p^iss}^^ ^>^. THL FUNCTION OF THE NUCLEUS OF THi:. LIVING CELL Dissertation Submitted to the Board of University Studies of The Johns Hopkins University In confornity with the resiuirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy toy Vernon Lynch Baltimore, lol?. THE FUNCTION OF THE NUCLEU3 OF THE LIVING CELL Vernon Lynch , (From the Physiological Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University) Contents i. Introduction Page 2 II. iiethod 2-1- ill. Relation of the Nucleus to Moveiaent 26 IV. ourvival of the Non-Nucleated Cell 29 V. The Cultivation of Ameba by Solutions 32 VI. The Nutrition of the Non-Nucleated Cell 42 VII. Respiration in the Non-Nucleated Cell 4fi VIII. The Effect of Temperature f^l XI. iv'etabolic Rate in the Non-Nucleated Cell 56 All. oummary and Conclusions 61 aIII. Discussion 62 (1) I. Introduction. It is a well recognized fact that the science of phys- iology, and in fact all biological science, has not attain- ed to that degree of exactness which is characteristic of the sciences of physics and chemistry. To the question, how may physiology be made a more exact science, there are as many answers as there are methods of investigation: but there is one line of attack, based upon simple logic and upon the analogous development of those sciences which are nearer the goal, which may rightly claim special attention. Ke who surveys the development of the sciences of phys- ics and chemistry, and especially the rapid advances of recent years, must be struck with one phase of this devel- opment. With the formation of the atomic theory, both sci- ences were able to make a great advance. They were now in possession of a unit by means of which they could conceive of the occurrence of phenomena, explain them, and make conjectures and even predictions. And with the subsequent intensive study of this unit of matter, the advances in physics and chemistry were marvelously accelerated, and their progress was roughly parallel to the progress in the study of the atom. Deprived of the conception and knowlege of the atom, modern chemistry and modern physics could (2) scarcely be called sciences. In a quite analogous manner, he v/ho surveys the development of biological science can not but be struck by the great advances which followed the formation of the cell theory. IVhat the atom is for physics and chemistry the living cell is for biology: and it is not surprising that the discovery and identification of the unit of living matter was followed by just as inarvel- 0U8 a development in the science of living matter as succeed- ed the conception of the unit of non-living matter. But when we turn to look for the intensive study of living matter, and the scientific advancement which would just as surely follow this study, v/e are doomed to some disappointment. The intensive study of the living cell has for years been limited tcr one method: namely, the study of the dead cell with the hope of finding out more about the living cell. The results which have been obtained by the use of this method have been very instructive as far as they have gone^ but it is to be expected that this method alone would have its limitations; and in fact it would seem that this aspect of cell study has already been pushed as far as may profit- ably be done. It is a logical conclusion that the biolo- gist must now turn his attention to the more difficult task of the direct study of the living cell: but may he not feel confident that the:^.e studies will be rewarded by a progress quite ev^ual to the recent progress in physical science? (3) All of the phenomena occurring in living matter, the phenomena which it is the avowed purpose of physiology to study, are ultimately referable to changes occurring in the living cells of which it is composed. Many of the phen- omena occurring in living matter, such as secretion, move- ment, irritability, and growth, can readily be referred to the more fundamental changes in the living cells; but the attempt to interpret rmy single property of a living cell, such as growth, division, contraction, in terms of physics and chemistry, or in any other way, has thus far led to no result satisfactory to the minds of scientific inquirers. Nevertheless, it seems that this is the task which lies before the science of physiology on its way toward becoming an exact science: the task of interoreting and explaining the fundamental properties of living cells. One who turns his attention to the direct study of the living cell may be at a loss how to begin. It is undoubted- ly ov/ing to the technical difficulties of the subject that it has not already been further advanced. We are dealing with tiny objects of an almost inconceivably delicate con- stitution, morphologically very complex, and chemically of far greater complexity than any other knovm substance; and to these mysterious little objects are to be attributed all of the. various phenomena of living matter; for all of the activities of living matter may be ultimately referred (4) to activities of its constituent units, the living cells. Nothing will admit of so little manipulation, and all of the lore of physical science must be drawn upon for the care- ful disentanglement of tht maze of phenomena exhibited by a single living cell. A tiny speck of jelly, more than three- fourths water, it may move, feed, digest, grow, reproduce, and respond to all manner of changes in its surroundings, but the slightest change in a single condition of its en- vironment may snuff out its life. But since we must begin somewhere, and since it is the phenomena of the living cell which we are to study, let us start by dividing these phenomena roughly into two classes: 1. Those phenomena which are characteristic of living cells in general, and which are exhibited by most or all living cells. Such are respiration, growth, irritability. 2. Those phenomena which are peculiar to certain types of living cells, and not exhibited by the great majority of cells. Such are ameboid and ciliary movement, photosyn- thesis, secretion, and perhaps contractility. Now while both of these classes of phenomena must be stud- led and are of great importance on account of their wide- spread occurrence and significance, it seems that in the present state of our knowlege of living cells, ignorant (5) as we are of those general phenomena which all living cells exhibit, we could most profitably turn to the study of those phenomena common to most or all living cells. The experiments presented in this paper represent such a study. In various branches of biological science, progress has been made by first studying structures md then attempt- ing to discover the significance of these structures, and while there is no intrinsic reason why it should, it seems plausible that cell physiology may advance along the same b lines. At any rate, it can not be denied that the prolem of the function of the -eeti nucleus, the most character- istic structure of the cell, is one of the most alluring problems of cell physiology, and as such it has excited much speculation, and been the subject of some experiment- al work. Before reviewing the experiments of previous workers in this field, it might be well to call attention to a few matters of common knowlege and observation which bear upon the problem. The most obvious fact with regard to the nucleus is that it almost invariably occupies a central position in the cell, and no biologically trained man, accustomed as he is to regard the smallest acts of nature as significant, would fail to appreciate the importance of this fact. Reflection upon the central position of the nucleus leads to the conclusion that the nucleus must (6) play a central role in the activities of the cell, and that it must be of great importance in the life and ac- tivities of the cell as a whole. Moreover, when the nu- cleus does not occupy a central position, the ex-centric position which it does occupy nay also be of significance. In basement membranes and other epithelial cells of higher organisms the nucleus is found toward the side of the cell which is closest to the blood supply, and this, together with the fact that in other cells the nucleus may be seen in close proximity to, or even engulfing nutritive mater- ial, leads to the conclusion that the nucleus must play an important role in the nutrition of the cell. The careful provision which is made for the equal division of the nu- cleus, and apparently for even parts of the nucleus, when the cell divides: the complex but exact changes v/hich the nucleus undergoes in preparation for reproduction; the care- ful allotment of certain nuclear material from each parent for the formation of the new individual, and the subsequent union of this nuclear material from each side, all go to show that the nucleus is important in the properties and characteristics, the individuality, and even the existence of the cell. Nature has also furnished us, in the case of the red blood corpuscle, with the interesting experiment of a cell without a nucleus, and we know that its life is (7) limited, its days are n\imbered, just as are those of the medullited nerve fiber which has been severed from its nucleus. ciuch were the facts