'flk ^v5i''^^ dp 4 .1^416 1903 THE FLORA OF THE MATAWAN FORMATION (CROSSWICK'S CLAYS) By EDWARD W. BERRY LICRARV NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN NEW YORK September, 1903 From the Bulletin op the New York Botanical Garden. Issued September 12, 1903 [From the Bulletin of the New York Botanical Garden, Vol. 3, No. 9. 1903.] The Flora of the Matawan Formation (Crosswicks Clays). By Edward W. Berry. Introduction. Some of the earliest of American geological writings refer to the New Jersey Cretaceous, and the accessibility of this area has ever since made it a favorite field for investigation. Interest for a long time centered about the marl deposits and those of the plastic clays because of their economic impor- tance ; the present Matawan formation was included in the *' plastic clay and sand formation" of the geologists of the first half of the nineteenth century, and their stratigraphic posi- tion was considered to be Lower Cretaceous by Rogers in his first report published in 1840, although they were not clearly (46) defined by him. Professor Cook from 1863 until his death in 18S9 published annual reports as state geologist of New Jersey and early subdivided the Cretaceous into the three marl beds, the clay-marls and the plastic clays. The Cre- taceous was extensively summarized and described by him in the Geology of New Jersey, published in 1868, the clay-marls being divided into a lower member of clay containing green- sand and an upper member consisting of laminated sands The thickness of the formation was placed at 277 feet, 170 feet for the upper, and 107 feet for the lower member, and over a dozen localities were enumerated where the clay-marls were dug as fertilizer. In 1891 Professor William Bullock Clark commenced a study of the coastal series of New Jersey which has been in progress ever since. Three official reports have been published : a Preliminary Report,* a Report of Progress,! and a Final Report ; | besides numerous other papers from which many of the following facts in regard to the areal distribution and thickness of the Matawan forma- tion have been quoted. The name Clay-marls was proposed by Cook ; his char- acterization was incomplete, however, and was confined almost entirely to their development in northern New Jersey. This name does not adequately designate the formation lithologi- cally and has been superseded by the name Matawan formation of Clark. § The Matawan is separated from the Piedmont plateau by a tract of Raritan, or Lower Cre- taceous, which is some ten to fifteen miles wide. The Mata- wan is nine to twelve miles wide in Monmouth county, becoming narrower to the southward, being reduced to about six miles in width in southern New Jersey ; on the western shore of the Delaware river in Delaware it is further reduced to from two to three miles ; further south on the eastern shore of Maryland it broadens, being about five miles wide *Ann. Rep. State Geol. N.J. 1892: 167-245. 1893. (Clay-marls, pp. 186-190.) tAnn. Rep. State Geol. N. J. 1893: 329-355. 1894. t Ann. Rep. State Geol. N. J. 1897 : 161-210. 1898. 2 Jour. Geol. 2 : 163. 1894. (47) below the Sassafras river ; on the western shore in Anne Arundel county the areal distribution is variable on account of the broken character of the country, but is on the whole narrower; further south, in Prince George county, it forms but a narrow strip less than a mile in width. The materials are variable ; sands and clays predominate. The sands are sometimes white and coarse, but more com- monly fine-grained and colored by iron, even causing local induration, or they may be mixed with argillaceous materials forming silvery micaceous sand, or chocolate-colored marl, glauconite grains being present in greater or less amounts. The clays are generally black or drab, locally carrying seams and pockets of glauconite ; occasionally they are calcareous as a result of their molluscan contents. The thickness is variable, but becomes reduced to the southward. It increases considerably to the southeast, judg- ing from the well records.* In northern Burlington county the Matawan is less than 200 feet thick ; east of Philadelphia and Camden it is 125 feet ; in Gloucester county it is 175 feet in places ; in Salem county it is 80 feet ; in Delaware not over 60 feet ; near the mouth of the Sassafras river in Mary- land it is 100 feet ; in eastern Anne Arundel county it is 60 feet ; in western Anne Arundel county and Prince George county it is thinner, until at Fort Washington bluffs it is a little more than 15 feet. Its farthest known southern appear- ance is in the valley of Piscataway creek ; on the opposite shore of the Potomac the Eocene rests directly on the Poto- mac formation. Long thought to conformably overlie the Raritan, an un- conformity is now known to exist, although the time interval was not very great. Along Raritan Bay in the vicinity of Cheesequake creek where the upper Raritan contains dark- colored clays, the interbedded sands and clays gradually grade from Raritan into the Matawan. Further inland and to the southward the interval was greater since the Matawan gradually transgresses the Raritan and comes to rest, in cen- *Woolmau, Anu. Rep. State Gcol. N. J. 1895 : 63-95. 1896. (48) tral and southern Maryland, upon the lower members of the Potomac group which are not represented in New Jersey. Elsewhere in New Jersey the upper Raritan consists of white sands or fine gravel and the line of contact is sharp, except where it is obscured by Tertiary or later deposits. The Mat- awan is conformably overlain by the lower Monmouth forma- tion ; the lithological differences are clearly marked, however. In its northern portion the Matawan is readily separable upon lithological grounds into Crosswicks Clays and Hazlet Sands ; outside of New Jersey in Delaware and Maryland these divisions cannot be recognized with any certainty. The Crosswicks Clays consist of slate or drab-colored clays with thin seams and pockets of glauconite, becoming dark, almost black, locally interstratified with white sand, contain- ing much lignite and beds of leaves on Raritan Bay. The lignified trunk of a large tree was found in the clays in this vicinity, as well as many fragments. Further southward the clays become brittle, more arenaceous and micaceous and contain less iron sulphide. The Hazlet Sands are highly ferruginous, brown in color, with indurated crusts in their lower layers ; above these there is frequently a well-developed layer of dark-colored clay, overlain with very micaceous sands, which are sometimes dark-colored, especially toward the south where they are also argillaceous. In his report on surface geology Professor R. D. Salisbury states * that his assistant, Mr. G. N. Knapp, distinguished five layers in the clay-marls and traced them across the state. These he designates Merchantville bed (marly clay), Wood- bury bed (dove-colored clay), Columbus bed (sand), Mar- shalltown bed (marly-clay sand), and Wenonah bed (sand). These features, although more or less marked, are not sharply defined throughout the entire area of the Matawan, and Pro- fessor Clark has never attempted to name or map any subdi- visions other than the lower clay member and the upper sandy member. The Matawan is abundantly fossiliferous, especially along *Ann. Rep. State Gcol. N.J. 1898: 35. 1899. (49) Crosswicks and Pensauken creeks. Clark enumerates 86 species of invertebrates, mostly molluscs, and Lewis Wool- man in his artesian well reports has added several others, as has also Mr. C. W. Johnson,* who points out their identity with the Ripley fauna of the Gulf region. Other remains include sharks' teeth ; Foraminifera, of which 20 species are recorded by Bagg ; f echinus and other spines ; Ostracoda ; gavial (?) teeth : dinosaurian bones ; | etc. The exposure fronting on Raritan Bay near Cliffwood, N. J., and forming a bluff some thirty feet high northwest of Matawan creek, has been admirably described by Hollick,§ who records obscure crustacean and molluscan remains, from which Professor Whitfield identified eight species of molluscs, and enumerates twenty-six species of plants, of which ten were new. I have found some few molluscan re- mains here, occurring in the ferruginous concretions picked up on the beach, from which Professor Clark has identified the following : Idonearca vulgaris Morton, Vcleda lintca Conrad, Cardium sp., Turritclla vertebroidcs Morton and one or two other species, new to the formation, not yet thor- oughly studied. I have nothing to add to the details of the exposure. It is capped with gravel and in places consists of regularl}'- alter- nating beds of fine sand several inches thick and seams of comminuted vegetable matter an inch or two in thickness (^/. jd). These are replaced by alternating beds of clay and sand with lignite, and sparingly with greensand. The face of the bluff is almost entirely hidden as shown in ^l. 55, and while the majority of my plant remains have been collected from dropped boulders of clay, all have come from near the base of the exposure except the large cone {^Sequoia sp.). These plant beds are some distance above the base of the formation, however, and their preserva- *New Cretaceous Fossils from an Artesian Well-boring at Mount Laurel, N.J. Proc. Phila. Acad. 1898: 461-464. 1898. tU. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 88, 1898. t Ann. Rep. State Geol. N. J. 1896 : 248. 1S97. § Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 16: 124-136.//. 11-14. 1897. (so) tion is due in a large measure to the character of the ma- terials, as vegetable remains are abundant in the form of lig- nite, forming thin seams intercalated in the sands nearly to the top of the exposure. The various layers are not con- tinuous for any distance along the bluff and evidently indi- cate an inshore shallow fresh-water deposit which as time progressed gradually became marine through encroachments of the sea ; the upper layers of sand with thin seams of com- minuted vegetable matter indicating changed conditions and deposits in less quiet waters. It is quite evident that sufficient material has not yet been accumulated to warrant an exhaustive discussion of the flora. I am enabled to enumerate sixty-seven different species of plants of which fourteen are new ; of these sixty-seven species some nineteen are of doubtful affinities, such as the various species of Carfolithus, Arisacma, Podozann'tcs, Phragmiies, and the various fragments provisionally determined. There are present, however, in great abundance, such characteristic mid-Cretaceous forms as Dammara, Cnnninghamites ^ Detval- guca, Aloriconia^ Salixjlextiosa, Protcoides dafhnogeneoides. Sassafras acutt'lobum, Laurus j^ltctom'a, Sapindus Morrisoni^ Andromeda Parlatorii^ etc. The flora has more in common with the middle (Wood- bridge) stage of the Raritan than with the other layers of that formation, eleven of the seventeen identical species oc- curring there, but this is undoubtedly due to the fact that this horizon is the best known ; the upper Raritan (South Amboy) layers have not been sufficiently exploited to give us a clear idea of the vegetation prevalent when they were deposited. Forty-nine of the Matawan species have not as yet been found in the Raritan, although two of these are found on Long or Staten Island in beds probably of Raritan age. "While this comparison might argue a considerable interval between the two formations, it remains to be pointed out that the following ten species are confined to the Raritan of New Jersey or the Islands and the Matawan formations on this continent : Chondrites Jlexnosus^ GeinitziaJo7-mosa, Cunning- (50 hamites elegans, Moriconia cyc/otoxon, Magnolia Woodhridg- ensts, Laurophylluvi