VOLUME II. NUMBER 12 ISiillGtii] JVo. 24 ^^^hdultur^hl li^xpefiiqerit Sthtior) MORGANTOWN, W VA. FLORA OF WEST VIRGINIA JUNE, 1892 CHARLESTON, WEST VA. Moses W. Donnally, Public Printer. 1892. BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY. District. Name of Regent. P. O. Atldres.s. 1. J. B. 80MMERVILLE, Wheeling. '2. CLAREXCE L. SMITH, Fairmont. • ). R. G. LINX, Glenville. 4. JOHX C. VAXCE, Clarksburg. -"). JOHX G. SCHILLIXG. Spencer. ('). EDWARD A. BEXXETT, Huntington. 7. WIRT A. FREXCH, Princeton. 8. M. J. KESTER, Union. 9. J. F. BROWX. Charleston. 10. THOS. J. FARXSWORTH, Buckhannon. 11. JOSEPH MORELAXD, Morgantown. 12. JOHX A. ROBIXSOX Patterson's Depot 13. DR. \V. W. BROWX. Ka))letown. MEMBERS OF THE STATION COMMITTEE. JOHX A. ROBIXSOX, C. L. SMITH, JOSEPH :M0RELAXD, J. B. SOMMERVILLE, DR. W. W. BROWX. PnKSIDKNT OF THE FxiVERSITV, TkHASTREK, E. yi. TFRXEP. LL. D. .TOHX I. HARVEY STATION STAFR JOIIX A. MVEPtS. Ph. D Director. CilAS. F. MILLSPAFCHI. M. D.. P.utanist an.l Microscopist. A. I). HOPKINS Entomolouist. lU'DOl.F DE ROODE. Ph. 1) Chen'ii.st. I). D. JOHNSON, A. M., Agri('-uhurist. SUSIE V. MAYERS, . . Stenograplur and Bo.)k-keeper. PRELIMINARY CATALOGUE -OF- THE FLORA OF WEST VIRGINIA C. F. MiLLSPAUCxH, M. D. 1892. (^^f^.Oi^ u Cr ^ i^A^ c/ry- e^^^ ^/-^U^^oC^t^L^ ^ ABBREVIATIONS. M. & G — Pmf^. H. X. Mcrtz. and (I. Guttenl.erg. L. W. N. — Mr. L. W. Xuttall. V. M. - :\Iiss Vcn.nn >[aiK']. James. — Prof. Joseph F. James. Barnes — Prof. Cliarlcs 11. PjariicH. Porter. — Prof. Tlios. (". Porter. G.— Dr. H. MeS. Gaml.le. W. — Df. Rosecrans Workman. IN TROD VC TORY. In issuinj;- this Prcliniinarv CatalogiU', I do so with no desire to convey an impression that my work in this respect is in any way complete; but simply to enter a Avedge, to inspire the few who are working in the field to greater energy. Few species are recorded in the Liverworts, and Lichens ; and in the lower forms of Pond Life, and Fungi, as very little col- lecting or study has so far l>een done in tlu^se classes. In this preliminary list I shall not enter into the details of our geology and topography, sutTice it to say the State promises more of in- terest to the botanist than probaldyany other east of the Mississippi river, as it a})pears to he the southern limit of many l)oreal, the northern of many austral, and the eastern limit of many occidental forms. It bids fair also to continue to present many novelties; this may especially be said of all that unexplored and fascinating region laying south of the Great KunaAvha River, a region that as far as I can learn the foot of a Naturalist has never trod. With the exception of a few transient Botanists who have worked over, for their own personal pleasure, the neighborhood of some vacation resort the only attempts at obtaining a knowledge of the vegeteble resources of the State may be summarized as fol- lows : 1867 and 1871, Dr. A. S. Todd as Chairman of a Committee of the Medical Society of West Virginia, published a list of the "Medicinal Plants of West Virginia." This list contains an enumer- ation of 9 trees, 7 shrubs, and GO herbs. 1870. Mr. DissDebarr, State Commissioner of Immigration in his "Handbook of West Virginia," compiled a list of the timl)er trees of the State, in which he enumerated 52 species and added 12 species of shrubs. 1876. Prof. Fontaine in compiling his portion of the Centen- nial volume upon the "Resources of West Virginia," listed more carefully the forest trees, shrubs and medicinal i)lants of the State, drawing the last from the publication of Dr. Todd. This work con- tains an enumeration of 69 trees and 16 shrubs. 1878. Profs. H. N. Mertz and G. Guttenberg pul)lished a 316 cheek list of the "Flora of West Virginia," l>eing an aeeount of work (lone along the ni)i)er Ohio hottoms, and in the mountains of the north-eastern portion of the State, the latter while located at Harper's Ferry. This list enumerate 59 trees, o7 slirul^s and 494 herl)S. INIiss Verona Ma]iel, Preceptress of the High SchoolatGlenvillc, Gilmer county, has quite thoroughly Avorked over her immediate vicinity in connection with her school duties. She reports 42 trees, 23 shruhs and 290 herl)S. Her list does not include the commoner ■weeds and herbs, nor the grasses or sedges. 1S90-92. Mr. L. W. Nuttall an enthusiastic student of struc- tural ]»otany and a keen observer of forms, has spent considerable time working up his locality, (Nuttallburgh, Fayette county). He has kindly furnished me with a manuscript list of about 700 spe- cies, many of which I have had the pleasure of examining while visiting at his hospital)le home. Dr. H. McS. Gamble has done considerable herbalizing in connection with his zoological work in Hardy county, near Moore- lield. He has kindly donated to the Station his herbarium consist- ing of 157 species, which are mentioned among the others of this list. In compiling this Catalogue I have had the assistance af- forded by these lists, as well as i)ersonal notes from Prof. Gutten- berg, Miss Mapel, Mr. Nuttall and Dr. Gamble. I have also been kindlv tendered notes taken in the State bv Prof. Joseph F. James, Prof. Chas. R. Barnes, Prof. Thos. C.Porter, and Mr. Aug. D. Selby. Prof. Brown, of the University, has also loaned me his herbarium of Glenville plants for examination, as has also Dr. Workman, of Bayard. All these contributions are acknowledged in tlie text by a or name initial appened to species or localities. All localities mentioned, where such credit is not given, record my personal ob- servations. I am under special obligations to Prof. N. L. Britton for his kind help in comparing numl)ersofmy plants with those in the Col- umbia College Herbarium, as well as for suggestions and assistance in many ways. 1 am also idel)ted to Prof. W. A. Kellerman for the examination of nearly all of the e})iphytic fungi in this work ; and to Prof. Charles H. Peck for the identification of some of the ei)iphytes, and all of fleshy fungi. As to nomenclature: I have followed the principle of prior- ity and the double credit system, as far as my access to literature would allow. Omissions in this matter will be found to lie indirect proportion to my lack of ability to I'c^fer. ]V[y idea of the matter is as follows: Linna'us had not com- pleted his work of generation until the issue of his "Species Plan- tarum" in 1753. Any changes that he made, therefore, in his ])re- vious work, or while classifying tlu' work of others who jtre- ceded him, should be acknowledged as positive. Surely a man has a right to correct his own errors. We sliould not ignore ni7 nore his later ideas l)y picking- out tliese errors and attem])ting to establish them as facts today, siin])ly because the errors had the precedence of the correction of them. Linntpus' "S3'stema Planta- rum" (1735) was little more than a mere list of names and should not be accepted as authority in the face of later work done by himself or some other careful sj'stematist, even if he did not change these names in his "Species Plantarum." To illustrate this, I feel that Robert Brown's Nasturtium should hold ; and that hinnasus' Le})idium (1737) can-not be returned to his Nasturtium (1735). Linn;eus named one of our genera Pavia in 1735; he corrected this to Esculus in 1737; but in 1753 decided that ^P]sculus was the proi)er name for the genus: Is it not right that we should regard this change and acknowledge his correction by using the name ^Esculus hereafter? Properly, following this idea, we have no need to fear that the 15,000 species of Astragalus will be changed to Glycia with an "OK" placed after them ; how unfortunate it would be to mark with that American symbol for "all correct'" many of the changes that Herr Kuntze advises! As to the double credit system: I judge it no more than right to give the discoverer of any species credit for his work, even if he does err by placing the species in a wrong genus. It is also proper, I think, to acknowledge the student who afterwards detects the error ; especially as this acknowledgement is part of the neces- sary data in considering the species. Morganfovm, \V. Ty(., Ju'i/, 189„\ 318 EANUNCULACE^. CLEMATIS, L. C. Virginiana, I.. Viririn's Bower. M. & G. llivcr Ijanks, fcnce rows, cto., Monongalia: Marion: Preston: Wood. Webster: Long Glade. Gilmer: Glenville — V. M. Greenbrier: near White Sulphur Springs. Sum- mers: near Hinton. Kanawha: near Charleston. Fayette: near Nuttallburg— L. W. N. C. viorna, L. Leather Flower. Thickets in rich soil. Monongalia: I^ittle Falls. Marion: Valley Falls— K. D. Walker. Fayette: near Nut- tallburg— L. W. N. Summers : near Hinton. C. verticillaris, DC. Mountain Clematis. Rocky Woods. Monongalia: near Cheat View. ANEMONE, L. A cylindrica, Gray. Long-fruited Anemone. Dry Woodlands. Wood: near Leachtown. Jackson: near Sandyville. Rare. A. Virginiana, L. Thimble-weed. M. ct G. Oi)en woods and meadows. Upshur : near Buckhan- non. Monongalia: along the Monongahela River. Ran- dolph: Rich ^Mountains, alt. 1,825 ft.. Fayette: near Xut- talll)urg, Avhere it grows as tall as 4 ft. — L. W. N. Fnupicnt throughout the State. A. Canaden.'^is, L. Pennsylvania AncMnonc. A. Pennsij/Iniv/ni, Jj. Rich woods, rare. Calhoun: along Tiaurcl Ihin. (iil- mer : near (ilcnville — V. i\L A. quinquefolia, L. Wind-Howci'. Wood Anemone. A. nc- moroxd, L. iSfargins of rich woods and opens. Callioun : along Laurel Run. Gilmer: near (ilcnville — V. M. Favette : 319 near Nuttallliuru — L. W. N. And licnoral tliroimhout the State. A. trifolia, L. Ricli woods. Mercer: near Ingleside. McDowell: near Eikliorn. x^Ionongalia : near Camp Eden. The altitude of the fir.st two stations in the soutliern part of the State is from 2,200-2,350 ft.; these localities are along the same range of mountains as the original station of Canby in Virginia. The Monongalia station in the extreme northern part of the State has an altitude ofal)out850 ft. and is near Knipes' Pennsylvanian station. Though I have not as yet found the species at any point through the state that would connect these distant points, yet I fully believe that many will be found in the future. HEPATICA, L. H. Hepatica (L.), Britt. Hepatica. Liver-leaf. M. & G. Rocky or rich woods. Gilmer: near Glenville — V. M. Greenln-ier : near White Sulphur Springs. Hardy : near Moorelielcl — G. Mercer: nearBluefield. Monongalia: along Decker's Creek. Fayette : near Nuttallburg, where it often grows in clefts in rocks — L. W. N. And frequent throughout the northern portions of the State. H. acuta (Pursh). Britt. . M. & G. Rich woods. Gilmer: near Glenville — V. M. — Prof. Brown. Greenbrier: near White Sulphur S[)rings. Monon- galia: near Cheat View. Througliout the State, especially eastward in the mountiins. Mi)i-e frequent than the preced- ing. McDowell: near Elkhorn. Mercer: Bluestone Jc. SYNDESMON", Hoffm'g. S. thalictroides (L.), Britt. Rue Anemone. (Thalidriim anemoii' oi(le>i, Michx.) M. & G. Woods and hillsides Gilmer: near Glenville — V. M. Fayette: near Nuttallburg — L. W. N. Monongalia: near Uffington and Morgantown. Frequent throughout the State. Hardy: near Moorefield- G. Mercer: near Beaver Spr. Forma rosea- A beautiful rose colored clump of the species has per- sisted for tw(» years in Monongalia at Little Falls near the Cascade. 320 THALICTRUM, L. T. dioicum, L. M. S: G., V. M., L. W. N. Ivoeky woods: frequent throu^lioiit tin- State. Espec- ially notieeal)le in tlu^ Alleghanies. T, polygamuni, Muhl. Common Meadow line. M. cV: G. Dam]) nieadoAv.s and near streams and ditches. Ran- dul])li: rich growths in the bottoms ahjng Tygart's Valley River. Favette: near Kanawha Falls — James; near Nnttall- l)nrg, alt. "2,000 ft.— L. W. N. (Jilmer: near Glenville. Freijuent throughout the State. T. purpurascens, L. Pur[)lish ^^leadnw Rue. Drv, o])en woods and rocky hillsides. Wii't : near Elizabeth; near Burning; Springs. Webster: near rpi)cr Glade. Randolph: along Tygart's Valley River, alt. 2,100 ft. Fayette: near XuttallbuVg - E. W. X. T clavatum, DC. Fayette: Near Nuttallburg, in sandy clefts of rocks around w'aterfall, alt. 200 ft., one station— L. W. N. TRAUVETTERIA, F. & M. T. palmata, F. c^- ]\E False Bug-bane. Plentiful along the Blackwater Fork of Cheat, al)out one mile below Davis in Tucker county. Fayette: near Hawk's Nest; and Louj) Creek — James; near Nuttalll)urg, common — L. W. N. RANUNCULUS, L. R ainbigens, M^its. Water Plantain S})ear Wort (R. allxinnr- foli.Hft, (iray.) One station only; Upshur: in a marshy spot n(>ar Lorentz. R. abortivus, E. Small-fiowered Crowfoot. E. "W. X.. V . M.. M. c*c G. Dam}), shady i)laces, fre(iueiU throughout the State. R. sceleratus, L. Cursed Ci-owfoot. V. M. Moist ])laees, commor, tliroughout the State. R. recurvatus, Poir. Hooked Crowfoot. M. e^- G. Rich, open woods. Abundant along the Monongahela river in U])shur, Barbour, Taylor, Marion, and Monongalia counties. Fayette: near Nuttallburg, not common — E. W. N. Mercer: near Simmons, 321 R. fascicularis, Mulil. Early C'rowfoot. Dry or moih^t li'rassy hillsitley. ^[onoiiiialia. : lu-ar ^lor- gantown. Mineral: near Koyscr — W. Gilnier: near (llen- ville -V. M. Hardy : near Moorefield — (I. R. septentrionalis, Poir. Buttercup. Moist, hIuuIv places. Fayette: near Nuttalllmri;- — 1.. W. N., and general throughout the State. R, Pennsylvanicus, L. Pennsylvania Buttercup. I)ani[» woods. Monongalia and Marion, along the Monongahela river. R. REPENS, L. Creeping Crowfoot. M. t't G. Low grounds. INIineral : Banks of the Potoniae near Keyser. Jefferson : near Shenandije Springs. R. ACms, L. Tall Buttercups. A\^aste i)laces infrequent. Wood : near Parkersl)urg, Jefferson : near Shenandoah Junction. Randolph : in clear- ings on Cheat Mountain, near Clieat Bridge, alt. 3350 ft. Gil- mer: near (Tlenville— V. M. HELLBBORUS, L. H. VIRIDIS, P. (Jreen Hellehore. Hardy: near ^Moorefield — G. It was from s[)eciniens sent to Dr. Gray from this station l)v Dr. Gand)le, that tlie location "W. Va." was credited in the Manual. CALTHA, L. C. palustris, P. ^Pirsh Marigold. Two stations onl}'' known to me; Grant: in a s})ring run in deep woods near Bayard, about fifty plants within an area of one hundred feet. Preston : near Terra Alta. ISOPYRUM, L. I. trifolium, (P.), Britt. Gold Thread. Coptis trifolia, Salisb. Deep, rich mountain woods. Preston: near Alill Run and Cranes ville. AQTJILEGIA, L. A. Canadensis, P. Wild Columbine. M. & G. Dani}), rocky places. Mineral: along Knobby moun- tains. Monongalia : along Cheat , River. Calhoun : along Little Kanawha River. Gilmer: near Glenville-=-V. M. ; 322 Pri»f. Brown. Fayctto: near Xnttalll»uru' — L. W. X. Hanip- sliirc : near Does (tuUv. Hardy: near ^Moorelield. A small form (> to 8 inches high, with small leaves and flowers. Mercer: near Beaver Si)r. DELPHINIUM, L. D. tricorne, Michx. Dwarf Larksj^ur. Dry woods. Monongalia: along Cheat and Mononga- hela Piivers. Marion: along the Monongahela. Gilmer: near Glen ville — V. M. ; Prof. Brov.Mi. Frequent throughout the northern ]mrt of the State. Forma aibifiora. Monongalia : prevalent near Stumiitown. The flowers are pure white with no tinge of l)lue. D. CONSGLIDA, I.. Field Larkspur. Frequent in old fields and along roadsides. I^ewis: along Stone Coal Creek. Monongalia: near .Morgantown. rpshur: near Buckhann.on. Randol})]i : near Beverly. K:inav>'ha : near Kanawha Falls — James. ACONITUM, Tourn. A. uncinatum, L. Wild Monk's Hood. Deejt, rich woods along streams. Randolph : along Cheat River near Cheat l^ridge. Monongalia: near Ca.nq) Eden. Favette : near Xuttallluiru', along Xew River -L. W. N. ^ CIMICIFUGA, L. C. Americana, ]\Iichx. American Bug-ljane. Plentiful throughout the mountain regiojis of JMinei-al, Ham})shire, Grant, Tucker, Hardy : near Moorefield ; Ran- dolph, Pendleton, Wehster, Pocahontas, and Greenbrier coun- ties. Fayette: near Nuttallburg— L. W. X. McDowell: near Elkhorn. C racemosa (L.), Nutt. Rattle-weed, Black Cohosh, ^l. & G. Rich opens and clearings. Wood: near Leachtown. Dewis: along Stone Coal Creek. Randolph: near Valley Bend; Point Mountain, alt. 8300 ft. Wehster: Buffalo Bull Mountains. Gilmer: near Glen viile — V. M. Fayette: near Xuttallburg— L. W. X. and frequent throuuliout the State. ACT^A L. A. spicata, (L.) var. rubra, Ait. Red Banel)erry. Rich woods, infrequent. Randolph : on Point Moun- tain. Grant: near Bayard. Tucker: near Davis. 323 A alba. .Mill. White Banolnn-ry. M. t"t G. Kieh woods. Raiulolpli : on Point Mountain. Tucker: near Davis. Grant : near Bavanl. Favette : near Nuttall- l)urg.— L. W. N. HYDRASTIS, L. H. Canadensis T>. Yellow Root. Yellow Pueeoon, Golden Seal. Dee}) Rich woods. Jaekson : near Ripley. Wirt near Burning Sprin^j^s. Grant : near Bayar'l. Upshur: summit on Staunton pike. Lewis: along Leading Creek. Calhoun: along Laurel Run : Gilmer: near Glenville. — V. M. ; Prof. Brown. Monongalia: along Cheat River. XANTHOS-RHIZA, Marshall Z. apiifolia L. Her. Shruh Yellow Root. Rich rocky mountain woods. Nicholas: on Mumlde- the-Peg Creek, plentiful. Favette: near Nuttallhurg, com- mon.—L. W. N.- MAGNOLIACE.^]. MAGNOLIA. L. M. acuminata, I^. Cueunil)er Tree, "Yellow Linn." M. et G. Rich woods. Monongalia: along the Mon(mgahela river, especially near Little Falls, 0[)ekiska, and Montana. Wirt : alonu' Little Kanawha River. Randolph: on Point Mountain, alt. 2335-3700 ft. Webster: along Butialo Bull Mountciins. Nicholas : at Beaver Mills, and Collett's Glade. Jackson : near Sandy ville. Mineral : near Keyser. Preston : along B. it 0. R. R. Randolph : on Cheat Mountain, alt. 2800 ft. Gilmer: near Glenville — V. M. Monroe: near Alder- son. Summers: near Greenbrier Stock Yards; near Hinton. Kanawha : near Handley. Harrison. : near Shinnston and Lundx'ri)ort. Fayette: near Nuttalllnirg — L.W.N. M. tripetala, L. Umbrella tree. M. VmhreUa, Lam. Rich woods near streams. Wirt : near Burning S[)rings. Randolph : on Point Mountain, alt. 2800 ft. Ka- nawha: near Charleston — C. R. Barnes; James. Nicholas: near Bea^ver Mills, alt. 2125 ft. Gilmer: near Glenville — V. M. Monongalia: Little Falls. Summers: near Hinton. Harrison : near Shinnston and Lumberport. Fayette : near Nuttallburg, rare — L. W. N. Hardy: near Mooreneld. McDowell: near Elkhorn. Mercer: Bluestone Junction and Ingleside. 324 M. Fraseri, Walt. Ear-k-avrd Mauiiolia. \)cv\) rich iiioiuitaiii woods. IJandolph : on Point Mountain, alt. r5700 ft. W(.'l)ster: on Buiialo Bull Mountain, alt. 3400 ft. Nicholas : near Beaver Mills, alt. 2125 ft. Fay- ette: near Nuttallhuri!: L.W.N. Summers: near Hinton. MeDowell : near Elkhorn. Mercer: Bluestone Jc. LIRIODENDRON, L.. L. Tulipifera I,. Tulii. Tree, "White, Yellow, or Hickorv Po])- lar." M. ct G. Common in rich woods tlirou Monongahela. Greenbrier: near White Sulphur Sjtrings. Fayette: near NuttalUmrg, pistillate plants, rare. — L. W. N. ; ami frequent along streams throughout the State. Hardy: near ^Moorefield. Mercer: near Princeton. 325 BERBERIDACEJE. BERBERIS, L. B. Canadensis, Pursli. Barheirv. Fields and road-sides. Mercer: near Beaver Spring, . where it partakes of the nature of a 'weed. B. VULGARIS, L. Thickets and roadsides. Monongalia: a wide escaj^e near Laurel Point. Mei'cer: a wide esca})e near Ingleside. CAULOPHYLLUM, Michx. C. thalictroides, (L.), Michx. Blue Cohosh. M. ct: G. Deep, rich woods. Randolph : Rich Mountains ; Point .Mountain, alt. 3,300 ft. Monongalia: along the Mononga- hela River. Gilmer: near Glenville — V. M. Fayette : near Xuttallburg -L. W. X. Mercer: near Bluefield. Frequent throughout the Bt:ite. JBPFER30NIA, Barton. J. dipliylla, (L.), Pers. Twin-leaf. U. & G. Rich Avoods. Monongalia: near Morgantown. Mti- rion : near Glover's Gap. Wetzell : near Littleton. Marshall: near Glen Eastmi. Gihner: near Glenville — V. M. ; Prof. Brown. Cabell: near Huntington — Aug. Selhy. PODOPHYLLUM, L P. peltatum, L. May Apple. Mandrake. V. ]\L ; M. & G. Frequent throughout the State, in some rich spots verv abundant. Randolph : Rich Mountains, alt. IGIO- •212o ft.; Point Mountiin. alt. 3300 ft. Fayette: near Xut- tallburg—L. W. X. Hardy: near Moorefield — G. Mercer: Bluestone Jc. NYMPHACEiE. CASTALIA, Salisb. C, odorata, (Dryand). Woodv. i^- A^'<)(ld. White Water Lily. Xijiiipluva odoraia, Ait. In slack waters. Preston : near Pennsylvania line, rare. 32() NYMPH^A, li. N. advena, Soland. Yellow Pond Lily. V. M.; M. & G. In slack waters. Preston : near Terra Alta. Wood : Wirt : C'alhoun and Gilmer : along the Little Kanawha Riv(U'. U[>shnr: near Lorentz. Morgan: along the LittU; Caea[)on. Putnam; near Buffalo. Hardy: near ^Foorcfiold. PAPAVBKACE^. SANGUINAHIA, L. S. Canadensis, L. Blood-root. "Coon-root." M. it G. liich woods, frequent. Randolph: Point Mountain. Monongalia: near Morgantown. Jefferson: near Flowing Spring, and Shenandale Spring. Gilmer: near (ilenvilk — V. M. Fayette: near Nuttallhurg — L. W. N. Throughout the State. Hard}' : near Moorefield — G. STYLOPHORUM, ISTutt. S. DYPHLLUM (Miehx.) Nutt. Celandine Poppy. Old fields. Ohio: near Wlieeling — M. ct G. CHILIDONIUM, L. C. MA-JU3, L. Celandine. M. & (i. Waste grounds, near dwellings. Monongalia: near Easton ; near Morgantown. Jefferson: near Charlestown, abundant. Lewis: near Weston. Hardy : near Moorefield. — - G. Hampshire: near Honiney. PAPAVEH, L. P. DTJBIUM, L. Smooth-fruited Corn-po])y. Cultivated grounds, and waste fields. Jefferson: near Shenandoah Jc. ; near CHiarlestown, ahundant. Berkeley: near Hedgcsville, a weed. FUMARIACB^ffi ADLUMIA, Raf. A. fungosa, Ait. Greene. Monon : near Nuttallhuro-— L. W. N. B. Canadensis, (Gohlie.) Squirrel Corn. M. ct G. Rich woods. Monongalia and Marion : along the ]\Ionongahe]a River. Preston: along Clieat River. Fayette: near Nuttallljurg — L. \V. X. B. eximina, (DC.) Pocahontas : summit of Spruce Knol), alt. 4S00 ft. — A. D. Hopkins. NECKERIA, Scop. N. glauca, (L.) Pale Corydalis, M. ct G. On rocks. Randolph: on Lone Sugar Knob. Gilmer: near Glenviile — V. M. N. flavula, (Raf.) Yellow Corydalis. Rich soils. Common througliout the northern coun- ties. Fayette: near Nuttallburg — L. W.N. Hardy: near Moorelield. N. aurea, (Willd.) Golden Corydalis. Along streams. Hardy: near Moorelield — G. FUMARIA, L F. OFFICINAIilS, L. Fumitory. Waste places. Hardy: near Moorefield— G. CRUCIFEE,^. NASTURTIUM, R Br. N. OFFICINALE, R. Br. Water Cress. M. & G. Cold spring runs, frequent. Jefferson : near Shenan- dale Springs ; near Flowing Spring. Lewis : on Leading Creek. Wirt : near Elizabeth. N. SYLVESTRE, (L.), R. Br. Yellow Wood-cress. jNIoist ])laces in oy.en Avoods, frequent. Monongalia : near Morgantown. Preston : Cold Spring. Marion : near Montana. Jefferson : near Shenandale Springs. N. obtusum, Nutt. River hanks. Mason : near Point Pleasant. 328 N. palustre, (L.), DC. Marsh Cress. M. ct G. Marshy places and glades, infrequent. Webster : near Welcli Glade. Kanawha: near Charleston. Preston: near Kingwood. Fayette: near Nnttallhurg, rare — L. W. N. Mason: near Point Pleasant; Banks of the Ohio. Wood: near Parkerslnirg. N. hispidum, (Desv.), DC. A^. palusfrr var. 1ii^[>i(hnii, Gray. Preston : near Kingwood. N. ArmorACIA, (L.), Fries. Plorseradish. M. & G. Esca]»ed from cuHivation in many waste places and lields. Marshall: frequent in several places where it is com- plained of as a weed ; difficult to eradicate.- Jefferson : near Shenandoali .Junction. BARBAREA, E,. Br. B. VULGARIS, Pv. Pr. Yellow Pux'ket. i\I. &: G. Becoming a weed in many places in Jefferson : Berke- ley : Morgan : Hardy : near IVIoorefield — ^G ; nnd other counties. B. PRiECOX, (Smith), R. Br, Scurvy Grass. Punning wild near Chai'lestown in Jefferson ; and Lewis: near Weston ARABIS. L. A. patens, Sulliv. ?doist I'ocky places in woods. iMoiiongalia : near Monongaliela IJivcr at Ellington. Preston: Cold Spring. A. laevigata, (Muhh), Poir. M. t\: G. Rocky jdaces, frequent. Monongalia:' near Morgan- town, and Little Falls. Marion : near Catawba. Fayette : near Nuttalllnirg, common — L. W. N. A. Canadonsis, L. Sickle-pod. M. t\: G. Woods, and along cool runs. ^klonongalia : ncnr (jranville, near Morgantown and Uflington. A. lyrata, L. I\L c^- G. Rocky or sandy places. Monongalia: sliores near mouth of Cheat River. Mercer: near Ingleside. CARD AMINE L. C diphylla, (Michx.), Wood. Po[)pcr Root. rX'iiUirin dipIu/Hn. Michx. M. l(' G. Common in d(H']), cool ravines and in the mountains. Monongalia: Wirt: Wood: Calhoun: Lewis: Upshur: Jef- 329 ferson : Grant : and Tucker counties. Gilmer : near Glen- ville— V. M. ; Prof. Brown. Favette: HaAvk's Nest— Porter; near Nuttallburg— L. W. X. C. heterophylla. (Xutt.), Wood. D. heterophyUa , Xutt. Rocky, moist places. Monon0 HESPERIS, L. H. MATRONALIS, I.. Dniiic's violet. I^s(•;^]K■(l to waste phicc.'^. M()nongalia : eindei's of rail- lo.id banks near Mor^antow n. SISYMBRIUM L. S. OFFICINALE, (L.), Seop. Hcdi-e Mustard. M. & (J. Roadsidesand ditehc'S,t()0 eoninion thronuliout tlieState. S. Thal.ina, (L.), Gay. Waste grounds. Fayette : near Nuttallliurg— L. W. X. ERYSIMUM. L. E. CHEIRANTHOIDES. L. Worni-.seed Mustard. 31. l^' G. Roadsides aud_ railroa 1 embankments. Monongalia: near Morgantown. Jefl'crson : near Shenandoah Junction. Mineral : near Piedmont. CAMELINA, Grants. C. SATIVA, (!>.), Crantz. False Flax. I^^ields and waste grounds. Mineral : neai- Keyser — W. -h-U'erson : near Charlestown ; near Shenandoah Je. BRASSICA, L B. NIGRA, CL.), Koch. Black Mustard. M. cV: (^. Fields and waste places. Fayette : near Nuttallburg, much eaten as "greens" in spring — L. W. X. A common weed throughout the State. P. SINAPISTHUM, Boiss. CJiarlock. -Crowd-weed. "Kraut-weed. A miscral)lc weed in wheat fields in Jefferson and Berkeley counties. Less abundant elsewhere throughout the State. CAPSELLA, Moench. C. BURSA-PASTORIS, ( L.), Moench. Shepherd's Purse. L.W. X., M. & G. Fields and roadsides, common throughout the State. LEPIDIUM, L. Ij. Virgiuicum, L. Wild Pej)pergrass. L. W. X., M. c^- G. Fields and roadsides, common throughout the State. 331 L CAMPSTRE (L.), R. Br. Engiisli Peppergrass, "Glenn-wccd," "( J lcnn-poi)per," "Crowd-wt'ed." Auc'xcccdinuly aliundaiitweed in Jefterson and Berke- ley counties, where it is known as "Glenn-weed," it being first noticed in the fields of ('olonel Glenn ; who tells nie that the w'eed was quite plentiful, however, in these fields before he purchased them, having been brought thei'C in clover seed bought in Hagarstowm, Md., and sown l)y the previous owner of the farm. The weed is noAV the worst pest in the large wheat fields of those counties. RAPHANUS, L. E,. SATIVXJS, r.. Radish. P'requentlv persistent in waste grounds and cultivated fields, in many parts of the State. CAPPA.RIDEiE. CLEOME, L. C. SPINOSA, L. Spider Flower. C. pinicjciis ^ViWd. Escaped from farther soutli, at Barboursville near the (niyandootte River, ('al)en county — Prof. James, 1877. CISTINE^. HELIANTHEMUM, Pers. H majus, (L.) B. 8. P. Frost-Aveed. H. Caun'hnse, Miclix. Dry soils. Preston: near Terra Alta. LECHEA, li L minor, L. Pin-weed. L. major, Michx. Drv ])laces. Summers : near Hinton. Favette : near XuttallbuVg, alt. 1600 ft.— L. W. N. L Leggettii, Britt & Hollick. L. minor, Lam. Drv sandv places. Favette : near Nuttalll)uru\ plenti- ful at an alt. of 2000 ft.— L. W. X. VIOLARIEiE. VIOLA, L V. pedata, L. Bird's-foot Violet. Sandy soils. Monongalia : at The Flats. Mineral : along the Potomac near Keyser — W. Randolph : on Point Mountain, 332 ]'iir. bicolor, Pursli. Pansy Violet. Hardy : near Moorefield — G. Ham})shire : near Rom- ney — A. D. Hopkins. V. palmata, L. M. & G. Near runs in moist uronnd. Monongalia: near The Flats, Morgantown. Gilmer: near Glenville — V. M. Fay- ette: near Nuttallbiirg^L. W. X. V. cucullata, Ait. Common Blue Violet. L. W. N., V. M., M. & G., G. Low grounds ; eommon tln-oughout the State. V. sagittata. Ait. Arrow Leaved Violet. M. ct G. Dry or moist, sandy ]jlaces. Monongalia : near Mor- gantown, Uffingtou and Little Falls. Preston: near Cold S])ring. Gilmer: near Glenville — V. M. Fayette: near Nuttalll)urg-L. W. N. V. blanda W'illd. Sweet White Violet. M. & G. Damp woods. Monongalia; near Morgantown. Gil- mer: near Glenville — V. M. Fayette: near Nuttalll)urg— L. \V. N., and frequent throughout the State. MeDowell : near Elkliorn. V. primulaefolia, L. Damp soils. Fayette: near Nuttalllnirg— L. \V. N. McDowell: near Elkhorn. V. lanceolata, L. Lanee-leavQd Violet. Boggy places. Monongalia : up Falling Run, above ^Morgantown. the only station so far known to me. V. rotundifolia, ]Michx. Round-leaved Violet. M. ct G. Cold woods. Randolph: Rich Mountains, alt. 2110 ft. Gihner: near Glenville — V. M. Fayette: near Nuttall- hurg — L. W. N. Mercer: near Ingleside and Wills. V. pubescens, Ait. Yellow Violet. M. i^- G. Rich woods. ^lineral : near Keyser — W. Randolph: Rich Mountains, alt. 2125 ft. (Jrant: near Bayard. Tuck- er: along BlackAvater Fork of Cheat. (Jilmer: near Glen- ville-V. M. Fayette: near Xuttallburg— L. W. X. Mon- ongalia: near Cassville. V(ir. scabriuscula T. t^- G. irich woods. Monongalia: near ^lorgantown, (-((Ui- mon. Favelte: near Muttallburg- L. W. X. 333 V. hastata, INIiilix. Woodlands. Fayette: near NuttallUnr-i'— L. W. N. Oak woods. Mercer: near Blnetield. ISIeDowell : near Klk- horn. V. Canadensis. L. Canada VioU>t. M. & CI. Ivieli woods. Monongalia: magnifieent specimens in great profusion alono; the woods bordering the F. M. c^^ P. R. R., between Beechwoods and Little Falls; near Ufhng- ton. Marion: near Opekiska and Catawl)a. (lilmer: near ({lenville V. M. Fayette: near Nuttallburg - L. W. N. McDowell: near Klkliorn. V. striata, Ait. Pale Violet. M. & G. Along runs. Monongalia: the most common species.'' Favette: near Nuttallburg — L. W. N. Hardy: near Moore- field—G. McDowell: near Elkhorn. V. rostrata, Muhl. Long-spurred Violet. Hillside. Fayette: near Nuttallburgh— L. W. N. V. tenella, Muhl. Field Violet. (P. fricolor, car. nrvcnsi>t, DC-.) Fields and rocky opens. Monongalia :common. Min- eral : near Keyser — W. Fayette : near Nuttallburg — L. W. N. ' ' SOLEA, Ging. S. concolor (Forst.), Ging. Green Violet. M. & G. Rich woods. Wirt : near Burning Springs. Calhoun: along Laurel Run. Gilmer: near Glenyille — V. M. POYLGALEJE. POLYGALA L. P^ sanguinea. L. Red Milkwort. Sandy fields. Wood : near Kanawha" Station. Web- ster : Upper Glade. Preston near Terra Alta. Fayette : near Nuttalltnirg, alt. 2400 ft.