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Graduation is a time when we come together to share memories, to celebrate our accomplishments, and to look to the future.

We chose "New Horizons" as the theme for FOOT- PRINTS 1992 because, although we will always remem- ber the splendid times, treasured friends, and happy years at St. Joseph's College, we look forward with great anticipation to what lies ahead.

We would like to thank all those who made it possible.








There's all of pleasure and all of peace In a friend or two;

And all your troubles may find release Within a friend or two;









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It's in the grip of the sleeping hand On native soil or in alien land,

But the world is made do you understand

Of a friend or two.








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A song to sing, and a crust to share With a friend or two;

A smile to give and a grief to bear With a friend or two;









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A road to i*;a//c and a goal to win, An inglenook to find comfort in,


The gladdest hours that we know begin With a friend or two.














A little laughter; perhaps some tears With a friend or two;


The days, the weeks, and the months and years With a friend or two;













A vale to cross and a hill to climb,

A mock at age and a jeer at time

The prose of life takes the lilt of rhyme

With a friend or two.

—Wilbur B. Nesbit






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Don't i Go aft( knowing tin


Don't feel li... when plans and dreams fall short of your hopes. Anytime you learn something new about yourself or your life, you have progressed.

Don't do anything that takes away from self-respect Feeling good about yourself is essential to feeling good about life.

Don't ever forget how to laugh

or be too proud to cry.

It is by doing both that we live life to the fullest.

Nancye Sims

We, the class of 1992,

dedicate this year's edition of FOOTPRINTS,

with deepest appreciation, to our parents.

You have encouraged us through the hard times

and applauded our accomplishments.

Yon have given us the determination to succeed.

For these reasons we can never thank you enough

for being our strength anq^oui^upj&rtA





r are those wonderful people who want our lives to he happy and complete. They laugh our laughter, cry our tears m and dream our dreams.

And they are always ready to give us their encouragement and support. No matter how grown up

we may become, no matter where we go in life or what we do, we never outgrow our parents' love.


















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I'm lookingforward to my future as an inspirational teacher and a life full of love and happiness with Robert, my family and friends. -J.B.

I hope to be a happily married, successful teacher with a wonderful family, beautiful home, luxurious car, and outrageous boat. What can I say, I want it ALU -M.S.

In the years to come I am looking forward to being a teacher and having good memories of the time I spent at St. Joe's. -F.P.

In the years that are quickly approaching, I wish my family health and happiness always and 1 intend to fulfill my goals in life, including happiness with the person I care for so very much. -M.P.

Ten years from now I'll be out of New York, happily married with a good career. I'll still be in touch with my good friends and obtain the things that I want in life. -L.L,

The future? I can't think about that. I'm just surprised I got out of here in 4 years. The score is: Tom 4 and Matt €. -T.T.

I hope the future holds much happiness, health and success in all I do. I hope to be happily married and going forward in my career. -C.M.L.

I would like to be with a loving husband, have a family, a successful career and the ability to make a difference in the world. -D.M.

The past is dust. The future is unlit. It is the present that is burning. You must keep the future lit. The match is only the beginning. Inhale the smoke of your destiny. -K.R.

I do not know what my future holds for me. But I hope it includes a life of service, healing and contribution to my fellow man. -J.C.

I hope to fulfill my dreams and goals by teaching and striving to get my masters in speech. I will also be tnarried and hopefully starting a family. -N.M.

Hopefully, 10 years from now, I would have furthered my career and become a CPA. I also would like to settle down and live a full and exciting life with my beautiful, loving wife. -J.M.

I see myself happily married to Luis and living wherever the Army sends us, hopefully Hawaii. I want to be happy, healthy and successful in whatever I do.

In ten years I will be practicing podiatry. I will be reminiscing with a few special people and laughing at all the gossip that was told by many. -E.S.

Ten years from now I see myself very much the same. As long as I have success, health, happiness, friends, family and of course, Benny, to support me along the way, I'll be just great! -S.D.

Only time will tell wliat is in store for us in life. I hope and wish for it be a happy and prosperous one, enjoyed with a loving and healthy family. -C.L.

In 10 years I'll be a CPA, married to a great guy with 2 or 3 children; and, thanks to St. Joe's, I'll have several special friends. -K.K.

My future will be filled with love, happiness, and success. I will be very rich, with a gorgeous husband^ living in a huge house, with two cars and a baby on the way. -T.O.D.


IN 2002

It would be impossible to determine exactly where I'll be in ten years, but as long as I have a smile on my face and a joy in my heart, do the details really matter anyway? -T.M.

I expect to be living my life doing whatever makes me happy: loving, sharing and caring for the people in my life. -A.B.l*

Ten years from now, as I'm driving past St. Joe's in my Jaguar with my gorgeous husband and five children, I'll think of all my friends and hope you 're all happy, healthy (and rich). -J.B.

My future is a mystery novel which is sure to be filled with tfie unexpected. The clue is to live each day to the fullest so that the solution is many dreams coming true. -J.H.

In ten years I hope to be doing the one thing I love best in life and tltat's educating children. I hope to be happy, successful and married to the love of my life, Paul. -A.C,

My future holds a career in working with little children. Later on, I will be discovered and become a famous actress with a devoted hubby and at least four children. -K.A.S.

My future will be full of success and happiness. I will be working with special education children. I also hope to be married with one or two children. I will obtain all the goals I desire. -M.M.

I think my future in ten years will be full of love, success and respect. Hopefully I will be teaching and having my second child on the way by then. My husband will be successful, rich and wonderful.

I'll be Regional Sales Manager at a major company where I hope to be making personnel, marketing, investment and accounting decisions. After that Til be on my way to being CFO. -J.D.

The future is not something that is easily predicted. I have dreams and aspirations that I hope I will fulfill. I hope to have a loving husband, a beautiful family and be a successful Speech Pathologist. -L.H.

I see myself in countries like France or Haiti. I see myself starting success, if not already fully successful. I see myself married with at least three children as intelligent and beautiful as their mother. -CM.

Married? Children? Doctor? Pfizer? Only time will tell. The only thing I know for sure is I'm going to live one moment at a time and be happy every step of the way. -K.M.

In ten years, I hope to have a successful career on Wall Street, be happily married to a great guy, have two wonderful children and have many fond memories of my days at St. Joseph's. -L.R.C.

The future is where you build up your dreams. The future can hold many great opportunities and love. I'm looking forward to teaching elementary school and getting married to a very special and understanding man. -F.C.

Ten years from now I hope to be married and on my way to total financial stability. My biggest goal is to return to my beautiful Island of Grenada where I can further my career. -M.C

I see myself as a calmer and happier person, successfully working as a Speech Pathologist. I also hope to be happily married to a very important person in my life whom I love alot, Frankie. -E.M,

I want to travel and see the rest of the world in the next decade, be successful in my own physical therapy practice, help children, and have a couple of my own. -D.C.

I have hopes and dreams of fame and fortune, which are unpredictable. I hope to get through each day with the pride my parents hold in me and the morals and values they have instilled in me. -J.S.



The future is uncertain. Simply, I hope to be someone I can be proud of. J.G.

Ten years from now, I can see myself as a successful teacher traveling around Europe.

Future = Happiness-' + Children ' x Husband v Career - Sorrows. -E.D.


/ see myself as a successful teacher traveling around the world. And possibly, living a year or two in Puerto Rico or Italy with my future husband. -M.O.

Pride in all I accomplish . . . Laughter from every thought . . . Happiness tofdl my days ... A wonderful marriage with tots of love. Ronnie, Til love you always and forever! You're my inspiration! -K.M.

The future holds a great many things for me. I feel that teaching will provide me with may rewards: spiritually, mentally and socially. -S.P.


tn the future I plan to be the director and owner of a Day Care Center. I also hope to be married with many children. -J. P.

For mf, the future holds a lifetime of happiness with my love, Dave. -P.M.

Building a life with the person who, during the past year, has taught me more about love than I will ever learn in a lifetime. -S.F.


Ten years from now I see myself wealthy, healthy and successful due to the love and devotion of my parents and brother. -R.P.

Ten years from now I will be a successful accountant in a large firm. I'll be married to my wonderful future husband, John Carbone. -L.D.

Ten years from now I hope to be healthy, wealthy and wise working in my area and learning more about it and myself. -C.L.

Driving around in my automobile . . . with no particular place to go. -D.S.S.

. . . I hope to be successful, healthy and happy and as much in love then as I am today. -K.B.

Living and sharing a life with the person who, even today, makes me the happiest. ■L.L.

If I'm loved as much as I am today and still surrounded by such awesome friends, my future will he incredible. -A.M.S.

Happy, calm ( . . . HAlHAl), healthy, very rich and living in a beach house on a tropical island. -H.A.J.

I'd like to teach people to cherish their lives, to treat others with only respectful compassion, and to always love more tluin I am loved. -M.A.O.


I hope to be inspiring the students that I will be teaching, academically, emotionally, and spiritually. My contribution to society will be to share the gifts and talents that t hate acquired with my students, family and friends. -Y.L.


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"This is really NOT a Kodak moment."

Ole McBob . . . EI-EI-O.

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O My God, . . . OOOH NO!'

'Knock on Wood.

"What do you mean, you want MY M&M's?"

"YEH . . . YEH .

the 5th to win."

Lucky Everett in

"Fuhgedabout it!

"BURP . . . excuse me!!'








S. George Aquin O'Connor, Ph.D., LL.D. President

S. Mary Florence Burns, Ph.D. Academic Vice President

S. Margaret Buckley, Ed.D. Academic Dean


Ms. Rosalie Tutino, M.A. V.P. for Development & College Relations

S. Elizabeth Hill, J.D. Executive Asst. to the President

S. Teresa Avila Burke,



to the Academic Dean

Mr. Thomas Travis, Ph.D.

Dean of Division of

General Studies

S. John Raymond McGann,



to the President

Mr. John Roth, M.B.A. Chief Business Officer


Sherrie Van Arnam, B.A.

