Bsrton, Williera Paul Crillon Florae philedelphicse prodromus ...* Philsdelphie, 1815, 100 p. 1817. ^ cr'^ I Lc\ 1 ^ Cl- ^3 K i f_, 6c £> ‘ V>v. Z' ^3 ilV Lord Byron's Manfred. J — . J s J V » with such flagitioiisness. The conscious- ness of so nefarious a deed and its hor- rid sequel, would have bowed the boldest spirit. Sliame and horror would have triumphed over everj^ other sentiment. Instead of insolently vaunting his supe- riority over the vulgar herd, one shrink- ing beneath the sense of so much base- ness would own himself the vilest of the vile. The association of such qualities and such conduct are perfectly incon- gruous. In tlris falsehood lies the dan- ger of lord Byron’s romances. He has constantly combined elevation of mind and the most ardent sensibility to the grossest and most pernicious vices. Per- haps his lordship may be cited as liim- self an instance of this very union. We will confess, that, unless he is much mis- represented, he is by far the most striking example of it we have ever known. But lord Byron has none of that native strength of character wdiich he has held up to admiration, lie his paroxysms of desperation, but they are succeeded by long intervals of despondency. We believe a candid history of his lordship’s life might be read without any danger of seducing the uncorrupted by the entice- ments it would offer to follow in his footsteps ; and, in fact, fur aught we know, miglit prc»ve the best antidote, to the poison of his writings. To Manli'ed’s arrogant assumption of super-human dignity we have already adverted. In this impudent pretension he only keeps ])ace with the noble author. Lord Byron has already told us in his own person, t have not loved the world, nor the wotid me, I have not llatleiv-d its rank breath, nr bow’d To its idolatries a jratient knee, — iVor coin’d my cheek to .smiles,— nor cried aloud In worship of an echo ; in the crowd They could not deem me one of such ; I stood Among them, but not of them ; in a shroud Of thoughts which were not their thoughts, &c. Manfred has all his lordship’s modesty, I am not of thy order, is his rude reply to the compassionate hunter. The same presumptuous claim is urged in every page. From my youth upward My spirit walk’d not with the souls of men,&c. My joys, my griefs, my passions and my powers 'Made me a stranger, &c. I disdain’d to mingle with A herd, though to be leader, &c. These are a few only of the passages which contain this endless repetition. We wish his lordship had sincerely that con- temj)t for the world, which he is inces- santly flinging in the face of his admirers, or that he entertained a more rational respect for its opinions. In the one cas"e we should be no longer annoyed with his crudities, in the other we might expeqt from his lordship’s talents, diiect- cd to a proper purpose, and aided by an honourable ambition, some nroduchon more worthy of the genius which he so proudly boasts. Till he do efier som«-, thing to sustain his jactitations, we shaft continue to measure his } ov. ers by His efforts. The machinery of this poem is a most ridiculous gallimaufry of mythology, ne- cromancy, and wilchchraft, atheism, polytheism, and Christianity. His lordship has brought togetherin apromiscuous mob, Arimanes,(Arimanices) Nemesis, the Par- ca;, the spirits of air, lire, water, moun- tains, stoims, and darkness, the witch of the Alps, an imp of Beelzebub, and u minister of the Gospel. No man who had any coherence of mind could have been l)etrayed into such absurdities. Consistency of conduct we do not look for in lord Byron, unless it be in the con- stant parallelism of his literary works, — but such complete confusion of all ideas relerable to taste or the moral -sense, as tills tragedy displays, we cannot but re- gard as unequivocal evidence of partial insanity. In this opinion we are not singular. Perhajis it were charitable to w ish it true. Regarding his religious, or rather irreligious, doctrines, as the ravings of a maniac, we do not deem it necessa- ry to enter into a serious consideration of them. Were his lordship’s theory to he admitted, that a proportionate lemoree always follows transgression, how should w’e account lor pirogression in crimes. But that depravity is pregressive, is true to a proverb. .Vemo repente fit turpissi- mus. The whole system of divine and human jurisprudence is founded on the maxim that compunction decreases with the increase of guilt. But w e will not trespass longer on the reader’s patience. Viewing this poem merely in a literary light, we might point out many nervous and some beautiful pa.ssages, — ^with much affectation of phrase, and, if we may so say, sophistry of style. Its prosody is better than usual, ': but still there is a frequent tendency t» prose. What could be more after the matter-of-fact manner than the following dutiful address of the Goddess Nemesis to Arimanes ? Sovereign of .Sovereigns ! we are tbine, And all that liveth, more or less, is ours, And most things wholly so; still to increase Our power increasing thine, demands our care. 356 Barton's Prodromus. And we are vigilant— thy late commands Have been fulfilled to the utmost. This is the very language of a waiting- maid. Similar tameness and insipidity are not rare in tliis poem. In fine, we look upon Manfred as the least credita- bW production of lord Byron’s pen. Wfe are ourselves at a loss for that irre- sistible charm which so m;my find in his hrdship’s poetry. If it be the gloominess of his jtictures that is so attractive to con- genial spirits, we must, indeed, concede the palm to him. But if it be the awe with which even tlie least reverent treatment of solemn subjects fills the mind, the same sensation in a more ex- quisite degree may be aAvakened by read- ing the IN ight Thoughts ; and we would urge it upon those of lord Byron’s vota- ries, who have never read that in- comparable poem, to seek a solace for ihcir sombre feelings in the pages Art. 4. Flora Phlladelphica Prodromus, ■.T'.-o ’ 7>t A . FLORAE PHILADELPHICiE PRODROMUS; Plantarum quae hacteniis exploratae fuere, quaeque in ipso opere iilterius describentiir, EXlilBENS ENUxMERATIONEM: OR, PRODROMUS OF THE FLORA PHILADELPHICA; EXHIBITING A LIST OF ALL THE PLANTS TO BE DESCRIBED IN THAT WORK, WHICH HAVE AS YET BEEN COLLECTED. SIMUL ET JUCUNDA ET IDONEA DICERE VITAE.— Horace. BY WILLIAM P. C. BARTON, M. D. FELLOW OF THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF PHILADELPHIA; MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, &C. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR BY J. MAXWELL. 1815. DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, to wit: Be it remembered, That on the second day of October, in the fortieth year of the Indepen- dence of the United States of America, A. D. 1815, William P. C. Barton, of the said district, hath deposited in this oflice, the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as author, in the words following to wit: “ Florae Philadelphicae Prodromus; Plantarum quae hactenus exploratae fuere, quaeque in ipso opere ulterius “ describentur, exhibens enumerationem: or, Prodromus of the Flora Philadelphica; exhibiting a list of all the “ plants to be described in that work, which have as yet been collected. Simul et jucunda et idonea dicere vitae. “ Horace. By William P. C. Barton, M. D. Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia; member of the “ American PJiilosophical Society, &c. In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, intituled “ An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned.” And also to the Act, entitled “ An Act supplementary to an Act, entitled, “ An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, chai'ts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned,” and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, en- graving, and etching historical and other prints.” J. CALDWELL, Clerk of the District of Pennsylvania, Printed for the Author, and to be had only of him No. 222, Walnut- street, and at the Penn- sylvania Hospital. PREFACE. QK ti /f/5” rB The zeal for the cultivation of botany which is now so prevalent among the citizens of Phi- ladelphia, as well as the medical class of the University,* renders a botanical vade mecun for those who attend to this pursuit, a desideratum. The following pages may serve that purpose. They are therefore given to the publick with a wish that they were better, and a belief that, even as they are, they will be useful. They contain a catalogue of about four hundred and fifty genera of plants, collected within ten miles around Philadelphia. Of this number four hundred are indigenous, and the rest are either naturalized or so commonly cultivated among us, that it has been deemed expedient to introduce them into this Peodromus. They will, of conse- * While every votary of this delightful science must view with satisfaction, the augmented train which courts its charms, let it not be forsrotten that in this great city, now the emporium of the sciences and arts of Northern America, scarce a quarter of a cen- tury has elapsed since botany may be said to have been known by name alone. To Professor Barton, who kept alive, cherished, and increased to a bright flame, a little spark of botanick fire, is certainly to be attributed the present conspicuous predilection for the study of this alluring science in Philadelphia. As early as the year 1789, Dr. Barton was appointed Professor of Natural History and Botany in the College of Philadelphia, and in 1791, on the union of the College with the University of Pennsylvania, the trustees of the united institution confirmed the former appointment. Some courses of lectures on botany had been delivered in the College of Philadelphia, prior to the year 1789, by Dr. Adam Kuhn, who in his youth enjoyed the peculiar felicity of having been a pupil of Linnseus. Hence the germ of that love for botany, which was nurtured and expanded by aii unremitting zeal, continued in despite of obstacles of no trifling magnitude, by the present Professor of Botany in the University, for the space of six and twenty years. Dur- ing this period Professor Barton delivered twenty-five* courses of lectures on botany, in which he inculcated a high sense of the real benejitsot the pursuit, in a medical .point of view', with an enthusiasm that gave unequivocal evidence of his attachment to the in- terests of the science and the honour of the University. Such was the success of these efforts, that during the period when the laws of the medical school rendered it obligatory upon the candidates for its honours to print their inaugural theses, not one commence- ment was held w’ithout a number of dissertations being published, detailing experiments on the medicinal properties and effects of indigenous vegetables; most of them undertaken at the instance and prosecuted under the auspices of the Professor. The authors of these tracts were scattered annually, through different sections of the United States; many of them cherished the love for botanick pursuits which they had imbibed here — they became botanists. And thus have the exertions of the Professor been seen and felt, beyond the precincts of the university. In addition to these facts it may be mentioned, that many years ago Dr. Barton successfully applied himself to the production of an elementary work on the principles of botany', of acknowledged excellence. Let not t)ie name in the title page of this book lessen in tire mind of any one the force or effect of these observations. The writer kno-ws himself to be capable of impartiality on the subject of them, and in publishing them lias taken advantage of the absence in liurope of the Pro- fessor, whose presence and desire would in all likelihood have caused their suppression. 7’hey were excited by perusing- a pai-a- graph in the reviewf of Clinton’s Introductory Discourse before the New-York Literary' and Philosophical Society — are conscientiously' unbiassed, though made with an honest pride, and a desire to “ render unto Caesar the thinys that are Caesar’s.” * The vacancy that occurred in the school during the absence of Dr. Barton last summer in Europe, was filled by a luminous course of elementary and philosophical lectures on Botany, by Mr. Correa. t Review of Clinton’s Discourse in The Port Folio for August 1815. B VI PREFACE. qucnce, be described among those which are strictly the spontaneous growth of the neighbour- ing country, in the Flora Philadelphica. Since a design of publishing that work was first announced, some little alteration has been made in the plan proposed. It was first intended to confine the collections for the Flora to the mere indigenous plants of the neighbourhood. At the suggestion of a botanical friend, the author has concluded to extend the plan of the work so as to embrace, in addition to these, such vegetables as have become, fortuitously or by design, common companions of the native productions of the soil. But, as it is a matter of some diffi- culty, after passing the pale which circumscribes the native plants, to establish judicious li- mits to the aberration, the author has determined to incorporate with the indigenous catalogue, only the very coinmon ornamental trees and shrubs — those plants w'hich constitute the esculent vegetables of the table — those employed as condiments, or used to enhance the savouriness of dietetick articles, and such others, as are so habitually introduced into the common gardens of the adjacent country, or used in agriculture, that they have become, in a measure, naturalized among us. Such, for example, are the foreign grasses and vegetables cultivated by the peasan- try; the numerous fruit-trees, and fruit-bearing shrubs, that are to be found in every garden; the culinary pot-herbs reared in rural or city horticulture — and such other plants as are, from their possessing or being supposed to possess, medicinal properties, brought to market and em- ployed in domestick medicine. All these are continually presented to our observation, and would, inevitably, be sought for in a local Flora by the student of botany, the amateurs of that science, and others, whose residence in the neighbourhood of their growth, renders them the objects of curiosity, of pleasure, or of use in any way. For what every one meets with as common as the grass by the way-sides, no one unacquainted with the minutiae of botany would suppose to be hardy intruders from foreign countries, tenaciously persisting in the right of possession, or the na- tives of far distant climes, which the taste, the appetite, the pride, and sometimes even the pre- judices of people, have drawn into their gardens and their grounds, where the same causes ope- rate in insuring their nurture and preservation. The plants enumerated in this catalogue have been collected since the month of April, 1814. After that period, hardly one week of the floral season has passed by, particularly during the last summer, without an effort to procure the plants whose inflorescence was matured. Indeed, for weeks at a time, the author has made almost daily excursions with a view to enlarge his stock, and for opportunities of ascertaining the time of flowering and fructification of such plants as he intended to describe. Notwithstanding these exertions, he cannot present the list as com- plete. Many plants have doubtless eluded his observation. Not all, however, of those collect- ed, are here enumerated: for many of the grasses that were culled, he has not been able, for want of books, to ascertain correctly. The deficiency of those indispensable aids has been most felt, in investigation of the cryptogamick class, which will consequently be found very im- perfectly filled. As, however, this Prodromus is, in itself, a mere appendage to a more exten- PREFACE. Vll siveand complete work, these deficiencies are, comparatively, of little importance. Subsequent study, under more propitious circumstances, will supply what is now wanting. The author takes this opportunity of acknowledging the assistance he received during his col- lections from the late Dr. Henry Muhlenberg* of Lancaster, and Mr. Correa de Serra: for the countenance and encouragement of these botanists he shall ever feel himself grateful; from Mr. Zaccheus Collins, also, a gentleman who has united the successful cultivation of botany, with other branches of natural science, the author has received some auxiliary attentions, for which he returns his thanks. THE AUTHOR. 222 Walnut -street^ October 1st, 1815. • The pious, the learned Muhlenberg is no more! With him has fallen one of the oldest, the strongest pillars of that extensive fa- bric his exertions contributed so largely to raise — the edifice of botanick science in America. His merits, though chiefly confined to nomenclatural botany, were of the highest order. In giving information he was conscientious as truth itself, and his patience and industry in correcting the errours and confusion of botany, have scarce a parallel. Ever ready to assist the young botanist, and to banish from his sight, obstacles which in his own progress he himself had perseveringly overcome, it seems extraordinary that few, if any, of the large number that have profited by his labours and been the objects of his personal or epistolary instruction, should have acknowledged the extent of his assistance! The friend, whose succour contributed to raise us to our desired elevation, is often, when no longer useful, cast away! Dr. Muhlenberg enjoyed the correspondence of some of the first European botanists of the age, Schreber, Smith, Wllldenow, &c. and the rich volumes of the Species Plantarum by the latter, are enhanced in no small degree by the communications made to him by our American botanist. The posthumous works of Dr. Muhlenberg are anxiously expected by the lovers of botany. When they are presented to the publick, and the Flora Vu’ginica of Professor Barton, which is partly print- ed, appears, the chief barriers to the successful cultivation of botany in the United States will be removed — since these, together with Pursh’s Flora, already published, though it has not reached this country, will fill the present chasm in the botanical libraries of America. EXPLANATORY REMARKS. For the abbreviated characters of the flowers and the fruit, the writer of this Prodromus is indebted to Dr. Muhlenberg’s Catalogue. The plants marked with an asterisk (*) have not been found by the author, but are inserted on the authority of others. All others not so marked, have been actually collected by him, and most of them preserved in his herbarium. The errours liable to be committed by the student in the examination of plants, owing to the perplexity of botanical synonima, are obviated by adding both the generick and specifick synonymes, when they have been known. C. stands for cultus, cultivated; and when placed opposite to the name of a plant denotes that it is commonly cultivated. Cic. stands for Cicur^ naturalized; and when placed opposite to the name of a plant, signifies that it was originally from foreign countries, and has become as it were, indigenous. Hort. stands for Hortis, and signifies that the plants to which it is prefixed, though natives of the United States, are not indigen- ous in the vicinity of Philadelphia, but commonly found in gardens. © placed opposite the name of a plant signifies that it is an annual. % biennial. n perennial. h frutescent. , Jij Ifjj ■ '^^Y ■ '- ■ ^ ' ‘ ' .i)■;'‘;^■■!^‘^ Y: '■■ "y’: • ' ■■■••' ‘5? ■ ■ ■' Vr^-I 'd# ■ ' ■ • '■; - ■■ ■ ■ ; , ■ ■;- ' ■■ ■ '■■ \ ■ ■■■■• . r'ir'"‘YCC’ '■ . .' ;.V'“ ^ •■ ■ ' ■"■ '•' ■. . ■ - .-•*' ’* ■ ' ' ' t ^ 'V, f .'. -.y:.’: .. aJ • V ‘ • ■ , ,' ■■.' :-5 , ■ : " ^\y:’'\- o o TO C/D o w w e t: cj S S a> O) O O 05 o , o , 3-1 * 05 1 ' o CN ^ . CN -a p * il 3^>-. 1 o 1 * Oh I ' TO CN TO TO -3 CJ o ^ I o -a 3 3 bi: c O fc- •<) ■? -e •S *<■ Co K rt to 3 ©j s ^ , a cS* S O 0? w > C^ d bo a s 3 U 'S d a, .S &. .3 (D .2 5 g- •g o C/5 TO 05 Ig 1 is SiH ’i 3 .-2 13 > o c/5 1 3 1 . 1 In 1 CN ^ C/5 3 ^ - < "Oh ' X ‘ on P 2 . ^ 3 t i -3 > CB Q CO b^) TO C a TO u o T3 5? ^ < 5 I ►-H (/) kH c/: C/D <1 O I o o o c; o 3 TO 3 V '- < 2; Z 6 TO H TO > TO P-. 05 CU o c c 3 it 5 « o CL, 3 ■H !S © h4 2 1 * 1 d to' 3 ,X' TO • 05 s c/5 ^ .2 -p g u TO p •r! c/5 4) 3 *■* < 3 H M TO 3 TO bO u '> < Z z .s X 3 3 s~* TO pi h in P O vulgare 0 z TO pH to .To 3 « Pi — <0 ■>}' V5 ^22 1/5 c/5 CCJ *3 *3 s- 3 ^ ^ iS 05 05 o W rt 2 3 a ±: X X u B 05 TO £ d « -• o ■ J ^ ' t3 1 ' on 1 £ w Oh 1 Oh 1 TO U TO '«}< TO TO Oi I •Ti I 3 *3d hO* hO'hO' rs-A-o J ■ dd ' "".I . J .5 *Sd CLASSIS I.—MONANDRIA. ORDO JI.— DIGYJ^IA. Syttematick JVamei. EngUih, Vulgar, and Vernacular • jYatnes. JYatural Families of Jussieu. Calix. CoroBa. Form of the Leaves, Wc. Fruit. Time of FUrw ering. 1 Callithiche, Water*star Wort, Acotylcdoma. Najades. 2-phyllus. o. Sein. 4, in aquatica, . Sm. ? C. verna, - S 3 Blitum, spring, early, ^aithoxii any lobe.") foliis superioribus ovalibus. caps. 2-io- cular. florens A- Straws erry-Blitf, Dycotyledonea. Alriplices. 3-fidus. 0. - vel sub-spatulatis; inferio- ribus lincaribus. Capsula prili. virgatum, . . L. © slender-stalked; Strawberry- (^ItVQ lobes in the seed.') fol. triangularibus, dentatis. baccata 1- sperm. flo. Junio. 3 CiNNAj* spinach, CiNNA, - Monocotyledones. Gramineae gluma 2- gluma 2- Sem. 1, arundinacea, L. ^ reedy, reed-like, (one single lobe in the seed.) valvis, uni- flora. valvis. panicula magna. . . flo. Augusto CLASSIS IL— DIANDRIA. 0*730 L—MOjXOGTm^. 4 Ligustrum, - Privet, or Prim, Dicotyledones. Jasmineae. 4-dentatus. 4-iid. alba. vulgare. - L. h common, - fol. lanceolatis, acutiusculis. 5 Syringa, - Lilac, ... Idem. Idem. 4-dentatus. 1 vulgaris, C. - L. h common: Pipe-tree, . . _ alb. caerulea fol. cordatis. 2 Persica, C. - - h. h Persian, - - csrulea. fol. lanceolatis, integris, pin- natifldisque. 6 CiBCAEA, L. ? ENCHANfERS-NlGHTSHADE, Idem, Onagrae. 2-partitus. 2-petala. C. lutetiana, Mich. 5 common, - ■ ■ alba. fbl. ovalibus, rarius cordatis. 7 Veronica, Speedwell, - Idem. Pediculares. 4-5-part. 4-part. - 1 Virginica, • - L. V Virginian, - ■ - - alb. rubra. fol. quaternis, quinisque,lato- lanceolatis, verticillatis, ar- gute serratis. bac. 4-sper. 2-loc. caps. 2«loc. 2-val. - caps. 2-loc. hispida. caps, obcor. data,2-Ioc. flo. Maio. flo. Maio. flo. Junio. flo. August* Systematick JVames. English, Vulgar, and Vernacular JVatural Families of Jussieu. Calix. | Corolla. Form of the Leaves, &c. Fruit, Time of Flour JVaines. 1 enng. 6 ’2 .2 *3 .2 *2 6 ’2 *u P-, .2 *3 2 '2 .2 *3 .2 .2 o c/2 G bo .2 (U .2 p G a H-5 § p G G •G •< G G 6 6 6 6 6 6 d d d d d 6 d q:: CG qU qC qq qq qq CG qq qq qq qq qq . cs ^ I a PU > a o Om a cS i/i o 'T3 C3 ^ cj S o ^ f-t O cs = I rs U Vi a 3 6 * "e ® 's^ b § ‘S tio c i ,1) c3 :l 2^.s^ Cl, ‘43 3 -Ci C, o g > ® o 52 o . > • ‘-C • bo lU 3 .2 ^ •n J *«/5 cj C/3 •S 3 S -go ,o rs T): g rO 5 P S .^2 ^ 4-> 4-* O c ^ a (j "p B c 3 1) c/2 'O "3 • Vi O C ccJ ^ cn I P C g Ci »v cr* c/2 C c^ T3 *+-» B I O c5 C c > c/2 c/2 ^ U ^ a J3 C3 ^.1 A B .B M'S, o • 73 ‘£:s c? o ."S N ^ ^ IS St I a I o ^ g 3 ,-1 C C/2 cci C3 CS I 5 -g ^ c3 -P 6j0 zS C CL, 5 *2 O .JC JC 'a ^ a _5__ss cS 3- I o, I x) <43 I C nS O 33 U cS 3 s j 5 3 p O 0) . o ^ O 1 cT c CO g 3 o o a, d JJ 2 Id; Ge me-not CO oT 2 bo bo 3 >< a a 0 c d !s rP o CO c; tG CO A > cc o £ 0^ 2 3 bo S s %6 — O ^cr C3 > rP cu o 2 > p ps o o .s *3o Augusto. Systematick JVames. English, Vulgar, and Vernacular JVatural Families of Jussieu. Calix. Corolla. Form of the Leaves, &c. Fruit. Time of Floio- JVames. ering. d O X 6 O c3 C3 C3 a G C cd' •3 S 2 to 3 >= C 3 S 3 a; C XJ C Cu cd I o 13 j3 CO I 'I *co 3 . U 3 3 .-2 .2 13 r3 > CO O cd O u cd • ^ CO 3 . Xi fc/D C O 1 cd *rl ^ cd ■*-» o to -sin- ibus, 3 CD 3 3 ■ 3 .-S • S.B 2 o. U o CO 3 CD to '•i-f *> 1 .V^ CO «3 CO a > o X Ph o 3 CO , .S CO i! S =’■§ • co S g 2 >. 'i. fc- CO I Cd O ^ > g • 3 CO 2 'ij ^ . ’3d p :2 Cd > 0 1 o 13 j2 Id 6/D 3 3 T3 I 6/D 3 5 cd 60 3 3 a. 3 3h . . cd bi:^ u .S « 3 cd s CD n3 h k M )z: P o 3 3 i 43 O Pi ‘-T' cd o ^ ^ cd O O 60 CD > CD > cd CD 60 3 O o JG XJ CD O CD w *o rv Cd § S s “ 3 O 3 O O o -< C/D X3 CD > Cd CD S CD XJ CD ^ f5 S O P3 3 S a W c/3 3 O £ ^ 3 O £ £ cd 3 HH CO E o CD u 3 O o u r o ^ „ s ^ ^•' p CO CO 0) 3 3 CD CD .” ?» ■ Cd ^ . CL, 2 3 CD Cd r^ O P P I B a w ^ ^ = ^ . . . .£3 < 3 Sc P O X ^ .a *3 S ’Sd ^ OD , CD 3 . (=U M « ^ 2 X ^ C .2 cd *U CD OD 3 ^3 3 s — 3 < O cd CO S 2 CO c3 ^.2 S Jgn 3 CD O 60 CD Si ^ .2 .