Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY BULLETIN No. 79. L. O. HOWARD. Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. FUMIGATION INVESTIG ATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. By R. S. W<>< iTAIM, Spec ia I Field Agent. [CHEMICAL WORK PERFORMED BY THE MISCELLANEOUS DIVISION OF niii BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY.! Issued June 11, 1909. ^^K.U'S'D""' *r»cuKu WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OPBflCE. 1909. BUREA U OF ENTOMOLOGY. L. O. Howard, Entomologist and Chief of Bvreau. C. L. Marlatt, Entomologist and Acting Chief in Absence of Chief. R. S. Clifton, E unit ire Assistant. C. J. (Iilliss, Chkf Clerk. F. H. Chittenden, in charge of truck crop and stored product insect investigations. A. D. Hopkins, in charge of forest insect investigations. W. D. Hunter, in charge of southern field crop insect and tick in vestigations. F. M. Webster, in charge of cereal and forage plant insect in vestigations. A. L. Quaintance, in charge of deciduous fruit insect investigations. E. F. Phillips, in charge of apiculture. I). M. Rogers, in charge of gipsy moth and brown-tail moth field work. A. W. Morrill, in charge of white fly investigations. W. F. Fiske, in charge of gipsy moth laboratory. F. C. Bishopp, in charge of cattle tick life history investigations. A. C. Morgan, in charge of tobacco insect investigations. R. S. "Woglum, in charge of hydrocyanic acid gas investigations. R. P. Currie, in charge of editorial work. Mabel Colcord, librarian. U. : DEPARTMENT Of AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY-BULLETIN No. 79. L. O. HOWARD. I ntomoloyist and Chirf of Bureau. FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. By I?, S. WOGLUM, Special /'<< Id Agent . [CHEMICAL WORK PERFORMED BY THE MISCELLANEOUS DIVISION OF THE BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY.] Issued Junk 11, 1909. WASHINGTON: GOYK R N M E N T PRINTING ( ) F PIC E 1 0 0!). LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C, February 6, 1909. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a manuscript entitled 1 ' Fumigation Investigations in California. " It is a preliminary report on the subject, and contains much information which will be of direct practical value to citrus growers. The report is one of progress, and much of the information has already been made available to the public by means of lectures and field demonstrations, but it is important that it should be put in published form so as to give it wider cur- rency. The subject is one that requires abundant illustration, and the figures and plates submitted are all deemed necessary for the full understanding of the text. Respectfully, L. O. Howard, Entomologist and Chief of B u rea u. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. REFACE Fumigation under tents with hydrocyanic-acid gas has been the principal moans of controlling scale-insects on citrus fruit trees in California for many years. Most of the commercial orchards in the State are fumigated at intervals of one or two years, at a cost rang- ing from 25 cents to $1.50 a tree, or a probable total annual expendi- ture of about $1,500,000, on the basis of fumigation of 50 per cent of the trees each year. It becomes, therefore, a matter of very great importance to conduct the operation of fumigation in the most effect- ive and economical manner. The work being done on the subject in California by this Bureau is aimed to thoroughly standardize the proc- ess. It was undertaken in response to urgent demands from the hor- ticultural commissioners of the principal citrus-fruit-producing coun- ties of California, and of many prominent growers. The need of this investigation was most urgently championed by Mr. J. W. Jeffrey, for- mer secretary of the Los Angeles County horticultural commission and now State commissioner of horticulture of California. Recognizing the general usefulness of the process of fumigation, Mr. Jeffrey called attention strongly to the unevenness of results in the work of differ- ent manipulators and against different scale pests, and that the whole practice had grown up experimentally without ever having been given thorough scientific examination. He urged that such an examina- tion necessitated carefully conducted and recorded field work, sup- plemented by chemical tests of ingredients and the determination of reactions, and expert study of the physiological effect of the gas on the trees and fruit; in other words, to remove the process from the mere guesswork of the field man and to place it on an exact scientific basis. This investigation has been under the direct charge of the writer, who made a personal study of the situation in southern California in September and October, 1907, and planned the work to cover the fol- lowing subjects: (1) Dosage, or the amount of gas and duration of exposure neces- sary for different purposes. The strength of gas necessary to effect- ively control the three prominent scale pests of citrus trees in Cali- fornia, namely, the red scale, the purple scale, and the black scale, under different climatic conditions, as in the drier foothills regions and 3 4 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. the moister coastal strip; for different seasons of the year: and for the different growing conditions of the tree, as whether in fresh leafage, or in bloom, or with different stages of the developing fruit. (2) Physiological effect on the tree and fruit. There is some evi- dence to show that the gas may have a stimulating effect on the tree. (3) Mechanical equipment. An important economical considera- tion in gassing is the employment of the most suitable tent cloths, and their treatment to give durability and imperviousness; also, the best mechanical means of hoisting tents over the trees. To be determined under this heading also are the most economical methods of generating the gas, and an indication of the quality of chemicals best suited for the purpose. In connection with this experimental work the scale species them- selves are being given a careful study in the field to determine their exact life history as a basis for the intelligent application of the remedy. This investigation was started in July, 1907, under the field charge of Mr. R. S. Woglum, who first made himself thoroughly familiar with the problem by a personal examination of conditions throughout the citrus-growing regions of southern California. The direct work of investigation began as soon as the fumigation season opened, and later Mr. Frederick Maskew was employed to assist in the work. The experimental work as planned has been conducted on a commercial scale, so that the conditions and results will be those normal to the ordinary care of citrus groves. To carry out all the lines of experi- ment indicated above, and the subsidiary ones which have developed in the course of the investigation, takes a good deal of time, and will probably occupy two or three years with the money and force now- available. Nevertheless, very considerable progress has been made, and the preliminary report herewith submitted covers the general features of fumigation procedure. Improved methods have been devised, and these are being very rapidly adopted throughout southern California. These improved methods make it possible to do much more uniform work and greatly simplify the method of estimating the proper dosage. Full advantage has been taken of the fumigation work conducted in Florida again-t the white fly under the field direction of Dr. A. W. Morrill, and the Morrill system of marking tents for the ready determination of dosage has been introduced, with modifications, into California. C. L. Maklatt. Entomologist and Acting Chief of Bureau in Absence of Chief. CONTENTS Page. Introduction 9 Extent of citrus orchards 10 Citrus pests K) Insect enemies of citrus fruits, and their distribution LO Injury resulting to scale-infested trees II Method of propagation of the more injurious scale pests L6 Methods used in the control of scale pests of citrus trees L6 Fumigation 17 Sheel tents 17 Points on procedure 18 Dosage schedules of the more important writers on fumigation 19 The present system of scheduling dosage 23 The initial problem confronting this investigation 24 Method of computing volume and dosage for tented trees 25 Methods for obtaining the measurements and dosage of trees 26 The chemicals required in fumigation 30 Potassium eyanid 30 Sulphuric acid 30 Proportion of chemicals used by fumigators 32 The amount of sulphuric acid necessary 32 The effect of too great an excess of acid 34 Water as a factor in fumigation _ 34 The effect of different proportions of water on the temperature of the gas 35 The temperature of the gas where large and small dosages are used 36 The effect of different proportions of water on the amount of available hydrocyanic-acid gas 37 The correct proportion of water 38 The most economical proportion of chemicals to use in generating hydrocyanic-acid gas 39 Mixing the chemicals 39 Purple-scale fumigation 40 Preliminary experiments for the control of the purple scale 40 The leakage of gas in fumigating small trees 13 The length of exposure 44 Kradieation of the purple scale 46 Difficulty of destroying the scale on the fruit 46 ( reneral considerations 47 Leakage of gas during operations 47 Time of the year for fumigation 48 Fumigation during the blossoming period 49 Fumigation while I he fruit is of .-mall size 51 5 6 CONTEXTS. General considerations — Continued. page. Simple method of removing acid from drums and carboys 53 The protection of cyanid 55 Hydrocyanic-acid gas in drums 55 The marking of touts 55 A device for covering fumigation generators 56 An improved system of fumigation Supply carl 59 Procedure 61 Advantages under this system 63 I >i eage schedule 64 The improved system in use Fumigation simplified 68 Index G9 ILLUSTRATIONS Fio. I. Map Bhowing principal localities in southern California where citrus Eruita are produced id l'. Leaves and branch of orange infested with purple scale l Lepidoaaphea It ckii » II :;. Fruit of orange infested with purple scale L2 i. Branches of orange infested with black scale (Sawetia 6U x) L2 5. Leaves and branch of orange infested with red Bcale (ChryaompJialua aurontii) 13 6. ( tarange tree almost destroyed by red scale 11 7. Orange tree showing branches at center partly destroyed and Btripped of leaves by purple scale L5 B. Tray commonly used for carrying the chemicals of Eumigation from tree to tree L8 !). Man carrying tray and water bucket I!) LO. A typical California lemon orchard with row of fumigation generators placed ready for use the following night 20 11. Outline of a fumigation lent marked according to the Morrill system. . 28 12. A fumigation tent marked after the Morrill system 29 13. Chart showing total amount of gas evolved when different propor- tions of water are used 38 14. ( Grange blossoms at an early stage of development 50 15. Lead-lined tank used in San Bernardino County for removing sul- phuric acid from drums and for filling jugs 53 16. An improved pipe for removing acid from drums 54 17. Siphoning acid from a drum by means of a rubber hose 54 18. Carboy resting against a heap of dirt to facilitate pouring the acid 55 19. Carboy with handles attached to facilitate pouring the acid and carry- ing the carboy 56 20. Zinc-covered top for protecting cyanid in the field 57 21. A cover device attached to a fumigation generator 58 22. Oifference in the direction taken by gas escaping from an open gen- erator and from one covered with the corrugated lid 59 23. Cart used with the improved system of fumigation 60 24. Karthenware acid jar with attachments for field use 61 25. A table which can be used instead of a cart in fumigation over very r< »ugh ground 62 A row of tented tree3, and cart at one end ready for dosing 62 27. Dosing a tree 63 28. Dosage schedule No. 1 65 7 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. INTRODUCTION. Early in July, 1907, the writer received a commission to investi- gate the use of hydrocyanic-acid gas in the control of insect pests of citrus trees in southern California. Acting under detailed instruc- tions from Mr. C. L. Marlatt, the Assistant Chief of the Bureau of Entomology of the United States Department of Agriculture, be spent the latter part of July and the following three mouths in a thorough field investigation to acquaint himself with the condi- tions of citrus culture throughout southern California, the distribu- tion of the different citrus pests and the damage caused by them, the existing methods for their control, and the status of fumigation as then practiced in the various citrus districts. During this period all the important citrus-producing sections south of Santa Barbara were visited, and local conditions were carefully examined. This work was greatly facilitated by the hearty cooperation of the differ- ent county horticultural commissioners, who gave their time1 freely and greatly assisted the writer in becoming familiar with all the features of the problem in their respective counties. The writer desires to acknowledge his indebtedness to the many people who have assisted him during this investigation and facilitated the progress which has been made. To Mr. C. L. Marlatt, Assistant Chief of the Bureau of Entomology, he is especially indebted for valuable assistance and advice. It is also the writer's great pleasure to acknowledge his appreciation of the work of Mr. Frederick Maskew, who has most capably assisted him in the performance of many of his experiments. Mr. Maskew also prepared several of the illus- trations used. To the Hon. J. W. Jeffrey, State commissioner of hor- ticulture of California, credit is due not only for his activity in paving the way for this investigation but also for the able support given since field work was commenced. To Mr. William Wood, of Whittier, CaL, the writer acknowledges his indebtedness for assistance in intro- ducing the improved system of fumigation in the region adjacent to Whittier, as well as for practical advice with regard to citrus insects and their control, a subject about which he is especially well informed. This occasion is also taken to thank the various horticultural officers of southern California, packing-house managers, and the many citrus growers who have assisted and supported this investigation. 9 10 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. EXTENT OF CITRUS ORCHARDS." The production of citrus fruits in southern California is confined to the narrow stretch of land south and west of the Sierra. Madre Range, extending from Santa Barbara on the north to the Mexican border. Although citrus plantings are located here and there through- out this territory, in reality only a small proportion of the land capable of cultivation is devoted to this industry. The most promi- nent centers of production (see fig. 1) are in the foothills region and lower land of the San Gabriel Valley; the corresponding regions of the San Bernardino Valley, including the Redlands-Highland, the Riverside, and the Corona districts; and the coast region of Orange FIG. 1,— Map showing principal localities in southern California where citrus fruits are produced. (Original.) and Los Angeles counties. Regions of smaller production are found in southern Santa Barbara and Ventura counties, in the San Fer- nando Valley, and in western San Diego County. CITRUS PESTS. INSECT ENEMIES OF CITRUS FRUITS, AXD THEIR DISTRIBUTION*. The larger number of the pests most injurious to citrus fruits in southern California belong to the Coccidae, a group of insects popu- larly known as scale-insects. Among the scale-insects which are a For a general description of the California citrus-fruit industry, see Bulletin 123, Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture1, which may be obtained for 20 cents from the Superintendent of Document.-. Government Printing Office, Washington. D. C. l.\>i ( I in BMIES OF CI nils i RUITS. 11 generally so destructive as to require extended efforts for their control are the purple scale (Lepidosaphes beckii Newm.), the red scale ( ChrysompTialus aurantii Mask.), and the Mack Bcale {Saisseiia olese Bern.). The yellow scale {Chry8(ymphalus citrinus Coq.), con- sidered a variety of the red scale, is much Less destructive generally, though sufficiently troublesome in some Localities to be considered a pest of primary importance. Other scale-insects attacking citrus trees, which are so perfectly held in control by their natural enemies and other causes as seldom to become very destructive, are the soft brown scale ( Coccus Kesperidum \..\ the hemispherical scale (Saissetia h mispha. rica Targ.), the oleander scale {Aspidiotus hederse Val.), Fig. 2.— Leaves and branch of orange infested with purple scale (Lcpidosaphes beckii). (Original.) and the cottony cushion scale (Icerya purchasi Mask.). Mealy bugs (Pseudococcus spp.) are quite generally prevalent. The most important pests other than scale-insects are to be found among the mites, of which the rust mite of the orange or silver mite of the lemon (Phyllocoptes oleivorus Ashm.) and the citrus red spider {Tetranychus mytilaspidis Riley) an4 highly injurious. The orange aphis (Aphis gossypii Glov.) becomes very numerous during some seasons but is soon attacked by its natural enemies and held in con- trol. A species of thrips worked quite extensively in some localities on ripe oranges during the first months of 1908, removing the coloring matter from beneath the epidermis, thus giving to the fruit a spotted appearance which lowered its market grade. The purple scale (figs. 2 and 3) appears to prefer the more moisl dons in the vicinitv of the ocean. It is found in Santa Barbara 12 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. and Ventura counties; in Los Angeles County, inward from the coast as far as Hollywood and Whittier, and in the lower part of the San Gabriel Valley at Covin a and Duarte; throughout Orange County; and in San Diego County in the region about San Diego city. This insect confines its attack to citrus trees. The black scale (fig. 4) is also considered as partial to the more moist regions, and with- out doubt is able to mature more freely here Fig. 3.