WW MMH RMMRnianMniiiiR^^ MB 3S^^^^^^^^^^^^3Eas Biological Laboratory Library Woods Hole, Mass. •/^♦'■s. Presented by Prentice-Hall, Inc. He-K York City I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ID B3^^^^^^^^^^^^^BI GENERAL BIOCHEMISTRY PRENTICE-HALL CHEMISTRY SERIES Wendell M. Latimer, Ph.D., Editor GENERAL BIOCHEMISTRY by WILLIAM H. PETERSON, Ph.D. Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry University of W isconsin, Madison FRANK M. STRONG, Ph.D. Professor of Biochemistry University of Wisconsin, Madison r V New York PRENTICE-HALL, INC. 1953 Copyright, 1953, by Prentice-Hall, Inc., 70 Fifth Avenue, New ■ York. All rights resei-ved. No part of this book may be re- produced in any form, by mimeograph or any other means, , without permission in writing from the publishers. Library of ] Congress Catalog Card Number : 53-8022. j Printed in the United States op America PREFACE This book considers the chemical activities not only of animals but alsi) those of plants and microorganisms. It aims to be a complete, though brief, treatise on the whole field of biochemistry, stressing the most important features of the subject. The first part deals with the materials of the cell, and the second with tiie functions of the cell. Emphasis, however, has been placed on the dynamic aspects of biochemistry as well as on its material features. This purpose inevitably leads to a consideration of complex phenomena. To make such phenomena understandable is no easy task, but the attempt has been made. The subject matter is by no means beyond the comprehension of the reader with only a general chemistry background, though best appre- ciated and understood by the reader with a knowledge of organic chem- istry. In view of the increased coverage (chapters on Nucleic Acids, Hormones, and Biological Energetics) and the particular emphasis which has been placed on metabolic reactions (chapters on Plant Metabolism, Animal INIetabolism, and Metabolism of Microorganisms) , the present work is well suited to more advanced readers. By careful selection of chapters, the book should also prove useful to those interested in agri- culture and home economics. The authors are indebted to their colleagues. Professors Casida, John- son, Lardy, Meyer, Plant, Potter, Stahmann, and Williams for reading one or more chapters of the manuscript and making many valuable sug- gestions and criticisms of the book. They are doubly indebted to Pro- fessor Burris for his chapter on Plant Metabolism, and to Professor Plant for the two chapters on Digestion and Enzymes. The authors are grateful to Dr. Mary Shine Peterson for the preparation of Tables 3-1, 4-2, 5-1, A-1, A-2, and A-3, and for critical reading of many of the chapters in the book. In making these acknowledgments, the authors in no sense imply that errors of omission and commission are to be charged to those named. We apply to ourselves alone Byron's apostrophe to the ocean, "Upon the watery plain, the wrecks are all thy deed." \y. H. Peterson F. M. Strong ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge permissions granted to reproduce illustrations appearing in this book, as follows: Color plates I and II and Figures 7-2, 8-1, 8-2, 8-3, 8-4, 8-5, 15-9, and 15-10 reproduced from Hunger Signs in Crops, revised edition, i)ublished by the American Society of Agronomy and The National Fertilizer Association, Washington, D. C, 1949. Color plate III reproduced from Clinical Nutrition, by JoUiffe, Tisdall, and Cannon and published by Paul B. Hoeber, Inc., New York, 1950. Color plate IV reproduced from Crystalline Vitainin Bj^ U.S.P., published by Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., 1951. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1 2. Water 8 3. Carbohydrates ■ 19 4. LiPiDES (Fats and Related Substances) 71 5. Proteins 103 6. Nucleoproteins, Nucleic Acids and Related Substances 150 7. Acidity 161 8. Biochemically Important Mineral Elements 176 9. Vitamins 200 10. Enzymes 260 11. Hormones 286 12. Digestion 311 13. Animal Metabolism 323 14. Metabolism of Microorganisms 357 15. Plant Metabolism 387 16. Biological Energetics J^13 Appendix: Composition and Energy Value of Foods 433 Index 4^9 67621 IX Chapter 1 /S^ >0^s~^^O> tV^^fCTiN?! INTRODUCTION \5 \ ^^S^^ ^ I ^ The living world Biochemistry, as the name implies, means the chemistry of living things. Obviously such a meaning includes the chemistry of plants and microorganisms, as well as animals. The first two groups are indispensa- ble to a living world, but the third is not. Although a living world com- posed only of plants and microorganisms would be unfamiliar to us, it would be adequate to maintain a balance between the synthetic processes of the plant and the degradative processes of microorganisms. Put in other terms, the carbon and nitrogen cycles in nature could be kept in balance without the help of animals. The, latter are superimposed upon the plants and microorganisms; and man, because of his dominant posi- tion in the living world, places himself at its center. The brief phrase, "chemistry of living things," covers a vast field of subject matter. It includes, in the first place, the chemical make-up of all the individual substances of which living tissues are composed. These substances are extraordinarily numerous. A single cell of the simj^lest type contains scores, probably hundreds, of different chemical substances — no one knows how many in any particular organism. Furthermore, many of these substances, or compounds as the chemist prefers to call them, are extremely complex. Whole classes of biological compounds are so involved that, even today, the exact structural formula of no single member is known; prime examples are the proteins and nucleic acids. Quantitatively, the most important single constituent is water. Everything else is classified as dry matter or solids, which consist mostly of organic compounds (substances containing carbon), although many inorganic substances are present in small amounts. Secondly, the "chemistry of living things" includes whatever chemical changes the above substances undergo as the organism grows, reproduces, absorbs and uses food, excretes waste products, and in general carries out the activities incidental to being and remaining alive. The sum total of all these chemical processes and the chemical compounds involved in them is the living organism. The individual at any moment is a dynamic balance between opposing processes of building up and break- ing down, of taking in and throwing off, just as a lake is the resultant of the inflow and outflow of its waters. 1 INTRODUCTION Objectives and methods of biochemistry The ultimate objectives of the science of biochemistry are a complete knowledge of the structure and properties of all chemical compounds present in living things and a complete understanding of the chemical reactions they undergo both in health and disease. Usually, knowledge of materials must first be obtained before much can be learned about their function. At the present time the chief types of organic substance in most biological materials are fairly well known. These major com- ponents are the carbohydrai,es, fats and proteins. However, it has be- come increasingly clear during the last few decades that many compounds, e.g., vitamins and hormones, normally present in living cells in only very small amounts often play important physiological roles. An im- pressive number of these compounds is now known, but many more cer- tainly remain to be studied. The development of our knowledge of metabolism is even more recent and incomplete. Some of the processes involving food utilization and energy production are emerging into focus, but as yet only the barest beginning has been made in finding out what chemical reactions occur during the normal functioning of living things. Biochemical research is being intensively pursued in hundreds of labora- tories throughout the world. The methods of study are drawn mainly from the older sciences such as chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology, physiology, etc., of which biochemistry is an outgrowth and descendant. Isolation Methods. Efforts to ascertain the chemical nature of bio- logical materials ordinarily start with an extraction or purification process by which one constituent is isolated, i.e., separated in pure form from all the others. The isolation of a pure biological substance is often a difficult feat because most biological materials are complex mixtures containing hundreds of different individual chemical substances, many of which frequently are closely similar in composition or properties and, therefore, difficult to separate. In addition, the particular substance sought may be present in very low concentrations, perhaps only one part in many million parts of the source material. For example, Doisy and co-workers extracted and processed the equivalent of four tons of sow ovaries to obtain about 10 mg. of the sex hormone, estradiol (p. 292). This small yield represented about half of the hormone originally present, since its normal concentration in the ovary of the sow is only one part in 150,000,000! This isolation of estradiol represents an achievement on a par with the famous work of the Curies in obtaining radium from pitchblende and illustrates some of the difficulties which confront the biochemical investigator studying the composition of living things. There are many kinds of procedure used in isolating biochemical sub- stances, and only a brief indication of their nature can be attempted INTRODUCTION o here. Frequently large classes of substances can be separated from each other because of their different degrees of solubility. For example, a mixture of fat and sugar can easily be separated by shaking with ether and water. These two solvents, being immiscible, on standing form layers, one of which contains the sugar and the other the fat. Two types of materials bcith dissolved in the same solvent may be separated by causing one to precipitate. For example, a boiling water extract of a fresh fruit or vegetable will contain, among other things, both sugars and proteins. This mixture can be separated by adding a soluble salt of a heavy metal such as lead acetate and filtering, since the proteins are thereby rendered insoluble. Again, some substances are held on the surface of adsorbents, e.g., activated charcoal, while others are not; certain substances can be volatilized (distilled) leaving others behind. By progressively applying such fractionation procedures, a particular sub- stance can be gradually separated from the compounds which are origi- nally mixed with it in the living material, and thus brought nearer to a state of purity. Once an individual chemical substance has been isolated, it can be analyzed by standard chemical methods, broken down into simpler frag- ments, which are also analyzed, and in general examined to see just how it is constituted chemically. If the compound is not of too great com- plexity, e.g., has a molecular weight of a few hundred or less, its structure is usually established within a few years. The results of this work are expressed as a structural formula, which shows just what the substance is and how it may be expected to react with other substances. Since most compounds isolated from living things are organic (carbon) com- pounds, such studies fall into the realm of organic chemistry. Nutrition. A large part of biochemical research for the past fifty years has been concerned with the nutrition of animals, plants, and micro- organisms. The objectives of this work have been to find out just what chemical substances are needed in the food of living organisms to nourish them properly and to determine w^iat purpose each nutrient serves. In the earlier days of the twentieth century, attention was focused mainly on the energy-yielding and body-building materials which constitute the bulk of the food, namely the carbohydrates, fats and proteins. More recently, substances required in smaller amounts such as the mineral elements, vitamins, and other gro^\'tll factors have been intensively studied. These remarks apply particularly to animals and microorganisms, as plants need only mineral elements besides carbon dioxide and water for nourishment. The experimental methods of investigating these questions are similar in principle regardless of the type of organism being studied, and may be illustrated for the case of animals. The general approach has been to feed animals a diet prepared from purified ingredients and to observe '* INTRODUCTION whether they grew normally and remained healthy. Usually growth declined, but by supplementing the purified diet with some natural food material, such as yeast, whole milk, or liver extract, growth was restored. Such experiments showed that the supplement must have contained some essential food factor lacking from the purified experimental (basal) diet. The next step was to isolate this substance, determine its chemical struc- ture, and add it as a pure compound to the basal diet for further feeding trials. Whenever this was done, it usually was found that extra supple- ments were again needed, or in other words, that the supplement first used must have been contributing more than one essential food factor. By such methods it has now been shown that a long list of chemical substances is required to fulfill the dietary needs of animals. In the case of rats and chickens most, if not all,, of the essential food factors have been discovered, since rapid growth and apparently normal develop- ment can be obtained on diets composed exclusively of pure chemicals. However, when such a "synthetic diet" is fed to other animals such as guinea pigs, they respond so poorly that other still-unknown food substances are obviously needed. In fact the use of many different species of animals for nutritional studies has been a fruitful source of information, for, although many requirements are similar, many differ- ences have also been found. Not only animals, but plants and micro- organisms have been extensively studied as to their nutritional require- ments, and the latter especially, because of their small size and rapid growth, have served as admirable test subjects. Study of Metabolic Reactions. The study of the chemical reactions that take place in living organisms is regarded by many biochemists as the most significant and fundamental aspect of the science. As pointed out above, relatively little progress along this line was made until recently, but since emphasis is now shifting strongly in this direction, the rate of discovery of new information has sharply increased, and extensive addi- tions to our knowledge may be expected in the relatively near future. In studying metabolic reactions one approach has been to investigate the composition of the food consumed and the waste eliminated by an organism in order to attempt to deduce what must have happened inside the organism to convert the one into the other. This method has yielded some information, but obviously suffers from severe limitations. A more fruitful approach has been to transfer the reactions being studied from the organism to the test tube. In several instances it has been possible to duplicate cellular reactions in the absence of the cells themselves. For example, many of the intermediates, such as succinic acid, involved in carbohydrate metabolism are oxidized by molecular oxygen to carbon dioxide and water when added to suitable tissue preparations. Finely ground suspensions of liver tissue in an aqueous buffer are suitable for this purpose. Similarly, cell-free yeast prepara- tions can ferment glucose to carbon dioxide and alcohol. Once such a INTRODUCTION «> system that is able to reproduce typical metabolic reactions in vitro ^ is discovered, the way will be open for experimental study. The chemical compounds involved in each step of the process can be isolated in pure form, and the effect of removing them from the system or replacing them at various concentrations can be observed. The catalysts (enzymes and coenzymes) which make the whole process possible can similarly be studied one at a time, and, in general, each step can be subjected to detailed examination. It is in this way that much of our knowledge of metabolism has been acquired. A still newer technique, which promises to be of major significance in unraveling the chemistry of metabolism, is based on the use of isotopes. The widespread use of this method was made possible by the atomic energy development. Eventually, this may well prove to have been one of the most constructive and valuable results of that program. Iso- topes of the common elements — C, H, 0, N, S, P, and others — are used as metabolic "tracers" by incorporating <^e or more of them into some substance normally involved in metabolism. The "labeled" metabolite is then administered to the test organism. After a suitable interval the distribution of the isotope in the various tissues or tissue components of the organism is determined. Thus if a rat is fed glycine containing N^^ in the amino group, and the purine compounds in the animal's tissues are later found to contain N^^ in comparable amounts, it may be con- cluded that glycine is concerned in the biosynthesis of purines, and specifically that one of the nitrogen atoms in the purine ring came from the amino group of glycine. Other examples of the use of isotopes will be encountered throughout the text. Information about metabolic processes can also be obtained by block- ing some particular process and then searching for a way to remove the block. The desired effect can be obtained, for example, with antimetab- olites, substances so similar to certain normal metabolites that they get in the way of the latter but yet are unable to carry out their func- tions. Again, it is often possible to produce mutants of lower organisms {e.g., the mold, Neurospora) , which lack the power to carry out certain metabolic reactions. In such cases it has frequently been observed that the effect [e.g., gro^\i:h failure) of the block may be removed by ad- ministering some apparently unrelated chemical. This indicates that the counteracting agent may be the substance normally formed by the blocked reaction. As an illustration, suppose an organism needs substance A to serve as a catalyst for the transformation of B into C: B " C An antimetabolite of A would probably inhibit the growth of this organ- ism, but this inhibition would be counteracted by C. ^ In vitro means, literally, in glass and implies occurring outside an.v living thing. O INTRODUCTION Relation of biochemistry to biology Biologists have traditionally studied living organisms on the basis of the cell, as the smallest intact living unit. The cell occupies much the same relative position in biology as the molecule does in chemistry. The smaller components of living cells have come under scrutiny, as the biologist, equipped with ever more powerful microscopes, has probed deeper and deeper into the mysteries of living matter. The main parts of a typical cell are the cell wall, nucleus, and cytoplasm. The living material making up the nucleus and cytoplasm is termed protoplasm; it is a grayish, translucent, jelly-like material, which under the micro- scope can be seen to consist of a meshwork filled with fluid. The nucleus contains chromosomes, and these in turn, under very high magnification, reveal structural irregularities which may have functional significance. Thus the biologist studies and interprets life mostly in terms of its smallest visible fragments. % From the chemical viewpoint, protoplasm is an aqueous, colloidal solution containing protein as the chief solid ingredient, but with appre- ciable amounts of fatty substances, nucleic acids, and other compounds present. The metabolic reactions occurring in the cell take place in this solution, and are studied and interpreted by the biochemist in terms of molecules of the reacting substances. Most molecules are far too small to be seen in any microscope, and their actual existence can only be sur- mised from indirect evidence. However, the giant molecules of proteins and nucleic acids are large enough so that they can actually be "seen," that is, photographed, with the help of the electron microscope, an instru- ment that makes possible 50,000-100,000 fold magnification. It seems most probable that the merging of biochemistry and biology will continue in the future to an even greater extent, as the functional activities of living things come more to be studied and explained in chemical terms. However, it will not suffice to regard metabolism merely as a group of chemical processes occurring at random in the same solu- tion. Each living cell is a miniature "chemical factory" where food molecules pass in an orderly fashion through a long series of interrelated chemical reactions. A highly organized physical structure, with each catalyst (enzyme) in a definite position in relation to the others, must exist to accomplish this end. The study of such levels of organization can probably be more properly classified as biology rather than as bio- chemistry, although it must be obvious that the borderline is indefinite. Study of biochemistry The first task of the beginning student must be to learn something of the materials of the cell in order to provide a basis for subsequent INTRODUCTION ' study of metabolic processes. At least an elementary knowledge is needed, not only of the major cellular components (water, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins), but also of the minerals, vitamins, hormones, and enzymes, which, although present in smaller amounts, arc equally vital to the living organism. Relatively little time can be devoted, at first, to discussion of detailed evidence for various facts and how this evidence was obtained, since major emphasis must be given to the facts themselves. In other words, the results rather than the methods of biochemical research form the chief subject matter of the beginning course. It is for this reason that the methods have been briefly outlined in this introductory chapter. As in all elementary studies, the student is asked to accept great masses of inform.ation more or less on faith, with the clear understanding, how- ever, that each fact is firmly supported by experimental evidence which he can review and assess for himself, if he so desires. References and suggested readings are listed at the end of each chapter for this purpose. REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Green, D. E. (editor), Cunenif; in Biochejnical Research, Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, 1946. Haurowitz, F., Progress in. Biochemistry, Interscience Publishei-s, Inc., New York, 1950. MacCorquodalc, D. W., Thayer, S. A., and Doisy, E. A., "The Isolation of the Principal Estrogenic Substance of Liquor FolHcuH,"' J. Biol. Chcrn., 115, 435 (1936). Needham, J. and Baldwin, E., Hopkins and Biuchcmistry, W. Hpfi'er and Sons, Ltd., Cambridge, 1949. Chapter 2 WATER Occurrence and importance Water is the most abundant substance in living matter. The great physiologist, Claude Bernard, said, "All living matter lives in water." In his Outline of History, Wells put it this way, "We talk of breathing air, but what all living beings really do is to breathe oxygen dissolved in water." Table 2-1 gives the water content of some typical animal, plant, and microbial materials. The human body is about 65 per cent water, a corn plant about 75 per cent, and a bacterial cell about 80 per cent. The amount of water varies not only with the type of material but also with its period of development. Two examples, for which we have adequate data, will show the variation with age. The pig embryo at 15 days of development consists of 97 per cent water and 3 per cent solids, and at birth the young pig is made up of about 89 per cent water and 11 per cent solids. The water content continues to decrease as the pig grows, being about 67 per cent at 100 lbs. weight and 43 per cent for a very fat animal weighing 300 lbs. The same relationship between water content and age holds for other farm animals and also for man. The water content of the corn plant remains practically constant, about 88 per cent, during the actively growing period from the seedling to the tassel state, decreases rapidly to around 70 per cent at the time the kernels begin to glaze, and falls to about 52 per cent when the plant is mature and ready to harvest. A high water content is characteristic of youth and activity and a lowered figure is associated with old age and inactivity. The relation between water content and activity of tissues is further demonstrated by comparison of different tissues in the same individual. The metabolically active tissues of the body, e.g., brain and liver, contain much more water than the relatively inactive portions such as bones and fatty tissues. WATER ^ Table 2-1 Water conlenl of some important biological miiterials Water Material [per cent] Human body 65 Brain, gray matter 84 Liver 76 Muscle 73 Blood 80 Milk 87 Saliva : . . 99.5 Bone 10-40 Adipose tissue (mainly fat) 10-30 Larvae of clothes moth 58 Pig embiyo, 15 days old 97 Pig at birth 89 Pig at maturity, depending on fatness 40-50 Cora i)lant, seedling to tassel period 85-90 Com plant, kernels glazed 68-72 Corn plant, maturity 50-60 Bacteria 73-90 Yeasts 68-83 Molds 75-85 It is all too common a fallacy to limit the meaning of "foods" to the energy-yielding materials — carbohydrates, fats, and proteins — with the inclusion perhaps of mineral elements. If the term food be considered to include all substances that are essential for the growth and repair of body tissue, as most certainly it should, then water likewise is truly a food. This error in thinking has arisen from the fact that in the past most biologists have treated water as if it were an inert material and have looked upon the solids of plant and animal tissues as the im- portant part of the organism. Gortner has pointed out how mistaken is this view; he illustrates his argument by citing the composition of the tadpole, 95 per cent water and 5 per cent solids. "It would be ridiculous to speak of this organism as being composed of only 5 per cent of vital materials. The water is as much a part of the tadpole as arc the fats, proteins, etc., which serve to form the gel structure, and the biochemical and biophysical reactions which take place within the cells and tissues of the tadpole are determined probably more by the water which is present than by any or all of the other constituents." Free and bound water The term "bound water" has come into use to designate water that has been adsorbed by the colloids of the living cell, in contrast to "free water," 10 WATER which is not an integral part of the plant or animal tissue with which it is associated. The major part of bomid water is held probably by proteins, but other classes of compounds are known to retain relatively large amounts of water. Thus adipose tissue contains considerable water, certain of the compound lipides, such as lecithin, emulsify readily in water, and the polysaccharides of plant tissues are decidedly hydrophilic. It is not certain just how bound water is held by colloidal material. One explanation applied to proteins is that sharing of electrons between the protein molecule and the water molecule sets up a binding force that holds the water to the protein. Such a force is called a hydrogen bond or bridge and consists of an electropositive hydrogen atom standing between two electronegative atoms, e.g., N and 0, thus — N : H : 0 — . The hydrogen shares its electron with both the N and 0. Proteins contain many groups such as — NH2, — COOH that can form a hydrogen bond with water. A protein molecule may contain several thousand binding groups. For example, gelatin, a rather small protein having a molecular weight of about 35,000, is calculated to have 960 molecules of water bound to each molecule of gelatin when a gel is formed. There is much difference of opinion as to the quantity of water held by proteins in solution, but 0.3 g. of water per gram of protein is a commonly suggested figure. Bound water, especially that bound by the protoplasm of the cell, appears to be one of the several important factors involved in frost and drought resistance. Plants that are exposed to low temperatures in winter increase the proportion of bound water and the concentration of water-soluble protein in the cell sap, thus developing what is called winter hardiness. Plants, such as cactus, that live under arid or semi- arid conditions hold their water largely in the bound state. Insects also increase the percentage of bound water under conditions of cold or drought. Yeast cells furnish another example of the intimate association of residual water and life processes. A commercial product known as active dry yeast contains only about 8 per cent moisture, but the cells are still alive and will survive for many months. If soaked in warm water for a few minutes, the yeast promptly starts producing carbon dioxide and can be used in place of baker's press yeast for bread-making. How- ever, if the cells are dried to around 5 per cent moisture, they die, and will not revive when placed in water. On the other hand, cultures of most microorganisms if lyophilized (dried from the frozen state) can be kept in this condition for years and still grow when placed in a suitable medium. WATER 11 Necessity for water The demands of tlic body for water arc far more imperative than those for food. An animal can live for 100 days or more without food but dies within five to ten days if no water is supplied. With a Scotch collie, Hawk conducted two experiments in which the dog was main- tained for 105 and 117 days, respectively, without food, but with an abundance of water. At the end of each period the animal was still in a fair condition of health. In the life of the plant enormous quantities of water arc transpired. From three hundred to four hundred pounds of water are involved in the manufacture of one pt)und of dry matter. ^A'ater is one of the great raw materials from which the plant produces sugars, fats, proteins, and all the other substances which go to make up the plant cell. Function of water Since all chemical changes involved in digestion are of a hydrolytic nature, water is concerned in the first step toward utilization of fats, proteins, and the higher carbohydrates. Water functions as a medium for the transportation of food materials during digestion, absorption, and circulation; and of waste prcxlucts, as well, in the process of elimination. Hawk has demonstrated that digestion by saliva is more rapid if the saliva is diluted with about seven times its volume of water. Gastric digestion and pancreatic digestion also are aided by liberal quantities of water. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are more completely absorbed when large quantities of water are ingested with the food. The growth of bacteria, and consequent putrefactive processes, are decreased by the use of liberal quantities of water with food. AVater also plays an important role as a heat regulator. Because of the high specific heat of water, oxidation in the body can proceed without greatly increasing the temperature at the site of oxidation. Water is a good conductor of heat and thus aids in the transfer of heat from the interior to the surface of the body. Finally, because of its high latent heat of vaporization, water carries off heat by vaporization in the expired breath and evaporation from the surface of the body. It is estimated that about 25 per cent of the heat produced in the body is carried off by way of the breath and by evaporation from the skin. In animals that do not perspire freely — dogs, swine, cattle — excess heat is dissipated by increasing the respiration (panting). Finally, water performs an important function as a lubricant in the many movements of the muscles, joints and organs of the body. 12 WATER Water requirement The water requirement varies with different conditions. For an adult doing no manual work, and at the time of year when the weather does not induce visible perspiration, it is estimated that an intake of about 3 1. of water per day is needed for good health. Of this quantity, about 2 1. will be contained in the food, leaving 1 1. to be drunk as water. Many health authorities advocate drinking from 5 to 8 glasses of water daily, which is more than most people manage to do. Individuals who work under conditions which induce much perspiration, for example, blast furnace workers, may lose many liters of sweat per day and hence must drink large quantities of water. Since the sweat carries with it salts, depletion must be avoided by taking salt tablets or by adding salt to the drinking water. About 0.1 per cent of sodium chloride in the water is scarcely perceptible, and such water quenches thirst about as well as unsalted water. The water requirement would be even higher than it is except for the fact that the ingested water is reused several times for different purposes before it is finally lost from the body. Water withdrawn from the blood stream for such secretions as saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice, in- testinal juice, and bile is salvaged during absorption and made available for further use. The volume of these secretions amounts to from 3.7 to 9.8 1. daily, which means an average reuse of two to three times. Formally it was thought that water should not be drunk with meals, but as a result of Hawk's work it appears thaat this idea is erroneous. Under certain conditions such as dropsy, heart and kidney disturbances large quantities of water may be objectionable, but for the normal in- dividual it is probable that too little water is usually consumed. Metabolic water Water is invariably .one of the end products of oxidation of carbo- hydrates, fats, and proteins. Such water is called "metabolic water." To be specific, let us refer to the equation for complete oxidation of glucose in the body: CeHioOe + 6O2 = 6CO2 + 6H2O + 683 Cal.i During oxidation of 180 g. (1 mole) of glucose, 108 g. (6 moles) of water is produced with accompanying liberation of 683 Cal. of heat. By the same proportion, 15.9 g. of water would be formed for every 100 Cal. derived by oxidation of glucose. ^ For a definition of calorie see p. 413. WATER 13 From fats, proteins, and starch the yield of water per 100 Cal. is some- what less than the amount calculated for glucose. Approximately 12.5 ml. of metabolic water is formed during oxidation of a 100 Cal. portion of a diet in which i)roteins, fats, and carbohydrates contribute 15, 35, and 50 per cent, respectively, of the total calorics. On this basis, a person con- suming 3000 Cal. daily would derive 375 ml. of water from oxidation of these energy-yielding foods, an amount approximating one-tenth of the intake of water as a drink. Some species of insect, e.g., clothes moth and grain weevil, obtain nearly all of their water from metabolic processes. The clothes moth feeds on wool, which contains about 5-10 per cent of absorbed water. Foi- each gram of dry wool (protein) consumed, ai)proximately 0.4 ml. of watei- is formed by the chemical processes involved in metabolism. Water balance For a normal man the intake and output of water are so regulated that the amount in the body remains fairly constant. If the intake is increased without any other change in external conditions, the output in the urine is very promptly increased. If the atmospheric temperature rises, or if muscular effort is increased, then more water is eliminated through the skin as insensible or sensible (visible) perspiration and less is put out in the urine. With increased muscular effort there is also more water eliminated through the lungs, but the greatest variation occurs in the volume of urine and perspiration. A typical water balance for an average-sized man of sedentary occupation is about as follows: Water intake ml. Water output ml. Drinking water 850 In urine 1450 Water in coffee, milk, soup, and In feces 150 other fluids 600 Evaporated from the skin 600 Water in solid foods 700 Vaporized through the lungs 350 Metabolic water 350 Total: 2500 2550 On this particular day there is a negative balance of 50 ml.; on a succeed- ing day the balance might be positive by that much or more. Water supplies The importance of a pure water supply cannot be overestimated. To determine the potability of a water requires careful chemical and bac- teriological analyses. Pure water in the chemist's sense of the term is not required to furnish a sanitary water supply. All ground and surface waters dissolve more or less salts and other materials. It is only when 14 WATER such waters contain harmful organisms or acquire offensive odors or tastes that they become objectionable. A good drinking water should be clear, colorless, odorless, have a cool and refreshing taste, and be free from harm- ful organisms. In the chemical examination of water the different forms of nitrogen are regarded as the best index of the quality of the water. The water is analyzed for its content of albuminoid ammonia, ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. These different forms of nitrogen are closely related to one another. The albuminoid ammonia really represents protein nitrogen and is readily converted by organisms into ammonia. Other organisms then oxidize the ammonia to nitrites and nitrates. The nitrogen of the nitrates may then be utilized by plants that grow in the water and be again built up into proteins. These processes are called ammonification and nitri- fication and form a part of what is known as the nitrogen cycle in nature. The relation of the different forms of nitrogen may be expressed by the following equations in which glycine is taken to represent protein: Ammonification: 2CH0NH0COOH + 3O2 = 2NH3 + 4CO2 + 2H2O Nitrification : 2NH3 + 30o = 2HNO2 + 2HoO 2HNO0 + O. = 2HNO3 2HNO3 + CaC03 = Ca(N03)o + HoO + COo These compounds of nitrogen are not toxic in the quantities in which they occur in water. Far more ammonia, for example, is produced as a result of metabolism than is consumed in the drinking of water. How- ever, the presence of a constant and continuing supply of albuminoid ammonia, ammonia, and nitrates may indicate that the water is being contaminated by sewage, since these forms of nitrogen are particularly high in sewage. A state of change is regarded as a state of danger and calls for careful investigation as to the origin of these forms of nitrogen. Care must be observed in interpreting the data obtained by analyzing water. The normal nitrogen content of such waters must be known be- fore judgment can be passed. Deep well water would not have the same nitrogen content as a surface or spring water. It is necessary to know something of the topographical features surrounding the water supply. The chloride content of water is often also of value in determining the character of the water. If it has been polluted by sewage, the chloride content will be abnormally high. Here again, however, it is necessary to observe great caution in passing judgment. Waters from along the coast or from regions where salt deposits exist may be very high in chlorides and still be perfectly safe. It is not the absolute amount, but WATER 15 the departure from the normal in that vicinity that is significant. Sewage, which contains a very high content of salt, will raise the chlorine content very quickly if a little of it gets into the water. Although sedimentation, flocculation with chemicals, and filtration through layers of sand and gravel I'emove nuich suspended matter and hence lessen the bacterial content of water, these methods alone cannot be relied upon for purification of a public water supply. The agent most commonly employed to destroy bacteria in water is liquid chlorine. Penfield and Gushing state that 85 per cent of the public water supplies of the United States are sterilized with chlorine. According to these authors the average typhoid death rate in 77 important cities of the United States has decreased from 20.54 deaths per 100,000 in 1910 (when the use of chlorine was initiated) to only 0.76 in 1937. Better water supplies, and the use of sulfa drugs, antibiotics, and other therapeutic measures, have decreased the typhoid death rate to 0.2 per 100,000 in 1948. Hardness of water From the household and industrial viewpoint, the hardness of water is an economic question that involves the cost of large quantities of soap and water-softening materials. The hardness of water is due to the presence of bicarbonates, sulfates, chlorides, and silicates of calcium, magnesium, and iron. These salts form insoluble precipitates with soap and therefore give what is called hardness to the water. New types of cleaning agents, called "synthetic detergents" (p. 87) , have been developed in recent years. They form soluble calcium and magnesium soaps and hence can be used in hard water. Hardness of water is spoken of as being temporary or permanent de- pending upon whether it is due to bicarbonates or other salts. If the hardness is due to bicarbonates, heating or boiling the water will, to a large extent, precipitate the calcium or magnesium bicarbonates as insoluble carbonates. On the other hand, boiling has no effect upon water that contains sulfates or other salts of calcium and magnesium. Such waters are said to be permanently hard. Many different methods for softening hard water can be used such as boiling, or addition of lime, washing soda, phosphates, or other precipitants. In all cases a precipitation of the calcium and magnesium is the end to be desired. The action of these precipitants may be represented by the following equations: Heat : Ca(HC03)o = CaCOa + HoO + COo • Lime : Ca(HC03)o + Ca(0H)2 = 2CaC03 + 2H2O 16 WATER Washing soda: Ca(HC03)2 + NaoCOa = CaCOg + 2NaHC03 CaS04 + NagCOs = CaCOg + Na2S04 Phosphates : 3Ca(HC03)2 + 2Na3P04 = Ca3(P04)2 + GNaHCOa 3CaS04 + 2Na3P04 = Ca3(P04)2 + 3Na2S04 The use of various water-softening materials in the kitchen and laundry of the average household is not a very satisfactory procedure. In most cases little or no softening of the water, and consequent saving of soap, is effected. At best it is a temporary expedient and to a large extent means waste of money. A satisfactory method of softening water is by means of a zeolite. Silicates of this character are sold under such trade names as Permutit, Refinite, and Bormite. Water treated in this way is soft. In fact, it requires less soap than distilled water because of the presence of a small amount of sodium bicarbonate. The softening of water by means of a silicate may be represented by the following equation: Ca(HC03)2 + NaoO-Alo03-2Si02-6H20 = CaO-Al203-2Si02-6H20 + 2NaHC03 After a time the silicate will have taken up all the calcium or magnesium that it will hold and must then be regenerated if the water is to be softened. This is done by means of a strong solution of salt that displaces the absorbed calcium or magnesium and again forms the sodium silicate. This operation is called the regeneration of the silicate and is indicated by the following equation: CaO'Al203-2Si02-6H20 + 2NaCl = Na20-Alo03-2Si02-6H20 + CaClg A more recent method for softening water is by means of cation exchange resins. Such resins are extremely insoluble, high polymer organic com- pounds that contain many acidic groups, e.g., sulfonic, — SO3H; carboxyl, — COOH; etc. A phenol sulfonic acid resin is made by polymerizing m-phenol sulfonic acid, C6H4 (OH) SO3H, and formaldehyde. Commercial products of this type are Amberlite IR-100 and Dowex-50. The removal of a cation such as Ca + + from water by the resin may be represented by the following equation: Ca(HC03)o or CaS04 + 2NaR = CaRs + 2NaHC03 or Na2S04 In the above equation NaR represents the sodium form of the ion exchange resin. Similar equations can be set up to show the removal of magnesium, iron, and other cations. When the resin becomes loaded with cations, it is regenerated by washing with sodium chloride brine. The reaction is illustrated by the equation CaR. + 2NaCl = 2NaR + CaCIg WATER 17 An ion exchange resin that removes anions can be synthesized by con- densing a phenol amine, e.g., CcH4(OH)CHoNHCH3 and formaldehyde. Amberlite IR4B is a commercial product of this type. The removal of anions may be represented by the equation CaS04 + 2R0H = Ca(OH). + R0SO4 The alkalinity thus produced may be neutralized by using the anion exchanger in series with an acid form of cation exchanger (HR), in which case the water is completely demincralized, thus Ca(0H)2 + 2HR = CaRo + 2H2O The anion exchanger can be regenerated with sodium hydroxide, and the cation exchanger with sulfuric acid. A desalting kit for the production of potable water in case of forced landings in overseas flying consists of silver zeolites (AgZ), silver oxide, and barium hydroxide compressed into briquets and placed in a suitable container for filtering sea water. The reactions involved are as follows: AgZ + NaCl = NaZ + AgCl Ba(OH)o + MgS04 = Mg(0H)2 + BaS04 The sodium, chloride, magnesium, and sulfate ions, the chief constituents of sea water, are removed as the insoluble compounds NaZ, AgCl, Mg(0H)2, and BaS04. The capacity of the zeolite material is about ten times its volume of sea water. The above discussion of ion exchangers is merely a bare outline of the subject, and the interested student is referred to the books listed at the end of the chapter for complete information on this complex and rapidly developing field of work. REVIEW QUESTIONS ON WATER 1. Would you expect the young leaves of a growing plant to be higher or lower in water content than the fully developed leaves? Explain. 2. Arrange these materials in ascending order of water content: milk, blood, cab- bage, saliva, strawberries, fish. (Consult Tables 2-1 and A-1.) 3. Explain the terms "bound water" and "free water." 4. Explain the term hydrogen bond. With which other elements is it associated? Consult the index. 5. What changes in composition would you expect to find in wheat plants ana- lyzed in September and again in December? 6. What is the daily water requirement of an adult? Name some of the chief functions of water in the body. 7. Explain how clothes moth lar\ae get their water. Can you name another insect or living organism that gets its water in the same way? 8. What is meant by "metabolic water"? What is the approximate contribution of this Vv'ater to the total intake? 18 WATER 9. Discuss the advisability of drinking liberal quantities of water at meal time. 10. Write an equation for the reaction between soap and hard water. 11. Write an equation for the softening of water by zeolites (silicates). 12. Explain the terais (1) temporaiy and (2) permanent hardness of water. 13. Define the term ion exchange resin. Find the name of one resin other than those given in the text and the name of the company that produces it. 14. Write equations for the removal of MgCla from water by ion exchange resin. REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Adolph, E. F., "The Metabolism and Distribution of Water in Body Tissues," Physiol. Rev., 13, 336 (1933). Gortner, R. A., Outlines oj Biochemistry , 3rd ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1949. Hawk, P. B., Oser, B. L., and Summerson, W. H., Practical Physiological Chemistry, 12th ed., P. Blakiston's Son and Company, Inc., Philadelphia, 1947. Kunin, R. and Myers, R. J., Ion Exchange Resins, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1951. Mason, W. P. and Buswell, A. M.. Examination oj Water, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1931. Moulton, C. R., "Age and Chemical Development in Mammals," J . Biol. Chem., 57, 79 (1923). Nachod, F. C, Ion Exchange Theory and Application, Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1949. Penfield, W. and Gushing, R. E., "Bathing the Green Goddess, Purification of Chlorine," J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 31, 377 (1939). Thresh, J. C, Beale, J. F., and Suckling, E. V., The Examination oj Water and Water Supplies, P. Blakiston's Son and Company, Inc., Philadelphia, 1933. Chapter 3 CARBOHYDRATES Composition and definition The word "carbohydrate" hterally means carbon combined with water and originates in the fact that many carbohydrates have the composition Ca^HoO) j;. Tlie values of x and y may range from three to many thousand. Although several carbohydrates do not have this composition, and some other substances do, e.g., lactic acid (CsHgOs) , the term nevertheless fits the great majority of carbohydrates and is in common use. Carbohydrates may be cliemically defined as simple sugars, or more complex substances which yield simple sugars on hydrolysis.^ Simple sugars are either aldehydes or ketones which contain at least two, and usually several, hydroxyl groups. The aldehyde-alcohol type is called an aldose, e.g., glucose, and the ketone-alcohol type a ketose, e.g., fructose. Occurrence and importance The plant world is the great source of the carbohydrates. The dry matter of plants (excepting certain oily seeds) is from 60 to 90 per cent carbohydrate. These compounds are constituents of most materials that satisfy the primary needs of human life. Our food is made up principally of carbohydrates — approximately 70 per cent by weight of the food in the average diet. Much of our clothing is made from carbohydrates — cotton, rayon, and linen. In the United States probably more houses are built of wood than of all other materials combined. Even in many buildings of brick and stone, wood enters into the construction of walls, floors, stairways, and windows. The great fuel materials, wood and coal, are either carbohydrates or derived from carbo- hydrates. The carbohydrates are at the very foundation of the economic structure of society. The importance of the carbohydrates is shown by Table 3-1. The carbohydrate industries listed employ nearly as many people and turn out products of greater value than the combined machinery and chemical and drug industries. ^ Hydrolysis consists in the cleavage of a complex molecule into smaller fragments with the simultaneous addition of water. 19 20 CARBOHYDRATES Table 3-1 Economic importance of some industries based on carbohydrates * Wage Value of prod- Industry earners ucts shipped 1. Lumber and products (except furniture) 635,708 $4,691,931,000 2. Cotton and rayon fabrics, yarns, threads 604,469 5,496.299,000 3. Grain mill and bakery products 392,585 8,183,849,000 4. Paper and products 449,833 7,051,485.000 5. Confectionery 75,165 944,925,000 6. Sugar (cane and beet) 35,423 1,141,437,000 7. Starch, dextrin, sirups 12,324 459,978,000 8. Fermentation products (beverages, vinegar, yeast, etc.) 91,754 1,671,712,000 9. Canvas products and textile bags 24,453 447,089.000 10. Cordage and twine 15.950 167,648,000 2,337,664 $30,256,353,000 * Compiled from the 1947 Census of Manufacturers, Bureau of the-^ensus, 1950, and from the Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1951, published by the Depart- ment of Commerce. For comparison, figures for some other industries from the same source, for the same year, are as follows: Wage Value of prod- Industry earners ucts shipped Machineiy, including electrical 2,346,682 $19,667,327,000 Industrial chemicals, and drugs 353,445 5,145,963,000 An abridged classification of carbohydrates I. Monosaccharides A. Trioses, CaHsOs 1. Aldotriose : D-glyceraldehyde 2. Ketotriose : dihydroxy acetone B. Tetroses, C4H804 1. Aldotetroses : o-erythrosc, o-threose C. Pentoses 1. Aldopentoses, C5H10O5: L-arabinose, D-arabinose, o-xylose, D-ribose 2. Ketopentose, CgHiuO.-, : L-xylulose 3. Desoxypentose,^ CoHioO*: 2-desoxy-D-ribose (desoxyribose) D. Hcxoses 1. Aldohexoses, CeHi-Ou: o-glucose, n-galactose , n-niamiose 2. Ketohexoses, CuHi206: n-fructose, ^-sorbose 3. Desoxyhexoses, C0H12O5: Q-desoxy-h-mamwsc (h-rhamnose), Q-desoxy-i.- galactose (L-fucose) 4. Aminohexoses, CsHisOsN: 2-amino-i>-glucose {^-glucosamine) , 2-amino-D- galactose (galactosamine) ^ The prefix "desoxy" means "lacking oxygen." Note that the formula of the desoxy- pento.se is C5Hio04, whereas the other pentoses are CsHioO^. CARBOHYDRATES 21 5. Hexuronic acids, CoHioO? : u-glucuronic acid, D-mannurordc acid, D-galac- turonic acid E. Heptoses 1. Ketoheptoses, CtH^Ot : u-mannoheptulose, sedoheplulose II. Disaccharides, dsH^iiOn A. Anhydrides ^ of glucose and galactose : lactose, melibiose B. Anhydride of jrlucose and fructose: sucrose C. Aniiydrides of glucose and glucose: maltose, iso-77ialtose, cellobiose, gen- tiobiose, trehalose D. Anhydrides of a hexose and a hexuronic acid (aldobiuronic acids) : cello- biuronic acid, geutiubiuronic acid III. Ti-isaccharides, CisHaaOio A. Anhydride of galactose, glucose, and fructose: raffinose B. Anhydride of glucose, fructose, and glucose : melizitose IV. Polysaccharides A. Homopolysaccharides (anhydrides of single monosaccharides) 1. Pentosans, (C5H804)j: xylan, araban 2. Hexosans a. Glucosans, (CcHioOs)^ : cellulose, starch, dextrin, glycogen, bacterial dex trait. h. Fructosans, (CeHioOs)^: inulin, bacterial levari c. Galactosans, (CuHioOs)*: snail galactogen d. Mannosans, (CeHioOs)^: vegetable nut manjian, salep mavnan e. Polyglucosamine : ^ chilin f. Polyuronides,' (C«H808)x (1) Polygalacturonic acid: pectic acid (2) Polymannuronic acid : alginic acid B. Heteropolysaccharides (anhydrides of several monosaccharides) 1. Hemicelluloses: alkali-soluble polysaccharides associated with cellulose in wood, straw, cornstalks, and other fibrous plant tissues. On hj'drolysis, form mainly D-xylose, together with L-arabinose, D-glucose, uronic acids, and other sugars. 2. Plant gums: gums from injured trees or bushes, mostly water-soluble, and forming D-glucuronic acid and other sugars on hydrolysis. Examples: gum arable, viesquitc gum, cherry gum. 3. Plant mucilages: polysaccharides extractable from the seeds, roots, leaves, and bark of various plants, forming colloidal solutions. Examples: gum gatto, linseed mucilage, agar-agar. 4. Mucopolysaccharides: water-soluble polysaccharides found in animals and often associated with protein. Usually form aminohexoses and (or) hexu- ronic acids, as well as other sugars when hydrolyzed. Examples: hya- luronic acid, heparin, choiidroitin sulfate, pneumococcus polysaccharides, blood-group polysaccharides. V. Substances Related to Carbohydrates A. Sugar alcohols, open chain 1. Four carbon type, C4Hio04: erythntol 2. Five carbon type, Cr-Hi-Oi: xylitul, arabitol, nbilul 3. Six carbon type, (hexitols), CoHiiOe: mannitol, sorbitol, dulcitol An anhj-dride is a product formed by removing the elements of water from another substance or substances. Frecjuently an H atom is split out of one moleculi' and an (JH fjroup from another, and tlie residues unite to form the anliydrido. -polysaccharide giving glucosamine and acetic acid on hydrolysi.s. ^ Polysaccharide giving a uronic a«'id on hydrolysis. 22 CARBOHYDRATES B. Cyclic polyalcohols: inositol C. Sugar acids (other than uronic acids) 1. Aldonic acids, C6H12O7: D-gluconic acid, n-mannonic acid, D-galactonic acid. 2. Saccharic acids, CeHioOs : niucic acid, saccharic acid. 3. Ketoaldonic acids, CgHiuOt: 2-Ketogluconic acid, 5-ketogluconic acid. 4. Ascorbic acids, CeHioOtt". ascorbic acid. MONOSACCHARIDES Simple sugars, or monosaccharides, containing 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 carbon atoms occur in nattire. They are called trioses, tetroses, 'pentoses, hexoses, and heptoses, respectively. Those of the aldose type which contain 5 and 6 carbon atoms {aldopentoses and aldohexoses) are most common. Most of the monosaccharides may be represented by a formula of one of the following types: CH2OH I y CHO CO I I (CHOH)„ (CHOH)„ CH2OH CH2OH Aldoses Ketoses (w = l,2,3,4, or 5) (n =0,1,2,3, or 4) Note that all the carbons are attached to each other and that each holds an oxygen. Carbon 1 of the aldoses and 2 of the ketoses are especially important because the most significant chemical reactions of the mono- saccharides involve these points. Stereoisomerism of monosaccharides Organic molecules which contain an asymmetric carbon, i.e., a carbon atom attached to four different atoms or groups, can exist in "right hand" or ''left hand" forms. These are called dextro or d- and levo or L-forms, respectively. The simple sugars all contain carbon atoms of this asym- metric type, and hence can exist in the left- or right-handed patterns. For example, the triose, giycer aldehyde, has one asymmetric carbon (carbon 2, the center one) : (1) CHO CHO I I (2) H-C— OH HO-C— H I I (3) CH2OH CH2OH Carbon D-Form . L-Form number Glyceraldehyde CARBOHYDRATES 23 The two forms in which this substance can exist are indicated by writing the — OH of carbon 2 on the right or on the left. When the aldehyde group is placed at the top of the formula, the D-form is the one with this — OH on the right. Such substances which differ from each other only in the way certain components of the molecule are arranged in space are called stereoisomers. The exact arrangement of one particular isomer is called its configuration. "When several asymmetric carbons are present in a molecule, d- and l- arrangemcnts about each must be considered. The total number of stereoisomers in such cases equals (2)"^, where n is the number of different asymmetric carbon atoms. Therefore, there are 8 possible aldopentoses and 16 aldohexoses (see formulas below). It is convenient to represent sugar isomers by means of diagrams which are related to the structural formulas of the sugars as shown: (1) CHO I (2) HCOH (3) HCOH I (4) HCOH I (5) CH2OH Carbon Formula Diagram number An aldopentose (1) (2) cno 1 HCOH (3) HCOH I (4) HCOH I (5) HCOH (G) Carbon number CH.OH Formula Diagram An aldohexose The small circle represents the aldehyde group (carbon 1), and the short side lines indicate which way the — OH on each asymmetric carbon ex- tends from the chain. Aldopentoses have three asymmetric carbon atoms (2, 3, 4), while aldohexoses have four (2, 3, 4, 5). The different aldopentoses and aldohexoses have the following formulas: 00 9? 99 9? I>L DL DL DL Ribose Arabinose Xylose Lyxose Configuration of stereoisomeric aldopentoses 24 CARBOHYDRATES OO OO OO YO D L AUose D L Altrose D L Mannose 0 0 D L Glucose D L Gulose D L Galactose D L Idose D L Talose Configuration of stereoisomeric aldohexoses Note that the D-forms are those in which the configuration of the asym- metric carbon farthest from the aldehyde group, i.e., carbon 4 in pentoses and 5 in hexoses, is the same as that in D-glyceraldehyde. Optical rotation Substances containing asymmetric carbons can also rotate polarized light. ^ If such light is passed through a solution of D-glyceraldehyde, for example, the emergent beam will be twisted a certain number of degrees. The amount of twisting is measured in an instrument called a polarimeter. This effect is called optical rotation, and substances which show it are said to be optically active. When measured under specified conditions, the angle of rotation is called the specific rotation and is a characteristic property of the optically active substance. It is important to note that there is no necessary relationship between configuration and the sign of optical rotation. The D-forms may show either positive or negative rotation.- Cyclic formulas of monosaccharides The aldose formulas have been written above in the *'open-chain" or "free aldehyde" form. Certain properties of the aldoses indicate that an aldehyde group is present (combination with phenylhydrazine; for ex- ample, to form hydrazones or osazones). However, other properties ^ This light vibrates in only one plane, as contrasted with ordinary light which vi- brates in all possible planes. The student ma.v visualize a polarized light beam as a Hat, narrow ribbon of light. ** Positive rotation is clockwise rotation when you look toward the light source. CARBOHYDRATES 25 l)uint to the absence of aldehyde groups {e.g., failure to bind bisulfite or give the usual Schiff test^). The reason for this apparent contradiction is that most of the sugar at any one time exists in a cyclic or "oxide-ring" structure, which is derived by interaction of the aldehyde group with one of the — OH groups, usually at carbon 5: HCOH ,0H O IIOCH o (3) -^c- (2) /C = 0 HCOH OH 1(5) (6) HC— CHoOH HO^(i)/H (2) /C^ HCOH ^O (4) H II 1(5) (G) HOCH o HC— CH2OH H (S) (6) Alpha ring form HOCH o HC-CH,OH (3) \p^ Beta ring form Free aldehyde or oiDcn chain form Open-chain and ring formulas of D- glucose Note that carbon 1 has now become asymmetric so that there are two stereoisomers of the ring structure. The alpha-forms of D-sugars have the — OH of carbon 1 on the right when the formulas are written as shown with carbon 1 on top. For sugars belonging to the L-series (see diagrams, pp. 23, 24) the alpha-ring forms have this OH on the left. The oxide ring forms of the sugars are often represented diagrammati- cally. For example, for the above alpha-ring form: H-^OH H (2) HO (3) OH O -H H H , 0 /(5) (6) CH2OH (4) H A B Diagrams representing a-D-glucose In A the diagram is drawn with carbon 1 at the top, but in B the molecule has been moved into a different position. The student should realize that the essential features of such formulas lie in the number and kind of atoms present, and in what order they are linked together. Whether the formulas are written with a particular part {e.g., carbon 1 in the formulas above) at the top, side, or bottom, is incidental and merely a matter of convenience. In the diagram B above, — OH groups shown pointing downward have ^ Restoration of the pink color to Schiff's reagent, a dilute solution of rosaniline which has been decolorized with sulfurous acid. 26 CARBOHYDRATES the same configuration as those on the right in the open-chain formulas with carbon 1 on top. The ring structures shown above are of the 1,5-oxide, or pyranose type, and are formed by aldohexoses, aldopentoses, and ketohexoses. Oc- casionally a 1,4-oxide or furanose ring is formed, as for example in the fructose component of sucrose (see p. 44). Pentoses There is no clear-cut evidence to show that pentoses occur free in plants. No free pentoses or characteristic derivatives of free pentoses have ever been isolated from seeds or green plants, or from any other natural source. Qualitative tests and quantitative data which were formerly attributed to free pentoses are now thought to be due to other compounds, such as glucuronic acid. A good test for pentoses depends on their conversion into furfuraldehyde by heating with fairly concen- trated solutions of mineral acids: H^ /OH H HOCH "^0 H* HC=^ ^0 I I — -* I I -}-3H,0 HC C-CH2OH ^ HC=C— CHO 0 H H An aldopentose Furfuraldehyde (furanose ring form) This product produces a brilliant rose-red color when warmed with aniline acetate, and therefore indicates the presence of pentoses. Hex- uronic acids also give this test (p. 39) but hexoses do not, since they are converted by the acid treatment into levulinic acid, CH3COCH2CH2COOH, which gives no color with aniline acetate. Anhydrides of some of the pentoses are very abundant in plant materials, however, and therefore the corresponding pentoses can be easily prepared. jy-Xylose. Xylose is sometimes called wood sugar, as it can be made readily from wood, straw, seed hulls, and other fibrous materials. It is easily prepared from corn cobs by hydrolysis and crystallization. Corn cobs contain about 35 per cent of pentosans and yield about 12-15 g. of xylose per 100 g. of cob. The pure sugar sells for about $25 per pound, largely because there is not enough demand for it to make large-scale production worth while. It has been estimated that on a large scale it could be made for 5 cents per pound. Its use is limited almost entirely to bacteriological laboratories, where it is of considerable aid in the classification of bacteria. -L-Arabinose. This pentose is found in the form of complex poly- saccharides in wheat and rye brans, in pectins, and in gummy materials CARBOHYDRATES 27 such as cherry gum, mesquite gum, and gum arable. Such gums are frequently found associated with pectin in phmt materials. Arabinose has also been obtained from peas and beans. In tlie laboratory it is generally made from sugar beet pulp or mesquite gum. The latter re- sembles gum arabic, being produced by a shrub which grows abundantly in Arizona and other states of the Southwest. Yields of arabinose amounting to 20 per cent can be readily obtained from the gum. Arabinose, like xjdose, finds its chief use in bacteriological laboratories. D-Ribose. Although from the standpoint of obtaining it in quantity, D-ribose is an exceedingly rare and expensive sugar (about $400 per pound); yet from the standpoint of its occurrence and functions in living organisms, it is one of the most common and important of the carbohydrates. It is present in all living cells as a component of ribose- nucleic acids (see Chap. 6) and also as a part of several coenzymes (p. 273) . Furthermore, two of the key substances involved in the process of muscle contraction, adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine tn- phosphate (ATP), are D-ribose derivatives. The pure sugar may be obtained by hydrolysis of yeast nucleic acid, or prepared synthetically from D-arabinose, The formula is indicated by the diagram on p. 23. 2-Desoxy-D-ribose. This sugar has been found only as a component of desoxyribonucleic acids, which are present in the nuclei of all living cells, specifically in the chromosomes of the nucleus (see Chap. 6) . Therefore, it is of great interest as one of the chemical substances in- volved in the transmission of hereditary characteristics from one genera- tion to the next. As its name implies, the substance has the formula of an aldopentose, except that the oxygen on carbon 2 is missing, and has the configuration of D-ribose: CHO CHjOH 1 I CH: CO I I HCOH HC— OH I I HCOH HO-CH I I CH2OH CH2OH 2-Desoxy- D-ribose L-Xylulose It is much more reactive and less stable than the ordinary aldoses or ketoses and is particularly distinguished by giving a positive aldehyde test with the Schiff reagent. This property of desoxyribose is the basis for the Feulgen and diphcnylamine tests for desoxyribosenucleic acids. 28 * CARBOHYDRATES jj-Xylulose. This sugar, which has also been called L-xyloketose, is a ketopentose excreted in cases of human pentosuria.^ From one to several grams may be excreted daily by a patient. L-Xylulose is so difficult to crystallize that it has been obtained only in the form of sirups. Crystalline derivatives are known, however, which serve to characterize and identify the sugar. It is an unusually strong reducing agent, as is shown by its ability to reduce Benedict's solution even at room temperature, whereas most other sugars give a positive result only upon heating. Hexoses n-Glucose. This sugar is also called dextrose. From the biological standpoint it is the most important carbohydrate in nature both because of its wide distribution and because of its prominence in physiological processes. It is the circulating carbohydrate of animals. Glucose is the sugar into which all the available carbohydrates of food are converted before oxidation in the body. In the free state it occurs in practically all fruits, being especially abundant in grapes, figs, dates, and raisins. The blood contains about 0.08 per cent; in normal urine the amount may vary from traces to about 0.2 per cent. In diabetic urine the sugar sometimes rises to 10 per cent. In the combined state it forms a part, or the whole composition, of many other sugars such as sucrose, lactose, and maltose. Starch, glycogen, and true cellulose yield glucose on complete hydrolysis. Certain sub- stances known as glucosides yield on hydrolysis glucose together with some nonsugar compound often of characteristic odor or taste. An example of such a glucoside is amygdalin, the substance that gives the almond its peculiar flavor. Mustard owes its strong taste and odor to an oil produced from the glucoside, sinigrin. The following equation illustrates the action of the enzyme myrosin upon sinigrin: C10H16NS2KO9 + H2O = CeHisOg + C3H5NCS + KHSO4 Sinigrin Glucose Mustard Potassium oil acid sulfate Formation of Glucose in Nature. The plant is the factory in which the world's food supply is manufactured. All animal life depends ulti- mately upon the vegetable world for its sustenance. Even carnivorous animals are indirectly supported by the plant; they prey on animals that feed upon plants. Man being an omnivorous creature receives a ^An abnormal condition characterized by the presence of a pentose sugar in the urine. CARBOHYDRATES 29 large part of his nourishment directly from plant sources. The synthesis of food from simi)le compounds is, therefore, a most fundamental opera- tion, and it is the peculiar function of plants. The formation of glucose may be taken as typifying this synthesis, although recent investigations reveal that various sugar phosphates and sucrose are formed before glucose (see p. 397). Carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil are converted in the leaves of plants into the various carbohydrates. Since sunlight furnishes the energy required for the synthesis of carbohydrates, this process is known as photosynthesis. The net result of the process is often represented by the following equation : 6C0o + 6H0O + 717.6 Cal. = CgHioOg + 60. In this equation C6H12O6 stands for a hexose sugar such as glucose. Additional details are given in Chap. 15. Tiie most important point to note in connection with photosynthesis is that energy, 717.6 Cal. for a gram molecule of hexose sugar (180 g.), is required to cause the reaction to take place. The energy thus stored becomes available to man and other animals when the carbohydrate is oxidized in the body: Oxidation or respiration CgHioOe + 6O2 = 6CO0 + 6H2O + 683 Cal.i The supply of carbon dioxide furnished by animals and microorgan- isms enables the plant to continue its life processes. Plants, animals, and microorganisms are so interdependent that no one class could func- tion in its normal manner without the activities of the other two. Preparation of Glucose. Commercial glucose is made from starch, corn starch in the United States and potato starch in Europe. To pre- pare a glucose sirup the starch is suspended in water containing a small amount of hydrochloric acid (0.6 per cent) and is heated under pressure until the solution fails to give a red color with iodine, at which point the solution still contains a large proportion of partially hydrolyzed car- bohydrate. The acid is neutralized, and the liquid is decolorized with powdered adsorptive charcoal and concentrated to a thick sirup contain- ing about 80 per cent solids. Large quantities of this flat sirup are used in making candy. For table use, cane sirup is added to the fiat sirup to give it a better flavor; this is the so-called "corn" sirup. Owing to certain peculiarities that it possesses, glucose is, in certain respects, ^ The ai)paront discfppancy between 717.6 and GS3 Cal. is due to differences in the concentration and state of the reactauts and products in the two processes (see pp. 395 and 414). 30 CARBOHYDRATES superior to sucrose for the making of fondants, creams, fancy candies, chewing gum, doughnuts, and other products. To prepare crystalhne glucose the hydrolysis is carried to completion; the sugar solution is then concentrated in an evaporator to a density of 1.36 to 1.45. The concentrated sugar solution is then introduced into crystallizing vessels that contain some of the crystals from the preceding batch. This practice of seeding the liquor is an essential step in obtain- ing crystals of approximately the desired size and uniformity. The crystals of hydrated glucose are separated from the mother liquor by means of centrifugal machines, washed in the same machines, and then sent through a drier. In 100-pound bags it now sells for about 8 cents per pound. The sweetness of glucose is approximately 75 per cent of that possessed by our common sugar, sucrose. Its calorific value, however, is about equal to that of sucrose. Glucose is readily jermented by practically all microorganisms. The spoilage of fruits and vegetables is accom- panied by a destruction of glucose. The manufacture of alcoholic bever- ages is based upon the fermentation of glucose by yeast. The most characteristic chemical property of glucose is its reduction of solutions of copper salts with the formation of a precipitate, cuprous oxide. The color of the precipitate varies from yellow to brick red, depending upon the fineness of the particles of oxide. Some of the most common copper reagents used in sugar tests are Fehling's (copper sulfate, sodium potassium tartrate, and sodium hydroxide) , Benedict's (copper sulfate, sodium citrate, and sodium carbonate), and Barfoed's (copper acetate and acetic acid) solutions. Glucose reduces these reagents because it is oxidized by the cupric ion (Cu + + ) present. The process is dependent on the presence of the aldehyde group in the glucose molecule or, in general, on the presence in the sugar tested of an aldehyde or ketone group not attached to other atoms in the form of a glycoside (p. 40). However, it is immaterial whether the sugar is in the open chain or oxide ring form. In the latter, the aldehyde (or ketone) group is apparently covered up, but it is still a -potential aldehyde group because of the easy interconversion of the chain and ring forms in solution. Many other aldehydes such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and chloral also have reducing power. Reduction of Fehling's solution and similar reagents must, therefore, be recognized, not as the peculiar attribute of sugars, but rather as a general property common to many substances. The chemical changes which reducing sugars undergo during the Fehl- ing's test are very complex. Certainly one main reaction is oxidation of the aldehyde group to a carboxyl with the formation of the correspond- ing aldonic acid: CARBOHYDRATES 31 CHO COOH ! I (CHOH)„ + 2CuO *► (CHOH)„ + Cu^O CH.OH CHjOH An aldose Fehling's An aldonic Cuprous reagent acid oxide The copi)cr of Fehling's solution is actually present as a copper com- pound of sodium potassium tartrate, NaKCuC4H20r„ but CuO more clearly indicates the oxidizing character of the solution. The above reaction accounts for less than half of the cuprous oxide actually produced during the Fehling's reaction. The rest is produced indirectly by the oxidation of simpler substances into which the reducing sugars are converted by the strong alkali (sodium hydroxide) in the reagent. Decomposition by alkali is a characteristic property of reducing sugars generally. Nef isolated 93 substances from the decomposition of sugars in alkaline solution. Benedict's solution is a less sensitive reagent for reducing sugars than Fehling's solution because it contains a weaker alkali, sodium carbonate. This is an advantage, since it is used to test for sugar in urine, which commonly contains small amounts of nonsugar reducing substances. These materials are less apt to give a false result with Benedict's than with Fehling's solution. Barfoed's reagent is not alkaline at all, but rather is acidic; hence it requires a very strong reducing agent to pro- duce a positive result. It is for this reason that the Barfoed's reagent can be used to distinguish simple sugars from other carbohydrates (see p. 42). Any sugar capable of reducing Fehling's solution is called a reducing sugar. All monosaccharides are reducing sugars, as are also the common disaccharides, maltose, lactose, and cellobiose (but not sucrose). Fehl- ing's reaction forms the basis of a useful method of analyzing foods for their sugar content. A weighed sample is extracted with hot water, and a portion of the solution so obtained, after treatment to remove interfering substances, is hydrolyzed and allowed to react with Fehling's solution under carefully standardized conditions. The precipitate of cuprous oxide is collected and weighed, and from the weight found the percentage of sugar in the sample may be calculated. In the analysis of fruits, vegetables, sirups, candies, blood, urine, and so on, total reducing sugar is generally expressed as glucose. No attempt is made to distinguish between glucose or fructose as both have the same nutritive value and approximately the same reducing power. Glucose reacts with an excess of phenylhydrazine to form an insoluble precipitate known as glucosazone according to the following equation: 32 CARBOHYDRATES CHO 1 HCOH I HOCH I HCOH I HCOH I CH2OH D-Glucose CH=NNHC6H5 I C=NNHC6H6 + SCeHjXHNHi (phenylhydrazine) HOCH I HCOH I HCOH + CeHsNHj + 2H2O + NH3 Aniline CH2OH D-Glucosazone This precipitate is made up of long yellow needles, usually arranged in a broom-like or sheaf structure. The osazone is frequently of great help in establishing the presence of glucose in a digestion product, fruit juice, or other saccharine substance. It cannot be relied upon alone, how- ever, because all reducing sugars give osazones. In fact, D-fructose and D-mannose produce the same osazone as D-glucose does. In many cases, however, the crystalline form, and more particularly the optical rota- tion and melting point of the osazones, are of great help in identifying individual sugars. D-Galactose Galactose does not occur free in nature but is found combined with other sugars in many carbohydrates and related compounds. Each of the sugars, lactose and raffinose, gives one molecule of galactose on hydrolysis, and certain polysaccharides, the galactans, yield galactose as the chief hydrolytic product. Legumes, impure pectin, agar, and Douglas fir and other coniferous woods are other galactose-yielding ma- terials. Galactose is also a constituent of certain galactosides found in brain and nerve tissue, and of many animal proteins. Its occurrence in these physiologically important tissues gives to galactose added sig- nificance and importance. Galactose is generally made from lactose by hydrolysis and crystalliza- tion. Aside from the small amount required by bacteriological labora- tories for the study of the fermentation characteristics of bacteria, there is no particular demand for it. Most bread yeasts do not ferment galactose, but many wild yeasts ferment it readily. Bacteria, generally speaking, attack it more slowly than either glucose or fructose. Being an aldose, galactose reduces Fehling's solution and gives a characteristic osazone with phenylhydra- zine. The most distinctive property of galactose is the formation, when CARBOHYDRATES 33 oxidized with nitric acid, of an insoluble dibasic acid, mucic acid. The formation of mucic acid is used both as a qualitative and quantitative test for the presence of galactose-yielding compounds. It is of use in showing that milk has been used in the preparation of milk chocolate, infant foods, and other preparations. The following equation indicates the nature of the reaction: CH20H(CHOH)4CHO + 30 = C00H(CH0H)4C00H + HoO Galactose Mucic acid The occurrence of L-galactose among the hydrolysis products of flax- seed mucilage has been reported recently. Galactose is one of few sugars (arabinose is another) which, thus far, has been found to occur in nature in both d- and L-forms. D'Mannose Mannose does not occur in the free state in nature. However, it is widely distributed in mannans, polysaccharides that yield mannose on hydrolysis — compare fructosan, galactan, pentosan. That mannose may play an important role in animal physiology is indicated by relatively recent observations. Mannose is a constituent of egg albumin (1.77 per cent), serum albumin (0.45 per cent), and many other proteins (0.3^.0 per cent) . The hexahydric alcohol mannitol, C6H8(OH)6, corresponding to man- nose, is also widely distributed in nature. It has been found in the pineapple, onion, green bean, cauliflower, olive, mushroom, and in the bark and leaves of many trees. It is the chief constituent of Sicilian manna, a sweet exudate produced by a certain species of ash when incisions are made in the bark. Many other trees and shrubs produce mannas of varying composition as a result of the sting of certain insects. It is supposed that the manna upon which the Israelites subsisted during their wanderings in the wilderness was an exudate secreted by a species of tamarisk tree. In Australia, India, and other countries manna from different species of trees is used as a food by the natives. Many differ- ent kinds of sugar have been isolated from these mannas. D-Fructose Fructose, also called levulose, is widely distributed ia nature, and in the free state is generally associated with glucose and sucrose. It is particularly abundant in fruit juices, whence comes the name fruit sugar. Vegetables, the nectar of flowers, and the sap of green leaves and stalks also contain fructose and glucose. Honey contains about equal quantities 34 CARBOHYDRATES (40 per cent each) of these two sugars. The two occur frequently in nearly equal amounts, and since they both are formed by hydrolysis of sucrose, it is supposed that the two originate from the action of the enzyme sucrase on sucrose. In some fruits such as apples and pears, fructose seems to be more abundant than glucose, however. Rafiinose and melezitose are two other sugars that yield a molecule of fructose on hydrolysis. The polysaccharide inulin gives only fructose on hydrolysis and thus stands in the same relation to fructose as starch does to glucose. Fructose may be prepared from either sucrose or inulin, but more easily from the latter. In recent years considerable effort has been expended in an attempt to produce fructose, or levulose as it is called in trade, on a commercial scale. There would be a great demand for levulose at a reasonable price because of its marked sweetening power — nearly twice that of sucrose. The most promising source is the Jerusalem artichoke, a plant which grows well in temperate climates and yields a high tonnage of tubers per acre. The tubers are sliced and the sugars extracted in much the same way as sucrose is extracted from the sugar beet. After hydrolysis of the juice, levulose is precipitated as the calcium compound. This is removed, decomposed by carbon dioxide, and the free sugar is obtained either in the form of a sirup or, by careful concentration and cooling of the sirup, as the crystallized product. Neither glucose nor fructose crystallizes readily, but fructose has a particularly strong tendency to remain in a sirupy condition. This is well illustrated by honey, in which the glucose generally crystalUzes after two or three months storage, while the fructose remains in a sirupy state. Browne states that "the granulation of honey was known to the ancients and crystallized glucose as thus observed was probably the first sugar knowTi to mankind." If fructose and glucose are present in the sirup from cane or sugar beet, they interfere with the crystallization of the sucrose. This property is used to advantage in the preparation of cane sirup from sucrose. Su- crase, an enzyme obtained from yeast, is added to the warm sirup and allowed to hydrolyze the sucrose for about 12 hours. At the end of this time the sirup is further concentrated and may be stored without danger of crystallizing. A similar effect is produced by the partial hydrolysis of sucrose in making jelly and fondant. If sufficient fruc- tose and glucose are present, the unhydrolyzed sucrose is prevented from crystallizing and a smooth even texture results. Whenever sucrose crystallizes, it imparts a rough gritty texture to the candy or jelly. D-Fructose is a ketohexose with the same configuration as D-glucose about carbon atoms 3, 4, and 5: CARBOHYDRATES 35 CHjOH I CO I IIOCII I HCOH I HCOH I CH2OII Open-chain formula CH.OH ^C-OH HOCH 0 I H I HCOHg CH, H Pyranose ring formula D-Fructose Many of the properties of glucose tliat have been noted are possessed by fructose also. It is readily fermented by yeast and bacteria. By the action of certain mannitol-forming bacteria (for example, L. pento- aceticus) fructose is reduced to the hexahydric alcohol, mannitol. This change takes place in the making of sauerkraut, silage, and certain wines. Fructose and other ketoses reduce Fehling's solution and give the other tests associated with reducing power fully as well as do aldoses. The structure responsible for this reducing power is the ketone group situated next to an alcohol group, thus: C = 0. In fact, this same structure is HCOH present in aldoses, as is illustrated below: H2COH — I-- C=0 I HCOH ---[- — - HCOH I HCOH I H2COH Ketohexose H c=o . .. I HCOH --H-- HOCH I HOCH I HCOH H2COH Aldohexose As in the case of glucose, the sodium hydroxide in Fehling's solution also brings about the decomposition of fructose into many simpler substances, which become oxidized and contribute to the formation of the cuprous oxide precipitate. With phenylhydrazine, D-fructose forms an osazone, which is identical with D-glucosazone and D-mannosazone (note identical structure and configuration of carbons 3 to 6 in the formulas of these three sugars). 