FOREST RESOURCES OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST MARCH 1938 NATIONAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE From the collection of the i z ^ 0 rTelinger V Jjibrary r t P San Francisco, California 2008 FOREST RESOURCES OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST A REPORT BY THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION NATIONAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 19.18 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Price 25 cents (paper cover) National Resources Committee North Interior IJuildixg Washington May 14, 1938. The President, Tlu Wliite House. My Dear Mr. President: We have the honor to transmit herewith a report on "Forest Resources of the Pacific Nortliwest" prepared hy the Pacific Northwest Re- gional PLinning Connnission in cooperation with various private, State, and Federal agencies interested in forestry in the region. It aims to avoid controversial matters, concentrating for the present uyion the many points on which tlicre is substantial agreement. The report stresses the importance of establishing sustained-yield practices of forest management in tlic area where oin- largest renniining forest resources are con- centrated. It is significant that the Regional Planning Commission in the area with representatives from each of the States concerned joins with the responsible Federal agencies in urging the general adoption of these conservation policies. Smcerely yours, Harold L. Ickes Secretary nf the Interior, Chairman Harry H. Woodring, Harry L. Hopkins. Secretary of War. Works Progress Adrninisirator. Henry A. Wallace, Frederic A. Delano. Secretary of Agriculture. Charles E. Merriam. Daniel C. Roper, • Secretary oj Commerce. Henry S. Dennisgn. Frances Perkins, Beardsley Ruml. Secretary of Labor. NATIONAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE Harold L. Ickes, Chairman Secretary of the Interior Frederic A. Delano Vice Chairman Daniel C. Roper Secretary of Commerce Harry H. Woodring Secretary of War Harry L. Hopkins Works Progress Administrator Charles E. Merriam Henry A. Wallace Secretary of Agriculture Frances Perkins Secretary of Labor ADVISORY COMMITTEE Frederic A. Delano, Chairman Charles E. Merriam Henry S. Dennison STAFF Beardsley Ruml Charles W. Eliot 2d Executive Officer Harold Merrill Assistant Executive Officer R. H. Randall State Planning Consultant IV FOREST RESOURCES OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Problems and Program for Conservation and Utilization Contents Page I. Report of Pacific Northwest Regional Planning Commission — The Pacific Northwest Forest Resource and a Forest Program 1 II. Report of the Forest Advisory Committee — A Pacific Northwest Forest Program 7 III. Staff Report— The Pacific Northwest Forest Resource, Conditions and Problems 19 Section 1. Conditions and Problems 21 Appendix 51 Section 2. Economic Importance of the Forest In- dustries of the Pacific Northwest 59 Appendix 71 REPORT OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION PACIFIC NORTHWEST REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Commission George F. Yantis,' Chairman, Region 9, National Resources Committee, Chairman. O. R. Bean, Chaiiniiin, Orot^on State Plannina; Board. B. H. KiZEK, Clinirnian, Washington State Phmning Council. Will Simons, Chairman, Idaho State Planning Board. D. P. Fabrick,- Chairnnm, Montana State Planning Board. R. F. Bessey, Consultant, National Resources Committee. Consulting Staff R. F. Bessey, Consultant. J. C. Rettie' and C. A. McClure, Associate Consultants. V. B. Stanbery, Consultant, Oregon State Planning Board. P. Hetherton, Consultant, Wasliington State Planning Council. J. D. Wood, Consultant, Idaho State Planning Board. L. A. Campbell, Consultant,^ Montana State Planning Board. Special Staflf for Forest Resource Study Donald Bruce, Consultant (Forest). Blair Stewart, Consultant (Economics). Representative of Cooperating Agency R. W. Putnam, United States Forest Service. Forest Advisory Committee David T. Mason, Consulting Forester, Portland; Chairman. C. J. Buck, Regional Forester, United States Forest Service, Portland; Oregon State Planning Board. Hugo Winkenwerder," Dean, School of Forestry, University of Washington, Seattle; Chairman, Forestry Division, Washington State Planning Council. D. S. Jeffers, Dean, School of Forestry, University of Idaho, Moscow; Chairman, Forest Advisory Committee, Idaho State Planning Board. T. C. Spaulding, Dean, School of Forestry', University of Montana; Chairman, Forest Advisory Board, Montana iState Planning Board. Sinclair A. Wilson, Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, Portland ; Chairman, Land Resources Division, Pacific Northwest Regional Planning Commission. R. F. Bessey, Consultant. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Grateful ackiiowk-dgmcnt is made to — Works Progres.s Administration, fur staff assistance pro- Forest Advisory Committee, Pacific Nortliwest Regional vidcd through planning board staff project No. 265-6905, Planning Commission, for preparation of the report on a Pacific 489-(3)-B. Northwest Forest Program and for its valued advice. United States Forest Service, for cooperation throughout. Various Federal and gtate governmental agencies; profes- including the assignment of a forester to assist in staff work sional, conservational, protective, industrial, and business and the furnishing of the basic data on forest resources together associations; industrial and business interests; and others — for with valuable advice and consultation by numerous members their cooperation with the Advisory Committee in consultation of the field and Washington offices. and provision of data. National Resources Committee, for its support of the project, State Planning Boards of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and including the employment of special consultants. Montana, for their support and data. Pacific Northwest Regional Planning Commission. ' Fiom September 14, 1937. Marshall N. Daco. was ohairnian until July 1. 1936, date nf resignation. ' Succeeded J. S. James, November 1936. s From July 1, 1937. < Until April 1. 1937. date of resignation. ' Represented in part by Fred Brundage, U. S. Forest Service. Portland. « Represented by J. B. Woods, West Coast Lumberman's Association, Seattle. VI I. REPORT OF PACIFIC NORTHWEST REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Contents I'acc The Resource I The Problem I The Study 2 Findings and Recommendations 4 Recommendations 5 PACIFIC NORTHWEST REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST FOREST RESOURCE AND A FOREST PROGRAM The Resource The Pacific Northwest forest resource includes most of the remainder of the Nation's great virgin forests. Not only is it the greatest national forest resource, but one of the greatest national resources of any kind. This Region (for purposes of tliis study the States of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana) has about 93 million acres of forest land, containing about 900 billion board feet (limiber tally) of standing saw timber, or about one-half of that remaining in the United States. Forest land comprises over one-third of the area of the four States, heaviest concentrations being in western Montana, northern Idaho, western Oregon, and western Washington. Two-thirds of the Region's timber lies west of the summit of the Cascade Mountains, where about five-sixths of the area is forest land. In the past c^uarter century, the national demand upon forests of this region has increased greatly, the percentage of the total national lumber production furnished ha\dng risen from 15 percent to 39 percent in the 25 years prior to 1934. The 1929 production required the removal of nearly 16 billion feet of saw timber from the forests of the region, a rate which, under present forest conditions and practices, would rather rapidly deplete the economically available suppl}'. The average annual cut for the 9 years, 1925- 33, was well over 10 billion feet. Threats to the forest resource from fire and disease also have grown with the increased occupancy and use of the region and of the forests. Depletion from these causes alone averaged another 2% billions of board feet per annum during the 9-3'ear period. On the other hand, current net annual growth is onty about 4 billion feet. However, the rate of growth is increasing, as the virgin stands, with no current net growth, are progressively converted into second-growth stands. The growth capacity, with good forest man- agement and improved protection, is probably at least 16 billion feet annuallj', but it would be well over a century before any such capacity could be attained. The Problem In general terms, the problem involved is one of conservation and social and economic utilization of the resources included in the country's greatest remainhig timber reservoir. The problem is not only that of avoiding direct losses of existing and potential timber and in capitalized value of continuously productive land, but also one of avoid- ing the auxiliary effects of depletion — dislocation of economic and social life, including great losses in direct and indirect employment, and in industrial, commercial, service, and recreational activities. To illustrate, it will be necessary in the Pacific North- west, to avoid consequences similar to those experienced in other areas upon depletion of forest resource. It may be assumed that the depletion of this, the last of the greater timber stands, would be more serious in many ways to the Nation, as well as to the region immediately affected, than in anj^ other instance. In this region there is a liigher rate of dependency upon the resource and less ability to make adjustments to its loss — less ability to replace promptly" the lost productive and business opportunities. It is distinctly a public problem. Private ownership and industiy have obligations and opportiuiities in it, but the public, as a whole, will suffer from failiu-e to solve it, and onlj^ the public, through its governmental organization, can reconcile conflicting interests and provide the overall plans, leaderships, pressures, and controls that will make solution possible. The general solution is the apphcation of what is generally known as sustained-yield management. The Regional Planning Connnission does not think of sustained yield in a narrow or technical sense, nor as a rigid system necessarily always to be applied to every acre, comnuuuty, or district. Rather, it considers it as a broad principle to be applied over sizable areas to pre- vent depletion by cutting, fire, and disease at a greater rate than the land will i)roduce, and which will ])r()vide continuous compensation, in reasonable form, for each use or loss of valuable forest resources, and which will also provide continuous income from tlie forest re- source, therebj- nuiintaining permanent eni])loyment, wages, and purchasing ])ower and stabilizing industrial comnumitics. Sustained yield should not be considered as an im- mediately available, specific cure, but as a general remedy which should be ai)i)lied specifically as rajiidly as possible. The lumber industry as a rule has been migratory, moving on to uncut stands whenever one area was cut over, leaving behind abandoiu^d commu- 50859—38- National Resources Committee nities and public facilities. The end of the virgin timber is in sight in many parts of the Region. The idea of sustained yield is to supply local industrj' with raw material in perpetuity in order that dependent industries may operate continuously. Sustained yield, therefore, is the general designation for the strategy of a long campaign to be put into full effect promptly and prosecuted scientifically, systematically, relentlessly, resourcefully, and yet flexibly, over a long period of years, to solve this problem. Sustained yield should be recognized as including not merely control over the rate of cutting, but such essen- tial companion measures as the reproduction of the forest, protection from fire and disease, reduction of waste, and more complete utilization of the production. Also, it shoidd be recognized as covering not only the maintenance of the yield of timber and other wood products and byproducts, but also the conservation of the great multiple-use values of forest land, including recreation, range, wildlife, soil conservation, watershed protection, and so on. Tliis general problem has had, for several decades, recognition by many persons interested in forest and general conservation. From the begmning, a few years ago, of the present movement in public works and re- sources planning in the United States, the subject has had augmented attention from overall national, regional, and State planning viewpoints. The forest problem has been recognized from the first, by the planning boards of this region, as one of the major questions requiring attention. However, it is believed that the general forest prob- lem, with its serious thi-eat of eventual depletion, has had far from enough public, political governmental, and industrial recognition and action. The obtaining of necessary broader recognition, and the demonstration of the relationships of tliis resource to other problems of conservation and social and economic advancement are conceived as logical objectives of the present plan- ning work of the State, regional, and national planning agencies. The Columbia Basin study, of 1935, made by the Regional Planning Commission, gave considerable attention to the forest resource and the forest problem. A basic article on the forest resource, its problems and requirements, was prepared in collaboration with the Forest Service.' The staff report of the Columbia Basin study - emphasized the importance of the forest resource in the economy of the Pacific Northwest; the prospect of its depletion and the economic significance of such depletion. Sustained-jneld nuinagement was ' Appendix N, Columbia Basin study, The Forestry Problem in the Columbia River Basin States, October 15, 1935 (Pacific Northwest Regional Planning Commission). • Regional Planning, Part I^Pacific Northwest (National Resources Committee, May 1936). discussed as the logical approach to the solution of the problem — generally substituting stabilization for present insecurity, permanent communities for characteristic migratory towns, permanent capital and tax structures for vanishing financial resources, and, in short, substitut- ing a system of "living oft"" forest income for one of "living off" forest capital. The Regional Planning Commission, in its general view of the futm-e of the region included in the same report, envisioned the possible depletion of the forest resource as the most serious threat to normal and logical regional progress and as the negative factor most likely, without the establishment of sustained yield, to offset the many favorable factors which should influence Pacific Northwest regional development. In its covering statement for the same study, the National Resources Committee recorded that it was "impressed by the present key importance of the forest industiy in the economy of the Pacific Northwest Region"; that this resoiu-ce is "the basic supply for the Nation of this great raw material"; that it supports a high percentage of the population of the region, and that "the maintenance of the timber industry is of crucial importance to the welfare of the region." It also emphasized the high ratio of depletion to current annual growth. The Regional Planning Commission cannot stress too strongly the seriousness of the threat of depletion, and the urgent need for conservation of the resource. The Commission has not been unaware of the frequently expressed sopliistry that when one soiu-ce of energy is exhausted another \\i.\\ be found to take its place. This theory reduces to absiudity. Losses of basic resources, such as those of the soil, are certain to be felt in the long rim, as is amply proven in the history of many great areas and civilizations. Although science and technology may compensate in part for losses, wastes of basic resources are concrete and the general result, if not apparent net loss, is an actual loss through failure to reaUze full potential gains in real wealth and human well-being. There can be no justification for needless waste. In the case of the forest resource, many values to be lost through depletion are irreplaceable. This truth would become increasinglj^ evident as the resource were diminished. Even more definitely irreplaceable than those of the wood and its industrial products are the accessory physical-geographic, economic, and social values involved in the forests. The Study The present study of the forest resource of the Pacific Northwest has grown out of the general Columbia Basin study. The wide scope of the earlier study and the Forest Resources oj the Pacific Northwest very short space of time available for it prevented con- current consideration of and agreement with findings of its forestry section by various professional, business, official, and public interests of the Region. In view of the high importance of the resource, its broad economic significance, and the complex problems involved, subse- quent thought has indicated the desirability of a recon- sideration of the problem in order that the former report might be amplified where necessary and that a tlefinite program, with a wider range of support, might be for- mulated. Therefore, with the approval of the National Re- sources Committee, the Regional Planning Commission and its Forest Advisor}' Committee have had the subject under consideration since early in 1936. In this con- sideration, major objectives have been reorganization of factual material bearing upon the problem, together with further study of the extent of economic dependency upon the resource and of steps which must be taken to make sustained-yield forest management practicable. A further major objective was to ascertain prevailing opinion among interested groups within the region and to present for early action a program approved by the various forest interests and the public. The report includes three major parts. In reverse order, they are: Staff Report — Pacific Northwest Forest Resources. Forest Advisory Committee Report — A Pacific Northwest Forest Program. Covermg Report of the Pacific Northwest Regional Planning Commission. The staff report is based largely on a review of several forest reports and studies, including the (Copeland) report on a national plan for forestry,^ the report of the Forest Service and the National Resources Board, ^ and the Columbia Basm reports, previously mentioned. It is intended to set out the basic factual data, arranged specifically for the purposes of tliis general presentation. It is the work of the special consultants employed by the National Resources Committee, assisted l)y a forester assigned by the Forest Service and by members of the Regional Planning Commission staff as aug- mented by a Works Progress Administration project. The regional offices and experiment stations of the Forest Service have cooperated in furnishing data and in consulting with the advisory committee. The Forest Advisory Committee itself is composed of a small group of professional men, expert in forest mattei-s and thoroughly familiar with forest conditions and needs in the Pacific Northwest. The membership • A Xalional I'Innfor American Forcslrn, Doc. No. 12, T.Til Cong., 1st scss. * FoTtH Land Resources, Requirements, l*roblems, and Policy, Part V7//otthe Sup- plemcntiiry Rcjiort of the Lanil Planning Committee to the National Rescnrccs Iloard, Noveiulwr 1934. is directly representative of the forest activities of the region's four State planning boards and inciflentally has comprised representatives of Federal and State, public, private, and educational interests in the forest field. The Committee has endeavored, throughout its several months of work, to develop a well-balanced program. To this end it has corresponded and con- sulted with representatives of all major Federal, State, private, and public interests concerned with the forest resource in the Region. It has made everj* practicable efl'ort to keep organizations and many individuals informed of proposals, and to secure and meet the suggestions and points of view of every important interest dealing directly or mdirectly \nth forest problems. It has held three open meetings on the subject. At one of these, about 75 representatives — of lumber, logging, conservation, and protective associations; of Federal services (Lncludmg Forest Service, Indian Service, Park Service, Soil Conservation Service, Biological Survey, Bureau of Entomology, Bureau of Fisheries, Resettlement Administration, Corps of Kn- gmeers); of State forestry departments; of forestry schools; and of the pulp and paper industrj^, railroads, banks, range management, agriculture, water resources, recreation, and wildlife — constituted, in efl'ect, an aug- mented committee for the consideration of a tentative program. The program has been formulated also with due re- gard for the reconunendations of the several State planning boards in the Region and those of the National Forestrj' Conference of 1933 and 1934. Efl'ort has been made to avoid controversial matters, concentrating, for the present, upon the many points upon which there is substantial agreement. In view of this metliod of procedure, it may be expected that the program of action proposed by the Committee will have full cooperation from the many interests involved. If exceptions should develop, it is believed they will be of relatively small importance and can, in most cases, be reasonably well reconciled. Eft'ort has been made to deal primarily with the more essential phases of the forest problem relating more essentially to commercial timber. The program deals quite thoroughly with matters pertaining to the use of the forest as a source of wood supply, but, neces- sarily, gives less detailed attention to such matters as recreation, grazmg, and water conservation. Such phases, while very important within the forest areas, also extend far beyond and reepiire, in their treatment, cooperation with still other interests and agencies. In view of the number of critical problems existing at the present time, and the need for prompt steps toward National Resources Committee wider establishment of conservation and sustained-yield management operations, the greater emphasis in the program has been placed upon proposals for immediate action. The report of the Regional Planning Commission itself is a covering statement intended to summarize its view of the situation, the more urgent needs, and the findings and recommendations of the whole study. Findings and Recommendations The forests are of the utmost importance to the region, not only furnishing livelihood for a large propor- tion of the population, but constituting important support to busmess and service activities and to local agricultural enterprise and providing the chief means of payment for the products of other areas.'' Further- more, they enter intimately into the life of the entire population through such channels as protection of water supplies, flood mitigation, and soil conservation. The range livestock industry, important both locally and nationally, depends to a great extent upon forest land for summer range. Development of the recrea- tional assets of the region is largely dependent upon the continued existence of the forests, and the destiny of this region as a forest-growing territory seems further influenced by the fact that a major part of the 94 million acres of forest land in the region is also used extensively for recreational purposes. The facts that half the remaining timber supply and 40 percent of the water power resources of the United States are located m this Region would necessarily compel attention from a national standpoint. But the additional facts that these resources exist in an area of strategic importance as a gateway to future foreign and domestic commerce, an area of considerable industrial promise, and one significant from the standpoint of equable and attractive living conditions, would seem to demand that they be given permanent places in the national develojiment plan and economic structure. The Regional Planning Connnission believes the situ- ation with respect to this forest resource is critical, that the threat of loss of a resource of incalculable value is a serious one, and that solution of the problem will be increasingly difficult with the passage of each year in which some substantial progress in conservation, in- cluding protection and improved management, is not made. Depletion is no mere fantasy. In spite of their stra- tegic importance, the forests are being depleted at a dangerous rate, and the region is approaching a crisis which promises to be as severe as it was in any of the forest-impoverished regions of the East. The gen- erally recognized remedy of sustained-yield forest » See staff Report, sec. 2. management is not being widely appUed — no definite, widespread attempt to adjust forest cutting to forest growth is being made. The national significance of these trends is greater than it was in the East because this Pacific Northwest Region marks the end of the trail so far as virgin timber is concerned. So far as merchantable timber and the timber indus- try are concerned, substantial depletion may come about in a relatively short time with respect to the national hfetime. At the rates of production of the 1920's, this may occur perhaps in 5 or 0 decades. Considering only the portion of the timber economically accessible, the time of substantial depletion is far more difficult to estimate, but would be considerably shorter — perhaps a nuitter of only 3 to 4 decades so far as a major timber industry is concerned. Depletion of some large sub- areas of the Region is proceeding at such rates that the life of a major timber industry therein seems to be limited in instances to a comparatively few years — say, a single decade. In other subareas the time of depletion may vary upward to a consitlerable period of time. Some species, such as the very valuable Idaho white pine, may be substantially gone, at present rates of cut, in a matter of only 2 decades. The Port Orford cedar, of still higher quality and unit value, but much more limited as to quantity and annual cut, will be about gone in little more than a decade if ciuTent rates jjrevail. The danger of resource depletion should be of deep concern to the public and the industry ; it warrants the keenest concern of governmental and private interests. If depletion is not arrested, serious economic disloca- tions within parts of the Region, the Region as a whole, and the entire Nation are involved. Within the Re- gion, substantial depletion of the resource would be a calamity which might be only partially and belatedly ofl'set, if offset at all, by development and growth of new means of economic subsistence. Sustamed-yield management, as broadly defined, seems to present the complete general answer to the forest problem. If forest land is managed so as to produce its maximum yield and if total consumption of forest products balances this yield, the maximum of community benefits is bound to result. With sustained yield the varied forest uses are develop.ed and co- ordinated under a broad system — the timber industry tends toward stabilization; recreational facilities and development are assiu'ed of continuation; wilderness areas are perpetuated ; wildlife is managed to prevent undue losses; livestock grazing is maintained; industry and communities receive protection of water supplies; and potential losses from erosion and flood are sub- stantially reduced. One maj' possibly be misled, through a merely casual reading of the report, into a feeling of security by the rather imposing totals of remaining public timber. Forest Resources oj the Pacific Northwest The watershed, soil protective, and scenic vahies of tliis tiinhor may be very great, but much of its ])resc.nt inchistriiil vahie is questionable on account of relative quahty and inaccessibility. Supporting an uncomfort- able conclusion of relative insecurity is the fact that not even all publicly owned timber is yet being handled on a sustained-yield basis. Although onty 33 percent of the forest land and 43 percent of the timber of the Region are privately owned, it is clear that the initial stages of the battle for sus- tained timber management will be won or lost on what are now privatelj^ owned lands. The privately owned land includes the major portion of commercially ac- cessible timber, the best timber-growing sties, and therefore, the land which, under sustained-j'ield man- agement, can in the long run best compete with timber- growing sections of the world. Bearing in mind the strategic importance of tlie I)rivately owned forests, there may be found in them a number of conditions inimical to the attainment of sus- tained yield. The widest divergence from sustained- yield method exists in this ownership bracket. In the first place, there are lacks of long-time planning and of continuit}^ of management policy. Contributing to lack of adequate plans and policies are fear of the future in connection with the long period of j^ears required to grow forest crops, the fact that pride of ownership in well-managed forest land is not yet widely awakened, and the fact that the responsibilities of private owners to use their properties for the greatest good in the long run are not clearly established in the scheme of forest operations. Generally, the industry is not set up, nor are its ownerships blocked up, for permanent or long- term operation. Much of the private investment and financing is based upon quick lifjuidation of capital. This basis is accepted by ta.x-levying agencies \-.hose I)olicies add still further to the pressure for rapiil depletion. There is an absolute need of legal and economic measures to encoiu'age the development of the more desirable private ownershi]i policies and l)ractices. The pressure for liquidation results in overproduction, cut-throat competition, practices of haste and waste which may not be desired by the oi)ei'ator, but which seem to be forced on him b,y economic conditions. Moreover, from the standpoint of eventual remedy, there is inadequate protection — with hundreds of thousands of acres of future potential timber crops being destroyed by fire and disease in the average year. The public, nationally and locidly, has a tremendous stake in the forest resource. Tiicrefore the public must expect to take the lead m this vital program for estab- lishment of sustained-yield [xilicics and the energy with which it pursues its task will deternuiu' the future of Northwest forests. The better stabilization of forests, forest industries and communities directly dejjendent upon forests will be accompanied by improved stability of States and counties, of agriculture, of service activ- ities such as railroads and supply houses, of financial institutions, of cities and ports, and of all the cultural and educational institutions. On the other hand, experience has shown that depletion will have widely disastrous effects. This emphasis upon the public interest does not imply our lack of recognition of the responsibilities of the pri- vate ownerships in the forests and forest industries. On the contrary, the public interest in the perpetuation of the forests is considered so great that private ownership must, increasingly, carry with it clear cut sense of trust or stewardship for a national resource. After all is said and done, we are all compelled to recognize the age-old principle that private ownership, as an institu- tion, is dependent on the use of property for the put)lic good in the long run, and if private ownerslup is unable to meet this standard, public action of one form or another becomes necessary. Further progress toward such an attitude, and consequently toward improved control of the conservation and utilization of the forest resources, is a matter for action by the industry and the private owners of forest land, as rapidly as legislative, economic, and technical progress will permit, as well as by the public. The whole situation clearly warrants the promj)t application of fundamental changes by which the timber industrj^ and its dependent comminiities will stop the unsound practice of consuming forest capital. This calls for an understanding appraisal of the problems of private forest land owners, to the end that fairness may be practiced and the burdens equitably distributed, bringing about a prompt shift from jiresent undesirable practices to the urgently desired ones. Recommendalions. — The Regional Phuuiing Com- mission commends the accompanying staff report to wide consideration as an assembly, arrangement and interpretation of factual information pertinent to this study of the forest resource and to a program of neeiled action. The Regional Rlanning Conmiission endorees, ami recommends — for consideration on the part of the Federal (iovernment and its several branches and departments, the State governments, forest-land owners and operators, the forest and related industries, various economic and social groups, and the general public — the report and recommendations of its Forest Advisory Cormiiittee. A forest program for tlic Pacific Northwest, wiiich is the subject of this connnittcc icpiut, nuist inevitably be an extremely significant part of any plan for the social and economic future of the count rj- as a whole. For greater emphasis, the Regional Planning Com- 6 National Resources Committee mispioji invites especial attention to the following con- sideraticins: The program has pointed strongly toward stabilizing communities and industries. The necessity for sus- tained-yield management as an essential for stabilized communities and industry is pointed out. But it is also recognized that the present condition of forest resources does not make sustained-yield management universally applicable within the region. Further- more, important economic obstacles need to be over- come so as to facilitate extended application of this method, esiJccially, insofar as possible, to make the ownership and management of forest land on a sus- tained-yield basis attractive to private enterprise. The program recognizes the desirability of a distribu- tion of responsibility for action between private owners, the State and Federal Government. The program defi- nitely recommends that private forest owners continue to progress in the development and application of the Forest Practice Rules developed under the Lumber Code, which provide (a) for forest protection, (6) for conservation of immature trees and young growth from unnecessary logging damage, (c) for restocking the land after logging, {d) for technical study of forest properties and operations with the object of developing forest plans and practices most suitable to local conditions, and with the object of applying selective logging m forest types which permit, and also of applying the principle of sustained yield wherever practicable. There is recognition of the fact that public action is required in the removal of imreasonable economic obsta- cles in order that private owners may be enabled to per- form their part. Admittedly, only the public can remove some of these obstacles. The States shoidd do all they can in the program, and substantial and direct support- ing Federal action is required to meet public responsi- bility beyond the States' power. It is also recognized by the Conunission that there is a responsibility resting on the private owners of forest lands to utilize the advantages, accruing by virtue of removal of these obstacles through public action, to further the practice of sustained-yield management. Simimarizcd, the proposed urgent legislative and ad- ministrative program for placing forest land imder sus- tained-yield management includes: (1) Provision for putting all publicly owned land on a sustained -yield basis. (2) Provision for the organization and operation of cooperative sustained-yield units which include both public and private land under contracts providing adequate protection of public interests involved. (3) Provision for long-term public credits at low in- terest rates, for timber operators working on a sustained - yield basis. (4) An increase of public fire protection appropria- tions sufficient to insure adccpiatc fire protection. (5) An authorization and apprt)priation of sufficient public fimds adequately to combat, in cooperation with private owners, the ravages of timber-destroying insects and diseases. (6) Authorization and provision of funds for public acquisition of both tind)ered and cut-over private lands where such accpiisition is necessary for effective sus- tained-yield forest practice. (7) A change in the taxation system so as to relieve timber properties from pressure for innnediate liquida- tion and at the same time provide funds for the adequate conduct of local tax-supported units. (8) Increased pidjlic appropriations for research in de- termining more effective methods of forest management and more complete utilization of wood and wood waste. (9) Classification and zoning of land suitable chiefly for forest uses. (10) Provide all practicable safeguards in public legis- lation, policy and adnunistration to bring about full use of public contributions in the promotion of sound forest practices, including sustained-yield management. Several immediate, outstanding objectives will be evident in the proposals of the report: Checking of present trends of destruction by fire and disease; prepa- ration of lands for future production; improvement and extension of practices of sound forestry ; and setting up of sustained-yield operating units. One of the essential measures for the attainment of these objectives is further provision for public acquisi- tion of forest land. Every attempt should be made to induce private timber operators to adopt sustained-yield practice. However, as the report points out, it is not reasonable to expect these operators, in all cases, even with the inducement of low taxes and interest, to carry sufficient timber land to make sustained-yield operation practicable. The report in effect recognizes that past public land disjjosal policy has ])laced more forest land in private ownership than private owners are now able and willing to manage for continuous production upon a basis approaching a sustained yield. It also recog- nizes that there are broad areas of land, cut over or in second growth, immanaged and likely to be abandoned by their private owners. It also pomts out that, under the present pattern of ownership, private and public forest lands are in many places intermingled to such an extent that independent sustained-yield management is impractical. It suggests, therefore, an attack upon tliis problem by the public along two principal lines: (1 ) Ac- quisition by the public of substantial holdings of mature and second-growth stands; and (2) the management of some public and private lands, as cooperative sustained- yield units, under a contractual relationship. 