-S'^S cd s >^ cd cd ' Id - ^ CO *^-2 'o -3 a o 3 cO O cd cd o 2 1^ O Pi u o C/D cd O cd .s ‘o o 7^ O 3 CD X hJ 3 O o o VO sei’otina, - W alt. [ U ] Snilemalick JV Eis 'll', " A-flluro Calix. 1 CtrMa. 1 F O aS bO C 3 o Q ;2: < S H c/5 i— ( C/5 C/5 u i O 0 1 o fB} 0^ o 1 CO I (N si nl P« I «5 > I a CO o I CO . • 3 c/3 ^ c- C3 CO £i0 C 3 o 6 •M a 3 .S S Sd ^ .3 3 A iJO cS -§ll S-15 5? 3 ^ c*-< ^ 3 S *C 3 2 S SJ .-* 3 O 3 cr* P d cc ■^cg TD . I CU to 3 I s CO £ o ^ CL, 4; ^ . C/5 to Sh 3 C4 CL, I to CL, I to 3 I CS 2 CL. > I 1 CO ^ rrS &q3 cci o; o- Cm O CS a, u V a, t to 0 cn 1 cu S 'V p 6A) § 3 . CO 3 3 0-5 .5 S • o S Qi 3 < z 3 > EL cr> QJ G ID U H H Ci-i P K H i5 < h ek H CS G O - be f? cS 3 X G <1^ 'Sd*^ 3 h-5 I> £ . D - > CL, O > cS C D ctf U ‘H ^ ’§=s .a § . §-'g ^ — g '= S -a V Q-4' ** a, * 2 4> m5 i ~ G*S 5 s a,; ® rt ^ 0*2*5 ” * iD a « g.>fti .2.5 s s • *0 0377* S;2 H w .2 go 3= s f.'i s , o ri-i§ ^ § 0) g J . a rs.i ja « » « T3 O 2 d?' G rv O CO cn P oj H. PS M Ih bD P a H a < H CLi a bP W5 o o o o O o o CO 6 CO to C/3 U5 CO CO , ^ & G 6 G G G G 3 G d o o d ba bo bO bo bo bO bo 3 "2 jG tj ^> 1 G c G 1—3 G G < G < G <1 G < G <1 G c G 1—3 G ♦—3 s ; ^1 6 6 d 6 d d d d d d d d d 00 00 CG EC 00 CG 00 00 oo 00 00 00 X cS ^ s . £ QJ (/3 5 ^ c o ^ 's^ I «? a JD *c c^ •u c <3 J 8 cti a, c 5S Is s s V3 w CJ Cu a =J cr "E. CO G ctj bo p u p ^ 1 o JO o $ Oh s O CO p G 'o o . u cO 1^ p P -Q i/D C o p p CO .a E 1 X *2 o p C P "So G CO E p o p tri' cr* p •G O t- P G 4>* CO G P cti p CO G CO *3 C c« G G . :2 &._S 1 Eh CO G p d a, G O G P p o oo 5 cul s o T=J oS a. C3 U o; D CT* 2 CO :3 a o (3 I I I CO I iJD o in cj .S2 S» t3 P sC f* lU S 'a o br> "C o Ph >> O a c; G a; o CG X o g: a; -G G p:< G G G o IP C/3 G 3 rt CG G CQ .<1 p g ><><1 G Es] o X o C/D X , .* X 1-^ c^ a J-* D> p ^ SCO K 3 o ^ fao "3 — CN irO X rt P G G G >H u o > ctf 03 O &/D G fc— ^ ic0 P X o JO Ch JO G 1^ X 2 O 00 d a. #N CCS a G c/3 o 2 « X .c l-cS XT) bG ^ ' — '.ss ^ 1 « c^ ’S, . ^ -5 * p s •s rv P .a I c/3 ^ c/3 rt c ^ G C/3 ^ X P ■§ I ‘o-S > c^ jO O p o 5E 00 t/D ^ X o 'E < CO G P cJ E G •*-* cS P cd 0 'S cJ a. *E cS p CO iO CN or CO in (M ■i 'V V I I ■1/ I [ 16 ] ORDO n.—Dior:viA. I EngUih, Futgar, anti F ISpRiNo-anAssi Veunal- liVcmoeory/tfc/onfA.Gramincaep-val. l-flo.|2-val. odoratiim. • - L. Jil common sweet-scented, j | | THOXAKTIIUM, w», £/e. I /Vuj7. |7Vme e/ Fltanthut rcnifor- inis, • Mich. Barlunia clandcsti- 1 Leptanthus, - Mich. gramincus, - Mich. If') graminca, - Pers. I ScAollera graminifolia, I [Muhl. et Wind, f Commelina dubia, [Jacquin.j Laub's-eettuce, Com-sallad, Flag; Flevr-de-lu Virginian Iris; common blue flag, Heterantubra, kidncy-form-Icaved, CLASSIS III.—TRIANDRIA. ojtno r.^iojFOGTJViJi. Dlrolyledones. Dipsaceae. spath. 1-Bo. fol. sub-spatulato-oblongis, sub-integris. fol. cDsiformibus. • Fol. orbiculato-reniformibuB. Spatha intcrduin uniflora, sed frcqiientcriri,vcl qnad' [ 17 alFanulie$o/Juiiifu. Jupicai, - Mich, j, X. anceps, - • Per: X. Caroluitana, Wall. [Lamb, ei Poii 23 ScUOEKUS, 1 glomcraiusjL.Willd.Swa. 2 albus, • L. If 1 Jihynefio>/r/ra alba, > [Vahl. ct AU.J 1 flavcsccnJ, - 2 sti'igosus, - 3 phymatodcs, 4 parviflurus, Doo-rusb, round-headed, white-headed, Gallimoale, Muhl. V Muhl. 5 spathaceus, WUld. If Seirflut spathaceus, [Mich. 1 ovatus, - Muhl V capilalus, L. oblusus, - Willd. 2 irichodes, - Muhl- S. capillaccus, Pei-s. ct [Mioh. 3 planifolius - Muhl. 4 lacustris, - - L. 2f 5 capillarls, yellow, bristle-spiked, tuberous, small-flowered, sheathed, • Ceubhubh, blunt-head, hair-like. flat-leaved, Bullrush. dwarf, Mvnoeoiy. Graminfae. Cyperoidea fol. lincaribus, oblusiusculis. fol. planis. fol. sctaccis. cul. triquetro: spicis confevtis 1 lanceolatis. cul. triquetro nudo; spiculis linearibus. radix lubcrusa. flioribus congrcgaiis. flo. Julio. So. Julio. flo, Augusto Qo. Augusto flo. Augusto flo. Augusto flo. Augusto ul. tcrcti nuda, setiformi; spica subgloboaa tcrminali. fol. planis, compressis. icul. tcrcti clongata nudo. cul. nudo foliisque capillari. cm. 1, vil- imberbe. flo. Augusto flo. Maio. flo. Maio. flo. Junio- flo. Junio. Systematick Jfames. English, Vulgar, and Vernacular JiTaUtral Familiee of Jttssieu. Calix. Corolla. Form of the Leaves, &c. Fruit. Time of Flow - JVames. eritig. S3 6 CIS a O cn o O cs o cs: .2 c3 6 CCS S3 O qiJ S3 o 02 ■ . G 3 O ^ o ^ . rs C £ 2 u G G c/5 O . -^3 X C 1> £ .5 3 £ G tG cr c5 c eft *3 *s. o G cr ' e B r. G O Q .s C o o G G p 05 G cr* cej 05 . c/5 4) G cr tS G H c G V5 CO *-« c/5 2 05 .2 ^ 3 "S QJ • % >. o G -C G3 D- cg >w ^ 0 05 r c: 0 03 ■M 1 -Q c (fl - G C/3 05 .X ^ c Pi c/5 05 b/) G C/5 p 0 G' 05 0 C3 0 •-« c/3 rG 2 1 0 c/3 MM 0 ' G G 0 CJ a- .2 « c2 *03 S a 05 S G O .si 0) b ^ G cr cu Jp o CG o Xi 3d ."2 £h cj ^ o ^ ‘C 6/D *2 I I >• t- I a. CJ s I e 05 nG s 05 03 G X 03 O o- 0 T3 05 c 05 mG 03 * 05 ,s "Ift G ‘S- ’0 05 1 03 "3d d 9^ mg' ' rv cfl ^ G 2 *cft fP Ij G 0 G d 0 d 0 05 u X eft 1 tG c/3 < 0 1 5? O H H O o Q 03 05 03 d 05 GS 05 O CG 03 G Pi 03 < a 03 05 0 1 5 cn p a= t 525 0 h H c 0 s s 0 05 0 5 < 05 fP To >4 s c/3 § h5 P- Cu .s ’-"S a « 11 £ SS G ^ .a 0, .a g. C p '3 K cH " O \-t -il 05 S P- Cl- H to c^^ ^ a 05 rh >> u ' O rs eT 05 GS G «c p G S ^ -k-i O) ^ 73 S G Qli O ffi O s o G 6 • * c 6 3 CD G 60 c 2 bn P G G < M-j c 6 6 6 6 6 CG CG qU cG cn 2 d o U d hO S o G 1 • CCS t a i ' Tn ' ^ -rt 1 G . ■ P - S c ‘ Pi' 1— < G E 60 C § S G G ' - s H s g -3 I G 1 g p g d./ a 4» > +-» 4/ »G 4> ^ CD CD (D CD p o ’S cd o. 'Sd "o p cj ‘S d Pu P 0) -Q . P d Ch X ,13 O 'Sd CD _Q o -O o c3 C d Ch c3 Ch G > d br> p o 2 o 2 2 o *S CU 5 d mQ .Ss 6/D U -V g.2 ^ >■ _ • d C3 > ! ■ d » ^ C3 * 1 CD » > 1 ' CM CM 6 6 6 ♦ ^ c^ > I . 03 1 1 ^ 1 03 1 G 1 G CD uT ^ 2 ^ c G *C 2 O -S S G - 1 1 > • s > (TS 1 • > G • ’G 1 1 o 1 CD 'G G CM CM CM S ccj o K o ^3 E 4) T3 s T3 6/D .£ c« 6C Oh G C/D .4 60 60 > < O ci < z, < O crj 60 G cS -a > a To K ^ ^ tJ G ^ ^ ^ ^ d •«-.> o *2i G G < a. £..< O > X 3^ CQ. CD < CM Ph - CM 0^ [ 18 ] Pngliifi, Pulgor, end Ftmaeular A’ame$. A'afura/ Fe miUe, 0/ Ju„ieu. CaUx. Corolla. Form, of »Ae Lnntt, {it. 1 6 cchinatus, • L. rough-spiked, ciil. triquetro nudo; spki flo. Julio. cchinatis. 7 rctrofraclus, • L. 7j back\rard-bcnt, • cul. triquetro; spicis retro fractis. flo. Augusto 8 aculus, • Muhl. 2i , sivc, maculatuB, < sharp-pointed orspoltcd bull cul. tcrcti, maculato, mucro flo. Junio. nc abrupto dcsincntc. 9 triqueter, Mich. V ? S. Americanus, Pcrs. J cul. acute triquetro nudo flo. Julio. spiculis scssilibUB, conglo 10quadrangulatus,Mirhl^ '] mcratis. S. tenuis, - Willd. ^ four-sided, aphyllus, cul. tetraquetro nu flo Maio. S. quadrangulus, Pci'S. J do. 1 1 maritimus8, macro- stachyus, Mich. | S. macrostachyos, Lam. f sea club-rusb, cul. acutissime triquetro foli do. Julio. [ct Mubl.J sUibus pcdunculaiisque. 12 cyperiformis, ) Vide Marincus. 5 ‘‘ 13 palustris, L. ct Sm. marsh. cul. tcrcti nudo, spicaovato oblonga subtcrreli. flo. Maio. 26 Tbjchopiiobum, - Pcrs Red-ootton-grass, - Monocoly. Cyperoidcac. 1-val. capillifor- mas, dc- mum Ion- gccxcena: mimerode- cyperinum, Pers. y"! finilo sex. Eriopfiorum cypcri- | cluster-flowered, Pert num, - - L. ^ cul. triquetro folioso, panicu- flo. Augustu ^rir^u* eriophorum, Mich 1 S. thyrsiflorus, Wiiid.J la decomposita. 27 EniuPHonusi, Cotton-grass, Idem. 1-val. im- o. vulgare, - Pers. y T E polystachium, L. k £. polystachium, 0. Mich.J common, many-headed, b1, plants; mucrone triquetro. lo. Junio. 28 MAnisous, VIarisous, ... Idem. Idem. cul. glabris, spicis globosis, flo. Julio. glomeratus, Muhl. mss. 3^'] Scirflut cyperiformis, [ globe-headed. imbricatis. [Muhl. Catalogue. [ S. lupulinus, Sprcngcl.J [ 19 ] Sytlemaliek- Abni«». 1 £ngU»h, Fulgnr, and Vernacular UetofJutHeu. j Calix. 1 Corolla. Form of the Leavet, lit. jT,m< of Fbnt- 29 Cenohrus, tribuloides, |He&GE-UOC-C1(ASS, - • L. © prickly-spiked; Burr-grass, 1 Tliorn-gi-ass, Monocoly. Gramiiicae. 2-val. 2-flo.|3-val. - 1 involucr. spica glomerata; glumis vil- losis ct spinis lungis rigi- disque horridis. M. ■ jflo. Augusto 30 Muhlknbercia, Schrcher 1 (lilTusa, Rcichard [Sdircbcr ei Pcn>. I DiUfiyrum minutiflo- | rum, - Mich.J 3 crccta, - Schreb.V| M. aristata, Ucicharti vt I [Pcrs. y Dile/iyrum aristosum, 1 MichJ upright, awncd, downy, Lr.ERSlAi SlURLE-GRASS, 1 or)-zoides, Willd. et [Swa. I Pfialaria oryzoiiiea, L. C [ct Schrcb.J 2 Virginica, Muhl. 21 33 Phalahis, 1 anindinacca, L *1 jirundo colorata, Ait. C [el Willd, j S picta, Muhl. mss. 33 Paspalum, lacvc, CLASSIS III.— TRIANDRIA. onDo fllonocolytedonea. Gramiiicae mimilissi* spreading, Virginian, rccdi Bank-grass, striped; Ribbon-grass; Paint- ed-grass, Paspaeusc, smooth, 2-val. l-flo. subrotun- fol. glabris; panicula coarcta. panicula cfTusa; glumis ob- longo-obalibus. panicula oblonga vcntricos: fol. lincatis; linx alb. virid. cm. 1, ob- longum a- cumina- Ho. Junio. Ho. Junio. iii sUniatick Englishi Vulgar, and Vernacular I JVatural Families of Jussieu. Calix. Corolla. Form of the Leaves^ & c. Fruit. Time of Flow- ,l'fa?nes | ering . a W) 3 6 c: 3 fcO 3 c 6 cn o 03 o 03 3 o 03 6 3 6 03 03 o 03 o 03 3 bn 3 6 03 a 3 6 03 o *2 3 6 03 2 3 § . - §3 S P a £ = 3 -T fi 3 a o r* e- > • O ^ £ £ 3 3 43 O o a *35 o o c/) 3 ^ O *3 (A .•V 3 c/5 '2 ^ c/3 ^ *2 3 *> .a ^ c/5 M3 C/3 , "o •rt 2 cS 3 O 43 -C o c/5 O a X 3 'Sh C5 U la 3 G C c s O U ^ CA u .a ma ica c$ 3 * £ o -S cc 2 CS oi o.- 3 CL. 3- r 75 o o 3 cr o O *cn 3 ^ o (rf 5^> c o 03 3 a To C3 > I 0 03 1 ci .bi > a. I c« O 03 I a > I CM a o Si 03 s S3 2 o 03 S3 •S Q s 3 c3 io 1 0^ cT 03 c PS u r2 oT , V u U CQ 03 3 os' o c/5 C/5 b/D 3 3 cS iX 03 3 O 03 G (A c/5 < Pj o 4ii U d p 4^i G S-, o <34 a C& O U 3 .2 0) 42 3 43 f Sd «S PS -2 3 CU 03 O o a u 03 CS O <1 h c/5 O bo • • I M5 ^ 43 0 a «< H O o 03 cC e 4 55 © 4 3 3 To 3 * s'' 3 rt fcO PQ- © © © © 4 4 *3 4 4 4 o > 1 bo c/5 3 • O £^ 3 a o +-» o !a 'S "2 ‘3 bO CL. a .2 I S “ •?; c 0-2 a -s =b £ .-3 .-s o ■§ ^ c- > a -a e 5 G a 5, a, ^ o CO 3 |3 3 O a* o < S- CO 3 0) etf CLi o "H ■ -I o cc o c- « C/5 s CD G d CD 0 p, b/D Ph ■£ CD G CD 3 c« .P •< . .p . 0 p> d d 0 P3 0 qG QG qG qG qG O CC o CG G 2 =^ G S ^ G G a 2 G5 « O ci ^ C n G CJ c3 6JD c^ >• "5) CJ a. 111^ f5 ^ > CS ■G TV G 6/D G G cr* to cJ OD CW c^ 6^) *2 crt cn c/5 G T .-2-c ■? ' r2 «i •3 c S .« g 3 ^ c _3 ■*■' « "S) C IJ C3 S-I CQ O pH .2 6 ~3 S .Bp G O G u 'S- u ’a TJ 2 S -5 ^ *G ^ Oh a ^ ID O 5 c/3 Oh*^ • c5 .2 O *c 'C cS C- QD 6/D CS bn G o a. c (U GD a G O O T3 O a o ^ *0 G ^ G c/5 3 2 O G 5 oT B c C3 OJ a ^ O a > I CN CCJ > I t> O > O I eG > I G<> O cn G >• O I c^ 0 CG 1 CT{ > I o > s a OD TJ G CD X3 G CD TJ cc3 U 6^1 g CD 1 c^ ■q “ S o “ g < G O Q G <1 ta CQ bn .2 "S TJ o G T3 CD -G bn HD CD G O «G S CD 6/D .a o qs 3d CO •4^ CCS 0 c/5 TJ CD CD G qG CD TG *C/5 d C/J G C/5 T3 s o' c/5 2 Ph C/5 ccj c/5 •< Oh k-i GD 60 3 u 1^ 5 i i-i' £ s •s CD *3 £ £< 3 0^ ■3 ’-^ ■^ i £ uT - 3 p: £.3 2 r* .2 CD 5 “^ee| p a < = - M 5 -S'' -Ji o £Cj° •p is .3 > C s -.s ■4' yT G l-H H G c/5 0 0 cS G 0 »n < 0 i/3 d cS ><< S G G O X o G H < o P-, crc 6/j G C3 ^ '2 £ 5 c3 cu 0 j [ 20 ] EiigLiA, lL^ar,j«d remaeulur v^■fl^ura/ Fumiliei e/ Juuieu. Cnlix. C'l>ica cylindrica. flo. Julio. 53 DiQtTARiA, - Mich Crar-grass; Crop-grass, Idem. Idem. l-val. 1-flo. spic. 2-val. - semen 1. 1 s.-mguinalis, Mich. O'! i’onirum sanguinalis,L. 1 Syniheriima prxcox, j bloody, purple, culmis rcpcnlibus, patulis floribus imbricatis. flo. Julio. [Walt.J 2 fiHformis, Muhl. ©"^ D. pilosa, - Mich. 1 1). villosa, • Pers. /’anicum filiforme, L. t P. debile, - Defs. .S'untAmtma, villosa, Ihrcad-fonn, < ■ cul. crcciis; foliis vaginique villosis. flo. Augusto [W.ltJ 30 PllLEOM, Catstail-gkass; Herds- Idem. Idem. pratensc, - - L. 21 spica cylindrica, clongata. flo. Junio. 37 Alopeourus, • Foxtail-grass, Idem. Idem. 2-val. 1-flo pratensis,* • - L, 21 culmo crccto; glumis villosis flo. Junio. S^llematiek ^‘anl Engluh, Vul^ay, and yermuvlar [ 21 ] /brm 0/ Ihe Lewi, Ue. 38 HoLOUSi ... 1 luiatus, L. ct Schrcb. 2/ 3 odoratus,* - L. 2/ A.sohofogon, Micli-lt ■) m, L. t s, Walt. J 3 macrourum, Mich. If Cinna irlomisrata, Wall. ^ 1 dissiiiflorum, Midi. 21 ' A. Virginicum, Cinna lateralis, ' 5 furcatus, • Muhl. 40 AcnosTis, 1 vulgaris, With. If A. hispida, WlUd. A. ca|>illaris,auctorum, 2 Mcxicana, - Pers. 2f A. lateriflora, Mich. 3 dccumbens? • Muhl. V 4 siolonifera, C. Sm. If 41 Trickodiuh, • laxiflorum, Mich, if I Cornuco/liVhycnialis, i [Walt.J woolly— (Salcm-grass, in Jer- sey.) Scoeca-grass. BeaRD'GIIASS, ... nodding, avcna-like, purple-stalked, raany-spiked; Indian-grass. Idem. Idem. Virginian;scaltcrcd-no\vcrcd forked-spiked, Beht-crass, Red-top; fine, Mexican, side-flowering, decumbent, • Fiorin-grass. TiiiN-onASs, loose-flowered; Silver-grass. Meadow-grass, annual, Monocotyiedones Gramineac. Idem. Idem. Idem. Idem. /dew. Idem. glumis villosis; fol. vagina lumida villosa. glabcr; panicula parva; glu- iturgidis. folUs asperia,vaginisquc gla- imis ramosis,elongalis, pur- puracentibus. paniculis laicralibus, fasci- culato-polystachyis. spicis dissitc lateralibus. spicis furcatis. panicula oblonga congesta. culmo dccumbcnte. panicula coarcta; culmo r mnso repente, ramis stolo- niferis. flo. Junio. flo. Maio. flo. Septem- bri. flo. Auguslu flo. Sepiem- bri. do. Septem- «*( a s o *S p H-j Julio. P bJD P < P tJD P c Julio. .2 *£ .2 *S p .2 ‘S p .2 3 O *2 .2 3 .2 p .2 *—3 .2 p 6 o 6 6 O 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 o 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 CP 02 02 02 1 1 , i 1 ■§ S , P P * ob. m. ob. 1 1 U- a- t ob. rv P «— P . -T G d . P 2 3 ■ qj c/3 1— « - 5 !« ^ p 1 • • ■ t . . 1 p S g 1 a; ^ 2 p . G ^7- CO ^ C -M 2 -S 3 < p -M P 1 p c ^ P p , to CO CO CO CO 1 1 1 CO P G Oh CO 3 p X ‘tn I’i-ra P p 2 o CO CP d P d O. p 22 CO a, c^ t2 P rt p O , c3 CS T3 "3 "" u ‘c § § ^ 3 ^ (fi ■ (j; O ^ s R ?► • - 9 CO bJ:‘^ a ? 3 . ^ *-^ y c/3 C« .#s '&. o 03 .£ CO £ o o ?: *4-» , X ^ ^ CJt P 2 £ *f3 .2 £ ^ o -a Cti C/3 3 ’g O O S £ cS o- o o *3 D- o 3 s-l o *£ -2 .2 to t/3 2 CO III u o ’& 3:- 0.2 .2 3 c p j2 g o ffS • 2 s p p 2 p 1 o p p bn O 3 p CO • 1 •2 3 . 0) ■-* to &/D f5^*35 S - fH s s. o ‘S CS Cu S o fl *Sd d > Xi a T3 c o 5 s s d ^ ^ CO 3 fO ^ *5 Of Cl d > I (N d > I c^ X o '3. > ® I 02 o. =5 c^.S 2.2 ' o cn > o I 02 Q. 3; o ; o 02 23 d ^ 3d .2 tS c > ctf o ^ 55 (N CN CQ u ?t jj 2- a, (U Si CJ C S si o 2 ’XS d p X U "O •s C3 C ccS 3 C3 So 1 CS 0^ cu CO c o 2 o O Si) 1 d * H o -si Q c f2 3d Iz; CO P P w ^.2 TD 03 S 2 '-o ^ c p o H CO P^ CO t-. d 2 2 *X3 ^r- '==(L — ) o qq C qq o qq -* =5 S c S 0) ^ S '§ 8 « ^ CO CO d )/) CO S”* cc a ^ ^ 3 ^ S ^ z: o3 o qq a.> t-. CO ^ .3f § .2 CO II CS I CO d *■ > .2 I u > o I CC 0 qq 1 c^ > i C9 a 0) 'T5 > I o _i cn 5-1 > O I qq s. 'O s a o c o s S o a .0 q) Ui] )z; cq < Q a u >«» d d t-i JjO Q> >^ 0^ e^ > ! 0 qq 1 c^ > I c^ 6 0^ qq d > I d > I CM p a ns CU > w I o ^ qq o *q3 Pi c o Cd cS Cl £ c o <<*5 cq 0 1 « H pH 60 c: G cJ -iq rt tT a s ’Sd ^ ^ cS a a 0 CO O 60 G >1 G G pc Hj CQ U hJ o Ph a» tG ^ o o a'' s 0 0 g: u P G 0 perenne, 0 0 P Ph CO d in (U > d in p 0 h G Ui G CO « G £ -Q >* .g: P Pi 0 G 0 3 <1 *0 in > H — ffi 0 10 ifj CO if) o c o a u -a :5 Pi G - 60 © ^ © © © . hJ J sJ d d 1 t s CO C.^ Isecale vernum, sive minus. [ 22 ] 1 E>,sU,h, l-crtiacuhr ^'ulwal of Juttieu. CoUx. c.,. Fruii. ^Timeo/Fh^. 'i comprcssa, - L. 1 Blue-grass. culniis gcniculatis, compres flo. Junio. 3 replans, - Mich. {£ creeping, culmo reptonte: foliis distl flo. Julio. chis subconvolutis,fl(iribu dioicis. 4 capillaris, • L. (v hair-panicicd, branched, panicula ampla capillari-ra Ilo. Auguste mosissima. 5 scsicroidcs, Mich. 3/ P. (lava, - L. 5 reed, broad-leaved, culmo (irmo erccto; panicul flo. Augusto majuscula crecla. 6 pccdnacca, Mich. © ■) P. pilosa, • Mtiiil. > panicula laxa pyraroidata. flo. Julio. an P. pilosa Linnaci? J 7 pratensis, C. - L Common spear-grass. * culmo tcrcti glabro; foliis Ilo. Junto. planis, slipulis brevibus 8 trlvialis, C. - L. T obiusis. P. scabra, - Erharl. i Rough-stemmed spear-grass culmo sub-nneipite scabro flo. Junto. P. palustris,(|Uonindum J foliis subtus scabris; stipu scored. lis longioribus, acuminatis striata, - Midi. $ spiculis glabris iiervosis. Go. Junio. 43 Briza, Quarino-grass, Monoeolu. Gramincac. 2-val. pluri- cord. 2-val. scm. 1, sub flor. rotundum eragrostis, - L. © culmo gcniculato dccumbcn- flo. Julio. te; spiculis creeds, com- 44 Daotvlis, COOKSFOOT-GRASS, Idem. Idem. 2 val. pluri- 2-val. • pressts. rough; Orchard-grass. flor. sulcatum. glomcrata, - L. 11 aanicula sccunda glomerala. Ilo. Junio. 45 Eldsine, • • Gaert. DoCS-TAlli-GRASS, Idem. Idem. 2-val. pluri- flor. in re- 2-val. - scm. 1, ob Indian, ... ccptaculo. oliis vaginis compressis. CynoBurut Indicus, L. $ flo. Julio. 46 Festuca, - . - pESrOE-GRASS, 3 val. multi- obi. 2-val. flor. 1 elatior, - L- 2/ ? F. pratensis, Willtl. 5 tall, meadow, lanicula sccunda, sub-crccta. cutiss, ^ lo. Junio. 2 fluitans, • L. ^ > Poa fluitans, • Sm. j floating, panicula rnmosa; spiculis te- lo. Junio. reiibus, muticis. 47 Bhomus, Irome-grass, 'dem. Idem. 2 val. multi- jbl. 2-val. aecalinus, • L. ) B. viciosus, Weigel. $ Cheat. • - . - flor. j tanicula nuiante, spiculis o- tectum. - lo. Junio. vads, glabris. id [ 23 ] Ssilemalick A* met. EnglUh, Vulgar, and Vernacular I JVatural Fan nlU.ofJuBoeu. Calix. CtreUa. Perm nj the Leavti, ide. Fruii. TYbk o/ Flaa- ering. 48 Avena, Oat-crass, ... Monacoty. Gramincac. 2-val. pluri- obi. 2-val. semen 1, flur. utrinque, 1 elatior, C. L. 1^ tall, - panicula subcontracta, nu- flo. Junio. 2 sativa, C. - - L. Common oat. calycibus dispcrmis; semini- flo. Julio. bus lx vibus, allcro aristato. 49 Aristida, Aristida, Id.m. Mem. 2-val. 1-flo. l-val. 3-a- T;.‘’ dichotoma, • - Mich forked, ... culmo dichotomls, subspica- flo. Septem- bri. SO Lolivm, - Darrel, red; Rye-grass; Ray-grass. Mem. l-val.mu1U- flor. rcccpt, 2-vaI. - 'pTess.n“u“! perenne, - L. H spica mudea, spiculis com- pressis. do. Maio. 51 Arundo,* Reed-grass, Idem. Idem. 2-val. pluri- 2-vaI. - sem. l,bassi cionoides, - Mulil. 11 '} flor. pappos. A. conflnis, Willd. y compact, habitus cinnx. panicula oblon- flo. Augusto A. Canadensis Mich.J ga, glumis puberulis. S2 Stipa, Feather-grass, Idem. THem. 2-val. 1-flo 2-val. arist scm. l,obl. Virgiuica, Pers.'l tectum. S. barbata, Mich, nee 1 [Dcfontaincs. 1 S.avcnacca, Walt, f r«rc Linnsi. | Virginian, thick and long awned, arista crassa longissima. flo. Junio. S. avcnaccul Muhl.Cal.J 53 TniTicuM, 1 zstivum, C. Wheat, ... Id,m. Hem. 2-val. re- 2-val. - dum. - L, © spring, early, or summer, spica aristata. flo. Julio. 2 hyhemum, C. L. t winter, late, - spica mutica. flo. Julio. 54H0HUEUsi, - Barlev, Idem. Idem. 2-val. re- 2-val. • scm. 1, obi distichon, C. cept. mul- teemm. L. © common, flosculis lateralibUB masculis flo. Julio. muticis, scminibusangula- 55 Secale, Rve, .... Idem. Idem. scm. 1, ob. 1 cCTca\eJitj6ern r/-n,C.L.© winter, .... sccale hybernum, vcl majus 3 3. vemum. - L.© spring, secale vemum, sivc minus. ORDO III.—TRIGYJ^Li. 3 O ^3 s.. S «o ” I S’ ■>5 O O c/3 to 6 d 3 3 3 3 fr/: bo 3 3 3 3 >-o < <; d d d d 3 s. 3 3 O £ cJ -C Ch I C, O >> (-< cS o o cj a O U t-. o I" 3 J. . c/i . — » ■ ' 3 ■? S G > :u • I CO ^ • c« > C- I a CO o I S ns ci t3 O' © o o « g o> a. I CO 4S a, I TD ed C C5 u < EC o Ui > > 1 3 o O C/3 •■21 - c/3 '-2 3 c® 7 cJ -C fc£i a; -T5 3 ffj Q < H H C/D O) 05 c h:i o o 0 1 o c; a? o o o cS o s ’2 3 X o 3 £5 CO cC o b 3 O h3 c o q: 3 fro 3 6 C3 u cu C. 6 qC O C c« P- I c3 CN O 3 cr o On P. O 3 3 o 5 p- jO *3 tn t5 3 1 1 1 3 V ns \ P 3 0> O c^ 3 3 P < o ^-wS— ^ 3^ ^ -g 1 -4 ^ si •4>J o • Mich. Pers. L. > Mich 1 , 1 » 3 o 1 3 3 1 ^/3 • d ' 5 h < 'S -2 C/3 £ < c^ c^ s o o d ss a •® ■? C3 c ^ O J= •S < X P (D r2 *-» 3 < c/3 *n c/3 3 o H c/3 to 3 d * o Pi3 e j S J Pn ta *u a< C O h4 — c» O u O Q C/3 K 00 Oi *c s vO 3 o • s c cS-.S _g i_j w: t- w a ^ p p S ■S u . •I S' -■p ns <3 P < 3 3 c/3 ss c/3 M o h c/3 s oT S3 X 0 1 c/5 < X H C/3 ■5 .2 s ^ < X 3 O 3 o o » XJ £3*^ be S . o i * 3 3e*i ^ ^=1 ^ a ^ ^ ^ s ps§ < o c^ VO '3 3 B B •» B*S § "s “I ■y .s D ° do®"’ (Mioh.l S.I c S2 3 O 3 C 3 _d -2 d .2 ~p G P c d 6 6 0 d CG CG CG CG a> •iC — Is 3 u .2 o *2 ^ "§ ^ .2 u « U ‘S i o ® ii _§ C/2 fli o ^ *C ^ y C3 c^ S 2 O +-» ^ i> C^ tn '~1 C/2 cn *S 2 S ^ 8 -S :S I J V > C5 "u T3 O CU o CIh c d cj o- . so c^ i2 ‘o c/) C •5 "• — < cs c3 fl > s ° « •II t- d ^ H CS o «2 ?P d a- 03 o; d ^ cr d ^ cr> d^ ^ *■> i2 d S G 3 c G 03 ^ ■ > Q C/3 C/3 C^ •c ^ § g CO t: c X c^ ‘G ^ *w P rvX S ® ? ® c/2 3 •3 ."3 a. a « -3 #S (J II .d c/2 ± cn -O •G d ^ C/2 G ;/5 si d a- d a, Oh X d cS Oh -D a, I C3 ccJ a, I j2 G C3 "O I cj Oi I o d 03 O 5 13 d p:J G O) o o CG 03 fan • 13 ^ G G G X o H O CG tG I T3 tG I fan S o CG 7t hJ o r ^ C -K» P U rt ^ C/3 ^ o ,so. < G G G ffi o H t u C3 G 53 5n c/3 •?.» c ^ 5 Ph^ d s § ‘5 "t^ J CU © ^i- i i i .s fan u > c^ foliis lanceolatis. ! - - iflo. Maio [ 2-1 ] ORDO m.—TRlGr.\T.l. Engliifi, riilsar, ami renmeulur FamHic. Calix, C«ri>»a. Form •./the Leuvet, (Se. Ftvu. Tirm- of Fl - - L. © Carpct-wccd. alb. foliis vcrticillatis. Ro. Julio. SrQVEHlA, ■ - - Queiiia, - - - - Idem. Idem. 5-pb. O. caps, subro' tund.l-loc. Can&densis, • L. 3/ > jinychia dichotoma, 1 [Mich.J Canadian, - floribits solUariis, caule di> chutomo. 3-val. Ro. Julio. 58 Lbohea, ... Lkouba, . - - - Idem. Idem. 8-ph. 3-pet. - caps. 3-loc. 3-val. 1 major, • Mich. } L. villosa, Pers. $ large, hairy, rubcl. foliis ovatodanccolatis. 1o. Augusto 2 minor, - L. h ? L. thymifolia? Mich. J bliis lincai'i'lanccolatis. Jo. Augusto CLASSIS IV.—TETRANDRIA. OJiDO I.~-.M0jV0GYJ^L9. 59 Cephalakthus, GlodE'Flower Shrub, DicotyUdonee Rubiaccac »-fid. • ,-p„. . semina soli* taria latio- occidentalis, • • L. 60 DirSAovs, Pond Dogwood; American UuttoQwood, Teasel, Idem. Dipsaccac. foliis oppositis temisque. acmina soli- sylvestris, - L, % wild, .... foliis scssilibus serratis. 6i Houstonia, cxrulca, - L. ? H. Linnaci, Mich. 5 HoUSTOKlA, Idem. Rubiaceac 4-dent. ' A-p»n. - fbliis radicalibus ovatis, sivc spatulatis. caps. 3-loc. 62 GALIUSf, GoOSE'GRASSI LADIES'OEO* Dkoty. Rubiaccae. 4-dent. • 4-part. - scraina 2. •fruciti glabro. trifidum, L. Wall, cl STRAW. [Willd. 1 G. Claytoni, Mich. [ G. ap-.irinc? Claylon. J triRd, three petoUed; Least Galium, triRd. alb. bliis qualcmis linearibus oh- tusis; caulc scabroj fructu minuiissimo. , .C.U.-U-U.. , Ro. Julio. Ro. Attjusto flo. Aprili. flo.Augusto [ 25 ] EngHih, Yulgar, and Tentacular I .Vahira; FamiUei of Jutiieu. | Calix. Cer«//d. Form of lh» teaw, Ut. Fruit. 'J'ime of Flos- Mmf. \ 1 enng. 3 asprellum, Mich. 7 G. cuspidalum, Mulil. 5 spit poiDlcd;Pointed cleavers, bliis senis ovali-lanccolalis, acuminc Raccido; caule Jo. Julio. retro aculcatis. 3 tinctorium, L. clysrs, - . - uliis linearibus; cauUnis sc. Jo. Juuio. ** fruetu hirauta. nis; ramorum quaternis. 4 aparinc, • L. © common cleavers, - alb. bliis octonis lonceolalis, can- 3o Malo. nis scabris retrorsum acu* 5 circaeaans, Mich.l''^ G. brachiatum, Muhl. 1 crosS'bninched, alb. purpur. bliis quaternis, ovalibus pla- Ro. JunJo. an G. boreale, Pers.? J nis, inermibus, marginc ci- 6 puncticulosum,Mich.2^'| G. pilosum, Muhl. ncc. [Pc. G. punctatum, Pers. [ G. purpurcuni, Walt, f hairy; purpIc-Rowered, surpur. bliis quaternis ovalibus ob* Ro. Julio. [ncc. Pei-s. el Willd. tusis, inennibus marginc G. cruciala, No. 3l3 nervisque punetatis. [ClaytoniJ 7 Fcnnsylvanicum, 3/ I fMuhl. ^ Pennsylvanian, alb. foliis senis ovali-lancculalis flo. Julio. G. triRoi'um^ Mich. J mucronatis. ^3 Mitohella, Mitohella, Dieo/y. Rubiaccac. 4-dcnt. - 1-p.r.. - bac. 2-part repens, - L. 2/ Synnga baccifera, i crccDtDir, Partridire-bcrrv: alb. follis'opposilis, rolundatis, Ro. Junio. [Caicshy.J Chequer-berry; sivc obcordaiis. 64 Centavrella, Mich. Little-cehtaurv, Idem. Gcntianac. 4-part. • 1— part. - cap. 1-loc. paniculata, • Mich.©'^ 2-val. late Centaurclla, foliis minulissimis, sparsis Ro. Auguste D. paniculata, Muhl.J floribus sub-poniculatis. nh. V.— .— j..... n.M..-. . ...K «l. bK U»qucel«Jcu,p(Wl. 65 Plantaoo, ... Plaktaiw, ... Idem. Plantagincs. 4-fid. - 4-fid. - caps. 2-loc circum* 1 major, C. L. 2/ great. foliis ovatis glubris. flo. Junio. 3 Virginica, - L. © Virginian, foliis lanceoloto>ovatis, pubc Ro. Junio. scuntibus, sub-dcniiculalis 3 lanccolala, - L. 2^ ribwort, alh. foliis lanceolatis. Rn. Maio. Siistematick J\,''ames. Emrlinh, Vulgar, and Vernacular J\'atwal Families of Jussieu. Calix. Corolla. Form of the Leaves, & c. Fruit. Time of Fio-ui- JVames. s O . «> 6 6 6 d d 3 G 3 ?; ‘g G 3 — >— j a. o CD .a d ^ O o o 6 d 6 d d o jd 6 o d eg eg eg eg eg eg eg eg Ch 3 O d d ^ -e-o .5 ® C/D s .2 S "o (U Ch I r? :2 I 2 *2 Oh d o c/5 c CJ *J2 c/3 G ■= E I I o p a bxi 2 • a .S !