— Fruit of orange infested with purple scale. (Oridnal.) n ,-i r ,. • , than in the hot interior country. It is distributed, however, throughout the citrus-growing localities with the exception of the Rialto-Highland-Redlands region of San Bernardino County. At Redlands this scale is found on olives and some ornamental plants; yet, to the best of the writer's knowl- edge, it has not been reported from citrus orchards. Even as far inland as Ontario and Riverside the black scale is capable of breeding freely during some parts of the year, but the hot days of summer destroy a large percentage of the eggs and especially those young scales which are exposed to the sun's ra}rs. This destruction was espe- cially noticeable in the summer season of 1907, when the writer was engaged in an examination of different localities. During the first part of July occurred a few days of very hot weather. About Fig. 4.— Branches of orange infested with black scale (Saisxttia olex). (Original.) [NSECT ENEMIES OF CITRUS FRUITS. 13 a month later inspections were made throughout the lower San Gabriel Valley, at Pomona, Ontario, and Riverside, and in Orange County. Throughout this valley a large majority of the young insects \\ hich had hatched were dead at this time while fully 50 per cent of the eggs had dried up. At Pomona, Ontario, and Riverside almost all the young insects had been destroyed, and fully 90 per cent of the eggs beneath the old scales. In Orange County Dear the coast a very small per- centage of eggs was affected by this hot period, while recently hatched young scales were much in evidence. The black scale occurs on a wide range of hosts, including trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants. The red scale (fig. 5) thrives exceedingly well in the drier interior regions of southern California. Jt can be found within a few miles Fig. ■Leaves and branch of orange infested with red scale (Chrijsompfialusauranti/). (Original.) of the ocean or as far inland as Redlands. The limits of its distri- bution are much the same as for the black scale. This species can be found on several host plants other than citrus species. The yellow scale is even more of a heat-withstanding form than the red scale. Infestation by this insect appears to be most marked in the foothills region of the San Gabriel Valley, and along the Sierra Madre Range through Upland and ( ucamonga, It is also broadly dis- tributed at Redlands, where it has become a more serious menace than elsewhere in southern California. That it is capable of withstanding excessive heat is demonstrated by its prevalence in citrus orchards in the San Joaquin Valley, at Marysville, Oroville, and other parts of the hot interior valleys of northern California, where the purple scale and to a large extent the black scale appear unable to survive. 14 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Mealy bugs occur in various parts of the southern end of the State. Their appearance is usually spasmodic and in restricted areas. These insects are at present more serious than elsewhere in Ventura County, where they occur in great numbers. The citrus red spider is general in distribution, whereas the silver mite is restricted to the region about the city of San Diego. INJURY RESULTING TO SCALE-INFESTED TREES. In scale insects the mouth is an elongated beak or tube. This tube is inserted into the bark or covering of the host plant when the insect is feeding, and is used to draw up the plant juices, which are the scale- insect's only food. When great num- bers of these insects draw sap from the tree, even though they are very mi- nute, the tree's vitality is greatly reduced. This ef- fect is very marked in the attack- of the red and purple scales. Both of these species cause much destruction, yet the writer is of the opinion that the red scale will de- stroy a citrus tree in less time than will the purple Fig. 6.— Orange tree almost destroyed by red scale. (Original.) qpqIp oil nthpr far- tors being equal. Trees have been noticed from two to three years after planting which had been killed by the red scale. Large orchard trees are frequently destroyed by the pest (fig. 6), while it is a very common sight in regions of severe infestation to see large branches killed back to the trunk. Although no trees have ever come to the writer's attention which were completely killed by the purple scale, severe infestations result in the destruction of many branches (fig. 7), and cause such a drain on the tree that the produc- tion of fruit is greatly decreased. Moreover, the purple scale spread- INJURY RESULTING TO SCALE [NFESTED TREES. 15 to the fruit, as docs also the red scale, resulting in expense for the cleaning of fruit in- rendering it of a lower grade and, in extreme cases, entirely valueless. The black scale, although a much larger insect than either the red scale or purple scale, appears to have, generally, little effect on the vitality of the tree. Trees severely infested with the black scale may appear as healthy as neighboring trees which are clean. Branches are seldom if ever destroyed by its attacks alone. The commercial importance of the Mack scale arises largely from its habit of secreting honeydew, which spreads over the leaves, fruit, Fig. 7.— Orange tree show; branches at center partly destroyed and stripped of leaves by purple scale (Lepidosaphes beckii). (Original.) and branches, furnishing a growing medium for a black or sooty-mold fungus, resulting in a black coating throughout the tree. This coating is removed from the fruit by washing, or in light attacks by brushing. In the investigation by Mr. (1. Harold Powell0 of the causes of decay of oranges while in transit from California, it was shown that the decay was greater in washed than in unwashed fruit. To avoid the washing of fruit ii is necessary to destroy the scale in the orchard-. a Bui. Ii1:;. Bur. Planl Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, L0O8. 16 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. The black scale confines its attack mainly to the branches, vet it is commonly found on the leaves during its earlier stages of develop- ment and sometimes matures in this situation. Seldom does it mature on the fruit. The red and purple scales infest the branches, leaves, and fruit. The yellow scale occurs on the leaves and fruit. Occasionally it is found to a very slight extent on the branches. The more directly injurious effect to the tree resulting from the attacks of the red, purple, and yellow scales appears to the writer to be due to their ability to produce some toxic effect in the host plant in addition to the injury caused by the removal of sap. These scales cause a discoloration of the plant cells at the place where the sap is extracted, whereas the larger black scale causes no discoloration whatever. METHOD OF PROPAGATION OF THE MORE INJURIOUS SCALE PESTS. The young purple and black scale-insects hatch from eggs deposited by the adult,- while the red and yellow scales produce their young alive. The red and yellow scales are thus susceptible to the applica- tion of remedial measures at any time throughout the year. The eggs of the purple scale are much more difficult to destroy than the insects, for the latter can be killed readily in any stage of develop- ment although more easily in the early stages. The black scale is capable, after it has reached its mature and leathery condition, of resisting extreme insecticidal applications. Its eggs, also, are quite as resistant as the mature insect, if not more so. In its early stages, however, it can be readily destroyed by the proper insecticides. In all species the different broods on citrus trees are seldom, if ever, distinct, but overlap one another to varying degrees. At certain periods the breeding is more marked than at others for each of these insects; yet it is possible to find adult red, yellow, purple, or black scales in the egg-laying stage at any time throughout the year in any extensive citrus locality in southern California containing thrifty trees and in which these scales are known to thrive. This over- lapping of broods is due largely to the forcing and artificial conditions of citrus culture. METHODS USED IN THE CONTROL OF SCALE PESTS OF CITRUS TREES. The methods generally resorted to in the control of citrus insect pests are (1) fumigation, (2) spraying, and (3) the use of beneficial insects. The question of beneficial insects is too large for discussion in this limited report; suffice it to say that their work is of the highest importance in many respects. Sulphur sprays are employed against the red spider and the silver mite of the lemon. SHEET TEN I S. 17 Distillate* sprays have been employed by southern California horticulturists For many years, and at one time very extensively in the control of citrus scales. The accumulated experience with these sprays appears to have demonstrated that the results secured arc not entirely satisfactory. To-day distillate sprays are used only on a small acreage of citrus groves, having been supplanted by the more satisfactory fumigation with hydrocyanic-acid gas. Nothing illus- trates more distinctly the superiority of fumigation over spraying with distillate oils than the readoption of fumigation by (he more successful citrus growers, and the attitude of the officials of (he county horticultural commissions of this region who, almost to a man, now recommend fumigation for the control of scale-insects. A kerosene-water spray has found a Limited use4 during the past year in Riverside and Ventura counties. FUMIGATION. Fumigation with hydrocyanic-acid gas originated and was first practiced in California by Mr: 1). \V. Coquillett, of the Bureau of En- tomology, in 1SS6, in combating citrus insect pests. Since that time it has gradually risen in favor as a means of destroying scale enemies of citrus plants until to-day it is in use in almost all the important citrus-producing countries of the world. The apparatus first used in fumigation was somewhat complicated and cumbersome, making the operation very expensive." As the use of this gas became more widespread a gradual improvement in equipment as well as methods has taken place, so that to-day the process is comparatively simple. SHEET TENTS. Sheet tents exclusively are now used in southern California. The manipulation of sheet tents and the general procedure in fumigation have been so clearly explained in Bulletin No. 76 of this Bureau that it will not be necessary to devote space to them here. The tents are octagonal in shape, the standard sizes being 17, 24, 30, 36, 41, 43, 45, 48, 52, 55, and 64 feet, but larger ones up to 72 or 84 feet have been employed. The size of this style tent is property based on the dis- tance between the parallel sides, not on the distance between opposite corners. The materials especially recommended, and now generally used for fumigation tents in southern California, are 6^-ounce special drill and S-ounce special army duck, although 10-ounce special army duck is sometimes used in very large tents. The 62-ounce special drill is made of single threads twisted hard and closely woven. It is light, strong, and flexible. The special army duck is made of double --Aim. Rept. 1' S. Dept. A.gr. for L887, p. L23, 1888. 77488— Bui. 70—09 2 18 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IX CALIFORNIA. threads twisted hard and woven fairly close. This double-twisted material is heavier and much stronger than the special drill, but not so closely woven; consequently it is somewhat more porous. In field work the special drill will adapt itself more closely to the irregularities of the ground than the army duck, and particularly if the tents become damp. The special 6^-ounce drill is generally con- sidered the best obtainable for use in all fumigation tents up to 45 feet standard size. Special 8- ounce army duck is rec- ommended for use in tents of larger size. Prob- ably the most sat- isfactory method of making large tents is to have the center of spe- cial duck and the sides of special drill. This dis- tributes the heavy material at the points of greatest wear, while the drill makes the tent much lighter and more flexible. Fig. S.— Tray commonly used for carrying the chemicals of fumigation from tree to tree. Cans above contain cyanid; pitchers below contain acid. (Original.) POIXTS OX PROCEDURE. The number of men making up an outfit varies from three to six. In San Bernardino County most of the outfits consist of six men; else- where they more commonly consist of four. In estimating the dosage, the usual method is to make the estimate before the trees are covered with a tent. Sometimes this scheduling is done in the daytime, sometimes by night. The schedule for a row of trees to be fumigated having been given, either one of two methods of procedure is followed. In the first and more common method the dosage of cyanid and acid for each tree of the row is measured out into small cans and pitchers, which are placed in a tray after the man- ner shown in figure 8. When ready for use this tray is carried from one tree to the next down the row (fig. 9). Frequently two trays are necessary to carry the material required for the entire row or set of trees. The water is carried in a pail and measured at each tree. The receptacles in which the gas is generated consist of earthenware jars holding 1J to 2 gallons, having the handle on the side (fig. 10). If dosages in excess of 16 ounces are used in a U-gallon generator or DOSAGE SCHEDULES OF MORE IMPORTANT WRITERS L9 in excess of 20 ounces in a 2-gallon quently boil over, especially if the generator, the contents \\ ill Fre- cyanid is in small lumps or is ])ow dered. DOSAGE SCHEDULES OP THE MORE CMPORT ANT WRITERS ON FUMIGATION. Since the publication by Morse, in L887, of the first dosage schedule for use in fumigating citrus trees with hydrocyanic-acid gas, a great many tables of dosage have been rec ommen d e d through publica- tions in this coun- try and abroad. Among the more mi t hori t a t ive contributions on this subject are those of Coquil- lett . Morse, Craw, Marlatt, Johnson, Havens, Wood- worth, Pease, and Morrill, of this country; C. P. Lounsbury, of Sou tli Africa, and W. J. Allen, of New South Wales. A careful study has been made of the dosage sched- ules proposed by these different in- vestigators with a result most surprising. In the first place, we must consider that uniform dosage will not be given to trees unless based directly on their cubic contents when covered with a tent. Secondly, dosage t aides prepared for trees merely with regard to their cubic contents and without regard to the varying pro- portions of leakage surface present in trees of different sizes are faulty to a large degree. Of all the dosage tables which have come to the writer's attention only those by Lounsbury, in South Africa, by Morrill, in Florida, and a recent one by Wood worth in California, have been based on the proper assumptions. The other tables were either based directly on the cubic contents without regard to leakage surface, or were4 prepared without any knowledge whatever of the cubic contents represented by trees of given dimensions. Several FIG. '.i.— Man carrying tray and water bucket. (Original.) 20 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. belong to the latter class. The following statement and comparative table have been prepared which indicate the wide range of variation in these schedules: Dosage schedules. — For the information of those who may be inclined to doubt the writer's contentions in this bulletin with relation to the generally chaotic con- dition of fumigation schedules published in the interests of California citrus growers, a table has been prepared which includes nearly all of the more important sched- ules, together with a comparative analysis of the same. The dosages for trees of given dimensions were duly computed. Having this data at hand and utilizing the dosage allotted to each individual tree, it was possible to work out the rate of Fig. 10.— A typical California lemon orchard with row of fumigation generators placed ready for use the following night. (Original.) dosage per 100 cubic feet of inclosed space at which that particular tree was being fumigated. This has been done for all trees in the schedules proposed by several writers, and the results have been arranged in the latter half of the table. A glance at this table will show that the schedules of Morse, Coquillett, and Wood- worth were all based on the cubic contents of the trees, which were dosed at a uni- form rate, but without regard to the leakage of gas. Large trees are dosed at the same rate as small ones, thus giving a lack of uniformity in results. All of the other schedules detailed in this table were apparently prepared with little or no regard to the cubic contents represented by trees of different dimensions. Although it would appear from the table that leakage was taken into account, inasmuch as the smaller trees receive a greater rate than the larger ones, proper allowance could not be made for this factor without definite consideration of the cubic contents. Con- sequently the decrease of rate recommended is in all cases irregular and widely removed from a rate proportionate to the actual leakage. The fact that trees in- DOSACK SClIKlUl.r.s of MORE [MPORTANT WRITERS. 