36 CARBOHYDRATES The optical rotation of D-fructose, however, is very different from that of D-ghicose, being —92.4° as compared to +52.7° (see Table 3-2). Fructose and other ketoses can be distinguished from aldoses by the resorcinol test, which consists in the production of a blood-red color when a ketose is boiled with a solution of resorcinol in hydrochloric acid. Since other ketoses are not common, a positive resorcinol test is a' good indication of the presence of D-fructose or of other carbohydrates which produce D-fructose on hydrolysis (sucrose, raffinose, melezitose, inulin, etc.). Table 3-2 Melting points and optical rotations of common sugars Sugar D-Xylose Melting point [°C]* 145 Optical Melting Optical rotation [a] v'f Sugar point [°C] rotation [a]n + 18.8 L-Sorbose 161 —43.4 — 104.5 D-Glucosamine .. 110 +70 tt + 104.5 D-Glucuronif acid 156 y +36.3 —23.7 Lactose 202 +52.6 +52.7 Sucrose 188 +66.5 +80.2 Maltose 103 +130.4 + 14.2 Cellobiose 225 +34.6 —92.4 Trehalose 97 +178.3 lJ—^\.^ IWOC Xll/ D-Arabinose 160 L-Arabinose 160 D-Ribose 87 D-Glucose 146 D-Galactose 167 D-Mannose 163 D-Fructose 104 * Of form obtained most commonly. t Specific rotation of the equilibrium mixture of a and (3 forms (if any) measured in water at or near 20°C. tt Hydrochloride. Ketoses are also differentiated from aldoses by greater resistance to mild oxidative treatments. For example, under proper experimental con- ditions aldoses can be converted almost quantitatively into the corre- sponding aldonic acids by oxidation with iodine in alkaline solution according to the equation: CHO I (CHOH)^ + I2 + 3NaOH CH.OH Aldose COONa I (CHOH)^ + 2NaI + 2H2O CH2OH Aldonic acid (sodium salt) Under identical conditions ketoses remain practically unaffected. h'Sorbose This ketohexose is found in nature only in the fermented juice of mountain ash berries, where it undoubtedly arises as a result of bacterial oxidation of D-sorbitol. As an industrial product, however, it has acquired CARBOHYDRATES 37 considerable importance in recent years because it is an intermediate in the synthesis of vitamin C. It is produced on a commercial scale by selective bacterial oxidation of D-sorbitol with Acetobacter suboxydans. The necessary sorbitol is produced by the chemical reduction of D-glucose: CHO 1 CHjOH HCOH CH2OH HCOH HC-OH 1 HOCH 1 H: HOCH HCOH 1 0 HOCH HCOH 1 (chemicai) i. 1 (.4. suboxydans) TTpnTT 1 HCOH 1 HCOH 1 1 CO 1 CHaOH CH2OH 1 OH, OH D-Giucose D-Sorbitol L^orbose Hexosamines The two amino sugars found in nature are related to common aldo- hexoses and in each instance bear the amino group on carbon 2: CHO I HC— NH2 I HOCH I HCOH I HCOH CHO I HC— NH2 I HOCH I HOCH I HCOH CH2OH D-Glucosamine CH2OH D-Galactosamine D-Glucosamine (chitosamine) is the sole constituent sugar formed by hydrolysis of chitin; it is also a component of mucin and several other animal and bacterial polysaccharides. An unusual derivative, N-methyl- L-glucosamine, is one of the components of streptomycin, an important antibiotic. The chief natural occurrence of D-galactosamine (chondro- samine) is as a component of chondroitin in cartilage (p. 67). Both sugars show the reactions of aldohexoses (reducing power, osa- zone formation) and, in addition, have the basic properties of the amino group. Desoxyhexoses These sugars, which are also known as methyl pentoses, lack, the oxygen atom on carbon 6: 38 CARBOHYDRATES CHO CHO HC— OH HOCH HO— CH HCOH HC— OH HCOH HC— OH HOCH CH3 CH3 6-Desoxy-D-glucose 6-Uesoxy-L-galactose (L-fucose) CHO I HCOH I HCOH I HOCH I HOCH I CH3 6-Desoxy-L-mannose (L-rhamnose) They are found in many plant species, particularly in the form of glycosides. These substances show the usual properties of monosaccha- rides, except that on heating with strong acids they yield 5-methyl furfural (contrast aldopentoses, aldohexoses). L-Rhamnose is probably the most abundant of these three sugars in nature. It is' one of the component sugars in several plant gums and mucilages (p. 66) , in the important heart stimulant drugs known as cardiac glycosides, and is present in at least two antibiotics of bacterial origin. These particular antibiotics represent an interesting chemical type because they consist of the sugar, L-rhamnose, attached to a fatty acid, beta hydroxy decanoic acid. Vronic acids Those simple sugar derivatives which have both an aldehyde and a carboxyl group are termed uronic acids. Three occur in nature, all re- lated to aldohexoses: CHO CHO CHO HCOH HOCH HCOH HOCH HOCH HOCH HCOH HCOH HOCH HCOH HCOH HCOH COOH COOH COOH D-Glucuronic acid D-Mannuronic acid D-Galacturonic acid D-Glucuronic acid is found in the animal body as a component of mucopolysaccharides (p. 67) such as heparin and chondroitin. It is utilized by the body to detoxify various harmful drugs which may be ingested. For example, if dogs are fed borneol, it is excreted in the CARBOHYDRATES 39 urine as borncol glucuronidc. A number of bacterial carbohydrates, particularly the innnunopolysaccharides, form D-glucuronic acid on hydrolysis. It is also a component of nearly all of the plant gums such as gum arabic and cherry gum. D-Galacturonic acid is pei'haps best known as the fundamental build- ing block t)f pectic acid, although it is also one of the components of many plant mucilages. AMien hydrolyzed, alginic acid, from sea weeds, yields D-mannuronic acid as the only primary product. The most characteristic chemical projierty of the hexuronic acids is the ease with which they lose carbon dioxide (decarboxylation) on heat- ing with mineral acids. The carbon dioxide production is essentially quantitative, being used both for detecting uronic acids and for determin- ing their quantity. It is possible that pentoses arise in nature from hexuronic acids, since members of each group with corresponding con- figurations often occur together, e.g., D-galacturonic acid and L-arabinose: CHO CHO I I HCOH HCOH I I 4-CO2 HOCH ? HOCH HOCH HOCH HCOH CH2OH COOH D-Galacturonic acid L-Arabinose However, pentoses cannot be isolated from the products of the chemical decarboxylation of the uronic acids. Furfural is formed as from pen- toses, but in smaller yields up to about 40 per cent, wdiereas pentoses give 70-80 per cent of the theoretically possible amount. A qualitative test for hexuronic acids consists in boiling with hydro- chloric acid and naphthoresorcinol. A blue pigment is formed which can be extracted with the organic solvents, ether or benzene. Pentoses and a few other sugars give a similar test. In fact pentoses and uronic acids in general tend to show similar properties, except for the carbon dioxide evolution already mentioned. DISACCHARIDES Glycosides Simple sugars have a marked ability to combine with other molecules which contain —OH groups. The combination always involves the —OH group on carbon 1 of the simple sugar if it is an aldose, or 2 if a ketose, 40 CARBOHYDRATES both being in the oxide ring form. The process may be illustrated by the combination of glucose with methyl alcohol: CHjOH CH2OH + CH3OH OH HO H OH a-D-Glucose + H2O OCH3 H OH Methyl a-D-Glucoside As a class such substances are termed glycosides, but individual members are named from the component parts, as indicated in the above example. Both a- and ^-glycosides may be formed from the corresponding a- and y8-sugars. The glycosides do not show the simple sugars' characteristic proper- ties of reducing power or osazone formation because the aldehyde or ketone group is covered up. Glycosides are rather stable to alkalies but are hydrolyzed by acids to form the original components. If the second molecule with which a monosaccharide combines happens to be that of another monosaccharide, the product is a disaccharide. A disaccharide may therefore be defined as a glycoside formed from two simple sugar molecules by removing one molecule of water.^ The second simple sugar may be either the same kind or a different kind from the first. For example, two molecules of glucose may combine as follows: CH2OH CH2OH HO H OH a-D-Glucose H OH a-D-Glucose CHjOH CH2OH a XT Tx J^-— 0. + n,o H OH H OH 4-D-Glucosyl-o;-D-glucose The product in this case is an a-D-glucoside with the second glucose unit attached through its carbon 4; it is therefore called 4-D-glucosyl^a- ^ This statement is intended to be a definition only. Disaccharides probably are not actually produced in living cells by removing water from simple sugars (see p. 399). CARBOHYDRATES 41 D-glucose. This particular disaccharidc is maltose. The "disaccharide hnkage" connecting the two simple sugar units in this case is an a-type and goes from carbon 1 of one unit to 4 of the other. This is often abbreviated to an "a-l,4-Unkage." Any alteration in the nature of the disaccharidc linkage, or in the component sugars, results in a different disaccharidc. For example, two glucose units combined by a /?-l,4 linkage form the disaccharidc, cello- biose, which is a substance distinctly different from maltose. The chem- ical make-up of the more common disaccharides is shown in Table 3-3. Common name and component sugars Sucrose : D-glucose D-fructose Lactose: D-glucose D-galactose Melibiose : D-glucose D-galactose Maltose: D-glucose D-glucose i.so-Maltose : D-glucose D-glucose Cellobiose: D-glucose D-glucose Gentiobiose: D-glucose D-glucose Trehalose : D-glucose D-glucose * For simplicity, from these names, structural formulas Table 3-3 Chemical constitution of disaccharides Disacchaiide linkage a,P-l,2 P-1,4 a-1,6 a-1,4 a-1,6 P-1,4 P-1,6 a, a-1, 1 Chem.ical name* 1-a-D-glucosyl-P-D- fructose 4-D-glucosyl-(3-D- galactose 6-D-glucosyl-a-D- galactose 4-D-glucosyl-a-D- glucose 6-D-glucosyl-a-D- glucose 4-D-glucosyl-P-D- glucose 6-D-glucosyl-P-D- glucose 1-a-D-glucosyl-a-D- glucose the designation of furanose and pyranose rings has been omitted All are pyranose except for the fructose unit in sucrose (see for the individual disaccharides). The disaccharides may or may not have reducing properties, depending on whether the disaccharide linkage involves the aldehyde (or ketone) group of only one of the component simple sugars, or of both. In the latter case since no free, or potentially free, aldehyde or ketone group remains in the disaccharide, it therefore gives no osazone and does not respond to the Fehling's or other similar tests. The structures of sucrose and trehalose are of this nonreducing type. 42 CARBOHYDRATES On the other hand such disaccharides as maltose, lactose, and the others in Table 3-3 do contain a potential aldehyde group and show the characteristic reactions of reducing sugars, although to a smaller degree than the monosaccharides. This lowered reducing power is not surprising when it is remembered that even in the reducing disaccharides one reducing group has been covered up in forming the disaccharide linkage. The Barfoed test for monosaccharides is' based on the stronger reducing power of the simple sugars as compared to the disaccharides. Like other glycosides, the disaccharides can be hydrolyzed, whereupon they take on a molecule of water and form the corresponding simple sugars. This hydrolysis may be brought about by heating the disac- charide with dilute acid, or by the action of certain enzymes. Such hydro- lytic enzymes are found in the digestive tracts of animals, in yeasts, bac- teria, and molds, and in many higher plants. The enzymes are named according to the sugar upon which they act; sucrase (also called invertase) acting on sucrose, maltase on maltose and lactase on lactose. The equa- tion of hydrolysis is as follows: CioHooOu + HoO = CeHjoOe + CeHioOe Sucrose Glucose Fructose Maltose Glucose Glucose Lactose Glucose Galactose The mixture of glucose and fructose formed by hydrolysis of sucrose is called "invert sugar." Obviously it consists of equal parts of glucose and fructose. Sucrose This sugar is known also as saccharose, cane sugar, beet sugar, or simply "sugar." As already stated in connection with glucose and fruc- tose, sucrose is generally associated with these monosaccharides in flowers, fruits, roots, and seeds of plants. It is especially abundant in sugar cane, sugar beet, sorghum, and the sap of the maple and palm. The first two plants, which contain 16-20 per cent sucrose, are the chief commercial sources of this sugar. Sorghum contains an abundance of sucrose, but it has not as yet been possible to produce sugar successfully from this plant. Annual world production of raw sugar during the last 5 years has been 30-35 million tons, and is still rising. About two-thirds of the total is produced from sugar cane and nearly all of the rest from sugar beets. The United States and its island possessions, together with the Philippine Islands, produce about one-sixth of the world total. Louisiana and Florida are the leading cane sugar states; California and Colorado, the beet sugar states. The annual per capita consumption of sugar in the United States is CARBOHYDRATES 43 very high, running to over 100 lbs. in most years. The desirabiUty of such a Large consumption of sugar is doubtfuL Sugar suppUes about one- sixtli of the cahiric intake and hence displaces the consumption of less- refined foods that would carry minerals and vitamins as well as energy, Sherman, who has given much thought to this matter, suggests that, instead of devoting so much land, labor, and money to the production of sugar, it would be a wiser policy to increase the production and con- sumption of foods which furnish needed nutrients as well as calories. However, it should be pointed out that sucrose is one of the very cheapest sources of food energy. A comparison of various low-cost foods from this standpoint is given in Table 3-4. — The manufacture of sucrose is an excellent example of a chemically controlled industry. From the determination of the sugar content of the raw beet to the analysis of the finished product, it is an application of the principles involved in the preparation of any pure chemical. Ex- traction, clarification, evaporation, and crystallization are the important steps involved. Because of the ease w'ith which sucrose crystallizes, it lends itself readily to this method of purification. Sucrose is sweeter than glucose but not so sweet as fructose. It is claimed by the majority of investigators that invert sugar, which is formed when sucrose is hydrolyzed, is sw-eeter than sucrose, but there is consider- able difference of opinion on this point. It is difficult to determine the comparative sw^eetening power of sugars owing to the fact that small differences in concentration cannot be detected by the sense of taste. For example, sucrose solutions differing by less than 1.5 per cent cannot be readily distinguished. Some of the sugars have other tastes tlian that of sweetness, which complicates the comparison. The compara- tive sweetness of sugars, giving sucrose a value of 100, has been rated as follows: lactose 16, raffinose 23, galactose 32, rhamnose 33, mal- tose 33, xylose 40, glucose 74, sucrose 100, invert sugar 130, fructose 173. In cooking operations, such as the making of jelly where sucrose is hydrolyzed, it would seem that the proper time to add the sucrose is at the beginning of the cooking. This insures the maximum hydrolysis of sucrose, and consequent maximum sweetening power. Moreover, the hydrolysis products, glucose and fructose, prevent crystallization (grain- ing) of unhydrolyzed sucrose and give the best conditions for producing a jelly of smooth texture. Approximately 50 per cent of the added sucrose is converted into invert sugar by the usual methods of jelly making. Any cooking operation that involves the use of sucrose and acid, such as the canning of fruit and making of jams and of many kinds of pie, will bring about a considerable hydrolysis of sucrose. It is probable that in many other cooking operations sucrose undergoes slight hydrolysis as a result of the effect of salts and other food con- stituents. 44 CARBOHYDRATES Table 3-4 Cost of food calories as provided by various low-cost foods Price per Calories per - Cost per 100 Food pound [cents] * pound calories [cents] Potatoes 5 377 1.32 Bread, white 14 1250 1.12 Macaroni 17 1710 1.00 Rice 15 1670 0.90 Beans, dry 13 1530 0.85 Flour, patent 9 1650 0.55 Sucrose 10 1750 0.57 * Retail prices at Madison, Wisconsin, January, 1952. The chemical constitution of sucrose is expressed by the following formula: H,COH 0. j^ H2COH ^O^ H2COH H OH OH H a-GIucoside part ^-Fructoside part Sucrose Note that the disaccharide linkage is a,(3-l,2 and involves the original reducing groups of each of the component simple sugars. Hence sucrose does not reduce Fehling's solution or give an osazone with phenylhydra- zine. It is fermented by yeast and by most bacteria. Strictly speaking, sucrose is not fermented because it is first hydrolyzed; the resulting glucose and fructose undergo the fermentation. Likewise, in the utiliza- tion of sucrose by the body, hydrolysis precedes absorption. Sucrose may be estimated either by chemical means or through the aid of a saccharimeter.^ (See optical rotation.) If reducing sugar is determined before and after hydrolysis, the increase in reducing sugar furnishes a means of calculating sucrose. Since a molecule of water is added during the hydrolysis, 95 per cent of the invert sugar (increase in reducing sugar) is equivalent to the sucrose in the sample. For €xample: per cent Reducing sugar before hydrolysis 4.36 Reducing sugar after hydrolysis 9.28 Invert sugar 4.92 Sucrose, .95 X 4.92 4.67 ^ This is a polarimeter especially calibrated to read percentage of sucrose in the solution tested rather than the angle of rotation of the polarized light. CARBOHYDRATES 45 The figure 95 per cent is obtained from the hydrolysis equation of sucrose and is the ratio of tlie niolccuhnr weight of sucrose to the sum of the molecular weights of glucose and fructose, the sugars of which invert sugar is composed (342 -^ 360 = 0.95). Optical Rotation of Sucrose. The rotation of polarized light is the basis for determining sucrose by means of a saccharimcter. This instru- ment enables the beet sugar manufacturer to determine what he should pay for his beets and the custom house official to decide what should be the import duty on a cargo of sugar. It is as important to tlie sugar industry as the "Babcock Tester" is to the dairy industry and serves as an outstanding example of an abstract physical property becoming of great economic value. Sucrose is dextrorotatory (+66.5), but invert sugar is levorotatory ( — 19.85) because fructose rotates polarized light more to the left (—92.4) than glucose does to the right (+52.7). Because the rotation is reversed (inverted) when sucrose is hydrolyzed, the hydrolysis of sucrose is called "inversion." The change in the direction of rotation is also the reason for the terms "invert sugar" and "invertase" — the name of the enzyme that effects the hydrolysis. Sucrase is a better name for this enzyme because it denotes which sugar is hydrolyzed. The term "inversion" can be properly applied only to the hydrolysis of sucrose because the hydrolysis of other sugars is not accompanied by a change in the direction of optical rotation. By determining the rotation of a sugar solution, for example, from cane, beets, fruits, and so on, before and after hydrolysis, the percentage of sucrose may be determined because the change in rotation is directly proportional to the quantity of sucrose present. The saccharimcter enables the analyst to determine in a few minutes the percentage of sucrose and thus puts all operations in the sugar industry on an exact basis. Malt ose This disaccharide is widely distributed in leaves and young seedlings and is especially abundant in germinating seeds. It is the principal sugar formed by the action of the digestive enzymes ptyalin and amylopsin on starch and glycogen. In the germination of seeds a starch-splitting enzyme, diastase, is produced and brings about the conversion of the insoluble starch into a soluble sugar, maltose, which is utilizable by the plant cells. Additional information on starch-splitting enzymes is given on p. 58. Malt sirups can be made from the water-soluble material of germinated barley. Also a sirup can be prepared from the sweet potato' by steeping the finely cut potato in water at 40°C. for a few hours. After being filtered from insoluble material, the solution is concentrated to a thick sirup, having the flavor of the sweet potato. 46 CARBOHYDRATES Malted milks and certain infant foods contain the water-soluble ma- terial of germinated barley. The water extract, evaporated to dryness and mixed with the other ingredients, imparts the peculiar malt flavor to these products. Pure maltose can be prepared by digestion of starch with diastase, followed by evaporation and crystallization from 60 per cent alcohol. It is not much used in the crystalline form. As is indicated by its formula, maltose is a reducing type disaccharide: CH,OH CH2OH OH OH H Maltose Note that carbon 1 of the right-hand glucose unit, as the formula is written above, is an aldehyde group in the oxide-ring form (compare with the formula of a-D-glucose, p. 25). It therefore gives a positive test with Fehling's solution and an osazone with phenylhydrazine. The osazone is rather soluble in water but usually separates on cooling in the form of daisy-like crystals (Fig. 3-1). Note also that the two glucose units are held together in an a-l,4-linkage. This same type of linkage is present in several of the more common polysaccharides such as starch and glycogen. Yeasts, bacteria, and other microorganisms ferment maltose with about the same ease that they ferment glucose. It is assumed that the maltose is first hydrolyzed and then fermented. Cellobiose Like maltose, this disaccharide, which does not occur free in nature, is composed of two glucose units attached through the 1 and 4 positions, but unlike maltose, the disaccharide linkage is the /3-type: CH2OH CH2OH OH Cellobiose Note that in the left-hand glucose unit, as the formula is written above, the configuration of carbon 1 is jS, whereas in maltose it is a. This is the only structural difference between cellobiose and maltose. Cello- CARBOHYDRATES 47 Fig. 3-1. Ciy.stalliue form of derivatives of various sugars: (a) glucosa- zonc, (b) lactosazone, (c) .xylosazone, id) maltosazone, (e) galactosazone, (f) mucic acid. biose is of interest particularly in connection with the chemistry of cellulose, whicii aL-^o is built \\\) from tilncosc unit.>< attached to each other through /?-l,4-linkages. Cellobiose, in fact, bears the same rela- tionship to cellulose as maltose does to starch and can be obtained from cellulose by partial hydrolysis. 48 CARBOHYDRATES Lactose This sugar has been found only in the milk of mammals. It varies from 1.5 to 8 per cent depending upon the species. Human milk con- tains from 4 to 6.3 per cent and cow's milk about 5 per cent. Based on the annual production of milk (more than 120,000,000,000 lb.), it is estimated that the consumption of lactose in the United States is equiva- lent to more than one-third that of sucrose. Lactose is obtained from skim milk by removing the casein with acid or rennet and purifying the resultant whey by heating and liming. The clear liquor from these treatments is concentrated in a vacuum pan until crystallization begins. The hot sirup is then transferred to cooling pans and stirred until crystalli- zation is complete. The mush of yellow crystals is dropped into a centrifuge, freed of excess sirup, and washed with cold water. The crude sugar is refined by dissolving, bone-blacking, and recrystallizing. The refined sugar is dried and ground to pass a 200 mesh sieve. The yield of refined sugar averages about one-half the lactose contained in the whey. Lactose production in 1949 amounted to 19,025,000 lb., but this is only a small part of what could be produced if there were sufficient demand for it. Smith and Claborn estimate that at least 2,700,000,000 lb. could be made from available skim milk, buttermilk, and whey. Much of the highly purified lactose is used in infant feeding, and in the manufacture of infant foods and pharmaceutical preparations. Large quantities of pure lactose are also used in the production of penicillin. Lactose is not very soluble and is almost tasteless. It gives a faint suggestion of sweetness, but this is slight in comparison with the sweet- ness of glucose or sucrose. A more soluble and sweeter form of lactose can be made by crystallizing the sugar at a temperature above 95°C. This sugar is known as anhydrous beta lactose. The milk sugar of commerce is hydrated alpha lactose. The anhydrous beta lactose appears to be stable for a considerable time at ordinary conditions of tempera- ture and moisture. Because of its greater solubility and sweetening power, it appears that there should be a demand for this product. A more general use of lactose has been advocated for the reason that the ingestion of lactose helps to maintain a healthy condition of the intestinal tract. Although many bacteria are unable to use lactose, others ferment it readily and thus are favored in their development. Among the latter are L. acidophilus, a lactic acid-producing microorganism, which is more or less abundant in the intestinal tract. The growth of this desirable organism is favored by an abundance of lactose, and its development results in an acid, reaction that checks the growth of the troublesome proteolytic bacteria. Lactose is not fermented by ordinary yeasts. Lactose reduces Fehling's solution and gives a characteristic osazone, both of which tests indicate the presence of an aldehyde group in its structure. This compound is shown in the following formula: CARBOHYDRATES 49 CH2OH CH2OH H OH H OH /3-Galactoside part Glucose part a -Lactose Note that lactose is a galactoside, not a glucoside, and that the disac- charide Hnkage is a /?-l,4-typc. The (potential) aldehyde group is at carbon 1 of the glucose part. In the formula above, the configuration of this reducing group is written as a (—OH down). In j8-lactose the configuration around this carbon is reversed, but the structure is other- wise identical to that of ordinary a-lactose. The mucic acid test is positive with lactose because of the galactose component which is set free by hydrolysis during the test. THE TRISACCHARIDES, CisH^aOie Raffinose Rafiinose is the most important trisaccharide. It is found in small quantities (2-5 per cent) in cottonseed, beet molasses, and manna, and to a less extent in barley, wheat, and other cereals. The amount of raffinose in sugar beets increases considerably as a result of abnormal climatic conditions such as drought and freezing. The sucrose from such beets is hard to crystallize properly as it tends to take on an elongated pointed form. Raffinose is not readily fermented, does not reduce Fehling's solution, and on hydrolysis gives one molecule each of fructose, glucose, and galactose. Melezitose Another trisaccharide that has attracted some notice because of its occurrence in the exudate of the Douglas fir and other coniferous trees is melezitose. In dry seasons the trees become laden with an exudate very rich in this sugar. At such times honey bees gather the material and incorporate it into the honey, where it soon crystallizes and may suggest adulteration. Upon hydrolysis it yields two molecules of glu- cose and one of fructose. POLYSACCHARIDES The polysaccharides are the most complex, as well as the most numer- ous and abundant, of the carbohydrates found in nature. They are 50 CARBOHYDRATES made up of many molecules of one or more simple sugars combined by glycosidic linkages. For example, a molecule of the polysaccharide amylose, a form of starch, consists of about 200-300 glucose units attached to each other by a-l,4-linkages as shown by the following formula: CH2OH CH,OH CH.OH H OH CH2OH jAo^V_i H Amylose Only four glucose units are shown in this formula, the rest merely being indicated to save space by the n outside the brackets. This abbreviation means that the part inside the brackets is repeated n times in the com- plete formula, n being about 100-150 maltose units in this particular ease. Thus amylose, like all polysaccharides, is a very large molecule, far bigger than the mono-, di-, and trisaccharides so far considered. The molecular weight of amylose is in the range of 10,000-100,000 (no exact value can be determined), whereas sucrose, for example, has a molecular weight of only 342. Polysaccharides in general have molecular weights ranging from a few thousands to several millions. The example given above, amylose, represents the simplest type of polysaccharide structure, i.e., a long series of simple sugar residues, all of the same kind attached to each other in a single long chain. A second type consists of a branching structure rather than a single chain. Gly- cogen is an example of this type of polysaccharide. Its structure is indicated by the following diagram, in which each small circle repre- sents a glucose unit: o o o 000 O OOOo % o o o 0° o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 00000000000000000000 ooooooo 0000000000 o o o o o o 0000000000000 00 00 00 000 o o o 2 o nOO°°° ooo OOO ^0° O .aO° 0^0 o o o o o o"Oo o^ •oo 000 Diagram of glycogen, a branched polysaccharide CARBOHYDRATES 51 A third, and still more complex, type of polysaccharide is made up of several different kinds of simple sugar units, which may be arranged either in a single chain or in u branched structure. These are called heteropolysacchaiides, whereas those containing only one sugar are classed as homopoly saccharides. The chemical formulas of homopoly- saccharides are often written in a still more abbreviated form than that of amylose given above. Since one molecule of water is taken away when each glycoside linkage is formed, most of the simple sugar units in the polysaccharide structure (in fact all except those at chain ends) must have the composition of the simple sugar concerned, less one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms. Thus the formula of a pentosan (polysaccharide made up of pentose units) may be written as (C5H804)a, and that of a hexosan as (CeHioOy)^;. These formulas are commonly used because they are compact and easy to write, but they are not precisely correct. Another important feature of polysaccharide structure is the glycosidic linkage between the monosaccharide residues. This linkage always extends from the reducing group of one simple sugar unit to one of the other carbons of the next unit. This second unit is attached through its reducing group to a third, and so on. Thus no uncombined reducing groups are present in the polysaccharide molecule except the one at the end of the chain (see formula for amylose above). Even branched poly- saccharides like glycogen have only one reducing group per molecule. Consequently, polysaccharides as a rule have practically no reducing power. As a class the polysaccharides are noncrystalline, white solids, which are insoluble or only slightly soluble in water. Probably as a result of this limited solubility they have no appreciable sweetening power. On boiling with dilute solutions of strong acids they are all hydrolyzed, although at greatly differing rates, into the component monosaccharides. Pentosans iC5H804)j. Polysaccharides giving D-xylose or L-arabinose on hydrolysis, that is, the pentosans, are very common in nature, especially in the plant kingdom. Most of them, however, arc not comjiosed exclusively of pentose residues, but also contain various hexoses, or hexuronic acids, or both, atid thus belong to the mixed type of polysacciiaridcs. The total amount of pentosans contained in various plants is shown in Table 3-5. It will be noted that the largest percentages are found in two main types of plant materials, the plant gums, and the woody or fibrous tissues. Xylan occurs chiefly in wood, straw, leaves, seeds, and vegetables, whereas araban is commonly found in gums and mu- cilaginous materials. Xylan is frequently associated with glucose in 52 CARBOHYDRATES a double anhydride as gluco-xylan; arabinose may be paired with galac- tose as a galacto-araban. Table 3-5 Pentosans in plant materials [Undried basis] per cent Navy bean 8.4 Com meal 5.0 Corn (whole) 7.4 Dried peas 7.2 Barley (whole) 11.1 Cottonseed flour 5.6 Beets 1.7 Spinach 1.0 Cabbage 1.0 Wheat bran 22.0 Wheat straw 27.1 , Corn fodder 21.8 Com cobs 35.0 Gum arabic 26.0 Cherry gum 52.0 White pine wood 7.0 Maple wood 21.7 Although the physiological function of pentosans is still obscure, it is doubtful that they are merely the result of an accumulation of waste material. Their very general occurrence in plant material probably indicates that they perform an important function in the life of the plant. Their close relation to cellulose suggests the possibility that they are particularly concerned with structural requirements. Pentosans may also serve as a reserve carbohydrate in the metabolism of the apple tree and thus play an important part in the bearing of fruit. On hydrolysis, pentosans give pentoses, as is represented by the follow- ing equation: (C5H8O4), + a:HoO = a:C5Hio05 When substances containing pentosans are boiled with relatively con- centrated solutions of mineral acids (HCl, H2SO4, or H3PO4), the pen- tosans fire hydrolyzed to pentoses, and the pentoses are converted into furfural, as already explained. The red color obtained when furfural reacts with aniline acetate (p. 26) thus serves as a good qualitative test for pentosans. The presence of pentosans in vegetables and whole cereals may be easily demonstrated by holding a piece of filter paper moistened with aniline acetate in the vapors which are evolved when the sample is boiled with 20 per cent hydrochloric acid. By condensing the vapors containing the furfural and adding phloroglucinol, a precipitate CARBOHYDRATES 53 is formed that may be weighed. From this weight the quantity of pentosans can be calculated. Furfural is also an interesting and important chemical for other reasons. It offers a means of utilizing agricultural waste products such as oat hulls, corn cobs, etc., because these residues contain large amounts of pentosans which can be converted into furfural by a simple, cheap process. The crude furfural so produced is a brownish, oily liquid, which sells for about 10 cents per pound. Large amounts have been used in petroleum refining, and more recently as the starting material for the making of nylon. The nutritive value of the pentosans is still an unsolved problem. In passing through the digestive tract, considerable quantities disappear. In herbivora from 50-75 per cent of the pentosans, and in man about 15 per cent, appear to be utilized. This utilization must be an indirect one for no digestive enzymes that bring about hydrolysis of pentosans are known to occur in higher animals. It is assumed that the bacteria of the intestine break down the pentosans into soluble products such as acetic and lactic acids, which are then absorbed and utilized. Consider- ing the large amount of pentosans consumed by herbivorous animals, it seems that such a fermentation must be very rapid. Hexosans (CeHioOs)^, Starch is the most important food carbohydrate. It contributes more calories to the usual diet of human beings than any other single sub- stance. Ordinary starch, as it is found in plants, is a mixture of amylose and amylopectin. Usually there is a much greater proportion of the amylopectin. For example, corn starch and potato starch each contain about four-fifths amylopectin and one-fifth amylose. The so-called waxy corn starch is almost all amylopectin. The two fractions can be separated by dispersing the crude starch in hot water saturated with butyl alcohol. On cooling slowly, the amylose separates as a semicrystalline precipitate, which is easily removed. The amylopectin can then be recovered from the solution. Both amylose and amylopectin are polysaccharides made up of anhydro- glucose units attached to each other by a-l,4-linkages. Amylose, as explained on p. 50, is a linear-type polysaccharide, consisting of a long, unbranched chain of about 200-300 glucose units. On the other hand, amylopectin has a branched structure somewhat similar to that of gly- cogen (see diagram on p. 50). At the point of branching, a-l,6-linkages are present. The molecular weight of amylopectin is thought by many investigators to be at least 500,000, which corresponds to 2000-3000 glucose units in the molecule. Amylose is less soluble in water than amylopectin. It gives a clear 54 CARBOHYDRATES blue color with iodine, whereas amylopectin gives a violet-blue color. This color is attributed to the branched structure of amylopectin. Glycogen, which is even more highly branched than amylopectin, gives only a red-brown color in the iodine test. Neither component of starch shows any reducing power unless very refined tests are employed. Thus the usual Fehling's test is entirely negative with native starch. How- ever, soluble starch, which is made by subjecting starch to a mild acid and heat treatment, does give a positive Fehling's test. This effect indi- cates that the process of making the starch soluble has also resulted in some decomposition and liberation of aldehyde groups. Starch usually contains a few hundredths of a per cent of phosphorus, probably as a result of the fact that it is formed in plants from glucose- 1- phosphate. Fatty acids (for example, oleic, linoleic, and palmitic) have been found in various cereal starches, but it is probable that they are present as impurities rather than as actual constituents of the starch molecules since they can be removed by extraction with boiling methyl alcohol. Starch is found in almost all chlorophyll-bearing plants. It is es- pecially abundant in the common cereals (wheat, rye, oats, and rice) ; it makes up from 60 to 80 per cent of the seed. Also peas and beans may contain 50 per cent of starch. In certain oily seeds {e.g., cottonseed, flaxseed, and soybeans) fats, instead of starch, form the storage ma- terial. As a general rule seeds grown in the tropical regions are oil bearing, whereas those of the temperate regions are high in starch. Many tubers, such as the potato, are made up largely of starch. When unripe, the apple and banana contain considerable quantities of starch. While these fruits ripen, the starch is converted into sugar. The changes in cereals during the ripening period are just the opposite of those that occur in the apple and banana. Sweet corn is a striking example of a plant that contains an abundance of sugar when the kernals are young, but only a little sugar and much starch when the seed is mature. In nature the starch molecules are built up to form a larger aggregate called a granule. Every plant has its own characteristic starch granules, with or without particular markings (see Figs. 3-2 to 3-5). For ex- ample, the potato starch granule is large, oval, and marked by concentric lines arranged around a point called the hilum, at one end of the granule. That of wheat starch, on the other hand, is smaller and spherical in shape, without any particular markings. Oat starch is made up of a number of particles and forms what is known as a compound starch granule. The different fragments fit together in the form of a mosaic. Because of this distinctiveness in appearance, it is comparatively easy to determine the kind of starch that is present in a food material. Microscopic examination of spices and flours is of great help in determin- ing whether or not these materials have been adulterated by the addition From Reichert, The DifferenfUition and Sppcificitii of Starchex. Courtfsy of tlic ("ariifK'f InstitutiDii of \Va.sliin}j;fon. Fig. 3-2. Stai'ch granules from potato. From Reichert, The l)i Ifcn iit inl i(/ii and Specifieitu nf sianln Courtesy of the ("arnoKif Insritutinn of Washington. Fig. 3-3. Starch granules from wheat. 55 From Keichert, The Differeiitiatiott and Specificity of Starches, Courtesy of the Carnejiie Institution of Washinston. Fig. 3-4. Strach granules from corn. ■"?«ig^, IV V m «v...'^''.A- «*.^;,6 From Reichert, The Differentiation and Specificity of Starches. Courtesy of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Fig. 3-5. Starch granules from rice. 56 CARBOHYDRATES 57 of foreign substances whose starch granules are different from those of the pure materials. Conmiercial starch is usually made from corn or wheat in the United States and from jiotatoes in Europe. Other commercial starches are sago, tapioca, and arrowroot. The preparation of starch in the United States is associated with the manufacture of numerous other products such as corn oil, gluten feed, and glucose sirup. For details concernmg the proc- ess of manufacture, see the industrial chemistries listed. Starch is insoluble in cold water, but at higher temperatures (52° to 72°C., varying with the kind of starch) the starch grains absorb water, swell, and finally form a sticky paste or opalescent semisolution. The absorption of water and swelling of starchy material on heating is well illustrated by the changes in volume and viscosity that rice undergoes when it is boiled. Like other polysaccharides, starch is hydrolyzed by boiling in dilute mineral acid solutions. If the boiling is continued long enough, the starch is converted entirely into glucose, as shown in the following equation: (CeHioOs)^ + a;H20 -^^ xCeHijOs Starch Glucose However, the large starch molecule does not split up all at once into glucose but passes through a number of intermediate stages. At first only a few of the glucosidic linkages are hydrolyzed so that large frag- ments of the original molecule are formed. This renders the starch water- soluble. More hydrolysis leads to smaller fragments of the starch mole- cule, which are called dextrins. These in turn are broken down into maltose and finally glucose. The manufacture of sirup from starch involves its hydrolysis by acid with glucose and maltose as the principal products, together with a con- siderable quantity of dextrin. The hydrolysis is commonly carried to the point at which iodine no longer gives a color with the hydrolysis mixture. The composition of commercial corn sirup, as calculated from a number of analyses reported by Fetzer, Evans, and Longenecker, is as follows: per cent Water 18.48 Dextrins 28.11 Maltose 36.33 Dextrose 16.78 Crude protein 0.05 Ash 0.25 Starch, dextrins, and glycogen are also hydrolyzed by various starch- splitting enzymes called amylases. This process differs from acid hy- drolysis in that the chief product formed is maltose rather than glucose: 58 CARBOHYDRATES amylase (CeHioOs)^. +^H20 *■ -2Ci2H2iOii Starch , dextrins, Maltose or glycogen This conversion, however, is generally not complete because the amylases can attack only a-l,4-linkages between glucose units. Thus amylose is completely hydrolyzed into maltose, but the breakdown of amylopectin stops when a-l,6-linkages (branch points) are reached. This discon- tinuance results in the formation of limit dextrins which consist mostly of glucose tri- and tetrasaccharides, each containing at least one a-1,6- linkage. The amount of limit dextrins formed is usually about 10 to 20 per cent of the amount of starch hydrolyzed. The amylase enzymes have received various common names according to the place where they are found. Thus the amylase of saliva is called ptyalin; that in pancreatic juice, amylopsin; and the very active amylases present in sprouting cereal grains and other plant sources are frequently named diastase. Takadiastase is another amylase preparation, obtained from a mold fungus, Aspergillus oryzae, w^hich has long been used in the Orient for making certain fermented foods. However, in all of these variously named preparations there are only two basically different types of amylases, which are designated merely as alpha and beta amylase, respectively. The manner in which each of these attacks starch is ex- plained in detail in Chap. 10. The removal of starch from textiles and starched goods by means of amylase is an application of enzyme action to an industrial problem. The fabric is not attacked as when alkali or acid is used, and hence the enzyme is to be preferred to other means of starch removal. Many textile mills now make use of such commercial amylase preparations. Dextrins As already noted, dextrins are intermediate products in the hydrolysis of starch to maltose. They differ from starch by being soluble in cold water and from maltose by being insoluble in alcohol. They are also found as native products in the roots, stems, and leaves of many plants. Starchy seeds in the resting stage contain a small percentage of dextrin and when germinating, a large amount. Dextrins are formed from starch in many household operations re- quiring heat: baking of bread, cake, etc., and ironing of starched clothes. The toasted breakfast foods, corn flakes, shredded wheat, puffed rice, and so on, contain considerable quantities of dextrin produced by the heating of these foods. Commercial dextrins are made by heating starch with or without the addition of acid. If acid is used, a lower temperature is sufficient to CARBOHYDRATES ^^ bring about the partial hydrolysis of the starch. "British Gum" is one of the important commercial dextrins. Dextrins are widely used as adhesives on postage stamps, envelopes, and textiles. Mucilage and other industrial pastes are composed largely of dextrin. Tn the manu- facture of cotton clotli. the material is sized with dextrin to make possible the printing of the pattern. The candy industry uses large quantities of dextrin to give a smooth texture to the product. The starch-splitting enzymes, ptyalin, amylopsin, and diastase, act also on dextrins and form the same end product as from starch, namely, maltose. Since dextrins include a number of degradation products of starch, it is not surprising that they differ in their response to the iodine test. Some are colored blue-violet, others red-brown, and yet others are not colored at all by iodine. Glycogen Glycogen, or as it is sometimes called, animal starch, is tlie chief form in which carbohydrates are stored in the animal body. It is found most abundantly in the liver and muscles, but has also been isolated from bone, blood, skin, and many other tissues. It seems to be present in all animal cells. The amount fluctuates within wide limits. Hunger and severe muscular work greatly deplete the supply of glycogen, whereas liberal feeding with carbohydrate foods greatly increases it. By feeding, the glycogen content of the rabbit's liver has been raised to 27 per cent of the total weight of the liver. In the dog, under the same conditions, a 17 per cent glycogen content of the liver has been found. In man it is estimated to reach as high as 10 per cent on a high carbohydrate diet. Under usual conditions the liver of an animal contains from 1.5-4.0 per cent. Other animal tissues have been found to contain the following percentages of glycogen: muscle, 0.5-0.9; skin, 0.1-1.7; bone, 0.2-1.9; blood, 0.007-0.016. The percentage of glycogen varies in the same kind of tissue of different animals, in the different muscles of t'he same animal, and in the different parts of the same muscle. Like amylopectin, glycogen is believed to consist of branched chains that form a macromolecule containing about 2400 glucose residues. Such a molecule would have a molecular weight of about 400,000. The length of the individual chains in glycogen appears to be shorter than in starch and is thought to contain from 12 to 18 glucose units instead of 24 to 30 units as reported for starch. A so-called plant glycogen has been found in several plants, molds, yeasts, etc., which possesses many of the chemical properties of animal glycogen, for example, iodine reaction, but is unlike it in certain other aspects, such as oj^tical activity. Glycogen is a snow-wliitc powder readily soluble in water, with which 60 CARBOHYDRATES it forms an opalescent colloidal solution. With iodine, glycogen gives a red-brown color, which is made somewhat more pronounced by the addition of sodium chloride. It does not reduce Fehling's solution. It is hydrolyzed by the action of dilute acids to maltose, and finally to glucose. Like starch, glycogen is not fermented by yeast, but is readily hydrolyzed by starch-splitting enzymes. Diastase, ptyalin, and amy- lopsin convert it into maltose. Bacterial dextrans The dextrans ^ are polysaccharides produced by several species of bacteria, notably Leucanostoc mesenteroides. Composed entirely of glucose, they are high molecular weight (several million) , water-soluble substances, which can be precipitated from aqueous solutions by adding an equal volume of alcohol. The glucose units are attached to each other by a-l,6-linkages in chains which have many branches. At the branch points, a-l,4-linkages occur. The structure is thus the reverse of that of glycogen and amylopectin, where the chains are held together by a-l,4-linkages, and a-l,6-links are found only at branch points. Bacterial dextrans, like other glucosans, can be hydrolyzed with acids to form glucose. Dextran degraded by. partial hydrolysis to an average molecular weight of about 100,000 has been used in the form of a 6 per cent solution in 0.9 per cent saline solution as a substitute for plasma in blood transfusions. Although by no means a complete substitute for plasma or whole blood, such solutions do have considerable value for body fluid replacement in cases of severe burns, shock, blood loss, and the like. One of the main problems in such cases is to prevent further loss of fluid from the body, and this can only be done if the fluid used for the transfusion contains a nondiffusible solute which gives it an osmotic pressure similar to that normally caused by the blood serum proteins. The dissolved substance must have about the right molecular weight, must remain in the blood for a day or two, must not cause too great viscosity, and must not be toxic or produce any undesirable side effects. Partly hydrolyzed dextran is one of the most satisfactory materials of a number which have been investigated for this purpose. Cellulose Cellulose consists of an unbranched chain of D-glucose units joined by y8-l,4-linkages. Thus it closely resembles amylose except for the /3- linkage and a much higher molecular weight. Many efforts have been made to determine the number of glucose units in the chain, and values ranging all the way from a few hundred to several thousand have been ^ Do not confuse with dextrins. CARBOHYDRATES 61 reported (compare with amylose, p. 50). Probably the higher figures arc more nearly correct for intact cellulose as it actually exists in plants. The woody and fibrous tissues which provide strength and rigidity for plants, as bones do for animals, are composed of a mixture of cellulose with several other polysaccharides [hemicelluloses and cellulosans) and a noncarbohydrate material, lignin. Cotton fibers are an exception to this statement since they consist of practically pure cellulose (over 98 per cent) . From an industrial and economic standpoint cellulose is the most im- portant of all the carbohydrates (see Table 3-1, p. 20). Cotton and linen goods, rayon, paper and pulp products, rope, twine, and other cordage materials are composed almost entirely of cellulose. The largest single source is wood, cither in its natural form or in the form of paper and pulp products. Wood contains, on the dry basis, about 60-70 per cent of carbohydrates and 20-30 per cent of lignin. About half of the carbo- hydrate fraction consists of true cellulose. The process of paper-making is essentially a matter of separating the cellulose from the lignin, hemi- cellulose, and other constituents of wood. Pressure-cooking the wood, in the form of chips, at 130-175°C., with water containing such chemicals as calcium bisulfite plus sulfur dioxide (sulfite process) or sodium hy- droxide plus sodium sulfide (Kraft process) , dissolves the lignin and most of the hemicelluloses. The insoluble fiber or "pulp," consisting of most of the cellulose plus smaller amounts of other resistant polysaccharides, is separated from the water solution, called "waste liquor," and either rolled into sheets to make paper or used as a source of crude cellulose for other industrial purposes (see below). During the years 1947-1950 wood pulp was produced in the United States at the rate of about 12,000,000 to 15,000,000 tons annually. Disposal of the enormous quantities of waste liquors, produced as a by-product of the pulp and paper industry, is still an unsolved challenge to chemists. The sugars present can be fermented to produce alcohol, lactic acid, or yeast, but only a small portion of the total is so utilized. Heating with strong alkali converts 10 to 20 per cent of the lignin into vanillin, a component of vanilla. Unfortunately the use of vanillin for flavoring offers a market for only a tiny fraction of the lignin available. CHO Mercerized cloth, named after John Mercer who originated the process, is obtained by treating cotton cloth with alkali and subsequently washing and drying the cloth. The individual fibers become thicker and shorter. 62 CARBOHYDRATES Their strength becomes approximately 20 per cent greater, their affinity for dyes is greatly increased, and a smooth glossy surface is produced. Synthetic yarn, also known as rayon or artificial silk, is a cellulose product that has achieved great importance since World War I. In 1949 nearly 500,000 tons were produced in America, while world production in 1947 was twice this figure. The rapid progress of this industry in the United States is indicated by the fact that only 63,500 tons of rayon were produced in 1930. Synthetic yarns are made from xanthate, acetate, nitrate, and cuprammonium compounds of cellulose. Of the four, the most important is the type produced by the xanthate or viscose process, which uses sodium hydroxide and carbon disulfide as the chemicals for dissolving the cellulose. Although the term "rayon" was originally applied solely to the product of this process, the Federal Trade Commis- sion has ruled that all manufactured textile fibers of cellulosic origin shall be included in the term. The cellulose products, instead of being spun as a thread, may be produced in the form of a sheet or film. Cellophane, a colorless trans- parent material which is extensively used for wrapping purposes, is made by the viscose process, in which the cellulose is regenerated in the form of a sheet of varying thickness. Motion picture films and glass substi- tutes, which allow the ultraviolet rays of the sunlight to pass through, are other examples of sheet cellulose products. ''Safety glass" used in auto- mobiles usually consists of a sheet of glass on each side of a layer of cellulose acetate. Cotton lacquers, such as Duco, which in recent years have come into extensive use for the surfacing of automobiles and furni- ture, contain as one of their essential constituents some ester of cellulose, usually the nitrate or acetate. Nitrate esters of cellulose are used for many purposes. Cellulose trinitrate [C6H702(N03)3]a; is the well-known explosive, guncotton. The less completely nitrated cellulose is known as pyroxylin and is extensively used in the manufacture of plastics, such as celluloid. Celluloid is a mixture of two parts pyroxylin and one part camphor. The strongly combustible nature of all celluloid materials is due to the presence of the nitrate groups. Collodion is a solution of pyroxylin in alcohol and ether. AVhen this solution is painted over a wound, the alcohol and ether evaporate leaving a thin membrane, "new skin." When used in manufacture of artificial silk, cellulose nitrate must be denitrated to render it noninflammable. This is accomplished by treatment with an acid sulfide, for example, sodium acid sulfide (NaHS) . Cellulose is not acted upon by the enzymes of the digestive tract of vertebrates. However, certain snails and insects secrete an enzyme, cellulase, which is capable of digesting cellulose. Cows, sheep, and horses consume large quantities of cellulosic material, and a large pro- portion of this material (50 to 85 per cent) disappears from the digestive CARBOHYDRATES 63 tract. Since no cellulose-digesting enzyme is known to be secreted by these animals, it is assumed that the hydrolysis is brought about by the action of bacteria. The products formed by such bacteria — acids, or possibly even glucose — may be absorbed and thus serve as sources of energy to the animal. Although cellulose is of no importance to man as a source of energ>', its presence in the digestive tract may serve a useful purpose in giving bulk to the food and may assist in the elimina- tion of food residues. However, there is considerable difference of opinion regarding the value of bulk in the diet. On complete hydrolysis pure cellulose gives only glucose. Soft woods (spruce, pine, fir, etc.) give about 50 per cent of glucose and about 10 per cent of xylose and other sugars. However, it is not practicable to make glucose from wood and other cellulosic materials because of the difficulties encountered in purifying the sugar. In Europe, wood sugar solutions are fermented for production of ethyl alcohol and yeast on a commercial scale. Such liquors have also been evaporated and used as feed for cattle. Fructosans Polysaccharides that upon hydrolysis yield fructose are reported to be fairly widespread in plants. Eight fairly well-defined members of this group of polysaccharides have been described. The best known are inulin and the bacterial levari produced by Bacillus subtilis. Inulin consists of about 30 D-fructose residues linked from carbon 2 of one residue to 1 of the next. It is abundant in the roots of the Jerusalem artichoke, dahlia, sunflower, dandelion, and many other plants. The amount varies with the season of the year. It has been proposed that inulin be manu- factured from the Jerusalem artichoke, since this plant produces a very large tonnage per acre, and that the inulin be converted into levulose by acid hydrolysis. However, up to the present time this process has not been attempted on a commercial scale. Inulin is a white powder readily soluble in hot water but only slightly soluble in cold water. It gives no color with iodine solution and is easily hydrolyzed with dilute acids. It is not acted upon by diastase, ptyalin, amylopsin, or any known body enzyme. It is not fermented by ordinary yeast, but is easily broken down by many bacteria. The bacterial levan of B. subtilis is similar to inulin in its properties, but is made up of D-fructose residues united at the 2 and 6 positions. Galactans Anhydrides of the sugar, galactose, are known as galactans. They are frequently found in combination with arabinose as a double compound, 64 CARBOHYDRATES galactoaraban. Galactans are found in peas, beans, and certain other legumes. They are not hydrolyzed by the enzymes of the digestive tract; consequently their nutritive value can be only indirect. Mannosans These polysaccharides both in the simple form and in combination with the anhydrides of other sugars, for example, fructose and galactose, have been found in yeast, mushrooms, seeds, nuts, fruits, berries, leaves, and practically all plant tissues. They are especially abundant in the ivory nut, coffee bean, and carob bean. The best known members of this class are ivory nut mannan and salep mannan. Wlien salep, a meal obtained from the dried tuberous roots of various orchids, is extracted with water and alcohol added to the extract, the mannan precipitates as a white powder. On acid hydrolysis only D-mannose is formed. The polysaccharide is made up of the D-mannose residues attached by /3-l,4- linkages in a single, unbranched chain. Ivory nut mannan Js similarly constituted, but is insoluble in water. Although certain molluscs and crustaceans secrete enzymes that hydro- lyze mannans, no digestion of these carbohydrates is brought about by the digestive enzymes of higher animals. Chitin The polysaccharide, chitin, is widely distributed in nature, being found in the exoskeletons of many invertebrate animals, as well as in certain plants and fungi. Typical examples of its occurrence are the cuticle of insects and the shells of crabs and lobsters, where it makes up about one-fourth to one-half of the dry weight. It functions as a highly re- sistant protective substance and, together with protein and mineral matter, gives strength and rigidity to the organism. Chitin is remarkably in- soluble in all ordinary solvents and resistant to alkaline hydrolysis, although it can be hydrolyzed by long heating wdth strong acid. Chemically, chitin consists of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine residues linked through the 1,4-positions into a linear chain several hundred units long. It is thus one of the very few major carbohydrates in nature which con- tains nitrogen. Pectin This carbohydrate is contained in the water extract of many fleshy fruits. On addition of acid and sugar in proper concentrations, pectin forms a gelatinous mass well known as jelly. The mother substance existing in the plant, designated as protopectin, is considered by many CARBOHYDRATES 65 investigators to be a member of the group of hemicelluloses. It is very widely distributed in nature, being found in varying quantities in most fruits, vegetables', and roots. Ripening of the fruit, or action of acid and heat, converts the insoluble protopectin into soluble pectin. This change is well illustrated in jelly making, where boiling the fruit is necessary to get the maximum amount of pectin. However, prolonged boiling converts the pectin into hydrolysis products that do not have the property of jelling. In the ripening of fruits, enzymes bring about the hydrolysis of pectin, and, hence, overripe fruits are not suitable for making jelly. Structurally, pectin is a polysaccharide consisting of a long chain of D-galacturonic acid units (pp. 38, 39) in which some of the carboxyl groups are united with metliyl alcohol through an ester linkage (— COOCH3). The galacturonic acid units are joined through carbons 1 and 4, as are the glucose units in starch, glycogen, and cellulose. Opinions differ, but it appears that any arabinose or galactose obtained by hydrolysis of pectin preparations comes from associated polysaccharides rather than from the pectin itself. The manufacture of commercial pectin to aid the housewife in com- pelling unwilling jellies to jell, or in making jellies from fruits that contain little or no pectin, has become an industry of considerable pro- portions. A well-known product of this kind is "Certo," which is made from apple pomace. Dry pectin has recently been developed from apples and lemons. On the basis of dry matter, apple pomace and lemon pulp contain about 20 and 35 per cent, respectively, of pectin. Rinds of "cull" lemons are used for this purpose and furnish a much larger supply of raw material than can be utilized at the present time. Sugar beet pulp contains on the dry basis about 25 per cent of pectin and offers an almost unlimited supply of raw material for tho manufacture of pectin. Sugar, acid, and pectin are necessary to form a gel. These three in- gredients may be varied within rather wide limits, but a jelly of good texture contains about 60-70 per cent sugar, 1-2 per cent acid (ex- pressed as tartaric and equivalent to pH 3.2-3.5) and 0.5-1.0 per cent pectin. Closely related to pectin is the acidic polysaccharide, alginic acid, which is obtained from marine algae. Like pectin, it has the property of holding large amounts of water in a colloidal gel. For this reason it is used, in the form of its sodium salt, as a stabilizer in ice cream and other foods, and in cosmetics. Because it is capable of forming hard, resistant, surface films, it is also used in making special grades of paper, cloth, and printer's ink. Chemically, alginic acid is composed of D-mannuronic acid residues attached by /3-1,4-linkages in an unbranched chain structure. It is remarkably resistant to hydrolysis, even when exposed to,. strong acid 66 CARBOHYDRATES or alkali. Since no body enzymes can digest alginic acid or pectin, they have no food value. HETEROPOLYSACCHARIDES Most of the carbohydrates in this group are too complex and too im- perfectly known to be included in an elementary book. Examples of several types have been given in connection with the classification of carbohydrates (p. 21), and several others have been mentioned briefly in the sections on wood (p. 61), pentosans (p. 52), and galactans (p. 63). A few heteropolysaccharides of special importance are discussed in more detail below. Heteropolysaccharides from plants The hemicelluloses are one of the most important subgroups of this large, rather poorly-defined, class of carbohydrates. As indicated on p. 61, they are present in fibrous and woody plant tissues, where they are combined with cellulose and lignin to form the cell walls. The hemi- celluloses are distinguished from cellulose by the facts that they are acidic substances and are made up quite largely of D-xylose units, although other sugars (D-galactose, L-arabinose, D-glucose, D-mannose) may also be present in smaller amounts. Their acidic properties arise from the presence of a hexuronic acid, probably D-glucuronic acid, which is also one of the component units. Ordinary wood pulp contains considerable amounts of hemicelluloses. The plant gums such as cherry gum, mesquite gum, gum arabic, and gum tragacanth are neutral salts of complex polysaccharide acids com- posed of residues of hexoses, pentoses, methyl pentoses and uronic acids. The uronic acid in nearly all plant gums is D-glucuronic acid, and the sugars commonly present include D-galactose, D-mannose, L-arabinose, D-xylose, L-rhamnose, and L-fucose. The complete structures have not been worked out. Plants produce such gums when they are injured, no doubt as a protective mechanism. Another group of mixed-type polysaccharides, widely distributed in plants, form viscous, colloidal solutions in water and hence are called mucilages. These are roughly divided into neutral, acidic, and sulfate- containing groups. An example of a neutral mucilage is gum ghatti, which on hydrolysis gives rise to 16 per cent of D-galactose and 84 per cent of D-mannose. The majority of the mucilages in seeds are of the acidic type, with the acidity being due in all cases to D-galacturonic acid resi- dues. Sea weeds contain a large number of mucilages, nearly all of which contain sulfate groups {i.e., some of the hydroxyl groups of the sugar residues present are esterified with sulfuric acid). D-Galactose CARBOHYDRATES 67 is the chief sugar obtained on hydrolysis. The best known sea weed mucilage is agar, which is widely used in bacterial culture media because of its property of forming gels. Hetero polysaccharides of animals Several carbohydrates of this type occur in small amounts in the animal body. Hyaluronic acid, a polysaccharide composed of equimolar portions of D-glucosamine acetate and D-glucuronic acid residues, forms a viscous, gel-like material present in connective tissues, eyes (aqueous and vitreous humor), joints (synovial fluid), and various other organs. It functions as a cementing substance between the cells of connective tissue (so-called "ground substance") and, because of its viscosity, resists penetration by foreign matter, i.e., infection by bacteria. Hyaluronic acid is attacked and liquefied by an enzyme, hyaluronidase, which is present in some bacteria, in certain animal tissues, and in the poisonous secretions of many reptiles and other animals. This enzyme, to the extent that it is present, contributes to the rapid spread of toxic agents throughout the body ; it is therefore of great medical interest. Chondroitin sulfate, a major component of cartilage, is a heteropoly- saccharide made up of D-glucuronic acid and D-galactosamine acetate residues, with some of the hydroxyl groups esterified by sulfuric acid. In the living animal it is probably attached through its carboxyl and sulfate groups to the amino groups of proteins. Mucoitin sulfate, present in mucosa (e.g., stomach mucosa and gastric juice), is similarly consti- tuted except that it contains D-glucosamine acetate residues. Another animal polysaccharide of considerable importance is heparin, a natural anticoagulant (inhibitor of blood coagulation) , which occurs in the liver, muscles, and other organs of the body. The component building blocks of heparin, as shown by their formation on complete hydrolysis, are D-glucuronic acid, D-glucosamine, and sulfuric acid. It is noteworthy that no acetic acid is involved since in the other animal polysaccharides, which contain amino sugars, the amino group is acety- lated {i.e., combined with acetic acid to form the acetylamino group, — NHCOCH3). Furthermore, heparin contains more sulfate residues than most of the other sulfate-containing carbohydrates discussed above. According to Wolfrom and co-workers the repeating unit in heparin is a tetrasaccharide composed of two residues of glucosamine and two of glucuronic acid plus five sulfate radicals. An unusual feature of the heparin structure is the union of the amino group of each glucosamine unit with a sulfate radical to form a sulfamic acid group, — NHSO3H. The sulfuric acid here takes the place of acetic acid in other animal polysaccharides. 68 CARBOHYDRATES Immuno'polysaccharides Certain polysaccharides, unknown until fairly recently, doubtless play a role of greater importance in our lives than many of the related com- pounds with which we are more familiar. These are the immuno-poly- saccharides, which pneumococci, streptococci, tubercle bacilli, and many other types of bacteria synthesize and transfer to the solution, blood as well as culture media, in which they grow. Each type produces a char- acteristic chemical compound or "specific soluble substance," the presence of which in the blood stream of an individual stimulates production of antibodies, and thus builds up immunity to a given disease. Since these polysaccharides are "type specific," it is apparent that each must differ chemically from the other. D-Glucose, D-glucosamine, and various sugar acids have been identified among the hydrolysis products of these immuno-polysaccharides. A recent contribution to immuno-chemistry is the discovery that appropriate synthetic organic compounds-containing glucuronic and galacturonic acids, as w^ell as the specific polysaccharides of bacterial origin, may evoke production of antibodies and thus establish immunity to a particular disease in an experimental animal. These results show the great importance of the sugar acids and throw new light on the structure of the specific polysaccharides. REVIEW QUESTIONS ON CARBOHYDRATES 1. Define: carbohydrate, simple sugar, uronic acid, heteropolysaccharide, asym- metric carbon atom, optical rotation, desoxysugar, glycoside. 2. How many substances of each of the following types can theoretically exist: aldopentose, 2-ketohexose, aldohexose? Explain. 3. Name four disaccharides made up of glucose units only and explain how they differ from each other. 4. Give two commercial sources of (1) sucrose, (2) cellulose, (3) starch; one commercial source of (4) glucose, (5) lactose. Briefly outline the procedure in the manufacture of sucrose from one of the above sources. Outline the steps in the manufacture of glucose. 5. Explain the terms: (1) invert sugar, (2) hydrolysis, (3) sucrase, (4) pentosan, (5) mercerization, (6) celluloid. 6. Write equations and name the products in: (1) the photosynthesis of glucose, (2) the hydrolysis of sucrose, (3) the digestion of starch by saliva. 7. What are the chief carbohydrates in (1) honey, (2) fruits, (3) liver, (4) blood, (5) milk, (6) conden.sed milk, (7) cereals? Approximately what is the percentage of the carbohydrate named in each case? 8. Explain the terms: (1) pentose, (2) photosynthesis, (3) pectin, (4) dextrin, (5) beta lactose, (6) cellophane, (7) rayon. 9. Write equations and name the products in: (1) the hydrolysis of starch by acid, (2) the mucic acid test for galactose, (3) a positive Fehling's test. 10. By means of graphic formulas explain how glucose, galactose, and fructose may all have the same molecular formula, CoHiiOe, and still be different chemical com- pounds. Explain why sucrose does not reduce Fehling's solution, while maltose does. CARBOHYDRATES 69 11. Give another example of two substances that have the same molecular formula and explain the differences in their structure. 12. Name three carbohydrates found in animal material, telling where each is found and approximately how nuicli of each is present. 13. Discuss the occurrence of pentose-yielding substances in nature. What be- comes of these sub.stances? What commercial value do they have? 14. Explain the changes that occur when fruits are boiled to make jelly. What happens when the fruit is boiled too long? 15. Name some important commercial products made from cellulose. 16. What is raj'on? Name the principal cellulose compounds used in its manu- facture. 17. Name all the carbohydrates that are suitable for food purposes. Name those not digested by the digestive enzymes of higher animals. Name an animal that can digest cellulose. REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Bates, F. J., Polarinietry, Saccharimetry, and the Sugars, National Bureau of Stand- ards Circular C440, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, 1942. Bell, D. J., Introduction to Carbohydrate Biochemistry, University Tutorial Press Ltd., London, 1940. Browne, C. A., and Zerban, F. W., Physical and Chemical Methods oj Sugar Analysis. 3rd ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1941. "Dextran as a Plasma Substitute" (editorial), J. Am. Med. Assoc, 139, 850 (1949). Fetzer, W. R., Evans, J. W., and Longenecker, J. B., "DeteiTnination of Dextrin, Maltose, and Dextrose in Corn Symp," Ind. Eng. Chcm., Anal. Ed., 5, 81 (1933). Furnas, C. C. (editor), Rogers Manual oj Industrial Chemistry, 6th ed., D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New York, 1942, vols. I and II. Gortner, R. A., Gortner, R. A., Jr., and Gortner, W. A., Outlines of Biochemistry, 3rd ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1949, pp. 517-764. Honeyman, John, An Introduction to the Chemistry of the Carbohydrates, The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1948. Klein, G. (editor), Handbuch dcr Pflanzenanalyze, Julius Springer, Vienna, 1932, vol. 2, pp. 764-788. Levene, P. A., Hexosamines and Mu/:oproteins, Longmans, Green and Company, London, 1925. McCance, R. A., and Widdowson, E. M., The Chemical Composition of Foods, 2nd ed., Chemical Publishing Company, Inc., New York, 1947. Norman, A. G., The Biochemistry of Cellulose, the Polyuronides, Lignin, etc., Oxford University Press, London, 1937. Percival, E. G. V., Structural Carbohydrate Chemistry, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New York, 1950. Pigman, W. W., and Goepp, R. M., Jr., Chemistry of the Carbohydrates, Academic Press Inc., New York, 1948. Pigman, W. W., and Wolfrom, M. L. (editors). Advances in Carbohydrate Chem- istry, Academic Press Inc., New York, vols. 1-5, 1945-1950. Sherman, H. C, Chemistry of Food and Nutrition, 7th ed.. The Macmillan Com- pany, New York, 1946, Chap. II. Shreve, R. Norris, The Chemical Process Industries, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1945. Smith, L. T., and Clabora, H. V., "Utilization of Lactic Acid," Ind. Eng. Chem., News Ed., 17, 370 (1939). 70 CARBOHYDRATES Tollens, B., and Eisner, H., Kurzes Lehrbuch der Kohlenhydrate, 4th ed., Barth Publishing Company, Leipzig, 1935. Wolfrom, M. L., Montgomery, R., Karabinos, J. V., and Rathgeb, P., "The Structure of Heparin," J. Am. Chem. Soc, 72, 5796 (1950). Chapter 4 LIPIDES (FATS AND RELATED SUBSTANCES) In every-day use the term fat has a fairly definite meaning. It sug- gests such famihar substances as butter, lard, tallow, olive oil, cotton- seed oil, and so on. However, if the distribution of fats in nature is studied more closely, it soon becomes apparent that fats exist in less ob- vious and less easily characterized combinations. Although the common fats are essentially combinations of glycerol and fatty acids, many other constituents are contained in fats and fat-like substances. Because of this heterogeneity no very satisfactory classification of the fats has yet been worked out. Perhaps the best one yet developed is that by Bloor who bases his classification on three points: (1) solubility {e.g., insoluble in water, soluble in ether, chloroform), (2) structure, i.e., esters of the fatty acids, either actual or potential, (3) utilization by living organisms. From Bloor's classification it is evident that fats or Hpides are essentially ester combinations that yield various products on hydrolysis. The table on page 73 gives examples of the different classes of lipides and the prod- ucts formed by hydrolysis. This table gives a general view of the lipides as a whole and should be used as a guide to which additions are to be made as each class of lipides is studied more intensively. ESTERS Definition Since the lipides consist, for the most part, of esters, it is important for the student to understand clearly just what is meant by the term ester. An ester is a substance formed by the chemical reaction of an alcohol with an acid, whereby a molecule of water is eliminated. The formation of a simple ester is represented by the following equation: O O II 11 CHsOH + HOCCH, ^=^ C2H5OCCH3 + H,0 Ethyl alcohol Acetic acid Ethyl acetate Water 71 72 LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) The underlined H of the alcohol and HO of the acid become separated from their previous points of attachment and unite to form H2O, while the remaining portions of the acid and alcohol combine to form the ester as indicated. The chemical formula of any ester therefore follows directly from the formulas of the alcohol and acid of which it is composed. The name of any pai'ticular ester is derived similarly. Thus in the above equation the product is called ethyl acetate. An ester prepared from methyl alcohol and lactic acid would be called methyl lactate, and so on. Preparation The actual preparation of esters in the laboratory is carried out, in general, by warming the chosen alcohol and acid together with a small amount of a strong mineral acid, such as sulfuric or hydrochloric, which serves as a catalyst. The process is called esterification. Since esterifica- tion reactions are, in general, reversible, removal of the water as it is formed often helps to secure a good yield of the desired ester. It is obvious that a very large number of different esters may be prepared from the various alcohols and acids (particularly organic acids) that are known and are available. Properties of esters Many of the simpler esters are liquids that possess pleasant, fruity- odors and hence are used to some extent as artificial flavoring essences. More complex esters are found very abundantly and widely distributed in nature, e.g., in fats, waxes, and other lipides, as explained below. By far the most important industrial use of synthetic esters is based on their properties as solvents. Automobile lacquers, for example, are prepared by dissolving pyroxylin, a pigment, and certain other ingredients in a suitable ester such as butyl acetate: O II C4HSOCCH3 Butyl acetate All esters may be broken down into their acid and alcohol components by hydrolysis: 0 O II II C4H9OCCH3 + H2O > CHgOH + HOCCH3 Butyl acetate Water Butyl alcohol Acetic acid It will be noted that this reaction is the reverse of esterification. The hydrolysis may be brought about with the aid of an enzyme, if one is LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) 73 Table 4-1 Classes of lipides and their hydrolysis products Lipide I. tjimple lipides: 1. True fats (in butter, lard, oils) 2. Waxes (in beeswax) II. Compound lipides: 1. Phospholipides, e.g., lecithins (in egg yolk, brain) Hydrolysis Products' Alcohol (name and formula) Glycerol, C3H.