Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ACxRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY -BULLETIN No. 76. L. O. HOWARD, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. FUMIGATION FOR THE CITRUS WHITE FLY, AS ADAPTED TO FLORIDA CONDITIONS. A. W. MORRILL, Ph; D. Special Field Agent. Issued October 31, 1908. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1908. I'. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUR] BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY BULLETIN No. 76. I.. C). I IOWARD, Entomologist and Chief ol Bureau. FUMIGATION FOR THE CITRUS WHITE FLY, AS ADAPTED TO FLORIDA CONDITIONS. BY A. W. MORRILL, Ph. D. Special Field Agent, I ssi i i) October 31, L908. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. L90 8. BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY. L. 0. Howard, Entomologist and Chief of Bun au . C. L. Marlatt, Entomologist and Acting Chief in absence of Chief. R. S. Clifton, Chief Clerk. F. H. Chittenden, in charge of truck crop and special insect investigations. A. D. Hopkins, in charge of forest insect investigations. W. D. Hunter, in charge of southern field crop insect investigations. F. M. Webster, in charge of cereal and forage plant insect investigations. A. L. Quaintance, in charge of deciduous fruit insect investigations. E. F. Philld?s, in charge of apiculture. D. M. Rogers, in charge of gipsy moth and brown-tail moth work. W. F. Fiske, in charge of gipsy moth laboratory. W. A. Hooker, engaged in cattle tick life history investigations. A. C. Morgan, engaged in tobacco insect investigations. R. S. "Woglum, engaged in hydrocyanic acid gas investigations. R. P. Currie, assistant in charge of editorial work. Mabel Colcord, librarian. White Fly Investigations. C. L. Marlatt, in charge. A. W. Morrill, E. A. Back, W. W. Yothers. special field agents. 2 iTTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. s. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology, Washington, J). C, June 11, 1908. Sir: I transmit herewith, for publication as Bulletin No. 76 of this Bureau, a reporl on fumigation for the while fly, as adapted to Florida conditions, by Dr. A.W. Morrill, special field agent. The investigation of the white fly problem in Florida is now in its second year, and the results gained of immediate practical importance are those which indicate host methods of control. Fumigation with hydrocyanic-acid gas during the short dormant period in winter, when there are no winged insects, seems to afford the greatest measure4 of control orpossible extermination. Gas fumigation under the horticul- tural conditions obtaining in Florida orange groves and the peculiari- ties of climate presents rather a distinct problem. This bulletin gives the results of the fumigation experiments of two winters in Florida, and demonstrates the entire applicability of this method of control to the white fly. This investigation has been under the general direc- tion of Mr. C. L. Marlatt, Assistant Chief of this Bureau, with Doctor Morrill in field charge. The latter was aided during the winter of 1906-7 by Mr. Stephen Strong, formerly horticultural commissioner of Los Angeles, Cal., and an experienced fumigator, and Mr. A. 0. Morgan, and during the winter of 1907-8 by Messrs. E. A. Back, W. W. Yothers, and R. S. Woglum. The white fly is the big insect problem of Florida and other citrus districts on the Gulf coast, and the information given in this bulletin will be of immediate practical value to all citrus growers of the region indicated. Respectfully, L. O. Howard, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. Hon. JAMES Wilson, Secretary <>J\ [gricu/ture. 3 CONTENTS [ntroduction 7 Condi! ions favoring or necessary to good results 9 [solal ion of grove 9 Concerted action 9 Absence or elimination of food plants oil mm- than citrus 9 Season of the year LO Meteorological elements 11 Size of i rees and regularil y of setl ing ' IT Equipment .' 14 Tents 14 Poles and uprights 20 M iscellaneous requirements 22 Chemicals 25 Degree of puril y required 25 Handling, and aecessil y for protect ion from moist lire 25 Proporl ion of water and acid 25 Procedure 27 Methods of handling tents 27 Measuring trees 30 Method of generating the gas 35 Work roni ine 3G Est i nun ion of time required for fumigation of grove 38 Methods of computing approximate diihensions and cubic contents 39 Dosage requirements for the white fly 40 Experiments with sheet tent . 40 Experiments with bell or hoop tenl 49 Miscellaneous experiments and observations 50 Appearance of Iarvse and pupae of the white fly when destroyed by fumiga- tion 50 Density of the gas at various heights a hove the ground 51 Effect of himigation on the trees 51 Sugge.-t ions for the fumigation of small trees 54 In the grove 54 In the nnr.-ery 54 Nursery stock for shipment 54 Precautions 55 Expense of fumigation 56 For equipment 56 For chemicals 58 For labor 58 Economy of treatmenl by fumigation 59 Losses prevented 59 ( lost of fumigat ion compared wil li spraying 62 Fumigation versus nat ural control 63 Appendix 66 Table of dosage for the citrus white fly 66 Index nit ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Plate I. Figs. 1-3. — Method of covering small tree with bell or hoop tent 14 II. Figs. 1-3. — Method of covering small tree with sheet tent by means of poles 20 III. Figs. 1-5. — Successive stages in the operation of shifting a sheet tent from one tree to the next in the row. Fig. 6. — First tent ready for introduction of chemicals; "tent men" shifting the second tent in the series 20 IV. Fig. 1. — Commissary tray: Open compartment (tin lined) for cyanid at right, balances and torch in the middle, compartment for acid pitchers and glass graduate at left. Fig. 2. — Top of derrick, show- ing method of attaching pulley and guy rope. Fig. 3. — Base of derrick, showing method of constructing braces 22 V. Fig. 1. — Raising 33-foot derricks to an upright position. Fig. 2. — Der- ricks in position (one on each side of tree), supported by guy ropes; pulleys hooked to catch-rings in the tent 28 VI. Fig. 1. — Front edge of sheet tent raised to tops of derricks, ready to be pulled over tree. Fig. 2. — Sheet tent ready for introduction of chemicals 28 VII. Fig. 1. — Eighty-foot tent covering large seedling orange tree, showing tent graduated for the purpose of enabling operators to use dosage table given in the appendix. Fig. 2. — Carrying 5-gallon crocks con- taining acid and water under the tent, preparatory to introducing the cyanid 32 TEXT FIGURES. Fig. 1. Plan for construction of octagonal sheet tent 50 feet across, showing lines used in constructing octagon 16 2. Method of attaching hooks to tent when covering trees with aid of der- ricks 18 3. Plan for schedule board, showing convenient arrangement 22 4. Diagram of regularly set grove in process of fumigation with an outfit of four tents 23 5. Diagram of grove with alternating trees; first four rows in process of fumigation with four tents; three sets of trees fumigated, the tents being moved from south to north 24 6. Diagram showing method of marking tents to aid in obtaining dimen- sions of inclosed space when covering tree 32 7. Tent marked to aid in estimating dosage, in position for fumigation. ... 33 8. White fly (Aleyrodcs titri) : Stages and details 59 9. White fly (Aleyrodes titri): Adult male and female and details 59 10. Florida red scale ( Chrysomphahis ficus) : Stages 61 11. Purple scale (Lepidosaphes bechii) : Stages 62 6 FUMIGATION FOR THE CITRUS WHITE FLY, AS ADAPTED TO FLORIDA CONDITIONS. INTRODUCTION. The discovery of tlio value of hydrocyanic-acid gas as an insecticide against citrus pests is properly considered one of the most important advances in economic entomology. This gas was first used by Mr. D. W. Coquillett, who in 1SSG was detailed by Dr. C. V. Kiley, the Ento- mologist of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, to experiment with insecticides against the cottony cushion scale (Icerya purchasi Mask.) in California. The process was afterwards brought to its present de- gree of usefulness through the extensive experiments of Mr. Coquillett, and is now generally recognized in the citrus-growing sections of California as the most practicable and efficient method of controlling the black, red, and purple scales. It is now used in combating citrus scales in South Africa, New South Wales, and elsewhere, with results so satisfactory that wherever it has once been tested it has proved its superiority over all other methods. In the eastern part of the United States Prof. H. A. Morgan conducted experiments with hydrocyanic -acid gas against citrus scales in southern Louisiana during the winter of 1892-93. Messrs. W. T. Swingle and II. J. Webber, of the Department of Agriculture, were the first to use this treatment against the white fly in Florida, conducting their experiments in February, 1894. In the winter of 1900-1 901 , Prof. II. A. Gossard, then entomologist at the Agricultural Experiment Station of Florida, aided during a portion of his experi- ments by Prof. C. W. Wood worth, of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of California, undertook some experimental fumigation work against the white fly. The results were sufficiently satisfactory to lead Professor Gossard to the conclusion that the efficiency of this treatment against the white fly is such that if a fumigated grove were segregated from all others, one fumigation would render it so nearly clean that it would need no additional treatment for two or three years. It was predicted that a process that has been found so valuable in other parts of the world is certain eventually to come into favor in Florida. 7 O FUMIGATION FOR THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. During the last few years certain nurserymen in Florida have made use of fumigation against the white fly with good success, treating:, for the most part, small-sized trees. Other parties have tested fumi- gation on trees of all sizes, but, for lack of adequate equipment or of a knowledge of the most economical methods of procedure and dosage requirements, have not continued. In January and February, 1907, the writer, aided by Mr. Stephen Strong, formerly horticultural commissioner of Los Angeles County, Cal., specially appointed in this Bureau as fumigation expert, and Mr. A. C. Morgan, special field agent, temporarily transferred from the cotton boll weevil investigations, conducted careful experiments in Orange County, Fla., in order that fumigation for the white fly might be placed upon a practical basis. Modern California methods as adapted to all sizes of trees were employed and the principal results are embodied in the present bulletin. In December, 1907, and January, February, and March, 1908, fumigation experiments were continued by the Bureau of Entomology on a larger scale, testing the conclusions drawn from the work of the previous winter and extending the investigation to cover the ground more thoroughly. In this work the writer was assisted throughout the season by Messrs. W. W. Yothers and E. A. Back, and during the month of January Mr. K. S. Woglum was also engaged in the work. Altogether nearly 4,000 trees have been fumigated in Florida in this experimental work, under the immediate supervision of the agents of the Bureau of Entomology. It is too early to include in this bulletin more than the general results of the past winter's experi- mental work, but the text has been made to conform to these results as far as worked out. There remain many details concerning the fumigation process which have demanded investigation, and at the present writing these are receiving attention by agents of this Bureau who are conducting an exhaustive study of the matter in California. The present bulletin aims to give the results of experiments in fumigation for the white fly and such information and recommendations as are of immediate value to those who may contemplate the adoption of fumigation as a practice, or who may desire first to secure a small equipment in order to become familiar with the methods of procedure. The directions given herein are believed to be sufficiently detailed to enable any orange grower to conduct fumigation, after a few preliminary tests, without the assistance of experienced hands. The recently discovered occurrence of the white fly in California increases the importance of definite information concerning the requirements as to dosage. A new system for the estimation of dosage is recommended herein, as it is believed that the usual method of judging concerning the dosage requirements for scale-insects can not give the uniformity of results which should be obtained inusing this remedy against the white fly. CONDITIONS FAVORABLE <>i: NECESSARY. 9 CONDITIONS FAVORING OR NECESSARY TO GOOD RESULTS. isolation OF (;ko\ i:. [solation in an infested grove is the most favorable condition for the successful control of the white fl\ by fumigation. A distance of one- half mile between a given grove and the nearest infested grove ia sufficient to insure against appreciable interference with the results of the treatment through the migration of adults between the groves. In many if not in most cases 300 or 400 yards is sufficient isolation to prevent the treatment being made unprofitable through such migra- tions. It i> a common experience in newly infested groves that the section which first becomes infested may be very noticeably blackened by sooty mold for two or three years before the white fly multiplies to an injurious extent in near-by sections of the same grove or in immedi- ately adjoining groves. The experience mentioned above indicates that in isolated groves the extermination, or nearly complete extermi- nation, which can be obtained by carefully conducted fumigation, will result in a condition of practical immunity over a period of two or more year--. CONCERTED ACTION. Ranking next to isolation as a factor favoring success in fumigation for the white fly, is concerted action among the owners of groves in naturally isolated groups, or among all the citrus growers in the various counties. In California the organization and support of county hor- ticultural commissions has solved the problems connected with the alt ainment of the concerted action necessary for the control of various (it in- pest s in that State. It is predicted that the white fly can never become a serious pest where such systematic campaigns against citrus insects have been organized. In Florida, Orange County has already made a beginning toward the adoption of such measures against the white fly, having organized a horticultural commission with powers equivalent to those of similar commissions in California. a The officials Inning the matter in charge, howrever, have not felt justified in attempting active field work on a large scale until careful experi- ments shall have determined what course can be followed with a certainty of uniform results. ABSENCE OB ELIMINATION OF FOOD PLANTS OTHER THAN CITRUS. The presence of food plants of the white fly other than citrus trees, in citrus fruit growing sections, constitutes a serious menace and in itself often prevents successful results from remedial work. For- " For the California lawsee Bui. 61, Bur. Km.. I". s. Dept. Agrici L906), pp. L3-21. 10 FUMIGATION FOR THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. tunately the list of food plants" is limited, and the greater number of those thus far recorded is subject to infestation only when located near or in the midst of heavily infested citrus groves. The food plants which are of most importance in connection with the white fly control are the chinaberry trees, privets, and cape jessamine, and these — except for the last, in certain sections where grown for commer- cial purposes — can be eradicated readily, or their infestation may be prevented where community interests precede those of the indi- vidual in controlling public sentiment. These food plants favor the rapid dissemination of the white fly from centers of infestation and their successful establishment in uninfested localities. The}" seriously interfere with the success of fumigation, as well as of all other remedial measures, by furnishing a favored breeding place where the white fly can regain its usual abundance in a much shorter time than would be the case if it were entirely dependent upon citrus fruit trees for its food supply. The plants mentioned, together with Citrus trifoliata (except where used in nurseries), and all abandoned and useless citrus trees should be condemned as public nuisances and destroyed in all communities where citrus fruit growing is an important industry. Where the destruction of chinaberry trees is impracticable for any reason, they may be rendered innocuous by taking steps to prevent their becoming heavily infested each year. Tins may be accomplished by either defoliating each winter or by destroying entirely all privets and cape jessamines and by thoroughly fumigating each winter all citrus trees within a distance of 200 or 300 yards of each chinaberry tree. SEASON OF THE YEAR. Fumigation for the white fly should be done during December, January, and February, beginning not earlier than sixteen to twenty days after the adults have disappeared, in order that all of the eggs a The complete list of food plants so far as known is as follows: Citrus (all varieties), chinaberry (Melia azedarach and Melia azedarach umbraeuliformis), cape jessamine (Gardenia jasminoides), wild persimmon (Diospyros virginiana), Japan persimmon (D. Jcahi), privets (Ligustrum spp.), Viburnum nudum, Fieus altissima, prickly ash (Xanthoxylum clava-herculis) , cultivated pear (Pyrus sp.), cherry laurel (Prim us laurocerasus), Prunus caroliniana, lilac (Syringa sp.). Water oak (Qjiercus nigra) has been reported as a food plant of the citrus white fly, but there is no definite record of the insect reaching maturity on this plant, and the observations made in connection with the present white fly investigations show that for practical purposes oaks may be ignored as food plants of this species. Professor Gossard reports having observed larvae of the citrus white fly on scrub palmetto (Sabal megacarpa I. The author once ob erved larvae on the banana shrub (Magnolia fuscatum) but apparently none reached maturity on this plant. Dr. E. A. Back has observed two live larva- of the citrus white fly on oleander (Nerium oleander). These plants (oaks, scrub palmetto, banana shrub, and oleander) may be ignored absolutely as food plants unless it is proved beyond doubt thai ii is possible for the citrus white fly to reach maturity on them. The cultivated figi Ficus),and thesweel baj I \fagnolia virginiana) have been reported as food plants, but with little doubt these reports are erroneous. CONDITIONS FAVORABLE OB NECESSARY. 11 deposited by these adults may have time4 to hatch. It is impractica- ble to attempt to destroy t ho egg stage by fumigation, or as a rule by any other direel means. The scale-like stages, however, technically known as the larval and pupal stages, are readily destroyed when the dosage is properly estimated, hi Florida the month of January is, everything considered, the most favorable month for fumigating for the white fly. Ordinarily it would probably be undesirable to continue fumigation after the adults begin to emerge in considerable numbers in the spring. 'Plus time of emergence, of course, varies according to the locality and to weather conditions, but in general is between the middle oi' February and the first of March. It remains for further experiments to show bow far fumigation may be practiced with profit. at other seasons of the year. Tt is certain, however, that in cases of emergency, such as the checking of the spread of the fly in newly infested groves, fumigation can frequently be used to great advantage even in midsummer. M ET E< ) I : ( ) I .