Hb. Madr. .. „ 293 polyphyllus, Reyne „ 290 polyphyllus, Wight ... ^.'., ,, 298 pomaceus, Moon ,, 329 pomiferus, HA;. /. ... ... ,, 289 preetervisus, Muell ., 294 Prieurianus, Muell „ 288 puherulus, Miq „ 288 pubescens, Moon „ 325 piihescens. Wall. ... v. 289, 331 puloher, Wall v. 301 pycnocarpus, Muell. ... „ 316 quadrangularis, Willd. ... ,, 335 racemosus, Heyne ... v. 290, 293 racemosus, Linn v. 285 recUnatus, Roxb „ 331 reticulatus, Poir ,, 288 retu,sus, Dennst ,, 329 retusus, Roxb „ 328 rUamnifolius, Heyne ... ,, 330 rhamnoides, Roxb ., 335 rhamnoides, Willd ,, 330 Rheedii, Wight ,, 293 Roeperianus. Wall „ 294 rotundatus, Wight ,, 328 rotundif olius, Klein ... ,, 299 728 GENERAL INDEX. Phyllanthus Vol. Page rotundifolvHs, Hb. Madr. v. 285 ,299 Eoxburghii, Jliiell V. 30O scabrif olius, M-. /, >! 299 sepiari lis, Roxh 330 sericetiSf MneW 55 320 sikkimensis, 'MueU 304 silheticus, Muell 55 327 Biraplex, Retz 55 295 simplex, Eoxb 295 sinensis, Muell 55 288 splixrogynus, Muell. 317 spmevcens, Wall J, 288 sjpinulosus, Heyne „ 290 ? stellatus, Ftetz „ 320 Stocksii, Muell ,, 305 strictus, Roxb 55 332 suberosus, TFi^'/if 55 287 suffultus, Wall 55 329 superhus, Muell 323 symplocoides, Muell. 55 325 ? taxifolins, D.Don ... v. 289 290 tenellus, Wall. v. 297, 299, 302 335 tetrandrns, Roxb. ... v. 291 300 tetrandms, Wall V. 304 Thomsoni, Muell „ 318 Thwaitesianus, MweZ/. .. 55 287 tinctorius, Vahl 331 tomentosus, Muell J5 309 trinervius, Wall 334 trisHs, A. Juas 55 330 turUnatus, Koen 329 urinaria, Lr/in 55 293 urinaria, Hb. Russ 298 velutinus, Muell 55 322 virgaUis, Hb. Madr. 295 virosus, Roxb. ... 328 virosus. Wall jj 288 virosus, Wight v. 3bb, 331 Vitis-iddea, Uoxh V. 330 Wallichianus, Muell. )j 315 Wightianus, Muell. 303 Wightianns, Muell 5) 328 Wightianus, ^yaU 5> 288 zeylanicus, Muell. ... v. SOi 311 Zollingeri, Muell V. 302 ThyWohcBa, Benth iv. 364 amplexicaulis, Benth. ... 55 364 8%)., Benth 363 Phyllochlamys, Bureau V. 488 spinosa, Bureau 55 488 Wallichii, King 489 Phyllocydus Belferi, Kurz iv. 106 Parishii, Kurz )> 105 Phyllodes Flacentaria, Lour. vi. 259 Phyllndium pulchellum,Deiiv. ii. 162 vest it urn, Benth ,, 162 Phyllostachys, Sieh. ^^ Zucc. vii. 386 Phyllostachys Vol, Page bambusoideSjSieb. ^' Zucc. vii. 386 Mannii, Gamble „ 386 megastachya, Steud. ... ,, 386 Physalis, Linn iv. 238 angulata, Linn „ 238 awgriJato, Wall „ 238 arhorescens, Thunb „ 239 daturafolia, Lamk „ 240 divaricata, J). Don „ 238 edulis, Sims „ 238 flexuosa, Linn „ 239- Herraanni, 'Dunoil „ 238 minima, L^?^7^ „ 238 imrvijiora, Br „ 238 peruviana, Linn „ 238 PsevAo angulata, ^\. ... ,, 238 puhescens, D. Don „ 238 puhesoens, Wight „ 238- RotJiiana, n. & S „ 238 so mnifer a,- Link „ 239 stranionifolia, Wall „ 243 tomentosa, Thunb ,, 239 villosa, Roth „ 238 Physiohilus Setpyllum, Nees iv. 406 sp., Hk. f. &T „ m Physoohlaina, G. Don ... iv. 244 grandiflora, Hk. f „ 244 pra3alta, iifc. / „ 244 Physorhynchus, Rook. ... \. 165 brahuicus, Rook „ 165 Chamserapistrurii, Boiss. ... „ 165 Physostelma, Wight iv. 62 carnpanulatum. Dene. ... „ 62 Wallichii, Wight „ 62 Physurus, JiicA vi. 94, 179 Blumei, XmcZZ vi 94 hirsutus, Lindl „ 94 liu7nilis,Bl „ 94 ? viridiilorus,'Lind.l „ 93 Phytenma, Z/iiin ui. 438 hegonifolium, Roxb „ 437 campanuloides, Bieb. ... „ 442 Thomsonii, Clarke ,, 438 Phytocrene, Wall i. 591 bracteata, Wall „ 592. calicarpa, GrifF. „ 591 gigantea, Wall „ 591 macro carpa, Griff. ,, 592 oblonga, VTaZ? „ 592 palmata, Wall „ 592 stglocarpa, Griff. „ 592 sp., Wight „ 593 Phytocrene^ i. 573 Phytolacca, Lw» v. 21 acinosa, Eoxh „ 21 de-andra, Linn. „ 21 Kaempferi, A. Gr&j „ 21 GENEBAL INDEX. 729 Phytolaccace^ Picea, Link Herber if ana, Mad d Khutrow, Carr Morinda, i/mfe Naphta, Kaight PindroWf Loud. Wehhiana, Loud PlCRAMNIE^ Piorasma, Bl andamanica, Kurz javanica, Bl nepalensis, Benn quassioides, Benn. Picridiam, Des/. orientate, DC tiDgitanum, Desf. Picria, Linn. hamulosa, Wall hieracioides, Linn strigosa, Wall Piororhiza, Royle Knrrooa, Benth Piddingtonia montana, Miq. Nu'mmularia,T)C patens, Miq Pierardia courtallensis, Wight dulcis, Wall fiaccida. Wall macropht/lla, Muell. Motleyana, Muell parviflora, Muell sapida, Roxb sp., Wall V. 368, Pieris, D. Don formosa, D. Don Qriffithiana, Hk. f lanceolata, B. Don ovalifolia, D. Don YiWoea,, HJc. f Pierotia lucida, Bl. ... ... Pi\e&, Lindl angulata, Bl anisophylla, Wedd approximata, Clarke braoteosa, Wedd Clarkei, m.f. ... cordifolia, i/fc. /. elongata,M\(\ frnticoea, HZc. /. glaberrima, E\ Gofflado, Bl Ooglado, Wedd Griffithii, Bl Hookeriana, Wedd Hugelii, Bl hygropliila,B\. VOL. VII. Vol. Page V. 21 V. 653 55 655 653 5} 653 )> 655 55 655 55 654 i. 517 i. 520 55 520 55 520 520 55 520 iii. 413 55 413 55 413 iii. 392 55 393 393 393 iv. 290 290 iii. 423 j> 422 423 V. 368 372 5» 371 5) 369 55 371 369 372 375 ,376 iii. 460 55 461 55 460 461 55 460 461 i. 416 V. 551 55 555 55 552 55 553 555 553 558 557 55 558 553 55 553 556 558 55 557 554 55 558 Pilea insolens, Wedd javanica, Wedd lancifolia, JEfA;. /. melastomoides, Bl melastomoides, Wedd. miconioBfolia, Miq ■micropTiijlla, Liebm. wuscosa, Lindl obliqua, Hh. f. oreopMla, B\ ? oxyodon, Wedd pachycarpa, WefZi peduncularis, Sm. vide Urtica ... pellitcida, Bl peploides, HooJc. ^ Am. petiolaris, Wedd producta, Bl pygmasa, Miq radicans, Wight soripta, Wedd smilacifolia, Wedd stipulosa, 2Iiq Symmeria, Wedd ternifolia, Wedd trinervia, Wight utnbrosa, Wedd Wightii. Wedd Pileostegia, iTfe. /. ^ r, ... viburnoides, Hk. f. ^ T. Pileostigma malaha/rica,B e nth racemosa, Benth PiletocarpusprotensuSy'H.SiBBk.. Pilogyne lucida, Nand. Pilotrichum vide Ptilotri- chum Pimelandra, A. DC ? ereota, Clarke eugenisefolia, Hk, f. Griffithii, CZarfee Teysmanniana, Hk. f. Wallichii, yl. DC Pimeleodendron, Hassk. Griffithianus, Benth. Pimenta acris, Wight Pimpinelia, Linn. achilleifolia, Clarke acronemgefolia, Clarke ... acumiuata, Clarke adscendens, Dalz anetUifolia, D. Don bella, Clarke csespitosa, Benth Candolleana, W. ^ A. ... crimtam, Boiss diversifolia, DC hastata, Clarke Vol. Page V. 552 561 55 553 557 55 557 5> 553 55 551 551 558 51 557 f1 555 55 557 )1 557 55 557 55 554 555 55 558 55 554 554 55 556 55 553 55 555 554 55 552 55 557 15 556 55 554 ii. 405 55 405 . ii. 277 55 276 vi. 383 ii. 625 i. 141 iii. 530 55 531 55 530 55 531 55 531 55 531 V. 468 55 468 ii. 462 ii. 684 55 684 55 686 55 686 5» 689 55 683 686 55 698 >5 687 >J 719 687 730 GENERAL INDEX, Pimpinella Heyneana, TTaW. Hookeri, Clarhe involucrata, Miq ? involucn-ata, W, & A. ... javana, DC 'lateriflora, Dalz. cf' Gibs. Leschenaultii, DC moiioica, Da^z nervosa, Clarke Parishiaua, Kurz puhescens, Wall rhodantha, Boiss Saxifraga, Linn sikkimensis, CZaj'A;e siJcliimensis, Benth sinica, Hance Stracheyi, Clarice tenera, Benth tonientoBa, Dalz trifoUata, Wall Walliohii, Clarke SIX, Hk.f. & T. ... Pinalia alba, Hatn. Pinanga, Bl bicolor, Bl. vide bifida bifida, lapsxi bicolor. Bl core nata, Kurz. ... , , , costata, Bl. Dickgonii, Bl digticha, Bl gracilis, Bl. Griffithii, J5ecc hexasticha, Scheff. ... Hookeriana, Becc. ... hymenospatha, Hk. f. Kuhlii, Bl malaiana, Scheff. Manii, Becc Nenga, Bl paradoxa, Scheff. patula, Bl pectinata, Becc. perakensis, Becc. polymorpha, Becc. ... robuBta, Becc Scortechini, Becc. ... subrtiininata, Becc. ... Pinguicula, Zcinu alpina, Linn hrachyloba, Led." flavescens, Florke Pinus, Linn Brunoniana, Wall. ... decidva, Wall Beodara, Roxb dumoaa, D. Don excel sa, Wall Vol. Pnpre 684 697 682 687 689 687 687 684 688 688 685 685 685 699 688 688 686 689 ii. 687, 688, 689 V. 791 406 408 408 409 409 409 4(18 407 407 406 410 411 4fi9 410 409 412 411 411 410 410 407 408 408 408 335 335 335 335 651 654 6U 653 654 651 Pinus Finlaysoniana, Wall. Gerardiana, Wall. . GrifiUil, M'Clell. . Griffiihii, Pari Vol. Papre V. 652 „ 652 „ 651 „ 655 Kasya, Kurz v. 651, 652 Keseya, Royle v. 652 Khasya, Royle „ 652 khasyana, Griff. „ 652 Kutrow, Koyle „ 653 Latteri, Madd „ 651 Latter I, M.2i%ou ... .. ... „ 653 longifolia, Eoa;b „ 652 Merkusii, Jungh ,, 652 tnitis, Gordon ,, 651 Naphtah, Antoine „ 655 nepalevsis, Forbes ,, 651 nepaJensis, Royle „ 651 pendtOa, Griff. „ 651 Pence, Griseb „ 651 Pinaster, ^oXaLTidi ,, 651 Pindrow, Royle „ 655 Royleava, Jameson „ 651 sinensis, Endl „ 651 Smithiana, Lamb ,, 653 spectabilia. Lamb. „ 654 striata, Ham „ 654 smnatrana, Jungh „ 652 Webhiana, Wall. „ 654 Piper, Linn v. 78 acre, Bl „ 92 Amalano, Linn „ 95 anisotis, JF^A;. / „ 86 araweiwn (see avanum) Wall, arborescens, Roxb. ._. ... v. 96 arborescens, Miq ,, 89 arborescens, Roxb ,, 74 arborescens, Thw v. 82, 94 arborescens, Wall v. 85 arcuatum, Bl ,, 96 arcxiatum, Thw v. 82, 91 argyropyllum, MiiQ v. 93 argyroplixjllum, Tbw. ... „ 94 Arnottianum, Gas. DC. ... „ 84 attenuatum, Ham ,, 92 atfemiatum, Cas. DC. ... „ 96 anrantiacum, Wall. ... „ 86 aurawti«c? 81 )> 87 96 n 83 99 J) 79 V. 89,96 V. 86 >) 85 M 92 J> 88 n 95 96 >> '81 84 >) 93 » 96 96 » 96 87 » 82 J> 80 » 98 )i 91 >» 92 M 90 » 87 96 » 94 94 v."93, 94 V. 91 >» 96 B 2 732 GENERAL INDEX. PiPERACEJE PlPEREiE Piptadenia, Benth oudhensis, Brand Piptanthus, D. Don llepalensis, B. Don Piptatherum xquiglume, Munro annulatum, Eaddi confine, Schult. TioZci/orme, Hk. f. & T. ... laterale, Munro molinioides, Boiss punctatum, Beauv soongaricurrij Dnthie soongaricum, Munro stricttom,'Mnnro sp., Str. & Wint Piptoclaina malaharica, G. Don supina, G. Don Piptostylis indica, Dalz. Piptnras, Wedd incanus, Wedd. moUissimus, Wedd velutinus, Wedd Pircunia Lathenia, Moq. Pirigara {Pirigarda) valida, Bl Pisonia, L*n% aculeata, Lww alba, ^Spanog Tie excelsa, Bl Georgina, Wall ? inermis, Forst macrocarpa, Presl ? malaharica, Poir ? mil's, Linn inorindasfoUa, Br racemosa, Wall umhellifera, Seem villosa, Poir PlSONIE^ Pisfcacia, Linn integerrima, Si6w ViteXf Linn Pistia, Linn. Stratiotes, Linn „ Pisum arvense, Linn ii. sativum f Linn „ Pithecolobium, Mart ii. aflfine, Baker „ anamallayanum, Bedd. ... „ angulatum, Benth „ bit^eminum, Benth „ bubalinum, Benth „ Clypearia, Benth „ Vol. Page V. 78 V. 78 ii. 289. ii. 62 „ 62 vii. 234 „ 21 „ 21. „ 234 „ 234 „ 234 „ 21 „ 234 „ 234 „ 234 „ 234 iv. 149 „ 149 i. 505 V. 589 „ 589 „ 589 „ 589 V. 21 ii. 511 iv. 710 „ 711 „ 711 „ 711 „ 711 „ 711 „ 711 „ 711 „ 711 „ 711 » 711 „ 711 „ 711 iv. 708 ii. 13 » 13 iv. 585 vi. 496 » 497 181 181 302 304 305 306 303 304 305 Pithecolobium oonfertum, Benth contortum, Mart dulce, Benth falcifolium, Hassk fasciculatnm, Benth. geminatura, Benth lobatum, Benth microcarpum, Benth. montanum, Benth nitidum, Benth subcoriaceum, Thvc. umbellatum, Benth. PlTTOSPORE^ Pittosporum, 5a7ife5 ahyssinicum, Hochst. ceylanicum, Wight dasycaulon, Miq ? densijlorum, Putterl. ... eriocarpum, Royle ferrugineum, Ait ferrugineum, Putterl. floribundum, TF. £J* A i. glabratum, Lindl humUe, Hk. f. ^ T. Mannii, Hk. f nilghirense, W. Sf A Rump hii, Putterl Senacia, Putterl tetraspermum, W. ^ A. ... Pituranthos, Viv. nuda, Benth Thomsoni, Clarke ... .« Pity rant he, Thw verrucosa, Thiv Pladera decussata, Roxb. ... fastigiata, Am. perfoliata, Roxb pusilla, Roxb pusilla, Thw sessilijlora, Eoxb ? virgata, Griff. virgata, Roxb Plagiolytrum calycinum, Nees Jiliforme, Neee unidentatum, Nees Plagiopteron, Griff. fragrans, Griff. Plagiotaxis Chickrassia, Wall. grandijiora, Wall velutina, Wall Planch onia, Bl littoraliF, Van Houtte littoralis, Miers Plantagine^ Plantago, Linn amplexicaulis, Cav. Vol. Page ii. 304 55 305 )j 302 306 ?5 304 JJ 303 5> 305 }J 304 306 5> 303 305 JJ 303 i. 197 i. 198 JJ 199 ?5 199 199 JJ 199 JJ 199 }J 199 JJ 200 199 ,618 i. 198 JJ 198 JJ 199 JJ 198 200 JJ 199 JJ 198 ii. 679 680 JJ 680 i. 382 JJ 382 iv. 104 JJ 100 JJ 104 100 JJ 100 104 JJ 105 JJ 103 vii 287 JJ :>,88 JJ 288 i. 309 JJ 399 i. 568 JJ 552 568 ii. 511 JJ 511 JJ 511 iv. 705 iv. 705 » 706 GENERAL INDEX. 785 Plantago Vol. Page arenaria, Done iv. 707 argentea, Deaf. , 707 asiatica, Linn , , 705 attenuata, Wall , , 706 Bauphula, Edgew , , 706 brachyphylla, Edgew. ... , , 706 ciliata, Desf , , 707 decumbens, Forsk , , 707 eriantha, Dene , 707 erosa, Wall , , 705 gentianoides, Dene , , 706 indica, Linn , 703 Ispaffhul, Roxb , 707 lagopoides, Besf , , 706 lanata, Wall , , 707 lanceolata, Linn , 706 longiscapa, Jaoq , , 705 major, Linn , , 705 ovata, ForsJi , , 707 Psyllium, Linn , , 707 pumila, Willd , , 707 remotiflora, Stoeks , , 706 salina, Done , , 706 Stocksii, jBois> , , 706 stricta, Schousb , , 708 tibetioa, H/c. /. ^' r. ... , 706 sp, Griff. ... , , 708 Platanace^ \ r. 594 Platanocarpum cord atu w , Korth ii 1. 22 suhtitum, Korth , , 22 Platanthera aaiifera, Lindl. v i. 147 acuminata, Lindl , , 153 affinis, Wight , , 164 arcuata, Lindl. , , 155 hrachyphylla, Lindl. ... , , 151 canadensis, Lindl. ... vi. 1. 2, 197 Candida, Lindl v i. 142 Championi, Lindl , , 164 clavigera, Lindl , , 153 commelinifolia, Lindl. ... , 143 constricta, Lindl , , 161 cordifolia, Lindl , , 167 cubitalis, Lindl , , 157 densa, Lindl , , 153 galeandra, Rehb. f , , 163 geniculata, Lindl , , 138 gigantea, Lindl , 137 Heyneana, Lindl , 148 jantha, Wight , 164 latilabriii, Lindl , lo3 linifolia, Lindl. , 151 longibracteata, Lindl. , 1H6 lucida, Lindl , 133 lutea, Wight , 164 marginata, Lindl. , . 150 margin ata, Wall , ; 135 Platanthera obcordata, Lindl. Orchidis, Lindl. Orchidis, Wall. rhynchocarpa, Thw robusta, Lindl. ,,. rostrata, Lindl. Schischmareffiana, Lindl stenostachya, Lindl.' Susannas, Lindl. unijlora, LindL Platanns, Linn occidentalis, Linn. ... orientalis, Linn. vulgaris, Spaoh Platea axilla/ris, Thw. Griffithiana, Miers ... Lohbiana, Miers Wiifhtiana, Miers Platnstoma Platunum ruhrum, Jusp. Platychcete glaucescens, Boiss. iii. villosa, Boiss Platyelinis, Benth. gracilis, Hk. f. ... \ Kingii,Hk.f. ... ,., Platynema laurifolium, W. &A Platysterama, Wall. ... ma jus. Wall violoides, Wall. Platy stigma, Br myristiceum, Br. Platy stoma, Beauv. ... africanum, Beany . ... fiaccidum, Benth. Pleoospermum, Tr-'cul andamanicum, King cuneifolium. Thw. ... spinosum, Trecul ... Pleccocomia, Mart. assamica. Griff. assaniica., Hk elongata, Mart. elongata, (iriff. geminiflora, H. Wendl Griffithii, Becc. himalayana. Griff. ... khasyana, Griff. maorostaehya, Kurz montana, Hk. f . & T. Pleotocomiopsis, Becc. geminiflorus, Becc. ... paradoxus, Becc. Wrayii, Becc Pleotranthus, L'Herit. amcenus, "Wall aromaticus, Roxb. ... Vol. Paare ... vi. 163 142 ... 153 145 ... ,) 137 vi. 146 147 1). vi. 130 ... ., 156 137 !> 166 ... V. 594 594 594 594 1. 58& ... 590 590' ... ,, 586- ... iv^. 6L1 ... iv. 596 iss. iii. 300 ... ,, 300 ... V. 703 708, vi . 183 708, „ 183 i. 418 ... iv. 361 ... ,5 361 361 ... V. 381 381 ... iv. 611 ,, 611 ... ,, 611 V. 491 491 ... 538. 491 ... vi. 477 479' 478 479 ',', 478- ... ,, 479 478 478 ,, 478 ,, 478 ... ,, 478 ... vi. 479 ... 479 „ 480 ... 480 ... iv. 616 615 )) 625 73-i GENERAL INDEX. Plectranthus Vol. Pflffe Plectranthus Vol. Page asper, Spreng .. IV. 625 scrophularoideg, Wall. ... iv. 616 harhatus, Andr. .. „ 6^5 scutellarioides, Br .. 626 Barrelieri, Spreng. . „ 608 secundus, Boxb ., 621 ? bullatus, Benth. ... .. „ 611i Stocksii, m. / .. 618 cam'wws, Roth .. „ 625 Stracheyi, B 146 zeylanica, Linn 55 480 ciimfa, Schmidt 146 sp., GriflF. 55 481 lancifolia, Kegel )> 147 Plumeria, Limi. ^ iii. 641 Langsdorffiana, Trin. 5> U6 acuminata, Hoxb ,, 641 major, Reprel 5) 14^ acutifolia, Pair ,j 641 microphylla, B^egel 147 PLUMEaiB^ iii. 621 632 plumhea, Steud ^j 146 Pneumonanthe adsceudens, Quartiniana, Regel ,, 146 Schmidt iv. 117 Schimperi, Regel )> 147 depressa, D. Don J5 115 violacea, Steud. 146 Kurroo, D. Don 117 Pletirospermurn, ffqfm. ... ii. 702 ornata, G. Don 55 116 angelicoides, Benth. ,, 703 Poa, Linn. ... vii. 337 apiolens, Clarice 705 airoides, Koel. 310 Benthami, Clarlte 703 alhida, Turcz. ,, 355 Brunonis, Benth. 706 alpina, Linn. 338 Candollii, B^nth )} 703 alpina, Griaeb 55 339 cicutariur)i, Lindl 700 alpina, Hk. f. & T. vii. 340, 344 ,346 densiflorum, i?eni/i )} 70f; alpina, Str. & Wint. vii. ;345 dentatum, Benth )> 704 altaica, GriBeh 55 341 Govaniannm, Benth. 702 altaica, Mnnro 344 Hookeri, Clarhe )> 705 amahilis, Heyne ... vii 318 323 pDmilum, Benth 704 amahilis, Linn vii. 315 ? rotundattim, Benth. J) 703 amahilis, Rottl. ... vii. 317 318 sikkimense, Clarke 702 angustifolia, Linn vii. 340 8tellatum,Bewi/i,.( see Errata) „ 704 Annua,, Linn 55 345 Btyloanw, Clarke )5 704 aspera, J acq 55 314 Plpiirostylia, Wight i. 617 asthenes, R. & S 299 Heynei,W.& A 5) 617 atroviridis, Ham. 55 318 Wightii, W. 8," A 5) 617 attenuata, Trin 340 Pleurothallis purpurea, D.Don v. 760 attenuata, Griseb 55 341 Plinia pedunculata, Linn. f. ii. 505 bifaria, Vahl vii. 325 327 rubra, Linn jj 505 botryoides, Schlag ,vii. 341 Ploooglottis, Bl. ... vi. 21, 177 ,178 brevifolia, Kunth ... ... )j 295 acuminata, Bl vi. 21 Brownei, Kunth 319 javanica, Bl 22 bulbosa, Linn 55 338 Plocostemma,}^ iv. 53 hulbosa, Duthie 338 Ploiarum elegans, Kortb. ... i. 294 bulbosa, Sir. & Wint. 340 Pinchea, Cass iii. 271 capillaris, Roxb 55 315 arguta, jBotss »» 273 ? cenisia, Duthie 342 eupatonoides, Kurz 55 273 cernua, Wight 55 318 foliolosa, DC )5 272 cernua, WiWd 55 327 frutescens, Benth. 55 273 Chariis, Schult 318 indica, iess. ... )5 272 chinensis, Burm 55 298 lance^lata, Oliv 272 chinensis, Linn 299 lanuginosa, Clarke 55 266 chinensis, Rottl 55 298 linearifolia, CZarfce 273 cilianensis. All. 320 ovalis, 2)(7 55 272 ciliaris, Roxb 55 315 tomentosa, Z>C 55 272 ciliata, Roxb 55 313 Wallicbiana, DC 272 compressa, Gr i seb 347 Plukenetia, Linii, V. 464 compressa, Hk. f. & T. ... jj 340 corniculata, Sm 464 contracta, Retz 298 Phimbagece, iii. 478 convohita, Heyne 55 318 Plumbagineje iii. 478 Corana, Ham 316 Plumbago, Linn iii 480 coromandelina, Koen, 55 326 aurictdata, Bl ,j 4S0 coromandelina, Roth 55 327 coccinea, Boissi „ 481 cristata. Withering 55 308 736 GENERAL INDEX. Poa curvaia, Heyne cylindrica, Ueyne cynosuroides, Eetz decipiens, Br ? dependens, Hornem. despiciens, Link diandra, Ham diandra, Koxb. .., diandra, Wight diaphava, Trin. diarrliena, Schult distans, Heyne distans, Linn duplo-ciliaris, Roxb. dura, Scop effusa, Royle ... elegans, Roxb elegans, Wight & Ham. ... eler/antula, Knnth elongata, Willd JEragrosiis, Cav Eragrostis, hinn Falconeri, iZA;. /. ferrugineob, Thunb flexiiosa, Walilh .// eiCMosa, Hk. f.& T. vii. 340, Jicxuosa, Roxb Jfexuosa, B,oyle ilesuoia, Str. & Wint. Gammieana, Hh. f gangetica, Roxb. ... ... glabra, Rottl gluUnosa, Roxb hansiana, Royle bimalayana, Nees himalayana, Hk. f. & T. ... hirsuta, Rottl hirtiglumis, HA;. /. hyemalis. Ham incurva, Rottl vii. incurvata, Rottl indica, Koen interrupla, Br iaterrupta, Lamk japonica, Thunb khasiana, Stapf Koenigii, Kunth laevis, Heyne laevis, Rottl vii. lagopodioides, Kunth lagopoides, Nees Laka, Ham latifoUa, Forst. f latifolia, Wall laxa,Dnth\e Zaca, Hk. f. «fe T malahaHca, Heyne Vol. Pape vii. 320 jj 313 jj 325 299 ^ 319 315 55 316 316 !) H18 337 JJ 316 318 )> 347 313 )J 335 5) 343 J) 318 320, J) 318 319 5) 320 !) 321 342 5> 324 >> 342 343 ,344 vii 320 J) 341 >' 341 5> 345 318 5) 322 315 ^^ 346 ,, 344 5) 343 315 55 343 >> 317 315 316 vii. 313 55 323 319 »> 316 J> 317 55 343 55 316 318 315 ,322 vii. 334 >5 295 ?> 317 J 5 332 55 316 5» 341 >5 341 »» 315 Poa malaharica, Klein ... malaharica, Linn. ... malaharica, Retz. ... massavensis, Fresen. maysorensis, Rottl. ... multiflora, Forsk. ... muli^ora, Roxb. remoralis, Linn. ... nemoralis, Heyne ... nemoralis, Hk. f. & T. nepalensis, Hk. f. & T. nepalensis, Wall. nigra, Clem nitida, Lamk nutans, Heyne nutans, Koen nutans, Retz nutans, Wight ovina, A. Rich. vallida, Jacq pampUylica, Boisp. panicea, Retz paniculata, Roxb. papposa, Deaf paradoxa, Kar. & Kir. parvifioru, Br parvula, Un. Itin. ... paucijiora, Rottl. ..\ pellucida, Br persica, Trin phleoides,ha,mk. Fhullica, Ham. pilosa, Linn plumosa, Heyne plumosa, Ret^ polycolea, Stapf polymorpha, Br. ? polymorpha, Koen. pratensis, Linn, pratensis, Hk. f. & T. procera, Roxb procera, Wight ... ^.. pseudamahilis, Roxb. pseudo-pratensip, Hk. pulchella, Wall. punctata, Linn. f. ... pyramidata, Lamk. ... repens, Bieb ripara, Willd Roxhurghiana, Schult, Eoyleana, Nees riihtns, Lamk rupestris, Roth secunda, Roxb secundaria, Heyne ... serotina, Str. & Wint. setacea, Hotira /•■ Vol. Pag» vii. 298 55 332 55 299 5) 334 23» 55 320 317 320 vii. 341 j> 332 »5 344 344 ,346 vii. 346 323 „ 308 5' 318 316 318 55 323 318 5» 355 337 )5 298 314 ,, 323 337 323 5> 337 321 J) 32a 337 ,, 309 32a ,^ 323 55 315 315 • ^j 342 317 319 320 , 322 vii. ?39 J, 340 55 329 318 55 317 340 55 319 55 32a 308 333 ,334 vii. 315 55 320 55 345 317 55 313 326 ,327 vii. 299 55 342 »» 340 GENERAL INDEX. 737 Poa Vol. Page Podochilus Vol. Page setacea, Rotll vii. 315 oultratus, imdZ vj. 80 soongarica, Boies ?? 337 falcatus, Lindl „ 80 speciosa, Ham )> 317 khasianus, i?fc. /. „ 81 sterilia, Bieb. 341 lucescens, Bl „ 82 strigosa, HoflFm 5> 340 malabaricus, Wight „ 80 suhsecunda, Ham 320 microphyllus, Lindl. " !^ subtiUs,Ka,T. & Kir. ,, 3;17 onicrophyllus, W&U „ 81 Telphulia, Ham ,, 315 saxatilis, Lindl „ 81 tenella, Br )5 317 similis, Bl. ,, 81 tenella, Heyne ... 5) 323 unciferus, Hfc. /. „ 81 tenella, Linn 315 PodolsiBia, N. U. Br vi. 550 tenella, Eoxb. JJ 315 stipitata, N. E. Br „ 550 tenellula, Kuuth 317 Podolotus hosackioides, Royle ii. 123 tenuifolia, A. Rich 5> 322 Podophyllum, Linn i. 112 tib etica>, Munro 339 Emodi, Wall „ 112 tortuosa, Spreng >5 320 hexandrum, Royle „ 112 tremula, Stapf 5> 344 Podosemum, W&U vii. 259 tremula, Lskmk 320 virginicum, Link „ 249 trivialis, Griseb ?J 344 Podostemon, Mic?ia; V. 64 trivialis, Hk. f. & T. vii 340 341 acnminsbtus, Wedjd „ 66 tunetana, Spreng vii. 334 algseformis, Benth „ 65 unioloides, Ketz 5J 317 dendroides, Thw ., 65 variegata, Jacquem. ... vii 340 341 dichotomup, Gardn. „ 64 verticillata, Cav vii. 323 elongatup, Gardn „ 65 virgata, Roth. j^ 298 ? Gardneri, Ratv „ 66 viscos'i, Retz „ 315 Griffithii, Gardn „ 64 viscosa, Wall , 5> 318 GriffitUi, Wall „ 64 Zizani'i, Jacquem 330 griseus, Gardn „ 66 sp., Hk. f. & T., vii. 337, 342, 343, Hookerianus, Wedd. „ 65 S44 ,346 Johnsonii, Wedd „ 66 sp., Str. & Wint vii 343 microoarpus, Wedd. „ 66 sp., Wall ... .. )j 346 minor, Benth „ 67 POACEJi . vii . 5 olivaceus, Gardn ,. 66 Podadenia, Thw ... .. V. 422 pteropbyllns, Benth. „ 67 sapida, Thw J? 423 rigidus, Gardn, „ 64 Thwaitesii, WxieW 423 selaginoides, Bewi/i. ., 68 Podalyria hracteata, iivxb. .. ii. 248 styloBUP, Benth „ 64 P0DALYRIE.E ii. 56 subulatus, Gardn „ 65 Podanthera pallida, Wight .. . vi 124 Wallichii, Br „ 67 Podianthus arifolius, Schnit? !. vi 297 Wightii, Gardn „ 64 PODOCARPE/E V. 644 PODSTEMONACEil'; v. 61 Podocatpium, Benth . ii. 165 Poeciloneuron, Bedd i. 278 Podocarpus, L'Herit . V. 649 indicum, Bedd „ 278 agathifolia, Bl j> 649 pauciflorum, Bedd „ 278 hiacteata, Bl j> 649 Pogochilus, Fa,\c. vi. 88 chinensis, Wall j> 649 Pogonanthera, Bl ii. 550 cupressina, Br 650 pulverulenta, BZ „ 550 Horsfieldii, Wall » 650 Pogonatherum, Beauv. vii. 141 imbricata, Bl >> 650 contortiim, Brongn. „ 109 latifolia, Wall }) 649 crinitum, Trin ., 141 macrophylla, D. Don 5> 649 majus, Griseb „ 142 macrophylla, Wall >> 650 poly stachy urn, Knnth „ 141 neriifolia, D. Don >> 649 polystachyum, R. & S. ... ,, 141 polystachya, Br 650 refractum, Nees • „ 141 Podochilus, Bl vi. 80 rufo-barbatum, Grif. „ 142 acicularis, iJA;. / ., 82 saccharoideum, jBeawv. .. „ 141 hicolor, Miq V. 726 ? tenue, Edgew „ 147 738 GENERAL INDEX. Pogouatherutn Vol. Paf?e Pogostemon Vol. Page sp., Griflf. vii 141 plectranthoidea, Desf. ... iv. 632 Pogonia, Grif. vi. 118 puhescens, Benth 55 633 biflora, Wujht 5; 119 purpurascena, Dalz. 632 oarinata, liudZ. .. ... 121 purpuricauUs, Dalz. 55 633 carinata, Wight J. 121 reflexus, Benth. 637 cu'prea, Par !) 119 rotundatus, Bentk 55 636 flabelliformis, LmdZ. 121 rotundatiis, Wight 636 Gammier.a, Jffc. / :> 120 rupestri;', Benth 55 634 Juliana, Wall 119 speoiosu^, Benth 637 maoroglossa, Hk. /. . 55 120 strigosus, Benth 55 636 maculata, Par. .j" Rchh. f. 55 120 sitavis, Ten 55 634 Nervilia,B\ 55 121 travancorious, Bedd. 55 637 plicata, Lindl 119 tubercu 1 osus, Benth. 633 Scotdi, Rchh.f. ;) 120 verticillatus, Miq 55 640 velutina, Par. cS" JRchh. f. 119 vestitus, Benth 636 sp., Griff. ... .'.. ... vi. iJi'o 121 villosus, Benth. 55 632 Pogonopsis tenera, Presl vii. 141 Wightu, Benth 635 PogonostyUssquarrosa,BeTto' . vi. 635 sp., tik.f.&T ,, 635 Pogonotrophe assamica, Miq. V. 526 Poinciana, Lm» ii. 260 aurantiaca, Miq 55 532 elata, Linn 55 230 horneensis, Miq. (lapsu pulcherrima, Linn 55 255 Pious) ... 5- 527 regia, Bojer 55 260 dasyphylla, Miq, 526 Roxhurghii, G. Don 55 257 Jiavidula, Miq 55 531 Poinsettia pulcherrima, R. glanduUfera, Miq 532 Grab. ... V. 239 javana, Miq. ,, 527 Poivrea Roxhirghii, DC. ... ii. 452 Isevis, Miq 55 526 Polanisia hurtportnsis, macrocarpa, Miq 534 Munro i. 169 piper ifolia, Miq 55 5-7 Chelidonii, DC 55 170 puhigera, Miq 55 528 dodecandra, DC 170 reticulata, Miq 55 52S felina, DC 55 170 rigidu, Miq 528 heterophylla. Wall 170 Humatrana, Miq j^ 532 icosandra, W. & A 55 170 verrucosa, Miq 5) 528 LeschenauUii, DC 55 170 Pogostemon, Desf. iv. 631 Schraderi, DC 170 amarantoides, J5ew 112 Hk.f. 55 65 delicatula, Hk. f. 117 cardiopetala, Dalz. ... „ 75 depauperata, Spreng. )> 210 cauliflora, Hk. f. ^ T. ,5 66 eriopoda, Hanoe 129 cerasoides, Benth. ^ Hk f. „ 63 eucnerais, J^ees 5J 114 cinnamomea, Hk. j. ^" T. „ 65 fastigiata, Spreng 5) 167 ooffeoides, Benth. Sf Hk. .f- „ «2 Jiliformis, Spreng 2^9 costata, Hk. f. ^ T. ,5 67 fimbriata, Hack 5> 112 fragrans, Benth. ^ Hk. '.'/". 5, 63 fragilis, Spreng 165 fruticans, A. DC 55 51 ?fulta,De&Y J> 167 hypoleuca, Hk. f. ^' T. „ 63 fulva, Benth J5 114 Jenkinsii, Benth. ^ Hk "f- 55 64 fulva, Spreng 5} 193 Korinti, Benth. ^Hk.f. „ 64 grata, Hack » 115 lougifolia, Benth. Sf Hk r. „ 62 Gryllus, Spreng ?) 188 macrophylla, Hk. f. c^' T. 55 66 hirtifolia, Hack 5> 111 macrophylla, Bl. „ 74 imberbis, Nees 117 magnoliseflora, Maing. ... 5, 64 japonica, Benth JJ 118 Moonii, Thw 5, 66 japonica, Fr. & Sav. 5) 117 nitida, Benth. 8(' Hk. /. 55 64 japonica, Miq )J 118 obliqua, Hk. f. Sr T. 5, 67 tawcea, Nees ,.. J> 116 persic8efolia,JBent/i.^ Hk ■f. ,5 66 Zacca, Nees 5> 116 rufesoens, Hk. f. 8f T. „ 66 Lehmanni, W. & A 3J 13;^ sclerophjllya, Hk. f. .S"- "t. ., 65 miscantha, Hk. f. & T, .. 5) 116 simiarum, Benth. Sf Hk f. „ 63 mollis, jffacA; 111 suberosa, Benth. Sf Hk ./ ,5 65 monandra, Spreng JJ 141 Polycarpasa, Lamk. i. 245 monantha, Nees J5 116 corymbosa, Lamk. ... „ 245 monantha, Hk. f. & T. .. 5) 116 densiflora, Wall. 5, 245 ? montana, Nees 5J 116 diffusa, W. ,j-A ' ... ,5 245 nepalensis, Benth )J 107 indica, Lamk 55 245 nuda, Trin 55 117 spadicea, Lamk. 5, 245 pallens, Hack 5) 110 spicata, W. ^ A. 55 246 pallida,^. &.^ 188 staticceformis, Hochst. "& phaeothrix, Hack 55 112 Steud ... ,5 246 polystachya, Spreng. 141 POLYCARPEJS J. 213 quadrinervis, Hack. 55 110 Polycarpon, Linn. i. 244 Eidleyi, Hack 114 Benthamii, Wall. „ 245 setifolia, Nees 55 109 depressa, DC „ 245 speci osa, i/ac/c 55 113 lanuginosa, Wall. 55 245 Stapfii, m./. 115 Loetiingiae, Benth. d- Hk . L ,5 245 striata, Spreng 55 136 Polychil'us Cornu-cervi, Bre(l.i. vi. 29 Thwaitesii, Hack 111 Polydontia arborea, Bl. ii. 320 tristachya, Thw. ... vii 112 , 116 ceylanica, Wight ,5 319 vagans, Nees vii 115 Walkerii, Bl 5, 321 vaginata, Spreng ,, 165 Polydragma, HA;. /. ... V. 456 velutiaa, Jacfc 55 113 mallotiforrais, Hk. f. ... ,5 457 villosa, Munro 55 110 Poly gala, Linn.... ). 200 WallichianajNees ... .. 116 abyseinica, jPresen. ... ,5 202 Willdenowiana, Bentb. .. 35 117 ariilata, Ham ,5 200 Poloa Wightiana, DC . iii 299 ? Arnottiana, Stand. „ 204 Polyadenia grandis, Nees . . V. 162 ^rno^^iawa, Hassk. ... ... 3, 207 reticulata, Iriees 55 183 arvensis, Willd. 55 204 Polyalthia, i?Z . i. 62 hrachystachya,'DC. ... „ 204 ? aberrans, MaAng 35 67 hruchystachya, Bl. ... „ 204 740 GENERAL INDEX. Polygala Buchanani, Ham. huxijormis, Hasfek. ... campestris, Dalz. canarana, Haesk. ceylanica, Heyne ohinensis, Linn. ciliata, Hb. Wight ... ciliata, Linn ? con/itsa, Hassk. crotalarioioee, Bavi. densifiora, Bl depauperata, Wall. ... discolor, Ham elegans, Wall elongata, Klein erioptera, DC. eumekes, Elassk. exigua, Hassk furcata, Royle Gerardiana, Wall. ... glabra, Heyne glaucescens, Wall. glancoides, Linn. ... glmicnides, Wight ... glonierat a, Lowr. glomerata, Thw. grandiflora, Hb. Wight ^ranulata, Hassk. Heyne ana, Wall. hirsutula, Arn Hohenackeriana, Fisch. Mey hypoglauca, Hsissk. ... hyalina, Wall japonica, Houtt. javana, DQ khasiana, Hassk. Kleinii, Hassk leptalea, DC linarijolia, Willd . linartfolia, Heyne ... linearifolia, DC. macroCophos, Hassk. macropetala, Hassk. viacrostachya, Hassk. monopetala, Camb. ... mucronata, Thw. mulUlracteata, Wall. Myrsinites, Royle .., ohtusata, DC oligophylla, DC. pedunculosa, 'Ihw. ... persicarisefolia, DC. procumhens, Roth procuinhens, Roth ... ?prodrata, Willd. ... . o-amosa, Hb. Wight .... Vul ... i. Page 203 .. . J-, 205 203 207 201 204 204 207 203 201 206 206 202 205 203 203 204 204 201 202 204 201 203 204 206 205 204 203 205 203 2i' 2 • 203 201 i 205 201 205 204 202 206 204 206 205 206 204 205 203 204 205 203 202 205 202 206 204 204 204 Polygala Vol. Page rosmarinifolia, TF. ^^, ... i. 204 rosmarinifolia, Thw. Bothiana, W. & A scabra, Edgew serpyllifoliay Poir sibirica, Linn supina, Schreb. telephioides, Willd. ? tinctoria, Vahl tomentosa, Vahl tranqueharica, Wight tranqueharica, Mart. trifiora, Oliv trijlora, Hassk triflora, Linn triphylla, Ham umbra > a. Mart Vahliana, DC varians. Mart vulgaris, Thunb Wallichiana, Wight Wightiana, Wall sp., Griff. POLYGALEiE POLYGONACE.*; POLYGONATE/E Polygonatum, Tourn brevistylnm, Baker Cathcartii, Baker ? ciliatum, B,oy\e oirrhifolium, Boyle geminifloram, Dene. Govanianmn, BjOyle graminifolium, Hook. Gnffithii, BaUr Hookeri, Baker Inglesii, Royle Jacquemontianuiii , Kunth Kingianum, Coll. 31 Cf/mosum, Roxb. . 5, 44 41 cymosum, Trev . „ 55 )} 42 delicatulum, Meissn. • 5, 24 25 dihotrys, D. Don ... . . „ 55 )J 25 dichotomum, Bl . 5, 48 49 dioicum, Ham. . „ 55 J5 49 divaricatum, Vill . 5, 49 5> 30 Donianmn, Spreng. • „ 33 5} 33 Donii, Meissn ■ ,5 38 5J 26 Donu, Wall . „ 38 5> 30 Donii, Wight . „ 39 55 34 Dryandri, Spreng. ... . „ 27 32 Drijandri, Wall . V. 28, 29 5> 31 dumetorum, Linn. .. V. 54 55 37 effusum, Meissn • ,5 28 35 elegans, Miq . „ 29 55 46 elegans, Roxb . „ 29 V.39, 45 1 emarginatum, Roth ... .. „ 55 V. 36 emargi7iati(,)v , Wall .. „ 55 jj 47 Emodi, Meissn .. „ 33 55 44 Fagopyrum, Linn ■ „ 55 55 26 filicaule, Wall . „ 25 27 fHifornif, Thunb .. 5, 31 }) 40 flaccidum, Meissn .. „ 39 36 flaccidum, Roxb .. „ 38 J} 37 fluviatile, Ham ..V. 34, 37 J} 40 frondosum, Meissn .. V. 50 39 glahratum, Meissn .. „ 48 )> 37 glahratum, Wall .. „ 48 55 27 glabrum, Willd. •■ „ 34 glaciale, Hfc./. .. „ 41 55 39 glutinosum, Wall .. „ 35 37 Goyalpara, Ham .. „ 37 )1 32 gracile, Ham. .. „ 38 55 44 gracillimpm, Spreng. .. „ 32 55 31 Griffithii, Jffc. /. ... . •• 5, 54 55 33 guttuliferum, Miq .. „ 42 55 31 Hagei, Royle .. „ 54 38 Hamiltonii, Meissn .. „ 37 55 51 Hamiltonii, Spreng .. „ 40 55 44 hastatum, Murr. .. „ 52 32 Hayii, Str. & Wint. .. „ 50 !> 44 herniarioides^ Del. ... i. 247, V. 27 52 herniarioides, Str. & Win t. V. 28 55 42 hirsutum, Ham. • „ 36 55 39 hispidult(,m,B\. : •• „ 47 55 29 hispidum, Bab .. „ 37 55 28 hispidiim, Ham. .. „ 40 30 Bornemanni, Meissn. .. „ 37 55 25 horrid'um, Roxb ■• „ 47 26 humile, Meissn .. „ 41 „ 32 Hydropiper, Linn. ... .. „ 39 55 37 hypostictum, Miq. .. „ 36 55 53 illecehroides, Meissn. .. „ 28 )J 44 indicum, Heyne .. „ 28 52 • islandicura, //A;. /. ... . .. 5, 24 742 GENERAL INDEX. Polygonum lanatum, Roxb lanigernm, Br lapathifolium, Linn. laxunij Rohb limbatum, Meissn linifolium, Heyne maoranthum, Meissn. macrophyllum, D. Don .. maculatum, Dyer & Trim Manorcene {Marmoramai). Ham Meissneri, Wall Metzianum, Miq Mexjeri, Steud micranthemtvm, Franch. .. microoephalum, D. Don .. microphyllum, Klotz. minus, Huds Miquelianum, Meissn. mite, ? Wall v. moUe, D. Don wo?7e, Hk. f. & T molle, Wight molliajforme, Boiss. mucronatum, Royle muricatum, Meissn. muricatum, Gritf. mwricatum, Hk. f. & T. .. muricatum, Wall muticum, Moench nepalense, Meissn. ... nodosum, Pers nummularifolium, Meissn. nutans, Roxb ochreatum, Houtt. ... ? Olivier i, Meissn. ... orientale, Linn. orientale, Wall. ox'atum, Heyne oxyphyllum. Wall. ... paleaceum, Wall. paludosum, Griff. pandurcefcrme, Ham. paniculatnm, Bl. Pani'Onaricha, Roxb. Fa/i-ony cilia, C. A. May, paronychioides, C.A.Mey. patens, D. Don pedunculare, Wall... perfoliatum, Linn. .. perforatum, A itch. .. perforatum, Meissn. .. perforatum,. Wall. perpusillum, Hk. f. .. Persicaria, Linn. Persicaria, Wall. petiolatum, D. Don .. Vol. Page 1 V. 35 35 35 35 30 >> 28 40 32 „ 35 37 34 42 26 29 42 )) 25 36 29 J8,"39 ,4D T. 50 50 J) 50 27 26 45 47 47 >> 47 31 v.'u ,42 V. 35 » 53 35 J» 30 27 >J 30 30 }) 44 >> 33 » 32 )> 54 » 45 )5 49 39 ,, 26 „ 26 „ 44 u 48 „ 46 „ 41 V. 41, 42 y. 41 „ 32 „ 35 „ 34 Polygonum pilosum, Roxb ... plebejum, Br podocephalum, Klotz. Poiretii, Meissn polycephalum, Wall. polymorphum, Meissn. polystachyum, Wall. Posumbu, Ham. . Posumhu, Meissn Posumhu, Thw Posumbu, Wall. praetermissura, H^. /. prostratum, Roxb pterocarpum, TFall pulchrum, Bl punctatum; Ham quadrilidu7n, Ham quadrijidum, Str. & Wint. ramoso-spicatum, Klotz. ... Rapte, Ham recumbens, Royle repens. Wall reticulatum, De Bruyn ... rivulare, Helf rivular e, Koen rottboellioides, J. & S. Bottleri, Roth ... Roxhurghii, Meissn. rude, Meissn rugosum. Ham rnmicifolium, Royle rumic'ifolium. Pall runcinatum, Ham rupestre, Kar. & Kir. sagittatum, Linn sagittatum, D. Don salioornioides, J. <^ 8. ... scahrinerve, Royle senegalense, Boiss sericeum, Pall serrulatum, Lagasc sibiricura, Laxm sibiricum, Linn, f Sieboldii, Meissn sinuatum, Royle speciosum, Wall sphserocephalum, Wall. ... sphserostachyum, Meissn. splendens, Klotz stagninum, Ham staticiflorum, Wall stenopliyllum, Meissn. ... strictum, AUioni strigosum, Br strigosum, Ham strigosum, Thw. tataricum, Linn Vol. Page V. - 30 27 43 34 44 49 50 38 40 47 54 30 v."41 ,42 34 35 51 38 25 44 43 39 37 27 39 27 49 55 51 52 43 26 47 47 26 34 34 52 38 52 49 47 44 33 43 32 32 37 42 32 36 47 v.'se ,42 47 II 55 GENERAL INDEX. 743 Polygonum tataricum, Wall. tenellum, Bl tenellum, Roxb. fenue, D. Don tinctorium, Ait. tomentosum, Willd. tomentos^irn., Wall. torquatum, De Bruyu tortuosum, D. Don .. triangulare, Wall. .. tubulosum, Boiss. .. vacoiDiifoliura, Wall. Virginian um, Linn. .. viscosum, Ham. viviparum, Linn, volubile, Tarcz, Walliohii, JSleissn. .. Wallichii, Wight .. sp., Hk. f. & T. Vol. Page V. 52 „ 36 V. 34, 39 V. 32 36 30 37 30 52 55 27 33 31 „ 36 „ 31 ,, 55 ,. 43 , 43 T. 40, 45, 46. 50, 51, 52, 53. 54 308 ii. 408 „ 408 „ 409 „ 409 „ 409 „ 4- -9 „ 409 iii. 177 „ 102 T. 78 V. 542 „ 541 Po ly m nia ahyssynica, L i n n . f . iii Polyodontia (vide Polydontia) Polyosma, Bl ii. fragrans, Benn. „ ilicifolia, Bl „ integrifolia, Bl „ Icetevirens, Griff. „ mutabilis, Bl „ Wallichii, Knrz ,, Polyozus latifolia, Bl ? madraspatana, DC. Polyparacochinchinensis,Jjo\ir Polyphema Champeden, Lour. Jaca, Lour Polyphragmonflavescens, Kurz iii, lv7 Polypleurum orientale, Tayl. Polypogon, Desf crinitus (lapsu cruentus), Duthie cruentus, Duthie (vide crinitus) demissus, Steud elongatus, Lagaso fugav, Nees Higegaweri, Steud Lagascce, R. & S littoralis, Sm maritimus, Duthie naonspeliensig, Desf. nepalensis, Nees paniceus. Lag. ... polysetus, Steud zeylanicus, Nees Polyscalis (lapsu Polyscelis) capitata, Wall Sequax, Wall Polyscias, Fm-st 67 vii. 245 „ 245 245 246 246 245 246 246 24a 245 245 215 245 245 ?45 723 722 727 Polyscias acuminata, Seem pinna ta, Forst Polysolenia, Jffc. /. Wallichii, Hit. /. Polyspora axillaris, Chois.... Polystachya, HooJc luteola. Hook luteola, Wight mauritiana, Spreng. purpurea, Wight ramosa, Gardn. Wightii, Rchh.f. zeylanica, Lindl Polystorthia, Bl Polytoca, Br barbata, Stapf bracteata, Br Cookii, Stapf punctata, l^tapf semiteres, Benth Wallichiana, Benth. Polytrias praemorsa, Hack... Polyura, Hk. f ... geminata, HA;. /. ... Polyzygus, Dalz tuberopus, Dalz Pomacea, Griff. ... Pomaderris capsularis, G.Don Pomasterion japonicum, Miq. Pomatocalpa spicatum, Kuhl & Hasselt Pometia, Forst eximia, Hk. f pinnata, YoVBt tomentosa, Kurz ... i. ternata, Forst Pommereulla, imn. /. Cornucopiae, Limi. /. elongata, W. & A monoeca, Rottl monoica, Wall Royleana, Steud Pongamia, Vent acuminata, Grab amoena, Wall angustifolia, ffam atropurpurea, Wall. caerulea, Grab. ,. cana, Grab canarensis, Dalz cassioides, Wall ? caudata, Gr&h cinerea, Grab Corcor, Grab cormcea. Grab crassifolia. Wall cuneijfolia, Grab Vol Page ii. 727 )> 727 iii 94 ,> 94 282 vi 20 if 21 » 21 21 >' 21 V. 823 vi 21 j> 21 ii. 320 V i . 100 >• 102 5) 101 101 )5 102 >) 101 101 vii 210 Jii. 76 77 ii. 697 ,, 698 ii. 381 i. 642 ii. 633 V) 74 i. 691 ?> 691 691 690, 691 J. 674 vii. 300 300 300 284 284 284 11. 239 247 L'45 110 108 107 105 246 ,^ 105 j^ 109 ^^ 106 105 )) 240 194 j> 243 744 GENERAL INDEX. Pongamia Vol. Page Popowia Vol. Page dubia, Grab ... ii. 243 ramosissima, ffk. f. ^ T... i. 68 elegans, Grab 242 ramosissima, Bedd ,, 68 elUptica,W&]\. ... 243 tomentosa, Maing 55 70 elongata, Grub ii. 243 ,247 Populus, Linn V. 637 ema/rginata. Wall 245 alba, Linn 55 638 ?extensa, Wall 109 balsamifera, Linn 638 ferruginea, Wall 246 ciliata, WaZT ... 55 638 florihunda, Grab 242 diver sifoUa, Schrank ' ... 638 fruticosa, Grab 109 eupbratica, Oliv 55 638 glabra, Vent 240 fastigiata, Desf. 55 638 grandifolia, Grab 246 laurifolia, Ledeb 638 heterocarpa, W&U 106 microcarpa, Hk. f. Sf T. ... 