(0H)3 Cetyl, CisHcxCH^OH Glycerol, C8H5(0H)3 Glycolipides, e.g., kerasin (in brain) III. Derived lipides: 1. Fatty acids ' (in fats) 2. Sterols (in fats, waxes) Galactose, Ga-UiaUe Acid and other products (name and formula) Stearic, CnH^-. COOH Oleic, C17H33 COOH Cerotic, C^sHsi COOH Phosphoric, H.PO4 Oleic, CnH33 COOH Palmitic, Cr.H3i COOH Choline, (CH3)aX(0H)C.H4 0H Lignoceric, C23H47 COOH Sphingosine. Ci8H»(0H)2 NH. Oleic, CitHss COOH Cholesterol, C27H450H * For a siven fat, e.g., butter, the typical rather than the total products of hydrolysis are listed. Fatty acids, wax alcohols, and sterols may occur free or combined. They are also classed as derived lipides. available that acts on the ester to be hydrolyzed, or by means of strong acids or superheated steam. A more convenient and widely used method consists in subjecting the ester to the action of a strong alkali such as sodium hydroxide, whereby the alcohol and a salt of the acid are produced: 0 II C4H9OCCH3 + NaOH Butyl Sodium acetate hydroxide O II -* C4H90H + NaOCCHs Butyl Sodium alcohol acetate This process is called saponification. If it is desired to obtain the organic acid itself, the solution of the sodium salt may be treated with a strong mineral acid: 74 LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) 0 0 NaOCCHa + H2SO4 Sodium Sulfuric acetate acid NaHS04 + HOCCH3 Sodium Acetic acid sulfate acid TRUE FATS Definition The true fats may be defined as esters of the trihydroxy alcohol, glycerol, and the higher fatty acids. The esters of glycerol are called glycerides, a natural fat being a mixture of various glycerides in different propor- tions. The terms fat and oil are used to distinguish between solid and liquid fats. If the substance is solid at 20°C., it is spoken of as a fat. If it is a liquid at this temperature, it is regarded as an oil. The use of the term oil in this connection must not be confused with its use as applied to so-called mineral oils, such as kerosene oil which is a hydrocarbon, and not related to fats. Occurrence and importance The fats are abundant in both plant and animal materials such as cottonseed, peanut, coconut, olive, milk, butter, cheese, and meats. The cereals as a rule are comparatively low in fat, since starch takes the Table 4r-2 Economic importance of some industries based on fats * Indiistry 1. Oils (vegetable and animal) 2. Butter 3. Soap and glycerine 4. Grease and tallow 5. Shortenings (vegetable) . . . . 6. Oleomargarine Wage earners 30,959 30,131 1 27,660 12,472 8,003 2,567 111,792 Value of products shipped $1,741,238,000 1,037,000,000 1,085,789,000 304,535,000 884,713,000 214,598,000 $5,267,873,000 * Compiled from the 1947 Census of Manufactures, Bureau of the Census, 1950, and from the Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1951, published by the Depart- ment of Commerce. t Estimated in part. place of fat in the composition of such seeds. It is noteworthy that the seeds of the tropical regions of the earth are generally characterized by LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) 75 a high fat content, while those of the temperate zone are usually high in starch. This is only a general rule since there are many exceptions; rice, which is a tropical product, contains little fat, and soybean, which contains much fat, grows in temperate regions. The fats of commerce are removed from the material in which they occur either by mechanical means or by extraction with suitable solvents. The mechanical methods arc more generally used. They may vary widely — churning in the making of butter, heating and filtering in the rendering of lard and tallow, pressing, with or without the aid of heat, in obtaining olive, cottonseed, and other oils. Elementary composition The fats are comparatively high in carbon and low in oxygen. This is in sharp contrast to the carbohydrates, which contain a high percentage of oxygen. A comparison of the elementary composition of fat, starch, and protein is as follows: Physiological fuel value Calories per cent : Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen per gram Fat 76.5 12.0 11.5 — 9.0 Starch 44.4 6.2 49.4 — 4.0 Protein 53 7 23 16 4.0 From the above table it is evident that fats have a considerably higher heat value than either proteins or carbohydrates. On oxidation in the body, fats give two and one-fourth times as much heat as the other foodstuffs. This is because of the higher content of carbon and hydrogen in fats. Lipides such as lecithin and cephalin, closely related to the true fats, contain, in addition, the elements phosphorus and nitrogen. As a class, however, lipides (and carbohydrates) do not contain nitrogen and thus are sharply differentiated from proteins. Products on hydrolysis Some idea regarding the nature of a fat may be obtained by breaking down the fat into its constituent parts — that is, by hydrolyzing it. When- ever a natural fat is hydrolyzed by acids or enzymes, glycerol and a number of fatty acids are obtained. The fatty acids are divided into two series, the saturated and the unsaturated. A study of these acids is indispensable to a proper understanding of the fats themselves. 76 LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) Glycerol, C3H5(OH)3 During and after World War I, considerable quantities of glycerol, or glycerine as it is commonly called, were produced by a yeast fermenta- tion process. Today, however, it is obtained mainly as a by-product of the soap industry. The liquors that remain after the soap has been removed are distilled in a vacuum, and by a series of fractionations glycerol is obtained free from impurities. In many cases the glycerol is not removed from the soap. If left in, it tends to make the soap transparent and of better quality. A process for the manufacture of glycerol from certain petroleum fractions has also been developed. Glycerol is a viscous, colorless liquid that has a sweet taste and no odor. It is extensively used in the manufacture of nitroglycerine, an ester of glycerol and nitric acid, C3H5(N03)3, which is the basis for a large number of explosives such as dynamite, blasting gelatin, etc. Nitro- glycerine also finds use as a drug for alleviation of the severe pain asso- ciated with some types of heart disease. Glycerol is also widely used as a solvent in many technical operations. It is extensively used in the manufacture of cosmetics and toilet and pharmaceutical prepara- tions. It can be used both internally and externally with perfect safety and, in fact, can be utilized as a food by human beings. The saturated fatty acids Saturated fatty acids contain all the hydrogen with which they are capable of uniting, whereas unsaturated fatty acids contain carbon atoms joined together by double bonds and hence can unite with more hydrogen. Thus it may be seen from the following graphic formulas that butyric acid is saturated and crotonic acid is unsaturated: H H H O I I I II H— C— C— C— C-O-H I I I H H H Butyric acid H H H O I I I II H— C— C=C— C— 0-H I H Crotonic acid Saturated acids have a higher melting point than unsaturated fatty acids with the same number of carbon atoms. Hard fats, such as tallow, give a high percentage of saturated acids, and soft fats, a low percentage. LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) 77 Since natural fats are mixtures of various glycerides, a large number of fatty acids is obtained on hydrolysis. The following table gives the principal fatty acids of the saturated series: Table 4-3 Saturated fatty acids A' awe Formula Typical Occurrence (C„H2„.iC00H) Formic HCOOH Not in fats Acetic CH3COOH Not in fats Propionic CILCH.COOH Not in fats Butyric CHsCCHJ.COOH Butter Caproic CH3(CH2)4C00H Butter, coconut and palm oils Capry^lic CH3(CH.)«C00H Coconut and palm oils, butter Capric CH3(CH.),sC00H Coconut and palm oils, butter Laurie CH3(CHo)]oCOOH Laurel, coconut and palm oils Myristic CH3(CH2)ioC00H Butter, wool fat, spermaceti Palmitic* CH3(CH=)i4C00H All animal and vegetable fats, notably lard Stearic * CH3(CH2)i6C00H Animal and vegetable fats, notably tal- low Arachidic CH3(CH2)i8C00H Peanut oil * Most abundant fatty acids. See Table 4-5. An examination of the table shows that only fatty acids containing an even number of carbon atoms are obtained from natural fats. Although there are several important exceptions to this statement, it is nevertheless true for the great majority of fats. This rule is rather suggestive of the way in which the fats must be built up in nature. It is probable that fatty acids are formed in nature by addition of units containing two carbon atoms, giving rise only to acids with an even number of carbon atoms. The saturated acid obtained in greatest amount from fats is palmitic. Stearic acid is also obtained in large quantities but not to the same extent as palmitic. The fatty acids, such as butyric, of lower molecular weight are found to a considerable extent as glycerides in butter and coconut oil, but except in these two fats they occur in com- paratively small amounts. Some of the lower fatty acids such as formic, acetic, and propionic acid belong to the series of saturated fatty acids, but no glycerides of these acids are found in natural fats. Small amounts of these acids, and other fatty acids of low molecular weight, are found free in perspiration and urine. Salts and esters of fatty acids of "both low and high molecular weight are contained in the feces. Butyric acid is a colorless, mobile liquid boiling at 162^C. and is com- pletely miscible with water. Caproic and caprylic acids are also liquids at room temperatures; capric acid is a semisolid, but lauric acid is defi- nitely a solid. The change from liquid to solid is thus associated with 78 LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) an increase in the number of carbon atoms in the molecule. The change in physical state is accompanied by a decrease in solubility. Stearic acid, which melts at 70°C., is practically insoluble in water. The fatty acids up to and including capric are easily removed from solutions by distillation with steam and hence are known as volatile fatty acids. The determination of the volatile fatty acids is a matter of con- siderable importance in the analysis of fats, as it aids in chstinguishing one type of fat from another. Butter fat, for example, gves a higher proportion of volatile acids than any other fat or oil. The volatile fatty acids likewise have a decided odor. Butyric acid has a strong odor similar to that of rancid butter. Caproic, caprylic, and capric acids have a pronounced animal odor and are sometimes spoken of as the goat acids. When fats become rancid, a small amount of these volatile fatty acids is formed and gives to the fats a particularly objec- tionable odor and taste. Thus the objectionable odor of rancid butter is due largely to the presence of free butyric acid. y Unsaturated fatty acids If a fatty acid contains a pair of carbon atoms that are joined together by two bonds instead of one, that is, a double bond, it is said to be unsaturated. Such an acid can take up hydrogen, iodine, bromine, oxy- gen, or other elements by the breaking open of one of these two bonds. This leaves an open position on each carbon atom. Therefore, for each double bond, two hydrogens can combine with the compound, which would then be regarded as a saturated compound. This condition of unsatura- tion has a unique relation to the physical state of the fatty acid and likewise to the glycerides of the fatty acid. For example, oleic acid (C17H33COOH), which contains one double bond, and therefore two fewer hydrogens than stearic acid, is a liquid, whereas stearic acid (Ci7H35COOH)is a solid. Oleic acid melts at 14°, whereas stearic acid melts at 70°. If the fatty acid contains more than one double bond, it will have a correspondingly lower melting point; linoleic acid, which contains two double bonds, has a melting point of —18°. The physical state of the fatty acids is carried over to the glycerides of these acids. Oleic acid and olein are liquids, and stearic acid and stearin are solids. Linolein and linolenin, as expected, are liquid glycer- ides. Since fats are mixtures of glycerides, a fat will be soft or hard depending upon the proportion of liquid glycerides it contains. Oils differ from fats in that they contain a larger proportion of liquid glycer- ides. As a general statement, it might be said that oils contain about 80 per cent of unsaturated glycerides, whereas solid fats do not contain more than 40 to 50 per cent. Unsaturation is a fundamental property and, in most fats, is the key to the whole question of their physical state. LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) ^9 If this is kept in mind, an understanding of many physical and chemical properties of fats is easily acquired. Unsaturated acids have the ability to exist in different isomeric forms, which are called geometric isomers. These are designated by the prefixes CIS- and trans-. This type of isomerism, a consequence of the presence of carbon-to-carbon double bonds, may be illustrated by the formulas of oleic acid and its ^ra/is-isomer, elaidic acid: HC(CHj)7CH, H.CCCHOtCH HC(CHs)7C00H HC(CH07COOH Oleic acid Elaidic acid (cis- isomer) (frans- isomer) Acids like linoleic with two double bonds can exist in four geometric isomers, corresponding to the cis-trans arrangement about each ; in general, the number of isomers possible is (2)", where n is the number of double bonds present. Generally the natural fatty acids occur in the cis form, although vaccenic appears to be a trans acid. Where trans forms do not occur naturally, they may readily be produced by treating the cis acids with nitrous acid or certain other reagents. This reaction has come to be spoken of as ''elaidinization" from the circumstance that oleic acid is thus partially converted into elaidic. The trans acids are higher melting and less soluble than the corresponding cis forms. The most important unsaturated fatty acids, together with their for- mulas and occurrence, are listed in Table 4-4. Many other acids with varying numbers of carbon atoms and different degrees of unsaturation have been reportedly obtained from brain, liver, and other tissues. The chemistry of these acids and their function in the animal organism are not yet clearly defined. Their presence in some of the most important organs of the body leaves little room for doubt that their role is an important one. Although it is rather well established that the animal body can de- saturate fats, certain limitations to this process apparently exist in many, if not all, species. Rats kept on diets devoid of unsaturated fats develop a scahness of the skin, lesions in the kidneys, sterility, and loss of weight, and eventually die. This nutritional deficiency can be prevented by including either linoleic or arachidonic acid in the diet. These particular unsaturated fatty acids have therefore come to be called "essential fatty acids." No one has demonstrated a need of the human body for these acids, but even though they may be required, their widespread occurrence in foodstuffs renders any disease in man resulting from their deficiency quite unlikely. Quantitative Relations of the Fatty Acids. ISlany of the statements made in the preceding pages regarding the fatty acids become more X> O o; 03 I: O 03 03 « o > CD C o ^ 3 E -a > 03 a 3 03 H-1 < 4 H « •m U u S -< ^ f 8 i 2 g . 0 bO .1 bO (U ^ 03 _ a '3 73 fl 0 fl 03 -4^ CO 03 ■g jd o « w o c u t- w o w O tii i!S W o 00 W HH o w o J_ L^ <^ ,^ >-H O) 10 o ^ V O -73 rf< O d w o w u w o u u (N W «5" 02 CO la O Ah O > W m Q h-t u < p 3 00 -2 m ^ g 3 IS 3 p s ^ a CO a 02 0 0 3 CO 0 eneral fo inoleic * 0 >— 1 0 0 3 d * '3 0) 3 _d 03 en 0 QJ Eh icinoleic rachidoni ^ h^ 0 yA h:i 0 h-^ W 0 W P- tC 3 ■— ' O 3 C .0 03 EH r^ r-i S 05 <» r■^ ^^ .s S? o 9 '^ 3 ■" J2 3 O "' d o o &H U 80 LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) 81 clear if a study is made of their quantitative distribution. The com- position of the mixture of fatty acids obtained by hydrolysis of some common fats and oils is given in Table 4-5. Butterfat and coconut oil are unique in that they yield such a large number of fatty acids, many of which are lower members of the saturated fatty acid series. Note the small number of fatty acids obtained from lard and the large percentage of unsaturated acids given by the oils. Nonsaponifiable matter In addition to glycerol and fatty acids, natural fats contain another type of material called nonsaponifiablc matter or "nonsap." This is customarily separated after saponification by extracting the alkaline soap solution with ether. The "nonsap" left after evaporation of the ether consists of fat-soluble pigments, sterols, vitamins, antioxidants, and other miscellaneous substances. Although the nonsaponifiablc com- ponents constitute only a small part (1-2 per cent) of most natural fats, they are often of great importance in relation to the flavor, color, keeping qualities, and nutritional value of the fat. GLYCERIDES OF COMMON FATS Although the percentages of different fatty acids given by hydrolysis of natural fats are fairly accurately known, much less information exists as to the particular glycerides from which these fatty acids are obtained. By crystallizing the fats from acetone and other solvents, a partial separa- tion of the individual glycerides in a number of fats has been made. The separation is a long and laborious procedure, and in no sense complete. All the data accumulated show that the number of glycerides is very great and that they are more complex than w-as previously supposed. Since glycerol, C3H5(OH)3, contains three hydroxyl groups, it can be esterified with one, two, or three molecules of acid to give monoglycerides, diglycerides, and triglycerides, respectively. It is this last type which is found in fats. The three acid radicals in a triglyceride may be all alike, in which case the substance is called a simple glyceride; if more than one kind of radical is present, the compound is called a mixed glycer- ide. The glycerides are named according to the fatty acids involved in their formation. Thus the ester formed from glycerol and three molecules of palmitic acid is called tripalmitin, or simply palmitin. Its structural formula is written below. Other typical simple glycerides are triolein, tristearin, and tributyrin: to a. fO 05 CO CO o «D ■^ eo o ^' to fl t^ o o O W5 «p CO o p 00 '-; d 00 d ic 00 00 c^ CO d d r-I d § tn g M e es i» .~i «M -^'s c o 0 «2 S S 0 to to -^ i) s o s K«5 0 % «M -« 0 to to (#} cc ifl s :^ 1 ce D o rj< ^ -^ "o o _« o S i^ e2 to pfi •~ ••!* ■0 O ^ 01 « s ta • PN es tC *rt a .a 0 < .^ Qi HO ^ H to a oq *-> <; >s >J *rf •< •t3 fH !~ c O ►^ K O -< H 2; !~ &^ to o -^ ■'J cc "S ^s a Ah cq ■* -H iC O o d •*' 00 CO o. p 50 ■* © o l-H T-i lo CO i-l CO ■* 8 CO p p CD p C. O p 00 t^ 00 • i-H o (N CO d d tH CO d o !>. Oi cc d lO IN p 00 CO CO p Tj< I— ( .— 1 1— 1 to lO f>. p t^ t--^ d CO 00 o o ■^ (M O d> d o < S-c 3 .o .CJ -js b u L< a &. Dh cd cj c^ W O O O 1-1 ii cc .s .s 02 C3H5(OH)3 + 3HOCC15H31 Palmitin Glycerol Palmitic acid If the hydrolysis is brought about by means of alkali, a soap is formed instead of a fatty acid, and the process is then called saponification: 0 O II II CsHiCOCCuHaOa + 3NaOH > C3H5(OH)3 + SNaOCCuHji Palmitin Glycerol Sodium palmitate (soap) In this equation the formula of sodium palmitate is written in such a manner as to show how it is produced by the action of the NaOH on the palmitin. It might also be written CisHsiCOONa. This substance LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) 87 is a typical soap, and the above equatit)n illustrates the commercial manu- facture of soaps. Soaps A soap is defined chemically as a metallic salt of a fatty acid contain- ing ten or more carbon atoms. All commercial soaps, however, are mix- tures of several individual "soaps" because they are made from natural fats which are mixtures of glycerides. The glycerides are all saponified at once, and each fatty acid radical is converted into the corresponding soap. Thus the product is a mixture corresponding in composition to the fatty acid make-up of the original fat. Sodium and potassium soaps, being fairly soluble in water, are useful washing agents. Soaps of other metals, although too insoluble in water to form a lather, are very valuable for other purposes, as described below. The consistency and washing qualities of soaps depend partly on the metal and on the fatty acid radicals of which they are composed. Thus from a given fat, sodium hydroxide will tend to produce the harder and potassium hydroxide, the softer soap. On the other hand, if the same alkali is used throughout, a liquid fat, containing unsaturated or low molecular weight fatty acid radicals, will tend to produce a soft or liquid soap, whereas a hard fat like tallow will make a hard soap. Other things being equal, the soaps of capric, lauric, and myristic acids, that is the saturated fatty acids containing 10, 12, and 14 carbon atoms, lather better, and of these the lauric soaps are the best. It is for this reason that fats such as palm and coconut oils, yielding a large amount of these particular fatty acids on hydrolysis, are so valuable in soap making. Water-soluble soaps are classified as detergents, substances which, when dissolved in water, lower the surface tension of the water and help to loosen and wash away particles of grease and dirt. Other kinds of detergents are also produced more or less directly from fats and have become so popular that over 1.2 million lb. were produced in 1950. These so-called "synthetic detergents," which should not be called soaps, are of many types, but all of them consist of a water-soluble, salt-like group attached to a long-chain, fat-like residue. A typical example is sodium alkyl sulfate, ROSOsNa, where R represents alkyl groups cor- responding to various fatty acids such as lauric, myristic, palmitic, and stearic. These synthetic detergents differ mainly from ordinary soaps by having a sulfate in place of the carboxyl group. Since they form soluble calcium and magnesium compounds, which are not precipitated by the minerals in hard water, they are as effective washing agents in hard water as in soft water. Their aqueous solutions are also practically neutral, whereas those of ordinary soaps are quite strongly alkaline and have a pH of about 9. 88 LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) Various water-insoluble soaps of metals other than sodium or potassium have important industrial uses. Soaps of the higher saturated or slightly unsaturated fatty acids such as stearic, palmitic, and oleic acids, with such metals as aluminum, calcium, lead, barium, lithium and others, are used in making lubricating greases. When combined with lubricating oils, these soaps produce semisolid gels, or greases. More highly un- saturated acids such as linoleic or eleostearic are combined with lead, manganese, or cobalt to produce ''driers" for use in paints, varnishes, and enamels. These soaps catalyze the oxidation processes, which cause the films to "dry" or harden. Zinc oleate and stearate are used as antiseptics and astringents in medicinal preparations. Of the above soaps, aluminum and zinc stearates are quantitatively the most important, being produced annually to the extent of some 10 million lb. each. Acrolein test When glycerol is heated strongly, and especially if a deliydrating agent such as potassium bisulfate is present, it decomposes into water and acrolein: CsHjCOH), ^^gQ^ > CH2=CHCH0 + 2H2O The unsaturated aldehyde, acrolein, has a characteristic sharp, irritating odor and is partially responsible for the smell of burnt fat. Fats likewise give the acrolein test since on heating to a sufficiently high temperature the glycerides in the fat are partially broken down with the eventual formation of acrolein. Iodine number The unsaturation of a fat is determined by means of iodine, which gives the so-called iodine number of a fat. The iodine number is the per- centage of iodine by weight that the fat will absorb; for example, if a fat has an iodine number of 100, one gram of the fat will absorb one gram of iodine. The following table shows how the iodine number gener- ally varies with the physical state of the fats. It will be noted that the hard fat, tallow, has a low iodine number, 35^5, whereas lard, a soft fat, has an iodine number of 50-70, and the oils have iodine numbers ranging from 80 to 200. If judged by the low iodine number, butter, and especially coconut oil, should be hard fats. The low melting point of coconut oil (about 25°) as compared with that of tallow (about 45°) is due to the presence of large quantities of glycerides of the lower saturated fatty acids. The softness of butter is caused by two factors, unsaturation and glycerides of low molecular weight. In most fats and oils only the first of these two factors plays a part. LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) 89 Table 4-6 Iodine niiinber of some ronimon oils and fats Coconut oil 5-10 Buttcrfat 26-38 Beef tallow 35-45 OIoo oil from beef tallow 40- 55 Lard 50-70 Olive oil 79-90 Peanut oil 87-100 Cottonseed oil 104-1 16 Corn oil 111-124 Soybean oil 137-143 Linseed oil 170-200 Linseed oil has the highest iodine number of any known fat. It is a highly unsaturated oil and takes up atmospheric oxygen very readily to form a hard tough film. For this reason it is peculiarly well adapted for paint purposes. When paint is spread over a surface, the linseed oil takes up oxygen from the air and forms a thin, hard, watertight coat. No other oil has ever been found which is equal to linseed oil in this respect. Tung and soybean oils come nearer to it than any other oils and are used to supplement linseed oil in the paint industry. At the present time the demand for linseed oil is far greater than can be met by the supply. Were it possible to desaturate other oils such as cottonseed and peanut oil so that they would have the same drying capacity as linseed oil, it would be of enormous benefit to the paint industry. Un- fortunately no method for doing this has yet been discovered, although the reverse process of saturating an unsaturated oil can be easily ac- complished. The term "drying oil" is applied to liquid fats, like linseed oil, which have iodine numbers in the range 150 to 200 and form hard, dry films when spread over a surface and exposed to the air. The drying oils are unsuited for lubricating purposes because they tend to become gummy and sticky. The same property of unsaturation operates, but in lubricating oils it is an undesirable property rather than a desirable one. Hydrogenation of oils The saturating or hardening of fats has become an important com- mercial process. If an oil or soft fat is exposed .to the action of hydrogen in the presence of finely divided nickel (a catalyst) at a moderately high temperature (150° to lOOT..) and pressure (25 lb. per sq. in.), it combines with the hydrogen and is converted into a solid fat. This process is applied annually to several hundred thousand tons of un- saturated fats in the United States. Although not all of this hydrogenated 90 LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) material is converted into edible fats, great quantities of well known commercial products, e.g., "Crisco" and ''Snowdrift/' are prepared in this manner from peanut, cottonseed, and other oils. These fats are more stable to heat than natural fats, such as lard, and are, therefore, peculiarly well adapted to certain cooking operations, such as deep-fat frying. The natural fats tend to decompose at higher temperatures, owing, it is assumed, to the presence of small amounts of free fatty acid. The more free acid present in a fat, the more readily it is decom- posed by heat. Rancidity of fats When fats are kept for a long time, they develop objectionable odors and tastes, a condition which is known as rancidity. Many different factors such as heat, light, moisture, air, enzymes, bacteria, and metals are involved in the decomposition of fats. The principal chemical changes are hydrolysis and oxidation. The former is particularly important in the case of butter and other dairy products because the free fatty acids, produced when butter fat is hydrolyzed, include several of the lower, saturated series {e.g., butyric, caproic, etc., see Table 4—5), which have very sharp, unpleasant odors. Rancidity due to oxidation develops par- ticularly in moderately unsaturated fats and oils, a group which includes the bulk of the common food fats. Atmospheric oxygen slowly reacts to produce hydroperoxides, fats or fatty acids having an — OOH group attached to a carbon atom next to a double bond. Once formed, the hydroperoxides serve as catalysts for further oxidation. As a result, lower fatty acids, ketones, peroxides, and other substances are formed, and the glycerol disappears. The unpleasant odors and flavors of these products make the fat rancid. Rancidity is a term which applies to any objectionable odor or taste in fats, no matter how brought about. There exist a number of different substances, not themselves fats, which have a remarkable power of slowing down the development of oxidative rancidity. Such substances are called antioxidants. They are present naturally in many fats, which have not been too extensively refined, and have a large influence on the keeping qualities of fats. Ex- amples of antioxidants are crude lecithin, hydroquinone (HOC6H4OH), vitamin C, and the tocopherols (vitamins E, p. 216). Only small amounts, of the order of 1 per cent of the fat, or less, are sufficient to delay the onset of oxidative rancidity for extended periods. Antioxidants appear to function by interfering with the catalytic effect of the hydro- peroxides mentioned above. In so doing they are themselves slowly oxidized, so that their effect eventually wears off. Antioxidants are deliberately added to many food fats to improve their keeping qualities. They are also thought, by many investigators, to play an important biological role in preventing unwanted oxidations from occurring in vivo. LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) 91 Determination of fat The percentage of fat in a foodstuff is determined by extracting the fat with etlier and weighing it. In tables of analyses this is generally spoken of as fat, or more correctly, ether extract. ' It is not necessarily all fat, since ether will dissolve many other substances such as waxes, resins, fatty acids, and coloring matter, all of which may be contained in natural fats. The ether extract of cereals is mainly fat, whereas a large proportion of that obtained from vegetables consists of fatty acids, phospholipides, nonsaponifiable matter, etc. The following table shows how variable is the comi)osition of ether extract: Table 4-7 Composition of ether extract Material Neutral Free fatly Nonsaponifiable extracted fats acids "Lecithin" matter (per cent) (per cent) (percent) (per cent) Potatoes 16.3 56.9 3.1 10.9 Beets 23.0 35.3 10.7 Com 88.7 6.7 14.0 3.7 Barley 73.0 6.1 Oats . 59.2 35.4 0.8 2.7 Peas . 58.6 112 27.4 7.4 Soybeans 95.5 12 1.8 1.5 A special test for the determination of fat in certain dairy products, particularly milk, was introduced in 1890 by Stephan Moulton Babcock. The "Babcock test," as it is universally called, has been of decisive im- portance to the growth of dairying in this country, since it made possible a quick, practical means of judging the butter fat production of individual cows, permitting selection of the best producers for breeding. The test is made by treating a definite amount of milk with an equal volume of 90 per cent sulfuric acid and warming the mixture gently. On cen- trifuging this mixture, the fat separates as a distinct layer, which is measured in the neck of a special flask cahbrated to read directly the percentage of butter fat. WAXES Definition "Waxes are classified as simple lipides, together with the true fats, but unlike fats they contain higher monohydroxy (sometimes dihydroxy) alcohols in place of glycerol. These alcohols exist in the- wax in com- 92 LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) bination with fatty acids, that is, as esters. An example of an individual wax ester is cetyl palmitate: O II CHalCHO hCHjOCCCH.) uCHi The natural waxes are mixtures of many such esters and often contain hydrocarbons as well. Occurrence and importance Waxes are widely distributed in nature, both in plant and animal ma- terial. They are generally found on the external surfaces, where they serve as a protective coating and prevent undue evaporation of moisture. They keep the feathers of birds and the wool and hair of animals soft and pliable. Some of the important natural waxes are as follows: bees- wax, secreted by the honey bee; lanolin (wool wax or degras), a waxy material obtained from wool; spermaceti and sperm oil, saHd and liquid waxes, respectively, which are separated from the oily liquid in the head of the sperm whale ; Chinese wax, the secretion of an insect ; and carnauba wax, a coating found on the leaves of the carnauba (Brazil) palm. Waxes are important commercial materials and are extensively used in the manufacture of candles, floor polishes, and varnishes. Many industrial waxes, however, are synthetic products made from higher chlorinated hydrocarbons, etc. Properties The waxes are, as a rule, solid materials that have a melting point between 60° and 80°C. They are insoluble in water and are poor con- ductors of heat. Waxes are much more resistant to saponification than fats or oils. Light, air, bacteria, molds, and other agents that readily bring about changes in the fats have little or no effect upon the waxes. Because of these properties it is evident that they are particularly suitable for the protection of the surfaces of animals and plants. Composition Waxes can be separated into their constituents by saponification with alkali, which slowly forms soaps of the acidic components, and extrac- tion of the aqueous soap solution with ether. The ether dissolves the nonsaponifiable material (higher alcohols and hydrocarbons), which in the case of waxes amounts to about 50 per cent of the original weight (note difference from fats, p. 81). A list of the chief components of several natural waxes is given in Table 4-8. ^3 d S3 eo H o3 J^ O fe X X 53 < > !»: X =J X XX X cS 5 r/1 S =* 03 53 ^ 03 ca 03 ^ ffi K HH Ph o P. u u o o o o o o o o u o o o o o ^ ^ ^ J^ A A ^ J; ^ ^ M ?) ri N pH hM HH PH 3 S N Tl CI CI M ?1 ^^1 ^^^^ ^^ '^^ "^^ "^^^ MH iJh l-M MH H-l HH o o o u o o o o o o P5 r; CO eo Ph Ph Ph pH 0 3 u o II r; « r: « p^ Ph hM Ph u u o o ^ JO n rs « 00 K ffi W ffi W W u o o u o o u u u o w s u 0 a s 0 t- t:3 o 3 o • J3 u V j: 60 H 1 § 5 C CO 1— 1 00 T— ( GO o C^ (M CO CO CD 00 O C^ •* M (M CO CO CO t>. (32 T^ eo IM (M CO CO o O O O <^ <5 a o <; H H H 'So ."S •-- ^ to S -^ -1-^ to c p a :^ -^3-0 0 oa w tp-t ^-( PL, O ^ '^ iz; S i s s c o a a o o o 93 94 LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) Note particularly the high carbon number of most of the components listed, and the fact that the hydrocarbons all contain odd rather than even numbers of carbon atoms. Although lanolin is one of the most common and important waxes, it is not included in Table 4-8 because of its unique composition. It contains over 20 unusual branched chain acids and hydroxyacids combined as esters with a variety of alcohols, among which are ceryl alcohol, cholesterol, other sterols, and at least two alcohols of the triterpene type. Another unusual type of wax con- stituent, reportedly present in Chinese urushi wax, is represented by two of the higher dibasic acids, H00C(CHo)i8C00H, and HOOC(CH2)2o- COOH. STEROLS Sterols are solid, cyclic alcohols usually containing 27-29 carbon atoms, 17 of which are arranged in a characteristic ring system consisting of three six-membered rings and one five-membered ring (sjee Fig. 4-2). Over thirty sterols have been found in nature. They occur in the tissues of animals, in plants, abundantly in yeasts and molds, but apparently not at all in bacterial cells. Some are saturated; others contain one, two or three double bonds. Various side chains and one or more hydroxyl groups complete the sterol structure (see formulas of cholesterol below, and ergosterol, p. 213). The sterols may occur free, or combined with fatty acids as esters, or with carbohydrates as glycosides. Fig. 4-2. Diagram and numbering of the steroid ring system. Several types of substance closely related to the sterols are of particular biological importance. They include the bile acids, sex hormones (p. 292), adrenal cortical hormones (p. 290), vitamins D (p. 210), several heart-stimulating drugs {e.g., digitalis) , saponins, and others. The sterols and their related substances are collectively designated as steroids. All contain the characteristic steroid ring system (Fig. 4-2). Cholesterol This substance is the characteristic sterol of higher animals. Although present in every cell of the body, it is most abundant in egg yolk, animal fats like cream and butter, cod liver oil, and especially in nerve and brain tissue. In fact, the concentration in the human brain may reach the LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) 95 surprisingly high value of 17 per cent of the dry weight. Cholesterol is also the chief component of human gallstones, deriving its name from this circumstance (Greek: chole, bile + stereos, solid). It has the formula: CH3 CH, CH(CH,)3-CH-CH, H2 CH3 I C I C H2 CH3 I ^C I ^C. H /C CH, H, H Cholesterol The general distribution of cholesterol in the body indicates that it must perform some important function there. It has been found that cholesterol protects the blood corpuscles from the dissolving action of certain poisons (saponins) . It also checks the tendency of the bile salts to dissolve the blood corpuscles and inhibits the action of the fat-splitting enzymes (lipases). A closely related compound, 7-dehydrocholesterol, is the precursor of one of the important D vitamins. In some types of heart disease (atherosclerosis) so much cholesterol and other lipides are deposited on the inner walls of the heart arteries that the blood supply to the heart muscle is seriously impaired. Since this condition is associated with a high level of cholesterol in the blood, it has been suggested that diets rich in cholesterol should be avoided. Unfortunately this would eliminate the use of eggs, milk, butter, pork, liver, and other highly nutritious foods. Furthermore, even if no cho- lesterol is ingested, large amounts are synthesized in the body from other substances. It has been shown that the blood cholesterol level is more definitely associated with other factors such as age and obesity than it is wath dietary intake. Sitosterol Vegetable oils such as corn, wheat, cottonseed, and linseed oils contain sitosterol and other sterols. Sitosterol is found in the nonsaponifiable fraction of the oil. Some investigators have maintained that the plant sterols are converted into cholesterol and other zoosterols in the animal body. There is abundant evidence, however, that cholesterol is syn- 96 LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) thesized in the body from two-carbon fragments produced during carbo- hydrate and fat metabolism. Ergosterol This sterol has acquired great importance because of the discovery that it is the parent substance of one of the D vitamins. AVhen ergosterol is exposed to ultra violet light for a few minutes, several new compounds are formed. One of these, calciferol, has, besides chemical properties that differentiate it from its parent substance, marked antirachitic potency. (See discussion on vitamin D, p. 212, for details regarding these changes.) Ergosterol is a white, crystalline compound, which has a melting point of 160-161^0. It is obtained commercially from yeast and mold cells, where it occurs in concentrations up to 2 per cent of the dry weight of the fungal tissue. The dry yeast or mold is extracted with alcohol and benzene, and on concentration of the extract, crystals of crude ergosterol separate. Its chief commercial use is in the manufacture of vitamin D preparations. BILE SALTS Bile aids in fat digestion (p. 317) because most of its solid matter con- sists of bile salts, strong emulsifying agents which form water-soluble complexes with fatty materials. These substances are sodium salts of peptide-like combinations of glycine or taurine (NH2CH2CH2SO3H) with bile acids, steroids bearing a carboxyl and one or more hydroxyl groups. The commonest and most abundant bile acid is cholic acid, and the glycine and taurine conjugates of it are glycocholic and taurocholic acids, respectively. CH3 CH3 HO H3CH(CH2)2COOH HO H3CH(CH2)2CONHCH..CH2S03Na HO' OH HO Cholic acid Sodium salt of taurocholic acid (a typical bile salt) PHOSPHOLIPIDES Phospholipides, or phosphatides, are fat-like substances that contain phosphorus and nitrogen. Upon hydrolysis they are broken down into LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) 97 their components, which inchide fatty acids or aldeliydes, phosphoric acid, a nitrogenous base, and a polyhydroxy alcohoh PhosphoHpidcs may be divided into three subgroups according to the alcoholic com- ponent, as follows: glycerol: lecithin, ccphalin, plasmalogen inositol: lipositol, mono- and diphosphoinositides sphingosine : sphingomyelin The lecithins and cephalines arc the best known and most important members of the entire group. Phospholipides are believed to occur in every cell and are particularly abundant in some of the most important and active tissues of the body: brain, liver, and mammary gland. They appear to be an essential part of the actual cell structure, and not merely stored-up food as are the true fats in adipose tissue. This essential character is indicated by the fact that the amount of phospholipides in the tissues is not materially reduced during extreme starvation. For this reason these substances are often called "essential lipides," or the "nonvariable component" of tissue lipides, in contrast to the true fat, or "variable component." Lecithins The structure of a lecithin may be illustrated by the formula: O II H2C — 0 — C — CijHsi o 11 HC — O — C — C17H33 o II H2C-O— P— OCH^CH^NCCH,), I + o- This formula shows that the substance is a glyceride in which one fatty acid radical has been replaced by a group consisting of phosphoric acid combined as an ester with choline (p. 162). Since the phosphate residue is strongly acidic and the choline nitrogen strongly basic, the two neu- tralize, each other and form an inner salt, or zwitterion, which is indicated in the formula by the + and — signs. The fatty acids in lecithins tend to be rather highly unsaturated, although some saturated acids are usually present. A hydrolecithin, in which bot-li fatty acids (palmitic) are satu- rated, has also been found in brain and lung tissue. It is much less soluble in the usual fat solvents than unsaturated lecithins. It is theo- retically possible to have lecithins in which the phosphoric acid-choline 98 LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) group is attached to the center, or beta, carbon atom of glycerol. How- ever, it seems very doubtful if such beta lecithins exist in nature. Many different lecithins have been found in brain, nerves, liver, pan- creas, heart, blood, and other active tissues of the body. Egg yolk and soybeans are especially rich (2 to 5 per cent) in lecithins and serve as starting materials for commercial preparation. Soybean lecithin, pro- duced in ton quantities, is used as an emulsifying agent in many food products; for example, the addition of 0.2 per cent soybean lecithin to oleomargarine gives a consistency that closely resembles that of butter. To obtain the crude lecithin, the fat extracted from the original source material is treated with acetone. True fats are soluble; lecithins and cephaline, being insoluble, precipitate out. The precipitation can be made more complete by adding magnesium chloride or cadmium chloride, which form sparingly soluble addition compounds with lecithins and cephalins. The cephalins are separated from lecithins by virtue of their lower solubility in alcohol. Highly purified lecithins are colorless, greasy, paraffin-like substances. Colorless preparations, however, are seldom seen, since they are difficult to obtain and quickly darken on exposure to air. The outstanding char- acteristic of the lecithins is their high chemical reactivity. They are easily oxidized, easily hydrolyzed, and have a great capacity for com- bining with other substances such as water, salts, proteins, and carbo- hydrates. As indicated above they are also excellent emulsifying agents, probably because their structure includes both the water-attracting salt group and the long carbon chains of the fatty acid residues (compare soaps and detergents, p. 87) . Hydrolysis of lecithins, with moderately strong acid or alkali, readily breaks them down into the constituent fatty acids, choline, and a-glycero- phosphoric acid. The attachment between the glycerol and the phos- phoric acid is very strong. It is only broken by long boiling with strong acid. 0 CHaOH CH^OC-CsHj, I I CHOH CHOH 0 O II II CHjOP-OH CH^O-P-OCHoCHzNCCH,), 1 I •*■ OH 0- a-Glycerophosphoric acid A lysolecithin Enzymatic hydrolysis also occurs in living tissues as a result of the ac- tion of lecithinases. One type of lecithinase (type B) splits off' both fatty acid residues. Another (called type A) removes only one, leaving a product, lysolecithin, which is poisonous because of its power to hemolyze LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) 99 (dissolve) red blood cells. Cobra snake venom contains Iccithinase A, and presumably owes its deadly effect, at least in part, to the production of lysolecithin. Still another hydrolysis i)roduct of lecithins (or cepha- lins) are the phosphatidic acids, which are found in the form of metallic salts in various plant and animal tissues. O II CH2 — 0 — C — CisHai 0 II CH— O-C-CnHaj 0 'I 0 CHaO— PC^r^Ca A phosphatidic acid (calcium salt) Cephalins The cephalins are found closely associated with lecithins in many tissues, but particularly in brain tissue. A phospholipide preparation ob- tained from ether-soluble brain lipides, by precipitation with alcohol, has been called "brain cephalin." It was thought to differ from lecithin only in containing ethanolamine, or cholamine (HOCHoCHoNHo), as the basic constituent in place of choline. However, it has been demon- strated that "brain cephalin" is actually a mixture of several phospho- lipides, only one of which corresponds to the above structure. This com- ponent of "brain cephalin" is now designated by the more specific name, phosphatidyl ethanolamine. A second component is very similar in structure but contains the amino acid serine, HOCHoCHCOOH, in place NHo of ethanolamine. It is named phosphatidyl serine. When obtained from brain tissue, it contains oleic and stearic acids, as the only fatty acids. The chemical formulas of these substances are as follows: O II CH2 — 0 — CC17H34 o II CH — 0 — CCnHas I 0 CH2-0— p— OCH2CH2NH3 I 0- Phosphatidyl ethanolamine (inner salt formula) O II CHj — 0 — CCkHss 0 II CH-0— CCnHjj 0 II CHj-O-P— OCH2CHCOOH 1 I ONa NH2 Phosphatidyl serine (sodium salt) 100 LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) Phosphatidyl serine is a strong acid, existing at physiological pH values combined as a salt with sodium or potassium. It is alcohol-insoluble, whereas phosphatidyl ethanolamine is easily soluble in alcohol. The ''cephalin" of beef brain, and of pig heart and liver, is made up mostly of phosphatidyl ethanolamine (50-75 per cent), mixed with smaller amounts of phosphatidyl serine (13-35 per cent) . According to Chargaff, egg yolk cephalin is entirely of the ethanolamine type. Cephalins are thought to play a part in the process of blood clotting. Sphingomyelins This type of phospholipide differs from most others in being insoluble in ether. It is also insoluble in acetone, but forms a colloidal solution in water. It can be extracted from tissues with hot alcohol, but on cooling crystallizes out as a white solid. First discovered in brain tissue, it is now known to occur in many organs, as well as in blood and milk. Enormously increased amounts are present in all the organs and tissues (except brain) of patients suffering from Niemann-Pick's disease. Sphingomyelin on hydrolysis gives rise to an amino alcohol (sphingo- sine) , plus a fatty acid (usually lignoceric) , phosphoric acid, and choline. The fatty acid is attached to the amino group to form the amide, ligno- CH3(CH2),2CH=CH-CH-CH— CH2 I I I OH NH2 OH Sphingosine ceryl sphingosine. This substance is a normal component of pig spleen and liver and can also be obtained by partial hydrolysis of sphingomyelin. CH3(CHo)nCH=CH-CH-CH— CH2 I I I OH NH OH I CO I (CH2)22 CH3 Lignoceryl sphingosine The phosphoric acid and choline are presumably present in sphingomyelin as a phosphorylcholine, inner-salt group (see formula of lecithin, p. 97) , attached to one of the hydroxyl groups of sphingosine. Other phospholipides Almost nothing is known of the biological significance of the phospho- lipides other than lecithins and cephalins, but the fact that they occur LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) 101 in large amounts in brain and nerve tissue undoubtedly means that they have an important function there. An unusual lipide type is represented by the ylastnnlogens, substances first found in beef muscle, but also present in brain. These lipidcs make up about 10 per cent of the total phos- phatides of these tissues. Plasmalogen on hydrolysis gives rise to chola- mine, a-glyccrophosphoric acid, and a higher aldehyde corresponding to a common fatty acid, e.g., palmitaldehyde (C15H31CHO) or stearaldehyde (C17H30CHO). Therefore, plasmalogens most probably have the follow- ing formula, in which R represents the alkyl radical of a higher fatty acid. I ^CHR CHO^ O I II CH2— O— P— OCHoCHjNH, I ^ 0- Plasmalogen Phospholipides containing inositol have been found in soybeans, as well as in nerve tissue. One of the components of "brain cephalin" has been found to be an alcohol-insoluble phospholipide which on hydrolysis gives rise to equimolar portions of glycerol, a fatty acid, and inositol meta- diphosphate: O H II ^Cc::<)-P— (0H)2 HCOH HCOH Q I I II HCOH„ HC-0-P(0H)2 Inositol meta-diphosphate CEREBROSIDES (GLYCOLIPIDES) Compound lipidcs containing a sugar residue but no phosphorus are present in relatively large amounts (7 per cent of the solid matter) in brain tissue and probably occur in all organs of the body. These sub- stances, called cerebrosides, are insoluble in ether and water, but dissolve in pyridine or in hot alcohol. They are white solids which on hydrolysis yield one molar erjuivalent each of a higher fatty acid {e.g., lignoceric) , sphingosine or dihydrosphingosine, and galactose. Such a combination of a carbohydrate, fatty acid, and base shows what unexpected com- pounds exist in the body and demonstrates that the line between carbo- hydrates, fats, and nitrogenous compounds is not nearly as sharp as classifications might indicate. All the fatty acids which have been found 102 LIPIDES (fats and RELATED SUBSTANCES) to occur in cerebrosides and sphingomyelin are saturated, or have only- one double bond, and contain a large number of carbon atoms (mostly C24 or C26)- REVIEW QUESTIONS ON LIPIDES 1. Explain the terms: (1) fat, (2) phospholipide, (3) wax, (4) sterol, (5) soap, (6) saponification, (7) hydrogenation of oils, (8) detergent, (9) antioxidant. 2. Explain chemically why tallow is a solid and olive oil is a liquid. Name the chief fatty acids obtained from each. 3. Give (1) the elements in (a) carotene, (b) cholesterol, (2) the equation for the saponification of triolein with potassium hydroxide, (3) the chemical groups con- tained in lecithin, (4) the graphic formula of glycerol, (5) the formula for one con- stituent in a wax. 4. Discuss the factors that operate to make a fat rancid. 5. Explain the differences in the chemical composition of the ether extracts (fat) of various food materials. Compare, for example, the ether extracts of oatmeal and spinach. 6. Explain the terms (1) simple glyceride, (2) mixed glyceride, aad discuss their occurrence in a natural fat. 7. Explain how an oil is made commercially. What is the source of (1) linseed oil, (2) tallow, (3) "Crisco"? 8. Explain the significance and the limitations of the term "fat" as used in tables of food analyses. 9. Why is January milk so pale in color as compared with June milk? Can you think of any way by which winter milk could be improved in color? 10. Generally compare the biological roles of true fats, waxes, and complex lipides. 11. Correct the following statements if incorrect: (1) "Dreft" is the trade name of a cleaning agent that does not form an insoluble precipitate with hard water. Chem- ically, it is the sodium salt of sulfated aliphatic alcohols, chiefly lauryl. (2) Hydro- genation of coconut oil will produce a solid fat. (3) Glycerine and glycerol are dif- ferent names for the same compound. (4) Stearin and sterol also mean the same thing. (5) Linseed oil is obtained from the linen seed. REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Bloor, W. R., Biochemistry of the Fatty Acids, Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York, 1943. Bull, H. B., Biochemistry of the Lipides, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1947. Chargaff, E., Ziff, M., and Rittenberg, D., "A Study of the Nitrogenous Constituents of Tissue Phosphatides," J. Biol. Chem., 144, 343 (1942). Hilditch, T. P., Chemical Constitution of Natural Fats, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1940. Jamieson, G. S., Vegetable Fats and Oils, Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York, 1932. Markley, K. S., Fatty Acids, Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, 1947. Thannhauser, S. J., and Schmidt, G., "Lipins and Lipidoses," Physiol. Rev., 26, 275 (1946). Wittcoff, H., The Phosphatides, Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1951, Chapter 5 PROTEINS Proteins are organic compounds containing nitrogen, which, together with the carbohydrates and the fats, form the principal part of the solids of living matter. The name comes from a Greek word, proteios, mean- ing first. It was originated in 1839 by a Dutch chemist, Mulder, because of his belief in the widespread occurrence and great importance of the proteins. In nutritiori, the proteins are used principally for body-building and maintenance rather than for providing energy. Protein materials are derived from both plant and animal sources, although in the average American diet animal proteins appear to predominate. Like the polysaccharides and fats, proteins can be broken down into their unit structures. These units are amino acids, the "building stones" Table 5-1 Economic Importance of some industries based on proteins * Value of products Industry Wage earners shipped 1. Leather and its products 383,175 $3,673,849,000 2. Meat products, including poultry 274,441 8,766,322,000 3. Wool, felt, and hair products 230,524 2,432,355,000 4. Furs and their products 37,561 564,660,000 5. Sea foods (canned) 20,153 226.519,000 6. Glue and gelatin 5,372 99,260,000 951,226 $15,762,965,000 * Compiled from the 1947 Census of Manufactures, Bureau of the Census, 1950, and from the Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1951, published by the Department of Commerce. from which the proteins are constructed. In the common proteins there are about twenty different amino acids; many hundred molecules of these amino acids are combined to form the larger aggregates called proteins. Smaller aggregates of the order of 100 units or less are usually classed as peptides. Although proteins do not play as large a role in our economic life as carbohydrates, their importance is very great. They are the distinguish- ing constituents of many essential foods (e.g., meats, fish, poultry, eggs, 103 104 PROTEINS beans, peas, etc.) as well as important clothing and furnishing materials (e.g., woolens, felts, furs, silks, leather, etc.). Table 5-1 gives data for some industries utilizing protein materials. Comparison wdth Table 3-1 (p. 103) shows that the protein industries approach the machinery industry in monetary value of products, though they do not give employment to as many workers. Since Table 5-1 is not exhaustive, it does not include any nonindustrial business based on protein materials; for example, eggs, which had a value in 1950 of $1,811,387,667 at the farms where they were produced. Several pure proteins are prepared and sold — gelatin for food and film industries; insulin for the treatment of diabetes; pepsin, trypsin, and other enzymes; and the peptide antibiotics, bacitracin and tyrothricin. Other purified protein materials are marketed as vaccines, toxins, and antitoxins. Occurrence and preparation . Every kind of cell contains its own special proteins, and, therefore, the number of individual proteins must be enormous. About 700 have been isolated and examined. Perhaps 200, contained in the most important foodstuffs and biological materials, have been studied in some detail. Since there are about 40 known amino acids, each one of which may be used many times, it is evident that an enormous number of proteins is possible. Perhaps comparison with the number of words in the English language will make the possibilities more evident. We have 26 letters, each of which may be used several times in a given word. They comprise about 600,000 words listed in an unabridged dictionary. Many new words are added yearly, just as many new proteins are discovered each year. There are probably thousands of new proteins in the many species of plants, animals, and microorganisms that have not been investigated. The general method of preparing a protein is to dissolve it in its particular solvent, water, salt solution, or alcohol, and then alternately precipitate impurities or protein by changing one or more factors such as pH, salt concentration, or temperature. Solution and reprecipitation are repeated many times until the protein is obtained as pure as possible, and preferably in crystalline form. Some proteins, for example, egg albumin, can be obtained crystalline after only one or two operations, but others, such as muscle phosphorylase, require about ten different treatments before they will crystallize. A twentyfold purification is usual, but in the case of botulinum toxin A, purification increases the potency more than 200 times that of the crude material. Isolation of proteins challenges the skill and resourcefulness of the most experienced investigators. Great progress, however, has been made in the last twenty years. To date, more than 150 proteins have been From Hawk and Berseim. Practical Phjif^iolngical Chemistry. Courtesy of I'. P.laldstoii's Son & ("o.. Inc. Fig. 5-1. Crystalline egg albumin. From Hawk and BeiKciin, Practical Phi/siolof/ical Chemistry. Coiirte.sy of I". Blakiston's Soii & Co., Inc. Fig. 5-2. Oxyhemoglobin of the horse. 105 From Reicliert and Brown, The CrvstaUooraphy of Hemoqlo litis. Courtesy of the Carnegie Institution of Wasliinsrton gton. Fig. 5-3. Oxyhemoglobin of the squirrel. From Keichert and Brown, The Cri/xtaUooraphy of Hemoglo- bins. Courte.s.v of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Fig. 5-4. Oxyhemoglobin of the guinea pig. 106 PROTEINS 107 obtained in a crystalline state. Crystallinity, however, is no sure sign of homogeneity (purity). The best tests of homogeneity are electro- phoresis, ultracentrifuge sedimentation, solubility measurements, and maximum biological activity (if tiie protein has such a property). If a solution of protein is placed in an electrophoresis cell, and an electric current is passed througii the solution, the protein moves toward the cathode or anode, depending upon the polarity of the electric charge carried by the protein. The position of the protein in the solution is marked by a change in the refractive index of the solution and shows up as a boundary which can be determined by suitable optical means. The migration of the protein, during a given period of time, can be followed and its electrophoretic mobility calculated. If the protein consists of only one component, there will be only a single boundary in the solution. The protein is then said to be pure or homogeneous. If the solution contains a second component, this will usually migrate at a different rate of speed than the first so that it will be revealed in the optical pattern. Electrophoresis can be used to determine not only the number of components but also the amount of each component in the solution. An example of its usefulness is found in the extensive study being made of the proteins of blood in health and disease. In the ultracentrifuge, the protein solution is subjected to a centrifugal force about 250,000 times as great as the force of gravity. Heavier par- ticles settle faster than lighter ones. If the solution contains two or more proteins, there will be either two or more boundaries, or else a diffuse boundary in the optical pattern. A single protein in solution shows only one boundary when it is sedimented. The solubility test of homogeneity depends upon the fact that the quantity of dissolved protein, until saturation is reached, is directly pro- portional to the weight of sample taken. After saturation there is no increase in dissolved protein, irrespective of the weight of sample. How- ever, if the sample contains more than one protein, the solubility curve does not show a sharp break but continues to rise until the saturation point is reached for each component. Few of the proteins isolated have been subjected to all of these tests. Most of the proteins, e.g., casein, gliadin, that have been prepared from our common foodstuffs appear to be mixtures of several components. The names and amounts of the principal proteins in some common food- stuffs are given in Table 5-2. Tlie percentages given are, in most cases, the amounts actually isolated. The totals, in general, agree well with the figures for crude protein (N X 6.25), and hence, it may be assumed that the kinds and amounts of protein in many of our staple foods are well established. From Table 5-3 it is apparent that proteins have great importance other than as food constituents. Some of our most imjiortant articles 108 PROTEINS Table 5-2 Principal proteins of some common foodstuffs (Undried basis) Foodstuff Barley . Beans Blood Com Eggs Lean meat Milk Oats Proteins Classification * Hordein Alcohol-soluble Hordenin Glutelin Leucosin Albumin Edestin Globulin \ Proteose J Proteose Total Phaseolin Globulin Phaselin Globulin Total Serum albumins Albumin Serum globulins Globulin Fibrinogen Globulin Hemoglobin Chromoprotein Total Zein Alcohol-soluble Zeanin Glutelin May sin Globulin Globulin Globulin Proteose Proteose Total Egg albumin Albumin Vitellin Phosphoprotein Total Myogen Albumin Myoalbumin Albumin Myosin Globulin Globulin Globulin Total Casein Phosphoprotein Lactalbumin Albumin Globulin Globulin Total Avenalin Globulin Glutelin Glutelin Prolamin Alcohol-soluble Percentage in foodstuff 4.0 4.5 0.3 1.95 10.7S 21.5 2.0 23.5 4.0 3.3 0.3 14.0 21.6 5.0 3.15 0.25 0.14 0.06 8.60 8.2 5.2 13.4 2.0 0.2 13.6 4.2 20.0 2.74 0.60 Trace Total 3.34 1.5 11.2 1.3 14.0 * See p. 110 for basis of classification. PROTEINS 109 Table S-2 — (Continued) Foodstuff Peas . . . Rice Rye Wheat Proteins Classification * Legumilin Albumin Legumin Globulin Globulin . Vicillin Proteose Proteose Undetermined . Total Or\'zenin Glutelin Globulin Globulin \ Ale. sol. J Ale. sol. Total Gliadin Alcohol-soluble Soealenin Glutelin Edestin Globulin Proteose . Proteose Leucosin Albumin Total Gliadin Alcohol-soluble Glutenin Glutelin Globulin Globulin Leucosin Albumin Proteose Proteose Miscellaneous Percen tage in foodstuff 2.0 10.0 1.0 11.5 24.5 4.0 5.9 9.9 . 4.0 2.44 1.76 0.43 8.63 3.91 4.17 0.63 0.36 0.43 1.10 Total 10.60 of clothing are protein in character. Probably all enzymes and some hormones are proteins. The discovery of the existence of proteins as viruses, toxins, and poisons, deadly to man, has emphasized their vital importance and greatly increased the impetus to research. Elementary composition All proteins contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Most proteins contain sulfur, some contain phosphorus, and a few contain iroij, copper, or manganese. Phosphorus is not really a constituent of the protein part of the molecule. Only the conjugated proteins — proteins united with a prosthetic (additional) group — contain phosphorus, the phosphorus being in the form of a phosphoric acid ester. Iron, likewise, is not found in any amino acid. Hence it is not in the protein molecule proper but is contained in the prosthetic group, e.g., hematin in hemo- globin. 110 PROTEINS Table 5-3 Examples of enzyme proteins and nonfood proteins I*R0TEIN Classification Source Keratin Albuminoid Hair, wool, feathers, hide, nails, etc. Fibroin Albuminoid Silk Sericin Albuminoid Silk Spongin Albuminoid Sponge Amylopsin Albumin Pancreas Pepsin Albumin Stomach Trypsin Albumin Pancreas Papain Albumin Latex of papaya tree Urease Globulin? Jack bean Catalase Chromoprotein Liver, etc. Flavoprotein Chromoprotein Yeast, heart, etc. Insulin Globulin? Pancreas Mosaic virus Nucleoprotein Diseased tobacco plants Tuberculin Unclassified Tubercle bacillus Avidin Albumin? Egg white Crotoxin Albumin Rattlesnake venom Bacitracin Polypeptide Antibiotic from Bacillus licheniformis Botulinum toxin A . Globulin Toxin from CI. botulinum The elementary composition of proteins varies within wide limits, but the average figures show C, 53 per cent; H, 7 per cent; 0, 23 per cent; N, 16 per cent and S, 1 per cent. Nitrogen shows the greatest varia- tion, ranging from about 10 per cent for the glycoproteins to 30 per cent for the protamines. In the common food proteins it varies within much narrower limits, 15.5-18.7 per cent, and, hence, an average figure of 16 per cent is taken. On the other hand, proteins from entirely different sources, and different in character, may have the same elementary com- position. Except in a very general way elementary composition is of but little value in the differentiation of proteins. CLASSIFICATION Because of their number and complexity, proteins are difficult to classify. The basis for classification is mainly (1) products on hydrolysis, (2) solubility, (3) coagulability, and (4) precipitability. It is probable that many compounds quite unlike in structure fall into the same group, and it is certain that many so-called proteins are not chemical entities. Even when crystallized, the proteins are not always homogeneous. How- ever, even though imperfect, a classification is indispensable for study and discussion. The official classification, with slight modifications, follows. For examples of many of the classes see Tables 5-2 and 5-3. PROTEINS 111 Simple proteins These are naturally occurring proteins that on hydrolysis yield only a-amino acids. This definition is not strictly correct because many of the albumins contain small quantities (1-2 per cent) of carbohydrate, e.g., mannose, galactose. Simple proteins are subdivided as follows: Albumins. Soluble in pure water and dilute salt solutions, coagulable by heat, precipitated by saturation with ammonium sulfate. Globulins. Insoluble in pure water but soluble in neutral salt solutions {e.g., 5 per cent NaCl) , coagulable by heat, precipitated by half-satura- tion with ammonium sulfate. Glutelins. Insoluble in water or salt solution, but soluble in dilute acids or alkalies (e.g., 0.1 per cent). Prolamins (Alcohol-soluble Proteins). Insoluble in water, dilute salt solutions, or absolute alcohol, but soluble in 70-80 per cent alcohol. Albuminoids. Insoluble in the reagents given for the preceding pro- teins. A heterogeneous group of simple proteins found usually in the skeletal structures and protective coatings of animals; examples are kera- tin from horn, hide, hoof, hair, feathers, and wool, elastin from ligaments, collagen from hide and tendons, and fibroin and sericin from silk. Gela- tin, although it does not fit into this group, is classed as an albuminoid because it is obtained from collagen by boiling with water. It is more properly a derived protein. Histones. Proteins (having basic properties) coagulable by heat, solu- ble in water, dilute acids, or alkalis, but insoluble in dilute ammonia. They form precipitates with other proteins and yield on hydrolysis large quantities of the basic amino acids. Typical examples are globin from hemoglobin and histones from the thymus gland and leucocytes. Protamines. These are the simplest natural proteins and contain only a small number of amino acids, among which arginine predominates — in some cases comprising 85 per cent or more of the protein. The pro- tamines are strongly basic, soluble in water, and not coagulable by heat. They form crystalline salts with mineral acids and precipitates with other proteins, e.g., insulin (protamine-insulin). They are found in ripe sperm cells. The most studied compounds have been obtained from fish sperm, e.g., salmine from salmon, sturine from sturgeon, and clupeine from herring. Conjugated proteins These proteins are combinations in which a simple jirotein is united with a characteristic nonprotein group. The nonprotein group is called a prosthetic group. The subdivisions are as follows: 112 PROTEINS Nucleoproteins. These are basic proteins, e.g., histones, in combination with nucleic acids. They are obtained most readily from thymus and other glands, yeast, and wheat germ. Glycoproteins or Glucoproteins. The prosthetic group is carbohydrate in character, and makes up a large proportion (25-35 per cent) of the glycoprotein. As a consequence, the nitrogen content of glycoproteins is low, 9-13 per cent. Example^ are: proteins from saliva (mucin), vitreous humor, gastric mucosa, and jellyfish. Phosphoproteins. The prosthetic group is phosphoric acid, linked as an ester to the protein through a hydroxyamino acid, e.g., serine. Two of the best known proteins, casein and vitellin, belong to this class. Chromoproteins. The prosthetic group is colored. For example: hematin of hemoglobin is red, cyanin of hemocyanin (the respiratory pig- ment in the blood of the lobster and other molluscs) is blue, melanin of hair proteins is black, riboflavin phosphate of flavoproteins (respiratory enzymes) is red, and retinene (aldehyde of vitamin A) of rhodopsin (the chromoprotein involved in vision) is yellow. -^ Lipoproteins. The prosthetic group is fatty acid, lecithin, or a phos- pholipide other than lecithin. Lipoproteins are a poorly defined group occurring in egg yolk, brain tissue, lungs, etc. Derived proteins This division includes denatured proteins and cleavage products formed by partial hydrolysis of naturally occurring proteins with acids or en- zymes. The hydrolysis products are polypetides of varying size, and the subdivisions have little chemical justification. The principal classes still in use are: Proteoses. Hydrolytic products of proteins that are soluble in water, not coagulable by heat, and precipitated by saturating the solution con- taining them with ammonium sulfate. Peptones. These polypeptides are probably of smaller molecular weight than the proteoses since they are found in the filtrate of the ammonium sulfate precipitation of proteoses. So-called "peptones," used in the preparation of bacteriological media, are mixtures of polypeptides, mainly proteoses. Peptides. Combinations of two or more amino acids. They are called di-, tri-, tetra-, etc., peptides, according to whether they contain two, three, four, or more amino acid residues in the niolecule. Some peptides occur naturally, e.g., glutathione, pteroylglutamic acid (a vitamin), peni- cillins, etc. Large numbers of peptides have been synthesized. PROTEINS 113 PRODUCTS ON HYDROLYSIS— AMINO ACIDS Number and kind of amino acids \Mien a protein is iiydrolyzed by means of acid, alkali, or enzymes, alpha amino acids, usually called amino acids, are obtained as products. If the protein is a conjugated protein, such as casein, nucleoprotein, etc., other products are obtained in addition. Only the amino acids, however, come from the protein molecule proper; the additional com- Courtesy ol' W. C. Ko.se and Joiiniul of liioloijicul Chemistry. Fig. 5-5. Threonine. pounds originate in the prosthetic group. The number of amino acids that have been definitely obtained as a result of hydrolysis is about twenty-five; about fifteen more have been reported, but their presence in protein is either not well established or they occur only in unusual protein materials, e.g., djencolic acid of the djencol bean and a,y-diamino- butyric acid in the polymyxin antibit)tics (pp. 118, 119). Several others, citrulline, homocysteine, and cystathionine, do occur free in the body tissues and play an important role in intermediary metabolism. Amino acids are classified according to the number of amino groups, carboxyl groups, and other characteristics as shown on pp. 116-120. rroni Hawk and Beigeiiu, Practical Phyniological Chemistry. Courtesy of P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Inc. Fig. 5-6. Phenylalanine. From Hawk and Bergeim. Practical Physiological Chemistry. Courtesy of P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Inc. Fig. 5-7. Tyrosine. 114 ~1 1 From Schmidt's Chemistry of the Amino Acids and Proteins. Courtesy of Charles C. Thomas, publisher, Springfield, Illinois. Fig. 5-8. Cystine. From lluwk and I'.crgeim, Practical I'hysioloyical Chemistry. Courtesy of P. Blakiston's Son & Co.. Inc. Fig. 5-9. Histidine. 115 116 PROTEINS Photo by Horst G. Schneider. Fig. 5-10. Trytophan. Classification and formulas of amino acids I. MONOAMINO-MONOCARBOXYLIC ACIDS A. Aliphatic acids: COOH I HoN— C— H H COOH I H,N-C— H CH, COOH I HjN— C— H I CH2 CH3 COOH I H,N-C— H CH H3C ^CHj L-Glycine or L- Alanine or L-Aminobutyric acid L- Valine or aminoacetic acid a-aminopropionic a-aminoisovaleric acid acid COOH I H2N— C— H I CH2 I CH / \ H3C CH3 COOH I H2N— C— H I H3C CzHs COOH I H2N— C— H I CH2 I CH2 I CH2 COOH I H2N-C— H CH2OH L- Leucine or L-Isoleucine or a-aminoisocaproic /3-methyl-a-amino- acid valeric acid CH3 L-Norleucine or L-Serine or a-aminocaproic a-amino-/3-hydroxy- acid propionic acid COOH I H2N— C— H I CH2 I CH:OH L-Homoserine or a-amino-7-hydroxy- butyric acid COOH I H2N— C— H I H— C— OH I CH3 L-Threonine or a-aniino-/3-hydroxy- butyric acid PROTEINS 117 B. Acids in'th aromatic nuclei: COOH I H2N-C-H I I HC^ CH I II H L-Phenylalanine COOH I H2N— C— II I CH2 I I II 1 OH L-Tyrosine or p-hydroxyphenylalanine C. Acids containing sulfur: COOH HjN-C— H CH2 I SH L-Cysteine or ^-thiolalanine COOH I H,N— C— H CH2 \ S I s I CH2 1 H— C— NH2 I COOH L-Cystine (dicysteine) or di-/3-thiolalanme COOH I H2N-C— H I CH2 I S I CH2 I H-C— NH2 I COOH L-Lanthionine COOH I H2N-C-H CH2 I CH2 I s I CH3 L-Methionine or a-amino-7-methylthiol- butyric acid COOH I H2N— C— H CH2 I CH2 I SH L- Homocysteine COOH COOH I I H2N— C— H H2N— C— H CH2 CH2 I I CH2 CHi I I s s L-Homocystine (dihomocysteine) 118 PROTEINS COOH I COOH I H,N-C— H HjN— C— H COOH I COOH I I CHj S — -CH, I CHj I H,N— C— H HjN— C— H L-Djencolic acid v» CHj I CHr CH, -A- (Horiiocysteine part) (Cysteine part) L-Cystatliionine COOH I H— C— NH2 I H3C — C — CH3 SH D-Penicillamine OS-thiolvaline) D. Adds containing iodine. COOH I H2N-C— H CH2 I HC^ ^CH I II IC^^^CI I OH L-Diiodotyrosine COOH I H2N— C— H CH2 1 HC^ ^CH I II IC^^^CI I 0 I HC^ ^CH I II I OH L- Thyroxine PROTEINS 119 II. MONOAMINO-DICARBOXYLIC ACIDS AND RELATED AMIDES COOH I H2N-C-H I CH, I COOH. COOH I H,N— C— H I CHj I CO-NHz COOH I H2N-C-H I CH, I CHj COOH L-Glutamic acid or COOH I H2N-C— H I CHj I CH, CONH, L-Glutamine L-Aspartic acid or L-Asparagine a-aminosuccinic acid (amide of aspartic a-aminoglutaric acid (amide of glutamic acid) acid) III. Basic amino acids COOH I H-C— NH, I CH, I CH, I NH, COOH I H2N-C— H I CH, I CH, I O I NH, D-a, 7-Diaminobutyric acid L-Canaline; COOH I H,N-C— H I CH, I CH, I 0 I NH I C=NH I NH, L-Canavanine COOH I H,N-C-H I CH2 I CH, I CH, I CH, I NH, L-Lysine or a, e-diaminocaproic acid COOH I H,N-C-H I CH I CH, I CHOH* I CH, I NH, L-Hydroxylysine '(position of OH , whether D or L, is not known) 120 PROTEINS COOH I H2N-C— H HC = I I H CH2 I C L-Histidine or jS-imidazolealanine COOH I H2N-C— H I CH2 I CH2 I CH2 NH I C=NH I NH2 L-Arginine or 5-guanidino-a-aminovaleric acid COOH HjN-C— H I CH2 I CHj CH2 NH, COOH I H2N— C— H I CH2 I CHj CH2 NH I C=0 CH3 COOH L-Ornithine IV. Heterocylic amino acids COOH I NH2-CH NH2 L-Citrulline H HC*^ C- CH2 I C HC^^^C^^^CH H H L-Tryptophan or indolealanine H-C— NH-C— H I I COOH CH. CHa CH2 NH I C=NH I NH2 L-Octapine H,C CH, HjC^^^^CH-COOH N H L-Proline or a-pyrrolidine-carDoxylic acid PROTEINS 121 HO— HC CH, HjCs^^^^CH-COOH N H L-Hydroxyproline Every amino acid contains at least one amino (NHo) group and one carboxyl (COOH) grouj). (Proline and hydroxyproline may be re- garded as modified amino acids, in which the amino group has been linked to a second carbon, thus forming a ring compound.) One of the amino groups in the above list is always attached to the alpha carbon, hence the name alpha amino acids. Acids with the amino group attached to carbons other than the alpha carbon occur in nature (e.g., beta-alanine in pantothenic acid, beta-lysine in certain antibiotics, and gamma- aminobutyric acid in biological fluids) . Other types of amino acids will probably be found as more plants and microorganisms are investigated. The part of the formula other than NHl.CH-COOH is called the side chain and is represented by the letter R. Amino acids differ with respect to their side chains, and, hence, it is this part of the molecule that im- parts distinctive features to the compound. Since the most important chemical and physiological properties of amino acids are attributable to the side chains, the student should note these carefully and become familiar with the groups contained therein. Some of these distinguishing groups are: 1 HC^^^CH 1 II 1 HC^ CH 1 II «? ? HC5%. ^CH C H HC^^ ^CH 1 OH HN., ^N H Phenyl Phenol H Imidazole NH II H HjN-C-N— HC^^^C 1 II HC^ C C— II s^p^^CH H H Guanidino Indole It is evident that the alpha carbon is asymmetric in all of the amino acids except glycine; hence there are two structural forms of the acids. The two forms may be represented by the general formulas where R COOH COOH I I HjN-C-H H-C-NH, I I R R L-Forrn D-Form 122 PROTEINS denotes the remainder of the formula, e.g., CH3 for alanine, etc. Formerly the small letters d and I were used to denote the two forms, but since these letters are also used to indicate optical rotation, the American and British chemical societies have adopted small capital letters to show configuration. The reference compounds, d and l serine, correspond to those used in sugar chemistry, viz., d and l glyceraldehyde. Optical rotation is indicated by the words dextro and leva, or by plus ( + ) and minus ( — ) signs. Most of the amino acids are of the l type, but small amounts of the d acids have been reported in several common proteins. Cancerous tissue has been reported to be much higher in D-glutamic acid than normal tissue, but the weight of evidence seems to be against this conclusion. Several antibiotics, e.g., gramicidin, tyrocidine and actinomycin, contain large amounts of D-phenylalanine, D-leucine, and D-valine. Other anti- biotics, e.g., penicillin and polymyxin, contain the previously unknown amino acids, D-penicillamine and D-a,y-diaminobutyric acid, respectively. The presence of unusual structures of amino acids, sugars, etc., seems to be a general characteristic of antibiotics. Some of the amino acids listed have not yet been found in proteins. For a long time a number of these were assumed not to occur in pro- teins, but recently several have been found in polypeptides, e.g., or- nithine in gramicidin and lanthionine in subtilin (an antibiotic). Homo- cysteine, as yet unreported in any protein, is an intermediary product in the conversion of methionine to cysteine. Cystathionine is also an inter- mediate in this conversion. The steps are + serine methionine > homocysteine > cystathionine > cysteine and homoserine (in neurospora) or a-ketobutyric acid (in animals) Amino acid composition of proteins To determine the amino acid content of a protein, it must first be hydrolyzed. This is usually done with about twenty per cent hydrochloric acid at 100°C. for 10 to 20 hours. The acid is then removed, and the amount of each amino acid is determined quantitatively. This analysis is one of the most difficult tasks in analytical chemistry, having defied the efforts of some of the world's ablest chemists for the past seventy- five years. Only within the last decade have methods been perfected to such an extent that all the nitrogen or sulfur in a protein can be accounted for in the amino acid figures. The most promising methods at present seem to be microbiological and chromatographic. Bacteria are most widely used in microbiological assays, and the procedures are the same as those used in analyzing for vitamins (p. 234) . Chromatographic pro- PROTEINS 123 cedures are based on differences in the degree of adsorption of amino acids by solids, in the reaction of amino acids with ion exchange materials, and in the solubility of amino acids in organic solvents. For details regard- ing the operation of these methods, the original papers of Moore and Stein and the book by Block and Boiling should be consulted. Table 5-4 gives the percentages of amino acids found in some typical proteins. The table includes proteins representative of foods, enzymes, hormones, viruses, antibiotics, and fibers. In a given protein the figures vary greatly. In egg albumin, for example, there is about 14 times as much glutamic acid as there is tryptophan. In another common food protein, gliadin, the glutamic acid exceeds the tryptophan more than one hundredfold. If all the proteins are considered, glutamic and aspartic acids and leucine are seen to be the most abundant amino acids, while tryptophan, histidine, and methionine are least abundant. The amino acids present in largest amounts are those most closely related to the intermediary compounds of carbohydrate metabolism, e.g., glutamic acid and a-keto- glutaric acid form a pair, and aspartic acid and oxalacetic acid make up a second pair (p. 331). The least abundant amino acids such as tryp- tophan and methionine are the most complex in structure, probably in- volving also the largest number of steps in synthesis. Proteins that contain considerable amounts of all of the amino acids, e.g., egg albumin and casein, are called "complete"; those that are lacking or very high in certain amino acids, e.g., gelatin and zein, are said to be "incomplete." A better term to denote the uneven composition of pro- teins is disproportionate. Certain highly specialized proteins such as fibroin and salmine are conspicuously disproportionate in make-up. However, other proteins such as pepsin, insulin, and botulinum toxin A having marked biological properties show no unusual features in amino acid content. Their bio- logical properties must be related to the structure of the molecule as a whole and not to the kind or amount of amino acids that are found in the molecule. In most cases the sum of the figures for the amino acids amounts to more than 100 per cent. Because of the water taken up in hydrolysis, the total should be about 115 per cent of the starting material. With the improved methods now available, the total nitrogen of the protein can usually be accounted for in the individual amino acids. Likewise, the extent of carbon and sulfur recoveries are useful criteria in judging the validity of the analytical data. From a practical viewpoint, data on the amino acid composition of foods are more useful than those on the amino acid content of individual proteins. Such data are gradually becoming available, and figures for some of our staple foods are given in Table 5-5. However, we need many CO O cp c^ 05 t>: »o (N O <33 ?p 00 (M. (N p e<5 ^. eJ 00 lo ^ CD O -^ lO ■<1< O (N '^' CO ci i-i CO ■*" 1 u S-^ l^ r-* 00 c^ «p Tf< T-H 05 t^ '^ 1^ (N «^ 00 CD 00 a> 1-H ; 00 T-H 1^ iq '^. «p 00 T-H IM CO «P t^ o T-H <^ "? T-H o CO t>; CO * id (N ■<1< t>^ OJ OJ IJH id 1^ d CO id ■d d 00 T-H CO id ,— i T-H id CO d d T-H T-H T-H T-H r-H T-H * T-H ^'g "5 'S © -^^ S S Si o p CO CD d d o d o im' CO d CD id (M 00 id 00 id p T-H T-H d o id "« o (N T-H 05 V '^"'— • « 0. bC ►» 8 s ^ V i—i Si lO p CS CO P <^ C<1 c^ CD CO (N T-H uo p 05 lO (M T-H CO «3 s ;-, CO ■* t^ d im" T-H CO (M t>.' d 00 CO id T-H id ■^' T-H d t>^ id 0 -l 2 -< '^. «p T-H 00 5D ■^ p ^J? CO !