— L. W. N. Forma, albiflora In the glades of Webster and Preston counties. P. mariana, Mill. P. fitsthjidtd, Xuff. Dam}) places. Preston : near Terra. iVlta. P. Curtissii. Gray. Glady si)ots. Fayette: near Nuttallburg— L. W. N. 334 P. cruciata, T>. Cross Milkwort. Margins of (Jladcs. Preston: near Reedsvillc. W'eli- ster : Upper Glade. P. verfcicillata, L. Whorlcd Milkwort. Dry places. Wirt : near Burning Springs. L(>wis : near Leading Ch'eek. Upshur: near Buekhannon. Sum- mers : near Hinton. P. ambigua, Nutt. Dry soils. Wood : near Loekhart's Run. Wirt : near Elizabeth. Calhoun : on Nigh-Cut Hill. Monongalia: hills below ISIorgantown. Fayette: near Nuttalll)urgh — L. W. N. P Nuttallii, T. & G. Mountain woods. Favette : near NuttalUnirgh, alt. 2000 ft. -L. W. N. P. Senega, L. Seneca Snake-root. Rocky soils and rich bottoms. ^lineral : near Key- ser — W. Webster: in Welsh, Long and Collett's glades. Preston : Reedsville glade. (Long glade is said to be white with this species when in l)l()om.) P. paucifolia, Willd. Fringed Polygala. Rocky woods. Mineral : near Keyser along the Knobby Mountains. — \V. Hardy: near Mooreiieid — (i. CARYOPHYLLE^. DIANTHUS, L. D. Armeria, L. Deptford Pink. Fields, roadsides, and river banks. Marion : near Catawba —K. D. Walker. Gilmer: near Glenville — V. M. Fayette: near Nuttallburg, rare — L. W. N. ; near Kanav/ha Falls— James. Summers: n(>ar Hinton. .Teflerson : at Har- per's Ferry -M. & G. SAPONARIA, L. S OFFICINALIS, L. Soap-wort. Bouncing Bet. Becoming a very common weed along roadsides throughout the more settled portions of the State. In es- pecially large areas along the B. & 0. R. R. and Shenandoah Valley R. R., in JcfFerson Co. Calhoun : Grantsville. Gil- mer: Glenville— V. M. Berkeley : Martinsburg. Summers: near Hinton. Fayette: near Nuttalilnrrg- L. W. X. Har- dy: near Moorefield— G. Monongalia: near Lock 9. 385 SILENE,L . S. stellata, (L.), Ait. Starry Campion. M. & G. Wooded banks, frequent. Wood : Wirt : Calhoun : Gilmer: Lewis: and Ui)shur, common. Preston: near Ter- ra Alta. Summers : near Hinton. Greenbrier : near White Sulphur Springs. Fayette: near Nuttallburg- L. W. N. Hardy : near Moorcfield — G. S. Virginica, L. Fire Pink. Catchfiy. M. & G. Open woods. Kanawha : near Charleston — Barnes. Fayette: near Nuttallburg, very common — L. W. N. Mer- cer: near Blueficld. Monongalia: permian formations at Cassviile. S. nivea, Otth. Wooded banks. Fayette : near Nuttallburg — L. W. N. S Pennsylvanica, Miehx. Wild Pink. 0]^)en woods. Monongalia : near Morgantown. Min- eral: near Keyser — W. Gilmer: near Glenville — V. M. Hampshire : Doe's Gully. S. antirrhina, L. Sleepy Catchfiy. Dry places. Fayette : near Nuttallburg — L. W. N. LYCHNIS, L. L GiTHAGO, (L.), Lam. Corn Cockle. V. M. ; M. & G. A frequent weed in wheat fields throughout the State. Fayette: near Nuttalllnirg, in shady places — L. W. N. CERASTIUM, L. C. VULGATUM, L. Large Mouse-ear Chickweed. Waste grounds and fields. Ohio: Cowan's Hill, near Wheeling— M. ct G. Gilmer : near Glenville— V. M. Wood : near Waverly and elsewhere, becoming frequent. Fayette : near Nuttallburg— L. W. N. C. VISCOSUM, L. ]\Iouse-ear Chickweed. Fields. Ohio: Cowan's Hill, near Wheeling— M. c*c G. Fayette: near Nuttalllnirg — L. W. N. Monongalia: near Morgantown. C. arvense, L. Field Chickweed. M. S: G. Dry places. Fre(|uent throughout the State. C nutans, Raf. Star Chickweed. M. e\: G. Woods near streamlets; ccmmon in INIonongalia and Marion counties. 336 STELLARIA, L. S. MEDIA, (L.), Smith. Chickweed. V. M., ^l. S: G. Damp i)laces, common everywhere. FaN'ettc : near Nuttallbur"-, l)looms all winter — L. W. N. S. pubera, ]\Iichx. Great Cliiekwcecl. M. ct^ G. Shady places, common. INIonongalia, Marion and Pro^ston counties. Gilmer : near Glenville — V. M. Fayette : near Nuttallbnrg — L. W. N. Mercer: near Bluefield. S. longifolia, Muhl. Long-leaved Stitchwort. Damp soils. Gilmer: near Glenville— V. M. AKENARIA, L. A. SERPYLLIFOIilA, L. Thyme-lcaved Sandwort. M. & G. Sandy banks. Kanawha: near Charleston — Barnes. Hardy : near Moorefield— G. SFERGULA, L. S. ARVENSIS, L. Field Spurry. Fields. Preston: near Cranberry Summit — M. ct G. ; near Terra A It a. P O K T XJ L A C E .ffi . PORTULACA, li. P. OLERACEA, L. Purslane. '-Pussley." L. W. N., M. cfe G. A Aveed in cultivated grounds and gardens. Common throughout the State. CLAYTONIA, L. C. Virginica, L. Spring Beauty. M. & G. Common throughout the northern parts of the State, in rich open woods and along spring runs. Gilmer: near Glenville — V. M. ; Prof. BroAvn. Hardv : near Moorefield — G. C. Caroliniana, Michx. Frequent with the former species. Marion, Preston, Wood, Wirt, Calhoun, Gihuer, LcAvis, Upshur and Randolph counties. Favette : near Nuttallburg — Iv. W. N. HYPERICINE^. ASCYRUM, Li. A. Crux Andreae, L. 8t. Andrew's Cross. M. c^^ G. Dry sandy ])laces. Upshur: summit of Staunton Pike. Randolph : Rich Mountains; along Tygart's Valley River. Fayette: near Gauley Bridge; near Nuttallburg — L.W.N. Cabell : near Barboursville — ^James. HYPERICUM, 1.. H. prolificum, L. M. ct G. Glade regions. Webster; Upper Glade. Preston: near Reedsville. Gilmer: near Glenville — V. M. Fayette : near Kanawha Falls —James ; near Nuttallburg — L. W. N. H. densiSorura, Pursh. 8hrul)l)y St. John's Wort. M. & G. Glade regions, and moist meadows. Wood : near Lock- hart's Run. Webster: in the glades. Preston: Terra Alta, and Reedsville glades. Fa3^ette : near Nuttallburg — L.W.N. H virgatum, Lam. var. actuifolium, Coulter. Favette: near Hawk's Nest — Porter; near Nuttall- burg—L. '\V. N. H. PEBFOFvATUM, L. St. John's Wort. "St. John." M. ct G. Fields and roadsides. Randolph : along Tygart's Val- ley River. Monongalia, Marion, Preston; Grant: near. Bay- ard. Fayette: near Nuttallburg — L.W.N. Not yet very plentiful in the State. H. maculatnni, Walt. Spotted St. John's Wort. M. & G. Glade regions and wet places. Wood: near Kanawha Station. Wirt: near Elizabeth. Preston: near Reedsville and Terra Alta. Webster : Upper, Long, and Welsh Glades. Fayette : near Hawk's Nest and KanaAvha Falls — James ; near Nuttallburg — L. W. N. M. mutiium, L. L. W. N., M. & G. Ditches and low grounds, common throughout the State. H. Canadense, L. Canadian St. John's Wort. Glade regions of Preston and Webster counties. Fay- ette : near Nuttallburg, in spahgnum bogs — L. W. N. H. gentianoides, (L.), B. S. P. Orange Grass. (H. Sarf/iora, Michx. Drv fields. Monongalia: near The Flats. Wood: 338 near Kanawha Station. Fayette: near Kanawha Falls — James. H adpressum, Barton. ^loist uronnds. (Ti'eenl)riei- : near White Sulphur Springs. H ellipticum, Hook. In sphagnous ulades. Preston : near Terra Alta. MALVACE^. ALTH^^A, Li. A. ROSEA, L. Hollyhock. Appears annually along the 15. ct O. 11. R. tracks in Berkeley: near North Mountain, apparently a thorough cstaV)lislnnent. MALVA, L. M. ROrUNDIFOLIA, T.. Common Mallow. G., L. W. N., M. & G. Cultivated grounds and waysides, a common weed. M. MOSCHATA, L. Musk Mallow. Roadsides and meadows escaped from cultivation. Lewis: along Stone Coal Creek. [J^jshur: near Lorentz. Monongalia: near Morgantown. SIDA, li. S. Spinosa, L. M. c\: G. Waste grounds and fields. Monongalia : near Morgan- town, common. Fayette: near Nuttallhurg — L. W. N. Jefferson: near Shepherdstown. Mason : near Point Pleasant. S. Napaea, Cav. Rocky banks along the Cireat Kanawha River. Kan- awha : opposite Cannelton. Fayette: Quinnimont; near Nuttallhurg, frequent and always with 8 car[)els — L. W. N. Mason : near Point Pleasant. ABUTILON, Gaertn. A. AVICENNE, Gaertn. Indian Mallow. American Jute. A too common weed in waste and cultivated soils. Monongalia, Wood, Wirt, Calhoun ; Mason : near Point Pleas- ant; near Brighton. Fayette: near Nuttallhurg — L.W.N. Berkeley : near Martinsburg, a verv bad weed. f539 HIBISCUS, L. H. Moscheutos, L. Swanip Rose Mallow. Brackish, niarsliy places, and ditches near salt works. Mason: near Point Pleasant. Kanawha: near Charleston. Fayette: near Nattallhnrg — L. W. N. The pink form, Jackson : near Sandy villc. Hardy: near Moorefield. H. TmONUM. L. Bladder Ketniia. M. & G. Cultivated grounds. jMonongalia : a weed in our ex- perimental plats. TILIACEiE. TILIA, L T. Americana, L. Linden. Basswood. Y. M., ]\I. & G. Rich woods. Gilmer: at DeKall) P. O. Randoljjh: on Point Mountain. Grant: near Bayard. Monongalia: near Morgantown, Uffington and Little Falls. Mason : near Point Pleasant. McDowell: near Elkhorn. T. heterophylla, Vent. White Basswood. ^^Lin." Dee}) woods. Jetterson : near Charlestown, near Flow- ing Spring Mill. Fayette : near Nuttallburg — L. W. N. LINE^ . L.INUM, L. L. Virginianum, L. Wild Flax. Open w^oods, borders and roadsides. Wood, Wirt, Calhoun, Gilmer, Lewis and Ui)shur. Randolph : along Ty- gart's Valley River. Wel)ster and Nicholas counties. Kan- awha : near Peabody ; near Coalburgh — James. Jackson, Monongalia, and Preston. Fayette-: near Gauley Bridge; near Kanawha Falls— James; near Nuttallburgh — L. W. N. Kanawha : near Charleston — James. Ij. striatum, Walt. Damp places. Webster : in Upper and Long Glades. Preston : in glades near Terra Altaand Reedsville. Fayette : near Nuttallburg, in sphagnous bog — L. W. N. Monongalia : at Camp Eden. L USITATISSIMUM, L. Flax. An uncommon adventive. Fayette : along the C. & 0. R. R., near Nuttalllnirg— L. W. N. ' 3-JO GERIANIACiE. GEKANIUM, L.. G. maculatum, L. Wild (nTaniuni. L. W. X., V, M., ]M. tt G. Open woods and clearings, frequent throughout the State. A small form with leaves round in outline and froiu 1-2 in. in diameter at Bluelield, Mercer county. G. Robertianum, L. Herb Ro1)ert. Rocks of cool, shaded ravines, rare. JNlarion : near Fairmont. Gilmer: near Glenvillc — V. M. G. Carolinianum, L. CranesLill. Fields, meadows and w'aste places. Mercer: near In- gleside. Fayette: near Nuttallburg — L. W. N. Kanawha: near Charteston — Barnes. Monongalia : on the Universit.y Campus ; and frequent throughout the State. FLOERKBA, Willd. F. proserpinacoicles, Willd. False Mermaid. Wet places. Ohio: near Wheeling — ]M. ct G. Pres- ton : glades near Terra Alta. OXAL.IS, L. O. Acetosella, T.. Wood Sorrel. Deep, rich, mountain woods. Randolph : on Point Mountain ; Cheat Mountain near Cheat Bridge, wliere this species grows in such profusion as to actually carpet the Spruce forests. Grant : near Bayard. Tucker : near Davis ; and Land of Canaan. Gilmer: near Glenvillc — V. !M. 0. violacea, L. M. ct G. Rich, cool Avoods. Randol])h : on Point Mountain. Monongalia: up Falling Run; at Ufiington and Little Falls. Marion .• near Beechwoods ; Opekiska and Catawha. Gilmer : near Glenvillc— V. M. Fayette: near Nuttallburg, rare — L. W. N. Hardy: near Moorefield — G. Mercer: near Beaver Spring. O CORNICULATA, var. stricta, (L.) Sav. Sheep Sorrel. L. W. N., V. M., M. & G. Fields, cultivated grounds and roadsides. Common throughout tlie State. O. recurva, Ell. Open })laces. Favette : near Xuttal]l)ur. W. N. Preston : near Terra Alta. B. villosa, Ell. Rocky woods. Mercer : near Ingleside. 347 B. australis, R. Br. Blue False Indiuo. River shores. Ohio : along the Ohio near Wheeling — M. it G. Along New river. Fayette: near Nuttallbiirg, com- mon— L.W.N. Summers: near Hinton, abundant. Mer- cer : Beaver Spr. LUPINUS, L. L. perennis, L. Lupine. Sandy soils. Monongalia : near mouth of Cheat River. MEDICAGO, L M. SATIVA, L. Lucerne. Dry Places. Monongalia : in cinders of railroad near Morgantown, where it has persisted for several years. M. LUPULINA, L. Black Medic. Dry places. Marion: near Catawba-- K. D. Walker. Monongalia: neai- Ufhington. MELILOTUS, Juss. M. OFFICINALIS (L.), Lam. Yellow Melilot. Ohio: near Wheeling — M. & G. M. ALBA, L. WHiite Melilot. Sweet Clover. Bokhara Clover. Roadsides and ditches. Jackson : near Sandy ville. Wood: near Parkersburg. Monongalia: near Morgantown. Berkeley : near Martinsburg. Jefferson : near Summit Point, and Shenandoah Junction. Mason : near Pt. Pleasant. Min- eral : near Keyser. Hardy : near Moorefield. TRIFOLIUM, L. T. ARVENSE, L. Ral)l)it-foot Clover. . M. & G. Established in many places along roadsides and in old fields. Kanawha : near Pocotaligo. Jackson : along C. & P. Pike. Mineral : near Keyser — W. Cabell : near Barbours- ville — James. Jefferson : near Charlestowu. Hampshire : near Romney. T. PRATENSE, L. Red Clover. L. W. N., M. & G. A common escape to fields, roadsides, and open woods; even in the higher Alleghenies. T. REPENS, L. White Clover. L. W. N., M. & G. Fields, open woods, and waste places ; common throughout the State. 348 T. HYBRIDUM:, L. Alsike Clover. Becoming frequent in fields and meadows. Monon- galia : on the University Campus. T. AGRARIUM:, L. Yellow Clover. M. & G. Sandv hills and roadsides. Upshur: near Buckhan- non; summit on Staunton Pike. Randolph: Cheat ^loun- tain Battlefield. Caljell : near Huntington James. Hamp- shire : near Romney. T PROCUMBENS, L. Low Yellow Clover. M. Vt G. Sandy fields, and roadsides. Kanawha : near Charles- ton— Barnes. Jackson : plentiful in fields and along roads. Fayette : near Nuttallburg — L. W. N. TEPHROSIA, Pers. T. Virginiana, (L.), Pers. Goat's Rue. Dry sandy soils. Monongalia: near Morgantown. (Jilmer: near GlenviHe — V. ^I. ROBINIA L. R. Pseud- Acacia, L. Yellow Locust. M. ct (r., V. M., L. W. N. Common thrcuighout tlie State, even in the higher mountains. Dr. Asa Gray, in his account of a "Botanical Excur- sion to the mountains of North Carolina," says : "On the rocky banks of the Potomac below Harper's Ferry, we saw for the first time the common Locust tree (Robinia Rseud- acacki) decidedly indigenous. It probably extends to the southenn confines of Pennsylvania; and from this point south, it is everywhere abundant, but we did not meet with it east of the Blue Ridge." The Blue Ridge forms our east- ern boundary line between Jefferson county and the State of Virginia. Our State is therefore the eastern extension of this species, though it extends farther north into Pennsylvania. R hispida, L. Bristly or Rose Acacia. M. ik G. Rich soils. Monongalia: near Morgantown; near Cheat River. Preston: in Laurel Hills. Summers: near Hinton. ASTRAGALUS, Tourn. A. Carolinianus, L. (.1. Canarle^h^i.^, L.) M. iV: G. River banks. ^lonongalia: near Camp Eden. Pres- ton: along Cheat River. V»"el)ster: Long Cilade. Fayette: near Hawk's Nest — James; near Nuttallburg — L. W. N. Summers : near Hinton. 349 Specimens found ]:ty Mr. Nuttall in his locality resem- ble so completely Linnaeus' description of A. Carolinianus — Avhich, however, is not sufficiently different from his A. Can- adensis published later, to consider these as two species — the former must, therefore, take the precedence and stand for the species. An odd species widely different from any known east- ern form, which cannot be named on account of lack of fruit on the specimens collected, and our unaccountable inability to find any on the i)lants later in ihe season. Hardy : near Moorefield — A. D. Hopkins. STYLOSANTHES, Swartz. S. biflora (L.), B. S. P. Pencil Flower (,S'. chdlor, Sw.) M. & G. Dry, open woods. Wirt : near Burning Springs. Up- shur: summit on Staunton Pike. Summers: near Hinton. Fayette: near Xuttallburg, rocky banks of Xew River — L. AV. X. Monongalia: near Cam}) Eden, S. hamata (L.), Britt. {S. jyrocumbens, Siv.) Shores of X"ew River. Summers: near Hinton. First report of this species north of Tennessee. DESMODIUM, Desf. D. nudifiorum, (L.), DC. Tick Tree-foil. M. & G. Rich woons, common. Wood : near Lcachtown. Ran- dolph : on Point Mountain. Webster: Buffalo Bull Moun- tain. Gilmer: near Glenville — Prof. Brown. Fayette : near X^uttallburg — L. W. X. Summers: near Hinton. D. grandiflorum. (Walt.), DC. D. acuminatum, D. C. Rich woods. Mononongalia : Marion: Preston: Wet- zel : Mineral : Jefferson : Berkeley and Calhoun counties. Fa^'ette : near Kanawha Falls — James ; near X'uttallburg — L. W. X. Summers: near Hinton. Kanawha: near Charles- ton ; and frequent throughout the State. D. rotundifolium, (Michx.), DC. "Hive Vine." Dry, rocky woods. Monongalia : near Morgantown. Lewis : along Leading Creek. LTpshur : near Lawrence. Fayette: near Xuttallburg, alt. 1500 ft.— L. W. X. D. ochroleuca, M. A. Curtiss. M. & G. Mineral: alonu Knobbv ^fountains. Jefferson: near Millville. 3.50 D. canescens (L.), DC. Oiu'D woods and clearings. Wood : near Lockhart's Run. Monongalia: campus, Morgantown. Summers: Rifle; Wolf Creek. An abundant weed. Fayette: near Nuttall- b^irg — L. W. N. Monroe: near Alderson ; the worst Aveed in some fields. Mason : near Point Pleasant. D. cuspidatum. (Muhl.), Hook. Thickets. INIonongalia : along Decker's Creek ; near the mouth of Cheat River. Marion : near Little Falls. Wood : near Kanawha Station. Fayette : near Nuttallburg — L. W. N. Summers : near Hinton. D. Dillenii, Dark Open woodlands. Monongalia, Wood, Marion, Wirt, Upshur, Lewis, Jefferson, Berkeley, Grant and Preston coun- ties. Monroe : near Alderson. D. paniculatum, (Xutt.), DC. Copses. Wood, Wirt, Calhoun and Gilmer, along the Little Kanawha River. Monongalia and Marion : along the Monongahela River. Fayette : near Nuttalll)urg — L. W. N. Summers : near Hinton. D. Canadense, (L.), DC M. tt G. Dry, but rich woodlands. Monongalia : at The Flats. Marion : near Opekiska. Wood : near Kanawha Station. Mason : Point Pleasant. D. rigidum, (Ell.), DC. Dr}' hillsides. Monongalia : near Morgantown ; on Dorsey's Knob. Mineral : along Knobby Mts. Marion : op- posite Montana. D. ciliare, (.Aluhl.), DC. Dry hillsides. Monongalia : Cheat View, Little Falls Beechwoods. Marion: near Houghtown. Lewis: near Weston. Upshur: near Buckhannon. D. Marilandicum, (L.), Boott. ('(>l)ses. Grant: near Bayard. Mineral: near Keyser. lierkeley : North Mountain. Morgan : near Hancock. Jef- ferson : Shenaluloah Jc. Summers : near Hinton. D. lineatum, (Michx.), DC. Dry soils. Jefferson : ncai- Shcnandalc Springs. Gil- mer: near Glenville — V. ^NL 351 LESPEDEZA, Michx, L. repens, (L.), Bart. l>ush Clover. {L. iironmthetis, Michx. Dry, sandy soils. Monongalia: hills near The Flats ; hanks of the Monongahela helow Dille's. Wood : near Kan- awha Station. Kanawha: Charleston — James. Siininiers: near Hint on. Li. reticulata, (Muhl.j, IVrs. River banks. Favette: near NuttalHairiz. along New River— L. W. N. Ij. violacea, (L.), Pers. Dry copses. Monongalia: near Morgantown. Wood: near Parkershnrg. Wirt: near Burning Springs. Fayette: near Niittallhnrg — L. W. N. Suniniei-s : near Hinton. L. Virginica. (L.), Britt. (/y. .sf.s.s?7///o/v^ ]\[ichx.) River shores. Sunmiei's: near Hinton, alony- Xew River. L. Stuvei, Nutt. Mountain sides. Favette: near Nuttallhurci' — L. W. N. Var. intermedia, Watson. Iiiver banks. Fayette: near Nuttaliburg, along New River, plentiful— L. \V."N. Lt. polystachya, Michx. Drv o].ens. Fav(4te : near Xuttallbui-. alt. 1>0(K) ft. L. \V. N.' L. capitata, ^liehx. Dry sandy soils. Ohio River banks, frequent. ^lon- ongalia : near Morgantown. ^Marion : near (Catawba, and Houghtown. Li. STRIATA, (Thumb.), Hook. . W. N.: w.'AV Gauley Bridge. Gilmer: near Glenville — Prof. Lrown. Kanawha: near Pocotaligo. Jackson: near Sandy- ville. Jcilerson : near Harpers Ferry. Mason: near Point Pleasant. PLiri'ison : near Shinnston. Summers: near Plinton. ^Monongalia : near Morgantown. Hardy: near Mooreiield G. 353 C. Chamsechrista, L. Partridge Pea. M. S: G. Sandy fields. Monongalia : near the mouth of Cheat River. Marion : near Opekiska. Favctte : near Nuttalll)urg L. W. N. C. nictitans, L. Wild Sensitive Plant. "SI. iS: G. Sandy places. ^Monongalia : along the Monongahela River. Marion : near Clements. Fayette : near Nuttall- burg — L. W. X. Mason : near Point Pleasant. Summers : near Hinton. Hardy : near Moorefield — G. CERCIS, L. C. Canadensis, L. Red-bud. .ludas' Tree. M. & G. Especially common on hillsides along the Great Kan- awha River in Putnum and Mason counties. Monongalia: along Cheat River; and the Monongahela. \\'irt : along Little Kanawha River. Gilmer: near Glenville — V. M. Fayette: near Nuttallburg — L. W. X. Summers: near Plin- ton. GYMNOCLADUS, Lam. G. dioicus, (L.), Koch. Kcntuckv Cofltee-tree. (r. Cann]ier (Jlade. Ilai'dy. near Monrt'lield- -( i. S. Virginiana, Hritt. West Virginia Mi'adow-sweet. Discovered IS'.K) along the Monongahela river near Morgantown. Tlie following description is. taken from Prof. P>ritton"s acconnt (if the plant in "J>nll. Torrev Chili." Dec 1 S<,)( ) : •\ gialii-iius shruh. the hranches forming long wands, erect or reclining, 1-4 ft. long. Leaves ohlong or sliglitly oli- lanceolate, thin. ol)tuse or short-pointed at the apex, rounded <»r cuneate at the hase. H to '2 in. long. o-S lines wide, green ahove. pale Iteneath. entii'c or with a few lnw serrations in the u]iper half: petioles 2 lines long; ))e(licels and ]>e(|uneles pale and glaucous; flowers al)out "i-lines hroad, in terminal compound corynd>s l-o in. acmss; calyx teeth o, triangular, hlunt, ahout the length of the shoi't-cami)anulat<' tuhe. ilis- tinctly glaucous; petals o. white, ovate-oj'hicular, nhtuse: stamens lo-^O, persistent: styles o-C) : fnlliclcs in the sjicci- men> examined. .")-(■». apjiarently stei'ile. included in Iheper- .-istent calyx." "(^n damji locks along i he Mdiiniigahehri'i ver. .Morgan- town. West Virginia, (Millecled hy Dr. ('. F. Millspaugh in llower. J uiu' 2()th. ISOO, and in apparently imperfect fruit late in Septemhei-. CoUect'd also l)y Nfr. (i. P. N'asey in the mourdains of Xorth Carolina, 1S78."' ••Siiinini Ix'tiihu'foJid, Pall, and N. ruri/mho-'^d. Hal'., have iiiueh longer follicles -exerted heyond tlu> calyx, broader, thi(dver. and dentate leaves, and are ililTerent in hahit. Pa- tines(pie i»ldilished a luimher itf species in his New Flora, hut none of them can apply to this one." S. tomentOSa, P. llardhack. Steeple-hush. ^P iV (I. r.ow grounds. Webster: \\'elcli (ilade. Wood: near Lockhart's Run. S. rubra, (Mill.) Britt. (^neen oftlic Prairie. N. lohtUi, .Iac(j. Meadows. MoiiDnualia : near Moigantown. I'lvston : near Terra Alta. S. Aruncus, L. (ioatV Beard. Bicli urouml and along streams. Monongalia: near Morgantown, I'ffington, Little Falls, Day Creek and Gran- ville along the ]\lonongahela. Randolph: along Middle Fork, on Bicli Mountains, alt. 2.12o ft. (iilmer: near (Jlen- viiie— V. ^r. GILLENIA, Moench. G trifoliata, ( L. ). Moen<'li. Bowman's Root. Indian Phvsie. M. cl' G. Kieh woods, l're(jUent. Webster: Welch and Long Ghules. ^lonongalia: along the Monongahela River. Little Falls to Beech Woods. Mineral: near Keyser-W. Sum- mers: neai' Hinton. Hardy: near ^looretield— G. Mercer: near Tngleside. G stipulacea, ( Pursh), Xntt. American ipecae. Boi'ders of wviods. ^\'ood : between Kanawha Station and Loekharts Hnn. RUBUS, L. R. odoratus, L. Purjde-tlowering Raspberrv. Thimble-berrv. M. c^- G. l)ani[i rocky jdaces. Monongalia: near Little Falls. Grant: near Bayard. Randoli)h : near Cricdvard P. (). Fayette: near Kanawha Falls — James; near Nuttallbnrg — f^. W. N. Summers: near Hinton. Hardy: near Mooretield — G. Var. Columbianus. Colmnbian Raspl)erry. Leaves ample, 5-7-incised, divisions oblongdanceolate long and taper pointed, shar[ily and mostly double serrate. Inflorescence smaller and more compact. Fruit smaller than in the species and of a more decided musky taste. Monon- galia : cool woods, Tibbs Run. R. strigosus, .Michx. Wild Red Rasi)berry. M. c^c G. Thickets. Fayette : 'near Xuttalllnirg, not plentiful — L. W. X. Pocahontas: S})ruce ^lountain — A.D.Hopkins. R. occidentalis, L. Black Raspberry. V. M., M. c^- G., L. W. X. Frequent throughout the State. R. villosus, Ait. High Blackberry. L. \\ . X., V. M., M. cayai'd. Tucker: along Blaekwater Fork of Cheat. GEUM, L. G. Canadense, Jaeq. G. album, Gniel. M. S: G. Woods and thickets. Calhoun, Wood, Grant, Mineral, and Monongalia counties. Fayette : near Kanawha Falls — James ; near Nuttallhurg — L. W. N. Summers :' near Hinton. G. Virginianum, L. Borders of woods and low grounds. Wood, Wirt, Cal- houn, Gilmer, Marion, Lewis, Monongalia, and Jefi'erson counties. G. vernum (Raf.), T. & G. Moist places. Monongalia : near Morgantown ; Little Falls. Marion : near Opekiska. WALDSTEINIA, WUld. W. fragarioides, (Michx.), Tratt. Barren Strawherry. Wooded hillsides. Grant : near Bayard. FRAGARIA, L. F. Virginiana, Mill. Wild Strawherry. M. & G. Moist woodlands and fields, common. Monongalia: near Morgantown — M. H. Brown. Gilmer: near Glenville — V. M. Fayette: near Nuttallhurg— L. W. N. Hardy: near Moorefield — G. F. vesca, L. Northern Wild Strawherry. M. & G. Shady woods, less common than the last. ' Kanawha : ne.ir C'harleston —James. Favette: near Nuttallhurg — L. W. N. F. IndicA, .Vndr. Indian Straw l)ei'i-y. Escaped to waste i)laces. Monongalia : near Morgan- town. Kanawha: near Charleston— Barnes. 358 POTENTILLA, L. P. Norvegica, L. M. ct (t. Fields and wet places, ^^^)od : near Kanawha Sta- tion. Monongalia: near Morgantown. Grant: near Bay- ard. Fayette: near NuttallbnrL'. rare — L. W. \. Tucker — near Davis. P. Canadensis, L. Cinqnefoil. (1., J.. W. N., V. M., M. uckhannon. Wel)ster: Long (ilade. Ran- dol])h : meadows along Tygarl's \'allev river. R. humilis, Marsh. Dwarf Wild Pvo. R. RUBIGINOSA. L. Swec"t-l)ri('i-. Eluaiitino. M. & (I. Frc'cjiU'iit alono- I'oadsicles and tlnckcts. Nicholas: alonji' (iaiilcv river. Uandoljih : Staunton Pike on Clieat Mountains. Summers: neai' Ilinton. ^Tonontialia : near Tee's Ferry. R. CANINA, I.. Rocky Banks. Fayette: near Xuttalll-iny — T,. W. X. PYRUS, L. P. coronaria. I.. Wild Oral) Ap])le. M. ct (}. ()l>ens and dani]) jjlaces. ^Monongalia : frequent about Morgantown. Marion : along the Monongahela river. Gil- mer: near Glenville — V. M. Fayette: near Xuttalll>urg — L. W. X". Mercer: near Beaver 8j)r. P. angustifolia, Ait. X'arrowdeaved C'rah. (Jladv regions of Breston, Webster and X'icholas coun- ties. P. arbutifolia (L.j, L. f. Choke Berry. Damp places. \W'l)ster : Upper Glade. Preston : near Terra Alta. Nicholas : Gollett's Glade. Favette : near Xut- tallbnrg, alt. 2000 ft.— L. \V . X. Var. melanocarpa (Willd.), Hook. Preston : Keedsville Glade ; Mcu'gans' (llade. Webster: Upper and Welch Glades. P. Americana, (Marsli.) DC. Mountain Ash. M. & G. Dam[) mountain \voo(ls. Bandolpli : near Cheat P)ridge. Grant: near Bayard. Tucker: near Davis; and along the Blackwatci'. CRATEGUS, L. C. spathulata, Michx. Rocky Woods. Mercer: near Beaver Spring, and Wills. McDowell: near Elkhorn. C. cor data, Ait. Rocky mountain woods. Mcrcei- : near Bcavei' Spring. .\da, and lugleside. .C. OXYACANTHA, I.. Rivei- banks. Fayette: near Xuttallburg— B. \V . X. C. apiifolia, Miclix. Rocky woods. Mercei' : ncai' lugleside and at Beaver Spring. 860 C. coccinea, L. Scarlet Thorn. M. & G. Thickets. Calhoun : Lower Leading Creek. Monon- galia : near Ice's Ferry. Marion : near Opekiska. Gilmer : near Glenville — V. M. Fayette : near Xuttallbnrg - L. W. X. Upshur: near Buckhannon. Summers: near Hinton. Hardy: near Moorefield — G. Mercer: near Ingleside. C. mollis (T. & G.), Sarg. C. coccinea, var. mollis, T. A' G. Mercer : near Beaver Spr. and Ingleside. C. tomentosa, L. Black Thorn. M. & G. Uplands. Monongalia : near StewartstoAvn and Uffing- ton ; road to Dorse3^'s Knob. Randolph : near Cheat Bridge. Tucker: along the Blackwater. Wirt: near Elizabeth. Wood: near Lockhart's Run. Summers: near Hinton. McDowell: near Elkhorn. C. punctata, Jacq. M. ct G. Borders and open woods. Monongalia : near Ice's Ferry; Cheat River above Camp Eden. Greenbrier: near White Sul})hur S]^)rings. Favette : near Xuttalll)urg — L. W. X. C. Crus-galli, L. Cockspur Thorn. Tliickets. Monongalia : frequent. Marion : near Houghtown. Preston : near Reedsville and Terra Alta. Mineral: near Keyscr. Jefferson: near Shenandoah Junc- tion. Upshur: near Buckhannon. Fayette: near Xuttall- bnrg— L. Vr. X. Greenl)rier: near Wliite Sulphur Springs. Summers: near Hinton. Hardy: near Moorefield — G. Mer- cer : near Beaver Springs and Ingleside. C. fiexispina, (Moench.) Sarg. Summer Haw. C. //am, Ait. Shady river ])anks. Fayette: l)anks of X(mv River near Xuttaliburg — L. W. X. Mercer: near Ingleside. Mc- Dowell: along Tug Fork, near Welch. \'(tr. pubescens (Gray). Sandy woods. Mci'cer : along strcnm opposite Wills. C. unifiora, Moeneh. ('. pni\ ifiom. Ait. Sandy woods. Mercer: along streamlet near Ingle- side. AMELANCHIER, Lindl. A. Canadensis, (L.), Medic. Sliad I'.ush. June Beri'v. L. w. N., V. M., ^\. .;•'(;., G. Common generallv. even in the liiuher mountains. CALYCANTHEiE. BEURERA. Ehret { Call/cant h lit!, L.) B florida (L.). Allspice. Sweet-scented Shrub. Rich woods. Randolph : near Fords ; on Staunton Pike, thence frequent over Rich Mountains. Webster and Nicholas : Along Buffalo Bull Ridge. Fayette : along the Gauley river near Gauley Mountains. Summers : near Hin- ton. B. laevigatus, ( Willd.) Rich woods. McDowell : back of R. R. water tank near Welsh. SAXIFRAGEJE. ASTILBE, Don. A. decandra, Don. Goats-beard. Rich woods. Mercer: near Wills. SAXIFHAGA, L. S. Virginiensis. Michx. p]arlv Saxifra. False ^^litiv-won. Ivicli. iiHiist woods. CoiiiiiKin tlii'ouS: (J. I! ii'li. shady woods, ("oiuinon throughout the State. HEUCHERA, L. H. villosa, Michx. Rocky places. Fayette: Kanawha Falls -James : Fouj) Ci't'ck — James. Xuttallhurg- L. W. X. Kanawha: near ( 'oalhnrg — James. H. Americana, L. Alum-root. M. tV (i. I\ieh. damp woods. Monongalia: near Morgantown. and iVetiuent elseAvheiv. (iilnier: near (rlenville — \'. M. F'ayette : near Nuttalll)urg — L. W. X. (Ti'eenhrii'r : near \\'hite Sul])hur Si)rings. Grant: near l>ayard. Tui'ker: near Davis. Hampsliire : near Romney. H. Rugelii, Shuttlw. Shaded cliH's. I'avctte : ncai' Xuttallhur<:-. common --D. W. X. PARNASSIA, L. P. g-randiflora. DC. P. CaroUniana, ]\Iichx. Wet hanks. Fayette: near Kanawha Falls — Selhy. HYDRANGEA, L. H. arborescens, L. Wild Hydrangea. M. iV: (\. Rich opens. ^lonongalia : near Morgantown. Mar- ion: Opekiska. Wood: near Kanawha Station. Wirt: near Burning Springs. (lilmer: ijear Glenville — V. M. Lewis: along Stone Coal Creek. Throughout the aht)ve range the floAvers were all fertile. Fayette: near Hawk's Xest — James: near Kanawha Falls -James: near N'uttallhuri: — L. W. X. A form with grass-green marginal radiant flowers, in a dee]) ravine in Fayette : near Xuttallhurg. 