55 639 Eeyneana, Grab 244 nigra, Linn 55 638 Heyneana, W. & A 245 pyriformis, Royle 55 638 Horsfieldii, Miq 243 rotundifolia, Griff. .. ... 638 hypoleuca, Miq 243 suaveolens, Lend 55 638 macrophylla, Grab 108 Porana, Burm. iv. 221 marginata, Grab 243 grandiflora, Wall „ 221 monadelplia, Grab 243 malabarica, Clarice.. <. ... 55 223 oUonga, Grab 106 paniculata, Eoa;& 55 222 ohlonga^ Wall 246 racemosa. Roxh 222 obowto. Wall 243 racemosa, Dalz. & Gibs. ... 223 ovalifoUa, W. & A 247 speciosa, Bentb ,, 221 palustris, Grab 106 spectabilis, Ktcrz 55 221 paniculata. Grab 106 stenoloba, Enrz 221 paniculata, Wigbt 245 trun cata, Kurz 55 223 pendula, Grab 105 volnbilis, J3wrm 222 racewiosa, Grab jj 105 sp., Hk. f. &T. 55 223 reflexa, Grab 245 Porophyllum Cusimhua, DC. iii. 334 religiosa, Wigbt j> 241 Porpaa;, Lindl. V. 785 rigricZa, Wall 194 reticulata, Lindl JJ 786 rosea, Grab. ... J5 194 Portulaoa, Linn i. 246 secunda. Grab 247 cristata, Ham ,, 247 smcea, Vent 5} 104 decumhens, Vabl ii. 661 sinibata, Wall 246 foliosa, Ker i. 247 tetraptera, Ht. Calo. J> 106 genicidata , Roy le ..... ... ,, 247 triphylla, Wigbt 241 l(Bvis, Ham ,, 246 uUginosa, DC 5J 241 meridiana, Linn 55 247 voluhilis, ZoU. & Mor. 5> 243 napiformis, F. Muell. 55 247 sp.,Wall 5) 246 oleracea,Lmn 246 Pongatium indicum, Lamk.... iii. 438 pilosa, Hb. Madr 55 247 Pontederia dilatata, Andr. ... vi. 363 quadrifida, Ziiwn 247 hastata, Linn }> 362 snffruticosa, Wigbt JJ 247 paucijlora, Bl 55 363 suffruticosa, Tbw ,j 246 plantaginea, Roxb 55 363 tuberosa, Eoaj?) 5) 247 racemosa, Ham 363 Wigbtiana, Wall 55 247 sagittata, Roxb 55 363 PORTULACEiE ... i. 246 sagittifoUa, Heyne 55 363 Posidonia serrulata, Spreng. vi. 570 vaginalis, Linn, 363 serrulata, Tbw JJ 570 PONTEDEBIACE.* Ti. 362 Fosoqueria dumetoricm, Roxb iii. 110 Pootia cereopsifolia, Miq. ... ii. 439 fasciculata, Roxb 55 109 Popowia, Endl i. 68 florihunda, Roxb 110 Beddomeana, HJc. f. ^ T. 55 68 fr.agrans, Koen. 55 111 fcetida, Maing 55 69 longiflora, Roxb 55 111 Helferi,Hfc. r.^T. 69 longispina, Roxb 110 nervifolia, Maing 55 69 nutans, Roxb 55 110 pauciflora, Maing 55 69 rigida. Wall. 55 109 GENERAL INDEX. 7^5 Posoqueria Vol. Page Potentilla Vol uliginosa, Roxb iii. 110 cataclines, Lehm Polamochloa Betziif Griff, ... vii. 95 Cautleyana, Royle ... . >» Potamoe:etoii, Linn vi. 565 cicutaricBfolia, Willd. ,, crenulatus, D. Don „ 566 cinerascens, Bertol crispus, Linn „ 566 Clarkei, Hlc. f. >> digynus, Wall „ 566 coccinea, Hoffm elegans, Wall „ 566 colorata, Lehm • flahellaUis, Bab „ 567 commutata, Lehm flahellatus,mi.^ „ 567 coriandrifolia, D. Don . heterophyllus, Ham „ 566 cryptantha, Klotz ,, hyhridus, Mich. ? „ 566 cuneata. Wall indicus, Roxh „ 565 cuneifolia, Bertol »> indicus, Roth „ 564 cnrviseta, Hk. f. • » javanicus, Hassle „ 566 denticulaia, Ser lucens, Linn „ 567 denticulosa, Ser lucens, Ham „ 567 desertorum, Ewngfe ... . malaianus, Miq „ 567 discolor, Bunge ... . marinus ? Ham „ 567 discolor, Camb • mucronatus, Presl „ 567 doubjouneana, Camb. jj n&tana, Linn „ 565 Durandii, Torr. & Gr. . „ natans, Thw „ 565 eriocarpa, Wall. ... '. oblongus, Viv „ 566 formosa, D. Don parvifolius, Buob „ 566 fragariasfoHa, Klotz. pectinatus, Linn „ 567 fras^arioides, Linn n perfoliatus, Linn „ 566 fragiformis, Willd „ polygonifoUus, Ponrr. „ 566 fruticosa, Linn pnsillus, Linn „ 567 fulgens, Wall )} Soxhurghianus, Schult. f. „ 565 gelida, C. A. Meyer ... . rufescens, Aitch „ 565 Gerardiana, W&W , tenuicaulis, F. Muell. „ 566 glauca, Camb tuherosus, Roxb „ 566 gracilis, Wall • Potentilla, TAnn ii. 345 Grahamiana, Wight adnata, WaXi „ 343 grandiflora, Hk. f. & T. . alba, Linn. „ 358 Griffithii, flfc. /. ... . albifolia, Wall „ 347 Gul. Waldmeri, Klotz. . alpestris, Hk. f. & T. „ 357 Hei/nii, Roth altaica, Bunge „ 354 hirta, Linn ambigna, Camh „ 348 hololeuca, Boiss j> amurensis, Maxim „ 359 Inglisii, Royle anserina, Lmw. „ 350 insignis, Royle Arluscula, D. Don „ 347 Jacquemontiana, Camb. . J) argentea, Linn „ 356 kashmirica, Hfc. /. ... . argyropbylla, Wall. „ 356 Kleiniana, W. d; A argyrophylla, Wall „ 357 Kotschyana, Fenzl ... . » Atropos, Hoffm „ 360 Leschenanltiana, Ser. . atrosanguinea, Lodd, „ 357 leucochroa, Lindl »j axilliflora, m. /. „ 346 leuconota, D. Don ... . hannehalensis, Camb. „ 350 leuconota, Wall. . harbata, Wall „ 349 Lindenbergii, Lehm. bidens, Bertol „ 353 lineata, Trevir biflom, Willd „ 348 meifolia, WsAl bifurca, Linn „ 353 miorophylla, D. Don bifurcata. Wall „ 355 microphylla, Royle ... hreviscissa, Bertol „ 354 micropliylla, Wall " ccespitosa, Lehm „ 358 monanthes, Lindl , can a, Wall „ 359 Mooniana, Wight ... . Candolleana, Royle „ 360 Moorcroftii, Wall VOL. VII. ' Be" 746 GENERAL INDEX. Potentilla Vol .Page multifida, Linn . ii 353 Munroana, Lehm )> 350 Naspata, Ham 5J 349 nepalensip, Hoolc JJ 355 nivea, Linn )> 358 obovata, Bertol 359 ochreata, Lindl J> 347 pednncularis, D. Don .. 351 pennsylvanica, Linn. JJ 354 perpusilla, iTfc. / 346 'poly'p}xyUa,YfaW J> 349 polyschista, Boisp 354 procumbens, Clairv >' 345 Pseudo-anserinn , Bertol. 350 pteropoda, Royle >J 356 pteropoda, Hoffm 360 purpurea, HJc. f >) 347 reptanp, Linn ,, 356 reticulata, Bertol JJ 347 rigida, W&U 347 ruthenia? Hb. Ham. JJ 359 Saxifraga, Ar d 358 Salessovii, Steph J) 348 Saundersiana, Royle 354 BerlC'-a,, Linn JJ 354 Sihbaldi. //alZer, /. J> 345 Sibhaldia, Griess JJ 346 Siemersiana, Lehm. JJ 3i9 soongarica, Bunge JJ 354 sordida, Klotz 349 splendens, "Wall JJ 349 supina, Linii » 359 tenella, Tiircz JJ 354 tetrandra, Hk. j ;j 346 tridentata, Linn JJ 358 irifida, Lehm 343 trullifolia, m-./. JJ 345 variabilis, Klotz. ... ... 3.^0 velutina, Wall JJ 351 verticillaris, Steph 354 vestita, Klotz JJ 357 WalUchiana, Govan 357 WallichioLna, Ser JJ 343 WalUchiana, Wall JJ 359 sp., Clarke JJ 360 sj)., Hk. f. &T JJ 351 POTENTILLE.« ii. 307 POTERIE-I;; ii. 308 Poterium, Linv ii. 362 diandrum, Hk. f. JJ 362 filiforme, Hk. f. JJ 362 indicum, Uardn 362 longifolium, Ji/b./. J) 363 Sanguieorba, Linn JJ 363 Pothomorphe subpeltata, Miq. V. 95 Pothos, Linn. vi. 551 angnstifolius, Presl j> 552 Pothos Barberianus, Scliott hifarius, Wall Cathcarti, Schott caudatus, Roxb. cognatus, Schott CnrtisW, Hk. f decipiens, Schott decurrens, "Wall. decursiva, Roxb. decursiva, Wall. elegans, Wall elliptica, Moon exiguifiorus, Schott fallax, Schott ... giganteus, Roxb. glaucus, Wall gracilis, Schott heteropliyllus, Roxb. Hookeri, Schott Junghuhniamts, de Vriese Kingii, H&./. Kunstleri, Hk.f. lancifolius, Hk.f. ... Lasia, Roxb latifolius, Jffc. /. macrocephalua, Scort. macrophyllus, da Vriese Maingayi, Jffc. /. malayanus, Miq. marginatus, Wall. ... , obliqiius, Wall officinalis, Roxb. officinalis, Wall. Peepla, Roxb Peepla, WaU pertusus, Roxb. ... , pinnatijidus, Roxb pinnatus. Wall. reraotiflorus, Hook. ... v. Roxburghii, de Vriese Roxhurghii, Schott ... Bcandens, Ltrin scandens, D. Don scandens, Hook scandens, Wall. spinosa, Ham. tenera. Wall. ... ... . ThomsonianuB, Schott . veniricosus, Wall Vriesianus, Schott ... . Wallichii, H;^./. ... . Pottsia, Hook. tD Am cantonensis, Hook. > 555 • • J) 543 552 JJ 653 .. iii. 652 n. „ 652 ij 652 • • JJ 652 . . ii. 43 JJ 43 GENERAL INDEX. '47 Vol. Page Pouzolzia Vol. Page Pourthiaea, Dene ... ii. 382 quinquenervis, Benth. V. 586 arguta, Dene „ 382 ramosissima, Wight )) 583 Hookeo'i, Dene 382 Rheedii, Wight 682 saHcifolia, Dene ... ',' 382 rosUata, Wight J? 582 Pouzolzia, Gaud. ... V. 580 Ilthiana.Bl 588 acuta, Wijrht ... ,j 58-t rotundifolia, Wight ", 582 alienata, Gaud. ... jj 581 scabra, Wight M 584 amhigua, Wight ... )j 584 scabrida, Wight 582 angust^folia, Wight- ... ,, 581 Sonneratii, Gaud J) 580 aspera, Wight >> 584 sponiafolia, Schlecht. 585 auriculata, Wiciht ... ... )) 582 Stochsii, Wight JJ 583 Bennettiana, Wight ... J) 585 suj/ruticosa, Wight n 581 hicuspidafa, Wight ... 582 tenuis, Bl 581 lorhonica, Wight ... ,, 581 ternata, Benn J) 584 bmc^eata, Bann. ... J) 585 tetraptera, Wight M 581 caudata, 5enn 585 tomentosa, Wight )> 586 cnncinna, Wight ... J, 584 trialata, Wight >> 584 confinis, Bl 587 triandra, Bl 587 courtallensis, Wight ... ',' 585 trichophora, Hohen. J) 581 cymosa, Wight ... ,, 582 tuborosa, Wight 582 Dalzellii, Wight ,, 583 vesicaria, Wight ... .. » 582 difusa , Wight ... ,) 582 viimnea, Wedd )) 581 eiliptica, Wight 582 Walkeriana, Wight >) 583 Gardntri, Bl ... ,) 586 Wallichiana, Wight )J 584 Gardneri, Wight ,, 586 Wightii, Benn J> 584 glomerata, Hassle. ... 581 zeylanica, Benn 5) 581 heterocarpa, Wight ... ... j; 585 Praiuea, King V. 546 . hehrophylla, Bl. ... ;, 581 scandons, King !) 547 hirta, Hassk 58'; Ptangos, Lindl 11. 695 hispida. Beun ... fy 586 pabularia, Lindl JJ 695 IJuege/iana, 01 ... ,) 585 PnASIKiE iv 607 indica, Gaud ... ,, 581 Prasiuni melissifolium, lioxl . iv 69S integrifolia, Dalz. ... ... JJ 587 Pratia, Gaud iii 422 integrijolia, Dalz. ... JJ 583 hbgoniiolia, Lindl )5 422 Jolinso7iiana, Wight ... JJ 581 montanaj Massk 423 lovgifolia, Wight ... 584 Nummularia, Kuiz )) 422 microphylla, Wight ... '..'. 'j'j 582 radicans, G. Don J) 425 minor, Wight V. 581 , 588 Thunbergii, G. Don )) 425 mysorensis, Wij^ht ... ... V. 586 zeylanica, Hassk M 422 neil'jHrensis, Wight ... JJ 584 Premna, Lin7i . iv 571 oUongifoUa, Wight ... ,, 584 amplectenSj IFai? ,, 580 obscura, Bl 586 angustata, Wall >5 580 orienlalis, Wedd. ... JJ 588 arhorea, Roth 581 ovalifulia, Wight ... JJ 586 barbataj Wall » 579 ovalis, Miq 581 bengalensis, Clarke }> 577 ovala, Wight ... JJ 584 braoteata, Wall 572 parva, Bl 581 cana. Wall » 579 pnrvi'olia, Wight ' • • )j 587 ceramensis, Miq JJ 575 pauciflora, A. Rich. 593 oordifoliaj Roxh JJ 572 pentandra, Benn. ... ... ,j 583 cordifolia, Brauuis JJ 574 pentandra, Roxb. ... ... ,j 583 cordtfolia. Grab 573 pilosa, Wight J, 581 cordifolia, Wall JJ 572 procumhens, Wight ... ,, 581 cordifolia, Wight >) 573 propinqua, Bl ... JJ 582 coriacea, Clarke J> 573 . pyramidata, Wight ... JJ 581 corvmbosa, Rottl. S^ qitadrialata, Wight ... V. 586 , 586 Willd. JJ 573 quinquenervis, Benn. ... V. 586 3 densijiora, Wall c 2 JJ 573 748 GENERAL INDEX. Premna Vol. Paffe Premna Vol. Page divaricata, Wall iv. 575 villosa, Clarice ... iv 573 esculenta, Roxb. „ 580 Wightiana, Scliau ,, 578 flavescens, Ham „ 578 Wightiana, Bedd 5) 579 flavescens, Jues „ 576 sp. Hk. f. & T. iv. 573, 575, 576, grossa, Wall. .... „ 581 577, 578 579 herbacea, Roxh „ 581 ?sp. Wall iv 581 integerrima, TFt^/i^ „ 577 Prenanthes, Linn iii 411 integrifolia, Linn „ 574 acaulis, Roxb 396 interrupta, Wall „ 572 alata, Hk. f . & T >> 412 khasiana, CiarA;e „ 575 alata,Kk.f )) 412 latifolia, Roxh iv . 574, 577 alliaricefoUa, DC )> 412 Zrtfi/o^ta, Thw „ 576 aspleniifolia, Wind.? ... 415 latifoUa, Wight „ 578 Brunoniana, Wall j^ 411 longifolia, Soxh „ 575 Bnmoniana, DO T> 413 longifolia, Wall „ 577 ? Candolleana, Wall. iii 388 ,397 lucidula, Kurz ,. „ 575 dichotoma, Wall. ... „ 415 416 macrophylla, TFaiZ „ 580 diversifolia, Ledeb iii 395 miorantha, Schau „ 578 glabra, Heyne „ 396 micrantha, Thw „ 579 glomerata, Done jj 398 milleflora, Clarke „ 576 gracilijiora, Wall :■> 406 mollissima, Roth „ 578 hispidula, DO 412 mucronata, Roxb „ 578 Hookeri, Clarke )5 412 ovalifolia, Wall „ 574 japonica, Linn 395 parasitica, Bl „ 574 khasiana, Clarice 5) 411 Perrottetii, Clarke „ 572 la'vigata, Bl 411 pinguis, Clarice „ 579 Icevigata, Wall )! 408 procumbens, i)foo« „ 580 napifolia, Wall. 39^ puhescens, Bl „ 577 ohtusa, Ham » 416 punctulata, Clarice „ 575 patens, Wall iii 403 ,416 punduana, Wall „ 577 Poosm, Wall ^ iii 395 purpurascens, Thw. „ 574 p7'ocumbens,'Rox.h. .. ,, 416 pygma'a,Wa\] „ 581 ? quinqueloba, Wall. >) 354 pyramidata. Wall „ 576 racemosa, Rcxb ,, 403 racemosa, Wall „ 571 raphanifolia, DC jj 412 racemosa, Gamble „ 572 rigida. Ham 396 ramosa, Wall „ 573 rostrata, Bl 5> 406 Roxburghiana, Wall. „ 581 sarmentosa. Wall 336 sambucina, Wall „ 574 sarmentosa, Willd )» 417 scandens, Roxh „ 573 scandens, if/c. /. ^ r. ... 5) 413 scandens, Brandis „ 574 sikkimensis, ilfc, /. 412 scandens, Dalz. & Gibs. .. „ 573 soncliifolia, Heyne J> 403 scandens, Wall. ... iv 573, 578 squarrosa, Thunb ,, 405 serratifolia, Linn iv. 574 striata, Bl )J 395 spinosa, Roxb „ 574 taraxacoides, Wall „ 403 suhcordata, Turcz „ 574 violaefolia, Dene 5> 412 thyrsiflora, Heyne „ 578 sp. Griflf. » 396 thyrsoidea, Wight „ 579 Preptanthe vestita, Rchb. f. V. 852 Thwaitesii, Clarice „ 579 Primula, Lmw iii 4S2 672 ^ tomentosa, Willd. ... iv . 138, 576 altissima, D. Don iii 484 tomentosa, Bl iv. 577 bellidifolia, King 11 486 tomentosa, Kuvz „ 576 capitata, Hoolc 486 tom,entosa, Miq „ 581 cachemiriana, Munro )) 486 tomentosa, Roxb „ 576 Clarkei, Watt 484 trichostoma, Miq „ 575 concinna, Watt » 487 truncata, Turcz „ 573 cortusoides, Linn >> 485 viburnoides, Kurz „ 578 denticulata, Sm 485 vihurnoides, Wall. ... iv . 574, 578 denticulata, Wight jj 488 GENERAL INDEX. 749 Primula Diokieana, Watt elegans, Duby ... Elwesiana, King elliptica, Rnyle ... elongata, Watt ... erosa, Wall. farinosa, Linn. ... lilipes, Waft floribnnda, WaJl. Gambeliaiia, Watt geraniifolia, Hk. f. glabra, Klatt ... globifera, GrifF. ... Heydei, WoM ... Boffmeisteri, Klotz. Hookeri, Watt ... humilis, Steud. ... imperialis, Jungh. involiTCrata, Wall. Jasclikiana, Kern. japnnica, A. Gray Kattff'manniana, Kegel Kingii, Watt ... Lister i, King macrophylla, D. Don mageUa»ica, Lehrn minutiaairuM, Jacj. mollis, Hook. Moorcroftiana, Wall. Munroi, Lindl. ... muscoides, Hk. f. nana, Wall. ohconica, Hance obovata, Wall. ... obtusifolia, Royle odontophylla, Wall, petiolaris, Wall, poculifortnis, Hk. f. prolifera. Wall. pulchra, Watt ... purpurea, Royle pusilla. Wall. ... reptans, Hk. f. ... reticulata. Wall rosea, Royle rotundifolia, Wa I. sappbirina, Hk. f. 4' T. Saundcr! 492 vaginata, Wati )) 484 verticillata, Forek )> 495 Wattii, irm(7 )> 672 sp. Griff. 485 Primulace^ iii 482 Primule.*: iii 482 Prinos cymom, ilatjsk. i. 605 spicata, Miq )> 598 Prinsepia, Royle li. 322 utilis, Royle )> 323 Prionaclme Ecklonii, Nees vii. 10 Prionanthium , Desv vii 10 Prionitis Hystrix, Miq. iv. 482 pubiflora, Miq ,, 482 Prionostachys ensifolia,'\iii,9Qk . vi. 379 /lerfcacea, Hassk 55 377 tcrminalis, Hassk. , 379 Priotropis, TF. ^ yl ii. 65 cytisoides, W. ,y A. 5) 65 Prismatocarpus littoralis, Wall i. 615 Prismatomeris, Thw iii . 159 albidiaora, Thiv ,, 159 Fer^uss mii, Thiu )> 159 Pristidia divaricata, Thw. ... IV . 91 Priva, Adans iv .565 ahyssinica, Meyer )) 565 Forskalii, Meyer 565 leptostachya, Juss 55 565 Procris, Juss V. 575 acuminata, Poir 566 approximata, Wall 5) 568 ctiisiraii?, Spreng. 55 563 diversrfolia, Wall 572 elegans, Wall r. 572 573 ficoidea, Wa.\\ V. 563 frutescens, jB^ 575 gibhosa. Wall 55 560 Heyneana, Wall 561 integrifolia, D. Don „ 564 IcEta, Wall 55 572 laevigata, jBJ 575 membranacea, Reinw. 55 566 mollis. Wall 564 ? 'jnonandra^'H.&m 572 nivea. Gaud j^ 577 oblusa, Royle „ 559 peduncidaris, Wall. ... v. 559 569 piperifolia, Wall V. 564 poliicephala,^^!] )5 564 punctata, Ham 55 564 punctaia, Wall. ... v. 564 565 60 GENERAL INDEX. Procris "V raceniosa, Tiojle rupestris, Ham. sesquifolia, Reinw sessilis, . Rool:. & Arn. Wightiana, Wa,l] Prosopis, Linn spicata, Burm spioigera, Linn Stephaniana, Kunth Prosorus cyanosperma, Thw, Gaertneri, Thw. indica, Dalz indica, Thw Proteace^. Protium, W. ^ A ca-adatum, TF. ^ J. — ... gileadense, W. & A pubescens, W. ^ A. Roxhurghiana, W. & A. ... Pruned .« Prunella, Linn indica, Barro Prunus, Linn acuminata, Hlc.f. adenophylla, Wall Aloochao, Royle Amygdalus, Baill armeniaca, Linn Avium, Linn holihariensis, B-oyle caproniana, DC cerasoides, D. Don Cerasus, Linn coramunip, Huds ferrujinea, Wall humilis, Bunge insititia, hinn Jacquomontii, Hk.f. javanica, Miq Jenkinsii, Hk.f. ^ T. Junghuhniana, Miq Mahaleh, Linn martabanioa, iTitrz nepalensis, £"oc/i Padus, Linn persica, Benth. & Hk, f. ... proalrata, Lahill Paddum, Roxb punctata, Hk.f. Sf T. ... rufa, Steud sylvatica, Roxb tofiieutosa, Tliunh trichocarpa, Bunge triflora, Roxh undulata, Ham Psammanthe marina, Hance Psammogeton, Edgeiv. ioh P ge Psammogeton Vol. Page V. 555 biternatum , Edgew. ii. 719 „ 564 hrevisetum, Boiss >j 720 „ 564 crinitum, Boiss 719 „ 563 set' folium, Boiss )> 720 „ 575 Pseudanthistiria, Jffc. /. Tij. 2i.' 421 ii. 287 burraanica, HA;. / vii 220 „ 288 heteroclita, Hfc. /. '' 219 „ 288 hispida, Hk. f. 219 „ 288 umbel lata, Hk. f !> 220 X. 305 J'seudanthus hraclv'atus. „ 305 Wighr, i\\ 726 ,. 305 Paeiidarthria, W. ^ A. ii. 153 ;; 305 capitata, Hassk 5) 171 V. 189 gyrans, Hassk 174 i. 530 polycarpa, Hassk » 175 ., 530 viscida, W. ^ A 154 „ 530 Pseudehretia umhellata,T urcz 1. 604 „ 530 Pseudijcora? auriculata, Miq. iii. 108 „ 530 Javanica, Miq J) 111 ii. 307 truncata, Miq 94 iv. 670 Zollirigeriana, Miq. 111 „ 611 Pseudoharleriacoerulea,OeTst. iv. 489 ii. 312 polyiricUa, Oerst „ 490 „ 317 PaeudorapMs Brunoniana, „ 316 Griff. vii. 62 „ 315 Pseudoryza c ) 726 „ 316 triohotomum, Bl. ... .. 725 ii. 659 Psophocarpus, Neck ii. 211 ii. 719 longepedunculatus, Hassk M 212 GENERAL INDEX. 751 Psophocarpus jpalmcttorum, Guill. & Perr. palustris, Desu tetragon olobns, DC. Psoralen, Linn cor ylitoWa, Linn plioata, Delile tetragonoloha, Linn Psychotria, Linn adenophylla, Wall amhijua, W. & A ampla, Wall anamallayana, Bedd. andamanica, Ktirz angulata, Korth Ojsiatica, Linn asiatica, Wall aurantiaca, Wall bisulcata, W. ^^ A hracteata, W. & A Brownii, Spreng calocarpa, Kurz ? Chloranthus, Ham. congesta, W. Sf A connata, Wall connata, Kurz curvijlora, Wall Dalzellii, m-. /. denticula'a. Wall divergena, Kurz Dodda-Jervam, Sclilecht. elliptica, Ker elongata, i?A;./. ? elongata, Bed(< eTT&ticsi, Hk. f. expansa, Bl filipes, Hk. f. fulva, Ham fulva, Wall Gardner!, Bk. f. glandulifer, Thiv Griffithii, H/c. /. 'ReUerlsina,, Kurz herhacea, Idinn Heijneana, Wall. ... iii. Jackii, Hk. f Johnsoni, Jffc. /. IcBvigaia, W. & A longifolia, Dalz longipetiolata, Thiv. lurida, Bl macrocarpa, IfA;. /. madraspatana, Jf/i;. /. Maingayi, i?A-. / malayana, Jack micro carpa, Wall montana, Bl monticola, Kurz Vol. Page ii. 212 )> 212 )) 211 ii. 103 103 jj 103 92 iii. 161 164 176 )> 176 171 )) 168 172 ',' 176 }> 173 165 ?) 171 ) 1 163 5» 176 }) 173 5) 174 162 »J 171 161 » 176 M 163 173 5> 168 171 1> 168 J> 163 >» 163 168 >> 165 >> 170 169 )) 174 )> 161 5) 161 }} 177 >f 172 178 162 ,163 iii. 167 ii 175 ?> 171 jj 177 >> 170 » 176 5J 162 M 167 166 5> 165 169 >> 174 ?> 169 Psyohotria Moonii, HI;, f. ... . morindseflora, Wall, nervosa, D. Don nioobarica, Kurz nudiflora, W. ^'' A. . ohesa, Wall ohovata, Wall ophinxyloides, Wall.. ovoidea, Wall oxyphylla, Wall, penangensis, Hk. f. . pendula, Hk. f picta, Wall platyneura, K^irz . plurivenia, Thv:.' polycarpa, Hk.f. polyneura, DC polt/neura, Kurz Reevesii, Wall rostrata, Bl sarmentosa, Bl. scandens, Moon silhetensis, Hk. f. sordida, Tliw ephaerocarpa. Wall.. stenophylla, Hk. f. . stipulace-i. Wall. sulcata. Wall snbintegra, Hk. f. . symplocifolia, Kurz. tahacifolia, Wall. tetrandra, Bl Thomsoni, Hk. f. Thwaitesii, Hk. f. . tortilis, Bl. truncata, Wall. tylophora, Kurz vaginans, Hk. f. ? vaginans, DC. viminea, Wall viridifiora, Reinw. viridissima, Kurz. Wallichiaua, DC. . Wightiana, Hk. f. . sp., Hk. f. & T. ii sp., Miq sp., Wall. iii. 79, 81, 86, 108, 112, 160, 163, 166, 167, 169, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 192, iv. 91, 92 PSYCH0TRIEJ5 ... ill, 21,161 Psydrax dicoccos, Gaertn. ... iii. Ptelea viscose^, hmn i. Pteleocarpa, Oliv i. malaccensip, Oliv „ PrEKANTHEJi: Fteridophyllum decipiens, Tbw Vol. Page . ... iii. 170 166 . ... }} 175 ... jj 172 175 ... iv. 92 . ill. 163 166 . ... iii. 176 ... )) 166 iii. 176, iv. 91 . ... iii. 175 ... ,, 164 ... ,, 173 164 ... ,j 170 165 • ••• 5> 174 ... ,, 175 168 ... ,, 177 • • • • >> 165 165 ... „ 174 ... ,, 170 176 161 ,, 167 ... ,, 168 ... ,, 162 172 ... ,, 174 176 . 173 ... ,, 162 ... ,, 169 . ... )) 163 ... ,, 164 • • • • >y 176 iii. 176, iy. 91 . ... iv. 91 . ... iii. 173 ... ]) 174 ... }) 175 167 . 172, 173 ,174 iii. 166 132 i. 697 i. 591 „ 591 ir. 712 1. 539 752 GENERAL INDEX. Pterilema acerifoUum, Reinw Pterisanthes, J5i cissoides, Bl heterantha, Laws ■pedatsi, Laws polita, Miq Pterium elegans, Desv. Pternandra, Jach cserulesoens, Jack oapitellata, Jack echinatay Jack echinata, Wall latifoUa, Triana panionlata, J^eri^/i Pterocarpus, Linn hilohus, 'Eioxh dalbergioides, 'Roxh. indicas, Willd maorocarpus, Kurz Marsupium, Roxb santalinus, Linn, f Wallichii, W. & A PterocauloB, Elliott Billardieri, F. Muell. cylindrostachyum, Clarke Pteroceras, Hasselt Pterochilus plantagineus, Hook. & Arn Pterococcus glahemmus, Hassk Pterocyclus angelicoides, Klotz Pterocymhium, Br javanicum, Br Pterolobium, R. Br ind'icum., A. Rich lacerans, Wall ii. macropterum; Kurz microphylUim, Miq Pteroloma triquetrum, Benth Pteropyrum, J. ^ 8. Gri^i/m, Meissn Olivieri, J. ^ ;Sf Pterospermum, Sclireh. SLcerifolinm, Willd acerifoUum, Zoll. & Moritz. aceroides, Wall canescens, Roxb diTersifolium, Bl glabrescens, W. Sf A. Heyneauum, Wall Jaokianum, Wall lancesefolium, lioxh. Lawianum, Nirnmo ohlongurn, Wall obtusifolium, Wight retioulatum, W. 8^ A.. .. Vol. Page V. 596 i. 663 664 664 664 663 vii 307 ii. 551 551 551 552 552 551 551 238 239 238 238 239 239 239 238 iii. 275 275 275 vi. 33 256, 688 464 703 362 362 259 259 259 259 259 163 23 23 23 366 368 367 368 367 367 369 369 367 368 369 3H7 369 369 Pfcerospermum Vol. Page rubigonosum, Heyne semisagittatxim, Ham. suberifolium, Lamk. suherifoUiun, Willd. Pterostelma acuminatum, Wight Pterostigma capitatum, Benth macrophyllum, Benth. ovatum, Benth spicatum, Benth. strictmn, Griff. suhrepens, Thw. villosum, Benth. villosum, Thw Pterotheoa, Cass bifida, Clarke Falconeri, Hk. f. Pterygodium sulcatum, Roxb. vi. Pterygostachyum Lehmanni, Nees Pterygota, Endl alata, Br alata, Thw. Roxburghii, Schott. & Endl. Ptilagrostis mongholica, Griseb Ptilocnema hracteatwn, D. Don Ptilonema plmnosum, Steud. Ptilotrich'um canescens, C. A. Mey. elongatum, C. A. Mey. (lapsu Pilotrichum) Ptilotns ovatus, Moq Ptychopyxis, Miq costata, Miq Ptyohoraphis, Becc augusta, Becc gingaporensis, Becc. Ptychosperma costata, Miq. disticha, Miq Kuhlii, Miq malaiana, Miq patula, Miq rupicola, Thw singaporensis, Becc. Plychotis achilleijolia, DC ... Ajowan, DC anetliifolia, DC coptica, DC Roxhurahiana, DO sp., Bk. f. & T. ii. 631, 6S2, 683, 6S5 Si)., Wall „ 682 Ptyssiglottis, T. Anders. ... iv. 543 radicoea, T. Anders. ... „ 544 Paeraria, X>a ii. 197 i. 368 >> 368 367 >» 369 iv. 53 iv. 264 264 jj 263 ,> 264 j» 263 263 263 264 iii. 398 399 399 vi. 107 vii 105 i. 360 360 ,j 361 >> 360 vii 230 V. 846 vii 284 i. 141 J) 141 iv. 725 V. 454 455 vi. 413 5) 414 413 vi. 4D9 J, 408 55 409 410 )S 411 413 J> 413 ii. 684 55 682 683 682 GENERAL INDEX. 753 Pueraria braohycarpa, Kurz CandoUei, Grah. composita, Grah. composita, Wall. hirsntQ, Kurz ... javanica, Bentb. pedunoularis, Grah. phaseoloidep, Benth. Stracheyi, Balcer Btricta, Kurz suhspicata, Benth. Thomsoni, Benth. tuberosa, DC. ... Wallichii, DC. ... Pnlicaria, Gaertn. angustifolia, DC Boissieri, Hk. f. criepa, Benth. ... dysinterica, Gaertn. foliolosa, DC. ... glaucesceiis, J. ^' B gnaphalodes, Boiss. hyderahadensis, DC. indica, J. & S. eakhiana, Klatt saxicola, Edgew. Stocksii, Hk. f. ... Stocksii, Boiss. ... vulgaris, Gaertn. \Vightiana, Clarke Fund uana volkamerisefolia, Steetz (lapsu Vernonia) vulgaris, Steetz (lapsu Ver- nonia) Puneeria coagulans, Stocks Punica, Linn Granatam, JAnn nana, Linn Pupalia, Juss atropurpurea, Moq lappacea, Moq orbiculata, Wight prostrata, Mart Putranjiva, Wall amhlyocarpa, Muell. Eoxburghii, Wall sphxrocarpa, Muell. zeylanica, Muell Pycnarrhena, Miers onecistophylla, Miers planijlora, Hk. f. & T. pleniflora, Miers PycDOcyola, Lindl. ahyssinica, Hochst. gl'duoa, Lindl. ... Pycnorhachis, Benth. Maingayi, Hk.f. Vol. Page ii. 199 >> 197 jj 198 198 )j 199 199 >j 197 199 198 >> 198 199 198 }) 197 )) 198 iii. 297 ,, 299 J) 300 )j 299 298 >) 298 >5 300 299 }) 293 J> 299 }y 300 }} 299 300 JJ 299 298 >5 298 iii. 240 )j 240 iv. 240 ii. 580 JJ 581 581 iv. 723 ,, 723 721 JJ 724 723 V. 336 JJ 337 JJ 336 J) 337 337 i. 105 JJ 106 106 ^j 106 ii. 694 JJ 694 694 iv 63 u 63 Pycnospora, R. Br. .. hedysaroidep, JR. Br. nervosa, W. & A. Pyoreus, Beauv albomarginatup, Nees angulatup, Nees Baccha, Nees eapillaris, Nees dijfusus, Nees ferrugineus, Clarke .. flavescens, Nees Icevigatus, Nees Zatei'aZt's, Nees latespicatus, Clarke macranthus, Clarke .. mucronatus, Nees nitens, Nees polystaohyus, Beauv. polystachyus, Beauv. pumilas, Nees 'punctioulatus, Nees ^ pyijmcBus, Nees sanguinolentus, Nees squarrosus, Nees stramineua, Clarke ... sulcinux, Clarke Pygeum, Gaertn acuminatum, Coleh. acdiminatum, Hk. f . & T ? acuminatum, Wight Andersoni, Hk. f. . arboreum, Endl. arbor ewn, Endl. breTifolium, H/c. f. . capitellatum, Hk. /. . ceylanicum, Gaertn. ceylanicunt; Bedd. . Gardner!, Hk. f. glaberrimum, Hk.f. Griffithii, Hk. f. Lanipongo, Kurz lanceolatum, Hk. f. latifoliiom, Miq. Maingayi, Hk. f. montanum, i:/fe. /. .. parviflorum, Teysm Binn persimile, Kurz polyatachynm, Hk.f. Walkerii, Bl Wightianum, Bl. zeylanicum, Dalz. & Gibs. Pyracantha crenulata, Roem Pyramidantha rufa, Miq. .., Pyrenaria, Bl acuminata, PZanc/i , attenuata. Seem Vol. Page ii. 153 „ 153 „ 153 vi. 589 „ 594 „ 593 „ 593 „ 591 JJ 596 J, 593 „ 589 „ 596 „ 596 „ 590 „ 593 „ 596 J, 591 „ 592 „ 609 „ 591 593, 610 vi. 596 „ 590 „ 623 „ 589 „ 593 ii. 318 „ 318 „ 319 J, 321 JJ 320 „ 322 „ 320 J, 321 „ 321 J, 32L J, 319 „ 321 „ 319 J, 322 „ 320 „ 319 „ 322 JJ 319 „ 321 320, 322 ii. 320 „ 320 J, 321 „ 3L9 „ 321 ii. 384 i. 81 i. 289 „ 290 „ 290 754 GENERAL INDEX. Pyrenaria barringtoniaBfolia, Seem. camellisBflora, Kurz Pyrethrum Athanasia, Bess. indicum, DC indicum, Roxb prcecox, Wieh fSoyleiBG Pjrola, Linn asarifnlia, Mich rotimdifolia, Linn rotiindifolia, DC Pyrole^ Pyrospermunicalophyllum,^liq. i Pyrostria ? spinosa, M'lq. Py rr anthus nlhus, WaW. littoreus, Jack Pyrrhosa Horsfieldii, Wii?ht Pyrrhotrichiatuherosa,W .& A. Pyrularia, Michaux ceylanici, A. DC fidulis, A DC ? moschifera, A . DC. Wallichiana, A. DC. TyruB, Linn ylna, Hk. f. & T Aria, Linn. Aucuparia, Gaertn baccata, Linn castaneifolia, Hk. f. communis Linn crenata, D. Don crenata, Lindl caspidata, Bertol. ... ii. Cydonia, Linn ferruginea, ilfc. /. loliolosa, Wall folioloia, Willi granulosa, Berioi Griffithii, H/c. / irtdica, Wall insignis, HJc. f. intejerriina, D. Don Jacquemontiana, Dene ... Mrensium, Kurz khasiana, Hk. f. Jcumaonensis, Wall Kumaoni, Dene lanata, D. Don latifolia, Poir Mains, Linn microphylla. Wall nepalensis, Hb. Ham. Nussia, D. Don Nussia, Ham Pashia, Ham Pollveria, Linn polycarpa, Iffc. /. Vol rase i. 290 5) 290 iii. 318 jj 314 }} 314 }> 316 )) 314 iii. 475 >> 476 5) 475 476 iii. 456 ^•..v 622 iii. 136 ii. 452 ,j 452 V. 106 ii. 219 V. 230 >, 234 j> 230 >> 235 >5 234 ii. 372 J5 375 375 )> 375 5> 373 )) 379 374 ), 380 375 378 379 ii. 369 j> 379 >} 376 5> 377 378 ,, 377 jj 369 J> 377 }) 381 374 5) 378 378 M 375 374 jj 375 jj 375 373 ?J 376 ,> 374 380 >J 383 >) 374 )J 380 J> 378 Pyrus rhamnoides, JffA;. /. Sieversii, Hk. f sikkimensis, Hk.f. sikMmensis, Wenzig ii. Thomsoni, King ursina, Str. & Wiot. ursina, Wall variolosa, Wall verruculosa, Berto\ vestita. Wall WalHohii, fl^l;./. sp., Rk.f.&T Pythonie^ P ythonium'bulhiferum,Sch.ott Wallichianum, Schott ... sp.. Griff. \i. Pyxidium lividum, Moench oleraceum, Moench. viride, Moench Quamoclit, Chois. coccinea, Moench longijiora, G. Don phoenieea, Chois vulgaris, Chois. QUEHCINE^ Quercus, Linn acuminata, Boxh acuta, Ham aliena, Bl Amherstiana, Wall. anceps, Korth Andersoni, Hk. f annulata, Sm Areaula, Ham argyrophylla, Wall armata, Roxb Daloot, Griff. hancana, Kurz Banga, Ham 'Beccavia.n^, Benth Bennettii, 3Iiq Blumeina, Korth Brand isiana, Kurz hrevipetiolata, Scheff. ealUearpifolia, Giiff. Cantleyana, King Cassura, D. Don eastaniearpa, Roxb ? eaudata, hind] Clementiana, King confragosa, Kinff conocarpa, Oudeni costata, Bl crispula, Bl cuneata, Roxb Curtisii, King Vol. Page ii. 377 ,) 379 373 378 ,379 ii. 379 )) 376 376 )) 374 374 )> 375 376 )) 378 vi. 491 vi. 515 518 499 ,506 iv. 721 J) 721 )) 721 iv. 198 5J 199 197 )> 199 199 V. 598 V. 600 J> 607 623 J) 603 607 5) 610 ), 608 )> 604 5> 609 )) 621 622 >> 602 5> 610 603 JJ 617 612 )) 615 604 61 L 609 )J 613 601 J) 621 ,, 623 614 )J 616 612 )> 617 )) 603 614 )J 612 GENERAL INDEX. 755 Qaercus Vol. Page Querous Vol. Page cyclophora, Endl. ... .. V. 615 mespilifolia. Wall V. 605 cyrtorhyncha, Miq. .. „ 613 microcalyx, Korth )> 610 deal bat!., Hk.f.^^T. ... „ 609 Miqiieliana, Scheff. 613 dealhata, Brand. ... „ 602 mixta, A. DC v. 610 , 619 dealhata, Wall ... „ 603 mongolica, Fisch V. to J dentosa, Lindl ... „ 601 muricata, Roxb. ^, 611 r/epressa, 11 'xb .. ., 615 ?ohlon'jata, D. Uon 603 Diepenhorstii, Wenz. .. ;, 613 ohtusifolia, D. Don )j eoi dilatata, Lmdl .. „ 602 oidooarpa, Korth 603 disoocarpM, Hance ... .. „ 616 OWa, Kurz )) 019 ? divaricata, Lind'. ... .. „ 618 Omalkos, Korth 614 duhia, Lindl .. „ 620 oxyodon, Miq !) 605 Eichleri, Wenz. .. ., 615 oxijrhyncha, Miq 5) 605 elegans, Bl .. „ 609 pachyphylla, Kurz 608 encleisocarpa, Korth. .. „ 617 paucilamellosa, A. DC. ... 5) 606 eumorpha, Kurz .. „ 612 penangensis, Miq J) 615 Ewjckii, Korth. • „ 614 Phullata, Ham. J) 604 Falooneri, Kurz .. „ 6;8 placentaria,y^•^^^ J) 615 fenestrate, Roxh. .. „ 608 polyantha, Lindl 601 fenestrata, Wall. .. „ 616 polyneura, Miq. J) 605 ferox, Roxb .. „ 62;J polystachya, Wall 610 Jiorib'unda, Lindl. ... .. „ 602 pruinosa, Bl 5) 611 glauca, Thunh .. „ 6)4 Pseudo-molncca, B' 611 gloraerata, Roxh. .. „ 618 pyrifolia, Bl 5> 603 glomerata, Wall. V. 616, 623 racemosa, Jack >> 609 (jracilipes, Miq .. V. 610 Rasea, Miq 6L3 grandifolioj, D. Don ... .. „ 609 rhamnifolia, Miq >> 624 g Cri n d 1 iron e, King ... .. „ 610 R"xburghii, Endl 5> 601 Gritfithii, Hk. f. | T. .. „ 603 rufescens, Hk. f . & T. 55 620 grosseserrata, til. .. „ 603 Scortechinii, King J) 603 HelferiatiJi, A. DC. ... .. „ 05 semecarpifoli'i, Sm. 601 hirsuta, Liudl .. „ ros semiserrata, Roxb ») 604 Horsfieldii, Miq. .. „ 601 serrata, Thunb 601 Hystrix, Korth. .. „ 611 serrata, Roxb )) 620 Ile.v, Linn .. „ 602 spicata, Sm 5) 609 imhricata, Ham. .. „ 606 squamata, Rox') 609 iucana, liovb .. „ 603 sundaioa, Bl 5) 611 Jenkinsii, Bent^. v. 6] .8, 624, 910 Thomsoni, Miq )> 615 ? kaviroopii, D. Don . . . ,. V. 60 ■> Thomsoniana, A. DC. )J 605 Korthalsu,B\ .. „ 611 trihuloides, Sm 5> 623 Kunstleri, Kinj .. „ 606 truncata, King 618 Kurzii, Hance .. ., 616 turbinata, Roxb. .. v 610 , 615 lamelloea, Sm .. „ 606 umhonata, Hance V. 615 Lampong^, Miq .. „ 611 velntina, Lindl 5) 606 lanata, Sm .. „ 603 Wallichiana, Xtncii )) 610 lancesefolia, Roxh. ... .. „ 616 Wenzigiana, Ki'g 613 lanuginosa, D. Lon ... .. „ 603 xylocarpa, Kurz J) 618 lappa cea, Roxb. .. „ 607 sp., Benth v 6L8, 619 laxijiora, Lindl. .. „ 604 *P._ V. 619 leucocarpa, Hk. f. & T. .. „ 615 Quinio cocculoides, Schlecht. i. 101 Lindleyaiia, Wall. ... .. „ 607 Quinquelohus glaher, Benj. .. iv. 272 lineata, Bl .. „ 605 C^uisqualis, Linn ii. 459 lucida, Rovb .. „ 614 deusiflora, Wall >} 460 Mackiana, Hook. .. „ 608 ebracteata, Beauv )> 459 ? macrophylla, Miq. ... .. „ 611 glabra, Burm 55 459 Maingayii, Benth .. „ 617 indica, JDmn 459 mappacea, Korth. ... .. » 611 longijiora, Presl J) 459 756 GENERAL INDEX. Quisqnalis Loureiri, G. Don malabarica, J3edd ^ubescens, Burm sinensis, Ijindl villosa, Roxh sp., Griff. Rahdochloa virgata, Baauv. Radcrmachera amoena, Seem. gigantea, Miq Lobhii, Miq stricta, ZoU Ramphicarpa, vide II ham - phicarpa Bampinia herpetospe' mo idss, Clarke Ratntilla oleifera, DC Baudia, Linn. auisophylla, Jack Candolleana, W. c^- A. ... corymhosa, W. & A deccanensis, Bedd densiflora, Benth dumetorum, Lamk exaltata^ Griff'. fascicalata, DC Jloribtmda, DC Gardner!, Thw Gardneri, Hk. f. Griffithii, JJ/o. /. hygrophyla, if/c. /. laurifolia, Hk. f longiflora, Lamk longispina, DC. maorophylla, //A;. / malabarica, Lamk nialabarica, WalJ. ... iii. nutans, DC polysperma, DC polysperma, Roxt> raceinosa, Eoxb rigida, DO Jiottleri, W. & A rugulosa, Hk. f scandens, DC sikkimensis, Hk.f. speciosa, Hk. f. spinosa, Bl stijnvlosa, Miq stricta, Roxb tetra8perma,JBcni/i,. <;^'/f/.-. ''. tomentosa, -ffA;. / tomentosa, W. & A uliginosa, DC venulosa, Wall Wallichii, ^fe. /. Ranunculace^ Vol. Page ii. 459 )> 460 459 J) 459 459 >) 459 vii 291 iv. 384 )) 384 384 ') 383 iv. 300 ii. 613 iii 308 iii 109 ;> 114 113 )) 113 113 )) 112 110 )! 114 109 !) 110 112 )) 112 112 )) 115 112 )) ILl 110 )) 114 111 lu'y , 110 iii. 110 5) 120 120 120 ,, 109 )) 110 113 5J 111 ,, 114 J) 117 5> 110 110 !) 121 )> 109 J 10 )) 110 110 jj 121 5> 113 i. 1 Vol. Page Ranuncule^^, • i- 1 Rauunoalus, Linn . i. 16 aci'is, Linu. 19 affinis, Br •• 18 ajrtatws, Ledeb 5> 18 aquatilis, Linn 16 aquatilis, D. Don )J 16 arvensis, Lw7i J) 20 attenuatus, Royle 18 auricomus, Linn. ,, 19 Irevirostris, Edgow. )) 19 hulhosus, Linn 2L cabulicus, Boiss !) 2) ccespitosus, Wall 18 chajrophyllos, Linn. 5> 18 chinensis, Bunge ... . J> 19 choorensis, Royle )) 18 Cymbalaria, Pursh. J> 17 dahuricus, Turcz • • J> 18 diffusuP, DQ 19 distans, Royle )) 19 falcatus, Linn 16 fibrosus. Wall !> 19 flaccid us, Hk.f. ^^ T. . )> 20 Flam nulla, D. Don ... 17 geramoides, Bl )> 19 glabratus, Royle 18 hastatus, Walk )) 17 hirtellus, Royle )> 18 hydrocoti/loides, WiiW. J) 19 hyperboreus, Rottb. 18 hyperboreus, Hk. f. & T. ,, 18 indicus, Roxb )> 19 javanicus, Bl J) 17 Isetus, Wall 19 Lingua, Linn >' 16 lobatus, Jaciuem >) 17 longicaulis, C. A. Mey. . 17 membranaceus, Ro^l^ )J 17 mollis, Wall >' 19 muricatup, Linn >) 20 napaulensis, DC 19 7mtans, C. A, Mey )) 18 nephelogenes, Edgew. )> 17 nervosus. Royle >) 18 nivalis, Linn 19 obt ctus, Wall ,, 19 pedatifidiis, Sm. ,, 18 pedatifidits, Ledeb >> 18 pennsylvauicus, Lion. .. , 19 piinpinelloides, D. Don . )> 14 pinnatus, Wij^ht ... . » 20 poli/petalus, Royle ... ,, 21 pulchellue, C. A. Mey. . ,, 17 Purshii, Hook I) 18 pygmaeus, Vahl ... . 18 radicans, Hk. f. & T. )) 18 GENERAL INDEX. 757 Ranunculus radicans, C. A. Mey. reniformis, Wall reipens, Linn riparius, Edgew sagittifolius, HooJc salsuginosus, Wall salsuginosus, D. Don sceleratue, Linn subpinnatus, W. & A. trilohatiis, D. Don tuberculatus, DC vestitus, Wall vit if alius, Royle Wallichianus, W. S," A. ... sp., Griflf. Raphane^ Raphanus, Linn caudattis, Linn. Raphanistrum, Linn. sativus, Linn Raphistemraa, Wall ciliatum, Hk. f Hooperianum, Dene. pulchellum, Wall Rapinia herhacea, Lour. ... BapuntiumarenarioideStFreal cxspitosum, Pre si campanuloides, Presl coloratum, Presl Leschenaultianum, Presl nicotiancefolium, Presl ... Nummiilarium, Presl pyramidale, Presl radicans, Presl trialatum, Presl Wallichianum, Presl Ratonia Lessertiana, Benth. ifeHk. f sumatrana, Kurz Rafczeburghia, Kunth pulcherriraa, Kuuth vii. /Schimperi, Stead Rauwolfia, Linn Beddomsi, Hk. f decurva, Hk. f. densiflora, Benth micrantha, i?fc. /. microcarpa, i/fc. /. nitida, Linn peguana, Tf/v./ Pulaparia, Roxh serpentina, Benth Ravenala madagascariensis, Sonn Bazumovia tranqueharica, Spreng. Rectomitra tuber culata, Bl. Vol Page i. 18 )) 16 19 19 )) 17 17 5> 17 19 )) 19 J) 19 20 )5 21 19 )) 20 )) 19 i. 130 i. 166 J) 166 )) 166 55 166 iv. 19 55 20 55 19 55 19 iii. 438 iii. 425 55 425 55 425 426 55 427 55 427 55 422 55 426 425 55 425 >> 426 i. 678 ,, 679 vii. 161 153 161 vii. 161 iii. 632 634 55 633 S> 633 55 633 55 633 55 634 55 632 634 55 632 vi. 198 iv. 301 ii. 553 Reevesia, Lindl pubescens, Mast Wallichii, Br Regnaldia cluytioide.^ (lapsu myrtioides), Baill. Reichardia decapetala, Roth hexapetala, Roth Reidiajimhriata, Wight Jloribunda, Wight glaucescens, Miq latifolia, Wight ? ovalifolia, Wight ... polyphylla, Wight Reinwardtia, Duinorf. indica, Dumort. repens, 'Pla.nch ,. ... tetragyna, Planch trigyna, Planch trigyna, Dalz. & Gibs. Remirea, Aublet disticophylla, Boeck. maritima, Auhl pedunculata, Br Wightiana, Nees Remusatia, Schott Hookeriana, Schott vivipara, Schott vivipara, Wight Renanthera, Lour angustifolia, Hk.f. Ar ach7iitis, hmdl. ... vi, hilinguis,Rohh.f coccinea, Lour. elongata, Lindl Flos-aeris, Rchb. f. histrionica, Rchb. f. labrosa, Rchb. f matutina, Lindl micrantha, Bl Renealmia calcarata, Haw. fasciculata, Rose mutica, Salisb nutans, Andr Rennellia, ^or^/i speciosa, Bk. f. Reptonia, k. DO bnxifolia, A. DC Reseda, Linn Aucheri, Boiss. hracteata, Boiss luteola, Linn nilgherrensis, J. Mull. odorata, Linn oligandra, Edgew pruinosa, Del Resedace^ Restio articulatus, Retz. Vo\ Paere i. 363 ^^ 364 55 364 V. 460 ii. 256 259 V. 303 55 303 302 55 301 302 55 302 i. 411 55 412 55 412 412 55 412 412 vi. 677 55 677 55 677 55 677 55 677 vi. 521 55 522 55 521 55 519 vi. 48 55 49 28 ,197 vi. 28 55 48 ,5 48 55 28 55 49 28 55 49 49 vi. 254 55 241 255 55 256 iii. 158 158 iii. 534 534 i. 181 J, 181 ^j 181 )5 181 181 55 181 55 181 55 181 ]. 180 vi. 684 758 GENERAL INDEX. Vol. Page Retinodendron lancessfolium, Korth i. 303 Retzia pilosa, Keyj^e iy. 219 Feutera acuminata, Edgew. ii. 680 Rhabdia, Mart iv. 144 c>-elrifoUa, Miers „ 145 Jtuvialis, Edgew „ 145 lycioides, Mai't ,, l-i5 viminea, Dalz. & Gibs. ... „ 145 Rhahdochloa mucronata, Beauv vii. 296 Rhagadiolas, Jwss iii. 392 Hedvpnois, Fisch. Sf Meij. „ 392 Koelpinea, Willd „ 392 Rhamnea ? diospyrifolia,Wii\\. i. 642 ? hicida, Wall ^ ... „ 641 Rhamnea i. 629, 630 B.hSiTnuus, Linn i. 638 acu7ninatus, Colebr. ... „ 612 Arnottianus, Gardn. ... „ 638 cdharticui', liXnu „ 639 circumsci>sus, Linn. f. ... ,, 641 dahuricus, Pall „ 639 fliformis, Roth ,, 641 ? glabratus, Heyne „ 636 globosus, Bimge „ 639 hirsutus, W. & A „ 639 Jiijuba, Liiii) ,, 632 lineatus, Linu ,, 638 lucidus, Roxb ,, ^541 myrtinus, Burm „ 641 Napeca, Linn „ 635 iVeeri/a, Spreng „ 623 nipalensis, Laws „ 640 Kummularia, Burn). ... ,, 633 Q^noplia, Lmn „ 634 parcijlorus, Klein „ 641 parvifoUiis,TuTOz „ 639 persicus, Boiss „ 638 polijmorphus, Torcz. ... „ 639 procambens, Edjeiu. ... „ 640 purpurens, Edgew „ 639 rupestris, Royle „ 641 theezans, Linn „ 641 trigynus, D. Don „ 64 L triqneter, Laws „ 639 virgatus, Koxb „ 639 Wigbtii, W. 6f A „. 