( )( ; I ( ! A I . EL E M E NTS . Light. -Fumigation is conducted in the absence of bright sunlight, to avoid injury to the foliage which may occur when this precaution is not observed. With tents treated with oil to make them nearly gas- tight, damage is almost certain to result from daylight fumigation. With untreated tents, however, the writer has on several occasions conducted fumigation experiments with the sun fifteen minutes high without appreciable injury to the foliage. One orange tree was fumigated forty minutes, beginning at 3 p. m., with the sun shining, without any shedding or burning of foliage resulting from the treat- ment . Tbc tent was placed over the tree twenty-five minutes before generating the gas, and at the beginning of the forty-minute period the temperature was 79.5° F., or 4.5° higher than the outside tempera- ture. Twenty and one-half ounces of potassium cyanid were used, and 97.7 per cent of the white fly pupae were destroyed. This amount of cyanid was 4\ ounces less than the amount called for by the table given in the Appendix. At the time of fumigation, the foliage on the tree was very much curled by drought and after a few rains became normal in appearance without the shedding of a single leaf. The leaves, at the time of the treatment, when torn seemed to be as dry as paper, alt bough many pupae of the white fly on neighboring tree- in a similar condition produced adults, as did the nine speci- men- which were known to survive on the fumigated tree. It is probable that Future experience will show that trees whose foliage is curled as a result of drought are not nearly so liable to injury by daylighl fumigation as are trees whose foliage is in perfect condition. Fumigation can safely begin with sundown, or, during the fumigat- ing season in Florida, between \ and 5 o'clock p. in. On dark, cloudy days fumigation scemsentirely safe at any time with untreated tents. 12 FUMIGATION FOR THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. Wind. — The effect of wind upon the results is so marked that fumigation .should not be attempted with anything stronger than a slight breeze, particularly if the tents have not been rendered gas-tight or nearby so by the use of a "filler." It has been found, with an untreated tent, that with a dosage sufficient to destroy 100 per cent of white fly pupae, a brisk breeze renders the results so uncertain that the effectiveness may be as low as 30 per cent in some sections of the tree, while in others the destruction of the insect may be complete. Atmospheric humidity and dews. — The presence of moisture in the form of dew does not seem to have any deleterious effect upon the foliage, although in California it is generally considered necessary to materially increase the dosage in such cases to insure the effective- ness of the work against scale insects. Prof. H. A. Gossard a con- cluded that "moisture did not seem to interfere with the efficiency of the work, unless the leaves were almost dripping, when it became a factor of much disturbance, though not as great as we had thought probable." The experiments conducted by the writer and assistants during January and February, 1907, show that moisture on the foliage during the period of exposure has no marked effect on the foliage or upon the efficiency of the gas against the white fly. In the six instances where the leaves were wet with dew, examination showed that 100 per cent of the insects were destroyed in* aU cases but one, and in tins only a single specimen out of 102 under observation, before and after fumigation, survived the treatment. The results of the tests concerning the effect of atmospheric moisture on the efficiencv of the fumigation treatment are oriven in Table I. Table I. — Effect of atmospheric moisturi on efficiency of fumigation. Experi- ment No. b Air humidity. C end it ir.n- Cc.idition of tent. of leaves. Per cent of insects killed. Amount of evanid Amount recom- of cvaiiid mended in used. tallies: -In minutes exposure. Ounces. Ounces. 30 24 32 27 I5f 14 9 11 13| 18 33* 32 36* 34 28 19 22 26$ 27 26* 30.7 40.2 4.5.12 45.21 15.22 45.25 4.5.27 .50.2 60.2 60.19 Per cent. 100 94+ 100 87 s7 96 100 97 64 Wet . Wet . Moist Wet.... Damp. . .. Wet Damp.. Damp.. Wet . M list . Wet . Moist Damp. . Damp. . . Drv . Dry 100 100 100 100 99. 100 100 100 a Bui. 67, Fla. Agr. Exp. Sta., pp. 647-648. b The number preceding the decimal point indicates the length of exposure. CONDITIONS FAVORABLE OB NECESSARY. 13 On several occasions it was observed thai the tenl Felt somewhat damp when being handled, although the humidity recorded 1>\ a standard sling psychrometer had not reached complete saturation. On other occasions, as shown l>\ ilic above data, the Foliage was covered with a dew like a fine mist when the sling psychrometer indicated as much as 6 per cent below complete saturation. For practical purposes, however, the moisture on the leaves may be considered as indicating a condition of 100 per cent atmospheric moisture. Blank spaces in the table indicate that no note was made concerning tin's particular point, although the tent was evi- dently "wet" in experiments t0.2 and 50.2 and the leaves were evidently "dry" in experiments 45.21 and 45.22. In the experi- ments summarized in Table I the possibility of reducing the efficiency oi' the gas through absorption by the moisture on the leaves and tent had to be taken into consideration. To eliminate this feature and to determine the effect of the pis on larva1 and pupa1 of the white1 fly when leaves art1 wet artificially, tests were made by wetting the leaves both, by dipping and by means of an atomizer. The results are summarized in Table II. Table II. Effect of artificially wetting leaves on efficiency of fumigation. Experi- ment No. Air hu- midity. Amount Of cyanid used. Amount of cyanid recom- mended in table. Total number Of insects under observa- tion. Per cent Of insects killed. Number Of insects on leaves wet arti- ficially. Per cent Of insects killed on leaves wet arti- ficially. Method <>!' wetting. Per a rU. Ounces. Ounces. 44 20 29 242 71 21 95. 2 Dipped. 4(1... 47 I7j 21 392 88 149 90.6 Sprayed. 10.7 .>.) 8J 13 132 80 40 87.5 Dipped. in.s 61 1"! ._.,,, 223 96 93 98.9 Sprayed. 40.9 54 12 27 342 93 20 95 Sprayed. 40.13 63 24 28 736 100 567 100 Dipped. In the above experiments — omitting the last one, in which all insects were killed — 1,331 insects were under observation. Of these, 323 were on leaves wetted artificially. The weighted average of tin1 insects killed on these leaves is 92.5 per cent. Of the 1,008 insects on the dry leaves 852, or 84 per cent, were killed. Tins seems to be of considerable significance in view of the fact that in every instance where less than 100 per cent of the insects were killed, the percentage of killed was greater on the artificially wetted leaves than on the dry leaves. Taken as a whole the results summarized in the two foregoing tables show conclusively that moisture on the leaves in the form of dew does not reduce the edicacy of the gas in destroying the insects, hut possibly increases it. In the experiments in which moisture was a factor no injury to the foliage followed, even when the dosage was increased fully one-half above the amount called for by the table in the appendix of this bulletin. The results give no justification to 14 FUMIGATION FOR THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. the practice of some fumigators who, as has been stated, increase the dosage when the tents and foliage are wet with dew. It seems that the difficulty in handling wet tents is the only consideration for winch it is necessary to cease work on foggy nights, everything else being favorable. SIZE OF TREES AND REGULARITY OF SETTING. While it is true that it is possible to place a fumigating tent over any citrus tree regardless of size, the author strongly recommends that orange growers make a practice of pruning large seedling trees so that they will not exceed 28 or 30 feet in extreme height. Such pruning will greatly reduce the cost of labor in fumigating and will be of considerable advantage from the standpoint of picking the fruit. It is probable that the now generally recognized all-around advantage of low-pruned fruit trees applies squally well to citrus as to other kinds of fruits. Another consideration of importance is the regularity in the setting of orange groves and the proper spacing of trees. In Florida various factors have resulted in many groves being too crowded or too irregularly set to permit of the easy handling of fumigating tents. While it is well to bear these things in mind to the end that all Florida groves may gradually be adapted to reduce the labor and expense of fumigation, }^et even under present conditions it is exceedingly rare that fumigation is rendered abso- lutely impracticable by the size of trees or the irregularity of their setting. EQUIPMENT. TENTS. Styles of fumigating tents. — Two styles of tents are now in use for orchard f umigation, the bell or hoop tent (PL I.) and the sheet tent. The first is bell-shaped and held open at the mouth by a hoop of J -inch gas pipe. Tents of this style are preferable for use only when the trees in a grove are uniformly less than 12 feet in extreme height. Sheet tents are made in the form of flat octagons and, being adapt- able for trees of all sizes, are in California used almost exclusively. Plate I, figure 3, shows a tree which is 14 feet in extreme height and 14 feet in extreme expanse, covered by a hoop or bell tent. When the tent is in position covering the tree the measurements are: Height, 13 feet, and diameter, 12 feet. Hoop tents are not always easily placed in position over trees of this size, and it is believed that ordi- narily a sheet tent is more desirable for trees of all sizes. A third style of tent which will be found useful in fumigating small trees is the box tent in the form of a rectangular prism. This will probably prove advantageous for trees 5 feet or less in height. The light wooden framework supporting the cloth cover gives a form to the Bui. 76, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I. Figs. 1-3.— Method of Covering Small Tree with Bell or Hoop Tent. 'Original.) 1 1 n rs. 1 5 inclosed space which permits of economical use of chemicals with greater uniformity of results. ( instruction of tints. The const met ion of the box covers such as suggested in the foregoing paragraph Is a simple matter and con- venient patterns will suggest themselves at once to anyone desirous of fumigating small trees. The framework should be lighl hut well braced, and for a covering either 6J-ounce drill, painted to render it as nearly gas-tight as possible, or oilcloth is recommended. Prof. C. W. Woodworth, of the California experiment station, gives the following directions for cutting the (doth for bell tents:" All of these tents are made in the same manner, and arc the most economical in cloth of any tents made. Commonly the tent is made by the " cul and fit" method. These tents may l>e made with scarcely any loss, if cul according to Hie following directions: Measure oil' strips <»i" a length equal to twice i he heighl plus one-tenth ! he diameter of the tent desired. These will make two strips each by marking the exact middle and measuring off on one edge from the middle line one-quarter of the diameter of the tent and on \ he ot her one-half 1 he diameter. Now, take a long si rip of molding and bend it so as to touch these three points and mark off the curve so produced. This allows lor the seam. In making up. sew the two cut edges together in each pair of si rips. As has been stated, sheet tents, or more properly covers, are flat, regular octagons. The dimensions are sometimes stated in terms of the true diameter (i. e., the distance between opposite corners), but for practical purposes the distance between parallel sides should represent the size of the tent, for the reason that this represents within about 2 feet (which must be allowed to rest on the ground) the distance over the tallest tree that a given sheet can cover meas- uring from the ground on one side to the ground on the other, over the center of the tree. Hereafter in this bulletin the size of octagon covers as stated should be understood to refer to the distance between parallel sides. The specifications should be carefully worked out before beginning the construction of a sheet tent as well as of other styles. First, the dimensions of the tallest tree which the tent is required to cover should be estimated. This may be accomplished by throwing a tape attached to a reel over the top of the tree and measuring from ground to ground. When covered, the weight of the tent will reduce the extreme height of the tree in most cases by from 2 to 4 feet, according to the weight of the tent and form of the tree. It will be well to allow at least 4 feet of the tent to rest on the ground when covering the largest tree. The desired size having been determined, a diagram of an octagon should be constructed on paper, as indicated in figure 1. Each side of the octagon when constructed will be equal approximately to two-fifths of the distance between the parallel " Circular No. 11, Cal. Agr. Exp. Sta., pp. 9-10. mi8— Bull. 7(3—08 2 16 FUMIGATION FOB THE CITRUS WHITE ELY. sides of the octagon. The number of square yards of cloth required is about IS per cent, or between one-sixth and one-fifth less than for a square the sides of which are equal to the distance between parallel sides of the octagon. In California S-ounce army duck has been used almost exclusively for making sheet covers, while in Cape Colony. South Africa, a No. 10 duck ranking in weight between 12-ounce and 15-ounce is commonly used. The heavier weights are not only more durable but presumably confine the gas better. A good grade of 6', -ounce drill, however, as shown later by the results obtained with a bell tent of this material, seems to be fully equal to the S-ounce duck commonly used in Cali- fornia. Until careful experiment- shall have determined the relative tightness of various weights of duck it is recom- mended that sheet tents be constructed throughout of 8- ounce duck or of 8- ounce duck in combi- nation wit ha "skirt " of 6^-ounce drill. The author has seen a sample of 8-ounce drill which is no more expensive than the best brands of duck ■— -j of this weight, but is Fig. 1.— Plan for construction of octagonal sheet tent 50 feet across, evidently iai'Slipenor showing lines used in constructing octagon: A, C, side sections; B, central section of full-length strips; E, E, so-called "ends " of tent; S, S, so-called "sides" of tent; B, R, reinforcements; 1-21, strips of duck 29| inches wide, overlapped \ an inch at the seams. (Original.) a as regards tightness. Anyone contemplat- ing the ordering of a fumigating outfit should procure as many samples as possible of different brands of suitable cloth and select the closest woven brand. The strips when cut should be overlapped three-eighths or one-half inch and double stitched and all raw edges should be hemmed. In calculating the number and length of strips the overlapping will reduce the width of the cloth from three-fourths inch to 1 inch. As an illustration of the method of calculating the length of the strips used in making an octagonal tent of S-ounce duck. 50 feel may be taken as the desired size. This is equal to 600 inches and the width of the cloth, if 29.5 inches, will be reduced to 28.5 it" overlapped one- half inch at the seams. By dividing 28.5 inches into 600 inches the CENTS. 17 nearest multiple is found to be 598.5 inches, or 49 feel and 10J inches, which is sufficiently close bo the desired width for practical purposes. The number o( strips in a tent 598.5 inches wide is 21. The middle section \\ (fig. L) is approximately two-fifths the entire width, or 239.5 inches. Deducting this from 598.5 inches, the entire width, t In* remainder, 359, equals the sum of the widths of sections A and C. These sections being equal, the width of each is \7\K~) inches. The number oi' strips in each section can now be readily calculated. The 21 strips should be numbered on the diagram from left to right. Section A requires six strips and 8.5 inches of the seventh. Simi- larly , section C requires six strips, beginning at the right (twenty-firsl to sixteenth, inclusive), and 8.5 inches of the fifteenth. Section B requires the remaining 20 inches of strip No. 7, 20 inches of strip No. 15, and seven entire widths, thus making the total of 21 strips required. The cutting of the cloth can bo done without waste if the details of construction arc well planned. In the above tent seven strips 50 feet long (49 feet 1(U inches) should first be cut for section B. Strips Nos. 7 and 15 are next cut and the outside corners cut at an angle of 1") degrees, as indicated in the diagram. Each strip for sections A and C is cut shorter by its own width outside at each end than the strip preceding it. Thus the required lengths of the side strips are found by matching the inner edge of the new one to the outer edge of the one before it. It is desirable to have the central section, B, mad*1 up entirely of full-length strips so that the stress will not be across seams. The stress is so slight, comparatively, in the side sections A and C, that this is not an important point. Shrinkage of the goods after being thoroughly wet is an impor- tant consideration in the economical construction of fumigating tents. In order that the tents approximate a regular octagon, after having been used for fumigating purposes, it is necessary either to have the goods thoroughly shrunk before cutting or to make allow- ance for subsequent shrinkage by cutting the strips longer. A test made with a brand of 8-ounce duck commonly used in California for fumigating tents showed that the shrinkage lengthwise of the goods amounted to 7.5 per cent, and, crosswise 0.9 per cent; this means that in a 50-foot tent the shrinkage would result in the full-length strips shortening 3 1 feet, while the tent would shrinkless than 6 inches crosswise o]' tin1 strips. Such irregularities might be remedied by a skirt of ()',-ounce drill, but it is simpler to plan to have each strip cut longer by a given amount for each 1 per cent of difference in the lengthwise and crosswise shrinkage. In the case referred to above this difference is <'>.»; per cent, and each per cent represents an actual difference of 6 inches. A 50-foot tr chimney of the arch must he high, to secure a draft. A derrick made by three poles above the tank, sup- plied with pulleys and a rope, makes dipping easy and permits raising of the icni and dripping after dipping is completed. It also aids in keeping the tent from i he bottom of the tank and burning, which must he avoided. The lank is Idled to near the top with water and made very dark by adding a half barrel of <>ak extract or tannin. This is well stirred. The tannin should not be added until the water is boiling. The tent is lowered into the tank of boiling water and extract and hoi led for half an hour. It is " Report of Commissioner of Agriculture, L887, Report on the Gas Treatment for & ale [nsects, by I>. W. Coquillett, p. L26. 