Director of Student


Lisa Freeland, M.P.A. Registrar

Rev. Martin Kull, M.Div. Campus Minister

Mary Elizabeth Farrell,

B.A. Dir. of Alumni Relations

Irene Nebel, M.S. Dir. of Counseling and Career Services

Rev. Dennis J. Farrell,

M. Div.

Campus Minister

"The Passion to teach is far more basic and primitive than the passion to learn."

-Eric Hoffer-


Elizabeth Anslow, Ph.D. Assoc. Prof, of Psychology

Angelo Araimo, M.A.

Lecturer in History

and Political Science

Judy Ashley, M.M. Lecturer in Music

Karen Auh, M.S. Asst. Prof, in Mathematics

S. Anne Behre, Ed.D. Prof, of Child Study

Josephine Belloso, M.A. Asst. Prof, of Art

"The great aim of education is not knowledge but action."

-Herbert Spencer-






S. Margaret Buckley, Ed.D. Prof, of Education

S. Mary Florence Burns,


Prof, of English

Eileen R. Capone, M.F.A.

Asst. Prof, of Speech Communication


S. Josephine Marie

Cavanaugh, S.T.D.

Prof, of Religious Studies

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S. Helene Ciborski, M.A. Asst. Prof, of History

Raymond D'Angelo, Ph.D. Prof, of Sociology

"Children enter school as question marks and leave as periods.'

-The Young Sage-


George Fasano, C.P.A. Asst. Prof, of Business

Rev. Richard Ferris, STL.

Lecturer of

Religious Studies

Patricia Gabel, M.A. Asst. Prof of English

Edward Grant, M.S.

Lect. of Mathematics

Computer Science

Oona Haaranen, M.A. Lecturer in Dance

Carol Hayes, Ph.D.

Prof, of Biology


"The best teacher is one who cares, one who may be said to wear an invisible band on his sleeve that says, "I give a damn."

-David Yarington-


Margaret Jennings, Ph.D.

Prof, of English


S. Helen Kearney, Ph.D.

Dillon Instructor

of Child Study

Lenore M. Kelly, Ph.D. Prof, of Sociology

Dorothy A. King, Ph.D. Asoc. Prof, of English

Jeffrey Kraus, Ph.D. Lect. in Political Science

S. Rosemary Lesser, M.A. Asst. Prof, of Child Study


"The teacher must keep alive the spark of wonder to prevent it from becoming blase' from over excitement, wooden from routine, fossilized through dogmatic instruction or disappointed through random exercise upon trivial things."

-John Dewey-


Gordon G. Liu, Ph.D. Instructor of Economics

S. Mary Maier, Ph.D.

Prof, of Chemistry


Arthur Martello, M.S.

Lecturer in Speech Communication

Edward McCormack, M.A.

Lecturer in

Speech Communication

Michael T. McDonough,


Lecturer in Business

S. Myra Paul Mansfield,


Asst. Prof, of History

"The love of nurturing and observing growth in others is essential to sustaining a life of teaching. This implies that no matter what you teach or how you present yourself to your students, you have to be on the learners side and to believe that they can and will grow during the time that you are together."

-Herbert Kohl-


S. John Raymond McGann,


Prof, of Education


Elizabeth McKaigney, MBA. Asst. Prof, of Business Associate Chairperson

Ida Miletich, M.A. Lecturer in Italian

Margaret Minson, M.S. Lecturer in Child Study

Irene Nebel, M.S. Counseling & Career Serv.

Stanley Nevins, Ph.D.

Prof, of Philosophy


"Education must not any longer be confined to the young. The young must not look forward to its completion; the old must not look back on it as an accompaniment of immaturity. For all people, education must be made to be seen as a requirement of human life as long as that endures. "

-Isaac Asimov-


S. Rosamond O'Keefe, M.S. Asst. Prof, of Psychology

Robert Radus, Ph.D. Professor of French

Ronald Rinehart, Ph.D. Asst. Prof, of Chemistry

Louise Rose, M.A. Asst. Prof, of English

Barbara Pasternack,

M.A.T., C.C.C.

Lecturer in

Speech Communication

Mohammad A. Rana, Ph.D. Asst. Prof, of Biology

"To receive a proper education is the source and root of all goodness. "




John F. Waters, M.S.

Lecturer in Mathematics

and Computer Science

Moira Royston, Ph.D. Assoc. Prof, of Biology

John Seekamp, Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof, of Spanish


David Seppala-Holtzman,

D. Phil.

Assoc. Prof, of Mathematics


Jeffrey Sequeira, M.S. Instructor of Biology

Susan Straut-Collard,

Ph.D. Cand.

Asst. Prof, of Child Study

S. Mary Corde Tymann, M.S. Assoc. Prof, of Physics

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S. Irene Veronica

Van Westering

Compliance Coordinator

S. Alice Francis Young Administrative Assistant

S. Mary Amata Kadlack Institutional Research

S. Ann Edmund Carey Sacristan

S. Margaret Louise Shea Psychologist

"It is noble to teach oneself; it is still nobler to teach others and less trouble."

-Mark Twain-



Michael Ramos

Angelo Araimo-Director

Michal Blackwood

Joan Wirth

Marcia Swaybill-not pictured


Frances Kelly

MaryAnn DeLuca-Asst. Controller

Johanna Johnsen

Norman Murphy

Georgeann Kelly-Controller

Ruthy Danvers

Betty Yeamans


Beverly Balbisingh

Nike Navor

Marie Grace

Mary Elizabeth Farrell

Ruth Davis-Dir. of Development

& College Relations

Roxy Taylor

Lorna Wilson


Mary Haarmann

Carol Sullivan Director

Patrick Regnier


Agnes Montero

Ida Creighton

S. Catherine Cunningham

Lucy Torres

Dorothy Dorosh

S. Mary Winifred Grass

S. Teresa Ryan Director


Deborah Gonsalves, Sr. Helen Kearney, Liane Van Slyck, Paola Giardino, Sr. Patricia Dittmer, Linda Fisk, Louise McVicker, Eileen O'Donnell, Pamela McNeela

Rosemary Chapman

Melodie Horan

Sharon Waverly

Mary Francis

Eileen Reigelhaupt

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Debra Dong and Carol Lizaso



Josephine Belloso Moderator, Dorothy Channaj President, Nathalie Bousader, Regina Gueren, Andrea Messina, Hetal Naik, Gordana Ozimec, Peggy Paul, Elsie Thevenin.


Suzanne DiStefano and Melissa Rosa Co-Presidents, Lena Lopardo and Jennifer Muller Co- Secretaries, Heather Joy and Maggie Drozdowski Co-Pledge Masters, Dina Cassamassino, Mary Byrne, Alyscia Linder, Erin McLoughlin, Virginia Arroyo, Christine Leonard, Kim McGinn, Andrea Siciliano, Denise Murphy, Gianna Lundy, Donna Warner, Rosemarie Maffei, Lisa Caglianone, Maribel Ramirez, Kellie Slack, Nancy Napolitano, Janice Pico, Alexis Guarrasi, Suzanne Bagley, Lynn Jean-Simon


Louise Guglieri President, Kristine Kresse, Hurick Pascal, Lisa DiGiammarco, Anthony Guglieri, John Robinson, Phil LaBega, Chris Zunno, Pat Madagin




Fr. Dennis Farrell - Moderator, Kimberly Ann McGinn - President, Mark Balich, Nathalie Bousader, Dorothy Channaj, Mary Hesse, Chris Kaiser, Maria A. Ortiz, Robert Perfetto, Dawn Siviglia


Kellie Slack President, Dorothy Channaj Vice President, Erin McLoughlin Secretary, Denise Farrell Treasurer, Patti Clemens, Margaret A. Crehan, Alexis Guarrasi, Chris Kaiser, Paul Kelly, Milena Kotrch, Golda Lawrence, Carol Lizaso, Kristina Maliga, Janice Pico, Mikey Satira.



Mary Byrne, Lisa Caglianone, Lisa Carrion, Keshia Espinal, Michele Evensen, Temitope Fasoye, Alexis Guarrasi, Denise Heisler, Lynda Iovine, Nirvelyn Jean- Simon, Mona Kolenda, Rosemarie Maffei, Denise Murphy, Nancy Napolitano, Liz Pellicano, Teresa Rafferty, Guitone Rene, Gina Rivera, Kelly Ryan



i *





Janet Bisignano and Janet Diaz Co-Presidents, Vivian Barreto, Damaris Batista, David Brady, Lisa Carrion, Elaine Comer, Denise Cracchiolo, Angela DePaolo, Danielle Franca, Donna Frasca, Debbie Gartland, Golda Lawrence, Lisa Lelak, Christine Leonard, Denise McFeeley, Andrea Messina, Charlotte Mittenzwei, Maria Ortiz, Kendall Ramseur, Kathleen Riordan, Stefanie Semonella, Andrea Siciliano, Anne Tavani, Sha-Wonda Williams, Andrea Rosamilia, Yolanda Lloyd.