639 xylopyrus, Retz ,, 634 zeylanicus, Bui-m v. 288 Rhamphioarpa, Btnth. ... iv. 300 fistulosa, Benth „ 30) longiflora, Benth. ... :.. „ 300 Rhamp/ddia elongata, Thw. vi. 197 Gardneri, Thw „ 115 ovalifolia, Liudl „ 115 rubens, Lindl „ 115 Rhaphidophora, Schott affiiiis, Schott angustifolia, Schott Beccarii, Engl calophylla, Sohcitt caudata, Schott crassifolia, Hk. f Cu7minghamii, Schott decursivH, Schott exitnia, Schott glauca, Schott gracilipes, Hk. f. grandis, Schott Hookeri, Schott Korthalsii, Schott Kunstleii, Hk. f. lacera, Eassk lancifolia, Schott Lobbii, Schott Maingayi, Jffc. /. minor, Hk. f. Peeplrt, Schott Peepla, Schott pertuBn, Schott pinnata, Schott .., ... pinnatifida, Schott ^Ghotiii, Hk. f. Scorteohinii, 7/A-. / tetrasperma, Ilk. f Wallichii, Schott Wra\ i, ///.-. /. Rhaplddospora ciliata, Noes dichotoma, Nees glabra, ^es sp , T. Ander- Rhaphiophallus, Scliott Rhaphis acicularis, Desv. ... ciliolata, Nees coerulea, Nees coerul- scens, Desv echinulata, Nee^j Gryllus, Desv javanica, Nees 'microstachya, Nees orientalis, Desv. repens, Nees Roj/Zeana, Nees stricta, Nees trivalvis, Lour villosula, Nees Wiyhtiana, Nees zej/ Zawica, Nees RhaptomerisBuTiuannij'Sii^ra Rhazya, J)c7ie stricta, Vcne Rhesa (vide Bhesa) Rheum, Linn ^ol. PaRe vi. 543 )) 54^ 543 546 545 549 543 " 549 547 547 " 547 545 547 " 54^? 548 54 5 549 j» 545 " 544 543 544 545 544 516 " 549 549 544 54 > 548 549 544 iv. 536 54 5 535 533 V). 518 vii 188 j> 193 193 179 j> 188 188 188 '\ 179 191 )> 1/9 ,, 188 )> 17.5 188 ^j 179 jj 191 192 i. 104 iii 639 640 i. 622 V. 15 GENERAL INDEX. ^59 Rheum acuminatum, Hk. f. Sf T. ? aiostr ale, D. Bon , Emodi, Wall Emodi, Wall Emodium, Wall leucorhizum, Pall Moorcroftianum, Boyle ... Moorcroftianum,'Meia8'D. . . . nobile, Bk. f. ^ T. spiciforme, Boyle tibeticum, Maxim Webbiauum, Royle sjp., Hk. f. & T Shinacanthus, Nees calcaratus, Nees communis, Nees , Rottlerianus, Nees , Rhinanthideje ? Ehinanthus hifidus, Ham, iniica, Linn Rhiniachne Princeps, Hcchsr Rhipidoshgma, HaBsk. Rhipsalis, Gaertn Gassy tha, Gaertn , Rhizophora, Linn jEgiceras, Linn apiculata, Bl Candel, Linn , candelaria, DC candelaria, W. & A carynpliylloides, Jack caseolaris, Linn , conjugata, Linn corniculata, Li an cylindrica, Linn cylindrica, Roxb decandra, Roxb gyinnorrhiza, Roxb macrorrWiza, GiiS. Mangle, Linn mucronata, Lam •parvijiora, Roxb , stylosa, Griff. titnorensis, DC RHlZOPHOREiE ii. Rhodamnia, Jack cinerea, Griff. cinerea, Jack , concolor, Miq. .... MuUeii, Bl Nageli, Miq spectahilis, Bl suhtrijiora, Bl trinervia, Bl Bhodiola asiatica, D. Don .. imbricata, Edgew rosea, Linn Vol. Page V. 57 „ 57 „ 56 •„ 57 „ 56 „ 56 „ .56 „ 56 „ 57 „ 55 „ 56 „ 57 „ 56 iv. 541 „ 541 » 541 „ 541 iv. 248 iv. 314 „ 610 , vii. 148 iii. 552 ii. 658 „ 658 , ii. 435 iii. 533 , ii. 436 „ 437 „ 436 „ 435 „ 438 „ 580 „ 438 iii. 533 ii. 438 „ 438 „ 436 „ 437 „ 435 „ 435 „ 43o „ 438 „ 436 „ 436 434, 435 ii. 468 „ 468 „ 469 „ 468 „ 469 „ 469 „ 469 „ 469 „ 468 . ii. 419 ■ „ 417 „ 417 Rhododendron, Linn.... asruginosum, Hk. f. ... album, Sw. Anthopogon, D. Don arboreura, 8m argenteum, Hk. f. ... aromaticum, Wal'. ... Aucklandii, Hk. t. ... barbatum, Wall. Batemani, Hook, bhotanicum, Clarke... blandfordiasjlorum, Hk. Blume'-, Nnti" Boothii, Nutt calopylla, Nuit. camelligeflorum, Hk. f. campanulatum, D. Dn CampbellifB, Hk. f. ... campjlocarpum, Rk. f. Candelabra, Hk. 1 ... celebicum, DC ciliatum, Hk. f cinnabarinum, Hk. f. cinnamomtum. Wall. Dalhousiae, Hk. f. defiexum, Griff. ... Edgar ii, Gamble Edgeworthii, Hk.f. ... elceagnoides, Hk. f. .. eximium, Nutt. Falconeri, Hk. f. formosum, Wall, fragrans, Maxim. fulgens, Hk. f glaucum, Bk. f. Gibsouii. Paxt grande, WigM Griffithiaaura, WigM Hodgsuni, Uk.f. Hookeri, Nutt jasminifiorum. Hook. javanicum, Benn. Jeukiubii, Nutt Kendrickii, 'Nutt. .. Keysii, Nutt lamponguyn, Miq. lanatum, Hk. f. lancifolium, Hk. f. .. lepidotum, Wall. leptocarpuni, Nutt. .. longifulium, Nutt. .. luoidum, Nutt macranthum, Griff. .. macrocarpos, Griff. ... Maddeni, Hk, f. malayanum, Jack .. micranthum, Maxim. Vol. Page iii. 462 760 GENERAL INDEX. Vol. Page iii. 463 5> 466 472 n 466 466,469 1 iii. 470 J, 468 5> 471 472 )) 475 472 n 472 469 }) 466 471 Rhododendron moulmainense, Hoolc. nilagiricum, Zenk. .. nivale, Hh. f niveum, Hk. /. nohile, Wall Nuttallii, Booth oMongum, Griff. ohovatum, Hk. f. palustre, Turcz. Parishii, Clarice parvijioruin, Schm. ., jparvifolium, Adams pendulum, IlTc. f. planifoliu7n, Ntitt. ., pumilnm, Hk. f. pumilum, Nutt. puniceuTii, Roxb. Roylei^ Hk. f salignum, Hk. f. setosum, D. Don Shepherdii, Nutt. . Smithii, Nutt spaisiflorum, Nutt. . Teysmanni, Miq. Thomsoni, Hk. f. triflorum, Hk. f. tiihijiorum, DC vaccinioides, Hk. f. . Veitchianum, Hook. venosvM, Nutt virgatum, Hk. f. Wallicliii, Hk. f. . Wightii, Hfc./. ... . Windsorii, Nutt. sp., Griff, iii. 464, 465, 46e>, 467, 4^8, 469, 471, 473, 474 471 465 474 471 472 467 469 470 463 468 474 4S3 464 473 465 474 466 467 iii. 4B4, 465 Rhodomyrtus, DC tomentosa, Wight ... .„ Rhodora deflexa, Griff. Rhodoracea, Grif. Rhodoracese, Griff Rhodore^e Rhomhoda longifoUa, Lindl. Rhoyala attenuata, Jack ... excelsa, Roxb glabrata, Wall moluccana, Jack racemosa, Roxb rohusta, Roxb Rhopalohlaite singaporensis, Hk.f Rhopalocnemip, Jungh. pballoides, .Jungh Rltuacophila javanica, Bl. .. Rhus, Linn acuminata, DC. Amela, D. Don ii. 469 „ 469 iii. 461 iii. 474 iii. 461 iii. 456 vi. 109 V. 190 )) 191 191 J) 190 }} 190 >5 191 vi. 413 V. 238 „ 239 vi. 337 ii. 9 „ 12 „ 10 Rhus Buckiamela, Roxb Cohhe, Linn Cotinus, Linn decipiens, W. & A ? Dhuna, Ham fraxinifolia, D. Don Griffithii, if/c. /. insignis, Hk. f. integerrima, Wall javanica, Linn Juglandifolia, Wall. Kakrasingee, 'Rojle khasiana, 7://w / Icevis, Wall mysoreDsip, Heyne p'aniculata. Wall parviflora, Roxh punjabensis, Stewart semi-alata, Murr succedanea, Linn velutina, Wall vernicifera, DC Wa,llichii, m. /. Rhyncanthera pariiculata, Bl. Rhyxichanthup, HA". /. longiflorus, HA;. /. Rhynchelytrum Wightii, Duthie Rhynchocarpa, Schrad. ? deltoid ea, Kurz foetid a, Schrad rostrata, Knrz Rhynchodia, Be7ith Wallichii, Benth Rhynchoglossum, Bl. Bhimei,'DG obliquum, Bl ohliquum, Hohen ohliquum, Wight scahrum, Dalz zeylanicuon, Hook RMjncholepis, ? Roxhurghii, Miq Rhynchopyle elongata, Engl. Rhynchosia, Lour acutissima, Thiv. ... .. aurea, DC. avensis, Benth. Beddomei, Baker hijiora, DC bracteata, Benth cana, DC Candollei, Dene capitata, DC coodoorensis, Bedd. crotalarioid.es, DC cyanosperma, Benth. Vol. ii. P..e i. 673 ii. 9 i. 540 ii. 11 i. 490 ii. 12 11 13 10 11 13 10 9 "' 9 10 9 „ 10 „ 10 ii. 12, 42 ii. 9 11 11 vi. 91 vi. 257 )> 257 vii . 65 ii. 627 627 627 627 iii. 666 5) 667 iv. 367 367 )) 367 366 }) 367 366 5) 367 V. 88 vi. 539 ii. 220 226 221 ); 222 222 215 225 222 224 221 )j 220 229 GENERAL INDEX. 76X Rhynchosia densiflora, DC. densiflora. Wall. eUngata, DC ervoidea, DC Falconeri, Baker filicaulis, Grab. filipes, Benth Grahami, Wall. Heynei, W. Sf A. .. himalensis, Benth. .. laxiflora, Camb. lucida, DC medicaginea, DC. Memnonia, DC. viicrophylla, Wall. .. minima, DC. .^. .. mollissima, Dalz. .. nuia, DC Nummnlaria, DC. .. pilosa, Wall prostrata, Grab. Pseudo-cajan, Camb. pulverulenta, Shocks rhomhifolia, DC. o'osea, DC rufescens, DC. scarahoeoides, DC. .. sericea, Spanoghe .. sHpulosa, A. Rich. .. Ruaveolens, DC. ■ .. tenuicaulis, Wall. velutina, TF. 8f A. ,. velutina. Q[X^\i vestita. Wall vilio-sula, Thw. viryata, Grab viscida, DC viscosa, JDC TFightiana, G rah. .. Rbyncbosperraum, Reinw vertioillatum, Ueinw. Rhynchospermum, A. DC. ellipticum, A. DC. ... Wallichii, A. DC. ... S2)., Hk. f. & T. Rhyncbostylis, Bl. garwalica, Rchb. f. ... guttata, Rcbb. f. pramorsa, Bl retusa, Bl RbyDcbotecbum, Bl ... - alternifolium, Clarke . calyoinum, Clarke ... ellipticum, A. DC. ... latifolium, Hk. f. ^ T. parviflorum, Bl. vestitam, Hk. f. Sf T. VOL. VII. Vol. Pftfe-ft ... ii. 226 ... ,, 221 ... }j 221 ... ]) 223 ... }, 224 ... jj 224 ,, 221 » 219 ... jj 220 >» 225 >j 224 „ 191 ... J) 223 ... )j 224 ... y, 223 ... jj 223 ... jj 226 ,, 223 ... jj 221 ... )) 224 223 ... ), 223 ... fj 224 ... jj 223 >> 196 ... )) 220 » 215 ... )j 225 ... jj 225 ... )) 221 ... J) 224 ... )) 224 ... )j 215 >> 216 ... J) 225 ... )j 219 - •• » 154 ... jj 225 ... ff 212 IV. iii. 218 ... )) 248 ... iii. 667 >» 667 ... )j 667 iii. 668 ,671 vi. 32 ,178 ... vi . 32 }, 32 ... )) 32 32 ... iv. 372 ... )| 374 ... )) 374 ... )j 373 • "• j> 374 ... }) 373 >> 373 Rhynchoteobum Vol. Paga sp., Wall iv. 362 Shytidandra, A. Gray ... ii. 742 Rhyitglossa ? indica, Wawra iv. 543 ? ptychostoma, Neea ... „ 534 radicosa, Nees ,, 544 B-ihes, Linn ii. 409 acuminatum, Wall „ 410 alpestrej Dene „ 410 desmocarpnm, Bk. f. ^ T. „ 410 glaciale, Wall 410 fflutinosum, Jacq „ 410 Griffithii, ITfc. /. ^- r. ... „ 411 Grossalaria, Linn „ 410 heterotrichum, Ledeb. ... „ 410 himalayense. Dene „ 411 himalensis, Royle „ 410 laciniatum, Hk. f. S(' T. ... „ 410 leptostachyum, Dene. ... „ 410 luridnm, Hk. f. Jb T. ... „ 410 nigrum, Linn „ 411 orientale, Poir „ 410 rubrum, Linn ,, 411 villosum, Wall. ,, 410 RiBESiE^ ii. 389 Richteria pyrethroides, Kar. & Kir iii. 315 Ricinus, Linn v. 457 communis. Linn. ... v. 239, 457 dioicus, Wall v. 425 furfuraceus, Wall „ 353 inermis, Jacq „ 457 inermis, Wall „ 448 lividus, Jacq „ 457 Mappa, Roxb „ 447 montanus, Wall „ 462 salicinus, Hassk „ 455 speciosus, Burm „ 457 spectahilis, Bl „ 457 Tanarius, Linn „ 447 Tanarius, Lour „ 432 trilohus, Reinw „ 452 viridis, Willd „ 457 Ridleya vi. 33, 42 Riedelia, Trin. Mikani, Trin vii. 73 Riedlea, Vent. concatenata, DC i. 374 corchorifolia, DC „ 374 supina, DC „ 374 tilicefolia, DC „ 374 truncata,W. & A „ 374 Rindera glochidiata, Wall. iv. 161 Ripidium Ravennse, Trin. ... vii. 121 Rissoa zeylanica, Axn. ... i. 512 Rivea, C/iois iv. 183 Bona-nox, Roxb „ 184 cuneata, Wigbt „ 191 3 D 762 GENERAL INDEX. Rivea fragrans, Nimmo hirsuta, Wight ... hypocrateriformis, Chois. ? obtecta, Chois. ornata, Chois. ... ornata, Aitoh. ... jpomacea, Wight tilixfoUa, Chois. zeylanica, Thw. Rivina IcBvis, Linn. Lafbenia, Ham. orientalis, Moq. Rohartia (vide Bobartia) Rohergia hirsuta, Roxb. Robinia Candida, Roxb. ferruginea, Roxb. fruticosa, Roxb. Heynti, Wall macropht/lla, Roxb. . mitis, Linn pygmcea, Linn racemosa, Roxb. sennoides, Roxb. suberosa, Roxb. uUginosa, Willd. Rochelia, Rchb harhata, R. & S. cardiosepala, Bunge echinophora, R. & S. macrocalyx, Bunge . reotipes, Stocks JRedoivsliii, R. & S. . saccharata, Rchb. . stellulata, Itchb. stellulata, Aitoh. stylaris, Boiss. ... JRodetia Amherstiana, Moq. Molfiyikiacentaurioides, Zenk. Rondeletia asiatica, Linn. ... cinerea, Wall. . . . coriacea, Wall. ... corymhosa, Jack exserta, Roxb. ... Heynei, R. & S. longifolia, Wall. lucida. Wall. mollis, Wall. orissensis, Roth jpaniculata, Roth proxima, D. Don spicata, Wall. ... stricta, Roth tetravdra, Roxb. tkyrsijiora. Roth tinctoria, Bl. tinctoria, Roxb. RONDELETIE.?!; Vol. Pago iv. 184 J, 189 }) 184 186 )) 183 J? 184 >) 188 5) 184 ;> 187 V. 21 JJ 21 ,, 21 \i. 602 ii. 28 ii. 111 )j 246 109 )j 251 108 J) 240 116 j» 105 110 )> 110 jj 241 iv. 165 163 }> 166 163 jj 166 166 )j 163 166 J) 166 166 j> 166 iv. 716 iii. 227 iii. 102 )) 37 39 >) 41 JJ 37 j> 37 95 JJ 103 j) 104 37 >) 39 38 ;> 41 121 ,, 54 JJ 37 »» 39 jl 38 . 18,37 1 Ropalopetalum xiniflorum, Griif Rosa, Linn alba. Lino. anseriuaefolia, Boiss. Banksia;, Br hicolor, Jacq hracteata, Wendl brericuspis Brunoaii, Liodl Brunonis, Wall. centifoUa, Linn chinensis, Jacq. damascena, Mill Eglanferia, Mill Eglanteria, Linn Fortuneava, Lem. ... ,.. jragrans, Redoute gallica, Linn glandulifera, Roxb. ... ii. Gulielmi Waldemarii,Klotz. Hoffmeisteri, Klotz Hookeriana, Bertol. Hookeriana, Wall indica, Linn inermis, Roxb involuci-ata, Roxb Jacquemontii, Crep. Leschenaultiana, W. Sf A. Lindleyana, Tratin. ' LindleyijWsll longicuspis, Bertol. lutea. Mill Lijellii, Lindl niHcr oTphy Ha, Liiidl. microcarpa, Lindl microphylla, Lindl. Moorcroftii, Wall moschaia, Mill multiflora, Hb. Ham. multijlora, Thunb palustris, Buch pimp inelli folia, Hk. f. & T. pubescens, B^oxh Bapini, Boiss ? recuTva, Roxb serpperjiorens, Linn. sempervirens, Hk. f. & T. sempervirens, Linn sericea, Lindl sinica, Ait. sinica, Linn sulphurea, Ait. tetrapetala, Royle torulosa, Wall triphylla, Roxb unguicularis, Bertol. Vol. PaRG i. 55 ii. 363 „ 364 „ 365 „ 364 „ 366 „ 364 „ 368 „ 367 „ 367 „ 364 J, 364 „ 364 „ 364 „ 366 „ 364 „ 364 „ 364 364, 367 ii. 366 „ 366 „ 366 „ 366 „ 364 „ 364 „ 365 „ 3i8 „ 368 „ 365 „ 367 „ 367 „ 366 „ 365 „ 36i „ 354 „ 364 „ 368 „ 367 „ 365 „ 364 „ 36) „ 366 „ 367 „ 364 „ 367 „ 364 „ 368 „ 367 „ 367 „ 364 „ 364 „ 364 „ 367 „ 366 „ 364 „ 366 GENERAL INDEX. 763 Rosa Vol. Papre Rottboellia Vol. Pay:e WalUchii, Sabine ii. 368 arundinacea, Hochsfc. vii. 156 WalUcliii, Trattin j> 367 ?)i;7ora, Roxb 55 365 Webbiana, Wall 366 ciliaris, Willd )J 367 Rosacea, Wall ii. 378 Clarkei, Hack }> 156 ROSACE/B ii. 307 complanata, Sw 90 Roscoea, iSm vi. 207 compres.sa, Linn. /. 55 153 alpina, Royle )) 207 compressa, Beauv 55 90 capitata, Sm 208 compressa, Linn, f 153 elatior, Sm 5> 208 compressa, Wall 55 154 gracilis, Sm 5> 208 corymhosa, Linn, f 55 160 longifolia, 5txfcer JJ 208 Cymhachne, Willd 55 210 lutea, Royle )) 208 denudata, Steud 55 156 petiolata, Royle 209 dimidiata, Thunb 55 91 purpurea, Sm !5 207 divergens, Hack 55 155 purpurea, Lindl 55 208 elegantissima, Hochst. & purpurea, Royle 5) 207 Steud 55 161 spicata, Sm )J 209 exaltata, Linn, f, 156 JZoscoea, Roxb iv. 602 fasciculata, Lamk 55 ■ 153 pentandra, Roxb 55 602 geminata, Hack, ... vii. 159 160 tomentosa, Roxb 55 603 genuina, Hack. vii 157 villosa, Roxb 5? 603 gibbosa. Hack 55 156 ROSE^ ii. 308 glabra, Roxb 153 Rostellularia abyssinica, -glandulosa, Trin . 55 ,157^ Brongn iv. 539 gymnorhiza, Ram 55 156 adenostachya, 'tiees 55 539 ? Hamiltoni, Trin 55 154 crinita, Nees 55 536 Helferi, Hk. f. 55 158 diffusa, Nees 638 Jiirsuta,FoTBk 160 glandulosa, Nees 55 539 hirsvta, Vahl 55 162 gracilis, Wight 55 548 hispida, Roxb 55 156 hedyotidifolia, Nees 55 538 khasiana, Hack 55 157 mollissima, Nees >> 539 khasiana, Munro 55 157 peploides, Nees J) 537 laevis, Retz 158 procumhens, Nees 55 539 longiflora, HA;. /. 55 154 procumhens, Wight 55 539 merguensis, flTc. /. 55 158 quinquangularis, Nees ... 537 muricata, Retz. 55 140 rotundifolia, Nees ... iv. 538 , 539 Myntua, Benth. 55 154 Royeniana, Nees iv. 537 nigrescens, Thw ,, 157 sarmentosa, Zoll J, 544 paleacea, Steud 55 91 simplex, Wight 55 537 perforata, Roxb. ... vii. 153 160 Vahlii, Nees 538 pilosa, Roth vii. 284 Rostkovia ensiformis, Ham. vi. 396 ^ao6u, Willd „ 366 Rostraria pubescens, Trin. vii. 309 protensa, Hack 55 153 JRotala apetala, F. Muell. ... ii. 568 punctata, Retz 55 160 ? decussata, DC ]) 569 quaterna, Ham ,, 153 filiformis, Hiern 55 568 repens, i'orst 55 365 myriophylloides, Welw. .„ 572 repens, Roxb 55 153 Soxhurghiana, Wight ... 55 569 ? Roxburghiana, Schult. .. 55 365 verticillaris, Linn 55 567 sanguinea, Retz 55 167 sp., Wall 5) 572 setacea, Roxb 5) 283 Rotang Pajare, Griff. vi 459 setosa, Presl 55 156 Rothia, Pers ii 63 spathacea, Ten 55 153 trifoliata, Pers )j 63 speciosa, Hack ^ 55 1525 Mothmannia macropht/lla, Br iii 114 striata, Nees 55 157 Rottboellia, Limi. /. . vii . 151 Talboti, Hk.f 55 155 acuminata, Haclc 55 155 Talboti, hiahoa 55 156 altissima, Poir 153 Thomsea, Koen 55 366 anceps, Ham • J5 153 3 ] thyrsoidea, Rack 0 2 • J5 152 764 GENERAL INDEX. Eottboellia Vol. Page P tridcantha, Roth vii. 284 tripsacoides,LBi.mk jj 91 villosa, Poir 159 Zea, Clarhe 55 152 ? f!^). Wall 157 RotUera, Vahl iv. 353 incana, Vahl 55 353 Kottlera, Roxb. affi-nis, Hassk V. 442 alha, Roxb 55 429 aurantiaca, Hook. & Arn. 55 442 aureo --punctata, Dalz. 55 438 fcarhafa, Wall 55 428 hifaria, Ham 55 459 congesta, Ham 459 p cordifolia, Benth )) 442 digyna, Thw 453 dioica, Baill 55 442 eriorarpa, Thw 432 fasciculata, Ham 55 459 fiorihunda, Hassk 432 fuscescens, Thw 55 441 indica, WiWd. 55 423 integrifolia, Ham 55 447 ja-yamca, Hassk 451 lanceolata, Ham 55 459 lappacea, Wall 425 macrosfachi/a, Miq 55 429 mappoides, Dalz 429 TOoih:*, Wall 55 442 mollissima, Wall 421 montana, Heyne )> 451 montana, Wall 55 442 muricata, Thw 55 437 oppositifolia, Thw 55 440 paniculata, A. Juss. 5) 430 paniculata, Wall. ... v 429 ,442 peltata, Miq V. 430 peltata, Roxb 55 428 peltata, Wight )5 429 rhombifoUa, Thw 442 rhi/nchophylla, Miq. 55 433 ricinoides, A. Juss 430 scabri folia, A. Ju?s. 55 442 suhpeltata, Baill 433 suffruticosa, Wall • 55 462 Tanaria, Hassk 55 447 tetraco:ca, Roxb 429 T/iwaitesii, Baill 55 423 tinctoria, Roxb 55 442 totnentosa, Hassk 55 447 tricocca, Roxb ' 55 442 trinervis, Zipp 442 urandra, Dalz • 5> 444 viscida, BI 442 Zippelii, Hassk 55 430 i?oiw?a agwa^ica, Lour. . iv. 145 Vol. Pasre Roucheria, Vlanch i. 413 Griffithiana, PZawc/i, 55 414 Roumea lieherarpa, Gardn i. 195 Jangomas, Spreng 55 193 Rourea, Auhl ... ii. 47 acuminata, Hlc. f. 55 AS caudata, Planch 55 48 coramutata, PZancL 5} 47 ooncolor, J3i. 5) 49 dasyphylla, Miq 54 dlversifoUa, Miq i. 440 fulgens, Planch ii. 49 parallela, Planch 55 50 parvijolia, Planch 49 pulchella, Planch 55 48 rugosa, Planch. 48 santaloides, Tf. ^ A 55 47 ? sclerocarpa, W. «& A. 51 similis, Bl 55 49 sororia, Planch. 55 50 stenopetala, Hk. f. 55 49 villosa, Planch 55 48 Wallichiana, Planch. 55 49 sp., Planch 55 49 Ronreopsis, Planch ii. 50 pubinervis, Planch 55 50 Roussinia indica, Gaud. vi. 486 Roxhurghia, KcBo. i. 575 haccata, Keen jj 575 Roxhiirghia, Banks vi. 298 Gloriosa, Pers jj 298 gloo'iosoides, Jones 55 298 gloriosoides, Wight ,, 298 Stemona, Steud ,, 298 viridijiora, Sm ,, 298 ROXBUEGIIIACEJC vi. 297 Roydsia, Roxh i. 180 fiorihunda, Planch 5) 409 obtnsifolia, Hk f. S" T. i. 180 , 409 parviflora, Griff. ... „ 180 409 suaveolens, Roxh i. ISO Eoylea, Wall iv. 679 elegans, Wall )_)_ 679 Roylea, Nees \ii 284 Rube,!*: ii. 307 Rubia, Linn iii. 202 aculeata, Royle 55 203 alata, WaU 202 albicaulis, Bom 55 204 angustissima, Wall. 203 chara-folia. Wall 55 203 chinensis, Regel & Maack 55 202 cordifolia, Linn 202 Edge wort hii, Hk. f 55 203 himalayense, Klotz 55 203 javana, DC „ 202 Kotschyi, Boiss 55 204 GENEBAL INDEX. 765 Eubia mitis, Miq Mungisth, Desv. Munjista, Roxb purpurea, Dene scandens, Zull. & Mor. secunda, Moon eikkimensip, Kurz ... . tibetica, Hk. f. ... , tinctorura, Linn. Rubiacea, Wall. i. 641, ii 109, 111, 112, 113, 116, 120, 121, 123, 125, 132, 133, 135, 139, 147, 159, 160, 162, 171, 174, 177, 180, 181, 183, 185, 189, 191, 192 Vo\ Pa^e ili. 202 „ 202 „ 202 „ 202 „ 202 „ 202 „ 203 „ 204 „ 203 10 J, 108, EUBIACE^ ... iii 17 Eubns, Linn ... ii. 326 acerifolius, Wall. ... ,, 829 acuminatus, Sm. 327 affinis, M-adden ... ,, 337 albescens, Uoxh. 339 alcexfoUus, Poir. ,, 330 alpestris, Bl 332 Andersoni, Hk. f. ... 333 antennifer, m-. /. ... ,, 337 asper, D. Don ... ,, 341 asper, Hb. Eoyle 336 assamensis, Fncke ... ... ,, 328 hetulinus, D. Don ... 327 biflorus. Ham 338 hijugus, Fooke ,, 339 birmanious, JfA;. /. ... 331 calycinus, Wall. ... ,, 327 Clarkei, m-. /. ... ,, 337 ccesius, Linn 335 colchicus, Stev ... ,, 338 concolor, Eoyle ... ,, 335 concolor, Wall 335 cordifolius, D. Don ... ... ,, 330 discolor, Weiho & Neos 337 distans, D. Don ... J, 339 ©llipticus, Sm ,, 336 ellipticus, Wall. 337 Fairholmianus, Gard. 'iV. 330 331 ferox. Wall ... ii. 329 Finlaysonianus, Wall. ... „ 330 Jlavus, Ham ... ,, 336 Fockeanus, Kurz ... ,, 334 folioloBus, D. Bon ... ... ,, 340 fragarioides, Bertol. ,, 332 fraxinifolius, Poir. ... 342 frutioosns, Linn. ... ... ,, 337 furfuraceus, Wall. ... 339 glomeratus, Bl. 'iV. 328 331 Gowreephul, Eoxb. ... ... ii. 336 gracilis, Eoxb >) 335 Griffithii, Hk.f. ... ,j 327 Hamiltoni, if /c. /. ... ,, 328 Eubus Hamiltonianus, Ser, Hasskarlii, Miq hexagyaus, Roxh hibiscif olius, Foc/i:e hirtus, Eoxb Hnffmeisterianus, Kunch & Bouche Hooker!, 1^0 cA;e horridulus, Hk.f. Horsjieldii, Miq hypargyrus, Edgew. indicus, Heyne indicus, Lesch insignia, Hk. f. Ischelus, Hb. Ham IcBvigatus, Wall lanatus. Wall lasiocarpup, Sm lasiocarpus, Sm lineatus, Reinw lohatus, Wall longifolius, Wall luceus, Focke macilentus, Camb macrocarpus, Gard. ... ii macro carpus, Kurz micranthus, D. Don micropetalus, Gard. ... ii. microphyllus, D. Don moluccanus, Linn mysorensis, Heyne niveas, Wall nutans, Wall opalifoliu3, Bertol oxyphyllus, Wall 2>almatus, Thunb paniculatus, Sm paniculatus, Clarke paniculatus, Moon paniculatus, Eoxb parvifolius, Linn ? pa/rvifolius, Moon parvifolius, Sm. paucijiorus, Wall pedunculosus, D. Don pentagonus, Wall pinnatus, Willd pulcherrimus. Hook. pungens, Camh purpureus, Bunge pyrifolius, Ham pyrifolius, Hk. f. & T. racemosus, Roxb rejiexus, Ker reticulatus. Wall roscBjiorus, Eoxb roBaefolius, Sm. Vol. Page ii. 330 „ 329 „ 327 „ 342 „ 336 „ 342 „ 334 „ 341 „ 339 „ 335 „ 339 „ 328 „ 329 „ 339 „ 338 „ 331 „ 339 „ 340 „ 333 „ 327 „ 339 „ 338 „ 336 330, 331 ii. 334 „ 339 330, 331 ii. 310 „ 330 „ 339 „ 335 „ 334 „ 340 „ 327 » 342 „ 329 „ 342 „ 336 „ 342 „ 312 „ 339 „ 340 „ 339 „ 335 „ 332 „ 341 „ 333 „ 341 „ 337 „ 328 „ '328 „ 340 „ 330 „ 331 „ 339 » 341 766 GENERAL INDEX. Rubns Vol. Page rotundifoUus, Royle . . . ... ii. 339 rotundifolius, Wall. ... ii. 336 337 Eoxhurghianus , Wall. ii. 342 Boylei, Klotz ,, 340 rugosus, Sm „ 330 saxatilis, Linn. .^ ... ... )) 333 sessilifolius, Miq. 336 Bikkimensis, jF/^-. /. ... ... )) 336 sikkimensiSy Kunze ... 341 sorbifoUus, Maxim. ... >» 342 Thomsoni, Focke 332 tiliaceus. Herb. Str. & Wint. „ 331 tiliaceus, Sm 329 Treutleri, fl^. /. ... ,, 331 trijiorus, Ham ... ,] 327 triflorus, llichards ... ... ,, 332 uncatus, Wall ... ]j 336 WallicManus, W. & A. ,, 337 sp., Clarke ... ,, 333 .«!).. Hk. f. & T. ,, 332 Riiellia, Lii\n ... iv. 411 aciculata, Hoth 507 alata, Wall iv. 471 ,472 aniaophylla, Wall. ... ... iv. 462 arcuata, Wall ... ,, 427 argentea, Wall 454 a/ristata, Vahl ... ,, 521 aspera, Nees ... J, 446 atropurpurea, Wall — 472 atroviridi.^, Wall. ... ,, 495 attenuata, Wall. 414 aiiriculata, Wall. ... ,, 453 balsamica, Linn. f. ... 404 harbata, Vahl ... J, 408 larlerioide^, Roth ... 416 Beddomei, Clarice ... ... ), 413 Blumeana, Kurz 423 Bhimeana, Nees ... ,, 423 hracteata, Heyne )) 413 hroxteata, Roxb. 416 hracteata, Wall. 460 Brunoniana, Wall. ... ... }) 457 callosa, Wall ... )j 451 calyciria, Wall ... ;, 469 cawesceTis, Heyne ,, 428 cipitata, Wall. iv. 455 ,460 Cephalotes, Wall. ... ... iv. 4(;o cernua, A'oasb ... „ 413 cernwa, Anders ... ), 413 cernua, Heyne 404 cernua, Wall ... ,, 410 chelonoides, Wall. 494 ciliaris, Linn „ 479 ciliata, Hornem. 413 ciliaia, Hejne ... ,, 437 ci/iaia, Wall ... )) 440 collina, Wall ,, 465 Ruellia colorata, Wall comosa, Roxb ? comosa, Wall confinis, Nees cordlfolia, Vahl coromandeliana, Wall. iv. crenata, Beiith crispa , Jjinn crispa, Nees Cutia, Ham cwspidata, Wall deccanensi s, Gv&h. denticulata, Wall dependens, Roxb depressa, WaW difusa, Wail Digitalis, Koen divaricata, Wall dorsijlora, Retz. dulcis. Wall dura, Nees ehracteolata, Dalz elegans, Hook. erecta, Burm erecta, Ham erecta, Roth fascicufata, Retz fasciculata. Wall Jiiiformis, Heyne fiynhfiata. Wall Jiaccida, Kurz tiagelliforrais, Roxb Jiava, Roxb Jlexuosa, Wall glabra, Heyne ? glahrata, WaU ? glandulosa, Roth glomerata. Wall glutinosa. Wall gossypina, Wall Grijfithiana, Nees hirsuta, Roxb hirta, D. Don hirta, Vahl imbricata, Valil incana, Heyne indigofera, Griff. indigotica, Fortune infundibuUformii, Roxb. ? involucrata, Fa/ii , Jacqtoemoiitiana, Nees Kunthiana, Wall. ... iv lamiifolia,WM latebrosa. Dalz. & Gibs. .., latehrosa, Roth latehro.» 428 493 494 iv. 425 >> 446 423 n 468 519 >i 412 >f 465 >} 521 410 M 424 }> 493 >J 409 J> 417 )) 520 >) 422 )) 424 )> 424 )> 410 ?» 424 >> 412 522 J» 424 M 494 ]> 447 424 )) 411 >> 426 )) 460 414 )) 448 414 448 }) 458 >> 428 )J 425 >> 408 >» 454 422 J> 417 408 ) ) 468 468 )> 4!:»2 )} 414 5J 458 434, 496 iv. 463 424 jj 424 423 >5 542 GENERAL INDEX. 767 Baellia Uttoralis, Linn, f longif olia, T. Ayiders. lonffifolia, Roth longif olia, Roxb lupulina, Wall. ... iv, macrocar pa, ^qW macrosiphon, Kiirz maculata, Wall inollissima, Klein ? montana, Wall mucronata, Wall. ... iv. onysurensis, Roth Nagchana, Ham Neesiana, Wall ohovata, Roxb Panichanga, Wall ? paniculata, Heyne paniculoM, Linn patula, Jacq paucifloTa, Wall Pavala, Roxb pectinata, Wall pentsemonoides, Wall. persica, Burm persicifolia, Griff. phlomoides, Wall polysperrna, Roth prostrata, Lamk ? punctata, Nees quadrangular is, Heyne ... quadrangularis, Wall. quadrifaria, Wall quadrivalvis, Wall ratemosa, Heyne racemosa, Roxb radlcana. Wall. repens, Linn repens, Heyne repens, Wall iv, ringens, Roxb rivincefolia, Wall rotundifolia, D. Don ruhicunda, Heyne rufescens, Roth rupestris, T. AnHers. Russellia7ia, VVhII Sahiniana, Wall salicifolia, Vahl sarmentosa, Nties satpoorensis, Wawra scahra, Wall iv. scariosa. Wall , secunda, Vahl sesamoides, Wall. iv. 428, spicata, Roth strohilina, Wall subsericea, Wall Vol. Paere iv. 410 ^j 412 ,, 407 )j 409 443 444 iv. 495 jj 413 „ 457 )> 408 487 520,521 1 iv. .496 )) 410 496 408 )j 473 409 )) 554 >j 412 ]> 501 )j 424 447 }j 460 >j 479 5J 462 JJ 408 406 ;; 411 )> 442 494 )) 460 J) 425 408 >> 410 401 / 407 ?) 412 412 412 ,413 iv. 412 >> 533 463 475 )> 430 )) 424 427 454 >» 407 )> 423 4i4 437, 446 iv. 520 JJ 493 435 436 iv. 435 >> 454 J] 428 Ruellia Vol. Page suffrutioosa, Roxh. ... ... iv. 413 tentaculata, Linn. ... ,, 507 tomentosa. Wall. JJ 428 triflora, Nees 404 triflora, Roxb JJ 405 uliginosa,lAnn. i. 403 uliginosa, Wall. J, 406 ulmifolia. Wall. j> 430 undulata, Vahl JJ 408 urens, Heyne JJ 422 urophylla, Wall. JJ 472 wrticifolia. Wall. J, 464 varians, Vent • •« j> 418 venosa, Heyne JJ 423 verticillata, Wa.\\. ... j> 404 Wightiana, Wall. ... )> 412 zeylanica, Koen. M 493 sp., T. Anders 413 RUELLIB^ ... iv. 388 Rumex, Linn ... V. 58 Aoetosa, Linn 60 Aoetosella, Linn. ... ... ,, 61 acutus, Roxb ... }, 59 aquations, Linn. )'» 59 chinensis, Campd. j> 59 comosus. Ham 59 conglomeratus, Murr. 5> 59 dentatus, Linn. ... JJ 59 dentatus. Wall. ... ,, 59 DioscoridiSyJlejne ... ... JJ 58 hamatus, Trev 60 hastatus, D. Don ... )j 60 liastifolius, M. Bieb. ... ,, 60 Klotzschianus,Mei8sn. JJ 59 maritimns, Linn. > J 59 nepalensis, Spreng. ... ,, 60 nif^rioans, Hlc. f. J> 59 ohtusifoUus, Ham. ... ... ,, 59 ohtusi/olius, Linn. ... »> 60 orientalis, Bernh. ... ... ,, 58 palustris, Sm JJ 59 Patientia, Linn. J) 59 peregrinus, Boiss. ... ,, 60 pulcher, Linn 60 ramulosus, Meissn. ... ... ,, 60 Roxhurghianus, Sohult. f. J, 60 Roxhurghianus, Wall. JJ 59 soatatus, Lm7^ . . . ,) 60 setaceus. Ham . . . ], 59 tuherosus, Roxb. . . . JJ 60 uncinatus, Hort. 60 vesioarius, Linn. ,, 61 Wallichiambs, Meissn. • • • )> 59 Wallichii,M-GiaH\i. ... 59 sp., Strach. & Wint. . .. ,, 59 RuMiCE.*; V. 22 Rumphia, Linn ... ii. 44 768 GENERAL INDEX. Bnmphia Vol. Page Rynchospora Vo]. rage amboinensis, Linn ii. 44 Gvimthii, Boeck vi. 67 :i tiliaefolia, Lamh jj 44 Hcevkei, Presl . 663 Rnngia, Nees iv. 545 Hookeri, Boecl- 55 671 apiculata, Bedd , ,, 548 Kamphoeveneri, Boeck. ... 55' 67 L jLrnottiana, Wight >) 546 Kysoor, Bietr 55 66) Beddomei, Clarke j> 549 lavarum, Hook. & Arc. ... 672 Brandisii, Clarke >j 549 laxa, Br 671 crenata, T. Anders 547 lam, Thw t, 672 elegang, Dalz. ^ Gibs. ... 55 549 longisetis, Br )) 669 himalayensis, Clarke 55 518 malasica, Clarke 670 khasiana, T. Anders. 55 548 ? mollis, Wall 672 laeta, Clarke 54fi Frtscottiava, Wall 669 latior, Nees „ 546 ruppioides, Benth 55 654 latior, Nees & T. Anderp, ^, 547 sikkimensis, CZar/i-e 672 linifolia, Nees 55 548 triflora, Vahl )) 670 loiigiiolisi, Nees c^ Am. ... 55 547 Wall:chiana, Kunlh 668 Jongifolia, T. Anders. 547 Wightiana, Steud >> 669 longifolia, Bedd 55 550 zeylanica, Thw 670 MastPrsi, T. Anders. 550 sp , Wall. ... vi. 6)5, 668 670 , 67L mwraZis, Nees 55 550 RYNCHOSPOBEiE vi. 586 origanoides, Nees 550 parviflora, Nees 55 550 Sabia, Coleh ii. 1 pectinata, Nees 550 campanulata, Wall. 55 1 polygonoides,l!ieea ,j 550 ? floribunda,M.iq 5» 5 punduana, Nees 55 527 lanceolata, Caleb 55 2 repens, Nees 55 549 leptandra, ///v./. .Sj- r. ... 55 2 repens, T. Anders 55 550 liiiiouiacea. Wall >) 3 sisparensis, T. Anders. ... 546 naalabarica, Bedd 2 stolonifera, Clarke )> 547 Meviscosta, B! 55 3 Wightiana. Nees 546 paniculata, EOgeiv 3 sp. Hk. f. & T iv 547 ,548 parvifloi'a. Wall „ 2 Ruppia, Linn vi. 568 parv'ijiora, Wall ,, 2 maritima, Griff. ,j bm purpurea, m./. ^^ T. ... 2 rostellata, ZocTi- 55 568 tomentosa, Ek.f. JJ 3 siibsessilis, Thw 567 viridissima, Kurz ., 3 Rata, Linn i! 4S5 Sabiace.^ ii. 1 albiflora, Kook 55 486 Saccharum, Linn vii. 118 avgustifolia, Pers 485 ae.ijyptiacum, Willd. 5» 119 chalepensis, Wall J 485 Alopecurus, Nees 15 107 graveoleus, Linn 55 485 arnndinaceum, Ritz. 119 jajponica, Sieb 48f5 bengale.'Se, Hnm ,, 119 tuberculata, Forsk 4S5 ? henghalense, Ret.z. ,, 119 sp. Aitcb 486 biflorum, ForsA- ,, 119 RUTACE.E i! 484 Boga, Ham „ 119 RUTE^C i. 484 Irevijo'ium, Ham '5 98 Ryckia furcata, De Vriese . . Ti. 484 hrunneum, Desv 121 Rynchospora, Vahl vi. 668 caducum., Tausch ,, 119 ? anomala, Steud. 649 canaliculatum, Roxb. 55 119 artictdata, R. & S 670 Casi, Ham 119 aurea, Vahl 5) 670 caudatum, Mey ,, 107 ceylonica, Kuuth 55 670 chinense, Nees J, 119 chined' sis, Boeck 672 ciliare, Anders 5» 119 chinensis, Nees JJ 671 confertum, Presl »S 107 glauca, Vahl ^71 coidractum, H. B. K. 107 glauca, Boeck • 55 672 cylindricum, Lamk. 5> 106 gracilis, Vahl 55 671 diandrum, Koen >' 106 graoillima, Thw 5> 671 dubium, H. B. K 5- 107 GENERAL INDEX. 769 Saocharnm Vol. Page Saooolabium Vol. Page europceum, Pers vii. 106 bellianm, Rchh.f. vi. 61 exaltatum, Eoxb )> 119 Berheleyi, Rchb. f jj ?8 fallax, Balaas 1^5 bigibbum, Rchh.f )5 61 fastigiatum, Stend )) 325 hipunctatum, Par. & Rchb. f )' :3 fi ifolium, Steud >• 124 Blumei, Lindl 33 fnscum, Roxh 120 brevifulium, Lin.cZi >> 57 GUza, Reinw ,, 119 buocosam, i^c/i&. / jr 58 Grifflthii, Manro ... vii. 120 122 calceolare, Lindl. ... vi 60, 197 hirsutum, Forsk vii. 16i calceolare, Paxt vi. 61 indum, Per? „ 106 carinatum, Griff. ... ... J 63 iiisulare, Brongn >5 119 Cepbalotes, m. /. )j 63 ? jaculatorium,Lonr. »> 107 clavatum, Lindl. ... vi m, 197 jamaicense, Trin )5 121 congestum, If/r. / vi. 63 Klaga, Jungh ,, 119 cur V ifolium, Lindl )) 65 Koenigii, Retz. „ 106 dasypogon, Lindl. j> 66 laguroidjCS.VoViYV J) 106 densiflorum, Lindl 72 Lola, Ham 119 denticulatum, Paxf 61 longifoUum, Munro ,, 125 discolor, Rchb. f jj 56 macilentum, Cbauv )) 107 distichum, Lindl 64 Modhara, Ham >» 120 filiforme, Lindl 5i Moonja, Royle 119 flavum, HA;. /. 5> 58 Munja, Roxb >> 119 flexuosum, Lind] 72 Narenga, ^am 120 fragians, Par. Sf Rchb. f. J} 58 negrosense, Steud >> 107 galeatum, Gardn 71 offioinarum, Linn jj 118 garualicum, Lindl }> 32 Falisoiii, Tausob >) 119 gemmatum, Lindl. (lipsu •paniceum, Lamk 5) 141 geminatum) vi 55 197 procerum, Koxb 119 giganteum, Lindl y. 53 propinquu7n, Steud 5} 119 gtacile, Lindl >) 57 jmncf atum, Schum jj 119 Griffithii, Par. & Rchb. f. 77 Ravennee, Bieb „ 106 guttatum, Lindl 11 32 Eavennce, Mnrr ,^ 121 Heathii, Hort 32 I.idleyi, HacJc J, 120 Helferi, Hh. f. 11 57 rufipilum, Steud ,, 123 ? inconspicuum, Hk. f. ... 56 rufum, Steud >> 112 iatermedinm, Grl,ff. „ 61 Sara, Ai:cb 122 Jerdonisinnxn, llohb. f. )j 59 Sara, Roxb „ 119 lanatum, Hk. f. 60 semidecumhens, Roxb. )) 119 lineare, Lindl 47 sinense, Roxb J) 118 Untolatum, Thw 5) 62 speciosissimum, Tausoh. . , li9 littorale, Rchb. f 33 ypicatum, Burm )) 106 longifolium, Hk.f. vi ^: 197 spicaiutn, Linn. 98 maculatum, Jffe. /. vi. 64 Bpontaneum, itHW J' 118 micrautbum, L'Wd? )> 59 ^pontaneum, Linn 119 miniahim, Hook J) H5 tSurpata, Ham „ 1-9 minimitiorum, Jf/b. /. 11 59 Teneriffce, Linn, f )> 65 nilagiricnm, Hk.f. 60 Teneriffee, Pari 65 niveum, Lindl. ... 11 55 tenwms, Ham '? 119 obliquum, Lindl 11 61 tridentatum, Spreiig. 14ii obtusifolium, i/A;. /. 11 65 tristacJujum, Steud ,, 112 ochraceum, Li^idl 62 s;?., Wail vii. 119 120 , 125 pollen?, Lindl. 11 65 Saccolabium, JBZ \ '. 51 179 paniculatum,W\^\\t )> 47 Bcaule, Bk. /. vi. 61 papillosum, Lindl 63 acumiuatuni, ii/c. /, >j 65 papillosum, Dalz. & Gibs. 11 62 acuminatum, Thw 67 papillosum, Wight 11 65 acutifoliura, Lindi >) 61 parvulum, Lindl r>8 ampullaceum, LindZ. J) 64 Pechei, ii;c/i6. /. j> 66 770 GENERAL INDEX. Saccolabium Vol. Papre penangianum, Hh. f. vi . 57 perpusillura, Hk. f. ... jj 56 •prsemoraava, Hk. f, ... ... „ 62 fTwrnorsum, Lindl. ... )j 32 Pumilio, Rclib.f. ... . 5> 5G pusillu7n, Lindl. >> 57 racemiferum, Lindl 68 ramosum, Lindl. • • • }> 72 reflexum, Lindl 49 retusum, Hort. » 32 Rheedii, Wight )) 32 ringens, Lindl 46 roseum, Lindl H 58 rostellatum, Hk. f. ... )> 59 ruhrum, Lindl 5> 65 rubrum, Wight >J 46 speciosum, Wight ... . >> 45 ? tenerum, Lindl ,, 73 tenuicaule, Ilk. f. ... . J» 64 ti'ichromum, Rchh, f. >> 65 undulatum, Lindl J> 74 virescens, Gardn )J 57 viridiflorum, Lindl. >> 63 Walkerianum, llchb. f. (lapsa Sarcanthns) 1, 58 Wightianuna, Bk. f. ... vl. 62 ,197 Wightianum, Lindl. . vi. 46 sp. GriflF )> 61 Saccopetalum, Benn .. i. 88 lougiflorum, Hk. f. cf' T. j> 88 ? sclerooarpum, Hk. f. >S' T. „ 88 tomentosum, Hk. f. Sf T. . 88 Scplanthus quadrago7U(s, For sk. i! 645 Sagercea Dalzellii, Bedd. . i. 93 elUptica, Hk. f. & T. )> 92 laurina, Dalz )> 93 Thwaitesii, Hk. f. & T. 92 Sageretia, Brongn i. 6U -Brandrethiana, Aitch. . >> 642 corymhosa, G. Dun ... . 642 Jilijorniis, G. Don » 641 hamosa, Brongn •• 5> 641 oppoeitifolia, Brongn. 611 tbeezans, Brongn >> 611 theezans, Brandis ... . f> 642 sp. Wall • • >) 641 Sagina, Linn .. i. 242 ammanni(Ades, Wall. 251 Linntei, Fresl >5 243 procumbens, Linv )> 242 saxatilis, Wimmer ... . 5) 243 Sai> 561 Aasiata, D. Don JJ 561 hermaphrodita, Ham. JJ 561 Vol. vi. Sagittaria Lappula, D. Don ohtusifolia, Linn „ parvifiora, Wall „ sagittifolia, iimi „ triandra, Dalz „ Sagotia triflora, Walp. & Duch ii. Saguerus Langkah, Bl. ... vi. Rumphii, Koxb „ saccharifer, Wurmb. ... „ Sagui, farinifera, Ga3rtn. ... vi. genuina, Bl ,, inermis, Roxb „ ? J^cem.Qt, Griflf. ,, loivis, Rumph ,, R'umphii, Bl „ Rumphii, Yi iWd „ ? Saivala vallisnerioides^ Wall. v. sp., Jones „ Sajoriiim corniculatum, Baill. v. Salacia, Linn i. Brunoniana, W. Sf A. ... „ P chinensis, Linn „ ? cochinchinensis, Lour. ... ,, densijiora, Wall „ diandra, Thw „ Finlaysouii, Wall „ flavescens, Kurz „ floribunda, Wight „ fruticosa, Heyne „ grandi flora, Kurz „ Griffithii, Laws „ IcEvigata, Wight „ latifolia, Wall „ Lobbii, Laws „ longifolia, //fc. /. „ longifolia, Wall. ... ;.. ,, macrospetma, Wight ... ,, Maingayi, Latvs ,, membranacea, Laws. ... ,, memecyloides, Wall „ multifloia, Wight ,, oblonga, Wall „ oppositifolia, Rottl „ ovalis, Laios ,, paniculata, Wall „ podopetala, Turcz ,, pomifera, W. & A „ pomifera, Wall „ prinoides, DC „ reticulata, Wight ,, Koxburghii, Wall „ rubra, Laws „ terminalis, Thw ,, verrucosa, Wight „ ? viminea, Wall „ Wightiana, Wall „ Paere 561 560 561 561 562 173 421 421 421 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 661 661 46 1 625 626 627 627 629 627 627 625 629 628 626 628 624 629 6^6 626 629 628 626 627 628 627 628 628 627 624 626 629 628 626 627 627 627 624 628 627 626 GENERAL INDEX. 771 Vol. Page Salix Vol. Page Salicine.^5 .. V. 626 ohovata, Wall V. 634 Salicornia, L*n7' .. V. 12 obscura, Anderss. ... v. 632 637 brachiata, Eoxh >> 12 octandra, Del. ... V. 628 herhacea. Linn. •• J> 13 oreophila, /ifc. / ,, 635 indica, Willd » 12 oxycarpa, Anderss J) 636 Salicoknie^ .. V. 2 pondicheriana, Anderss — )) 628 Salix, Linn .. V. 626 Fseudo-grisea, Steud. j> 629 acmophylla, Boiss 3> 628 psilostigma, Anderss. )] 633 acmophylla, Auderss. J> 628 purpurea, Linn )> 636 actUifolia, Willd >> 631 pyonostachya, Anderss. ... >j 636 alba, Linn J> 629 pyrina, Lindl J > 627 angastifolia, Willd. J) 636 rep ens, Linn 5> 630 apiculata, Anderss. ... s> 627 retusa, Linn >) 635 ? Arbuscula, Hk. f. & T. >> 631 rotundifolia, Royle )) 634 babylonica, Linn. ... 629 solerophylla, Anderss. ... >» 630 csesia, Viil • • J) 637 secta, Hk. f 635 calophylla, Wall. 628 sericocarpa, Anderss. J> 657 calostachya, Anderee. JJ 637 S^rpyllum, Anderss. >> 634 calyouhita, Hk. f. ... >» 635 tikkitnensis, Anderss. 632 Caprea, Linrv 629 Smithiana, Willd )> 632 cZamto, Wall •• >» 635 suaveolens, Anderss. J> 627 cuspid ata, Wall. n 627 Siijsuf, Forsk J> 628 Daltoniana, Anderss. • • • )> 632 tetrasperma, Roxh J> 626 daphnoides, Villars 631 Thomsoniana, Anderss. ... J> 635 dtnsa, Wall ... „ 628 urophylla, Lindl >> 637 denticulata, Auderss. ) J 630 vagans, Hk. f. & T > J 635 disperma, D. Don ... )> 627 viminalis, Linn )> 631 aivergeiip, Anderss. 637 Wallichiana, Anderss. ... )) 623 ele^ans, Wall . . . ,j 630 Wallic/rii, Wimm ^, >> 627 eriophylla, Anderss.... >) 633 Zollinger iann, Miq >) 637 eriostachya, Wall. ... ,, 633 zygosteinon, Boiss ,, 636 flabellai'is, Anderss. ... • • • ?) 634 sp., Str. & vVint. v. 628 630 ,634 fragilis, Linn 630 Salmalia malaharica, Schott i. 349 fruticulosa, Anderss. . . . )} 637 fealomonia, Lour i. 206 glabrata, Heyne 5J 473 ? anqulata, Griff. j» 207 glahrescens, Lindl. ... . . . ,, 627 aphylla, GriJ. 5> 207 glauca, Anderss. 