‘ SAD cee JANUARY, 1913 V2 V~ ¥ MAN lz 192] PRICE TEN CENTS = ———]— SS] S1 = zi ‘ee ty The “ CALIFORNIA BEAUTIES “This little girl is a native of the State of California, which produces the best game birds—the Valley Quail.” Picture sent by Wm. N. Dirkes. The little girl is his daughter. a, | Oe Spe GOOD BOOKS FOR SPORTSMEN (4p >. THE GAME CONSERVATION SOCIETY recommends the books for Sportsmen. == ie. WaMaalle Order no d Al ting Feet MG f u\ Wa 10%, giving the date tor delivery. OUR FEATHERED GAME By DwicHT W. HuNTINGION In this book all of the North American game birds are described and pictured. many short shooting stories, illustrations, shooting scenes in color and bird portraits. RRICGR ay eeeracre Pe eetoese, os AGM 2 92200 OUR BIG GAME A Book for Sportsmen and Nature Lovers By DwiGHt W. HUNTINGTON Uniform with his former book, *' Our Feath- ered Game.” With sixteen illustrations from photographs of wild animals. 8vo $2.00 net. “Certain to delight any sportsman or naturalist, and also that larger class of men with good red blood in their veins, who must hunt and have adventures vicartously.”” — Brooklyn Eagle. ““Written by one who has not only been a sportsman but who knows how to tell his story entertainingly.”’ —Loston Herald. OUR WILD FOWL AND WADERS By DwicHTt W. HUNTINGTON This is the first book written on the practical raising of wild fowl by an American for Amer- ican readers. It describes the breeding, migra- tion and food habits of wild fowl, tells how to breed-them wild or in captivity, how to control their. enemies and how to restore them to natural waters or to introduce them on artificial ponds. It also explains how to shoot them without causing them to desert. Special signed edition..... ..... ... .. $2.00 Iloywavey CWO 5255 ce noncedo 6 Sete 1.50. Pricey.) 26 0°. a eee There are SOME BIG GAME HU! By A. FE. CORDIER, © Columbia, which ngictied die mi and goats. by one who has practical exper years. It will prove to be especia and valuable to American readers no\ are going in for more game. WILD DUCKS ; BY CAPT. W. C. OATES® Captain Oates has written a valuable | book on the breeding and manageme: ducks. It should be in every game libr ty Add 50 Cents to the cost of any book and we will send it, post paid, wi Tue Game Breeper for 1 year, to any address in the United States. THE GAME CONSERVATION SOCIETY 150 NASSAU STREET - - Gircs NEW YORK CITY — THE GAME BREEDER 97 CONTENTS Survey of the Field—Report of the National Association of Audubon So- cieties—Field Agents’ Reports—Duck Shooting for Road Houses—Well- to-do Pot Hunters—A Remedy for Road Houses—More about New Jersey—But!— A Letter From President Napier— The Amendment Needed—Bob-white in New York—A Good Word for New Jersey. Fresh Water Fish Culture - - - - - Hon. W. E. Meehan Black Bass Culture—Suitable Sites and Water - Hon. W.E. Meehan The State Game Departments—Article V, Kansas’ - By The Editor The Kansas Fish and Game Laws - - - - Prof. L. L. Dyche Effect of a Rational Game Law in Colorado - Hon. J. T. Holland What They Say - - - - - - - - By Our Readers Breeding Wild Animals’ - 2 - CEs YE Biological Report The More Game States Editorials—New Year’s Resolutions—Game Breeding in Connecticut— Outings and Innings—Trade Notes, Etc. SPRATT’S PATENT PHEASANT MEAL Should be fed to the pheasants from the day they are hatched. To prevent mortality in the young flock, commence using Spratt’s Patent Pheasant Meal. It rears strong and vigorous birds. We manufacture specially prepared foods for DOGS, PUPPIES, CATS, RABBITS, POULTRY, GAME, BIRDS, FISH, etc. Send stamp for “Dog Culture,” which contains much valuable information, “Pheasant Culture,” price 25c. Picture Post Cards of Prize Winning Dogs— 3 series—6 cards to a set, 10c. per series. SPRATT’S PATENT LIMITED, Factory and Offices at NEWARK, N. J. Depots at San Francisco, Cal.; St. Louis, Mo.; Cleveland, Ohio; Montreal, Can. Res. Supt. at Chicago, III. New England Agency, Boston, Mass. Factories also in London, England, and Berlin, Germany. In writing to advertisers please mention The Game Breeder or sign your letters: ‘*Yours for More Game.” 98 THE GAME BREEDER MORE GAME AND ONE DOLL: MORE Game AND “The Game Breeder ee The Game Conservation Society, Publishers, have planned a magazi will be devoted to game and game fish, ‘‘from the egg to the kitchen.” zine for farmers, sportsmen, dealers in live and dead game, hotel-keepers others who are interested in game either for sport or for profit. While propagation and the practical protection of game will occupy ‘ space, there will be many entertaining stories of shooting and fishing, esp places where the shooting and fishing are worth while. The magazine will to urge a reform in the game laws in States which have not amended t so as to encourage game breeding. Since game and game fish rapidly are becoming plentiful in many place: the laws have been reformed so as to encourage the industry of game bree _becomes important to know how to cook and serve HSS desirable foods. will be a department on game cookery. cy mhere will be ante about the gun- anus used in baking game and aie use dogs used in protecting game. There will be a series of important articles about the State Game Depa : What they are doing and what they should do, will be an important feature o “Magazine during the years 1912 and 1913. ‘These articles will be written by writers, instructed to tell the sportsmen and others interested just w departments are doing. Needed reforms will be pointed out, and while these article will be critical. there will be no ‘‘muck raking,” the object of the ma zi being to aid and not to hinder, to be helpful and not destructive. There will be a series of handsomely illustrated articles on American Ga Clubs and Preserves. Many interesting places have been visited by those wh preparing these articles, and the reader will be surprised to learn that the scribed | in early issues of The Game Breeder. The story of the ‘‘More Game” movement, its peculiar start, and its pr Xg . up to date, will be interesting to all who believe that it will prove’ Mr. Huntin contention, that, : “It should be an easy matter to make North: mee the bi game producing country in 1 the world.” ; The magazine goes to ceieral Hoacage men who are ‘actively intereste practical game preserving for. sport, and :to- several hundred breeders ‘in the Un States and Canada who are rearing game for profit. THE GAME BREEDER $9 MORE GAME AND | 3 ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR FEWER GAME LAWS Th c Game Breeder SINGLE COPIES 10 CENTS Fish breeding and angling and fish cooking will be given much prominence and there will be many authoritative articles on these subjects during the year. It is an age of specialists, and The Game Breeder will always aim to be the leader in its chosen field. Since the editors wish to keep in touch at all times with the small breeders, the game keepers and others who know most about game, the price of the magazine has been made low in order that every one may take it. Per Year, $1.00. Single Copies, 10 Cents BOOKS FOR SPORTSMEN AND GAME BREEDERS. To Our Readers:—We can furnish any book published and we shall be glad to do so. By purchasing from. The Game Conservation Society you will aid the “More Game” cause. A book and The Game Breeder for the year make a handsome present. Add 50 cents to the cost of any book and we will send it with the magazine anywhere in America. For Canada and Foreign Countries add 75 cents. THE GAME BREEDER FOR THE NEW YEAR Send us $1.00 and we will send the Game Breeder to any person in the United States for one year. We will send also a card stating by whom the subscription ’ is paid. You can help the “More Game” cause by using the magazine as a gift. A BOOK AND THE MAGAZINE We will send any book published and the magazine for one year upon receipt of the price of the book and fifty cents additional. A card will be sent on request . with the book stating the name of the sender. THE GAME CONSERVATION SOCIETY, Publishers, 150 Nassau Street, - - : . NEW YORK — san ae aE 1 ng A < fea 20) < 4 — a (3) Q Te Game Breeder VOLUME II JANUARY, 1913 NUMBER 4 Co) SURVEY OF THE FIELD. Report of the National Association of Audubon Societies. The eighth annual report of the Na- tional Association of Audubon Societies is interesting and instructive. The cover is adorned with a very pretty photograph of a little girl with a lap ‘full of young quail. The secretary of the association says the eighth year of the life of the asso- ciation has been attended with a strong continuance of that rapid growth which has ever marked its history. Eight assistants are now needed to handle the office work and forty-one wardens are employed to guard from feather- hunters and eggers the colonies of wa- ter-birds threatened with extinction. The birds in most of the colonies have had a prosperous year despite the starvation of young on some of the Maine islands, due to the failure of food-supply, and the loss of eggs and young in some of the Southern heron colonies, caused by wind-storms.. The birds which are primarily receiving the benefit of ‘the wardens’ watchfulness are: White and brown pelicans, her- ring, western and laughing gulls, com- mon, Arctic, Caspian, royal, cabots and least terns, puffins, cormorants, guillemots, egrets and other herons; grebes, gallinules, rails, geese and va- rious species of ducks. The secretary estimates that from one to two million birds inhabited the protected areas during the past year. It is interesting to sportsmen to learn that the breeding places of some of the wild food birds are protected. Since these birds are migratory they will continue to afford sport and food for those who enjoy wild-fowling. The Audubons will be interested to learn that millions of upland game birds now are given practical pro- tection by members of the Game Con- servation Society and readers of “The Game Breeder.” While the Audubon Association saves many sporting birds on areas devoted to the practical pro- tection of pelicans, gulls, herons and terns, the Game Conservation Society saves thousands of song and insecti- vorous birds on reservations devoted to the practical protection of upland game. The two associations work in perfect harmony. Many millions of land and water birds are safely hatched and reared every year. Reports of Field Agents. Not the least interesting matter in the Audubon Association’s report is the reports of the field agents. For- bush, of New England; Katherine H. Stuart, of Virginia; James H. Rice, Jr., of South Carolina; Francis Har- per, O’Kefenoke Swamp, Georgia; Dr. Eugene Swope, Ohio; Jefferson But- ler, Michigan; Wm. Lovell Finley, Pa- cific Coast States; G. Willett, St. La- zaria Reservation, Alaska, have inter- esting reports about the conditions in their localities and about the work be- ing done. Duck Shooting for Road-Houses. The Audubon field agent for Michi- gan says: The first work of your field agent was to investigate reports that came in last winter, as they had in former winters, that wild ducks were shot at the air-holes in the ice in Lake Erie, the Detroit River, Lake St. Clair, and the St. Clair River, and disposed of to hotels and road-houses along the Detroit River. These road- houses make a specialty of providing game out of season. Our game-ward- 102 ens evidently have been unable to cope with the situation. A number of these road-houses are along the Canadian shore, and it has not been possible to get the Canadian officials ‘to interfere, because they claim that such game sold in Canada out of season comes from the American side, so the’ Canadian law is not broken. Well-to-Do Pot Hunters. After studying the situation the Michigan field agent says: I decided to organize those who would give ef- fective aid. Some of these men who engage in pot-hunting are well-to-do, with good reputations, who own their own homes in Detroit. On this ac- count I found it impossible to get those interested in acting with me to permit of any publicity in the matter because these pot-hunters are their old-time friends. A plan is being framed whereby we expect to be able, with the co-operation of the Canadian authorities, to abolish this shooting. A Remedy for Road-Houses. While the Audubon Association is busy in the laudable effort to stop illegal shooting the Game Conserva- tion Society will also be busy provid- ing a remedy for the road-houses. There are thousands of worthless marshes containing small ponds; sloughs and streams, in the region re- ferred to, and some of these should be occupied by game breeders who easily and inexpensively can produce all the wild ducks the road-houses can use, and at the same time the Detroit and other Michigan markets can be kept full of this desirable food. The Canadian Club and many Michi- - gan clubs control excellent marshes where the shooting is good, but this shooting will be much better when game breeding is undertaken, as it soon will be. Our Michigan readers are expressing a decided interest in this subject and by the time the Audu- bons get the illegal shooting for road- houses stopped we believe’ the game breeders of Michigan, including some of the road-houses, will produce all the wild fowl the people can eat. They THE GAME BREEDER laws permitted the bringing of g; should all have “Our Wild | Mi More About New Jerse Last month the president of New Jersey Fish and Game Cor sioners wrote that the New Je into the State. He cited page 4 the New Jersey laws, which we ed, and now re-print: 1. Whenever by the laws of any | State or country it shall be lawful to tak out of the confines of the said State country any game, whether the same be f or animal, it shall be lawful to bring s game within