angustifoliuvi, Aralia falmata, Fictis Woo/soni, Paliiirtis intcgrifoliiis and Cdastro^hylluvi JVeiv- berryanum, and all except possibly Paliiiriis and Chondrites with well-characterized remains. Of the numerous species which are identical with those of the Dakota group of the West only eight are confined to the Dakota and Matawan formations. There are twenty-three species identical with Dakota group forms, but it may be remarked that the latter horizon is not precisely defined and its flora is exceptionally well known. Fifteen of the Matawan species are found in the Raritan Cretaceous of the islands ; nine occurring on Staten Island, eight on Long Island, seven on Martha's Vineyard, and four on Block Island. Eleven of the Matawan species reappear in the Atane beds of Greenland, and one additional in the Patoot beds ; of these several are dominant forms of great vertical or areal distribution, or both, and thus have little sig- nificance ; such forms are Sequoia Rcichenbachi^ Safindus Morrisoni^ Laurus -plutonia and Andromeda Parlatorii. Others are more suggestive ; thus, exclusive of its occurrence in the clays at Aachen, Moriconia is confined to the ancient Atlantic coastal plain and Greenland, and its remains are com- mon ; several species of Magnolia emphasize the similarity of these floras, as does the presence of the large-leaved Aralia Ravniana. This species is confined to the Atane and Mata- wan floras in so far as I can judge from the published descrip- tions or figures of Aralias, and its remains are unmistakably characterized. Dczvalquea Grocnlandica is also confined to these floras. With the Potomac flora as elaborated by Fon- taine there seems to be no affinity, and the time that elapsed between them must have been very long. Of species which occur in the Cenomanian of Europe we have Geinitzia formosa^ Sequoia Reichenbachiy Cunning- haviites squajnosus, Cunninghamitcs elcgans, Moriconia cyclo- toxon, Sassayras acutilobtmi^ Laurus plulonia, Banksia ^usilla, Saf Indus apiculatus and Eucalyptus Geinitzi, a (52) total of ten species or over 15 per cent. ; or, on excluding doubtful species such as those of Banksia, Eucalyptus and Safindus, and such wide ranging forms as Sequoia Reichen- bachi, over 9 per cent. The most striking feature about the Matawan flora is the entire absence of ferns, which form 5 i^ per cent, of the Raritan flora, Anemia stricta being commonly found at Woodbridge. Ferns form i ^ per cent, of the Dakota flora, 1 1 per cent, of the Atane flora, and about 2 per cent, of the existing New Jersey flora. In the most recent southern flora with which the Mata- wan may be compared, that of Alabama,* sixty-two species of Pteridophytes are listed forming about 2^^ per cent., and this percentage would be greatly increased if we excluded herbaceous plants, which as a rule do not occur as fossils. It is difficult to account for the absence of this order, as the balance of the flora is proportionally normal, containing nearly II per cent, of Coniferae against ii-^ per cent, in the Raritan and 10 per cent, in the Atane beds. Presumably the environ- ment was unsuited to ferns, although, of course, future dis- covery may disclose them. Judging by such forms as Dam- 7nara^ Araucarttes, Eucalyptus, Sterculia, Aralia, Myrsine, Ficus, etc., we may infer that the climate was considerably warmer than at the present day in this latitude, and at least suf- ficiently humid to make the absence of ferns remarkable. A palm {Serejiopsis) occurs at Glen Cove, Long Island,! and the Raritan furnishes many additional representatives of genera which are exclusively tropical at the present time, as for instance Cintiamomum, Bauhinia, etc. Plants especially abundant in the Raritan formation and for which we have repeatedly searched in the Matawan are Thinnfeldia subintegrifolia (Lesq.) Knowlton, Tricarpellites striatum Newb., and Tricaly cites papyraceus Newb. The genera Myrica (7 sp.) and Liriodetidron, (4 sp.) which are abundantly developed in the Raritan, and on the islands, have * Mohr, Plant Life of Alabama. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. v. 6. Jl 1901. t Dr. Ilollick writes that material recently collected may result in altering his views as to the botanical affinity of these remains. {53) thus far been found wanting. Other Raritan genera which do not appear in the Matavvan formation are Afe^iis^erfniles, Dt'ospyros, Cissites, Ilex, Cinnamomum^ Dalbe7-gia, Bau- htnia, Colutca, Phuiera, Viburnum, Juglans, etc. ; several of these occur in the upper layers of the Raritan, and future search ought to disclose some of them in the Matawan. Cclastrophyllum with abundant remains of ten species in the Raritan (all horizons) has but two species in the Matawan, one of these being new and unrelated to any of the known Raritan species. Widdringtonites is abundant in the Raritan as are also Salix inaequalis ^.nd Hedera friDiordialis ; Myr- sine borealis Ileer is one of the commonest leaves at all locali- ties in the Raritan, as Sequoia hetero^hylla Vel. is one of its commonest conifers. Celastrus arctica is abundant at South Amboy, and should extend up into the Matawan. Numerous specimens of Ophioglosswn granulatiun are also found in the Raritan according to Newberry (localities not given). The genus Aralia, so abundantly represented in the Raritan, con- tinued to develop during Matawan time. We record six species, the large-leaved Aralia Ravniana emphasizing the similarity of these Atlantic coastal Cretaceous floras with those of Greenland. It is of course quite possible, indeed it seems probable, that these numerous species of Aralia may for the most part be the variable leaves of a considerably less number of actual species ; especially is this so of the Raritan species. This is the extreme northeastern extension of the Matawan, and the only locality where plant remains have been found, although the underlying Raritan continues northeastward as far as Buzzard's Bay and doubtfully on Cape Cod. This northeastern extension has been much modified by forces which acted upon it during the Qiiaternary age and is for the most part entirely covered with drift or totally eroded, and if the Matawan formerly extended so far north and east this has been its fate. Professor Lester F. Ward* proposed the name Island series for the northeastern extension of the Raritan and makes it the uppermost member of the Potomac, •Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. 15 : 335, 336. 1895. (54) unrepresented in New Jersey. Hollick would consider it the equivalent of the New Jersey Raritan, its distinctive char- acters being due to morainal action, with which view I entirely concur. From the evidence of the flora alone we would consider the Matawan slightly more recent than the Raritan ; a direct continuation of the latter, however, with several species added which are unknown from the Raritan. Thus, aside from the dissimilar species due to our imperfect knowledge of the flora of the two formations it remains to be pointed out that the occurrence of Nelwnho argues a somewhat later age for the Matawan, as this genus is not found below the Belly River Cretaceous on this continent.* Time must also have elapsed for the development or introduction of the various species of Stercidia which are found here as well as for the changed species of Aralia. The scarcity (absence) of ferns, the ab- sence of Brachyphyllum which is essentially a Lower Cre- taceous genus, and the much larger leaved Moriconia all point to a somewhat later time than the Raritan. The Matawan, then, represents the transition period from the Lower to the Upper Cretaceous, when marine conditions replaced fresh-water estuarine conditions ; and the flora is undoubtedly the latest Cretaceous flora of the Atlantic coastal plain which has been preserved. Professor Ward suggests that this ancient coastal plain may have extended to Green- land, but no evidence other than the remarkable similarity of the floras is known. Just a word in regard to the remains. In common with the vast majority of New Jersey Clay specimens, the Matawan plants were hermetically sealed in the clay and slowly car- bonized, so that when reexposed to the air, the thick sheet of lignite dries, becoming cracked, and is soon dissipated, leaving only a faint impression behind. This has for years proved an obstacle to the proper investigation of these floras and it is only with the discovery of leaf-layers carrying con- *Dr. Hollick has found AV/wwdo on Martha's Vineyard and Long Island, the latter locality as yet unpublished, which vitiates the above statement. (55) ta 3 te OJ iz; S to •c a c- (U 52^ 4J a <0 1— 1 c 3 < O a 2 t-H a .2 '3 Mount V Rappaha James Ri •^.^ jaddfi aippxH 1 IBSBg OBraoioj a3itt3M I OBiaoioj^ -ispiO a, 3 D Cui snucH anuBin-noi^ ifjBiviax snoaoB^sj^ uiBXd ib;sboo oiiuBpv OT O a. u Pi H r, 1 u « o B 3 o •< (56) siderably less carbonaceous matter that much progress can be made. All of my specimens have been sketched immediately, before becoming dry, so that they are fairly satisfactory ; the specimens however might almost be thrown away as far as concerns their value as types. While usage would sanction the designation of poor speci- mens of doubtful botanical affinities as " sp." after referring them provisionally or otherwise to some genus, which prac- tice is supposed to obviate any undue definiteness on the part of the describer ; the writer in these notes has followed the laudable practice of Professor Ward, as quoted above, in be- lieving that whatever is worth mentioning is worth a name. Acknowledgment is due Dr. Arthur Hollick, of the New York Botanical Garden, and Professor W. B. Clark, of Johns Hopkins University, for material assistance. The specimens are all deposited at the New York Botanical Garden. CONIFERAE. Geinitzia Endl. Syn. Conif. 280. 1847. This is an entirely extinct genus of the Taxodieae with several species on both sides of the Atlantic : G. cretacca Unger (Austria), G. formosa Heer (America and Quedlin- burg), G. hyfe^'borea (Greenland), G. sp., from the Da- kota, and G. Jenncyi Font, from the Lower Cretaceous of the Black Hills. It was founded by Endlicher in his Synopsis Coniferarum to include certain forms referred by Geinitz to Sedites and Arancarites and by Corda to Cryftomeria. Among the former was Arancarites Reichenhachi oi Geinitz, which Heer in 1868 identified with the living genus Sequoia. Since that date this plant has been almost uniformly called Sequoia Reichenhachi, and many place Endlicher's Geinitzia cretacea under it as a synonym. Others retain the older forms under Geinitzia. Ward contends that the retention of the genus Geinitzia logically carries Sequoia Reichenhachi with it into that genus as the type, while on the other hand the recognition of Sequoia Reichenhachi logically abolishes the genus Geinitzia. (57) Geinitzia FORMOSA Hccr. Geinitzia forniosa Heer, Kreidefl. Quedlinburg (Neue Denkschr. Schvveiz. Ges. 24:) 6. fl. i . /. g; pi. 2. 1871. Newb. Fl. Amboy Clays, 51.//. 9. /. 9. 1896. (Foliage.) Hollick, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 16: 129. pi. 12. f. /, 2. 1897. (Cones.) Foliage has somewhat the appearance of that of Sequoia RcichenbacJu\ but the leaves are more crowded. Not col- lected by me. Raritan : Woodbridge, N. J. Matawan : Cliffwood, N. J., foliage not found. Europe: Moletein, Quedlinburg. Sequoia Endl. Syn. Conif. 197. 