20 FUMIGATION FOR THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. now raised from the water and alter dripping ceases it is spread out to dry. The tank lb idled again and the tannin is added until the color is a reddish brown, and then another tent may be dipped. In Florida fumigating tents become thoroughly wet nearly every night they are in use, but even when untreated will not deteriorate to any great extent (lining two or three months' use if thoroughly diied each day, and more especially before being finally rolled up lor storage during the seasons when not in use. Tents are conveniently dried each day by simply leaving them on the last tree covered until dried by the sun. The edges of the tent should be straightened out as soon after sunrise as possible, and folds in the tent should be arranged from time to time to facilitate drying. Such work, of course, should not ordinarily be considered as part of the work of the fumigating crew, but can be readily attended to by some laborer employed at t he grove. It is considered by some fumigators that when tents are treated with oil it is unsafe to leave the trees covered during bright sunlight, but untreated tents can be safely dried in this manner. Drying is prob- ably hastened by pulling the tents partly off so as to make an open space on one side to give circulation of air. Frequently it is a good practice to pull a tent wholly or partially over two trees in order to facilitate drying. When tents are dry, to prevent wetting by rain and subsequent trouble in drying, they should be rolled tip as com- pactly as possible and arranged to shed water as well as practical >le, or they may be covered with waterproofed ducking or stored for the time being in a dry place. Tents must be kept in repair during the fumigating season and examined frequently during the daytime for holes which need patch- ing. If tents are always pulled lengthwise of the strips of the cloth, there is little danger of tearing, except when there is much dead wood on the trees. One of the tents used by the agents of the Bureau of Entomology during the winter of 1906-1907 was used to cover upward of 100 trees without any injury of this kind. POLES AND UPRIGHTS. Poles and uprights are used, as shown in the illustrations (Pis. II, III), for raising the front edge of the fumigating tents when covering a tree or pulling the tent from one tree to the next in the row. The simple poles are as a rule used for tents not exceeding 48 feet in diameter, and usually vary from 12 to 20 feet in length, according to the height of the trees to be covered. In California straight-grained Oregon pine 2 inches in diameter is generally preferred for poles not exceeding 18 feet in length; for poles longer than IS feet the diameter should he 2\ inches. In the Gulf regions it is recommended that seasoned cypress poles he used, as these are much lighter than the available pine. Although only a single pair need he \\>vi\ with an Bui. 76, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Plate II. Figs. 1-3.— Method if Covering Small Tree with Sheet Tent by Means of Poles. (Original, i Bui. 76, Bureau of Entomology, U. S Dept. of Agriculture. Plate III. POLES AND UPRIGHTS. 2] outfit of as many as twenty-five or thirty tents, extra pole-- should always be on hand as a provision againsl breakage. A one-half inch rope of either nianila or cotton, about one and one-half times the length of the poles, Is attached about 3 or 4 inches from the top of each one thai is in use. The tops of the poles are constructed in various styles for catching the rings on the tents. The end of the pole may be cul to allow the ring to slip over the end for a short distance, for instance 1 \ or 2 inches, and to hold the rope in position. Two hardwood pegs driven through auger holes about 1' inches apart at right angles to one another will serve this purpose. The most convenient form for genera] use is the simple rounded top over which the cloth of the tent i^ doubled and held in place by a hall' hitch of the rope (PI. II, figs. 1. 2). The lower end of the pole should he pointed to prevent it- slipping on the ground when the tent is being lifted. For use with sheet tents which are too large lor convenient handling with the poles described, a pair of uprights or derricks is needed. These are somewhat heavier poles, with braced crosspieces at the bot- tom to prevent them from falling sidewise when in an upright posit ion, and each is provided with a pulley at the top (see PI. TV, fig. 2). When not attached to the ring in the tent the swinging block is hooked to a ring bolt or stout staple located on the upright near the tops of the braces. The poles are 25 feet or more in length, from 3 to 4 inches in diameter at t he base and tapering to from 2 to 3 inches in diam- eter at the top. They may be made of straight-grained knotless pine or seasoned cypress. Wherever the latter can be obtained it is preferable to pine on account of its 'lightness. As shown in Plate IV, figure 3, crosspieces about 1 by 3 inches in section are spiked or bolted to each side across the bottom, and brace pieces about 2 by 4 in section extend- ing from between the ends of the brace pieces to the main pole are bolted in position. The crosspieces should be 6 feet in length for derricks 25 or 26 feet high and increasing to about 7V or S feet in length for 32 or 33 foot derricks. In the writer's experience derricks are sufficiently long that arc within 2 to 3 feet of the extreme height of the tree- to be covered, as a consequence of the elasticity of the citrus branches and the fact that within this distance of the extreme top the branches are almost invariably slender. A guy rope one-half or five-eighths inch in diameter and about one and one-half times the length of the upright is attached to the top of each, just above the pulley block. It is convenient to have these ropes easily removable SO that they can be used in tying the tents into compact bales when rolled up for transportation or storage. The lifting tackle consists of a rope of the same size as the guy rope and a little less than three times as long as the upright. One end of this is at t ached to the fixed pulley block at the top of 1 he upright, passes through the movable block, then through t he upper fixed block, and t he free end i- usually t led t » » one of t he brace piece-. 22 FUMIGATION FOIl THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. .Mis('].i.r.A.\i:ors requirements. According to the method of procedure hereinafter described and rec- ommended for use in fumigating for the white fly, when an outfit of more than four or five tents is in use, a cart or stone drag and a horse may be desirable for carrying the materials from tree to tree. An ordinary hand push-cart can be recommended as convenient for use in some cases. When a horse or a hand push-cart is not available, a box-like tray (PI. IV, fig. 1) with handles should be constructed. This should be large enough to contain a supply of acid and cyanid for all of the trees covered at one time by the set of tents in use. One- half of the tray should be reserved for as many 3-quart pitchers as may be needed and for the graduate, and the other half should be provided with compart- ments for the bags of cyanid, if weighing is done by day, or an open box for the loose cyanid if the weigliing is done as each tree is fumigated. A torch should be fixed over the center of the tray, and if the cyanid is weighed as used there should be a strip of board across the tray to serve as a platform for the balances. Balances are preferable to spring scales for use in weigliing the cyanid. They should not be larger than necessary for weigliing 40 ounces of cyanid at once. For containing the acid temporarily, stoneware churns of a capacity of 3 or 4 gallons are much used in California, and can be recom- mended for use in Florida. Frequently sev- eral 3-quart.pitchers are more convenient than the stoneware churns. A measuring glass of 16 ounces capacity is needed for measuring the acid, and an extra measuring glass should be provided for use in case of breakage. The acid is dipped into the measuring glasses by means of a long-handled enamel-ware dipper, or poured in from a pitcher. For carrying water a couple of large pails are needed. The one who measures the acid and generates the gas should be provided with rubber gloves of good quality and long enough to cover the wrists well, or even the entire forearm. For generating the gas, earthernware jars from 1J to 5 gallons capacity are necessary, according to the size of the trees and dosage required. Extra jars should be provided to obviate possible inconvenience in case of break- age. Cylindrical jars are preferable to those which narrow at the to]). as the chemicals are much more likely to boil over in the latter than in the former. The cyanid. after being weighed, may be put into paper Fig. 3.— Plan for schedule board, showing convenient arrange- ment: A, space for resting lan- tern temporarily; B, scratch pad; C, dosage table; D, dia- gram of grove. (Original.) Bui. 76, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate IV, Fig. 1 .—Commissary Tray: Open Compartment 'Tin Lined' for Cyanid at Right, Balances and Torch in the Middle, Compartment for Acid Pitchers and Glass Graduate at Left. Fig. 2.— Top of Derrick, Showing Method of Attaching Pulley and Guy Rope. Fig. 3.— Base of Derrick, Showing Method of Constructing Braces. Original.' M1SCELLAN EOUS REQUIRED i.n I 8. 28 bags or into tin cans, or it may be emptied directly from the scoop into the generating jar. A spade or shove] should be on hand for use whenever it is accessary to weighl down the edges of the tent by b few shovelfuls of earth and also for use in burying the contents of t he jars. A copy of the table of dosage required for the white llv and found in the appendix of this bulletin should always be on band. A convenient arrangement for bandling the diagram of the grove and the dosage table when fumigating is illustrated by figure 3. This represents a board upon which, the position for setting the lantern temporarily, and the positions for attaching diagram of the grove, dosage table, and scratch pad are indicated. For the board a side of an orange box is very satisfactory. This should be strengthened 1>\ two laths nailed across the grain on the rough side. () n the 28-36 9 33-40 13 32-39 37-45 17 25-30 7 30-37 10 \ 37-48 18 30-36 10'i 40-61 25 33-40 13 38-54 20'yz 38-44 \7 38-50 19 37-51 19 36-40 I4'l ABCDEF^GHIJKL Fig. 4.— Diagram ol regularly set grove in process of fumigation with an outfll of four tents: X, X. trees missing. (Original.) smooth side at the bottom tb° diagram of a portion of the grove (fig. 5) should be fastened with thumb lacks. This diagram should include as much of the grove as can be fumigated in any one nighl and should be dated and preserved after the work for thenighl has been checked off on the original diagram (figs. 1. 5) of the grove as a whole, [mmediately above the diagram the dosage table (fig. 3, C) should be located. If the board is smooth it may be painted white and the table copied thereon with pencil. If the table is on card- board it may be fastened with thumb tacks. Above the dosage table ,i scratch pad (fig. :;, />') should be fastened in the upper right- 24 FUMIGATION FOR THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. /V. hand corner, while the space (fig. 3, A) in the upper left-hand corner is left for the fumigator to set his lantern while he is writing down on the diagram the dimensions of the tented tree and the amount of dosage. It will he found convenient to attach a pencil to this board with a short string. The diagrams of the grove are prepared as shown in figures 4 and 5, representing a small grove set in regular and alternate rows respec- tively. When set with any form of regularity the individual trees may be conveniently referred to by numbering the rows in one direc- tion and lettering them in the other. Thus the first tree of row No. 1 is called 1A, the second IB, etc., while in the other direction the trees are referred to as 2A, 3A, etc. In measuring the cir- cumference of. the t rees or in checking the correctness of the estimates based on pacing, a 75 or 100 foot tape at- tached to a reel is needed. Water- tight barrels are re- quired for contain- ing the stock of wa- ter for use during w. 9 8 7 6 e. X X 4 42-54 24 43-62 29 3 39-47 20 40-49 21 X 41-51 23 Z 42-50 23 47-60 34 40-47 20 43-48 24 i 32-38 13 42-50 23 i FlG. 5. Diagram of grove with alternating trees; first four rows in process of fumigation with four tents: three sets of trees fumigated, the tents being moved from south to north: X, X, X, trees missing. (Original.) the night. When weighing the cyanid a tin scoop is sometimes useful, and leather gloves should be provided for the one who does the weighing. When weighing of the cyanid i- to be done during the day five wooden boxes, with hinged covers, of a size that will conveniently fit into the cart, or one box with six compartments, should be constructed for use in holding paper hags of cyanid in doses of 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 ounces, respectively. Kxperience will show the number and style of lanterns and torches required. A hammer, hatchet, and other incidentals can be procured as found uecessary. PROPORTION OF WATEB AND Ailh. 25 CHEMICALS. DEGREE OF PC KIT Y REQUIRED. The materials used in generating hydrocyanic-acid gas are potas- sium cyanid (KCN), sulphuric acid (HaS04), and water. The cyanid and acid should be purchased of a reliable dealer. The cyanid should be guaranteed to l>e 98 or 99 percent, which is practically chemically pure. The acid should be guaranteed to he 66°a and, as additional assurance, it would be well to have a sample tested by a druggist or by the fumigator himself by using an acid hydrometer. This instru- ment is inexpensive and can he obtained through any druggist. A linn or hard cyanid should be obtained rather than a. soft or porous product . HANOI. INC., AND NECESSITY FOR PROTECTION FROM MOISTURE. Potassium cyanid can be purchased in boxes of 200 pounds each. The cyanid readily absorbs moisture, and for this reason after a box is opened it should he kept constantly covered with burlap sacks and protected against rain when necessary. When only a few trees are to be treated and the box of cyanid is not to be completely used, within a few days at t he most, it is recommended that it be stored in large-sized tin cans with covers made practically air-tight by means of cheese cloth or muslin. The acid when used in large quantities is purchased in drums containing about 1,500 pounds. In smaller quan- tities it i^ sold in carboys containing a little less than 200 pounds. The carboys make convenient receptacles for handling in the groves. In emptying from a drum into carboys a large funnel of glass or sheet lead is useful. When the carboys are boxed and not other- wise provided with handles, strips of wood may be nailed along paral- lel sides projecting at each end, so as to make convenient handles For t wo men. If carboys can not be obtained or the quantity of acid used does not require temporary containers for such amounts, large jugs may he used. In all cases the containers, except when in use, should he stoppered. For this purpose wooden plugs, made tight w ith asbestos, such as can be bought in sheets from hardware dealers, may be used. When the acid is to be stored in carboys for more than a few days the plugs should be made extra tight by means of plaster of Paris. For water required in the generation of the gas anything that is reasonably clean will answer the requirements. PROPORTION OF WATER AND ACID. The proportion of the materials theorel ically required for a complete chemical reaction is I part of potassium cyanid, 1 part of acid, and 2 parts of w ater. In pract ice3 however, an excess of acid up to one-fourth a Sixty-six degrees sulphuric acid Is 93 per cent strength. 26 PUMIGATIOK FOB THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. more than the actual requiremenl is ordinarily used, while it is gen- erally considered that the use of three or four times as much water as acid reduces the danger of shedding of the leaves from excessive dosage. The experiments conducted by the writer relating to this point have thus far given only negative results by failing to show any relation between the proportion of -the water and acid and the ellcct of the gas upon the insects or the foliage. In 66 of the experi- ments summarized hereafter a record was made of the proportion of 1 lie water and acid. In nearly every case the object was to determine the minimum dosage required, and while the record included the proportions of the water and acid no effect of the varia- tion in tins regard was looked for until the results were summarized. The chances, therefore, were equal in regard to the selection of a dose of the required amount for greatest utility in the various tests. The results in connection with the proportion of water and acid used are eriven in the Table III: Tablk III. — Results obtained with varying proportions of water and arid. Tarts of water to one part of acid. mei?ts in ments ta Shri£nfL°,f Per cenfof warned h^e flies were killed. were killed. Total. 9 3 14 <>' 3. 3* 4 5 10 0 11 0 17 27 1 1 9 20 1 1 Total 31 a.-) 66 10 21 7 2S 17 49 It will be observed from the table that the result- seem to favor the smaller amounts of water in proportion to the acid rather than the larger amounts. The data are not extensive enough to establish this conclusively, and it is not improbable that the difference in the percentage of white flies killed has no connection with the propor- tion of water and acid. It is at least evident, however, that there is no marked difference in favor of the use of water in a proportion greater than necessary for the complete chemical reaction. The Association of Horticultural Inspectors in 1903 adopted the formula usually expressed 1-2-4, meaning 1 part of cyanid, 2- of acid, and I of water. Mr. Wilmon Newell's laboratory experiments0 lead him to conclude that this formula permits the1 volatilization of an apparently maximum amount of prussic (hydrocyanic) acid. «Bul. 15, Georgia State li-.ar.l of Entomology, pp. 21-24, L905.. METHODS OF HANDLING CE1 2 \ The element of beat due to the mixing of the acid and water is rec- ognized as an important factor in generating the gas. According to ('. P. Lounsbury0 very nearly the maximum amount of heal is evolved when equal volumes of acid and water arc used, and he advises against the use of more than 2 volumes of water to i of acid. The point in question is one of those now under* investigation in California l>\ agents of this Bureau. Until conclusions are reached the writer would recommend that the chemicals he used in the propor- t ion of 1 part of cyanid, 1 part of acid, and :\ parts of water, or l-l-.'5. 'Phis formula i^ recommended for the present on account of results of experiments reported herein and upon which the table given in the appendix is based, being obtained with an average of 3 parts of water to 1 of acid. Future experiments may justify the California prac- tice from the standpoint of danger to the foliage from the use of the smaller amounts e frequently used to advantage, placing them in position from oppo- site >ides and having them overlap as much as possible without inter- fering with tightness at the ground. It i^ hest to have the tents large enough so that not less than 2 feet o( the edge will rest on the ground at any point when adjusted and ready for fumigation. Sometimes it may be accessary to weight down the tents at certain points by means of a few shovelfuls of earth. Carelessness of the workmen charged with adjusting the tents at the ground would result in seriously curtailing the benefits from fumigating a grove. When arriving at the end of a row, or on other occasions when it is desired to uncover a tree without at the same4 time pulling the tent in position over another, the tent is usually dragged off by hand. If there is dead wood present, however, to avoid the possibility of injuring the tent, removal with the poles or derricks may be advisable. It is well to call attention again to the desirability of always pulling the tent lengthwise with the strips, whet her in changing the tent from tree to tree or in dragging off from a t ree after t reat ment. Bell tents. — The method of covering trees with hell or hoop tents is so plainly shown by Plate I as to require but few words of explanation. The cloth should fall over the hoop on the side farthest from the tree, in order to bring the center of the tent about over the center of the tree in covering. Usually two men, one on each side, can easily throw the tent entirely over the tree, hut if the tree to be covered re- quires nearly the full capacity of the tent it will be necessary to pass around to the front of the tree and pull the tent down into position with the hoop resting on the ground. Ordinarily the cloth which ex- tends below the hoop makes the tent sufficiently tight at the bottom when the hoop is resting flat on the ground. An extra man with a pole or rope may be necessary to assist in handling the largest sizes of hoop tents, when they are used to cover the largest trees possible. In changing from one tree to the next in the row a little experience will show what is the quickest and easiest method. Tents of this pattern an- at present little used in California, the sheet tent being greatly preferred even for small trees. 