the State of New Jersey; vided, however, that nothing herein contai shall permit the sale or exposure for sale any such game. Any person violating the | visions of this act shall be liable to a P or ‘exposed for sale. Approved April 13, 1908. Borethe benefit of many new = ber of “The Game Breeder,” the case to which this refers was as follows A member of the Game Breeders’ sociation which legally owns and re game in New York State attem to take two pheasants from the farm to his home in New Jerseys court and fined excessivena Soave was late he settled and went home. It seemed, from the letter from the com- — missioner printed last month, that arrest was illegal; it is evident from the law he cited that he could lega ut bring home his food: But ! But there is another law in Ne Jersey, which, it seems, is intended : regulate the food after it is leg brought home. Briefly, this law pro- vides that one must be fined $20 and costs for each bird legally brows into the State, because it is session” ! Arresting officers have cided that the food is intended for them, and that it was a mistake for the owner to think the payment — of THE GAME BREEDER $20 and costs would entitle him to eat his food. The president of the New Jersey Commissioners (like most other game officers in America and Canada) is on the paid subscription list of “The Game Breeder.” He is a friend of the magazine and the paper is his friend, of course. He promised promptly to bring the case of the arrested breeder before his board on the 12th. But he found this would be useless. His let- ter follows: : Editor, “The Game Breeder”: I have your letter of December 16th, and beg to advise you that Mr. Lawton was not arrested and punished because he was bring- ing game into the’ State of New Jersey, as I was informed in your first communication, but because he had in his possession, when apprehended by the warden, two English hen pheasants, and our law approved February 28th, 1912, reads as follows: “It shall be unlawful for two years from the passage of this act to capture, kill, injure, destroy or have im possession any female English or ring-neck pheasant, under a pen- altv of twenty dollars for each offense.” This fine was paid and sent into the State Treasury before this office knew of any pro- test whatever having been made. This gen- tlemen had the right to appeal his case from the decision. of, the court imposing the pen- alty, and no action on this case was taken before the Board at its meeting held Decem- ber 10th. Respectfully yours, Ernest NAPIER, President. Our readers will see that it is through no fault of the honorable com- missioners that people who legally bring food into New Jersey are ar- rested because they have it “in pos- session.” It is up to them to see that they do not “possess” it after they bring it in. This results in a little legerdemain, which is practiced by many New Jersey residents. The quicker they get their food inside of them and the feathers destroyed the sooner they may be held to be not in possession, for no one can say that a pheasant is a pheasant when it has been digested. The point we wish to emphasize is that if a New Jersey man who breeds game in another State may legally bring it into the State as the commis- sioner says, but that after he does he must be fined excessively because he 103 has it “in possession,” how would a licensed New Jersey game breeder fare after he had paid his license and had produced some food if the same arrest- ing officer should discover that he had it “in possession.” This is what is known as a conflict in the laws, we. believe. . People who have discussed this im- portant case of game preservation have been heard to say that New Jersey is not a desirable place of residence. People who are arrested passing through the State because they have improper fish hooks in their satchels,* can travel around the State by other railways. What we insist is that the commission is an honorable body of men created to execute the laws as they find them and they are doing a ’ lot of good for the ““more game” cause, represented by the magazine, when they arrest breeders of game food. A prominent judge, a game breeder, recently telephoned to the office of “The Game Breeder” that one or two more cases like those in New Jersey would soon result in some common sense legislation. *See the Fish Hook case reported by Field and oe and by “The Game Breeder” last month, ; The Amendment Needed. The New Jersey legislature should enact our simple game breeders’ law; the form can be had on application. Briefly it provides that game breeders may Secure a license to breed any species of game or game fish and that they may have it in possession, may ship it or sell it, provided it be identi- fied as provided by the commission. In Colorado the breeders use invoices; in New York tags are used. The pro- posed law provides that game legally produced may be brought into or taken out of the State under regulations made by the game commission. It is fair to say New Jersey provides now for the profitable breeding of three species of game food upon the pay- ment of a $25 license, but how would the breeder fare if- he had it “in pos- session”? 104 Bob White in New York. The superintendent of the New York Zoo, editor, or perhaps we should say chief editorial writer,.of Field and Stream, says, under the heading, “Edi- torial” in the January number of that publication: The bob white quail is a great destroyer of the seeds of noxious weeds. In our fauna he has no equal. And yet this fact is ignored. Throughout the North and most of the South that species is mercilessly shot, and as a re- sult it is fast becoming extinct. In New York State it will soon be as extinct as the mastodon unless given a ten-year close season at once. Its value as a plentiful game bird is gone. The quail now are tremendously abundant in many places, North and South. It is an easy matter to keep them plentiful in places where the shooting is excellent. We know places where thousands of these food birds are safely shot every season. The quail are doing well in many places in New York. Within a few miles of the City of New York eleven covies were flushed one day last week by two of our readers who enjoyed some good shooting. Other readers recently pur- chased quail for introduction in New York, and, since the price is now from $20 to $25 per dozen, the birds undoubtedly will be properly looked after, provided it be not made a crime to do so. If the sportsmen of New York wish to prohibit quail shooting for ten years the law should exempt those who own quail and look after them pgoperly. It is true that these birds are extinct in many places, but it is equally true that a prohibitive law will not restore them. Those who enjoy eating quail should not be sent to jail because they keep their birds plentiful and shoot and eat them. A GOOD WORD FOR NEW | JERSEY. By PETER H. JAMEs. [It was not our intention to severely criti- cise the commission unless it favored the arrest of citizens bringing home food legally taken in another state—Rditor.] Editor “The Game Breeder’: My attention has been called to the ‘December issue of “The Game THE GAME BREEDER “me and my clients. and Game Commission is severely c cised because of the arrest of per having attempted to remove game the State contrary to the New | law, the arrest having been made the warden in the belief that it wa New Jersey game being so removed. In all fairness to the commissi I beg to advise that I have on num circumstances and although they we arrested as they were about to leave t. State with game in their possession an found guilty of a violation and the time for appealing the same under our lz had about expired before I was retain it was therefore incumbent upon me take prompt and decisive steps to pi tect the interests of my clients befo they would have lost their remedy, therefore immediately got in comm cation with these same commission: on the long distance telephone at Tre ton and the commission at once sent ~ their chief warden, James M. Stratton, to investigate the case. The result of the investigation was that the boa ordered prosecution in these cases drop. ped, which was entirely satisfactory This is only o of the many similar instances wherein immediately any unjust action is taken — by a warden or a justice of the pea before whom an arrest is pending, the matter be properly presented to tht commission, they will always inves gate and see that no injustice is do any citizen. I am prompted to write you the above as an act of justice to the com- — mission, whom in private practice at — the law and during the several year: ‘that I have been a member of t New Jersey legislature coming almost in daily contact with the members of said commission, I have always found them to be fair and just in the enforce- ment of the fish and game laws. y The board adjusted the case last be- — (Continued on page 120) a THE GAME BREEDER 105 FRESH WATER FISH CULTURE W. E. MEEHAN. Ex-Commissioner of Fisheries of Pennsylvania; Superintendent of the Philadelphia Fairmount Park Aquarium. CopyriGuT 1913 sy W. E. MEEHAN. Fish culture for commercial pur- poses dates back to ancient times. Lu- cullus, the famous Roman emperor, general and epicure, along with other Roman patricians of his day, cultivated fish in ponds for their own use and for the market. Hundreds of years before this the Chinese reared fish by gathering naturally deposited spawn and hatching it in ponds. Pond cul- ture for carp was practiced in Ger- many during the Crusades; but fish culture by the so-called artificial ex- pression of the eggs from the female was not discovered in Europe until the latter part of the fifteenth century, and not put into pracical use until between 1840 and 1850. The science was in- troduced into the United States in 1860. All forms of fish culture are nothing more than an intelligent assistance to Nature, by the conservation of what would otherwise be a huge waste. Of the thousands and sometimes millions of eggs given a single fish it is rare that more than ten per cent. of those deposited under natural conditions are hatched; usually it is much less. It is the aim of the fish culturist to hatch from seventy to ninety per cent. of the total number, and by the adoption of ‘certain protective measures start a larger percentage of infant fish to- wards maturity than it would be pos- sible for the parent fish to do. At present most of the fish cultural work in this country is done by the National Government and by the States. A number of sportsmen’s or- ganizations are engaged in fish cultural work, and some private individuals carry it on as a commercial enterprise. Recently, however, there are signs of an awakening interest among the peo- ple in fish culture for profit. Pioneers have reduced fish culture to a scientific basis, and in some lines the business presents as few risks as in any other form of live stock raising. The out- look is that in a few years there will be as many persons engaged in fish cul- ture as there are now in bee culture or chicken farming. Fish culturists employ three methods of rearing fish. There are pond cul- ture, trough and tray culture and jar culture. Fish from which, for unknown reasons, the eggs cannot be pressed, and fish which can deposit their own eggs and fertilize them as well as man can by his methods, are reared by pond culture. Where fish eggs are large and heavy and not easily moved by hatchery water currents, the trough and tray culture is employed. Where fish eggs are light and procurable in vast abundance jar culture is resorted to. Among the fish handled by pond culture are bass and cat fish; by trough and tray, the trouts, and by jar cul- ture, the shad and white fish. It is by the last two that the National Govern- ment and the States secure their vast annual outputs of fish. By pond cul- ture hundreds of thousands of a single species are given life annually; by trough and tray, millions are produced, and by jar work hundreds of millions. BLAck Bass CULTURE—SUITABLE SITES AND WATER. Both the small and the large mouth bass may be propagated for commer- cial and sporting purposes. The first- named is more generally desirable in the northern part of the United States. It is the true black bass, the mighty king of fresh water fishes, is also the more difficult of the two species for the fresh water fish culturist to handle, Comparatively little trouble has been encountered in the cultivation of the large mouth bass, but to produce suc- 106 cessfully at reasonable cost a fair sup- ply annually of small mouth bass has been, and still is, an undertaking pre- senting some difficulties. Nevertheless, black bass culture, both large and small mouth, may fair- ly be said to be beyond the experi- mental stage; yet positive success or failure often depends on the water tem- perature during the breeding season. Apart from this one condition, which fish culturists have not yet been able to wholly overcome, black bass cul- ture may be carried on with fair pros- pect of satisfactory returns. When the propagation of bass was first undertaken, it was speedily dis- covered that it was impossible for man’ to express eggs and milt artificially from the ripe female and male. The handling of a ripe bass produces a nervous condition which prevents the ejectment of the eggs and milt.. This has been demonstrated most conclu- sively. It affects even a fish taken from the nest in the act of spawning. The nervous condition is so pronounced that after being replaced in the water, spawning is apparently impossible. When fish culturists, as a body, be- came convinced that it was impossible to take eggs from bass in the same manner as from