1S47. The genus is unique in that it contains but two dwindling representatives of its former numerous species, one of which is the most majestically graceful of trees. These two species have barely held their own through the vicissitudes of cen- turies since the glacial period in the little strip of country where the climate is locally favorable. Many fossil species have been described, ranging upw^ard from the Upper Jurassic ; about forty-four from this continent alone, some of them with a great lateral and vertical range. Potomac 12, Kootanie 6, Trinity i. Ft. Pierre i, Chey- enne Sandstone 2, Raritan 7, Island Raritan 2, Dakota 6, Belly River 3, Montana 4, Vancouver i, Laramie 4, Can- adian Upper Laramie 3, Lignitic i, Livingston i, Ft. Union 2, Green River 4, Alaskan Eocene 3, Miocene 3, Payette i, Kome beds of Greenland 5, Atane beds of Greenland 5, Patoot beds of Greenland 5, Tertiary of Greenland 6, of which 4 occur in Europe and 2 on the continent of North America. Heer records tw^o species from the Tertiary of Siberia, and Ettingshausen records species from the Tertiaries of eastern Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. Sequoia gracillima (Lesq.) Newb. PI. 48. J". 21 , 22. Glyptostrobtis gracillimus Lesq. Am. Jour. Sci. IL 46 : 92. 1868 ; Cret. Fl. 52. fl. i. f. 8, 11, iif. 1874; Cret. (58) i&Tert. Fl. 32. //././. d,(5<5. 1883. "Cone of Sequoia" (not described) 111. Cret. & Tert. PI. fl. 11. J. g. 187S. Fl. Dak. Group, z^- 1892. Sequoia gracillima Newb. Fl. Amboy Clays, 50. -pi. g. f. 1-3. 1896 ; Later Ext. Fl. 19. ^/. /^. f. 6; fl. 26. f. p (?).*_ 1898. _ The earliest mention of what is presumably this species is in a contribution by Newberry, f in which he refers to cones occurring in the Cretaceous Clays near Keyport (probably this is the Cliffwood locality) which he referred to Geinitzia^ and associated branches which he referred to Ullmannia Goepp. In his posthumous Later Extinct Floras, these cones are referred to Sequoia gracillima; in the Flora of the Am- boy Clays, which was also issued posthumously, he makes the same reference and compares them to Heer's Sequoia mac- rolepis (Fl. Foss. Arct. 7 : 16. fl. 5/. f. ij) considering them identical. Hollick describes two cones from Cliffwood as Geinitzia Jormosa Heer. They are much distorted and incrusted with pyrites and possibly should be referred to Sequoia gracillima. Cones of this species are very common, the silicified ones washing out of the clay on the beach and the lignified ones occurring in considerable abundance in place in the clays. I have in my collection the remains of 32 cones, some of them nearly perfect and but slightly compressed, and I have refrained from collecting innumerable poor specimens seen. The largest is 8.5 cm. long, cylindrical, somewhat flattened, measuring 14 mm. in its shorter diameter and 18 mm. in its longer diameter. Most of them average nearly this thick- ness but are somewhat shorter, being about 7 cm. long. Matawan : Cliffwood, N. J. (foliage not found). Raritan (?): Keyport, N. J. Cheyenne Sandstone : Belvidere, Kansas. Dakota Group : Sioux Cit}^ Iowa. Cretaceous (Dakota?) : Whetstone Creek, New Mexico. * Questioned by Hollick, editor of Newberry's work. tProc. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist. 2: 10. 1873. (50) Kootanie, British Northwest Terr. (Table of dist., Lesq. Fl. Dak. Gr., 222.) Forks of Pine River, Northwest Terr.* Sequoia Reichenbachi (Gein.) Heer. PL ^8. /. ij, 16, 17, 20. Araticaritcs Reichenbachi Geinitz, Characteristik Schich- ten und Petrefacten Sachs-bohm. Kreidegebirges, 3 : 98. fl. 24./. 4. 1842. Cryftomcria frimaeva Corda ; Reuss, Verstein. Bohm. kreidef. 89. //. 48./. i-ii. 1846. ? Geinitzia cretacea Endl. Syn. Conif. 281. 1847. Araucaria Reichenbachi Debey, Entwurf. Geogn.-geoge- net. Darst. Gegend Aachen 6"^, 64. (Nachtnige) 1849. Sequoia Reichenbachi Heer, Fl. Foss. Arct. i : 83. -pi. 4J. f. id, 2b, 5«. 1868; 3: 77, loi, 126. pi. 20. f. 1-8; fl. 12. f. 7c, d; fl. 28. /. 2. 1875; 4: 50 (Cape Staratschin, Spitzbergen) ; 6^: 16, S2.fl. 28./. 7. 1882. Lesq. Cret. Flora, 51. fl. i . f. 10, lob. 1874; ■^^- I^ak. Group, 35. fl. 2. f. 4. 1892. Dawson, Trans. Roy. Soc. Can. 21. 1882. Fontaine, Potomac Flora, 243. //. 118. f. /, 4; fl. iig. /. i-s; fl. 120. f. 7, 8; fl. 122. f. 2 ; fl. 167./. J. 1889. Newberry, Fl. Amboy Clays, 49.^/. g.f. ig. 1896. Hollick, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 12 : 2>^. fl. i . f. 18. 1892; 16: i2d>. fl. 12. /.3b,s. 1897. Abietitcs dubius Lesq. Tert. Flora, 81. fl. 6./. 20, 21, 2ia. 1878. Our specimens from near Cliffwood are possibly related to the fragments which Hollick refers to Geinitzia formosa Heer, but I think this is rather unlikely, as his specimens are much more elongated and more like the cones of Sequoia gracillima. I feel certain that these cones are those of this species rather than fragments or immature cones of some other, for while the specimens preserved are rather frag- mentary, resembling except in length those cones of Sequoia * Lesquereux figures (Tert. Fl. pi. 65. /. 5, 5a) fragments of cones from the Green River group (Tertiary) at Castellos Ranch, Colorado, which are very similar if not identical with this species. (6o) gracillima which have become lignified instead of silici- fied, I found one nearly perfect cone, which was about 3 cm. in length by about 2 cm. in diameter, which agreed almost exactly with Heer's figures of this species. This was unfortunately smashed in transit, so that I now have only the recollection of it, which is not apt to be con- sidered good evidence. However, my first thought on un- covering it was that it was a cone of S. Reichenbachi. The foliage of this species is rather common in the clavs at this point and we would reasonably expect to find the cones ; the former are very fragmentary. Poorly preserved branchlets of Cunninghamites squamostis can often be traced for several inches, but the Sequoia remains are usually not over an inch in length. The leaves are less closely set than in C. squamo- sus and longer, often 9 to 10 mm., much more slender and more spreading. The best known localities for this species are : True Laramie and Livingston Beds : Bozeman coal field, Montana. Montana Formation : Point of Rocks, Wyoming. Raritan : Woodridge, N. J. Matawan : Clifford, N.J. Belly River series : Belly River, Canada. Potomac Formation : Dutch Gap Canal and Fredericksburg, Va. Dakota Group : Ft. Harker, Kansas. Kootanie : Great Falls, Montana. Kome Beds : Pattorfik, Avkrusak, Angiarsut, Erkorfat, Kaersuarsuk. Atane Beds : Unter Atanekerdluk. Europe : Wernsdorf (Urgonian) Saxony (Cenomanian), Quedlinburg, Moletein (Senonian), Rainberg bei Salzburg, Brandenberg, Tyrol, southern France (Turonian), Clays at Aachen, Prussia, Quadersandstein at Hartz, Bohemia. Cretaceous : Totten- ville, Staten Island. Lower Cretaceous : Black Hills. While this species had a wide vertical and areal distribu- tion ranging from the Upper Jurassic through the Cretaceous, it is best developed in the Lower Cretaceous. Sequoia Reichenbachi (Gein) Heer. ? P/. 4-8./. 18. An oval shaped cone 3 cm. in diameter by 4 cm. long, too obscure for exact determination. It resembles some of the (6i) cones from the Potomac formation which Fontaine refers to this genus. Is about the same size and character as the cone of Sequoia Reichcnbachi which Ward figures from the Black Hills (Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. 19': 674. //. 166. f. i). Araucarites Presl, in Sternb. Vers. 2: 203. 1833. Araucarites ovatus Hollick. Araticaritcs ovatus Hollick, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 16: 128. //. J2. f. ja, 4. 1897. While these remains are undoubtedly related to the genus Araucaria, their size would seem to indicate a nearer rela- tionship to the genus Ai(athis Salisb. {Dammara Lam.). The only other American post-Jurassic references to Araucarites are two species of cones from the Potomac which Fontaine so identifies. The genus Araucaria of Jussieu occurs abun- dantly from the Jurassic upward ; Fontaine describes three species from the Potomac formation and Lesquereux a doubt- ful species from the Dakota Group. Wood of this type has been identified by Knowlton from the Triassic (?) and the Lower Cretaceous of South Dakota. All of the foregoing have very small, more or less imbricated and compressed leaves, while this species of Hollick's is much larger and suggests similarity with IVageiopsis, so largely developed in the Potomac, or various forms referred to Podozainitcs, Dammara, etc., the exact affinity of which is unknown. Dammara Lam. Encycl. 2: 259. 1786. The living species are included in the genus Agathis Salisb. and are four in number, ranging from the Malayan Islands and Philippines to Australia and New Zealand. Dammara Cliffwoodensis Hollick. PL 4.S. f. 8-1 1 . Dammara {?) Cliffwoodensis Hollick, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 16: 128. //. //. /. s-S. 1897. These problematical remains are very abundant in the cla3^s at Cliffwood as well as in the Amboy Clays and the Cre- taceous of Staten Island and Block Island (Hollick). David (62) White and HoUick have found them at Martha's Vineyard and they are known from the Atane and Patoot beds where Heer differentiates Dammara borealis* D. macrosferma, and D. microlcfis as well as very similar remains which he de- scribes as Eucalyptus Geinitzi. These latter remains New- berry considers are generically the same as those referred to Davimara and not related to Eucalyptus. However this may be, undoubted leaf-remains of Eucalyptus have been found in these various American Cretaceous strata and it does not seem unreasonable that the fruit should also be present. It is quite true that various leaves have been re- ferred to Eucalyptus upon rather doubtful evidence, but others from both their form and venation, are unquestionably related to that genus. The Cliffwood remains are exceedingly common ; often fragmentary, however, sometimes only a portion of the resin ducts being preserved ; they are very fragile and crumble readily upon handling. They vary considerably in size, some being as small as Damnia?'a borealis and others being larger than those figured by Hollick from this formation. PL 4-8^ f. 10 is strikingly like the forms which Heer con- siders Eucalyptus, but the balance of our collections are evidently coniferous scales, consisting internally of a rather central resin-duct enlarged above, with four or five angular resin-ducts on each side, which seem to descend to the base of the scale ; externally the scales seem to be more rounded and finely lined as mf. lo. Our remains are almost exactly kite-shaped and many of them seem to have straight ascending sides and are not abruptly narrowed from above the middle as in Hollick's specimens (1. c). Neither is there any evidence of the short mucronate point on the crown ; on the contrary y. lo is evenly rounded. At the same time it seems best to refer our remains to Hollick's species, at least until we can be more certain as to the exact affinity of all these Da7n7nara-\\kQ. remains. Newberry (/. c.) doubts their relation to Dammara, point- *This species has been recorded from the Ceuomanian of Bohemia. (63) ing out that no Daffimara-Mke foliage has been found asso- ciated with them and that in the very abundant Amboy Clay specimens the scales seem to be associated with an extremely delicate juniper-like conifer ; this association has never been confirmed, however. He also finds some indications of two seeds in his specimens, the living Dammara scales being one- seeded. Merely negative evidence as to the occurrence of Dammara leaves is not very conclusive, especially in view of the fact that Lesquereux has described the remains of cer- tain leaves from the Dakota Group {^Dammar ites)^ which are undoubtedly related to those of the existing Dammara ro- btista Moore, of Australia, and various other remains both in this country and abroad have been referred to Dam- mar it es. Furthermore, the remains from Cliffwood which Hollick describes (/. c.) as Araucarites ovatus are very similar to those of Agathis Dammara Rich. {^Dammara orientalisYi-d.va. ; D. alba Rumph.) the existing Dammara of the Malayan Islands and Philippines. Fontaine (Potomac Fl. 264. fl. ijj. f. 8-12) describes wedge-shaped scales under the name Araucarites Aquiensis from the Potomac Formation near Brooke, Va., where they are common and always found detached and unassociated with other remains. While their resemblance to those of Dajnmara may be considered somewhat far-fetched, their similar mode of occurrence is suggestive. They are as a rule larger than Dammara^ but vary considerably in size and shape and have a transverse furrow on their upper mar- gin. CuNNiNGHAMiTES Presl, in Sternb. Vers. 2: 203. 