628 C'jnarana, Hassk J> 207 Uovaniana, Wall. 630 cantouiensis, Lour ,j 206 grisea, Wall • • • J) 629 ciliata, DC >) 206 hastata, Linn 630 cordjata, Arn 206 himalensis, Klotz. ... . . . ,) 630 edeutula, DC „ 207 Horsjieldiana , Miq. ... • • • }) 627 ? Horneri, Hassk '> 207 Hujelii, Wimmer ... 627 leptostachya, Wall 207 ichnostaohya, Lindl. • • • )> 628 oblougifolia, DC )J 207 iaaiguis, Anderss. ... 631 ohovata, Wight >) 207 Icumaonensis, Linal. 630 parasitica. Griff. >l 207 lenta, Fries ... ,) 627 petiolata, Ham >> 207 Lindleyana, Wall. ... . . . )) 634 ? rififido,- Hassk sessil-gfora, Haai 51 207 longiflora, Anderss. ... ... ,) 633 207 longipes, Hk. f. & T. ... J) 634 ? setoso-ciliita, Hassk. .. • >» 207 lucida, Jaoq 634 ? stricta, Sieb. & Zucc. .. 207 myriccefolia, Anderss. 637 subrotunda, Hassk !> 206 Myrsinites, Linn. ... )} 634 tenella, Hk. f »> 207 myrtillacea, Anderss. 637 ? uncinata, Hassk >J 207 Myurus, Wimrrer ... )) 627 sp., Griff" >> 206 nilagirica, Miq. ••• J» 627 Salsola, Z-tmi V. 17 nobilis, Fries ••• >> 628 cinerea, Waldst. & Kit. .. » 10 772 GENERAL INDEX. Salsola collina, C. A. Mey. . dendroides, Pall. data, Wight foetida, Bel fruticosa, Linn ? fruticosa, Wall. georgica, Bunge indica, Royle ... . indica, Wall indica, Willd , ? Jacqueniontii, Moq. Kali, Linn Lana, Edgew , Lana, Stocks ... Marosteum, Moq. Moorcroftiana, Wall. nudijlora, Wall. nudijiora, Willd. prostrata, Linn. recurva, Wall , salsa, Jacq sativa, Wight ... sedoides, Pall spinescens, Wight Stocksii, Boiss tamariscina, Pall. verrucosa, M. Bieh. Salsole^ Salvadora, Linn indica, Koj'le indica, Wight madurensis, Dene. ,. oleoides, Dene oleoides. Wall persioa, Linn persica, T. And. persica. Wall Stocksii, Wight Wiffhtiana, Planch. .. sp.,Wsi\\ SALVADORACE.E Salvia, Li7in. ahyssinica, Br acaulis, Vahl segyptiaca, Linn. asperata, Falc hengalensis, Roxb. .. hrachiata, Koxb. hrachy caly X , Boiss. .. campanulata, Wall... cana, Wall coccinea, Linn dianthera. Roth dumetoram, Andrz. Gerardiana, Benth. glutinosa, Linn. hians, Royle Vol. PaRe V. 17 ,, 18 J> 14 18 )) 13 )> 14 » 18 M 18 13 )J 14 )) 17 17 >> 13 J> 15 )> 18 )» 18 14 }) 14 >) 10 » 15 14 J> 14 J, 10 J> 18 5) 15 18 n 18 V. 2 iii. 619 }j 620 >> 619 620 J) 620 )) 620 5) 619 620 i. 582 iii. 620 )) 619 620 iii. 618 iv. 653 653 >j 656 )) 656 )> 654 J} 653 655 )) 656 )) 654 654 >> 656 653 )) 655 656 J) 653 653 Salvia Vol. Page indica, Linn iv. 656 integrifolia, Hardw. ... „ 654 Japonica, Thnnh „ 655 lanata, Roxh „ 654 lyrata, Roxb „ 656 macrophylla, Benth ... „ 653 otninutijlora, Bunge „ 656 Moorcroftiana, Wall. ... „ 654 nuhicola, Benth „ 653 ocimoides, 'Roxh ,, 656 ? parvijiora, Roxh , 655 plebeia, Br „ 655 plectraiithoides, Grijff'. ... ,, 655 pratensis, Linn „ 655 pumila, Benth.. .» „ 656 santolinsefolia, Boiss. ... „ 656 saxicola, Wall „ 655 Schimperiana, Hoohst. ... ,, 653 Samadera, Gsertn i. 518 indica, Gsertn ,, 519 lucida, Wall. .^ „ 519 Samara, jiorihtinda, Knrz iii. 513, 515 frondosa, King iii. 516 lasta, Moon ii. 561 microcalyx, Kurz iii. 513 Myrtillus,KuTz „ 516 parvifiora, Kurz „ 515 ?picta,Wsill „ 515 Rheedii, Wight ,, 516 Ribes, Kurz „ 513 rohusta, Kurz „ 515 sessiliflora, Kurz „ 513 vesHta, Knrz „ 517 viridiflora, Thw ,, 516 Samaropyxis elliptica, Miq. v. 377 Sambuce^ iii. 1 Sambucus, Linn iii. 2 adnata, Wall „ 3 chinensis, Ijindl, ... ... „ 2 Ebulus, Linn „ 2 javanica, Bl „ 2 rubra, Ham ,, 2 Thunbergiana, Miq „ 2 tilisefolia, Wall ii. 748 Wightianus, Wall iii. 2 sp., GriflF. „ 2 SAMOLEiE iii- 482 Samolus, Tournef. iii. 506 Valerandi, Linn „ 506 Samyda Piscidia, }isi.m. ... ii. 593 Samydace^ ii. 590 Sandalum album, Rumph ... v. 231 Sandoricum, Cav i. 553 borneense, Miq „ 554 emarginatum, Hiern ... „ 553 glaberrimum, Hassk. ... „ 553 indicum, Cav „ 553 GENERAL INDEX. 773 Sandorioum Vol. Pasre Sapindna Vol. Pasre Maingayi, Hiern i. 554 deficiens, W. & A, i. 671, 635 nervosum, Bl. jj 553 detergens, R )xb. ... i. 683 serratum, Gr. Don 553 detergens. Wall. .. „ 685 tcrnatum, Blanco 553 edulis, Ait. i. 6S.', 687 Banguisorha diandra, Wall. ii. 362 edulis. Bl „ 672, 685 longifoUa, Bertol )) 363 emarginata, Vahl ... i. 682 Sanicula, Linn ii. 670 erecius, Hiern 1. 6S3, 690 elata, Ham )j 670 fraxin\folius, DC. „ 672, 685 europea, Linn 5» 670 fraticosus, Eoxb. , 6'0, 6S5 hermaphrodita, Ham. >l 670 _ fuHcatus, Ham „ 68:i, 685 javanica, Bl » 670 glabratus, Wall. „ 6S5, 686 montana, Reinw J) 670 Glenici, Thw ,,68i, 685 Sansevieria, Thunh vi. 270 indica, Poir .. 1. 685 fruticosa, Bl ,, 327 laurifolia, Vabl 1. 682, 685 Roxburghiano, Schu't. ... >> 271 lepidotus. Wall. ,, 5:6. 685 zeylanica, Willd }) 270 longifolius. Ham. ,,672, 6B5 zeylanica, Roxb. >j 271 longifoUa, Vahl .. i. 635 Santalace^ V. 228 microcarpus, W. & A. i. 685, ii. 6 Santalnm, Xmn V. 231 mollis, Bl ... i. 685 album, Linn }} 231 mo'nogi/n<7, Herb. Hey ne i. 685, 689 myrtijolium, Eoxb 231 Mukorossi, OseHn. ... „ 683, 635 verum, Linn )} 231 multijugus, Wall. „ 552, 685 Santia, W. & A iii. 191 ohovatus, W. & A. ... i. 685 venulosa, W. & A 5> 191 pinnatus, Mill. i. 672, 635 Santia, Savi vii. 246 pinnatw:, Roxb. „ 672, 685 elongata, Parlat j> 24S polyphyllus, Roxb. ... ... i. 685 Santiria, Bl 536 RarakyBC i. f 72, 685 apiculata, A. W. Benn. ... J5 537 ruhiginosa, Roxb. ,, 672, 685 conferta, A. W. Benn. ... J> 537 Saponaria, Herb. Linu. .. i. 635 costata. A. W. Benn. J> 537 Saponaria, Lour. i. 672, 685 fasoiculata, A. W. Bevn. J> 539 squamosvs, Roxb. „ CuG. 685 .,671,685 laevigata, Bl ;> 538 tetraphylla, Vahl ... Maingayi, A. W. Benn. ... )> 538 Thwaitesii, Hiern „ 6 S3, 691 multiflora, A. W. Benn. ... )> 538 travancorensis, Wall. ,. 53 >, 685 Planchonii, A. W. Benn. 536 trifoliatus, Linn, „ 632, 635 puberula, A. W. Benn. ... J> 537 undulatus, Wall. .. i. 6^5 tomentosa, Bl >) 538 unijugus, Thw. ... ... i. GS2, 6S5 virgata, Bl >» 539 Sapium, P. Br. ... .. .. V. 469 Sapindacea, Br JJ 680 baccatura, Rnxh .. „ 470 ? Sapindacea, Griff. i. 676, 684 687 Bingirium, Roxb. ... .. „ 471 Wall i 677 679 cordifoliuni, 'Roxh. ... .. „ 421 Sapindacea i. 668 Daidece, Ham .. „ 470 Sapinde^ i. 668 discolor, Muell. .. „ 469 Sapindus, Phtm i. 682 eugeniaefolium. Ha it. .. „ 470 abruptus, Lour }> 683 hexandru7n, Ham. .. „ 470 ahstergens, Roxb }> 682 Hooheri, Herb. Calc. .. „ 470 acuminatus, Wall >) 684 Hurmais, Ham. .. „ 471 acutus, Eoxb )) 682 indicum, Willd. .. ,. 471 acutus, Wall )) 685 inB\^ne, Benth .. „ 471 adenophyllw, Wall. ... i. 677 685 populifolium, Wall. ... .. „ 470 alternifoliua, Ham. ... „ 672 685 sebifernm, Roxh. .. „ 470 angustifylius, Wall. i. 685 sterculiacum. Wall. ... .. „ 372 attenuatus, Wall. i. 684, 690 691 virgatura, Benth. .. „ 471 henglialensis, Roxb. ... i. 685 689 Saponaria, Liyin .. i. 217 bifoHolatas. Hiern ... „ 684 690 oxyodonta, Boiss. .. » 217 hijugus, Wall „ 671, 685 perfaliata, Eoxb. .. „ 217 Danura, Fo/^/it... i. 684, 690, 691 Vaccaria, Boiss. .. „ 217 774 GENERAL INDEX. Saponaria Vaccaria, Linn Sa'pota armata, A. DC. elengoides, A. DC tomentosa, A. DC SAPOTACEiE Sapotea, Griflf. Sapria, Oriff". Griffithii, Br hiraalayana, Griff". ... . Saprosma, Bl oeylanicum, Bedd consimile, kurz corymbosnm, Bedd, fragrans, Bedd glotneratum, Bedd indicum, Dalz scabridum, Bedd ternatum, ^fc. /. Saraca, Linn arborescens, Burm cauliflora, Baker ,s declinata, Miq indioa, Linn Lobbiana, Baker ... . macroptera, Miq minor, Miq palembanica, M.iq triandra, Baker Zollingeriana, Miq Sarcandra chloranthoides, Gardn Sarcanthus, Lindl, appendiculatus, Hk. f. . arietinus, Ec/ib. /. ... aspersus, Rchh.f. ... . chrysomelas, Rchh.f. densijlorus, Par. & Rchb. erinaceus, Kc/i6. /. ... . filiformis, Lindl. ... , Jiliformis, Wight guttatus, Lindl. insectifer, i?c^6. /. ... . laxus, Rchb. f. lorifolius, Par macrodon, i^c/ib. /. ... mirabiliei, i2c7i&. /. ... oxyphyllus, Wall. ... pallidas, Lindl. Parishii, Hook paucijiorus, Wight ... penin sulari s, DaZz. ... pugioniformis, Rchb. f. racemifer, llchb. f. ... roseus, Wight Scortechinii, ^fc. /. ... secundas, Griff. Stowellianus, Batem. Vol. Pago i. 217 . . i] i. 53S , 538 , 538 .. i 1. 534 . i i. 536 .. ^ r. 71 , 71 , 71 . h i. 192 , 193 • , 192 , 194 , 193 , 192 „ 192 „ 193 „ 193 .. 1 i. 271 , 271 „ 272 „ 272 , 271 .. „ 272 „ 272 „ 271 „ 272 ., „ 272 „ 271 .. V. 100 vi. 66, 179 .. vi. 67 .. „ 70 .. „ 70 .. „ 70 f. „ 72 .. » 69 .. „ 66 .. „ 56 .. „ 32 .. „ 68 .. „ 69 .. „ 69 .. „ 70 vi. 58, 70 .. vi. 70 .. „ 68 .. „ 69 .. „ 67 • • „ 67 .. ;; ^0 .. „ ^-8 .. „ 56 .. » 68 „ 67 Sarcanthus ieretifolius, Rc?ib. f. ... tricolor, Rchb. f. Walkerianus, Wight . . . Williamsoni, Rchb. f. SarcocephaluH, Afzel. ... Cadamba, Karz cordatus, Miq Horsfieldii, Miq. Junghuhnii, Mi^. subditup, Miq Sarcochilus, Br amp)lexica^ilis, Rchb. f. Arachnites, Rchh.f.... aureus, Hk. f Berkeley i, Rchh.f. ... brachyglottis, Hk. /, brachystaohys, Hk. f. cladostachys, Hk. f. ... complanatus, Hk. f. filiformis, Hk. f. hirsutus, Hk. f. hirtulap, Hk.f. hirtus, Benth Hystrix, Rchh. f. leopardinus. Par. ^"Rchh.f. lilacinus, Griff. ... . lunift^rus, Benth. maculatufi, Benth. . Mannii, Hk.f. ... . merguensis, Hk. f. . minimifolius, Hk. f. muriculatus, Rchb. f. nepalensis, Spreng. . notabilis, Hk. f. obtusus, Benth. pauciflorus, Hk. f. . prcemorsus, Spreng. . pugionifolius, Hk.f. pulohellus, Trim. purpureus, Benth. . recur vus, Hk. f. Roxburghii, Hk. f. . Scopa, Rchh. f. ... Scortechini, Hk. f. . serrxforrais, Hchb. f, Sillemianus, Rchh. f. stenoglottis, Hk. f. . suaveolens, Hk. f. . trichogloitis, Hk.f. , Triineni, Hk. f usneoides, Rchh. f. . viridiflorus, Hk. f. , Wightii, Hk.f. ... Sarcochlamy?, Gaud. pulcherrima, Gaud. , Sarcoclinium Gaudichaudi, Baill Vol. Pape .. vi. 67 • • >j 68 58 >5 67 .. iii. 22 j> 23 jj 23 5> 22 )) 23 J' 22 vi. 33, 178 .. vi. 40 „ 41 >) 35 • • }) 37 J) 34 41 n 35 vi. 41, 197 „ 39, 196 .. vi. 38 )j 39 35 )) 38 /. „ 38 >> 40 • • >> 37 • • » 64 36 v'i. h 196 .. vi. 37 • • , 5J 34 f) 60 )} 42 J) 3i JJ 41 JJ 63 • • J> 196 JJ 39 36 JI 39 36 •• JJ 40 40 JJ 41 • • «J 42 t J 34 J) 33 JJ 39 vi. 40 196 .. vi. 37 vi. 33 196 „ 37 198 ... V. 588 JJ 588 406 CxENtlRAt INDEX. 775 SavocUnium Vol. Pa^e Hnnl-eri, Thw V. 407 longifoliiim, Wight „ 407 Sarcooocca, Lindl V. 266 hrevifoUa, Muell „ 267 Hookeriana, Baill j^ 267 pruniformis, Lindl. 266 prunifor7ni's, Thw »> 267 salicifoUa, Baill 266 saligna, Muell v. 266 267 sumatrana, Bl V. 266 trinervia, Wight J) 266 zeylanica, Baill. 267 Sarcodiscus chloranthifonnis, Griff. V. 114 Sarcolobus, Br iv. 27 carinatus, Wall )j 28 carinatus, Griff. 27 globosns, Wall >> 27 sp., Griff. ,, 28 Sarcopodium affine, Lindl. ... V. 756 amplum, Lindl. j> 712 fuscescens, Lindl J) 712 Qriffithil, Lindl )j 756 leopardiniim, Lindl 756 Lobhii, Lindl jj 755 macranthum, Lindl. )> 754 pileatum, Lindl )) 754 psittacoglossuin,^c}\h. f. ... j> 754 Reinwardtii, Lindl 5) 754 striatum, Lindl. 755 unifioTum, Lindl )> 755 Sarcopyramis, Wall ii. 540 grandijiora, Griff. J) 541 lanceolata, Wall M 541 nepalensis, Wall , 541 Sarcosperma, Hk, f iii. 535 arboreum, Benth 5J 533 Gr imthii, Ber.th )> 536 Sarcostemma, Br iv. 2o annulare, Roth jj 21 hrachystigma, Hook. 5> 27 brevi stigma, IF. c^" A. ... ,, 26 Brunonianum, W. ^ A. ... 55 27 intermedium, Dene. 27 pyrotechnictim, Br 55 64 stocksii, m./ 27 viminalejW. & A 55 27 Sarcostigma, TF. ^ ^4 i. 594 edule, Kurz „ 594 K\einu,W.^A 55 594 Wallichii, Baill 594 Sarcostigma eglandulosum, Wall V. 342 Sarihus cochinchinensis, Bl. vi. 435 Sarissus anceps, Gajrtn. iii. 199 Sarosanthera lasiopetala, Thw i. 283 Sassafras Parthenoxylon, Nees v. 136 Satureine^ Satyrium, 8w alhijlorum, A. Rich. Epipogium, Linn. ... foliosum, Heyne nepalense, D. Don ... pallidum, A. Rich. ... Perroitetianum, A. Rich. repens, Linn Wightianum, Lindl. ... Saiirauja, Willd cerea, Gri^. crcnulata, Wight fasciculata, Wall. ... ferruginea, Griff. Griffithii, Dyer leucopliloia, Korth. ... macrotricha, Kurz ... media, Korth micrantha, Griff. napaulensis, DC. ... paniculata. Wall. punduana. Wall. Roxburghii, Wall. ... sterculifolia, Giiff. ... tristyla, DC Saurauje^ Sauromatum, Schott ... gnttatum, Schott pedatum, Schott punctatum, C. Koch sessilijiorunh, Kunth simlense, Schott venosum, Schott Sauropup, Bl albicans, Bl assimilis, Thw. brevipes, Muell. Ceratogynum, Baill. compressus, Muell. ... forcipatus, Hk. f. Gardnerianus, Wight indicus, Wight lanceolatus, JfA-. /. ... macrophyllus, Hk. f. oblongif olius, Hk. f. pubescens, Hk.f. qnadrangulans, Miiell. repandus, Muell. retroversus, Wight ... rigidus, Thw stipitatus, Hk. f. trinervius, Muell. ... zeylanicus, Wight SAURUREiE Sauriirus natans, Linn. Saussurea, DC . . iv. rape 605 . vi. 168 168 55 124 160 55 168 168 5) 168 vi. 95 112 .. vi. 168 .. i. 286 5' 288 291 M 287 •• 288 55 286 . . 5» 287 55 287 287 .. 288 "i. 286 ,496 .. i. 286 55 287 287 55 288 • • 5> 287 .- i. 279 .. vi. 508 »> 508 55 508 55 508 )> 503 55 £08 508 ... V. 332 . . . ,, 332 333 55 335 J» 335 55 336 • • • 55 334 332 332 • • • 55 333 333 55 333 335 55 335 334 55 333 • • • 55 336 333 . . . ,) 334 332 ... V. 78 ... vi. 564 ... iii. 365 776 GENERAL INDEX. Saussurea Vol. Pajre acanthocarpa, Schultz. ... ii i. 378 acaulis, Klatt , 367 aflanis, Spreng , , 373 albescens, Hk. f. c^ T. ... , , 374 Andersoni, Clarke , 370 Atkinsoni, (,la ke , , 367 bracteata, Dene , 366 hrahtiica, Boiss , , 373 cssspitosa, Wall , 3^9 candicans, Clarke , 373 Candolleana, Wall , 372 Candolleana, Clarke , 372 ceratocarpayDcue , 378 ? chenofiodifolia, K\B,tt ... , , 374 Clarkei, Hk. f. , , 372 cnnica, Clarke , 366 deltoidea, Clarke , 374 denticulata, JFall , 375 elliptioa, Clarke , 372 eriostemon, Wall , 370 Falconeri, JZfc. / , 369 foliopa, m. /-. , 373 glanduligera, Sch. ... iii. 2( )7, 371 gossypina, Wall. . ... i i. 376 gossypiphora, D. Don ... , 376 gossypipliora, Wall , 376 gi-caminifolia, WaU. , 370 liieracioides, Hk. f. , 371 Hookeri, Clarke , 371 hjpoleuca, Spreng , 374 Jacea, Clarke , 3"5 Kunthiana, Clarke , 36J Lappa, Clarke , 376 ^ obvallata, Wall , 365 ovata, Benth , 372 peguensis, Clarke , 375 piptathera, Edgew , 372 polystichoides, H^-. /. , 369 pterocaulon, Dene , 372 Jioylei, Clarke , 370 sacra, Edgew , 376 ? Scldagintweitii, Klatt ... , 366 Sohultzii, Hk.f. , 366 setiJoHa, Klatt „ 367 sorocophala, Hk. f. cj" T. „ 377 ? stemmaphnra, K\iili „ 378 Stuliczkai, Cla>ke , 368 Bubulata, Clarke „ 367 suhulata, Clarke , 367 Sughoo, Clarke , 368 taraxicifolia, Wall. „ 368 Thomsoni, Clarke , 366 tridactyla, Schuliz. „ 377 uniflora, Wall , 366 U7iijlora, Clsirke , 370 wernerioides, Scliultz. ... „ 367 Yakla, Clarke „ 368 Savia Actephila, Hassk. zeylanica, Baill. Saxifraga, Linn adoxoides y Griff. aristulata, Hk. f. ^' T. asarifoUa. Sternb. ... aspera, Willd aurea, Jacq brachypoda, D. Don Brunoniana, Wall. ... Brunonis, Wall. cernua, Linn ciliata, Royle cordigera, Hk f. ^ T. corymbo^a, Hk. f. cf T. diapensoides, Karz ... diversifolia, WaU. ... evolvuloides, Wall. ... filicaulis, Wall. fimbriata, Wall. flagellariH, Willd. ... glandvMfera, Jacquem. glandulosa. Wall. granulata, Liui]. .., hemisphajrioa, Hk.f. ^f" hirculoides. Dene. ... Hirculup, Linn. bispiduln, D. Don ... Iloffmeisteri, Klotz. imbucata, Royle JiiCqaemontiaria, Dene latiflum, Hk.f. ^ T. ligulata, Wall Lychnitis, Hk. f. ^ T. lysimaclioides, Klotz. micrantha, Edgew. ... microphylla, Royle ... Moorzroftiana, Wall. mucronulata, Royle ... myosotifolia, Pall. ... nutans, Hk. f. bf T. . odoiitophylla, Hh. f odontophylla, Wa'l. . oppositifolia, Linn. . orieritalis. Jacqucn'. pallida, Wall palpebrata, i//!;. / 4' parnassifolia , Wal I . perpuhilla, HA;. /. ij pilifera, Hk. f. cV T. purpura see u 8, Hk. f. J'* radicans, Jacqneii', .. ramulosa. Wall. sag in old es, Hk. f. ^- T. setigera, Parsh sibirica, Linn sihirica, Linn Vol. V. II. Page S- T. T. GENERAL INDEX. 777 Saxifraga Stella-aurea^ Hk. f, & T.... steoiophylla, Royle Stracheyi, Hh.f. ^^ T. ... strigosa, Wall nmbellulata, Hk. f. Sf T. .. visoidnla, m. f. |* T. ... Wallichiana, Sternb. SAXIFBAGACEiE Saxifragese Scabiosa, Linn Brunoniana, Wall Candolliana, Wall Candollii, DC Hookeri, Clarice ... ... Olivieri, Coult. speciosa, Royle Scabrita scahra, Linn. trijlnra, Linn So i-vola, Linn Bela-Modagain, R. & S. ... cliloraiitlia, De Vr Koenigii, VaTd Lamhertiana, De Vr. . ... lafivaga, Hance Leschenaultiana, DC. Lobel la, Linn Lobelia, Ham Macnei, De Vr. macrocalyx, De Vr mnntana,'LH,h Plumieri, Bl Plumieri, Vahl senegalensis, Presl sericea, Forst f> 397 >j 398 393 ;) 395 391 ^^ 396 11. 388 ii. 388 iii. 218 218 )) 219 )5 219 )> 218 )) 219 )) 2 9 ili 603 603 iii. 421 421 421 !) 421 421 J> 421 )> 421 J> 421 JJ 421 421 !) 421 !J 421 421 )) 421 421 421 }J 421 421 5) 421 J) 421 421 ii. 673 5> 673 11. 692 5) 692 i. 287 » 287 ii. 694 i. 361 vi. 252 252 V. 349 349 J) 349 345 iv. 630 vii 358 Schedonorus Vol. Page JSenekeni, Lange vii 358 hromoides, W. & A. )) 358 inermis, Beauv. )) 357 itiodestus, Nees 354 serotinus, Rostrnp )) 358 h-ansparens, Munro 355 sp., Str. & Wint j> 355 Scliima, Reinw i. 28S crenata, Korth )) 289 hypoglauca, Miq >) 289 khaeiana, JDyer 289 mollis, Dyer >> 2S8 Noro7ihee, Reinw 289 Wallichii, Ghois )) 289 Wallicliii, Choia. J) 283 Schismatoglottis, Zoll. ^ Moritz vi. 537 brevicnspis, iffA;. /. )) 537 brevipes, Bk. f. j> 538 calyptrata, Zoll. & Moriiz )j 539 elongata. Engl 539 Kurzii, Hk. f. jj 539 longipes, Miq )) 538 minor, Hk. f. }) 538 mutata, Scort !5 538 Scortechini, M-. / 537 Wallichii, Hfc. /. )) 537 Schismus, Beauv. » ii 335 calycinus C. Koch 336 hirsutus, Triu. J) 336 marginatQP, Beauv 33rt Schizachyrium, Benth. Vii 165 brevifolium, Nees jj 165 hirtijlorum, Nees 167 semiberbe, Nees jj 167 zeylanicum, Arn 167 Schizandra, Michx i. 44 axillaris, i^A;. /. ^ T. )) 45 elongata, iJL /. ^T. ... 44 grandiflora, tik. f. &f T. ... )> 44 propinqua, Hk. f. cf T. ... 45 SCHIZANDRE^ if 39 Schizocalyxcoriaceu$,}iocUst. iii. 619 Schizochiton, ? Wall i. 551 Scliizolepis, Nees vi. 694 Schizonephros glaucescer\i<, Griff. V. 79 Sohizostachyam, 'Nees VI 415 aciculare. Gamble JJ 417 Blumei, Hees >) 416 chilianthum, Kurz 416 Barie, Rupr j> 395 ? elegantissimum, Kurz ... )) 416 h indostanicum, Kurz 4C3 latifolium. Gamble )) 416 longispiculatum, Korz ... )> 417 tenue, Gamble 415 8 Ii 778 GENERAL INDEX. Schizostigma, Am hirsTxtum, Am Schleichera, Willd peniapetala, Roxb. ... i. puhescens, li(vh trijuga, Willd trijuga, Mui'itz i. Schmidelia acuminata, Thw, adenophylla. Wall Apnretica, Wall Allophyllus, DO hidentata, Wall Cobhe,'DC cochincMnensis, DC. dentata, Wall distachya, DC fcBtidissima, Wall Gemella, Canib glabra, Wall hispida, Thw integerritna, Wall. ... i. .Kohhe, Lamk orientalis, Sw racemosa, Linn Rheedii, Wight serrata, DC ternata, Camb timorensis, DC varians, Thw vestita, Wall. ... villosa, Roxb villosa, Wight sp., Hk. f. &T sp., Wall Schmidia hicolor, Wight ... Schoheria corniculata, C. A. Mey indica, Bunge maritima, C. A. Mey. microsperma, C. A. Mey. Schoinefeldia gracilis, Knnth paltida, Edgew Schoeyiorchis, Bl vi. juncifolia, Thw Schoenus, Liim articulatus, Buch articulatus, Roxb calostachyus, Poir coloratus, Linn. compressus, Linn cyperoides, Retz gracilis, Sw Haskarlii, Stend junceus, Willd lithospermus, Linn longisetis, Poir. Mariscus, Linn Vol Page Schoenus Vol Paero iii . 100 nigricans, Linn vi. 673 jj 100 '»ireii*, Linn JJ 620 i. 681 paniculatus, Hassk. 677 678 ,681 polymorphus, Rottb. JJ 639 i. 681 puherulus, C, A. Mey. ... JJ 649 J, 681 ruber, Lour j; 668 678 ,681 riifus, Huds 661 i. 673 surinaf)iensis, Rottb. JJ 670 ,, 674 Schoepfia, Sclireh. i. 581 J) 674 acuminata, Wall JJ 582 673 fragrans, iVall 581 >) 673 odorata, Wall JJ 581 671 Sclwllia (Scholera) crassi/oUa, 5> 674 Jacq iv 62 674 Sc'hrebera, i^oxb iii 604 >J 674 pubescens, Kurz JJ 604 674 swietenioides, Eoajb. 604 J) 674 Schrebera, Retz i. 623 )) 674 albens, Willd JJ 623 J) 673 Schultzia, Spreng ii. 697 488 J 674 ? Benthami, ClarTie JJ 697 i. 674 ? Lindleyi,WB\\ JJ 701 )j 674 Sohuraaoherip, Valil 1. 34 )) 674 alnifolia, m./. c^T. 34 }) 674 angustifolia, Kl. f. .y T. JJ 34 674 castaneaefolia, VaM JJ 35 )) 674 Schweinfurthia, A. Braun iv. 252 >> 674 papilionacea, Boiss. JJ 252 55 673 sph3svoc>i.Tps, A. Br au7i ... 252 >J 674 Sciadicarpus Brongniartii, 670 Hassk ii. 114 ,, 674 Sciadophyllum ellipiicuu), Bl. ii. 729 )J 673 Sciaphila, Bl vi. 558 )> 674 erubescens, Miers ,j 558 iv. 393 ■jarithina, Thw khasiana, Hlc. f. JJ JJ 558 559 V. 14 secundiflura, Thw JJ 558 i) 13 Scilla, Linn VI. 348 ;) 14 Cernua, var JJ 349 15 coroinandeliana, Roxb. ... 347 vii. 289 Cundria, 'H.a.m JJ 347 289 denudata, Ham JJ 347 54, 179 HohenackerijF'isc'L L^Meij. JJ 349 vi. 56 indica, Baker ji 348 vi. 672 indica, Roxb JJ 347 jj 671 maculata, Baker 348 jj 670 serotina, Ker JJ 346 }} 673 SCILLE^ vi. 301 588 Sciudapsue, Schnit vi. 541 )) 660 argyrcea, Enj^l JJ sa 619 Beccarii ? J^ngl 542 )> 672 caudatus, Eugl JJ 549 J) 677 caudatus, Schott 549 )> 656 crassipes? Engl. JJ 542 JJ 685 Cuijcuaria, Presl 542 669 decursivus, Schott 547 JJ 674 (/iganteiis, Schott JJ 541 GENERAL INDEX. 779 Sciiidapsus glaucus, Schott hederaceus, Schott ... inquinatus, Schott ... marantEefulius, Miq. medius, ZoU. & MoriLz tnontanus, Kunth oflRcinalis, Schott Peepla, Schott Peepla, Thw perakensis, i?A;. /. ... pertusus, Schott pictus, Hassk pinnatifidus, Schott pinnatus, Schott pothoides, Miq pothoides, Schott Scortechinii, Hk. f. ... SciKPEj; Scirpodendron. Kurz ... costatura, Kurz sulcatwm, Miq Scirpus, Linn acicularis, Linn. acutangulus, Roxb. ... anmulans, Steud. sestivalis, Retz. aestivalis, Wall affinis. Roth afflatus, Benth. alpinus, Schl anceps, Willd annuus, All annuus, Host anomalus, Retz. antarcticus, Thvinh. ... argenteus, Rottb. aristatus, Willd. articulatus, Linn. ... arvensis, Retz arvensis^'&oxh atropurpureus, Retz. Bteothryon, Ehrh. Balna, Kara hangalorensis, Heyue harbatus, Boeck. harhatus, Rottb. henghalensis, Pers. ... hispicatus, Roxb. hrevifolia, Dene. hrevifilius, Roxb. ... ccespitosus, Boeck. ... canaliculato-triquettr, Steud capillar is, Linn. capitatus, Burm. capitatus, Linn. Caricis, Retz Vol. Page Soirpns Vol. Page vi. 547 . carinatus, Sowerb vi. 6.58 ,, 542 Cephalotes, Jacq 55 589 >> 542 cernuus, Vahl 55 655 543 chinensis, Munro ... vi 662 678 5) 540 ciliaris, Linn vi. 666 540 cinnamometorum, Vahl .. 55 650 }> 541 comosus, Wall 664 )> 545 complanatus, Retz 55 646 „ 547 compressus, Pers 55 660 5) 542 coi'ifervoides, Poir 55 654 ,, 5t7 congestus, Spreng 55 630 J> 541 coniferus, Poir 55 684 >J 549 coronarius, Vahl 55 619 549 corymhosns, Heyne 55 657 n 542 corymhosus, Forsk. ... '... S> 659 5» 541 corymhosus, Linn 55 670 5- 541 cuspidatus, Roth 665 vi. 586 cypercides, Linn 55 622 vi. 684 debilis, Pursh 656 55 684 densus, Wall >> 652 684 dichotomus, Linn 55 636 vi. 653 diphyllus, Retz 55 636 >> 629 dipsaceus, Rottb 55 635 55 627 dissitus, Duthie 55 661 660 Donianus, Spreng 663 55 637 ? duhius, Roxb 5> 625 55 635 Duvallii, Hoppe 55 658 55 659 echinatus, Li an >> 621 55 629 elongatus, Ham 55 66i, 55 654 erectus, Pair 55 656 55 646 Eriophorum, Mic/i 661 55 636 falcatus, Vahl ... 55 647 55 636 ferrugineus, Linn 55 639 55 678 fimhrisetus, Delile 659 >) 651 fistulosus, Forsk 55 656 55 640 Jistulosus, Poir 55 627 55 666 Huitans, Linn 653 55 656 fuscus, Roxb 55 639 J) 639 glohulosus, Retz 55 645 55 636 globtdosus, Roxb 55 639 55 627 gloyneratus, Heyne 55 602 55 654 glomeratus, Linn 55 620 55 659 glomeratus, Retz 55 640 55 657 glomeratus, Roxb 55 636 5) 653 gracillimus, Boeck 55 652 55 651 Orifflthii, Boeck 660 55 644 groasus, Linn, f 55 659 634 hakonensis, Franch. & Sav. „ ()30 55 660 hemisphcericus, Roth ,, 667 55 636 Holoschcenus, Linn. 55 655 55 654 inclinatus, Delile ... .. 55 657 incurvatus, Roxb 55 656 55 660 Isolepis, Boeck 55 663 55 652 javanus, Nees 55 657 ,, 666 junciformis, Nees 656 55 628 JMWcoides, Roxb 55 656 55 660 3 I kyllingioides, Boeck. : 2 55 662 780 GENERAL INDEX. Scirpns Vol. Pag^ Scirpns Vol. Page iTt/soor, Roxb v i. 660 Salbundius (Sdibuudiup) lacustris, Linn. , 658 Ham : vi. 644 lateralis, Heyne , 656 Sarii, Seb. & Maur 655 LawiawMS, Boeok , 648 scaler, Roxb 631 laxijiorus.'lhw , 626 scalerrimus, Boeck. 660 lithosjoermus, Linn , 685 schoenoides, Retz 634 littoralip, Schrad , 659 schoenoides, 'Roxh )) 6i9 luzonensis. Presl , 656 setaceus, Lmr? 654 macro itachys, Boecl' . , 659 spiralis, 'Rotth ,j 627 maritimus, Linn , 658 squarrosus, Limi 5) 663 maritimus, Maxim , 659 strictus, Roxb 640 maximus, Roxb , 659 strohilinus, Roxb 659 medius, Roxb , 627 suhart'culatus, Roxb. J* 6i6 melanospermus, C. A. subcapitaius. Tha- 661 Mey , , 655 submersus, KSauv ^ 653 Meytnii, Nees , 658 subulatus, Aitoh 658 Michelianus, Linn. ... vi. fi )6, 662 ? subulatus, Prain ^, 658 miliaceus, Bnrm v i. 644 subulatus, Vahl 5 1 659 miliaceus, Linn , 644 snndanus, M.iq J) 657 miliaceus, Roxb. , , 636 supinus, Linn 655 minimu--, Roxb. , 635 sylvaticus, Straoh )j 662 mollis, W&U , , 672 Taberna^montani, Gme] . .. 658 monander, Rottb , , 640 tenellus, Roxb »> 642 monander, Roxb , , 651 ternatanus, Reinw 662 monostachyus, Keen. ... , , 634 tciuatus. Ham Jj 65« mucronatus, Luiw. , , 657 tetragonus, Poir )> 644 mucronatus, Roxb , , 656 Thwaitesii, Boeck 652 mutatus, Roxh , , 627 timorensi!', Kunth ,, 656 muticus, D. Dun , , 657 tranquehariensis, Roth ... ,, 639 mysurensis, Heyne , , 657 trialatus, Boeck ,, 605 nutans, Retz , , 632 triangulatus, Roxb „ 657 Onaei, Franch. & Sav. ... , , 630 tridentatus, Roxb ;j 659 ovatus, Roth , , 628 trifidus, Hance 652 ;pallescens, Roxb , , 636 trijlorus, Poir )> 670 pa'wsiris, Linn , , 628 triqueter, Linn 658 pauciflorus, ivigrW/. , , 654 triqueter, Gren. & Godr. 5) 659 pectinatus, Roxb , , 659 tristachyus, Roxb ,, 639 pentaffonus, Roxb , , 644 tumid us, 'Roxb )> 626 petasatus, Maxim , 630 umbellaris, Lam >> 645 pilosus, Retz , , 666 uncinatus, Willd n 666 plantagineus, Retz , 625 uniglumis. Link }> 628 plantagineus, Roxb. ... , 626 validus, Vahl )j 658 plantaginoides, Rottb. ... , 625 Wallichii, l^eeB 656 plumosus, Br , 659 Wichurai, Boeck }» 661 Pollichii, Gren.&Godr.... , 658 Wichurai, Franch. & ?av. 630 polytrichoides, Retz. ... , 632 Wightianus, Boeck j> 653 prcelongatus, Poir , 656 sp., Rottb 600 puhertdus, Boeck , 651 sp., Wall vi.6 6, 657 660 puherulus, Poir „ 653 Scitaminea Finlayso iana, puhescens. Lam „ 665 Wall vi. 203 pnmilus, Vahl ,, 654 Scitaminea ... vi. 198 quadrangalus, D. Von ... „ 663 Sclerachne punctata, Bf. ... vii. 102 qiUnquangularis, Boeck. ,, 6t5 Scleria, Ser^r vi. 685 quinquangularis, Vahl ... ., 644 alata, Moon » 689 quinquefarius, Havfi. ... „ 657 alta, BoecTc 690 riparius, Presl „ 658 androgyna, Nees ., 6S6 rufus, Schrad „ 661 anuularip, Kunth >j 6^7 GENERAL INDEX. 781 Soleria aspera, Boeck arillaris, Moon bancana, Miq bi flora, Roxh bracteata, Cav caricina, Benth. ceylanica, Kxinth ohinensiH, Kunth ... ciliaris, Nees corymhifera, Boeok. ... coryniboea, Roxh. ... elata, Thw elata, Thw exaltata, Boecl:. fl^ccida, Clarhe Hasskarliana, Boeck. hebecarpa, Nees h'ihecarpa, Th.-w. Ixirsnta, Moon Hookeriana, Boeck. ... janciformis, Thw. ... khaBiana, Clarice khasiana, Boeck. lasvis, Willd lateriflora, Boeck. ... latifolia, Moon laxa, K. Br levis, Re'z libhosperma, Stv. lithosperma, Eoxb. ... macrocarpa, Wnll. ... macrophylla, Pre.-^l ... majus. Moon malaccensis, Boeck. ... melanospenna, Nees & melanostoma, Boeck. multifoliata, Boeck. ... Neesii, Kunth orizoides, Boeck. oryzoidep, Pre.«Z paw^ anophylla, Knrz parvula, Steud. pergracilis, Kunth ... pilosa, Boeck PZcemu, Boeck propinqua, Steud. ... psilorrhiza, Clarke ... puhescens, Steud. puhescens, ZoU. purpurasc^ns, Steud. Radula, Havce 'Rid\eyi, Clarke Rinkiana, Boeck. rugosa, Br scrobiculata, Moritz scrohiculata, Zoll. setigera, iioxb Vol. Page ... vi. 691 ., 68S „ 693 „ 6S7 „ 691 „ 688 ... „ 6S8 „ 690 „ 690 „ 686 „ 6S6 „ 690 „ 690 „ 690 „ 688 vi C.90, 692 vi. 6S9 ... „ 688 „ 692 „ 691 „ 692 „ 692 vi 689 692 ... vi. 694 „ 688 ... „ 691 „ 6^8 „ 694 „ 685 „ 690 „ 684 ... „ 693 „ 686 „ 693 A i-n! „ 692 „ 692 „ 6'^3 „ 688 „ 691 „ 691 „ 714 „ 687 ... „ 685 „ 692 „ 692 „ 686 „ 691 „ 689 „ 693 „ 693 „ 691 „ 686 ... „ 694 „ 688 „ 690 ... „ 689 „ 693 Scleria Vo\ Page Steudeliana, Miq. vi. 637 stipularis, Thw „ 689 Stocksiana, Boeck „ 687 stricta, Moon , „ 689 snmatrensis, Retz „ 693 tends, Retz tessellata, Willd. tessellata, Benth. tessellata, Hk. f. & T. Thomsoniana, Boeck. ThuaHesiana, Boeck. uliginosa, Boeck. vestita, Boeok „ 689 villosula, Wall „ 689 Wightiana, Steud „ 685 zeylanica, Pair. „ 687 zeylanica, M-Oon „ 6i4 sp., Hk. f. & T. vi. 639, 691 , 692, 694 sp., Wall vi 685, 686, Gil, 689, 690, 693, 694 ... „ 685 vi. 6^6, 694 ... vi. 687 ... „ 687 ... „ 689 ... „ 688 ..." „ 6^7 SCLEEIE.E Sclerooarpus, Jacq africanus, .Jacq Sclerochloa, Beauv dura, Beauv Sclernmitrion, W. & A. CcBypitosum, Miq hispidxtm, Korth rigidum, Kurz , ten ellijl arum, Korth. tetrand.um., Kurz tetraquetrum, Miq Sclerophyllum coarctalum, Griff. Soleropyrum, Am Mainpayi, Hk. f. Wallichianum, Am. Sclerostylis Arnottiana.Wight atalay>tioides, W. & A. ... atalantioides, Wight ovalifolia, Wight parvifolia, Wight racemnsa, Wight rotundifolia, Thw Roxhurghiana, Hk. f. & T. Roxburghii, Wight zeylanica, Wight Scolochloa arundinacea, Mert. & Kooh Scolopia, Sc/ireb acuminata, Clos chinensis, Clos crasslpes, Clos crenata, Clos dasyanthera, Benn Gsertneri, Thw lanceolata, Clo^ , vi. 587 iii. 305 „ 305 vii. 335 „ 335 iii. 60 „ 60 „ 61 „ 60 „ 60 „ 54 „ 60 vn. V. 93 234 235 234 513 508 512 512 512 512 513 513 513 513 303 190 191 191 191 191 191 191 191 782 GENERAL INDEX. Scolopia Vol. Pasre Scutellaria Vol. Pap-e Pseudo-crenata, Cloa i. 191 angulosa, Benth iv. 669 pusilla, Moon , J, 191 larhata, D. Don 670 rhinanthera, Olos >> 190 cana, Wall 669 Roxburghii, Clos j> 190 celtidifolia, A. Ham. )) 669 sssva, Hanoe )> 191 Colehrookiana, Benth. ... 668 Scoparia, Linn iv. 289 discolor, Coleh 667 dalcis, Linn 289 Jloribunda, Benth 668 Soopolia, Jacq iv. 243 galericulata, Linn >> 670 Boveana, Dunal 245 glandulosa, HL /. 669 Datora, Dunal }> 245 glutinosa, Benth 667 luridn, Dunal 243 grossa, Wall )> 669 mutica, Dunal >> 245 heteropoda, Miq 668 praialta, Dunal 244 Heydei, iJfc./ 5> 667 ScopoLia, hinn. i V. 193 incurva, Wall 668 involucrata, G. A. Mey. ... n 193 indica, B\ )) 668 Scopolia, Sm. i. 497 mdica, Eoxb 668 aculeafa, Sm }j 497 japonica, Burm n 620 Scorodosma foetidum, Bunge ii. 708 khasiana, Clarke )> 669 Scortechinia, m. /. V. 366 linearis, Beni/i 669 Kingii, Hk.f. )> 36f7 minor, Huds 5, 670 nicobarica, Hk.f. 5, 3H7 mussooriensis, Wawra ... 669 Soorzonera, Lmw iii. 418 nodulosa, A. Ham 668 buplenroides, D. Doa ,, 419 oblonga, Benth J) 668 divaricata, Ttircz. ... ... }> 418 peregrina, Hoxh 670 orientalis, Linn 413 prostrata, Jacquem. )) 667 purpurea, Linn ,, 418 pulchella, Bunge 667 Boylei, DC >> 418 repens, Ham 5J 669 Stevvartii, /7A;. /. 419 rivularif, Wall 670 tingitana, Linn >) 413 robusta, Benth )J 668 virgata, DC 418 scandens, D. Don >, 669 Scntanthus Portearius, Naud. ii. 611 squamulosa, A. Ham. JJ 670 tubiilorus, Naud 611 violacea, Heyne ,5 668 Sorophularia, Linn iv. 253 Wallichiana, A. Ham. J> 669 auriculata, Scop 254 Wightiana, Benth ,, 668 Mcolor, Sibtb. & Sm. >) 257 Scutia, Gomm i. 640 calycina, Benth 253 Commersoni, Brongii. 6 to canina, Linn 5) 256 indica, i?rori(/n. >j 640 decoynposita, lioyle 256 lacida, G. Don 640 d-cumhens, Fisch. & Mey. )) 254 paniculata, Gi. Don >> 617 dentata, Boyle 256 Rheediana, Wight >) 640 depauperata, Boiss >J 256 Scutinanthe brunnea, Thw. i. 531 Edgeworthii, Benth. 255 Scyphellandra, Thw i. 189 elatior, Bentli 5 J 255 virgata, Thw )) 189 glandulosa, Waldst. & Kit. 254 Scyphiphora, Goirtn iii 125 Griffithii, Benth )> 256 hydrophyliacea, Gijerin. ,, 125 himalensis, Royle 255 Scyphopetalum, J/iern i. 675 Kotschyi, Hk. f. & T. )) 256 ramifloruro, Hiern J, 676 lucidsi, Linn 256 Scyphostachyg, Thw iii 122 obtusa, Edgew ^j 254 coffeoides, Thtu JJ 122 pauciflora, Benth ,J 253 peduDculatus, Thw. JJ 122 •polyantha,, Royle 255 Scytalia bengalensis, Uoxb. . . . i. 689 scabiosesefolia, Benth. ... )J 256 chinensis, Geertn JJ 688 Scopolii, Hoppe 254 Danura, Uoxb j> 684 urticaefolia, Benth )) 254 glabra. Ham i. 56c , 690 variegata, Bieh 256 Litchi, Roxb i. 688 SCROPHULARINE^, ... ... iv. 246 Longan, lloxb >> 689 Scutellaria, Linn. ... ... iv. 667 Bamhoutan, Koxb 687 GENEBAL INDEX. 783 Scytalia rimosa, Roxb rubra, Roxb trijuga, Roxb verticillata, Roxb Seaforthia costata. Mart. ... Dicksonii, Mart disticha, Mart gracilis, Mart Kuhlii, Mart malaiana, Mart oryzseformift, Mart patula. Mart Sebfpa, R. Br aurea, R. Br carinata, Spreng khasiana, Clarke Sebastiana, Spreng Chamrelea, Muell Sehestena cfficinalis, Gaeriu. Sehifera glutinosa, Lour. Secamone, Br canescens, Sm eraetica, Br Finlaysoni, Wight villosa, Bl SECAMONEyB Seoaiidaca, Linn bracteata, A. W. Benn. ... inippendiculata, Hassk. ... paniculata, Wall scandens. Ham. tavoyana, Wall SecurinegOj liysterantha, Hoj. Leucopyrus, Brand. Leucopyrus, Muell obovata, Muell ramijlora, Muell virosa, Baiil Seddera evolvuloides, Wight laiifidia, Hochst Sedgwickia cerasifolia , Grifl". Sedum, Linn adenotrichum, Wall. asiaticum, DC atropurpurenin, Turc/. ... azureum, Royle bupleuroides, Wall. coccineum, Royle coriaceum, Wall crassipes, Wall. crenuiatum, Hk. f. ^ T — elongatum. Wall Ewersii, Ledeb fastigiatuu), Hk.f..y T. ... Gtrardianum, Wall. Griflfithii, Clarke heterodontum, Jik.f.Sf T. Vol. Page i. 690 ,j 68i ?) 681 684 vi. 409 j» 409 408 ?> 407 409 J? 410 409 411 iv 99 )> 99 98 jj 99 V. 475 475 IV. 136 V. 158 iv 12 ,, 63 5> 13 )? 13 13 iv. 2,12 i. 207 jj 208 5) 208 208 ^^ 208 J) 208 V. 305 '■> 328 5) 329 328 JJ 329 >> 329 iv. 224 J) 224 ii. 429 ii. 417 .^ 420 [^ 419 j< 418 421 \, 418 418 jj 419 )7 419 J) 417 419 )> 421 419 5> 421 jj 421 )) 417 Sedum Vol. Page himalayanum. Wall. ... ii. 418 himalensp, D. Don ,, 418 humile, m. /. cf- T. ... ... „ 419 JiypericifoHum, Wall. ... „ 418 imbricatum, Hk. f. i% T. ... „ 417 Jaeschkei, Kurz ,, 421 japonicum, Sieb ,, 422 linearifoliuin, Rof/Ze ... „ 420 Moorcroftianum,Wa,\\ „ 422 mucronatinn, Edgew. ... „ 420 multicaule, Wall ,, 422 pallidum, Bieb „ 421 pamculatum, Wall „ 413 paucijlorum, Edgevr. ... „ 420 perpusillum, Hk. f. ^' T. ... „ 422 pyriforme, Koyle ,, 420 quadrifidura, Pall ,, 418 Rhodiola, DC „ 417 rosulatum, j^dgreiy „ 420 rubrum, Royle „ 421 serratum, Jacquem. ... „ 417 sinuatum, Royle „ 420 spinosum, Thunb ,. 416 titracheyi,Bk.f. &T. ... „ 418 tibeticum, Hk.f. 8^ T. ... „ 418 tritidum, TFaU „ 420 truliipetalum, Hk.f. 8f T. ,, 421 Urvillei,DG „ 422 Wall ichianum, Ek J. &T. „ 419 Seetzenia, Br i. 424 orientalip. Dene ,, 424 Sehiina, Forsk vii. 136 ischxmoidt s, Forslr. ... „ 136 Kotschyi, Hochsc „ 136 macrostachi/um, Kochsi „ 136 Seidlia, Opiz vi. 661 Seidlia, Kostel i. 302 lancea'folia,'Koste] ., 302 Selagine.e iv. 558 Selago pusilla, Thnnh iv. 281 S' las lanceolatum, Spreng. i. 498 Selenipedinm Parishii, Joli- bois vi. 174 Selinum, Lm??7 , ii. 699 CaudoUii, DO „ 703 CandoHii, Edgew „ 700 Pdissectum, Wall „ 701 glauc'um, Wall. ,, 710 papyraceum, Clarke ... „ 701 stellaUim, D. Don ,, 705 striatum, Bew*^ „ 699 tenuifolium, Wall „ 700 vaginatum, Clarke „ 700 Sellowia uliginosa, Roth ... ii. 569 Semecarpus, Linn.f. ii. 30 acuminata, Thn- „ 33 ? acuminata, Kurz „ 35 784 GRNKRAT- INDEX. Semecarpus albescens, Kurz Anacardium, Lww./. auricalata, J?e(£d. coriacea, Thio cuneifolia, Roxb Gardner), Thw Grahamii, Wi^ht graadifolia, Wall neterophylla, Bl leevigata, T/i-iv latifoUa, Pars. ?luvida,JIk.f marginata, Thw microcarpa, Wall Moonii, Thiu nigro-viridis, Thw ohlongifolia, Tliw. ... : obovata, Moon obecnra, Thw obscura, Thw par vi folia, Thiv pubescens, Thiv subpandariformis, Wall. subpeltata, Tlnv subracemosa, Kurz Thwaitesii, -ffA;. /. travancorica, Bedd Walkeri, m./. ? zei/lanica, B] Se 'neiocardium glaxicescens, Hassk Hamiltonii, HhssIc hyalinum, Hasek Sempervivum, Linv acaminatum, DcTie. album, 'Edgew fim'iriatwm, Klutz himalayense, Klotz mucronatum, Edgew. sedoides, Dene. Senacia nepalen sis, DC. SenecilUs Jacquemont/ana, Dene. ... Seneoio, Linn acuminatup. Wall alatus, Wall alpimis, Clarke aniplesieaulis, fVall. analogus, DC Andersoni, Clarke angulosus, DC angulosus. Wall arachnoideus, Wall. araneosus, DC. arnicoides, Wall Arnottiamis, DO Athinsoni, Clarke Vol. Paeo 35 30 }) 32 32 )) 31 )) 33 37 41 35 "' 35 31 5' 34 32 31 32 ;» 34 '. 3^ 34. 1 ii. 32 )» 33 33 34 31 )> 35 33 35 31 31 33 '' 33 i. 201 )) 201 201 ii. 422 ,, 422 )) 423 423 )> 422 )> 423 M 423 1. 199 iii. 3o0 iii 338 >' 354 353 339 348 )) 339 356 355 355 351 ;; 351 351 )) 341 ?) ■ 350 Senecio Vol. Paee aureus, Wall Bhofc, Clarice ... . belgaumensis, Clarln bracteolatus, HA;./, . Buitnalia, Ham. calthsefolius, Bk. f. . campylodes, DC. candJcang, DC. Candolleanu?, Wall. chenopodifolius, DC chinensis, DC chrysanthemifolius, DC chrysanthetnoides. DC chrysanthemovUs, DC cordatus, Wall. ... coronopifolius, Desf. corymbosus, Waif, cori/mbosus, Clarke Dalzellii, Clarke densiflorus. Wall, densiflorus, DC. dentatus, Wall. ... denudalus, D. Don diversifolias, Wall dubius, Ledeh. ... dubiuf, Hk. f. & T. Edgewortbii, Hk. f. flexicaulis, Edgew. Jlenuosus, Wall. Gardner!, Thw. Gibson i, Hk. f. ... gracilifiorup, DC. gracilis, Arn. ... Graham\, Hk.f. Griffithii, Hk.f. ^^ T. hastatus, Linn, hewrensis, Hk. f. Hindsii, Benth. Hohenackeri, Hk. f. intermedius, Wight Jacohxa, I). Don Jacquemontianup, Benth. Kunthianus, Wall Kurzii, Clarke ... laciniosus, Arn. laciniatus, Wall. Ixtus, Edgew, ... lavandulaefoliup, DC. Lawii, Clarke ... Lessingianus, Clarke Levingii, Clarke Ligularia, Hk. f. linifoliup, Clarke ludenp, Clarke ... macranthns, Clarke Mishmi, Clarke Mortoni, Clarke GENERAL INDEX. 