trout, they were driven to revive the primitive methods of the ancients by resorting to pond culture; that is to say, to build bodies of water in which the fish would nat- urally spawn and hatch their young. Three conditions are necessary as a basis towards successful cultivation of small mouth bass: a favorable site, properly constructed ponds, and suita- ble water. Nearly all other problems which may and will arise, however important, are either subordinate or se- quences. When seeking a site for bass ponds, the question of a decided pitch in the ground, although desirable, is not vital. It is only necessary to have sufficient for complete drainage. A relatively ex- pansive area of ground is required if many thousand young fish are desired. Unless operations are to be conducted on a small scale at least twenty-five acres is essential. A pond af about THE GAME BREEDER not be oe to yield ‘more - one hundred thousand youn fish ing fry ponds. Indeed, not mor fifty thousand or sixty thousand ordinarily be expected. While a decided pitch in the gro is not essential the character soil is. Ground nearly level, or - natural tendency to a gradual does not present ee serious ‘pr and bottoms is sure to be a perp source of trouble and anxiety. One of the natural environments o: the small mouth bass is a gravelly rocky bottom, and when a mature seeks a site coe a nest it almiestvmeame variably selects one of “theyor Hence the first thought would b choose a stony or gravelly soil; this is about the last selection experienced bass culturist will r if he can avoid it. A clean, frm as free as possible from either mat is what is desired. Ff His first choice would probably heavy clay, through which wate not percolate, and if that were n tainable, he would choose a spot wl the bottom can be made water tigh puddling it with clay. A stony gravelly bottom is not desirable, least for breeding ponds, because th fish culturist cannot have absolute con. trol over his brood fish. i with such a bottom it would be possible to force the fish to use % ficial nests, whereas artificial nests important for the reason that they the only kind which the culturist have under perfect control. In gray ly or rocky bottoms small mouth will steal their nests and cause endle trouble. Mucky ground for small mouth breeding should be avoided, becaus moving about the fish are apt to k the water muddy, thus preventing fre- quent observation, a very inpaa feature in bass culture. a Incredible though it may seem, it is yet a fact, that often the most deé- THE GAME BREEDER sirable site for a bass cultural estab- lishment is where pond construction may be difficult; for example, a swamp adjoining a stream, or a lowland beside a river, but such sites must be ex- amined very minutely, for there may be some features which will render them unavailable. Swamp land is worthy of very favorable considera- tion, because while the surface soil is apt to be wet and soggy, the immedi- ate underlying material is likely to be clay or heavy loam, impervious to seepage. On the other hand, swamp land in nearly every instance will be found to have some bad places, as gravel spots and deep soft muck holes. On the size and character of the gravel spots and the extent and depth of the muck holes must rest the avail- ability of the property for the purposes of bass ponds. If a muck hole be of any considerable depth, a pond cannot be built over it. In all swamp lands there is nearly always much wunderlying material known as hard pan, which renders pond construction slow, hard, expen- sive work, but when once built the ponds give the owner and the work- men the greatest satisfaction and the least trouble. As bass, both large and small mouth, naturally inhabit warmer waters than trout, it follows that water for a bass cultural plant in the Northern States must not be directly from a spring, neither may it be of low tempera- ture. River, stream or lake water which, during the spawning season, will not fall below 55 degrees, prefera- bly 60 degrees, and which only be- comes muddy after exceptionally heavy storms, and then for a short time only, is necessary. During the breeding season higher temperatures than those named and water perpetu- ally clean are very much to be de- sired. Water having a lower temperature than 55 degrees during the spawning period must be rejected, even though the site be otherwise suitable, because, when the temperature drops below 55 degrees bass will stop the construc- tion of nests; at 50 degrees they will 107 not spawn, and at 45 degrees the eggs and fry will die. A great volume of water is unneces- sary, although it is desirable, since it insures conditions against any fear of a shortage, even in the severest drought. Under ordinary circum- stances 500 gallons of water a minute will be ample to operate an extensive plant, but whatever the volume, it is of the utmost importance that it be under complete control. A fish cul- turist who cannot regulate his water supply is likely to lose two-thirds of his chances for successful work. There are times when inability to control it means the inevitable loss of every egg and fry in the breeding ponds. In the more northern latitudes it often happens that for many days at a time about the beginning of the spawning period the nights will be cool, and it is necessary either to reduce the water supply or shut it off altogether, so that during the day the sun’s rays will elevate the temperature to the very highest possible point, and thus hold it in safe bounds during the hours of darkness. Water that becomes roily through storms is not objectionable, provided it is not continued too long or be of too frequent occurrence, especially while the nests contain eggs. For a short time muddy water has no per- ceptible effect on fry, or advanced fry, and is beneficial to mature fish. Geo. S. Brown, Norwich, Conn., wrote: “You are doing good work. Keep it up.” C. T. Wilke, Glastonbury, Conn., wrote: “I wish to declare for the ‘good sense movement.’ Of late I find myself preaching ‘more game’ at every opportunity.” . M. Hammond, Milltown, Ind., wrote: “Long may you give the good advice how to have plenty of game, as it is right. There will be no more game under present laws, but it will get scarcer every year. The farmer must have the right to sell birds before he will take any interest in them.” Wallace Evans, Oak Park, Ill, wrote: “Your scheme of game protection or game increase is with a few exceptions, exactly in accordance with my own ideas,” Prof. T. Gilbert Pearson, Secretary of the National Association. of Audubon Societies, said in an interview that there would be no opposition to our breeders’ law. 108 THE GAME BREEDER THE STATE GAME DEPARTMENT. Article V. Kansas. By THe EDIror. . Kansas is naturally one of the best States in the Union for prairie grouse. It has become, also, a good State for quail since the prairies have been. planted with grain. In the Amateur Sportsman, many of our readers will remember, I print- ed letters from readers in nearly every county in Kansas, giving accounts of the uniform disappearance and, in many counties, of the extirpation of the grouse. Some of the writers re- ferred to the great abundance of quail in their counties; others deplored the fact that the farms to a great extent were posted against sportsmen. In “The Game Breeder” last month the great loss of quail throughout the State during the winter of 1911-12 and the draining of McPherson basin, one of the best duck shooting grounds in Kansas, were reported. The State Game and Fish Depart- ment is in charge of a State fish and game warden, Professor Dyche, a bi- ologist of ability, who knows, of course, why the game and game fish must continue to vanish so long as these foods are taken for sport, pro- vided the supply of game and game fish be not kept up in some way. Heretofore Kansas has relied on re- strictive laws, shortening the season, limiting the bag, preventing sales -and export, etc., and it must be evident to those who are familiar with the causes which regulate Nature’s balance, either that the restrictions must be increased as the number of guns is increased or game breeding must be encouraged. As the farms are being posted more and more and as marshes are drained the shooting area becomes smaller and smaller and the guns become far too numerous for the game supplied nat- urally. Professor Dyche has given much at- tention to the restoration of the food fish and has published a number of bulletins about the breeding of fish. syndicates of sportsmen always can ar- He informs us, in a communication t printed below, that he made the plans — for the largest and best equipped pond fish hatchery in the country. Kansas is an agricultural State, an we believe a law permitting the farn ers to profitably breed prairie grou and quail would result in making these desirable foods tremendously abundant _ and cheap in Kansas, provided the ; commissioner would issue some bul- letins telling the farmers how to prove erly look after the birds and to pro- tect them from their natural enemies. i Sport need have nothing to fear, since — range with the land owners sor the a right to shoot. 4 There is no danger of the janet ay ers; the area is too big. known that game birds Ww from places where they become abund- — ant and that they quickly restock t surrounding country. There is alwa fair quail shooting in the vicinity all of the quail clubs, and it was af enjoying a good day with the qua outside of a preserve near New Yo that the writer became thoroughly c verted to the more game movement. The quail are in no danger of extinc- tion on many grounds near New Yo and never will be until laws are ena ed making it not worth while to lo after them properly. They are t mendously plentiful in many places the South where there are big -qu preserves in charge of competent ga keepers. Although thousands of quail — are shot every year on some of these — places, the birds remain plentiful. I have seen more quail on the grounds © of a quail preserve just after 1800 had been shot than I ever saw in Kansas — on a similar area, when quail were most | . plentiful in Kansas. ( The abundance of any food birds is evidenced by the market. The State Game Department of Kansas, like THE GAME other State departments, should repre- sent all of the people; those who own the game lands and those who would eat the desirable game as well as those who would take it for sport. From an economic point of view the food question is more important than sport, and Kansas easily might keep her mar- kets full of cheap game. I am inclined to agree with Profes- sor Dyche that the interests of sports- men “in modest circumstances” should be looked after as well as those of “per- sons of means,” but the game officer should always remember the difference between a small- politician and a states- man. The first named may appeal to the men of small means because they are in the majority, but the last named will endeavor to lead the majority in the right direction. If it is right to breed desirable foods profitably on the farms, the game officer should not op- pose laws permitting such industry. If he does, sooner or later he will fare badly in an agricultural State. It fol- lows a fortiori that if the breeding of desirable foods in certain places throughout a State surely will result in the land owners getting something out of the game; in the people hav- ing a cheap and desirable food, and in the sportsmen of moderate means hav- ing better chicken, quail and duck shooting than they now enjoy, a states- man-like commissioner should favor laws permitting game breeding under regulations prescribed by the State de- partment, which easily can be made to prevent losses of the so-called State game in places where it is not looked after properly. Professor Dyche, the biologist, knows that we cannot add additional causes for destruction, the guns, for example, to the ordinary causes of de- struction, without upsetting Nature’s balance, and that when the losses due to cats and dogs, the draining of marshes, the destruction of the natural foods and covers are considered, it is a self-evident proposition that the sportsmen of moderate means soon will have no shooting. The State offi- cer is required to undertake an impos- sibility. The prohibition of sport for BREEDER 109 periods of five and ten years after each severe winter is highly unsatisfactory to sport. When an open season is again declared the game must vanish, because Nature’s balance is badly upset by the guns, provided no one looks after the birds and protects them from their natural enemies so as to make a place for the guns. Since Professot Dyche is perfectly familiar with these elementary natural laws he should favor legislation founded on them. Laws permitting the profitable breed- ing of game in Kansas are sure to be enacted as soon as the farmers un- derstand what such legislation may be made to do for them. Laws permit- ting game breeding should be followed by instructions from the State depart- ment telling the sportsmen and farmers how they can have more game. Since Professor Dyche is eminently qualified . to give such instruction I believe it would be wise to long retain him in office and not to turn the department over to a new political favorite every few years. The game law restrictions, which Professor Dyche refers to, are neces- sary, undoubtedly. They must be in- creased from year to year until sport is ended unless the laws be amended so as to encourage the production of game. Restrictive laws never can be expected to supply the people with a desirable food, which Kansas should produce abundantly and_ profitably. There is a demand for grouse at from $5 to $10 per pair. Quail now sell for from $20 to $25 per dozen. These birds can be bred on the farms cheaper than poultry is because in a wild state they find much of their food in the fields. They are tremendously prolific and when protected from their natural enemies they soon become so abundant that it is necessary to thin them out. An experimental grouse and quail farm in Kansas if placed in charge of skilled partridge and grouse game-keepers soon would produce big results and as I have often said, sport will not be damaged when there are big game farms in every county. If a part of the farms which are now posted against sport can be used for profitable 110 game farms Kansas soon will become a big game producing State and all of the people including sportsmen of “moderate means” will profit by the change. The laws should provide that ae THE KANSAS FISH AND GAME LAWS By re. GERD aes nay | ae State Fish and Game Warden of Kansas In chapter 198 of the session laws of 1911, the Kansas legislature passed what might be considered a new fish and game law for the State of Kansas. Many old sections were omitted, others were revised and many new Sections with new provisions were added. So far as we have been able to learn, this fish and game law has been generally satisfactory to the mass of Kansas people. However, no State has suc- ceeded in making a fish and game law that is satisfactory to all its people. Topographical conditions and con- ditions of environment in different parts of the State make it difficult to frame a law that will apply with equal fairness to all its people. Many laws relating to fish and game have been ill-advised, due, in part, ‘to the fact that they favor special lo- calities and special interests, and due ‘largely to their disregard of biological knowledge. Any code of laws that can be agreed upon by the lawmakers of a State as large as Kansas must, of ne-. cessity, be in the nature of a compro- mise; they are experimental and must . at times be revised and readjusted to meet the requirements of changing conditions. It is the intent and purpose of the law to protect certain kinds of wild ‘life because this wild life is valuable to mankind. The wanton waste and de- struction that follows in the footsteps of the over zealous sportsman, the pot- hunter, the market hunter and the “game hog’ has made deep and un- necessary inroads into the wild life _centres of our State. It is the purpose THE GAME BREEDER it is not a crime to produce d foods on the farms under reg governing the industry such as ar vided for in Colorado and in 7 A other States. fe of the Ach and game laws, and the duty of those who enforce them to rest the thoughtless and avaricious pers who destroys valuable wild te w many Saas ae bande and i es would soon become rare and extinct. people in more moderate circumstances and the poor man must seek the j of fishing and the pleasures of fi sports either at home or some nea place. It seems to me that the in ests and pleasures of the latter, are vastly in the majority in our St should ever be kept in mind w the fish and game laws are being m: Laws should not be made for the we. to-do sportsmen alone. We had th idea in mind when we made plans fc the largest and best equipped pond fis hatchery in the country. We hope be able, by stocking and restock Kansas waters to produce a good sty ply of fish in all the streams and ponds in the State; in other words, to pro- — duce fish enough i in Kansas waters so. that fish will become a common article ~ of food for Kansas people, and the — pleasure of fishing be enjoyed by thou- a sands at or near “tieir homes. . ~ — ——__e—__——_ Add 50 cents to the cost of any pub- lication or book, and! we will send it _ with “The Game Breeder” for one — year. i iy THE GAME BREEDER 111! EFFECT OF A RATIONAL GAME LAW IN COLORADO. By J. T. HoLtanp. é i Ex-Game Commissioner of Colorado. [Reprinted by Request] [This article was printed in the July issue of THe AMATEUR SPORTSMAN, and _ this number of the magazine soon went out of print. We hope all our readers will read this article by the State Game Officer of Colorado. If the people of Colorado can have game and fish to eat, why should not the people of other States enjoy this desirable food? Why should-not every State follow the lead of Colorado and have “more game” and fewer game laws?—En1Tor.] The subject of game preserves hay- ing been largely discussed throughout the game sections of the United States and in periodicals printed in this coun- try, it may not be amiss for the writer to express his opinion in regard thereto, and particularly as to the State of Colorado. In this State, as well as in other parts of the country, more criti- cism has been offered from time to time of the laws existing on our statute books permitting the formation and maintenance of what are known as “game preserves” than any other. A great deal has been said in regard to this matter and discussion is very fre- quently engaged in before the different committees of the legislature having this particular branch of the law in charge, and every time it is attempted to introduce a law, or an amendment which in any way bears upon this sub- ject, it seems to be the opinion of many people that game preserves are for the rich and for those who can af- ford to take the time and spend the money necessarily required in estab- lishing such an enterprise. A great many people who do not understand the conditions make the charge that the game preserve system permits a favored few to corner the game and fish, which necessarily belongs to the people of the State, and that the com- mon people do not receive the bene- fits that should be derived therefrom. They say, further, that the common people are robbed of what is theirs, and accordingly are discriminated against in a manner contrary to Ameri- can laws and institutions. There might be some merit in their contention if it were the people’s prop- erty that were being taken by authority of law and placed in the hands of a few individuals, who would reap the benefit derived to the exclusion of the masses, but this is not the case in Colorado. To begin with, a person desiring to establish a game and fish preserve must necessarily secure his stock from some private source, or from some other State, and thus he is prevented from taking what belongs to. the people in the first instance. We have in Colorado a number of game preserves and also a number of licensed lakes, which are the same so far as the fish are concerned, as game preserves. Under our law if one de- sires to maintain a game preserve, or what is known as a licensed park, he must secure the animals, which he de- sires to place in the park as a nucleus upon which to build his preserve, and thus far the people have lost no rights of their own, nor have they any interest in the matter, except to place such rea- sonable regulations and _ restrictions upon such person so engaged as they shall deem best for the protection of their own game and fish. Under the law when a licensed park is once estab- lished by placing therein game taken from private sources the owner thereof is held to a strict accountability to the State for his actions in regard thereto. For instance, in the first place he must have his license for maintaining a game park, and if he holds any game of any kind whatsoever’ without a license he is guilty of violating the 112 THE GAME BREEDER law and subject to fine and imprison- ment. After he has secured his license he cannot sell game therefrom, or ship it to any other point until he has fur- nished the game and fish commissioner with an invoice showing the amount, kind and number of the game to be sold or shipped; the date taken and such other information as will help the commissioner in keeping track of the particular kind of game coming from a game preserve. This is true whether he sells the game or merely donates it to another, the object of the law be- ing that the game and fish authorities of the State may be given full and com- plete notice of what particular game is sold, so that game belonging to the people cannot be confused with that owned by private individuals. Under this system the people cannot lose any rights or suffer through their game be- ing taken and sold as the property of individuals owning game preserves. Experience has shown that it is far better to permit any legitimate traffic in game than to attempt to eliminate all sale and traffic and thus to compel persons, who are not in a position to take their game but insist upon having it, to assist the market hunter and the game hog in his unlawful depredations upon all varieties of game animals. Licensed lakes are controlled in prac- tically the same manner, all of which are listed with the game and fish com- missioner, and he is at all times ap- prised of what is going on in regard to sale, donations and the shipping of game and fish. In addition to the matters spoken of, the law provides as a compensation for its permission in allowing the main- taining of such parks and lakes that the owners thereof shall donate to the State at such times as the commissioner may make demand ten per cent. of the increase of the game or’ fish so held during any one calendar year. This. constitutes one of the greatest benefits, to the State so far as replenishing its supply of game and fish is concerned. without cost or inconvenience. The State merely for the privilege it has granted receives a fair per cent. of the increase in licensed parks and lakes. Of the many parks maintained in Colorado a few are-deserving of men- tion. Mr. Barrett Littlefield of Slater has for years maintained exclusively an elk park and has year after year been enabled to supply the markets of Denver, as well as other cities in this and other States, with the very best of elk meat, which is even better than that of the wild elk for the reason that the same scientific breeding of these animals is conducted by Mr. Lit- tlefield as is conducted by stock men of the State in raising cattle. Perhaps the largest deer preserve in the State is that of Glen Beulah Park Association near DeBeque, on what is known as the western slope of the Rocky Mountains, wherein are main- tained a good many hundred deer. This preserve covers a great many Square miles of area and is the natural home of the deer. They are allowed to run in their native haunts. The members of this association are governed by rules regulating the taking of game, but each is allowed to take at the proper season of the year a reasonable amount of game for himself. This fact demonstrates another bene- fit of the preserve system, and that is, a single preserve alone will accommo- date a very great number of sportsmen of our State, who were it not for the game preserve would necessarily go out on the public range and take their share of the game belonging to the people at large. Another large preserve in the State is one maintained near Salido belong- ing to W. H. Pigg. In this preserve are maintained a large number of elk, deer, mountain sheep and antelope. Mr. Pigg does not maintain the park so much for the purpose of killing game as he does for the building up of large herds of each of these varieties, merely for his own satisfaction and for the pleasure it gives him in showing the sights within the preserve to visiting friends and travelers. Under his pres-. ent system with the success he has and the constant increase in his herds it will not be long until he will be in a position to supply a very large market or to make some other disposition of : ; i 7 ‘ ia, & > ee AAD, EAP ee P esi tT ef Se i THE GAME BREEDER 113 the increase of his game equally bene- ficial to the people at large. Of the advantages of the system of game and fish preserves more can be said. Probably the greatest is one of those already mentioned, that this sys- tem more perhaps than anything else has tended to wipe out the market hunter of Colorado; another advantage is the taking of game in preserves by owners thereof results in leaving very much of the game on the public range for others, and the regulation of the selling and shipping of game, which is permitted under the laws of our State, permits the people to have this desira- ble food. It remains only to be said, in my opinion, the more and the larger the game preserves, the better. Our game is fast disappearing, and it is because, no one having an interest in the game belonging to the public exclusively, there is a tendency for every one to get all he can while it lasts. Ii this could be changed and the sentiment become general that the only way our game can be preserved and handed over to our posterity is through the individual efforts of all of the citizens of our State then game protection would not be the problem it is to-day. Colorado has rather stringent game laws at the present time so far as the open seasons are concerned; deer can be taken only from October Ist to 10th of each year, and one person is only entitled to one deer with horns; the season on mountain sheep, antelope, elk and all varieties of quail and many other birds is closed for many years to come. Rather liberal seasons are prescribed for ducks, geese and other water fowl, which can be taken from September 10th of each year to April 15th of the following year; the open season for trout (the only fish for which a closed season is prescribed) is from May 25th to November 30th, thus allowing a very large portion of the year in which fish can be taken. No game or fish which have been taken from the public ranges or waters of the State, in other words, no game or fish belonging to the people can be sold under any circumstances, and the laws in respect to the manner in which