1833. Pending the discovery of fruit the identification of these remains with those of the existing genus Cunninghamia is not beyond question. Cunninghamia R. Br., with a single species, is at the present day an endemic genus of the China- Japan region. ( 64 ) CUNNINGHAMITES SQUAMOSUS Hecr. PL 48./. 1 4, IQ. Cunninghamites squamosus Heer, Beitr. Kreidfl. Qued- linb. 9. fl. I. f. 5-7. 1872. Hollick, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. i6 : 129. //. 1 1 . f. 3. 1897. (Not of Hosius and Von der INIarck.) Remains of this species are the most abundant coniferous fossils in the clays at Cliffwood. They occur as twigs about the size of those figured by Hollick or smaller and demand no extended discussion. This is the only locality in this country where they have been found, but additional collec- tions from the Amboy Clays ought to disclose them. The two specimens figured are more robust than the majority of the remains and are ten sevenths of the average size, al- though several large specimens were collected. On the usual-sized specimens the leaves are about 6 mm. long, closely set, stout, incurved, very much crowded in some instances and quite different in appearance from those of Sequoia Retchenbacki \m\h. which it is often associated. CUNNINGHAMITES ELEGANS (Corda) Endl. Cunninghamia clegans Corda; Reuss, Verstein. Bohm. Kreidef. gz- P^- 49- f- ^9-31 • 1846. Cunninghaniites clegans Endl. Syn. Conif. 270. 1847. Heer, Beitrag. Kreidefl. (Neue. Denkschr. Schweiz. Gesell.) 12. ^l. j.f. 14. 1869. Schimper, Pal. Veg. 2 : 256. Heer, Fl. Foss. Arct. 7: 17. fl. 53^/. i. 1883. Newb. Fl. Amboy Clays, 48. fl. 5. f. i-j. 1896. Hollick, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 16: 129. fl. 11. f. 2. 1897. Hollick, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, 2: 402. _^/. 41. f. II. 1902. (Knowlton, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 163 : 29. fl. 5. f. 3. 1900, probably belongs here.) Cunninghaniites squamosus Hosius & Von der Marck, Fl. Westfal. Kreide. 54. //. J7. /. 137-141. (Palaeonto- graphica, v. 26.) 1880. Originally described from Moletein in Moravia and Mseno in Bohemia (Cenomanian), then from the chalk of Westphalia ; (65) Heer records it from the Patool beds of Greenland. New- berry's specimens are from " near Key port "' and are prob- ably not from the Raritan, however in a table on page 135 he gives as an additional locality South Amboy, which is within the Raritan formation. Hollick (/. c.) records unmistakable remains of this species from the Matawan, but much search has not resulted in my finding it except one specimen which is doubtfully referred to this species (too poor to figure). MoRicoNiA Deb. & Ett. Urweltl. Acrobryen Aachen, 59- 1859. MoRicoNiA cYCLOToxoN Deb. & Ett. P/. 43./. 4; 48./. 1-4. Moriconia cyclotoxon Deb. & Ett. Urweltl. Acrobryen Aachen (Denkschr. Wien. Akad. 17: 239), 59. ^l. y.f. 23-27. 1859. Newb. Fl. Amboy Clays, $$. pi. 10. f. 11-21. 1896. Heer, Fl. Foss. Arct. 3^: 97. fl. 26. f. 18, under the name of Pccopteris Kudlisctcnsis ; 6^: ¥)'i>l'33'f' 1-9 '^ 7: ^^-P^'SJ'f' 10,10b; pl.34./. ic (the latter ligure probably represents a B r achy phy Hum). Originally described from the clays at Aachen, Heer found it in the Atane and Patoot beds of Greenland and Disco Island, and Newberry in the Amboy Clays at South Amboy, N. J., where it is common. Heer's forms have the stem naked in a majority of cases ; the branchlets are about 21 mm. long and the widest is 4.5 mm. wide ; one branchlet with the tip missing is still 36 mm, long but only 3 mm. wide. New- berry's Amboy Clay specimens have some of the branchlets long and slender like the Arctic forms, but the majority are shorter and stouter, being 10 to 12 mm. in length by 4 mm. in width, and the stems are more uniformly leaved. Speci- mens from Staten and Block Islands recently reported by Hollick are also small. All of my specimens from Cliffwood have the main stem leaved ; my only complete branchlet is 34 mm. long by 9 mm. wide, in fact all of my specimens are nearly, or quite, twice as wide as any of the Amboy Clay or Greenland forms. {66) The figure (pi. 4.3- /> 4) shows the appearance of the main stem of a fragmentary specimen which might readily enough be taken for the pinna of a fern. The markings on all the specimens are very obscure and it is only after the carbonized layer has dried out and blown away that they show plainly the leaf-markings as shown in the balance of the figures. No fruit has anywhere been found associated with these twigs, so that their exact relationship remains to be determined. Judging from the foliage alone Heer is inclined to place it among the Cupressineae and near to Libocedrus. Lihocedrtis Endl. is unknown from the American Creta- ceous or later formations, although tjie existing incense cedar, Libocedrus dccitrrens Torr., ranges from Oregon southward to southern California and is commonly cultivated. This typically northern genus reaches Australia through the East Indian region and penetrates far into South America along the Andes, thus almost surrounding the Pacific. Heer has described three fossil species from the Arctic regions, Libocedrus gracilis from Spitzbergen, Libocedrus cretacca from the Atane schists (Kardlok, Isunguak), and Libocedrus Sabiniana from Greenland (Atanekerdluk B, Naujat, Kug- sinek, Haseninsel, Isunguak) and Spitzbergen. ARACEAE. Arisaema Martius, Flora, 14: 459. 1831. There are about fifty existing species, mostly of temperate and tropical Asia ; three in eastern North America. Two fossil species have been provisionally referred here as fol- lows : Arisaema cretaceum Lesq. PL 4.6. f. 4. Arisaema cretacca Lesq. Fl. Dak. Group, 38. fl. 46. f. i. 1892. Arisaema (P) dubia Hollick, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 16 : 130.//. 12. y. 6. 1897. The above species was founded by Lesquereux for a (67) monocotyledonous, probably Araceous spathe from the Da- kota Group of Kansas. In all probability Ilollick's specimen is of the same species. It is doubtfully a species of Arisacnm, however, and might equally be a cycadaceous spathe. In appearance the specimen before us is very similar to some of Lesquereux's figures of Dammaritcs (Fl. Dak. Gr. fl. i. f, g-ii) ; the fine lining is about .5 mm. apart as in the existing Diwimara robtista Moore of Australia, but the texture is very thin and quite the opposite of the thick coriaceous leaves of Dammar a and Dammaritcs. Arisaema (?) Mattewanense HoUick. Arisacjna Mattewanense Hollick, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 16: 130.//. 12./. 7. 1897. Provisionally so referred by Dr. Hollick, as the fruit of some Araceous plant. SALICACEAE. Salix Linn. Sp. PI. 1015. 1753. The willows are all extremely rapid growers and thrive in the wettest soil ; they are thus apt to occur in localities favor- able for fossilization. There are about 160 existing species widely distributed throughout the northern hemisphere and arctic zone, a few in the southern hemisphere ; about 80 are American. There are about 46 fossil American species dis- tributed as follows: Raritan 5, Island Raritan 4, Dakota 11, Woodbine i, Montana 3, Vancouver 2, Laramie 4 ( ?), Ft. Union i, Green River 5, Eocene 7 (?), Eolignitic 3, Tertiary 2, Miocene 5, Pleistocene i (?). Heer records three from the Island of Sachalin and seven from the Tertiary of Greenland. Salix proteaefolia flexuosa (Newb.) Lesq. PI. 4S./. 12; pi. 52./. 2. Salix jlexuosa Newb. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 9: 21. 1868; 111. Cret. & Tert. PL //. /./. 4. 1878; Later Ext. Fl. 56. fl. 2./. 4; -pi. rj./. J, 4; //. 14./. I. 1S98. (68) Saltx protcaefolia Jlcxiiosa Lesq. Fl. Dak. Group, 50. />/. 44,/. 4, J. 1892. Dakota Group : Kansas. Cretaceous : Seacliff, Long Is- land (Hollick, '94) and Block Island (Hollick, '98). The smaller leaf is similar to the smaller forms referred to the above species. It resembles a number of small lanceolate leaves of varied affinities such as Lesquereux's Aiidrotneda affints, the smaller forms of Myrica longa Heer from the Da- kota (but has a narrower base), and Laurtis angtista Heer as figured in Fl. Foss. Arct. 7: fl. 57./. ib; the latter is, however, considerably smaller than Heer's figures of this same species in the same work, v. 6', and also much smaller than the leaf which Lesquereux refers to this species in the Flora of the Dakota Group. Were our specimen [fl. 48./. 12) somewhat more linear it might be compared to Eucalyptus Dakotensis, but there is no doubt that it is a Salix. The larger leaves [pi. 52. /. 2) show the characteristic venation of this species. Salix Mattewancnsis sp. nov. Pi. 51. f. 5. A small ovate-lanceolate leaf with an obtuse base and slender tapering tip, greatly resembling several modern willow leaves ; secondaries regular, camptodrome. Except for its small size it is very similar to Salix mem- hranacea Newb. There is considerable resemblance to Salix sp. (Fl. Amboy Clays, pi. 42. f. 6-8) only the tip is more elongated. There is also some resemblance to such leaves as Leguminosites constrictus Lesq. and to several of the forms referred to Cassia. Salix Meekii Newb. Salix Meekii Newb. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 9: 19. 1868; Later Ext. Fl. 58. pi. 2. f. 3. 1898. Hollick, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 16: 130.//. /j.y. j, 4. 1897. S. cuncata Newb. 111. Cret. & Tert. pi. i.f. 2, 3. 1878. S. proteaefolia lanceolata Lesq. Fl. Dak. Group, 50. pi. 64./. 6-8. 1892. Recorded by Hollick from the Matawan formation near Cliff wood, N. J. ; not found by me. (69) Poi'ULiTKs Lesq. Am. Jour. Sci. 46: 93. 