« .rH C/3 Jo o *2 C 2 .G G u c^ ^ ’•M J3 ‘S G O ^ &2 °-§ .2 s 3 G O r Sh CJ 5iD G c;J O G O O c/3 G -O 3 > o d ^ o d j=i 3 0 Gh 1 Cu I G CU cci Gh I 'O tG I d GU fc/D G o C/5 3 ‘o O G G ’> ^ T ^ ■s'" Pi •- T3 O o 0 a •< H bO a -a § S (L ? .ta p g d I 3 ^ S o o o X I G (N G 4^ 95 - ^ .S^ o o' ^ C s.s G O d ^ o gg 0 cu 1 i 0 1 o q ft? o a) a ^ x: ^ D- O* a I I o w ^ -o o -s o j P-. a: 0 Z rt o O H hj ^ s '£ _ 3 Crt CO t; -c giS rt O U J t'* .£ >^ SjS g = i ^ j ‘S 5 " © O ^ ^ 2 c/3 G O © I C G #v g 5 G V O eg b/: G £P 2 93 U ■ 6 1 2 £ S C oil . . o CJ O 3 ®.S J'i I 3^ al s 5-= S =-s o o t; o w 0 o ^,o 0- g S o 40 O a ©1 1 Ethi 1 rO* % 1 a: S O _0 I hi G i-= 3 t ' ‘g 1 s ■S 1 a c/3 < - e g G O G ■g 1 *: ■« (A c o ^ o (ji a g -sj o ‘c G * s g H Q ^ q «<5 ‘S5d fa c/3 l-H G a. cu B > CO XO 03 o s g s* (3 s ,3 (:>. ■s . s « ^ .« 0 b CO 0 to 0 to 0 0 p 6 p P 60 lO 60 G bX) 60 P , p P P P P h-3 *< <1 6 6 6 6 6 d d cp Cp cq qp cq qq cq O «/5 ® ’o • > S c. § -t: D Pu V ’Si Xi 'C 'U o pp o > o yJ 3 •-^-' 0 ^ O ‘2 S - §:> B §.l OJ u ■ q o ^ 2 c -a OJ CS q fi3 Q !z; o cu o H o o s <1 H c Ph a o .■§ a CD 3 - 0 v: .a .a *■§ ■ cr* S -2 O .-; qs c/5 Si u ^3 V — .•2 £ S ' 3; -Q o S 3 •- t« r/1 g 3 c 2 c/5 gi3 £-^iS ra Si > ^ s 2 aT 9 XI 'W ‘-Ip -5 *a *a o o t/^ «q cn CD •*— * y5 t) ^ On C/5 X 2 »' -O c/5 (T) o 2 q '■P ’o ^ 0.0^ •13 O "p s s-i ,0 Si . -H c/5 O *0,.Th CO >< a Oh I Sh o ;j T3 CD > d CD CD D Oh 64) .2 o CO ?i- hJ p qp rt O X3 D > ecS D crJ 64) XJ D > rt q;> h4 CD > [u »4i j J-§ CQ. Q X o CO Si O O CCS rt d O G ccJ Sm 64) G2 >% •5 rZT‘'s^ o qq a • .Ph q 2 iJ2j^ a - +5 X'c&H aJ • X - s'" I £ e:*s:2? ;2 ,«Sl ,0 PC “ .X < =5.2 s S .alf D eu« > o *5 s Q )2; c H :?: w Pi I > CO CO (/) < o S o 0 1 o q a? o o C3 O C3 o cq o cc ri *60 a £ C -O ^ a TV q co .CO ^ 2 G 2 3 CO 3 !-. ‘3 > ’3 CX) H -=> C ?ti C ? 0> D — ' D CO CO CO TJ qq I qq I H O CO O >- t: 03 H-J O G rs ^ CO > *C0 *C IJg ° 2 O CO 'P Oh P ccj O O S CO o c o 2 o -a Ly ^ CO (O D ci D *60 cS O P .0 .*5 CO *C 111 T CO — 1 2^0 i2 g o-^ CO 2 CO *P CO «G !o ,^0 qq ^ I P -P c3 Oh I £ CD T3 “^3 O q O .2 *0 £ o ?)• © . ""I ’ h4 3^ e o ’Oh u o G D > s c< i'- — ^ C N-J .-. CC3 O — ^ J o k4 Iw CO [ 26 ] l^silemalkk J\‘aniei. Engli.h, t'etfor, iu,J Vernotuhr 1 .yaluralfumilieie/JinHeu. CaUx. 1 CortUa. /orm 9/ the Leave!, (ic. >v«,. 7VW9/W.U- eving. 4 marilima, - L. 21 foliis subulatia. flo. Junio. ptkt bumailafc S6 CORNUS, Cornel; Doowood, Olcoty. Caprifolia 4-dcnt. - 4-pct. - drupa. 1 Canadensis, L. V Canadian, smallest, alb. herbacca; foliis summis vcrli- cillatis; radix stolonifera. flo. Maio. 2 florida, - L. <2 large-flowered, lut. arborca; involucro maximo; foliolis obcordalis. flo. Maio. 3 scricca, - L. ij C. lanuginosa, Mich. C. SBiiguinca, Wall. | [nee Linnxi. [ C. Amomum, Vogel. 1 C. caerulca, Lam. J silky-leaved; Red-willow; blue-berried; Swainp- Dog-wood, alb. foliis ovalis acuminatis sub- tus rcrruginco-scriceis; ra- mulis cymisque lanugino- flo. Junio. 67 Luowigia, macrocarpa, Mich. © ^ L. allcrnifolia, L. ^ 68 Isnaroia, Luowioia; Bastard Loos- large-capsuled, ISSARDIA, Idem. Onagrae. Idem. Salicariac. 4-part. - 4-fid. - 4-pet. - lut. oliis longo-lanccolatis, acu- tis, altemis; capsulaglobo- sa, tetragona. caps. 4-Ioc. infer, poly- caps. 4-toc. flo. Julio. palustris, • L. © ) Ludviigia nitida, Mich. 3 69 POTHOS, marsh, shining, Blie/i-weedi PoTHOS, . . - - Monoeoty. Aroideae. spalh. - bliis ovatis, oppositis, intc- gris, intcrdumsub-acumi- 3BC. 2-sper. flo. Septem- bri. fffilida, - Mich. % ) Dracondum foetiduin,L. 5 Swamp-cabbage; Skunk- cabbage; Sktink-wecd, purp. - acaulis; foliis ovalibus conca- flo. Martio ut Aprili. ORDO IJ.~DIGYJ^U. 70 Hamauelis, Virginica, - L. h Iamamelis, Virginian; Witch-hazel. Oieotyledonea. Bcrbcridcs. duplex, ext. 3-ph. int. ut. lorct autumno, insequente verc semina pcrfccit. [Pm. 2-loc. 2- lo.Octobre. [ 27 ] j EngUeh. Vulgar, and Vemaci t/or 1 A'dWrol Fam ilie, 0/ Ju,rieu. 1 CaUx. 1 CorBlla. j Farm of the Leave,, iit. | Fruit. |7Vmeo/P/CTc. 71 CUSCUTA, Americana, - L. • IDodoer, ) American; Lovc-vinc. 1. Convolvuli. . |4-S-fid. |4 k s-fid. 1 icups. 2-loc.l 1 circumcis. - alb. • floribus pcdicellatis, pentanJ - • flo. Augusto 1 1 1 dris. 1 1 • ORVO lII^TETR.tGTj\M. 71 POTAHOGBTOX, I pcrfoliatum, 1 fluhanst 3 natans, natans, 4 gramincum,* PONDWEEU, pcrfoHatc-leavcd, flualing, broad-leaved, grass-leaved, furrow-leaved, various-leaved; Least Ameri' O. • 4-pct. - semina foliis cordalis amplexicauli- foliis nalanlibus, loiige pelio- latis, lanccolato-uvatis u- tnn(|uc acuminatis. foliis iiutanlibus petiolatis c- lipticis. foliis lineari-lancuolatis, al- 'nis, sessilibus. foliis nataotibus obiongu-ova- libus, submersis linearibus. minutum; caulc fiUformc; fo- Ills emersis naiantibus, c- lipticis, petiolatis, semi- xincialibus, senis-nervatis; submersis sessilibus, fiii- formibus: spicis multis, minulis, in axillis foliorum. Ho. Julio, flo. Julio. do. Augusio flo. Junio. flo. Augusto CLASSIS V.— PENTANDRIA. ORDO l—JH0J70GYJVJ.i. 73 Myosotis, 1 scorpioidcs, 1 arvensis, 74 Lithospf.umusi, 1 oflicinalc, L. latifolium, 3 arvense, L. u. L, O L. n Mich.; • © SooBno.v-cnAss, marsii; Mouse-ca Guouwell, oflicinal, • Dicotyledone$. Borragiiicac. foliis lanceolatis obtusis, cal corollaquc patulis. foliis pilosis; corol.conivcntc. Idm. 5-part. - braacuni. foliis lato-ovalibus, nervosis, supra aspci'is. seminibus Ixvibus. alb. foliis lata-lincaribiis. acutis. seminibus flo. Junio. flo. Maio. flo. Maio. Qo. Maio. i ’S .2 -2 _d 6 -2 c ■ d cS c 3 ■ ^ 3 s d 6 d 6 d 33 CC 03 03 q3 o C2 .2 .2 6 d 03 CC o cc o G3 o CC CL, Cfl O cS ff O . c5 r- C/5 C 3 O; 4-/ c/5 C- I C5 i « a I c/5 C? O JD O 33 3 ,o U <^-i oS g -2 3 c5 ^ 'I o 3 ’i “ ^ I .23 S r/^ C 23 3 ci) cj O , 33 O ^ _0 Ij/dT . — • ^ c/5 ^ i 3h cj O C3 c/5 O ‘S 2 3 O 3 = 2- CS t« ■S ^ W5 ^ ^ •3 ■& S’ 3 ® S C/5 _9 ^ cs 0? > 3 O 33 3 o 3 Cr* 5 'S. «3 *3 C3) 3 a d r3 o 3 .-9 IS > o o •§ ^ c/5 O *w c/5 0) S ^ Jo il T3 JL, ^ o; > 3 g 3 5 ‘u ■y pS cj !U 3 cfl :3 *l^!s Jo o a. cu o 33 c/5 £ "cS t3 I 3 CL 33 O 'O 1 '-23 c3 I -3 t3 I -O t3 j3 d 00 CN 3 S a 3. O I ?: ^ « Si ^ > o d o 3 *3d -o 1 0 33 1 d P- » C3 P4 I s o 33 g s CU 33 S I o .s '3d c3 o tt ft o d S bJD O 3 5? 3 C a o \£ > > iA Pi X CL s o CJ E o r* O o z 3 .5 !s *3d S-4 > 3 ca <1 Ed 3 Pi Ed H <; t> j3 > o OJ 3: cu J C3 ^ .2^ 'Sj 3 - L. 3 -S' .3 ® CL-? ’ ?t ’ ' ?4- ■ ’ M- ' / - n , Mich. , L. Pers. 1 ^ 1 t-^ o 1 ■> 1 2 h-j j • - L. Muhl - L. Mich. Walt. < O o a 3 c/5 c/5 O 3 O O z >« < 3 (L 2 >* C/3 E o X < z o 2 3 3 Oh 00 3 *3:5 3 1^ 3 K O X Q >• K o GO ^ 5 l? ^ > O X Q < 2 c/5 ?N I ^ £ O d O ^ — • -M ca 2§ S-. S-I L. h5 -o »5-t 6 6 6 6 6 qq qq qq qq qq o . (i -O O 1 o o o ci l' ,G . P Dh I P CO P CO CJ U i ys T3 «3 I c D 50 D 0^0 CD CD d o o . o to ^ Cl. I 2 S 3 ai C D cS D3 cj "o ^ D o 2 S C3 — I D CD D CS :D o o ^ cd 0 ^ CE3 Q Cl ai o D D5 D 2 y* *D c 2 -2 i-S D cj 5q 2 t_. •'^ D 5= c^ O O Cl 50 c3 I ^ *50 ^ cS O , CO p S:| ^ cq D D 13 50 D D CD O jO o O Cl CO ,D O' yi CO CO CO ^ D *D o *D Cl CO D -D .2 S .H -o E* ^ .3 a ^ u S Cic c O ^ C’S 4^ O g 3 , c« . > CO D CO eft • D CD !D *co *D rs ;p ^'p , , 4» , , Oh 13 P 3 Cl P 3 Cl -O u d Oh tG 1 to o o, 1 d o 2 "T £ 1. D ;2 Oh P V5 p p Cl Cl in p p o- P j2 d- d 13 I Cl I G O s 'o o o CD o G D Ph < Q S ffl o >* O d 13 cS <1 G Cl G G 2; c5 13 G • 13 rv d G ^rv — T o 1 ^ =« oT "o' a? 13 O o CD JD O CCS Cj_i 2 p 4) o ^ s "O ^ o o g « tn Si 5 ^ G O "G U O Cl ■4-t (U 4> CO G ■2 S § 5 P s o a 13 CD --A V § i4 p •'d' ^ o ^ M D < O G D O *n C3 W E5 3 P t« O o >?' Q p 3 u p DC ^ 8 5 s ® ~P r3 'd o *G > D O > < 4) > S %< L, bulbifcra. Curl. Fitcum terrestre, L.J ' Okosmodiuu Hou.sdb-tok« officinal, Virginian, CoMPUREV, officinal. Dieoiyledone§. Borragincac. threC'lcavedi Marsh-trefoil. Virginian. Canadian, Loosestbife, S-fid. foliis lato-lanccolatis, basi tcnnuatis,tomcntosis, sci toium hirsulissinium; foliis ovali-oblongisi supi-riori bus stib-amplcxicaiilibus. fuliia omnibus ovalibus. foliis pinnatifidis, pinnatisque. foliis lobaio-angulosis. foliis quaternis, interdum quinis,rai'iussenis verticil- latis. • Bo. Maio. • flo. Maio. - Bo-Junio. . 4, Ob' • ,flo. Maio. caps, glolio- sa, 1-loc. 2-val. flo. Maio. Do. Maio. caps, glcibo- ' sa, I-Ioc. lO-val. lo. Julio. Hu. Junio. [ 29 ] Sytirmalitk A’amti. | EpgUih, rulgnr, and Tcmatular | .Vatural FamiU,, »/ | CttUx. Ci>r««a. ■ Farm 0/ the Leave$, Ue. Fniil. TSme 0/ FItfo- enng. 82 Akagalis, Pimpernel, ... Dicaiyledonet. LUimachiae. s-par,. - 5-pai't. - caps, giubu-j sa, l-loc. arvensis, - L. scarlet, Geld; Rcd-chickwecd rubr. - raule diffuso nudo. flo. Junio. 83 Azalea, KoSEDAV; WlLD-HONEYSUD* Idem, Rhododendra S-fid. - S-fid. - caps. 5-I0C 1 nudiflora, L. t Ait. b T kle. A. pcriclymenoides, i [Mich, r naked, red-flowered, ros. - foliis ovatis. flo. Malg. A. pcriclymena, Pers. J S sdsaosa. L. k clammy, white-flowered, alb. foliis ovato-Ianceolatis, utrin- qoe vii'idibus. Bo. Junio. 84 Phlok, Ltcunidea, or Phlox, Idem. Polcmonia. S-dent. - 5-part. - caps. oval. 3-loc. 3-val. 1 maculala, ■ L. spoUcd-stalkcd, alb. purp, foliis lanccolatis, acuminatis; flo. Maio. caule maculato. 9 suavcolcns,* ■) P. niaculata, p. Candida, > swcct-sccntcd, foliis ovato-lanccolaUs race- flo. Maio. [Mich.J mo panicuiato. 3 subulata. - L. y awl-lcaved; Wild Pink. purp. $ive foliis subulatls. flo. Aprili, ct Maio. flo. Julio. 4 paniculata,* 85 Convolvulus, L. ;; panicled. ... caule alto; fuHis lanccolatis, margine scabris; coryiubis paniculaiis. Bindweed, ... 5-part. - S-lob. - caps, subro- tund. 3-ioc. I arvensis, - L. y foliis sagittads, utrinque acii- flo. Augusto 3 sepium, - L. y hedge; Great Bear-bind, foliis sagittads, postlcc trun- Bo. Julio. 3 ssgittifolius, C. speciosus, Mich.Ji ) Walt.? 5 arrow-leaved, foliis oblongo-sagiliatis; sinu flo.Augusto piufundissimo, auriculis subacumlnatis. 4 pandtiratus, L. y fiddle-leaved; Mcchoacanna loliiscoi'dalis, uuegns pandu- Ho. Julio. and Mcchameck of the Indians. purp. riformibus. S batatas, C. L. y Common Swcet-potatoc. purp. alb. foliis cordatis, hastatis quin- L, © quenervis; radice luberusa 6 repens. creeping, ... ros. alb. foliis sagittads, piisdcc obtu- lo. Soptem- 7 nil, Hort. L, y azure, blue, cxr. foliis ventricoso-trilobis. lo. Augusto Hystematick JWimea. UngUsh, Vulgar, and Vernacular JK'aiural Families of Jussieu. Calix. Corolla. Form of the Leaves, &c. Fruit. Time of Fla-w- JVames. ering. S 8 ^ "T 3 y5 CO o w CO o to 1 g o •H-» g P P C. I CS CO O 2 ^ ^ I . C/2 C P- D . O I I CO CO I I CN CO U §*5 I O ccJ p ^ *C !- O O .i; aJ ■T3 C/3 a C ” °l -Sc "o ^ o; c u w to CO p ’ D ctS U ^ 2 5 3 3 60 CO X 'a* s cS O > d u P o o CO _ o o CO CO e § o w !«: £3 " « « pq= ^ CO CO P P 4-» (O c« rS p ^ ' ^ 5 u u : o S P •? O 3 60^ P T* ® O ^ cn o 1Z .-< C?J IP ^ G3 "o s (D .P U ^ p <2 JS*P t2 p o o 5 o c u-B SiH-S i <1^ P S ti o p; GJ CJ .-H P^ CU.J2 CO CO c« 7^ J2 P a. o d S3 “7 CO *•*-* O ,JT is • 55 03 c3 ,22 p > ii cS .i3 ° 2 5.2 22 V 22 ^ CO Ip CO p r© p '43 I Cm- I s- tp I o in w . . 13 r2 C3 "3 ci > CU pH I jO -d tp I T3 tP I d Ph I CP I P > "o p o u 8 o C o £ Ph p p a. S d V £ p a 1^ Q Zi cS z s « ■«: a, O _o "Si 3 O, 60 t .£ *Ph © © 1 1 « © Sm o p P *3 -N d Ph 60 4J OJ O ^ 2> ^44 P P ‘P © Ph U CD o O © Ph 4= 60 P p & d N 60 P P P O •J 0> (m (D O P3 c« O. o cp 13 p O o d 43 0 •M 1 3 © 'O o a. © rv -o O XJ P ci o s o p H-l c« © o K © 4 SpH ?=t rJ- *o 4 s ^ s ;h. L. L. 1 5 coU ^ 0) 'd ''i ^ _, "d JS C -a ; c o ^ i3^ .2 z -— — 00 C3 P f5 C« o .y I SdS^ 0,4 4 C3 .£ &H ‘.P d 43 Ph C4 03 C eo 'k.'P o ^•2 .3.3 O H-a O CC qS « 2 .2 ^ d o 6 Cl, a 33 O o ’§ 3 h-, *-5 O cn o cfl o crt 3 bn d qq O cc u cJ -Q S o . I ^ s CM rf n 0^0. .s w ^ O 2 o 'S ^ ^ ^ -1 . c CU G • ctS CM O o o CO s « s • d O -2 1 CM _• 1 CM ^ d CM _o "Sd . CO > d 1 1 CO > d 1 « U 3 cS Cj CM 3 CO P f? .3 a 3 -H tn 2 C< .i “ y5 ■s| o ^ .S2 Sj3 S c -s -2 t; S3 U O M a5 oj .3; “5 3 3 • jq C ctJ To =5 -O . *rl c/5 o 3 33 ^ W cO O 3 O jn a o u c c o u .3 fl S3 3 - 3 ^ -S S CO C3 cO 0^ :S 32 :3 &0 4J -_3 d. 3 0.-2 C3 "2 (O ^ •3 O s *-• 3 O C o 3 (U 3 3^ .3 3 JO s 5 3 S.2 *>< ^ p2 "d"SD _o c^ [3 3 &JD ^ c3 I S 3 ^ CO nj I O, 3 aT U ^ 'S I . §.2 il/3 1 > S o c5 liat mi. .2 § ■ .1-4 +-* CO S :3 .2 • .. ^ * ’ =3-^ CO o o o a c3 «3i .3 1 1 < f ( 1 cS * I 1 3- S 3 u <3 o C^ (j O b '> <;j CO <- 3 CO & *3 3 s d *S o m d O QJ d cu 3 U >% ol 3 CO CO <3 •J -< CO 3 d [ 30 ] Engliih, r«lgai-, and Fenuieular Xolnral FamiUn e/ Juttieu- CaUx. Cortlla. >'oi in 9/ the Ltatiet, lie- Fruit. 3’im« 0/ F\ ^3 CL, rt 1 6 3 i A, 1 15 1 §^ 'S t-> . id d "Sd ^ ctf C cn c/? G ••^ a 60 C c3 6 •4-r G O X5 G 60 C P 3 .: cr ■; g“i. c ; 3 .2 o = O _Q • « ‘S '■« ^ :3 o :3 :: S '^ ~ 2 'S "o ^ •- O _P cK ffl • jr mO 5 > ) CO _Qp "a <5 TJ tG I d GU I d Gh I tG I r-" 5 G O 60 G 13 -G eft >> G eft P y p y -e? •■G sT « 0 W eft y 0 d y ■? ffi y 0 A s "d "3. ,r Gh y ceJ c h P A A H y s 0 g rt s-^ ^ d p fee bD g 3 0 6h 0 y eft 60 G Gh ^ M 3 0 a < y 0 h 6 0 0 C/D c^ 60 G G h I H G G Z C/D ’Gh ;m G G © ■ “a SI? ^ C/3 G G O G G 60 C G p:; ?4- 0 0| ?+ © d © ■ ■ © ' 1 d i-i h4 A J ^ d d d p L. L, • d d 0 K d 2 5 0 § ■ I® oT d u ’c/3 A 1 * 1 eft 1 G y c/3 G )z: * o > o G Gh &4 G Gh O J oj • G SS HJ § ^ B G .2 c c *ru o ^ 55 fC G ^ ^ W Strawberry-tree, I ' ' rails. ■1: -- l' ■ \ ] /■ K-. \ i 1 \ V \ /' V % ■Is ) \ \ f ..i 7 I ^ ■ V /' Jt' !> I ,/ :# \ 4 i I ii i -S >r Ml , H. 7' ',,.,rf , .'Mf \, '4h^ I i I I / s: -t% ■ 1. ' .A*‘ ,)■ K -i ' . i ■' 1 [ 32 ] Atiluraf Faitiiliti o/ Jiitiieti. Catix. . Cor»/ta. . >^rm 0/ iht Leavee, We. Fnal. Timet/ FIm- 1 PcnnsfIvaniCB, - V Pennsylvania, - ■ lut. foliis ovalis subrepandis, ob- flo. Julio. 2 obscura, - Mich. © ? foliis quasi cordato-suborbi- Ho. Junio. P. pubcsccns, Muhl. 5 culatis. 07 SoLANUHj Nioiitshaoe, Dicoiyledone$. Soloncac. 5-fid. - 5-fid. . bac. suhro tund. 3-loc BiUcr-sweet; Woody-Night car. loins cordatis glabns supen- do. Julio. sharif" oribus auriculatis. 2 tuberosum, C. L. X Common Potatoc (Irish.) alb. car. foliis Lntcrrupie pinnatis, in flo. Julio. tegerrimis. Ho. August* 3 lycopersicon, C. L. © Tamatas; Love-apple; Mad lut. foliis pinnatis, incisis. 4 nigrum, - L. © ?; black, . - - - alb. foliis ovatis, dcntato-angula- flo. Julio. S. exasperatum, Muhl.5l tis. 5 Carolincnsc, L. X ‘ Caroliniana; prickly, - foliis ovali-oblongis, basi acu- flo. August* tis, sublobalo-siiiuosis, u- irinque aculcaiis. flo. Junio. 6 molongena, C. L. © Egg-plant; Melongcna, - foliis ovatis, tomcntosis. 7 pseudo-capsicum, C. L. Jerusalem-cherry: Winter- foliis lanccolatis, repandis. caps. 2-Ioc 98 Chironia, ZlllRONIA, - - - Idem. Gcntianae. S-part. - 5-part. - angularis, - L. © angular-stalked; American purp. - foliis amplexicaulibus. flo. August* Centaury. Idem. Rhamni. ca, 3-loc. Americanus, • L- l; New-Jcrscy Tea; Red-root. alb. foliis ovaiibus, serratis, sub- do. Junio. tus tomcntosis. too CapsiouM) Capsjcum, Idem. Idem. 5-ftd. • 1 5-fid. - bac. exsue- annuum, C. • L. © long-puddcd; Red Guinea- alb. n cautc bcrbaceo, pcdunculis pepper. S-fid. - solitaiils. 101 CSLASTROS, Stapp-tree, Idem. Idem. S-pet. - caps. 3-loc. 3-val.sem. aristata. scandens, • L. climbing; Waxwork. alb. virid. foliis obtongis, acuminatis, flo. Junio. serratis. 103 Evokyuvs, S'PIKDLE-TREE, Idem. Idem. 5-part. - 5-pct. - caps. 4-5- gona. scm. 1 atropurpurcua, Hort.L. I; purple, ... atro. purp. Toliis lanceolatis pcliolatis. lo. Junio. 3 Amcricanus, Hort.L. h ■) E. Virginianus Pluck- American Burning-bush; ut. foliis cliptico-lanceolatis scr- io Junio. [mt.J Strawberry-tree. raus. ■M [ 33 ] Enylu/>, Fulffor, and remecular I A-om,.. 1 A'aeural Familiet af Junru. Catix. Farm of the Leavei, Ue. Frait. Time of Fleof erin,r. 3 Europeus, C. - L. 7 (vulgaris.) - 5 European Burning-bush. bliis glabris. flo. Junio. IOSItea, Itea, .... Dicoty. Rhododendra. 5-fid. - 5-pcl. caps, l-loc. Virginica, - L. b 2-val. Virginian, alb. foliis serratis. flo. Junto. 104 Ribbs, ... CURRAKT, Idem. Cacti. s-fid. - - lac. globos • fnrrmia. l-loc. 1 rubrum, C. - - L. bliis obtuse quinquclobis. flo. Aprili. 2 nigrum, C. - L. •• acuUata. common black. virid. lut. bliis subtus punctatis, flo. Aprili. 3 grossularia, C. - L. common Gooseberry, virid. lut. ramis aculcatis, petiolis pilo' Bo. Aprili. 105 Viola, Violet, ... Idem. Cisti. 5-ph. 5-pct. - SIS. caps, l-loc. 1 palm'tia, • L. 3-vol. palmatcd, various-leaved, csr. - foliis hastato-lobatJs palroa- flo. Maio. V,,illo..,' 5!W>I1. J tisve. 2 pedata, . L. "V multifid, foliis pedatis septempartitis. flo. Maio. 3 sagittata. Ait. X foliis oblongis,acutis cordato- flo. Aprili. sngittatis, serratis, basi in- 4 lanccolata, L. X spear-lcavcd, foliis lanceolatis, creoalis. flo. Aprili. 5 primuixfolia, L. X primrosc-lcavcd; spade- alb. foliis oblongis subcordatis. flo. Maio. leaved, 6 cucullata, - Ait. X hollow-leaved, foliis cordalis serratis, basi flo. Msdo. 7 odorata, C. . L. U foliis cordatis. Bo. Aprili. •• eaule»ce7iiei. 8 Pennsylvanica, Mich. X ? duwny, yellow, V. pubcsccns, Ait. $ foliis lato-cordatis, pubcsccn-l flo. Aprili. 9 Canadensis,* Mich. foliis lato-cordatis, acumina- flo. Maio. 106 iMrATIUHS, Balsam, .... Idem. Gcrania. 2-ph. S-pet. ‘ - *1*' caps, l-loc. spotted; Touch-me-not. 5-val. I. nolitangcrc, fi. Mich! ^ flav. flo. Augusto Systematick Mimes. English, Vulgar, and Vernacular Matural Families of Jussieu. Calix. Corolla. Form of the Leaves, ^c. Fruit. Time of Floio- JVames. . ering . o bJD <1 6 q:3 s CU I C3 CO O f= S C 3 £ (3 CO CO O 1 o Ci Ci d 1 ji c- &, p< C^ s OJ c« I 'S O ■*-* ci .s ‘3 cr c q; . -3 s c3 O 'g *^.2 7 -g 3 iT) P >■ I o &-> CO 5 CD :3 cr* (3 cJ ' 73 O cS _c • i-t ^ c c« yT 2 II3 3 60 J3 O P Ph P i_> > o S-4 Ci 73 a. )U rt ■ 1 •r^ Ci 1 Ci 1 r\ 2 2 Ci 1 2 d • Ci 1 6 li cx: 1 2 cu > yo ci cs ci ci V5 cci VO ci VO . 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 2 i . T 0 ix* q3 , * p ci c • 1) 73 O Pm c 60 • <3 d . o o Ci ■a c- o cu o pH o' c^ ci JjO 73 1 O • 73 • P- t 2 > G o 03 u 5 Ci cs o a ^ f s j- s o i lU s S fc/D 3 o QJ u ^ Dh O c OJ cq c O &n 3 w £ c? £ c« Q * < ' (L> o > < C CS h ’•a CO p a d p 2 Q Cl G 2 pf O H *60 X H- P3 O P m G d >- •< C > h to < g 5 o 2 Q ”d CO o O P o « o Q h sS 0 1 O I-] 1-1 >> ® 5 o > o o CNi eP ^ ^ O ’ y. o cj cs P CO ^ r P 7 S £ > C rt w > > 'i* 55 O f- «■ >H <5 >4 > s p CO X c-* £ • P CO O s" s 2 S' ^ 'x eX o G P O P ,C P p>-^S5 P o; o p o X o O c/5 P Ci S ^ a i P o CO c I pappos, Systematick JVames. English, Vulgar, and Vernacular JK'atural Families of Jussieu. Calix. Corolla. , Form of ihe Leaves, &e. Fruit. Time of Flo-w- JVames. ering. . O •/-» CO 0 CO 0 •*-» CO 1 £ 1 s 0 CO S fl ® 3 CO o o 3 3 0 6 3 d d 3 d 3 3 3 3 3 3 b/i 60 "c "c 60 "c H. "c 6/D — > <1:; <: <: ^ .-; H-5 ^ .3 ■•» .0 CO .0 < - O , 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 d 0 dd d 0 32 d 0 -3 0 JD 0 cn S3 CC cn c3 q5 cn C3 C3 C3 cC c3 q= C3 C3 02 .2 3 £ ? 3 C^D ct5 CU I u cn ! 'a CO 3 :g o :3 2 rp 3 a. 3 jD 3 cr* 3 3 cd W CO C ^ o lU 3 •13 O s H--2 2 • s 3 dj cn S C O O S X5 -2 1/5 O CO ^ C/) 3 •3 ^ -a ^ f Q f Q # Q c^l .2 *05 2 *£L a 0.2 a 3 cr* 3 p 3-0 t/5 ^ c o o 3 c/2 3 ^ CCJ CO o B p ^ c3 0^ 2 3 c/2 ^ c/2 . O 5 u C/2 C/2 (O ^ "-3 pO CO rl *3 !3 := CO 33 ,o ;3 "3 3 ,0 CO o 3 S rt 'o OU o u o c O rt 2 o ® . -P CD c/y *Z3 CO o .ii P 2 o C^s O 'O -3 rt O .3 s o o 33 CD cO ”C 15 £ ■£. o 02 2 c3 t/D 2 3 6 15 .i! 3 O ccJ O 3 bJD ^ « r? C CO CO 3 ^ GO 3 -O o CO lO O c/2 *3 w 3 :3 ^ :3 5 Jo ,c 3 O. -C jO 13 3 O, CU 3 C- £ o -C cx Oh I Oh I s "O s 4J ■a *60 u > Oh C« ctf 60 CC o >* 3 O t- T3 g g p >. o iTQ5 -O ^ O ^ _Q -T3 0 ^ (U *r< 13 (D > 1 O « ci dP3 2 2 > 3 2 I ■ s>Lj ^.2 r S a o o3 T* CD r : CO 1 t-l CCS I 15 60 cT.2 "S 5;? •£ ^ pO x: .£ 8 3 3 X 3 CU * ■£ 15 CO c3 3 0 pH 0 'Z 3 ctf ’0 3 2 ]o *co p .3 2 3 £ V? < U) 0 CO 3 15 c5 3 cci 3 3 3 2 -3 0 3 < H <; l< 3 0 15 3 '3 *> g rt C cs 0 D=? -Jj 00 cc CT> »o Oh 0 CO V2 CO h- ■J [ 34 ] Sn,t<,matUk EnglUh, Vulgor, and Fernaeular JWitHrrtl/’nmj'l/f* o/Junieu. Colir. Cor8«a. Fum «/ the l,eavee, £#f. Fruit. Tieeeof Fieu- 107 Aurr-Lopsis, Mich. Amekioan-joy, Dicoiy. Vites. bacca glubo- (|uinqucfolia, Mich. 1 Nrilcra quiaqucfolia> L. j Vlilt qiiinqucfolia, La- 1 pmark ct Smith, j fivc-leavcdj Common-creep vilid. - foliia quinato-digitalis. flo. Augusto FuU hedcracea, Willd. j Cii(u« hcdci'acca, Pcrs.J loe IIedera, Ivy, .... Idem. Idem. caiyce. s-pcl. . Helix, C. • L. common, ... ciucia. foliis tri-quinque lobis. flo. Septem- bri. 109 VlTlS, - Vise, . - - • Idem. Idem. s-dent. - 5-pot. . bacca globo- sa, 1-loc. 1 labrusca, - L. Ij ^ alb. virid. loins cordalis sublrilobis, den- flo. Junio. V. taurina, - Walt.) grape, hcart-icavcd; Winter-grape, tatis, stibtus tomentosis. 2 V. cordifolia, Mich, h } alb. virid. foliis cordatia acuminalis. flo. Junio. V. vulpina, L. ) 3 odoratissima, Bermudian Grape, Ho. Junio. 4 atalivalis, - Mich, b 1 Summcr-grapci Chicken- alb. foliis lato cordatis, 3-5-loba- flo. Junto. grape, tis, subtus rariusculc to- mentosis; bacca parvulis. 1 10 Claytokia, Claytonia, - ; Idem. Portulacac. 3-ph. 5-pct. - caps. 3-loc 3-val. Viryinica, - L. 21 Virginian, - - • alb. ros. foliis lanccolatis. flo. Aprili. 1 1 1 Thesiuu, BASTAnn Toad-flax, Idem. .£lcagni. s-lid. alb, O. sen.. 1, tecJ umbcllatuin, - L. If ) T. corymbosum, Mich. ) foliis oblongis. flo. Maio. 1 12 Gokolobus, Gosolobvs, Idem. Apocyncac. 5-part. - s-part. - folliculi 3 semina pappos. liirsutus, • - Mich.'l Ct/nancAumobliquum, 1 foliis sensim acuminalis, u- flo. Julio. [Muhl. ■ ■ ■ atro. purp. Fittceloxieum acantho- ) trinque pubcsccntibus pe- [carpus, Walt.J tioUs hirsutissimis. 113 Apoovnum, Dogsbase, Idem. Idem. 5-pari. - 5-fid. - folic. 2-scm. pappos. flo. Junio. androsxmiTolium, Oi tutsan-leaved, •* alb. purp. foliis ovatis, utrinque glabris. 1 14 Asclf.pias, Swallow-wort, Idem. Idem. 5-fid. - 5-part. - folic. 2-acm. pappos. [ 35 ] Ssiltnaliek Xamet. EngUth, Vulgar, and renwcufnr j Katural Familie. of Mu. | Corolla. 1 Form of the Learn, Ut. Fruit. ■Fime of Five,- ering. . \ syriaca, - L. A. syriaca, Mich. | A. lllinoensis,|3.syviacs, f Silk-plant; Virginian, alb. purp. bliis ovalibus, subtus tomen- flo. Julio. [Pcr5.J 9 hybrida, • Mich. % 1 A. variegata, Walt. V - - - foliia pctiolaiis, ovalibus, pu- flo. Junio. [nre Linnaci.j berulis. 3 incamata, - L. If flesh-coloured, bliis lanccolatis, utrinque flo. Augusto 4 pulchra, - Mulil. 7f "J sub-laiiuginosis. A. incamata, pulchrs, V hairy, .... ■near, et alb foliis lato-lanccnlatis, subtus flo. Augusto [Willd.J pubcsccntibus. 5 amocna, - L. 7f oval-leaved, bliis ovatis, subtus pHosius- flo. Junio. 6 quadrifolia, Muhl.? 3f four-leaved, - alb. ros. foliis quatemis, verticillatis. flo. Junio. 7 Uiberosa.L. nee Wall. 2f ? dccumbens, Walt. ) Flux-root; Pleurisy-root; Buttcrflv-wccd, lut. bliis altemis, lanccolatis, liir- flo. Augusto 8 obtusifolia, • L, obtuse, blunt-leaved, waved- purp. - bliis oblongis, rotuiidato ob- Uo. Junto. leaved, tusis. undulosis, arete ses- silibus, quasi amplcxicau- ‘J exaltataifJ.syriacs, L.^ ? A. acuminata, Muhl. ) poke-leaved, alb. bliis clipticis, acuminalis. - - Do. Junio. 1 IS Atriplex, patula, - • © > A. hastata, - Curt. ) Oraoh, Dieoly. AlripUccs, S-ph. 0, gulai'ibus caulc hcrbacco patulo; foliis dcitoideo-lanccolalis, sub- flo. Septem- bri. hastatis. 1 16 Chekopodium, Goosefoot, Idem. Idem. semen 1. 1 album, - * © ? lanccolalum, Willd. ) while, ... - bliis rbomboidco-ovalis. flo. Junio. 3 viridc, - L. © green, ... bliis laiiccolaio-rhomboideia flo. Septem- dentato pinnaiis. bri. 3 ambrosioidcs, L. © Mexican, fuHis lanccolatis, dcniatis. flo. August© 4 anthclniinticum, I.. 3f h worm; Jerusalem-oak. foliis ovalo-obloiigis, mrilcr flo. Seplcm- 5 bybridum, L. fangu- © I [lo.„m.) , tall, .... dcntaiis. foliis cordalis, angulalo-acu bri. flo. Seplcm- minatis bri. 6 botrys, - L. © cut-leaved. foliis oblongis siniiatia. flo. Augusto 117 Salsola, Salt-wort, Idem. Idem. s-part. - O. caps, ovata l-loc. l-spcrm. l^ystemutick JN'amea. EaigUsk, Vulgay, and Vernaculav ^'uturaL Families of Jussieu. Calix. Corolla. Form of the Leaves, c. Fruit. Time of Flow- JVames. ering. . G pG s CO to iG 6 rG rG d O CO 3 tn O G O *G CO ' G pQ i G uT Sd G ^ -2 i s .2 ' 3 ‘ +j Cj rT^ O d CO o *2 , § O . C G o 1 s G • S cT 1 w O 1 OD ^ CO . o CO CU 1 ■ d CO > Cl, 1 1 S 1 .2 s I g O 1 1 . s d o d C« ij/J — Qj 0/D o o o o O u CO CO CO ClH o .*2" > G CO Ci rs U (fi <0 s *(0 ^ CO CO ■ll o i CO (SS pG 3 G G pG Ph I 04 I o d o u CS G cS c3 75 G O O 0> o o s G 1 c o a 1 c d CJ ‘g o < G « a u 'C •< G O G 3 fij a 3, 3h a o s H CG CCS G o o G c5^ G G CL, 0 G G ccS PQ fc/D a a CO d a 0 00 Oi p-4 0 a a g « s « s G gl < < a a G 3 H *G a a d Q a a Cl, a S ^ G .3 .g> W-» ^ ctf • 2.