368 ]'tir. KanaAvhana. Low strag<>liii,u- Imsli, leaves small, paler beneath, acu- luiiiate, somewhat cordate at the hasc; eymes very o])eii and hranchinir, marginal radiant tiowers many, 1 in. hr(»ad, fer- tile tlowers neai'ly glaltrous, smaller than in tlie species. Along the Little Kanawha Kiver from Kanawha Station to (ilenville. RIBES, L R. Cynosbati, L. Prickly (iooseherry. M. it G. Deej) rockv woods. Randolph : along Cheat Kiver, alt. ;],.';()0 ft. ; Point Mountain, alt. 3,700 ft. ; Rich Mountain, alt. 2,700. (Irant : near Bayard. Preston : near Terra Alta ; and frequent throughout the northern and eastern counties. Hardy : near Moorctield. R. rotundifolium, Michx. Smooth Gooseberry. Kich, cool, mountain woods, witli the last, frcciuent. R prostratum, L., Her. Pocahontas: summit of Spruce Knol), alt. 4800 ft. — A. 1). Hopkins. R floridum, L'Her. Wild P.lack Currant. Rich woods. Randolpli : near Beverly, (irant: near Bavard. Preston: near Terra Alta. Favette: near Xuttall- burg— L. W. N. CRASSULACEiE. SEDUM, L. S pulchellum, Michx. Rocky places. Jetterson : near Harper's Ferry — Asa Gray. S. Nevii, Gray. Dry. rocky places. Greenbrier: near White Sulphur Si)rings. S. ternatum (Haw), Michx. Stone-crop. G.. L. W. N.. V. M., M. & G. On rocks in deei) woods and opens. Throughout the State. S. telephioid.es, Michx. M. & G. Drier situations. Throughout the northern counties. Jefferson: Harper s Ferry — Asa Gray. Hardy: near Moore- field — G. Hampshire: near Roraney. 364 S. TelEPHIUM, L. Live-foi'-ever. Along railroad banks. Jeftbrson, Morgan and Berke- ley ('(junties. PENTHORUM, L. P. sedoides, f.. Diteli 8tone-erop. L. W. X.. M. & G. Open wet places, and ditches. Throughout the State. DROSERACEiE. DROSERA, L. D. rotundifolia, L. SuniUw. M. & G. Glades. Preston : ('ranl"'rrv Summit : Morgan's Glade ; and Terra Alta. HAMAMELIDE^. HAMAMELIS, L. H. Virginica, L. Witch-hazel. L. W. X., V. M., M. & G. Common in damp woods throughout the State. LIQUIDAMBAR, L L styracifl.ua, L. Sweet-gum. Alligator-wood. M. ^'"c G. Rich woods. The distribution of this species in the State accoixling to my notes of travel is, from east to west, as follows : Beginning near the source of Peter Creek, in Nich- olas county, it follows that stream to its junction with the Gauley river, down this to its confluence with the New river to form the Great Kanawha, which latter it follows to the mouth of Elk river, whence it bears northward up Eight Mile creek to the Pocotaligo and its Middle Fork, across to Mill Creek in Jackson, which it follows to the Ohio. It is also noted in Gilmer: near Glenville — V. INI. Fayette: near Kanawha Falls -James; near Nuttallburg— L. W. N. Cabell : near Huntington — Selby. I have also met with it in Summers : near Hinton ; and along the Greenbrier river in that county. HALORAGEiE. CAL.LITRICHE, L. C. heterophylla, Pursh. Favette: near Nuttallbur-r— L. W. N. 365 MELASTOMACEJE. RHEXIA, L R. Virginica, L. Meadow Beauty. Moist, sandy meadows, and river shores. jMononfjalia : near Cam}) Eden ; Little Falls. Wood : near Lockhart's Run. Wirt: near Burning S])rings. Upshur: nearLorentz. Randolph: along Tygait's Valley River, l^erkeley : near Martinsburg. Putnam : near BuiTalo. LiYTHRARIiE CUPH.^A, R Br. C, petiolata, (L.), Koehne. "Tar-weed." (\ viscosissima^ Jacq. Dry soils, and fields. Monongalia, Marion, Wood, Wirt, Calhoun, Gilmer, Lewis, L'^pshur and Randolj)!!. Fay- ette: near Cfauley Bridge; near Nuttallburg — L. W. N. ; near HaAvk's Nest — James. Greenbrier: near White SulpLur Springs. Sammers: near Hinton. Monroe: near Alderson. Berkeley : near Martinslnirg. and elsewheiv. ONAGRARIEiE. EPILOBIUM, L E. spicatum, Lam. Fire-weed. E. angusfifoliuin, L. M. it G. In new clearings. Mineral : Grant : and Tucker : along the W. Va. Cent. R. R. Randolph : summit ot" Point Mountain, alt. 3,700 ft. Cheat Mountain, alt. 27-3600 ft. Haidy : near Moorefield — G. E. coloratum, Muhl. Willow-her1i. M. & G. Ditches, and wet rocks. Greenbrier : near White Sul- l)hur Springs. Fayette : near Nuttallburg — L. W. N. Ma- son : near Pt. Pleasant ; and fretpicnt tliroughout the State. LUDWEGIA. L. Li. alternifolia, L. Seed-1)ox. M. & G. Wet banks. Wood : near Lockhart's Run. Monon- galia: along Cheat River near Camp Eden. Fayette: near Kanawha Falls— .Tames ; near Nuttnlllnii'g— L. W . N. \'augh observes, commonly fall away when tlic plant is shocked." '■Appearing very distinct from typical L. alternifolia, but i)resumal)ly but a variety of it. From the description it ]nay be the Rhexin linedrifolia, Poir, in Lam. Encycl. vi. 2, said to come from Carolina." Ij palustris (L.), Ell. Sandv soil. Favette : in a Sand bar in New river near Xuttallburg— L. W. N." OENOTHERA, L. Oe. biennis, L. Evening Primrose. L. W. X., ^\. S: (>. Frequent or common, throughout the State. V(ir. grandiflora (Ait.), Lindl. Frequent. Kandolph : Cricard, P. 0. ; Point Moun- tain. Wood: near Kanawha Station. Preston: near Tun- nellton ; near Terra Alta. Greenbrier : near White Sulphur Springs. Hardy : near Mooretield — G. Oe. pumila. L. Dry tields. freijuent tliroughout the Stale, espeeially in the nortliern section. Hardv : near Mo(»vetield — < i. Oe. fruticosa, L. Sun-dro[)s. "Wild Ik'ct." M. c\: (f. Common in most soils, and in cultivated tit'lds as a weed. Summers: near Talcott and Lowell. Afarion : near Worthington. Gilmer: neai' Glenville— V. ]\L Fayette: near Xuttallburg— L. W. X. Vnr. linearis (Michx.), Watson. Dam}) ])laees. Wood: near Kanawha Station. Wirt: near Elizabeth. Calhoun: near Grantsville. Gilmei- : near Glenville — \'. M. rpshur: neai' Ihiekhannon. V(ir. differta. (.'I'owded Sun-drops. Damj) meadows. Wood: near Loekharts Pun. the most common form. Stems l-"2-ft. high, nearly smooth, luaricliing ditfuseiy from every axil. Flowers profuse, large, f.owei- leaves 367 (ivutc. C'a]isul('s narniwly \viiiurg — L. \V. !N. Kanawha : near Coalburg — James. DIOIDA, L. D. teres, Walt. Button-weed. Sandy river banks. Ohio : along Bogg's Run, near AV'heeling — M. & G. Preston : banks of Cheat River. Fay- ette : near Nuttallbnrg, rare — L. W. N. GALIUM, L. G. Aparine, L. Goose-grass. Cleavers. G.,L.W. N.,V.M.,M.& G. Shaded places. Frequent throughout the State. G. pilosum, Ait. Dry copses. Fayette : near Nuttallburg— L. W. N. ; near Kanawha Falls — -James. Kanawha: near Coalburg — James. Monongalia : near Little Falls and Uffington ; near Camp Eden. G. circaezans, Michx. Wild Liquorice. Rich woods. Wood : near Lockhart's Run. Monon- galia : Rich Woods near Morgantown ; Ice's Ferry and Camp Eden. Fayette: near Xuttallburg — L. W. N. G. laceolatum, Torr. Dry woods. Monongalia: near Morgantown. Ohio: near Wheeling — M. & G. Favette : near Nuttallburg— L. W. N. G. latifolium, Michx. Fayette: near Nuttallburg, uncommon— L. W. N. Preston: near Rowlesburg — M. & G. G. trifidum, L. Small Bedstraw. Low, wet grounds. Monongalia, Lewis, Upshur, Gil- mer, Calhoun, Wirt, Wood, and Webster : Long Glade. Fay- ette : near Nuttallburg — L. W. N. Var. latifolium, Torr. Damp soils. Webster : in Long Glade. G. concinnum, Torr & Gray. ^I- <^ G. Low, wet grounds. Wood : near Kanawha Station. Wirt: near Elizabeth. Lewis: along Leading Creek. Ran- dolph: near Valley Bend. G. asprellum. Michx. Rough Bedstraw. Alluvial bottoms. Monongalia : along the Mononga- hela' River. Greenbrier: near White Sulphur Springs— M. & G. 378 G. triflorum, ^lichx. S-woct-sccntcMl Bcdstra-w. Rich woodlands. T.ewis • along Leading Creels. Up- shur: near Lorentz. Vrebster: along Buffalo Bull range. Monongalia : near ^loraantown. Favette: near Xuttallburg — L. W. N. V A L E R I A N A C E .S] . VALERIANA, L. V. pauciflora, Miclix. Valerian. Fields and oi)en woods. Ohio: near ^Nloundsville — DIPSACEiE. DIPSACUS, L. D. SYLVESTRIS, ^lill. Teasel. '"Water Thistle." Hutton- weed." :\r. c^' G. Koadsides and Avaste ])laees. ^^'irt : near Burning Si)rings and Elizabeth. Marion: near Wortliington ; near Fairmont and Houghton in great <]uantity. '\Vel)ster: Buf- falo Bull Mountains, alt. 2100 ft. Fayette: near Crescent ; near Xuttallburg — T. W. N. Kanawha: along the Kanawha and Pocotaligo Rivers. Jackson : along Allen's Fork. Gil- mer : near Glenville — V. ]\I. Jefi'erson : near Flowing Spring and Shenandoah Je. Randoli)h : Cheat Mts. near Cheat Bridge, alt. 2700 ft.; near Huttonsville. Greenbrier: near White Sulphur S])rings, near Fort S])nng. Monroe: near Alderson. Summers: nearHinton. Monongalia: along Decker's Creek. Harrison : near Linnl)erport. ]\fineral : o])posite Cund)er- land. Berkeley: near Martinslnirgh. Hardy: near Moore- fi(dd. Mereer: near Ingleside. and Ada. COMPOSITiE. ELEPHANTOPXJS, L E. Carolinianus, Willd. Diy l)anks. Fayette: near Xuttallburg — T>. W. X. E. tomentosus, L. '-Tobacco Weed." ■T)evirs Grandmother." Fields. Harrison: near (^uiet Dell. Upshur: near T>orentz. 870 VERNONIA, Schreb. V. altissima, Nutt. Iron-wcfd \j)\\ grounds. A frequent weed throughout the northern, eentral, and western portions of tlie State. Fayette : near Nuttalllnirgh— L. W. N. V. Noveboracensis (L.), Willd Iron Weed. CI., L. W. N., M. & G. In niea(h)ws and })astures, eonnnon througliout the State. V(ir. latifolia, Gray. Meadows and tiehls. ^hison : near Point Pleasant. Monongalia: near Morgantown. Fayette: near Nuttalllnirg — L. W. N. EUPATORIUM. L. E. purpureum, L. Queen of the Meadow, "(^uill-wort." L. W. N. V. M., M. & G., G. Low grounds. Common throughout the State. Cheat Mountains in Randolph at an altitude of 3600 feet. V(ir. amoenum, Gray. Rich woods along runs. (J rant: Buffalo Creek near Bayard" Tucker : Beaver Creek near Davis. E. hyssopifolium, I^. Sterile soil. Jefferson: near Slie])herdstown. E. rotundifolium, ];., rar. pubescens. (Muhl.), B. S. P. (E. 'pKbescens, Muhl.) Dry hillsides. Fayette : near Nuttallhurg — L. W. N. Jefferson: near Shepherdstown. Monongalia: near Morgan- town and Camp Eden. E altissimum, L. Tall Boneset. Dry soils. Monongalia: near Little Falls and Beech- woods. E. sessilifolium, L. Upland Boneset. River banks. Monongalia : near Beeehwoods. Fay- ette ; near Nuttallhurg, ])lentiful — L. W. N. E. perfoliatum, r>. Boneset. Thorough-wort. G., L. W. N., V. M., M. & G. Dam}) places. Common throughout the State. 380 E. ageratoides, L. White Snake-root. Rich woods. Monongalia : along Decker's Creek and elsewhere plentiful. Randolph : Cheat Mountains near Cheat Bridge. Marion : near Worthington. Fa3'ette : near Nuttall- hurg — L. W. N. Hardy: near Moorefield — G. E. aromaticum, L. Rich soil. Fayette: near Xuttallburg. Hardy: near Moorefield — G. E. coelestinum, L. Mist-flower. ]M. & G. Rich soils. Putnam, Jackson, Wood and Monongalia. A common weed. Randolph : along Tygart's Valley River. Harrison: along the "Monongah" R. R. Summers: near Hinton. Fa^-ette : near Nuttallhurg— L. ^V. N. Putnam: near Buffalo. Kanawha : near Charleston. Mason : near Point Pleasant. Marion : near Montana and Worthington. Jefferson : near Shepherdstown. liACINARIA, Hill ri762). Liatris, Schreb. (1791). L. spicata, (L.), OK. Among rocks, banks of New River — Selby. Fayette: near Xuttallburg, heads 5-flowered — L. W. N. CHRYSOPSIS. Nutt. C. Mariana (L.), Xutt. Drv, rockv roadside. Favette:R. c\: K. turnpike near Nut- tallhurg—L. W. N. SOLIDAGO, L. S. latifolia, L. M. & G. ^loist, shaded banks. Monongalia : banks of the Mon- ongahela and Cheat River. Favette : near Nuttallhurg— L. W. N. S. csesia, L. L. W. N., V. M., M. & G. Rich woodlands. Frequent throughout the State. S. Curtisii, Torr. it Gray. Woodlands. Favette: near Xuttallburg, common — L. W. N. ' S. bicolor. L. L. W. N., M. & G. Dry fields and copses. Frequent throughout the State. 381 S. monticola, Toir. it (imy. Woods and oi)en.s. Fnvcttc: m-ar Niittalllnirg, alt. 2000 ft— L. W. N. S. puberula, Nutt. Sunny opens. Fayette: near Nuttallburg — L. W. N. S. speciosa, Nutt. ('lifts and banks. Fayette: near Nuttallburg — L. W. N. S. odora, Ait SAveet Golden-rod. Fayette : near Nuttallburg — L. W. N. S. rugosa, Mill. Borders of fields and copses. Along Cheat River. Randolph, Tucker, Preston and Monongalia counties. Fay- ette : near Nuttallburg — L. W. N. Shores of the Mononga- hela in Barbour, Taylor and INIarion counties. S. ulmifolia, Muhl. River banks. Ohio: Thomas Hill near Wheeling — M. & G. Brooke : ^I. ct G. Faj^ette : near Nuttallburg — L. W. N. S. Boottii, H(X)k. Dry open woods. Putnam : near Buffalo. Fayette : near Nuttallburg — L.W. N. S. arguta, Ait. River banks. Ohio: banks of the Ohio River near Wheeling— M. & G. S. juncea, Ait. "Yellow Top." Fields and waste places. Common throughout the northern, central and western counties. . Fayette: near Nutt- alUnirg — L. W. N. Berkeley : near Martinsburg. Mason : near Point Pleasant. Hardy: near Moorefield — G. Var. scabrella. Gray. With the s])ecies. Frequent. Vfir. ramosa, Britten. River banks. Monongalia : near Morgantown, below highwater mark along the Monongahela. S. serotina, Ait. Fayette: near Nuttallburg — L. \V. N. Monongalia: near Morgantown. 882 T (tr. gingantea, CAit.), Gray. 'I'liickets. (JiliiuT :. near (llenvillc — V. >r. I'lcstnn: ne;))' R()wl»'sl)iirg. S. rupestris, Raf. Koc'ky river bnnke. Fayette: along the Gaule}' at Gauley ^lountain ; Kanawha Falls and Hawk's Nest — James. S. Canadensis, L. L. AY. N., M. tt G. Borders and waste fields. Common throughout the State. S. nemoralis, Ait. Dry, sterile fields. Fayette: near XuttalHiurg — L. \X. X. Common throughout the northern counties. S. lanceolata, F.. River 1 tanks. Along Cheat River tnroughout its length. Along- the Monongahela in Marion, Taylor and Monongalia counties. Gilmer: along the Little Kanawha — V. M. Mason : near Point Pleasant. S. Caroliniana, (L.), B. S. P. .S'. teniirfoUa, Pursh. h^andy fields. Monongalia: near ^lorgantown. SERICOCARPUS, Nees. S. asteroides(L.), B. S. P. White-topped Aster. xM. ct G; Dry grounds. Frequent or common throughout the State. Kanawha: near Charleston— James. CJreenbrier: near White Sulphur S})rings. Favette: near Nuttallhurtr — L. W. N. BRACHYCHiETA, T. & G. B. cordata. Torr. d' Gray. Drv woods. P'avette: near Nuttallliur<>-. plentiful — L. W. X." ASTER, L. A. corymbosus, Ait ]\I. iV- G. Sliady ])laces. ^lonongalia: near Morgantown. Fay- ette: near Nuttalllnirg — L W. X. A. macrophyllus, L. Open woods. Fayette: near Xuttallliui'g— L. W. X. A. patens, Ait. Rocky river hanks. Fayette: near X'^uttallburg — L. W. X. Summers: near Hinton. ;'>s;', Vnr. phlogifolius, (Miilil.i. Xccs. ()licii wcMxls. I'';iycltr: nc:ir Xut1;illliur,L;- — I.. W. N . A. Isevis. I.. IJockv ri\«'r l);iiik>. .MdiKniiiiili.-i : iicnr Little l-'alls. l'\ivi'ttr: near X iillal II Mir--, iilciitilul — 1-. W. N . A. undulatus. L. I)rv WdDiU. Mason: near I'oint Pleasant. Kanawha: near Charleston. Favt'tte: near X'^uttallhur^, eoninion — L. W. X. A. cordifolius, L. W'ooillands. MononLialia : near Moi'^an town ami Lit- tle I'^alls. Kavette: near Kanawha I'^ills — .lames; near Nnt- tallliurg -L. W. X. Mason: neai' J'oint I'leasant. \'(ir. leevig-atus. Portei'. W'ooillamls and opens. Mononii'alia : neai' Moruan- town. ahundant. A. virgatus, Ell. Ivoeky river hanks. I^'ayette : near X'uttallhurti--L. \V . y. . Preston: aloni;- Cheat IJiver. .Mononridge. I'^avette: near Kanawha Falls — James. [A. tenuifolius, L. (J. //r.-v/o.s/'.v. Xutt.j M. A-d.] 8S5 A. linariifolius, 1.. Ivocky iilnccs. I'aycttf : near XuHalll)ur^, along the lianks of New IJivcr liclow liii^h water iiiai'k. (•uiiniion — L W. X. ERIGERON, L. E. Canadensis, I,. lUittcr-w (•(■. S. V. Daisy Flealtane. i l-J. ■■lu\\\.) Fields and waste ])laees. Mdnongalia : tlie Flats ami rnin-tnn. Fayette: Xuttalll.urund. Fre(juent throu.^iiDut the nurthern ciiuiit ics. ANTENNARIA, Gsertn. A. plantaginifolia (F.), Hook. Fverlastini!. F. W. X., yi. & (4. Sterile hills. Fi'djucnt or coiiniion tln'ouij-hout the State. ANAPHALIS. DC. A. margaritacea (F. ), lUh. eV: IFiok. Pearly Fverlast in,u-. M. I'c (F Dry hills and woods, ^^ononi:■a]ia : alon^r Dceki-rV C'l-eek. ^Farion : ahove ( )iieki-. (lilnici': near (ilciivillc- -\'. M.. I'mi'. l>i'ii\vii. MiiniiiiL;;ili;i : near Morii;!);- tiiwn. .Mason: iicai' I'oint l'lra>ant. Wood; n"ai' I'arkcrs- G. purpureum. I.. I'ui'plisli ('ikI-wicI. Sanch' soil. MoiioiiL^alia : near liu'cli woods an 1 Ice's FciTV. Fayette: near Niitt;dlliur,L!- — F. W. X. INULA, L. I HELENIUM. I.. I']lecain|i;!lie. ^I. cV:(i. Fields. Wirt: ik ar ]>ui'iiinii- S]>rini:s. rpslnir: near Forentz. Xieliolas : alonu' Mnndile-t lie-pe^;' ( 'reek. J-^iyette : near XnttallliurL; — F. W. X. ( ireenlu-iia' : neai' IJoneeverte. .letrerson : near She] iliei'lstown. Hainjishire : near Konniey. ^F»non'.:alia. : near Si unintown. POLYMNIA, li. P. Canadensis, F. Feal'Cup. ^F A- (i. ^Fdst shaded i'a\ines. Fayell^': neu' Kanawha Falls and Hawk's .X est— James : Porter: neai- XnttalHairu J-. W. X. FFirdy : near Modi-elield — (1. ]'oretield — (J. n«7 PARTHENIXJM, L. P. integrifolium, L. Siu < /c-wi.it. |)i'y soils. I'aycttc : iivar XuttjilHuir^-. Itniiks of New Ii i vcr Ix'low liiLili wati'i- mark, plpiitiful — I.. \V . X. (Jrccii- lii-irr: ncai- W'liili' Sul])liur S|)riuL;s — ^I. (.V: <1. AMBROSIA, L. A. trifida, L. (iivat Ka--\\cc(l. (;.. I.. W. X., M. S: ('<. Miiist places. Coiniiioii or almndant ( In-oimhout the Stat.'. ]'i(r. integrifolia, (.Mulil.), T. ^V- (i. W'itli the s])('cit's, uiicoiimion. Monotiii-alia : near ^rovii'atitown. W'ooil : near Parkcrsluiiii. Fayette: near Xuttalll)ur^ — I.. W. X. I'x'i'keley : lU'ai- Martiiislniru'. A. artemisisefolia, L. Hau-weed. (i.. I..\\'.X., \'.M., M.iV,-(;. Fiel. ('lothni'. Cockle-hur. Low waste lii-oiinds. .Monongalia, Marion and (Jilmer connties. Wood: neai' Parkt'rsbnrL;' Lewis: near Weston, •leilerson: near Sliepliei'dstown. X. Canadense. Mill. L. W. X. Low waste Lii'ounds. Common tliroULiliout the Stat(\ ECLIPTA, L. E. alba. (L.), Hassk. ( Kr/i/ihi proonii/wns, and h\ nrrUi, Wwhx.) Wet I'iv.r li.inks. Alason : l)anks of the Ohio n 'ai' Point Pleasant. Ohio: near Wheeling- - M. c\r (L Favette: P. P. hank, XuttalliKir-— r.. W. X. HELIOPSIS. Pers. H. scabra, Dunal. Ox-eye. Fields, (iilmei': near ( I h'nxille — W .^L 8S,S H. Isevis, Pers. I-^iycttc: near Xuttalll.ur.u- — L. W. X. ECHINACEA, Moench. E. PURPUREA, Mdcncli. I'uiplc Conc-Howci'. Aloii,-- the ('. iV (). Iv. Iv. Faycttt': near Xuttalllniro- ; a ruiiLih, liristly tniaii — L. ^\^ X. Advcntive fruni the west. RUDBECKIA. L. R. laciniata, L. C'onc-licwci-. M. il- (>. Low liroiimls. MiuuHiiialia : I.ittlc l^'alls, Bcc'cli\vf»(Mls. rtiiniiton, and ^r(>r!i'aiit(>\vii. Fa\'i'ttc: near Xuttallliuvu' — J.. \V'. X. \'. .Mdiii'dc: aliuiidaiit near A hler- soii. JIai'ih": near Modi'elield (i. R. triloba. \,. IJrown-eyed Susan. M . (,V (i. Diy Tu'lds. (iilnier: neai' (ilen\ille — \'. M. (irei'U- liriei': near White Sulphur Sj>rinr()\\ n-evedSnsan. ■ :\r. A- (J. I'x'eoniiim' too tVequent in Meadows, i'andolpli : ("rie- cardP. (). Throughiiut the ( )hi(i P i\-ei' counties. I'^iyetle: along Lou|i Creek— James. PSST : near Xuttallhuri:- — !>. W. X. ^\'ood : neai' Kauawlia Stat ion. R. speciosa, A\'ender. Di'v soils. ()liio: near W'lieelini; — M. iV (>. HELIANTHUS, L. H. Isetiflorus, I'ers. Fry ()i)ens. 1^'ayette: near Xuttallliur.u. H. OCCidentalis, Piddell. Western Sunllower. P>aid;inks ol" New Ixivcr. l-'nA'cttc : iicni- Xul tnlllnn'ii' — I.. W. X. H. grosse-serratus, MnrtiMis. Lai-p-tooVlKMl SmiHowt'i-. I )rv liclds. rpsliiir: ncnr Uuckliiiiinoii. H. giganteus, 1.. (limit Wild Sunllnwcv. I.(i\\ •Lirouiids. Jvnnd()]i)li : ucnr Clicjit Uriduc Fav- I'ttc : near Nuttallhuru-, i>li'iitil'ul — L. W. X. Prfston: near Terra Alta. H. Isevigatus, Torr. A' (iray. Tliiekets. Preston: neai' 'I'eiTa Alta. H. doronicoides, Lam. Dry grounds. ()hi<): on I^oli^'s Island. — M. S: (i. Hardy: near ^fooi'ejield — (I. H. parvifiorus, inmli. Tliiekets. Suiiiniers : neai' llinton. ( ireenln'icr : near White Sulphur S[)rin^s. I^^iyette: near Xnttallliuri; - L. W. X. Preston: near Terra Alta. H. divaricatus, I>. 'I'hiekets and di'y places. Fayette: near Xuttallhuru- — L. W . X". Jackson : up S mile cix'ck. H. hirsutus, Kaf. Dry l)anks. Fayette: near XuttalHinrii. rai'c — L. W. X. Mason: IJanks of the ()hio ncai- Point Pleasant. Plai'dy: near ^fooi-c'tield — ( i. H. strumosus, L. IviviM' hanks and low copses. ^Tononualia : alonu' Decker's ( 'reek. H. tracheliifolius, W'illd. .Mountain W'ooils. j^'ayette: near Xuttallhui <;■. un- coninion — P. W . X". H. decapetalus, P. Pich open woods. Monnn;.i'alia : near Little Falls and IT f1iim't:)n. Fayette: ne:ir Xuttallhui'.ii-, the most common species here; petals mostly S — L. W. X. VERBESINA, L. V. occidentalis, Wnlt. ('low ulicard. Hicli sdil. Fiiycttc: m:ir XuttalHuiru^ I.. W. \. ; aiwl alimg t If ( i rcat Kaiiawlia IJ ivcr to its luoutli. .lackson : up S-Milc Creek. Wood: near Lockhai'tV Ivuii. Moiionualia : near Moruantowii. Suiinuers: iieai' liir.tou. .leHersoii: near Siieplierdstown. lierkeley : ncai' Martinslmi'^;-. RIDANIA, Adans, (17(i;;i (Aetinonieris. Nutt. Isl-S- R alternifolia, iL.i.oK. (Arfiiiomrr/s f^i/nnrrnxa^ Xutt.) Rich soiL (Hiio: near Wheel inL; — M.iVd. Fayette: near \iittallhnrol" Xew IFiver near Xullallhnrii — \.. W. X. C. tripteris, F. Tall Cor.'opsis. Uirh uroinnF -laekson : plentii'nl alon,i>- S-Mile Crecdc and on Finiestone Ridiii'. Fayette: near XuttalUmrii- — F. W. X. M monualia: near Fittle Falls. BIDENS, L B frondosa, L. I'.cu-ni-V Ticks. Stirk-ti-ht. ••I'it<'li-lnrk.<." L. W. N.. M. iV <;. I>;ilii|i \v;istc |il;iccs. ('nlilliiou t limULllioll t the St;!tf. B. connata, .Muhl. S\v;iiii|i nci:c::ii"s Tick. M. iV: (i. Wet |il;iccs. I-'rc(|Ucnl 1 limuuliout llicStntc. \'(ir. coniosa, ( ii;iy. I'miij) open phiccs. I-'nycttc: near .\utt:illl)Ur/--<(tH//>nnni,lrs. Michx. C.. L. W. X., .M. cV- (1. Wet places. l'"'l-e(|\|cnt t 1 1 ioul;! H tUt t 1 le St at e. B. bipinnata. I-. S|iaiii-li Nee-lles. I,. W. X.. .M. i^- (;. l)rv places. .Mniiidaiit t lifiiuulnnit the State. GALINSOGA, Ruiz & Pav. G. PARVIFLORA. Cav. Waste jiTntiiids. .Masoii : near Point IMeasant. Wood : neai- I'arkershur.L;. HELENIUM, L. H. autumnale, I,. Snee/.e-weeil. Alluvial river l)anks. Wirt : alon.L;- tlie Little Kana- wha River, h'ayette: near Xuttalllniri:- — Iv. W. X. Monon- galia: near Mor^iantown. l'an(lol])h: neai- ('heat IJridge. alt. ;)(■)()() ft. Summers; near Ilinton. Hardv : near Moore- tiel.l--G. ANTHEMIS, L A COTULA, L. Dous Fennel. .May-\vee<|. L. W. X., .M. A- (i. Fields and waste Lirounds. Comnion throu.Lihout the Slate. A. ARVENSIS, J>. Chanioniile. \\'aste places. Moi'uan : alonu tlie 1>. iV: O. K. U. \\<-ai Xo. 1-2 Water Tank. ;;92 ACHILLEA, L. A. Millefolium, L. Vanow. Milioil. (;.. I.. \V. X.. M. cV G. ('(iiiiiuoii tlivcuulioiit tlu- State, cvrii in tliciiinst iu;ic- ccssiblc portions of the viruin forests in tlie Alieghanies, wher(> it eertainlv njipears nativi-. Raiidolpli : Point Moun- tain, alt. o.-.OO ft." Nieliolas: Bnllalo !Jan-r. alt. 2s7.") ft. CHRYSANTHEMUM, L. C. Leucanthenium, L. Ox-Daisy. 'Slicritf Pink." M. t^-. (;. Beconiing too [ilentiful as a \vee(_l in fields, in tlu' fol- lowing counties: Monongalia, Marion, Hampshire: wiiere it is often known as Sheriff Pink : -laekson. Preston. Kanawlia : near C'hai'lesTon — lauies : Caliell : near Barhoiiisville- .1 aiues (1877) ; (irant, Lewis. Ppshnr, Pandoloph. Herkriey: neai- Martiushurg ; Fayette: nea.r Xuttalll)urg — P. W. X. (Ireeii- Itrier: near Koneeverte, Caldwell. I'ort Spring, and Wdiite Sulphur S})rings. Hardy: near MooreHeld — G. ^[ereer: near I'rinceton and Tngleside. MATRICARIA, L. M. DISCOIDEA. IH'. \\"ild Chanioniile. Kstalilished on P>. iV ().. P. P. l-aiik, ^NPiruan: near Xo. lii Water Tank. TAK^ACETUM, L. T. VULGARE, L. Tansy. ->P c\L' G. Ksi'ajted to roadsides. Gilmer: nearDeKalf). Lewis: near Weston. Cirant : near Davis. ^\'ood : near Parkers- l)urg. .Jefferson: near Shepheidstown. Monongalia: on Kingwood Pike. SENECIO, L. S. VULGARIS, L. (iroUiuLsel. Poadsides, fence rows, streets. and waste places ; adveii- tive from Lurojie. Fi-e(|uent. S. aureus, L. G<.lden Pag-wort. L. W. X.. V. >P. y\. .V- G. Damp places in o[ien wond.-. Pi-e(|Uent thi'migliont the State. \'e-\vis: neai' Weston. ^Imiongalia : near Moi-irantoAvn. r;o3 ]'(ir. Balsamitse iMulil. i. T. i^: (1. IJocky open woods. Fayette: near Xiitt:ill1)uri>- — L. W. \. MonoiiLialia : near Morgantown. Mercer: neai" iM'.-ivei- Spr. CACALIA, L C. suaveolens, L. Imlian Plantain. fvieh Itanks. Mononiialia and .^[ari(ln : from Opekis- ka to Morgantown along the Monongaliela River, IVeipient. I'l-eston: near Terra Alta. Summers: near Hinton Ohio: neai- Wh(>e]ing — ^F. c'(' CI. C. reiiiformis. ^luhl. (ireat Indian Phmtain. IJiili woods. Marion: along tlie I"". ^F. tt P., P. l{.. espeeially near Opckiska. Summers: near Greenbrier Stock ^'anls. Monroe : near Alderson and Wolf Creek. Preston: near Teira Alta. ()hio: F>ogg's Island., near \\'heelino- — ]\F. cV- (;. C atriplicifolia, L. I'aJe Indi.-ui Plantain. Ivieh woodlands. ri)shur: near Port'utz. Monrm- galia : hanks of Cheat of ( du-at River, near ('amp Elden. Oliio: near Wdieelinu' — .M. c^- G. Favette : near Xuttallhuro- — F.. W. X. ERECHTITBS, Kaf. E. liieracifolia (L.), Raf. Fireweed. ^Foist woods and hanks, et^|)ceially new fallows. Ran- dolph : near Cheat Bridge, alt. 3700 ft. ' Fayette: near Nut- tallhurg — ]j. W. N, Monongalia : near CfHngton and ]\Ior- gantown. ARCTIUM, L. A. Lappa, L. Burdock. L. W. X.. M. ,i' G. A\'aste grounds. n(!ar dwellings. Abundant every- where. I''//-. MINUS. G]-ay. Fayette: near Xuttallburg — L. \V. X. CNICUS, L. C. LANCEOLATUS ( p.). Willd. Common This! le. h.W.X., M. .V- G. Fiehls. waste iirounds, and i-oadsides. Common. 394 C. altissimus, (L.i. Willd. Tall Thistle I^'iclds and moist coiiscs, tVc(iU('iit. Mniioii^alia. Mar- ion and I'li'ston cnunlics. Fayette: near .\u1talll>ur,u — L. ^^'. X. Suninicrs: near ( ireen1)rier Stock ^'a^ds. llai-(ly: iieai' Moorclicld. \'<(i-. discolor, (;iay. M. A- (i. Fields, .leiierson : near Cliarlestown : Snuiniil I'oint : and near Slit'plierdstown. C. Virginianus, iMiclix.i. I'ursh. X'iruiina 'ldii>tle. Woods and opens. Sununers: near llinton. I'l'es- ton : near 'I'erra Alta. l-"i'e(|\ient throULilioiit the State. C. niuticus. (Mielix.i. I'ursh. S\vain|i Thistle. M. iV- (J. Wi't places. Kandolph: nearClieat ih-iduc alt. .">7<)() I't. (pshur: near hoi-entz. Kanawha: neai' ("harleston. I'l'eston : nea|- Tel'ra .\ ha. C. odoratUS, (.Muhh). 1!. S. 1'. I'a^tui'e Thistle. C/rsiHii, jni- iii/'hiiii. S|ir. Di-y fields, (ireenhrier: near White Sul])laii' S])]'ini:s. I'l-estmi : near 'I'erra .\lta: iicai' Ci-anherry Suinnnt — M.i.Vl le. .M.A'C. l)r\' lields. liccoiinuL; 1 roidilesonie in many localities, .lell'erson : iilentifnl neai' ( 'hai'lestou n. w hei-c it was douht less hi'ouuht in hale(l hay liy the l'^'(lei-al troops dui'im:- the war. Uando]|ih : on the ajie.\ of i'oint .Mountain, alt. .">7()(> ft., in a field owned and cultivated twoycai's auo hy a Connecticut ,i:cntlenian. who prohahly frouuht the .