/I «_^-;^L^:^ ^ " WJiat splendid masses of pink, zvith a fevj glaucous greev leaves spri?ikled here and there — just enough for contrast.^' — H. D. Thoreau. LIST OF TREES AND SHRUBS. 73 Andromeda polifolia, L. ligustrina, Muhl. Leucothoe racemosa, Gray. Cassandra calyculata, Don. Kalmia latifolia, L. angustifolia, L. glauca, Ait. Rhododendron viscosum, Torr. nudiflorum, Torr. Rhodora, Don. maximum, L. Ledum latifolium, Ait. Clethra alnifolia, L. Chimaphila umbellata, Nutt. maculata, Pursh. Moneses grandiflora, Salisb. Pyrola secunda, L. chlorantha, Swartz. elliptica, Nutt. rotundifolia, L. Fraxinus Americana, L. sambucifolia. Lam. Sassafras ofificinale, Nees. Lindera Benzoin, Blume. Dirca palustris, L. Daphne Mezereum, L. Uhnus fulva, Michx. Americana, L. Water Andromeda. Andromeda. Leucothoe. Leather-Leaf. Mountain Laurel. Sheep " Pale White Azalea, var. glaucum, Gray. White Azalea. Swamp Pink. Rhodora. Rhododendron. Labrador Tea. Sweet Pepperbush. Prince's Pine. Spotted Wintergreen. One-flowered Pyrola. Wintergreen. Shin-leaf. Wintergreen. White Ash. Black Ash. Sassafras. Spice-bush. Leatherwood. Mezereum. Slippery Elm. American " 74 FLORA OF WORCESTER COUNTY. Celtis occidentalis, L. Hackberry. Mr. G. A. Cheney assures me that he has found it grow- ing in Sturbridge and elsewhere in the county. Moras alba, L. Platanus occidentalis, L. Juglans cinerea, L. Carya alba, Nutt. porcina, Nutt. amara, Nutt. Myrica Gale, L. cerifera, L. asplenifolia, Endl. Betula lenta, L. lutea, Michx. f. populifolia. Ait. papyrifera, Marshall. nigra, L. Alnus incana, Willd. serrulata, Willd. Corylus Americana, Walt. rostrata. Ait. Ostrya Virginica, Willd. Carpinus Caroliniana, Walt. Quercus alba, L. macrocarpa, Michx. White Mulberry. Buttonwood. Butternut. Shag-bark Hickory. Pig-nut " Bitter-nut " Sweet Gale. Bayberry. Sweet Fern. Black Birch. Yellow " Gray " Paper " Red " Speckled Alder. Smooth " Wild Hazel-nut. Beaked " Hop-Hornbeam. Hornbeam. White Oak. Bur " I am indebted to Mrs. H. G. Waite for the addition of this species, bicolor, Willd. Swamp White Oak. Prinus, L. Chestnut " " " var. monticola, Michx. Rock " " LIST OF TREES AND SHRUBS. 75 prinoides, Willd. Dwarf Chestnut Oak. rubra, L. Red " coccinea, Wang. Scarlet " " " var. tinctoria, Gray. Black " palustris, DuRoi. Pin " Miss A. H. Tucker in Trees of IVorcester. ilicifolia, Wang. Scrub " Castanea sativa, Mill., var. Americana, Michx. Chestnut. Fagus ferruginea. Ait. Beech. Salix nigra. Marsh. Black Willow. lucida, Muhl. Shining " fragilis, L. Crack " alba, L. White " " " var. vitellina, Koch. u u rostrata, Richardson. Beaked " discolor, Muhl. Glaucous " humilis. Marsh. Prairie " tristis, Ait. Dwarf Gray " sericea. Marsh. Silky " cordata, Muhl. Heart-leaved " myrtilloides, L. a Populus trerauloides, Michx. American Aspen. grandidentata, Michx. Large-toothed " balsaraifera, L., var. candicans , Gray. Balm of Gilead. monilifera, Ait. Cottonwood. Pinus Strobus, L. White Pine. rigida, Mill. Pitch " resinosa. Ait. Red " Picea nigra, Link. Black Spruce. 'j6 FLORA OF WORCESTER COUNTY. Tsuga Canadensis, Carr. Hemlock. Abies balsamea, Mill. Balsam Fir. Larix Americana, Michx. Hackmatack. Chamaecyparis sphgeroidea, Spach. White Cedar. Juniperus communis, L. Common Juniper. Sabina, L., var. procumbens, Pursh. • " Virginiana, L. Red Cedar. Taxus Canadensis, Willd. Ground Hemlock. Smilax rotundifolia, L. Common Greenbrier. ^ ^ I I _ I