21 crease in dimensions much more rapidly than in cubic contents la seldom taken into consideration. The result is that the larger trees receive a relatively Bmaller dosage than they Bhould. Morse's schedule was prepared especially for the cottony cushion Bcaleand probably bar the red scale. The schedules of Coquilletl and Pease, and doubtless thai of i raw, were prepared for the red scale. Those of Johnson, Woodworth, i In • Riverside Com- mission, and the Rural Californian were intended especially for use against the black scale. The red scale was generally known to l>e harder to destro) than the black scale. In Morse's schedule all trees receive practically three-fourths ounce per LOO cubic feel of inclosed tent space; in Coquillett's, practically one-half ounce to LOO cubic feet; in Woodworth's schedule they receive one-third ounce for the same space. In 'raw's table, the smallest tree receives approximately 9 times as great .1 do age rate as tin' largest; in Johnson's table, the smallest receives about \\ times the rate iA the largest; in that of the Riverside Commission, the smallest ie allowed about L3 times that of the largest: in that of the Rural Californian, the smallest receives about 8 times thai of the Largest ; while in thai of Pease, I he smallest receives a dosage rate about li' times as great as the Largesl tree. This short analysis seems sufficient to call attention to the irregularities of these schedules. A study of the following table will reveal many other interesting points. Doaag< schedules recommended by several recognized authorities, with computed dosage rates per 100 cubic feet of spaa inclosed by tent. AMOUNT OF CYANID (OUNCES) PER TREE RECOMMENDED. Height of tree. Width of tree. Cubic con- tents of tree. Morse .a Coquil- lett> Craw.c T. B. Johnson. d Wood- worth.* River- side Hor- ticultural Commis- sion./ Rural ( aii- fornian.0 Pease.A Feet. 4 Feet. 4 5 5 4 5 6 Cubic ft. 40 60 80 70 100 140 225 Ounces. 0.3 Ounces. Ounces. Ounces. Ouncis. Ounces. Ounces. On lies. 4 4 .6 6 1 1 l i 6 4 6 1 1.0 ; .....'.'.'.'.. 5 s 5J I 8 6 8 9 200 335 47.') 2 2 n 1J 5 8 2.4 3.4 1 7 9 10 6§ sin 1 10 8 10 11 8 10 12 14 13 10 12 14 10 15 14 16 17 14 16 18 19 435 645 37 535 800 1,130 1,490 1,440 960 1,355 1,790 1,036 2,210 2,105 2,680 3,215 2,400 3,080 3,815 4.470 "Te" 6.2 21 3 4* 21 2 7 10 2 8 11 12 2 12 ......... '"io.2 """12.4" H 5 5 ^ 8 12 4 10 12 83 7 7 0 4J 13 14 14 7 8 10 14 s 5 12 15 4 8 15 15. 7 ........ 23 16 12 9 10i 12 16 9 8 5J 14 17 .... 18 15 18 10 6 14 18 27.1 28.3 19 16 8 20 13j 2. 175 20 16 18 20 :: 18 3, (85 5,235 4,835 11 L3 15 10 14 10 11 6j 20 20 20 22 12 aRul. 71, Univ. ofCal. Agr. Exp. Sta. (1887). 6 Insect Life (1889). e Destructive Insects (1891 . H A. S1 '■••■ Bd. of Horticulture i Bui. 115, Univ. ..Mai. A.CT. Exp. Sta. I I89i ■ ' Bui. 127, U. 3. Dept. Agric. .'/ From ■• Fumigation Methods," by W. <;. Johnson. f> California Cultivator | I9i 22 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IX CALIFORNIA. Dosage schedules recommended by several recognized authorities, with computed dosage rates per 100 cubic feet of space inclosed by tent — Continued. AMOUNT OF CYANID (OUNCES) PER TREE RECOMMENDED— Continued. Height of tree. Width of tree. - Ho.se. of tree. Coquil- lett. i raw. T. B. Johnson. Wood- worth. River- side Hor- ' ticultural Commis- sion. | Rural fornian. Feet. 24 Feet. IS 20 22 28 20 20 25 28 30 25 30 Cubicft. Ounces. 5,340 6,490 7,735 11,900 Ounces. Ounces. 13* Ouna s. 18 20 Ouna ». 14 16 16 24 16 24 .'4 24 Ounces. Ounces. 24 i 24 24 7,120 1..' 14" _ 30 8,375 30 30 30 16,675 36 21,915 COMPUTED DOSAGE KATE (OUNCES OF CYANID) PER 100 CUBIC FEET OF INCLOSED SPACE. Height of tree. Width of tree. Cubic SSL *-■ of tree. Coquil- lett. Craw. T. B. Wood- Johnson. ! worth. River- side Hor- ticultural Commis- sion. Rural Cali- fornia]!. Pease. Feet. 4 Feet. 4 5 5 4 5 6 Cubicft. Ounces. 40 0. 75 Ounces. Ounces. Ounces. Ounces. Ounces. Ounces. Ounces. 4 60 80 (> 6 5 6 70 1.4 1.4 1.4 0.77 6 100 140 4 6 72 0.36 3.0 225 .71 8 5| HiO .31 8 6 8 9 61 s 10 11 8 10 12 14 13 10 12 14 10 15 14 lb 17 14 200 335 475 310 435 645 S70 535 800 1,130 1,490 1,440 960 1,355 1,790 1,036 2,210 1 2.5 8 . 72 72 .3 2. 1 9 10 .32 10 11 M) . 7fi .8 . 7 .57 .46 1.6 10 72 .31 1. 25 11 12 .37 12 .56 . 62 . C)2 .56 1 12 .71 ------ .35 .88 12 .57 .47 .33 3 13 14 14 .51 . 45 . 45 .74 14 .28 .......... .67 15 5 .36 15 71 16 2,105 2,680 -71 . 57 43 .34 .38 .57 16 .3 a 52 17 3.215 O JOO .71 IS IS 16 3.0S0 18 3 MS .32 2 .45 IS . 71 19 19 13 16 IS 20 22 4,470 2, 175 3,485 5,235 R oto .63 .36 .32 20 20 . 31 . 37 .29 .32 .19 .19 20 .35 20 . 7> 20 22 18 4,835 18 5,340 20 6,490 22 7,735 28 11,900 oq r ion . 25 .15 ■~>A .34 .31 2 .25 .18 .13 °-i 20 .12 °4 24 96 .19 .17 .12 .1 30 20 25 28 30 25 30 12,680 14,365 16,675 15,630 21,915 .19 .19 .11 .14 .15 .11 30 30 30 36 36 PRESENT SYSTEM OF SCHEDULING DOSAGE. 23 THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF SCHEDULING DOSAGE. When we understand thai up to the present time only one approx- imately accurate4 dosage schedule has been proposed by the fumiga- tion experts of California, and, what is more confusing, thai no two tables agree in all respects, we can do1 wonder thai the practical fumigator has turned from them in perplexity. Finding the tables o( Little assistance, the fumigator has had to determine his own dosage from practical experience and the results secured. It' be failed to destroy the scale on a 6-foo1 tree in using l ounce of cyanid, he increased his dosage for the next 6-fool tree, and so on. lie has also Learned that the dosage required to destroy some scales is greater than that for other species, ruder the system at present in vogue the dosage is usually estimated in the daytime. The estimator, who ordinarily is the man in charge <>!' the outfit, starts out in an orchard equipped with cross-section paper or a schedule sheet. lie walks between two rows of trees, jotting down in the corresponding squares of the schedule sheet the dosage which he believes the trees should receive. If he is a careful scheduler he will look at the trees from different side^ before indicating the dosage, as trees are sometimes more compact on one side than on another. Less careful men set down the dosage for the two rows of trees while moving along as fast as they can walk. The writer has seen some schedulers walk through the field at a rapid pace, taking four rows at a time. The estimation of dosage in this manner is mainly guesswork. Measurements of the trees are made by the eye: consequently, suc- cessful results depend very largely upon the accuracy of the estimator's eye-measurement, supported by his experience in fumigation. The most careful of estimators are very irregular in their scheduling. This point has already been mentioned by Professor Woodworth.0 From measurements taken after many fumigators, we have found none who did not at times vary more than 50 per cent in dosage esti- mates for t pees containing exactly the same cubic contents after being covered with a tent. Frequently the variation is as high as 100 per cent. The results secured by a few of the more careful and expert schedulers have been good as a whole. These men, however, can cover but a small portion of the citrus groves of southern California in one season. The writer has been shown orchards in which it was stated that all the scale had been destroyed by the use of heavy dosages. Even if this were the case it would show that the smallest percentage or strength of dosage used on any tree in those orchards was sufficiently large to desl roy the scale. Since, as we have found, expert fumigators a Bui. L52, I'niv. of Cal. A.gr. Exp. Sta., L903. 24 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IX CALIFORNIA. vary considerably in their estimates, many trees in the above-men- tioned orchards must have received a much greater dosage than was necessary for scale eradication, thus resulting in a waste of cyanid and acid. In Table I have been arranged the dosage estimates which were scheduled in different orchards by three different rumigators. After the trees had been covered with tents the exact contents were com- puted by the writer from actual measurements. The dosages given in these tables are not for scattered individual trees selected because of their irregularity in size, but each table embraces a continuous number in a single row taken at random, regardless of the size or regularity of the trees. As great a lack of uniformity as that shown in each table might be looked for throughout the orchard. These schedules of dosage were used against the red and purple scales, species considered by most fumigators to be about equally resistant to the gas. The reader will note the wide difference in the dosage in the estimates of the different fumigators. Table I. — Variation in the dosages estimated for several consecutii t tret s by thret different fumigators. Work of first fumigator. Work of second f amigator. Work of third fumigator. Dosage recom- mended. Actual volume of treated tree. Ounces. 11 12 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 Cubic feet. 1,090 2,050 1,369 1,603 1,516 1,440 1,663 1 . 755 1,350 1,175 Volume of space in tent to each ounce of dosage. Cubicfeet. 150 170 135 165 150 120 140 145 110 130 Dosage recom- mended. Actual volume of treated tree. Volume of space in tent to each ounce of dosage. Dosage recom- mended. Ounces. Cubicfeet. 11 1,000 7 400 15 1,800 10 600 16 2,200 15 1,800 16 2,400 1 2,000 IS 2,200 17 2,200 12 1,250 16 2,500 Cubicfeet. 90 CO 120 60 140 120 150 125 120 130 105 156 Actual volume of treated tree. Volume of space in tent to each ounce of dosage. Ounces. 6 4 4 5 4 4 Cubic feet 1.500 1.100 803 1,200 1.100 900 1,300 1,150 950 950 900 1.550 Cubicfeet. 250 275 200 240 260 230 190 258 THE INITIAL PROBLEM CONFRONTING THIS INVESTIGATION After becoming acquainted with the existing methods of fumiga- tion, it was realized that one of the first problems to be solved was to devise some accurate system of determining dosage which would obviate the errors due to guesswork. It at once became apparent that the only way in which this result could be attained was by determining accurately the cubic contents of the space inclosed by the tent and giving the tree a dose proportionate to the content-. It was also apparent that before such a system could be put into operation, after having been worked out in practice, it would be COMPUTING VOLUME and DOSAGE FOB TENTED CBEES. 25 necessary to determine by an extensive series of experiments the dosage required for different-sized tree- for the various scale pots infesting the citrus orchards. METHOD OF COMPUTING VOLUME \\i> DOSAGE FOB TENTED TREES. Although most citrus trees possess a certain genera] similarity id shape, they are nevertheless somewhat irregular, no two ever being identical in all respects. This renders it impracticable to determine the exact contents o( any giveD tree. For field work, however, this i> unnecessary, and all that is Deeded is to approximate it with a fair degree of accuracy. In order to calculate the cubic contents of an object, it must be considered as shaped like .some regular geomet- rical figure or figures. The figure which most closely approximates in shape an orange or lemon tree before it lias been pruned 1^ a cylin- der surmounted by a hemisphere, and in computing the volume we have considered them of this shape. If we know the height and width of a tree covered with a tent, it is a comparatively simple matter to calculate its contents. In the past in California work the dosage has been based upon these two measurements. After a tree is covered with a tent it is a matter of some dilhcult y to determine the height and the width. By using as factors the distance around the bottom of the tent and the longest distance over the top of the tent we arrive at a more prac- ticable method by which to compute the cubic contents of a given tree. Using these measurements as a basis the writer has invented a formula a by means of which the cubic contents of a tree may be computed. To avoid computation work in the field as far as possi- ble, the writer has formulated a table approximating the cubic con- tents of trees of different dimensions, which is, he believes, suffi- ciently extensive to include any eitrus tree in southern California. During tins investigation no tree has been found whose dimensions did not fall within the limits given in this table. The distance a Professor Wood worth (Bui. 152, Univ. of Cal. Agr. Exp. Sta., p. 5, 1903) was the first to propose a formula for obtaining the contents of tented trees by computing the distance around the bottom and over the top. An analysis of this formula during the early part of the writer's field work proved that it was inaccurate, thus necessi- tating the determination of a new formula. The writer has worked out a formula based od the two measurements above mentioned, it is as follows: r-( <> C(3k-4) x -1-^2 L2;r J In this formula C=the cireumforenec of the tree. 0 = the distance over the top of the tree. C° C(3r I) If a person work- oul and notes down in a charl the values of r- and -^7) — for different valuesoi ( of which beisapl to make common use, ii is possible by its use in connection with the formula to determine the contents of trees with fair rapidity. 26 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. around and over a given tree being known, the table will show the approximate cubic contents of the tented tree. The dosage can then be applied in proportion to the contents and at any strength desired. A lemon tree, after being pruned, is ilat on the top. Therefore we can not consider the geometrical figure which is applicable to an orange or unpruned lemon tree as also applicable to a pruned or flat- topped lemon tree. The figure which approximates the latter i> a cylinder. Xow it so happens that the contents of a cylinder having certain dimensions over its top and around its bottom are almost the same as for a figure of the same dimensions composed of a cylinder surmounted by a hemisphere. This is a great advantage inasmuch as the schedule of dosage proposed for orange trees may also be used for all lemon trees, thus obviating the necessity of preparing two different schedules. METHODS FOR OBTAINING THE MEASUREMENTS AND DOSAGE OF TREES. WITH APPARATUS. Of the various methods suggested for obtaining the measurements of tented trees, the first was naturally by the use of a tapeline. It was an easy matter to ascertain the distance around the tent with a tape, but to measure the distance over the top was much more diffi- cult. This required the services of two men and repeated efforts. For field work on a commercial scale this was impracticable. Woodworth0 explains a method of securing measurements, which consists in the use of a fishing rod and a wire line, the latter marked off by knots into 1-meter lengths. His description of this method is as follows: Having first attached the line at about its middle to the end of the rod, one end of the former is made fast to the tent. The most convenient way to accomplish this was found to be by means of a hook, like a fishhook from which the barb had been removed. The most convenient place of attachment was at a point 1 meter from the ground. After attaching one end of the line to the tent the rest of that half is caused to lie up to and over the center and top of the tent by means of the rod. The one making the measurement then walks around to the opposite side of the tent, rod in hand, holding the line constantly in position over the top. The other end of the line is carried around the tent at the same time and is then drawn taut, measuring the lasl fraction of a meter by means of the graduation on the lower joint of the rod. Adding now 1 meter, the distance the first end is from the ground, we have the measurement of the distance over the top of the tenl from the ground on cue side to the ground on the other. A second measurement was then taken by throwing the line off the top of the tenl by means of the rod and holding it so that as the measurer proceeds around the tent to the point where the line is attached, it will encircle the tent at a point about 1 meter from the ground. The end of the rod is again brought into requisition and the last fraction of meter read in centimeters. Both measurements are thus made by one person in a single trip around the tent. "Bui. 152, Univ. of Cal. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1903. METHODS FOB OBTAINING MEASUREMENTS \.\l» DOSAGE. 27 This method might be practicable with a medium-sized tree, but for trees of Large size, especially seedlings, which arc sometimes more than 30 feet in height, its use would doubtless prove difficult, and for field operations multiplication of apparatus should be avoided as far as possible. WITIIOI T Ml' \i: \ II B. The Woodworth system. — The first scheme, so far as the writer's knowledge goes, for obtaining the measurements and dosage of trees without the use o\' apparatus was suggested by Professor Woodworth.0 This method consists of marking od the tent, on two opposite sides and parallel with the edge, a series of lines winch are placed at such distances from the center of the tent that they will correspond with differences of i ounce in the dosage of trees of the average shape. Upon each i^ these lines are marked three num- bers; the first indicating the dose (in ounces), the second the cir- cumference on which the dose is based, and the third the amount the dose must be varied when the actual measured circumference IS greater or less than that marked on the lent. For trees having a circumference greater than the average between the second figure on the line that is nearest the ground on one side of the tent and the second figure on the corresponding line on the opposite side, the average dose is increased for each additional yard of circum- ference by the amount (in ounces) given by the third figure on the line; for trees Inning smaller circumferences the figures are corre- spondingly decreased. Although the system is fairly accurate, its adaptability for use under the present condition of fumigation in southern California is somewhat questionable. The amount of calculation required to ascertain the dosage for each tree gives large chance of error and is wasteful of time. The possibility of error is still further increased through the necessity of varying the dosage for different species of scale-insect>. The Morrill system.1 — Dr. A. W. Morrill, in the course of his work against the white fly (Aleyrodes citri R. & II.) in Florida, has devised a method of marking tents which is easily the most practi- cable yet proposed for obtaining the distance over the top of a tented tree. Although apparently a. modification of the idea presented in the Woodworth method, it is really quite different. In the Wood- worth system the actual dosage is calculated from the figures on the tent. The Morrill system is merely a rapid and simple way of obtaining the distance over the top <>f a tented tree. a Bui. 152, Univ. of Cal. Agr. Exp. Sta.. L903. &Bul. 7G, Bur. Ent. U. S. Dept. Agr., 1908. 