-eed there fi-om the east. ( i recuhi-ier : near White Sidphur Sprint;-, .letferson: near Summit Point : and Shenandoah .lunctiou. Ilanc(Kd< : neai- 1 lolliday's ( 'o\-e. I'.i-ooke: at WellshurL;'. liepoi1e(| also from : liampshire : near Slanesvi lie : and ('apon Ui-idLfc. IJrooke: near WcdlshurLi'. ()hio: near liei'ch (ileu School House. Summers: near .iumpinu' Uranch. I'utnam : near ilurricani'. I'aradise and ('onlidence. .lelfer- ui-ninu Springs. Wet- zel : iii-ar |-hidieiiU. -lack-ou : ncai' Samly. ami Silvcrtou. Kanawha: near I'oci ital iuo. and (iazil. .Mercer: near Cou- coi'd ('hui'ch. Wayne; near Stone' ('oal. l!ra\loii: near ihdltown. and 'i'ate ('reek. Tyler: in Me;id di>i. Koaiie: neai' Newton, and Loojie\- ville. Cpshiir: near i'"\'i'i\Lireen. Wooil : near .Murphy",- Mill-. \'o|cano. I'arkershuru. and ijockport. Ivitcliie: near l*>erea. I'^ayctle: near .Mountain 30o Cow. ]\L;irshall : iicai- ^FiMglu'ii. Hardy: near Wanleiisvillo. I'rcston : near liidcpt'iKlencc, 1oclvhai't"s Hnn. heconiini;;! liad weed — Hopkins. CICHORIUM, L. C. INTYBUS, L. Chicory. Fields, .letrei'son : two stations near Sheplierdstown. ( ii-eenl)rier : near White Sulpliur Spriniis — M. S: (i. HIERACIUM, L H. Canadense. Michx. I lawk weed. Dry AN'oods. AVehster : near r})i)ei- (Hade. H. paniculatum, F. AFiist ,>;'i'o!inds. Fi'cston : near Cranhei'rv Snmniit — ^F cV- (i. Fayette: nt-ar NuUaill)uru— J.. \V. N^ H venosuni. F. Fattlesnake-weecF C. F. \\'. X.. ^\. S: G. ()peninL:s, and e(lu-es of di'v woods. Fi'equent tlirongh- out the State H. scabrum, Mieli.x. Di'y open wo. W. X. P. alba F-. <)|ieii woods. IFardv : near Mooretield — (F P. serpentaria, Fursh. (ian-or-the-Fai-tli. Sandy woods. Ivandolpli : near Cheat F)ri(itiX', alt. ; '..").■)() ft. Summers: near Ilinton. ^hirion : near FatawFa. TARAXACUM, Haller. T. OFFICINALE. Wei). Dandelion. ( T. Ih'„s-/n>,ils, Desf. ) F.\\'.N..(F .\11 ron- roe : near A Idei'son. Preston: neai' I'erra Alta. L. Floridana, (L.). (iaertn. ()]ten liaid\S an. ()liio: iieai' \\'lieelin^' — ^F. iV (J. S ASPER, \'ill. Si.iny leave(l Sow-thistle. ls\. . W. X. Doddridge: near Sniithton. TRAGOPOGON, L. T. PORFvIFOLIUS, 1>. Salsify. Oyster-plaid. Waste grounds. ^F)rg■an : near Xo. 12 A\'ater Tank. CAMPANULACE.S LOBELIA, L L. cardinalis, !>. Cardinal Flower. Fow gi'oimds, and low liaidcs of streams. Xieliolas: C'ollett's(;iade. (iilmer: near (ilenville — V. ]\[., ProF Brown. Ptandolph; near Cricard J\ O. ( ireenbrier: near Wldte Sul- phur Springs. Summers: near Talcott, and Ilinton. Kan awha: near Kanawha City. I\Fison : near Brighton. I'^re- ijuent throughout the State. Hai-dy: near ^F)oi'etield — C L. syphilitica. J., (ireat F>lue J.ohelia. ^f. i\: (J. Fow wet grounds. Randolph: near ]^lkins,and along tlie valley of Tygart's. (Jilnier: near (llenvilh — V. >F I'ayette: near Xuttallhurg. ( ! reenhriei' : near White Sul- ])hur Springs. Monongalia: neai- .Morgantown. Summers: 8i»S near lliiiti'H. .IclVcivoii : iicai- Slii'iilicrdstnwn. 1 lai'ilv : ncai- .ModVclii'lil — ( i. fonii'i albiflora, J>ritt. \\'it]i the s))e('it's. Kaiidoliili : near 1 1 uttniisvillc tVc- (|Ul'llt . L. puberula, Mi( hx. I.DW liiDuml.-. Fayette: near XuttilHiui-.u — I,. W. X. .MdUimLialia : near ^loi'iiantown. L. amoena. Mielix. "//•. glandulifera. (I ray. Swaniiiv s]i()ts. Fa\'i'tte: near X uttallburu'. alt. i^OOO ft., ran— L. \V. X. L. leptostachys, A. DC Sandy soil. W 1: near Leaelitown. Suninier,-: near I ] intiin. L. spicata, Lam. M. iV (>. Sandy hillsides. Monon^iiaiia : near Ice".< Ferry, and alidve ( 'anij) Kden. I'lisliur: near Unekhannon. T'//. parviflora. (iray. ^^'et jilares. (iilnier: near ( i lemille — \'. M. L. infiata, L. Indian Toljaeeo. Fohelia. F. W. X. ,\'- M-, -M. A- (i. l)ry soil.^. Conmion t hi'oULihout the State. Viir. simplex i Haf. ). Dry places. Handnlph : near ( 'rieard, P. O. Cliai-ae- tcrs ot'tlie species, but sinijilc steinined. Ilavinu- noted that this form })er|)etiiated itself at one station in New York State, near lUniihamton, for five yt'ai's : I liave (U'ciiU'd that it is a true variety. ApproacJiinii- the (juestion from another point of view : 1 woi-ked over a fiehl near Mor^antown this season, examinini; T'^-! small [)buits of r.. inHata, many of \vhi(di were not ovci' t'our incdies hiuli, without tindiuii- u sin^'le siniple-stemnied plant amoni;' them. At the statiou ahove named, as well as that in New ^'ork. there was a goodly amount of the variety, with none of the sjiecies in the immediate neiLihhoi'h 1. SPECULARIA, Hei£t. S. perfoliata, (L.), A. DC Venus" Lookimi-i^lass. M. tV.- (i. Dry soils. Mononiialia : near Mori^antown. U])sluir. neai- lUiekhaunon. (iilimr: near (Jlenxille — \ . .M. I'^iy- ette: near Xuttallhurii' — D. \\ . X. Ilai'dv: near .Muorelield — G. ;U)0 CAMPANULA. L. C. rotundifolia, L. Ihuebdl. M. it G. Moist I'ocks. Mineral : alono- tlic l'(it(Miiac, near Key- ser — W. (iiliuer: near (ilcn\illr — \'.M. Tucker: along the I*>laek water. C. aparinoides. I'uisli. >fars]i Im-UHowcm-. Wet meadows. Preston : near TcM'ra Alta. C. Americana. L. Tall HellHower. M.,S: G. Rich woods, or even on dry i-oeks. Monongalia: near leen Ferry.' Wo()d. \\\\\ and Calhoun counties, general, (xilnier: near (Tlenville \'. M., Prof. Brown. Lewis, and ri)sliur. Handctlpli : near ("heat Bridge, alt. oOoO ft., with wands 4-() ft. high. W'eltster: in tlie glade region. Fayette: near Xuttallhurg — L. W. X . : along Loup Creek — .lames. , Kanawha and -laekson : general, (rreenliriei- : near AN'hite Sulphur S|irings. Summei's: near Hinton. .Marion: near W'orlhington. an(l near I'airmoni. C. divaricata. Mi( hx. M. c'c (i. l)rv banks. Summers: near Taleott. ( ireenhriei- : near White Sulplinr S]irings. VACCINIACE^. GAYLUSSACIA, H. B. K. G. dumosa ( Amir i. T. tV: (I. Dwarl' Huckleberry. Damp, sanily soils. Kanawha: near Cliai'leston — James. TTardy: n(>ai' ^[oor(>field. G. frondosa (L.), T. d- (L Dangleherry. Low copses. Fayette: near Hawk's Nest — .Limes. Webster : I'p|>er Clade. G. resinosa (Ait.). T. A- C. Huckleberry. Wirt: near l^urning Springs. ^Lonongalia : near Laurel Hills. Marion: near Forkslnirg. Fayette: near Xuttallbuig — L. W. X. Fi-e(iuent througliout tlie State. OXYCOCCUS, Pers O. macrocarpUS, Pei-.-. {'ranberr\-. i \'(irriiil,ii m iiKicrnrarfiOiK Ait.) >L l'c G. (rladi's. \\"ebster : Welsh. Long and r])per Gladeis. (Thiti .station will he k)st in a few years, as drainage is being |)ractii^ed here to reclaim the land ). Preston: (rlade Farms, Morgan's (rlade, (-'ranherrv. Keedsville and T(M'ra .Vita, 400 VACCINIUM, L. V. stamineum. L. Doerbirrv.' Open woods. \Mit : near Burning Springs. .Miucral : along Kno1)by Mts. — \\' . (Tilniei-: near (-rlenville— \'. M. Fayette: near Xuttallburg— L. W. N. • (Irant: near Bayard. Tueker : near Havis. Hardy: near ^foorefield — (<. .Mereer: near BlnetieM. V. Pennsylvanicuni. Lam. Dwarf Blueljerrv. J)ry liills. (iilniei-: neai- (Menville — A'. M. l>rookt-: near Wellf«)inrg — M. i^c (L V. vacillans. S. W. X. •lefferson : near Harper's Ferrv— M. it (i. K. angustifolia. L.. Sheepdaund. Land>kill. Hillsides. Calhoun: Laurel Run. rpshui': Sand Run. X'icholas : near Beaver Mills. Randol]ih : near Cheat Bridge. Hardy: near ^looi-efield. MENZIESIA, Smith. M. globularis, Salisb. Pocahontas: suuiunt of Spruce Knob. alt. 4SO0 ft. — .\. 1). Hopkins. 402 RHODODENDRON, L R. maxiinum, 1-. (iivat Laurel. .hmics. L.W.X.. \'.M.. M.d-(i. \h'v\> rich woikI^-. loi-iiiiuii- the iiios^t dense and tancrled tliiekets in the mountains. \\'t>stern limit on the (rreat Ka- nawha River near (_'harle.-tou. l\ana\vha County. Connnon t hrouti'hout the eastern ami noi-thern iiorti(.ins of the State. R. arborescens, Toi-i-. Smooth AzaK-a. (ilath's and aloni; mountain .-treams. Faxclte: near .\utlallhur---l,. \V. N.' \\'el)st]» of Allpphanie?. Suinnicrs : iH^ai' 1 1 inton. CLETHRA, L. C. acuminata. Midix. Wliitc AUlw. W'ooilcd hanks. Fayt'ttr: aloiiutlit' < iaulev River at the liasc of tbo (Taulcy Mounlains ; nrai- Xuttallliui'g. uncoin- iiion — L. W. X. PSEVA. IJaf. (l.SOU) (Cliiniaiihila. Pursli 1S14.) P. unibellata < L.), J'liiuT'V Phw. Dry woods, rare compared with the iitxt. Mononga- lia: ahmg 1 )eeker"s ( 'reek : and on I.anrd Mills in pinrtldck- rts. P. niaculata (I,.,. "Pii)sisseway."' .M. tt (I. l\ieli woods. tViMjuent througliont the nortliern, eas- tern, and central counties, (lilnier: ncai' (ilenvdle — ^^ M. Prof. P)rown. Kanawha: near Charleston — lames. Fay- ette: near Hawk's Xcst. and Kanawlia Falls: near Xiittall- hui'L; — P. \\ X. IPirdy: near Mooiclield — (J. MONESES, Salisb. M. grandiflora, Salisli. ()ne-tlowere(l Pyrola. Deep, cold woods, (lilmer: near (llenville — V. M. J'rcston: along Paurel Plills. .AP)nongalia : near Clieat ^'ilMv. and along <^)uai'ry Pun. PYROLA. L. P. elliptica, Xutt. Shindeaf. M. ^^^ (P Picli woods. Ivanawlia : near ( 'hai'lcston — .hinies. Preston : ncai' l\'rra A Ita. P. rotundifolia. P. Shiideaf. ' ^l.i\:8luir: Snnimit on Stannton Pike. DIAPENSIACE^. GALAX, L. G. aphylla, I,. A\'()odlands. Fayette: near XnttallburL;- — L. W. X. .Monongalia: Dille Farm near ^loraantown. PRIMULACEJE. DODECATHEON L D. Meadia. F. shooting Stai'. Rich woods. Mint'ral : near Kc^yser — W. Hardy: near Mooretield — G. TRIENTALIS. L. T. Americana (Pers. >, Pursh. Star Flower. Damp eool woods. .Mineral: near Piedmont, (irant : near Bayard. Tueker: along Blaekwater Fork of Cheat. Preston: ncai' Terra Alta. ^fonongalia : near Laurel Point. STEIRONEMA. Raf S. ciliatum (L.). Pai". .M. A- (i. Low grounds and ditdjes. Pandolph : J., M. c*;- (;. Moist soils. In all sections of the State visited. L. terrestris (L.), B. S. P. ( /,. sirirtd^ Ait.) Wet places. Fnyette: near .XuttallKur^-, in raili-oad ditches, infrequent — L. W . X. Oliio : on Bc^oo'^ Island — M. (.(• ^T. A\'ood near Kanawha Station. L. MUMMULARIA, L. M(»ney-\vort. Ksca])ed tVoni cuUi\'ation. Wood: near LockhartV Run. profuse. L. thyrsiflora, L. I'yrainidal Loosesti'ife. Wei nu^adows neai- the nuiuntains. Cpshur: near Buckliaunon. Randolph : alonu- TyaartV Wallev River. •Moi'uan : near Hancock. ANAGALLIS, L. A ARVENSIS, L. I'oor .Man's Weather-ulass. \^^lste jilaces. Jetlei'son : neai' Bolivar Heights — M. .^- (;. SAMOLUS, L. S. Valerandi, nir. floribundus, (H.]'>. K.), B.S. P. rar. American an, Gray. Sandy places. Sunini(M-s: shon^s of Xew River near Hiuton. EBENACEJE. DIOSPYROS, L. D. Virginiana, L. IVrsiumion. Date Plum. M. c^- (t. Thickets and ojyens. Wood: throughout. Fayette: near Nuttallburu; — L. W. X. (Jilniei-: near (ileuville— \'. -M. Monongalia: near Morgantown. V\'ii't : along Little Kanawha Rivei'. Jacdvson : near Ripley. Lewis: along Leading Creek. STYRACACE^ HALESIA, ElHs. H. tetraptera, L. •■Shittimwood." lianks of sti'eams. Fayelte: near Xutlallhurg — L. W. X.: helow (iauley l>riilgc. Summers: neai- llinton, abun- dant. 4(W) OLE ACE^. FRAXINUS. L. F. Americana, L. White Ash. i.. \\'. X.. M. .V: (;. Ivicll woods. Fr('(|Urllt thlnliohnut tllC Stiltc F. pubescens, l>,iiii. IJcd m- JMack Ash. f.(i\v LiTdUiids. Uand()l])]i : uIoiil;- Tv^ai'ts N'allov River. I'pshur: iieai' Lawrence. Fayettt.': neai' Xuttall- hurg- — L. \\'. X. ^\^)(ld : alonu' tlie [.ittle Kanawha River. Mason: near i'oiut I'leasant. F. viriclis, Mi(]i.\. 1". (ireen Asli. Along streams. Summers : near llinton. l'"re«|Uenl througliont the State. F. sambucifolia, l>am. Bhuk Ash. Wet woods. AVirt : al()n,u- Straight Creek. l-^iyette: near Xnttallljurg. rart — L. W. X. Randolpli: on Point Mountain. Webster: lUifi'alo Bull ^fountain. .MniKmgalia : near Tee's Ferry. Summers: Hinton. CHIONANTHUS, L C. Virg-inica, I>. J-'iinge Tree. Fvi\"er Ijard^s. Jackson: near Sandy ami liipley. V-jlv- (tte: near Xuttallhurg. plentiful — J.. W. X.: along Gauley RiviM- near (rauley Mountains. Summer.-: near Hinton. Monongalia : along Tihh's Run. LIGUSTRUM. L L. VULGARE, L. Pi i vet. l^seajied from cultivation to waste places. Kauiiwlui : near ( "harlest(Ui — Parnes. APOCYNACEiE APOCYNUM. L A. androssemifoliuni. P. Spreading l)og"s-l.ane. .M. i.^- (i. Meadows, lields. and borders of thi(d-;et>. Randolph: near ('ricard P. ( ). : neai' N'alley Head. ( ii'cenhrier : near While Sulphur Springs. .Mason : near Point Pleasant : near P)rigiiton : near Pulfalo. A. cannabinuin, P. •Rheumatism wee(l."' Indian liemp. -Wild Cotton." M. .^' (;. Moist grounds, ticdds. and hanks of streams. I'^i-ecpient or common throiiuPiout the State. 407 1'.//-. pubescens iM. Hr. i. ix;. llanly : iiciir Mnmvtlrl.l— ( i. ASCLEPIAS, L. A. tuberosa. L. IMcurisy-iout. M. i\: (i. I'^iclils ;inerkelev : Ileal' .Martinslnirg. Hard\-: near .Moorefield — (I. ' A. rubra, I,. I )am|i \voo(ls. ^rcDowoll: near Klkhorn. A. purpurascens, L. Pui|ile .Milk-weed. hamji gronnds. Fayette: near Xuttallhurg — L. W. X.: near (^uinnimont. IIard\': near Mooretield — (i. A variegata. L. Dry Woods. Wirt: near Fdi/.aheth. I psliur: iienr School Mouse Snmniit. Mardy : near .^^ool•eHelrl — (i. Fay- ette: near Xuttallhurg— L. W.' X. A. incarnata, P. Swamn >[ilk-wee(l. M. i\: (i. Wet ]>laees. \\ irt : near PWirning S])rings. (rilmer: along Tanner's Fork. Haiidol])h : along Tygart's Vallev River, alt. P)(;:5-22()0 It. Fayette: near Nvittall})urg— L. W. X. ^loiiongalia : near Stewartown. Summers: near Hin- ton. Kanawha: near ( 'hai'leston. Mai'ion : near \\drthing- ton. ]'end ; on Point Mountain, alt. UtGo-ooOO ft. Preston: near Terra .Vita. (Irant : near Bavard. Tucker: near Davis. Favette: near Xuttalll.ui-— P'. W. X. 4()S A. quadrifolia, L. Four-leaveil Milk-wcnl. M. it (>. Open woodlands. Miiicrnl : near Kcyscr — W. Ivaiia- wlia : near C'havlfston--Bai-ncs. (Jili)iei': near (ilrnville— ^'. M. Fayette: near Nuttallbnru- — I.. W. X. Monongalia: near Ma]")le Run — M. H.Brown. Sunuiicrs: m-ar Hinton. Hardv : near ^loorefield — O. ACERATES, Ell. A viridiflora (Kaf.), Ell. (irccn-Howcrcd Milk-weed. Berkeley: near Martinsburg — M. (.V: Ci. Mineral: near Kev.ser. Jellerson: near ("liarle.. Fayette: iieaf Kanawha Fi\]]< — Sell")}-. G. linearis, Froel. Boaiiv i»la(H\-. l^resttin : nearTerra Alta ami Morgan's (ihule. OBOLARIA, L O. Virg-inica, I-. I'enn\ uuit. Moist woods. (Hlnier: n,)ar (ileuville— \". M. Fav- .)tte: near Xuttall!>urg-L. W. X. ^FeDowell : near Elk- Ixn'n. POLEMONIACE^ PHLOX, L. P. paniculata. Fro-, acuminata (I'ursli.). ('lia|ini. Monroe: lianks of ( Jreenhi'ier ri ver- -1-. W. X. P. niaculata, F. Wild Sweet William. (irassy \voodlanlnelield. •410 POLEMONIUM. 1,. P. reptans, I.. (in-ek N'alciiau. M. S: G. Daiiip woods. Monoiiiialia : in Uraiids Woods m-ai' Kaston. wluTc it is usi-d by Xhv people of tiiat neighhcirhood JV8 a stoiiiacldc and tijiiie. Iiieli woods, near Moruantown. (iiliuev: near ( J leii viile — \'. M. P. ceeruleum. L. Jacob's Ladrowii. Hardy: ncai' Moort'tit'ld — (i. Mcicci-: ucnorally tVeciucnt. C. Virg-inicuni. I,. Wild Conifny. M. ^'k: (i. Wniid ()j)cnin,Lis. Calhoun: near Wliiti> Pine (irant : near llayard. Preston: near Terra A Ita. ^ronoiioalia : near Morgantowii (lihner: near (!K'iiville — W M . Summers: near Hinton. ECHINOSPERMUM, Sw. E. Virginicum ( P. ), Pehm. Peutiar's-lice. 'I.. P. W. X.. \'. .\P. >PcV-(i. P)oi-dei< and thiclcets. Preiment thi-ou,i:hont tlie State. MERTENSIA, Roth. M. Virginica ( i.. t. PC \'iruinian Powslip. Punu-\voi1. l')lue-bells. M. .t fP Ivieh woods. .Mononualia and APu'ion ; along the ]\P>- nongahela River. Pewis: along Stone Coal Creek. Wirt: near Ellizaheth. Ppshui': near Paurentz. (iilmer: uvav (rlenvilP — ^^ M., Prof. Prown. ILardy : neai' .Mooi'clield — (i. ONOSMODIUM, Michx. O. Carolinianuni. DC. Summt'rs : hanks of New Pivei-near Hinton. MYOSOTIS. L. M. PALUSTBIS (J>.). Pelh. Forget-me-not. r)am|i ]»laees. .Pdfei'son : neai- TPirpei-'s Ferry — M. I'c C. SYMPHYTUM, L S. OFFICINALE. P. Coinfrey. Waste }ilaees. (lilmer: near ( i len viUe — \. .M . .Mei'- eer: n(^ar 1 nuleside. 412 LITHOSPERMUM. L L. ARVENSE. L. Coin Crninwell. Fields. Ohio: Hear Wlnrliuii- -.AI. A" (i. Fayottf : near Xuttallliurg— L. \V. N. L. latifolium, MicJix. StoiU'-srcHl. Ohio: Cowan's Hill near Wlieelinu- — M. i\:(i. Fay- I'ttf : near Niittallhuro;: rare, nut found in iSl^il — ].. \V. X. Monongalia: near Little Falls--K. D. A\'alker. L. canescens uMiehx.Y JAhm. Pnceoon. ( )pen \voo(ls. Mineral: on Knohhv Ah)nntain — W. Hardy : near Old Fields— A .D. Hopkins: and :Moor'fiold— C. Hampshire : near Ronmey. ECHITJM, L E. VULGARE, L. "Bine Weed."' ■•JUue Devils." ••Blue Thi>tle." •'Blue Stem." M. it (1. Fields and waste uround. Jeffei'son : ahundant es- peeially near Charle.stown. wheie there are many tields ahso- luteJy l)lue with the plant. Dr. (iray says of his trij) through this country: "From the moment we entered tlie valley, we ohserved such inmien.-e ([uantitics oi' Echium vulgare, that We were no longer surprised at the douht ex]iressed V>y Bursh whether it were retdly an introdueed )»lant:" near Shenandoah J unetion ; Shepherdstown and llarpei-'s Ferry. Randolph: along Tygarts \'alley River: near Huttonsville, and up RiHies Creek. J^erkeley: near ^lartinshurg, ])lentiful. ^[organ : near Hani-oek. Caeapt)n and Orleans X Roads. Minei'al : near Keyser. and Piedmont. Fayette: near Kana- wha P'alls — James-: near Xuttallburg — L. W. X. Kanawha: opposite Coalhttrg. Summers: near Hinlon. .Jetferson: neai- Summit Point. (Treenhrier: neai' White Sulphur Si)rings. Hardy: near Mooretield. Alsn reported from: .lelferson : uvav Hipon. Summit Point. Middleway and Kahletown. Berkeley : near Oakton and Hedgesville. Morgan: near Roek Ciaj). Hampshiie: near Slanesville. Concord. Ronmey. Three Cluuehes. Dillon's Rtm. Higginsville, Sedan. I'urgitsville and Springfield. Min- eral : near Blaine. Hardy: near ^looi'cliekl. Wardensvilk' and Old Fields, (irant : near Medley. (Treenland and Peters- hurg. Tucker: near Plendricks and St. Georges. Pendle- ton: near Franklin and U])i)er Tract. Pocahontas: near Lo- belia. Greenbrier: near \Villiamsburg and Fort Spring. Summers: near Talcott. Mercer: near Princeton and Xew . lT()])e. McDowell: near Sipiire -lim. \\'ood: near Waverly. Lewis: near Vadis and Abeideen. Harbour: near Old Field. WeV>st(M' : neai- RepU'te. Wetzel : near Eiulieott. Doddridge: iiL'ur Sinitlitoii. M.-ii-sliall : near l.(i\v(irii\-ilk'. KoaiU': lu-ai' Clio and Walnut C^rovf. Kanawlia: near Toi-nado. Tavlof: near Thornton : and Clay : ncai- X'allev Fork. CONVOLVULACEiE. IPOMCEA, L. I COCCINEA. I,. Scarlet Morniug-jilory. Waste grounds. ]Moiioiipdia: near .Moruantown. Ma- son: near Point Pleasant. I. HEDERACEA, .Iac(|. I \ y-lcavcil .Morning-glory. Waste ])la<'es. Ma-^on: .ckhart's Run. Monongalia: near Morgan- town, -laekson : neai' Sandyvillc. Mason and Putnam: an ahundant we<'d in coi-n fields. o I. pandurata, iP.i. .Meyer. --Wild Sweet Potato.'" M. ^- C Fields, roadsides, and waste |)laees. Monongalia: near Stewartown. MorgantoAvn and Glenville. Marion: near iloughtown. Opckiska, and Fairmont. \\'ood : near Kana- wha Station and Lockhai't's Run. <-«iiilmer: near (ilenville — \'. M. Fayette: near Xuftallhu.g— P. W. X. (Ireenl)rier: near ^\'hite Sidi)hur Springs. Monroe: near Alderson. Ma- son: near Point Pleasan/. Summers: near Plinton. Hardy: near Moorelield— (t. Reportcfl as a trouhlesome weed, fi-om the following localities: ^Marion : near Canton. Farnnngttni. Barracksville, k'lilora. and Worthington. Taylor: near Ci-afton. Harri- son: near Clarksburg. P)ridge|»ort, (iood llo])e, Mt. Clair, and Wallace. Hampshire: near Slanesville. Curg — L. \\ . X. Summers: near Hinton. CONVOLVULUS. L C. spitliamseus. P. Rocky soil. .Mineial; near Kcys( r — \\ . C. sepiuni. L. Hedge liindweed. M. iV: (i. Alluvial soils. Monongalia: ni'ar Little Falls: and alf)ng Decker's Creek. Mason: near Point IMeasant. ]'eeoi)Uiig a detc-stahlc weed in lields and t'oi-ests. Calhoun: alonu- Treading ("reek. Wood: near Kanawha Station. A\'irt : near Klizaheth. l\and()l[)h : near Crieard P. (). Wchster: on Butfalo Bull Mountains. Xieholas: near Beaver Mills. (Tilniei-: near (rlenville-V. ^I. Fayette: near X'littallltttrgh-L. W. X. ^Fononoalia : near Tee's Ferry. Cabell: near Barlionisville. Greenbrier: near White Sulphur Springs, ^[onroe : near Alderson-. Summers : near Hinton. Kanawha: near Charb^ston. ^fason: near Point Pleasant. Jetferson : near Flowing Spirings. and Sbepberdstown. >rer- eer : near Ingleside. ]\e])oi'ted as a troid)lesome weed from: Harrison: near Clarksbui'gh. ^^'ilsonl)l^rgh, Good Hope, Mt. (dair, and Wallace. Ohio: neai- I'dm (irove and West I..iberty. Wood: near Waverly, ]>(dlevill(\ Deer Walk and Kanawha Station. Hardy: near ^[ooretiidd and Wardensville. (Jrant: neai' Medley and Petersburg. Jefi'erson : near Moore's and Kabletown. Summers: near Forest Hill and Taleott. Wet- zel: near Endieott. Pine (4rove, Xew Martinsville and Blake. Mini'ral: near Patterson's Depot, and Blainei Wirt: near J^urning Springs. Morris, Evelyn, and Reedy Ripple. Jack- son : nearCirass Lick, and Odaville. Cabell: near Fnion Ridge, and Jiarboursville. Taylor: near Knottsville. Wayne: near Stone Coal, and Adkin's ^lills. Doddridge: near Smith- ton, and Center i)oint. ^Marshall: near Knoxville, and \Ve\- eome. l^raxton : near lUdltown. and Tate Creek. Ik-rkeley: near Hedgesviile. fiercer: near Bramwell. and Xew Mope. Roane: near Looneyville, Clio. Reedy, and Pencil. Poca- hontas: near Lol)elia. Kanawh;i: near P)landoii. (ir('ns. Fayette: near Xnttalll>urg — T>. \V. X. P. angulata. L. (i round Cherry. (Ipen i-ieh grounds. Grant: near Bayar(L (filnier: near ( !lenvill( — V. ^L Wood: near Kanawha Station. P. pubescens, L. Low grounds. Fayette: near Xuttallhurg — L. M'. X. Ohio: iiear Wheeling — M. & G. Jefferson: near Sh(>|)hei'ds- town. Mason: near Point Pleasant. P. Virginiana, Mill. Light sandy soils. Monongalia: near Beeehwoods. Jeft'erson: near Shepherdstown. .Ludcson : near lvi])ley. Hardy: near Moorefield — G. P. viscosa, L. Lo\v grounds. Oliio: nearWlieeling — M.t\:(I. liardy: neai" ^h)orelield — G. P. lanceolata, Miehx. Dry opens. -Lackson : near Hipley. Wood: near Sharktown. PHYSALODES, Bohn, (1760; ( Xie;!iidra. .Vdans, 176o) P. PHYSALOIDES (L.) Apl>le-of-i*eru. Waste grounds. Lewis : near Weston. .Minei-ah near I'icdiDont. LYCIUM, L L. VULGARE (.\it). J)un. Matrimony Vine. A IVcMjuent and persistent eseajx'. Berkeh'y: near Martinsl)Ui'gh. .lelTerson: near She])lierdstown. >Lison : lianks o!' the Oliio near I'oiiit IMeasant. DATURA. L. D. Stramonium L. ••.limson-weed." .lamestow n-wced. Stink- wee(L L. W. N.. \'. .M.. y\. A- (i.. (L Waste plaees. A eoiiimoii weed throughout the State. 417 D. TATULA, I>. i'luplc'riioin-appU'. L. W. N., V. M., ^F. i^'(i. With the last. (loninioii tlirouo-hoiit the Statcv PETUNIA, L P. VIOLACEA, Hook. lOscapcd to waste grounds. Monongalia: near Morgan- town, . common, where it i)ersists annually. Mason : near Point Pleasant. Jeftei'son : near Shepherdstown. SCROPHULARINE^. VERBASCUM, L. V. Thapsus, L. Mullein. L. \V. N., V. M., M. A- (i. old fields and pastures. ('(Hiiiuon thi'ougliout the State. V. Blattaria, L. Moth Mullein. M. c^'Ci. Fields and waste places. Wirt : along the Little Ka- nawha Itiver. (lilnier: near (Tlenville — V. M. Fayette: near Nuttallburg — L. W. X. Monongalia and Marion, common, (irant: near liayanl. .Ielier.S(jn : near Oharlestown. P>erke- ley : neai- North Mountain. Elsewhere frequent. V. LYCHNITIS, p. ^'(■llow Moth-nndlein. Fields and Avastes. Kanawha: roadside, uj) S Mile C'l'eek. Mineral: o[)posite Cundiei'land, Md. LIN ARIA, Juss. L. VULGARIS, Mill. Toad Fhix. -DvxiV^ Flax." "Wild Flax." •'Indian Hemp." "Impudent Lawyer." M. & G. Fields, roadsides and waste places. Monongalia: near Stewarttown. Jefferson : near Chaiiestown and Shenandoah Junction. Jackson: near Sandy ville. Berkeley: near North Mountain. Mineral: near Piedmont and Keyser. Hardy: near ]\[ooretield — G. Also reported as a \veed frt)m : LLirrison : near Good LI ope. Ohio: neai West Liberty. Wood: near Jerr3^'s Run, Fountain Spring, Blennerhassett, and Rockport. Jefferson : near Molers. Wetzel: near P^ndicott. Mineral: near Pied- mont. Wirt : near Burning Spring, Morris and Reedy Rip- ple, Jackson : near Lone Cedar, Garfield, and Belgrove. Cabell: near Union Ridgx'. Taylor: near Thornton and Meadland. Wayne: near Stone Coal. Marshall: near St. Joseph. Berkeley: near Martinsburg. Greenbrier, near White Sulphur Springs. ]\[ason: near Grimm's Landing and Maggie. P^pshur : near Kanawha Head and Overhill. Tvl(>r : near T>oni); Peach, ^^'ebstel■: near , Welch Glade. 41S Pivstoii: near 'runnclton and Tlti-ji Alta. Ilancuck: near Ne\v ('uiiil>crlan.^- (i. Monon.ualia : near ( 'assville. CHEL.ONE, L. C. glabra, I.. Snake Head. Wet places. Cilnior: near ( ilenville— \'. M Fay- ette: near Xuttalllinre. uneonmion — L. W. X. Wirt: near IhirninLi' Si)rinL!. C. obliqua. h Wet plares. Randolph: ali>nu' Ciieat River near Cheat l»i-id,ue. Monoiiaalia : nei' Camp l^den. PENTSTEMMON. Mitch. P. llirsutus L). W'illd. Beard-toni^ne. ( /'. yx/Zx^srez/.s, Sol. ) Drv or rotdvv places Kanawha: near Charleston — l>arne>. Ciliner: near (ilenville — V. M. Cahell : near Bar- l)oui>\illi — James. Hardy: near Moorelield — (i. Ilamp- shiic : near Doe's Cully. P. Isevigatus, Solamh IJiehsoil. Favette: near Nut taljluu'i:-. in open woods - L. W. .\. ]'(ii-. Digitalis( Xutt. ) (iiay. Rich >oil. Moiioni^ana : alon^- the .Mononi^ahela Riv- ei-. tVeipient. Wood: neai" Kanawha Station. Fayette: near Kanawha h'alls — .lames. llaidy: near Moorelield. Ifampshii-e : near 1 )or"s ( inlly. 419 MIMULUS, L M ringens., L. .Mdiiki'v Flower. M. tV: (t. \\'('t ))l:i<-e>-. Upsliur: aloiii;- Stone ("oal Crerk. F'ay- r\{i': near Kanawha Falls — -Jauif><; near Xuttallhurjj; — L. \V'. N. Kandoljili: alony- Tviiai-t's X'allcy iJivcr. Frciiuent: throughout the State. M. alatus, .\it. Winded Monkey Flower. Wet ])laees. (ireenhrier: near White Suljihur Spi-iniis. Putnam : near Biitlalo. GRATIOLA, L G. Virg-iniana, I,. (Jratiola. L. W. N., M. iV (i. l)itelies. Coniinon throughout the State. G. sphserocarpa, Fll. Damp plae«'s. Fayette: iH'ar Xuttallhurg-. on mossy lianks in bed of ereek. — [>. A\' N. ILYSANTHES, Raf. I. gratioloideSi^L), Benth. F^lse Pim}iernel. ( /. rip>i, ■/ea\'er Spr. V. officinalis. L. Si'eedwell. "'iyp-y Weed."' M. eV: (i. ivieh, deep woods and ojiens. Randolph : on Rich Mount uns. Ciilmer: near (ilen\illt — \'. ^F Kanawha: near Charleston — .lames. Fayette : near Nuttallhurg — L. W. X. MonoiiLialia : alonu Decker's Creek. (Jreeid)rier : near 420 White Suljdnir l^priug.s ; aud lrtM[iU'Ut tlin)Ugliuiit the State, fiercer: near Beaver Spr., and Bluetield. V. Serpyllifolia, L. Thymedeaved S](eed\vell. Road^^ides. fields and laAvns. Monongalia: near Mor- gantown. (lilnier: near (llenville — V.'M. Favette : near Nuttallburg— L. W. X. Ohio: near Wheeling— M. i^c G. fiercer: near Blnefield. V. peregrina, h. Xeali;i : aloiii;- the .MoiKtiiguIiela at rrtin^ton, and l)elo\v Morgantt)wn. iJandolph : near \'allev Head. Preston: near Terra A Ita. Ilarnjtsliire: near Roin- ney. PEDICULARIS L. P. Canadensis, L. Louse-wort. . M. it (i. Cojises, woods and banks. I'l'eston : near Terra Alta. Fayette : near Nuttallbiiro; — L. W. >.'. (iilniei-: near Glen- ville— \'.Ar. (Ireenhrier : near White Sulphur Springs. Suniniei-s: near Hinton. MeDowell : neai' Elkhorn. MELAMPYRUM. L. M. lineare, l.am. Cow-wheat. M. Aiiwrinunnn. .Miehx. liieh, open woods. I'l'cstnn: neai- 'i'erra Alta. OPOBANCHACE^. EPIPHEGUS, Nutt. E. Virginianai L), Hart. l>eech-drops. Cancer-root. Parasitic upon the roots of the l)eech. Wirt : near Elizabeth, (lihner: near (llenville — \. M. Fayette: near Xuttallburg — 1>. W. \. Mononuralia: near Alorgantown. CONOPHOLIS, Wallr. C. Americana! L.l". ), Wallr. Cancer Root. ()ak woods. Among fallen leaves. Monongalia' along Decker's Creek and near Little P\dls. (lilmer: near (llenville— V. M. Fayette: near Xuttalll)nrg— L. W. N. McDowell: near Elkhorn. !\[ercer : near P>lueJield. APHYLLON, Mitch. A. unifl.oruni(L.), (Ji'ay. One-llowered Cancer-root. M. ct (i. Damp woodlands and o])ens. ^^onongalia : nearMor- gantown. \\'irt : near Elizabeth. ( nimer : near ( ilen ville — \.y\. Favette: near Xuttalll)uru— E. W. X. 422 BIGNONIACE^. TECOMA. Juss. T. radicansi r...), .hiss. 'rrunipci-l^n'riM'i-. M. A- G. Moist soil. ]\[on()ii,<>:ili:i : near Little I'alls. Marl n: Ileal' Fairmont. Favcttt' : uvnr Nuttallbnrii' — I.. ^^'. X. Suiuiacrs: n(;ar Hinton. Mason: near I'oint Pleasant ; and IVe(|Uent tlironuliont the State. CAT ALP A. Juss C. Bignonioides. Walt. Indian liean Ti-ee. •■( 'ata\vl>a." M.^Mi. l{i\"er lianks. .Marion: near ( 'atawlia. a itlaee iianie<| after this tree, which would render it a|)i)arenl that the tree was native here, which I hold to lie true. Wood: near Leaelitown. ClilnuM': near 1 )eKalh and along Leading- (reek. Mononoalia: near lee's Ferry and Stewai'town. Wirt: near F]lizal)eth. rpshtir: alon.u" lilt;- Sandy Run. alt. 1S27 ft. ^^ason : near I'oint Pleasant. AC ANTHAC E^SE RXJELLIA. L. R ciliosa. Pursh. ^laru'ins of woods. Wood: near Leachtown. ^\'irt : neai- Elizabeth. Calhoun: near ( nantsville. (iiliner: near heKalh. Lewis: alonu' Stone Coal Crt'ck. Cpshur: near Laurent/.. Nicholas: along the (lanley Pixcr. Kanawha: near Cannelltoii. DIANTHERA, L. D. Americana, P. Water Willow. P. W. N.. M. A- (;. Jn streams. Common thi-ouuhout the State. VERBENACEiE. VERBENA. L. V. OFFICINALIS, L. \'ervian. .leil'eison : near ILirper's Feiry — ^L iV: (i. V. urticeefolia. P. Whit.' Vervian. P. W. X.. M. \ C. Wasti' or o[)en gi'otmds. ('omm'on throughout the State. V. hastata, I.. I'Aiw W-rvian. f.. W. X. Damp waste .uroimds and roadsides. l''rc(|Uciil 1 lirouo-Iutut the State. In some places rare. V. angustifolia, .Mi( lix. M. A- C. Iioadsides and waste [daees. 'Idirmiiilioul Jetlerson ('onnt\'. Hardy: near Moorefield — (I. LIPPIA, L. L. lanceolata, Mi( lix. Fmi: Fmit. Waste g-rounds. Ohio: ni'ar West Wheeling — .M . i<: (J. Mason: IJanks orthe()hio Hi\('i-n<'ar Point T'leasant. PHRYMA. L P. Leptostachya, I.. Lop-seed . M. i\,' (;. IJich open \v. S. 1'. False I'ennyroyal. /. in rn/nis, 'M\i-\]x. Miiieial: opiiosite ( 'undu'rlany oh inches long — \j. W. .