30 FUMIGATION FOE THE CITRUS WHITE ELY. MEASURING TBEES. Xu-fssity for measurements. — The rule followed by some California fumigators in estimating the dosage for scale insects is to give an amount which in the manager's judgment is as large as each tree will stand without injury to well-matured growth. Tender growth is almost invariably injured by a proper dosage, but this loss is not con- sidered of consequence. In Florida, however, there is usually little or no new growth until toward the close of the season to which fumi- gation for the white fly should be limited. It is obviously impos- sible, even for an experienced fumigator, without measuring, to judge of the size of trees so accurately as to avoid overdoses, on the one hand, wasting a small percentage of the chemicals, and, on the other hand, underestimates with the consequent lack of effec- tiveness. The difference between an effective dosage as a treat- ment for the white fly and one which would produce injury to the tree is not large in many cases, a and careful estimation of dosage seems essential for economy and success in fumigation for this insect. Even among fumigators considered most successful in California, there is a Ancle diversity of opinion as to the quantity of chemicals required for trees of the same size, as shown by the observations of Mr. S. J. Hunter, reported by Professor Woodworth, and by the published rec- ommendations as to dosage by various writers. The significance of this in California is that there is a great difference between efficiency against the scale insects treated and danger to the trees; and the prac- tice of basing dosage on guesses as to the dimensions, either before or after covering, necessarily results in the danger of underestimation of the dosage requirement on the one hand and a needless waste of chemicals on the other. A study of the table given in the appendix, showing the dosage recommended for successful work against the white fly with untreated tents,6 proves the physical impossibility of a fumi- gator approximating such dosage without a definite knowledge of the size of the space inclosed and of the ratio of the number of cubic feet of contents to the square feet of surface through which the gas gradually escapes. This can be obtained only by actual measurements. The only two dimensions which it is at all practicable to obtain are the circumference of the tented tree at the base and the distance over the top from ground to ground. The system here recommended will, by insuring satisfactory results, prove the most economical for adoption « The experimental work conducted in Florida during the winter of 1907-8 has shown that the liability of injuring citrus trees from overdosingis frequently depend- ent upon the physiological condition of the trees as affected by the nature of the soil, the soil moisture, and the chemical fertilizers used in the' grove. & Water-shrunk or its equivalent asregards tightness, li should be home in mind thai mildew-proofing with tannin, etc., is not supposed to increase t ightness more than does the normal shrinking. MEASURING TREES. 31 by any citrus grower contemplating the use of fumigation for the white fly, This has been thoroughly demonstrated by the experi- mental work conducted in the winter of 1907-8, when, as has been stated, approximately 4,000 trees were fumigated. Methods followed in experimental work. — The measurements of tented trees in the experiments conducted in January and February, 1907, were made by means of a tape measure attached to a reel. In obtaining the distance over in each case the end of the tape was held in one hand while the reel was thrown over the center of the tent and the measurement made from ground to ground. For the purposes of the experiments, accuracy being desired as far as possible, measure- ments were made in two directions, from east to west and from north to south. In each case care was used to have the tape pass as nearly as possible over the center of the tree regardless of the highest point. Of 72 tented trees measured in two directions, 70 per cent were found to vary 12 inches or less in the two measurements, 15 per cent to vary from 1 3 inches to 24 inches, and 1 1 per cent from 25 inches to 50 inches. The average variation was 12 inches and the maximum 50 inches. Inasmuch as it is recommended that in • using the table appended hereto the number in the first column next above the actual measure- ment (when the actual measurement is more than 6 inches above an even number) be selected in estimating the dosage, it is evident that in nearly all cases a measurement over the top of the tented tree in one direction, together with the circumference, wall show the dosage with sufficient accuracy for practical purposes. A fumigator should, how- ever, in using the table and knowing the measurement over in one direction, make allowances in case the irregular shape of the tree makes the single measurement over the top fall short of indicating the true size. A new scheme for obtaining measurements. — The measuring of the tented tree by means of the tape, as described, requires two men, owing to the difficulty of getting the tape over the center of the tree. Ordinarily it requires only one or two minutes at the most to obtain these measurements, but when more than a few trees are to be treated a simpler and quicker process is necessary. One man can quickly obtain the circumference by using a tape provided at the end with means for attaching to the tent, while he walks once around the tree to the starting point, unreeling the tape as needed. For attach- ing the tape to the tent some form of metal clamp, such as is usually found in stock at gentlemen's furnishing stores, is suggested. In fumigating on a large scale the use of a tape causes considerable trouble, owing to unavoidable tangling and misplacing, especially when used at night. One of the operators, however, should always estimate the circumference of the tented tree by pacing. This cannot be done with sufficient accuracy without considerable preliminary 49918— Bull. 76— 08 3 H2 FUMIGATION FOK THE CITRUS WHITE FLY experience — obtained l>v measuring the first ten or fifteen trees covered, both with the tape and by pacing, and comparing the results. In pacing, the actual distance traveled will of course always be greater than the circumference as measured by the tape. With a little experience the proper allowance can be estimated with sufficient accuracy. For obtaining the distance over the top of the tented tree the author has devised a plan which will so simplify the careful estimation of dosage in conjunction with tables such as the one presented in the appendix that a far greater uniformity of results and important sav- ing of materials will follow its adoption. This method consists in marking the tent as shown in figures 6 and 7 and in Plate VII. The tent isfirst t hor oughly w a t e r - shrunk, after which from one to three en- tire conspicuous lines are painted length- wise of the tent for the length of the full-length strips, and one line at right angles to longitudi- nal line or lines. For bell tents and sheet tents up to about 35 feet in di- ameter, one line running lengthwise of the strips will be sufficient, although three are preferable. For larger sheet tents three lines should always be made. The tent may be water-shrunk, if not already so, by allowing it to become wet with dew or other means, after which it should be thoroughly dried in the sun. The entire tent, or at least the central section of full-length strips, is spread flat on the ground, and the middle strip with the proper location for a median line is located. This line should be painted with a good quality of black paint a (flexible paint preferable) about 2\ or 3 inches wide. If three lines are j. A e c / 8 1 8 T 8 1 \ / ^ I I 1 () inches For tents 60 feel or less in diameter and from 12 to 48 inches for tents of larger size. These two lines should not be more than l inch is width, so thai they can be readily distinguished from the wider median line. The cx-,\c\ cen- ter o\' the tent is now located by measurement on the median line and the corresponding points on the two outside lines are marked. Taking into consideration the smallest tree that the tent probably will ever be used to cover, distances are measured on these three lines, in both directions from the center, so that parallel lines about I indies long, \ inch wide, and 1 foot apart can he made across each longitudinal line, beginning 1 fool from the edge of the tent FlG. 7. — Tent marked to aid in estimating dosage, in position for fumigation. (Adapted from Marian., and making the lines in succession toward the center. After making a given number of these cross lines on each longitudinal line, the number in each case equal to the distance from the middle point to the cross line is painted on with conspicuous figures. (PL III, figs. 3, 4, 5, and 6; PI. IV, fig. 1; PI. VII, figs. 1 and 2.) If properly marked according to these directions, the corresponding cross lines on the three parallel longitudinal lines should be marked with the same number, as shown in figure 6. When the tent is exactly cen- tered over a tree the reading at the ground on both sides of the tent will be the same. Ordinarily, however, when the tent is so placed that this line passes as nearly over the center of the tree as it is 34 FUMIGATION FOE THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. possible to estimate, the readings will differ by 2 or 3 feet, often more. As the tent should always be pulled lengthwise of the strips, the central line will most often lie over the center of the tree, and hence be most useful in obtaining the distance over from ground to ground. Frequently, however, this measurement of the tented tree can be best obtained by selecting for the purpose one or the other of the outside lines. The distance over the top in all cases is the sum of the two readings on the line selected. The fourth line, painted at right angles to the three running lengthwise, passing through the middle point of each, extending to the sides of the tent and marked with the distances corresponding to those on the first three lines, will be of advantage when a tree is so irregular in form that one line passing over the center of the tree seems to fail to give the measurement with sufficient accuracy. When it is necessary to use this line the tent can be readily pulled directly forward or back- ward whatever distance is necessary to bring this line as nearly as possible over the center of the tree, leaving the longitudinal line (previously selected as the one passing most nearly over the center) in the same relative position as before. The average of the read- ings on the two lines will give the desired dimension as nearly cor- rect as is necessary. Measurements of a few such irregular trees will assist the operator's judgment until his experience is sufficient to enable him to estimate the allowance in ordinary cases when necessary. The tables appended, however, give a margin above the average requirements which will cover ordinary cases of variation from the regular forms. When a single longitudinal line is used on the smaller sized tents this line can be readily brought to any desired position by pulling sidewise on the tent, without the risk of damage by ripping at the seams, as with the larger sizes. The lines, in addition to their use- fulness in estimating the dosage, will be found of considerable assist- ance in locating the catch rings, and in other ways, when handling the tent. Previously proposed schemes for marking tents to aid in estimating dosage. — The idea of marking the tents to aid in determining the dose is not a new one, for in California several years ago a tent was in- vented which was marked with concentric rings, at each of which a dose was indicated. This failed to take into consideration the variation in circumference of tented trees whose distance over is the same. Professor Woodworth has suggested a system of marking tents, concerning which he says : a It consists in making a series of parallel lines near two opposite edges of the tent, which are so distanced from the center point that they shall correspond with the dosage of a tree of the average shape. Upon these lines will be placed numerals, a Bui. 152, Cal. Agr. Exp. Sta., p. 15. METUOD «'l CT.N KHATINi; THE CAS. 35 indicating the dose, the circumference in yards (paces), and the difference (thai is, the amount the dose must be varied) should the distance around be more or less than the amount indicated for an average tent. This suggestioD in regard to the marking of bents with the dosage to obviate the use of printed tables seems to the writer to be of con- siderable value under some circumstances. One objection to the use of differentials in this manner is that the cubic capacity and dosage does not increase in direct proportion to the increase in circumfer- ence with a given distance4 over the top. To illustrate the method of marking the tents with the dosage, when desired, a tent meas- uring 30 feet over from ground to ground will serve as an example. The tabic4 in the appendix shows that for every 5 feet of difference in the measurement of the circumference of a tent measuring 30 feet over the top. the amount of cyanid is increased or decreased one- half ounce, or 0.1 ounce for each foot. With the figure 30 on the tent, we would place the dosage of a tented tree measuring 30 feet in cir- cumference. The dosage called for by the table for a tent of this size (30 by 30) is 9\ ounces. Following this the differential, or 0.1 ounce, is placed. The entire directions for obtaining the dosage4 would read 30 — 94 — 0.1. A tented tree measuring 30 feet over and 38 feet in circumference would require 9-i ounces plus 0.8 ounce or, for practical purposes, 10J ounces. If the measurement was 30 feet over and 25 feet in circumference, the dosage would be 94 less 0.5 ounce, or 9 ounces. When tables are worked out in detail, as they should be where accurate1 work is desired, reference to them is undoubtedly by far the quickest and safest method under ordinary circumstances. METHOD OF GENERATING THE GAS. In order to permit of making the measurements of tents and esti- mating the dosage with the care hereafter recommended and with the least possible delay, it is sometimes advisable, in operations on a large scale, that the cyanid be weighed during the day or at other times when it is not advisable to fumigate, or, if done at night, that an additional helper be employed. Such a helper, in addition to weighing the cvanid, might look after the replenishing of the stock of cvanid and acid at the cart as needed and assist in measuring the tents and emptying the generating jars. The cyanid should be weighed up in lots of \, 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 ounces, put into paper bags of convenient size, and protected from dampness. When the tented trees all measure less than 34 feet over the to]) from ground to ground, the doses of 20 ounces each will not be required, and when measuring more than this the lots of one-half ounce may be dispensed with. At the cart, drag, or tray these bags of cyanid should be kept in separate boxes, or in separate compartments of a 36 FUMIGATION FOR THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. large box, and selected as needed to make up the proper dosage for the trees as they are fumigated. It has been the writer's experi- ence that the better plan is to weigh up the chemicals in the field as fast as the dosage for the successive trees is determined. Three times as many ounces of water (liquid measure) as of cyanid is first poured into the jar. It is unnecessary to be exact in this measurement, and a long-handled dipper of 16 ounces or 1 pint capacity is preferable to the glass graduate. If, for example, 30 ounces of water are required, two and one-fourth dipperfuls are poured into the jar, dipping from the pail carried with the commissary tray. As many ounces of acid as cyanid to be used is measured in the graduate, being poured from one of the pitchers which are carried in one end of the commissary tray (Plate IV, fig. 1). Another member of the crew in the meantime arranges for the proper dose of the cyanid and, with a lantern in hand when neces- sary, raises the edge of the tent while the one who measures the acid and water pours the acid into the jar containing the water, carries the cyanid and generating j ar under the tent (Plate VII, fig. 2), and at arm's length empties in the cyanid. The' jar should be placed about halfway between the base of the tree and the edge of the tent. For each 8 or 10 ounces of cyanid the generating jar should have a capacity of 1 gallon. For very large seedling trees two 3-gallon, 4-gallon, or even 5-gallon jars may sometimes be needed, while at other times one 3-gallon jar and one 2-gallon jar will be required for single trees, although to avoid errors it is preferable to divide the dose evenly between the jars when more than one are used. When two jars are used, they should be placed one on each side of the tree. The operator holds his breath, as soon as the cyanid is dropped into the generator, and as soon as he is outside the edge of the tent is dropped into place, while the violent boiling of the chemicals, as the gas is generated, can be distinctly heard for several minutes. The cyanid should be added as soon as possible after adding the acid, for the heat evolved by the acid and water at the time of mixing is neces- sary for the rapid generation of the gas. The man who measures the acid and generates the gas should have his hands protected by loose- fitting rubber gloves and should avoid being too close to the jar when pouring in the acid. He should never touch the tent while wearing the gloves unless they have been thoroughly rinsed in water. WORK ROUTINE. The systematic arrangement of the details of the procedure is of great importance in fumigation. The plans of work vary consider- ably with different fumigators, but it is the purpose in all cases to fol- low Mich work routine1 as will keep all hands constantly employed. In California from two to six men are employed in each outfit accord- WORK ROUTINE, 87 ing to the size and number of the trees. For medium-sized trees requiring tents not larger than ! l feei in diameter, five men can work to advantage. This crew can handle 30 tents every forty-five minutes and can treat from 350 to 400 trees in a night's work of ten hours. For trees requiring Larger tents, which are shifted hy means of Uprights, a crew of five or six men is needed to handle about 12 or 1 5 tents every forty-five minutes, or between LOO and L50 trees in a full night's work. This rapidity is attained when the trees are regularly set and properly spaced and when the schedules showing the dosage for each tree to be fumigated are prepared during the day, or when the dose Is based upon the judgment of the fumigator after the tent has been placed in position. As has been stated, the plan of work com- monly followed in California in treating scale insects, as far as the estimation of dosage is concerned, can not he recommended for use against the white1 fly in Florida. The method of estimating the dosage herein recommended at the most affects the schemes of routine previously followed in fumigating only by adding an extra man to the crew. One1 man can calculate1 the dosage faster than two men can weigh out the chemicals and generate the gas. The extra expense- of an additional man is entirely negligible considering the increase in effi- cieicy on the one hand and the check on unnecessary waste of the chemicals on the other. I itds of water should be placed during the day at convenient points in the grove, as should also carboys or large jugs containing tin .cid. The tents are taken to the end of the rows, unrolled, and pla< ,l in position for covering the first trees. The cart with its sup- ply n over the first treesof the row. If one tree should be missing, the tent is left unused during the first period rather than to break the line by moving it at once to the second tree. As each tree is covered, each oneof the tent men, a ft er disconnecting his pole or derrick, walks halfway tround the tent, pulling in the edges so that it will not spread on. to inclose unnecessary space. A tent after being pulled in at the bottom is shown in Plate VI. After reaching the end of the row the tern men return to the eart or commissary tray and assist in generating (he gas. As soon as the first tent is in position the fore- man with a antern in hand, except when the light from the moon is sufficient, notes the position of the tent with respect to the center of the tree, using as guides the lines heretofore described. The reading LS made where the selected line touches the ground. 