Quarterly Vol. Ill, No. k June, 1953

OWIS CAN EE LIKE EAVEtTS See I Kings, xvii: k-6

Most of the following works have been ordered and some have arrived already -- quite a distinguished company, old and young, sitting together in the waiting room and looking for sponsors .

Anecdotes of Polite Literature , 5 vols , , lj6k . $13.16. A rare, interesting, and neglected collection of literary criticism.

Bradley, Eichard. A Philosophical Account of the Works of Nature, 2nd ed. 1739. $1.^7.

The Bystander. 1790. $2.9!^. One of the rarer and more obscure of the essay periodicals of the century.

Cottle, A. S. Icelandic Poetry > Bristol, 1797. $3.00. % Amos Cottle! Phoabus, what a name" -- Byron.

A Dictionary of Husbandry, Gardening , Trade, Commerce , and all Sorts of Country Affairs, 2 vols. I726. $9.80, An unclassif iable sort of work, containing much of historical and even of literary interest.

De Franc ovich, Benedetto Antelami. Milan, 1952. $38.i^■0. Over 300 plates illustrating the work of this sculptor. A recommendation of Mr. Chillman's.


Donne, John. Sermons , ed G. R. Potter and Evelyn M. Simpson, "There are l60 sermons by Donne extant. They are recognized as containing some of the very greatest sermons of the seventeenth certury, and as essential material for anyone who is at all interested in the poet -preacher . " To "be published in ten volumes at the rate of two a year, by subscription only, $7.50 a volume. University of California Press.

De Forest, John W. History of the Indians of Connecticut Hartford, I85I. $8.50.

Dugdale, William. History of St. Pauls Cathedral. I658. $17.64. Mentioned in the last FLYLEAF. Now here, and worth looking at.

Faustus . From the German of Goethe. London, 1821. With plates. First translation into English, not complete. $11.76.

F it z Gerald, Edward, Letters and Literary Bemains , 7 vols 1902,. $13,30, An attractive set, and a bargain.

Golds chmidt, E. P, The Printed Book of the Renaissance, Cambridge University Press, 1950"! ^15.00.

"The Gossip." A manuscript miscellany written by a feminine circle called the Gossip Society" and dedicated to the Dean of Gloucester. l803-l80it. $3.6U.

Hurd, Eichard. Dialogues on the Uses of Foreign Travel. VJ&i. $5.88.

Irving, Washington. Western Journals , ed, J. F. McDermott. University of Oklahoma Press, 19if4. $5.00,


Kelenen, Pal, Baroque and Eococo in Latin America. Macmillan, 195l"i $12.38. Profusely illustrated covers the field.

Lehner, Smst. Alphabets and Ornaments. 1952. $7.00. "a treasury of letters and alphabets, scripts, title X)ages, ornaments, decorative forms, fleurons and border designs."

Massinger, Philip. The Duke of Millaine; _a tragedy . 1638. $15.00. Second quarto.

Poems in English and Latin, on the Archers , and Royal- Company of Archers By several Hands. Edinburgh, I726. $11.76. A glimpse of Edinburgh in the days of Allan Eamsay, who contributed to this volume.

Scott, Walter. Border Antiquities of England and Scotland. 2 vols, folio. iQlh. $8.82. With 90 plates.

Scott, Walter. Provincial Antiquities and Picturesque Scenery of Scotland. 2 vols, quarto. 1826"^ $8.00. With ^ plates.

A Select Collection of Modem Poems by the Best Authors . Edinburgh, 1759- $3.00. A rare miscellany.

Spenser, Edmund. The Faerie Queen, etc. A rather complicated title, designating the first collected edition of Spenser's poems. 161I-12-13. $35*00.

Swift, Jonathan. Letter of Advice to _a Young Poet. I72I, $2.80.

Swinburne, Algernon Charles. A batch of firsts Mary Stuart (1881), Tristram of Lyonesse (I882), A Midsummer Holiday (l88i), and Loves Cross -Currents (1907) fifty cents to eighty -five cents apiece.


Thackeray, William Makepeace. The Eickle"burys on the Ehine. I85O. $7.70. A Thackeray first, and a charming little item.

Thetard, Henry. Ja mervei Ileus e histolre du cirque. 2 vols. Paris, 19^7. $lii-.50. Siirely we should have a hook on the history of the circus.

Voltaire. Correspondence . ed. Theodore Besterman. "There shall he 5O-6O volumes," says the prospectus from Geneva, where this monumental collection is heing puhlished. Our suhscription to the first 3 vols, comes to $23.10.