1868. Founded by Lesquereiix to include leaves from the Dakota Group which are apparently related to Populus but differing in their generally entire margin, cordate outline, and cras- pedodrome venation, the latter character apparently wanting in our species. Some of Lesquereux's species have since been transferred to the genera Grezut'ofsis, Hamamclites, Mcnis- pennites, and C/ssitcs, leaving seven Dakota species and one species from the Upper Cretaceous of Vancouver Island. The genus Populus, although containing the oldest known dicotyledon at Kome, besides ten Dakota species and two Potomac species according to Fontaine, is so essentially a later genus that I prefer to include our leaf in the related genus Populites, thus obviating too great definiteness of relation to the existing genus. Populus contains about twenty-five species in the existing flora, all of which are confined to the northern hemisphere. Some twelve of these inhabit North America. The fossil species are numerous. Populites tenuifolius sp. nov. PL ^g. f. 7. A leaf exceeding 10 cm. in length and nearly 12 cm. in width : margin in the upper part apparently entire or perhaps a trifle undulate ; about 4 cm. of the right lateral margin is preserved and seems to be slightly crenate, but the indica- tions are very faint and may be due to the wearing away of the material. The base is not preserved, but I judge it to have been cordate. The texture is extremely thin for so large a leaf. Secondaries four or five on each side, very thin, alternate, unbranched except the basal ones, leaving the midrib at an angle of about 45^ and curving upward, branching near the margin much as in ProtophyUum Stern- bergii;* basal secondaries evidently much longer than the others, giving off numerous branches to the latero-basal portion of the leaf. Areolation ill-defined, angular. I have been at a loss to correctly determine this leaf ; it bears considerable resemblance to some of Lesquereux's species of Pretophylluni, but inasmuch as the latter is a syn- * Lesq. Fl. Dak. Group, pi. 42. f. /. (70) thetic type of uncertain botanical affinities, with mostly cori- aceous leaves, it has not been considered available. The only Raritan leaf with which our specimen may be com- pared is Tiliaephyllum duhium* which it resembles in its cordate outline, delicate venation, and thin texture ; like the Raritan leaf ours is represented by but a single specimen rather poorly preserved. It differs in being larger and in lacking the dentate margin, and was apparently equilateral with a straight midrib. In view of the uncertainty of New- berry's determination it is desirable that we should endeavor to get an idea of the true botanical affinity of our leaf, which it seems to me will place it among those leaves ancestral to the modern aspens or poplars. It resembles several species of Pofuhis, although the latter are as a rule coriaceous or subcoriaceous, for instance Pofidus Harheriana Lesq. from Staten Island f and the Dakota Group. $ It may be com- pared with Pofuhis balsamoides (}) var. latifolia Lesq.,§ although the latter is a Tertiary species ; the margin is ap- parently similar and the venation is strikingly similar except at the margin. It may also be compared with the Dakota species Pofulites Lancastricnsis Lesq. || which it greatly resembles in size and outline ; the secondaries are stouter and straighter in the latter and the basal one is less branched. FAGACEAE. QuERCus Linn. Sp. PL 994. 1753. About two hundred existing species of the northern hemi- sphere,H more than fifty of which occur in North America. The extinct American species number about 127, distributed *Newb. Fl. Amboy Clays, 109. /»/. 15./. 13. tHollick, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 11 : 419. pl- 36./. 8. X Lesq. Fl. Dak. Group, 44. pl. 46./. 4. ? Lesq. Cret. & Tert. Fl. 158. //. 3^-f-4- lILesq. Cret. Fl. 58. />/. J./ /• Tl Recorded by Ettingshausen from Tertiary of New Zealand. (Trans. N. Z. Inst. V. 23.) (71) as follows: Raritan 2, Dakota 20, Montana 2, Vancouver 6, Laramie 17, Livingston 3, Denver 9, Ft. Union 7, Tertiary of Yellowstone Park 7, Green River 7, Eolignitic 6, Eocene 12, Miocene 25, Payette 4, Pleistocene 6, Glacial i, Atane 7, Patoot 7, Tertiary of Greenland 15. Quercus HoUickii sp. nov. PI. 57. f. /, 2. Leaves subcoriaceous, obovate, obtuse, gradually narrow- ing to the base; secondaries strong, equidistant and parallel, alternate, camptodrome, angle of divergence about 50*^ ; basal one third of the margin entire, above rather irregularly dentate. These specimens evidently represent a leaf about 9 cm. in length by about 4.5 cm. in greatest width. I have been unable to refer this to any of the described species of ^lercus although it resembles several ; in outline it is similar to ^. Wardiana Lesq.* from the Dakota group, but the latter is 50 per cent, larger and with different vena- tion. There is also a resemblance to Newberry's ^ cllip- tica f but the secondaries are straighter, more ascending and more regularly arched in our specimen. Again, it may be compared to the Tertiary ^ Olafseni Heer, but the latter has the leaves more oval, margin more dentate, secondaries craspedodrome and straighter, greatly resembling Les- quereux's ^l. 48. f. 4 from the Fort Union Beds ; in the latter, however, some of the upper secondaries run directly to the dentate points of the margin. There is, further, a re- semblance to J^. Nevadensis Lesq., from the Pacific Coast Miocene, which however has the secondaries straighter and subcraspedodrome. Considerable similarity is to be noted with various leaves referred to Celastrophyllum, as for instance C. grandifolium Newb., which is common in the Raritan (localities not given) ; our leaf is considerably shorter and relatively wider, more obovate in outline, with a more tapering base, straighter mid- rib and more regular secondaries. *F1. Dak. Group. />/. 7./. /. 1S52. t Later Ext. Fl. pi. 20. f. 3. 1S98. (72) QuERCus HoLMESii Lcsq. PL 4.8. f. IJ. Dryofhyllmn {^lercus) salictfolitmi Lesq. Ann. Rep. U S. Geol. & Geog. Surv. Terr. 1874: 340.//. 8.f. 2. 1876. Name preoccupied by ^lerctis salicifolia Newb. Dryophyllum (^lercus) Hohnesii Lesq. Cret. & Tert. Flora, 38. _?i/. ^.y: ^\ cretaceum. Hollick, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 12: 236.//. y.f. i. 1893. 16 : 132.//. 14./. 13. 1897. Velen. Fl. Bohm. Kreidef. 4: 2. //. 2./, I. 1886. S. recurvatum Heer, Fl. Foss. Arct. 6-': 74. pi. sg.f. 4. 1882 ; not Lesq. There can be no doubt that this rather fragmentary leaf is referable to Sassajras acutilobum as commonly understood. (82) In outline it is almost identical with Lesquereux's typical leaf from the Dakota Group, the only differences being its slightly smaller size and somewhat wider median lobe. It is also very similar to the leaf from the Bohemian Cretaceous which Velenovsky refers to this species, the only difference being the less conical lobes. With Newberry's Amboy Clay forms there is a general resemblance to the more typical specimens. Hollick, ('97) found a small fragment in this (Clay Marl) formation which he thought might be referable to this species. With the question of the proper generic relations of this spe- cies we are not here concerned. In another place * I have expressed doubt as to the validity of its reference to Sassafras. ACERACEAE. Acer Linn. Sp. PI. 1054. ^753- There are about one hundred existing species of maples. The fossil species are also quite numerous, there being some twenty-six fossil American forms distributed as follows : Rari- tan I, Island Raritan i, Belly River i, Laramie 5, Denver I, Ft. Union 3, Green River 3, Eocene 3, Miocene 8, Pleis- tocene 3. Heer records one from the Tertiary of Siberia, one from the Tertiary of Manchuria, three from the Island of Sacha- lin, two from Patoot, and five from the Tertiary of Greenland. Ettingshausen records maples in the Tertiary of Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. Acer paucidentatum Hollick. Acer ^aucidentatum Hollick, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 16: 132.//. 14../. 2,3. 1897. As remarked by Hollick this maple resembles several Ter- tiary species. Acer is only represented by fruit in the New Jersey Raritan, although a small leaf has been found in that formation on Staten Island. Sapindus Linn. Sp. PI. 367. 1753. Saf Indus is at the present day a chiefly tropical genus of about ten species of Asia and America. The only existing * Bot. Gaz. 34 : 438. 1902. (83) North American species are S. viarginatus Willd., whicii ranges from Kansas to northern Mexico and eastward to Georgia and Florida; ^S*. Safonaria Linn., of the Florida Keys, West Indies and Venezuela ; and S. Drummondii H. & A. The American fossil species are numerous, there being twenty-one or more forms distributed as follows: Island i, Matawan i, Dakota 2, Denver i, Upper Laramie i, Eocene, Ky. I, Brandon, Vt. i, Green River 7, Fort Union 5, Ter- tiary of Yellowstone Park 2, Eolignitic 4, Miocene i, Green- land 3. Did we assume that these fossil leaflets should be of uni- form size and form, as they are in our existing species of the Southwest, the number of fossil species would be greatly multiplied. Sapindus Morrisoni Lesq. PL 47./. 2,j. Sapmdiis Morrisoni Lesq. Cret. & Tert. Fl. 83. fl. 16. J. I, 2. 1883 ; Fl. Dak. Group, 158. pi. jj. /• i, 2. 1892. Heer, Fl. Foss. Arct. 6^: 96. fl. 40. f. i; fl. 4i.J.j;fl.4j./.ia,b;fl.44./.7,8. 1882. Hollick, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 11: fl. 3. f. 5. 1892; 12: 235. fl. 6. f. 3. 1893; Bull. Torrey Club, 2i : 57. fl. 179./. 8. 1894; Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. 7: 13. 1895 ; Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 11: 422. fl. 36. f. 4. 1898. White, Am. Jour. Sci. III. 39: 99. fl. 2. f. 12. 1890. The Cliffwood forms are small leaves with a considerably inequilateral base and numerous somewhat ascending irregu- larly curved camptodrome secondaries. There is no question but what this is a species of Safindus ; it agrees quite well with Lesquereux's Cret. & Tert. Fl. /. 2, and Fl. Dak. Group, f. .2, and Hollick's specimen from Tottenville, Staten Island, all of which are rather smaller than the other figured leaves of this species. Hollick * identifies two fairly perfect leaves from this horizon with Velenovsky's Safindus aficulatus from the Bohemian Cretaceous. These leaves are somewhat smaller than our specimens and less full at the * Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. i5: 133. pi. ij. f. r, 2. 1S97 . (84) base on the larger side, otherwise they are quite similar. They may be either small leaves of Sapindus Morrisoni or else new forms altogether. It may well be that the leaves re- ferred to the widely distributed Sapindus Moi'risoni, as indi- cated above, embrace more than one species. This is another species which we could expect to find in the Raritan formation. Sapindus apiculatus Velen. Sapindus apiculatus Velen. Fl. Bohm. Kreidef. 3: 6 (53). pl. 7 {22).f. 1-8. 1884. Hollick, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 16: 133. //. jj.f. 7, 2. 1897. As remarked under Sapindus Morrisoni, this might well be a small leaf of that species. Recorded by Hollick from the Matawan ; not found by me. Celastrophyllum Gopp. Tertiarfl. Java, 52. 1854. This extinct genus includes leaves related to those of Colastrus. It has ten species in the Potomac, ten in the Raritan, one in the Island series, seven in the Dakota, two in the Matawan, one in the Atane beds and three in the Patoot beds. Celastrophyllum elegans sp. nov. PI. 43. f. 6. A handsome ovate-lanceolate leaf about 6 cm. long and 10 mm. wide at its widest part which is about midway between the base and the apex ; with a somewhat wedge-shaped base, an evenly rounded apex and a slightly undulating margin ; there are eleven shallow indentations on each side, the lowest about 6 mm. from the base ; petiole rather stout, 10 mm. in length ; secondaries branch at an angle of somewhat more than 45° and are straight to within a short distance of the margin, curving and forming arches only about one milli- meter from it. Hollick refers a leaf from this formation to Celastrophyllum Newberryanum ; ours is a narrower longer leaf with more regular secondaries. Compared with the Amboy Clay leaves of C. Newberryanum ours is a longer more slender leaf. C. Newberryanum was however an abundant and very vari- able leaf and some of Newberry's figures approach ours quite (85) closely, for instance, Fl. Amboy Clays, //. ^9. J. 10. Our leaf is also somewhat similar to some of the Amboy clay leaves which Newberry refers to C. crenatum Heer, though the latter is stouter and averages much larger. C. f^randifolium Newb. is of somewhat the same propor- tions but about three times as large. The Dakota species except C. dccurrens are much smaller leaves. The Potomac species are mostly smaller broader leaves of rather obscure affinities. Celastrophyllum Newberryanum Hollick. Cclastrop/iylliim JVezt/derryamun HoW'ick ; Newb. Fl. Am- boy Clays, loi. pL ^p. _/*. 7-^7. 1896; Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 16: 133.//. 