>; T-H ^ T-H T-H ci ■rti 00 T-H CO id id S II (N T-t T-H r— ( T-H T-H T-H ■B O 05 « u CO (-^ CS s 0 f3 C3 _a s~ t^ ^ o o (M 03 Ol T-H 23 'eo T— 4 1— ( 7-H 1-H (N T-H O "5 u I-H c •< •5 s i (N TH CO '^ ^. "5 o l>; cq f^ CO «2 T-H t^ o (M !> t>. T-H ^ i «o O d 1^ T-H CO d T-H T-H (N T-H l>i id CO id d "^ t>I d :2 1— i 1— 1 T-H T-H o T-H s ia;»>;t>:eopiftrH'*' S Cfcdidoi^dcdiN tO !D T-H pC^p(Mp ^^05dld^■^cdod•^ (M !>. T-H i-i CO i> 00 00 o 10 a T-H o ■< o o3 .2 -^ ?^ •i-H "o ft. o _g '3 o -lh-lSPHPH CD a '3 OJ p 0 G O cu -3 C3 03 -G ft O ft G o .3 I- -^ 124 s §,2 -N «D fO I^ ,^ 00 CO oi •* O « ^ uri -^ to s (N rH o o t>. o 1—1 Os »-H rH ■^ ■* kO ■^ ^ c -S ■ r« «d C^" ^H c6 05 1-H »— t -a "g; S ^H T-H CC i •<* o «5 «P i-H f-H P lO u s 00 ^^ fC ■^ Tji T^ ►3 T-H T— t -c s H •^ o o T— ( Tf o o^ 1— 1 lO ^-1 Tt< o CD *— 1 '#' CO T-H S f— H T-H »-H o p 00 »o 00 C^l lO CO CO o 00 CO p-^p'^. c^. >o^pppoqoq oo6x:3^coco'^>o>C'--coio (T^ lO CO CO 1-; (N »C 00 IM. t^ 1>J Cvj »C r}4 TJ< CD CO •^ "-H ■^' CD oot^t^ioo-^oot>:p C^ O CO CT) O CD <-i Tf rf' CO CO p CO CO m >— ; 00 »o p CO p ■rf< CO CD c-i 00 Tf< M* CO (M IC ^ IC M •-< p 00 C^ CO (N 00 ci »o cs' CO 1-^ 05 ■o ►^ V f J •g yn OS «p : p oQ lO <35 00 CO ■*■ M 1-H CD d T— ( •*** O 1 ^ a? 00 ^ 00 (N iq t^ o p t^ t>: IC CO »-i -h' d 00 pp^* "^pi^poq ddiood^t^'coio Tt< t>. p -H •^ i-H CO 05 P CD CO oi 00 (N I^ ^ ■<}< p M CO .-i C^ CD d (N lO i-H g o TTi 00 CO -H Tfi c-^ i-^coi— i'-;p'-^rt;'^pooi^ CO c? Tj; 00 d d CO f<3 CO »>: 00 cq ci ai T-i CO :::: -^ O: •^ c 1—* r^ f^ ^ 1^ =0 1^ t^ ■■* Tt< C5 1-H «P j d CO (N CO -g ■^ 1-H o 05 ^ (U - >— t to a < o • ■-» JO CJ 4) o a C Cj 0, c c 'H '2 a c c g 'S o a O -1—' 'go O 0. s < < < 6'o o .1 ?. o t-H 1-1 '7 o E 0. a a; -a C >i oa H H H > <3 )25 S "5 r-^ ;p 00 05 p CO 1— ( T}< o o o <— I oc. X o u o o e o f-ioqiot^fooipcpfoiqp iooif6o.-ii-co«boii-to ni y-i odiot^oJcsieooi «d 03 O o 73 s o u 1 in IS e2 ■to ^ e s s o CO a < o 00 CO 00 <-i «5 oi fC oo" o cJ CO ^ -^ CO p-^-^opppppco 00'^"cOCOM050t>^t>^ CO NM»opp PP '^1°Q'^ oi 00 p --^ O C^ t^" "5 pp.-iO3'^a500r*«pl--.Tl,03 Eh H > o «0 M P o o -a o c3 o 4) OS Oh 03 05 :S s Ch d) C -. o w ^ ^ o o 43 -= fi a; 00 a - o »5 jS o CO • g^^ 43 m o 3 O 03 «3 o * .2 ^ i IS s e I*, o CO ao 05 05 S3 O o "a! 4<: c S3 u a S3 • O W Ir- a« 2 Si ^ -o ^ r Oh -2 S -« 5 ^ 4} OS ««0 - © 3 O 3 Eh S a OH S ^ .S - ' a> 3 H w S ^' tJl 03 '-' --' gCO aJo 72 ^ ^\4 126 PROTEINS IZ Table 5 -5 Amino arid i-untent of some foods (Pe r cent. on undried basis) * Milk Muscle Peas (en- (ani- Muscle and MiNO Acids Cheese Com Liver tire) mal) (fish) Oats beans Alanine 0.48 0.94 1.32 0.15 1.34 1.40 1.18 1.25 0.98 O.IS Arginine . . 0.86 1.58 Aspartic acid . . . 1.38 1.41 Cystine . . . 0.09 0.15 0.28 0.04 0.22 0.20 0.26 0.29 Glutamic acid . . 2.12 0.75 2.80 Glycine 0.25 1.6 0.5 0.08 0.09 0.91 0.60 0.44 0.33 1.78 Histidine . . 0.78 0.50 Isoleuc'ine . . L73 0.04 1.50 0.96 1.68 0.26 0.39 1.09 1.45 1.10 1.60 0.71 1.15 1.24 Leucine . . . 2.1 1.58 Lysine . . 2.0 0.25 0.31 1.40 0.64 0.30 0.11 1.81 0.60 1.52 0.54 0.52 0.29 1.46 Methionine .... . . . 0.83 0.45 Phenylalanine . . . .. 1.52 0.50 1.22 0.19 0.91 0.74 0.79 1.12 Proline 1.09 0.51 1.55 Serine 0.85 0.37 1.48 1.06 0.15 0.16 1.09 0.91 0.68 0.79 0.52 0.95 Threonine . . . 0.88 0.88 Tr>'ptophan .... . . . 0.38 0.06 0.30 0.05 0.25 0.20 0.19 0.18 Tyrosine . .. 1.62 0.60 0.53 0.78 1.20 0.14 0.19 0.73 1.00 0.64 1.01 0.65 0.78 0.63 Valine . . . 1.85 1.24 (Per cent on undried basis) * Soy Sweet bean po- White Wheat Amino Acids Rice meal tatoes potatoes flour Alanine 116 Arginine 0.54 2.56 0.06 0.10 0.41 Aspartic acid Cystine 0.10 0.67 0.20 Glutamic acid 6.44 Glycine 0.74 Histidine 0.13 1.02 0.03 0.04 0.23 Isoleucine 0.39 2.10 0.07 0.07 0.45 Leucine 0.62 2.80 0.10 0.19 0.74 Lysine 0.24 2.38 0.09 0.17 0.20 Methionine 0.23 0.60 0.03 0.05 0.21 Phenylalanine 0.38 1.86 0.09 0.12 0.58 Proline 1-75 Serine 1.47 0.46 Threonine 0.29 1.37 0.08 0.14 0.29 Tryptophan 0.10 0.49 0.04 0.04 0.09 Tyrosine 0.43 1.40 0.40 Valine 0.46 1.86 0.11 0.11 0.44 * Calculated from data in Block and Rolling, 2iid ed. Whole Whole wheat eggs 0.56 0.87 Yeasts 0.59 0.24 0.32 0.14 3.81 0.35 1.93 0.28 0.32 0.39 0.53 1.01 0.79 0.92 1.21 0.99 0.35 0.92 0.99 0.33 0.53 0.26 0.67 0.83 0.59 0.56 0.43 0.57 0.72 0.16 0.20 0.17 0.53 0.59 0.47 0.56 0.95 0.76 128 PROTEINS more such data before the amino acid content of the diet can be cal- culated with any assurance of being correct. It is still not certain that the ratio of an individual amino acid to the total nitrogen in a food remains constant from sample to sample. In a standard product such as milk the variation is probably small, but in a food such as white potatoes large fluctuations are to be expected. In recent work Brand has obtained a yield of 116.3 per cent for /?-lacto- giobulin and a recovery of 100 per cent of the nitrogen. Since all the nitrogen, and also all the surfur, in the protein was accounted for in the percentages of amino acids, it was possible to calculate the number of molecules (actually residues equivalent to the molecular weights minus the molecular weight of water) of each amino acid in the protein. For example, the number of alanine residues is calculated as follows: The alanine content of (3-lactoglobulin is 6.2 per cent (Table 5-4) and the molecular weight is 41,500. 6.2% alanine (m.w. 89) =4.95% alanine residue (m.w. 71). .0495 X 41,500 = 2054 g. alanine residues per gram molecular weight of^-lactoglobulin. 2054 -^ 71 =: 28.9, or in round numbers 29 residues. The calculations gave a total for all the amino acids of 370 residues. Adding together the molecular weights of all the residues, a total of 42,020 was obtained, which is in good agreement with that obtained by ultracentrifuge measurements (41,500). From these data Brand pro- posed an amino acid formula for y8-lactoglobulin as follows: Gly8Ala29Val2iLeu5oIleu27Proi5Phe9CySH4(CyS— )8Met9Try4Arg7His4Lys33 Asp36Glu24 ( GluNHs ) saSeraoThroiTyrg ( HoO) 4 In this formula the amino acids are shown by the first three letters of the name, and the number of residues by the figure following the abbreviation. (CyS — )8 means that 8 half molecules or 4 whole mole- cules of cystine are present. Glutamic acid residues with the second carboxyl group neutralized as an amide, i.e., glutamine, are represented as (GluNH2)32- The four molecules of water come from the H and OH of terminal NH^ — and COOH groups, respectively, in polypeptide chains. ^-Lactoglobulin is believed to contain 4 polypeptide chains per molecule. In a similar manner the number of amino acid residues present can be calculated for the proteins listed in Table 5-4, for which the data are sufficiently complete. Linkage of amino acids to form protein As indicated below in the formulas, the amino acids contain at least one amino group and one carboxyl group. The amino group gives basic PROTEINS 129 character to the compound, while the carboxyl group gives it acidic properties. AVhen two amino acids are joined together, water is elimi- nated, and the acids are linked tlirough the carboxyl group of one and the amino group of the other. TJiis is a fundamental point and should be clearly noted. For example, the combination of glycine and alanine may be represented thus: NH2'CH-C0:0H + HjNH-CHCOOH H CH3 NH2-CH-';C0-NH:-CHC00H -f H2O I ■ " I H CH3 Glycine Alanine Glycyl-alanine The linkage between the carboxyl group of the glycine and the amino group of the alanine is a peptide linkage. In the formula it is enclosed by (lotted lines. A combination of two amino acids is known as a dipcptide. If three amino acids are joined together, a tripeptide is ob- tained; four amino acids give a tetrapeptide. There is obviously another dipeptide of these two amino acids in which the carboxyl group of the alanine is linked to the amino group of the glycine: NH2-CH-;C0-NH:CHC00H I I CH3 H Alanyl-glycine If two molecules of glycine or two of alanine are combined, two more peptides, glycyl-glycine and alanyl-alanine, respectively, are obtained. Thus with two amino acids there are four possible peptides. A tripeptide consists of three amino acids joined together by two peptide linkages, as is illustrated by the tripeptide, tyrosyl-lysyl-aspartic acid: NH2-CH-iC0-NH-;CH-:C0-NH-:CHC00H I ■-- I I CH2 (0112)3 CH2 I I I C6H4-OH CHj-NHz COOH Tyrosyl-lysyl-aspartic acid There are 27 possible tripeptides with three amino acids, provided each acid is used once, twice, or three times in a given combination. The number of combinations (polypeptides) that can be obtained by use of 25 different amino acids is almost unlimited. Sherman stated, "If a protein be imagined made up of 30 molecules of 18 different amino acids, one taken twice, one three times, another 3, one 4, one 5 times and 13 130 PROTEINS taken once each, there would be 10^^ isomers." There is an adequate mathematical basis for the existence of literally billions of proteins — many more than probably occur in nature. The surprising thing is that with so many possibilities, cells through countless generations produce proteins of identical chemical and physical characteristics. Attention is called to the occurrence of a free amino and a free car- boxyl group at the left and right ends, respectively, in the formulas of the above peptides. Because of these groups, peptides possess both basic and acidic properties. The side chains may also contribute to the basicity and acidity of the peptide because of free amino and carboxyl groups contained therein. Lysine and aspartic acid are examples of amino acids containing basic and acidic groups in the side chains. There are several more such dicarboxylic and basic amino acids. (See formulas of the amino acids.) In long peptides such as proteins it is the side chains, and not the end groups, that contribute most to the basicity or acidity of the molecule. Note also that the phenol group of the tyrosine is free in the above peptide, and, hence, it will have properties characteristic of this group, e.g., positive Millon and xanthoproteic tests. In proteins there will be many such distinctive groups free, e.g., phenol, indole, imidazole, to impart their characteristic properties to the molecule. Hundreds of peptides have been made in the laboratory. Fischer, one of the most famous investigators of the "composition of the proteins, made a large number of polypeptides. One of these contained 3 leucine and 15 glycine radicals, which gives a molecular weight of 1213 — one of the largest molecules that has ever been produced synthetically. These synthetic polypeptides possessed many of the properties of native pro- teins such as solubility, color tests, and hydrolysis by enzymes. Although they are far from being as complex as the native proteins, their synthesis is a considerable step toward an understanding of the way in which a protein molecule is put together. In the preceding discussion of peptides no consideration has been given to the possibility of the second carboxyl group of aspartic acid and glutamic acid being involved in the linkages. Glutathione, an important constituent of all cells, is a tripeptide in which glutamic acid is linked to the next amino acid through the y-carboxyl instead of the a-carboxyl. Thus, CO— NH-CHCONHCH-COOH I I I CH2 CH2 H I I CH2 SH I HCNH 2 COOH Glutathione (7,1- glutamyl- L-cysteyl-glycine) PROTEINS l-^l Glutamic acid is also linked through its y-carboxyl in several peptides of bacteriological origin. In the vitamin, pteroyltriglutamic acid (one of the several forms of folic acid), the second and third glutamic acid residues are linked to the preceding by a y-linkage. Thus, P— NH-CH-(CHj).-CO.NH-CH(CH2)2-CO-NHCH(CHj),-COOH ' * I 1 I COOH COOH COOH 7-Linkage 7-Linkage P stands for the pteroyl group. For the complete formula see p. 247. The corresponding triglutamate with a-glutamic acid linkages has also been synthesized, but it has no vitamin potency. A still more unusual polypeptide is the capsular substance produced by Bacillus mithrncis. This substance is a long chain polypeptide con- taining only D-glutamic acid residues, 50 to 100 in number, joined together mainly through y-linkages. There is some indication that small numbers of y-glutamic acid linkages occur in such common proteins as casein, edestin, hemoglobin, etc. To 'date, the authors have found no reports regarding the occurrence of second or /?-carboxyl linkages for aspartic acid in naturally occurring polypeptides. Sequence of the amino acids in the protein molecule Data are now available for the number of amino acid residues present in many proteins, and information concerning the order in which the amino acids occur in the chain is gradually accumulating. Data have been obtained by partially hydrolyzing the protein and isolating some of the peptides that have been formed, then determining the order of the amino acids in the peptides. Examples of such peptides are as follows: glycyl-alanine, alanyl-glycine, and glycyl-tyrosine from silk fibroin; prolyl-phenylalanine and leucyl-glutamic acid from ghadin; phosphoseryl-glutamic acid from casein. Applying this technique to the antibiotic gramicidin S, Consden et al. isolated four dipeptides and one tripeptide from the partial hydrolysis products. These pieces :ontained all of the five amino acids found in gramicidin S, and, hence, the order of the amino acids was worked out to be: (-a- (L-valyl) -L-ornithyl-L-leucyl-D-phenylalanyl-L-proline-) 1 or 2 Gramicidin S then appears to be a cyclic penta- or decapeptide. It is obviously a very simple compound in comparison to the common pro- teins. An open chain peptide having the same sequence of amino acids has been synthesized by Harris and Work, but its antibiotic activity was small as compared to that of the natural compound. These results 132 PROTEINS suggest that the antibiotic activity of gramicidin S is related largely to its cyclic structure. A very extensive piece of work has been done recently by Sanger and associates on insulin. This protein consists of two types of polypeptide chains. One type has glycine as the N-terminal (free NHo group) residue, and the other chain is headed by phenylalanine. Each molecule of insulin contains two glycine chains and two phenylalanine chains held together by — S— S— bridges of cystine residues (p. 117). The bridges can be broken by oxidation with performic acid to — SO3H groups, thus setting free the chains. The two types- of chains can then be separated and the sequence of the amino acids in them determined. This was done by partial hydrolysis with hydrocliloi'ic acid and enzymes and isolation of the peptides split off from the chain. More than 60 peptides ranging from dipoptides to hexapeptides were isolated from the hydrolyzate of the phenylalanine chain, and their structures determined by chromatog- raphy. From all these fractions the sequence of the amino acids in the whole chain was deduced to be: ■^' Phe.Val.Asp.Glu.His.Leu.CySO3H.Gly.Ser.His.Leu.Val.Glu.Ala.Leu.Tyr.Leu.VaL CySO3H.Gly.Glu.Arg.Gly.Phe.Phe.Tyr.Thr.Pro.Lys.Ala. The total number of amino acid residues in the cliain is 30. The sequence of the amino acids in the glycine chain was worked out in the same way. The chain consists of 21 amino acid residues arranged as follows: Gly.Ileu.Val.Glu.CySO3H.CySO3H.Ala.Ser.Val.CySO3H.Ser.Leu.Tyr.Glu.Leu. Glu.Asp.Ty r.CySOsH .Asp . In the phenylalanine chain the last amino acid residue in the chain, that is, the residue with a free carboxyl group, is alanine. In the glycine chain the carboxyl terminal residue is designated as Asp., i.e., an aspartic acid residue. In the intact insulin it is an asparagine residue. During acid hydrolysis the amide group is split to give aspartic acid. It is be- lieved that two other aspartic acid residues in the chain are in reality asparagine residues, and six of the glutamic acid residues are actually glutamine residues. The exact location of these amide groups is not known. The relation of the four chains to one another is still to be determined. Several arrangements are possible, but the presence of four cysteic acid residues in the glycine chain and two in the phenylalanine chain suggests that the two glycine chains lie between the phenylalanine chains, A diagram of such an arrangement for the intact insulin follows: PROTEINS 133 Chain I (1) HiNPhe- Chain II HsNGly Chain III H2NGly Chain IV H^NPhe- (7) s s CO) I (7) •Cys-Cys- S I (6) (7) •Cys-Cys • S I S 1(7) ■Cys- (11) •Cys- I S I s I (11) Cys- (19) ■r s I s 1(20) • Cys - (20) •Cys- I S I s 1(19) •Cys- (30) •Ala-COOH (21) -AspNH2 (21) -AspNHj (30) •Ala-COOH This diagram shows the four chains headed by phenylalanine and glycine and ending in alanine and asparagine, AspNHo. The cystine residues with one-half in one chain and the other half in the adjacent chain form the — S— S— bridges that hold the chains together. The numbers above the chains indicate the order of the amino acid residues in the chains. The intervening amino acid residues given on p. 132 have been omitted because of limitations of space. The chains are prob- ably not strung out in a long line, as shown in tlie diagram, but may be coiled to form layers, as will be apparent from the discussion in the next section. Even though the sequence of the amino acids in the chains is known and the relation of the chains to one another may be as assumed in the diagram, the question as to what there is about this arrangement that gives insulin its hormone property still remains unansw^ered. In time there may be an answer even to that question. Structure of the protein molecule A protein of moderate size sucli as egg albumin, having a molecular weight of 40,000 and an average amino acid residue weight of 120, con- tains about 350 amino acid residues. The residues are joined together to form a number of chains of varying lengths. For example, egg albumin and /^-lactoglobulin contain four chains, edestin — six, lactalbumin — nine, and insulin — four. The average number of amino acid resi- dues in the chains of these proteins is calculated to be 89 for egg albumin, 92 for /3-lactoglobulin, 16 for lactalbumin, and 25 for insulin. Since a protein has three-dimensional form, the chains must be ar- ranged so as to provide such a structure. Many theories, based mainly 134 PROTEINS on X-ray data, have been advanced regarding the arrangement of the chains in the protein molecule. Since the carbon and nitrogen atoms in the backbone of the chain are at angles to one another, the chain has a zig-zag appearance with hydrogens, oxygens, and "tails" (side chains of the amino acid residues) sticking out at various angles with the back- bone carbons and nitrogens. (See hydrogen bonding, p. 135.) If such a chain is folded back on itself, or if two chains are arranged in the right order, the result is a puckered two-dimensional structure or layer. Such a layer may be compared to a piece of lace crocheted from a single thread. Several such layers may be superimposed on one another to build a three-dimensional structure, as in a layer cake. Layers may also be folded back and forth in some such fashion as a road map is folded. When a protein is spread on a water surface, the layers unfold and form a film only one layer thick. In such cases the polar groups {e.g., amide, carboxyl, hydroxyl, phenol, etc.) are drawn into the water surface while the nonpolar groups {e.g., hydrogen, paraffin, benzene, etc.) are repelled and extend upward from the water surface. A somewhat different arrangement of the chains has been proposed by Pauling for the structure of fibrous proteins, for example, a-keratin of wool. According to this view, the chains are arranged in the form of a helix (a spiral spring is an example of a helix) to give a hollow cylinder- like structure. For collagen, Pauling concludes that the molecule con- sists of three chains twisted about one another to give a rope-like effect. Theories on the structure of proteins are constantly changing as more X-ray, infra-red, and other physical measurements are made. To quote Bernal, ''The problem of the protein structure is now a definite and not unattainable goal." One of the difficult problems in protein structure is to find a satisfac- tory explanation for the manner in which the folds in a molecular chain, or the layers in a molecule, are held together. Several types of forces have been postulated, three of which will be mentioned here. Salt Linkage. Basic groups of one side chain (the second amino group of lysine, the imadazole group of histidine, and the guanidino group of arginine) may be united to acidic groups (the second carboxyl group of aspartic and glutamic acids) of another chain to form an electrostatic bond, that is, a salt. Chain 1 NH-CH-CO NH-CHCO--- I I (CHO4 (CH,)4 NH, »- NH; + . COOH *■ COO- I I CH2 CH2 Chain2 OC-CH-NH--- ••OC-CHNH- Salt linkage PROTEINS 135 Sulfide Linkage. One-half of a cystine molecule may be part of one chain; the other half may be located in a second chain to form an — S— S— linkage. Chain 1 •NH-CHCO" I CH2 Chain 2 I S I CH2 I CO-CHNH Hydrogen Bonding. A third, and more important, type of binding is the hydrogen bond, in which electrons are shared between the hydrogen of an imino group ( — NH— ) located in one chain and the oxygen of a carboxyl group ( — CO—) in another chain. Chain 1 Chain 2 H H 1 R 1 ^c l^c > II H 11 Q 9 R 1 ?^c^ H II 0 : < H H H > 1 H 1 H 1 ^N^ 1 N^ 1 N^ R II R II 0 0 Shared electrons forming a hydrogen bond or bridge There are approximately as many — NH — and — CO — groups in a protein molecule as there are amino acid residues. Hence the number of hydrogen bonds set up would be in the hundreds. Although a single hydrogen bond constitutes only a weak chemical linkage, a dozen to- gether provide about as much strength as a covalent (e.g., — C — C — ) bond. Proteins are classified on the basis of their shape as fibrous or cor- puscular. ("Globular" was formerly used as the descriptive term, but "corpuscular" seems now to be the preferred designation.) As the term implies, the fibrous proteins are long and slender, or unsymmetrical. In some cases the length is 30 times the cross section. The corpuscular proteins are more nearly symmetrical. Many of these have a long axis (length) only twice as great as the short axis (thickness). Methemo- globin is reported to be 64 A long, 48 A wide, and 36 A thick.^ ^ One millimeter equals 10,000,000 A (angstrom units). 136 PROTEINS CONJUGATED PROTEINS AND THEIR PROSTHETIC GROUPS The conjugated proteins (protein plus a prosthetic group) will, of course, give other products than amino acids on hydrolysis. Some important compounds that either constitute the prosthetic group or arise from it on hydrolysis follow. Nucleo proteins Nucleic acids occur either in the free state or in combination with proteins to form nucleoproteins. Because of their number, complexity, and importance, the nucleoproteins and the nucleic acids will be discussed in a separate chapter. Phospho proteins The phosphoproteins also give phosphoric acid on hydrolysis. Phos- phoric acid is linked to serine through the hydroxy group of the amino acid to form a phosphoric acid ester that can unite with bases, e.g., calcium, to form salts. The serine phosphoric acid esters seem to account for most of the phosphorus in the phosphoproteins. Glycoproteins These are ill-defined proteins containing carbohydrate complexes (chondroitin sulfuric acid or mucoitin sulfuric acid) as prosthetic groups. Typical examples of these proteins occur in salivary mucin, gastroin- testinal mucus, and the vitreous humor of the eye. They are slippery materials and, hence, serve as useful lubricants. They facilitate the movement of the food through the intestinal tract and, since they are not digestible, protect the tract against the proteolytic enzymes. On hydrolysis, chondroitin sulfuric acid gives one mole each of glu- curonic acid, galactosamine, acetic acid, and sulfuric acid. Mucoitin sulfuric acid gives glucosamine instead of galactosamine, but the other hydrolysis products are the same as from chondroitin sulfuric acid. There is still some uncertainty as to how the several products are bound together. These carbohydrate complexes account for 25-35 per cent of the glycoprotein. In consequence the nitrogen content is low, 9-13 per cent. PROTEINS 137 Chromo proteins This group of proteins probably includes a larger number of important proteins than any other subdivision. They arc functional rather than structural, playing a role of the first order as carriers of gases, mediators in the oxidation process, and intermediates in the phenomenon of vision. Hemoglobin. The chromoproteins contain colored prosthetic groups. Hemoglobin, tlie red pigment of the blood cells, is the best known protein of this type. Heme is the prosthetic group and globin, a histone, is the protein j^art of the combination. Heme accounts for only 3.8 per cent of the hemoglobin; globin comprises the other 96.2 per cent. Heme con- tains four atoms of iron, which amounts to 0.33 per cent of the hemoglobin. There are four heme units attached to one globin i)ai't to make up hemo- globin. The exact nature of the attachment is not known, but it is generally considered to be either an ionic or covalent bond between the iron of the heme and the histidine of the globin. The union is weak and can be easily broken by warming with acetic acid and sodium chloride. A salt, hemin (C34H32N404FeCl), is formed and this crystalhzes readily. The structural formula of hemin is CH=CH2 H CH3 II V V 0)/ I CH3--C (S)/C — N CH3— C^x IV III -N, N= FcCl \ N- ,C— CH=CH2 \ CH ,C-CH3 (5) H CH2 CH2 COOH CH3 CH2 I COOH Heme It consists of four pyrrole groups (I-IV) joined together through four methene groups (a,/3,y,8). To the pyrrole groujis are also attached four methyl groups (1,3,5,8), two vinyl groups (2 and 4), and two propionic acid residues (6 and 7). In the center of the formula is a trivalent atom 138 PROTEINS of iron Fe+++ (the iron is ferrous Fe ++ in the original hemoglobin and is oxidized to ferric Fe + + + in the process of isolating hemin) which is joined to the four nitrogens of the pyrrole rings by partial valences and to a chlorine atom to form the chloride salt. The four pyrrole groups, without the side chains and iron, form a unit known as porphin, and derivatives thereof are called porphyrins. Many porphyrins occur in nature, e.g., coproporphyrin of feces, uroporphyrin of urine, and chloro- phyll (p. 389) . Chlorophyll, the green pigment of plants, contains an ad- ditional ring, differs from heme in its side chains, and has Mg at the center instead of Fe. One of the propionic side chains in chlorophyll is linked as an ester to the unsaturated alcohol phytol. That the most important animal pigment and the most important plant pigment should have related structures is something to be noted carefully. The outstanding chemical feature of heme (hemoglobin) is its ability to combine with oxygen and thus serve as a transport agent in the blood. Each heme combines with one molecule of oxygen. Since there are four heme units in each molecule of hemoglobin, the reaction between hemo- globin and oxygen may be represented thus: Hb-h402^Hb(02)4 Hemoglobin Oxyhemoglobin more conveniently, but less exactly, Hb + O2 ^ HbOa This reaction takes place in the lungs; in the tissues it is reversed. Hemoglobin also reacts with carbon monoxide to form a combination that is several hundred times stronger than that with oxygen. It there- fore takes much oxygen to displace the carbon monoxide from the hemo- globin complex and makes breathing of carbon monoxide a very dan- gerous matter. Hemoglobin also combines with carbon dioxide, and a considerable part of the carbon dioxide contained in the blood is combined with it. Hemoglobin is thus a carrier of gases both in going from the lungs and in returning to them. If hemoglobin is exposed to mild oxidizing agents, for example, potassium ferricyanide, the iron is converted from the ferrous state Fe ++ to the ferric form Fe + + + . The resulting hemoglobin is called methemoglobin. It can carry only one-half as much oxygen as hemoglobin and does not readily release oxygen. The hemoglobins of different species differ in the globin part of the molecule, but the heme part is the same in all. Note the difference in crystalline structure of hemoglobins from different species (Figs. 5-1 to 5-4). A form of hemoglobin has recently been reported to occur in the PROTEINS 139 nodules of leguminous plants and is believed to play a role in the fixa- tion of atmospheric nitrogen by these nodules. Erythrocruorin and Chlorocruorin. Many proteins other than hemo- globin contain iron porphyrins as prosthetic groups. The basic structure of these iron porphyrins is the same as that of the heme in hemoglobin, and in many forms of life they also serve as the oxygen-carrying agent. An example of this type of compound is erythrocruorin, the respiratory pigment of the common earthworm and other worms. Chlorocruorin, a green pigment, serves the same purpose for marine worms, e.g., Spiro- graphis. These pigments are dissolved in the blood, not contained in blood cells as are the hemoglobins. They are usually of large molecular weight, several million, and contain many heme groups, e.g., 190 in the chlorocruorin of Spirographis. The side chains of the hemes differ from those in hemoglobin, but the iron is in the ferrous state as in hemoglobin. Cytochromes. There are at least three cytochromes, a, b, and c, that differ from one another in solubility, reaction to cyanide, and other properties. The cytochrom.es occur in all oxygen-using cells and, hence, are the most widely distributed heme proteins in nature. They form an oxidation-reduction system and serve as carriers of hydrogen in the oxi- dation scheme of cells. (See pp. 283 and 333.) Cytochrome c is the best known cytochrome and has been obtained in a crystalline and homogeneous state. It is a small protein, molecular weight 13,000, and contains only one heme per molecule. The iron con- tent is 0.43 per cent and is present either in the ferrous or ferric state, according to whether the cytochrome is in the reduced or oxidized state. The heme part of the molecule is bound not only by an iron-to-histidine bonding, as in hemoglobin, but, in addition, is joined by two covalent linkages between vinyl groups of the heme and cysteine residues of the globin. Thus, NH-CH'CO NH'CH-CO Globin part Heme part These bonds are very stable, and on hydrolysis the cysteine residues go with the heme. In other words, the — S — C — linkage is more stable than the peptide linkage — CO — N — . Heme- containing Enzymes. Catalases occur widely in plant and ani- mal tissues. Beef liver catalase has been crystallized and contains 140 PROTEINS approximately 0.1 per cent of iron. On the basis of 225,000 for the molecular weight, the iron content corresponds to four atoms per mole- cule. The iron appears to be in the ferric state, and the heme unit is the same as that in hemoglobin. Two peroxidases, horse radish peroxidase II and cytochrome c peroxi- dase from yeast, have been obtained in crystalline, or highly purified, form and found to contain the same heme as hemoglobin. Two other peroxidases, myeloperoxidase from leucocytes and lactoperoxidase from milk, contain green-colored hemes and, hence, are also called verdo- peroxidases. Both have hemes containing iron, but the structures of these hemes have not yet been determined. Other M etal- containing Proteins. Ferritin is a brown-colored protein containing up to 23 per cent of iron. The iron is present as colloidal iron oxide or phosphate and is very loosely bound to the protein. Ferritin occurs in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow and is believed to serve as a storage form of iron. Hemocyanins serve as respiratory proteins for the lobster, octopus, and other marine animals. The blood of the lobster becomes blue when aerated, hence the term hemocyanin, literally blue blood (a term that man has applied to himself as a mark of distinction, without considering its connotations). Hemocyanin contains copper (about 0.35 per cent), but the nature of the prosthetic group, if any, carrying the copper is still an unsettled question. The molecular weights ascribed to the hemo- cyanins are enormous, 2 to 5 million. Additional copper-containing proteins are : hemocuprein from red blood corpuscles, hepatocuprein from the liver and several oxidizing enzymes, e.g., tyrosinase, ascorbic acid oxidase, etc. Other metals forming com- plexes with proteins, but not having color, are magnesium in carboxylase, zinc in insulin and carbonic anhydrase, and manganese in arginase. Other Colored Proteins. Flavoproteins or "yellow enzymes" have ribo- flavin phosphate, or a dinucleotide of riboflavin and adenine, as the pros- thetic group and are yellow in color, hence the name "yellow enzyme" given to them. About a dozen such enzyme proteins have been reported. They play an important role as hydrogen transport agents and can exist in either a reduced or oxidized state (see Fig. 10-4). Rhodopsin is a red, light-sensitive pigment found in the retina of land and marine animals, e.g., man, cattle, squid, and plays an important role in vision. It is a chromoprotein that consists of the prosthetic group, cis-retinene 1, and a protein called opsin. Retinene 1 is the aldehyde (C19H07CHO) corresponding to vitamin Aj (C19H27CH2OH). In fresh water vertebrates, such as fish, a somewhat different chromoprotein called porphyropsin takes the place of rhodopsin. Porphyropsin contains retinene 2, which corresponds to vitamin Ao. Opsins from different sources PROTEINS 141 combine with either retinene, but it is not certain that they are identical proteins (p. 204) . Lipoproteins As a class, these proteins are not well-defined and are regarded by some investigators as mixtures of lipides and proteins rather than as chemical entities. They occur in cell nuclei, blood, milk, bacteria, etc. Lipovitellin of egg yolk, thromboplastic protein (functioning in blood clotting) of lung tissue, and the polymyxin antibiotics are examples of such proteins. The prosthetic groups that have been obtained from lipoproteins include lecithin, cephalin, and fatty acids. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF THE PROTEINS Form As usually obtained, proteins are amorphous, but, under carefully con- trolled conditions, they can be made to ciystallize. Great progress has been made in the preparation of crystalline proteins in recent years, especially of those that are enzymes. About 150 proteins have been crystallized and, of these, approximately 40 are enzymes, respiratory pigments, toxins, viruses, or hormones. The most commonly prepared crystalline proteins are the animal albumins and the plant globulins. Size of the protein molecule From several lines of evidence it is known that the protein molecule is large. A minimum molecular weight can be determined in various ways: from the percentage of some element, such as sulfur, phosphorus, or iron, which occurs in small cjuantities; from the percentage of some amino acid found in the protein. The true molecular weight is obtained by physical methods such as ultracentrifuge measurements and osmotic pressure determinations. The following example illustrates the method of calculating the mini- mum molecular weight of hemoglobin from the iron content, 0.33 per cent. Assuming one atom of iron, atomic weight 56, a proportion is set up as follows: 0.33 : 56 = 100 : a;; x= 17,000 minimum m.w. Since there are four atoms of iron in hemoglobin, the true molecular weight becomes 68,000, which is in excellent agreement with ultracentrifuge data. 142 PROTEINS If all the nitrogen of a protein is accounted for in the amino acid analysis, the number of amino acid residues can be calculated, and the sum of the molecular weights of the residues probably equals the molecular weight of the protein. The molecular weight of ^-lactoglobulin obtained in this way is 42,020, and that given by the ultracentrifuge method is 41,500. Protamines are small proteins, m.w. 3000 to 5000, and hemocyanins are very large, m.w. several million. Many viruses have apparent molecular weights up to several hundred miUion. Home authorities prefer to call these values particle weights rather than molecular weights, giving proteins probable molecular weights approximating 17,600, or a multiple thereof; that is, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, 24 ... , 384 times 17,600. For example, zein and hemoglobin are reported to have molecular weights of about 35,000 (2 units) and 68,000 (4 units), respectively. The molecular weight of the proteoses is supposed to range from 4000 to 5000 and that of the peptones from 800 to 1000. Color reactions Many color tests have been proposed by different investigators to detect the presence of proteins. The most common are given below. The Xanthoproteic Test. With concentrated nitric acid, most proteins give a yellow color that becomes more pronounced if the solution is made alkaline. The familiar stain that is formed if nitric acid comes in contact with the skin is due to the action of this acid upon the proteins of the skin. The cause of the test is the formation of a nitro-phenyl- derivative somewhat similar, perhaps, to picric acid. A modified phenyl grouping such as is contained in tyrosine and tryptophan seems to be necessary to the test. Tryptophan gives a better test than tyrosine, whereas phenylalanine, although it contains the phenyl group (CeHs), does not give the test at all. All the common proteins give the test, but considerable quantities of protein are required. Although the test is general, it is not very sensitive. The Millon Test. A brick-red color is developed when some proteins are heated with the Millon reagent (mercury dissolved in nitric acid). The reaction is due to the presence of the phenol group (C6H4OH), which is contained in the amino acid, tyrosine. Proteins that contain no tyrosine will therefore fail to give a Millon test. Gelatin gives a faint Millon test either because it contains a minute quantity of tyrosine or because it has not yet been freed of other tyrosine-containing proteins. Carbolic acid and salicylic acid, which are not amino acids, likewise give this test because they contain the phenol group. The Biuret Test. A pink to purple color is obtained when proteins are treated with alkali and minute quantities of copper sulfate. The PROTEINS 143 color is due to the presence of two peptide groups, — CO'NH — . When three amino acids are joined, two such groups are formed, for example, HNH-CH-CO-NH'CH'CO-NH-CH'COOK I I I Ri xvt Rt Tripeptides, with the exception of glycyl-glycyl-glycine, give the test, as do also peptones, proteoses, and all native proteins. It is one of the most general of the protein color tests. The Hopkins-Cole Test. A purplish color is developed when a protein containing tryptophan radicals is treated with the Hopkins-Cole reagent (magnesium glyoxylate). The cause of the color development is the indole group, which exists in the amino acid, tryptophan. It has been assumed that the color is due to the formation of indigo by the action of the reagents on indole groups. The Ninhydrin Test. All amino acids (except proline and hydroxy- proline) and, hence, all proteins give a blue to purple color with ninhydrin. CO CeH. C(OH)j CO Only a free amino and a free carboxyl group are required for the test. All amino acids except the two mentioned possess such groups. The blue color results from a condensation of two molecules of the reagent with ammonia, which splits off from the amino group of the amino acid. The color compound is the anion of a salt and has the following formula: CeH. C— N=C ^CeH* C-0- CO Precipitation The precipitatin of proteins varies considerably with the reagent that is used. Some reagents precipitate only the globulins, whereas others precipitate a larger number of proteins but do not precipitate the pep- tones. Some reagents precipitate not only the proteins and peptones but also carry down certain amino acids. Among the most effective precipitants are ammonium sulfate, magnesium sulfate, mercury salts, trichloracetic acid, phosphotungstic acid, tungstic acid, tannic acid, col- loidal iron, and strong solutions of alcohol. Phosphotungstic acid appears to be the reagent which precipitates the largest percentage of nitrogen, whether this is in the form of proteins, peptones, amino acids, or other nitrogenous compounds. 144 PROTEINS The theory for the precipitation of proteins is based on the amphoteric character of the proteins, i.e., the presence of both basic and acidic groups in the molecule. If the protein is more basic than the reagent, the precipi- tate is a protein salt of that reagent. If it is more acidic than the reagent, the precipitate comes down as proteinate; that is, the protein behaves as an acid and the precipitant acts as a base. For each protein there is a pH value called the iso-electric point, on one side of which the protein acts as a base and on the other side as an acid; for example, the iso- electric point of gelatin is at the pH value of 4.7. Below 4.7, gelatin acts as a base and is precipitated by acids as a gelatin salt such as gelatin hydrochloride. Above 4.7, gelatin behaves as an acid and is precipitated as a gelatinate such as sodium gelatinate. The two types of precipita- tion may be represented in simplified form by the following equations. By acids : RNH. + HCl -^ RNHo-HCl By bases : R'COOH + NaOH -^ R'COONa In place of hydrochloric acid in the acid precipitation, we may have acids such as picric, tannic, tungstic, phosphotungstic, etc., which form more insoluble compounds with proteins. Instead of sodium hydroxide, calcium or barium hydroxide may be used to give the corresponding calcium or barium salt. The metallic salt of the protein may also be formed by adding a soluble salt of the metal to the sodium hydroxide- protein solution. For example, if lead acetate, one of the best protein precipitants, is added to a solution, lead proteinate is formed and, since this is insoluble, a precipitate is produced. The above theory of precipitation and salt formation assumes the formation of an excess of positive charges on the protein molecule RNHo + H2O -> RNH3+ + OH- below the iso-electric point and an excess of negative charges on the protein molecule R'COOH -^ R'COO- + H+ above the iso-electric point. Under the first condition, the protein reacts with negative ions, e.g., Cl~, to form a protein salt; under the second, it reacts with positive ions, e.g., Na + , to form a proteinate. At the iso-electric point the positive charges equal the negative charges; hence the protein combines with neither acid nor base. Above or below the iso-electric point the protein is unbalanced and therefore combines with oppositely charged ions. Denaturation Neurath and associates define protein denaturation as "any nonpro- teolytic modification of the unique structure of a native protein, giving PROTEINS 145 rise to definite changes in chemical, physical, or biological properties." Modifications of structure by addition of a group such as acetylation, which obviously changes the properties of the protein, are not included in the term. Denaturation, or more properly coagulation, of protein has been ob- served by man ages before he knew about proteins. It is a phenomenon that must have come to his attention soon after he began to prepare his food by heating it. Despite its apparent nature, a clear understanding of coagulation is still lacking. A most striking example of coagulation is the conversion of egg white from a liquid to a solid when an egg is boiled. This change appears first to involve denaturation of the egg white followed by aggregation of the denatured protein into floes and then into a solid coagulum. The evidence for these stages is the fact that if a solution of egg white is heated in a salt-free medium below or above the isoelectric point of the protein, about pH 4.7, the solution remains clear. However, the increases in viscosity and SH groups, e.g., in cysteine, show that the egg white has been denatured. If the pH of the clear solution is adjusted to 4.7, coagulation takes place without any further heating. A decrease in solubility is only one of the changes that occur when a protein is denatured. A greater susceptibility to the action of enzymes is another effect. The digestibility of egg white, for example, is much increased by heating. A third effect is a partial or complete loss of biological activity, if the native protein possesses such a property. En- zymes, antibodies, and viruses lose their potency when completely de- natured. Loss of crystallizability, changes in viscosity, and an increase in the number of reactive groups {e.g., sulfhydryl (— SH), disulfide, phenol, and indole) are other changes brought about by denaturation. Not all of these changes are equally apparent and, if measured quantita- tively, do not run parallel to one another. These differences are prob- ably an indication that different structural arrangements in the molecule are affected to a varying degree by the denaturing agent. It is apparent that no single criterion is adequate as an index of denaturation. If the denaturation has not gone too far, the process may be reversed under suitable conditions, and much of the protein recovered in the original state. Denaturation may be brought about not only by heat but also by freezing, irradiation with ultraviolet light, acid, alkali, alcohol, urea, guanidine salts, and some of the new type of detergents (p. 87). The last three compounds are the reagents ordinarily used in experimental work to produce denaturation. The measurement most commonly used to detect denaturation is titra- tion of the SH and S — S groups with a mild oxidizing agent. The S— S groups are first reduced with cyanide to SH and then titrated. The 146 PROTEINS increase in SH groups after reduction is a measure of the S— S groups present. The reagents commonly used in titrating are potassium ferri- cyanide and a dye, porphydrindin blue. The end point of the former is determined with sodium nitroprusside as indicator. It gives a red color with SH groups. On reduction the dye becomes a colorless com- pound. Phenol and indole groups have weak reducing properties in alkaline solution toward ferricyanide and can be determined after previous oxida- tion of the SH groups at a different pH. The question naturally arises as to what occurs in the structure of the molecule when a protein is denatured. Denaturation is undoubtedly a disruption of the highly complex and precisely organized folding of the peptide chains and the interrelation of these chains to one another. In the disruption of this organization, groups {e.g., SH) that were previ- ously buried deep in the molecule become exposed and reactive. Bio- logical activity, which depends upon very specific arrangements in the chain structures, is lost with the disappearance of these arrangements. The regeneration of the crystalline form and partial recovery of biological activity that has been observed in some instances may be ascribed to an only partial disorganization of the chains. If the pattern still exists, the chains may refold themselves into the original structure. QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF PROTEIN (KJELDAHL METHOD) Crude protein The protein content of any food material is obtained by determining the total nitrogen and multiplying the result by 6.25. This value is called the crude protein content of the food material. Two assumptions are made in determining protein in this way: 1. All nitrogen is assumed to be present in the substance as protein. This is not necessarily the case, as food materials frequently contain a large proportion of the nitrogen in other than protein form. Examples of compounds containing nitrogen that are not protein are amino acids, amides, alkaloids, cyanates, purines, pyrimidines, creatine, and creatinine. From this list it is seen that in foodstuffs there are many compounds that contain nitrogen but are not proteins. In finished products such as seeds the major portion of the nitrogen is in the form of protein, while in actively metabolizing tissue such as partly formed seeds and vegetables, particularly string beans and green peas, the larger part of the nitrogen may be in other than protein form. In muscle and other animal tissue there is a considerable proportion of so-called meat extractives that contain nitrogen but are not protein. PROTEINS 147 2. The second assumption is that all proteins contain 16 per cent of nitrogen, in which case the ratio of the protein to nitrogen is 100:16 or 6.25. Since the nitrogen content varies from 15.5 to 18.7 per cent, the use of the factor 6.25 may give too high or too low results, depending upon the protein under consideration. In the case of the cereals, the nitrogen content is higher than 16 per cent, and the factor 5.7 more nearly represents the ratio between the protein and the nitrogen. With milk the factor 6.37 is used. In general, however, the factor 6.25 is used and is the one that is employed in the calculation of general tables of analysis for the composition of food materials. It should be observed that the term "crude protein" has nothing to do with the purity of the protein, but merely j-epresents results obtained by laboratory procedure. Purpose of reagents used in determining total nitrogen In the Kjeldahl determination of total nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen must be oxidized and the nitrogen converted into ammonium sulfate. Sulfuric acid is the oxidizing reagent that is used. The material first becomes black and charred, but after prolonged heating it clears up and becomes free from carbon. The action of the sulfuric acid may be repre- sented by the following equation: H0SO4 -» H.O + SOo + O The sodium or potassium sulfate added raises the boiling point of the solution and thus aids in the oxidation of the material. A small amount of copper selenite is also added and acts as a catalyst to promote oxidation. The oxidation of protein may be represented by the oxida- tion of a fragment of a protein, for example, glycine. CH2(NH2)-COOH + 30-> 2CO2 + HgO + NH3 2NH3 + H0SO4 -^ (NH4)2S04 Through the addition of concentrated sodium hydroxide, ammonia is liberated and collected by distilling it into a known amount of standard acid. From the amount of acid neutralized by the ammonia, the nitrogen and, hence, the crude protein (N X 6.25) are obtained by a simple calculation. REVIEW QUESTIONS ON PROTEINS 1. Name two of the chief proteins in (1) milk, (2) eggs, (3) blood, (4) wheat; one protein in (5) com and (6) peas. Which of these proteins probably contain (a) phosphorus? (b) sulfur? 148 PROTEINS 2. Give the graphic formula for (1) cystine, (2) tyrosine, (3) tryptophan, (4) lysine, (5) uric acid. Write out the graphic formula for (a) a dipeptide, (b) a tripeptide. Give the elements contained in hematin. 3. Name eight chemical groups contained in amino acid molecules. Which of the above are responsible for color tests, and which reagent is used to show the presence of the particular group? 4. What is meant by the term "incomplete protein"? Name two proteins that are incomplete, and show in what respect they are incomplete. 5. Explain the use of the following reagents ia the Kjeldahl determination of crude protein, (1) concentrated H2SO4, (2) Na2S04, (3) concentrated NaOH. What is meant by the term "crude protein"? As usually determined, what assumptions are involved? 6. Which three proteins are the most abundant in the food that you have eaten in the last three meals? Give data on which you base your conclusions. 7. Approximately how many grams of tryptophan are there in a glass of milk? 8. Which two amino acids are found most abundantly in proteins? 9. Name two kinds of reagents that may be used to precipitate proteins. In each case explain how the reagent brings about the precipitation, and name the product formed. 10. Give the name and source of (1) three proteins that are enzyines, (2) three proteins contained in industrial nonfood products, (3) one protein that is a hormone, (4) two proteins that are respiratory pigments, (5) two proteins other than those named in (1) to (4) that have been crystallized. 11. Which protein color tests will be positive with the tripeptide, tyrosyltryptophyl- cystine? Give reasons for conclusion in case of each test. 12. Correct the following statements if incorrect: (1) Milk and eggs are proteins that belong in every diet. (2) In calculating crude protein it is assumed that all the protein of the sample is in the form of nitrogen. (3) In practical nutrition the deficiencies of incomplete proteins are remedied by the addition of individual amino acids. 13. If the tyrosine content of a protein is 3.78 per cent and the molecular weight is 42,000, calculate the number of moles of tyrosine per mole of protein. 14. From the data given in the text calculate the number of residues of glycine, alanine, and valine in (3-lactoglobulin. Do 3'our figures in round numbers check with those of the text? 15. In which two ways does cystathionine appear to be split in S-transfer? 16. What is the least number of dipeptides that would have to be isolated and identified to prove the sequence of anjino acids in p-amicidin S? 17. For outside reading: How would you determine whether a dipeptide contain- ing alanine and leucine is alanyl-leucine or leucyl-alanine? 18. For outside reading: How many isomers of pteroyltriglutamic acid are due to the arrangement of the glutamic acid residues. REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Anson, M. L. and Edsall, J. T., Advances in Protein Chemistry, Vols. I-VII. Aca- demic Press Inc., New York, 1945-51. Baldwin, E., Dynamic Aspects of Biochemistry, 2nd ed.. The University Press, Cam- bridge, England, 1952. Bemal, J. D., "Structure of Proteins," Proc. Roy. Inst. Gt. Brit., 30, 541 (1939). PROTEINS 149 Block, R. J. and Boiling, D., The Amino Acid Composition of Proteins and Foods, 2nd ed., Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois, 1951. Brand, E., Saidel, L. J., Goldvvater, W. H., Kassell, B., and Ryan. F. J., "The Em- pirical Formula of (3-Lactoglobulin," J. Am. Chem. Soc, 67, 1524 (1945). Cohn, E. J. and Edsall, J. T., Proteins, Amino Acids and Peptides, Reinhold Publish- ing Corp., New York, 1943. Consden, R., Gordon, A. H., Martin, A. J. P., and Synge, R. L. M., "Gramicidin S: the Sequence of the Amino Acid Residues," Biochem. J., 41, 596 (1947). Gortner, R. A. and Gortner, W. A., Outlines of Biochemistry, 3rd ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1949. Greenberg, D. M., Amino Acids and Proteins, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois, 1951. Harris, J. I. and Work, T. S., "The Synthesis of Peptides Related to Gramicidin S and the Significance of Optical Configuration in Antibiotic Peptides," Biochem. J., 46,582 (1950). Haurowitz, F., Chemistry and Biology of Proteins, Academic Press Inc., New York, 1950. Hawk, P. B., Oser, B. L., and Summerson, W. H., Practical Physiological Chemistry, 12th ed., The Blakiston Company, Philadelphia, 1947. Hubbard, R. and Wald, G., "Cis-trans Isomers of Vitamin A and Retincne in Vision," Science, 115, 60 (1952). Luck, J. M., Loring, H. S., and Mackinney, G., Annual Revieio of Biocheynistnj, Vols. I-XXI, Annual Reviews Inc., Stanford, California, 1932-52. Moore, S. and Stein, W. H., "Chromatography of Amino Acids on Starch Columns," J. Biol. Chem., 176, 337 (1948), 178, 53 (1949). Neurath, H., Greenstein, J. P., Putnam, F. W., and Erickson, J. O., "The Chemistry of Protein Denaturation," Chem. Rev., 34, 157 (1944). Pauling, L., "The Configuration of Polypeptide Chains in Proteins," Record of Chem- ical Progress, 12, 155 (1951). Roughton, F. J. W. and Kendrew, J. C, Haemoglobin, Interscience Publishers Inc., New York, 1949. Sanger, F. and Thompson, E. O. P., "The Amino-acid Sequence in the Glycyl Chain of Insulin," Biochem. J., 52, iii (1952). Sanger, F. and Tuppy, H., "The Amino Acid Sequences in the Phenylalanyl Chain of Insulin," Biochem. J., 49, 463, 481 (1951). Schmidt, C. L. A., The Chemistry of the Amino Acids and Proteins With Addendum, 2nd ed., Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois and Baltimore, 1945. Sherman, H. C, Chemistry of Food and Nutrition, 7th ed.. The Macmillan Company, New York, 1946. Wald, G., "The Chemistry of Rod Vision," Science, 113, 287 (1951); 115, 60 (1952). West, E. S. and Todd, W. R., Text Book of Biochemistry, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1951. Chapter 6 NUCLEOPROTEINS, NUCLEIC ACIDS AND RELATED SUBSTANCES Introduction As already stated in the previous chapter, nucleoproteins are conjugated proteins having nucleic acids as prosthetic groups. The literature on nucleoproteins and nucleic acids is extensive and increasing at a rapid rate. Hundreds of papers and more than a dozen reviews dealing with various phases of the subject have appeared in the last five years. The great activity in this field can be attributed to the widespread occurrence, in- triguing chemical nature, and metabolic importance of these substances. One compelling reason for the attention being given to nucleoproteins and nucleic acids is a growing belief that these compounds are closely associated with the reproductive processes and may furnish the physical basis of heredity. Chromosomes, the constituents of cells carrying the hereditary characters, or genes, are largely, if not wholly, nucleoproteins. Whatever chemical compounds' make up the genes, it is obvious that such compounds must be sufficiently diverse in character to permit the almost infinite number of combinations that occur in nature. In the nucleic acids there is adequate diversification to meet this requirement. NUCLEOPROTEINS The term nucleoprotein arose because nucleic acids and the associated protein, protamine, were first obtained from the highly nucleated material of pus cells and fish sperm. Other nuclear cells such as thymus, liver, spleen, and yeast are rich in nucleoproteins, but some nonnuclear cells, for example, red blood corpuscles, also are a good source of nucleoprotein. In fish sperm cells nucleoprotein makes up 50-80 per cent of the solid material and over 90 per cent of the defatted nucleus. In the cell sap of tobacco plants infected with virus, the nucleoprotein which makes up the virus may amount to 2 g. per liter of sap. In yeast cells the nucleo- protein amounts to only about 0.15 per cent of the dry matter. Bacteria are much higher than yeast in nucleoproteins, e.g., 2-3 per cent of the dry matter in Escherichia coli cells, 150 NUCLEOPROTEINS, NUCLEIC ACIDS, RELATED SUBSTANCES 151 Preparation Nueleoproteins are labile substances; hence to obtain them from cells onl3^ mild reagents and low temperatures can be used. An example of present day methods is the procedure IVIirsky and Ris used for the preparation of chromosomes from calf spleen. The tissue was broken up in a Waring blender and soluble matter removed with 0.14M sodium chloride, in which the chromosomes were insoluble. Unbroken cells and other coarse materials were separated by filtering through finely woven cloth and sedimenting the chromosomes in a centrifuge at 3500 rpm. The suspension, filtration through cloth, and centrifugation were repeated several times until the phosphorus figure, which was taken as a measure of the nucleic acid content, became constant. Under the microscope the material showed the characteristic coiled pattern of chromosomes. Differential centrifugation methods are rapid, and 10 to 15 g. of purified material can be obtained in the course of a morning's work. Tobacco bushy stunt virus, which is destroyed by almost any chemical, was separated by Stanley from the other constituents of ground tobacco leaves by means of differential centrifugation and purified still further by crystallization. Separation of components The nucleic acid-protein complex is usually a very loose one, and the combination can be broken up and the two components separated in various ways. Some of these procedures are as follows: The protein may be denatured either by heating or by treating with urea to give an insoluble compound, this then being removed by filtration. Alternatively, the protein may be obtained by extraction with chloroform and octyl alcohol, leaving the nucleic acid in solution. A third method is to destroy the nucleic acid with the enzyme, ribonuclease, and then separate the unchanged protein from the digested material. If the nucleic acid is the component wanted, it may be obtained from the solution after the protein has been removed by one of the methods described above. The protein may also be destroyed by trypsin and the nucleic acid recovered. If the protein is a histone, separation may be accomplished by dialysis against IM sodium chloride. Histone passes through the membrane and leaves the nucleic acid behind. Linkage between protein and nucleic acid The bond between protein and nucleic acid is in some cases electro- static, or salt-like, since the two parts may be separated by the passage of 152 NUCLEOPROTEINS, NUCLEIC ACIDS, RELATED SUBSTANCES an electric current through the solution. The positively charged protein moves to the cathode and the negatively charged nucleic acid goes to the anode. Thymus nucleoprotein is an example of this type. The protein is histone, and, since this is a strongly basic substance, it forms a salt with nucleic acid. The two components are probably joined together through the basic groups of arginine, histidine and lysine, and the phos- phoric acid groups of the nucleic acid. Histones and protamines are particularly high in arginine. If a sample of histone or protamine dis- solved in 0.14il/ sodium chloride is added to a solution of nucleic acid having the same strength of sodium chloride, the two components react and form a precipitate. Such precipitates are probably the result of interaction of the molecules as a whole, and not arginine alone. The same quantity of arginine, histidine, and lysine as is contained in the protamine forms no precipitate at the same pH. There may be a second type of nucleoprotein in which the protein and nucleic acid are bound together by nonpolar linkages. Some nucleopro- teins migrate as single entities, and the protein cannot be separated from the nucleic acid until it has first been denatured. However, some investi- gators do not regard this as conclusive evidence of a nonsalt type of bonding because the structure of the native protein is quite different from that of the denatured protein, and the configuration may modify the strength of the bonding groups. Quantitative data on components In Table 6-1 are given examples of nucleoproteins, the kinds of pro- teins contained therein, and the proportion of protein to nucleic acid. Histones and protamines are the common type, but lipoproteins occur frequently in the nucleoproteins of animal tissues. Chromosomes seem to contain two kinds of nucleoprotein, histone and nonhistone types. Mirsky, from whose papers these data are taken, differentiates the two types on the basis of the insolubility of the nonhistone protein in HgS04-H2S04 solution (histone is soluble) and its greater tryptophan content (nonhistone contains 1.36 per cent and histone only 0.14 per cent) . Nucleolipoprotein, containing lipoprotein in combination with nucleic acid, indicates a protein having two prosthetic groups, lipide and nucleic acid. Several viruses, e.g., vaccinia virus, have been found to be nucleo- lipoprotein complexes. The nucleic acid portion of the nucleoproteins may range from a small fraction, 5 per cent, to m-ore than half of the total. The desoxyribo- nucleic acid (DNA) seems to make up a larger percentage of the nucleo- protein than the ribose form (RNA). Both types of nucleic acid often occur in the same cell. In chromosomes the DNA type predominates, but in yeast cells the RNA form is in excess. NUCLEOPROTEINS, NUCLEIC ACIDS, RELATED SUBSTANCES 153 Table 6-1 Types of protein and nucleic acid found in some typical nucleoproteins Composition of nucleoproteix * Source of nucleoprotein Protein, % Nucleic acid, % Calf thymus Histone, 40 DNA, 60 Sperm heads of fish Protamine, 40 DNA, 60 Liver Lipoprotein, 95 DNA, 5 Chromosomes of calf thymus: Soluble fraction, 90% Histone, 47 DNA, 45 fRNA 11 Residual fraction, 10% Nonhistone, ? ■ „,, . ' „ IDNA, 2 Tobacco mosaic virus Not classified, 94 RNA, 6 Tobacco ring-spot virus .... Not classified, 60 RNA, 40 Tuberculin from tubercle bacillus Not classified, 60 DNA, 40 Yeast Not classified, 90-105 RNA, 5-10 DNA, ? Bacteria Not classified, 80-85 RNA, 15-20 * DNA denotes desoxyribonucleic acid ; RNA means ribonucleic acid. The nature of the different types of nucleic acid will be discussed later. Where no figures regard- ing the amounts are available, this is indicated by a (juestion mark (?) in the second and third columns. The viruses of the tobacco plant are well-characterized. They have been obtained in crystalline form and their properties carefully deter- mined. The protein part varies from 60 to 94 per cent of the nucleo- protein in the two viruses listed in Table 6-1. The amino acids of tobacco mosaic virus account for 106 per cent of the virus. (See Table 5-4). The nucleic acid is of the ribose type, which is the most abundant type found in plant material. The molecular weights reported for nucleoproteins are large, 2 million for calf thymus nucleohistone and 40 million for tobacco mosaic virus. NUCLEIC ACIDS Component units The nucleic acids are themselves complex structures with molecular weights ranging from 17,000 for yeast nucleic acid to more than a million for the acid from the thymus gland. The particle size varies with the method of preparation, hence, the smaller weights may represent split products of the larger units. The molecules appear to be rod-like in shape, with the length of the particles 40 to 400 times that of their diameter. Nucleic acids are divided into two classes depending upon the kind of hydrolysis products. This will be evident from an inspection of the following tabulation. 154 NUCLEOPROTEINS, NUCLEIC ACIDS, RELATED SUBSTANCES Products from ribo- nucleic acid Adenine, guanine Cytosine, uracil v-Ribose Phosphoric acid Products from desoxy- ribonucleic acid Adenine, guanine Cytosine, 5-methylcystosine, thymine D-Desoxyribose Phosphoric acid Classification of products Purine Pyrimidine Pentose Acid Four of the products are found in both kinds of nucleic acid. The dis- tinguishing products are uracil and D-ribose for ribonucleic acid and thymine, 5-methylcytosine and D-desoxyribose for the other type. The sugars are the products from which the terms ribonucleic acid (RNA) and dcsoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) are derived.^ It was at one time believed that ribonucleic acid was found only in plants and dcsoxyribo- nucleic acid only in animal cells. This view is incorrect, and it now appears probable that all cells contain both types. The dcsoxyribonucleic acid seems to be most abundant in the nucleus of the cell, and the ribo- nucleic type to be preponderant in the cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus. Purines and pyritnidines The structural formulas of the purines are given below: (1) N=CH (6) I I (2)HC(5)C— NH (7) CH(8) // (3) N— C-N (4) (9) Purine (synthetic base) N=C— NHj I i HC C-NH \ // N— C-N Adenine CH N=C— OH I I HoNC C-NH \ CH // N— C-N Guanine N=C— OH I I HC C-NH C-N Hypoxan thine N=C— OH I I HO-C C-NH \ // N— C-N Xanthine CH ^Research workers use the terms pentosenucleic acid (PNA) and desoxypentose- nucleic acid (DNA) as general terms and limit the more specific names to nucleic acids where the sugars have been definitely established as ribose (in yeast, liver, and tobacco mosaic virus) and desoxy ribose (in calf thymus). This cautious attitude is probably desirable for the research worker, but since ribose and desoxyribose are the usual sugars found in nucleic acids, it is less complicated for the beginning student to start with the particular name and proceed to the general term Avhen it becomes necessary. NUCLEOPROTEINS, NUCLEIC ACIDS, RELATED SUBSTANCES N=C— OH HN— 0=0 II II HO-C C-NH 0=C C-NH 155 C— OH // \ C=0 / N— C-N HN— C-NH Uric acid (hydroxy form) (carbonyl form) The naturally occurring purines may be referred to the synthetic base, purine. The various atoms in the rings are numbered to denote the position in the structure. Thus adenine is designated 6-aminopurine, and guanine is 2-amino-6-hydroxypurine. In solution the hydroxy compounds exist in two tautomeric forms, as is shown in the formulas for uric acid. Adenine and guanine are constituents of native nucleic acids, and the other three compounds are products derived from the first two as a result of metabolism. Hypoxanthine is formed in the body by deamination of adenine, and on oxidation this product forms xanthine, which may also originate from deamination of guanine. Oxidation of xanthine gives uric acid, which is the end product of purine metabolism in man. Three other purines occur in our common beverages. Caffeine (1,3,7- trimethylxanthine) is found in the coffee bean to the extent of about 1 per cent and in tea leaves to about 2 per cent. Theobromine (3,7-di- methylxanthinc) occurs in the cocoa bean (about 2 per cent) and theo- phylline (l,3-dimeth3''lxanthine) is found is small quantities in tea leaves. Caffeine, removed from the coffee bean in the making of decaffeinized coffee, is used in the manufacture of cola drinks. However, this supply is not sufficient for the purpose, and much of the caffeine used in soft drinks is made synthetically. The pyrimidines have the following structural formulas: (1) N=CH(6) N=C— NHj N=C— NH2 II II II (2)HC CH(5) HO— C CH HO— C C— CHj II II II II II II (3) N— CH(4) N— CH N— CH Pyrimidine Cytosine 5-Methylcytosine (synthetic base) N=C— OH N=C— OH II II HO— C CH HO— C C— CH3 II II II II N-CH N-CH Uracil Thymine The pyrimidine ring forms a part of the purine structure and is numbered in the same way. Thus cytosine is 2-hydroxy-6-aminopyrimidine, uracil is 2,6-hydroxydipyrimidine, and thymine is 2,6-dihydroxy-5-methyl- pyrimidine. 5-Methylcytosine, reported many years ago as occurring 156 NUCLEOPROTEINS, NUCLEIC ACIDS, RELATED SUBSTANCES in the tubercle bacillus, has now been found in small quantities in desoxy- ribonucleic acids from cattle spleen, fish sperm, and wheat germ, but not in the desoxyribonucleic acids from bacteria and viruses. To date, none has been found in ribonucleic acids. The vitamin, thiamine, is a pyrimidinethiazole combination. Its pyrimidine can be designated as 2,5-dimethyl-6-aminopyrimidine. Nucleosides and nucleotides If the hydrolysis of a nucleic acid is done under suitable conditions, the breakdo\Mi may be stopped before it is complete and nucleosides and nucleotides obtained. A nucleoside is a purine or pyrimidine-pentose combination, and a nucleotide is a nucleoside-phosphoric acid complex. The various bases, and the corresponding well-known nucleosides and nucleotides, are listed in the following tabulation: Base Nucleoside M ononucleotide Adenine Adenosine Adenylic acid Guanine Guanosine Guanvlic acid Cytosine Cytidine Cytidylic acid Uracil Uridine Uridylic acid Thymine Thymidine Thymidylic acid The nucleosides are designated, according to the sugar contained in them, as ribosides (adenosine, guanosine, cytidine and uridine) or as desoxyriboside (thymidine) . The corresponding mononucleotides contain the same sugars as the nucleosides. There are obviously other nucleosides and nucleotides of desoxyribose, but, to date, these have not been given specific names. They are often designated by prefixing the term desoxy to the i>ames of the ribose-containing compounds: desoxyadenosine, des- oxyadenylic acid, etc. The structural formula of one of the mononucleotides, adenylic acid, will be given to show the order of the components and the linkages that join the parts together. (6) 0) N=C— NHj HC C- (7) ■N \\ OH I 0— P=0 I OH CH (3) N— C-N- (4) (9) Adenine Adenosine — 0 OH -C— C— C— C— CH2OH H H H H (!') (20 (30 (40 (5') R i b o s -e Ribose phosphoric acid >-i Adenosine-3-phosphoric acid Adenylic acid (adenosine monophosphate) NUCLEOPROTEINS, NUCLEIC ACIDS, RELATED SUBSTANCES 1^7 Adenine and ribose are joined by a j8-glycosidic linkage from the nitrogen of position-9 of the adenine to carbon- 1 of the ribose. The adenosine and phosphoric acid are united by an ester hnkage. Adenosine and adenylic acid have now been synthesized by Todd and co-workers, so that there is no doubt remaining as to their structure. These workers have also synthesized a number of other nucleosides and nucleotides. A second type of adenylic acid has been obtained from yeast nucleic acid. In this type the phosphoric acid is thought to be linked to carbon-2' instead of 3'. If this proves to be correct, it provides strong support for the view that nucleotides are linked together through phosphoric acid, which is joined to one nucleotide at carbon-2' and to the other nucleotide at carbon-3'. These structures are complicated and difficult to deter- mine, but distinct progress is being made toward their final solution. In the pyrimidines the y8-glycosidic linkage is between the nitrogen at number 3 position and carbon-l' of the ribose. The phosphoric acid is located at carbon-3', as in the purine nucleotides. These structures have been established beyond doubt by synthesis of cytidine and uridylic acid. The nucleosides and nucleotides of desoxyribose are believed to have the same linkages between base, sugar, and phosphoric acid as those of ribose, but the data are not so conclusive as for the ribose compounds. Polynucleotides Nucleic acids found in nature are usually polynucleotides, consisting of many purine and pyrimidine nucleotides joined together to form a single structure. Estimates ranging from 60 nucleotides for yeast nucleic acid to 4000 for thymus nucleic acid have been given. Such estimates are in accord with the large molecular weights obtained for these nucleic acids. Formerly, it was believed that these large molecules were made up of many tetranucleotide units, but this view is now generally abandoned. The molar ratios of the different purines and pyrimidines to one another do not bear out the idea of a regularly occurring tetranucleotide unit. For example, Chargaff and co-workers found that the desoxynucleic acid of salmon sperm gave molar ratios of the constituents as follows: Adenine to guanine, 1.43; thymine to cytosine, 1.43; adenine to thymine, 1.02; guanine to cj^tosine, 1.02; purines to pyrimidines, 1.02. Adenine oc- curred in excess of guanine, and thymine was more abundant than cytosine. Oddly enough the ratios are the same in both cases, and the total purine is equal to the total pyrimidine content. In other desoxy- nucleic acids Chargaff found adenine exceeded guanine, and thymine out- weighed cytosine, but the ratios were different than in the salmon nucleic acid. The nucleotides are joined together through phosphoric acid groups, but just how is not known. One possibility is a linkage from carbon-2' 158 NUCLEOPROTEINS, NUCLEIC ACIDS, RELATED SUBSTANCES of one ribose to phosphoric acid and a second linkage of this to carbon-3' of the next nucleotide Such an arrangement for three ribonucleotides can be represented as follows: O II Adenine-ribose (3') (2') Cytosine-ribose (2') Guanine-ribose • 0— P— OH ■oJ O II ■0— P— OH _l ■0 0 ■0— P— OH ■0^ I — etc. The numbers 2' and 3' denote the carbon atoms in the ribose to which the phosphoric acid group is linked. y Obviously, there are other ways of joining the guanine nucleotide to the other two ribonucleotides. For example, the ribose part of the guanine nucleotide could be linked to the adenine nucleotide, instead of to the phosphoric acid in the cytosine nucleotide. The result would be a triester structure, instead of the diester form given by the first type of combination. The number of possibilities would increase as the number of nucleotides joined together became larger. A more complicated branching structure would be the result. There is no information as to the sequence of the nucleotides in the nucleic acid structure. In the desoxynucleotides, carbon-2' of the sugar can not serve as a point of linkage because it has no hydroxyl group. It is generally assumed that the desoxynucleotides are joined together by way of carbons-3' and 5' of their respective sugars. Substances related to nucleosides and nucleotides Adenosine Phosphates. A nucleotide with the phosphoric acid at car- bon-5' of the ribose, instead of at carbon-3', is the well-known muscle- adenylic acid. It is also called adenosine monophosphate (AMP). N=C-NH, EC C-N -C-l/- CH 0- HO OH H O 0 O - C-C-C-C-C-0-P-O-P-O-P-OH H H H H H I (1') (2') (3') (4') (5') OH Adenosine monophosphate - Adenosine diphosphate Adenosine triphosphate OH OH NUCLEOPROTEINS, NUCLEIC ACIDS, RELATED SUBSTANCES 159 Besides the monophosphate, adenosine forms a diphosphate, ADP, and a triphosphate, ATP. The three derivatives of adenosine play an out- standing role in enzyme chemistry and intermediary metabolism. Coenzymes I and II. These compounds are dinucleotides of adenine and the base, nicotinamide. Coenzyme I is also known as diphospho- pyridine nucleotide (DPN) , and coenzyme II as triphosphopyridine nu- cleotide (TPN). The make-up of DPN can be seen from the following designation: O II Adenine-ribose — 0 — P — OH I O I Nicotinamide-ribose — 0 — P — OH II O Note that the two nucleotides are joined through the phosphoric acid molecules, instead of the pentose-phosphoric acid-pentose structure found in nucleic acids. The phosphoric acid groups are linked to carbon-S' of the ribose units. TPN is like DPN except that it has a third phosphoric group attached to carbon-2' of the ribose found in the adenine nucleotide. For the struc- tural formulas of DPN and TPN see p. 276. Flavin Nucleotides. There is a so-called mononucleotide, riboflavin phosphate, and a dinucleotide of riboflavin phosphate and adenylic acid. The riboflavin phosphate is not a true nucleotide because the ribose part is replaced by the sugar alcohol corresponding to ribose, viz., ribitol. The difference in structure is evident from the formula on p. 278. The flavin nucleotides are coenzymes, and a discussion of their function will be given in the chapter on enzymes. 