which the older biologists had at their disposal in the attempt to solve the proMem of the function of the cell nucleus: and these facts together with certain subsequent experimental developments have led to the formation of two main theories with regard to the function of the cell nucleus. The first and oldest theory I have been unable to find clearly stated by any ■earlier writer than Claude Bernard: it asserts that the nucleus is responsible for the building up processes, the synthetic or anabolic activities of the cell. "II semble liue la cellule qui a perdu son noyau soit st^rilise'e au point de vue de la generation, c'est-a-dire de la synthese raorphologisiue, et iiu'elle le soit aussi au point de vue de la synthese chimi^iue, car elle cesse de produire des principes imme'diats, et ne peut guere qu'oxyder et detru- ire ceux qui s*y etaient accumules par une elaboration ante'rieure du noyau. II semble done que le noyau soit le germe de nutrition de la cellule; il attire autour de lui et elabore les mati»riaux nutritifs." "Le protoplas- ma circumnucleaire, d' autre part, renfermerait tous les produits de 1 • elaboration synthetique du noyau, c'est-a- dire les principes immediats destine's a se detruire et (B) s'oxyder." (Ber?iard, 18P7, p525). The second and more recent theory is attributed to Jacques Loeb, a well known It advocate of the theory* aftd asserts that the nucleus is the center of oxidations of the cell, the organ where the oxidative processes are most prominent and rapid. " It seems to me therefore, that all the facts which are knovm thus far very naturally support the idea that the nucleus is the org:cn of oxidation of living matter: and that frag- ments of cells without a nucleus are not able to regenerate because their oxidative activity has fallen to too low a point, ouch pieces die slowly from asphyxia." (Loeb^'^oi;. While it may be that both of these theories fall wide of the mark, it is well, in reviewing the experimental data at hand, to bear in mind their relation to the two views: that the nucleus is the synthetic organ or the oxidative organ of the cell. In seeking an experimental proof of the function of the cell nucleus, only one method has been extensively used: that of dividing the living cell into two parts, and making a comparative study of the part v/ith a nucleus and the part without a nucleus, the differences being attributed to the presence or absence of the nucleus. The other exper- (9) iment which suggests itself, that of isolating the nucleus from a cell and studying the isolated organ, has been un- successful, owing, no doubt, to the very rapid death of a the nucleus which occurs nfter its removal from the cell." But the fruitful and suggestive results of studying the chemistry of the isolated orn;an are well Imown. Altho the nucleus has, since its discovery by Robert Brown in l8oi, been the subject of much morphological in- vest! ('-ati on, most observatios and experiments of a phys- iological n:iture upon this subject are of a comparatively recent date. The earliest experiments appear to be those A of K. lirandt (1887) upon the rhizoPod Actinosphaerium Eichhornii. After division of this organism, he observed that the pieces which contained nuclei regenerated to com- plete individuals, while those which lacked a nucleus always died without regent ration. Similar observations were made upon It plant cells by Schmitz (187P). Upon rupture of the membrabes of cells in the alga Valonia utricularis and Siphonocladus Wrisbergi, the protoplasm rounded up into little globules, some of which contained nuclei and some did not. '.'/hile "The author has frequently observed a nucleus, which had been isolated fi*om an ameba by destruction of the cytoplasm, undergo a rapid darkening, becoming distinctly more opaque in a 'few seconds. While the significance of thi3 phenomenon in not understood, it may be the result of an oxidative change terminating in the death of the organ. (10) the nucleated pieces soon forced ripw rrembranes and con- tinued to live, tic 'on-nucleated pieces died withou-tlref;en- erating a membrane. These observations were extended and confirmed by the careful experiments of Nussbaum (1RR5). With a fine needle he divided the infusoria Oxytricha and Gastrostyla into a nucleated and non-nucleated piece. The non-nucleated piece died in the course of a few days, without any manifestation of regeneration; but the nuclear part was regenerated into a complete cell, and continued to grow and reproduce by division. From these experiments it is evident that for the phenomena of growth and division, and for the regeneration of lost parts, the nucleus is ab- solutely essential: and upon these facts all subsequent investigators are agreed. The observations of Gruber (1884) upon Spirogyrat those of Balbiani fl8P2) and Verworn (1888) upon many infusoria; those of Tofer (18^0), Stole (j-QlO), and the author upon Ameba proteus: and many other direct and indirect observations lead inevitably to the conclusion that without the nucleus cell grov/th and cell division as well as the regeneration of lost parts are absolutely impossible. Wiatever additional function the nucleus may have, its relation to the phenomena of growth is beyond question. Altho there is no such uniformity of opinion with regard to the part played by the nucleus in other activ- (11) ities of the cell, the disagreement is, in some cases, readily understood. The phenomena of movein^ent, being the ones most readily observed, have been studied most extens- ively. Nussbaum observed that in the enucleated pieces of infusoria the cilia continued to beat up to the onset of death. In like manner Balbiani and verworn observed that the normal activity of the cilia continued after the nu- cleus had been removed, until death changes set in. '.Vith regard to ameboid movement, however, there is some differ- tnce of opinion. Gruber observed that enucleated pieces of Araeba proteus ceased making normal movements soon after the operation, and this was confirmed by Hofer (IRPO) and by Willis (ioiG). 3tolc (iQiO) however, apparently using a different variety of Ameba proteus, observed normal movements for days after removal of the nucleus. But the most striking experiments upon the influence of the nu- cleus upon normal movement were made by Verworn, using Liacrymaria olor, in which the movements are very complex. This flask-shaped ciliate extends its long neck and waves it about, the cilia upon the head end beating actively, and then suddenly retracts like an elastic band, to re- peat the performance later. If stimulated it swims away. Non-nucleated parts of this organism, regardless of which part is selected, exhibit the same characteristic -ind (12) complex movements and re sponge to stimuli is n'hen they formed a pirt of the intact org-mism. We are thus led to conclude that altho removal of the nucleus does in some cases interfere with norni.nl 'Movement, at any rate perfect- ly normal movement and irritability are 4uite possible withou*. the presence of the nucleus. Closely related to the phenomena of movement are the phenomena of respiration, and there are many interesting observations which bear more or less directly upon the re- lation of the nucleus to eel"! respiration. Aside from the fact that, in aerobic organisms, normal movement implies normal respiration, the activity of the contractile vac- uole indicates that respiration is not interfered with by remov tl of the nucleus. There is a gene^'a4r «greemen% that the function of the contractile vacuole is that of a res- piratory organ, aiding in the removal of carbon dioxide from the interior of such large cells as protozoa. V/hen a protozoon is divided into two parts, the part which lacks a contractile vicuole soon Tovtr^ one, regardless of whether it contains a nucleus or not, Balbiani , Hofer, Stole, Penard). The vacuole contained in the non-nuclear fragment pulsates witl^ about the same frequency as that in the nuclear fragment, but gradually becomes slower with (13) the inevitable changes of death (Balbiani, Hofer, Stole ).■;'? That the non-nuclear red blood cell respires is a well known fact, and Tashiro (I9l7) has recently demonstrat- ed that the non-nuclear nerve fiber produces carbon dioxide and that this cai-bon dioxide production is increased by stimulation and decreased by anesthetics, .'