Wells, Edward. A Treatise of Ancient and Present Geography . 2nd edition. $2.10. I706.

Willis, K. P. American Scenery; or Land, Lake, and Eiver. 2 vols . I850. $17.50.


Some of the student organizations on campjs as well as their alumnae groups are among the most active and generous friends of the Lihrary. The Pallas Athene Literary Society Alumnae recently, contrihuted $500. ;^^-- a fund for current affairs hooks -- a very important field which could not he at all adequately provided for without the assistance of this group. Other welcome donations have heen received; from the Chaille Cage Literary Society for the music room, from the Olga Keith Literary Society for the purche-se of

phonograph records, and from Eice Hillel for hooks on Jewish culture.


George S. Bonn, who recently resigned his position as associate librarian and science and technology librarian at Fondren to go to the Rev York Public Library, has given the following volijmes with his own comment: Diary of Samuel Pepys , 10 v., Ltd. Ed. Club, and LeSage, Adventures of Gil Bias, 2 v., Ltd. Ed. Club, both "in remembrance of 21 months with friendly people"; and Hugo, Les Miserables , 5 v., Ltd. Ed. Club, and Casanova, Memoirs , 8v., Ltd* Ed. Club, these given "in appropriate commemoration of 'Les Miserables Casanovas*, the 1952-53 class of 5th year Chemical Engineers".

From Joseph Lloyd Battista we have received Pergola, L'eroe dei due mondi (Garibaldi), and V7illard Thorp continues his generosity to the Library with P.yan, Catholic Principles of Politics , in remembrance of English 395,0^(3. a contribution for books of contem- porary drama in honor of the Eice Players .

Other recent gifts and contributions to the Library include: from E. P. Adams, files of technical journals; from Port Baughman, several volumes; from Victor E. Chvojka, three recent novels; from John S. Harmon, several volumes; from Mrs, E. Armour Munson, Bridenbaugh, Myths & Bealities; from Kenneth S. Gunter, James, Turn of the Screw; from Mrs. Karl I. Schmidt, fifteen volumes of German titles; from Miss Martha Schnitzer, thirty volumes of 19th century novels; from 0". A. Schumann, several volumes; and from the National Society of Colonial Dames, Houston Group, a contribution for a book on Colonial or American history to be used in connection with a history course at Rice .



The following memorials have been received since the last issue of FLYLEAF: in memory of Mrs. William A. Brunet by- Mr. and Mrs. Clazton Parks; in memory of Eoss Bryan by Mr. and Mrs. Claxton Parks; in memory of Mrs. Walter P. Coghlan by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shelton; in memory of John W. Curry by Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hodges; in memory of Leroy I. Bo-j by David G. Eckholm, and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Eickard; in memory of Madeline Salter Goodwin by Lela Goar Davis; in memory of Mrs. Herman W. Johnson by Lt. Charles E. Nocholas; in memory of George V. Kane by Mr. and Mrs. David JFrame; in memory of Mrs . Gladys E . Lawrence -Toombs by Mr. and Mrs. Hubert E. Bray; in memory of Mrs. Lottie Margaret Maercky by Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dwyer; in memory of Henry E. Eachford iDy Ladies of the Houston Law Department of the Gulf Oil Corporation; in memory of Taylor Eicketts by Mr. and Mrs. Eobert B. Turner, and Mr. and Mrs. Claxton Parks; in memory of James F. Webster, Sr, by Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Galloway; in memory of Edgar Wells by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shelton.

In memory of William Ward Wat kin, Mr. and Mrs. Birdsall P. Briscoe have presented 12 volumes of Petits Edifices historiques", by A. Eaguenet. A contribu- tion to the William Ward Watkin Memorial Fund was received from Helen Ann Dvorak.



Hov many copies of the same "book should a library have? The answer depends on function and policy. The commercial circulating library in Great Britain used to buy virtually whole editions of popular novels to rent out to readers. Eapid obsolescence would be the rule here, and the library would have to be continually renewing itself. At the opposite extreme would be the collection of superlative rarities -- say the fifteenth century books in the Huntington Library -- which would focus on one copy of each edition or issue. In such a library there would be no such thing as obsolescence, and, short of physical destruc- tion, there would be continuous increase in value. A curious and even extravagant kind of duplication is devel- oping in some collections of this kind: one library, for example, has been buying all available first editions of Milton, in search of typographical variants. This might be called the bibliographical limit.