Charles Imbergamo Director, Heather Costanzo Pianist, Patti Clemens, Suzanne DiStefano, Temitope Fasoye, Mary Francis, Mary Hesse, Chris Kaiser, Brad Katinas, Carol Lizaso, Kavita Mangru, Andrea Messina, Charlotte Mittenzwei, Maria Ortiz, Lynn Jean-Simon, Dana Webster, Mary Ann DeLuca and Ida Corvino Miletich Moderators


Temitope Fasoye - President, Edna Hernandez - Vice President, Rochelle Douglas - Secretary, Nathalie Bousader - Treasurer, Ursulina Bencosme, Adrea Foust, Michelle Jordan, Kimberly McGinn, Maria A. Ortiz, Gordana Ozimec



Suzanne DiStefano and Heather Joy Editors, Janine Janusz Business Editor, Stef anie Semonella - Secretary, Kari Banys, Jackie Betsch, Eileen Darcy, Jeannine Gimblet, Julie Hurni, Christine Leonard, Patricia Minardi, Erin McLoughlin, Maria Ortiz, Andrea Siciliano Cover Design: Carol Maya


Nirverlyn Jean-Simon - President, Guitone Rene Secretary, Temitope Fasoye, Michelle Jordon, Kavita Mangru, Nicki Marsh, Maria Ortiz, Janet Bisignano, Janet Diaz



Katherine Luna President, Damaris Batista Vice President, Michele Latorre Secretary, Carol Lizaso Treasurer, Janet Diaz, Maria Ortiz, Lisa Lambert, Golda Lawerence, Goetz Vilsaint, Kavita Bissundyal, Dr. Seekamp Moderator



Lori Torone President, Janet Bisignano, Joey DeNisco, Rochelle Douglas, Temitope Fasoye, Denise Heisler, Mary Hesse, Paul Kelly, Kavita Mangru, Christine Nemia, Anne Tavani


Rev. Charles D. Sullivan, SJ Head Coach, Mr. Robert Podesta and Mr. Robert Sohr Assistant Coaches, Kevin Raynor Captain, Jason Arbeeny, Glen Casey, Joey Cocozello, Mitch Cornet, Bill Donohue, Charlie Donohue, James O'Connell, Hurick Pascal, John Robinson, Bob Stawarz, Chris Zunno

i. :


Brad Katinas and Goetz Vilsaint Co-Presidents, Jason Arbeeny, Glen Casey, Eamonn Cunningham, Mitch Cornet, John J. Fitzgerald, Chris Kaiser, Phil LaBega, Robert Perfetto, Kevin Raynor, Matthew Reagan, John Robinson, Jose Rosado, Mike Satira, Tom Tzimorotas



Kimberly Ann McGinn President, Maria A. Ortiz - Vice President, Nathalie Bousader Treasurer, Edna Hernandez, Ursulina Bencosme, Gordana Ozimec, Rochelle Douglas, Dorothy Channaj, Melissa Rosa, Frank Spinner, Dana Webster, Maggie Drozdowski, Patricia Pascal, Guitone Rene, Nirvelyn Jean-Simon, Mark Balich, Hetal Naik, Jenny Lekana, Mary Hesse, Elsie Thevenin, James O'Connell, Robert Perfetto, Sr. Mary Maier Moderator



Mary Bryne - President, Maria Ortiz - Vice President, Minal Patel - Secretary, Suzanne Bagley, Denise McFeeley, Maura Fitzgerald, Angela DePaola, Janet Diaz, Janet Bisignano, Indra Persuad, Temitope Fasoye, Alice Hegel, Denise Heisler, Lori Torone, Jason Arbeeny, Patti Ann Clemens


Theresa McFeeley Editor, Paul Kelly, Kim Rackett, John Fitzgerald, Maura Fitzgerald, Denise McFeeley, Margaret Crehan, Maria Ortiz, Frank Spinner, Temitope Fasoye, Hetal Naik


Temitope Fasoye - President, Erin McLoughlin, Denise Heisler, Lori Torone, Joseph DeNisco, Dorothy Channaj, Denise McLinden



President: John Fitzgerald Vice President: Margaret Crehan Secretary: Christine Evers

Elaine Comer

Kathleen Duffy

John J. Fitzgerald

Adrea Foust

Jennifer Fitzpatrick

Jeanne McNally

Denise McLinden

Hurick Pascal



Denise McLinden Vice-President:

Jeanne McNally Secretary:

Margaret Crehan Treasurer:

Dermot Roache



Kimberly McGinn Hurick Pascal Kevin Raynor Goetz Vilsaint

Senior Class Rep:

Crystal Wirth Junior Class Rep:

Kevin McManaway Sophomore Class Rep:

Temitope Fasoye Freshman Class Rep:

Denise Murphy

Senators: Jason Arbeeny Glen Casey Elaine Comer Keshia Espinal Louise Guglieri Lisa Lelak Andrea Palmer John Ravalli Kathleen Riordan Frank Spinner Christopher Zunno


Nathalie Bousader Margaret Crehan Kathleen Duffy Christine Evers Temitope Fasoye Denise McFeeley Denise McLinden Chantal Merzier Tricia O'Donnell Andrea Palmer Teresa Rafferty Andrea Siciliano
















The Board of Trustees The President and the Faculty


Saint Joseph's College

request the honor of your presence

at the Commencement Exercises


Friday , the fifth of June,

Nineteen hundred and ninety-two

Brooklyn Campus


Mom, Dad, Jennifer, Gina,

Thank you for getting me through all of life's little disappointments. Your love and guidance has always been there for me.


Thank you for being there when I needed a shoulder to cry on. Your love and support got me through four years of "living hell". I'm so happy I have you for the rest of my life!

Jennifer & Gina,

I hope you enjoyed "borrowing" my clothes and finishing my hairspray. This is the last year you will be able to do it!


You will always be my best friend. Remember you volunteered to babysit for my future brats.

Lisa Di Giammarco, B.S.

Accounting and Business Administration

Mom, Dad & Jenn,

Thank you for your constant support & guidance, and most of all for your love. I love you guys!


You've been my best friend here for 4 years! There's so much more I could say . . . but you already know. Thank you for everything. Just think, next year we'll go out in the city after work for a drink like real accountants!

Eileen, Jackie, & Kari,

Thank you for always being there for me-you guys are true friends 6" I love ya! Good Luck!

Mr. McD., Mr. Fasano & Prof. Mc Kai- gney, Thanks you guys, not for all the tests you gave me, but for preparing me for the real business world.


Kristine M. Kresse, B.S.

Accounting and Business Administration

/ owe the most thanks to my parents for giving me the opportunity to go to St. foseph's and for all their love and sup- port.

My years at St. foseph's College have been my best by far. I made many great friends and have lots of memories of the fun times over the years. I hope the friends I made and the memories will last forever.

I also would like to thank the faculty and teachers for their efforts to educate and guide me throughout my stay at St. foseph's.

John T. Masters, B.S.


Juliet Ingride Davis, B.S.


Peggy Joanne Paul, B.S.

Business Administration I cannot change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.


Dear Mom & Dad,

Thanks for all the love and support you have given me over the years. You both mean the world to me. I love you.

Anthony, I couldn't ask for a better brother than you. Thanks for making my last two years in college so much fun. I love you.

To Ms. McKaigney: You truly are a great teacher and a special person. Thanks for everything.

To all my "Crazy what's up" friends: You've given me so many special memo- ries of St. Joseph's. Good Luck to every- one. I'll miss you but I'll never forget our times together.

Louise Guglieri, B.S.

Business Administration

Mom Thank you for all your love, support and encouragement. I love you.

Daddy Always remember, I love you.

Danielle Thanks for being a great sister and friend, and for helping me with all my papers.

Grandma, Aunt Helen and the rest of my family You are the best. I love you all.

Alison Thanks for being so special. I love you.

Chris & Eileen Thanks for sticking with me.

To all my Friends & Teachers at SfC (Especially Ms. McKaigney) Thanks for everything. I'll miss you.

Luis / am finally finished!!! Thanks for your patience, understanding, en- couragement, and love. I love you.

fanine Marie Janusz, B.S.

Business Administration


Mom and Dad, Thanks for all those years of encouragement, love, and sup- port. I couldn't have done it without you. I love you both very much.

Jessica and Alicia, Thank-you for being such great sisters. You were always there to make me laugh. I love you both very much.

M'hamed, Thank-you for all your love and support. You will always be my "Endless Love", habibi. Je t'aime beau- coup.

Tony, Thanks for all your help, love and support. "Did you have fun at Buckley's!" I miss you a lot.

To all my friends, Thanks for all the great times!!!

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Dorothy Anna Luhrssen Cnannaj, B.S.


Jacob Cherian, B.S.

Biology and Chemistry

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood And sorry that I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; . . .

I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I / took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference."

Robert Frost


What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

My truest friends [(KM)2, TM, RP, MO, DS, DH, SS, PM, DM, JH],

Friends are new and some are old

Friends are warm but never cold.

They make us laugh and sometimes cry.

But to true friends it's not goodbye. Thanks for the memories guys but let's still keep the stories going.

Mom & Dad,

Thank you for everything you've done for me and for always standing behind me and my decisions. I appreciate your constant support and love you more than words can say.

Love Always, Kim

Kimberly Ann McGinn, B.S.

Biology and Chemistry

"Enough, if something from our hands

have power

To live, and act, and serve the future


And if, as toward the silent tomb we go,

Through love, through hope, and faith's

transcendent dower,

We feel that we are greater than we


William Wordsworth

Thanks to the faculty of St. Joseph's Col- lege for their generous guidance and inspirational love of learning.

Thanks, also, to my friends at S.J.C. for the laughter and support.

Finally, my most heartfelt and enduring gratitude to my family, for the love to which I owe it all.

Maria de Los Angeles Ortiz, B.S.

Biology and Chemistry


Take me for who I am, for there is only one Supreme Being and it isn't you nor I.

Don 't walk in anyone's shadows because life goes too fast. Stop and take a look around before it passes you by.

True friendship is like a circle, it has no beginning and no end. It is continuous forever. (Thank you for being there; no names needed!)

Thanks Mom, Dad, Nana, Da & Dinko, for getting me to where I am now.

Eileen M. Schnaue, B.S.


James F. Murphy, B.S.


Not all that glitters is gold,

Not all those who wander are lost.

—J.R.R. Tolkien—

To: Rob, Rusty, CroMag, Bushwacker: She came in through the meat grinder.

Goodbye to Paul, Trish, Kim, and Maria and thanks.

To Jim K.:

A long way from STA, but we made it. We came, We saw, We left.

Thank you Mom and Dad for the love and support, and thanks to Mary Ann, Allen, John, and Barbara for being there.


"We have lived and loved together

Through many changing years; We have shared each other's gladness

And wept each other's tears; I have known never a sorrow

That was long unsoothed by thee; For your smiles can make a summer

Where darkness else would be."

Mom and Dad, You've given me all a daughter could ask for. Especially love, encouragement, and friendship which I will carry with me through-out my life.