^ d I O pG 6 H G o >- a a G G G H O O o a Q Sh K g2 ^ 1 I 2 J G ^ G O ;G 3 pG ct -LJ ]3> '3 -G G • SS 0 , CO CO s CO .2 13 CO CO C CO CO CO i ^ •PH CO ' .-H .G » • -^ * pG iG * .a G <5 cS tP eO Gh Gm 2 .2 g * • * • * * * ‘ c c * * * G * G ^ . G W 6 « 3 G G "d a G P ■5 s ' d 1 d 1 1 a, 1 pd G CG 1 • p, a t ^ £ ;£ G a VO os d a vn CCS s 4> m G o a < 75 pG rl- ^■g 1 si a G 1 i d ^ s' -<-» d G CO 3 0 *rs£ -2 3 a ctf cS 3 G G 43 .2 r-O G « I 42 G *G G § s .a 0 0 H4 a g • s CG.S gK < 3 CQ (/) CO pi4 G 7D pi^ o G S 'G' G liS u d 'G G d I o to s o CO 6 o 6 G 6 « 6 G 6 "g "g "c bo G Oh *-5 o 3 fa/D G *~~i >~n ►— j < CD .z < . ;-. 6 6 6 6 6 6 O X! o 6 6 CG tn CG CG cG CG CC q3 CG cc . . r- ^ O Oh I °s . ^ S S C3 k rt d > V =>.s £ ri C^ X u > e ^ s ^=> (^ (J tc d > ^ o >< ^ 5 S S d p OJ <4_> O v: JD o a; D. U V •ti t/5 C/> O .ti 9" tl S o o. C ‘w c« 3 ^ s -Q V *S H n:) 2 ^ c3 "0 £ G S 2- o 2 ^ o o G s o 2 s . .rx V) «3 .2 'O 5 ’5 *n ^ ■*^ c« c« p :0 -o 40 c/3 o o< S G O OJ w ^ ^ X ^ o . 72 tr> ^ :g .2 r3 rf ^ -3 O S d G U c3 3 co CO 0.2 ctf fo C3 G C S 0) ^ +-> CO 2 ^ 55 c5 d o — ' ■ p QJ G C- CO ^ d "3 o 2 G .2 2 -2 w 'o S O O G g: -g: G3 c2 'C ' • •- w « 9 .2 £ 'z; •;3 .5 z; cs 5 s 7 c G G C c CO s . •= s CU W Oh CO ^ "* o d .- ,o 3 “■ S o :=ll o P *2 d »o nj 2 rf a G 0 P ?"£ 1 'h-i in 2 cS G G ■J p ^ F 2^,0 jO ctf 2 ctf 2 c3 G ^ i 2^,0 G 'G g ^ I 5 o G G < o 'G O -:4 P 'G G P 73 Oh 27 > G 27 P C o CO *G 27 Z, CO G d < o c S-. p o O p G CO d -G s a O. CO O 0 z c3 K V 0H s CO G < Ph G (i C3 o 2 CO ^2 o "G h CO G O ci 27 C7 > G G O 2 d G O 27 >H "G G CO 27 S G O G *G G c. IG H-» o o E G o p < Q Oh O S P S c o G u U J * B G P (sj P O C G G K CO (N r'-A-o 2 ■? .2 5 gcq * 2 G G 2 "y « hJ rt o Oi -G G P P O a 3 CT" 2 "g o i t s' G 2 c^ P M C/!3 2 co .2 *G 27 G 27 .2 1 S root, Gentian, soapworl, - Ertkou; SeA'IIollt, OIMy. Atripliccs. Amcntaccao. Idem. Saxifragac. Idem. Gentiaoac. Umbclliferae 5 OPDO u.—DJGrm.t. 123 Htorocottle, Pekntwout, Dieoty. Umbclliferae . 1 umbellata, - ? H. umbcllulata, Mich. 5 umbelliferous, lib. foliis pcltatis. orbicul. comprese. 2 Americana, L. % American, alb. 3 bipinnaia,* Muhl- % ) ■Swon bulbosum, Mich. 5 bulbous, ... tis crenatis. 124 Sanioula, Saniole, Idem. Idem. 0. s-pet. uni- Marilandica, L. Maryland; Black Snake-root. form. alb. oliis sub-digitatis. ricata. - flo. Septem- bri. Qo.Augusto Ho. Julio. Ho. Augusto flo. Aprili, [ 37 ] 1 EnfUih, rvtffar, and rernocular 1 Ab/uraf Fan Codx. I Cnnllo. 1 Fermo/Ihe Leavei,{Ic. Fruit. nmeo/Flav,. A-ame.. \ 1 ■nne- 13s Dauoos, Jakrot, menl,, UmbelUferac. o. 5-pet. radi- sem. 2, his- carota, - • L. S wild, .... ictiolis subtus nervosis. flo. Junio. 126 Amui, Bisuopsweed, Idem. T/Icn, O. A-pr>> nni. «..m 9. ilri. ata. capillaccum, - Mich. hair-leaved, - - - alb. oliis omnibus composite ca- )o. Julio. pillacco-mullipartilis. 127 CONIUM, Iemloor, Tdcm. 0. i-pet. uni- ffirm ata. - maculatum,* L. Cicuri S spoued-stalkcd, alb. caulc roaculalo; foliis iripli- [lo. Julio. cato-pinnatis. 138 Hebaolevsi, Cow-parsnip, Idem. Idem. o. 5-pet. radi- lanatum, • Mich. % ? H. giganlcum, Barir. $ woolly, large; alb. oliis trifoHatis; foliolis omni- bus petiolatis. press. Bo. Junio. 129 Angelica, Angelica, ... Trlnm THf»TTl form. (a 3-linea- triquenad, - Mich. y. downy, common, foliis dcrompositls; foliolis flo.Augusto inciso-dentatis. 130 SlUM, Water-parsnip, 7ilnm Idem. o. Bcm. 2, hinc convex 1 latifolium, • L. y broad-leaved, caulc angulato sulcato; foliis flo. Julio. (sulcatum.) pinnaiis,folioiislanceolatis serralis. 3 rigidius, - L. ^ poisonous; stilT-lcavcd, alb. foliis piniiatis, foliolis lancco- flo. Septem- latis. bri. 3 Vincare, linear-leaved, folds pinnatis; foliolis sublan Qo. Julio. 4 tenuifolium, Muhl- ct ? [Pur. S thin-leaved, - alb. ccolato-lincaribus. foliis pinnatis; foliolis tenu- flo.Augusto issimis, lato-lincaribus, mi nutc serratis. 131 SisoN, Honeywort, Idem. 0. 5-pet. uni- form. convex. Canadense, • L. 3/") C/itro/i/iullum Cana- [dense, Pers. S Canadian, folds tematis. flo. Junio. Myrr/ii» Canadensis, Riv. pCDtapet. S4. J Systematick J^Mies. I English, Vulgar, and Vernacular Mitural Families of Jussieu. Calix. Corolla. Form of the Leaves, &c. Fruit. Time of Flota- ( J\Tames. ___J O 3 2 S . cT cT -5 A ^ G E > -r ^ o f. a 52 £ £ •D S s • o "S G s s < 03 03 z G oT S: C) -c O C3 ;3 > :3 ^ s Ch 5^ I cS £ *13 u S3 d=) o;> 60 cJ C/D o s o U O o cci I — o. . ^ u ^ ,Xi c/2 Cu 4^ o 22 ’> J2 'C *> JH *> T3 cG I O Ph 1 oT 1 jd c 03 1 1 no 1 1 S o c/2 CO G * O C3 O Cu rj (— > o c/2 -o o Ifl '3 w' H o o c .^•i Ph Pi H G o 60 c/2 O C/2 c b o p Oh < C/3 do * - o c/2 *-H c' G "G O g 2 'G LG G G c3 O g © 03 G p s S- ” .s s' S ^Co G c/2 p O 03 > c^ G G C o S G s •<-* c3 a -2 SL4 c/2 C 03 CL. 60 Gh 60 o Fi 0 0 O CO G .52 s s. or c/2 03 cc3 CS > o c/2 ,^2 3G *c/2 i ctf *rj O § 25 G G G • * 1 t 1 • • » 'y^'i 1 t 1 ci ' ' S G4 9 1 1 « 1 G.. Ill in in 0 03 G , 1 1 II ' . ^ 03 03 1 > LG • 1 .a . . ^ ' t| s © O. ' 0 . 1=^ S ' H ' 1 cJ • . . 0 tii • 0 1 1 1 1 s 1 1 « • 1 ‘ ' 1 ^ 1 1 * Oj > c3 G ci JS -G o s no 03 p rSe -O' -S' J 1 d J O g . 3 p - C S s ^ t> a -a p 3 acerifolium, - - I maple-leaved, [ 38 ] Ensb'ih, r>,!^nr, ami t’ei-naeular 1 J\'antral FamiUt$ of Sunuu. 1 Form 0/ the Leave,. (Je. Fmd,. Time of FU,o- 132 ClOUTA, COWUANB) ... Ditoty. Umbelliferac O. s-pet. uni- Krv. 9, .Mh maculata, - L. if form. ovata. Liffutiieum acixlfoHum, [Mich.?J spotted; Wntcr-hemlock; Snakc'Wcud. alb. foliis pinnatis. do. Julio. 133 COM.AKDnUM, CojtlANDKR, Idtm. Idem. s-dent. - s-pet. radi sativum, C. - L. 0 common, alb. fructibus globosis. do. Junio. 134 SOAXDIX, • Cicely, Idtm. Idem. 0. 5-pet. radi sem 3, sub procumbcns, - L. (v)! ata. ulata. Clixrophyllum prociim- [bcns, Pcrs._ procumbent, - alb. foliis decompositis. do. Maio. J35 Pastinaca, Parsnip, Idrm. Idem. O. s-pet. uni- form. lipt. mar- «. sativa, . L. 21 ) P. pratcnsis, Flor. Dan. J common, esculent, • lut. ginc cincta /S. noxia, poisonous, or ivild, • J foliis pinnatis. do. Junio. 136 SMTn.N’iUK, Alexanders, - Idem. Idem. o. 5 pet uni 1 trifoliatum, Mulil. l/'| heart-leaved; three-leaved, form. nulata. TMich. r ut. ct purp. bliis radicalibus suborbicu lo. Maio. TAa/itia trifoliata, L.J lalo-cordatis; caulinis peti- var. «. iloribus lutcis, yellow-flowered, ' - ut. olatis, trifoliatis. i9. floribus airopurpu- S. atropurpurcum, r purple-flowered, atro. purp. [Lamark ct Pcrs.f J 2 aurcum, • L. 2f ut. bliis bitematis. - !o. Junio. 3 barbinotlc, Muhl. 2f "1 Zig-iuiicum? barbinodc, i [Mich.J bearded. - ut. oliis plerisquc bitcrnalis; fo- - tiorum nodis confenim 37 Anbthum, Jill, .... Mem. ' Idem 0. pet uni barbulatis. cm. 2, subj form. ginata. [ [ 39 ] S^.MclcA‘n. 1 EngHth, Vulgar, and Vrrnaeular j Faa .7, Calix. CoroUa. Ferm of the Leave,, Ue. Fruit. TViw «/ Flats- ering. I fceniculum, C. L. V FcddcI, lut. fructibus ovatis. flo. Julio. 2 gravcolens, C. L. % Common Dill, lut. fructibus compressis. flo. Junio. 138 Carum, L. % Caraway, ... Umbelliferac vaginis foliorum ventricosis. 139 PlMPINELLA, PlMrr.RNEL, Idem. Idem. anisuni, Anitum vulgarc L. ©) Gaert. 5 Anise; common Anise-seed alb. foliis radicalibus trifidis, in- UOApium, 1 pctroselinum, C. L. % Parsley, ... common, - U,m. Idem. o. foliis caulinis lincaribus. la, hinc striata. flo. Junio. 2 gravcolens, C. L. % Common Celery; Smallagc. alb. foliis caulinis cunciformibus. do. Junio. OJiDO IlI^TJtlGrMM. 141 Runs, Sumach, Idem. Tcrcbintaceae 5-parl. . 5-pet. 1 lyphinum,* L. k Stag-hom, 2 glabrura. L. h red, smooth, - virid. lut. 3 toxicodendron, L. var. a. radicans, fi. non radicans, 4 copallinum, - L. '} h Poison-ash; Poison-vinc; Poi- mountain, dwarf, vil'd. lut. 5 remix,* L, h Swamp; Poisonous Elder. virid. lut. 143 ViBunNUM, Mealy-tree, ... Idem. Caprifulia. s-pert. * S-fid. - 1 prunifoHum, L. *2 Black-haw; plumb-leaved, 2 dentatum, - L. Ij ? var.* glabcllum, Mich. ^ Arrow-wood; tooth-leaved, lut. 3 accrifolium, maple-leaved, lut. foliis pinnatis; foliolis lancco- lalis, snbtus pUosiusculia. foliis pinnnds, lanccolatis, u- irin<]uc nudis; subtus al- foliis tcrnatis; foliolis rariter pctiolalis. foliis pinnatis intcgcrrimis, pctlolo membranacco arti- foliis pinnatisi fnliolis ovali- foliis ovaiis, picrunujue obtu- sis; rarilcv sub'scuminatis. foliis ovalis, plicatis, dcntato- scrratis. foliis lalo-tritobis>acuiniiiatis. 1-spcrm. bac. subro- 1-spcrm. flo. Junio. do. Julio. flo. Junio. flo. Julio. flo. Junio. &o. Junio- llo. Maio. flo. Maio I — I o ’o 3 50 U s { Syitemaiick JVames. English, Vulgar, and Vernacular J\i'atural Families of Jussieu. Calix. Corolla. I Form of the Leaves, &c. Fruit, Time of Flo-w- JVames. | eving. o 3 =3 bo a < o *S p bo P § p 6 O O 6 6 o o o o cc: qi3 cC cc! cn 02 O . O y o u ^ ^ ■“3 1 rO ® 1 ® • o o , , J , ' o J? . ^ < 1 “T ' <— * > o bo \ o W3 Jl, CO ^ CO CO CO . ^ — cn C/3 4-> c/5 ^ 1 (X 5 > Oh f ■ Oh ?L ' o- 1 > R » C. *,J 8 c/3 — ' C3 > rt CO c3 OJD O CJ c o u cu 1 d Qh c/: X cr Ph a; "3 u ' • G ',^5 s-« Kf D 1 O c/3 o O ^ I *I2 c/3 c« • p G Oh*^ o rt 1 »>-H •/-* cS s •p 22 "o P w . ^ O aj c/3 o 1 c? •r' o ■i^ a W 2 2 J C c/3 C/3 C/3 C/3 co 123 CO ' ,P C/3 *G * C*» O O o <23 p w — o o f £ 45 Oh I 1 02 1 ‘O lO p . (U * 22 0) £ 1 §* >> c3 1 Oh . • CS o o .s *3d 0 p C/D > cS I 'V c p o Q :2: w > C/) I— ( c/5 c/5 i C5 O § o C5 § A I O c p H p o a Ck c/5 1 ?t © t g j 1-3 1 h-3 d f d < g g c^ 3 G 1 -? 2 < O ~p d o £ p 2 *c '3d c/3 *-4-» CCS P P c/3 O 1 'p C/3 P o < “3 x .'tn Ph c p p c > CO P Q p -♦-» Q H CO 00 C> o iO £ 3 c/3 1 » 22 g c/3 CO G * 1 1 O-H is "S "3 3 G .s *H-J -3 d 22 O d 22 . o 6 © 4-» G CO c/3 rfl 1 2 3 Qd "p CO .3 CO CO £ £ £ cJ o d d H ;? o Oh rt O p p < o o U o O O o ■ 3t d d ' d h5 d d 1 O ev ffi 1 d o Ph Q H H S P s'" p cj (iT B p p d S p c *3d Z o p P C o U (O > U H-H CO o ctf o -c O 6/D 5 t/3 IJ3 (ZJ d S p CL, o c 8^ _o oi 55 o oT Ch J d S [ 40 ] E,2 ') V. oputub) Ptmina^ t [Mich. J Shrub-cranberry. rad. alb. foilis angusto-trilobis, longc acumiiiatis. flo. Maio. 5 Icntago, • L. I; pcardcavcd, lab. foliis ovalis, acuminalis. flo. Moio. 6 nudum, - - L. H nakcd'cymcd; stvamp, alb. foliis ovalis, integerrimis, margine repandis. Ho Junin. 143 Sambvous, Canadensis, • L. 3/ ? S. airopurpurca, - $ black'bcrried, Dleoty. CaprlToIia. S-part. • S-fid. alb. foliis sub-bipinnatis. bnc. suhro- tund. l-luc flo. Junio. 144 Aisine, media, - L. © T Slcllaria media, Sm. 1- Noloiteum alslnc, Swa.J CmcRWEED, common, Idem. Caryophyllcae. 5-ph. - foliis ovato-cordatis; caule al- caps. ovat. l-loc.3-val flo. Aprili, ad Octobr. 145 Sabothha, gentianoides, • L. "1 Jfy/iericum sarothra, [Mich. |> Hyperitum nudicaulc, I [WaltJ Bastard Gsktiak, Ground Pine. Idem. Idem. lut. foliis subulatis. caps. obi. l-!oc.3-val. 3o. Julio. 146 Parkas: palustrist* (Grass or Parnassus, marsh, OnDO IV.—TETRAGY^fl.H. Capparides- is-part. • ORDO V—PEyTAGYNIA. follis radicalibus cordatis. ur Abalia, AliiLl., Idem. Araliac. S-dent. • bac. subro* 1 splnosa, - Hort. L. b thorny; Sliot-bush; Pigeon weed; Angclica-ircc. alb. arborescens; caule foliisque aculeatis. 3 racemosa,* - L. % bcrrj'-hearing; Spikenard; Wild Liquorice. alb. 'oliis glabris; cable licrbacco. mo. Septem- flo.Augusto Septem- C 41 3 SyiUmalitk li’amet. EngUth, Vulgar, and Vertiaeular It’aiural Fam lie, 0/ JuMAeu. Colix. / GtrtUo. i^*rni e/ dte Leave,, Ue. Fruil. TSae cf Flea- 3 nudicaulis, L. % foliis binis temalis; caule qua- Do. Moio. 148Linum, Flax, ... - DIM,. Caryopliilleac 5-ph. S-p«. caps, globo- sa, 5-val. 10-loc. 1 Virginianum, L. If 3 usilatissimum, C. L. © Virginian, common, ... foliis lineari'lanccolatis, spar- sis, rarius opposilis. foliis lanceolads allcrnis. Do. Julio. 149 Drosera, Sundew, Idem. Capparides. S-fid. - s-pet. - caps, subo- rotundifolia, - L. round-leaved. alb, foliis nrbiculatis. - Bo.Augusto CLASSIS VI.— HEXANDRIA. ORDO I.—MOXOGjmA. 150 Tradesoantia, Spjderwort, Monoeoly. Junci. S-ph. 3-pe,. - caps. 3-loc. Virginica, - L. 3/ Virginian, 'oliis lonceolatis, glabris. Do. Maio. 151 PONTEDERIA, PONTBDERIA, Idem. Narcissi. spalh. - 6-fid. - gul. 3-loc. cordaia, - L. If hcart-Icavcd; Pickcrel-weed. csr. - foliis oblongo-cordatis. Do. Augusto 153 Allium, Gaulick, Idem. Asphodcli. apatl,. - 6-pet. - caps. 3-loc. 3-val.3-lob. 1 pomim, Hon. L. If Leak, foliis basi vaglnnniibus. Do. Julio. 2 vincalc, C. - L. if crow. s. field, purp. - caule terctifoUo. flo. Junio. 3 cemuum, • if Mountain Garlick. ros. - Do. Julio. 4 sativum, C. L. if Common Garlick. alb. caule bulbifcro. 5 schsnoprasum. C. L. if 6 cepa, C. - L. if 7 ascalonicum, C. L. Cives; Chive Garlick. Strawsburg-onion; common, Shallot. - ■< foliis crenulatis; caulc bulbi foliis lerctibus. foliis subulatis. - flo. Junio. CN '^1 c <5J s i 'S to o 02 o C2 o 02 .2 *c3 6 02 .2 6 02 cu < 6 02 O 02 c/5 C CO o I c/) O C'J u I CO ^ . <2 c/3 ^ C24 I C3 CO O 1. •val. ! i I)ro- •loc. , 1 ^ P .2 0 ” 3 CO 5/D J_ . a c5 • c/3 0 CO C > Ph cO ■ Dh-T I 0-1 3 1 1 3 0 C2 CO 0 ct -*-> U CO 'p -2 0 • 0 C3 'cS kpH /=0 k-H 6 6 6 02 02 02 o -22 -2 'Sd 25 0) c/3 -;r ^ *? .'2 c/3 ^ *-^ '5 o- S .:2 cn > .2 ^ -■p ,'p ■Jt c3 3 r, O P q3 oO 52 ^ *W c/3 C3 'o ^u V ^ c/3 > .2 2U 25 -2} 05 ^ c3 g o CO CS :-3 j h4 i2 a jp OJ Cu z: c/3 ^ :2J *c/3 rs feO 3 3 o o •4^ ci 3 0) = J - ^ c/3 ^ :3 u ’S4 cn cn 3 ^ 3 C'5 S S o o -25 ;2 -O o 02 -z j2 a- cu I Cu \ 3 V C2, 1 o -^3 02 I cS OU I S 05 05 -D ci i2i 05 o CU 05 -Q br> rt c3 O, s I o CXO O O 3 c5 O h (2 O h2 Qh w •5 H 05 s W c 0 pq a 1 1 05 P P a fc/3 0 0 F>4 cd > a S s < p5 << 3 P l-H Cc] PQ -o p p p >< 05 c« p 2 p' 0 H CO s P P5 <; H ’C_03 0 Pi 3 -O P X Ph 0 p 05 .3 05 P 0 < < 0 s s 0 0 >> c/3 <1 3 < p 3 p < 3 P c/3 0 0 Q eq ch 0 C J h4 d C cS O J ^•s S o- 3 25 > 'p p 05 c/3 pH >- ffi s p < o c ffl H Z (2 o ?t J £ D w cd 3 -O £ p 1-5 )2 t ^ S 05 rv-A-o • c^ J2 05 U XT is o o P «aj -. . p C3 00 *5 V3 3 ^ o ‘-^ t K O ® p O < Pi < Ph C/3 C3 o .a 6 X b/Dii G O a.^ =1 o c/5 £-• s s -D 3 3 -3 O bJD . G .2 ^ s "o O 1) cu ccS .2 hn O ^ c/5 O C S .5 ;h 0 0 3 0*3^ t/3 • - , O U in • O .,-Q -Z! Gj 'W in ^ O CO 3 •3 bJD c o c o o S 5 c. U.£ d ■” u 3 u *s CS Ph Ph O *3 O 1^ d O .3 ^ S .o £ “d 3 c3 '3 I s ^ d 2 a p. ■3 <3 I 3 c3 I 3 0 0-1 1 ri d u d P c/5 C s o 3 3 O P c/5 C s o 3 o ci O 3 'c s o 3 5 05 C/D ^ o -3 3 H a fi C/D O 7D O CC o -O ■ 5I3 W m o o O 3 o 3 c/5 3 o c/5 fcJD C o CG li JZ 1 ^ 3 3 1 1 J bb rt < 1 ?=>■ 3 3 Q 1 1^2 . § 3 s S . 'Ij 3 _3 J , x»ar. dum ^ 1 s > (U OJ •■0 I « ^ ' u 5 ^ "3 d O 1 3 CP 1 h4 1 .3 "o J o byD o P CCJ 3 G O O I I O ^ •n o p; p Sd -P S C3 jG 3 3 5 3 c 3 O w CO ^ 3 CO o B <£) 3 H a O 0= s o o s 1 t c^ c^ s 3 3 g' *C O H I? 3 o CO 3 Q C^ 3 CO S_ o o CO 3 ■3 O 3 o 3 3 ;s 3 Sp o C o; lo 5 3 O M. 4 40 3 40 ro CO i ^ r, 0) ' — ' p ■■If mi :/ / %' )c \ ■■■‘*Wr \ \ r It 1 K \, \ I, i;' ) T. I ,"^- I. A, .1. *r ■/ 7 " " % '• , >, ''"■\; ' [ ■12 ] Sy.,rn,an-ck .Vu-n«. Engli/lt, Vulgar, and rfrinicij Philadelphian; red, Oellwort, . - - Idem. Idem. O. lurp. lilt. bliis verticillatis, floribus e- rectis, peialis unguiculalis. caps. vcl. bac. 3-loc lo. Junio. 1 pcrfoliata, • L. 3/ I /inonifmo» Erytbronio, ^ [aflinis? WaU.J perfoliate, . - - lut. foliis ovaiis, pcrfoliatis. • Qo. Maio. 2 scssilifolia, • L. 155 EnYTUHONlOKi (AniiaoutCurt. Dot Ulr.) sessile-leaved, Dogs-tooth Violet, Idem. Idem. o. lut. foliis lanccolato-ovalibus, scs- silibus. caps. 3-loc- 3-val. flo. Maio. AmcrLcaoum: luieuot, '1 [Muhl. 1 £. [Mich, nc L.nn.ei.J 162 Hvaoisthus, Hyaoisth, - - - Idem. Asphodcli O. 6-fid. - r'in,,. 1 . 1 Musk; Blue-bells; Bluc-bol- Aluicari moschaium, ^ [Dot. Mag.J lies. 163 Aletris, Star-root, Idem. Idem. 0. 6-fid. - farinosa, L. 2/ 1 alb. - f A. alba, - Mich. ) Star-grass. 164 Aooitus, Sweet Flag, Idem. Aroideao. O. 6-pct. - calamus, L. 21 common; Calmus. - lut. • » 165 Orontium, Orontium, - - - Idem. Mem. O. 6-pct. - aquaticum. L. 2t aquatick; Golden Club. - 166 JuROUS, - Kusn, - - - - Idem. Junci. 2-ph. 6-p«. - 1 effiisus. L. 21 soft; Bullrush. - * 2 tenuis, • Willd. 21 J. bicomis, 3 campeslrls. L, 21 field, carly-flowcriog. i.HZu/a campeslrls, bus; caulc ancipili. 3Dgo-ovalibus, : iplcxicaulibus; caulc longu-ovalibus, pciiotatls. Ho. Junio. Ro. Junio. caps, tnquc- tra, 3-loc. 3-val. caps. oval. ' triq. acuni. 3-loc. folUs lanccolalis, cxckds. Bpi mucronc longissimo I fuluB lanceoIntO'Ovatis. culmo nutlo; panicula late- foliis canaliculato-planis. foliis planiS) pilosis. flo. Junio. Qo. Junio. I — I I I s e .2 6 ‘2 .2 2 .2 ’S .2 d d .2 *2 2 ‘2 3 3 3 3 »— 3 3 >— 5 6 6 d d 6- d d d d qri c3 05 03 03 03 33 03 03 o qS O JD O- a o o i-2 o t- cJ 'V O .X4 is cJ > O o c a; T3 6 ‘-P a > o o ::3 p ^ o a s. ® o g a? 6>r — ' • ci S P ” 05 6 § ctf ri P o I ” " -a u § fri a a p fcJD C o 3 "o 13 ’ rp o CP c4 I 2 a! ^■3 So a P ' ^ rS fp 3 u *3 cJ PU e rt >% Ph o cp c; 05 > O P o qq 0 . •, 1 - I s pC *43 g O 05 a 03 03 Ip bc g 3 p .O e3 33 O y .£ 1 T3 'S "X "P ^ o o 0> V o o .2 a i d 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 o 1 • 4-4 o • 1 4-4 p o 0> c c3 < o d "o' c p p Ui p p < CQ rs-A-o o O 43 Cu P O ‘P O ^ 0) o . CX>— 5 "O P o o Q 8 1 "d o "p .2 *3 Cn u o 05 t 3 s 'd' o< 'h. H -< 3 43 j3 »4 u 05 CC d 's *Sd o 43 S O 3 O .2 *Sd a “^r hP* hP* , .2 * . u *>1 -t-* ai ?!■ &I rt 1 ■ • -g'-< • U JS 5 aT a h-i ' 3 3 o J 4 ■ 4 § bD .2 -5 T3 O P , bo ^ M 4t • g fS > 3 ? d JS ^ 6P oT «< 1 *3 O P ® 'n £3 i j2 o 2 •4 43 Ph U 03 O >1 p s p a o CL, o 2 3 <; 4 o d' 05 c Jg; u pt^ U o *2 p !§ 4 '&) ‘Sd o On g ^ S J ' 2 - s 2 W § S U! 1> Ui 4j0 *- C; S ^ fij t5 c^ b- , t:.5 *s ^ « ffi ’ d O- ^ o CC o 5C 2 *c SJ k-8 6 CC •cl O I . ^ ^ t« C3 > P. 0^ I g5 U CO bo S3 CT* CO e^ o O &-< U Si c Pn I £ s § I o =5 ft? o a, I cn Pi Q < H P^ W ffi > 1/5 55 O) < j o ft I t 5 O 0 1 G I uo I u u <: J3 S3 j2 *3 I o o Cl ft? o o a d ft I cS 52; Pi Q 'z C H O O I c/5 »— ( C/5 Cfl O D ft 1 >o i 0 ? 1 I o Cl «? o T3 cc I in ^ . d 'C a P< ctt I U (D o < H < Ph Pd H > < 3N* O bo a o ffi o G CQ a; u 0 cc 1 T3 U Pi o 3 O) o 'U lU JaJ 0^ faO .-A.- ■^Ss& £Sj, cs M G =2 ^ -C « B « ® 43 U trt rt -J5 cS Pi ^ ftC. I ^ S ^ P Pd P Pd p < c/5 Jt^ iiO c 03 o rt Pd Z) i P ?? I— H k'' p H Pi bi H CA •d ,12: p p o p o Pd H i [cundum Ait.j common red, Farm t(f the Leavta, Ue. Fruit. Time tj Ftaas- capitulis globosis, multifloris flo. Julio. 6-part. • alb. foliis obovato-Ianceolatis acu- minatis, serratis. bac. subro- tunil. 6-loc. So- Junio. 6-pct. bac. cylin- dric. I-loc. lut. foliis obova^s, ciliato-denta- lo. Maio. OIIDO IU.—TJiJGTmj. 169 RVMEX, Dock, .... Idem. Polygoneae 3-ph. 3-pct. - scm. 1, tri 1 crispus, L. Cicur. % curled, ... foliis lanceolatis, undulatis. 3 acutus, L. Cicur. % sharp-pointed. foliis cordato-oblongis, acu 3 acciocella, L. % Shecp'-sorrcl, foliis lanccolato-haslatis; (lo 170 Melantbiuu, Melakthium, Monocoly. Junci. O. 6-pct. - caps, ovata trigoiia 3-loc. Virginicum, • L. V Virginian, lut. Boribus pyramido-panicula- 171 Medeola, Mbbbola, Idem. Asparagi. bac. subro- Virginica, • L. ^ Virginian; Indian Cucumber lib. foliis verticillatis; caulc lanu- tund. 3-loc 173 Helonias, 1 Erylhosperma,* Mich. ~1 II. l«ta, - Ail. Helonias, Idem. Junci. O. a-pn„. - ginosa. bac. subro- tund. 3-loc channel-leaved, - [Willd. ? alb. foliis lincari-longissimis. M. muscactoxicum, { [Wali.?J 2 lutca, - - Ait.i (Hoft. Kem. IIU.J H. lutca, efiam Ktr. | VeralTum lutcum, L. U Willd. ct Muhl. I Metanthium dioicum, 1 spike-flowering, nodding; Blazing-star. alb. vel. pal- lid. lut. bliis radicalibus ob-ovato lanccolatis,caulinis lincari- [Walt.J flo. Junio. f)o. Julio, do. Maio. Bo. Julio. Iflo, Maio. flo. Junio. flo. Maio. f « ] SyiteiaialKk JVtiMfr. 1 E’vUah, Vulgar, end Vernacular I A^lurel Fami \ .Vemr, 1 lica a/ Jutneu. | Calix, 1 Canlla. j Farma/l/ j Fruit. jTVtw 173 Trillium, • ITHREE-LEAVEDNlGHTSHADE,|/clrm. Asparagi. 13-ph. |3-pet. - 1 . - - - , - [bac. trlloc. I cemuum, - L. 1 drooping, - • ' ' • ■ ■ 1 ■ lalb. foliis lalo-ovalibus, acumiiia- - - [flo. Maio. 1 tis, basi angustatis. 1 | i74 Alisma, plantagOi 1 pavia, Hort. L. I; i Pavia lutca, Mkh. f. ; 3 lutea, Hort. Mich. I; , Jl.flava, - Willd. ] 3 macrostachya, Hort. I; [Mich. S.. parriflora, Walt, et [Ait. 176 SAuaueuSt ccnmusf 177 Taor£OLuU| ORDO IY.—BESAGYmA. [Water Plantain, \Monocoty. Junci. |3-ph. - [3-pct - [ 1 common, ■ r ■ 1 ■ CLASSIS Vll.— HEPTANDRIA. ORDO I.~MOJ^OGTA'U. Horse-ciiesnut, Dicaty. Accra. 4-S-dcnt. 4-S-pet. caps, coria- cea, 3-loc- 3-val. rcd-llowcred; Quck-eyc, rubr. foliis quinis, glabris. yellow; Buck-cye, lut. foliis quinis, subtiis ad cos. lam pubcsccntibus serra- tulis. white, large-spiked. ORDO IL—TETR.i GYIVIA. alb. foliis quinia subtus tomento- [Lizard’s-tail, Acoty. Najadcs. l-ph. - capsuls 4, I-loc. nodding; Water-lilies. alb. foliis cordatis, undulatis, acu • - Bo. Maio. flo. Maio. CLASSIS VIII.— OCTANDRIA. ORDO J—»fO.VO or A7.4 NABTBaTiUM; Inoian-ore88; Dicoly. Gerania. large, folils subquinquc lobis. Systematick JSTames. 1 English, Vulgar, and Vernacular JWitural Families of Jussieu. Calix. Corolla. Form of the Ledves, &c. Fruit. Time of Flovi- jYames. ering. O O O 9 eft 1ft tn eft o G G d O G G 6 "3 50 G 50 G "g "c . G O 50 G ”3 h-> <; *G ■< *— > 6 d d d 6 d d d d G G G G G G . G G G o o. o 03 o » 1 , • 1 . OJ >• d O G G > O cn O 3 P CP fco I 1 1 ex " V ' * • ' 3 1 d T* O G •r* 50 > o ^ cu c/5 "o a. ■^-3 35 o crt G C3 s' O G > 50 O (rf ,22 - ll-' o cu 2 xj *35 =3 ifi w G cn * *33 S C3 5 "o *p o tfi u *43 C -c -Q . G ."2 *^ 'G c/T ^ g*G C , 0) 'G ' O • r. <1^ ' C/3 c *5 ® *5 3 -3 iS o (U o G G C ^ 3 OJ c/3 U "G O -G <4- 2 c3 — G t/i U cS S «J '"** 2 G “ p M 3 s = C3 P CS U Q,-= iT.« 2 ‘S g O' S-3 4G ^ cfl G — ^ G cn *G *S § t- c« &i O c/3 G fG 50 V G c/3 > G O O g 5o3 c ^ o G T; eft eft Cft Ui G 50 G3 G II ® u 3 C G 0> G 50 ■ 50 G O 0? B F.t "o :G .£ :G r2 O eft G :=I Cl. I CU u O- G a. (U a. ^ ^ 3 3 i Of I G a. -O cg: I I Gi ’’?* eg yc I 'G tG I -G tG I Tf a. I CG 8 »rj I 50 s 0^ •G 2 V G w fe CL> w ffi M , ' o d eft O > 1 ' 1 . G G G 0> G G G •tT "G u § G G .§ *G ex -S a, *2 ' ■ 3 a P ;> cJ G 1 G G h O o CP e Rhexia > ci H X 0 :z u h o »3 S u V CL, < G ‘ < o ■-S O G G M G 'o o 05 .2 G O G 0) u 50 B 73 0 G hj J ( s 1 d C d < ' f£ a * r H ^ 1 d 13 d eft O d § s d 1 .2 *cft G G — C'J 3 3- 3 P ■< o CO S3 bO a 6 cn a S3 6 cn CO ^ O JD O CC CG 3 ejD 3 c 6 qS 3 £JD 3 c 6 33 3 eio 3 < 6 cn o q3 s 2 a. CO 6 ^ qS O 03 c/3 cn V 3 3-2 -3 JD 3 .S2 3 &iD-2 3 *-3 O 3 JO G .2 2 c 'Oi'^ '/) .-^ S J2 0? 3 '3 ^ ff c/3 3 3 Sh -2 ^ so ^ 3 ,, > c/3 «l 33 c/3 G w ^ 'O O ^ %' CO 3 b/D . »Tr2 ^ CO *3 ? G 5 22 S. > o C S .22 u c3 , 2 ^ « ,r c e- ® CO 0) r^ O 22 CO Si o ’S -» t/3 5 tcO;G O o ^ 'G £5X) 43 'r* G 0 © +-» 4-» o P14 ro u CCS 03 4-J c 03 'C c/3 C G © P a 0 Gh c/3 G3 0 Ph u 3 •GJ 03 > irf 03 X d qq 3 Z O O >* *0] O -G TO i s 5 3 60 O > pj e 03 &• *5h p -5 -G © *3 d CO © i .-j ’ I ' :§ D- -S „ cci •S « C c3 • D O CO. ^ » f— TO « ■? s ^ Ph C3 © u O © CL, [ 46 ] .Abforfl/ /‘oJ CalU. Cenllo. Form of the Xraert, iic. Frmt. 7V.« ofFUm. 178 KhEXIA) Riikxia, Mclastomac. 4-fid. - 4-pet. » caps, subro- tund. 4-loc 4-val. 1 Virginica) L. 21 Virginian, purp. - caulc alato-angulato, sub-pi- loso; foliis ovato-lanccolu- flo. Julio. tis scssilibus. L. Maryland, purp. - caule tercti hirsutissimo; fo- flo.Augusto Ids lanccolatis, sub-petio- latis. 179 CEsOTHBnA, Idem. Onagrac, 4-fid. - 4-pet. - caps, tetrug 4-loc. 4-vaI 1 biennis, L. % Trcc-primrosc. - lut. folds ovato-lanccolatis,planis flo.Augusto 3 sinuata, • - L. 0 scollop-leaved, im. decumbens; foliis lanccolatis flo. Junio. dentato-serratis. 3 fruticosa. Willd. It perennial, - . - lut. folds lanccoialis, subdentatis flo- Jimio, ct 4 pumila?" - L. lut. rtftvps, . Idem. Idem. 4-fid. - drupaovata, 4-gona. biennis, • - L. % foliis lanceolatis, dentatis. flo.Augusto WiLLOW'UERO, Idem. Idem. 4-part. • caps, loiiiris. 1 coloratum, Muhl. 211 E. teiragonum, L. ct fMicli. > foliis lanceolatis, serrato-den- flo. Augusto an E. teiraconum, I ticulatis, imis oppositis n Schreb.'J supernis altcmis; caule ra- mosissimo, lincis prominu- lis, quasi subquadrangula- 3 Uncarc, • Muhl. 21 ? £- oliganihum, Mich. $ linear-leaved. alb. folds lincaribus, integerrimis. flo. Judo. 183 Vaocinivm, Whobtle-be'rry, Idem. Ericae. 4-5-fid. 4-5-fid. )ac. 4-loc. nuIvsD. I staniincum. - L. b green-wooded. foliis oblongo-ovaiis, acutis. 1o. Maio. integerrimis. 3 rcsinosum, - Ail. b clammy; Black Huckleberry. foliis tenuibus, oblongo-oval- lo. Maio. Ait.T ibus, integris, subtus rcsi- 3 macrocarpon, V. occycoccos,^. oi- v American Cranberry. foliis oblongis, obtusis. io. Maio. longi/oliut, Mich.J [ 47 ] SyUematicti Jfamtt. Rnglieh, Vulgar, and Vemaeular A’ame,. 1 J 1 1 Calix. CoreUa. Form of the hea\.eo, Ue. Fruit. TimeofFlruH ering. 