UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA il THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Cambridge Botanical Handbooks Edited by A. C. SEWARD and A. G. TANSLEY FUNGI ASCOMYCETES, USTILAGINALES, UREDINALES 6508 8 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, MANAGER LONDON : FETTER LANE, E.G. 4 LONDON : H. K. LEWIS AND CO., LTD., 136, Gower Street, W.C. i LONDON : WHELDON & WESLEY, LTD., 28, Essex Street, Strand, W.C. 2 NEW YORK : THE MACMILLAN CO. BOMBAY ^ CALCUTTA L MACMILLAN AND CO., LTD. MADRAS J TORONTO : THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, LTD. TOKYO : MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PALEOMYCES ASTEROXYLI from the Old Red Sandstone, Muir of Rhynie, Aberdeenshire, x 100; after Kiclston and Lang FUNGI ASCOMYCETES, USTILAGINALES, UREDINALES BY DAME HELEN GWYNNE-VAUGHAN, (FORMERLY H. c. i. FRASER) D.B.E., LL.D., D.Sc., F.L.S. PROFESSOR OF BOTANY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON AND HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY, BIRKBECK COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1922 53860 PRINTED KJ GREAT BRITAIN PREFACE IT is impossible to study the Fungi without being impressed by the undiminished value of much of the older work, and especially of that of de Bary, or without recognizing the soundness of his general and very many of his particular conclusions in the light of subsequent investigation. While I have tried to give something approaching adequate references to recent literature, I have thought it superfluous to name the more general works of those earlier authors who are quoted in de Bary's Comparative Morphology of the Fungi, Mycetozoa and Bacteria and elsewhere. By such investigations the foundations of modern mycology have been laid and their discoveries have passed into the groundwork of our knowledge. The intention of the following pages is to present the fungus as a living individual: the scope is mainly morphological, but, in dealing with objects so minute, morphology passes insensibly into cytology. The introduction deals with fungi in general ; the special part of this volume is limited to the consideration of the Ascomycetes, Ustilaginales and Uredinales. The manuscript was completed early in 1917, but an endeavour has been made to bring it up to date. The majority of the illustrations are drawn from published researches, and I have to thank those authors who have given me permission to copy their figures. Illustrations, the source of which is not stated, are original. In the case of original figures the magnification and the authority for the species are given ; this has also been done in other cases whenever the information was available. I am grateful to many past and present students for specimens and information ; to Miss W. Page for figure 112; to Miss H. Tayler for reading proofs; to Mr Charles Dobb for valuable help in the preparation of figures; to Mr E. S. Salmon for advice on the section dealing with specialization of parasitism ; and especially to my friends Miss E. J. Welsford and Mr J. Ramsbottom for assistance in a number of ways. The earlier written parts of the book, and consequently the whole, owe much to the unfailing interest and wise criticism of my husband. H. C. I. GWYNNE-VAUGHAN. LONDON, September, 1921 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION GENERAL . . , Vegetative Structure . . Sexual Reproduction ...... Spores and Spore Mother-cells .... Accessory Spores ...... Morphology of the Spore ..... Classification ....... SAPROPHYTISM, PARASITISM AND SYMBIOSIS ^SAPROPHYTISM Saprophytes on Wood ..... Saprophytes on Soil Coprophilous Fungi . . . . Fungi on Fatty Substrata . . . Fungi producing Alcoholic Fermentation . Soot Fungi ........ PARASITISM Facultative Parasites . . ... Obligate Parasites SYMBIOSIS . Endotrophic Mycorhiza . . . ... Exotrophic Mycorhiza ..... SPECIALIZATION OF SAPROPHYTISM AND PARASITISM Heteroecism ....... Biological Species ...... REACTIONS TO STIMULI Chemotropism ....... Hydrotropism ....... Aerotropism and Osmotropism .... Phototropism ....... Phototaxis ........ Formative Influence of Light .... Geotropism ........ ASCOMYCETES GENERAL The Ascospores ....... The Ascus . . The Ascocarp ....... The Paraphyses ....... The Peridium ....... Alternation of Generations ..... Early Investigators . . . . CONTENTS Cytology ......... 4° The Fusion in the Ascus . . . . . . 41 Fertilization ........ 41 Development of the Ascus ...... 42 Meiosis ......... 43 The Third Division in the Ascus .... 44 Chromosome Association ...... 45 The Theory of a Single Nuclear Fusion ... 45 The Significance of the Fusion in the Ascus . . 47 Pseudapogamy . . . . . . . . 48 Spore-Formation ....... 48 Phylogeny ......... 49 PLECTOMYCETES 55 PLECTASCALES 56 Endornycetaceae ........ 57 Saccharomycetaceae ....... 62 Gymnoascaceae ........ 66 Aspergillaceae ........ 68 Onygenaceae ........ 76 Elaphomycetaceae and Terfeziaceae .... 77 ERYSIPHALES 78 Erysiphaceae ........ 79 Perisporiaceae ........ 90 Microthyriaceae ........ 91 EXOASCALES 91 Exoascaceae ........ 93 DISCOMYCETES 95 PEZIZALES 100 Pyronemaceae ........ 101 Pezizaceae ......... 107 Ascobolaceae . . . . . . . .116 Helotiaceae and Mollisiaceae ..... 122 Celidiaceae, Patellariaceae and Cenangiaceae . . 124 Cyttariaceae . ... . . . . .125 HELVELLALES 127 Rhizinaceae . . . . . . . . .128 Helvellaceae . . . . . . . .129 Geoglossaceae . . . . . . . .131 PHACIDIALES 132 Stictaceae . . . . . . . ... 132 Phacidiaceae . . . . . . . -133 HYSTERIALES 133 TUBERALES 135 Tuberaceae . . . . . . . . 135 CONTENTS xi PAGE PYRENOMYCETES . 139 >HYPOCREALES . . - 143 Nectriaceae . . . . . . . . 143 Hypocreaceae . .... . . . .146 ^DOTHIDEALES . . . . *. . . . .152 ^SPHAERIALES . ... . . . . . 153 Chaetomiaceae . ' . . . . . . . 155 Sordariaceae . . . . . . . .156 Sphaeriaceae . . . . . . . .158 Ceratostomataceae . . . . . . 159 Amphisphaeriaceae . . . . . -159 Lophiostomataceae ....... 160 Mycosphaerellaceae ....... 160 Pleosporaceae . . . . . . . . 161 Gnomoniaceae . . . . . . . .163 Valsaceae ......... 164 Diatrypaceae ........ 165 Xylariaceae . . . . . . . . .165 *LABOULBENIALES 171 BASIDIOMYCETES ....-...'. 183 GENERAL 183 HEMIBASIDIOMYCETES 184 USTILAGINALES 184 Ustilaginaceae . . . . . f . . .188 Tilletiaceae . . . . . . . 193 PROTOBASIDIOMYCETES 196 UREDINALES 196 Spores and Sori ........ 196 Teleutospore . . . . . . .197 Basidiospore . . . . . . . .197 Spermogonium ....... 198 Aecidium 200 Uredosorus . . . . . . . . 204 Teleutosorus ....... 205 Omission of Spore Forms ...... 207 Heteroecism . . . . . . . .210 Specialization of Parasitism . . . . .211 Nuclear Division . . . . . . .211 Nuclear Association . . . . . .213 Phylogeny . . . . . . .210 Pucciniaceae . . . . . . .219 Cronartiaceae . . . . . . .219 Melampsoraceae . . . . ... . 219 Coleosporiaceae . . . . . . . . 220 GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY (Books dealing with several Groups)1 222 INDEX . . .... . . . . . . . . 223 1 Books and papers dealing with individual fungi or groups of fungi are cited in the Bibliography at the end of the relevant section or in foot-notes in the text. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The Fungi are parasitic or saprophytic Thallophyta entirely destitute of chlorophyll, and possessing in the very large majority of cases a vegetative portion, the mycelium, made up of filaments or hyphae. The group is a very ancient one, the earliest known undoubted fungi occurring among the remains of Rhynia and Hornia in the Old Red Sandstone of the Muir of Rhynie, Aberdeenshire. This material consists of aseptate hyphae and vesicles which doubtless served the purpose of reproduction (frontispiece)1. Fungal hyphae may be non-septate and coenocytic, or they may under- go transverse septation, in which case their constituent cells are either uni- nucleate or multinucleate. Any division other than transverse is extremely rare; it occurs, for example, in the development of certain multicellular (muriform) spores (fig. I ), and in the initiation of the perithecium in Strickeria and of the pycnidium in Pleospora and Phoma*. As a rule the hyphae are richly branched ; they elongate by apical growth and usually spread loosely through the substratum ; in certain cases, especially in relation to the fructifications of the higher forms, they become woven into a dense mass which gives in section the appearance of a tissue, and is therefore described as pseudoparenchymatous; when fructifications are embedded in such a mass it is termed a stroma; a similar weft of hyphae sometimes give rise to root-like strands of which the best example is the so- called rhizomorph of Armillaria mellea, or to a compact resting body or sclerotium the outer cells of which are modified to form a thick-walled rind, protecting the vegetative mycelium against desiccation. Frequent anastomoses take place between hyphae, either by means of short branches forming loops, bridges or H-pieces, or by means of so-called clamp-connections which join adjacent cells; such arrangements facilitate the passage of food and may, in certain cases, become sufficiently numerous to form a net-work. The mycelium begins its development as a germ-tube put out from one • of the numerous types of fungal spore. Where the spore wall is very thin the wall of the germ-tube may be continuous with it (zoospores), but in the majority of cases the wall of the germ-tube is continuous only with the 1 Kidston, R. and Lang, W. H. On Old Red Sandstone Plants showing Structure from the Rhynie Chert Bed, Aberdeenshire, Trans. Roy. Soc. Ed. 1921. 2 Kempton, F. E. Origin and Development of the Pycnidium, Bot. Gaz. 1919, Ixviii, p. 233. 2 INTRODUCTION [CH. inner layer of the spore wall. In such cases one or more germ-tubes may break through the wall of the spore at spots not previously recognizable, or they may find an exit through special pits or germ-pores formed during the development of the spore. The germ-tube elongates and receives the contents of the spore. In cases where a mycelium is not developed the plant body consists entirely of reproductive structures (Yeast, Archimycetes). The typical fungal protoplast consists of a mass of granular or reticulate cytoplasm, which in the older regions leaves a vacuole in the centre of the cell or filament; the nucleus, where its size has permitted of detailed in- vestigation, has a structure quite similar to that of other plants and animals, and usually divides by mitosis, showing a well-marked spindle with cen- trosomes and asters. The development of the spindle is extranuclear in certain Uredinales. One or more nucleoli are commonly present and are thrown out into the cytoplasm during karyokinesis. The extrusion of chro- matin bodies has been described in Helvetia crispa. The cell wall consists of cellulose; often a special variety known as fungus cellulose is present. The storage materials include amylo-dextrin or soluble starch, amyloid, a reserve-cellulose, both of which turn blue with iodine; oil, glycogen, and various protein substances. The protoplasm gives rise also to a number of ferments which not only enable the plant to deal with its food materials, but bring into solution the walls of the host cells, and so make possible the penetration of parasitic hyphae. Sexual reproduction among the fungi takes place by the union of two uninucleate or multinucleate cells which may be similar in structure and behaviour, or may be differentiated as an antheridium and an oogonium. Each of these organs contains one or more distinct gametes, or else a number of gametes which do not become rounded off from one another or separated from the wall of the parent cell, but are indicated by separate nuclei lying in an undifferentiated mass of cytoplasm. To organs of the latter type the term coenogamete is sometimes applied in recognition of their multinucleate character; it is, however, inappropriate, since they are not gametes, but gametangia. In the vast majority of fungi free swimming gametes are not developed ; the sole exceptions are found in the genus Monoblepharis, where uniciliate or biciliate spermatozoids are set free and swim to the female organ. A state of affairs in which the antheridium as a whole must grow or be carried to the oogonium involves a risk that normal fusion will fail to occur, while at the same time the presence of multinucleate sexual organs and of vegetative cells between which anastomoses readily occur offers considerable opportunities for some form of "reduced" fertilization. The replacement of normal fertilization by the fusion of two female or two vegetative nuclei, or I] GENERAL CHARACTERS OF THE FUNGI 3 of a female and a vegetative nucleus, is very common among fungi, and a complete disappearance of even this reminiscence of a sexual process is by no means rare. It has been suggested that the variety of food material which fungi as parasites and saprophytes obtain from their substratum may make the stimulus of fertilization less important, and it is possible also that among these plants competition is less severe than among holophyta or holozoa. At any rate the group shows a progressive disappearance of normal sexuality. The sexual fusion or its equivalent is followed in all investigated cases by a reducing division or meiotic phase, so that, as in other plants or animals, the number of chromosomes is doubled in fertilization and sub- sequently halved in meiosis, and diploid1 and haploid phases follow one another. The meiotic phase is usually associated with spore-formation which, in many of the lower fungi, takes place on the germination of the zygote. In a much greater number of cases a period of vegetative development inter- venes between the association of the nuclei in fertilization or otherwise and chromosome reduction, and we have a well-marked alternation of generations in which a haploid gametophyte bears the sexual cells or their equivalent, and a diploid sporophyte gives rise to spores which in turn constitute the first stage of a new gametophytic generation. It is not at all uncommon to find several sporophytes arisingfrom a single gametophyte, and the gametophytic mycelium frequently sends out branches which grow around and protect the sexual cells and their products. Where fertilization or any equivalent process has wholly disappeared we may expect to find a similar morphological alternation of generations, though without the corresponding cytological changes; but in some cases, as in the large group of Fungi imperfecti, a sporophyte is no longer developed, or at any rate has not been identified. Spores and Spore mother-cells. In the higher fungi the characteristic spores of the sporophyte, with the development of which meiosis is definitely associated, may be produced either endogenously as ascopores in a mother- cell of definitely restricted size termed an ascus, or exogenously as basidio- spores on the exterior of a cell or row of cells known as a basidium. The asci or basidia are frequently arranged in parallel series forming a fertile layer or hymenium sometimes of considerable extent. They arise from a sub-hymenial layer immediately below the hymenium, and among them are interpolated elongated vegetative cells or paraphyses, which are probably concerned in their nutrition and perhaps assist spore dispersal by keeping the mother-cells separate. The ascus and basidium and their products have long been recognized as essential features in classification. 1 The diploid unit may be defined as a protoplast the nuclear content of which includes the double number of chromosomes. 4 INTRODUCTION [CH. In the lower fungi, spore formation may be associated with the meiotic phase, but the spores produced resemble those concerned in the accessory methods of reproduction. Accessory spores. The accessory or non-sexual methods of repro- duction have no relation to any sexual process either normal or reduced, and therefore no significance in the alternation of generations; they are devices for rapid multiplication comparable with the gemmae in Marchantia or the arrangements for vegetative propagation in higher plants. The spores concerned may be borne either on the sporophyte (rusts, etc.) or, as in the majority of cases, on the gametophyte. In many of the lower fungi zoospores are developed in spherical, ovoid or tubular zoosporangia ; this is the case especially in aquatic forms. In relation to the change from aquatic to subaerial conditions the contents of the sporangium may come to be shed as walled non-motile spores, or the sporangium may itself be set free without division of its contents. Such a structure, borne externally on its parent hypha, is termed a conidium, and is the characteristic accessory reproductive unit of the fungi. In the large majority of cases the conidium germinates by means of a germ-tube, but where the fungus has not completely abandoned its aquatic habit the conidium, if it falls in wet conditions, may give rise to zoospores either in- ternally or in a vesicle borne on a short hypha. The conidia are developed either singly or in groups on conidiophores; these may be free, they may be gathered into a sheaf or coremium, or they may be formed inside a special flask-shaped receptacle known as a pycnidium; they show an almost endless variety in form and arrangement. A less common reproductive cell is the chlamydospore; these are borne either singly or in chains in the course of the ordinary vegetative hyphae or at the ends of special branches ; they are characterized, as their name im- plies, by an exceptionally thick wall. In certain species and under certain conditions whole hyphae may break up into series of separate cylindrical cells or spores. Such a spore is termed an oidium. Oidium-formation appears to be a rapid and efficient method of multiplication and is the only one found in the fungi of such diseases as favus (Achorion Schoenleinii\ pityriasis versicolor (Microsporon furfur} and thrush (Manilla albicans}. In these cases attempts to cultivate any more characteristic fructification have failed, and the fungus cannot therefore be assigned to any particular group. Morphology of the spore. The individual spore whether belonging to the principal or accessory fructification is, when first formed a hyaline colourless cell; in the course of development it may divide to produce a row or a mass of cells and in the latter case is described as muriform • i] GENERAL CHARACTERS OF THE FUNGI 5 it may also become variously coloured. In the large majority of cases the spore is enclosed by a double wall consisting of a delicate endospore and an epispore which may be smooth or variously sculptured; it may develop small projections and is then said to be warted or verrucose, or it may be reticulate, exhibiting a number of more or less regular polygonal depressions between which anastomosing ridges are present. Many conidia and other thin walled fungal spores possess the power, in suitable media, of budding or sprouting; giving rise, that is to say, to new cells as simple lateral outgrowths which are soon nipped off. This method of propagation is shown in the conidia of the yeasts, in some of which it has wholly superseded the development of a mycelium. Asco- spores are found to bud in the Exoascaceae, and basidiospores in the Ustilaginales. Classification. The fungi are divided into three great groups according to the septation of their mycelium, and the characters of their principal spores. FUNGI /eo-etative mycelium vegetative mycelium aseptate septate I ~1 characteristic spores characteristic spores endogenous, ascospores exogenous, basidiospores PHYCOMYCETES ASCOMYCETES BASIDIOMYCETES They may be further subdivided as follows: PHYCOMYCETES I P n mycelium rudimentary mycelium well or obsolete deve oped sexual reproduction by sexual reproduction by ; asexual zygospores ; asexual spores often motile spores non- Archimycetes Oo^ycetes ,^^^ I'. INTRODUCTION [CH. ascocarp, if present, either with no definite ostiole, or shield-shaped, or with asci irregularly arranged Plectomyietes 1. Plectascales 2. Erysiphales 3. Exoascales ASCOMYCETES 1 ascocarp wide open when ripe ; asci in parallel rows Discomyeetes 1. Pezizales 2. Helvellales 3. Phacidiales 4. Hysteriales 5. Tuberales ascocarp flask-shaped ; opening by an ostiole when ripe ; asci in parallel rows Pyrenovtycetes 1. Hypocreales 2. Dothideales 3. Sphaeriales 4. Laboulbeniales number of basidiospores indefinite Hemibasidiomycetes I. Ustilaginales BASIDIOMYCETES number of basidiospores definite, usually four r basidium septate Protobasidiomycetes i. Uredinales 2. Auriculariales 3. Tremellales 1 basidium continuous A utobasidiomycetes i. Hymenomycetes 2. Gasteromycetes SAPROPHYTISM, PARASITISM AND SYMBIOSIS Since fungi under no circumstances possess chlorophyll, they are neces- sarily dependent for their food supply upon some sort of relation with another organism. As saprophytes they may utilize organic storage materials (sugar, etc.) or waste products, or may break up dead tissues as a source of supply; as parasites they may prey upon living cells with consequences to the host that vary from trifling inconvenience to complete destruction, or as symbionts they may establish a relationship with another organism in which the advantages are not wholly on one side. These various arrangements are connected by intermediate forms, and by forms capable of parasitism or saprophytism according to circumstances. A species which is strictly limited to one type of nutrition is an obligate saprophyte, parasite, or symbiont, a species which is usually saprophytic but capable of parasitic existence on occasion, is described as a hemi- saprophyte or facultative parasite, and a form which is usually parasitic, but sometimes saprophytic as a hemi-parasite, or facultative saprophyte. I] SAPROPHYTISM SAPROPHYTISM According to our present knowledge the large majority of fungi are saprophytic; a considerable proportion of forms in each of the great groups and especially a very large number of the Basidiomycetes obtain their nutrition in this way. On Wood. Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes are important agents in the breaking up of wood; their hyphae absorb the starch and protoplasm of the unaltered cells of the wood and medullary rays and penetrate into the fibres, vessels and tracheids, either passing through the pits and especially the bordered pits, or penetrating the walls. They act upon the walls so that these become delignified and give characteristic cellulose reactions and the middle lamella is dissolved. The enzyme responsible for this change was first isolated by Czapek in the case of Meruliits lacrymans, the fungus of dry rot. Its action seems to spread in a plane parallel to the surface of the wall either from the pits, which thus become much enlarged, or from the delicate passages left by the protoplasmic connections which originally traversed the walls of the young wood elements. The whole mass of wood loses weight and may reach the easily broken and almost powdery condition known as touch-wood. In this way considerable damage may be done to timbers (dry rot, Merulius lacrymans), paving blocks (Lentinus lepideus), etc., but also considerable advantage may ensue from the restoration to the soil of the material of fallen tree trunks, twigs and branches. The part played by the higher fungi is here specially important as almost the only other agents of destruction of lignified tissues seem to be certain molluscs and Crustacea which act by boring into the wood. On Soil. Yeasts and filamentous fungi are abundant in woodland soils and they are also of frequent occurrence in cultivated soil; the microscopic forms show a remarkable similarity in different localities; even in Europe and America the same genera and often the same species are obtained ; in culture there is a regular succession of forms, first the Mucoraceae, then Penicillium and Eurotium and later the black and brown Hyphomycetes. A large number of Basidiomycetes also develop in the soil. The fungi of the soil utilize the sugar, starch, pectose and hemi-cellulose^ which are returned to the ground in dead plants and plant organs, and, in_ common with certain bacteria, they act upon cellulose, breaking it up into_ soluble substances and humus. In several cases evidence has been brought forward that some of these fungi are capable of assimilating free nitrogen but negative results have also been very common. The activity of these fungi is well exemplified by the "fairy-rings" ,»f dark green grass often seen in poor pastures. The soil Just outside the rin£ is rich in the mycelium of one or two common fungi; few hyphae are foun9 1911 FREEMAN, E. M. and JOHNSON, E. C. The Rusts of Grains in the United States. U.S. Dept. Ag. Bureau of Plant Industry. Bull. 216. 1911 POLE EVANS, I. B. South African Cereal Rusts, with Observations on the Problem of Breeding Rust-resisting Wheats. Journ. Ag. Sci. iv, p. 95. 1912 BIFFEN, R. H. Studies in the Inheritance of Disease Resistance. II. Journ. Ag. Sci. iv, p. 421. 1914 VARILOV, N. I. Immunity to Fungous Diseases as a Physiological Test in Genetics and Systematics, exemplified in Cereals. Journ. Genetics, iv, p. 49. 1918 STAKMAN, E. C., PIEMEISEL, F. J., and LEVINE, M. N. Plasticity of Biologic Forms of Pucdnia graminis. Journ. Ag. Research, xv, p. 221. 1919 WORMALD, H. The 'Brown Rot' Disease of Fruit Trees, with Special Reference to two Biologic Forms of Monilia cinerea, Bon. I. Ann. Bot. xxxiii, p. 361. REACTIONS TO STIMULI Among the fungi, response takes place to a large number of external stimuli, most of which are concerned with nutrition and the distribution of the spores. A special series of reactions which demands further investigation takes place in relation to the formation, approach and fusion of the sexual organs. The stimulus in question may be effective very early in development for de Bary found that the presence of the oogonium in Pythium de Baryanum stimulates the formation of antheridia and Blakeslee observed directive growth or " zygotaxis " in morphologically undififerentiated hyphae of Mucor Mucedo. In Mucor and its allies the formation of the gametangia follows on the contact of appropriate branches. The stimulus inducing directive growth is presumably chemical, as in other and better known cases of the approach of gametes or gametangia; but we have at present no knowledge of the substances concerned or of much more than the fact that the reaction occurs. In some of the higher fungi, where the antheridium is liberated as a spermatium, it would appear to be carried passively to the female structure, but in Zodiomyces among the Laboulbeniales and perhaps in a few other Ascomycetes (Ascobolus carbonarius, Lachnea creted) the tri- chogyne moves towards the male organ. Chemotropism. The most marked chemotropic reaction of vegetative hyphae and germ-tubes is a negative one; they tend to grow away from the products of their own metabolism or so-called "staling" substances. Clark, in 1902, concluded that Rhizopus nigricans1 is negatively chemotropic to some secretion of its own mycelium and that the negative response is much 1 Rhizopus nigricans, Ehrenb. - Mucor stolonifer, Ehrenb. ,8 INTRODUCTION [CH- natu and in artificial culture. In so far as a clear field is tend to grow equally in all directions from the point where infection took pace The same factor may account, as Stevens and Hall have suggested for the alternate dense and sparse zones which characterize many fungal colonies and are independent of changes in light and temperature. Energet, .rowth results in the deposition of katabolic substances, and growth is corre- spondingly reduced till a few scattered hyphae pass beyond the inhibiting influence and give rise to a new ring of richly branched mycelium. In older colonies the germination of fresh spores outside the zone of staling substanc doubtless adds to this effect. The very definite character of the reaction is demonstrated by the ex- periments of Graves, who used the germ-tubes of Rhizopus nigricans on con- trasted agar media separated by a perforated mica plate. Hyphae developing in agar made up with turnip juice grew towards the perforations which led to fresh but otherwise identical agar on the other side of the mica plate. Hyphae under similar conditions turned from turnip juice, in which growth had taken place, to plain agar, or indeed to any fresh substance that was not in itself definitely repellant, even if, as in the case of plain agar, its nutritive value was low. On the other hand, the hyphae turned away from the perforations in the mica plate if these led to nutritive agar on which mycelium had already developed and if the substratum on which the germ-tubes were growing was by comparison fresh. This was the case even after the mycelium on the staled agar had been taken away, the products of its metabolism which re- mained in the agar having themselves a repellant effect. This effect was removed by exposure to a temperature of ioo°C., showing that the staling substances are altered or destroyed by heat. A somewhat different example of the inhibiting effect of these katabolic staling substances was observed by Balls for the "sore-skin" fungus of cotton. When the nutritive medium is limited in extent, growth comes to an end more rapidly at high temperatures than at low. This is due not to the earlier exhaustion of the available food supply, but to the more rapid ac- cumulation of staling substances when growth is accelerated. Media in which growth has come to an end prove capable of supporting further growth if diluted with an equal quantity of water. By this means the staling substances are sufficiently diluted to lose their inhibiting effect, while the nutritive materials, even though diluted, are still sufficient to support growth. J] REACTIONS TO STIMULI 2g By the addition of staled media to his cultures Balls was able to show that accumulation of staling substances was a limiting factor in the growth of his fungus. The products of past metabolism are not the only factors which exercise a negatively chemotropic influence; Miyoshi showed that hyphae tend to grow away from acids, alkalis, alcohol, toxic compounds and certain neutral salts. He also brought forward evidence of the positively chemotropic effect of a number of salts and of sugar and other nutritive materials; but his results are vitiated by the fact that he was unaware of the importance of staling substances and accepted, as due to the attraction of the new medium, curva* tures which really depended on the repellant effect of the old. Neverthe- less, positive chemotropism exists and may be observed when the staling substances have been taken into account. Thus Graves found that, while all the germ-tubes of Rhizopus nigricans turned from the turnip juice agar on which they had been growing to fresh turnip juice agar, only 60 to 90 % turned to fresh plain agar, and, when growth had just begun in the turnip juice agar and staling was consequently less, a smaller proportion of hyphae sought the plain substratum. Positively chemotropic reactions towards cane-sugar and glucose were also demon- strated but they were relatively weak. It may be inferred that the dominant influence governing the distribution of a parasitic fungus in its host, like that governing the distribution of saprophytic forms in culture, is negative chemo- tropism excited by the products of metabolism. This inference is borne out by the observation of- Robinson that the germ-tubes from the basidiospores of Puccinia Malvacearum failed to show any positively chemotropic curvature towards fragments of the host leaf. Hydrotropism. Positive hydrotropism is probably effective in vegetative hyphae under appropriate conditions; thus Fulton found that, when spores of various species were grown on gelatine between two perforated mica plates with a relatively moist medium on one side and a relatively dry one on the other, they grew through the perforations towards the moist rather than towards the dry medium; hyphae of Mucor Mucedo grew through per- forations in a mica plate from firm gelatine into water, but hyphae of Rhizopus nigricans, though they grew into the relatively moist gelatine near the holes, turned away from the fluid water below. Germ-tubes of Puccinia Malvacearum were found by Robinson to grow from drops of water into the surrounding moist atmosphere, but on gelatine in moist air they tended to penetrate the gelatine. It would seem that the response varies, as is indeed to be expected, with the conditions of the fungus in question, but in some of these and perhaps other tropic reactions, there is at least a suspicion of the negatively chemotropic influence of staling substances. Negative hydrotropism has been described for the sporangiophores of INTRODUCTION [CH- the and, together with transpiration, has been held responsible for li.h and by means of this reaction are able to adjust themselves m a post- lion favourable to the distribution of their spores, the direction of light indicating the direction of open space. Among the Mucorales the sporangiophores of various species of Pilobolus, Mncor Phycomyces and no doubt of many other genera bend towards the li. para- physes, c. ascus, d. ascogenous hyphae, e. oogonium, /. stalk of archicarp. 1 1919, Stevens, F. L., " Perithecia Ixvii, p. 422. ith an Interfascicular Pseudoparenchyma," Bot. Gautte, 40 -A9COMYCETES tCH' contents of the antheridium enter the oogonium which, as a result of this association, gives rise in nearly every case, with or without preliminary septation, to a number of filaments, the ascogenous hyphae, from the tips of which asci grow out. The ascogenous hyphae thus constitute the spore phyte while the vegetative mycelium, on which the sexual organs are borne, is the gametophyte. The gametophyte gives rise to the peridium and the paraphyses, and on it the various accessory spores are produced. Early Investigators. The history of the minute study of the Asco- mycetes may be said to have begun in \jg\ when Builliard, in his Histoire des Champignons de France, described the asci as female organs, and sug- gested that their fertilization was accomplished by some substance emanating from the paraphyses. In and after 1863 the classical researches of de Bary and his pupils established the existence of male and female organs at the beginning of ascocarp formation in a number of species. They brought forward evidence of the occurrence of fertilization in some cases and in others of development without an antheridium (parthenogenesis) or without either male or female organs (apogamy), they showed that the paraphyses and sheath of the ascocarp arise from the vegetative mycelium and the ascogenous hyphae from the female branch. The conclusions reached by de Bary are summed up in the fifth chapter of his book on the 'Comparative Morphology and Biology of the Fungi, Mycetozoa and Bacteria, first published in 1 884, and they have been largely confirmed by subsequent investigation. In 1 88 1 Eidam observed the formation of the ascus in the very simple genus Eremascus, where it arises from two separate filaments which become intertwined and fuse at their tips. De Bary's views were extensively criticized, especially by van Tieghem and Brefeld, who both denied the occurrence of sexuality in the group. These and other writers sought to explain the antheridial filament as part of the sheath, and the archicarp as a precocious ascogenous hypha, or, in certain lichens, as a boring or a respiratory organ. Brefeld was the author of a scheme of classification, which, if too rigid to endure the test of sub- sequent work, was at least exceedingly convenient. With it, and especially in the text book of his disciple von Tavel (1892), his view that the higher fungi lacked sexuality was widely disseminated. Cytology. In the meantime considerable advances were being made in the study of cytology and of the cytological methods necessary for the exami- nation of minute forms. De Bary, in 1863, had recognized the presence of a single or definitive nucleus in the immature ascus of Pyronema confluens and some other species, and the successive appearance as development proceeded of two, four, and eight nuclei. He found that the eight nuclei lay at more or less equal distances apart, and that each became surrounded by a mass of n] ASCOMYCETES Fig. 8. Humaria rutilans (Fr.) Sacc.; a. ascogenous cell containing two nuclei cut off from the uninu- cleate terminal cell and stalk ; b. fusion in the ascus, the nuclei are just passing into synapsis; both x 1875. cytoplasm forming the primordium of a spore. In 1879 Schmitz observed nuclei in the vegetative cells of several Ascomycetes, and in 1893 Gjurasin in Pesiza vesiculosa recognized that the divisions in the ascus are karyokinetic. The Fusion in the Ascus. In 1894, Dangeard showed in Pesiza vesi- culosa and other forms with a well-developed fructification, that the ascus at its first inception is binucleate and that the two nuclei subsequently unite to form the definitive nucleus of de Bary. He at first believed that the ascus was produced in these cases, as in Eremascus, by the fusion of two independent filaments, but he was soon able to ascertain that the young ascus arises, not by the union of two separate hyphae, but from the penultimate cell of a single recurved filament. The apex of this filament receives two nuclei which undergo a simulta- neous karyokinesis, so that four are formed. One of these lies at the tip of the hypha, and one passes back into the lower part, while the other two lie in the curved portion, and become separated from their sister nuclei by transverse walls (fig. 8). The terminal cell of the hypha thus contains a single nucleus and the penultimate cell is regularly binucleate ; it grows out laterally to form the ascus, and its two nuclei fuse soon after they come together. The fusion in the ascus was the first nuclear fusion observed among Ascomycetes and its discoverer, Dangeard, accepting it as a sexual process, regarded the ascus as an egg, and the sexual apparatus described by de Bary and his pupils as at most vestigial. It is probable that this view was influenced by his first opinion that the ascus arose from the fusion of two separate filaments, but it was not modified by his subsequent discovery of the true process. Fertilization. In the following year (1895) both de Bary's observations and those of Dangeard were confirmed by Harper, working on the common mildew Sphaerotheca Humuli^. Harper saw the development of a uninucleate oogonium and a uninucleate antheridium. He observed the passage of the male nucleus into the oogonium and the fusion there of the sexual nuclei. After fertilization the oogonium underwent septation, giving rise to a row of cells of which the penultimate contained two nuclei, and, after these had fused, developed into the ascus (fig. 9). He thus demonstrated that in this fungus there is a normal fusion of male and female nuclei, followed by a i Sphaerotheca Humuli (DC.) Burr.= Sphaerotheca Castagiiei Lev. ASCOMYCETES [CH. 42 second fusion in the ascus, and in the following year he recorded the same process in Erysiphe Polygoni. Fig. o Spkatrothtca. Hwnuli (DC.) Burr.; a. and b. antheridium and oogonmm ; c. entrance of male nucleus- d fusion in oogonium, antheridium without nucleus; e. fusion nucleus in oogonmm; / and g. septation of oogonium ; h. two nuclei in ascus ; *. ascus after nuclear fusion ; after Harper. In 1900, Harper observed fertilization in the oogonium of Pyronema confluens; here, however, the gametangia are both multinucleate and fer- tilization consists of the fusion in pairs of a large number of male and female nuclei. Many asci are produced, each from a recurved filament in the pen- ultimate cell of which a second nuclear fusion occurs. Development of the Ascus. Though the young ascus, so far as obser- vation goes, is almost invariably binucleate and the seat of a nuclear fusion, the details of its formation are not always the same. In 1905 Maire showed that in Galactinia snccosa and occasionally in other forms a series of three or four binucleate cells is produced at the end of each ascogenous hypha. The nuclei of the terminal cell undergo simultaneous division and two are cut off at the apex by a transverse wall. These fuse and the cell containing them becomes the ascus. Harper in Erysiphe, and other authors in various other plectomycetous fungi have found that any cell of an ascogenous hypha, if it contains two nuclei, may give rise to an ascus without preliminary nuclear division. In some of those species in which the ascus is derived from a binucleate penultimate cell the curvature of the hypha is so great that the uninucleate terminal cell lies in contact with the stalk cell of the ascus. When this happens the terminal and stalk cells sometimes fuse, a nucleus wanders from one to the other, and the cell thus provided with two nuclei grows out as a IJ] ASCOMYCETES continuation of the ascogenous hypha, and gives rise to fresh asci (fig IO) This process was first recorded in 1908 for Humaria rutilans and has since been observed by McCubbin in Helvetia elastica, by Carruthers in HelJL m#« and by Claussen in Pyronema confluens. It suggests either that some advantage is to be derived from an absence of relationship between the nuclei which fuse in the ascus, or that a scheme of rigid nuclear economy is in force. The former hypothesis is somewhat weakened by the fact that no means of avoiding close relationship appear to exist in the Plectomycetes Meiosis. Very soon after the ascus is cut off, preparations are made for the fi^t nuclear division, which was shown in 1905 by Guilliermond, Harper and Maire, working independently on various fungi, to be heterotype and to be followed by a second which is homotype in character- their Fig. 10. Humaria rutilans (Fr.) Sacc. ; an ascus (a) the terminal cell connected with which has continued its growth and given rise to another ascus (b) from the terminal cell of which a third ascus (c) has arisen, x 1250. 