COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE HEALTH SCIENCES STANDARD HX64099881 QP77 .T33 1 91 7 From evolved beginni RECAP Columbia (Hntoenft'tp mtijeCitpoflrwfark College of pfjpsiicians; anb gmrgeon* Htbrarp ma •* . From Evolved Beginning (i. e. A Hole filling in with Gastronomic Ingredients) To Involved Endment (i. e. A Whole filled out with Anatomic Particulars) By HENRY DAVIDGE THAYER Practician and Propagandist of Physio-Psychic-Pronormalism PATHESCOPIC PRESS 1608 N. 18th Street Philadelphia. U. S. A. 19 17 seven, should read "acquisition." , The word "anticaption," at the end of the seventh line on page eleven, should read "anticipation." The word "fatus" near the end of the tenth line on page eleven, should read "faiuus" The word "Expectent," in the second line of the third paragraph on page eleven,; should read "Expectant." The word "conjectural," at the beginning of line eighteen on- page twelve, should read Vprojectural." ■"_ The word "indammed," at the end of line, nineteen on page twelve, should read "indammedness^ - The word; "£e$e£," at the beginning of the next to the, last line of next to the last paragraph on page, sixteen, should read "their." And, the word "(EACHE)," in the same line, should,read "(EACH).'; The word "HOL," in the caption line on page eighteen, should read "HOLE." : , - . Insert a connective hyphen between the. words "think" and "passing," in. the fourth, line of the fourth, paragraph of the section titled, "ROOT AND FRUIT, V on page twehtyrpne. • .....„■ , The word "omtogeneratively," in lifre twelve on page twenty-tiyo, shouldL read "o.ntogeneratively.". .; , .... ,!.,f : The word "enthusiasm," in the third line of the fourth paragraph on page twenty.three, should read "enthusiastic Insert "be,";. after "comes to,,." in, the second line of the fifth paragraph on.. page .twenty-three. w The word "hypst.atic," in the last line of the last paragraph on page twenty-four, sliould read "hypostatic." r No other explanation, than that, the deviations above noted, were deviations from, copy, compositorially originated and sanctioned by printorial proof-reading— -and, because of the lack of time, on the writer's part to carefully revise the proof before going to press, need be offered. - r To enable the reader to make a clear line of demarcation between the NOT-ME, or the content that sensiblv ingredients^ the "cavity cones of gastronomic-intakement." that evolutively culminate as the- eye-of-the-genus-homo, and, the YET-ME, or the contour that mensibly particularizes the "safety zones of anatomic-outmakement." that invo- lutively originate .as ihe-I-of-the-homogeneou?* , tjie. ME, must be posited and possessed, as the protomolar-skin-tension, operating be- tween the contrapolar-air : heir-pressures, with, the air-(i. e. flash and flood) -pressure, or the intending-in-pressures, playing the role of expending-performance, of A-motion, to which, ME (the protomolar skin tension), operates as an endosmosic-dam-of-perceptual-intake- ment; and, with, the heir-(i. e. flesh and blood) -pressure, or the extending-ex-pressure, playing the role of impending agent, of E-motion, which to, ME (the protomolar skin tension), operates as an exosmosic-vent-of-conceptual-outmakement; whencefrom, the A-mo- tion, that electrically in its ether-ore-weather-watt-area, comes to be, via ME, as consciously-objectified, the beheld-performance-that-My- Eye-Cone-of-vision-witnesses-as-its-Not-Me, and, thencefrom, the E-motion, that electively in its either-or-whether-w hat-era, passes as being, dia ME, as understandingly-subjectified, the byheld-agent-that- My-I-Zone-of-vigor-counsels-as-its-Yet-Me, so that, the NOT-ME, variably comes to be A-THING-OF-MULTIPLIED-COEXISTENCE- IN-MY-OPTIC-CONE-OF-VISION, and the YET-ME, constantly passes as being A-THINK-OF-INCREASED-SUCCESSION-IN-MY- OPTIVE-ZONE-OF-VIGOR. The monstrous-exhibition, showing-off, as NOT-ME, i. e., that electrically engendered natural evolution of objectivity, that ingredi- entally fills in My-Eye-Cone-of- Vision, the bare consciousness of which reveals it "void as without form," or as matter-per-se, i. e. that uni- versal-thing-in-spatial-becoming, called : My-Environment-in-general, and, that menstruous-inhibition, known-on- as YET-ME, i. e. that electively exgendered spiritual involution of subjectivity, that particu- larizedly fills out My-I-Zone-Of- Vigor, the mere understanding of which reveals it "valid but without body," or as memory-inter-alia, i. e. that individual-think-in-eternal-bypassing, called: My-Functivity, respectively, indicate to what end, ALL-OF-US, aim our creatorial essay, i. e. the end of witnessing our own universal performance, and, indicate from what beginning, EACH-OF-US, name our creatural assay, i. e. the beginning of counselling our individual agent — and, such end and such beginning, mesoblastically reduced to a reconcilable mean, that, as