A special thanks to Tina, Joe, Pat, Vinny, Adele, and baby Joseph for always being there for me.

Thanks to Rob, for loving me, being patient with me and for making all my dreams come true. I LOVE YOU.

Joyce Buccheri, B.A.

Child Study

Francine Culotta, B.A.

Child Study


MY PRAYER Great God, I ask thee for no meaner pelf Than that I may not disappoint myself; That in my action I may soar as high As I can now discern with this clear eye.

And next in value, which thy kindness lends,

That I may greatly disappoint my friends,

Howe'er they think or hope that it may be,

They may not dream how thou'st distin- guished me.

That my weak hand may equal my firm


And my life practise more than my

tongue saith;

That my low conduct may not show,

Nor my relenting lines, That I thy purpose did not know, Or overrated thy designs.

Henry David Thoreau

Donna Marie Dilucci, B.A.

Child Study

To my wonderful family-Rilly, Kristine,

and Billy Tyler,

You are all the love of my life and my


I would never have accomplished what I

have without your love and support.

"You are the wind beneath my wings."

I love you all.

To Mom and Dad who always told me it's never too late for dreams to come true.

To all my friends and teachers, Thank you for your guidance and en- couragement.


After fourteen years of marriage you are

still "the best thing that ever happened to

me. " Thank you for always believing in


Debra Tyler Dong, B.A.

Child Study


Michele Charmaine Franka Gabriel, B.A.

Child Study

Dear Mom and Dad Thank you for giving me the opportunity to go to col- lege.

To Carmel and Raquel Thank you for helping me throughout these four years.

To My Dear Arton Thank you for being understanding, loving and caring through the times when I was very busy with school work. I love you very much.

To My Friends CM, LL, YL We've come a long way. And last, but not least, thank you Mrs. Francis for making my days at the college pleasant.

Peace From Michele


Thanks for being the one there with love and support when I needed it. I love you with all my heart.

***• Patti, Dennis & Christopher,

The three of you mean the world to me, thanks for all the memories, smiles and laughter.

*••* Grandma, Aunt Honey & Family,

Thank you for your support over the years. I hope whatever I do in life, I make you proud of me.

••• Friends,

You will always be in my heart, our memories will last though we will part.

••• Jimmy,

Words cannot express what you have come to mean to me. I will be behind you always.

XOXO, Niney

Jeannine M. Gimblet, B.A.

Child Study


There is nobody more special to me than my mother. Thank you for your un- selfishness, love and support. You have given me the greatest gift in life: you gave me my dream.

Dad, Thank you for support and love. I am looking forward to spending more quality time with you. NO MORE HOME- WORK! Love you.

Paul, Thank you for everything, but es- pecially for being you, my love, my friend & my life.

Michelle and Nicole, We have laughed, cried and fought our way through 19 years of friendship and I treasure each moment.

Ernie and Vinny, I love you.

Angela Giudice, B.A.

Child Study/Special Education

Leslie Patricia Harris, B.A.

Child Study and Speech Communication

Follow your dream . . . take one step at a time and don't settle for less, just continue to climb. Follow your dream . . .

if you stumble, don't stop and lose sight of your goal, press on to

the top . . .

For only on top can we

see the whole view, can we see what we've done and what we can do, can we then have the vision to seek

something new . . . Press on, and follow your dream.

Amanda Rradley

Thanks Mom and Dad for allowing me to follow my dreams. Jackie, Margot, T.J., Rarbara and John, I Love You Lots.


"The way to love anything is to realize


that it might be lost. "


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Kathy, Rena, John: I love you guys with all my heart. Never forget that.

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Love Ellie Andrea: My fellow Sag, who has meant more to me than I could ever imagine. Christine: Friendship with you has meant laughter and unforgettable mem- ories.

Heather: My crazy friend, my forever

Ellie Marie Katsiotis, B.A.

Child Study


"I've come to appreciate the world's beautiful people who keep alive laugh- ter, love and hope. " Grace F. Jacoby

"A mother's love is a blessing" Mary Carton I've been blessed a million times over. Mom, you are one in a million.

Claire and Robbie You are the best sister and brother a girl could ask for.

Heaney An extra-special thank you,

to an extra-special person.

Gram and Pat Thank you for always

encouraging me.

Poppy and Geraldine You are my

guardian angels.

^mmm^^m__ Andrea, Ellie, Heather, and Susan Friends like you are rare and special gifts.

Thomas You are my knight in a shining 4x4.

I love you all very much. I couldn't have done it without you. Love Always, Christine

Christine Marie Leonard, B.A.

Child Study

Lisa Lambert, B.A.

Child Study

Yolanda Lloyd, B.A.

Child Study

Alyscia Under, B.A.

Child Study

Louise Manfredi, B.A.

Child Study


Christine Laure Lochard, B.A.

Child Study

Mom and Dad,

You have always been there for me and I can't thank you enough. Being your daughter, I have always strived to do my best to make you proud. I hope I have accomplished this. I love you both, more than you know.

••* Grandma,

Tu es toujours la avec moi dans mon coeur. Je pense a toi souvent. Je te remer- cie pour tout. Tu seras toujours ma grand-mere. Je t'aime.

*•• Cris, my best friend and love,

You've been there for me from the start. I hope you're there till the end.

*** ^a A^

To my special friends, w ^r

"You gotta love-em'"


Though time may pass

a memory stays, Reminding us of happy days,

and of the people Who have touched our lives. Of favors done, and love expressed

Of those who've stood above the rest, A memory is a treasure that survives. Amanda Bradley

To my family, especially Mom and Dad, Thanks for all your love and support. I love you.

To Angela and Nicole,

We will be friends forever. I love you both.

You two stand above the rest.

To my friends,

Thanks for the memories I will treasure them always.

Michelle Arlene Marchand, B.A.

Child Study/Special Education


Mom and Dad,

We made it! I didn 't take this journey on my own. You both walked with me. You gave me a chance for a wonderful future. You supported my decisions, you had faith in me, laughed with me and cried with me. Most of all, you loved me through all the good times and bad. You were there for it all. As I take my own path I want you to know that you will always walk with me but this time I will carry you in my heart. I love you both very much!



Kelly Ann McGinn, B.A.

Child Study

Mom & Dad Thank you for being everything a girl could want and need. I couldn 't have done it without you. You're the greatest! I Love You!

Suzette, Anthony, Joe & Renee / Love You!!

Michelle & Angela / could not say the word "sisters" without thinking of you. We've certainly been through a lot. Al- ways remember I Love You and I'm here forever.

To my friends I'm so happy to have met such special friends as you. We've had a lot of good times and there is plenty more ahead! Love Ya!

Tommy Before you I was missing something. You were that missing piece; NOW my life is complete. I Love You Forever!!

Nicole Marie Mormando, B.A.

Child Study/Special Education


Mom and Dad: You have been there for every moment of my life and that's the only reason I made it this far. My accom- plishments are your accomplishments and the biggest one I share with you is my happiness. You've always en- couraged me to do whatever makes me happy and it is on this advice that I have based my life. It is a gift I could never repay you for. I LOVE YOU!

Dave: "After all that we've been through,

it all comes down to me and you ..."

Peter Cetera

/ love you, hon, with all my heart! Thank you for everything!

Patricia Ann Morsellino, B.A.

Child Study

To my friends at St. Joe's,

"Our memories of yesterday

Will last a lifetime.

We'll take the best, forget the rest

And someday we'll find . . .

These are the best of times. "


To Mom & Dad,

Thanks for your support and under-

standing. Though at times I did not fol-

low the advice you gave me, know that I

was always listening and I'll always

remember what you've taught me.

To me,

Aim high! Go for the gold! Don't settle

for anything but the best!

Tricia Ann O'Donnell, B.A.

Child Study


"I am he, as you are me,

and we are all together. Hear me, understand me, help me,

and we will be together."


Thanks to my family, relatives, especially my cousin, Rosemarie,

S. Rosemary Lesser, and friends. I would have never made it this far with- out you.

And much more thanks to my parents for their love and support especially through my years at S.J.C. I love you both very much.

Maria Ortiz, B.A.

Child Study

Frances Passaro, B.A.

Child Study

"Good morning yesterday

You wake up and time has slipped away

And suddenly you try and find

The memories you've left behind


Do you remember?

The times of you life."

Paul Anka

Dear Mom and Dad,

I owe all of this to both of you. Thank you for all the Love and Support you've always given to me.

Love Always, Frances


To my family and to those I hold dear: What would life be like if I didn 't have

you to share it with? It would be a black and white world . . .

because you add so much color to my

life. It would be a dull and boring world . . .

because you all make everything fun

and exciting. It would be a lonely world . . . because no

one understands me the way all of you

understand me. I don't want to think about what life

would be like if I didn't share it with

all of you . . . I just want to make every moment to- gether count . . . today and always.

Michele Pepey, B.A.

Child Study

To Mom & Dad,

My life is your gift to me; what I make of it is my gift to you . . . I love you.

••* To Joe,

Thank you for making the bad times good and the good times even better. I love you always.

••• Laina and Michele,

Thank you for being so special.

Susan M. Petroski, B.A.

Child Study


"Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can."

Danny Kaye Mom & Dad, Thanks for always believing in me and for always being there for me anytime, for anything.

Sylvia, Nancy, Evelyn, Larry, & Victoria Jan- ice, Whenever I need you guys, you're always there. Thanks! You've made S.J.C. easier and my life A LOT BRIGHTER! Familia, Gracias Por Todo. Que Dios Los Bendiga. Los Quiero Mucho. Friends at S.J.C., Wow! Can you believe it's over! Thanks for making it so memorable. GOOD LUCK!

Kel & Mel, Thanks for being such GREAT FRIENDS!

Janice Pico, B.A.

Child Study

Mom & Dad,

I would have never made it this far without your help and loving support. My debt to you can never be met or ever repaid. I am grateful to have two parents like you and I love you. ••• To everyone that I have met throughout the years,

You have made my college years mem- orable. I will never forget this place and the time spent debating about going to class. I cannot believe we made it through this far but hey we did some- thing right.