4 i soi'.orphum, Mich, b 1 V. amoenum, Ait. j V. corymbosum, L. J broad-leaved, corymbed, alb. purp. foliis oblongo-ovalibus acutls, sub-serratuds. io. Aprili. 5 frondosuTn, Mich, nee b 1 [Linnjci. V. dumosum, Muhl. J bushy, low, folds oblongo-ovalibus glan- dulalo-pubcrulis. flo. Junio. onno Ji.—TitiGrmj. 163 PoLVGONUU, XNOTWEED, Vieotg. Polygoncac. 0. 4-5-part. 1 Virginianum, Mich. 21 \ P. rosti-atum, Muhl. 5 Virginian, alb. 3 hydropiper, - L. © Water-pepper; Biting Per- alb. purp. sicaria. 3 album, - Muhl. © white, alb. 4 pcrsicaria, - L. © spotted. albidum. S barbatum, • Willd. bearded, alb. 6 orientalc, Cic. L. © oriental;TalI Pcrsicaria. 7 Pennsylvanicum, L. © Pennsylvanian, - purp. common Knot-grass. a. angustifolium, Mich. 5 lutes. 9 crcctum, - Willd. ^ P.avicularcjfllatifolium, 1 upright Knot-gi-ass. [Mich.J 10 iinifolium, Muhl. © } P.icnuc, - Mich.? 5 flax-leaved, • alb. andris dig^is. foliis oblongis, acutis. glabri- usculis; noribuslicxandri^, trigynis. Ills ovaU9} stipulis hypocra* tcriformibus; floribus hep- tandris, digymn. folds lanceolaus) sLipulis rau- ticis; floribus octandris, di- gynb. foliis lanceolatis taulc de* cumboiitci floribus oclan< dris irigynis. foluB ovalibus; caule erccloi floribus oclandris, trigynis ramosiBsimuTn; caulibiis ra- muHsquc aiigulato-flcxuO' sie; foliis iinuoribus, cana- liculatisi supenic brcvibu: quasi subiilatis; omnibus strictc crcctis> rigidis, &ub> flo.Augusto flo. Auguslu flo. Septem« bri. flo. Julio. flo.Augusto flo. Augusto flo.Augusto flo. Julio. flo. Septcm- bri. flo. Julio. ‘S t!. “S' a ”3 2 ■§ ^ I 5 ^ ^'s 8^ «1 s e <0 ••-» a, a* ^ o O ^ O ,j3 O cc cn cc o gg i ^ ^ :2 o ,gG «5 c/3 ::3 .-a h «• :::; ^ .2 X C/5 . u O cG 'o > 2 cS cS ^ G CO s-i CO O :g g? -Q "rt ta ^ .£ tT"3 o £ c^ 'S 4T 'S .§ O ^ o «G *-G ^ jO o pq « "g ^ . > C 67D I ^ O C^J G — I y g o .S ^ o -r C ^ C .G G 5 g ^-gcQpq f3 g fl ^ PP Q < W 12; w I >< HH C/2 HH C/2 C/2 < C. I > ... -a o .2 o Oh ^ CO I 2 c« c/5 G &£» G < d gc Oh <1 6 «G CO « O 5d.2 O T3 CO ..O 3 o < M-H X Q Z < O w Q I >< c/2 ►-( C/2 C/2 < iJ C-> S 2 G H-* *60 a .2 1 G (<• 0. 0 60 G 'o > G CO G 0 T3 G d CO G G P >< G p « ■| « S p- CO G ci: G CO CO cS v> ‘u a c2 0 0 0 CO . ^ ^ J G ut o\ to QO o . G C^S u • u go o s ^ O "P «) CJ3 J, >. 0:1 ^ G ^ S Oh O I 6^ ^Si 0 S2 . &H G G ^ *5 Ji 0) *-G *Z3 .'CO ^ CO c/3 1 <1> G 0 0 CO • u 1 -G « 9 2 0 s 0 no G G « 9 4-> 0 c/3 ' c 2 G p G 0 'p t CO a CO 2 * :G 5 CO :G G u 0 3 cG cG 'U r o G s G 60 s 4> G >< iJ < G O cw o 60 'S G 4^ O G o © © © © ?!■ ^ 3 1 0 X- • ; ^ . 1 h4 t .4 d h4 1 1-3 G1 ' * 'o c 1 (U 1-3 1 G < a o Oh Oh (m G c4 'O G G -o 4^ X "U 4> "3 c/5 ►4 2 0 2 1 G c.H S • - « -S CO cfi" *co g" *Sh 2 .3 ■« S a G M C P T3 G 0 Cfl 05 0 g .5 iD 0 ! 1 Oi IL t iU) < a 6/D d CJ2 a bo s? <1 d <1: 0 o CC S3 o «53 Oi 6 ^ gg _o -2 _o s 3 .G C c c C a G Eh 2 G G G 0 G < X G d d d d d d 6 G G G G G G G 2 c fc/r> c/5 ,,- ^ I . cn •^ a ctf Q V ^ rs >. 0 a t u: w >0 O . . JO o o o o o • '0 JO I o 2 ^ "T t/5 • *o tn c Cl- 3 ^ ^ 3 CO in w O • • ^ CO Q o S^"Tp « C3 CX xrj I -; V5 cci 6 7 c5 in JO o {3 < rt 3 s .2 ^ fcfl .2 == “ tn -S 00 § g CO CO :0 o :0 0 *0 cs X CO O CO ^ rt 2 O CO «5 *2 c *o -£ cc • — CZ *p m“'SD g _o ^ ■5 2 "3 d cS D ,0 O q=! o cn Ch*^ CO o O ^0 "5 6JD cd CL, ed t: cd ^ c o o ^ . 'o .2 a; c u s- c g cd CO X) ■ ^ 2 ^ 3 CO ^ :s o o tn cd > o ,22 'B Jo .2 C CO cd ^ IP " I. CO ^ QJ P qO cd G 0 C ^ < ■3-° 3^ 0 0^ 0 cd 0 0 a 0 *Sh 0 0 a H 3 ount Tea Gro ries; G jz; > 0 CO cd CL 0 0 U 0 <■ c 0 0 o 00 ?!■ © G G JC o g cd T) ^ •= Is^. ’a- d 0 CO 0 .2 *3d -< S 0 G G hJ .S" *a G •< 3 G cd -- cn o> J s b^) C c3 r£V ►2 ^ S > -3 S <1 Q W o rt a ' eu 2 _s ^ cT H ■§ 1/5 y cS § ■= 3 S 5 o u Cli'2 2C S. < <*3 0 S w c u a. -c.rm 0/ the LetMt, iit. Timte/FUv- ering. 11 sagittatum, - L. 0 12 arifolium, - L. 0 13 fagopyrum,C. L. © 14 convolvulus, L- © 15 scandcDs, • L. arroW'leavcd, halbert-leaved, - common or cultivated Buck- Twining Bind-wced; Black- Bind-wced; Climbing Buck-wheat. American climbing Buck- wheal. alb. purp. alb. purp. alb. alb. mucronalis, scssilibus: flo- ribus axillaribus, remote alternis, solilariis. i^Deacriptio miA/.J foliis sagutatis; Qorlbus oc- tandris. foliU hasiatis; floribus hex- foliis cordalo-sagiitatis. foliis cordato-hostBlis, ceulc volubili; Horibus obtusatis foliis cordatisi caule volubiJi; iloribus carinatis. flo. Septem- bri. flo. Septem- bri. flo. Augusta flo. Julio. Qo. Septem- CLASSIS IX— ENNEANDRIA. OJIDO I.—MOJfOOTMA. 164LAT3RVS, - • I 1 benzoin, L. b 1 L> pseudo'bcnzoin, > * [Mich.J 3 sassafrasB. L. b Wild-alspice; Fcvcr-bushj Spice-vrood. L.uri. o. 6-pet. - l-spcrm. alb. lut. - ramis sub-florationc,aphyllis; foliis cuneato-ovalibus, subtus pubcrulis. foliis integris lobatisr(uc-, flo- ribus dioicis. CLASSIS X— DECANDRIA. ORDO I.—MO^'OGT^IJ]. 185 P0UAI.THIA, PoDALYRIA, Idem. Leguminosac legumcn tinctoria, Muhl. et [WUId. 1 Sophora tinctoria, L. j BoptUia tinctoria, Ait. J dyers; Wild Indigo. foliis cuncato-obovatis, et ro tundato-obtusis, scssilibus lysperm. flo. Augusto 1B6 Cercis, Cebois. . . - . Idem. Idem. 5-dcnt. - 5-pct. - Icgumen Canadensis, - L. b Sallad-tree; Red-bud; Judas- purp. - foliis subrotundo-cordatis, a- cuminatis. compress. 1-loc. flo. Aprili. Jt [ « ] Syitemaiiek P,- 1 Englith, Vulgar, otiJ Vernacular 1 A'ame. | Cadx. Ccralla. Penn e/llie Leaxe,, (ic. ering. 187 Cassia, C.S.U, . . - Dicoiy. Leguminosae. 5-ph. - 5-pct. • Icgumcn disBcpimcn tis irons- 1 Marilandica, L. 11 Maryland; Wild Senna. lut foliis 6-jugis, sublanccolato- flo. Augusto oblongis. 2 chamschrista, L. © dwarf; Partridgc-pca- lut foliis multijugis. flo. Augusto 186 Monotrova, Birdsnest, ... Plants bcerts sedis 5-ph. 5-pct. - caps. 5-go 1 hipopilbys,* L. bunch-flowered, white, alb. caulc spiciflora, floribus ex- flo. Julio. tus glabris. 2 uniflora, L. one-flowered; Broom-rape. alb. caulc uniflora, crassa. Qo. Julio. 3 lanuginosa, Mich. woolly, downy, caulc spiciflora; floribus lanu- flo. Septem- ginosis. 189 Kalmia, Laurel, Idem. Rliotlodcndra. 5-part. - s-fid. - caps, sub- globosa, I laiifolia, L. b broad-leaved; Ivy-laurel; Ivy; alb. rub. foliis ovolibus, basi et apicc flo. Junio. Calico-tree; Mountain- acuminatis. 3 angustifolia. L. b narrow-leaved, lulus sub-lonceolato-oblongis So. Junio. obtusis, ternis. A90 Amorombda, .\ndrombda, Idem. Ericae. 5-part - 5-fid. - caps, subro- tund.5-go- na, 5-loc. 1 Mariana, L. b oval-leaved, - . - alb. foliis ovalibus, integerrimis flo. Junio. 2 racemosa, A. paniculala, L, b ? Walt. S swcct-sccntcd; Red-bud. alb. foliis ovali-lanccolatia, serra- tulis. flo. Junto. 3 paniculata, Mich, net b [Linnii. 1 A. racemosa, Lamark f fet Wait paniclcd, round capsuled, alb. racemis sub-paniculatis; co- rollis parvulis globosis. fio. Junio. 191 Eric£A, b Ghoukd-laurel, Idem. Idem. duplex. 5-pet. caps, sub- 3-5-part. globos. repens, L, b creeping, - foliis cordato-ovntis, integer- flo. Aprili. 192 Gauitheria Gaultiieria. - Idem. Idem. duplex. 5-fid. - bac. 5-loc. 2-s-fid. procumbens, L, b Mountain-lca; Winicr-green alb. lolus oblongo'ovatis, mucro- lo. Junio. Tca-bcrrics; Berried-teo, 1 Grouse-berry; Occr-ber natis, dcniatis. 1 riea; Partridge-berry; Pol lorn, of the Canada Indians ■'0 I VSi E s 3 <3 S ' ;cs d o CO 1o G G d bo bO G G <5 < 6 d d G3 CG CG Oh I cS •* O Oi o CS O o a; CO '3 c5 .s *o £6 o d d o d 6 d _o i-J d "3 d ~s G G G G o d d d 6 d d d qs CG CG CG CG qq CG CG XJ c § . Tj d C . 1 » o 1 G G * * G O G J o 1 dr CO > o d cS >• « <-7 to ' CO -G fft" Jl ' G, 1 1 , ■ &. o , , 1 G t 1 1 d ^ cJ CS '-' CO u V o D d CO > a o Xi d bn

2 CO s CO G < 5G ^d G z ctf *S H o Pk *D o <- o d O > Q o» •*4 o a CD /■> CO G ’3 eS *o w O ID bn 4J 2 3 o c I g o o ft? o c >< b S o H < o a ni 3 o u O c c ID Ph CO rs-A^-> ^ 0 © 2 ^ 0 , ^ ^ d t-4 a i-i • J ^ > i L. L. 9 '53 .£ C .2 C 3 'g S D C D O JD D a G u -r ■S §D 9,1 d o 1 TD i 1 D D > D cS 1 f 2 1 1 CO O t CO d 2 D 3d .3 t on "o' 3 e bn D D c a d u G > > d G o *3 'V o > 2 D Ph ‘3d > d d CO £ o 1^ f~i 2 o 3d C o 3d o GD J3 a. I s (N G <1 (3$ «< X H CO G Gh O a to C =^•'=5 'g -I JJ b/D D aj ■ S c > ~ S -2 E 9 <33 . . • 6^C/5 C/5 C/5 CM ~ « sti a< O I ffi d cn o CO pT CO o 2 CO d) «: c *-« !5 PP < «,* 55 a ^ S < c G*^ CO rt > O Jb a ^ CO 3 CO pG 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 d. 1 1 1 1 . . 1 « ■G D Ch GD d G5 D Oh d GD ■4--* D Ph D Oh G GU jd d jd D dr fG fG fG d D d -Q VS "d Vi G vs Vi cJ &. "g Vi 2 ccS V) "3 rl4 u d D D ^ a 1) -G 0 >> a, o f, I « i \ / i.l V /■ ,/ f / . V !'•; t h- I' .T ' Q, 'i -i V • i ■ 'y f i'. p- \ f .:’i ■ '/■>' t'iiik'.' i ]93CLETnRA, alnifolia, • L. h 194 PVROLA, I rotundifolia, L. S umbcllata, 4 maculata, [ so ] Ei\glult, Vulgar, tmd Vernacular JVaiural Familiei of Jiiuieu. Calix. ClETMUA) aidcr-lcavcd, swcel-sccntcdi WjKTEn-OREEN, round-lcavcd, iwistcd-stcmmed, • umbcll’d; Pippsisscva. spotted-leaved, - fotiis obovato-lanceolatis. foliis rotundatia, sivc subro- luiido-ovalibuB raritcr qua- si acuminatia, petiolis ala- tis; pbtillo dcclinato. scapo convoluio: foliis minu- lioribus, crassis, sub-cori- accis. orbiculaiis, plerum- quo apicc cmarginatis: pe- tiolis simplicibus, pislillu dcclinato. [_Dcaeri/Uio m/Ai.J foliis lanccnlatis. foliis maculatis. oiino ii^ojGrJvu. 195 Cbiivsosplenium, Goldek-saxipraoe, Idem. Saxlfragae, 4-5-Hd. 0, oppositifolium, L. % opposite-leaved; Scngrccn. foliis oppositis. • 196 SAXfFRAGA, Saxifrage, . - ■ Idem. Idem. S-parl. - S-pet. - 1 Pennsylvanica, L. Pennsylvanian, foliis ovali oblongis, dentJeu- 2 vemalis, Willd. et fMuhl. j S. nivalis, - r* S. Vii^iniensis, Mich. } early, spring, niountain. foliis ovalibus, obtusis sub- pctiolatis, crcnaiis. S. Virginica, Pers. J 197 Mitella, Bastard American Saniole, Idem. Idem. 5-fid. - S-pet. - .... diphylia, - L. two-leaved, ... alb. foliis cordatls subtrilobis den- I9B SCLEBANTBUS, Knawell, Idem. Portulaceac. S-dent. • 0. annuus, - • L. © annual, common; German Knot-grass. flo. Junio. flo. Junio. Oo. April!. [ 51 ] Sy$lemalitk EngluH, Vidgar, and Vemanlar CaUx. CoroUa. Form of the Leai-u, lie. Fruit. Time of Flov- ering. 199 Saponaria, SOAPWORT, ... Idem. Caryophylleac 5-dcnt. • 5-pct. - caps. obl. 1-loc. 1 ofBcinalis, L. m officinal; Bruisewort. alb. bliis ovato-Ianccolalis. flo. Augusta 2 vaccaria, L. Cic. © Con,, . - - I'ubr. bliis ovatJs, acuminatis, scs- Ho. Augusto 200 Dianthus, Pink, .... Idem. Mem 5-dent. - S-pet. - caps, cylind 1-loc. Armcria, . L. © wild, Jersey, Deptford. floribus aggregatis fasicula- flo. Junio. 301 CUCUBALDS, stcllatus, - L. V Silene stcllata) Ait. 309 Silene, 1 PcQDsylvanica, Mich. 2 Virginica,* - L. If 3 Anlirrhina, L. © 203 Stbllabia, I pubera, . Mich. ^ 3 gaminca, Sm. ct With.^ S. longifolia, Muhl. I S. arvensis, Hoffman, f S. dilicniana, Moeneb. J 3 alsinc, Hoff. Willd. [Pers. ctMuhl. I S. uliginosa, Sclireb. f 204 AaENARIA, scrpyltifolia, four-leaved, PeonsylvaDian; Ground-pink. Virginian, - Snap-dragon, Stioiiwort, oval-leaved, - long-leaved, grass-leaved, bog; Fountain-chlckvccd. OnoO IIL-^TRIOTJVLi. alb. purp purp. foliis lonccolalis. foliis lincaribus integerrimis. cuulc dccuinbcntc; foliis ob. longo-lanccolaiis. 1-loc. 3-6-val. lo. Maio. do. Maio. flo. Maio. Bo. Maio. Ho. Junio. OltDO IV.—PEJ^TAGYmJl. SI o* >• s f? 1^ ■3 o 03 G 6 -2 d d d d d « d 64) G <1 3 G G 3 3 G - "g 3 S a. 3 6 6 6 d d d 6 d d d q:: CG cG qq qp qq qq qq qq G3 O o 03 *G o . o X 1 &J0 U 1 I » -2 I 1 o 1 m . u ^ 7 • o . in . c/3 -- 03 rv 05 >■ & 1 1 CD 2 1 1 1 CD 1 G in cs C G in V o o d> ^ •u . (/i d '^•s CD &, s (U 72 s c ^ U I J. ” ^ ^ 3 C c^ c ^ -2 a; Jp :3 o c X) c/3 22 S Sh fl3 X p, > cS O «2 'S 2 ^ ^ iS .o !o i H a> Oh I ys I £ cd 5 D £ ;2 £ ?“ 15 ^ ^ j2 jO C3 CIh x: PU I in -G Cm I <1^ o X £JD CU G o o G O G o:) X e u o c tad U o O c G w G o G < t: o > ci .3 rt O T3 0> > d Ji % o D3 (a. I s CD *a TD o; Xd 4> !? O cc fe)D G O XJ c; a; 0) C/3 X 64) G O ^ X u* 7^ C © e ^ J ©‘iS 0 0 0 ?)■ 0 ■ 0 03 d4Q 1 t 'G ,J 5 J g ^ • r» o H 03 V - *o Ph u o in o 03 CO O c3 Q O O :3 S H V3 O G O C CD 6/3 ^ 6o O <3 6/D‘< 6/3 G M H 02 •< G o o c^ s G "C C cc3 U c< 3 > C^ G u G G 'G - G pH O C^^ o CG G >N 64) c^ o G O 641 3 0 o U m3 o ^ ^ • X c> 03 pH X ^Bh C S ® D= C Si’S J .^C S £ ’Sn -M ,i3 § c-> 1 i » goo ?t “O § o CLASSIS XL— DODECANDRIA i o o p s o c; c CO S o Q "Q . S «9 t3 ^ sT,S >S{i ^ o a:: G 3 o O CA C/3 c/3 . 6 P p o d d O o 60 60 ba bo cq qq p 1—5 P c D p c P < p D P d d d d 6 d d d d d qc qq qq qC qq qq qq qs qq qq oj d d c/3 u ■n ^ . o £ 2 1 I 1 o ■■ l’ "T g 1 (N ' 0 CO ~ S J. O c/3 C^ . P C/3 O cd ti CJ . o c/3 o a. Cm o qC o 2 t=^ yc I o a o u cS c/3 O Pi o <1 c c '3.^ o o ’c: 3c2 *1/3 •r! o d ^ ^ S S -2 'Sh3 o c/3 c5 .:: ii s D C ■ c5 O ^ "^ • 'S • S 22 > bO'C .2 -S "cn O ^ ■!-■ Q. D A ■U ^ 5 rn -S O ^ > c/3 6/D ^ to O *;g O d ^ o, • I SJ JZ 0) o D- O C3 i o o Cl 0? o c 0 13 1 in I Ti< o Ph u> P4 C/D to c o A c/3 c/3 O *W c3 c5 c^ C O CJ 03 rS O & £ i C; — O .S 'cu ^ CU ^ P- «2 £ o *S.^g :c J ;i To ,^0 o 60 c 2 o D- I I 'f rO 3 "3 "3 3 £ c< O 33 o< 3 W CO • ^ 43 H > d> 03 > * Cl. oS -C c d C P H Pi o Pm c Pi SC H J o S Pi o << I d C c/3 rs U •g^ 2 8 d Cu %. ^ a 0) p 60 cd. o qC d Cu P CC o s Pi P uq o. *£ « 3 1 > ^ .d o y-i Cl,'^ C qJ cr* oS c4 •“* 60 •= P 60 C O qq 60 d o ■ ?+ ■ ?+ ?!■ ’ 0 0 i ?l to 2 1 2 c ”2,-0 O ,'31 o m .3 « :3 c ."o ,P 3 ctf .'2 .*2 rt 4; ? u o w ■*“' .tl a C S £ s ^ C c»s ^ ;P .22 .. ^ O CO CO 5_ 2 O j3 Ci,j2) — -2 5 ‘S 73 > C O CO CO o -S =■ =3 ^ S“.-S .-2 3 S 'J ■“ 2 rS 3 ® CX( CO *;r O •F-l CO S3 - CO 2 -D : S '> O rus. ORDO IV.—PEWT^GYJSriA. -2 .2 •5 -2 ;-3 d d d d Ph d o. < "d *d 6 6 d d d d d 02 02 CC 02 02 02 o: a 6 02 c =J 6 CC2 O i/5 O » c^ r) § *s 'S =j ? -o U tA ? S O .« ’S. =« rt c/i c £>J0 R 2 3-^1 3 CS JO z. ^ (A S '5 ^ rt o o a S -S *- G o G a;> biD c o bi3 o .2 cj > t. > 0-0 0 CA JS w :o 5y:-|3 Jp ,p C CTJ CA bo .2 'H ^ '3 ^ §3 CA 2 rs c O. G O G Ch Cu < c o .3 *3 O' c o s S o u tii d H Oi P^ I CQ O d < i S3 c S j? CU c/3 -ii5 o >y, c .0 o r -V'w. •-1^ - 3 O ■ 2 S o ' 3 "Z -O «3 « 8 S sJ ^ p(C nG • t- -G UG tA ;*" ^ S d ?3 J Ik ^3 ^ G *j ^ ^ -^.2 'vrN ^ «.J2 p -3 1— j-n > 5 -C ^ .3 S ^ is S .2 ^ .2 e r,o 3 3D Lh cj (U S (3 !loi-J •S ? a Cu 3 C £' o 5 ^ c. ^ 3 S -2 2 S « 5 e ^ hC TD 2 j3 e-R .“ S <-> -S S „> ' C-, ■“ 'S£S^ 5 ' '3 1 t « *2 hD* X* -£^ . tA . . S J J h4<^ .E? 1 ‘3 d o . -G o S c d 0^ o -“G O g 'S § d U c^ O cc 2r> Qs O P3 D -H Ah ■§ - I -2 G C5 8 S O d .Q ‘S ’S o o -o ^ OO CO *M O -G 0) • o 5"i§ 1^.2'—' d C o o 4' O P iu7i»e//uii>eu. Coltr. rirm of die Leavu, He. Fruit. nmr o/FIno. 216 Philadelphus, MoOR'ORANGR, Dieoii/. Myrli. 4-5-fid. 4-S-pct. capsulx 4-5-loc. polysp. 1 inodorous, Hurt. Walt, scentless; Philadelphus. alb. foliis ovatis, integerrimis. flo. Junio. 2 coronaria,C. L. >2 ? Syriiiga, . , Lamark. y fragrant; Syringa. alb. foliis subdentatis. - flo. Junio. 217 PRUNOS, Cherry-tree, - Idem. Rosaceae. S-fid 5-pet. drupa. 1 ccrasus, C. L. h cultivated, sour, 4lb. foliis ovRto-lanceolatis, gl,- do. Aprili. 3 avium, C. L. 1; small-fruited, sweet, • ,1b. foliis ovato-lanceolalis, subJ (I9. Aprili. lus pubcBccntibus. S domeslica, C. L. I; cultivated Plumb-ircc. - alb. foliis laiiceolato-ovatis, con- do. Aprili- 4 VirRiniana, L. et Willd.'] Tolutis. P. rubra, - Ait. 1 Wild-cherry; Choke-cherry. alb. foliis dcciduis, ovali-oblongis flo. Maio. tMich. et f.J acuminatis, serratis, race- mis compactis; costas foli- orum mcdis,nnn barbats S scrotina, - Willd. late-flowering wild-cherry. alb. foliis deciduis, serratis; race- lo. Junio. mis laxis: costs mediae foliorum, Bubtus barbate. 218 Amvgdalus, • 1; Peach-tree; Almond. Idem. Idem. 5-fid. - 5-pct. - drupa. Fcrsica, C. L- I? common, - purp. - oliis serratis; serraturis om- lo. Aprili. -nibus acutis. OROO U.—mGYmA. 319 Crat^cus, 2 oxycamha, L. Cic. I; Hawthorn, commui), quickset, drupa. foliis ovato-cuneiformibus, foliis obtusis, sub-trifidis. foliis subcuneato-ovalibus serratis, brevitcr peliola- tls, pubescentibus: ra- muiis conspicue puben- tibus; florihus subsoliia- riis, calycibus villosis. [ 55 ] ORDO ff.—PEyTAGT^’U. Sylemaluk Xa^e,. '] ErgU.h, Fulgar. mtd Yentaculor 1 Fnmi/ifi nf .ruitien. 1 Calix. Corolla. Perm of the Leave,, iit. Frmt. Time of Fk-ar- erlug. 220 Mespilus, Meular, Oicoly. Rosaceae. 5-fid. - oacta, 1 arbutifolia, • L. 'j 2-5-sperm -Ksr.a.crythocarpa, Mich. Pyru» arbutifolia. [•ear. «. Willd. foliis subius tomentosis; fruc- P. arbutifolia: eryiho- red-fruited; Swamp-scrvicc. alb. flo. Maio [rar/xj, Mulil. Aronia pynfolia, Pci-s. tibus rubris. Crattgut Virginiana, [Lamark ct Millcr._ p. melanocarpa, Mich.*^ A’yru* arbutifolia: me- 1 [/anoeor/)a, Muhl. > black-fruilcd, foliis subtus glabriusculis flo. Maio. Aroma arbutifolia, fructibus nigris. [P.r.J 3 arborca, • Mich. f.'| Canadensis, ^.rorde/a, [Mich. 1 Pyruo Bolpyapium, snowy; Junc-berries; W'ilcl alb. foliis obovolibus, conspicue flo. Aprili. [Willd. Pear-tree; Wild-service. acuminatis; juvenis albo- Aronia Botryapium. [Pers.J tomentosis, adullis glabris 221 PVRUS, Pear Idem. Idem. s-fid. - pomum. 5-loc. 1 communis, C. L. b common Pear. foliis ovatis, serratis. flo, Maio. 2 malus, C. - L. b common Apple. lib. foliis ovato-oblongis, serratis flo. Aprili. 3 Cydonia, C. L b? Cydonia cydonia, Pers. $ foliis ovatis, integerrimis. flo. Maio. 222 Malus, CuAB-APPLE Tree, - Idem. Ideitfe 5-fid. - pomum. 5-loc. coronaria. Miller- b ' 8-sperm. Pyru» coronaria, L. et [ Bwcct-acenicd, foliis curdatis, inciso-serratis, flo. Maio.. [Mich. angulatis, glabris. 223 SriiixA, Spirxa, Idem. Idem. 5-fid. - 5-pct. • caps, poly- 1 opulifolia, - L. b Nine-bark. foliis lobatis,duplicato-denta- " . flo. Junio. 2 irifoliata, - L, thrcc-lcavcd; Indian-physick alb. foliis trifoliatisj foliolis Ian- flo. Junio. ccolatis. ORBO V.—POLYGYmA. 0 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 c3 2 TO 2 2 2 2 3 H-5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 C3 02 02 02 02 02 02 33 33 33 02 o CG d a c o Cl. O X O fT- (U ^ C3 2 c -s ::::: 5 S'! Bo .2 o -S ro ^ S « P Ifi s ; s a. CL, a ; 0 -2 .'2 1 '3 2? •• ^ ^ 2 .2.2 o CC in cn CC CL, 2 O "c "a ■3 2 t O O ^ t/5 g 2 3- -a G ^ C« V) G .-2 CO > •g: o t2 CO *•♦-' G 2--S ■■a .2 4J .2.2 ^ ^ rG CO 2l2-° a a .- -a ^ TD CO P c g: c G 0) O > O n a: (u o >s cu I £ -2 '13 5 13 £ "3 3. I £ 13 0) Cl I 3 3 x5 X3 'G X3 3: « 33 1 1 ca . . . 8 « 1 1 0 8 1 0 U-5 cn —4 a o a 0) T3 a OJ -•a g •+-* d > O -C Cl^ CO i' a 5 TO n .2 ^ Pd cq S Pi CQ _ 1~» C u CJ t- T3 0) tN ^ rt tj/) 0^ d a <1 J2 Cl CO 'Pi g ^ ■f « ^ fc/D Q-l • ^ 0) >% o O r;3 -3 0) ^ c3 a> ” H 2 3 2 0> Id o cd 5 12 6JD d Id u 2 S o o fe/D 3 . c tr 3 U D d G (d CQ H C/D 2 *S c u H3 1. d fed) Pd > Pi C (c. 3 cr z 6 fed) c *a 3 3 o 3 c3 ;j Cl 3 -ii ■ a^' 4^■ .c>> rS^ ^ . ' ?!■ -a '^l . *2- *J • 2 ,2; • >4 4 Mid Ait. Wal Mid i, Mu Wa U 1 d 12 s-< 0 f 2 j *2 -3 ^ Mid a , VJ 3 ^ 0 CO w 4 1 ^ o OS 33 c '3 .2 £ c^ < "a is D CO C3 cu 3 0 0 . 3 cc; P^ y O -x; o Cl o si Cl 33 0 < '3 '3d to' u CO CO *c pi pi Pi Pi > d CO VO 3) -4 a; XJ to s > U TO p 3- 0 TO OD TO cO 2 0 r-M C^ X 2 "a. a *s tariis elongatis unifloris, V5 ^ tlo H « > fer,^ Z3 O cn a :3 d cc < 6 d X> ^ ■ V) S‘S (u a a u ±1 o G .G CA E ^ O I 0^ CU G u &*) c •Si2 &/) G O .5 »4 < < o G < U ca G G K c/:? £ “ .2 cs C ^ I d t^u >d G G H Z <5 o >- G o *^3 O CO G .•2 ’s^ O ca G -O 1 foliis caul rioribui u X £ S 0 1 t d > 0 • CO S 1 jd 1 G ci 4-H G 3 0 G CO Oh a, G £ 0. 0 G G 1 • 1 1 1 t5 cO 'pH 0 * 0 * Cl, iG ^ o -a cc: Q o PLI X cn u: in < cu I 0 O c 1 s o ft? o o =5 6/D - . ■£ S S.££ d G 1 « & 1 , J3 CL, X Oh "E, 33 CL, . *0 40 1-= c • X Oh 40 1 1 T}« I CN CO 1 d Oh G ?L| 'G G G JG G G p 'G >» > I I ^ ^ 'P £ +:5 S C/D c G C G 0 V G s- ^ G 1 A S S.2< C/D ' G G s G X ^ a H O O G O O o O PQ O4 u ^ G O c o o o CQ o o G G 9 G Oh o' , 2 'M ^ ^ ^ .G pH G c« ^ 5 E=^ * G ^ u CO Oh ^ o .. s ^ -7 “ G ^ 'S 5 5 c >> z O 64) CS o >-l C>H u I-) p R G 'G G > ' G S I I O G Oh G S- GI G Oh 6/D G c P , t r£0 ■ 3- t rt ■ ?t J-3S >-< cr _ - . 'B •-4 » T G ^ i> ’ Ji h4 ’•< O ffi O CG •< H G <1 G C « be ^ o G O CO O O Q £ " G !*-■ )•' 1 i.d ( ! *; ? /' i- ■»;1 .n [ S« ] ojiDO r— poxrorA'M. .Voifmnlifl- Atimei. 1 Enrb'th, rulrar, and f’eniacular 1 A'alurat Famiiin of Juttien. 1 CaUx. 1 Cor«//a. 1 Form of the Leave!, Uc. I FrtUt. 7Vinr of rtor. 1 ' 1 1 . erinsr. 324 Rosa, Rose, - . - . Dieaty. Rosaccac. 5-fid. - S-pet. - scm. pluro Carolinians, K. parviflora - L. h ? Muhl. 5 Carolinian, Pennsylvanian, ros. pumila; foliulis ovalibus Ian iugermin. flo. Junio. wild, small-flowered wild, ceolalisvc. 225 Rudus, Bramble, Idem. Idem. S-fid. - 5-pel. - bac. com- 1 Idxus, C. - L, h garden or cultis-atcd Rasp foliis quinato-pinnatis, tema pra. ^ flo. Maio. berry. tisque; stibtus albo-tomcn tosis: foliolis subrhomboi 3 ocridentalis, L. b wild or American Raspberry, foliis trifoliatis; foliolis ovali- flo. Maio. black Raspberry; Thim- bus promissc acuminatis ble-bcrry. sublus cano-tomcniosis. 3 strigosus, - Mich, b wild red Raspberry. alb. inermis, hispidissimus; folio- flo. Maio. lis 3 aut pinnato-quinis ovalibus, subtus candido- 4 villosus, R. hispidus, Ait. h ) Walt.? 5 high Blackberry. alb. tomentosis. pubens; foliolis digitalis; fo- liolis absque albcdinc pu- flo. Maio. 5 trivialis. Mich, b 1 bentibus. R.procumbcns, Muhl. ^ low Blackberry; Dewberry; alb. procumbens, rarilcr sarmcn- flo. Maio. R. fruticusus Walt. } runningorcrccping Black- tosus; foliis digitalis; folio- berry. lis oblongo-ovalibus, non acuminatis. 236 Fracaria, Strawberry, Idem. Idem. lO-fid. - S-pet. - rccepi. bac 1 Virginians, Ehrhart. % wild, .... olh. calycc fructus patente. flo. Maio. 2 vesca, - L. Hort. If garden or cultivated. alb. calyce fructus reflexo. flo. Maio. 227 POTEHTILLA Cikruefoil; Five-finger. Idem. Idem. 10-fid. • S-pet. «nm niul recept. 1 replans, L. If ) Willd. S running. caulc repente, sarmcnioso; affix. lo. Maio. foliis quinatis. 2 Norwegica, L. y caule dichotomo: foliis tema- )o. Julio. 3 Canadensis, L. y Canadian, hit. caule adscendentc: foliis qui- flo. Maio. no-digitatis cuncato-obo- valibus. 4 simplex, • Mich, if simple-stalked, ' ' - - * ut. caule crccto, simplice, hirsu- lo. Maio. To: foliis digitalis, oblongo- ovalibus; pedunculis soli- ' tarlis clongatis unifloris. [ 57 3 Syttema, EngKih, Tutgar, and Vematular Ifaturol FamiU aofJnnietx CaUx. Corolla. Form of the Leave!, Ue. Fruit. TYnie of Flo*'- ermg 238 Gevm, 1 Virginianum, L. If T G. Canadensc, Jaquin, k [nee Ait. et Murr.J Avens; Bennet. Virginian, Dicoty. Rosaccac. 10-fid. - liitcsc. alb. foliis caulinis ternatis, supe- rioribus lanceolatis. lo. Julio. 2 hirsulum. Muhl. if hairy, rough, alb. lut. - lotum hirsutissimum. lo. Junio. 239 Calycanthus, floridus, • Hort. L. b Skrud; Carolina Alsfice. sweet-scented, downy. Idem. polyph. - atropurp. foliis ovalibus; floribus odora- tissimis. cal. succu- flo. April!. CLASSIS XIII.— POLYANDRIA. OIIDO J.—.MOJ\'OGTJ^'JA. 2S1 SAXGUIN&niA, CanadcDsis, - L- 1/ 233 Podophyllum, pcilatuin, - \j. % 333 Chelidomum, majus, - L. 334 Sahracenia, purpurea, - L. % 235 NYMPII.CA, BakE'DCRHY. Black Snakc-rool; Squaw- rool;Rich-wccd; Ralilc- wectlj American Herb* Christopher. Bloodwort; Bloodroot. Canadian; Puccoon; Indian- May-apple. Mandrake; Ipecacuanha; VVild-lcmons. great, common. Side-saddle Flower, purple; hollow-lcavcULavcn' dcp; Water-brash. Water-lily, Dieoty. Rosaccac. 4-ph. - 4-pel. - alb. Idem. Papavcraceae, 2-ph. 8-pct. - alb. Idem. Kanunculaceac 3-ph. 9-pet. - Idem. Papavcraceae. 2-ph. 4-pet. • Plantx incertx sedis supr. 5-ph S-pet. - purp. - iMonoeoly. Hydrocaridcs 4-5-ph. pet. pluri- ma; germ sub. stam inserta. alb. racemis longissimis. lactcsccns s foliis peltatis lobatis. pedunculis umbcllaiis. foliis cucullatis, vcntricosis, patulis arcuatis. flo. Aprili. Ho. Aprili. flo. Maiu bac. multi- loc. polysp. odorata, Ait. If sweet-scented, fragrant, foliis cordaUs integerrimis. flo. Julio. “ t O- o ■3 ^ 0) & I a. I Ph 1 fP c3 O- 3 1 o- d PP CU 3 U cu I i o K1 R, o ft; o o c 3 Cl, C 6 = -S ■2 t: ’2 I: X o ? o ^.2 _2 ^ « J2 :S fcc a, I JD PJ O JD rp o .23 o P. I VO JP 75 -O 75 ^ .3 o Cp 'S p • p I p I p o a a < a a d CCJ . S as ^ S "s 2f> f I ■ o i . W H • ... Q O ^ ? ^ < T c w aj :i3 .-4 .« u o .c >H z > O !