The middle way for Fondren would seem to be to undertake only in a limited way the provision of duplicate copies for routine course work (that is the mode of the circulating library), and on the other hand not to play for rarity as such, but to see that the representation of significant works on our shelves should be bibliographically com- prehensive.

This overlaps with the discussion of the uses of first editions in a recent issue


of the FLYLEAF, but it extends the principle and gives it a somevhat different application. The first edition may be conceived of as the first of a series of "states" of the work, many of which it might be useful or important for the student to have . We should not aim at a collection of all the editions of The Vicar of Wakefield or The Compleat Angler , though some have enjoyed making such a collection. But duplication or multiplication in the sense of having various or numerous editions is desirable. Editions controlled by the author during his lifetime are essential not just the first and the last of such editions . In his talk to the Friends, Willard Thorp cited Whitman's Leaves of Grass as a striking example of an important work with major textual changes from edition to edition. After the author signs off, our theoretical series of editions may still be of great value as showing what the publishers and editors have done.

In constructing such a series gifts from private libraries are appropriate and helpful. Apparent duplication may not be real duplication; an unconsidered and obscure edition may fill a gap, or two copies that appear superficially to be identical may disclose important variants. And apart from biblio- graphical points, a series of well selected and representative editions covering a considerable period of time and varying in format and makeup will help to give the student historical pers- pective.

Alan D. McKillop



This list includes only the names of active mem- "bers of the Friends , - those who have paid dues in cash or in gifts of books during the 1952-53 memher- ship year. Donors of one hundred dollars or more be- come -life members; other memberships are on an annual basis ,

Mr. E. P. Adams

Mr. J. B. Allen

Miss Diane Aitken

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin N. Aitken

Dr. Charles S. Alexander

Mr . and Mrs . A . E . Amerman

Mr. and Mrs. Ben M. Anderson

Mr. Ealph A. Anderson, Jr.

Mrs . Mark Andrews

Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Arnold

Mr. Joseph W. Atkins, Jr.

Mrs. James A. Baker, Jr.

Mrs . Norma Louise Barnett

Mr. and Mrs, U. E. Barrick

Major and Mrs. Dale L, Barrick

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Barrow

Mr . and Mrs . L . A . M . Barnette

Dr. E. L. Bartlett

Miss Bessie Belmore

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Biehl

Miss Margaret Biehl

Mr . and Mrs . Hugh C . Black

Mrs. E. E. Blair

Mr . and Mrs . John C . Bcehm

Mr. George S. Bonn

Mr. J. E. Branard, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs Bubert E. Bray

Mr, William Bridgwater

Mr. and Mrs, Birdsall P. Briscoe


Mr . and Mrs . George P . Brovn Mr. and Mrs. H. Fletcher Brovn Mr. and Mr. Herman Brown Mrs. Joseph C. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Brown Mr . and Mrs . Ted Brown Mrs . Walter F . Brown Mrs , Edward Burns Mr. Carroll Camden Mr. James I. Camphell Mr. and Mrs. Dure 11 Gar others Mrs . E . W . Carothers Mr. Eohroy Carroll Mr. and Mrs. John C ashman Mr. Charles S. Chan Mr. Monroe Cheney- Mrs, M. C. Chiles Miss Helen Chillman Mr. and Mrs, James Chillman, Jr. Mr. Victor E. Chvojka Mr. Gould H. Cloud Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Colish Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Cook Mr. Leslie Cookenboo, Jr. Mrs . Ge or ge W , C ottingham Mr. and Mrs, Hardin Craig, Jr. Mr. Hardin Craig Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Creekmore Miss Nina Cullinan Mrs. A. H. Culver Colonel Eohert E. Cummings Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cummins Mr. John Blodgett Davis Mrs . Lela Goar Davis Mrs . J. Moody Dawson Mr, and Mrs. E. A. J. Dawson Miss Alice C. Dean Mr. William Adams Delano Mr. Alexander Deussen

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Donnelly


Mr. and Mrs. William S. Dix

Mr. C . L. Dove 11

Mr. B. M. Downey

Mr . and Mrs . Eay L . Dudley

Mrs . Elva Kalb Dumas

Miss Helen Ann Dvorak

Mr . and Mrs . C . A . Dwyer

Mr. A. D. Dyess

Mr. A. D. Byess, Jr.

Mr. David G. EckhoLn

Mrs. Dwight J. Eds on

Mr. Bernard Epstein

Mr, Alfred C. Finn

Mr. Theodore A. Flaxman

Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Floeter, Jr.

Mr . and Mrs , Far rand F lovers

Miso Es telle Eebert Neblett Folk

Mrs. W. W. Fondren

Mr. and Mrs. David Frame

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Francis, Jr..