28 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. In figure 11 is shown an outline of a regulation fumigating tent marked after the Morrill system. Three parallel lines and one line at right angles to them are indicated on the tent. The middle one of the three parallel lines passes through the central point in the tent canvas, running lengthwise of the central section or strip of which the tent is made and passing over the top of the tent from the edge on one side to the edge on the opposite side; these lines 1/ 9/ 9/ */ £/ Z/ // 0/ 6 8 Z- 9 S I i 1 1 I i i 1 1 i 1 1 1 // 9/ 9/ P/ €/ d/ // 0/ 6 8 I 9- $ // 9/ 9/ PI €/ 2/ // 0/ 6 8 Z- 9 S VOVON^O^^^^^^^^^ : ; i i i i I i i I Fig. 11. — Outline of a fumigation tent marked according to the Morrill system. also run in the direction in which the tent should be pulled on or ofT a tree. The single line at right angles to the parallel lines passi - through the central point, as does the middle one of the three parallel lines, and extends also from the edge on one side to the edge on the opposite side. Beginning at the center these lines are graduated in feet toward either edge of the tent, after the manner shown in the diagram. For tents above 36 feet (average size) it is unnecessary to commence the graduation nearer than 5 feet from the center of the canvas. When one of these lines is over the middle of the tree METHODS FOB OBTAINING MEASUBEMENTS \NI» DOSAGE. 29 (fig. 12), the distance over can be calculated by merely adding together the two numbers on t ho opposite sides of the lent where the e«le;e touches the ground. For instance, supple that on the line over the center of the tree 12 Is nearest the ground <>n one side and 1.") on the other. The distance over the center of this tree would be the sum of these numbers, which i- 27 feet. With the lines graduated after this manner it makes little difference in determining the distance over the top o\^ the tree whether or not the geometrical center of the tent is at the center of the tree, the single requirement being that some part of one of the graduated lines approximates the center of the tree. Fig. l A fumigation tent marked after the Morrill system. (Original.) The two lines running parallel to this central line should be about 4 feet distant from it in the larger fumigating tents. The reason for using these auxiliary lines is, that in practice the center of the tent is very often pulled considerably to one side, especially in covering small trees. If the middle line does not fall immediately over the center of the tree, one of the other two lines is quite likely to do so, and that one should be used in obtaining the distance over. The cross line running at right angles to the three parallel lines also passes through the center of the tent and is marked like the other-. In case of an irregularly shaped tree, by the use of this line the distance over can be taken in two different directions and the average taken for use in determining the cubic content-. In field work, however, this cross line is unnecessary, as measurement over the top in one direction i- sufficient. 30 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. The measurement around the bottom of the tent can be obtained by the use of a tapeline or by pacing. Under this system the work is facilitated by having a chart or table of figures showing the cubic contents corresponding to different dimensions. THE CHEMICALS REQUIRED IN FUMIGATION. For the generation of hydrocyanic-acid gas in fumigating, potas- sium cyanid, sulphuric acid, and water are necessary. The hydro- cyanic-acid gas is produced by the action of the sulphuric acid on the cyanid of potassium. Under the early methods of generating hydro- cyanic-acid gas the cyanid was dissolved in water before being used. At the present time cyanid is used in the crystal form entirely. The water is first measured out and poured into the generating vessel. The required amount of acid is then added to the water, producing a great increase in the temperature of the mixture. T\ Tiile the mixture is hot it should be placed beneath the tree and the cyanid added. If permitted to cool before the cyanid is added, the generation of gas will not only be slower than with the heated mixture, but the amount of available gas will be decreased, thus making the operation more expensive, and necessarily less efficient. POTASSIUM CYANID. An imported cyanid designated as 98 to 99 per cent pure is used almost exclusively for fumigation purposes in southern California, under the popular belief that it is superior to American cyanids for this purpose. There seems to be no real basis for this common belief, and, in fact, experiments conducted by Prof. Wilmon Newell while State entomologist of Georgia demonstrated that certain brands of American cyanid met all the requirements necessary for fumigating nursery stock, and it seems reasonable to believe that these will also be equally available for citrus-orchard fumigation. A series of laboratory and field tests has been planned to demonstrate the use- fulness of all the available brands of potassium cyanid. In the field investigation reported in this bulletin the 98 to 99 per cent imported cyanid commonly used in southern California has been emplo}Ted throughout and, although no chemical analysis was made, the results proved entirely satisfactory. SULPHURIC ACID. Too much stress can not be placed upon the quality of sulphuric acid used in fumigation. Operators have repeatedly informed the writer of much burning of fruit and foliage which occurred during the season of 1905, owing to the use of a grade of acid differing from that ordinarily employed. An analysis of the acid used that season THE CHEMICALS REQUIRED. 31 showed that it contained traces of nitric acid, the presence <>l' which might explain the burning. Nitric acid is one of the most active of chemicals and is unstable as well. When heated it readily volatilizes. By adding sulphuric acid to water a great amount of heat results. If nitric acid be present in the sulphuric acid as an Impurit \ it would be far more volatile than under ordinary circumstances The addition of the cyanid increases the heat, at the same time causing hydro- cyanic-acid gas to be violently thrown off. This gas assists in carry- ing off the volatilized nitric acid, which, condensing on the cool, moist surfaces presented by the Fruit and leaves of the citrus trees, might result in hums or pits. In procuring sulphuric acid for Fumigating purposes, only that should be purchased which is entirely \'vco of nitric acid, and which is guaranteed 66° ( Baum6), or 93 per cent pure. Some commercial sulphuric acid on the market meets all the requirements of fumigation, while much can be found which does not. To enter fully into the reason for this would he out of place in this bulletin. All that is necessary is to mention briefly the char- acter of the material and processes used by various manufacturers, some of whom strive to place a better grade of acid on the market than do many others. In the manufacture of sulphuric acid, sulphur may be considered the basic element. This is obtained from one of two source-, viz, from free sulphur, known commercially as brimstone, or from sulphur in combination with a metal, as iron or copper pyrites. Brimstone is comparatively pure sulphur, containing little or nothing which would reduce the grade of the acid manufactured from it. It some- times contains a very small quantity of ash. Pure iron pyrites con- tains about 53 per cent of sulphur and about 47 per cent of iron. Copper pyrites contains much less sulphur. Ordinarily the pyrites used in making acid contains small quantities of other elements, as arsenic, zinc, lead, etc. To manufacture sulphuric acid, it is neces- sary to convert the sulphur into a gas, sulphur dioxid, which is brought about by burning the crude product in a retort. The sulphur dioxid thus formed is conducted into certain chambers where it is mixed with fumes of nitric acid, air, and steam, the resulting product being dilute sulphuric acid. Where brimstone is used comparatively pure sulphuric acid is formed. When, however, pyrites are burned, other (dements present in the ore (as arsenic, etc.) are volatilized, pass along with the sulphur dioxid, and are present in the crude acid. That which concerns us most vitally in fumigating is the presence of nitric acid. A much greater proportion of nitric acid becomes mixed with the products of combustion from pyrites than from brim- stone, resulting in the presence of a larger amount of this undesirable 32 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IX CALIFORNIA. acid in the sulphuric acid. The impurities, including nitric acid, may be eliminated by refining. This, however, requires extra expense, and, as these impurities are of little or no importance in some of the lower uses to which sulphuric acid is put, the acid is not usually refined. Such acid is unsuitable for use in fumigation. Taking all things into consideration it is safer, in purchasing ordinary commercial sulphuric acid on the market, to order that made from brimstone rather than that made from pyrites ore. It is possible, however, to secure quite as good a product from pyrites as from brimstone, if the former be sufficiently refined. If the fumi- gator demands that it be free from nitric acid, arsenic, etc., and refuses to accept it unless the product is of the grade required, there is no reason why he should not be able to secure satisfactory material. PROPORTION OF MATERIALS USED BY FUMIGATORS. With each dry ounce of potassium cyanid most fumigators usQ, 1 fluid ounce of sulphuric acid, although some use 1J ounces. The proportion of water used varies all the way from 2 to 8 times the amount (by bulk) of acid, the majority using between 3 and 4 parts of water. THE AMOUNT OF SULPHURIC ACID NECESSARY. Chemical combinations take place with definiteness; that is, when one chemical acts on another in the production of a third substance, the proportion between the first two chemicals is always the same. Such is the case when sulphuric acid acts upon potassium cyanid in producing Irydrocyanic-acid gas. A given amount of cyanid requires a certain amount of sulphuric acid of a fixed degree of purity to carry the reaction to completion. A quotation from a letter received from J. K. Haywood, of the Bureau of Chemistry of this Depart- ment, illustrates this point: In the action of sulphuric acid on potassium cyanid approximately four-fifths of an ounce (avoirdupois) of 93 per cent acid is used up for every ounce of 98 per cent cyanid.0 Expressed in fluid ounces four-fifths of an ounce avoirdupois equals about 0.42 of a fluid ounce. We may say that theoretically 1 ounce avoirdupois of 9S per cent potassium cyanid needs 0.42 of a fluid ounce of ordinary commercial sulphuric acid (93 per cent) to convert it entirely to hydrocyanic acid. Since it is always best to have some excess of the acid to carry the reaction to completion, it is probable that three-fourths of a fluid ounce of commercial sulphuric acid is ample in practice to convert 1 ounce avoirdupois of 98 per cent potassium cyanid to hydrocyanic acid. If 1 fluid ounce of the commercial sulphuric acid is used it will certainly leave a con- «The reaction is as follows: 2KCN+H2S04=K2S04+2HCN. PROPORTION OF CHEMICALS. aiderable exceee of sulphuric acid present, h La perfectly possible, however, thai this excess of Bulphuric acid is of value in heating up the mixture bo thai more of the hydrocyanic acid is Liberated and uot absorbed bj the liquid. The results of some tests serve as a further illustration of this point. It was desired to determine by experiment if l fluid ounce of acid to each ounce (avoirdupois) of eyanid would be sufficient to carry the reaction to completion in the liberation of hydrocyanic- acid gas. It is to be understood throughout that the eyanid ounce is avoirdupois and the acid and water is the fluid ounce. For this test two series of ordinary lj-gallon Fumigating vessels were placed in line. In one series equal parts of acid and eyanid were used. Three parts of water were used in all cases. The amounts of eyanid used ranged from 1 to 10 ounces, that is, in one generator were placed 1 ounce of eyanid, 1 ounce4 of sulphuric acid, and 3 ounces of water; in the next of the same series, 2 ounces of eyanid. 2 ounces of sulphuric acid, and (> ounces of water, and so on in the same pro- portion up to 10 ounces. The second series was identical with the first except for the use of one-fourth more acid than eyanid. After generation had taken place for about out1 and one-half hours an examination was made of the residue. In the first series, in which equal parts of acid and eyanid were used, the residue was in the form of a liquid. In the second series, in which 1£ ounces of acid to 1 of eyanid were used, the residue in several pots had collected in a mushlike mass. Being puzzled at first over this phenomenon, in order to ascertain if eyanid still remained unchanged in the residue the writer added more sulphuric acid, but there was no further evolu- tion of gas. This at once demonstrated that all the available eyanid had been dissolved. Analyses of this residue by J. K. Haywood of the Bureau of Chemistry showed that the reaction was complete both when 1 ounce of acid and when 1\ ounces of acid to 1 of eyanid were used. In submitting the result of these analyses, Dr. H. W. Wiley, Chief of the Bureau of Chemistry, wrote: The amount of eyanid present in these samples is so small that it does not indicate to us incompleteness of reaction, but rather indicates the amount of hydrocyanic acid dissolved in the residue. This view of the case is strengthened by the fact that increasing the amount of sulphuric acid in the cases above did not decrease the amount of cyanogen present in the residue. From our work, therefore, we are of the opinion that the same amount of sulphuric acid as of potassium eyanid is sufficient to carry the reaction to completion. " In an address printed in the Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth Annual Fruit Grow- ers' S G/l/f/V OFF 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 87.84 93.75 89.95 86.25 81.68 79.65 73.47 43.27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fig. 13.— Chart showing total amount of gas evolved when different proportions of water are used. (Original.) the poor results in field work can be directly attributed to the use of too much water. That the water should be measured as carefully as the acid is beyond question. Aside from variations in the amount of water used, due to lack of precision in measuring, the proportion of water recommended by dif- ferent authorities on fumigation has varied all the way from two to eight parts. It is no wonder we see widely differing results from the work of different men. It is a common practice with many funii- gators to increase the dosage when fumigating a tree that is severely infested with scale. It is also a common practice— in fact, so com- mon as to be almost universal — to increase the proportion of water when using heavy dosages. This is apparently done with a view to preventing injury to the fruit and foliage. In following out this prac- tice the fumigator has many times unconsciously prevented thevery resull lie wished t<> accomplish — that of obtaining a more concen- trated gas. THE CORRE( I PROPORTION <>i WATER. The chart (fig. 13 shows. that two part- o{ water to one part cadi of cyanid and acid will produce the maximum amount of avail- Mixix<; in i i 1 1 EM h \i.s. 39 able gas. It is impracticable, however, to use t w < > parts <>l water in field work, for with this proportion <»f water the residue, especially where small dosages of powdered cyanid are used, w ill Frequently con- geal within an hour's time the usual period lor leaving the tents on the trees. Although this proportion of water is apparently sufficient to dissolve the sulphate at first .so that a complete reaction takes place, it appears unable to hold the sulphate in solution long enough afterwards to prevent inconvenience in held work. It is of course evi- dent that a "frozen" generator does not always signify an unsatis- factory generation. With three parts of water, however, the residue seldom congeals, and this is the proportion we have used in all of our field work and which we recommend. The water should he meas- ured carefully with a glass or dipper graduated to ounces THE Most ECONOMICAL PROPORTION <>i CHEMICALS 1*0 l-i I\ GENERATING BYDROCYAN 1< -ACID GAS In the preceding discussion it has been shown that for various reasons l fluid ounce of commercial sulphuric acid and l ounce (avoir- dupois) 96 to 100 per cent potassium cyanid in combination with '4 fluid ounces of water give a complete reaction. Thus the 1 1-3 for- mula, hitherto recommended by the Bureau of Entomology, is fully indorsed. A review of the use of hydrocyanic-acid gas for fumigation, both in California and elsewhere, shows frequent divergence from the more economical and satisfactory proportion of chemicals indicated above. One book recognized as an authority on fumigation methods recom- mends the use of "one-half more acid than cyanid and one-half more water than acid.'' Many of the entomologists and horticulturists in the eastern United States advise in their recommendations for nur- sery fumigation two parts of acid and four parts of water to each part of cyanid. MIXING THE CHEMICALS. It is preferable to pour the water into the generator first and then add the acid. The pouring of the water onto the acid is more likely to cause splashing of the acid from the jar onto the himigator. When the acid and water are in readiness for generating the gas the i'umi- gator adds the pieces of cyanid to the mixture and hastily retreats. A- already stated, the cyanid should be added while the mixture of water and acid is hot. The advantage of this is shown in the fol- lowing experiments