> < U Ch '3 2 -a ii^ t. O cs < & O JO .,cn ^ ^ cs i> o C2 P P U CO CO ct! pr i S iT ^ 5 TO . P3 ^ « P d CO cvJ J> .25 ^ ^ ctf ^ - CO i; p p IS I p p 12: p 05 > >3“ ^ W u ... -c .2 « -3 O u~i P O P >> o u Pj CJ O > P p^' ei OS ►> P p «*s •< ■M ’3 o p ffi C cJ T3 P > P < h CO JD O 3 ’3d > d p p > tp CJ i .’S X' x* 1-3 • h3 .p . O >-rt * ''P sT jx s o , rt 3 c« tS (U p CM rt o p 3d p p p p p !2; CM T** O P [Sm.J 240 LiniODENDnoK, tulipcfcra, • L. Ij 241 Magnoliai glauca, - L. >2 242 Neluudiuk, spcciosum, Willd. et 2i' [Ait. Aym/iAtfa nelumbo, L. Cyamut nelumbo, [Sm. Ex. Bot. /Nelumbo Indica, Pers. /Velumbium lutcum, [Mich, sed non. A'elumbo lutea, Personii. !quz ilk- profecto fecit idem cum Nclunibio lulco Michauxi. triloba, - Hort. L. h Orchtdocarfium aricti- [num, Mich. Porcclia triloba, Pers. 1 hcpatica, • L. 7^ ' A. hcpatica, oblusa [Muhl. ct Mich., 2 Virginiana, L. y. 3 quinquefolia, L. ct y [Mulil. A, neiQorosa, Mich, nre [Sm I EngUih, fulgor, ai\d I'n-nor Vhitc-wood; Cans-wood; Yellow-wood (in Canada.) Magnolia, sweet, swamp, small; While- bay; Beaver-tree; Swamp- sassafras; Castor-wood; Beaver-wood; Elk-bark; Indian-bark. hfELUSlBIUM, C 3 OJiDO yi—POLrOTA'/A. ntlFamiUcio/Juitieu. I Cali Afonoeo(y. Hydrocbaridcs CUSTAHU-AFPLE, three-fruited; Papaw. Wind-flower; Anemone. obtuse; Hcpatica. - Virginian, five-leaved; Wood. Magnoliae. 3-ph. Dicoiy. Annonac. Idem. Ranuncutaccac foliis pcitatis orbiculatis intc- gerriinis; pedunculis pc- tiolisque muricatis. foliis oblongis, glabris. flo. Aprili. flo. Julio. Systeniaticlc Xames. I English, Vulgar, and Vernacular JK^atural Families of Jussieu. Calix. CorollH; Form of the Leaves, &c. Fruit. Time of Flow. I JVames. ’ e^ng. X G .X -2 d d .X 6 -2 d d 0 d X c5 0, c bo 3 < Si 0, < G G 3 3 H-> X < c G "3 2 3 >-5 u X c "3 § 6 d d d 6 d d d d d d d d d d X X X X CO X X X X X X X X CO X > .ti (/} .-2 p .-2 ^ .T3 ' ifi o i3 "o cJ , 1 > 2 p X P 0 G u 0> G S ci 1 S ^ • ' * a q,) 4-» QJ G C/3 c/3 c/3 o o CJ 03 3 6/D O G iG t2 o • ^ G V3 13^ I c j=> S C/3 ^ C C/3 c^ Q IG *4^ c/3 XJ G G G cfi t/i ^ 3 iS ^ ,o o 2l0 G u W c3 •3 G G cj XJ Sh O u G 42 ' ,52 o w CA a c ^ S c o S g o ^ .2 .§ . G ^ .52 .2 2 S 'S 3 -3 .'2 ■ii! 3 „ t£ .2 ‘c .2^ 3 £ .Pi (n -M .2 S " G 'G c/3 3 C/3 «<2:3 c« 52 o G ■p .*2 ^ G * c/3 0) A G o; O 5h G c/3 p C« p X '+J pG 0,3 ^ JT ^ ^ X cp Cl.^J c/3 G O X 43 O -p Cu ^ 33 •2 ^ a, .2 O C/3 Ctf C/3 I g| .&’’S ’2 •s J . ^u- 2 -3 -y si O, C/3 c X o X cS ■t) fc/0 > G G w G pS I O Q < byD G o X £? o G O £ (?3 fc^l "o X. h O o o G O o Si <0 X C/D C3 a C/D c5 .G pP' rH S X Si 5-^ !o eS S X 3 O 3iJ 3: > d O Si o fccO G X c/3 P' X G O 3 .| £ y ^ m B G X ^ O D 2 =2« S 3 "" 33 43 Pr 3: 1 O *= 3 53) 33 3 '3 q; B "3 n ® > £ ®r g o P^X 3 43 (U ^ .'S ‘ . h ?!• ■ ?t ri- ri- e . G • §§ 0 40 3 (T) 2 -o ' X • j Wind . flavi, vel 1 Pers. Muhl • ni h4 Mich 4 hi 1 hi hi 0 u rt’p cr* ^ cd Pi ,c 2 3 ^ § «*’3 «: c ♦s ,0 » *P i h < d G b 3 G « G G 0 G G c/3 c; .y ^ X d G G b/:> •< G *0 0 X fcr® X ^ •4-» ' 0 H X G V3 P-. G s d bTf O X G G D D G •< fx g d X o rg c3 cr G X X ^s- ■p^x CO X Ph X X X ^ >> c 52 a HO liis capillaribus. >liis compositis, pcduncu sulcatis, radix bulbosa. radix pcrquam fasciculata. cztcris trifoliatis, subtus hirsutissunis cauie pilosis- FruU. \TimeofFI*^Nepeta, calaria, 254 Lavandula, L. % L. b GEnMANDEIt, nctlle-lcavcd, wild, common summer, Hyssop, officinal, Cal-mint, yellow, water-bciony-leavcd, red, Cat-mint; Nepj Catnep. common, Lavender, common, foliis ovatO'Ianceolalis, si foliis lanccolaiis, integerri- foliis lincari-lanceolatis. foliis subcordatis, ovalis, aci ininatis, acute dcnlalis. foliis cordato-uvalis, acuni us, obtuse denlatia. foliis peliolalis, cordatis, deiv flo. Julio, flo. Augusto flo. Augusto Svstematick jYames Ensrlish, Vitigar, and Vernacular JVaturai Families of Jussieu. Calix. Corolla. Form of the Leaves, isc. Fruit. Time of Flo\o. jYames. fc/D 3 c 6 o cc o S3 a, < 6 o q= O C3 3 3 O qS 3 3 6 q=! 3 b/D O 3 b/D 3 < 6 q3 > , • JH JC d I >. 1 ' M 1 >■ ‘ O * O ' 1 > O » O O O CD ■*2 3 • » . s , £ 0/ 3 , p fcfl C C 1 s . s 1 s ^ § B CD CD CD CD CD CD CD -d hT2 Vi c/3 V) Vi Vi Vi 3 Vi 3 3 C3 O 'x 'Hm -g d ^3 ^ Ca ^ O Qj «3 > CJ CD O C 43 ” .2 « .12 -g .2 Vi d ( "o ’h-> CD . CL Vi , •S g L-t P 1 o c/3 c/3 ‘ 3 .-2 2 • r? ^ qq 3 c/3 -C j O ’3 CD CD ^ ? 5) c/3 C/T ■JC f- -43 :3 3 32 ^ •—1 H-» L-H c2 tS .2 cS > O o 3 O d > O s-S c2 5 ^ c o;> . c/i &H OS b/D CU C. I H o W ;£ b/D 3 b/D 3 3 3. b/D O bO ^3 ^ ^3 C3 &0 3 i2 bo 3 3 CL !L tC •d °°.S s: ■§ sS> O 35 3 bo £ *73 '3 c3 I q=! I 0 1 bo 3 ^ 3 *3 3 CD HD g CD -3 CD 3 s CD ^3 S: 6 CD CD -3 § S g o « t« q 1 1 . 'g CD Vi 5 H y; Gill. Alehoof. « D rh 'O y “^a tJA ... •S '-3 g C4 g 2 1 t 1 P 1 3 O 1 1 d; Wild- 1 I 1 ' 1 tT d > 3 o 65 0 c/3 CD C iS i: ?: z 3 o S o a 65 o 1 H 2 0/ © 3- CL -3 03 u P z 3 £ Z < 3 V ir i O " P 1 TLE ugh, o s tf 1 3 65 3 £ g £ s d z CD r> , O C o u o 3 c p -Sj o HfH o CD H c o o cc < C3 o u Vi < CQ O s p s H H cn >- S o < Bj P3 ?t ?}■ (/> 4' 3 CD 3 ’X Cl 3 • 'Sh CJ^ o 3 o 3 O o CD s CD © "o <7° J 'g ^ S -g s i <1 o < H C/D 00 »n Cii <1 d "3 3 3 3 X o 3 hJ o C^‘ 3 O Oh o z 3 a c;S bO "3 63 a h z < z o CL. <3 rs C5 I t i g o o 3 3 , cj 3 I 3 3 3 Si 5 y s - ■? a « .£? aq o cS > S P s u H (/! >• ffi O < PJ ffl CT p: "3 I III! Ill llllll l‘|ll^ ii) r\ ^ bb ei) iib bD , to b}> U c 3 ji -2 -2 c s c :S c c S d d d u d > > c o ctJ TJ d yj d j • Sd « "7 0) G <]>> G -2 >? © > ^ 5 ii G !;/3 H rt c5 OJ ^ G G. c/3 < > ?a ?!■ C § 1 rt 1 i? ' — ' ■ J CL, O O CG G Ct3 G PU cJD ^ 5 S > S • S w - • 3 b- 73 o a. a > GS CO G- «/5 CO h Pi < P3 b- (N < ffi O O © .g; g C c3 o g S S o > c5 4) O g G I cd. 5 s 1 s vs* ^ 0) 1 03 .2 cu V .-; ed .5 ! 0 -Q d CG G5 . fs r—1 VO (O £ "3 S I ^ . S 69 ® I 110'S K! 0 fciO D d c: Dh 0) CA) O JD 03 6JD a < 6 03 B o a. a. i cS C^ u O 03 O ro "T CN 03 . U Cfi .3 c/3 CCJ CS i > I (N t ^ ' T3 pH • CCJ CN O cS c3 > > * C ^ . d CO o 0 p d > » ^ 1 "I c . T 3 u X) . 2 p 1 ^ 0 (N 0 . u 0 . '■^ eft 0 c/2 eft > Oh-t* I Oh •? 8 1 0-. 1 r? (N d ^ '.■« CN ( ■i 3 pQ O 03 C 03 eft c5 3 c/3 U 'S -o 60 25 o ,S 3 is 3 -C CU o CO 60 c T3 oC I <>J "S > 3 .2 03 CL, o 'O fl o ci ,2 S *04 ccS O 3 .-2 c« 03 C 3 60 G cS C •t=j |0 1 1 II ^-5 3 ^ c/3 C/3 3 -o > o c/3 ^ ^ !o 5 ci O4 03 c/3 60 ^ S TO .1-4 CS *3 u > o V3 2 *2i5 'S eft Jd O eft eft 2 ^ -£ X3 3 Ot . U 0) eft ^14 03 3 3 3 O- 3 3 60 G £ 60 G 3 C4 60 C a O4 I •3 tG 8 I 8 I -G O4 I hP O4 I CS cu I 05 3 •G Oh p o CO o c s 03 T3 ft 3 04 p 3 CO C < G c^ H G d U •<' G U 0 0 d te 60 Q < 03 G (ft G G S 2 H K 0 CD c U> 0 sj Oh eft 0 03 > To X o PU| 03 'a 3 Oh 3 O u 3 To o t: 0^ > Pi 03 03 O 03 eft 3 O g; Q <5 H 1 t:] X 55 CD 55 O S h eft Z, Oh X Pt4 o < o h o o < G O 5? CD .2 *3 >> "3 3 cJ 03 ^ % or o g: g: 03 0 G5 1 3 3 'O d a d o /■N3^ ?? 15 < G G «< H G 0 < C d 0 G 3 C3 c« eft c G S 03 03 H el H G *3 3 'G > (6 0 03 G d H CD s CL, rt Pi 0 O el a§ ^ ^ cs g a £ El ^ «•- ex J C ^ o 3 Oh 2 — : II 9 .t; J 1 a 5so -C a, o Si cs ✓ efi 1; •?d c4 O 3^ *■ 3 V O) ^ O c 5 .r CCS W-o S •3 *igj .y A S T3 o CN 60 Ji s si 1^ t-3 P! ^ < < 3 d G . 0 < KiX. < eft G 03 3 G G C3 u eft 2 0 0 G ceS G 0 G u CD 5 CD [ 64 ] j ' rernaculm- 1 niliet of Jutiieu. 1 Cix. 1 1 Form of the Leotet, (Jc. 1 |7Tt« of Flo^. 2 ovalifolin, Mlihl. If oval, or ullipiic-kavcd, - cjcr. follis cilipticis scasilibus, scr llu, Juniu. ratis; superioribus lancco S hyssopifolia, L. V liyssop-lcavcil, alb. cxr. Toliis lanccolalis obtusis, sea fio. Junio. 4 latcrifluraj L. ^ sidc-Ilowcring; Virginian, CEr. foliis lEvibus, carina scabris Ilo. Augustii 271 PUUNELLA, Selv-iieal, Dicoiy. Labiatae. ring. ring. A, «.,l. Pcnnsylvanica, Willd. Oil ovat. r. vulgaris. Walt. 1 Jirunel/a vulgaris. j Pennsylvanian. [Mich.J var. «. ovata, egg-shapcd'lcaved, cxr. - foliis ovatis. fi. lanccolata. •- spcar*lcavcd, 1 alb. foliis lanccolatis. flo- Scptein. n»n«neU=m. bri. 272 PllRYMA, - Phryma, - - - . Idem. Idem. ring. ring. scm. 1, obi leptostacliya, L. V sicndcr-spiked, smalUflowcr- cd, purp. - foliis ovalibus, serratis, peti- flo. Julio. 273 \ ERDENA, Idem. \ntices. 5-dcnt. - 5-fid. . scm. 2-4, 1 hastata, L, 0£ haibcrd-lcaved, common „r. - foliis lanccolatis, inclso-scrra- nud,. 1o. Julio. 2 urticirolua, L. ^ neule-lcavcd. alb. foliis ovalibus, vel ovali.lon- lo. Julio. - L. U spurious, ... - - alb. cxr. caulc ramosissimo, divarica- lo. Junio. to; foliis ovalibus inclsis. O/iDO n.—A.VGIOSPERMU. 274 Bahtsja, Iartsia, Idem. Pediculares. 2-lob. - ring. coccinca, • 1! scarlet, bliis altciYiis, lincaribus; 2-loc.2.val. 27s Melampyrusi, ’OW-WHEAT, Idem. Idem. t-fid. - •ing. bractcis supeme coccincis. caps. 2-loc Amcncanum, M. lioearc, Miclj. O 1 Muhl. 5 American, lincardcavcd, lb. bliis lincari-lanccolatis. 2-val. - 0. Jiinio, ror. latiroHum, broad-leaved, early .flowering lb. bliis lanccolatis. • 0. Maiu. [ 65 ] Sytlematitk A'ixmet. I EngUih, Vulgar, and Vernacular I It'alwal Farmliet of Jutneu. CaUx. CoeoUa. Form of the Leave,. Ue. Fruit. Time of Flmo- 1 AW/. 1 enng. 276 SOUWALBEA, SoHWALBEA, Idem. Scrophulariae. 4-fid. • ring, stria- caps. 2-loc. 2-val. Americana,* L. n American, foliis alternis; lloribus axilla- flo. Septem- bri. 277 Pediculahis, Lousewort, Idem. Pediculares. 5, vcl. 2-fid. ring. caps. 2-loc, apice. de- Canadensis, . h. 7J } P. vema, Muhl. S spring, Canadian, • lulesc. pur- capitulo bast frondoso. flo. Maio- purca. 278 Gerardia, jbrardia, - Idem. Scrophulariae. 5-fid. - ring. caps. 2-val 2-loc. as- pice. detr 1 purpurea, • L. ® purple; wild Foxglove. foliis angusto-linearibus. flo. Augusto 2 flava, - L. yellow, glaucous, foliis lanccolatis. flo. Septem- (me glauca.) bri. S villosa, - Willd. } G. hetcrophylla, Mubl. J hairy, various-leaved, • lut. foliis diversis, villosis. • flo.Augusto 4 pcdicularia, - L. bushy, Louscwort'likc. lut. foliis duplicatim inciso-serra- fio. Septem- os*, fly o{r\s^ CenHv ip«cln tis, subpmnatifidjs. brL *if8aLIDt* 279 Cbelone, glabra, - • L. 3/ Skake-.,b»d, . . Idem. Bignoniac. 5-ph. - ring. caps. ovat. 2-loc. 2-val smooth, foliis ovalibus, vcl lanccola- flo.Augusto 280 Penstesiok, • Milch. Penstemos, Idem. Idem. ring. caps. ovat. pubescens, - Ail. 31 "I 2-loc. 2-val Chelone pcnstenion, L [L. et Walt.J hairy, pubescent, • foliis serralulis. - flo. Junio. 281 Antirrhinum, Snaporaoon; Toad-?lax. Idem. Scrophulariae 5— part. - ring. caps. 2-val subrotund Llnaria vulgaris, Willd. $ wild; Ranstead-wced; ycllow- flowered. lut. flo. Maio, e; per totam 2 Canadense, L. 31 scstatem. Canadian, bluc-fiowcrcd, cxr. - foliis angusto-linearibus, c- rectls, obtusis, sparsis. flo. Juniu. 282 SoilOPHULARIA, Fiowort, Idem. Idem. s-fid. - s-part. - u.‘|>s. 2-loc. Marilandica, L. If "1 rotund. S. nodosa: fi. Aincrl- t Mainland, foliis ovalibus, subcordatis, fio. Junio. [cana, Mich.J sciralis, basi obtusis. Systematick J^'ames. English, Vulgar, and Vernacular JVatural Families of Jussieu. Calix. Corolla. Form of the Leaves, iJc. Fruit. Time of Floio- .ht'ames. ^ ering. c CC I d — (N O O 1 a o 0 co CO .G 6 G G o rG G tJD b^i Oh G &JD fan p o G 3 p G H-5 <1 C/D <5 a o 0 > 1 <=? 13 tA > Oh * C? CN u 5/D C 3 o • o O -H . . -tP ^ 02 > Ph > 1 C3 O o £ *Sh c5 P o; G © G > ^ 1 Ijd c3 G ^ A CO CO G r p 3 ' . rt fcJD u •U fr- oi O fcJD 03 ^ CO C n fy o o u " *£ 1^2 c3 a tn ^ 'Oh g o c/i I c/5 p cx > » rt O O a > , O c/) tn ’C :P p: 3 .p ,p be O d > I O (M TP O <-• TP d s-e ^ Oh O 05 V be G O O.S2 c/2 ,P :0 ^ p. E iJD 4-' r' -O 2 c t 3 . 3 tn o « Oh O tc I 3 be G W fti o u c; o. j £ 3 tG I O c SP iS C)_ G « O P H O O 5? O z O cJ Oh I -73 q3 I *T2 I Oh « cJ o s? ■■ O 35 ert c;) S3 c/2 G (U > d o cS fO «< G G iz; G O CQ G O G o 1 a p Ch c o o < d H d G a o O s ■fan tG X c o • CQ o i> Oh O C/D G O 'S G G O 2 G ^ G <5 P O G o b- 00 cr^ .2 ^ .£ *6)D • .2 C > .G C 2 CO — c o rj O fi 31 '-' >-) D TJ (xJ c/3 HH C/D C/D o 50 o b § o C| ft? o d Oh n- C Oh 4; I 00 < G *< G Q CO © . o ti «T Gi 3,^,^ © -I JS • I 3 U d. 1 « g cn C J- < > cH I •S ■p c3 O QPQ Systematick JVames. English, Vulgan, and Vernacular JVatural Families of Jussieu. Calix. Corolla. Form of the Leaves, &c. Fruit. Time of Flo- JVanies. ering. a 6 CG ' a ' XJ t/^ o a o S "T o • u ^ o . cJ o .2^ £ T ^ •;3 ^ . '5 o .22 § eJS S'S £ •§' ’3d 5^ _ G ig .2 o C3 c 3 c 52 cs 22 :G cj Ck <1 o ex: o o 43 o rx ^ HD c ’S. 3 43 Oh < d CG o o: o ‘S 3 6 cn o ax ,o . o iUD'T G o c/5 0/D trt G . JD ^ C ^ ^ cr- S -2 .3 o a U I 4 ‘S ai d p c •- t- 5/D QD C w 3 iS ^ ,p 3 5/D C . c/i .2 "2 2 XX 43 ^ O i/i *5 ^ TO ■*-* C G 1'^ ;= ^ Jo nx ts G G 13 Jp o o 1 1 . 3 O OX o 4X O s H as 3 O o ’.i: ^.S .S S ^ ^ to © ' . © W5 c c '§ ■§ Q w 3 3 3 c/3 > c/3 o 2 u H 3 a l-H Q o g^C! O c3 O **H (M CM 43 CO r}- Pi C7> o> Ch cr> cn 03 (M CM CM CM 3 J3 Oh 6 a 3 g c/3 pH w u £E o oS -P 42 [ 66 ] I £ngliihf f'uigtir, and Veriioculur | JValural famiJiti af Juniex '^83 Bicnokij 1 catulpa, ^4 Likd attenuata, anagallidca. 38S Bucukkra, Americana,* - L. 286 OnODAKCllE, 1 Virginiana, L. 2 uniflora, • Mic 287 Obolaria, Virginica, - L. O. Caroliniana, Walt. Uiononia; Trumpet-flower Dicoty, Cnlalpa-trcc; Catawba-lrceJ - (insoulhcmstatcs)iSchaw- nes-waoc), (in Louisiana); ash-lcavcd; Trumpet- crcepcr, narrow-base-lcavccl, OUCHNERA, American, Broom-rape, Virginian; Cancer-ro one-Qowcrcd, Obolaria, - 288 Mimulus, I ringcns. vema, - L. © D. hispiclula, Mich. D. Americana, Bart. D. vema, Americana, [Ptrs. ncc D.Caroliniana,'Wall. Virginian, Monrey-plower, flower-gaping, wing-slatked, lilt, piirp. ring. CLASSIS XV.— TERADYNAMIA. OJtDO J.—SIUCULOSjE. Idem. Cruciferac. 4-ph. pa- 4 arborca: foliis tcmis; corclatis caulc scandcntc: foUis pinna- foliis ovatis, basi aitcnuatis. fln. Julio. flo. Julio. flo. Augusta flo. Augusto flo. Seplem- ;. l-loc. 1-val. foliis lanccolatis sessilibus. flo. Allgusto flo. Augusto [ 67 ] dy„cma, ick Eneluh, Vulg^ar, and yemanlar J/atural Fam, Ue,afJu,den. Caiix. c„,.. Farm of lixe Leavei, &e. Fruit. Tixxxe af Flow 390 Lbpidium, Pepper-wurt; Pepper-crass Cruciferac. 4-ph. - 4-pct. - siliq. cordai. 3-ioc. 1 Virginicum, L. t Virgmian, will), foliis radicalibus pinnatifidis caulinis lincari-lanccolatis. flo. Junio. 3 sativum, C. L. © cultivated; Garden-grass. alb. lotus oblongis, multihdis. 291 COCHLEARIA, Horse-radish, Idem. Hem. 4-ph. pa- ,-pe., - siliq. cordat. emarginat. 2-loc. armoracia, C. L. H common table. foliis lanccolatis, crenatis. 292 Thlaspi, SlIEPHERDS'-PURSE, Id,m. Hem. 4-pCt. - »liq. obcor- bursa pastoris, L. © common. alb. foliis radicalibus pinnatifidis. flo. Aprili. ORDO Jl—SILIQi/OS.£. 293 Dbntaria, Toothwort; Coralwort. Dicoiy. Cniciferae. 4-ph. con- 4-pet. D, concatenata, Mich "if ? D. lacin'iata, Wittd. 3 294 Cardaminb, - jaggcd-Ieavcd,bunch-rootcd, Lady’s-smook, Idem. Idem 4-ph pa- alb. purp. 4-pet. • foliis ternis tematis, foliolis oblongis, incisis. Pcnnsylvanica, Willd. If"! SUymbrium nasturli- [um,L.?t Cardamine fontana, [Lamark? J Pennsylvanian Water-cress. alb. foliis pinnatis: foliolis angu- lato-dentatis, obtusis. 395 SlSYSlBRIUM, WATEn-ORESS, Idem. Idem. 4-ph. pa- 4-pet. - amphibium, L. ct Willd. l; amphibous; Water-radish. lul. foliis pinnatifidis serratjs. 296 Erysimum, Hedge-mustard, td,m. Idem. 4-ph. con- 4-ph. 1 officinale, L. © foliis runcinatis. 2 barbarea, Cic.? Sm. Winter-cress, lut. foliis inferioribus lyratis, lobo tcrminall rotundato. silq. long, teres. 2-loc 2- val. - - flo. Aprili. siliq. long. compress. 3- loc. - - flo. Maio. silq. long, teres. 3-loc 2-val. flo. Junio. siliq. 4-go- na, Btricta, 2.I0C. 2-val - flo. Junio. flo. Maio, et Si/siematick JVames. EnglUh, Yuigur, and ycrnacular I ^'atnral Families of Jussieu. Calix. Corolla. Form of the Leaves, &c. Fruit. YFime of Flsu>~ JVames. | I ermg. 33 "u CU Ph c < 6 6 33 c: O eg; o 6 03 o 03 . <1^ q.S . C (fi o c/3 ■—« , ^ i- r:; Cu cJ rt '■ •*-# I o 1 H C "! o ' 50 P I O . *-• "O (/) . CO cr fii ^ c o o o g cr«^ *-3 .3 _L <-• 3 o > o CO ^ cr* « ■ 50 ' C ' S ■ 3 - o p -O 3J -Q P _D O ,~2 >P ft f'TP ^ P ci CJ) J2 .2 cu ss gr :s cu3i :p lu ^ .5 CJ — H C CO 50 O) C O . pO CO :3 CO ^ o CO CO gj 03 2 .3 r .^2 50'S >- o CO ^ 12 ® Jo cS PU c; gt ccj To 3 P X3 CO co il 132 'T3 ^ a a 3 . CO CO .2 ■§ On I Tj» £ *3 jO j9 ^ ^ 0> PU I 0> Cl. f -c O..S I c Ou.Ci I s O..S 1 c a. CO CO • jj CO (o :3 ^ CO ed P gJ O s ct$ I 0) Sm >, p a 3 -< r* O o £ t H "o B B X5 O a. c^ s H CO D OT C CJ w P o 33 Q o Q a o 1 P o O g (3 a a H a to a *co c H-l o pe < o o o o CO p o u C o u H (j m < Ph < N* CT» 0 ( — ^ — > © ^ -s ■ H .£? *> < p p; o o - ^ Oh c£ o o CO cs Cl. d d ‘2 CLASSIS XVI.—MONADELPHIA. 3 o s 3 2D ft) ? g I S o q ft) o .H "e S Q S QO^ c5 .2 *S 3 H-s 6 cc 04 a > o CU I a. a o Oh d O d o pq T? > c3 0> O «33 © « C/2 C c/2 C c/2 6 6 d 3 d c 3 d 3 6/D 3 60 6C < 3 3 <1 3 3 < 6 6 d 6 c d d d d ® c3 C3 «3 C3 C3 q= qs C3 c3 o 3 I ^ 2 Oh d d O u ^ 6 , res 02 o , , ,2 S 3 1 ~a~i V) ^ d . C3 c/2 > C/2 > CJ- 1 . 1 a, 1 < Oh 1 < 1 rt •—* C3 0^ d ^ 02 02 02 £ 'S M s d 3 be d C > O OJ O -g Cl,® •S .!2 « -B a £ .ti 3 'C3 ^ •« :S !3 S .23 g^® O- c JS,§ s ?.2 C 2 2 3 3^/2 d cu p ^ je O -3 3 -;2 d ^ s en c/2 c/2 2 :3 3 :3 o 3 CJ 3 O o 4-» cS 33 -O o c/2 _0 ^ o *H-» c3 cej 3 > O o 02 3 cr .S 3 cr 3 .^2 ^ - X5 02 o Oh Sd I 1 8 1 1 1 . « B , a , , jd oi 3 ctf 1 T c H 02 Oh c H w 02 Oh ^ u G, 1 c © Oh i 4-> © Oh 3 © d. 3 CO 02 u o O jz V2 02 in Oh Oh 3 § K1 1 fe: N o C) ft) o CU I 1 1 * 3 , 1 1 It II c/2 _© « If) S . . . Q? 'd to 1 c- ' 3 3 5 »rs 2 o Cli o q G^ O 02 d d s 0> s !5 <1 a O 0 a 1 O 5 o Oh © > • 1 © ■f o 3 < 3 u E, -TO © > d © © > d © 1 < C C/2 6/D O ,S 3 d o s < o 5 dj c 3 O o 3 3 < 3 O cn 3 © c/2 o marsh, o 3 a o © 25 § E ^ < o 3 o .3 3 < C/D O- efl d 0^ in o c CO cn T3 C 3 3 Q C/2 cq B o CO o 'I 4 ; t M ■{. / C ' / ^. ■ (, h \ I / t i' •A rrfep fiiwrs :;:.;;i(f. cii.;--; *4iir "Si,-. ;^.li . t/f- V:,- .: '... ■>^ i:' * 1 = ■:r- , ■ -1- I I i \ J i 1: jr ■HfP 'f\-: [ 68 ] EusUth, ¥ci-nacuU,- I A'ulMra?/Vinu lie. o/Ju„ie<,. Catu:. ConUa. 1 Earn af the Leave,, Ue. FnUt. ITVtnc af ri CU C3 eu &i 6 03 C- < d 03 o 4, s s . o "S ^ o 3 =5 C'J .in il'** cJ S ^ c ,* Cu ^ c5 ^ O O 03 rv C 03 3 U '. cd 03 o CJ 03 03 § g J S ^ t3 "S Q "S "S 03 ^ O C o;> O _c ^ •n O bD i r4“ ^ 03 c O ' ^ o S2 CQ cti G g U C kS O ►^ = • ctf g -g D i-J O •'5 U ! 1 to G ^ G a ■« ,3 M o I — lU © 4= G a S «3 Ci o o o o 03 03 03 03 P P • P P u> tJ3 >s &/D 60 P P P P <- <5 C 6 6 6 6 6 X qG X X X U I O Xi "T o c^ • • 03 ^ P^ O c« C^ u u CLi d Pu ftj § o o o o G3 IS, I G •H * Pi o pH a c p < p < o o CL, d 03 03 P X) >-^ , d d -goo §•5 o 03 (rf G ^2 CL 03 03 ’-T* © • > X a d P cr* 03 03 P X 03 ^ G o O "o X ,© 03 X ' P ^H s cd U © © © © . ^.-g . ;t • §i pi h4 pi >-i •-3 3^ 1 So ■ pi < ^G_J . < * oT d © ■i-i Pi P < H o Pi .2 ’bo S3 ctl P a «H P *5 p © JP 0 01 o ■&6 d 03 h4 o © PL o & s •T s 'c S a o CC a o CC 3 O a: d 6/D 3 C d 03 2 t:^ ^ o =3 5- C ’C »2 ^ :=3 O 5iD ;3 a) CIh (O o a- ? ^ 6/r» c^ j=> . ® S S §3 3 C &/5 O (U — ' W :n O .3 a 3 a« 3 cr 3 a 2 3 I'H 8 & XJ cu Q- ixo 3 a 0> 3 i/D 3 XJ 3 (0 1 3 XJ c/T a CJ 3 XJ CO A * r? A A CO

CO "o Ah 0 60 0 ■M CO CO 3 C^ . 1 3 0 c3 3 3 C <3 -M *60 c :2 ’a i -O .a *a ' ‘55 (O 0 . 0 a 3 6/D CO 3 A s 3 6/D a 3 60 9 Ah c2 © c2 .3 • u rS 03 3 60 3 < d 03 C ^ d c o ^ .a 60 t- Qj ■*-* h o 'S a .=? 60 c! - § 3 «'3.-2 .2 " > 0-3 ° „ tn tn .22 "C •43 ^ -a c- 0 - •-' -3 '-S 3 a 3 • -cl o o BS 35 C3 a, c/D o CD a. c 1 ID cq ej • a _r ^ ■a ^ S P c:J a "Z 3 C o Oh '3 -O o> u (D O 03 .35 -O 3 ^ 3 TJ 0> > 43 o 3 60 3 c3 XJ 60 C o o Ah x: I 3 O dj 03 3 < Oh 3 H <1 Ph 73 rC" * © © © i .2 J 1-3 » J .-H Crl 0 0 o ctf Ah O o 3 3 O CO •Jj 3 Ah CO 3 . H-J O -2 ^ - A to 2 0 ‘2 ’c ‘3 ct O 60 O y AhC r O 3 to Ed O JH I-] o © o ij u ’o C O ^ c®' •S rt g CO — 3 O - o c O Ph Z' A •r o Q t- Oj ^ W « E « W g O o • S ^ <; •s CCS JS , 05 <0 3 c " cr* CO ' ’ ^ 03 O •I 2 S O CO I 'e: ^ d <0 ^ -2 CJ o c ^ g e, ^ a lo ?2 3 S ‘S 1—5 ^ j= 2 3 <1^ ^j! CJ ^ w ^a. o a * ^ s g *- « — Ah O J O ‘Sh e« 10 Ah [ 70 ] CLASSIS XVII.—DIADELPHIA- onno Engluh, I'u^nr, anii femocular .Vfl-w,. Calir. Corolla. /■opu. 0/ Ihe Leav<,, Sic. 1-™,. Time (if FU'io. mw. S07 CoRYOALIS, • Willd 1 cucullaria, Willd. fumaria cucullaris. Mich. rCoKYDALIS, Dlcoiy. Papavcraceac 2-ph. - ring. siliq. 1-loc. polysperm. Bicueullaia Canaden- |> [sis, Marchant. ( Biclyira Canadensis, [ [Bork.J nakcd-stalkcd, tuberous, hooded; Dutchman's- brceches. alb. acaulis, scapo nudo, racemo secundo, cor. basi bicalca- ralis, mud. lo. April). b aurea, - Muhl. © caulc dcbilc, foliis multiRdis. lo. April!. onuo n.—OCTAJ^DRIA. POLYGALA, Milkwort; Poltgala, Idem. Pedicularcs. 5-ph. p.pi,. caps, ob- cord.2'loc. 1 sanguinca, L. © blood-colourcd, caducous, foliis altcmis, lincaribus. So. Augusto 2 cruciata, - L. © cross'shaped, pallid. purp. foliis quatemo-vcnicillatis. flo. Augusto 3 vcrlicillata, L. © foliis linearibus subverticilla- tis; caulc ramosissimo. flo. Julio. 4 lutea, - L. © yellow-flowered, lut. loins raclicalibus spatbulatis, csteris lineari-laoccolatis. flo. Augusto ORDO IlI.—DECAf^DRIA. 309 Crotallaria, Rattle-box, Idem. Leguminosz. 3-part. • papil. - sagiUalis, - L. ©•) C. sagiUalis, ublon- ^ [ga, Mich.J 310Lupikus, • • • Idem. Idein. 2-fid. - papil. - perennis, - L- y perennial, common, rolilB ovali-oblongis. caulc Toliisque glabriusculis radice perconc {VpeiiCt.-. Icgiim. Uir- 3-val. flo. Augusto EngUth, I'uffor, anii Vernae [ 71 ] ct if Jiurieu. I Cali-x. 311 Spabtium, Iruom, ... Leguminosx. deorsum producius. p.p.,. - scoparium, C. L. ij Spanish, 312 Phaseolub,,.,, - . U,m. Mem. ring. papiJ. - 1 vulgaris, C. L. © early, speckled. 3 perennis, Willd. f P. paniculaius, Mich, y perennial, - 3 lunatus, Hort. L. © Carolina Lima Bean. 4 nanus, C. L. © dwarf, 313Glycime, Glycine, Idem. Idem. ring. papil. - 1 monoica, L. ct Willd. © var. «. alba, white flowered. 0. cxrulea, 2 angulosa, Willd.'l Pfiaieolut trilobuB, [Mich, Ttec Willd. el [Ait. qui Dolichot tri- j> Uobus, Linnzi est. fl»» P. angulosus, Pers-lJ blue flowered, angular, tlircc-lobc-Icavcd, purp. - 3 pcduncutaris, Muhl. U "j Phaoeolue hcIvoluB, L [L. et Mich.J long-stalkcd. purp. - 4 /}, parabolics, Muhl. mss. pallid, purp 5 apios, - L. y. tuberous; WildPotatoc-vine 3UPisuu, Pea, .... Idem. Idem. 5-fid. - papil. - sativum, - L. common, - irtlla. I Een leguminibus pendulis. Itgum. obi. polyspcrm. foliis tcrnatis foliolis laterali- bus bilobis, inicrdum rhomboideis ovalibus, ter- minali paraboiico; superio- ribus trilobatis. foliis oblongo-ovalibuS) sub- dcltoideo'oblongis, obtusi- uscuUs: pedunculislongis- radicc tuberosa cscuicnta; fo- liis pinnaiia, foliolis ovali- laDCcolulis. flo. Julio. Ho. Julio. Ilo. Julio. flo. Septem* flo. Augusto latis florib' ^ g ^ S 5? ^ ho §1 6 0 0 0 0 CA c/5 CO CO 3 d 3 d 3 3 0 d d d d £J3 ■3 {10 3 ficO 3 3 {30 3 to 3 3 "a "H 3 < < <1 >— 5 <1 < •-> *— 3 d d d d d d d d d d 3 6 d d CG CG CG CG G2 g: 02 0: cn 02 qp 02 02 0: a . CS > ^ *J2 ® '5 ^ I c3 ^ o ■*-' ‘r* fcO 3 ^ C c/5 -2 c'iH -5 -c c3 ,o 3 ° ^ ' ’£ 3 5-3 X3 ctf _2 .2 ^ i: 3 ■■% ZB'3 ’2^0,^ w ^ o c/5 j2 c/» ^ 3 a c/5 2 ^ — u O c/5 o 'H 5 3 “ £S »o 1> fciD G C 3 :2 "c5 o t£ I ‘2 c ' ^ 1 .2 w . •« c^ s U c 3 T3 OJ- D- 3 ^ 3 o bn C o 3 3 32 O c3 c3 *-3 u t2 ^ •r^ d *32 a , c3 c/5 ' > o 3 .3 3 U: 32 2 I 3 o ^ b/2 O C c/5 S.3 o ci tJi 3 a. C cn £ .-a ^3) s « o -O =3 Ctf V5 > O <55 c« 3 * O c/5 ccJ Cfl C *32 £ d 'U c/5 U c« o .3 32 CJ ,P O 03 • ^ c/5 ^ G *32 O 3 CX c/5 C/5 G 3 — u O O d > O c/5 C/5 > •: C3 rt o ’5." c/5 3 « .*5 > 2 o G ^ ’5 o 3 3 ^ G O y > S p PH^ OJ C/5 -1 .2 ^ £ "S rt -O crt a 32 3 GLr- Ph 3 3 O P- *> Q. Ph 3 3 P. cl 32 3 32 3 32 5 i 3 p4 ccS ccj £. rt P- 32 ^3 I 3 &/3 >> £ £ d bn c o cc 3 0 03 <13 &H 0 CL, 1 li 3 _o 6 0 OJ CL, U 0 5c 4 » M Oh 3 35 13 £ 02 u O. o p, o ffi d/Dr^ 3 r^ G <1> 32 g ^^a CN 1> g p . S-H to K p- H Q O > X C/D :/:> c/D <^ j u 2 (i; Cl rc i*H o o a; o c- I •S' lU p- t-. S y: ?!■ ?}• © © © © d 1, Mich, i, Willcl. -G “P 0 .£ 3 1 § X d d "o .-c ■ l ■ d d 1 f Cic. L. d t L. Pollich. "S X ^ 73 ~ 73 02 3 S * -G ^ (A ^ G p ba 3 d « s/5 -3 rt so o >< O C/5 3 = « .-s £ *fAl 3 o ^ .3 ^ P" c/i .a o .3 C3 3 P 6/2 [ 72 ] J>,‘alurai Familiet of Jut, />rm of the Leavet, Uc. Americana, Willd. If 516 Stvi-osastues, Swa. clatior, - - Swa. S. hispida, hisnidis- [sima, Mich. Trifolium bifloniin, L. ^Irae/iit aprica, Walt. .118 Lespedrza, Mich- I sessiliQora, Mich, Hedytorum reticula* [turn, Muhl. II'. junccum. Walt. I Medicago Virginica, L.J 3 procumbens, Mich. !/:'[ Htdytarum prostra- [turn, Willd. ^ nccH.divci'gciis, Willd. (viJ' 3 capilata, * Mich. I; L. fruticosa, Pers. ^(■(/yaarumfrutcscaiSiL. 4 polystachia, Mich, Hedytarum hirtum, L. Vetoii, - American, Stylosantiies, tall, hispid, ur hanging, Virginian, two*coloured, Lespeoeza, netted-Jeaved, trailing, procutubent, Dicoty. Lcgnminosac. Iden\. Idem. Idem. Idem. Idem. Idem. 9 He 5 1-i 3 divergens, Willd. shrubby, many-spiked, hairy, Hedysarum, violet-flowered, or Violet, spreading, ... creeping, - . . alb. purp Idem. Idem. paniclcd, narrow-leaved. folils cllipiico-lanccolalis. alb. purp. foliolis ubiongis, rcticulatis. foliis suhscssilibus foliolis ob- foliolis roCundato-ovalibus, spiels pedunculatis. foliis ternatis, clliplicis obtu- ramis divergcnlihus. foliis tcmaiis, subrotundo-cl- lipticis, cmarginatis, caulc rcpentc. foliis ternatis, lincari-lancco- latis floribus paniculalis. legum. 