tw^/oes- , Biological Services Program FWS/OBS-79/23 JULY 1979 MENT ECOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL/ TOXICOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF PETROLEUM ON AQUATIC BIRDS A Summary of Research Activities FY76 through FY78 '~ i^%. •~ -* V "* ?m interagency Energy-Environment Research and Development Program OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY AND Fish and Wildlife Service ?<0.025. ^Mean of transformed percentages converted back to percent. Table 2. Embryo survival in naturally incubated great black-backed gull eggs 8 days after treatment with No. 2 fuel oil (Coon et al. 1979). Condition of embryo No. of Survival No. of % Treatment clutches Index eggs Alive Dead alive Control 28 95.8 81 72 9 88.9 No. 2 fuel oil (5 Ml) 26 90.3 72 58 14 80.6 No. 2 fuel oil (20 mD 25 32.7' 72 29 43 40.3 Most clutches contained three eggs; however, some contained only two at the time of treatment. For each clutch, a percentage of the total embryos alive 8 days after treatment was computed. Clutch survival data were evaluated statistically after angular transforma- tion, arcsin\/X. This transformation is applicable to binomial data expressed as percentages and covering a wide range of values (Steel and Torrie 1960). The Sur- vival Index reported can be described by the following expression: [sin (l/n£arcsin\/%)] 2and is a transforma- tion back to the original scale. Statistical comparisons were made on the transformed scale, rather than on the reported values. 'Significantly different from control, P<0.05 (Stu- dent's r test). weathering, No. 2 fuel oil was significantly less toxic than fresh oil when applied to mallard eggs. Prudhoe Bay crude oil was less toxic than its fresh counterpart after 3 weeks of weath- ering. Even after the oils weathered 4 weeks, however, 20 ix\ of each still caused 50% morta- lity when applied to mallard eggs (fig. 2). The minute quantities of oil that produce marked reductions in embryonic survival sug- gest that oil pollution could seriously affect marine and estuarine bird populations by trans- fer of oil from the plumage of incubating birds to their eggs. Laughing gulls were captured at their nest sites in Texas to examine this possi- bility. Forty-two were treated with 2.5 ml of No. 2 fuel oil applied with a syringe to the feathers over and surrounding their brood patches. Twenty additional birds were treated with water. All were released immediately after treatment. After 5 days, their eggs were col- lected and examined. Embryo mortality was 41% in the eggs incubated by the oiled gulls , but only 2% in those incubated by the water- treated gulls (table 3). Paired mallards were kept in pens con- taining water troughs in which they could swim during the breeding season. Prudhoe Bay crude oil was added to the water during the first week of incubation. One-third of the troughs were treated with 100 ml of oil per square meter of surface area, another one-third were treated with 5 ml of oil per square meter, and the last group were left untreated. Hatching success was 45%, 85%, and 95% respectively. Other indications of toxicity include tera- togenic effects (production of malformed indi- viduals) when oil is applied to eggs during the first few days of embryo development. Treat- ment of mallard eggs at 24 hr of development with 5 /il of crude oil produced a significant number of abnormal survivors (table 4). The most common abnormalities included de- formed bills, incomplete ossification of the wing or foot bones, reduction in size of the liver lobes, and stunting. Teratogenicity was increased when vanadium, nickel and mercury, metals normally found in petroleum, were added. Mortality was greater when artificially formulated mixtures of aromatic compounds were applied to the egg surface than in controls 1/1 on UJ o un o OIL WEATHERING TIME (WEEKS) ioo r £ 60 - < > > en on 40 - 20 - 50 Mld i/-> un o U1 O 2 3 4 0 C OIL WEATHERING TIME (WEEKS) Figure 2. Survival 6 days after treatment and hatching success of mallard embryos treated (on the 8th day of incubation) with petroleum hydrocarbons (A and B, No. 2 fuel oil; C and D, Prudhoe Bay crude). Note: Treatments or weeks that do not have a letter in common were sig- nificantly different at a<0.05, using Tukey's multiple comparison procedure. Differences be- tween controls and 5 nl of fresh oil (weathered 0 weeks) were significant at a<0.05, using a binomial test. Sample size is 47 for all groups except the controls, where «=94 (Szaro et al. 1979). or those treated with the alkanes or paraffin components. Mortality was particularly en- hanced by the presence of the tetracyclic aro- matic chrysene even at half its normal concen- tration in oil (0.2% in Kuwait crude oil and 0.5% in South Louisiana crude oil). Table3. Embryonic mortality in eggs of laughing gulls with breast feathers treated with 2.5 ml No. 2 fuel oil (King and Lefever unpubl). Na Dead Infertile Group No. % No. % Control Oil-treated 53 105 1 2 43 41b 2 4 2 2 N=number of eggs recovered after 5 days of incuba- tion. Significantly different from controls, P<0.01, x2test. EFFECTS OF OIL INGESTION ON PHYSI- OLOGICAL CONDITION AND SURVIVAL OF BIRDS In two 6-month studies, adult mallards were fed South Louisiana crude oil (SLC) and an artificial reconstituted aromatic mixture (RAM) composed of 10 aromatic and 9 ali- phatic compounds typical of those found in South Louisiana crude oil. SLC was fed at 0.25% and 2.5% of the total diet and the RAM was fed at 0.04% and 0.4% of the diet (levels that represent the aromatic content of diets containing 0.25% and 2.5% oil). Adult mallards could realistically ingest these concentrations of oil at spill sites. All birds maintained their body weights and ingested contaminated food at rates comparable to ingestion of clean food by control animals. There was no mortality in either study. Indocyanine green dye, a com- pound that is metabolized by the liver, was used Table 4. Effects of South Louisiana crude oil on mallard duck embryos (Hoffman 1978). Control Paraffin Crude oil 1/il 5 Hi Number treated 65 65 65 65 Percentage survival (days 3-18) 97 94 65a 9a Sex ratio, M: F 45:55 44:56 53:57 50:50 Embryonic weight (g) 15.72±1.78* Male 16.34H.49 16.2911.89 15.8310.49 Female 15.75±2.03 15.98+1.58 15.3311.77 14.90+3. 15c Combined 15.74+1.90 16.1411.54 15.7411.82 15.7311.84 Crown-rump length (mm) Male 84.1±3.7 84.914.0 84.913.8 86.7+5.1 Female 82.7±3.7 83.413.0 80.114.4 70.213.8C Combined 82.8±3.7 84.U3.5 82.214.1 77.314.5C Bill length (mm) Male 13.2±0.9 13.310.5 13.010.6 13.010.6 Female 13.1+0.6 12.9+0.6 12.710. 7C 10.810.9f Combined 13.1+0.7 13.H0.6 12.810. 7C ll^+O^ Percentage that were abnormal survivors 4.8 3.3 4.8 66.7" "Significantly different from control and paraffin-treated groups by yi, p-<0.01. *Mean +SD. ^Significantly different by one-way analysis of variance (p<0.01) and the Duncan multiple range test (p<0.05). These included abnormal conjoined (1.6%) and stunted (3.2%) in the control group: hydrocephaly with micro- phthalmia and beak defect (1.6%) and incomplete ossification of ribs and vertebrae (1.6%) in the paraffin group; cervical vertebrae missing (2.4%) and incomplete ossification of sacral vertebrae (2.4%) in the 1-^1 of crude oil group; incomplete ossification of the phalanges (16.7%); incomplete ossification of the ischium (16.7%), severe edema with blisters (16.7%). and abnormal feather formation (16.7%) in the 5-pil of crude oil group. to measure liver function in the mallard drakes fed the RAM. Plasma clearance rates were enhanced in the drakes fed the RAM at 0.4% of the diet, suggesting that adult waterfowl may be able to increase liver function to eliminate high concentrations of petroleum hydro- carbons. Although several plasma enzymes (enzymes that appear in the blood because of damage to specific organs) and electrolytes were monitored monthly in both studies, none were elevated above control levels. Adult waterfowl are apparently able to adapt to and tolerate high concentrations of petroleum hydro- carbons in their diet when not otherwise stressed. However, other