For my friends graduating at a later date,

I'll be back to still make your life miserable.

Friends are Friends Forever.

Kristine Raessler, B.A.

Child Study/Special Education


"Through the years, you never let me down, you turned my life around, I learned what life's about, by loving you through the years."

Kenny Rogers

Mom and Dad,

You have always given me the best. Thanks / love you.

Anthony and Carl,

Despite our differences you're the best big brothers a sister could have!


"I'm forever yours faithfully"


To all my friends, both old and new, especially Tina, Jen, Susan and Michele: Thanks for always being there!

Best Wishes for the class of "92"

Maria-Elaina E Saitta, B.A.

Child Study

Mom and Frankie: "To love for the sake of being loved is human; but to love for the sake of loving is angelic. "

Alphonse De LaMartine

Thank you for loving me (flaws and all),

and for standing by me no matter what.

Love always,


Daddy: Your strength, courage, and wis- dom will live with me forever.

I miss you and love you with all my heart.

Ellie, Christine, and Heather: "These are the days to hold on to, for they will not last forever ..." Billy Joel

For four years, you guys have filled my days with laugh- ter and incredi- ble memories. I'll never forget you.

Love ya! Andrea


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Andrea Maria Siciliano, B.A.

Child Study


We never know how high we are

Till we are called to rise; And then, if we are true to plan

Our statures touch the skies! The heroism we recite

Would be a daily thing, Did not ourselves the cubits warp

For fear to be a king.

Emily Dickinson


In retrospect I see all the sacrifices you have made for me. Through your exam- ple, I have learned to be strong and independent. Thank you for all you have given me.


I do not say that our friends make this world seem like heaven. Only that with- out them it may seem quite the opposite. Love Always, Dawn

Dawn Susann Siviglia, B.A.

Child Study

Mom and Dad,

"Tell me where. Where is it written what it is I'm meant to be, that I can't dare to find the meanings in the morn- ings that I see or have my share of every sweet-imagined possiblity?"


We are two halves of the same person.

To all of you who have touched my life . . .

Where are you now that yesterday has waved goodbye and closed it's doors?

I wish that it could last a lifetime.

"Illusions, of course, are by their nature sweet. "

La Marquise de Merteuil

Kellie Ann Slack, B.A.

Child Study


"Did you ever know you're my hero and everything I'd like to be. . . Oh I, I can fly higher than an eagle for you. You are the wind beneath my wings."

—L. Henly & J. Silbar—

Thank you Mom and Dad: without your love, support and intense encourage- ment I wouldn't have made it. I love you.

"Do you remember the laughter,and the tears, the shadows of misty yester years? The good times and the bad we've seen and all the others in between. Remem- ber, do you remember, the times of your life."

Paul Anka

I've had great times at St. Joe's and want to thank my friends for all the good times J love you guys.

Jeanmarie Staines, B.A.

Child Study

"We laughed until we had to cry We loved until our last good-bye We were the best I think we Ve ever been We shone so bright for just a moment." Theme from St. Elmo's Fire

To My Family,

Thanks for all your love and sup- port. Especially you Mom, your love and encouragement has helped me in countless ways.

To Bean,

I hope you are always there to make me laugh.

To all my friends at SJC,

I'm glad we got to spend this time together.

Crystal Ann Wirth, B.A.

Child Study and Speech Communication


We are all like branches on a tree, reach- ing out in many directions, striving to fulfill our dreams. While the memories we have created throughout our years at St. Joe's are the trunk of that same tree. Forever they will connect us all no mat- ter how far apart we may seem to be.

••• My love and thanks to all of you, both family and friends, whose mere pres- ence has enriched my life. "Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again." Shakespeare

*••• "The future is here at last. I stand at an entrance to a new world I can see." —1/2—

Theresa McFeeley, B.A.


"Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life i&a broken-winged bird that cannot fly,"

(Langston Hughes) . . . EXIT!!

Kimberly Ann Rackett, B.A.



"Disillusioned words like bullets


As human gods aim for their mark

Made everything from toy guns

that spark

To flesh-colored Christ's that glow

in the darlmm^^^m^m^^^t

It's easy to see without looking too


That not much I

Is really sac ream


"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy. "

I Proverbs 31:8-9

Robert Douglas Wilson, B.A.


Mom, Dad, Dawn, Kim, Chris, Rachel,

Could not have done it without you. Thanks.

"Would Room 313 please come to the front desk. My feelings, My emotions, . . . zzzzz. Keep Jimmy out of your room. I have to be on bus #1. Who stepped on the duck? I'll see you W.G.A.F. all in Smither's. Meow."

The score still is:

Tom 4 Matt 5+

''Quotes From Ski Trips Past"

Thomas Tzimorotas, B.A.



"Life is life and there's always tomorrow. "

Carly Michele Nappi 3/90

The fulfillment of this dream was made possible by a grant of love from my family: Clare, Jean, Carly, Grandpa and Carl. Without their inspiration and coop- eration I would never been able to take up where I left off years ago. Thanks does not begin to express how much I am indebted to them for all their help and support.

Mrs. Toner I did it!!

Michele Toner Nappi, B.A.


Eileen C. Darcy, B.S.


Education is . . .

. . . hanging around until you've caught on.

Robert Frost

To my friends of the Class of '92:

Thanks for "hanging around" with me.

All the best, Eileen


Julie Hurni, B.S.

Math/Secondary Education


Chance put us all together for four years, but we made the four years unforgettable. The special moments and the great memories will last a lifetime.

I wish all the best to the class of 1992!


Mom and Dad,

Thank you for giving me never ending love, encouragement and support. You've been my guidance, but most of all my friends.


I could never ask for a better brother or a closer friend. You are, have been, and always will be a very special part of me. Thank you for always being there!


What would I be without you? A girl with half her thoughts. Thank you for being my true friend.

To my Friends, Thanks for everything!

love,. . ^T


Kari Lynn Banys, B.A.



Mom and Dad,

Without your love & support, I never would have made it! I love you!


You've been a terrific friend and my sanity for four years! There's not enough room here for all our memories but always remember them & SMILE!

My "St. foe's Friends",

Our times together are treasured in my heart.

I wish you love, laughter and happi- ness.

And I wish that we will always be special friends.

Carolyn, Laura & Larry

You'll never know how much you mean to me We've shared laughter, tears & dreams. Our moments together are a treasure to me!

Love & Friendship, Jackie

Jacqueline H. Betsch, B.A.


"I am incapable of conceiving infinity and yet I do not accept infinity. I want this adventure that is the context of my life to go on without end."

Simone de Beauvoir

"All are friends They are too numer- ous to be named individually, but there isn 't one who is too dear to be forgotten or neglected. "

Abraham Lincoln

Thanks to all the friends I've made in the past four years at SJC. You guys are the best.

To Elizabeth EEP OP— ORK AH AH Thanks for everything.

"Knowledge . . . was it worth such tor- ment?"


Bi Buddies WGAF

Daniel C. Cassata, B. A.



Maria F. Castro, B.A.


"We're not little children and we know what we want The future is certain give us time to work it out."

David Byrne

Well, we finally made it. I couldn't have survived the past four years without you guys! Thanks!!!

Mom & Dad / love you! Thanks for being there for me.

Ben & Charlie Thanks for putting up with me. I love you.

"Sail on silver girl Sail on by.

Your time has come to shine All your dreams are on their way. See how they shine. And if you need a friend, Just remember, I'm sailing right be- hind."

Paul Simon

/ couldn 't have made it through the past 4 years without each one of you. You truly are the best friends anyone could ever ask for. I love you!

Shana C. Flynn, B.A.



"The hardest years, the darkest years The roarin ' years, the fallen years. These should not be forgotten years. The hardest years, the wildest years The desperate and divided years. We will remember. These should not be forgotten years. " —Midnight Oil-

Thank you Mom, Dad, Maura, Michael, Rory, Gerald, Shana, Maria, and Chris- tine. You have all made these past 4 years memorable and I don't think I could have made it through them without you. I love you!

Lorraine M. Loughnane, B.A.


Suzanne DiStefano, B.A.

Speech Communication and Social Science/Sociology

To achieve all that is possible, we must attempt the impossible

To be as much as we can be, we must dream of being more.


Mom and Dad: I could have never survived without all your love and support. You'll never know how much I appreciate and love you both.

Benny: Your love helps me to get through and do anything I set my mind to. I love you with all my heart!

Al and Christine: Thanks for the extra push-

I love you too!

To great friends that have made my past four years more memorable and challenging.



Heather Ann Joy, B.A.

Speech Communication

"Don't ever try to understand every- thing, some things just never make sense ... Don't ever stop Dreaming your Dreams." Laine Parsons

Thanks Mom & Dad for all your love, support & encouragement. I couldn't have done it without you nor would I have wanted to. I love you.

Sean: Sometimes you're a pest, but thanks for all that "Advice" you gave me and for being my brother.

Derm, Pat & Trish: You are the bestest friends a girl could have, "Let's go to Glenroe . . . just for ONE drink!"

Ellie, Andrea, Christine: Thanks for be- ing there for me . . . This is just the beginning! I love you guys!

Erin: Thank you for being a great friend, calendar and Psychiatrist!

To all my family: Thanks for being there for me; I love you.

. . . Does this mean I have to get a "Real job now?"

"I shall be angry, passionate, enthusias- tic — like a child with wonder, and a shall not be afraid of being foolish. "

"I believe in the dignity of the individu- al, in every persons right to speak, to teach, to write, to doubt, to challenge, to dissent. "

Jerome Lawerence

To Thomas: Did your mother get her degree?

Soitinley! NYUK! NYUK!

To Aunt Grace, Ahma, Rosemary, Steve, Julio and Nana may we always be connected in spirit. Thank you all for the gifts of strength, love and determination that you have shared with me.

Music (song) is a gift from God.

Carol M. Lizaso

Speech Communication


Words can not say how much love and respect I have for you, Mom and Dad. You have given me much love, guidance, and support through the years. Decisions that you chose for me were made with love. You sacrificed many things to make me happy. You have given me two spe- cial sisters, a happy home, the best edu- cation and warm memories.