11. REPORT OF FOREST ADVISORY COMMITTEE Contents Page Introduction 8 Services Rendered by Forests 8 Economic Dependency Upon the Forests 9 The Regional Forest Situation 10 Services of the Forest Other Tlmn Timber Production 14 Distribution of Responsibility 15 Recommended Program of Action 16 A PACIFIC NORTHWEST REGIONAL FOREST PROGRAM PACIFIC NORTHWEST REGIONAL FOREST PROGRAM Introduction In response to the request of the Pacific Northwest Regional Planning Commission, its forest conmiittee ' has prepared this forest program for the region. In order that the program might be made as sound, fair, and well-balanced as practicable before final recom- mendation to the Commission, the committee, after a series of meetings and much work on its own part, sought the advice and constructive criticism (a) of many well-informed persons of all points of view directly and indirectlj' interested in the problems involved, and (6) of the principal interested public and private organiza- tions. Tliis statement is not a full, detailed discussion of the facts of and the remedies for the forest situation of the region; on the contrary it is intended to outline, as briefly as practicable, the more important facts drawn from the immense mass of material available. This statement is supplemented with a much more complete statement of the basic facts of the situation. The pro- gram of action recommended is carefully coordinated with thought developed in the region and with the pro- gram reconuneuded by the National Forestry Confer- ence of 1934. At that time, a large group of competent men, representing all angles of public and industry point of view, developed, after months of study, a well-bal- anced national program. It is emphasized that this regional program is not an efi'ort to impose a plan upon the several States of the region. Rather it is the result of united study by men from each of the States, giving due consideration to national, regional. State, industry, antl other relation- ships and suggesting to the Nation, to the several States of the region, to industry and to other groups for careful study and suitable action the more important things wliich require attention. Joint effort by the people and States of the region will aid powerfully in securing needed federal action. Mutual regional study is an important aid in concentrating attention and action within each of the States upon matters of really prime importance. The regional program merely suggests; it is hoped that Nation, States, timber-land owners, and others will study and act appropriately. ■ The forest committee consists ot David T. Mason, Portland, Greg., chairman; and of C. J. Buck, Forest Service, Portland, Greg.; Dean D. S. Jellers, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho; Dean T. C Spaulding, University of Montana, Missoula, Mont.; and Dean Hugo Winkenwerder, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. The four last named are the chairmen of the forest advisory committees of the State Planning Boards of the respective States of the region. Mr. Buck was repre- sented in part by F. Brundage, and Dean Winkenwerder by J. B. Woods, in this work. 8 Services Rendered by Forests Regional forest resources perform certaui services, some essential, others extremely important to the eco- nomic and social welfare of the people of the region, and in less degree to the people of the whole United States. These services woidd be most perfectly performed if the forest resources were under "sustained-3neld forest man- agement." The following statement incUcates the natiu-e of such management as well as the nature of the services which forests can render continuously if prop- erly managed. The most important service is the stabilization of communities dependent upon the forests. Such com- munities can be maintained only through sustained- yield forest management. A local community, con- sisting of many economic elements, such as labor, farms, stores, garages, banks, railroads, etc., is often completely or mainly dependent for its existence upon the economic activity coimected with the harvesting, manufacture, and transportation of forest products. Such a community can have stable life only if the forest land upon which it depends is so managed that the forest is protected, reproduced, and harvested at a sufficiently moderate annual rate to permit new growth to replace what is cut, thus gi^^Ilg a continuous, perma- nent output of forest products. This is sustained-yield forest management, which has as a major purpose community maintenance through timber cutting ad- justed to forest resources and growth capacity. No other kind of forest management provides for com- munity and forest industries' stability. The regional and national forest products supply can be pro^•ided for consumption most efficiently through sustained-yield management, since such man- agement avoids many forms of waste and extra expense involved in the migratory forest industry and which are inevitable without such management. In this region, the water resources are among the most important ; the beneficent influence of forest cover in regulating and conserving stream flow and water supply is generally recognized. Forests are effective in conserving soil, preventing its erosion and consecjuent silting of reservoirs and stream channels. Forests ameliorate chmate. Forests afford protection and siut- able habitat for many game animals and for other wild life. Forests are among the most important places of recreation. Much of the forest land, east of the Cas- cades, furnishes forage for domestic livestock without damage to the forest. Forest Resources oj the Pacific Northwest Each of these "services" furnished by the forest is important. They vary in rehitive importance from place to phice; but all together they are of high impor- tance. A forest imder sustained-yield management for timber production, automatically and with relatively little special adjustment, provides a sustained yield of the other important services. Tliis is the so-called multiple use forest, continuous^ supplying wood, water, grazing, recreation, soil control, climatic in- fluence, and vvildhfe refuge. Consequentlj' the forest under sustained-yield management, furnishing regularly these many ser%'ices, is doing its utmost in a well- balanced way to supply the needs of man. Even forests for which sustained-yield timber management is not now practicable may be managed for a sustained yield of the other important ser\aces. Although sustained-yield forest management is highly important to Region and Nation, comparatively little of the present timber supply is being harvested from forests under such management. In some parts of the Region the supply of merchantable timber is wholly or nearly exhausted with consequent reduction of logging and sawmill operations. In other localities sawmill capacity and operations greatly exceed forest capacity, so that such operations must greatly diminish within a few years. In other places mill capacity does not exceed forest capacity, but the application of sus- tained-yield management is retarded or impeded by serious economic obstacles. Such obstacles, discussed in some detail later, should be removed so that such management may begin promptly where timber re- sources permit. "\Alierc timber resoiuTes are now in- sufficient, there should be adequate provision for forest reproduction and for forest protection so that eventu- ally, even though after manj^ years, there may be established a stable forest industry with production in balance with forest capacity. The continued existence of the forests of the region requires forest protection. The restoration of forests damaged by fire, cutting or other cause requires forest reproduction, for which protection is essential. The maintenance of communities and industries dependent upon the use of the forests requires sustained-yield management, for which protection and reproduction are absolutely essential. The reader should keep clearly in mind that protection, reproduction, and sus- tained yield are not themselves objectives, but are merely the means by which certain purposes may be achieved. Economic Dependency Upon the Forests Nearly every one realizes that the forests play an important part in the economy of the region; but few realize how extremely important that part is. A thorough analysis of the situation should be made in order to determine rather accurately the degree of dej)endence of the people of the region upon the various services rendered by the forests. The best investigation of tlus kind previously avail- able, for Oregon, is based on the 1929 Census. In it the gainfully employed are divided into two great classes: the "basic industry" class, and the "service industry" class. The "basic industries" are defined as those the products of which are mostly exported from the State. The "service industries" are those which exist upon services rendered to both basic in- dustries and other service industries and to the people. The service industries include retail and wholesale distribution, professional, domestic, and personal serv- ice, all forms of transportation and comnumication, building, public ser\dce utilities, hotels, amusements, banking, etc. The basic industries include agriculture, forest industries, textiles, fishing, mining, etc. It is shown that in Oregon 60 percent of the gainfully em- ployed are in the service industries while 40 percent are in the basic industries. Of those in the basic industries, 53 percent are in agriculture and 34 percent in the forest industries, thus leaving only about 13 percent in all other basic industries. It is probable that further analysis will show that the forest indus- tries are "basic" to a higher degree than agricidture, as a result of their sliipping out of the State a higher proportion of their total product. Furthermore, it appears that the forest industries are a better "market" than is agriculture for the services of the service indus- tries and also for the services of other basic industries. This is ])robable because agriculturists are generally much more nearly self-sub.sisting than are the em- ployees of the forest industries, and, also, because the forest industries require unusual service in certain important fields- -fur example, about two-thirtls of both the rail and water-borne tonnage originating in Oregon and Washington consists of forest products. The subject of the economic inqiortance of the forest mdustries and of the Region's economic dependence on them is developed further in th(> staff report. Based on 1929 protluction of forest products and 1930 population, it appears that the forest industries are of about the same relative importance in Wash- ington as in Oregon. In Idaho the forest inilustries are about half as important relatively as in Oregon or Wasliington, and in Montana about one-sixth as im- portant. Nevertheless, even in Idaho and Montana the forest industries are among the most important. Forests render many services besides that of timber supply, but no at(cnq)t will be nuide here to express in an}' definite way tlio extent of economic dependency arising from such servicers. However, it will readily be recognized that tlie forests are also of outstanding importance in these other fields. 10 National Resources Committee The Regional Forest Situation The four States i)f the Region have 93 niiHioii acres of forest hind, or 37 percent of their hind area. The percentage of land in forest m the several States is: Montana, 22; Idaho, 42; Oregon, 46; Washington, 55. The forest lands are heavily concentrated in western Montana, northern Idaho, western Oregon, and western Wasldngton ; about five-sixths of the area west of the summit of the Cascades in Oregon and Washington is forest land. In the respective States, the iDcrcentage of the forest land privately owned is: Montana, 20; Idaho, 20; Oregon, 41 ; and AVashington, 46. There are about 900 billion board feet (lumber tally) of standing saw timber in the forests of the region. This is 48 percent of all of the saw timber in the United States and is 55 percent of the coimtry's softwood saw timber. (One billion board feet is the ecjuivalent of 40,000 average freight carloads of lumber.) More than two-thirds of the timber in the region is west of the summit of the Cascades. The ciuantity of timber in the region is distributed among the several States in the indicated percentages: Montana, 6; Idaho, 11; Oregon, 48 ; and Washington, 35. Of the total quantity of timber in the region, 42 per- cent is in the national forests, 6 percent is the revested Federal timber in western Oregon, and 2 percent is other Federal timber — a total of 50 percent Federal. Five percent of the timber is owned by the States, counties, and municipalities. Three percent is the prop- erty of the Indians, but managed for them by the Federal government. The remaining 42 percent of the timber is ])rivately owned. The percentage of the timber in private ownership in the several States is: Montana, 26; Idaho, 28; Oregon, 44; and Wash- ington, 48. Before the coming of the white man the ((uantity of timber in the forests of the region was kept roughly constant by great natural constructive and destructive forces; the growth (which takes place each year in each living tree) being offset by destructive agencies, the chief of which were fire, insects, and diseases. Since the white settlement of the Region, this balance has been seriously distm-bed, especially in recent decades, by increasing^ rapid cutting of timber followed by partial but on the whole insnfficient reproduction. During tlie past 3 decades especially, increasing human occupancy and use of the forests have gi-eatly increased the number of fires, and the increasing areas of cut-over land have created more hazardous condi- tions. Fire protective organizations have been devel- oped and greatly improved, but, in many parts of the Region at least, these organizations are still insuffi- ciently financed and manned to reduce average annual fire losses to a reasonable fisriu-e. For the region as a whole, insects are a less serious jjrobleni than fire, although in some localities — esjjc- cially in eastern Oregon — insects do more damage than fire. Much less progress has been made toward solu- tion of the insect problem than of the fire problem. Tree chseases constitute a serious threat to the forests. They are less spectacular but more insidious than fire. The white pine blister i-ust for several years has been so strongly estabhshed in northern Idaho that it threatens destruction of such of the white pine in that and adjoining States as has not yet been pro- tected. It has recently become established in the sugar pine and western white pine stands of southern Oregon and is spreading southward into the extensive sugar pine stands of California. This threat to all the white pine and sugar pine stands of the Western States is being met with energetic action which must be vigorously continued because of the rapidity of the spread of infection and the necessity of completing the work of protection of the stands before the jiine becomes generally infected. Other fungous diseases, by rotting the wood inside standing trees, destroy annually substantial quantities of forest material. This damage, mostly hidden until individual trees are felled for utilization, is so difficult to combat that little can be done, practically, in the case of virgin timber. The early settlers cut a little timber for their simple needs. But after 1849, the growing California and for- eign markets absorbed more and more of the forest products of the Region. Durmg the present century the greatly reduced production of lumber in the Lake States and the South, due to approaching exhaustion of virgin timber supplies in those regions, has caused the great lumber consuming regions of the country to rely more and more heavily upon the Pacific Northwest Region as the important source of supply. The com- pletion of the Panama Canal has further accentuated the demand upon the forests of this Region. In 1909 the Pacific Northwest supplied 15 percent of the total national lumber production. By 1929 this figure had risen to 36 percent, and in 1934 the trend was still up- ward, placing the figure at 39 percent. It is estimated that the 1929 production of lumber and other forest products required the removal of about 15.6 billion feet of saw timber from the regional forests. During the depression production was greatly dimin- ished, but vdtli the return of prosperity it is expected that the annual cut will return to predepression pro- portions. Based (1) on existing stands of old growth and second growth timber, (2) on moderately good forest manage- ment (substantially better than that at present), (3) on expected growth, and (4) on estimated losses with Forest Resources of the Pacific Northwest 11 reasonably improved forest jjrotection, it is estimated that the forests of the Region liavc the capacity to pro- duce continuously in the future about 16 billion feet of timber yearly. The national forests and the Inilian forests are by declared policy managed on a sustained-yield basis. ^ The other forest land in the Region, both public and private, with rare exceptions, is not managed on a sus- tained-yield basis, but usually on the basis of nnirket- ing the merchantable timber as rapidly as practicable. It should be noted that the 000 billion feet of timber in the Region is not all equally available for manufac- ture. Some of it is located in the National parks and in State parks where there is to be no cutting. Proba- bly about one-half is so remotely located or is of such low quality as to be economically inaccessible at the present or even at the reasonably good predepression market prices. However, it is anticipated that future transportation and economic changes will eventually make available much, but not nearly all, of this cur- rently inaccessible timber. A large proportion of the most accessible timber is in private owTiership, and consequently most of the pres- ent timber cutting is on private forest land; for ex- ample, about 90 percent of the 1929 cut came from private forests. Since the future productivity of for- ests will be greatly affected by the manner in which logging operations are carried on, the manner of logging private timber is, at present, far more important than the manner of logging public timber. lender the lumber code, a conference of experts, some representing public agencies and some representing j)rivate timber owners and operators, recommended a program of action for private operators with the object of securing better and reasonably good forest practice in logging operations. This conference also recom- mended a program of public action to remove unreason- able economic obstacles and to create more favorable economic conditions for the practice of forestry on private lands. At the same time this conference defi- nitely recognized and emphasized that the public pro- gram must move hand in hand with the program of industrial action in order that really satisfactory results might be attained. The industry has made, both dur- ing and since the code, moderately good progress in applying its program, but the public program has made relatively far less progress, even though the dual pro- gram is of far greater importance to the public than to the industry. Public fire protection contributions * Latterly the ('oiifiress has declared a policy of sustained-yield management for the revested lands of the Oregon and California Railroad and reconveyed Coos Bay Wagon Road grant lands in the Stale of Oregon. through Civilian Conservation Corps, etc., have been substantial, but far more is needed. Federal legislative programs have been slow; State programs, on the whole, have been somewhat better. Within the Region the thousands of private owners have about $700,000,000 invested in timber. Much of this timl)er is held b}' nonoperating owners. Probably more than half of the private tunber has not changed ownershii) within the past 25 years. In addition to the timber, the forest industries, all private!}- owned, have about $.500,000,000 invested in logging railways and equipment, sawmills, pulp and paper mills, and other woodworking plants. This heavy investment, with relatively small return or none at all, is pressuig strongly for liquidation and for larger volume of annual output. On the standing timber alone the annual tax bill to the many thousand private forest owners is roughly $10,000,000. This bill is so heavy that it tends to force premature cutting, and in many instances has, together with other causes, forced tax delinquency. Tax de- linquent forest land which has passed into the owner- ship of the counties is a serious and rapidly expanduig problem. The forest tax problem is highly complicated and difficult, being involved with the tax problem as a whole. Forest fire protection is costing the private forest owners about $1,000,000 per j'ear. Actual losses through fire and insects are a heavy burden. Potential but unknown future losses of this character are a still heavier psychological burden upon the private owners. Debt on nonoperating tunber properties as well as on operating forest industry enterprises is substantial. Competition among the many hundred lumber manu- facturers in the Region is intense and often is destructive to a reasonable price level. Operating returns in predepression yeai's were very moderate relative to the investment. Depression losses have been extremely heavy. The burden of unproductive investment, taxes, inter- est on debt, i)rotection costs, tire and financial losses, have for years exerted great pressure for tiuil)er liqui- dation. This pressure has resulted in excessive lumber production, which in turn, coupled with intense com- petition, has depressed prices obtainable for the juod- uct. Depressed lumber prices have led to the leavifig in the woods of much material which woukl have been marketable if prices had been higher — thus bringing about unnecessary waste of the natural resources. Since lumber is the chief product which is exported from the region, depressed prices have meant that the people of the region are less able to buy goods imported into the region. Depressed prices have resulted in 12 National Resources Committee reduced funds with which to meet pay rolls and conse- quent lower wages, althougli wages are liigher in the forest industries of this region than anywhere else. Depressed prices have reduced the forest industries' ability to buy su])plies and services, to make improve- ments, to intensify utilization and refinement of prod- ucts, to develop by-product industries, to practice better forestry. Depressed prices have also lowered the income of most of the people of the Region, so many of whom are directly or indirectly, wholly or partly, dependent upon the forest industry. Overpro- duction and depressed prices for the linnber products of this region have tended to hinder the practice of forestry throughout the United States. .Sustained-yield forest management, although essen- tial to continued community support, is at present an ideal far from attainment in this Region. Yet, it is not an idle dream, since it has been applied for genera- tions in older countries where the necessity for sound forest management was recognized sooner than in America. The principle has been applied to the management of the national forests within the region for many years. It is being applied on some private lands here, is in the process of being initiated on others, and should eventually be appUed to most of them. Sustained yield in practical procedure must be applied to moderate-sized forest units, and mill capacity in the long run must be adjusted to this. In many places in tlie region sawmills have cut all the available timber and have disappeared; while in other places the present sawmill capacity is greatly in excess of the sustained-yield capacity of the remaining available forest land. In such places, sustained yield is not likely to become practicable until, after many years of little or no forest operations, new forests have grown to constitute a new source of supply for new mills which may then be established. However, there are many places in the region where it is possible to estab- lish a balance between the sustainetl-yield capacity of the local forest and the already existing local mills, or the mills which may be built in the future. Early application of the principle will, of course, be crude, but nevertheless effective. With passing years, prac- tices will be improved as reproduction and protection methods become more effective, and as a better distribu- tion of forest age classes is secured. It will at best require several human generations to attain reasonably good, general application of the principle in every part of the region, but this does not preclude substantial progress being made in many localities in the immediate future. It should be emphasized that sustained-yield man- agement requires, as a mininnun, (1) that the forest be reproduced after cutting operations, (2) that the forest be protected before, during, and after cutting opera- tions, (3) that the average amiual cut be adjusted to the sustained-yield capacity of the forest, and (4) that there be stable forest ownership. Furthermore, it should be kept in mind that the better the condition in which the forest is left after cutting and the more effective the protection, the greater the sustained-yield capacity. Transition from the present rather general liquida- tion policy to one of sustamed yield is especially difficult in this Region because generally there is relatively too much nongrowing, high value, old growth timber, and too little young forest growing rapidly in quantity, quality, and value. Sustained yield will be easier to maintain after a good distribution of age classes has been secured, thus creating a low-investment, currently productive forest. Wliile the application of the prin- ciple is difficult, it is essential. Fortunately, it is not necessary to do everything perfectly at once, but rather to know the goal and to proceed step by step in that direction as rapidly as possible. In order that the Region may benefit by such management, proper economic conditions should be created promptly by public and private action: (1) to encourage the appli- cation of sustained yield where it is practicable, (2) to discourage development of mill capacity in excess of forest capacity, and (3) elsewhere, through protection and provision for reseeding, to secure the best feasible forest management short of sustained yield so that eventually it may become practicable. Fortunately for some communities, as in north- western Washington, where sawmill operations have greatly reduced forest resources, there have developed other forest-using industries, such as pulp and paper, which support a given number of people on less forest resources than required by the lumber industry. It is highly important that, where practicalile and to the extent that the forest can permanently support them, there be established special wood-using industries which will refine wood products more highly than at present, and which will utilize material not now merchantable. This will make the forest more fully productive, more profitable, and will at the same time employ more people per acre of forest. Private timber management generally, as well as much public timber management, is based on the idea of early liquidation, and, as previously indicated, there are powerful pressures tending to force such liquida- tion. These pressures must be lessened in order to secure conditions favorable for sound forest manage- ment. Unreasonable forest land tax burdens are generally recognized as an extremely serious hin- drance to good forest management. But forest taxa- tion is a highly complicated subject which cannot be Forest Resources oj the Pacific Northwest 13 dealt with uniformly throughout the Region because of difl'erences in State constitutions, m State tax sys- tems and machinery, and in State forest and other conditions. Forest protection should be greatly improved so as to reduce losses and fears of losses. Because the public is responsible for the starting of many fires, and because the public derives from forests many benefits which do not accrue to the private owner, the public, both Federal and State, in order to do its fair share, should pay a much larger portion of the cost of forest pro- tection than at present. Federal forest lands are ad- ministered by many bureaus mcluding the Forest Service, Indian Service, Resettlement Administration, Park Service, Land Office, and others. Funds have not always been provided for forest fire protection of some of these Federal lands. Consecpiently, other fire protection agencies have been forced to pay for protection of these unprotected Federal lands in order that their own adjacent forest land be protected. The forested land in the unreserved public domain is an outstanding example. Recent acquisitions of forest lands and proposed acquisitions by the Farm Seciuity Administration (Resettlement Administration) further emphasize the necessity for adequate protection of all federally owned forest land. Similarly, all State, county, and municipal forest lands should be adequately pro- tected. It is generally considered impracticable by most of the industry under present conditions to own more than 20 years' supply of timber; most of them own much less. But sustained-yield management requires a tim- ber supplj' wliicli will last long enough to permit new growth to replace what is cut, and, according to