adult mallards, given seawater as drinking water and subjected to mild cold stress (3° C) while being fed food contaminated with 3% Kuwait or South Loui- siana crude oil, died (table 5). Mallard ducklings survived from hatching to 8 weeks of age on diets containing 0.025% to 5% South Louisiana crude oil or No. 2 fuel oil. Those fed 2.5% and 5% oil, however, were stunted and failed to develop flight feathers (fig. 3). Subtle biochemical and behavioral changes were detected in ducklings fed as little as 0.25% oil. It is not surprising that young birds would be more seriously affected than adults because they are in the critical rapid growth phase. I able 5. The effects of petroleum-contaminated diets on the mortalities of scawatcr-adaptcd ducks main- tained for 50 days at 27° C followed bj a 50-day period of continuous mild cold stress at 3° C (adapted from Holmes et al. 1978). EFFECTS OF OIL INGESTION ON REPRODUCTION IN BIRDS Mallard hens fed diets containing 2.5% South Louisiana crude oil (25,000 ppm) for a 6-month period produced 50% as manv eggs as controls. Over a 90-day period, the oil-dosed birds laid an average of 35 eggs per hen, com- pared with 69 for controls (table 6). Although fewer eggs were laid by the oil-dosed birds, those that were laid hatched as well as control eggs when artificially incubated, and the hatch- lings weighed as much as control hatchlings. In contrast, hens on diets containing 0.25% (2,500 ppm) of oil performed nearly as well as controls. Dr. W. Holmes (under contract to the Patux- ent Wildlife Research Center) reported similar results in studies with South Louisiana and Ku- wait crude oils. Egg laying was not affected In 1% of either oil in the diet. Egg laying decreased by 75% on a diet containing 3% South Louisiana crude oils and completely ceased on a diet con- taining 3% Kuwait crude oils. Paired mallards were fed vanadium, a metal contaminant of crude oils. The vanadium accu- mulated to higher concentrations in the bone and liver than in other tissues. Concentrations in the bones of hens were five times those in the bones of drakes, suggesting an interaction be- tween vanadium and calcium mobilization in laying hens. Lipid metabolism was altered within 3 weeks in laying hens fed 100 ppm vanadium and within 12 weeks in hens fed 10 ppm vana- dium. Vanadium concentrations in crude oil can range up to 1,400 ppm. M ("o of orig inality nul population) Table 6. Mean egg production ot mallards ted diets containing South Louisiana crude oil. Total numbers ot No. ill Before During eggs laid in parent leses (Coon and Dieter unpubl). liird> cold stress cold stros Total Krcshwater-main- 10 0 20 20 Treatment Sampling period taincd controls Days 1-30 Days 1-60 Dav 1-90 Seawater-main- Control 24.6"' 49.0'' 69 o"' cained controls 10 0 (.11 60 (197) (392) (552) South Louisiana crude oil 9 22.2 66.7. 88.9 10,000 ppm paraffin 2 3.6'' (189) 47. lab (377) 68.6" (549) Kuwait crude oil No. 2 fuel oil 9 1 1 0 35.7 66.7 42.7 66.7 78.4 2,500 ppm SLC 25,000 ppm SLC 19.3"'' (154) n.o'' (88) 37.1"'' (297) 27.3* (218) 52.1" '' (417) 34 V (279) 'Means followed b\ different letters are significant!) different for a given sampling period, Scheffe's test. P<0.05. aba abb c O) s >■ •a a 14- 13- 12 11- 10- 9 8 7 6 5 4 3_ 2- 1 0 a a a b a a a * * * ;; ffH* 1 TTT 1 2 3 Mill 12 3 4 5 T I I I I 12 3 4 5 I I I II 12 3 4 5 3 I I I I 12 3 4 4 TT 1 2 TTT 3 4 5 5 TTT 1 2 3 TT 4 5 TTT 1 2 3 1 I I I 2 3 4 5 ■14 ■13 ■12 •11 •10 ■ 9 ■ 8 7 ■ 6 • 5 • 4 3 2 . 