Julie and Theresa / could not have made it through these four years with- out all the fun and laughter.

Mike / love you. Thanks for always being there.

Best of luck to the class of 1992 and all my friends!

Denise Mary McLinden, B.A.

Speech Communication

To all who have supported me: Thanks!

Mom: Thanks for the support, love, guid- ance and sacrifices. I love you!

Dad & Sharon: Thanks for the encour- agement and protection you gave me.

Colleen & Mike: We've had some good and bad times. Thanks for being there.

Frankie: Words can not describe my feelings for you. Thanks for all your love and encouragement. The future looks bright because of you. I love you.

To all my friends (Allie, Heather, Laura, etc.):

Your friendship means the world to me!

"I'd like to give you back the joy you have given me,

Yet that were wishing you a need I hope will never be."

Edgar Guest

Erin Marie McLoughlin, B.A.

Speech Communication


Mom and Dad,

Although I confuse you most of the time, and give you a lot of problems, I know that no matter what you will al- ways be in my corner. I love you and I want to thank you with all my heart. Love, Rob


Since you went away, a part of my life has been missing. You are my only broth- er and I hope that I will never lose you. I know we should talk more often, but I do love you. Thank you for being my broth- er.

Love, Rob


Thank you for putting up with me.



Robert Perfetto, B.A.

Speech Communication

Manmie, Papi,

Merci pour tout, Merci pour votre ar- gent, tous les voyages que vous m'avez paye, et surtout merci pour votre amour.


To the five good friends that I have at Saint Joseph's College. Thanks for ev- erything. I will miss you. You are the greatest! To three great teachers who have been very helpful to me, thank you: Dr. Kelly, Prof. Araimo, Louise Rose.

If I exist, there must be some cause of it, and a cause of causes. And the first cause of all is to knowingly exist and be the best that I can be. I, '"\

V jCV,

Chantal Merzier, B.A.

Social Science/Political Science


Patrick J. Steffens, B.A.

Social Science/Sociology "Life is a battle in which we fall from wounds we receive in running away."

—NAD Sneffets— Thanks everyone, it's been real. W.G.A.F.

James Gibbons, B.A.

Social Science/Political Science

Geraldine Williamsen, B.A.

Child Study/Special Education

Doreen Levens, B.A.

Child Study












To Our



May you always retain your gusto for life, your compas- sion for others, and your unyielding determination when you know you are right. To borrow a phrase from an old song: "We love you more today than yesterday, But not as much as tomorrow."

Proudly, Mom & Dad

Dear Suzanne,

Congratulations on one of the hardest goals in life. Since I met you, you have been working as hard as I ever saw anyone work to achieve the best grades. You also took on many more responsibilities during this time . . . agreeing to be my wife . . . You are a very aggressive person, always want- ing to be on top. I will always be behind you. I Love You.

Love always, Benedict

To Suzanne,

I know there have been times when being sisters wasn't easy, but we al- ways knew that we cared about one another. Even though life is full of changes, we will always have each other, and we will always share a special bond of love. I'm very proud and honored to call you sister. Con- gratulations! You made it!

My Love Always, Christine

To Mom & Dad,

A little space and yet so much to say. You have always taught me to get what you want out of life, you will have to give the best of yourself. Well, today I see myself looking back and owing it all to you. You can not give your best if you do not have love, encouragement, and strength, all of which you have given to me. Graduation is

a great step in my


future, all of which I could never have done without you. Thank you for being the best parents, confiders, but most of all for being my friends. You both truly are the "wind beneath my wings!" I love you!!

Love, Suzanne


Congratulations on all your ac- complishments at St. Joseph's. You have made us extremely proud of the intelligent, confi- dent and caring young woman you've become. Our wish for you is a long and healthy life filled with love, joy and success.

Love, Mom and Dad


Congratulations on your graduation. You've put so much into your accomplishment. I am so proud of all you have done. All that remains is the fruits of your labor. You and I have been through so much together, and together we still have forever. Soon we will start a new life elsewhere, and I hope it brings you only more joy.

Love, Luis


You've been a great sister and friend. Most of the great memories of my life include you, and I'm going to miss you more than you know. Thanks for playing chew and show, instant mashed potatoes on the ceiling, the many moons, taking my clothes, and for being the most conservative Conservative to argue with, but especially for always being right about my love life. Congrat- ulations on getting through four years of every semester being "THE worst one!"

Love always, Danielle (The D-word)

ES. Uncle Norman will be so proud!

Dear Janine:

The past few months have been a blast. You and your mom (and I guess Danielle, too) have made me. feel more than welcome and a part of the family. Thanks. Best of luck to you and Luis and on your graduation. And always remember: Shake it, don't break it . . .

Love, Marty

To Suzanne and Heather:

The Lunachick Legacy lives on. Congratula- tions and Good Luck in all you do.

Love, Danielle

Dear Dorothy,

You have done a wonderful job as we always knew you would. We are all very proud of you and your accomplishments. We wish you much happiness and success in the future. Remember that our love and support are always with you.

Love, Mom, Dad, Jessica and Alicia Dorothy cherie,

Felicitation! C'est formidable de joindre Vutile a I'agreable. Maintenant, c'est le debut de ta carrier e, le debut de ton manage, le debut de ta vie. Je Vesper e un futur plein de succes et de prosperity.

Ton fidel M'hamed

To Our Wonder/ui Daughter, Kristine,

To say we're proud is an understatement!!

For all you are, for all you do, now and in

the future, we love you, we support you, and

most of all, we thank you for being a truiy

special person.

The future is yours!

God Bless &■ Keep You Always

Congratulations to you &■ to the class of '92.

Our Love Always,

Mom, Dad &■ Jenn


We are all so proud of your continued success.

With love,

Mom, Grandpa, Grandma,

Gregg, Scott & Jason

We Love You


To My Rabbit,

I love you! I am very proud of you not just your accomplishments, but of who you have become. I've enjoyed the spectrum of the extremely sensitive to the terrets side of your personality Don't change. I'll always be your friend as well as your Father but, darling most of all I'll always love you.


^\0^° Kel,

c We don't want to grow up . . . "Did you ever ° *

*$ know that you're my hero? You're everything I •,'-

wish I could be. I can fly higher than an eagle, you are the wind beneath my wings." (Sniff, Sniff) If this is making you sad, remember this, never forget this, copious amounts of flatulence. The Phantom, Roman S., and Jackson (dude) send their love. Kellie, I'll love you forever and ever, Amen.

ME ••. P.S. Data sends his love as well. ^ '


Words cannot tell you how I feel. Yesterday, I took you to kindergarten and now you are graduating from college. My little baby is a grown woman and I can't believe it. I am so proud of you I could burst. Here is to the rest of your life . . . "Go and live it."

Love you always,


Poopie too!


To Nicole,

Our love and best wishes to you as you reach your graduation day. May your fu- ture years be as successful as your career at St. Joseph's. Good luck and God be with you forever.

Love, Mom and Dad

Dear Rob,

We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished! Love,

Mom, Dad

and Louis

Dearest Louise,

We are very happy and proud of all you accom- plished at St. Joseph's. We wish you happiness and suc- cess always. Follow your dreams.

We love you. You are so special.


Mom, Dad

and Anthony


We are very proud of you. You are very special to us and we wish you much hap- piness and success. Love, Mom, Dad, Gail, Jean &■ Bruce



To Our Son


and the

Class of '92

Best Wishes & Good Luck Always


Mom, Dad, Dawn,

Kim # Chris

Dear Donna,

We're very proud to be parents of such a

special person and we know that God

shares our pride in you, not only on this

special occasion but because of who you

are and who you have become. You've

worked hard and you deserve the best.

We'll always feel blessed to be your Mom

and Dad.

And we'll always be here . . . Loving You



Mom 6- Dad


You have a strong, beautiful spirit within you

A spirit that is capable of taking you as far and as high

as you want to go.

We have seen so many of your strengths.

We appreciate your wisdom, courage,

wit and loving nature.

We know there are great things out there for you,

and it's within your power to make them happen.

u ^FuTSy

1 We believe in you and know you have what it takes

nir-WIt <

^^ to follow your dream.


■j^fc MOM & DAD



Bravo, you really made it! You have worked hard and persevered to reach this point. Now that graduation day is here, you can be justifiably proud of all you have accomplished. You are now embarking on a new phase of your life where-in you will impart what you have learned on a generation of children with a need for knowledge.

You have made us very, very proud of you and you will always have our love and support. Always be true to yourself and go and get them kid.

God Bless you always.


Mom, Dad, Kim & Kerry

P.S. A determined person who works

hard can accomplish anything.


Your graduation from St. Joseph's brings to reality the dream you had four years ago. You have worked very hard to make the dream come true and you have had many successes along the way. As with an ending there is also a beginning. Now you will begin the journey to achieve the final part of that dream in Medical School.

We are so very proud of all that you have accomplished thus far and no matter what the future brings we will always be therefor you. Just stay as lovely and considerate as you are now.

God Bless you always.


Mom, Dad, Kelly

& Kerry

P.S. Your horizon is as distant as your mind's eye wishes it to be.


My Dear Christine,

My little girl has grown into a bright and beautiful woman of the nineties.

You are caring, a friend, a confidant.

Let you leap into your teaching career with courage and conviction.

Carefully thread along life's path, stumble but try not to fall.

We love you, Mom

John H. (who's always there)

Claire (herself, loves your clothes)

Robby (your thesis typist, sometimes pesty brother)

Grandma (whom you received your Irish roots)

Uncle Pat (your guidance)

Poppy (from Heaven protecting and watching over you)

Aunt Geraldine (an inspiration)

Tom (shadowing you with love)

Look to your claddagh ring, remember you are circled

with love, friendship & fidelity.










Dear ]eamie,

We are so very proud of you and we love you so much. You are a beautiful person inside as well as on the outside. Never change Jeam; always stay as strong as you are and remember God loves you and He is always there for you.