7K6** Fig. n. Humaria rutilans (Fr.) Sacc.; a. asco- genous hypha showing sixteen chromosomes in . each nucleus, x 1950; b. fusion nucleus of ascus passing out of synapsis, x 1 300 ; c. fusion nucleus of ascus showing sixteen gemini, x 1950. observations have since been widely confirmed by a number of investi- gators, and synapsis, the secofid contraction and the formation of typical gemini have been seen, as well as the reduction of the chromosome number. Thus in Humaria rutilans, which the exceptionally large nuclei render a convenient subject of study, each of the fusing nuclei possesses sixteen chromosomes (fig. 1 1 a), so that the definitive nucleus has thirty-two ; after meiosis is complete sixteen can be counted in each daughter nucleus. This fungus is somewhat exceptional in that synapsis begins separately in each of the two nuclei of the young ascus before they fuse (fig. 8 b) indicating 44 ASCOMYCETES [CH. a"i*., charomyces. L. J. II, Johannesberg yeast II. End. M., Endomyces Magnusii. End. d., Endo- es decipiens Sc. o., Schizosaccharomyces octosporus. Sc. M., Schizosaccharomyces mellacn. Sacc myces decipi Sc. M. a. , Sch. mellacei, apogamous variety Conjugation, as a preliminary to the formation of asci, was first described by Schionning in 1895 in Schizosaccharomyces and was afterwards studied in some cytological detail by Guilliermond (1901). In Sch. octosporus, two neighbouring cells of similar size put out processes which fuse to form a conjugation tube ; the nuclei pass into the tube and undergo fusion, after which the two associated cells enlarge and form, as a rule, a single oval PLECTOMYCETES [CH. Fig. 75. Sehitosaccharomyca octosponts Beyrinck ; conjuga- tion and formation of ascospores ; after Guilliermond. structure, the ascus. The fusion nucleus divides to form four or eight daughter nuclei about which ascospores are organized (fig. 25). Sometimes the limits of the conjugating cells can be distinguished after the ascospores are formed, two or four lying in each of the original cells. In the closely related Sch. Pombe and Sch. mel- lacei copulation takes place in a very similar way, but the union of the conjugating cells is less complete than is usually the case in Sch. octospoms, and the number of ascospores is regularly four. The mature ascus is thus dumb-bell shaped, with two spores in each enlargement. Also in 1901 Barker discovered the yeast Zygosaccharomyces Barkeri and observed in it a conjugation similar to that of Sch. Pombe. Following on these observations a number of other cases of conjugation among the yeasts have been recognized. Many species form two spores, one at each end of a dumb-bell shaped ascus ; in others a single spore is produced, the fusion nucleus passing from the conjugation tube into one of the fusion cells, while the other remains empty. Such cases lead up to the state of affairs in Zygosaccharomyces Chevalieri where conjugation is between two cells of different sizes, the whole contents of the smaller passing into the larger cell which is then cut off by a wall. In the larger cell nuclear fusion takes place and one to four ascospores are formed. In Guilliermondia fulv escens conjugation is between a mature cell and its bud. The whole contents of the bud pass back into the parent cell, nuclear fusion takes place and a fresh bud is put out in which the single ascospore develops. It has been suggested that this represents a rudimentary sporo- phyte. The problems connected with meiosis hardly arise here if, as Wager has shown for Saccharomyces, amitosis is the rule. In Debaryomyces globosus, copulation takes place sometimes between two similar cells, sometimes, as in Guilliermondia, between a mature cell and its bud. In either case one or two spores are produced In most species with sexually formed asci parthenogenesis is not un- common. In Schwanniomyces occidentals and in Torulaspora Rosei it has become the rule. The cells in which the ascospores are about to be formed put out processes which are directed towards neighbouring cells at the same stage of development. But they do not fuse, and ascospores are formed in each cell independently. In T. Rosei more than one process is sometimes put out. mJ PLECTASCALES 6$ Such cases lead up to the conditions found in the large majority of yeasts where ascospore formation takes place not only without effective conjugation but without any vestiges of that process. Among forms with parthenogenetically produced asci Guilliermond (1902) has observed a peculiar process in Saccharomy codes Ludwigii. Here the rather elongated ascus gives rise to four ascospores; these on germination swell up, put out beaks towards each other and fuse in pairs. Fusion is usually between spores in the same ascus, but occasionally, when one of the four ascospores has degenerated, between spores of different groups. Each spore is uninucleate, the nuclei pass into the conjugating tube and there fuse. A similar process takes place in Willia Satiirnns and in the so-called Yeast of Johannesberg, II. Afterwards an outgrowth from the middle of the conjugation tube is developed ; it may give rise to a short hypha which soon breaks up into separate cells, it may produce lateral buds in an ordinary yeast-like manner, or it may give rise at once, especially on carrot and under conditions favour- able to ascus formation, to four endospores. In the last case the life-history differs from that of Zygosaccharomyces principally in the abbreviation of the vegetative phase, in other cases a vegetative phase is inserted not as usual before conjugation, but between conjugation and the development of the spores. Guilliermond regards the pairing of the ascospores as a secondary process following the establishment of parthenogenesis. In any case it admirably illustrates the plasticity of the simpler fungi. SACCHAROMYCETACEAE : BIBLIOGRAPHY 1895 SCHIONNING, H. Nouvelle et singuliere formation de 1'ascus dans une levure. Meddelelser fra Carlsberg Laboratoriet. iv, p. 30. 1901 BARKER, T. P. A Conjugating "Yeast." Proc. Roy. Soc. Ixviii, p. 345. 1901 GUILLIERMOND, A. Recherches sur la sporulation des Schizosaccharomycetes. Comptes Rendus Ac. Sci. cxxxiii, p. 242. 1901 HANSEN, E. C. Grundlinien zur Systematik der Saccharomyceten. Centralbl. fur Bakt. Abt. ii; xii, p. 529. 1903 GUILLIERMOND, A. Recherches sur la germination des spores chez le Schizosac- charomyces Ludwigii. Bull. Soc. Myc. de France, xix, p. 18. 1903 LEPESCHKIN, W. W. Zur Kenntniss der Erblichkeit bei den einzelligen Organismen. Centr. f. Bakt. Abt. ii; x, p. 145. 1905 GUILLIERMOND, A. Recherches sur la germination des spores et la conjugaison chez les levures. Rev. Gen. de Bot. xvii, p. 337. 1909 KLOCKER, A. Deux nouveaux Genres de la Famille des Saccharomycetes. C. R. des trav. du lab. de Carlsberg, vii, p. 273. 1910 GUILLIERMOND, A. Sur un curieux exemple de parthe'noge'nese observe* dans une levure. C. R. Soc. Biol. de Paris, Ixviii, p. 363. 1910 GUILLIERMOND, A. Quelques remarques sur la copulation des levures. Ann. Myc. vii, p. 287. G.-V. 5 gg PLECTOMYCETES [CH- I9IO WAGER, H. and PENISTON, A. Cytological Observations on the Yeast Plant. Ann. 19,i GU.'LUERMO^A. Les Progres de la Cytologie des Champignons. Prog. Rei Bot. v, pp. 433 and468' KofoKOTlNE A G. Guilliermondia, un nouveau genre de la iromycetes a copulation hdterogamique. Bull, du Jard. Imp. de VND^H. XLaPconj7ugaison des spores chez les levures. Rev. Gen. de Bot. xxv, ,4 BA^I'SS W M. The Nature of Enzyme Action. Monographs on Biochemistry. Longmans, Green & Co., London (and see literature cited). Gym noascaceae The Gymnoascaceae differ from the Endomycetaceae in that their asci are borne on a sporophytic mycelium which originates from the female organ after the fertilization stage. These ascogenous hyphae are sur- rounded by a loose weft of protec- tive filaments which bear spines or variously coiled or hooked branches (fig. 26). The asci are ovoid or pyri- form, and each contains eight spores. The species of Gymnoascus occur in various habitats, on dung, bees' nests, dead grass, etc. In G. Reesii, according to Dale, two branches grow up from the same hypha, one on each side of a septum, and become twisted around one another. These are the antheridium and oogonium ; their x 265; free ends swell into club-shaped Fig. 76. Gymnoascus sp.; a. ascocarp b. ascus and free ascospores, x 1040. heads which lie in close contact and each becomes delimited by a transverse septum. The walls between them break down, and the contents of the antheridium pass over into the oogonium (fig. 27 a, b}. Both cells are at first uninucleate, but later coeno- cytic, and, though the history of the nuclei has not been traced, it seems almost certain that fusion must sooner or later occur. Up to this point the sexual cells are usually quite similar in form, but now the antheridium grows larger and more spherical, remaining almost straight, while the oogonium puts out a prolongation which winds around it, undergoes septation and soon branches to give rise to ascogenous hyphae (fig. 27 c). Ill] PLECTASCALES In G. candidus (fig. 27 d) the antheridium and oogonium already differ in form at the time of their union, and, in the majority of cases, appear to Fig. 27. Gymnoasciis Reesii Baran.; a. surface view of conjugating cells; b. the same in longitudinal section ; c. a later stage, septate oogonium giving rise to ascogenous hyphae ; Gymnoascus candidus Eidam ; d. surface view of conjugating cells; e. same in longitudinal section; all after Dale. Ctenomyces serratus Eidam; f. surface view of con- jugating cells, x-400; after Eidam. arise from different hyphae. As in G. Reesii the antheridium is straight, but the oogonium elongates before fusion and grows spirally around it till the apices meet and fuse (fig. 27 e). Afterwards the oogonium undergoes septation and gives rise to ascogenous hyphae. The sheath of protective hyphae is very scanty, represented by a few thin-walled filaments. Amanroascus verrucosus forms sexual organs which, in their early stages, closely resemble those of G. Reesii. Two similar multinucleate hyphae grow up, and later one of them, the oogonium, enlarges considerably; it branches without septation, and gives rise to ascogenous hyphae which are cut off by transverse walls. Our knowledge of development in this species is due to Dangeard, who has not observed fusion between the sexual cells. In Ctenomyces serratus (fig. 27 f\ which occurs saprophytically on feathers, organs quite similar to those of G. candidus have been described by Eidam, and more recently by Dangeard. They are multinucleate, and the oogonium is long and elaborately coiled and ultimately becomes seg- mented. In this species, as in the others he has studied, Dangeard regards the central hypha not as an antheridium, but as a nutritive structure which he terms a trophogone. He denies the passage of its contents into the female organ. 5—2 68 PLECTOMYCETES GYMNOASCACEAE: BIBLIOGRAPHY ,880 EIIUM, K. Beitras zur Kcnntniss der Gymnoasceen. Cohn's Beitrage, iii, p. 267. 1003 UM.K, E. Observations on the Gymnoascaceae. Ann. Bot xvn, p. 571- W DANGEARD, P. Recherches sur le developpement du penthece chez les Ascomy- cetes. Le Botaniste, x, pp. 86 and 97. Aspergillaceae The Aspergillaceae are distinguished from the earlier families of the Plectascales by the fact that their ascogenous filaments are surrounded by a closely interwoven sheath of sterile hyphae so that a closed fruit or peri- thecium is formed. In many species, the development of an ascus-fruit is rare, and reproduction depends on the abundant and very efficient conidia; in others, which, judging by the form of their conidial fructification, should belong to this family, ascocarps are unknown. The species occur either saprophytically or parasitically upon a wide variety of substrata. Many of the saprophytic forms, including species of Eurotium and Pcnicillinm, grow with especial readiness on fatty substances, Emericella erythrospora occurs on olives, and Monascus heterospoms on glycerine or tallow. Several species of Pcnicillium together with other fungi and bacteria are concerned in the "ripening" of cheese, on the proteids of which they act by means of a proteolytic enzyme. The species of Microascus, ApJianoascus and some others are coprophilous, and several members of the family occur on wood. The parasitic forms are less numerous; various species of Penicillium and Eurotium are pathogenic on man and animals, and some, if they obtain entrance through a wound or other aperture, are the cause of ripe rot in fruit. Thielavia basicola, the only member of the family which causes an important plant disease, is sometimes separated from the Aspergillaceae and classed with the Perisporiaceae. This species infects the roots of tobacco and certain other plants, and in the early stages multiplies by means of hyaline conidia (endospores) produced inside mycelial branches, from the ends of which they are afterwards expelled, givingthe infected root a mildewed appearance. Later, thick-walled brown chlamydospores are differentiated in rows at the ends of hyaline filaments so that the root is covered with a dark coating. Normal development of the root is prevented and the host killed or stunted ; if recovery does not take place perithecia are developed on the dead plant. The formation of the perithecium in most investigated species is initiated by the appearance of sexual organs, from the stalks of which the cells of the sheath arise. In Microascus and in Emericella the sheath opens by a pore, but in the majority of cases it remains closed, and the ascospores are finally Ill] PLECTASCALES 69 liberated by its decay. The asci are spherical or pyriform and contain two to eight continuous spores, the walls of which may be variously ornamented. In both Penicillium and Eurotium the perithecium may develop an excep- tionally thick wall, and pass into a resting stage sometimes several weeks in duration. Such a structure is described as a sclerotium. In Eurotium herbariorum1 the development of perithecia is readily induced by cultivation on prune agar2 made up with forty per cent, of cane- sugar. Ripe perithecia appear after ten days or a fortnight at 15° C. A similar method should probably prove successful with other species. The only known species of Aphanoascus, A. cinnabarinus, was found by Zukal on the dung of alligators. The character of its perithecium wall (fig. 28) suggests a transition stage between the Gymnoascaccae, in which it is Fig. 18. Aphanoascus cinnabarinus Zukal ; a. elongated, septate archicarp and swollen antheridium ; b. ascogenous hyphae and sheath; after Dangeard. placed by Dangeard, and the Aspergillaceae. Multinucleate conidia are borne laterally or terminally on the mycelium. The sexual organs arise from the same or different hyphae; the antheridium (Dangeard's trophogone) becomes swollen, and the elongated archicarp, which appears at first to be without septa, coils round it; their fusion has not been observed. Each at first contains from three to ten nuclei; later the number rises to about twenty in the antheridium and as many as forty in the archicarp. According to Dangeard the contents of the antheridium degenerate, though the cell itself persists for a considerable time. The archicarp undergoes septation, branches, and gives rise to asci. In the meantime vegetative hyphae grow up and invest the essential organs, forming a loose tangle around them The inner part of the investment remains in this state and is eventually absorbed, but 1 Eurotium herbariorum (Wigg.) Link = ^~. Aspergillus glaucits de Bary, and Aspergillus herbariorum Wigg. - Ten prunes are placed in a small saucepan of water and allowed to simmer, being broken open when soft; when the fluid is reduced to about looc.c. it is poured off, the sugar dissolved in it and five per cent, agar agar stirred in. Material grown on this medium is excellent for class work ; it should be examined under the microscope while still attached to a thin slice of agar. PLECTOMYCETES [CH- Penicillium. In the investigated species of the genus E«rotium(AsfergiUuS), the ascospores and conidia are commonly multinucleate and nse on ger- mination to a septate mycelium each cell of which contams severa, fe Conidiophores appear early; they arise as a rule from densely tangled knots of swollen mycelium, and appear as thick, multinucleate hyphae. The tip of the conidiophore becomes swollen and rounded off and ,ts cytoplasm shows a reticulate arrangement. A little later numerous stengmata bud out (fig. 29), and the nuclei stream up the strands of cytoplasm towar A Fig. 20. Eurotinm herbariorum (Wigg.) Link ; development of conidiophores and conidia, X625. them. Several nuclei pass to each sterigma and thence to the conidia which develop in acropetal succession. At maturity each conidium contains in E. repens about twelve nuclei, in E. herbariorum four, and in E. fumigatus, E. flavus and E. davatus, as described by Dangeard, only one. The general features of the sexual organs of Eurotiwn herbariorum were described by de Bary in his classical researches of 1870. He distinguished a coiled, septate archicarp, and saw that its tip fused with a comparatively straight antheridial hypha, the membranes between breaking down, and he recognized that from it the asci are ultimately derived. More recently it has been shown that the archicarp of Eurotiwn is made up of three parts: a multicellular stalk, a unicellular oogonium, and a unicellular trichogyne. In E. herbariorum these parts may be clearly distinguished (fig. 30 a), but they are not always equally definite in E. repens. Ill] PLECTASCALES In any case the archicarp becomes more or less twisted and near it another septate hypha appears, from the end of which the unicellular antheridium is cut off. Like the cells of the vegetative mycelium, all parts of the sexual organs are coenocytic. Fusion takes place between the antheridium and trichogyne, but the contents of the male organ have not been seen to enter the oogonium. Fig. 30. Eurotium herbariorum (Wigg.) Link; a. young archicarp; b, archicarp and abortive antheridium ; c. ascocarp containing asci and spores; x 625. Dale has observed the fusion of nuclei in pairs in the oogonium of E. repens, and Domaradsky in that of E. Fischeri, but it seems probable that we are dealing here with a union of female nuclei such as occurs in various Disco- mycetes. Even if normal fertilization sometimes takes place it is certainly not general, for the antheridium often fails to reach the trichogyne (fig. 30^), and is sometimes entirely absent. This appears to be always the case in E. flavus and it is common in other genera. Nevertheless the oogonium becomes septate and from its several parts branches develop, the nuclei pass into them, and at their ends eight-spored asci develop. The ascus is formed from the terminal or the penultimate cell of a hypha and in it a fusion of two nuclei takes place. Shortly before the septation of the oogonium, vegetative hyphae begin to grow up about the sexual organs, from the stalks of which they mostly arise as branches, and themselves branch freely. Some of the branches grow inwards forming a nutritive layer, the cells of others, as shown by de Bary, become tabular and more or less empty, they secrete a golden yellow PLECTOMYCETES [CH. substance, readily soluble in alcohol, in the form of a thick, brittle pellicle. These constitute the protective sheath (fig. 30*:), by the decay of which, after the disappearance of the nutritive hyphae and later of the ascus walls, the spores are finally set free. The ascospores are spherical or lenticular often with a sculptured epispore. In most species of Penicillinm reproduction takes place almost entirely by means of the abundant conidia borne in chains on the branched, brush- like conidiophores (fig. 3 1 ). Ascocarps are rare, and a detailed study of their development has yet to be made. o o Fig. 32. Penicillium glaticum Link; conjugating cells, x6^o; after Brefeld. Fig. 3i. Penicillium giaucum Link; conidiophon and conidia, x ,00. Brefeld, in 1871, succeeded in obtaining perithecia of P. glaucum- by .vatmg his material under reduced oxygen pressure. He cautiously tened shces of bread with distilled water, and after six or seven days development of the mycelium was proceeding energetically, 1 Penidllium glaucum Link = P. crustaceiun L. Ill] PLECTASCALES enclosed them between glass plates so as to reduce the entrance of air, and the development of conidia. Similarly Zukal a few years later obtained sclerotia by excluding air. The formation of the perithecia in Brefeld's material was initiated by the appearance of pairs of simple, stout hyphae which twisted round one another (fig. 32), and from one or both of which branches later arose. Brefeld regarded them as possibly oogonial and antheridial. A further study of these organs, the simple form of which suggests a comparison with Gymnoascus, is much to be desired. Penicilliiini glaiicum includes several biological species or strains, and it is quite possible that Brefeld's success depended not only on • the methods employed, but also on the use of a fortunate variety. Klocker, in 1903, obtained asci in his new species P. Wortmanni, and another new and very curious ascigerous species, PenicUlium venniculatum, was described by Dangeard in 1907. The vegetative cells, unlike those of related forms, are uninucleate and bear a very scanty supply of conidia. Perithecia are abundant; in their initiation two branches take part. The oogonium is at first uninucleate but as it elongates the nucleus undergoes several divisions. In the meantime a second branch appears, usually borne on a narrower filament ; it cuts off a uninu- cleate or occasionally binucleate terminal cell which applies itself to the middle of the oogonium, and the intervening walls disappear (fig. 33). Apparently, however, fertilization does not take place; the nu- cleus of the terminal cell is described as degenerating in situ while the oogonium undergoes septation and is transformed into a row of usually binucleate cells. Narrow vegetative hyphae grow up around this structure, and the perithecium is formed in the usual way. The archicarp of this species shows no importantpeculiarities but the terminal uninucleate cell of the other branch is 74 PLECTOMYCETES [CH. difficult to place; it seems almost inevitable to homologize it with an antheridium, but the relation of a uninucleate antheridium to a multinucleate female organ is by no means clear. Degeneration of the superfluous nuclei as in Dipodasais might be postulated. For Dangeard, the structure is a trophogone concerned only in nutrition and without sexual significance. The genus Monascus contains some five or six species, of which the most fully investigated are M. purpureus and the form studied by Barker and since named M. Barkeri by Dangeard. This species is used by the Chinese for the manufacture of an alcoholic liquor known as Samsu. , In both species there is an abundant mycelium bearing chains of ovoid conidia; later it assumes a reddish tinge and fruits are formed; their development may be traced with some readiness in hanging drop cultures. Certain branches of the mycelium cut off each a small, terminal cell which elongates and bends sideways to form the antheridium (fig. 34). A pro- longation of the penultimate cell grows up alongside it and a trichogyne Fig. 34. Monascus Barkeri Dang.; development of oogonium, trichogyne and antheridium, x9oo; after Barker. and oogonium are cut off by transverse walls. The oogonium contains four >ix, and the antheridium three or four nuclei. According to Dangeard ie antheridial (trophogone) nuclei degenerate in situ but other authors find ion takes place between the antheridium and trichogyne and that the male nuclei travel through the trichogyne to the oogonium (fig. 35) where they pair Wlth th female nudei ^ Sch.k ^fusion ot occur at this stage in M. purpureus but is postponed till the sexual Ill] PLECTASCALES 75 nuclei have travelled in pairs to the asci, where they unite; but Kuyper, in M. Barken, reports fertilization in the female organ. After the fertilization stage the oogonium enlarges and gives rise to asco- genous hyphae while the an- theridium and trichogyne de- generate. Investing filaments grow up to form a sheath, the inner layers of which consist of delicate, nutritive cells. These degenerate early, producing a mass of protoplasm amongst which the ascogenous hyphae ramify. From the penultimate cells of the latter binucleate asci are developed, and after the nuclei have fused eight spores are formed. The ascus wall breaks down and the spores are finally set free after the decay of the outer layer of the sheath. This sheath, with the en- closed mass of free ascospores, was long regarded as a single organ containing an indefinite number of spores ; for this reason the fungus was placed in the Hemiasci and given the generic name of Monascus. The later stages of develop- ment are in fact difficult to follow and have been variously interpreted by different authors. Thus Dangeard describes the oogonium as undergoing septation before it branches, while Barker interprets the mass of protoplasm in which the young asci are found as the remains of the oogonium invaginated by the growth into it of the ascogenous hyphae. Kuyper and Ikeno, on similar grounds, believed the asci to be produced by free cell formation within the oogonium, no ascogenous hyphae being developed. Fig. 35. Monascus purptireus Went. ; a. b, stages in the development of the oogonium; after Dangeard. Monascus X. Schikorra ; c. entrance of male nuclei into trichogyne; d. pairing of nuclei in the oogonium ; after Schikorra. ASPERGILLACEAE : BIBLIOGRAPHY 1870 DE BARY, A. Eurotium, Erysiphe, Cincinnobolus nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Geschlechtsorgane der Ascomyceten. Beitr. z. Morph. und Phys. der Pilze, iii, p. i. 1874 BREFELD, O. Botanische Untersuchungen iiber Schimmelpilze, ii, Penicillium, p. I. 7fi PLECTOMYCETES [CH- ,887ZUKA, H. OberK».,urd=rAskenfruch,von/'OT^OT««^- K. K. zoo. IS I907 SS^CL^^^H.S. TheMorphology ,908^^^ ,909*:^^^ ,909 SCH.KORRA, W. Ueber die Entwickelungsgeschichte von JJfi»Hw««. Zeits ,9,0 ?HOM,PC37 Cultural Studies of Species of Penicillin. U.S. Dept. Agr. Animal Industry Bull. 118. Bureau Onygenaceae The Onygenaceae include only the remarkable genus Onygena, There are some six" species, all limited in habitat to such animal substances as horns, hoofs, feathers, fur and skin. This peculiarity, together with the absence of conidia, the thin wall of the perithecium, and the fact of its dehiscence by lobes or by a circular split, distinguishes the members of the group from the other Plectascales, which they resemble in the irregular arrangement of their asci. Two of the six species have sculptured spores and sessile fructifications which thus approach those of the Aspergill- aceae, while in the other four the spores are smooth and the fructification stalked. To the latter group belongs Onygena eqidna, described by Marshall Ward in 1899. The ascospores germinate only after a prolonged resting period or after treatment with gastric juice ; thus treated they produce a vigorous mycelium on which the ascocarp first appears as a dome-shaped mass of white hyphae ; a little later it becomes covered with loose cells among which air is entangled, rendering the fruit very difficult to wet. As development proceeds a number of hyphae grow outwards and divide into short segments, certain of which swell up and are liberated as chlamydo- spores, covering the whole of the stroma with a dense powder. Meantime the hyphae which gave rise to these become crowded together to form the pseudoparenchymatous sheath. Internally asci are produced and give rise each to eight spores, but the ascus walls soon disappear and in] PLECTASCALES 77 the spores lie free amongst the vegetative hyphae. This mature stage, in which there is no trace of asci, caused Onygena to be variously classified with the Myxomycetes and with the Lycoperdaceae before its true position was discovered. There is no evidence of the existence of sexual organs. ONYGENACEAE: BIBLIOGRAPHY 1899 WARD, H. MARSHALL. Onygena equina Willd. A Horn-destroying Fungus. Phil. Trans. B. cxci, p. 269. 1917 BRIERLEY, W. B. Spore Germination in Onygena equina^ Willd. Ann. Bot. xxxi, P- 17- Elaphomycetaceae and Terfeziaceae In the next two families, Elaphomycetaceae and Terfeziaceae, the fruit is subterranean. The species differ from the other hypogeal Ascomycetes, the Tuberales, with which they are still sometimes classified, and resemble the subaerial Plectascales in the irrtgular arrangement of their asci, which are scattered or grouped in nests surrounded by sterile branches (fig. 37). The gleba or central complex of hyphae is not at any stage of development in communication with the exterior. In the Elaphomycetaceae the ascocarp is surrounded by a thick yellow or brown peridium, the asci are subglobose and the gleba breaks up at maturity into a powdery mass of spores. The only genus is' Elaphomyces. The mycelium of certain species develops in relation to the roots of Pinus and other conifers, and the ascocarp is often parasitized by species of the pyrenomycetous fungus Cordyceps. E. granulatus, the commonest British species, is the host of C. capitata, and E. variegatus of C. ophioglossoides (fig. 1 10). In the Terfeziaceae (figs. 36, 37) the peridium is much less distinct, and Fig. 36. Terfezia olbiensis Tul. ; section of fructification ; after Tulasne. in some cases is represented merely by an ascus-free region around the periphery of the fruit. Moreover the spores do not, as in the Elaphomy- cetaceae, form a powdery mass at maturity. PLECTOMYCETES [CH. ERYSIPHALES The Erysiphales are characterized by an abundant superficial mycelium, which may be white (colourless) or dark-coloured. The perithecia are spherical, ovoid or flattened, and are usually without an ostiole; the peridium is thin and membranous; the asci are arranged in a regular layer at the base of the perithecium. The group includes some 600 species, the majority of which are external parasites or epiphytes upon the leaves of higher plants. They are grouped into three families, of which the Microthyriaceae are but little known, and of doubtful position, and the Erysiphaceae and Perisporiaceae show several points in common both with the Plectascales, from which they differ in the regular arrangement of their asci, and with the Pyre- nomycetes, from which they are for the most part distinguished by the absence of an ostiole. Their taxonomic position is probably somewhere between these two groups, and they have, under various systems of classifi- cation, been placed in closer proxi- mity sometimes to the one and sometimes to the other. Their in- clusion here in the Plectomycetes is due to the fact that they, or rather their best-known family, the Erysiphaceae, show indica- tions of being a primitive group. The simple type of male and female organs, the latter without a trichogyne, and the simple e of the perithecium are evidence in this direction. The families of the Erysiphales may be distinguished as follows : Aerial mycelium colourless (or white). Perithecia more or less globose without an ostiole, furnished with conspicuous appendages. Conidia of oidium type. ERYSIPHACEAE. Fig- 37- Terfezia olbiensis Tul. ; section through hymenium, showing asci irregularly arranged • after Tulasne. in] ERYSIPHALES 79 Aerial mycelium dark-coloured or rarely absent. Peri- • thecia globose or ovoid, without appendages. Conidia not of oidium type. PERISPORIACEAE. Aerial mycelium dark-coloured or absent. Perithecia flattened or shield-shaped, with an ostiole at the apex, without appendages. Conidia absent. MICROTHYRIACEAE. A further and probably important distinction which separates the Erysiphaceae from the other two families is the character of the ascus and ascospores. In Erysiphe and its allies the ascus is more or less globose, the spores are always continuous and colourless, and the number of spores in the ascus is frequently reduced. In the Perisporiaceae, on the other hand, the ascus is relatively elongated and sometimes cylindrical, and the spores are commonly two or more celled and often dark-coloured. Most species agree, however, with the Erysiphaceae in the absence of paraphyses. The Microthyriaceae approach the Perisporiaceae rather than the Erysiphaceae in the characters of the ascus and spore, but, as already stated, they are clearly distinguished by the curious flattened perithecium. It remains for future research to determine whether these families should be grouped together, or whether the Perisporiaceae and Microthyriaceae are true Pyrenomycetes and should be placed in that alliance. In our present extensive ignorance of the initiation and development of their perithecia, it seems unwise to remove them from their traditional position in the neigh- bourhood of the Erysiphaceae. Erysiphaceae The members of the Erysiphaceae are popularly known as white or powdery mildew or blight. They have a practically worldwide distribution, but have been recorded especially in Europe and the United States. They are obligate parasites on the leaves or young shoots and inflores- cences of flowering plants. The germinating conidium or ascospore gives rise to an abundant, superficial, septate mycelium of uninucleate cells, which ramifies over the leaf in every direction, forming a white web-like coating, and sends haustoria into the epidermal cells of the host. In the simplest cases the haustorium is a slender tube which swells up inside the host cell; in other species it is branched, sometimes forming finger-like processes, and frequently there is an external disc or swelling (adpressorium), from which, or from the mycelium in the neighbourhood of which, the haustorium proper arises and pushes into the epidermal cell. As a rule the fungus does not penetrate further, but in Erysiphe Graminis Salmon was able to induce endophytic growth and nutrition by allowing the conidia to germinate on wounded leaves ; in Phyllactinia Corylea the branches of the aerial mycelium So PLECTOMYCETES [CH. enter the stomata, extend through the intercellular spaces and send haustoria into the neighbouring cells, and in Erysiphe (or Oidiopsis} taurica the whole mycelium during the conidial stage is located in the^ tissues of the host. We have thus, within the limits of the family, a transition between ecto- and endoparasitism through hemiendophytic forms, and forms which are endo- phytic under abnormal conditions. When perithecia are about to be produced and the mycelium emerges and spreads over the surface of the host leaf, the hyphae both o>i Pliyllactinia and of E. taurica showhaustorial branches (ad- pressoria), though no haustoria are produced. It may be inferred that the ectophytic condition with haustoria penetrating the epidermal cells is primi- tive in the group. Indian and Persian specimens of E. taurica have been found under practically desert conditions, others have been collected on plants of the steppes of Turkestan at a height of 6000 feet, and in localities exposed to very dry winds. The suggestion has consequently been made that the endophytic habit in this family is an adaptation to xerophytic conditions, since it both provides shelter for the developing mycelium and obviates the necessity of piercing through the cuticle, which in desert plants is of considerable thickness. The Erysiphaceae are propagated during the summer by rather large oval uninucleate conidia (fig. 38). These are ordinarily produced in rows on simple conidiophores with one or more basal cells. In the endophytic E. taurica, however, the conidia are borne singly on branched conidio- phores which emerge through the stomata of the host. In the case of Phyllactinia Cory- lea, which is met with on a large number of deciduous trees, variations occur in the shape of the conidia borne on different hosts, and indicate the existence of morphological dis- tinctions between the biological forms of the species. Before the connection between the conidia and the perithecia of the Erysiphaceae was understood, the nenc name, Oidium, was applied to the former. The name is still used > indicate the characteristic form of the conidial stage and to describe dia when the perithecia are unknown. This was the case with the powdery vine mildew. The conidial form, known as Oidium Tuckeri became Fig. 38. Sphaerotheca pannosa Wallr. ; conidio- phores and conidia, x 240. in] ERYSIPHALES 8l prevalent in Europe in 1845-6, but perithecia were not observed till 47 years later, when they appeared during two successive seasons in various localities in France, and the fungus was identified with the American vine mildew, Uncinula necator, in which perithecia are common. The unusual production of the perithecial stage was attributed to the sudden alternation of high and low temperatures which characterized the seasons in question. The survival of the fungus in the absence of ascospores has been attributed to the persist- ence of the mycelium, and also to the development of conidia capable of passing the winter in the resting state. Fortunately the disease is readily kept in check by the application of appropriate sprays. A very similar case is that of the oak mildew. In or about 1904, oak scrub in England and many parts of Europe became infected with the conidial form O. Quercinum; in 1911 perithecia were found in France, and the parasite was identified with the common American form Microsphaera Aim which frequently occurs on oaks in the United States. Here again exceptional seasonal conditions appear to have been necessary for the formation of the perithecial stage. In a different manner climate has affected the development of the goose- berry mildew, Sphaerotheca mors-uvae, which was introduced into Europe from America about 1900. Very numerous perithecia are developed but a considerable proportion either fail to mature or fail to survive the winter. Infection of the young shoots in the spring appears to depend on the earliest formed perithecia, which alone have had time to mature and lodge in the bark or between the bud scales of the host. For this reason prevention is here much more difficult than in the case of the vine mildew, since the mature perithecia are very difficult to kill and the spread of the disease must be combated by the removal of infected shoots in the autumn, or by appropriate methods of cultivation. The perithecia of the Erysiphaceae appear in the late summer or autumn ; they are spherical or subglobose, 50— 300/4(0-05 to^O'smm.) in diameter and furnished with simple or branched appendages; they are fixed in position by means of a secondary mycelium. When quite young the peri- thecia appear white and glistening like the vegetative mycelium ; later they become clear yellow and finally brown in colour. Their development is by no means simultaneous, so that a considerable range of stages can often be seen within the field of an ordinary hand lens. During development the wall of the perithecium is differentiated into inner and outer layers (fig. 39). The inner layer is several cells thick ; its cells are rich in cytoplasm with thin, apparently unmodified walls; it is in contact with the developing asci, about which it forms a packing, and to which it supplies food material. Outside this layer is a strengthening and protective zone of several series of cells with scanty contents, the walls of 6 PLECTOMYCETES [CH. Fig. 39. Erysiphe Polygoni; young perithecium containing uninucleate asci ; after Harper. 