."oreover, meas- urements of the respiration of nerve ganglia showed that the part of the cell which contained the nucleus produced no more carbon-dioxide than the non-nuclear p-:'rtions, and possibly not as much. Loeb ;'i905), however, basing his opinion in part upon the supposed presence in the nucleus of nucleo-proteins which contain iron, suggests "that the nucleus is the organ of oxidation of living matter; and that fragments of cells without a nucleus are not able to regenerate because their oxidative activity has fallen to too low a point'.' But he adds "I do not beleive that without the nucleus all processes The regeneration of the contractile vacuole does not, as might at first sight anpear, belie the fact stated above: that regeneration of parts is impossible without the nucleus; for the contractile vacuole is not to be look- ed upon as a structural element of the cell, such as the oral groove, but rather Is its appearance to be regarded as the expression of a certain condition in the protoplasm. The presence of certain granules in the locality where the vacuole has repeatedly appeared (Metcilf , 1910) may be the result rather than the cause of its appearance at this point, for the granules evidently accumulate at the edge of the formed vacuole. (14) of oxidation cease in the protoplasm." In support of this view, Osterhout (lPx7) has recently published some inter- esting observations upon the cells of the leaf of the Indian Pipe. He finds that these cells become dark when they are injured, owing to the oxidation of a pigment which they contain; but that the darkening, and hence the oxidation, occurs most readily in the nucleus. Prom this he concludes that oxidation is most rapid in the nucleus of the uninjured cell. These experiments will be discussed later. That it is the protoplasm rather than the nucleus which is concerned in respiration is indicated by tlie experiments of Demoor (1895). Under conditions which are known to depress oxidations, such as cold, and lack of oxygen, or the presence of anesthetics, lemoor brot the protoplasm of spirogyra cells into a condition of inactivity; but the activity of the nucleus continued as shown by its repeated divisions. In like manner the nu- cleus of a frog's leucocyte continued its ameboid movements after the cytoplasm had been rendered inactive by chloroform. " Child (1015) calls attention to the fact that anes- thetics affect most ^uickly those regions which have the most rapid respiration. (15) With regard to the ability of the non-nucleated cell to secrete, there are some interesting observations upon Ameba proteus. In normal movement as seen upon a glass slide, this organism is attached to the bottom and can thus move from place to place. This ability to stick to the bottom, as well as to stick to food particles, seems to depend upon a secretion which is present upon the sur- face of Ameba. Without this secretion the ameba is not able to move from place to place, but can only stretch out pseud- opods in different directions. That the production of this secretion is in some way dependent upon the presence of the nucleus is shovm by the fact that the secretion is absent shortly after the removal of the nucleus, as shown by Hofer. Further evidence upon the question of the ability of the enucleated cell to produce secretions is found in ex- periments upon digestion. Hofer, Gtr^lc, and others have observed more or less normal digestion of food particles 535^H after removal of the nucleus: but observations made upon the digestion of particles ingested before enucleation, and to which the digestive secretions have already been added, are little more to the point than observations made upon digestion in a test tube. Some crucial experi- ments v/ere performed by Hofer, hcvever. Hofer removed the (16) nucleus from ameba proteus as soon after the ingestion of a Paramecium as possible. If the operation vas perform- ed immediately the Paramecium wis not killed, but escaped, owing doubtless to the lack of certain secretions. But even when the operation was not performed until the death of the Paramecium, the digestion was much more slow and incomplete than normal. Hofer concludes that "protoplasm can produce secretions only with the aid of the nucleus." Other substances than digestive secretions are no longer formed after the removal of the nucleus. Thus Klebs (1887) observed that when ::ells of Spirogyra virere treated with strong sugar solutions, and snail globules of protonlasn were formed as the result of the plasmolysis, only those fragments which contained nuclei made new cellulose mem- branes. Later Verworn (1888) showed that pieces of Poly- stomella crispa, a protozoon which secretes about it a snail shell of lime, were able to form a new shell pro- vided they contained a nucleus, but the pieces which lack- ed a nucleus, tho showing the normal ameboid movement, were quite unable to form a new sliell. The relation of the nucleus to the form.atlon of these substances is further born out by the observations of Haberlandt (1887): that whenever there is a localised formation of new cell wall (17) in plant cells the nucleus is founi in close juxtaposition to the point of this formation. Xorschelt (1889) also observed that in the egg cells of the water beetle, Dyt- iscus marginalis, where the eggs are supplied with nutri- tive granules by surrounding cells, the nucleus sends pseudopod like processes in among these granules. There are also numerous observations of an exchange of granules between nucleus and cytoplasm. In apparent contrast t-. these observations, "^alla (1890) round that in the root hairs and pollen tubes of some phanerogamic plants, enucleated bits of protoplasm, when selected from a growing part, were able to form a new cell wall: the "cellulose reaction." These observations may not, however, be as contradictory as they seem, for the importance of selecting a growing part suggests that we may be dealig with an after effect of the nucleus: that the formative substances produced by the nucleus may have been already present in the protoplasm at the tine of its separation. ouch an explanation is not applicable, however, when we come to the f ormati m of starch. In the experiments of Klebs quoted above, the interesting discovery was -lade that non-nuclear protoplasm, nrovided it contained chlor- ophyl, was ^uitc capable of forming starch in the light- (IB) These observation were later confirmed by Gerassimoff (1890). This is the one outstanding case of an organic synthesis which occurs quite Independently of the presence of a nucleus. But it is to be remembered that this syn- tliesis is performed by certain specific organs , the chlor- oplasts, which are themselves not unlike nuclei; and in fact that one step in this syntliesis may be performed by chlorophyl which has been extracted from the leaves (Usher and Priestly). 'While the series of experiments which have been report- ed show clearly that the nucleus is necessary for the prop- er performance of certain functions by the protoplnsm, and for the growth and continued life of the nrotoplasT^, the converse fact must not be overlooked: that the protonlasm is necessary for the performance of the functions of the nucleus, and even for its continued existence. Thus in the formation of new substances by the cell, the activity of the cytoplasm is quite as essential as that of the nucleus- This is strikingly shown by the experiments of Demoor cited above. 'Alien by means of cold, narcotics, and the like, he inhibited the activity of the cytoplasm, the activity of the nucleus continued, but the formation of a new cell wall was prevented. Moreover, Verworn (18^2) showed that nuclei isolated from ihalassicolla nucleata soon disintegrated to (19) a granular mass. The nuclei ilso died if they were inject- fcd into norm il or enucleated protoplasm, which indicated that the nucleus is very -lUicHy injured when reiioved from its protoplasm. (20) II. Method. Of the different methods which have been employed to solve the problem of the function of the cell nucleus, the one which has given the most illuminating results is the method of extirpation: removing the nucleus and comparing the enucleated cell with a normal nucleated cell. In order that the nucleus may be removed from a cell, or that a cell may be cut in half, it is necessary or expedient that a cell of considerable size be selected; but at the same time it must be a cell which can be kept alive or cultivat- ed for several generations if necessary. The cells which meet these requirements most exactly are certain unicell- ular organisms, certain protozoa. Among such a large and diverse group of organisms, it is not difficult to find one which is peculiarly suited for the oroblem at hand. For the experiments which follow, Ameba proteus vas select- ed. Owing to the slow movements and absence of shell in this organism, it can readily be cut in half: or if desir- ed the nucleus nay, after some practice, be removed with as little as one tenth or less of the protoplasm. Moreover, the lack of differentiation in Ameba is a decided advantage, for we are cei-tain that in removing oart of the protoplasm (21) with the nucleus, we are removing no important organ of the cell. The one disadvantage in the use of this fascinating living cell is the difficulty of cultivating it. Like all rhizopods amebas are difficult to raise, but many invest- igators have succeeded in keeping healthy cultures in the laboratory for years. In view of the difficulties which are so often met in cultivating amebas, it may not be out of place to adi one moi'e method to tliose which have been described for rearing these valuable experimental animals. It is almost liter- ally true that each investigator has a method of raising amebas, but that no one can use it except himself. This is not surprising when it is seen that "water" is employed in making the cultures, with little regard for its purity. kVhile amebas nay flourish in the "water" of one locality, they may tiuickly die in the ^vater of another locality. This difficulty was avoided by the use of distilled water. The method which follows is based upon one which has been employed by Miss Hyman of the University of Chicago- The prejudice of many biologists against the use of distilled v/ater, and the prevalent notion that it is toxic are not supported by experiments upon the toxicity of distilled water. (Daniel . 