5,Q-Dimethylbenzimidazole Riboside. This nucleotide and the corre- sponding nucleoside have been obtained as degradation products of vita- min Bi2. The structural formula is OH I O— P=0 B.zC^((i) (1) HaC (5) NaoS04 + 2HoO 3NaOH + H3PO4 -^ Na3P04 + SHoO Hence the complete reaction of one mole of sodium hydroxide requires one mole of hydrochloric acid, but only one-half mole of sulfuric or one- third mole of phosphoric acid. If these amounts of the respective acids be diluted to a common volume, for example, 1000 ml., the resulting solutions are of equivalent concentrations so far as their ability to react with alkalies is concerned. It is upon such a basis that normal solu- tions are prepared. By definition a normal solution is of such concentration that one liter of the solution contains exactly one gram equivalent weight of the solute. The gram equivalent weight is that weight of a compound that contains one gram of replaceable (acid) hydrogen, or will react with one gram of replaceable hydrogen, or is in any way equivalent to this weight of hydrogen. To calculate the gram equivalent weight of acids divide the gram molecular weight by the number of replaceable hydrogen atoms in the molecule. Since one hydroxyl group requires one acid hydrogen for its neutralization, it follows that the gram equivalent weight of bases is obtained by dividing the gram molecular weight by the number of hydroxyl groups in the molecule. For a salt the divisor is the number of hydrogens that have been replaced in the formation of the salt from the corresponding acid. Obviously, one obtains a like result in the last two instances by dividing the gram molecular weight by the valence of the metal contained therein. Thus the divisor for NaOH is 1, but for CaS04 it is 2. The divisor in each case is termed the hydrogen equiva- lent. The use of these values in calculations involving normal solutions is illustrated in Table 7-1. One gram equivalent weight of a chemical substance is frequently called simply an equivalent of that substance. One-thousandth of this amount similarly is termed a milliequivalent (abbreviation m.e.q.), which, if expressed in milligrams, is the same numerical figure as an equivalent expressed in grams. For example, in the case of acetic acid an equivalent is 60 g. (Table 7-1) and a milliequivalent is 60 mg. One liter of a normal solution always contains one equivalent of the solute, one milliliter containing one milliequivalent. Analogous fractions of a mole are also frequently used in biochemical work. Thus, one-thousandth of a mole is a milli^nole, and one-millionth is a micromole. Molarity ACIDITY 165 of solutions is indicated by a number followed by M, and normality by a number followed by A''. Table 7-1 Weights of typical reagents in re presentative standard solutions Gr\ms of REAGENT Per liter Per ml. Molecular Hydrogen Equivalent of normal oj normal Reagent weight equivalent weight solution solution HCl 36.5 1 36.5 36.5 0.0365 HC2H3O2 60 1 60 60 0.060 H.SO4 98 2 49 49 0.049 H2C=04-2H=0 126 2 63 63 0.063 H=C,H,Oo 150 2 75 75 0.075 H3PO4 98 3 32.7 32.7 0.0327 H3C«Hr,0r 192 3 64 64 0.064 NaOH 40 1 40 40 0.040 Ca(0H)2 74 2 37 37 0.037 NH4OH 35 1 35 35 0.035 XaCl 58.5 1 58.5 58.5 0.0585 BaCNOs)^ 261.4 2 130.7 130.7 0.1307 AU(S04)3 342 6 57 57 0.057 K2C4H4O6 226.2 2 113.1 113.1 0.1131 KHC.aOa 188.1 1 188.1 188.1 0.1881 NaHCOa 84 1 84 84 0.084 Standardization of solntions It is not always possible to prepare standard solutions by weighing out the amount of reagent theoretically required, because many substances are not obtainable in sufficient purity, and others take up water or carbon dioxide when exposed to the air during the time required for weigh- ing. Solutions of such substances can, however, be "standardized" by titration against a solution of known concentration prepared from a "primary standard," that is, a substance that can be obtained in a high state of purity and conveniently weighed. Frequently, normal solutions are too concentrated for accurate measurement of the limited amount of acid or base in the substance that is being analyzed. In general prac- tice, 0.1 normal solutions are quite satisfactory. Titration is a process of measuring the volume of one solution that is required to react exactly with a definite amount of a second solution. In titrating acids and bases the point at which the reaction is completed is revealed by the color of an "indicator," which is added before the titration is started. The selection of a suitable indicator is explained below. In 'practical work equal volumes of solutions of the same normality are considered to react exactly with one another. If the two solutions do not have the same normality, it takes proportionately more 166 ACIDITY of the less concentrated to titrate a given quantity of the more concen- trated. If solution A is titrated against solution B, the following rela- tionship holds: volume of A X normality of A = volume of B X normality of B Thus if the normality of A is known, that of B may be calculated from the titration data, since from the above equation it may be seen that volume of A X normality of A normality of B volume of B As an example of a typical standardization let us assume that 21.4 ml. of a solution of sodium hydroxide are required to neutralize 25 ml. of tenth-normal (O.LV) oxalic acid. The normality of the sodium hy- droxide solution will then be equal to 25X0.1 ^,,^ -^j;^ = 0.117 We should say, therefore, that the sodium hydroxide solution is 0.117 normal, which means simply that it is 0.117 times as concentrated as a normal solution. It is obvious that if solution A is one-tenth as concentrated as solution B, a given volume of A is equivalent to one-tenth of that volume of B. Likewise in the example just considered, 1000 ml. of the solution that is 0.117 normal is equivalent to only 117 ml. of normal solution. The volume of a solution used in a titration when multiplied by its normality gives the equivalent volume of normal solution. In other words, by means of this calculation one determines the volume that the solution would occupy if it were exactly normal. Analysis of biological materials In order to determine the percentage of a given constituent in any material, two things must be known, namely, the weight of sample taken and the amount of standard solution needed to titrate it. The follow- ing calculation of the citric acid content of lemon juice is typical: Weight of sample 5-0 g. Volume of alkali, normality 0.103, for titratioa 34.6 ml. Molecular weight of citric acid (HsCgHsOt) 192 Hydrogen equivalent of citric acid 3 Equivalent weight of citric acid 64 Weight of citric acid per ml. of normal reagent 0.064 g. Volume of normal citric acid equivalent to alkali used for titration (34.6 X 0.103) 3.56 ml. Weight of citric acid in sample (3.56 X 0.064) 0.2278 g. (0.2278 X 100 \ I 4.56 per cent ACIDITY 167 Indicators The ability to determine when sufficient reagent has been added in titration of an acid or base depends upon the sensitivity of certain dyes to changes in acidity. Such compounds are called indicators. Many dyes that are used as indicators change color in either slightly acidic or basic media rather than at exact neutrality. This is a desirable characteristic, as may be seen by a study of the salts formed through interaction of the respective acids and bases. Salts of strong bases and weak acids, e.g.;, sodium carbonate, undergo hydrolysis when dis- solved in water, producing basic solutions, whereas those salts formed by union of weak bases and strong acids, like ammonium sulfate, are somewhat acidic for a similar reason. Therefore when titrating an acid with a base, or vice versa, it is essential that the standard solution be added until the same degree of acidity or alkalinity is produced that would result by dissolving the corresponding salt in water. Choice of indicators is made accordingly rather than with the idea of determining the point of exact neutrality. Methyl orange, methyl red, bromthymol blue, and phenolphthalein are examples of indicators in common use. The first two are suitable for titration of weak bases, and the last one for weak acids. HYDROGEN-ION CONCENTRATION "Active" acidity as contrasted to "total" acidity is due solely to that portion of the total replaceable hydrogen that, under prevailing condi- tions, exists in the ionic state. As a commonplace illustration one may liken acidity of a solution to the wealth of an individual. Total acidity corresponds to total wealth, which includes currency, real estate, personal property, notes, bonds, and so on. Active acidity, on the other hand, is comparable only to currency, and just as the response of a ticket sales- man is conditioned by the currency in the hand of a prospective pur- chaser, so the behavior of a cell is conditioned by the active hydrogen in the aqueous medium surrounding it. It is true that other forms of wealth are convertible into currency, and, likewise, acids tend to dis- sociate further as some of their hydrogen ions are used up by chemical reaction. The hydrogen-ion concentration has much more to do with enzyme action and the maintenance of a normal colloidal structure in cells than has total acidity. A fatigued muscle may contain as much as 0.4-0.5 per cent lactic acid for a time without undergoing injury, but a like concentration of hydrochloric or sulfuric acid would result in death to the tissue. Consider also the supply of carbon dioxide — potentially car- bonic acid — carried by the blood stream. Introduction into the blood 168 ACIDITY stream of an equivalent amount of other common acids, even such acids as citric and acetic, which the body normally oxidizes for energy, would doubtless be fatal. In these two instances it is not the concentration of total acid that determines whether or not injury results; it is the concentration of hydrogen ions. Figure 7-2 shows the effect of various hydrogen-ion concentrations on plants. Growth is poor when the active acidity is too high (pH too low). Courtesy of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station. Reproduced from Hiinper Signs in Crops, a publication of the American Society of Agronomy and the National Fertilizer Association, Washington, D. C. Fig. 7-2. The effect of increasing acidity (left to right) on growth of red clover. The poor growth results from calcium starvation, because high acidity interferes with the absorption and retention of calcium by the plant roots. For these reasons measurement of the hydrogen-ion concentration fre- quently is of more significance than determination of titratable acidity or alkalinity of a given biological fluid or extract. But one must not conclude that active acidity is always of prime importance. A familiar illustration involves the use of soda and sour milk as a leavening agent in the making of corn bread. If the housewife should add only enough soda to react with the hydrogen ions initially present in the sour milk, most of the lactic acid, i.e., the nonionized part, would not be neutralized, and sour bread would be the inevitable result. Sufficient soda to react with all of the acid must be added. Water is a neutral substance because it yields an equal, though rela- tively small, number of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions. The concentra- tion is known to be 0.0000001 (also expressed 10"'^) gram-ion per liter, which is equivalent to 0.0000001 g. of hydrogen ions and 0.0000017 g. of hydroxyl ions. It must be borne in mind that hydrogen ions exist even in basic solutions. Their concentration is reduced as basicity increases, but, theoretically, all are never entirely removed from a solution. ACIDITY 169 Concentration of hydrogen ions may be expressed directly in gram-ions per liter as above (comparable to moles per liter when considering a given reagent). Usually, however, when dealing with biological ma- terials this necessitates the use of relatively small decimal fractions with attendant possibility of an error in writing. A more convenient method is that of pH, by which one merely expresses the logarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen-ion concentration. Thus the reciprocal of 0.0000001, the hydrogen-ion concentration of water, is 10,000,000 or 10^, and the logarithm of this number is 7. The pH of pure water there- fore is 7, and all solutions of such pH are said to be neutral. That acidic solutions have pH values less than 7 is apparent in view of the fact that any concentration greater than 0.0000001 will have a correspondingly smaller reciprocal and consequently a smaller logarithm (pH value). Conversely, all basic solutions have pH values greater than 7. To those unfamiliar with this system of expressing active acidity, it may seem that small differences in pH correspond to unbelievably great differences in actual hydrogen-ion concentration. This can best be realized by a comparison of several hydrogen-ion concentrations and corresponding pH values simultaneously: Concentration in Reciprocal of gram-ions per liter concentration VH 0.1 10 1 0.001 1,000 3 0.000001 1,000,000 6 0.00000001 100.000.000 8 0.0000000001 10,000,000,000 10 Thus far only a tenfold (or some power thereof) increase or decrease in hydrogen-ion concentration has been considered, but it is obvious that between any two such values, e.g., 0.1 and 0.01 gram-ions per liter, are countless possible concentrations with corresponding pH values. To make interpretation of pH values easy Table 7-2 has been included. Column 1 merely gives the approximate logarithms of some appropriate numbers between 1 and 10 (listed in column 2) . Table 7-2 Comparison of pH values Approximate equivalent Change in pH • change in acidity 0.1 1.25 times 0.2 1.6 time.s 0.3 2.0 times 0.6 4.0 times 0.9 8.0 times 1.0 10.0 times 170 ACIDITY Example. Compare pH 6.6 and 5.1. The difference between pH 6.6 and 5.1 is 1.5 units, which can be broken down into units found in the table, namely, 1.0, 0.3, and 0.2. A difference of 1.0 equals 10 times. A difference of 0.3 equals 2 times. A difference of 0.2 equals 1.6 times. Hence a difference of 1.5 equals 10 X 2 X 1.6 = 32. Therefore pH 5.1 is 32 times as acid as pH 6.6. Buffers Although addition of a minute amount of hydrochloric acid, or any other strong acid, to water produces relatively a great change in pH, biological fluids, in general, do not undergo a comparable change when strong acid or base is added to them, because of the presence of certain compounds in these fluids. Such compounds which resist change in acidity or basicity are known as buffers. In general, a buffer consists of a weak acid (or base) and its salt. The buffer is the mixture of the two substances. Examples are acetic acid — sodium acetate, carbonic acid — sodium bicarbonate, ammonium hydroxide — ammonium chloride. Frequently the second hydrogen of a di- or tri-basic acid serves as the weak acid, as in the buffer NaHoPOi — Na^HPOi. Other metals, such as potassium, are equally satisfactory in buffers provided they form water-soluble salts with the acids concerned. Buffers exert their effect through chemical reactions that use up most of the hydrogen or hydroxyl ions that are added. This action depends, fundamentally, on the fact that the weak acid (or base) is only slightly ionized. A weak acid HA ionizes according to the equation: HA?^H++A- The A~ here represents the acid radical. Since this ionization is a reversible process, the addition of extra hydrogen ions shifts the reaction back to the left (law of mass action) and thereby converts most of the added H+ into undissociated HA molecules. On the other hand, if a strong base is added to the buffer, the 0H~ ions react with H+ to form water, and more of the HA molecules ionize to replace most of the H + ions used. In either case the pH remains relatively constant. The exact pH of any individual buffer solution and the pH change resulting from the addition to it of a certain quantity of strong acid or alkali may be calculated readily from a knowledge of the dissociation constant of the weak acid or base in the buffer. The mathematical expression for the dissociation constant Ka of a weak acid is based on the equation for its ionization. It is: r. _ [H+] ' [A-] [HA] ACIDITY 171 The brackets indicate concentrations expressed on a molar basis. Since weak acids ionize to only a slight degree, the numerical values of[H+] and [A-] are small, whereas [HA] is large. Consequently K^ for weak acids is a small number, for example, 0.000018 in the case of acetic acid. The weaker the acid, the smaller is its Ka value, and vice versa. Strong acids like hydrochloric are considered to be completely ionized in water solution and, therefore, have no, or more exactly an infinitely large, Ka value. Considerations exactly similar to those set forth above apply also to weak bases. The corresponding expressions are: BOH^B+ + OH- and ^ [B + ] • [0H-] •^ [BOH] To illustrate how pH values of particular buffers may be calculated, several typical problems will be worked out. Problem 1. What is the pH of a O.IM acetate buffer solution? The phrase "O.IM acetate bulfer" means that both acetic acid and sodium acetate are present in O.IM concentration. The ionization equation for acetic acid is: CH3COOH ?^ H+ + CH3COO- and its dissociation constant has the numerical value 1.8 X 10~^. The pH may be found from the expression for the dissociation constant : [H + ] • [CH3COO-] A% = 1.8 X 10-s [CH3COOH] by inserting the proper values for [CH3COO-] and [CH3COOH], and solving for [H+]. Let X=[H+]. Then [CH3COOH] = (0.1 - X), since the original acetic acid concentration was O.IM. The concentration of acetate ions is the sum of the concentrations resulting from the ionization of both acetic acid and sodium acetate. That from the acetic acid is obviously X, while that from sodium acetate is 0.1, because such salts are strong electrolytes and are completely ionized in aqueous solution. Therefore, [CH3COO-] = U^l + A'). Substituting these values in the expression for K^we have: , X ' (0.1 + A^) 1.8x10-== ^p,_^^' Now X is very much smaller than 0.1, since we are dealmg with a slightly ionized acid, so (0.1 + A) and (0.1 - A") are both very nearly equal to 0.1. Making this substitution, we have as a close approximation : , 0.1 A 1.8x10-5 = -^ or A = 1.8 X 10-5 172 ACIDITY Since the pH is the negative logarithm ^ of the molar H+ concentration, pH = - log (1.8 X 10-5) = - log 1.8 4- (-log 10-5) = - 0.26 + 5 = 4.74 (Answer to Problem 1) Note that in this problem [H+] = K^, or pH = pKa. This relation holds for any buffer where the acid and salt are present in equal amounts. When different amounts are present, the pH may be calculated from the equation: In the case of a base-type buffer, the corresponding equation is: [base] [OH-]=E:bX [salt] If the composition of the buffer and the numerical value of Kb are known, [0H-] and, hence, pOH can be calculated. From this result the cor- responding pH value can easily be found from the relation: pH + pOH = 14 which holds for any aqueous solution at room temperature. The use of the above equations in buffer calculations is illustrated below. Problem 2. What is the pH of 40 ml. of O.lM acetate buffer to which has been added 10 ml. of O.liV HCl? The HCl added amounts to 1 m.e.q. (10 X 0.1), and the buffer originally con- tained 4 m.e.q. (40 X 0.1) each of acetic acid and sodium acetate. For purposes of calculation it may be assumed that the 1 m.e.q. of HCl reacts with 1 m.e.q. of sodium acetate to form 1 m.e.q. of additional acetic acid": HCl + CHsCOONa > NaCl + CH3COOH Consequently, the acid : salt ratio of the buffer has been changed from 1 {i.e., 4 : 4) to 5 : 3. The pH may therefore be calculated by substituting known values in the equation above: [H+] = 1.8 X 10-5 x-1 = 3X 10-5 whence pH = 4.52 (Answer to Problem 2) 1 The small letter "p" is used to mean "the negative logarithm of." 2 More precisely, since the HCl, NaCl, and CHgCOONa do not exist as such in water solution but are 100 per cent ionized at all times, the only reaction which actually occurs is : H+ + CH3COO- -» CH3COOH ACIDITY l'^3 Note that the original pH of the buffer has dropped only 0.22 unit. This answer shows very clearly the effect of the buffer because if 10 ml. of 0.1 A'' HCl are added to 40 ml. of plain water, without any buffer present, the resulting H + concentration is 1 m.e.q. in 50 ml., or 0.02M . Therefore the pH is — log 0.02, or 1.7, a very much greater drop. The salt-acid combination is most effective when the salt and acid arc present in equal molecular proportions. Of course, there is a limit to the capacity of the buffer to take up hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide. For example, when about 85 per cent of the sodium acetate has been converted into acetic acid, or vice versa, the limit is close at hand. On adding more acid or alkali, the pH of the solution changes rapidly, and, hence, there is little buffer action. The most widely used buffers are mixtures of sodium or potassium salts of relatively weak acids and the corresponding free acid. For most purposes, acids such as phosphoric, carbonic, acetic, and other organic acids are used. Carbonates, bicarbonates, and phosphates, together with proteins, form the most important buffers in the body. These main- tain the pH within very narrow limits even though considerable acid or base is added. Measurement of pH Each hydrogen ion bears an electric charge, and the concentration of these ions can be measured most accurately by electrometric means. This method, however, requires the use of relatively expensive apparatus and an experienced operator. For many dyes there is a particular degree of acidity at which there is a very definite change in color, and fortu- nately the various dyes, or indicators, change color at different .hydrogen- ion concentrations. This fact serves as a basis for a colorimetric method that is quite simple, as well as fairly accurate. The method consists of matching the color produced by an appropriate indicator in the unknown solution with the color of a standard solution of known hydrogen-ion concentration to which the same indicator has been added. If the color of the unknown is the same as that of the standard, the hydrogen-ion concentration likewise must be the same. Standard color charts and glass discs of appropriate colors that may be substituted for the standard solutions possess the added advantage of being more permanent than the solutions. In Table 7-3 are given the approximate pH values of a number of biological materials. 174 ACIDITY Table 7-3 pH values of representative biological materials Matenal pH Value Blood, normal limits 7.3-7.5 Blood, extreme limits 7.0-7.8 Enzymes, activity range of Amylopsin, optimum 7.0 Erepsin, optimum 7.8 Invertase, optimum 5.5 Lipase, pancreatic 7.0-8.0 Malta.se, optimum 6.1-6.8 Pepsin, optimum 1 .5-2.4 Trypsin, optimum 8-9 Fruit juices Apple 3.8 Banana 4.6 Grapefruit 3.0-3.3 Orange 3.1-4.1 Tomato ^' 4.2 Ga.stric juice, adult 1.6-1.8 Milk, cows, limits 6.2-7.3 Milk, human 7.0-7.2 Muscle juice : 6.8 Plants (extracted juice) Alfalfa tops 5.9 Carrot 5.2 Cucumber 5.1 Peas, field 6.8 Potato 6.1 Rhubarb; stalks 3.4 String beans 5.2 Saliva 6.2-7.6 Sweat 4.5-7.1 Tears : 7.2 Urine, human, limits* 4.2-8.0 REVIEW QUESTIONS ON ACIDITY 1. Explain the difference in meaning of "active" and "total" acidity. In what terms are concentrations of the two usually expressed? 2. Define: (1) molar solution, (2) normal solution,^ (3) hydrogen equivalent, (4) gram equivalent weight, (5) indicator. 3. What is the normality of a solution of NaOH if 25 ml. of it are required to neutralize 20 ml. of O.IA'^ oxalic acid? 4. What is the normality of a solution of acetic acid which contains 0.3 g. of this reagent in 50 ml.? 5. What volume of 0.5iV NaOH would be required to neutralize the acetic acid mentioned in the preceding question? 6. What is a hydrogen ion? Represent by equations the ionization of (1) HNO3, (2) NaCl, (3) ClicHOHCOOH, (4) NaOH, (5) H2SO.. ACIDITY 175 7. What is a buffer? Write equations to illustrate the reaction of a buffer with HCI and XaOH, respectively. 8. What do pH 5, 7, and 9 mean with respect to acidity, neutrality, and alkalinity? 9. How much more acid is the first member of the following pairs than the second member: pH 6 vs. 7, pH 4 vs. 7, pH 4.2 vs. 6.3, pH 4 vs. 8.3, pH 2 vs. 10? 10. Give the approximate pH values of six representative biological materials. 11. Give the names and structural formulas of ten organic acids (other than fatty acids) and five organic bases commonlj' found in biological materials. REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Bonner, James, Plant Biochemistry, Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1950. Clark, W. M., The Dctermiimtioi of Hydrogen Ions, 3rd ed.. The Williams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore, 1928. Kolthoff, I. M. and Laitinen, H. A., pH and Electrotitratiovs, 2nd ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1941. La Motte, F. L., Kenny, W. R., and Reed, A. B., pH a)td Its Practical Application, The Williams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore, 1932. Pierce, W. C. and Haenisch, E. L., Quantitative Analysis, 3rd ed., John Wiley antl Sons, Inc., New York, 1948. Schmidt, C. L. A. and Allen, F. W., Fundamentals of Biochemistry, 1st ed., McGraw- Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1938. Chapter 8 BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS Definition The mineral elements of biochemical interest are all those chemical elements, except carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, which are, or may be, present in the tissues of living organisms. They are frequently called inorganic, or ash elements, since, as a rule, they remain in the ash when biological materials are burned. Those which have been proved to be essential constituents of living tissues are listed below. They are classified as major and minor (or trace) elements on the basis of the amounts usually present in biological samples. Major mineral elements Metals Nonmetals Sodium Sulfur Potassium Chlorine Calcium Phosphorus Magnesium Minor mineral elements or trac Metals Nonmetals Iron Iodine Copper Boron Cobalt Zinc Manganese Molybdenum Most of these elements are required by living organisms, generally. However, boron is needed only by plants; sodium, chlorine, iodine, and cobalt, only by animals. Thus plants require 15 chemical elements in all (counting C, H, 0, and N), and animals 18. Aluminum, vanadium, arsenic, bromine, fluorine, silicon, and other mineral elements are widely distributed in living cells and may have important biological functions, but as yet their essential nature has not been demonstrated, except in a few isolated cases {e.g., vanadium is apparently a normal, necessary constituent of a respiratory pigment in 176 BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS 1'^'^ certain marine worms). Still other elements, for example, selenium, are found only in the tissues of plants or animals grown in certain restricted localities. Some of these elements which are of interest for one reason or another are discussed in more detail below. Ashing When it is desired to examine a biological sample for mineral elements, the first step is to dry the sample, then burn it to remove organic matter, and convert the mineral elements present into simple inorganic com- pounds. From the chemical standpoint the process of burning or ashing is essentially a very vigorous oxidation, which is carried out in the air at a temperature of about 600-800°C. The organic substances present are decomposed as the sample is heated and turn black on account of the formation of free carbon. As the heating continues this carbon is oxi- dized to carbon dioxide, which escapes. Disappearance of the black color, therefore, indicates that the ashing is complete. The hydrogen in the original organic matter is converted to water vapor, and the nitrogen escapes in tlie form of nitrogen gas. The mineral elements are contained in biological materials partly in complex organic combinations such as sulfur in methionine, phosphorus in lecithin, iron in hemoglobin, etc. (see Table 8-2). As these organic substances are destroyed during the ashing process, the mineral elements in them combine with each other — metals with nonmetals — and fre- quently also with oxygen to form inorganic salts such as the chlorides, sulfates, phosphates and silicates of sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. The ash, then, consists largely of these salts. If the sample happens to contain relatively more metals than non- metals, as in vegetables, fruits, milk, only a part of the metals present can be converted into such salts because there will not be enough nonmetals to go around. In this case the excess metals combine with oxygen or carbon dioxide, which is always available from the burning organic matter, to form oxides and carbonates. Sodium and potassium form the carbonates, and calcium and magnesium the oxides, since their carbonates are unstable at the high temperatures used. Such ash, therefore, is strongly alkaline and, because of the carbonates present, effervesces when dissolved in mineral acid. On the other hand, if the sample contains a larger amount of nonmetals than metals, as in meats, cereals, eggs, the excess nonmetals will be converted into the corresponding oxides, most of which are volatile, and therefore escape {e.g., SO2) . Thus, 99 per cent of the sulfur in rice and in corn meal is lost during burning. Silicon is an exception since its oxide, SiOo, is very nonvolatile. This loss may be prevented by adding to the sample before ashing a reagent which will shift the balance of metals 1'78 BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS versus nonmetals in favor of the metals. The oxides, peroxides, hy- droxides, carbonates, or nitrates of sodium, potassium, calcium, or magnesium are suitable for this purpose. The peroxides or nitrates are especially useful because they are also strong chemical oxidizing agents and help to complete the ashing in a shorter time or at a lower tem- perature. Once the ash has been obtained it is usually taken up in an acid solu- tion such as nitric, the insoluble silica filtered off, and the solution tested for metallic and nonmetallic ions by the usual methods of qualitative analysis. Occurrence The amount of inorganic material contained in foodstuffs varies with the material, and in the case of plants with the type of soil, fertilizer, etc. Approximately 4.4 per cent of the total weight of the body consists of inorganic compounds. The bones contain from 22 to 82 per cent, whereas the muscles and the body fluids contain about 1 per cent. Plant material varies in ash content from 1 to 10 per cent. More is contained in the stems and leafy portions of the plants than in the seeds. Although the concentration of any element in a given food material may vary markedly, depending upon the conditions under which it is produced, the table given below and the tables in the Appendix afford a fairly accurate estimate of the relative concentrations of these elements in various foodstuffs. In Table &-1 note the low calcium content of cereals in comparison with the large demands for this element in the animal body. Observe that the milling process results in a concentra- tion of the mineral elements in the bran and, hence, a depletion of the same in the flour. Table 8-1 Mineral composition of some typical foodstuffs (Fresh basis) percentage of: Ca Mg K Na P CI S Fe Wheat, whole 0.055 0.163 0.409 0.106 0.342 0.088 0.175 0.006 Wheat, flour, white .021 .021 .137 .053 .096 .079 .155 .0012 Wheat, bran 065 .420 1.25 .007 1.43 .042 .245 .014 Corn meal 016 .084 .213 .039 .152 .146 .111 .0011 Cabbage 054 .016 .217 .038 .031 .034 .074 .00066 Turnips .042 .019 .193 .104 .032 .054 .048 .00061 Cow's milk 123 .019 .129 .047 .088 .114 .031 .00024 Animal body (Ox). 1.24 .030 .117 .089 .682 More extensive tables are given in the Appendix. The table on trace elements (p. 443) shows the small amounts contained in foodstuffs. Of these elements iodine is the least abundant. It should be noted that BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS 179 Element Potassium Calcium Table 8-2 Some specific organic compounds of mineral elements known to exist in plant or animal materials Compound name and formula Acid salt of tartaric KHC4H4OU acid Salts of citric acid K.HCbH.Ot Salts of malic acid KHCJH4O5 Acid salt of tartaric Ca(HC4H40o)2 acid Salts of phytic acid C6Ha(CaP04)a Magnesium Iron Sulfur Phosphorus Chlorine Iodine Copper Cobalt Zinc Calcium caseinate Not known Salts of phytic acid CflH6(MgP04)6 Chlorophyll Hemin Ferratin Cystine Glutathione Insulin C55H72N4Mg05 C34H3.N4Fe04Cl Not known C6H12N2S.O4 CioHirNsSOe (C45H69NuS0l4)n Thiamine chloride C12H17N4SCI Allyl isothiocyanate Allyl sulfide C3ILNCS (CsIDsS Lecithins Cephalins Nucleic acids e.g., C44H88NPO9 e.g., e.g., Phosphoproteins Hexosemonophos- phate Hexosediphosphate Phytic acid Creatine phosphate Cliloromycetin Thyroxine Hemocyanins Vitamin B12 Carbonic anhydrase C41H80NPO8 (_/2[>xl45a\ EPU26 Not known CeHn05(H2P04) CcH4„04(H.oP04)2 C«Hc(H2P04)« C4H10N3PO5 CnHisOoNsCU Ci6HnL04N Not known C61-«4ll86-92N 14O13PCO Not known Contained in Grapes, cucumbers Fruits, vegetables Fi-uits, vegetables Grapes Bran of wheat, rye, etc. Milk Bran of wheat, rye, etc. Green plants Hemoglobin of blood A protein of spleen and intestinal wall Proteins Animal tissues A hormone, secreted by Isles of Langer- hans Yeast, pork muscle, etc. Mustard, onions Garlic, radishes, cab- bage, turnips, etc. Egg yolk, brain, nerves, etc. Blood Nuclear tissue, e.g., thymus Egg yolk, milk Yeast, muscle Yeast Bran of wheat, rye, etc. Muscle Streptomyces Vene- zuela A hormone secreted by thyroid gland Respiratoiy protein in lower animals {e.g., lobster) Animal tissues Red blood cells 180 BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS the unit (micrograms) in which the iodine is expressed is only one-thou- sandth as large as that used for the other elements. Cereals, as a class, contain relatively high percentages of all these elements, but it must be borne in mind that these high values are due largely to the high per- centage of dry matter in cereals. Conversely, vegetables do not rank as high on a percentage basis because of the large amount of water contained in them. Perhaps a more correct basis for comparison would be percentages of the foods as eaten, that is, in the cooked condition. Differences resulting from water content would then be largely elimi- nated. A second consideration that must be kept in mind is the quantity of a particular food that is eaten. A food may be conspicuously high in some element, but if it is eaten only occasionally, it contributes very little toward the actual supply of that element in the diet. Lobster, for ex- ample, is high in copper (1.5 mg. per 100 g.), but since lobster is eaten rarely or not at all by the majority of people, it is a relatively unimportant factor in supplying copper to the average diet. Another -example will illustrate the converse situation. Although milk is low in iron, it is, be- cause of the large quantity consumed, one of the largest contributors of iron in the diet of a small child. On the basis of both composition and consumption, cereals and vege- tables are the chief sources of supply of the trace elements. The mineral elements exist in living tissues partly in the form of in- organic ions (K+, Na+, Ca+ + , Mg+ + , Fe+ + , C1-, SO4 — , HPO4 — , H2P04~, etc.) dissolved in tissue fluids, and partly as components of various organic molecules. Many of the latter are of particular bio- logical importance and are therefore given special attention. In Table 8-2 are a few organic compounds that are known to exist in plant or animal materials. Unusually large or small amounts of particular mineral elements occur in the soil in various regions of the world, and this distribution often causes the vegetation and drinking water in these areas to contain correspondingly high or low amounts of the elements concerned. As a result, domestic animals and human beings consume abnormal quantities, frequently with serious, and even fatal, consequences. The best known cases involve deficiencies of copper, cobalt, zinc, boron, and iodine in some localities, and dangerously high concentrations of selenium, molyb- denum and fluorine in others. These cases will be discussed below in greater detail in connection with the individual elements. In general, quantities of the mineral elements much larger than the physiologically required amounts are likely to be toxic. This is particularly true of the trace elements. BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS 181 General functions Considerable importance has been attached by certain investigators to a proper balance in the diet between basic and acidic elements. Such emphasis is based on the idea that an excess of either type is not desir- able. As a result of metabolism the basic and acidic elements will be combined to form salts in much the same way that these elements com- bine when the foodstuff is burned to form salts in the ash. To illustrate this result more clearly: the sulfur of cystine and the magnesium of chlorophyll may, as a result of metabolism, be combined and excreted as magnesium sulfate. Since in the body a number of organic acid radicals, e.g., the citrate and malate, may be oxidized completely to carbon dioxide and water, the corresponding metallic salts frequently contribute only to the supply of basic elements in the diet. It is for this reason that most fruit juices, in spite of their actual acidity, exert a basic effect in the body. A few organic acids, however, are not so oxidized and, hence, contribute to the total acidity (which normally is caused by the three elements, chlorine, phosphorus, and sulfur). In this class are benzoic and quinic acids. The presence of these acids in cranberries, plums, and prunes is responsible for the acidic effect of these fruits in the body. In order to determine whether there is an excess of basic or acidic mineral elements in foodstuffs, the quantities of each are expressed in terms of the equivalent volume of O.LV base or acid per 100 g. of the food. If the basic elements together are equal to a larger volume of O.LV solution than the total of the acidic elements, the foodstuff is said to be basic, and vice versa; e.g., 100 g. of beef will contain 120 ml. of O.LV acid in excess of the basic elements. Milk, on the other hand, contains 22.5 ml. excess of base over acidic elements. Fruits, vegetables, milk, and legumes contain an excess of basic elements, while cereals, meat, and eggs have a preponderance of the acidic elements. Certain investigators have assumed that people naturally combine foodstuffs high in basic material with foodstuffs high in acidic compounds. It has been suggested that perhaps we eat vegetables with meat for this reason. To have an exact balance between the two may not be as important as has been assumed, but it is probable that a large excess of one over the other is not a desirable condition. The remarkable constancy of the pH of blood, 7.3-7.5, is made possible through the systems of buffers contained therein. In addition to the proteins, especially hemoglobin, the chief buffer systems are the car- bonates, H2CO3 and NaHCOs, and the phosphates of potassium and sodium, e.g., NaH2P04 and Na2HP04. The osmotic pressure existing between body cells is due in part to the presence of salts of the mineral elements. The movement of liquids from 182 BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS one part of the cell to the other or through the walls of a cell may be brought about by the presence of these salts. If a high concentration of salts exists in a given locality, water tends to flow in that direction to dilute the solution, while the salts tend to move in the direction of the water, thus equalizing conditions. Similarly, the water-holding capacity of the blood is in part due to this action of its inorganic salts. Irritability of muscles and nerves, that is their ability to respond to physiological stimulation in a normal manner, is dependent upon the proper kind and amount of inorganic ions in the body fluids which bathe them. Many enzymes are inactive unless some particular inorganic ion is present. Examples are given below and in Chap. 10. Functions of specific elements Sodium and Potassium. These elements exist in living tissues almost exclusively in the form of Na+ and K+ ions. They make up the basic portion of several buffer systems which maintain the physiological pH values not only of the blood, as mentioned above, but also of such body fluids as saliva and the pancreatic and intestinal juices. Potassium ions constitute the main base inside the cells of the body, whereas sodium is characteristically more concentrated in the blood plasma and in- terstitial fluids, that is, tissue fluids outside the actual cells. Sodium ions, in fact, make up over 90 per cent of all the cations (positively charged ions) of these fluids (Table 8-3) and thus, together with Cl~ ions, are mainly responsible for their osmotic pressure. Table 8-3 Approximate electrolyte distribution in human blood plasma * Cations Anions (Milliequivalents per liter of plasma water) Sodium (Na+) 154 Chloride (CI") 106 Potassium (K*) 5 Bicarbonate (HCO3-) 28 Calcium (Ca*^) 5 Protein 17 Magnesium (Mg*"^) 3 Others 17 * Data from Hawk, Oser, and Summerson. Sodium and potassium ions play a vital role in the process by which carbon dioxide is carried by the blood stream from the muscles, where it is produced, to the lungs, where it is eliminated from the body (see p. 187). Both tend also to promote muscle relaxation. Common salt, sodium chloride, supplies most of the sodium and chlorine in the diet. The daily salt requirement for normal adult per- sons is in the neighborhood of 5 g., but the exact amount needed depends on the water intake, because salt is carried out of the body in the urine BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS 183 and, especially, in sweat. The average American diet furnishes 10-15 g. of salt a day, which is more than adequate, except during profuse sweat- ing. An extra gram of salt (above the 5 g. minimum) should be con- sumed for each liter of water intake in excess of 4 1. per day. This may amount to as much as 20-30 g. in extreme cases. So-called heat prostra- tion after hard work in hot weather is often merely the result of un- compensated salt losses and may be prevented by proper attention to salt intake. Among the symptoms characterizing potassium deficiency in rats are lethargy, distension of the abdomen, edematous kidneys, discoloration of the skin owing to improper blood supply, failure of growth, and early death. Pathological changes may be detected in the intestines, pan- creas, kidneys, and hearts of such animals. The potassium requirement for human beings is unknown, but the element is present in nearly all foods in such large amounts that the daily intake appears to be entirely adequate. Calcium and Phosphorus. Both of these elements are essential con- stituents of all living cells. Calcium is present in the animal body in larger amounts than any other mineral element. About 99 per cent of the total is in the bones and teeth, which are made up of approximately one-half moisture and organic matter and one-half inorganic or mineral matter. The latter consists essentially of calcium phosphate together with smaller amounts of calcium carbonate. IMagnesium and other ele- ments are also present in minor amounts. The remainder of the calcium exists mostly as Ca++ ions in the body fluids, where it is of fundamental importance for the normal activity of nerves, muscles, and heart, for the clotting of blood, and for maintaining the permeability of cell membranes. Thus the clotting of freshly drawn blood may be prevented, or greatly retarded, by the addition of a reagent, such as sodium oxalate or citrate, which removes the Ca+ + ions by forming an insoluble (oxalate) or nonionized (citrate) product. Coagulation of milk also requires calcium, and the cementing substances which hold cells together in tissues appear to involve this element. Normally, the total calcium content of man's blood ranges from 9 to 11 mg. per 100 ml. of plasma. In the young it is slightly higher. About half the total is inorganic Ca++ ions. If the blood calcium falls below certain levels, depending upon the species of animal, tetany (generalized spasmodic muscle contractions) results, and death may follow unless restorative measures are employed. Both vitamin D and the secretion of the parathyroid gland operate in controlling the calcium content of the blood, the former through an increased "net absorption" of food calcium and the latter by mobilization of the calcium in certain labile structures of the skeleton. The bulk of the phosphorus of the body, about 80 per cent, is also 184 BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS contained in the bones and teeth. About half the remainder is combined with the organic constituents of the muscles, while the rest is distributed throughout the blood and other tissues of the body. Mention was made above of the buffer action of the alkali phosphates contained in the blood, and it will be recalled that phosphorus is also a constituent of various organic compounds previously studied, such as lecithins, certain proteins, and nucleic acids, as well as a whole series of substances involved in intermediary carbohydrate and fat metabolism and in muscle contrac- tion (Chaps. 10 and 16). AVithout a supply of phosphorus none of these essential materials could be formed by the living cell, so it is easy to understand why this element is vital to normal health and development. The amounts of calcium and phosphorus needed daily by human beings depend on many factors, one of which is the Ca : P ratio in the food eaten. When either element is consumed in a large excess, the excretion of the other is increased, so it is desirable that this ratio be about 0.7-1.0. In other words, the food eaten should contain about equal quantities of calcium and phosphorus, or slightly more of the phosphorus. Further- more, unless enough vitamin D is furnished (see p. 211) absorption of calcium through the intestinal wall is greatly reduced. A third factor affecting calcium requirements is the presence in the food eaten of oxalic acid, or soluble salts of oxalic acid, which produce insoluble calcium oxalate. This compound is not utilized as a source of calcium in the body. The concentration of soluble oxalates in some plants reaches toxic levels (see p. 161). For these and other reasons there is a tremendous variation among individuals in their ability to make use of dietary calcium, some ab- sorbing as little as 5 per cent of the amount eaten. There is evidence, however, that the efficiency of utilization increases when the calcium content of the food is low and the needs of the body are acute. The amounts of various dietary essentials that should be supplied daily by a good diet have been carefully studied by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council. Their recommended daily allowances, which are designed to provide an excess over the bare minimum requirements for life, were announced in 1941 and revised in 1948. For calcium the recommended amounts are: adults 1.0 g., preg- nancy (latter half) 1.5 g., lactation 2.0 g., children up to 10 years 1.0 g., adolescents 1.0 to 1.4 g. The phosphorus intake should be at least equal to that of calcium for children, adolescents, and women during pregnancy and lactation, and for other adults about 1.5 times the calcium intake. Calcium is the one essential mineral element which is most likely to be supplied in inadequate amounts by the average American diet. The reasons for this situation are the facts that two of the principal types of foodstuffs, meats and cereals, are notably deficient in this element and Courtesy of O. H. Sears, Univ. of Illinois A. S\inpU)nis oi nitrogen deficiency appear in nninoculated soylicans growini; in a soil which does not contain the appropriate nitrogen-fixing nodule bacteria. Note the pale green to vellowish color and the lower height of the plants in the nninoculated check strip. V>. Coltoii boil showing potassinm-deficicnc \ sMuplonis. Left, normal, large, well oj)encd boll. Riglu. small, inniialure, ])artlv o[)enecl Ixill icsniiing liom a deficiency of potassium. Plate I. Nitrogen and polassjnm deficiencies in planis. ^-^^■'■^ Plate II. Phosplioriis luiiigcr causes purpling of ihe leaves of many strains of corn. BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS 185 that foods, in general, contain far less calcium than the animal body (Table 8-1). Milk is one of the best food sources, a quart supplying approximately one gram of both calcium and phosphorus. Cheese, egg yolk, and green leafy vegetables are also excellent sources; most other vegetables contain moderate amounts. Ground bone is well utilized by the animal body as a source of calcium and phosphorus, and, in fact, bone meal is commonly used as a supplement to the feed of domestic animals. The bones in most types of canned fish should be regarded as valuable food rather than being carefully picked out and thrown away as is usually the case. On the other hand, the phosphorus supply needs no special attention. A diet providing the recommended amounts of protein and calcium will almost certainly contain sufficient phosphorus, at least for human beings. Cattle, however, occasionally become phosphorus deficient, but only when their feed consists almost entirely of forage grown in certain areas where the soil is low in this element (e.g., parts of Wisconsin, Montana, Texas, and Florida). Diets inadequate or imbalanced in their calcium, phosphorus, or vita- min D contents lead to rickets in children and to osteomalacia (softening of the bones) in adults (see chapter on Vitamins). All three factors are also obviously essential for sound, well-formed teeth, although many other influences likewise play important roles in dental health. Magnesium. This element is also an indispensable constituent of all living cells. Since it is a part of the chlorophyll molecule (p. 388), magnesium is essential for photosynthesis and, hence, indirectly respon- sible for the production of all our foodstuffs. About three-fourths of the magnesium in the animal body is contained in the skeleton, the rest being present in the blood and other body fluids as Mg++ ions. The normal concentration of Mg++ in human blood serum is 2-3 mg. per 100 ml. Marked increases of up to 10-20 mg., resulting, for example, from the injection of soluble magnesium salts, lead to generalized anes- thesia, complete muscle relaxation, and eventual death. If animals or human beings are deprived of magnesium until the blood level falls to 0.6-0.8 mg. per 100 ml., or less, symptoms of magnesium deficiency appear. These include dilation of capillaries, extreme nervousness, con- vulsions (tetany) , and death. Magnesium ions are necessary for the normal activity of several enzymes in the body, particularly peptidase, carboxylase, enolase, hexo- kinase, and others. In some cases the Mg++ may be replaced by other ions, such as Mn+ + . However, for many biological functions there exists marked antagonism between various inorganic ions. Calcium and magnesium offer an outstanding illustration of this antagonism. Thus the enzyme adenosine triphosphatase, which is activated by Ca++ ions, is inhibited by Mg+ + . Likewise Ca++ is the best antidote for the 186 BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS anesthesia and paralysis of animals caused by excess Mg++ ions in the body fluids. The magnesium requirement of human beings is not known with certainty, but it has been estimated to lie in the range of 0.2 to 0.4 g. per day for a normal adult. Studies of American dietaries indicate that the daily magnesium intake per 3000 calories varies from 0.17 to 0.53 g. This amount evidently meets the normal needs since cases of human magnesium deficiency are almost never encountered. Iron and Copper. The iron contained in the animal and human body is mostly present as a component of certain conjugated proteins, of which the best known is hemoglobin. The iron is contained in the prosthetic group of hemoglobin, which is called heme. Like chlorophyll, heme belongs to the porphyrin class of substances and carries its iron atom in the center of the porphyrin ring. Iron is also an essential component of several physiologically important enzymes such as catalase, peroxidase, the cytochromes, and cytochrome oxidase. Like hemoglobin, these enzymes are conjugated proteins with an iron-porphyrin type of prosthetic group. The iron content of hemo- globin and of the above enzymes lies in the range of 0.1 to 0.4 per cent. There is also present in the animal body another iron containing protein, ferritin, which, in contrast to the above materials, contains as much as 23 per cent of iron. Ferritin is present in the spleen and in the intestinal wall, where it is probably involved in the metabolism of iron in the body, particularly in absorption and storage. Copper also is known to be associated with certain proteins in living tissues. It is an essential component of several enzymes and of a re- spiratory pigment, hemocyanin. This substance is present in the blood of certain lower animals, for example, the lobster, snail, and other in- vertebrates, and acts as an oxygen carrier just as hemoglobin does in higher forms. Hemocyanins from various species contain about 0.2 to 0.4 per cent of copper and range in molecular weight from 350,000 to several milhon. The copper is easily removed on acidification, being fully utilized as a source of food copper by animals. It has not been estab- lished whether the copper is attached to a prosthetic group of the porphyrin type. Although this might be expected by analogy with hemoglobin, the easy removal of the metal argues against this possibility, and no porphyrin derivative has been obtained from hemocyanin. How- ever, turacin, a feather pigment of the turaco bird (South Africa), is a copper-porphyrin derivative. The copper-containing enzymes include ascorbic acid oxidase, poly- phenol oxidase, laccase, and several other oxidases. Each of these en- zymes is a protein which contains a small amount of copper, ranging from 0.15 to 0.34 per cent, as an integral part of the molecule. The blood of the ox, sheep, and horse has been found to contain another BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS 187 copper protein, hemocuprein, which has been purified and obtained in the form of blue crystals containing 0.34 per cent of copper. The copper in hemocuprein and in a similar substance, called hepatocuprein, in the liver accounts for nearly all the copper in the bodies of higher animals and, presumably, also in human beings. The function of iron in the body is to serve as one of the essential raw materials for the various physiologically important iron-containing sub- stances listed above. Given an adequate dietary supply of iron, the body can synthesize whatever amounts of hemoglobin and the iron- porphyrin enzymes it may need, provided, however, that sufficient amounts of copper are also supplied by the food intake. Just how copper func- tions in this regard is not understood, but it is an observed fact that copper is needed for the proper absorption and utilization of iron. It is not surprising, therefore, that diets low in either copper or iron lead to the development of nutritional anemia, that is, an abnormally low amount of hemoglobin in the blood, which is corrected by consuming a complete diet. An average family diet contains about 2 mg. of copper per person per day. The tissues of the body are dependent almost entirely upon hemo- globin for their oxygen supply. In the lungs, where relatively large amounts of oxygen are available from the inhaled air, hemoglobin is converted into oxyhemoglobin. The oxygen is held in a rather loose combination and is easily given off' whenever the oxyhemoglobin reaches a place w4iere the prevailing oxygen pressure is low, that is, where little oxygen is present. This occurs normally, of course, in the muscles. Hemoglobin also functions indirectly in the transportation of carbon dioxide to the lungs. Oxyhemoglobin is a stronger acid than hemoglobin itself and when it is formed in the lungs combines with a certain amount of potassium. As the oxyhemoglobin changes to hemoglobin in the muscles, this potassium is released and combines with carbon dioxide to form potassium bicarbonate. This substance is then carried back to the lungs where the potassium is taken up by freshly produced oxyhemo- globin, and the bicarbonate radical becomes free carbonic acid. The last step in the process of eliminating carbon dioxide involves the decomposi- tion of this newly formed carbonic acid. Here still another mineral element, namely zinc, plays an essential role, since it is a component of carbonic anhijdrase, an enzyme, present in red blood cells, which greatly speeds up the breakdown of carbonic acid: carbonic H2CO3 < * H2O + CO2 anhydrase As a result of the action of this enzyme, carbon dioxide is released in gaseous form and exhaled as rapidly as it is brought to the lungs. The iron-containing enzymes, such as cytochrome, are very widely 188 BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS distributed in both plant and animal cells, and in the various lower forms of life, where they are concerned with biological oxidation processes (see Chap. 13). A good daily allowance of iron for human beings has been estimated by the Food and Nutrition Board to be as follows: normal adult, 12 mg.; woman during pregnancy and lactation, 15 mg.; infants, 6 mg.; children 1 to 12 years old, 7 to 12 mg.; and adolescents 13 to 15 years old, 15 mg. The need for iron is, of course, greatest whenever hemoglobin is being formed in the body in relatively large amounts, as during rapid growth and after the loss of blood. For this reason women should have more iron than men to compensate for blood lost during menstruation. In fact, there is evidence that adult men, and women after the menopause, get along quite satisfactorily even when they receive much less than the above amounts of iron. An adequate copper intake is provided by an amount equal to about one-tenth that of iron. For adults, this is in the range of 1 to 2 mg. per day. A good diet containing enough of the other essential food factors may be depended upon to contain sufficient copper, except in a few areas where the copper content of the soil is abnormally low. Such copper- deficient areas have been reported in Holland, Florida, New Zealand, and parts of Great Britain and Australia. Iron, on the other hand, is one of the mineral elements which is apt to be supplied in too small amounts by ordinary dietaries. This is partly due to the modern process of refining cereals, which removes much of the iron (see Table 8-1 ) , and partly to the fact that the iron contained in many foods is not well assimilated by the body. Thus the iron in the iron-porphyrin substances listed above is not utilized, although most simple, inorganic iron salts, and even metallic iron itself if finely divided, are able to meet bodily needs very well. It is important, therefore, to consider not only the total iron content of various foods, but also the proportion of it which is physiologically available. The best food sources of iron are liver and egg yolk. Muscle meats, fish, green leafy vegetables, and dried peas and beans are also good sources, since they are high in total iron, and about half of it is available. White flour is low in iron, but is now being enriched approximately to whole grain levels so that it probably contributes materially to the total intake. Milk is deficient not only in iron, but also in copper and manganese. Cobalt. That cobalt also plays a role in hemoglobin formation is evidenced by the fact that cattle and sheep in certain areas of New Zealand, Australia, and Florida sometimes suffer from a nutritional anemia that can be cured only by administration of small amounts of this element. Cobalt deficient areas have also been reported in Wisconsin, Michigan, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Great Britain, and Scotland. The occurrence of deficiency symptoms is limited to cows, sheep, and other ruminants. Feeding trials with cobalt-low rations have failed to BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS 189 demonstrate a need for this element in rats or rabbits but showed that the requirement, if any, of the rat for cobalt is less than 0.6 /xg. per day. However, vitamin B12 has recently been found to contain cobalt, and since it plays a vital role in hemoglobin formation in many species, in- cluding man, the need for cobalt is evident. Since vitamin B12 contains only slightly more than 4 per cent of cobalt, and only a few micrograms of the vitamin are needed daily, it is not surprising that requirement for this element was difficult to demonstrate. Manganese. This element seems to be essential for both plant and animal life, although as yet no specific manganese-containing substance of biological importance is known. Since plants deprived of manganese become chlorotic (contain too little chlorophyll), it is probable that the element plays some role in chlorophyll synthesis (Fig. 8-1). Lack of iron has a similar result (Fig. 8-2). In animals, manganese deficiency leads to poor growth, failure of reproduction, and- abnormal bone de- velopment. Chickens suffer from a condition known as perosis (slipped tendon), which results from poorly shaped leg bones and is cured by manganese plus choline. Eggs produced by hens on a low-manganese ration hatch poorly. Although the detailed manner in which lack of manganese brings about these difficulties is not known, it seems most probable that the explanation will be found to lie in the effect of Mn++ ions on various enzymes. Arginase is activated by a number of metal ions, of which Mn++ is probably the most important under natural conditions. Carboxylase requires either Mg++ or Mn++ for activity. Certain peptidases and phosphatases also are known to be activated by Mn+ + . The human requirement for manganese is not definitely known, but it is estimated to be in the neighborhood of a few mg. per day for the adult. Whole cereals, and especially cereal brans, are high in manganese. Tea is an outstanding source (150-900 parts per million in the dry leaves), contributing several milligrams daily to those who use this beverage. The daily intake on ordinary American diets has been calculated to be at least 2.5 mg., which evidently meets all bodily needs, since human manganese deficiency does not occur, as far as is known. Zinc. The essential nature of zinc for animal life has been demon- strated by feeding young rats a ration very low in this element (Hove, Elvehjem, and Hart). Poor growth and various abnormalities resulted. It has also been found that about 0.3 per cent of zinc is present in the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, which occurs in red blood cells, as well as in the pancreas and stomach lining of animals. This enzyme plays a vital role in the elimination of carbon dioxide from the body, as ex- plained above (p. 187) . It has been suggested that carbonic anhydrase also functions in the secretion of hydrochloric acid by the stomach lining. Zinc likewise is a constituent of crystalline insulin, although zinc in- 190 BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS Courtesy of New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. Reproduced from Hunger Sigtis in Crops, a publication of the American Society of Agronomy and the National Fertilizer Association, Washington, D. C. Fig. 8-1. Right, manganese deficient leaves showing diminished chloro- phyll content. Left, normal leaf. Courtesy of California Agricultural Experiment Station. Reproduced from Hunger Signs in Crops, a publication of the American Society of Agronomy and the National P^ertilizer Association, Washington, D. C. Fig. 8-2. Iron deficiency symptoms on lemon leaves. Left, normal leaf. The other leaves show increasing lack of iron from left to right. sulinate is apparently not the active form of this hormone. A combina- tion of zinc and protamine with insulin is widely used because it acts much longer than insulin alone. Plants also require zinc. Fertile soils contain 1 to 5 parts per million BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS 191 or more. Zinc-deficient soils are well known in the southern United States, where the lack of zinc causes "rosette" disease of pecan and cherry trees, "mottled leaf" of citrus fruits, and "bronzing" of tung oil trees. The stunting effect of zinc deficiency on grapefruit is shown in Fig. 8-3. Courtesy of California Agricultural Kxperiment Station. Reproduced from Hunger Signs in Crops, a publication of the American Society of Agronomy and the National Fertilizer Association, Washington, D. C. Fig. 8-3. Grapefruit showing, on the left, the effects of acute zinc defi- ciency; center, fniit from similar tree two months after treatment, showing discolored tough areas impregnated with gum in the thick rind; and, on the right, fruit from a similar tree treated 15 months previously. The amount of zinc needed by human beings is not well established, but it has been estimated to be 0.3 mg. per kilogram of body weight for growing children. Adult persons on an average diet in this country probably consume about 12 mg. per day, and this amount appears to be sufficient for all bodily needs. Foods high in zinc include wheat bran, wheat germ, oysters, liver, egg yolk, cocoa, and others (see Appendix, Table A-3). In human tissues the highest concentrations (ca 200 ppm.) are found in the nails and hair. Sulfur. Sulfur is present in more organic compounds of biochemical importance than any other mineral element, with the possible exception of phosphorus. A partial list is given in Table 8-2. Plants have the ability to manufacture from inorganic sulfates all the organic sulfur 192 BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS compounds needed for their tissue structures and metabolism. Animals, on the other hand, must be supplied with several preformed sulfur-con- taining organic substances. These include methionine, thiamine, biotin, and possibly others. Glutathione, a tripeptide of glutamic acid, cystine, and glycine, is apparently universally present in living tissues, and by virtue of the ability of the cystine constituent to change from the oxidized to the reduced state, cysteine, and vice versa, the compound may function in the oxidation-reduction processes of the tissues. Chlorine. Chlorine, in the form' of hydrochloric acid, imparts to the gastric juice the proper acidity for the reaction of the digestive enzymes found therein. Only a very few organic chlorine compounds have been discovered in nature. One example is Chloromycetin, an antibiotic. However, thousands of organic chlorine compounds have been produced synthetically, and many have important industrial uses. The chlorine required by animals and human beings is supplied almost exclusively by common salt. So much salt is ordinarily consumed that the need for chlorine is amply filled. Iodine. This element is essential to the proper development and functioning of the thyroid gland. A lack of iodine results in an enlarge- ment of the thyroid, a condition known as simple goiter. McLendon made an extensive study of the distribution of iodine in food and water. He showed that in the areas where the iodine content of the materials was low, simple goiter was prevalent. In some regions, over 70 per cent of the girls of high school age had goiter. It might almost be said that goiters were as common there, and as lightly regarded, as freckles. Prophylactic measures — use of iodized salt, addition of iodides to drink- ing water, distribution of iodine tablets to school children — are now being adopted in many parts of the United States and are rapidly de- creasing the incidence of this disfiginung disease. The ocean is the great source of iodine and its derivatives. Sea foods and foods grown near the sea commonly contain relatively large amounts, whereas foods coming from far inland are low in iodine. A low iodine content in plants and water affects, not only human beings, but also farm animals. Swine, sheep, and cattle develop en- larged thyroid glands. The young may be born with little or no hair, and, if alive, usually die shortly after birth. It is estimated that the normal human adult requires from 0.15 to 0.30 mg. of iodine daily. Fortunately, the body is able to store this element quite readily, and the administration of iodide for two to four weeks twice yearly is effective in preventing the development of simple goiter. Iodized salt, which also is employed as a prophylactic measure, normally contains 0.015 per cent of iodine. BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS 193 Fluorine. Fluorine has not been proved to be an essential element for either plant or animal life, although it is normally present in many living tissues. The element tends to be accumulated in the bones and teeth of animals in the form of the mineral, fluoroapatite, [Ca3(P04)2]3 * CaF2. Normal bones of animals and human beings contain about 0.02-0.1 per cent of fluorine, but much higher percentages (up to 1 per cent or over) have been found in cases of excessive fluorine intake. Much interest has been aroused in fluorine because of its effect on the skeleton of animals and man and because of its ability to reduce human caries (tooth decay). Fluorine is unevenly distributed in the soils of various parts of the world, being found particularly in phosphate rock and in cryolite (a sodium aluminum fluoride). The amount in drinking water is likewise variable, ranging from none to 15 parts per million (ppm.), or more. In those areas where the water supply contains 1 to 2 ppm., or over, many people are afflicted with "mottled" teeth, a condition characterized by soft, chalky areas in the tooth enamel which gradually become discolored and pitted. The threshold level for mottling appears to be near 1 ppm., since this amount of fluorine in the water supply produces mild mottling in about 10 per cent of the growing children. The first teeth are not affected in this condition, but the damage is done to the permanent teeth before eruption. Larger fluorine intakes, corresponding to about 5 ppm. or more in the water, lead to thickening and other malformation of the bones — both in animals and in human beings. Severe malformation of the spine has been reported among people living in certain areas in India, where about 5 ppm. of fluorine is naturally present in the water, and has been attributed to abnormally liigh fluorine intake. It has been well established that increasing amounts of fluorine (or more exactly, soluble fluorides) in drinking water up to about 2 ppm. result in decreased tooth decay in children, provided they have received such water since infancy. In order to avoid, insofar as possible, any danger of mottling, the amount of fluorine added to the water supplies of communities experimenting with this method of controlling tooth decay is ordinarily such as to raise the level to 1 ppm., but no higher. It is probable that fluorine acts to reduce caries by inhibition of bacterial enzymes, possibly by combining with and rendering unavailable such metals as zinc, cobalt, manganese, copper, calcium, and others, which activate various enzymes. The fact that fluoroapatite is considerably harder than normal calcium phosphate may also be a factor in the reduc- tion of tooth decay by fluorine. Boron, Molybdenum, and Silicon. The essential nature of boron for plant growth was discovered in rather recent times. It was first shown to be needed by corn in 1915, broad beans in 1923, tomatoes and potatoes 194 BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS in 1928, and still more recently by a long list of agriculturally important plants. It is now generally recognized as an essential component of commercial fertilizers for use on low-boron soils. Various plants need from about 0.1 to 0.5 ppm. of available boron in the soil, and many soils, particularly in the more humid regions, have less than this amount. As a result, such crops as sugar beets and alfalfa have frequently suffered from "diseases," which are now known to be due simply to boron de- ficiency and are easily controlled by proper fertilization. Some effects of boron deficiency are shown in Figs. 8-4 and 8-5. Courtesy of South Carolina Asricultural Experiment Station. Reproduced from Iluuf/er .S'(V/)i.s in Crops, a publication of tlie American Society of Agronomy and tlie National Fertilizer Association, Washington, D. C. Fig. 8-4. Left to right: Ear from healthy boron-treated corn plant, and three ears from boron-deficient plants. Note one-sided shriveling of kernels on the deficient ears. Molybdenum was not recognized as an essential element for plants until 1939 (Arnon and Stout), but it is now known to be required, for example, by tomatoes, oats, and barley. It is also needed by such lower forms as molds (Aspergillm niger) and the nonsymbiotic (free-living) nitrogen-fixing bacteria {e.g., Azotobacter chroococcum) . Most soils contain not more than 5 ppm. of molybdenum, but a few areas are known (in Scotland, California, and Wyoming) where the amount is as high as 20-200 ppm. Livestock grazing these areas re- ceive enough of the element from the forage to cause serious poisoning, BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS 195 which, however, can be alleviated by feeding small amounts of soluble copper salts. Although silicon is a normal constituent of many plants, no absolute requirement for it has been well enough established to be generally accepted. Silicon tends to be concentrated particularly in fibrous plant tissues such as wheat straw, cereal brans, rice hulls, timothy hay, and the like. Such plant materials have a high ash content (3-7 per cent or more), and from one-fourth to two-thirds or more of the ash consists of silicates and silicon dioxide. Courtesy of A. B. Burrell, Cornell University. Reproduced from Hunger Signs in Crops, a publication of the American Society of Agronomy and the National Fertilizer Association, Washington, D. C. Fig. 8-5. Oldenburg apples about five weeks after petal fall, showing symptoms of both internal and external cork due to boron deficiency. Selenium. Although this element is not among those needed by living things, it has attracted much attention because of its presence in the plants grown in certain localities and its toxic effect on animals consuming such plants. The so-called "alkali disease" of horses and cattle, known since pioneer days in parts of Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming, is a chronic form of selenium poisoning. The disease, which also affects sheep, pigs, dogs, rats, and poultry, follows consumption of a diet containing 5-10 ppm. or more of selenium. Symptoms include soreness and sloughing of the hoofs. Fig. 8-6, loss of hair, stiff joints, and atrophy of the heart and liver. Poor hatching of eggs is one of the earliest signs in poultry. A more acute form of the disease known as "blind staggers," resulting from higher selenium intake, is quickly fatal. The most practical antidote or control measure for range cattle, sur- 196 BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS prisingly enough, is the feeding of arsenic in the salt supply at a con- centration of 25 ppm. Availability of organic and inorganic combinations Much work has been done to determine whether inorganic forms of the mineral elements can supply the needs of the body for these elements. With respect to phosphorus and iron the answer today seems to be clearly in the affirmative. Moreover, inorganic phosphorus and iron not only Courtesy of A. L. Moxoii and the South Dakota Auiieultuial Kxperiincut Station. Fig. 8-6. Hind feet of a cow suffering from selenium poisoning. can supply the requirements of the body but seem actually to be more useful than some organic forms of the elements. The iron of hemin and similar porphyrin compounds is unavailable to the body. In the case of sulfur it is clearly established that some of the sulfur must be present in the form of methionine, thiamine, and biotin. These sub- stances cannot be synthesized from inorganic sulfur, and, hence, a part of the sulfur supply must be furnished to the body in organic form. Sulfates and other forms of sulfur, however, are utilized. The observa- tion that milk is the best available source of calcium probably can be attributed to the high digestibility of this food rather than to the presence of a particular calcium compound. Extremely poor utilization of the calcium of spinach is due, doubtless, to its reaction with the oxalic acid in this foodstuff to give insoluble calcium oxalate. In general, it may be said that, with the exception of sulfur as noted above, and probably cobalt which is needed in the form of vitamin B12 (p. 249), the bodily needs for the various mineral elements may be met entirely satisfactorily by simple inorganic salts of these elements. BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS 197 Excretion Sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and chlorine are excreted mainly as inorganic salts in both urine and feces. Those salts that are readily soluble are excreted chiefly in the urine ; those salts that are less readily dissolved are excreted largely in the feces. Iron, copper, zinc, manganese, and cobalt are excreted mainly in the feces. The excretion of sulfur is almost entirely by way of the kidneys. In this respect it resembles the excretion of nitrogen. Several forms of sulfur are contained in the urine. From 60 to 90 per cent of the total sulfur is excreted in the form of sulfates; from 5 to 15 per cent as ethereal sulfates; and 5 to 20 per cent as neutral or unoxidized sulfur. Taurine and cystine are forms of unoxidized sulfur contained in the urine. Variations and losses of mineral elements in foods Unless the food that is eaten is analyzed, it is practically impossible to say whether or not the requirements listed above have been satisfied. Different samples of food vary so greatly in their mineral content that any calculation based on existing data is extremely uncertain. For example, Peterson, Elvehjem, and Jamison found that 18 samples of cabbage from various parts of the United States showed variations (from the lowest to the highest) of 96 per cent for calcium, 118 per cent for phosphorus, and 246 per cent for iron. Such extreme variations would probably not appear in a mixed diet over a long period of time. A second difficulty in the calculation of the mineral content of the diet results from losses incurred in the cooking of the food. Such losses vary with the kind of food, the method of cooking, and the length of time of cooking. If cabbage is boiled and the water is discarded, 72 per cent of the calcium, 60 per cent of the phosphorus, and 66 per cent of the iron may be lost. The average losses for 16 vegetables reported by Peterson and Hoppert were: Calcium Method of cooking percent Steaming 10.7 Pressure-cooking 12.0 Boiling 20-32 Differences in the requirements of individuals, variations in the vitamin D content of the diet, variations in the composition of the food, and losses in the preparation of food make it imperative that a liberal allow- ance be made in excess of any calculated figures. hosphorus Iron Protein per cent per cent per cent 16.7 21.3 16.0 19.4 17.4 19.1 30-46 40-48 31-43 198 BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS REVIEW QUESTIONS ON MINERAL ELEMENTS 1. Give the names and sources of two organic forms of (1) phosphorus, (2) cal- cium, (3) sulfur; one organic and one inorganic form of (4) magnesium, (5) iron, (6) iodine, (7) copper, (8) zinc, (9) cobalt. 2. Discuss the mineral element calcium with reference to (1) its function in the body, (2) the daily requirement of the body, (3) its distribution in food materials. Repeat the above discussion for phosphorus and iron. 3. Discuss the relative availability to the body of organic and inorganic forms of the mineral elements important in nutrition. 4. Name five important trace mineral elements. Are any of these essential to the body? If so, in what way do they serve it? 5. Calculate the acid-base balance between 0.210 gram Ca and 0.168 gram S. Ca = 40, S = 32. 6. About how much copper and manganese are contained in the food eaten daily by an adult on an average diet? Name three foods rich in copper; three rich in manganese. 7. How much calcium is contained in a quart of milk; a one-pound- loaf of bread; a five-pound head of cabbage? 8. How much calcium may be lost if the water in which vegetables are boiled is discarded? Name some practical means by which the mineral elements extracted in the cooking of vegetables may be conserved and utilized. 9. Which are the main types of chemical change that occur during ashing? 10. Of what does the ash from biological material consist? List five typical sub- stances that you would expect to be present in wood ashes. 11. How could the loss of sulfur or chlorine during ashing be prevented? 12. List all the elements now thought to be essential for the normal nutrition of higher animals; of higher plants. 13. Which of the nutritionally important mineral elements are associated with the action of certain enzymes? List the enzymes concerned. 