performed by the Bureau oi Chemistry of this Department. One ounce of potassium cyanid, 1 fluid ounce of com- mercial sulphuric acid, and 3 fluid ounce- of water were used in each case. Experiment No. I. The potassium cyanid was added to a mixture ol acid and water in which the heal was exhausted, and it was found 40 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. that 23.25 per cent of hydrocyanic acid remained in solution and was not liberated. Experiment X<>. ... — The potassium cyanid was added to a mixture of acid and water when first combined, i. e., when the heat was great. and it was found that only 10.08 per cent of hydrocyanic acid remained in solution. Caution. — The cyanid should never be placed in the water before the acid is added. If the acid is added to the cyanid in solution, a very violent reaction takes place, which will sometimes throw much of the liquid from the vessel. In one instance about 1 pound of cyanid was dissolved in water in a 2-gallon generator. Acid was then added, producing a disturbance so violent as to throw some of the liquid almost to the top of a two-story barn. V 1 l-gallon generator will serve for a dose of about 15 ounces of cyanid without boiling over, or a 2-gallon generator for approximately 20 ounces. The residue from the reaction contains more or less sulphuric acid which has not been used. This residue should never be deposited against or at the base of a tree, as it may penetrate to the roots, especially in light sandy soils, destroying a part if not the entire tree. PURPLE SCALE FUMIGATION. PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTS FOR THE CONTROL OF THE PURPLE SCAJ.h. During the month of November, 1907, experiments were under- taken at Orange, Cal., to determine the dosage required for the destruction of the purple scale (Lepidosa phes heckii Xewm.) in all it- stages, as well as to determine the effect of exposures of different durations. The orchard under treatment contained orange trees varying from 7 to 14 feet in height. The infestation with the purple scale was very severe on many of the trees. In the first experiment the duration of exposure was thirty minutes. In this experiment a series of tests was made to determine the effect of different dosages. These tests were as follows: One series of trees was dosed at the rate of three-fourths ounce of cyanid per 100 cubic feet of inclosed space; a second series at the rate of 1 ounce, a third at the rate of \\ ounces, and so on, increasing the dosage of each succeeding series at the rate of one-fourth ounce per 100 cubic feet. The largest dosage used was 2\ ounces per 100 cubic feet. The second and third experiments were the exact counterparts of the first in all respects except that the duration of the exposures was respectively one hour and one and one-half hours. From the data secured from these experiments it should be pos- sible to determine the killing dosage tor the purple scale for that particular length of time, provided a sufficient strength of gas was reached. To insure that the dosage sought would fall within the FUMIGATION AGAINST NIK PURPLE SCALE. 41 Bcope of the schedule, the Limits were made verj broad. Prom the difference in strength of killing dosage between these three experi- ments we would be able to determine the effect of length of exposure on results secured. To obviate as much a> possible the leakage of gas, \\ bich w ould vary iu trees of different sizes, trees were chosen of as uniform a Bize as could be obtained. The cubic contents of the trees chosen for the first two experiments did not vary greatly and the tree- ranged between 11 and 14 feet in height. As in the first two experiments most of the larger trees had been used, for the third experiment we were' compelled to utilize those remaining, which varied somewhat in size, and were also, for the most part, noticeably -mallei' than those represented in the4 lirst two experiments. During the latter part oi January an examination was made of the result- of these experiments. Fully two weeks were devoted to this, and thousands of the purple scale were scrutinized. The method employed was a very careful one. In each case the scales were overturned ami examined with a powerful hand lens. In those instances in which the entire contents of the scale were not at once revealed, the delicate ventral scale was ruptured and the contents scraped out. Through this method not a single egg could escape observation. Four trees were used in each test and an examination to deter- mine results was made of each. This examination included many infested leaves and branches taken as close to the ground as possible and up to 6 or 7 feet above the ground. Infested fruit was also examined when obtainable. The average condition existing in these four trees was taken to indicate the result of the test. The chemicals were used in the following proportion: Potassium cyanid, 1 part: sulphuric acid. 1 part: water, 3 parts. Table IV. — Fumigation for tfu purple scale, experiment X<>.. [Length of exposure, thirty minutes; height of trees, ll to 14 feet.] Number <>"ani'1 .\umn.r per 100 treated. „ i in leaves and branches. on fruit. [nsects alive, approxi- mately. Eggs normal. approxi- mately. [nsi cts ili\ e, approxi- mately. normal, approximately. Ouncfi. 4 4 1 i 11 4 1 1 1 2} I'i r n ill . II 0 0 n 0 0 " Per a nt. Over 75. MlMllI 7.".. i • than i. ii (i n Per a nt. 10 2 0 0 0 0 (1 1) Fully 'in percent. Many normal eggs found under ever] scale containing eggs. Some normal eggs found under almost evi ry scale containing eggs. 15 per cent. 5 7 pi r cent. i per cent. Two instances of ippari ntly normal eggs. None. 42 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IX CALIFORNIA. In this experiment, when three-fourths of an ounce of cvanid per 100 cubic feet of space was used, live adult females were found on the leaves and branches, but the insects were killed by all greater dosages; normal eggs were found after the use of a dosage as high as 1} ounces per 100 cubic feet. Live insects were found on the fruit after both the three-fourths-ounce and 1 -ounce tests, but were de- stroyed by the heavier dosages; normal eggs were found on the fruit after dosages up to and including the 2J-ounce rate: with 2$ ounces per 100 cubic feet, all were apparently destroyed. This experiment indicates that for normally shaped orange trees, from 11 to 14 feet in height, situated in a region with conditions comparable to those at Orange, and exposed to the gas for thirty minutes, a dosage of about 2 ounces per 100 cubic feet is required for eradication of the purple scale from the leaves and branches. If the trees contain fruit infested with scale, it is necessary to increase the dosage rate to 2\ ounces to accomplish the same result. Table V. — Fumigation for the purple scale, experirm nt No. [Length of exposure, one hour; height of trees, 11 to 14 feet.] Number of trees treated. Cvanid per 100 cubic feet of space. On leaves and branches. On fruit. Insects alive, approxi- mately. Eggs normal, approximately. Insects alive, approxi- mately. Eggs normal. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ounces. 1 U IV lj 2 2l 2£ ooo ooooo 1-5 percent. 1 percent or less. 2 doubtful cases. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Many instances. Several instances. (°) One doubtful Few instances of normal eggs on one fruit. No instances of normal i e CO (a) n No infested fruit on these trees. With an exposure of one hour all insects were destroyed on the leaves and branches at a three-fourths ounce dosage rate. All eggs were destroyed at the H-ounce dosage rate. Since very few oranges infested with scale were found on the trees used in this experiment, it is considered that further investigation will be necessary before the effect of different dosages on scale infesting the fruit is definitely known. Xo live insects Avere found infesting the small amount of fruit available. Normal eggs were found after a dosage as high as the 1 v-onnce rate. This experiment would lead to the conclusion that for normally shaped orange trees, from 11 to 1 i feet in height, exposed to the gas for one hour, and situated in a region with conditions comparable to those at Orange, a dosage rate of 1J ounces per 100 cubic feet will LEAKAGE OF GAS IN SM \i.l. 1 BEES. 43 destroy the purple scale in all its stages on the leaves and wood. If the tree contain fruit infested with this scale it will be necessary to slightly increase the dosage. The exact amount of this increase can not be stated with accuracy at tins time, owing to the fact that in the single experiment performed very little infested fruit from winch data might be secured was available. Table VI. Fumigation for (hi purpU scale, experiment No [Length of exposure, one and one-hall hours; size of trees mostly 7 to 10 feet; oe< aslooall; on 11 oi I » >n ii'.i\ es and branches < »n fruit. Number of trees treated. ( yanld per 100 cubic feel of space. Insects all \ e, i normal, I n ects ;iin e, approximate^ . approximate^ . ipproxlmatelj i g i normal Ounce*. 4 . 3 5 per cent. 10 50 per cent. 10 15 per cent. Vbove 75 per cent. l l l live female. 20 25 i«t cent. i 2 per cent. i i 75 pel cent 4 ! 1 0 i 5 per cent . 4 1* i) l 2 percent. 0 rwoor inges examined; many norma] i present . 1 i; 0 3 Instances ol doi • in ;i l " A I'm normal 4 2 0 o (") (") 4 • >i 0 0 (") 4 u 0 0 («) '"> a \o material for examination. In this experiment live insects were found on the branches and leaves in the cases where three-fourths ounce and 1-ounce dosages were employed. Normal eggs were found up to and including the 1 |-ounce rate, but were destroyed by dosages exceeding this. As in the case of experiment Xo. 2, so little scaly fruit was available at that time that we are inclined to consider the results in this part of the test as yet incomplete. THE LEAKAGE OF GAS IN FUMIGATING SMALL TREES When the results of experiment No. 3 are compared with those of experiment No. 2 we are at first led to believe that an error has been made. Jn experiment No. 2 it was found that the 1 \-ounce dosage rate destroyed all insects and eggs on the leaves and branches, whereas in this experiment it required one-half ounce more cyanid per 100 cubic feet, or a 2-ounce dosage rate, to accomplish the same result. Since the period of exposure was thirty minutes longer than that of experiment No. 2, we would naturally expect that tin' results accom- plished would be as good or better, all other conditions being the same. The apparatus and chemicals employed were identical in both cases; and the conditions under which the fumigation w as conducted were practically the same. There was, however, one difference: The trees involved in the one and one-half hour fumigation were much smaller than those of the one-hour test. This fact accounts for the 44 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IX CALIFORNIA. less satisfactory results in eradicating the scale, in this experiment. We know that a leakage of gas takes place through the tent and that more gas will escape through 2 square feet of cloth than through 1 square foot in a given time. It will be shown in one of the following discussions that the leakage surface of tented trees is proportionately much greater for smaller trees than for larger ones. This would lead us to expect a greater escape of gas and consequently the requirement of a heavier dosage rate with the smaller than with the larger tree-. The last experiment demonstrated the correctness of this deduction. THE LENGTH OF EXPOSURE. All considerations were the same in experiments Nos. 1 and 2 ex- cept the length of exposure. In using a 2-ounee dosage rate, wo were able to destroy the purple scale in all of its stages on the leaves and branches with a thirty-minute exposure, whereas with a one-hour exposure we were able to accomplish the same results by using a H- ounce dosage rate. This demonstrates that decidedly better results can be secured by leaving the tents on the trees one hour than is possible with thirty minutes gassing. Whether more favorable results can be accomplished in one and a half hours than in one hour can not be determined from these experiments, since the trees in experiment Xo. 3 were of a smaller size than those in experiments Nbs. 1 and 2. This matter of the large or small size of the trees is a vital factor in affecting the results obtainable. Judging solely from the data at hand, we are forced to the conclu- sion that one hour is the more satisfactory length of exposure. Fur- ther experiments may show that a longer exposure will produce better results, or even that a forty-five or fifty-minute exposure will produce results as satisfactory as are obtainable in one hour. ^Ye hope in the near future to be able to fully settle this question. Until this is done, however, it would appear advisable to adhere to the one-hour length of exposure which is now generally employed in southern California. The considerations upon which this conclusion is based are as follows : Experiments have demonstrated conclusively that with an expo- sure of one hour we can obtain decidedly better results than with an exposure of thirty minutes. If we give the tree an exposure of thirty minutes, it will require a considerably larger amount of cyanid to accomplish the same result. It requires approximately one hour for an outfit to go through the complete operation of preparing the chemicals and shifting 30 to 33 tents — the number usually employed. The tent pullers, by the time the end of the row is reached, are usually as much as five minutes, sometimes more, ahead of the one who handles the chemicals. A- a result, the last trees of a row are ex- posed to the gas about fifty-five minutes, or a little less, under the DURATION OF EXPOSURE. If) present system, whereas an hour is supposed to be the length of exposure throughout. Thus it' fifty minutes is found to give as satisfactory results as an hour, it would be poor policy to reduce the general exposure to this basis, inasmuch as with a general exposure of one hour some trees are already receiving but little more than fifty minutes. As a rule, very little gas remains under the tent at the expiration of one hour. The amount is usually so small that the mortality among the scale-insects could he hut slightly increased by greatly lengthen- ing the exposure. \ arious authorities have recommended two hours or more as the duration of exposure, and it i> possible that these long exposures would produce slightly better results than an exposure <>!' one hour. From the standpoint of the fruit grower, who requires the best results at the least possible expense, the item of time is highly impor- tant. The question which must be considered is whether it i> more advantageous to sacrifice time or cyanid. No doubt it is cheaper to sacrifice time up to a certain point, hut beyond this it is cheaper to sacrifice cyanid. As previously stated, the mortality among scale- insects, when a two-hour exposure i> employed, might he slightly greater than at one hour. Before advising a two-hour exposure, however, we must determine whether or not it would he more eco- nomical to employ an exposure of one hour and use sufficient cyanid to accomplish the same results secured by the longer time. Fumigators are usually paid by the hour. Where tents are left on the trees two hours, with the same number of tents the cost for labor is exactly twice that for one hour. From 4 to 6 men, at an average wage of :;.", cents per hour, are used on an outfit (infrequently 3), making the hourly cost for labor from SI. 40 to $2.10. This would purchase from 5 to 7 pounds of cyanid/' Under these circumstances, if we can obtain as good results in an hour by using 5 to 7 pounds more of cyanid — or a smaller amount, according to the number of men in the outfit — it would be more economical in the (Mid to use the additional cyanid and expose for the shorter time. The writer's own held experience Leads him to believe that as good results can be accom- plished in one hour as in two hours by using an amount of cyanid costing far less than would the extra hour's labor. It will be seen that the question before the fumigator is not simply one of using that length of exposure which will produce the best results, but that which will at the same time be most economical. From field experience and other considerations the writer is led to believe that this will be between (il'ty minutes and one and one-half hours. a Cyanid i- here considered as including acid, both costing aboul 28 cents per pound. 46 FUMIGATION [INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. ERADICATION OF THE PURPLE SCALE. The foregoing experiments have shown that the purple scale can be eradicated from citrus trees, provided a dosage of sufficient strength be used with a sufficient exposure. This dosage strength is much greater than that at present used in fumigation. If the purple scale can be everywhere eradicated by using a dosage of definite strength 'which we hope to determine in due time), the question will immediately arise in the orchardist's mind whether it will be profitable to use this heavier dosage provided it can be em- ployed without injury to the tree and fruit. In deciding this ques- tion several practical considerations must be taken into account. The trees, as will be shown later, are in a condition to stand this heavy dosage without injury during but a limited portion of the year. It would he impossible for the number of outfits at present in exist- ence to fumigate the infested area within this limit of time. More- over, unless compelled to do so the orchardists in any locality would not all use this dosage. Whether it would be advisable for a grower to incur the additional expense for this heavier dosage in his orchard when the infested orchards on all sides of him are fumigated with lighter dosages, if at all, must be determined by large-scale tests. The foregoing are some of the difficulties in respect to the use of this heavy dosage. DIFFICULTY OF DESTROYING THE SCALE OX THE FRUIT. There is one more important point which must be considered in connection with fumigation for the purple scale. It will be seen in an examination of the data from the foregoing experiments that an orchardist, fumigating trees containing purple scale in its different stages on the fruit as well as on the leaves and branches, would, except with the heaviest dosages, leave on the fruit healthy eggs soon to hatch and infest other parts of the trees. It would be impractical under most circumstances to use a dosage heavy enough to destroy the eggs on the fruit. The cost of the extra cyanid required, above that necessary for the destruction of the eggs on the leaves and branches, would be more than the scaly fruit is worth. Therefore in fumigating for eradication it is advisable to remove the infested fruit, and it is advisable to remove the old scaly fruit in any fumi- gation. At picking, fruit badly infested with scale is usually left on the tree, and frequently from one to a half dozen or more old, scale-infested oranges per tree remain throughout an orchard. Even after a good fumigation one of these old fruits might carry more healthy purple-scale eggs than all the rest of the tree, and on the hatching of these eggs the insect- will spread to other parts of the tree. The danger from old scaly fruit is evident and all such should be removed from the tree- before fumigating an orchard. LEA K \>,i « >i GAS im RING I 'I'l l; \ I [0N6. 