1 , 0 TT 4 5 i r 4 5 Figure 3. Growth in mallard ducklings fed (1) control diet; (2) 0.025% South Louisiana crude oil (SLC); (3) 0.250% SLC; (4) 2.5% SLC; and (5) 5.0% SLC. Treatments within a given age group that do not have a letter in common were significantly different at P<0.05 by Scheffe's (1959) procedure for pairwise comparisons (Szaro et al. 1978). ACCUMULATION AND LOSS OF OIL BY BIRDS After consideration of several invertebrate and waterfowl species, the freshwater crayfish and mallard were selected for food-chain studies. Both can be successfully maintained in sufficient numbers in the laboratory and are available from commercial suppliers. Crayfish are accepted by mallards as a food item. Food-chain studies were performed to esti- mate the uptake of aromatic compounds and their distribution in mallard tissue after inges- tion of contaminated crayfish. Crayfish were exposed to the water-soluble fraction of No. 2 fuel oil containing known quantities of [14C] naphthalene. (The water-soluble fraction was prepared by gently stirring a mixture of the oil and water for 20 hr and siphoning off the aqueous layer.) After exposure, the live cray- fish were fed to ducks. After an appropriate time interval, the birds were sacrificed and their tissues examined for radioactivity. Radioactive naphthalene was readily taken up and underwent biomagnification in the cray- fish. Accumulation of radioactivity in ducks fed the crayfish was greatest in the gall bladder, followed by fat, kidney, liver and blood (table 7). Table 7. Radioactivity in tissues of male and female mallard ducks fed 14C-naphthalene-No. 2 fuel oil con- taminated crayfish (Tarshis unpubl.). Naphthalene (ppm) Tissues Gall bladder Fat Kidney Liver Blood Testes Egg Oviduct 6 9 1.040 0.496 0.149 0.114 0.045 0.058 0.045 0.032 0.037 0.057 0.011 — 0.020 0.013 DEVELOPMENT OF ANALYTICAL METHODS FOR IDENTIFICATION AND QUANTIFICATION OF OIL BREAKDOWN PRODUCTS IN TISSUES AND EGGS OF DUCKS Efforts of chemists involved in this project have been directed toward several goals: • The development of methods for the detec- tion and analysis of hydrocarbons in avian tissue • The development of methods of quantifi- cation of individual compounds and com- plex mixtures in avian tissues • Provision of analytical support for biological studies A number of problems are encountered in the analysis of petroleum hydrocarbons in avian tissue. By their ubiquitous nature, these hydro- carbons pose continuing contamination prob- lems for sample analysis. The heterogeneity of the mixtures necessitates the use of complex extraction and cleanup procedures. The presence of hundreds of compounds creates a need for high-resolution instruments. During our early attempts to analyze sam- ples, very high levels of contamination were detected. To reduce contamination, glass extrac- tion thimbles cleaned in chromic acid were substituted for paper thimbles. Later, in simpli- fying our procedures, we eliminated thimbles altogether, substituting a Polytron tissue homo- genizer/extractor for Soxhlet extraction. The use of nitrogen gas to blow down samples was abandoned in favor of a flash evaporator. Glass- ware was at first soaked in chromic acid; this was an effective but hazardous procedure. Chromic acid was replaced by an equally effec- tive but safer technique of soaking the glass in an ultrasonic bath with 2% 'Micro' solution. Briefly, the method of analysis that is being used in our laboratory is as follows. The sample is cut into small pieces and me- chanically extracted with a homogenizer. Bases are partitioned into acid from pentane and ana- lyzed by gas chromatography /mass spectrometry. After the extraction of bases, pentane extracts from fat samples are saponified. The saponified mixture is partitioned into hexane. The hexane or pentane layer from samples of fat, liver, and kidney (<0.5 g lipid) are cleaned up on Morisil; the aliphatic and aroma- tic hydrocarbons are separated on a silicic acid column; and the residues are screened and ana- lyzed by gas chromatography and gas chroma- tography/mass spectrometry/data system. Livers, kidneys, and fat from untreated mal- lard drakes and drakes fed 0.4% of the reconsti- tuted aromatic mixture for 6 months were ana- lyzed in our laboratory. Significantly higher resi- dues were found in the tissues of ducks fed the aromatic mixture than in tissues from controls. Researchers at the University of New Orleans developed a hydrocarbon analysis procedure similar to the one in use at our laboratory while under contract to the Patuxent Wildlife Re- search Center. Livers and kidneys