All our love, Mom & Dad


Dear Maria,

Where has the time gone? There are simply no words to describe the pride we feel in seeing you be the first in our family to complete a college degree. The happiness and fulfillment we feel at being able to help you do so well and achieve the first part of your dream is great. Watching you grow into the sensitive, caring and intelligent person you now are has been our greatest joy and we love you very much. May you know only love, happiness and success every day of your life.

We love you, Mom and Dad


It seems these four years have passed so quickly, more quickly than they probably felt. I only wish it could have been a double graduation. Lots of luck and success.

Love you sis, Carmen

To Mom & Dad,

Now that we have graduated once again I would tike to thank you guys for all that you 've done for me and for standing behind me through the good times and the bad times (most of '91). I couldn't have made it without you. I love you guys and will always do my best to make you proud.

Love always, Kim

To Grandma & Aunt Margie, The two of you have been a constant support these four years. I just want to say thank you and I'm glad you are both here to share this day with me.

Love always, Kim


We 've finished another chapter in our lives together and I 'm glad for that and all the time we 've had together. But now we 're at the point where our stories are going to diverge and become our own. I just want you to know I hope all your chapters are filled with happiness and love. Remember I am always going to be there for you whenever you need me as your friend and sister. I love you.

Love always, Kim


You are a wonderful sister and have always been there for me to talk to when I needed someone to listen. Thank you and I love you.

Love always, Kim


What can I say? We have become so close this past year and we have shared so much. We have been there to advise each other during troubled times and to share all the good stories and experiences. I want to thank you for everything you 've done for me but mostly for just being you and caring. I know that no matter how things turn out for either of us, after today we'll both be fine and stronger for it. I know you'll do great things. Good luck & congratulations. (Mush! Mush!)

Your friend always, Kim

To the gang,

We 've all become so close and shared so much these four years. I 'm going to miss sharing stories and jokes with you all, every day. But this is not the end for us. Although we will be going to do different things, I hope we will stay close. Good luck and congratulations.

Love always, Kim




Best Wishes

to the

Class of 1992

From Your Friends in the

College Relations and

Development Office



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Best Wishes To The Class Of 1992


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E. Patrick Regnier '91

Mary Haarmann




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To my whole family,

I consider myself lucky to be a part of such a great family Thank you for giving me the encouragement and the extra push to help me achieve this goal. Soon we will be separated by miles but, you will all remain close to me in my heart forever. I love you all.


It's been great having you in class to make things more interesting, especially Labor

Economics! You are a great friend, I'll miss you.

Kari (my twin),

I wish we became friends sooner because you are a very special person. I'll miss you.

Good luck!


I will never forget the great times we had trips to the beach, "Snickers", Army /Navy

1990 and "work with me." You are the best and I will miss you tremendously.

Heather (Hurricane),

You are the craziest person I know & I love you for it. You are a special friend and I will

miss you a lot.


Love, Janine

Dear Mom and Dad,

I don't know where to begin. It's really hard to thank someone for giving you everything. You were always there for me through the good times and the bad times too. What you've given me cannot be repaid, so . . . put it on my tab!!!

Love always,



Mom, Chris and Nanny We may be small in number, but the love is endless. Thanks for all the support I love you!

Denise This may be the end of our drives along Flatbush Avenue, but it's just the begin- ning of our wonderful friendship.

"The Queens Crew" Thanks for all the par- ties, ski trips and all the other great memories, but most of all thanks for being you!

Theresa We made some great memories, and most of all, we made a great friendship. Be care- ful on those "stairs"!

Eileen "Math" brought us together, but we made the friendship unique. Remember Bob al- ways. I know our friendship will "prove" to be exceptional!

Theresa C. We may be leaving you, but we are not leaving this friendship behind! All the best to Matt and you.

To the "Class of 1992" It was a great four years! Best of luck to all in everything you do!!

Love and Friendship, Julie


& I

Best Wishes

to the


Graduating Class

Division of

General Studies



CLASS OF 1992!





Sherrie VanArnam Director of Student Services

To The

Class of


Congratulations and Thank You for all your support.




Ron Jordan Natoli

Photographic Studio

352 Court Street Brooklyn, N.Y 11231





Brooklyn Navy Yard - Bldg. 152

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Dear Thomas,

Thank you for always being so patient and caring. Thanks for making me a very happy person, f will aJways Jove you.

Love, Chrissy XOXO


Congratulations to a special daughter who has brought us happiness and joy. You have made us so very proud. May ali of your dreams come true.

Love, Dad and Sharon

Dear Angela, You worked hard and reached your goal. Take pride in what you've accom- plished, I hope you are as proud of your- self as I am of you. Love always, Mom

jFelicitaciones! (Congratulations!) Carol, Lisa, Maria and the Class of 1992 Good Luck!

Hispanic Awareness CJub

Dear Michele Pepey,

You are the BEST! I Jove you and words can not express how proud I am to have you as a daughter.

Love, your best friend, Mom


"Though years may pass, and we wiJl be separated by time and distance . . .

AJways remember that you were my first VaJentine. My heart wiJJ aJways be jiJJed with Jove for you." Edith Schajfer Lederberg Love, Chrissy XOXO


Through perseverance you have achieved Dad's dream for you to become self-reliant and to obtain a degree. His words are ours: "Even pearJs start out as grains of sand."

Love, Mom, Dad and Francesco



You my

've ch smiJe

anged my back.


Thank you for



I Jove

you, Andrea

To Grandma 8r Grandpa,

Without you I wouJd have never made it. Thank you for aJways being there for me.

Love, Andrea



Congratulations and Best Wishes! May the journey you take through life be a hoJy and happy one.

Love, Grandma


It has been

a Jong time coming;








I knew you could do it. Much success and happiness.


Dear Jackie,

For all that you are and wilJ be, we are proud and Jove you. May this accomplishment be your stepping stone to future happiness.

Love, Mom and Dad


I couJdn't be more proud than if you were my

daughter. May the Lord continue to guide you in

conquering aU of life's chaJJenges with as much


Your proud godmother,

Sister Aunt Helen GuJczynski '74



ik you for being


;, even




usualJy Jate.




To my daughter Erin

I Jove you and am very proud of your accom- pJishments. Much happiness aJways.

Love, Mom

Dear Crystal,

I consider myself lucky to have seen you pro- gress from such an ideaJ vantage point. Con- gratulations on a job weJJ done. Success and happiness to you for all of your life.

AU My Love, Mom

Congratulations to

Dawn and the Class of '92 May today's dreams be tomorrow's dream come true.

Love, Mom, Anthony, Christopher

Dear Lorraine,

Congratulations! We Jove you and we support you in whatever you do after graduation.

Love, Mom, Dad, Maura, Mike &■ Rory



Mommy, we knew you could do it. We're very proud of you, for all your hard work and dedication to some- thing you always wanted to do.

Love, Billy, Kristine, Billy T


We are so proud of you. You will be the best loved teacher. Much happiness and success.

Love, Mom, Jim, Denise, Dan &■ Gram

Dear Jeanne, Margaret &■ Dermot, High Five Guys.

Love, Denise

To The Q

ueens Crew,


of Luck Er






I'm gJad that

we went

through this together.



Dear Theresa,

I know you have heard this at least a hundred times, but as usual you have made us as proud as we can possibly be. Congratulations to you and your classmates!!

With much love, Mommy, Dad, Denise, Kevin Er Patricia


You're doing a super job. This is just one set of

many FOOTPRINTS that will pave your life. I

know you'll continue to take steps in a positive


I'm very proud of you and you're really a treasure to me Jule.

Love, Mom

Maria, you are a wonderful daughter, sister and future teacher. We are very proud of you.

Love, Mom, Dad Barbara Er David

CONGRATULATIONS to the Staff of FOOTPRINTS 1992 for their hard work and dedication! You ali did a wonder- ful job. Special thanks to the editors, Suzanne and Heather, with whom I have spent many exciting hours. Good Luck!

To Denise: You have been such a pleasure to work with this year. Best wishes for a very happy ftjture!



History as i; Happens....

°* "</

V%,;./A h

<? "9


^ a




/ *-




PALM BEACH: Trial by Television



William Kennedy Smith Trial

Smith vs. Bowman





2Qth Street CommurtitvJSer:vice.Cent<




1. "I've Been Thinking About You'VLondonbeal: Melancholy pop-soul perfection; an unsettling, suc- cinct rhythm underscores the haunted lead vocal.

2. "Craiy"/Seal: Memorable lyrics and humaniied electronics made this a natural summer single.

3. "Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)"/Cryslal Waters: Sharp observations paired with a sharp hook ("la-da-dee/la-do-da/She's homeless") the best kind of topical pop.

4. "I Wanno Sex You Up'VColor Me Badd: Not the Temptations, but who could resist?

5. "Smells Like Teen Spirif'/Nirvana: The most entertaining rock anthem to crack the charts since Alice Cooper's hallowed "School's Out."

4. "Something to Talk About'VBonnie Raitl: Seductive and adult.

7. "Enter Sandman'VMetallica: Doom-saying apoc- alyptic speed-metal crunch with a hummable chorus and an audible even memorable tag line ("We're off to never-never land").

8. "Mind Playing Tricks on Me'VGeto Boys: More subtle, funky and downright human than anybody could have expected these gangsta rappers to be.

9. "Losing My Religion'7R.E.M.: Pretty and a little sad, but never sentimental or weak.

1 0. "Black or White"/Michael Jackson: Think of it as an expression of personal policy rather than a

statement of racial politics. And you can dance to it.

£ i^gic


TOP TV OF 1991



1. Batkdraft

2. The Silence of the Lambs

3. City Slickers

4. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

5. Soap Dish

6. Out lor Justice

7. What About lob?

8. FX2

°. Only the Lonely 10. Hudson Hawk

COMING ATTRACTIONS The Rocketeer (febrvary 5) Iron Maie (February J3) Trust (Febrvary 20) Mystery Date (Febrvary 27)

1. Roseanne: Some sitcoms die, others reinvent themselves. The latter is the case with Roseanne. The show's writing is finally keeping pace with its star's irreverent, out-of-my-face humor.