2, rotund. legum. pu- sillum Icn- monosper. do. Augusto flo. Scpicm- flo. Augusto flo. Augusto [ 73 ] 1 1 obtusuml 320 Trifolium, I reflexum, - L. 3 repens, - • L. 24 3 pratensc, Cic. L. 24 4 arvense, - L. © green-flowered, round-leaved, clapimy, naked-flowering, Canadian, sharp-pointed, Trefoil. Bulfaloe Cluver. white Clover, meadow red Clover, held; Hare’s-foot; UuH’s-cIo- large Hop-lrcfuil. small Hop-trefoil. - least Hop-trefoil. purp. purp. purp. »rm of the Leavet, Ue. foliis trii'oliatU, oblongo-ova- libus, sursum angustatis. caule prostrate; foliis trifolia- tis oibicuiaiU, utrinque pi- &)IiisirifoliatiB,ovalibusdongc acuminatis. ivali-trifoliatum: pedunculls subradicalibus. fbliis ternatis oblongo-lancco- latis. majusculum; foliis trifoliatis, oblongo-ovalibus, acumi- natis; leguminibus articu- lis subovalibus. foliis tcmaiis ovatis obtusis, . basi rotundaiis scu cordatis. procumbens; floribus pedi- cellotis. ;aulc repente. foliolis ovalibus; stipulis ai spicis villosissimis, foliolis linearibus. spicis ovalibus; stipulis Ian- ccolalis. caule ramisque procumben- tibus; stipulis brevi-ovatis. caule subdifuso. flo. AuguslO' flo. Augusto flo. Julio, flo. Augusto flo. Julio, flo. Augusto flo. Junio. flo. Junio. flo. Junio. fin. Julio, flo. Junio. flo. Junio. flo. Junio. 331 Htpeuicum, • St-John’s-wort, 1 Virginicum, L. 14 •) H. cmarginalum, p. La- k [mark! j Virginian, CLASSIS XVIII.— POLYADELPHIA. OliDO lI.—POLY.ijyDIUA Idem. Hyperica. ,-p«. . 5-p«, . caps. l-S-toc subrotund lutco'purp. f.lus elHpticis obtusis, sub- cordatis amplcxicaulibus. flo. Augusto I S •s o G G 6 u> b/D *2 o G cr* ^ O g: o g: o '2 G 6 CC I G — > . I crt CO Oi I a cN g ^ T =* r ba a - w O ^ G 2 G 12 ^ "o •G G G ^ S i '3, u 5 2 '-S ^ G« 0« CO G G 6 cG , r G Oj G o ; d. y CO . O G o CG "cO s o J3 _>s O D ffi © 2 fl 2.^ c/2 d CU o ^ 3 e»t j '1' x'O "G d s O d o 'U o * sC ou I Tj D D, >s « c/2 G G H G Ah H CO (0 O G -G C cO tT c/2 H G o d jO > G G G O s s bo G a. CO C G G 2; >> 'C < t— » C/3 I— I C/3 C/3 C a So X! S O' o X) 0 Os 1 o q ft? c Os a o 33 o O <5 O C -Q a a 'dr • •s O, G 0 CO -O J 1/2 G r2 G o o 6 *o d C/2 .2 G O o G G G G Or >> -G d a G H 1 *S-I u Q § O cO CO pH Tj* 4rO Ji G G G JG -2 Pm Systematich JVames. English^ Vulgar, and Vernacular JVatural Families of Jussieu. Calix. Corolla. Form of the Leaves, &c. Fruit. Time of Flotu. . Vames. ering. d o s I/} :3 .-5 ^ • ;i O JD O q3 ^ fli s ■c ^ PU o o cn cu ^ ,r 4-» © (U . o ■‘ri ^ d ^ d <3 d cc cc cn o q:: fc/D p c d CP g c3 » *•*-> ’t-» cS aS ^ P 0 p:; 1 s o'^ X :P Cl. ’*3 p CX JT 9- fj C3 ^ I P vT3 c o . c/3 ^ Cl a. :P rt g O o O fl) (1 «-M .— « P Cu g .s cJ • c/3 P *> 's- -P ^ S ••=3 -p Dh'53 S P C/3 ^ ., , P -P . CJ> ^ C/3 ^ c/3 C C/3 ^ *Xj t/D 3 P C/3 c/3 ctj :p -o *p -p M c 3 ^ ‘=-a _ d, d.t: 0) a< o, o « • J ^ P^ C/3 'V , : 2 ^ G p fi g; O C3 . © Cl "p P P cu p tiiD P c3 I O to .3 p: 5^ Xi ^ G O c/3 .2 S O np O U o 0) o g u g o 2 ^ d o eg c P3 . o n c/3 O 2 *P e- *P O y .2 d O cn c« .iii o :P "P : o bP) o 0/: p o 6X) P JC p o . B ^ *2 Xi P CP 3 '-2 O u o p fa/: p fa^) j£ d IP o o p fa/) p fa/D P P . P fa/D XI s e ^ X a . a p o p o X u a p np a p o cp o p o 3 p p H H td vj ■P P P PP 0 P H u Ui p 1 p H 5 O qp 'P p Iz; o p P P Q < E, TP P > d .s *p > o c p O fan p o > d o o o P c/: p c/^ 6/D *a. C/) E 3 fan 2 X p o 3 3 © ?}■ ?+ ?t ?t ?!■ • 3 5 2 .2 yj h4 "a ■ yj 1 L. L. L. Mich , Willd r'^p fai p “a, o o G <1 P> ctS P c^' o d P P ’o. H o <1 s d > c/i 3 fa? c/3 p P H 55 < P d Oh rJ X 3 25 O Q O H 2; o p E (N cO S P o < X P E > o G O o G s| 3 a ^ g P hH c/3 |1h •X o P 'S y i ‘S = o £0 X P o 5>^ K (U 33 Cl, tg'^ g d d fas E 1 C 74 ] j A, gUnh. Vulgar, end Vemiiei, lav | J^'a/urat Familu, c/ J, alt. ei ^ ) 1, Willd J 3 macuiulum, Walt. H. cor)'mbo5um, 3 perforatum, Cic. L. V 4 parviflorum, WUJd. H. muiilum, L. H. quinquenervium, [Walt, et Mich. 5 Canaiicnsc, • Q ner H- parviflorum, [Willd. d.j 333 Asovnvsi, • 1; 1 hypericoides, Willd. 3 muUicauIe? Canadian, angular, ANDnBtv’S'oaossi St. Peter’ hypcricumdikc, CLASSIS XIX.— SYNGENESIA. Ferm of the Leavei, lie. I Fruit. |7\me «/ Ftav. I - I ‘rmg. foliis floribusquc nigro-punc flo. Junio. folds obtusis, pctIucido-pUDc tatis. Bo. Junio. folds cllipticis obtusis, scssi- flo. Julio. foliis lineari-lanccolatls,caulc quadrangulo. flo. Julio. caulc quadrangulo crecto: folds lanccolatis, obtusis, glabris stride crcctis: ra- mis opposiiis. caps, l-loc. 2-3-val. flo. Julio. caule ancipite-crccto; foliis oblongis, rotundato-obtu- sis: ramisancipitibus,flori- bus terminalibus sessilibus. flo. Julio. foliis ovatis, basi attcnualis; caulia procumbeniibus. 1o. Junto. ORDO I.—POLrG.iMLi Je.qU.iLlS- 333 Traqopogon, Goat's-beard, Idem. Cichoraceae. ligul. - porrifolius, C. L. % 324 Sosenus, purple; SalsaB; Vegetable Oyster; Oyster-plant. SOW-THISTLE, Idem. Idem. imbric. - purp. - ligul. • 1 Floridanus, L. % pedunculis supeme incrassa- recep. nud, papp. rccep. nud, papp. pill, sc Sylematick- A w„ 1 Englii/i, Fulgar, and Fernacutar | [ 75 ] CoUx. r«po//a. 2 uieraccus. L. © comiuoii yellow-flowered, lut. 3 k-ucophsus? 21 S') [Willd. [. whitc-Jlowercd, nehrnl S. spicatus, 325 Laotuca, liimark.J Lettuce, Cichoraceae. imbric. - ligul. - 1 elongala, Willd. ct ■) [Muhl. i tall; Fire-weed. lut. /in L. longifolia, ftlich.lj 2 sativa, C. • L. © common, esculent, 526 pREHAS-THBS, WHITE-tETTUCE; IvY-LEAP. TiUm THf>m imbric. call- ligul. - 1 alba, L. V cul. 2 cordata. Muhl. If heart-lcavcd, various-leaved, ochrol. • 337 Lboxtoooh, Dandelion, ... Idem. Idem. imbric. - ligul. • taraxacum. L. 2; common, lut. 328 lIlEHAOIUU, Hawk-weed, - - . U,m. Idem. imbric. - ligul. - 1 vcDosum, L. 2£ 2 Gronovii, - L. 21 3 paniculaium, L. n panicled, lut. 4 scabnim, • li. marianum. Mich. H ) Willd. 1 rough, . - - . 339 Hyosobris, Swine’s Sucoort, Idem. Idem. imbric. cali- 1 omplexicaulis, Mich. *) H. prenanthoides, Mulil. t stem-clasping, cul. ll.biflora, - Walt.J ^ W ramotliwima. foliisoblongo-lancuulalis,ai plcxicaulibtis sinuaits. , foliia runcinatls, acuminatis. foliis Ixvibus, inferioribus runcinatis, amplcxicauli- bus, superioribus lanceola- tis, sessilibus. folds rotundatia, caulinis ci dalis. Ilo. Juiiio. rcccp. nud. supitat. foliis subhastato-angulosis lobatis. folds variis, plcnimquc cor datis, sxpc obsolete corda- tis, lobatis. rcccp. nud. papp. ca> pill, scsail. flo. Septem* bn. So. Augusto folds runcinatis. rcccp. nud. papp. pilos. folia venis ct punclis sangui- foliis radicalibus integerrimis obovatis, obtusis, ciliatis. foliis altemis lanccolatis nu disi dcntalja. foliis cIlipticO'obnvalis stri. goals carioa villusis. rcccp. nud. papp. ca* pill. flo. Junio. Ilo. Septem* flo. Julio, ct Augusto. Bo. Augusto rcccp. nud. papp. du- plex. sessil o • p G, Ci, 2 c<3 3 1 o O 1 o s c/3 c/3 S 6 o G 6 G o 6 ”g p be bn p be G G G G o »-o .3 >— 3 < in .4 < . u 6 o jD 6 6 6 O G3 6 6 CG CG CG cG CG CG «G «G 3 1/3 o P-i o (if=-S 2 u ^ 0.) ^ (1) c/3 Cu c/3 O. ■ D. « s pH P- a. . O^ c/3 c^ O P- g " c/3 3 °u O c ^ Oh — ^ u 5 ^ O Ph^ s z I d u >> CS a p ‘5- -p S <4S O Cu C3 ? O u .2 ^ .2 .2 ^ *33 "3 2 H-gS 2 si .2 .'S -2 5 5 *2 ^ 2l C« c« ’-' G -zi cn .S cfl .0 *3 ,o Jo o s p 3 3 « "o .2 t/i , n t/5 o w O -O P C PJ S| I’Ih .3 *o, ^ G .p -P 'p G ^ ’eft c/3 ■ _g c« ^ 13 o ^ o C/3 OJ •P P cf .s "o o Hi i2 -3 .£ 3 .3 u .■p O l> 2t S Co C3 <5j ^ s on^ I’ K1 G aO G O GJ G bn H o -o 2 'g *5d © i 2 ^'i ^.s be .5 S > CS cG I G Ph cG I Ph t-i G C -O "O tG I e o hO JD s hP 3 PU S ;-• O a o c/5 c o C O G P O a e o s < s S > rG g p s G s h s p z o u G P c o o o 5 o u w ca c3 O CG Z O ;« G P > rv-\^p s© G P-«rO C3 c o o -S' rJ- ?+ «r0 to ?+ rt 1 2 o G >> C3 a .3 w CN p HH h < CO CO c3 P- P. < G o C/T G C/3 P c^ G h2 2 u S c^ G s C/J s « « 3 z c C/3 *4-> t- G X o u 2 U 2 G O d > O CO c/3 ct CO vn H- i — I (' Sj/iltmatUh Virginica, Willd.©! ffyoteerit Virginica> [Mich. 1 inl)’bus, • h. "U 2 Endivia,C.L./3.cris|)um, i [i ©; 332 Arotium, lappa, • 333 CiNARA, scolymus, C. L. it 334 Ckicvs, 1 lanccolatus, L. % 2 discolor, • Muhl. % 3 {kitissimus, Wllkl. S il 4 horridus, Mich. If T C. lutesccns. Gronovius. t C. horridulus, Pers.J Virginian, Wild Succory, common, Burdock, common Arlichokc. common, iwo-colourc(], I NorcboracensisiMich. if derracuia Novebora- [«' [ 76 ] ^^i,lu^al I-amilicM 0/ Jatlieu. j Ca Dieoly, Cichoraccac. sLmpl. tall, yellow-flowered, Verkonia, long, or narrow-leaved. ^ I purp. purp. folUs lyratis, glaucis. foliia nincinalis. - foliia limbriatis crispis. folds cordails, peliolalis. folils subspinosis, pinnatis. papp. duplex. recep. sub- papp. foliis dccurrcntibus hispidi: pinnatifidis, lobls spinosis. foliis scssiiibus pinnatifidis hirtis, subtus tomentosis lobis spinosis. foliis sussilibus oblongo-lan- ccolatis, scabris, subtus to- foliis scssiiibus pinnatifidii acute subdivisis spinusis papp. sc sil. plum ecept. vil- los. papp. r’T-.- Gu. Julio. Go. Augusto Go. Scplem- bri. Go. Maio. I. Go. .\ngusto [ 77 ] Syitfmnlick- A'amu. Engtuh, i'ulgnr, uiui yemacular Xalural FamiUei af Juiatu. CaUx. Ceroffo. Farm «/ the Leave,, Cic. Fruit. Time a/ Flav eriiig. 2 prxalta. • Mich. if~j Scrralula prxalta, L. 1 C4ry«ocoma prsalta, f [H. P.J tall, broad-leaved, incamat. foliis ovato-lanccolatis serra- tis, subtus pubescemibuB. Do. Augusto 336 LiATBis, Schreb. Liatris, .... Dieoty. Cor^’mbiferae. imbric. 5-fid. - rec«p, nud. ^nonymotf Walt. papp. plu- spicata, Willd. et I’ers. 7l~\ L. macroscachya, Mich. 1 Serratula spicata, L. T SufiTogQ spicata, Gaert.J large-spiked: Blue Blazing- foliis linearibus integerrimis. glabris, basi ciliatls, ncr- vosis et punctatis. Go. Augusto 337 Bideks, Burr-marigold, Idem. Idem. imbrlc. * 5— fid. stih- recep. pale- r.d. ac. papp. 1 cemua, - L. © nodding, foliis lanccolalis, sub-conna- do. Septem- 2 chrysambemoides, ©"i tis, dcntalis: floribus ccr- bii. [Mkh. t Cottofi$U pcrfoliata, \ [Walt.J large-flowered, lut. foliis oblongis utrinque attc nuatis dentatis, basi conna- flo. Septem- bri. 3 frandosa, L. © leaf)-, . . . lut. foliia inferioribus pinnatis su- flo. Septem- perioribus ternatis tanceo latis, seiratis, cal. frondosa bri. 4 bipinnala, - L. © homlnck-lcaved; common lut. foliis bipinnatis, foliolis Ian Id. Septem- Spanish Necclles. ceolatis pinnatifidis. bri. 338 Caoalia, Caoalia, Idem. Idem. calicul. 4-S-fid. rcccp. nud alripHcifulia, L. ) C. glauca, Mubl. ^ glaucous, orach-lcavcd, alb. foliis imis iato-cordatis sin- uato-angulosis; caulinis papp. pilos Bo. Julio. subdcUoidcis. 339 MtKANtA, - Mikaku, - Idem. Idem. simpl. 5-fid. - recep. nud scandens, - Willd. ) Mutiatorium scandens, L. $ smooth, climbing, - foliis subhastato-cordatis, caulc icandcnte. papp. pilos flo. Augusto 340 Eufatorium, Idem. Idem. imlirii- - S-fid. - recep. nud papp. sub- 1 hysaopifolium, Willd. "H hyssop-leaved, alb. foliis subvcrtlcillatis, lincari' flo. Augusto 2 scssilifolium, L. % sessile-leaved, alb. foliis ovato-lanccolatis, scssi- do. Augusto 3 glandulosum, Mich, i; ) £■ album, - L 3 white, glandular, foliis scssiiibus, longo-lance- olatis. flo. Julio. 4 lanceolatum, Willd. "il spear-leaved, . alb. foliis oblongo-lancco1atis,basi do. Augusto profundc serratis. Systematick JVames. English, Vulgar, and Vernacular JVatural Families of Jussieu. Calix. Corolla. Form of the Leaves, &c. Fruit. Time of Flow- JVames. ering . 0 0 G 2 0 G G to CO to CO w CO CO G G G G G G d d G G to fco fc/3 b/3 ba 4— ba G G G G G G G G G G c <1 c < c ►-5 << 6 6 6 6 6 6 d d d d CG CG cG =G CG CG cc CG CG qS G . G 1 1 1 i 0 TJ , ^ 1 t i 0 3 C 'g-t3 . G Gh S « si 0 .a 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 B I 0 0 1 0 3 ' 1 » G > CO o C 13 a 3 ^ a u • ^ (/5 d rv 0.2 ^ O S o cfl C S a •i.2, bO< •2 a c/3 *7^ ■^1 (J 43 CO CO ^ *-*p> ^ C3 CS Si o u C ^ os ^ 9 1) 2 ^ C3 2^0 2 CO o > a O CO CO CO Co CO S “ “ o ^ 5 « U aT o. - c 3 rS — CO ^ * *3 2 a d X > c2 o rs z; o 43 CO CO 4^ 0) - ^ c3 (4 : 43 • «H d > . O CO 2 *4I2 o "cO o 1/5 O « c ^ CO 3 :a u Dh .22 S S3 43 s C c G *Sh '-2 . CO CO o Gh !ii ^ •n|2 SS o ..a c3 a • - *n .y 5 ^ 22 ‘i'i e-2 I O ■s a -51 US G4 43 Q> CO 3 CO ^ cO 2 :sj 10 *G CO :G fi -o G 03 OJ iJD T3 c3 2 1 XJ G > 2 G > 2 XJ G > C3 G 3 Si H iT 13 CO -G C G ► a 2 G G 'S, 5i G •4.J 0 0 G 43 G C4 43 G G-t CO o 45' -o 0^ > d ' ' G 2 -f ^ H g 1 ^ 43 ti^ a ^ ” I I o • rj 1 1= ^ ■I 2 0) a* T3 G G 2 > 1) T3 3* s G .5 *S (?> s s 5J & 4 a h4 .0 -S S G «.»• .S ><} ^02 G • ^ Gi|'« ^ O G CU rv-\-o 43 . U G G == -S tO O 't: ^ » I rt » j « d 4 4 S 1 < d 6 1 G H M CO B i &1 d G 3 G C '.a < ciT c« $1 H 0 .3 2P <5 H d 2P < Si cn •S 3 > — Cl Oi b** u ■a . ?2 er> Q g cl 3 1^ ,a /J « S 5 • c/5 cn ^ O O «-a.| o ca o> qj P- >■ o 4-f o t/5 /g c/5 s rp 6 6 6 P o P 6 d d bO 3 u Oh 2 p 2 2 p ►-J bo 3 < 2 bo 3 < 2, p >-d 2 p 2 6 6 6 o 6 6 d 6 d d o CP CP CP CP «p Cp cp cp cp cp cp "cS D. <5 6 CJ3 a o CU C/!) . • 0^0 eg qU , ccJ C O CJ ra "-H ^ D. 0< I ^ a p u g-S r_) TO --H S Oh O. ;h '■O , O a P o - S o, cu H3 I P ctf c o 05 w 5 *P ni Oh Oh > o o p -p 4-> d Oh JD P ■*i d • C^ W5 P c3 Oh ^ rp T3 d rO P c .2 = 35 j3 o *7 S cJ P c o P3 P Jp C^ c/5 "S ‘5 TO O ^ s ^ TO C/5 .-Ih ■g « O 05 fl £h c/5 05 ip .o c/5 C/5 'd 'o U O 05 05 c/5 ^ '2 c^ P — H C/3 C/5 ^ !s -S 9 ^ S 8 d > « O - p c/5 .fl 2 * ■4-J 2 O cd p 1 2 &0 P 2 • a c/5 d .2 3 «^ p C/5 cd iP fO Ch-h 3 .. O s ^ B o 3 3 £ o d c/5 sl P3 P P o cn C c/5 05 :P 'P rp 2 2 2 Oh p 2 Oh gj o Pi O 3 .22 ^ 2 2 ccJ 2 p Oh 2 "p .2 *2 -O a P) a Oh a a 05 a 05 T? a 05 > o * 05 ^ 0) cn «P %, j Ed ' s c 'p c O cd s ^ SO^ 'P Oi CIh p p ® p > a c cd 6;: o ~ • >• S O .5 >%■*; (S S JS 05 Oh P 2 'Oh p .2 ’o *o 2 p cd c/5 c 05 Ph x;

05 P4 C/D -P Oh xj -p t: cd ^ 05 fP Oh O cd H O O c/5 H P O U P P c/5 Q 25 P O P o 5^ ?=t ^ =5 ^ -fP ^,o 2 2 p .s 05 bo a d ’^2 cd ^ P Oh Cd ■ao d bo u d P s a P .2 ifi 3 a P Oh 2 *3d JH Z X? ^ 2 -S o o o < X ^ 05 ^ Oh cd ^ 05 P Fs OhX? ^ s .2 oO cd !£ o 2 S o o X3 05 > d x> p 05 d fP © © 2 1-3 3 c^ i .3 o o F> I-i o cp • .H C/5 « r^H CJ cd Cd z ^H o 2 (/5 2 > I [ 78 ] SyMmalick A'opwt. EiigUih. Vulgar, and Vertuiailor Mmet. JVaUiral Familiei o/ Jiitiicu. Calix. Form of tin Leavu. Ve. M,. 5 teucrifolium, Willd. V germander-leaved, ilb. foliis scssilibus, ovatis, sea- lo. Augusto 6 rotuDdifolium, L. If lib. lolus sessilibus subrotundo- do. Augusto cordalis. T mellissoidcs, Willd. V foliis pctiolalis ovatis, sub- ilo. Augusto serralis. 8 agcratoidcs, L. et 2/ [Wind. }. nettle-leaved, alb. foliis ovatis, pctiolalis, acu- Ho. Augusto minaiis trinen'iis, serratis et glabris. Ho. Augusto 9 trifoliatum, WUld. If thrcc-lcavcd, - alb. purp. foliis ternis, quatemisvc ova- lis, ulrinquc attcnualls. 10 purpurctim, L. 21 purplej Trumpet-weed. alb. purp. foliis lanccolato-ovatis, pciio- latis, serratis, scabris; cauU do. Augusto J!atu/oio. 1 i maculatum, L. 2/ spoltcd-stalkcd, - purp. foliis ovato-lanccolaiis, serra- do. Julio. tis subius pubcsccniibus, alb. purp. caule solido sulcatn. do. Julio. foliis ovaio-lanccolatis, bas an £. irifoliatum, L.? • j cuncifomiibus, vcrticillatis 13 verbcDzfolium, Mich.22 P vervain-leaved, - alb. foliis lanccolato-ovalibus, a- do. Julio. an £. lanccolatum^ 5 cutis, sessilibus. 14 pcrfoliatum, L. 2/ ? £. connaiunii Mich. 5 perfoliate; Boneset; Tho- rough-wort; Thorough- alb. foliis conoato-pcrfolialis. do.Augusto wax; Croas-wort; Indian Sage. OJIDO JI.—P0LrG.1.Vr.1 sxtperflua. 341 Tanaoetum, Tans&t, Dicoiy. Corymbiferae. irabric. - radial. - recep. con- vex. nud. vulgare, C. L. V common, lut. foliis bipinnatis, incisis, serra- 342 Artbmesia, Wormwood, Idem. Idem. imbric. • discoid. - rcccp. plan, subnud. 1 abrotanum, C. L. h Southernwood; Old-man. foliis inferioribus bipinnatis, superioribus plnnatis. 2 absinthium, C. L. If common, ... foliis triplicato-pinnatiddis, subtus tomcniosis. 3 vulgaris, L. Mugwort, foliis pinnaiifidis, subtus to- menlosis C 79 ] Sytlematick -VomM, Engiuh, Vu^or, and reriuimtar JValural Familiea oj Juiiieu. CaUx. Corolla. FormofHuLeave$, Uc. rnu'r Time of FUne- IVame,. mn?. 343 Gkaphalium, Cudweed, Dieoty. Corymbiferae. unbric. - discoid. - recep. nud. papp. pilos vcl plumos 1 marganlaccum, L. 2/ pearly; common Life-ever- alb- «h>e lut. lotus luieari-lanceolatis, do. Auguste lasting; Dcadman's-flow- 3 plantagincum, Muhl. 2/ ) G. plantaginifoLum, L. 3 er; Coffin-plant, plantain-leaved. foliis radicalibus obovalis. lo. Aprili. 3 dioicum, - L. If dioicious; Mouse-car. - alb. foliis radicalibus spathulaiis. do. Junio. 4 Pennsylvanicum, WUld. alb. folUs subspathulatis. do Maio. 5 purpurcum, - L. 2J purple-dowered. purp. ■ foliis lincari-spathulatis, sub. do. Junio. tus lomcntosis. 6 ulig^nosum, L. © marsh, .... alb. foliis lincai'i'lanceolaiis, u- do.Augusto trinque tomentosis. 344 CONYZA, Plowsian’s-wokt, Idem. Idem. discoid, tu- recep. nud astcroides, - L. ©"I bulos. papp. ca- Aaier MarUandicus, I astcr-Iikc, alb. foliis ovali-lonccolatis, su- p.ii. ^ do. Julio. A. conyzoidcs, Muhl.J 345 Ehigeron, Plea-bake, - Idem. Idem. imbric. - radiat. - recep. nud papp. ca- pill. 1 Canadensc, L. © annual, foliis lanccolatis, imis serra- do. August^ 3 hetcrophyllum,WUId. 1 ? Aster annuus, L. 5 foliis radicalibus subrotundo. ovatis, caulinis lanccolatis do. Junio. 3 Philadclphicum, L. 2f l^hifadclphian; Skcvish; Sea- folus lanccolatis, subserratis. do. Junio. 4 pulchclium, Mich. > £. bellidifolium, Muhl. 5 hirsutum: foliis radicalibus oblongo-ovulibus. do. Maio. 346 Tussilaoo, Coltsfoot, - Idem. Idem. simpl. varia. recep. nud farfara, C. - L. If papp. ca- pill. common, ... lut. foliis subcordatis, angulatis, do. Aprili. dcnliculatis. 347 Sexecio, Groundsel, Idem. Idem. caiic. - radUt, . recep. nud papp. ca- pill. 1 hicracifolius, Mich. © hawkwecd-lcaved, - 0. foliis amplcxicaulibus, ob- do. Septem- longis, acutis. foliis amplcxicaulibus pinna- bfi. 3 vulgaris, - L. © common, - do. Junio, tiddis dcniatis. 's.-? 0 6 6 .£3 •3 c^ "S 0 03 0 6 6 6 6 03 EC 03 eg "H • 3 e O Xi o • - c cn c3 ^ rS ^ Clitg rv ^ 52 G vpj G 2 G* 2 C3 rj .5 2 .12 G s -4-» Cll cn . u o ja CG V G- in 6 5 03 £ (p Oh > V ^ -G • ^ O G5 03 £ fco D -C °&g .r-H C5 CO c3 o .52 o; o Xt C G c’i TV. ^ 6/3 t- C'j * ^ 03 G G .£ G ?-■ cO V G 60 'S -5 g-3 £.£ G U G •s ^ CO ‘C *C0 G cJ CJ CO . G G ccJ ^ 3 ’ CO s^ :G o G ■ G3 0) G 60 o 03 .G c 2 03 CO O E ^ rf .So'" a S .2 ill G CCJ C« o 03 :G o a «o ■2'i 6D3S S 3 O cj 3.S o X tn « :3 o- ■S (3 o CO 'S* s "o s ^ ,o < orti l3 a > o X o T3 a X £ 1 >% O O 03 > {J* ctf 03 G c 0 03 X G 1 .£ G 60 x> H C/3 X o 6/3 CS 03 "G CO T3 O ^ s- -a i I- Gh o ? 'M 60 X ® jG *3 X a H H O 03 03 X rs G U 03 3= O 03 X 03 G G G3 T3 03 ;-• 03 O 03 03 X S 60 S *s CO d T3 03 > V o G Cu T3 03 > G 03 s s Gh H3 03 £ £ 03 6X5 .£ cS f ?t:s ^ > o ^ X X 4J a 03 ^ £ • ^ G J I— I X o . < s 2 i ' 03 X3 XI * .G O -03 C« c G .5 03 G 6X5 G G cS 2 ’i=3 .1 S -S a N s G J:='S 11 I 3 -U P P (U 3 ^ • (j ■> K u 0 d s ?»! *0 an 'u a 0 u £ cJ a ?* CO 0^ CO 6 -2 PUi Ph P< 6.2 3 ■35 2 O u ‘ a. 2 £,S.2 .Xi =J 13 .-S ?. o £yD c« d a ' ■ c d ' § § -2 .£ 3 50.S C!*;3 g c^ «iH o P A o o ^ 0) ^ £ -S (=1- ^ c ^ 3 - o o o V p cr* G -3 o c3 22 O V o B - ^ p o CO CJ rt (U -3 ^ P O d U O 6 p u p O . ■ 6J} 22 p t; O C5j . c/T CO y Cl. C3 c^ e d jO P o ^ p CCS VP O iJ c/T c3 .2 *3 P- o -p r c .2 -2 "3 _ • ^ -2 ^ p ^ jO CO CCS CO I CU CO p -Q *3 ^ d P 4) CO G CO S co''--:^ 2 .22 .22 -in D-.^ 3 -*-' '-T* *3 e 1 i:-S 5 « CO 22 V 4-> .-O .22 ccj ^ U .P .-H CO CS a p '« CO c^ CCS CJ S-< CO £ p D.JS :P C« 1=5 2 § .2 V "B. 5 2 S p CO P ^09 S g c^ CO - .£ u S CO CJ 2 ^ &oi2 §.2 JH •£: 13 c^B o B 2 ^ ^ -T^ pH tUD ^ o .^2 i 'S -S £ P-S 2 j2 ip ' "o M .p o o ^ .2 S c^ ci CCS J2 0-, 0 • 'p ' 0> CO d' o V > X P p g np X QJ np ctf 1 rt CO P3 d nd V B *H-» (U P^ c a> ccJ IP T3 'd' TP P X X -£" p o V B *£ V G d X £ >> o> 6j0 O P o > d 13 w 1 X o o B TP OS cp 13 c3 P- o X o u tn c3 o TP p s CO X 2 CO p TJ C 'P a 0) CO CQ. ^ -gs S ►1* ^ ^ « m ?t < -i ll'-^ ?<• < ?t < • » ^ T3 M CO c^ 1 CO ;- ^ 1 1 ^ ^ 3 •rH C/^ t>-55 ,i5 r> ^ 3 c^ P B CO Bh P O *X s- C^ p (O O p 13 d. X P ^ P 2 C^ P P 1 P o< *o •6 2 1 'S tA c .. d2 -S X o p cO c P l,J (N is C M «3 P « 3 l J«i2 f < < ' J CO a p a CO .5 0/ ^ Ch d ^ 3 g o s c^ P co 2 1 ♦P. Ph b/D . . o P 55 O ^ 3 P .o *P -® CO O 2 o B B CO p CO CM CM heath-leaved, foliis linearibus, integerrimis. flo, Septem- [accuodura Muhl. j woolly, bunch-flowered, caer. 'oUis ovali-Ianccolatis into- flo. Septem- gerrimis, scricco-tomcnto- bri. 5 umbcllatus, Ait. 'U 1 A. aTny^dalinus, Mich. ^ foliis lanccolaCis, integeiri- flo. Augusto [et Lainark.J mis. 6 atnplexicaulis, Willd. [nec Mich. [ stem-clasping, foliis ovato-oblongis, acutis flo. Septem- var. y. A. cpnei, aecun- | amplexicaulibus, cordatis. brl [dum Muhl.J 7 saUcifotius, • Ait. 2/ willow-leaved. car. foliis lincari-lanccolatis, inte- flo. Septem- gerrimis, glabris. bri. 8 spurius, Willd. y. "j spurious, car. - foliis lanceolaiis, amplexi- flo. Septem- [Muhl.J caulibus, basi auriculatis; caule piloso. bn. 9 phlo^iioliusi Willd. 7f ^ phlox-leaved, oliis lanceolatis mtegcrrimis lo. Septem- A-amplexicaulis,Mich.i J cordatis, amplexicaulibus. foliis oblongis, cordatis am- plexicaulibus. bn. lo. Septem- bri. i/ar. (S. amplexicaulis, ^ [Mich. J [ 81 ] EngSifi, Vulgar, anil Frmaeular miural Famitia «/ Juiiieu. Calix. Cerella. Perm ef iht Lcovti, Sic. Fruil. Timts/FUu,- 1 1 patens, Willd. et Pers. "J A. divcraifnlius, Mich. > sprcading-branchcd, or, va- caer. ramis patentibus; foliis infc- lo. Septem- A. umiulatus, Ait. J 13 paniculatus, Willd. % paniclcd, smooth-staiked. rioribu5,alato-pctiolatis,cor- dato ovalibus superioribus sessilibus, ovali-Ianccolatis. foliis lanceolatis, subserralis, bri. lo. Septem- 13 cordifolius, L. et Micb. > hcart-lcavcd, alb. csr. caule ramosissimo glabro bliis inferioribus pctiolatis, bri. lo. Septem- 14 corymbosus, Ait. H corymbed, heart-leaved, cordatis, argute serralis acuiuinatis. foliis ovatis argute serralis, bri. 9o. Julio. var. fi. alatus, [mihi.] wing-pctioled, alb. Bcuminatis, inferioribus cordatis pctiolatis, nudis: caule corymboso-fastigiato foliis profundc ct acuminate flo. Septem- 15 macrophyllus, L. 11 large-leaved, - albo-csr serratis, longe acuminatis; peliolis alatis. foliis radicalibus imisque cor- bri. flo. Julio. 10 cornifolius, Muhl. If dogwood-leaved, cornel- alb. dads, peuolatis. foliis clHpticis, basi ct apicc flo. Julio. 17 puiiiccus, - L. ll'\ A. hispidus, Lamark, I [Diet. 35. f leaved, red-stalked, hispid, subacuminads. caule bisplJo, foliis subam- flo. Septem- A. amcenus, No. 29.J 18 Isvis,* - Ail. it smooth, plcxicaulibus, lato-lanceo- Inds, rariusculc serratis. foliis amplexicaulibus, oblon- bri. flo.Octobre. 19 Philadciphicus, [mihi.^ Philadelphian, gis integerrimis, lucidis caule glabro. ramis horizontalibus: foliis flo. Augusto Ohft. A. TrsdeMUiU afllnls. 20 miser, - L. el Ail. 2/ small-flowered, little white, alb. longiusculc lincaribus. foliis lanceolatis, subserratis flo. Septem- 31 pcndulus, - Ait. 2/ pendulous, - . . glabris, sessilibus. foliis clliptico-lanccolatis, bri. flo. Septem- 22 divergens, - Ait. If spreading, downy-stalkcd, alb. subserrads, glabris, re- flexis; ramis pcndulls. foliis clliptico-lanccolatis, bri. flo. fine Oc- 33 diffusus, - Ait. red-flowered, alb. aerrads, glabris, caulinis rincari-lanceolutis, clon- gatis, ramis patendbus. folds clUpdco-lanccolalis, tobris. flo. Septem- 24 salsuginosus, Pur. serratis, glabris. foliis lanceolatis argute sub bri. 00. Septem- Ota,. Pnntffin, A.cubuWio. 25 tCDuiculus, - [mihi.] slcndcr-branchcd, serratis: caule rubro. foliis luicaribus vel lincari bri. flo. Septem- Ob*. KOTtip*cioA.IV«tUi*injii,. lanceolatis, medio obsolete ct sparse serratis: romulis deblUbus. bri. (N CO a s 69 •H ‘S § "a 5 to ass 0 (/2 a 0 0 c/2 1 0 0 0 03 ;h a a s 03 03 03 P 03 p 0 0 JJ p .a 03 03 60 P Gh G, CX, 03 03 03 60 P Oh 03 60 P 3 "p £P ^.i 60 P 0 0 -*-> c- cw *< c/2 ._; c/3 . j X) <1 sn ^ <1 < «= ^ 0 c/3 ._; CO . d 0 G3 0 JO 0 G3 d -. U C 42 d 6 Q d d 2 d d . U 0 n CD CC q3 e: CH G3 cp qq qi qq qq pq CP qq ® ' qa ' "3 I D as a o ^ ■ Cl( (U O' = <■ Xs g 0 CJ .52 0^ > cu S H .S "" ^ c5 t-i cJ < g=i 3 Cj ■Ji (fi 0) _ '§■'^-2 =3 0-0 ■3 "2 ® ^ c3 52 p CO c/2 0 6/3 P J2 60 0 60 C 0 ser- ’> CO c/2 *lO CO ’>-J p p 0 , in- *■♦-» cS .2 CO P c/T rt G 0 CO C3 CO 03 •qq 2 P 4-> -G _o E 03 CO "w d CO (O dH 2 P CO 25 P CO C ci 0 *60 CO "0 03 -n a I’o ’2 -2 CO "3 .i ^ a. « i2 "ib g S ^ 5 - ! ^ .52 ^ ^ c. Qh (Ji -O c/2 Ch H « cb a; '3 52 fc, .=J fcn :3 o c a O ,0 52 ‘S:2 To c/2 '2 o ^ ai U 11:3 S'bII's,.; {/j 6/3 3 -2 c« 2 <1^ •S'.S o ^ (/!' O *c 52 60 cS 3 "o p -2 Q Cl ^ ’ 6j0 .52 > c/2 /-> ••^ ( 2 3^ C3 52 cfl r- Cj Cj £/2 r > 1=; o o ^ 1 ^ (LJ "3 .2 ^ IP u ,0 o 1) o o b/: o P ■D d .in Cp CO ^ '^•< f-l «. 12 S •;£ ,P ,6 ^ c3 rt G W I :2 I I o CG O 6/3 •P3 (O 6/3 O 6/3 CD. G, 'n 03 > CS V s 1j ^'S t- ^ cj 03 60 .2 C o q:: X3 03 > c^ O cS <13 ix ns 03 2 -2 3 -iij G T3 C3 3 03 o 1 ?!