14. Discuss the effect of abnormal concentrations of specific mineral elements in the soil of certain areas on the animals and people living in those areas. REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Amon, D. I. and Stout, P. R., "Molybdenum as an Essential Element for Higher Plants," Plant Physiology, 14, 599 (1939). Berger, K. C, "Boron in Soils and Crops," Advances in Agroiiomy, 1, 321 (1949). Elvehjem, C. A., "The Biological Significance of Copper and Its Relation to Iron Metabolism," Physiol. Rev., 15, 471 (1935). Food and Nutrition Board, "Recommended Daily Dietary Allowances, Revised 1948," Nutrition Reviews, 6, 319 (1948). Hambidge, G., Hunger Signs in Crops, 2nd ed., American Society of Agronomy, Washington, D. C, 1949. Hart, E. B. and Elvehjem, C. A., "Mineral Metabolism," Ann. Rev. Biochem., 5, 271 (1936). Hawk, P. B., Oser, B. L., and Summerson, W. H., Practical Physiological Chemistry, 12th ed., The Blakiston Company, Philadelphia, 1949, p. 1002. Heilbrunn, L. V., An Outline of General Physiology, 2nd ed., W. B. Saunders Com- pany, New York, 1943. BIOCHEMICALLY IMPORTANT MINERAL ELEMENTS 199 Hoagland, D. R., Inorganic Nutrition of Plants, Chronica Botanica Company, Wal- tham, Mass., 1948. Hove, E., Elvehjem, C. A., and Hart, E. B., "The Physiology of Zinc in the Nutrition of the Rat," Am. J. Physiol., 119, 768 (1937). Lunde, G., "The Geochemistry of Iodine and Its Circulation in Nature," Chem. Rev., 6, 45 (1929). McClendon, J. F., "The Distribution of Iodine with Special Reference to Goiter," Physiol. Rev., 7, 189 (1927). Monier- Williams, G. W., Trace Elements in Food, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1949. Moxon, A. L., "Alkali Disease, or Selenium Poisoning," South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin 311 (1937). Peterson, W. H., Elvehjem, C. A., and Jamison, Lida A., "Variations in the Mineral Content of Cabbage and Sauerkraut," Soil Science, 20, 451 (1925). Peterson, W. H. and Hoppert, C. A., "The Loss of Minerals and Other Constituents from Vegetables by Various Methods of Cooking," /. Home Econ., 17, 265 (1925). Salter, W. J., The Endocrine Function oj Iodine, Harvard University Press, Cam- bridge, Mass., 1940. Sherman, H. C, Chemistry oj Food and Nutrition, Chapters XII to XVI, 7th ed., The^Macmillan Company, New York, 1946. Shohl, A. T., Mineral Metabolism, Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York, 1939. Stiles, W., Trace Elements in Plants and Animals, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1946. Underwood, E. J., "The Significance of the Trace Elements in Nutrition," Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews, 9, 515 (1940). Chapter 9 VITAMINS The various vitamins differ so greatly in composition that it is impossible to define them in terms of their chemical structure, as is done with other classes of compounds such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. From the physiological viewpoint, which is probably the best for an accurate characterization, vitamins may be defined as organic compounds that are essential constituents of the diet but are required in only minute amounts for the normal functioning of the body. Thus they may be seen to differ from hormones in that the body cannot synthesize them, from trace elements in that they are organic compounds, and from the main structural and energy-yielding materials of the diet (the carbo- hydrates, fats, and proteins) in that they are required in extremely minute amounts. For example, an average adult person consumes about 600 g. (dry basis) of the major food materials daily, whereas his total vitamin requirements are only about 0.1-0.2 g. per day. The reason why such small amounts are effective is that their role in the chemistry of life processes is essentially catalytic. Several such as thiamine, ribo- flavin, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, and pyridoxine have already been shown to form a part of, or to act with, various enzymes, and in all probability the remainder will be found to function in a similar manner. The development of our knowledge of the vitamins has come from two main lines of investigation: the study of nutritional diseases, mainly beriberi, scurvy, rickets, and pellagra, and the feeding of "simpHfied" or "purified" diets to experimental animals. Until about 1900 it was rather generally believed that an adequate diet for animals or man need contain only purified protein, carbohydrate, fat, and mineral salts. However, earlier work of Lunin (1881) and, particularly, the work of Hopkins (1906) demonstrated conclusively that animals on such diets did very poorly unless small amounts of certain additional foods, such as milk, were also given them. Thus the idea arose that besides the four major constituents of the diet "accessory food factors" were needed in small amounts for normal nutrition. What are now known to be vitamin deficiency diseases have been studied for centuries, but with relatively little progress until recent times. The first and one of the most difficult steps was to prove that a disease was caused by faulty diet and not by some infection or other agent. Some of the observations which gradually led to the acceptance of this 200 VITAMINS 201 idea were the curing of scurvy by fresh fruits and vegetables (Lind 1757, Budd 1841), the prevention of beriberi by using other foods in place of polished (white) rice, and the demonstration by Eijkman (1897) that a disease of fowls similar to human beriberi could be produced or pre- vented at will by feeding the birds various diets. Eijkman thus intro- duced the use of experimental animals as test subjects for such studies, without which the modern development of the vitamin field would prob- ably have been impossible. Funk (1912) was the first investigator to formulate and state clearly the concept that each of the then known deficiency diseases was caused by the absence from the diet of a separate definite chemical substance. He had been trying to obtain in pure form from rice polishings the sub- stance capable of preventing or curing beriberi, and since it appeared to have the chemical properties of an amine, he proposed as a name for all such essential substances the term "vitamine," a contraction of 'Vital amine." At approximately the same time McCollum and other investigators discovered that certain fats such as butter and cod-liver oil contained a substance that in small amounts was capable of promoting the growth of young rats and preventing the development of an eye disorder known as xerophthalmia. Since the beriberi preventing substance was soluble in water, McCollum concluded there were two "accessory dietary factors." He designated the one "fat soluble A" and the other ''water soluble B." Several years later (1920), when it had become evident that there were at least three factors, two of which were in no way related to amines, Drummond suggested that the terms of Funk and jNIcCollum be combined by dropping the letter "e" from the word "vitamine" and adding the letters A, B, and C to give the terms "vitamin A," "vitamin B," and "vitamin C." As new vitamins have been discovered they have been designated by letters added to the class name such as vitamin D, or by use of subscript numbers, e.g., vitamin Bi, Bg, etc. The number of known vitamins has grown rapidly from the early abbreviated list composed of vitamins A, B, and C to one comprising some fifteen to twenty factors that apparently deserve to be included in this category. Only those substances that have been generally accepted by research workers in this field are considered in this brief treatment. For convenience they may be classified as either fat-soluble or water- soluble. In the former class belong A, D, E, and K, and in the latter, ascorbic acid (or vitamin C) and the vitamin B group. This group includes thiamine (vitamin Bi), riboflavin, nicotinic acid (or niacin), pantothenic acid, pyridoxine (vitamin Be), biotin, pteroylglutamic acid (abbreviated PGA; also called folic acid), vitamin B12 (antipernicious anemia vitamin), choline, inositol, and para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA). Unfortunately, in the earlier work the experimental diets lacked more than one vitamin with the result that symptoms ascribed to a deficiency 202 VITAMINS of one vitamin were often in reality due to a lack of several. To illus- trate, the original vitamin B has been found to consist of some ten or more factors. This accounts, in part, for the lack of a systematic nomen- clature, which is so apparent in the list just given. Now that each of the above vitamins is well known as a distinct chemical substance, much confusion can be avoided if they are designated by their scientific names rather than by mere letters. All of the vitamins listed have been isolated in pure form, and the chemical structures have been worked out, except for vitamin B12. In addition, all the vitamins are produced commercially, mainly by synthetic processes, and hence are available in practically unlimited amounts at much lower prices than formerly. Since chemical processes in widely differing organisms are frequently closely related, one might be led to assume that in all higher animals the vitamin requirements would be practically the same. That such an assumption is without foundation, however, is evidenced by the fact that the rat synthesizes its own supply of ascorbic acid. So far as this animal is concerned, therefore, this compound is not a vitamin. Skin disorders resembling those of pellagra in man can be produced in the rat and chick, but they do not respond to treatment with nicotinic acid, as in the case of man, and neither is pellagra in man relieved by the vitamins that effect cures in the above-named species. Other ex- amples of such differences in dietary requirements may be noted in dis- cussions of the various vitamins. The relative prevalence of vitamin and other dietary deficiencies in the United States is difficult to estimate closely, but is probably much greater than has been supposed. Sebrell has commented on the situation as follows: . . . Today it is recognized that all of the known nutritional diseases probably exist to some extent in the United States. Those that appear to be of most importance are anemia, due to iron or cobalt deficiency; nutritional edema, due to protein deficiency ; hyperkerataosis ^ and night blindness, due to vitamin A deficiency ; beriberi and peripheral neuritis," due to thiamine (vitamin Bi) deficiency, frequently secondaiy to such conditions as alcoholism, pregnancy and diabetes; lip lesions, seborrhea" and keratitis,^ due to riboflavin deficiency; pellagra or encephalopathy,^ due to nicotinic acid deficiency; swollen bleeding gums, skin and subperiosteal hemorrhages,'' due to ascorbic acid deficiency; rickets and osteomalacia,'^ due to vitamin D deficiency; hemorrhagic disease of the newborn, due to vitamin K (phthiocol) deficiency; tetany, due to hypocalcemia,* and probably many other at present less well identified condi- tions with a nutritional background. . . . ^ JJxcessive growth of the cornea. ^ Inflammation of the nerve endings. ^ A chronic disease of the sebaceous, or oil-secreting glands of the skin. * Inflammation of the cornea. ^Any disease of the brain. * Bleeding under the periosteum, the fibrous membrane covering bones. '' Softening of the bones. * Abnormally small amounts of calcium in the blood. VITAMINS 203 An interesting sidelight on this question is furnished by the estimate that during 1948-1950 the people of the United States spent over $500,- 000,000 annually for vitamin preparations. This figure does not include the value of vitamins used in enriched foods and food supplements, which is also estimated to approximate $500,000,000 a year. VITAMIN A Physiological function Vitamin A was first recognized and studied as a growth-promoting substance, but it was soon discovered that it plays other equally im- portant roles in the body. In the absence of adequate amounts of vitamin A the epithelial cells of the mucous membranes lose their ability to secrete normally and, as a consequence, become dry and hardened. This harden- ing process is known technically as cornification or keratinization (pro- duction of a horny layer). In many species the eye seems to be par- ticularly susceptible to this change, and a disease known as xerophthalmia is produced. When the tear glands cease to secrete, the eyes are not cleansed properly, they become noticeably irritated, and infection ensues. As the exuding pus dries, movement of the eyelids becomes increasingly difficult until eventually they become closed tightly. In the later stages ulcers form on the cornea. When these ulcers rupture, the lens pops out, thus permanently destroying sight. Keratinization likewise occurs extensively in the respiratory tract (including the lungs), the alimentary tract, the urino-genital tract, and the salivary and ductless glands. In- fants suffering from xerophthalmia also exhibit a dry, scaly skin. Because keratinization of the mucous membranes opens those parts of the body to bacterial invasion, some have ascribed to vitamin A an anti- infective role, particularly valuable in warding off colds and other respira- tory diseases. However, vitamin A does not appear to be toxic to organisms that cause these diseases. Only to the extent that it helps main- tain a healthy condition of the mucous surfaces and increases the general resistance of the body is it "anti-infective." In addition to keratinization of epithelial tissue there are a number of other symptoms of vitamin A deficiency. Urinary calculi and deposits of calcium phosphate have been observed in rats suffering from vitamin A deficiency. Although xerophthalmia seldom develops in the chick, immense deposits of urates accumulate in the kidney and renal tubules as a result of vitamin A deficiency. The vitamin is also essential to reproduction, for on diets deficient in this vitamin, female rats cease to ovulate normally, and males show testicular degeneration, even though the vitamin E intake may be adequate. Sherman has shown that fer- tility and longevity of rats is greater on a ration rich in vitamin A than on one that is low in this factor. 204 VITAMINS Vitamin A plays a vital role in connection with vision. The rods in the retina of the eye contain a rose-colored pigment, rhodopsin, which is a conjugated chromoprotein. When light falls on the retina, rhodopsin is broken down into a simple protein, opsin, plus trans-retinene, a yellow substance now known to be vitamin A aldehyde. Associated with this chemical change is the production of a stimulus which, being imparted to the optic nerve, results in vision. These changes are very rapid and are probably completed within a few hundredths of a second. Subsequently, a slower process, not dependent on light, brings about the regeneration of rhodopsin so that an adequate supply for normal vision is continuously present in the retina. Rhodopsin is formed from opsin plus cts-retinene, a geometric isomer of the ^rans-retinene released by the action of light on rhodopsin.^ The m-retinene needed may be obtained by isomcrization of the trans form, or from cis-vitamin A through the action of alcohol dehydrogenase and DPN (p. 275) : alcohol C19H27CH2OH + DPN <^ ^ , '• CnH^vCHO + DPN-Hj dehydrogenase CIS-Vitamin A cis-Retinene Since the breakdown and resynthesis of rhodopsin are probably not per- fectly efficient processes, some retinene derived from vitamin A no doubt must be continually supplied. The retinas of fresh-water fish do not contain rhodopsin but a closely similar, light-sensitive pigment, porphyropsin. This substance fulfills the same functions for the vision of these fish as rhodopsin does for higher animals and man. The outstanding difference lies in the retinene and vitamin A associated with it, which are different from those derived from rhodopsin. To distinguish the two varieties of the vitamin, that from mammals is designated Ai and the other, A2. The corresponding retinenes are similarly designated retmenei and retinene2. Fresh-water fish have vitamin A2, not only in the retina, but also in the liver and other organs. Since vitamin A is needed for rhodopsin formation, it would be expected that persons deficient in this vitamin would have subnormal amounts of rhodopsin in the "retina. In any event, it has been observed that such individuals cannot see as well in dim light or adapt themselves to changes in light intensity as readily as those whose supplies of vitamin A are ample for immediate resynthesis of the hght-sensitive pigment. By means of the biophotometer it is possible to measure accurately one's ability to adapt to darkness after the eyes are exposed to a bright light for a few minutes. Adaptation is determined by the amount of light neces- sary for the individual to recognize the number of openings in a screen ^ For a brief explanation of cis- and irans-isomers see p. 79. Since vitamin A and retinene each contain five double bonds, theoretically (2)5 such isomers of each can exist. It is not known which particular cis-isomer is involved in rhodopsin formation. VITAMINS 205 through which dim light is transmitted. Pronounced inabiUty to see in dim light is termed "night-blindness." Prevalence of vitamin A deficiency Because the young of mammals, including man, are born with limited stores of vitamin A, we find them more susceptible to a deficiency than adults. Consequently, xerophthalmia is most often observed in young children of the extremely poor classes, or in children at times of great food shortage. Although considered to be a rare disease in the United States, 13 cases were reported in 1931. Of every five children of the poor classes in Yucatan one is said to be suffering from xerophthalmia. Reports from Ceylon state that the disease is very prevalent there, espe- cially in asylums and charity boarding schools. If, as is reported, the diets in the latter institutions furnish only 30 per cent of the estimated minimum requirement of vitamin A, one can readily understand why two-thirds of the children are suffering to some extent. In China, India, Java, and Sumatra the disease is said to be very common. Biophotometer tests reveal that diets of the poorer classes in our country frequently are inadequate with respect to vitamin A, and some indicate that diets of those in the higher economic brackets are likely to show suboptimal amounts of vitamin A. Chemical nature The vitamins A are closely related to a group of yellow, orange, and red pigments called carotenoids, present in many plants and animals. The group name is derived from one of the best known and most important members, carotene, the orange coloring matter of carrots. Lycopene of the red tomato, zeaxanthine of yellow corn, and xanthophyll of egg yolk are other common carotenoids. There are several isomers of carotene, but the one most closely related to vitamin Ai is beta-carotene, of which the formula is given below: HaC .CH3 CHa CH, CH3 CHa Haa .CH, /C:; II II ^cC U^C^ ^C-CH:CH-C:CH-CH:CH-C:CH-CH:CH-CH:CCH:CH-CH:CCH:CHC^ ^CH, I II II I H.C^^X:-CH, CHa~G,^^CH» Hi Hj Beta-carotene, C^oHi* A high degree of unsaturation, in which the double bonds occur alternately with single bonds along the carbon chain, is characteristic of carotene, as well as of vitamin A and the whole carotenoid group. Pure beta-carotene is a dark red, crystalline solid (Fig. 9-1). The relationship of vitamin A to carotene was first established by f m Courtesy of L. Zechmei«te/. Fig. 9-1. Carotene. "^ Fig. 9-2. Vitamin A (with one molecule of solvent of crystallization). Yellow crystals first isolated by Prof. Harry N. Holmes and Dr. Ruth E. Corbet, Oberlin College, 1936. 206 VITAMINS 207 animal feeding experiments, which proved that carotene is converted into the vitamin in the animal body. Later, pure vitamin Ai was obtained from fish liver oils in the form of lemon-yellow crystals (Fig. 9-2). When the chemical formula of the purified vitamin had been established, its relation to carotene became even more apparent: H3C CH3 CH3 CH3 HiC C— CH:CHC:CHCH:CHC:CHCH20H H2C.^ ^C — CH3 Vitamin Ai, C19H27CH2OH It may be seen that the carbon structure of vitamin Ai is exactly half that of the beta-carotene molecule and that the vitamin is a primary alcohol containing five double bonds. The exact chemical formula of vitamin Ao has not yet been determined. Of the many carotenoids of known chemical structure only four (alpha-, beta-, and gamma-carotene, and cryptoxanthin) of common occurrence in foodstuffs are convertible into vitamin A. It was long supposed that this transformation occurred in the liver, but more recent information tends to discredit this view. Carotene injected into the blood stream of rats deprived of vitamin A does not prevent the animals from dying of vitamin A deficiency, even though the livers may contain considerable amounts of carotene at the time of death. Increased vitamin A contents in the intestinal wall and in the lymph, following the injection of carotene, make it appear most probable that the conversion occurs during absorp- tion of the carotene through the intestinal wall. The fact that vitamin Ai is almost exactly one-half of a beta-carotene molecule suggests that two molecules of the vitamin might arise from the conversion of one molecule of carotene. This, however, does not seem to be the case, since on a weight basis beta-carotene has only about one- half (or less) of the biological value of vitamin A. Therefore, the con- version is probably not a splitting of the carotene molecule in the middle, but rather a degradation of one end of the molecule until one molecule of vitamin A is produced. Other related substances which possess vitamin A activity have been prepared synthetically, as has the vitamin itself. These include the corresponding aldehyde (C19H27CHO, retinene), acid (C19H27COOH), and methyl ether (C19H27CH2OCH3), In a natural state the primary alcohol group of vitamin Ai is frequently involved in ester linkage, and such esters as the acetate O II C19H27CH2OCCH3 208 VITAMINS and palmitate 0 II Ci9H27CH20C(CH2)l4CH3 have also been prepared artificially. They are fully active, and yet con- siderably more stable than the free vitamin. The vitamin A value of a given food sample may be due either to the actual vitamin itself, an ester of it, one of the carotenoids listed above, or to a mixture of these. The carotenoids which are capable of conversion to vitamin A are often designated as provitamins. Unless otherwise specified, the collective meaning, that is, precursors as well as the true vitamin, is implied in the subsequent discussion. Preparations of vitamin A rapidly lose their potency in the presence of oxidizing agents. Atmospheric oxygen at room temperature or above brings about noticeable destruction of vitamin A unless the vitamin is protected by antioxidants. These antioxidants, or inhibitors, are asso- ciated with lipidcs in nature and hence stabilize the vitamin in food- stuffs. Vitamin E is one of the most important of these antioxidants, which act to minimize the destruction of vitamin A by oxidation. Cooked foods retain the greater part of their original vitamin A potency. Since vitamin A is fat-soluble, it is extracted from foodstuffs along with the lipides by the common fat solvents. Saponification of these lipides does not destroy the vitamin. The vitamin A value of biological samples may be determined by animal feeding tests, but this laborious method has been almost entirely supplanted by quicker chemical methods. However, the animal assay measures the precursors as well as true vitamin A, whereas each chemical test measures either one or the other, but not both. The chemical meas- urement of true vitamin A depends on reacting it with antimony trichlo- ride in dry chloroform (Carr-Price reaction). A clear, deep blue color is produced which is compared with the intensity of the color from known amounts of the pure vitamin to estimate the potency of the sample. The carotenoid pigments, many of which have no vitamin A value, all respond to some extent to this same test, and so interfere unless a suitable correction is applied. This method is widely used for determining the true vitamin A content of butter, cheese, fish oils, pharmaceuticals, and many animal tissues such as blood and liver. The vitamin A value of plant samples is usually determined by measur- ing the carotene content. This is accomplished by extracting with a fat solvent, purifying the extract to remove interfering pigments, and then comparing the yellow color of the solution with that of known concen- trations of carotene in the same solvent. VITAMINS 209 Occurrence The carotenoid pigments possessing vitamin A activity are synthesized in the plant, where they are found associated with such pigments as xanthophyll and chlorophyll, which have no vitamin A potency. From available information it appears that all animals are ultimately depend- ent upon the carotenoid pigments for their supply of vitamin A, for in no instance has the real vitamin been reported to occur in plant prod- ucts. Neither has any animal been observed to possess the ability to synthesize the vitamin from other compounds. The potency of animal products may be due either to stored carotenoids or to the vitamin that the body has formed from these ingested pigments. The most potent sources of vitamin A are the fish-liver oils. Of these oils, that of the cod has been most widely used. The oil from the liver of the halibut has been shown to possess 75 to 125 times the potency of cod-liver oil. Foods containing relatively high concentrations of vitamin A include: butter, cream, cheese, milk, egg yolk, liver, the green vegetables such as spinach, escarole, string beans, and leaf lettuce, apri- cots, bananas, oranges, peaches, prunes, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes. The green outer leaves of lettuce are reported to contain 30 times as much vitamin A as the crisp inner portion. The potency of cow's milk has been found to vary with the breed and ration. ]\Iilk remains a good source of the vitamin, even in winter, since the cow is able to draw upon her reserves when confined to feeds deficient in vitamin A. In some milk {e.g., Guernsey) the larger part of the potency is due to carotene, while in others {e.g., Holstein) there is more vitamin A than carotene. Since the vitamin A activity of colostrum (the first milk after parturition) is 10-100 times that of ordinary milk, it is apparent that nature has provided for immediate supplementation of the meager supply with which the young are provided at birth. Human milk is 3-5 times richer in this factor than cow's milk. Glandular organs, like liver, con- tain much more vitamin A than muscles. Cereals and cereal grains (with the exception of yellow corn) , roots, and tubers are generally conspicuously deficient in the vitamin. Requirements According to the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council, the vitamin A requirement of the average adult or adolescent is satisfied by the consumption of approximately 5000 international units daily. The needs of smaller children are somewhat less. Pregnancy may increase the demand for vitamin A to 8000 international units per day. Quantities of representative foods that would supply approximately 210 VITAMINS 5000 international units are: ^ lb. of butter, % lb. of carrots, 1 to 1^/^ oz. of spinach, or 1-2 teaspoonfuls of cod-liver oil. The international unit (I.U.) is defined as the vitamin A potency of 0.6 microgram (/xg.) of pure beta-carotene. Pure vitamin A has a bio- logical potency of one unit in about 0.25 /xg. Thus 5000 I.U. would correspond to only 1.2 mg. of true vitamin A, but 3 mg. of beta-carotene would be needed to supply this number of units. The other carotenoid precursors of vitamin A are only about one-half as effective as beta- carotene, and so about 6 mg. would be required if the total vitamin A supply were to come from this source. The above recommended daily allowances are based on the assumption that approximately two-thirds of the total vitamin A value of the diet will be contributed by one or more of the precursors and one-third by vitamin A itself. A greatly excessive intake, for example, several million units taken over a period of a few days or weeks, is apt to produce symptoms of toxicity such as nausea and vomiting, headache, peeling of the skin, and general prostration. The amounts necessary to cause such sickness, how- ever, are so much greater than the normal requirements of the body that in the ordinary course of events no such disorder should ever arise. VITAMIN D Physiological function Lack of vitamin D manifests itself largely in the form of a disease known as rickets, and for this reason it is sometimes called the antirachitic vitamin. The most obvious symptoms of rickets are bowed legs, enlarged joints, and malformation of the head and chest. These abnormalities result from improper calcification of the growing bones, as may be readily detected by comparing X-ray photographs of rachitic and normal bones. Analyses of the bones of rachitic rats show that the ash content on the fat-free dry basis may be as low as 25-30 per cent as compared with approximately 50 per cent for the bones of normal rats of the same age. Such bones are necessarily weak and eventually assume the character- istically bowed shape. Enlargements occur also where the rib bones join the cartilages, and to this chain of bead-like formations has been given the name "rachitic rosary." Weak abdominal muscles, together with malformation of the chest, are responsible for a pot-bellied appearance. Since bones and teeth are so closely related chemically, it is not surpris- ing that rachitic children also have defective teeth. It is hardly necessary to state that growth is retarded with the onset of rickets and eventually ceases. The disease is seldom fatal, but it predisposes the individual to other diseases, of which broncho-pneumonia is said to be most com- mon. VITAMINS 211 The physiological action of vitamin D in preventing or curing rickets is thought to be due largely to the fact that it promotes the absorption of calcium from the food through the intestinal wall and into the blood stream. In addition, some investigators feel that it has some direct action, at present of an obscure nature, in promoting the actual deposi- tion of calcium and phosphorus in the growing bone. It may be that these beneficial effects result from an interaction of the vitamin with 1 Courtesy of the Wisconsin Alumni Kesearch Foundation. Fig. 9-3. Rickets. alkaline phosphatase, a type of enzyme which is concerned with phos- phorus absorption in the intestine and reabsorption in the kidney (a process which reduces loss of phosphates in the urine). This enzyme is especially active in bone where it breaks up organic phosphates of the blood and thus provides inorganic phosphate (PO4-) for bone formation. A water-soluble derivative of vitamin D has recently been shown to stimulate the action of alkaline phosphatase very markedly, 212 VITAMINS and this observation, if confirmed, would go a long way toward explaining the action of vitamin D in rickets. Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency No other deficiency disease has been as noticeable in the United States as that due to lack of vitamin D. Infants from 3 to 24 months of age are most susceptible. Not only is rickets seasonal in appearance, but it is observed more frequently in the North than in the South, where more sunshine is available throughout the year. In fact, it is almost inevitable during the cold Northern winters unless the diets of the young are supplemented with vitamin D. Rickets is said to be most prevalent in Great Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, European Russia, Austria, Hungary, and the United States. Sebrell cites reports of the U. S. Census Bureau to the effect that 244 deaths resulted from rickets in 1938. Before vitamin D therapy was used (1928) the Ministry of Health reported 87 per cent of London ele- mentary school children as giving evidence of having had some degree of rickets. A survey of children in Sydney, Australia, revealed that about one-half of them either were or had been rachitic. In 1943 Follis and co-workers reported the results of examining 230 consecutive cases of children from 2 to 14 years of age who had died from various causes in Baltimore, Maryland. No less than 46.5 per cent were found on autopsy to have had some degree of rickets. It will be noted that coun- tries of the extreme north are not included in the above list, a fact which is probably due to the important place that fish and glandular organs assume in the diets of these peoples. Young girls of the upper Moham- medan classes in India suffer from rickets as a result of religious tenets, now rapidly disappearing, that require the women to remain in seclusion after becoming 12 years of age. Lower classes fare better, even though their diet is less satisfactory, because they live more in the open air. Chemical nature Although the existence of as many as ten different antirachitic com- pounds has been rather well established, only two of the D vitamins have been proved to be of any practical importance so far as antirachitic medicines and foods are concerned. These may be produced in the laboratory from ergosterol and from 7-dehydrocholesterol, respectively, by irradiation with ultraviolet light. The principal structural changes associated with acquisition of antirachitic potency are shown by com- parison of the formulas of ergosterol and calciferol. Ring B is opened, VITAMINS 213 and a methylene group (CH2=) is formed from the methyl group attached to rings A and B. Similar changes are wrought in the structure of 7-dehydrocholesterol and quite likely in all other sterols during their activation. Vitamin ^2, or calciferol as the irradiation product of ergosterol is known, is a white crystalline substance that differs from (2i)^cH (IS) I (20) (22)%^ CH2 I CHa^^jj CH2 1(2) 1(3) HO-CH <^(i) (19) CH3 1(11) (13) CH (9) (10) (S) B (14) 117)^ (16) D (23TCH ! (24)CH— CHj I (25) CH2 (26)CH — CH3 (27) CH- — CH ^^^^^^' (5)^ (4)x/'"V) CH2 CH C ^^^CH (21) H3C, Ergosterol, C28H43OH ^CH(20) (18) CH2 ^^'cn ^12)\/,^17)\ (16) ,CH (22)-^5^«^^ (ll^CH 1 (25) (24) CH— CH3 CH2 (13)^ (19) |(11) C .CH2 ?f ^ CH2 (^^ICH- CH2 <^(io) (s)C D CH2 (26)CH— CH3 I (27) ^CH2 (28)CH3 1(2) 1(3) (5) CH2 '<(6)>H ^CH Calciferol, C28H43OH the parent sterol in several properties such as melting point, optical rota- tion, solubility, and precipitability. It seems quite probable that the three double bonds between carbons 10 and 19, 5 and 6, and 7 and 8, respectively, (designated by * in the above formula) are necessary for vitamin activity, since this grouping is present in each of the D vitamins whose chemical structures have been accurately determined. In spite of the rather large number of D vitamins that have been produced in the laboratory, only two of natural occurrence (D2 and D3) have been isolated thus far. Vitamin D3, which is obtained from fish-liver oils, is identical with the vitamin formed by the action of ultraviolet light upon 7-dehydrocholesterol. Vitamins D2 and D3 have approximately the same potency toward mam- mals, including man, but D3 is about 30 times as effective as D2 is for fowls. The D vitamins are so resistant to high temperatures that prac- tically no loss of activity is suffered when a food is cooked. 214 VITAMINS Relationship of light and mineral content of diet to vitamin D requirements Sunlight prevents rickets by the action of its Ultraviolet rays on some provitamin in the skin, presumably 7-dehydrocholesterol. Practically none of the effective ultraviolet rays penetrate ordinary window glass, and, hence, much transmitted light possesses little or no antirachitic value. Calcification of growing bone, the process in which vitamin D is so vitally concerned, consists primarily in the deposition of calcium and phosphorus as a complex calcium phosphate in the organic matrix. No amount of vitamin D in the diet, therefore, can take the place of these inorganic constituents. Not only must the two elements be present in adequate amounts, but their relative proportions influence greatly the need for vitamin D. Rations employed in producing rickets experi- mentally in rats are made especialty effective through the addition of large amounts (three per cent usually) of calcium carbonate. Rickets so produced is said to be of the low phosphorus type (common clinically) since the inorganic phosphate content of the blood serum of animals on such a ration is abnormally low. In human beings the normal amount of inorganic phosphorus in the blood plasma is approximately 4 mg. per 100 ml., and the calcium content is 10 mg. per 100 ml. If either or both of these values becomes low enough so that their product (milligrams inorganic P X milligrams Ca per 100 ml.) drops to 30 or less, rickets is almost certain to develop. A value of 40 or above is considered normal. A low calcium type of rickets also occurs, and a third type in which serftm calcium and phosphorus are both low is observed occasionally. Occurrence The most potent natural sources of D vitamins are the fish-liver oils. Fish in which considerable oil is distributed throughout the body, e.g., sardines and salmon, are the richest food sources. The concentration in salmon averages approximately 12 /xg. per 100 g., while several other fish are nearly as high. Next in order of concentration are egg yolk and butter with 4.6 and 2.3 fig. per 100 g., respectively. Although milk normally contains only small amounts of the vitamin — reports vary from 0.008 to 0.106 fig. per 100 g. — it may be enriched by irradiation so as to contain 0.3-1.1 fig. per 100 g., which is equivalent to about 135-400 LIT. per quart. Milk produced by cows fed irradiated yeast also contains about 400 I.U. per quart. Direct irradiation of the animals is without effect in increasing the concentration of vitamin D above the normal level in milk. The amount of vitamin D in a number of typical foods is indicated in the VITAMINS 215 following table. It will be noted that, except for vitamin D milk and certain fish, most native foods contribute only negligible amounts of this vitamin. Table 9-1 Vitamin D content of foods (The values are expressed as micrograms of vitamin D per 100 g. of edible portion, fresh basis.) Food Vitamin D Egg yolk 4.6 Halibut-liver oil 3500 Lamb liver 0.43 Mackerel 4-6 Food Beef liver Vitamin D 0.72 Beef steak 0.33 Beet greens Bread, vitamin D 0.004 1.7 Butter 2.3 Cabbage 0.005 Carrots Carrot tops 0.004 0.075 Cheese .... 0.83 Cod-liver oil Corn oil 250 0.22 Cream 0.42 Crisco 0.22 Milk, whole 0.11 Milk, vitamin D, irradiated. 1.1 Milk, vitamin D, fortified. . . 1.1 Pork liver 1.1 Salmon 12 Sardines 6-8 Spinach 0.005 Tuna 5-8 Veal liver 0.24 Precursors of vitamin D are widely distributed in plant and animal materials. Therefore, if a food is subjected for a few seconds to the light from an ultraviolet lamp, it becomes potent as an antirachitic agent through the conversion of its provitamin into vitamin D. Certain brands of cereals, cookies, evaporated milk, yeast, and bread containing vitamin D are now commercially available. In some cases the potency is due to the addition of small amounts of irradiated ergosterol rather than to irradiation of the food. Since foodstuffs can be rendered antirachitic through treatment with light from an ultraviolet lamp, one might assume that plant products would possess considerable potency as a result of the effect of the ultra- violet rays of the sun. Such has not been found to be true. At least by the time foods are prepared for consumption little, if any, vitamin D is present. In addition to the fish-liver oils and foods that contain the D vitamins, extremely potent preparations such as (1) liver oils fortified with addi- tional vitamin D, (2) Hver oil concentrates, (3) calciferol dissolved in an inert substance such as corn oil are on the market. Viosterol is a general name for preparations of irradiated ergosterol. Cod-liver oil contains on the average about 250 /^g. per 100 g., a concentration which is exceeded by the liver oils of a number of other species. Thus halibut- liver oil is 10-20 times richer, and the liver oil of one species of tuna fish has been reported to contain 150,000 iJ.g. per 100 g. Since with massive doses of vitamin D, calcification may occur in tissues other 216 VITAMINS than bone, e.g., in the aorta, kidneys, S,nd intestines, the extremely potent preparations of vitamin D should be used with care and preferably in accordance with the advice of a competent physician. Requirements Because of the various factors that affect the individual's need for vitamin D, it is difficult to determine exactly the required amount. The Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council recommends 10 /Jig. per day for infants under one year and for women during lactation and the latter half of pregnancy. This is equivalent to 400 I.U. since 0.025 fjLg,. provides one unit. Older children should also receive 10 [xg. (400 units) daily, but adults probably require no vitamin D in tKe diet unless they are seldom or never exposed to direct sunlight. This amount, 10/xg., would be contained in approximately 1-2 teaspoonfuls of cod- liver oil, 2 lb. of butter, 2.5 gal. of whole milk, or 1 doz. eggs. It should be emphasized that no ordinary diet can be relied upon to meet the require- ments of a growing child for vitamin D unless special precautions are taken to include adequate amounts of a fish-liver oil, or other suitable source. One fortunate aspect of the problem of supplying adequate amounts of vitamin D to growing children is that if more than the day's require- ment is consumed at one time, the extra amount is stored in the body (mostly in the liver) and prevents the development of any deficiency for a correspondingly longer time. Thus a single dose of 20,000 I.U. of vitamin D per kilogram of body weight was found to protect puppies from rickets for as long as 12-14 months. This ability of vitamin D to be stored extensively in the body is also shared by the other fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, and K), but not by the water-soluble B vitamins or vitamin C. VITAMIN E Physiological function Because the outstanding function of vitamin E seems to be that of promoting reproduction, it has become known as the "antisterility factor" or "vitamin of reproduction." Such a term is somewhat misleading in view of the fact that the vitamin performs other functions in the body, including that of promoting growth. Moreover, it was noted previously that vitamin A also is essential to reproduction. The most detailed investigations regarding the functions of vitamin E have been carried out with rats. In the male rat on a diet deficient in vitamin E the germ cells undergo a permanent degeneration, as evidenced VITAMINS 217 by failure to recover even when the animal is fed large amounts of the vitamin. The females, on the other hand, continue to ovulate normally, mating occurs, and the foetuses grow until about the twelfth or thirteenth day of gestation, at which time they die and are resorbed by the mother's body. Injury to the female is less severe than to the male, for normal young may be born in the next gestation period if an abundance of vitamin E is supplied. However, repeated resorptions may lead to paralysis and other serious injury. Similar experiments with mice indi- cate that females respond to vitamin E deficiencies as do rats, but the males do not show testicular damage after prolonged lack of the vitamin. Deficiency of vitamin E produces muscle dystrophy in several species. This is a condition of impaired nutrition of the cell that results in degenerative changes in the muscle fibers. Eventually the fibers atrophy and are replaced by connective tissue and fat. Such changes necessarily result in paralysis, although the two do not always correspond in degree. The chemical composition of the involved muscles is altered in that lipide phosphorus and cholesterol increase greatly, whereas there is a marked decrease in glycogen and creatine. Abnormally large amounts of creatine are excreted in the urine. Muscle dystrophy has been observed in dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, and rats, and cures have been effected through ad- ministration of vitamin E. Muscle dystrophy is also a disease of man, but unfortunately human patients are not cured by vitamin E. The vitamin E content of eggs coincides closely with their hatchability and with the vitality of the young chicks. Because of the function of hor- mones in reproduction, it has been suspected that a relationship exists between tissue concerned with their production, for instance, the pituitary gland, and vitamin E supply. Experimental data to support such a view, however, are still lacking. Ability to store vitamin E is pronounced. Evidence is accumulating which indicates that the chief physiological function of vitamin E may be associated with its pronounced antioxidant properties. The muscles of vitamin E deficient animals show a greatly increased respiration (oxygen uptake) as compared with normal muscles, and the respiration is dramatically reduced by administration of vitamin E to such animals. It has recently been found, also, that feeding ade- quate amounts of vitamin E greatly reduces the oxidation of carotene and vitamin A in the intestinal tracts and body tissues of animals so that they are able to remain in good condition on much less vitamin A than would otherwise be required. Chemical nature Vitamin E activity in foodstuffs has been traced to four phenols (hydroxy derivatives of benzene), which are known as alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocopherol, respectively. The alpha form has much 218 VITAMINS greater vitamin E activity than the others; it is the form usually meant when the term vitamin E is used. Alpha-tocopherol has the structure represented by the following formula: CH3 HO-C^ "C^^^CH, CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3— C^ ^C>, /C- (CH2) 3— CH- (CH,) 3— CH (CH2) 3-CH— CHj I CH3 CH3 a-Tocopherol, C29H60O2 The E vitamins are remarkably stable to heat, alkali, and many ordinary chemical reagents, but they are unstable to ultraviolet light and oxidizing agents. The potency of food materials containing these vitamins is rapidly destroyed by oxidation in the presence of certain fats (notably lard) and iron salts. The E vitamins are also destroyed in rancid fats. Occurrence The amounts of alpha-tocopherol and of all the various tocopherols present in some common food materials are listed in Table 9-2. Certain Table 9-2 Tocopherol (vitamin E) content of foods Tocopherol content * Food Total Alpha Bread, white 0-23 Butter 2.40 Cheese, American 1-00 Chocolate, unsweetened 11-1 5.3 Corn oil 87 7' Cottonseed oil 90 56 Eggs, hen's 2.00 1.16 Fruits, various 0.24-0.74 0.23-0.72 Lard 2.7 2.3 Margarine 54 28 Meat, fish, and poultry, various 0.25-1.40 0.21-1.40 Milk, cow's, whole 0.12 Oatmeal 2.10 1.94 Peanuts 9.30 4.60 Rice, brown 2.40 1.20 Rice, polished 0.57 0.35 Soybean oil 140 10 Vegetables, various 0.06-4.0 0.1^.0 Wheat, whole 2.20 Wheat germ oil 200-300 130-195 Yeast, brewer's, dried 0 0 * Milligrams per 100 g. VITAMINS 219 vegetable oils, particularly wheat germ oil, arc the richest sources. Whole grain cereals, eggs, and peanuts are other rather good sources of vitamin E. Fruits and vegetables as a class are rather poor sources, as are most meats, fish, poultry and other animal products, except butter. Harris, Quaife, and Swanson estimate that the average daily intake of alpha- tocopherol in the United States is about 14 mg. per capita, of which nearly 8 mg. are obtained from fats and oils in the diet. Prevalence of vitamin E deficiency Various breeding troubles in farm animals such as horses and sheep have been thought to result from inadequate intake of vitamin E, but it is now practically certain that this is not the cause. Vitamin E deficiency most probably does not occur except when the vitamin is deliberately excluded from the diet. Claims have been made that vitamin E deficiency occurs quite com- monly in women during pregnancy and that miscarriages, sterility, and similar reproductive disorders of human beings have been helped by administration of extra vitamin E. Other reports, however, contradict these claims, so that at present the matter is still unsettled. VITAMIN K Physiological function When chicks or other fowls are fed a ration deficient in vitamin K, eventually the blood ceases to clot within normal time with the result that there is a marked tendency for hemorrhages to occur. This condi- tion is characterized by bleeding from the pinfeathers and hemorrhages into the subcutaneous tissues and muscles. The concentration of pro- thrombin, one of the factors involved in clotting of blood, invariably is found to be reduced in this deficiency disease. Just how vitamin K influences the formation of prothrombin remains to be determined. Since the sequence of changes involved in clotting of blood very likely is the same for all species, it will not be surprising if further investigations reveal a universal need of vitamin K. Experiments have demonstrated that man, rabbits, mice, and perhaps cattle require this vitamin, although deficiencies do not normally occur because adequate amounts usually are provided by the food intake, or are synthesized by intestinal bacteria. Chemical nature Several substances exhibiting vitamin K activity have been found in nature, and many more have been synthesized in the chemical laboratory. 220 VITAMINS The K vitamins are derivatives of 1,4-naphthoquinone, and this structure, or one readily convertible into it in the body, is essential for vitamin K activity. In the accompanying formula of vitamin Ki the 1,4-naphtho- quinone structure consists of rings A and B without the side chains H 1 0 II C^ /C^ HC^(*)^C A -CHs H H H .„. B 1 1 1 Hc'4;(5)/C -CHs CH:C-(CH03 •C-(CH,)3 ■C-(CH2)3 •C-CHs 1 1 11 CH3 CH, CH3 CH3 H 0 Vitamin Ki, C31H46O2 attached at positions 2 and 3. Synthetic 2-methyl-l,4-naphthoquinone is even more active, gram for gram, than vitamin K, but the two are of about equal activity when compared on a molecular weight basis. It may be, as some have suggested, that in the body the K vitamins are degraded to 2-methyl- 1,4-naphthoquinone or, as others believe, perhaps the latter is used in the body to synthesize these vitamins. A number of bacteria have been found to synthesize compounds possessing vitamin K activity. Phthiocol (2-methyl-3-hydroxy- 1,4-naphthoquinone), a yel- low pigment found first in the tubercle bacillus, is one such compound. Water-soluble derivatives of vitamin K (e.g., the sodium salt of 2-methyl- 1,4-naphthohydroquinone diphosphate) have been prepared synthetically and are medically useful in certain cases (see below) . Both menadione, as 2-methyl- 1,4 naphthoquinone is called, and the water- soluble derivatives are in common use. The K vitamins are fat-soluble and, therefore, are dissolved by the usual fat solvents such as ether and petroleum ether. They are stable to heat, but are destroyed by alkalies, strong acids, oxidizing agents, and sunlight. Solutions of vitamin K gradually lose their activity when sub- jected to light from an ordinary electric light bulb. Prevalence of vitamin K deficiency The general distribution of vitamin K in foodstuffs doubtless is re- sponsible for the fact that deficiencies seldom are encountered in the adult. The vitamin apparently is also produced in the intestinal tract through the agency of the bacteria normally present. Vitamin K prepara- tions were used on man first in treatment of obstructive jaundice, a con- dition in which a low concentration of prothrombin in the blood always prevailed. Deficiency of vitamin K in this instance is related to lack of bile, without which the vitamin is poorly absorbed from the intestinal tract. Surgical removal of the obstruction was formerly accompanied VITAMINS 221 by severe hemorrhages, but this is now very effectively prevented by prior administration of vitamin K, either by injection or by use of a water-soluble derivative which is easily absorbed. The deficiency of prothrombin associated with certain intestinal conditions — for example, obstruction and severe diarrheal diseases such as ulcerative colitis, sprue, and celiac disease — also responds to treatment with compounds possess- ing antihemorrhagic activity. Since the concentration of prothrombin in the blood of a newborn baby is quite low, a large percentage of deaths during the first few days of life are due to hemorrhages resulting from injuries suffered at birth. Fortunately, however, investigations have revealed that prothrombin levels may be markedly increased within a short time by administra- tion of vitamin K to the newborn. Administration of vitamin K to the mother prior to childbirth has been shown to raise the level of prothrombin in the foetus. These treatments should effect a drastic reduction in mortality of infants due to hemorrhage. The hereditary disease, hemo- philia, does not respond to treatment with vitamin K. A substance, dicumarol, which has a specific antagonistic effect toward vitamin K has been found in improperly cured sweet-clover hay. If freshly cut, partially dried, sweet clover is piled up for a few days, it undergoes a fermentation during which coumarin, a normal component of the hay, is converted into dicumarol. The chemical formulas of these substances are indicated below: OH OH H H C C HC^ ^C^ ^CH II 1 1 HC^^^C^^/C=0 H HI 1 H c c c c HC^ '^^C^ ^C — CH2 C^ '^Q^ ^CH II 1 1 1 1 II HC^^^C^^/C=0 0=C>,^^C^^^CH H H Coumarin Dicumarol The blood of cattle eating such hay soon loses its normal clotting power, with the result that any injury is followed by severe and often fatal bleeding. Dicumarol was discovered by Link and co-workers. The administration of dicumarol to experimental animals or man inter- feres with the formation of prothrombin, so that the result is similar to that of vitamin K deficiency. In fact, it is now well established that extra doses of the vitamin will counteract the effect of dicumarol, and vice versa. Neither substance affects the clotting power of blood in vitro, that is, if added after the blood is removed from the body. Dicumarol has been put to good use clinically to reduce the danger of the forma- tion of blood clots inside the blood vessels following surgery. A chemically related substance, sold under the trade name "Warfarin," is an effective poison for rats and mice. It acts by causing fatal hemor- rhages. Warfarin's advantages for this purpose are that the effects are 222 VITAMINS SO slow that the rats do not become "bait-shy" and that higher animals are proportionately less sensitive to it than are rodents. 0=C-CH3 ^ I O f= L2 H I c H H H "Warfarin" Occurrence Vitamin K is particularly concentrated in green tissues of plants. Al- falfa, kale, spinach, carrot tops, chestnut leaves, and oat sprouts are some of the most potent sources of the vitamin. It also occurs in soy- bean and other vegetable oils. Cereals and seeds, however, are generally poor sources. ASCORBIC ACID (VITAMIN C) Physiological function A pronounced lack of vitamin C in the diet leads to a deficiency disease known as scurvy. The onset is gradual and is characterized by loss of weight, a sallow or pallid complexion, tendency to fatigue, and shortness of breath. The gums become swollen, bleed easily, and ulcers may form. In later stages the teeth loosen and may drop out. Hemorrhages into the mucous membranes, skin, joints, limbs, and bone marrow, together with fragility of the bones are noted upon autopsy. These hemorrhages into the skin are quite obvious during life because blue-black spots occur after trivial injury, or they may appear spontaneously. The joints be- come swollen, and fleeting pains are noted in them. Death may eventu- ally follow the headache, convulsions, and delirium that are seen in the later stages, or it may be caused directly by such complications as heart failure or pneumonia. Only two species other than man, namely, guinea pigs and monkeys, have been found susceptible to scurvy. Other animals seem to possess the power to synthesize vitamin C. However, the amount Plate III. Clinical symptoms of vitamin C deficiency (scurvy). A. Inflammation and congestion about hair follicles. B. Petechiae (multiple small hemorrhages under the skin) in a scorbutic patient after application of blood pressure cuff. Increased pressure below the cuff has caused rupture of weakened capillaries. C. Purpura (purple blotches caused by bleeding under the skin) in a scorbutic patient, from the pressure of shoes. D. Purpura and petechiae in a scorbutic patient. E. Bleeding gums in an infant with scurvy. F. Scorbutic gums in an adult. (Reproduced with permission of Paul Hoeber, Inc., from Clinical Nutrition by Jolliffe, Tisdall, and Cannon, New York, copyright 1950.) ^'i *^ .. «(1 .V V BriORK TREAIMENT .% o 0 ^^Jf # ^# C^^Bf e> c?^ #/"■)#, C*fe 18 HOURS AFTER VITAMIN B,.^ A. Hciii<)])^ CH3-C C— CH2— nC II II I \ N— CH CI ^C— S H . Thiamine chloride hydrochloride, C12H18N4SCI2 In addition to being water-soluble, thiamine dissolves in acids and dilute alcohol. It is fairly stable to heat in acid solution, but in an alkaline medium it is rapidly destroyed by heat. Although the evidence is somewhat conflicting, it appears to be fairly well established that ap- preciable destruction of thiamine occurs during the cooking of food. Thus it has been reported that up to 57 per cent of the thiamine may be lost by stewing meat, about an equal amount by roasting or baking, and 10 to 30 per cent by frying. Baking bread causes about 15 to 20 per cent loss. The destruction of thiamine by boiling vegetables has been reported to amount to as much as 22 per cent, with an additional 15 per cent present in the cooking water. The amount of destruction increases rapidly at temperatures above 100° C. Pressure cooking, there- fore, causes considerably more destruction of thiamine than cooking at ordinary pressure. An enzyme (thiaminase) in certain fish, mostly of fresh water origin, has the specific property of destroying thiamine. Foxes fed diets contain- ing raw carp develop a paralysis which was found to be actually a thiamine deficiency, brought about through the agency of thiaminase. Cooking the carp, or feeding extra amounts of thiamine to the animals prevented the disease. In the last few years several relatively quick chemical methods of assaying foods for their thiamine content have been proposed. Perhaps the most widely used is the "thiochrome method," which is based on the oxidation of thiamine, in an extract of the food, to thiochrome, which shows a characteristic bluish fluorescence in ultraviolet light. The in- 230 VITAMINS tensity of this fluorescence serves as a measure of the amount of thiamine that was present in the food. Such assay methods are now used much more extensively than the longer animal feeding methods, although the latter are still relied upon as the final test. Courtesy of ]\Iei'<'k & Co., Inc. Fig. 9-6. Thiamine. Occurrence The richest known source of thiamine is brewer's yeast. It has been found, however, by Kingsley and Parsons that the greater part of the thiamine (and riboflavin) in yeast is not utilized by human beings unless the yeast is given some previous treatment such as cooking which kills the yeast cells. Next in order of concentration follow pork muscle, rice polishings, and bran of grains. Obviously, cereals can constitute a good source of this vitamin only when the entire grain is used. If considered on the dry basis, most vegetables and fresh fruits are fairly potent sources. Eggs and most meats contain appreciable amounts of the vita- min. Synthetic thiamine is being employed to an increasing extent for the fortification of commercial foods, particularly white flour. Requirements The amount of thiamine needed daily by a normal person depends on the amount and kind of food that he consumes. As indicated above, this vitamin functions in the metabolism of carbohydrate in the body, VITAMINS 231 and it probably also is involved in the utilization of excess dietary pro- tein as a source of energy. It is not apparently needed for the metab- olism of fat, and the inclusion of a large amount of fat in the diet exerts a thiamine-sparing action. In short, it may be said that the thiamine requirement is related to the nonfat calories provided by the food con- sumed. Abnormal conditions affecting the thiamine requirement of the body have been considered on pp. 228 and 229. Table 9-3 Daily human requirement for water soluble vitamins* Nicotinic Ascorbic Thiamine Riboflavin acid acid Subject mg. mg. mg. mg. Man (154 lb., 70 kg.) Moderately active 1.5 1.8 15 75 Very active 1.8 1.8 18 75 Sedentary \2 1.8 12 75 Woman (123 lb., 56 kg.) Moderately active 1.2 1.5 12 70 Very active 1.5 1.5 15 70 Sedentary 1.0 1.5 10 70 Pregnancy (latter half) 1.5 2.5 15 100 Lactation 1.5 3.0 15 150 Children Under 1 year 0.4 0.6 4 30 1-3 years (27 lb., 12 kg.) 0.6 0.9 6 35 4-6 years (42 lb., 19 kg.) 0.8 1.2 8 50 7-9 years (58 lb., 26 kg.) 1.0 1.5 10 60 10-12 years (78 lb., 35 kg.) 1.2 1.8 12 75 Girls 13-15 years (108 lb., 49 kg.) 1.3 2.0 13 80 16-20 years (122 lb., 55 kg.) 1.2 1.8 12 80 Boys 13-15 years (108 lb., 49 kg.) 1.5 2.0 15 90 16-20 years (141 lb., 64 kg.) 1.7 2.5 17 100 * As recomended by the Food and Nutrition Boai'd of the National Research Council, 1948. Detailed estimates of the amount of thiamine needed daily by various persons are shown in Table 9-3. For most people approximately 1-2 mg. daily constitute a safe intake. Quantities of representative foods that would supply an amount within these limits are: 1 lb. brown rice, 4 lb. cabbage, 2 lb. asparagus, i/4 lb. lean pork chop, 2 qt. whole milk, or 5 lb. white flour. If desired, the above amounts of thiamine may be expressed as international units, on the basis that 3 /^g. of the pure vita- min correspond to one unit. One of the largest dietary sources of thiamine, as well as of niacin and riboflavin, would be bread and other grain products, except for the great losses of these vitamins which occur on milling (Table 9-4). To com- 232 VITAMINS pensate for these losses white flour and bread are now usually enriched with the three pure vitamins, at least to the levels. Table 9-4 B vitamins in bread and flour Whole wheat Enriched white Enriched white Vitamin flour* White flour* flour *1i bread *t Thiamine 0.55 0.066 0.44 0.33 Riboflavin 0.12 0.033 0.26 0.26 Niacin 5.56 0.77 3.52 2.75 * Milligrams per 100 g. t Minimum standards. RIBOFLAVIN Physiological function The outstanding symptom in young animals or birds fed on a ration low in riboflavin is retarded growth. In poultry, deprivation of this vitamin leads to diminished egg production and especially to a failure of the eggs to hatch. Continued deficiency in the chick causes a condi- tion known as "curled toe paralysis," in which the bird is unable to walk and eventually dies. Examination of such chickens reveals extensive nerve degeneration. The necessity of riboflavin has also been demonstrated for rats, dogs, pigs, and man. In a series of outstanding studies Sebrell and his co- workers of the United States Public Health Service have shown that when adult persons subsist for an extended period of time on a diet low in riboflavin, they contract an illness of which characteristic symptoms are soreness and inflammation of the tongue (glossitis), and cracks and sores on the lips and at the corners of the mouth (cheilosis). Further- more, such patients nearly always suffer from various disorders of the eye. These include abnormal sensitivity to light, dimness of vision, and inflammation and development of blood vessels in the cornea. All of these symptoms respond promptly to the daily administration of 5 to 10 mg. of pure riboflavin. It is probable that human riboflavin deficiency often accompanies pellagra, although masked somewhat by the more striking symptoms of the latter disease, and that it is rather widespread among the population of America. It has also been reported in India, the West Indies, and many parts of Africa. A children's disease known as "perleche," occasionally" seen in the southern United States, is actually a riboflavin deficiency. In living tissues riboflavin is built up into more complex substances, namely, riboflavin phosphate and flavin-adenine-dinucleotide (abbreviated FAD, p. 277), which serve as coenzymes for a series of enzymes involved in metabolism. These enzymes, which are called flavoproteins or "yellow VITAMINS 233 enzymes" because of the color imparted to them by the flavin group, have the function of catalyzing the removal of hydrogen atoms from certain metabolites and passing the hydrogen to some acceptor, such as cytochrome c or molecular oxygen. Xanthine oxidase, d- and L-amino acid oxidases, and cytochrome c reductase are examples of flavoproteins. As a result of its participation in the make-up of these enzymes, ribo- flavin fulfills a vital role on the "main line" of the oxidation processes by which food energy is made available to living tissues. Like the other B vitamins, it apparently is needed by all living cells. \ * V -mrn^ & fc. ^ -:. Courtesy ol' Meixk & Co., lac. Fig. 9-7. Riboflavin. Chemical nature Riboflavin, which previously has also been called vitamin B2 or vitamin G, is a water-soluble pigment widely distributed in plant and animal materials, although in very minute concentrations. Dilute solutions of it have a greenish yellow color and in ultraviolet light show a charac- teristic greenish yellow fluorescence. It is, for example, the substance mainly responsible for the rather faint but distinct color of whey and of egg white It was first obtained in the pure state in 1933 and was synthesized in 1935. The pure vitamin, which is an orange-red powder, is now readily available It is produced mainly by fermentation with special riboflavin-producing microorganisms, for example, Eremothedum ashbyii. 234 VITAMINS The structural formula of riboflavin is: H CHj— (CH0H)3— CH2OH CHa— C^ \r ^C^ ^C=0 I A II B I C I J II H O Riboflavin, C17H20N4O6 Note the benzene A and pyrimidine C rings, as well as the sugar-like side chain, which is related to the rare pentose sugar, ribose. Riboflavin is very stable to heat, acids, and oxidizing agents, but is easily destroyed by light and by alkalies. Losses attendant on the cook- ing of food may range from 0 to 60 per cent. A quart of milk in an ordinary clear glass bottle, if set in direct sunlight, may lose as much as 50 per cent of its riboflavin content in two hours. Brown glass bottles or paper cartons prevent this destruction. Although riboflavin is a water soluble vitamin, surprisingly little — perhaps 10 to 20 per cent — is removed by boiling vegetables in water. This is probably attributable to the fact that in tissues it exists largely combined with various proteins. Occurrence Riboflavin is formed primarily in green leaves of actively growing plants; hence, green leafy vegetables constitute a good source of this vitamin. Brewer's yeast is a higlily potent source. Of the various meats, liver contains the greatest concentration of the vitamin and is followed closely by kidney. Tlie muscle meats likewise contain appreciable amounts. Milk and eggs are quite satisfactory sources, and in the well- planned diet the former contributes largely to the total riboflavin intake. At present several fairly reliable methods other than animal assay are available for determining the amount of riboflavin in foodstuffs. Chem- ical methods depend on the measurement of the characteristic color or fluorescence in suitably clarified extracts of the food. Still another method of assay has been based on the fact that certain lactic acid bac- teria require riboflavin for normal growth and acid production. An aqueous suspension of the sample is fermented by the organism, and the amount of lactic acid produced (as determined by titration of the entire culture) serves as a measure of the riboflavin present. Similar assay methods are used for most of the other B vitamins and for amino acids. VITAMINS 235 Requirements Detailed information regarding the riboflavin requirement of man is given in Table 9-3. In general, a daily intake of 1.5-3.0 mg. would appear to be adequate. However, Sherman concludes, from a series of experiments on rats carried out over a long period of time, that the optimum intake, as indicated by a higher level of health and general well-being, may be several times as great as the minimum amount needed to prevent deficiency symptoms. It does not seem likely that harmful effects will result from too large an intake of riboflavin, since excessive doses are rapidly excreted in the urine. Amounts of representative foods that would supply approximately 2 mg. of riboflavin are: l^/^ lb. lean beef, 2 oz. liver, 1 lb. kale, 1 qt. whole milk, 1 lb. eggs, 13 lb. white flour. NICOTINIC ACID (NIACIN) Physiological function Extreme deficiency of nicotinic acid produces a disease in man known as pellagra. This disease is characterized by roughness and pigmentation Courtesy of J. M. Ruffln, D. T. Smith, and The Southern Mediwl Journal. Fig. 9-8. Typical dermatitis of pellagra. 236 VITAMINS of the skin, particularly on the hands, arms, face, and back of the neck. Apparently the sun exerts an irritating effect, causing exposed areas of the skin to exhibit first this abnormality. The mouth becomes sore be- cause of lesions which develop on the mucous membrane, and the tongue may become sore, red, and swollen. Indigestion and diarrhea are asso- ciated conditions, and in severe cases insanity may result. The symptoms of pellagra have been summed up by the "three D's": dermatitis, diar- Courtesy of J. M. Ruffln, D. T. Smith, and The Southern Medical Journal. Fig. 9-9. Effect of nicotinic acid on dermatitis of pellagra. rhea, and dementia. In dogs the disease is known as black-tongue. Pigs and monkeys have also been shown to develop a similar disease when deprived of nicotinic acid. Rats, on the other hand, apparently do not require this vitamin in the diet. Nicotinic acid, like riboflavin, is an essential constituent of several en- zyme systems. In fact, it is a definite part of triphosphopyridine nucleo- tide (TPN, p. 275) , without which one cytochrome reductase cannot func- tion. In addition to the amide of nicotinic acid this coenzyme contains adenine, two molecules of ribose, and three molecules of phosphoric acid. A compound differing from this only in that it contains one less phos- phoric acid molecule is diphosphopyridine nucleotide (DPN), which is essential to the breakdown of glucose by animals and to fermentation by yeast. Its function as a part of oxidation-reduction systems is the VITAMINS 237 important role played by nicotinic acid, or nicotinamide, in many, if not all, living cells. Prevalence of nicotinic acid deficiency Next to rickets, pellagra is probably the most common vitamin de- ficiency disease in the United States. Although doubtless occurring prior to the twentieth century, it was not recognized here until about 1907 or 1908. The disease is confined largely to the southern states where the diet of the poorer classes is derived chiefly from corn meal, molasses, and fat pork. The United States Public Health Service estimated that in 1929 there were 200,000 cases of pellagra in the country. In 1930 pellagra was reported to have caused 7146 deaths, of which 98 per cent were in the cotton belt. In contrast to the above figures, there were reported in 1940 only 8688 cases of pellagra. Pellagra also occurs in Egypt, Rumania, and South Africa, always in areas where corn is a main article of diet. Over 1000 cases annually were reported in South Africa during 1944-1947. Symptoms of niacin deficiency in animals are relieved by administer- ing tryptophan, and it is now known that tryptophan can be converted into nicotinic acid in the animal body (p. 347). Since corn contains little tryptophan, this relationship helps to explain why pellagra develops especially among corn-eating populations. It has been suggested also that corn may contain an antivitamin (p. 256) antagonistic to niacin. In addition to these complicating factors, it is probable that pellagra also involves deficiencies of other vitamins besides niacin. Nearly all cases of pellagra require treatment with thiamine and riboflavin, in addi- tion to nicotinic acid, in order to clear up all of the symptoms, and some have also been reported to benefit from the use of pyridoxine. For this reason it is very probable that the pellagra problem cannot be solved by the use of nicotinic acid alone, but that the answer lies much more in a general improvement of the diet. It is probable that this deficiency disease will not be eradicated in the South until the prevailing diet of corn bread, molasses, and fat meat is properly supplemented. This con- stitutes an economic problem, since practically all potent sources of the vitamin are relatively expensive foods, which the poorer classes are unable to buy. Chemical nature Nicotinic acid is a relatively simple derivative of pyridine and possesses a structure represented by the accompanying formula. The correspond- ing amide is also effective as a vitamin: 238 VITAMINS H 0 ^C, II HC^ ^C—C—OU II I Nicotinic acid, C6H5NO2 (Niacin) H O II HC^ ^C— C— NHj II I Nicotinamide, CeHjONj (Niacinamide) As its name implies, the compound is closely related to nicotine, from which it can be easily formed by oxidation in the laboratory. This vitamin is soluble in dilute alcohol and in water; it is very stable to heat, light, acids, alkalies, and oxidizing agents. In fact, it is more resistant to chemical attack than any of the other vitamins. Nicotin- amide is preferred for therapeutic use since it is less likely to cause a burning sensation of the face that is often noted after doses of nicotinic acid. Occurrence Nicotinic acid is a substance that was known to organic chemists for many years before its usefulness as a vitamin was discovered. It is now prepared synthetically on a rather large scale and is among the most easily obtainable and cheapest of the vitamins. An amount sufficient to cure a pellagrin costs only about ten cents. The synthetic material is now being used in the enrichment of white flour. The term "niacin" has -Z^r^ ?,.j»f. I; .*i '^- Courtesy of Merck & Co., Inc. Fig. 9-10. Nicotinic acid. VITAMINS 239 been recommended as a more suitable name for nicotinic acid in com- mercial products. Good food sources of this vitamin are liver, lean meat, and yeast. Fair sources are certain whole cereals, legumes, and wheat germ. Milled cereals, fats, and molasses are low in nicotinic acid. Several procedures have been suggested for assaying foodstuffs for their nicotinic acid content. Of these the most widely used are the dog assay based on the cure of black-tongue, a chemical method based on the development of a yellow color when an extract of the sample is treated with cyanogen bromide and aniline, and a bacterial method similar to the procedure described for riboflavin. Requirements Estimates of the amount of nicotinic acid (or its equivalent in the form of nicotinamide, or other related substances such as DPN and TPN) needed daily by various persons are summarized in Table 9-3. Notice how much larger amounts are required than in the case of other B vitamins. Quantities of representative foods which will probably supply 10 to 20 mg. of nicotinic acid are: 1 oz. dried yeast, 3 oz. pork liver, 1/2 lb. lean beef or pork, 4I/2 lb. spinach, or S^^ lb. tomatoes. PANTOTHENIC ACID Physiological function The existence of pantothenic acid was first suggested by Williams and associates in 1933, as a result of their work on the stimulation of yeast growth by extracts of various biological materials. The active substance present has been found to be identical with the dietary factor that pre- vents chick dermatitis, a disease that was for a time thought to be analogous to pellagra in man. When young chicks are placed on a ration deficient in this vitamin, crusty scabs form at the corners of the mouth and gradually enlarge until the skin around the nostrils and underneath the lower mandible is affected. Growth ceases and feathering is retarded. Death may result within two or three weeks after these symptoms become apparent. Ad- ministration of pure calcium pantothenate causes resumption of growth and disappearance of the dermatitis. Rats, dogs, and swine have also been found to require this vitamin. The black portions of the fur of rats and foxes kept on diets low in pantothenic acid have been observed to turn gray. They have been found to regain their normal color when the vitamin was administered (Fig. 9-15. p. 255). Pantothenic acid has also been shown to be essential in the nutrition of a number of lower organisms, especially yeasts and lactic acid bacteria. There is fairly definite evidence also that panto- 240 VITAMINS thenic acid is involved in human nutrition, although clinical experience in this direction is still rather meager. Pantothenic acid functions as part of a coenzyme (coenzyme A or Co yl) in a system which brings about the condensation of acetic and oxalacetic acids to form citric acid, one of the steps of the citric acid cycle (p. 330). In fact Co A is probably needed for all metabolic reactions of the "two carbon fragment" (acetic acid or some closely related substance) pro- duced during the oxidation of fats and carbohydrates in the body. Since this fragment is also used for the biological production of fats, steroids, acetyl choline, and probably many other products, the indispensable nature of pantothenic acid for living organisms is easily understandable. Chemical nature Pantothenic acid is a peptide-like compound composed of y8-alanine united through an amide linkage to an hydroxy acid. The complete structural formula is: T' ? CH2— C— CH— C— NH— CH, — CHj— COOH III HO H3C OH Pantothenic acid, C9H17O5N The details of this formula were worked out in 1940, and the synthesis of the vitamin was also accomplished in the same year. The substance ■ ■ ' ■■■' ■' >'/ A: ^1 1r J<" <•■'. _„„'**_.// .-^ Courtesy of Merck & Co., Inc. Fig. 9-11. Pantothenic acid. VITAMINS 241 occurs in two forms, dextrorotatory and levorotatory, and of these only the dextrorotatory form has biological activity. Since free pantothenic acid can readily be obtained only as a sirupy, gummy mass, it is usually converted to the calcium salt, which is a w^iite powder and the form in which the synthetic product is supplied. Since it is an amide, pantothenic acid is readily hydrolyzed by heating in either acid or alkaline solution. Hydrolysis results in complete de- struction of the vitamin activity. It is rather stable to boiling in neutral aqueous solutions, although it is destroyed by long heating at 120°C. It appears that pantothenic acid is not" extensively destroyed by ordi- nary cooking of food. Losses of approximately 50 per cent may, however, occur if the cooking water from vegetables is discarded. Occurrence Yeast, liver, egg yolk, and rice polishings are very rich sources of pantothenic acid, while dairy products, whole cereals, muscle meats, green leafy vegetables, and certain other vegetables like cauliflower and sweet potato, may be classed as good sources. Fruits and egg white are low in pantothenic acid. The assay of foods for this vitamin is based on the growth response of chicks when fed the test material. A bacterial method very similar to the one described above for riboflavin has also been developed. The human requirement for pantothenic acid has not yet been determined, but it has been suggested that about 10 mg. per day is adequate. PYRIDOXINE (VITAMIN B^) Physiological function Rats receiving an inadequate supply of this vitamin develop a derma- titis, which makes its appearance in a characteristic manner. The paws and tips of the ears and nose are first affected, becoming red and swollen. The area immediately surrounding the nostrils becomes bare, and there may be a nasal discharge. The administration of pure pyridoxine ma- terially improves the condition of the rat, but even more striking improve- ment results from the use of certain fats, especially those which supply the so-called "essential fatty acids." The relation between the physio- logical action of these fatty acids and pyridoxine is not yet clear. It may well be that both are required for the normal nutrition of the rat. Neither black-tongue, pellagra, nor chick dermatitis is cured by pyri- doxine. It has been shown, however, that pyridoxine is required by dogs, swine, pigeons, and chickens, and several reports indicate that it is also important in human nutrition. Deficiency symptoms that have 242 VITAMINS been encountered in various animals include a type of anemia and fits resembling epileptic seizures in human beings. Pyridoxine deficiency in man has been observed in a number of cases of pellagrins who still were not completely well after receiving nicotinic acid, thiamine and riboflavin. Symptoms noted in such patients were nervousness, irritability, abdominal pain, weakness, and difficulty in walking. These symptoms were quickly relieved by the use of synthetic pyridoxine. Chemical nature Pyridoxine, or vitamin Be, was first isolated as a pure chemical sub- stance in 1938, and during the next year it was prepared synthetically. ('ouite.sy of MeiL'k & Co., Inc. Fig. 9-12. Pyridoxine. The chemical nature of this vitamin is best expressed by its structural formula: CH2OH I II (2) (6) I CH3— C^(i)^CH Pyridoxine, CsHuNOa Note that it is related to nicotinic acid in that it is a pyridine derivative. The name pyridoxine is derived from the chemical name for this substance, VITAMINS 243 which is 2-methyl-3-hydroxy-4,5-di- (hydroxymethyl) -pyridine. Two closely related substances, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine, are repre- sented by the following formulas: CHO CH2NH2 I I c c HO— C-^ "==0— CH2OH HO— C^ ^C— CH2OH HaC-C^^^CH HsC-G^^^CH Pyridoxal, CsHgOsN Pyridoxamine, C8H12O2N2 These substances have about the same vitamin Be activity for animals and for yeast cells as pyridoxine does, but are several thousand times more effective for certain bacteria. A phosphorylated derivative, pyridoxal phosphate, functions as a coenzyme for enzyme systems present in many bacteria, which break down amino acids into the corresponding amines by removing carbon dioxide from the carboxyl group of the amino acid (p. 321) . It is therefore called a codecarboxylase. Both pyridoxal phos- phate and pyridoxamine phosphate function as coenzymes in certain trans- amination reactions (p. 343) and may, therefore, be called cotransami- nases. CHO CH2NH2 I I HO— C^ ^C— CH2O-PO3H2 HO— C^ >C— CH2O— PO3H2 I II I II H3C— C^^.