\. .Monongalia: near Camp I'Men. Mror[onongalia: near Morgantown. Fayette: near Xuttallburg F. W. X. (Jihner: near (ilenville— V. ]\F Mercer: near Tngleside. MONARDA. L. M. didyma, F. l]ee-baliu. Oswego-'i'ea. M. . W. N.: mar Kana- wha J'^alls — -la'iies. Kanawha: neai- Coallnir^- — James. (Jrct'nluiei' : near White S\il|)liui- SpiinLis. .Marion: near l-'aiiiiioul. Hani}-: near .Moorelield — (i. V(ir. rubra, (iray. Moist Lirounds. .Mineral: ;donii- .Vhraham's ('I'eek. Summers: near (ireenhrier Stockyards. .Monroe: near W- derson. ]^ummit of Uieli .Mountain, alt. :!(H)0 ft. l-^iyettr: near Hawk's Nest— -lames. Preston : near Terra .\lta. AGASTACHE, (iron. ,17arnes. Fayette- neai- Kana\\ha l''alls — James. (iilmiM': nea]- Clenville— V. M.: I'lof. jirown. Kandol|ih : summit of Point .Mountain, alt. ;)7(H) ft. Mononiralia: near Pound l^ot- tonis : o|)]>o.-ite Little Falls. I-^ivette: near .\uttalll)Ui-ii- — P. W. N. NEPETA, L N. CATARIA. P. Catrdii. P. W. -W. \' . M.. M. A" (i. poadsides and waste places, ("oiiinion tliroui:hout the State. I'ound at variotis points in the hiLrher .\ llc^hanies. I'eniote fi'oni dwcllintrs. 427 N. HEDERACEAd..). H. S. 1'. (houikI Ivv. ( lill-i.vcr-tlio-iiTouiul. .V. CUrhnmn. \\vu{\\. L. \V. N..M. ,t (i. Al>uii(l;mt tlir(>u- Skull-cai). L. W. X.. M. t\: (i. Wet shady })lac(s. Fi-c(|U(Mit tlirou.iiliout the State. S. versicolor, X\itt.. o*/. minor, ('haimi. IJicli soil. Fayette: near Xnttalll)ur':- — L. W. X. On visitiiiL: Mr. Xuttall's station for tliis s])eeies. a moss covered l)oulder. J was ini|»icssc(l with t lie threat beauty of tliis little skull-eaii. w hich. in its mossy licil. .rescMnhleil a hriulit blue hit of aAnv \\\n)\\ ;i f'airy"s |ialettc. S. saxatalis, Kiddrjl. M. a- (i. Moist shady hanks. I'^ayettc: near Xnttallhiu'o- — J,. W . X.; alon<>- the north hank of the (iivat Kanawlia River near Kanawha Falls. S. serrata. .\ndrews. \\'oodl;inds : Kanawha; neai' Charleston — Barnes. I'utnam: neai- IhiM'alo. i-'ayette: near XuttallhurLi' — L. W. X. S. canescens, Xutt. M. cV- G. hitclu'S and nioiyt places. Wirt: near Klizahcth. Kanawha : up -S Mile ("reek. S. pilosa, h. I)r\- mountain sides. Favette: neai' Xuttallhnru — L. W. X.' Var. hirsuta, l>enth. \^'ith tlu' ])reeedinL;-. Favette: near XuttalHiurj;- — L. W. X. S. integrifolia, F.. ra,-. hyssopifolia. ]>o\v uiounds. \\'oo(l: nt-ar Kanawha Station. al)Undant. S. parvula. Miehx. Sandy hanks. \\'oolaei's. Kanawha : neai" Charleston — F>a)ii(s. : near T'ocataliiro. Ja(d\son : near Fisher's Point. (lilmei': near (ilenville —Prof. Ih'own. 428 FnniiK albiflora. Kaiinwlia : near Cliavlcston — I'mnics. S. nervosa, Pui^li. M. A: (i. Moist tliickcts. M()non,!L;alia : on Tlic Flats near Mor- j^aiitown. BRUNELLA, L B. vulgaris, !.. Heal-all. C. L. W. X.. V. M., M. A- <^ All situations. Coumion tliroiiwhout the Statr. ForiiKi albiflorai J>o,u,iicnliai-(l,). r>vitt. Jackson: on LinicstontvirKlac PHYSOSTEGIA. Bentli P. Virginianai L. ). lU-ntli. False Drawn-head. Wet ])laees. Fayette: near Xuttallhnri:— F. \\ . X. : near Kanawha Falls — .lames. MARRUBIUM, L. M. VULGARE. F. IFnehonnd. .M. ^V ( r. Waste iivoumls. t'seai)e(l tVoni gardens. llandoli>h: near Ford's. .Jetferson: near She])herdstown. ]ilentiful. STACHYS. L. S. palustris, F. Hedge Nettle. \\'et grounds, ({ilnier: near (ilenville— ^Pi'ol'. Fiown. S. aspera, Miehx. Daniji plaees. Fayette: near Xiittallhurg — F. W. X. V(ir. glabra, Gray. Damp ]tlae(^s. Mason. l)aid\s of the ( >hio Kivei' near Point Pleasant, eoninioii. S. cordata, Uidd. Pocky thieke1>. W irT : near Flizaheth. GALEOPSIS, Lf G. TETRAHIT, F. Heni]) Nettle. Waste places. Preston: neai- Teiia .\lla.; near Cran- ht^rrv Snmniit — ]\F A' (F 429 LEONURUS. L L. CARDIACA, J.. MotliLTWort. Waste placf!> near dwell iiiLis. Muiiouualia : near U-v'a Vvvvy. Hardy: near Mooretii-ld. Mercer: near Princeton. JeMei-son : near Shenandoali Jc. LAMIUM L. L. AMPLEXICAULE, L, Dead Nettle. E.^caped from (iardens. Fayette: near XiittallburLi- — I.. W. X. M(inoii.i'iiilitoii. Hardy: near Mooretield — (;. PLANTAGINE.^ PLANTAGO, L P. MAJOR, I,. Plantain. NVasti' urouml. Ohio: near Wlieejinii- — M. A' ('<. Fayette: Nnttalll)ur.). 15. S. P. (.1. <-it/i//lV' . i-oihiikhi t liroiiii'IiOlTt the Sl;itr. ]'i|. 1 )i-v sandy hillsides. l-'ayctlc : near XuttallhurL;". alt. 2(»l)(i I't.. niK-i.iiii'iK.n — h. W. N. C. HYBRIDUM. L. l)iy sandy hillsides. I'aycttc : near .XuttalUnii'L;. ap- [lai'cntly indiLiennus — !,. \\ . X. .h-lterson : near Slic)ihcrds- 1 n w n . C. URBICUM, I>. M. c^- (;. Waste places. iVeijuenl. C. GLAUCUM, I.. Waste |)laees. MmionLialia : near Tee's FeiTV. C. BOTRYS, h. .lerusah'in Oak. ( )hi(i : neai" Wheelinti'. Jellei'son : She[ilierd.hxiean Tea. M. it G. Waste places. Coninion. K:ina\vlia : ah)ng Great Xanavvha Kivei-. Taylor: near (Jrafton. Wdod : near ParkershurLi. Vnr. ANTHELMINTICUM:(L.), (uay. Worm weed I'lentil'iil alonu the Great Kanawlia Kiver. In Kana- wha. I^itnani and Ma.son eounties. Xayette : near Nnttall- Imrji' — L. W. N'. .Iacksi»n : alonu' ('. A* 1'. ])ike. PHYTOL ACCACE.ffi. PHYTOLACCA. L. P. decandra, Iv. i'oke. Scoke. Garuct. (r., L. W. X.. M. A- (i. .\ll situations, even in hiiihei' niuuntains. ("(inuiioii thi'()U!.ih()Ut tli(> State. POLYGONACE^. ERIGONUM, Michx. E. Alleni, Wats. ( ireenhrier: near White Sulphur Springs — T. I'\ .Mien, POLYGONUM. L. P. ORIENTALE. \.. l^riiK'(.'"s Feather M. ^. (\. Esca|)curg — P. W. X'. Ohio: near Wheeling— M. i^' G. P. acre, M. P. K. (L. P. W. X. Wet phiccs. Conmion througliout tlir State. P. liydroiDiperoides, Michx. Mihl Watei-pe[ipcr. Swampy places. Common t]ironghout the Slate. P. Virginianuin. h. L. W. .\. Thickets and in rich soils, ('ommon ihronghont the State. P. aviculara, L. Dooi'-weed. '-(ioose-grass."' P. W. .\. Ahout dwellings and roadsides. ( 'ommon throughout the State. P. erectum. P. !,, W. .\. With the last. es]>ecially in strei'ts. P. tenue. >hehx. Dry pastures. Woml : near Kanawha Station. Mon- ongalia: near ]\P>rgantown. Tayloi-: neai' Grafton, and common throughout the State. P. sagittatLim, P. Tear-thumh. (;.. h. \\'. X.. M. A- G. Wet places. Common throughout the State. 438 P. arifoliuni, 1.. Lnwmouiuls. JJrrkt'lcy : near Mart iii^^hm-ii-. Mon- (iii^alia: iirar Moi'.ii'aiitdwn, and clscwlu'rc fVefjuent. P. Convolvulus, r.. IMack IJiiulwcct'l. Cianlciis and waste place,-^. Favette: near Nuttallburg — ].. \V. N. Mnsim : near Point I'leasant. P. duinstorum, L., /'//•. scand.eiis(l..),(:;rav. ('limiting;- False. Buckwheat. (1., L. W. X., M. .^' (I. Low grounds along sti'canis. FAGOPYRUM, Gsertn. F. ESCULENTUM. Moeneli. lUlckwlieat. (1. \V. N., M. ct (J. Waste gi'ounds and eultivatecl fields. A frequent es- cape. RUMEX, L. R. Brittanicus, !.. Water Dock. Wet I (laces. Ohio: on Iv)gg"s Island— M. A' 'i. HcrkeJey, near ^lai'tinsluii-g. R. CRISPUS. L. Curled Dock. M. A- (;. Waste i)laees and culti\ated fields. Fre(|ueid. R. OBTUSirOLIUS. L. r>itter Dock. L. W. X. Waste gi'ounds and ctiltivated tic'lds, conunon. \l. CJdSI'CS X OJJTUSIFOLILS. ^\^aste places. ^lonongalia: streets of Morgantown. R. SANGUINEUS, L. Bk)ody Dock. Dain]> [tlaces in waste grounds. Berkidey: near Mar- tinshnrg. R CONGLOMERATUS, Murray. Shady places. Fayette: near Xuttallhurg— F. W. X. R. ACETOSELLA, F. Horse Sorrel. J.. F. W. X.. V. M..M. ,{■ G. Abundant everywhere; even along paths in the dense spmet' forests of the liigher mountains. ARISTOLOCHIACE^. ASARUM. L. A. Canadense, L. WiM (iinger. ••Colic Hoot." M. A- C. llich woods. Wirt: near lUu'ning Springs, (iilnier: 434 near ( i Icii vilU' — \'. M. : I'tdI'. Hfdun. .Ictlcrsou : in'ai- Flow inn Sarins: Mill. Fayette: near X ultallhurii' — L. W. X Mononualia : near UllinutDii and Moruantowii. ^^eI)()\vell: near l^lkiiorn. Mei'eer: lUiiestnne -Ic. and cdninion t hrouiilinnt the State. A. Virginicum, l>. Uieli soil. (irant: near UayarW. Tuekei': alimu illaek AN'ater. (iilnier: near ( i leii villt — \'. M.: Pnil'. IJrown. ( ireenlirier: neai- W'liite Sul|iluir Springs. ]\lel)(i\vell: near l""lkliorn. Mereei-: IMnestone .)e. .and IMuetield. ARISTOLOCHIA, L. A. Serpentaria, F. \'iruinia Snakeroot. ^\. <\.- (>. Ivieh woods. \\'irt: near F>urninL; Sprinsis. Uan- dolph: neai- Fords and on I'oint ^Fmntain. (liliner: ne.ar (ilenxille — l^-of. P>rown. (irant: near IJayard. Tneker: near l)avis. Miiiei-al: near Kevser — W . l"'avette: neai- Xuttalll.uro-^F. W. X. A. Siplio, FlFer. Diitelimairs I'i]ie. IJieh woods, frequent tliion.Liliont tlte State. .\l)un- dant in the following localit ies. Kandolpli: on i'oint Moun- tain, (irant: near Bayard, (iilnier: neai" ( ilenvilie -^^ M.. Prof. I)i-own. Fayettt': near Xuttallluir- — F. W. X. Mer- eei' : Ingleside. PIPERACE^ SAVRURUS, L. S. cernuus. F. FizardV Tail. Sti'eanis. Jelferson: neai' llar|ier"s Ferry — ]\F iV' (i Rrooke: near Wellsburu. i-'avette: near Xuttallhiiri:— F \V. X. ■ . LAURINEJE. SASSAFRAS, Nees. S. officinale. Nees. Sassafras. (i.. F. W. X.. \'. .M.. .M . .V (i Tlii(dh'isn. Wild .\llspiee. Spiee-I.nsh. F. W. X. V. M.. .M. A- (i F<>W W'>ods. ('oiniiioii throui;|iont the State, THYMELJEACEJE. DIRCA, L D palustris. L. I^cniliciwood. l);iiii|i \\(>lack Loeiisl, alonu' the <;ihison county, and in Wood near Pavkershuru'. On Elms and Hickories, a loll l; the ( )hio and ( ireat Kanawha river.-^. in ( 'a hell county. SANTALACE^ffi. PYRULARIA, Michx. P. pubera, ^Fiehx. Kich woixls. .MeDowcll: near Elkhoni. EUPHORBIACE^. EUPHORBIA, L E. glytospBrnia En;.;lm. rar. pubescens,Eii,>;lm. Sandy soil. .Mason: hanks of the Ohio river, near Point Pleasant, 'i'hc only station so far known in the State. E maculata. L. Spotte(l S[.ur,uc. E. W. .\.. M. i\: (;. .\rid soils. Comnion even in the hiiiher Alleghanies. E. Preslii. (;uss. E. W. X., ^E S: (\. i)r\' -oils and pastures. Common throuiihoilt the State, even in the higher .\lle,uhanies. E MARGIN AT A, Piii>h. .\n escape tVom cultivation. Taylor: permanently cstal)lisiied near Manninuton — V.^E MonoULialia: the Flats near Mor^iantown. 436 E. corollata. r>. FlowcriiiLi Spurge. .M. i^- ({. Dry soils. Wirt: iicar Elizaltcth. I.rwis: along lAniding C'rt^'k. Tiishur: near Lanrcntz. Randol])li : on Lone Sugar Kno)), alt. 2,800 ft. \Vel)ster: Long (rlacle. Nicholas: Munible-the-Pog Creek. Kanawha: along S-Mile Creek; near Poeataligo. Jackson: Fishers Point. Wood: on Limestone Ividge. (Jihuer: near Clenville — V. .>L Fay- ette: near Xuttallburg, L. W . X. Crant: near Bayard. Monongalia; plentiful along Cheat iiiver. near Camp Fden. (Jreen])ricr : near White Sulphur Spiings. Monroe. n<'ai- Alderson. Sumniers: near Hinton. Mason: near I'oint Ple:isant. E. dentata. Midix. Kicli soil. ()hio: near Wheeling — ^L i^r (i. E. Darlingtonii, (iray. Uaiiiji woods. Pocahontas: along the mountains — A. 1). lli.pkins. E. obtiisata. J'ursh. Rich soil. Ohio: near Wheeling— .M. iV ( i. E. CypARISSIAS. L. ••(; rave-yard-weed. ■■ A l'rei|Uent i'sca})e from cemeteiies. Monongalia: near Morgantown. Cahell: neai- Huntington. E. coinmutata, Fnglm. \\'ood]ands. JeH'erson : near Har])er"s Ferry — M. i\: G. : near ShepherdstoAvn. Mineral: near Keyser— W. along Knobby ^lountains. Summers: near Hinton. abundant. Hardy: near Mooi-etield - ( i. Ilam]ishii-e : neai" Pomney. E. LATHYRIS. L. ■Mole-weed." Escaped from gardens, where it is cultivated with the idea of keeping out moles. Kandolph: roadside \\\> Point .Mountain. ACALYPHA, L A. Virginica, L. M. i^' (i. Fields and w;iste ]ilaces. Common throughout the state. jnniiK intermedia, mild. A form ai)i)arently uniting A. \'irginica, L. with A. Caroliniana, Ell. esjiecially in the matter of leaves and bracts, is found neai' Xuttallburg — L. W. .\.. and Haw k"s Xest. as well as along Xew River op]iosite Hinton. 4:i7 URTICACEJE. ULMUS, L. U. fulva, .Miclix. Slii)|>(iv Elm. >[. i\: <;. Ivic'li soils. Mon<)n Elm. L. \V. N., V. ^r.. M. iV: (i. .Monu ri\crs. Freiiucnt tliiuuuhoiit the State. U. raceniosa, Thomas. Corky Ehn. M. A- (I. Near streams. Moni'oc: near Aldcrson. Summers: alonu' < Ireenhrier I'i ver. CEL.TIS, L C. occidentalis, F. llaekherry. Woods and river l)anks. Jelfei'son : neai- Shenandoah Junetion. Monongalia: near ^[or<>•anto\vn. Jackson: neai- Ripley. Fayette: near Nnttallhuro— L. W. X. CANNABIS, L. C SATIVA, L. llemp. Fields and waste [)laees. Esea])ed from cultivation. Jackson : l're(|uenl. HUMULUS, L H. LUPULUS, F. IIo[)S. Alluvial hanks near streams. Veiy doulitfully native. Randolph : near Crieard. Marshall: near Moiindsville. Ma- rion: near Clements, and Catawha. Mineral: opposite Cum- herland, Md. MORUS, L. M. rubra, F. Plaek Mullni-ry. Ivich woods. W 1. W'irl. Calhoun and ' 1 ihiier — \'.M. alonii,' tile iiittle Kanawha Uiver. Jell'ei'son ; trecjuent thi'ough- out. Cfreenhriei': near White Sul])hiir Springs. Fayette: near Xuttallhui'g. no laruc trees noted — [>. \\'. X. M. ALBA. F. White .Afulherry. .\ iVefpient escape, ^fonon^•alia : near Moi'gantow n. Jellersoi): neai' .Millville and Charlestown. 4?,S BROUSSONETIA. B. PAPYRIFERA. I'njx'r M iiUxTiv. ■■('ut I';i|.ci-. " l^srujied from ciiltixation. .Icircrsoii : near Flowiiij:' Spi-iiiu .^fill and >.[illt(i\vn. Kanawha: ncai' MontifOinery. licrkclcy : nca)- Marlinshni'L;'. URTICA, L. U. gracilis, Ait. X it tic \'. M.. M. Sc (J. ^loist sliady ]»laccs. ConniKin. U. TJRENS, 1.. Stingin.u Xt-ttlc Ailvcntivr. Hancnck: ni'ai- 1 lollidays ( 'ovf. Uarr. LAPORTEA, Gaud. L. Canadensis(I..),(iaud. Wood Xt'ttlc. Moist rich \voods. Fayt'ttt- : lu-ai- Nuttalll)urg — J.. \V. X. : uvAV Kanawha Falls — .lames. I'^cqncnt tliron.trhout the State. PILEA, Lindl P. pumilad..), (Iray. Clear Weed. Rich Weed. L.W.X.. .M.A:(;. Cool, moist, shady places. Common ihrouuhoni the State. BCEHMERIA. Jacq. B. cylindrica(L.). Willd Darn]) ]ilaees. Fayette: near XuttaUhni-u — F. W X. Monon^ialia : near Frtiniitt)n. PLATANACE^. PLATANUS, L P. occidentalis, F. Sycamore. l>uttonwoo(i. F. W.X. \'.M.. .M.A- ( .\11 soils, ('ommon thronLihout tli<' State. JUGL ANDEJE. JUGLANS. L. J. cinerea, F. lUittemut. Whit<' Walnut. F. W.N.. \'..M.. M.A- ( Common 1 hi-om:hout the State. J. nigra. I.. lUa.k W.ilmii. I,. W. N.. V. .M.. M. ^v (;. Ilicli sdiis. cv-cii ill the liiiilicr Allculianics. A \-crv coiiiiiiuii Mild valuiililc limber Ircc I lirouLiiidlit (lie State. HICORIA Raf. H. OVata.l Mill. I. I'>ritt. Sha-j oi' Slielll.ark Ilickorv i('ritt. White lleail Iliekurv. if'nrri„(i. .Xutt.) L. \V. X.. V. .M., M. ,^- (;. Dry soils. rre(|Ueiit thi'ou^hout the State. H. microcarpai .Xutt. ), lU-itt. (^'"'7/" ni/rrin-df/xi. Xutt.) Woodlands. J'^ayette: near Xuttallhur^ — I,. W. X. H. minimal Marsh.), Kritt. lUtter-nut. (\iriia (luinni, Xutt. Low \\^)()ds. (Ti-eeuhrier : neai- Fort S[)i'iiiii- ami IJoii- eex'erte. CUPULIFER^. BETULA, L. B. lenta, L. Sweet Birch. Black IMrch. L. W. X., M. c^- G. Rich Woods. Coininon throughout the State, (irows very h\rat River. A. serrulata, W'illd. Smooth Alder. l^ow gronnds and along rivers. Common, especiiilly in the glade regions. CARPINUS, L. C. Caroliniana, Walt. J>lue or Water Beeeli. Dam}) thicdxets and river banks. \\'irt: near Elizal)eth. Monongalia : near Morgantown. plentiful, (lilmer : near Glenville— V. M. Fayette: near Xuttallburg— L. AV. X. Summers: near Hinton. ^lai'ion : near Worthington. -lef- ferson : near Harper's Ferry— ^I. cV: (J. OSTRYA, Scop. O. VirginianaMill.), AMUd. Lever Wood, iron Wood. M. A: (i. Rich woods and along streams. Wirt : near Eliza1)eth. Kandol]»h : on Point Mountain; at first Top of ("heat then' is a forest of this wood where trees are found in (|uantity from l-."> feet in diameter. Weljster : on Buffalo Bull Mountain. Greenbriei- : near White Sulphur Si)rings. Sum- mers: near Hinton. Clarion: near Worthington. Fayette: near Xuttalllmrg— L. W. X. CORYLUS. L. C. Americana, Walt. Hazlenut. V. ]\1.. M. A- (!. Thickets, frequent throughout the State. C. rostrata. Ait. I'.cakrd lla/lenut. Mountainous regions. Fpshur: summit on Staunton Pike. Pandolph : near Fords. QUERCUS, L. Q. alba. h. WhitcOak. P. W. X.. V. .M.. .M. A- <;. .\ll soils, iilcntiful thi-oiiuliout the State. 4^1 Q,. ininori^rnrsli.), Saru-. I*(>s( Oak. Inni Oak. {(>. xlrlllack Oak. 'I)ry woodlands. In large tracts in the Alleghanies ot" Mineral, (J rant and Tucker counties, (iilmer: near (llen- ville-\'. :\L. Fayette: near Xuttallhurg— L. W. X. Mon- ongalia: neai- Ice's Ferry. Summers: near Hinton. Q. palustris, DuRoi. Along streams. Monongalia : near Stumjttown. Q. cuneata, Wang. Spanish Oak. il. fid rata, Miehx. Dry sandy soils throughout the western counties. Q. nigra, L. Black Jack Oak. V. M. C\)ram()n in dry or heavy clay soils tlu'oughout the center of the State. Flardy: near Moorefield. Q. ilicifolia, Wang. IFoUy-leaved Oak. Sandy soils. Hampshire: neai' Romney. Hardy: near ^loorelield. Q. iiiibricaria, ]Michx. Laurel Oak. Rich woods. Monongalia: near Morgantown and Laurel Point. Hardy: near Moorefield. CASTANEA, Gaertn. C. sativa, 'Mill.. r. W. X.. ^r. .^- c. Aloiiiz' streams. i'rei|Uent or coinuion. The ])rinei|)al willow of the State. \'(ir. falcata. Torr. SeytlK'-lcaved IMack Willow. Along s]»rinny rnns. Wirt: along Straiglit ('reek. k( wis : along Leading ("reek. l'\a\ette: near XnttallliurLC — L. W. X. S. aniygdaloides, And. Fayette: near XuttalPairg — L. W. X. S. ALBA, '--o. VITELLINA. Kocli. White Willow. >FA'(;. Seatti'red along streams in many [tarts of the Slate. tVom ]ii'oteetive or ornamental planting. S BabyloNICA, Tonrn. Wee[.ing Willow. A frecjuent escape as in tlie last species. Monongalia: near Morgantown. .Jeffevson : near Flowing S|)ving and Milltown. S. discolor, ]\[nhl. Shining Willow. Ohio: on I5ogu's Island— M. eV: (4. S liuniilis, Marsh. Traiiie \\'illow. (Ilady I'cgions. W(4)stei': near rp])er ( ilade. Preston: near Terra .Vita. S. Sericea. Marsh. Silky Willow. .Vlong streams. Ivandolph : along 4'ygart"s N'allcy River. ( irccnhriei': near White Snlphur S])rings. S, COrdata, Muhl. Ileartdeaved Willow. Alonii' sti'eams. fi-eipient. Lewi-: alonu r/cailinir 448 CiTck. Wood; near i'arkci-shiii'i:. Mason: near I'oint. I'Icasaiil. POPULUS. L. P. ALBA. L. W'hitr I*n].lar. A\nAv. \'. M. A tV('(|U('nt cscajK' tVuiu cult i \at ion. In uian\- idaccs ill the State, whci'c the ti't'c is plantcil for oniamt'iit, lliis species spreads widely from the root, thus oi'ten heconiiny a l)est in hnvns and ah)n,u' streets. P. tremuloides, Miclix. As[)en. Trendding I'ophir. M. \'(i. Wooded hillsi(h's. Wirt: ak)n,u; Little Kanawlia Kiver. Calhoun: near (li-antsville. (iihner: near (ilenville. Moii- onizalia : near Marion : alonj:; the Mononjzahela River. Sum- mers: near liitle. Mason: near Point Pleasant : P. grandidentata, Michx. Lari;-e-toothed As])en. Preston: near Cranherry Summit — M. >S: ( '< . ()hio: neai' W lieelinu' — ^I. t'c (J. P. balsamifera. L., rd,-. CANDlCANSi .\it. ). (irav. Pahn of (Jil- ead. M. c^- (1. Plentiful at Montana, along the .Monongalu'la i-iver in .Marion Co. ^[onongalia : the Flats near !Mnrganto\vn. (Jil- nier : neai' (rlenville — W ^[. Fayette: near Nuttallhurg, very likely introduced — L. W . X. P. nionilifera, .\it. Cottonwood. ()hio: near l)Oog's Kun — ^I.(.^-(i. Mason: near Point Pleasant. CoKi;>iA Com;ai)I, Ton-., mentioned in Potiinical Gazette, Vol. 2., P. ];)(■), as occuring neai' Hawk's Xest, Fayette Co., is ])roven hv Prof. Janies to bo another species: and should therefore not vet he credite(l to this State. -0- 444 MONOCOTYLEDON/E. HYDROCHARIDE^. ELODEA, Michx. E. Canadensis. ^Miclix. Watei-wccd. Slow streams in slack water. Fayetti' : near Kana- wlia Falls — James. Putnam: near Butialo. ORCHIDEiE. MALAXIS. Sw. (17S,S). (^[ierostylis, Xutt. 1818). M. imifoliai Raf.i ^l. opliiixjJossoUlrs^ (Xutt.) Rich woodlands. Greenl)rier : near White 8ul])luir Sprinus — M. c*c (J. Fayette: near Xuttalllmrji-, rare— I..^\^X. LEPTORCHIS, Thou. nsf)9i. (Liparis. Rich. 181s , L. liliifolia(L.). Tway-l)lahiir Springs. C odontorliiza, (Sw.), Xutt. Rich woods. Gilnici : mai (JU'nviile — V. >L Fav- ette: near Xuttallhuru-, alt. 2000 ft.— L. W. X. 44.-, C. niultiflora, Xiitt. W'dodhmds. Fnwttc: ncai- \ult;illl>ura-, alt. 2000 11. — L. W. N. GYROSTACHYS, Pci-s. (1S()7.) (S])ivanthes, Ricli. ISIS) G. cernuai.L.) Ladies Tresses. Wet meadows. Fayette: near Xuttallhurg, f.. ^\^ X. MDiionjialia ; frequent throu^liout. G. gracilis! l>i tie 1.) Twisted Stock. Sandy Avoods and fields. Fayette: near X'uttalllnirii-, in hard, grassy ground — li. W. X. Monongalia: near Moi- gaiitown. Frequent throughout tlu' State. GOODYERA, R. Br. G. repens, H. l>r. In deeji evergeen loresls. (I rant : under Black Spruci' near Bavard. Favette: in deep Laurel tliiekets, rare, near Xuttalll)urg— L. W. X. MeDowell : near FlklK.rn. G. pubescens(AVilld. ) Rattlesnake Plantain. M. & G. Ivich woods. .^Monongalia: along Decker's Creek and Tibb's Run. Fayette: near Xuttallburg, rare— L. W. X. Nicholas: near Beaver Mills. McDowell: near Welch. CALOPGON, R. Br. C. tuberosus(L.), !>. S. P. C. piilrhella>;, R. Rr. Hardy : nc^ar Moorefield — (1. POGONIA, Juss. P. opliioglossoides (L.j, Ker. Boggv places. Preston: near C'ranbci-rv Summit — M. eV: G. ' " ORCHIS, L. O. spectabilis. L. Showy Orchis. Rich woods. Monongalia: near Morgantown. (ril- mer: near Glenville — V. M., Prof. Brown. Fayette: near Xuttallburg, rare— L. AV. X. McDowell: near l^lkhorn. HABENARIA, Willd. H. tridentata (Willd.), Hook. Rein Orchis. ^^^'t places. Wel>ster: in Long Glade. Favette; near Xuttallhurii— L. W. X. 4^H H. flava( L. ). ( Iniy. Jf- '//rxrr,/-;. S|»t. Wet [iliKH's. \\'('l)stcr : in Loii.l;' ( i Imlc. H. orbiculatai I'uisli). Ton-. 1{ icli \v Is. H;iii(|iil (ill : iicnr suiiiiiiil I! idi .Miuiiitaiu. H. ciliariSiL.K IJ.Bi'. '^'(.■lldw Fi'iniicd Ordiis. W'l't sandy liofrs. W'cljsti'r: \\'rlch aiul I.on.u' (Jlades. Preston: near Torra Alta. Fayette: near Xiittallburu-, alt. 2000 ft., i-aix — I,. W. X. r^ai-.ly : near :\I(.()rclield— ( i. H. lacera(^lie]ix.). lv.l)r. Kaiiged Frin<>-e(l Ordns. lioiis and nidist thickets. A\'o()d : near Lockliart's Run, Preston: ('i-anl)erry Summit — ^[. i\.' (J. H. psyCOdes(L.), (iray. I'ink Fiinged < )rehis. ^^'et i)laees. Randolph: on Rich Mountain, (irant: near Bayard. Preston: ncai- Tciia .\11a. Wayne: near Central ("'ity. CYPRIPEDIUM. L C. parviflorum, Salisl). Small Lady's Slii)i»ei-. Rich woods. ^lonougalia : near M oruanto\vn. Mar- ion: near Opekiska raid Fairmont, (rilnier: near (Tlenville — V. M. ; Prof. Prown. ^Lineral : near Keysi'r^ — M'. Hardy: near ^loorelield — ( j . C. pubescens, Willd. Large L;i(ly"s Slippei'. Low woods. Same stations as tlie last. Favette: ni'ar Xuttalll)urii— L. W. N. C. acaule. .\it. ^loeeasin Flower. Dry or moist woods. Monongalia: lu'ar Cheat Vi(.'W. plentiful. Preston: near Reedsville. (lilnier: near Glen- yille_Prof. Brown. Favette. near Xuttallburg, alt. 2000 ft., in laurel thiekets— L. \V. X. Marion: along the F. M. t\: P. R. R. Mineral: near Keyser — ^V'. Kanawha: near Coal- huru' — .lames. ITardv: near Moorelield — ( i. H^SEMODORACE^. ALETRIS, L A. farinosa, L. Star Crass. Colie Root. Sandy moist soils. Webster: in I'ppei' (ilai ette: near X uttal H .ur-' — L. W. X. 447 IRIS, L. I. versicolor, I.. IMuf Flni--. J)it(lics ;iiiil wet laiKls. PiTstDU: luwr Tcri'ii Altaand Rocdsvillr. I. verna, L. i>\\:ii f liis. llai'dv: near MfMiiclii'ld — (i. I cristata. Ait. Dwaif Crcstt'd Iris. Ivich woods, ^[(iiionualia : near Moruantown. i)]enti- ful. (lilnicr: iicai- (I Icm'illc — \\ .M., Prof. Brown. Favftte: near Xiittallhuru — 1-. W. X. >farioii: alonu llic Mononua- hela Ivivcr, idcntit'ul. SISYRINCHIUM, L. S. angustifoliuni. Mill. lUia'-ryi'd (irass. N J'xriiiiididitum, Gray. not. F.. M. & G. ]Moist ^irassy ]tlact's. Fayette: near Kanawlia Falls — .lames; near XuttalUmrii- — L. \V. X. Gilmer: near Glen- ville— \".M. Monongalia: near A[ori>antown, and clsewlicrc eommon. S. anceps, (a v. Grassy [)]aees. Fayette: neai' Xuttallluu'g — F.. W . X", AMARYLLIDEJE HYPOXYS. L H. erecta, L. Star-CJrass. Yidlow-eyed Grass. ( )[)en places. Fayette: near Xiittallburg, common— L. \\\ X. Lewis: I'l) .*^tone Coal Greek. Monongalia: along ("heat River near Cam]) Eden, ])lentiful. Hardy: near ^[oorefield — (i. fiercer: near Hlnetield. DIOSCOREACEJE. DIOSCOREA. L D. villosa, L. Wild Yam-root. I'olic-root. M i\>: (J. Thickets and ricli woods. Randolph: on R(tint ^Mountain, alt. o450 ft. Gilmer: neai- (ilenville — V. "SI. Fayette: near Xuttallhurg. Pistillate plants rare-L. W. X. (irant and Tucdcer j)lentiful in the mountain wooritt. False SolouKtns Seal. L.W'.X., V.M., M. c^' G. Rich woods. Common throughout the State. U. Canadensei Desf.). (ircene. Wild Lily-of-the-Valley (^N. hlj'oUa^ rur. ('(imuJcih-'i^^ Gray). M. & G. Low, lieh wocmIs. ('oiiinion throughout the northern and eastern eounties. MAIANTHEMUM. Wigg. M. Canadense, De.'^f. M. c*c G. Rieh woods. Fayette: neai' Xuttallhurg — L. W. X. Monongalia : along Decker's Creek. HEMEROCALLIS. L H. FULVA, F. Day-lily. -Fve's Thread". Roadsides and fields. A frequent escape from cultiva- tion. Monongalia: near Morgantown and Cassville. Hamp- shire: near Bloomery where ''it has heeome widely seattered hy ])loughing."' ALLIUM. L. A. VINE ALE. L. Field Garlic. Cultivated fields. .Tcherson : a vile anarbour: near Relington, 450 l)V;ix1i)ii : ncni' Lloydsvillc Calicll ; iicni- T'liion Ridge. Doddridge: iieiir Smitlitnii. (irant: neai' Medley, (ireen- briei-: near Trout Valley and White Suljiliur Springs. Haui))shire: neai- Slanesville. Three Chiirelies. Capon JJridge, l>l()oniei-y, Dillon's Run. lligginsville and S|)ringfield. Har- ri.rohler"s. l.eetoAvn. Cliarlestown. Rip(ni, Middleway and Kahletown. -laekson : near Sandy. Kanawha: near Blandon. l.iiieoln: near Hamlin. Men-er: near Princeton, and Concord Chui-ch. .Marion: near l>ai'racksville and Gravs 1-dat. Monongalia: near Morgantown. < )hio : near West Lil>ert\-. Picston: near Terra Alta. Reedsville. AmhlersliuiL!' and independence. JJitcliic: near Ritchie ('. H. Roaiu' : near Walnut (irove. Summers : Talcott. Tay- loi': near Knottsville. Thornton and (frafton. Upshur: near Kanawha Hi'ad. \A'ayne: near Adkins ^Hlls. Wetz(dl : near Endicott and ])]ake. Wirt : near Reedy Ripple. Woo 1 : near ^\'averly. l>lcnnerhassett and Ro( kport. A. tricoccum, Ait. Wild Leek. ■Ramps." ^P A' C. Ivich mountain woods, (irant: near Rayard. almml- ant. Tuekt'r: ahundant along Rlackwater P'ork of Cheat. Greenl»rier : neai' \\'lnte Sulphui' Sjirings. A. cernuum. Roth. WildOnion. ( irecnlirici' : mar White Sulphur Springs. I'^ayetle: near XuttalUnug— P. W. .X. <)hio: near \\duH'ling — M. <.\: G. Summei-s: near liintou. Monongalia: near Camp Pdeii, and liaid<.s of Deckers Creek. A Canadense. Kalm. Wildfiarlic. Ohio: near Wheeling — >P tV G. l-'ayette: near Tvouj) Creek— .lames. CAMASSIA, LindL C. Fraseri, Torr. Wild Hyacinth. Rich ground. <)hio: near Wheeling — -M.A'G. Gil- mer : neai' ( Jlcnvillc — \'. M. MUSCARI. Mm. M. BOTRYOIDES' P. '. -Mdl. Ciapc Hyacinth. I'lscapcd iVom L:ardcns. Monongalia: near PHington. ( lilmer : iicai' ' '< leu villi- - \'. M . ORINTHOGALUM, L O. UMBELLATUM. P. Star ot' Ret idchem. M . A' C . Iv-caped from gardens. Monongalia: aliundant and 451 persistent on the line (.ftlie F., M. rn\vn. Fayette: near Xuttalll)ursj: — L. W. X. U. sessilifolia. L. (}ds. (ri-ant: near I)ayard. I'l-eston: in T.anrel liills. Tucker: near Davi.-^. C. uinbellata.Toir. >r. cV: G. Rich woods. Kandoljih : on Rich Mountains. Grant: near Bavard Tucker: in T>anil of Canaan, (iilnier: near (Jlenvilie — Prof. Brown. \'. 31. ^lonongalia: near Morgan- town. Kanawha: near Coalhurg— James. Fayette: near Xuttallhurg— L. \V. X. Hardy: near Mooretielcl— G. ^Fe- Ddwell: near Klkhorn. Mercer: l>luestonc -Ic. MEDEOLA. L. M. Virginica. F Indian Cueundiei-. .M. ^- (J. Ricli, damp woods. l']»shur: along Sand Run. (xrant and Tucker: in tlie mountain woods, plentiful, (iilmer: near Glenville — V. M. Monongalia: near Morgantown. Kanawha: near Coalhurg — James. Fayette: near Xuttall- l)urg — L. A\'. X'., and elsewhere fri'quent. McDowell: near Elkhorn. TRILLIUM, F. T. sessile, F. Sessile-Howered Furple Trillium. M. A.' G. Moist woods. Monongalia and Mai'ion: ahundant along the Monongaliela river. Giluiei': nearGlenvilh — Prof. Brown. T. erectum. F. Purple Trillium. F. W. X.. V. M.. M. .^- G. Rich woods. Througlioul the northern aiul eastern portions of the State. ^Icl^owell : near Elkhorn. Vnr. album. Pursh. ^lononualia : near Moruantown. (iilnier: near(rlen- vilh — V. >F. ProF Brown. Tayl(U':near Valley Falls— X. S. Hayes. (See remarks umU'r next I'oi'ni.) I 4.-,;-? I'"/, declinatuni. (iiliiii'i': near (llciixillc — \'. M. Mason: near ]\>\]\\ PJcasant. .lacksoii : luai- Ivavcnswuod. (Note: — This fdriii a[)[)cars to he suHicieiitly dilfrivnt iVoiu T. crcctuni, and T. ccrnuui. to retain it : (itli(^i\vise 1 could not list the s))eriniens L-'atliered. ) T. grandifloruin, Salish. Wliite 'l^iillium. M. iV: (J. Kich woods. Ahunihint t]}rou,uli<>iit the iiortliern eounties. ( iihner :neai' ( ilenville — ^'. M.. I'l-of. Ihdwn. Fav- ette: near Xuttallhur-— L. W. \. ^hd^owell: near Elkhorii. T. cernuuni. 