objectified, turns out to be (epiblastically) a thing-void- as-without-form, and, that, as subjectified, turns in (hypoblastically) as being a think-valid-but-without-body, as so meaned, i. e. as aimed to as an end, and, as named from as a beginning, equals: SELF- DISTINGUISHMENT, or the thing, that, as coming in by way of ME, demands by its very effectiveness, as here represented, a divining provision, or a priori cause, and, the the think, that, as passing out by weigh of ME, supplies, by its very motivality, as now reproduced, a humanized convision, or a posteriori consequence. OBVERSE PARALLELS A-motion E-motion Haven Art Essay Assay Act Faet Root Fruit Substance Evidence Spontaneous Come-to-be Progress Proposed Problem Preyer Hole Quo Animo Sum Purpose Becoming All-the-same Consciousness Intellect Outreaching Growing-out Bodying-forth Apparent Air Sun Performer Counselor Autognosis Sense Stimulus Cause Direction Effect Contribution Product Quantum Nature Genus Species Expansion Gas Heaven Dausrhter-of-the-root Prolineal Pre-action Prescribe P°nless-Inkstreak Content Void-as-without-form Pea! -Object A uto-Negation Euture-the-gatewav Bef ore-Consummation A fW-Cor summation Anticipation Journey Man Showing-off Simultaneous / Pass-as-being Presence Composed Solution Prayer Whole Quoad Hoc Mean Achievement Bypassing Each-an-other Understanding Conscience Backgrasping Drawing-in Forming-back A Parent Heir Son Witness Agent Hypostasis Mense Animus Motive Correction Consequence Distribution Conduct Qualis Spirit Genius Specious Contraction Solid Earth Mother-of-the-fruit Collateral Re-action Describe Tnkless-Penstroke Contour Valid-but-without-body Ideal-Subject T4eu-Affirmation Pa st-the-dateway After-Desire Before-Desire Participation Journeyman Knowing-on Matter Means Life Path Point Logic Ethnology Intropermeate Immediation Absence Ether Ore Weather Electric Watt Area Infinite Thing Endeavor Hypothesis Imagination Will Work Res Gestae Contiguity Protomolar Recall Explanation Incubation Thermoanalysis Event Eve Experience Vigor Immortal Eternity Time Possession Iteprovement Apartness Virtue Bvhold Ui I-Zone :Yet-Me Functionfcation Succession Involved Anatomy Tension Nerve Memory i Meaning Knowledge Period Scope Aesthetics Ethics Extravasate Recognizance Pre- Sense Either Or Whether Elective What Era Definite/ Think Enthusiasm Apotheosis Likenation Judgment Word Fes Media Interval Cortrapolar Initiative Inclination Excavation Photosynthesis Atom Adam Experiment Vision Indestructible Space Place Position Improvement Togetherness Power Behold Eve-Cone Not-Me ■ • • -■' Environment Coexistence Evolved Oastrononvy Pressure Blood Physio-Psychic-Philosophy. A AND E OF M For A and E, the moietal-f unctions of JE (their sum-faculty), to essay to assay their A and E functivities apart from JE (their facul- tate togetherness) , requires that, A and E, contrary to their ante- cedent method, operate away from instead of toward JE. And, as operating away from instead of toward JE, A and E, would, by essay of A (or All of JE), ostensibly destroy JE, as the sum of their togetherness (or intropermeative apposition), and, as substitution for JE (so ostensibly destroyed), by assay of E (or Each of JE ) , would apparently restore a Not JE, as the mean of their apart- ness (or extravasated opposition) of vocation. Let JE, to A, or All, equal A-Hole, that All gastronomically in- gredient by their dissipating essay, to the proposed end of JE's in- finite progression. Let JE, from E, equal A-Whole, that Each anatomically particu- larizes by their conservating assay, from the composed beginning of JE's definite presence. Hence, as ostensibly destroying JE, A, or All, as longing away from JE left behind, posit such ostensible destruction, as the escape of All from A-Hole, and the arrival of All to an aimed to absence- from-JE, that as so seemingly arrived to, equals The-Not-JE, or the "apartness-from-iE-aimed-to-by-All-as-ar riving." Thence, as apparently restoring JE, E, or Each, as looking away from JE right behind, possess such apparent restoration, as the es- cape of each from A-Whole, and the departure of Each from a named from pre-sense-of-JE, that, as so seemingly departed from, equals The-Yet-JE, or the "apartness-from-^-named-from-by-Each-as-de- parting." The NoWE, aimed to ahead by All, and bodied forth by the os- tensible arrival thereat by All, equals: the absence-from-^3, aimedly- filled-in by the ostensible arrival to such absence-from-^E, of All, which absence-from-iE, as ever coming and as ever there, equals, Not-^2, or what All image "apartness-from-jE" to be. Not-jE, equals a point of anticipated arrival, dreamed-of -by-All. The Yet- JE, named from behind by Each, and formed back by the apparent departure thenceduring by Each, equals, the pre-sense- of- JE, namedly-filled-out by the apparent departure from such pre- sense-of-iE. by each, which pre-sense-of--