88 FUMIGATION FOR THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. He notes on the scratch pad the first reading and paces around the tent, noting on the pad the reading on the opposite end of the selected line. Upon reaching the starting point the distance over and the circumference — as, for example, 38-44 — are noted at once upon the diagram (fig. 3, D; figs. 4, 5). The dosage table is referred to and the amount of cyanid to be given is noted in the diagram below the figures noting the dimensions. The foreman or the man who determines the amount of chemicals then assists in measuring and introducing the chemicals, or if two other men are available for this work he pro- ceeds to the next tree and determines the dosage as before. The supply of water and chemicals for the set of tents is moved ahead as fast as the generating of the gas is started under each tree. The assistant, when working on the second set of trees, picks up the generating jars beneath the first trees recently fumigated and midway between the rows scoops out a hole with his foot or with a spade ana buries the contents of the jar. The foreman should never trust anr responsible part of the operation to an assistant whom he does not know to be reliable. He should thoroughly systematize the work so that no unnecessary hands will be employed while at the same time his entire outfit of tents will be utilized to the best advantage. ESTIMATION OF TIME REQUIRED FOR FUMIGATION OF GROVE. When two men can conveniently shift the tents, they can eoV;»'..a tree, take the measurements, and generate the gas without difficulty in about five minutes when not hampered by irregularities in 'the location of trees. This means that two men should be able to ha' idle 9 or 10 tents in forty-five minutes with the methods herein recom- mended. Allowing fifteen minutes each hour for rest and restock- ing of the commissary tray with chemicals, two men begiming at 4 p. m. could fumigate about 75 trees by midnight. Tkrep men in the same time could easily fumigate 100 or 115 trees somewhat larger in size, or at the rate of 13 or 14 tents every hour. Four or five men should be able to fumigate each hour from 20 to 25 trees as large as can conveniently be covered by means of changing poles. When uprights are used a crew of six men, or possibly in some casesas many as eight, can work to best advantage. Such a crew shouLl handle from 10 to 15 tents 50 feet in diameter, or larger, every hour, including time for rest and restocking cart or tray with the chemicals With three men attending to determining the dosage andgenerating the gas and two men shifting t he tents, the trees being 1- to 15 feet high, the author with other agents of the Bureau in experimental work on one occasion fumigated 19 trees in thirty-live (oinutes. In one night a crew of six men have fumigated 221 budded/trees varying from 12 to 16 feet in height. In this case certain irregularities in the plan of setting the grove prevented a much better record. APPROXIMATING DIMENSIONS LND CUBIC CONTENTS. 39 In undertaking the Fumigation of a large grove the citrus growers should avoid underestimating t ho hindrance to the work through winds and rains. Fortunately during the season for Fumigating in Florida there is comparatively lit i le rainfall in ordinary years. In the central Section of Florida winds at night w ill ordinarily interfere very lit t le, hut in sections Dear the coast interference from this source may be more frequent. From the middle of December until the middle4 of Febru- ary it is well to make allowance for an average of two nights each week when Fumigation work will have to he suspended. In fumigating seedling trees 30 feel or more in height one could expect to fumigate from 300 to 400 trees a week with an outfit of s or K) tents. En fumigating trees from 15to20fee1 high with an outfit of 20 tents one could expect to fumigate from 800 to 1 ,000 trees a week. In the cases of both the large and the small trees these estimates can fre- quently be exceeded when conditions are favorable, but as the period for fumigating is so limited it is advisable to avoid underestimating the time required to complete the fumigation of a grove. In plan- ningfor the necessary equipment it is safe to calculate that with one tent for each 100 trees the work of fumigation can be completed in between ten and fourteen nights' work. In many cases it is neces- sary to have two complete outfits at work in the same grove when the work is started late in the season and there is danger of new growth appearing on the trees before one outfit could finish the METHODS OF COMPUTING APPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS AND CUBIC CONTENTS. The dosage recommended in the table given in the appendix is based upon detailed records of 100 trees fumigated by the writer and his assistants during January and February, 1907. Heretofore tables of this kind have been based on the height and diameter of the trees, with the exception of one prepared by Prof. C. W. Woodworth, who firsl recommended a dosage system based on the dimensions of the tented tree-. The two dimensions of practical importance are the circumference and the distance over the top from ground to ground. The method for obtaining these dimensions has been described. In Professor Woodworth's table of dosage referred to above, the amount of cyanid was directly proportional to the cubic contents. The table of dosage here recommended is based upon actual experience and is, as far as known to the writer, the first to take into consideration the effect of leakage. Tented trees are always more or less irregular and any attempt to calculate the volume of the space inclosed can give only approximate figure-. A cylinder surmounted by a hemisphere is the regular figure that is nearest to the form of a tented tree. The leakage surf ace of a flal octagonal tent covering a tree obviously is not 40 FUMIGATION FOR THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. the same as the surface area of such a figure, but rather the area of a circle with a diameter equal to the distance over the top of the tent from ground to ground. To a certain extent the folds in a tent when in position over a tree reduce this surface, but this is a factor of little consequence, as it i> present in all cases, and the portion of the tent folded so a- to prevent all leakage represents only a small percentage of the whole. For practical purposes, therefore, the leakage surface is calculated from the mathematical formula o.l416 multiplied by the square of the radius or 7tR2. The approximate height of the tented tree can be calculated from the following formula, in which C repre- sents the circumference of the tent at the base and O represents the distance over the top : H = - 9 + 9 —' The diameter is found by dividing the circumference by 3.141(3. The height and diameter having been obtained, the cubic contents of the regular figure mentioned can be calculated by the following for- mula : 7tll2 I H — -5- )• The actual cubic inclosure of a tented tree will obviously always be more or less smaller than the regular figure to which this formula applies, although irregularities in shape will have a tendency to counteract one another. DOSAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE WHITE FLY. EXPERIMENTS WITH SHEET TEXT. Summary of results with regard to dosage. — In experiments to determine the dosage requirements for the white fly when using sheet tents, detailed records were made concerning each tree fumi- gated during the first season's work,0 including every factor which might influence the results. The main objects in view hi conducting the experiments were to determine the minimum dosage require- ments for destroying the white fly larvae and pupae, the rate of leakage of the gas through the cloth, the effect of moisture on efficiency of the treatment, the effect of the treatment upon the foliage under various conditions of moisture, the margin as to dosage between effective treatment for the insect and danger to the tree, and the effect of different proportions of water and acid. Observations on other points, such as effect of wind, sunlight, condition of foliage as affected by drought, etc., were made as opportunity afforded. All the experiments were conducted between January 12 and March 1, 1907, inclusive, but observations as to results were continued for several weeks after the latter date. During this period practically " The results of the experimental work during the winter of L907 8 substantiate the conclusions derived from the work of the firsl season so far as the data up to this time completed show. DOSAGE REQUIREMENTS. 41 all the immature white flies were in the pupal stage. Of the many thousands of specimens examined in the course of the experiments, less than five were in earlier stages. The principal experiments were conducted in the grove at the laboratory in Orlando. Fla., but cooperative experiments were conducted on a larger scale in an extensive grove in the western portion of Orange County. The detailed records concerning the efficiency of fumigation against the white fly refer to experiments conducted at Orlando. A group <>!* trees was selected for treatment on account of the comparative abundance of the live insects. As it was considered desirable to examine t ho insects both before and after treatment, leaves were selected at various distances from the ground, and in various sections of the tree, and the number of live and apparently normal pupae was aoted on a tag which was left attached to each leaf. After fumigation examinations were made at intervals of a lew days until the appearance of the pupae on the tagged leaves showed, beyond doubt, that the insects were dead or, if unaffected, • until the evidences of normal vitality were unmistakable or the adult insects had emerged. The acid used in the experiments, with the exception of experiments Nos. 45.37, 60.21 , X.7, and X.8, was tested with a Beaume hydrometer and found to be 66°, as guaranteed by the manufacturers. The potassium cyanid was guaranteed to be 99 per cent pure. A sample was analyzed in the Bureau of Chemistry of the Department of Agriculture and it was reported to contain 40.59 per cent cyanogen, a little more than 0.5 of 1 per cent more than that theoretically present in chemically pure potassium cyanid, the excess being due to a trace of sodium cyanid. As has been previously stated, the sheet tent used was made of the brand of S-ounce duck which is most used in California for fumigat- ing tents. The tent was untreated but was thoroughly shrunk by exposure to heavy dews and therefore as tight as those ordinarily used. A system of numbering the experiments was adopted which indicates the length of exposure and consecutive number of the tree treated for the particular duration of time. The number before the decimal point indicates this exposure for sixty minutes and less. Exposures ranging from one and a half to three hours are indicated by the letter X preceding the decimal point. 'Fable IV summarizes the data based upon the experiments of January and February, 1907, concerning dosage for the white fly, including for convenience the dosage called for by the tables found in the appendix. 42 FUMIGATION FOR THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. Table IV. — Summary of dosagt experiments uith sheet tent constructed of S-ounce duck. Measurements of Amount of tented tree. cyanid recom- Experi- ment No. Amount of Per cent of mended in cyanid white flies table friven Distance ( in- n infer- used. destroyed. in appen- over. ence. dix; 45 minutes' exposure. Feet. Feet. Ounces. Ounces. 20.1 45 57 16* 91.9 -• 30. 1 50 60 7 31 35} 30.2 44 584 11 66 28 30.4 47 62" 18 92 33 30.5 39 50 16* 98.6 20 30.6 46 56 20 71 29 30.7 40* 56 30 100 24 30.8 38 48 251 100 18* 40.1 44 53 5 31 254 40.2 m 59 10 84 26 40.3 42\ 60 15 85 27 40.4 45 56 21 80 28* 40.6 39 54 17* 88 21 40.8 444 58* 17J 97 29* 40.9 431 56 12 93 27 40.10 38 46 134 95.7 17* 40.11 45* 63 25" 99.2 32* 40.12 51* 64 30§ 98.4 41* 40.13 444 57 24 100 28 40.14 43* 54 26 i 100 26 40.15 37" 48 21 100 18 40.18 43 54 32 100 25 40.20 43 60 32 100 27 40.21 474. 56 38 100 31 45.1 37 47 21 100 17* 45.3 47 51* 22 99.5 28 45.4 45 57* 23 100 28 45.5 464 604 26* 98.9 32 45.6 43* 56" 22* 100 26* 4.'). 7 50* 56 36 100 34 45.8 44i 58 27 100 28 45.9 364 48 21 100 17 45.10 45* 67 35 100 34 45.12 344 43 15| 100 14 45.13 314 38 in 100 11* 45.15 404 50 26i +99. 6(?) 21 45. 17 37" 45 21 100 164 45.19 314 39 14} 100 Hi 45. 20 33 50 12* 99.5 15 45.21 31 42 9 89.3 11 45.22 38 46 13f 99.8 IS 45.23 464 56 294 100 294 45.24 34| 47 154 100 15 45.25 484 57 334 100 32 45.26 33 46 13" 100 14 45.27 464 65 364 +99. 7(?) 34 45.28 46* 50 244 99.5 - 45.30 294 30 6" 100 9* 45.33 :^V. 36 10 100 14 45.34 40* 44 21 100 194 45.35 40* 47 20 100 194 45.36 45 50 204 97.7 25" 45.37 35 50 19j 92 16* i 50.1 44 58 23 66 28 50.2 394 46* 28 100 19 50.5 52" 56 37 100 354 60.1 51 60* 30* 98.6 38 60.2 43 56 22 100 26* 60.4 44* 58 234 100 29 60.5 384 50 16* 100 20 60.6 33* 38 8* 97 13 60.7 38* 56 18 94 22" 60.19 41* 584 27 100 26* 60.20 29 374 8* 66 L0 60.21 41 55" 25 97.6 24 X.l 43* 56 -_ ? 26* X.3 47| 54 >. 99.6 30 X. 4 34 49 15 99.8 l.V. x .:. 47* 54 24* 99.7 30 X 6 45* 53 171 98.8 27* X.7 49 62 40 «99.8 37 X .8 524 64 35* f'94 42 a One pupa apparently alive 24 days after fumieatint:: 7:n dead. '- 200 examined : 188killed, 12 alive. DOSAGE REQUIRED l-.\ I B. 48 Deductioris concerning effectivi dosage. In formulating a definite table of dosage requirements from the above experiments the most significant results are (hose in which the amount of cyanid used was sufficient to destroy all but a very small percentage of the insects. Table Vgives more complete data concerning the foregoing experi- ments, in which from 95 to 99.9 per ccn! of the insects were killed; also, for comparison, it gives the dosage called for by tables pre- pared by t he author. Table V. Data concerning dosage in those experiments in which 95 to 99.9 per cent of white flies were destroyed. Measurement a of tented 1 pee. Approx- Experi- ment No. imate Dis Cir- capacity oi in tance cumfer closed over. ence. space. Feet. Feet. Ou. ft. 30.5 :,(i 2, lis ■in. in 18 46 2.080 in. 8 :■ 58j ;;.:,si li >. ll 63 4,290 40. 12 514 .a 5,338 15.20 33 50 1 . 862 15. 22 as 46 2.0S0 45 50 3,046 4.".. 28 46 J 50 3,194 4.".. :, till'. 4.238 4:.. 3 47 50* 3,397 33* 38 1.297 6a 21 41" 55 3,027 BO. 1 51 60* 4,867 6X.4 34 40" 1.890 ■X. 1 43* 56 3.412 i rfX.H a 53 3.272 «X. 5 54 3.713 ;x. 3 m 54 3,713 Approx- imate leakage surface Sq.ft. 1.II7.". 1,134 1,554 1,625 2,082 855 1,134 1,590 1,697 1,'734 881 1.320 2, 042 908 1,485 1,625 1.771 1,771 Ratio of leakage Amount surface cyanid to cubic use.!. contents. Ov/nces. L:2.28 Hi', 1:1. 83 13* 1:2.30 m 1:2.65 25 1:2.56 30? 1:2. 17 12* 1:1.83 13* 1:1.88 20* 1:1.88 24', 1:2.49 26* L:l. 95 22 1:1.47 8* 1:2.29 1:2.38 30* 1:2.08 15 1:2.29 22* 1:2.01 17* 1:2.09 24* 1:2.09 28* Rate: Number cubic feel per ounce cyanid. lis 1 54 207 171 171 I 40 154 lis 130 160 154 152 121 160 126 156 IS'I 151 130 \moiinl Kale: c\ anid Number recom- cubic i <•«■ t. mended per ounce in table cyanid given in recom- appendix mended. Ounces. 20 122 171- 119 29 123 32* 131 41 130 15 124 17* 119 25 122 26* 120 32 132 28 121 13 Kin 24 126 38 128 15* 122 26* 129 27* 110 30 123 30 \i:\ a One of several trees fumigated on night of March 1, 1907. Unsatisfactory results supposed to be due to poor quality of acid. 6 Exposure, l hour and 45 minutes, e Exposure, 2 hours and 50 minutes. d Exposure, 1 hour and 30 minutes. e Exposure, l hour and 35 minutes. /Exposure, 1 hour and 55 minutes. For purposes of comparison with Table V, the data on the dosage experiments in which all of the insects were believed to have been killed in forty-five-minute exposures are given in Table VI, which, like the preceding, includes the rate and amount of dosage calculated according to the dosage recommendations hereinafter given. 44 FUMIGATION FOR THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. Table VI. — Data concerning dosage in those experiments in which 100 per cent of white ' Jties were destroyed. Experi- ment No. (series 45). Measurements of tented tree. Approx- imate Approx- imate leakage surface Ratio of leakage surface to cubic contents. Rate: Number cubic feet per ounce cyanid. Amount cyanid Rate: Number Dis- tance over. Cir- cumfer- ence. capacity of in-" closed space. Amount cyanid recom- mended in table given in appendix cubic feet per ounce cyanid recom- mended. Feet. Feet. Cu. ft. Sq.ft. Ounces. Ounces. 30 m 30 735 683 1:1. (is 6 118 9* 77 13 31 38 1,149 754 1:1. 52 11 1 100 11 1(14 19 31| 39 1,219 779 1:1.56 14* 84 11* 106 26 33 46 1,656 855 1:1. 93 13 127 14 118 33 34* 36 1,224 935 1:1.31 10 122 13 94 12 :uT. 43 1,620 935 L: 1. 73 I5f 103 14 116 24 34* 47 1,855 935 1:1.98 15* 119 15* 119 17 364 45* 1,888 1.043 1:1.81 21 90 17 111 9 ;;.;■. 