from mallard ducklings and adult birds fed South Louisiana crude oil were analyzed. There were no signifi- cant differences in hydrocarbon accumulation in tissues between adult males and females. Hydro- carbon concentrations in both ducklings and adults increased from the control group through those fed 2.5% oil in the diet. The research group at the University of New- Orleans also analyzed tissues from four birds killed at the Amoco Cadiz oil spill site off the coast of France. One, a shag (cormorant), was heavily contaminated with hydrocarbons; the other three, a herring gull, a razorbill, and a guil- lemot, contained smaller amounts. LITERATURE CITED Albers, P. H., and R. C. Szaro. 1978. Effects of No. 2 fuel oil on common eider eggs. Mar. Poll. Bull. 9:138-139. Coon, N. C, P. H. Albers, and R. C. Szaro. 1979. No. 2 fuel oil decreased embryonic survival of great black-backed gulls. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 21:152 -156. Coon, N. C, and M. P. Dieter. Effects of dietary ingestion of crude oil on condition and sur- vival of mallard ducks. Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Study Plan Progress Report, October 1, 1976-September 30, 1977 (unpubl). Hoffman, D. J. 1978. Embryotoxic effects of crude oil in mallard ducks and chicks. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 46:183-190. Holmes, W. N., J. Cronshaw, and J. Gorsline. 1978. Some effects of ingested petroleum on seawater-adapted ducks (Ancsplatyrh ynchos ). Environ. Res. 17:177-190. King, K. A., and C. A. Lefever. Effects of oil transferred from incubating gulls to their eggs (unpubl). Szaro, R. C, N. C. Coon, and W. Stout. Wea- thered oil: effects on mallard egg hatcha- bility. J. Wildl. Manage. In press. Szaro, R. C, M. P. Dieter, G. H. Heinz, and J. F. Ferrell. 1978. Effects of chronic ingestion of South Louisiana crude oil on mallard duck- lings. Environ. Res. 17:426-436 Tarshis, I. B. Oil toxicity to aquatic birds by the ingestion of oil-contaminated invertebrates. Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Study Plan Progress Report, October 1, 1977-June 30, 1978. APPENDIX A PUBLISHED REPORTS RESULTING FROM THE HYDROCARBON TOXICITY STUDIES AS OF 1 MAY 1979 Albers, P. II. 1977. Effects of external appli- cations of fuel oil on hatchability of mallard eggs. Pages 158-163 in Wolfe, D. A., ed. Fate and effects of petroleum hydrocarbons in marine ecosystems and organisms. Pergamon Press, New York. 1978. The effects of petroleum on dif- ferent stages of incubation in bird eggs. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxic. 17:624-630. , and R.C.Szaro. 1978. Effects of No. 2 fuel oil on common eider eggs. Mar. Poll. Bull. 9:138-139. Coon, N. C, P. H. Albers, and R. C. Szaro. 1979. No. 2 fuel oil decreases embryonic survival of great black-backed gulls. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxic. 21 : 152-156. Dieter, M. P. 1976. The effects of petroleum hydrocarbons on aquatic birds. Pages 438- 446 in Proceedings of symposium on sources, effects, and sinks of hydrocarbons in the aquatic environment. American Institute for Biological Sciences, Washing- ton, D. C. .1977. Acute and chronic studies with waterfowl exposed to petroleum by hydro- carbons. Pages 35-42 in Hall, C, and W. Preston, eds. Program review proceedings of: environmental effects of energy related activities on marine estuarine ecosystems. Interagency Energy-Environment Research and Development Program Report. EPA- 600/7-77-111. Washington, D. C. Eastin, W. C, and D. J. Hoffman. 1978. Biologi- cal effects of petroleum on aquatic birds. Pages 561-582 in Proceedings of the confer- ence on assessment of ecological impacts of oil spills. American Institute for Biological Sciences, Washington, D.C. Hoffman, D. J. 1978. Embryotoxic effects of crude oil in mallard ducks and chicks. Toxi- col. Appl. Pharmacol. 46: 183-190. .. 1978. Embryotoxic effects of petro- leum hydrocarbons in avian embryos. Tera- tology 17(2).-40A (abstract). Holmes, W. N., J. Cronshaw, and J. C-orsline. 