1,. Wake Kohin. Ahiist woods, (iilnier: near (ihinille — \'. M. Fay- ette: near Xuttalll)uru— L. \\'. X. T. nivale. KiihlelL J)warl" White Trillium. In moss of wet nxdvs. Monongalia : along (^uarrv Run. (rrant: along Ihilialo Creek. I\an(h)l])h: along runs feeding Shavei-'s Foi-k of Cheat. Tueker: along Beaver Creek, and lUackwater Fork of Cheat. T. erythrocarpum, Miehx. Painted Trillium. Cold ileep ravines along runs. Crant: near Bayai-d. Kandolph : Clieat iJiver: Tueker: alonu' Blaek Water Fork. Fayette: near Xnttallhurg. alt. 2()()0 tl, rare— L. W. X. McDowell: near Elkjiorn. Taylor: near Vallev Falls — N. S.Hayes. Mercer: Rluestone Je. MELANTHIUM. L. M. Virginicum, Buneh-tlower. (rlades. Preston: near Tei'ra Alta and in Morgan's (xlade. Monongalia: glades near Bootli"s Ci'eek. ^\^d»stel■: Second (ilade. Nicholas: ColletCs (f lade. M. parvifloruni(Miehx. ), Watson. i(lcr\vort. Hicli grounds. Kanawha: near Cliarh'.ston— Bariu-s. (iihuor: near ( lien vHK' — \\ .M. I'^iycttc : near Nultallhurg — L.W'.X. Wirt . alon. T. pilosa. Lchni. Hairy Spiderwort. On boulders. A\'irt : almnchint hcyond Jhirning S]ti-ings. and along Straight Creek. COMMELINA. L. C. Virg-inica, L. Day Fh)wer. l)ani]) open.s. Fayette: near Xuttallhuig. rare — L.W.X. JUNCACEJE. JUNCUS, L. J. effusus, L. Soft Rush. M. i^e (i. ^Farshy grouml. Kanawha: near Charleston — James. Fayette: near Nuttallhurg — L. \V. X. Coininon t hrougliout. J. setaceus, Rostk. Fayette: iieai- houp Creek< ? ) — -lames. J. marginatus, Ro.-tk. A[()ist sandy soils. Kanawlia : near ( 'liarleston — - James. Common thnaigliout. V(ir. paucicapitatus, I'higlm. Fayette: near .Xutl.allhuig- — \. W . X. J. tenuis, A\'illd. •• Poverty (ii'ass."' h. W. X. Roadsides and ditches. .Miundant throughout the State. J. acuniinatus, Miclix. I.. W. X., M. a- (i. Dninit pliK't's. .Mnii<)iii:;ili;i and Mnrion : dii the Moii- (tiiiiiiiicln Kixcr. W'clislcr : in Welch mid J.ihil; (Jladcs. I'^.-ivcltc: iicjii- Nultallburu. J. nodosus. L. Fayette; iieai- Xuttallluii-,-- — I.. W. X. J. Canadensis, 1. (iay. Moiinim-alia: near l-ittle I^'alls. I'avette: iirai- Xul- talll.ui-— L. \V. X. LUZULA, DC. L. vernaliS( I.. ;. I)('. Oliin: on 'I'liomas's Hill neai- Wlieelina— M. i^- (j, Fayette: neai' Xut1alll.iirLi—L. W. X. L. canipestris(L. ), in'. Oliio: near l>en\voit. \'. .M.. F. W. X.. M. c^- (F Rich, dani]i woods. Common thi'i^uuliont the State. A. DracontiunK'F.). Sehott. (Jreen Dra.Lion. Fow ui'ounds. (iilmer: near ( ileiuille — \'. M. 456 SPATHYEMA. Raf. ( ]s()S. i (Syiiij)lnc;ir|ius. Salisli. isTi. ) S. foetidai L. >. K:if. Skunk ('al.l.a,-.v. lio^gy nu'ack)\v.-<. Preston : urar Terra Alta. Mouon- oalia : on the Dille farm. Kei)Orted from : Brooke: near A\'elll)urur<: and Iledgesville. Barliour: near Belington. Cabell: near Milton. (Jrant : near Medley. Greenland. Mount Storm, Maysville and Peti'rshnrg-. (Jreen- lirii'r: near Trout Valley and Fort Spring. Hanijishire: near Slanesville and ("ai)on Bridge. Harrison: neai' Lost Creek, Bridgeport and (iood Hope. Hardy: near Wardens- villo and Old Fie'ds. Haneoek : near Fairview and Xew Cumberland. .Jefferson : m-ar Kabletown and Summit Point. Jaekson : near Odaville. Lewis: near ^^'alkersville. Mer- cer: near New Bramwell and Princeton. Mason: near Mag- gie. Mineral : near Blaine. Marion : near dray's Flats. Marshall : near St. Jose])h and (lien Easton. Ohis: near \\'est Liberty. I'ocahontas: near Jiol)elia. Pleasants: near Scdniltz. Pre.stt>n : near Terra .^Ita. ^lasontown, Eglon and Amblers- burg. Kandol])h: near Lee Bell, Kerens and Cricurd. Roani': near Clio. Summers: near Taleott and Clayton. Tayloi-: near Knottsvillc. Upshur: near Kanawlia Haad and Hem- lock. A\'ayne: near Adkin's Mills. Wetzel: near Littleton, Pine Grove and Blake. Wht : near Burning Spring, Evelyn and Reeilv Ui]iiile. Wood : near Rock])ort, \\\d)ster: near Replete. ACORUS. L, A. Calamus L. Calaiuus. Sweet-flag. M. ..V G. Swamp\' ])laces. Lewis: along Stone ('oal ('reek. iJamlolph: near Valley l)end, Cricaid. and on Point Moun- tain, alt . ^lOoO ft. Gilmer: uvav (ilenvilU — V. M P>erke- ley : near Martinsburg. L E M N A C E iE. LEMNA, L. L. minor, L. I)uck-weed. Stagnant watci-s. Putnam : near Pun'alo. ALISM ACEiE. ALISMA. L. A, Plantago. L. Water Plantain.. M.iV.G. Wet ditches. Mononualia : neai- lee's Ferrv. Sum- iiicrs: lU'ar llinton. ( ;riH'iil)rioi- : near Wliitc Suliihur Spriiiii's. SAGITTARIA. L S. sagitteefolia. L.. /r^/-///'' hastatai Pursh) r>i'itt. An-ow-licad. Ill water (ir vciv wet ])laci'S. Ran(l<)l])li : near Bev- erly. Suinmors: near llinton. Greenbrier; near White Siil|)luir Sprin^is. Wood: near Parkersburg-. Marion: near Cleiiients. Fayettr: near Xuttalllmri:- — P. \V. X. P>erkeley : near MartinsPurj:-. fnriiiii angustifoliai Kniielin. ), Pritt. Wet places. Putnam : lu'ar P)uHal<>. Mason : near I'oint Pleasant. S. graminea, Mieh.x. Summers : slioi'es of Xew Kiver near 11 iiiton. NAIADACE^ POTAMOGETON, L. P. fluitans. Potli. Pond Weed. (/^ /o/K-A/Vr.^ Tuck.) Ill 1-ivers and streams. Paiidoli)h: near Tyfjart's Val- ley Hiver, near Huttonsville. Suniniei-s: Xew River: near llinton : CYPERACE^. CYPERUS, L. C. flavescens. L. (Jalino-ale. Low grounds. Monongalia and Marion: along the Monongahela River. Mason: near Point Pleasant. Fay- ette: near Xnttallbnrg— L. W. X. C. diandrus. Torr. Fayette: near Xuttallhurg — L. ^^'. X. C. esculentus. L. Edihh^ (ndingah;. Preston: near RowleshtU'g — M. ct (t. C. strigosus. L. Lank (ialingale. Low grounds. Jaekson: near Siuidyville. Mononga- lia: near ^Vforgantown. Fayette: near Xuttallhurg — L.W.X. C. refractus, Engelm. Favette: near J lawk's Xest — Porter. 4o8 C. Lancastriensis. roitcv. Suiiiiiicrs: shores of New Kivci-. near J liiitiui. KYLLINGA, Rott. K. pumila, .Mi( li\. F-'aycttf: uv.w Xuttalll>tii-,i: — f.. W. X. DULICHIUM, Pers. D. spatliaceumi I.. ). I'tis. Aloiiii; sti'caiiis. Raiulolpli : Tyuai't's \'all('y I'ivcr iK'ai- Iluttoiisvillc. l-'aycttc: near Xuttallliuru — L. W. X. ELEOCHARIS. R Er. E. tuberculosa' -Midi. \. '. R. iV S. Samis lit' Xi'w River. Favelte: near X tiltnlHiurL; — R. \V. X. E. ovatai Rotli.i. \\. A- S. M. A (r. Muddy [)laees. t'pshur: near R>U(kliann(>n. l{an- doli»li: Tyuarts ValU'V River. Fayette; iieai' Kanawha Falls— James: near Niittall)ur«i- — R. \V. X. E. palustrisi L <. II. A- S. OJiio: near W'heeliuL;- -.M. A ' i . l-'avette — near .Xut- tallluir-— L. W". X. I'iir. glaucescensi Willd. . (iray. •R'lh'ison : near Harpei'V Ferry — M. A ('< E tenuis' Willd. '. Sehult. -Kill ( ow."" -Rovertv (irass." .^R A' (i.. R. W. X. l)ani|) [ilaees. ahundant evei-y where. Xdte. — The alitive names are apiilied ahmi!- Tyuni't's \'alley Ri\er. wliei-e in ])laees this species L;ri>\vs so aiiundant as to t.ike whole lields. and as cattle will not thriv(> upon it. the>e names >U.L;p'Sted t henisel \-es. E. acicularisi R. ). R. A s. Jetlersoii : ni ai' liaipei'- Feiav — .M . A (i. FIMBRISTYLIS, Vahl. F. autumiialis. R. >. Roem. A- Sehult. Favette: near X ul tallhu r--^ R. W. X. -4. 10 SCIRPUS, L S. pungens, \'alil. .Icllrisdn : iicnr I I;if[icr"s I'\Try — ^F. iV (i. S. lacustris. L. (ilndy places. Kaycttc: near N uttallliui--- — \j. W. N. S. sylvaticus. L. (JIady places. Fayette: near Xuttallhuru — L. \V. \. S. atrovirens, Miilil. M. S: G. IJoiioy i)laees. Monon-ialia : alonj:- tlie .Munoiioahela Kiver. Fayette: near Xuttalllmvo — L. \\'. X. S. polyphyllus. \'ahl. I.. W. X. Randdlidi : aloii^i;- 'I'vgart's Valley ixiver. Fayette: near Xiittallbur^-. ERIOPHORUM. L. E. ImeatuiniMiehx.), I'xnth. c^^ Hook, ("ottoii Grass. l^ow irroiuids. ^[oniingalia : along Falling- IJuii, ahnve the caniinis. E. cyperinuui. F. WOid (Jrass. F. W. X'. Wet meadow lands. Mononiralia. tVeijuent. Upshnr: ni'ai' ]^ii(d>-Mile ('re(d<:. E. Virginicum. F. F. W. X. Damp places. Fayette: near XultalHiuru-. Preston: near ("ranlxiTy Summit — ^F tt G. RYNCHOSPORA, Vahl. R. glomerataiF. ), \'ahl. Beak-rush. F. W. X. F(i\v ground-. W'ehster: I'pjx'r ( ilade. .Monongalia: near .^F)rganto\vn. j-'ayette: near Xuttallhurg. CAREX, L. All the s]iecies of this genus have jtassed through the hamls of I'l'ot". Bailev. who kindlv ideiititieil them I'or this Flora. C. folliculata, F •Margins ol' streams. Tu(dlaces. Fayette: near X\ittalll)ura-. Tuiker; near Falls of Blaekwater. I'rcston : near Terra Alta. C. Grayii, Carev. (i ray's Sedge. Meadows and eo})ses. Fiislmr: neai- Ueecli F()rk. C. lupulina. Mnld. Hop Sedge. Wet plaees. F])shur: near Faurentz. C. lurida, Wahl. Fale Sedge. {(\ fcitanild. }>U\\\].) Swampy s))Ots. ^Monongalia : along Falling Hun. Wood: neai' Foekharfs Run. Favette: near Xuttalihurii" — I.. W. N. \'(ir. gracilis. RaiUy. Slendei-. Rale Sedge. ( )n mossy l)o\dders. W-ebstev : along RulTalo Rull Mountain, alt. lIoTo feet. Tucker: near Falls of Rlaekwater. C. stenolepis, Torr. hanip meadows. ^Rmongalia : along {"ailing Run. Fayette: near Xuttalll.urg— T>. W. N. C. squarrosa, Dewey. Rivei' lianks. ^R)nongalia : njoutli of Falling Run. Fayette; near Xuttalllnirg — L. W. X. C. stricta. Lam. Spliaonum Swamj). Favette: near Xuttallbui'g — L. W. X. ' C. torta, Roott. Cold damp places. Fayetti': near XuttalUuirg — L.W.X. C. prasina, Wald. I'^avette: IkmI of Keeiu'v's ("re(d*. near XuttallRuru — F. w. .\. ■ C. crinita, Ram. F. W. X.. M. A- (J. Damp swales, (ieneral throughout tlie State even in the higher mountains. C. (lU-NrrA .\" ('. iM!.\si.\.v ? Railey. I'^iyette: alonga I'un in Sugai' Cauii) Hollow — i>.\\'.X. C. virescens, Muhl. Ranks and eojises. Wood: neai' Rockharts Run. F"/'. costata, Dewey. Ranks." Favette: near XuttallKui-:— !>. W. X. 4(i] C. triceps, Midix.. nii\ liirsuta, liiiilcy. Dry ])astures. W'noil : near Kanawha Statiim. Fav- fttc : woodland Ixirdcr of swaiu|i near Xuttalllmrt^ — L. W . N. C. debilis, Michx., r,ir. Rudgei, Uailty. On ]n(issy Iiouldcrs. lvan(lol]>h : suniniit of Kicli ^lountain, alt. I'S-IO feet: undraincd meadows of Tvgiirt\s Vallev RiviT : I'oint Mountain, on iici-fcctlv di-v I'ock. alt. ;5(;.")0 ft. A vci'v conimon sedge in the mountains on mossv boulders and along runs. Beautiful growths occur all along the Blackwater Fork of Cheat. Favette: near Xuttallhurg — T.. W. X. C venusta, Dewey, rar. minor, Boeckl. Favette: near Ahisterton's swamp. Xuttallhui'g- — L. ^\^ X. C. gracillima, S( hw. Low grounds. Tucker: near Falls of 151ack water. Fayette: near Nuttalllmrg— L. W. X. C. grisea, Wahl.. rar. angustifolia, Boott. Fayette: on hanks neai- NuttalllHirg — ].. W . X: C. glaucodea, Tu( k. Meadows: I'^ayette neai' Xuttallhui'g — L. W . X. C. laxiflora, Lam. ()hio: (Ui I'homas Hill near Wheeling. L'O'. latifolia, l>o(»tt. Deej) woods. ironongalia : haid;s of Day Creek. \\'irt : lianks of Straight Creek. l-'a\-ette: neai' Xuttallhui'g — L. W. X. L'o. patulifolia, Carey. Fayette: shady hank, near Xuttallhurg — L. W. X. C. digitalis, Willd. In deep woods. (Irant: neai' Lavai'd. l^^ivette: near Xuttallhurg— [.. W. X. C. laxiculmis, Schw. (Jlady ). lares. Fayette; neai' Xnttallhurg — I,. W. X. C. plantaginea, r.am. Bieli wood. Favette: lU'ar Xuttallhurii' — i>. W. X. 462 C varia. rar. colorata, Haili \ . F;iyctt<-: m^ar N uttalHuir- - L. \\'. X. C. Pennsylvanica, Lam. (>liiii: iR-ar \\'hi'cling--M. iV: (J. C. communis. IkiiUv. I'\ivc1tc: ilrv Mill uiidrr clilli^. near XuttalHiur^- — L. w. X. ■ ' C. Jamesii, Schwcin. Fayette: ()[>eii woods iieai' XuttallliurLi' — F. W. X. C. polytrichoides. Mulil. Favette : si>lia;^iiniii swaiup near XuttalHiurL!,- — L. \V. X. ' C. Fraseri: .Vnd. F'razerV Sed-c. Tlie following remarks of Prol'. T. ('. Porter render it evident tliat this rare and mid sedge i-ame originally from lvandol])h or Barl)our county, each of whieli lies hetween the head\vater.>< of the two Kanawiias : "Muhlenberg, in his De--. 2()o, under C. lago]ins ?, wliieh is ('. Fraseri, Andrews, adds these words. 'lialntat in Tyger-\'alley. Pennsylvaniae, midr xirrdiii Iiaheo ct vlram.' Kin, the (iernian gardner who eol- leeted in Pennsylvania, hrought ithome. and his lahel reads thus: -Deigher AValli in der Wilternus." Dr. Gray has shrewdly eonjectureil that hy -Deigher W'alli." or Tygei't Val- ley, is nu'ant Tygart's \'alley. wlaeli lies t'urther south in Virginia." In a foot-note. Prof. Porter adds "a hox contain- ing the ( 'arices of Muhlenherg has just l)een discovered ( 1S77) in tlu' heihaiinm of the Academy. Philad<'l]>lna. and the label attacheil to the s[)ecimens oi' Kin's collection ]>laces Tyger \'alley -jiroije amnem Kenahway." .Vs the two Kanawhas lie entirely w ilhin tlie State of West \'irginia, tln-re set'ms to be little . W. X. C. sparg-anioides. Muhl. I'^aycttc: \\'o\ open lianks near XnltallKnr.L;' — L. W. X. C. Muhlenbergii, Sc hk., mr. An intcrnie(liate lict ween the' typeand \-ariety riirm'.f, Jidt I>ailey. lvandol|)li : on an \indraine(l iuead<)\v along 'i'viiai't's N'alley Hiver. near Cricard. ]'(ir. enervis. I'xiott. <)pens. Lewis: alont!' Leadinu' Ci'eek. C. cephalophora, Muld. Fayette: banks near Nuttalll>ur«i— L. W. X. C. canescens, L.. mr. vulgaris, ]>ailey. On a dry con,i:lonierate ro(d<. Handolph : suniiiiitof llich Mountain', all. -iS.-.O fc't. C. tribuloides, W'ahl. In a sprintiv rill. \\'oo(l : near Kanawha Statiou. \'iir. turbata, JJailey. F"'ayette: low copse neai' Xuttallhui'U' — L. W. X. C. scoparia, S( hk. Open swales. ^rou(uijialia : alono; Falling Uuu. F^avette: hanks of river and in sphagnitni lioir near Nuttall- huro— F. \V. X. : dry -lade, .\lderson Farm— F. W. N. C straminea. Wild. Dry soils. Fayette: near Xuttallhur-— F. W. X. GR AMINES. All d(Uihtrul forms have heen kindly identified hy Dv. ( ieo. Vasev. 4(i-l SPARTINA, Schreb. S. cynosuroides. W'illd. Fresh-water CoKl-iirass. ()lii<): (111 Bogg's Island — M. t.\: (J. Favette: iH'ar Xuttallliurg— L. W. X. PASPALUM. L. P. setaceum, Miclix. Sandv soils. Monongalia: at the end of the Hog Back, Decker's Creek near Morgantown. Var. cJliatlfoliunK Mielix. ) Fayette: near Nuttidlhiirg— 1.. W. X. P. Iseve. ^Nliehx. Fayette: near Xuttallh\Trg— [.. W. X. PANICUM. L. P. SANGXJINALE. F. C'rah, or Crow-foot dress. L. W. N. Cultivated and waste grounds. Common throughout the ;>tate. j'oriiKi depauperata, Vasey. Drv sterile fields. Monongalia: up l"\illing Bun he- yond the eam])Us. P. proliferum, J>am. ^E. iS: G. Biver hanks. Monongalia: haidcs of the Mononga- hela. near Ultinuton and ]Morgantown. Favette: near Xut- talhurg- T.. W.'X. Vnr. geniculatUHK F11. ). \'asey. { l\ (/eviriilatini), EU.) Waste grounds. Monongalia: near Moi'gantown. Fayette: near'Xuttallhurg— L. w! X. P. capillare, L. ''i'iekle Crass." >f. i'(: (i. Drv Fields. Monongalia: n<'ar ^BirgantoAvn. Crei'U- hrii'r: near White 8ttli)hur Sjiriuiis. Favette: near Xuttall- l,u,-g— F. W. X. Vnr. campestre. Ciattingei-. Drv hclds. Monongalia: on a sterile hillside u]i l-'all- iug Bun heyond the Cainpus. P. aiiceps. ^Fehx. Favitte; near Xullallhurn — L. W. X. 465 P. ag-rostoides. Muhl. \\'(>t meadows. Kanawha: near A lien's Fork. ^Nlonon- pilia: Uelow the nu»iith nf Fallini;- Run. Upshur: in w (lamp meadow near Lorent/. I'^ivette : near Xuttallhiiru' — L. W. X. P. virgatum, L. Moist sandy soil. Mononi;alia: streets of Moru;an- town, finnving between the l)rieks ot walks, and seeming to riourish in ilirect proportion to the amount it is trodden upon. Mason : l)anks of the Ohio River near Point Pleasant. Fayette: near XuttalUmru— L. W . X. P. latifolium. L. Moist thickets. Wirt : near Burning Springs. Green- hrier: wvav White Sulphur Springs. Monongalia: near Lit- tle Falls. Fayette: near Xuttalllmrg — F. W'. X. P clandestinum. L. -'Deer-tongue Grass." Damp meadows. Monongalia: common througlK)Ul. Upshur: near School House Summit. Summers: near Rifi'e. Monroe: near Wolf Creek. Fayette: near X'uttall- burg. A very nutritious grass ; especially enjoyed hy horses, (^ur analysis gives it a nutrative ratio of 1 :4.24. P. depauperatum, Muhl. Dry opens. Fayette: near Xuttalll)urg — L. W . X, ^lonongalia: at Roun. W. X. Common everywhere, throughout the Slate. j'onna commune, ^fan. Common, especially along river bunks: Monongalia and ^[arion: along the Monongahela River. Fayette: near Xuttalll.urg. foriiKi fasciculatum, Man. Drier situations. ]\Ionongalia and Marion : along the F. M. c'c P. R. R. fonitd gracile. r^lan. Wet bottoms, usually along runs. Wood : in a swampy ditch near Kanawha Station. Wirt : in a weedy diteh near Ueedy Rijiple; in a spring rill in I'ich woods near Straight Creek. Randolph : in a coM I'ill in deep woods, on Point Mountain, alt. :!.2()0 ft, 466 Viir. elatum .M<.ti..n,i:ali:i : nl..n- tlic F. y\.S: I'. R. K.. l.clow Littlr l-";ill>. ill a saiidv ditcli. I'^ixcttc : near XiittaUltuii;- — L. W. N. ■ P. putescens. Lam. haiiiii [)laci'?>. Li'wis: almii;- LradiiiizCrcck. P. CrUS-GALLI. L. J>ainyai(l (ira.^s. L. W. X. hitclics ami waste urouiids. Mdiiuiiptlia : near .Mor- liautowii. ( ;rccntirici- ; ncai' Whitt- Suliiliur Springs. Suiii- iutM>: Hear Ilintdii. l-'aycttc: lu-ar Xuttalllmi-i!,-. \'. W. X.. .^F i^- ( r. ( 'oiiiiiHiii throULilinul t he State, especiallx- in >tiiMile lie|,l>. C. VIRIDIS' I-.). I.. W. X.. M. .V- (J. Riiailsides and cultivated tields. .lacksoii: near Saii- dy\ille. and on I>iiiie>t'ine IJidLic C. iTALICAiF.). Fayette: near XuttalHuir,--- I.. W. X. CENCHRUS. L C. tribuloides. L. 1 1 ediieh (>,<;■ (Irass. ]>iu-,uiass. -lefli Tson: near Harper's Ferry — M. i\: (i. HOMALOCENCHRUS. Mieg 17I.S.) (^Ix'crsia. Swartz. 17'^>>.) H. Virginicai WilM. I. 15i'itt. White (Jrass. {Ijxisla Vlniliurii, Willd.) Wet places. Mononiialia : near IJeech wooils and Lit- tle Falls. Fay.'tte: near Xiittallhuru — L. W. X. H. oryzoideS' L. 1. I'olh Rice Cut lii-ass. i /vvr.s/i-(iunils Xichola.-: in ( ollett's ( i lade. Fayette: near N uttalil'Uri: — L. ^^'. X. 4B7 TRIPSACUM, L. T. dactyloides, I.. Moist plnci-s. Fayette: near Xut tall l.ur-— L. W. X. ANDROPOGON, Royen. A. provincialis, Lam. Ui^anl (;ras>. iA.i'urnif>is.y\u\A.) l)aiii]i iilacfs. I{aii(l()l])li : aloiiii' Tvgui-tV Valley Iviver Ileal' iJeveily. Mi niDiiualia : alonir the Mononir^ihela l>elii\v Morpuitowii. I'^iyette: near Kanawlui Falls — Jauies ; near NuttalHuirii- — L. W. N. Suniiners: near ( Jreenbrier Stock- yards: and aloiiL;; ( i i'eeiil)riei- Kiver. Taylor: near (iraf'ton. A. scoparius. Midix. •■I^room Seduc" l)iv soils. MoiioiiLialia : ahout Moriiantown, ])lentirul. \\'e1)ster: near I '[)i)(^r (Hade. Mason: near Point Pleasant. Taylor: near (Ji'at'ton. and in every county visitee>t is as yet a UM're matter of conjecture. The plant is re|ioi'te<| from iJrooke: near \\'ellsl)urii' and Fowlei's. ilarhour: lu'ar ( )vertieUl, Pe[)per and Philii)pi. Braxton: near Ihilltowii, Fiainetown. Tate Creek, Elmyra and Xewville. Cahell: iicai rnion Hidgx* and Barlioursville. (day: near N'alley I'^ork. Doddridge: near Leopold, New -Milton ami Center Point. Fayette: near Fayetteville, ^loun- tain Cove and lieets. (Jrant: near ^ledley, Peterslturg and Creenland. (rrt'cnhrier: near Frankford, Trout Valley and Fort 8[)ring. llam]»shire: near Slanesville. Springtield and Three Churches. TIarrison: near Clarkshurg, Lo.st Cieek, l)i'idgei)ort. W'allai-e. WilxmliuiL;. Adanisville, (lood Hope and Mount Clare. Hardy: near ^looreticld and Wardciisville. Jefferson: near Kahletown. Jack- son: near (irass J.i(d\. Sandy. Wilding. Belgrove Odaville. Silvei'ton and Kentuck. Kanawha: near Pocatali- go, Blandon and (iazil. Lewis: mar \'adis, Camden, W'alk- ersville and Aherdceii. Lim-oln : near Hamlin. Mercer: near Princeton and Xew Hope. M(T^owell : near S(piire Jim. ^Fonroc; near ('ariclix. i, U.S. 1'. ( II. (irlstntum, IJeauv.) ]»i>eky woods. W'ehster: near Welch ( i lade. Tucker: near tlu' Falls of lilaekwater. Fayette: near XuttallWurg — L. \\. N. V(ir. glabratuni, X'asey, MSS. A new variety discovered 1)V Mr. L. W. Xuttall. It agrees with the s[)eci(.'s cxce})t that it is perfectly smooth, and has an awn pointed second lilnnie which is altout one-half the length of the flowering ghime. Its most striking peculiarity is that it has invariahly two culms from each rootstock. Fligli. rockv woods. Favette: near Nuttallh\iri:\ rare — L. W. N. ■ PHLEUM. L. P. PRATENSE. L. Timothy. L. W. X.. ^NI. iV' i\. A common escape from cultivation throughout the State. Found even in the forests of the highest Alleghaniei*. AGROSTIS, L. A. ALBA, T. White Bent-grass. Meadows and tields. A fre({uent escai)e in the wt'stern counties. Fayette: near Nuttalllnirg — L. W. X\ V(ir. VULGARIS! With.), Tliurh. Red T(»p. L. W. X. Meadows the fields. Common throughout the Statt'. I'onini, artistata. Damp meadowlands. Monongalia : along Falling Run A. prennans;Walt.), Tuckerm. Thin (irass. Damp, shady places. Randolph : along Cheat River in clearings. Monongalia: near Little Falls. Favette : near Xuttallhurg— L. W. X. A. liiemalis(Walt. ), 15. S. F. Hair (Jrass. .1. srahni, Willd. Moist fields. Preston: near Terra Alta. Fav(tte: near Xuttallhurg— L. W. X 470 CINNA. L C. arundinacea, I.. Wdoii JNcd-iiniss. W'l't places. Kan(lol]»]i : aloii^u Tvgarf s ^'all('^- River near Huttonsvillc Fayette: near Xuttallhuro- — L. W. X. ARRHENATHERUM. Beauv A. ELATIUS' L.t. Mert. iV KimIi. Oat (ira>>. ^ \. nr, min ,i ,ii. Beauv.) Fields and yards. MonnULialia. aluindant and Itei-oni- \wji a nviisanee. The lower eanijuis ( liall' oi-cliai'd > that yielded a good (■ro[> of Orchard-grass last seas(jn. was almost conipletelv this species this year. Our analysis of this grass shows a nutritive ratio (if onlv 1:S.];'). Favette: near Nuttalltiurg — L. W. X. HOLCUS, L H. LANATUS. L. Velvet (nas.-. ••( )ld White Tiip." •Foatlior (Jrass." Fre(|iient in dani]> meadows. Monongalia: along the F. :\I. A- ['. II. n. r[)shur: near Laurent/. Kandolj.h : along Tygart's Valley Ixiver. (irant: near Bayard. Xicholas: in Collett's Olade. Favette: neai- Hawk's Xe.st. and Kana- wha Falls—James: XuttalH-urg— L. W. X. DANTHONIA, DC. D. spicatat \..>. Beauv. Wild Oat-gras<. Dry soil. Monongalia: near IVh'cIi woods and Little Falls. lvaiulol|)h: on a di'v houlder. summit of Point Moun- tain, alt. i'.ToO ft. Fayette': near Xuttallhurg— L. W . X. D. compressa. Au>tin. i)ry l>anks. Tucker: near the Falls ol' IMack water. Fayette: near Xuttallhuig— L. W. X. ELEUSINE, Gsertn. E. INDICA' L.). (Jaei-tn. l)og"s Tail (.)• Wire (irass. Yards and streets. Kanawha: near Cannellton. Mon- ongalia: near ^[organtown. >L)s. ^'ard> ami lawns. Moiionualia: on the campus. 471 SIEGLINGIA, K.Miih. dsoO). iTi-iodin. I{. I'.r. ISIO) S. cupreai Miclix.) Tnll Uvd 'l\>\). Dry 1)1- sitiidy Hrlds. MoiKtii^ala : near Little Falls. W'txid: near Seidell. Fayette: near Xuttallluu'L;— L. \\\ X. EATONIA. Raf. E. obtusata(Miehx.), (iray. Piieli woods. Fayette: neai' Xuttalllmvi^- — L. W. X. E. PennsylvanicatSpi-enti), (iray. >f()ist o])ens. Monoiiualia : near Beeehwoods and in the eamiuis. ERAGROSTIS, Reauv. E. hypnoides (Lam. ). J>. S. I'. E. reptam, Nees. Shores ot' rivers. Siiuiiiiers: along New River near Hinton. Wood: aloiii! the Ohio River near Parkersbnrg. Mason: near I'oint IMeasant. Ohio: near Wlieeliny- — E. MINOR, Host. E. po(toleauv. .lellerson: near Harpei'V I'^erry — M. i.^- (J. Fayette: near Xuttallhurg— L. W. X! E. Pursliii. S.-hrader. Sterile or sandy soils. Monongalia: near Little Falls, and on tlu^ eani])us. E, capillaris.( L.), Xees. Fayette: near Xnttalllnirg— L. W. X. E. Frankii, Meyer. Shores of rivers. Siinmiers: along Xew River near llinton. MELICA. L. M. mutica. Walt. Rieh soil. Favette : near Xutt.illhur-- — L. \V. X. 472 CORYCARPUS. Zea rlsoc,) (Dian-lifiia. Beau v. 1S12) C. Americana! r>iauv.) Kuentz. Sliadrd fivrv banks, l-'avfttc: luai- \uttal1l>um — I.. W". X. UNIOLA, L. TJ. latifolia, Mi( lix. Shailv plaics : Fayette: near Xuttalllinrii- — 1,. W. X. DACTYLIS, L. D. GLOMERATA. I.. Ovcliard (Jrass. L. W. X. Fields and nieadci-ws. Coninion tlnDiiuliout, (.■s[)e- eiaily in shady })laces. POA, L P. ANNUA, r.. J>(>\v ^^i)ear-grar^?^. Oliio: near Wlieelinu' — M. iV- (i. Favette: near Xut- talll.nr;r_L. W. X. P. COMPRESSA. L. Wire (irass. I,. W". X. Stei-ile soil in ereviees of rocks. Flentil'ul ihi-onLiliout the State. Forni'i depauperata. On ]-oeks. Moiionualia : alon^ I'^allinu Ivun, especially at the cascade. P. pratensis, F. F>lne Grass. F. W. X. J)rv s«»ils and meadows. Connnon throiiuhout the State, even in the higher .Vllciihanies. P. TRIVALIS. F. FoULihish Mean()niialie- la at Fittle Falls. P. sylvestris, Gray. ()hio: near Wheeling — M. iV G. P. alsodes, (!ray. Hillside woods. ^F)nongalia: along Hay Creek near Fittle Falls. Fayette: near Xuttallhnrg— F. W. X. P. flexuosa. Muhl. ( not Wahl.). Txler: near Fonu' Keaeh. P. brevifolia, ^Fulil. Ohio: \\'()()(ls Run near Wlicclin^- — .M.iV ('<. Favcdc: near Xuttalll)iiro — 1.. W . N. PANICULARIA, Fal.r. (1703; ((ilyccria. R. Br. ISIO. ) P. Canadensis(Mi(lix.), Woods. Fayctti': near Nuttallbur.!.;— T.. W. N . P. elongata(Torr. ). Manna (Jrass. Wet woods. Webster: along the ridei-keley : neai' Mai'tin^lmii:. Monongalia: near .^^or.L;allt own. Mei-eei': near In^leside. -laekson and Mason: alon.-i' thi' Ohio Kiver: Cahell: alon.i;- the C. i^- O. 1{. R., from Huntintiton. to St. Alhans in Kanawha county. TAXUS, L. T. baccata. P.. /'//. Canadensist W'illd.). (iiay. ■•Creepini: llcm- lock." Yew. I )am|i hillside woods. Marion: near the month of PuH'alo Creek — K. J). Walker. Taylor: near Xu/unis. Fay- ette : aloUL; Williams Kiver. PINUS. L. P. strobus, P. White Pine. \\'ood: near l^eaelitown. Wirt: lU'ar PurniiiLi.- Sju-iuL;'. Calhoun: near White Pine ami Paurel Pun. Pocahontas: near Sunset. ( Jreenhriei' : near Caldwell. Fayette: neai' XuttallhurL;. [iroliahly introduceil — P. W. X. P. Taeda. P. Pohlolly. ..r old-lidd Pine. ()|tens. Wood: near Kanawha Station, ^^ineral. llam]>shire. and IPirdy: alonu' the tahle-lands. 470 P. rigida. Mill. I'itcli Pine. KaiiawliM : near Cliarlestidi — ]>an\es. Favette : near Xuttalll)iu-. alt. 2000 ft.— L. \V. X. Greenbrier: near W'liite Sulpliui' SpriuLis. Mineral: on Knohby ^lountains. P. pungens. Miehx. f. TaMe .^^()un1ain Pine. M. c^- (J. Dry roek y soils. Kanawha: near Charleston — Barnes. Mineral on Knol)l>y Mountain. Penclleton: foot hills of S])raee Knol) — A. T). llojikins. P. Virg-iniana, Mill. SouK i'ine. {P. /»o;>.s-. Ait ) Sterile hills. (ireenhrier: near Caldwell. Fayette: near Xnttallhurii:, a eonimon second growtli — L. \A'. X. Berk(d(\\': near Martinshurg-. Mercer: near Tngleside. P. echinata, ^Lill. Yellow Pine. ( /'. miti--<. ^liehx.) Wood : near Leaehtown. Kandulph : near \'allev Bend. Snniinei's: near Hinton. PICEA, Link. P. MarianaiMill.) P>. S. P. I'.laek Spruee. '-Yew Pine." -White S[trnee.'" -S])ruee I'ine.'" Ahics uigni. Poii'. Magnitieent forests in the following regions where it grows at elevations varying from from 2-")00 to 4000 ft. : .\<-r.'s. Kaiidolpli Couiitvoii lOlkaiid G:iulc\ wiliTs l.S.OOO Kainiolph (JountV OTi Clu'at watcis .". 120.000 Ramlolph County on Mill Creek 5,000 Randolph (.'ounty on Klk MouiitHiii 500 I'oeahontas County on Shaver".>i Fork of Cheat ... :iO,000 Pocahontas County on the headwater.-; of Greenbrier River 100,000 Pocahontas County on Elk and Gauley Iieadxvaters 100,000 Tucker County on Cheat waler.~ " - .^0.000 -Mineral County '. 25.000 Greenbrier County I by actual .-iurvey) :tt.499 Total aciva<;e ^70.99it This estimate will prohaldy fall under the actual amount. Summers: along (ii-tH'nhrier river near Ttdcott. Mer- cer : near Inglcside. TSUGA. Carrier. T. Canadensis I P. ). Carr. Jlcmlock. Ilendotdv Spruce. .Ihirs ('(iiiH(lni.-ea ver ^lills. (Jrant: near Payai'd. aliundant. .Moiii'oc: mar .\ldersoii. Preston: near Tei'ra .Vila, f^iyctte: near XnltalHiurg. plentiful — P. W. X". Mercer: nt^ir Inglcside and Princeton. Mcl)owell: near l*>lkh(iiii. Mononualia: near rflinnton and Tililt's Pun, 477 ABIES, Miller. A. balsaniea. .Millrr. ■•lUi.-icr I'inc."" l>;iliii-()t'-(;ilc;i(l Fii'. I^al- saiii Fir. Mituntaiii Swamps. Ivaiidolpli : aliouttwo miles l)c- \ciii(l Cheat Bridii'e almiii- tlie Staunton l'ilM.c'(:(i. I)eep, moist woods. With the last, ])lentifnl. L. clavatum, F. CluF Moss. Drv wooils. Conimon throughont the State. L. complanatuni. F. Trailing Christmas Green. M. t\:(;. l)ee[) coniferous woods. In the Alleghanies of (4rant. Tucker, Randolph and Pocahontas counties. Favette: near Xuttallhurg— L. W. X. OPHIOGLOSSACEiE OPHIOGLOSSUM, L. O. vulgatuni. F. Adder'> Tongue. \\'et meadows and woods. (Jilmer: near (llenville — V. M. BOTRYCHIUM Sw. B. ternatuint Thuiil). 1. Sw. .Nrdon-wot-t. l)rv\vii(i(ls. .Monoimaliii.Miiriiiii. I'rcston: in Lanrd liill^. (naiit: iii'ar iJavaid. (iiliiicr: near (ilenvilU^ — \'. ]\I. Fayette: near Xuttallbur-. -Uules. alt. -^OOO It.— I.. \V. N. \'(ir. australedi. 15i-. i. Eaton. (irassy placf-s. Moiunmalia : on the eani|ius ni*ai" Mdi'uantown. \'iir. rutsefolium, Man. Ivieli opens. Mel )((\\ cH : neai' Idkliorn. 1''//'. obliquunKMulil.). Mildi'. Favette: near Xuttalllnirji', drv opens, alt. ■_>()()() ft.— 1.. W. X." Ohio: hills hack of Wheelinu— M. A- (1. Monon- galia: on the eani]ins noar ]\Fori:antown. \'iir dissectuni(S|»reni:- ), ^lihh'. <;ia(les. Fayette: near Xnttallhui-. alt. I'OOO ft. — !