48 2,049 1,043 1:1.96 21 98 17 120 1 37 47 2,075 1,075 1:1.93 21 99 17 122 34 40 44 2,092 L.256 1:1.66 21 100 18* 113 35 40 47 2,341 1,256 1:1.86 20 117 20 117 6 43i 56 3,412 1,482 1:2.35 :: 151 26| 129 8 44* 58 3.691 1.554 1:2.37 27" 136 2'.tT, 125 4 45" 57* 3,732 1.589 1:2.34 23 162 28* 131 10 45* 67 4,665 1.625 1:2.87 35 133 344 132 23 46* 56 3,556 • 1.697 1:2.15 29i 124 30" 118 25 48* 57 4,095 1.846 1:2.21 33^ 122 33 124 7 50* 56 4,275 2,002 1:2.13 36 119 34 125 These tables show that with tents of 8-oimce duck and untreated with paint or sizing there is little or no advantage in exposures of more than 40 minutes. The results with exposures of 30 and 40 minutes compare favorably with those ranging from 45 minutes to 2 hours and 50 minutes. It is evident that the gas escapes rapidly and that in the course of a period of 30 to 40 minutes at the most the gas from a dosage of maximum utility is so diluted as to be practically ineffective. On the other hand, the table shows con- clusively that the experiments afford no justification for reducing the dosage on account of lengthening the exposure from 45 to 60 minutes or longer. Everything considered, the writer adopted the 40-minute period of exposure as probably affording the greatest benefit from a given amount of cyanid. As an aid in determining the rates of dosage which could be safely recommended for the various ratios of leakage surface to cubic eon- tents, the experiments referred to in Table V were arranged in accord- ance with the ratio, and in each case the writer estimated the amount of potassium cyanid which it seemed evident would have been ample for the destruction of all the insects. The degree of success obtained with the amount of potassium cyanid actually used was taken into consideration in estimating the amount needed. The data thus arranged, together with calculations of the rate, or number of cubic feet of space per ounce of potassium cyanid, are given in Table VII. DOSAGE REQUIREMEH rS. Table VII. Study of doaagt rates. \:> i: ktio of \lllotlllt Rate Number oubio square feet CJ :iliul BSl i- (eel •■!" space per in leakage Amount of Percenl of mated :is ounce ol yanid. .surface to cyanid w hlte tin s necessary cubic feel used. deal royed. for Esl imated of successful i ed. ;is contents. results. necessarj . 0 liners. Ouna 8. i :2.6fi '_'.") <>'.>. 2 ■ii 171 l.V.t 1:2.66 301 98. l 34 171 17.7 1:_*. 49 -V.! 98. 9 29 L60 IK, 1:2.38 30j 98.6 x\ L80 1 11 1:2.30 17; 97 20 •JUT L79 1 : 2. 29 ok 97.6 28 127 L08 1 : 2. 28 1M 98.6 lit 1 is 128 1:2. 17 12 J 99. 7. 11 11'. t 133 1:2.09 •_'lT. 99. 7 27 l.M 138 U2.09 28J 99. 6 30 130 L24 1:2.08 1.") 99. s L6 126 lis 1:2.01 17', 98.8 •jo IS!) L83 L:1.96 ■ >■> 99.5 24 154 ill 1 : 1 . ss 24j 99.5 27 l.iii IIS 1:1. ss 20l 97.7 •.'•I lis 127 1:1. 83 13* 99.8 15 154 L38 1:1.83 i;u 95.7 17 l 16 L22 1:1. 17 Si 97 11 152 118 From a study of the data in the Table VII the writer concluded that lor a ratio of 1:1.5 the cyanid should be used at a rate very near to 1 ounce to 110 cubic feet of space. Owing to the fact that in all cases tented trees include less inclosed space than would a regular figure which for purposes of approximate calculations has been considered as equivalent, this rate would be higher for a reg- ularly shaped inclosure whose cubic contents could be definitely cal- culated. Probably 1 ounce to 100 cubic feet of space is nearer the actual rate which the experiments indicate is necessary with the ratio mentioned. This, however, is of little consequence in dealing with sheet tents, for only the comparative volumes and dosage rates for trees of different dimensions are required for practical purposes. Having decided upon the adoption of 1 ounce of potassium cyanid per 1 10 cubic feet of space with the ratio of 1:1.5, calculations were made for tents with different ratios up to 1:3.6. Professor Gossard reports0 that 1 ounce to 170 cubic feet of space destroys all white fly pupa1 in an air-tight fumigatorium. Considering that this rate i- approximately correct, an equivalent rate for the volume inclosed by a sheet tent covering a tree would be more than 170 cubic fed in the ideal form of inclosure upon which the calculations are based. Experiments numbered X.3 and X.4, however, show that a rate not Less than 1 ounce for \H\ cubic feet of space should be used when the ratio is 1 : 2. When the ratio is increased from 1:1.5 to I: infinity6 and the rate of dosage for this latter ratio is considered as 1 ounce a Fla. Exp. Sta. Bui. 67, p. 652. b It i< evident that if the aumbei of cubic feel of space were infinitely greater titan the number <>i" square feel of leakage surface, the rate "t" dosage required for an air- tight fumigatorium would be sufficient. 46 FUMIGATION FOR THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. for 170 cubic feet of space, all of the rates are more or less greater than those used in the experiments in which from 95 per cent to 99.9 per cent of the insects were killed. It is evident that the increase in number of cubic feet per ounce of potassium cyanid from 110 to 170 must be calculated at a rate which is in direct proportion to the percentage of increase in cubic contents. The method employed in these calculations is shown in Table VIII, which gives the figures with the ratios ranging from 1:1.0 up to 1:3.6. Table VIII. — Rates of dosagi as affected by ratio of number of squart feet in surfact to th number of cubic /'<< t m volunu . Per cent Number Differ- ence be- Increase Number Differ- ence be- of in- of cubic tween in num- ber cubic feet per of i n- of cubic tween in num- ber cubic Ratio. crease in feet per number Ratio. crease in number cubic con- ounce cubic feet cubic con- ounce cubic feel tents. cyanid. per ounce and 170. ounce cyanid. 1:2.4 tents. cyanid. per ounce and 170. ounce cyanid. 1:1 ------ 76.8 93.2 ....„„.. 4.34 133.5 36.5 1.7 1:1.1 86.1 83.9 1:2.5 4.16 135 35 1.5 1:1.2 9.09 93.7 76.3 7.6 1:2.6 4 136.4 33. 6 1.4 1:1.3 8.33 100.1 69.9 6.4 1:2.7 3.85 137.7 32.3 1.3 1:1.4 7.69 105.4 64.6 5.3 1:2.8 3.7 138.9 31.1 1.2 1:1.5 7.14 110 60 4.6 1:2.9 3.6 140 30 1. 1 1:1.6 6.66 114 56 4 1:3.0 3.44 141 29 1.03 1:1.7 6.25 117.5 52.5 3.5 1:3.1 3.33 142 -N .97 1:1.8 5.88 120.6 49.4 3.1 1:3.2 3.26 142.9 27.1 .91 1:1.9 5.55 123. 3 46.7 2.7 1:3.3 3.12 143.8 26 1:2.0 5.26 125.8 44.2 2.5 1:3.4 3.03 144.5 25.4 .79 1:2.1 5 128 42 2.2 1:3.5 2.94 145.3 24.7 .75 1:2.2 4.76 130 40 2 1:3.6 2.86 146 24 .71 1:2.3 4.54 131.8 38.2 1.8 In Table VIII the number of cubic feet of space per ounce of potas- sium cyanid increases toward 170, representing the rate when the ratio is 1 to infinity, and the dosage increases in rate (= decrease in the number of cubic feet per ounce of potassium cyanid ) as the units of cubic contents become infinitely small in number as compared with the units of square measure of leakage surface. Using the above rates as a basis, the doses for trees measuring from 10 to 76 feet over the top have been calculated. The dimensions of the tented trees and volumes of the inclosed spaces have been calculated in accordance with the formula? given in the preceding pages. Table IX gives the original calculations, while in the appendix the recommended doses alone are given, in a form more convenient for practical use in the field. DOSAGE REQUIREMENTS. 4? Table IX. Recommended dosage, with ^5-w/inuU. exposures. Measurements of Heighl Diameter Ra1 ' tented trees. of regular of regular Ratio <>i \ 1 IK Mill 1 viva Of figure ngure leakage number of cyanid leakage with Willi Volume. surface cubic feel Distance Circum- ference. surface. foregoing measure foregoing measure- i<> oubio contents. space per ounce I'l'CI l| II mended. over. incuts. ments. cyanid Feet. Star, feet. Feet. Feet. Cu. i>>t. Ouna i. 10 12 16 20 L5 7s 78 113 3.0 3. 2 4.0 4.7 0. I 4.8 IS 69 Cm L:0 61 1:0.89 1:0.57 1.0 1.0 2.(1 it 20 2i 2o 113 l.Vl i.M 154 4. 2 5.1, 5. 2 4.7 ... i 4.8 6.4 8.0 101 85 L33 171 1:0.89 L:0.55 1:0.86 1:1. 11 2.(1 2. 5 2. 5 '"*76" it; 20 201 0.2 0.4 105 1:0.82 02 3.0 25 201 5. 7 8.0 221 1:1. 10 ss 3.0 30 201 5. 3 o. 5 270 L:l. 37 100 3.0 is 20 254 7.2 0.4 107 1:0.77 50 1.0 25 254 0.7 8.0 27! 1:1.00 71 4.0 30 254 0.3 9.5 347 1:1.36 1 1 12 l.(i 35 254 5. 8 11.1 406 1:1.00 11 1 4.0 20 20 314 8.2 0.4 220 1:0.73 54 1.2 25 314 7.7 8.0 321 1:1.02 4.2 30 314 7.3 9. 5 418 1:1.33 loo 4.2 35 314 o.s 11. 1 500 1:1.50 112 4.4 22 25 380 8.7 8.0 372 1:0.97 75 4.9 30 380 8.3 9.5 489 1:1.28 96 5.1 35 380 7.8 11. 1 594 1:1.50 111 5.3 40 380 7.4 12.7 670 1:1.78 118 5.9 24 30 452 9.3 0. 5 550 1:1.21 93 5.9 35 452 8.8 11. 1 688 1:1.52 110 6.2 40 452 • 8.4 12.7 797 1:1.70 117 6.8 4.") 452 7.9 14.3 927 1:2.05 128 7.2 26 30 531 10.3 9.5 621 1:1.17 89 7.0 35 531 9.8 11.1 782 1:1.47 107 7.3 40 531 9.4 12.7 924 1:1.74 118 7.8 45 531 8.9 14.3 1,046 1:1.97 124 8.4 28 30 615 11.3 9.5 692 1:1.12 86 8.1 35 615 10.8 11.1 876 1:1.42 105 8.3 40 615 10.4 12.7 1,051 1:1.70 117 8.9 45 615 9.9 14.3 1,206 1:1.96 124 9.7 30 30 707 12.3 9.5 763 1:1.08 80 9.0 35 707 11.8 11.1 970 1:1.37 100 9.7 40 707 11.4 12.7 1,178 1:1.66 114 10. 3 45 707 10.9 14.3 1.364 1:1.93 123 11. 1 32 30 804 13.3 9.5 834 1:1.03 79 10.5 35 804 12.8 11.1 1,067 1:1.32 100 10.7 40 804 12.4 12.7 1,305 1:1.02 114 11.4 4o 804 11.9 14.3 1,527 1:1.90 1 23 12.4 50 804 11.5 15.9 1, 750 1:2.17 129 13.6* 34 30 908 14.3 9.5 906 1 : 1. 00 7o 4.9 35 908 13.8 11.1 1,161 1:1.28 95 12.0 40 908 13.4 12.7 1,433 1:1.58 112 12.8 45 908 12.9 14.3 1,684 1:1.85 121 13.9 50 908 12.5 15.9 1,951 1:2.14 128 15.2 3G 35 1,018 14.8 11.1 1,265 1:1.24 95 13.3 40 1,018 14.4 12.7 1,560 1:1.53 110 14.2 45 1,018 13.9 14.3 1,844 1:1.81 120 15.3 50 1,018 13.4 15.9 2,149 1:2.11 128 10.7 55 1,018 13. 0 17.5 2,428 1:2.38 132 18.4 38 35 1,134 15.8 11.1 1,360 1:1.20 93 1 1.0 40 1,134 15. 4 12.7 1,688 1:1.48 107 L5.7 45 1.134 14.9 14.3 2,005 1:1.76 118 17.0 50 1.134 14.4 15.0 2.:: is 1:2.07 120 18.7 55 1,134 14.0 17. 5 2.00S 1:2.35 132 2D. 2 40 40 1,256 10.4 12.7 1,816 1:1.44 100 17.0 45 1.250 15.0 14.3 2,165 1:1.72 117 1 8. 5 50 1,256 15.4 15.lt 2.. MO 1:2.02 125 20.3 55 1.250 15.0 1 7. 5 2,909 L.-2.31 131 00 1.250 1 1. 5 10. 1 3.250 l 2 59 135 21. 1 42 40 1 . 385 17.4 12.7 1,943 1:1.40 1(15 1 8. 5 45 1 . 385 it;.!) 14.3 2,326 1:1.68 115 20.2 50 1 . 385 10.4 15.9 2,745 1:1.98 121 22. 1 :..-. I . :',x5 16.0 17.5 3,149 1:2.27 130 24.2 60 1 . 385 15.5 19.1 3,542 1:2.55 L35 26.2 44 45 1 . 520 17.9 14.3 2, 186 1:1. OS II I 21.8 50 1,520 17.4 15.0 2.011 1:1. 93 123 23. 0 .",.-, 1.520 17.0 17.5 3.3S0 1:2.22 130 26.1 60 1.520 10.5 10. 1 :',. sin 1:2.52 L35 28.3 66 1,520 16.1 20.7 4,254 1:2. so L38 30. B 49918— Bull. 76— 08- 48 FUMIGATION FOR THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. Table IX. -Recommended dosage, with 45-minute exposures — Continued. Measurements of Height Diameter Rate of tented trees. of regular of regular Ratio of dosage. Amount of cyanid Area of figure figure leakage number leakage with with Volume. surface cubic feet Distance. over. Circum- ference. surface. foregoing measure- ments. foregoing measure- ments. to cubic contents. space per ounce cyanid. recom- mended. Feet. Feet. Sq. feet. Feet. Feet. Cu.feet. Ounces. 46 50 L, 61 12 18.4 15.9 3,133 1:1.88 121 25. y 55 1.662 17.9 17.5 3.(130 1:2.18 129 28.1 60 1,662 17.5 19.1 4,115 1:2.47 134 30.7 65 1,662 17.0 20.7 4,591 1:2.76 138 33.2 70 1,662 16.6 22.3 5,038 1:3.03 141 35. 7 48 50 1,810 19.4 15. 9 3. 332 1:1.84 121 27. 5 55 1,810 18.9 17.5 3,870 1:2.13 128 30.2 60 1,810 18.5 19.1 4,401 1:2.43 133 33. 1 65 1,810 18.0 20.7 4,927 1:2.72 137 35.9 70 1,810 17. 6 22.3 5,428 1:3.00 141 38.5 50 55 1,964 19.9 17.5 4.111 1:2.09 127 32. 4 60 1,964 19.5 19.1 4,687 1:2.38 132 35. 5 65 1,964 19.0 20.7 5, 264 1:2.63 13(1 38.7 70 1,964 18.6 22.3 5,828 1:2.96 140 41.6 75 1,964 18.2 23.9 6,358 1:3.24 142 44.7 52 55 2,123 20.9 17.5 4, 351 1:2.05 126 34. 5 60 2,123 20.5 19.1 4,974 1:2.34 132 37.6 65 2,123 20.0 20.7 5.600 1:2.63 136 41.1 70 2,123 19.6 22.3 6,217 1:2.92 140 44.4 75 2,123 19.2 23.9 1,. Ml.", 1:3.20 142 47.9 54 55 2,289 21.9 17.5 4,591 1:2.00 125 3d. 7 60 2,289 21.5 19.1 5,261 1:2.30 131 40.1 ! 65 2,289 21.0 20.7 5, 936 1:2.60 136 43.6 70 2,289 20.6 22.3 6,607 1:2.88 138 47.8 75 2,289 20.2 23.9 7,252 1:3.16 142 51.1 , 56 60 2,462 22.5 19.1 5,547 1:2.25 130 42.6 | 65 2,462 22.0 20.7 6,273 1:2.54 135 46.4 70 2,462 21.6 22.3 6,997 1:2.84 138 50.7 75 2,462 21.2 23.9 7,700 1:3.12 142 54.2 80 2,462 20.8 2.5.5 8,459 1:3.43 144 5S. 7 58 60 2V641 23.5 19.1 5.834 1:2.20 130 44.8 65 2,641 23.0 20.7 6,609 1:2.50 135 48.8 70 2.641 22.6 22.3 7. 396 1:2.80 138 53.6 75 2,641 22.2 23.9 8,147 1:3.09 141 57. 7 80 2,641 21. S 25.5 8,971 1:3.39 144 62.3 60 60 2,826 24.5 19.1 6,120 1:2.16 128 47.8 65 2.826 24.0 20.7 6, 945 1:2.45 134 51.8 70 2,826 23.6 22.3 7,786 1:2.75 138 56.4 75 2,826 23.2 23.9 8,595 1:3.04 141 60.9 80 L'.SL'ti 22.8 25. 5 9, 483 1:3.35 144 65. 4 62 60 3,018 25.5 19.1 6. 406 1:2. 12 128 50.0 65 3.018 25.0 20.7 7,282 1:2.-11 133 54. 7 70 3.018 24.6 22.3 8,176 1:2.71 137 .V.I. 0 75 3,018 24.2 23.9 9,042 1:3.00 141 64. 1 80 3,018 23.8 25. 5 9,995 1:3.31 143 69 2 64 60 3.215 26.5 19.1 6. 693 1:2.08 126 53: i 65 3, 215 26.0 20.7 7,618 1:2.37 132 57. 7 70 3. 215 25.6 22.3 8. 565 1:2.66 136 63.0 75 3. 215 25.2 23.9 9.4S9 1:2.95 140 67. 7 80 3,215 24.8 25. 5 10,507 1:3.2(1 143 73. 4 66 60 3,419 27. 5 19. 1 6,979 1:2.04 12(1 55. 4 65 3,419 27.0 20.7 7.955 1:2.33 131 60.7 70 3,419 26.6 22.3 8,955 1:2.61 134 66. 8 75 3,419 26.2 23.9 9.937 1:2.90 140 70.9 80 3.419 25.8 25. 5 11.019 1:3.22 142 77.(1 85 3,419 25.3 27.1 11.939 1:3.49 144 82. 9 68 60 3, 630 28.5 19.1 7,266 1:2 "ii 125 58.1 65 3, 630 28.0 20.7 8,290 1:2.28 130 63. ; 70 3,630 27.6 22.3 9, 345 1:2.57 135 69.2 75 3. 630 27.2 23.9 I0..--M 1:2.86 139 74. 6 80 3, 630 26. 8 2.5.5 11.531 1:3.17 142 81. 1 85 ■ 3,630 26.3 27.1 12.513 1:3.45 144 87. 5 70 60 3,848 29.5 19.1 7,552 1:1.9(1 123 -1. 1 65 3. sis 29.0 20.7 8,627 1:2.24 130 (1(1. 3 70 3,848 28.6 22.3 9, 731 1 :2.5a 135 72. 1 75 3,848 28.2 23.9 10,831 1:2.81 138 7s. :, 80 3,848 27.8 25. 5 12,043 1:3.10 142 84.8 85 3,848 27.3 27. 1 13,088 1:3.40 144 90.9 72 60 1,069 30.5 19.1 7,838 1:1.92 123 63.7 65 4.069 30.0 20.7 8,963 1:2.20 130 68.9 70 1,069 29.6 22. 3 in. 12 1 1:2.49 131 75. 5 75 1,069 29.2 23.9 1 1 . 278 1:2.77 137 82. 3 80 4,069 28.8 25. 5 12,555 i::: 08 ill 89.0 85 J, 069 28. 3 27.0 13,662 1:3.35 114 94.8 90 1,069 27. 8 28.6 L4,829 1:3.64 146 101.5 DOSAGE REQUIREMENTS. 49 Table IX. Recommended dosage, with 15-minute exposures Continued. trements oi tented I reea. Distance i\,t. 71 Circum- ference. F,,l. 60 65 70 80 85 t><) 65 70 7.". SO 85 on Area of leakage surface. Beighl Diameter o\ regularol regular figure figure wilh wiili foregoing foregoing measure- measure aents. incuts. Sq. feet. Feet. 1,299 31.5 1,299 81.0 4,299 3ft 6 1,299 30.2 4,299 29. 8 4,299 29. 3 4,299 2S. S 1,534 32. ."» 4,534 32 0 4,534 31.6 4,534 31,2 4,534 30. 8 1,534 30. 3 4,534 29.8 Feet. i '.i. i 20. 7 22. 3 23. 9 L'7. (I 28.6 L9. 1 20.7 22 3 23. 9 25. 5 27.0 28.6 Volume Cu. feet. 8, 125 9,300 10,513 11,726 13,067 14,237 15, 171 8, in 9,635 10,903 12. L73 13,579 14,812 It,. L13 Ratio <>i leakage Burface to cubic contents, 1.89 2. 18 2. 45 2. 72 3.03 3.31 3.60 1 . 85 2. 12 2. II) 2.66 2 99 3.26 3 55 Rate ol fix j cubic tasi "' '"'•"",| Tsar -ssb cyanld. 121 129 134 137 Ml 143 146 120 128 133 136 no 143 145 Oil II, , r.7. 1 71.3 78. I 85.6 92. 7 99. 5 106.0 70.0 7.-, •_> 82.0 89 i 07. 0 103.5 ill l EXPERIMENTS WITH BELL OR HOOT TENT. The boll or hoop tent used in these experiments was one constructed of 6J-ounce drill of the brand most commonly used in California. Owing to the form of the tent the leakage surface is far less in propor- tion to the volume than in the sheet tent. The data concerning the experiments and the recommended dosage based upon the experi- ments with the sheet tent are given in Table X. Table X. — Experiments in fumigation v:ith bell-shaped tent of 6\-ounee drill. Measurements of Amount of Ex- tented trees. Amount of Number of white Per cent of cyanid recom- peri- ment No. cyanid flies un- white (lies mended in Distance Circumfer- used. der obser- killed. table for over. ence. vation. •4.1 minutes' exposure. Feet. Feet. Ounces. Ounces. 30.3 2S! 35 4 555 88 9 40.5 27" 38 4 138 88 8* 40.7 33* 38 8* 132 80 13 40.10 20 23 4 300 100 •}', 40.17 2.5J 27 7 47G 100 7" 40.19 24" 20 4 209 100 5* 40.22 20 22 2 162 97.4 4* 45.2 28 29 7 427 100 8* 45. 1 1 20 31* 4* 284 100 1\ 15. 1 i 31 35 ■a 289 100 10* 45.16 27* 29 431 100 8* 45.18 27 34* 9} 595 LOO 8 45.29 29* 30 6 530 100 91 45.31 23 24 31 376 98.7 6 50.3 24* 31 J 4 128 97. 6 7 50.4 34* 37 8* 990 llll) 14 60.8 26 31 4* 42 85. 7 7j X.2 33 35 11 200 LOO 121 In these experiments a dosage sufficient to destroy all pup?p was used in eleven instances. The total amount of cyanid used in the eleven experiments was 7 ounces, whereas the doses recommended in the tables, based upon the experiments with the sheet tents of 8-ounce duck, together amounted to 96 ounce's. The average of the amounts used in the eleven tests was 7.2 as against 8.7 recommended 50 FUMIGATION FOR THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. in the tables. It is evident from the results summarized in the fore- going table that prolongation of the period of exposure beyond 40 minutes produces no noticeable increase in effectiveness. It is also evident that the dosage recommended for use with sheet tents of a good quality of 8-ounce duck is ample for bell tents of a good quality of 6^-ounce drill. The smaller amount of leakage surface with bell tents as compared with sheet tents may be entirely responsible for the apparently wide margin between the recommended dosage and the dosage actually required for efficiency, but it seems safe to conclude that the 6^-ounce drill used in the bell tent held the gas approxi- mately as well as the 8-ounce duck, the difference in leakage surface considered. MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIMENTS AND OBSERVATIONS. APPEARANCE OF LARV.E AND PUP^E OF THE WHITE FLY WHEN DE- STROYED BY FUMIGATION. The opportunities for studying the efficiency of the gas against citrus pests are far superior with the white fly as compared with the true scale insects. While it requires considerable skill in the examinations, the vital conditions of the larvae and pupae, both before and after treatment, can be recognized with practical cer- tainty without removing the specimens from the leaves. When in a normal condition the insects in the stages mentioned appear green, owing to their translucence, and paired yellowish spots, due to inter- nal organs, are sometimes visible in the abdominal region. As the pupa reaches maturity the reddish eyes of the adult become conspicuous and the location of the developing adult wings is indicated by whitish patches on either side of the body. T\ Tien destroyed by fumigation with hydrocyanic-acid gas the larvae and pupae usually turn more or less brownish in the course of a few days. This brownish discolora- tion is most pronounced along the middle of the body. Frequently, however, two or three weeks may elapse before they can be positively determined as dead. In the first examinations made by the author, pupae on fumigated trees were classed as alive, doubtful, and dead. It was afterwards determined that in practically every case those classed as doubtful were in reality dead. Examinations under a compound microscope were found to be of some assistance at times, but on the whole unsatisfactory. In such cases movements of the internal organs furnish positive proof that the insect is alive, but when these movements can not be detected there may still be doubt concerning the condition of the specimen unless granulation or dis- coloration of the body contents is evident. The most satisfactory method of observing the results of fumigation is to examine the insects with a hand lens of 1 or 1J inch focal distance without dis- APPEAKANVK OF LARV2E AND IM I'.l. \\ 1 1 I . N DESTROYED. 