19'-')' (22) A small amount of hay, including both stalks and leaves, is cut into pieces ;ibout three inches long; four grafts of this material is then olaced in a large beaker. To this is added 0.2 gram of dry bread crumbs and 500 cc of dist- illed water. The material is boiled for a few minutes, and then poured into flat dishes to a depth of 1 to 2 cms. The dishes are covered to keep out dust, and if water evaporates from them it can be replaced by distilled water. After the infusion has cooled, several pipettes full of fluid are added from a culture which contains healthy araebas, or from a pond or stream where amebas are found. In doing this, care is taken to av-^id taking up any of the sediment, for it is the sediment rather than the super-natant fluid which is apt to contain enemies to Ameba. This in^oculation may be repeated, and in the course of two weeks the culture becomes cloudy .vith bacteria, zoogloea, and small ciliates and flagellates: the food of Ameba. A small dish of the culture fluid is now seeded with amebas, being careful to avoid large organisms such as Crustacea and worms. If living amebas are not present a week later, more of the fluid containing amebas should be added. This culture is used to innoculate the rest of the infusion. The addition of a little hay occasionally will keep the amebas present in great numbers. The room should not be allowed to become very hot or very cold. (23) Ihe amebas were transferred to different media by- means of a fine glass c-^pillary pipette, the sharp end of which had been made smooth by passing thru a flame. In most of the experiments the animals were kept in drops of fluid upon slides with a depression at each end- The slides were kept in a moist chamber in a room whose temp- erature did not vary greatly from 20 °C. For cutting the amebas in half, or cutting the nucleus away from the rest of the cell, a fine glass needle was dravm off at a slight angle from the end of a glass rod. The cells were divided under a binocular microscope. dince the animals would not live long in the tap water '^f this city, a search was made at the outset for a solution in which they could be kept in healthy, active condition. Ten amehas were removed from a culture, freed from food material and debris, and transferred to the solu- tion to be tested. Each day they were examined and trans- ferred to a fresh solution, the experiment being continued until all of the animals were dead. It appeared at first that distilled water was the most satisfactory medium that could be obtained. Thus ten amebas lived (without food) for an average of 13.2 days in distilled water, whereas animals kept in tap water, for example, soon assum- ed an abnormal appearance, and could seldom be kept alive longer than one v/eek. But it was later discovered that (24) the distilled water was greatly improved by the addition of one tenth the volume of spring water. Not only was the average life somewhat longer, (14^/p days), but the con- dition of the animils during this time was greatly improv- ed. In the distilled water, the animals soon cease to be attached to the bottom, and are hence unable to m ;ve from place to place in the normal manner; but in the ''lO"^ spring water", after it became saturated with air, they remained attached up to a few days before death. The spring water used contained a trace of calcium, but not as much as was contained in the tan witer. In the following experiments the amebas were, unless otherwise noted, kept in W^ spring water. (25) Relation of the Nucleus to Movement. The movement of normal amebas in a suitable mediujn, such as the dilute spring vater, when placed upon a glass slide, was found to be of the limax type. The ameba is attached to the slide by means of some sticky secretion, and flows steadily forward, sending out pseudopods at the anterior end, often from alternate sides. Frequently araebas are found which are not attached to the slide, and such amebas may project pseudopods in any direction, but are unable to move from place to place. These animals will in time, however, adhere to the slide, unless they are abnormal or the medium is unsuitable. IVhen these active amebas are stimulated roughly, as by pressure with a glass needle, they retract into a more or less spherical shape, and small droplets of protoplasm may be seen project- ing from the surface. The effect of amputation of the nucleus upon the movement of the cell may be seen from the following typ- ical experiment: 5:81 P.M.- An active ameba which was attached to the slide was divided into two approximately e^ual parts, the nucleus remaining in the posterior half. Both parts went into the typical condition of sli'iulation. 5:25 P.i/:.- ooth pieces have put out pseudopods and are active, but the non-nuclear part, which was cut from the anterior end, is much nore active than the nuclear and posterior oart. 3:27 P.f,:.- Both pieces are moving in the typical limax (26) fashion, but the movement of the non-nucleated piece h:"T.s become perceptibly sloviev. 5:28 P.i-i.- The non-nucleated piece ceases its progressive moveiTients and slowly retracts into a somewhat corrugated sphere. Only an occasional very blunt pseudopod is now produced, and slight a^^itation shows that the fragment is no longer attached to the slide. The nucleated piece differs from a normal ameba only in size. * The retraction into the spherical shape is an invar- iable phenomenon, and is of such a definite character that the tine of its appearance nay be accurately determined. Thus in 15 amebas which were so divided that the nucleus remained in the posterior half, the retraction occurred at an average of 9 minutes after the onrration. To the observer it resembles strongly the response to stimulation, except for the absence of the protoplasmic droplets mention- ed above. The protoplasm is still capable of movement, as is shown by transferring it to another medium, such as distilled water, to which it responds by a change of shape. This effect of amputation of the nucleus upon move- ment is not always permanent. If a number of amebas are cut in half, and the nucleated and non-nucleated pieces observed each day, on the first or second day after the operation it will be noticed that many of the non-nucleated fragments are moving in the typicxl limax fashion, and in fact there is sometimes no great difference between the (27) movements of the nucleated and non-nucleated pieces, olight agitation, however, shov/s that the non-nuclear amebas are scarcely attached to the slide; the slightest distur'iance serves to dislodge the'^. This fact, which must be due to the failure to produce the sticky secretion, is probably partly responsible for the difference in movement between the nuclear and non-nuclear cells. The fact that a non-nucleated ameba may, under any conditions exhibit normal movements, justifies us in concluding that the nucleus is not necessary for movement.! In ameba, however, movement is affected in some indirect way by removal of the nucleus. (28) The Survival of the Non- Nucleated Cell. All observations made upon cells which have been deprived of their nuclei prove conclusively that non- nucleated protoplasm is destined to ^pow- without growing or dividing. But in most cases, particularly in ameba, it has been impossible to get this protoplasm to take in food, and even that food which is already included in the proto- plasm is but imperfectly digested. Consequently it is fair er to compare the survival of an enucleated cell with one which has been isolated without food, rather than with an actively feeding cell. When this is done, it is found that the non-nucleated oell lives almost as long as the nucleated one, provided there is no difference in size. If an ameba is cut into unequal parts, the nucleus, owing to its central position, will usually be found in the larger part. Since large fragments live longer than small ones, special car^e must be taken to avoid a difference in size. Fifteen amebas were cut in half, and both halves were kept without food in either distilled water or in water taken from the culture. The number of days which each piece lived after the operation is given in the following table: (29) Survival of Survival of Medium nucleated non-nucleated part part Distilled water 7 days 6 days II 7 7 II 10 6 ti 9 4 tf 7 4 t« 5 3 ti 9 6 Culture water 7 5 II 8 6 » 6 6 If 9 7 H 11 8 If 7 8 n 7 7 tf /■erage 7 days 7 A^ 7. ?F Gdays It v/ill be noted that in some cases the non-nucleated fragments lived as long as those which contained nuclei. In fact, by cutting the ameba in such a way that the piece containing the nucleus was smaller than the piece which lacked it, the non-nucleated cell could be made to outlive the nucleated one. Thus ten amebas were divided in such a way that the nucleated piece was from one-half to one- fourth the size of the other. The results