82 which undergo a change apparently analogous to lignification. In Phyllactinia the outermost layer, from which the secondary mycelium and the character- istic appendages are derived, consists of thin-walled cells, but in other genera it is not differentiated from the pro- tective zone. A single ascus or several may be formed in the peri- thecium ; the ascospores, numbering two to eight in each ascus, begin to develop during the summer or au- tumn, but they remain in the perithecium under nor- mal conditions and do not germinate till the beginning of the following year, when they are set free by the rupture of the perithecium wall, and produce the first infections of the season. In Erysiphe Graminis and Sphaerotheca mors- uvae some of the.perithecia separate readily from the mycelium in August, and, if supplied with moisture, will eject their spores after a few hours. They may in this way prove a source of infection in the season in which they were produced, and this is probably true of other species also, and should be borne in mind if ripe ascospores are being searched for. The family includes six genera, all of which are British, and are readily distinguished (fig. 40). In Sphaerotheca (one ascus), and in Erysiphe (several asci), the perithecial appendages are filamentous, unbranched or branched irregularly, and very like the ordinary hyphae of the mycelium; in Podcsphaera (one ascus), and in Microsghaera (several asci), they are usually dichotomously branched ; in Uncinnla the apices of the appendages are spirally coiled, and in PJfyllactinia the perithecium bears stiff, pointed hairs with swollen bases. In this genus also the apex of the perithecium is furnished with a ring of richly branched penicillate cells. At about the time of spore-formation these break down, forming a sticky gelatinous cap, by means of which the perithecium, after it is first set free, adheres upside down to its original host plant or to other objects. In view of this peculiarity the ascription of Phyllactinia to any host in contact with which its perithecia may be found demands careful veri- fication. The function of the true appendages in the Erysiphaceae is somewhat variable. In Phyllactinia the bulb at the base of the appendage is thick- Ill] ERYSIPHALES walled over its upper surface, but an oval region remains thin on the lower side. As the ripening perithecium loses water so do the appendage*; the thin area below the bulb is pushed in by atmospheric pressure, the under surface becomes consequently shorter than the upper and the end of the spine is pulled down till subsequent moistening straightens it again (Harper). Fig. 40. Perithecia of a. Erysiphe tortilis (Wallr.) Fr.; b. Microsphaeria sp.; c, Uncinula Aceris (DC.) Sacc.; d. Phyllactinia Corylea (Pers.) Karst.; x 120. These hygroscopic movements may be repeated many times- according to weather conditions, even after the living protoplast has disappeared from the appendage (Neger); and at last the perithecium is loosened from its attachment. In other cases, such as Erysiphe and Sphaerotheca, the appendages may help to anchor the perithecium to its host during development; in Uncinula necator their apices become mucilaginous (Salmon), and they serve, much as do the penicillate cells of Phyllactinia, to attach the free perithecium upside down to the substratum. The development of the perithecium was first described in 1863 by 6—2 PLECTOMYCETES [CH. de Bary, who was able to recognize an antheridium and oogonium and the formation of an ascus or asci from the latter. These and several subsequent investigations have rendered the reproductive processes in the Erysiphaceae better known than perhaps in any other group of fungi. Sphaerotheca Huniuli1 occurs on a variety of common plants, on the cultivated strawberry, where it is responsible for strawberry mildew, and especially on the hop. On the latter it is widely distributed in autumn, and, if the female inflorescences are infected, may do considerable damage. The male and female organs arise as lateral branches from the mycelium, and project at right angles to the infected surface; they are borne on dif- ferent hyphae, but there is no evidence that these are derived from distinct mycelia. The oogonium, when fully grown, is an oval, uninucleate structure two or three times the size of an ordinary vegetative cell; it is cut off from the parent hyphae and a stalk cell may be differentiated below it (fig. 41 a). r,, 1 f f"U m ?°S°nium; <*• fertilization; ,. fusion nucleus; /. nuclei ' * young perithecium with binucleate s^enous 1 S. Hiimuli (DC.) Castagtiei Lev. Ill] ERYSIPHALES The antheridial branch is much narrower; it applies itself to the side of the oogonium and when first cut off contains a single nucleus (fig. 41 a). It is clearly differentiated from the hyphae of the sheath not only by its form and behaviour but by its much earlier appearance and definite relation to the oogonium. Its nucleus soon divides ; one of the daughter nuclei passes to the apex of the branch and a wall is formed cutting off the uni- nucleate antheridium. The oogonial nucleus is rather larger than those of the vegetative cells, the antheridial nucleus decidedly smaller. The investigations of Harper, and subsequently of Blackman and Eraser, show that the wall between the oogonium and antheridium now breaks down (fig. 41 b}, the male nucleus passes into the oogonium, travels to the female nucleus and fuses with it (fig. 41 c, d}. The pore between the sexual cells soon closes and the cytoplasm left behind in the antheridium degenerates, sometimes forming a densely staining cap on the oogonium. The fertilized oogonium elongates, the fusion nucleus divides (fig. 41 f) and a wall separates the daughter nuclei so that two uninucleate cells are formed. The upper divides again and eventually a row of cells is produced, the penultimate con- taining two nuclei while the others are uninucleate (fig. 41 £•). The formation of the first wall is sometimes delayed, so that the undivided oogonium may for a time show two or three nuclei. At about the time when the sexual organs reach maturity the develop- ment of the sheath begins, branches grow out from the stalk of the oogonium and enclose the sexual organs in a single layer of cells. These give off branches towards the interior, and thus a second zone is formed whose cells become rich in cytoplasm and contain two or three nuclei each. The nutritive and protective envelopes are thus laid down and their further de- velopment produces the typical sheath already described. Meantime the penultimate cell of the septate oogonium enlarges to form the single ascus characteristic of Spliaerotheca, the terminal cell and the cells below the ascus are pushed aside and disappear, the two nuclei fuse, the USUal three successive nuclear Fig. 42. Sphaerotheca //«*«/* (DC.) Burr.; de- velopment of archicarp ; in c. two nuclei, re- di visions take place, and asCOSpores garded as the product of division, are shown in i j the oogonium, while a cell at the top of the are produced. oogonium, regarded as the antheridium, still The only record of the number of contains a nucleus; after Winge. 86 PLECTOMYCETES [CH. chromosomes is that of Winge who describes eight in the first and second mitoses, and four in the third, and suggests that a brachymeiotic reduction takes place. According to the interpretations of Dangeard and Winge fertilization does not take place in the oogonium of SpJiaerotJieca Humuli. For them the degenerating mass in the antheridium includes the male nucleus which thus degenerates in situ and the two nuclei seen lying side by side in the female organ represent the product of a premature division (fig. 42). Again Bezssonoff working on Sphaerotheca mors-uvae, the economically important gooseberry mildew, records the entrance of the male nucleus into the oogonium, but does not observe its fusion with the female nucleus. He finds four chromosomes throughout the divisions in the ascus. Erysipfte Polygoni1 occurs on the leaves and stems of a considerablevariety of hosts belonging to a number of different families. The development of the sexual organs takes place much as in Sphaerotheca Humuli, and, here also, Harper has observed the entrance of the male nucleus into the oogonium, and its fusion with the female nucleus (fig. 43^). After fertilization the Fig. 43. ErysiphePolygoni; a. fertilization; b. young perithecium with ascogenous hyphae ; after Harper. protective hyphae begin to grow up, the oogonium elongates, the fusion nucleus divides till a row of from five to eight nuclei is produced, transverse walls appear, and a row of cells is formed of which the penultimate contains two or more nuclei. From the surface of the penultimate cell, and perhaps sometimes from that of ,.., neighbours filaments bud out (fig. 43*), branch rapidly to form In the' T' " T ^*™' These ™ the ascogenous hyphae. hem some six or eight intercalary cells, which will give rise to asci :come distinguished by the fact that each contains two n^ The rest .ifk, P,,Kmi „„„„„„,., Ill] ERYSIPHALES lose their contents and are displaced by the developing asci. Later the fusion of the two nuclei in each ascus takes place, and in each eight spores are formed. Dangeard, investigating the development of E. Polygoni and E. Cicho- racearum, notes that in his material the oogonium underwent septation before a row of nuclei was formed, and that cells other than the penultimate contained two or more nuclei. Usually in E. Cichoracearum and sometimes in E. Polygoni the oogonial branch consisted of two cells; this corresponds with the arrangement in the antheridial branch, which is regularly bicellular. In both cases the lower cell is to be regarded as a stalk. In regard to the occurrence of fertilization Dangeard's conclusions correspond with those which he reached in relation to Sphaerotheca. Phyllactinia Corylea infects the leaves of deciduous trees and shrubs in- cluding ash, oak, beech, hazel and hornbeam. The sexual organs arise (Harper 1905), as in other mildews, where two hyphae intersect. They become closely applied to each other, and, as the oogonium grows more quickly than the antheridial branch, it becomes some- what twisted around the latter. The subsequent history is very like that of Sphaerotheca or Erysiphe. A uninucleate antheridium is cut off, the male nucleus enters the female organ (fig. 44^), nuclear fusion takes place, the Fig. 44. Phyllactinia Corylea (Pers.) Karst.; a. fertilization; b. fusion nucleus in oogonium ; c. d. young perithecia ; alter Harper. oogonium elongates and enlarges in diameter and the fusion nucleus divides. The first nuclear division is apparently never accompanied by cell wall formation, so that a binucleate stage persists for some time. Finally, however, PLECTOMYCETES [CH. the usual row of three to five cells is formed. The penultimate cell regularly contains more than one nucleus ; the rest, as a rule, are uninucleate. Just after fertilization the sheath begins to grow up (fig. 44 b), springing in this case from the stalk cell of the antheridium, as well as from that of the oogonium, and developing into the three layers described above. The ascogenous hyphae arise as lateral branches from the septate oogonium (fig. 44*:), all or most being derived from the penultimate cell about which they are crowded and intertwined. They are at first multi- nucleate, and, as development proceeds, push up vertically within the peri- thecium (fig. 45); septation then takes place. The asci, of which there are several in each perithecium, arise as lateral outgrowths from the intercalary cells, or are formed directly from the terminal cells of the ascogenous hyphae. Each young ascus contains two nuclei, but the remaining cells are almost without exception uninucleate. Fusion takes place in the ascus (fig. 46) and is followed by three nuclear divisions ; as a rule only two spores are formed. F'g-45- Phyllactinia Cory lea (Pers.) Karst.; peri- lecmm containing uninucleate asci; after Harper. Fig. 46. Phyllactinia Corylea (Pers.) Karst.; a. b. fusion in ascus; after Harper. Chr°mOSOmeS (fiS' 47) have been observed throughout the life- In Plyllactinia CoryUa and also in Microspkaera Aim (Sands, ,907) and vanous of Erysip,* (Harper, ,905), the organization of he re tin- nucleus „ very characteristic. A deeply staining central body lies against the nuclear membrane and to this the chromatin threads L attached From ,t they extend into the central cavity of the nucleus forming a sheaf of d,vergent rays connected laterally by delicate fibrillae (fig 46) Ill] ERYSIPHALES 89 In Phyllactinia there is evidence that the number of main strands corresponds to the number of chromosomes, and that, in fact, these persist Flg- 47- Phyllactinia Corylea (Pers.) Karst.; a. metaphase of first division in ascus; b, ana- phase of first division ; c. anaphase of second division in ascus ; d. anaphase of third division; after Harper. throughout the resting stages that intervene between successive divisions, and fuse in pairs after nuclear fusion. ERYSIPHACEAE: BIBLIOGRAPHY 1895 HARPER, R. A. Die Entwickelung des Peritheciums bei Sphaerotheca Castagnei. Ber. d. deutsch. Bot. Gesell. xiii, p. 475. 1896 HARPER, R. A. Uber das Verhalten der Kerne bei der Fruchtentwickelung einiger Ascomyceten. Jahrb. fur wiss. Bot. xxix, p. 655. 1897 DANGEARD, P. A. Second memoire sur la production sexuelle des Ascomycetes. Le Botaniste, v, p. 245. 1897 HARPER, R. A. Kernteilung und freie Zellbildung im Ascus. Jahrb. fiir wiss. Bot. xxx, p. 249. 1900 SALMON, E. S. A Monograph of the Erysiphaceae. Mem. Torrey Bot. Club, ix, p. I. 1903 NEGER, F. W. Neue Beobachtungen iiber das spontane Freiwerden der Erysipheen- fruchtkorper. Centr. f. Bakt. Parasit. u. Infekt. ii, Abt. x, p. 570. 1905 BLACKMAN, V. H. and FRASER, H. C. I. Fertilization in Sphaerotheca. Ann. Bot. xix, p. 567. 1905 HARPER, R. A. Sexual Reproduction and the Organisation of the Nucleus in Certain Mildews. Publ. Carn. hist. Washington. 1905 SALMON, E. S. On Endophytic Adaptation shown by Erysiphe graminis D.C. under cultural conditions. Phil. Trans, cxcviii, p. 87. 1906 SALMON, E. S. On Oidiopsis taurica an Endophytic member of the Erysiphaceae. Ann. Bot. xx, p. 187. 1907 DANGEARD, P. A. L'origine du perithece chez les Ascomycetes. Le Botaniste, x, p. 216. 1907 SALMON, E. S. Notes on the Hop Mildew. Journ. Agr. Sci. ii, p. 327. 1907 SANDS, M. C. Nuclear Structure and Spore Formation in Microsphaera Aim. Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters xv, pt. 2, p. 733. 1911 WINGE, O. Encore le Sphaerotheca Castagnei. Bull. Soc. Myc. de France, xxvu, p. 211. 90 PLECTOMYCETES [CH. 1912 FOEX, M. Les conidiophores des Erysiphace"es. Rev. Ge"n. Bot. xxiv, p. 200. 1913 SALMON, E. S. Spraying Experiments against the American Gooseberry Mildew, Journ. S. E. Ag. Col. xxii, p. 404- 1913 SALMON, E. S. Observations on the Life-History of the American Gooseberry Mildew, Journ. S. E. Ag. Col. xxii, p. 433. 1913 SALMON, E. S. Observations on the Perithecial Stage of the American Gooseberry Mildew, Journ. S. E. Ag. Col. xxii, p. 440. 1914 BKZSSONOFF, M. N. Sur quelques faits relatifs a la formation du pe"rithece et la delimitation des ascospores chez les Erysiphaceae. Comptes Rendus Ac. Sci. clviii, p. 1123. Perisporiaceae The Perisporiaceae include about three hundred species, many of which are but little known, while none have been cytologically investigated. They develop as epiphytes on the leaves or young parts of plants, or occur on decaying plant substances. They usually possess a dark-coloured filamentous mycelium, but this sometimes forms a firm stroma, or again may be altogether lacking. The perithecia are superficial, dark in colour, and usually more or less spherical ; they are typically without appendages, but mycelial out- growths from their base may simulate these structures as in Meliola. The wall of the perithecium is generally membranous, more rarely carbonaceous and brittle; as a rule there is no definite opening but sometimes an irregular rent is formed at the apex (Antennarid), and sometimes the perithecium opens by valves (Capnodiwri). The asci are elongated and more or less cylindrical and the spores have one or more septa and are sometimes muriforrn; paraphyses are not generally developed. Dimerosporium, the largest genus with some sixty species, is epiphytic on the leaves of angiosperms.and one species (D. Collinsii} forms witches'-brooms on the service-berry. The mycelium is dark-brown, the spores two-celled. The species of Capnodium, Apiosporium and Meliola, are among the soot fungi, which form a black coating on leaves. They are purely epiphytic and saprophytic, subsisting on the honey dew secreted by insects, and doing little damage, as they are seldom thick enough to interfere with the supply of light. In several species a considerable variety of accessory fructifications are produced. Thus Meliola Penzigi, the "sooty-mould" of the orange, has conidia which differ little from the vegetative cells, multi-cellular conidia, conidia borne in small spherical pycnidia, and conidia abstricted from conidiophores in pustules or conceptacles, which may be flask-shaped or variously branched ; some of these accessory spores are developed in great abundance and perithecia are relatively rare. PERISPORIACEAE: BIBLIOGRAPHY 1897 WEBBER, H.J. Sooty Mould of the Orange and its Treatment. U.S. D*pt Ag. Veg. Phys. and Path. Bull. 13. 1892 ELLIS, J. B. and EVERHART, B. M. North American Pyrenomycetes. Ellis and Everhart, New Jersey. in] EXOASCALES gi Microthyriaceae The aerial mycelium of the Microthyriaceae is dark-coloured and super- ficial ; the flattened perithecia are shield-shaped and only the upper part of the sheath is fully developed ; it consists of a disc of radiating hyphae, which increase by branching as they grow towards the periphery, and are firmly attached one to another along their lateral walls. In this way a continuous layer of pseudoparenchyma is formed, below which the asci develop more or less at right angles to the surface of the leaf. The asci are cylindrical or pyriform, and the spores frequently bicellular. A definite ostiole may be formed, as in Microthyrium, or the perithecium may tear open at the apex as in Asterina. These two, with about forty and ninety species respectively, and Asterella with sixty are the largest genera in the family. The species are mainly tropical with a few representatives in Europe and North America. MICROTHYRIACEAE: BIBLIOGRAPHY 1913 THIESSEN, F. Uber einige Mikrothyriaceen. Ann. Myc. xi, p. 493.- 1914 THIESSEN, F. Uber Membranstructuren bei die Microthyriaceen. Myc. Centr. iii, P- 273- EXOASCALES The Exoascales form a group of obligate parasites on vascular plants ; they cause hypertrophy of the infected parts, producing yellow, red or purple discolorations, blisters, curling of the leaves, malformation of the fruit, and sometimes abnormal branching with the formation of tufts of fasciated twigs known as witches'-brooms. The latter peculiarity is by no means always attributable to the Exoascales but is induced also by certain rusts and by the attacks of insect parasites. The Exoascales are responsible for several diseases of economic importance including peach leaf curl induced by Exoascus deformans, a witches' broom on cherries due to E. Cerasi, and the distortion known as pocket plums caused by the presence of E. Pruni, which infects the flesh of the fruit and inhibits the development of the stone. Infection apparently takes place at about the time of the opening of the buds of the host, probably by means of spores deposited on the bud-scales ; in cold, moist weather, when the young leaves are in a state of lowered vitality, the fungus readily gains entrance; it can be checked by the use of appropriate sprays. Once in the leaf the hyphae in most cases ramify between the cells of the host, but in Taphrinopsis Latirencia on Pteris biaurita they are intracellular. No haustoria are developed. The mycelium may be annual or it may be perennial, hibernating mainly in the cortex and medulla of the young twigs and causing hypertrophy, especially of the hypodermal tissue, so that infected branches appear abnor- PLECTOMYCETES [CIL 92 mally thick. In such cases the destruction of the infected parts is necessary in order to combat the disease. The fertile mycelium is richly branched and consists of relatively short cells; it is developed mainly on the leaves or carpels of the host, and in Fig. 48. Exoascits deformans (Berk.) Fuck., x 1000. these regions asci are produced. Sometimes the mycelium permeates the whole tissue and the asci arise from hyphae below the epidermal cells and push up among them (Taphrina anrea\ sometimes the fertile hyphae lie between the epidermal cells (Magnusiella Potentillae), but in the majority of cases the asci are developed above the epidermal cells and just below the cuticle (Exoascus deformans). In the species of Taphrinopsis occurring on Pteris the asci are produced within the epidermal cells. The asci either arise directly from the mycelium (figs. 49, 50) or each is borne on a small, cubical stalk cell (fig. 48) which is cut off from the ascus Fig. 49. Taphrina aurea (Pers.) Fr.; young asci, x 500. Ill] EXOASCALES 93 mother-cell during development. Two nuclei can frequently be recognized in the cells of the fertile mycelium, and the young ascus, in all investigated cases, is binucleate. The two nuclei fuse, the fusion nucleus undergoes three successive divisions and eight spores are formed (fig. 48). In many species budding of the ascospore takes place, so that the mature ascus contains numerous minute conidia (fig. 50) by means of which the fungus is distributed. The Exoascales include the single family Exoascaceae ; with this is sometimes associated the Ascocorticiaceae containing the saprophytic Fig. 50. Taphrina aurea (Pers.) Fr. ; mature asci, x 500. genus Ascocorticium with five known species. The asci of Ascocorticiitm, like those of the Exoascaceae, are cylindrical in form, parallel in arrange- ment and quite unprotected. It is open to question whether the parallel arrangement of the asci in the Exoascaceae has any phylogenetic significance or is not rather the result of their development on the surface of the carpel or leaf. The cylindrical form of the ascus, however, does not suggest a primitive group. It may perhaps be inferred that the Exoascaceae are reduced forms derived from one of the phyla with protected asci ; there does not appear at present to be any clue to their probable ancestry. The same is true of the Ascocorticiaceae, of the development of which even less is known. Exoascaceae The classification of the Exoascaceae, and especially the separation of the two principal genera, Exoascus and Taphrina, has been based on a variety of different characters including the form of the ascus, the develop- ment or not of conidia from the ascospores, the annual or perennial character of the mycelium and the presence or absence of a stalk cell. Boudier defines Exoascus as having asci usually octosporous and usually provided with a basal cell; Taphrina as having asci usually polysporous, sometimes provided with a basal cell. 94 PLECTOMYCETES [CH. in The mycelium on which the asci are borne consists wholly or mainly of binucleate cells. The young ascus, as shown by Dangeard in 1894, is at first binucleate; the nuclei soon fuse and the fusion nucleus divides in preparation for spore-formation. In Taphrina Cerasi Ikeno in 1903 described the presence, after nuclear fusion, of a densely staining nucleolus or chromatin body as the only nuclear structure in the ascus. A spindle was formed, apparently from the substance of the nucleolus, the remainder of which became the single chromosome. The latter divided by a simple karyokinesis, the spindle was reabsorbed and the process twice repeated to give rise to eight chromatin bodies about which the spores were delimited. In Taphrina Kusanoi and other species Ikeno found no sign of karyokinetic division but the chromatin body under- went successive direct divisions to give rise to eight spore nuclei. The nuclei of the Exoascaceae are small and difficult to stain so it is possible that future investigation may modify Ikeno's account ; should it be confirmed it may perhaps be regarded as indicating stages in the dis- appearance of karyokinesis and a useful comparison may be instituted with the similar processes in the Uredinales. EXOASCACEAE: BIBLIOGRAPHY 1887 KNOWLES, E. L. The Curl of Peach Leaves; a Study of the Abnormal Structure produced by Exoascus deformans. Bot. Gaz. xii, p. 216. 1894 DANGEARD, P. A. La reproduction sexuelle desAscomycetes. Le Botaniste, iv, p. 30. 1903 IKENO, S. Die Sporenbildung von Taphrina-krtva. Flora, xcii, p. i. CHAPTER IV DISCOMYCETES THE term Discomycetes is applied to those groups in which the fruit is more or less cup-shaped (fig. 51), with the hymenium fully exposed at maturity, and to their immediate allies. The ascocarp is surrounded by a peridium or sheath of closely interwoven hyphae which is closed at first and later is pushed apart by the paraphyses, so that at last it forms the outer Fig. Otidea aurantia Mass.; nat. size. ipotheci, Fig. 52. Lachnea stercorea (Pers.) Gill.; ascocarp in longitudinal section showing young asci and para- physes, x 160. a. sheath; b. paraphyses; c. ascus; a. ascogenous hyphae ; e. oogonium ;/. stalk of archicarp. wall of the cup (fig. 52). The lower part of the cup is filled by the hypo- thecium, a tangle of hyphae, some vegetative, some ascogenous. These give rise to the sub-hymenial layer where the paraphyses have their origin and where the young asci are developed. The asci and paraphyses grow up together and rise to the surface of the ascocarp forming the hymenium or fertile disc which is spread over the interior of the cup. The asci are more or less cylindrical and parallel one to another and to the paraphyses (fig. 53). They open either by a lid (fig. 55) or by the ejection of a plug (fig. 54). They arise in succession so that large numbers may be produced in a single ascocarp. If the hypothecium is well developed the apothecial cup is full and the hymenium lies across the brim like the skin on a bowl of custard ; if the development of the hypothecium is slight the hymenium spreads over 96 DISCOMYCETES [CH. the sides and bottom of the cup. In many cases, as in Peziza vesiculosa and Otidca aurantia, the cup is small and comparatively full when it first opens, and grows larger and deeper as development proceeds. Fig. 53. Hiimaria rutilans (FY.) Sacc. ; hymenial layer showing asci and paraphyses in various stages of develop- ment, x 400. Fig. 54. Mitrula laricina Mass.; development and ejection of biseriate spores , x 600. This typically discomycetous ascocarp or^apothecium, which is well seen in the Pezizales, may be connected in one direction, through the Patel- lariaceae and their allies, with the fructifications of the Phacidiales, which are partly closed with a more or less stellate aperture, and with the characteristic- ally elongated fructifications of the Hysteriales, which open by a narrow slit. The apothecia of this last series show a close resemblance to the perithecia of certain Pyrenomycetes, and, as far as their mature structure is concerned, they may be placed as logically in one group as the other. Nor have we at present any information with regard to development which can decide the question. It remains even possible that the Hysteriales are a transition series and that some of the forms grouped among Discomycetes may have arisen from the Pyrenomycetes or vice versa. In another direction the typical apothecium, when very widely open suggests the reflexed ascocarp of Rhizina or Sphaerosoma and such a type IV] DISCOMYCETES 97 may, by invagination of the fertile surface, have produced the closed fruit of the truffles. The simpler Tuberales may have had a similar origin, or may have arisen direct from a pezizaceous form, such as Sepultaria, with which Genea has several points in common. It is not impossible that \h&Rhizina group, by the development of a sterile stalk, has also produced the Helvellaceae and it may be the Geoglossaceae as well. But the latter family, because of the characteristic method of dehis- cence of its ascus (by the ejection of a plug of wall material), has sometimes been looked upon as related to the Helotiaceae and their allies which show a similar dehiscence. Massee has developed a theory that forms with large, coloured, and elaborately sculp- tured spores, tend to be primitive. He thus regards the Tuberaceae and Geoglossaceae as ancient groups from both of which pezi- zaceous forms have sprung. Bucholtz's work on the development of Tuber diminishes the probability that this is a primitive type, or one that has given rise to cup-shaped forms, and it seems easier to think of Genea and its allies as derived from the Pezizales by the diminution in size of the external aperture, the shortening and broadening of the ascus and the increased convolution of the hymenium, than to regard them as giving rise to that group by the contrary changes. It is, however, not impro- bable that the Pezizales are polyphyletic in origin, and that some of them may have been derived from the higher Geoglossaceae. So far we have considered mainly the external characters of the fruit and the struc- ture of the ascus, but when we turn to the Pezizales we find a further, and possibly a more valuable, criterion in the structure of the sexual organs. The antheridium is known in very few cases. A large, oblong coenocytic cell has been described in Ascodesmis, and a similar, though larger, organ in Pyronema and in Lachnea stercorea, and we have also, if its position G.-V. 7 Fig. 55. Sepultaria coronaria Mass.; uniseriate spores ; ascus opening by a lid ; branched, septate, clavate paraphyses ; x 600. 98 DISCOMYCETES [CH. should be ultimately established, the curious stalked conidium of Ascobolus carbonarius. ... . The archicarp is of much commoner occurrence, and seems more likely to be useful as a gauge of relationship. Among Discomycetes the simplest type is undoubtedly that of Ascodesmis or Thelebolus; the significant details in Tkelebolus are not fully known, but in Ascodesmis we have a stout, twisted hvpha divided into three parts, the unicellular trichogyne, the unicellular coenocvtic oogonium and the multicellular stalk (fig. 56). After fertilization Fig. 56. Ascodesmis nigricans Van Tiegh.; sexual apparatus; a. trichogyne; b. antheridium ; c. oogonium; d. stalk; e. gametophytic hypha; after Claussen. Fig- 57- Pyronema confluens; spherical oogo- nium giving rise to ascogenous hyphae; a. an- theridium ; b. trichogyne; c. oogonium ; d. as- cogenous hyphae; x 1040; after Claussen. the oogonium becomes septate, so that the fertile part is multicellular and the ascogenous hyphae arise from several cells. This type closely approxi- mates to that in Eurotium and1 some other Plectascales, and there seems reason to regard it as a primitive female organ among Discomycetes. From it may be derived the spherical oogonium of Pyronema (fig. 57) which differs mainly in the fact, no doubt connected with its shape, that it does not become septate after fertilization, so that the ascogenous hyphae arise from one cell only. The same is true of Lachnea stercorea, which iv] DISCOMYCETES 99 differs in its multicellular trichogyne, and of Humaria gramdata, and perhaps some other forms in which the trichogyne, like the antheridium, has dis- appeared. Another group is distinguished by the multicellular oogonial region of the archicarp, which has also a stalk and a terminal region (or trichogyne) of several cells each (fig. 58). This type of female organ is sometimes termed a scolecite. It occurs in Lachnea cretea and in several species of Asco- bolus and Ascophanus. In A scobolus furfur aceus several of the central cells communicate one with another by means of pores, but only one of them gives rise to asco- Fig 58. Ascobolus furfuraeeus genous hyphae ; in some other species of Asco- pers.; archicarp, x74o; after bolus and in the genus AscopJianus ascogenous Dodge. hyphae arise from several communicating cells; the same is true of Lachnea cretea, where three or four cells become practically continuous owing to the disappearance of the transverse septa between them. In the trichogyne also, or terminal region of the archicarp, pores are formed in the transverse walls, so that this multicellular organ offers no bar to the passage of male nuclei. Such structures may well have been derived from the Ascodesmis type by the elongation and transverse septation of the parts of the archicarp. Our knowledge of the sexual organs of the Pezizales thus suggests that they may have been derived, along two principal lines of development, from a common ancestor within the group. In only two other families of Discomycetes, the Rhizinaceae (R/iisina and Sphaerosomd) and the Geoglossaceae (Leotia} has an oogonium been recognized. In each of these a large fertile cell is present, but its develop- ment is not known and no suggestions as to phylogeny can therefore be based upon it. Our knowledge of the development and especially of the reproductive organs of the Discomycetes is still very incomplete and further research is very necessary. As has been shown in Leotia, Humaria and other cases, it by no means follows that because one member of a genus has lost its sexual apparatus the same will be true of others. Every available species should be investigated. The Discomycetes include over 4000 species and may be subdivided as follows : Hymenium fully exposed at maturity mature ascophore cup-shaped PEZIZALES. mature ascophore reflexed or stalked with the fertile region often convoluted 7—2 I00 DISCOMYCETES [CH, Hymenium incompletely exposed at maturity ascophore round, aperture usually stellate PHACIDIALES. ascophore elongated, opening by a slit HYST Hymenium enclosed at maturity TUBERALES. PEZIZALES The Pezizales are characterized by the fleshy or sometimes leathery ascocarp, bounded, except in the Pyronemaceae, by a more or less definite peridium which is closed at first and opens later, giving the mature fruit a cup or saucer shape. This dehiscence is due to the growth of a conical mass of paraphyses which push out at the apex of the ascocarp. Fresh paraphyses and, a little later, asci grow up amongst those first formed and the peridium is pushed wide open and the hymenium exposed. The asci contain usually eight, but sometimes four, sixteen, thirty-two, or numerous spores, which germinate typically by means of germ-tubes, but which, in a few cases, give rise by budding to conidia. Various accessory spores, including conidia, chlamydospores and oidia, are also produced. The mycelium is well developed and filamentous, rarely forming a scle- rotium. The species are parasitic or saprophytic on the ground or on dead parts of plants ; in many cases they are coprophilous. Considering the very large size of the group the number of species investigated is small. In a few of these, normally functional male and female organs have been found, in some the antheridium has disappeared, and in many the oogonium is also lacking. Where an oogonium is present it gives rise to the ascogenous hyphae, while the paraphyses originate from the stalk or from the surrounding cells (fig. 52). The grou-p may be divided into the following families : Peridium continuous with hypothecium Peridium incomplete ; ascocarps usually compound PYRONEMACEAE. Peridium well-developed asci not rising above the surface when ripe ; asco- spores usually uniseriate PEZIZACEAE. asci rising above the surface when ripe ; ascospores often coloured and biseriate ASCOBOLACEAE. Peridium distinct from hypothecium Peridium of elongated hyphae (pseudoprosenchymatous) HELOTIACEAE. Peridium pseudoparenchymatous MOLLISIACEAE. Peridium absent or ill-defined ; epithecium formed CELIDIACEAE. Peridium tough ; epithecium formed ascocarp free PATELLARIACEAE. ascocarp embedded when young CENANGIACEAE. Apothecia numerous, sunk in a stroma CYTTARIACEAE. IV] PEZIZALES 101 Pyronemaceae The Pyronemaceae are a small group distinguished from the other Pezizales by the fact that the peridium, or lateral boundary of protective hyphae around the fruit, is not well developed. This is not always regarded as a sufficiently important character to warrant their separation from the Pezizaceae and many authors include them in that group. The only important genera are Ascodesmis and Pyronema, species of both of which have been somewhat fully investigated. Ascodesmis nigricans^ (fig. 59) is a small coprophilous form. The sexual organs appear in artificial culture about forty-eight hours after the germination of the spore. Stout, multinucleate hyphae grow up from the mycelium and dicho- tomize (fig. 6oa) to give rise to some six or eight archicarps. Near these, and usually from the same filament, one or two antheridial hyphae arise. They grow towards the archicarps (fig. 60 b) and dichotomize (fig. 60 c), while around each of their terminal cells or antheridia, an archicarp becomes wrapped (fig. 60 d). In the meantime walls are laid down, so that the various archicarps and antheridia become cut off from their neighbours, and each archicarp divides transversely to form a tri- chogyne and an oogonium. The trichogyne usually contains two nuclei, the oogonium five or six and the antheridium about the same number. The nuclei of the trichogyne soon degenerate, and, as observed by Claussen, the wall between this cell and the antheridium is broken down (fig. 60 e\ so that open communication is established. The male nuclei pass into the oogonium, where for a time ten or twelve nuclei may be counted, then fusion of these in pairs takes place (fig. 6o/). Subsequently the oogonium enlarges somewhat and undergoes septation ; large ascogenous hyphae, usually about three in number, bud out from it (fig. 60^-), and quickly give rise to asci (fig. 60 h). Ascus formation is apparently quite typical, the spores are spherical and have a characteristically sculptured epispore (fig. 6o/). At 1 Claussen described the cytology of this species under the name of Boudiera hypoborea Karst. ; see Cavara, Ann. Myc. iii, 1905, p. 363, and Dangeard, Botaniste, x, 1907, p. 247, for nomenclature. 59- Ascodesmis nigricans Van Tiegh. ; apo- thecium, X34o; after Claussen. 