785 Senecio multifidvs, Willd nilayerensis, Scbultz nilghervanus", DC n'veus, Wall iindioanliH, Ham obtusatus, Wall ptchycarpus. Clarice jjaUew, Wall peflnnoulatas, Edgeiv. pedunculatus, Hk. f. & T. ? peguanus, DC. j)ii(>siu$cul us, C\SirVe pinnatijidus, C\ar\<9 polycephalus, Clarke qninquelobns, Hk. f. .j" T. liaba-ni, Clarke racemosus, Wall ramosus, Wall. raphanifoliiis, Wall . reniformif, Wal I reticulatus, Clarke retusus, Wall lioyleanus, DG rufioervip, DC saxatilif", Wall. scandeng, D. Don scandens, Wall si'nrictis, Ledeb Simon si I, Clarke sisymhriiformis, DC. spectabihs, Wall sfipulatus, DC sipnlatus, VVhII suhdentatus, Ledeb. tanacetoides, Kth. & Bouchf tenuifolius, Burin tetrandns, Ham fetianthus, DC. Thomsooi, Ciarfee .. tibeticns, Hk. f. tomentosus, Clarks triligulatup, Ham truvcatus, Wa'l uncinellus, DC. vagans, Wall violaceus, Wall. vulgaris, Linn Walk'Ti, Am Walkeri, Thw Wallichii, DC WigJitianui, DC Wightii, Benth. Yakla, Clarke zeylanicns, DC Senecionideji; iii. Senna Absus, Roxb alata, Roxb Vol. Page Senna Vol. Page iii. 346 arhorescens, Eoxb ii. 265 „ 337 auriculata, Eoxb ,, 263 „ 341 hicapsularis, Roxb )) 263 „ 390 dimidiata, Buch ,, 266 „ 340 escwlenta, Roxb ,, 2B2 „ 340 evigua, Koxb ;) 265 „ 349 ohtusa, Roxb 264 „ 340 occidentalism Roxb >5 262 „ 342 officinalis, Koxb 264 „ 342 prostrata, Roxb ,, 266 „ 3c6 purpurea, Roxb J) 263 „ 344 sensitiva, Roxb ,, 266 „ 345 Sophora, Boxb „ 26 i „ 344 speciosa, Roxb ., 2fi5 „ 353 sitmatrawa, Roxb jj 26 1 „ 344 tenella. Roxb ,, 266 „ 350 Tora, Roxb )5 263 „ 342 toroides, Roxb 263 „ 340 Senra, Cav 1. 333 „ 331 incana, Cav ^^ 334 „ 347 Sephalica, Jones 111. 603 „ 350 Septas hypericifolin , Wal'. „ 338 vide Daphne V. 196 „ 355 repens, Lour iv. 272 „ 344 Serapias Epidendroea, Ka?n. v". 198 „ 352 epidendrea, Retz jj 1 „ 352 Serianthes, Benth ii. 301 „ 350 grandiflora, Benth 5> 301 „ 356 Sericostoma, Stocks iv. 175 „ 339 panciflorum, 8tO'-k< ,j 175 „ 339 Sericura japonica, S'oud. ... \ li :^04 „ 352 Serissa ceylanica, Th^^. iii. 193 „ 339 corymhosa, Bedd 5! 194 „ 342 fragrans, Bedd 1,3 ; „ 338 Gardneri, Thw ;) 192 „ 345 scabrida, Thw 193 „ 342 ternata, Kurz 193 „ 352 Wightii, Bedd )> 193 „ 348 Serpicala, Linn 431 „ 340 hrevipe^, W. & A. ... i i . 481 , 4;^2 „ 346 hirsuta, W. & A ii. 431 „ 356 hirsuta, Wight ,, 43 L „ 340 indica, Thw )> 4;il „ 355 indica, Thw }j 431 ;, 355 veroniccefolia, Bo- y >5 432 „ 340 verticillata, Hoxb >> 432 „ 342 zeylanica, Arti J> 431 „ 351 sp., Wall 431 „ 337 Serpicula, Jj\T\n.L . V. 65'J „ 353 verticillata, Linv.f )) 659 „ 352 Serrcea incana, Dene 1. 334 „ 344 rupestris, Edgew »? 334 „ 348 Serrafalcus, Tarl vii 360 „ 340 Cavanillesii,W \Uk.& Langti ,, 360 2^4, 330 mollis, Pari jj 360 ii. 265 patulus, Pari >> 3il „ 264 scoparius, Pari jj 3i;o 786 GENERAL INDEX. Serrafalcuft Thomini, Kurd. Serratula, Linn albescens, Wall. anthelmintAca, Roxb. carthamoides, IJoxb. cintrea, Roxb divaricata,Fi8ch.& Mey indica, Wall ? indica, Willd Dtacrocephala, Wall. multicaulis, Wall pallida, DC 'pohjgyna, A. Rich Sesamum, Lfrt?! indicum, DC laciniatum, Klein lutetim, Retz occidentale, Heer & Kegel orienlale, Linn prostratnm, Eetz Se>-bauia, Pers acjleata, Fers a'gyptiaca, Pers affinis, Schrad cannabma, Pers grandiflora, Pers 'plcta, Pers procumbens, W. 4'' A. ... sericea, DC Seseli, Linn ammoides, Jacq hoiijhalensis, Roxb daucifolium, Cl'irJc--.. indicum, W. c^'' A sibiricum, Benih trilobum, Benth zeylanicum, RotiJ SkselinhjE Sesleria dura, Ku t h lagopodioides, Si-reu^-. ... spicata, Spreug Sestochilos uniflortim, Bivd-.i, Sesuvium, Linn Portulacastrum, Liwn. ... repens, Willd Setaria, Beanv aji n is, Sohnlt amhigua, Guss a'tiatica, Hort aspera, Miq aitrea, Hocbst aiiricoma, Link canescens, Kunth cenchroides, R. & S chlorantha, Schur chrysantha^ Heynh compmcta, Schur Vol. Pf>ge Setaria Vol. Pacre vii. 3bU coinpressa, Kunth ... ... vii. 85 iii. 379 dasyura, Hort ... „ 79 „ 374 decipiens, C. Schimp. .. ,. 80 „ 236 erythrosperma, Horn em. „ 78 „ 373 Fiddingii, C. Muell. ... „ 81 „ 231 Jlava, Kuuth ... „ 79 „ 383 Jiavida, Hornem. .. „ 78 „ 377 ftorlbunda. Sprang. ... .. „ 80 „ 381 ForbesiaDa, i/fe. /. ... ... „ 81 ,. 378 germanica. Beau v. ... ... „ 78 „ 373 glauca, Beauv .. ., :8 „ 379 glauca, Hochst. .. „ 80 „ 271 giobularis, Presl .. „ 78 IV. 386 gi-acillima, Hli. f. ... „ 81 „ 387 helvola, R. & S .. „ 79 „ 387 ? hirsuta, Kunth .. „ 35 ,, 387 liirta, Kunth •• „ 81 „ 287 hirtella, Schult. .. „ 66 „ 387 hnmifusa, Bum.. ■• „ 79 „ 387 ? imherbis, R. & S. ... vii. 79, 80 11. 114 intermedia, R. ^' S. .. v.i. 79 „ 114 itaiica, Beauv .. „ 78 „ 114 longijiora, Desv, .. „ 62 „ 115 lumrians, WilM. .. „ 82 „ 115 viacror.hceta, Schult. .. „ 78 „ 115 macrostachya, Duthie .. „ 81 „ 114 macrostachya, H. B. K. .. „ 81 „ 115 maritima, R. & S. ... .. „ 78 „ 115 mauritiana, Spreng, .. „ 56 11. 693 melinis. Link ... .. „ 78 „ 682 nana, Dum .. „ 80 „ 696 nnhica, Link .. „ 80 „ 693 pants, Jessen .. „ 78 „ 693 penicillata, Nees .. „ 79 „ 693 penicillata, \YaU. .. „ 80 -, 694 persica, Hornem. .. „ 78 ., 684 pilifera, Spreng. .. „ 35 1. 666 pumila, Schulr. .. , 79 V i. 335 nspiciens, Hochst. ... .. ., 80 „ 334 liottleri, iSpreng. .. „ 80 „ 306 rubicunc/a, Dum. .. ,, 79 \. 755 ?• sciuroidea, C. Muell. .. ., 79 ir. 659 ? stricta, Kunth .. „ 59 „ 659 tejucensis, Kunth .. ., 79 „ 659 ? tomentosa, Kunth ... .. „ 80 vn. 77 Ventenatii, KuntJi ... .. „ 79 „ 80 verticiilata, Beauv .. „ 80 ,. 80 vcrticillata, Wall •• » 79 „ 78 verticilliformis, Dum. .. „ 80 „ 82 villusa, Beauv .. ., 80 „ 79 violacea, Hornem ... . .. „ 78 „ 79 viridis, Beauv .. „ 80 ., 81 Weinmanni, R, & S. .. ■ „ 80 „ 87 sp., Wall . ., 78 „ 80 Sethia acuminata, Am. . i. 415 „ 79 erythroxyloides, Wight . .. „ 415 „ 78 indica, DC .. „ 414 GENERAL INDEX. 787 Sethia Kitnthiana, Wall. lanccolata, Thw, lanceolata, Wight Shorea. Roxb acuminata, Dyer assamica, Dyer bracteolata, Dyer . . floribunda, Kurz gratissirua, Dt/er laccifera, Heyne leproeula, Miq. leucobotryayMiq. lissophylla, Thw. longisperma, Roxb. ... tnaoroptera, Dyt-r ... oblonuifoHa, Thu\ ... obtusa, Wall parvifolia, Dyer penicillata, A. DC reticulata, 'fhw. robusta, Grffrta. robusta,A. DC robusta, Roth Eoxhurghii, G. Do i ... sericea, Dyer sinmensis, Miq BCellata, Dyer fetipnlaris, Thw. ? suava, Wall Talura, Roxh Tumbuggaia, Roxh. ... Shuteria, W. ^ A. densijiora, Benth. ? ferruginea, Baker glabrata, W. & A. ... hirsuta, Baker involucrata, W, & A. sufi'ulta, Benth trisperma. Miq vestita, W. S(' A. Shuteria, Chois bicolor, Chois Sihbaldia cuneata, Edgew, cunenta, Kunze parvijlora, Willd. poteiitilloides, Camb. procumhen!', Hk. f. & T. procwmbfiTis, Linij. .. j)urpurea, Royle tetrandra, Bunge Sibthorpja, Li7in pinnata, Benth Sicf^ns oxyanthus, Wall. ycntandrusy Wall. Sida, Linn Abutilon, Linn. acuta, Burm ^ol raore i. 414 ,, 415 )> 415 1. 303 55 305 )> 307 55 305 55 304 307 55 3 5 30 1 55 306 307 55 308 308 55 307 55 308 305 55 306 307 jj 306 55 304 304 ?05 55 30G ii04 ^^ 3U4 55 307 55 304 55 304 306 ii. 181 ,, 182 5> 182 55 182 182 55 182 182 ,, 1«1 .J 181 iv. 217 55 217 ii. 346 ,, 3 to „ 346 55 347 55 346 346 5» 347 346 IV. 288 , 288 ii. 633 i. F.95 i. 322 ,, 327 )> 323 Sida Vol. Pase alba, Linn ... i. 323 a/ni folia, Linn, 55 323 aWueifolia, Sw. 32 1 ? amcena, Wall 55 328 asiatica, Linn „ 326 asiatica, Wall „ 327 aurita, Wall 55 328 Beloere, L'Her. 326 Boriara, Wall ,. 323 canariensis,W\]\'^. .. ... 323 carpitifolia, Linn. .. 55 323 chinensis, Retz ,, 324 compressa, DC 5» 323 compressa, Wall. 323 cordifolifl, Lmn. 55 324 corylifolia, Wall. .. 55 324 corynocarjpa, Wall. .. • ••• 55 324 crista, Linn 55 328 CUV eif alia, Roxb. . i. 322 ,374 diversi folia, Spreng. i. 336 Eteromischos, Cav. .. 55 326 glartdulosa, Roxb. • ••• 55 323 glauca, Cav 55 327 ghttinosa, Roxb. 322 graveo/ens, Ro.\;b. 55 327 gi'ewioides, Guill. tV" Perr. „ 323 herhacea, Cav 55 324 heterophylla, Spreng. 336 hirta, Wall . "i. 322 ,327 hirta, Lamk ... i. 327 hmnilis, Willd ... ,, 322 indica, Linn 326 indica, Cav 55 328 lanceolata, Rnxb. 5, 323 Lesch- naultiana, DC. 55 325 macrt phylla, Wa H . . . 326 micans, Cav ,. 324 microphylla, Cav. .. 55 3i4 mont'ina, Roxb. ,, 328 mnrifolia, Cav „ 322 viulticaulis, Cav. • 322 tnutica, Deiile 55 327 mysoreneis, H'. (|- A. !5 322 nervosa, Wall 322 ohovata. Wall ... „ 324 olens, Ham ... ,5 322 orientalis, Cav • 321 oxyphylla, Wall. 55 326 pentacarpos, Roxb. . 55 324 pcriplocifolia, Linn. .. 325 persica, liurra 55 326 philippica, DC 55 324 pilosa, Retz ... . 322 pilosa, L'Her • ••• 55 327 polyandra, Roxb. ... ,, 326 popidifolia, Lamk. . 326 ? radicans, Cav. 55 322 GENERAL INDEX. Sida Vol. PflgP Silene Vol. Page radicans, Wall .. i. 322 Griffifchii, Boiss i. 220 ramosa, Cav )) 328 Gul-Waldemarii, Klolz. .. j^ 219 retusa, Linn 5) 324 indica, Roxb 55 225 retusa, Wight >) 323 inflata, Sm 218 rhombifolia, Linn 5) 323 intrusa, W. & A 55 218 rhombifolia, Wall J) 324 khasiana, i?o7ir'> 221 rhmnbnidea, Roxb 3:4 kunawarensis, Bentli. 55 220 rotundifo/ia, Cav )) 324 leyseroides, Boiss. 55 219 scahrida, W. & A 5) 324 Moorcroftiana, Wall. 55 219 Schimperiana, Hochst. .. >> 322 multifida, Edgevv 220 scojjaria, Lour )> 323 noctijlora, Linn, 5) 218 spinosa, Linn 323 repens, Boies. 219 Stauntoniana, DC 5> 323 salsa, Boiss 55 219 stipulata, Cav 323 ? Stracheyi, 'Edgew. 221 tenax, Ham )) 322 suaveolens, Kar. & Kir. .. „ 220 tomentosa, Koxb 327 tenuip, Willd 55 219 unilocular is, h'Rer )5 322 viridiflora, 'Rohrh 55 221 iirticcBfolia, W. & A. 55 322 viscosa, Linn 55 220 veronico'foUa, Lamk. 55 322 viscosa, Pars 220 vilhsa, Wall 55 327 Wallichiana , K^otz 55 218 Sideroxylon, Linn iii. 53B Webbiana, VFaU 220 arhoreum, Ham 55 536 WeUiana, Wall J, 220 armatum. Roth 55 538 SlLENE^E J. 212 assamicum, Clarice 55 537 Silvcea (lapsu Sylvcca) attemcatum, A, DC 55 537 Hooheriana, Bai'l. V. 397 ferrngineum, Hk. ^ Am. 537 semperjlorens, Hk. & Am. 55 397 ? Gamblei, Clarice jj 538 Silvianthus, Hk. f. iii. 86 grandifolium, TT^aZL 5> 536 bracteatns, Hk. f. 55 86 Hookeri, Clarice 55 537 Silybum, Gaertw iji. 364 Maingayi, Clarice 536 Marianum, Gaert'^ 55 364 malaccense, CiarA;e 55 537 Simaba qiiassioides, Ham. ... i. 520 regium, Wall. ... ii' 536 542 SlMARUBE^ i. 517 ? rugosuni, Wall V. 180 Sinapis alba, Linn i. 157 spinosum, Willd i. 194 IraFsicata, Linn 55 156 tomentosnm, Roxb iii 538 cuneifoUa, Roxb 157 tomentosum, Wall. ... iii 537 539 dichotoma, Roxb 55 156 Wallichianum, G. Don ... V. 180 divaricata, Roxb ■ 5 134 Wighlianwn, Wall. iii. 539 erysimoides,'Roxh )5 156 sp.,Hk. f. &T J, 536 glauca, Roxb lo6 Siegeabeckia, Linii ill. 303 integrifolia, Willd 55 l-->7 hrachiata, Roxb ,, 304 jiincea, Linn ,, 157 gUitinosa, Wall. ,, 304 nigra, Linn >5 156 orientalis, Linn 55 304 2yatens, Uoxh 157 ? orientalis, Roxb 55 304 pusilla, Roxb 5' 134 Sieversia elaia, Royle ii. 343 ramosa, Roxb 157 Silene, Linn i. 217 rugosa, Roxb J, 157 amcena, Linn , 219 trilocularis, Roxb ,, 156 apetala, Willd ,, 218 Sindora, Miqnel ii. 268 arenosa, C. Koch ,, 219 siamensis, Teysm 55 268 Armeria, Linu 218 velutina, Baker 269 colorata, Poir i 218 ,226 Wallichii, Benth ,, 268 conoidea, Linn i. 218 Siphisia saccata, Klot/. V. 77 Cuciihalus, Wib 55 218 Siplionanthus angustifnlia, dasyphyUa, Tut cz , 219 Willd iv. 595 Falconeriana, BenOi. ^ 220 hastata, Roxb 55 596 gallica, Linn 5 218 indica, Willd 595 graminifolia, Otth 219 Siphonodon, Griff'. i. 629 GENEKAL INDEX. 789 Siphonodon Vol 'Paee Smelouskia Vol Page celastrineup, Griff. i. 629 integrifolia, C. A. Mej. .. i. 152 Siriuni 'myrtifolimn, Roxb. ... V. 2.31 Smil.'vcej; vi. 300 Sison Ammi, idiCX\ ii. 682 Smilacina, Desf. vi. 323 ? c'lniifoUum, Wall ,, 671 alhijlora, W&U I) 323 diversifolium, Wall !> 681 alpina, Royle 361 ?tener, WslW )) 686 hootanensis, Grill". ,1 323 trinerve, Ham )) 720 divaricata, Wall 323 SlSYMBRIE^ i. 129 fusca, Wall ), 323 Sisymbrium. Linn i. 147 oleraoea. m. /. ^ r. .. 5) 323 Aliiaria, Scop )j 151 oligophylla, KA;. /. 323 axillare, i?fc. /. cfc T ;> 149 pallida, Royle 323 ColamnaB, Jac^' » 150 purpurea, Wall J, 323 contortuplicatum, DC. ... >» 143 Smilax, Limi. v . 302 deltoideum, Hh. f. ) 148 aspericanHs. Wall 306 himalaicum, Hh.f. 8f T. ... )> 147 barbata, Wall ,) 3C6 humile, C. A. Mey }, 148 Blumei, A. DC 313 Irio, Linn )) 150 calophylla, Wall 303 irioides, Boiss a 150 calophylla. Wall J1 313 la8iocarpum,m./. ^T. ... >> 148 China, Maxim 307 Loeselii, Lmn )) 151 collina, Kunth 313 minutiflorum,m-./. SrT.... 149 dec-piens, Spreng J) 313 niollifisimum, C. A, Mey.... )) 147 elegans, Wall 305 nudum, Boiss )> 137 elegans, A. DC )J 304 paunonicam, Jacg 150 extensa, Wall 309 pla»isiliqvum, Hk. f. & T. )> 152 extensa, Wall 5, 303 primulcefolium, Thorn-. ... >) 152 ferox, Wall J, 307 rnpestre, Edge w 14S Julgens, Wall >> 306 sephtlaium, DC )) ILO glabra, Roxh J, 302 Sophia, Linn. )> 150 glaucophylla, Klotz 5' 304 Rtvictum, Hk. f. <^^ T. )) 149 grandifolia , Voigt 310 ThaliaDum,Ga'i/ ^* Monn. >) 148 grandis. Wall 11 310 torulosum, Deaf }> 146 Griffithii, A. DC. 313 waiiiohii, m./. (i^r. ... ), 149 Helferi,^. DC 309 SlSYRINCHIE^ vi. 271 Hohenackeri, Kunth n 310 Sitodium caidifloTum, Gaeitn. V. 541 llookeri, Kunth 302 Sinm, Linn. ii. 683 indica, Vitm 310 latijugum, Clarice )) 683 Kingii, Hk.f j> 307 nipprmicum, Ma xim. !> 684 laevis, Wall >i 308 triternatum, Moon >) 684 Jancesefolia, Boxb ,, 303 Skimmia, Tliunh 1. 499 laurifolia, Hohen )) 310 japonica, Thunb >> 499 lauri folia, Roxb. ... vi 311 , 312 Laureola, HTc. f. 499 laurina, Kunth vi. 312 Shinneria ccespi/osa, Cli is. iv. 205 leucophylla, Bl )) 312 Slackia geonomaeforihis, (iritf. vi. 415 longebracteolata, M-. /. ... J) 305 insijnis, Giifl". i. 107 ? luzonensis, Presl t> 309 Sladenia, Kurz i. 281 raacrophylla, R:)xh. 310 celastrifolia, Kurz 5) 281 ? macrophylla, Dalz. & Gii>.- • )) 312 Slevogtia maritima, Duly. ... iv. 101 maculata, Roxb 306 occidentalism Griseb. )5 101 megacarpa. A. DC ., 311 orientaiis, Griseb ^ 101 menispcrinoidea, A. bC. ... ') 305 verticillata, D. Don j> 101 micropnda, A. DC 308 Sloetia, Teysm. Sc Binn. V. 493 minutiflora, J. jDC )) 305 penangiana, Oliv )> 493 myosotiflora, A. DC. . vi. 3u;' ,309 Sideroxylon. Teyam. ^ Bmr •;j 493 Myrtillns, A. DC vi. 304 Walli chi;, iTinc/ )) 493 ? narcotica. Ham )> 289 Smeloivskia, C. A. Mey. i. 159 nilagarensis, S;eLid 306 790 GENERAL INDEX. Smilax Vol. Page Smithia Vol. Page ohliqua, Spreng vi. 313 pmnila, Royle .. ii. 150 ocreata, A. DC ,, 311 purpurea, Hook. ... M 149 ? odoratissinia, "Bl ,, 306 pycnantha, Benth. ... ,, 150 ortlioptera, A. DC n 311 racemosa, Heyne ,, 151 ovaliJoUa, A. DC 312 sensitiva, Ait . . . }, 148 ovaUfoUa, Hk. f. & T. ... >> 310 sensitiva, Wall 149 ovalifoUa, Roxb 310 setulosa, Dalz ^^ 149 oxyphylla, Wall „ 308 Smythea, Seem '.'. \. 632 oxyphylla, Kunr,h 5> 308 calpicarpa, S'wrz I, 632 pallescens, J.. DC J> 307 Sodada decidua, Forsk. ... i. 175 parvifolia, Wall. JJ 304 Soja angustifolia, Miq. ... ... ii. 184 peguana, A. DC JJ 303 hispida, Moench >) 184 perfoliata, Bl J> 313 javani'-a, Grab. >) 183 polyacantha, Wall 311 'Wightii, Grah 'J 183 prolifera, Roxb )) 312 SOLANACE^'i ... iv. 228 proUfera, Kk.f.&T. ... 310 /SoZaiidra, Murray i. 336 prolifera, Wall. vi. 310 311 , 313 lobata, Murray ... „ 336 Pseudo-China, lib. Madr. vi. 310 Solandra. Sw. ... iv. 83 Pseudo-China, Roxb. J) 313 oppositifolia, Moon ... ,, 83 quadrata, A. DC 308 SOLANE/E ... iv. 228 rehtsa, Roxb )> 310 Solanum, Linn ... iv. 229 rigida, Wall 304 acetoscefolium, Lamk. „ 236 Koxbtirghiana, Wall. !) 311 aculeatissimum, Jacq. ft 237 Roxhurghiana, Wall. 306 agreste. Roth 235 Boxbwiyhii, Kunth )> 310 Anguivi, Bojer >> 235 sttosa, Miq 306 angulosutn, Heyne ... 231 singapore'nsis,A.I)G. ,, 313 argenteum, Heyne ... j> 233 Thomsoniana, A. DC. )J 307 ar mat urn, Br 1, 236 umhellata, Hb. Madr. 310 barbisetum, Nees • • • >» 233 umbellata, Heyne >) 312 biflorum, Lour. .„ >» 232 vagina ta, Dene 305 hiflorum, D. Don f> 232 Villandia, Ham M 314 bigeminatum, Nees » 231 virosa, Ham 289 D^itmei, Nees • • • >> 231 Wallichii, Kunth }> 313 Calleryanum, Duual ,, 232 Wallichii, Steiid 304 calj/ciritim, Nees >» 230 Wightii,^. DC '5 310 canaranum, Miq. ,, 236 zeylanica, Linn J ) 309 canescens,B\ „ 285 zeylanica, Wall ) J 309 coagulans, For sic. >> 236 zeylanica, Wight >> 310 conanthum, Dunal ... }> 230 Smithia, Ait ii. 148 cordatum, Forsk-. i> 237 ahyssimca, Hochst. J, 149 orassipetalum, Wall. 5» 232 aspera, Roxb >> 151 crassipetalum, Wight ,, 231 bigemina, DjIz 149 Cumingii, Dunal „ 235 hlanda, Hohen 5 ) 150 cuneatum, Moench ... 5> 235 blauda, Wall 151 cupulatum, Miq. 231 capitata, Dalz ^j 150 decemdentatum, Roxb. J> 232 capitata, Desv >J 149 decemjidum, Nees J' 232 ciliata, Boyle 150 denticulatum, Bl. ... J> 231 conferta, Sm ^ 149 denticulatum, Nees ... 231 dichotoma, Dalz >» 150 diffusum, Roxb. >J 236 geminifiora, Roth >} 149 dulcamara, Linn. ,, 229 gracilis, jBent/i. 150 erianthum, D. Don ... >| 230 grandis, JBenth ,, 151 eriophorum, Dunal ... J> 1233 Jnrsuta, Dalz 151 erosum, Van Heurck & his pidissima, ZoU ,, 149 Muell 5> 235 laxidora, Benth >y 149 erythrxum, Dunal ... ,, 229 'I a'iucu.lata, Avn >> 151 esculentum, Duual ... 235 GENERAL INDEX. 791 Solan um farinosum, Wall ierox, Linn ferrugineum, Jacq fistulosiom, Rich flexuasum, Heyne gigantenm, Jacq Qouakai, D unal gracilipes, Dene heteracanthum, Daual ... Heynei, E.. & S lamalense, Dunal hirsuHim, Roxb Hohenackeri, Van Heurck & Muell Sumboldtii, Willd incanum, Linn. incertum, Dunal indioum, Linn. -insan WW, Linn involucratum, Bl -in-^JoZucratuTO, Kurz Jacquemonti, Dunal . Jacquini, Miq Jacquini, Willd J ungh^ihnii, 'Miq khasianum, Clarice laeve, Dunal lasiocarpum, Bl l%xum, B/oyle longum, Roxb Lycopersicum, Linn. lyratum, Thunb macrodon, Wall • MelongenSb, Linn Melongena, Wall melanocarpum, Dunal memhrana':eum/£h-w. membranaceum, Wall. memhranaceum, Wight miniatum, Bernh nfiollissimum, Bl multijiorum, Roth Neesianum, Dalz. & Gibs. Neesianuyn, Wall nigrum, Linn niveum, Vahl nodijlorum, Jacq Osbecfew, Dunal ovigerum, Bl paludosum, Dunal persicuw, Willd pinnatifidum, Roth pressum, Dunal Pseudolycopersicutn, Jacq. Pseudosaponaceum, Bl. ... Pseudo-undatum, Bl. p)terocaulon, Dunal 7ol Page iv. 233 J, 233 )> 234 229 >> 231 233 232 5 ) 237 J» 235 235 ,, 235 >> 233 ]) 234 5> 237 ?? 235 J> 229 234 )> 235 >> 233 !) 233 )> 237 fi 236 JJ 236 i> 235 >> 234 >» 231 233 )J 229 JJ 235 237 )> 229 232 235 23o )> 235 231 23 L 231 )> 229 232 )> 235 23L )} 231 )> 229 233 J5 229 ;) 232 )) 235 229 229 J) 235 235 >> 237 234 )) 235 J> 229 Solanum Vol Page pubescens. Willd iv. 230 puhescens, Kurz !) 231 pubescens, Roxb 233 Rhinocerotis, Bl )> 229 Roxburghii, Dunal !) 229 ruhrum, Miller 229 Ricmphii, Dunal )) 229 sanctum, L'uiu JJ 236 sarmentosum, Nees 5> 236 sativu7n , Duna,l . . . )J 235 spirale, Roxb 230 stramonifolium, Danal ... )> 233 strain onifolium, Roxb. 234 subtruncatum, Wall. ... >) 231 suffruticosum^ Dunal >' 229 torvum, Sw 234 triangulare, Lamk 3) 229 trilobatum, Linn )) 236 Trongum, Lamk 235 uliginosum, Bl 5) 229 undatum, Lamk 235 vagura, Heyne M 230 verbascifolium, Linn. ... 230 villosuni, Lamk 229 violaceujin, Jacq )) 234 virgitiianu7n, Jacq 236 Wightii, iVees )) 234 Wightii, Miq )J 234 xanthocarpum, Sclirad. cj" Wendl 5> 236 zeilanicum, Sooip 235 Zollingeri, Dunal ,j 232 s.p.,nk.f.&T )) 234 Solenanthus, Ledeb iv. 159 anjustifolius, Fisch. & Mey • >' 159 brachystemon, l?isch.& Mey 159 circinnatus, Ledeb )) 160 lanatus, A. DC j> 159 sp., Hk. f. &T »> 159 Solenocarpus, W. ^'' A. ii. 27 indica, W. Sf A J) 27 Solenostigma consimile, BL.., V, 483 Wightii, Miq )> 483 Solenotimcs, Oerst ill. 7 Solidago, Xiwtt iii. 244 cuspidatus, Wall ,, 296 densijlorus, Wall ^ 355 Jlorihundus, Wall J' 356 heterotrichus, Wall 295 nepalensis, D. Don ;j 245 pubescens, Wall 245 rubricauUs, Wall )) 296 Vira;a-aurea, jCi?iH )> 245 zeylanicus, Am _ '> 257 Sonchus, Lmw iii. 413 arvensis, Linn ., 414 asper, Vill „ 414 792 GENERAL INDEX. Sonohus calyc^ilatuSy Roxb. .. Candolleanus, J. & S. capitatu.t, Spreng. .. cil atus, Lamk cyaneu', D. Don ferox, Wall Jiastatus, Wall longifoUus, Wtill. maiitiinup, Linn. Metzianus, Schultz. .. oleraoeap, Linn. oleraceus, Wall orixensis, Roxb. robustus, Wall Royleanvs, Wall. voluhilis, Rumph Wallichianus, DC. .. Wightianus, DC. SonerilH, Roxb acaulis, Bedd .■ affinis. Am aniahilis, Knrz amabilip, Triana angnstau^, Triana .. angustijolia, Roxb. .. angustifolia, Wall. .. urgQta, R. Br Arnottiaiia, Thw. .. axillaiis, Wight h eg onice folia, BI. Bensoni, Hk.f. hrachyandra, Naud. .. Brand isiana. Kurz .. B'-nnnnis, W. ^ A. .. hullata, Griff. l^nrmannica, WaW. ... elegans, Wig Jit elegans, Hook tmacitZa'a, Roxb. ... erecta, Jack firma, Thw Gardueri, Thio. glaberrima, Arn. grandiflora^ Wall. ... Griffithii, Clarke Harveyi, Thiv HeUeri, Clarke heterosttmou, Naud. hirsutula, Am. Hookeriana, Am. ... khasiana, Clarke Kurzii, Clarke Kurzii, Kurz lanceolata, Thw. linearis, Hk. f. maculatH, Roxb. Tiiaculaia^ Rhetdo Vol Pagd iii 403 ^^ 415 5} 417 414 5) 408 414 )) 408 414 JJ 414 396 J> 414 5> 414 J> 414 )J 408 >) 414 335 5) 414 )l 414 ii. 529 )) 538 jj 533 539 >> 533 536 ,. 537 ii' 42 ii. 537 ,, 531 ,, 535 jj 538 ^j 540 )5 530 )) 537 531 }> 540 >5 530 >> 535 534 )J 537 530 ) J 532 532 ^j 540 ,, 535 )) 539 533 jj 540 >J 540 534 ,j 532 ,, 539 )) 539 )] 534 )> 535 536 J, 537 )) 540 Sonerila Vol. Page uioluccana, Eoajb. ... ... ii. 537 I^audiniana, Miq. ... ... ,, 541 liudiscapa, Kurz ,, 53 ^ obliqua, KoTth ,, 540 orbiculata, Liudl. ... ,, 5:<4 paradoxa,^&nd. 538 pedunctulosa, 'J'hu-. ... ... ,, 531 picta, Griff. »» 537 picta, Korth ,, 53r> pilosula, Thw 53 1 pumila, Thw ... ,, 531 Rhcedii,W&\] 538 rhomb folia, Thw. ... ... ,, 533 robiista, Arn 533 rostrata, Thw ... 533 Rottleri,Wai\\ ii'. 530 , 531 rotund if olia, J3ed(i. ... ... ii. 53S scapigera, Dalz. ,, 538 sec in. da, B. Br. ... ,, 536 solanoidis, 'Saud. 534 speciosa, Zenk Vi". 531 ,540 squarrosajTTaZL ... ii. 537 etricta, Hook ... 530 tenera, Royle ,, 530 tencra, Wall ■■ 53U tenuifolia, BZ 536 torneutclla, lliiv. ... 531 travancorica, Bedd. ... •, 534 Wallichii, Benn. 538 Wight iana, Arn. ... 532 versicolor, Wight ... ,, 535 violcefolia, LIk. f. ... ... ,, 53J zeylanioa, W. ^ A. ,, 530 sp., Griff. ii. 530 537 SoNKllILEiE ii. 513 Sonneratia, Linn. f. ... ... i'. 579 acida, Linn. f. ,, 579 acida, Benth ... 58 • alba, Sm 580 alba, Griff. ,, 580 apetala. Ham ,, 579 evenia, Miq ,, 580 Griffithii, iTitrz ,, 580 lanceolata, Miq. 580 mossamhicensis, Klotz. ... ,, 580 ? vegltcta, Bl 580 obovata, .Viiq ... ,t 580 Pagaipaf, Miq 580 Sophora, Linn ... ii. 248 acuminata, Benth ,, 250 alopecuroides, Lin^K ,, 250 glauca, Lesch ,, 249 glabra, Hassk ... ,, 249 heptaphylla, Linn. ... M 250 heiotaphylla, Wight ... 250 JJoughiana, Wall. ... ... ,, 251 interrupta, Bedd. ... „ aJi GENERAL INDEX. ■93 Sophora mollis, Grail. ... ; Moororoftiana, Bentli. ... robusta, Roxb tomentosa, Li/w velutina, Lindl violacea, Thw Wightii, Baker ... SoPHORFiE Sopubia, Ham delphinifolia, O. Don stricta, 0. Don trifida, Haiti Sorhus Aucuparia, Linn. ... foliolosa. Dene foliosa, Wenzig lanata, Wenzig microphyUa, Done nepalensis, Hort sikJcimensis, Wenz ursina, Dene ursina, Wenzig Sorghum, Hack larhatmn, Hoclist ?hicolor,Wmd capense, Hey ne caiicasicum, Griseb. cernuum, Host duhium, C. Koch fuhum, Beanv. giganteuw, Edgew lialepense^YavB. halepense, Wall Junghuhnii, Miq mtiticum, Nees nigrutn (lapsu Andropo.; mi parvifiorum, Beauv purpureo-sericeum, Ascli. & Schweiuf Ritchiei, Munro ... ... ^ sac char atum, Hohon. saccharatnm, Str. & Wiur. Schreberi, Tenore vulgare, Pers vi. Sorindeia madagascarie n sis, DC ... Sorostach'i/s kyllingioides, Stend SouthwelUa vohilis, Salisb. Soyeria blaitarioides,M.oiiuier sibirica, Monnier Soy mida, Jwss febrifuga, Juss. Sparganium, Linn carinatum, Ham erectum, Kurz ramosum, Huds simplex, Huds VOL. VII. Vol. Paee ii. 251 )) 249 252 249 > 1 249 )) 249 >) 250 ii. 60 iv. 302 ,, 302 }) 302 302 ii. 376 >) 376 377 )> 375 376 375 )j 379 376 376 \n 181 ,, 272 3) 184 >> 182 176 )> 184 )) 182 185 )J 182 1H2 J) 185 185 ,, 185 ) » 185 )) 179 !) 186 186 )> 182 5) 184 182 ii'a ,184 ii. 7 ^ i. 602 i. 358 iii. 394 394 i. 567 567 vi 489 49 J )j 490 J) 490 490 Sparganiuoi stolom'fertim, Ham vi. Spar Una phleoides, Tioth. ... vii Spathiostemon javense, Bl, ... v. salicinum, Hassk ,, Spatkiuni microphylliim,Y o\gt vi inonostachyum, Edgew. ... ,, undulatum, Edgew. ... „ Spathodea adenophijlla, \ . D C . amoena, A. DC arcuata, Wight atrovirens, Spreng crispa, Bureau crispa, Dalz. & Gibs. crispa, Wall Diepenhorsti, Miq falcata. Brand. falcata. Wall gigantea, Bl. ... glandidosa, Bl ignea, Kurz indica, Pers Lobhii, Teysm. & Binnend. longiflora, Vent P Loureiriana, DO Rheedii, Wall Roxburghii, Spreng. stipulata. Wall. ... iv. velutiva, Knrz XfiJocarpa, Brand Spathodithyros suffruticosiis, Hassk Spathoglottis, Bl. a urea, Lindl. Bensoni, Hk. f. . Forkmi, Lindl. ...... Handingiaria,Par. ^f' Rchh.f. ixioides, Lindl khasiana, Griff. Kimhaliana, Hort lilacina, Griff. Lobbii, Rchh. f. ... parvifolia, Li rid'. plicata, Bl. plicata, Griff. pubescens, Lindl. pulescens, Wight ? trivalvis. Wall. Wrayi, m-./. ... Spatholubus, Hassk acuminatus, Benth crassifolius, Bentli gyrocarpus, Benth purpureus, Benth Roxburghii, Benth. Speirema montanum, B.\i .f.&T Spergnla, Linn (jBitivosa, Keen 3 Vol. Page vi. 490 vii. 236 V. 455 „ 455 565 564 ',; 564 IV. 381 „ 384 „ 380 „ 380 „ 380 „ 380 „ 379 „ 379 „ 380 „ 380 „ 384 „ 383 „ 382 „ 378 „ 384 „ 379 „ 379 „ 379 „ 381 379, 383 hr. 379 „ 384 ... VI. ... V. V. 813, vi. V. 814, vi. 374 813 191 191 m 815 814 . ... [', 814 . ... vi. 191 . ... V. 813 v. 814, vi. 191 . ... V. 814 . ... „ 813 . .. „ 813 V. 814, vi. 191 814 . ... Vi. 79 V. 813 vi. 191 193 194 194 193 194 193 423 243 ?,51 11. 794 GENERAL INDEX. Spergula SiTyenaia, Linn pentandra, Linn rubra, JDietr Spergularia rubra, St. Hil. ... Sperlingia opposita, Vahl ... verticillata, Vahl Spermacoco, Linn angustifolia, Wall articularis, Linn, f avana, Wall Brunonis, Wall. Burmani, DC. calyptera, Dene compressa, WnU corymhosa, Burrn coryynhosa, Roth costata, Roxb exserta, Roxb. filina, Wall Gardneri, Wall glabra, Roxb ? hedyotidea, DC. ... iii hirta, Rottl hispida, Linn htspida, Miq lasiocarpa, Br lan'is, Roxo ? lineata, Roxb. longicaulis, Wall ooyraoides, Burm ocymoides, Wall ? procumbens, lAon. pusilla, DC pusilla, Wall ramosa, Wall ramosissima, Wall Roxburghiaiia, Wall. Boxburghii, Spreng. scaberrima, Bl. scalra, Willd stricta, Li7in. /. striata, Sohlecht sumatrensis, Retz sumatrensis, Roxb tenera. Wall ? teres, Roxb triandra, Ham tubularis, Br iii SPEEMACOCEyE iii Spermadictifon azwrei/m, Wal I . suaveolens, Roxb Sphajranthup, Linn africanus, Linn africanus. Wall. africanus, Willd aaiaranthoides, -BMrw. hirtus, Willd Vol Pwere i. 243 jj 243 244 i. 244 iv. 62 „ 62 iii. 19ii 2 CO 5) 201 201 !) 130 5) 201 5> 201 5) 75 201 J) 129 58 3) 129 20) J) 200 MJ . i^ , 201 iii 201 55 200 j; 59 5) 200 130 59 )> 201 )J 200 )) 20J 2j1 5) 200 200 )} 200 J> 201 200 >5 130 )J 201 5> 201 200 >> 200 129 )J 13L 2O0 ^j 129 „ 200 . » 275 274 „ 275 Sphffiranthus indicus, Linn indicus, Kurz indicus, Willd laciniatus. Wall microcephahis, DC microcephalus, Willd. moll's, Roxb pejiueiisis, Kurz zet/lanicus, Heyne ztylanicus. Wall Spliisridiopliora abyssinixit «, Jaub. & Sp linifoLium,'DeBV Sphserocaypum eJegans, Neoa Sphaerocarya edulis, Wall. ... leprosa, Dalz i. 57 moschifera, Bl restita. Wall TVallichiana, W. & A. Sphrerocaryum, Nees elagans, Nees Splucrochloa quinquangularis ( quadrangularis), Bean v. Sphaeromorphaea, DC. Centipeda, DC Russeliana, DC Sph ceropliysa pycrif-rhiza, Beuth Splimrosacme decandra, Wall. frajans. Wall ? laxa. Wall paniculata, Wall polystachya. Wall liohituka, V\ all. spectabilis, Wall spicata. Wall Sphceroschosnus, Nees Wallichii, Am, & N' ea ... Spharosttma axillare, B]. ... elongatum, Bl gra7idifl()rum, Hk. f. & T. grandijlorum, Wall. propinquum, Bl Sphalanthus confertus, Jack Sphenoclea, Gaertn Pongatiu7n, A. DC zeylauica, Gaertn sp., GriflF. Spheuodesma, Jacfc acmninata, Wight barbata, Schau eryciboidee, Kurz ferruginea, Wight Griflithiana, Wight grossa, Kurz Jackiana, Schau Jackiana, Wight Vol Paee iii. 275 275 jj 275 276 >j 275 275 J) 275 275 )} 274 >» 275 ii. 92 » 92 V)i . 246 V. 230 0, V . 235 V. 235 J, 230 }) 234 vii . 246 „ 246 vi 582 iii. 317 j^ 317 »' 317 ii. 119 i. 562 )) 562 560 560 ^, 559 560 ,, 5t;i )j 5^9 vi. f6S ;) 668 ]. 45 )) 44 44 5) 44 45 11. 460 ii . 437 J, 438 )) 438 438 iv. 600 602 j> 60 L >j 601 )) 601 j> 602 601 J, 602 u 602 GENERAL INDEX. 795 Splienodesma V..1 .Page microstylis, Clarhe iv . 600 paniculata, Clarke f^OO ppii tandra, JacZ: J, 602 triflora, Wight 60 L nnguiculata, Schau. >» 601 Wallichiana, Schan. !) 602 ?. ST., Wall 601 Sphinctacanthus. BentU. ... iv 544 Grimxhi\, Benth ^, 541 Sphragidia zeylanica, 'I'hw V. 341 Sphyranthera, IZ?c. /. V. 477 capitellata, Hk. f. JJ 477 Spicillaria Leschenaultii, A Rich iii 120 Spilanthes, Linn. iii 307 Acmella, Linn 55 307 calva,'DG 307 calva, Wight jj 307 oleracra, Jacq ,, 307 paniculata, DC 55 307 Pseudo- Acmella, iMiiTi. 55 307 Spina spin arum, Humph. ... i. 193 Spinacia, Linn V. 5 oleracea, LtVm 55 6 tetrandra, Roxb 6 tetrandra, Stev 55 6 Spinifex, Linn vii. 63 dioicus, Ham 55 63 squarrosiis, Linn 55 63 Spiradlclis, Bl iii. 76 bifida, HA;./. 55 76 cagspitosa, Bi 55 76 cylindrica, Bfc. /. 55 76 Spirsea, Lmw ii. 323 arcuata, Hk. f 55 325 argentea, Loud, 326 Aruncup, Li7M. ... ii. 323 389 barhata, Wall ii. 389 bella, Sims jj 324 brahuica, Boiss 55 326 callosa, Thunh 55 3V4 callosa, Wall 324 canescens, D. Don 55 325 cantoniensis, Lour. 326 chamcedrifolia, Linn. 55 326 chamcBdrijolia, Hk. f. & T. ,, 326 ccerulescens, Poir jj 326 corymhosa, Roxb 55 326 cuneifolia, Wall 325 expansa, Wall 5) 324 fastigiata, Wall 55 324 Fortuni, Planch 55 324 glauca, Wall 324 Jcamtschatica, Wall. 323 Irixijiora, Lindl 55 325 Lindleyana, Wall 324 micranttia, Bk. f. 55 325 3 r 2 SpirsBa nepalensis, Lodd nutans, Royle parvit'olia, Bertol pulchella, Kunze rhamnifolia, Wall sorbifolia, Linn. sieZiato, Wall triternata, Wall. ... ii. vaccinifolia, D. Don ? vaccinifolia, hodd. venustula, Kunth & BouoH. vestita, Wall SprR^^E Spiranthera pentaphylla, Bojer Turpethum, Bujer Spiranthes, jRich. ... vi. amoena, Bunge australis, Lindl australis, Wight autumnalis, Eich densa. A. Rich. flexuosa, Lindl longispicata, A. Rich. macrophylla, Spreng. monophylla, Sprenwr. Nov(B Zelandicce, Hk. parvijlora, Lindl pudica, Lindl unalaschcensis, Spreng. ... Wightiana, Lindl sp., Griff. Spirodela melanorrhiza, F. Muell., vide Lemna oligorrhiza, Hegelm. pleioirrhiza, F. Muell., vide Lemna polyrrlviza, Schleid. Spirolobe^ Spirostemon spiralis, Griff. ... Splitgerhera macrostachya, Wight scahrella, Dalz. & Gibs. ... Spodiopogon, Trin albidus, Benth. angusiifolius, Trin. vi. 664, Blumii, Nees ciliaris, Nees conjugatus, Voigt cotulifer. Hack dabius, Hack laniger, Nees Lehmanni, Griseb notopogcn, Nees ohliquivalvis, Nees petiolaris, Trin %iilosus, Nees ) Vol. Pa^e ii 326 »5 326 55 326 326 55 325 324 55 32+ 323 , 389 ii. 325 55 326 326 55 323 ii 307 iv 202 212 102 , 180 vi. 102 55 102 55 103 103 55 103 55 102 55 102 55 130 131 55 102 55 102 102 ,j 130 55 103 55 102 vi. 557 55 557 55 557 55 557 V. 2 iii. 650 V. 578 55 578 vii. 108 55 108 vii 129 vii. 136 55 133 55 131 55 108 55 108 129 55 139 55 129 55 133 55 139 130 796 GENERAL INDEX. Spodiopogon Vol. Page Spoioholus Vol. Page rivalis, Thw vii. Ic5 pungens, Kunfch vii. 249 scrobiculatus, Nees „ 134 spicatus, Kunth )5 250 semisagittatus, Steud. „ 130 tenacissimus, Beauv. 248 viiZostts, Nees „ 134 tremulus, Kunth jj 250 zeylanicus, Nees „ 134 virginicus, Kunth !) 249 sp.,Kk. f.&T „ 135 Wallichii, M«7iro 248 sp., Wall vii. 126 134, 136 sp., Griff. )> 247 Spondias, Linn ii. 42 sp., Wall. ... vii. ^^2, 247, 248, 249, acnminata, Roxh „ 42 230, 251, 2-2 ,256 amara, Lamk „ 42 Spring ia indica, Muell. & axillaris, iJoa^b » 42 Van.H lii. 6/0 dulcis,Wi]U » 42 Stachyde^ iv. 606 elUptica, Roitl „ 23 Stachyopogon pauciAorus, ? macrophylla, Wall, „ 43 Klotz vi. 214 mangifera, Willd „ 42 spicatus, Klotz jj 264 simplicifolia, Rottl „ 2:? Stachys, Linn i\'. 675 ?sp., Wa,\\ ii. 12, 42 Artemisias, Lour )) 678 Spondik^ ii. 8 floccosa, Benth 675 Sponia amhoinensis, Done. ... V. 484 macrocheilos, Bo'iss 677 amhoinensis, Miq „ 484 meli88£Efolia, Benth. ,, 675 angustifolia, F]&nch. „ 484 oblongif ol ia, Benth !) 676 annulata, Teysin. & Binn „ 485 ohlongifolia, Benth 675 Burmanni, Planch. ..., .. „ 484 palustris, Linn 5) 676 Griffithii, Planch „ 484 parviflora, Benth >> 677 orientalis, Flanch „ 484 scaberula, Vatke )) 676 suhserrata, Kurz „ 486 Fericea, Wall 675 timorensts, Dene „ 483 spleridens, Wall J> 675 velutina, Miq „ 484 sylvatica, Linn 676 velutina, Planch „ 484 tibetica,,Fa^^•e 5) 676 virgata, Planch. „ 483 vestita, Benth >> 675 Wightii, Planch „ 484 sp., Hk. f. &T. ?> 677 Sporobolus, Br vii. 247 Stachytarpha, vide seq. ang^istus, Bnokl „ 248 Stachytarpheta, Vahl iv. 564 arabieus, Boiss „ 252 indica, Vahl „ 564 capillaris, Arn „ 252 indica, Schan ,, 564 ciliatus, Munro „ 251 jamaicensis, Schau , 51 564 ciliatus, Presl „ 252 jamaicensis, Vahl M 564 commutatus, Kunth „ 253 urticifolia, Dalz. & Gibs. ... 564 coromandelianus, Kunth „ 252 villosa, Turcz }> 565 diander, Beauv „ 247 Stachyurus, 8. <^ Z i. 288 discospnrus, Nees „ 253 himalaicus, Hk. f. 288 elongatus, Br „ 248 Stadmanniapuhescens, Spren ?-i- 681 geniculaius, Nees „ 250 trijuga, Spreng >) 681 glaucifolins, Hochst. „ 250 Stagmaria vernicijiua, Jack ? ii. 25 humifusus, Trim „ 251 Stalagmites ovalifolius, G. Don i. 269 indicus, Br „ 247 Stapelia adscendens, lloxb. .. iv. 76 ioclados, Nees „ 249 Callamulia, Ham JJ 77 LamarcMi, Desv „ 248 involucrata, Herb. Madr. JJ 47 littoralis, Kunth „ 249 umhellata, Roxb JJ 77 minor, Kunth ... ., 248 Staphylea, Lwm i. 698 minutiflorus, Link „ 248 Emodi, Wall JJ 698 orientalis, Kimth „ 251 indica, Burm JJ 667 or^entaZ^s, Trial „ 250 trifolia, Linn J 5 698 orientalis, Wight „ 251 Staphyle^ i. 669 pallidus, 'Boiss „ 252 Stsitice, Linn iii. 479 piliferus, Kunth „ 251 cabulica, Boiss „ 480 pulchellus, Br „ 252 lycopodioides, Gir JJ 479 GENERAL INDEX. 797 Statioe maororrhabdos, Boiss. ... Stooksii, JBoiss sp.,Kk.f SXATlCEiE Stauntonia angustifoUa, Wall. Brunoniana, Wall, latifolia, Wall. ... Stauranthera, Benth. ? Brandisii, Clarke grandiriora, Benth grandi/olia, Br. ..". ... nmbrosa, Clarke Stauritis violacea, Rchb. f. ... Staurogyne angustifolia, Wall. argentea, Wall sp., Wall Stmiropsis, Rchh. f. giga,ntevL3, Benth uudulatus, Benth Stegoasia cochinchinensis, Lour Stelechocarpus, Bl Bma,ho\, Bl Stelis caiidata, D. Don hirta, Sm odoratissima, Sm Stellaria, Linn aquatica, Scop. aquatica, Poll bulbosa, Wulf. cerastioides. Linn crispata, Wall 6 eoumbens J Edgew depauperata, Edjeiv. drymiirioide.-, Ihw Fenzliana, Klotz glauca, With graminea, Linn lanata, Hk. f latifolia, Edgew. ^'' Ilk. f. lougissirna, Wall media, Linn media, Wight mollis, Klotz 'monogyna, D. Don monosperma, D. Don paniculata, jEiZg'eu; patens, D. Don petrxa, Buuge petrxa, Hk. f . & T saxatilis, Ifam. semivestita, Edgeiv. sikkimensis, IfA'. / sub umbel lata, Edgeiv. thymifolia, Wall tibetica, K^lrz nliginosa, Linn Vol 480 Stellaria Vol . Page iii umbellaia, Turoz i. 234 ,, 4S0 Webbiana, Edgew. c^ Hk. f )> 230 J, 480 Stellera, Linn V. 196 ill . 478 altaici, Thieb )5 196 i. 108 Chamasjasme, Linn. 196 j> 108 concinna, Edgew ?> ]96 108 hijpericifolia, Endl >> 196 iv 371 Passer ina, Linn 194 }) 372 Stemodia, Liim iv 265 j> 371 aquatica, Willd )> 269 )) 371 arvensis, Steud. 265 >; 371 balsamea, Benth J} 266 vi. 29 camphorata, Vahl 264 iv. 398 capitata, Benth J} 264 )) 398 cimiciua, Beuth J) 267 >) 398 casrulea, Benth. )> 263 vi. 27 diffusa, Benth J) 268 J, 27 grandijiora, Ham 261 27 gratioloides, Benth ;) 267 hirsuta, Keyne >J 268 vii 156 hypericifolia, Benth. U 269 i. 47 lutea, Moon >> 264 )) 47 m,acrostachya, Benth. 262 V. 758 m,aritima, Heyne ]) 265 )j 762 Mtnthastrum, Benth. 266 758 micrantha, Benth ,, 267 i. 229 minuta, Gr. Don )) 281 5) 229 muraria (muralis), Roxb. 2^2 JJ 233 philippensis, Cham 5> 261 231 repens, Benth >> 266 }J 227 ruder alis, Vahl 262 229 serrata, i^eni/i iv. 265 ,266 234 sessilis, Benth iv. 266 234 sessilis, Wall 2S6 >J 229 tenuijiora, Benth j> 266 ;j 232 tenmjiora, Wall j> 266 233 ? tornentosa, G. Don }> 259 233 viscosa, Soxh 265 232 sp., Grilf. J, 261 231 Stemona, Lour VI. 29cJ 232 Curtisii, Hk. f. )) 29S 230 gloriosoides, Voigc 298 2i9 Griffithiaua, Kurz 299 232 minor, Uk. f. )) 29 i 230 tuberosa, Lour. 298 }J 229 Stemonoporus affinis, Thw. i. 314 >) 229 canaliculatus, Thw 5} 315 232 Gardneri, Thw. 314 234 lanceolatus, Thw 315 )> 2U ? Muonii, Thw )> 316 232 nitidus, Thw 316 ;) 230 ohlongijolius, Thw )J 315 »> 230 petiolaris, Thw 315 ;) 233 reticulatus, Thw )> 316 )J 2o3 rigidus, Tow .^ ... J> 315 )J 231 Wightii, Thw 314 )) 233 Stemonurus affinis, Miers . , . 1, 587 798 GENERAL INDEX. Stemonurus Vo .Page Vol. Pajro apicalis,'Kiera i 584 Stephanotis, Thouars ... ... iv. 38 axillaris, MierB , 586 Maingayi, Hk. f. ... „ 39 ceylanicus, Miera , 586 Stephegjne, Korth. ... . iii. 25 coriaceiis, Miers , 586 diversifolia, Hk. f. ... „ 26 ? crassipes, Kurz , 587 parvifolia, Korth. ... ... „ 25 ? fcetidus, Wight , 58!:> tubulosa, // fe. /. ... „ 25 Oarclneri, Miers , 586 Sterculia, Linn i. 354 Heyneanus, Miers , , 586 affinis, Mast ... „ 36L longif alius, Miers , 586 alata, Roxb ... „ 360 penangianus, Miers , 587 alata, Wall 356 polymorphus, Miers „ 586 angustifoUa, Jack ... ' 358 prasinus, Bl „ 587 angustifolia, Roxb. ... ... „ 358 secundijiorus, Bl „ 584 jirmata. Mast ... „ 357 ? foment elUis, Kmtz „ 587 Balanghas, Linn. ... ... 358 Walheri, Miers , , 586 Balanghas, Roxb. 358 Stenrjictis hellidioides, Nees iii. 256 bicolor, Mas' ... „ 359 Tnultiradiata, Lindl. ... , , 256 campanulata, Wall. ... 