local conditions, this mav require from 40 to 80 years' supply of old-yicld management to 14 National Resources Committee private forest lands. There is some, and probably there will be more, application of such management without taking any of these steps; but the more fully such steps are taken the greater the encouragement and the more prompt the application. Each possible unit has many features which make it a special problem in itself, different from all others. There can be no set formula for developing such units, but obviously the more favorable the conditions the more readily and promptly any given unit will be developed. Once reasonably favorable conditions are established, operators and forest owners will be able to progress toward the desired end; some will move rapidly, others slowly, and with actual developments will come a change in attitude which will make such enterprises still more practicable. Services of the Forest Other Than Timber Production The foregoing lays great emphasis upon production of timber. This is partly because this particular service of the forest is most hnportant in giving direct and in- direct support to the economic fabric of the Region. The forest advisory committee considers that the pri- mary problem with which it has to deal is the forest as a producer of wood. The committee clearly recognizes that there are several other highly important "services" which also require attention. These other services include (1) the regulation of stream flow and water supply, (2) the conservation and up-building of soil, (3) opportunities for recreation, (4) the grazing use, and (5) the protection of wildlife. In the case of each of these "other services" it is pointed out (1) that the problem extends into areas far beyond the boundaries of the forests (and consequently beyond the boundaries of the functions of the committee), and (2) that if the forest land is given sound technical management for timber production, such management will incidentally go far toward enabling the forest to render effectively each of the "other services." With this in mind, the forest committee has felt that it should limit its atten- tion maiidy to the forest land and the timber production problem, but that it should also be careful to make its suggestions such that they will aid in the solution of the problems relating to the "other services." Water Conservation Undou])tcdly, the regulation of stream flow and water sujiph' is one of the foremost problems of the Region. Forests which are well managed for the pro- duction of thnber will incidentally perform their func- tion as conservers of water. In some inaccessible areas and in some areas of extremely slow thnber growth, forests are of little or no value for timber production, but are valuable for water-shed protection, and also for others of the "other services." The water conser- vation jiroblem is also of imiiortance outside forest boundaries. The problem of water conservation de- serves careful investigation by the regional forest exper- iment stations acting in cooj)eration with water supply engineers and others engaged in this field. Soil Conservation Forests well managed for the production of timber are higldy effective in conserving soil and in building up its fertility. One of the best means of stopping soil erosion is by tree planting on lands suitable for forest growth, and this means is being used extensively by the Soil Conservation Service in connection with farms. The policy should be extended to all lands chiefly valu- able for forest production and actually managed for that purpose wherever such cooperation is desired by the owner. Recreation Within the region, millions of recreationists spend scores of millions of dollars yearly. This higlily im- portant activity has increased rapidly in recent years and evidently is destined for much fiu'ther increase. The recreational opportunities of the Region have large spiritual values for our own people and in addition constitute one of our most important economic re- sources. The forest itself makes up a large share of the recreational resources. Sound technical management of the forest will maintain and enhance to a high degree the recreational values of the forest. But in addition, recreationists need camp sites, summer home sites, roadside forests to maintain lughway beauty, wilderness areas, etc. All of these additional requirements can be provided at relatively small additional expense; they are largely matters for the attention of recreation experts workuag m close cooperation mth forest man- agers. Recreation is so important that the States should provide liberally for it, especially for the mainte- nance of such values as those in roadside beauty. The present mining laws, as affectmg the national forests, allow areas of high recreational value to be en- tered and in some cases patented even where the mineral values are far less than the demonstrable recreational values. Suiiilarly, other hnportant forest uses are some- tunes adversely affected in much the same way. With- out in any way preventing the development of bona fide mining discoveries, action is needed to segregate the subsurface rights from the surface rights, thus prevent- ing loss to the public of valuable recreational lands and other forest uses through perversion of the present liberal mining law. Grazing The livestock industry, with its investment of about $700,000,000 in about 15 million head of livestock, lands, equipment, etc., is one of the important economic groups Forest Resources of the Pacific Northwest 15 of the Region. Much of the summer range is found within the forests. Overgrazing is harmful to forest reproduction, to watershed vahies, to soil conservation, to recreation, and to wildlife conservation, as well as to the livestock industry itself. But wisely regulated grazing helps to reduce the fire hazard in the forests, and is not harmfid to forest reproduction or to the "other services." Growing trees tend to limit livestock range while cutting of trees, in many localities, tends tem- porarily at least to increase range. Most forest lands are more valuable for timber production than for forage, though some undoubtedly are more valuable for grazing. This suggests the need for zoning, especially in the Doug- las fir region. Sound technical management and close cooj)eration between forest and range managers and re- search men are required to reconcile and adjust properly the forest and range needs and secure the best net results. Wildlife The forest well managed for timber production, with but slight additional adjustment, serves well in the pro- tection of wildlife. Here again the experts in the two fields must cooperate closely ui order to secure satis- factory and well-balanced results for each. It must be clearly recognized that the different kinds of service rendered by the forest vary greatly in relative importance in diiTerent parts of the region. Actually, the grazing use may be more important than the tunber or any other use in some localities, the recreational use may be the most important in others, and so on. All of these services are so important that strong effort should be made to balance the uses, coordinatmg each with the others. This approach avoids devoting the forest exclusively to any one use, aiming rather at the greatest total benefit from all of the services combined, and thus secures in fact the "multiple-use forest." Research Within the region, some progress has been made through research toward securmg scientific information needed for sound technical management of forest lands. However, it must be recognized that much more work still remains to be done to establish an adequate scien- tific basis. The fiekl of needed research is a broad one, including es])ecially work in the protection of forests from insects, diseases, and fire; emphatically, work in the economics of forest ownership, loggijig, markets, utiliza- tion of low grade and waste material; and also work in silviculture, forest soils, stream How relationships, and range management. Especially in the forests of western ()i-egon and western Washington, present-day logging, because of economic conditions, necessarily leaves be- hind great quantities of wood not now marketable; de- velopment of profitable uses for such material will l)e a great aid toward sound forest management and stable industry. The only research laboratory of the organized lumber industry of the United States is maintained by the Western Pine Association in Portland, Oreg. The forest industries shoidd undertake more aggressively to solve their more pressing research problems. And the State forest schools should be enabled to help sub- stantially m this field. But, after all, the dependence must be mainly upon wood utilization research con- ducted by the United States Forest Service within the region and especially at its Madison, Wis., labora- tory. To secure efficient application of available re- search funds to the most pressing problems, and to secure prompt application of results of research, there is need for closer cooperation between industry and State and Forest Service forest research workers. Distribution of Responsibility The program herein outlined is planned to rely, in securing a reasonably prompt and adequate solution of our forest problem, upon private forest ownership, management, and operation to the maxunum extent practicable, with public action to the extent necessary (a) to remove unreasonable economic obstacles and to create reasonably favorable conditions for soiuid private forest management, (6) to acquire forest land of such character and location as to contribute effectively to the development of "cooperative sustained-yield units," and (c) to acquire forest lands of such character as to be impracticable for private ownersliip and manage- ment. The private owner should do and should be encouraged to do as much as practicable; of that which the private owner cannot do the State shoidd do all that it can; the Federal Government should do what caimot be done by the other two. It is uupossible to say now what will be the ultunate ownership proportion of each, for at best a number of years will be required for the realization of the program recommended, and during that time there will be substantial changes in economic contlitions and in the mental attitude of the several agencies. Let a jouit cooperative program start promptly and vigorously, and continue until there is satisfactory forest management on a stable ownership basis. It shoukl be stated with great emphasis and all siiouhl clearlj' recogiuze (o) that the tax burden is controlled by public action, (b) that onl\- a very small percentage of fires are started bj' forest owners or their employees, (c) that the public as a whole, rather than the private forest owner as such, benefits from the comnnmity mainte- nance, recreation, conservation of soil, water and wild- life values of the forest. Consequently, the public should promptly remove unreasonable obstacles and liberally aid the private owner in protecting his forest 16 National Resources Committee land. In the case of forest land already badly denuded by fire or other causes, and at the same time of such character as to be impracticable for private forest ownership, the public should imdertake the work of protection and restoration. In the matter of fire pro- tection especially, there is most urgent need for vigorous enforcement of the present reasonably good laws which are supported by strong public sentunent. No matter who may eventually own the forest land, it must be adequately protected in order that natiu-al growth may not be destroyed, and that the public may receive the man}' benefits which far outweigh the cost of protection. Cooperation The successful maldng and carrying out of plans depends upon cooperation. During the past 3 years, public agencies responsible for forestry matters and forest industries have developed far better cooperation than ever before. These groups have developed mu- tually approved programs of public and industry action. In order to secure effective application of these programs. it is essential as the next step that hearty cooperation between public forest agencies and the forest industries be maintained and strengthened. But it is also essen- tial that similar cooperation be established between (a) these two groups on the one hand and (b) other eco- nomic and social groups and the general public on the other, and that such cooperation be put in effect promptly. Time to Act It takes many years to grow saw-timber trees. Timber resources must be planned and prepared many years ahead in order to secure continuous operations and permanent commimities. Already many com- munities in the region have faded away and it is already too late to make others permanent. But there is still time to provide permanently for many other com- munities. The rapid passage of tune and the swift progress of forest operations makes it extremely im- portant that there be prompt consideration of and action upon this program. RECOMMENDED PROGRAM OF ACTION The following recommendations state briefly the action which should be taken by the Federal Govern- ment, by the several States, by the industry, and by the general public. Recommended Federal Action Legislation 1 . Authorize establishment of Cooperative Sustained- Yield Units consistmg of national forest, other Federal, State, and/or private forest lands, under contracts (a) requiring of private and other cooperators suitable provision for forest protection, forest reproduction, and cutting with due regard for the sustained-yield capacity of the forest, and (6) otherwise suitably protecting the public interest. 2. Establish new branch of Faim Credit Administra- tion to organize "Forest Credits" in order that funds ma}' be available at a minunmn practicable mterest rate for these private forest owners engaging in sus- tained-yield forest management. 3. Amend Clarke-McNary Act (which provides Fed- eral funds to be used in cooperation with State and private funds in protecting State and private forest land from fire) by (a) extendmg scope to include insect and disease protection, erosion control, and flood pre- vention; (6) increasing annual fire protection authoriza- tion and providing a new authorization for forest insect and disease protection; the estimated needs of the Pacific Northwest region are $850,000 and $190,000, annually, for fire protection and for insect and disease protection, respectively; the corresponding national needs would be approxuuately $5,000,000 (an increase from $2,500,000) and approxunately $1,000,000, respectively. 4. Authorize, for a period of 10 years, an annual appropriation, to be available until expended, for the acquisition of forest land for national forests. Due consideration should be given in maldng such purchases to the encouragement of management of private lands for sustained production and to the development of Cooperative Sustained-Yield Units through the acquisi- tion of lands of such character and location as will con- tribute to the establishment of such units. The needs of the Pacific Northwest Region alone for this purpose are estimated as at least $9,000,000 per annum. 5. Amend present law (under which 25 percent of all national forest receipts are paid to the counties for their school and road fund) so that more suitable methods may be devised, if practicable, for making contribu- tions to counties in lieu of an economically sound and equitable tax income not obtainable because of land in Federal ownership. This course is required in view of (a) relatively delaj^ed utilization of most national forest timber and (b) proposed substantial increases in national forest areas. G. Amend McNary-McSweeney Act by increasing total authorization for the Forest Survey, authorizing Forest Resources oj the Pacific Northwest 17 anuual apijrupriatioiis of sums necessary to complete this survey at an early date, and providing an additional appropriation annuallj' for its maintenance. It is estimated that an annual expenditure of $150,000 is required for 2 years to complete the Forest Survey in the Pacific Northwest Region, while $55,000 is needed annually for its maintenance. Nationally, increase of total authorization from $3,000,000 to about $6,000,000, and an annual appropriation for maintenance of about $250,000, would be involved. 7. Amend Clarke-McNary Act (as it relates to United States' acceptance of donations of forest lands) by per- mitting United States to pay taxes due on such lands. Also amend National Forest Land Exchange Act (which permits exchange of national forest land and/or timber for other forest land within national forest boundaries) by extending area within which such other land nia.y be located to include all lands within 6 miles of the boundaries of the national forests as they now exist. S. Amend existing Revested Land Grant legislation to provide (a) for sustained-yield forest management, (including authorization to participate in Cooperative Sustained-Yield Units), and (6) for homestead settle- ment only upon lands applied for and found to be desirable primarily for agricultural use.' 9. Authorize presidential proclamation of suitable unreserved public domain lands as national forests. 10. Legislation to provide adecjuate fire protection for all forest lands in Federal ownership. 11. Ameiul existing law to provide larger funds for (a) research in forest products, silviculture, forest soils, stream flow, range management, and especially in economic fields, including conununity stabilization; the estimated needs of the Pacific Northwest region for this increased research are $745,000 per annum; and for (b) extension work in connection with utilization of farm woodlots and small timber ownerships; the estimated needs of the region for this purpose are $65,000 per annum. 12. Legislation similar to No. 1, above, authorizing participation of Indian forest lands in Cooperative Sus- tained-Yield Units. 13. Legislation authorizing the Secretary of Agricul- ture to develop and make available for public use and enjoyment the recreational, educational, and related values of the national forests compatible uith the pur- pose for which they \\ere originally created and with the proper management and conservation of their scenic and wildlife resources. 14. Legislation for all national forest lands separating subsurface mineral rights from surface rights in order to protect public recreation and other forest uses. ' The Congress has passed such legujlation since preparation of tliis program. 15. Legislation which will authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to prohibit entiy on, and regulate occupancy and use of, national forest lands located in watersheds used as a source of municipal water supjjly. 16. Legislation making the Ci\'ilian Conservation Corps (C C C) a permanent organization. Federal Policy 1. It is recommended that the Federal Ciovernment promptly, so far as desirable, and so far as practicable under existing legislation, extend the sustained-yield management of the forest lands iinder its control to participation in Cooperative Sustained- Yield Units. 2. It is recommended that fuU use be made of existing national forest exchange legislation, without limiting the applications to 10 percent of the national forest receipts, to encourage private owners, whose cut-over lands are likely to be accpiircd, to leave such lands in suitable condition for forest management, and to en- courage lea^'ing residual stands. 3. In making plans for forest acquisition and for forest management, especially of sustained-yield units, it is urged that in each State all agencies managing public lands cooperate with each other and with private owners in order that there may be suitable coordination of effort. 4. In the administration of Federal lands of all categories it should be the poUcy to safeguard the aesthetic and recreational values of the natin-al forest on areas of outstanding or predominant value for these purposes, such as the immediate borders of principal liighways, recreational centers, lake shores, and so on. 5. Continuation of ])rograms for classification of land as to its best long-time use to indicate (a) submarginal agricultural lands in predominately forest areas which should be retired from agricultural use, with provision of opportunity for relocation of the settlers now on such lands, and to indicate (6) areas in which further agri- cultural settlement should or should not be encouraged. 6. Continue the policy followed during the past few years in the initial control of the white pine blister rust on piivate as well as public lands. 7. Establish in the region a larger number of CCC forest camps as consistent with the importance of the regional forest resource. Recommended State Legislation 1. Adequate appropriations for protection of State, count}^ and private forest land from fire, insects, and disease. 2. Legislation autliorizing management of State and county forest land as part of Coopcrativ^e Sustained- Yield Units. 3. Substantial ai)i)r()i)riations for the purchase of forest land (a) which will facilitate the establislmient of 18 National Resources Committee Cooperative Sustaiiu-il-Yield Units, or (6) wliicli in oriviitc ownei-slii]) will not receive suitable nianiigional Planning Comniis^ion, who also assisted, sincere th:mks are ollcrcil. The Importance of the Columbia Basin States to the Nation Figure 1 shows in graphic form the relation of the four Columbia Basin States to the Nation as a whole in area, in population, and in timber resources. It will be seen that the four States constitute 13 percent of tlie area of the United States, yet support but 3 percent of its population. They contain only a little more than their share of the Nation's forest land, or 15 percent, but on this land stands 55 percent of the Nation's remaining timber. From this timber reserve is produced annually about 47 percent of the softwood lumber ctmsumed by the 48 States, but the 4 States themselves, on account of their scanty population, consume only IG percent of the Nation's total. RELATION OF COLUMBIA BASIN STATES TO UNITED STATES AREA 13 PER CENT o FOREST AREA 15 PER CENT POPULATION 3 PER CENT TIMBER VOLUME 55 PER CENT SOFTWOOD SOFTWOOD LUMBER PRODUCTION LUMBER CONSUMPTION 47 PER CENT 16 PER CENT (> FliMKK 1 o 2.3 24 National Resources Committee This dominant position in the hanbcr inthistiy is a development of relatively recent years. About 30 years ago, when the Nation was consuming more lumber than ever before or since, this Region's contribution was but 13 percent of the total. The gradual exhaustion of eastern timber supplies has made increasing demands on the forests of the Pacific Northwest. Today, they stand between the Nation and a seiious shortage of forest products. Therefore, the wise haudluig of this great natiu-al resource is a matter of national concern. The Forest Area of the Region For several years the Research Branch of the Forest Service has been making a sm'vey of the forest resom'ces of the Nation. Work in the Douglas fir region has been finished ; that in the pine region of eastern Oregon and Washington, and the northern part of Idaho is also rapidly approaching completion; but, as yet, southern Idaho and Montana are practicalh' untouched. The figures available for areas of forest land for volumes of timber, are, therefore, of varying reliability, and any regional totals arc inevitably a summation of reasonably precise figures and of approximations which can be little more than intelligent guesses. According to these figures, 38 percent of the Region is forest land, including not only the area bearing mer- FOREST LAND IN COLUMBIA BASIN STATES y///////A'('///M 63 10 31 17 30 y////////////A:i//////////////. |^^^^:^^fe'^^^^^^^^^^^J EASTERN MONTANA WESTERN MONTANA EASTERN WASHINGTON EASTERN OREGON WESTERN WASHINGTON WESTERN OREGON 30 40 50 60 70 eO PERCENTSGE OF SUBDIVISION AHEA ^ FOREST LAND ALL OTHER LAND AREA OF SQUARE REPRESENTS ENTIRE LAND AREA OF REGION- 251 MILLION ACRES AREAS OF RECTANGLES REPRESENT AREAS OF LAND ACCORDING TO ABOVE LEGEND NUMERALS ARE AREAS IN MILLIONS OF ACRES FhilRF. '1 chantablc or second growth tbnber, but also all burned- over or cut-over land which has not been converted to agricultural use, and the high mountain slopes on which grow forests of no present or prospective industrial value. The proportion of the land area whicli is thus classi- fied as forest laml varies widely within the Region. It is nmch heavier in the fir region than in the pine, the percentages being 84 and 30 percent, respectively. There is little difference between western ^Vasliington and western Oregon, but the subdivisions of the pine region are cpiite diverse in this respect. The lowest figure is for eastern Montana (12.5 percent) while the highest is for Idaho (42 percent). Figure 2 presents the facts in graphic form. The large square which forms this graph represents the entire land area of the Region. This is divided by horizontal lines into seven rectangles which have areas proportional to the land areas of the seven subdivisions of the Region. The arrangement is roughly geographic, eastern Montana being at the top and western Oregon and Washington at the bottom. Each of these rec- tangles is again subdivided, the cross-hatched left-hand end representing the forest land while the unhatched portion represents all other land. The seven shaded rectangles, then, represent by their area the forest land in each subdivision. Their lengths, measured horizontally, represent the proportion of each subregion which is forest land. This can be read in percentage by means of the scale below the graph. Since the diverse shapes of the rectangles make visual comparisons of their areas somewhat difficult, the area which each represents has been entered therem in fig- ures which are to be read as millions of acres. The statistics represented by tliis and subsequent figures are also presented in tabular form in the ap- pendix. The forest land has been classified into five types, as follows: Land bearing mature saw timber (softwood). Land bearing second growth (softwood). Land which is unstocked as a result of cutting or fii'e. Land bearing hardwood. Land bearing noncommercial stands. Figure 3 shows this classification witliin each subdivision of the Region. Tliis graph is similar in construction to figure 2. The main square now represents only the forest land, that is, the shaded area of figure 2. The rectangles representing the seven subdivisions, conse- quently, have changed in proportionate area, as can best be seen by comparing on the two gi-aphs; first, eastern Montana, at the top, which has become rela- tively small, and second, western Oregon, at the hot- Forest Resources oj the Pacific Northwest 25 torn, which has more than doubled in rehitive im- portance. Each of the seven rectangles is now sub- divided into five types, arranged in the order already stated, from left to right. The areas of the small rec- tangles are agam entered in millions of acres. Nearly half of the forest land bears merchantable timber, over a quarter bears second growth tunber which will become merchantable later on, less than a tenth of the land is unstocked and more than a tenth is definitely and permanently noncommercial in character; the hardwood land is negligible. But these proportions apply to the Region as a whole without being reflected in any of the subdivisions. Only in Oregon does mature saw tunber predominate. Montana and Idaho have more than their share of second growth, while more than half of the unstocked land is concentrated in the two subdivisions that compose the fir region. The largest proportions of noncommercial land are found in Montana and Idaho, while the small area of hartlwoods is entirely west of the Cascades. The Volume of Timber in the Region On this forest land stand over 900 billion board feet of tunber (lumber tally)- of many different species. Douglas fir is by far the most important species from the standpoint of volume, nearly half of the timber being of tliis species. Ponderosa pine, the basis for the lumber industry of eastern Oregon and Washington, is a poor second with about 15 percent of the total. But a fraction of a percent behind it comes hemlock, which has always been considered, somewhat unjustly, as inferior for lumber manufacture, but which is unques- tionably an excellent pulpwood (pulpwood being the raw material from which wood pidp is manufactured). Grouped together under the heading "pulpwood species" are a number of species of fir, etc., which are of value chiefly as pulpwood, but tliis classification has been used only m the case of the region west of the Cascades where there is a thriving wood-pulp industry; these species account for some 6 percent of the total. The valuable Idaho white pine is almost insignificant in its volume, being only 2.5 percent. Classed as "miscellaneous" are a great number of species, many of which have little commercial value, except possibly for local use. Nearly half of the timber is ui the State of Oregon, and over two-thirds of it is in the Douglas fir region of Oregon and Washington. These proportions are widely difl"erent from those of forested area already .shown in figure 1, and these dift'erences reflect the fact that the stands per acre are far greater in the western subdivi- sions. Washington has about a third of the tunber; * Volumes of staD(Jing timber are commonly cited In l)o:ir(i feet, log scale, while luml>er production .statistics are in board feet, lumber tally. The two units of meas- ure dilTer by from 10 iwrcent to 30 percent, depending on species and size. For sim- plicity, all figures in this report are od a lumber tally basis. Idaho, about a tenth; while Montana has only 6 percent, most of it west of the Continental Divide. These interrelations can be more readily grasped, however, by an inspection of figure 4, which is similar to figures 2 and 3 in its construction. The major square now represents the 935 billion feet of timber in the entire Region, the horizontal lines divide this volimie in proportion to its distribution between the regional subdivisions, while the interior rectangles show, by their hatchings, the proportions of the different species. The predominance of the Douglas fir and its concentra- tion in western Oregon and Washington are obvious at a glance, as well as its association with hemlock and other pulp species. Western Washington, however, has a much greater proportion of the pulpwood and less of the Douglas fir, due in part to heavy cutting of the latter. The bulk of the ponderosa pine is in eastern Oregon, where it makes up over three quarters of the entire stand. Idaho white pine is concentrated in Idaho (actually m the northern part of this vState), but is a very small part of the stand. The "miscellaneous species" of low value account for about half of the tunber in western Montana, and 90 percent in eastern Montana. TYPES OF FOREST LAND IN COLUMBIA BASIN STATES EASTERN WASHINGTON WESTERN WASHINGTON 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T^ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 90 100 PERCENTAGE OF SUBDIVISION'S FOREST LAND AREA ^^SAWTIMBER KXXX] SECOND GROWTH HARDWOOD NONCOMMERCIAL ^^^ UNSTOCKED CUTOVER OR BURN AREA OF SQUARE REPRESENTS FOREST LAND OF REGION OR 95 MILLION ACRES AREAS OF RECTANGLES REPRESENT AREAS OF FOREST TYPES ACCORDING TO ABOVE LEGEND NUMERALS ARE AREAS IN MILLIONS OF ACRES 50859—38- 26 Natinnal EfRovrces Committee VOLUME OF TIMBER BY SPECIES IN COLUMBIA BASIN STATES 5 70-. it' ■25 ■ ,-,■.■12 15 , 22 26 20 79 ^^- 114 40 267 28 36 22 -1 1' ■ ■ r ' ■ I \ r-^n 20 30 40 50 60 70 BO 90 PERCENTAGE OF SUBDIVISION VOLUME / EASTERN MONTANA VESTERN -MONTANA IDAHO FASTERN —WASHINGTON EASTERN OREGON WESTERN WASHINGTON WESTERN OREGON 1D0UGLAS FIR jHEMLOCK PULP SPECIES PONDEROSA PINE IDAHO WHITE PINE MISCELLANEOUS ^ AREA OF SQUARE REPRESENTS TIMBER VOLUME OF REGION OR 935 BILLION FEET LUMBER TALLY AREAS OF RECTANGLES REPRESENT VOLUMES OF SPECIES ACCORDING TO ABOVE LEGEND NUMERALS ARE VOLUMES IN BILLIONS OF FEET Fir.lLE 4. Importance of the Forest Industries to the Region The forest resource furnishes tlie raw materials for lumber, pulp and paper and many other wood-using mdustries. These are of vital importance to the Region. Wliile only 10 percent of the Region's gain- fully employed are on the pay rolls of these industries, they constitute 56 percent of all manufacturing employ- ment. Yet both these figures are misleading. In addition to those directly employed, forest industries support indirectly and in varying degrees a large num- ber of allied or service industries. For example, in many a sawmill town a major proportion of the mer- chants and professional people depend substantially on the sawmill pay roll, while nearby farmers find an increased market for their produce because the sawmill workers are there. The interrelationships between forest industries and other economic activities of the Pacific Northwest are so complex that an accurate and comprehensive appraisal of their importance is impossible. However, in a few striking instances reasonably exact information has been analyzed and can be cited.