Mrs. J, P. French

Mr. and Mrs. Max Freund

Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fulton

Sr, Lenerd Gahert

Miss Emira Gaine*

Mrs . E . R . Galloway

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. C. Geldert

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gershinowitz

Mrs. B. M. Gibson

Mr. Robert I. Giesberg

Mrs . Marie Golding

Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Gcssman

Mr . and Mre . Hugh E . Gragg

Mr. Marvin Greenwood

Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hoskins Gregg

Mrs . T . D . Gresham

Mrs. A. W. Eamill

Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. E^nilton

Mr. and Mrs. David Hannah, Jr.

Mrs, Harry C. Hanszen


Mr. J. W. Hargrove

Mr. John S. Harmon

Miss Beatrice Y. Harrison

Mr. William M. Hart

Mr. Seth G. Hathaway

Mr. Justin Haynes, Jr.

Mr . and Mrs . Walter Eebert

Mr. Frank L. Herrick

Mr. G. Herzog

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hess

Father Eugene A. Heyck

Mr. and Mrs. H. Hilliard

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hodges

Mr. Henry S. Hoffman

Mrs . E . L . Eogan

Miss Ima Hogg

Mrs . Burke Holman

Mr. William V. Houston

Mrs . George F . Howard

Mr. Emmett L. Hudspeth

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hudspeth

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Illig

Mr. John S. Ivy

Mrs. Stewart Jamerson

Mrs. W. E. Jameson

Mr . and Mrs . Sam Jett

Mrs. H. J. Job

Mr. C. A. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Tom M. Johnson

Miss Mary Elizabeth Johnston

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H. Jones

Mr. Mor^n Jones

Miss Vivian Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jordan

Mr. and Mrs .J. Frank Jungman

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Keenan

Mr. C. J. Kehoe

Mrs. Edward VJ. Kelley

Mrs. L. C. Kemp, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kirkland


Mr, and Mrs. Carl M. Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Kurth Mrs. J. W. Lander Mr. Jonathan Lane Mrs . Euth W . Lane Miss Sarah L. Lane Mr. E. M. Lansford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs . Floyd S . Lear Miss Gertrude Levy- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Levis, Jr, Mr . and Mrs . Wendel Ley- Mr. and Mrs. R. VJ. Lilllott, Jr. Mrs. Ealph D, Looney Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Lummis Mr . I . M . Lurie

Mr. and Mrs. Guy T. McBride, Jr. Mr . and Mrs . S . G . McCann Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McCants Mr. William H. McCarthy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. McCoy Mr. and Mrs. I. B. McFarland Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. McKillop Mr, Gerald MacLane Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Madden Mr. Lester Mansfield Mr. and Mrs. John Mason, Jr. Mrs . Shirley Mason Mrs. W. A. Matthaei Mr. John M. Matthews Mr. Edward B. Mayo Mr. Fleming L. Mays Miss Helen Mims Mr. William M, Minor Mrs , Preston Moore Mr . and Mrs . Thomas W . Moore Mr, and Mrs . Marcel Moraud Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morehead, Jr. Mr. Oscar A. Morgner Mrs. G.Huckins Morris

Mrs. Glory E. Morris


Mr. and Mrs. Seth Irwin Morris, Jr.

Mr. W. K. Morrow

Mr. Joseph Mullen

Mrs . H.ArmoTJir Munson

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Muse

Mrs. J. W. Neal

Mrs. C. E. Reblett

Mrs. Agnese Carter Nelms

Mr. and Mrs. Norman T. Ness

Mrs . Hugo Neuhaus , Jr .

Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Nicholas

Lt. Charles E. Nicholas

Mr. and Mrs. Ealph G. Nichols

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Nicholson, III

Mr. and Mrs. Stayton Nunn

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Olcott

Mrs . Wirt Adams Paddock

Mr. John E. Parish

Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Pauw

Mrs. Vliley Joe Parker

Mr. and Mrs. Claxton Parks

Mrs. E. A, Peden, Jr.

Mrs . Birr el Pennington

Mr. Joseph W. Petty, Jr.

Mr. Vance D. Phenix

Miss Julia Picton

Mr. James V/. Phillips

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Planck

Mrs . Maud Michaux Powell

Mr. Sterling D. Price, III

Mr. John Baker Prickett

Mr. and Mrs. Jacques F. Pry or

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Eather, Jr.