are tabulated below : (30) Survival of Survival of micleat( D'i non-nucleated part part 6 10 7 7 S 13 6 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 6 8 7 7 6 10 Average- 5.7 days 8 days We may conclude that a cell deprived of its nucleus may survive as long as a cell deprived of food. (31) The Cultivation of Araeba by Substances in Solution. The apparent resemblance of enucleated amebas to amebas deprived of food suggested that some of the phenor^ena ex- hibited by the non-nucleated cell might be the result of starvation, and have no direct connection with the absence of the nucleus. Accordingly, an attempt was made to supply the amebas with adequate food substance.3. Since it v/as not possible to get the enucleated organisms to take in food particles, an effort was made to provide a medium in which amebas could be nourished by the absorption of substances in solution. It has been pointed out that no artificial synthetic medium has ever been provided which was adequate to nourish an animal cell ( Surrows and Neymann, loi"^), althc the blood and lymph apparently constitute a natural synthetic medium for the cells of higher' organisms. Even cells cul- tivated in vitro depend upon the autolysis of neighboring cells for their nourishment, and the attempt to cultivate protosoa in nutritive organic media has met with complete failure (Biedermann, 191G, pf;78; Doflein, p ro8). In the light of recent experiments in nutrition, however, it seems possible that such negative results rna-Y tie due (52) to the failure to supply certain substances which are necessary for proper nutrition. An attempt was therefore made to provide an adequate medium for the primitive an- imal cell, Ameba proteus. Since amebas were found to move m.ore norm.ally and to live longer in distilled v/ater to which had been added one- tenth the volume of spring water, this "10''^ spring water" was used in making up all solutions. 'Various car- bon compounds, including several sugars, were nov/ tested with the hope of finding a source of energy. The method used vas as follows: A number of amebas were selected from the same culture, and freed from food and bacteria by transferring repeatedly to fresh solutions of lOfJ spring water. They were then transferred to slides, piecing 10 in 10"^ spring water as a control, and 10 in each of the solutions to be tested. The anim.als were examined and counted each day, washed in water, and trans- ferred to fresh solutions to prevent the development of bacteria. The most promising substances found were the hexoses, glucose and levulose, t>-e effect of which may be seen by the following experiments: (33) Nvunber of amebas living Date Water 1% Glucose ifo Levulose Feb. 7 20 20 20 8 20 20 20 9 le 20 20 10 15 20 20 11 15 20 20 12 15 20 20 15 15 20 20 14 15 20 20 15 15 20 20 16 15 20 19 17 15 20 Ip 18 15 20 18 19 15 20 18 20 11 18 17 21 11 17 17 22 11 17 15 25 9 17 15 24 7 17 15 25 6 16 14 26 6 16 12 27 4 12 11 28 o 12 8 lar. 1 2 11 8 2 2 10 2 6 0 4 1 4 5 1 S 6 1 0 7 i 8 0 Average life 12.6 days 21.8 days 19.4 days Not only did the amebas live longer in the sugar solutions, but during the early part of the experiment they were much more active. At the end of a week, hov/ever. (34) many of the amebas began to take on an opaque appearance, and ceased normal movements. The substance which was u formerly a food now act^ as a poison. Child (1015) has shown that susceptibility to poisons increases during starvation. Altho these cultures v/ere not sterile, it v/as possible to keep the bacteria fi-om becoming numerous, and thus pre- vent their becoming an appreciable source of food for the amebas. Having found a carbohydrate food for Ameba, a search was now made for a source of nitrogen. In such a primitive cell, the possibility that simple compounds of nitrogen may be used, at once suggests itself. Of various compounds of nitrogen which were tried, the best results were ob- tained with ammonium nitrate and urea; and of the.se two, urea was much the better, owing to its comparatively lov/ toxicity. The effect of these substances is seen in the follov;ing experiment. (The comparatively short life of the animals is to be attributed to the use of an inferior culture) . (35) Number of a^^ebas living Date 1"^ Glucose 1'^ Glucose 1*^ Glucose -^ ■^0.1'^ urea O.Ol'^ NH4NO5 Feb. 24 10 cJay-3 10 (ik^jfes 10 d-ftjfcs 25 9 10 8 26 9 11 8 27 9 12 8 28 6 1 2 8 Mar. 1 5 12 8 2 5 15 8 4 12 8 4 4 12 8 5 4 12 8 6 4 10 8 7 • 4 10 8 8 4 10 8 0 4 8 7 iO 4 6 7 11 4 6 7 12 4 6 4 13 S 5 3 14 2 4 2 15 1 3 2 16 1 5 1 17 1 3 0 21 0 1 22 ^ 27 0 Average life 9. . 1 days 16. .6 days 12.9 da Vr That these compounds are of some use to the amebas is indicated by the increased length of life when they are added to the solution; but that they are not an ad- eiiuate source of nitrogen is indicated by the fact that the animals eventually die and that no growth can be (56) detected. The shrinkage caused by the glucose would render the detection of grov/th difficult even if present. Of special interest, however, are the three cases of cell division seen in the urea solution. Altho hundreds of amebas have been kept under daily observation until they were completely disintegrated, no single case of cell division was ever observed unless food substances were supplied; and with tv/o possible exceptions, no divis- ion v/as observed unless a source of nitrogen was added. On the other hand, divisions have been repeatedly observed in solutions containing urea or certain amino acids. That the division is not simply the result of the stimulating action of the urea upon the nrotoplasm is shown by the ef- fect of urea solutions to which no glucose is added. In such solutions, tht amebas not only do not divide, but they die more quickly than in water alone. Urea in the absence of glucose is simply a mild poison, but w^hen urea and glucose are used together, the animals live longer, have a more normal appearance, and may even reproduce. The necessity of using the two substances together indicates that they are built up or combined to form some more com- plex substance which is of use to the organism. if this is a true c ise of organic synthesis, it woulci (57) be interesting to see whether it occurs in the cell which has been deprived of its nucleus, in order to thrw light upon the supposed synthetic function of the nucleus. This point is taken up later. Having failed to obtain growth with simple compounds of nitrogen, the organisms were nov/ supplied with amino- acids. The use of single amino-acids was not promising, oome reproduction v.-as obtained with a saturated solution of tyrosine, but the animals soon died. A mixture of amino-acids was then prepared in the following way: Five grams of Hammarsten's casein was heated for twenty hours with 100 cc of a molecular solution of sulph- uric acid. The hydrolysis was perfor^.ed on a water bath in a flask fitted with a reflux condenser. At- the hydrol- ysis, when the solution no longer gave the biuret reaction, a saturated solution of barium hydroxide was added until the reaction v/as slightly alkaline, and the solution boiled to remove ammonia. Dilute sulphuric acid was added until very slightly acid, and the solution filtered hot. The barium sulphate precipitate, which had adsorbed much of the humus substance, was not washed. The solution was exactly neutral- ized with s'odium hydroxide, and the resulting solution, whose volume v/as 700 cc, had the following properties: (58) A clear, straw-colored fluid, with a bitter-3weet taste. The reactions for barium, calcium, iron, reduced sulphur, and tryptophane were negative; phosphate v/as present, and react f OK the xantho-proteic -«^-r4- was positive. When exposed to the air, bacttria develop^_^with remarkable rapidity. The solu- tion v/as not toxic to amebas, even when evaporated to one half the volume, but evaporation to one fifth the volume resulted in a solution which was slightly toxic. This solution of ^.mino acids is lacking in glycine, which is absent in casein, and in tryptophane and cystine, which have been destroyed. In cultivating amebas in this solution, it was dif- ficult to prevent the development of bacteria, but a meth- od was devised which served to exclude them almost com- pletely. The amebas were washed five to ten times in sterile water, and the slides upon which they v/ere kept were boiled. The culture solutions were kept in small flasks fitted with capillary tubes. By inverting the flask and warming with the hand, a few drops could be placed upon the slide. After using, the flask was boiled The toxicity of amino acids observed by Burrows and Neymann (1917) upon embryonic chicken cells was probably due to the relatively concentrated solutions used. (39) and a test tube placed over its neck. The cultures v/ere examined d-iily, the amebas washed in sterile water, and transferred to new solutions. The hydrolysed casein solution proved to be a fairly good medium in which cases of cell division v/ere occasion- ally observed, but there was never any growth, and the changes which preceded death could be seen in about ten days. The addition of glucose resulted in some improve- ment, but it did not prevent death. Number of amebas living. Date Hydrolysed Hydrolysed casein casein + 0.2'^ glucose May 1 5 5 2 5 6 b 6 6 4 6 6 5 6 7 6 6 8 7 6 8 8 Dying 8 9 Discontinued P 10 8 11 8 12 8 15 8 14 7 Dying Am.ebas healthy Somewhat abnormal Exp. discontinued Since this death might be due to the absence of some foodstuff, various substances were added to the "diet". (40) The addition of various salts was tried, but no improve- ment was observed. Cystine and tryptophane, so i^nport- ant in the nutrition of highei- animals, were added to the solution in concentrations which were shov/n not to be toxic. A small amount of milk was added to provide the unknown "accessory" food substances and certain salts. Hydrolysed casein + 1'% glucose Date -1- 0. .1'% tryptophane -^ 0. .0?'''