51 turbing the insect or detaching the leaf from the tree. String tags attached to leaves upon which are specimens classed as doubtful will enable examinations of such specimens from time to time until their condition is positively determined. A careful examination of normal specimens and direct comparisons of these with those on leaves of Fumigated trees will assist in the ready identification of the dead insects. DENSITY OF THE GAS AT VARIOUS HEIGHTS ABOVE THE GROUND. It is natural to presume that owing to the fact that hydrocyanic- acid gas is lighter than air, its density during the process of fumiga- tion is greater toward the top of the tree. In four of the nine obser- vations on the comparative effect of the gas at different heights above ground the results of this variation in density are not evident. In the other five observations the results are quite striking. In the six experiments in which observations were made 10 feet or more from the ground, the average percentage of insects killed up to 6 feet above the ground was 04, while from 10 to 18 feet above ground the average percentage killed was 71. The data concerning the effectiveness of the gas at various distances from the ground is sum- marized in Table XL Table XI. — Efficiency of gas as affected by height above ground. Ex- peri- Distance above ground. Number of white fly Per cent Ex- peri- Distance Number of white fly Per cent ment No. pupae ex- amined. killed. ment No. ground. pupae ex- amined. killed. Feet. Feet. 30.4 4-G 427 89 30.1 4-0 74 21 14-15 244 98.3 12-14 909 36 18 120 100 40.3 4-6 822 80 20.1 4-fi 087 91.9 12-14 445 90.8 12-14 1,000 90.8 30.3 2 396 92.8 20.7 4-5i 222 77 3i-7 159 78 10 300 60 40.7 2 93 80.6 40.12 2 3§-5 4-6 112 728 541 64 98.4 26.4 4-0 139 79.2 14-10 136 50 The results show that when examining for the results of fumigation, the most significant effects are those within a few feet of the ground. The observations concerning the results of the experiments upon which the recommendations in this bulletin are based were made in all cases within 7 feet of the ground, and included examinations of insects on leaves closest to the ground in all cases. EFFECT OF FUMIGATION ON Tl IK TREES. During the months of December, January, and February, until the appearance of the new spring growth, fumigation for the white fly with the dosage herein recommended will rarely occasion appreciable 52 FUMIGATION FOR THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. injury to orange trees and apparently never to tangerine and grape- fruit trees. The liability of injuring trees through the emptying of the contents of the jars after fumigation close to or upon the base of the trees will be referred to under the subject of precautions. The injury to orange trees from the gas itself has never in the writer's experience been sufficient to offset the benefits of destroying the white fly and scale insect pests. Nevertheless the subject is one of considerable importance. The experiments conducted in January and February, 1907, demonstrated the practicability of destroying the white fly with hydrocyanic-acid gas without injury to citrus trees. The fumigation of nearly 4,000 trees in the winter of 1907-8 has greatly extended our knowledge of the effect of fumigation upon the trees, but there remain several unsolved problems in this connection which it is hoped will be elucidated by future experience. The work of fumigating a grove should be completed if possible before the new growth appears in the spring. Under certain temperature conditions successful fumigations may occasion no injury to new growth, but there is danger of destroying the first spring shoots which normally produce the greater part of the blooms. When affected by the gas new shoots wilt and turn dark, appearing as though affected by frost. Under certain conditions there is more or less shedding of the old leaves following fumigation. The loss of 10 or 15 per cent of the old foliage can not be considered an injury, inasmuch as even more than this proportion is usually shed during the winter or in the spring. In fact, it has been demonstrated b}r experiments conducted by Mr. Yothers and the writer in February, 1908, that the leaves shed by fumigation when the percentage of the whole does not exceed 15 per cent are among the leaves which would normally drop in the course of a few wreeks. In the experiments with the sheet tent of 8-ounce duck summarized in Table IV, the most extensive shedding occurred in experiments 40.14. In this it was estimated that about 50 per cent of the leaves were shed. The tree was fumigated on January 29, beginning at 4.07 p. m., about one-half hour before sunset. No shedding was observed until the morning of February 2, when it was estimated that from 15 to 20 per cent of the leaves dropped. On February 4 it was estimated that 50 per cent of the leaves had fallen, after which date the amount of the shedding was inappreciable. The winged petioles of the leaves remained attached to the tree in most cases and the fallen leaf blades showed distinct brownish areas due to burning by the gas. The tree consisted of five steins growing from the roots of a tree frozen to the ground in 1895. One of these stems was affected by foot rot or mal-di-gomma , and the defoliation of this was nearly complete, materially increasing the percentage of shedding from the EFFECT OF PUM IGA DION <»N TREES. ,r).S tree as a whole. This tree was observed in Full bloom od April 1, and ten months after the treatment appeared as vigorous as any tree in the grove and bore more than the average crop of fruit. In the experiments with the bell tent of 6$-ounce drill, shedding of conse- quence occurred only in the case of experiment X.2. This tree was fumigated on January 29, beginning at 4.41 and ending at 7.50 p. m. It was estimated that the shedding amounted to about 30 per cent in tins case. In experiment 45.36 the exposure began at 3.07 p. m. in bright sun- Light with the temperature at 7.")° F. The tent had been in position for thirty minutes preceding the introduction of the chemicals, and the inside temperature was 4£° higher at the beginning than the out- side temperature mentioned above. The tent was in direct sunlight during the entire forty-five minutes of exposure, and doubtless the inside temperature rose to S2J or 83°. As shown in Table IV, the amount of potassium cyanid used was 4\ ounces less than the amount recommended in the table given in the appendix. The leaves were curled as a result of drought at the time of the fumiga- tion and no shedding of leaves or injury of any kind to the tree could be detected by subsequent examinations. An overdose is indicated by the scorching of the foliage on entire twigs. This is more likely to occur near the tops of the trees. In such cases several twigs, each 6 inches or a foot in length, may be entirely killed, the leaves, instead of dropping within a few days, turning brown and remaining attached to the dead twig. This is not necessarily accompanied by excessive shedding of the foliage. The physiological condition of the trees seems to have a marked effect on their liability to shed foliage, Vigorous trees are less susceptible than weak, poorly nourished ones. Trees in the same grove but growing under different conditions as regards the nature of the soil and the amount of soil moisture showr differences in this respect. In most groves trees will not shed leaves excessively if the dosage is increased 25 per cent above the recommended amounts. Frequently there will be no shedding at all following such a course. In other citrus groves the recommended dose is as large as the trees will stand without shedding to an injurious extent. The likelihood of damaging citrus fruits by fumigation is such that it is strongly advisable to pick the crop before starting to fumigate. In January, 1908, many seedling trees were fumigated which held from five to eight boxes of oranges per tree, without any injury whatever following the treatment. In other cases a small percent- age of the fruit developed sunken areas or "pits" which turned dark and ruined the affected fruit for shipping purposes. Fumigation in midwinter, using the dosage table given in the appendix, does not seem to affect the fruit of Hart's Lake, Lamb's Summer, or Valencia 54 FUMIGATION FOR THE CITRUS WHITE ELY. varieties. Grapefruits are slightly susceptible to this injury, while tangerines appear not at all susceptible, although considerable shed- ding of the fruit occurred in one instance when the recommended dosage was doubled. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE FUMIGATION OF SMALL TREES. IN THE GROVE. In discussing the style of fumigating tents desirable for use against the white fly the author has referred to the advantages of the use of box covers for small trees. In many cases complete defoliation of the trees during the winter months would be the best method of checking the pest, but fumigation is preferable under most circum- stances. The dosage with box covers will depend upon the tightness of the cloth used. It has been recommended that the cloth be made as nearly air-tight as possible by means of paint, or that air-tight oilcloth be used. The rate of dosage can be readily determined by means of a series of tests, beginning with 1 ounce of potassium cyanid for each 170 cubic feet of space (0.00588 ounce per cubic foot) and decreasing the number of cubic feet per ounce 10 feet for each experiment until the results are satisfactory and uniform. Xo experiments have thus far been conducted by the author along these lines, but it is expected that in the course of the investigations of the white fly now under way in Florida this phase of white fly con- trol will be given consideration. IN THE NURSERY. Several square yards, including many trees, can be covered in the nursery by a single tent. If the cloth is unpainted, the dosage for a first trial can be calculated by first determining the ratio of the leak- age surface to the cubic contents and referring to Table VIII in this bulletin, where the recommended rate of dosage will be found for the various ratios. The results of the preliminary tests should be care- fully observed before fumigating on a large scale, in order that the rate of dosage may be adjusted to suit the tightness of the cloth used as a cover. NURSERY STOCK FOR SHIPMENT. Prof. H. A. Gossard, formerly of the Florida experiment station, has determined that in an air-tight fumigatorium 1 ounce of potas- sium cyanid for each 170 cubic feet of space/' is sufficient to destroy all « "One gram to 6 cubic feet of space," lie reports, "seemed sufficient to kill every- thing, but to make the dose more certain 1 gram to 5f cubic feet was adopted as the standard dose and has been repeatedly tried, always giving the uniform resull of kill- ing all larvae pupa'' and adults." Bui. 67, Fla. Exp. Sta., p. 652. One ounce is equal to 28.35 grams, from which it is calculated thai 1 gram for \ the long and purple scales. One grower in Lee County reported that last season (fruit shipped in December, 1906) he suffered a loss of si ,500 on a crop of 1,000 boxes of oranges and 2,000 boxes of LOSSES FROM SCALE INSECTS PREVENTED. C)l grapefruit. All of the grapefruit and 300 boxes of the oranges were scraped by hand to remove the scale. 'Plus operation cost between s'-7.~> and $300. The loss to the selling value of the oranges was about $225 and of the grapefruit about $1 ,000. Manj instances have come to the writer's attention of Losses from scale amounting to 5 per cent of the total value of the crop. In addition to direct losses of the kind noted above, frequently more serious Losses are suffered as a result of the complete destruction o( branches and weakening of the vitality of the trees by the1 heavy incrustations of the scales upon the main branches or trunks. The total damage from scales in Florida is usually too small to make direct remedial measures profitable, but when this damage can be to a Large extent obviated at the same time with that of the white fly, the mat- ter demands careful con- sideration. It is the writer's conviction that in the cases of the ma- jority of groves the de- struction of the purple, long, Florida red, and other scale insects would represent an increase in profit which would by itself offset the cost of fumigation, leaving as clear gain the ben- efits derived from redu- cing the numbers of the white fly to a negligible quantity. The Florida n^\ scale (Chrysomphalus ficus Ashm.) (fig. 10) is destroyed with a thorough- ness near to absolute extermination by the same dosage which is required for the white fly. This has been conclusively proved by the experimental work conducted by the writer and Mr. W. W. Vothers in January of the present year. Not infrequently in Florida the scale insect referred to causes sufficient injury to make fumigation a very profitable procedure against this insect alone, leaving out of consid- eration the effect upon the other pests present. The purple scale (Lepidosa plies beckii Newm.) (fig. 11) sometimes called the "brown," '" oyster-shell/' or " hard " scale, is of greater eco- nomic importance than the Florida red scale on account of its more wide-spread distribution. The results in controlling this pest accom- plished incidentally to work against I he white fly are most encouraging. In the same grove where the effect of fumigation on the Florida red scale was observed, the purple scale has been so abundant for years Fig. 10.— Florida red scale (Chrysomphalus ficus): a, Leaves covered with the male and female scales, natural size; /), newly hatched insect with enlargements of ant enna and leg; <\d,e,f, different stages in the development of the female insect . drawn to the same scale; g, adult male scale, similarly enlarged. (After Marlatt.) 62 FUMIGATION FOB THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. that the owners' fruit-shipping records show annual losses from this source amounting to between 15 and 20 cents per tree. Live scales in all stages, particularly the egg and adult, were very abundant before fumigating, but up to the 1st of June careful examinations of thousands of leaves, twigs, and green fruits by Mr. Yothers and the writer have not led to the finding of a single living specimen of this >|>ecies in the section of the grove which was the most heavily infested. At this season of the year there is usually no difficulty in finding more or less abundant specimens of the spring brood of this insect even where it was so scarce the previous season as to occasion no appreciable damage to the crop. COST OF FUMIGATION COMPARED WITH SPRAYING. In Florida the average cost of spraying is between 2\ and 3 cents per gallon of spray applied. When spraying is done with such effi- Fig. 11.— Purple scale (Lepidosaphes beekii), showing different stages of female: o. Newly hatched larva: b, same with first waxy secretion; c to/, different stages of growth: a. mature scale; //. same inverted, showing eggs: i and ./'.half-grown and full-grown female insects removed from scale. All much enlarged (after Marlatt). ciency that blackening of the foliage and fruit by the sooty mold is pre- vented, at least three applications per year, and usually four or more. are necessary. The mechanical difficulties of spraying with as much effectiveness as tins are so great as to make the results with ordinary practices far inferior to those from fumigating. In fact the results with sprays have with few exceptions been unsatisfactory in con- trolling the white fly or preventing the blackening of the fruit and foliage. In many cases this is largely a result of the character of the labor which it is necessary to employ for such work. For the pur- pose* of comparing spraying with fumigating in regard to cost, it may be considered that three applications of sprays per year will control the white fly in a satisfactory manner, although in actual practice this is rarely accomplished unless drought or fungous diseases offer material aid FUMIGATION VERSUS SPRAYING. 68 The tented tree shown in PlateVI, figure 2, measured 12 feet over the top from ground to ground and 59 feel in circumference. According to the table given in the appendix a tree of this size should be given 26 ounces of potassium cyanid. En covering a tree of this size ordinary changing poles could be used instead of the up- right shown in the illustration. The entire cost of fumigating the tree for the white fly is estimated at 50 cents. This includes 36 cents cost of potassium cyanid. 3 cents cost of acid. 6 cents cost of labor, and 5 cents cost o'i wear and tear on t he tent . The tree shown at the left o\' the tent in Plate VI, figure 2, measured I I feet over the top and 53 feet in circumference. According to the tables the tree requires 25 J ounces o( potassium cyanid, the cost of fumigating therefore being practically t ho same as for the first tree mentioned. Each of these trees if sprayed would require six or seven gallons of liquid at each application. Three applications in a year at the usual cost would be from 45 to 63 cents as compared with 50 cents for fumigating. The tree shown in Plate 1 measured, when tented. 33 feet over the top and 38 feet in circumference. A tree of this size requires 1 2 ounces of potas- sium cyanid for effective fumigation. The total cost of one fumiga- tion would be about 27 cents, including 16 cents as cost of potassium cyanid. 6 cents as cost for labor, 1 cent as cost for acid, and 4 cent- for wear and tear on the fumigating tent. A tree of this size would require at least 3 gallons of spray at each application, and during the year the cost for three applications would be from 22 to 27 cent-. These data on the comparative cost of the two methods of control show that the advantage of fumigation over spraying for the first year is a matter of greater efficiency, except when more than three applica- tions of spray are made, when fumigation is also less expensive. Fumigation, however, in an isolated grove or under favorable condi- tions as to location, when properly conducted would not require repeti- tion for twoor more years. The best of spraying could not. unless aided by abnormal climatic conditions, so reduce the white fly that the num- ber of applications could be lessened the second year without interfer- ing with the degree of success attainable by the practice. In two years the cost of spraying the trees above referred to would double the cost of one fumigation. In a series of five or more years spraying would doubtless cost fully three times as much as would control by fumiga- tion, the labor involved would be far greater, and the results far Less satisfactory. FUMIGATION VERSUS NATURAL CONTROL. The present investigation of the white fly by the writer and his associates covers all phases of t he subject . Due consideration is given to all possible sources which give basis for the hope of effecting eco- nomical control. The exposed con lition of the pest under considera- tion, its vulnerability to attack by natural enemies, the high degree of humidity in the citrus-growing region- of the Gulf State- which 49918 Bull. 76 08 5 04 FUMIGATION FOB THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. favors the effectiveness of fungous and bacterial diseases, all give basis for the hope that complete control by natural enemies will be the eventual conclusion of the white-fly problem. A thoroughly scientific and practical investigation, however, can not lead to Lasting benefits if the conclusions represent merely desired results and are unsupported by sufficient evidence and experience. While a great deal has been learned concerning the fungous diseases of the white fly, the present investigations of this Bureau have not thus far shown that any method can be relied upon to materially assist nature in controlling the pest to the point of preventing all or nearly all of its injury. The dissemination of these diseases is readily accomplished under certain favorable conditions, but how far artificial dissemina- tion, at its best, with our present methods goes toward the successful control of the white fly is still problematical. Manatee County is the only large orange-growing district where the fungous diseases have proved of much assistance. Data obtained from many orange growers and personal observation by the writer and other entomologists connected with the Bureau of Ento- mology indicate that the fungi, without artifieal aid, reduce the injury from the white fly about one-third. Undoubtedly without the aid of these fungous friends the damage in Manatee County would average more than 50 per cent. With this as a minimum estimate. the average damage in Manatee County, allowing a benefit of one- third from the fungi, amounts to 34 per cent. One year in three, it is the experience of the growers in this county, the fungi have so thoroughly cleaned up the pest that the fruit is clean and requires no washing. The following year the insects are in the ascendency and the fruit and foliage become blackened with sooty mold to as great an extent as, can be observed anywhere in the State. This is due to the fact that the fungi have diminished the white flies the previous year to a point where they cease to flourish. Late in the second year, however, with the fly abundant . the fungous enemies develop rapidly. The third year the effect of the blackening of the foliage is apparent in a greatly reduced crop, while during this year the fly is again reduced to a negligi- ble quantity, permitting a good crop of fruit t<> set and remain clean from sooty mold during the following season. The above is the usual course followed in individual groves. Considering the county as a whole in 1906, fully three-fourths of the groves were so free from sooty mold as to require no washing of the fruit. It was generally con- sidered that this condition had never before been equaled since the white fly first obtained a foothold in this county. In one case, how- ever, it was claimed by one of the leading orange growers that an isolated grove had become practically clean through some unknown agency, the prevailing fungous diseases not being present in sufficient abundance1 to accomplish any noticeable result. Nevertheless, the fungous enemies referred to were undoubtedly of prime importance FUMIGATION VERSUS NATURAL CONTROL. 