^ This analysis shows that the Region is far from being a self-sustaining economic unit. It is dependent on the remainder of the United States and on other nations for a great many commodities which cannot be raised or economically manufactured within the Region. If these commodities are to be imported, they must, ot course, be paid for with credits derived from exports. Of the total net exports of the four States, 71 percent (by weight) are forest products. Expressed on a value basis, the corresponding figure is 41 percent, a difl'erence which reflects the fact that forest products are, on the average, less valuable per ton than are many farm aiul mineral products. The forest industries are of great importance to the railroads, as is illustrated by the fact that about 63 s From sec. 2 of this report, Economic Imparlance of the Forest Industries of the Pacific Northuesl. by Blair Stewart. IMPORTANCE OF FOREST INDUSTRIES TO COLUMBIA BASIN STATES DIRECT EMPLOYMENT 10 PER CENT DIRECT EMPLOYMENT MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES ONLY 56 PER CENT NET EXPORTSaONS) NET EXPORTS (value) 71 PER CENT 41 PER CENT FREIGHT TONNAGE HORSE POWER INSTALLED ORIGINATING IN REGION manufacturing industries only 63 PER CENT 64 PER CENT Figure 5. Forcut Rf.tources of the Pacific Northwest 27 percent of all freight tonnage originating in the four States consists of lumber and other timber products. As a further evidence of the importance of forest industries, G4 percent (by rated capacity) of the power ecjuipment mstalled in manufacturing plants of the Region is used by them. These facts are graphically illustrated by figure 5. The Annual Production of Forest Products The forest industries on which the regional prosperity is so largely based are cutting each j'car a very large quantity of timber and are converting it into lumber, woodpulp, shingles, railroad ties, veneer, and many other commodities. The quantities thus cut have varied widely from year to year. The most accurate statistics are available for lumber and for pulpwood, which are also the most important products in volume and total value. The annual production of these two commodities since 18G9, the first date for which good figures can be found, is shown in figure 6. The early figures for lumber are at 10-year intervals, but the record is Figure fl. Figure 7. complete starting with 1904. In the case of pulpwood, only scattered figures are e.xtant until 1916, when the continuous record begins. Although pulpwood is commonly measured m cords, the figures have been converted into board feet (at 2 cords per thousand board feet) to make apparent the relative importance of the raw materials used. A glance at this chart will disclose the complete lack of any stability in the annual production of lumber. There was a rapidly rising trend up to 1929, accom- panied by wide fluctuations from year to year, but during the depression the production shrank to the levels of two and a half decades earlier. Pulpwood use began later, but its increase has been much steadier. Effect of the depression on (juantity of pulpwood pro- duced was relatively slight, and by 1934 new high figures were being rejiortetl. Nevertheless, the total quantities of wood used for pulp are even j-et very small as compared to lumber. The distribution of hunhcr production between the four States of the Region is shown in figure 7. Wash- ington has been in the leading position contiimously 28 National Resources Committee since the, regional lumber industry became important, but in the last few years Oregon has been closing the gap between these two States. Montana built up its industry early, but has made no substantial increases in the past 2 decades. Idaho started late, rapidly overtook and passed Montana, but has shown no such capacity for expansion as have Oregon and Washington; the obvious e.xplanation for this will be seen by referring back to figure 4. Figure 8 shows the percentage of the regional produc- tion in each State. In relative terms, Washington and Montana have been declining for the past 3 or 4 decades, and Idaho for the last 20 years, while Oregon alone has been increasing. The basic reasons for this can be found in figure 4, for it will be remembered that Oregon has about half of the timber in the Region but has never contributed that proportion of the production. Fluctuations within each State, however, are ample evidence that the primary control of the regional pro- duction is not the quantity of timber available. The limiting factors have been, primarily, the national demand for softwood lumber, the Region's comi^etitive position with reference to eastern forest areas, and its ;:jirE!5S3i? opportunities for export trade. It is pertinent to examine in this connection the statistics of national consumption. These are shown in figure 9, in which it will be seen that the Nation's consumption of softwood lumber in- creased very rapidly from the first date for which statistics are available until about 1904, but that since then it has declined, although with violent fluctuations which coincide with periods of national prosperity and depression. The Nation's consumption of pulpwood, however, has increased steadily with only minor fluc- tuations, and shows no indication of having yet reached its peak. International trade in lumber has been of relatively smaU importance to the United States as a whole. For the past decade and a half, the total softwood export, have been about 8 percent of the national production, and this has been offset by imports amounting to about 5 percent, making the net exports only about 3 pcrcents The situation is radically different in the case of pulpwood. This is the raw material for the paper in- dustry, and comes into competition directly with Canadian pidpwood, and mdirectly with imports of z'z: SiS3: •r.vv- mui I'Ef mr,r,- itn imiiiim-'-i': V.WU[l[ :be ni js m vAmum I PVIi>3f -:i«ii?. g FiGUEE 8. Figure 9. Forest Resources of the Pacific Northwest both pulp and paper itself, eoining from both Canada and northern Europe. For many years, over half of (lie |)aper requiiemcnts of the ITnited States have been imported in one form or another. Our exports have been negligible in proportion. Since the Nation's population has been steadily in- creasing, the decline in lumber consumption must have been tiie result of an even greater decrease in the per capita consumption. Figure 10 shows the facts. It will be seen that until 1904 both population and per capita consumption were rising, which explains the remarkable increase in lumber consumption of the Nation. But beginning in 1904, the trend of per capita consumption was sharply reversed, and its fall was even more rapid than had been its rise. This fall was, it is true, interrupted by a moderate gain during the post- war period of business activity, but the depression brought it down to levels never before reached during the periods for which statistics are available. Meanwhile, the per capita pulpwood consumption has been showing a moderate but fairly steady in- crease, with the depression causing only a slight inter- ruption. The gain in this material, however, is as yet :£r:^-1-8^:^JB)WBKH-U>? VA CAPITA GCWSUM Et::±r "Oift— ^ S«AL PO ^Nfi: sm im ffl^iS- 29 inconsiderable as compared to the loss in lumber. The production of this Region has been strongly influenced by the national consumption, but has not followed the same trend. Its proportion of the national consumption has greatly increased as a conserpience of the partial exhaustion of the tind)er supplj' in some of the eastern competing regions. This increase is shown by figure 11. In 1900 the four Northwestern States were producing only about 10 percent of the soft- wood lumber used by the Nation, but during the follow- ing three decades this proportion increased fairly steadily to over half. During the depression, the eastern producing regions were able to supply a greater propor- tion of the reduced demand, and their competitive advantage of low freight charges to the points of con- smnption cut down the western share of the meager business, and the 1930 peak has not since been equalled. In the same figure are shown the available pulpwood statistics. During the last 10 years, the relative im- portance of the Region in the production of pulpwood has been rising very rapidly, and with only a minor interruption during the depression. It is still, however, low as compared with lumber. 'r,i}r-v-n^:mi =1UJF5:H ]93 f[i^ = ?CfS5a.:5S>Ef = ^:::Fj^; iiii m- ^m wi ^)F fiir- U-w't idci tn r.^vAi; ¥:««t4r ir- f<^lMFUl^ muVfiri"- m W: r:. liii 3>U:ia[r1i[f KM ':\ t\i Figure 10. Figure U. 30 National Resources Committee Future demands on the Region ean be better antici- pated if production statistics by species are studied. Each species has qualities which make it particularly suitable for certain markets, and the demands of these markets may not necessarily follow the trends of national consumption as a whole. Each species pro- duced in the region must encounter the competition of certain eastern species of similar technical cjualities, and variations in this competition are to be expected. Figure 12 shows the annual regional production by major species. Figure 13 shows the proportion of the Nation's consumption which each of these figures rep- resents. The most important species, by far, is Douglas fir and its importance increased steadily up to 1930; this increase can be attributed to a decrease in the com- petition of southern pine, a wood which has similar uses. Since 1930, the rising trend seems to have been arrested, although, of course, no definite conclusions should be drawn from this appearance. Second in im- portance is ponderosa pme. This species, also, has been gaining in importance, and its proportionate gain has been even greater than that of Douglas fir. Its percent- age has been nearly quadrupled in the last 25 years, while that of Douglas fir has been about doubled. There is less appearance of a leveling ofl" of its rising trend since 1930. Except in very recent years, hemlock has been third in importance, at times approaching ponder- osa pine very closely. Since 1930, it has lost ground and has dropped to fourth place. Its former position has been taken by Idaho white pine, which has shown a fairly substantial rise. The miscellaneous species have not changed much in importance in recent years, al- though their relative peak was during the World War, when spruce was in great demand. Although international trade in lumber has been nationally unimportant, the tidewater sawmills of the Douglas fir industry have supplied a substantial part of the export business. To them, this business has been of importance, but they have been in direct com- petition with similar sawmills in British Columbia, which have even sold some lumber in this country. Artificial barriers in the form of tariffs have been raised and lowered. At present, export lumber is very limited in quantity, and certain quotas of Canadian lumber are admitted to the United States. Without risldng a prediction as to the future, it is at least evident that iimnn: l^EHU;!;!!): $UPPtt .'AlVMl 'AWlST^E mj 3 ED POTENTIAL GROWTH 1 . ANTICIPA 2 CUT J ,T r.RC WTH 1 °-I— KricT ■mTTc"""!" " PINE REGION 1 1 120 160 YEARS FIQURE 14. EASTERN WASHINGTON WESTERN WASHINGTON 20 30 40 50 60 70 SO 90 100 PERCENTAGE OF SUBDIVISION AREA ^^^//^ NATIONAL FORESTS I I NATIONAL PARKS ^^^ REVESTED LAND ^^^ INDIAN LAND STATE LAND COUNTY LAND OTHER PUBLIC LAND PRIVATE LAND AREA OF SQUARE REPRESENTS FOREST LAND OF REGION OR 95 MILLION ACRES AREAS OF RECTANGLES REPRESENT AREAS IN OWNERSHIPS ACCORDING TO ABOVE LEGEND NUMERALS ARE AREAS IN MILLIONS OF ACRES FlOVRE IS. 32 National Resources Committee many substitutes for lumber began to be marketed aggressively; concrete sidewalks replacing boardwalks, wire fences, stucco houses, composition roofing, fibe boxes, are but a few examples. Research intended to promote the use of wood unearthed some new uses, but in such fields as wood preservation contributed to reduce the annual consumption by prolonging the Ufe of the material used. Meanwhile, lumber was becoming more expensive to the consumer on account of the exhaustion of the nearby forests and the increased freight which he had to pay. Wiile these reasons explain the sudden decline in per capita consumption, they hardly clarify the future. European experience is a sufficient proof that per capita consumption is not approaclung a vanishing point. Sooner or later it \vill become stabilized, although prob- ably at a low level as compared with our past. At just what level, it is, of course, impossible to say. Some of the substitution for lumber has been of other forest products. The increasing pulp demand has already been mentioned and in the case of composition boards, such as firtex, fiber boxes, etc., wood fiber in one form is merely being replaced by the same material in another form. The tendency in this direction has led to speculations as to whether lumber may not ulti- mately be replaced rather completely by synthetic materials which have wood fiber as a base. This Region has a substantial proportion of woods suitable for sulphite pulp of the highest grade, and should not suffer from any transition wliich may be anticipated for many years to come. Veneer is another instance of the substitution of wood in a somewhat different form for lumber, and the Douglas fir region is rapidly develop- ing a veneer industry. The extent to which this Region can secure an increas- ing share in the country's wood-product business de- pends primarily on the future of eastern forest regions, particularly the Southeastern States. A comprehen- sive Federal survey of the forest resources of this southern-pine territory is now under way. Until it has been completed, only guesses are possible as to the future lumber production of these species, past esti- mates having been notably discordant. As a hypothesis, it does not seem unrealistic to assume that for some time to come the total softwood lumber consumption of the United States -will approximate the average of the past 15 years, a period wliich includes all of the post-war boom as well as the depression; tliis quantity is, in round numbers, 23 billion feet. The share of this business wliich may be anticipated by this Region may perhaps be assumed as an average of the proportions secured during the past 5 years, the shorter period being obviously necessitated by the trends exliibited in figure 11. If these two hypotheses are followed out to their conclusions, with an adjustment in the case of Douglas fii- between Oregon and Wash- ington which is obviously necessitated by the latest statistics, the following figures are reached as the antici- pated softwood lumber demands on this Region. They are presented here because some basis is necessary for the calculations which are to follow rather than in any spirit of prophecy. riypoihelical future softwood lumber production of Region, in millions of feci Species Idaho Mon- tana Oregon Wash- ington Total Douplfis fir . 60 50 3,500 90 1,300 20 190 3, 500 400 440 110 250 7,100 550 Ponderosa pine - ieo 480 50 140 20 90 2,040 Idaho white pine and sugar pine... Miscellaneous 630 580 Total 740 300 6,100 4,760 10,900 To these figures must be added the uses of timber other than lumber. On account of the rising use of pulpwood, it seems conservative to assume an annual cut of this material of a billion feet, board measure. The minor uses, already discussed, can be assumed as remaining approximately at then- recent level. With these additions, the hypothetical future production of the Region becomes as follows : Hypothetical future production of lumber and other forest products in millions of feet Species Idaho Mon- tana Oregon Washing- ton Total 90 70 3,700 340 1,320 20 260 3,800 1,200 460 110 660 7,660 1,540 190 480 110 170 20 160 2,140 Idaho white and sugar pine 630 1,190 Total 870 420 5, 640 6,230 13, 160 The Life of the Forest Industries If the Supply Is Treated as an Exhaustible Resource The calculation of the expected life of the forest industries of the Region, by dividing the volume of timber shown in figure 4 by the rate of (lei)letion indi- cated in the preceding schedule, is grossly misleading. The 71 years which is ob tamed in this manner seems more a matter for ultimate concern than immediate alarm, but such calculation ignores many essential factors. Among these are the unmerchantable charac- ter of much of the timber through low quality or in- accessible location, and the fact that a substantial pro- portion of it is in government ownership and not avail- able for unlimited exploitation. Even similar crude calcidations, made by States and by species within each State, show clearly why any such average figure as 7 1 years is meaningless. The apparent life for the four States is: Idaho, 117 years; Montana, 135 years; Oregon, 93 years; and Washington, 47 years. By species, similar calculations indicate an apparent Forest Resources of the Pacific Northwest 33 life of Douglas fir (in the fir region) of 51 years ; hemlock and pulp species, 118 years; pouderosa pine, 66 years; Idaho white pine, 30 years; and miscellaneous, 156 years. Furthermore, while the apparent life of the timber industries of Idaho is 117 years, that of Idaho's white pine is only 30 years, and this most valuable species is the backbone of the lumber industry in that State. It cannot be assumed that, as soon as this is gone, an equal quantitj" of the less desirable species can be marketed. A life of 71 j'cars, then, is impossible unless it be assiuucd that industry can migrate freely from place to place and can market all species with equal ease. This assumption is, of course, denied by the present con- centration of the industry' in certain States (see fig. 8) and its specialization on certain species (see fig. 13). Just how much migration and just how much species interchange will later be practicable is a matter for con- jecture. If a real national timber famine develops, the consuming public will doubtless waive many of its present prejudices in favor of the better woods and will pay the additional cost of Imnber manufacture in the more expensive territory. If eastern competition re- mains an important factor, the Region's less desirable species and more costly locations will be seriously liandicapi)cd. Some shifting, however, is inevitable. The hj'po- thetical life of the Douglas fir industry in Washington is 30 years, and in Oregon is 72 years. This contrast assures an important continuation of the migration from the former to the latter, even though the expansion of the i)ulp industry in western Washington may main- tain many of its existing communities. The uses of Idaho wliite and ponderosa pine are sufficiently alike to make it believable that when the cut of the former is reduced the cut of the latter, in other States, will take up the slack, although California's sugar pine is a more logical successor. Some of the species classed as miscel- laneous, because of their present status in marketing, proiluce lumber of very satisfactory character, and at least some transfer of the regional industry to them can be anticipated. What the foregoing figures really show, however, is that within about 25 to 30 years certain unportant parts of tlic Region's hunber intlustry wdl be devoid of raw materials unless the annual depletion is sharply reduced tx'forc that time has expire^:;j COUNTY LAND H|H OTHER PUBLIC LAND PRIVATE LAND AREA OF SQUARE REPRESENTS UNSTOCKED CUTOVER OR BURN TIMBER LAND OF REGION OR 7 MILLION ACRES AREAS OF RECTANGLES REPRESENT AREAS IN OWNERSHIPS ACCORDING TO ABOVE LEGEND NUMERALS ARE AREAS IN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF ACRES Figure is. still be far too young to be harvested. Within each State, many of the producing areas are exaggerateil examples of the same situation. Within the fir region as a whole, moreover, the cutting of the virgin timber at the postulated rate caimot con- tinue for 51 years unless the consuming public can be induced to pay considerablj' increased prices to com- pensate for the greater costs which may be necessary to produce lumber from the more inaccessible stands. If it is true that only about half of the timber can be profitably marketed at present price levels, it is con- ceivable that the commercially available timber will be exhausted in as little as 20 years. P'igure 14 shows that by the end of this period the anticipated current growth will have attained a level of only about half of the antic- ipated cut, so that a drastic curtailment would be necessary. The anticipated cut can be maintained, then, only if all the mature timber can be harvested and then only by nuijor migrations of the industry from one part of the Region to another. Actually, some future curtailment seems inevitable and its severity will depend on whether or not future losses are reduced and future growth rates are improved. 36 National Resources Committee In the ponderosa pine region of eastern Oregon and Washington, Httle exact mformation on growth is yet available. The following figures, while based on the best information which could be found, are no more than rough approxunations. Ponderosa pine stands are dissimilar to the fir stands in many ways, of which three are important in the present discussion. Their growth is very much slower. Mature pine stands, in contrast to fir stands which are approximately even-aged, always contain a consider- able proportion of young trees. When such stands are logged, many of the yoimg trees ordmarily are cut along with the old, leaving the cut-over land in a con- dition of very slow growth for many years thereafter. Pine stands are relatively resistant to fire, but are very susceptible to attacks of the dendroctonus beetle. This pest is a native of the pine forests and has always been a persistent, though mconspicuous, killer of over- mature trees. About 20 years ago, its attacks suddenly became abnormally severe, and in some recent years it has destroyed more timber than has been cut. This unprecedentedly severe epidemic is apparently near- ing its end, and entomologists are hopeful that the future will see only local outbreaks. It is logical to OWNERSHIP OF TIMBER IN COLUMBIA BASIN STATES EASTERN WASHINGTON WESTERN WASHINGTON 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 PERCENTAGE OF SUBDIVISION TIMBER STATE LAND ^^2 NATIONAL FORESTS NATIONAL PARKS REVESTED LAND INDIAN LAND COUNTY LAND OTHER PUBLIC LAND PRIVATE LAND AREA OF SQUARE REPRESENTS TIMBER OF REGION 935 BILLION FEET AREAS OF RECTANGLES REPRESENT TIMBER OWNERSHIP ACCORDING TO ABOVE LEGEND NUMERALS ARE BILLIONS OF FEET fUilllE lil. expect a net growth in vii'gin timber for several decades, since this timber has been heavily thinned of its least vigorous trees, but figures are not available as to the rate of this growth. If this possible growth is ignored, the current growth (on the second growth stands) is only about 200 million feet. Tliis growth is being offset by losses caused by beetles and fire, so that the net current growth today is negligible. As time goes on, the entire mature area will be converted into second growth stands and, gradually, the trees m these stands will attain an age at which their growth can be expressed in board feet. The net potential growth of the pme territory is esti- mated to be 2.7 billion feet. The current annual growth that will ultimately be attained merely through a continuation of present cutting methods and of fire protection is estimated at 1.8 billion feet. The attain- ment of this ultimate current growth will be long de- layed, both because of the condition in which the cut lands are now being left and because of the slow growth of the species. It is estimated that this growth level will be reached in about 175 years. Figure 14 shows diagrammatically the expected course of events. It will be seen that if the anticipated demand is met com- pletely as long as timber is available, the existing stands will be gone m about 50 years, and that by that time the current growth will amoimt to only about % billion feet, so that a drastic curtailment is inevitable. Ponderosa pine is much more nearly uniform in accessibility than is fir, and so these periods need less discount for maccessibility. Still, in many localities the situation with regard to depletion is already acute. There is little precise mformation j'et available on growth in the State of Idaho. Favorable factors are that while the southern section of this State is somewhat similar to the pine region of eastern Oregon and Wash- ington, the northern "Panhandle" is a region of fairly heavy ramfall and rapid timber growth. There are also large areas of fast-growing second growth Idaho white pine, but many of these are of merchantable size, and are beuig rapidly cut. Another luifavorable fact is that during dry summers, which are of frequent oc- currence, fire protection is exceptionally difficult. The white pine is, moreover, menaced by a parasitic plant causing the white pine blister rust. This is most deadlj' to the very young trees, and while it is not, perhaps, a serious menace to the existing stand of mature timber (which will probably be cut before the rust damages it very severely) it will, if not checked, almost eliminate the valuable white pine from future forests. The present net current growth of the entire State is about 1.6 billion feet. The potential growth is about 4.3 billion feet. The level to which the current growth will probably rise without any marked change in present practices is about 3 billion foet, but this figure will not Forest Resources of the Pacific Northwest 37 be reached for centuries. The ilchiy will he greater than in Oroti'on and Washington heciuisc, in Idaho, present logginj;; is idniost exclusively conlined to the Idaho white pine and ponderosa pine tyi)es; at the rate of cut j)ostuIated in the preceduij;; section, the c.\p(>cted life of the miscellaneous species in Idaho would he over 300 years. The situation in noi'thorn Idaho is ohviously serious. The life of the Idaho white pine at the hypothetical rate of cut is only 30 3'ears, and this period is based on com- plete utilization of the badly scattered and inaccessible remnants of the original stand. The growing capacity of the lands on wliich Idaho white pine can grow is adt'<[uate to su])|}ort the present industry, but tliere will, apparently, inevitably be a period in the near future during which lumber operations must be heavily curtailed. Montana is, in general, a region of slow growth. A principal enemy of the forests of this State is the moun- tain pine beetle, which at times decimates large areas of overmature lodgepole pine. Since lodgepole pine is cut only in small quantities for local use, the economic loss from this pest is as yet of irunor importance. The present current growth of tlie forests of this State is only 0.2 billion feet, while the potential growth is about 2.1 billion feet. The timber is being cut so slowly that the current growth will rise very gradually to an ultimate level of about 1.5 billion feet. This is far above the hj^pothetical cut, so that shortages of timber probably will be entirely local in their importance. The foregoing discussion of net growth has diverted attention from the extent of the losses from fire and other destructive agencies. It has already been ex- plained that reliable annual averages, suitable for pur- poses of prediction, are impossible to obtain. However, accoriiiiig to Forest Service estimates, the annual losses of the past decade from all causes have approximated 3K billion feet. To recapitulate, the nc't current growth of the Region as a whole, after deduction of all losses, is about 3.7 billion feet, or slightly over one-fourth of the assumed demand. This current growth will rise more or less rapidly to somewhat over 16 billion feet, a figure wluch is somewhat over the assumed demand, but this rise will not be rapid enough to prevent man}' local shortages of timber and many industrial migrations. The potential growth of the Region is over 23 billion feet, or nearly twice as much as the foreseen need, so that intensive forestry on the poorest and least accessible lands is of speculative advisability. If, however, the Region's timber requirements are to be produced on the best half of the land (best in fertility and accessibility) so as to maintain the most favorable position for competition with eastern tind)er i)roducing regions, intensive forestr}- must be practiced on these lands. Policies of Forest Land Owners If forest land is so managed that the forest is pro- tected, reproduced, and harvested at an annual rate that will |)ermit a continuous, permanent outj)ut of forest products, it is said to be under "sustained-yield management." It is not necessary that each and every annual cut be identical in amount, for fluctuations hi market demand must, of course, be followed. It is not necessary to restrict the cut to the current growth, if the anticipated future growth is adequate to prevent a future shortage. The most obvious ailvantages of sustained-yield management are that it assures a continuous supplj^ of forest products to the consuming jiublic of the Nation, that it assures the Region a continuous quantity of export commodities which will permit the purchase and importation of other needed commodities and that it will perpetuate the conununitics budt around the wood- using industries, thus permitting a more substantial development and a higher standard of living. There arc many difficulties in the path of establishing this form of management on an area of previously OWNERSHIP OF MORE VALUABLE SPECIES OF TIMBER IN COLUMBIA BASIN STATES EASTERN WASHINGTON WESTERN WASHINGTON 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 90 90 100 PERCENTAGE OF SUBDIVISION TIMBER ^^ NATIONAL FORESTS STATE LAND ^^^ ^^^ NATIONAL PARKS COUNTY LAND l^H REVESTED LAND INDIAN LAND OTHER PUBLIC LAND PRIVATE LAND AREA OF SQUARE REPRESENTS MORE VALUABLE SPECIES OF TIMBER IN REGION — 576 B ILLION FEET AREAS OF RECTANGLES REPRESENT TIMBER OWNERSHIP ACCORDING TO ABOVE LEGEND NUMERALS ARE BILLIONS OF FEET Figure 20. 38 Nalional Resources Committee 1 — >■ z °li I Q5bi II Forest Resources oj the Pacific Northwest 39 unmanagcd forest, and during the inevitable transition period, the policies of the owners are nll-iinjjortant. The forest resource of this Region is in niiiny owner- ships, and the policies of these owners are diverse. Figures 15 fo 20 show by States the ownership of all forest land, of the mature timber land, of the second growth timber land, of the unstocked cut-over or burned timber land, of the timber volume, and of the timber volume of the more valuable species. These figures are similar in construction to figures 2 to 4, which have already been presented. Recapitulating this information for the entire four States, we have table I. In each and every category, over SO percent of the forest resource is either in the national forests or in private ownership. None of the six other forms of public ownership or control is very important, for the Region as a whole, although in cer- tain localities they may, of course, be dominant. The national forests occupy over half of the area, and almost the same proportion of the mature timber land and of the second growth. About a third of each of these clas- sifications is in private ownership. The better timber, however, is concentrated in private hands so that on a volume basis the two are about equal. In terms of the more valuable species which form the basis of the ])rcsent lumber induslrv, the private ownership is found to hold nearly half, while the national forests have a little over a third, and this third is generally less accessible, much of it being noncommercial under present economic conditions. Table I. — Percentage of forest resource in different ownersliips Forest area Mature timber land area Second growth area Non- stocked cut or burned land area Volume Volume of more valua- ble species National forest _ _ _ 51.8 1.5 2.3 4.2 3.2 1.3 3.5 32.2 51.8 1.1 3.4 5.7 4.0 0.7 2.0 31.3 51.5 0.4 1.3 2.8 2.9 2.0 3.0 36.1 28.6 0.6 3.6 1.0 3.4 3.5 2.1 67.3 41.9 1.1 5.7 2.9 4.7 0.6 1.0 42.1 35.5 0.5 Revested Oregon and 8.0 3.5 State 3.6 0.6 other public 0.8 Private 47.5 Total..- 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Source: U. S. Forei^t Service. The national forests are in the main under sustained- yield management, although some areas, relatively small in total quantity involved, are reserved from all cutting for recreational purposes. Silvicultural prac- tices are required by all timber sale contracts, and a comprehensive system of fire protection is in effect. The national parks are managed for recreation only and are permanently withdrawn from commercial lumbering. They contain but 1 percent of the Region's timber. The revested Oregon and California and Coos Bay Wagon Road land grants are only about 2 percent of the entire forest area, but contain 8 percent of the timber volume of the more valuable species. Being concen- trated in the fir region of western Oregon, they form a very important clement in the forest resource of that subregion. These lands are administered by the Interior Department under specific legislation which contemplates prompt liquidation rather than any form of continued forest management.^ Timber is sold under competitive bids. Forty-acre subdivisions with a light stand of timber are classified as agricultural regardless of terrain, and were open to homestead entry until about 2 years ago when thej^ were withdrawn from entry pending some change in policy. This timber is protected from fire, but no efforts are made to secure a new stand of timber after cutting. The Indian reservations have been managed by the Indian Service for the benefit of the Indians. Fire protection and forest regeneration have been capably handled. Sustained yield has been recognized as an objective, but since receipts from timber sales are dis- tributed among tlie Indians, they naturally exert con- stant pressure for immediate revenue. The State-owned forest lands are handled under somewhat varying policies in the four States of the Region. In Oregon most of the original grant was sold many years ago. The remaining forest land has since been consolidated by exchange with the national forests into a State forest which is principally small second growth as yet not ready for harvesting. Sustained-yield man- agement must, therefore, be in the distant future. In Washington most of the original land grant is still in State ownership, but much of it has been consolidated by exchanges with the national forests. A substantial block has been designated by the legislature as a sus- tained-yield forest, but it lies in an as yet undeveloped territory on the west side of the Olympic Peninsula and no definite management plan has yet been per- fected. Outside of this forest there is a tendency to liquidate timber values as rapidly as market conditions permit, on account of the provisions of existing legisla- tion. On the other hand, some 200,000 acres of cut- over land, which had passed into county ownership tlirough tax delinquency, has been taken over by the State for management on a sustamed-yield basis. Idaho and Montana have retained most of their original land grants, and have partial^ consolidated them by exchanges with the national forests. Timber is sold therefrom without definite. plans for sustained- yield management and with a tendency to liquidate as rapidly as the stumpage market permits. State • Since preparation of this report the Congress and the Interior Department have adopted policies ot sustained-yield management tor these lands. 