362 Stenarrhena lanata, D. Don iv. 654 coooinea, Roxb. ... „ 357 Stenaster, sp. v i. 284 coccinea, Jack ... „ 357 Stenochas7na convolutumyGriff. vi. 236 coccinea, Wall ... „ 360 urceolare, Griff. , , 237 oolorata, Roxb 359 Stenosiphonium, Nees .. iv. 426 cimeata, Heyne ... » 356 confertum, Nees , , 427 ensifolia, Mast. 359 confertum, T. Anders. ... , , 427 foefcida, Linn ... „ 354 diandrum, Wight , , 426 fulgens, Wall ... „ 360 diandrum, Nees , 432 fulgens, Wall ... „ 360 parviflorum, T. Anders. ... , , 428 guttata, Roxb :.. „ 355 Russellianum, Nees ... , , 427 Hc//7iu, Bedd .. „ 360 Russellianum , Wight , 4-i7 Jackiana, Wall. ... „ 358 setosum, T. Anders. ... , , 427 lEevis, Wall ... „ 3.57 swbsmceuw, Nees , 427 lancexfolia, Roxb. ... ... „ 356 zeylanicum, T. Ander^i. ... , 445 lanceolata, Ham. ... „ 357 Stenosolenium perenne, linearicarpa, Mast. ... ... „ 360 Schrenk i V. 177 linguifolia, Mast. ... ... „ 357 Stenotaphrnm, Trin v ii. 90 macrophylla, Vent. ... ... „ 356 americanum, Schrank ... , 90 Maingayi, Mast. ... „ 359 cnmplavatum. Schrank ... , 90 mollis, Wall ... „ 358 diniidiatum, Brong. ^ , 90 nobilis, £r ... „ 358 glabrum, Trin , 90 ovalifolia, Wall. ... „ 356 Helferi, Ilunro , 91 parviflora, Roxb. ... „ 359 Koenigii, Schrank , 90 parvifolia, Wall. ... „ 356 madagascariense, Kunth ... , 90 populifolia, Roxb. ... ... „ 361 sarmentosmn, Nees , 90 populifolia, W. & A. ... „ 361 Swartzianum, Nees , 90 pubescens, Mast. ... „ 357 sp., Wall. ... , 91 punduana, Wall. ... ., 364 Stephania, Lour ] . 102 Roxburghii. Wall. ... ... „ 356 elegans, Jf A;. /. ^ r. , 103 rubicunda,W- 384 neuranthum, Kurz ... 382 serridatum, DC. 380 suaveoletis, DC. 382 ? Wallichii, Clarice ... 383 xylocarpum, Wight... • • >) 383 sp.,Rk.f.&T 585 Steudnera, C. Koch ... .. vi. 519 assamica, Hk. f. 520 capitellata, Jf/.-. /. ... 521 colocasiaefolia, C. K.ch 520 colocasiipfolia, Hk. f. • • )> 520 oolocasioides, Hk. f. 520 discolor, Hart. ... ... 520 Grimthv, Schott 520 Stichoneuron, 1/L /. ... .. vi. k99 membranaceum, Hk. f. 299 Stictophyllmn glahruni jiidf^ ew. iii . 382 Stigmarota (Stiymarosa) Jangomas, Lour. ... i. 193 Stilago Bunius, Linn. ... .. V. 358 diandra, Roxb 361 lanceolaria, Roxb. ... 361 tomentosay Roxb. 357 Stilbanthus, Hfc. /. ... iv. 729 scandens, Hk. f. ... . )) 729 Stillingfieetia sebifera, B oj. V. 470 Stillingia Agallocha, Bai 11. V. 472 asperococca, Hail I. ... J) 475 hingyrica, Baill. 471 Chamoilea, BailJ. • • )j 475 discolor, Champ. • • • 5! 469 himalayensis, Klotz. V. 471 , 473 indica, Baill .. V. 471 paniculatoj, Miq. )> 470 sehifera, Michx. 170 sinensis, Baill )5 470 vir'jata, Baill 471 Stipa, Linn .. vii. 22 S altaica, Trin 5) 233 aperta. Janka )> 230 appendiculata, Janka >> 230 arguens, Linn 211 aristoides, Stapf )) 227 basi-pluniosa, Muvro )J 229 breviflora. Griseb. ... )> 233 capeiisis,'NeeB 51 231 capillaris, Gronov. .., 5> 230 capillata, Linn. )> 230 Stipa comata, Trin. & Rupr. ,. Goncinna, Hk, f. , Duthiei, Hk. f. erecta, Hort. Madr eriocauUs, Borb gallica, Janka Grajiana, Stev. Hookeri, Stapf humilis, Brot Jaoquernoatii, Jauh. ^'' 8p. juncea, Lamk Lagascce, Guss. littorea, Burm mongolica, Turcz orientalis, Tri^i orientalis, Trin. Orthoraphium, Steud. palearea, Sibth. & Sm. .., pallida, Munro pennata, Linn pulcherrima, C. Koch purpurea, Griseb Richteriana, Hk. f. & T. .. robusta, Duthie sareptana. Beck Semenovii, Krasan seminuda, Vahl , sibirica, Lamk. Spinifex, Linn. splendens, Trin Szovitziana, Duthie .. tartarica, Jacquem. tauricola, Janka Tirsa, Stev , tortili s, Desf. ukranensis, Lamk , ukranica, Steud Varouini, Krassn , Stipellaria inollis, Beuth. ... tilesejolia, Benth villosa, Benth , Stomatocalyx, Griffithianus Muell Sirahonia gnaphalodes, DC. Stracheya, Benth tibetica, Benth. Sfrakceamelastonicefolia, Presl v. Stramonium vulgatum, Gaertn. iv. Stv'dbUvsQsia, Lindl. glabMce^cena, Lindl. ... glaucescens, Dene. ... Nussia, Dene Stratiote^e Stratiotes acoroides, Linn. alismoides, Linn. Stravadium, Juss. acuminatum, Wall. ... Vol. Page vii. 231 230 )> 232 230 )> 230 jj 230 )> 230 j> 232 231 )> 232 >j 230 j> 230 )> 63 229 M 229 233 J) 233 )> 231 231 )) 230 )> 230 )) 229 }) 229 >> 232 )> 231 229 >) 231 )J 231 63 )) 232 )) 229 229 J> 230 230 )) 231 231 >> 231 )) 231 Vv 420 >> 421 421 V. 468 iii. 299 i). 147 M 147 1 V. 73 1. iv 242 ii. 382 „ 382 >> 383 383 V. 658 V. 663 ,, 662 ii. 508 j> 509 800 GENERAL INDEX. Stravadium Vol. Pa?e acutangidum, Miers ... ii. 508 album, DC „ 507 angustum, Wall „ 509 demissum, Miers „ 503 globosum, Miers ,, 508 gracile, M'ers „ £08 ohtusangulum, Miers ... „ 508 Eheedii, Miers „ 508 ruhrum, DC „ 507 rubrum, Wall. ... „ 503 Strehlosa tortilis, Korth. ... iii. 169 Streblup, Lour v. 489 asper, Lour ,, 489 mitis, Kurz „ 489 taxoides, Kurz „ 488 zeylanica, Kurz ,, 488 Sireptachne ? sp. Wall. ... vii. 233 Streptia crinita. Rich. ... vii. 333 secunda, Rich ,, 333 Streptium asperuw, Roxb. ... iv. £65 Streptocanlon, W. ^ A. ... iv. 9 calophylhim, Wight ... ,, 12 extensum, ^Vight „ 11 Griffithii, m./ „ 10 Hamiltonii, Wight „ 11 Borsfieldii,M.\(\ „ 11 Kleinii, W. ^ A „ 9 sylvestre, Wight „ 10 tomentosum, W. Sf A. ... „ 10 Wallichii, TF. ^ ^ „ 9 Streptogyna, Bauv vii. 332 crinita, Beauv „ 333 guianensis, Rich ,, 333 StreptolirioD, Edgeiv vi. 389 Griffithii, Kurz ...• ... ., 389 YolnhWe, Edgew „ 389 Streptopua, Michx vi. 322 cajid/dHs, Wall „ 322 cliinensis, Sm ,, y60 pedunculariS) Sm „ 360 simplex, D. Dr-w „ 322 Streptostigmaviri'JiiJlorum,'l'hw. i. 692 Striga, Lour iv. 298 coccinea, Benth ,, 299 densiflora, Benth „ 299 euphrasioides, Benth. ... „ 299 glahrata, Benth ,, 299 hirsuta, Benth „ 299 lutea. Lour „ 299 Masuria, Benth „ 300 orchidea, Hochst „ 299 orobanchoides, Benth. ... ,, 299 plicenicea, Benth „ 299 pusilla, Hochst. „ 2i)d sulphurea, Dalz. ^ Gibs. „ 300 Strohidia conchigcra, Kuntze vi. 253 Strobila hispidissima, G. Pop iv. 176 Vol. Page Strobilantheg, Bl iv. 429 acrocephalus, r. -Anders.... ,, 454 acuminatus, T. Anders. ... „ 430 acu ti I inatus, T. AnderB. ... „ 4 5 adeaophorus, Bedd. ... „ 440 adenophorus, Nees „ 437 adnatut^, Clarke „ 436 agrestis, Clarice , 466 alatus, Nees „ 464 amabilip, Clarke ,, 476 amplectens, JSees ,, 453 anceps, JN'ees „ 442 Andersonii, Bedd ,, 450 angustifrons, Clarke ... „ 466 auisophyllus, T. J.iide)'s. ... „ 462 arguti'S, Nees „ 474 Arnottianus, Nees ,, 442 asper, Wight „ 452 asperrimus, Nees „ 443 asperrimus, Dalz. & Gibs. ,, 44 1 atropurpureus, Nees ... „ 472 attenuatus, Nees . . iv. 414, 464 auriculatus, Nens iv. 453 barbatus, Nees „ 437 Bedlomei, T. Anders. ... ,, 474 biceps, T. Anders „ 429 boerhavioides, T. Anders. ,, 469 bolamputtensie, Bedd. ... ,, 451 Brandisii, T. Anders. ... ,, 448 Brunonianus, Nees ,, 457 burmanicus, Kurz ,, 425 callosus, Nees ,, 451 caiiosMS, Nees ,, 451 ealycinup, T. Anders. ... „ 450 calycinus, Nees „ 450 campanulutns, Wight ... „ 444 canaricus, Bedd „ 434 capitatus, T. Anlcrs. ... „ 459 caudatus, T. Anders. ... ,, 441 cerinthoides, Nees ,, 474 Championi, T. Anders, ... ,, 468 ciliatus, Nees „ 439 ciliatus, T. Anders. ... ,, 439 collinus, Nees „ 465 coloratus, T. Andeis. ... „ 473 coloratus, Nees iv. 443, 450 consanguineus, Clarke ... iv. 435 consan^itmews, T. Anders, iv. 432,485 crataegifolius, T. Ander. crinitus, T. Anders. crispus, T. Anders. ... cuspidatus, T. Anders. Dalhousianus, Clarke Dalzellii, T. Anders, dasy sperm us, Kurz debilis, Clarke ? decurrens, Nees IV. 463 473 446 435 460 413 461 467 440 GENERAL INDEX. 801 Strobilanthes decnrrena, T. Anders, deflexus, T. ^wder.s. denticulatus, T. Andtrs. discolor, T. Anders. divaricatus, T. Anders. ... ]^upeni, Bedd d^irus, T. Anders echinatus, Nees }lubrina, I(i«?i. colitbrina, Bl colubrina, v\'all. coriacea, Thw Dalzellii, Clark-i ■ Gauiheriana, Pierre grandis. Wall hypogyna, Clarke ... Tgnatii, Bererius laurina, Wall. ... laurina, Thw ligustrina, Bl lucida, Wall Maingayi, Clarke malacoeiisis, Benth. micrantha, Thxo. minor, Beuth minor, Bl Nux-vomica, Linn. ... ovalifolia [ovatifolia) Wall potatorum, Linn. f. pube3cen8, Clarke Rheedei, Clarke Vol PnffO Vabl \. 172 ... ,, 172 ... 5. 579 J) 579 ... v. 235 ... i. 579 ,, 579 rtc ((.-•, i ' . 477 ii. 190 191 ... in. 6)5 656 iii. 65'. 656 ... iii. 655 ... ,, 658 655 655 ... 656 655 655 ... ,, 655 655 656 !. ... i'.' 582 .. iv. 86 ... 86 89 M 89 ... ,, 87 88 ... 87 ... 87 89 87 88 iv. '8<, 90 ... i V. 89 87 89 86 ... 86 88 ... 88 88 ... 90 90 •• 88 ^9 86 87 87 90 V^ali'. '' 8<^ 90 89 „ 87 GENERAL INDEX. 803 Strychnos jufa, Clarle Bep^ietnnervie, Clarke Tetankotta, Uetz Wallichiana, Ben^/i. sp., Wall Sturtniahititherculata,B,(.-hh.i. Tiervosa, Rchb. f Stylidie^ Stvlidium, Sw Brunonis, Grifi. Kunthii, Wall roseum, Kurz siyiicum, Hance tenellum, Sw uligiDOSum, Siu uliginosum, Kurz Stylidium, Lour chinense, Lour. Stylocoryne attenua^o, Voi^t auriculata, Wal I hi^pinosa, Griff. hrevijiora, Sch'eoht. costata, Miq. ... deu'-ijiora. Wall diw.orplxophylla , Tex 8'n. it Binn elliptica, Thw jragrans, Bl fragrans, DC laxiflora, Bl lucida, Miq macrophylla, WhU. ... ovalabarica, DC. monospenna, W. & A. Fandak'i, DC penangensis, Miq. rigida, Wight truncata, Wal 1 Webera, A. Rich. TFebera, Kurz Wthera, Wall. iii. H'?; WA, sp., Wall iii Stylod^scus tr'ifoliatus, Br-nn. Styloglossum nervosuDi , Kuhl & Hassk Stylophorum, Nutt lactncoides, Benth. c^'" Hk. f. Stylosanthes, Siv. facie oxalidea. Wall. mucronata, Willd Styphelia malayica, Spreng. Styracb^ Styrax, Lin?! Benzoin, Dryand. ... ? crotonoides, Clarke Finlaysonianum, Wall. ... Jlorihundum, Griff. Vol. Page Styrax Vf>l. Page iv. 89 grandifloTum, Grifi ii'. 589 88 Hookeri, Clarke '> 589 ,, 90 japonicum, Sieb. & Zucc. 589 ,, 90 javanicum, Bl ii. 743 J, 86 odoo-atissimum, Champ. ... iii. 588 V. 696 polyspermum. Clarke J) 590 V'. 182 Porterianum, Wal' ,, 588 ill. 419 rugosum, Kurz „ 589 iii. 420 eerrulatum, Eoa;fe j^ 588 )! 420 suberifolium, Hk & Arn. ,, 589 420 virgatum, Wall )> 589 )) 420 sp.. Gamble j> 589 420 Suit'da, Forsk V. 13 420 corniculata, Ffc. / )> 14 5) 420 fruticusa, Forsk 13 420 indica, Moq 5> 14 ii. 743 i?idic«, Willd 5> 13 ., 743 maritima, Burnort !J 14 iii. 104 microsperma, Ledeb. 15 J, 108 monoica, Forsk. J, 13 ,, 111 nudidora, Moq jj 14 )) 106 nudijiora, Moq J, 14 103 nudijldra, Thw ,j 13 )j 1)2 sedifdia, Pall M 10 vermiculata, Forsk. 13 ,. 112 Su^DEvE V. 2 .J 107 Suffreiiia capenns, Harv. .. ii. 568 ,, 103 SumhsiVia,, Baill V. 408 )> 103 macrophylla, Mw.'ll. ,, 408 103 Suiiipia, Lindl V. 772 ^j 103 licolor, Lindl )5 770 35 scariosa, Lindl. »J 772 )> 111 Siiptu^a, Jones ill. 59L 103 Sureg ida angustifolia, Baill. V. 459 111 hilocularis, Hoxb jj 460 )) 102 bilocularis,Wnli )> 459 102 dicocca, Hoxb >) 400 )) 94 glabia, lloxb 459 102 cjlonnrulata, Baill j> 460 105 multijlora, Baill 459 1 05, 106 Suriana, Linn 522 102 , 113 maritima, Li7i7i )) 522 V. 345 Surwala rohusta, Rcem. 1. 565 Sussuela esculenta, ixumpu )V. 61 V. 854 yusiim, Bi vi. 391 i. 119 authelminticum, BL ,, 391 j^ 119 anUelminticum, Maury ... J , 391 ii. 148 malayanum, Pionc/i. )) 391 jj 174 Sutera, Roth iv. 258 ,, 148 dissecta, Walp ,, 258 iii. 477 gland ulosa, Kotk 5> 258 iii. 572 serrata, Hochst J) 265 iii. 588 Swertia, Linn iv. 121 ^j 589 affinis, Clnrke JJ 126 „ 589 alata, Royle >> 125 J, 588 alternifolia, Royle >> 128 „ 588 angustifolia, Ham 125 804 GENERAL INDEX. Swertia Beddomei, Clar'ke bimaoulrita, Hk. f. cf* T. iv. carinthiaca, Wulf centrosttmma, Wall. Chirata, Ram ccBrulea, Royle cordata, Wail corniculata, Linn corymbosa, Wight cuneata, Wall decussata, Nimmo dilatata, Clarke elegans, Wall Jiorida, Wall Giiffithii, (Uarke Hookeri, Clao'ke Hugelii, Griseb Kingii, E/c./. lahulensis, A. Keraer lurida, tioyle macrosperma, Clarke mnliicaulis, D. i)on uervosa, Wall paniculata, Wall peloria, Griff. perennis, Linn. petiolala, Royle ... iv. pulchella, Ham purpurasoensi, Wall. raccmosa, W^alL Rex, Clarke rotata, Pall speciosa, TFaZi speciosa, D. Don •speciosa, G. Don tetrag')na, Clarke Thonisotii, Clarke trichotonia, W^all zeylaoica, Walker SWEKTIE.E Swietenia Ch ckrassia, Roxb, Chloroxylon, Roxb fehrijuga, Roxb rubra, Wail Soi/mida, Dune Sotrophola, Ham trilocularia, Roxb velutina, Wall villosa, Wall SWIETENIEJE Swintonia, G^rt^. Griffithii, Kurz Helft-ri, Hk.f. Schwenlcii, Te(/sm. ^ Binn. spicifera, Hk.f Sycomorphe Roxhurghii, Miq. Si/comorus capensh, Miq. ... Page 127 734 120 13t) 124 129 123 130 126 129 327 122 125 125 122 127 129 73 i 128 124 123 129 125 122 3 30 329 vk ,734 125 121 121 127 120 128 328 128 122 129 12o 127 94 568 5^.9 567 567 567 5H8 568 5H8 568 541 26 26 26 26 27 523 535 Sycomorus gfwmmt/iMa, Miq. Sjcopsis, Oliv Griffithiana, Oliv Sykesia Koenigii, Arn. thyrsiflora, AvD Walkeri, Arn Syllepis polystachya, Foarn. Si/lvcea {vide Silv(jea ) Symphorema, £oxb involucratam, Roxh. involucratum, Eew Distri D. involucratum, Kurz i nt"o Iwcr at It m, Wall., lapt^u C Jackianum^'Kvirz microstylis, IRedd pentandrum, Kurz polyandrum, Wight unguiculatum, Kurz SYMPHOEEMEzE Symphorias, sp., Griff. Symphyandra stylosa, Rovli Symphyllia mallotiformis, Muell silhetiana, Baill Symphyoglossum hastatum, Turcz 8ympl>cinea,GriW. Symplocos, Linn acuminata, JSedd acuta, Thiv adenophylla, Wall. anamallayana, Bedd angustata, Clarke apicalis, Ihto attenuata, Wall Beddomei, Clarke bractealis, Thiv caudata, if^all. celastrifol ia, G'ri^. carasifolia, Wall cordifolia, Thw coronafa, Thw crassipes, Clarke crataegoides, Ham cuneata, Thw decora, Hance dryophila, Clarke elegans, Thw elegans, Thw fasciculata, Zoll ferruginea, Roxb flavida, Miq Jioribunda, Wall folio sa, Wight Gardrierifiua, Wijht glomerata, King grandiflora. Wall Vol. Page V. 535 ii. 427 )> 427 iv. 91 )) 91 92 vii. 107 V. 397 iv. 599 599 )) 599 600 599 jj 602 )) 6U0 )i 602 599 !) 601 iv. 561 ii'. 14 iii 438 V. 418 » 418 iv. 25 iii. 579 iii. 572 J) 583 584 )) 575 581 )) 585 58(3 573" 582 J) 584 577 J! 575 580 ;) 586 587 )) 580 573 )) 5S4 579 5> 578 £86 )) 586 574 574 573 \ 579 58:i 582 577 1) 578 GENERAL INDEX. 805 Sjmplocos Hamiltoniana, Wall. hebantba, Tkrv Henscheli, Benth hirsuta, Thw hirsuta, Wisrht & Gardn. hispidula, Tkw Hohenackeri, Clarke Hookeri, Clarice ... iii, Horsfieldiana, Miq iteophylla, Miq javanica, Kurz , jucunda, Thw kurgensia, Clarke lachnohotrya, Miq IsDta, Thtv land folia, 8ieh. 8c Ziicc. latiflora, Clarke , laurina, Wall leiostachya, Kurz leiostachya, Kurz leptostachya. Sieb. & Zacv.*. leucantha, Kurz Loha, D. Doa iii Loha, Miq, lucida, Wall niHcrocarpa, Wight macrophylla, Wall. Maingayi, Benth marginalia, Thio microcarpa, Benth microphylla, Wight minor, Clarke mollis, Wall monantha, Wight nervosa, A. DC. nervosa, Wight nicobarica, Clarke obtusa, Wall oligandra, Bedd ophirensis, Clarke oxyphvlla, Wall paniculata, Wall pauciflom, Wight ... pedicellata, Kurz pendula, Wight pendula, Thw phyllocalyx, Clarke polycarpa, Wall polystachya, Wall. ... polystachya, Zoll. & Mur. propinqua, 'Eance prunifolia, Sieb. & Z icc. pulchra, Wight pyrifolia, Wall racemosa, Roxh racemosa, A. DC racemosa, Uoxb. ... iii. Vol. Page iii. 576 )j 586 588 586 jj 585 585 )> 582 578 5S9 iii. 574 j> 575 )) 574 585 576 )) 574 584 )j 577 5? 585 >) 573 )> 580 580 >J 577 579 573 57.9 iii. 573 55 575 582 55 578 588 55 587 55 577 581 55 586 55 574 581 55 576 )5 582 55 580 55 583 574 579 55 574 573 55 587 574 55 587 587 55 575 55 573 575 55 574 55 576 577 55 583 579 55 576 576 576 ,579 Vol. Page ... iii. 583 ., „ 577 ... „ 582 ... „ 581 iii. 576, 577 ... i'i. 583 Sjmplocos racemosa, Wall. iii. 573, 575, '576, 579 racemosa, Wight-, ramosissima, Wa'l. reticulata, Grab, risrida, Clarke ... rigida. Wall, rosea, Bedd. rubiginosa, Wall ,, 580 rufescens, Thw „ 584: salicifolia. Ham ,, 579 sessilis, Clarke ,, 587 Bp\ca.ti\, Roxh. ... ,, 573 spicobia, A. DC „ 573 spicatas affinis, Bedd, ... „ 576 Stawellii, F. Maell, ... „ 573 suhcordata, Wight „ 585 sulcata, Kurz ,, 579 Sumuntia, Ham „ 578 Sumuntia, A. DC „ 579 Swinhoeana, Hance ,, 577 thesefolia, Ham „ 575 thecefolia, D. Don „ 576 uniflora, Bedd ,, 581 Verkuelli, Jungh. & De Vr. ,, 574 versicolor, Clarke „ 584 a;ani/iOjo/KyiZa,Jangh. &DeVr „ 574 sp., Gamble „ 575 sp.. Griff, iii. 575, 576. 577, 573, 579 sp , Hk. f. & T. iii. 575. 576, 577, 578, 57.', 582 Synanthera, Wall. iii. 231, 235, 248, 288, l^4:j, 375 Synantheriap, Schott sylvatica, Schott Synaptea grandAjora, Kuri odorata. Griff. Syndesmis coarctatas, Griff. elegans, Wall tavoyana, Wall. Syndiclis, HI-. / paradoxa, ilL /. Syuedrella, Gcertn nodiflora, Gcertn Synmeria schizochilus. Gj-ali. Synnema avanum, Beuth. ... Synaecia diversifolia, iJiq. ... falcata, Miq serpsns, Miq sumatrana, Miq SynphilUum tor^nioid s, Gritt. Syntherisma ciliare, Schrad. glahrum, Schrad vulgare, Schrad Syringa, Linn Emodi, Wall vi. 517 55 518 301 301 ii. 22 55 22 22 V. 127 JJ 127 iii. 30S 55 308 vi. 142 iv. 405 V. 529 ,, 518 55 518 55 518 iv. 275 vii. 14 55 17 55 14 iii. 604 55 605 806 GENERAL INDEX. Syringa persicii, Linn. ... Syringk/*] Syzyqanthus omdt'ijlorus, Stead Syzygiuni alternan-i, Miq. aUissimum, Wall. angkolamim, Miq. areolatum, DC assiniile, Thw avene, Miq halsarneuin, Wall. Belluta,J)G hrachiatum, Miq. calophylUfolium, Thw. capillare. Wall. caryophyllasum, Gsertn carynphyllijolium, DC. caudatum, Wall. cinereum, Wall. clavijiorum, Wall. ... concinnum, Wall. cntractum, Wa,]]. ... cordifulium, Thw. ... corticatuin, Wall. costatum, Miq cuaeatum, Wall. ct/clophyllum, Thw. ... cijmfisum., DC densijioruin, Wall. ... excavatum, Wall. expansuin, Wall. f.ci/olium, Wall. Ji'iforme, WsiW firnnim, Thw fruticosum, DC. Gardneri Thw. grande, Walp gratMm, Wall H yneanum, Wall. ... inopJiyllum, DC. Jamholanum., DC. ... Tcalahiense, Korth. ... laterijiorum, Royle ... linear e, Wall lissopliyllum, Thw. ... longifiorum. Wall. ... Michelii, Lam ovicranthum, Thw. ... mnntanum, Thw. my rti folium, DC. Neesianum, Arn. nelitricarpum, T. rihesioides, Wall ,, 485 rigidum, Wall J> 496 rotundifolium, Arn. ,, 494 ruhicandum, W. & A. 478 salicifolium, Wall ,, 490 sclerophyllum, Thw. )1 499 scoparium, Wall „ 482 spathulatum,, Thw J, 496 specios^im, Wall )> 484 swamssimwm, Wall ,, 482 sicbdecussatum, Wall. 485 sylvesire, Thw. ... 5, 491 tenne. Wall. ../ 485 tetragonum, Kurz J) 498 vastum, Wall 495 venosum, DC 5) 494 www^.sMJ)', Wall 482 verecundam, Wall ,, 484 vimineum, Wall ,5 484 Wightianum, Wall 491 zeylanicum, DC ... 5) 497 sp.. Griff. ... ,) 478 476 Tabernsemontana, Lmn. .. 5, 499 alternifolia, Lino J> 489 altemifolia, Roxb 476 ca\ycinfi. Wall „ 486 Coliqnoncp, Van Heurck ... jj 500 &"Muell ... J) 481 coionaria, Br ,, 499 corymbosa, Roxb 489 criapa, Roxb ,, 499 cylindracea, Wall 486 densijlora, Wall ... }) 488 dichotoma, i2oj;& 484 dichotoma, Gibs ,, 505 divaricata, Bl 483 elastira, Spreng ,, 476 Finlaysoniana. Wall. J? 483 graciliflora Wall ,, 493 gratissima, hmdl ... ,, 482 Heyneana, Wall ... ,, 498 hirta, //fc./. 498 mriica, Willd ... ,, 492 intercedens, Van Heurck 498 &M.iel]._ » 498 javarfcd, Miq Vol. Page GENERAL INDEX. 807 TabernaDmontana Vol. Pa Re onacrocarpa, Ja rk iii 649 malacceusis, JU: f. ... 649 tnembraiiifolia, Kurz J) 649 microcarpa, Wall. 633 7tinnocarpa, Sien(\. ... 5J 619 ophiorhizoides, Ki rz 649 parrijlora, Heyne ... iii. 033 , 6J7 parvifoJia, Boxb. iii. 649 peduncularis, Wall. 5J 647 pi rsicarice folia, Willfl. 649 polyantha, B! )) 671 recur va, Roxh 648 recurva, Hohen. 646 rostrata, Wall 5) 618 sa licij'o lia, Wa 11. !) 637 spliarocarpa, Bl. !) 646 subcapitata, Wall. ... 647 ? sahcapifata, Hk. f. & T. >5 633 verticillata, Bedd. ... 5) 634 Wallichiana, Steud. 5) 649 Tacca, Forst vi. 287 aspera, Roxb „ 288 cristata, Jacfc ... )) 287 iniegrifolia, Ham. ... ... 288 integrifolia, Ker )) 287 laevis, Roxh ... )) 2S8 pirmatifida, Forst. ... vi. 287 517 plnnatifolia, Gaertn. ... ... vi. 287 Rafflesiana, Jack ... ,, 287 Taccace.^ vi. 286 Tceganocharis, vide Tenacjo- charis vi. 562 TaBDiocblaena, /^fc./. ... ii. 54 Griffithii, m. /. )) 55 Taeniopbyllum, Bl. ... \i. 76 Alwisii, Lindl 5 ) 76 Jeo'doniavum, Wight eo Bcaberulum, HA;. /. ... ,, 77 serrula, -ffl. /. 77 Tainia, J5Z v. 819 angustifolia, Bent/i. ... 5) 819 harbata, LindJ ... >J 803 bicornis, Benth. )) 820 cordata, Hk.f. vi. 193 hastata, Hk. f. ... v. 821 , vi. 193 hologlosBSk, Benth. ... V. 822 khasiana, Hk. f. v. 821 , vi 193 latifolia, Benth. v. 820, vi .14 192 latiliDgua, Hk. f. v. 822 , ^i 193 inaculata, Hk. f. V. 82] 910 vi. 160, 193 Main gay i, Hk. f. v 822 , V). 193 minor, Hk.f. ... v. 82] , vi. lf>3 penangiana, Hk.f. v. 820 , vi. 192 promensie, Hk.f. ... V. 820 speciosa, £? >5 822 viridi-fusca, Benth. 820 Tain urn a, Ji/s.s Hodgson], Hk.f. c^T. ... lanigera, m-. /. ^ r. mutabilis, Bl Rabaniana, Hk.f. Sj' T. ... Taliera hengalensxs, Sprang. Tali, Matt Talinum, Adans ouneifolium, Willd. r/ecfiH/./en.", Willd indicum, \y . & K Tamarindng, Linn indica, hinn occidentalism Gaertn. njfficinalis, Hook TamaRiscine^ Tamarix, Linn articulata, Vahl OA'ticulata, Wall. ... i. dioica, Rod'b ericoidep, Rottl epacroides, Sm. gallica, Linn gallica, Wight germanica, Linn indica, Keen indica, Willd mucronata, Srr. orientalis, Forsk Pallasii, Desv passerinoides, Del Pharas, Ham ramosissima, hedeh. Balina, Dyer striata, Boiss tenacissima, Ham usneoides, E. Mey Tanaoetum, Linn artemisioides, Schultz. ... Falconeri, Hfe. / frnticnlosum, Ledeh. fruiic^dosum, Chu-'ke gossypinum, Hk.f. d- T.... gracile, Hk.f. Sf T longifolium, Wall nauum, Clarke nubigenum, Wall purpureum, D. Don pyrethroides, Schul'!5. robnstum, Hk.f. cf' T. Sei.ecionis, Gay tenuifolium, Jacquew. tibeticum, Hk.f ^^ T. ... tomentosum, DC viscosum. Wall. Tanghinia dichotoma, G. Don /a c^ar ta, G. Don Vol, Pase i. 40 :, 40 „ 40 „ 40 „ 40 vi. 429 „ 429 i. 247 „ 247 ii. 661 i. 247 ii. 273 „ 273 „ 273 „ 273 i. 248 i. 248 „ 249 248, 249 i. 249 249 248 248 248 250 248 248 249 249 248 249 2tH 248 248 249 249 219 318 318 320 318 318 321 318 320 320 318 246 315 320 319 319 319 319 246 645 638 808 GENERAL INDEX. Tanghinia lauri folia, G. Doa Odollam, G. Don Taphrospermum altaicum, C. A. Mey Tapinr,carpvbsI)alzelUl,^o\\o- 1 indicus, Dalz Tapiria, Jiiss. hirsuta, Sk. f Taraxacam, Hall eriopodiim, D >'. officinale, Wigg Walhchi'i, DC Wattii, Hfc./. Tarrietia, Bl simplioifolia, Mast. Triiischeria, Fisch de>iertorum, Ledeb lasiocarpa, BC Tavern iera, BC curififoUa, Arn. ephedroides, Jaub. & Sp. rjnnoclada, Jaub. & Sp. ... Nummula'ia, BC spartea, DC Taxacece, Giiflf. Taxe.e Taxodie^ TaxDtrophip, Bl Roxhurgliii, Bl zeylanica, Thw Taxus, Tour. baccata, Linn contorta, Griff. ? Lambert iana,Wii\\. iiepalensis, .lacq. nucifera. Wall, orientalis, Bertol virgata, Wall Wallichiana, Zucc Tecoma, Juss ? glauca, DC sjiaveolens, G. Don uudulata, G. Bon xylocarpa, G. Dou Tecomella undulata, Sef^ai. ... Tectona, Linn. f. grandis, LtH". / Hamilconiana, Wall. TeinostaohyuiD, Munro attenuatu'n, Munro Dullooa, Gamble Griffithii, Munro Helferi, Gamble ? waculatum, Trim schi zostachyo ides, Kur A ... Wightii, Bedd Telmatopliace gtbba, Sc ilcid. 7o\ Page iii. 638 '> 638 i^ 145 vi. 513 513 ii. 28 ,, 28 iii. 401 jj 401 )) 401 j> 401 402 i. 362 362 1. 163 164 )) 164 ii. 140 >) 140 140 )) 140 140 140 V. 654 V. 644 V. 644 V. 488 )5 488 488 V. 648 648 J) 648 5) 655 648 )) 648 >> 648 648 648 iv. 378 378 )> 383 378 3S4 iv 378 iv. 570 !) 570 571 vii 410 410 )> 411 410 411 5J 419 393 J) 410 vi. 557 Telogt/ne indica, BaiU. Tenagocharis (lapsu Tieja- nocharis) cor hfana, Hochst Tephrosla, Pers amoena, Hort. Calc antht/lloides, Hochst. argentea, Pers argentea, Wit^lit calophylla, BecZcZ Candida, DC coccinea, Wall Coiwiea, Wight, diffusa, W. & A Ehrenbergiana, Schwein'". elegans, Wall fusca, W. ^ A galegoides, Grab Grahami, Wall Heyneay\a, Wall Hookeriana, W. i^ A. hypargyrxa. DO , iciliyneca, Bertol incana, Grab indigofera, Bertol intermedia, Grab lancesefolia, Link lanceolata, Grab , leptustachya, DC lobata, Grab maxima, Perg Mitchellii, Grab nervosa, Pers parvijlora, Wight pauoiHora, Grah penta/i/hylla, GvfiU Petersiana, K\ot'/. pulrherrima, Wii^lit pul chr a, Col tih pumila, Pers purpurea, Pers racemosa, W. & A sentioosa, Pers seric a, DC spiuosa. Pe^'s stricta. Grab suberosa, DC. Taylorii, Grab tenuis, Wall tin Gloria, Pers tinctoria, Grab. timoriensis, DC. villosa, Pers Wallichii, Grab Teraninns, Sw flexilis, Benth labialis, /Sprensr Vol. V, Page 398 GENERAL INDEX. 809 Teramnua mollisj Benfch. Terehinthacea,Wa.l\. ii Tei-minalia, Linn. a'ata, Roth ancrnstifdlia, Roxb. angustifolia, Jacq. angusti 'olia. Rump ' Arjana, W. ^ A. uiruta Ham. attenuata, Edgew Errata). Badamia, Talasne beleiica, Roxh. (s-e belerica, Bedd. helerica, W. & A. bengalensis, Roxb. henzoin, Linn. ... Berry i, W. & A, bialata, Kurz Catappa, Linn. Catappa, Tulasne Chebala, Retz. ... citrina, Roxh. ... coriacea, W. & A. crenu^ata, Kurz crenulata, Roth ejlandulosa, Roxb. foetid issima, GriJ^. gangetica, Koxb. Gella, Dalz. glabra, Thw. glabra, W. & A. intermedia, Spren^r. javanica, Miq. ... lancifolia, Griff. inicrocarjya, Dene. 'ivoluccana, Lamk. moluccana, Miq. tnoluccana, Roxb. moluccana, Wall. molaccana, Willd. monaptera. Roth myrioc -rpa, Meurck Muell Myrobalana, Roth nit ens, Pre si ovalifolia, Rottl. ovata, Herb. Rortl paniculata, Roth parvijlora, Thw. procera, Hoxb. ... punctata, Roth ... pyrifolia, Kurz ... reticulata, Roth subcordata, Willd. tomentella, Kurz tomentosa, Bedd. VOL. VII. Vol. Pase ... ii. 184. 11,24.36,37,40 ... ii. 443 • ••• » 447 ... ,, 449 ... ,, 444 ... VI. 327 ... ii. 447 446 Ervjit-f) „ 444 445 445 445 449 444 )) 447 449 , ,, 444 444 ... ii. 4t6 , 447 ii. 446 J) 448 448 448 445 445 446 445 448 447 ... ,, 444 )j 448 •• 454 ... ... ;; 445 444 J> 445 J> 445 449 ... „ 445 )> 448 ch .r 448 414 445 447 447 i. 4l'.»,"ii .448 li. 446 J5 444 445 448 )? 446 444 JJ 446 )J 447 Terminalia Vol. Pasre tomentosa, W. & A ii. 447 travancorensis, W. & A. ... „ 449 trioptera, Heyne ,, 44S zeylanica, ILeurck &'Mu2\\. „ 446 sp., Karz „ 444 Terniola, Tul v. 62 ceylanica, Wight (vide Tulasnea) ,, 62 foliosa. Wedd „ 63 Lawii, Wedd ,, 63 loagipes, Tul ,, 63 peduDCulosa, Wedd. ... „ 63 pnlchella, T^d „ 6i ramosissima, Wedd. ... „ 63 zeylanica, Tul. ,, 62 Ternstroemia, Linn ]. 280 aneura, Miq „ 2^1 biloc^ilaris, Roxb „ 287 ? cormcea. Wall „ 282 crenulata, Wall „ 283 crenulata, Wight „ 283 cuiiei folia, Poepp „ 281 Pdwmosa, Wall „ 282 emargiuata, Chois. .. .. „ 281 ? integerrima, Wall. ... i. 282, 283 japonica, Thunh i. 280 ? khasyarta, Chois „ 281 Lushia, Ham „ 284 macrocarpa, Scheff. „ 281 ? macrophylla,Wa\]. ... „ 290 penangiana, Ohois „ 281 pentapetala, Jack. ... ... ,, 287 racemosa, D. Don „ 286 ? reticulata. Wall „ 282 ? sericea, Wa,l] „ 283 ser r 'ta, Hoxh ,, 287 trilocularis, Roxb ,, 287 Wightii, Chois „ 281 Ternstrcemiace^ i. 279 Teunstrcemie^ ... i. 279 Terpnophyllum zeylanicum, Thw i. 268 Tet I viridijlora, 'Roxh. ... vi. 265 Tetracera, Lmw i. 31 Assa, DC „ 31 Euryandra, Vahl ,, 32 Isevis, Valil ,, 31 hicida. Wall „ 32 macrophvlla, Wall ,, 32 Rheedii,bC. „ 31 sarmentosa, Willd ,, 31 sericea, B\. ,, 31 trigyna, Roxb „ 31 Tetracrypta cinna^nomoides, Gardn. & Champ. ... ii. 442 Tetractinostigma microcalyx, Hassk ,.. ' ... V. 346 3 G 810 GENERAL INDEX. Vol. Page Tetranthera Tetractis, vide Tefraotis iii. 3n4 diversifolia, Bl. ... Tetractomia, Hk.f. i. 490 ? Doshia, !■. Dou . Beccarii, Hk. f., lapsu H. ;j 491 elliptica, Nees ... . majua, Hk.f 491 clongata, Wall Roxburghii, m. / )> 491 fagifoUa, Wall TetradeniaylHeea V. 178 firma, Bl ceylanica, Nees >> 178 foliosa, Wa.\\ consimihs, Nees ,, 179 Jruiicosa, Ham. foliosa, Nees 5) 178 fruticosa, Nees ... . furfuracea, Nees 178 fulva, Bl lanuginosa, "Nees )> 178 jurfuracea. Wall. ohovata,'NeeB 153 Gardneri, Thw. umhrosa, Nees „ 179 gemelliflora, Miq. Tetradium trichotomum, Lour . i. 4<^0 gewinata, Nees Tetragastris ossea, Gaertn. V. 423 glaberrima, Thw. Tetrameles, R. Br ii. 657 glabraria, Nees Grahamiana, Wight ,, 657 ? gla'.rata, Wall. nudiflora, R. Br }j 657 glauca, Wall Tujlnervis, Miq 657 glaucescens. Wall. . Tetramerista, Miq 1. 526 grand, flora. Wall. . glabra, Miq ,, 526 yranciis, Meissn. Tetramorphcea Belangeriana, grandis, Wall DC. iii. 385 Griffithii, Meissn. . Bruffidseriana, DC jj 385 hexantha, Sieb. Tef randr a glabra, M'lq. iv. 147 Hookeriana, Meitsn. Wallichii, Miq. ,, 147 iteodaphne, Nees Zollinger i, Miq >) 147 iteod'iphne, 'I'hw. Tetranthera accedms^Bl. ,., V. 172 japonica, Wij^ht albicans, Kurz )) 171 khisiana, Meissn. . alnoides, Miq 163 Iseta, JSees arimra, Nees )) 163 lxta,?WaU angusta, Wall 163 lancecEfolia,Gra.h. angustifolia, Gamble 5) 168 lancecefolia, Roxb. angustifoUa, 'W&U. ... v. 152 ,169 lancifolia, Roxb. apetala, Dalz. & Gibs. ... V. 157 I'lnuginnsi, Wall apetala, '[{.ojih n 158 laurifolia, Bl apeiala, Wall )j 153 laurifolia, Ham. atte7iuat'i,'NeeB » 167 laurifolia, ? Jaoq. . attenuata, WsiU. ... v. 159 , 167 liurifolia, Nees Baula, Ham V. 174 laurifolia, Roxb. hifaria,Wsi\l ,j 184 ? laurifolia. Wall. caduca, Ham !) 152 Vgustrina, Nees calophylla, Kurz 165 li'justrina, Thw. camphoracea. Wall )) 135 Litoralis, Bl capitata, Roxh 158 longifolia, Nees cafjitulata, Miq ^j 163 Zitcida, Bl caudata, Wall ,, 185 macropliylla, Wall. . celastroides, Miq )) 15S martabanica, Knrz . chartacea, Meissn 181 micrantha, Meissn. . chartacea,? Wall. ... v. I'.'l ,170 monopetala, Roxb. . chrysantha, Bl V. 159 multifiora, Bl ci^raia, Nees )) 155 mufti/ora, ZoU. citrifolia, Spreng )? 158 myristiccef'dia. Wall cordata. Jack )) 177 Neesiana, Wall. cordifolia, Meissn 55 177 nemoralis, Thw. coriacea, Heyne 166 Tjert'osa, Meissn. Ouipala, D, Don ,, 178 nigricans, Meissn. . GENERAL INDEX. 811 TttranUiera nitida, Roxb nuculanea, Kurz oh/onga, Nees ohovata, Wall ? ochrascens, Miq olfoides, Meissn oxyphylla. Wall pallevs, D. Dou Panama" ja, Nees Panamanja, Ham Perrottetii, Bl platyphylla, Nees polyantha, Wall pnlycephala, Wall prunifolia, Wall pu/cherrlma, Wall. ... v. pusilln, Bl ? racenioso-uinhellata, Bl. ran goonev si's, Meissn. reticulata, Ham iJoa*6tiri///n', Bl Roxhurghii, Hassk Roxburghii, Ne«fl salicifoUa, Hk. f. & T. salicifolia, Hoxh salicifoUa, Wall fiai/'^na, Hk. f. & T saligna, Nees P scmecarpifolio , Wall. v. sericea, Meissu sericea, Wall sessiiiJJora, Meissn s'kkimensis, Meissu. v. ter.a, Wall. vcnulosa, Meissn. ... v. verticiUata, Khxa Wa/heri, Aieiesn W'ghtiava, Bedd Wightiana, Hk. f. ., Griff. Tetrapilis brachiatus, Lour. Tetrapogon tetrastachys. Hack. triangularis, Hochst. Vol. Page 174 166 168 158 ISO 175 183 179 175 175 177- 158 155 158 jj 186 178 179 V. 159 )t 158 161 )) 183 !) 158 180 }> 158 168 ,, 167 J> 168 168 169 163 ,165 V. 156 lt6 )) 172 1.6 165 V. 158 >> 170 5) 158 157 J> 172 179 )) 179 113 ,161 V. 163 >> 171 177 )) 161 M 18t ?) 156 iii. 304 V. 844 V. 363 363 ' J 363 iii. ()12 vii. 292 >) 291 Tetrapogon villos'us, Desf Teucrium, Linn tievatmn, Benth Fortunei, Beuth Mspidnont, Wall laxutn, B. Don macrostachyuw, Wall. palmatuni, Benth paniculaiw^n, Hb. Madr. ... quadrifarinm, Ham. quadrifarium, Hb. Wight Rojleanura, Wall Scordium, Linn secundum, Heyne stoloniferum, Roxb. tomentosum, Heyne tomentosum, Wight viscidum, Bl Wallichianum, Benth. ... Wightii, Hk.f. sp., Benth. Teysraannia, i2c?i6. / altifrons, Rclib. f. c^ ZoU. Teysmarmia, Miq. Hookeriana, Miq laxifolia, Miq Thalassia ciliata, KcBii. Hemprichii, Ascb stipulacea, Keen ? stipulacea, Miq Thalassie.k Thalia caniicefurmis, Willd. ... Thalictrum, Linn acaule, Camb alpinum, Linn. hracteatum, Roxb Chelidonii, DC Chelidonii, Hk. f. & T. ... cultratum, IFall cysticatpum, Wall Dalzelli, Hook eleganp, Wall foetiduin,hinn foliolosum, DC glyphocarpum, W. & A. ... javanicuu), Bl kemense, Fries ma crof ti^/Tixa, E d ge w . majus, Jacq niargiva'utn, Royle Maxvuellii, Royle mi crophyllum, Royle minus, Linn minus, Boiss niurocarpum, Royle pauoiflorum, iio7/ie peduncalatum, Edgetv. ... 0 2 Vol. Page vii. 291 iv. 700 j^ 700 >) 701 ?j 703 701 M 699 5> 702 700 )) 701 M 701 700 )) 702 672 700 700 )) 701 )> 700 673 )) 701 701 VI. 483 )J 483 iii. 652 ;) 652 652 VI. 570 )) 570 V. 664 663 V. 659 \i. 258 i. 10 ,, 12 ,, 12 )) 2 11 11 ,, 11 5) 11 13 ) J 10 14 J, 14 -•> 14 13 >> 14 >> 11 14 12 i> 14 M 12 )} 14 14 )> 11 u ;j 12 812 GENERAL INDEX. Thalictrum platycarpnm, Hk. f. Sf T. punduanuin, Wall. ... radiahim, Royle reniforme, Wall. rostel latum, Sk.f. cf" T. ... rotundifolium, DC. rutEefoliam, Hk. f. ^^^ T. .. saniculffiforme, DC. secundum, Edgew vaginatum, Ro_yle virgat uni, Hk. '/. ^^ T. Thamnocalamtis Falconeri, Hk. f. spathiflorus, Munro ? Thaspium foUosum, Koyh Thca assamica, Chois. assamica, Mast. chinensis, LiiiD viriilis, Chois Thecostele, jRt;^5. /. alata, Par. & Rohb. T. Maingayi, HA-. /. :.. .. quinquefida, Hk. f. ... * .. Zollinger!, i?c/i6./ Theka, Juss. ternifolia, Ham Thela alha, Loar coccinea, hour Tlielasis, £1 .' ." hifolm, Hk.f. .: ? capitata, Bl carinata, Bl carinata, Bchh.f. decurva, Hk. f elata, Hk. f. elegans. Bl elongata, Bl khasiana, Hk. f lougifolia, Hk. f pjgmsea., Lindl pygmasa, Lindl Thelepogon. Roth eleganp, Roth elegans, Roth sanguineus, Spreng. Themeda, Forsk anai/ura, Hack arguens, Hack ciliata, Hack Cymharia, Hack Forskahlii, Hack gigantea, Hack. Helferi, Hack polygama, Gmel tremula, Hack. triandra, Forsk TheophkASTej: Vol. Pa^e i. 11 ^, 13 13 11 \. 12 j^ 13 12 ,^ 13 \ 11 ;) 14 12 vii. 383 ,, 382 J ii. 689 i. 290 2J2 292 ,1 290 . vi. 19 J, 19 ., 20 20 n 19 i^'. 571 571 iii. 480 )i 481 vi 85 86 ^, 86 v'.'W, 88 . vi. 88 )) 87 ,. 87 V. 811 vi . 86 ,j 87 87 86 )5 87 . vii 148 148 144 lti7 . vii 210 215 211 ,. 213 j> 215 212 216 214 212 214 • 212 . iii. 507 Theriophonum, Bl cronatum, Bl Dalzellii, Sc'jnti infaustnm, 2V. E. Br. Jv ?eMin*, Schott Wightii, 5chof* Wightii, Engl z^ylanicnm. N. E. Br. .. T\^ernlo^pai8, R. Br barbata, Boyle inflata, Oamh lab urnif olia, l).!) on nepauJensis, DC Theropogon, Maafini pallidus, Maxim. ... vi TlIESlEiE Thesiiim, Li)V>. alatavicutn, Kar. & Kir. .. himaleDK', Eoyle rmdtlcaulf', Hk. f . & T. .. luwih'caiJe, Ledeb nilag''ncu)n, Miq Wighcianum^ Wall. Thespesia, Corr LampaF, Balz Sf Gibs. .. populiiea, C 62 6i )? 62 62 vi. 324 . 270 ,324 . V. 229 . V. 229 5) 230 229 5! 229 230 ^^ 230 230 i. 345 • 345 345 . ill. 259 259 •i 259 . iii 455 !J 444 454 5> 444 453 •> 446 446 .', 449 5) 443 446 451 •• 453 . . . ;, 452 443 453 443 5J 416 443 i 45£ ,460 .. iii 453 .. iii . 442 .. vi . l'?9 . . V. 666 666 66a 666 .. ii. 630 cna). GENERAL INDEX. 818 Thladi'antha Vol. Page dnhia, Bunrie {Mil^ Err>ta) ii. 631 Hookeri, Clarke 631 Thlaspi, Lm" i. 161 alpestre, Linn ,, 162 ar«•^n8e, Linv J) 1^2 cardiocarpum, Hk.f. 4" T. >> 162 cochlear if orme, DC )) lfi2 cochlearioides, Hk f. cj" T )> 162 Giiffithianum, Roi^s. 162 Kotschyanum, BoIfp. )5 16-2 Thlaspide^ 130 Thoaeiali.<,W[\U\ r. 643 Thomsonia, Wall vi 518 Hookeri, Ergl )) 518 nepaleiJ8i«, JFall )> 518 Thoracos*^achyum, H^urz vi. •-80 bancanuoi, Kurz !) 680 hypolytroides, Clarke 680 Thottea, Roith V. 74 depeudens, Klotz ^^ 74 grandiflora, Rotth ., 74 tricornip, Muiiaay ,, 74 Thouinia nutans, L in 608 Thrixspermum ampLexican'o, Kchb. f ... . ... vi 40 Arachnites, Rchb. f. 41 . Freemani, B^chh. f 42 ilystrix, Rchb.f .'j 39 Wacinum, Rchb. f. , 5) 40 Imiiftrum, ^ohh. y. 37 > 91 media, Br ?» 91 sarmeut osa, Pers >! 91 Th.nja orievt'diSjltiun. V. 644 pcndula, Lamb ) J 646 Thunbergia, Zmw. /. iv. 390 alata, Bojer J, 391 nngustifolia, Hara )? 390 arnhemica, F. Maell. , ... >> 390 coccinea, Wall 393 cordifolia, N^es >) 392 fragrans, Eoxh )> 390 fragrans, Bot. M-i^ 5) 391 fragrans, Wall 5) 391 grandiflora, Roxh 392 grandiliora, WaU '> 392 Harrisi, Hook c92 Hawtnyrieana, Wall. )) 391 llav-taynii, T. Ander . ... 391 heterophylla, W.A\ „ 391 javamca, Gairtn. f )) 390 Icevis, Nees 391 laarifolia, Lindl „ 392 Thunberjria longiji' ra, Benth lutea, T. Anders mysort-nsis, T. Anders. ... pendula, Hassk Rdxhttrghia, Nees scandens, Per^ iuh^ajittata, Blanco tom< ntosa, IFaZi vnluhilis, Peis Wightiana, T.Anders. .:. Thunbebgte^. Thunia alba, Rchb. f Beiisonice, Ilk. f Marshalliann, Rchb. f., lapsn Phajus pulchra, Rchb. f TMiya aphylla, Linn Thylacospermnm, Fevzl ... rupifragrum, Schrenck ... Th.\ mela? • , Endl. arvensis, Lanik Thymel^.ack^ Thymus, Lir>n hiflorus, Ham indicus, Bni ni linearis, Benth nepetoides, D. Don Oiiganifoliu--, D. Dun pipcritus, D. Don repens, D. Doti Serpyllum, Lm?! Thyridostachyum la;ve, Nees vii, 158 Thyrsacanihus in diesis, Nees iv. 497 Thyrsacanthus (error for .Thyrsosiachys) ... vii. 9, 421 Thyrsostachyp, Gamble vii. 31^7, 421 Oliveri, Gamble vii. 397 Vol. Page jv. 391 )) 392 393 )) 393 J5 390 390 .^ 390 ,j 391 5) 390 393 iv. 388 Y. 818 >. 818 818 818 i. 249 i. 243 243 V. 194 ,, 194 V. 192 i V. 649 650 ■ n 610 649 661 5? 651 651 651 11 649 siarannsis, Gamble ... ... 397 Thytanachne scoparia, Presl vii. 73 ThysaiJola?na, Neis ... v:i 61 acarifera, Am. & Nees 5) 61 Agrot-iis, Nees vii 6! 258 maxima, Kuntze ... vii. 61 Tiarella, Linn ... ii. 399 polyphylla, D. Don ... „ 399 Tiaridium an'sophyllum, G. Don ... iv. 152 indicum,, Lehm. » 152 Tiglium Ctimingii, Kloiz. ... v. 391 hispidum,, Klotz. ' ... ,, 388 officinale, Klotz. 393 puncttolatum, Klotz. ... ,, 392 TlLlACE^] 1 . ;r. 9, V 200 Tiliacora, Colehr i. 99 ahnormalis, Miers ... 99 acuminata, Miers „ 99 cmpidiformis, Miers ,, 99 814 GENERAL INDEX. Tiliacora Vol. PaRe fraternaria, Miers i. 99 racemosa, Colehr „ 99 T1LIE.E i. 380 Tillsea, Lm7i ii. 412 pentaiidra, Boyle ?) 412 pharnaoeoides, Hoclist. ... 412 h'ichopada, Fenzl M 412 TimcEosia cerastioidesy Klotz. lapsu rupestris i. 217 Timonius, Bumpli Hi. 126 ? acuminatus, Wall jj 99 Finlaysonianus, iJ/t. /. ... 