^H H3C— C*^^,^CH Pyridoxal phosphate Pyridoxamine phosphate Pyridoxal phosphate also serves as a coenzyme for the enzyme system involved in the synthesis of tryptophan by a certain mold species {Neuro- spora crassa) . It is, therefore, quite clear that the Be vitamins play important roles in both the decomposition, inter conversion, and synthesis of amino acids in living cells. Pyridoxine is stable to heat, alkalies, and strong acids, but is rather easily attacked by oxidizing agents. As yet little work has been done on its destruction during the cooking of food. No reliable figure for the human requirement is available, but a tentative value of 1.5 mg. per day has been suggested. Occurrence Pyridoxine is present in yeast, bran and embryo of cereal grains, meats, milk, and leafy vegetables. The amount of this vitamin in a number of common foods is given in Table 9-5. 244 VITAMINS Table 9-5 Pyridoxine content of common foods Milligrams per 100 g. edible portion Beef, lean 0.40 Beef, liver 0.73 Bread, white 0.30 Bread, whole wheat 0.70 Cabbage 0.29 Carrot 0.19 Chicken, dark meat 0.20 Lamb, leg of 0.38 Milk, whole '. 0.20 Oatmeal 0.25 Pork loin 0.60 Potatoes, white 0.16 Yeast, dried brewer's 5.5 BIOTIN This member of the vitamin B complex is a substance which has been variously known as "coenzyme R," "vitamin H," "biotin," and the "anti- egg white injury factor." It was first obtained in pure form and given the name biotin in 1936 by Kogl, who was studying it as one of the vitamin-like substances required for normal yeast growth. Physiological function The feeding of biotin brings about the cure of a nutritional disease which develops when rats, chickens, or human beings consume large amounts of raw egg white. This "egg white injury" disease is primarily a dermatitis, characterized in the rat by swelling and inflammation of the skin, especially around the mouth, and by loss of hair. The disease is actually an induced biotin deficiency caused by the combination of the biotin normally present in the food with a particular protein, avidin, present in raw egg white. When so combined, biotin cannot be absorbed and utilized by the animal organism. Cooked egg white on the other hand is perfectly safe in the diet, since heating to 100°C. destroys the ability of avidin to combine with the vitamin. Although the above facts demonstrate that biotin is an indispensable nutrient, it has not been possible to produce the "egg white injury" dis- ease in rats by feeding them diets extremely low in biotin. Apparently a sufficient supply of the vitamin to meet the needs of the animal is synthesized by bacteria in the intestinal tract. However, this deficiency can be produced in the chick without the use of raw egg white. Like- VITAMINS 245 wise many of the lower organisms such as yeasts, bacteria, and fungi do require biotin for normal development. No biotin deficiency has been observed in human beings consuming their customary diets. The daily intake of biotin on an average diet ranges from 25 to 50 ixg., and the urine and feces together may contain from two to five times these quantities. Fig. 9-13. Courtesy of the S. Biotin. M. A. Corporation. Biotin appears to function (possibly in the form of a coenzyme, al- though none has yet been identified) as a catalyst for one of the reac- tions of the citric acid cycle (p. 330) : COo + CH3— CO— COOH Pyruvic acid -> HOOC— CHo— CO— COOH Oxalacetic acid Further, certain lactobacilli which normally require biotin grow well with- out it if oleic acid is supplied instead. This observation indicates some kind of a metabolic relationship between these two substances, perhaps participation of biotin in the biosynthesis of oleic acid. The vitamin is also required for deamination by bacterial cells of serine, threonine, and aspartic acid. Chemical nature Biotin has a two ring structure with a side chain attached to one of the rings. It is an acid, as is indicated by the carboxyl group in the side chain. Note the urea-like structure in one of the rings {A) and the 246 VITAMINS presence of sulfur in the other ring (B) . Biotin and thiamine are the only vitamins that contain sulfur. 0 II c NH "^NH A CH CH I B I CH2 CH-(CH,)4-C00H S Biotin, C10H16O3N2S Although it is readily destroyed by such oxidizing agents as hydrogen peroxide, biotin is, in general, a very stable substance. It is not affected by light, strong acids such as normal HCl or H2SO4, nor by exposure to a degree of heat greater than that encountered during ordinary cooking operations. However, it is destroyed by strong alkali. ^ In many tissues it appears not to exist in a free state, but in combination with some cell constituent, presumably protein. This view is supported by the recent isolation from autolyzing yeast of biocytin, a peptide-hke combination of biotin and the amino acid, lysine. Note that the linkage is through the evsilon amino group of lysine. 0 II I I HC CH I I H2C CH(CH2)4CONH— (CH2)4— CH-COOH S I NHi Biocytin Nothing is known as yet regarding the amount of biotin needed by human beings. However, the quantities required by various lower organ- isms are so extremely minute that it must be regarded as one of the most highly active substances known. Its effect on yeast growth, for example, can still be detected at dilutions of 1:300,000,000,000. PTEROYLGLUTAMIC ACID This vitamin was first observed in connection with studies on the nutri- tional requirements of lactic acid bacteria. An impure preparation from liver, designated as the "norite eluate factor," was shown to be necessary, VITAMINS 247 in addition to previously known vitamins, for the normal growth of these organisms. The effective substance present in such preparations was later found to be identical with "factor U" and "vitamin M," which at that time were still unidentified, but were recognized as dietary essentials for chicks and monkeys, respectively. Other investigators, working with various experimental animals, proposed still other names for vitamin- like substances which eventually turned out to be pteroylglutamic acid, or closely related compounds. These names included "vitamin Be," "factor R," "factor S," "folic acid," "S. lactis R factor or SLR factor," "liver L. casei factor." The term folic acid is still in use, but should now be replaced by the proper chemical names (see below). Chemical nature Pteroylglutamic acid is a complex substance made up of three parts, glutamic acid, para-aminobenzoic acid (p. 254), and a pterin, chemically linked together: H _N N C H2N— C^')"^C^'^*)^CH HC^^^'^'^C-CONHCHCHiCHiCOOH 1(2) II (^) I II (5') (l')| I N5^)i^(^)Sc-CH.NH-ci:;;3')|^tH COOH I H OH Pteroylglutamic acid This substance is identical with the "liver L. casei factor," vitamin Be, and folic acid. The name folacin was proposed in 1949 by the American Institute of Nutrition as a synonym for folic acid. The "fermentation L. casei factor" is very similarly constituted except that three glutamic acid residues are present. In this form, also called teropterin, the second and third glutamic acid residues are linked to the preceding one through the gamma carboxyl group rather than through the alpha carboxyl (see p. 131). This is the same type of peptide linkage as is found in gluta- thione. Still another form, vitamin Be conjugate, contains seven glutamic acid residues. The SLR factor, or rhizopterin, contains no glutamic acid at all but bears an aldehyde or formyl group on the nitrogen atom in position 10: H,N-G^(^^C-^S^CH CHO C-C 1(3) II el I / W n4:(4) ^C^ (5)!^^C-CH,-N-C c-cooh C N (9) (10) \ / I HC=CH OH Formylpteroic acid (or rhizopterin) 248 VITAMINS The glutamic acid derivative of rhizopterin, formylpteroylglutamic acid, or formyl folic acid, has been prepared synthetically and found to possess the typical vitamin activity of other members of this group. It probably also occurs naturally. Rhizopterin itself, however, does not relieve the symptoms of folic acid deficiency in higher animals. Very recently a substance needed for normal growth of the bacterium Leuconostoc citrovorum (the so-called "citrovorum factor") has been found to be closely related to formylpteroylglutamic acid, from which it can be obtained by reducing and heating. The product, named folinic acid by one group of investigators and leucovorin by another, has been shown (Consulich, et al, Pohland, et al.) to have the following formula: .^ H N^ /N. H H HsN-C^ C" XH2 C — C COOH .L. // \ ^ '^ H(i-CH,HN-C C-CONHCHCHaCH^COOH I I C=C OH CHO ^ ^ Folinic acid (or leucovorin) In many tests folinic acid possesses higher activity than other members of the folic acid group. It may be the metabolically active (coenzyme) form of this vitamin, or at least it may be more closely related to the coenzyme than pteroylglutamic acid itself. Physiological function This vitamin is essential for a wide variety of living organisms, and, in fact, is probably needed by all living cells. The outstanding deficiency symptoms in higher forms (mammals, birds) are anemia, leucopenia (a reduced number of white blood cells) , weight loss, oral lesions, and diar- rhea. In the chick the deficiency also results in abnormally poor feathering. That several hurhan diseases are the result of a lack of pteroylglutamic acid or related substances is indicated by the improvement which follows their administration. The best example is sprue, a disease characterized by macrocytic anemia (enlarged red blood cells), leucopenia, glossitis (inflammation of the tongue) , diarrhea with large amounts of fatty ma- terial in the feces, weight loss, and poor absorption of food from the intes- tine. Daily doses of 10 mg. of pteroylglutamic acid or of the triglutamate, teropterin, result in prompt relief of these symptoms. Related conditions described as nutritional macrocytic anemia and macrocytic anemia of pregnancy are similarly benefited. Pernicious anemia patients are bene- fited somewhat, but the improvement is temporary and incomplete, in contrast to the effects of vitamin B12 (see below). VITAMINS 249 In all of the above diseases the administration of relatively large daily- doses (about 4 g.) of a simple pyrimidine compound, namely thymine (p. 155), has an almost equally beneficial result. From this and other evidence it seems probable that the biological function of pteroylglutamic acid is concerned with the biosynthesis of thymine and other components of nucleic acids. Teropterin has been claimed to relieve pain in advanced cases of human cancer and to retard the growth of tumors in experimental animals., '„€) Ir Food sources and requirements fe^nl^, The pteroylglutamic acids are rather sensitive substances which may be quite largely destroyed during the cooking of foods. Losses of 50 to 90 per cent have been reported in meats cooked in different ways. Vegetables kept for three days at room temperature lost 20 to 80 per cent, and large losses occurred during canning. When a solution of the pure vitamin was placed in bright daylight for 8 hours, 88 per cent was destroyed. 'i^^ t> .^According to Toepfer ^H co-workers a number of common foods may be^rouped as follows, oA4he basis of the milligrams of folic acid which they contain per 100 g. of dry weight: Over 1,0:^. brewer's yeast, chicken liver, _^sparagus, broadleaf endive, broccoJi, l^^'lettuce, spinach; 0.4-1.0, most of the other leafy greens, liver, blackey'e peas, dried beans, soy flour; O.l-d.4, other vegetables except root vegetables and a few fruits; 0.03-0.1, root vegetables, most fresh fruits, grains and grain products, nuts, lean beef; 0.03 or less, eggs, milk, meats (other than beef), poultry. The amount of pteroylglutamic acid normally required by human beings has not been established. Various animal species need 0.005 to 0.06 mg. per kilogram of body weight per day. VITAMIN B^o It has long been recognized that liver and suitable extracts prepared from liver contain some substance which is effective in the treatment of pernicious anemia, a serious, wasting disease of man, which if untreated is invariably fatal. IMany efforts to isolate and identify the "antiper- nicious anemia factor" in liver have been made. With the discovery of pteroylglutamic acid and the observation that it is effective in curing certain pathological blood conditions, it seemed that the long-sought substance might have been found. However, continued treatment of per- nicious anemia patients with pteroylglutamic acid proved disappointing, since the initial improvement did not last and was often followed by severe neurological complications. Finally, in 1948, a red crystalline substance was isolated from liver 250 VITAMINS which proved to be effective against pernicious anemia in amazingly small doses (Fig. 9-14). The new material, designated vitamin Bio, contained 4.4 per cent cobalt, 2.3 per cent phosphorus and had the formula C61-64H86-92N14O13PC0 (molecular weight about 1350). Although the Courtesy of Abbott Laboratories. Fig. 9-14. Vitamin Bio crystals (x 200). complete structure is not yet known, several fragments of the molecule, including 5,6-dimethyl benzimidazole, have been identified after acid hydrolysis. Surprisingly, this substance itself showed full vitamin B12 activity for rat growth when tested in 5 mg. daily doses. Other hydrolysis HoCC ^ H ,N, \ CH X'^ N H H 5,6-Dimethyl benzimidazole products identified are propanolamine (CH3CHOHCH2NH2) and a phos- phorylated derivative of the 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole (ribose-3-phos- phate attached to the N at position 1). Vitamin Bio also contains a VITAMINS 251 cyanide group (CN) bound in a coordination complex with the cobalt atom, which can be replaced by CI, SO4, OH, SCN, or other groups to produce analogs of the natural substance. The analog containing the water molecule has been called vitamin Bi2a and is apparently identical with another preparation provisionally designated Bi^b- Brink and co- workers have suggested that the B12 molecule, except for the cyanide group, be called cohalamin. By this nomenclature, vitamin B12 would be named cyano-cobalamin and Bi2a, hydroxo-cobalamin. All of these various forms of the vitamin have approximately the same kind and amount of biological activity. Physiological function In the short period since its isolation vitamin B12 has acquired excep- tional practical importance because of its demonstrated usefulness in pernicious anemia and related diseases, in livestock feeding, and in human nutrition. Its absence from the tissues of the body is apparently the specific cause of pernicious anemia. Injection of as little as 1 fig. per day dramatically alleviates the symptoms of this disease. It is less effective when given by mouth because pernicious anemia patients lack some substance ("intrinsic factor") in the gastric juice which protects vitamin B12 and favors its absorption. Small doses of vitamin B12 are also effective in sprue and other macrocytic anemias. See Plate IV op- posite p. 223. It has been known for many years that animal protein supplements {e.g., meat scraps, dried whey, etc.) used in livestock feeding contain some factor necessary for growth of animals fed only plant proteins. This un- known substance was called the animal protein factor (APF). Vitamin B12 is certainly the chief and, perhaps, the only component of APF. Because of its high APF potency, it is now widely used in animal feeds. Availability of vitamin Bio has made possible the use of larger proportions of the relatively cheap plant protein concentrates (soybean, linseed, cottonseed meals) , which are more plentiful than those from animal sources, and has thus been a boon to livestock production. The vitamin B12 used in feeds is obtained almost exclusively from fermentation sources, and especially as a by-product of the fermentations which produce such antibiotics as aureomycin, terramycin, and strepto- mycin. It was noted that crude B12 concentrates from these sources gave greater growth responses in some species than could be accounted for by their B12 content. The extra effect was traced to the antibiotics still present as impurities in the concentrates. This discovery has opened new vistas in the science of nutrition, since by use of this combination faster growth rates have been achieved than had previously been con- sidered optimal on the best mixtures of natural foods. The effect is 252 VITAMINS shown by a wide variety of antibacterial agents and is probably due to destruction of intestinal microorganisms which otherwise compete with the animal for essential food factors. Very recently Wetzel et al. have reported that doses of 10 /Ag. of vita- min Bi2 given daily by mouth to a group of malnourished school children resulted in definite stimulation of growth in 5 of the 11 cases treated. These results establish the existence of human vitamin B12 deficiency other than that of pernicious anemia. How extensive this may be remains to be determined by further study, but present indications are that vita- min B12 may well prove to have wide applications in human nutrition. The metabolic function of vitamin B12 in the animal body is evidently closely related to that of pteroylglutamic acid (for example, both are effective in certain types of anemia). Specifically, vitamin B12 appears to take part in the biosynthesis of nucleic acids and in the formation and use of active methyl groups in the body (for example, in the forma- tion of methionine from homocystine) . Food sources and requirements As already indicated, vitamin B12 is more concentrated in foods of animal origin than in plant products, and relatively large amounts are formed during the growth of many microorganisms. The distribution of this vitamin in various foods, as determined by Elvehjem and co-workers by means of a rat assay method, is shown in Table 9-6. No figure for the normal human requirement for vitamin Bio has been established, but 1 ixg. per day, if injected, is sufficient to maintain pernicious anemia patients in good condition. This amount is much less than the minimum human requirement of any other vitamin or trace element. Table 9-6 Vitamin B12 content of foods (Micrograms per 100 g., fresh basis) Food Barley Beans Beef, liver Beef, kidney Beef, round, cooked Beef, tongue Cabbage Cheddar cheese .... Chicken liver Cow's milk Minimum vitamin Bi2 content * * 15 20 2-3 3 * 1.4 11 Trace Food Egg yolk Goat's milk Green peas Horse meat, canned Mutton Pork, shoulder Pork, ham Potatoes Tomato juice Veal Minimum vitamin B12 content 1.4 * * 3.4 3 1.1-2 1.2 * 2 * No measureable amount. VITAMINS CHOLINE 253 Physiological function A lack of choline in the diet of young, rapidly growing rats results in the accumulation of excessive amounts of fat in the liver. There may also be damage to the kidneys, which become discolored from internal hemorrhage. The "fatty livers" are restored to normal by feeding small amounts of choline or of methionine. On the other hand, feeding choles- terol aggravates the condition. Older rats are much less likely to suffer from the symptoms of choline deficiency. It is supposed that the fatty deposits in the liver are caused partly by a failure of fat transport and partly by a decrease in the normal rate of fat catabolism (that is, transformation into other simpler ma- terials) in the liver. The evidence at present available is consistent with the assumption that neutral fat (that is, glycerides) must be converted into phospholipides before it is transported elsewhere in the body or, if it remains in the liver, before it is catabolized. Since choline is one component of the lecithin type of phospholipides, it would obviously be needed for these purposes. In fact, it has been possible with the aid of radioactive phosphorus to follow the rate of "phospholipide turnover" in the liver, that is, the rate at which phospholipide molecules are formed and removed, and to demonstrate that choline increases this rate. The effect was observed within one hour and was proportional to the amount of choline fed. Choline is also required for the normal nutrition of chicks and of young turkeys. In conjunction with manganese it prevents the develop- ment of a disease of chickens known as perosis, in which the leg tendon slips off from the hock joint as a result of malformation of the bone, and the bird is consequently unable to walk. Normal egg production by chickens is also impaired by a lack of sufficient choline in the diet. One of the main metabolic functions of choline is to supply "labile" methyl groups for various transmethylation reactions. These are de- scribed in Chap. 13. Chemical nature Choline is a very strong base, with the followmg structural formula: CH3 HOCH2-CH2— N— CH3 HOCH5 Choline 254 VITAMINS Like nicotinic acid it had been known to organic chemists and had been obtained synthetically long before its usefulness as a vitamin was dis- covered. It is very soluble in water and is quite stable to boiling in dilute aqueous solution. Hot alkalies, however, decompose it with the formation of trimcthylamine. Bound choline in the form of lecithin is present in every living cell, and free choline is likewise very widely distributed in biological materials. At present, no information is available regarding the human requirement for this dietary factor. OTHER DIETARY FACTORS There are a number of other factors that have been reported as essential in the diet of experimental animals, but to discuss them in any detail would be beyond the scope of this book. However, two definite chemical substances in addition to those already considered have been shown quite conclusively to belong to the vitamin B complex. These are para-amino- benzoic acid and inositol: COOH 1 i 1 NH2 i-aminobenzoic acid H O /§\ HOCH ^ HCOH HOCH „ HCOH c o H Inositol The former is probably used for the biosynthesis of pteroylglutamic acid and owes its vitamin-like activity in certain species to this circumstance. Inositol is required by mice and rats for normal growth and the avoidance of dermatitis and loss of hair. It is not known to be required by human beings. Another vitamin-like substance needed by certain microorganisms is lipoic acid, which has recently been obtained in pure form and found to have the following structure: CH2CH2CH(CHj)4— COOH s s a-Lipoic acid or thioctic acid According to Reed and De Busk it is combined in the living cell with thiamine and phosphoric acid to form lipothiamide pyrophosphate, which appears to be a necessary coenzyme for the oxidative decarboxylation of a-keto acids, such as pyruvic acid, during metabolism. VITAMINS 255 N=CH I I / H3C— C C— CH — N N-C g ^ CH3 O O I II II ,C=C— CH2CH2OP— 0— P- OH I 1 OH OH NH-CO(CH2)4-CH— CH^CH, I I s s Lipothiamide pyrophosphate Still another compound, carnitine, has recently been shown by Carter and co-workers to function as a vitamin for a lower animal organism, namely, the larva of the yellow meal worm, Tenebrio niolitor. These (CH3)3N+CHoCHOHCH,COO- Carnitine larvae will not grow on synthetic diets containing all the previously known vitamins, but require the addition of supplements such as liver or whey. The effective substance was named vitamin Bt. When iso- 1 L ., ^ ^., 1' ^ r . i ' - ^ m Courtesy of the S. M. A. Corporation. Fig. 9-15. Pantothenic acid deficiency in the rat. These animals were reared on identical diets except that the one on the left received an ade- quate supply of pantothenic acid, while the diet of the other was deficient in this vitamin. lated in pure form, it proved to be identical with carnitine, a compound which had long been known as a constituent of meat extract. It is possible that carnitine functions in the larvae as a source of labile methyl groups (p. 344). The so-called "antigray-hair factor" may or may not be a definite substance different from the other known vitamins. It is well established that graying of the hair does result from certain nutritional deficiencies in various species of animals, particularly the rat, mouse, dog, and fox. 256 VITAMINS Deficiencies of pantothenic acid, para-aminobenzoic acid, copper, and biotin have each been reported to cause such graying. However, there is at the present time no acceptable scientific evidence that gray hair in human beings can be restored to its original color by the dietary use of any of these materials, or of any other "gray hair factor." Other less well-defined factors are vitamin P, which has been reported to correct bleeding caused by weakened capillaries in human beings, vitamin B13, and vitamin B14. A large number of other vitamin-like sub- stances are apparently needed for the normal nutrition of various species of animals, and particularly of microorganisms, but knowledge of their nature and biologica'l significance is too limited to warrant their con- sideration here. Antivitamins Substances chemically related to certain vitamins interfere with their normal physiological functioning and are therefore called antivitamins. For example, mice fed pyrithiamine (a thiamine analog, see formula) develop typical symptoms of thiamine deficiency. Similarly, pyridine-3- CH3 CH2CH2OH N=C— NH2 C— C^ II / w CH3— C C— CH2— N CH II II "V / , Pyrithiamine sulfonic acid and glucoafecorbic acid act as antagonists of nicotinic acid and vitamin C, respectively. In each case, administration of the vitamin concerned corrects the deficiency, and it appears that the response of the organism depends on the relative amount of the vitamin and anti- vitamin present. An explanation for behavior of this sort was advanced by Woods and Fildes who found that p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) can counteract the antibacterial effect of the drug, sulfanilamide. They suggested that PABA is an essential metabolite for the bacteria and that sulfanilamide exerts its effect by acting as an inhibitor of the bacterial enzymes con- cerned with the metabolic use or functions of PABA (e.g., conversion to COOH SO2NH2 C C p-Aminobenzoic acid Sulfanilamide VITAMINS 257 pteroylglutamic acid). According to this view antivitamins are com- petitive enzyme inhibitors (see p. 272 for the analogous case of malonate versus succinate). Substances are also known which act against other types of essential metabolites. For example, methionine sulfoximine, a substance produced in fiour by a formerly used bleacliing agent (nitrogen trichloride) has been 0- NH2 CH3— S-CHjCHj— C-COOH I I HN- H L-Methionine sulfoximine found to cause "running fits" in dogs by acting as an antagonist of the essential amino acid methionine. In general, such materials are called antimetabolites. Many additional examples of antimetabolites are listed by Woolley. The concept of competition for enzyme surfaces offers a reasonable explanation for the action of antivitamins and other antimetabolites and furthermore may well serve as a guiding principle in the search for new drugs to combat disease. In theory, it should be possible selectively to poison any unwanted organism with a drug patterned after the chemical structure of some metabolite essential for that organism. Injury to the host would be avoided if the metabolite were peculiar to the parasite only. REVIEW QUESTIONS ON VITAMINS 1. What are vitamins? Name those about the existence of which there is no controversy. 2. Discuss for each of the commonly accepted vitamins: (1) occurrence; (2) symptoms caused by lack of the vitamin. 3. Which vitamins have been obtained in ciystalline form? Give briefly the chemical nature of each. Which have been synthesized in the laboratory? 4. Discuss the anti-infective properties of vitamin A. 5. Account for differences in need for vitamin D supplements in northern and southern regions. Why is sunlight transmitted through an ordinary window pane ineffective in preventing rickets? 6. In addition to man, which animals suffer from scur^jy? How is the nonsus- ceptibility of other animals explained? 7. Discuss incidence of the various deficiency diseases in the United States. 8. Which vitamin is formed from a plant pigment? Which from sterols? Which one is particularly susceptible to oxidation? 9. Explain the following terms: (1) "Viosterol," (2) ascorbic acid, (3) pro-vitamin A, (4) riboflavin, (5) calciferol, (6) nicotinic acid, (7) pantothenic acid, (8) folacin. 10. What effect is produced by ingestion of massive doses of vitamin D? 11. What is the nature of the tissue changes responsible for noticeable respiratory trouble in A-deficient animals? 12. List the factors that influence the vitamin D requirement of au aaimal. 258 VITAMINS 13. Which vitamins are known to function as parts of enzyme systems? 14. Account for the fact that pellagra is much more prevalent in the southern states of America than elsewhere. 15. Correct the following statement: If two samples of milk have the same amount of color, they have the same vitamin A potency. 16. Which vitamins contain N, S, P, Co? REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Brink, N. G., Kuehl, F. A., Jr., and Folkers, Karl, "Vitamin B12: The Identification of Vitamin B12 as a Cyano-Cobalt Coordination Complex," Science, 112, 354 (1950). Carter, H. E., Bhattacharyya, P. K., Weidman, K. R., and Fraenkel, G., "Chemical Studies on Vitamin Bt Isolation and Characterization as Carnitine," Arch. Biochem. and Biophys., 38, 405 (1952). Consulich, D. B., Roth, B., Smith, J. B., Jr., Hultquist, M. E., and Parker, R. P., "Chemistry of Leucovorin," /. Am. Chem. Soc, 74, 3252 (1952). Drummond, J. C, "The Nomenclature of the So-Called Accessory Food Factors (Vitamins)," Biochem. J., 14, 660 (1920). Eddy, W. H., What Are the Vitamins? Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1941. Eddy, W. H. and Dalldorf, G., The Avitaminoses, 2nd ed.. The Williams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore, 1941. Eijkman, C, "An Experiment in Combatting Beri-Beri," Virchow's Archiv fur patho- logische Anatomic und Physiologic, 149, 187 (1897). Follis, R. H., Jackson, D., Eliot, M. M., and Park, E. A., "Prevalence of Rickets in Children between Two and Fourteen Years of Age," Am. J. Diseases Children, 66, 1 (1943). Food and Nutrition Board, "Recommended Daily Dietary Allowances, Revised, 1948," Nutrition Rev., 6, 319, (1948). Funk, C, "Etiology of Deficiency Diseases — Beri-Beri, Polyneuritis in Birds, Epi- demic Dropsy, Scurvy in Animals (Experimental), Infantile Scurvy, Ship Beri-Beri, Pellagra," J. State Med., 20, 341 (1912). Gordon, E. S., Nutntional and Vitamin Therapy in General Practice, 3rd ed.. The Year Book Publishers, Inc., Chicago, 1947. Gyorgy, P. (editor), Vitamin Methods, vols. 1 and 2, Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1951. Harris, L. J., Vitamins and Vitamin Deficiencies, P. Blakiston's Son and Company, Philadelphia, 1938. Harris, P. L., Quaife, M. L., and Swanson, J., "The Vitamin E Content of Foods," J. Nutiition, 40, 367 (1950). Harris, R. S. and Thimann, K. V. (editors), Vitamins and Hormones, Advances in Research and Applications, vols. 1-9, Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1943-1951. Hopkins, F. G., "The Analyst and the Medical Man," Analyst, 31, 385 (1906). Kingsley, H. N. and Parsons, H. T., "The Availability of Vitamins from Yeast, IV," J. Nutrition, 34, 321 (1947). Kogl, F. and Toennis, G., "Isolation of Crystalline Biotin from Egg Yolk," Z. Physiol. Chem., 242, 43 (1936). Lewis, U. J., Register, U. D., Thompson, H. T., and Elvehjem, C. A., "Distribution of Vitamin B^ in Natural Materials," Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med., 72, 479 (1949). Link, K. P., "The Anticoagulant from Spoiled Sweet Clover Hay," T/ie Harvey Lec- ture Series, 39, 162 (1944). Lunin, N., "Concerning the Significance of Inorganic Salts in Animal Nutrition," Z. Physiol. Chem., 5, 31 (1881). VITAMINS 259 McCollum, E. V. and Kennedy, C, "The Dietary Factors Operating in the Production of Polyneuritis," J. Biol. Chem., 24, 491 (1916). Pohland, A., Flynn, E. H., Jones, R. C, and Shive, W, "The Structure of Folinic Acid-SF, a Growth Factor Derived from Pteroyl-Glutamic Acid," Abstracts oj the 119th Meeting, Am. Chem. Soc, Boston, 1951, p. 18 M. Reed, C. I., Struck, H. G., and Steck, I. E., Vitamin D, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1939. Reed, L. J. and De Busk, B. G., "Lipothiamide Pyrophosphate : Coenzyme for Oxida- tive Decarboxylation of a-Keto Acids," J. Am. Chem. Soc, 74, 3964 (1952). Robinson, F. A., The Vitamin B Complex, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1951. Rosenberg, H. R., Chemistry and Physiology of the Vitamins, revised reprint. Inter- science Publishers, Inc., New York, 1945. Salcedo, J., CaiTasco, E. O., Jose, F. R., and Valenzuela, R. C, "Studies on Beriberi in an Endemic Subtropical Area," J. Nutrition, 36, 561 (1948). Sebrell, W. H., "Nutritional Diseases in the United States," J. Am. Med. Assoc., 115, 851 (1940). Sherman, H. C, Chemistry of Food and Nutrition, 7th ed., The Macmillan Com- pany, New York, 1946. Spies, T. D., Experiences with Folic Acid, The Year Book Publishers, Inc., Chicago, 1947. Sure, B., The Little Things in Life, D. Appleton-Centuiy Company, New York, 1937. du Vigneaud, V., chapter on "Biotin," in The Biological Action of the Vitamins, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1942. Toepfer, E. W., Zook, E. G., Orr, M. L., and Richardson, L. R., Folic Acid Content of Foods, Agriculture Handbook No. 29, United States Department of Agriculture, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, 1951. Wetzel, N. C, Fargo, W. C, Smith, I. H., and Helikson, J., "Growth Failure in School Children as Associated with Vitamin B12 Deficiency-Response tO' Oral Therapy," Science, 110,651 (1949). Williams, R. J., Eakin, R. E., Beerstecher, E., Jr., and Shive, W., The Biochemistry of B Vitamins, Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1950. Williams, R. J., Lyman, C. M., Goodyear, G. H., Truesdail, J. H., and Holaday, D., "Pantothenic Acid, A Growth Determinant of Universal Biological Occurrence," J. Am. Chem. Soc, 55, 2912 (1933). Williams, R. R. and Spies, T. D., Vitamin Bi and Its Use in Medicine, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1939. Woods, D. D. and Fildes, P., "The Antisulfanilamide Activity (In Vitro) of p-Amino- benzoic Acid and Related Compounds," Chemistry and Industry (London) 18, 133 (1940). Woolley, D. W., A Study of Antimetabolites, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1952. Chapter 10 ENZYMES by G. W. E. PL ALT Assistant Professor, Institute for Enzyme Research University of Wisconsin Enzymes may be defined as thermolabile organic catalysts elaborated by living cells and capable of exerting their effects independently of these cells. Certain topics, especially those concerned with digestion and metabolism (Chaps. 11-16) , will necessitate mention of these biocatalysts ; but nothing will be said there regarding their chemical nature, their mode of action, factors affecting their rate of action, and their other properties. Occurrence Great numbers of enzymes can be detected in all hving cells. If one considers the quantity and diversity of enzymes present in a cell, it be- comes evident that the cell contents must consist largely of enzymes. Enzymes, such as oxidative enzymes, functioning normally within the cell are usually called endo-enzymcs. If the usual site of action is out- side the cell, as is the case with those involved in digestion, the enzymes are designated exo-enzymes. Chemical nature All enzymes that have been obtained in a high degree of purity are proteins. Many such enzymes have been obtained in the crystalline state, e.g., urease, catalase, pepsin, trypsin, carboxypeptidase, a- and ^-amylases, yellow enzyme, ribonuclease, aldolase, and alcohol-, lactic-, and phosphoglyceraldehyde dehydrogenases. Such enzymes are similar to other proteins in elementary composition, amino acid content, and prop- erties, e.g., color tests, solubility, isoelectric point, thermolability, etc. For example, aldolase recrystallized four to six times was found by Velick and Ronzoni to consist of 18 amino acid residues. Complete accounting of the nitrogen was obtained in the amino acid residues. The number of residues per mole of aldolase (1267) was calculated, and from these data the amino acid formula of aldolase could be expressed as Glyios 260 ENZYMES 261 Courtesy of Drs. R. M. Heiriolt and J. H. Northrop aud Tlie Journal oj (Jeneral PJnjsiologij. Fig. 10-1. Pepsin. Keproduced by courtesy of Drs. M. Kunitz and J. H. Northrop and The Journal of General Physiology. Fig. 10-2. Trypsinogen. C^ I Alai35 Valgg Leui23 Ileu84 (Cys-) 13 Metn Sergg Thrye Argsi Hisgs Lysgi Pro69 Phe26 Tyr4i Tryie Aspio- Gkuoo. Glutamic acid is low and valine is high as compared with most proteins, but otherwise there is nothing distinctive about the amino acid content. Some enzymes are simple proteins, e.g., pepsin, and others are con- jugated proteins, e.g., lactic dehydrogenase. The latter has a nicotin- amide-containing compound as its prosthetic group. When the enzyme 262 ENZYMES \ Courtesy of Drs, M. Kunitz and J. H. Northrop and The Journal of General Physiology. Fig. 10-3. Trypsin. consists of a specific protein and a prosthetic group, as in the case of lactic dehydrogenase, the protein part is called the apoenzyme, and the prosthetic group is called the coenzyme of the complete enzyme. See Table 10-1 for examples of other coenzymes. Classification Enzymes have been named on the basis of occurrence {e.g., pepsin), the substance (substrate) upon which they act, the products formed by their action, the nature of the linkages broken, or a particularly char- acteristic type of reaction they may perform [e.g., oxidases). For ex- ample, the enzyme which catalyzes the hydrolysis of sucrose has three names; (1) sucrase, a name derived from the substrate, (2) invertase, so named because the hydrolysis product, an equimolar mixture of glucose and fructose, is called invert sugar, and (3) a-glucopyrano-^-fructofuran- osidase, a term that indicates the type of linkage broken by the enzyme. The variety in enzyme terminology will be apparent upon examination of Table 10-1. Since enzymes catalyze such an enormous variety of reactions, it is difficult to catalogue them in an exact manner. The classi- fication used in Table 10-1 is empirical, but will serve as a guide to the student for- the organization of the material. Like all classifications it is imperfect and subject to change with advancing knowledge. o 3 I- IB o c3 + -a a ■a O) 0) D CI 03 bC 3 be 3 03 3 2 43 to o ."2 bC o 03 03 to 3 -73 _3 "bib _to _g 'o 3 T3 0) o o _3 "bi) 'S 73, 3 ."2 S 0) o >.-T3 to ;- '3 +j 'o bC G oT o o 3 O 3 0) 3 "o o3 .a >, -*^ o lU o o -^ ZJ "o to >> h:1 *j ^^ -*^ 'a O o -3 2 12; 3 'bb 3 g >> o o A J|^ o o J -2 H « V e S ss- e ts V !~ -«^ cc (M "5 0 e Vi ^0 *rf !S u «: Vl « C8 i-N u "W V UD "O ^ • M w 1 s 9 »~ J- ^ O CO a bC C o u -a « i ^-i-s § d St ^ to CO 03 -O -a 0) to 03 ID „ CO S g q c3 >> fe ^ > ^^ ^ 0 0) a> . ._S 02. a 'rt 03 CD ;-i o 3 03 r/3 o 2 'C o3 43 43 0 ^ ZJ 03 ."2 o3 to *i ^ 0 to 03 > tu 0 0 W a" Oh to 0 3 rley snai 0) 03 42 to" T32 (H bi 3 3 43 •+J X X • 3 a 'a 43 ^ o a 3^ r/l 3 OJ >> s "3 ^ >. a 03 — i /'v — 03 42 I 3^3 4^ 3 OJ oj £i oa 03 U ^^^^ CO ■^ 03 T3 3 O M to 42 O t- 0< to -~^ o QJ 5 to f*> 03 N 3 3 . - o) 0 43 0 '0 QJ Ih QJ 0 CJ t« ^ 03 u a"" oT 03 0 03 • l-H 0 3 Qj > 3 ti C3 CJ D 4-S ^ 03 rt 43 ^ 3 0 73 cS "^ QJ a 3 03 -^^ 0 OJ CQ ^ P^ to to QJ QJ CQ W 03 CO GQ 3 b3 QJ OJ > a . QJ to 03 3 QJ CQ QJ CO 03 3 o 263 na a -o "iH CO 3 -a '3 > — ' t-. to 03 1 — . ^ to • S -rj 03 U2 O -rt CS r^ ■-( o 03 a m T3 o 03 o (D . '^ 03 o (- o **-! <» ^-3 (1) .is -Ki (U -u 1- o) 3 CS .^ (U ?> 3 t? tn /"^ !-. q; fl *" _ — 03 _ 73 C/^i -^ ^ 0 S -6 3 c3 Oj ^ "2 >- ^ =2 '-S to -3 _c ^ O o -4^ ft O -r '- C3 --=; to o .. O T3 a 0 cety hole hlori sters CD Q w <} o o w •+J 03 ft o '5 to ft (U O T3 o o !>>^ O 3 +^ o3 ft to O -q ft o in QJ O 5 a CD (D -C ■^ ft -d •-3 3 03 ^ 03 to CD _-o .tJ 03 'o d) _C 03 -*-j ft 03 to 02 o r^ O 03 fcn 03 CD X QJ -C O -T3 3 O bJO O 3 fH 3 03 1^ V to 3 2 tn s C5 u H o (D Tn J- -3 O ants mold -o o o 3 -f^ o 03 (U ft _g ;-i OJ t c 3 S 0) CD OJ -fJ > > (U O .£ !- 03 ►-? o m (D 3 O 03 O u 3 a 03 3 >> 3 -^ ?r 3 in CO -a ~ 03 to t» O 03 CD u o 3 c3 o 3 03 Oh O o 3 a f— ( e3 3 • i-t +s xn (U 3 to to t 4) CO , xn X Si - ft OJ m xn o 03 >. ^ ft - ±> G n° Oh CD CO c3 -3 Oh bO .3 '3 o 03 S <" -♦— * -•-- 'S to c3 -M -4—' -♦^ -*-» o 0 ^C "si a c a CJ o o a a a a o' ' a a a u a »3 r2 a a a ^ >>>._>;> 03 _>. -b >. >. ■§ o o O O O 3 o '3 o3 "o "o "o < Ph "" Oh Ph Ph P-i P-i Pi P^ Oh "O _ O " ^ o 03 O 03 of 03" 'S 'S O O a a a a < < 03 a c3 03 O 03 03 o pq o Oh 'S o a 2 a 03 '3 O a a 03 ■4-J Qj" -^ 03 o3 X O s a a >> 3 w ^ SI o o o3 3 T3 M tn OJ o3 a a> a O bC -o '^ -H -r 03 m oo GO 05 CO t» (— 1 g _d _g c _fl _c _g _ri 'S s 'aj 'S 'cu 'o OJ -*-i 4J -^ -*J 'S -t-J -f^ -tJ ^ '-. .=? 0) PM Cl^Pli^OPh PlhPhOQO 0 • ^^ M) 03 0) a O (3 " 3 o3 O o a -r o _a ^ 03 c» a - OJ «) PL, 03 a> a ^ IB < < 03 e •<-i -t-i (C OJ -tJ C «i • •-t M o -* c3 CD QJ i '3 ^ O fl s •^^ 03 o o a o -1-^ c3 o o3 OQ >^ 0! o 0) o 3 fl 3 c3 a i-> pm ►4 09 a> CO c3 a a (U — 3 -4-^ -^ c3 03 _o o3 -f^ 0 0 -1^ o3 CO Cl 0 ^ a 03 o3 03 o3 03 3 ^ i s ■". :>. ^ ;3 -S -S (T) a c3 .^ "e* -^-^ a "t? 03 OPhPhOPh p^plhOoq; 03 0) CO c3 CO UD tu _3 ■ CO . 03 'fl .2 0 'S 0 -1^ 0 CO a m OJ 3 CO a c3 ^. a a ^ ,^ a >> >? c3 ft S pL, H o Ph Pi PL| c3 -O o "O 01 03 CD CO 03 O a a o3 ~a 03 I o .a 03 d fa o3 PQ «*H bO 45 (N 03 03 • S o3 o3 03 fei to X! "tn -^ 0 to .a OJ o3 "3 .a o3 3 CO 0 3 ;. OS i a 3" 03 "3 XI '3 -Q r^ 3 03 ^ c3 ^ CO t/3 03" 03" 03 to • vH •rH • ■-( CD ^ b4 J2 0 03 >-5 CO 03 OJ 3 CO to 03 3 CO _co +3 .a '3 < 3 -Hi 0 pq 1 3 0 -s (1 CD 0 bO .3 Liver Bacte 5§ CO 03 3 to 03 'tsj 0 CO > a OJ m 03 0 a. lire; b. Asp 5 a 3 3 03 a 3 cu fclj 0 Adena Aspart 00 3 '3 -< (N* 265 o IS a 1 s^ s !~ .a o o to o o >1 O CO "bb o t3 -G a & 3 >-• o u + 03 o 4) ••> l-H + -a 03 +1 .a o S.2 ^ ^ O -TO w ; t t t t t t d d 0 Oh e a t d d t c5 + + 4- a. a, 6 i a +" c5 S g t c § + c I- 0 ^ 0 T3 0 :2 .2 J3 la "S. Q. t^ *j . ; ; 1 . 1 1 73 V S s 0 C/3 0) IS H 0) '3 • i-H 3 "o OJ 0) ^ r^ Ci t^ P. 03 •- S a 1=1 o c o Ph P^ <3 0) -fj C3 p. CO O P. I to. I— I I (U CO O +J 3 o + 0 g + 3 3 > 4^ 3 0) ^ H^ Ph Ph » a; 4^ 03 .s • p-i 03 c4 4J 0 0 jj 03 t5 to m Oi 03 c3 4^ >i ■,>. 03 CO 'v -. 0 )-M ^ ^ rt ^ .§ .§ .§ 4-3 CO c3 3 S 'S 0) H -^ o Si CO CO ^^ aj 03 03 m t- 4J 03 o3 -2 -o S g 330 (0 as ,— . _rt ^ 5g a s ,aj cl 3 >^ <, < 03 o -rl to 03 -a u 4J 03 -Q s-T > a 03 CO 3 43 03 9 1=1 a 02 03 to c3 03 a. a ■3 2 p, "^-^ o CO 03 o -S o to t< J;? >* TO X QJ ^ -o J bC h OJ 03 o - 0) 03 o3 M o o tn 03 c3 _o3 4J -kJ 0 o 03 03 o o to Q 03 •3 I •3 g §-§ CO ^ .2 "^ O o M CO o o 03 c3 o w OJ > o p. to o CD to o . o PL, I C<3 I ■o o — 0) (53 CO >> P o I to o 3 09 o 42 £ pL( O I* ^ Ph S'^ I - to O t> 3 Cl o a, O Ph O OP ^ — . •*o a S3 X to o "bb CO ■>. ^ rr O J , i k J i k + + + + + IS + + :s 4 ■t 1 ' ' ' ' ' Pi H ^ 9 ■^ s P-, CD E-i -C hP g PL-i 1 <1 <5 >. CO (M Ph + A a ▼ '• 03 u CD O bC Ph ° I -C ^ Ci. I M ^ 2 o PM I CD a o 03 Ph O i ^ 3 O i PC o 03 bO O 3 a a d CD bC Ph >> o X o bO ~ O d 2i •-^ d -o '^ d ~ o3 d to X o o 3 >^ d 03 bC )-. o d -a d 03 QJ 03 'Sq O o -d o O o 3 S .2 CD 03 03 > u CD > d 42 d S3 _5 I— 1 a. ■& ^ € 03 03 0) CD >. >> ^ ^^ 03 a .s e d a < < o tn -4-3 TO 03 d ■<2 CO oj CD ^ 03 ,:^ ^ M to 3 3 -M •42 -'^ -^ CO CO to CO ca 03 03 03 0) 0) . >. >. >. ^ ^ >N C^ o3 o3 c3 03 s S a s •■-H d d d d < <5l < < to 3 u (D > .^H _g .2 ;-i 'E *« CO L- ->2 S CD CD 3 03 S O o o g CD to 03 ? O Cb o to g CD _S -2 M ti bC 03 2 O -c & 2 O Ph CD CO 03 ^ pL, o3 (U CD CD 03 to 03 a ^ o ;- b 3 to QJ o a o ate i isom 42 CO > j3 -2 A "S -° CD 2 a X a a "? o o o ^ PI lycei ic P( 0) o3 actate lutamate CD o3 O C3 hosphog inorgan O ' CD ;^ 1 1 PI o H-J CO C3i ci yAO CO 1— 1 w !■» c» a •1-1 o CO i i A 'l^ ' C _c a> Ck ^ >> >> •a + 3 ^ "S a u o o o a ^ a> 0) fc fa " i 1 ' o + CD -S s.a O i-J O o + CD 03 Id T a) -tj o3 -u (U u >< o + ^ -< CO 03 CD _M e o o CO PI CD > g CD 03 P) CO >, >j m CD Qj 2 fl PI ■ o -c o M W a ;-< CD a o o 03 «■ cS -P •c xn 03 CD Sh m 3 ish, ( ues CD o3 >. a T3 CO -O !-i -tJ o3 a o c3 Horse Many .1 3 < O Ph 3 s fe> e V CO CD e 0 73 a *ri CD V bC s O -B %~ V '^ b >^ 1 0 3 H CD Q 'S O t— i CU CO o3 3 CD bC c» g .S '^ O CD • S o >^ . Ph o3 g lo 3 03 S, =) M QJ O bJD ^ >-, -2 -^ -O CD o -^ 'a-c 2 8 CD -o QJ CD to "O S >> ^ -3 CD oj -^ bC g O -3 o ^ P. £h ° n 2 <5 Ph to 03 o 3 CD O u O OJ >. 2 ■ O Ph 03 ,jO CJ T3 CD 03 '- "5 o o ■" ■§ 03 53 3 S 's J 6 ^3 268 CD o CO CD 03 •^ Ph O S C S rt S 2 •^j:^ •' S c o to X 5 p eo to o < > « o c3 ^ a, £ > 2-225 C3 K C o IS o CO CO to ti c .ii 41 *J " fi CO r- aj ^ g M ^ C C rl c3 al e The urri ctioi ■» s -2" aJ a) a <» o o -^^ S, 1 to 22 S 1- S: s S S * o _d bC " 3 -5 «, o o 03 o o known and under "Occ ad of the su eded for the 1 s s -" r— ■" S to -' CO -1 bO oj aj r- S -S s to "" CO -^ fcl '6 fl cc 0) S "^ 5 03 • S a) — a^ -t^ N CO 12 a; to V _o Pi 03 O _3 "bil CO C 0) to £ J3 es some of ' I sources ar ounds are u ere the cofa ''B a to a a 'C 03 fl -^ ^ a^ a> to 03 o it o f*^ o a to s "B o -s c3 o e table in e or two ynthetic c dicated. o to 5 c3 S r" (N CO .a c to c c3 S) >> g Ci ^ ^^ ^ aj a ei aj V w o ft-o ■!-> 269 270 iENZYMES ISature of enzyme action It has been stated that enzymes are biological catalysts. This means that they are agents which affect the rates of metabolic reactions. How- ever, although they greatly affect the speed of reactions, they do not influence the extent of the chemical change concerned, that is, they do not influence the final position of chemical equilibrium. The latter is determined by the nature (particularly the energy content) of the react- ing substances and the products formed (see Chap. 16). The rates of metabolic reactions, however, are all-important for living organisms, since they must be able to utilize foods fast enough to keep up with their metabolic needs. For example, the same amount of glucose can be ob- tained from starch as from cellulose on chemical hydrolysis; yet, while the former will support growth in man, the latter will not. The explana- tion is that enzymes are present in the human digestive tract which accel- erate the hydrolysis of starch, whereas there are none that attack cellulose. The uncatalyzed breakdown of cellulose to glucose is much too slow to be of use to the body. Cattle and other ruminants, however, have in their paunch vast numbers of bacteria which contain enzymes that can break down cellulose to organic acids and thus provide the animal with utilizable food. It follows from the above that any agent or condition which affects the catalytic ability of one or more of the enzymes involved in the metabolism of a vital food will have a profound effect on the development of the whole organism. Many of the chemical reactions which occur easily in living organisms are difficult to reproduce in the laboratory in good yields and require drastic conditions of pressure, temperature, or pH to proceed at adequate speed; yet these reactions take place under much milder conditions in living cells. Enzymes accomplish this end, since by virtue of their specificity they guide reactions to the desired products, and because they can lower the energy of activation of the reaction {i.e., the energy neces- sary to get it started). Mechanism of action According to the most widely accepted theory an enzyme functions through union with its substrate to form a labile intermediate compound or "enzyme-substrate complex," which in turn decomposes with forma- tion of the end products of the reaction and regeneration of the enzyme. This mechanism can be schematically represented as follows: enzyme -|- substrate ^ enzyme-substrate — > product (s) + enzyme complex ENZYMES 271 Since the enzyme-substrate complex is a very labile product and is present for only a very short time, it is difficult to demonstrate its exist- ence. However, in the case of catalase it has been possible to provide evidence for the existence of such an intermediate compound with the aid of very speedy, automatically recorded, electrophotometric measure- ments. Factors affecting activity The speed with which a given reaction proceeds in the presence of an enzyme is influenced by many variables, which include the following: (1) concentration of substrate, (2) concentration of enzyme, (3) specific activators such as coenzymes and metalHc ions, (4) temperature, (5) pH, (6) oxidation-reduction potential, (7) ionic strength, and (8) products of the reaction. When the influence of substrate concentration on the speed of an en- zymatic reaction is studied, it is observed that the rate of the reaction increases with substrate concentration up to a certain point beyond which there is no increase in activity. This occurs because all the enzyme eventually is converted into the intermediary compound by mass action, and the limiting speed of the reaction then becomes that of the decomposition of this complex. If under these conditions one doubles the enzyme concentration, the rate of reaction will also double, since twice as much enzyme-substrate complex will be available for decomposi- tion. The rate of most enzyme-catalyzed reactions is increased about 1.2-4 fold by a 10° rise in temperature. This temperature effect is much lower than that observed in the case of many uncatalyzed chemical reactions. For this reason enzymatic reactions proceed at higher speeds at low temperatures than the corresponding uncatalyzed ones. Most enzymes are thermolabile and will lose activity when exposed to high tempera- tures, e.g., 60°C., over prolonged periods of time. Acidity also has a profound effect on enzyme activity. Each enzyme in the presence of a certain substrate has a characteristic pH at which its activity is highest. Some enzymes, e.g., pepsin, require an acid medium; others, e.g., trypsin, need alkaline conditions for maximum activity. Most enzymes work best under conditions which are neither strongly oxidizing nor reducing, and, in fact, are frequently inactivated by strong oxidizing or reducing agents. The effectiveness of some enzymes is influenced by the ionic strength (concentration of ions) of the solution in which they act; this is in addi- tion to the specific effects of various anions and cations. In most cases, enzymes are inhibited by the end products of the reactions which they catalyze. 272 ENZYMES Specificity In the study of digestion (Chap. 12) it is noted that fat-splitting en- zymes are without effect on carbohydrates or proteins. Neither does an enzyme that hydrolyzes one of the latter attack fats. Even the common disaccharides require different enzymes to effect their hydrolysis. Spe- cificity is frequently due to type of linkage rather than to individual compounds, as is evidenced by the fact that trypsin digests various pro- teins that differ markedly in composition and size of molecule. Further- more, emulsin, which causes hydrolysis of many ^-glucosides, has no effect on the isomeric a-glucosides ; the reverse is true of maltase. Inhibition Enzymes are inhibited by a variety of conditions, which have already been indicated under factors affecting activity. In the present discussion attention is focused on the types of inhibition that can be obtained with chemical reagents. There are two main types: competitive and noncom- petitive. If, for example, succinic dehydrogenase is inhibited by malonate {i.e., a soluble salt of malonic acid) , a substance which is similar in struc- ture to succinate (the normal substrate of this enzyme), the inhibition can be competitively reversed by increasing the substrate concentration. This means that the amount of inhibition produced depends primarily on the relative amounts of malonate and succinate present. On the other hand, if this enzyme is inhibited by quinone, for example, the activity cannot be restored by an increase in succinate concentration. This is termed noncompetitive inhibition. These phenomena can be visualized if one considers that the enzyme surface has specific points of attachment which fit snugly against groups of the substrate molecule. If an inhibitor is used that is so similar in structure to the substrate that it also can fit into the "mold" on the enzyme surface, it can compete with the substrate for position. However, if an agent is used that changes the enzyme in some way, the substrate can no longer attach to the surface regardless of the amount used. The relation between substrate and in- hibitor then becomes noncompetitive. Various inhibitors have been used successfully for the study of met- abolic reactions. If it is desired to study the conversion of a-keto- glutarate to succinate in the presence of other enzymes of the Krebs cycle (see Chap. 13) , one can prevent the further metabolism of succinate by the addition of malonate. For additional examples concerned with vita- mins, see p. 256. Some drugs are known to exert their action by inhibition of enzymes. For example, eserine, an alkaloid (C15H21N3O2) that stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, inhibits the enzyme choline esterase ENZYMES 273 which decomposes acetylcholine; as a result, the latter accumulates and causes increased stimulation. Activation Zymogens. A number of enzymes are secreted in the form of inactive precursors known as zymogens. For each zymogen there is some reagent that can change it into the active enzyme. To illustrate, pepsinogen, the zymogen of pepsin, is slowly converted into active pepsin by hydrogen ions, but it is rapidly activated by pepsin itself; that is, the activation is autocatalytic. Chymotrypsinogen is converted into chymotrypsin by trypsin. The conversion of trypsinogen to the active form is autocata- lytic, i.e., by trypsin itself. Ions. Certain enzymes can be separated into two fractions by dialysis. Either fraction alone is inactive, but upon recombination the activity is restored. The portion of the enzyme that can pass through the membrane has a much smaller molecular weight than the remaining part. This dialyzable portion is considered as a cofactor which is necessary for the activity of the total enzyme. In some cases more drastic conditions than simple dialysis must be employed to separate the cofactor from the apoenzyme; for example, treatment with acid in ammonium sulfate solution in the case of certain flavo-proteins. In some enzymes the cofactor is so tightly bound that it has not been yet possible to remove it without destroying the enzyme. In many cases the cofactor is simply a metallic ion. For example, Mn++, Co + + , or Zn + + have been found to be activators for certain peptidases. The theory has been proposed that the metal ions form coordination compounds and act as bridges to bring substrate and enzyme together. Certain enzymes have a characteristic anion requirement, e.g., salivary amylase is activated by chloride. Coenzymes. Another group of cofactors are organic compounds which are called coenzymes. The study of coenzymes has received much atten- tion by biochemists for the past 20 years, and the chemical structures of many of them have been determined. The cofactors required by several enzymes are given in Table 10-1. 1. Cocarboxylase. It has been pointed out previously (p. 227) that thiamine is required for the metabolism of carbohydrates, and particularly of pyruvic acid. The reason for this requirement is that the enzyme which CHa Q O Is=C-NH2 c=C-CH5CH— OP-0— P-0- / I I o o H3C-C C-CH,-+N N-CH Y ^ H H H Fig. 10-4. Thiamine pyrophosphate (cocarboxylase). 274 ENZYMES cleaves pyruvic acid into carbon dioxide and a two carbon fragment (acetaldehyde in yeast) contains thiamine pyrophosphate (cocarboxy- lase) (Fig. 10-4) as a coenzyme. The degradation of fatty acids to two carbon compounds (Fig. 13^) does not require the presence of thi- amine pyrophosphate. In animals on a low-thiamine, high-fat diet the supply of two carbon fragments from carbohydrate is limited owing to the small quantity of cocarboxylase in the tissues, but this deficiency is compensated by the generation of these metabolic intermediates in adequate amounts from fat. A compound of cocarboxylase and lipoic acid, lipothiamide (LTPP), acts as a coenzyme for the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvic acid and a-ketoglutaric acid by certain bacteria, e.g., E.coli. In an enzyme system obtained from this organism the following series of reactions has been demonstrated: pyruvate (a-ketoglutarate) -|- LTPP + DPN^ acetyl LTPP (succinyl LTPP) + COo + DPNHa acetyl LTPP (succinyl LTPP) +CoA-^ acetyl Co A (succinyl Co A) + LTPP 2. Coenzyme A. Lipmann and co-workers discovered that a coenzyme is necessary for the acetylation of sulfanilamide. Subsequent studies demonstrated that the same substance is required for the metabolic forma- tion of acetylcholine from choline and for the condensation of oxalacetic acid with the two carbon fragments from fat or carbohydrate metabolism to produce citric acid (Fig. 13-4). Since in each case acetic acid or an acetyl group seemed to be involved, the coenzyme was named coenzyme A {Co A), a "coenzyme for acetylation." Chemical investigations re- ^HjJ>0,H, 9 ?l 9. ^ OH ■ I I I II II I CHCHCH-CHCH,OP-0-PO-CH,C(CH,),CHCONH-CH,CH,CO-NH-CH,CH,SH NHr *• Fig. 16-5. Structure of coenzyme A suggested by Baddiley and Thain. It is possible that this formula will require some revision as fuller informa- tion becomes available. vealed that Co A was a derivative of pantothenic acid, thus providing an insight into the metabolic functions of this B vitamin. The Co A molecule also appears to contain adenine, ribose, ^-thioethylamine, and two or three phosphate radicals. Although the exact chemical formula is not yet known, a suggested structure is given in Fig. 10-5. The sub- stance seems to function by accepting acetyl groups from one metabolite ENZYMES 275 and then donating them to another; in other words, it serves as an acetyl carrier. This is illustrated in the following scheme: apoenzyme 1 acetyl X -\- Co A >■ X + acetyl Co A acetyl Co A -t Y ^^"^"'^"^'i. acetyl Y + Co A The apoenzymes 1 and 2 are specific for X and Y; for example, different apoenzymcs are required for the formation of citric acid than for acetyla- tion of choline. 3. Pijridino Coenzymes. Several coenzymes have been found necessary for the numerous dehydrogenation reactions which constantly occur in all living cells. Warburg and co-workers demonstrated the need for one such substance for the enzymatic dehydrogenation of glucose-6-phosphate to phosphogluconic acid. The coenzyme was isolated in pure form and shown to contain three molecules of phosphoric acid, two of pentose, one of adenine, and one of nicotinamide (later identified as the pellagra- curing vitamin) . This substance was called "coenzyme II," but now is preferably designated as triphosphopyridine nucleotide (TPN, Fig. 10-6) . It has been shown to be a component, for example, of the dehydrogenases that act on glucose-6-phosphate and on isocitrate, and for the enzyme system that converts malate to pyruvate and carbon dioxide (reaction 15, Fig. 13-4). Another coenzyme in this group is called cozymase, coenzyme I, or preferably diphosphopyridine nucleotide (DPN) . It has exactly the same chemical structure as TPN except that it contains only two phosphate groups, as is indicated by the name. The extra phosphate group in TPN is the one on the second carbon of the ribose residue in the adenylic acid half of the molecule. Among dehydrogenases which require DPN are those involved in the oxidation of D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, lactate, ethanol, malate, L-a-glycerophosphate, and glucose. DPN and TPN are called "pyridino" coenzymes because of the pyridine ring in the nicotinamide component. It is also the pyridine ring which undergoes chemical reaction when the coenzymes function in oxidation- reduction reactions. The exact nature of this important change, which is the same for both DPN and TPN, may be understood by studying the structural formulas given in Fig. 10-6. In the oxidized form the pyridine nitrogen has a valence of five and exists as the basic ion of a quaternary ammonium salt. This positive charge is neutralized by one of the negatively (acidic) charged phosphate groups of the molecule. In Fig. 10-6 these groupings are starred and appear as follows: ^ ^CH I +N* -0— P— ' 1 ♦O + + c < ■a c5 o o _o o O o I I o— o ^^ o o o :0 o— o— u— o- Ui W K K o K I -O — O— CL,= ^— o= /^ o // \* o o K— o ^— o— o— o— o \ / K W ffi M o=o -O— O— Oh =o o I V i 1 K c3 as N M + a a p 1 amuapY o "o 3 C O c o I 1 = o— O^ r^ X -O: o o ■o— o- o -o- •o (U T) c3 (3 03 m n K ^ 15 PL, CD O H 3 -a >. f. OJ J3 t~^ Tl o T3 CD a -^ T3 N • «^ -a 'S o rs o "o 3 a S .-^ S « q; Qj ^ "^ "3 t< 3 O) o fl S O CD +^ o o3 (D ;= o ft =o« apiui'Bin^oot^ -^ ^ o o3 CD o O * o -^ TO t-t s ^ CD CC +i CD -3 CD 9soqi^ 1 1 ■ 276 ENZYMES 277 When the oxidized coenzyme is reduced, the nitrogen changes to a valence of three, the double bond between the nitrogen and the adjacent carbon atom is reduced, and a hydrogen ion is formed. These changes may be represented as follows: +N* +2(H) ^^=^ N* +H+ I I The trivalent nitrogen is much less basic and no longer neutralizes a phosphate group. Consequently the hydrogen ion formed might add to this group: -0— P— + H+ :^=^ HO— P— II II O O However, the phosphate group is strongly acidic and in the physiological pH range is almost completely dissociated {i.e., the equilibrium point of the above reaction lies far to the left). What actually happens is that the newly formed hydrogen ion is picked up by the buffer systems of the cell and is used later in the reaction of reduced cytochrome c with oxygen (see below) . It should be remembered in this connection that an atom of hydrogen consists of a proton (hydrogen ion, H + ) and an electron. The electron corresponding to the proton set free in the reduction of DPN or TPN becomes attached to the coenzyme, neutralizing the positive charge on the nitrogen atom. The reduced coenzyme thus actually carries one hydrogen atom and one electron, the proton of the second hydrogen being carried in the cell buffers. 4. Riboflavin Coenzymes. These substances are also coenzymes of oxidation-reduction reactions. There are two of these: the so-called ribo- flavin mononucleotide (FMN) , which is more accurately named riboflavin- 5'-phosphate, and riboflavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) . The abbrevia- tions start with "F" because riboflavin is often called simply "flavin." The formulas of these compounds are given in Fig. 10-7. Since the union between the isoalloxazine and ribitol (alcohol corresponding to ribose) residues is not glycosidic, neither substance strictly speaking is a nucleo- tide, but the above names are in common use and are likely to be retained. These coenzymes act by taking up and giving off two hydrogens. In each case the hydrogen atoms are attached to positions 1 and 10 in the flavin part of the molecule (Fig. 10-7) . FMN is a coenzyme for TPN- cytochrome reductase and L-amino acid oxidase. FAD is required by xanthine oxidase and glycine oxidase. 278 ENZYMES H 0 1 II c N=C— NH. ^C^ N* |(1XG)| HsC- ^'''>^ HC„^ C— N ||(2) ||(5)(7)^ (2) (8)CH H5C- 1 1 tl. 1 H CH, 1 ilL/ HCOH HCOH (2')| (2')| 0 HCOH HCOH (3')| - (3')| HCOH 110 (4')| (4')| CH, CH2 (5')| (5')| 0 1 0 1 HO-P 0 P-OH II II 0 0 Riboflavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD, oxidized form) H 1 V f ? If H3C- C N* H3C- .C. ^N* ^C^ C^ ^C^ ^C^ ^NH (7) (2} 1 1 1 HaC- -C^(S)/C\(9)/C: C N H 1 CHi HCOH VO/C-0 N* H3C- ^^ /C^ /C>. ^C=0 ^C^ ^N^ ^^ 1 1 1 H CH, H 1 HCOH (2')| + 2(H) 1 HCOH >• HCOH (3')| ,^ -2(H) 1 HCOH HCOH (4')| 1 CH, CH, (5')j 1 0 1 0 1 HO-P— OH HO-P-OH II II 0 0 Oxidized form Reduced form Riboflavin mononucleotide (FMN) Fig. 10-7. Riboflavin coenzymes. The atoms which acquire hydrogens on reduction are starred. 5. Iron Porphyrin Compounds. A number of enzymes such as catalase and peroxidase have iron porphyrin compounds as the prosthetic group. The cytochromes, a group of pigments present in a large number of organisms and tissues, are also of this type, since they consist of a char- ENZYMES 279 acteristic protein and a heme compound. There are at least three cyto- chromes, designated as a, b, and c. The heme portion is more firmly attached to the protein in these pigments than the corresponding func- tional groups of the pyridino- or flavo-proteins. The cytochromes are concerned with oxidation-reduction reactions, and their concentration in aerobic organisms bears a direct relationship in many instances to the respiratory activities of the cell. The best characterized of tliese respira- tory pigments is cytochrome c. It contains 0.43 per cent of iron and is believed to have a molecular weight of 13,000. The most probable formula for the heme component of cytochrome c, according to the evi- PROTEIN S I CH — CH3 CHj I H I COOH Fig. 10-8. Cytochrome c. The heme component (prosthetic group) is shown and also its attachment to the protein part of the molecule by two sulfur linkages and the iron atom. dence available at present, is shown in Fig. 10-8. Cytochrome c (abbre- viated Cyt. c) functions as an electron carrier in cellular oxidation- reduction reactions by virtue of its iron atom which alternately changes its valence from 2 to 3: Cyt. c (Fe+ + + ) + e ?=^ Cyt. c (Fe+ + ) 6. Pyridoxal Phosphate. Enzymes which catalyze the decarboxylation of histidine, tyrosine, lysine, and glutamic acid to form carbon dioxide and the corresponding primary amine require pyridoxal phosphate as a coenzyme. This coenzyme is also a necessary cofactor for transaminase 280 ENZYMES (Table 10-1, class G.l.a.). Its chemical formula has been given on p. 243. 7. Other Coenzymes. Three definite chemical substances are known to serve as coenzymes for the interconversion of several organic phos- phates during carbohydrate metabolism. Glucose-l,6-diphosphate is a coenzyme for phosphoglucomutase, which catalyzes the migration of a phosphate group between the 1 and 6 positions of glucose. Glyceric acid- 2,3-diphosphate acts in an entirely analogous manner in catalyzing the migration of phosphate groups between the 2 and 3 positions of glyceric acid. A coenzyme necessary for the enzymatic conversion of galactose-1-phosphate to glucose-1-phosphate (reaction II, Fig. 13-1) has been purified by Caputto and co-workers. The suggested formula is given below: N=C-OH I I 0=C CH I II N— CH •0- H H I I 0 0 H 0 0 ■0- H H I I OHO -C— C— C— C— C— 0— P— 0— P— 0— C— C — C— C— C-CH2OH III I I I I I I I I H H H H OH OH H H OH H H ^ ^ ■' Uridine part Glucose part Coenzyme for conversion of galactose-1-phosphate to glucose-1-phosphate A number of other compounds or their derivatives are suspected to be coenzymes on the basis of their chemical properties or their gross metabolic effects. The tripeptide glutathione (GSH, p. 130) can be oxidized to form a double molecule, the parts of which are held together by a disulfide ( — S — S — ) linkage. Specific pyridinoproteins have been studied which catalyze this reaction. Although the role of glutathione in oxidation- reduction reactions is not fully understood, it is known to be a cofactor in the glyoxalase reaction (Table 10-1, class D.l.a.) and to be a func- tional part of glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase. Ascorbic acid is also capable of undergoing alternate oxidation and reduction, but the mechanism of its metabolic function has not been explained. Biotin has been implicated in certain carbon dioxide-fixation reactions, e.g., the con- densation of carbon dioxide and pyruvate to form oxalacetate (reaction 14, Fig. 13-4) , but to date no enzyme has been purified which has been proven ENZYMES 281 to require a biotin containing coenzyme. Vitamins containing para- aminobenzoic acid, e.g., folic acid and the "citrovorum factor," seem to be concerned with the transfer of formyl or formaldehydo groups in the organism (Chap. 9). The family of B12 vitamins has an effect on the metabolism of methyl groups (Chap. 9) and on the synthesis of desoxy- ribonucleotides. Role of enzymes in tissue oxidation It has already been noted in the discussion of coenzymes and in Table 10-1 (section F) that a large group of enzymes is concerned with oxida- tion-reduction reactions. There are three general groups of enzymes in this class, the oxidases, peroxidases, and dehydrogenases. In the 1920's there were two concepts concerned with the oxidation of substrates in the organism. The advocates of the Warburg school contended that sub- stances were oxidized because of activation of oxygen by iron. In model experiments with iron-containing charcoal and enzyme preparations, it was shown that the oxidation of substrate was accompanied by a reduction of iron from the ferric to the ferrous state. However, Wieland and co-workers demonstrated that an organic sub- stance in the reduced form could be oxidized in the presence of palladium black. Palladium is known to have a strong affinity for hydrogen, and the process was termed "dehydrogenation." The idea was advanced that biological oxidations occurred more as a result of activation of hydrogen than of oxygen. This view was greatly advanced by the work of Thun- berg who demonstrated that the removal of hydrogen from succinate, for example, could be accomplished in the absence of oxygen by methylene blue and a specific enzyme. Methylene blue is a dye which is readily reduced and is thereby decolorized: HOOC— CH0CH2— COOH + MB Succinic acid Methylene blue enzyme HOOC— CH=CH— COOH + MB-H^ Fumaric acid Leuco methylene blue (colorless) Ih will be seen later that both principles apply to oxidation processes in living organisms. Oxidases are enzymes which lead to oxidation of a substrate by molecu- lar oxygen. Thus cytochrome c is converted from the ferrous to the 282 ENZYMES ferric state by molecular oxygen under the influence of cytochrome oxi- dase (Table 10-1, class F.II.a.). Tyrosinase is another example of an oxidase. Peroxidases lead to the oxidation of substrates by hydrogen peroxide. Catalase also activates hydrogen peroxide and decomposes it to water and oxygen in the absence of added substrates. However, in the presence of certain oxidizable substrates, catalase can act as a peroxidase. To illus- trate : 2H2O2 *■ 2H20H-02 (H2O 2 decomposition) H2O2 + CH3CH2OH '^^^^"'^ * 2H2O + CH3CHO (peroxidation) or peroxidase Dehydrogenases result in a removal of hydrogen ions and an equal number of electrons from an organic molecule. Examples of various dehydrogenases have already been encountered in the discussion of pyridino and flavin coenzymes. The nature of the coenzymes of certain other important dehydrogenases, e.g., succinic dehydrogenase (Table 10-1, class r.1.3.), has not been completely elucidated to date. When the biocatalyst is concerned with the oxido-reduction of a compound from which electrons, but not hydrogens, are removed, the enzyme is called a reductase, e.g., cytochrome reductase (Table 10-1, class F.I.2.a.). The basic mechanism of all oxidation-reduction reactions involves the transfer of electrons, and the enzymes or coenzymes concerned can be considered as carriers of electrons. To illustrate schematically: (1) HOOC— CHj— CH2— COOH Succinic acid dehydrogenase^ •<- HOOC— CH=CH— COOH + 2H+ + 2e Fumaric acid (2) 2Cytochrome c (Fe+++) + 2e reductase 2Cytochrome c (Fe+''") (3) Oxidase (a) 2Cytochrome c (Fe++) ^ 2Cytochrome c (Fe+++) -|- 2e (b) 2H+ + 2e + §02 > H.O If one considers the oxido-reduction enzymes in relation to each other, a certain pattern emerges. For example, a dehydrogenase containing TPN or DPN can extract hydrogen and electrons from a given substrate, reduced TPN or DPN can react with flavo-protein, and this then can react with cytochrome c, which can be oxidized by oxygen in the presence of cytochrome oxidase. This relationship can be summarized in the following series of equations: (1) DPN -.2c E NZYMES ». DPNH R + or TPNH Substrate (oxidized) RH2 + or dehydrogenase + H+ TPN Substrate I (reduced) ! 1 + 2c (2) DPN-H + flavin 1 1 - 2c ^ DPN or + H+ dehydrogenase or + flavin ■2H TPXH + 2e TPN (3) flavin •2H + 2cytochrome c(Fe+++) ^ - 2f reductase + 2e 283 flavin + 2cytochrome c (Fe++) + 2H+ (4) 2cytochrome c (Fe++) + 2H+ + IO2 oxidase - 2e 2cytochrome c (Fe+++) + H2O (1) + (2) + (3) + (4) RH2 Substrate (reduced) + \0, 2e H2O + R Substrate (oxidized) It will be observed that the net result of the oxidation of the substrate to product is the removal of two hydrogen atoms [two hydrogen ions plus two electrons, since H (atom) = H+ (ion) + e (electron)] from the substrate, which combine with oxygen to form water. It should also be noted that the coenzyme that becomes reduced in one reaction is reoxi- dizcd in the next and thus is ready for the first reaction again; this is indicated by the broken arrows in the scheme. In subsequent chapters (13, 16), it will be explained that the degrada- tion of foods is a stepwise process which proceeds through a series of inter- mediary compounds before the end products are excreted by the organism. The above scheme suggests that this situation also applies to oxidation- reduction processes. It should be realized, furthermore, that a certain increment of energy becomes available at each of the steps of the oxida- tion-reduction chain and that this energy can be transferred to functions useful to the organism by appropriate, stepwise mechanisms, such as the formation of high energy phosphate linkages (Chap. 16). Although some tissues contain all the electron transferring systems indicated in the scheme, it should be remembered that not all of the steps are necessary for every process. For example, the oxidation-reduc- 284 ENZYMES tion reactions of anaerobic glycolysis (Chap. 13) proceed through DPN- linked enzymes only. REVIEW QUESTIONS ON ENZYMES 1. Explain the terms (1) apoenzyme, (2) coenzyme, (3) zymogen, (4) activator, (5) carrier. 2. How general is the occurrence of enzymes in nature? Distinguish between endo- and exo-enzymes. 3. (1) Name five of the enzymes that have been obtained in the crystalline state. (2) What has proved to be the chemical nature of all crystallized enzymes? 4. (1) What is the essential nature of enzyme action? (2) What is the effect of an enzyme on the chemical equilibrium of a reaction? 5. (1) List the factors that influence the rate of enzyme action and discuss eacli briefly. (2) What is meant by specificity of enzymes? 6. What is probably the mechanism of enzyme action? 7. Define the following: (1) dehydrogenase, (2) catalase, (3) oxidase, (4) peroxidase. 8. What is the cliemical nature of the cytochromes, and to what substance previ- ously studied are they therefore related? 9. Explain wherein the structure of (1) glutathione, (2) DPN, (3) riboflavin phos- phate, and (4) cytochrome c could make it possible for these compounds to function in tissue oxidation. REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Baldwin, E., Dynamic Aspects of Biochemistry, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1952. Baddiley, J. and Thain, E. M., "Coenzyme A. Part III. Synthesis of Pantothenic Acid-2':4' Phosphate and Further Structural Considerations," J. Chem. Sac, 3421 (1951). Caputto, R., Leloir, L. F., Trucco, R. E., Cardini, C. E., and Paladini, A. C, /. Biol. Chem., 179,497 (1949). Haldane, J. B. S., Enzymes, Longmans, Green and Company, New York, 1930. Lardy, H. A. (editor) Respiratory Enzymes, Burgess Publishing Company, Min- neapolis, 1949. Lardy, H. A., "Vitamins and Carbohydi-ate Metabolism," J. Chem. Ed., 25, 262 (1948). Lipmann, F., Kaplan, N. 0., Novelli, G. D., Tuttle, L. C, and Guirard, B. M., "Coenzyme for Acetylation, a Pantothenic Acid Derivative," J. Biol. Chem., 167, 869 (1947). McElroy, W. D. and Glass, B., Phosphorus Metabolism, Vol. I, The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1951. Northrop, J. H., Kunitz, M., and Herriot, R. M., Crystalline Enzymes, Columbia University Press, New York, 1948. Peters, R. A. and Thompson, R. H. S., "Pyruvic Acid as an Intermediary Metabolite in the Brain Tissue of Avitaminous and Normal Pigeons," Biochem. J., 28, 916 (1934). Sumner, J. B. and Myrback, K., Tlie Enzymes, Academic Press Inc., New York, 1951. Thunberg, T., "Action of Animal Tissues on Methylene Blue," Skand. Arch. Physiol., 35, 163 (1917). Velick, S. F. and Ronzoni, E., "The Amino Acid Composition of Aldolase and D-Glyceraldehyde Phosphate Dehydrogenase," J. Biol. Chem., 173, 627 (1948). ENZYMES 285 Warburg, O., Die Katalytischen Wirkungen der lebendigen Substanz, Julius Springer, Berlin, 1928. Warburg, 0. and Christian, W., "Activation of the Robison Hexosemonophosphoric Acid Ester in the Red Blood Cells and the Method for Preparation of Activating Enzyme Solutions," Biochem. Z., 242, 206 (1931). West, E. S. and Todd, W. R., Textbook of Biochemistry, Macmillan Company, New York, 1951. Wieland, H.. 'Tber den Mechanismus der Oxydationsvorgiinge," Ergcbnisse Physiol., 20, 477 (1922). Chapter 11 HORMONES The hormones have been defined by Houssay as "specific chemical substances produced by an organ or tissue which, after being discharged into the circulating fluids, may reach all parts of the organism and in small amounts markedly influence the functions of other organs or systems without themselves contributing important quantities of matter or energy." Thus they resemble the vitamins very closely, differing only by being produced in the body rather than having to be supplied ready- made in the food. The hormones are produced by specialized organs called the glands of internal secretion, or endocrine glands, such as the pancreas, thyroid, ovaries, and others. Hormone manufacture and secre- tion is the physiological function of these glands, and the effects which follow their removal or alteration are merely the result of too little or too much hormone production. Often it is possible to overcome the effect of glandular lack by supplying the necessary hormone from an outside source (for example, insulin). The various hormones were dis- covered by showing that the effects of removing certain endocrine glands could be counteracted with extracts of the same glands from other individuals. Chemical types The known hormones of higher animals are sometimes grouped roughly into three chemical types. Those of the pancreas and pituitary, plus a few others, are proteins or -peptides. The sex hormones and adrenal cortex hormones are steroids. The third group is made up of adrenalin and thyroxine, which are classified together as phenolic compounds, although they are otherwise quite dissimilar. Most of the plant and insect hor- mones do not fit into any of these classes. Some of the former are con- sidered briefly in Chap. 15. Control of hormone production The various glands of internal secretion and the hormones they produce make up a closely interrelated system, which is delicately balanced and responsive to many influences. The functioning of this system helps 286 HORMONES 287 the organism to adjust its metabolic activities so as to cope with changes in the outside environment and to maintain a stable internal condition. The system operates for the most part automatically. Thus, for example, an increase in the blood glucose level stimulates the pancreas to secrete more insulin, which promotes utilization of the sugar and hence brings the concentration down again. The pituitary produces, among others, hormones which stimulate gro-wth and activity of the thyroid, ovaries, testes, and adrenal cortex. The characteristic hormones of these glands depress pituitary function. In general, the rate of hormone production is controlled either by other hormones, by various other chemical sub- stances in the body, or to a lesser degree by nervous stimulation originat- ing in the external environment. Hormone metabolism and function The smooth operation of various bodily processes often involves the concerted action of a whole series of hormones. For example, carbo- hydrate metabolism cannot proceed normally without the help of hor- mones from the pancreas, pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal cortex. Sexual reproduction in mammals depends on the hormones of the ovaries, testes, pituitary, adrenal cortex, and, to some extent, the thyroid. Just how the observed effects are brought about is, in most cases, not known. Presumably, since they are active in very small amounts, the hormones must act through certain enzyme systems {e.g., effect of epinephrine on phosphorylase, p. 289). Likewise the metabohc fate of the hormones, that is, what becomes of them after being secreted into the blood, is still largely unknown, although some of the steroid hormones have been found recently to be converted into modified products and excreted in the urine. With this general introduction, attention will now be directed to the individual endocrine organs and the hormones they produce. NONPROTEIN HORMONES Hormones of the adrenal medulla Epinephrine (adrenalin) and norepinephrine (noradrenalin or arterenol) are the hormones produced by the adrenal medulla, the inner part of a small endocrine gland located just above each kidney. About five to six times as much of the former substance is normally formed by the adrenal as of the latter. These two hormones are almost certainly syn- thesized from phenylalanine in the body. The biosynthetic pathway used is not entirely known, but is probably somewhat as follows: 288 COOH H2N— CH I I ,^^-^ COOH I H2N— CH I CH, HORMONES COOH I H.,N— CH i CH, NH2 CH2 I CH2 I C. C C HC=^ XH (ox) HC^ ""CH (ox) HC^ ^CH — CO2 HC^^^CH II * I II * I II * I II HC^ XH HC=:, C-OH HC^ C-OH c c c HC •^^,^CH C H L-Phenylalanine OH L-Tyrosine OH L-Dihydroxy- IDhenylalaninc OH Hydroxytyramine (ox) NH2 I CH2 I HOCH I HC^ ""CH HC^ ^C— OH C I OH ^Norepinephrine metliylation HNCH3 CH2 I HOCH I HC=^ CH I II HC^ ,/C— OH I OH i-Epinepiirine It has been demonstrated that slices of the adrenal medulla convert hy- droxytyramine in vitro into a substance with the biological properties of epinephrine and that norepinephrine is methylated in vivo according to the reaction shown. Furthermore, Gurin and Delluva injected into rats D L-phenylalanine labeled with C^'* (radioactive) in the —COOH group and (or) in the alpha position (carbon atom next to the — COOH). They showed that radioactive epinephrine with all of its C^"^ located in the terminal carbon of the side chain was formed. This is good evi- dence that epinephrine is actually made from phenylalanine by the living animal. There is no direct proof that dihydroxyphenylalanine takes part in the biosynthesis, but some such dihydroxy substance must obviously be involved at some stage of the process. Both hormones contain an asymmetric carbon atom and are therefore optically active. The levorotatory or i-forms are the naturally occurring isomers and are about fifteen times more effective than the corresponding c?