• 7^ « 3 * 4 -G < ■-< 1 2 s i ns • I.H ■*j '■< '< 1 1 4 <: , 0 , 0 0 t/T * CO c d . 1 rt ■ • 1 3 0 1 C^ < 0 p XP 'C Q -3 0 C/3 ns cS u .£f 6/3 aspera CO CO 13 3 :ci 03 CO, cT s "S a d 4-> P 60 d i i 0 0 0 .§ "0 03 5g d 'o •43 03 Gm C?3 r- CO CD *n cG 02 0 — 3- h4 .ji, .5 .ti I £ 3 ® - fcJ^’LZj •= « e g • « "d 2 "o Cj ^ 2 G ^ O 03 — 3 CO s C5 ^ C cU I; 2 ^ ^ " O 5^0 b^) W G C X 03 qS CO 3 V V '/} 4 6 ^ o g o Oh C/3 .4 d 3 o to 3 d d d 54) 3 *S "H < 3 H-5 6 d 6 d CG 3h 33 cd o cn ;3 rJ t: o On 0) O ' ■a 3 C rL Cl. 3 ^ -PU Z g I qi ‘O -a Cm O O o . o C3 i U c, 3- c be n,a? O ^ 7i ^ . Dh a, TO di ^ D ? . O y ^ d) TO cS a, d OJ • O O CJ ca *d ^ in ■•^ w ’^.2 S ©S'" 3 5^ O ;-a S A u S -y3 '/) 3 cJ > O ^ -M rn 3 mQ I *;3 a 3 O 3 3 o *i 3 3 3 S '3 X 3 E 2 © y> r3 '•‘- a In ' s /3 > V a bD ^ o a; JP3 54) 3 35 JD C3 •m3 3 ^ cd m o -3 ’S g 3 ^ - tS cS 3 hi W 3 >< ■3 C/3 if •M o o £ Q >< ? X O -< r* 3 e/5 < D _rcn i c^ rs < hi o S .5 ’£ o C cd .3 s 3 gT d g Z C/5 pH S ' d S 3 H cf" "a d c/T 3 3 3 E 3 3 C4-. i !3 •-4 p ‘3d (m z, HH cd s S 3 •n 6 cd O 3 Z ■ i-H JW? a -JO § ^ a d) pi <2 I r-^ o K «J :§ ^ It; c< s I EnglhH, r«lgar, and Fen [ 82 ] JVotural Fnmilic, o/J«.rieu. 1 Calix. 349 SoLlDAGOi 1 Canadensis, L. If 2 ^igamea, • Ait 21 S aspera, - • Ait IJ. 4 allissima, Ail-ctWilld. 22 5 bcabra, - Wilid. if 6 paiula, - Wind. 22 T ulmifolia, • Wilid. if 8 arguta, • • Ait. if 10 bicolor, ' L. if _l 1 petiolaris, • Ait 22 12 lanccolata, Ail. S. lanceolata, nor. «. I [Mich, b CAr^McAomfl grami- | [nifolia, L J 13 exsia, - Ait If 14 nigosai ' Wilid. if is flcxicaulia, Ait. if UoLUEK-ROD Canadian, large, rough-leaved, tail-stalked, rough, - upcn-branchcd, sharp-notched, earliest flow- sweet-scented, anise-scented, two-coloured, late-flowering, wrinkled, crookcd-sialked, blue-stemmed, foJiis lanccolatis, trinervis lerdum serratis, sxpe foliis lanccolatis, serratis, luorgiiie scabris. foliis oviiii-lanceoJaiis lugosissiinis. foliis lanccolatis, ioferioribus protundc serratis, rugosis: caulc hino. foliis oblongis acuminatis su- pra glabris, sublus rugo- sis scabris. foliis ellipticis serratis, gla- bris, radicalibus oblongo-- spathulatis: caiilc stiiatoj racemis patcniibus. foliis ellipticis profiindc rails acuminalis.subtusvil' iosis: peduncutis villosis. lUs glabris, argute scri'atis; caulinis ellipticis, radical- ibus ovato-oblongis. foliis crebris lanccolatis, tegris, niargine oervoque asperrimis. foliis ovali-lanccolatis subal- bicautibus. foliis ellipticis scabriusculis pcciolaiis: caulc villoso. foliis lanceolato-lincaribus in- tegcriimis, trinervis, gla- foliis lanccolatis, glabris, caulelxvi subglaucu. foliis petioiatis, ovatis ucumi. is, serratis, glpbris; llo. Scpicm- bn. flo. Augusto flo. Julio, flo- Julio, flo. Augusto Engliih, ru'gar, ang Terr [ S3 ] I' |7Vmf ■>/ n™ li— > c •< < c < C 6 6 6 6 6 d 6 qH CG os CG CG CG CG CG cu "cS c . « ^ Gi 2 U 5 £ cj 0^ o ^ T G 3 . o G 4J ^ C3 bX) d- • CU cu ? • ^ 8- . M d* ^ o c 4) . o c c o o * 0^ S 0^ C5 O u G G -a ■ D C G TO »-{ '*>» 's> 5 i! « .-2 “2 .2 C 8h ^ ci ^ u C Pi .-3 o u c • oi c/3 — « S 2 li la ,o G. 2^: C3 I .2 +-> ts o S CT' ” .3 i -a oiS 3 « I ^ Pi .52 1 1 C (J ^ 52 1-^ ^ o C (- •g “3 ttf '§■•§ s s .3 0-2.2 .3 +J +J .-< Jp ,q G G > O c/3 G .G *3 jG radiat. _G lut. 3 radiat. 5 4-^ _G radiat. lut. vel difform. •*-» .3 t lut. 1 1 1 1 1 U 1 1 J "S d 42 d 4= .a 1 .o a J3 1 Ol , a a G CO .§ o a. s **3 . S *5 “I a >% &N O o a 03 •G a 1 :? p CO 03 03 > d < CO JS 1 a a o < Pi .5 p H % 0 H < P 03 G oT H G 'G p o 03 •*-» P o C G bX) G U! u •< CO G G ba . C o h 0 » o G G CKJ d »r^ ■s. s Z u M p d G o > Pi 0 1 bO G O 03 bJD Pi C o a a o ■ rt 7^ ?=t 0 , at ?t ■ ^ -g , 0 Willd. Mich. 2 1 J J ’ a * ►-4 ^ — * O. o o ffi tfi .sf CO * 9 J CO G *-G O 'o . as 03 O d G CO fcd o a G G G cd Pi G G *G fu O P>j G O O c t- . ^ G G P -> 6 6 3 6 d d d d d G2 iI3 G3 42 cG G2 CG cG cG . bD cs -ii ‘ji • rt 5 O JL o I c3 rv^ O'- . • • b/D s- ,4 S- 3 ^ ^ a c3 45 c^ w w U ’C ’3 ^ Oh O •- 43 G 42 2 ^ 4' ^ CO 2 O 3 :« 43 ^ =3 -0 TO ^ CJ O^-- O 'S 1 1 "u .12 ^ ^ c :_3 j3 C3 O. c$ O 4-» j2 "o o 43 S o o 4 Oh 0^ C^S ^ ,i ^ O g. s '13 — cj w O I V 53 S D O ca o o c^ o b/D G O . 3.^ o a o p Is d 5 3 74^2 "S '3 o.^ TO , > a O ‘Z XJ d ^ ■ -£ « S- ^ R: t. e? ^ ' £ TO g .2 -*-* , (D CO "a, T3 0) * 03 u 8 5 * t CS t-l • #s , C.-0 «s +-• ns 03 ^ 4 TO .S Ji TO CJ *1^ b ■S3 i CL) 44 CO 3 0) ^+-» "H, ^ STBS 4; 60 60 H H Blessed Thistle. • lut. bliis semi-decurrentibus, denticulato-spinosis. lo. Junio. 360 Calendula, Calendula, ... Idem. Corymbifcrac. mlyph. rccep. nud papp. nul- oQic'inalis, - L. © officinal^ common Soup-ma- seminibus cymbiformibus. [ 35 ] 1 EnflUh, Tulgar, and Vemacubr 3 fimbriata, • Ait. ^ 4 spcctabilis, L. i O.bumilis, Mich.; 5 tridcntata, Willtl.' O. clavcllata,0-trideii- [taia, Muhl. 6 laccra, • Mich. V . O- physcodcs, Willd. 5 362 Nrottia> • Swa. 1 torlilis, - Swa.' Soiunum spiralc, Snvq. [Pro. 0/iliryi aestivalis, L. [ct Mich. Limodorum pncox? [Walt. Orchil spiralis, L. ct [Valliant. 2 ccrnua, • Swa. Oi' 0/ihrug ccrima, L. ct [Mich. UmadoTum? autum- [nnle, Walt. 3 puhesccns, Willtl. "U Satyrium rcpcns, Mich. ycllow-fringcdi whitc-friogcd, purplc-frinjjed, purplc-t tcrcd, fimbriated, pale, low, shewy, - thrcc-toothcd, dentated. ragged, Nkottia, CLASSIS XX— GYNANDRIA. ORUO I.—MOXAXnBIA. Valurat Fauiiliei of Juitieu. j Calix. unocoly. Orchideac. drooping; Ladics'-traccs. hairy, vciny-lcavcd; Kattle> snakc-plantaiu. labello lripartito,laciniisTnul- tipartitis. labcllo lanceolate, ciliato. ibcllo tripartite, laciniis cu Dciformibus cihatis. fuliis radicaiibus binis ovaii- 5-pct. ring, ccalcar. labolluclongalo triparlitocal- c longiiudiiic germmis. labcllo trilobo; spica tortili. fnliis radicaiibus ovatis peti- olatib ri-Ucuiaiis: labcllo ovato acuminalo. Elo.Augneto Qo. Au;,usto Hm- Julio, fiu. Maio. fiu. Augusto flo. Julio. caps, ob- long. I'loi 3-val. an- Qo. Augusto Qo. Julio. Sustematick J\a)nes. I English, Vulgar, and Vernacular JVatural Families of Jussieu. Calix. Corolla. Form of the Leaves, &c. Fruit. Time of Floiu- ( JVames. eriiig. 0 to 6 d 6 0 d 0 ~S fco ”3 "S • »H G d < d 6 6 6 6 d d cd qq cd G2 cd qq o o cu a CO o ^ gd 0 , , .PM ' 'd — ■ 4) ^ • — ^ CG 0 0/: “ »M G ^ » Gm 3.) JG CO cS 0 u 0 -O ' > cr* 0 s *c GU C/3 0 0 c/3 *G *n 0 > d d 0 d 6 'X lo On 0 0 S-, c/3 d a d Cu 0 0 0 0 rt 0 GG C/3 0 d Si 'd c d ccJ c!3 O O 6^) b ‘ G o:B_9 |S o 53 ^ O O _ o D-J2 O ^ c/3 'w w d -G P5 d5 o iS c d. d J2 •<-» t e c/3 ^ c3 G 3 d ^ O . 'd 33 fa s ?? d d o 2 ^ ,, o ^ > CO O G .G G o ^ X? d d :d «{ iM o > t2 8|| 'd o §.s • o O O ,cS -C . PL, O e« 2 2| I ° i SbS ' d a ! > > : O ^ O CG o ,o C5h ■i^ CL, d, • ^ 0 0 0 d d co 0 u c d CJ Oh Gh 0 Gu p G C 0) cej U 0 0 d cs 0 0 a. d CL. d — 'tJ 0 01 o c "d PM 3 D- rH d Gm ci CU c3 s u s 0) s s re < d X H d CO CO d fcJD C o (fl c/3 tJD C ■d' iK p H a d %- 0 **0 < ‘Sh 0 c -5 0 0 % < p d fcJD "d ‘u fS .2 P p: G d o 9 d c/3 |d *3 o :i§ CJ c/3 i.a sgi 0*35: ^.; (»? o ^ r-2 s g 9 ■l-il”-- rti • « i> r* u ^ S-. O CO O s3 O CO VO CO 4) w a ■§"1 • T3 tJ d ^ or2 S -< 0 d i'’ii i ’ 1 G 0 0 9 n 0= p d Ilf « 60 "o G ff P 0 cJ 0 0 0 ^il »S .0 ft c "t: - "O cs 3 ft a d S 0 ft V pG d •ft 0 • rH 0 JJD d '??'B rt 3 0 P c & =) a TrG 3 d || Ph CZ3 P r3 2 ?5-. G r>. S ^ 0* P ^ 0 V3 — <7< S '^f't O I — J N O 2 S' a i "O I u s p a -c 00 «2 .53 »u t5 S) bo 3 < d cc C-I u (Jj (3J O O ■S ^ C3 .S O 6/d3 . O ll O ^ N ^ rT Sdj Z3 ^ c3 <; O § u o q3 6 _d c G 6 6 CG CG O pO o Cu rt ' :s rO . O ° d .2 p' ^ o -a « S &0.2 CU Oi ~JD o O 03 e_ iz ^ z: tj ctJ rt cj .^H v2 *2 O T3 a. d O ft5 I '53 o C| eti o cS cu 3 < O Z pT u 111 Q < C3 & "3 03 t»> n H Pi 3 Pi >1 a § o C| o 1 o c o ? 7 J, <3 in '73 & M U W3 GG O G G G -H 1 o u 0) d, g; -r* o o G 1 G G a; 0> 1 G c G c- O w o Iz: o X 1^ C/2 l-^ CO CO o .14 C^ G CO c ci .G O c3 ZX c/3 Z3 G ^ •'2 2 S ?-i «*r* >> ft? § C» \ t: o ft? o -G CU I S u D Q »-3 o cn o CG X 43 dJ cJ G > GJ O G. c/i 1 I g o C| o 03 '3 S: Oj H «4 o 1 H ■a § c« ^ •/' G c« 71, — CT^ s S*2 .O H G G G g: ^ G cr> 7^ s <1) 'G £UD cJ CG ♦ (L3 ns o o d d s ns ' X) ns ^ G Ed G G G CQ 2: -Ji o G G CO G "O , o; G ^ s ■q s C3 G! G I CO fciD G CO C 87 ] Forme/ the Leavet, Uc. h“- • hs.'s^s!”’ H CLASSIS XXI— MONOECIA. OR DO ll^DUJiTDRI.i. 3 'N w I o a; o 375 Alnus, - - - Alder, ... Idem. Amentaceae. 1-ph. - mas. 4-part. strobilus, fern. O. sem. aiigul serratula, - Willd. b ") ...... Betula serratula, Ait. I sawed-leaved, common; Ha- -- - foliis obovatis acuminatis. B. rugosa, Ehrhart.J zei-alder. o> 00 I ® 2 % S S a 's* H CJ 3 ~5 s I- W5 * «■§ §■3 U • o O o 9 HP* I/a H-* C/5 •M C/5 s 3 3 3 3 b/D bn M Oh 3 3 3 3 < < i« . 6 d d C . qS cc os C3 O CC o q3 cn ^ a . 3 s ^ "O i ’g o o q *3 O : Cu ■ CL o v) .4^ >3 O o ctf s 3 . CJ .^2 13 55 ^ w tH CS o > O o cfi r O S-- Om o .« ’3 3 ‘S o o o Cl o ^ S O "3 fl p E. Sio bn ,w .« c 3 •j^ +-* 3 "O o . U cn w ctf 15 G (U Ph I -d g * 4^ d s CS ,3 6^ s <5j Cl I cs Cu I B O CL o- o CO _ O -D O gp q:3 3 b/3 3 <1 d cp cS o .H d 13 CJ CL 3 3 U s-i a *3 ns c3 I 0^ § S I o C) 05 o Ch^ !o o o d > O JC 3 cfl i< 3 3 cJ ^ S E o • O w I s d 3 cr* c/5 :3 4> "o l3 c/5 3 *5 c^ ns qS I 33 o« I S crt c/5 :S 3 pC CL [ Vi I CO a < o pQ O ns C ei CJ %j •« 5 t. o > J-! c 33 3 « S 3 H O CQ T3 3 M •-} H H 3 !z: n3 3 3 -3 O 5 tT 3 Oh ns cJ 3 3 o 1 9 9 a 1 » ns * * 3 • & > * * * U 0 3 3 1 e a u O ns &H 3 PQ o ffi < tT 3 > d 3 nJ O o a H 1 « G cT u 3 c/5 o 'P a L< 5z; < «r 3 O 3 3 red, H O >A c/5 3 p3 3 3 55 3 O 3 -sj s IH S: § o Hi < a § 3 3 . CO 3 Oh ns d 3 3 a o 3 3 pO "c3 u ^ o G 03 >> < ■i-* 3 o O G $-• u Gu S < g u o« 4> .G • U O M O ‘S« *G C3 2 S s s TO 1/5 , 0> S C A cn t. 3 ■S' S tN JJ • ^ . 3 w r3 ^ .-3 ^ . ; S "o "S' J .2 . ^ f' rs 1 / ^ C« O < J < tSI N =5-^ U rf •V c- Ol S I 3 £ > rt O -2 Q. w O N N e c/5 o <4>> CO 6 d G G G3 33 bJD bfl G P G G H-j jo 6 § « — • 5/5 o . 'Sd s (D • qj c/5 2 QJ fG O Q > u o 2 3.2 e^.-s cS o O ^ &0 (in' ^ ^ rt cS •>^. .S 0^ G -Q CU O P P .S c « «.s^ :g o,g: • •G cn (A III “I’i* in CJ (/> :a 0.:3 • O tn w' ■-3 a. 3 -3 C cj .3 cS 'S O -3 _C « 3 ^ >'3 o ^ >2 iii V G Co U-l ^ C a --• « d 5 G ^3 u • A3 o u CIS .2 in 3 *- 3 'A' o ^ 3 - i S' « '3=^ ^ .g '.g «3 35 - ^ G ,2 E£ P S G ’<« tG *35 G q; P cr p ^ « AS a i. £ S G “• 5J c/5 c« ^G rp -G .2 P t P CO -- 2 E ^ P G O S cJ o c/5 C/5 1) *43 J3 ccJ G g .2 3 V-g ■I s Oi s 'Sv "c s. s Q £ si: ts e » O 1) *4i 6 d d d d d 6 d 6 hs d d li • fH ci "ci •a li li Oh •a G ►-9 S << 6 d d d d d d d d d 6 d g: g: cG CG qc 0= 02 02 02 02 o: 02 o .S =3 -G G c^ •*-^ _; ci G i/> *3d i 5 CU ^ c/3 O . S-* C/5 GD O G ^ c/3 U X O ci 2 p, s g X? c^ o ctf ^ c/3 0^ *2 U X) C ci ci 'TL -T bli cC 3 '2 -§ 3 C ° OJD .3 .2 S a. 5C.2 o OJ .3 .3 33 o 32 Ci •►i 4) G C ,S ci 3 c/3 cr*5 ^ i -s. 3 ,5 Cl, § § 3 S u ci 5G c^ .G CU ^ 4? • i| ^ G tJD « .sf ^ 2 ^ U -P « ci c c« O .2 -d 3/d d 'G U G <« i 3 C/3 ,CO *C/3 o d G X5 G c/3 .H2 ci ci ■ ' ••* ^ c/3 C/5 ,Sh ^ *G ‘G CO S o 5? « 53 ci O O -< O Pi G O' 00 CO 13 'a. ci X) c; 3 ^ S .O c« 5 *5 ^ ,'o ci G C.G g-§| Sd:3| A G G o o fcJD ci “O G "2 3 4H _ p G P ^ 3 ^ *G ^ w cr:G s c2 :G G 5 c« ’co ? ® O G fci/D O C G s| O o ^ 5 12 ^ fp ci ’5d 3 CO •s «-f c-S 3 =5 Ci-I G £ ■« f^co' c/3 *S i2 fo G X5 O 6/D G O 3 O G 60 C ci X> o X G 60 G G G Ail ' U p2 S c •g-S go 0/ XJ o CO Lh GJ O pC V o c £:E - § '3 C/2 o >. T3 .5 D, C/2 Ph 5 o- C3 P, 6 s c/2 «i 3 '? .3 iP 0 i, ^ cij ! .,. & I g-Q 1 ‘ h p. B j~ 1 . ■G X 1 1 1 t X 1 III « 1 . p.'9 cii 9* 1 *o . £ Ci It 1 I G G £ • CO ^ i c§ 3 ' ' ' ' swamp-white, loins oblongo-ovalis; subtus flo. Maio. [Mich. albo-tomcntosis. Q.bicolnr, Willd.J 8 palustris, Ou Roi, Mich. ) [ct alii£.3 swamp; Pin; Swamp-Spinish; Dwarf-swamp, foliis profunde sinuatis, gla bris, sinubus lutis. Flo. Maio. 389 Carpimus, Idem. Idem. squam. fcm. 3-fid. ament. sulcata. Americana, - Mich. Ij American, foliis oblongo-ovalibus. flo. Aprlii. 390 Platakus,, - Idem Idem. squam. pluripctal. fructus glo subrotund occidentalis, - L. li lobed. Button-wood; Syca foliis lobato-angulosis. flo. Maio. more; Water-beech; Col 391 JUGLAHS, - h Walsut, Idftn Tcrcblntaccac mas. 6-part mas. O. drupa sicca rem.4-fid. fum. 4-fid. nux maxi 1 regia, Cic. - L. common, foliis subnovinis ovalibus flo. Maio. glabris, subscrr.uis. «a \) ^ 5 K o CT3 O q= O CC o cn o cn o £ 1 CO d > w D 4-J 0 £ J2 . x d P d P Cu 6 QS a. < 6 02 *c3 6 03 O o: o 03 S::! dr cS cn 5/D ,Q ^ - 5/D, O cfl ^ O O O g ^ CU Cl, a u « ^ 4-> CO 2 jS ^ 0 P 50 c/3 0 C "o is c5 .3; -p <5 > crt 5 3 0| ^ to .22 ^ a S ZJ a; a; tn ^ .r o) .22 5^) 'S ^ c ^ *£ ’ '.S ^ : .2 S' ,o ts .S2 .2 § S S 3 (U « S |l TO 3 S ” c/? c/) "O .■=• fc- Jo •r^ CO % O OJ > ;3 g.g o .S c/3 — > O 50 CO "o c T3 c 3 . ^ Z> V d CO O p:: o < s K ^ •'-' I C3 > ■ ■ -o a 3 3 M 3 C3 ^ J= ^ i* .>■3 2 O ffi J O 4ai U 44 cJ 43 0) d 2 il .2 3 'T. ^ ■r o o 3: c/: 4a! O §1!^ c/: o t: 44 C .H * 50 MH O 3 = -S •5 • 5^^ s o P3 03 0> > j < M s p o H ;4 CT) H E4 P CQ c o £ £ o u c c; T3 U d 50 O 0 u 1 c o 50 C3 C o 50 u HB D 0/ 0) ;m o d cO P P h W P3 c% CO < .2 I "5 Dm o DU P P ;>i o O CO CO O o £ < o% CO rO* rt P 03 P Pm (4 O pH ?t i4 CCJ 43 p 50 D P Pm < CO o> CO 2 d T3 r- a o Q3 o; fciD V o cn a. o ^ o S "7 ci CJ 2/J 5 o o a cx pu C/3 3 a, a. c a -c 4-t cci CU S? o rt c/5 'S.'S O «fl 0 s 1 O X5 1« .52 x: ^ bD c/5 c3 c3 O cc X c/T ^ SJ G a C .G to CO 0 0 d rG d G G G G S "g "g CU c "g bo G <1 bo 3 5 6 6 d d d d d 6 eC OJ cc CG cc cc cG cG cn -G G O V5 pG G O -G . ^ s •r G (414 G c/2 G 1q 02 rG 02 .03 c/2 ^ :G ^ 'G ,p 4J 1 02 ^ . i = bo^a ■w G G .-2 ’S *0 G 1 .52 . S P 02 ' c ^ S -2 ba- CO ^ ^ .52 .« G -p G * % bD C c rG 3 -g G *4-» .2 .3 ' 'Ei.’S ^ ■M >30' 0 _o :G 03 :G ' .'q .'p .si O .53 ^'p ,p o S 2 c/2 Si CO Si 1.S G- O c/2 2 *3 fo c2 CO Ci CCS CU 0> cc5 "3 £ 4) "3 O -3 O, 3 w u- 1 CO *n 02 3 a ,v G ^ s V ■03 •S a o a a "a 5 ^ s s. ,a ? ^ o. ‘3 G '~a G s CU u „ i i o Is *3d u c« ^ 'I s *Sd 2 G £ 00 02 CO pG G » ts< (n CU J G CO -0 G 1 0 0 3 02 ■M *P >% ■ H > 'G G > ctf i/D Pi o G K < s c G G >< a ,G 02 s G O G *G *0 -< >« IS G CO G cT pG 0 CO G -G Ph >* G G G *0 < G ."2 G I0 >> 0 H ‘c (j a 4C ■4-> <: (Ok 0 0 .—1 (N 04 0 0 CO bCi u > d G G !s 'o u« G o G < CU G y-M O c5 o © p4 o M I Siiitematick A-fl Form »/ the Leatxt, tic. [ 92 ] A'o/urnl FatmlUt o/ /uii I I Fruit. Vnmetff ca, Cutler cl T [Mich. f. I ca, • L. J S nigra, - • L. 3 catlmrtica, Cutler i J. cinerca, 4 squamosa, Mich. f. J. compn-ssa, Gaerl. [ei Willd. 5 taciniosa, - Mich. f.1 J. compressa, fi, ma- I [crocarpa,J 392 Detula, popuUfulia? • Ait. 393 COKTLUS, 1 avellana,* C. - L. 2 Americana, - Walt. 394 LiqUID.AMBAR, styraciflua, - L. I; 395 PoTElUUM, sanguisorba, C. L. 1/ 396 Arom, 1 draconlium, Willd. black round-fruilcd, wliitc} Butter-nut; Oil-nut. Shell-bark Hickory; Shag' bark Hickory; Scaly-bark liickory. thick Shell-bark Hickory. common Hickory; Mockei nut Hickory; Wliitc-lieari Hickory. smooth Hickory; red HickO' ry; Pig-nut; Hog-nut; Broom Hickory. poplar-leaved; Broom, common, American, laplc-lcavcd; BHstcad. Burnet, garden, common, - Wake-rosin. Green-dragon; Dragon-ro Dicot i/. Amentaccac. Idem. Idem. Idem. Idem. Monocoiy. Aroideae. foliolis longc pcliolaiis,c aciiminaiis, serratis subtus villosis. Toliolis Ixvitcr serratis, sub' i conspicue villosis. rolioiis ovato-acuminatis,scr- foliis subrotundis cordatis, acuminatis. foliis lato-cordatis. foliis palmatis, lobis acumi- caulibus subangulosis. foliis pedatis; spadice subu flo. Maio. flo. Maio. Ilo. Maio. flo. Maio. flo. Maio. do. Maio. flo. Aprili. fio. Aprili. gulat. bacca glo- bosa l-Ioc. polyspcrm. [ 93 ] S^tiematiek JVamei. Vulgar, aiid Vernacular A-alural FanaJiet of Juetieu. CoruUa. Fcrmef the Leave, ,Uc. Fruit. Time ef Flats- 2 triphyllum, L. 21 tiirce-leaved; indian-turnip. foliis ternalis integerrimis. var. ». virens, spatha virescentc. So. Maio. 0. atropurpurea, Pers. 7 [atrorubens, Muhl. 5 spatha atropurpurea. So. Maio. 397 Calla, Virginica, Mich. Jf 7 ^rum Virginicuni,L. J Calla, .... Virginian, - Monocoly. Aroideae. foliis hasiato-cordaiis aculis, angulis obtusis. bacca pul- posa 1-loc. polyspcrm. So. Junio. OHDO rIII.—J^^Q^'^nELPB/^. 398 PiNUS, I iuops, 3 nipeslris, P. Banksiana, 399 Thuia, occidcntalis, 400 Cufressus, 1 (listicha, 3 thyoidcs, - L. 401 AcALVPItA, - J V'irginica, - L. © 3 Carolinianai Walt. © 402 Rioixos, - communis, Hort. L. © Horl. L. h Uort. L. Pine, .... Jersey, scrub, short-leaved, yellow, spruce, grey, .... nsoR-vtT£; Tree of Life. American; White Cedar. deciduous, American, bald, White Cedar; Juniper. TunEE-SEEDED-UEROURV, Virginian, - Carolinbn, pALMA-OHRtSTI, O. - ..... strobilus. foliis binis crassiusculis bills fuscis. bliis binis tcnuiusculis bills sub-rubris. foliis binis rigidis, uncialibus strobilis cinercis. foliis squamulatim imbrica- foliis ovato-lanceolatis, petio- lo tongioribus. foliis longc peiiolsiis, sub- rhomboideo-ovalibus, scr- So. Maio. So. Maio. So. Maio. So. Aprili. So. Maio. So. August* So. Augusir. caps, aculc- at. 3-loc. 3-val. Systematich *N*ame8. I English^ Vulgar^ and Vernacular JSTatural FamiUea of Jussieu. Calicc. Corolla. Form of the JiCavesy ^c. Jruit. Fime of 1 io'i^‘ I J^anies. ering. o CO 3 o CO d d d O 10 &/D fc^D 6/D 3 3 3 3 3 3 c < >— ) H-j <1 d d d d d d cc tc cp C3 cc cc o o c 3 S "T O CO cu a 3 O o cfl o c 3 j3 (L) ,s cS ‘5 3 ^ O lU 3 c« O CO 6 CO .“3 S o s- o — .3 S 3 O CT CU 'JJ 5/5 cO *tO 3 2 O ^ — ' o »- CO il2 33 ^ S O 73 "o rf 3 3 cr 3 .S ‘S. g-5 CO 3 12 § ,o 3 3 3D 3 3 s 3 .2 fo 3 3D 3 C3 s 3 .2 Jo 3 . 13 O I cu u rt "C o cu cu 6 33 CU < O 3 T ^ ! (Ji . C3 CO > cu I a (N o CU fU cu 3 3 -O .h *C cu a ^ O "O X trt in CD <; J O s o ft; o 33 O p 2 K o o P £ o o « B 3 3 CD 3 O o cr a? 3 rf 3 3 O P o a CO 3 3 CO p p > CCS & o cu ctf h 6 C br> a *Sn 0) o a < 3 6£> .s a o 3 o 3 O P ' © © © © © * © © I ■£ "^ d 3 -— 2 .£,3 1 J k4 J j * d d 1 u d d O . < . d < H 3 3 P O D genaria, H J O CU cj CO O c u d o cu <3D CU d 2 2 p CD P d d c/T .S 3 P Z CO P P < 3 3 3 CJ *c 0) £ P < o d .2 OD u '2 2 T> dC cC ngirostris, . humilis, , alpina? 2 CU P 0) ,4D P ^3 2 c *C o CD P- > a ’cj o S 3 CO > s C/D PP 2 !/: C/D OD O CO -- CO T? OP ) CO . ^ c5 ca 3 3 23 03 Sh I . £ § . U 3 to 1 1 , y. 1 C) 3. (U Cj 3 CO CO -3 3 o o <1> . U CO J2 c ' o o 8 ^ S CO c« g * ^ ’r: > ^ o « ai JS tn ^ •3 ^-3 '-^ ' Jo ,"0 . "O "a tc tC I I ^ . « s C3 ,4 o K c -3 ^3 3 -3 to > O O 3 = o t^ -== rt Ph O. > I »n . CO 2 cs ,* ci *3 (m •*-< > 50 -3 3 0 5/? 3 03 0 C3 3 0 0/ ci > p C 3 3’ ci u 0 Ci bo c3 CO p3 11 3 : ^ cj •3 ^ 3 ■3 o C -3 h c S-2'§ C 3 « cS 3 c o ’e ^ 2 P 3 C Oi ^ rt ar^ .0 3^3 £ a J3 O 3 C^ CO -G I 5/3 aS Cl, C 0^ 9 o XJ 0) > V 31 c 3 o 3 O 3 *3 T3 T3 0> 44 O C3 bO c o © ' © © rt t t © 1 ^ 4= . . 0 — ^ r1“ 1 t-^ • *0 § J 0 • < © 1 hi 1 Walt. Willd, ^ ci * w 0 Qj < U ci' 3 ci' C. 3 1 *0 t^ 3 ( Smilax, • 2 s ' .2'-^S 4- f, — < Ci rt 3 © ^ u U 3 0) ci t 0 42 § a 3 -c 0--C 0) . . 3^ c/3 c/3 ci' (j 3 ji 'Sd '0 00 CN Cv 3 0 0 — V) CO 0 C 94 ] Sytlematich Minue. Englitft, Vulgar, and Vernacular Calir. CBr»«a. Time o/fhat- ering. 403 CUOURBITA, Gourd, .... Dicoly. Cucnrbiiaceae s-dunt. . 5-fid. - pomum 3-loc. sem. oblus. 1 lagcnaria, Hort. L. © Bottle; common Calabash. alb. foliis coi-datis, rotundato-ob- tusis, pubescentibuB. 2pcpO|C. L. © Pumpkin. lut. foliis cordatis obcusis cub- ((uioquelobis, deniiculatis flo. Auguslo 3 verrucosa, C. L. © foliis cordatis profundc quin- quclobis. flo. Julio, 4 mclopepo, C. L. © Squash Gourd. - lut. foliis cordatis oblusis sub- quinquclobis dcnticulatis pomis depresso-nodosis. flo. Julio. S ciirullua, C. L. 0 Water-melon. lut. foliis qu'mquclobis, lobis si. nuato-pinnatifidis obtusis. flo. Julio. 404 Cucuuis, Cucumber, • Idem. Idem. S-dent. - 5 p=U. 3-loc. sem. 1 mclo, C. L. © melon; Musk-mcllon. lut. folionim angulis roiundatis. 3 sativus, C. • L. 0 foliorum angulis rcciis. CLASSIS XXII— UIOECIA. OBUO 40S Vallisneria Americana, Mich, ll Vallisneria, American; Tape-grass. Monoeolu. Hydrocharidcs ,p«h. mas. 3-part, fcin. 3-part 406 Salix, ■ h Willow, Dlcoly. Amcntaccac. squam. - O. 1 viiellina, Cic. L. yellow, 2 Bab)-lonica, Cic. L. weeping. S. humilis, S. alpiita? 4 eriocephala, conifera, hUch. 1 Marsh, t ? Wall. J Mich. ) Muhl. 5 dwarf American, cone-bearing, swamp. Ionp;issimis lincaribiis; pcdunculis obsolete spiral* fnliis serratis ov-ato-bnceola- lis flavis. foliis serratis, glabiis, Hneari* lanccolatis, ramis pcmlulis. 'aps. 1-luc. papp. Qo. Aprili. Ilo. April!. llo. Aprili. ilo. Aprili. olcracea,C. • L. 0 408 Acnida, I cannabina, • L. 0 S rusocarpa, Mich. 0 409 Huuulos, lupulus, . Hort. L. 410 Ilex, opaca,* Mich, ct Ait. tj 411 Cankadis, saliva, C.? - L, © £ri^/i o cfl c o ^ CU 2 O cS a 'S 4-» C B 0) u t/3 0) X3 . 3 C/S p4*^ -Q JD p ctf ” « ^ H *5 -ii trH S -p •*o > c^ O A o< 6 02 d q; o 02 Of d 02 ♦: 6 d o t s » »■ o • > 09 O ^ G 05 > d> Pi d ^ 6 05 O S w 35 « u5 "rt -3 P O i2 1 p. ■ • • o f p~ 1 rt (^' CU d d ^ d O d o -G o o T2 O u a? § S o o o <3^ O 6 CJ :3 cr* Pi < n2 &4 o Cu >> T3 u a Xi S o 0) I w "3 fQ 'O o > d cu o pH a d Q 3 3 'd G an b d « -S -4-^ rd -S2 S G2 o d o •*-* (A (U 4) > G cd O ^ d s I § ? o o (5l 8? O g cs 3 ■ creo m S cl ,« C o O g ■e c4 T3 U U » "3 V P< s '3d C lx I-] 0 01 X X C/D t— ( C/D C/D < •-} u > o 6 tj CA :3 |o V 'O O, -C I .h «o > V C5. I o 0 1 "3 qS I u c 3 Xj o <: C4 3 O n a •j (d ffi ... 3 6 o. cl I ^ ■= ^ .S ~a -3 *5 3 « 3 -g ^ 2 o *r 02 C -Q « cu bn u d cr G *5 cr s 3 pu ^ * 3 . 3 cu G o S <0 g XJ 4> r» ^ i K1 O o cs ft; o 3 bD 3 O H ■.1 o 3 3 O 3 3 3 h o p< o O a ^t-^ a cS K S o c« c d *s *35 d G H H- G > . s d 4) cj s d d G u G O 00 dJ .& O Ui G< 4-/ 05 2 •s| s-.'s .2 i m b/D g u •S ^ .1 P. .. (0 C/5 I d ' 52 ^ ' 6 ' d her. 4-pet. mas. 3-pet. alb. /H ■3 O- cG * 1 " ^ G « t: ^ 3% G G O g: • < ' ^ 43 . o ' *-» x> . "S !« » u .3 • < « J 1 H 73 c .G Oh :0 \ 't it / .•I "X C 96 3 1 Vulgar, and Femacular A‘an V smooth'lcavcd, * Dicoty. Asparagi. 0. folllB oppositis cordatis acu- minatis novcmnerviis, sub- tus subpubesccDlibus. Toliis glabris. 3-val. Ho. Junio. So. Julio. ORDQ V-OCTAJ^nRM. 1 dilaUta, Cic. S candicans, Hort. Ait. 415 JUKIPBRUS, - • IJUNIPER, Virginiana, - Mich. Virginian; Red>ccdar. ORDO FlIl—JHO^rADRLPOIA. Coniferae. Imas.squam.jinas. O. I I feiiT. 3>parcj fcm. 3*pari| CLASSIS XXm.— POLYGAMIA. ORDO I—AfOJVOEC/A. 416 Veratruu, A- ■ Hellebore, Monoeoty. Junci. 0. S-pet. - caps. 3, obi. 1-loc. l-val V. album, Mich, nee L. 5 grccn-flowcred, svamp; Poke-root; Indian-pokc. virid. foliis lato-ovatis sulcatis. 4ir Acer, Mafle, ... Dieoty, Accra. -fid. . s-p«. . caps, basi rubrum, L. h rc(l-f)oiTcred, scarlet, white, red, soft, swamp- cocc. . bliis palmatis quinquc lobls. ORDO n.—DlOECU. 418 Gleditsia, - h Locust; Gleditsia. Idem. Leguminosac her. 4-fid. her. 4-pct. leg. disse- fem. 3-pli. maa. 3-pet pirn, trans- 1 triacanthos, G- spinosa. L. ? Marsh. 5 sweet, honcf, tripie-thomed, alb. ramis spinosis, spinis tripli cibus, Icguminibus poly- spermis. [ 97 ] Snitematicl- Engdih, rutrii'-, and renuieular A'fllHPfl t FamiUet of Juuieu. CaliT. CproUd. Form of the Leava, tie. Fruit. 7Vm« of Fhra A-umri. enng. 3 monosperma, Hort. 1 rwait. J. oiic-sccded, water, virid. ramis subspinosis; Icgumini- Do. Maio. G. aquadca, Marsh. J bus monospermis. 419 Praxinus, Ash, .... Dicoty. Jasminca. 4-part. 4-pet. V. O caps. ovat. Americana, Mich. f. b ? F. discolor, Muhl. ^ - . - foliolis integerrimis longc acuminatis, pctiolatis. oblong. fio. Mtuo. 420 Diosptrosi Persisiok, Idem. Guaiacanac. 4-fid. 4-fid. - bac. globos. 3-loc. Virginiana, - \ common, ... foliis ovatis, obtusiusculis. So. Junio. nitidis; peiiolis pubcscen- 42INTSSA, - - Tupelo, - - . - Idem. EIxagni. S-part. 0. drupa. - 1 aquatica, L. ct Mich f. 7 N.biflora, Mich. ^ large; Guni-trcc; Sour-gum Pepperidge. foliis ovalibus, integerrimis 2 sylvatica, Mich, f.') N. vlllosa, Mich. ^ Gum; Black-gum; Sour- foliis ovalibus, integerrimis Ho. Maio. N. moDtana, Hort.J gum; Swamp Hornbeam. petiolo nervoque, margi- neque villosis. 423 Pamax, Ginseng, Idem. 5-pci. - bac. cordata 2-loc. trifolium, Mich. three-lcavcd, alb. pusillum; foliis temis rarius fio. Aprili. quinis. 433 Fious, PlC-TnEK, h comiDon, ORDO m.—TRlOECIJL mas. 3-spat, fem. 5'spat foliis cordatis triquinque>lo- fructuButri' l-spcrm. CLASSIS XXIV.— CRYPTOGAMIA. p ^ S A C H < !" a p 0. c c/3 pH CO CO '>1 < ■< s 5 < g < - „ s a « g P H p 5 a a s « p- gl tM Oh P P 0 n S « W P 00 02 o V.., 2 i3 P5 PI CO CO -0 r}« T? rjH Tj* P pc< CO =0 I P) z W "2 “ ^ ►H qs hJ _ ■e - P C/2 0? P C I < CQ Ph V5 <0 b** r c: *3d S ‘ E o 6jD c3 . . >< o ; ^ P ^ ^ o > bD Pi O ^•5 ^ o w P a hJ p^ CO - c o -Q E^ cd W 'U P CP <3 Q 1^; w ■o S o u 'O '1 ro ^ c/3 ;» CS ' U 09 a s I— « o "S Q rN ^ CS fc- .E N .2 d P cr C4 ^ V, < — : s] j:: cq o ^ J3 +J b/D > ‘o ^ ^ t/3 Ph u « b N o.'a boS