102 DISCOMYCETES [CH- about the time of fertilization vegetative filaments begin to grow up (fig. 60 d\ and at last form a loose investment around and among the developing asc, (fig. 59)- Fig. 60. Ascodesmis nigricans Van Tiegh. ; a. b. c. d. development of the sexual apparatus'; a. and b. x 1000, c. xnoo, d. x 800 ; e. communication between antheridium and trichogyne, xi3; f .fusion in oogonium, x 1600; g. septate oogonium and ascogenous hypha; antheridium and trichogyne shrivelled, x 1000; h. uninucleate ascus, x noo; /'. sculptured spores in ascus, x 750; after Claussen. Pyronema confluens^ occurs on burnt ground or on charred and decayed leaves in woods. Its fruits are pink or salmon-coloured, its mycelium to a great extent superficial, and its sexual apparatus of unusually large size. The latter fact led to an early study of its development. It was described by de Bary in 1863, by the brothers Tulasne in 1865 and 1866, by van Tieghem in 1884, and by Kihlman in 1885, and a very clear understanding of the morphology of the sexual organs was reached. A swollen, elongated antheridium was recognized and a more or less globular 1 Pyronema confluem Tul. = P. omphaloides (Bull.) Fuckel. IV] PEZIZALES 103 oogonium, from which a trichogyne protruded (fig. 61 b). The union of the trichogyne and antheridium was observed and it was shown that from the oogonium ascogenous hyphae subsequently arose. Van Tieghem recorded that the species is very susceptible to external conditions, the antheridium sometimes being reduced in size or absent, though the oogonium nevertheless developed normally and produced ascogenous hyphae. In 1900 appeared the classical researches of Harper, followed in 1903 and 1907 by Dangeard's, and in 1912 by Claussen's investi- gations. The mycelium is made up of cells of varying length, regularly multinucleate, containing six to twelve nuclei, and filled with cytoplasm of a loose, spongy structure. The mycelium is sparse and loose, but the reproductive organs are very abundant so that the ascocarps, when mature, are often crowded together, The first indication of sexual reproduction consists in the appearance of thick hyphae, very similar to the corresponding filaments in Ascodesmis, and tending, like them, to stand at right angles to the substratum. They dicho- tomize (fig. 6 1 a), the terminal cells become swollen, and two types, the more spherical oogonium and the more elongated antheridium, are distinguished ; these arise on separate branches, but from the same mycelium. Both are multinucleate from their initiation. Very soon a slight elevation appears on the oogonium; it elongates rapidly to form the multinucleate trichogyne and, before its growth is complete, is separated from the oogonium by a wall; the trichogyne and antheridium grow towards one another, the tip of the trichogyne meeting sometimes the apex, but more commonly the flank of the male organ. The mature oogonium is a spherical or flask-shaped cell filled with dense cytoplasm and containing many nuclei which are very much larger than those of the ordinary vegetative cells. Its stalk consists of two or three broad cells, its apex is continued into the trichogyne. The nuclei of the latter increase but little in size and are thus much smaller than those of the essential organs at maturity. The nuclei of the antheridium are almost as large as those of the female cell, but its protoplasm is less dense owing perhaps to the absence of accumulated reserve materials. It would appear Fig. 6 1 . Pyronema confltiens Tul. ; a. development of sexual apparatus ; b. mature oogonia and antheridia ; x 390 ; after de Bary. DISCOMYCETES [CH. 104 that in both oogonium and antheridium some nuclei degenerate Hvphae from the ascogonial and antheridial branches and also from the surrounding cells, begin to grow up even before ferfhzahon, and later envelop the sexual organs. . When fertilization is about to take place an area of cytoplasm in the region of the antheridium, against the wall of which the tip of the trichogyne is pressed is differentiated as a very finely granular disc from which the nuclei are withdrawn. Although located in the antheridium this area resembles the receptive spot seen in the oosphere of many algae. The tip of the trichogyne has by this time developed as a beak-like projection, and this also is empty of nuclei and contains dense and finely granular cytoplasm. The walls of the antheridium and trichogyne now break down at the point of contact and a pore is formed. The process is gradual, consisting probably of a softening and solution of the wall material, which seems to Fig. 62. Pyronema conjluens ; a. antheridium, trichogyne and oogonium, male and female nuclei collected in the middle of the latter ; b. c. fusion of male and female nuclei ; after Harper. spread out into the cytoplasm of the beak, suggesting that the solvent action is mainly exerted from the interior of the trichogyne. The open pore now becomes thickened around its margin so that an exceedingly strong ring unites the antheridium and trichogyne, and they can be bent or turned upon each other without being pulled apart. This arrangement is no doubt necessary to withstand the strain set up by the flow of nuclei from the relatively wide cavity of the antheridium through the narrow pore and beak. IV] PEZIZALES 105 While the formation of the pore is in progress the nuclei of the tricho- gyne degenerate, and, by the time that they are completely disorganized a migration of the male nuclei through the pore begins. Ultimately the contents of the trichogyne degenerate still further, till the cytoplasm and nuclei together form a densely staining mass which may be recognized even in the mature fruit. The male nuclei continue to pass into the tube until it is densely filled, and sometimes a trifle swollen. According to most observers the wall at the base of the trichogyne now breaks down so that an open passage is formed and the male nuclei travel through (fig. 63 a), and mingle Fig. 63. Pyronema confluens; a. entrance of male nuclei into oogonium, x 1435; b. association of male and female nuclei, x 1160; c. ascogenous hyphae with nuclei in pairs, x82o; after Claussen. with the female nuclei. After their migration is complete a fresh wall is laid down across the base of the trichogyne, cutting off the oogonium once more as a single spherical cell. The female nuclei meantime become aggregated together (fig. 620) and form a hollow sphere or dome or a sickle-shaped group. This is no doubt a provision for insuring their association with the male nuclei with the greatest certainty and dispatch. According to both Harper and Claussen, the sexual nuclei now pair; Harper has recorded complete fusion at this stage (fig. 62 b}, while Claussen (fig. 63 b} regards the nuclei as merely associated in preparation for their ultimate union in the ascus. Dangeard. on the other hand, denies the dis- appearance of the wall between the oogonium and trichogyne or the passage of the male nuclei beyond the latter organ, and Brown has described a variety in which the trichogyne and antheridium fail to unite. io6 DISCOMYCETES [CH. In any case the greater part of the male cytoplasm does not enter the oogonium but is left behind in the antheridium and trichogyne ; con- sequently these organs, after their function is complete, remain, to the superficial view, unchanged for a long period, till they are crushed at last by the growth of the investing hyphae, or perhaps destroyed by bacteria (Harper, p. 354). Before the stages described above, the oogonium has begun to bud out (fig. 6~2a) at various points, giving rise to the ascogenous hyphae. Into these the nuclei pass, a few, no doubt unpaired, being left behind in the oogonium. The hyphae elongate, branch freely and undergo septation, and, as the vegetative filaments grow up, they ramify among them and at last bend over and give rise to asci from their penultimate cells. Claussen has described a paired arrangement of the nuclei in the ascogenous hyphae (fig. 63*:), and believes the members of each pair to be respectively male and female. After the ascogenous and vegetative hyphae are thoroughly interwoven, a rapid stretching upward of the whole mass ensues. In this growth the vegetative hyphae outstrip the reproductive ones, and form at first a cone- shaped mass, made up of their elongated, slender, densely aggregated tips. These upper extremities of the vegetative hyphae are the young paraphyses. Their number is constantly increased by the pushing in of new branches from below, and thus the conical outline of the mass is maintained. The ascogenous hyphae grow for a certain distance in company with the vegetative filaments, then their upward growth ceases, and they spread out horizontally, forming a rather dense layer below the cone of paraphyses. This is the base of the hymenium. Usually in Pyronema, as in Ascodesmis, several oogonia are invested by a common sheath, and their ascogenous hyphae mingle to form the hymenium of a single ascocarp (fig. 64), but ascocarps developed in relation to a single pair of sexual organs are not unknown. The formation of the asci in Pyronema is quite typical. The number of chromo- somes is probably ten (Harper), or twelve (Claussen), at any rate in the first divisions in the ascus. Dangeard records a smaller number in the third division, and in the variety inigneum Brown describes five throughout. Fig. 64. Pyronema conjliiens; diagram- matic section through ascocarp ; after Harper. iv] PEZIZALES 107 As development proceeds the sexual organs become completely crushed an'd are at last no longer recognizable. At an early stage it becomes impossible to trace the connection between the ascogenous hyphae and the oogonium, and, during a great part of their development, these depend for their nutrition upon the paraphyses and other vegetative cells. A secondary mycelium grows downwards to the substratum, obtaining food material from it and serving for the attachment of the mature ascocarp. Special storage cells appear in the hypothecium. PYRONEMACEAE: BIBLIOGRAPHY 1863 DE BARY, A. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Ascomyceten. Leipzig. 1865 TULASNE, L. R. and C. Selecta fungorum Carpologia, iii. Imperial, typograph., Paris. 1866 TULASNE, L. R. and C. Note sur les phenomenes de copulation que pre"sentent quelques Champignons. Ann. Sci. Nat. vi, p. 217. 1884 VAN TIEGHEM, Ph. Culture et developpement du Pyronema confluens. Bull. Soc. Bot. de France, xxxi, p. 355. 1885 KIHLMAN, O. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Ascomyceten. Pyronema confluens. Acta Soc. Sci. Fennicae, xiv, p. 337. 1900 HARPER, R. A. Sexual Reproduction in Pyronema confluens, and The Morphology of the Ascocarp. Ann. Bot. xiv, p. 321. 1905 CLAUSSEN, P. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Ascomyceten. Bondiera. Bot. Zeit. Ixiii, p. i. 1907 DANGEARD, P. A. Recherches sur le developpement du perithece chez les Ascomy- cetes. Le Botaniste, x, pp. 247 and 259. 1909 BROWN, W. H. Nuclear Phenomena in Pyronema confluens. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ. vi, p. 42. 1912 CLAUSSEN, P. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Ascomyceten. Pyronema confluens. Zeitschr. f. Botanik, iv, p. I. 1915 BROWN, W. H. The Development of Pyronema confluens, van inigneum. Am. Journ. Bot. ii, p. 289. Pezizaceae The Pezizaceae form a rather large group. The ascocarp is superficial, sessile or stalked, usually with a well-marked peridium fleshy or waxy in consistency, and soon decaying after maturity. The spores are usually hyaline and continuous (though septate in some small species) and are typically uniseriate. The asci do not project above the level of the disc at maturity, as they do in the Ascobolaceae. The species are mostly sapro- phytic, many occurring on the ground, and a few, especially the smaller forms, on dung. The subdivisions depend on the shape of the spores, the size and consistency of the ascocarp, and the presence or absence of hairs. In the majority of forms the fruit is fleshy and without hairs; species are often grouped together in the single genus Pezisa, but i probably more convenient to separate them. The name Peziza is retain for large species with a sessile or subsessile cup, regular in form and loS DISCOMYCETES [CH. centimetres or more across as in P. vesiculosa. The genus Humaria includes similar but smaller species, often less than one centimetre in diameter. In Otidca the sides of the ascophore are laterally split, or vertically incurved and wavy. In Acetabula and Gcopyxis the ascophore is stalked. In Lacknea, as well as in some other genera, the fruit is beset with hairs and in Sepultaria it is hairy and more or less sunk in the soil. Lachnca stercorea is a small orange species occurring during the winter and spring on the dung of various animals, especially of cows. With Humaria granulata and Ascobolus furfuraceus, it is among the very common coprophilous forms, appearing in many parts of Britain with great regularity when the Piloboli have died down, and the cow pad is beginning to dry. It is about 4mm. in diameter and is furnished with numerous stout, septate hairs. The archicarp arises as a side branch from the vegetative mycelium, and divides to form four or more cells. The terminal cell or oogonium is oval in shape and larger than the others. It contains between two and three hundred nuclei and is filled with finely granular cytoplasm. In the cell next below the oogonium, the cytoplasm is also more dense and the nuclei more numerous than in the other cells of the fertile branch. Hyphae grow up from the lower cells of the archicarp, and from the branch which bears it, and form a dense weft above which the oogonium rises. Fig. 6?. Lachnea stercorea (Pers.) Gill.; and antheridium, XS . young archicarp, x8oo; £. archicarp ; P. Highley del. The oogonium sends out either laterally, or from its apex, a stout branch or trichogyne. It is cut off by a wall and divides into four to six cells, the terminal of which is much larger than the others (fig. 65 a). The tip of the trichogyne protrudes for a time beyond the developing sheath, but later, with the whole fertile branch, it is enclosed by vegetative hyphae. iv] PEZIZALES I09 At this stage a large, more or less oval sac is often found to be continuous with the terminal, or receptive, cell of the trichogyne into which a proportion of its contents pass (fig. 65^). There seems no doubt that this sac is the antheridium, but its development is not known, and there is no evidence that its contents ever pass beyond the receptive cell of the trichogyne. Indeed all the available evidence shows that both antheridium and trichogyne are now merely vestigial structures. Nevertheless the development of the oogonium continues, its nuclei increase to something over 500 in number, and ascogenous hyphae bud out. Before passing into these the oogonial nuclei fuse in pairs, so that normal fertilization is here replaced by the union of female nuclei. The ascogenous hyphae branch and give rise to asci, in each of which eight spores are produced in the usual way. The karyokinetic figures are small but very clear, there are four chromosomes in the first and second divisions, but in the third telophase only two have been recorded. There is some evidence that the chromosomes show regular and characteristic differences of form, which reappear in successive divisions. The peridium, though much better developed than in the Pyronema- ceae, is never completely closed, as in Humaria or Ascobolus, across the top of the ascocarp. The paraphyses are numerous and contain orange granules. Lachnea scutellata occurs on decaying wood, forming bright red apothecia. The archicarp consists of seven to nine cells, the subterminal of which enlarges to form the oogonium. The nuclei in this cell divide, and, according to Brown, show five short, stout chromosomes. He did not observe nuclear fusion or association in the oogonium, but regards the nuclei lying in contact as the two daughter nuclei of a single mitosis. Large ascogenous hyphae develop, undergo septation, and branch freely. Their tips bend over and asci are formed in the usual way from the penultimate cells. The terminal cells may undergo further growth and give rise, as in several other Disco- mycetes, to new asci. Nuclear fusion takes place in the young ascus, and is followed by a meiotic reduction. Five gemini are recorded, but, in the anaphase of the first division, ten chromosomes travel towards each pole. This Brown takes to indicate an early fission of the daughter chromosomes. In the second and third divisions five chromosomes are seen throughout. Brown infers the occurrence of a single fusion in this species, that in the ascus, and a single reducing division1. Laclmea cretea has a pale buff apothecium, beset with hairs (fig. 66#). It has been found on plaster ceilings, and, like many other saprophytic species, grows readily in artificial culture. 1 The magnification of Brown's figures of the divisions in the oogonium is enormous (x 11,100), and their details should therefore probably be received with some caution. no DISCOMYCETES [CH. The archicarp (figs. 66b-e) consists of a long, branched, muticellular trichogyne, an oogonial region of three or four coenocytic cells and a multicellular stalk. No antheridium has been observed. In the trichogyne (fie, 66 e) pores are formed between the adjacent cells, and are closed after a Time by "callus" pads. In the central part of the archicarp the transverse septa are completely broken down, so that a very wide passage is formed, and nuclei pass readily from cell to cell (fig. 66/). All the cells give rise Fig. 66. Lachnea cretea Phil.; a. mature ascocarp, x 90; b. c. development of archicarp, X3oo; d. older archicarp showing crowded nuclei, x 40x5 ; e mature archicarp with elaborately branched trichogyne, x 400 ; /. three ascogonial cells united by very large pores, X400. to ascogenous hyphae. Thus the oogonial region, though developmentally multicellular, is for all practical purposes unicellular at maturity, and offers no greater difficulties in the way of fertilization than the oogonium of Pyronema itself. The branched character of the trichogyne is exceptional among Disco- mycetes ; it might, no doubt, facilitate the establishment of contact with an IV] PEZIZALES in attached antheridium if the latter developed at a distance. But branching might also be regarded as a secondary or vegetative development, appearing after normal fertilization had ceased to occur. The presence of pores in the transverse septa of the trichogyne suggests that the function of that organ in relation to an antheridium has only recently been lost. Fig. 67. Humaria gramilata Quel.; young archicarp, x32o; after Blackman and Fraser. The ascogenous hyphae contain many nuclei irregularly arranged. Asci are formed in° the usu'al way, their nuclei show about J*—™ in the first division. Owing to the small size of the nucle, further details have not been studied in this species. [[2 DISCOMYCETES [CH- Hnmariagmnulata is a common red or orange coprophilous form. The archicarp develops as a side branch from an ordmary hypha The apical c I of this branch increases in size and becomes sphencal, formmg the ooeonium (fi- 67) • it contains large numbers of well-marked nucle,. When it Ts Jgrown the oogonia! nuclei fuse in pairs (fig. 68 a), and the fusion nuclei pass into the ascogenous hyphae (fig. 68 /,). There ,s no s,gn of e.ther trichogyne or antheridium. Fig. 68. Hmnaria gramdata Quel.; a. fusion of nuclei in oogonium, xjsoo; b. oogonium giving rise to ascogenous hyphae, x 1250; after Blackman and Fraser. Vegetative cells grow up and invest the archicarp, forming a close pseudoparenchymatous sheath in which the ascogenous hyphae ramify. They give rise at last to asci in the usual way. Four chromosomes have been recorded in the ascogenous hyphae, eight in the first division in the ascus and four in the two subsequent PEZIZALES mitoses. This implies that the gametophytic number is four, and that the gemim are formed immediately after the fusion in the oogonium, so that in the ascogenous hyphae there are four bivalent instead of eight univalent chromosomes. In the meiotic prophase which follows the fusion in the is a d°uble number of gemini' since two sp°r°phytic nuclei In Humaria granulate, the antheridium has disappeared and normal fertilization is replaced by fusion of female nuclei in pairs in the oogonium. Fig. 69. Humaria rutilans (Fr.) Sacc.; very young ascocarp, x 500. In another species of this genus, Humaria rutilans1, reduction has gone yet further and not even an archicarp is produced. The apothecium arises as a dense weft of tangled filaments, which for a time differ from one another only in the relatively thick walls of the outer hyphae, and the richer proto- plasmic content of the inner (fig. 69). Each cell of the weft contains one or a few nuclei. After a while the nuclei in the central part of the mass may be seen to be of two sizes, and the smaller have been found to fuse in 1 Humaria rutilans (Fr.) Sacc. = Pe ziza rutilans Fr. in Boudier, hones, PI. 315. G.-V. 8 DISCOMYCETES [CH. pairs (fig. 700), giving rise to the larger. Sometimes in connection with this process a nucleus migrates through the wall from one cell to another (fig. 70 b\ as in prothallia of ferns. Thus in H. rutilans, where the sexual organs are completely lacking, normal fertilization is replaced by the union of vegetative nuclei in pairs. Fig. 70. Htimaria rutilans (Fr.) Sacc.; a. fusion in a vegetative hypha; b. migration of nucleus from one vegetative cell to another; both x noo. The cells which contain fusion nuclei now give rise to ascogenous hyphae, while, from the rest, the paraphyses and cells of the outer sheath arise. ^ The asci are very large, and their nuclei particularly clear. The number of chromosomes in the nuclei of the ascogenous hyphae, and in the first and second divisions in the ascus and in the prophase of the third is sixteen (figs. 71, 72). In the third telophase eight have been recorded by Maire and by Eraser (fig. 73), and sixteen by Guilliermond (fig. 74). *ig. 71- Humaria rutilans (Fr.) Sacc.; a. asco- genous hypha showing sixteen chromosomes in each nucleus x 195o; b. fusion nucleus of ascus passmgoutofsynapsis, x 1300;, .fusion nucleus of ascus showing sixteen gemini, x 1950 IV] PEZIZALES In several other members of the Pezizaceae, for example in Peziza vesiculosa (Eraser and Welsford) and Peziza tectoria, development appa- rently takes place, as in Humaria rutilans, without the formation of sexual organs. In Otidea aurantia (Eraser and Welsford), a large cell, no doubt part of an archicarp, has been recorded in the early stages, and in Peziza thele- boloides, Humaria Roumegueri, and H. carbonigena, there is a well-marked oogonial region of one or more cells. Fig. 72. Humaria rutilans (Fr.) Sacc.; a. telophase of second division in ascus, x 3370 ; b. prophase of third division in ascus, showing sixteen curved chromo- somes, x 2808. Fig. 73. Humaria rutilans (Fr.) Sacc.; a. meta- phase of third division in ascus, x 2080 ; b. polar view of telophase of third division in ascus, showing eight curved chromosomes, x 3100. Fig. y4. Humaria rutilans; telo- phase of third division in ascus; after Guilliermond. 8—2 Il6 DISCOMYCETES [CH. PEZIZACEAE: BIBLIOGRAPHY 1905 GUILLIERMOND, A. Remarques sur le Karyokinese des Ascomycetes. Ann. Myc. 1905 MAIRE, R. Recherches cytologiques sur quelques Ascomycetes. Ann. Myc. in, 1906 BLACKMAN, V. H. and FRASER, H. C. I. On the Sexuality and Development of the Ascocarp in Humaria granulata. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 77, p. 354- 1907 FRASER, H. C. I. On the Sexuality and Development of the Ascocarp in Lachnea stercorea. Ann. Bot. xxi, p. 349. 1908 FRASER, H. C. I. Contributions to the Cytology of Humaria rutilans. Ann. Bot. xxii, p. 35 1908 FRASER, H. C. I. and WELSFORD, E. J. Further Contributions to the Cytology of the Ascomycetes. Ann. Bot. xxii, p. 465. 1909 FRASER, H. C. I. and BROOKS, W. E. St J. Further Studies on the Cytology of the Ascus. Ann. Bot. xxiii, p. 537. 1911 BROWN, W. H. The Development of the Ascocarp in Lachnea scutellata. Bot. Gaz. lii, p. 275. 1911 GUILLIERMOND, A. Les Progres de la cytologie des Champignons. Prog. Rei Bot. vi, p. 389. 1913 FRASER (GWYNNE-VAUGHAN), H. C. I. The Development of the Ascocarp in Lachnea cretea. Ann. Bot. xxvii, p. 554. Ascobolaceae The large majority of the Ascobolaceae are coprophilous ; their ascocarp is soft and fleshy or somewhat gelatinous, and they possess a well-marked sheath which is closed during the early stages of development. They are distinguished from the Pezizaceae by the usually multiseriate arrangement of their spores, and by the fact that, when ripe, the asci stand well up above the hymenium before the spores are discharged. Often the asci are large and few in number ; the spores are brown or violet in Ascobolus, Saccobolus and Boudiera, hyaline in the other genera ; they are usually ellipsoid, but round in Boudiera and Cubonia ; in Saccobolus they are enclosed in a special membrane within the ascus and are ejected together ; and in Thelebolus and Rhyparobus they are sixteen or more in number. In most of the species investigated there is a conspicuous multicellular coiled archicarp, the central part of which gives rise to ascogenous hyphae. Some of the species also produce conidia {Ascobolus carbonarius), or chlamy- dospores (Ascobolus furfur aceus (Welsford), Asco- pJianus carneus}. Ascobolus furfuraceus is one of the commonest dung species, the ascocarp is green or brown in b. /r. Ascobolus furfura- , . , fens Fers ; archicarp, x 74o; colour with a characteristic scurfy margin. The after Dodge. archicarp (fig. 75) consists of sometimes as many .IV] PEZIZALES 117 as twenty (Dodge), sometimes a much smaller number of cells. These are at first uninucleate (Harper, Welsford), or multinucleate (Dangeard); later they always contain numerous nuclei (fig. 76a). One of them, usually the Fig. 76. Ascobolus furfur aceus Pers.; a. young archicarp, x 750; b. rather older specimen showing pores between the cells, x 625 ; after Welsford. fourth from the apex (Welsford), enlarges, buds out ascogenous hyphae and functions as the oogonium. Those near the base form a stalk, and those towards the apex may be regarded as constituting a now functionless trichogyne. The cells on each side of the oogonium communicate with it by means of pores (fig. 76 b). Additional nuclei pass into it from both the stalk and terminal cells, and Welsford has observed their fusion in pairs in the oogonium. The fusion nuclei pass into the ascogenous hyphae. The asci are large and produce each eight spores which are violet or brownish in colour ; the epispore is characteristically sculptured at maturity. There are eight chromosomes in the first division in the ascus, and four in the second and third (Dangeard (fig. 13), Fraser and Brooks). In Ascobolus glaber the archicarp is larger and more twisted than in A. furfur aceus, and consists of some twenty or thirty cells from one or more of which the ascogenous hyphae develop (Dangeard). In Ascobolus Winteri, a form occur- ring on goose dung, and apparently limited to this habitat, the archicarp (fig. 77), as described by Dodge, con- sists of three parts, a stalk of two or three cells, a series of larger, central cells, which give rise to the ascogenous hyphae, and a terminal row of three Fig. 77. Ascobolus Winteri Rehm.; archi- carp, x 1080 ; after Dodge. DISCOMYCETES [CH. n8 or four cells, which diminish gradually in diameter and which he terms a trichogyne. In Ascobolus immersus the mycelium consists of multmucleate cells, the archicarp is larger than that of A. Winteri and contains some twenty divisions, it is otherwise very similar. The cells contain numerous large nuclei and pores develop between them ; the ascogenous hyphae arise from a single cell. Ramlow observed nuclear fusions in the central cell of the archicarp, but referred them to bad fixation. His explanation may be adequate here, but it does not invalidate the observations of authors who have recorded fusions in properly fixed ma- terial. In archicarps which he held to be satisfactorily fixed Ramlow saw pairing of nuclei in the ascogenous cell, and records that they wandered in pairs into the ascogenous hy- phae (fig. 78), not fusing till the asci were about to develop. In the divisions of the ascus the number of chromosomes is stated by Ramlow to be sixteen through- out, but he does not figure the essential third anaphase. Ascobolus carbonarius occurs on burnt ground among charcoal. The ascocarp is scurfy (furfuraceous), and greenish, 'or later brownish in colour. Numerous conidia are formed on the mycelium, and, according to Dodge, it is from a conidium, germinating while still attached to its stalk, that the archicarp is produced. It consists of a multicellular stalk, a fertile portion which contains twenty to forty cells arranged in a loose irregular spiral, and a terminal trichogyne more or less coiled, tapering towards the end, and including some ten to twenty cells. The apex of this trichogyne is found to wrap itself tightly round a second conidium, attached, like the first, to its stalk (fig. 79). This conidium is re- garded by Dodge as the an- theridium, but no cytological details have as yet been published. Ascophanus carneus is a somewhat variable species. Its red, pink, or Fig. 78. Ascobolus immersus Pers. ; archicarps showing paired nuclei, x 1000; after Ramlow. Fig. 79. Ascobolus carbonarius Karst. ; archicarp, x 280 ; after Dodge. IV] PEZIZALES 119 orange apothecia occur on the dung of cows and rabbits, on old leather, rope and similar habitats. Chlamydospores are sometimes produced. As in Ascobolus, the archicarp is a coiled, multicellular filament; it varies considerably both in the size and number of its cells and in the amount of twisting which it undergoes. The central oogonial region includes three to seven large cells with granular contents. Between this and the parent hypha is a stalk of variable length and beyond it is a terminal portion (or trichogyne) of not more than seven cells which are narrower than the rest and appear to degenerate early (Cutting). The cells come into communication with one another by large pores (fig. Si a), and Cutting has shown that nuclear fusions (fig. 81 b} take place in all the cells of the oogonial region, and that all of them give rise to ascogenous hyphae. Ramlow also saw nuclear fusions in these cells, but heexplained them, as in Ascobohis immersus, as due to bad fixation. He also saw and figured exceptionally large nuclei, which had apparently become swollen, and were about to degene- rate. For him the normal process is the association of nuclei in pairs (fig. 80) without fusion, and their passage, still associated, into the ascogenous hyphae; here walls are F'ig. 80. A scophanus carneiisfers.; old archicarp, showing associated nuclei, x 800; after Ramlow. formed so that the hypha consists of a series of binucleate cells. These Fie 8 1 Ascofihanus carneus Pers.; a. section through young ascocarp, showing nuclear fusion in two cells of the archicarp, x 580 ; b. two cells of an archicarp, showing nuclear fusions, x 1240; after Cutting. nuclei, when satisfactorily fixed, showed a well-marked centrosome. Ramlow was unable to see whether one or several cells of the archicarp 120 DISCOMYCETES [CH. gave rise to ascogenous hyphae ; an investigation sufficiently searching to determine this point might have led to the recognition of nuclear fusions in normal material. The ascospore has a single large nucleus, and gives rise to multi- nucleate germ-tubes in which Ramlow's figures show numerous nuclei in pairs (fig. 1 6). In Ascophanus ochraceus Dangeard describes eight to fifteen oogonia as taking part in the formation of a single fruit. These, it would appear, are all borne upon the same hypha ; they may arise from adjacent cells, and indeed sometimes open into one another, so that the whole series seems equivalent to the oogonial region of A. carneus. Each cell, however, is described as bearing a twisted, multicellular trichogyne, which would indicate that each is an independent organ. Large ascogenous hyphae arise from the several " oogonia," and the view suggests itself that the so-called trichogyne may be in fact a premature ascogenous hypha. It is, at least, difficult to distinguish the one from the other in Dangeard's figures, and the species certainly requires further investigation. Saccobolus violascens is a violet or greyish violet species about I mm. in diameter. The archicarp is a coiled structure and is divided into only three or four cells (Dangeard), the central of which gives rise to ascogenous hyphae, while vegetative filaments grow up from the stalk and neighbouring mycelium (fig. 82). Fig. 82. Saccobolus violascens Boud.; archicarp ; after Dangeard. F'g- 83. Thelebohis stercoreus Td ascocarp with single ascus, x 2< after Brefeld. The species of Rhyparobius and Thelebolus, the two genera with many IV] PEZIZALES 121 multicellular archicarps, each rather like the single scolecite of Ascobolus. The cells are not connected by pores, and ascogenous hyphae arise from several in each archicarp. In R. brunneus Dangeard reports a single archicarp, consisting of a short, somewhat twisted branch. Ramlow has also recorded a single archicarp in R. polysporus and Barker in an unnamed species. Overton has made some study of the development of the numerous spores in R. Pelletieri. The ascus nucleus divides as usual to form eight free nuclei, these undergo a period of rest and growth and then divide further till thirty-two free nuclei are formed. Around these the spores are delimited in the usual way. Thelebolus stercoreus has a mycelium of uninucleate cells, from one of which the archicarp arises as a thick branch containing a single nucleus. Later two, four, and finally eight, are seen (fig. 85), and then septation takes Fig. ^— - -_' B4. Thelebolus stercoreus Tde. ; a. young ascocarp with binucleate asci ; b. ascus containing fusion nucleus, both x 810 ; after Ramlow. place, so that a row of cells is formed. Most of these are uninucleate, but one contains two nuclei (fig. 84^); it enlarges and becomes the single ascus ; in it the two nuclei fuse (fig. 84^). The definitive nucleus divides karyo- kinetically, sometimes as many as ten times, so that 1042 nuclei are formed. Fig. 85. Thelebolus stercoreus, Tde.; development of archicarp, x 1750; after Ramlow. Spore-formation takes place apparently in the usual way. The wall of the ripe ascus is about 2/* thick, but a thinner region is present at the apex, sc that a concave papilla is differentiated, which is concerned in the dehiscence of the ascus. A sheath of vegetative hyphae grows up from the surrounding cells. 122 DISCOMYCETES [CH. In Thelcbolns Znkalii the origin of the ascocarp has been observed from a pair of intertwined hyphae (Ramlovv, 1914), but the cytology and further development have not yet been described. The closest analogy to the development of the ascocarp in Thelebolus is perhaps to be found in SphaerotJieca among the Erysiphales. I n both we have a hypha which is at first uninucleate, later multinucleate. In both it divides to form a row of cells most of which enclose one nucleus. In both a single binucleate cell, typically penultimate, gives rise to the single ascus in which nuclear fusion takes place. But in SpliaerotJieca the original uninucleate structure is the fertilized oogonium, while in Thelebolus stercoreus an anthe- ridium has not been demonstrated. It remains to be seen what light the investigation of Tli. Zukalii will throw on these homologies. In view of the direct transformation of one cell of the row into an ascus, it becomes unjustifiable to correlate the septate structure here with the young archicarp of the Ascoboli or AscopJiani. ASCOBOLACEAE: BIBLIOGRAPHY 1896 HARPER, R. A. Ueber das Verhalten der Kerne bei der Fruchtentwickelung einiger Ascomyceten. Jahr. fiir wiss. Bot. xxix, p. 655 1903, 4 BARKER, P. T. B. The Development of the Ascocarp in Rhyparobius. Kept. Brit. Assoc. Southport and Cambridge. 1906 OVERTOX, J. B. The Morphology of the Ascocarp and Spore-formation in the many spored Ascus of Thecotheus Pelletieri. Bot. Gaz. Ixii, p. 450. 1906 RAM LOW, G. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte von Thelebolus stercoreus. Bot. Zeit. Ixiv, p. 85. 1907 DANGEAKD, P. Recherches sur le developpement du perithece chez les Ascomy- cetes. Le Botaniste, x, p. 304. 1907 WELSKORD, E. J. Fertilization in A scobolus frtrfuraceus. New Phyt. vi, p. 156. 1909 CUTTING, E. M. On the Sexuality and Development of the Ascocarp in Ascophanus carneus. Ann. Bot. xxiii, p. 399. 1909 FRASER, H. C. I. and BROOKS, W. E. St J. Furthur Studies on the Cytology of the Ascus. Ann Bot. xxiii, p. 537. 1912 DODGE, B. O. Methods of Culture and the Morphology of the Archicarp in certain Species of the Ascobolaceae. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, xxx, p. 139. 1914 RAM LOW, G. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Ascoboleen Myc Cen- tralbl. v, p. 177. Helotiaceae and Mollisiaceae The Helotiaceae and Mollisiaceae are distinguished from the Pezizaceae by the fact that their peridium differs more or less definitely in structure from the hypothecium. In Helotiaceae the peridium is prosenchvrhatous >mposed of elongated parallel hyphae, usually light in colour and thin- ed. In the Molhs.aceae it is parenchymatous, of round or polygonal cells usually thick-walled and dark-coloured. In both families the ascus ! ejection of a plug, and not, as in most Discomycetes, by a lid. iv] PEZIZALES I23 The apothecia of the majority of forms included in these two families are small, often stalked, sometimes attached to a sclerotium ; they are waxy in consistency and may be glabrous or hairy. Most are saprophytes, often occurring on dead plants, some are parasitic. In Helotiaceae they are almost always sunk in the substratum (immersed), and in Mollisiaceae frequently superficial. Among the Mollisiaceae Pseudopeziza Trifolii is parasitic and causes the leaf-spot disease of clover. The leaves become increasingly spotted and die, so that the crop is often seriously injured. In this case the ascocarps are sessile and distinctly erumpent, developing within the tissue of the leaf, and breaking through the epidermis at maturity. There are several other species of Pseudopeziza, most on dead stems and leaves, a few on the living tissues of wild plants. The species of Tapesia occur on wood, branches, and dead leaves. The ascocarps are stipitate and pilose or downy, they are found in groups seated on a spreading weft of branched interwoven hyphae, by means of which the genus is readily distinguished. T. fusca is to be found on fallen twigs of larch and other plants. Among the Heliotiaceae the genus Helotium includes a number of species found on dead leaves, stems, beechmast, and similar habitats; these fungi are light-coloured, waxy and frequently stipitate. Another large genus, Dasyscypha, has a sessile or short-stalked ascocarp, thin and delicate in texture, and externally pilose; the species are sapro- phytic or parasitic. Dasyscypha Willkommii is the cause of a serious disease, the well-known Larch Canker. The apothecia are externally yellow with an orange disc. The ascospores give rise to germ-tubes which are unable to penetrate the bark, but obtain entrance through wounds caused by hail, ice or snow, or by the destruction of the needles by insects. The Larch moth (Coleophora laxicelld), for instance, is known to cause less injury in mountainous than in lower regions, and the fungal disease is propor- tionately less prevalent in the mountains. The mycelium ramifies chiefly through the soft bast, but may penetrate the wood as far as the pith. It spreads only in the autumn and winter, never in summer when the growth of the host is active. Where it spreads into the bark the tissues turn brown and shrivel, causing depressed canker spots in which yellowish white stromata are produced. These give rise to minute unicellular conidia, and later, if the atmosphere is sufficiently moist, to ascocarps. In the genus Sclerotinia the stalked ascocarps arise from sclerotia (fig. 86). A number of species are parasitic : 5. tuberosa on Anemone nodosa ; 5. sclero- tiorum on the potato, cabbage and other hosts in the stems of which the sclerotia are formed; S.fructigena and 5. cinerea on species of Prunus and Pyrus where they give rise to brown rot, blossom wilt and other pathological conditions ; S. bulborum on hyacinth and other bulbs, and various species on 124 DISCOMYCETES [CH. rs of the Vaccinieae, where the sclerotia are formed on the fruits i" the conidia are produced in chains and are separated by small cellulose disjunctors. They have a characteristic smell of almonds and are tried o the flower by insects, and probably also by wmd ; they "rmTnate to form septate hyphae which enter and fill the ovary. The Fig. 86. Sderotinia tuberosa (Hedw.) Fuck.; sclerotia and apothecia, nat. size. mummified berries fall prematurely, lie during winter on the earth, and in spring give rise to the goblet shaped apothecia. In other species the conidia are borne on a conidiophore and belong to the form-genus Botrytis ; the conidial phase on Primus and Pyrus is known as Monilia. The ascospores are unicellular and hyaline and often of unequal size. Celidiaceae, Patellariaceae, and Cenangiaceae In the previously described families the consistency of the ascocarp is either fleshy or waxy. In the following three, Celidiaceae, Patellariaceae, and Cenangiaceae, it is leathery, horny, or cartilaginous, and the ends of the paraphyses are interwoven to form a layer above the asci known as the epithecium. The hypothecium is well developed, the ascospores are some- times more than eight in number and are one to many-celled; in some species pycnidia are present. The three families are sometimes grouped together as Dermateaceae. iv] PEZIZALES 125 Some of the Celidiaceae occur on wood or bark, but the majority are parasitic on the thalli or apothecia of lichens, their hyphae ramify among the living tissues of the host, and they were at first believed to be themselves lichen species. They are, however, without a thallus, and so without an algal constituent, and the host plant is clearly distinguished by its own fructification developed in the absence of the parasite. The fruits of Celidium variant, for example, form black points on the apothecia, or rarely on the thallus of the lichen Lecanora glaucoma. In this family the peridium is absent or but little developed. The Patellariaceae are for the most part saprophytic, but include also a number of lichen parasites. These are erumpent, but the saprophytic forms are superficial, and are thus differentiated from the Cenangiaceae. They are distinguished from the Celidiaceae by the well-marked peridium of small, dark-coloured cells. The fruits are closed at first and either become flattened out as they develop, or open by a narrow or a star-shaped slit. In the Cenangiaceae the ascocarps are erumpent, sometimes developed on a stroma. They are dark-coloured, with a tough or somewhat gelatinous sheath, and, when mature, are cup or pitcher shaped ; pycnidia or spermo- gonia are present in some genera. Bulgaria polymorpha, one of the best known species, occurs on dead trunks of trees, particularly beech. The cup is i to 4 cm. across, and is externally umber brown. The hymenium is black and shining and level or almost level with the top of the cup. The ascocarps burst through the bark as small, rusty brown, scurfy knobs, which gradually expand at the apex. The substance is soft and tough, resembling india-rubber in consistency and appearance. The species is readily distinguished by its four, slightly curved, brown ascospores. It is stated to be a dangerous enemy of the oak, but details of its parasitism are not known. The genus Coryne is placed by many systematists in the neighbour- hood of Bulgaria. C. sarcoides is a common species on rotten trunks and stumps. The apothecia are crowded and dull red or purple in colour. Amongst them, or often occurring alone, are the conidial fructifications, rather paler in colour. Minute conidia are abstricted froin the ends of the fertile hyphae. The ascospores are septate. Cyttariaceae The very curious family Cyttariaceae contains only one genus, Cyttaria. Six species are known, occurring in New Zealand, Tasmania, and South America ; all are parasitic upon species of Notkojagns. C. Darwinii occurs very commonly in Tierra del Fuego, where it was collected by Darwin in 1833. 