5> 127 flavescens, Baker J) 127 Jambosella, Thw )) 127 Rnrnphii, DC 5> 127 sp., Wall J) 127 Timea elegans, Garzia vii. 307 Tinantia Uneolata, Hassk. ... vi. 377 Tinomiscium, Miers i. 97 javanicum, Miers )j 97 petiolare, Miers 97 Tinospora, Miers i. 96 cordifolia, Miers jj 97 crispa, Miers 96 malabarica, Miers J) 96 palminervis, Miers 97 tomentosa, Miers )j 96 ? uligiQOsa, Miers 97 TlxNOSPOEEvE i. 94 Tinus, Oerst iii. 6 Tipularia, Nutl V. 708 discolor, Nutt J) 709 Josephi, Bchh, f. 708 Tiru-calli, Ham V. 254 Tithymalus cognatus, Klotz V. 261 divergens, Klotz >) 264 hitnalayensis, Klotz. )) 258 Tittmannia angustifolia, Benth iv. 283 Colsmanni, Benth >) 285 elata, Benth It 280 erecta, Benth }j 281 grandijlora, Bentb 282 . hirta, Benth J) 281 ohovata, Bunge )> 259 ovata, Benth j> 280 ovata, Rchb 279 pusilla, Benth >> 281 sulcata, "Wight i> 281 trichotoma, Benth j> 280 viscosa, Rchb j> 280 sp., GriflF. n 281 Tocoyena scandens, Bl. iii. 111 Todda Panna, Rheede . V. 656 Toddalia, Jwss i. 497 actileata, Pers • >> 497 ? angustifolia, Lamk. » 497 Todd alia angustifolia, Miq. .. asiatica, Lamk. bilocularis, W. ^ ^. Jloribunda, Wall mitis, Miq nitida, L^mk rubicaulis, Willd TOUDALIE^ ... • Tofieldia, Huds himalaica, Baker nepalensis, Str. & Wint. nepalensis, Wall Tomex, Forsk glabra, Forsk Totnex, Linn tomentosa^ Linn Tomex, Thunb Doshia, Ham puhescens, Willd sehif era, WiWd tetranthera, Willd Tonsella disperma, Poir. prinoides, Willd Toona ciliata, Roem febrifuga, Roem hexandra, Roem longifolia, Roem serrata, Roem ? velutina, Roem ? villosa, Roem. Tordyliopsis Brunonis, DC. Tordylium Anthriscus, Linn. ? Brunonis, Wall latifoliitm, hinn Torenia, jLinn iv. alba, Ham iv, asiatica, Linn asiatica, Benth asiatica, Thw asiatica. Wall asiatica, Wight Bailloni, Godef bioolor, Dalz calcarata. Griff. cardiosepala, Benth. ciliata, 8m ccBTulea, Miq concolor, Lindl. ... iv cordifolia, Boxb cordifolia, Benth cordifolia, Wight diffusa, J). Tion diffusa, Roxb. edentula, Griff, e dentula, Henth ? exappendiculata,'SiQge\.. Jlaccida, Br , » }> » » Vol. Page i. 497 497 497 497 492 497 497 i. 484 vi. 357 „ 358 265 „ 264 iii. 619 „ 619 iv. 567 „ 567 V. 168 „ 168 „ 163 „ 158 „ 158 i. 625 ,. 626 i. 569 „ 569 „ 569 „ 569 „ 569 „ 568 „ 568 ii. 713 ii. 718 „ 713 „ 719 275, 734 276, 279 iv. 277 „ 276 M 277 „ 277 „ 278 „ 278 „ 278 » 283 „ 276 „ 278 „ 279 277, 734 iv. 276 » 277 „ 276 » 277 „ 282 „ 279 „ 276 „ 276 „ 279 GENERAL INDEX. 8L Torenia Vol. Paee flava, Ham ... iv. 278 Jlnva, Wall 279 glohosa. Ham ... 5) 281 gracilis, Benth. 285 hianft, Roxb 277 hir.suta, Benth. 277 hirta, Cham. & Schl. ••• >« 281 hirtella. Hk.f. ....... ... ,, 277 lepidota, Roth. ... ,j 301 longijiora, Morren ... ... )j 277 lucida, Ham 279 molluginoides, Beuth. ,, 280 mncronnlata, Benth. ... J, 276 fnultijloro.f Roxb. 280 parviflora, Ham. ... jj 278 pedu ocularis, Beritli. ... }, 276 peduncularis, Benth. 279 polygonoides, Benth. ,, 276 racemosa, Benth. 27;^ ruhens, Benth iv"! 277 ,734 rubens. Thw ... iv. 277 aessilifiora, Benth. ... „ 282 vagaos, Roxh ,, 277 varians, Gv\ff. 282 varians, Roxb ... „ 279 sp.,Hk. f. &T ... j« 280 sp., Miq 278 Toricellia, DC ... ii. 74S tiliaefolia, DC ,, 748 Torilis Anthriscus, Gmel. ".*.". ii. 718 elata, DC ,, 718 japonica, DC ,, 718 Torresia hiflora, R. & S. ... vii. 332 ? latifolia, Beauv. ... )> 332 Tortula aspera, Roxb. . . . ... iv. 565 Tournefurtia, Linn. ... ... iv. 145 arborescens, Lamk. ... ,, M7 argentea, Linn. f. ... 145 Candollii, Clarke ,, 146 cymosa, Heyne ?> 145 Edgeworthii, DO. 5, i4i Heyneana, Wall. ... „ 145 Heyneana, DC 146 Hookeri, Clarke ,, 147 khasiana, Clarke 147 ovata, Wall ... „ 147 reticosa, Wight ,, 146 Roxburghii, Clarke ... iv. 14^ ), 153 Royleana, DC ... iv . 148 suhulata, Hochst. ... ... J) 148 ternata, Wall ... ,1 147 tetrandra, Bl ... J} 147 tetrandra, Wall. 147 viridiflora, Wall. ... ,, 146 viridijlora, Gamble ... ... ,j 147 Walkerae, Clarke ... j> 147 Wallichii, DO }> 147 Tourneforfcia^ Vol. Tuffo Wallichii, Thw \v. 147 Wightii, Clarke ., 146 zeylanica, Wight „ 148 Tovaria f^isca, Baker vi. 323 oleracea, Baker „ 323 oligopyhlla, Haker ,, 323 pallida, Baker „ 323 purp^irea. Baker ... „ 323 Toxicodendrum Cohbe, Gajrtc. i. 674 Toxocarpus, W. ^'' A iv. 13 acumiuatus, Bc'rtf/i , „ 15 concanensis, If^'. /. „ 14 crassifolius, Dalz. & G'\hf. „ 16 crassijolius, Wight ,, 16 eriocarpxis, HA;. /. ,, 15 Griffithii, X)cne „ 13 himalensis, Falc „ 13 Kleinii, TF. ,^'- J „ 14 Kurzii, i/fc. /. ,, 15 laurifolius, Wight ,, 16 Roxburghii, W. ^ A. ... „ 14 Roxburghii, Griff ,, 15 villosus, Dene ,, 13 ? WightianuB, Hook. ^ Am. ,, 15 sp., Griff. ,, 13 Trachelospermum, Lemaire iii. 667 axillare, Hk.f „ 668 fragrans, WA;. / „ 667 gracilipes, Hk.f. ,, 668 Trachycarpus, H. Wdl. ... vi. 435 excelsa, H. Wdl „ 436 Foriunei, H. Wdl „ 436 khasiana, B..W(i\ „ 436 Martiana, H. Wdl „ 436 Trachydium, Lindl ii. 671 di^sectum, Clarke „ 672 hirsutuluni, Clarke „ 672 novem-jugum, Clarke ... „ 672 cbtusiusculum, Clarke ... „ 673 Roylei, Lindl. (see Errata) „ 672 sp,tik.f.&T ii. 672, 673 Trachyozus muricata, Steud. vii. 96 Traohypogon avenaceus, Nees vii, 182 ciesius, Nees „ 205 fasciculatus, Muuro ... ,, 138 , polymorp hus, KnGk „ 210 Trachys, Pers vii. 96 mucronata, Pers „ 96 mucronata, Steud „ 96 muricata, Stead „ 96 Trachystachys geminata, A. Dietr vii. 96 Tradescantia aphylla, Heyne vi. 375 axillaris, Linn „ 389 barbata, Spreng „ 385 cordifolia, Griff'. ... ... „ 389 cristata, Heyne „ ^^SSo 816 GENERAL INDEX. Tradescan tia 9 cristata, .Tacq ? cyanoticlea, Hassk. fasciculata, Heyne ... gangetica, Linu. imhricata, Roxb. incana, Heyne lanata, Heyne malaharica fLlnvi. ... montana, Heyne panicvdata. Roth ^aw^c^tiata, Roxb. ... papiliovacea, Liun. ... pilosa, Heyne radicans, Royle rufa, Presl rup^stris, Law terminalis, BI thyrsijiora, Bl trijlora, Heyne tuherosa, Roxb unihellaia, Heyne vaga, Bl viMosa, Spreng. sp., Griflf". Tradbscantie.e Tragisi, Limi. bicolor, Miq burmanioa, Kurz cannabina, Linn. Chamcelea, Linn. cnrdata, Heyne glahraia, Heyne hastata, Reiow. hispida, Russell hispida, Willd involucrata, Linn. ... macrophylla, Wall- ... Mercuriali^', L'nn. ... Miqueliana, Muel'. ... montana, Mtiell. rugosa, Wall tenuis, Rh. Ma-dv. Tragopogon, Linii. gracile, D. Don junceum, Wall. porrifolium, Linn. ... pratense, Linn Tragularia horrida, Kce i. Tragus, Haller aZiertws, Schult. Ber tero n ian us, S c h u 1 1 . hifiorus, Nees hiflorus, Sohult. hrevicaulis, Bois?. ... gracilis, Fauz Halieri, Doell inermis, Panz Vol. Page ... V. 3S.S „ 387 ... ,, 388 381 ... ,, 385 386 38H ... 379 382 ... 382 ;, 390 385 ... „ 387 ... ,. 385 390 vi". 385 , 388 ... vi. 380 ,, 367 369 ,, 386 ... ,, 385 387 ... ,, 387 383 ... VI. 367 ... V. 464 ... ,, 465 ... ,, 466 ... ,, 465 ... ,, 475 ... ,, 465 ... ), 287 ... ,, 466 465 ... ,, 465 465 ... 468 „ 412 ... 4fi5 „ 465 V. 449, 46H 1 ... V. 416 ... iii. 417 „ 417 ,, 417 418 ... ,, 418 ... iv. 711 ... vii. 98 „ 97 ... ,, b7 97 ,, 97 ... „ 97 ■• 363 ,, 97 357 ritf. Tragus muricatus, Moenoh occidentalis, Nees OTientalis,'Nees pinnatus, 'Paxiz racemosus, Scop senegalcnsis, J. Gay Trapa, Linn. bispinosa, Roxh natans, Linn quadrispinosa, Roxb. quadrispinosa, Wall Treisteria (lapsn Tre teira and Tristeria) assamica, Griff. cordata, Griff. lanceolata, Griff. Trema, Lour amboineiisis, Bl anguslifolia, Bl Burmanni, Bl ? cannabina, hour orientalis, Bl politoria, Planch timorensis, Bl velu'ina, Bl virgiita, Bl Trembleya rliinanth^ra, G Trentepohlia, Boeok. ... bifoliata, Boeck. Tresteira, vide Treisteria Treutlera, Hk. f insignis, Hk.f. Trevesia, Vis iusignis, 3Iiq palmata, Vis sMndaica, Regel TrewiR, Linn discolor, Sm hernanii folia, Roth ... wacrophylla. Roth ... macrostachya, Klotz. n-ad\Qoi a, Linn. nudifiora, Wight polyoarpa, Benth. ruscijiora, Heyne tricuspidata , Willd. Triachyrum cordofanum Hoohst discosporum, Steud. nilagiricum, Steud.... Triactina, Bk. f. 8f T. verticillata, Hk.f. 4^ T. TricBnanthus Griffi^thia n Nees Trianthema, I(in.7i. crystalHna, Vahl decaudra, Linn. Vol. Page vii. 97 „ 97 „ 97 „ 363 „ 97 „ 97 1'. 590 „ 590 „ 590 „ 590 „ 5!J0 275 277 279 483 484 484 484 484 484 484 483 484 483 523 597 597 IV. ]i. 45 45 731 „ 732 „ 732 „ 732 V. 425 ., 424 4i4, 416 V. 423 , 4i3 „ 423 ., 424 „ 424 „ 524 „ 430 vii 253 ,. 253 „ 251 ii. 423 „ 423 iv. 470 li. 660 „ 660 „ 661 GENERAL INDEX. 817 Trianthema Oovindia, Wall hjda,Bpica„ Edge w monogyna, Linn obcordata, E-oxb ohcordata, Wall ■pentaadra, Linn poiysperma, Hochst. polyspcrma, Oliv sedifolia, Vis triquetra, Rottl TviSiB, Lindl oblonga, Ltwdi. ... .. ovata, Lindl picta, Benth , Stockeii, i?e?ii7i Triafherd, bromoides, llotli Trihrachia hirta, Lindl. ndoratissima,hind\ purpurea, Lindl reptans, Lindl Ti'ihrachys Gardneriana, Champ Tiibulus, Linn alatas, Del cistoidep, Linn lanuginosus, Linn terrestris, Linn Tricera nepalensis, Wall. v. Trictiadenia, Thw zeylauica, Thio. Trichaurus ericoides,\\ . & A. Trichelostylis, Lestiu asperrima, Nees chcetorrhiza, Nees cinnamnmetorum, Nt.es ... complanata, Nees ciirvifoliay Nees digitata, Hk. f. & T. fili/ormis, 'Neea glohulnsa,l^eiiS jitnciformis, Nees Latifol a, Nees niiliacea, Nens 'pentaptera, Nees q II i nqu ingularis, 1:^668 Salyundia, Nees '. scahra, Nees tenella, Nees tetragona,'SG:a torta, N. es sp., Ek. f.&T. VI. 642,613, Trichilia coriacea, V\'a1l. • ? longissima, Wa'] nervosa, Vahl spinr.sa, Willd trifoliata, Wall Vol. P .ge ii. i660 „ 661 „ 660 „ 660 „ 660 „ 6^0 „ 661 „ 661 „ 660 „ 660 V. 780 „ 780 „ 781 „ 780 „ 781 xii. 2S7 V. 762 ., 758 „ 760 „ 769 V. 666 i. 423 „ 423 „ 423 „ 423 „ 423 26-^, 267 i. 196 „ 196 i. 249 vi. 6H ,. 6t3 ,; 647 „ 650 „ 646 „ 636 „ 648 ., 633 „ C,\5 „ 647 ., 648 „ 644 „ 645 „ 614 „ 64-i „ 646 „ 642 „ 641 „ 648 ) 15,646, 648 i. 564 „ 552 „ 553 „ 512 „ 564 Trichilia Vol. Page venosa, Spreng i. 553 ? villosa, WaU j^ 564 Trtchilie^ i. 540 Trichodesma, Br iv. 153 africanum, Br j^ 154 amplexicaale, Both )) 153 hirsutum, Edgew 153 inrjequale, Edgew ,, 154 indicum, Br ,, 153 indicum, DC 154 khasianum, Ciarte 154 perjoliatum,y(a\\ )> 153 suhsessde, Wall 153 zejlanioum, Br. )> 154 Trickodia vareciformis, Grilf. 600 Trichodium caninum,^c\\YQ d . VI' . 255 Trichoglottip, Bl vi. 42 Dawsonianfj, Rchh. f. ,, 43 fasciata, Rchb. f ,^ 43 quadricornuta, .ffiir:; j, 43 retusa, Bl •) 43 Trichogyne caulifiofa, DC. ... 278 Trichola3i)», ,S'c^ra(Z V'l . 64 ? fusca, Schult. )) 120 micranfha, Schrad 65 Teneriffaj, Parlat 65 tuberculosa, Hack •) 65 \Yighf,U,Ne(S ^ Am. 65 sp. Wall >) 65 Tricholepi?, DO ill 379 amplexicaulip, Clarke „ :i:>l angastifolia, UC ,, 332 ("andolleana, Vfight ,, a83 eloijgata, DC „ 3!i0 furoata, DC )> 380 glaberrima, DC 381 karensiam, Kurz • > 3 SO lamoginosa, Klotz 380 montana, Dalz. ^' Gv>s. , 383 nigricans, Edgew. {ni- grescens) .J 380 procumhens, Wight 5) 3,3 radicans, DC. J> 381 Roylei, m. /•. 383 spartoides, Clarke !? 382 Stewartei, Clarice 380 stiotophy \la,ClarJce >> 382 tihetica, Hk.f.^ T. J) 382 Trichoon Karka, Roth \v. 304 Trichnphorum arundinaceum. Strach v\ 661 comosum, Sbraoh ,, 6tJ4 cyperinum, Pers )J 631 Tricl.opodiivm angustifolium, LmxiI v'. 297 corCatuWf Lindl 5) 297 intermedium, Lindl. a 297 818 GENERAL INDEX. Trichopodium Vol. Page zeijlanicum, Thw. ... ... vi. 2y7 Trichopus, Gcvrtn. ... vi. 297 zeylanioup, Gcertn. ... • * >> '.97 Trichoeanthes, Linn. ... ... ii. 606 anguina, Linn ... ,, 610 anguina, Wall 607 aspera, Heyne ,, fi06 Iracteata, Kurz 607 corda^a, Tiorh ... ,, 608 cordata, Wall ii. 6J7 608 caoumeriDa, Linn. ... ... ii 609 cucumerina, Wall. ... „ 611 cuspidata, Jj\rx)V. ,, 609 dicnelosperma, C/arke 5) 609 dioica, Roxh ... ,, 609 (Unica,W8iU ... ,, 623 ? Fatoa, Ham 611 fvetidissima, 3 acq. ,, 627 grandibracteata, Kurz ,, 607 grandijiora, WhH. ... ;j 606 heteiocUta, Roxb. 606 hinialensis, Clarle ... ... ,, 608 integrifolia, Thw. ... 610 integrifolia, Kurz )) 612 japonica, Regel )) 607 laciniosa, Klein ... ,, 60.9 laciniosa, Wall. eo6 lobatH, Boxl) 610 Inbata, Kurz ... ,, 610 macrnsiphon, Kurz ... ii. 6U8 ,610 multiloba, Mig. (see Errata) ii. 607 iiervifolia, Linn. 609 oficinalis. Wall. 612 Valmata, Roxh 606 pahnata, Wall 608 pilosa. Wall 609 ? renifonnis, Kurz ... 639 renifurmis, Miq. 609 Russ' liana, Wall. 617 subvelutina, Muell. ... ... 607 tricuspis, Miq 606 iruncMtM, ClnvTce 608 tuberosa, Roxb 608 sp., Griff" 610 sp., Hk.f.&T 608 Trichosnia, Liri'il. ... V. 827 cylindripoda, Griff", (error for Eria) ,, 827 suavip, Lindl. ... v. 827, vi .193 IVichofiporum, D. Don ... iv. 337 ffrandijivruia, D. Don ,, 338 parvijlorum. D. Don 339 radicans, Nees ... ,, 343 Trichotosia, Bl ... V. 786 hijlora, Griff*. „ 806 ferox, Bl ... ,, 806 microiphylla, Bl, ,, 808 Tricofiiularia fimhriatylnides, Beuth ' Tricyrtis, Wall clegans, Wall pilosa, Wall Tridax, Linn prooumbenp, Linn Tri 'ens indicus, Nees Tridesmis, Spach formo.sa, Korth ochnoides, Spacli prun\flora, Kurz Tridesmis, Lour tomentosa, Lour Trifolie^ Trifolium, Linn fragiferutr, Linn indicum, Linn minus, Sm officinale, Willd pritense, Linn. repens, Linn resupinahim, Linn nnijolium, Forsk venulosum, R yle Triglochin, Linn maritimum, Li' 399 V. 395 J, 398 }> 396 n 397 >> 398 )) 397 403 ,40i )) 396 V. 396 j> 398 >> 397 jj 397 400 iv. 171 173 }> 172 »} 172 )) 172 )) 172 i. 336 vi. 698 » 698 vi. 361 vi. 361 }> 361 361 li. 642 vi. 220 V. 73 vii. 362 vii. 329 J) 295 jj 273 i. 528 j> 528 iii. 8 ,, 8 j> 8 )) 180 506 j» 507 yy 509 507 508 ii. 548 vi. 107 iii. 215 >} 215 j> 215 Tripodanthera cochinchinense, Roera Tripogon, Roth abypsinicus, Nees ... vii. htngalensisy Munro ... bromoides, Ro/h bromoides, Benth capillatus, /. (^ S capitatus, L'sboa festucnides, Clarke /< stucoides, J. & S fiiiformis, Nees Griffithii, W. & A Jacquemontii, Stapf lanatus, Hochst LisbosB, Stapf minimus, Hochsc Niesian^'S, W. & A pauperculup, Stapj semitruncatus, Neei? suhmutirus, Hack triHdu«, Jfwn/-o unidentatus, Nees Wightii, Ji^c. /. zeylanicus, Nees sp., Hk. f. &T sp., Lisboa ? sp., Wall vii. Tripsacmn dista;hyum, Linu. ? semiteres, Wall Tripteranthes pusillus. Wall. Tripterospermum Championi, Gardn trinerve, Bl Trisciadia, H^-. /. truncata, Hk. f Trisepalutu, Clarke acutnm, Clarke obtusum, Clarke Tiisetum, Beanv CBneutn, Hack aiioides, R. & S. andinwm, Benth antarcticum, Trin auri urn, N«ea Cavanillfsii, Trin fiavescens, Beauv Gaudinianum, Boiss. (ircjenlandicum , Steud. lahiadoricwm, Steud. Lnefflingianu7n, Beauv. ... Loe/fingianum, Duthie mollis, Kunth phlei->des, Kuuth ph/eoides, Trio spiciforme, Dulao suhspicatum, Beauv. Vol. Pag:e ii. fill vii 2^5 287 ,422 vii 2s7 J) 2S7 5J 287 285 }) 285 287 !! 287 J) 288 287 n 286 287 )] 286 1} 287 287 JJ 285 J) 288 287 jt 286 j> 288 » '^86 5> 287 286 5J 286 243 , 288 vii 96 J) 101 V. 665 iv. 108 J) 107 ii). 94 J) 94 iv. .363 3H4 5J 363 Vii. 274 280 )> 278 )j 278 )> 278 >j 280 ») 276 )> 279 >i 276 >> 278 )) 278 276 >> 336 JJ 278 278 ,^ 309 ,, 278 >> 278 820 GENERAL INDEX. Trisetum Vol Page Tritionm Vol. Pago toluccense, Kunth vii 278 pUonicum, Linn vii 367 valesiacum, Boiss „ 276 repens, Kunth 328 virescens, Nees >j 277 repens, Linn 370 Tristachya, Nees vii 271 sativum, DC 367 barbata, Nees , 272 sativum, Linn 367 iStock^ii, Boiss. jj 272 scaherrimum, Stand. 363 Tristacia, i?. Br li. 435 Spelta, Linn 367 burmannica, Griff". )) 466 striatum, Sttud 369 conferta, Griff. )> 467 sylvaticum, Moench 363 Griffichii, Kurz )> 467 tenellum,Yiv 356 Maingayi, Duthie 407 turgidum, Linn 367 merguensis, Griff. J, 466 unilaterale, Linn J) 356 sumatrana, Miq 466 valgare, Vill 367 Whitima, lapsu VVightiai.a, Zea, Host 5> 367 Griff. ii. 466 Triumfettd, Linn i. 394 sp., Griff ii. 466, 467 angulata, Lamk 5> 395 Tri stellateia, 27iouars i. 418 annua, Limi 3^6 australasica, A. Rich. )5 418 Barlramia, B>oxb 395 Triatemma angustifolium, BI. ii. 515 hilocularis. Wall 395 Tristeria, vide Treisteria ... iv. 275 cana, Bl 396 Tristicha zeylanica, Gardn. V. 62 glabra, Hb. Miss 395 Tristiche^c V. 62 glanduhsa, Hpyne )) 395 Tri taxis, Baill V. 384 itidica, Ham 394 ? Beddomti, 5ewt/( 384 indica, Lamk 396 Cumingii, Bbii tb ?? 384 ? microphylla, W. & A , . . . >) 396 zeylanica, Muell 400 neglecta, W. ^^ A !> 396 Tritkeca pentandra, Miq. ii. 569 ohlonga, Wall J5 394 Tritht/rocarpus oligospathus, ohlooigata. Link J> 395 Hassk vi 373 orbiculata, Koen >) 395 paleatus, Hassk ?j 373 ovata, DC 391 Trit icoidt s, Gviff. vi 698 pentandra, Guili. & I'eir !) 396 Triticam, Lmn vii 366 pilosa. Roth )J 394 -3i]'jfil()ps, Beauv 5J 367 pilosa, Wall 5) 394 asstivutn, Linn ?J 367 pilosula, Thw 396 amyleum, Ser 367 poly car pa. Wall. ... i 395 396 henghalense, Host )5 367 rhomboidea, Jacjwew. ... i. 395 hromo des, Weber J) 363 rotundifolia, Lam ^, 395 com pactum, Host )) 367 semitriloba, iiftJi „ 396 compos/turn, Linn 367 suborbiculata, BO ,, 395 dicuccum, Schrank ); 367 tomentosa, Bojer J, 394 durum, Desf 367 to7nentnsa. Wall )> 395 elymoidcs, Hochst ^^ 368 trichoclada, Link 896 geminatum,Spreng. :j 294 trilocularis, Roxb ,, 395 gracile, Bvot 363 vestita. Wall i. 2'J4 395 gracile,DG )) 363 TiaURIDEiE vi. 558 hispanicum, WiWd 356 Trochisandra indica, Bedd. i. 662 hordeiforme, Wall !) 371 Trochodendrej; ... i. 39 hyhernum, Linn 367 Troll ius, Linn 22 long ear istatum, J. & S. ... » 368 SiCB,\x\\.s, Lindl ,, 22 macrourwn, Turcz 363 americanus, DC J) 22 maritimum, Willd ,j 356 laxus, Salisb 22 monococcum, Linn >> -^67 patulus, Salisb >> 2J mm ale, Sadish 372 pumilu?, D. Don 12 Nardus,DG 5J 356 pumiius, Royle „ 22 phoenicioides, DC 363 Troostwychia singularis, Miq. ii. 47 pilosum, Dalz. & Gibs. ... J> 367 TropcBolum pentaphyllum, pinnatum, Moench )J 363 Lamk vi. 186 GENERA.L INDEX. 821 Vol. Page Turpinia Vol. Page Trophis aculeata, Roth 7. 489 , 491 latifolia, Wall .. i. 699 aspera, Retz .. V. 489 martabanica, Wa 1. ... .. „ 699 cochinchinensis, Poir. !) 489 microcarpa, W. & A. ... „ 699 ? Heyneana, Wall 488 nepalensis, Wall. .. „ 699 spinosa, Bl !) 538 pouiifera, DO ^ .. „ 698 spinosa, Heyne ... . 491 Turra3a, Linn .. i. 541 spinosa, Roxb n 48S alata, Wight ... „ 542 taxifnrmis, Spreng 5) 48^ pmnata, Wall .. „ 543 taxoides, Heyne ... . 488 trichostylis, Miq. .. „ 379 Tropid\A, Lindl . vi. 92 villosa, Benn .. 55 542 angulosa, Bl 92 virens, Linn .. 55 541 assamica, Bl 93 virens, Helien ... ,5 512 curculigoides, JAndl. 5) 93 Turraya napalensis, Wall. .. vii. 94 curcuUijoides, Kurz, hps Turritis glabra, DC. ... i. 135 Cnemidia 94 rigida, Wall ... „ 135 Govindovii, Bl 92 Tassilago, Linn .. iii. 330 graminea, Bl )) 93 Farfara, Linn .. „ 330 Mainyayi, Hh. f 93 macrophylla , Wall .. „ 391 pedtinculata, Bl 5) 93 rupestris, Wall. .. „ 330 semilibera, Bl 5 > 92 Tylophora, Br ... iv. 39 Thwaitesii, i/fc. /. ... . 93 asthmatica, W. Sf A. •■ „ 44 sp., ?) 94 asthma^ica, Wight .. .. „ 2S Tryphera prostrata, Bl. . ii. fi62 Belostemraa, Benth. .. „ 43 Tsuga, Carr . V. 654 cap pari difolia, W. 8^ A. .. 5, 41 Brunoniana, Carr ■ 654 carnosa, Dalz. & Gibs. •55 44 Tulasnea foliosa, Wigh c . V. 63 carnnsa, Wall ... ,5 42 ceylanica, Wight, lapsu cordifolia, Thto. .. „ 44 Terniola • 62 Dalzellii, Blc.f. .. „ 43 Lawii, Wight • ',' 63 exilis, Goleb .. „ 44 pedunculosa,'W\gh% ... . 5J 63 fascioulata. Ham. ... .. „ 40 ramosissima, Wight 63 fa^cicidaia, Thw. .. „ 40 Tulipa, Lmii . vi. 351 globifera, W7^. /. .. „ 41 chrysantha, Boiss >> 355 Govanii, Dene .. „ ^0 Clusiana, DO r 5J 355 Helferi, m./ .. 55 40 LeTitnanniana, Merckl. . • 5> 355 himalaica, HTc. f. .. „ 42 stellata, Hoolc • 5> 3 05 hirsuta, Wight .. „ 43 undulata, Jacquem. 355 Iphisia, Dcve .. „ 40 TULIPE^ . vi. 301 Jaciuemontii, Done, • 5, 43 Tunga dAandra, Roxb .. vi. 678 longifolia, Wight .. 55 42 laevigata, Roxb >) 667 macrantha, B"A:./. ... .. „ 40 triceps, Roxb J) 667 micraniha, Thw. .. „ 42 Tunica, 8cop . i. 215 miorostachys, Hk. f. .. „ 733 strict'i, Bunge 55 216 wollissima, Wall. ... •• „ 43 TnpidanthuP, nk.f. Sr T. . . ii. 740 mollissima, Wight ... ... „ 43 calyptratus, Jffc./. > T. . . „ 740 pauciflora, W. ^ A. .. 5, 41 Tupistra, Ker . vi. 324 pauciflora, Hohen. ... •• -55 40 aurautiaca, Wall 325 pauciflora, ? Hk. f. & T. .. „ 44 Clarkei, m./ 55 325 puhescens, Wall. .. „ 45 rnaorosticrma, Baker 325 purpurea. Wall. .. 55 4L nutans, Wall 324 rotundifolia, Ham. ... .. „ 43 singapureana, Wall. 55 325 tenerrinna, Wight ... .. „ 44 squalida, Baker ... , 55 324 tenuis, Bl .. „ 42 Stoliczkana, Kurz ... 55 325 tenuissima, W. & A. ... „ 42 Wattii, m-./. 325 villosa, Bl .. „ 43 ?sp.. Griff. ... ... . 55 325 Walliohii, Hk. f. ... ... „ 45 Turiicnia latifolia, Hcffm. . . ii. 719 zejl&nioa,, Dene. .. „ 42 Turpinia, Vent i. 698 sp., Miq .. „ 7 1 822 GENERAL INDEX. Tylostylis sp., Bl Typha, Linn atigiistata, Chaub. d- Bort/ angusfifoUa, Kurz angvstifolia, Linn angustifolm, Thw, ... elephautina, Foxh javanica, Schnizl latifolia, Edgevv latifolia, Moon Laxmanni, Lepech Mares ii, Ball and Martini, Aitoh minima, Kurz stew phylla, Rohrb. TYPHACK.S: Typhonium, ScIkU hvev]peft, Hk.f. bulbiterum, Dalz crenatnm, Scbotc ciispidatum, lU divarioatnm, Dene. diversifolinm, Wall. fallax, N. E. Br Jia_qelliforme, Bl foiiolnsum, Engler graoile, Schott Hurgelianum, Sohott javariicum, Miq minvtum,'B\ minutum, Schott Motleyanuni, Schott orixense, Schott peHatum, Schott pedatum, Schott Roxburghii, Schott siamense, Engler irilobatnm, Schott triste. Griff. lytonia naiavs, G. Don Ulme^: Ulniue, Linn campestris, Linn erosa, Roth erosa, Wall HooTcerian'i, Planch. inte'jrifolin, R^ xb heciyata, Royle lancifulia, Hoxh parvifolia, Jocqnem. pednncidata, Hk. t. & T. pumila, Hk. f. & 'V virgafa, Ruxb Walliohiaria, Planch. Umbellifera, Grill'. ... ii. Umbellifkr^e Yol. Page V 8U2 vi. 488 , 489 „ 489 „ 489 „ 489 „ 489 „ 489 „ 489 „ 489 ,. 489 ,. 489 , 489 „ 489 „ 489 VI. 488 vi. 509 „ 511 „ 511 „ 512 „ 511 ., 510 „ 510 „ 511 „ 511 „ 510 „ 512 ., 510 ., 510 „ 513 ., 512 „ 510 „ 509 ,. 511 „ 511 ., nlO ., 509 ,. 509 „ 509 1. 483 V. 477 V. 480 ., 480 ;, 480 „ 480 „ 480 ., 481 „ -180 „ 480 „ 481 „ 480 „ 481 „ 481 „ 480 687, 697 ii. 665 Umbilicus Jimhriatus, Tnrcz. luteuf, Dene Ore'ides, Dene rad ican s, TLlotz. spathxdatus, Hk. f. & T. ... spinosus, DC spinosus, Turcz Uncaria, Schreb acida, Roxb acicZa, Kew distrib atttnuata, JTor//) brevispina? Kew distrib canescens, Kor 41rt 416 420 416 416 416 iii. 28 33 31 29 31 )i 29 34 31 31 )5 33 28 28 31 31 29 J, 28 ,, 30 J, 33 28 32 30 )J 33 33 32 30 HO 29 2S 23 28 32 30 29 32 ,^ 28 28 )) 29 28 )I b2 30 )J 28 . 54 179 vi. 65 65 vi. 712 71:4 >> 712 vi. 597 vii. 325 )) 317 GENERAL INDEX. 823 Uniola Vol. Page vii. 332 Uraria Vol. Page lappa cea, Trin Lagopn?, DC ii. 1..6 ? rmu-ronata, Linn „ 328 lanceolata, Grab „ 1^-6 Unona, Linn 1. 58 leptostachya, Wall „ 156 Alphonsii, WhII „ 62 linearis, Haask. „ 155 cauliflora, HA;. /. c^ r. ... ., 60 obcordata, Miq „ 166 chinensis, DC „ 59 picta, Desv „ 155 cochinchinensis, DC, „ 59 picta, Wight „ 155 cordifolia, Eoxb „ 59 prunellsefolia, Grah. „ 157 crinita, Hk. f. Jb T. „ 61 repanda, PFa?Z „ 156 Dasymaschala, Bl „ 61 retrx)fracta, Wall „ 160 desmantha, Hk. f. ^ T. ... „ 61 retusa, Wall „ 156 DesmoB, Dun. „ 59 ?sit/raci/oha, W. & A. ... „ 170 discolor, Vahl „ 59 Urceola, Roxh iv. 657 dumosa, Roxh „ 59 brachysepala, HA; /. „ 659 Dunalii, Wall „ 58 elastioa, Roxh „ 657 Dunalii, Hk. f. & T. „ 59 elastica, Wall „ 658 elegans, Thiv „ 58 esculenta, Benth „ 658 fulva, Wall. „ 59 luoida, Benth „ 658 grandiflora, DC „ 47 Maingayi, HA;. /. „ 658 //amata, Dun „ 54 malaccensis, HA;. /. ., 658 hypoglauca, Miq „ H3 torulosa, HA;. / „ 659 latifolia, Uk.f. c^ T. „ 60 Urena, Lmw i. 329 Lawii, HA;./. .>-r. „ 59 cana, Wall „ H29 leptopetala, Dun „ 56 cordata, Hb. Heyne „ 330 longiflora, Roxb „ 61 hamiltoniana, Wall. „ 330 Naruni, Dan „ 50 heteroph]jlla, Sm „ 330 odorata, Dun „ 56 Lippago, DC „ 330 paiinosa, Dalz „ 58 lobata, Linv „ 329 pedunculosa, A. DC. „ 59 morifolia, DC „ 330 prseoox, HA;. /. ^ T. „ 60 muricata, DC „ 320 pycnantha, HA;./. ^ T. ... „ 60 palmata, Roxh „ 329 stenopetala, Hk. f. S,'- T ... „ 60 repanda, Roxh „ 330 suaveolens, Bl „ 55 rigida, Wall „ 330 undulata, Wall „ 59 ri{/icZa, Wall „ 330 virgata, Bl „ 57 scahnuscula, DC „ 329 vindiflora, Bedd „ 60 scabriuscula, Wall „ 329 zeylauica, HA;. /. d: T. .. „ 58 sinuata, Linn. ... „ 329 Unone^ 1. 46 speciosa. Wall „ 330 Uralepis Drummondii, Steud vii. 329 toment(sa, Wall '. „ 330 fusca, Stend „ 329 Urene^ i. 318 ? pungans, Kunth „ 331 Urera Commersoniana, Wedd V. 550 Uraiida apicali", Thw. i. 584 cremUata, Wedd „ 550 Urania speciosa, Wall. vi. 198 gigantea, Gaud „ 550 Uraria, Desv ii. 155 javensis, Gaud. „ 550 alopecuroides, Wight „ 156 Urgiuea, Steinh vi. 347 arbor ea, G. Don „ 156 congesta, Wight „ 348 campanulata, Wall „ 155 coromandeliana, HA./. .. „ 347 cercifolia, Desv „ 156 coromandeliana, W'ght vi 316, 347 comosa, DC „ 155 indica, Kunth „ 347 cordata, Wall „ 157 indica, Wight „ 318 cordifolia, Wall „ 157 polyphylla, HA;. /. „ 348 crinita, Desv „ 155 senegalensis, K.uuxh n 317 (iesmodioidt s, Grab . „ 156 Wightiana. HA;. / „ 347 hamosa, Wall „ 156 Urochloa cimicina, Ku th .. vii. 64 hamosa, Wall „ 156 mauritiana, Bojei- „ 36 lagopodioides, Wall. „ 156 panicoidcs, Beauv . „ 35 lagopoides, DC „ 156 paspaloides, Presl » 33 824 GENERAL INDEX. Urochloa Vol. Pa^e puhescens, Kunth .. vii. 36 semi-alata, KuBth ... .. „ 61 Uropetahim concanense,'Bdik Br vi. 346 hijdsuricum, Edgew, .. „ 347 Tnontanum, Dalz. .. „ 346 serotinum, Kpr .. „ 346 Uropbyllum, Wall. ... iii. 97 arhoreum, Korth. .. „ 98 hiloculare, Knrz .= „ 125 Blumeanum, Ffe. /. ... .. „ 99 coriaceum, Miq. .. „ 112 ellipticum, Thw. .. „ 97 glihrum, Wall .. „ 98 glahrum, Wall .. „ 99 Griffithianum, Hlc. f. .. „ 98 hirsntum, Wk. f. .. „ 98 loDgifolium, SI: f. ... .. „ 99 iparviflorum, Wall. .. „ 99 repaiiduhim, Miq. ... .. „ 98 streptopodiuai. Wall. .. „ 99 streptopodiu7n, Wall. .. „ 99 strigos^im, Kurz '.. „ 99 villosum. Wall. .. „ 99 zeylanicurn, Thw. ... . . „ 98 6-p., Wall ii'. 98,99 Urostacliya, Lindl. .. V. 785 [Irostiqnia aramptophyllin I, Miq .. V. 507 cegeirophyllum, Miq. .. „ 516 affine, Miq .. „ 513 altissimum, Miq. .. „ 504 Ampelos, Dalz. & Gibs. .. „ 497 annulatum, Miq .. „ 502 apiocarpiim., Miq. .. „ 518 Arnottianum, Miq. ... .. „ 514 hengalense, Gasp. .. ., 499 Benjayvina, Miq. .. „ 508 Oicorne, Miq .. „ 501 liverrucellmn, Miq. ... .. „ 502 canaliculatuvi, Miq — .. „ 511 caulohidryum, Miq. ... .. „ 514 ceylortense, Miq. .. „ 514 chrysoHirix, Miq. .. ., 501 circums-issutn, Miq. ... .. ;, 508 conniven.s, Miq. ... .. „ 501 conocarpnm, Miq. ... .. „ 502 consnciatum, Miq. .. „ 505 cnrdifolimn, Dalz. & Gib s. „ 514 cordifolium, Miq. .. „ 513 courtallerise, Miq. .. „ 514 dasycarpujn, Miq .. „ 500 depressum, Miq. .. „ 502 tlasHcum, Miq .. „ 508 euneuron, Miq .. „ 512 Jiavescens, Miq .. „ 502 glahelluin, Miq. .. „ 511 glaherrimum, Miq .. „ 506 Urcstigma Vol. Page glohosum, Miq V. 503 infectorwm, Miq. ... v. 51'j , 516 Karet, Miq . V. 50S lacciferumy Miq >> 504 lamhertianum,'Da]7j. & Gib s. ,, 516 Za7nhertianum, Miq, >) 516 leucocarpum, Miq )) 516 lucescens, Miq 516 ManoTc, Miq )) 503 microcarpum. Mic^ ?) 511 mod-stum, Miq. • 512 modestum,1\xw 512 Moritzianum,lA.\^ •J 511 rnysorenss, Miq. •) 500 nervosum, Miq •) 512 nitidum, Miq 511 nudum, Miq • 508 obtusifoUurn,, Miq 508 ohversum, Miq L 501 cdnratum, Miq. ,, 508 oiiustum, Miq )5 503 ov oideum, Miq 511 parvifoliuin, Miq 511 p eracut am , Mi(\ roi rersecEfoHiwi, Miq ,. fl6 pdosum, Miq jj 501 pisiferuvi, Mi j 511 pi ocmrpum, M.iq. ... .. 55 510 pruniforme, Miq 55 502 Pseud^'-Benjaminri, Miq. .. 55 515 ? Pseudo-ruhrum, Miq 55 507 Fseudo-Tjiela,M.\<\ 55 515 re igiosum, Gasp 55 513 refusitm, Miq ., 511 rhododendrifolmm. M q. .. )5 510 rigidum, Miq •5 505 riibe-cens, Miq 55 506 Rumphii, Miq 55 513 suhcuspidatiim.^ Miq. 55 501 simdaicum, Miq 55 ro7 tiiiorense, Miq 55 516 Tjakela, Miq 55 514 Tjiela, Miq v . 5' '7 , 515 Tjiela, Thw . V. 509 tomentosum, Miq 55 5Ul truncatum, Miq 5' 507 vnlidum, Miq 55 502 voluhile, Dalz 497 Wiglitianum. Miq. ... v ". 514 ,516 xylophyllum, Miq . V. 504 Urtioa, Linn V. 547 acerifulia, Zeuk 55 551 ojffinis, Hk. & Arn 55 549 aiienata, lAnn 581 amcena. Wall 55 545 angulaia, Bl 55 555 angustata, Bl • 55 590 GENERAL INDEX. 825 Urtica Vol . Tape Urtica Vol. Page angustifolia, Hatn. ... ... V. 577 parvijioYct, Ham. V. 581 anisophylla, Wall. ... ... „ 552 paucijlora, Hochst. ,, 593 appendiculata, Wall, ... 589 peduncularis, Sm. lapsu aqimtica, Moon „ 575 Pilea }5 557 ar dens, Link ... ,, 548 pendulijlora, Wall. 577 hicolor, Roxb. ■ 591 pentandra, Roxb. )J 583 ?hicolor,Wfi\\ ... 590 pentandra, Wall. J> 583 blanda,W!i\] ... ,, 579 peploid-'S, Wedd. 554 hracfeata, Wight 585 piiulifera, Linn. ,, 548 candicans, Burm. ... 577 - platyphylla, Ham. )) 578 catcdata, Burm. ... ,, 578 polys'achya, Wall. 579 caudata, Wall 585 pulcherrima, Roxb. .. ... ,, 588 caudi;7 era, Wall. ... J, 579 pulcherrima, Wall. J> 577 Chiple, Ham ... ,j 581 punctata, Ham. 581 Churta, Ham ... jj 550 Puya, Ham )) 592 cinerascens, Wall . ... 579 rividaris, Schlecbt. >) 593 como^a, Ham 576 rugosissima, Reinw. 578 cremdatn, Roxb. ... ,, 550 rugoiula, Wall. 577 dioica, Linn ,, 548 sanguinea, Bl. ... 5> 581 divcrsifolin, Link 550 scabrella, Roxb. 578 evifata, Wall • • ■■ ? > 549 scripta, Ham. ... 556 foliolosa, Wall ... ,j 585 simiata, Bl J> 550 Jrutescens, Roxb. 590 smilacifolia, Wall. 553 gigantea, Poir 5o0 spicigera, Steud. ;> 549 glaberrima, Bl ,, 553 squamigera, Wall. )> 580 gloinerata. Wall. 581 - stipulosa, Miq 555 Goglado, Ham „ 553 suhperforata, Wall. . 580 grossa, Wall 588 suffruticosa. Roxb. , j> 581 Hamiltnniana, Wall. v'. 556 , 579 superba, Wall. ... 545 heterophylla, Vahl ... ... V. 550 tenacissima, Roxb. . 577 lieterophylla, Wight 551 ternata, Heyne .. 584 himalayensis, Kunth & tiiandra, Bl .587 Bouche ... ... .. ... 548 trinervia, Roxb, 557 hi'ppurioides, Griff. ..'. ,, 583 iriplinervis, Ham. n 556 hirta, Bl „ 586 triplinervis, Heyne . 557 horrida, Link ... JJ 550 triplinervis, Wall. . 581 hygrophiJa, Miq. 558 tuherosa, Koxb. .^.82 hyperborea, Jacquem. ,, 548 nmhrosa, Wall. ... . ,^ 556 incana, Bl. ... )) 589 uragera, Stead. )) 578 intcrrupta, Linn. 519 urophylla, Wall. J) 590 javanica, Bl „ 549 utilis, Hort 577 leucophylla, WhII. ... 591 venosa, Wall .'.' v! 577 579 lomatocarpa, Hocher. ,, 549 verrucosa. Moon V. 590 longifolia, Barm. 590 vesicaria, Ruxb. .. ... „ 582 m'lcrustachya, Wall. v! 577 .578 viminea, Wall .. V. 57(7 .581 malaharica, Wall. ... V. 575 virulnta, Wall. .. .., V. 548 uiicrophylla, Linn. ... ,, 55 L zeyianica, Burm. 551 nfllissimm, Bl 589 .sp., Giiff 574 muricata, Hey o ... ,; 590 TJRTICACK.f. V. 477 nana. Ham 5» 5^1 TJrticoa, Wall . V. 493 590 naticleifiora, Roxb. ... 5? 545 UllTICE.fi ... V. 479 nivea, Linn 5, 577 JJsubis tripJiylla, Barm ... i. U74 ohe^a, Wall 5r;4 JJtania morinda'f>lia, G . Don iv. 84 palmata, Forsk. 55U JJ tlerla, Bedd iv. 7 po.lmata, Ltschen. ... ... 5.51 salicifolirj, Bed.d iv. 7, 733 paniculata, Royle ... „ 556 Utricularia, Linn. iv. 328 parviflora, Roxb. ... „ 548 acuta, Benj JJ 331 VOL. VII. 3 H 826 GENERAL INDEX. Utrionlaria Vol. Page affinis, Wight . iv. 330 alata, Benj . „ 33) albiflora, GHjff^. ... . . „ 335 albo-coerulea, Dalz . „ 33U amhigu'i, DC . „ 335 arcuata, Wight . „ 33U austraiis, Br • „ 329 bifida, Linn . „ 332 iifida, Wi^ht . „ 333 hifioroides, Roxb. cordata, vv'all coriacea, Vahl costata, Wall dioica, Roxb •mlcis, Dun. elc'jan-, Wall elliptica, A. DC. excelsa, Wall far eta, Wall ferruginea, Ham. fornicata,Jiox.h. fulatns. Wall fulva, Wall gigantea, Wall. Gorneziana, A. DC. ... grandijiora, Hoxb. hamatob, Roxh Hamiltoni, Hk. f. S" T. helerocUta, Roxl>. Heyneana, Wall. Ueyneana, W. & A — Vol. Page iv. 331 335 331 332 32.) 3:^9 331 334 333 335 331 333 32 ^ 332 333 iv. 332, 333 ... iv. 33) 331 331 328 329 331 3:a 333 332 332 332 332 331 47 58 80 81 49 6G 64 49 51 r.7 87 48 82 92 77 56 52 71 82 79 75 49 47 54 48 45 77 51 GENERAL INDEX. 827 Uvaria Vol. Page Uvularia Vol. Pasre hir sata, Jacfc i. 48 muUiJlora, Reinw vi. 360 javana, Dun 5) 48 parvijlora, Wall ,, 360 lanuginosa, Wall }> 79 umheUata, Wall 55 360 latifolia,B\ 79 UVULARIE^ vi. 301 Lobbiana, m-. /. ^ T. .. ?> 49 longijolia, Lanik 62 Yacciniace^ ii'. 442 lurida, Elc.f. Sf T. ,^ 50 Vacciniold, Griff iii 447 , 459 lutea, Eoxb )) 89 Yaccinium, Linn iii. 451 Z-wfea, Wall. _ i. 51, 77, 89 acuminatum,, Kurz 455 mahiformis, GrifF. i. 82 offine,Wi^ht ]] 453 raacropbylla, Roxh jj 49 arbutoides, Clarke 55 453 niacropoda, Hfc. /. c^ T. .. „ 50 ardisioides, il^. / 55 452 manulriata, Wall !) 79 auriculatuni , Kurz 444 raicrantha, Hlc. f. ^ T. .. 51 bancanum, Miq 55 454 mollis, Wall )> 58 bracteatum, Thunb 5 5 454 Narum, Wall 50 campanulatum, Kurz 55 449 nervosa, Wall j^ 7.) chinense, Champ 455 nutans, Wall jj 72 Donianum, Wight 453 ohovata, Heyne J, 75 Dnnaliaiuim, Wight 5 • 453 obtusa, B] )J 76 exarislatum, Kurz 454 odorata, Lamk • J) 56 glauco-album, ^fe. /. 55 453 odoratissima, Roxb 54 Griffithianum, Wight 4o4 ophthalmica, Koxb )) 72 gualtherisefolium, Hk. f. ,, 453 ovahfoUa, Bl i) 49 hirsutum, Wight 55 443 oxyantha, Wa.\l. 83 LescheDaultii, Wight 455 parviflora, iffe./. ^ r. .. 55 51 loranthiflorum, DC 5) 446 pauciovulata, Hk. f. (f T ' ,, 51 macrostemon, Kurz 55 443 pohjantha, Wall ,, 81 malacceni-e, Wight 454 pnsmatka, Wall )5 81 micmphyllum, Bl 55 458 ptychocalyx, Miq 49 mmiatum, Kurz 445 purpurea, Bl 5) 47 nilgherrense, Wight 55 454 retimdata, Bl 55 77 Nummularia, Hk. f. ^ T. 55 451 Roxburghiana, Wall 71 obovafum, Wight 447 rubiginosa, A. DC 55 • 79 odontocerum, Kurz 55 447 Russellii, Wall 5) 89 odontocerum, Wight 446 sclerocarpa, A. DC 2,88 pu'iiilum, Zitrz 55 451 semecarpifolia, Hk. j. ^ 1 i. 49 retusum, Hk. f. ,, 451 sphcerocarpa, Bl 55 80 roiundijolium, Wight ,, 455 sphenocarpa, Hk. f. Sf T. 48 Roylei, Kurz 55 443 suherosa, Roxb. 55 65 salignum, Hk. f ,, 444 subrepanda, Wall. 50 serpeyis, Wight 55 449 snmatrana, Hk. f. 8f T. .. jj 51 Ferraium, Wight 55 452 tomentosa, Roxb 55 88 sikkiuiense, Clarke 451 trichomalla, B\ 55 48 Sprengelii, Wall 55 447 tripetala, Roxb 72 variegatum, Kurz 55 4J6 velutina, Dun 55 87 venosum, Wight „ 452 ventricosa, Roxb 55 89 verticillatum, Wight 55 443 villosa, Roxb 55 87 Wallichianum, Wight 443 virgata, Bl 55 57 Vachetlia Farnesiana, W. & . \. ii. 292 zeylanica, Linn 55 51 ? Vahea gummifera, Poir. ., . iii. 657 sp., Griff. 55 75 Yahlia, Thunh ii. 399 UVARIE^ i. 46 Oldenlandice, DC 55 399 Uvularia Betua, Ham. vi. 359 oldenlandioides, Eoicb. ... 399 calcarata, WaAl. 55 359 sessilijlora, WaW if 399 chinensis, Ker 360 silenoides, DC 55 399 Hamiltoniana, Wall. vi. 359 360 viscosa, Roxh 5» 399 Leschenaultiana, Wall. .. vi. 360 3 I Weldenii, Rqhb. .,. ... I 2 >> 399 828 GENERAL INDEX. Vol. Page Vol. Pa pre Valeriana, Lmw ... iii. 211 Vallisneria, Linn. ... V. 660 acuminata, Royle 5) 213 alternifolia, Roxb. . • 659 ? alternifoUa,WaM iv. 291 octandra, Roxb. . 660 aquatica, Sohldl iii. 214 spiralis, Liiin „ 660 Arnottiana, "Wight jj 213 spiraloides, Roxb. . 660 Beddomei, Clarice 214 rerticillata, Roxb. . 659 hracteata, Royle jj 212 VALLISNEIllE.a; ... V. 658 Urunoniana, W. & A. 214 Van da, Br . vi. 4-^ 178 J5rM?ionmna, Wall ir. 291 alpina, Lindl ... vi. 53 cMnensis^Bxxvm „ 709 Bensoni, Batem. • hi dioica, Linn iii. 211 hicandata, Thw. 26 duhia, Bunge ,, 211 bicolor. Griff. ... • 52 elata, D. Don. )) 213 brunnea, Rchl. f. . 51 elegans, Clarice 212 Catlicartx, Lindl. • 27 Hardwickiana, R. & S. ... J) 213 cserulea, Griff. ... . 51 Hardwickii, Wall 213 caerulescens, Griff. . . . . ,, 50 Eardwickii,Thm. ... ... 5) 213 coerulescens, Lindl. . 51 Bojfmeisteri, Klotz. 5J 2L3 concolor, Bl ... ,, 53 Hookeriana, W. ^ A. ... J! 214 congesfa, Lindl. 63 Jaeschkei, Clarice 212 crisrata, Lindl. 53 Jatamansi, Jones 5) 213 Denisoniana, Bens.^'' Rchh.f.',, 51 Jata^nansi, Wall, J5 211 densiflora, Lindl. . . 53 javanica, Bl 5) 213 fasciata, Gardn. • ••• 5) 62 Leschenaultii, DC 5) 214 Jimhriafa, Gardn. . • 62 ? Lindleyana, Wall iv. 290 fus^.o-viridis, Lindl. . • ••• 5) 54 microplnjUa, Bedd iii. 214 gigantea, Lindl. ,, 27 Moonii, Am ,j 213 Griffifhii, Lindl. , 53 oflBoinalis, Linn )i 211 Hookeriana, RchJ>. f. ... ,, 50 oligantha, Boiss 212 Lindleyana, Griff. . 27 pusilla, Royle ... !J 211 longifo/ia, Lindl. ,, 62 3yrolffifolia, Dene 212 multifiora, Lindl. ,, 62 .^oylei, Klotz )) 212 ohliq'ua, vVall ... ,, 61 Bpica, Vahl 213 Parishii, Veitch cf RchJ). f. „ 51 Stracheyi, Clarke J) 212 parviflora, Lindl ,, 50 tenera,Wa}] 213 ped.uncularis, Lindl. , 1^6 villosa, Moon !J 213 pulcliella, Wight 60 villosa, Wa.]] 213 pnmila, Uk. f. .. 53 Wallichii, DC 5) 213 Roxburghii, Br. 52 sp.,Hk. f. &T. ... iii. 212 ,213 spat.hulata, Spreng. . .. vi. 50 , 198 Valeriane^ iii . 210 Stangeana, Bclih. f. . 54 Val erian alia, 3foench iii .214 striata, Rchb. f. 53 Aucheri, Boiss )) 215 teres, Lindl 49 dentata, Poll 214 tessclloides, Rchb. f. 52 microcarpa, hoia 55 214 testacea, Rchb. f. . „ . 50 Morisonii, DC 214 ? trichorlnza, Hook. . • 23 Szovitziana, Fisch. Hf Mey. ^^ 214 tristis, Par 54 Vallaris, Barm iii. 650 undulata, Lindl. 27 ? anceps, l^^aH ,, G'>2 Vipani, Rchb. f. „ 54 assamensis (assamica),Gri& • )/ (552 Wightiava, Lindl. . 62 controversa, Sprang. iy. 216 Wightii, Rchb. f. . ... „ 54 diclwtoma, Wall iii. 650 sp., Gritf. 51 Heynei, Spreng „ 650 sp., Jones 52 lancifolia, Hfc. /. jj 651 Vande.io V. '668,"67i', vi. 1 lax^flora.m ,, 652 Van del I ia, Linn ... iv. 279 Maingayi, iZ^/i-. /. 55 651 alba, Benth 279 ovalis, Miq >> 651 angustifolia, Benth. ,, 282 Pergulaaa, Burnt » 651 cordifolia, G. Don . 282 GENERAL INDEX. 829 Vandellia Vol. Pa^e Crustacea, Benth. ... ... iv. 279 elata, Benth 280 erecta, Benth 281 erecta, Benth 280 hirsiita, Eenf/j 280 Llookeri, Clarke 280 laxa, Benth 281 ■minima, Beuth. 282 mollis, Benth 28L niollusjinoides, Benth. 279 monnierioides, Ham. 2K1 muitiflora, G. Don ... 280 multiliora, Hk. f. & T. 280 nummularitolia, D. Dm ... „ 282 obuvata, Walp 3) 259 pedunculata, Benth. 