14. f. i. 1897. This small-leaved Cclastrophyllum is abundant in the upper Raritan beds at South Amboy and we would naturally expect it to extend upward into the Cliffwood beds, where it is recorded by Hollick. RHAMNACEAE. Rhamnus Linn. Sp. PI. 193. 1753. About seventy-tive existing species, mostly north temper- ate, a few tropical and a few south temperate ; eleven inhabit North America. Thirty-three species are found fossil on this continent in the following formations : Island Raritan 2, Dakota 6, Montana i, Laramie 10, Denver 6, Ft. Union 2, Green River 3, Eolignitic 2, Tertiary i. Heer records one from the Tertiary of Manchuria, one from the island of Sachalin, two from Atane, one from Patoot, and eight from the Tertiary of Greenland. Rhamnus Novae-Caesareae sp. nov. PL 50. y". 5, 6. These leaves are somewhat similar in outline and venation to what Hollick calls .^ercus{?) JVovae- Caesar eae from this same locality, only our specimens are less perfect and consid- erably larger. Their true affinity seems to be with R/iamnus, and I have been unable to associate them with any of the (86) described species. Remains are fragmentary, but indicate a simple ovate-lanceolate leaf 7-10 cm. long by about 2.25 cm. wide, with ascending camptodrome secondaries and transverse tertiaries. RhAMNUS INAEQUILATERALIS Lesq. Rhajunus inaequilateralis Lesq. Fl. Dak. Group, 170. fl. 3J.f. 4.-7. 1892. Rollick, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 16: 133- /^- 13^/- S. 1897. The Cliffwood forms are identical with the smaller of Lesquereux's leaves. Recorded by Hollick from the Ma- tawan formation ; not found by me. Paliurus Mill. Gard. Diet., ed. 7. 1759. There are only two existing species, one confined to southern China and Japan, and the other to southern Europe and western Asia. The fossil species are numerous, some sixteen occurring on this continent ; it is pertinent to remark, however, that in the absence of fruit Paliurus is practically indistinguishable from Zizyp/ms or Ceanothus. Raritan i. Island Raritan 3, Dakota 5, Mill Creek 2, Van- couver I, Laramie 4, Canadian Upper Laramie i, Denver 3, Ft. Union 2, Green River 2, Miocene i. Heer records one from the Tertiary of Siberia, one from the Island of Sachalin, one from Patoot, and three from the Ter- tiary of Greenland. Paliurus integrifolius Hollick (?). Paliurus integrifolius Hollick, Bull. Torrey Club, 21 : 57. fl. 177./. 5, «?, 12. 1894 ; Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 16 : 133. ;pL 14./. 10. 1897. This reference of a fragment from near Cliffwood was only provisional. The specimen represents the basal fragment of a leaf which is rather large for Paliurus and lacks the lat- eral branches of the primaries which ought to be present in the left hand portion of the specimen. It might well represent the basal portion of some of the leaves from the Raritan formation which Newberry referred to Cissitcs formosus Heer. Not found by me. (87) MYRTACEAE. Eucalyptus L'Her. Sert. Angl. i8. 1788. There are about one hundred and forty existing species of great variety of form, foliage and blossom, confined to the Australian region, none occurring in New Zealand on the one hand or Asia on the other.* Nine fossil species have been re- ferred to this genus from American strata, most of which are doubtfully determined owing to the uncertainty of leaf re- mains: Island Raritan 2, Dakota 3, Raritan 4, Laramie i, Green River i, Atane 2. Eucalyptus Geinitzi Heer. PI. jj. f. j. Myrtofhyllum [Eucalyptus P) Geinitzi Heer, Fl. Foss. Arct. 3': 116. pi. 32./. 14-17; pi. 33- f' 6b. 1874. Eucalyptus Geinitzi Heer, Fl. Foss. Arct. 6^: 93.^/. ig. f. ic; pi. 63./. 4-g. 1882. Lesq. Fl. Dak. Group, 138. pi- 37'f' 20. 1892. Newb. Fl. Amboy Clays, no. pi. 32. f. 2, 12, 13^ 16. 1896. Hollick, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 11: 98. //. 2./. i. 1892; 12: 34. pi. 2. f. 3. 1892 ; 236. pi. 6. f. 2. 1893 ; Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. 7: 13. 1895; Annals N. Y.Acad. Sci. 11: 6o.pl. 4./. 1-3. 1898. White, Am. Jour. Sci. III. 39: 98. pi. 2. f. 8-11. 1890. Heer, Kreide Fl. Moletein, 22. pi. I J./. 3, 4. This reference is only provisional, as the leaf is too frag- mentary for certainty and the venation is entirely obliterated. I have thought I detected the characteristic venation at times but cannot be certain. Previously recorded from the Dakota, Kansas ; the Raritan, Woodbridge, Sayreville, N. J. ; and the Cretaceous of Staten Island, Long Island and Martha's Vine- yard. Also recorded from Greenland and the continent of Europe. Eucalyptus (?) dubia sp. nov. PI. 32./. i. This fragment is referred to Eucalyptus because of its resemblance to Newberry's Fl. Amboy Clays, pi. 32. f. d, * Although Ettingshausen records them from the Tertiary of New Zea- land (Trans. N. Z. Inst. v. 23). (88) {B. (?) angusti folia). In all probability neither of these leaves is related to Eticalyftus. The secondaries spring from the midrib at an angle of 45*^ to 50° and are approximately straight and parallel, about 1.5 mm. apart, some opposite, others irregular; intermediate tertiaries give alternate branches to each secondary. The venation is not characteristic of JSucalyptus , and resembles somewhat that of Lmirofhyllum reticulatum Lesq., but our specimen is a smaller, relatively narrower leaf. A second specimen shows a marginal vein connecting the secondaries about .5 mm. from the margin. STERCULIACEAE. Sterculia Linn. Sp. PL 1007. 1753. Nearly one hundred existing species of the tropics of both hemispheres. American fossil species are some seventeen in number, distributed as follows: Potomac i, Cheyenne Sandstone i, Raritan i, Island Raritan 2, Dakota 8, Creta- ceous of British Columbia i, Denver i. Green River i. None have been recognized in the Atane beds of Green- land, although one species occurs at Patoot. One species has been recorded from the Island of Sachalin ; the genus is present in the upper Cretaceous of Europe and some sixteen species have been described from the European Tertiary de- posits, although the American Tertiary is practically barren of these plants. Sterculia Cliffwoodensis sp. nov. PI. 4.3./. 5. Sterculia sp. (?) Hollick, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 16: 133. i>l. 14../. 4-7. 1897. It is to be hoped that more and fuller remains may be dis- covered of this beautiful species. The present specimen in- dicates a trilobed leaf with entire margin and decurrent base ; lobes diverging at an angle of about 45° or less, with nearly parallel margins and acute tips (?); the secondaries branch at a wide angle and their tips are joined by rather straight arches. (89) Lesquereux separates the Dakota leaves of Sterculia from Aralia merely on account of the " primary divisions and pri- mary nerves from the top of the petiole." This character, which I do not consider diagnostic, would refer this leaf to Aralia as the lateral primaries branch from the midrib a con- siderable distance above its base. The venation is some- what similar to the Dakota Sterculia reticulata Lesq. (Fl. Dak. Group, pi. 34. f. 10), and also to that of Aralia trans- z'crsincrvia Sap. & Mar. described by Hollick from Oak- neck, Long Island (Bull. Torrey Club, 21 . 54. pi. 176./. i . 1894) which leaf he does not consider an Aralia. In outline this leaf resembles Sterculia lugubris Lesq. ex- cept that the primaries are not basal ; whether the lobes were produced to the length they are in that species is of course conjectural. Our fragment is also somewhat similar in out- line to the fragment (Fl. Amboy Clays, ^/. 26./. 2) referred by Newberry to Aralia quinquepartita Lesq., in which how- ever the venation is unfortunately obliterated. Hollick's Sterculia sp. (/. c.) probably belongs here ; his f. 4 is the fragment of a much smaller leaf, but his larger fragments (y. 5-7) might well be the acutely tipped lobes of our leaf, the venation of the two corresponding very well. Our leaf also has somewhat the appearance of Aralia Jorgenseni Heer (Fl. Foss. Arct. 7: pi. loi. f. /) but the sinuses are not quite so deep. It might further be compared to Aralia Wellingtoniana Vaughanii Knowlton from the Woodbine formation of Texas (Dakota). The latter is tri- lobed, the lobes slender and entire ; not figured, however. (Knowlton; Hill, Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. 21: 318. 1901.) Sterculia Snowii bilobata var. nov, PI. 4.3./. 7. Sterculia Snowii \s known from the Dakota Group of Kan- sas and New Mexico and the Cheyenne Sandstone at Belvi- dere, Kansas. The specimen from the Matawan here figured, in its outline approximates Liriophylhim Beckzt'ithii Lesq., from the Dakota Group, but the venation is radically differ- (90) ent. We have supposed its relationship to be with Stei-ctdia Sno'ivli not onl}'^ because the latter already has a remarkable biiobate form (var. disjunctd)^ but also because we can readily imagine a leaf like the leaf of S. Snozuii shown on Fl. Dak. Group, fl. jj. y. J with a deeper sinus which would then make it correspond with our specimen. This reference is far from satisfactory ; it would seem that if this is a variety of S. Snowii the latter ought to be present as well or at least in the Raritan, although it has not as 3'et been discovered, except a doubtful specimen from Tottenville, Staten Island (Hollick, Ann. N. Y.Acad. Sci. 11 : 422. i>i-37'f' 4' 1898). Although Lesquereux in his Report on the Clay Deposits of New Jersey (1878) recognized un- determined species of Stcrculia at three different localities, no decisive remains of this genus have thus far come to light in the Raritan formation in New Jersey. Dr. Hollick, to whom a sketch of this leaf was sent, is disposed to compare it with Fl. Dak. Group, ;pl. 21. f. 5, which Lesquereux refers to Heer's Cissites formosus. Inasmuch as Lesquer- eux's determination is doubtful, because the secondary system is quite unlike that of Cissites in looping along the margins and more like that of Sterculia^ I prefer to consider it more nearly related to the latter, at least provisionally. It may also be compared withy, j of Aralia concreta Lesq., as figured by him in Cret. & Tert. Fl. fl. g. Stcrculia limhata "V'elen., the Bohemian representative of S. Snowii^ has sometimes 4-lobed, 4-veined leaves. Sterculia mucronata Lesq. , PL 4J./. j. Stcrculia mucronata Lesq. Fl. Dak. Group, 182. fl. jo. f. 1-4. 1892. In the absence of the apical and basal portions, and be- cause of the obliteration of the venation, it is with consider- able hesitation that I refer this small bilobed leaf to the above Dakota Group species. That it is referable to Sterculia is I think probable, but just which species to associate it with is doubtful. It is about the same size as Lesquereux's smaller (90 specimens (y. j, ^), but differs in having the midrib branch at some distance above the base. Both ancient and modern Stcrculia leaves vary considerably, and StcrcuUa Snozuii has a bilobed form. There is considerable resemblance to the smaller leaves from the Raritan at Woodbridge, which Newberry refers to Sassafras aaUilohiim Lesq. (Fl. Amboy Clays, //. 2§.f. ^,5, (5, id). Leaves of the living Sterculia diversifolia occiden- talis Benth., from interior Australia, contained in the Meis- ner Herbarium, are very similar to Sterculia mucronata. ARALIACEAE. Aralia Linn. Sp. PL 273. 