17 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. LEAKAGE OF GAS Dl RING OPERATIONS. One of the most important questions relating to the proper dosage in fumigation is that of the leakage of gas through the tent; in fact, the dosage depends directly upon the leakage. To measure with accuracy the amount of gas which escapes through tenting fabrics of various grades during a given length of time, or the rapidity with which the gas within the tent is diluted under different condition-, is a difficult problem. In this work, as far as we have progressed, no attempt has been made to measure directly with instruments the rapidity with which the gas is diluted, but rather to measure it indi- rectly and roughly through determining the effect on insects by using different durations of exposure. The easiest and most practical method of determining the influence of leakage is by fumigating trees of the same size, in which all factors affecting the results arc identical with the exception of t lie length of exposure. There is, however, one consideration of value relative to the leak- age of gas, which it is quite necessary to understand in successfully fumigating an orchard containing trees of a wide range of size. In geometrical figures which approximate in shape a citrus tree, the volume decreases at a more rapid rate than does the surface area. In order to bring out the relation of this fact to orchard fumigation, the following table has been prepared: Tablk VI I.— Leakage of gas from t> nts covering trees of different dimt nsions. Dimensions of tree. ( ontents oi volume of tented lice. Exposed surface of tent. Leakage surface as per cent of volume.** Around. Over. Feel. 12 id 28 36 44 54 Feet. 20 30 40 50 60 70 ( ubic U t. MM 364 1,040 2.147 .,.(,1!.-, S quart in I. 85 205 420 675 995 1 . 1 15 / '< r rent. 86 56 40 31 26 22 a The comparison here and in the discussion which follows is between square feci of surface and cubic feet of volume. Taking the first tree, 20 feet around by 12 feet over, representing a volume of 1)9 cubic feet and an exposed surface area of 85 square feet, the ratio of leakage surface to volume is Mi: loo. For each cubic foot of volume within that 20 by 12 tree there i^ 0.86 square loot of leakage surf ace in the tent. The tree lo by 28 feel has 0.4 square foot of leakage surface for each cubic fool in the tent, while a tree 70 by 54 has but 0.22 square foot of leakage surface to each cubic foot within. Suppose that these tented trees were charged with gas and that all the gas were to ocape through the tent. In the 48 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. first tree, 20 by 12 feet, there would be 0.86 of a square foot of tent surface for each cubic foot of gas to escape through; whereas in the last tree, 70 by 54, there would be only 0.22 of a square foot of tent surface for each cubic foot to escape through. This would mean that there would be about four times as great an opportunity for leakage, or that the leakage would be approximately four times as rapid in the smaller tent as in the larger one. There can be little doubt that the leakage of gas in tents covering different-sized trees is nearly in accordance with these figures. Hence it can be readily seen that, in order to secure uniformity of results, this leakage must be taken into consideration, and small trees must receive more cyanid per 100 cubic feet than do the larger trees. The correctness of the foregoing deduction has been frequently demonstrated in the field. In using on a smaller tree a certain dosage strength with which on large trees we were able to secure splendid results against the purple scale, we were always much less successful. In other words, if we used 1 ounce of cyanid per 100 cubic feet on the 70 by 54 foot tree, we would get far better results than had we used the same dosage rate on the 20 by 12 foot tree. A very forcible exemplification of this condition has been given in experiment No. 3, in fumigating for the purple scale. In this particular experi- ment much less satisfactory results were secured on the small trees when using a one and one-half hour exposure than on the large trees of experiment No. 2, with a one-hour exposure. TIME OF THE YEAR FOR FUMIGATION. Although fumigation is carried on in California at all times of the year, there are certain periods in which the operations are more general. There are two main factors to be taken into consideration in fumigating, i. e., the species of scale-insect and the condition of the tree. As to the latter, it may be said that at certain periods of the year trees are in such a tender condition that they can not withstand a heavy dosage without injury, especially to the fruit. The bulk of fumigation in California at the present time is carried on between the latter part of August and December. Probably the principal reason for fumigating during this period is that at this time the black scale is most successfully reached. The eggs of the black scale, and the insects themselves when full grown or nearly so (commonly spoken of as in the u rubber'' stage), require very heavy dosages. On the other hand, the young of the black scale, or those which have not reached the so-called "rubber" stage, can be destroyed with a moderate dosage. Although the life history of the black scale has never been thoroughly worked out for the region with which we have to do, it is generally understood that the majority TIME OF Vl.vi; FOB FUMIGATION. 49 of the insects of the large and more regular brood are batched and in their least resistant stage during September and October. In some favorable seasons the eggs are almost all batched in August. Moderately light fumigation dosage may be used against the black scale during this period with success. The black scale occurs in practically every citrus-growing locality of southern California, while the purple, red, and yellow scales, the other principal citrus pests, are more localized. A heavier dosage is u>cd for the latter insects than for the black scale. Where the other species occur in orchards infested with the black scale, it is a common practice to fumigate during the regular black-scale period, using the heavier dosage. The majority of these scale insects can thus l>e caught at one time. When fumigating for the purple scale alone, operations may be commenced as early in the season as tin4 trees are in a condition to withstand the heavy dosage without injury, although probably it would be preferable to fumigate a little later in the fall. The purple scale is to he found in the egg stage throughout the year. There is a period in the fall and one in the early spring, however, during which the smallest proportion of eggs is to 1)0 found. With dosages lower than those of eradication, the best work can be accomplished at these times. The rod and yellow scales are viviparous and can be successfully destroyed throughout the year. In fumigating for any of the scale-insects there is one point worthy of consideration. Aside from trying to save the tree from destruction or from having its vitality impaired by the attack of scale pests, the orchardist fumigates principally in order to have his fruit come into the packing house as clean as possible. It would be well, therefore, to fumigate as nearly as possible to the time which would insure him the cleanest fruit. Although lemons are gathered throughout the entire year, the bulk of the orange crop is taken during the first six months. Thus fumigation during the fall and early winter would be sure to place the cleanest fruit in the packing house. If carried on in the late spring or early summer, such insects as remain undestroyed would have the opportunity to breed through a period of several months and infest much fruit. FUMIGATION DURING TIM: BLOSSOMING PERIOD. The statements by experts on fumigation as to tin4 amount of injury resulting from work while the trees are in blossom are very conflicting. Some fumigators hold that a very light dosage will destroy the tender blossoms, while others believe that the blossoms will stand a heavy dosage. In order to decide this point much experi- mentation was carried on and many observations made throughout 77488— Bui. 7«i— <»!» 1 50 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. the blossoming period of 1908. Some of the results secured are given in the following paragraphs. Experiment No. 1. — On February 28 and 29 about one-third of an acre of mixed Valencia and Navel orange trees was fumigated at Upland, Cal., using dosage rates of 1 ounce and 11 ounces per 100 cubic feet. The trees were about 12 feet in height. At this time the blossoms were just appearing on the trees, none of them being far enough advanced to open. The general conditions of the blos- soming may be understood by an examination of figure 14. This Fig. 14.— Orange blossoms at an early stage of development. (Original.) may be considered the tenderest stage of blossoming. An examina- tion of these trees two weeks later showed that no apparent injury had resulted and that the trees at this tune contained as heavy a set of blossoms as the surrounding unfumigated trees. Experiment No. 2. — On March 30 fully 1 acre of Navel and Valencia orange trees about 10 feet high were fumigated at Orange, Cal.. using dosage rates of 1 , 1 ], and 2 ounces per 100 cubic feet. The condii ion of blossoming at the time of fumigation ranged from no open blos- soms on some trees to full blossoms on others. An examination of these trees at a later date showed that with the 1 and \\ dosage laics no apparent injury had been done. The 2-ounce rate had caused 1 T.\| l(i \ I [ON N\ I I II. I I I : I 1 I l> >.M \i.l.. 5 1 b considerable percentage of the blossoms to drop, ye\ not enough to lessen the coming crop of fruit to any great extent . if at all. Experiment No. 8. During the months of April and May, 25 acres of Valencia and Navel oranges at Glendale, Cal., were fumigated by an expert under the direction of the Los Angeles horticultural com- mission. While this fumigation was in progress, trees could be found in all stages of blossoming, from those with blossoms just appearing to those in full bloom. The dosage rate used was esti- mated to be from three-fourths to l ounce per loo cubic feet. Of course this rate varied with different tree-, since the dosage was estimated after the usual guesswork method. Several examinations of the orchard were made. Although blossoms were injured on some of the (roes, the number was so small as in do u ay to lessen i he ful ure crop of fruit. Other instances might be mentioned, but the results correspond practically with those in the three experiments already described. Trees in which there were blossom-shoots and tender leaf-shoots side by side would have the leaf-shoots burned back while the blos- soms remained uninjured. Also numbers of cases could be found where the tender leaves on the blossom-shoots were burned while the blossoms themselves remained uninjured. This, as well as the heavy dosage which the blossoms will stand without injury, would lead us to conclude that the blossoms will stand a heavier dosage than the tender leaves and leaf-shoots. These experiments also show that fumigation can be safely conducted during the blossoming season, using such dosages as are at present generally employed by fumigators, or are advised in dosage schedule 1 (p. 65). FUMIGATION WHILE THE FRl IT is OF SMALL SIZE. Experiments and observations to determine the effect of fumiga- tion on fruits of various sizes, and more especially on small fruits, Were made during the season of 1908. Conflicting opinions on this subject are prevalent. Juperiment No. 1. — On June 16 two Valencia orange trees about S feet in height, in a healthy condition, and containing young fruit from three-eighths to one-half inch in diameter, were fumigated at the 2-ounce dosage rate. Fully 25 per cent of the fruits on these trees were pitted or burned. Krperiment No. 2. — On June1 24 a somewhat unhealthy Navel orange tree about L2 feel in height, 'with the fruits about one-half inch in diameter, was dosed at the rale of U ounces. Fully 50 per cent of the fruits were pitted. Two healthy Valencia orange trees about io feel in height, with fruits practically the same size as in the case of the Navel tree, received a dosage at The rate of 2 ounces. About 40 per cent of the fruits were burned 52 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Experiment No. 3. — On July 11 and 13, four Valencia orange trees were fumigated, using a lj-ounce dosage rate, 4 trees receiving a H -ounce dosage, 8 trees a l§-ounce dosage, and 4 trees a 2-ounce dosage. These trees were in a perfectly normal condition, about 7 to 8 feet high, and contained young fruits fully three-fourths of an inch in diameter. With the lj-ounce dosage rate no fruit was burned; with the H-ounce rate an occasional orange was slight ly burned; with the 1 |-ounce rate1 a very small percentage was burned, while with the 2-ounce rate a considerable percentage was injured. This demonstrates that a 2-ounce dosage rate could not be safely used on trees of this size. Experiment No. 4- — During the middle of July a large number of orange trees of all sizes were fumigated at Santa Fe Springs, CaL, using various dosage rates. The trees fumigated were of several varieties, in a healthy condition, and all well filled with fruits about the size of an English walnut and slightly larger. It was found from this experiment that a dosage rate of 1 ounce to 100 cubic feet could at this time be used without injury on orange trees 15 to 16 feet high. Only an occasional orange was burned by l\ ounces. Smaller trees proved able to stand a heavier dosage than larger ones without appreciable injury. On the basis of information obtained from experiment No. 4, dosage schedule 1 (p. 65) was prepared. This schedule was put into use during the latter part of July and has been in use, up to the time of writing, by two outfits, at Whittier, Cal. Although no noticeable injury to the fruit has resulted from the use of this dosage, the general effect on the tree has indicated that a heavier dosage could not have been used with safety. A further example of the tender nature of small fruits was shown in some work done by an excellent fumigator at Downey, Cal., during the latter part of May. The fruits were for the most part three- eighths of an inch or less in size, while the trees were thoroughly infested with scale and in a generally unhealthy condition. So far as could be determined, a dosage rate of approximately three-fourths to 1 ounce was used. The larger percentage of the fruits on these trees was burned. Other instances of like fumigation, where the fruits were one-fourth inch or less in diameter, have been seen. The fruit at this period is very tender. Doubtless it is the most critical period of any during which fumigation is conducted. From the foregoing, it is evident that heavy dosage can not be used while the fruits are small without more or less injury, and that the most critical period during which fumigation may he conducted is between the time when the fruits are set and the time when they attain the size of a walnut. HANDLING THE ACID. 53 SIMPLE METHOD OF REMOVING ACID FBOM DRUMS AND CARBOYS. The writer has ai times been obliged to employ rather awkward methods in drawing acid from drums and carboys, and other fumi- gators have doubtless met with the same trouble under like circum- stances. Brief mention will he made of some of the best methods which have been brought to notice to obviate this difficulty. From drum*. The best method of taking acid from drums known to the writer is that at present in use in San Bernardino County and is .shown in figure 15. The apparatus consists of a, lead-lined tank large enough to hold a. drum of acid and having an outlet through FlO. 15.— Lead-lined tank used in San Bernardino County for removing sulphuric acid from drums and for filling jugs. (Original.) which the acid may be drawn into carboys, jugs, or whatever vessels are preferred for field use. A drum of acid is rolled from the wagon upon two parallel beams and along these beams onto a small turn- table at the tank. This turntable is thenTevolved through a quarter circle, permitting the drum to be rolled out over the lead-lined tank, into which the acid is then allowed to How. The acid may be drawn as previously mentioned. The outlet is made of lead tubing, fitted at the tank end with a lead valve by which the (low is regulated. Another w\y satisfactory way of drawing acid from drums came to the writer's attention in examining some operations at Glendale, Cal. It consists in the use of a short iron pipe threaded at one end 54 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. so as to fit the opening in the drum. The one difficulty with this device is that the flow of acid is uneven and spouting. To offset this, Mr. William Wood, of Whittier, Cal., has contrived a small copper tube for attachment to the pipe, one end of the tube being ex- posed to the open air, the other end extending up above the level of the acid within the drum, thus allowing an uninterrupted How of air into the latter. This apparatus is illustrated in figure 16. A third method in use is to transfer the drums from the wagon to a platform 2 or 3 feet high. The acid may then be removed very easily by means of a piece of rubber hose employed as a siphon (fig. 17). Fig. It mproved pipe for removing acid from drums. (Original.) Fig. 17.