game and fish can be taken are so constructed as to prevent the un- limited slaughter of both game and fish that was possible before the present laws came into effect. If it were not for our game preserves and licensed lakes, no one in the State could in any legal way obtain any kind of game or fish for food purposes in his own home during the closed season unless he were fortunate enough to be able to afford a hunting or fishing trip of greater or less distance and duration outside and possibly of importing into the State his own game and fish. I believe, however, that our law as to open season on ducks, geese and wa- ter fowl could be amended to advan- tage. As it stands now the season is not only long, but it extends very late into the spring of the year. This should be changed. The season should not last longer than the first of March at the outside. There are a number of reasons for this: In the first place, after having spent the winter, and while the birds are nesting and rearing their young, they certainly are not in fit condition to take for food purposes, and in addition to this the geese and ducks, that we have in Colorado at any rate, that frequent the lakes and streams in this State, live largely in the spring of the year upon fish caught by them around the outer edges of the water, where the fish come because the water iS warm, in consequence of this a fishy taste is noticeable in eating these birds, and when it is present the natural flavor is ruined. I would advocate a national law gov- erning the open season on all migratory birds, and on ducks and geese in par- ticular. It seems to me that a national law is essential in order to do justice to each of the States, as it cannot be expected that one State will pass laws prohibiting the killing of these birds within its borders while persons in ad- joining States can kill them; conse- quently in order to be fair to all con- cerned a national 'aw should be passed fixing the open seasons so that the States would all be on the same basis 114: and each would have an equal show at the game. The consequence would be that there would be far better hunting all over the country, if the spring shooting was eliminated as hereinbefore suggested. The increase in a comparatively short time in this class of game would be most remarkable, and the condition of the birds so taken would be far su- perior to the condition found in the spring. I have dealt largely with game for the reason that game is the more seri- ous problem; our fish can very easily be replenished to a large extent by artificial means, but when the game is gone it is gone forever, and we should attempt to replenish the source of sup- _ ply as we go along through the licensed lakes and game preserves. Colorado, like most of the other States, and the United States, has a large number of fish hatcheries which it operates very successfully and is thus enabled to stock its streams and public waters of the State with millions and millions of. fish every year. It is for this reason that some of the best fishing grounds in the entire United States are to be found within the confines of Colorado. THE GAME BREEDER Fish raising and selling in Colorado has come to be a much larger industry than game raising and selling. .We have in the State dozens and dozens of what are known as licensed lakes, which are conducted along the same lines aS game preserves, and when properly conducted are very profitable to the owners. It is not difficult to procure from some one of the proprietors of these lakes the very best of the different varieties of trout, including the eastern brook trout, and native and rainbow trout at any season of the year. Many of the owners of these lakes are ship- ping fish constantly to the markets of our State and of other States, and still through the high degree of perfection which has been attained in fish culture the sum total of our fish in Colorado to-day in all probability is far greater than it was ten years ago. I fully agree with you that the gate officer should remain in office and not be subject to the political changes of the State and that his compensation should be made large enough to induce him to remain and to make it pos- sible for him to remain in office and serve the people. THE MORE GAME STATES apie enone to have more game and fewer game laws in any state iS evidenced by laws encouraging the profitable breeding’ of game. *Com- paring Connecticut, for example, with Colorado, we observe at once that the last-named state is a “more game” state, while Connecticut seems to be sadly behind the times. The Colorado markets are full of game and game fish. The people eat this desirable food. In Connecticut the sale of quail, ruffed grouse, Hungarian partridges and woodcock is prohibited throughout the year. The export of quail, ruffed grouse and woodcock is ‘prohibited. Even the shooting of deer is prohibited. The people have ceased to know the taste of venison. The bag limit is so der license. small that it would not pay anyone to look after the game. In Colorado, al- though the sale and export of wild game is prohibited, the laws permit the sale of game and game fish from li- censed parks and lakes at any time it is accompanied by an invoice. The bag, of course, is unlimited. The sportsman who has game may shoot when he chooses to do so. In California game may be sold un- Pheasants reared in cap- tivity or imported from a foreign coun- try may be sold at any time ‘under permit. In Illinois, deer bred in captivity may be’ sold’ Oct.’ (1: to » Feby: 23 coe pheasants may be sold. by breeders, Nov. 1 to Feby. 1. Doves may be sold ~~ -*o ee THE GAME BREEDER 115 from the third day of the open season to the fifth day of the close season, and legally killed game imported from other states from Oct. 1.to Feby. 1. In Kansas game reared in captivity may be sold under permit. In Louisiana game reared in captiv- ity may be sold during the open season. Game raised in private preserves and properly tagged may also be exported. In Maine game raised in private pre- ; serves and maintained under permis- sion of commissioners, may be sold without restriction. In Massachusetts, quail and Hun- garian partridges raised in captivity may be sold for propagation; deer and pheasants raised in captivity may be sold by any person. In Michigan game raised in captivity may be soldealive within the state and under a $1.00 permit alive or dead without the state. In Missecuri, deer and elk reared in captivity may be sold under regulation of commissioner. In New Jersey, a permit is required to deal in deer, pheasants, mallards and black ducks. In New Mexico, game raised in li- censed preserves may be sold. In New York, certain species of game raised in preserves and killed and tageed, may be sold under a $5 license. In North Dakota, domesticated game may be sold on written permission of game board of control. In Oklahoma, domesticated game animais and birds may be sold. In Oregon, live ring-necked pheas- ants and other birds, reared in captivity for breeding purposes, may be sold af- ter being pinioned. The attention of our readers is called to the law requir- ing the mutilation of birds. Oregon sportsmen should attend to this mat- ter. In Pennsylvania, game birds used for propagating purposes may be sold at any time under authority of game com- missioners. In South Dakota, game birds raised in captivity may be sold under written permission of state game warden. In Vermont, game from private game preserves, stocked at owner’s expense, may be sold at any time. In Washington, propagated game birds and animals may be sold for pro- pagation purposes at any time. In Wisconsin, domesticated deer, moose, elk, caribou and game birds may be sold under permit of state fish and game warden. In Wyoming, the sale of the natural increase of any big game, except moose, captured and held for propaga- tion, is permitted. It seems funny to be able to sell the calf and not the cow when both are owned by one person, but permission to sell the calf may be regarded as a distinct gain. The above outline of the new enact- ments permitting the sale of wild food is, for the most part, from a recent bul- letin of the 'U. S. Department of Agri- culture. It is absurd, of course, to re- quire the owners of game to rear it “ captivity.” The game would be far better if reared in a wild state on the game farm or preserve. Diseases often come from confinement and the wild food should be produced under healthy conditions. The farmer is not required to rear all his potatoes and cabbages in greenhouses or other confined quarters; he is not required to rear his cows, horses and sheep in confinement, and the owners of game soon will rear it in the fields, no doubt. There is an advan- tage to the neighborhood when game can “overflow” and the sportsmen ap- preciate this in the neighborhood of all well ordered game farms and preserves. The “in confinement” nonsense must go. In New York, we believe, game is suf- ficiently “confined,” provided there be a boundry of some kind about the game farm or preserve. It is not necessary to have a fence; a road, stream or any boundary will do. We think it likely the courts would hold that this is suffi- cient for any game farmers who in good faith are rearing game on their prem- ises. They can not follow it if it es- capes, of course, because the ownership is a qualified ownership, and the game may return to its natural ferocity when it can not be identified, and it then be- 116 comes a fair mark for those who may legally take it in the open season. It is gratifying to observe how wide- spread the more game movement now is. adie advantage of being permitted to sell one’s game is evident when we say the owner may take it in any quan- tity during a long open season, other- wise it would not pay to have it. He Ze BREEDING WILD ANIMALS Raising Them for Their Fur Has Become a Profitable Industry. According to the annual report of the Biological Survey, recently submitted to Secretary Wilson, the rearing of fur- bearing animals in the United States for their pelts continues to be a subject of much interest. Skunks, muskrats, mink, and foxes are bred in captivity or on preserves. The large prices asked for mature black foxes for breed- ing purposes have resulted in confin- ing the industry in the hands of a very few. Comparatively few attempts have been made to raise mink in the United States, but experiments are being con- ducted in co-operation with the Na- tional Zoological Park with a view to determining the most _ successful methods of rearing these animals. Muskrat farming has probably reached its highest point of development on the eastern shore of Maryland. Musk- rat marshes are worth more, measured by their actual income, than cultivated farms of like acreage in the same neigh- borhood. Only one other animal in the world, the European rabbit, exceeds the muskrat in the number of skins marketed. This report also calls attention to experiments for the extermination of prairie dogs, ground squirrels, and gophers that are being conducted by means of poison baits, traps and other methods. Spotted- fever ticks in the two younger stages live almost wholly upon small native rodents, and the Cali- fornia ground squirrel has been in- fected with bubonic plague by fleas from rats. The danger that the dis- eases may become endemic furnishes THE GAME BREEDER ‘lating to prevention and extingtish need not sell it if he does not wis The thousands of game birds this season undoubtedly will be | by their owners, or given a ‘ friends. Some, no doubt, will be so to help pay the cost of rearing. N year the crop will be big in all the more: game States. a oe = an additional important reason for destruction of the animals. The bureau reports that the ante is in greater danger of extermin than any other kind of American game; that there is great need foi suitable preserve in the ante , country. ‘Seg The buffalo on the national bison’ range have now increased to ei: one, or forty-four more than the or nal number three years ago. There are fifty-six bird res tions, and additional inspectors wardens have been appointed to for them. Every effort has been made tou s the sale of plumage of certain bi gulls, tern, and especially ee New York Times. ; WEST VIRGINIA FISH ie GAME PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. At a meeting of the West Virgin Fish and Game Protective Associatio held December 5th, Hon. J. A. Viq ney presiding, the following resolut were adopted: 1. We favor a more effective law re- po G ment of forest fires, and the appropria- tion of a sum especially for this pur- pose. The present law, though crude, ] has, through the efforts of the game warden’ s department, saved millions of dollars of property annually. 2. We commend the efficient services of the present game warden’s depart- ment and would like to see him receive THE GAME BREEDER greater pecuniary aid from the State in his highly important work. 3. We favor a greater degree of care in the use of streams as sewers, and call attention to the fact that outside of any question of sport or beauty, the very health and lives of the people of the State are endangered by the pollution of the streams. 4. We favor the passage of a law and an appropriation to furnish farmers with eggs of quail and other desirable insectivorous birds for the propagation of the several useful species. 5. We favor a resident hunter’s license of at least $1 per annum, and call attention to the right to have the money so collected to be expended upon the preservation of the forests and streams, and the propagation and protection of game and fish. 6. We call attention to the fact that the license taxes collected from hunters in the years 1909 and 1910 has never been appropriated to the purpose for which such funds are usually expended. 