1978. Some effects of ingested petroleum on seawater-adapted ducks (Anas platyrbyn- chos). Environ. Res. 17:177-190. Eawler, G. C, J. P. Holmes, B. J. Fiorito, and L. L. Laseter. 1978. Quantification of petro- leum hydrocarbons in selected tissues of male mallard ducklings chronically exposed to south Louisiana crude oil. Pages 583-612 in Proceedings of the conference on assess- ment of ecological impacts of oil spills. American Institute for Biological Sciences, Washington, D.C. Lawler, G. C, W. A. Loong, B. J. Fiorito, D. R. Carlisle, and J. L. Laseter. 1978. An auto- mated glass capillary gas chromatographic system for routine quantitative analysis. J. Chromatogr. Sci. 15:532-536. Lawler, G. C, W. A. Loong, and J. L. Laseter. 1978. Accumulation of saturated hydrocar- bons in tissues of petroleum exposed mallard ducks (Anas platyrbyncbos). Environ. Sci. Technol. 11:47-51. 1978. Accumulation of aromatic hydrocarbons in tissues of petroleum ex- posed mallard ducks (Anas platyrbyncbos). Envion. Sci. Technol. 11:51-54, Patton, J. F. 1978. Indocyaninc green: a test of hepatic function and a measure of plasma volume in the duck. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 60A:21-24. Szaro, R. C. 1977. Effects of petroleum on birds. Pages 374-381 in Transactions of the 10 42nd North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference. ., and P. H. Albers. 1977. Effects of ex- ternal applications of No. 2 fuel oil on com- mon eider eggs. Pages 164-167 in Wolfe, D. A., ed. Fate and effects of petroleum hydro- carbons in marine ecosystems and organisms. Pergamon Press, New York. _, and N. C. Coon. 1978. Petroleum: effects on mallard egg hatchability. J. Wild- life Manage. 42:404-406. Szaro, R. C, M. P. Dieter, G. H. Heinz, and J. F. Ferrell. 1978. Effects of chronic in- gestion of South Louisiana crude on mallard ducklings. Environ. Res. 17:426-436. Tarshis, I. B. 1978. Diets, equipment, and tech- niques for maintaining crayfish in the lab- oratory. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 59:59-60. 1978. Diets, equipment, and tech- niques for maintaining crawfish in the lab- oratory. Pages 259-269 in Proceedings of the ninth annual meeting of the world maricul- ture society. Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge. White, D. H., K. A. King, and N. C. Coon. 1979. Effects of No. 2 fuel oil on hatchability of marine and estuarine bird eggs. Bull. Envi- ron. Contam. Toxicol. 21 :7-10. 11 APPENDIX B UNPUBLISHED REPORTS RESULTING FROM THE HYDROCARBON TOXICITY STUDIES AS OF 1 MAY 1979 Albers, P. H. Oil dispersants and wildlife. Manu- script submitted to Proceedings of the 1979 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Pollution Re- sponse Workshop, St. Petersburg, Fla., May 8-10, 1979. .. Transfer of crude oil from contami- nated water to bird eggs. Study Plan Progress Report, October 1, 1977-September 30, 1978. Belisle, A., and M. Gay. Development of analy- tical methodology for separation, detection, and measurement of petroleum residues in tissues and eggs. Work Unit Progress Re- ports, November 1, 1976-September 30, 1978. Coon, N. C, and M. P. Dieter. Effects of dietary ingestion of crude oil on condition and survi- val of mallard ducks. Study Plan Progress Reports, October 10, 1967-September 30, 1978. Custer, T. W., and P. H. Albers. Response of cap- tive breeding mallards to oiled water. Manu- script submitted to Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. Hoffman, D. J. Embryotoxic effects of crude oil containing nickel and vanadium in mallards. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. In press. Embryotoxic and teratogenic effects of petroleum hydrocarbons in mallards (Anas platyrynchos). J. Toxicol. Environ. Health In press. Embryotoxic and teratogenic effects of crude oil on mallard embryos on day one of development. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxi- col. In press. J. Cronshau, and K. P. Cavanaugh. j>ome effects of ingested petroleum on ovi- position and reproduction in experimental colonies of mallard ducks (Anas platyrhyn- chos). Part II in Studies on the chronic effects of ingested petroleum in mallard ducks (Anas platyrhyncbos). Progress Report 1976-1978. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Contract No. 14-16-0008-2032. Holmes, W. N., J. Cronshaw, and J. Gorsline. Ef- fects of mild cold stress on the mortality of seawater-adapted mallard ducks (Anas platy- rynchos) maintained on petroleum-contami- nated food. Part I in Studies on the chronic effects of ingested petroleum in mallard ducks (Anas platyrynchos). Progress Report 1976-1978. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Contract No. 14-16-0008-2032. Effects of ingested petroleum on the synthesis and metabolism of steroid hor- mones. Part III in Studies on the chronic ef- fects of ingested petroleum in mallard ducks (Anas platyrynchos). Progress Report 1976- 1978. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Con- tract No. 14-16-0008-2032. King, K. A., and C. A. Lefever. Effects of oil transferred from incubating gulls to their eggs. Manuscript submitted to Mar. Poll. Bull. King, K. A., S. Macko, P. L. Parker, and E. Payne. Consequence of an oil spill: probable brown pelican fatality. Manuscript submit- ted to Mar. Poll. Bull. Laseter, J. L. Quarterly Progress Reports, Janu- ary 15, 1976-August 31, 1977. Gas chroma- tography-mass spectrometry-computer ana- lytical support program for the study of petroleum hydrocarbons in avian tissues and related materials. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser- vice Contract No. 14-16-0008-203 1 . , and G. C. Lawler. Quarterly Progress Report, December 1, 1977-February 28, 12 1978. Gas chromatography-mass spectrome- try-computer analytical support program for the study of petroleum hydrocarbons in avian tissues and related materials. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Contract No. 14-16- 0008-2031. Final Report, February 28, 1977. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-compu- ter analytical support program for the study of petroleum hydrocarbons in avian tissues and related materials. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Contract No. 14-16-0008-2031. Lawler, G. C. Quarterly Progress Reports, Sep- tember 1, 1977-November 30, 1977; June 1, 1978-November 30, 1978. Gas chromatogra- phy-mass spectrometery-computer analytical support program for the study of petroleum hydrocarbons in avian tissues and related materials. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Contract No. 14-16-0008-2031. Patton, J. F., and M. P. Dieter. Effects of petro- leum hydrocarbons on hepatic function in the duck. Manuscript submitted to Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Szaro, R. C. Effects of No. 2 fuel oil on growth rate and kidney and liver function of mallard ducklings. Study Plan Progress Report, Octo- ber 1, 1977-June 30, 1978. .. Bunker C fuel oil reduces mallard egg hatchabiliry. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxi- col. In press. . N. C. Coon, and W. F. Stout. Weathered petroleum: effects on mallard egg hatchabi- lity. Manuscript submitted to J. Wildl. Manage. Tarshis, I. B. Oil toxicity to aquatic birds by the ingestion of oil-contaminated invertebrates. Study Plan Progress Report, October 1, 1977-September 30, 1978. 13 APPENDIX C MILESTONE SCHEDULE Mlelto^T FiscaLyeai^ FY75 FY 76 FY77 FY78 1. Acquired staffing • • • 2. Development of analytical methods for identification and quantification of oil breakdown products in tissues and eggs of ducks. Preliminary report Final report • • 3. Effects of oil ingestion on reproduction in birds Annual report Final report • • • 4. Effects of oil ingestion on physiological condition and survival of birds Annual report Summary report of work on ducks with report of pilot comparisons with seabirds • • • 5. Effects of oiling on hatchability of eggs Annual report Final report • • • 6. Accumulation of oiled birds Annual report Summary report of work on ducks • • • 7. Assessment of joint action of oil and toxic chemicals on survival and reproduction Report on experiments • • 14