— Siphoning acid from drums by means of a rubber hose. (Original.) From carboys. Two common methods used for removing acid from carboys in the held are shown in figures 18 and 1!). In the first method a small amount of dirt is placed againsl one side of the car- 'I'll i: MARKING 01 I IN IS. boy, Furnishing a son of rest when the latter is tipped to remove the acid. It is well to scoop out a small pit below this ridge of dirt, into which the vessel receiving the acid may be lowered when the acid is bo largely removed that it is necessary to turn the carboy far on its side in order that all may be withdrawn. In figure 19 the handles on the carboy are substitutes for the heap of dirt and the pit. They are also of service in carrying the carboy. Tin: PROTECTION OF (YAM I). Many fumigators do not attempt to cover their cases of cyanid, hut leave them open during the day. Tins not only constitutes a source of danger to various animals, but also during the wet season allows water to reach the cyanid. Fig- ure 20 shows a simple lid covered with zinc which is suitable for placing on a cyanid case to protect its con- tents. HYDROCYANIC-ACID GAS IX DRUMS. Some discussion has arisen during the past Year relative to the Fig. 18.— Carboy resting against a heap of dirt to facilitate pouring possibility of introduc- • "kL (0rigInal- ing hydrocyanic-acid gas into drums under pressure, and using it directly from tin1 drums, thus doing away with all generation in the field. The use of this gas under pressure from drums is impossible at the present time for two reasons: (1) No drums are made which will hold hydrocyanic-acid gas without corroding; (2) we know of no instrument which will measure gas accurately under varying degrees of pressure, such as would exist in removing a gas underpressure from drums. THE MARKING <>l TENTS. Before new tents are marked they should have been m use for a -hort time, so that they will be thoroughly shrunken. This shrinking 56 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. may be accomplished, in regions of heavy dews or fogs, by simply leaving the tents exposed in the open for a few days. Dipping in water or sprinkling by means of a hose and then allowing the tent to dry in the sunshine will an- swer the same purpose if repeated several times. The shrinkage of a new 45-foot tent will some- times be as much as 3 feet. Tents marked be- fore being shrunk will have erroneous gradu- ations. The most satisfactory material to use in mark- ing tents is diluted printer's ink. This ink is commonly used in ( Jal- ifornia in marking walnut bags. If the ink is too thick to mark freely, it maybe diluted with kero- sene. Printer's ink does not cause the cloth to de- teriorate. A mixture of lampblack and turpentine may also be used with entire safety. The latter, however, will sometimes rub off to a slight extent. Fig. 19.— Carboywith handles attached to facilitate pourin the acid and carrying the carboy. (Original.) A DEVICE FOR COVERING FUMIGATION GENERATORS. During the course of this investigation much effort has been directed toward perfecting a device for attachment to the top of the commonly used open-style fumigation generator that will serve to interrupt the direct rise of the hydrocyanic-acid gas. The result of these efforts, in which the writer was greatly aided by Mr. Frederick Maskew, is shown in figure 21. The device itself consists of a copper cover of such size as to make it available for use with any of the regular-pattern generators now employed by the lumigators of southern California. It is stamped in a concave form from a sheet of copper, with corrugations to permit the escape of gas. The shape is such as to conform to the size of the opening of generators of dif- ferent capacities and also to direct the course of the escaping gas downward and distribute it uniformly through the lower part of the A COVER FOB n M l«. \ l l»».\ ,,i..\ ERA CORS. i) < tent. It is attache*! to the generator by iiinges of stout copper wire Becured by a key bolt passing through the handle. The cover is raised by a slight pressure of the thumb od a projecting piece which ie curved in such a manner that the cover will remain in an upright position when so required. When the generator is emptied of its contents, t ho cover swings clear by its own weight. A glance at the illustration will satisfy the practical I'ninigator that it is adapted to all the requirements of rapid work in the dark, while its use has demonstrated that it is simple, strong, and durable. It is \ a better distribu- tion of gas through the tent. Heretofore the most difficult part of the tree in which to destroy insects is the lower part. Thi> is also the part of the tree in which the purple scale is largely to be found. With the open generator the gas rises straight up in a narrow column for several feet (fig. 22. at left), being broken up and distributed through the top of the tree first. As the gas is lighter than air, it is not to be ex- pected that it will quickly become uniformly distrib- uted throughout the bot- tom of the tent, even if at any time it becomes as con- centrated here a- at the top. The greater burning effect and better killing effect in the top of the tree would tend to substantiate this as- sumption. Field observa- tions in fumigating huge trees show that the gas is of no great strength at the lower part of the tent for several minutes after the charge is set off. With this new cover the gas is broken Fig. 21.— A cover device attached to a fumigation generator- corrugations in cover allow gas to escape. (Original.) up and distributed through the bottom of the tent first dig. 22, at right). By the time it reaches the top it is pretty generally distiib- uted throughout the tent. As the bottom of the tree i> the first to receive the full benefit of the gas. a more complete killing of scale at the bottom of the tent may be expected than with an open generator. AN IMPROVED SYSTEM OF FUMIGATION. During the month of July. 1908, a system of fumigation which has decided advantages over the old method was introduced into Cali- fornia field practice. In this system the tents are marked after the Morrill method, described on pages 27-30 (figs. 11 and 12). Only the three parallel lines are used, the cross line being unnecessary AN I.M PROVED >\ - II \l. i9 and to some extent a disadvantage in practical work. The marking on these lines gives us an easy means of determining the distance over the top of the tree. Our experience has show n that the distance around the tented tree can he measured very accurately by pacing. The one whose work, in n regular out lit. i-. to <>l>tain the dimensions of the trees, should make several pracl ice trials in advance of Fumiga- tion, so as to determine the exact length of his pace, and i<> regulate it. if necessary. In pacing the dis- tance around a tree it is well to keep far enough from the edge of t lie tent — say from h inches to 1 foot distant — to prevent the body from coming into contact with it. The length of the pace should be regulated to 2\ or 8 feet when ap- proximating the actual distance around the tented tree, preferably 3 feel . if the pacer can step that dis- tance without much exertion. t ijt .i t y _ Fig. 22.— Difference in the direction taken by gas escaping from an open in Hani} tne ais- generator and from one covered with the corrugated lid. (Original.) tance paced will be slightly greater than the actual circumference of the bent. From these two measurements (the distance around and the distance over), it is possible to approximate the cubic contents of the t rce. SUPPLY CART. With this system some change is necessary in the character of the vehicle for carrying materials, inasmuch as the measuring of chem- icals is conducted at the tree. A two-wheeled handcart of the same genera] description as that in use l>y the San Bernardino County outfits lias been adopted. The handle of the carl and the arrange- ment of the lights have been improved upon: while the use of faucets in drawing off the acid and water is also an improvement. One of 60 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. the carts equipped for use is shown in figure 23. As purchased the cart bed consists of a plain box fitted with a two-shaft handle. This handle is removed, and is replaced by a tongue having an enlarged link-shaped iron about a foot long, firmly attached at the end. This link-shaped handle is very convenient in field work. The scales for weighing the chemicals are placed on a platform above the center of the box. The cyanid is contained in a tin-lined box in the rear half of the cart, while the acid and water are placed in the front end. A 10-gallon keg firmly attached in a horizontal position to the bed of the cart i- a very convenient receptacle for the water. A galva- Fig. 23.— Cart used with the improved system of fumigation. (Original.) nized-iron basin like that shown above the keg in figure 23, having an opening at the bottom fitting into the bung of the keg. make- a very satisfactory funnel for filling the keg. The acid may be held in an earthenware jar or a lead-lined tank, with cover firmly attached to prevent slopping. By way of a cover for the earthenware jar we have used a lead- lined lid. which fits tightly within the top (fig. 24). At the center of this lid is an opening about 6 inches in diameter, around the circum- ference of which is attached a leaden tube which extend- downward several inches and prevents the slopping of acid through the hole. A lead-lined cover lit- into the top of this tube. This opening in the er is for use in filling the jar. AN [MPROVED SYSTEM. 61 Very few metals will withstand sulphuric acid without corroding For this reason all the common types of faucets are practically worthless for drawing acid. There is no faucet on the market thai is alto- gether satisfactory for this purpose, although at the present time a manu- facturing firm on the Pacific coast is experimenting in the hope of perfect- ing the necessary article. We have mei this difficulty in an entirely prac- tical manner by attaching a three- quarter inch iron pipe to the lower side of the jar and regulating the flow of acid by means of a large pinchcock placed on a short piece of rubber tub- ing at the end of the pipe (fig. 2 1. 1,-1. and 5). The How of acid is rapid and easy to control. Pure rubber is most satisfactory and a fresh piece should be substituted about every other night . The water is drawn from a faucet. In order that this may he drawn on the same side of the cart as the acid, a pipe of the character shown in figure 23 is required. The faucet should have an opening of about three-fourths inch to allow a heavy flow and should be of such a type that a half turn will give it a full opening. As fumigation is usually conducted at night a torch is placed on the front of the cart to furnish a light by which to measure the acid and water; one on the elevated platform is convenient for the man measuring the cyanid. This style of cart is entirely practicable for almost all fumigation work. The chemicals can be measured quickly and accurately with- out any slopping of acid or water. The work is also easier on the men in charge than under the old system. On ground which is so rough that a wheeled cart can not be drawn, a portable table may be used. Such a table as is shown in figure 25 can be easily utilized for such a purpose. PROCEDURE. Five men are required to operate this system to advantage. Two men pull the tents and kick in the edges around the bottom of the tree. One man takes the measurements of the tree and determines the dosage from a dosage schedule which he carries with him. After de- termining the dosage he should empty the generator to be used for that tree and have it in readiness bv the time the cart arrives. The Fig. 24. Earthenware ai I ! jar with attach' ments for field use: t, Jar complete; /.in- side view of lead-lined caver showing tube at (enter; 8, copper top for opening In cover; .;, pinchcock; .",, method of attach- ing iron pipe to jar, and rubber tube on end of pipe with pinchcock attached. 62 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. generator should always bt emptied with one and the same hand and with this hand "he should never touch the tent; otherwise acid burns Fig. 25.— A table which can be used instead of a cart in fumigation over very rough ground. (Original.) may result. The estimator should also be foreman of the outfit, as tins is the most responsible position of all. Two men work at the cart. One measures the water and acid, the other weighs the cyanid. The latter holds up the edge of the tent while the acid man places the charge beneath the tree. (Original.) Iii actual field practice the carl is first brought up to one end of the row which is to be fumigated (iig. 26). The estimator obtains ADV \.\ i \(.i ;s rxh! i: i in i m im;u\ in SYS1 EM 63 his measurements and calls out the dosage. The two men then measure out the required amount of chemicals and dose the tree (fig. ). While they are thus engaged the estimator li as moved on t<> the next tree, determined the proper dosage, and holds the generator in readiness when the cart is brought up. He l lien calls out the dosage with which the tree is to be treated. This procedure contin- ues in like manner until the entire row Is fumigated. Outfits employing tins system have, on an average, been fumigat- ing a complete set of 32 tents in from forty to forty-five minutes. This would appear to demonstrate that the system is entirely practi- cable from the standpoint of time economy, as tents an* usually required to he left on the tree one hour. ADVANTAGES UNDER THIS SYSTEM. First. — The element of guesswork in estimating dosage and the consequent waste of cyanid are eliminated, since the dosage is deter- mined according to a uniform method in all cases. If a dosage of suf- ficient strength to destroy 90 per cent of the purple scale is used, practically 90 per cent of the purple scale is killed on c\^\y tree throughout that orchard not 90 per cent on some trees and 50 per cent, more or Less, on others, which has occurred at times under the old method. Or if a dosage strength just sufficient to eradicate the pest i> employed, a. like result will occur throughout the orchard and there will he no great waste of cyanid by reason of man} trees receiving a larger dosage than was necessary. J 64 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Second. — An economy of cyanid results from the accurate measure- ment of the water. Three parts of water are always used, resulting in the maximum amountof available gas for practical work, as already explained (pp. 38-39). Under the old system the water is usually measured with an ungraduated dipper at the tree, and as the cyanid and acid have been previously measured out into small cans, which are in turn placed on a tray to he carried from tree to tree, the sched- ule is not carried along for consultation in estimating the water, but the required amount of water is guessed at from the amount of chem- icals in the cans intended for that particular tree. Owing to the vari- ation in the proportion of water which results in this way, the maxi- mum amount of available gas is seldom produced by the reaction. Third. — By the old method the cans on a tray sometimes become confused, in consequence of which some trees get the dosage measured out for others. This error is eliminated under the improved system. as the dosage for each tree is measured out just before that particu- lar tree is fumigate* 1. Fourth. — The tent pullers seldom get more than one or two trees ahead of the cart. As a result, all trees receive the same length of exposure. Under the old system, when the tent pullers got far ahead of the cart at the end of a row, these trees received a much shorter exposure than the first trees. DOSAGE SCHEDULE. Having obtained the dimensions of the tented tree, the next step is to determine the dosage. It has been previously stated that the cubic contents can be calculated from these two dimensions. This might be done in the field and the trees then dosed in proportion to the contents. The time required for the calculation of the dosage, however, even after determining the cubic contents of the tree, would not only prevent rapid field work and allow an opportunity for error, but would cause a lack of uniformity in dosage, from the consideration of the cubic contents alone, as will be explained later. This diffi- culty has been obviated by preparing a dosage schedule from which the required dosage may be learned without any figuring as soon as the measurements of the tree are known. The orchardists in the citrus section about Whit tier, Cal., desired to commence fumigating for the purple scale during the latter part of July. The question immediately arose as to what dosage could be used at that time of the year without injuring the young fruit. As stated under experiment Xo. 4 (p. 52), while the fruit is small a dosage of 1 ounce to 100 cubic feet could be used on trees from about 10 to 1 5 feel in height without injury to the fruit, whereas smaller trees would stand a heavier dosage. A- tin- was the limit of dosage which DOSAGE SCHEDULE, 65 could be used at that time of the year without injury to the young fruit, the writer prepared a schedule based upon this data. According to this schedule, trees n feel in circumference 1>\ i's feet over the top, from ground to ground, receive I ounce of cyanid for each 100 cubic feel of inclosed space. This proport ion is increased on smaller trees, \\ bile on trees w hich are larger it is decreased to offset the proportionately smaller leakage (pp. 43 14,47 18). [n preparing the schedule the writer began with a tree ll Feel in circumference by 28 feel over the top. The cubic contents of this tree were determined 16 ie 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 4042 4446 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72* 74 76 78 IO 12 14 * i 1 !'