126 DISCOMYCETES [CH. "In the beech forests," he says, "the trees are much diseased; on the rough excrescences grow vast numbers of yellow balls. They are of the colour of the yolk of an egg, and vary in size from that of a bullet to that of a small apple ; in shape they are globular, but a little produced towards the point of attachment. They grow both on the branches and stems in groups. When young they contain much fluid and are quite tasteless, but in their older and altered state they form a very essential article of food for the Fuegian. The boys collect them and they are eaten uncooked with fish." He observed that they were smooth when young, "the external surface marked with white spaces as of a membrane covering a cell"; later the whole surface is "honeycombed by regular cells." These are the separate apothecia, considerable numbers of which occur on the same stroma. Bertero, at about the same time, recorded that the Chilian species (C. Berteroi} threw tWig °f N°h °fagUS ™Sx- f; ° °agUS ™™<»>» with knobs beari gus, x s, b. group of stromata; c. single stroma cut across; all after Berkeley. with knobs bearing the iv] HELVELLALES 127 "out of these cavities an impalpable powder when it was touched, exactly as is observed in the Peziza vesiculosa" In all species the stromata seem to grow from a distinct disc (fig. 87), formed from the bark or the bark and wood of the host, and traversed in all directions by the mycelium, which doubtless gives rise to a fresh crop each season. The asci are rather short and cylindrical and contain eight ovoid spores. In C. Dai"winii Berkeley observed that the lower part of the stroma was granulated as if beset with a small, black, parasitic Sphaeria; Fischer inter- preted these structures as spermogonia or pycnidia, and was able to observe them on different parts of the stroma of C. Hookeri-*x\& C. Harioti. He also noted, below the developing apothecia of C. Darwinii, certain stout, coiled, branching hyphae, which were at this stage almost without contents. Their appearance suggests that they are ascogenous hyphae, but Fischer made the alternative suggestion that they might be archicarps. In view of the presence of putative spermatia he made some search for trichogynes reaching to the surface of the stroma,but could find none, nor any evidence of a sexual process. The Cyttariaceae have been compared to those members of the Cenan- giaceae in which the apothecia arise from a common stroma, and in which pycnidia or spermogonia are also present. In many directions they require further investigation. CYTTARIACEAE: BIBLIOGRAPHY 1842 BERKELEY, M. J. On an edible Fungus from Tierra del Fuego and an allied Chilian Species. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. xix, p. 37. 1847 BERKELEY, M. J. Fungi. Hooker's Flora Antarctica, ii, p. 453. 1848 BERKELEY, M. J. Decades of Fungi. Lond. Journ. Bot. 2nd series, vii, p. 576. 1885 BUCHANAN, J. On Cyttaria Pnrdiei. Trans. New Zealand Inst. xviii, p. 317. 1886 FISCHER, E. Zur Kenntniss der Pilzgattung Cyttaria. Bot. Zeit. xlvi, p. 812. HELVELLALES The members of the Helvellales are saprophytes, growing chiefly on the ground, sometimes on decayed wood and branches. Most are large, fleshy and stipitate. The hymenium is spread over the upper surface, and, in the few forms studied, is covered at first by a veil or membrane through which the paraphyses break, much as in the Pezizas, and which may be homologized with their peridium. There are three families : Ascophore flattened, not stalked RHIZINACEAE. Ascophore stalked fertile region of head distinct from stalk, ascus opening by a lid HELVELLACEAE. fertile region not always distinct from stalk, ascus opening by a plug GEOGLOSSACEAE. DISCOMYCETES Rhizinaceae [CH. The Rhizinaceae are characterized by their unstalked fructification, and include the genera Rhizina and Sphaerosoma. Rhizina has a flattened, crust-like ascophore, more or less concave below, and attached to the soil by root-like strands of mycelium. The asci cover the upper surface. Rhisina inflata occurs in this country only as a saprophyte, growing on soil, but in both France and Germany it has been found to attack conifers. The disease, known as ring disease, or root fungus, extends from a centre, infecting one plant after another and causing them to lose their needles and die. The mycelium ramifies in the intercellular spaces of the cortex, and within as well as between the cells of the bast, so that the sieve-tubes are completely filled. It forms also masses of pseudoparenchyma between the dead and diseased tissues of the host. The development of the ascocarp has been studied in R. undulata where Fitzpatrick found a long, multicellular archicarp recalling that of some of the Ascobolaceae. He regards the terminal cell or cells as a trichogyne but there is no evidence that normal fertilization ever takes place or that male organs are ever developed. In due course, the central cells become continuous through large pores, and give rise to ascogenous hyphae into which the nuclei pass. Fitzpatrick observed paired nuclei in the oogonial region and in the ascogenous hyphae, and infers that nuclear association occurs in the archicarp, but that there is only one fusion, that in the ascus. Sphatrosomajanczeivskianum Roup. ; apothecium showing oogonial cell, x 70 ; after Rouppert. iv] HELVELLALES 129 In Sphaerosoma the ascophore is more or less sunk in the substratum, and is attached by rooting hyphae which are sometimes grouped on a short pedicel. It is concave when young, but later forms an irregularly globose mass over the upper surface of which the hymenium is spread • (fig. 89). It resembles, in fact, a Pesiza which becomes very much reflexed at maturity. In Sph. Janczewskianum (fig. 88), a large Fig. 89. Sphaerosoma fu^ts (Klotz.) oogonial cell has been recognized from RQ"p-; apothecium, x6; after Roup- which the ascogenous hyphae originate, but no details of its development are known. This genus has been variously placed in the Tuberaceae and Pezizaceae as well as in its present position. It shows resemblances to some of the former in its habitat under fallen leaves, and to the latter group in many points of general structure. RHIZINACEAE : BIBLIOGRAPHY 1909 ROUPPERT, C. Revision du genre Sphaerosoma. Bull. Acad. Sci. de Cracovie, p. 75. 1918 FITZPATRICK, H. M. Sexuality in Rhizina undulata Fries. Bot. Gaz. Ixv, p. 201. Helvellaceae The Helvellaceae are represented by five genera, Helvetia (fig. 900), Morchella (fig. 90 &), Verpa, Gyromitra, and Cidaris ; of these the first four are British. In all a definite fertile head is distinguished from the sterile stalk, and over the more or less convoluted surface of the head the hymenium extends. Development has been studied only in species of Helvetia where the fruit arises as a tuft of branching, septate hyphae, and no archicarp has been observed. In H. elasttca, young ascophores, about o-5 mm. in diameter, show no signs of fertile hyphae. A membrane of interwoven filaments encloses the whole fruit body, and below this a palisade of club-shaped hyphae is differ- entiated. As growth proceeds the membrane becomes broken, and the palisade increases in regularity, forming the boundary of the fructification except where, at the apex, the paraphyses are growing up. Later, as these increase in number, the ascogenous hyphae appear among them, and numerous asci are formed. In H. crispa the later stages of development are very similar to those in H. elastica. Here nuclear fusions have been observed in the young DISCOMYCETES [CH. 130 ascogenous hyphae, replacing, as in Humaria rutilans, the obsolete sexual fusions, and preceding the fusions in the asci. Carruthers has studied the Fig. 90. a. Hdvella crispa (Scop.) Fr. ; b. and c. Morchella vulgaris Pers.; after Boudier. nuclear divisions, and finds two chromosomes in the vegetative and four in the fertile hyphae. Four again appear in the first and second (meiotic) divisions in the ascus, after the second fusion has taken place, and two are recorded in the telophase of the third division, and in the mitosis in the spore. The ripe spore normally contains eight nuclei. In both species, after an ascus has arisen from the penultimate cell of a hypha, the terminal cell may grow on, giving rise to others, and may fuse before doing so with the third cell of the hypha, which is the stalk-cell of the previously formed ascus. In Morchella esculenta the nuclear divisions of the ascus have been studied by Maire. After observing eight chromatin bodies in the prophase of the first division in the ascus, he found four in the prophase and anaphase of the third, and in the divisions of the spore nuclei ; this corresponds closely with Carruthers' results in Helvetia crispa. HELVELLACEAE : BIBLIOGRAPHY 1905 MAIRE, R. Recherches cytologiques sur quelques Ascomycetes. Ann. Myc.iii,p. 123. 1910 McCUBBlN, W. A. Development of the Helvellinaceae. I. Helvetia elastica. Bot. Gaz. xlix, p. 195. 191 1 CARRUTHERS, D. Contributions to the Cytology of Helvella crispa. Ann. Bot. xxv, p. 243. IV] HELVELLALES Geoglossaceae The Geoglossaceae grow usually in damp or moist situations such as low, wet woods and shady slopes. They occur on soil or on dead branches or leaves, and two species of Mitrula are parasitic on living moss. The family includes some eight genera of which five are British. Fig. 91. a. Geoglossnm hirsnluin Pers., nat. size; b. Spathularia clavata Sacc., nat. size; c. Leotia lubrica Pers., form stipitata, xf ; after Massee. The ascophore is erect and stipitate with the fertile portion terminal, and either club-shaped (fig. 91 a, b\ laterally compressed, or forming a cup or a pileus (fig. 91 c.}. In some of the simpler forms, as in Geoglossum hirsutum, there is no clear line of demarcation between the fertile and sterile regions. The ascus con- tains eight spores and opens by the ejection of a plug. The young ascocarp consists of a dense tangle of vegetative filaments ; in the early stages a more or less conspicuous veil has been identified in several genera (though not as yet in Geoglossum}. It is composed, as in the Helvellaceae, of interwoven hyphae, derived from and continuous with the outer layer of the fruit body. There are indications that it opens at first by a pore at the apex, but it soon breaks up into scales and dis- Fig. appears. st i. Geoglossum hirsutum Pers., x 230; b. 02. Spathularia davata Sacc., x 400; after Massee. 9—2 I32 DISCOMYCETES [CH. In Z/W lubrica a large branching cell, presumably an oogonium, occurs at the base of the very young ascocarp and appears to give rise to the ascogenous hyphae. As far as the characters of the mature fruit are concerned, two lines of development can be traced, both starting from Geoglossum and passing, the one through Spathularia to Vibrissea, the other through Mitrula and Leotia to the Helvellaceae. In the species of Spathularia and Vibrissea, as in Geoglossum, the spores are very long, narrow and septate, lying side by side in the ascus. Geo- glossum is distinguished by its coloured spores (fig. 92 a), the other two genera, in both of which the spores are hyaline (fig. 92 £), by the form of the fructification. In the rest of the Geoglossaceae, as in the Helvellaceae, the spores are elliptical and hyaline, and are arranged one above the other in the ascus. They may be continuous or septate. In Mitrula the fertile region is irregularly club-shaped, and in Leotia pileate. A relationship to the Pezizales suggests itself at various points, and perhaps especially through Leotia, to the Helotiaceae and Mollisiaceae where, as in the Geoglossaceae, the ascus opens by a slit or pore from which a plug of wall substance is ejected, not as in the majority of the Helvellales and Pezizales by a definite lid. GEOGLOSSACEAE : BIBLIOGRAPHY 1897 MASSEK, C. A Monograph of the Geoglossaceae. Ann. Eot. xi, p. 225. 1908 DURAND, E. J. The Geoglossaceae of North America. Ann. Myc. vi, p. 387. 1910 BROWN, W. H. The Development of the Ascocarp of Leotia. Bot. Gaz. 1, p. 443. PHACIDIALES In the Phacidiales the ascocarp is immersed in the matrix. It is usually small in size and leathery, waxy, or coriaceous in consistency; an epithecium is often developed. Certain members of the group resemble the Hysteriales in many points and differ from them chiefly in the greater exposure of the fertile disc at maturity. There are two chief families. Stictaceae The Stictaceae constitute a considerable group of small forms, occurring saprophytically on wood or other plant remains. Their development and minute anatomy, apart from systematic characters, is practically uninvesti- gated. They have a fleshy or waxy disc, pale and clear coloured, usually white, yellow, or tinged with pink. The sheath is not always developed, when present it is thin and white and is mealy owing to the presence of particles IVJ PHACIDIALES I33 of calcium oxalate; when the fruit opens it forms a white border around the hymemum. The pale colour, and the ragged or toothed dehiscence of the sheath are very characteristic. Phacidiaceae The Phacidiaceae are distinguished by their black, thick-walled apothecia, usually scattered, sometimes, as in Rhytisma, grouped on a black stroma. Where the fertile disc is circular the sheath splits in a stellate manner, but where it is elongated, dehiscence takes place by means of a slit running along its entire length. The species occur chiefly on dead herbaceous stems or leaves, but a few are parasitic. Rhytisma Acerinum (fig. 93) infects the leaves of various species of Acer (maple and sycamore). The mycelium ramifies in the living tissues of the Fig. 93. Rhytisma Acerinum (Pers.) Fr.; apothecium, x 160. host and causes yellow spots on the leaves about three weeks after infection. Some five weeks later pycnidia develop under the cuticle and produce small unicellular conidia. The epidermis and underlying tissues of the host become filled with hyphae and a dense, black sclerotium is completed. In this state the leaf falls and next spring the sclerotia thicken and become wrinkled; finally they burst by elongated fissures and expose the discs of the apothecia. The ascospores are filiform and septate; they are ejected with some force and reach the living leaves to which they are probably carried by the wind. HYSTERIALES The Hysteriales are characterized by the black, elongated ascocarp, dehiscing by a longitudinal slit, so narrow that the almost permanently concealed. The species are all minute; in some the disc is narrowly elliptical, in ,34 DISCOMYCETES [CH. some it branches in a stellate manner, in others the ascocarp is raised and laterally compressed so as to resemble a miniature mussel or oyster shell standing on its hinge and with the opening uppermost. In this case, or when the ascocarp is superficial, it is rigid and carbonaceous in consistency, when developed beneath the epidermis of the host it is membranous. The ascospores are coloured or hyaline and are frequently septate ; they may be very long and narrow and may be surrounded by a gelatinous membrane. In a few cases pycnidia are known, producing oblong, unicellular, hyaline conidia. The majority of species are saprophytic on old wood, bark, or dry leaves. The mycelium is intercellular, and is sometimes parasitic on living plants though the apothecia reach maturity only on parts that have been killed. The details of cytology and development are not known, nor do these minute species, growing often on a hard substratum, seem very promising objects of study. The subdivisions of the Hysteriales, of which Hysteriaceae and Hypo- dermataceae are the chief, depend upon the consistency of the sheath, on the form of the ascocarp, and on whether it is superficial or immersed. Lophodermium Pinastri (Hypodermataceae) produces pine-blight or needle-cast in the seedling of Finns sylvestris and other conifers, causing them to drop their leaves. The mycelium ramifies in the leaf and gives rise first to pycnidia and later, usually after the leaf has fallen, to ascocarps. These are black and oblong, opening by a narrow slit. The spores are filiform and continuous. The disease does very considerable damage to young plants, often causing death. It attacks mature trees also and, though these are not themselves seriously injured, they act as centres of infection, particularly in the neighbourhood of seedbeds and nurseries. In the form of their fructification the Hysteriales are intermediate between the Discomycetes on the one hand, and the Pyrenomycetes on the other, and have been variously included under either of these headings. Their black, coriaceous ascocarps, opening by a narrow slit, differ from those of certain Phacidiales chiefly in the less exposure of the disc. They approach the Sphaeriales in the frequent occurrence of coloured, septate spores, as well as in the consistency and often in the form of the ascocarp, which is distinguished from a true perithecium chiefly by its elongated opening, and by the absence of periphyses1. Possibly a study of their minute anatomy may lead to more definite knowledge of their relationships. 1 For definition, see p. 140. IV] TUBERALES TUBERALES 135 The Tuberales are typically subterranean though some species are only imperfectly buried, or grow among decaying leaves. When mature the fruits emit a powerful odour by which rodents are apprised of their where- abouts. The ascocarp is eaten and the spores dispersed after passing through the alimentary canal of the animal. The ascocarp is more or less globose, sometimes completely closed, sometimes with a small opening. The hymenium may form a smooth lining to the fruit or may be thrown into elaborate folds so that the fertile region is divided into chambers. The asci contain one to eight spores, but, as far as is known, eight nuclei are always produced. The epispore is often elaborately ornamented at maturity. Early investigators classed the Tuberaceae with the hypogeal Gastero- mycetes, and a consequence of this survives in the use of the term gleba to describe the contents of the ascocarp, including both vegetative hyphae and hymenium. The Tuberales include a single family, the Tuberaceae; their relationship is probably to the Pezizaceae and Rhizinaceae. One or more series can be traced between these families and the truffles, the principal modifications being in the direction of adaptation to subterranean conditions by increased protection of the hymenium. This appears to have been achieved either by retaining the closed form of the young pezizaceous apothecium (Genea , PacJiyphloeus) or by invagination of the fertile layer (Tuber) over a widely exposed surface such as is found in Rhizina or Sphaerosoma. In either case room has been made for additional asci by throwing the hymenium into elaborate folds. Massee, however, regards the globose asci and dark-coloured sculptured spores of Tuber as primitive, and derives from it Genea, and thence the Pezi- zales. Tuberaceae In Hydnocystis and Genea the ascocarp is fleshy or warted; it has a single aperture often more or less closed by project- ing hyphae. Internally the hymenium may form a smooth Fig. 94-. a. Genea KlotzschU* and Br.; ascus and para- J J physis ; b. Genea htspidula Vitt. ; apothecium ; c. lining, or, in Genea, is more Genea sphaerica Vitt.; apothecium; after Massee. 136 DISCOMYCETES [CH. often divided into chambers, all of which communicate with the apical opening. The asci are cylindrical and contain eight uniseriate spores (fig. 94 a}. The simplest species in fact resemble a nearly closed Peziza (fig. 94 ^, 4 In Stephensia and PacJiypJiloeus the hymenium is more elaborately con- voluted ; the asci in Pachyphloeus are stouter, and the spores irregularly biseriate. In Balsamia (figs. 95, 96) the asci are broadly oblong or subglobose; the mature ascocarp is completely closed and surrounded by a pseudoparen- chymatous sheath. The youngest ascocarps of B. platyspora which Fig. 95. Balsamia vulgaris Vitt.; after Tulasne. Fig 96. Balsamia vulgans MM.; section through hymenium ; after Tulasne. v* Fig. 97. Tuber rufum Pico ; general view of fertile region ; after Tulasne. IV] TUBERALES 137 Bucholtz was able to examine, showed a system of internal chambers lined by the hymenium and communi- cating at one or more points with the exterior. As development pro- ceeds these cavities increase in size and the hymenium becomes further convoluted, so that additional cham- bers are formed. In Tuber the ascocarp is ir- regularly globose, fleshy or some- times almost woody; internally the walls which divide the gleba are extensively branched, and the free space between them is diminished, so that the layers of the hymenium are brought close together and constitute the fertile "veins." Other "veins," white and sterile, run be- tween the hymenial layers and serve as air chambers (fig. 97). The asci are often globose, and the spores usually four in number, but the number varies, and is sometimes reduced to two or one (fig. 98). The development of the fruit has been studied by Bucholtz in Tuber puberulum (fig. 99). The very young ascocarp consists of a mass of hyphae, the outer rather more loosely interwoven than the inner.. Around the lower part a dense basal sheath is differentiated. Soon the first signs of the fertile veins appear as invagina- tions of the upper surface, and internally the loose tissue of the sterile veins becomes recognizable. Owing to the rapid growth of the upper portion of the young fruit, the basal sheath is bent backwards, while at various points along the fertile veins the first signs of asci appear. Later the peripheral tissues become thickened, together with the remains of the basal sheath, and form the peridium. This ultimately closes over the points where the fertile veins are in communication with the exterior. Thus the young 'fruit is open at first, the hymenium becomes internal by invagination and the peridium which covers the mature ascocarp is a secondary formation. The development of the fructification in Choiromyces macaudriformis approaches that of T. puberulum, but the basal sheath and peridium are less conspicuous. Tuber rufutn Pico; section through hymenium ; after Tulasne. ,38 DISCOMYCETES [CH. iv The ascocarps of many species of Tuber are edible, the most esteemed being T. melanosporum which does not occur in Britain. They grow chiefly Fig. 99. Tuber pubertilum (B. and Br.) Ed. Fisch. ; a. — e. development of ascocarp ; a. x 52; b. and c. x 28 ; d. and e.xii;/. section through mature ascocarp, x 6 ; all after Bucholtz. in soils consisting of sand mixed with clay and containing, iron, or in mixed alluvium; the soil must be porous to secure sufficient aeration. Truffles occur in chestnut, oak, and especially beech woods and there is evidence that they form mycorhiza with the roots of these trees. The relation would appear to be of advantage to the fungus since the success of the culti- vation of edible truffles under oaks in France depends on keeping the roots near the surface. TUBERACEAE : BIBLIOGRAPHY 1903 BUCHOLTZ, F. Zur Morphologie und Systematik der Fungi hypogaei. Ann. Myc. i, p. 152. 1905 FAULL, J. H. Development of Ascus and Spore Formation in Ascomycetes. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, xxxii, p. 77. 1906 BOULANGER, E. Notes sur la Truffe. Soc. Myc. xx-xxii, pp. 77 etc. 1908 BUCHOLTZ, F. Zur Entwickelung der Choiromyces Fruchtkorper. Ann. Myc. vi, P- 539- 1909 MASSKE, G. The Structure and Affinities of British Tuberaceae. Ann. Bot. xxiii, P- 243- 1910 BUCHOLTZ, F. Zur EntvvickelungsgeschichtedesBalsamiaceen-Fruchtkorpersnebst Bemerkungen zur Verwandtschaft der Tuberineen. Ann. Myc. viii, p. 121. CHAPTER V PYRENOMYCETES THE Pyrenomycetes include some 10,000 species; they are characterized by the fact that their ascocarp or perithecium is a more or less flask-shaped organ opening by a narrow pore, the ostiole, and containing a hymenium spread in a regular manner over the floor and lower part of the sides (fig. 100). It thus differs from the perithecium of the higher Plectascales where the asci are irregularly scat- tered, and from that of the Erysiphales where, except in the flattened perithecium of the Microthyriaceae, an ostiole is not developed. By some au- thors the term Pyrenomycetes is used to include all these groups and even certain other forms, such as the Tuberales. A study of the development of the truffles, however, has made clear their affinity with the Pezizales ; the mildews consti- tute a well defined and isolated group, distinguished, so far as they are known, by the form of their sexual organs ; and the higher Plectascales differ from the present series and re- semble the simpler forms with which they have here been classified in the important character of the arrangement of their asci. There remain four groups, the Hypocreales, the Dothideales, the Sphaeriales, and the Laboulbeniales. The last are true Pyrenomycetes in the sense that they possess regularly arranged asci and a perithecium opening by an ostiole, but they are dis- tinguished by so many special characters that, though included under this heading, they can best be dealt with apart. Fig. loo. Sordaria sp.; ascocarp in longitudinal section showing asci, paraphyses and periphyses, x 400. 140 PYRENOMYCETES [CH. The Hypocreales, Dothideales and Sphaeriales, have in common more or less pyriform or flask-shaped perithecia ; these are sometimes isolated and free, sometimes sunk in the tissue of the host, and sometimes embedded in a stroma or cushion of fungal tissue. The perithecium is lined by delicate filaments, some of which, the periphyses, grow along and partially close the neck, and may protrude through the ostiole, while others (paraphyses) are mingled with the asci in the venter of the fruit. The neck of the peri- thecium varies very much in length, and is often markedly phototropic, the ostiole being directed towards the light, and thus incidentally towards a clear space so that, when the spores are shed, as wide a distribution as possible is ensured. So definite is this reaction in, for example, species of Sordaria, that if the direction of light be changed every four or five days during development, a series of corresponding bends in the neck are produced. In Sordaria and its allies the asci elongate, reaching up to the ostiole and in turn discharging their spores; in species of Spumatoria and Ckaetomium the asci deliquesce to form a mucilaginous mass which readily absorbs water and expands, being squeezed up the neck and exuded at the ostiole where it persists until dissolved by rain or dew. Accessory fructifications include chlamydospores and various types of conidia which may be borne separately on free conidiophores, or grouped together in pycnidia. In some cases there is evidence that the so-called pycnidia are spermogonia, and the spores they produce spermatia, but no case has been brought to light in which these still fulfil their function as fertilizing agents. A consideration of our rather scanty knowledge of the initiation of the perithecium in this group brings to light three main types of development, (i) In Chaetomium, in Sordaria (fig. 101) and its allies and in species of Hypomyces and Melanospora there is a coiled archicarp of four or five cells; these are uninucleate in Hypomyces lateritus, Chaetomium spirale and Podospora hirsuta, multinucleate in Sordaria and Hypocopra and in other species of Chaetomium. In Sordaria macrospora the archicarp is straight instead of coiled and in 5. fimiseda a swollen terminal cell has been reported. A pair of initial hyphae has been described in Rosellina quercina, but in no case has a sufficiently detailed study been made either to reveal nuclear fusions in the archicarp or to justify the inference that they do not occur. F"der these circumstances it is possible to judge of the function of these initial filaments v] PYRENOMYCETES 141 only on the somewhat incomplete evidence that they give rise to ascogenous hyphae and on the basis of their resemblance to the sexual branches of other Ascomycetes. There is a very similar coiled hypha in certain species of Eurotium which is certainly a functional archicarp. Comparison may also be made with the female branch of Ascodesmis nigricans and with that of the Erysiphaceae. (ii) The second type of pyrenomycetous initial organ (fig. 102) may Fig. 102. Polystigma rubrumJ^C'', mature archicarp, x 800 ; after Blackmail and Welsforcl. Fig. 103. Xylaria polymorfha (Pers.) Grev.; archicarp embedded in stroma, x 1000. readily be derived from the first. It occurs in forms where the perithecium is immersed either in the substratum or in a stroma, and its essential character is the prolongation of the tip of the archicarp to form a trichogyne-like organ. The appearance of this structure is associated with the development of spermatia in spermogonia. Archicarps of the type in question are found in Polystigma among the Hypocreales and in Gnomonia, Poronia and Mycosphaerella among the Sphaeriales. In all these genera, however, the trichogyne appears to be merely vestigial ; in Polystigma it never reaches the exterior of the host-leaf, in Gnomonia its connection with the coiled oogonial region is doubtful and in Mycosphaerella and Poronia it degenerates early. In Polystigma the ascogenous hyphae arise from vegetative cells and not from the archicarp and it is at least possible that the same is the case in the other genera named. A comparison is obvious between the archicarps of these forms and those of several Lichens and of such Discomycetes as PYRENOMYCETES [CH. 142 Lachnea cretea and the Ascoboli, where the coiled and septate archicarp is often still functional. A very common initial organ in forms with embedded perithecia is the short filament of cells sometimes known as Woronin's hypha (fig. 103). The cells are large and contain well-marked nuclei and lie in a nest of small- celled vegetative mycelium. Woronin's hypha has been found among the Hypocreales mNectria and among the Sphaeriales in Xylaria zn&Hypoxylon ; it remains to be shown whether it still functions. It may have originated from the simple archi- carps of the Lower Pyrenomy- cetes or by reduction from forms with a multicellular trichogyne. With its final disappearance we reach such completely apogamous species as those of Cordyceps and Claviceps. (iii) A quite distinct type of primordium has been described in Strickeria, Sporormia and Pleo- spora; in these cases the asco- genous and vegetative filaments arise from a common initial cell which divides not only transverse- ly, but longitudinally, forming a compact tissue (fig. 104). Other hyphae may anastomose with this mass, or it may give rise alone to the whole fructification. Possibly some sugges- tion of its origin may be found in the peculiar, but apparently normally fertilized oogonium of Leptosphaeria. The Pyrenomycetes do not appear to have given rise to any higher forms, and have themselves a greater vegetative development than any other Ascomycetes. They may be subdivided as follows : Wall of perithecium differentiated from stroma; perithecium wall and stroma, if present, soft in texture, either colourless or light coloured Fig. 104. Strickeria sp.; initial cells of ascocarps ; after Nichols. perithecium wall and stroma, if present, firm, leathery or brittle, dark in colour Perithecium always sunk in a stroma from the tissue of which its wall is not differentiated ; colour of stroma black or dark brown Minute, external parasites on insects, perithecium borne on a receptacle which also bears appendages; spores two-celled HYPOCREALES. SPHAERIALES. DOTHIDEALES. LABOULBENIALES v] HYPOCREALES 143 HYPOCREALES The Hypocreales are readily distinguished by the clear colour and more or less fleshy consistency of the perithecium or stroma. In the majority of Pyrenomycetes the colour is black or dark brown, but here bright red, yellow, blue, and various paler shades are found, and it is only quite occasionally that so dark a tint as brown or dirty violet appears. The asci contain usually eight, sometimes four, and sometimes many spores. The spores are in most cases hyaline, but are dark-coloured in Melanospora and its allies ; they are elliptical or filiform, and may be one or more celled. In a number of species conidia as well as ascospores are produced. The group includes both saprophytic and parasitic forms. There are some sixty genera of Hypocreales, and the group is subdivided primarily according to the development of the stroma. In the simplest forms the stroma is absent, and the separate perithecia may or may not be partly sunk in the substratum, in others a filamentous or a fleshy stroma appears, and the perithecia are more or less embedded. In the highest members the perithecia originate deep in the stroma, and remain immersed in it throughout their development. Upon these characters the subdivision of the group is based : Stroma absent, or, when present, with perithecia entirely superficial NECTRIACEAE. Stroma forming a conspicuous matrix in which the peri- thecia are partially or entirely immersed HYPOCREACEAE. Nectriaceae The species of the genus Hypomyces are for the most part parasitic upon the pilei of various Hymenomycetes. H. aurantius occurs on old Polypori and on species of Stereum. Here the free perithecia are roughly oval in form, orange yellow in colour, and seated on a delicate filamentous stroma. The perithecium wall consists of an outer coat of narrow, closely woven hyphae, and an inner layer of larger, thinner-walled cells with scanty contents. The cavity becomes filled with paraphyses and developing asci, and is prolonged into the neck lined with short periphyses. The spores are two-celled and the wall at each end is usually prolonged into a point. Development has been studied by Moreau in Hypomyces lateritus, a form parasitic on species of Lacterius, and placed by Maire in the genus Peckiella by reason of its unicellular spores. The cells of the vegetative mycelium are uninucleate, and the archicarp appears among them as a coil of uninucleate I44 PYRENOMYCETES [CH. cells; there is no sign of an antheridium. Nuclear division without wall- formation takes place in the archicarp so that each cell contains two or occasionally three nuclei. At a later stage, after abundant branching, the young perithecium contains a number of binucleate cells; from these the asci arise, the hypha bending over and cutting off a binucleate subterminal cell in the usual way. No fusion but that in the ascus was observed by Moreau. The chief interest of this life history lies in the origin of the bi- nucleate condition, as in some Basidiomycetes, by nuclear division. In Melanospora the stroma may be absent, but when present is charac- teristically fleshy; the perithecium neck is elongated; the species occur on the fructifications of the Fyrenomycetes, on those of Pezizaceae and Tuberaceae, on various plant remains and in one or two cases on living plants; thus M. damnosa may be a serious disease on wheat and rye. The development of M. parasitica was studied by Kihlman; this species is a parasite on certain fungi parasitic on insects, including Cordyceps militaris, which is itself a member of the Hypocreaceae. The first sign of the development of perithecia is the yellow coloration of the mycelium, which has hitherto been white. The archicarp is a stout, twisted, multicellular hypha forming two or more coils and ending in a somewhat pointed cell; its growth is renewed after the development of the sheath has begun and it divides into some fifteen cells; one of these, which may be termed the ascogenous cell, divides in three directions, forming a true tissue from which the asci arise. Melanospora Zobelii^ is parasitic on various fungi and especially on the disc of certain Pezizaceae; Nichols found that the spores germinate to give rise to a mycelium in the cells of which the nuclei are arranged more or less in pairs2. The archicarp is a coiled or curved branch which becomes septate; near it a more slender antheridial hypha may develop, and, in some cases, may fuse with the female organ. Vegetative hyphae give rise to a sheath of the usual type with an outer layer, two or three cells thick, of thick-walled, isodiametric cells, and an inner layer of laterally compressed tubular cells; within this is a loose spongy parenchyma of cells rich in contents from which the asci arise. A connection between the archicarp and the asci has not been traced, but it seems probable that the whole central tissue of the perithecium may be derived from the divisions or branches of the archicarp perhaps, as in M '. parasitica, by means of an ascogenous cell. A further study of the development of the perithecium and especially of the origin of the asci in this genus is much needed. The facts, -especially in M. parasitica, suggest that the divisions of the archicarp after the develop- 1 Melanospora Zobelii (Corda) Fuckel = Ceratostoma brevirostre Fuckel. 2 Presumably owing to rapid division ; cf. p. 47, ante. v] HYPOCREALES 145 ment of the sheath has begun, may correspond to the septation of the fertilized oogonium in other forms. Further, the origin of the asci from a single cell points to the Erysiphales and Laboulbeniales, and in view of the longitudinal divisions, perhaps especially to the latter. In Nectria the usually red or yellow perithecia are produced in groups on stromata of the same colour; the asci contain eight ascospores which are two- celled, and often produce conidia by budding while still in the ascus. The genus is large, including some 250 species among which N. cinnabarina, the commonest in this country, is of very frequent occurrence on the living and dead branches of deciduous trees. The mycelium from the germinating spores is unable to penetrate the bark of the host, and infection takes place only through open wounds. Once established, however, the mycelium spreads rapidly especially in the xylem. The cambium and other tissues are not attacked but die as a result of the destruction of the wood, so that as develop- ment proceeds branch after branch is killed. Meanwhile the stromata appear (fig. 105); in the conidial stage they are bright pink and occur at all seasons Fie 10 =,. Nectria cinnabarina (Tde.) Fr. on a fallen twig; a. conidial stroma; b. young perithecia; x6; E. J. Welsford del. on the dead and living branches; perithecia are produced only in the autumn and winter and only after the tissues have been killed ; they are deep red in colour and are partly immersed in the deep red stromata. When a peri- thecium is about to be formed a coil of hyphae larger than the ordinary filaments of the stroma appears a little below the surface, and probably represents the remains of whatever sexual apparatus originally gave rise to the ascogenous hyphae. Nectria cinnabarina is thus one of the rather numerous fungi which pro- duce conidia during their parasitic phase, and ascospores only when the death of the host has rendered them saprophytic. In view of the life-history of this species it is obvious that there are two methods of checking the damage which it does; the burning of infected branches on which the development of the spores takes place, and the painting over of open wounds through which alone the entrance of the mycelium is effected. I46 PYRENOMYCETES [CH. NECTRIACEAE : BIBLIOGRAPHY 1882 MAYR, H. Ueber den Parasitismus von Nectria cinnabarina. Untersuchungen aus der forstbot. Institut zu Miinchen, iii, p. i. 1885 KIHLMAN, O. Zur Entwickelungsoeschichte der Ascomyceten Melanospora para- sitica. Acta Soc. Sci. Fennicae, xiv, p. 313. 1896 NICHOLS, M. A. The Morphology and Development of certain Pyrenomycetous Fungi. Hot. Gaz. xxii, p. 301. 1909 MASSEE, G. On a New Genus of Ascomycetes (Gibsonia). Ann. Bert, xxni, p. 335. 1909 SHAVER, F. J. Notes on North American Hypocreales. Mycologia, i, p. 41. 