65 in producing the high degree of freedom from white-fly damage at- tained in L906. Other conditions may have had minor influence. As a natural consequence of the lack of abundant food for the fungous parasites in 190b, the situation in 1907 showed a complete reversal, with more than three-fourths of the groves thoroughly blackened by Booty mold. It is not uncommon to find that individual groves vary considerably from the average condition of the groves in the county as a whole. In the close vicinity of Fort Myers, in Lee County, the fungi have reduced the numbers of the white fly to a greater extent than observed at any Other place. The result of this is to cause a considerable variation from the usual succession of predominance of host and parasite, but in the course of a ten-year period the benefits from the fungous diseases under natural conditions will evidently be little if any greater than in Manatee County. In the town of Fort Myers the condition^ are not comparable with those in large commercial groves. In one such grove, however, located on the south side of the Caloosa- hatchie River, nearly opposite Fort Myers, the fungous diseases have proved more than ordinarily beneficial during the past two years. Then1 is strong evidence even here that the white fly will regain its usual abundance in the course of the present season unless artificial methods of control are resorted to or experiments result in the dis- covery of a more satisfactory method than is now known of artifi- cially encouraging the growth and spread of the fungous enemies. The writer's observations lead to the conclusion that in 99 per cent of the groves in those localities where the fungous diseases are most effective, for every dollar expended for well-conducted fumigation the profits from the groves will be increased not less than $4, or at the rate of 250 per cent on the investment. If the expense of fumi- gation were doubled the adoption of this practice would still be profitable, at least until such time as the natural enemies at hand can be made more successful or new ones discovered to accomplish effective control. The spores and mycelium of the fungi are not affected by fumiga- tion, as far as lias been determined thus far. In experiments in the artificial dissemination of the brown and red fungous parasites the results obtained were as satisfactory when the material was collected from fumigated trees as when collected from those not fumigated. Ordinarily this point is of lit tie importance, since successful fumigation would always result in practically absolutely checking the further multi- plication of the parasites through the destruction of the host insects. The further multiplication of the fungous parasites following fumi- gation is therefore an indication of ineffectiveness of the treatment or of the increase in the numbers of the pest through migration from untreated groves. APPENDIX. TABLE OF DOSAGE FOR THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. The table of dosage herein given is based upon the author's experi- ments conducted in January and February, 1907. The mathe- matical calculations are tabulated and explained in the body of this bulletin. The most important object of fumigation experiments against the white fly has been the development of methods for the practical utilization of the fumigation process in Florida and the gaining of a knowledge concerning the dosage requirements. The former subject has already been disposed of through the methods herein described. The investigations concerning the latter subject have resulted in placing fumigation for the white fly on a basis whereby the process may be used against this insect with greater economy, thoroughness, and certainty of results than at present it can be used against any other species. Incidentally it should be remarked that the dosage requirements for the white fly are greater than for the Florida red scale and perhaps greater also than for the purple scale. It is beyond the scope of these investigations to determine the possibility of reducing the dosage below the white fly standard without interfering with its efficiency against these other pests. It is sufficient to know in most cases that the white fly dosage is equal to the actual requirements for the pests of secondary impor- tance. The dosage table here presented does not necessarily repre- sent the exact amounts for greatest utility in the case of the different sizes of trees. The extensive tests of the dosage table during the past winter, when, as has been stated, nearly 4.000 trees were fumi- gated under the direction of the agents of the Bureau of Entomology, show the doses recommended to be very close1 to the aecessary amounts with tents of equal tightness with those used in the original experiments. The dosage should never be decreased when effective work against the white fly is desired, hut under certain conditions it may be increased from 10 to 25 per cent with advantage. If there i> a slight breeze of sufficient strength to make the advisa- bility of fumigating questionable, an increase in dosage of 10 per cent or more may allow the work to proceed without interfering with the efficiency; hut with ordinary tents of 8-ounce duck such increases do not offset the effects of strong or gusty breezes, which sway the 66 DOSAGE TABLE. 67 sides of the tent. II' the onl) available tents arc of inferior quality and fall short of being a> aearly gas-t ight as t he best of material, increases in dosage may be advisable. When it is desired to Fumigate with a thoroughness approaching extermination, an increase may be made of From K) to 25 per cent. Such a course is frequently advisable to check the Further spread of the fly in newly infested localities or in newly infested groves. In the Fumigation ^\' yery small trees, 20 feet over or less, there seem to he certain Factors sometimes interfering with efficiency which have not so Far been thoroughly investigated. It is possible that in the4 using oi' crocks of 2 or .') gallons capacity For doses less than 5 ounces the mixture of acid and water Fails to gen- erate sufficient heat to cause quick chemical action, the heat absorbed by the jar being the disturbing factor. This may be partly obviated by using powder or very small lumps of potassium cyanid when the Ai»v is 5 ounces or less, but it seems advisable also to increase the amount by one-half or three-fourths above the recommended dose. If the size i^( the crock and consequent undue loss of heat is the prin- cipal disturbing factor, future experience may show that it is desirable to have on hand for use in fumigating very small trees a supply of half-gallon crocks or 1 -quart stone chinaware pitchers. In the table the amount in each case represents the next half ounce above the dosage which the detailed estimate calls for, whenever this dosage was more than one-tenth ounce above the even ounce or half ounce. For example, when the detailed calculation calls for 19.2 ounces the number in the working table is 19t ounces, and when For 19.7 ounces the number is 20 ounces. In using the table in the field, when the reading on the graduated tent shows the approximate dis- tance over the top to be an odd number of feet, the next even num- ber above should be selected. In the same way, when the exact cir- cumference is not shown at the top of the table, the next highest number should be selected. To illustrate the method of using the table of dosage, the Following examples show the measurements and dosage called for in the case of five trees of various sizes: Measurements of, and dosar each of jive ir<,s of various sizes. Distance Circumfer- Amount <.l" over tented ence "i cyanid called lor. t ree. tented 1 ree Feet. /■• • Ouii' 28 15 10 i^ CD 34 :,i 68 47 80 71 61 72 80 89 At all times it should be borne in mind that it is advisable to use one-half or even 1 ounce more than called For by the table rat her than the smaller amount. 68 FUMIGATION FOR THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. r - ■ l-^ s s s s 5 i s 1 «2 p b ': ■ o c C 1- 1 - I - y X - SS8S 88 iO -o c C ^r'r-'co 7~ i - i - i - y y i1 Si S 7 S • ■ - - - -o i - r - x x » OS OS C o oo X - o 1 — ■ " • 0 • - - ■ --'::'/- — ' c s i - i - x ■- ~ K i - / / 3 . - - ~r ifl lC l0 '2 M r- — '«r y ,7?7 ■ - z T — — '"l'*'0C o .r z 7~- ! - i - > X} oc 3" co -r coo c co -z t -r ifl i o i - ~. 01 '0 0". 01 ifl C SOh ' - i - r y g CO CO CO CM T 00 r-*rr T T -r ifl i - CC C K rr OS t^ I^ t>- X CO COCO CO B'cO CC OS tH XJ. TJ1 TJ1 Tjllfl •- I- : t ;o r.'oi w r. CC t - I - I - s OI CO CO CO oa — '-r coos CC ^ ^T^l1 ~~ ^ ,- ~ — ■z \Z ~ 1 - t ifl i - ~ TI- CS CM cm co co r-ccnci- = NIOCC — ■- .- ■- .- - -"iocc s - oi CM cmcmcsco co io oc 3 co i.o co co t t -v "T 7t [~ — tfl- CM M CN CN co ^r CO OOrH CO co co co -o t^oc'o rH CM •* »flH> 00 O CM — CM CM 9 O t- 00 OS C-C^^C t^oo' Ifi- CO ^ ^ 3 C N 00 O — Ol Mlfi s co t ^■.■••jnoo OS O N 3 c r es — oc c - - f CN c : o :- — W ? C CM — — — X s CN ■ 0 ■2 f- c -. z '- O XT t~ o « i-O '■= t^ NDEX Page Ash, prickly. (See Xanthoxylum clava-herculis.) Atmospheric humidity as affecting fumigation L2 I I Banana shrub. Sec Magnolia fuscatum.) Bay, sweet. 'Sec Magnolia virginiana.) Bos tents or covers for fumigating small trees in grove 54 Cactus, prickly pear. (See Opuntia sp.) Cape jessamine. 'Sec Gardenia jasminoides. Chemicals for fumigation, cost 58 handling, and protection from moisture 25 proportion of water and acid 25 27 purity required 25 Cherry lam-el. See Primus laurocerasus.) Chinaberry. 'See Melia azedarach and M. a. u/mbraculiformis.) ( Jirysomphalw ficus, losses prevented by fumigation 61 Citrus, f 1 plants of white fly in insects, history of fumigation 7-8 trifoUata, food plant of white fly 10 white fly. (See White fly.) Concerted action favoring fumigation !) ( londit ions favoring or necessary to good results in fumigation 9-14 < Jontrol, natural, of white fly, versus fumigation 63 65 >f fumigation compared with spraying 62 63 ( hlbic contents of tented tree, methods of computation in fumigation 39 40 Cyanid of potash. (See Potassium cyanid.) Derricks. (See Upright-. I Dews as affecting fumigation 12-14 Diagram of grove as guide in fumigation 23 24. 38 Dimensions of tented tree, methods of computation 39 10 Dio8pyro8 haki, food plant of white fly 1<> virginiana, food plant of white fly L0 Dosage requirements in fumigation against white fly 10 50 table for rumigat ion against white fly 66 68 Economy of treatment by fumigation 59 63 Equipment for fumigation 1 1 24 56 58 Expense of fumigation 56 -"^ Ficus. Set Pig alti8sima, food plant of white fly 10 Pig, reported food plant of white fly io Food plants Of white fly 10 Food plants, other than citrus, of white fly, absence or elimination favoring control by fumigation !>-10 Fumigating tents. {Set Tents. 69 70 FUMIGATION FOE THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. V&ge. Fumigation against citrus insects, history 7-8 white fly, absence or elimination of food plants other than citrus favorable 9-10 appearance of dead larvae and pupa? 50-51 chemicals, cost 58 handling, and protection from mois- ture 25 proportion of water and acid 25-27 purity required 25 concerted action favorable 9 conditions favorable or necessary to good results.. 9-14 cost compared with spraying 02-03 density of gas at various heights above ground. . 51 dosage requirements with bell or hoop tent 49-50 sheet tent 40-49 economy of treatment 59-63 effect on trees and fruit 51-54 equipment 14-24 expense 50 history 7-8 isolation of grove favorable 9 losses prevented thereby 59-00 measuring trees 30-35 meteorological elements favorable 11-13 method of generating gas. 35-30 handling bell tents 29 sheet tents 27-29 methods of computing cubic contents of tented tree 39-40 dimensions of tented trees 39-40 miscellaneous experiments and observations 50-54 requirements 22 24 nursery stock for shipment 54-55 poles for handling tents 20-21 precautions 55-50 procedure: 27 ' \S proportion of water and acid 25 27 season of year favorable , 10-11 table of dosage 66-68 tents, care L9 20 construction 15-19 mildew-proofing, oiling, and painting 19-20 shrinkage 17-18 st vies 14-15 time required 38-39 trees, regularity of setting favorable 14 size favorable 14 small, in the grove 54 nursery 54 uprights for handling tents 21 versus natural control 03-05 work routine : '30-3S Fungous diseases in control of white flv 04-05 INDIA. 71 Page Gardt nia jasminoides, f « >« »» 1 plant of white fly id density at various heights above the ground 5] method of generating Grapefruit as affected by fumigation M trees as affected by fumigation 52 ( frove, diagram, as guide in fumigation 23 24,38 Humidity as affecting fumigation L2— 14 Hydrocyanic-acid gas. (Set Fumigation.) Icerya purchasi, control by fumigation 7 Isolation of grove favoring fumigation 9 Jessamine cape. (See Gardenia jasminoides.) "Jingler1 ' 18 Labor for fumigation, cost 58 Laurel, cherry. (See Prunus laurocerasus.) Lepidosaphea bechii, losses prevented by fumigation 61-62 Light as affecting fumigation against white fly 11 lAgustrum Bpp., feed plants of white fly 10 Lilac, food plant of white fly 10 - from scale insects prevented by fumigation 60-62 white fly prevented by fumigation 59-60 Magnolia fuscatum, feed plant of white fly 10 virginiana, food plant of white fly 10 Measurements of trees, necessity in fumigation 30-31 Melia azedarach and M. a. umbraculiformis, food plants of white fly 10 Meteorological elements favoring fumigation 11-13 Moisture. {See Humidity.) Mold. Booty, resulting from white-fly attack - 64 Nerium oleander, food plant of white fly 10 Nursery stock for shipment, fumigation against white fly 54-55 trees, fumigation against white fly 54 Oak. water. (See Quercus nigra.) Oleander. (See Nerium oleander.) Opuntia sp., use of juice for painting fumigating tents 19 Orange fruit as affected by fumigation 53-54 trees as affected by fumigation .• 51-53 Palmetto, scrub. (See Sabal megacarpa.) Pear, food plant of white fly 10 Persimmon. Japan. (See Diospyros haki. I wild. (See Diospyros virginiana.) Poles for handling fumigating tents 20-21 Potassium eyanid for fumigation, cost 58 handling, and protection from moisture 25 purity required 25 Prickly ash. (See Xanthoxylum clava-herculis.) pear cactus. (See Opuntia sp.) Privets. (See Ligustrum Bpp.) Pruning trees as aid in fumigation 14 Prunua caroliniana, food plant of white fly 10 laurocerasus, food plant of white fly — " 10 Pyrus sp. Set Pear. ! Quercus nigra, reported food plant of white fly 10 Sabal megacarpa, food plant of white fly 10 7Z FUMIGATION FOR THE CITRUS WHITE FLY. Page. Scale, black, control by fumigation 7 "brown." See Lepidosaphes beckii.) c<»tt<»ny cushion. See Icerya purch Florida red. (See Chrysomphalus fonts.) •• hard." (See Lepidosaphes becJ:ii. I insects, losses prevented by fumigation 60-02 "oyster-shell." (See Lepidosaphes bechii. i purple. (See also Lepidosaphes beckii. > control by fumigation 7 red, contr< >1 1 >y fumigation 7 Season of year favoring fumigation 10-11 Shedding of foliage in fumigation 52-53 Shrinkage of tents 17-18,32 Spraying, cost compared with fumigation 62- 63 Sulphuric acid for fumigation, cost 58 handling, and protection from moisture 25 purity required 25 Sweet bay. (See Magnolia virginiana.) Syringa sp. (See Lilac.) Table of dosage for fumigation 66-68 Tangerine fruit as affected by fumigation 54 trees as affected by fumigation 52 Tannin, use in mildew-proofing fumigating tents 19-20 Tents, bell, construction 15 dosage requirements 49-50 method of handling 29 box, construction 15 dosage requirements 54 care 19-20 construction 15-19 cost 56-57 hoop. (See Tents, bell.) marking for estimating dosage 31-35 mildew-proofing, oiling, and painting 19-20 sheet, dosage requirements 40-49 method of handling 27-29 shrinkage 1 7-18, 32 styles 14-15 Time required in fumigation of grove 38-39 Tray, commissary, for fumigation 22 Trees as affected by fumigation 51-54 measurements in fumigation 30-35 regularity of setting favorable for fumigation 14 size when tented, methods of computation 39-40 sizes most favorable for fumigation 14 small, in grove, fumigation against white fly 54 nursery, fumigation against white fly 54 Uprights for handling fumigating tents 20-21 Viburnum nudum, food plant of white fly 10 White fly, appearance of larva? and pupae when destroyed by fumigation 50-51 citrus. (See While fly. control by fumigation, history 7-8 food plants 10 [NDEX. 78 White fly fumigation, absence <>r elimination of food plants other than citrus favorable 9 10 appearance of dead larvae and pupae •'»(» 51 chemicals, cost 58 handling, and protection from moisture 25 proportion of water and acid 25 27 purity required 25 concerted action favorable 9 conditions favorable or necessary to good results 9 M density of gas at various heights abcv e ground 51 dosage requirements wii b bell or hoop tenl l!i 50 sheel tenl 10 19 economy of iroatmcnt .Vi 63 effect on trees and fruit 5] 5 I equipment It 24 expense 51 isolation of grove favorable 9 losses prevented thereby 59 60 measuring trees 30-35 meteorological elements favorable II L3 method of generating the gas 35- 36 handling bell tents 29 sheet tents 27-29 methods of computing cubic contents of tented tree... 39-40 dimensions of tented tree 39-40 miscellaneous experiments and observations 50 54 requirements 22-24 nursery stock for shipment 54-55 poles for handling tents 20-21 precautions 55 :>< i procedure 27-38 season of year favorable 10-1 1 table of dosage 66-68 tents, care 19-20 construction 15-19 mildew-proofing, oiling, and painting 19-20 shrinkage 17-18 styles 14-15 trees, regularity of setting favorable 14 size favorable 14 small, in grove 54 nursery 54 uprights for handling tents 21 versus natural control 63 65 work routine 36-38 Wind as affecting fumigation 12 Xanthoxylum clava-herculis, food plant of white fly 10 i