^ cystine -+- 0. .2^ milk May 2Z 5 24 5 25 6 26 6 27 6 28 6 po 6 50 6 51 6 une 1 2 6 5 5 4 3 5 6 1 7 0 No adequate synthetic medium w.-is found for Ameba proteus. The failure may be due to some peculiarity of the cell, such as its enormous size, or a low permeability. (41) The Nutrition of the Non-Nucleated Cell. Since, as v/aa shovm above, ^■ilucose prolongs the life of amebas, and apparently acts a3 a food, it would be interesting to know whether it has a similar effect upon the cell from which the nucleus has been removed. To determine this, the nucleus was removed from a number of amebas, care being taken to remov^e as little protoplasm as possible. Under favorable circumstances it is possible to cut the nucleus from the cell vnlthout removing more than one- tenth of the protoolasm. Some of the amebas were now transferred to water, while others of equal size were kept in glucose solutions. The usual precautions were taken to prevent the development of bacteria. Number of amebas living Date Water O.S's glucose Dec 9 9 4 9 o 5 9 9 6 9 9 7 9 9 8 9 9 Q 9 9 10 9 9 11 8 8 12 4 7 15 5 6 14 o 4 15 0 rr 16 1 17 0 '1 Average life- 8.9 days 10. P days (42) Altho the amebas kept in glucose lived sonewhat longer than the controls, the effect was not very striking, oince there are great differences between different amebas, even when selected from the same culture, a somewhat more satisfactory experiment was performed as follo'."s: The nucleus was removed from a numbi r of amebas, and then the amebas were divided in half. One half was kept in water, as a control, while the other half was kept in a solution of glucose. Number of amebas living Date Water I't glucose April 5 IP IS 4 12 12 5 12 12 6 12 12 7 11 11 8 10 11 9 9 11 10 6 10 11 o 6 12 2 4 15 0 5 14 0 Averare life- 6.0 days 7.7 days The non-nucleated cells live longer in glucose solu- tions, and prob-ibly use it as a food. This is in agree- ment with the work of Rous and Turner (1^15), who used glucose for the preservation of the non-nucleated red (43) blood corpuscles. If the life of the non-nucleated cell is prolonged by the use of glucose, is it further prolonged by the use of urea or ammonium nitrate ? The nucleus was removed from 2" amebas, and after washing, ten were placed in glucose, ten in glucose + urea, and nine in glucose + ammonium nitrate. Number of amebas living Date Glucose Gl ucose -+- Glucose -t- 0. 1':^ urea O.Ol'^ NH4NO5 Kov. If) 10 10 9 20 10 10 9 21 10 10 9 22 10 9 9 25 10 9 8 24 10 7 8 25 10 5 8 .'•-•6 Q. 2 7 27 6 1 5 28 0 2 29 4 2 Dec. 2 0 1 >j ays days 0 'erage li fe- 8. .6 d 6. .5 8.2 days Q Thus in the non-nucleated cell, the addition of urea to the glucose was not beneficial: on the contrary it was harmful. ITie addition of amnonium nitrate v/as without effect. (44) Evidence was offered above that the normal, nucleated ameba was able to form sone combination between glucose and urea ( or some derivative of urea ). If it is true that the beneficial effect of glucose ->- urea depends upon a synthesis, we may conclude that the non-nucleated cell is unable to perform, this synthesis. (45) Respiration in the Non-Nucleated Cell. It haa been suggested (Loeb, 1-^05) that the nucleus is the organ of oxidation of the living cell; and that peculiarities of the non-nucleated cell, such as lack of the pov/er to synthesize or to regenerate lost parts, are the result of a lowered oxidative activity. The non- nucleated pieces, it is said, "die slowly from asphyxia." If this theory is true, we should expect to find a marked difference between the effect of depriving the non-nucleated cell of oxygen, md the effect of depriving the nucleated cell of oxygen. V/e should expect the cell in which oxidations were occurring most rapidly to be most affected by its removal, whereas the cell which was using very little oxygen should not be gre'itly affected. According to Child (1P15), regions in which respiration is rapid are more susceptible to lack of oxygen, and die sooner than regions in which respiration is slower. The effect of depriving the nucleated and non- nucle- ated cells of oxygen v/as investigated in the following manner: Five or more amebas were divided into two pieces of as nearly equal size as possible. After leaving them for a longer or shorter period in air, they were placed (4G) in hanging drops, side by side, in an Englemann gas-chamher . Nitrogen, which had been washed in 'vater, was then passed thru the chamber, and this atnosphere was maintained until the death of the organisms. In the third exnerinent, the nitrogen was first bubbled from a capillary tube thru strongly alkaline pyrogallic acid, to remove po 3Sible traces of oxyf-en. In the first experiment, the temper- ature of the water jacket surrounding the chamber was raised to 2G''C. in order to accelerate the experiment. The other experiments were performed at 20' C. Exp. 1 Time 5:00 P.M. 9:50 A.M. 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 P.M. 1:20 1:30 2:00 2:25 2:50 2:55 2:45 Number of amebas living Nucleated Non-nucleated Average life- Amebas divided Placed in nitrogen 7 7 7 7 7 6 7 4 7 5 6 1 4 0 5 2 . 1 0 4.2 hrs. 5.1 hrs )1j (47) Time Number of amebas living Nucleated Non-nucleated Lxp. 2 10:50 A. M. Amebas divided 11:05 Placed in nitrogen 12:00 5 5 1:00 P. M. 5 5 2:00 5 5 5:00 5 5 4:00 5 5 5:00 5 5 6:00 5 5 7:00 ■ 5 4 7:50 5 2 8:30 4 2 9:00 4 2 10:00 4 1 11:00 4 1 • 12:00 4 1 8:00 A, M. 5 • 1 9:00 3 1 9:30 3 0 10:00 3 10 : 15 1 11:00 1 12:00 1 1:00 p .M. 1 2:00 life- 0 17.5 hrs Average 11.7 hrs Exp. 3 9:00 A. Amebas divided 10:20 Placed in nitrogen 11:00 5 5 12:00 5 5 1:00 P .M. 5 5 5:00 5 4 4:00 5 2 5:00 5 2 8:00 1 9:0 0 4 1 9:50 4 0 10:00 2 11:00 2 12:00 2 6:00 A 1: Lfe- 0 15.4 hrs Avera.ee 7.7 hrs. If (48) Thus there is a distinct diffe^-ence in the suscept- ibility to lack of oxygen in the nucleated and non-nuc- leated cell, but this difference is just ooposite to what v/e should expect if oxidations were proceeding more rapid- ly in the nucleated half. Not only does the non-nucleated cell die more quickly when deprived of oxygen, but it is the first to a^.sume a spherical shape and to cease putting out pseudopods. The opposite experiment, that of increasing the supply of oxygen, is also of interest. Were it true that in remov- ing the nuc lexis we have removed the organ of oxidation, and that the cell ia slowly dying of asphyxia, it should be possible to delay the death of the non-nucleated cell by supplying it with more oxygen. On the contrary, it was found that when the nucleated and non-nucleated halves of amebas were kept in an atmosphere of oxygen, both died in less than twelve hours, and the non-nucleated pieces were killed quite as rapidly as those which contained nuclei. The experiment was performed in the following manner: Five amebas were cut in half with a fine glass needle, and each half was transferred to a hanging drop in a gas chamber. Oxygen (Linde Air Products) which had been thoroly washed was now passed thru the chamber, and f4n) the organisms kept under observation until all had dis- integrated. The animals were divided at 10 A.M. Oxygen was passed thru at 10:50 A.M. Time of death Nucleated Non-nucleated cell cell 1:30 2:00 2:00 2:10 4:15 3:23 5:00 5:27 6:50 4:15 5.3 hours 4.5 hours V The injurious action of oxygen, which is doubtless the result of an increase in the oxidations of the cell, took effect somewhat more rapidly upon the cell which lack- ed a nucleus. It is difficult to see how a cell could be killed in a few hours by an atmosphere of oxygen if its oxidations have become depressed. (50) The Effect of Temperature upon the Non-Nucleated Cell. In the experiments hitherto reported, a fairly con- stant temperature of 20' C. had been maintained. An attempt Wiis now made to determine the effect of temperature upon the nucleated and non-nucleated cells, with the hope of discovering a possible difference in the rate at which chemical changes were occurring in the two cells. Two methods of investigation suggest themselves: (1) The temperature of the medium is gradually raised until death occurs. (2) The organisms are kept at a rather high temperature, and observed until death occurs. Both of these methods were used in the order named. In the first method, amebas were placed upon a Pfeiffer warming stage, thru which water of any desired temperature could be passed. After dividing the ameba into two e-iUal parts, the temperature of the warming stage was raised at the rate of about one degree Centigrade per minute. The rate at which the temperature is raised is of importance, for by raising the temperature rapidly, the organisms may be killed at a comparatively low temperature. As the temperature rises, the at^ebas soon withdraw all of their pseudopods and assume a spherical shape. This does not, however, indicate the death of the organism., for if at this point the temperature is slowly lowered to 20 C, the animals will, in a few hours, send out pseudopods and resume normal movement. If the temperature is raised (51) high enough, the cells will either disintegrate completely or coagulate, v/ith the result that the cell boundary can no longer be seen. The ttmoerature at which the spherical shape was assumed, and the temperature at which death occurred are recorded below. Lxp. Spherical shape assumed Nucleated N on- -nucleated 1 59= C . 