1753. The genus Aralia has never been precisely defined for the paleobotanist, the custom being to follow precedent and refer a variety of polymorphic leaves of synthetic types to this genus — leaves having a variety of affinities, Platanoid, Sas- safroid, etc., as well as leaves allied to Cissus and Hedera. The existing flora includes some twenty-seven species of North America and Asia, six of which are American ; only one of these, however (^4. spinosa L.), is arborescent. The ancient flora contains numerous leaves that have been referred to this genus, besides several that have been referred to the allied genus Araliaefhyllum. The distribution of the Amer- ican fossil species is as follows:* Potomac i, and 4 sp. of Araliaephyllian^ Raritan 8, Matawan 6, Island Raritan 5, Dakota 13, Mill Creek 3, Laramie 3, Denver i, Ft. Union 5, Tertiary of Yellowstone Park 3, Green River i, Eocene 4, Miocene 5, Atane beds 2, Patoot beds i, Greenland Tertiary 2. Velenovsky enumerates two species from the Cenomanian of Bohemia, A. decurrens being apparently identical with A. Safortanea of the Dakota, and the other, A. coriacea, reap- pearing at Martha's Vineyard. From the European Tertiary some thirty-two species are recorded, none occurring in the existing flora of Europe. * Ettingshausen (Trans. N. Z. Inst. 19: 449) records Aralia in the Tas- manian Tertiary. (92) Lesquereux (Fl. Dak. Group, 249) characterizes these leaves as follows: "Base decurrent, primary nervation pal- mately trifid and supra-basilar," but he repeatedly fails to conform to his definition. Thus his A. acerifolia^ A. tenui- vervis, A. dissecta and A. subemarginata lack the decurrent base, as do also five of Newberry's Raritan forms. The pri- maries are generally subbasal and are basal in Lesquereux's A. quingticpartita, A. notata, A. dissecta and A. Masoni. I have been at a loss to distinguish between Sterculta and Aralia in the Matawan material ; no mutually exclusive characters can be gathered from the published descriptions or figures, and as it would be useless to attempt a revision without an examination of all the collected material, I have been forced to follow the pernicious precedent above al- luded to. Aralia Towneri Lesq. Aralia Towneri Lesq. Bull. U. S. Geol. & Geog. Surv. Terr, i : 394. 1876 ; Ann. Rep. ibid. 1874 : 349. pL 4. /. 3. 1876; Cret. & Tert. Fl. 62. //. 6./. 4. 1883 ; Fl. Dak. Group, 132. pi. 2j. f. jy 4; fl. 31./. i. 1892. Hollick, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 16: 132. pi. 14./. II, 12. 1897. Described originally from the Dakota Group of Kansas, Hollick has doubtfully referred two fragments from the clays near Cliffwood to this species. These fragments are so in- complete that the form of the leaf is more or less conjectural. The secondaries are straighter than in Lesquereux's speci- mens and branch from the primaries at a wider angle. At the same time they seem to differ from my specimens from this formation which I have referred \.o Aralia Ravniana Heer. Aralia Ravniana Heer. PI. 46./. 7 ; pi. 53. f. 2 ; pi. 57./. i • Aralia Ravniana Heer, Fl. Foss. Arct. 6-: 84. pi. 38./. /, 2. 1882. The specimens from Cliffwood figured above are identical with Heer's Aralia Ravniana from the Atane schists at (93) Igdlokunguak, Greenland, except that the basal primary forks a considerable distance from its base. I was at first disposed to refer them \.o Aralta Tozuneri Lesq., particularly as Heer compared his leaves with that species and Les- quereux suggested * that the two were identical. While the occurrence of two such large-leaved species of Aralia in the Matawan formation may seem anomalous, especially as they had much in common, I fail to see their identity. Aralia TozvncriWiH^ a palmately five-lobed leaf with a decurrent base and obtuse lanceolate lobes. Aralia Rav- niana on the other hand was probably a six- or seven-lobed leaf of large size, for while in no case is the apex preserved, I cannot conceive that such a leaf as the discovered frag- ments evidently represent could have had an undivided terminal lobe. If they had, they would differ from all other species of Aralia in its size, and from lobed leaves in gen- eral. They would have had a lobe wider than long, with an area greater than the balance of the leaf, the deep lateral sinuses almost cutting it off from the rest of the blade. In the specimen figured at //. SJ,/. i (one fourth natural size) the midrib more than half way to the tip gives off a strong lateral branch which it seems reasonable to suppose formed the midrib of a lateral lobe. Furthermore, A. Ravniana differs from A. Toivneri in having stouter primaries, nar- rower sinuses, more ovate lobes, the basal ones widely spread- ing, and the base but slightly or not at all decurrent. If we may judge from the obsolete venation, it was a more cori- aceous leaf. Aralia palmata Newb. PL 4.4.. Aralia pahnata Newb. Fl. Amboy Cla3's, 117. ^l. jg. f. 6, 7; ^l. 40./. 3. 1896. It is easier perhaps to criticise others than to escape criti- cism oneself, at the same time in considering the leaves which seem referable to Aralia in our collections from near Cliff- wood and in comparing them with the Raritan forms referred * Cret. & Ten. FI. 105. (94) to this genus by Newberry, we are struck with the range of variability, not only within each species as defined by him, but in the whole group, and the thought forces itself upon us that perhaps it would be an advantage to cut down the total number of species. Newberry has described seven species from the Woodbridge horizon alone and only one from the higher beds at South Amboy. The occurrence of a variety of Ara/ia-liVie leaves in the Matawan shows that the imper- fection of the record is probably responsible for their absence in the intervening beds : and it seems rather incredible that each form represents an ancient species that flourished on the New Jersey coast in Cretaceous days. The leaves before us, while not uniform, seem to more nearly represent Aral/a fahnata than any other known form. Our f. 5 may be compared with Newberry's f. 6. While it is about one sixth smaller, other fragments from Cliffwood indicate a somewhat larger size ; the lobes are a trifle more slender and the main sinuses somewhat deeper. The lower margins were sometimes undulate and the latero-basal lobes short. The lobation was, however, somewhat variable, as it was also in Newberry's leaves. Oury. 6 might be compared with a variety of forms, such as Ficus (?) Alaskana Newb. (Later Ext. Fl. //. 51 . f- i) and Hedera obliqua Newb. or Hedera ^rimordialis Newb. of the Amboy Clays. It has the secondaries straighter than is usually the case in this genus; in its tertiary venation it agrees with Newberry's^, j of Aralia -palmata. The secondaries were distant and were joined at their tip by widely arching loops. Other species with which our leaves may be compared are Cissites ingens Lesq. and Liquidamhar integrifol'mm Lesq. (Cret. and Tert. Fl. fl. 14./. 3). Aralia Groenlandica Heer. PL ^5. /. 4. Aralia Groenlandica Heer, Fl. Foss. Arct. 6^: 84. pi. jS. /• 3; P' 39' f' i^ t^- 46'/- i^^ n- 1882 (/. /; is Aralia Ravniana) ; pi. 3()- /• 3 of Sassafras rccurvatuni Lesq. is in all probability this species. Lesq. Fl. Dak. (95) Group, 134- /^- i-/-y^ i-J- 1892. Hollick, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. 7: 13. 1895. Nevvb. Fl. Amboy Clays, 116. //. 28. /. 4. 1896. A widespread species recorded from the Atane schists, Greenland; Dakota Group, Kansas; Raritan, Woodbridge, N. J. ; and the Cretaceous at Martha's Vineyard. If Newberry has correctly identified Fl. Amboy Clays, pi. 28 if. /, as the above species then our fragment undoubtedly belongs to the same species. It is the same size as New- berry's leaf ; the angle of divergence of the lateral primaries is a trifle greater however, and the primary venation is stronger, agreeing with Lesquereux's and Heer's leaves in the latter particular. Both the New Jersey leaves are smaller than the Dakota and Greenland specimens and have relatively narrower lobes. Unfortunately the basal portion of the Cliff- wood leaf is gone, so we do not know whether or not there was an extra pair of laterals springing from the base of the midrib. This is a feature of all the leaves which Lesquereux has referred to this species, but is wanting in Heer's pi. j8y f. J, and is also wanting on one side in the Raritan leaf. The leaf which Newberry describes as a new species (/. c. 11^. pi. 28. y. j), under the name of A7'alta patens^ should in all probability be considered as a form of his A. Grocn- landica with deeper sinuses and more divergent lobes, as he suggests. Our leaf might also be compared with Cret. & Tert. Flora, pi. ^. f. i, which Lesquereux considers Sassa- fras actitilobum ; it is also much the same form of leaf as Sterculia aperta Lesq., but larger ; and there is considerable resemblance to the leaf which Heer refers to Sassafras Fcr- retiana Mass. (Fl. Foss. Arct. 7: //. 97. y. 5). Aralia Mattewanensis sp. nov. PI. 4.3./. 2 ; pi. 46./. 6. A palmately four- or five-lobed leaf ; lobes oblanceolate in outline (tips missing), with rather narrow sinuses nearly to the base ; primaries rather stout ; a majority of the seconda- ries branch at a wide angle and are nearly straight to within a short distance of the margin, along which they arch. Leaf coriaceous, if we may so judge from the obsolete venation. (96) These leaves have a distant resemblance to Lesquereux's Cisst'tes /ormosus Heer (Fl. Dak. Group, ^/. 21. f. ^) but bear no resemblance to the Amboy Clay leaves which New- berry refers to that species. Our leaves also suggest some forms of Aralia such as A. quinqiiefartita Lesq., but the base is apparently not decurrent and the primaries branch from the midrib at the same place, the lateral ones at nearly right angles. Aralia Brittoniana sp. nov. PL ^5. f. j. I have been unable to identify this with an}^ known species of Aralia and therefore add another to the long list of diver- sified leaves of this genus which have been found in the Raritan and Matawan formation. In size and outline it re- sembles Aralia acerifolia Lesq. of the Fort Union beds of the West, but the secondaries are stronger and more regular. The specimen denotes a leaf which was trilobed with an evi- dent tendency to produce an extra latero-basal lobe on each side ; with a broadly truncated base which curves upward for about half the distance to the tip to form a point above which the margin is concave ; lobes presumably acute ; ter- minal lobe broad with moderately convex sides ; sinus to be- low the middle, rounded ; primary and secondary venation strong, but tertiary venation entirely obsolete ; lateral pri- mary could not have branched far from the base and forms an angle of about 45° with the midrib, leaving room for a secondary below ; secondaries regular, leaving the primaries at a wide angle and running straight to within a short dis- tance of the margin and then curving to join the secondary next above. Our only specimen was evidently not bilaterally symmetrical. ERICACEAE. Andromeda Linn. Sp. PI. 393. 1753- At the present time a monotypic genus of the north tem- perate and subarctic zone. Many fossil leaves have been referred here, some twenty-five species in this country alone. (97) The generic determination of Ericaceous leaves is always however a matter of extreme uncertainty, which is fully shared by the following distributed American forms : Rari- tan 6, Island Raritan i, Dakota 9, Woodbine i, Montana i, Laramie 2, Livingston i, Denver i, Green River 2, Eocene 2, Miocene i, Pleistocene 2, Atane 2, Greenland Tertiary 5. Andromeda Parlatorii Heer. PL 50. f. i-^. Andromeda Parlatorii Heer, Phyll. Cret. Nebr. 18. //. /. /. 5. 1866. Lesq. Cret. Flora, 88. //. 23. f. (5, 7; //. 28. f. /J. 1874; Fl. Dak. Group, 115. -pL ig. f. i ; fl. 52./. 6. 1893. Newb. Fl. Amboy Clays, 120. pi. ji. f. i-y; pi' 33' /• i, 2, 4,3. 1896. Heer, Fl. Foss. Arct. ^: 112. pi. 32. /. 1,2. 1875; 6^: ']<^. pi. 21. /. ib^ii ; pi. 42. /. 4c. 1882. Hollick, Bull. Torrey Club, 21 : 54. pi. 173- /• 2, 3. 1894; Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 11: 420. pi. 37'/. 7. 1898. White, Am. Jour. Sci. IH. 39 : 97. pi. 2./. 