1914 MOKEAU, F. Sur le developpement du perithece chez une Hypocreale le Peckiella laterita, (Fries) Maire, R. Bull. Soc. Bot. de France, Ixi, p. 160. Hypocreaceae Polystigina is a small genus, the best-known member of which, P. rubrum, develops on the leaves oiPrunns spinosa, of P. insititia and of the cultivated plum, where it produces conspicuous orange, yellow or scarlet stromata. Each of these is the result of a separate infection, and spreads over only a small part of the leaf, so that in autumn, when the leaves are shed, the host is freed from the disease. The fungus, however, hibernates in the fallen leaves, and next spring the ascospores mature, reach the young leaves and there germinate. Its development was first studied by Fisch in 1882, and by Frank in 1883, and these authors described trichogynes and the union of the latter with spermatia. More recent investigations, however, have shown that these organs, though present, are now no longer functional. The germinating ascospore gives rise to a mycelium which ramifies among the cells of the host and forces them apart; the hyphae become massed especially in the intercellular spaces below the stomata, and often push their way to the exterior between the guard cells. Finally the stroma may extend from the upper to the lower epidermis, and only a few isolated cells of the mesophyll remain in the infected region. The hyphae are multi- nucleate, they contain orange pigment and their originally thin walls are modified to form thick gelatinous membranes perforated by fine pits. The gelatinous walls are probably utilized as reserve material, for they are partly absorbed during the later stages of development after the fall of the leaf. During the summer, large flask-shaped spermogonia appear and open on the underside of the leaf, usually in the position of a stoma. The wall of the spermogonium consists of densely interwoven filaments and it is lined by thin, uninucleate spermatial hyphae (fig. 106). The mature spermatium is a filiform curved structure, narrowed at its free end; it contains a single, much elongated nucleus, staining homogeneously, and occupying the lower half or two-thirds of the cell. All attempts to bring about the germination y] HYPOCREALES H7 of these spermatia have failed, and no relation of any kind has been de- monstrated between them and the female organ, consequently they must be regarded as no longer functional, and their original use can be inferred only from their structure. Their small size, scanty contents, and large nucleus suggest that they are more appropriately constituted to act as fertilizing agents than as a means of vegetative propagation. The archicarp first appears as a multinucleate hypha, which becomes septate and somewhat elaborately coiled. The base can usually be traced to a vegetative filament; the apex ends freely in the mass of uninucleate mycehal cells (fig. 102); most of the cells of the archicarp contain several nuclei, but a few are uninucleate. The archicarps usually develop singly, generally below or near a stoma, through which vegetative filaments project (fig. 107). These projecting hyphae were regarded by Fisch and Frank as Fig. 107. Poly stigma rubrum DC.; vege- Fig. 1 06. PoIj>sttg-warul>ruMDC.;sper- tative hyphae projecting through stoma mogonium, x 250; after Blackman and above archicarp, xo,oo; after Black man Welsford. and Welsford. trichogynes, but Blackman and Welsford, and later Nienburg, failed to trace any connection between them and the coiled archicarps. On the contrary, the latter end blindly within the stroma with or without branching, and it is only quite occasionally that they can even be traced upwards towards the stomata. Nienburg observed the formation of a pore between a multinucleate cell at the base of the archicarp and the large uninucleate cell next in order to it. At a later stage he found that the uninucleate cell had become binucleate, the nuclei being at first somewhat different in structure, and that certain large cells, which apparently developed from it, also contained I48 PYRENOMYCETES [CH. two nuclei each. In his opinion, the second nucleus in the originally uni- nucleate cell, is derived from its multinucleate neighbour, which he terms the antheridium ; the other binucleate cells receive their nuclei from it by conjugate division, and are the beginnings of ascogenous hyphae. Though he was unable to see either the entrance of the second nucleus, or the process of conjugate division, his facts are decidedly suggestive, but they point less to normal fertilization than to the pseudapogamous association of a vegetative and a female nucleus. The binucleate character of the later formed large cells may, .as he suggests, be due to conjugate division, but, since he finds that the numerous binucleate cells in the sheath1 are the result of rapid growth, this character in the large cells is evidently susceptible of the same explanation. In any case the rest of the archicarp degenerates and owing to the refractory character of the material the ascogenous hyphae could not be further traced. According to Blackman and Welsford, all the cells of the archicarp degenerate without giving rise to ascogenous hyphae, and being functionless, retain their contents so that they can be recognized during the later stages of development as densely staining masses (fig. 108). The perithecia (fig. 109) arise in their neighbourhood, one in association with each archicarp, and the vegetative cells produce ascogenous hyphae, which become dis- tinguished by their large size, dense contents and well-marked nuclei. These Fig. 1 08. Poly stigma rubrum DC.; young 'perithe- cium; the ascogenous hyphae are not yet clearly distinguished, many of the nuclei are in pairs, the darkly stained remains of the archicaip are visible near the periphery; x68o; after Blackman and Welsford. Fig. 109. Polystigma rubrum DC.; mature peri- thecium, x 270; after Blackman and Welsford. 1 Nienburg, p. 390, end of first paragraph. vl HYPOCREALES 149 authors found some evidence that a first nuclear fusion takes place in the ascogenous hypha before the differentiation of the asci. The ascus is formed in the usual way from the penultimate cell of the hypha; the usual nuclear fusion and successive nuclear divisions take place during its development. In the genus Podocrea, the stroma is erect, and sometimes branched; in Hypocrea it is usually hemispherical or bolster-shaped and is colourless, or yellow or brown in colour. The majority of species occur saprophytically on wood, or as parasites on the larger fungi. In both genera and in their immediate allies, the spores are two or more celled. The systematic position of Podocrea alutacea^ has undergone curious vicissitudes; in con- sideration of its form it was at first placed among the Basidiomycetes as Clavaria simplex, later it was regarded as a compound structure, the pyreno- mycetous fungus being held to be parasitic, according to different authors, on Clavaria ligula and on species of Spathularia. The stalk being thus attributed to another fungus, the ovoid perithecial portion was referred to the genus Hypocrea. The question was set at rest by Atkinson, who succeeded in growing the normal upright stromata in pure culture from ascospores alone, and thus demonstrated that only one fungus was concerned. The species of Epichloe occur parasitically on grasses the stems of which become coated by the stromata. The stroma is at first white, then yellow; in the early stages of its development oval conidia are produced, later the peri- thecia, which are completely embedded in the stroma, reach maturity; the ascospores, like those of the remaining genera of the Hypocreaceae, are fili- form; Dangeard has shown that they are at first elliptical and uninucleate; later they elongate, the nucleus divides and the spore undergoes septation. The genus Cordyceps (fig. no) includes about sixty species ; these are mainly tropical forms parasitic on insects, the bodies of which they transform into sclerotia from which the stromata grow out. The peculiar appearance of these structures has given rise to curious views as to their significance and medicinal value; thus Berkeley reports that Cordyceps sinensis is a "celebrated drug in the Chinese pharmacopoeia, but from its rarity only used by the Emperor's physician." The striking belief that it is "a herb in summer and a worm in winter," may perhaps sufficiently account for the esteem in which it was held. The ascospores are multicellular and filiform and when shed break up into their separate cells. Germ-tubes from these, or from the conidia, infect the insect either as a caterpillar or chrysalis, and penetrating into its interior give rise to cylindrical conidia which enter the blood-stream and increase by yeast-like budding till the insect dies. A mycelium then appears and i Podocrea alutacea Lindau = /W;*hagne Thaxter ; male and her- maphrodite individuals, x 260; after Thaxter. In 1912, Faull published an account of the cytology of two species of Laboulbenia, L. chaeto- phora, and L. Gyrinidarum. Both occur on the same host, and could not be distinguished in the young stages. Both are parthenogenetic, no male cells being formed. vl LABOULBENIALES I/9 A trichogyne, trichophoric cell and oogonium are formed in the usual way (fig. 131). According to Faull nuclear division takes place both in the oogo- nium, and in the trichophoric cell, and the partition between these two breaks down so that a long cell containing a row of four nuclei is formed (fig. 145 a). Fig. 143. Amorphomyces Falagriae Thaxter; male and fe Fig. 142. Amorphomyces Fala- griae Thaxter ; paired spores ; after Thaxter. female individuals; a. young, b. mature; after Thaxter. Walls cut off the upper and the lower nucleus, and a central binucleate cell is left, the lower nucleus of which is presumably a daughter of the oogonial and the upper of the trichophoric- nucleus. These divide simultaneously and a binucleate inferior sterile cell is separated from the binucleate fertile cell. This in turn divides to form the ascogenic cells, from which the asci are to develop, and these and the asci which they produce are therefore binucleate. The two nuclei in the ascus fuse and their union is regarded by Faull as the only nuclear fusion which occurs in this very curious life history. Meiosis then takes place, followed by the third division. The upper daughter nuclei of this division degenerate and around the lower nuclei spores are organized. In each spore the nucleus divides once and a transverse septum is formed. Faull describes four chromosomes (fig. 145^) at every stage but figures an apparently larger number in the first division in the ascus where the structures repre- sented are evidently gemini (fig. 145 b}. tnytes Falagrias Thaxter ; male and The Laboulbeniales are subdivided by Thaxter ac- cording to the method of formation of the male cells, female individuals, the latter with peri- thecium containing spores ; after Thax- ter. 12 — 2 PYRENOMYCETES [CH. 1 80 whether exogenous or endogenous, and in the latter case whether produced in simple or compound organs. In this way three families, Peyntschiel- laceae (compound endogenous), Laboulbeniaceae (simple endogenous) and Ceratomycetaceae (exogenous) are distinguished. Fig. 14^. Laboulbenia chaetophora (?). a. cell formed by hinucleate oogonial and trichophoric cells, x 430 ; b. first division in ascus described by Fauil as the anaphase, xisio; c. nuclear division in spore, showing four chromosomes, x 2800; after Faull. Since almost all our knowledge of the group is due to the brilliant work of Professor Thaxter of Harvard it follows that the North American species are far better known than those of other localities. Such material as he was able to obtain from warmer regions proved, however, exceedingly rich in representatives of the group, and it is probable that further study will show them to be widely distributed. The known European species are few, and only two have been identified in Great Britain. The systematic relations of the Laboulbeniales are not easy to deter- mine. They are pretty evidently monophyletic, and are highly specialized along lines dependent on their peculiar habitat. The form and develop- ment of the ascus is typical of the Ascomycetes, and the Laboulbeniales clearly belong to that group, though it is difficult to indicate their affinities within it. In the Laboulbeniales the young female branch consists of four parts, the initial cell of the perithecium wall, the oogonium (carpogenic cell of Thaxter), the trichophoric cell and the trichogyne. These correspond pretty clearly with the archicarp of other groups. The initial cell of the perithecium wall constitutes a stalk-cell from which the enveloping hyphae develop. The trichophoric cell should probably be included as part of the trichogyne, which in this sense always consists of at least two cells. After fertilization the oogonium divides to form a row of cells, which are, from below upwards, v] LABOULBENIALES ,8r the inferior sterile cell, the secondary inferior sterile cell, the mother-cell1 of the ascogenic cells and the superior sterile cell. The subterminal of these alone gives rise to asci ; this it does by dividing longitudinally into a definite number of ascogenic cells from which the asci are budded out. A multicellular trichogyne is not uncommon among Ascomycetes, and the division of the oogonium after fertilization into a row of cells is a well-known phenomenon occurring among Plectascales, Erysiphales, and Discomycetes. In most cases several cells of the septate oogonium give rise to ascogenous hyphae, but in the Erysiphales only the subterminal cell of the row does so. In Erysiphe this cell, which always contains at least two nuclei, gives rise to several asci and differs from the sub- terminal cell of the Laboulbeniales chiefly in the fact that the asci are produced from short outgrowths instead of, as in Stigmatomyces and its allies, from daughter cells formed by longitudinal division. In this character then, the Laboulbeniales would appear most nearly to approach the Erysi- phaceae, which they also resemble in the formation of the sheath from the stalk cell of the oogonium, but they differ from them in possessing a tricho- gyne, an organ not known in that group, where the antheridium comes into direct contact with the oogonium. The Laboulbeniales and Erysiphaceae have also in common the uni- nucleate character of their vegetative cells. In the structure of their ascocarp, opening as it does by a narrow aperture, the Laboulbeniales approach most closely to the other Pyrenomycetes. The male element in the Laboulbeniales is a non-motile, uninucleate structure which may be budded off externally from the parent cell, or extruded from it as a naked mass of protoplasm. Amongst the Fungi spermatia occur in the Pyrenomycetes and Lichens and also characterize the Uredinales, but in all these cases they are budded off externally as walled structures. The spermatium both in the Red Algae and in the Fungi has been homologized with a reduced antheridium, and, as has already been pointed out, the exogenous male element no doubt bears the same significance among the Laboulbeniales. We have no satis- factory indication as to the relative primitiveness of the endogenous and the exogenous condition, but it may be noted that exogenous forms only are known among Fungi other than Laboulbeniales. The endogenous organ may be derived from the branch which cuts off exogenous, walled spermatia, or it may represent quite a different response to the need for non-motile male elements, the parent cell being the homologue of the antheridium and the fertilizing element that of a spermatozoid. These various characters, approximating to those of sometimes one, 1 This cell is described by Thaxter as the ascogonium. The word has acquired a somewhat different sense in other Ascomycetes. i82 PYRENOMYCETES [CH. y sometimes another group of Ascomycetes, seem on the whole to indicate no very close relationship, but suggest rather that the Laboulbeniales were derived from an ancestral form, already definitely ascomycetous but not otherwise highly specialized, and that they have undergone elaborate and characteristic modifications after branching off from the main line. Their nearest affinities are with the Erysiphales and Pyrenomycetes. The resemblances between the Laboulbeniales and the Red Algae have been regarded as significant in connection with the hypothetical relationship of the higher Fungi to that group. LABOULBENIALES: BIBLIOGRAPHY 1896 THAXTER, R. Contribution towards a Monograph of the Laboulbeniaceae, Pt. I. Mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences, xii, p. 195. 1908 BIFFEN, R. H. First Record of Two Species of Laboulbeniaceae for Britain. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. iii, p. 83. 1908 THAXTER, R. Contribution towards a Monograph of the Laboulbeniaceae, Pt. II. Mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences, xiii, p. 219. 1911 FAULL, J. H. The Cytology of the Laboulbeniales. Ann. Bot. xxv, p. 649. 1912 FAULL, J. H. The Cytology of Laboulbenia chaetophora and L. Gyrinidarufn. Ann. Bot. xxvi, p. 325. CHAPTER VI BASIDIOMYCETES THE Basidiomycetes include over 13,000 species possessing a well-developed mycelium, which, among the higher forms, builds up an elaborate fruit-body such as may be observed in the toadstools, bracket fungi and puff balls. They are characterized by the fact that their principal spores, the basidio- spores, are borne externally on the mother-cell or basidium. The young basidium contains two nuclei ; these fuse, and the fusion nucleus divides twice, providing the nuclei of the four spores ; each spore is formed at the end of a stalk or sterigma through which the nucleus passes to enter the developing spore. The two divisions in the basidium constitute a meiotic phase. In the Autobasidiomycetes the basidium is without septa, and the spores, except where some fail to develop, are regularly four in number for each basidium. In the Protobasidiomycetes the basidium is divided into four cells, each of which gives rise to a single spore ; the walls are transverse in the Uredinales and Auriculariales, longitudinal or oblique in the Tremellales. In the Hemi- basidiomycetes (Ustilaginales) septa may or may not be present in the basidium, but the fusion nucleus divides more than twice, and more than four spores are produced. In Puccinia, Phragmidium and other Uredinales, and in Sirobasidinvt and its allies, the basidia are developed in chains, in other cases they are borne singly. In the Ustilaginales and in the majority of the Uredinales the nucleus and cytoplasm of the basidium are at first enclosed in a thick wall formingthebrand-sporeorteleutospore cell, which becomes detached, form- ing an additional means for the distribution of the plant; later the contents are extruded as a thin-walled promycelium on which the basidiospores are produced. In other Basidiomycetes the basidia are thin- walled throughout their development and produce spores while still attached to the mycelium. The basidiospore is unicellular, round or oval in shape, usually with a smooth, rather thin wall. Echinulate or warted spores occur in a few species, and in many families, especially among gill-bearing fungi, dark or bright-coloured spores are common. In a considerable number of genera accessory spores are also produced. Except for the production of their characteristic spores externally on basidia, the Ustilaginales and Uredinales differ in almost every particular from the majority of the Basidiomycetes; they are obligate parasites with a delicate mycelium ramifying in the tissues of the host and they lack the elaborate stroma characteristic of the Autobasidiomycetes. It has therefore seemed advisable to deal with them as distinct groups, separating them for purposes of description from the Basidiomycetes proper. CHAPTER VII HEMIBASIDIOMYCETES USTILAGINALES THE Ustilaginales, Brand fungi, Smuts or Bunts, constitute a group of some 4O£> obligate parasites on the higher plants, giving rise in the tissues of the host to characteristic, usually dark-coloured resting-spores, the brand-spores, teleutospores or chlamydospores. These are developed in considerable quantities, either singly, in pairs, or in clusters known as spore-balls, and when ripe break through the host tissue, forming a pustule or sorus. No distortion of the host is caused during the period of vegetative growth, but in preparation for the formation of spores very considerable hypertrophy may be induced. Ustilago Treubii on the stem of Polygonum chinense in Java causes the formation of elaborate galls (fig. 146) provided with vascular tissue and growing by means of a cambium; Ustilago Maydis produces whitish swellings and blisters, often as large as a fist, on the stem, leaves, roots, and especially the flowers of Zea Mays; and Urocystis Vzolae deforms the stems and leaves of various species of Viola. Several other smuts develop their spores in the ovary of the host plant, or infect the stamens, filling the anthers with spores and benefiting by the means of distribution provided for the pollen. Ustilago antheraruml even induces development in the staminal rudiments of the normally pistillate flowers of Lychnis dioica. The stamens formed undergo dehiscence as usual and differ from those of the male flowers only in the presence of fungal spores instead of pollen in their anthers. In all these cases and in most of the Ustilaginales spore- formation is strictly localized, but in the genus Entyloma and its allies spores may be formed at almost any point. 1 Ustilago antherarum (DC.) Fr.= Ustilago violacea (Pers.) Fuck. Fig. 146. Ustilago Treubii Solms ; stem of Polygonum with " fruit gall," nat. size ; after Solms Laubach. CH. VII] USTILAGINALES 185 The mature brand-spore is uninucleate, and is surrounded by a delicate endospore and by an epispore which may be smooth or variously sculptured and usually contains pigment, giving the spore a black, brown, or violet colour. On germination the spore gives rise to a short tube, the promycelium or basidium (fig. 147), into which its contents pass, the nucleus undergoing at Fig. 147. Ustilago Scabiosae Sow. ; development of basidium ; after Harper. least two divisions; the basidium in turn produces a number of uninucleate sporidia or basidiospores. The basidium may be unicellular, giving rise to a bunch of basidiospores at its apex (Tilletia (fig. 148(7)), or multicellular, usually four-celled, producing one or more basidiospores from each cell (Us- tilago (fig. 147*?)). The nucleus of the parent cell does not travel into the basidiospore but divides, sending one daughter nucleus into the spore, while the other, remaining in the basidial cell, may undergo further divisions so that nuclei are provided for a number of spores. Under suitable conditions the basi- diospores are cut off in considerable numbers. They may further multiply by budding, giving rise to conidia, or a delicate mycelium may be formed from which conidia are abstricted ( 7V'/- letid). A supply of conidia is produced by these means in dung decoction and other nutrient solutions, and no doubt in the damp, manured soil of the g. 148. Tilletia Tritici (Bjerk) Wint. ; a. basidium thirty hours after germination of brand-spore; Rafter conjugation of basidio- spores ; x 300 ; after Plowright. 1 86 HEMIBASIDIOMYCETES [CH. Fig. 149. Ustilago antherarum Fr.; a. and b. conju- gating basidiospores; c. conjugation between a cell of the basidium and a basidiospore ; after Harper. fields. As a rule the conidia are of the same oblong form as the basidio- spores, but, in the genus Tilletia and some of its allies, they may be stout or sickle-shaped, whereas the basidiospores are long and narrow. In Entyloma the brand-spores are capable of germination on the tissues of the host leaf, where they give rise to hyphae which penetrate through the stomata and form basidia from which basidiospores are produced. During their development the cells of the basidium, the basidiospores, or the conidia budded out from them, may become united in pairs (figs. 148 £, 149), by means of a tube of variable length put out by one or both participants and recalling somewhat the con- jugation tube of the Zygnema- ceae. The growth of these tubes is very accurately directed and appears to depend on a chemo- tropic stimulus. In the majority of cases the nucleus of one of the associated cells passes down the tube into the other, but does not fuse with its nucleus (fig. 150). Later both nuclei divide, and a mycelium of binucleate cells is produced. It is on this mycelium that the infection of the host depends ; it penetrates the tissues usually of the seedling, but sometimes of the developing parts of the mature plant, being in most cases derived from spores which adhered to the seed coat. These may be destroyed by dipping the seed into hot water or formalin solution before sowing. Once in the tissues of the host the binucleate mycelium penetrates in all directions, ramifying between the cells of the host and send- ing haustoria into them. The internodes of the stem are tra- versed by long, unbranched hyphae, but in the nodes branch- ing is frequent, and here also the majority of the haustoria are to be found. Where the host is perennial the mycelium perennates in it, and, if the host dies down during the winter, remains alive but quiescent in the upper part of the root stock till the growth of new shoots in spring gives it a fresh opportunity of development. Conidia have been recorded on the parasitic mycelium of Tuburcinia and Entyloma but are not of common occurrence at this stage. Fig. 150. Ustilago Hordei; conjugation; after Lutman. vn] USTILAGINALES 187 In the regions where the formation of brand-spores is to take place, the mycelium becomes richly branched and often swollen and gelatinous. In Ustilago and -Sphacelotheca the sporogenous hyphae are divided into a number of short segments in each of which the contents form a spore surrounded by an independent membrane. The spores are enclosed at first within the gelatinous parent walls, but later these disappear so that the whole mycelium is transformed into a pulverulent mass of spores. In Tilletia and Entyloma the sporogenous cells are budded off laterally from the mycelium. In Tuburcinia a number of richly septate hyphal branches become inter- woven, forming a knot or spore-ball in which spores to the number of 50 or 100 are developed from within outwards. In Urocystis the spore-ball is small and the outer cells remain pale or colourless and do not function as spores though they resemble them in form (fig. 151). In Doassansia the outer sterile cells are wedge-shaped, and in Sorosporium they form a gelatinous investment in which their individual boundaries are no longer recognizable. after Plowright. Raw.tscher. The young spore, like the cells of the mycelium from which it is derived, contains two nuclei (fig. 1520). These undergo fusion, so that the mature spore is uninucleate (fig. 152*). The pairing of the nuclei, begin with the association of the basidiospores (or their conidia), is in the brand-spore. The minute investigation of the group may be said to have begun m 1807 when Prevost recorded the germination of the spore Tritid. His work was continued by Berkeley, Tulasne, de Bary, the 1 pupil Fischer von Waldheim, and Brefeld. Many of these early investigators observed the union of the sporuha m I88 HEMIBASIDIOMYCETES [CH. pairs, and, the nuclei not being identified, there was some question as to whether the process was to be regarded as sexual (de Bary), or as a merely vegetative phenomenon (Brefeld), like the formation of H-pieces and clamp- connections. In 1894 Dangeard described the fusion of nuclei in the young brand- spore, but it was not till several years later that this was correlated with the union of the sporidia and the nuclear life-history made clear. The salient points of this history are (l) nuclear association, (2) nuclear fusion, (3) germination of the brand-spore, and formation of the basidium. At this stage the fusion nucleus divides twice or oftener, and uninucleate cells are formed. This sequence of events indicates that the basidium and its spores are the starting point of a brief haploid phase, which gives way to the diploid generation when conjugation takes place. The life-history of the Ustilaginales would appear to be reduced rather than primitive, the conjugation of the spores replacing some ordinary sexual process; but the present state of our knowledge scarcely permits speculation as to what the earlier alternation of generations may have been. Tuburcinia primnlicola, which has two parasitic phases, respectively uni- nucleate and binucleate, suggests closer comparison with the Uredinales than with any other investigated form. The Ustilaginales are divided into two groups, distinguished by the character of the basidium, which is septate in the Ustilaginaceae and con- tinuous in the Tilletiaceae. The two families are of about equal size, in- cluding together over 400 species. The difficulty .at first experienced in classifying these fungi is indicated by the occurrence of such names as Uredo, Caeoma, Erysiphe, Ascomyces (= Exoascus), and Lycoperdon among the older synonymy of the species. Ustilaginaceae Ustilago, with nearly 200 species, is the most important genus of the Ustilaginaceae. It is cosmopolitan, occurring on all sorts of host plants, and is characterized by the fact that its brand-spores are produced singly. Ustilago Carbo infects species ofAvena, Triticum and Hordeum, the forms on the different hosts being biologically distinct. Rawitscher observed that the spores germinate readily in dilute nutritive solutions, forming a three or four celled basidium from which basidiospores may be abstricted in the usual way. More commonly, however, the basidia develop without spore- formation into branched mycelia, between the cells of which conjugation may take place. Union is accomplished between neighbouring cells of the same filament by means of short outgrowths, which meet and fuse as in the VIIJ USTILAGINALES l89 formation of clamp-connections (fig. ,53,), or between um} through a conjugation tube (fig. ,53^ Where basidiospores are formed they c0njugate in a similar manner. In every case the nucleus of one of the paired cells passes over into the other, and the two nuclei lie close Aether though without fusion. The mycelium throughout the develop, ment of the host plant consists of binucleate cells and breaks up in spore- formation into binucleate segments (fig. 152 *). Each spore has thus two nuclei which fuse during development so that the mature brand- spore is uninucleate. In Ustilago Avenae, U. Homeland U. Tritici, sub-species of U. Carbo Lutman observed that on conjugation some of the cytoplasm of one of the cells passed over with the nucleus, the empty cell becoming shrivelled (fig. 154)- In U. A-venae a long fusion tube is frequently formed and both Fig- 153. Ustilago Carbo: a. formation of basidium; Fig. 154. Ustilago Uordei; b. conjugation; c. binucleate mycelium; after conjugation; after Lut- Rawitscher. man. nuclei, as well as the greater part of the cytoplasm, pass into it, leaving the conjugating cells comparatively empty. In these varieties of U. Carbo Lutman found that, after conjugation, the two nuclei lie closely pressed together so that it was sometimes impossible to differentiate them. Ustilago Tragopogonis pratensis is parasitic on Tragopogon pratensis, in the flower heads of which it produces a mass of dark violet spores. In the young flower buds hyphae are abundant only in the anthers and ovary. Later they spread to the surface of these organs and form a dense mycelium of delicate filaments. According to Dangeard and to Rawitscher they divide, with the onset of spore-formation, into small binucleate cells; nuclear fusion takes place and the spore acquires a thick reticulate wall. In germination a three or four celled basidium is produced, each cell containing a single nucleus, and gives rise to uninucleate basidiospores, which increase by budding. 190 HEMIBASIDIOMYCETES [CH. 1903, described specimens of this fungus in which conjugation is followed not only by the migration of the nucleus of one of the cells concerned, but also by nuclear fusion (fig. 155). In view of the fusion in the young spore recorded by Dangeard and by Ravvitscher the details of de- velopment in this species de- mand further investigation. Ustilago Maydis, the smut of Zea Mays, induces con- F'g- '5r- Ustilago Tragopogonis pratensis (Pers.) Wint. ; siderable hypertrophy. The conjugation and nuclear fusion ; after Federley. , r . . deformations contain a mass of gelatinous mycelium from which brand-spores are produced. When mature, the spore mass causes the rupture of the enclosing tissues, and the spores escape. They germinate to produce basidia from which uninucleatc basidiospores are abstricted. These in turn multiply by budding, but, accord- ing to Rawitscher, they never conjugate, nor do they form a definite mycelium (fig. 156*7). In the infection of the host plant, hyphae are for the first time developed, and, unlike those of most investigated smuts, consist of uninu- cleate cells (fig. 156^). This is the case even when the hyphae begin to break up in preparation for spore-formation. At this stage, however, the ends of adjacent cells are seen to become swollen where they are in contact, the wall separating their protoplasm breaks down, the two nuclei come together in Fig. 156. UMagoMaydis\ a. basidiospores, x54o; b. uninucleate mycelium x42O; after Ravvitscher. VII] USTILAGINALES 191 the swollen region and ultimately fuse (fig. 157). Thus the mature brand- spore in Ustilago Mayfts, as in other species, contains a single fusion nucleus. Here, however, the nuclear association which usually takes place in the basidio- spore is postponed till just before spore-formation. The parasitic mycelium is therefore haploid instead of diploid as in the majority of cases. A very similar state of affairs has been described by I. Massee in Ustilago Vaillantii which attacks various liliaceous plants, hibernating in the bulb and forming spores in the anthers and ovary. In these organs the hyphae produce numerous short branches divided by transverse septa into cuboid cells which, like the cells of the vegetative mycelium, contain each a single nucleus. Alternate septa disappear by deliquescence so that binucleate segments are formed in each of which the two nuclei approach one another and fuse to form the single nucleus of the spore. Germination in water takes place in the usual way; four-celled basidia are produced and give rise to basidiospores. Among these there is no evidence of conjugation. Ustilago antherarum forms its spores in the stamens of members of the Caryophyllaceae ; pollen-formation is inhibited, and the anthers become filled with fungal spores, which are distributed by the mechanism prepared for the dispersal of the pollen. Germination takes place in dung decoction with great readiness, the tubes being put out in three or four hours. Harper has observed that when the spore nucleus undergoes mitosis one of the daughter nuclei remains in the spore while the other passes into the basidium (fig. 1 580). Here it divides, the two resultant daughter nuclei are separated by a wall, the nucleus remote from the spore divides again and a second wall is formed. Thus the three-celled basidium characteristic of this species is constituted. Fig. 157. Ustilago Maydis; a. uninucleate cells before spore-f< .rmation ; b. conjugation; c. young, uninucleate brand-spores ; after Rawitscher. Fig. 158. Ustilago antherarum Fr ; a. germinati"n of brand- spore; b. conjugation; after Harper. I92 HEMIBASIDIOMYCETES [CH. Basidiospores are budded off in abundance from all three cells, and in turn give rise to conidia. In the meantime the basidium has separated from its parent brand-spore, and the spore, after nuclear division, may produce another basidium, and others in- succession at the same spot, so that free basidia accumulate in the culture. If cultures in nutrient solution are allowed to starve, association now takes place between basidial cells, basidiospores or conidia by means of conjugating tubes (fig. 1 58 £). The paired cells increase markedly in volume, but no interchange of cytoplasm takes place and the nuclei remain in their respective cells without visible change. Harper observed that when fresh beerwort was supplied to his cultures at this stage the produc- tion of conidia began again. They are produced from one or both of the con- jugating cells, but only a single nucleus is concerned in the development of each conidium, the other remains quiescent and the conidia are uninucleate. In a host plant, the name of which is not recorded, Werth and Ludwig failed to find binucleate elements, the youngest cells in which they could iden- tify the nuclei being uninucleate (fig. I59«). They infer that in this species nuclear association fails to take place> and "° binucleate stage exists. This hypothesis accords we^ witn Harper's observations, on the saprophytic phase which •r 'g- ' 59 Ustilago antherantm P r. ; a. young brand- spores b older brand-spores; c. basidia ; d. basidio- he Studied ill material grown On spores ; after Werth and Ludwig T i • IL r\ i LI f. j Lychnis alba. On the other hand, a binucleate stage was identified by him in the sporogenous cells of U. an- therarum on Saponaria, and by Dangeard on Lychnis dioica. These facts suggest the possibility of two or more varieties of U. antherarum on different hosts and differing in their cytological behaviour; the forms studied by Dangeard and Harper point to a condition comparable to that of U. Maydis, while Werth and Ludwig's observations indicate the possibility of a truly apogamous strain. A complete life-history of this fungus, in material obtained from a single host, would probably prove of interest. Another possibly apogamous form is Ustilago levis, a common 'smut on oats. According to Lutman the basidio- spores give rise to considerable numbers of conidia. These are multinucleate if formed in crowded masses, uninucleate when comparatively isolated. Germinated conidia found on the epi- dermis of infected seedlings usually contain two or three nuclei. The parasitic hyphae are multi- Fig. .160. Ustilago levis (K. and nucleate and their swollen ends, when Spore- Is.) Magn.; mycelium with r , mu'tii uc'eate and binucleate lormation is about to take place, contain ten to :Us; after Lutman fifteen nuclei. The final segments however are VII] USTILAGINALES 193 uninucleate or binucleate (fig. 160), but it is not known whether fusion takes place in them. The multinucleate character of the mycelial cells strongly suggests that no preliminary pairing of the nuclei occurs. In Ustilago Zeae Lutman also observed a mycelium of multinucleate cells ; at the time of spore-formation binucleate and uninucleate cells and finally uninucleate spores 'appear. Tilletiaceae The principal genera of the Tilletiaceae are Tilletia, Entyloma, Ttiburcinia, Urocystis and Doassansia. They have in common the continuous basidium with a terminal group of spores. Tilletia Tritici and T.foetens are the stink brands of wheat, so called by reason of the strong odour of trimethylamin or herring brine given out by the brand-spores. The two species differ in the character of the epispore which is smooth in T. foetens, reticulate in T. Tritici. In both cases spores are produced in the ovaries of the host, all tissues of which, except the outer coat, are destroyed. The spore masses are garnered with the crop, and damage all grains with which they are threshed or ground. The infected flour and contaminated chaff and straw are causes of disease in man and animals. On the germination of the brand-spore of T. Tritici the nucleus passes into the basidium and divides three times so that eight nuclei are formed. Eight basidiospores are budded off in a bunch at the apex of the basidium, and each receives a single nucleus. Frequently additional nuclear divisions take place and ten, twelve, or sixteen uninucleate spores may be produced. When the spores are fully formed short conjugating tubes grow out and connect neighbouring spores, often while these are still attached to the basidium (fig. 161). According to Rawitscher the nucleus of one cell of the pair passes over into the other and the nuclei lie near one another but without fusion. After con- jugation the spores may become septate; from those which contain two nuclei fila- ments of binucleate cells grow out, and may give rise to conidia which are also binucleate. Under suitable conditions the binucleate hyphae bring about infection by pushing between the cells of the host seedling. In the cells of the sporogenous mycelium fusion of the 13 Fig 61. Tilletia Tritici (Bjerk) Wint.; a. basidium thirty hours after germination of brand-spore; b. conjugation of basidio- spores ; X3oo; after Plowright. HEMIBASIDIOMYCETES [CH. 194 pairs of associated nuclei takes place. Rawitscher observed a quite similar life-history in T. laevis. In the parasitic mycelium of Doassansia Alismatis and Entyloma Glancn (fig. 162) Dangeard observed binucleate cells and the fusion of their nuclei Fi". 162. Development of brand-spores ; a. Doassansia Alismatis (Nees) Corn.; b. Entyloma Glaucii Dang.; after Dangeard. in pairs in preparation for the formation of the brand-spores. The same stages were recorded by Lutman \nDoassansiadeformans, Entyloma Nympheae and Urocystis A nemones (fig. 163). Fig. 163. Urocystis Anemones (Pers.) Wint. ; mycelium and young spore ball ; afiei Lutman. Tuburcinia primulicola infects various species of Primula and gives rise to conidia as well as to brand-spores during its parasitic stage. Wilson has shown that the conidia develop in the young flower on a mycelium of uninucleate cells which apparently persists in the host plant throughout the winter. When the flower opens the conidia conjugate in pairs, and a nucleus passes through the connecting tube so that one conidium is empty and the other binucleate. Germ-tubes with paired nuclei are later produced and doubtless give rise to the mycelium of binucleate cells which bears the brand-spores. This mycelium ramifies in the superficial tissue of the placenta and between the ovules, giving rise to brand-spores in the same flowers in which the conidia were previously developed. On the germination of the v"] USTILAGINALES 195 brand-spores, basidia and basidiospores appear, but no conjugation could be observed. T. primulicola thus resembles the Uredinales in having two parasitic generations, the one with uninucleate, the other with binucleate cells. Its hibernating, uninucleate mycelium also recalls the parasitic mycelium of Ustilago Maydis, or of U. Vaillantii, which consists of uni- nucleate cells. USTILAGINALES : BIBLIOGRAPHY 1807 PREVOST, B. Memoire sur la cause immediate de la Carie. Fontanel, Montauban. 1847 BERKELEY, M. J. Propagation of Bunt. Trans. Hort. Soc. London, ii, p. 113. 1847 TULASNE, L. R. and C. Me"moire sur les Ustilaginees comparers aux Uredine'es. Ann. Sci. Nat. 3 ser. vii, p. 12. 1853 DE BARY, A. Untersuchungen iiber die Brandpilze und die durch sie verursachten Krankheiten der Pflanzen. Miiller, Berlin. 1854 TULASNE, L. R. and C. Second Mernoire sur les Ure"dinees et Ustilagine'es. Ann. Sci. Nat. 4 ser. ii, p. 113. 1867 FISCHER von WALDHEIM, A. Sur la structure des spores des Ustilagine'es. Bull. de la Soc. Imp. des Nat. de Moscou, xl, p. 242. 1883 BREFELD, O. Botanische Untersuchungen iiber Hefenpilze. V, die Brandpilze. Felix, Leipzig. 1887 ZU SOLMS LAUBACH, H. Ustilago Treu&ii Solms. Ann. dujard. Buitenzorg, vi, p. 79. 1888 WARD, H. MARSHALL. The Structure and Life History of Entyloma Ranunculi (Bonorden). Phil. Trans, clxxviii, p. 173. 1889 PLOWRIGHT, C. B. A Monograph of the British Uredineae and Ustilagineae. Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., London. 