Mr . and Mrs . J. Newton Eayzor

Miss H. Lei Eed

Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Eed

Mrs . Gus Eeymershof f er

Miss Elsa Eeymershoffer

Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Eickard

Miss Ann Eidgeway

Miss Barbara Ann Eoos


Mr. Jay H. Eose

Mr. A. A. Eoth

Mrs . Lula Ward Eoth

Mrs . Ealph Eupley

Mrs. H. G. Safford

Mr. Ernest Lee Sandlin

Mrs. Karl I. Schmidt

Miss Martha Schnitzer

Dr. J. P. Schumacher

Mrs, 0. A. Schumann

Mrs. F. L. Scott

Dr. John Schaefer

Mr. Ealph A. Shaffer

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Shartle

Mr. and Mrs. Fred V. Shelton

Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Shepherd, Jr,

Miss Stella Shurtleff

Mrs. E. P. Simmons

Mr. James E. Sims

Mr . and Mrs . Sam E . Sims

Mr. J. Willis Slaughter

Mr. Ernest C. Smith

Mr. Frank C. Smith, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Smith

Mr. Noyes D. Smith

Dr. Murray T. Smyth, Jr.

Mrs. Harold M. Soule

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Steeger

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stevens

Mr. and Mrs. L, A. Stevenson

Mr. W. N. Stokes

Mr. and Mrs. Eohert F. Strange

Mr . and Mrs . Adolph Stuermer

Mrs . W . E . Styron

Mr. Maurice J. Sullivan

Mr. William L. Tandy

Mr. G. E. Thayer

Eon. Albert Thomas

Mr. and Mrs. Willard M. Thorp

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Tovnes


Mr . and Mrs . R . A . Tsanof f

Miss Pender Turnbull

Mr . and Mrs . Robert B . Turner

Mr, and Mrs. Milton Underwood

Mr. Wylie W. Vale

Miss Helen Putnam Van Sicklen

Mr. Ernest L. Vogt, Jr.

Mrs . Mamie Blair Votaw

Miss Adele Waggaman

Miss Mary Waldo

Mr. Conrad G. Walton

Mr. James ¥ . Webster, Jr.

Mr. Eugene Werlin

Mrs. Harry B. Weiser

Mr. Euben Weltsch

Mrs . George Westf eldt

Miss Anne VJheeler

Mr. and Mrs. James L. Whit comb

Mrs. Lee Whitcomb

Mr. W. L. Whittemore

Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Whittington

Mr. H. D. Wilde

Mrs . Fred Williams

Miss Nell Willman

Mr. Norman Willi son

Mrs. Irene D. Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. F. Talbot t Wilson

Mr . Oliver C .- Winston

Mr . and Mrs . David E . Wintermann

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Witt

Mr. Russell Wofford

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Wommack

Mrs . William Ward Watkin

Mr. Ray Wood

Miss Maud L. Woods

Mr. and Mrs. Newton Wray

Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Wynn

Dr. Arthur Zucht



American Institute of Architects, Houston Chapter Association of Chartered Life Underwriters B'nai B'rith Hillel at Eice Institute Butler, Binion, Rice and Cook Chaille Cage Literary Society- College Women's Club, Drama Section Current Literature Club

Current Study Club ...^..

Danforth Foundation Daughters of the American Revolution^

John McNitt Alexander Chapter District 12, Alumni Club, Austin Area Elizabeth Baldwin Literary Society Alumnae Faculty Women's Club of the Rice Institute National Council of Catholic Women National Society of Colonial Dames,

Houston Group Olga Keith Literary Society Owen Wister Literary Society Owen Wister Literary Society Alumnae Pallas Athene Literary Society Alumnae Parliamentary Law Club


President. Talbott Wilson Vice-President, Mrs. Ben M. Anderson Membership Secretary, Mrs. Chas . W. Hamilton Eecording Secretary, Mrs. Lee Whitcomb Treasurer, Charles W. Hamilton

BOAED OF DIEECTOES: Jacques F. Pryor E, A. Tsanoff Mrs . Milton Underwood Mrs. Irene D. Wilson

Alan D. McKillop, editor, the FLYLEAF Mrs. H. Fletcher Brovn, Publication


A friendly reminder if you are a Friend already, a cordial invitation to join us if you are not.


Name ;


I am enclosing two dollars as annual membership dues .

I wish in addition to contri- bute to the Book Fund the fol- lowing membership:

Sustaining $ 10.00 Subscribing 25.00 Benefactor 100 . 00 Patron 500.00

Please remit to the Treasurer:

Mr. Charles W. Hamilton National Bank of Commerce Houston, Texas.