-. W. X. MononLialia : on the eampn^ neai' Moriianlown. B. Virginianumi L. ), Sw. "Indieator."" M.vt(J. Ivieh woods. (irant: near l^ayai'd. IJaiidolph : un Kieh Motiiitains. Monongalia: ('heat river neai'Canip Eden, (iilniei': near (xlenville. -laekson : near iJipley. where it is oi'ten eallc'(l '•Indicator'" as its urow th is thouiilit to indicate the presence' of'(iinsenu in the loeality. -()- 47i) PTERIDOPHYTA. FILICES. POLYPODIUM, L. P. vulgar e, L. ('niimion I'nlypndy. M. i^- (J. ('oiiiiuon oil iimssy rocks and in rocky woods. Kan- awha: near Charleston — Barnes; lu'ar Coalhuru- — .lanics. (lihiier: near ( i leinille— \\ M. Faycttt^: near XuttallhurL!,- 1>. W. X. (irant: near Uayard and aloiiy- lUiltalo Creek. >roiions. PELLJEA. Link P. atropurpurea(L. /, Link. Clill' l>rake. M.iV-C. Dry rocks. Fayette: near Nuttallhurg, rare — L. \V . X. Mercer : near Reaver Sin'ing on exposed ledges, i)lentiful. PTERIS, L P. aquilina. L. Brake oi' Bracken. .M. A- (i. Thickets and hillsides. Common throughout. Up- shur: at Scliool-house Summit. Wehster : in I'pper ( Hade. 4S0 l\;iii;i\vlia : iirur Coalliuvi:' and ( 'liai'lcslnii — ^^.Taiiics. l-^iycttc : near Xuttallliuru- — T.. W. \. ADIANTUM, L E. pedatum, L. .Maidin Ilair Fcni. J.. \V. X., V. M., M. c^- G. Rich iiioist woods. Coimuon lliroiighout the State. ASPLENIUM, L. A. pinnatifidunK Muhl), Xutt. Splocnwort. ( 'lil'l's and rocks. Jefllerson : near JIav|irr"s Ferry —M. S:i'i. Favetle: near X^uttalllmvu-. in clefts of l>ouldri-s. rare -F. W. N. A. Tricliomanes, F. AF iV- (i. Shaded cliffs. Wirt: near llui'niii^ Sprin>;s. Niclio- las : alonii Peter Creek. Fayette: near NuttalUnirg — J>. W . N. ; and along the Gaulev River. Kanawha : near Coalhurg — JanK>s. Gihner: neai- Glenville. Greenl»ri(^r : neai' White Sul])luir Springs. A. platyneuron(F.), Oakes. (.1. chcinnu. Ait. ) Freqnent in rocky open wood^. Kanawha: near Charleston — Barnes. Fayette: near Xuttalll)urg — F. W. X. Wirt : near iUirning Spi'ings. A. montanuni. Willd. ('lilts and i-o(dvS. F'ayette : near Fla.wk's Xest — Por- ter (see ^Nleehan's Monthly, .Aug. Fsi)-i. ])late) : near Xuttall- hurg, alt. 2000 ft.— F. AV.' X. Jefferson: near Harper's Fer- ry— ]\[. c^' G.. Randol})h : near Flelvetia — AF iV (i. (irant: near Bavard. ^[onongalia : on l>ouldci's along Tihhs Fun. j)lentiful. A. angustifolium. Mi( li.\. Pvicli woods Ohio: near Wheeling — AF t^' < F Fay- (tte: near Xuttallhurg— F. W. X. A. acrostichoides, S\v. (.1 //ii/i/j)in-oi(lc'<. Michx.) Rich woods. Kanawha: near Charleston — James. Fayette: near XuttaUhvirg — F. W. .\. -F-llerson: near llar- jx'r's F^erry — M. tl' G. A. Filix-fcBmina F. ). lUiidi. iF)ist woi'ds. (iiliner: near ( 1 leii ville— W .M I'^ay- I'tte: near Xuttallhui-g — F. W . .\. ()hio: neai- Wheeling y\. urnin,u Springs. Fayettt' : aloni;- tlic ( iaulcv Riv(»r ; near Kanawlia Fall.-; — .]an)es. 'J'uckci-; at Hlaekwater Falls. (Jilmcr: near ( rlenvilli — \'.M. Kanawha: near Coalbnro- — .lain(^s. Fayette: near Xuttallhurij,- — L. W. X. Monongalia: near ^Fortiantown : PHEGOPTERIS. Fee. P. connectilisi Miehx.), !>. S. !'. Beech Fern. /'. jjo/i/jjod/oi-lcs^ Fee. Hani}) woods, (iihner: near (ilenville — V. M. Tuck- er: near tlie Falls of lUaekwater. P. hexagonopterai L.), Vw. ()[)en woods, (iilnier: near (Ilenville — \'. M. Fay- t'tte : near Nuttallhurti-, shadc^l fence rows and dee[) woods — L. \V. X. Ohio: near Wh(>elin.u— M. >S: G. P. Dryopteris(li ). Fee. lloeky woods. I'j'eston: n(>ar lvowlesl)ing" — M. (.\; (!. ASPIDIUM, Sw. A. Thelypterisi ]..), Sw. Siiield-fern. Marshy Meadows. Ohio: near Wheeling — M. *.^' (i. A. Noveboracensei L.). Sw. New York Shield Feiii. M. t^- G. Moist woods. Randol[)h : on Rich Mountain, alt. ls.")0 feet. Fayette: nearNuttallhurg — L. W. X. : near Kan- awlia Falls — lames. . Kanawlia: near Charleston —.James. A fragrans, Swart/.. Opens. Pocahontas: near suruniit of S[)ruce Knoh, alt: 4800 ft., wliere it is cut and cured for foddei'. A. spinulosum, Sw. Wood-fern. Danii) woods. Wirt: altove Burning Springs. Ran- dolj»h: on Rich Mountain. Fayette: near X'^uttallburg — L. W. X'. Preston : near Terra Aha. ^fcDowell : near P^lkhorn. Vnr. In deep, wet woods under lUack Spruce. Rftiidoli>li : near Cheat l>ridge, and Shades-of-l)eath. \'(ir. interniediunK Willd. ), Faton. Common Wdod-j'ern. l)ee[» rich woods throughout (Ji'ant. Tucker. Raneech and Middle Fork. Favette: near Xuttallhur- — L. W. X. 482 Var. dilatatumiSw.). Hook. Deep woods. ()liio: near W'liccliiit:: — M. t^- (I. A. cristatunii r>. ) Sw. S\v:ini[»y ])lacr>. I'Teston : near ( 'I'aiibcn-y Suimiiit — .M. iV (J. ; near Hcrdsvillc and Tci'ra Alta. A. Goldianuni, Hook. Rich moist woods. I'rcstou : near ( 'i-anlicfrx' Suiiiiiiit — M. i^- (I. Fayi'ttc: iifar XiittalHiuru — L. ^^■. .\".' A. Filix-inas( L. ) Sw. ^Ialc-lVni. Ixocky woods. (iiliiHi': near ( llcnvillc — V. ^[. A. niarginalet I,.) Sw. M.i\;(;. Rocky liillsidcs ill ricli woods. (liliiitT: near (llcn- villc— \'. -M. Kanawha: near ( 'liarlcston — .lames. Favcttc: ncai- Xuttall))Ui\u- — L..\\. X. eck. ). 15. S. 1'. I'^o. iiirisinii. (. .Monon;j;alia : the Flats, (iilnicr: near (ileiiville — \'. .M . I''ayet t e — near Kanawha Falls — -lames: near Xnttallliur;:' — I,. W N. Randolph: n(>ar X'allcv Ili'ad. rpshur: near linekhaniion. WOODSIA. i;. I!r. W. obtusai Sprenu. >. 'I'ori- M. A- . jiiloslns- rnhi. Will.l. Moist sliady i>l;iccs. Ivandolith: oii Ividi Moundiins, nit. lt)2()t't. Clicnl mountains under Black S]n-uc(', al)iin- dant. Ciilnicr: near (ilcnvillc — V. M. Favcttc : iicarNut- talll.uru-, alt. iMOO ft.— F. W. N. : near Kaninvlia Falls and Loup ( 'I'cck — .lames. Kanawlia : near ('liarlcston — lames. OSMUNDA L O. regalis, L. Royal Fein. M..^-(;. S\vam))y meadows. l'[)shur: near Randolph county line on Staunton V'lkv. Webster: I'pper Glade, (iilnier: near (ilenvill. — \. M Fayc'tte : near Nuttall))nru— L. W. .\'. I^'eston : neai' Terra Altaaiid ( 'old Spi-inti. Mononga- lia: near ( 'amp I'Men. M(l)o\vell: near lOlkhorn. O. Claytoniana, F. Clayton's Flowering Fern. Low gi'ounds. Preston: near Cranhei'ry Summit— M. iV' (t. Fayett<": near Xuttallluiru— F. \V. X. ' O. cinnamomea. F. cinnamon Fern. Marshy places. Fayette: near Nuttallhui'g. alt. -JOOO ft. — L. W. X. I'reston : near Cranlierrv Stimniit — M. i^- (F Randoli)h: alon,Li- Shaver's Fork. EQUISET ACE^ EQUISETVM, L. E. arvense. F. Field Horsetail. F. W. X.. M. .<.- G. Moist, samly Jields. Freijuent througliont tlie State. E sylvaticum. F. Dam}) rich woods. Mercer: near Ada. Monongalia: near Little Falls. E. hyemale. F. Scouring Rush. Wet wooded hanks. Wirt: near Rurning Springs. E. Isevigatuni, Rraun. Clav hanks alonu' stream. Mercer: near ingleside. 484 BRYOPHYTA. SPHAGNA. SPHAGNUM. L. S. cyinbifolium, Klnli. Coiunion in wet gladi'S, and in deep wooded I'ills. J'reston : Kingwood and Terra Alta. Monongalia: along Tibb's Run. "Wel)ster: at Welsb. L.ong and Collett's Glades. Fayette: glade above Nuttallburg. Ixandolph : in tbe S[)i'uce forests. MUSCI. (All tbe S])ecies in tbis class bave jiassed ibrougb tbe bands of Mrs. E. (1. Britton. w bo lias kindly deter- mined them for tbis Flora.)' POLYTRICHACEJE. POLYTRICHUM, L. P. commune. L. Preston : on ground in dpen woods. Terra Alta. P. Ohioense, Ken. c*c Card. /'.fonnos/nii, Siill. not Hedw. Monongalia: on gr(»\ind, Morgantown (!");)(;); a lai'ge form on ground Tibb's Run (KiOO) : an extremely small form, witb minute ('ai)sules on sandstone bouldei', loe. eit. (Kill). Mt'rcer: on ground in oak woods. lUuefield (Hoo). (irant : on deeaved lous. Ravai-il. l-'avette : near Xuttaliburu' — L. \V. X'. P. piliferum. St In el >. Mononualia : on bare sandst(Uie ledge. Falling I'un, (121)'».) P. tenue, ^lenz. Pixjonalu m hrcri'-diiJr, lU'auv. Monongalia : roadside banks, Morgantown ; on ground. Tibb's Run (Ibli'). Fayette: iiear Nuttallburg -L. W. N. CATHARINEA, Ehrh. C. angUStata, Ibid. Alrichinii niaiiishilinii, lb'. iV: Sib. .Monongalia: on ground in marsby s[)(>t, Morgantown 4,Sa fl4()(i). MciTrr: rocks in I'ill, l>c;ivci- S|ti-iiiL:' (141).")) l-'ay- v{\v: ncai- N uttallhur- — 1>. W. N. C. undulatai L. ). X'v'cli. A- Mohr. .Urif/tinn inHhi/d/init, Wnuw. MoiioiiLialia : on !^foun»l in niai'sliy spot, Morpmtown (14(34) ]Mcl)o\v(.41 : on roots in stream. KIklioi'n ( l.")-_>2) Fav- cttc: near Nnttalll.urn— L. W. X. GEORGIA CE^ffi. GEORGIA, Ehrh. G. pellucidafL.), IJahcnh. Trfni/i/iis i,r//ii(i(](i.\lvd\y. .Monongalia: on sandstone boulder, Tiljh's Hun (16(K). Kilo. 1C.;U). FISSIDENTACEJE FISSIDENS. Hedw. F. adiantoidesi L.), Hodw. .>ron()nua]ia : on slialv rocks under (ditf, C'assville (142^). F. decipiens, >S(4iini>. Fayette: near Nuttallburi-— I.. \V. X. MNIACE^. ASTROPHYLLUM, Neck. A sylvaticum, LindU. Mnimn riisj,i(lafiiiti, Hedw. Monongalia : on soil, Mort>autown (1859) ; on dry boulder, Cheat River (1897); on stone in swampy spot, DiHe's (l.'),S8). Fayetle: near Xuttallburu— 1.. W. N.' A rostratrunKSelirad. ). Lindb. (Jran.t: on wet lo,iis, llayai'd. ^lononpdia : on deeav- ed wood, The Flats (1877). M(d)owell: on roots in rill, Elkhorn (1."')'28). A. punctatumCL. ) Findb. Miiiinii jxrnrfahini (L.) \{r(\w. Fayette: near Xuttallburu — F. W. X. A. hornumj..;, Findb. Monongalia: on sand in rill. Ti1)b's Fun (1()04). Favette: neai^Nuttallburo- F. \V . X. 486 SPH.a:ROCEPHALUS, Neck. S. heterOStichuS( l')l-i,iniiin, Iict, mstlchinu^ l>r. M()iMiiiL!;ili;i : < )ii ciinl cntrniicc tn cdal |iit. (Icovlic- tiiwii (l-'iT'.h: lijiiiiiinu- t'nnii >:inli"s Run (1(')()7). ('aiup I-M. '11 0 ■■'•'-) : "II rocky Icd-c.Cas'^villc ( 1414j. McDowell: oil saixly hank ol rill. Klkliorn (lo*20). Favrtto: near XnttalH.ur.u— L. \\ . X. BARTRAMIACEiE. BARTRAMIA. Hedw. B. poniiforniisi L.i. Jldhv. MiM-ccr; on liolc dead tree. I{liifiicl(l i 147>>). Monon- galia: on sand.-^toni' l)OUldcr. deep woods. 'I'ildt's Hun (KKM)). Fayette: near Nuttallbur. W. N. Vnr. crispa(Sw.). Seliim}!. Mononpilia : on rock led^c, Cassville (1417. 141S). PHILONOTIS, Brid P. fontana(L.), Brid. ^lereer: on sandstone ledjiciii rill. I>eaver Spriniii lo()l) BRYACE^. BRYUM, L. B. bimum, Selireh. Monoimalia : on sliale niidei' ledii'e. Cassville (1424.) B. argenteum, I., ^Fononiialia: fissures ])etweon bricks of walks. ^Foriian- town ( 1. ■').■')•') >. Fayette: lU'ar Xuttailburg — L. W. X. B. proliferunKL.). Sibth. II. rosnnii. Sdireb. Mercer: on roots of oak. I>lueli(4d ( 144i)). McDowell: on decayed wood. Elkhorn (loO'i). LEPTOBRYUM, Wils L. pyriformelF. ). Wils. liri/im, ptjrifoniir. Heilw. .Monongalia: on saiidsloiie boulder. Tib])'s Hun (IlilC). UV.V.V). 487 FUN ARIACEJE. FUNARIA, Schreb. F. hygroinetica( I..), Silitli. Moiioiiiialia : in soil (Ui saudstouc Ixtuldcr, filih's Uilii (Kil"). KilT). Fayette; near Nuttallhui'a— L. W. N. \'i'. iV Sell. MdUonj^^aHa : [ieli.\. ^^(ln(»ll,^•alia : on dani]i sand in a "liunnnLi," Little Falls (1277): l<»e. eit.. Morgaidownl l.'vJ*.).) PHYSCOMITRIUM. Brid. P. pyriformei L.). Iliid. Monongalia: on toji of soil of lield that had Iieen ]»l()ligh('d and han-owiMl imly eiiilit tlays heforc, Moi-^antown (127.S): on uronnd marshy s[)ot, Dille's ( 140o). TORTULACEiE LEERSIA. Hedw. L. streptocarpai Hedw. ). Findh. L.rniiimid, Wolf. Eucdliijito ^lei'eer: face dry limestone <-litl', JU'aver S])rin,ii- (l-")r)2j. TORTULA, L. T. muraliSi I.. ). lledw. liarhnUi iii.iinth's {L.j, "rviu. Mereer: on sandstone leiloe, Beav(^r Spring (loo;!). BARBULA, Hedw. B. huniilis. lledw. 7>. f;i.'s(i, Selnva'gr. Mereer: roo(^ of o.ik. ]51u<'field (1447). Fayette: Nuttalll)nrg— L. W. X. B. tortuosa(F.), \V(4). iV Molir. ^Fononualia : in sand under houldei'. Camp l']den (l;;*).")). MOLLIA, Schrank. M. viridulalL.i, Lindh. UV/'sin rlrkhihi. lledw. JNr(d)owell: on ground, open woods, KIkhorn (141!(). 1407). Favette: near Xuttallhur>i— L. W . N. 4SS DICRAN ACEiE. LEUCOBRYUM. Hampe. L. glaucumd..). Schiiu].. Monon,2,'alia : on uroiind in wouds. Tlic Flats (l.".ni)). F:;yette: \\ittalll>iim~L. W. \. DICRANODONTIUM, Br. & Sch. D. Virginicus, liritt. m. S|). nov. .MoiHMiLialia : on saiidstonr Ixmldcv alon,^- a \vo(Hll;ind patli. Til)l>\s Run (IHo")). I'lants bright glossy green, steins matted Ix'low Ky a led tonientuni. leafy nearly to a]»ex, denudate roughened al)ove. with a tew leaves at suininit : leaves erect or seeund. straight or curled ami twisted, often •"> i run long, narrowlv subulate from a sliort. thick base, caducous ones with a long, slender, smooth point : |iersistent(ines serrate, blade intiexed cells densely cldorophyllose, tilled with oil globules, those of the basal angles, clear. r)irid. Monongalia: on sandstone boulder dei'i* woods, Tibb's Run (lo9htl_v cadu- cous leaves. Leaves sccuikI nr ci-cet-spi-eadinu, 4-oirini. lon;^-. narrowly sultulate IVoiii a lnoad Uase l-l^mni. loiisr, bccoin- iii.u' tul»ular aliovc with ini'itUcd margins, lia.-al angles not auricled, tilli'd Ity large hyaline cells to the base of the hi'oad, brown vein, those of the l)lade oblong or !-(iuare next the vein, becoming spindle-shaped and [trosenchymatous toward tlie margin, vein thick, excurrent into a dentate slender tip, rough on l)ack. Dio'cious. pericha'tium 5-7nini. long, bracts sheathing half their length, ta])ering to a long, slender, ob- scurely serrate tip, outer shorter, aljruptly subulate, more shari)ly serrate; pe(liceLs recurved. I)uiying the capsules among the leaves, becoming erect when old, o-Nmm. long, stout and twisted in two directions ; ca[)sules pyriform-cylin- dric with a distinct neck, length about 1mm. witiiout the lid which is as long as the rest of the cai)sule. with a straight beak, calyptra cucullate, entire : jKM'istomi- red, conin\ ent, teeth deep set, slender, s])lit to middle, ni- perfoi'ate to base, striolate l)elow, granulose above : annulus mine, mouth bor- dered l>y a dense, dark rim. Maturing in summer, old cap- sules persistent, not sulcate. Difi'ers from European specimens of l>. liiiKjiiristrc in the structure of tiie base of the leaf, lacking the suddeidy iuHated basal auricles; ditfering also in the cells above the l)ase, teeth not sjiHt to base, occasionally only perforate. From D. Vir- 's liun (liiOl k Mcrcci-: in tulTts at haseof stuni)). Bliictii'lil ( 147() i. nnd on (l(<;i\ rd lo^- (l-l()4.) Fayette: near Nnttallbiiri:— !>. W. X. D. fulvuni. Hook. Fayette: Xuttalll >uru— L W. X. DICRANELLA, Schinip D. heteromallaiL.). Scliini]!. Mononualia : on Lii'ound under rail fence. The I'^lats (1;'.()2): on wet coal entrance of coal ]iit. ( icorLictown (1."'>7S): on i-round in woods. 'I'il>l>".< IJun (IfioS). Favette: Xuttallhurii-L. W. X. DITRICHUM. TIMM. ( Fe|iotricliiini. 1 lani]ie.) D. pallidunK Selirel). ,1. irani|>e. l^riclinslnnnnit pdllidn iii, Hedw. Meieer: on ground oak woods. lUueiield iMoS). Mc- Dowell: on clay open woods. Klkliorn (14't2. 14'.t.-). ]:,[){).) Monouiialia : on (day of ojien woods. Titili's Run ( lo'.lS). Fayette: near Xutti'dlhur^ — I.. W. X. CERATODON. Brid C. purpureusi I-. I IJrid. Monouiialia : on dry sandstone liouliler. .Morpanlown ( !;'>;)()).: loc. cit.. TiMi"s Run f ir>:'.;; ). Favette: near Xnt- tallhuvir L. W. X. G R I M M I A C E iE WEISSIA, Ehrh. W. Aniericanai l'ali>).. Lindli. l'/ni[onono:alia . on dry sanuri:--I.. W. X. ORTHOTRICHUM, Hedw. O Braunii, l)r. A- Sch. O. s/raiiark li\in;^ api.letree, Mor.ii'antown (l-iSS). HYPN ACEiE THUIDIUM Br & Sch T. recognituini Hedw. 1. Findli. /'. il, linifu'inu. Ih-. ((• .sv7/. (iranl: on decayed Io.l;.-. Hayard. Mononualia : on drv lioulilci-. 4die I'dais (l:;(iiH: Tilih's Run i liiOS i : on de- 491 cavfd lo^s. ( icoructdwn (l."vS-_!ij, Mci'ccr: nii sandstone 1(m1>;c, Ivcavt'r S])rin^s ( lo-J-l ) : on hole dead ti'ce (1477): loc (^it.. l?lnclicl().")) ; loc. (•it . Cam]) Eden (loDl). Mercer: on sandstone ledii;e in rill, IJeavcv Springe ( 1 •>")•")) : on hoU^ living oak. IJliieHeld (14")6. lo;iti). Fayette: Xuttalll.nru -I.. W X. A. attenuatus(Seliiel>. ). Ifiielm. Monon^i'alia : on dry l)ouldei\ The Flats ( lod.'l. 1;)()7). Meiver: completely eoNcri nu' larci'c limestone Icilifes in open woods, licaver Sprinii' (lo-)l ). AMBLYSTEGIUM, Br. & Sch. A. adnatuni, llidw. ^[(d)o\ve!l: on Hat stone in deep wooils. l^lkliovn A. serpens( I>. ). F.r. A- Sch. Mononualia: on wet rotten lonu. ( iranxille (12!)S ) ; on twius in rill. Dille's (1402). M(d)owell : on ])el)l)l(Mn deep \vood<. I'dkhorn I loll)). \'nr. orthocladoni l>eauv. ). Aust. Monon,. .1. r(i(h'ni/'\HY. ct Seh. Mononiialia : on I'ocks lininu' a spring,The Flats (1874) ; on wet roeks in stream, Cassville (1421). Mereer : on lime- stone I'idiie, Beaver Sprinu- (loo))) : on decayed lo.u', IMuetield (14SS. loi',!;). McDowell: on top of stump in dark, deep woods. Flkhorn ( I ")21 ). A. irriguuiiK Jlook. A- W'ils. ). l!i-. A- Sch. Mercer: on sandstone led^e in i-ill, ]>eaver Spring' (]."").")(;. 1.").")!)). MoiionLialia : on rock^in rill,'rihli"s KuiK 1")!)2). A. ripariumi L. ). Br. A- Sch. Mononualia : on stone in stream. Falling lviin(F).")4) M.d)owell : loc. cit., Klkhorn (lol2). A. chrysophylluilK Brid. ). De Not. Jfi/jDmnr r/iri/ss,,/,/,j//hnii, Brid. ,Monoi)galia : on old heecii log, Morgantown (1405); Mercer: on ground. Beavei' Spring (lo.')().) HYPNUM, L. H. denticulatuin, F. .\ronongalia • on wall> ol' dark r(>xiiiii. llod'm. Fayette: near Xuttallburg— L. W'.X. STEREODONTACE^. THELIA. Sull, T. hirtella(FIedw. ). Sull. M(d)oW(dl: on bark livingbeeeh, Elkhorn (149;'>.) T. asprella(Schim.), Sull. Mercer: on bole living Coi-nus Morida. Beavei' Spring (153.:).) HYLOCOMIUM. Br. . iV Sch. H. parietinuni(L ), Lindb. Ilo/nnnn Srhnlu ri. Willd. Mononualia : on tirounil shade of llendocks. I,aui'i'l Hills (1()15.) ' 4m H. triquetruini L. ). \\v. ik Sdi. ^roiionualia : on uriHiinl sIkhIc of licinlocks. rjaiirol Hill^ ( ic.l'.i.) ' CAMPYLIUM. Mitt. C. hispiduluni(I>ri(l.). >[itt. Jli/jnumi /lisj/ldnhiui, V>y\d, .Mc'i'cci' : nil urouiid, oak wixmIs. niiicHcId (14o2j, C. chrysophyllum. .Mercer: oil (lee;iV0(l lou. (laiiip place, Ijluelield (1490. 1491). ]''(/•. tenellus. MeiTcr: on lM)le dead tree, Bluefield (147*>): on Io,l;' dainj) [dace (1486). PTILIUM. De Not. P. crista-castrense(L.), De Not. Hi/jjikhh rristd-m^tiriue, L. Plentiful on ground, ro(dr. c^- Scli. Mononualia : on bark living' apldc tree, ^[oruaiitown (1289.) PLAGIOTHECIUM, Br & Sch. P. denticulatum, L>i. i^- S( h. Fayette: near Xuttalll.urg — L. W . \. P. deticulatum, rar. densuiii. ^lonongalia : on sandstone lioulder, 'ril)l>'s Kun (l(j42.) 494 P. Sullivantiae. S( liiiii|i. MoiKiiitialici : on sandstoiu' Itoiildci' in deep woods, Til)l>"s Hun ( Uns. I CYLINDROTHECIUM, Br. & Sell. C. seductrixi llcdw .1, SuU. Monongalia: on liavk livinu aijplc tri't", ^foruantiiwn (12VH)). on l)ark in oak Avoods, Blueficld (IdoO). Fayette: near Nuttallburg— L. W. N. C. cladorhizansi^Hfdw.). Scliinip. ^[(■rcer: on decayed log, damp place, IMnotidd (14S'.t). l-^iycttc : near Xuttalll)Ui'g — L. W. \. ENTODON, C. Muell. E. palatinus(Xeek.), Lindl). P/iiti/iii/riiim rr/>i:,,-<. I>r. A: Si-ii. Monongalia: on decayed log. 'I'iMi's Hun (HilK*.). Fayette: near Nuttalll>urg— F. \V. X. NECKERACE-ffi. NECKERA. Hedw. N. pennata(L.), Fledw. Tuckei': (Ui ti'ce li-unk.<. Blackwater Falls (IKl.")). CLIMACIUM. Web. & Mohr. C Americanum. lirid. Monongalia : on moist sandstone ledge. rass\ille( Hlo ). LEUCODON, Schwaeger. L. j"ulaceus(Jlt'd\v.), Sull. fiercer: on limestone ledge. Beaver Springs (15o2j ; ^IcDowell : on rocks in rill. KIklioin (1-")0S). Monongalia: on oak log. Til)b's run (lo9()j. L. brachypus. Brid. (irant: on wet rotten log, Hayard (^937). HEDWIGIA Ehrh H ciliata, F^hrh. Mononualia: on di}', exposed Itouldeis and rocks, 'I'lie Flats (UnO). ^ 4Hr> H E P A T I C >€ . (The t'lillowiiio- species arc aiTanged in accordaiicc'witli Dr. A. W . l<]vans' ••AiTan^ycnicnl of the (Jcncra of Iic[»atica- :"" I)i', Kvaiis has kindly looked ovci- and identified all the nuuihei-s hei'c i-e])orted. — ('. F. ^I. J U N G E R M A N N I A C E JE . FRULLANIA, Raddi. F. Asa-Grayana. ^[ont. .Moiiong;dia : on samlstonc houlder, 'I'ihh's Run (1()."')4 ). Uandoliih : cliuLiinL:- to face of drv sandstone houldcf, Pick- ens (22()(i). JUBULA, Dumort. J. HutchinsieetlJook), Duiu. nir. Sullivantii, Spiuce. M( Dowel] : on rocks in stream, P^lkhorn (15011). ^(on- on,ualia : on sandstone l)oidder. Til»l)'s Run (M')'v)). LEJEUNEA, Libert. L. clypeataiSclnv.). Sull. Monongalia : on sandstone houldci'. Tihh's Hun ( ir).")(t.j RADULA. Nees. R. Xalapensis, Moni. Mercer: face of limestone clitt' Heavei' Sjirinu- (lool .) Agrees with flep. .Vni. 104. Hai'e. R. tenax, Lindi). ^[ononpUia : on sandstone houldei' in deep woods. TihhV Run (1(m7.) (rrant : on hai'k livim;- chcj'rv. deep w Is. r.ayard (2060.) PORELLA, Dill. P. platyphylla(L.), Lindh. Monongalia: on hark living aii])le tree. Morgantown (12'.ll, 121)2):" On sandstone houlder, Tihh's Run' (KioS). tiercel-: on oak log. lUuelield ('144X) ; on limestone ledge, Beaver Spring (looO). P. pinnata, L. Favette: on rocks in mist of falls, near (iaule\- Uridine (607). TRICHOCOLE A, Dumort. T. tonientella(I{lhr]i. i. Dum, Ar(d>owell : growing with Cathai-inea undulata on roots in rill, i^lkhorn (1")22 pt.K (ii-ant: on wet sand in dei'[) ra- vine. Bayard (2040;. 496 HERBERT A. S. F. Gray. H. adunca(l)i(kr^. I S. F. (i. ^lonouyalia : on samlstoiif lioiiider in dvi'\) woods. TihI.'s Run, {i(>59.) Other r. S. stations lor this species ai-e: Virginia, White Top Mt. — Mrs. Britton. North Carolina -Mr. Small. New York, Caatskills — Austin. New Jei'sey, (Treenwood :\rts.— Austin. BAZZANIA. S. F Gray. B. trilobata(L.), S. F. G. MastigohriKni fn'lolxdiiin. Nees. Monongalia: on Ixilc of tree in deej) woods, Tihh's ^Run (1639. 1G40) : in wet depression sandstone l)oulder, loe. (•it. (IGBOk Favette : in deep Avoods — L. W. N. Grant: on wet ftendoekjog. Rayard (2010.) B. defiexa(Mart.), Underw. Monongalia: on sandstone boulder in deep woods. Til.h's run (IHGl.) CEPHAL.OZIA, Dum. C. multifiora, Spi u( e. Monongalia: on sandstone bouldei' and on ground in deep woods. Tihh's run (ltiG2). (Jrant: on wet Hi-nilock log. dee}) woods. Rayard (20S0). C. curvifoliai Dicks.). Dum. Monongalia: with the last, on sandstone Ixmlder ^ deep woixls. Til)l)'s run (KIG.'k) (Irani: on wet dead haik deep woods, ]>ayai'd (2021;. ODONTOCHISMA. Dum. O Sphagni(T)icks. ), Dum. Monongalia : among mosses on sands tour houldcr. deep woods, Tibh's Run(lGG4). BLEPHAROSTOMA. Dum. B trichophyllum(^L.), Dum. Monongalia: on ground and sandstmic liouldri', i\{'c\) woods, Tihh's Run ( IGG.') .. KANTIA, S. F. Gray. K. Trichoma,nis( L. K S. F. G. Tucker: on wet decayeil logs, near IMackwater Falls 497 (!)i)8). MoiKin^alia : on wet .urouiul (1")9')), and on sand- stone boulder in deep woods (1()(3(>)/I'il)l)'s Hun. Iland(dj)li : on damp sand, Pickens (2207). ANEXJRA, Dum. A. niultifida (I. ), Dum. (Jrant: on wet dead hark (oOoO), anil \ve( derortiealed wood (2070); in deep wooded I'avine, ISayard. GEOCALYX, Nees. G. graveolens (Selirad.) Nees. Monunoalia : on ^i-ound and sandstone boidders, deej) woods, Til)1)"s run (1()()7.) SCAPANIA, Dum. S. nemorosaCL.), Dum. Monongalia: on damp sandstone l»oulder deep woods, 'ril)l)'s I'un (16(18). (Trant : on Avet Hendoek log in deep woods, Bavard (2011). lvanilol})Ii : on elav near a s])ring, Pickens, (2212). DIPLOPHYLLUM. Dum. D. taxifolium.(\Valdenl).). Dum. ^Fonongalia : on sandstone boulder deep woods, Tibb's run (Kib'.l.) PLAGIOCHILA, Dumort. P. Virginica, Evans ;.<}>. nov. Growing in Avide, depressed, and intricate tufts; stems ascending from a prostrate caudex, sim])le or si)aringly branched, sometimes geniculate and rooting at the joints, otherwise eradiculose ; leaves contiguous or somewhat imbri- cated, widely patent, ovate or rhorjd)oid-ovate^ the dorsal margin decurrent, slightly reflexed, entiiv, the ventral margin plane or retiexed at liase, mostly entire, the apex broad, rounded oi' truncate, sliar])Iy and ii-regularly spinulose; amphigastria none Stems 1 to ."Jem. long, with the leaves 1 to 2 mm. wide; leaves 1.2 mm. long, 0.7 mm. wide; spines short, acute, sej)- arated hy rounded sinuses, varying in number from 2 to o on each leaf, usually 4 or 5 : h^af-cells averaging 0.028 mm. in diameter in middle of leaf, thin-walled and scarcely thickened at tlu' angles. Mercer: on walls of dr\- limestone cave. 15eaver Spring (l.ViO). 498 Description of Figures. Fiji'. 1. Phuits. natural size. 2. Apex of Htcni. dorsal view x 11. ."). Part of" stem, ventral view x 11. •• 4. Apical teeth of leaf X 1 1"). •• ."). Ccl ^- from miildle of leaf .\ 2"i"). P. porelloicles (Torr.K l^imlli. Mononi^alia : on sandstone ixnildei's in moss. 'I'ilili's Run (1700). (Irant on wet stones (2(X)(). -JOoO), and in wet sand (2041 i. in deej) ravine. Uayard. JUNGERMANNIA. Miclix. J. exsecta, Sclimid. (irant: on wet hendoek lo,ii in (K'ep wooded I'aviiie. I'.avard (2012). PELLIA, Eaddi. P. epiphylla(L), Corda. Randol])]! : on elay near a spring-. Tiekeiis i22ll). HAKPANTHUS, Nees. H. scutatusf Well. eV: Mohr. ), ^[»ruee. Monono-alia: on LiTound and sandstone l>onlder. (!<■(']) woods. Til)l)'s Run (1()70). (ii'ant: on damp dead l)aik. r.ayard (2020. 2081). METZGERIA, Raddi. M. conjugata, Tdndli. M. j'tn-ni/n. Pum. in. pt. >[eDowell : on bark of lieeeli. l-dkliorn (lol-")). .Mon- ongalia: on bark of twis' ri(>71). MARCHANTIACE^. MARCHANTIA. L. M polymorpha, ]>. Randolph: on Limund in burnt jilaee, summit of Point Mt. alt. .')700 ft. (iraiil: similar situation, near Bay- ard. Tucdcer: loe. eit.. near Blaekwater Falls, (tilmer: near ( ilen vide — \'. M. Monou.ualia; among damp mosses bas(^ of sandstone boulde)-. Tibb's run: between bricks of sidewalk with J>i-yuni ai'genteum. Moi'ganlowii. CONOCEPHALUS, Necker. C. conicus(L. i, Dum. Monongalia: on ground and sandstone bonldei's deep woods. Tililfs run (1()72.) Plagiochila Virginica, n. sp. 499 THALLOPHYTA. L I C H E N E S , (Tlu' few specimens that 1 have <;atlu're(l in this ehiss, incideiital to tlie collection of the higher orders, have lieen kindlv exaniined liv Or. .1. W. Eckteldt.) USNEA, Ach. U barbata(L. l Vr. \\ irt : on old trees, conunon. Burning Springs. Uan- i). MdiKinLialia : on Wark of Itcccli. FalliiiL;- I'uii ( l.">o7). LECANORA, Ach. Li astra( Huds.), Acli. iMonongalia : on liai'k Liriodcndi-oii log, newly iVllt'd. Falling Run (1342): on tiat cxixiscd sui-facc sandstone rock, same locality (12X7). CLADONIE^ CLADONIA, Hoffm. C. Mitrula. Tuck. ^fonongalia : old Weecli log. Falling Ixuii (l^Uli). C. pyxidata(L.), Fr. Monongalia: along Falling Run, on bare sandstone rocks (1281 ): on moss in clay soil (12S.")): on decayed log (loHS) : hasc ,,f l.eech in soil (12S2). C. gracilis! L.), Nyl. Monongalia; along Falling Run, on decayed log (F'>;>7 i : among niysses on clay soil (12S(i). C. rang-iferinai F. ». llollm. Miinongalia : on moss. Falliiiu Run ( F>(»1). C. furcata, rur. raceniosa, I^Moo k. Mononualia : lar^c patcJirs (in m'ouiid under rlicstuut^. Dillc's. Mci-ccr: same Livowth iindci- oal^s. near I'cavt^' Spi-inu'. C. cristatella. Tiu k. Monongalia : on an old dccavi'il lou'. Falling Run (1886). - ■ • ' DIATOMACE/E (Only one attei^ipt-'lias liecn made :<»ti-il Mil l'uri<-«l liiivli liiul'. Luaiil; lu-ar liayanl. For ml I. A waitk.s? foiiii. ait}iai\'ntly of ilns- species, occurs on leaf mold in deep woods. Grant : near Bayard. COLLYBIA. Fr C dryophila. lUiU. In nioss on log, in dee]! woods. Grant : mar Uayanl. C. radicata, Rehl. On leaf mold. Monongalia ; Riili woods near Mor- gantown. MYCENA. Fr M galericulata, Scojt. I'nder dead oak twig. Under l>nrk oak log. Monc>n- gal'r' ■ '•'■•'' wo(wl< iK'ar Morganto^n. OMPHALLA, Fr. O. campanella. Bat>ih. lin parii. < Ml U'af mold. l>ase of j-liestnut. Preston : near Terra Aha. MAEASMIUS. Fr M. opaciis. W. ,S: C . On dead branch Rlu>dodendron niaxinrim. comm. (irant: near I'.ayard. LENTINUS. Fr. L. strigosus. Sehw. ( >n dead Birch log. (irant : near Bavard. .-)0:^, PANUS. Fr. P. stipticus ( Hull.). Fr. I'lidcr (Icail liraiK-li ()ak. Moiionualia : near Mr)r<,raii- lowii. LENZITES, Fr. L. sepiariai Wulf. ). Fr. ()n (Iccorticatnl sjiruic stviniiis. 'riickcr: in'ai- the Fall.< of lUackwator. I'oriii'i A r('.'-U|iiiiat(' loriu. ( )ii dead liciiilock logs, (rraiit: near r>a\ anl. SCHIZOPHYLLTJM, Fr S. commune, Fr. < )n liark (\vnd oak. (Jrant: near Hayanl. On dead aiiplc twig. ^[oiKtngalia : nt-ai' ^foi-gantown. l!/i(iilos/i(>r;i (II" 11 (iiKirrhiidnc. VOL V ARIA. Fr V. bombycina(l'crs.). Fr. .Monongalia: on insrct ( ?), Morgaiitown. M( III iKixjioni'. STROPHARIA. Fr. S. stercoraria. 1- f. (Ml decaying vc^ctalile niattrr. I'rcston: near Terra Aha. HYPHOLOMA Fr. H. sublateritium. Scliatfl'. Fuder bark ash log. Monongalia: near ^^organto^vn. PAN^ffiOLUS, Fr. P campanulatus, F. ( )n cow dropitings. in dfc|» conit'cron^ woods, (irant: mar fJavard. .504 POLYPORACE^ POLYPORUS, Fr. P. abietinusi Dicks. ). Fr. On fallen Ilcinlock loiis. (rrant: near Bayard. P. aclusts{ Willd ). Fr. ( )n (lend Snmacli lirandi. In ilccaycil liickdry . Fr. <>n (Irail SuLiT.r .Mm])1(' and Oaks. Wood: nvav Kana- wlia Station. M(d)i»\vcll: near Elkhorn. ( )n dead asli lotj;. (irant: near P>ayard. .^f(lnoni:alia : near ^lorirantown. I"rr- (jUfnt t liroiiiiliout the State. P. Berkeley!. Vv. In (li'v i'X}M_)sed hi)ll(i\v in <)ak stunip. Mnnnnpdia : near Muruantdwn. P. carneus. Nets. On dead and derortieated Spiau'O stunijis. 'l"u(dcer: near the Falls of F^laek water. P fomentarius L.) Fr. On dead Birch. Orant: near Bayard. P. hirsutusiW'ulf.). Fr. ( )n d(^'id hirch and apiile twius. ( )n hark Firioden- dron loii'. >rononL:alia : neai- Moi'uantown. Forma A small form, with white spore.-. ( )n roots of falk'H hireh. ( irant : near Bayai'il. P. lucidusiLeyss. ). Fr. On dead hemlock loiis. Preston: near Tei'i'a Alta. P. sulphureus. Fi-. ( )n decaying oak >lump. MonoiiLralia: near Moruan- town. P. umbellatus, Pi. In dry exposed hollow of an oak stuni]'. Mononga- lia : near Moru'antown. P. versicolor(F.;. Fr. On decftrticated Spruce stnmps. Tucker; nenr thr Falls ..f .P.lack water. 505 FOMES. Fr. F. rimosus. IW ik. l*>xiios('(I on dcnil Vdlow Locust lou. Moiioiinnlin : near Moipiiitown. POLYSTICTUS. Fr. P. hirsutus. I-'r. < )n ilcad Apjilc twi;i. Monoujialia : near .Moi'.