38 C. 2 40- 39-' 5 40" 40" 4 srage- £9'. 5 44'^ 40 ; 2 Death Nucleated Non-nucleated •^r C. 50 40° • 40". 2 50 C. a 50-^ 52'' 48' 50 U The effect of gradual cooling was not so easily deter- mined. When the temperature of the fluid was lowered great- ly and even super-cooled, there was no injury provided crys- tallization did not take place. '.'men the solution crys- tallised, however, as the result of adding a small crystal of ice, the amebas were injured mechanically, and disinte- grated as soon as the solution nelted. out the effect of cooling could be shown in a some- what different manner. The nucleated and non-nucleated parts of an ameba were slowly warmed tn 44° C, and then cooled in ten minutes to 22'^ C . Two minutes later, both fragments disintegrated at the same time: the result of (52) the rapid cooling. Thus no difference could be found in the susceptibil- ity of the nuclear and non-nuclear fragments to a rise or fall of temperature. The other method 'vas now employed: keeping ameb ts at different temperatures until death occurred Eleven amebas were freed from food particles and debris, and divided into two eiiual parts. Both the nuclear and non- nuclear fragments were kept in a moist chamber at an aver- age room tem.perature of 20" G. Number of amebas living Date Lxp.l. 20° C. Nucleated Non-nucleated Oct ^ 10 11 11 11 11 11 32 11 11 IS 8 10 14 7 6 15, A.M. 7 3 15,P.?.U 5 2 16 4 2 17 4 2 18 4 2 1Q,A.W. 5 1 19, P.M. 1 0 20 0 ,ge life- Pi. 2 days 4.3 days Thus, as was shown before, the life of the non-nuclear fragment at ordinary temperature isalmost as long as that of the nuclear fr^agment. Ten amebas //ere now divided and each placed in a moist chamber which was kept in a thermostat at 30° C. (55) iLXp . 2 . 30° C . Number of -imebas living Date Nucleated Non-nucleated Oct. 22 10 10 7 7 4 2 1 0 22 10 23^>''- 10 25V-V-. 9 24 9 25 9 26 6 S€J- 5 27 m 29 3 30 3 51 1 1 0 Nov. Average life- 5.2 days 2.1 days Apparently the life of the nuclear fragments was not shortened by exposure to high temperature, but this was probably due to the use of healthier amebas in Experiment 2. Further experiments showed that the life of nucleated amebas was shortened by raising the temperature, but the life of non-nuclear amebas was shortened somewhat more. Twelve amebas were now divided and placed in a moist chamber at iCC The moist chamber was illowed to warm slowly to room temperature before removing the slide for examination. (54) Number of amebas living £xp. 5. 10° C. Date Nucleated Non-nucleated Oct. 17 12 12 18 12 12 19 12 12 20 12 12 21 12 12 22 12 12 23 11 11 24 11 11 25 11 11 26 11 11 27 11 11 2P, A.M. 11 9 2Q, P.iM. 11 8 SO, A.M. 11 5 50, P . iVi . 11 4 SI, A.M. 11 3 SI, P.M. 10 2 1, A.M. 0 1, Xm. S 2 life- 0 • ige 12. G days 10. R days llie life of both fragments was prolonged by cold in this case, out in two other cases it was distinctly short- ened. This may have been due to the use of different cultures if susceptibility to high or low temperature may be used as an index to the rate of metabolism, there is no very great difference between the two fragments. There is some evidence that cells in which metabolic processes are rapid show a greater susceptibility to high temperature than do cells with a low metabolism (Child, 1^15, p 66). If this is true, there is some slight indication of a more rapid metabolism in the non-nuclear fragment. (55) Metabolic Rate in the N on- Nucleated Cell. llie rate at which metabolic processes are occurring in different parts of an organism or tissue has been very successfully studied by determining their susceptibility to various poisons, especially to potassium cyanide (Child, 1915, 1015 j. Child has brot together a great deal of direct and indirect evidence to show that, in general, regions of high metabolism are more susceptible to poisons than are regions of low metabolism. Accordingly, the susceptibility of the nucleated and non-nucleated cell was investigated with a view to determining how the rate of metabolism was affected by the removal of the nucleus. The amebas were cut in half, and one hour after the M operation they were transferred to a fresh — •- solution 50 of KGN upon a ho llov;- ground glass slide. The drop of solu- tion was icm.ediately covered with a cover slip to prevent the escape of HCN. Since this could not be entirely pre- vented, the solution gradually became weaker, and as a result, those amebas which were not killed in two or three minutes usually lived for more than an hour. Jince small fragments of ameba were found to be more susceptible than (56) large ones, an effort was made to divide the amebas into equal parts. After more than 50 amebas had been treated with cyanide, it was obvious that some unknown factor was playing a part in the death of the organisms; for altho the non-nucleated fragments usually succumbed first, there were many conspicuous cases in v/hich the nucleated part died much sooner. It seemed possible that the unknown factor might be a difference between the anterior and posterior end. The amebas v/ere divided v/hen they u^ere moving along the bottom in the "limax" condition, and in some cases the non-nuclear fragment was taken from, the flowing anterior end, while in other c^ses it was taken from the retracting posterior end. In order to determine whether this made a difference, a number of amebas v/ere divided in such a way th^t the nucleus remained in the anterior half, while others were so divided that the nucleus remained in the posterior half. The number of minutes which the nuclear and non- nuclear fragments were able to withstand treatment with cyanide is tabulated below: (57) Duration of life Nucleus in anterior end Nucleus in posterior end Nucleated Non-nucleated Nucleated Non-nucleated 96 min 8 m: 5 34 45 15 200 200 190 190 4-5 170 260 240 1 2 290 530 580 62 6 180 r: 140 260 1 260 25 soo 15 2£0 3 2b0 140 ;^2o ■ 305 87 2 230 6 185 41 255 4ro 450 250 o 445 4 100 305 1 10 1 120 1 1 0.5 410 410 550 530 320 1 1°0 min 83 min 155 10 145 5 85 1 170 167 5 5 145 115 146 2 105 2 100 1 98 7 5 S 1. 5 1 1. Q 0.8 76 2 74 2 6 2 80 11 eo 10 75 i 0.5 12 1 Q 3 25 25 •^ Average isg. 4- min 1313 min 74.8 mm 19.3inin (58) ViTien the nucleus was in the anterior end, the non- nuclear fragment died first in 1^ cases, the nuclear fragment died first in ? cases, and in the remaining 4 cases each part disintegrated at about the same time. When the nucleus was in the posterior end, however, the nuclear fragment was never the first to disintegrate: the death of both fragments occurred at the same time in two instances, and in the remaining 22 cases the non-nuclear fragment was the first to disintegrate. The complicating factor is now understood. The anterior end of Araeba is more susceptible to cyanide than the posterior end. Essentially the same conclusion was reached by Miss Hyman (1917) in an investigation of the metabolic gradient in Ameba. V«hen the non-nucleated half is taken from the poster- ior end, its greater susceptibility to cyanide is not very definite because of the difference which exists be- tween the anterior and posterior parts. When this dis- turbing factor is removed, however, by cutting the non- nuclear fragment from the anterior end, the non-nuclear fragment is seen to be much more susceptible to cyanide than the nuclear fragment. (^9) The sane difference in susceptibility between the nucleated and non-nucleated cells was found when they were kept for 20 hours after the operation before treat- ment with cyanide. Whether we can conclude that the rate of metabolism is increased by removal of the nucleus is doubtful. It is possible that removal of the nucleus decreases the resistance to cyanides for some other reason. But at any rate, the evidence such as it is opposes the view that respiration and metabolism are depressed by removal of the nucleus. (60) oummary and Conclusions. 1. An arneba from v/hich the nucleus has been removt d may at times exhibit perfectly normal movement; in gen- eral, however, movement is somewhat affected by removal of the nucleus. 2. An ameba deprived of its nucleus lives almost as long as an ameba deprived of food. o. i:,vidence is offered that Ameba can use glucose in solu- tion as a food. There is also evidence that Ameba can synthesize glucose and urea, or some derivatives of these substances, to form a product which is of nutri- tive value. 