1894 DANGEARD, P. A. Recherches histologiques sur la famille des Ustilagine'es. Le Botaniste, iii, p. 240. 1899 HARPER, R. A. Nuclear Phenomena in certain stages in the development of the Smuts. Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci. Arts and Letters, xii, p. 475. 1904 FEDERLEY, H. Die Copulation der Conidien bei Ustilago Tragopogi pratensis Pers. Ofversigt af Finska Vetensk. Soc. Forhandlingar, Ixvi, No. 2, p. i. 1910 MCALPINE, D. The Smuts of Australia. J. Kemp, Melbourne. 1911 LUTMAN, B. S. Some Contributions to the Life-history and Cytology of the Smuts. Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci. Arts and Letters, xvi, pt. ill, p. 1911. 1912 RAWITSCHER, F. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Ustilagineen. Zeitschr. f. Bot. iv, P- 673. 1912 WERTH, E. and LUDWIG, K. Zur Sporenbildung bei Rost und Brandpilzen. Ber. d. deutsch. Bot. Ges. xxx, p. 522. 1914 MASSEE, I. Observations on the Life-history of Ustilago Vaillantii, Tul. Journ. Econ. Biol. ix, p. 7. 1914 RAWITSCHER, F. Zur Sexualitat der Brandpilze Tilletia tritici. Ber. d. deutsch. Bot. Ges. xxxii, p. 310. 1915 WILSON, M. The Life-History and Cytology of Tubiirrinia primulicola Rostrup. B. A. Report, Sect. K. 1915. 13—2 CHAPTER VIII PROTOBASIDIOMYCETES UREDINALES THE rust-fungi, members of the group Uredineae, Uredinales or Aecidio- mycetes, including over 1700 species, are without exception obligate parasites on the stems, on the sporophylls and especially on the leaves of vascular plants, usually on those of angiosperms or gymnosperms but in one or two cases of ferns. The mycelium ramifies in the tissues of the host, sends haustoria into the cells, and may act as a local stimulant causing more or less marked hypertrophy and consequent curling or malformation of the infected part. Starch may be stored by the host, and this is so abundant in the hyper- trophies caused by the aecidial mycelium of Puccinia Cartels on the nettle, Urtic a parvifolia, that they are eaten by the Himalayans; one or two other species are similarly employed. Where the mycelium penetrates into the perennial tissues of the host it is itself perennial. Spores and Sori. On the mycelium several kinds of spore are produced, minute spermatia in spermogonia, aecidiospores in aecidia, uredospores and teleutospores, sometimes mixed, sometimes separate, in more or less definite sori. One or more of these types of spore may be lacking, but the teleuto- spores are almost invariably present, and it is on them that the classification of the group depends. Naturally enough it was some time before the various types of spore were recognized as belonging to the same fungus and the old generic names Fig. ,64. Germinating telentos^res; a. Phra^nidium bulbosum Schm.; b. Triphragmidium Ulmariae Lk., c. Coleosponum Soncht Lev.; d. Uromy:es appendiculatus (Fabae) Lev.; after Tulasne. CH" VIIIJ UREDINALES 197 i 11 me IClCUlOSpt and Uredo, still survive in our nomenclature The teleutospores (figs. ,64, ,65, ,66) may be unicellular or they may be made up of two or more cells forming a compound structure, each ceH of /^> Fig 165. Cronartium asclepiadeum Fr. ; te- leutospore mass with basidia and spores; af- Fig. 166. Melampsora betulina Desmaz.; germinating teleutospores: ter Tulasne. after Tulasne. which germinates independently. The teleutospore is simple in Uromyces, Coleosporium, and Melampsora, it is two-celled in Gymnosporangium and Puccinia, it is built up of three to ten superposed cells in Phragmidium, and of a larger number in Xenodochus. In Triphragmidium it consists of three cells laterally placed and in Chrysomyxa and Cronartium the simple teleuto- spores are so massed together as to simulate compound forms; their real nature is revealed by their early separation one from another. One-celled teleutospores occur exceptionally in the two-celled species and are known as mesospores. The teleutospores may be massed together and incrusted in the tissues of the host, or they may be detached readily from their stalks and carried by the, wind or by other agencies. Further development may take place as soon as conditions are favourable, or may be delayed till after a resting period, usually till the spring following development. In either case the nucleus in each cell ultimately undergoes two successive divisions, which constitute a meiotic phase> and the daughter nuclei are separated by transverse walls, so that four uninucleate cells are produced. The teleutospore-cell thus functions as a tetrasporangium and divides into four portions, constituting the transversely septate basidium. From each cell a short, pointed branch or sterigma arises, its end dilates, a basidiospore 198 PROTOBASIDIOMYCETES [CH. (sporidium) is formed and receives the nucleus and cytoplasm of the cell from which it arose. In Coleosporitun, Ocliropsora, and Chrysospora, nuclear division and septation take place within the teleutospore wall, and the basidiospores are budded out from it, so that the teleutospore cell becomes the basidium directly; in the majority of cases, however, the structure of the teleutospore is not such as readily to allow further growth, and development takes place after the extrusion of the contents as a tubular outgrowth, the so-called promycelium, surrounded only by a delicate membrane (fig. 167). The nucleus migrates into this structure and here nuclear division takes place, transverse septa are formed and the basidiospores are produced. But it must be noted that the nucleus and cytoplasm of the young basidium are those of the teleutospore cell, whether development takes place within the original wall or by means of a promycelium. When the basidiospore germinates its germ-tube penetrates through the cuticle of the host and forms a mycelium of uninucleate cells bearing spermogonia and aecidia. The spermogonium is usually found on the adaxial side of the leaf; it consists of a group of more or less parallel, unbranched, upwardly directed hyphae, arising from a small-celled tangle below the epidermis or cuticle of the host. In the majority of cases the outer hyphae of each group elongate to form paraphyses, so that the spermogonium is restricted in extent, and acquires a flask-shaped or pyriform outline; the paraphyses push up through the ruptured epidermis of the host to project at a narrow ostiole (fig. 168 b}. In JR- 167. Gymtwsporangium davariaeforme ees; germinating teleutosporcs ; x 666. ig- i68. a. Phragnndium violaceum Wint., Xj30; b. Gymnosporangium davanaeforme Rees, x 260 • sper- mogonia; after Blackman. VIII] UREDINALES 199 simpler forms, such as Phragmidium, the spermogonium is indefinite in extent, and consists of spermatial hyphae arranged beneath the cuticle, which is perforated in the centre of the mass to form an ostiole. No regular para- physes are produced but a few spermatial hyphae may elongate and project as sterile threads (fig. 168 a). The spermatial hypha is a long, narrow cell with a central elongated nucleus. It is furnished at its free end with a ring of thickening which may be concerned with the disjunction of the spermatium. The development of the latter begins by the pushing out of a finger-like projection at the apex of the parent hypha. When it has attained its full size the nucleus of the hypha divides and one of the daughter nuclei enters the spermatium, which is cut off by a wall formed just above the thickened ring (fig. 169). The mature spermatium is a small more or less oval cell, enclosed in a very .-.. » rig. 109. Gymnosporangittm davariaeformc thin wall. The Cytoplasm is finely Kees ; development of spermatia, xu8s; granular with apparently no reserve afte material, and the nucleus is of relatively large size. When cultivated in solution of sugar or honey, spermatia have been induced to undergo a form of yeast-like budding, and this has been observed under natural conditions by Robinson in Puccinia Poarum. But, though many attempts have been made, it has so far proved impossible to bring about the formation of a mycelium. It seems, therefore, pretty clear that the spermatia are useless as agents of infection, and they differ also in structure from ordinary asexual spores. On the other hand the suggestion was long ago made that they may be male reproductive elements, and this is borne out by their large nuclei and lack of reserve material, and is by no means invalidated by the fact that they possess some slight power of germination. Recent investigation has shown that they are now no longer functional. As a rule considerable numbers of spermatia are to be found in various stages of degeneration scattered around the ostioles of the spermogonia. In some cases the spermatia are aggregated in sticky masses and appear to attract insects. The presence of sugars in the spermogonial contents has been demonstrated for species of Uromyces, Puccinia, Endophyllum, and Gymnosporangium ; in some cases the spermogonia also possess a strong odour as in Puccinia suaveolens, or occur on bright spots which contrast with the green of the surrounding tissue. Such spots are usually yellow or orange, but are white in Uromyces Fabae and reddish-purple in Puccinia 200 PROTOBASIDIOMYCETES [CH. rmitis A corresponding discoloration takes place around the young and there is thus some suggestion that the spermatia, when functional, vere carried to their destination by insects. The aecidia occur in groups, usually on the abaxial side of the leaf ; m them the aecidiospores are produced in basipetal rows (fig. 170) alternating with small, abortive, intercalary cells, by the disintegration of which they are set free. They may be carried to consider- able distances by the wind, and there is evidence that they are sometimes distri- buted by means of insects or of snails. The mature aecidio- spore is usually subglobose or polygonal in form, it is enclosed in a thick wall per- forated by several germ-pores, and contains red, yellow or orange pigment, and always two nuclei. In germination a hypha is put out which enters the host plant through one of the stomata and so penetrates into the inter- cellular spaces. The development of the aecidium begins by the mass- ing of hyphae either deep in the tissues of the host (Gym- nosporangium clavariaeforme, Puccinia Poarum (Blackman and Fraser '06), Puccinia Falcariae (Ditt- schlag ' 10)), or directly below the epidermis (Phragmidium violaceum (Black- Fig. 170. Uromyces /totf Raben.; aecidium just before _ the epidermis is broken through, x 310; after Black- man and Fraser. Fig. 171 Uromyces Poae Raben. ; young aecidium, < 370; after Blackman and Fraser. man '04), Uromyces Poae (Blackman and Fraser '06) (fig. 171), Claytoniata (Fromme '14)) ; these hyphae give rise to a more or less regular series of uninucleate cells. These are the fertile cells, but, before developing further, each, at any rate in the relatively primitive forms (caeomata), may cut off one or occasionally more terminal sterile cells which ultimately degenerate. The fertile cells may unite laterally in pairs (fig. 172), so that binucleate compound cells are formed ; they may similarly pair with the VIII] UREDINALES 20 1 cells below them (Fromme '14), or each may receive a second nucleus by migration from a neighbouring vegetative cell (fig. 173). In each case they now constitute the basal cells of the rows of spores and they proceed at once to cutoffaecidiospore mother- cells, each of which in turn divides to separate a small intercalary cell below from the aecidiospore above. Exceptionally binucle- ate cells may be observed before the fertile layer is d i fferen t iated . In Puccinia Poarnm nuclear migrations sometimes take place be- tween the vegetative cells at the base of the very young aecidium. These cells may grow up, either at once or after division, to form fertile cells. The aecidiospores, then, are the products of a sexual process by means of which two nuclei become associated within the limits of a single protoplasmic mass, form- ing the dikaryon or synkaryon of Maire. The nuclei thus brought together do not fuse, but undergo simultaneous division (fig. 174), so that a daughter nucleus from each passes into every new cell. Conjugate division is continued when the aecidiospore germinates and a mycelium of binucleate cells is produced. The sporophyte of the rusts is thus normally inaugurated in the fertile cells of the aecidium. It is not unusual to find spores and vegetative cells which contain three or more nuclei ; in these, as in the binucleate cells, and, indeed, in multinucleate cells of many different groups of plants, conjugate Fig. 172. Phragmidium speaosum Fr. ; cells; b. fusion of two fertile cells; after Christman. Fig. 173. Phragmidium violaceum Wint.; migration of second nucleus into fertile cell of caeoma, x 950 ; after Blackman. Fig. 1 74. Melampsora Rostrupi Wagn. ; paired fertile cells, x uoo; after Blackman and Fraser. 202 PROTOBASIDIOMYCETES [CH. division takes place (fig. 175)- The origin of the trinudeate cel1 b^ the fusion of three fertile cells has been observed, and no doubt it may arise by the migration of a second vegetative nucleus. Fig- J75- Pttccinia Poarum Niels.; conjugate division, x 2280; after Blackman and Fraser. At the periphery of the aecidium the cells cut off from the basal cells divide in the usual way, so that two cells corresponding respectively to the aecidiospore and the intercalary cell are formed from each. The upper (aecidiospore) cells acquire very thick striated walls, lose their contents and form a sheath or pseudoperidium about the sporogenous part. The behaviour of the lower cells varies considerably ; Kurassanow has shown that in some cases they are quite small, like typical intercalary cells, while in others they are relatively well developed and form part of the pseudo- peridium. This is especially the case where the tissue to be broken through by the developing aecidium is dense or extensive. Centrally the pseudo- peridium arches over the contents of the aecidium.' In this region it is derived from the cells first cut off by the central basal cells. These, like the others, divide transversely, and one of the daughter cells, usually the outer one, corresponding to the aecidiospore, becomes one of the elements of the pseudoperidium (Dittschlag, Kurassinovv). When the aecidium reaches maturity the pseudoperidium pushes through the epidermis of the host and is then itself ruptured and exposes the ripe spores. It becomes torn and recurved so that the characteristic cluster-cup is produced (fig. 176). The pseudoperidium is sometimes much elongated and cylindrical or inflated, producing the forms known as roestelia (Gymnosporanginni)^ and peri- dermium (Coleosporium, Cronartium and allied genera), so-called from their old generic names, or it may be represented only by a few paraphyses or altogether absent (Phragmidium, Melampsord). The latter forms, to which the term caeoma is applied, are probably primitive. In the majority of cases, after the fertile and sterile cells have been formed and nuclear association has taken place, the basal cells each give rise to a single chain of spores, but occasionally (Puccinia Falcariae (fig. 177), Endophylltim Semperuivi) they may branch and thus produce two or more spore-rows. In certain other species the basal cells regularly form a number of lateral buds or branches and each of these is cut off as a spore VIII] UREDINALES 203 Fig. 1 76. Puccinia Graminis Pers. ; a. infected leaf of Berberis vulgaris, nat. size ; b. group of aecidia, x 5. Uromyces Poae Rabenh. ; c. infected leaf of Ranunculus jicaria, nat. size ; d. group of aecidia, X2o; E. J. Welsford del. mother-cell (fig. 178). The spore mother-cell divides in the usual way, separating the aecidiospore above from its sister-cell below, but the latter here forms an elongated stalk instead of an intercalary cell. Each outgrowth of the basal cell thus produces only a single spore, the mode of formation of which is exactly similar to that of a uredospore. The fructification has generally been regarded as a uredosorus and is known as the primary uredosorus, in reference to its appearance relatively early in the season. Fig. 177. Puccinia Falcariae; branched fertile cell of aecidium or primary uredosorus, x 1200; after Dittschlag. Fig. 178. Phragmidium Potcnlillae-Canadensts Diet.; a. conjugation; b. branched fertile cell ; after Christman. PROTOBASIDIOMYCETES FCH rK.^> i vDrLjiisi^m j- *->*- * ~~ But the fact that these sori are developed on the same mycelium as the spermooonia, the fact that in their fertile cells nuclear association takes place and the fact that in the formation of the fertile cell a sterile cell is cut off, all suggest that the true homology is with the aecidium. ' The mycelium formed by the germination of the aecidiospore grows with renewed energy. It consists of binucleate cells giving rise to uredospores. These are borne in groups or uredosori (fig. 179) which may be surrounded Fig. i-y. a. Phragmidium Ruin Pers.; uredosorus, x 600 ; after Sappin-Trouffy; b. Phragmidium violaceum Wint.; uredosorus, X48o; after Blackman. by paraphyses, or in certain genera (Pucciniastrum, Uredinopsis) by a pseudo- peridium. In the young sorus a regular layer of somewhat rectangular basal cells is formed, from which the uredospore mother-cells arise. In Coleo- sporinm, in Chrysomyxa, and in the secondary caeomata of Phragmidium subcorticium, they are produced in vertical rows like the typical aecidiospore mother-cells and divide to form uredospores and intercalary cells, but, in the large majority of cases, they appear as a succession of buds from different parts of the basal cell. Each bud elongates, its nuclei undergo conjugate division, a stalk is cut off which grows in length but remains narrow, while the uredospore enlarges considerably, its contents acquire an orange or yellow colour, and its wall is variously roughened in most species by minute projections on the surface. Two or more germ-pores are usually present and the uredospore, like the cells which give rise to it, is invariably binucleate ; it produces a binucleate mycelium on which teleutospores or further crops of uredospores are formed. Certain species (Puccinia z^;ra;z.y,etc.),occurring under very dry conditions, VIII] UREDINALES 205 produce a second type of uredospore with thick walls which are adapted to survive unfavourable conditions; these are known as amphispores. Both aecidio- and uredospores germinate readily and without a rest if fully ripe, but many are shaken off by wind and rain before they reach maturity and remain incapable of germination. Moreover it is stated that spores will not ripen properly on leaves that have been removed from the plant. Sooner or later the mycelium of binucleate cells gives rise to teleuto- spores ; these are characteristically grouped together in teleutosori (fig. 1 80), Fig. 180. a. Phraginidiuin Rzibi Pers. ; teleutosorus,; after Sappin-Trouffy; b. Phragmidium violaceum Wint.; teleutosorus, X24o; after Blackman. except in the genus Uredinopsis, on ferns, where they are scattered. Like the uredospores the teleutospores are with or without paraphyses and like them arise from rectangular basal cells. They appear as narrow binucleate outgrowths in which one or more divisions take place so that, in the majority of cases, a stalk is formed below and the simple or compound teleutospore is produced above (fig. 181). The stalk may increase consider- ably in length (^Gymnosporangiiun^ Uromyces, Puccinid) or may be very short or absent (Coleosporium, Melampsora}. As already stated the young teleutospore cell is binucleate (fig. 182); when the wall is fully thickened the two nuclei fuse and the spore passes into the resting state. On the renewal of its development two nuclear divisions occur and the gametophytic phase is initiated with the production of the uninucleate basidiospore. In the Uredinales the fertilization process thus takes place in two stages, nuclear association being separated by a longer or shorter series of vegetative cells from nuclear fusion. We have here a difference in degree though not 206 PROTOBASIDIOMYCETES [CH. in kind from the normal process. In Pinus sylvestris* the male and female nuclei lie side by side but do not fuse till their chromosomes become mingled on the first spindle of the embryo ; in many of the protozoa and in some other animals a series of conjugate divisions may precede the combination of the paternal and maternal chromosomes in a single membrane. Fig. 181. Piifdnia Podophylli S.; fertile cell of teleutosorus giving rise to teleutospores ; after Christ- Fig. 182. Phrasfinidium violaceum Went.; a. teleuto- spores, x 1080; b. fusion of nuclei in teleutospore, xis-zo; after Blackman. It may be hazarded that in the Uredinales the similarity of the physio- logical history of the nuclei before they become associated is responsible for a minimum of attraction between them, so that there is no sufficiently strong impulse towards fusion till meiosis is about to take place ; being, however, in the same cell, they have no opportunity of dissolving partnership and the influences which bring about meiosis affect both alike. A considerable similarity exists in the arrangement of the different groups of sporogenous cells. The uredo- and teleutosori are clearly com- parable, both are of indefinite extent, with or without a border of paraphyses, and both consist of groups of rectangular basal cells from which the spore mother-cells arise in horizontal series and divide to produce the simple or compound spore and the stalk-cell. Sometimes, however, the uredospores are borne in vertical series, one below the other, and the sister-cells of the spore form short, intercalary cells instead of stalk cells (fig. 183). This arrangement and that of the so-called primary uredospores link the uredosorus to the aecidium, suggesting the homology of the stalk and inter- calary cells. In the simplest aecidia, those of the caeoma type, we have a 1 Blackman, V. H., 1898, Phil. Trans. B. cxc, p. 395 VIII] UREDINALES 207 Fig. 183. Coleosporium Son- chi ; uredosorus, x 54.5 ; alter Holden and Harper. group of basal cells of indefinite extent, from which the aecidiospore mother- cells are cut off. The aecidium is, in fact, no more a definite organ than the uredo- or teleutosorus, and only appears so in the more elaborate forms because of the modification of its peripheral cells to form a pseudoperidium. The important distinction lies not in the general morpho- logy of the sorus, but in the fact that an association of two nuclei from different cells takes place in the basal cell of the aecidium and in the specialization indicated by the separation of the sterile cells. In its general structure the spermogonium, con- sisting as it does of a series of spermatial hyphae with or without circumjacent paraphyses, is not very different from the other sori, and, in the simplest cases, it also is of indefinite extent. Omission of Spore Forms. In many rusts one or more spore forms are omitted ; the case where the so-called primary uredospore is substituted for the typical aecidiospore has been already described ; these and others in which the characteristic aecidium or caeoma alone is lacking are distinguished by the prefix brachy. Hemi- indicates the presence of uredo- and teleutospores without aecidia or spermogonia. The suffix opsis is used for forms with aecidia and teleutosori. They lack uredosori but a few uredospores are sometimes found in the teleutosorus. Micro- and lepto- forms -have teleutospores with a few occasional uredospores and sometimes spermogonia. The teleutospores germinate in the former group only after a period of rest, in the latter upon the same host plant as soon as they reach maturity. Species with the full complement of spores are distinguished by the prefix eu. As already pointed out, the sporophyte in some of the brachy- species starts from the fertile cells at the base of the so-called uredosorus, and this may very probably prove to be true in all cases where the ordinary aecidium is absent and spores developed like uredospores accompany the spermogonia. The alternation of generations in the -opsis forms is also normal, for these are characterized by the omission of typical uredosori the development of which is related to no significant change in the nuclear life-history. In micro- and lepto- forms the basidiospore germinates to produce, as in eu- species, a mycelium of uninucleate cells on which spermogonia may occasionally be borne. The mycelium becomes binucleate either during vegetative development (Uromyces Scillarum, Puccinia Adoxae) or below the young teleutosorus, and the fusion in the teleutospore takes place in 208 PROTOBASIDIOMYCETES [CH. the usual way. In the micro- form Puccinia transformans Olive observed that the binucleate condition was brought about by the fusion in pairs of cells to form the basal cells from which the teleutospores arose and the same has been reported by Moreau for Puccinia Buxi and Uromyces Ficariae. In Puccinia Malvacearum Moreau occasionally found a difference in size between the fusing cells, and Werth and Ludwig observed the migration of the nucleus of the smaller cell into the 'larger (fig. 184^). Below the teleutosorus of Puccinia Podopliylli also, Christman found nuclear migrations in progress (fig. 184^). Such cases clearly suggest that here, as in the mycelium below the aecidium of P. Poanim and in the prothallus of pseudapogamous ferns, the sporophyte is initiated by the association of two vegetative nuclei. Christman, however, observed that in certain cases migration took place between cells already binucleate, and he hence regards migrations in this case, and is inclined to regard all other migrations in rusts, as due to pathological causes. ^s&-x S.; migrations at base of teleutosorus; after Christman. A sporophytic stage of exceptionally brief duration is also found in the species of Endophyllum and in the form on Rnbns frondosus known as Kunkelia mtens\ In both cases the characteristic spores are developed in basipetal chains (fig. 185), and in both the fertile cells which give rise to them fuse in pairs (Olive '08; Hoffmann 'it), so that the spore mother-cells, intercalary cells and spores receive two nuclei each. In Endophyllum the spores are enclosed in a pseudoperidium of barren cells so that the sorus appears as a typical aecidium, in Kunkelia nitens it is of simpler, indefinite 1 Kunkelia nitens (Schwein.) Arthur = Caeoma nitens Burr. VIII] UREDINALES 209 form ; in both cases it is borne in association with spermogonia on a mycelium of uninucleate cells. But the spore germinates like a teleutospore Fig. 1 86. Endophyllum Sempervivi Lev.; spores giving rise to basidia; both after Hoffmann. (fig. 1 86); its two nuclei fuse (fig. 187), its contents are extruded as a pro- mycelium, two successive nuclear divisions occur, cross walls appear and four basidiospores are produced, which, in due course, give rise to a uninucleate mycelium. The'sporophytic stage thus endures only from the fusion of the fertile cells until the germination of the spores which they produce. Incidentally these observations in the case of Kunkelia nitens have demonstrated that the caeoma of this fungus is not a stage in the life-history of the teleutospore-producing Puccinia Peckiana on the same host, for the mycelial cells of P. Peckiana are binucleate and the teleutospores germinate in the usual way. The development of an apo- gamous aecidium has been ob- served by Moreau in a variety of Endophyllum Euphorbiae on Euphorbia sylvatica ; here the basal cells, aecidiospores and cells of the pseudoperidium are uninucleate throughout their development, the aecidiospore germinates to form a promy- .. ,. , r 11 Fur 18? Endofiliyllitm Setnptrvivi Lev.; a. nuclear cehum Of three or four cells \^\^ tpore% synapsis in fusion nucleus; after and neither nuclear association Hoffmann. G:-V. 2io PROTOBASIDIOMYCETES [CH. nor nuclear fusion takes place at any stage, the diplophase being wholly omitted. Heteroecism. In many rusts the gametophytic and sporophytic mycelia occur on different host plants. Such forms are termed heteroecious in contrast to the autoecious species where the whole life-history is passed on a single host. It is not surprising that the different spore forms on such species were recognized and described some time before it was understood that they are stages in the life-history of a single fungus. The final proof of the relationship of the aecidia and spermogonia on the one hand and the uredo- and teleutosori on the other, was given by de Bary in 1865 for Puccinia Gmminis, the wheat rust or, as the teleutospore stage was called by early investigators, the wheat mildew. In this plant the haplophase occurs on the leaves of the Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) and the diplophase on wheat, oats, rye and other grasses. Long, however, before this relationship was demonstrated, and even before the fungal nature of the disease was known, farmers had begun to suspect some malign connection between barberry bushes and their wheat crop, and had observed that dark areas of blackened and injured wheat were apt to occur in the neighbourhood of such plants. In the State of Massachusetts an act was passed requiring the inhabitants to extirpate all barberry bushes before a given date in 1760 and Marshall, of Norfolk, writing in 1781, says that "it has long been considered as one of the first of vulgar errors among husbandmen that the barberry plant has a pernicious quality (or rather a mysterious power) of blighting wheat which grows near it1." It is hardly to be wondered at that learned persons of the time repudiated this belief, or, as Marshall says of himself, "very fashionably laughed at it." It was not till 1797 that Persoon identified the wheat disease as a fungus and gave it the name it still bears. In 1805 Sir Joseph Banks called attention to its resemblance to the rust on the barberry, suggesting that it might be one and the same species, "and the seed transferred from the barberry to the corn." In 1816 Schoeler, a Danish schoolmaster, set himself to deal with the matter experimentally, and applied rusted barberry leaves to some marked plants of rye ; after a few days these were badly affected while not one rusty plant could be found elsewhere in the field. His discovery was con- firmed by the investigations of de Bary, who performed the infection in both directions and under more critical conditions, and it has since been shown that a large proportion of the rusts are in fact heteroecious. It seems pretty evident that the autoecious condition must have been primitive and it would be of interest to know what factors determined the adoption of different hosts for the different phases of the life-history. 1 Rural Economy of Norfolk, 2nd ed. vol. ii, p. 19, London, 1795. vm] UREDINALES 211 Christman and Olive have inferred that the ancestral type of the heteroecious species was a form with teleutospores only, a lepto- or a micro- form occurring on the host of the present gametophyte. Other investigators (Tranzschel '04, Grove '13) who regard the aecidium as an essential constituent of the primitive rust, have suggested that heteroecism may have arisen in relation to host plants with a short vegetative period. In such a case there would hardly be time for the production of the full complement of spores and the fungus might either shorten its elaborate the micro- or simi- lar forms ( Uromyces Scillarum on wild hyacinth, Pucciniafusca on anemone), or some of the spores might become adapted to life on a new host. This might be the case in particular with the aecidiospores, the development of which, owing perhaps to the recent fertilization stage, is especially vigorous. Aecidiospores must fall on hundreds of leaves besides those of the host, and the germ-tubes in their case enter through the stomata. If then an aecidiospore germinated and penetrated a satisfactory host it is suggested that a mycelium might develop and further adaptations might fix the heteroecious habit. Again it is readily understandable that the Gramineae and other hosts with similarly refractory cuticles are easily infected by the germ tubes from the aecidio- and uredospores which pass through the stomata but not by those of the basidiospores which, in a large majority of cases, penetrate the walls of the epidermal cells. This fact may be significant in relation to the return of the parasite to its gametophytic host each spring. There is reason to believe that some species have an autoecious and a heteroecious variety and the study of such forms is likely to prove of great assistance. Specialization of Parasitism. The parasitism of the rusts shows very marked specialization so that biological species have arisen, which, though they may be morphologically indistinguishable, differ from one another in their power to infect different hosts. Injury to the host may break down its resistance to attack and may render it liable to infection by a species to which it is normally immune. Under favourable conditions rust appears suddenly, and spreads with great rapidity. Eriksson believed such epidemics to depend on the presence in the seeds or buds of the host plant of the protoplasm of the rust, indistinguishably mingled with that of the host, a mixture to which the term mycoplasm was applied. He considered that the protoplasm of the fungus remained unaltered till the leaves were formed ; under appropriate conditions it then separated itself rapidly from that of the host and developed into the ordinary spore-bearing mycelium. The investigations of Marshall Ward and others have not substantiated this hypothesis. Nuclear Division. It would appear, from the work of various observers, that nuclear division in the Uredinales has undergone a process of simpli- 14—2 212 PROTOBASIDIOMYCETES [CH. fication and in some cases it shows but few of the characters of normal mitosis. In the spermatial hyphae of Gymnosporangium davariaeforme^ for example, Blackmail has described a condensation of the nucleus to form a deeply staining body out of which the nucleolus is squeezed. The chromatin is drawn apart into two apparently homogeneous masses between which a kinoplasmic thread represents the spindle. A similar process takes place in the division of the conjugate nuclei in this and other forms, but the spindle is generally recognizable somewhat earlier, at a time when the chromatin of each nucleus still forms a single mass. As a rule the spindles of the conjugate nuclei lie parallel one to another (fig. 188). Moreau, following Sappin-Trouffy, has recorded two chromosomes or ./...,. chromatin masses formed from each nucleus in various 'Uredi- neae. Olive on the other hand in Triphragmidium Ulmariae and Uromyces Stirpi has found a clearly defined spindle and centrosomes and has succeeded in recognizing several separate chromosomes ; a similar state of affairs has been recorded by Christman for Phragmidium spedosum so that it would ap- pear that the different species of rusts are at dissimilar levels in this matter, though a further study of carefully fixed material might be undertaken with ad- vantage. In all cases, however, the divisions of the fusion nucleus Fig. 1 88. Uromyces Poae Raben.; conjugate divisions in aecidium, x 1330; a'ter Blackmail and Eraser. Coleosporium Senecionis; mitosis in teleuto- spores ; after Arnaud. of the teleutospore are much more elaborate than those in the vegetative cells and show some of the characteristics of a meiotic In Coleosporium (fig. 189) the fusion nucleus at first possesses a -marked reticulum of interlacing threads. This undergoes a stage of ^ration in one part of the nuclear area, which no doubt corresponds > synapsis, and afterwards loosens out, increases in thickness and forms a The spireme breaks up and its segments are seen to be double .ghout their length. In the meantime centrosomes and spindle fibres d and characteristic gemini are recognizable on the- spindle. VIII] UREDINALES 213 Moreau describes only two, but Harper and Holden found a larger number, which became crowded together and more or less fused during the later stages of the first and also during the second division. In Gymnosporangium clavariaeforme (fig. 190) the first division is initiated, as in Coleosporium, by a synaptic phase, after which a spireme is formed and breaks up into chromosomes. These pass on to the spindle but soon lose their individuality and travel in irregular masses to the poles. The development of the spindle has also been traced in this species ; its formation is extra-nuclear and it lies free in the cytoplasm before coming into relation with the dividing nucleus. This type is fairly common among animals but is of exceptional occurrence in plants. Nuclear Association. The cytology of the aecidium was first described in detail in 1904 by Blackman, for Phragmidium violaceum, a species occurring orf the bramble. The aecidium here is of the caeoma type, consisting of a group of fertile cells of indefinite extent and usually bounded at the periphery by a number of thin-walled paraphyses. Its formation begins by the massing of hyphae below the epidermis of the leaf where they form a series of uninucleate cells two or three layers thick. The cells next the epidermis increase in size and each divides by a transverse wall parallel to the surface of the leaf, separating an upper sterile cell from the fertile cell below. The sterile cells remain cubical and ultimately disintegrate ; the fertile cells elongate to form a more or less regular layer and paired nuclei appear in them, first at the centre and later towards the periphery of the group (fig. 191). Fig I9f phragmidi,tm molaceum Went.; The second nucleus in the x 140 ; after Blackman. clavariaeforme Rees ; ivision in basidium, x 1460; after Blackman. PROTOBASIDIOMYCETES [CH. fertile cells of Pkragmidium violaceum was shown by Blackman and subse- quently by Welsford to be derived from one of the smaller cells at the base of the fertile layer. It is thus a vegetative nucleus; it enters the fertile cell by migrating through the wall, becoming much drawn out and laterally com- pressed. It leaves a pore which may be identified after its passage (fig. 192). i g. 192. Phragwidium violaceum Went.; caeoma; a. migration of nucleus from vegetative cell of one hypha to fertile cell of another, x 1040; b. and r. binucleate cells showing the pore through which the second nucleus has passed, x 1010; after Welsford. After entering the fertile cell the second nucleus is at first smaller and denser than that originally present, but soon becomes similar to it in size and consistency. The fertile cell now elongates and in doing so pushes through and destroys the sterile cell above. The associated nuclei divide simultaneously, a transverse wall is formed between the pairs of daughter nuclei cutting off the aecidiospore mother-cell, and the process is several times repeated so that a r&w of cells is formed. Each of these divides again to separate a small, binucleate intercalary cell below from the binucleate aecidiospore above. A similar type of development initiated by the migration of a vegetative nucleus into the fertile cell, was observed by Blackman and Eraser in the aecidia of Pucdnia Poarum and Uromyces Poae (fig. 193). But in neither of these was the sterile cell satisfactorily identified. In such cases it seems reasonably clear that the entrance of the second nucleus is not a primitive process but a form of reduced fertilization where a Fig. 193. Uro'iiyces Poae Kaben.; nuclear migra- tionsin young aecidium . XQSO; after Blackman and Fraser. vin] UREDINALES 215 vegetative nucleus has replaced that of the no longer functional male element. As already shown there is a strong presumption that this male element was the spermatium and the fertile cell may then be regarded as an oogonium and the young aecidium as a group or sorus of female reproductive organs. In this connection Blackman has suggested a possible origin of the sterile cell; in Phragmidium violaceum he found it to be occasionally elongated and pushed up between the cells of the epidermis so that it was covered only by the cuticle (fig. 194); if in the past it broke through this also, it would have formed an efficient trichogyne and may well have func- tioned as such. In the related species Phragmidium speciosum, Christman, in 1905, described a similar development of sterile and reproductive cells, but in this case the fertile cells become inclined one towards another in pairs and, at the point of contact, the walls dissolve so that the protoplasts come into relation, at first through a small pore, but later along the greater part of their length. Binucleate cells are thus formed (fig. 195), conjugate division Fig 104. Phragmidium violaceum Went. ; Fig. 195. Phragmidium speciosum Kr. ; caeoma; sterile cell pushing up between fertile cells after conjugation ; aecicho- epidermal cells of host, x 1300; after spore mother-cell above ; after Chnst- Blackman. man- takes place and aecidiospore mother-cells are cut off so that a single row of aecidiospores is developed from each pair of gametes. Christman regards the fertile cells as isogametes between which conjugation takes place, and the sterile cells merely as buffers, of which the function is to assist in the rupture of the epidermis. His observations on Phragmidium speciosum were confirmed in 1906 by Blackman and Eraser for Melampsora Rostrupi on Mercurialis (fig. 174); these authors