7. We favor a limit to the number of fish that may be caught in a single day by a hook fisherman, not to ex- ceed 25 trout and 25 bass. 8. We favor a law protecting the fish of the sucker variety, and all other fishes from the gig or spear. It dis- turbs the fish at night and gives the opportunity to slay other kinds. Be- sides the sucker is one of the most harmless, as well as one of the most useful, fishes of the waters of this State. 9. We favor establishment of forest preserves. 10. We commend the good work of the national fish hatchery in West Vir- ginia, and the work of the United States Fish Commission in this State. 11. We acknowledge ourselves un- der many obligations to the good peo- ple of Fairmount for the royal enter- tainment afforded the present meeting of this association. SALMON-FISHING IN STREETS OF A CITY. To be able to stand on the sides of the principal business street of an in- 117 land city with a population of more than 6,000 and catch any number of large salmon of all varieties is some- thing that can be enjoyed right in this section of Washington. Puyallup is the city and if the run of salmon con- tinues she will also be prominent as a fishing centre as well as the hub of agriculture. As “fishy” as the story sounds, it is nevertheless a fact, and should one care to venture to Puyallup in quest of the king of fish a well-filled string would be the result. The fish come from the Puyallup River through Clark’s Creek and into “Big Ditch,” which crosses Meridian street, the main thorough- fare of the valley metropolis. The run is so large that at times the water in places bubbles like an eddy. Persons in the vicinity of the stream have taken many a catch to their homes and there will undoubtedly be a slump in sales in the fish market as long as the run continues. The appearance of the salmon was discovered by Carl Hill, a city surveyor, who was making an investigation of the condition of the ditch. More Cats. I noticed a few months ago that in half a dozen reports of shipwrecks oc- curring in a comparatively brief period the newspapers, or some of them, in- variably told of the rescue of the ship’s cat. One of the ship news reporters explained this when I asked him if all ships carried cats. “There was one of those wrecked ships that carried a cat,” he said, “and the crew went back to save it. I made the cat the feature of my story, while the other ship news reporters failed to mention the cat and were called down by their city editors for being beaten. The next time there was a shipwreck there was no cat, but the other ship news reporters did not wish to take chances and put the cat in. I wrote a true report, leaving out the cat, and then I was called down for being beaten. Now when there is a shipwreck all of us always put in a cat.”—The World. 118 Th Game Breeder Epitrep sy DWIGHT W. HUNTINGTON NEW YORK, JANUARY, 1913 TERMS: 10 Cents a Copy—$1.00 a year in Advance. Postage free to all subscribers in the United States. _ To All Foreign Countries and Canada, $1.25. THE GAME CONSERVATION SOCIETY PUBLISHERS, 150 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK Telephone, Beekman 3685. NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS. It is the fashion to begin the New Year by making some good resolu- tions. The Game Conservation Society has resolved that North America shall be the biggest game producing country in the world. The members of the society con- tribute to the circulation of “The Game Breeder” and we would advise them to make one important resolution for the new year: They should resolve to buy only from those who advertise in the maga- zine. If the contributing members. of the society will buy only from those who support the more game movement they will support a good cause as it should be supported. Hundreds of our readers will purchase game, and guns, and cartridges for the spring trap shooting and the autumn field shoot- ing. Most of the game clubs now have traps for clay bird shooting and they should remember to buy from their friends. GAME BREEDING IN CON- NECTICUT. We learn that a bill encouraging game breeding will be introduced in the legislature in Connecticut and we hope and believe it will be enacted in time for game breeders to make a start next spring. Massachusetts, New York, New Jer- sey, Colorado and some other States now have game breeders’ laws and we THE GAME BREEDER are assured Vermont will have a new and excellent law encouraging the prof- itable breeding of game before the as- sembly adjourns. Connecticut has much land which is not as productive as it should be and — which can be made to yield a good crop of desirable food. Deer and many species of game birds will thrive in Connecticut and no good reason can be assigned why it should be a crime to profitably produce t them. As we have said, ‘often! criminal laws © are intended to prevent wrong-doing. There should be rules of conduct pre- scribing the punishment of evil-doers. We wish to invite the attention of the lawmakers of Connecticut to the fact that it should not be a crime for land owners to profitably produce a desira- ble food on their lands or to rent them for such purpose. The familiar game protective stat- utes are well intended and there can be no objection to such laws providing for short open seasons, small bags, the prohibition of the sale and transport of the small remnant of game which oc- curs in Connecticut, as elsewhere, but such laws should exempt game breed- ers who are willing to produce desira- ble foods by industry. Existing laws have not made the game abundant and cheap in the markets as it should be. There must be a distinction between game produced by industry and the so-called State or wild game which has no owner and which is not properly looked after. The State game depart- ment can be made of great economic importance provided it be authorized to license game breeders and to encourage the industry of game breeding. As the department is conducted to-day it is a mere governmental side-show repre- senting sport alone. It does not repre- sent the interests of the farmers, the game dealers, the hotels and the peo- ple who should find game cheap in the markets during a long open season. A State department should represent all of the people. The only objection to laws encour- aging game breeding that we are aware of is advanced by those who claim to THE GAME BREEDER 119 believe that if the production of game be made legal such action would re- sult in the extermination of our wild life. This is pure nonsense. There is not a naturalist in America who does not concede this. Is it logical to say that if the profitable production of any species be encouraged under State regulations that such encouragement will result in the extirmination of game mammals and birds which have been made tremendously plentiful by the game breeders’ industry—not only in densely populated countries, but also in many places in the United States where the industry is no longer crim- inal? We invite the attention of the sen- ators and representatives of Connecti- cut to the article by the State game officer of Colorado and to the opinions of prominent sportsmen and natural- ists printed in this issue of “The Game Breeder.” When Charles Hallock, the dean of sportsmen; Dr. Merriam, the distin- guished naturalist, and his successor as head of the United States Biological Survey, Dr. Hanshaw, and many statesman-like game officers say that game breeding should be encouraged, we believe there should be no trouble in secuting laws providing that it no longer shall be a crime to profitably produce a desirable food. Legislation. creating absurd crime does not appeal to the people and it is now well known that this sort of legis- lation not only is difficult of execution but that it prevents the production of desirable foods. The State game department is in- tended also to protect the song and insectivorous birds. On lands where game is properly looked after by game breeders these birds have become tre- mendously abundant because the prac- tical protection given to game benefits the non-sporting birds. On the farms of the Game Breeders’ Association (licensed game breeders in New York) all song and insectivorous birds are absolutely safe from gunners, and we believe the Audubon societies are aware that game breeders’ laws tend to save and increase the numbers of the birds they are interested in protecting. In a recent book issued by the National Association of Audubon Societies the protection of non-game birds on the lines adopted by practical game pre- serves is advocated. OUTINGS AND INNINGS. Bass Fishing. “Smith the other day went fishing. He caught. nothing; so, on the way back home he telephoned to his pro- vision dealer to send a dozen bass round to his house. “He got home late himself. His wife said to him on his arrival: “Well, what luck? “Why, splendid luck, of course,’ h replied. ‘Didn’t the boy bring that dozen bass I gave him?’ “Mrs. Smith started. smiled. ““Well, yes, I suppose he did,’ she said. “There they are.’ “And she showed poor Smith a dozen bottles of ale.”-—The World. Outdid Father. There’s a new Bryan story going the rounds. It seems that the great com- moner’s daughter, after a desperate run in pursuit of a street car, at length managed to catch up with it and get aboard. Falling exhausted into the nearest seat, she gasped: “Well, I’m glad one of the family can run for something and get it.” Then she Jack Rabbits Overrun City. Fargo is overrun with jack rabbits. So numerous have the animals become that they are seen frequently on the principal business streets. They are encountered in all parts of the resi- dence district after nightfall and the police have had some trouble with per- sons who are unable to resist the temp- tation to shoot them within the city limits. The object of The Game Breeder is to make North America the biggest game producing country in the world. 120 THE GAME BREEDER Send for Free Booklet Descriptive of TRAPSHOOTING An Enthusing, Fascinating, Invigorating Recreation HIS booklet describes Trapshooting in a manner to hold the reader’s attention, arouse his T enthusiasm for outdoor sport and create a desire to actively participate in THE SPORT ALLURING and share in the pleasures and rewards awaiting its devotees. Trapshooting is enjoyed by countless thousands. They find it the most effective means for the acquirement of expertness with their shotgun. It is always “‘open season” at the traps. Why not become a trapshooter and use your idle shotgun frequently and profitably? Ask for “‘ Sport Alluring” Booklet No. 354. E. I. du Pont de Nemours Powder Co. “oo9i3‘varess’ Wilmington, Del. (Continued from page 104) fore referred to without taking advan- tage of any technicality whatsoever, and did not put my clients to the bur- den of an appeal from the justice’s decision before whom they were taken. In view of the above I am satisfied that if any person who is arrested for the violation of any game laws in this State, as were my clients, would have their attorney, if they have one, take the matter up immediately with the fish and game commissioners before the penalty that may be imposed is remit- ted by the justice imposing the same to the State treasurer, I am sure that he will be given the prompt and courte- ous treatment that is uniformly extend- ed to every one. I am further convinced of this by reason of the fact that I know of simi- lar cases where prosecution was imme- diately dropped upon the facts being presented to the board, and the com- mission of the deputy warden making the arrest was revoked. Yours very truly, aes PETER H. JAMES. AN ATTRACTIVE PICTURE. Silas Rich, a pheasant breeder of Salem, Oregon, whose advertisement appears regularly in “The Game Breeder,” has issued a handsome calen- dar. A cock and hen pheasant in color are hung against a dark green panel with a spray’ of pine above. The or- iginal picture is by the talented artist, Alexander Pope, of Boston, and the re- production is well worth framing. Our clubbing offer is the same for every magazine or book published. Add 50 cents © to the cost of any publication, and we will send it with ‘‘ The Game Breeder” for one year, By dealing with the Conservation. Society you help the ‘‘more game” move- ment. ee Pre eS eee te “ gee eee eee aati er en ee x i, Lae es on aS en TY poet ce ia the o Cw ba — 3 4 : , hal ELT eee Pn ds aan 2 ‘THE GAME BREEDER 121 WHAT THEY SAY [We reprint some of the opinions of sportsmen and naturalists who read “The Game Breeder” in order that those who have undertaken to secure the much needed legislation en- couraging the increase of our North American game in all the States and provinces may have them for handy reference ——Editor. ] Mr. Charles Hallock, dean of American Sportsmen and author of the Code of Uni- form Game Laws, says: “I hope the good work you have begun may be perfected. I am heartily with your reform movement. Its objects have been my study and pursuit for forty years. Individual handling and conservation of game is to be encouraged.” In another letter on the subject he said: “Truly we need a revolution of thought and a. revival of common sense,” and intimated that we must contend against game politics. Mr. Wm. B. Mershon, one of the most prominent sportsmen of Michigan, wrote: “Certainly private enterprise must be depended upon to protect and propagate our wild na- tive game.” Wm. T. Hornaday: In view of the appalling decrease of wild game everywhere, and the many difficulties attending the rearing of game birds and mammals in preserves, I do not see how any