«2;anto\vn. P. perganienus, Vv. ( )n div (■x[iosrath : Tihh's Run. (irant: on dead loas. Otter Fork ofOheat. UREDINACEiE. . [nUi'o'^jtonr. UROMYCES. Lev. U. appendiculata(Pers.), Lev. On living leaves of Pole IJean. Monongalia: near ]Morganto\\n. TJ. Hedysari-paniculati(Sclnv. ). Farl. ( )n living leaves Dcsihodiinn i-iiiic! ( h^mnrrh'r.n (lai/lonl. Mmionpilia: ucai' MoriiaiitoAvii. P. Rubigo-vera < )ii liviii^ii' leaves 'rrilicn m sdliriiiii. Wood: near Ka- iiawlia Station. P sauveolens(IVrs.). Pk. On Mv'iuii \vi\\v}< ('ii/'riis /(iii(((ihihis. \\'(io(l : near Ka- nawha Station. GYMNOSPORANGIUM. DC G. niacropus. Link. Mercer: plentiful on livinLi -1 uniinrs. near Princeton. phragmidium; Lk. p. PotentillaeiPers.;, Kar.^t. M^.) Lev. <)n livinti' leaves of Icniuiiiii .\i)rt'h(iriic<'ii--/(n IhtJsmiKd. Kmih1o1|)|i : at Sliades-of-Deatli. CiEOMA. Link C. nitens. Sehw. ()ii livinu' leaves Unhiis I/i-sp/diis. .Moiioiiyalia : near Moruantown. USTILAGINACE.^. USTILAGO, Pers. U. Maydis(DC.), (Ma. ()u living ears and tassels of sweet corn. Mononualia: near Moraantown. prevalent (ISilD. U. segetumiilnll.). Ditui. On living' heads of wheat and oats, ^[oiiongalia : near Morgantown. Lewis: neai- Alum Ihidge. Taylor: near Thornton. U. Tritici(Pers.). Jensen. On living leaves of wheat. Monongalia: near Mor- gantown. J)irl ijosjidinr . UROCYSTIS, Rabenli. XJ. Anemones, ScliKeh. .^^onongalia: on living leavi's and under hark otato leaves anaA'- anl. DOTHIDEACE^. IIil--ark in water. (I rant: near IJayard. LACHNEA. Fr. L. erinaceus(Sehw.) Tnder side Oak lou'. ^lonong-alia: near Morjiantown. Li. scutellata(J>.) On I'otting IJeeeii log. and under hark wet ( >ak log. Afonongalia : near Morgantown. BULGARIACEiE. Phi'dijilinsixir;) . CORYNE, Tul. C. urnalis(Nyl.), Saec. '". purpurea, Fekl. Rotting beeeli log, and undei- l>ark oak log. Monon- galia: near Morgantown. GYMNOASCACEJE. ( F.joo •<(■(';!'. ) TAPHRINA, Tul. T. Pruni. F.k!. On |ilunis. Monongalia: nt^ar Morgantown. T. deforinans(Berk.), Tid. On ])eaeli leaves. Jelferson: near Cliai-lestown. SACCHAROMYCETACEJE. SACCHAROMYCES, Myen. S. cerevisiae, .Me\ en. hi Pasteur's li(|uid left uncorked in hdiratirry. S. Mycoderma. IUhss. ( )n same liiiuid as aliove. SCHIZOMYCETACE^. Jlili-llh)(i( ii;i . BACILLUS, Cohn. B acidi lactici. In soui milk. B. subtilis. (John. In infusion ol" liay. ()ii lioilt'd [xitato. B. tuberculosss, Kodi. 1 n s|)nt:i of ('(insunipti vcs. B. ulna, Cohn. ( )n lioilcd wliitc-ot-cga'. B Isol;itc(l iVoni lilooil of si'ir wlu'n suticrinu iVoni "La ( iriiipc." SPIRILLUM. Ehrb. S. iindulai Mucll. ). Ein'l). 1 n infusion of liay. BACTERIUM, Ehr. et. Trev. B. lineola, ("olm. In infusion of ra1///(///'/ ^'//'//m'. Monungalia ; near Uaniii Eden. P. Labruscse. Thun. ( )n livinu' leaves ('oiiedrd (irape. Wood: near I-oek- hart's Klin. SccilrrOxj.oi-;) , SEPTORIA. Fr S. Rubi, We.^t. et 13. A- (' Wood; on liviiiL; [ea\'es llnlnis ('(i,,tt. iV: C. Miiiidnfralia: on liviiiLi' leaves (if k'n/min lufifo/ia, Caiu]) K.lcu. LEPTOSTROMACEiE. I'll ri--.s/)orai-. COLLETOTRICHUM, Cda. C Lindemuthianum. S( iil». Po(.s-/-s, near Terra Alta. O. leuCOCOniuni. Desm. Cnu/did oi' S/i/i.-rrnf/NTO indniosa. Lev. ('aliell: on living lea ve> of /i'o-n7( eiilt.. near Hunting- ton. 516 HYPHODERMA, Fr H. Dezmanzieri, Duly. Wood: oil liviiiu' U'a\H'S I'inux iiiitl-<. r.ocklinrt's Ivun. DEM ATI ACE.ZE D/'di/iiin-fjHirri . FUSICLADIUM, Bon F. dendriticum.i WallrO, F( kl. Ou living leaves anil fniit of the Apjilc Mononualia : near Mor^antown. CERCOSPORA. Fr. C. caulopliylli, Pk. (^n living leaves ^V//'/oy///////»M// f/iah'rfniiih:-<. CJiant: near Bayard. C. smilacis, Thun. On livina: leaves Sniila.x. Mononualia: near ("aiiijt Kden. I)irfi/()si)nrrir. MACROSPORIUM, Fr. M. Tomato, Cook. On cultivated sp. tomato. Monongalia: near .Morgan- gantowii, not pn-valent (ISDl). SEPTOSPORIUM. Cda. S. Equiseti, I'k. <\k nov. (MSS.). Tips of living leaves f»f E'/iiiscfuin n dead insects, Ihndrorfon us /'roiifa/is. lieneatli the hark of )»ine. llan)})shire : near lummey, \\'. \'a. The insects are prol>ahly kiih'd hy tliis j'unuus as they lie dead in their huri'ows in tlie inner l>ark nf the tree {Pit)ll'< illl)J»:.) On some of tht; insects tliere is a cottony or Hoccident mass of white mycelium interwoven in a somewhat reticulate manner, and eolh:'cted in sti in,i;s or hundh's. It bearsno fruit hut is ])ro).)ahly a luxurient i:rowth of the mycelium of this fuuirus. Occasionally the fundus seems to si)read from tlie in- sect to hark immediately adjacent to it. /V/r'/r////o.sy///o/V/ . BACTRIDIUM. Kunze. B. flavum, K. iV- S. Indei' haik wet()ak lou. ^Fononi^alia : near ^foriian- town. FXJSARIUM. Desm. F. Solani. Mart. Found associated witn the hlack rot on tomatoes that have laden hadly att'ected with the disease. F. culinorum. Smith. Monongalia: on lieads living ripe wlieat. Laurel Point. "This s{)eciinen condjines the characters of a number of so-called species, making it difficult to say which it really is. Probably thev are all forms of one si)ecies.'" Prof. Peck (in letter). Tiihrrrii/ti rii'ci' Deniat/'/'H'. Aiiirriosponi . EPICOCCUM, Lk. E. neglectum. Desm. On living leaves Arciui .•<(itir(i and Cdfal/xi Biytioiuo- (liihs. Miinongalia ; near Moruantown. .-,is CONCLUSION . AltlioiiL!,!! I have \vs. Ohi... .\rk. Xeh. X.Y. Ills. .\"..[. Genera 514 A'M) 44:; 4."');5 oij-J o(;2 o;;;", .",.-,] Species- 1365 114o ]i(;2 12:',2 ]2;'>;5 li'os i;;:5() i4;;i Wiur, •'■ .viitliopliylM .-iiiil I'lcridophvtM riiily. Suinmary of the Flora. (ieucMii. Anthophyta. 504 l-'teri(h)p]iyta, lo Brvo|)hvta. iiC) Tiiallop'hyta. 94 SpiVK-s. 1189 39 107 Ui4 \';irU'ti<'>. 109 4 (•) 1 [9 e State. Forms. L>:; 1 > ) 27 •I'o'al. i;!2i 44 113 l(i7 Total, H79 Of these th(>re nr, ForeiLm. 1499 native of tl IfUo 1452 193, Total s| eeies. varieties, and forms. 1645 -0- ')19 SUPPLEMENT. FOSSIL FLORA In this |)r<'liniiii;iry list oi'tlic rich iMssil Horn ol'- 1 he Stntc, I uivc siiii|ily ;iii iiiphMhct ic;il ;iri-aii,i:,ciiiciil of the ^cimtm ni'.d sjiccics, not (Iccinin^ it ncccss;ii-y to en I cr into the classilication -or nioi'c (lctailc(| (Icsiunatioii of the i;i'o logical ami iicouTa[)hicaI ilisl rihut ion than a sini[)l(' mention of tlic localilics, on accomit ol' t he nn(l("\clo|K'(| condition of the work in this lnanch. The majoi- part ol' this list is kindly contrihnted to this puhlica- tion hy Mr. I». I'. Lacoe iVom his extensive lihrai-x- and collections, the latter i-oiitainin.L!' a lai'Lfe amount of material as vet unworked. The study of t he |>alaeoliotany ol' this State has heen a I read v ahl v heiiun hy I'rofs. 1. ('. White, and W. M. l<''ontaine. ( i'\ i^- \\'.), who ha\-e |iulilishei| a w oi'k entitled ■■The rermian i'^lora,"" issued as \'o|, iTofthe l'enns\-l vania. Second (ieoloLiical Surhe\-. ALKTilOI'TEIUS. A. r^(////////rr(Schl.),Scli(). howci' Uarreiis, Ohio: \\'iieelin<2;. A. gi;/(fs^Gom. I 'l)l)C'r Barrens. >hvrsiiall: Helltoii. A. y. \V;tyneshnrg ('. .Monongalia: Cassville. \Vaynesl)nrg C. J)oddridge; W . Cnion. ^1. iiiiiiii/(i, l>r. Upper Barn>n.s. Monongalia: l^lacksville. .1. ni(/irown's Mills. 20 AltCIIAKOlTKUIS. .1. nirt,s;s( Meek. ). Lx. A. /io/(iris.]jX. BAIERA. />. Viff/itiiditii.F. & W. CALAMITES. (' cifiUKi'/onin's, Schlotb. C. r/.sY/, Kr. CALLIPTERimrM. t'. iJdiniiniiiiinini.Y.&V^ . ^'esJ)el•tine. Greenl trier: Lewis Tuuiiel. Vespertine. (Jreenbrier: F^ewis Tunnel. Vespertine, (xreenbner: F^ewis Tunnel. Vespertine, (ireen brier: F^ewis Tunhel. Conolomerate. l-'avette: (^uinnimont, Sewell. L. Productive C. M. L. Productive ('. >F. Kauawlia: Upper Fiarrens. Lower Barrens. Conglomerate. Waynesburg ('. L. Productive C Waynesburg C. Wavnesburg C. OFiio: Wlieeling. Fayette: Quinnimont, Sewell. Monongalia: Cassville. M. Boone: SFiort Creek. Monongalia: CassviFFe. Doddridge: W. Union. ^^'ayneslJurg C. Doddridge: W. F^nion. Waynesburg C. Monongalia: Cassville. Dents Run, Georgetown. Waynesburg C. Doddridge: W. Union. Waynesburg C. >FonongaFia: Dent'sRun. Georgetown. L. Productive C. >F. FvanawFia: Camp- bell s Creek. L.lModuetive CM. Boone: Short Creek. AVaynesburgC. Monongalia: Cassville. F^ents Run. Georgetown. Upper Barrens. Marshall: Bellton. ('.n(/uiifiij,i)',oiFonongalia: Arnetts- ville. Cassville, ])ent's Run, Georgetown. C. grinidi J 'o I in i)t , F . & W ('. Gi(ni,/iiiiAni:),'i.\. ( '. Mnssilioiieiini, Lx. ( '. iililii)i(/ifF. Kanawha: >Ial(len mine. 521 t'AllDlOl'TKHlS. < '. />'a,F.& W. ("Ari.OPTKKlS. < '.;/i(/(i//f('n,y.& W. COKDIATKS. ( '. horassiffj/ insist. ). Fug. ( '. ci-iissiiH rris^ V. & \Y . rVMOdJ.OSSA. (\i>htiisi/n/ui.V.&\\. ( '. hrecili>l>(ttlonongalia: Cassville. Monongaliti : Cassville. Monongalia: Cassville, Monongalia: Cassville. FQFJSITITKS. E.cloiKjiitus.V .'ik. W. :' K. rugoai/x, Schinj)). K.striatiix^Y.& W. ERFMOPTEFvlS. K. tirfi'inisitifnli(i( l>r. A'. ( '/it iif/ifimi. \iX. ^ciil) Waynesburg C. Waynesburg C. Waynesburg C. Doddridge: W. Inion. Doddridge: M'. Fnion. Doddridge: W. Fnion. L. Froductive CM. Kanawha: Coaimoul. L. Productive OF Kanawha: Bl'ksburg. (iONlOPTERLS. G.eUiptur(,F.&V^\ G. NevlxrrunKi, F. & W. G.oh](iiiSttiii/i( rr/i. Br. \j. Vcltlit'l III lint itiii. Sternb FEPIDOSTROBFS. L.onidliis^ \i.&. H. L. S)i/is/)iiii/i\ Fx. Waynesburg C. Monongalia: Cassville. Waynesburg C. Doddridge: W. Fnion. Wavnesburg C. Doddridge :W. T^nion. Wavnesburo; C. Monongalia: Cassville. L. Productive C. M. Conglomerate. Fayette: Quinnimont, .^ewell. L. Productive C. M. Vespertine. Greenbrier: jjcwis 'i'unnel. A'espertine. (ireenbrier: Lewis Tunnel- Productive C. M. Productive C M. Kittanning Coal. Cofil river, ■522 LESCFROPTEEIS. L.a".x'f,Lx. X.I„hn-i,l,,ilh,.\\Y. X.liiisnia. liX. WiiynesburgC. Monongalia: (reorgetown. Lower IJarrens. Ohio: A\'b('oling. ('(^iigloiiuMate. Fayette: (^uinniniont, Sewell. Congloiaerate. Favette:. Sewell. Waynesliurg ('. Monongalia: Cassville. Wavnesbnro; ('. OoddridLT*': W. T'nion. Lower Barrens. Ohio: Wheeling. L. Prodnetive (' M. r()i)er F'reeport C. Wuyneshurg ('. Monongalia: Cassville. Arnettsville. Wuynesburg (.'. Doddridge: W. Union Upper Barrens. Marshall: Bellton. Kittanning C. Kanawha: Klaeksburg. Kittanning Coal \A'aynesbnrg ('. Waynesburg (". rp[»t'r Barrens. X.l.osrlillAU-. Monongalia : ( "assville. Doddridge: W. T'nion. .^Jon(>r2;alia : Browns Mills. \Vaynesburg ('. Doddridge: W Union. Upper l^arrens. .Marshall: Bellton. WaynesbnrgC. Monongalia :Arnettsville. li. Productive C. M. Kanawha River. Waynesburg ('. Doddridge: W. Union. Uppei' Barrens. M(.)nonj>fi roidcs.V.iSc ^\ . Waj'neshurg ('. Monongalia: ('i:ssville, Dent's Run. ^^'a\'nesl»ul•g ('. Doddridge: W. Tnion. Upper Barrens. Monongalia: Urowns Mills. .\'.////'''^/".Sternl). I'pper IJari'ons. Monongalia: lirown's Mills. X. ii(riii'iiis.\ii\n\)y. liOwer Barrens. Ohio: Wlieeling. li. Prodnctive CM. Ipper Freeport C. li. Productive C. M. Kittanning Coal. y. Sr/iriirJixt rii. Br. W'ayneslKU'g (,'. Monongalia: Cassville. r'pi)er Barrens. ALonongalia: Browns Mills. ^\'. >Siiiit/n'i.\jX. Conglomerate. Fnyette: (.^unnimont, Sewell. jV. ffiinifo/t'dAiy. Wavnesburg C. Mononoalia: Aruetts- Tille. li. Productive C. M.. Kanawha: Placks- buj'g, Coalburg. (Jonglomerate, Fayette: Quinnim'^ut, Sewell. ODONTOPTKKIS. O, . h rni(frs, Xewl)}'. Conglomerate. Fayette: Quinnim'^uit, Hewell. O. X' ir/,i rn/i\\jX. Conglomerate. Fayette: Quinnimont, Sewfll. O.ulitttsihihii . Conglomerate. Fayette: (^)uinnimont. Sewell. var. i-driinrris. F. A: W. Upper Barrens. Marshall: near Bellton. (). pdclii/ilrrnin.V. &i W. Waynesburg C. Monongalia: Cassville. Waynesburg (\ ^lonongalia: nentsBuu. (). h'( icIiiintd.V . &^ ^^'. Waynesliurg C. Monongalia: Cassville. Tapper Barrens. Monongalia: Browns Mills. <). sp/i,-in>iitfr(ii(lrs,]jx. ]j. i'roductive C. M. Kanawha: Blacks- l)urg. U. Productive C. M. Boone: Short creek. (/. stifirini"it<(. Bunl)y Wavnesluirg C. Monongalia: Arnettes- viUe. L. I'roductive C. M. Upper Freeport C. (). /'iniiiHrris^ Lx. Upper Barrens. >Iunong^lia: Browns Mills. yo. Worf/iniii \jX Waynesburg C. Monongalia: Cassville. 524 PECOPTElilS. P.(nigiixt!j)iiiii(i. v. & W. Waynesburg C Monongalia: Cassville. Wa3nesljuig C. Monongalia: DentsRnn. Waynesburg C. Doddridge: ^\'est Union. P. i,rrsrniH{^Q\\\.\ Br. Waynesburg C. Monongalia: Cassvilie. Wa3ncsburg C. Doddridge: W. Union. Upper Barrens. Marshall. Bellton. L. Productive CM. Upper Freeport C. A';ir. iiifi '//■fii. Sternb. Waynesburg C. Monongalia: Cassville. Waynesburg" C. Doddridge: W. Union. J' j.Bunby. Waynestnug C. Monongalia: Cassville. Upper Barrens. Marshall: Belltpn. P. GV/y/«ar/(Weiss. ),r.& W. Waynesburg C. Monongalia: Cassville. Waynesburg C. Doddridge: W. L^niou. Var. r/7r\-.v///r/7/.s-.F.& W. Waynesburg C. Doddridge: W. Union. \ar.riis)ti(hifii,F.&'SV. Waynesburg C. Doddridge: AV. Union. I\i/i)iiiopferoidis,V.&^y. Waynesl)urg C. Monongalia: Cassville. P.Hrrriaiin,V.&W. Wayn^^sluirg C. ^louongalia: Cassville. /\ iinhricdtii.Y. & W. AVaynesburg C. Monongalia : Cassville. P. iiiclliKitd. F. tt W. AVaynesburg C. Monongalia : Cassville. P.h(iict-(,/,ify>/rr/V/(V/(Schloth. ). Br. Upper Barrens. Marshall: Bellton. P.oiijiilcs^Y. &A\. I'pper Barrens. Marshall: Bellton. P.I>dclnipt/(i/(tit>i.V.&: W. Waynesburg C. ^Monongalia : Cassville. /'jfiiiiiiimis.V.&: W. Waynesburg C. >[onongalia: Cassville and Arnettsville. T'pper Barrens. Monongalia: south of Jolly town. Pa. ,in W. Va. P. !■;//<, sii.Ur. ]j. Productive C. M. Cpper Freeport C. L. Productive C. M. Kittanmng Coal. PSEUDOPECOPTFBTStfrom Pecopteris.). P.miitic)if(i(Br.),]jX. Conglomerate. Fayette: (^uinnimont, Sewell. /\nf'rrosnCBr.),'Lx. Conglomerate. Fayette: (^uinnimont, ^?ewell. P.Pi>Kkiiictii{\ir.),JjX. bower J)arrens. Ohio: Wheeling. P. /nfifo/iailiv. ), Lx. L. Productive C. M. Kanawha : Coalmont. J*. )nr^/^Y( Weiss. j, Lx. Waynesburg C. ^lonongalia: Cassville. /'. n/>fiisi/,,hti(Bv. ], Lx. L. Productive C. M. Kanawha: Wy- oming Mine near Upper Creek. Conglomerate. Fayette: (^uinnimont and Sewell. L. Productive C. M. Boone: Peytona. /'. (i/tfiisi/ohii. var. (Illatdtii (\A. ik 11.}, Lx. L. Productive C. M. Boone: Short Creek. /*. \'iif/iin'(iiiit Meek), Lx. Pocono or Vespertine. Greenbrier: Lewis Tunnel. J\ y/iiiiiihjsd, Lx. Lower Barrens. Ohio: AA'heeling. /*. J//'//v'^//"( Roehl. ). Lx, L. Productive C. M. Kanawha: Blacks- burs;. Coalmont IIHABDOCARPUS. P. ol>/oii:/iifi(s.V. & W. Waynesburg C. Monongalia: Cassville. R. P>(icks(ln'iiniis,{\. cV: B. L. Productive C. M. Kanawha: Camp- Ijclls Creek. Jt.(/(iratiis,{^t), (lein. L. ProductiA^e C. M. Kanawha: Blacks- burg. L. Productive C. M. Kanawha: Maiden Mines. ]?. /// /////■ .v//7'//;/.x(Prcsl.). ]jX. h. Productive C. >!. Knimwha: Ciimp- belFs Creek. R. trim. I. Lx. \'. I'roduftivo C. ^I. K:iim\vha: C'amp- h?\\ s Ch-eek. RHACOPHYLLT -M. E. fiIiri/orm('{(h\i\).),^ch\i. Lower lUirrens. Ohio: >Yheeling. Vtir. n(f//»-v,F. & W. WaYiH's])urg {'. ^lonongalia: Cassville. Wtiyuesbiirg- ('. Monongalia: Cassville. Waynesiiurg (". Monongalia: Cassville. W'aynesburg C. Doddridge: West Fnion. ^Vavnesl)urii■ (". Doddridge : West I 'nion. It. laciiiidtinii. V. & ^^ . h\ /r issiijiinii. Schp. SAPOKT.EA. S. graii(h'fo/iini(ii(//iinii. V.i^:'S./ij. & lU S. inrricnJ'ifa. F. & A\ . Waynesburg C. Monongalia: Cassville. Conglomerate. I''avette: (^uinniniont. Sewell. Wavnesburg C. Monongalia: Cassville. •V27 ^S". V. ,Sc W X. Ihilndttnionix^ Jir. S. tfiirU.i. P.r. S. ch'ijdiis. I>r. S. fincdtd. Wx. ,S. lHisfnt(i,V. V.V- W. .S'. Hihinlhi;. Lx. S. L< Hiiniaiin.Y . & W. S. niiimtisi rfd.Y. iS: W. X. tridarfyUiteii, Ur. »S'. Gvarriiliorxti i. Br. 8 YRiNGO D KN DROX. *S'. jics-cdprcol i .* St. Tpper l>:in'('ns. .Monongalia: Brown's Bridge. Wayiicsliiirg (". ^lonongalia: Cassville. Lower i'rofltictive CM. Kanawha ("o. Waynosbiirg (\ .Monongalia: CassviiJe. r})pfr IJanvns. Monongalia: South of Jollytown. Pa. Lower rroduetive C.M. Kanawha: Mai- den Mines. Lower ]'ro(hii-tiAe C.^I. Kanawha: Mai- den ]Minp Lower Barrens. Ohio: Wheeling. M'aynesbnrg C. Monongalia: Cassville L Productive C.M. Kanawha Co. Conglomerate. Fayette: (,>uinniniont Sewell. WaynesburgC. Doddridge: West Union. ^\■aynesl,)urg C. Doddridge: West Lnion. Lower Barrens, Ohio: \\'heeling. A\'aynesburg C. Doddrige: West Union. L Productive OL Kanawha Co. L. Productive C. ]NL Kanawha Blacks- Inirg. Lower Barrens. Ohio: Wheeling. T.ENIOPTEBIS. 7'. JjCKcuridiKi.)^ . & \V^ T. Xi'irln rrijfiiKi. F. & W. Var. aii(/iis/(t^ F. & W Waynesburg C. Monongalia: Cassville. Waynesburg C. Monongalia: Cassville.? Waynesburg C. Monongalia: Cassville.? TRiaOXOCARPrTS. T.Xo< f/f/crut/i a. Br 7\ ini7j>ii//ii f'liriiiis. Lx. TRIPIIYLLOPTKRIS. T. Lrsru n'a 11 II (Jsleek.'), Lx. L. Productive C. M. Kanawha: Camp- bell s Creek and Maiden Mine. L. I'roductive C. M. Kanawha: ^lalden Mine. \'espertine. Creeubrier: Lowis Tunnel. o29 INDEX. Abies 470. Al)ntili(in -"JoS. Acalv|)ha 4.">(). A('AXTHA('E/E 422. Acer :;44. Acerates 408. Aehillea 302. Acunituiu .■)22. Acorns 45G. Act:ra ;522. . Irfinoiiurix 1)90. Adiantuiii 4.S(). Adhiniia .')2(5. Adopoijon. ."jll."). yEsculus ;U4. Agastache 42(). Agrinionia o58. Agrostis 4(;!). Ailanthus o41. Aletris 44(). Alliuiii 44*1. Alisnia 4-")(). ALISMACE.E 4.")(5. A Inns 440. Althaea 838. Amanita 502. Aniarantns 430. AMARAXTACE.^. 480. AMARYLLIDE.E 447. Amblysteginni 449. Ambrosia 887. Amelancliier 861. Aini/infhiiim, 454. AMPELIDE.E 848. Amelopsis 844. Ampiiicari)a'a 845. ANACARDIACE.E 845. Anagallis 405. Anaplialis 'ASo. Andromeila 401. Andropogon 4()7, Anenonie 818. Anemonella -"nO. Anenra 497. Angelica 8()!i. AXONACE.E 824. Anomodon 491. Antennaria 885. Antliemis ;)91. Anychia 480. Apiiylldu 421. A])ins 852. .\plectruiii 444. AROCYXACE.E 4()(;. A])(tcynnni 40(). A(jnileuia 821. Arabis' 828. Aralia 872. ARALIACE.E 872. Aretinm 898. Arenaria 886. Aristema 455. Aristida 468. Aristolochia 484. ARTSTOL( )( "HIACE.E 4:',8. AROIDE.E 455. _ Arrhenathernm 4 r 0. Asarum 488. xVsclepias 407. Aseyrum 887. Asimina 824. A.sparaiius 448. ASPERIFOLLE 411. Aspidium 481. Asplenlnm 480 Aaprclhi 474. Astilbe .8H1. Aster ;'..S2. Astraglus 848. Astroph vJluiH 48."). Aythd ' 402. 530 Bacillus .■')i:^. ]>actri(tiuni •')17. Bacterium •")1-')- Baptisia v)4(). Tiavbaiva :V2N. BarUula l'^7. Bartrauiia 4.S(). l>a/,/,auia 4'H). I'xM-lu'iis :;l'."'.. BKUP.KUIDACE.E .VJ Bt'tula 4Hi). Bcurcva 8(;i. r.icu-'ulla :;2'.i. Bidous ;'.!>!. BIGX()NIA('E-E 422. B>leiiliai'ost()ina 49('). l>lc|)hilia 42(). Bd'iiuici'ia 488. Bontqiwn 411. 478 aS2. 469. 492. 4)58. Butrychiuiu Bojilciiii.a 'M'A. P)rachyclui'ta Biachyelytruui Brachythociuiii Brassica '.V-\(). Brouiiis 47o. l>rt)USHiin('lia Bruuclla 42S. B)ryuui 48(). Buchuera 42( Cacalia H(l>;. Ca'oiua l:;2(l. CalaminTlia 42-'). CACTACK.E -UU. ("aldpii'-imi 4 !•"). Call ha .•'.21. (\VLVC.\XT1IE.E : ("alycautlius o(;l. ("aniclina '.VMy ('aimiiassi;i 4-"')<). ( "aiupaiiula .">'.)'.>. {'.\Mr.\M"EA('E,E ( 'aui]it()S(iiais 4S1. ( "aui|»yl'uni 49:1. Canualiis 4;>7. (WIM'AHIDE.E :]:n ("ArCIFolJACE.E Cansrlla :'.:><). 5(11 n97 :174. Carilainiiu' ."528. Caivx 4."')9. Cariiinus 440. Carva 4.".9. CARYOPIIIJ.E.E -XU Cassia •">')2. Castalia :'.2-^. Caslanca Ml. Castillcja 421. Catalpa' 122. Catliarinca 4S4. ("aulopliylluni -■'.2"). Ccannthus ;)4;>. (V'dronclla 42!). CALASTRIXE.E :*.42. Celastrus ;U2. Cellis 4:',7. Cenchrus 4()(). Ce[)halaiitlius ;;7(). Ccplialo/ia 49(5. Oenistiuui .'v)-"). CU'i-atodou 49'0. (Nereis '-W^. Ccrcospiira ■")!(). ("ha-j-opliyllum 871 . ('Iiauia4iriuui A'A . ("liaiuu'rapliis 4(>(). ("licilanthcs 479. Chcliiiduiuiii .')2(). Cliclonc 41S. riiEXoi'oDiACE.E 4;n ('licu<>])o(li;ini 4.'>1. ( 4iiniapliila 4().">. Cliio-vncs 4(H). Chionautluis 4()(). Clioudiilla :>9(i. ('hr(>s])('nna 454. Chvysantlicuiuiii o92. Clirvs(),2-»)nuni 8„S8. ('hi'vst)pi\u<)7. 531 ("liulonia ■")(»(). Dactylis 472. Clayton ia 'A-Uk Daliliarda .').")7. Clavaiia 'AM\. Dantlionia 170. ClciiKitis :]\s. Datura -IKi. ('Iconic ■■'>."^)1. DaiK'iis ;}()!(. Clctlira lo;;. I)ccrin'.);;. Det^niodiuni '.\A\). Colco.-iporiuni -"iO.s. Diantlieva 422. Collctotricliuni ■")1."). Diantlms 084. C.llin.^ia 41.S. ] )I A PKNSIAC'E.E 404. C'i)llin.«inia 42o. f^idrrhrnd 472. Collyhia 502. Dimiirx .".27. ('(»n)inclina 454. Dicranclla 480. ('()M.Ml':[.rXACE.-E 454. Dicranodontium 48S. ("OMPOSIT.E :')78. Dicraiuun 481). COXIFKH.E 475. J)ick,^(.nia 488. ('()nocc[tlialii!< 4U8. Diorvilla 875. ('()noi»lK)lis 421 Diodia ■> I I . COXVOLVrLACE.E. 418. Dioscomi 447. (V)nvspry OS 405 . Coradorliiza 444. I)i|)l()j)hvlhini 4".)7. Coreopsis 8!)0. DIPSACE.E ;'>78. COUXACE.E 878. Dipsacus 878. Cornus .■)7">. Diica 4;)5. Coiycar|)Us 472. Discosia 515. Cori/dah's .827. Disporum 449. Corylus 440. Ditrichnni 400. Corvnc 512. Dodecatlihcon 404. CRASSrLACE.E :5()8. Draba :;20. Crateo;us 859. Di-osci'a ."'.(U. (4aTlFER.E _ 827. DROSEH ACE.E 8(;4. Crjljitoln Ilia ;'>70. Dlllicldllin 458. CylindrolluH-iuni 494. Cvlnidrocolla 517. J^latonia 471. c■vno^lo^sunl 411. EBEXACE.E 405. CY1'EHACE.E_ 457. Ecliinacca 888. Cypcius 45,. ErJiiiion/sti.s ?SS. Cvpi-i[)cdiuni 446. Ecliinosiicnnuni 411. Cyslo]jtcris 482. f]ciiiuni 412. Cucurnis 'Mri'^. E('lii)ta .".S7. Curcurl)ita 8(i7. Eleocliai-is 458. crCTKBITACE.E 8(i7. Elcplianlopns 878. Cunila 424. Eleusinc 470. Cuplnca .")()5. Elodca 444. crPl'IJFEKV.E 189. Elynius 474. Cuscuta 414. En)})iisa 510. Entodon 194. OOl Entoiuosptiriiini •")1"). Epicocuni ■")17. Epiga'a 400. Epiloljium oOo. Epipheaus 421. EQUISETACE.E 4S8. Eijuisetuiii 4S;3. Emirrostis 471. Erechtite.^ :>l)o. ERICACEAE • 400. Eriux'iiia ;>71. Erigeron 'ASo. Erigoniim &\\. Eriophoi'uni 4")9. Eryngiuni 868. Erysiinuiu IVM). Ery,si[)he -111. Erythronium 431. Euonyiuus ;')42. Eu])at<)rium 'M'-.). Euphnrl)ia 4.">o. EUPHOHBIAC'E.E 4:V Ex()l)a.>.")."). (/ileditscliia •">-")2. (Tlci'oporus oOo. (iljircrid 4(8. (4niiphaliuiii 8>9."). ( i()ii()]()l)us 408. (toodvera 44o. (JRAMIXF.E 4C.8,. (-Jratiola 419. (iymiioeladus S."),"!. (Tyrostacliys 445. TTa]»cnaria 44"). Ha'tiuTocallis 449. 1FE:\[()I)()HACE.E 44r.. Halrsia 405. H.VL()H.\(;E.E 804. HAM A:\rELrDE.E 804. HauiaiiK'li.^: 8(i4. Harpanthus 49,S. Hcdeoiua 425. Hedwigia 494. Heleniiiiii 8)i)l. Heliaiithcnmin 8)81. Helianthus ."^SS. Heliopsis 8)87. Hcllc])()ru.'^ 821. Heiniarcvria "')14. Plt'patica ;;i9. Heraeleuiu 869. Herbertia 49(5. Hesperis 880. Hcuchera 8)()2. Hibi.'^cns 889. Hicoria 48<). Hieraciuni .■)95. HoLhls 470. Hoinalocoiiclirns 4()(>. lloiiptoiiia 8,75. Hiiiuulus 487. Hydrangea 8()2. Hydrastis 8)28. IfVDROC^IIARIDE.E 444. 1 1 vdl'iicotvlc ;!()S, irVl)K()l'lIVLI>A('K.K 1 1 y(li'<)[)liylluiii 410. II yl()c()niiininiii 4H2. Hviiieiiocha-te ^OG. HYPERK'INEiE ;5:57. Hyi)erieuui ooft. H^'phodermn •")!(). Hy))h()l(»iii;i oO'\. Hvpuuin 4".tl. Hyi)Oi)ytis 404. Hypoxyloii oil. Hy}>oxys 447. l:Ivpsil(»])lioia oOC). Hv.. Irpex oO-j. IRIDE3: 447. Iris 447. It^anthus 42o. Iso])yruni ;)21. 4:50. Jultula -!*)."). JUCrLAXDE.E 4:58 Juiilans 4:58. Junipenis 47"). jrXACEJ ;^ 4o4. J uncus 454. Juno-erniannia 4118. Kalniia 401. Kantia 4;)(j. Koellia 424. Kr/(li(( 0/0. Kyllinga 4.")8, EABIATJ C 42:;. Lachnc;i 512. Lacinaria :!M). Lactui'a :;■)(;. Laiuiuui 42".). La})ortea 4:^8. Ldjjpii/d 719. Latlivnis :;.')2. 10. LArijiXE.E i;;4. Lt'crsia 487. * LccrxKi 4(')(). Lecanora 500. Lechwi a;n. LEGUMIXOS.E :i4C.. Lcjeunea 495. Loinna 456. LEMNACE.E 456 Lentinus 502. Lenzites 503. Leonurns 429. Lepidiuni 330. Leptohrvuni 48(). Leptorchis 444. Lespedeza 351. Leucobryum 488. Leueodon 494. LLatrk 380. Libertella 515. Ligusticuni 370. Ligu.strum 40(5. LILIACE.E 448. Liliuni 451. Linaria 417. Lindera 434. LIXE.E 339. LiuLuu . 3:59. Llj)(irf-< 444. Lipi)ia 423. Liquidambar :;()4. Liriodendron ;;24. Litlinspernunu 412. Lol)c]ia 397. LOBELIACEJ-: ;;97. LOGAXIACE.E 408. Eoliuni 474. Lonicora 375. Lojxtiifhiis 42(). L()]»hio(U'nniuMi 511 . LOIIAXTHACE.E 4;;5 Ludwegia 365. Lui)inu.s ;^47. Luzula 455. Lyiiclniis ;)35. Lyciuni 416. LvcopL'idon 507. LVcoPODIACE.E 477 Lucopodiuni 477. 5^54 fjvcojjus 1-4. liVsimaclria 405. lVthrakte.e- _ ;;6.3. Macros})! >i'i mil ■")1(). Magnolia '.Vl'o. MACiXOLIACE.*: ;52;5. MaintluMiiuin 449. Malax is 444. Malva :k.S. MALVACE.E 888. Marasniiiis oO'i. Marchantia 49S. Marrul)iuiii 428. Matricaria ;!V)2. Medcola 4.")2. Meflicago ^U*. Melanipyruiii 421. Mclantiiiuiii 4o:5. MELASTOMACE/E 865. Melica ^-"l- ^ Mc^lilotus 847. :Melissa 425. MENISPERMACE.E :}24. ^[enisperinuni 8-24. Mentha 424. Menziesia 401. Mcrtensia 411. ]\[cruliiis 505. Metzo-eria 498. Micranipelis 'MiS>. Micrococcus 518 Mifrnsfi/Hs 444. Miniulus 419. Mitciulla 87(). Mitella 8(52. Mitrcola 408. Mollia 487. Mollu-o 808. Monanla 425. Moncsrs 408. Monilia 515. Monotrojta 408. M()X<)T1J0PE/I<: 403. Morns 487. Muhlenbergia 468. :\Iuscari ^ 450. Myc(>na 502. Mvriadoporus 505. Mvosolis 411. XAIADACE.E 457. Nasturtium ^p^ 8)27. Ncckcria 827, 494. Xcaundo 8>45. Xepcta 426. X/fd 11(1 1(1 4K'). XY.AipMAcE.i: -.vr^. Xi/tnp/h-r" 825 82<). Nyssa 878. 01)alaria 409. Oilontoclii.-nia 19(;. Oidiuui 515. ( )lo(»uothcra ^WW;. OEEACE.E 40(). Omiihalia 502. ONACIRARTE.T: 865, Onoclca 4S2. Onosmodiuiii 411. OPHIOGLOSSACE.E 47 Opliioglossuin 477. Opuntia 8>6N. ORCMIDE.E 444. ( )rcliis 445. Orinthoiraluni 450. OROBAXCHACE.E 421 Ortlioti'ychuni 490. Osinorrhiza 871. Osmunda 488. Ostrva 440. (Jxaiis 840. Oxycoccus 899. Oxydciidrurn ITll. Panu'olus 508). Panicularia 478. Panicuni 464. Panus 508. Pa]>aA-ci' 82(>. PAPAVERACEyE 826. Paruiclia 499. l^arnassiti 8()j!. Paronychia 480. Partlicniuni 887. Pas})aluiii 464. Passith)ra 8)(i7. PASSI FLORE, E 867. Pastinaca 370. Pcdicuhiris 421. Pelhca 479. 4<.).S. IVUia Pelt i, lit ■!•:( IN'nth;)niiii I'ditsti'iniUdii IVridcniiiuin Peri 11a 424 Peronospora Petunia Peziza Phaeelia Phalarif. Phasa'oius Pheji'oterif^ Pliilonotis Phlevun Phlox 4 IS. 110. 417. 511. 410. 4P)S. 852. 4.S1. 4.SG. ■;(■)! I. 40! I. Phoradeiidron 4o-3. Phrvnia 42;'.. PhvUarhora oil. Phvllostieta .")14. Phv.* 410. Phvsalodcs 41 (k Physcia 4<»'.). Physconiitfiiiin 4s7. Physoeai'iia 2-")4. Phvsostegia 428. Phvtolaeca 431. PHYTOLACCACE.l^: 4;]1. Phvto])hth()ra -")09. Pieea 47r.. Pi lea 43S. Pimpiiiella orO. Piiins 475. PIPER AC E.^: 434. Placofliuni 500. Plagioehila 407. Plagiotheeiimi 403. PLANTAGINE.E 420. Plaiitaoo 420. PLATAN ACE.I-: 43S. Plata nu.'* 438. Plowrislitia 511. Poa " 472. Podo{.)hylluni 325. Podo^pluei'ia 510. . Pooonia 445. Populu,^ 443. POLEMONTACE-K 100. Poleirioniuiii 410. Polvtrala 333. P()LY(;alace.e 333 p()ly(;oxa('e,e 431 P<)l.ygonatnni 448. Polygoiuiiu ;>32. Poly run ia 38(). Polypodiuni 470. Poly poms 504. Polystietu.< 505. Polvtricluun 484. Porella 497. . Portulaea 33(). PORTULACE/K :',3r.. Potaniogeton 457. Potentilla 358. Poteriuni ;)5S. Prenantlie.^ 39(j. PRIMT'LACE.E 404. Promrt^s 440. - Priiniis 353. Pseva 40:5. Ptelea 431. Pleriy 470. Ptiliuni 493. Puecinia 507. Pvcantheimim 424. Pvlaisia 493. Pyrola 403. Pvrnlaria 435. Pvrus 350. (^lu•l•eu^ 440. Radula 405. RANUNcrLACE-E Ranuneulu.s •■)20. Raphaniis 331. HH A:\rNE J^ 343. Rhanums 343. Rhexia ;5(i5. Rliorlodendron 402. Rhus 345. Rii)es 363. Ridania 390. Robinia 348. Rrestclia 508. Rosa 358. ROSACEJ^ 353. RUP.IAOE.E :*.7.5. Ruhus 355 Rudbrckia ;*>88. ;!18. 636 PaiclliM 422. Hanu'X 4.'>;'.. Kuta 841. lU'TACK-K :;41 K yil(lins|i()l-;l 4."')!t. 4()S. SalilKitia Sacc'liai'oinyces Saiiittaria 4")7 SALTCIXK.K Salix 442. Salvia 42.-). Saiiil>urus .■'.74. SaiiKtlus 4()"). Saiiu-uiiiaria -VI Sanifula :'>72. SAPIXI)A( i-:.K Sa[iij]iaria ;')-")l. Sa.(iriuiij .")](■>. Scric()car])ns .■'>82" Sertnrid 46(i. Sioyos '■'A\'<>. Sidii ooN. Siegliiigia 471. Sileiie r')o"). Silphiuiu 8.S(i. SI MA hi; PE.E -Ul. Sisymbriniu '■\?^^). Sisyriii(4iiniii 447. Smildf/iKi 441). Sjnilax 44S. SOLANACK.K II.-). Solamiiii 41.1. 8olea 08; ). Solidaiio SoiK-hus Sptlnia •IKI. SpliaLiiniiii 4s4. Spiru'a 8.-)4. S))ivilluin .-)i;;. Stacliy.-^ 42S. Stapliylca :',4.1. Stcii'oijcni; 404. Strllaria ;>.")(■.. SU'i'codoii 411:;. StclTUiii .-)()(■). Stictia .-)()(). Sti'opt()i>us 441). Stntpharia .")0M. St loulioniin .')2(>. Stvlosanthi's U)'). sfYl{A( .\('K.K 40."). Syiiili'-iuDii ;')!".'. Syiuplidiicaiptis .■'.7.-). 417. Syiiijiliyt um 411. Si/iii iil*.)(). Tax us 17--). Tecoiiia 422. T(_'i)lir()sia ;>4S. Tcucnuiii 42;5. Thalictrum ;-;2(). Tliaspiuui o70. Thelia 4'.i2. Therofon 3(>1. 'riiuidinin 400. Thuja 4 7-"). THY.MEE.KACK.f: 4;',.-). .S(')2. Ticdrniamiia Tilia :V.V.K TILIACE.K 4"rad('scautia Tra^idpoLTnii a(i<). 4.">4. :U»7. Tr:nii('t(^s •")()•"). Trauvottciia ;)2(>. Trichoculca 4!)7. Tnchdstriiia 42^1. Trieiitalis 404. Trilnliuiu ^!47. 'rrilliuiii 4"v2. Ti'lodid 471 . Triostcuni .">7-"). Tri])sacuiii 4(')7. Tsuga 471'). Tulx'iciilaria oKi. I'vpha 4.")."). TVPHACE.K 4.V). Uliiiu< 4-"!7. r.MP.KLLlFEJLK .'.cs. Uncinula oil. riiifuliiuii 44'.). riiinla 472. Trocystis •')()!). I7n)iiivc(\^ .3'M). Trtica 4oS. rRTlCACE.K ^",7. r.-^nea 4!)!). Ustilairn lo21. Uvularia 4.")1. VACCIXIACl'LK :]\)\). \'acciiiiuiii 400. \'ak'i'iana o78. VALERTANACE.*: ;5^ Vcratuni 4.").">. \'erl)ascuui 417. Verbena 422. VERBEXACE.?^: 422. Verhesina :')90. Vernonia :')79. Veronica 4U). Vihiirnuiu :)74. \'icia ;>•')!. Viola 8;n. VTOLARTE.K :;:;i. VirACE.E 84:1. Vitis 848. \'(tl\'aria •")()8. Waldstiinia '■'t'u . Wiessia 41)0. Woodsia 4S2. Xantliiuin 8n7. Xanthorrhiza •■'>28. Xaiitho.xvluni 8)41. '/A7.\:\ ;57o. ERRATA. I'. ;')]('» line 82 for '•(»]• iiainc' iiiitin!" I'rad : uauie oi' initial. P. HIT lino 1 erase "nore.'" P. :V>{) line 18, for "alt. 200 ft." read : alt. 2000 ft. P. :-)2oHine 18, for -'Z. apiifolia" ivad : X. apiifolia. P. 827jlin<' 18. NECKERIA. a.ie4'.)4 in Mur^ei. I have not the opportunity to properly de- termine which .-should stand : douhtlessthe moss. P. 888 line 1(3 insert : V. canina, L. var. Muhlenbergii(Torr.j, (Iray. Fayette: at foot of elifl'near Xnttallhurs— P". ^^■. X. P. 840 line 24, for '"woons" read: woods. P. 468 line 18, for PHLARIS, read : PHALARIS. 1 /iH^- QK 139 .M498 ., 9^" Millspaugh, Charles/Flora of West Virgin