40 National Resources Committee appropriations do not permit a wholly adequate fire or blister rust protection, but slash disposal and forest regeneration are reasonably well cared for in timber sale contracts. The county ownership of about 1,200,000 acres ap- pears insignificant, but is far more important than the figures imply. It includes the land to which title has been taken by the counties through tax foreclosure. Exact figures on the areas are unobtainable, because foreclosures are constantly changing the situation. County ownership is important and increasing in west- ern Washington and Oregon, in northern Idaho and the adjacent parts of eastern Washington. In a number of counties within these sections, county ownership has more than doubled within the past 5 years. Fiu-thermore, there is about sLx times as much tax delinquent land as has already passed into county ownership, and much of this is long delinquent. The comities have no plans for forest management and often inadequate protection is provided. ^Vliere the lumber industry is well developed, the lands which revert to the counties are largely cut-over, with or without a crop of young trees already started thereon, but in some of the more inaccessible sections of southern Oregon large areas of merchantable timber are being abandoned bj' private owners. Under "other public ownership" are the moderately large areas of public domain, on which there is little timber of anj^ value and a few small areas of land owned by cities for water supply purposes. The former are comi)letely uncared for, while the latter are managed primarily oi- exclusively for their watershed value. That great part of the forest resource which is pri- vately owned is divided between a very great nxunber of corporations and individuals. This industry is handi- capped by a frequent inabihty to take concerted action. Any uniformity in the policies of the various owners of timber must be attributed to the pressure of uniform economic conditions. Lumber Associations represent most of the operators, but a nuich smaller proportion of the standing timber, and their sphere of activity is circumscribed by the Sherman Act. The general policy of the private owners is to liquidate their investments as rapidly as possible, rather than to manage their properties on a sustained-yield basis. Good systems of fire protection have been organized through a number of fire-protective associations, but their objective being primarily to protect mature timber and logging equip- ment, there is a tendency to relax the intensiveness of protective measm-es on cut-over lands where futiu-e timber crops must be raised. Some companies have spent much money for the pro- tection of their timber from insects and other enemies, but this type of effort has been less universal than fire protection. Since the days of the Lumber Code, forest practice rules which are designed to leave the cut-land in fairly good condition for further growth have been very generally followed. Much of this cut-land, how- ever, seems to be headed back into public ownersliip, through tax delinquency, and into a form of public ownership where it will have no better care than before. Sustained-yield forest management is, therefore, now in effect on only a little over half of the forest area — largely that in public ownership — and this half is the poorest half in density of stand and in quality and accessibility of the timber. The most im])ortant part of the Region's forest resource — largely that in private ownersliip — is being managed under a policy of liquida- tion as rapidly as the market will i)ermit. Obstacles to Sustained- Yield Management It must not be inferred that the private timber owner is refraining from sustained-yield forest management because he is opposed to the long-time welfare of the region. Could he see his way clear to adopt it, he would naturally be delighted to thus insure the futm-e of his industry. But, in general, the obstacles seem to him to far outweigh the benefits, and in many cases to be insuperable. CONVENTIONALIZED REPRESENTATION OF TREND OF STUMPAGE PRICES IN REGION 3 9 /^ ^ \ 1 i / \, i = ? / V 5 ■^ ^ ' — ^ / ACTUAL PR ICES PAID -J ^ 0 -PRICES PAID IN TERMS OF OTHER WHOLESALE " COMMODITIES Forest Resources of the Pacific Northwest 41 To understand them, it is necessary to know sonic- thing abont the background of tlio industry. Its principal profits have been derived from appreciation in vahie of the timber owned. Sales of stumpage (standing timber) have been so divei-se in conditions of sale, and in (]uality and accessibility of the timber in- volved that average stumi>age prices have but httle meaning. The ui)per part of figure 21, however, which is a comi^osite derived from a number of sources, gives a substantially correct, though conventionalized, pic- ture of the variation in values since the beginning of large-scale lumber operations in the Kegion. There was a rapid rise during the first decade of tins centiuy, followed by a marked flattening. There followed a second rise dming the World War, which, however, was associated with the general rise of all commodity prices. Throughout this period the tradition arose that stump- age prices never declmed. The depression exposed the fallacy of this generalization, for the fall which ensued was drastic, although it is true that the movements were small and that relatively little of the best timber was thrown onto the market. Prices now seem to have stabihzed, at least temporarily, at levels that are only a little higher than those of 20 j'ears ago. The variations in the levels of the upper portion of figure 21 are in part a consequence of variations in the purchasing power of the dollar. In this figure, more- over, the relative importance of the two periods of rise is not obvious, the percentage gain during the first period being far greater. Therefore, the lower part of figure 21, which is derived from the ujjper, is an ecpially conventionalized curve in which (a) the actual stump- age values have been adjusted for the trend of wholesale commoditj' prices, and (6) a logarithmic vertical scale has been used which makes the sloj)e of the line exactly proportional to the rate of mcrease. It will be seen that, broadly speaking, the first decade of the century saw an increase in relative stumpage price of some 10 percent per annum; the second, an increase of only about 2 percent per annum, while subsequently, there has been practically no increase at all. Most of the stumpage now in private ownership passed into that status within a very few years after the beginning of the century, and fortunes were made in the next few years through rising stumpage prices. The appreciation which was inevitable in a developing region was artificially stimulated bj' a general, but un- founded, fear of a timber famine within 2 or 3 decades. The purchase of timber was, therefore, considered one of the safest of long-time investments. With the decline of lumber consumption b}^ the Nation, it gradually became evident that not only was there no danger of an early timber famine, but that assets frozen in a largo supply of timber could be thawed out only at a very moderate rate. The rise in stumpage prices was checked, stumpage buyers became less numeroiis, stumpage ownei-s began to seek liquidation through the manufacture and sale of lumber. Too many sawmills were built, and potential overpro- duction of lumber maintained a buyei-s' market. Un- satisfactory profits in lumber manufacture tended to prevent further stumpage price increases. There is some exaggeration in the foregoing picture, because the average stumpage sold today is inferior in quality or accessibility as compared with that sold 30 years ago. Nevertheless, it is not surprising that investors no longer look on timber as a desirable specu- lative investment. If mature timber is liquidated today, the money received therefor can be invested in some other enterprise which will, presumably, earn at least a moderate interest rate. Unless stum])age values increase at comparable rates, it is obviously better to liquidate as soon as possible. But, today, the proba- bility of any such rise in stumpage values seems small. The urge for immediate liquidation is correspondingly great. Taxation The way in which standing timber is taxed contributes largely to this urge. In the early days, timber taxes were very low, but as the coimtry developed and the financial needs of local governmental agencies increased, taxes increased with them. By 1928, the Forest Service tax inquiry found that the average tax rates per thousand for the fir region were 2.5 cents for Oregon and 3.9 cents for Washington. For the pine regions of these same States, the averages were 2.2 cents and 3.2 cents, respectively. These do not seem, at fii-st glance, exor- bitant rates on stumj)age worth about $3 per thousand, but the rate has been increasing; it nearly trebled in the 12 years preceding 1928. It is true that this was partially a consequence of the rise in stumpage prices, but it is also a result of the higher costs of government, and of the reduction of the tax base in many counties through the approaching exhaustion of standing tind>er. There are wide variations between counties, even within a single State. Where lumbering has already substantiallv depleted the tax base, rates are more than double those already cited. Further increases tlierefore seem probable. A very large proportion of the forest resource is owned by nonoperators. Taxes are current cash ex- penditures, and owners of this class have no current revenues from their forest holdings from which to derive the necessary moneys. It may be easier to become reconciled to a disappointing future yirofitthan to continue annual payments of even relatively small magnitude. Even among opera tiug owners, the application of the present system of property taxation definitely handi- 42 National Resources Committee caps any long-life operation, and particularly, of course, an operation with sufficient mature timber to permit the immediate adoption of sustained-yield manage- ment. For purposes of illustration: if two operations are compared, identical in every way except in the quantity of timber owned, that which has but 5 years' supply of timber will pay (at 3 cents per thousand on the standing timber) 15 cents per thousand on the an- nual cut, whDe that which has .50 years' supply will pay $1.50. Yet these two plants must sell their lumber in the same competitive market. To offset this, the plant with the longer life may prop- erly charge depreciation on its plant facilities at a lesser rate. It has generally been considered by operators that about 15 to 20 years' supply represents the best compromise. But on such a supply, sustained yield is impossible. It may be difficult to prove that the forest resource as a whole is paying more than its just share of taxa- tion, but it is obvious that the distribution of the burden \\'ithin the industry is completely at variance with ability to pay. Since this ability is greatest in the case of rapidly liquidating operators, the present tax system distinctly discourages sustained-yield management and even simpler forms of conservative use. Diversity of Ownership No amount of pressure can force liquidation at a rate faster than the consuming public will buy the forest products. It has already been shown that a reasonable hypothesis as to future demands indicates that very considerable delays in the process of liquidation are in- evitable. The present worth of the last of the virgin timber to be liquidated is obviously insignificant, and possibly negative. Private owners as a whole have assumed this handicap and can only escape it by letting a substantial part of their holdings revert to public ownership through tax foreclosure. Even this method would be largely ineffective because tax delinquency may merely load taxes more heavily on the timber land which is retained. Wiile the rate of liquidation is fixed primarily by the consumer demand rather than by the pressure for liqui- dation, just which owners are to profit, relatively, by fairly prompt liquidation and which are to lose through excessive delay is a problem which defies exact solution. Physical facts exert a strong influence, it is true; inac- cessible timber of low qviality cannot be forced onto the present market with any return to stumpage at all. But there are many borderline cases, and in these cases aggressiveness and operating efficiency may outweigh physical and economic handicaps. Attempted over- production naturally results. If the bulk of the forest resource were owned by a single owner, a reasonable solution might be hoped for. Actually, it is owned by countless individuals and cor- porations, often in very small lots. The situation differs radically in different parts of the Region, and comprehensive ownership figures are not available. It is known, however, that there are at least half a dozen counties in Oregon and Washington in which over half of the forest land is owned in lots of less than a thousand acres. There are some 25,000 timber owners in Oregon and 15,000 in Wasliington. Even the largest owner- ships throughout the Region are widely scattered. In most of the logical sustained-yield units in the Region, diversity of private ownership results in conflicting interests which are difficult to reconcile. Low Returns on Industrial Investment The lumlier industry, which is the major forest indus- try of the Region, has not made large profits except those which have already been mentioned as resulting from the rise in stumpage values during the early years of this century. From 1916 to 1933, inclusive, the average profit ratio (ratio of net income to gross in- come) of the lumber industry of the United States was only 62 percent of that of all other manufacturing industries.'' In a single representative year, the lumber industry of the Slates of this Region had a profit ratio which was oidy G2 percent of that of the lumber industry of the Nation as a whole. This indicates that the Region's hnnber industry has been on the average less than 40 percent as profitable as the other manufactming industries of the country. Wliile it may be true that the low profits are a direct result of the rush to liquidate and the consequent main- tenance of a buyers' market for lumber, the fact remains that the lumber industry is not in a good immediate financial position to assume the additional burdens that maj^ be necessary in connection with sustained-yield management. In addition, there is small incentive to perpetuate an industrj- which has been no more attrac- tive financially. Fortunately, the rapidly developing pulp industry seems to be on a sounder basis. No precise figures are available, but the profit ratio of the allied paper industry has been slightly higher than the average for all manu- facturing industry, and in this advantageous condition the pulp industry seems to share. This industry, then, has greater incentives for self-perpetuation and is in a financial position which facilitates the necessary measures. Conflict Between Sustained- Yield Objectives It has been seen that the maximum prolongation of the present production can be accomplished only by a considerable migration of the industry within the « W. L. Crum, Corporate Earning Power, pp. 327-338; and Corporate Earning Power in the Current Depression, Bu-siness Research Studies No. 10, Harvard Graduate School of Business .\dministration, p. 16. Forest Resources oj the Pacific Northwest 43 Region. From the standpoint of the consuming pubUc, this is of no consequence; its interest is in the main- tenance of the annual stipply of forest products, regard- less of source. From the standpoint of the local pro- ducing communities, this migration is harmful; these communities are often left with no supporting industries, unless some substitute industry such as that based on wood pulp can be found. The Douglas fir lumber industry at its present rates of depletion has but a relatively short life left in the State of Washington. If the regional production is to be maintained, it will be necessary after a few more years to move the industry in large measure into Oregon, and then overcut that State. Later on, when Oregon's timber is exhausted, the growth in Washing- ton during the period of suspended operations will permit a remigration back into this State. This pendulumlike s\dng back and forth between States — and, of course, within States as well — wall supply the consumer as adequately as is possible, but will mean a minimum of communitj- stability. On the other hand, if sustained-yield units were immediately developed in Oregon, wherever physically possible, there would be a minimtnn of overcutting of the Oregon resource, and a maximum of local stability in that State, but the Region's production would have to be sharply curtailed, in spite of a stimulation of overcutting in Washington. Later on, when the temporarily depleted areas had recuperated, there would be an opportunity for expansion. The max- imum stabilization of local communities woidd have been accomplished at the expense of a fluctuation in the regional production. Distribution or Benefits and Burdens of Sustained-Yield Management Finally, the heavy burdens of jiutting private forests under sustained-yield management are, under existing conditions, largely concentrated on the private owner; while the immediate benefits, particularly during the transition period, seem to accrue for the most part to the public. The owner is, of course, a part of this public, and thereby shares in the general welfare. But Ills sharp therein, whatever it may be, is usually insufficient to induce him to undertake all of the burdens necessary to bring about a system of management of which the public is a chief beneficiary. Public agencies may contend that private ownership of a great natural resource entails definite respon.sibilities to the public for its proper management. Private owners may accept this principle, but many of them seem to feel that when the public collects taxes on a basis which urges prompt liquidation, it has relinquished its claim upon them. The Risks in Prolonged Timber Holding Despite good fire protection, it has been seen that there are occasional conflagrations which sweep vast areas with liighly destructive effects. Epidemic attacks of insects and disease may cause heavy losses. The longer the timber is held, the greater is the chance for loss. The normal business procediu-e would be to insure against these losses, but timber insurance is not yet available in this Region. Equally disturbing are the uncertainties in the economic future of the regional forest industries. The declining trend of national lumber consumption leaves a doubt as to whether future demand may not have been overestimated. The possibility that eastern forest areas may come back into production and, through their proximity to hea\-y concentrations of population, win back some part of their former pro- portion of the Nation's hnnber business cannot be ignored . These possibilities all impel an early liquidation of mature timber. The additional fact that the present competitive situation of the Region's lumber industry is based on the large proportion of select grades of lumber wliich comes from centuries-old timber, and that second growth stands cannot maintain this advantage, is a discouraging element in calculations involving sustained-yield management. The seriousness of this future decline in quality can be somewhat reduced by the application of the system of selective logging wherever it is practicable. In this system, only a portion of the stand is removed at the first cutting, and many fairly large trees are left as a part of the growing stock. ^Micn the land is recut after a lapse of years there ^^^ll obviously be a greater range of tree sizes available, and a greater diversity of lumber grades obtainable than would be the case if an even- aged second-growth stand, grown after an original clean cut, were being harvested. Tliis system of cutting also permits the liquidation of a major portion of the value in a timber stanil in a shorter period of time, leaving for growth the trees which have little or no present value. Unfortunately, this system has serious draw-backs under many conditions which are interfering with its widespread adoption. It is being experimented with by many operators. A Program to Remove or Minimize Obstacles to Sustained Yield The immediately preceding pages deal witli the hazards and difficulties involved in the ai)])licati()n of sustained yield to private forests; these difficulties must be clearly recognized before intelligent plans may be made for their removal. In ])art II of this report are made specific recommendations for the removal of 44 National Resources Committee obstacles and for the creation of conditions more favor- able to the application of this form of management on private lands. There are substantial advantages therein for the private owner, as well as for the public. These advantages, when the obstacles have been removed, and when more favorable conditions have been created, will strongly promote the application of sustained yield. Uses of Forests Other Than for the Production of Commercial Timber There are many other uses of forest lands besides those connected with production of lumber and other forms of wood. The lumber, pulp, and other allied industries are of primary importance to the Region as a whole, but there are manj^ localities within the Region where they are imimportant and in which such other benefits as grazing, recreation, etc., may be of far greater consequence. In still other parts, two or more of the various possible uses may be of more or less equal imi)ortance. Grazing Beneath the more open forests of the pine region grow many grasses and other species of forage plants. This forage makes these forest lands of great importance to the hvestock industry. This is one of the most important industries of the Pacific Northwest. There are about 3,300,000 cattle and 8,200,000 sheep in the four States. The aggregate value of all the Hvestock is over $200,000,000. The quality of this stock is generally excellent. The well- bred herds of range cattle produce beef animals of liigh grade and the Region's mutton lambs are recognized by buyers as the best the coimtry jjroduces. The range livestock industry produced an annual income in 1930 (the last year for wluch estimates are available) of $84,000,000. In many counties it was the primary source of income, and in certain comities it amounted to as much as 55 percent of the total gross agricultural income. The area devoted to grazing is 170 million acres for the four States, or 68 percent of the total area of the Region. It is concentrated in the pine region of eastern Oregon and Washington, of southern Idaho, and of eastern Montana. In eastern Oregon and Washington 87 percent of the entire area is grazed by livestock. The smnmer range of the livestock is within or imme- diately adjacent to the forests. As these are at the higher altitudes, the forage is buried in snow during the winter, early spring, and late fall. Spring and fall grazing must, therefore, be found at lower altitudes, while winter feed must be provided on aftermath and other pasture lands in the valleys. The aggregate area of the summer range is 78 million acres, or about 47 percent of the grazing area, while the spring and fall range is 44 percent and the winter range about 9 per- cent. The ability of any given locality to produce range livestock efficiently is dependent in large measure upon the availability of these different seasonal classes of range. Quite often, especially in eastern Oregon, most efficient production is limited by shortage of forest summer range. The lease of grazing privileges provides, in nuiny localities, a supplemental income to the timber-land owner which is often sufficient to pay the current taxes and a part of the other carrying charges. In a measure, therefore, it relieves the pressure foi' early liquidation of timber values. Wliile the growing of timber and the grazing of range livestock can be carried on simultaiu^ously and har- moniously on the same forest land, dense forests contain less forage than do the more open stands. Where foi'cst range controls the extent of the livestock industry, carefid planning is necessary to harmonize the interests of the two industries, and to secure the maximum com- bined benefits to the public welfare. Watershed Protection Most of the streams of the Region have their sources in forest land. The effects of forest cover on stream flow are so complex that accurate predictions of the results of a removal of forest cover are impossible. It is clear, however, that radical changes in the amount and kind of vegetation on the catchment basms of the streams will disturb the run-off either in total quantity, in height of flood water, in distribution of flow through the year, in quantity of silt carried, or in some com- binations of these. A substantial part of the Region has a semiarid climate. In 1930, after some 50 years of development, nearly 5 million acres had been put under iirigation projects with over $200,000,000 invested in irrigation works. Large additional developments are contem- plated. Any disturbances in the flow of the streams furnishing water to these lands may cause heavy econ- omic losses. Other parts of the Region have a very heavy annual precipitation. Steep stream gradients and the mag- nificent possibilities of the Columbia River itself, which are now being partially developed through the Bonne- ville and Grand Coulee Dams, make the Region excep- tionally rich in water-power possibilities. Well-regu- lated streams, carrying a minimum quantity of the silt, which eventually may destroj^ expensive water storage facilities, are highly important. Most of the cities and towns of the Region derive their water for domestic use from streams originating on forest lands, and are justly proud of its quality. There is little conflict between the interests of the water users and of the consumers of the wood products of the forests, even in the parts of the Region where both Forest Resources 0/ the Pacific Northwest 45 uses are highly important. Those city watersheds, from which it may seem advisable to bar all commercial cut- ting, occupy in the aggregate an infinitesimal part of the forest area. From the standpoint of irrigation and water power, logging operations ma}' have a transiently detri- mental effect, but imder sustauied-yield forest manage- ment, the area logged in any 1 year is but a very small percentage of the whole unit which is imder manage- ment, and care is taken that the vegetative cover be promptly restored. Under a policy of rapid li(jiiidation, the disturbance of the forest cover may be more highly concentrated and prolonged. However, the most serious effects are imdoubtetllj^ caused by fire. In general, then, adequate protection of watershed values is a byproduct of forest manngement. Recreation The forest lands of the Region are also of high impor- tance as recreational areas. In their very nature, forests are favorite resorts not only of the Inmter and tlie fisher- man, but of the nature lover who is mcrelj' seeking a beautiful spot for camping or picnicking. The regional forests are exceptionally attractive in their diversity. The open, parklike stands of ponderosa pine contrast sharply with the dense, dark forests of Douglas fir and with the broken and diversified timber of the higher mountains. The rugged mountaui peaks of the Region characteristically have their lower slopes covered with forests, within which are innumerable swift streams and quiet lakes. The value of the forests for recreational use cannot be expressed in commercial terms, although there is, un- doubtedly, a large economic return to the Region. They are the playground of the Region, although their beau- ties are enjoj'ed by large niunbers who come each year from every State of the Union. Certain areas of outstanding scenic beauty have been set aside as national parks. These are Glacier National Park in Montana; Ramier, in Washington; and Crater Lake, in Oregon. These parks have been intensively develoiied for tourist use, with excellent hotels and other facilities. They are visited annually by some 700,000 people, and this number is rapidly hicreasing from year to year. Other areas of unusual beauty or interest have been set aside as national monuments and many of these are foresteil. The only large national monument within the four States is that which includes the central nniss of the Olympic Mountains, in Washington. Commercial de- velopment is carefully regulated on such an area in order that its scenic beauty may be unharmed. Still other areas, within the national forests, have been set aside as primitive areas. The aggregate area so set aside is about 7,000,000 acres. By no means all of the beautiful portions of the Region's forests, however, have been thus set aside as parks, monuments, or primitive areas. Throughout the four States the forest land contains countless spots which, through their charm, attract milhons of recrea- tionists. The Forest Service has developed a great many of these areas along lines which correlate enjoy- ment of hunting, fishing, and the scenery itself, along with the commercial uses. Sites for summer homes or resorts can be leased at reasonable rates, and camp grounds and picnic grounds have been prepared for the convenience of the visitor. Estimates by the Forest Service indicate that there are over 3 million visitors to the Region's national forests each year, classified as follows : Summer home permittees and their guests 100, 000 Hotel and resort guests 375, 000 Campers 710, 000 Picnickers 1, 100, 000 Other 1, 100,000 Total 3, 385, 000 This is on the national forests alone, which, it will be remembered, include only about half of the forest area of the Region. If statistics were available for the private land, their inclusion would greatly increase the foregoing figures. The segregation of exceptional areas for exclusively recreational use suggests that there is some conflict between this and commercial lumbering, and grazing. It is easy to exaggerate this conflict. The immediate effect of the logging operation is to make the land unsightly, but under proper forestry practices, the unsightly condition lasts but a few years. Particularly if sustained-yield management is put into effect, the proportion of the area cut in any year is exceedingly small and the proportion which is unsightly at any given tune will be unimportant. Fish and Game Much of the recreational use of the Region's forest land is in connection with the opportunities for hunting and fishing which these lands afford. Judging by the number of game licenses issued, about 1 out of every 10 of the inhabitants of the 4 States participates in these sports, many vsirietics of which are to be found at their best on forest land. While accurate figures on the wildlife ijopulation of all the area are obviously unobtainable, rough estimates have been compiled for the national forests. For the Region, these estimates arc as follows: Deer - -- 275,000 Elk -- 58,000 Moose - 2, 000 Goats.-.