4. Glucose is also of some benefit to the enucleated ameba, but the supposed synthesis of glucose and urea can not be performed. 5. The non-nucleated cell is injured more quickly by either a lack or an excess of oxygen than is the normal nucleated cell. G. The non-nucleated cell is somewhat more susceptible to high or lov/ temperature than the nucleated cell. 7. The non-nucleated cell is more susceptible to cyanide than the nucleated cell. (61) Discussion. in the introduction, the two important theories of nuclear function were stated: the theory of synthesis and the theory of oxidation. According to the former theory, the non-nucleated cell is unable to construct, build up, synthesize nev/ substances; while according to the latter, it is more or less unable to oxidise the substances already present. In reviewing the experiments here reported, it is seen that they not only offer strong evidence for the validity of the synthesis theory, but they constitute a practical proof that the oxidation theory is not true. From the outset there has been no satisfactory evidence in support of the oxidation theory. It was apparently suggest- ed by some experiments reported by Jpitzer (18^7). Spitzer obtained from various cells a preparation of nucleoprotein which contained a small amount of iron and which had the property of decomposing hydrogen peroxide. From this it has been concluded not only that all nuclei contain iron, but even that all nucleoproteins contain iron. The latter statement is of course false, and the microchemical evidence in support of the former statement fMacallum, 1892) is very unsatisfactory. 'i'he presence of iron in the nucleus was From a very pure preparation of the sperm heads of the Great Lakes Whitefish, the author was unable to find a trace of iron in 0.5 gram of the dry material by the sulphocyanide test. The ashing was done in the electric muffle and by Neumann digestion, so that there was no question of "mas]:ed" iron. Unpublished. (62) taken as an indication that the nucleus olnyed an important role in oxidations, but the presence of this iron is ooen to doubt. 3pitzer's cata-lase may have been derived from the cytoplasm. The chemical evidence for the oxidation theory is very slight, and the physiological evidence is equally so. The assumption that the organ which is furth^/est removed from the supply of oxygen is the organ of oxidation is not logical in the first place. "It should be born in mind that oxy,r;en, in order to reach the nucleus, must penetrate a layer of cytoplasm containing reducing substances." (R. Lillie, 1^11, p 722). Moreover, as was sho\m in the above experiments, the non-nucleated cell may exhibit perfectly normal movements, oince the energy for movement in aerobic organisms is deriv- ed from the oxidation of organic matter, it is unlikely that oxidations have become depressed. But if there is a depression of oxidations we should certainly expect f cf Loeb, I'^'^S) to find some improvement in the cell when we increase its supply of oxygen. On the contrary, as has been shown, the cell becomes spherical and dies in a few hours. Also the susceptibility to lack of oxygen, the susceptibility to cyanide, and the susceptibility to high and low temperature all indicate that respiration and rate of metabolism are quite a'3 rapid in the enucleated cell as in the normal cell. Recently, however, experiments have been reported which '-35) seem to give strong support to this theory: namely, the experiments of Osterhout on the leaf of the Indian Pipe. When the leaf of this plant is cut, the cells '."hich have been injured soon become dark. Osterhout has shown that this darkening is an oxidation, and since it occurs first in the nucleus, argues that the nucleus is the center of A. oxidations. These experiments, however, admit of another interpretation. It is reasonable to bel'elve that at the center of the cell there is a strong reducing action, and that very little oxygen is present. After the death of the cell, however, oxygen, like other substances, may enter freely, an J. in the dying cell it would be expected that ox- idations would be very rapid in the neighborhood of the nucleus, wliere the reducing action is greatest. In Oster- houts experi^Tents, the cells ?/hich show the oxidative dark- ening of the nucleus are those which have been injured by cutting the leaf. Granted that the nucleus is the center of oxidations in the cell v/hich is injured or dying, that does not prove that it is the center of oxidations in the normal living cell. Moreover, Kite and Chambers (1012) found, in cells which were apparently uninjured, that reduction was most rapid in the region of the nucleus. ITie dye janus green becomes red (or— G-o-l-o-i'4-«-&e) when reduced. Kite and Chambers observed that this reduction occurred first at the centro- (64) some and second in thf- chroiiatin of the nucleus. The experinents here reported offer strong support to the theory that the nucleus is the organ of synthesis. Ahen a cell is depri /cd of food, the processes of synthesis must, to a great extent, come to a ston, altho synthesis of intermediary products of metabolism Is still possible, it is probably not a coincidence that a cell deprived of its nucleus lives almost as long as a cell deprived of food. An opportunity to put the synthesis theory to a direct test was afforded by nutritional experiments. W>->en amebas are kept v/fthout food, they v/ill die in from one to two weeks, but if glucose is present in solution their life is somewhat prolonged. It appears that the glucose is used as a food. When urea was added the organisms lived even longer, and in some cases divided. Urea alone, wit'-iout glucose, had no such effect, a fact v/hich is interpret ted as meaning that the nitrogen compund is combined by the cell with the carbon compound. When nitrogen v/as already com.bined with unoxidised carbon, as in the amino-acids, the addition of glucose was unnecessary. When these experiments were repeated upon the e-ucleated cell, it was found that glucose was some "hat beneficial, and was apparently used as a food. But the further addition of urea was not only of no benefit, but actually hastened the death of the protoplasm. Apnarently non-nuclear protoplasm (65) is unable to corr.blnf, carbon and nitrogen: the power of' syn- ii thesis is absent. There is further evidence of the loss of the newer of synthesis in the failure to produce tht sticky secretion by means of vvhich Ameba attaches itself to various objects. Normal amebas are fir'ly attached to the slide, and frequent- ly stick to the sides of a pipette when drawn up into it. Non-nucleated amebas, however, sh'-irtly after the repoval of the nucl&us, are but lightly if at all attached to the slide, and never stick to the sides of a pipette. In conclusion, the enucleated cell rnay move, respire, di^^est, respond to stimuli, and exhibit any activity which is dependent solely upon catabolic or destructive processes of protoplasm. The one group of phenomena which it never shov.'S, ai-r. the phenomen'i of growth, and the related phenom- ena of regeneration and division. The phenomena of growth are essentially phenomena of organic synthesis, and the de- pendence of grov/th upon the nucleus involves the dependence of organic synthesis upon the nucleus. The configuration of atoms: G-N-C, so characteristic of the nucleic acid moleciiie, is also the configuration v/hich occui-3 in the protein molecule at the points v/here the amino-acids are joined. This fact may be not wit'nout significance. (66) Literature. iiialbiani (1892)- Me'rotomie des Infusoires. Annales de Microgr. 4. Bernard (1679)- Lepons sur les Phenomenes de la Vie. Biedermann (1916)- Nahrung. V/intersteins Handbuch, 2^ > Brandt (1895)- Actinospherium Eichornii. Inaug. Diss. Halle. Burrows and Neymann (1917)- The toxicity of cC-amino-aclds ..-.:. for embryonic chicken cells. J. Exp. Med. 2^ Child (1913)- (Cyanide method) Jour. Exp. Zool. 14. (1915)- Senescence and Rejuvenescence. Doflein ( )- Lehrbuch der Protozoenkunde. Demoor (1895)- Contribution a 1'6'tude de la physiologie de la cellule. 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Halle opitzer (1879)- Pf lager's Arch. Physiol. 67, 615. Stevens (1905)- Regeneration in Stentor. Arch. f. £ntw. 16. Stole, A. (1910)- Uber Kernlose Individuen und kernlose Telle von Ameba proteus. Arch.f.Entw. 29jl52. Tashiro (1917)- A chemical Sign of Life. Verworn (1892)- Die Physiologische Bedeutung des Zellkerns. Pflilger's Archiv. Physiol. 51, 1. (1905)- Allgemeine Physiologie. Willis (1916)- The Influence of the Nucleus on the Behavior of Ameba. Biol. Bull. 50, 255. (68) Vernon Lynch was born in Baltinore on Fay 17, IR'^'S. After a preliminary education in the public schools of Baltimore, he entered the Johns Hopkins University in 1910, and was graduated as a Bachelor of Arts in 1914. The year 1914-15 he spent as a graduate student in Physiology at Johns Hopkins, and the following year was Fellow in Physiological Chemistry at the University of Chicago. In 1916, he resumed his studies at the Johns Hopkins University as an assistant in physiology and candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. 4^^ ^ '? ^ ;;.;':: :i