4. 1890. Prunus ? Parlatorii Lesq. Am. Jour. Sci. H. 46: 102. 1868. This species is recorded from the following localities : Dakota Group: Kansas, Nebraska, and New Ulm, Minn. Cretaceous: Sea Cliff, L. L, Tottenville, Staten Island and Martha's Vineyard. Raritan : common at nearly every locality opened. Greenland: Atane beds at Atanekerdluk, Isunguak and Igdlokunguak. Newberry (/. c.) is inclined to doubt the reference of all these leaves to Andromeda, pointing out that generic determi- nations of most Ericaceous leaves are always doubtful. Heer compares his Greenland specimens to Ettingshausen's Laurus cretacea from Niederschona. In oury". 4 the finer reticula- tion is very minute and five- or six-sided. MYRSINACEAE. Myrsine Linn. Sp. PL 196. 1753. Fossil American species occur in the following formations : Raritan 3, Island Raritan 3, Dakota 2, Green River i, Atane I, Greenland Tertiary 2. (98) The family is a large one of the tropics of both hemispheres. In the recent monographic revision by Carl Mez (Engler, Pflanzenreich, Heft 9, 1902) nine hundred and thirty-three species are enumerated distributed among thirty-two genera and nine fossil genera are enumerated. Four species, all arborescent, enter the United States, one of them a true Myrsine, the others referred to the genera Icacorea {Ardisia) and Jacquinia. They range from southern Florida through the West Indies, Central America, Mexico and northern South America. Myrsine crassa Lesq. PI. 53. /. 6. Myrsine crassa Lesq. Fl. Dak. Group, 114. fL 52. f. 2, 3- 1892. The single leaf which I have referred to this Dakota species was lost after the hurried sketch which is here reproduced was made and the reference can therefore be only provisional unless additional specimens are discovered. The outline and venation suggest this species although it is a somewhat smaller leaf. I was at first inclined to refer it to Liriodendrofsts, which it greatly resembles, but in the absence of the apex our reference of it to this species of Myrsine is warranted. Of Uncertain Affinities. Dewalquea Groenlandica Heer (?). PL SJ.f. 3. Dewalquea Groenlandica Heer, Fl. Foss. Arct. 6^: 87. fL 29./. 18, ig; fl. 42./. s, 6; fl. 44./. 11; 7: 37. fl. 62. f. 5, 6. Newb. Fl. Amboy Clays, 129. fl. 41. f. .?, J, 12. 1896. Hollick, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 11 : A,iZ'i>l' 3^-f' 7' 1898. Obscure leaf-remains of uncertain botanical affinities ; in- cluded by Heer in the Ranunculaceae. Leaves (or leaflets) with very tapering base, thick midribs, and short petioles ; apparently rather coriaceous in texture and with the venation entirely obliterated. They agree fairly well with the figures of this species as cited above. This is another species which (99) occurs in the New Jersey Raritan (localities not given) ; on Staten Island ; and in the Atane and Patoot beds of Green- land. The genus was founded by Saporta & Marion* and embraces several European species of which Dewalquea m- signis reappears in both the Atane and Patoot beds of Green- land, and on Staten Island ; while D. Haldemiana reappears in the Patoot beds, in Utah, and on Staten Island. The Dakota group furnishes two additional species. PoDOZAMiTEs MARGiNATUS Heer. PL 46./. J-J. Podozamites marginatils Heer, Fl. Foss. Arct. 6^: 43. fl. 16. f. JO. Similar remains are common in the Raritan (three species). Hollick (Bull. Torrey Club, 21 : 62. pi. 180. f. 4) records a fragment from Glen Cove, Long Island, and also from Chap- paquidick Island, Mass. (Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 2 : 401. pi. 41./. 8, p. 1902). The genus was founded by Fr. Braun, in Miinster, Beitr. Petrefacten-Kunde (Heft. 6. 28. 1843) and is chiefly Upper Triassic (Rhetic) and Jurassic, becoming decadent in the Cretaceous. The latter has yielded, however, seventeen species on this continent (including Greenland), nine of which existed as late as the mid-Cretaceous, all described from rather fragmentary and somewhat doubtful leaf-remains. Our specimens would appear to be fragments of Podozam- ites tnarginatiis? Heer, which occurs at Woodbridge in the Raritan clays (Fl. Amboy Clays, 44. pi. 13. f. j. 6); originally described by Heer from Atane, Greenland. Phragmites (?) ClifFwoodensis sp. nov. PI. 46./. 5. A terminal, sharply pointed fragment of a monocotyle- donous leaf, 12 cm. long and 5.5 mm. broad, finely parallel- veined. The remains of Phragmites usually consists of leaf frag- ments or rhizomes, all of rather doubtful affinity, although a single palet of P. Oeningensis A. Br. is described by Heer from Greenland. *Mem. Cour. & Sav. Etraugers Acad. Belg. 37 : 55. 1873. ( loo) The Matawan remains are too small to be definitely referred to Phragmites, and may be compared to those referred to Poacites^ Cyj>e7-ites, etc. Chondrites flexuosus Newb. (?) Chondrites jlexuosus Newb. Fl. Amboy Clays, 34. ^l. i. f. 7, 4. 1896. Obscure remains from near Clifford (not figured), of doubt- ful botanical affinities, may be compared with the above species which occurs at Sayreville, Woodbridge, etc., in the Raritan clays. Carpolithus juglandiformis sp. nov. PI. 46./. 8. Has a superficial resemblance, but no botanical affinity with some of the fruits referred to the genus Cycadeosfermum. Is evidently not a seed-bearing scale but seems to have been a small nutlet which has been compressed and transformed into lignite ; bears considerable resemblance to Juglans cos- tata (Presl) Brongn. as figured by Lesquereux (Cret. & Tert. Fl. ^l. 3g- f' 5) from the Green River group at Florissant, Colorado. Carpolithus Cliffwoodensis sp. nov. PL 48. f. 6. This specimen resembles a number of seeds figured by Hear from the Arctic regions, as for instance Lamprocar- ■pites nitidus (Fl. Foss. Arct. 6^ : pi. 8. f. 12-14) ^"^ Car- ■polithes najaditan {ibid, i : pi. 2j. f. /j", /J*^), although with the exception oif. 14 our specimens are about twice the size of any of those of Heer. Carpolithus dubius sp. nov. PL 48. f. 7. This appears to be a thick, inequilateral, oblong scale. It is about 2 mm. in thickness and the surface is irregularly roughly lined. Botanical affinity vague. Carpolithus Virginiensis Font. (?) PL 48. f. 5. Carpolithus Virginiensis Font. Potomac Flora, 266. pi. 134' /• 11-14-'^ t^- 135- f' r, i; pL 16S. f. 7, ya. (lOl) 1889. Ward, Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. 19- : 693. //. i6().f. 16. 1899. Without a comparison of specimens this reference is only provisional, although from the published figures our specimen is almost exactly like the detached specimens from the Po- tomac formation described as above. Fontaine considers them as probably belonging to some species of BatcropsiSy a Lower Cretaceous genus which does not occur in New Jersey ; nor is it at all likely to have persisted as late as the Middle Cretaceous. Remains are abundant in the Potomac formation attached to stems ; also found detached in the Lower Creta- ceous of the Black Hills ; and in the Kootanie at Great Falls, Montana. Remains indicate a small, smooth, and hard nutlet. Carpolithus drupaeformis Hollick. Carpolilhus drupaefornns Hollick, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 16: 134. pi. II. f. ^, 4a. 1897. Apparently the seed of some drupaceous fruit as the name indicates. Recorded by Hollick from the Matawan forma- tion near Cliffwood, N. J. ; not found by me. Strobilites inquirendus Hollick. Strobilites inquirendus Hollick, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 16: iT,o. pi. ii.f. I. 1897. Remains of doubtful affinity, possibly a distorted and somewhat macerated cone. Recorded by Hollick from the Matawan formation near Cliffwood, N. J. ; not found by me. PiTYOXYLON HoLLiCKi Knowlton. Pityoxylon Hollicki Knowlton ; Hollick, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 16: 134./. /, 2. 1897. Recorded by Hollick from the Matawan formation near Cliffwood, N. J. ; not found by me. (I02) Description o1 Plates. Plate 43. Fig. I. Nelutnbo pritnaeva sp. nov. Fig. 2. Aralia Mattewanensis sp. nov. Fig. 3. Sterculia mucrotiata Lesq. Fig. 4. Moriconia cyclotoxon Deb. & Ett. Fig. 5. Sterculia Cliffwoodensis sp. nov. Fig. 6. Celastrophyllum elegans sp. nov. Fig. 7, Sterculia Snoivii bilobata var. nov. Plate 44. Aralia palinata Newb. Plate 45. Figs. I, 2. Sassafras acutilobum Lesq. Fig. 3. Aralia Brittoniana sp. nov. Fig. 4. Aralia Groenlandica Heer. Plate 46. Figs. 1-3. Podozaniites marginatus Heer. Fig. 4. Arisaema cretaceum Lesq. Fig- 5- Phragniites (?) Cliffwoodensis sp. nov. Fig, 6. Aralia Mattewanensis sp. nov. Fig. 7. Aralia Ravniana Hear. Fig. 8. Carpolithusjuglandiformis sp. nov. Plate 47. Figs. I, 5> 8. Lanrophyllum angusti/oliujn Newb. Figs. 2, 3. Sapindus Morrisoni Lesq. Fig. 4. Magnolia obtusata Heer. Fig. 6. Quercus sp. Fig. 7. /^^V«5 IVoolsoni Newb. Fig. 9. Laurus proteaefolia Lesq. Fig. 10. Magnolia tenui/olia Lesq. Plate 48. Figs. 1-4. Moriconia cyclotoxon Deb. & Ett. Fig. 5. Carpolithus Virginiensis Font. (?). Fig. 6. C. Cliffwoodensis sp. nov. Fig. 7. C. dubius sp. nov. Figs. 8-11. Dammara Cliffwoodensis Hollick. Fig. 12. Salix proteaefolia flexuosa (Newb.) Lesq. F'g- 13- Quercus Holniesii Lesq. Figs. 14, 19. Cunning hantites squamosus Heer. Figs. 15, 16, 17, 20. Sequoia Reichenbachi (Gein.) Heei. Fig. 18. Sequoia Reichenbachi (Gein.) Heer. (?). Figs. 21-22. Sequoia gracillivia (Lesq.) Newb. ( I03) Plate 49. Figs. 1-5. Laurophylluin angustifoliutn Newb. Fig. 6. Laurus proteaefolia Lesq. Fig. 7. Populites tenuifolius sp. nov. Plate 5°- Figs. 1-4. Andromeda Parlatorii Herr. Figs. 5, 6. Rhamnus Novae-Caesareae sp. nov. Figs. 7, 8. Laurus Hollae Heer. Figs. 9-1 1. Laurus Plutoiiia Heer. Plate 51. Figs. I, 2. Quercus Hollickii s'p. nov. Fig. 3. Undetermined. Fig. 4. Quercus (f) Novae-Caesareae Hollick. Fig. 5. Salix Mattewanensis sp. nov. Figs. 6-9. Proteoides daphnogenioides Heer. Plate 52. Fig. I. Eucalyptus (f) dubia sp. nov. Fig. 2, Salix proteaefolia flexuosa (Newb.) I,esq Fig. 3. Undetermined. Fig. 4. Laurus Hollickii sp. nov. Fig. 5. Ficus reticulata (Lesq.) Knowlton. Fig. 6. Myrsine crassa Lesq. Figs. 7, 8. Laurus Hollae Heer. Fig- 9- Quercus sp. Plate 53. Figs. I, 4. Ficus reticulata (Lesq.) Knowlton. Fig. 2. Aralia Ravnia7ia Heer. Fig. 3. Eucalyptus Geinitzi Heer. Fig. 5. Magnolia Woodbridgensis Hollick. Plate 54. Boulders of clay on beach near Cliff wood, N. J., yielding plant remains. Plate 55- Showing how face of bluflFnear Cliff wood, N. J., is obscured by landslips. Plate 56. View of bluff near Cliffwood, N. J., showing alternating layers of sand and lignite. ' Plate 57. Fig. I. Aralia Ravniana Heer. ClifiFwood specimen restored, % nat- ural size. Fig. 2. Magnolia Woodbridgensis Hollick. Fig. 3. Dewalquea Groenlandica Heer. (?) Bill. N. V. Ht)T. (i.\Ki). \<)L. III. PL. 43, NKLIMIU). .\R.\L1.\. STI;RCI"LI.\. .M( )R ICC )N1.\. CELASTROIMIYLLUM. I>1 1 1.. N. \'. lIoT. (i AHI). \'<)i.. Ill Pi.. aC. PODOZAMITKS. AR1S.\I:M.\. iMiRA(,Mrn;s i .- . .\r.\i,i.\. LWRPoLiriirs. r.ri.i.. N. ^■. 15oT. Gakd. Vol.. 111. Pi.. 47. LAUROPHVLLLM, SAPINUUS, MACNOLIA, QLERCUS, FICUS, LAURUS. Br 1. 1.. N'. ^'. Hot. (iARi). \ oi.. 111. Pi.. 48. MORICOXIA, CARIHJLITIILS, DA.MMARA, SALIX, (ilKRCUS, CUNNINGIIAMITES, SEQLTOIA. Bill, X. ^^ i;,,t (iAKu \<'L 111 Pl. 49- LAlROPIlVLLrM. LAIRIS. POPILITES. Bri.i.. X. V. But. Gaki Vol. Ill Pi.. 50. AXDROMKDA. RIIAMMS, L.MRTS. Bull. N. \'. Hor. Gard. \ (.1.. HI. Pl. 51. Ql ERCUS. SALIX, PROTEOIDES. Bii.i.. N. V. BoT. Gakd \nl.. HI. Pi.. EUCALYPTUS, SALIX. FICUS, MVRSINE, LAURUS, QLERCUS. Bl 1,1. N. \' r.oT. (iAKI) \()i.. III. Pi.. 53. FICUS. AR.MJA. ElCALVPTrs. M.\( ,N( )I.I A. c Hi LI.. X. V. BoT. (i AKi Vol.. III. Pi.. 57 .\RAIJ.\. M.\(,X()LI.\, 1)I-:\V.\L(4JEA QE924.B4165 1903 gen Berry, Edward Wilbe/Flora of the Matawan 3 5185 00094 7141