- 13, 000 Sheep i. 000 Kear - 24. OOP Total--- - 37C>, 000 46 National Resources Committee In addition to this "big game," there are said to be some 320,000 fur-bearing animals such as weasel, martin, mink, beaver, etc. These numbers are for the national forests only, and if figures were available for the other half of the forest land, their addition would, of course, greatly increase the totals. An interesting fact in this connection is that the big game seems to be increasing in numbers. The above figures are about 20 percent liigher than the correspond- ing figures of 5 years before. Contributing to this increase are the very extensive game refuges of various sorts, which occupy an area of over 14 million acres. In the national parks, also, hunting is entirely prohibited While there are local shortages of game, due to overlmntLng or illegal huntmg, there are other areas in which the game refuges have resulted in an over- production. Forest lands, are, after all, merely the natural summer range of such aniuals as deer and elk; their natural winter range has much of it long since been fenced for agriculture or pasturage. It is, gener- ally, the capacity of the remammg whiter range which limits the population of these animals, although this fact is usually not understood by the general public. Because of this fact, there is little conflict between the interests of the sportsman and of the other users of the forests. Hunting and fishmg are a highly desir- able byproduct of timber growing. Present Activities Which Are Improving Forest Situation It has been seen that the present condition of the Region's vast forest resource is unsatisfactory. The lumber industrj-, on which local prosperity is so largely based, camiot long be continued on its present scale. It has failed to make satisfactory profits in the past. It must make uneconomic migrations within the Region in the future, although in western Washington expansion of the pulp and paper industry probably will maintam many of the existing communities. Oidy about half of the forest land is beuig managed with regard to the future welfare of the public. The owner- ship and tax situation is a deterrent to any such man- agement on most of the remaining half. Much is already being done to unprove the situation. Along certain lines accomplishment is already sub- stantial, while along others a beginning has hardly been made. The Progress of Forestry For some three decades technically trained foresters have been working on the problems of this Region. In the early days these technicians were almost exclu- sively in Federal governmental positions, principally in the United States Forest Service, but today a sub- stantial number are to be found in State services, edu- cational institutions, and in industry. The Region has forestry branches m four colleges or universities, one in each State, so that increasing numbers of trained forestere are available. Many more are drawn from educational institutions outside of the Region. Not only has the work of this body of technical men resulted in substantial progress along hues, some of which will presently be described, but it has made the public increasingly aware of the importance of forestry to the Pacific Northwest. WhUe a quarter of a centurj' ago forestry was an almost miknown word to the aver- age citizen, today he recognizes its general importance, although he may know little of its technique. The followmg may be cited as leading examples of Imes along wliich forestry technique and education has made substantial contributions, or has, in some cases, merely started along constructive lines. Increasing the Growth Rate With the exception of the revested Oregon and Cali- fornia lands, most of the public timber has for many years been cut in such a manner as to leave the forests in good condition for future growth. At the time the Lumber Code was formulated (mider the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933), the lumber uidustry assumed the obligation to take whatever steps were practicable along the same line. "Forest practice rules" were adopted and made a part of the Code (art. X). These difl'ered with the forest conditions en- countered, but their uniform purpose was to leave enough trees to serve as a source of seed or a nucleus for a second tuuber crop, and also to dispose of the slash resulting from logging in such a manner as to facilitate the protection of this future crop. These rules have been contuiued voluntaiily through activities of lumber trade associations. In Idaho the legislature has made compliance with these rules mandatory withhi all forest protective districts. Neither the rules them- selves nor the compUance therewith are perfect, but they represent a substantial accomphshment, although the growth rate which can be expected under them leaves sometliing to be desired. Even on the best managed public forests, there is a chance for betterment. The United States Forest Service is conductuig silvicultural mvestigations and studymg growth rates, and from this research much is to be expected. It has been shown that no very large proportion of the Region's forest area is unstocked with young trees as the result of cuttmg or bum, but the total unstocked acreage is large, and in some localities this type of land is important in its proportions, and exceptionally accessible to natural uidustrial centers. On account of the ownership situation, little is as yet being done to Forest Resources oj the Pacific Northwest 47 rehabilitate these lands, although the State of Wash- ington has a nursery for plantmg on State-owned lands, and a little reforestation has been done by some private owners. Much of the unstocked or poorly stocked land is the result of the use of high-powered steam machinerj' in logging. In the early days of the lumber hidustry, logs were pulled to tidewater by bull teams, and since only the best trees were felled, a considerable stand was left which, in most cases, adequately and promptly restocked the land. After steam donkey engines and skidders came into use, vast areas were stripped of their timber, even the unmerchantable trees being knocked down m the course of logging. Under such conditions, particularly if the logguig was followed by repeated fires, the establishment of an adequate number of seed- lings on the land is slow and uncertam. With the advent of the crawler type of tractor has come a form of logging more like that of the daj's of the bull team, for considerable numbers of small and defective trees are left standing, and a prompt and adequate restocking of the land can be expected. This type of logging involves problems in brush disposal which are as yet not satisfactorily solved, and is generally considered inefficient in many situations. But it promises sub- stantial improvement in increasing the regional growth rate. The same type of equipment is even more commonly employed m the pine region. Here, the change is less marked, as steam machmery was never extensively used. The combination of tractors and trucks, how- ever, by reducing the investment m railroad building, encourages selective logging and tlie leaving of heavier growing stocks on cut-over lands. Decreasing the Losses Fire protection has been, in general, reasonably well handled for many years. The national forests, Indian reservations, and national parks, in particidar, have developed excellent sj'stems for prevention, detection, and control. Many private associations have an equally good record. Even the best systems occasion- ally break down, however, under exceptionally severe weather conditions. Some publicly owned timber is inadequately protected or not protected at all, and the private owners do not work with equal efficiency throughout the Region. In particular, those privately owned cut-over lands which are presumably on their way back into public ownership through tax delin- quency may be poorly protected. Idaho, Oregon, and Washington have legislation compelling fire pro- tection, but enforcement often is so difficult that inadequate results are obtained. About two-thirds of all forest fires are man-caused. Those that result from logging operations are usually taken care of with efficiency, and a substantial pro- portion of the fires that cause the most trouble are due to negligence by the general pubUc rather than by the land owner. The Federal Government has recog- nized that fire prevention on privately owned lands is largely a matter of public responsibilitj' and of national concern, and, through the Clarke-McNary Act, contrib- utes to the protection of private lands on which the owners are already expending substantial sums. The total current national appropriation for this purpose is, however, only $1,655,000 a year. In addition, the Federal Government is contributing materially to fire protection on State and private lands through the Civilian Conservation Corps. Truck and horse trails, lookout houses and towers, telephone fines, fire breaks, and many other types of protective improvements have been built by this organization, which aid hi prompt detection and action on fires; and in addition it has contributed many thousands of hom-s on the fire line m the actual suppression of fires. The lumber industry in the four States of the Region is spending about a million dollars annuaUy for fire protection. In addi- tion, on privately owned lands, the timber owners in recent years have spent about $530,000 a year through the protective associations and special State fire-patrol levies, as compared with $280,000 of direct expenditure by the Federal Government and only $160,000 by the States. Improved efficiency in the expenditures of these sums is being sought through research into such mat- ters as the weather conditions mdicating exceptional hazard, the inflammability of various natural fuels, and the technique of fire detection and suppression. Such research has been carried on by the Forest Service and is being continued. Less successful have been the efforts to combat the attacks of the several species of insects, particularly the dendroctonus beetles, which have killed billions of feet of timber in the past decade. Efforts of owners have been more sporadic and less well coordiuated than in the case of fire. Teclmical advice on insect control has been given by the United States Bureau of Entomology anil Plant Quarantine. A vigorous defense has been organized against the white pine blister rust, the most serious disease men- acuig the Region's forests at the present time, within the white pine territory of northern Idaho and ad- joming portions of Washington and Montana where its menace is greatest. About 60 percent of the area endangered has been given a first treatment through the eradication of the wild currant and gooseberrj' plants which are the alternate hosts of the disease. The Civilian Conservation Corps has done much to aid in combatting this disease, but cannot adeiiuately cover all that needs to be done. Technical direction is 48 National Resources Committee supplied bj' the United States Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. As the disease threatens the future welfare of the Region rather than that of the private owners of mature timber, its control, even on private lands, is a matter of public concern. Decreasing the Waste in Lumbering The Forest Products Laboratory of the United States Forest Service at Madison, Wis., is the central investi- gative agency which is studying the better utilization of wood. The experiment stations, the Imnber asso- ciations, and the State educational institutions are worldng along similar lines. AVliile some progress has been made, the volumetric waste remains very high. Recent investigations, ui fact, have tended to mcrease it by showing that in the past some material had been removed from the forests at a loss. The present trend in logging methods, however, may faciUtate leaving the submargmal material in the form of growing trees rather than of debris. Development of New Industries to Replace or Supplement Existing Industry The rapid growth of the regional pulp industry near tidewater has already been mentioned. Particularly when associated with the paper industry, this is espe- cially welcome because of its relatively high ratio of labor to raw material. Pulp of the highest grade, such as that suitable for rayon and cellophane, is being made from hemlock pulpwood. The rapidly increasing use of rayon and other new products based on ceUidose suggests that this growth of industry can be continued. Many other new uses for wood and its constituent materials are being developed in the laboratories of governmental agencies and of industrial organizations. There is promise of growth of other important indus- tries, based upon waste wood and upon lignin and dis- tillates, as well as cellulose. While such uses are in their infancy as commercial ventures, they also repre- sent potential progress toward continuing forest indus- tries in localities where they cannot be continued at their present level if based on lumbering alone. Controlling Overproduction The Lumber Code made production control manda- tory upon the industry. In spite of many administra- tive difficulties, compliance was nearly universal within this region. When the N. I. R. A. was declared un- constitutional, even voluntary control was considered a possible violation of the Sherman Antitrust Law. The trade associations have collected and distributed information on such matters as stocks on hand, ship- ments, and anticipated future demand which give the mdividual operator a better basis for determining his rate of cut, but the result leaves much to be desired. Sustained yield exerts an effective control on that part of the timber supply which is under this form of management. Too much of the cut comes from timber which is not thus managed to make this control of much present help to the industry. Tax Reform In three of the four States, some progress has been made in connection with the taxation of young, growing tmiber. In Idaho, by agreement between the owner and the State Board of Forestry, land classified as reforestation land is assessed at not to exceed $1 per acre. In addi- tion to the annual tax on this basis, the owner pays a 12}^ percent jaeld tax when the young crop of timber has matured and is cut. About 130,000 acres have been thus classified. By recent legislation, trees left uncut under the forest practice rules are exempt from taxation, but must be left standing for 15 years. In Oregon, lands classified by the State tax commis- sion as reforestation lands pay an annual fee per acre of 5 cents in the fir region and 4 cents in the pine. An additional yield tax of 12}^ percent is paid when the timber is finally cut. About a million acres have been thus classified. In Washington, lands classified as reforestation lands are assessed at $1 per acre if in the fir region and at 50 cents per acre if in the pine region. In addition to the annual tax thus determined, a yield tax of 12,'^ per- cent must be paid on all timber cut 12 years or more after the time of classification, and according to a sliding scale of lesser percentages if the timber is cut more promptly. About 200,000 acres have been thus classified. In addition, the possibility of classification has in many counties reduced excessive valuations on cutover lands. Various proposals have been introduced into the State legislatures for a revision of the tax system as applied to mature timber, but none has been adopted. Stabilization of Ownership In the State of Washington alone has substantial progress been made in managing tax-foreclosed forest lands. This State may insist that such lands be turned over to the State Forester for management. The revenues are then turned back to the counties, after a deduction of the costs of management and of an addi- tional 10 percent wliich goes into the State forest de- velopment fund. Tills right has been exercised only where there is no objection on the part of the counties, but nevertheless about 200,000 acres have already been put under State control. Oregon has a somewhat similar law authorizing management by the State, provided, however, that the counties must ofl^er the land and the State accept it. Forest Resources of the Pacific Northwest 49 In Orefion, the State is to pay the county an annual 5 cents |)or acre phis 12,'2 percent of the final yield, the remaintler of the revenues going to the State irreducible school fund. Although this law has been in effect since 1031, no action has been taken thereunder, partly through county inertia and partly because of lack of State api^ropriations. Idaho has legislation as yet too recent to have been put into effect, which provides for a classification of lands to determine which are chiefly valuable for State forests. The county commissioners are authorized either to give county-owned lands to the State, or to sell them to the State for the amount of delinquent taxes due. Net revenues are to be shared equally be- tween the State and the counties. There is as yet no similar law in Montana. Federal aid has been extended to the States in solving this problem. Under the Fulmer Act, the United States may buy land and turn it over to the State for administration. The State must then pay all current administration costs, and pay the United States 50 percent of the gross income derived therefrom, until eventiudly title is secured by completely repaying the Federal outlay. Furthermore, where the State acquires tax delinquent land, the Federal Government may pay half of the cost of administration. In order to receive this aid, the State must (a) have authority to manage State forests, (6) have a macliinery for taking over tax- foreclosed lands, and (c) have a satisfactory State forester. All purchases under this act must be ap- proved by the National Forest Reservation Commis- sion. Idaho has qualified imder this act by appropriate legislation. No Federal appropriation under this act has been made, and hence, no accomplishment has as yet been possible. For many years, the Forest Service has been making exchanges of timber land within the national forests and in some localities (through special legislation) adjacent thereto for the purpose of concentrating ownership. It has also exchanged timber (to be cut under the usual regulations) for cutovcr land, thus increasing the national forest area. These latter ex- changes are restricted in quantity by the limitation of the cut from the national forests, under sustained yield, and by the unwillingness of the Forest Service seriously to reduce its contribution to county support (25 percent of the gross revenues from the national forests). The National Forest Reservation Commission is also administering a policy of outright purchase of merchantable timber, wherever such purchases will contribute to the establishment of sustained-yield units, or, in some regions, serve as demonstration forests. The total appropriations have been small as compared with the magnitude of the task, and have been largely expended in the eastern States. Only one such purchase, involving about 6,600 acres, has as yet been made within this Region. Inauguration of Sustained-Yield Management Because of diversified ownership, sustained-yield management must in most cases be a cooperative affair. In a very few instances, public timber so dominates tlie situation that the Forest Service can assure this type of management more or less regardless of the attitude of the operator, who is, in this circum- stance, favorably disposed. In cases where the natural management units are almost exclusively in private ownership, the reasons already stated have prevented any action. In the majority of instances, however, there is a division of ownership between private cor- porations and public interests which greatly improves the opportunity. 'W'liile some progress has been made in a few of these cases, there is as yet little actual accomplishment. Progress has at times been blocked as much by a lack, on the part of some of the public agencies, either of a proper policy or .of authority to enter into the necessary agreements, as it has been by the handicaps of the private owners. A Regional Program The foregoing section of the staff report does not attempt to formulate a program, but is limited to a bare statement of the more significant facts of the forest situation of the Pacific Northwest. Any factual statement may lead to diverse con- clusions by those who read it. The discouraging nature of some of the facts of this report may engender an attitude of defeatism in the minds of some, but to the majority they will be a challenge to prompt and aggres- sive action. Based on these facts as to conditions in this Rcgi Douglas fir, cedar and spruce in the Hr region, and Idaho white and ponderosa pine in the pine region are included. Source: U. S. Forest Service. SECTION 2. ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF THE FOREST INDUSTRIES OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Contents Page Employment in the Forest Industries of the Pacific Northwest 59 Wages and Salaries Paid by Forest Products Industries Gl The Importance of Forest Industries in the External Trade of the Pacific Northwest (Jl Importance of Forest Industries to the Railroads of the Pacific Northwest 66 Importance of Forest Products Industries to Inland Water Trans- portation in tiie Pacific Northwest 68 Importance of Forest Products Industries to the Electric Power Industry 68 Importance of Forest Products Industries to Pacific Northwest Communities 69 Appendix — Tables A to U 71 50859—38 5 57 58 National Resources Committee ■->.'« %s^ J I "o -J I 1 J /2l. rT-^ I" M -.-. V !i ^1-A ;.i

- O z U. o o s O -I . " LlI ^ CD ui <'^ w'i t- CO ^ S z cc ir UJ UJ t z X-J 2s fe 2^ gooi i I ^ I !f ■ 111' -^KA ^ ^ r -1 J.l js — ^ ^ i» I ■■ — J Q <1: SECTION 2. ECONOxMIC IMPORTANCE OF THE FOREST INDUSTRIES OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST By Blair Stewart ' There can be no question as to the iniportance of tlic forest industries in the economy of the Pacific North- west. It is not easy, liowever, to indicate with any precision the degree of that importance. A (juantitative I expression of the significance of the forest industries can be secured only if some measurable characteristic is accepted as a proper test. No completely satisfactory single measure has been found, and it has thus been necessary to consider a number of diflerent tests, and to present a picture which is a mosaic, the pieces of which are drawn from different sources. It is none the less a realistic picture, and from it certain significant, if broad, conclusions can be drawn. Forest industries provide the Region's pay rolls as does no other single line of endeavor. One out of every ten persons gainfully emplo^yed is engaged duecth' in a forest industry. The proportion is larger when males only are considered, and this gives added significance to forest industries, because men on the average have more dependents than women. Among manufacturing industries in the Region, the production of forest products is of overwhelmuig im- portance. They employ half of the workers engaged in manufacturing,and the pi'oportion wovdd be still higher if those industries which are directly dependent upon forest industries were included in the forest industries group. In a complex industrial civilization, it is essential that every region have products to send to other areas to l)ay for the wide variety of products which make pos- sible tlie complex consumption patterns characteristic of the American standaril of living. For the Pacific Northwest, the forest industries perform tliis function in an outstanding manner. Forest jiroducts provide more than 40 percent of the balance secured by the shipment of goods from the Pacific Northwest. The activities dependent upon the forest resource of the Pacific Northwest provide employment for mam- service industries. Transportation may be taken as an example: 03 percent of the freight tonnage origmat- ing on railroads in the Pacific Northwest consists of forest products. Inland navigation is even more com- pletely dependent on movement of forest ])roducts, ahnost 87 percent of the tonnage of inland water car- I The statistical wr)rk for this section was supervised by Franlc J. Hone, and many fstions were made by him and other memtwrscif the stall of the Pacific Northwest I'inal Planning Comnii.ssion. The .'ftate planning boards of Maho, Montana, *-'on, and Washington a:f:sisted in the a.sseintily of data. Acknowledgment is made. I', of the a.ssistance of various governmental agencies, including the utilities com- issions of the four I'aciftc Northwest States. riers of the Pacific Northwest being nuide up of such commodities. Forest products' manufacturing plants are also very important customers of electric power in- dustry— consuming over 40 percent of the power pur- chased by manufacturing plants in the Region. The rise ami fall of communities in the Pacific North- west is to be explained in almost eveiy case in terms of the exploitation and tlejjletion of the forest resource. The basis on which the above statements regarding the economic importance of the forest mdustries of the Pacific Northwest is set forth in more detail in what follows. An attempt is made also to indicate some of the implications of these broad statements. Employment in the Forest Industries of the Pacific Northwest At first glance the number of persons engaged in an industry seems a valid measure of its economic im- portance, and certainlj' no discussion of the problem would be complete if this infomiation were not included. One person out of every ten gainfully employed in the Pacific Northwest is directly engaged in some forest industry.^ In Oregon and Washington the proportion is approximately 1 in 8, in Idaho about 1 in 14 or 15, and in Montana only about 1 in 42 or 43. Employ- ment figures by industries are shown in table A, which may be found in the Appendix to this section. Suice many of the manufacturing and mechanical industries are in reality service activities, agricultin-e and forest ])roducts stand out as the overwhelmuigly important basic activities. If men only are considered, the relative unporttince of the forest industries is still gretiter. The proportions of all gainfully emplo\-ed males working in forest products' industries were as follows in 1930: Idaho, 1 in 12.0; Montana, 1 in 37. (i; Ort'gon, 1 in G.7; Washington, I in 0.7; Pacific Nortiiwest, 1 in 8.2. More detailed information on employment of males by industry is given in table B (in Apj^endix to Section 2). The dependence of population of the Pacific North- west on forest industries for employment varies greatly witliin the Region, and witliin tiie States. Tiiis is strikingly shown in Figure 1, which shows tlie per- centivge of all gainfully employed males who were ('m[)lnyed ill the forest |)roducts' industries in li130. It mav be seen that the entire area west of tlie Cascaile ■ Baseii on 19.10 Censu.'! subtracting classes A and B linemployed from total "gain- fill workers." 59 60 National Resources Committee Forest Resources oj the Pacific Northwest 61 Mountains, in both Oregon and Washington, is very heavily dependent on forestiy; in five western Wash- ington counties and one western Oregon county more than 40 percent of the gainfully employed males work in forest industries. East of the Cascades, the im- portant producing areas stand out clearh', the counties most exclusively devoted to lumbering being Deschutes in Oregon and Clearwater in Idaho. Deschutes and Klamath are the two eastern Oregon counties most largely dependent upon lumbering, while a group of counties in northern Idaho, northeastern Washington and northwestern Montana is very heavilj^ dependent upon forest industries. The only counties of southern Idaho in which lumbering is of large importance are Gem, Valley, and Boise. There is an evident connection between the location of forest industries and Regional population distribu- tion. This is shown by a comparison between the map showing the proportion of the gainfully employed engaged in forest products' industries (fig. 1) and the map showing the density of population by counties (fig. 2). It indicates that there is a general tendency for areas of dense population to fall in districts where lumbering is the outstanding activity. The most striking exceptions to this general rule are in southern Idaho, in Montana, and in eastern Washington; areas supporting considerable populations largely by agri- culture or mining rather than lumbering. It is an interesting fact that every city in the Pacific Northwest with a population of over 20,000, with the exception of Butte and Great Falls, Mont., Yakima, Wash., and Boise, Idaho, is located in a region where lumbering is the outstanding economic activity. T.4BLE 1. — Relative employmenl ' 6^ various forest products' industries, Pacific Northwest Stales, 1930 Forestry (including logging) Saw and planing mills Other wood working and furniture industry. Total, forest products' industries Idaho Number 6,193 } 16,534 Percent 48.4 51.6 Montana Number 2,448 '2,287 4,735 Percent 61.7 48.3 100.0 Forestry (including logging).. Saw and planing mills Other wood working and furniture industry Paper and allied indu-strie^ Total, forest products'industries. Oregon Num- ber 16, 557 23, (M8 4,049 3, US 46,769 Per- cent 35.4 49.3 8.6 6.7 100.0 Washington Num- ber 26,764 36,465 6,553 6,5.59 76,341 Per- cent 35.0 47.8 8.6 8.6 100. 0 Pacific Northwest Num- ber 50,962 ■177,936 9,674 138, 572 Per- cent 36. S 56.2 7.0 100.0 ' Gaioful workers less unemployed. (Unemployed includes: Class A, persons out of a job, able to work and looking for a Job; cla.^ B, iiersons having jobs, but on lay-off without pay, excluding those sick or voluntarily idle.) ' Saw and planing mills and other wood working and furniture combined. Source; Census of 1930, Unemployment, volume I. The amount of employment provided by different forest product industries is shown in table I. In Idaho and Montana approximately one man is engaged in forestry and logging for each person employed in planing mills or other woodworking factories. In Oregon and Washington, on the other hand, while approximately half those engaged in forest products' industries work in saw and planing mills, only 35 percent of the total are engaged in forestry and logging, and roughly 15 percent of the gainful workers are employed in other wood- working and furniture industries, and in the paper and allied industries. The figures are very similar for Oregon and Washington, except that the paperjndustry is relatively less important in Oregon than in Wash- ington. It is difficult to explain the difi'erences between the pine and Douglas fir regions in these data which seem to indicate that relatively fewer persons are en- gaged in the woods than in the mills in the Douglas fir region. Wages and Salaries Paid by Forest Products Industries Another measure of the importance of forest indus- tries is found in wages and salaries paid. Table II compares the average number of employees and total salaries and wages paid in forest industries in 1929 with employees, wages and salaries in all other manufac- turing industries. The figures given here for number of employees difl^er from those given in table A (Appcntlix 2), because they record average employment through- out the year rather than the number gainfully emploj'cd. Furthermore, the classification of "manufacturing" is more restricted than that of "manufacturing and mechanical industries" used in table A. The most important item included in the latter classification and not in the former is the building industry. From table II it may be seen that forest industries employ more than half of the persons engaged in manufacture, and ])ay wages and salaries almost exactly proportional to the numbers employed. In other words, the manufacture of forest products is more important in the Pacific Northwest than all other manufacturing put together. The Importance of Forest Industries in the External Trade of the Pacific Northwest The data presented above considerably understate the importance of forests in the economy of the Pacific Northwest. There can be no doubt that if the present forests were to vanish or lose entirely their value, more than 1 person in 10 in the Pacific Northwest would be out of a job, and manufacturing employment and pay rolls would shrink to much less than half their present volume. This would result from the 62 National Resources Committee fact that basic industries such as those based on the exploitation of our forest resources support a complex superstructure of service industries. Unfortunately, there seems to be no satisfactory way of determining just what this superstructure contains. There are undoubtedly businesses not included in the forest industries' classification above, which find their market entirely in the forest industries. There are other concerns wliich do a large share of their business with forest industries. Then, there are those who supply these directly dependent businesses with goods and services, and so on indefinitely. A similar chain is made up of those supplying the emploj^ees of forest industries with goods and services. Information is not available for satisfactory estimates of the potential effects of the disappearance of the forest industries, and it is impossible, therefore, to give any short and convenient answer to the question of their importance to the economic life of the Region. One way by which some appreciation of the signifi- cance of the forests to the Pacific Northwest may be TONNAGE OF NET EXPORTS FROM THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST STATES IN 1929 IDAHO MONTANA OREGON WASHINGTON T 10 20 30 40 50 GO 70 80 PERCENTAGE OF COMHODITy GROUPS 1 FOREST PRODUCTS ^AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS lANIMALS AND PRODUCTS MANUFACTURES MISCELLANEOUS COPPER, LEAD, ZINC. WASHINGTON-COPPER ONLY AREA OF SQUARE REPRESENTS TONNAGE OF TOTALS OF NET EXPORTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST STATES - 21.3 MILLION TONS AREAS OF RECTANGLES REPRESENT TONNAGE OF NET EXPORTS OF EACH STATE ACCORDING TO ABOVE LEGEND NUMERALS ARE TONNAGE IN MILLIONS OF TONS RECTANGLES WITHOUT NUMERALS REPRESENT A TONNAGE LESS THAN .05 MILLION TONS Figure 3. Table II. — Average number of emplnyees and total salaries and wages paid in forest industries and all other manufacturing, 1929 Employees Salaries and wages Forest in- dustries All other manufac- turing Forest industries K\\ other manu- facturing Num- ber Per- cent Num- ber Per- cent Dollars Per- cent Dollars Per- cent Idaho 11.917 3,925 43,144 74, 893 133, 879 70.0 22.9 58.4 58.2 5fi.6 5,106 13,210 30,721 53, 847 102, 884 30 0 77. 1 41.6 41. S 43.5 17, 660, 60S 5, 439, 788 63, 096. .566 112,284, .581 198, 477, 513 69.3 IS. 5 59.4 .57.1 55. 5 7, 827, 209 24,029,719 43, 144, 973 84, 290. 