.• in IO i , IK \% 2 2 ."v 12 i, 2 2 2'h 254 2* 3 3 3/: AA'/z 5 14- 16 2 2* 2*1 3 1 3 1 3 3* 3'/? 4 4', 5 v.- <, ' 7 16 If* 3, 3 3 . 3 . -• 4VUj 5'/; ■ •• >■ / /'.- 8 18 2022 2426 28 3032 3436 38 4-0 42 44 46 48 50 S2 5456 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 20 3 4 |4)4 5 IS/t 5>4|6 gft 7 1 7 8 '8# 9 9)4 20 ?? AHA 5 |5fci 6 |6*l 7 |7*|7ft| 8 [8Vfe|8>fe| 9^ 10 m Z2 ?A 5M (-,'.- 9)4 0 . io I0>2 ll ii i 24- 26 7 8 a::- 9 9)4 10 'O'.-IO .11 II II''; i: ■ 13 14 I4X 15 26 28 8'/; 9 'A 10 10, II HV; II'; 12". 12'.- 13 13": 14 M 1514 II 28 30 32 3436 38 4042 444648 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 7A 76 78 30 10 II |IIV4|I2 12'- 1 3 I.V/> 14 14'/: I4JH 15 U51HI6)4]I7)S 18 19 2OC014 2I14 30 32 I2|l2& 13 14 15 \\5'fi\ 16 1614 17 l/Yz 18 18/: 19 19% 120)4 2114 227: 32 34 36 38 13 14 15 16 17 17': 18 IB'l- 19 I9M 20 20)4 21 717; 22)4 23 34 14 15 It i? 17* 18 m 20 20X 215! ?\'k 22 ?2* 23 23'/; 2514 36 16 I6K l/>. 18'. 19 :n-; 21 21'/; 22 23 m 74 2474 25 25'/? 38 40 42 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 40 I7J 18 19 20 21 22422V4' 23' 24 ?4£ 25 25)4 : 26 267? 27 27/4 28 40 41 ^ 19 20 21 22 22'k 21%, 24 24'/- 25 25'/; 26 26'// 27 27'/? 28 12814 29 41 42 20 20)6 22 22)4 23 2414 25 2S'6_ 26 7674 27 2714 28 2?* ?8* 29 29 30 30/4 29 '29)4 30 '30 /z* 31 ?9/z*30*3l *3l/;"32" 42 43 44 43 21'/; Z2'h 23 2314 25 ;vv 26 M 27 2/V. 28 44 .'3 23)4 24 25 26 26'A 27 2/:- 2ft %'k.ZS 1 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64-66 68 70 72 74 76 78 45 24JJS ! 26 -26V4- 11 2Tk 28 29.29/; 30 304 31 31'/? 32; 33 4-5 46 WkivBtiiklVhlTk 23 282b 29 : .30 J '. 31 31'/? 32* 33 34 46 4-7 25 26 j 27 27^ 28 '8:'- c) M M M 32 32'/? 33 34 3b 47 48 251426ft 2714, 28 2814 2? 2914 30'// 31 32 327? 33 34 35 36 4-8 4-9 Z6JH 27 28 28ffl 29 2974 30. 31 31)4 3214 33 34; 35 i 36 '37 49 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 50 30 31 l\'li?l% 33 33/4 35 36 37 j 38 50 51 31 31 'A 32 33 33'/; 34 35 34 36 37 38 39 35*37*38* 39; 41 36T38 ' 39 40 41 51 52 53 52 m 32 33 m 53 32 32% m 34 54 32'/?. 33 34, 35; 36 37 39 40 41 42 54 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 7$ 55 33 34 35 ^6J37 37)4.40 41 42 43 55 56 34 35 36 37 37/; 38'A 38 40)4 4? 43 44 39*41 42'4»3H45 /10 42 43 44 46 56 57 57 -:.r/. V'/ KX 3714 58 35 3b 37 38 39 58 59 36 ib'/? 38 39 40 40>i42'/?43/4|45|47 59 Fig. 28.— Dosage schedule No. 1. (Original. ) and a dosage calculated which would £ive it 1 ounce to each 100 cubic feet. Trees of other dimensions, both larger and smaller, were then considered and their contents determined. In working out the dosage for these trees not only were the cubic contents taken into consideration, bul also the rate of leakage as compared with that of the tree 41 by 28 feet. Trees which were smaller than this first tree would have a greater proportionate leakage rate, while the larger ones would have less, lu securing the dosage for various tree-. those smaller than -1 1 1>\ 28 feel were given sufficient cyanid in excess of 1 ounce per 100 cubic feet to offset the increased leakage, 77488— Bul. 79—09 5 66 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. while the dosages for larger trees were decreased proportionately below 1 ounce. This allowance for leakage so modified the schedule thai tree- 2 4 by 16 feet received as high as 1 \ ounce- per 100 cubic feet, while trees 60 by 44 feet received only about three-fourths of an ounce to the same space. The results of the use of such a schedule in practical fumigation should be thai the smaller and the larger trees receive a dosage of uniform killing power against the scale. After computing the dosages for tree- of such sizes as would include all that could be covered with a tent 60 feet in diameter, a chart was prepared (fig. 2s) and the dosages incorporated therein. How to use tin chart. — The top line of number-, commencing at 16 and continuing through Is. 20, 22, etc.. up t<> 7s. represents the dis- tance, in feet, around the bottom of the tent. The outer vertical columns of larger numbers, on either side, commencing at 10 and increasing regularly to 59, represent the distance, in feet, over the top of the tent. The dosage of a tree of known dimensions i- found in that square where the vertical column headed by the distance around the tree intersects the horizontal line of figure- corresponding to the distance over. For instance, we have a tree 40 feet around by 28 feet over. Looking in the top line of numbers we find 40 next after the third heavy vertical line. The dosages computed for trees 40 feet around are to be found in the vertical column headed by this number, which commences with 6 and ends with 16. Then we glance down the vertical column of large figures at either margin until we come to 2S. All dosages computed for trees 2S feet over are found in this horizontal line of figures, which commences with 8$ and ends at 16. The dosage for a tree 40 by 28 feet is found at the intersec- tion of this line with the vertical column headed with 40. that number being 11 J, the required dosage of cyanid hi ounces. Before the num- bers 20, 30, 40, 45, 50, and oo, in the lines at the right and left mar- gins are to be found blank spaces, and in the horizontal line- corre- sponding to these the numbers at the top of the chart are repeated in that part of the chart containing dosage figures. These numbers, repeated in this manner, make it easier for the eye to locate wit li certainty the dosage figures sought. In the chart used by the writer, the figures representing distances around and over are printed hi red. The lines bounding these columns of figures are also red. All the rest of the lines and figures are black. This schedule has been called "dosage schedule No. 1." by reason of the fact that 1 ounce to 100 cubic feet of inclosed space was taken •a- a ba>i> in preparing it. though, as a matter of fact, only a -mall number of the trees in an orchard receive exactly 1 ounce to 100 cubic feet. It is not maintained that this table i- accurate to the minutest part of an ounce for every dosage, but the writer believes that such THE IMPROVED SYSTEM IN I 67 variations aa may be found to exist are so small thai in practical work in the field the results in lulling scale-insects, from the use 01 part of the table, will be found as satisfactory as from the use "1" any other part. Moderately heavy dosages almost invariably burn the tender shoots of a tree to a greater or Less extent. Under this schedule practice has demonstrated that the tender growth is uni- formly burned Hack in all cases, whether Large trees or small ones are fumigated. As previously stated in this discussion, dosage schedule No. l was prepared for use against the purple scale at Whittier, Cal., during the Latter part of July when the fruits in some orchards were about the size of a walnut. The dosage employed was as great as the fruit would permit at that season without injury. This does not indicate that a Larger dosage can not he safely used at other -c;i^<>!i> of the year, if desired. The writer has at times employed a dosage of double the strength without visible injury to the trees. This was accomplished, however, under more favorable conditions, during the fall and winter months, when the fruit was well grown. It is UOt deemed advisable to use a dosage against the purple scale of less strength than that of schedule No. 1. If complete eradication is desired, a much heavier dosage must necessarily he employed. The dosage in schedule No. 1 is equivalent to what i> known among many fumigators as the "double dosage." It may be a little stronger than the double dosage of some, rather than weaker. "Double dosage" is usually intended to signify a dosage twice the strength required to destroy the black scale in its earlier stages. Since this schedule is one of uniformity, it readily permits of manipulation. If a heavier dosage should be desired, such may he obtained by increasing each individual number or dosage in thesame ratio: if a lighter dosage, by proportionately decreasing each. The schedule resulting from such increase or decrease will also he one ■)( the same general uniformity as the first. The writer has prepared schedules which are \, |, 1J, 1J, and \\ times the dosage indicated in schedule No. 1 . THE IMPROVED SYSTEM IN USE. Two outfits of the Whittier (Cal.) Citrus Association commenced the use of this improved system of fumigation, with dosage schedule No. 1 . during the latter part of July, 1908. The apparent uniformity of work, indicated by the evenness with which the tender growth was burned hack on all trees, immediately attracted the at lent ion of citrus growers who >;i\\ the fumigated orchard-. Their universal approval of the method i> shown \)\~ the fact that not a single unfa- vorable comment was brought to the writer's attention throughout the entire fumigation work. The reception of an improved method 68 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. with such unanimous favor by a community of California citrus growers demonstrates its value and economic importance. Since the first outfits were placed in operation at Whittier, others have adopted the improved system of dosage, and at the time of writing this fully a dozen similar outfits in various parts of Los An- geles and Orange counties, Cal., are using the new method in prefer- ence to the old. That such a large number of practical citrus growers in widely separated localities, who have been employing a system of fumigation for many years, should accept an innovation within two months, strongly indicates its superiority. FUMIGATION SIMPLIFIED. In the past many persons have been prone to look upon fumigation as a process that is complex and more or less mysterious. In some cases fumigators of years' experience have encouraged this widely prevailing opinion, so that they might themselves be looked upon as experts in a practice difficult to understand and only capable of being successfully performed by men of long experience and special qualifications. This is, of course, erroneous. The improved system outlined in these pages shows how simple the practice of fumigation may be made. Careful men who have never before heard of fumi- gation can begin the practice of this system and are competent, after instruction for a short time, to secure as good results as might be expected from the most expert fumigator in California. This system reduces fumigation to a matter of simple mechanical operation, entirety intelligible to the average man, and one wherein the operator, to obtain the best results, is required merely to proceed according to the formulas and directions given. This system makes it possible for the crchardists to possess outfits of their own — either individually or through joint ownership on the part of neighboring fruit growers — and to do the work with their own employees. NDEX Pagi Aphis goasypii, enemy of citrua fruits. 1 1 orange. (See Aphis gossy pit.) Aspidiotus hedi r;i , enemy of cil ma fruits 1 1 Chemicals in fumigation 30 W mixing 39 10 most economical proportion Chrysomphalus aurantii. (Sei Scale, red.) ci triit us. (Set Scale, yd leu Citrus, apparent toxic effect produced l>y scale insects L6 extent of orchards in California L0 injury resulting to scale-infested tree- I I i<; insect enemies in California, and their distribution 10 17 scales. (See Scales, citrus. ( Soccidse injurious to citrus fruits in California 10 ( 'onus hesperidum, enemy of citrus fruits II Cover for cyanid case Distillate sprays againsl citrua Bcales 17 1 >osage schedule in improved ay3tem of fumigation 64 schedules of more important writers on fumigation 19-2 1 Fumigation against citrus scales 17-68 advantages under impnrs ed system 63-6 ! apparatus in improved Bystem 53-61 present system I v L9 chemicals 30 !<> mixing 39 L0 most economical proportion 39 cover for generators 5< cyanid, amount- recommended in schedules of more important writers 21-22 cover 55 protection 55 dosage schedule in improved Bystem 64-67 schedules of the more important writers L9-24 during blossoming period 49 5 1 gae, amount, available aa affected by different proper! ions of water 37-38 hydrocyanic-acid, in drum- 55 Leakage during operation- 17 is in small trees 13 14 temperature a- affected by different pro- portions of water 35 36 u lien; Large and small dosages are used . . 36-37 69 70 FUMIGATION INVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Pa po. Fumigation against citrus Bcales, improved system advantages 63-64 apparatus \ -61 dosage schedule in use I procedure 61-63 supply carl 59-61 method of computing dosage and volume for tented trees 25-26 methods for obtaining measurements and dos- age of trees with and without apparatus... . 26-30 present system, apparatus 18-19 dosage schedules 19-24 procedure 18-19 procedure in improved system • present Bystem 18-19 proportion of materials used by rumigators 32-39 simplification by improved system 68 sulphuric acid, amount necessary . effecl ol too great an excess. . . 34 jar and cover 60-61 removal from drums and car- boys supply cart ">!!-i;0 table to replace supply cart on very rough ground 61, 62 tents, marking for estimating dosage... 27-30,55-^56 sheet 17-18 time of year 4S-52 tray for carrying chemicals in present system. . 18-19 water as a factor 34-35 correct proportion effect of different proportions on tem- perature and amount of available gas. while fruit is small 5 L-52 purple scale 40-46 length of exposure 44-4-3 preliminary experiments 40-43 generators, cover Fungus, black, or sooty-mold, on citrus trees infested with black scale 15 Honeydew, secretion by black scale Hydrocyanic-acid gas. (See also Fumigation.) in drums 55 Icerya purchasi, enemy of citrus fruits 11 Insects, beneficial, used against citrus Bcalee in ( California 16 Kerosene-water spray against citrus Bcales Lemon. (See Citrus.) Lepidosaphes beckii. v Scale, purple.) Mealy bugs, distribution in California J4 enemies of citrus fruits 11 Mite, rust, of orange. (See PhyllocopUs oh ivor us and Mite, silver, of Lemon. silver, of lemon. (See also Phyllocoptes < is.) sulphur spray as remedy 16 1MH.X. 71 Merrill system <>!" measuring trees without apparatus Olive, food plant of black scale i_- Orange. I Set Citrus, I Ornamentals, food plam.- of black Bcale ii! PhyllocopU* oleivorus. (Sa also Mite, Bilver, of lemon.) enemy of citrus fruits 1 1 Potassium cyanid, amounts recommended in schedules of more Lmportanl \\ tit- ers on fumigatioD 21 22 for t'u in i u;i i ion, protection 55 puriix required 30 Vaeudoeoecus spp (Set Meal) bugs.) Scnsst tia h misphserica, enemy of citrus fruits II olci . (Sa Scale Mack.) Scale, black, distribution in California L2-13 enemy of citrus fruits 11 method of propagation K> nature of injury to citrus trees L5-16 cottony cushion. (See Icerya j>i\vn . (See ( 'oceus hesperidtnn . ) yellow, distribution in California 13 enemy of citrus fruits 11 met hod of propagation 1 6 nature of injury to citrus trees L6 Scales, citrus, fumigation 17 68 advantages under improved system 63 64 apparatus in improved system present system L8 I" chemicals 30 10 mixing 39 40 mosl economical proportion 39 cover for generators 56-58 cyanid. amounts recommended in schedules of more important writerson fumigation -1 22 cover 55 protection 55 sage schedule in improved system <> I 67 schedules of more important writers 19-24 72 FUMIGATION ENVESTIGATIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Page. Scales, citrus, fumigation, during blossoming period 49-51 - amount available as affected by different propor- tions of water hydrocyanic acid, in drums 55 leakage during operations 47 4s in small trees 43-44 temperature as affected by different proportions of water when- large and Bmall dosages are used. 36-37 improved system advantages 63 64 apparatus dosage schedule 64 67 in use 67 68 procedure ; 61 63 supply cart 59-62 method of computing dosage aud volume for tented trees 25-20 methods for obtaining measurements and dosage of trees with and without apparatus 26-30 procedure in improved system 61 63 present system 18-19 proportion of materials used by fumigators 32—39 simplification by improved system 68 sulphuric acid, amount necessary 32-34 effect of too great an excess 34 jar and cover 60-61 removal from drums and carboys. . . 5! supply cart 59-6 1 table to replace supply cart on rough ground 0 1 . <;2 tents, marking 27-30. " sheet 17-18 time of year 4 s- 52 tray for carrying chemicals in present system L8 water as a factor 34-35 correct proportion effect of different proportions on amount and temperature of available gas while fruit is small 51-52 methods of control in California 10- 1 7 manner of feeding 14 propagation 16 Spider, citrus red. distribution in California 14 enemy of citrus fruits 11 sulphur spray as remedy 16 . kerosene-water, againsl citrus scales 17 Sprays, distillate, against citrus scales 17 sulphur, against citrus scales 16 Sulphuric acid for fumigation, aim Mint necessary 32-34 effeel of too greal an excess 34 jar and cover «i(l 61 in ma. 7:; Sulphuric acid for fumigation, purity required 30 32 removal from carboys and drums Sulphur spra) s, against red spider and silver mite of Lemon L6 Supply cart for fumigation 59-61 Table to replace supply can iu fumigating on rough ground 61,62 Tents, marking for estimating dosage i'. Tetranychu8 mytilaspidis. (Set Spider, citrus red. Thrips, enemy oi citrus fruits 1 1 Toxic effect on citrus trees apparently produced by red, purple, and yellow Bcales L6 Tray for carrying chemicals in present Bystem of fumigation 18 19 Water as a factor in fumigation :;i 35 in fumigation, correct proportion effect of differenl proportions on amounl and tempera uire of available gas 35 38 Wood worth systems of measuring trees with and without apparatus 26 27 0