sportsman or naturalist can find fault with your declared objects. It sounds almost ridiculous to say that I wish you un- bounded success for I do not see how any American citizen can wish you anything less than that. In the Zoological Society bulletin, June, 1909, Dr. Hornaday said: We believe that every owner of a private game preserve is entitled to the right to kill the game that he owns and maintains, whenever he pleases pro- vided such killing does not interfere with the execution of laws for the protection of game and other wild life outside of private pre- serves. We believe this is not only good law but also good common sense. . The situation is absurd, and therefore can not long endure. Prof. L. H. Bailey, director of the State College of Agriculture, Cornell University, N. Y., said: Looking at the subject from the outside, it has appealed to me for years that the most unsatisfactory, chaotic and uncorre- lated of all laws relating to the open country are those that have to do with game. I have been more or less in touch with our own State legislature on other business for some years, and I have always been impressed with the inadequacy of the kind of game legisla- tion that is nearly always on foot. If you can bring some system out of the game law matter you will render a great service. The sportsman is ordinarily set over against the farmer. The two are really antagonistic, I think the only real solution is in some way to bring about a community of interests be- tween the two, or at least to eliminate the antagonism. In other words, I think that the farming interests must be distinctly consulted in the game laws, if we are to have game laws that will serve the interests of the people, and which will stand the test of a reasonable length of time. . I am sure that your fundamental idea that the farming interests should be considered in game pro- tection laws is sound. Harry V. Radford, the distinguished sports- man and explorer, said: I was once as strong an advocate of repression, limitation, non-sale and other bugaboos as any, but your revolutionary papers on game preservation in the Independent completely converted me to your theories and views. I am with you heart- ily in your new and splendid campaign, having for its object the upbuilding of sportsmanship and the cultivation of good shooting and marksmanship, rather than their total aban- donment, into which the present system (or lack of it) is rapidly leading us. I wish you great success. In another letter Radford said he was op- posed to the “potting of vacationists from sister States.” Mr. G. O. Shields, editor of Shields’ Maga- zine, wrote: “Generally speaking, I am) in favor of anything and everything that can in any way prolong the life of the few species of game birds and wild animals remaining in this country. The time will come, and that within a few years, when the only game to be found in the United States will be on public and private preserves with possibly some over- flow. So} I am always glad to hear of indi- viduals or clubs creating game preserves. Your scheme is good in many respects.” Mr. Charles J. Vert, Plattsburg, N. Y., wrote: Permit me to express my hearty appreciation of the advanced position taken by The Amateur Sportsman as expressed in the current number touching the sale of fish and game from private ponds and preserves. The attitude there taken must and will find an effective expression in an altered statute. En- lightened public opinion will demand it; in- deed, it is always demanding it. When public weal and private advantage combine in calling for a change, imaginary difficulties will not long be permitted to block the wheels of progress. (Amateur Sportsman, Mch., 1909.) Mr. Henry H. Fuller, of Boston, Mass., wrote: “In the February number of the Amateur Sportsman is an article under the title, ‘The Breeders’ Association,’ which should be in the hands of every legislative committee ‘on fisheries and game. The Massachusetts Legislature this year have before them the usual grist of bills, most of which approach the question of game preservation from the Iie EGAN EB RED EAR OUR WILD FOWL AND WADERS THE NEW YORK TIMES “The subject is the development of a new crop—a flesh crop which has especial timeliness in view of the general exhaustion of our food supply. Mr. Huntington dis- cusses in the most practical manner the restoration of this crop of feathered game, and from the standpoint both of the sportsman and the market gunner, wild ducks, ~ it seems, can be raised as easily and cheaply as domesticated ducks, and with equally excellent financial results. The way to do this is described with estimates of cost and citation of experience abroad, where the deficiency of food supply has led to the discovery and elaboration of many remedies to which we have not yet been forced. Mr. Huntington’s book is illustrated with photographs, interesting alike to naturalists and breeders.” = WILLIAM BREWSTER “*Our Wild Fowl and Waders’ is obviously an able, comprehensive and very _ interesting treatise on a subject which has hitherto received but little attention from writers, especially in America, and concerning which naturalists, as well as sports- men, will, I am sure, be glad to be thus credibly and pleasingly informed.” THE LOCKPORT UNION-SUNJ “ Mr. Huntington has given to the American people an admirable treatise on the practical methods of making these splendid and desirable birds profitably plentiful. Ponds, streams and waste lands which do not pay the meagre taxes upon them can be utilized and be made to yield both handsome profits and good sport. This American authority on wild game tells the farmers and land owners of this country how to do it.’ CHARLES HALLOCKY ““The wild fowl book is valuable, clearsighted and scholastic. It is a direct appeal to sportsmen of common sense and generous behavior, and they will readily absorb its comprehensive pages and act accordingly—and live thereby.” DR. R. W. SHUFELDT ‘“‘T have enjoyed the treat in my reading of this book from frontispiece to finis, and I wager anybody else will enjoy it. The author has placed every sports- man, every naturalist and a great many other citizens of other callings squarely under obligations to him. The book is a direct and logical argument setting forth the means for the preservation in the future of our wild fowl and waders. . . . The illustrations are judiciously selected, interesting and materially add to > the value of the volume.” A. A. HILL “This is not only a readable book, but it is important in an economic sense, and it will especially appeal to all who are interested in the conservation of wild life, and especially our game birds.” AUTOMOBILE DEALER AND REPAIRER‘ “Tf the advice of Dwight W. Huntington, pioneer and apostle of the movement in this country for a rational game protection and conservation, be acted upon, the time is coming speedily when game will be as cheap as beef or mutton. At present, after fifty years of legal protection, we have no game to amount to anything save in the more remote sections. The book is not only instructive in an economic sense, showing how to make wild duck preserves safe and attractive, how to get stock and egegs and the food required, but is delightful reading for all. The author of ‘Our Wild Fowl and Waders’ is doing a great aa service in his campaign for more game.” ; OuR WILD FowL AND WADERS will be sent to any address in the United States or Canada with THE GAME BREEDER for one year upon receipt of $2.00. THE GAME CONSERVATION SOCIETY 150 NASSAU STREET, N. Y. In writing to advertisers please mention The Game Breeder or sign your letters: ‘Yours for More Game.” i, ee ar cares A » NE eee a. 2 ar » ’ ~ » a — 2 ae Ee — hal = 5 Bic THE GAME BREEDER 123 DEER AND ELK FOR SALE Large Northern White Tailed Deer and Elk for Stocking Parks and _ Game Preserves Last year I sold everything which I wished to part with and advance orders are now coming in for Deer and Elk. supply some species of Game Birds. Write for list and prices WARREN R. LEACH RUSHVILLE ILLINOIS I can also wrong end as Mr. Huntington has convinc- ingly emphasized.” : Hon. J. W. Metcalf, Chief Fish and Game Commissioner, Carbon County, Utah, wrote: “There is more game killed by vermin, the natural enemies of game, than there is by hunters, and I think your idea of paying someone to keep down vermin has just hit the mark.” Mr. G. W. Tyson, Jr., of South Strafford, Vermont, wrote: “Since our meeting at Montpelier I have done a lot of. thinking along the lines of your suggestions. I am convinced that should the money and gray matter expended in making most of our game laws be directed toward bettering the natural conditions, the results must be better. The land owner and farmer must be interested and not run over. One of my neighbors shot twenty-six foxes last winter and _ several others in the vicinity did nearly as well. Foxes are as plenty as ever and turkey raising on account of them is almost impossible.” Chas. A. Paul, Norwalk, Ohio, wrote to the publishers: I desire to congratulate you on securing Mr. Huntington as editor. I believe his ideas on game protection are the only correct ones and that his articles will be the greatest blessing for the game cause ever pro- duced. Dr. G. W. Field, Chairman Massachusetts Com. on Fisheries and Game, wrote: I am very much interested in the work you are carrying on. Dr. W. S. Harban, ‘Washington, D. C,, wrote: “I am greatly interested in your work.” Mr. G. S. Baker, Providence, R. I., wrote: We have been working on the lines you pro- pose in your magazine, and [ think that is the only way the average business man will . ever get any nearby sholoting. H. 'H. Holt, Houston, Texas, wrote: “You are working along a new line and I am pleased to see it. I still cherish the hope that some day I can add to my small farm and assist in increasing the game.” Robert Page Lincoln, Minneapolis, Minn., wrote: “Your efforts along the line which it is your intention to follow should most as- suredly be appreciated by the majority, and it is sincerely hoped that you will meet with success.” J. A. Miles, Charleston, S. C., wrote: “I have long thought that we have had too much law and too little protection, and I hope the day is near at hand when game will be plenti- ful again.” M. H. Hoover, Lockport, N. Y., wrote: “The cause you advocate seems to be all right.” C. Perry Marks, New York, wrote: “I am greatly interested in your movement to pro- tect the wild fowl and other game. It cer- tainly gives encouragement to your readers.” Jos. T. Bailey, Philadelphia, wrote: “Your articles are most excellent and any man who has brains ought to be able to see the justice 124 THE GAME BREEDER CONRON BROS. COMPANY Wholesale Dealers in GAME We are in the market to purchase from Preservers, Game that can be legally sold in New York. If you have Game to offer, communicate with our main office, 10th Avenue and 13th Street, New York of your arguments and the necessity . for adopting the plans you advocate.” Mr. Jasper B. White, North Carolina, wrote: “T like the magazine. Its articles have the true ring.” ; Arthur L. Johnson, Galesburg, Ill., wrote: “IT am interested in this ‘more game’ idea. I know the time has conre when something must be done and done P. D. Q.” Ira Marshall, lowa, wrote: “I am confident your plan is going to work.” Dr. Heber Bishop, Boston, Mass., wrote: “T have noted what a lot of good you are accomplishing, not only among sportsmen but among the ‘dear people,’ as our friend ‘John D, would call them.” W. S. Saunders, Pecatonica, Ill, wrote: “TI believe the wild game on our farms should be a part of the farm the same as domestic stock. It would then be more to the interest of the landlord or tenant to protect and care for wild game. If something is not done to that effect the prairie hen and partridge will become extinct. The laws to-day are exter- minating instead of protecting game.” Duncan Dunn, New Jersey, wrote: “I am much interested in Mr. Huntington’s articles on game. [ think we need just such men as he to make the game boom in this country, for there is nothing does away with the game more than the yermin.” Richard Clapham, Ontario, Canada, wrote: “You have told the public out here how to preserve their game correctly. : I am Sick of the sight of gameless land and of people who grow sentimental over past multi- tudes, but do nothing to increase what little there is left.” L. J. Clark, Winona, Minn., wrote: “Right you are about selling game.” Prof. C. F. Hodge, Worcester, Mass., wrote: “I am much pleased with your magazine and like your point of view.” R. S. Parks, Hollywood, Ala., wrote: “I am inclined to think you are contending for a great basic principle which will ultimately win on its merits.” : Wenz & Mackensen, Yardley, Pa., wrote: “Under present conditions it is practically im- possible to furnish any American game birds and animals for stocking purposes. What can be done in the matter?” J. Thompson Brown, Richmond, Va., wrote: “Your position as to propagation vs. game laws is most heartily endorsed.” W. H. Means, M. D., Percy, Pa. wrote: “T like your paper much and hope it will con- 99 tinue in the same way for ‘more game. A. A. Hill, New York, wrote: “That idea ~ of yours so well expressed that the farms should not be made public play grounds for trespassers will find a responsive chord in the hearts of others besides those who are the victims of this system.” Prof. W. B. Bell, Agricultural College, N. D., wrote: “I am much interested in the attempt to secure united action on the part of all farmers, sportsmen and others interested “in game protection.” C. L. Fee, Pennsylvania, wrote: “The pop- ulace is against legislation