893 1.59, 292, 794 .30 7 Montana Orepon 81.5 40.6 WashinRton Pacific Northwest., _ 42.9 44.5 Source: Census of Manufactures, 1929. secured is to consider their contribution to the process of securing goods and services from other areas. The Pacific Northwest is far from self-sufficient. It parti- cipates in a process of geographical division of labor in which products from other areas, and markets in other regions, are indispensable to the maintenance of life in the modern manner. The clothes worn in the Region, the cars driven, the citrus fruits eaten — in fact a large ESTIMATED VALUE OF NET EXPORTS FROM THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST STATES IN 1929 IDAHO MONTANA OREGON WASHINGTON 10 20 30 40 50 SO 70 80 PERCENTAGE OF COMMODITY GROUPS ^ FOREST PRODUCTS AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS MANUFACTURES lANIMALS AND J PRODUCTS MISCELLANEOUS COPPER, LEAD.ZINC WASHINGTON- COPPER ONLY AREA OF SQUARE REPRESENTS VALUES OF TOTALS OF NET EXPORTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST STATES — 853.5 MILLION DOLLARS AREAS OF RECTANGLES REPRESENT VALUE OF NET EXPORTS OF EACH STATE ACCORDING TO ABOVE LEGEND NUMERALS ARE VALUES IN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS Figure 4. Forest Resources 0/ the Pacific Northwest 63 majority of the goods consumed — come from otlicr States or other coimtries. The industries which pro- vide materials to be sold in these other regions thus come to have a special significance. It is because of them that it is possible to support a population in the Pacific Northwest at the standard of living to which it has become accustomed. As a consequence, a measure of the contributions of difl'erent industries to the export trade of the Region provides a most useful gage of economic importance. Export trade in this instance means export to other areas in the United States as well as to foreign countries. Tonnage of Net Exports From the Pacific Northwest States Unfortunately, the information on internal move- ments of commodities is not adequate for a complete and accurate statement of the movement of goods from an area such as the Pacific Northwest. It is possible, however, to make a study of the net movement (by weight) of particular commodities into and out of each State, and thus to get a somewhat impressionistic picture of the relative importance of different com- modities in the trade of the individual States, and so of the Region as a whole. A study of the net tonnage movement by commodi- ties, for the Pacific Northwest States, was made for the year 1929. The results are shown by broad com- modity groupings in Appendix 2, table C, and in figure 3.' In tonnage terms, the net movement of forest products was overwhelmingly more important than that of any other group of products. Over 70 percent of the net tonnage exports of the Pacific Northwest were made up of forest products; the per- centage being as high as S9 percent for Oregon, er bags and wrapping pai)er; paperboard, pulpboard and wall- board (paper); and building woodwork (millwork). Importance for Railroad Revenues Wlien we turn to the estimates of revenue earned in hiuiling various classes of commodities, the picture is somewhat changed. These estimates were made by computing the average revenue earned per ton by each railroiul on each commodity hauled. It was then assumed that the revenue earned by the railroad on products originating in the Pacific Northwest was the average amount earned on that commodity on tlie entire system. In some cases this may have led to considerable error since the average length of hiiiil for Pacific Northwest products might be greater or less than the average for the sj'stem as n whole. It seems likely, however, that when the results are combined by commodity classes, the total error is not large, and there is some reason to believe that revenues from forest products are underestimated rather than overestimated. The tonnage of forest products was greater than that of any other commodity group. In every State but Montana, where products of mines and agricultural products were both more important than forest prod- ESTIMATED REVENUE EARNED BY RAILROADS ON FREIGHT ORIGINATING IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST IN 1929 10 20 30 to 50 60 70 80 PERCENTAGE OF COMMODITY GROUPS NORTHERN PACIFIC GREAT NORTHERN UNION PACIFIC SOUTHERN PACIFIC C M STP a PACIFIC SPSS. ALL OTHER RAILROADS ^ FOREST PRODUCTS MANUFACTURES 8 MISCELLANEOUS AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS I ANIMALS AND I PRODUCTS LESS THAN CAR LOADS AREA OF SQUARE REPRESENTS ENTIRE REVENUE EARNED BY RAILROADS ON FREIGHT ORIGINATING IN THE REGION 128,2 MILLION DOLLARS AREAS OF RECTANGLES REPRESENT REVENUE EARNED BY RAILROADS ON FREIGHT ACCORDING TO ABOVE LEGEND NUMERALS ARE REVENUE IN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS Kh. IKK II. 68 National Resources Committee ucts, the revenue earned shows the same picture, although the relative importance of agricultural products is considerably increased. The same is true of the manufactures and miscellaneous and the less than carload classifications. Perhaps the most striking dift'erence in relative miportance is to be found in agricultural products in Washington. Although agri- cultural products constituted only 11 percent of the tonnage in Washington, they contributed an estimated 27 percent of the total revenue earned on traffic originating in that State. This is largely to be ex- plamed by the relatively high freights paid by fruit products, which constitute a rather high proportion of the total tonnage of agricultural products moved in the State of Washington. The general picture for revenue earned may be seen from figures 7 and 10 (and Appendix 2, table J). From figure 11 (and Appendix 2, table L) it is possible to get an impression of the relative importance of differ- ent commodity groups in the revenue earned on traffic originathig on the difterent railroads. Forest products are most important for the Southern Pacific Railroad, contributing 68.4 p.ercent of the total revenue earned on tonnage originating in the Pacific Northwest. The HORSEPOWER Irated capacity^ OF POWER EQUIPMENT IN-FORESfpRObucts «- --I MAMUf ACTtmitJ© 1N©tiSTfttES IN PAClEid KORTHWEST 1929 - " ' r'^ =-J3 : A .:h^ i-r-:-i :^:;= v:- '■' ' " ? --III S -I- :1 S corresponding percentages for the other roads were: The Milwaukee, 58.4; Canadian Pacific, 58.2; the Northern Pacific, 39.0; Great Northern, 26.3; and the ITnion Pacific, 22.3. For railroads whose operations were confined to the Pacific Northwest, the total revenue earned on forest products was 56.6. The aver- age for the Pacific Northwest was approximately 40 percent. The strongest competitor to forest products as a source of revenue for the railroads was agricultural products, which, in terms of revenue, are more important than forest products onlv for the Great Northern and Union Pacific railroads. For all the railroads combined, agricultural products originating in the Pacific North- west provided about 26 percent of the revenue earned on all trafiic originathig in this Region.' The relation of the forest products' industries to rail- road transportation may be summarized as follows: No other group of commodities is so important to the rail- road industry as forest products. They provide more than six-tenths of the tonnage origmating in the Region, and four-tenths of the revenue earned on such tonnage. Without the forest mdustries, the traffic and revenue situations of all the railroads would be vastly changed, and on some railroads the remahiing traffic would be so snuill that the maintenance of transportation by rail could probably not be economically justified. Importance of Forest Products' Industries to Inland Water Transportation in the Pacific Northwest Internal movement of goods hj water is another form t)f transportation greatly dependent upon the forest industries in the Pacific Northwest. Estimates of this internal movement by classes of commodities in 1929 are shown in table III. Forest products constituted almost 87 percent of the tonnage of hiland water car- riers in the Pacific Northwest, movement of other com- modities bemg of relatively little importance. Importance of Forest Products' Industries to the Electric Power Industry An incidental measure of the importance of a manu- facturing industry is to be found in the power equipment used in its operations. The accompanying chart, figure 12 (and Appendix 2, table U), compares the rated capac- ity of power equipment in forest products' manufactur- ing plants with the capacity installed in all other man- ufacturing establishments in 1929. Except in Montana, forest products' manufacture utilizes more power equip- ment than all other manufacturing industries combined. The z-elative importance of forest products' industries by this measure is greatest in Oregon, where almost 77 percent of the rated capacity of power equipment in manufacturing is found in plants processing forest " Detailed statements of tonnage originating in each state, and revenue earned on such traffic by railroads and commodity groups, are to be found in Appendix 2, tables M to T, inclusive. Forest Resources oj the Pacific Northwest 69 products. For the other States, the percentages were: Washington, 71; Idaho, 63; and Montana, 10. Table III. — Total tonnage of various products carried in inland navigation on rivers, harbors, and canals in Pacific Northwest, 1929 [Id thousand short tonsi Products Tons Percent FOREST PRODHCTS Logs, and piling, rafted and floated 26, 502 1,393 69S 180 1,080 77 2 Lumber, shingles and millwork. . 4 I Pu]p wood 5 Total, _ 29,843 OTHER PRODUCTS Animal and animal products 48 S.'i 4,2fiU 3« I Products of mines and mines manufactures Unclassified and miscellaneous 2 Total ._. 4.494 13.1 Total all commodities 34. 347 Source: Annual Report of Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army, 1930. The predominance of forest manufactures is most striking in the comparison of rated capacity of prime movers (power developed within the plant). The total for the entire Region, in 1929, was 643,936 horsepower in forest products' manufacturing plants, and only 69,505 for all other manufacturing concerns. By this measure, the importance of forest products is nine times that of other manufacturing. This great disproportion in capacity of prime movers may be explained by the common practice of lumber mills of using waste materials for power generation. Even on the basis of capacity of motors driven by purchased energy, power in forest products' manufac- turing is important; although it outranks all other man- ufacturing by this measure onh^ in Oregon. For the four States, the percentages of rated capacity of all motors driven by purchased energy found in forest products' manufacturing plants are: 59 for Oregon, 48 for Idaho, 47 for Washington, and only 3 for Montana. For the entire Region, 41 percent of motors using purchased power in manufacturing plants were found in the forest products' industries. Except in Montana, the total purchases of electricity by forest products' manufacturing plants are probably not much less than the ])urchases of all other manufacturing industries combined. The process of reducing wood to useful products is one of the important sources of demand for the output of electric generating and distributing sj'stems in the Pacific Northwest. Importance of Forest Products Industries to Pacific Northwest Cominunities One further method b}' which the economic impor- tance of forest industries might be studied would be to observe the effects on economic life of communities of the rise and fall of forest industries. Particularly where the forest industry lUsajJiicars, the effect on eco- nomic and social conditions in the locality may give a good picture of the importance of the industry. Some attempt has been made in this study to approach the problem from tliis direction, and it has been discovered that there arc at least 76 instances in which towns devoted to wood products industries have completely disappeared. Another list of 77 towns was comjiilcd of mill towns in which decline in population has been associated with the abandonment of mil's. To secure an accurate picture, however, of the im- portance of the mills in the lives of these towns and of other communities would require a series of case studies. Such studies, if properly conducted, could, in all likeli- hood, reveal far more a])out the full effects of the rise and fall in the rate of cxploitafioii of our lumber re- source than can be secured b}- any other means. Figures of numbers gainfidly employed, of significance in tlie export balance of the Region, and of importance to transportation agencies, emphasize the importance of the forest resource in the economy of the Pacific North- west. They provide, however, entirely inadefpiate bases for judgment as to the effects of depletion of this resource on the livelihood of the people. Where forests are treated as exhaustible resources, many of the communities started are doomed to be short-hved. It is impossible under such conditions to pro'S'ide the types of social services, housing, and other facilities necessary for a satisfactory social environment. There is also some reason to believe that with the passing of an in- dustry, population does not decline as rapidly as em- ployment, and tends to linger on at a reduced standard of living. The cost involved in this process of buikhng up and then abandoning temporary communities is veiy dilli- cult to determine. There can be no question, however that they arc very real and tliat the economic impor- tance of the forest industries to the ])opulation of the Pacific Northwest can be greatly increased if a forest program can be developed which will make possible stable populations in stable communities. SECTION 2 APPENDIX TABLES Tables Page A. Employment by Industries in Pacific Northwest, 1930 72 B. Employment of Males bj- Industries, 1030 72 C. Tonnage of Totals of Net Exports from Pacific Northwest States, by Commodity Groups, 1929 74 D. Estimated Value of Totals of Net Exports of Pacific North- west States, bj' Commodity Groups, 1929 74 E. Tonnage of Totals of Net Imports of Pacific Northwest States, by Commodity Groups, 1929 74 F. Estimated Value of Totals of Net Imports of Pacific North- west States, by Conmiodity Groups, 1929 74 G. Tonnage and Estimated Value of Net Exports and Net Im- ports of Pacific Northwest States, by Commodities, 1929 75 H. Commodities and Types of Prices Used in Determining Values of Imports and Exports by Commodity Groups 78 I. Revenue Freight Originating on Railroads in Pacific North- west, by Commodity Groups, 1929 81 J. Revenue Earned on Freight Originating in Pacific Northwest, by Commodity Groups, 1929 81 K. Freight Originating in Pacific Northwest, by Railroads and Commodity Groups, 1929 82 L. Estimated Revenue Earned by Railroads on Freight Origi- nating in Pacific Northwest, by Railroads and Commodity Groups, 1929 82 M. Freight Originating on Railroads in Ichilio, })y Railroads and Commodity Groups, 1929 83 N. Estimated Revenue Earned by Railroads in Idaho, by Rail- roads and Commodity Groups, 1929 83 O. Freight Originating on Railroads in Montana, by Railroads and Commodity Groups, 1929 S3 P. Estmiated Revenue Earned by Railroads on Freight Origi- nating in Montana, by Railroads and Commodity Groups, 1929 84 Q. Freight Originating on Railroads in Oregon, by Railroads and Commodity Groups, 1929 84 R. Estimated Revenue Earned by Railroads on Freight Origi- nating in Oregon, bj' Railroads and Commoditj' Groups, 1929 84 S. Freight Originating on Railroads in Washington, by Rail- roads and Commoditj' Groups, 1929 85 T. Estimated Revenue Earned by Railroads on Freight Origi- nating in Washington, by Railroads and Commodity Groups, 1929 85 U. Horsepower of Power Equipment in Forest Products Manu- facturing Industries in Pacific Northwest, 1929 86 72 National Resources Committee Table A. — Employinenl by imliistrics in Pacific Xnrlhwest in 1930 Industry group Agriculture.- Fishing. Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries- except forest products Forest products industries Transportation Trade Public service (n. e. c.) 3 , Professional service Domestic and personal Industry not specified Total Industry group Agriculture Fishing.. Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries- except forest products Forest products industries Transportation Trade Public service (n. e. c.) 3 Professional service Domestic and personal Industry not specified Total Idaho Gainful workers Number 65, 561 I 26 6,514 15,484 11,928 14,034 18, 947 2,575 12, 127 10, 132 4,395 162, 223 Unem- ployed classes A and B ' Number 648 1,196 1.201 586 527 32 192 511 1,316 Gainful workers minus classes A and B ' Number Percent 64,301 '26 5,866 14,288 10, 727 13,448 18, 420 2,543 11,935 9,621 3,579 154,754 41.6 0 3.8 8.7 11.9 1.6 7. 7 6.3 2.3 100.0 Montana Gainful workers Number 79, 678 2 31 17, 655 24,403 S, 526 23, 379 24,303 4,469 15, 802 16, 202 5,023 216, 471 Unem- ployed classes A and B ' Number 3,977 2,754 791 1,476 858 120 305 970 1,790 15, 007 Gainful workers minus classes A and B ' Number Percent 77,712 !31 13, 678 21, 649 4,735 21, 903 23,445 4,349 15, 497 15, 232 3.233 201, 464 38.6 0 6.8 10.8 2.3 10.8 11.6 2.2 7.7 7.6 1.6 100.0 Industry group .\griculture Fishing Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries- except forest products Forest products industries Transportation Trade Public service (n. e. c.) 3 — Professional service Domestic and personal Industry not siiecified Total Oregon Gainful workers Number 82, 031 2,081 2,644 66,587 52, 171 44,670 67, 893 8,143 34, 175 37,029 12, 256 409,680 Unem- ployed classes A and B Number 2,475 254 446 5,700 5,402 3,078 2,739 203 1,115 2,575 4,770 28,72? Gainful workers minus classes X and B ' Number 79,556 1,827 60,887 46, 769 41, 592 65, 154 7.940 33,060 34,454 7,486 380,953 Percent 20.9 .5 .6 16.0 12.3 10.9 17.1 2.0 8.7 9.0 2.0 100.0 Washington Industry group Gainful workers Unem- ployed classes A and B ■ Gainful workers minus classes A and B 1 Number Number Number Percent 104,294 6,694 2,390 888 101,904 4,806 16.5 Ffshing .- .8 ".VBLE A. — Employment by industries in Pacific Northwest in iSSO— Continued Industry group Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries- except forest products Forest products industries Transportation Trade Public service (n. e. c.) ' Professional service Domestic and personal Industry not specified Total .- Industry group .\griculture _ Fishing Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries- except forest products Forest products industries Transportation — Trade - Public service (n. e. c.) 3 Professional service Domestic and personal Industry not specified Total Washington Gainful workers Number 6,862 120, 572 84, 897 72,768 115,788 19, 517 51,686 60, 191 22,644 664,813 Unem- ployed A and B Number 1,224 12, 116 8,556 4,621 4,384 296 1,503 3,796 6,663 46,437 Gainful workers minus cla.sses A and B ■ Number 6,638 108, 466 76, 341 68, 147 111,404 19, 221 50.083 56,395 16, 981 618, 376 Percent 0.9 17.5 12.4 11.0 18.0 3.1 8.1 9.1 2.6 100.0 Pacific Northwest Gainful workers Number 331, 564 7,832 35, 645 227, 046 154, 522 154,851 226, 931 34,704 113, 690 123. 554 44,818 Unem- ployed classes A and B ' Number 8,091 1,142 6.295 21, 766 15,9.50 9.761 8,608 651 3,115 7,852 14, 539 97, 640 Gainful workers minus classes A and B ' Number 223, 473 6,690 27, 380 205, 280 138, 572 145,090 218, 423 34, 083 110, 575 116, 702 30, 279 Percent 23.8 .5 2.0 15.1 10.3 10.7 16.1 2.5 8.2 8.6 2.2 lOOO ' Class A Unemployed, "Persons out of a job, able to work, and looking for a job." Class B Unemployed, "Persons having jobs, but on lay-off without pay, excluding those sick or voluntarily idle." ^ Census of 1930, Occupation Statistics. 3 Not elsewhere classified. Source: Census of 1930, Unemployment, Volume I. T.4BLE B. — Employment of males by industries in the Pacific Northwest in 1930 Industry group Agriculture Fishing Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical industries- except forest products Forest products industries Transportation Trade .- Public service (n. e. c.) ^ Professional service Domestic and personal Industry not specified Total 139,872 Idaho Gainful workers Number 64,121 26 6,454 13, 927 11.784 12. 857 14.909 2.076 6.663 3,614 4,541 Unem- ployed classes A and B I Number 647 1,051 1,191 656 326 31 82 162 1,249 6,611 Gainful workers minus classes A and B i Number 62,904 26 5,807 12, 876 10. 593 12.301 14.584 2.045 5,681 3,352 3,292 133, 361 Percent net work- ers 47.1 0 4.4 9.7 7.9 9.3 10.9 1.5 4.2 2.5 2.6 100.0 I Class A unemployed, "Persons out of a job, able to work, and looking for a job." Cla,ss B unemployed. "Persons having jobs, but fin layoff without pay, excluding those sick or voluntarily idle." * Not elsewhere classified. Forest Resources of the Pacific Northwest 73 Table B. — Employment of males hij industries in the Pneific Northwest in 1930 — Continued Industry group Agriculture Fishing Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical indus- tries—except forest products -, Forest products industries Transportation- Trade _ Public service {n. e. c.) ' --- Professional service Domestic and personal... Industry not specified 77,523 30 17,540 22,602 5,445 21, 767 18, 965 3.755 6,545 5,357 4,588 Total 184, 117 Montana Gainful workers Number Unem- ployed classes A and B I N'limber 1,927 3,973 2,651 787 1,439 608 112 143 371 1,690 13,701 Gainful workers minus classes A and B 1 Number 75, 596 30 13,567 19,951 4,658 20,328 18, 357 3,643 6, 402 4,986 2,898 170,416 Percent net work- ers 44.4 0 8.0 11.7 2.7 11.9 10.8 2.1 3.8 2.9 1.7 100.0 Industry group Agriculture Fishing Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical induS' tries— except forest products Forest products industries Transportation Trade Public service (n. e. c.) ' Professional service Domestic and personal. Iudu.stry not specified Total Oregon Gainful workers Number 78, 869 2,074 2,607 66. 729 50. 470 40.503 50,667 6,896 16,547 12,953 10,944 328, 359 Unem- ployed classes A and B i Number 2,294 254 442 7, 170 5, 219 2,947 1,915 173 464 8&1 4,467 26,209 Gainful workers minus classes A and B ' Number 76, 675 1,820 2,165 49, 559 45,251 37, 556 48, 762 6,723 16, 183 12,089 6,477 302,150 Percent net work- ers 25.3 16.4 15.0 12.4 16.2 2.2 5.0 4.0 2.2 100.0 ' Class A unemployed, "Persons out of a job, able to work, and looking for a job." Class B unemployed. "Persons having jobs, but on layolT without pay, excluding those sick or voluntarily idle." ' Not elsewhere classified. Tabi.k B. — limploi/ment of males by inthistries in tin Parijic Northwest in 1930 — Continued Industry group Agriculture Fishing Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical indus- tries— except forest products Forest products industries Transportation Trade Public service (n. e. c.) ' Professional service Domestic and personal Industry not specified Total ., 537,716 Washington Gainful workers Number 99,523 5,631 6,768 106, 788 82,297 66, 1,56 86, 401 17,688 24. 766 22,117 19, 581 Unem- ployed classes A and B I Number 2,278 884 1,221 11,128 8.361 4.460 2,850 261 745 1,380 6,016 39, 582 Gainful workers minus A and B > Number 97, 247 4,747 5,547 95, 660 73. 936 61.696 83.551 17, 427 24,021 20,737 13, 565 498, 134 Percent net work- ers 19.5 1.0 1. 1 19.2 14.8 12.4 16.8 3.6 4.8 4.2 2.7 100.0 Industry group Agriculture Fishing Extraction of minerals Manufacturing and mechanical indus- tries— except forest products Forest products industries Transportation Trade Public service (n. e. c.) ' Professional service Domestic and personal Industry not specified Total Pacific Northwest Gainful workers Number 320,036 7,761 33, 369 200. 046 149, 998 141,283 170, 942 30,416 52, 621 43,941 39,654 1,190,064 T'nem. ployed classes A and B ' Number 7,714 1,138 6,283 22,000 15, 55S 9.402 5,698 577 1.434 2,777 13,422 86,003 Gainful workers minus classes A and B i Number 312,322 6. 62:) 27, 086 178. 046 134,438 131.881 166. 244 29.838 51, 187 41,164 26,232 1,104,061 Percent net work- ers 28.3 .6 2.5 16.1 12.2 11.9 15.0 2.7 4.6 3.7 2.4 100.0 ' Class A unemployed. "Persons out of a job, able to work, and looking for a job." Class B unemployed. "Persons having jobs, but on layofl without pay, excluding those sick or vuluul;irily idle." Source: Census of 1930, Unemployment, Volume I. 74 National Resources Committee Table C. — Tonnage of totals of net exports of Pacific Northwest Slates by commodili/ groups, 1929 [In thousand short tons] Location Apriciil- tural products Percent Animals and products Percent Mine products Percent Forest products Percent Manufac- tures and miscella- neous Percent Total Percent 1,176 1,303 396 1.455 34.5 65.3 6.8 14.5 155 253 74 64 4.5 12.7 1.3 .7 305 28 3 52 9.0 1.4 (') .5 1,630 171 6,229 8,036 47.9 8.6 89.2 80.2 140 240 157 412 4.1 12.0 2.7 4.1 3,406 1,995 5,859 10, 018 100 100 100 100 4.330 20.3 546 2.6 388 1.8 15, 066 70.8 949 4.5 21, 278 100 ' Less than 0.5 percent. Table D. — Estimated value of totals of net exports of Pacific Northivest States by commodity groups, 1929 (In thousand dollars] Location Agricul- tural products Percent Animals and products Percent Mine products Percent Forest products Percent Manufac- tures and miscella- neous Percent Total Percent 49, 436 52, 351 24,846 80,012 33.5 36.3 13.1 21.5 44, 698 56,483 19. 780 25, 601 30.3 39.2 10.5 6.9 18, 713 332 192 471 12.7 .2 .1 .1 23, 876 2,829 120, 982 200,845 16.2 2.0 63.9 53.9 10,866 32.164 23,560 65, 435 7.3 22.3 12.4 17.6 147. 589 144. 159 189. 360 372. 364 100 Montana 100 100 100 Total - 206,645 24.2 146. 562 17.2 19, 708 2.3 348, 532 40.8 132, 025 15.5 853, 472 1 100 Sources: I. C. C. Freight Commodity Statistics, 1929. Railroad Reports to State Public Utilities Commissioners. 1929. Foreign Commerce and Navigation, 1929, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army, 1930. Harbor Reports of Tacoma and Seattle, Wash., and Portland, Oreg., 1930. Further sources for value figures, listed in -\ppendi.x No. 2, table H. Table E. — Tonnage of totals of net iyyrports of Pacific Northwest States by Commodity groups, 1929 [In thousand short tons] Location Agricul- tural products Percent Animals and products Percent Mine products Percent Forest products Percent Manufac- tures and miscella- neous Percent Total Percent Idaho 39 83 235 296 2.6 .5.1 6.6 4.4 'i 18 99 0.1 .2 .5 1.5 931 1, 072 625 1,316 62.3 65. 1 17.5 19.7 133 738 0.5 .9 3.4 11. 1 516 473 2,579 4,226 34.5 28.7 72.0 63.3 1.495 1.646 3,680 6, 675 100 100 100 100 Total 653 4.9 122 .9 3,944 29.4 883 6.6 7,794 58.2 13, 396 100 Table F. — Estimated vahie of totals of net itnports of Pacific Northwest States by connnodity groups, 1929 [In thousand dollars] Location Agricul- tural products Percent Animals and products Percent Mine products Percent Forest products Percent Manufac- tures and miscella- neous Percent Total Percent Id;iho-- 2.714 5,532 17, 062 17.649 3.7 5.2 8.8 5.3 635 938 5,858 23,743 0.9 .9 3.0 7.1 5,230 29,283 7.517 33, 340 7.0 27.6 3.9 10.0 923 1.950 348 7,092 1.2 1.8 .2 2.1 64,770 68, 543 163, 202 251,998 87.2 M.5 84.1 75.5 74, 272 106, 246 193, 987 333. 822 ICO Montana 100 100 Washington __ . 100 TotaL.. 42,957 6.1 31, 174 4.4 75, 370 10.6 10.313 1.5 548, 513 77.4 708. 327 100 Sources: I. C. C. Freight Commodity Statistics. 1929. Railroad Reports to State Public Utilities Commissioners, 1929. Foreign Commerce and Navigation, 1929, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army, 1930. Harbor Reports of Tacoma and Seattle, Wash., and Portland, Oreg., 1930. Further sources for value figures listed in Appendix No, 2, table H. Forest Resources oj the Pacific Northwest 75 a •o e rt i r O OJ T3 •^ ^ 3 i: > o rti r-*^ 0) > J" a t: CO s ki f n. E a n B: 3 -o iT r: Z o S tf ® "i ° S'O .C o :: o Q. 5;^"§7 8 CO "3 .« O — > « ^.;2£ = " S c 5*3 ■ g-3 °S5 2 e_, ® C -1 ^ •::cEs-s « o 9 X. — » -^"£^^ £.2 . = c." X K— • o : "*i -J 5 S /^ J= 5 r £ ~ I -^ Cc S" '. •" "■• -rv . M u ao.Sf 0. c o'§|°5i Pi5 £ a S o _s3 1 z -1 M '■00 --i" " C*- « < 1 Cf 1 < 1 -lO 1 1 ... . 1 .-."lO 0 00 CO' CO 3,123 644 3,437 S o .co-^u^ooo 'rts-^ ' .«.-i ■tcr-M > -o '(Ceo 1 — -f no 'oo . . < oo o . . r- eo Ir-rcf"3Q0 l^o-'r-'io I '■ ! 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U3 lO iC«?u5M5iftii?0»0 Forest Resources oj the Pacific Northwest 77 1,025 351 1,365 8, .129 2.902 7,781 ""727 122 993 219 26 87 451 12,961 16,006 127.985 8.387 12. 272 234 111 "6,' 230 380 67 5.036 9,963 4,704 15. 935 5,219 427 91 " 134, 156 to 15, 372 3,183 21,421 79, 120 33, 190 106,022 ""m.'mi 13,618 54,168 13, 781 1, 705 7,834 34, 220 23,808 48,428 218,889 9, 616 208.484 1.497 5,112 "'27li62 6,202 415 36, 704 7, 725 16, 374 9,615 30,600 2,339 ■"i8,'663 ■"48,'488 699, 849 s t^ 759 20,008 29,891 14,872 98 382 1,572 3 ?3 OS 1 30,408 51,041 70, 181 210,448 1,175 1,866 12,423 2,"295 ^ R 107 ""835 5,366 1,079 2,055 300 "i,'99i 13 617 25 8 339 2,518 2,498 54. 010 3. 568 11,366 135 8 "3,' 288 122 21 2,325 9,160 2,155 6,823 2,249 238 271 1,362 9 ""963 54,733 S 1.601 49, 773 12,094 27,996 12,010 "■■23,'i67 110 ■■■'i,'i8i 33, 965 1,511 757 28, 622 4,593 7,850 89, 273 4,091 191, 226 886 607 ■"iVioi 1,676 129 17. 487 7,095 7,544 4. ,149 13. 145 1.300 1.327 6. 941 1,988 ■"i4,'368 244, 726 s Oi :<=> ; 1 ; ; 12 g : ;s ; ; is ; ; : : 1 1 ; 1 :s ; ; : 1 ; : : 1 : ; : : 1 : i II, 1 100 CO 1 1^ 1 I 1 0,1111 I..-S . 1 ; i : : ; is 2 i i i ! ; i i i ; i i i i i"^ i ; ; i ; ; i : i i i i^ ; ; CO CO .a! 1 ' • ' 'O £. 1 -go ■ ' -2* ■'''£; w ■ . !* 1 ; 1 1 ;5i 2 1 ;2 1 ; iS 1 \ \ \ ; 1 ; ; ;3 ; : ; ; ; ; 1 1 1 ; : 1 : ; 1 III 1 icT cT ! i^ I 1 i-h" i III 1 j ; j left 1 ! ; I ! 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 ! j s 696 144 230 04 1,105 4,010 "■3,"278 ""462 24 333 77 22 76 190 2,290 1,822 39, 677 3,114 912 19 762 2,309 256 26 1,484 793 638 9,882 2,060 172 15 ■■ilBio 37, 043 CC 10, 421 1,310 3,642 .191 12,383 54, 635 '"is.'iio 2,213 15, 325 4,734 1,641 6,744 16, 079 4. 176 6,014 65, 727 3,455 17, 595 ""ilOM 2.738 10.044 3.496 156 11, 169 616 2.233 5, 679 12, 039 943 ""2.'864 "'m.'si'o 165.629 CO Oi 782 3,694 714 11 814 2,957 CO 31,328 8,297 8,164 73 3.078 18, 603 CO C3> CO' 96 147 171 2,703 421 807 13 ""25 3 67 82 6 5 '6,'446 8,220 20 239 1,291 48 65 719 442 2 18 761 19 361 '"480 18 74 8 72 423 12, 094 s 1.440 1,332 2.708 25. 078 4.712 12. 225 526 '■"2,'i7.3 233 3,702 5,029 485 418 "'ii,"886 26,230 37, 660 1.491 298 2.338 2.263 1, 925 31 111 4,999 15 1, 246 2,"86ii 96 363 46 14, 866 6.302 54. 076 CO ; ; 1 ; ; ; :| ||S 1 1 : i ; : s : : ■ i"" • ■ ■ • i i i ■ ig • i ■ ; i" ; i ' ' ' ' ' 11^ eoo" ! ! I ! ! I II II I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I ' I ' '"llVm 32, 662 145,726 110 17,047 396 593 ■""2,'483 g i 127 69 118 396 357 819 "344 82 ""36 8 74 1,713 2, 460 14,058 415 3 62 28 972 191 3 466 'i.'ssi "436 86 15 366 30, 286 0 s" o«x«o •"'11 II I"^^ |icio . »o — CO CJ -r COMCC30 . 0 |CO [lO .n- i~>n^ ^ r^n-T ^ 1 t II IOCS Iff 1 cce^'of cs — 'ec i n -uS i(N i i uiisi .H . . , , ,eo 1 1 cs 1 III 1 CO 0 290 863 19 6,710 24 '■"2,1 ...... CO CO X c? 11,814 1,830 45 70,723 1,834 86 26 995 c5 Kails, fastenings, frogs, and switches Kailway car wneels, axles, and trucks.. Cast-iron pipes and fittings Iron and steel pipes and fittings, n. 0. s.. Iron and steel: Nail and wire not woven. . Iron and steel: Hated fifth class in I. C. 0, ollicial classification, n. o. s. (also tin and terne platoj Scrap iron and scrap steel Copper: Ingot, pig. or slab Copper, brass, and bronze: Bar, sheet, and pipe Lead and zinc: Ingot, pig. or bar Aluminum: InRot. piR. or slab Cement. Portland (buildinR) Urick, common Urick, n. o. s. and building tile Sewer pipe and draintile (not metal) Artificial stone, n. o. s - I.imc, common (cpiick or slaked) Plaster (stucco or wall) and dry kalso- ininc Tractor.s anci parts ARriciiltiiral implementsand parts, n.o.s. AutoMiuhiles and autotrucks and parts n. " s .\nliiinoliiie and autotruck tires Kerlili/ers. n. o. s. Alcohol, denatured or wood Sulphuric acid E.\ plosives, n. o. s Uosin Turpentine. Soap and washing compounds IJry goods and wearing apparel, n. 0. s.. Hagging and bags, burlap, gunny or jute. Tobacco, manufactured products Glass: I'lat; bottles, jars; and jelly glasses. Cottonseed oil Linseeci oil__ Vegetable oils, n. o. s Ice Prepared roofing materials (not forest).. Manufactures and miscellaneous, n. 0. s. Total manufactures !*nd miscella- neous 532 533 634 535 536 537 638 540 641 545 548 560 552 563 554 566 567 658 660 662 667 568 570 571 572 573 575 576 577 578 580 585 .190 591 .192 593 694 .196 697 698 599 1 1 gc.- ■Ha C .. Et ds -'•< six o . O - to 2 78 National Resources Committee Table H. — Commodities and types of prices used in deterviininq values of imports and exports by commodity groups Table H. — Commodities and types of prices used in determining values of imports and exports by commodity groups — Continued No. Ill 112 113 111 119 120 131 140 l/iO 160 163 164 165 167 Commodities and prices GROUP I. PRODUCTS OF AGRKJULTUKE Wheat. Farm prices— Idaho, Montana, Ore- gon, and Washinj^ton. Corn. Weighted average farm price 12 Mid- western States, plus freight and marketing. Oats. Farm prices— Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. Barley and rye. W^eighted average farm prices — Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Wash- ington. Rice, blue rose, clean. Average wholesale price— Xew Orleans, plus freight. Buckwheat. United States estimated farm price. Flour, wheat. Average price, f. o. b. mills- Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. Meal, corn. United States average wholesale price, f. 0. b. mill, plus freight from Midwest points. Rye flour. United States average wholesale price, f. 0. b. mill. Corn breakfast foods ready to eat, oat meal, flaked and rolled oats, wheat breakfast foods to be cooked, wheat breakfast foods ready to eat, and cereal foods, n. e. s. Weighted aver- age United States wholesale price, plus freight from Midwest points. Mi.xed dairy and poultry feeds, prepared and mixed feeds and other feeds, including screen- ings. Weighted average prices, f. o. b. mills- Idaho, Montana. Oregon, and Washington. All hay. Farm prices— Idaho, Montana, Ore- gon, and Washington. Straw. Wholesale prices in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. (Average whole- sale prices in large cities in respective States.) Tobacco, leaf. Average United States whole- sale price, plus freight from Kentucky and Virginia. Cotton, middling and linters. Wholesale prices— Xew Orleans, plus freight. Cottonseed. Weighted average United States farm price, plus freight from Memphis and marketing costs. Cottonseed meal, prime. Wholesale price- Memphis, plus freight. Citrus fruits. Weighted average farm price- oranges, 7 States; grapefruit. 4 States; and lemons and limes, 1 State; plus freight and marketing. Apples. Farm prices— Idaho, Montana, Ore- gon, and Washington. Strawberries and cranberries. Oregon and Washington — weighted average farm price respective States; Idaho and Montana- average Oregon, Washington, and Utah farm prices, plus freight and marketing. Grapes. California farm price, plus freight and marketing. Peaches. Idahoand Washington— farm prices respective States; Montana and Oregon- average California, Idaho, and Washington farm prices, plus freight and marketing. Watermelons. Weighted average farm prices for early and late California's, plus freight and marketing. Cherries, pears, and prunes. Idaho, Oregon, and Washington— weighted average farm prices respective States; Montana— average Idaho, Oregon, and Washington farm prices, plus freight and marketing. Bananas. Foreign import value, plus freight and marketing. Figs and olives, California, and pineapples, Florida. Weighted average farm prices, plus freight and marketing. Sources for prices Farm Value, Gross Income, and Cash Income From Farm Production, 1929, Bu- reau of Agricultural Eco- nomics, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Do. Do. Do. Yearbook, 1930. U. S. De- partment of Agriculture. Do. Census of Manufcictures, 1929, U. S. Department of Commerce. Census of Distribution. 1929, U. S. Department of Com- merce. Do. Statistical Abstract, 1930, U. S. Department of Com- merce. Census of Manufactures, 1929, U. S. Department of Commerce. Farm Value, Gross Income, and Cash Income From Farm Production, 1929. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. U. S, Depart- ment of Agriculture. Trade associations. Yearbook. 1930. U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture. Statistical Abstract, 1930, U. S. Department of Com- merce. Farm Value, Gross Income, and Cash Income From Farm Production. 1929. Bu- re-:iu of Agricultural Eco- nomics. U. S. Department of .\2riculture. Statistical Abstract, 19.30, U. S. Department of (Com- merce. Crops and Markets, 1930. TT. S. Department of .Agri- culture. Farm Value, Gross Income and Cash Income From Farm Production, 1929. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture. Do. Do. Do. Crops and Markets, 1930, U. S. Department of Agri- culture. Crops and Markets. 1929, U. S. Department of .Vgri- culture. Statistical Abstract, 1930, U. S. Department of Com- merce. Farm \'alue. Gross Income, and Cash Income F'rom Farm Production, 1929, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture. 170 171 172 186 189 190 193 Commodities and prices GROUP 1. PRODUCTS OF AGRICULTURE— COntd. Potatoes, white. Farm prices— Idaho, Mon- tana, Oregon, and Washington. Cabbage. Average CaUfornia, Colorado. Texas, and Utah farm prices, plus freight and marketing. Onions. Idaho, Oregon, and Washington- farm prices respective States; Montana — average Idaho. Oregon, and Washington farm prices, plus freight and marketing. Tomatoes (market). Idaho and Montana- average California and Utah farm prices, plus freight and marketing; Oregon and Wash- ington—California farm price plus freight and marketing. Idaho— celery and lettuce. Weighted average farm price. Washington— asparagus, lettuce, spinach, snap beans, and cucumbers. Weighted average farm price. Montana and Oregon— asparagus (Washing- ton), snap beans (California, Texas, and Washingtoni, cauliflower (California and Utah), carrots (California and Texas), celery (California, Idaho, and Utah), cucumbers (California and Texas), eggplant (Texas), green peas (Cahfornia), lettuce (California, Idaho. Washington , and Texas) , peppers (Cahfornia and Texas), and spinach (Cali- fornia, Washington, and Texas). Weighted average farm prices, plus freight and market- ing. Idaho and Oregon- dried prunes. Farm prices respective States. Washington— figs and raisins, California. Farm prices plus freight and marketing. Montana— Dried prunes (Idaho and Oregon) and figs and raisins (California). Average farm price, plus freight and marketing. Beans, dry. Idaho and Montana— farm price respective States; Oregon and Washington- average Idaho and Montana farm prices, plus freight and marketing. Sweetpotatoes and beets. Weighted average United States farm prices, plus freight and marketing. Peanuts. Wholesale price, Norfolk, Va., plus freight and marketing. Flaxseed. Montana— farm price. Idaho and Washington— Montana farm price, plus freight and marketing; Oregon— weighted average Montana farm price, plus freight and marketing; and foreign import value, plus duty. Bugar beets. Idaho and Montana — farm prices respective States: Oregon and Washington- average Idaho and Montana farm prices, plus freight and marketing. Copra meal, linseed meal and cake, soybean meal and cake, and other oil cake. Wash- ington—weighted average foreign import value; Idaho and Montana — weighted aver- age United States wholesale price, plus freight from Pacific coast. Idaho— weighted average farm price red and alsike cloverseed. alfalfa seed, and popcorn. Montana— weighted average farm price em- mer and spelt, sweet cloverseed, and alfalfa seed. Oregon — weighted average United States farm prices of grain sorghums, emmer and spelt, sweet sorghum, hemp, red cloverseed, alsike cloverseed, alfalfa seed, timothy seed, sweet cloverseed, soybeans, and cowpeas. plus freight and marketing, and foreign import values of spices, seeds. cotTee beans, tea, and other foreign vegetables, n. e. s. Washington— weighted ax'erage foreign import values of spices, seeds, mushrooms, coffee beans, tea, currants, dates, citron peel, ginger root, nuts, and other vegetables, n. e. s. Sources for prices Farm Value, Gross Income, and Cash Income From Farm Production. 1929, Bureau of .Agricultural Economics, U. S. Depart- ment of -Agriculture. Do. Crops and Markets, 1929, U. S. Department of Agri- culture. Farm Value, Gross Income, and Cash Income From Farm Production, 1929. Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture; and Crops and Markets, 1929 and 1930, U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture. Farm Value, Gross Income, and Cash Income From Farm Production, 1929, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture. Crops and Markets, 1929, U. S. Department of Agri- culture. Statistical Abstract, 1930, U. S. Department of Com- merce. Farm Value. Gross Income, and Cash Income From Farm Production. 1929, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture; and Foreign Commerce and Navigation, 1929, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. U. S. Depart- ment of Commerce. Farm Value, Gross Income, and Cash Income From Farm Production, 1929, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture. Foreign Commerce and Nav- igation, 1929, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce; and Statistical Abstract, 1930, U. S. De- oartment of Commerce. Farm Value, Gross Income, and Cash Income From Farm Production, 1929, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, and Crops and Markets, 1929, U. S. De- partment of Agriculture, and Foreign Commerce and Navigation, 1929, Bu- reau of Foreign and Domes- tic Commerce, U. S. De- partment of Commerce. Forest Resources oj the Pacific Northwest 79 Table H. — Commodities and types of prices used in determining values of imports and exports by commodity groups — Continued Table H. — Commodities and types of prices used in determining values of imports and exports by commodity groups — Continued Commodities and prices GROUl' n. ANIMALS AND ANIMAL I'ROUUCTS Horses and mules. Weighted average farm prices — Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Wash- ington. Cattle and calves. Idaho, Montana, and Oregon— weighted average farm prices re- spective States; Washington- average Idaho, Montana, and Oregon farm prices, plus freight and marketing. Sheep and lambs. Weighted average farm prices— Idaho, IMoutana, Oregon, and Wash- ington. Hogs. Idaho and Montana— farm prices re- spective States; Oregon and Washington— average Idaho and Montana farm prices, plus freight and marketing. Fresh veal, lamb, mutton, steer carcasses, and pork loins, hams, and shoulders. Weighted average wholesale price, Chicago plus freight . Beef— pickled and other cured; pork pickled, dry-salted, and dry-cured, smoked and not smoked, and cook hams. Weighted average United States wholesale price, plus freight from Chicago. Sausage; meat puddings; headcheese; sausage casings, hug, beef, and other; lard; neutral lard, lard compounds, oleo oil and stock; and stearin (oleo and other). Weighted average United States wholesale price, plus freight from Chicago. Chickens, live. Farm prices— Idaho, Mon- tana, Oregon, and Washington. Chickens, dressed. Farm prices— Idaho. Montana, Oregon, and Washington. Eggs. Farm prices— Idaho, Montana, Ore- gon, and Washington. Butler. Average wholesale price. San Fran- cisco; Idaho and Montana— San Francisco price, minus freight; Oregon and \\'ashing- ton— San Francisco price, plus freight. Cheese. Average wholesale price, San Fran- cisco; Idaho, Montana, and Oregon— San Francisco price, minus freight; Washington- San Francisco, price plus freight. Oleomargarine, standard, uucolored. Whole- sale price, Chicago; Montana and Oregon- Chicago price, minus freight; Washington^ Chicago price, plus freight. Wool, unwashed. Estimated farm prices- Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. Hides, country. Estimated United States farm price. Fish oils. Oregon and Washington—average United States wholesale price; Montana- average United st:iies wholesale price, plus freight from Pucilic coas;. Idaho, Montana, and Oregon— hutterfat; fish; bones, hoofs, and horns, unmanufactured; milk and cream; honey; gelatin; glue; bees- wax; feather, crude; rabbits and other game; hair, hog, and other; animal furs; neats'-foot oil; and other animal oils; Idaho and Mon- tana—weighted average United States whole- sale price; Oregon— United States price, plus freight. "Washington -milk and cream; fresh salmon and other fish; shellfish; salted, pickled, smoked or dry-cured fish; egg yolks, frozen, canned, or dried; gelatin; glue; animal furs, bones, hoofs and horns; feathers, crude; ani- mal hair; honey, beeswax, sponges; antl meat extracts and bullion cubes. Weighted aver- age Washington expcjrt price. GROITI' m. PKODfCTS OF MINES Anthracite coal—lump anine, cedar, hem- lock, and other softwoods. Weighted aver- age prices in the woods— Idaho, Montana. Oregon, and Washington. Posts, poles, and pilings. Weighted average prices in the woods— Idaho, Montana, Ore- gon, and Washington. Wood (fuel). Weighted average prices in the woods — Idaho. Montana, Oregon, and Washington. Railroad ties, hewed, sawed, and creosoted. Weighted average prices at the point of pro- duction—Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Wa-shington. Pulpwood. Average prices, f. o. b. mills- Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. Lumber, shingles, and lath. Weighted aver- age prices, f. o. b. mills— Idaho, Montana. Oregon, ami Washington. Moulding sash, millwork. and doors. Weight- ed average prices, f. o. b. mills. Sources for prices Mineral Resources, 1929. Bureau of Mines, U. S. Department of Commerce. Do. Mineral Resources, 1929, Bu- reau of Mines, U. S. De- partment of Commerce. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Census of Manufactures. 1929, U. S. Department of Commerce. Do. Census of Manufactures, 1929, U. S. Department of Commerce; trade associa- tions; and Foreign Com- merce and Navigation, 19"21t. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, U. S. Department of Com- merce. Census of Manufactures, 1929. U. S. Department of Commerce. Do. Census of Manufactures, 1929, U. S. Dei)artment of Commerce; trade associa- tions; and Foreign Com- merce and Navigation, 1929, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, U.S. Deparlment of Commerce. 80 National Resources Committee Table H. — Commodities a7id types of prices used in determining values of imports and exports by commodity groups — Continued Table H. — Commodities and types of prices used in detennining values of imports and exports by commodity ^rowps^Continued No. 470 Commodities and prices 506 509 GROUP IV. PRODUCTS OF FORESTS— Continued Box, crate, and cooperage materials. Idaho Oregon, and Washington— weighted aver- age prices, f. o. b. mills; Montana— average Idabo, Oregon, and Washington mill prices plus freight. Veneer and plywood. Idaho, Oregon, and Washington— weighted average price, f. o. b. mills. Furniture, wood. Average wholesale price Pacific Northwest. Wood plup, sulphite, sulphate, and other. Oregon and Washington — prices, f. o. b. mills. Newprint paper. Oregon and Washington- price, f. 0. b. milLs; Idaho and Montana- average Oregon and Washington mill prices, plus freight. Paper bags and wrapping paper. Oregon and Washington— price, f. o. b. mills; Idaho and Montana— average Oregon and Washington mill prices, plus freight. Paperboard, wallboard (paper), and pulp- board. Oregon and Washington— average wholesale prices, f. o. b. mills; Idaho and Montana— average Oregon and Washington wholesale prices plus freight. Book paper, not coated (printing); cover paper; greaseproof and waterproof paper; wrapping paper; surface-coated paper; tissue crepe paper; toilet paper; paper towels and napkins; blotting paper; wallpaper; writing paper; and other paper and paper products. Oregon and Washington— w^eighted average wholesale price, f. o. b. mills; Idaho and Montana— average Oregon and Washington wholesale prices, plus freight. Tar and pitch, other gums and resins, pine oil, other essential oils, boat oars, wiigon stocks, hoe, shovel, and rake handles, striking tool handles; and other woodenware. Weighted average wholesale prices— Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. GROUP V. MANUFACTURES AND MISCELLANEOUS Illuminating oils, gasoline, naphtha, benzine, and tops. Weighted average price, f. o. b. refinery. Idaho — average for refineries in California, Montana, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wyoming, plus freight; Montana- average State refinery price; Oregon and Washington— average for refineries in Cali- fornia, Oklahoma, and Texas, plus freight. Fuel oil, average price, f. o. b. refineries. Idaho— average for refineries in Wyoming and Montana; Montana— average State re- finery price. Oregon and Washington- average for refineries in California, Okla- homa, and Texas, plus freight. Lubricating oil and greases. Average price, f. o. b. refineries. Idaho and Montana- average for refineries in California, Okla- homa, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wyoming, plus freight; Oregon and Washington— aver- age for refineries in California, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Texas, plus freight. Paraffin wax and mineral spirits. Oregon and Washington— average United States whole- sale prices; Idaho and Montana— average United States wholesale price plus freight from Pacific coast. Canned fruits, vegetables, milk (powdered, condensed, and evaporated), buttenuilk (powdered and evaporated), clams, salmon, and other fish. Oregon and Washington- weighted average prices, f. o. b. canneries; Idaho and Montana- average Oregon and Washington wholesale prices, plus freight. Sugar, beet and cane. Idaho and Montana- average United States wholesale price for beet sugar; Oregon and Washington- weighted averages of United States whole- sale prices for beet and cane sugar. Corn sirup and zuixtures of corn and other sirups, cane sirup, cane-refiners sirup, and edible molasses. Weighted average United States wholesale price, plus freight from Midwest points. Beet molasses and beet pulp. Montana- weighted average United States price, f. o. b. refinery. Idaho, Oregon, and Washington- weighted average United States price, plus freight. Pig hon, basic and Bessemer. Wholesale price, Pittsburgh, plus freight. Sources for prices Trade associations; Foreign Commerce and Naviga- tion. 1929, Bureau of For- eign and Domestic Com- merce, U. S. Department of Commerce. Trade associations. Do. Census of Manufactures, 1929, U. S. Department of Commerce. Do. Do. Trade associations. Trade associations; Foreign Commerce and Navigation 1929, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, U. S. Department of Com- merce. Census of Manufactures, 1929, U. S. Department of Commerce. Do. Wholesale prices, 1929. Bu- reau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor. Census of Manufactures, 1929, U. S. Department of Commerce. Census of Distribution, 1929, U. S. Department of Com- merce. Do. Engineering and Mining Journal. No. 538 540 545 548 550 Commodities and prices GROUP v. MANUFACTURES AND MISCELLANEOUS— continued Wholesale price, 554 558 Open hearth steel billets. Pittsburgh, plus freight. Steel rails; rail joints and fastenings, tie plates, etc., and railroad spikes; and switches, frogs, and crossings. Weighted average United States price, f. o. b. mill, plus freight from Pittsburgh. Car and locomotive wheels and axles, rolled or forged. Weighted average United States price, f. 0. b. mill, plus freight from Pitts- burgh. Cast-iron pipe and fittings— Bell and spigot pipe; flanged pipe, culvert pipe; soil and plumber's pipe and fittings; and cast-iron fittings for water, gas, steam, and other pur- poses. Weighted averaged United States price, f. 0. b. mills, plus freight from Pitts- burgh. Wrought iron-steel pipes, tubes, and fittings (wrought, welded, and seamless). Weighted average United States price, f. o. b. mill, plus freight from Pittsburgh. Plain wire; barbed wire; wire nails; wire tacks; and wire staples. Weighted average United States price, f. o. b. mill, plus freight from Pittsburgh. Iron and steel — blooms, billets, and staves; sheet and tin-plate bars; muck and scrap bars; structural shapes, light and heavy (not assembled or fabricated); concrete-reinforc- ing bars; open-hearth or Bessemer steel bars; electric-steel bars; iron bars; wire rods; bolt and nut rods, and spike and chain rods; cru- cible plate steel and saw plates; boiler and other plate; sheets (No. 13 and thinner, not coated)— automobile body, black, and plain; skelp; cotton ties; hot rolled strips f(.r cold rolling; other hoops, bands, and sirii's; pLiIe and armor, ordnance; rolled and forced iron and steel products, n. e. s.; cold rolled strip steel; cold finished steel bars; and tin and terne plate. Weighted average United States price, f. o. b. mill, plus freight from Pittsburgh. Scrap iron and scrap steel. Weighted average United States price, f. o. b. mill; plus freight from Pittsburgh. Copper, electrolytic, refinery. Idaho and Montana— refinery price; Oregon and Wash- ington—refinery price plus freight. Brass and bronze bars; and brass, bronze, and copper cods, tubing (seamless) pipe, and castings. Idaho and Montana— weighted average United States price, f. o. b. mill; Oregon and Washington— weighted average United States price, plus freight from Butte. Lead, common, and zinc, prime, western, at East St- Louis. Idaho and Montana- weighted average price at St. Louis less freight; Oregon and Washington— St. Louis price, plus freight. Aluminum (No. 1 virgin 98-99 percent). New York. Montana— New York price; Oregon and Washington— New York price, plus freight. Cement, Portland. Average United States price, f. 0. b. plants, plus freight. Brick, common. Average United States price, f. 0. b. yards, plus freight. Vitrified, face, enameled, fire, silica, magnesite, and chrome bricks; and floor, ceramic, mo- saic, enameled, faience, and wall tiles. Weighted average United States price, f. o. b. yards, plus freight. Clay sewer pipe and drain tile; concrete drain tile and sewer pipes, plain (4-inch to 24- inch) and reinforced (24-inch to lOS-inch). Weighted average United States price, f . o. b. yards, plus freight. Corundum (aluminous abrasives) and con- crete products (brick, cast stone, cistern, and manhole blocks, silo blocks, staves and slabs, monuments and grave markers, burial vaults, and precast paving materials). Weighted average United States price, f. o. b. plants, plus freight. Quick and hydrated lime. Weighted average United States price, f. o. b. kilns, plus freight. Gypsum plaster, neat plaster (unfibered), sanded plaster, fibered plaster, gaging and finish plaster, plaster of paris, magnesite stucco, portland-cement stucco, and other plasters. Weighted average United States price, f. 0. b. plants, plus freight. Sources for prices Statistical Abstract, 1930, U. S. Department of Com- merce. Census of Distribution, 1929, U. S. Department of Com- merce. Do. Do. Do. Do. Engineering and Mining Journal. Census of Distribution, 1929, U. S. Department of Com- merce. Engineering and Mining Journal. Do. Wholesale prices, 1929, Bu- reau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor. Do. Census of Distribution, 1929, U. S. Department of Com- merce. Do. Do. Do. Do. Forest Resources of the Pacific Northwest 81 Table H. — Commodities and types of prices used in determining values of imports and exports by commodity groups — Continued Table H. (Commodities and types of prices used in determining values of imports and exports by commodity groups — Continued No. 560 562 567 568 570 572 573 677 578 Commodities and prices GROUP V. MANUFACTURES AND MISCELLANEOUS— continued Tractors and parts. Average price, f. o. b. factory, plus freight. Agricultural implements and part*?. Average price, f. o. b. factory, plus freight. Automobiles and autotrucks, and parts. Aver- age price, f. o. b. factory, plus freight. Automobile and autotruck tire^s. Average price, f. 0. b. factory, plus freight. Nitrate-s, superphosphates, fish meal, bone- meal, and other fertilizers. Oregon and "Washington— weighted average value of foreign and domestic imports; Idaho — aver- age Oregon and Washington value, plus freight from Pacific coast; Montana— United States price at point of production. Alcohol, denatured. Wholesale prices in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington (average of wholesale prices in large cities in respective States). Sulphuric acid, 66°, New York. Washing- ton—New York price; Idaho, Montana, and Oregon — New York price, plus freight from Du Pont, Wash. Dynamite. Average 40- and 60percent gela- tin. Wholesale prices in carload lots at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; Butte, Mont.; Port- land, Oreg.; and Seattle, Wash. Pigments (white lead, lead oxide, zinc oxide, lithopone, iron oxides, other mineral colors, chrome yellow, chrome orange, prussian blue, ultramarine, vermilion, other fine colors, mortar colors, whiting, other dry colors, and pulp colors, sold moistl, paints (in paste form, water paints, and kalsomine, and mixed ready for use), varnishes, japans, lacquers, fillers, putty, bleached shellac, and stains. Weighted average United States wholesale price, plus freight from Chicago. Rosin, Savannah, Qa., plus freight. __ Turpentine. Average, Savannah, Ga., plus freight. Soap— toilet; foot, ships; laundry and other hard soaps; granulated and powdered; liquid; soft; paste; shaving; special soap arti- cles; stock or base; and soap, n. e. s. Weighted average United States wholesale price plus freight. Cotton woven gofids; cotton yarns; cotton thread; cotton twine; batting, wadding, and mattress felts; cotton card laps, sliver and roving; and cotton waste produced for sale; silk and rayon bniad goods; silk threads and yarns; rayon threads and yarns; woolen and worsted goods; woolen and cotton blankets; Sources for prices Manufacturers' associations. Do. Do. Census of Distribution, 1929, U. S. Department of Com- merce; Foreign Commerce and Navigation, 1929, Bu- reau of Foreign and Do- mestic Commerce, U. S. Department of Commerce Wholesale Prices, 1929, Bureau of Labor Statistics. U. S. Department of Labor. Trade associations. Statistical Abstract, 1930, U. S. Department of Com- merce. Manufacturers' associations. Census of Distribution, 1929. U. S. Department of Com- merce. Wholesale Prices, 1929, Bu- reau of Labor Statistic^, U. S. Department of Labor. Do, Census of Distribution, 1929, U. S. Department of Com- merce. Do. No. 585 590 591 592 593 594 598 599 Commodities and prices GROUP V. MANUFACTURES AND MiscKLLANEous— eonlinued wool upholsteries and draperies; wool yarns; wool ciird rolls, batts, anci batting; wool tops and snubbings; wool noils and waste; and wearing apmrel of cotton, wool, rayon, and silk. Weighted average United States whole- sale price, plus freight from New England States. Bagging and bags, burlap or jute. Oregon and Washington —weighted average value of foreign ami domestic imiK>rts; Idaho and Montana— average Oregon and Washington value, plus freight from Pacific coast. Cigarettes; chewing tobacco, plug and other; smoking tobacco, including cigar cuttings; and other tobacco manufactures. Idaho and Montana— value of manufactures in respec- tive States; Oregon and Washington- weighted average Uniti'd S|;il(^sf;icti>ry price, plus freight from Kentucky and \"ir^inia. Plate glass, wintiow glass, buttles, jars, and jelly glasses. Average price, f. o. b. factory, plus freight. Cottonseed oil. Average United States price, f. o. b. refinery, plus freight from Kansas City. Linseed oil. Average United States price, f. o. b. refinery, plus freight from Kansas City. Coconut oil, soybean oil, vegetable soup stock and other vegetable fats. Oregon and Washington— weighted average foreign and domestic import value; Montana and Idaho— average Oregon and Washington import value, plus freight from Pacific coast. Ice. Manufacturers' prices in Idaho, Mon- tana, Oregon, and Washington. Crushed slag. Montana and Washington- average United States price, f. o. b. mill; Idaho— United States price, plus freight from Montana. Sheathing, felts, asbestos-filled and asbestos paper. Weighted average United States price, f. o. b. mill, plus freight. Manufactures and miscellaneous, n. o. s. (including railroad I. c. 1. freight). Aver- age of Pacific Northwest export and import manufactures, items 500-598, inclusive. Sources for prices Census of Distribution, 1929, U. S. Department of Com- merce; Foreign Commerce and Navigation, 1929, Bu- reau of Foreign and Do- mestic Commerce, U. S. Department of Commerce; Wholesale prices, 1929, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor. Manufacturers' associations; Census of Distribution, 1929. U. S. Department of Commerce; Wholesale prices, 1929, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. De- partment of Labor. Manufacturers' associations. Census of Distribution, 1929, U. S. Department of Com- merce. Do. Foreign Commerce and Nav- igation, 1929, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, U. S. Depart- ment of Commerce; Whole- sale prices, 1929, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U. S. Department of Labor. Census of Manufactures 1929, U. S. Department of Commerce; manufacturers, associations. Census of Manufactures 1929, U. S. Department of Commerce. Census of Distribution. 1929 U. S. Department of Com merce. Items 500-598, inclusive. Note.— Freight ami marketingcostsof commodities are estimated. Freight based on blanket rate from the point of production to Pacific Northwest. Marketing costs based on estimates from trade sources. Table I. — Revenue freight originating on railroads in Pacific Northwest by cominodity groups. 1929 [In thousand short tons] Location Agricul- tural products Percent Animals and products Percent Mine products Percent Forest products Percent Manufac- tures and miscel- laneous Percent Less t han carload Percent Total Percen t Idaho Montana - I.8S8 2.084 939 2,795 26.4 30.0 6. .5 11.1 237 339 188 168 3.4 4.9 1.3 .7 1,085 2,040 430 2,384 15.4 29.3 3.0 9.4 3,538 1,481 11,367 17,520 50.3 21.3 79.2 69.3 2.W 862 1.246 2.139 3.6 12.4 8.7 8.5 61 146 192 259 0.9 2.1 1.3 1.0 7,033 6,952 14, 361 25,264 100 100 100 Washington 100 Pacific Northwest- 7.676 14.3 932 1.7 6,939 11.1 33, 905 63.3 4,501 8.4 658 1.2 53,610 100 Table J. — Freight revenue earned on freight originating in Pacific Northwest by commodity groups^ 1929 [In thousand dollars] Location Agricul- tural products Percent Animals and products Percent Mine products Percent Forest products Percent Manufac- tures and miscel- laneous Percent Less than carload Percent Total Percent Idaho.- 8,-611 7,032 3,822 16,887 36.6 33.3 13.2 26.9 1,226 2,323 1,102 1,837 8.0 11. 0 3.8 2.9 1,076 2,693 419 3,287 7.0 12.8 1.4 5.2 5,767 3,109 14.908 27,110 37.7 14.8 51.4 43.3 890 3.847 6.049 9,785 8.8 18.2 20.8 15.6 744 2,097 2.724 3,809 4.9 9.9 9.4 6.1 1,S 315 21,100 29.024 62,716 100 Montana .. 100 100 Washington . . 100 Pacific Northwest.. 33,352 26.0 6,489 8.1 7,476 6.8 50,894 39.7 20,571 16.1 9.373 7.3 128. lliS 100 Sources: I. O. C. Freight Commodity Statistics, 1929. Railroad Reports to State Public Utilities Commissioners, 1929. 82 National Resources Committee *§ s 13 5g §1 ■^43- s I » 1-9 ■< ■^j-oa — c>» «C O'W* toco a> Total entire ail road ystera PC X r- X- x-o ■O X x'-r CO S?f^":?" t~ro °- a g W -^eii>3"<-in CB 00Tt<«tO CO coco r-o «o 1 pHtO^ - cow CO u Ah ^^^ l>.rt _^ ^ xo oo CO ^ 2SS?" o esc;. XPJ ^ 4. S ootc«b- CO 3-— o uC' ^ e s •V. M o ^ ^ — - ;:^ ts C^ c f^J o; > S .o=S 53> e ■^s^ e tf c e H COOrf — CMXU5-^ M Total entire railroad system OS a s? r-iOi— .CCOSIO-^^ o o o ■ " '^ «=£^ _ ffl-^iSCf^^COO o Tot Nor we Tf — -cor^co — • r- X* (M ca r^ "*■ to CO « w u3 M U3 c^ ■c r- r- r* !SQ .■ ~ '<*' e^ OS X o — r, M ^^ cCcJci"-^ 00 CO OS (NCOiOiOiO^ M o ^ n w Cbt^-^-^^-I "C^co to CO £ ,,^ X'-'COOSOCO«--I o rH — ^ ^ O t-^ CO ^ CO CO to rP to anufac- urers d mis- aneous ^_, •o ^o"cOT^^^-H' C3' -H o CO ^ , r-c^cox loca — X >o CO ist. £&== •v" S 8 2 M S ^^ --< CO « X « X r- Ttt •-> X ^ r-coeo-HQOM »o id t^COCCO — OICO'O ^ d-^ ^ to t~- (NX — cir- —o «3 _, (M CO — M ' '^ ' —J ?j ^ £^ i; ^^ (NCSCiOt-C0«0 p r-^^w CO -; a M-^" ; : 1 1 1 32 o ; : Ii ; ; i :^S^ ■ CO s] i i i ilil i s o 1 ' -! 3 o ejc 1 <=a icSE.S 1 OS ca o CO a *Si O d d — o ^rS 3i Mi o C.nJ^ o a°2 Ph 2 OS o 3 Forest Resources of the Pacific Northwest 83 Table M. — Freight originating on railroads ' in Idaho fur the year 1920, b;/ conivioditi/ groups and railroads [In short tons] Railroad Oregon Short Line Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific. N'orthern Pacific Oregon- \\'ashingion Railroad & Navigation. Great Northern Camas Prairie _ AVashington. Idaho ) Total 2,602,040 856, .509 800,725 1,027,303 162,883 501,888 492. 784 306, 081 196, 706 27, .5.53 11.466 46, 674 7,032,612 Per- cent ICO 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 I For all railroads reporting tonnage by commodities or commodity groups. s Less than 0.05 percent. ' Boise & Western; Craig Mountain; Nez Perce A- Idaho. Sources: Heports of railroads to the Public I'lilities Commissioner o( the State of Idaho. Table K. — Estimated revenue earned by railioads ' in Idaho for the year 1929, by commodity groups and railroads (In thousand dollars) Railroad Oregon Short Line Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Northern Pacific .,. Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Great Northern Camas Prairie Washington. Idaho & Montana. Spokane International. Intermountain Pacific & Idaho Northern Gilmore & Pittsburgh... Total ; Agricul- tural products Per- cent 4,724 69.3 34 2.0 526 21.9 178 11.7 57 10.0 15 4.3 14 4.6 11 4.2 1 .6 40 57.7 11 26.6 6,611 36.6 Animals and products Per- cent 1,086 1.3.6 18 1.0 65 2.7 11 .7 2 .3 2 .5 (') .1 1 .4 5 3.9 18 26.1 19 43.3 1,226 8.0 Mine products ,5i 2! C) ,552 291 Per- cent 2.6 .1 23.0 19.1 (') .4 0) 4.1 1.4 3.2 17.4 ■.0 Forest Per- products cent 886 11.1 1,612 94.8 1,149 47.8 712 46.7 498 86.7 293 84.7 290 93.7 209 84.2 112 89.7 7 9.9 (') .3 6,767 37.7 Manufac- tures and Per- miscel- cent laneous 600 6.3 17 1.0 61 2.5 282 18.6 5 .9 8 2.2 2 .8 11 4.4 2 1.6 1 2.1 (') .3 890 5.8 Less than carloads 668 18 51 49 12 27 2 7 4 1 5 Per- cent 7.1 1.1 2.1 3.2 2.1 7.9 .8 2.7 2.9 1.0 12.1 Total 7,976 1,699 2,404 1, .52) ,575 346 309 248 125 70 43 15,315 Per- cent 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ' For all railroads reporting revenue by commodities or commodity groups. ' Less than ibOf,. > Less than 0.05 percent. Sources; Reports of railroads to the Public Utilities Commissioner of the State of Idaho. Table O. — Freight originating on railroads ' in Montana for the year 1929, by commodity groups and railroads [In short tons] Railroad Great Northern Northern Pacific- Chicago, Milwaukee. St. Paul & Pacific. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Montana, Wyoming & Southern. Oregon Short Line Milwaukee, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie.. Gilmore & Pittsburgh Other roads 3 Total. Agricul- tural products 1, 028, 203 550, 271 358,116 81, 274 11,363 4,740 26, 078 24,448 2, 084, 493 Per- cent 36.1 30.9 22.3 72.0 2.4 7.4 91.8 78.6 Animals and products Per- cent 119,644 4.2 108, 896 6.1 62, 801 3.9 18, ,564 16.4 210 W 21, 465 33.8 1,888 6.6 194 32.3 5,239 16.8 338,901 4.9 Mine Per- products cent 775, 996 27.3 199.897 11.2 679, 017 36.0 3,339 3.0 466,048 97.6 15,296 24.1 15 .1 265 44.1 36 .1 2,039,909 29.3 Forest products 459, 273 620. 076 387, 989 405 12,S30 109 18 1, 480, 800 Per- cent 16.1 34.9 24. 1 .4 20.4 18." i' Manu- factures and mis- cella- neous 401, 250. 201, 3, 4, 862, 240 Per- cent 14.1 14.1 12.5 3. 1 (') 6.7 .5 2.3 Less than car- loads 1,330 1,668 1,363 i, 799 600 1,847 288 33 635 145,613 Per- cent 2.2 2.8 1.2 5.1 .1 7.6 1.0 5.5 2.1 Total 2, 847, 962 1, 780. 017 1, 609, 129 HZ 909 478, 313 63.517 28,406 601 31, 102 6,951,956 Per- cent 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 I For all railroads reporting tonnage by commodities or commodity groups. ' I.e-ss than 0.05 jiercenl. ' White Sulphur Springs & Yellowstone; Montana Western. Sources: Reports of railroads to the Public Utilities Commissioner of the State of Montana. 84 National Resources Committee Table P. — Estimated revenue earned by railroads ' on freight originating in Montana for the year 1929, by commodity groups and railroads [In thousand dollars) Railroad Agricul- tural products Per- cent Animals and products Per- cent Mine products Per- cent Forest products Per- cent Manu- factures and mis- cella- neous Per- cent Less than car- loads Per- cent Total Per- cent 4,049 1,562 1,142 198 4 13 63 38.9 27.0 29.1 53. S 1.5 6.9 83.2 889 848 389 97 2 88 9 1 8.5 14.7 9.9 26.6 .5 39.4 12.0 38.0 1,079 394 901 3 •m 17 1 10.4 6.8 22.9 .7 97.7 7.6 . 1 24.7 1,323 1,106 645 1 12.7 19.1 16.4 .3 2, 136 1,049 638 12 11 1 20.5 18.2 16.2 3.2 (') 5.0 .7 936 822 218 57 1 60 3 1 9.0 14.2 .5.5 15.5 .3 27.0 4.0 23.4 10,411 5,781 3,933 368 306 223 76 2 100 100 ChicLigo Milwaukee. St. Paul & Pacific 100 100 100 Oretjon Short Line 34 15.1 100 Milwaukee. St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie 100 « 13.9 100 Total --- - 7,032 33.3 2,323 11.0 2,693 12.8 3,109 14.8 3,847 18.2 2,097 9.9 21, 100 100 " For all railroads reporting revenue by commodities or commodity groups. 3 Less than $500. a Less than 0.05 percent. Sources: Reports of railroads to the Public Utilities Commissioner of the State of Montana. Table Q.- — Freight originating on railroads ' /n Oregon for the year 1929, by commodity groups and railroads [In short tons] Railroad Southern Pacific Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Spokane, Portland &. Seattle Northern Pacific Oreat Northern Oregon Trunk Oregon, California & Eastern Sumpter Valley _ Oregon Short Line Valley & Siletz Other roads'- -. Total Agricul- tural products Per- cent 217,637 3.1 619, 817 28.2 25,889 4.6 101,048 62.6 4.416 3.8 12,869 6.7 10,907 1.3 1,472 .9 16,332 32.7 166 .1 27,992 .9 938, 544 6.5 Animals and products 50,291 72, 702 7,404 3.184 8.964 4,203 3,881 3, .560 27,461 5,875 187, 525 Per- cent 0.7 4.0 1.3 2.0 7.6 2.2 .5 2.3 65.0 1.3 Mine products 256, 634 70, 719 17,389 1,449 1, 225 1,057 4,693 634 910 100 75, 238 430, 048 3. 0 Per- cent 3.7 3.8 3.1 .9 1.0 .6 .6 .4 1.8 (') 2.3 Forest products 5, 850. 768, 231, 8, 59, 171. 786, 150. 240, 3, 099, Per- cent 83.7 41.7 41.4 6.2 50.2 89.5 96.5 95.0 99! 0 9.5.9 Manu- factures and mis- cellane- ous 542, 352, 245, 37. 33, 1. 7, 1, 269 940 479 648 616 411 710 459 2,063 692 21, 268 Per- cent 7.8 19.2 43.8 23.3 28.4 .7 .9 .9 4.1 .3 .7 11,366,824 79.2 1,246,454 8.7 191,994 1.3 14,361,389 than car- loads 72, 249 58, 121 32, 571 9,944 10, 557 588 1,330 730 2,859 1,372 1,675 Per- cent I.O 3.1 5.8 6.1 9.0 .3 .2 .6 5.7 .6 « Total 989, 562 842. 580 560, 189 161,731 117,887 192.065 815. 1.50 158.071 49.971 243. 095 231,098 Per- cent 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1 For all railroads reporting tonnage by commodities or commodity groups. 2 Less than 0.05 percent. s Astoria Southern; Big Creek