pointed out that the fusion of the fertile cells is a reduced fertilization, strictly comparable to that in Ph. violaceum but achieved by the union of female cells in pairs instead of by the entrance of a vegetative nucleus into the female cell. This interpretation is confirmed by the fact PROTOBASIDIOMYCETES [CH. 216 that Moreau found both processes (cell-fusion being considerably more common than migration) in the same caeoma in Phragmidium subcor^uvn. Since 1905 nuclear association by the fusion of fertile cells in pairs has been observed in a number of species, and seems, according to our present knowledge, to be the usual method. In the primary uredosorus of Triphragmidium Ulmartae and in certain other species, Olive, in 1908, found arrangements of an intermediate type. „ Here the cells of the young fructification form a more or less regular layer and cut off sterile cells in the usual way. Other hyphae then push up among them, and cell fusion and nuclear association take place (fig. 196). Fusion begins through a narrow pore which afterwards broadens, and in many cases the nucleus of the younger cell migrates into the older one. The process is thus intermediate between those first observed by Blackman and Christman respectively, and the younger hypha, which does not cut off a sterile cell, may be regarded as either a vegetative structure or a gametangium. Olive suggests that the migrations, recorded by Blackman and by Blackman and Eraser, may be merely early stages of a completer cell-fusion ; the recent critical work of Welsford, however, nega- tives this hypothesis, nor would the occurrence of cell-fusion be of much importance once nuclear association had taken place. Phylogeny. The interpretation given to the processes which take place in the aecidium affects the conception of other spore-forms in the Uredinales and indeed of the phylogeny of the group. For Christman, the sporophyte arises by the conjugation of undifferen- tiated or scarcely differentiated isogametes which fuse to form the basal cells of the aecidium. The spermatia cannot on this interpretation be male organs, and he regards them as the once-functional asexual spores of the gametophyte. .The basal cells of the aecidium are homologized with those of the uredo- and teleutosori, and the fact is emphasized that the basal cells of the primary uredosorus and sometimes of the teleutosorus also may arise by cell-fusions similar to those in the aecidium. Christman is inclined therefore to regard the micro- species, in which the only spore-forms are teleutospores, or teleutospores and spermatia, as the primitive rusts, and to see in them a gametophytic mycelium bearing asexual spores (spermatia) and undifferentiated gametes by the union of which the basal cells of the teleutosorus are produced. Outgrowths of these cells bear the teleutospores Fig. 196. Triphragmidium Ulmariae (Schum.) Link; primary uredosorus; condition intermediate between migra- tion and conjugation of fertile cell; after Olive. vm] UREDINALES 217 in the germination of which the sporophyte comes to an end and the new gametophyte is initiated. Into this simple life-history the uredospore and aecidiospore are held to be afterwards successively inserted as extensions of the sporophytic phase. From such a point of view the rust might be related directly to the Phycomycetes or other simple forms. Blackman's work, on the other hand, indicates that the spermatium is an abortive male element, the fertile cells of the aecidium are female organs which, in the absence of normal fertilization, either fuse in pairs or receive a vegetative nucleus by migration. In micro- forms the female organs have disappeared and the abbreviated life-cycle, like that of the pseudapogamous ferns, shows the sporophyte initiated by an association of two vegetative nuclei. The eu- forms (or the -opsis forms with teleutospores, aecidiospores and spermatia), are therefore primitive and the forms with a shorter life- history are of secondary origin and reduced. The female organ consists of two cells, the upper of which may have functioned as a trichogyne. Comparing the two hypotheses it may be noted that Blackman's has the advantage of correlating all the known facts, since the association of female nuclei in pairs and of female and vegetative nuclei are both observed methods of replacing normal fertilization. Christman, on the other hand, is obliged to ignore the migrations of vegetative nuclei, or to regard them as pathological. Even for this reason alone it would appear, in the present state of our knowledge, more probable that the Uredinales are a group in which the normal sexual process has disappeared, and is replaced by various forms of pseudapogamy. The young aecidia must then be regarded as groups of female organs, each consisting of a fertile and a sterile cell, and the sper- mogonia would appear to be corresponding groups of male organs, the spermatia or antheridia, with the filaments which bear them. A third suggestion proposes Endophyllum as a primitive form. The mycelium of uninucleate cells bears spermatia and cluster-cups. At the base of the cup fusion of fertile cells in pairs occurs, and spores and inter- calary cells are produced in chains. The spore germinates by the formation of a septate basidium on which four basidiospores are produced in E. EupJwrbiae, but an irregular number, sometimes as many as eight from one cell, in E. Sempervivi. In Uromyces Cunninghamianus (on Jasminuiii) Barclay, in 1 89 1 , observed that the aecidiospore germinates by a tube in which one transverse wall is formed and the cells give rise to secondary hyphae which produce infection. On the resultant mycelium, spores similar in arrangement to aecidiospores are formed; so that here, as in Coleosporium, we have the accessory spores of the diplophase produced in chains. In the same sorus teleutospores, which are in this genus unicellular, may also arise. The cytology of this 2iS PROTOBASIDIOMYCETES [CH. species has not been investigated, but there is an indication of a transition between Endophyllwn and the eu- forms It is postulated that the cells of the promycelium of an Endophyllum-Vkz ancestor might have produced infection directly instead of by means of basidiospores. Nuclear fusion and meiosis would be postponed till the formation of teleutospores, which would arise as the typical spores of this new vegetative sporophyte. Later the teleutospore would become specialized as a resting spore and uredospores would take on the function of rapid propagation of the plant. But Endophyllum has a definite cluster-cup, and well-marked peridium, and is therefore not likely to be primitive, though it may point to an hypothetical primitive ancestor; a species must rather be sought with a caeoma from the aecidiospores of which promycelia are produced. Such a form has been recognized in Kunkelia nitens. There remain to be considered the various forms of teleutospore. Presumably the unicellular type is more primitive than the multicellular. Simple teleutospores occur in Melampsora (where also the aecidiospores are developed in a caeoma), in Uromyces and in the Coleosporiaceae. In the last-named family meiosis and septation take place inside the teleuto- spore wall, but the elaboration of the other spore-forms forbids this group being regarded as primitive, though the internal basidium may be. It may be hazarded that the ancestral rust bore spermogonia or groups of male organs and groups of female organs of the caeoma type, that the individual male organ was an antheridium or spermatium set free from its parent hypha, that the female organ consisted of a fertile cell or oogonium and a sterile cell which was perhaps elongated to form a trichogyne reaching up to the surface of the host, and that the product of fertilization was a series of aecidiospores. It may further be suggested that either the aecidiospore germinated by giving rise at once to a promycelium or that an alternation of vegetative generations occurred and that the sporophyte bore simple teleutospores or tetrasporangia inside which septation took place. The members of the Uredinales may be arranged in four families : Germination by a promycelium (except in Chrysopsora] Teleutospores stalked PUCCINIACEAE. Teleutospores sessile arranged in series but separating later CRONARTIACEAE, one or many celled, loose in tissue of host or united in a flat layer under the epidermis MELAMPSORACEAE. Germination without a promyceliHm, formation of basi- dium internal; teleutospores sessile or with a lateral Pedlcel COLEOSPORIACEAE. VIII1 UREDINALES 219 Pucciniaceae*. The teleutospores of the Pucciniaceae are provided with a stalk which is often well developed, but is in some cases short or becomes detached at an early stage (deciduous). The teleutospores are one-celled in Uromyces and Hemileia, two-celled in Pucdnia and Gymnosporangium ; they are made up of three cells in Triphragmidium, and in Phragmidium of three or more cells. Gymnosporangium is further characterized by the long pedicels of the teleutospores and the fact that they are imbedded in a gelatinous mass. The uredospores are solitary and the aecidiospores produced either in caeomata (Triphragmidium, Phragmidium), or in aecidia, which in Gymno- sporangium are commonly elongated to form flask-shaped or cylindrical roestelia. This family probably includes some of the most highly developed members of the Uredinales, but it includes also several species with caeo- mata, and one, Chrysopsora Gynoxidis, belonging to a monotypic genus in Ecuador, in which the two cells of the stalked teleutospore germinate by internal septation and the protrusion of sterigmata bearing basidiospores as in Coleosporium. Cronartiaceae In the Cronartiaceae the teleutospores are unicellular and sessile, so that they simulate multicellular spores. In Chrysomyxa they form waxy crusts, and in Cronartium a cylindrical body. A pseudoperidium is developed around the aecidiospores. The genus Endophyllum is sometimes placed here, sometimes a separate family, the Endophyllaceae, is constituted for it ; it differs from the rest of the Cronartiaceae and from the majority of the rusts in the fact that its basidia are developed from spores resembling aecidiospores which arise in an aecidium-like sorus protected by a pseudoperidium. Melampsoraceae The teleutospores are sessile, loose in the tissue of the host in Uredi- nopsis, in the other members of the family grouped in a flat layer under the epidermis. In Melampsora and its immediate allies they are unicellular ; in other genera they are divided either vertically into two cells or by cruciately arranged septa into four. The aecidiospores may be surrounded by a pseudoperidium or arranged in a caeoma ; sometimes a pseudoperidium is present around the uredosorus also. 1 For Bibliography of this and other families, see the end of the group. 220 PROTOBASIDIOMYCETES [CH. Coleosporiaceae The outstanding character of the Coleosporiaceae is the method of germination of the unicellular teleutospore which undergoes septation directly and, in Coleosporium and Ochropsora, without the protrusion of a pro- mycelium ; in Zaghouania the contents of the teleutospore divide within the teleutospore-wall to form four cells, but emerge before the basidiospores appear. The aecidia are cup-shaped in Ochropsora, but in Coleosporium and Zaghouania they are of the peridermium type with a cylindrical, more or less inflated peridium ; this elaborate type of aecidial sorus makes it impossible to regard the family as primitive though' it may perhaps have branched off early from the line leading to the commoner type of rust. UREDINALES : BIBLIOGRAPHY 1889 PLOWRIGHT, C. B. A Monograph of the British Uredineae and Ustilagineae. Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., London. 1891 BARCLAY, A. On the Life history of a remarkable Uredine on Jasmi num grandi- florum. Trans. Linn. Soc. Bot. ii, p. 141. 1895 POIRAULT, G. and RACIBORSKI, M. Sur les noyaux des Uredinees. Journ. de Bot. ix, pp. 318 and 381. 1896 SAPPIN-TROUFFY, P. Recherches histologiques sur la famille des Uredine'es. Le Botaniste, v, p. 59. 1902 DUMEE, P. and MAIRE, R. Remarques sur le Zaghouania Phyllyreae, Pat. Bull. Soc. Myc. France, xviii, p. 17. 1903 HOLDEN, R. J, and HARPER, R. A. Nuclear Divisions and Nuclear Fusion in Coleosporium Sonchi-arvensis, Lev. Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters, xiv, pt. i, p. 63. 1904 BLACKMAN, V. H. On the Fertilization, Alternation of Generations and general Cytology of the Uredineae. Ann. Bot. xviii, p. 323. 1904 TRANZSCHEL, W. Ueber die Moglichkeit die Biologic wertwechselnder Rostpilze auf Grund morphologischer Merkmale vorauszusehen. Arb. Kais. Petersburg Naturf. Gesell. xxxv, p. i. 1905 CHRISTMAN, A. H. Sexual Reproduction in the Rusts. Bot. Gaz. xxxix, p. 267. 1905 ERIKSSON, J. On the Vegetative Life of some Uredineae. Ann. Bot. xix, p. 53. 1905 WARD, H. MARSHALL. Recent Researches on the Parasitism of Fungi. Ann. Bot. xix, p. i. 1906 BLACKMAN, V. H. and FRASER, H. C. I. Further Studies on the Sexuality of the Uredineae. Ann. Bot. xx, p. 35. 1906 MCALPINE, D. The Rusts of Australia. J. Kemp, Melbourne. • 1907 CHRISTMAN, A. H. The Nature and Development of the Primary Uredospore. Irans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci. xv, p. 517. 190? CHRISTMAN, A. H. Alternation of Generations and the Morphology of the Spore- forms in Rusts. Bot. Gaz. xliv, p. 81. 1908 OLIVF E. W Sexual Cell-Fusions and Vegetative Nuclear Divisions in the Rusts. Ann. Bot. xxu, p. 331. 1910 DITTSCHLAG E. Zur Kenntnis der Kernverhaltnisse von Puccinia Falcariae. Centralbl. f. Bakt. Abt. ii, B. 28. vm] UREDINALES 221 igi I HOFFMANN, A. W. H. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte von Endophyllum Setnpervivi. Centralbl. fiir Bakt. Parasit. Infect, xxxii, p. 137. 1911 MAIRE, R. La Biologic des Ure*dinales. Prog. Rei Bot. iv, p. 109. 1911 OLIVE, E. W. Origin of Heteroecism in Rusts. Phytopathology i, p. 139. 191 1 SHARP, L. W. Nuclear Phenomena in Puccinia Podophylli. Bot. Gaz. li, p. 463. 1912 FROMME, F. D. Sexual Fusions and Spore Development of the Flax Rust. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, xxxix, p. 113. 1912 RAMSBOTTOM, J. Some Notes on the History of the Classification of the Uredinales with full list of British Uredinales. Brit. Myc. Soc. IV, p. 77. 1912 WERTH, E. and LUDWIG, K. Zur Sporenbildung bei Rost- und Brandpilzen. Ber. deutsch. Bot. Ges. xxx, p. 522. 1913 ARNAUD, G. La Mitose chez Capnodium meridionale et chez Coleosporium Sene- cionis. Bull. Soc. Myc. de France, xxix, p. 345. 1913 GROVE, W. B. The British Rust Fungi. Camb. Univ. Press. 1913 GROVE, W. B. The Evolution of the Higher Uredineae. New Phyt. xii, p. 89. 1914 FROMME, F. D. The Morphology and Cytology of the Aecidium Cup. Bot. Gaz. Iviii, p. I. 1914 KUNKEL, L. O. Nuclear Behaviour in the promycelia of Caeoma nitens, Burrill, and Puccinia Peckiana Howe. Am. Journ. Bot. i, p. 37. 1914 KURASSANOW, L. Uber die Peridienentwicklung im Aecidium. Ber. deutsch. Bot. Ges. xxxii, p. 317. 1914 MOREAU, Mme F. Les phenomenes de la sexualite chez les Uredinees. Le Botaniste, xiii, p. 145. 1915 WELSFORD, E. J. Nuclear Migrations in Phragmidium viohiceum. Ann. Bot. xxix, P- 293- 1916 KUNKEL, L. O. Further Studies on the orange rusts of Rubus in the United States. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, xliii, p. 559. 1917 ARTHUR, J. C. Orange Rusts of Rubus. Bot. Gaz. Ixiii, p. 501. GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 1861 TULASNE, R. C. and L. Fungi Hypogaei. Klincksieck, Paris. 1861-5 TULASNE, R. C. and L. Selecta Fungorum Carpologia. Imperial. Typograph., Paris. 1882-1913 SACCARDO, P. A. Sylloge Fungorum. Published by the author. Padua. 1884 DE BARY, A. Comparative Morphology and Biology of the Fungi, Mycetozoa and Bacteria. Eng. Trans. 1887. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1884-97 RABENHORST, L. Kryptogamen Flora. Pilze, by G. WINTER and E. FISCHER. Ed. Krummer, Leipzig. 1887 PHILLIPS, W. A Manual of British Discomycetes. Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., London. 1892 VON TAVEL, F. Vergleichende Morphologic der Pilze. Fischer, Jena. 1892-5 MASSEE, G. British Fungus Flora. Bell & Sons, London. 1895 VON TUBEUF, K. F. Diseases of Plants. Eng. Trans., 1897. Longmans, Green & Co., London. 1897-1900 ENGLER, A. and PRANTL, K. Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien. Fungi, by J. SCHROTER, G. LINDAU, E. FISCHER and P. DIETEL. Engelmann, Leipzig. 1904-11 BOUDIER, E. Icones Mycologicae. Klincksieck, Paris. 1906 MASSEE, G. A Text Book of Fungi. Duckworth & Co., London. 1909 BULLER, A. H. R. Researches on Fungi. Longmans, Green & Co., London. 1909 SWANTON, E. W. Fungi and How to Know Them. Methuen, London. 1910 DUGGAR, B. M. Fungous Diseases of Plants. Ginn & Co., New York. 1913 MASSEE, G. Mildews, Rusts and Smuts. Dulau & Co., London. 1913 STEVENS, F. L. The Fungi which cause Plant Disease. Macmillan Co., New York. 1918 BUTLER, E. J. Fungi and the Diseases of Plants. Thacker, Spink & Co., Calcutta. 1918 HARSHBKRGER, J. W. A Textbook of Mycology and Plant Pathology. J. & A. Churchill, London. 1919 HILEY, W. E. The Fungal Diseases of the Common Larch. Clarendon Press, Oxford. INDEX A glossary has not been prepared for this, volume, but the page on which the definition of a technical term will be found is shown in the index in clarendon type, and the same method is used for indicating the principal reference to a family or genus. Abietineae, 18 Abutilon, 11 Accessory spore, 4 ; and see Conidium Achorion Schoenleinii, 4 Adpressorium, 13, 79 Aecidiomycetes, see Uredinales Aecidiospore, 23, 200, 201, 217, 219 Aecidium, 200, 206, 214, 220 Aerotropism, 30 Agaricaceae, 33 Agaricus catnpestris, 3 1 Alcoholic fermentation, 10 et sqq., 62 Alternation of generations, 39, 188, 218 Althea, 22 Amanita crenulata, 31, 32 A . phalloides, 31 Amauroascus verrucosus, 67 American vine mildew, 81 Amorphomyces Falagriae, 178, 179 (Figs. 142- H4) Amphisphaeriaceae, 154, 159 Amphispores, 205 Anemone nemorosa, 21 A. nodosa, 123 Antheridium, 2, 39, 50, 52, 53, 54, 66, 67, 69, 7X> 73' 74> 85, 97, 108, 174, 181, 217, 218 " Antherozoid," 174 Anthocercis viscosa, 21 Aphanoascus cinnabarinus, 69 (Fig. 28) Apogamy, 151, 152, 209; and see Pseudapogamy Apothecium, 38, 95, 96, 101, 123, 124, 128. 129, 133 Appendages, 158, 171, 175 Arbutus, 1 8 Archicarp, 39, 40, 48, 50, 51, 69, 73, 98, 99, 108, in, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 140, 141, 144, 155, 157, 169, 170 Archimycetes, 2, 5, 15 Armillaria mellea, i, 18, 19 Arnaud, G., 212, 221 Arthur, J. C., 221 Ascobolaceae, 8, 9, 51, 52, 100, 116 et sqq.', bibliography, 122 Ascobolus carbonarius, 27, 51, 118 (Fig. 79) A. furfuraceus, 9, 30, 34, 44 (Fig. 13), 48, 49, 51, 99 (Fig. 58), 116 (Fig. 75), 117 (Fig. 76) A.glaber, 9, 117 A. immersus, 9, 21, 30, 46, 118 (Fig. 78) A. perplexans, 9 A. Winteri, 10, 117 (Fig. 77) Ascocarp, 38, 39, 50, 55, 66, 71, 77, 95, no, 113, 119, 120, 121, 123, 131, 135, 138, 139, 142, 159 Ascocorticiaceae, 93 Ascocorticium, 93 Ascodesmis, 50, 51, 52, 54, 98, 101 A. ttigricans, 34, 98 (Fig. 56), 101 (Fig. 59), 102 (Fig. 60) Ascogenic cells, 176 Ascogenous hyphae, 39, 40, 43, 46, 47, 53, 56, 66, 69, 75, 86, 88, 98, 106, 113, n4, 117 Ascogonium, 39; and see oogonium Ascomycetes, 5, 6, 7, 8, 30, 34 et sqq. Ascophanus carneus, 9, 21, 46, 47 (Fig. 16), 48, 51, 1x8, 1 19 (Figs. 80, 81) A. equinus, 21 A. ochraceus, \ 20 Ascophore, 38, 129 Ascospore, 3, 34, 61, 64, 79, 149 Ascus, 3, 34, 35 et seq., \\ et seq., 58 et seq., 89, 92,93, 95, 115, 177 Aspergillaceae, 52, 54, 55, 57, 68 et sqq. ; biblio- graphy, 75 Aspergillus herbariorum (see Eurotium herba- rforum) Association, chromosome, 45, 113; nuclear, 46, 205, 206, 213, 214, 216 Atkinson, G. F., 50, 152 Auriculariales, 6, 183 Autobasidiomycetes, 6, 183 Autoecism, 22, 210 Bacterium vermiforme, 1 1 Baden, M. L., 9, 10, 13 Balls, W. L., 28, 29, 33 Balsamia platyspora, \ 36 B. vulgaris, 136 (Figs. 95, 96) Banks, Sir Joseph, 210 Barberry, 210; and see Berberis vulgaris Barclay, A., 217, 220 Barker, B. T. P., 64, 65, 76, 121, 122 Bary, A. de, 9, 13, 19, 21, 23, 26, 27, 33, 37, 40, 50, 70, 75, 84, 102, 103, 107, 187, 188, 195, 210, 222 Basidiomycetes, 5, 6, 7, 8, 183 Basidiospore, 3, 183, 186, 190, 192, 193, 197. «°7' 209 Basidium, 3, 183, 185, 189, 193, 213 Bayliss, VV. M., 66 Berberis vulgaris, 203 (Fig. 176), 210 Berkeley, M. J., 126, 127, 149, 152, 187, 195 Bernard, N., 17, 18, 20 Bertero, 126 Betulaalba, 21 Betulaceae, 18 Bezssonoff, M. N., 86, 90 Biffen, R. II., n, 25, 27, i8a Biological species, 22 et syq., 161 Biseriate spores, 36, 37 (frig. 4) Blackman, V. H., 198. 199, 201, 204, 206, an, 213, 214, 215. ll6- "7i "° 224 INDEX Blackman and Fraser, H. C. I., 48,84, 85, 89, 1 1 1 , II2,Il6, 200, 201. 202, 1 1 2, 2 1 4, 215,210,220 and Welsford, E. J., 13, 20, 48, 141, 147, ' 148, 152 Blakeslee, A. F., 27 Bletilla, 17 B. hyacinthina, 17 Blight, see Erysiphaceae Boleti, 19 Bolrytis, 14, 31 B. cinerea, 13, 14 Boudier, E., 113, 130, 222 Boudiera hypoborea -(see Ascodesmis nigricans) Boulanger, E., 138 Bower, F. O., 20 Brachymeiosis, 44 Brand fungi ; see Ustilaginales Brand-spore, 183, 184, 187, 191, 192, 194 Brefeld, O., 30, 33, 40, 50, 72, 75, 120, 187, 188, 195 Brierley, W. B., 77, 162, 163 Bromelia^ 39 Bromus adoensis, 24 B. arduennensis, 24 B. commutatus, 24, 25 B, " hordeaceus" 24, 25 />. inlerntpliis, 24 B. mollis, 24, 25 B. racemosus, 24, 25 B. secalinus, 24 B. vehttinus, 24 Brooks, F. T., 164 Brooks, W. E. St J., see Fraser and Brooks Brown, W., 13, 20 Brown, W. H., 105, 107, 116 132 Bryophyta, 161 Buchanan, J., 127 Bucholtz, F., 97, 137, 138 Budding, 5, 60, 62, 93, 185, 199 Builliard, P., 40 Bulgaria poly morpha, 35, 125 Buller, A. H. R., 12, 13, 31, 32, 33, 222 Bunts, see Ustilaginales Burgeff, H., 17, 20 Butler, E. J., 222 Caeoma, 201, 202, 213, 214, 215 Caeoma nit ens (see Kunkelia nitens) " Californian bees," 1 1 Calluna vulgarh, 16 Calosphaeria, 165 C. princefs, 165 Capnodium, 12 Carruthers, D., 43, 44, 48, 130 Caryophyllaceae, 21, 191 Cattleyeae, 17 Cavara, F., 101 Cavers, F., 20 Celidiaceae, 100, 124 Celidiutn varians, 125 Cell-fusion, 215, 216 Cenangiaceae, loo, 124 Central body, 88 Ceratomyces rostratus, 173 (Fig. 134) Ceratomycetaceae, 180 Ceratostoma brevirostre (see Mclanospora Zobelii] Ceratostomataceae, 154., 159 Cercospora, 163 Chaetomiaceae, 154, 155 et set}. Chaetomium chlortmtrn, 155 C.fimele, 54, 155 C. Kuntzeamtm 35 (Fig. 2), J-55 (Fig. 113), 1 56 (Fig. 114) C. pannosuin Wallr., 155 (Fig. 112) C. spirale, 140, 155 Chambers, H. S., see Fraser and Chambers Chemotropism, I4, 27, 186 Cherry-leaf-scorch, 163 Chlamydococctis pluvialis, 3 1 Chlamydospore, 4, 57 Choironiyces maeandriformis, 137 Christnian, A. H., 201, 203, 206, 208, 210, 212, 215, 2l6, 217, 220 Chromatin, 44, 4.5, 94 Chromosome association, 45, 113 Chromosomes, 4.3, 44 (Fig. 13), 89, 106, 109, 112, 113, 114 (Fig. 71), 115 (Figs. 72-4), 117, 130, 164, 179, 180, 212 Chrysomyxa, 204, 219 C. Ledi, 23 C. Rhododendri, 23 Chrysopsora, 198, 218 C. Gynoxidis, 219 Chytridium vorax, 31 Cidaris, 129 Clannp-connections, i Clark, J. F., 27, 33 Classification of Fungi, 5 Claussen, P., 43, 46,98, 101, 102, 104, 105, 107 Clavate paraphyses, 38 Claviceps purpiirea, 10, 21, 151 Coenogamete, 2 Coleophora laxicella, 123 Coleoptera, 171 Coleosporiaceae, 218, 220 Coleosporium, 198, 204, 212, 220 C. Senecionis, 212 (Fig. 189) C. Sonchi, 196 (Fig. 164), 207 (Fig. 183) C. Sonchi-arvensis (see C. Sonchi) Coleroa Potenlillae, 158 (Fig. 118) Collema pulposum, 51, 52 Colletotrichum Lindeniuthianum, 14 Compsomyces verticillatus, 176 (Fig. 137) Conidiophores, 4, 70, 72, 80 Conidium, 4, 15, 24, 57, 58, 60 (Fig. 21), 70, 72 (F'g- 3J)> 74, 79> 80, 90, 98, 118, 125, 133, 145, 14.9, 151, 161, 166, 170, 185, 186, 194 Conjugate division, 46, 177, 186, 201, 202, 204, 206 Conjugation, 59, 63, 186, 189, 190, 194, 208 is, 9 C. curtus, 31 C. niveus, 31 C. stertjuilimts, 9 Coprophilous Fungi, 8, 108, 112, 116, 156 Cordyceps, 10, 149 C. Barnesii, 151 (Fig. 111) C. capitata, 151 C. militaris^ 150 (Fig. no) C. ophio^lossoides, 34, 150 (Fig. no), 151 C. stnensis, 149 Coremium, 4 Coreomyces, 1 74 Cortinarius, 19 INDEX 225 Coryne, 125 C. sarcoides, 125 Cronartiaceae, 218, 219 Cronartium, 219 C. asclepiadeuin, 197 (Fig. 165) Cruciferae, 21 Ctenomyces serratus, 67 (Fig. 27) Cutting, E. M., 9, 13, 48, 119, 122 Cyathea, 18 Cystopus, 15 C. candidns, 15, 21 Cytology of the Ascomycetes, 40 et sqq. of the Ustilaginales, 187 et sqq. of the Uredinales, 201 et sqq.. 211 et sag. Cyttaria, 125 C. Berteroi, 126 C Darwinii, 125, 127 C. Gunnti, 126 (Fig. 87) C. Harioti, 127 C. Hookeri, 127 Cyttariaceae, 100, 125 et sqq. ; bibliography, 127 Czapek, F., 7, 12 Dale, E., 13,48,66,67,68, 71, 76 Dangeard, P. A., 41, 44, 55, 60, 61, 67, 68, 69, 73. 74' 75. 76> 86, 87, 89, 94, 101, 105, 107, 117, 120, 121, 122, 140, 152, 156, 157, I5-S, 188, 189, 192, 194, 195 Dasyscypha, 123 D. clandestina, 2 1 D. Willkotumii, 123 ' Davvson, M., 32, 33, 166, 169, 170 Debaryoinyces globosus, 64 Dehiscence of ascus, 36 et sqq. Delitschia furjuracea, 35 (Fig. 2) Dermataceae, 124 Desmotascus, 39 Dey, P. K., 20 Diatrypaceae, 154, 165 Diedicke, H., 23, 26 Dietel, P., 222 Digby, L., see Farmer and Digby Dikaryon, 46, 201 Dimeromyces Africamts, 174 (Fig. 135) Diplophase or diploid phase, 3 Dipodascus, 54, 57, 61 D. albiaus, 60 (Fig. 22), 6r (Fig. 23) Discomycetes, 6, 49, 50, 52, 95 et sqq., 181 Dittschlag, E., 200, 202, 203, 220 Division, conjugate, 202 Doassansia, 187 D. Alismatis, 194 (Fig. 162) D. deformans, 194 Dodge. B. O., 9, 10, 13, 49, 99, 116, 117, 118, 122 Domaradsky, M., 71, 76 Dothinea vir^nltorum, 153 Dothjdeaceae, 152 Dothideales, 6, 140, 142, 152 Dufrenoy, J. , 20 Duygar, B. M., 222 Dumee, P., and Maire, R., 220 Durand, E. J., 132 Early investigators (Ascomycetes), 40 Ectoparasite, 80 Eidam, E., 40, 58, 61, 67, 68 G.-V. 'Elaphomyces, 19 E. granttlatus, 77 E. variega'us, 77 Elaphomycetaceae, 8, 57, 77 Emericeila erythrospora, 68 Empitsa, 10 Endogenous spore, 3 Endomyces, 35, 53, 58 et sqq. E. decipitns, 63 (Fig. 24) E. fibuliger, 59 (Fig. 20), 60 (Fig. 21), 63 (*''g 24) E. Magmtsii, 59 (Fig. 20), 60, 63 (Fig. 24) £. Mali, 57 Endomycetaceae, 52, 53, 55, yj et sqq.; biblio- graphy, Oi Endophyllnm, 199, 208, 217, 218, 219 E. Enphorbiae, 209, 2 1 7 jE. bempervivi, 202, 208 (Fig. 185), 209 (Figs. 186, 187), 2,7 Endophytic parasite, 15, 79, 80 Endospore, 62 Endotrophic mycorhiza, 16 Engler, A., and Prantl, K., 222 Entomophthorales, 5 Entyloma, 186, 187 E. Glaucii, 194 (Fig. 162) E. Nyinpheae, 194 Epic hi oe, 149 Epiphytic parasite, 15 Epiplasm, 35, 49 Eremascus, 40 E. albus, 58 (Fig. 1 8) E.fertilis, 58, 59 (Fig. 19), 63 (Fig. 24) Ericaceae, 18 Eriksson, J., 23, 26, 211, 220 Ennella apala, 21 Erysiphaceae, 15, 23, 52, 53, 55, 78, wet sqq., 181 ; bibliography, 89 Erysiphales, 6, 56, 78 et sqq., 181 Erysiphe Cichoracearuw, 87 E. communh (see E. 1'olygoni) E. Graminis, 24, 25, 79, 82 E. Alartii (see E. Polygoni) E. Polygoni, 42, 82 (Fig. 39), 86 (Fig. 43), 87 E. taurica, 80 E. tortilis, 83 (Fig. 40) Eitglena viridis, 31 Euphorbia sylvattca, 209 Eurolinm, 7, 10, 53, 70 E. Aspergillus glauctts (see E* herbariorum) E. herbanonim, 20, 69, 70 (Fig. 29), 71 (Fig. 30) E. nigrum, 12 £. Oryzae, 12 E. repftts, 32, 48 Exoascaceae, e, 15, 16, 54, 55, 93 et seq. Exoascales, 6, 36, 55, 56, 91 et sqq. Exoascus, 15, 1 6, 93 E. Betttlae, 21 E. dffonnans, 91, 92 (Fig. 48) Exobasidium, 16 £. Rhododendri, i \ Exogenous spore 3 Exotrophic mycorhiza, 16, 1 8 Facultative parasites, 6, 13 Facultative saprophyte, 6 15 226 INDEX Fagaceae, 18 Fairy-rings, 7 Farmer J. B., and Digby, L., 48 Fasciculate spores, 36 Fatty substratum, fungi on, 10 Faull, J. H., 46, 49, 138, 172, 178, 179, 180, 182 Federley, H., 190, 195 Fermentation, alcoholic, 10 et sqq. , 62 Fertile cell (Uredinales), 200 Fertilization, 2, 3 in Ascomycetes, 41, 57, 85, 87, 101, 104, 176 in Uredinales, 205 Fisch, C., 146, 152 Fischer, E., 127, 222 Fischer von Waldheim, A., 187, 195 Fitzpatrick, 11. M., 128, 129 Foex, M., 90 Frank, B., 20, 146, 152, 164 Fraser, H. C. I., 12, 44, 114, 116 — and Blackman, V. H., see Blackman and Fraser and Brooks, W. E. St J., 117, 122 — and Chambers, H. S., 76 — and Welsford, E. J., 115 Freeman, E. M., and Johnson, E. C., 26, 27 Fromme, F. D., 200, 201, 221 Fruit gall, 184 Fulton, H. R., 14, 20, 28, 33 Fungi, the, I Fungi imperfecti, 3, 7, 163 Fusicladium , 1 6 1 /". dendriticuHi, 161 F. Pyrinum, 161 Fusion, cell, i, 57 et sqq., 64, 186, 215, 216; in the ascus, 41 et sqq., 47, 130; nuclear, 45 et sijq., 48, 59, 60, 86, 87, 101, 105, 109, 112, 114, 117, 119, 121, 129, 149, 177, 1 88 et sqq., 206 et sqq. Galactinia succosa, 42 Gallaud, 1., 20 Gametophyte, 40 Gasteromycetes, 6 Gastrodca data, 18 Geasler, 19 Gemini, 43 (Fig. H) Geiiea, 97 G. /iispidnla, 135 (Fig. 94) G. Klotzschii, 135 (Fig. 94) G. sphaerica, [35 (Fig. 94) Gentianaceae, 18 Geoglossaceae, 97, 99, 127, 131 et seq. Geoglossum diffortne, 35 (Fig 2) G. hirsutum, 131 (Figs. 91, 92) Geotropism, 32 Germ-pore, 2, 200 Germ-tube, I, 13, 14, 28, 29, 47, 149 Ginger-beer plant, 1 1 Gjurasin, S., 41 Gleba, 135 Gnowonia, 15, 51, 163 G. erythrostotna, 163 Gnomoniaceae, 1 54, 163 et sea. Goddard, H. N., 13 ' Gooseberry mildew, 8[ Graves, A. H., 14, 20, 28, 29, 33 Green, J. Reynolds, 12 Green Algae, 49 Grove, \V. B., 211, 221 Guilliermond, A., 43, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 114, 115, ir6 Gmlliennondia, 57 G. fulvescens, 64 Gwynne-Vaughan, H. C. I. ; see Fraser Gymnoascaceae, 52, 54, 55, '57, 66ets *56> J57. 158, 162, 169, 171, 175 Peronospora Euphorbiae, 21 P. parasitica, 31 Peronosporales, 5 Persoon, C. H., 210 Peyritschiellaceae, 180 Peziza rutilans (see Humaria rutilans) P tectoria, 1 1 5 P. theleboloideS, 115 P. vesiculosa, 41, 49, 115 Pezizaceae, 50, 52, 100, 107 et sqq., 144; biblio- graphy, 1 16 Pezi/ales, 6, 36, 96, 97, 99, 100 et sqq. Pfeffer, W., 33 Phacidiaceae, 133 Phacidiales, 6, 96, 100, 132 et seq. Phillips, W., 222 Phoma, i, 1 6, 163 Phototaxis, 31 Phototropism, 14, 30 Phragmidium, 197, 199, 202, 219 P. bitlbosuHi, 196 (Fig. 164) P. Polentillae-Canadensis, 203 (Fig. 178) P. Ritbi, 204 (Fig 179), 205 (Fig. 180) P. speciosum, 201 (Fig. 172), 212, 215 (Fig. 195) P. subcorticiiim, 204, 216 P. violaceum, 198 (Fig. 168), 200, 201 (Fig. 173), 204 (Fig. 179), 205 (Fig. 180), 206 (Fig. 182), 213 (Fig. 191), 214 (Fig. 192), 2'5 (Fig- 194) Phycomvces, 32 Phycomycete's, 5 Phyllattinia, 35, 45, 8%, 83, 87 P. Cory/ea, 21, 45 (Fig. 14), 79, 80, 83 (Fig. 40), 87 (Fig. 44), 88 (Figs. 45, 46), 89 (Fig. 47) INDEX 229 Phyllosticta, 32 Phylogeny, 49 et sqq., 63, 96 et sqq., 140, 180, 188, 2 16 Phytophthora infestans, 2 1 Piemeisel, F. J., tttf Stakman, Piemeisel, and Levine Pilacrefaginea, 21 Pilobolus, 8, 9, 10, 30 Pimts sylvestris, 134, 206 Piplocephalis Freseniana, 22 Plectascales, 6, 56 et sqq., 181 Plectomycetes, 6, 52, 53. 55 ^ sqq. Pleospora, i, 23, 35 (Fig. i), 161 (Fig. 120) P. hetbarum, 161 Pleosporaceae, 154, 161 ; bibliography, 163 Plowright, C. B., 185, 187, 193, 195, 220, 222 Plowright ia morbosa, 153 Podocrea, 149 P. alutacea, 149 Podosphaera, 53 Podospora, 157 P. anserina, 158 P. coprophila, 21 /*. curvicolla, 36 /*. A r«//a, 140, 157 (Fig. 115) P. minuta, 35 (Fig. 2) P. p/eiospora, 36 Podostroma alutaceum (see Podocrea alutacea) Poirault, G-, and Raciborski, M., 220 Pole Evans, I. B , 26, 27 Polyascomyces, 177 P. Trichophyae, 177 (Fig. 140) Polyphagus Euglenae, 31 Polyporaceae, 33 Polyporus squamosus, 31 Polystictus cinnabarinus, 33 Polystignia, 51, 146 P. ritbrum, 21, 48, 141 (Fig. 102), 146, 147 (Figs. 1 06, 107), 148 (Figs. 108, 109) Polyxeny, 21 Poronia punctata, 32, 166, 1 68 (Figs. 125, 126), 169 (Fig. 127) Prantl. K., see Engler and Prantl Prevost, B., 187, 195 Primary uredosorus, 203, 216 Promycelium, 183, 198 Protascns colorans (see Wolkia decolorant) Protubasidiomycetes, 6, 183, 196 et sqq. Prtinus pennsylvanica, 160 Pseudapogamy, 2, 3, 48, 71, 109, 113, 114, 117, 119, 130. 149, 187, 205 Pseudoparenchyma, I Pseudoperidium, 202, 219 Pseudopeziza Trifolii, 123 Psilotaceae, 18 Pteridophyta, 18, 91, 161, 196 Puccinia, 219 P. Adoxae, 207 P. Btixi, 208 P. Carets, 196 P. Claytoniata, 200 P. dispersa, 15, 23 P. Falcariae, 200, 202, 203 (Fig. 177) P. fust a, 211 P. glum arum, 25 P. Graminis, 23, 26, 203 (Fig. 176), 210 P. Malvacearum, 22, 29, 31, 208 (Fig. 184) Puccinia (cont.) P. Peckiana, 209 P. Phragmitis, 200 P. Poarum, 31, 199, 2OO, 201, 202 (Fig. 17*), 208, 214 P. Podophylli, 206 (Fig. 181), 208 (Fig. 184) P. suaveolens, 199 P. transformans, 208 P. vexans, 204 Pucciniaceae, 218, 219 Pucciniastrum, 204 Puffing, 36, 127 Puya, 6 1 Pycnidium, i, 4 Pyrenomycetes, 6, 47, 50, 51, 52, 139 et sqq., 181 Pyrotuma, 50, 51, 52, 102 P. confiuens 21, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46 (Fig. 15). 98 (Fig. 57). 102, 103 (Fig. 61), 104 (Fig. 62), 105 (Fig. 63), 106 (Fig. 64) P. omphaloides (see P. conjluens) Pyronemaceae, 100, 101 et sqq. ; bibliography, 107 Pylkium, 19 P. de Baryanum, 27 Rabenhorst, L., 222 Raciborski, M., 45 and Poirault, G.; see Poirault and Raci- borski Ramlow, G., 9, 13, 46, 47, 118, 119, 121, 122 Ramsbottom, J., 9, 20, 62, 221 Ranunculaceae, 18 Ranunculus fie aria, 203 (Fig. 176) Rawitscher, F., 187, 188, 189, 190, igf, 193, i94» 195 Rayner, M. C, 16, 20 Reactions to stimuli, 27 et sqq.; bibliography, 33 Receptacle, 171, 175 Red Algae, 49, 50, 162, 172, 173, 181 Reproduction, sexual, 2; and set conjugation, fertilization, pseudapogamy ; non-sexual, 4 ; and see ascospore, basidiospore, conidium Reticulate spore. 5 Rhiztna, 52, 128 R. itiflata, 128 R. undulata, 51, 128 Rhizinaceae, 99, 127 et sqq.; bibliography, iig Rhizoctonia, 158 Rhizoclonia, 17, 1 8 Rhizomorph, i Rhizopus, 10 R. nigricans, 12, 27 et sqq., 31 Rhododendron ferrugineum , 2 1 R. hirsutum, 1 1 Rhynia, \ Rhyparobius. 36 R. bruntieus, 121 R. (Thfcotheus) PeUetieri, 120 R. po/ysporus, 121 Rhytisma Acennum, 21, 35 (Fig. 2), 133 (Fig. 93) Robinson, W., 14, 20, 29, 31, 33, 199 Roestelia, 202 Rosellina quercina, 140, 158 Rouppert. C, 128, 129 Rubus idaeus, 1 1 Rust-fungi, see Uredinales 230 INDEX Saccardo, P. A., 222 Saccharomyces, 62, 63 (Fig. 24) 5. pyreformis, i r Saccharomycetaceae, 7, i r, 52, 55, 56, 57, 62 et sijq.; bibliography, 65 Saccharomycodes Lttdioigii, 65 Saccharomycopsis capsnlaris, 63 (Fig. 24) Saccobolus violascens, 120 (Fig. 82) Sachs, J. von, 32, 33, 49 Sake, 12 Salicaceae, 18 Salmon, E. S., 23, 25, 26, 79, 89, 90; J^ also Massee and Salmon Samsu, 74 Sands, M. C., 88, 89 Sappin-Trouffy, I'., 204, 205, 212, 220 Saprolegniales. 5 Saprophytes, 6 Saprophytism, 6, 7 et sqq.; bibliography, 12; specialization of, 20 et sqq. Barcodes satt guinea, 19 Scales, F. M., 13; see also McBeth and Scales Schikorra, W.,46, 74, 75, 76 Schionning, H., 63, 65 ; see also Klocker and Schionning Schizanthns Grahami, i \ Sthizosccharomyces mellacei, 63 (Fig. 24), 64 S. octosponts, 63 (Fig. 24), 64 (Fig. 25) .£ Pombe, 64 Schmitz, F., 41 Schoeler, N. P., 210 Schrenk, H. von, 12 Schroter, J., 222 Schwanniomyces occidentalism 64 Sclerotinia, 123 S. bulbonim, 123 S. cinerea, 123 S.fntctigena, 123 S. Let/i, 22 S. sclerotiorum, 123 6". tiiberosa, 21, 123, 124 (Fig. 86) S. Vaccinii, \i\ Sclerotium, i, 124, 150, 152 Scolecite, 39, 50, 99, 1 16 Seaver, F. J., 146 Selaginella, 18 Sepultaria, 97 S. coronaria, 37 (Fig. 5), 97 (Fig. 55) Sexual reproduction, 2, 103; and see conjugation, fertilization, pseudapogamy Sharp, L. W., 221 Sheath, 69, 85, 148 Smuts, see Ustilaginales Soil, fungi on, 7 Solanaceae, 18, 21 Solatium, 18 Solms Laubach, H. zu, 184, IQS Soot fungi, 12 Sooty-mould, 90 S. coprophila, 158 S.fimicola, i4o (Fig. 101) S.fimiseda, 140, I57 S.globosa, 158 S macnspora,ii, 140, 157 (Fig. 116) Sordanaceae.8, 154, 156; etsqq. bibliography, 158 Sore-skin fungus, 28 Sorosporium, 187 Sorus, 184, 196 Spathularia clavata, 131 (Figs. 91,92) Specialization, 20 et sqq., 211 Spermatial hypha, 146, 163, 199, 207 Spermatium, 39, 146, 164, 173, 174, 199 Spermogonium, 147 (Fig. 106), 163, 198 Sphacelotheca, 187 Sphaeria, ill Sphaeriaceae, 154, 158 Sphaeriales, 6, 140, 142, 153 et seq. Sphacrosoma, 128, 129 S. fuscescens, 129 (Fig. 89) S.Janczewskiamtm, 128 (Fig. 88), 129 Sphaerotheca, 52, 53, 83 S. Castagnei (see S. fftimuli) S. ffumu/i, 41, 42 (Fig. 9), 84 (Fig. 41), 85 (Fig. 42) S. mors-nvae, 8r, 82, 86 S. pannosa, 80 (Fig. 38) Spore, i, 3, 4, 35, 48, i6r, 172, 196 Spore-ball, 184, 187, 194 Spore-formation, 48, 49 Spore forms, omission of, in Uredinales, 207 Spore mother-cell, 3, 35 Sporidium, 198 Spor or mia intermedia, 157 (Fig. 117) Sprouting, 5 Stakman, E. C., Piemeisel, F. J., and Levine, M. N., 26, 27 Staling substances, 27 Stalk, of antheridial branch, 39, 87, 88; of archicarp, 85, 87, 88 Sterigma, 183 Sterile cell (Uredinales), 200, 207 Stevens, F. L., 39, 222 and Hall.'j. G., 28, 32, 33 Stictaceae, 132 Stigeosporium, 19 Stigmatomyces Baeri, 174, 175 (Fig. 136), 176, «77 (Fig. 139) S. Sarcophagae, 177, 178 (Fig. 141) Stimuli, reactions to, 27 et sqq.', bibliography, 33 Stoppel, R., 58, 61 Strasburger, E., 31, 33 Strawberry mildew, 84 Streeter, S. G., 31, 32, 33 Strickeria, i, 142 (Fig. 104), 159 (Fig. 119) Stroma, i, 32, 140, 145, 149, 150, 166, 168 Sub-hymenial layer, 3, 95 Substrata, fatty/io Swanton, E. W., 222 Symbionts, 6 Symbiosis, 6, \6etsijq.; bibliography, 19 Synchytriuni, 16 S. aureum, i \ Synkaryon, 201 Tapesia fusca, 123 Taphrina, 15, 93 T. aurea, 92 (Fig. 49), 93 (Fig. 50) /. Cerast, 94 T. Kusanoi, 94 Tavel, F. von, 40, 222 Teleutosorus, 205, 206 INDEX 231 Teleutospore, 23, 196, 197, 205, 206, 212, 218, 219, 220 Teleutospore cell, 183, 197, 205 Tcrfezia olbiensis, 77 (Fig. 36), 78 (Fig. 37) Terfeziaceae, 8, 57, 77 Thaxter, R., 171, 172, 178, 179, 180, 181, Thelebolus, 50 173, 174, 182 '75, 176, 177, Uromyces (cont.) U. Poae, 200 (Figs. 170, 171), 203 (Fig. 176), 2,2 Fig. 188), 2,4 (Fig. ,93) U. bdllartiHi, 207, 211 U. Scirpi, 212 Urtica parvi folia, 196 Ustilaginaceae, 188 et sqq. „> Thermutis orlutina, 16 Thielavia basicola, 68 Thiessen, F , 91 Thorn, C., 76 Tieghem, Ph. van, 40, 102, 107 Tilletia, 187, 193 T.foetens, 193 T. laevis, 194 T. Tritici, 185 (Fig. 148), 187, 193 (Fig. 161) Tilletiaceae, 193; bibliography, 195 Torulaspora Rosei, 64 Tragopogon pratensis, 189 Tranzschel, W., 211, 220 Tremellales, 6, 183 Tremellodon, 33 Trichogyne, 39. 51, 52, 53 ^ 103, 171, 176, 215 Tncholoma terrettm, 19 Trichophoric cell, 180 Tripliragmidium, 219 T. Ulniariae, 196 (Fig. 164), 212, 216 (Fig. 196) Truffles, 8, 138 Tuber, 8, 35, 137 T. puberuhtm, 137, 138 (Fig. (Fie. U. antherarum, 184, 186 (Fig. 149), 191 (Fig. 158), 192 (Fig. 159) U. Avenae, ,89 U. Carbo, 187 (Fig. 152), 188, 189 (Fig. U. Hordei, 186 (Fig. 150), 189 (Fig. 154) U. levis, 192 (Fig. 160) U. Maydis, 21, 184, 190 (Fig. 156), 191 (Fig. 157), 195 U. Scabiosae, 185 (Fig. ,47) U. Tragoponis pratensis, 189, 190 (Fie. i«) U. Treubii, ,84 (Fig. ,46) U. Tritici, 189 U. Vaillantii, 191, 195 U. violacea, 21, 184 U. Zeae, 193 T. rufum, 136 (Fig. 97), 137 54, 71, 74, 98, 99, Vaccinieae, ,24 Vallory, J., 155, 156 Valsa, 165 Valsaceae, 154, 164 Vanda, 17 Varilov, 1., 27 Venturia, 161 Verpa. 129 Verrucose spore, 5 Vicia faba, 13 ) ig- 98) Tuberaceae, 19, 97, 135 et seq., 144; biblio- graphy, 138 Tuberales, 6, 8, 97, 100, 135 Tubeuf, K. F. von, 18, 222 Tuburcmia, 186, 187 T. primulicola, 188, 194, 195 Tulasne, L. R. and C., 77, 78, 102, 107, 136, 137, 150, 166, 167, 168, 170, 187, 195, 196, 197, 222 Umbelliferae, 18 Uncinula, 82 U. Ac>ris, 83 (Fig. 40) U. nee at or, 81, 83 Uniseriate spores, 36, 37 (Fig. 5) Uredineae, see Uredinales Uredinales, 2. 6, 15, 22, 181, 183, 196 et sqq.; bibliography, 220 Uredinopsis, 204, 219 Uredosorus, 204, 206, 207, 216 Uredospore, 23, 204 Urocystis, 187 U. Anemones, 194 (Fig. 163) U. Fischer i, 187 (Fig. 151) U. Violae, 184 Uromyces, 199, 205, 218, 219 U. appendiculattis , 196 (Fig. 164) U. Cunninghamianus, 217 U. Fabae, 199 U. Ficariae, 208 Wager, H., 31, 33, 64 and Peniston, A., 66 Walled non-motile spore, 4 Ward, H. Marshall, 11, 12, ,9, 23, 25, 26, 27, 76, 77, 195, 211, 220 Weiss, F. E , 20 Welsford, E. J., 9, u, 47, 48, 117, 122, 145, 203. 2,4, 216, 221 and Blackman, V. H., see Blackman and Welsford and Fraser, H. C. I., see Fraser and Welsford Werth, E., and Ludwig, K., 192, 195, 208, 22, West, C., 20 Wheat mildew, 23, 79, 210 Wtllia Saturnus, 65 Wilson, M., ,94, 195 Winge, O., 85, 86, 89 Winter, G., 50, 222 Witch 's-broom, 16, 90, 91 Wolf, F. A., 158 Wolfe, J. J., 173 Wolk, J. P. van der, 6,, 62 Wolkia decolorans, 60, 61 Wood, fungi on, 7 Wormald, H , 22, 27 Woronin, M-, 157, 158, 163 Woronin'> hypha, 142 Uoronina, 15 Wound parasites, 14 INDEX Xylaria Hypoxylon, 167 (Fig. 124) A", polymorpha, 141 (Fig. 103), 170 (Figs. 128, 12Q) A'. Tulasnei, 21 Xylariaceae, 154, 165 ct sqq. ; bibliography, 170 Vamanouchi, S., 173 Yeasts, 2, 7, u ; and see Saccharomycetaceae Zaghoitania, 220 Zea Mays, 21, 190 Zodioviyces, 27 Z. v'orticellaritis, 173 (Fig. 133), 176 (Fig. 138) Zoosporangium, 4, 15 Zoospore, 1,4. 15 Zopf, W., 156, 158 Zukal, H., 73, 76 Zygomycetes, 5, 8 Zygosacchnromyces, 63 (Fig. 24) Z. fiarkeri, 64 Z. Chevalieri, 64 Zygotaxis ,27 Zymase, 10, 12, 62 PRINTED IN ENGLAND BY J. „. PEACE M A AT THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 6 5 0 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. HOMED W 2$ 74 OT7 1 R0I6MD LIB. Form L9 — 207n-8,'65 (F6439s8)4939 Vaughan - •iiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiii AA 000899543 3