for a class, who, when they pay a $1.00 license feel entitled to kill a farmer’s entire band of sheep and calves, chickens, turkeys or anything that comes their way—all for $1.00.” Arthur Lutz, Hoboken, N. J., wrote: “You are certainly right and all true sportsmen will wish you success and hope that ere long we may have a chance to get a day’s shoot- ing without taking chances of fine or jail for unintentionally breaking one of the many con- fusing laws. Common sense, generally, wins out and so you are bound to succeed in the end.” Dr. C. Hart Merriam, chief of the Bureau of Biological Survey, U. S. Department of Agriculture, wrote: “Replying to your letter of the 19th inst., I would state that the words ‘artificial propagation’ in my last letter were used loosely and without the. significance which you say is sometimes put upon this ex-- pression. I merely intended to refer to wild game raised on private lands in contradistine- tion to wild game at large. I am heartily in favor of laws permitting any one to raise y a ‘ ¥ ’ a THE GAME BREEDER 125 deer, elk, grouse, quail or any other kind of game on private land for profit, just as cattle, sheep and domestic poultry are now raised for profit. Furthermore, I believe the indus- try of raising game for food is worthy of development by our people, to whom it should yield an important income. It is an industry which can be carried on by persons of small means, and may be made to utilize much land which is now either wholly waste land, or of very little value. By licensing farms used for breeding game, and by. tagging the product under supervision of the game warden, I do not see how any valid objection to the in- dustry can be raised..” T. M. Mooney, Beieepere Ill, wrote: “J am fav orably impressed with your new idea on ‘more game’ and ‘more shooting;’ push it along. ‘Something certainly ought to be done in the premises.” Edmund Clark, West Medford, Mass., wrote: “We must resort to the propazation of game and systematic game protection. To make this successful it must be made popular To popularize it among the owners of woods and farms there is needed a stimulus. The stimulus is remuneration.” J. R. B. Van Cleave, Springfield, Ill., wrote: Es am. greatly in favor of your campaign for ‘more game.’ f : ; TUB WED AN EXCELLENT CALENDAR. ee a Te The Winchesters have issued an at- 5.6 ©) 8 29 10:11 tractive calendar in color, which is here S 12 13 ia cet reproduced. The picture is very well drawn and the color work is excellent. ne. a We understand the little gun shown in |” i eet the picture has been a great success, Sis for All Kinds of Sioyhaee. i and that Winchesters find it difficult to | CGazteidges for Ail Kinds of Guns keep up with the orders for it. Game Birds for Propagation Bobwhite Quail, Wild Ducks, Pheasants, Wild Geese, Swans, Grouse, Guinea Fowl and Pea Fowl. Wild Turkeys from the Ozark Mountains. Ornamental live wild birds for scientific and show aviaries supplied upon application. Write for prices before ordering. Now is the time to order live game for breeding next season. Prices advance as the breeding season ap- proaches, and last year they were doubled and many failed to get stock. Ww. A. LUCAS, 87 Thomas Street, NEW YORK Reference: Seaboard National Bank and any reputable Mercantile Agency. In writing to advertisers please mention The Game Breeder or sign your letters: ‘ Yours for More Game. 126 THE GAME BREEDER . =— ae “34 A GROUP OF CANADA GEESE IN OUR PARK AT YARDLEY, PA. We carry the largest stock in America of ornamental birds and animals. Our ponds now contain nearly 200 best Royal Swans of England. We have fine lot of the beautiful pink FLAMINGOES and the very large European PELICANS. Also STORKS, CRANES, PEAFOWL, fancy GEESE and DUCKS. Our pheasant pens contain over a thousand Ringneck and fancy PHEASANTS. All stock is kept under practically natural conditions. We have 60 acres © of land entirely devoted to our business. Can also promptly furnish BUFFALOES, DEER, LLAMAS, RABBITS, etc. During the season October to May, we furnish the Celebrated Hungarian Partridges and Ringneck Pheasants in large quantities. Orders booked during summer. We have for years filled practically all the large State Orders for these birds and have better facilities for handling large orders than any other firm. Write us before buying elsewhere—it will pay you to do s0. Your visit solicited. We are only 60 miles from New York and 30 miles from Philadelphia. WM. J. MACKENSEN, Successor to WENZ & MACKENSEN, Naturalists Depareneat se YARDLEY, BUCKS COUNTY, PA. Wild Water Fowl. “Our Specialties.” Wood Ducks, Mandarins, Wild Black Mal- lards for stocking game preserves, etc. Safe delivery guaranteed. $3.50 per pair. 500 Canada Wild Geese, $8.00 to $10.00 per pair. Australian, South American, Car- olina Swans. 200 trained English Decoy Ducks, guaranteed Callers and Breeders, $4.00 per pair, Eggs, 15 for $2.00. Mal- lards must be bought in the Fall to secure them. For prices of other wild fowl apply WHEALTON WILD WATER-FOWL FARMS Chincoteague Island, Virginia In writing to advertisers please mention The Game Breeder or sign your letters: “Yours for More Game.” THE GAME BREEDER 127 R. L. BLANTON, RICHMOND, VA. | Largest Breeder of Wild Turkeys in the World WRITE FOR PRICES Eggs $1.00 Each Supplying Game Preserves and Zoological Gardens a Specialty DUCK COAXERS Celery and WILD se Attract water fowl. Plant in your pre- serve. Orders for seed now booked for Fall shipment. Write for circular and prices. Most reasonable. CLYDE B. TERRELL, Oshkosh, Wis, R.F.D.5. COOTS AND GEESE FOR SALE Six dozen Coots—good breeders—$1.50 per pair, in lots of 2 or more pair. Also 11 Snow Geese ; 6 white fronts and 1 pair of Hutchins Geese. All the above will be sold at low ~~ GEO. J. KLEIN ELLENWOOD, KANSAS Breeder and Dealer in all kinds of Wild and Domestic Animals for Propagating and Scientific Purposes. SHOOTING IN THE. SAND HILLS OF SOUTH CAROLINA Are you satisfied with 60 to 70 quail a day? Then come to Cheraw. Write now and secure accommodations for the fall. I will guarantee a week’s shooting that will give you something to think about during the long winter evenings. Through express trains from New York via the Atlantic Coast Line. BRYAN F. ROBESON, Cheraw, South Carolina FISHING and HUNTING Write Ralph Bisbee, Ripogenus Lake, Kokadjo, Maine. Telegrams to Greenville, Maine, will be forwarded by telephone. Home camps and back camps cover large terri- tory. Trout, Togue, Land-Locked Salmon Deer, Moose, Bear, Partridges (Ruffed Grouse), Ducks. POINTSETT KENNELS JACK SUTTON POINTERS SETTERS BEAGLES SPANIELS Thoroughly trained. Preparing your Shooting dog or developing your Field Trial dogs a Specialty. © Avoid risk and expense of sending your dog South. Plenty of quail on Long Island. Unusual facilities for training over private preserves. EXPRESS STATION: PORT JEFFERSON, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. Post Office: MOUNT SINAI. In writing to advertisers please mention The Game Breeder or sign your lettets: ‘*Yours for More Game.” ¥ “TN 128 THE GAME BREEDER Wants, For Sale and Exchange Announcements inserted under this head in small type for 2c. per word. If displayed in heavy type, sc. per word. No advertisement accepted for less than joc. Postage stamps accepted in payment. THE GAME BREEDER 150 Nassau Street, New York City The following dealers in live game we believe to be thoroughly reliable. If any reader has reason to be dis- satisfied with the result of dealing with an advertiser, the publishers will, upon a complaint beine made, refer the controversy to the Game Guild. If the Guild decides against the advertiser he will not be permitted to advertise in The Game Breeder. : We require good faith and fair dealings. THE GAME CONSERVATION SOCIETY, ; Publishers. DEER, WILD GEESE AND OTHER GAME BIRDS. WARREN R. LEACH, Rushville, Illinois. JOHN BEESON, West-Sussex Game Farm, Warnham, _ Horsham, Sussex, England. See display advertisement in this issue. PHEASANTS_The Silas Rich Pheasanty, Salem,Oregon" See display advertisement. QUAIL, PARTRIDGES, WILD FOWL, DEER AND other animals. See display advertisement in this issue. WENZ & MACKENSEN, Proprietors Pennsylvania Pheasantry and Game Park. QUAIL, WILD DUCK, PHEASANTS AND ALL species of game. W A. LUCAS, 87 Thomas Street, New York. See display advertisement in this issue. WILD GEESE DUCKS, SWANS, ETC. SEE DIS- play advertisement in thisissue. WHEALTON WILD WATER-FOWL FARMS, Chincoteague Island, Va. WILD TURKEYS—For prices see display advertisement in thisissue. R.L. BLANTON, Richmond, Virginia, WANTED—Bobwhite Quail. State pr:ce per dozen and per_ hundred, guaranteed live delivery in Connecticut. C. DEMAREST, care of THE GAME BREEDER, 150 Nassau St., New York. AMERICA OR ANY PART ABROAD. Isthere any gentleman in want of two practical English gamekeepers? Could rear a large head of pheasants and manage a game and poultry farm if required, breeding and training sport- ing dogs, fishing, good shots and trappers. Both strong and healthy men of excellent character. Address Box 40, FIELD NEWSPAPER, Windsor House, Breams Build- ings, London, England. CHINESE PHEASANTS BY THE HUNDREDS FOR stocking preserves. Liberal discount on orders booked for the Fall delivery. Safe arrival guaranteed. THE RICH PHEASANTRY, Salem, Ore. WILD CELERY, WILD DUCKS’ BEST NATURAL. Food. Attracts waterfowl. Plant it in your preserve, Seed $7.50 per bushel. Orders now booked for fall ship- ment. Write for circular. CLYDE B. TERRELL, Oshkosh, Wis., Route s. GOOD DUCK SHOOTING—Red-heads, Blue-bills, Mal- lards Wild Geése, etc., on their greatest feeding grounds in Chincoteague Bay. Hunting lodge at edge of grounds, no cold trips toand from hotels. Board, lodging, guide’s services at the lodge, $5 per day for everything—no ex- tras. Six hours from Philadelphia. eight hours from New work. Apply to FRANK DERRICKSON, Chincoteague, a. WANTED-Situation as GAME KEEPER. 10 years’ experience in England. Moderate wages to start. Now rearing poultry but wish to get a place on a game preserve. Address C. D. G., care of THE GAME BREEDER, 150 Nassau St., New York. - WANTED—Place as SECOND KEEPER, to assist in rearing Pheasants and Ducks. Wages moderate. E. D. J., care THE GAME BREEDER, 150 Nassau St., New York. FOR SALE.—HAND RAISED PURE WILD MAL- lard Ducks, $3.00 pair; Pearl Guineas, $2.50 pair; also Hstiibision Barred Rocks. GLEN PALMER, Yorkville, MOOSE HEAD FOR SALE. Twelve points, 36% inch spread. In perfect condition. Worth $75, sell $50, f. o. b- Melrose, strongly crated. Picture 5c. FRED. S. BERRY, 306 Main St., Melrose, Mass. : ENGLISHMAN REQUIRING SITUATION AS GAME KEEPER, life experience in all duties of rearing Pheas- ants, Partridges, Wild Duck; also well up in breaking Sporting Dogs and trapping; have lived where large head of game has been raised. Canshow 8 years’ reference last place; 7 previous; tall, ade 89. married, young son able to assist. R.S. BRANT, Milton Heights, Ont.. Canada. WILD CELERY, FOXTAIL GRASS SEED AND other duck food. Success certain. Bay bird shooting August. September and October. Like it wasthirty years ago at Cape Cod and Long Island. Ducks, geese and swan shooting in season. All kinds winged wild fowl. R. B. WHITE, Waterlily, Currituck County, N. C PHEASANTS OF ALL SPECIES. WE BREED the rare Impevan and other fancy species; also ring- necks Write for illustrated booklet, H. W. MYERS, Tacoma, Wash. BEARHOUNDS, IRISH WOLFHOUNDS, BlOOD- HOUNDS. Fox, deer cat and lion hounds. Trained and young stock. 50-page illustrated catalogue 5-cent samp. ROOKWOUD KENNELS, Lexington, Ky. GAME KEEPER SEEKS SITUATION IN AMERICA. Life experience on large estates in rearing game. dog breaking, and all work connected with shootings. Would like to travel with sporting gentleman if required. Good loader. Age 26, height 6 ft. Good character. Apply J. JONES, Glanmonnow, Garway, Hereford, England. WANTED Virginia or Michigan Deer W. K. MILLER, Box 207, EVANSVILLE, IND. ai 3T- The West Sussex Game Farm WARNHAM, HORSHAM, SUSSEX, ENGLAND Established 1866 The proprietor of this old established business has for immediate disposal 3,000 full winged adult pheasants, also a large number of poults for delivery in September. JOHN BEESON, Profrietor In writing to advertisers please mention The Game Breeder or sign your letters: ‘‘Yours for More Game.” . [==— === ee | HOW TO SUBSCRIBE FOR The Game Breeder Mail $1.00 To THe Game BreEEDER, 150 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. OR Send a Post Card To THe Game BREEDER, 150 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. POST CARD The Game Breeder, 150 Nassau St., New York. Please enter my name as a subscriber to THE GaME BREEDER for one year beginning withthe number. ($1.00 per year.) SWEATS ou NO ay, a A ee mr CN ke A | ae ee Write Address Very Plainly County SHOU a se ot ee es Tel The April Number is No. 1. If you wish to begin with the first number, insert April in the above blank. ee at edema rae cami i ee ee Oe Self-Loading Se 12 GAUGE, TAKE-DOWN Since its introduction, sportsmen have subjected this gun to almost every conceivable test. In no fair trial has it failed to stand up or prove its supremacy. Its Nickel Steel construction gives strength to shoot maximum loads with safety, and its reloading system the ability to handle the lightest or heaviest loads without tinkering the action. In this gun the “kick” is minimized to the last degree. It has other distinctive features to recommend it, as an inspection will show. Look one over at your dealer’s, or send to the Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven, Conn., for descriptive circular. THE RECOIL-OPERATED SHOTGUN SUPREME a oe ~ eee ae | le ee