2. Murphy Brown: How do you put the punch back in your laugh track? Put Murphy on the mommy track.

3. Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas Hearings (or He Said, She Said): It's hard to decide what was the best part trying to determine who was the pathological liar or wotching Ted Kennedy squirm.

4. L.A. law: Last spring's episode in which litigator Rosalind Shays took a fatal ride down an elevator shaft was black comedy at its best.

5. Northern Exposure: A delicious recipe for Baked Alaska.

6. The Simpsons: Shame on you if you're still watching Cosby.

7. CNN's Gulf War Coverage: Bombs burst over Baghdad and, thanks to CNN, we are there. Somewhere, Edward R. Murrow is smiling.

8. Ihirtysomething: We mourned when Gary met the Grim Reaper. We were murderous when ABC killed off the series.

°. Sarah: Plain and Tall: A Hallmark greeting card from Glenn Close.

10. In a Child's Name: Valerie Bertinelli restored our foith in the much-maligned TV movie.


,^X\P \c\# <&


ills VS.


You know, it's really funny. When we first came here we were all very nervous and immature teenagers. Yet we acted as though we knew it all and that we had the world in our hands. Well, I still like to think that we still have the world in our hands but now we are so much wiser. I think that what we have learned and experienced here at St. Joseph's has to be just that, experienced. I don't think that I would take back one moment of my four years at St. Joseph's. I hope that my fellow classmates feel the same way.

I wish all my classmates nothing but success, health, and happiness in all that they do in life. P.S. Remember, don't ever stop laughing; laughter is the cure for many a problem!

Sherrie: Thanks for all your help, your arms to separate Sue & me, and the late nights you stayed with us.

Sue: Well what can I say . . . We've had our moments! Good luck in all that you do in life; I wish you all the happiness in the world!

Janine: I wish you health and happiness in all your travels, and I hope we meet up at an Army-Navy game someday!!!

To all the Staff: Thanks for ALL your help. This book would not have been what it is if it were not for all your help

Love Ya! Heather

To the Fabulous Footprints Staff:

"If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you


. . . then you know we've got a great book! Thanks for all your help.

Sherrie: "Yes we CAN complete this deadline!!" "Is It Me?"

Thanks for all the times you've tried to keep me sane, but most of all for 4 years of support. Love Ya, Attila!!!!

Heather: We've had a lot of "difficult" times but we've survived them all. Never 4-get: "Palatino your bra size." "Don't come within 12 Ft. of me." "Hurricane Heather" & "Are you in a good mood today?" Thanks for your friendship and understanding.

G: I could never really express to you how much your friendship means. Thanks for keeping me in line and always (Ha!Ha!) on good behavior.

Never 4-Get: "Work with me." Our trip to find a job . . . Endless laughter for all our stupid comments.

Last, but not least, to our past editors Karen & Danielle: Thanks for the legacy!!! God, What was I . . . crazy???

Love, Suzanne








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0oc<juoifflo frotsch 69-33 62nd 5troot GMdoio, My 11385

Oovct/ ftuccht/H 1633 68th 5irooi

ProoMM, My 1)204

Ponioi Losaoto 30 Lormwo 5tr«M Wow york, My 10014

Mono Lostro 50-43 6tet 5irooi Woodsldo, A// 11377

Dorothy Lhonnoi 2010 Horwg 5trooi Brooklyn, My 11229

Oocob Chorion 9 Emoroid 5tr<M yonkora, My 10703

f roncWt, Luiotto 104 &OV 37ih 5trooi Brooklyn, My 11214

Eiit,t,n Dow

1307 Foster Av*Al<,

Brooklyn, My 11230

Ouiioi Dovia

444 ClQaaon Av«,nuo

Brooklyn, My 11238

liso DiGiommorco 1298 Eoat 9tat 5troot Brooklyn, My 11236

Sus-OWlo Dl5tofono 1686 85th 5ir«*,t Brooklyn, My 11214

Donno t>i7ucci 37 fro Court Prooklffl, My 1)229

Dobro Don$ 21 Loaior Court Brooklyn, My 11229

Mark Espoauo 112 Towers 5troe/i Brooklyn, My 11211

5hono F(fnn 82-79 )64th ?ioco Oomoico, My 11432

Mlcholo Gobriol 8714 ^vt/nuo A Brooklyn, My 11236

Oaflios Gibbons 98 Dictum Court. Brooklyn, My 11229

Ooonnwo Gimbioi

1369 Eo^t 38th Stroot

Brooklyn, My 11234

MqolO Gludlco

959 Boat 3bi 5(,rooi

Brooklyn, My 11210

Louiso Gu<jlion 1)70 63rd 5irw,i Brooklyn, My 11219

Loslio Horm

1739 Eo^t 36th 6ir«M

Brooklyn, My 11234

Ouiio tfam 5323 VWonuo O Brooklyn, My 11234

Oomnt, Oonuas 777 48th Str^t Brooklyn, My 11220

HocuW Ooy 342 84th 5irooi Brooklyn, My 11209

Elllo Kot&TOtfa 482 76th $vm Brooklyn, My 1)209

Kmiffk/ krosso 64-37 60th 4vt,nuo Mospoib, My 1)378

Lisa Lawbtn

)5)5 IVoai )2th 5irooi Brooklyn, My 1)230

Christie Leonard 528 58th 6tro«,t Brooklyn, My 11220

Doroon Uv</ft&

Macio Liidt/r

1249 East 68th 5troot

Brooklyn, My 11234

Carol LisQao 390 First 5ir?M Brooklyn, My 112)5

yoiondo Liovd

600 l/on &uron Stroot

Brooklyn, My 1)22)

LhrlsilHo (.ochard

72-55 14)5i 5trt/t/i

kow Gordons Hills, My JI367

lorromo lou^hnon?, 3)-)8 35th Svm Mono, My 1)106

louiso Monfrodi

190) Eoai 52nd 6troot

Brooklyn, My )1234


Miction Morcbond 953 Eost 3)5i 5irooi Srookivn, A/y 11210

Oohn Moslems

1834 Eqsi 24tb 5tro?,i

&rookivn, A/y 11229

TWoso McFot/loV 2119 61st 5iroot Brooklyn, NY 11204

kt/Hv McGinn 75-15 6bi 5irt/«/i GMldQlt,, A/y 11325

kimboriv McGinn 75-15 6lst 5iroot GMldQk,, A/y 11385

Dt/»ite«/ Mclwd«,n

1369 Eost 55iti 5ir«/oi

Brooklyn, NY 11234

Erin MclOttQtaWl 79 Asi«/r Court Brooklyn, A/y 1)229

Chonioi Morslt,r

A/icoio Mormondo 979 Eost 31st 5irt*4 Brooklyn, A/y 11210

?Otncio Morst,llfflo 459 Grandvit/w Avonut, Rld^owOOd, A/y 11385

Oomt/5 Murphy 1843 Rydor 5irooi Brooklyn, A/y 11234

Micbt/io A/oppi 5 ^rbor (.on?/ Hompton Boys, A/y 1)946

Tricio O'Donn^ii 2046 Brown 6irtM Brooklyn, A/y 11229

Mono Oriis )28 linden Blvd. Brooklyn, NY H226

Mono A Onis se Tompkins VWonuo Brooklyn, A/y 1)206

Francos ?ossoro 37)4 Avonuo 5 Brooklyn, A/y 1)234

?o^y ?oui

62 Hubbord Tloco

Brooklyn, A/y 1)2)0

Mlcholo ?t/P«/V 107 ?iorponi Tioco 5ioion fsiand, A/y 103)4

Robert Torfouo

1845 Eost 2)5i 6trt/t/i

Brooklyn, A/y 11229

5uson Totroski

39 Eost 2nd 5(,r<M

Brooklyn, NY 112)8

Oomco Tico

52) McDonoid Avonuo

Brooklyn, A/y ))218

kimborty Rockon 77-09 82nd Stroot GMdaio, A/y 1)385

krisiint/ Po^ssit/r 7402 Boy Torkwov Brooklyn, A/y )1204

Mono-Eioino 5omo 62 Boy 37ih 5tr<M Brooklyn, A/y 1)214

Elkx/fl 5ctfflout/ 60-62 72nd Strict Mospoib, A/y 1)378

yindroo iicinono 2758 Bodford Ayonut/ Brooklyn, A/y 11210

Down Sivtyio

60-24 ftloockor 6ir«/oi

Pld^owood, A/y 11385

kolllo 5iock 647 57lb Siroot Brooklyn, A/y 11220

Ooonmorio Stomas 2069 Eost 65th Strot/i Brooklyn, NY 11234

?0tnck 5toff«y»la 612 l/ondorbllt 5trt,oi Brooklyn, A/y 1)2)8

Thomas Tsimorotos 83-12 252nd 5ir<M Oloroso, A/y 11426

Moiltiow Mlhoim 59-28 70tb y\vonuo Pld^wOOd, A/y 1)385

GoroidWo wnnomson

352 5t/Vonth 5tr«/«/i Brooklyn, A/y 1)2)5

Ovsiqi tyinb 66-11 60th Lon?/ Rld^wood, A/y 11385

Robert Wilson


mey toia me max Lije coma ae just wi Life could be fashioned and worn like a gown;

I, the designer; mine the decision

Whether to wear it with bonnet or crown.

And so I selected the prettiest pattern Life should be made of the rosiest hue

Something unique, and a bit out of fashion, One that perhaps would be elmsen by few.

But other folks came and they leaned o'er Somebody questioned the ultimate cost;

-jmebody tangled the thread I was using; One day I found thai, my scissor


Somebody said I'd be tired ere 'twas worn; Somebody's fingers, too pointed and spiteful, Snatched at the cloth, and I saw it was torn.

Oh! somebody pried to do all the sewing.

Wanting always to advise or condone. Here is my life, the product of many;

Where is that gown I could fashion— alone?

-^Nan Terrell Reet