232 pyxidaria, Maxim. ... ,, 281 Roxburghii, G. Don ... ,, 282 scabra. Benth 281 sessiliflora, Benth. ... ... ,, 282 Vangaeria, Juss ... ill 136 ? atroviridis, Wall. . . . 133 eduUs, Miq ... ,, 136 eduliSy Vahl 136 lucidula. Miq ... ,, 132 mollis, WsiU ... ,, 136 ? palembanica, Miq. 12i puhescens, Kurz ,, 136 spiuosa, Roxh ,, 1:^6 spinosa, Kurz „ 13t> spinosa, Roxb ., 13;) spirostylis, Miq. ,, 132 Vangueire^ ill. 20, 131 1 Vanilla, Siv ... vi . 90 albida, Bl >> 91 aphylla, EL ? ,, 91 aphylla, Lindl. ., 90 Griffithii, Rchb. f. ... 91 Moonii, T/iw jj 90 'Pa.Tishii, Rchh. f. ... ... ,. 90 pterosperma, Lindl. ... ,, i-9 rubiginosa, Griflf. ,, 89 Walker i«, Wight ... ,, 90 Wightiana, Lindl. ... ,, 90 sp., Gritf. 91 sp., Wall ,, 91 Vareca heterocUta, Roxb. ... i. 186 lanceolata, Roxb. ,) 188 Varinga repens, Rumph. ... V. 500 Vateria, Linn ... i. 313 acuminata, Eeyne ... ... „ 313 acuminata, Thw. ... ,, 314 affinis, Thw 314 canaliculata, Thw. ... ,, 315 ceylanica, Wight ,, 314 cordifidia, Thw.lapsu Vatica cordifolia . i. 303, 317 Vateria Vol. P«g-> disticha, Thw ... i. 303 elegans, Thw ••• !> 317 Gardiieri, Thw. ... J, 314 iud'ca, Linn ... ,, 313 indica, Thw ... ,, 313 jucuuda. Thw 314 laiicecefolia, Roxb. ... ... ,, 302 lanceoiaria, Roxb. ... ... ,, 302 laiicO' lata, Thw. 315 lanceolata, R,oxb. ... ,, 302 lawcifolia, Thw. 316 malaharica, Bl 313 Moonii, Thw ... ,, 316 nitida, Thw 316 obloDgifolia, Thio. ... ••• \l 315 petiolaris, Thw. ... ,, 315 reticulata, Tlno. 316 rigida, Thw. ,, 315 Boxhurghiana, Wight 302 scabriuHculUfThw. ... ... ,, 303 Wightii, Thw ,. 314 Vatica, Linn ... i. 301 acuminata, A. DC. ... ... ,, 314 atiinis, Thw 303 Canaca, Ham ... 302 canaliculata, A. DC. ... ,, 315 chinensis, Linn 302 ? cordifolia, Thw. vide Vateria cordifolia i. 303 ? disticha, A. DC. ... .;. „ 303 faginea, Dyer ,, 301 Gardneri, A. DC. ... ,, 314 graudiflora, Dger 301 Hel fer J, Dj/er ,, 302 laccifera, W. & A. ... 305 lanceaefolia, Bl. ... ,, 302 lanceolata, A. DC. ... ... ,, 315 Maingayi, Dj/er 302 Moonii, A. DC ... ,, 316 7u■i^■da, A. DC ... ,, 316 ohlonga, A. DC. ,, 315 obtusa, Steud. ... ... ... , , 308 pallida, Dyer ... J, 302 petiolaris, A. DC. ... ,, 315 Ttticulata, A. DC. .. ... ,, :a6 rigida, A. DC 315 rohusta, Steud ... ,, 308 Roxburghiana, S/. .. ... ,, 302 scabriuscula, A. DC. 303 Scaphula. Dyeo' )> 301 Thwadtsii, A. DC. .. ... ^j 314 Ticmbuggaia, W. & &.. j> 306 Wightii, A. BC ... ,, 314 Velaga globosa, Gaertn. ... i I. 575 xylocarpa, Gajrtn. .. i. 369 VENTILAGINE.E ... i. 630 Yeatilago, Gcertn . ... i. 630 830 GENERAL INDEX. Vertilago Vol. Page bombaiensip, Dalz i. (i^il hracteata, Wall „ 631 calyculata, Tw/aswe ,, 631 denticndata, Willd „ 631 leiocarpa, Benth ,, 631 maco'antha, Tulasne „ 631 madraspatana, Gcertn. ... „ 631 madraspatana, Bentb. ... „ 631 madraspatana, Roxb. ... ,, 631 Maingayi, Laws „ 631 silhetiana, Tulasae „ 631 Smithiana, Tulasne „ 631 sulphurea, TnlBiane ,, 631 sp., Griff. ,, 631 Veratronia malayana, Miq. vi. 391 Veratrum ? malayanumt Jack vi. 391 VkerascE/E iv. 246, 250 Verbasoam, Linn iv. 250 ? Blattaria, Schm „ 250 celsioides, Benth ,, 250 cuspidatum, Sohrad. ... „ 250 indicum, Wall ,, 250 thapsiforme, Schrad. ... „ 250 Thapsus, Ltww ,, 250 virgatum, With ,, 250 Verbena, Linn iv. 5H5 bonariensis, Lino ,, 565 capitaia, Forsk ,, 563 hyderahadensis, Heyne ... ,, 564 indica, Li-DVi „ 5fi5 Jamaicensis, Linn „ 565 nodifiora, Linn ,, 563 officinalis, Linn „ 565 sororia, D.Don „ 566 spuria, Linn ,, 566 Terhenacea, Nees iv. 495 Verbenacea, WaW iv. 591 Verbenace^ iv. f)60 VERBENE.E iv. 5'^0 Verbesina Acmella, Linn. ... iii. 307 alha, Linn. ,, 304 [ hijlora, Linn „ 306 ? bifiora, Boxb „ 307 lijiora. Wall iii. 306, 307 Bosvallia, Linn, f iii. 308 Boswellia, Eoxb „ 308 calendulacea, Linn „ 806 dichotnma, W&U. ... iii. 305, 306 Lavenia, Linn iii. 243 Lavenia, Roxb „ 305 nodijlora , Linn „ 308 prostraia, Linn. ,, 304 Pseudo-acmella, Linn. ... „ 307 sativa, Roxb ,, 308 scah>rrima, Wall, lapsa Wedelia iii. 307 Vernonia, Schreb. iii. 229 Vernonia Vol. Pagre abbreviata, DC ... iii. 234 acuminata, DC 240 albicans, DC li'i. 234, 235 anceps, Clarice ... ii i 233 Andersoni, Clarke ... ,. 2M anthelraintica, Willd. ... ,, 1 36 arborea, Ham 239 Arnottiana, Thorns. ... ... ,, 238 aspera, DC 233 aspera, Ham ,. 234 aspera. Less ,, 234 attenuata, DC ... ,, 231 Beddomei, Hk. f. 231 blanda, DC. ... 241 blandula, Clarke ... ,, 241 Blumeana, DC. ... ,, 239 bract eata, Wall. ... , , 232 Iracteolafa, DC. 2?0 calycina, Wall ... „ 236 Candolleana, W. .^ A. ., 236 celebica, DC ,, 239 chinensis, Less. 235 cinerascens, Sch. ... ,, 237 cinerea, Less 233 clivorum, ilance ... ,, 232 conyzoides, DC 234 conyzoides, Thw. ,, 236 conyznides, Wight ... 236 Cumingiana, Benth. ... ,, 241 cuspidata, Buek. J, 240 cyanonioides, Walp. ... ,, 234 dindigulensis, DC. ... ,, 236 divergens, Benth. ... ,, 234 elfeagnifolia, DC. ... ,, 237 elliptica, DC ,, 237 erigeroides, DC ,, 234 extensa, DC ,, -38 fasciculata, Reiuw. ... ,, 234 Gardneri, Thw. ,, 230 Gard7ieri, Thw ,, 231 Helferi, Hk. f. ,, 231 Hookeriana, Am. ,, 235 indioa, Clarke „ 238 javanica, DC ,, 239 juncea. Kurz ,, 231 'Kingii, Clarke ,, 232 Kurzii, Clarke ,, 240 lavijlora, Lops 234 Uptophylla, DC. ,, 234 linifolia, Reinw, „ 234 Dobbii, hk.f. ,, 231 lobelloides, Wall. ... ,, 388 longicaulis, DC. 235 nialabarica, Hk. f. ... ,, 230 Metziana, Schulfi ... ,, 234 oaonosis, UC )j 239 montana, Edgew. ,, 234 GENEBAL INDEX. 831 Vernonia muUiJlora, DC neilgheryensis, Thw. nemoralis, Thw nilgheryensis, DC oliyocepha^a, Edgew. Parishii, ITA; / 'parvijiora, Reinw pectiniformis, DO peguensis, Clarice peninsiilaris, Clarice physalifolia, DC puncticulata, DC punduana, DC revoluta, Ham. rhomhoidea, Ed gew. rigiopliylla, DC riparia, Wall Eoxburghii, Less saligna, DC. Balvisefolia, Wight scandens, DC scariosa, Am setigera, Am Bol&niiolifi, Bent li spathulata, Hoohsb squarrosa, Less subsessilis, DC taUumifolia, Hlc.f. Sf T. teres, Wall Thomsoni, Hk. f. Thwaitesii, Clarice travancori ca, Hk. f. vagans, DC volkameriffifolia, DC. volkatnerioefolia, Bedd. ... volkameria^folia,Steet'i.,vi(i e punduana vulgaris, Steetz, vide pun- duana Wightiana, Arn Wightiana, Wall zeylauica, Less. Zollingeriana, Sch Vernoniacea, Griff. Vernonie^ iii. Veronica, Linn agrestis, Linn Anagallis, Linn argute- serrat a, Kegel & Schmalk arrensie, Lmw hartsidejolia, Boiss B"ecabuno;a, Linn biloba, Linn Jinmowia'na, Wall Buxbaumii, Ten campylopoda, BoifcS. Vol. Page iii 2a4 >> 235 )j 237 >) 234 }) 233 240 }) 234 >) 239 232 )j 233 234 >> 239 5) 240 )) 233 234 J, 230 }J 230 232 )J 235 )J 237 5) 341 236 ,, 235 )) 240 237 J» 230 230 5) 240 }) 229 JJ 232 231 )J 240 241 JJ 240 JJ 240 JJ 240 240 J) 238 271 238 JJ 234 iii. 253 220 226 ir. 291 294 )) 293 JJ 295 JJ 296 J) 295 JJ 293 294 JJ 291 294 JJ 294 Veronica cana, Wall oapitata, Benth cardiocarpa, Walp , ciliata, Fisch deltigera, Wall elbrusensis, Boiss grandiflora. Wall Gnffitliii, Benth hederscfolia, Linn himalensis, D. Von ... javanica, Bl lanosa, Benth lanuginosa, Benth laxa, Be7ith Lindleyana, Wall ? macrostemon, Bunge ... Maddeni, Edgew microtheca, Boiss. & B.il. oxycarpa, Boiss persica, Poir polita, Fries punctata, Ham pusilla, Benth rupestris, Aircb. & Hem!>]. scrophularioide-, Wall. ... serpy Hi folia, Linn Thunbergii, A. Gray ? thyrsijiora. Wall undulata, Wall verua, Linn sp., Gritt'. Vetineria. Hack arundinacea, Griseb. muricata, Griseb odorata, Virey Viburmim, Linn acuminatum, DC acuminatum, Wall atro-cyaneum, Clarke capitellatum, Wight Colebrookianum, Wall. ... cordifolium, Wall coriaceun), Bl corylif ulium, HA;. /. ^ T. ... cotinifolium, D. Don cylindricum, Ham erubescens, Wall foetens, Dene fcEtidura, Wall furcatum, Bl grandiJioru7n, WsiW. Griffithiannm, Clarke hebanthum, W. cf" A. hehanthum, Thw integerrimum, Wall. involucratutn. Wall involucratum, Hk. f. 6c T. Vol. Page iv. 295 295 832 GENERAL INDEX. Viburnntn Vol. Page Lantana, Linn .. iii. 3 lantanoides, Michx jj 6 lutescens, Bl .. 5 lutescens,'Rk.-(.&T. }j 5 MullaJia, Ham 4 nervosum, D. Don J? 8 odoratissimum, Jftir 7 polycarpum, Wall 3) 3 premnaceum, Wall ,, 4 puhigerum, W. & A. JJ 7 punctatam, Ham )) 5 sambucinum, Beimv. ii. 5 671 sambucinum, B-einw. iv. 581 Simonsii, HA;. /. ^'^ T. iii. 7 stellulatnm, Wall jj 4 Wightianum, Hb. Hohen. 5 Wiiihtianum, Wall J) 7 zeylanicum, Gardn. 6 sp., Griff. ,, 4,7 sp., Wall )) 7 Vicarya cristata, Wall. iv. 11 Vicatia, DC ii. 670 couiifolia, DC. ... ,. .. 671 millefolia, Clarice 671 ? Stewartii, Clarke ,^ 671 Vicia, Linn . ii. 176 angustifolia, Roth )) 178 atropurpurea, Desv. 179 Bohartii, Forst. ..-. .. JJ 178 henghalensis, Linn. 179 Gracca, Benth )) 177 dumetorum, Benth 178 Faba, Linn 5) 179 Giimthii, Baker JJ 178 hivButa,, Koch JJ 177 mollis, Benth 177 narbonensis, Linn JJ ■ 179 pallida, Turcz J> 178 pallida, Jacquem JJ 178 peregrina, Linn J> 178 rigidula, Royle JJ 178 sativa, Linn JJ 178 sepium, Linn JJ 179 sylvatica, Benth 178 tenera, Grah JJ 177 tenuifolia, Both 177 tetrasperma, Moench JJ 177 VlCIE^ ii. 58 Viooa, Cass iii. 297 appendiculata, DC ,j 297 auricula ta, Cass JJ 297 aurita, DC 297 cernua, Dalz JJ 297 indica,J)G JJ 297 vestita, Benth JJ 297 Vigna, Savi ii. 204 anoonala, Walp }> 205 Vigna brachycarpa, Kurz carinalis, Benth. Catiang, Endl. ... dolicboides, Baker glabra, Savi lucens, Baker ... lutea, A. Gray ... luteola, Benth. ... opisotricha, A. Rich piloaa, Baker repens, Baker ... retusa, Walp. ... sinensis, Endl. ... vexillata, Benth. villosa, Savi Wit^htii, Be7ith. Vignea, Beanv. canescens, Rchb. divulsa, Rchb. ... incurva, Rchb. ... muricaia, Rchb. remota, Rchb. ... stenophylla, Rchb. Vilfa arahica, Steud. harhata, Beauv. capensis, Beauv. capillaris, W. & A. ciliata, Presl commutata, Trin coromandelianay Beauv. ... diandra, Trin. ... diandra, Wight discospora, Trin. elongata, Beauv. erosa, Trin. exilis, Trin. geniculata, Nees glaucifoUa, Steud. indica, Trin. ioclados, Nees ... littoralis, Beauv. viangalorica, Hochst minutiflora, Trin. murina, Sieb. ... orientalis, Nees orientalis, Wight pallida, Nees ... pilifera, Trin. ... pulchella, Trin. jRetzii, Steud. ... rigidifoUa, Trin. Roxhurghiana, Nees Roxburghii, Nees rupestris, Trin. ... scahrifolia, Hochst. setulosa, Trin. ... spicata, Beanv. Vol. Page ... ii. 206 JJ 206 J, 205 „ 206 JJ 205 JJ 207 JJ 205 „ 205 I. ... „ 203 JJ 207 ,j 205 „ 205 J, 205 JJ 206 „ 205 „ 206 vi. 700 J, 706 „ 703 „ 700 „ 703 JJ 706 „ 701 vii. 252 „ 249 „ 248 JJ 248 „ 251 ,j 253 auv. ... „ 253 J, 251 „ 247 „ 253 JJ 248 „ 247 „ 248 JJ 250 „ 250 „ 248 „ 249 J, 249 t. ... „ 248 JJ 248 „ 249 JJ 251 ... vii. 249, 250 vii. 252 J, 251 „ 252 ,j 247 „ 253 .. „ 253 „ 253 J, 243 „ 250 „ 236 » 251 GENERAL INDEX. 833 Vilfa tenacissima, H. B. K. tenuissima, Scbulr. ... iremulii, Trin virginica, Beau v. vulgaris, Wight f!j?., Str. & Wiut. Villarsia cristata, Spren eylandulosa, Unfl', ... indica, Vent indica, Wall macrophijlla, Wight ... nyinphceoides, Vent. parvifoUa,Wa.]\. Villebrunea, Gaud. appendic'ulatd, Wedd. frutescens, Bl integrifoiia, Gaud. ... sylvatica, Bl Vinca, Linn GuUelmi Waldemarii, Kloi parviflora, B,etz pusilla, Murr I'osea, Linn Vin cetoxicum Arnottia7ium Wight canescens, Dcae kenom'iense. Dene luridum, Stocks montanum, Done ojicinale, Moench Viola, Linn acuminata, Led apetala, Jbtoxb aspera, Ging hiHora, Linn -. ccespitosa, I). Don canescens, Wall csknina, Linn chinensis, G. Don cinerea, Boiss cow/tijsa, Ben th. diffusa, Ging Uistaus, Wall duhia. Wall en7ieasperma,B,oxh erecta, Roth. l-'alcoueri, Hk. f. ^ T. ... /ritiesceris, Roth grandifolia. Wall. ... Griffithiana, Boiss ? Hamiltoniana, D. Don ... hirta, Linn Hookeri, Thorns kunawarensis, Royle Metziana, Hohen mysorensis. Wall nilagirica, Turcz Vol. Pagre vii. 218 „ 218 „ 250 „ 249 „ 258 „ 311 iv. 131 „ 132 „ 132 „ 131 „ 132 „ 131 „ 132 V. 589 „ 589 „ 590 „ 589 „ 590 iii. 640 z. „ fi40 • „ 640 . „ 640 , „ 640 .' iv. 22 . „ 22 . „ 22 . „ 22 iv. 22, 40 . iv. 22 i. 182 , „ 185 . „ 185 , „ 184 „ 182 „ 183 „ 184 . „ 185 „ 183 „ 185 „ 184 „ 183 „ 183 „ 185 , „ 185 , „ 185 „ 185 „ 185 „ 183 „ 184 „ 184 „ 381 „ 183 „ 185 „ 184 „ 183 „ 184 Viok Vol Paee Notoniana, Wall, ... i. 184 odorata, Linn ,, 184 ? palmar is, Buch. .. )) 184 Patrinii, D6\ 5, 183 2Ji7osa, Bl „ 184 primulifolia, Linn. .. :, 183 reniformis, Wall. ,, 183 Royleana, Wall. ,, 184 Sf^rpens, Wall 184 serpens, Wall ,, 184 sujf'ruticosa, Roxb. .. ,, 18) sylvaiica. Fries ,, 1S5 ^ewms, Benth ,, 183 tricol'.r, Linn „ 182 Walkerii, Wight .. ,, 1H3 Wallichiana, Ging. ,. ,, 183 Wightiana, Wall. .. ,, 184 Wiyhtiana, Wight .. )> 184 VlOLACE^ i. 182 VlOLE^E i. 182 Virana, Jones ... vii. 186 Vireya, Bl ... iii. 462 celebica, Bl J, 463 javanica, Bl ,, 463 tahiflora, Bl ... J, 4 63 Virgiiia aurea, Lara. ... ... ii. 251 capensis, Lam ,, 251 Yiacum, Linn. ... . ... V. 223 album, Liniii ,, 223 aut^ulHtum, Heyne .. ,, 22o aphyllum, tiriff. ,, 22 i articulatum. Burin. ,, 226 articulatum. Brand. ... ,, 226 articulatum, Miq. ,, 226 attenuatiiin, DC. 226 attenuatuin, Hohea. ,, 225 benghalense, Roxb. ... )) 224 capit-ellatutii, Bin. ... ,, 225 compressmn, Poir ,, 226 ? confertum, R-txb. .. ,, 224 dichotomum, D. Don ... 226 elongatum, Wail. ,, 226 falcaturn, Wall. 224 Jioccosum, Thw. ... ,, ■^27 j'oliatum (erroi* for fal. cat^m) 224 fragile, Wail ... „ 226 gri)ssuru, Wight ,, 227 Heifer i,P I eni „ 228 ? heteranthum, Wall. V. 22v' , 233 Heyneanum, DC. V. 224 indicum, B,ott\. ... ,, 224 japouicum, Thunb. ... 226 latifolinm, Hani. v'. 227 ,233 7nany iferae , W i g h t ... v. 225 moniliforme, til. „ 226 monilifurme, Wight ,, 226 834 GENEEAL INDEX. Viacum Vol. Pag'^ mouoicum, Roa??? V. 2z4 monoicum ?, Wight )) 224 nepalense, Spreug 226 ohtusafum, Wall jj 225 Opuniia, Thunb ,, 226 opuntioides, Roxb )> 226 orbiculatum, WifjlU. 2M orientale, Willd j> 224 ovalifolium. Wall 225 pla'yphyllum, Spreug, v. 2.h 233 raiuosissimum, Wail. V. 225 ramosissimuw, Wight 55 22 1 spathuli folium, Thw. 228 stellatuni, 1). Don 55 223 txnioides,Gomm 55 226 verruculosum, W. c^ A. ... 55 224 verticillatum, Rottl. 55 225 verticillaUim , Roxb. 55 224 Wallichianum, W. ^ ^. 55 227 Wiffhtianum, W. Sf A. ... 55 227 Wightianwn, Wall 226 sp. GrifiF. 55 22^i Tisenia co>-icatena'a, Spreng i. 374 corc?ior (/bZ/a, Spreng. 55 374 supinob, SpieLig 374 tomewiosa, Miq. ... 55 374 umlellata, Wight 374 Visiania, DO iii. 617 yr indijiora, DC >5 617 robusta, DC 55 614 Tobusta, Wight 615 simiatrana, Miq 55 614 Visiania, GasTp V. 508 elastica, Gusp >> 508 Vismia ? arlorescens, Chuis. i. 258 Vitex, Linn . IV f83 Agnus castus, Kurz 55 583 alata, Heyne 55 584 alata, Roxb 55 587 alata, Schau 55 584 altisBima, Linn. f. 584 altissiitia,'Vhw. •5 584 appendiculata, Rottl. 584 arbor ea, Desf ,, 583 arbor ea, Roxb 5> 585 ? anillaris, Wall 55 588 hicolor, WiM 583 homhacif alia, WaM ,, 588 cauescens, Kurz 55 586 canescens, Wall 55 586 cor lac ea, Clarice >■ 586 Cunniaghamii, Schau, ... 588 diversifolia, iCurz ,j 585 Finlaysoniana, Wall. ,, 587 gamoaepala, Gnff 55 588 glabrata, Br J5 588 Haynga, Roxb. 588 Vitex Vol. PjiRfl beterophylla, Roxb. ... iv. 5H5 h eterophi/ lla, 'KuvT. ... „ 585 heterophylla, Schau. ... ,, 585 inoequifoiin,'£uTC7 ,, 585 incisa, Lamk ,, 584 w/c?sa, Wall. „ 583 involucratus,Vieii\ .... ... „ 601 leuooxyloa, i'ww. /. ... ,, 5^7 leucoxylon, Schau. ... ... ,, 588 limonifulirt, Wall „ 584 J.oureirii, Wight „ 585 viacrophylla, Br ,, 587 Negundo, Ltnn „ 583 ovaia, Thunb „ 583 pallida. Wall ,, r88 paniculata, Lamk, „ 584 peduncularis, Wall. ... „ 587 pnbescene, VaJil „ 585 repens, Blanco ,, 583 sahgna, Roxb „ 587 scabm, Wall „ 588 sex-dentata, VV^all „ 597 pimplicifoha, Clarke ... „ £86 suniatrana, Miq „ 58ri trit'olia, Linii. /. •. ,, 583 undulata, Wall ,, '85 ur<'eolaTa, Clarice „ 585 vestita, Wall „ 587 Wimberleyi, Kurz „ 586 z<-yl'irtica, Turcz „ r-84 sp., Hk. f. &T. iv. 583 ^^6 5.-S7, r-88 ? Viticastrumracemosnm,Pies\ iv. 601 ViTiCE^ iv. 561 Vitip, Linn i. 61-5 adnata, Wall „ 649 anamailayana, Bedd. ... „ 656 anguetifolia. Wall ,, 654 araneosa, Dc^h. t^" Gibs. „ 657 assamica. Laws ,, 648 asshniiis, Kurz ,, P60 atroviridis. Wall ,, 668 auriculata. Laws „ 65S barbata, Wall „ H51 bracteolata, Wall „ 654 campylocarpa, Kaiz ... ,, 657 (5anarensis, Da^z „ 655 cantoniensis, See/w „ 663 capreolata, D. Don „ 6o9 carnosa, Wall „ 654 cinnamomea, Wall ,, 659 cinnamomea, Wall. ... J. 660, 659 compositif olia, Laius. ... k 659 coralloides, Hk. f „ 659 cordifolia. Roth „ 651 ?costata, Wall „ 647 crenata. Wall „ 654 diffusa, Miq .-. ... „ 646 GENERAL INDEX. 835 Vitis Vol. Page Vitis Vol. Pao-o discolor, Balz .. i. 647 paniculata, Wall. 649 divaricata, Wall. ... ... 657 parvifolia, Roxh. 652 diver sifolia, Wall. ... 5! 647 pedata, Vahl 661 dubia, Laws 661 pedicellata, Laws. ... 650 elegaus, Kurz . . . ,, 659 peduncularis. Wall. 655 elongata, Wall. 658 pentagona, Laws. ... „ 646 erioclada, W. ^ J. ... 651 pentagona. Ham. 651 erythroclada, Kurz ... >J 663 pianicaulis, Hk. f. ... 6.58 furcata, Laws >> 646 polystachya, Wall. ... 682 Gardner! , Laws. ■• >> 6n6 ipolystachya, Wa'l. ... 662 gigantea, JJedd. 648 pterifantha, Mig. 664 glaberriniH, Wall. ... 646 ? Purani, D. Don 652 glaberrima, Wall. 5> 645 quadrangalaris, Wal'. 55 645 glabrata, Heyne >J 652 repanda, T^. cf^ ^. ... 648 glandulosa, Wall. ... •• • JJ 652 repens, W. Sf A. ^^46 glauca, W. ^- A. 648 repens, Wall 619 glauca, Wall ... 646 reticulata. Laws. •• 655 glyptocarpa, Laws. ... ... 645 nheede\,W.d' A. ... ... H53 wracilis, Wall 55 653 rosea, Royle 6'8 hederacea, Wall. i. 057 ,659 Roxburghii, W. c^- A. 655 Helferi, Laics .. i. 662 rubifolia, Wall. 663 heterophylla, Wall. ... 55 653 rugosa, Hk. f. & T. ... 650 Heyneana, Wall. ... 55 647 rugosa, Wall i'. o'l ,653 Heyneana, DO 55 651 rumicisperma. Laws. 661 himalayana, Brand. • • 55 655 sagirtifolia, Laws. ... 6*5 Hookeri, Lavjs. 55 661 semicordata, Wall. ... 6.56 inxqualis, Wall. 55 617 serratifoUa, W. & A. 660 indica, Linn 653 serrulata, Wall. 659 indica, Ham 55 651 setosa, Wall 654 indica, Thw i. 651 653 sikkimensis, Laws. ... 650 indica, Wall i. 652 spectabilis, Kurz 6J9 Kleinii, Wall. ... ... 'i. 048 , 652 sulcata, Laws 661 Labrusca, Linn. i. 651 ,652 tenuifolia, W. Sf A. ... 660 Iseta, Wall i. 648 iernata, Heyne •• 650 lanata, Koxb i. 651 ,652 ThomsoDi, Laius. 657 lanata, Itoxb .. i. 651 tomentosa, Heyne ... 650 lanata, Wall 55 650 trichophora. Wall. ... 55 663 lanceoiaria, Laws. ... 660 trifida. Roth 650 lanceolaria, Wall. 55 661 triJoUa, Linn 654 lanceoiaria, Wighn ... 55 661 triloba, Heyne 650 latijolia. Ham 55 651 truncata, Miq 652 latifolia, Roxh 55 652 tuberculata. Laws. ... 656 LinnsBi, Wall 649 tuherculata. Wall. ... 661 louohiphylla, Laws. 55 646 vimfera, Linn 652 macrostachys, Miq.... 5» 650 vulpiva, Linn 652 mollis, yVall . . . ,, eeo Wadichii, DO 652 nioUissima, Wall. ... •• 55 656 Walli chi i, Knvz 6i7 muutana, Laws. 55 652 zeylanica, Kuss. 652 muricata, W. & A. ... •• 55 660 sp., Wall ... VI. 2yo ntilgherrensis, Wight 55 656 Vitmannia elliptica, Vahl i. 519 nervosa, Laws 55 6)0 lucida, Steud 519 nitida, Laws. ... ... 55 662 Voandzeia subterranea, Thu u. nov^enifolia, Wall. ... 55 662 lapsu Voandezia ... 205 obovata, Lans • • 55 658 Vogttlia, Lamk .. lii. 481 obiecta, Wall • • 55 657 arabica, Boiss 481 pallida, W. ^ A. ... 55 617 indica, Gibs 481 'paniculatai Hey ne ... 55 660 Volkameria alternifolia, B u i "in. iv 591 836 GENEUAL INDEX. Volkameria Vol. Page angulata, Lour. iv. 593 dentata, Rcxb jj 593 diversifol'ia, Vahl J) 593 farlnosa, Roxb 592 herbacea, Hioxh. 592 infortunata, Roxb ,, 594 Kaempferi, Jacqneui j> 593 multijiora, Burui 5b0 neriifolia, Roxb '11 589 odomta, Roxb 597 serrata, Linn 592 urUcijoUa, Roxb !) 594 urticifolia, Wall )) 594 sp., Griff iv. 5J^2 , 597 sp., Linu iv. 589 Volutarella, Cass iii. 383 divaiicatH, Benth )) 383 Vossia, Wall. 4- Grif. vii. 151 cuspidata, Griff „ 151 procera, Wall, cj- Grif. ... 5> 151 speciosa, Benth 152 Vrydagzynea, Bl vi, b6 ,179 albida, B/ vi. 97 gracilis, Bl J. 97 viridiflora, If/c. / ,j 96 Vtil pia Myuros, Gme\. vii. 356 Pseudo-myuros, Rchb. jj 356 Vuta (error for Vata), Ap. Res V. 499 Wagatea, DaZz ii. 260 Hpicata, Dalz 55 261 Wahlenbergia, Br i. 570 Wahlenbergia, Schrad. iii. 429 aurestis, A. DC )) 429 dehiscens, A. DC 429 ? dicentrifolia, Clarice ... J! 430 fragrayis, Bl 103 grucilirf, DC !) 429 indica,A.DC 429 lavandulaefolia, A. DC. ... )) 429 marginata, A. DO 429 pedunoalarip, Hk.f. cj" T. .J 430 perotifolia, W. & A jj 428 purpurea, A. DC )) 432 quadrijida, A. DC IJ 429 rotundifolia, A. DC 432 Roylei, DC ,, 433 Sieheri, A. DC )J 429 thalic'rifolia, DC >; 432 viridis, A. DC )) 431 Wailesiapaludosa, Hclib. f. .. vi. 19 picta, Lindi jj 19 Waldetnaria argentea, Klotz. iii. 464 Waldheimiatridactylltes^'KQ.v & Kir iii. 313 Walkera serrata, Willd. ... i. 525 Wallichia, Roxh caryotoides, Hoxh caryotoides, Wall densiflora, Mart disticha, T. Anders. nana, Griff. ohhingijolia, Griff. Yomce. Kuiz Wallichia, DC spectahilis, DC. Wallirhia, Reiiiw arhorea, Reinw^. Wallrothia articulata. Roth Icucoxylon, Roth Walsura, Roxh Gardner!, Tliiv hypoleuca, Kurz ? lanceolata, Wall neurodes, Hiern Piscidia, R^Kxh. ... -. puhescens, Kurz robusta, Roxh i. ternatii, Roxb trichostemon, Miq tubulata, Hiern villosa, Wall. ... i. 563, sp., Kurz Waltheria, Linn americana, Linn elliptica, Cav indica, Lin^i microphylla, Miq Warea, Clojvke tont^lensis, Clarke Wattoikaka viridijiora, H'issk. Webera, Schreh asiatica, Bedd attenuata, //fc. /. ... iii. auriculata. Wall hispin 'Sa, Kurz campauifloia, Hk. f. ' ... canarica, iJA:. /. cerifera. Moon cotymbosa, Willd costata, Hk. f. d-iusijlura, Wall dispt^rina, Hk.f. fasclculat I, Kurz fiajj;raris, iJA;. /. glomerijlora, Kurz grandifolia, -ffA-. /. Helferi, Hk.f. Kurzii, Hk. f lane data, M.O 'H longijlora, Kurz longifolia, Hk.f. lucens, Hk. f. Vol. Page vi. 418 5> 419 )) 419 419 j^ 4:- 9 420 ^^ 419 419 371 371 ill. 98 98 iv. 585 ,, 587 -563 563 j^ 564 555 jj 564 561 ^j 565 565 ,690 i. 563 )) 5K3 563 564 , 674 1. 561. i. 374 374 )) 374 J) 374 iv. 144 if. 612 ,, 612 iv. 46 ii'. 101 J) 102 101 , 153 ii- 108 111 )5 106 106 )> 102 102 jj 103 )) 112 102 109 103 j^ 102 '' 105 107 J> 105 132 111 )J 105 106 GENERAL INDEX. 837 Webeia Vol. Paere onacrophylla,'Roxb. ... iii. 35 102 Main gay i, JITc. f. iii. 103 mollis, ^A-./ , 104 monosperma, Bk. f J, 103 ? nilagirica, Jf/?. /. „ 106 odorata, Roxh )) 102 oppositijiora, Roxb 112 pumila, H/<-. / ,, 103 scandens, Roxb )) 111 siamensis, Kurz 111 stellaris, Kk. i )) 153 Btellulata, H/c./ >) 104 tetrandra, W al I J) 134 tetrandra,W\\di 136 thyrsoidea, Roth S) 40 truncata, Roxb 94 Wallichii, ^Ar./. ... ... 105 Webfiteria limnophila, Wright vi. 6? 4 Wedelia, Jacg iii. 306 bengalensis, ? Rich )) 306 biflora, DC 306 hifiora, Clarke )) a07 ? bijiorcb, Kurz 5) 30 ; calendnlacei, -Less 306 scaherrima, Wall, (vide Verbesina) jj 307 scandens, Clarke 5! ?06 nrticaefolia, DO JJ 306 Walliohii, Less ^) 307 Weihea, Spreng ii. 441 ceylanica,, Baill J, 441 Wellingtonia, Meissu. ii. 3 Wendlandia, Bartl iii. 37 angustif olia, Wijht , ,, 40 append! culata. Wall. )) 38 hiscuspidata, W. & A. 40 ? bif aria, WtiU )) 98 hudleoides, Wall 38 cinerea, Wall '„ 37 coriaoea, DC 5> 39 ? c.rijmbosa, Wall 5) 41 oxserta, DC )) 37 {ilabrata, DC >) 39 glomerulata, Kii^-z 40 Heyneana, Wall „ 39 lavigata, Miq ,, 39 Lawii, Hfc./. )) 40 Lawsnnix, DC 56 ligustrina, Wall ^) 39 longifolia, DO ,, 95 luzoniensis, BG )) 39 malayana, G. Don )> 95 niteus, Wall 38 Notoniana, Wall >) 40 paniculata, DC 39 pendula, DC >j 41 proximajDC „ 38 W«-ndlandia Vol. Pope pnberala, DC iii. 37 scahra, Kurz ,, 38 secunda, Griff. ,, 41 ? spicata, DC „ 41 siiinatrana, Miq ,, 39 fenuiJlo7-a, Miq ,, 39 r tttrandra, DC ,, 54 tinoioria, DC „ 38 Wallichii, W. ^^ A „ 38 ? Wightiana, Wall „ 41 Werueria, F. D. iT. ii.. 357 Ellisii, iffc. /. ... „ 357 nana, JBenth „ 357 Whitleya stramoni Julian's v^ eet i v. 213 Wightia, TFa/^ iv. 257 gigantea, Wall. ... W 2 )7, 583 Wikstroemia, Endl v. 195 canescens, Meissn ,, 195 Chamwdaphne, Meis-ii, ... „ 195 ? hypericifolia, Meissn. ... „ 196 inamosna, Meissn „ 195 indica, C. J.. Me^ „ 195 sulicifulia, Dene ,, 195 virgata, Meissn ,, 195 viridiflora, Meissn ,, 195 Wilhelmsiacaucasica.G. Koch \ii. 309 Willoughbeia, Roxh^ iii, 623 Burbidgei, Dyer ,, 624 ce^lanica, Thiv ,, 624 coriacea, IFa Z „ 623 edulis, Roxh „ 623 firma, Bl „ 624 flavescens, Duer „ 625 grandiflura, Dij>r „ 625 vxarta'janica, Wall ,. 624 oblouga, Ui)er ,j 625 J ufesceiis, D?/er ,, 626 tenniflura, DyCT' , 625 Willughbeia, Sprang iv. 83 auriculat'f, iSpreng. ... ,, 83 ohovata, Spreng. ^^ 83 o'acmosa, Spreng , 84 Winci.ia, A. DC iii. 630 afro-viridis, Kaiz ,, (,26 cfJophylla, ^. 7;C „ 630 cirrhifera, (jrar (in ,, 624 WiNTEREyE i. 39 Wi'/terlia uUginosa, Sprf-iijj. ii. 550 Wisneria, iWic'-. > i. 561 triandra, Ific/i. ,, 562 Wiseadula, il/edzfc i. 325 Lesc^'euallltiana,■/^7a>,■f. ... ^^ 325 periplocijolia, Thw ^^ 325 rostraia, Piaric/j, ^^ 325 zeylanica, Medik ^^ 325 Wisteria pallida.DiiW. & Gib^. ii. 105 racemosa, Dalz. & Gios. ... ,, 105 838 GENERAL INDEX. Withania, Pmvq coagulanp, Dunal somnifera, Dunal Wolffia, Horkel arrhiza, Wimm. Delilii, Kurz Michelii, Schleid. ... microscopica, Kurz Woodfordia, Salisb. floribunda, Salisb. ... fruticosa, Kurz tomentosa, Bedd. Woodrowia. Stapf diandra, Stapf WoSllastonia hijiora, Dal; Gibs hifiora, DC hijiora, Wight scabriuscula, DC. Woi-mia, Rotth Iracteata, Hk. f. & T. dentata, DC excelsa,Ek. f. & T. ... excelsa, Jack liamata, Vahl Integra, Hk. f . & T. ... oblonga, Wall pulcbella, Jack suhsessilis, Miq. suffrnticosa, GriJ. ... triquetra, Bottb. Wrightea, Roxb caryotoides, Roxb. Wrightia, Br angustifolia, Thiv. ... aniidysenterica, Br. antidysenterica, Grab. coccinea, Sims Coraia, Wall Hamiltoniana, Wall. laevis, Hk. f. mollissima, Wall. religiosa, Benth. Rothii, G. Don tinctoria, Br iinctoria, Roth tomentosa, B. ^ S. Wallichii, A. DC. ... zeylanica, Br Wulfenia, J acq Araherstiana, Benth. intermedia, Wall. ... Noto7iiana, Wall. ohliqua, Wall. Wurfbainia, Giseke Xanthium, Linn. Vol Paffe iv. 2^9 )) 240 239 'vi. 557 J5 557 5} 557 557 5) 558 ii. 572 572 55 572 572 241 ,421 yii 241 iii 306 306 5) 306 306 ]. 35 55 37 35 5) 35 35 55 299 55 37 35 55 36 5» 35 55 35 35 vi. 419 55 419 iii. 652 55 653 654 55 644 654 55 653 55 653 55 654 653 55 653 653 55 653 653 55 653 653 j^ 654 2."o 73 1 iv. 291 55 367 366 ,j 367 vi. 241 iii. 303 Xanthium hrevirostre, Wallroth discolor, Wallroth indicum, DC orientate, BI Boxburghii, Wallroth Strumarium, Linn Xanthochi/mus, Roxb dulcis, Roxb ovalifolms, ? Bedd ovalifolius, Roxb jpictoriuSj'Roxh tinctorius, DC spicatus, W. & A Xanthophyllum, Sotb. .. acuminatissimum, Miq. .. affinn, Korth angusH folium, Wight Arnottianum., Wight ellipticum, Korth flavescens, Boxh Jiavescens, Roxb flavescens, Wall glaucum, Wall Griffiihii, Kk.f. insigne, A. W. Bcnn. Main gay \, Hk.f. obscurum, A. W. Benn. .. panicvblaium, Miq Hoxburghianum, Wight .. rufum, A. W. Benn. stipitatum, A. W. Benn. .. undulatum, Wight virens, Roxb Xanthoxijlon, Bee Zanttuxy- lutn Xeropappus lanuginosu", Wa Xerospermum, Bl JSoronhianum, Bl. i. 6S5, Xerotes liucocephala, Br. ... Ximenia, Linn segyptiaca, Juss xgyptiaca, Roxb amoricaua, Willd ? lanceolata, DC ? olacoides, W. & A. ... i Busseliana, Wall Xiphion Aitckitoni, Baker ... Doniamom, Alefeld Xiphocarpus candidvs,H8iS8k. Xipholepis asp era, Steetz ... silhetensis, Steetz Xiphohium acuminatum,. Griff. Xylia, Benth dolabriformis, JBt«i/i. Xylocarpus ? Antila, Ham .., Vol Page . iii. 303 55 303 • 55 303 55 303 303 55 303 . 1. 269 55 269 269 55 269 269 55 269 269 . 1. 208 210 209 • 209 209 211 209 55 209 209 55 209 • 5> 210 55 211 210 55 211 209 55 209 210 55 210 209 55 209 i. 492 1. iii .387 i. 686 686, 690, 691 vi. 664 i. 574 5» 574 522 55 574 55 498 . 574 584 i. 574 vi. 27:J 55 272 ii. 111 iii. 233 • 5 232 V. 786 808 ii. 286 55 286 i. 563 GENERAL INDEX. 839 Xylocouripus Granatum, Keen moluccensis, Rcem ohovatus, A. Juss Xylophylla Lucena, Roth ... ohovata, Willd Xylopia, Linn oaudata, iJfc. /. ^ r. Champion ii, HJc. f ^ T. dicarpa, Hk. j. ^ T. elliptica, Maing ferruginea, Hk. f. ^ T. ... t'asca, Maing magna, Maing Maingaji. i?A:. /. ^ T. ... malayaua, Hk. f. ^ T. ... nigricans, Hk.f. ^ T. ... obtusifolia, Hk. f. ,y T. oxyantha, Hk.f. .^ T. ... parvifolia, Hk.f. Sf T. ... pu8tulata, Hk. f.^ T. ... XYLOPIEiE Xylosma, Forst controversnm, Glos latifoliuna, Hk.f. Sf T. ... longifolium, Glos Xylosteum asperifolium (as- perrimum), Dene purpura seens, Dene. spinosum, Dene XYRIDE.E Xt/ridion aureum, Kldit Nothrim, Klatt spurium, KlatD .,, Xyris, Linn ancepe, Lamk bancana, Miq. capensis, Thunb indica, Linn indica altera, Vahi lappacta, Heyne malacceiisis, Steud nilflarensis, Stead oryzetorum, Miq pauciflora, Willd robusta, Mart pchoenoides, Mart Walkeri, Arn Wallichii, Kunth sp.. Griff. Xystidium barhatuni, Presl maritimum, Triu. Yoania, Maxim vi. japonica, Maxim Youngia acaulis, DC ambigua, DC diversifolia, Ledeb. Vol. Page Youngia Vol. Page i. 567 fastigiata, DC ... iii. 395 }» 567 fuscipappa, Thw. ,, 395 5t37 glauca, Edgew. 394 V. 329 Kochiana, Ledeb. ... ... ,, 398 J, 328 lyrata, Cass 395 i. 8i napifolia, DC 55 395 )j 85 napifolia, Wight ), 395 ,, 8i. Poosia, DC 55 395 j> 85 runcinata, DC ,, 395 86 striata, DC ), 395 :) 83 Thunhergiana, DC. ... 55 395 ,j 83 jj 84 Zalacca, Reinw ... vi. 472 5> 85 affinis, Grif. ). 4-2 5J 83 Beccarii, Hk. f. ... ,1 474 84 conferta, Grif. 473 )J 83 edulis, Reiaw 472 J> 83 edulis, Wall ... ,, 473 84 glabrescens, Gri^. ... ,, 473 )) 85 macrostachya, Griff. 473 i. 46 Rurnphi; Gnff. 55 473 i. 194 secunda, Griff. 472 5J 194 Walliohiana, Mart. ... 473 n 194 Zaleya decandra, Bumi. ... ii. 661 194 Zamia Corsoniana, G. D.n V. 657 Zannichellia, imn. ... vi. 568 iii. 12 gibberosa, Rchb. 56S » 12 palustris, Linn. ..*. ',' 568 13 pedicellata, Ham. 55 568 VI. 364 pedunculata, Rchb. ... ... ,, 568 vi. 273 tenuis, Rout 570 272 Zanonia, Linn jj 633 5» 272 cissoidea, Wall. ... ,, 633 vi. 364 clavigera, Wall. 634 „ 364 ? heterosperma, Wall. ,' 632 J ' 366 indica, imw ... 633 366 laxa, Wall ... 633 ,, 364 pedata, Miq ... 633 J' 365 sarcophylla, Wall. ... ... ,, 634 S) 366 Wightiana, Arn. 683 )J 365 Zanonie^ ... ii. 605 5) 385 Zantedeschia aromatica 0. 365 Koch ... vi 532 ,j 365 cor data, C. Koch 532 )» 364 fcetida, C. Koch 55 532 365 rubens, C. Kooh 532 )J 35 virosa, 0. Koch 524 >» 365 Zanthoxyli'^ ... 1. 484 )) 365 Zanthoxylam, Linn. ... ... i. 492 \v 98 acanthopodium, DC. ... „ 493 " 98 alatum, Roxb aZatum. Wall 55 493 493 123 ,180 armatum, Roxb. 496 vi. 123 ? Bajarnandia, Wall. ... ,, 496 iii. 396 Budrunga, Wall. 495 » 395 Budrunga, Roxb. 495 395 ? connaroides, W. & A. i. 496 565 840 GENERAL INDEX. Zanthoxylnm crenatum, Wall. cuspidaUim., Champ. ? Finlaysonianum, Wall. Jioribuiidnm, Wall Hamiltoniannm, WaV. ... Iwstile, WhII. ... khasianurn, iJfc. /. Lamarckianum, Cham. ... ? longifolium,, Wall. lucidum, Wall.... Maramhong, Miq invriacantham, Wall. nilatiiricum, Miq vitidum:, Wall oblongum, Wall ohhisifoUum, Poir ovrilifoliam, Wight ovalifnlium, Witrht oxyphylluin, Edqetr. plavispinuiv, Sieb. & Zncc. pteleLefoliurv, Cham. Ehetsa, DC i. ThoifoUum, Lamk Roxiiurghianum, Cham. ... Rum,phianu7n, Cham. sapindifoliu'ii, Wall, sepiariu'ii, Wight Serra. Turcz i. sorbifoluim, St. Hil spondiaefolium, JVaU. tetrasp^rnium, W. cf A.... ? Timbor, Wall totnenieUnm, Hk. f. triflnrum, Turcz triloliatum, Linn, lap^u- Xanthoxylon triphylluvi, Wi^ht vio'aceum, Wall zeylanicum, DC Zapania vodi flora, Lanik. ... repens, Bert, lapsu L. Zea, Linn alha, Mill americana, Mill Mays, Ltnn segetalis, Salisb vvlgaris, iMill Zehi.eiia, End,l aniplexicaulis, W. & A. ... B i.ueriai.a, Endl cerasiformis, Stocks connivevs, Miq exasperata, Miq Garciar, Stocks hastata, Miq. .. Liookeriana, Am miicronata, Miq Vol. Page Zehrieria Vol. Papre i. 495 scabra, Harv. & Send. ... ii. 624 „ 494 umbellata, Thic 625 „ 496 Zenkeria, Trin vii . 270 „ 497 elegrars, Trin 270 „ 494 obtusiflora, Benth ^^ 270 „ 493 Zeocriton disficnm, Beauv. vii . 371 „ 494 murinum, Beauv ^^ 372 „ 488 secalinum, Beanv 372 „ 496 Zephyrinthestnbispaiha^'Ri'rh. vi. 277 „ 492 Zerumhet speciosu n, Jacq.... vi. 2-^6 „ 488 Zingiber, LeFt jj 247 „ 496 Zenxine, Lindl vi. 106 , 179 „ 4S7 abbreviata, H/,;, /. vi. 109 „ 497 affinis, Benth 108 „ 495 hradeata, Wight 3) 106 „ 496 hrerifolia, Wight 106 „ 492 emarginata, Lind' J) 107 „ 493 flava, Benth lOS „ 494 goody eioides, Lindl. 107 „ 493 intcTerrima, Lindl 106 „ 4S8 longifolia, HJc. f. ^^ 109 4 »5, 496 longilabris, Benth ,, 107 i. 496 membranacea, Lindl. )> 106 „ 487 moniliformis, Grift". 1L5 „ 4S9 moulnieinensis, Hk.f. >) 109 „ 496 nervofa,, Benth 108 „ 493 procumbens, Bl. )> 107 2 6, 496 regia,, Benth 5J 108 i. 496 reniformis, i?/v. / 5) 107 „ 496 Tohusta, Wight. 108 „ 4^4 sulcata, Z/Mi(/? vi. 10(3 , 197 „ 493 Tripleura, Lindl vi. 1^6 „ 493 Zingiber, Adans V'. 243 „ 496 barbatum, Wall ;) 244 CHpitatum, Roxb 24S ii. 726 Casurimnar, Pioxh 248 i. 487 cernun m, DaZz ,, 24 '» „ 494 chrysanthum, i?osc „ 24 J „ 487 Clarkei, King ...' jj 24S iv. 563 Cliffordix, Andr. !) 248 „ 563 corullinum, Hance 249 vii. 101 cylindricura, Moon >) 247 ,. 102 datum, Roxb 249 „ 102 jlavescens,lj\n]s. 5J 243 „ ]0i gracile, Jack 246 ., 102 Griffith li, J^afcer J, 246 „ 1(12 intermedium, Baker 246 ii. 624 liyulatum, Roxb jj 245 „ 1 25 ligulafmn, Wall 5) 243 „ 624 niaciostachyurn, Da/z. ... 247 „ 6:^0 marginatum, Roicb jj 249 „ 625 Missioni!', Wall )» 246 „ (124 montamim. Link 248 „ 630 nifjrum, Gaertn )) 254 „ 625 Nimmonii, Dalz 244 „ 624 odoriferum, Bl JJ 24^^ „ 624 officinale, Rose ?5 246 GENERAL INDEX. 841 Zingiber paBclnratnm, Eoxh. ... pardocheilnm, Wall. Parishii, fl^-./ jpurpureum, Rose. roseuno, Eosc rubens, Boxh spectabile, Griff. spurium, Kan sqnarrosuin, Roxh. ... sqnarrcsum, Wight ... Wightianuiri, Thiv. ... Zernmbet, Sm. BJ>.,Bl sp., GrifF. ep., Hance ZlNGlBERl^ Zinnia Bidens, Retz. ... Zizania aristata, Knntli ciliata, Spreng. Setzii, 8'pievg ZlZYPHEiE Zizypbus, Juss acwninata,'Ro}\e aliens, Eoxb apetala, Hk. f. Baenchia, WalJ. BJmnder, Royle ? Bursea, Ham calophylla, Wall. ... Caracutta, Eoxb. celtidi folia. DC. cuneata, Wall ? elegans, Wall. elliptica, Eoxb ferruginea, Heyne ... fiavesceTis, Wall. fiewiiosa, Wall fiorihundo, Wall. funiculosa, Ham. glalra, Eoxb glabrata, Heyne globularis, Wall. liawosa, Wall borrida, Both Hor^fieldii, Miq. incur-va, Boxl Jnjnba, Laml- , lati folia, Eoxb. LinnEei, Laws Lotus, Lamk Incida, Moon mauritiana, Ham. wicrojpliyllo, Eoxb. .. Napeca, Willd I^apeca, Linn , Kapeca, Eoxb nitida, Eoxb VOL. VII. Vol. Page vi. 245 245 J) 248 5> 248 244 }) 243 247 \1. iii. vii. 247 245 244 244 247 249 247 249 198 310 95 „ ./4 „ 95 J. 630 i. 632 „ 634 „ 634 „ 635 „ 637 636, 637 i. 636 „ 636 „ 634 „ 634 „ 634 „ 637 „ 634 „ 634 „ 637 „ 633 „ 637 „ 636 „ 636 „ 633 „ 637 „ 641 „ 636 „ 637 „ 635 „ 632 „ 636 „ 635 633, 637 i. 635 , „ 632 , „ 633 . „ 635 „ 635 , „ 634 633, 637 Zizypbus nummularia, W. & A. . ohliqua, Heyne CEnoplia, Mill. opiositifoUa, Wall. ... orbicularis, Scbult. ... ornata, Miq oxyphylla, Edgew. ... pallens, Wall paniculata, Eotb pedicellata, Wall. racemosa, Wall. rotundifolia, Lamk. rotundifolia, Eotb ... rufula, Miq. rugosa, Larnk ruminata, Ham. sativa, Gsertr scandens, Eoxb. ? sinensis, Lamk. Sororia, Scbult. Spiria-christi, Linn. ? tomentosa, Eoxb. ... trinervia, Eotb trinervia, Eoxb. ? venulosa, Wall, vulgarip, Lanik. wynadensip, Bedd. ... xylopyrup, Willd. ... Zodnha Masuca, Ham. Zoegia, Linn aristata, DC purpurea, Fresen Zoililioferia chondrilloides, fflomerata, Boiss. mucronata, Bciss. ... nudicaulis, Boiss. ... Zollingeria, Kurz macrocarpa, Kurz ... Zollingeria, Scbultz. ... scandevs, Scbultz. ... Zornia, Gmel angustifoiia, Sm conjugata, Sm diphylla, Pers disperma, Grab. dyctitcarpja, DC. gibhosa, Spanogbe ... graminea, Spanoghe pulchella, Vers, sirobilifera, Pers. WalTceii, Arn zcylcnensis .Pers. Zornia, Moench nutans, Mcencb Zosimia, Hoffm absintbifojia, DC. ... oHentalis, Hofm. Vol. Pao:e . i. 633 ,. „ 336 .. „ 634 .. „ 641 .. „ 634 . „ 636 .. „ 634 ,. „ 634 .. „ 636 .. „ 634 .. V. 270 .. i. 683 . „ 634 .. ., 634 .. '„ 636 .. „ 634 .. „ 633 .. „ 634 ... „ 633 .. „ 632 .. „ 637 ... „ 636 ... „ 632 .. ,. 633 ... „ 636 ... „ 633 ... „ 633 ... „ 634 ... V. 851 .. iii. 384 ... „ 384 ... „ 384 DC. iii. 415 ... „ 4L7 ... „ 415 ... „ 416 ... i. 692 ... „ 6^2 ... ill. 248 ... „ 248 ... li. 147 ... „ 147 ... „ 148 ... „ 147 ... „ 141 ... „ 147 ... „ 147 ... „ ]47 ... „ 162 ... „ 227 ... „ 148 ... „ 148 ... iv. 665 ... „ 665 ... ii. 717 ... „ 717 ... „ 717 o I 842 GENERAL INDEX. Zosimia radians, Boiss. & Hohen tragioides, Boiss. Zostera ciliata, Forsk. uninervis, Forsk. Zosterostylis Arachnites, Bl Walkerse, Wight zeylanica, Liudl. Zoysia, Willd a aristata, C. Muell. ... Brownii, C. Muell. ... Codia, Ham Gri_ffithia7ia, 0. Maell. japonica, Wendl. pungens, Willd. sedoides, G. Muell. ... Vol Page ii. 717 )) 712 VI. 570 5) 570 VI. 118 )> 118 5J 118 ^)^ 421 j> 99 99 j> 19 5> 99 99 )) 99 99 Zoysia vol. Page setoxea, Nees vii. 99 stwicct, Hance ... „ 9y tenuifolia, Trin. .... ... „ 99 ? tremula, Beauv „ 250 ZoYSiE.E vii. 3, 96 Z ivardekronia lurida, Korth. iii. 177 Zi/gomenes axillaris, Salisb. vi. 389 ZYGOPHrLLE.E i. 422 Zygophyllum, Linn i. 424 coccineum, Linn „ 425 ? connaroides, W. & A. ... „ 565 simplex, Linn „ 424 Zygospermum zeylanicum, Thw. , V. 305 LONDON : VKIKTED BY GILBEBT AND RIVINGTON, LD., .ST. John's house, clbbkenwell, e.c. 4 . THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. '"^2956 ,INDEF ^Y 2 8,959 UCD UBRftWr DUE , „ DUE ( '^'^ JUN2 2 1978REC'D Book Slip-25TO-7,'53(A8998s4) 458 Q<^1Q7 0X3^8 Hooker, J,D • H6 The flora of British V.7 -. -- v^ _ HooK £-r a K 35-8 v.7 9619? iaa^ .^ !«l^ •*** '''^^!^? ^' ^' '^ ^4t> i». ^^^ »>.-' 1^^ li^^Xfe'^