-forms. Both isomers of each hormone have been prepared by chemical synthesis, and the pure Z-forms have been isolated from the adrenals of various animals. Injection of epinephrine is followed by a rapid rise of blood pressure HORMONES 289 due to increased heart rate and contraction of the arteriols (small arter- ies) . The blood pressure falls again rather quickly unless additional doses are given. The hormone also brings about contraction of the iris, relaxation of bronchial muscles, increased salivary secretion, and other effects. These responses, in general, are the same as those caused by stimulation of the sympathetic nerves going to the same tissues or organs. In fact, it appears that epinephrine, or norepinephrine, is necessary for transmission of nerve impulses in the sympathetic (or "adrenergic") nerve system. Some sympathetic nerve cells produce epinephrine, and others, norepinephrine. According to Tainter and Luduena, these hor- inones probably pass through the nerve trunks to the endings, are released when the nerve is stimulated, and act on the particular tissue concerned to produce the effect finally seen. Epinephrine also causes a rise in the amounts of glucose and lactic acid in the blood stream and increases the basal metabolic rate (p. 424). Blood sugar is derived from glycogen by the following reactions (see Fig. 13-1): 1 TT T-,/^ (phosphorvlase) ,11 (phosphogluco-mutase) glycogen + H3F04 ' »■ glucose- 1-phosphate *- (phosphatase') glucose- 6-phosphate > glucose + H3PO4 It is the first of these steps which is stimulated by epinephrine. Norepine- phrine has only about one-eighth the effect of epinephrine in raising the blood sugar level. The secretion of the adrenal medulla is under nervous control and is increased in times of stress or intense emotion (suffocation, rage, fear, etc.). The net result is a general mobilization of the resources of the individual to meet the crisis. Aside from its direct natural functions, epinephrine has also found a number of medical applications, particularly as a vasoconstrictor (blood vessel constrictor), and for relief of the bronchial spasms of asthma and hay fever. Injected together with a local anesthetic such as Novocaine, it contracts small blood vessels and reduces blood flow through the area affected. It thus permits a longer and more intense response from a given dose of the anesthetic. It also has antihistamine action and usually gives relief in a variety of allergic conditions thought to be due to the liberation of a histamine-like substance. Histamine is the amine formed by decarboxylation of histidine (p. 321) . Even small doses of it can produce symptoms of allergy. A number of drugs intended to destroy or counteract histamine have been developed. They are called antihistamines, and their effect is called an antihistamine action. Benadryl and Pyribenzamine are two widely used antihistamine drugs: 290 HORMONES ^^HC— 0— CHsCHoNCCHs)^ Benadryl \ / ^ /-N— CH2CH,N(CH3)2 Pyribenzamine Hormones of the adrenal cortex The outer part, or cortex, of the adrenal gland produces a series of hormones which are essential for life. In this respect the cortex differs from the medulla, for the latter can be removed from animals without causing death. However, in 1930 Hartman and Brownell found that adrenalectomized animals ^ could be kept alive if injected at regular intervals with material extracted from the adrenals of other animals of the same or different species. The life-maintaining principle was contained in the nonsaponifiable part of the extract from the cortex and was eventually found to consist of a group of closely related steroids. At least 28 individual steroids have been separated from such extracts as pure crystalline substances, of which six possess marked adrenal cor- tical activity.^ The chemical structures of these six compounds are as follows (see p. 94 for diagram and numbering of the steroid ring system) : or ^^ ^ 0 1 l-Desoxycorticosterone, C21H30O3 Corticosterone, C21H30O4 1 1-Dehydrocorticosterone, C21H28O4 17-Hydroxy-ll-desoxy- 17-Hydroxycorticosterone, Cortisone, C21H28O5 corticosterone, C21H30O4 C21H30O5 (17-Hydroxy-ll-dehydro- corticosterone) ^ Animals with both adrenals completely removed. ^ In addition, there is a noncrystalline residue which still contains one-fourth to one- half the biological activity of the original extracts. HORMONES 291 Note that the six substances differ chiefly in the presence or absence of oxygen on carbons 11 and 17. They were first obtained as pure chemical substances during the period 1935 to 1939. That the normal adrenal cortex has a number of functions has been revealed by study of adrenalectomized animals and of human victims of Addison's disease, a fatal illness caused by insufficient secretion of adrenal hormones. In such cases there is a marked decrease in the ability of the organism to work and to withstand stresses of any sort (for ex- ample, fasting or exposure to cold). Sodium and chloride ions are ex- creted in the urine in such excessive amounts that bodily supplies are depleted, whereas excretion of potassium and urea are subnormal. Glyco- gen disappears from the liver, great muscular weakness develops, and growth ceases. The cortical hormones listed above differ in their ability to counteract these symptoms. 11-Desoxycorticosterone is the most active member of the group for regulating sodium, potassium, and chloride metabolism, and for maintaining the life of adrenalectomized animals. Cortisone, on the other hand, is relatively inactive in these respects, but it is the most potent member of the group for increasing the ability to work and resist stress and for stimulating glycogen formation. The other four hormones have effects similar to one or the other of these two, or both. Addison's disease was for a time (and to some extent still is) treated with cortical extracts following the work of Hartman and Brownell in 1930. This treatment prolongs the life of the patients, but it is prohibitively expensive and only partly successful. The use of 11-desoxycorticosterone, after it became available about 1940, resulted in a major gain in life expectancy, but even this hormone did not fully replace the missing adrenal secretion. Most patients so treated lack normal vigor, and about half die within seven years. The additional injection of cortisone may quite possibly make up the deficiency, but sufficient amounts of cortisone for clinical use have been produced only recently, and some years will be needed to decide this question definitely. As might be expected from the nature of their disturbed electrolyte metabolism, Addison's disease patients are greatly benefited by diets low in potassium and high in common salt. The opposite situation — oversecretion of adrenal cortical hormones — is also a serious clinical condition. This may result from tumor growth of the pituitary gland, which causes an increased secretion of a pituitary hormone (adrenocorticotropic hormone, or ACTH) that stimulates the adrenal cortex. In this condition (Cushing's syndrome) blood levels of sodium are high and those of potassium low,, that is, just opposite from the situation in Addison's disease. Tumor growth on the adrenal itself leads to secretion of male sex hormones. If the patient happens to be an adult female, this results in sex inversion (virilism) , which manifests itself by deepening of the voice, 292 HORMONES growth of a beard, atrophy of the breasts, cessation of menstruation, and development of a mascuhne-type musculature. In the last few years several of the most common and distressing human diseases of previously unknown origin have been found to respond to treatment with adrenal hormones. The outstanding example is rheuma- toid arthritis, a painful crippling disease characterized by swelling and inflammation of the joints. Arthritic patients had sometimes been ob- served to show improvement under stress (late pregnancy, starvation, major surgery, etc.). Since it was known that adrenal function also is increased by stress, Hensch and Kendall reasoned that some of the adrenal hormones might be of value in arthritis. Their report describing the beneficial effect of cortisone and ACTH appeared in April 1949 and was quickly followed by confirmatory findings elsewhere. Great efforts have been made by chemical and pharmaceutical firms to produce these substances in adequate amounts. Cortisone has been obtained synthetically by an involved process starting with cholic acid from cattle bile (p. 96). Recently, certain plant steroids have been found which can be used as starting materials and greatly simplify the synthetic process. As a result, prices have been reduced and supplies increased, although larger amounts are still needed. ACTH, on the other hand, has not been synthesized and can only be obtained from animal pituitary glands. This is a limited and costly source. Investigations of the structure suggest that only part of the ACTH protein is needed for the biological effect and that the activity may, in fact, reside in a rather small peptide portion of the molecule. If the exact structure of this peptide can be established, there will be a possibility of producing it synthetically in any desired amount. Sex hormones This term is applied to hormones secreted by the gonads (ovaries and testes), although several other glands are equally essential for reproduc- tion. Whether or not the adrenals normally produce sex hormones is uncertain, although the effect from abnormal production is well known (see above). Functions. The periodic sexual cycles of female mammals are con- trolled largely by the ovarian hormones, estradiol and progesterone. These substances are made in the ovary as a result of stimulation by two gonadotropic hormones from the pituitary, namely the follicle-stimu- lating, or follicle-ripening (FSH), and luteinizing (LH) hormones. Figure 11-1 shows how these substances function during a normal human menstrual cycle. On the first day of the cycle (first day of menstruation) secretion of FSH begins and causes one of the primitive, undeveloped egg sacs, or HORMONES 293 j^rimary follicles, in the cortex of the ovary to start growing. After about 13 to 15 days the mature, or Graafian, follicle bursts, releasing an egg cell or ovum (ovulation). The bursting of the Graafian follicle is caused by LH. The egg finds its way into one of the Fallopian tubes and thence to the uterus. The developing follicle, and to a lesser extent the entire ovary, secrete estradiol in increasing amounts after about the fourth day. Estradiol causes the endometrial cells in the mucosa of the uterus to start dividing so that by the time of ovulation the mucosa is actively growing. A similar effect is produced on the cells lining the vagina. Any substance which produces these effects is called an estrogenic hor- mone, or an estrogen. In female animals, estrogens also produce sexual heat or estrus; hence, the name. After discharging its ovum the remainder of the follicle changes into another structure called the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum develops into a mature state under the influence of LH, which starts to be secreted Pituitary Pituitary Hormone Factors Ovary Anterior Lobe Follicle Stimulating Ilnrnioni' >' 4b Po^^tcrior Lobe LutoinizinR Lutcotrophic Jlonnone Hormone |l'riiiiordial Developing Maturing Follicle Follicle Follicle Ovulation Do\elo|)ing T'orpus I^utrnni .Mature r|ius Liiliuni Degenerating ( 'ni|]iis Luteum Ovarian Hormone Factors Uterine » Endometrium Phases Repair IMohlVratmn Srcrrlmy Menstrual idii Days I 1 I .J I 6 17 I .S I !l Hul 1 1112 11311 111. JllGl I7llsl I'jl2ul.'ll22l23l 24l2ol2(il27l2Sl i\2\S\ Courtesy of J. C Stucki and the Department of Zoology, University of Wisconsin. Fig. 11-1. Hormonal control of the menstrual cycle. This is a simplified diagram which does not take into account interactions between the three pituitaiy hormones nor the action of the ovarian hormones on the pituitary gland. The curves indicate approximate variations in the urinary excre- tion of ovarian hormones during the cycle. For further explanation see text. 294 HORMONES by the pituitary gland about the twelfth to fourteenth day of the cycle (see Fig. 11-1), and is maintained in that condition partly by LH and partly by the luteotropic hormone. The corpus luteum, in turn, pro- duces progesterone, which has a further profound effect on the lining of the uterus, causing the lining and especially the tiny glands present in it to develop enormously (Fig. 11-2) and to secrete a nutritive fluid. In Courtesy oi W. G. Black and the D(_pditment ot Genetics, University of Wisconsin. Fig. 11-2. Effect of progesterone on the uterus. Spayed rabbits were given 10 daily injections of 1 mg. each of progesterone in oil, and killed 24 hours after the last injection. Left, untreated control ; right, treated with progesterone. this state the uterus is prepared to receive the ovum, in case fertilization has occurred during its passage through the Fallopian tube. If fertiliza- tion does not occur, the ovum dies a few hours after ovulation, and in a few days the corpus luteum stops functioning and degenerates. Secre- tion of progesterone consequently diminishes, and as a result much of the lining of the uterus sloughs off, and in primates it is discharged as the menstrual flow. In case the ovum has been fertilized, it becomes embedded in the spe- cially prepared uterine lining and begins to grow. The corpus luteum continues to secrete progesterone and thus to maintain the uterus in a condition favorable for the developing fetus. Any deficiency or interrup- tion in the supply of progesterone results in death of the embryo and consequent miscarriage. This is one of the reasons why certain women suffer repeated miscarriages and are unable to bear a living child. Thi§ HORMONES 295 difficulty has been completely overcome in many cases by the clinical use of progesterone. After about the third month of pregnancy the placenta also begins to function as an endocrine organ and partially takes over the production of progesterone. It also secretes hormones with FSH and LH action, and probably others. The urinary excretion of various hormones during pregnancy is shown in Fig. 11-3. Toward the later months estradiol is again produced in increasing amounts. This renders the muscles of the uterus more responsive to the oxytocic hormone of the pituitary (a "contracting" hormone, see p. 303) and eventually brings about the onset of labor. Delivery is facilitated by still another hormone, relaxin. This substance has been studied mainly in animals, where it appears to be produced by the placenta under the influence of estradiol and progesterone. As the name implies, relaxin loosens the pelvic ligaments and thus facili- tates birth. Chemically it appears to be a peptide. The final hormone cooperating in the reproductive process in the female is the lactogenic hormone, which is produced immediately following de- livery (Tig. 11-3) and stimulates milk production. It is probable that the luteotropic hormone is, in fact, the same substance as the lactogenic hormone. 4 5 6 Lunar Months of Pregnancy Reproduced by courtesy of Parke, Davis & Company's Therapeutic Notes. Fig. 11-3. Hormone production during pregnancy. In addition to the roles described above, the female sex hormones exert a profound inffuence on the development of the secondary sex character- istics such as body shape, body hair distribution, and voice tone, and on the growth of the reproductive organs. The male sex hormones, testosterone and androsterone, control the development of the male genital organs, the production of spermatozoa, 296 HORMONES and the appearance of male characteristics pecuHar to the species. In man these include a typical distribution of body hair, deep voice, mascu- line shape of body and muscular development, and growth of the beard. Substances producing these effects are called androgens, or androgenic hormones. A typical effect is shown by androgens on the growth of the comb and wattles of the chick (Fig. 11-4). This response has been Courtesy of University of Wiscon.sin, Department of Poultry Husbandry. Fig. 11-4. Effect of androgen on growth of comb and wattles of imma- ture cockerels. Both birds were 19 days old when photographed, but the one on the right had been treated with 15 mg. of testosterone propionate 9 days previously. !■ made the basis for a quantitative assay method. Chemical Nature. The chemical formulas of the more important sex hormones obtained from natural sources are given below: Estrogenic hormones HORMONES 297 Progesterone Testosterone Androsterone Androgenic hormones Estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone appear to be the true, primary hormones, since they are considerably more active, weight for weight, than the others. The chemical structures of all the steroid hormones appear to be remarkably similar for substances having such widely different biological properties (compare p. 290). The structures of the estrogens and androgens can be modified considerably, however, without marked loss of potency. For example, stilbestrol and doisynolic acid are about as effective as estrone, and the former, in fact, is even more active than estrone when given orally (Table 11-1). On the other hand, H,^ H II I H C H U H ^ Hs Stilbestrol Doisynolic acid almost any change in the progesterone molecule produces an inactive product. Thyroid hormone The thyroid gland is a small mass of specialized tissue — about 30 g. in the human adult — located in the neck near the larynx. It produces a hormone which greatly stimulates metabolic activity, particularly the oxidative, energy-yielding processes. Iodine has long been recognized as related to thyroid function (for example, in goiter), but it was not until 1919 that the isolation of an active substance, thyroxine, from thyroid tissue was reported by Kendall. A related substance, diiodotyrosine or iodogorgoic acid, has also been isolated from thyroid, and, in fact, accounts for about two-thirds of the total iodine content of the gland. 298 • HORMONES Table 11-1 Estrogenic potency of various substances Effective dose for rats Substance Injected (jig.) Oral {\ig.) Natural estrogenic hormones Estradiol 0.08-0.13 50 Estrone 0.7-0.8 50-60 Estriol 10 10 Synthetic products Stilbestrol 0.3-0.4 0.7-1.0 Hexestrol 0.2 Doisynolic acid 0.8-0.9 I I NH2 I NH2 / \_0-/ \_CR„— C— COOH ho/ \ HO— ( / ^ \ V-CH,-C— COOH HOC V-CHj-C— COOH l"" l"" H l"" H L-Thyroxine L-Diiodotyrosine Thyroxine contains no less than 65.4 per cent of iodine by weight. It was obtained from thyroid glands only after drastic alkaline hydrolysis, which, incidentally, converted the natural L-form into the corresponding DL-mixture. Thyroxine and diiodotyrosine are not present in the living gland in the free state but are contained in a protein, thyroglobulin. This substance has a high molecular weight, estimated at 700,000, and is consequently nondiffusible. It contains a rather constant total amount of tyrosine, diiodotyrosine, and thyroxine residues amounting to 3-4 per cent, but the relative proportions of the three vary with the iodine intake. Iodine ingested with food is quickly absorbed by the thyroid and is used to convert more of the tyrosine of thyroglobulin into diiodo- tyrosine and thyroxine residues. Thus the gland acts both as a factory and storehouse for bound thyroid hormone. When the hormone is needed in other parts of the body, some of the thyroglobulin is broken down by proteolytic enzymes so that either free thyroxine or small, water-soluble, diffusible peptides containing thyroxine as one of the component amino acids are liberated and carried away by the blood stream. While circulating in the blood the thyroxine is bound rather loosely to one of the plasma proteins. Just what happens when these substances reach the tissues ultimately affected is not known, but free thyroxine apparently is not involved. Nevertheless, pure L-thyroxine, either natural or synthetic, does produce the effects of whole thyroid when administered to animals or to human patients. The term "thyroid hormone" applies to any substance capable of causing the char- acteristic physiological effects and thus includes both free thyroxine and the various bound forms of it existing in the animal body. Diiodotyrosine has no appreciable thyroid hormone activity. The mechanism of thyroid hormone synthesis in the body is not known HORMONES 299 with certainty, but very likely involves addition of iodine to tyrosine followed by self-condensation of the diiodotyrosine produced to form thyroxine. Similar reactions, at any rate, take place quite readily out- side the body. Thus, when proteins such as casein or egg albumin are treated with iodine for several hours in the presence of a mild alkali (sodium carbonate) , iodine becomes incorporated into the protein molecule and thyroxine is formed. The amount of hormone formed is closely correlated with the tyrosine content of the protein used; gelatin, which does not contain tyrosine, fails to yield thyroxine under this treatment, lodinated casein has been used extensively as a source of thyroid hormone, for example, to feed dairy cows. Milk production is thereby increased, but higher feed costs plus possible injury to the animals make the prac- tice of doubtful economic value. Thyroid Disorders. Common goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid resulting from low iodine intake. Where the iodine supply is not greatly deficient, the enlarged gland is able to maintain normal function. The only serious result is pressure on surrounding organs; for example, pres- sure on the windpipe may be sufficient to cause difficulty in breathing. The condition can usually be corrected by supplying adequate iodine (see p. 192) , or in extreme cases by surgically removing a part of the gland. A more serious condition arises whenever the thyroid is damaged in any way (for example, by an infection) so that it can no longer produce an adequate supply of hormone. This may occur at any time from fetal life onward. In adults the condition (called myxedema) is character- ized by a general slowing down of metabolic activities, slow heart rate, low blood pressure, easy fatigue, increased blood cholesterol levels, dimin- ished urinary excretion of 17-kctosteroids, and decreased amounts of "plasma-bound iodine." This plasma-bound iodine, which represents the amount of circulating thyroid hormone, may drop from the normal range of 4^6 to below 2 ;u,g. per 100 ml. of blood plasma. Replacement therapy with thyroxine or whole thyroid substance (dried, ground animal thyroids) is effective but must be continued throughout life. Thyroid deficiency in early life has all the above effects and, in addi- tion, retards both mental and physical growth. The aff'ected individuals often survive to adulthood, but are dwarfs and idiots. This condition is called cretinism, and the sufferers from it, cretins. Treatment with thyroid hormone is effective, but only if started before normal develop- ment has been stunted. Overactivity of the thyroid (Grave's disease) is likewise most injurious to health. Excessive production of the hormone leads to high basal metabolism, excess energy production, restlessness, tremor of extremities, excessive flushing and perspiration, loss of weight, low blood cholesterol, high excretion of 17-ketosteroids, and frequently exopthalmos (protrud- ing eyeballs). Psychic disturbances often accompany Grave's disease and may be a factor in causing it. Treatment is designed, of course, to 300 HORMONES counteract the excessive hormone production. This has been accom- plished by partial or complete removal of the gland, or, more recently, by the use of antithyroid drugs and chemicals. Many common foods including spinach, cabbage, turnips, walnuts, lima beans, peas, carrots, grapes, grapefruit, and others have distinct goitrogenic (goiter-producing) or antithyroid effects. The responsible substance was obtained in pure form from yellow turnips and was shown to be l-b-vinyl-2-thiooxazoli- done. Various synthetic drugs such as 2-thiouracil and 6-propyl-2- thiouracil also have marked antithyroid action. These substances do not prevent absorption of iodine by the thyroid, but interfere with the incorporation of it into the thyroid hormone. Some of them, e.g., propyl- thiouracil, have proved to be very valuable in the treatment of Grave's disease. H^a- NH I (4) (3) I ^5-Viny 1- 2- thiooxazolidone Nf===C-OH N===C-OH I (3) (4) I j (3) (4) I HS— C(2) (5)CH HS— C(2) (5)CH N^^L^CH N^-^^-^C-CH.CH.CH3 2-Thiouracil 6-Propyl-2-thiouracil Radioactive iodine compounds containing the I^^^ isotope have also found application in the diagnosis and treatment of excessive thyroid activity. A small test dose of the radioactive iodine, for example, in the form of potassium iodide, is given the patient, and the accumulation of the iodine in the thyroid followed with a Geiger counter placed near the throat. If an abnormally high fraction of the test dose enters the gland, excessive thyroid activity is indicated. In this case, larger doses of I^^^ are given, and as the iodine becomes lodged in the gland, the radia- tions emitted by it kill a part of the thyroid tissue. Surrounding tissues are essentially unaffected, and the extent of thyroid destruction can easily be controlled by regulating the dosage. PROTEIN AND PEPTIDE HORMONES Hormones of the pancreas The pancreas is a pale pink organ about ten inches long in an adult person, which produces a group of digestive enzymes and discharges them into the small intestine. It also has the function of producing at least one hormone, insulin, which is secreted directly into the blood stream. HORMONES 301 The name insulin comes from the Latin insula, meaning island, and refers to the fact that the hormone is formed by small groups of special- ized cells called the "islets of Langerhans." There are about 250,000 to 2,500,000 of these islets in man. Lack of insulin causes diabetes ■mellitus, a fatal human disease characterized by excessive urinary excretion and by the presence of large amounts of glucose in the urine. After this fact was established around 1890, many efforts were made to prepare active extracts from animal pancreas glands. They were without success be- cause the hormone was destroyed by the proteolytic enzymes present. The first really effective extracts were obtained in 1922 by Banting, Best, Collip, and IMacLeod through the use of acidified alcohol, which inacti- vated the enzymes. Because of the great demand for insulin for the treatment of diabetes, commercial production was soon undertaken, and many workers studied methods of purifying the crude extracts. Pure crystalline insulin was finally isolated by Abel and co-workers in 1926. Chemical Nature. Insulin is a water- and alcohol-soluble protein, having its isoelectric point at pH 5.3. The molecular weight has been estimated at 36,000 to 48,000, but it is now known that these values repre- sent aggregations of smaller units. The true molecular weight is gener- ally considered to be 12,000.^ Insulin has a sulfur content of 3.1 per cent, which is much higher than that of most other proteins. In spite of much searching no organic prosthetic group or structure other than the usual amino acids has ever been found as a component of insulin. Crystalline insulin contains about 0.3 per cent of zinc, but this is of doubtful significance as essentially zinc-free amorphous preparations have equal biological activity. As a result of a brilliant series of re- searches carried out during the last few years, chiefly by Sanger, the structure of insulin is known in greater detail than is that of any other protein (p. 132). Physiological Function. The appetite and thirst of the untreated diabetic are enormous, but in spite of the great quantities of food and drink consumed, the body weight becomes progressively less. Blood glucose levels rise so much above the renal threshold that large amounts are excreted in the urine (p. 327). Bodily glycogen stores are depleted. Urinary excretion of nonprotein nitrogen compounds is increased as a result of increased conversion of deaminated amino acids into carbohy- drate. Excessive oxidation of fat occurs, and ketosis develops (p. 338). These symptoms have usually been interpreted as being due to decreased utilization of carbohydrates by the body, but some authorities believe that the disease is more a result of increased formation of carbohydrates (from fat and protein) than of decreased utilization. The over-produc- ^ However, Fredericq and Neurath have recently obtained evidence that the actual value may be only 6,000. Larger apparent molecular weights result from reversible aggregation in solution, the extent of which depends on the pH, concentration*, tempera- ture, and kind and amount of inorganic ions pi'esent. 302 HORMONES tion theory is supported by the observation that removal of the liver from either diabetic or normal animals is followed by an equally rapid decline of blood glucose levels in both. Under these conditions at least, the diabetic animal utilizes carbohydrate as. well as the normal one. All the symptoms of the disease are relieved by injection of insulin. The hormone is not effective by mouth because it is destroyed by digestive enzymes, as mentioned above. Excessive doses are sometimes adminis- tered accidentally to diabetic patients. In such cases, as might be expected, the blood sugar level falls sharply and may go so low as to result in coma and, if not treated, death. This condition, insulin shock, is counteracted quickly and completely by injection of glucose. Symp- toms of insulin deficiency can be produced in animals by feeding alloxan, and it has been suggested, but not proved, that alloxan may be in some way connected with the development of diabetes. When present in the body, its effect is to destroy the islet cells of the pancreas. HN C=0 I I o=c c=o I I HN C=0 Alloxan A condition closely resembling diabetes mellitus can be produced in experimental animals by feeding the drug, ])hlorhizin, a glucoside present in the root and bark of apple, pear, and plum trees. It has the follow- ing chemical structure: CO-CH2— CH2-< /"OH OH Phlorhizin The blood sugar level in phlorhizin diabetes, however, is lower than normal. The drug produces the symptoms of diabetes by preventing the resorption of glucose by the tubules of the kidney, thus, in effect, lowering the renal threshold and causing urinary excretion of sugar even while the blood sugar level is in or below the normal range. The mechanism by which insulin acts is not definitely known. It has been claimed by Cori and co-workers that insulin counteracts the inhibition of hexokinase by hormones of the pituitary and adrenal glands. However, the experimental results have been interpreted differently by other workers, and the status of this suggestion, therefore, is still in doubt. HORMONES 303 Hyperglycemic Factor of the Pancreas. Certain commercial prepara- tions of both amorphous and crystalline insulin have been found to con- tain an impurity which, surprisingly enough, causes an increase in blood sugar levels. This substance, the hyperglycemic factor, is present in the pancreas and also in the stomach lining. It appears to be a protein and to act by causing breakdown of glycogen (glycogenolysis). Its physio- logical role has not been clarified. Lipocaic. Animals which have been rendered diabetic by removal of the pancreas have been observed to accumulate great amounts of fat in the liver. Since the development of such fatty livers can be prevented by the feeding of raw pancreatic tissue, but not by insulin, the existence of another hormone in the pancreas was postulated. This substance, which was named lipocaic, is probably not a hormone, since the effect can be produced by pancreatic juice {i.e., the external secretion of the pancreas) and can also be duplicated by choline or methionine. Preven- tion of fatty livers by raw pancreas is apparently due to the presence of proteolytic enzymes which make methionine more readily available from food proteins. Hormones of the posterior pituitary The pituitary or hypophysis, a small endocrine organ located in the center of the head, is the master gland of the whole hormone system of higher animals. Its special importance is due to the large number of hormones it produces and to the fact that several of these have the particular function of stimulating other glands to secrete their character- istic hormones. Thus the pituitary directly or indirectly influences a great number of bodily processes. The gland consists of anterior and posterior lobes and a small center section. Extracts of the posterior lobe have three well-defined effects on the animal, namely, those of raising the blood pressure (pressor effect) , stimulating the contraction of uterine muscle and, to a smaller extent, of smooth muscles generally (oxytocic effect), and suppressing urinary secretion (antidiuretic effect). The antidiuretic effect is caused by the same substance that produces the pressor effect (vasopressin). Lack of it causes diabetus insipidus, a disease in which the volume of urine excreted is enormously increased, although sugar is not present. Oxytocin. The substance responsible for the oxytocic effect, oxytocin, has been very highly purified, and the best preparations of it seem to be substantially one substance. It is a white, amorphous, water-soluble powder with the properties of a basic polypeptide. According to Pierce and du Vigneaud it yields on hydrolysis one molecule each of leucine, isoleucine, tyrosine, proline, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, glycine, and cystine, and three molecules of ammonia. The molecular weight is close to 1,000. Thus it is an eight-membered peptide. The sequence of the 304 HORMONES amino acid residues has not been determined. One physiological role of oxytocin seems to be to expedite labor by increasing uterine contrac- tions. Partially purified preparations have found chnical application for this purpose and for control of hemorrhage after delivery. The hormone is ineffective orally. Oxytocin also plays a role in milk secre- tion in that it stimulates contraction of the smooth muscles in the walls of the milk ducts. Vasopressin. The pressor hormone of the posterior lobe has been vari- ously called vasopressin, pressin, or pitressin. Like oxytocin it is a basic octapeptide, which has a molecular weight of about 1,000. It has been obtained as a white, amorphous, water-soluble powder. On hydrolysis it gives the same products as does oxytocin, except that arginine and phenylalanine are present, but leucine and isoleucine are not. When injected into animals vasopressin causes a pronounced but temporary rise in blood pressure. Presumably it must function normally to help regulate blood pressure, along with thyroxine, epinephrine, and other substances. Abnormally high blood pressure (hypertension) is a common human disease and a major cause of death. Attempts to learn its cause have uncovered several other substances of natural occurrence which greatly influence blood pressure. One of these is renin, a protein secreted into the blood stream by the kidney. Renin is a proteolytic enzyme. It acts on a particular protein, one of the globulins in the blood plasma, which therefore is called renin substrate. Renin itself does not have pressor activity, but the product of its action on the substrate, a peptide called angiotonin or hypertensin, is highly active. The elevated pressure is caused by contraction of small arteries combined with increased heart action. The effect from a single dose lasts only a few minutes because angiotonin is quickly destroyed in normal individuals by another enzyme, angiotonase. Pathological hypertension could conceivably be produced by overproduction of vasopressin or renin, or by lack of angiotonase, but these possibilities have not been proved correct, and no really satisfac- tory treatment for the disease has yet been found. Still another pressor substance normally present in the animal body is serotonin. This substance was isolated from blood serum in the form of a crystalline product which proved to be a mixed sulfate of serotonin and creatinine. The effective component, serotonin itself, is 5-hydroxy tryptamine : CH2CH2NH2 HORMONES 3()S Hormones of the anterior pituitary The anterior lobe produces six well-recognized hormones, which have been named according to their biological effects. All six have been extensively purified and found to be proteins of relatively low mo- lecular weight. The functions of several have been considered briefly in previous sections of this chapter. Additional properties are listed in Table 11-2. One of the most interesting and important of the group is the adreno- corticotropic hormone (ACTH, p. 291). The active protein can be hydrolyzed with pepsin or hydrochloric acid until about half of the peptide bonds have been broken without diminishing the activity. This indicates that the effective substance most probably is a peptide com- posed of far fewer amino acids than the ACTH protein. This peptide has not been isolated in pure form, but partly purified products have been obtained which are reported to have molecular weights in the range 1000-2000 and to be much more active than ACTH protein on a weight basis. The growth hormone (GH) has the power of stimulating growth, both of the skeleton and soft tissues of the animal body. Normally the long bones are "closed off" at the ends and stop developing shortly after the attainment of sexual maturity. This cessation of bone elongation is probably caused by the sex hormones produced at that time. However, in some cases this does not occur, and the continued production of excess GH, leads to gigantism. Heights of eight and nine feet have occurred in human beings. If extra secretion of GH occurs after full maturity, some parts of the body are still able to grow and others are not. This results in distorted growth, which causes a gorilla-like appearance. This condition is called acromegaly (Fig. 11-5). Conversely, a deficiency of GH causes one type of dwarfism. Such dwarfs have normal intelligence but are physically small, delicately formed, and doll-like. The diabeto- genic activity of the pituitary (p. 325) probably is also the result of GH, or of a substance closely associated with it. The lactogenic hormone of the anterior pituitary, sometimes called pro- lactin, is another very interesting substance, not only because it stimulates milk production by mammals, but also because it seems to influence mental attitudes. Its effects have been described by R. G. Hoskins as follows: "In addition to its effect on milk production, the anterior-lobe product prolactin has a striking influence on animal behavior. It induces broodinessi in the fowl and modifies the nesting behavior in certain fish (Riddle). Its influence on the instinctual behavior of rats has been studied by Wiesner and Sheard and by Riddle. "The method of procedure is to place young female rats in cages with materials for nest building. They are then tested as to the strength of their maternal urge by 306 HORMONES being offered new-born baby rats for adoption. In most instances the females remain indifferent to the intruders. But if, to these nonchalant misses, a few doses of pro- lactin are administered, not only are their mammary glands stimulated but a remark- able change in their behavior takes place. They will now eagerly adopt as many babies as may be offered, build elaborate nests for them, and eagerly mother them. Iteproduced by permission from TuriUT, (Iciicidl i:niluciin(j}ii(nj, W. B. Saunilers ('omi)an.v. Fig. 11-5. Acromegaly. The yearning seems to be universal. Their maternal reactions are not confined to infants of their own kind but are extended to baby mice, baby rabbits, or even helpless squabs. For a normal, vigorous rat to do other than promptly make a feast of a proffered squab is proof positive that something fundamental has happened to her instincts. What part prolactin may play in the determination of human instincts and emotions is as yet unknown, but the stimulus to imagination is tempting." Gastrointestinal hormones The secretion of digestive juices and the movements of the stomach and intestines incidental to the digestion of food are partly controlled and regulated by several gastrointestinal hormones. These processes are also influenced markedly by nervous stimulation, and it has been diffi- cult to sort out the two types of effect. At present four gastrointestinal hormones have been quite definitely proved to exist, and a number of others are suspected. None of them are definitely known to be essential for life or to cause any disease if produced in abnormally large or small amounts. Before considering these substances in detail, a distinction should be P, o O Ui <» "3 (M > -d 3 o "3 -1-a a S ^3 — kO O OC) G to o o 03 — ■ S CO «o CO fl a lO ^ o o -H a a o o ."2 'S -G O o o o o" a o o o to Tfl cu 03 CO (L CO o --' O G ^9 tSi c^- M -^ 2 1^ i O i:-3 GO 1—4 09 V s 0 S 0 l» § g 2 H IS o 73 O O O >^ o" O O Qj 15 § ii 'o b_. o >• CQ «P CO G C >0 (N O O ^-H fl G o o C^ n u z s ! 03 S-c > r/: 03 o O > CO c3 O J, a O O t— ( CO •„ o T3 m" C "o ^ ^ o _o to '->-' 73 c3 «p C> O C^ CO O l-H T-H a 03 b" > G bC Oj "o o > to .i d -IJ o J' r-f^ >« o G 3 .£P 03 g a 'o >• G CD o -T3 _G o3 >. s O G 03 _c3 G 03 9 -^ 3 o3 IB 03 -G o "So CO 1— ( to o E:: o ^ \5> ■:2 o 307 (13 to G o o »^ +J c -^ I OJ = - £> K 03 O o - >p S -5 g IS Sl^s^ 5 C-S G to 03 _o 'to >, A bo .S >> to 0/ X &H H 308 HORMONES made between them and "secretogogues." The latter are chemical sub- stances in the food, or derived from food during digestion, which directly or indirectly stimulate the secretion of digestive juices. They are not classified as hormones because they are not produced by the body. Gastrin. This hormone is produced by the mucosa of the lower, or pyloric, end of the stomach and to a lesser extent by the mucosa of the duodenum (that portion of the small intestine immediately beyond the stomach). It is secreted into the blood stream (though not directly) as a result of stimulation by secretogogues and has the effect of increasing the flow of gastric juice. The juice so formed is high in hydrochloric acid but low in pepsin. Gastrin can be extracted from suitable mucosa and has been purified considerably, although not completely. It is destroyed by proteolytic enzymes or by boiling in one-tenth normal sodium hydroxide solution and is precipitated by trichloracetic acid. It is probably a peptide or low molecular weight protein. Histamine in very small doses has the same effect as gastrin, and it may be that histamine actually is the hor- mone. This has not been proved, however, mainly because the effective level of histamine is too low to be detected in the blood stream by the analytical methods at present available. An observable gastric response is produced in human beings by the injection of only 0.004 /xg. of hista- mine per kilogram body weight per minute. Secretin. This substance stimulates the secretion of water by the pan- creas and of bile by the liver. The .increased flow of pancreatic juice is relatively poor in enzyme content.^ Secretin exists in an inactive form (prosecretin) in the mucosa of the upper small intestine, or duode- num, and is released by the action of dilute hydrochloric acid from the stomach (pH ca. 4.6). Two crystalline secretin preparations have been isolated, both in the form of salts with picrolonic acid. One appears to be a peptide, while the other is a compound of low molecular weight. The peptide, however, can be extensively hydrolyzed by aminopolypeptidase without loss of secretin activity. It is suggested that the two products may be related in much the same way as thyroxine and thyroglobulin. The exact formula of secretin is not known. C holecystokinin. The name of this hormone (literally ''gall bladder mover") indicates its physiological function which is to stimulate con- traction and emptying of the gall bladder. Like secretin, it is produced in the mucosa of the duodenum. It is secreted indirectly into the blood stream whenever fat, fatty acids, peptone, or dilute hydrochloric acid enter the intestine. It has been only partially purified, and its chemical ^ Another gastrointestinal hormone, the existence of which is very probable but not conchisively proved, stimulates the secretion of enzijmes by the pancreas. Purifipd prei)a rations of this substance, pancreozymin, have no effect on the volume of pan- creatic secretion. HORMONES 309 constitution is therefore not known. However, it tends to follow secre- tin in extraction and purification procedures and may be a peptide. Entcrogastrone. This hormone is also secreted by the duodenal mucosa, but it has the effect of inhibiting the movements of the stomach, as well as the stomach's secretion of hydrochloric acid. Secretion of entero- gastrin into the blood stream is brought ab(jut by the presence in the small intestine of fatty acids, especially oleic acid, soaps, neutral fat, or relatively concentrated solutions of sucrose, glucose, or lactose. The hormone has not been isolated in pure form, but the best preparations contain amino acids and have the properties of peptides. If sufficiently pure preparations to avoid undesirable side effects were available, entcro- gastrone would be of value for the treatment of gastric ulcers in human patients. REVIEW QUESTIONS ON HORMONES 1. Distinguish between hormones and vitamins. 2. Name two hormones which are derived from amino acids in the animal body, and outline the process by which this conversion takes place. 3. Define the terms: vasoconstrictor, secretogogue, androgen, estrogen, endocrine organ, gastrin, oxj'tocin. 4. Point out the similarities and differences between the types of diabetes caused by alloxan, phlorhizin, pancreatic deficiency, and posterior pituitary deficiency. 5. Gi\-e examples to illustrate three different ways in which the quantity of hor- mones secreted by various glands is controlled in the body. 6. Make a list of hormones known to participate in the process of reproduction in mammals. Indicate briefly the function oi each. 7. Outline the mechanisms by which the blood calcium level is controlled, explain- ing the influence of each factor. What are the consequences of abnormal blood calcium levels? 8. To which chemical classes do the majority of hormones belong? Give examples. 9. List diseases caused by abnormal hormone production in animals, and name the hormone associated with each. 10. Why is the pituitary sometimes called the "master gland" of the animal or human body? REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Abel, J. J., Ceiling, E. M. K., Rouiller, C. A., Bell, F. K., and Wintersteiner, O., "Ciystalline Insulin," J. PharmacuL, 31, 65 (1927). Banting, F. G., Best, C. H., Collip, J. B., and MacLeod, J. J. R., "Preparation of Pancreatic Extracts Containing Insulin," Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 16, Sect. V, 1 (1922). Colowick, S. P., Coi-i, G. T., and Slein, M. W., "The Effect of Adrenal Cortex and Anterior Pituitaiy Extracts and In.sulin on the Hexokinase Reaction," J. Biol. Chem., 168, 583 (1947). Cori, C. F., "Enzymatic Reactions in Carbohydrate Metabolism," The Harvey Lec- tures (1945-46), p. 253. 310 HORMONES Fieser, L. F. and Fieser, M., Natural Products Related to Phevanthrene, Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York, 1949. Fredericq, E.-and Neurath, H., "The Minimum Molecular Weight of Insulin, J. Am. Chem.Soc, 72, 2684 (1950). Gurin, S. and Delluva, A. M., "The Biological Synthesis of Radioactive Adrenalin from Phenylalanine," J. Biol. Chem., 170, 545 (1947). Harris, R. S., Marrian, G. F., and Thimann, K. V., Vitamins and Hormones, vols. 1-10, Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1943-1952. Hartman, F. A. and Brownell, K. A., "The Hormone of the Adrenal Cortex," Science, 72, 76 (1930). Hensch, P. S., Kendall, E. C, Slocumb, C. H, and Polley, H. F., "The Effect of a Hormone of the Adrenal Cortex and of Pituitary- Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone on Rheumatoid Arthritis," Proc. Staff Meet., Mayo Clinic, 24, 181 (1949). Hoskins, R. G., Eitdocnnology, W. W. Norton and Company, New York, 1941. Houssay, B. A., Chapter 13 on Hormones, in Currents in Biochemical Research, ed. by D. E. Green, Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, 1946. Kendall, E. C, "Isolation of the Iodine Compound Which Occurs in the Thyroid," J. Biol. Chem., 39, 125 (1919). Lesh, J. B., Fisher, J. D., Bunding, I. M., Koc&is, J. J., Walaszek, L. J., White, W. F., and Hays, E. E., "Studies on Pituitary Adrenocorticotropin," Science, 112, 43 (1950). Pierce, J. G. and du Vigneaud, V., "Studies on High Potency Oxytocic Material from Beef Posterior Pituitaiy Lobes," J. Biol. Chem., 186, 77 (1950). Pincus, G., editor. Recent Progress in Hormone Research, vols. 1-7, Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1947-1952. Pincus, G. and Thimann, K. V., The Hormones, vols. I and II, Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1948. Roche, J. and Michel, R., "Natural and Artificial lodo-Proteins," Advances in Pro- tein Chemistry, 6, 253 (1951). Sanger, F., "The Arrangement of Amino Acids in Proteins," Advances in Protein Chemistry, 7, 1 (1952). Soskin, S. and Levine, R., Carbohydrate Metabolism, University of Chicago Press, 1946. Stephens, G. A., Hormones and Vitamins, Geo. Newnes, Ltd., London, 1947. Tainter, M. L. and Luduena, F. P., "Sympathetic Hormonal Transmission," Recent Progress in Hormone Research, 5, 3 (1950). Turner, C. D., General Endocrinology, W. B. Saundei-s Company, Philadelphia, 1948. Chapter 12 DIGESTION by G. W. E. PLAUT Assistant Professor, Institute for Enzyme Research, University of Wisconsin Most foods have to be converted to the proper physical and chemical state before they can be utilized by the body. Digestion is the series of mechanical and chemical processes which accomplishes this result. SALIVARY DIGESTION Composition of saliva Food particles are reduced to smaller size by the mechanical action of the teeth. While in the mouth they are moistened and mixed with saliva, the secretion of the submaxillary, sublingual, and the parotid glands. The sublingual glands secrete a thick fluid which is rich in the glycoprotein, mucin. When mucin is hydrolyzed it yields, in addition to protein, sul- furic acid, acetic acid, glucuronic acid, and glucosamine. Mucin serves to lubricate the food for its subsequent passage through the esophagus to the stomach. A thin watery fluid, low in organic matter (serous secretion) , is produced by the parotid gland. The submaxillary gland contributes a mixture of the two types of secretion. The saliva contains inorganic constituents found in blood. A small amount of thiocyanate is also present. Some organic compounds char- acteristic of blood such as uric acid, urea, and creatinine are also present. An a-amylase called ptyalin is present in saliva. It catalyzes the hy- drolysis of starch and glycogen to maltose and polysaccharides of lower molecular weight. The action of the amylase on starch persists on the way from the mouth to the stomach. The activity stops in the stomach when the acidity becomes too unfavorable. This enzyme has been crys- tallized from human saliva. It is inactivated upon dialysis against dis- tilled water, but the activity can be restored by the addition of chloride ions. Human saliva has a neutral reaction (about pH 6-8). 311 312 DIGESTION Secretion of saliva under natural conditions The secretion of saliva appears to be mainly controlled by the nervous system. There are two general modes of nervous stimulation of salivary flow. (1) The presence of materials in the mouth leads to the secretion of saliva. There is a remarkably purposeful variation in the composition of saliva depending on the nature and mechanical state of the material present in the mouth. Thus a watery secretion is produced in the pres- ence of dry powder, whereas acid leads to the secretion of a fluid high in mucin, which would tend to neutralize the acid. (2) Stimulation of other organs of sense, aside from that of taste, also leads to salivation. We are all familiar with the experience of our mouths watering when we smell or see a particularly tasty food. It is obvious that one must have had the experience of tasting the particular food at one time and that the stimulation due to smell or sight must have been acquired then. Such an acquired stimulation is known as a conditioned reflex. "When the body is exposed to a situation of water loss, the salivary secretion is depressed. As a result the mouth becomes dry, and the person experiences the sensation of thirst. A normal human adult secretes 1-1.5 1. of saliva per day. After the food has been prepared in the mouth for further digestion, it is swallowed and passes through the esophagus to the stomach. GASTRIC DIGESTION In the stomach the foods are mixed with the gastric juice. The gastric movement renders the food creamy and semifluid in consistency. This mass is then known as the chyme. It passes out of the stomach through the pyloric opening into the duodenum. Gastric juice is secreted by three main types of cells. The secretion of mucous cells is high in mucin, the parietal cells contribute hydrochloric acid, and the zymogenic cells supply the zymogen, pepsinogen. In con- trast to other fluids of the body, gastric juice has a very acid reaction, e.g., pH 1.5-1.9, in the case of man. It has been estimated that the secretion of parietal cells is 0.16A^ hydrochloric acid. If only hydrochloric acid were secreted in the stomach," the pH would be around 1 ; however, the other secretions contain substances such as proteins and sodium bi- carbonate which partially neutralize the hydrochloric acid. The unneu- tralized portion of the acid can be determined by titration with alkali and is known as the free acid of the gastric juice (0.05-0. lA^ HCl) , while the sum of the neutralized and the free acid is called the total acid. When food is mixed with the gastric juice still more of the free acid is neutralized, and the acidity of the chyme is pH 3-5, depending on the nature of the food. DIGESTION 313 The hydrochloric acid of gastric juice is made from blood which has an approximately neutral reaction. The hydrogen ion of hydrochloric acid comes from carbonic acid and the chloride ion originates from sodium chloride. These ions are selectively absorbed from the blood by the parietal cells, and the hydrochloric acid thus formed is secreted into the stomach. The loss of hydrogen ions from the blood is evidenced by an increase in the alkalinity of the blood which has passed through the gastric mucosa of the stomach during a period of active hydrochloric acid secretion. The precise 'mechanism by which hydrogen and chloride ions are concentrated by parietal cells to form an acid from the almost neutral blood has not been completely elucidated. It should be realized that a great deal of energy is required to raise the hydrogen ion concen- tration from 4X lO'^M (pH 7.4) in blood to O.IQM (pH 0-1), the hydrogen ion concentration of parietal secretion. This transformation constitutes an approximate 4,000,000 fold increase in the concentration of H + . The relationship of some components of the blood to the secretion of hydrochloric acid by the parietal cells is pictured in the following scheme. Incoming Blood Outgoing Blood COo + HoO H2CO3 H+ + HCO3- XaCl CI- + Xa+ (Parietal membrane) -\ -^ HCOr + UXaHCOa :o+ Na J H+ + Cl- :^HC1 (Appears in parietal cell secretion) The high acidity of gastric juice has a bactericidal effect on the micro- organisms ingested with the food and is ideal for the action of some of the digestive enzymes present in this fluid. Most of the enzymes of gastric juice work best at pH 2-4. The principal proteolytic enzyme of gastric juice is pepsin. It attacks proteins and reduces them to smaller fragments such as proteoses, pep- 314 DIGESTION tones, and some amino acids. The enzyme is secreted by the zymogenic cells in an inactive form, pepsinogen. Pepsinogen is converted to pepsin by hydrogen ions and pepsin (see p. 273). Rennin is present in par- ticularly high concentrations in the stomachs of young mammals. This enzyme is involved in the curdling of milk. Rennin catalyzes the con- version of casein to soluble paracasein. Paracasein combines with cal- cium ion to form insoluble calcium paracaseinate. Rennin obtained from calf stomach is used commercially to curdle milk in cheese making. Pepsin can also curdle milk, but accomplishes this result by a process different from that of rennin. The flow of gastric juice is regulated by several factors. Nervous im- pulses due to various stimuli, such as food in the mouth, or even the odor or sight of food, cause secretion. Fear or worry have been shown to suppress secretion. Mechanical pressure inside the stomach has a slight effect, but the presence of certain foods {e.g., meat extract, peptone) in the stomach causes a tremendous increase in gastric flow. This effect of food seems to be independent of the nervous system, and some evidence has been obtained to show that a substance may be present in gastric mucosa which reacts with a food component to form a hormone, gastrin (p. 308). This substance is liberated into the blood and causes gastric secretion. The injection of histamine, a compound present in gastric mucosa as well as in other body tissues, causes the secretion of a gastric juice which is high in hydrochloric acid but low in pepsin, in contrast to the normal composition. The composition of chyme leaving the stomach for the duodenum has an effect on gastric digestion. Thus when fat or acid are placed into the duodenum, gastric secretion and motility are inhibited. A material extracted by l\'y from intestinal mucosa, when injected into the blood stream, produces the same type of depression of gastric activity. It is a hormone called enter ogastr one (p. 309) . Uro- gastrone, isolated from urine, has a similar effect. Various chemicals have a profound effect on the secretion and composi- tion of gastric juice. Ethyl alcohol leads to a secretion high in hydro- chloric acid and mucin and low in pepsin; liver, meat, and vegetable extracts are powerful stimulants of normal gastric juice secretion, while acid depresses secretion. The concentration of hydrochloric acid is chronically lowered or raised in certain pathological conditions. The hydrochloric acid is completely absent (achlorhydria) , e.g., in pernicious anemia, and is produced in excessive amounts (hyperacidity) in most cases of duodenal ulcers. Bland diets, for example, milk, are used in treating ulcer patients to prevent excessive gastric secretion. The high buffering capacity of such diets helps to neutralize the free acid of the gastric secretion. DIGESTION 315 INTESTINAL DIGESTION When the chyme enters the duodenum it is mixed with the secretions of the pancreas and bile. Pancreatic secretion Pancreatic juice has an alkaline reaction, pH 7.1-8.2, and contains a variety of very active enzymes which can attack carbohydrates, pro- teins, and fats. Trypsin and chymotrypsin hydrolyze proteins and poly- peptides to smaller polypeptides and amino acids. The action of the pro- teolytic enzymes depends in part on the sequence of amino acids in the protein or peptide which they attack. Peptides that are the products of one of the proteinases can therefore be hydrolyzed further by another proteinase of different specificity. In model experiments with the syn- thetic peptide, carbobenzoxy-L-glutamyl-L-tyrosyl-glycinamide, it was found that pepsin split the amino linkage of tyrosine, and chymotrypsin split the carboxyl linkage of tyrosine. In the following formulation the site of cleavage is indicated by dotted lines: CeHi-CH^-O-CO-NH-CH-CO- Carbobenzoxy - ■NH-CHCO- CH2 I I COOH t Pepsin Glutamyl- -NH'CH2-CO-NH2 Glycinamide CH2 C6H4OH t Chymotrypsin Tyrosyl- From experiments with other synthetic peptides, it was found that phenylalanine can be substituted for tyrosine. From studies on native proteins, e.g., insulin, it appears that pepsin splits linkages other than those involving the amino group of tyrosine and phenylalanine. For example, the Leu. Val. bond is readily hydrolyzed, and the Ala. Leu. bond to a considerable degree. Pepsin appears to have a much wider range of specificity than chymotrypsin or trypsin. Trypsin splits peptides at the carboxyl linkage of either lysine or arginine. Thus Ri-NHCH-C( r )— i— NH-R2 1. Trypsin CH2 NH2 Ri and R2 denote the remainder of the chain Lysyl (or arginyl) 316 DIGESTION The proteinases are therefore complementary in action and can break down the large protein molecules to smaller and smaller units. Carboxy- peptidases attack polypeptides at the carboxyl end, liberating the ter- minal amino acid of the chain. In contrast, the aminopeptidases (mainly secreted in the intestines) attack the peptide linkage at the free amino end of the chain. To illustrate: HOlH HOjH NH,CHC04nH-CHC0 NH-CHCO-r-NHCHCOOH Ill 1 i ' R' j R^ R' I R^ Aminopeptidase Carboxypeptidase \ Neither trj^psin, chymotrypsin, nor carboxypeptidase are secreted as the active enzyme by the pancreas, but rather as an inactive precursor, called a zymogen. Trypsinogen, the precursor of trypsin, is converted to the latter by the action of enterokinase (an enzyme present in intestinal juice) or by trypsin itself. Chymotrypsinogen goes to chymotrypsin in the presence of trypsin. Trypsin is also instrumental in the conversion of procarboxypeptidase to the active enzyme. Trypsin, trypsinogen, chymotrypsin, chymotrypsinogen, and carboxypeptidase have been iso- lated in crystalline form. The pancreatic juice also contains lipases, enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of fat, and amylases, enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of CH^O-CO-CCHOigCHs HOCH2 CHO-CO-CCHOieCHs + HoO -^^^^ + HOCH 3CH3(CH2)i6COOH CH20-CO-(CHo)i6CH, HOCH2 Tristearin Glycerine Stearic acid starch to lower molecular weight polysaccharides (dextrins) and maltose. Pancreatic amylase has been crystallized and appears to be identical in chemical, physical, and enzymatic properties with ptyalin. The flow of pancreatic juice is regulated in part by the nervous system; however, it has also been found that the injection into the blood stream of an extract of duodenal mucosa results in copious secretion of pancreatic juice. This extract is a hormone called secretin. Another hormone from duodenal mucosa, pancreozymin, has no effect on the volume of pancreatic secretion, but it does effect an increase in the trypsin, amylase, and lipase content of the juice (p. 308). About 600 ml. of pancreatic juice are secreted daily by an adult man. DIGESTION 317 Bile Bile is continuously produced by liver cells. It is collected by a series of ducts from these sources and stored in the gall bladder (some animals, e.g., the rat, do not have a gall bladder, and consequently the bile is also stored in the liver cells). The pH of liver bile is about 8-8.6, while that of the gall bladder is around 7. The main components of bile are bile salts, bile pigments, cholesterol, and lecithin. An inspection of the formulas of the principal bile acids reveals that CONHCH.COOH ^^ . ' Glycine Cholic acid Glycocholic acid they are related to the sterols (p. 95). The prefix glyco or tauro is Cholic acid Taurocholic acid used to show that the sterol portion of the bile acid (cholic acid in the above structures) is combined by a peptide linkage with glycine or taurine, respectively. Glyco and taurodesoxycholic acids have been iso- lated (the hydroxyl group in carbon 7 of cholic acid is replaced by a hydrogen in desoxy cholic acid) from bile. Similar ccmjugates of cheno- desoxycholic acid (hydroxyl of cholic acid in position 12 replaced by hydrogen) and lithocholic acid (hydroxyls of cholic acid in carbons 7 and 12 replaced by hydrogens) have been demonstrated to be present in bile. The sterol portion of the bile acids have a great affinity for 318 DIGESTION nonpolar substances, e.g., fat, while the carboxyl and hydroxyl groups of the molecule have a great affinity for polar solvents, such as water. Bile acids, therefore, have the properties of a detergent, and their mode of action is akin to that of soaps. As a result of these chemical properties the bile salts have the ability to increase the water solubility of lipides such as fats and cholesterol, and vitamins A, D, E, and K. The increased water solubility of these otherwise practically water-insoluble materials facilitates their passage through the intestinal wall into other body fluids. The speed of hydrolysis of fats to fatty acids and glycerol in the presence of lipase is increased in the presence of bile salts. Once the bile salts have been secreted they are reabsorbed in the in- testines and transported via the bloodstream to the liver, where they are used over again. However, it has been shown with isotopically labeled compounds that the sterol portion of the bile salts can be formed new from administered cholesterol. The principal pigments of bile are bilirubin and biliverdin, which are Ml iV Mfi nP Pi iM Mi iV M=CH3— 11 I 1 A 1 Jl V = CH2=CH— HO^^ n'^c'^N^^^N^OH P = -CH.CH.COOH H H H H Biliverdin products of degradation of heme. The color of feces is mainly due to Ml V Ml P Pn nMMr==iV VI I iV Mr nr rn jiMiVir==| v H H H2 H H Bilirubin the products of bacterial reduction of bile pigments, e.g., stercobilin and stercobilinogen. The discharge of bile into the duodenum is regulated in part by the nervous system and by secretin. Another substance, cholecystokinin, has been implicated in the contraction of the gall bladder. The presence of the bile salts themselves in the duodenum exerts a powerful stimula- tion on the flow of bile. Intestinal secretion The intestinal juice is secreted by a large number of glands in the mucosa. This fluid has a reaction of pH 7-8.5. It contains a large number of enzymes; among them are enterokinase (converts trypsinogen to trypsin) , peptidases (hydrolyze peptides to free amino acids), nucleases DIGESTION 319 (hydrolyze nucleic acids to polynucleotides and nucleotides) , nucleotidases (hydrolyze nucleotides to the corresponding nucleoside and phosphate, e.g., adenylic acid + HoO -^ adenosine + phosphoric acid) , nucleosidases (split nucleosides into purine or pyrimidines and pentose, e.g., adenosine + H20-> adenine + ribose), phosphatases (hydrolyze phosphate esters into the corresponding alcohol and phosphoric acid, e.g., O !l HO-POCH2— CHNHo— COOH + H,0 xjQ ^*\phosphatase Serine phosphate HOCHo— CHNH2-COOH + H3PO4 Serine sucrase (hydrolyzes sucrose to glucose and fructose), maltase (hydrolyzes maltose to two molecules of glucose), and lactase (lactose + HoO— > glucose + galactose). JNIucin is secreted by epithelial cells of the small and large intestines; it lubricates the movement of material through this portion of the intestinal tract. The flow of intestinal juice is markedly stimulated by the application of mechanical pressure to the intestinal wall; therefore, the mere physical presence of food will stimulate secre- tion. Schematic representation of enzymatic degradation of major foodstuffs a amj'lases starch or fi amylases maltases , glycogen ^ "^^^^^^^ *■ g^"^°^® sucrase r , . • sucrose *• fructose + glucose , . pepsin, trypsin polypeptides + carboxypeptidase amino chymotrypsin, etc. ammo aClUS aminopeptidase aCldS I dipeptidase, etc. ^ fat — ]P^:^ ^ fatty acids + glycerol ABSORPTION FROM THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT Fairly large quantities of ethanol, methanol, and water are absorbed in the stomach, and hydrocyanic acid is rapidly taken up at this site in fatal amounts. The mucosa of the small intestines, however, is the most important location for the absorption of foodstuffs. The intestinal wall is covered with a large number of microscopic, protruding processes known as villi. Each of the villi contains a small blood vessel and a lymph vessel (lacteal). The villi are the principal absorbing units of the small intestines. The materials that can be absorbed are transported across the membranes which separate the intestinal content from the blood and 320 DIGESTION lymph vessels. These breakdown products of foods enter the general circulation from the smaller vessels and are taken up by the various organs of the body. Amino acids and monosaccharides pass into the capillaries and from there into the portal blood. Some authorities claim that small quantities are transported into the lymph. Over 90 per cent of the fatty acids of fat absorbed in the intestines of the rat have been demonstrated to be transferred to intestinal lymph. It is doubtful if the fatty acids of fats can be transported directly into the portal blood. Calcium and iron are absorbed mainly from the upper part of the small intestines. The intestinal content has a profound effect on the extent of calcium absorption. Soluble calcium salts such as the gluconate, lactate, and chloride are readily available, but the phosphate is not. Cereals reduce calcium absorption since they contain phytic acid (inositol hexaphosphoric acid), which binds calcium; spinach has a similar effect because of its oxalic acid content. As has been mentioned previously, vitamin D enhances calcium absorption (p. 211). Iron absorption is notoriously inefficient. For example, if a normal child is fed 5 mg. of iron, only about 12 per cent of the iron is absorbed. However, the greater the need of the body for iron, the greater is tlie increase in the uptake of this element. It has been shown that in cases of iron-deficiency anemia, absorption increases many times over normal. Most of the other inor- ganic salts and the bulk of the water are absorbed in the colon. As a result of water removal in Ihe colon, the materials there acquire a semisolid consistency. A large number of bacteria act in the colon on materials which have been passed there from the small intestines or which are secreted by the walls of the colon. It has been estimated that 10-90 per cent of the weight of the feces is derived from bacteria. The characteristic odor of feces is due mainly to indole and skatole. These are products of degradation, presumably of tryptophan. Part of the NH2 I CH.— CH— COOH Tryptophan indole and skatole are reabsorbed into the blood and are mainly con- verted into the sulfate esters (indoxyl sulfate and skatoxyl sulfate) DIGESTION 321 Ou OSO,OK N' H Indican (potassium indoxyl sulfate) in the liver and are excreted in this form in the urine. Tyramine, hista- mine, putrescine, and cadaverine occur in feces; they are probably the products of bacterial decarboxylation of the amino acids tyrosine, histi- dine, ornithine, and lysine, respectively: HO—/ \— CH.CHNH2COOH Tyrosine -* HO- r^ CH2CH2NH2+ CO2 Tyramine HN-CH N-C— CH:CHXH,COOH Histidine HN-CH -> HC^ +CO2 N-C— CH2CH2NH2 Histamine NH II NH2-C— NH-CH2- CH2— CH2— CHNH2- COOH Arginine O NH2-C— NH2 + KH2CH2CH2CH2CHNH2COOH - argmase + H2O Urea Ornithine NH2CH2CH2CH2CH2NH2 + CO2 Putrescine NH2CH0CH2CH2CH2CH2NH2 + CO2 Cadaverine NH0CH2CH2CH2CH2CHNH2COOH - Lysine Hydrogen sulfide and methane are among the gaseous products of putre- faction in the colon. A typical analysis of the intestinal gases of swine gave 25 per cent methane, 50 per cent carbon dioxide, and 25 per cent hydrogen. In herbiverous animals large quantities of gas are produced in the paunch, in addition to those in the intestines. The decomposition of foods by bacteria, leading to gas formation in the paunch, may account for as much as 25 per cent of the energy loss from the food during the digestive process. The nutritional significance of the intestinal bacterial flora has been 322 DIGESTION thoroughly appreciated only in the last few years. It was observed in earlier nutritional experiments that some rats receiving a diet deficient in B complex vitamins would recover spontaneously from the deficiency without supplementation of the diet with the missing vitamins. Although receiving a B vitamin deficient diet, other rats which were prevented from eating their feces (coprophagy is a common practice in the animal world) required much more supplementation with B vitamins than those consuming feces. When rats are fed a purified diet to which all the vitamins except folic acid have been added, they will develop normally; however, when succinylsulfathiazole (which is not absorbed from the intestines) is added to this ration, typical symptoms of folic acid de- ficiency develop, and the amount of this vitamin in the cecal content and various tissues decreases. It is thought that the sulfa drugs under these conditions depress the bacterial synthesis of folic acid in the in- testines. In contrast to the depression of vitamin production by an anti- bacterial agent described above, it has been found more recently that the addition of certain antibiotics, e.g., penicillin, aureomycin, terramycin, and streptomycin, to the ration will increase the rate of growth of animals usually 10-20 per cent, even under farm conditions. The quantity fed is small (2-5 mg. per pound of feed). It is thought that the antibiotics inhibit the growth of those organisms which assimilate large quantities of certain vitamins present in the intestinal tract and which therefore reduce the supply for absorption by the animal. * REVIEW QUESTIONS ON DIGESTION 1. Discuss the digestion of (1) proteins, (2) starch, (3) fat. 2. Define (1) conditioned reflex, (2) chyme, (3) secretin. 3. Which reactions are catalyzed by the following enzymes: (1) pepsin, (2) rennin, (3) ptyalin, (4) lipase, (5) carboxypeptidase, (6) amino peptidase, (7) nucleotidases? 4. Persons with obstructed bile ducts hemorrhage easily, even when their diets con- tain large quantities of vitamin K. What may be the reason for this condition? REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Best, C. H. and Taylor, N. B., Physiological Basis of Medical Practice, Williams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore, 1950. Elvehjem, C. A., "Nutritional Significance of the Intestinal Flora," Federation Pro- ceedings, 7, 410 (1948). Grossman, M. I., "Gastrointestinal Hormones," Physiol. Rev., 30, 33 (1950). Hawk, P. B., Oser, B. L., and Summerson, W. H., Practical Physiological Chemistry, 12th ed., The Blakiston Company, Philadelphia, 1947. Northrop, J. H., Kunitz, M., and Herriot, R. M., Crystalline Enzymes, Columbia University Press, New York, 1948. Chapter 13 ANIMAL METABOLISM METABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES The chief function of carbohydrate in the animal body is to provide energy in a form which the animal can use. Like all fuels, it must be burned, or oxidized, for the energy to be released. The end result of the burning process is the conversion of the sugar into carbon dioxide and water, which is the reverse of photosynthesis: CgHioOe + 60o -^ 6CO2 + 6H0O + 683 Cal. When carried out by living organisms, this process is called respiration. This term is often used in a broader sense to include all metabolic proc- esses by which gaseous oxygen is used to oxidize organic matter chiefly to carbon dioxide and water. This type of metabolism is most pro- nounced in animals, but is also carried out by plants and by a few microorganisms. If the carbohydrate is burned directly in a flame, all the energy is released in the form of heat. Some heat is produced also in the animal body, but much of the energy released is stored up in the form of certain chemical by-products, particularly adenosine triphosphate (ATP) , which can later be used for muscle contraction or other useful purposes. Fur- thermore, the energy is released in small portions and at temperatures low enough so the living tissues are not injured. Direct burning of carbohydrate material {e.g., wood, paper) of course never takes place except at a temperature fatally high to all living things ; yet the same net result is accomplished rapidly and continuously in all living animals. Obviously, nature must have devised some very special and effective method of "low-temperature, biological burning." After a very great deal of painstaking research, many of the details of this complicated process have now been discovered. In brief, what happens is that the carbohydrate undergoes a long series of chemical changes, each altering it slightly, so that it is gradually converted into the final end products, carbon dioxide and water. Each chemical reaction involved in the process is catalyzed by a particular enzyme, without which the reaction will not proceed fast enough to be of any use to the organism. Many of these essential enzymes in turn require the presence 323 324 ANIMAL METABOLISM of coenzymes and (or) activators in order to function properly (Chap. 10). This whole sequence of linked chemical changes forms a pathway over which each molecule of carbohydrate passes, as need for energy arises. All of these changes, and any others which carbohydrates undergo in body tissues, are referred to collectively as intermediary carbohydrate 7netabolism. Although the major part of carbohydrate metabolism has to do with breakdown into simpler substances, the process is in large part reversible, and certain carbohydrates {e.g., glycogen, lactose) are formed in the body from other carbohydrates or from intermediate break- down products. The "building-up" aspects of metabolism are called anabolis7n; break-down processes are termed catabolism. Interconversion of digested carbohydrates Formation of Glycogen. Carbohydrate metabolism starts when the products of carbohydrate digestion pass through the intestinal wall and enter the blood stream. These products, from a normal diet, are D-glu- cose, D-fructose, and D-galactose. If mannose is eaten, it can also be metabolized. All four sugars are interconvertible in the animal body and give rise to glycogen by means of the metabolic reactions shown in Fig. 13-1. At first, each sugar combines with a phosphate radical taken from ATP (reaction I, Fig. 13-1).^ This is an irreversible- reaction catalyzed by hexokina.se and Mg++ ions. It may be represented by the usual type of equation. For example, „ , ■ , , m-r, (hexokinase) D-glucose + ATP — ^^ > D-glucose-6-phosphate + ADP or more concisely by the scheme used in Fig. 13-1: ADP D-glucose-6-phosphate The ATP here serves as the biological equivalent of a match used to light a fire. ATP is a concentrated storehouse of chemical energy. When one of its three phosphate radicals is transferred to the sugar, some of the energy is transferred too. This activates the sugar so that ^ Well established chemical reactions occurring in the animal body have been num- bered for easy reference throughout the chapter. ^ Although this reaction, as such, is irreversible, the glucose-6-phosphate can easily be hydroly^ed back to free glucose (see p. 325). ANIMAL METABOLISM 325 it can begin to undergo "biological burning," just as a match heats a piece of paper to its kindling point so that it will burn. The other reactions shown in Fig. 13-1 are reversible, equilibrium reac- tions (note double arrows) . Such reactions go either in one direction or the other, depending on the relative amounts of the various reacting substances present. Thus after a meal, when a large amount of sugar comes into the blood stream, a considerable part is converted into glycogen, but when the sugar phosphates are consumed during exercise, the glycogen is broken down again. Glycogen may also be formed from a variety of other substances which are involved in the further metabolism of carbohydrates (see below). Consequently, the amount of glycogen present in the body at a given time reflects a balance between the intake of all glycogen-forming food materials and the metabolic consumption of carbohydrate as energy sources. The amount of glycogen which can be stored, however, is limited. In a normal human adult, the top level of glycogen is seldom over 6 per cent in the liver and 0.7 per cent in the muscles. These percentages cor- respond to a total quantity of about 110 g. in the liver and 250 g. in the muscles. Consumption of additional amounts of food above those needed to maintain this amount of glycogen in the body leads, as is well-known, to the formation of fat. . ' Blood Sugar Level. There is also a close interrelationship between gly- cogen, blood sugar, and the action of several hormones. The only sugar which is present in appreciable amounts in the general blood circulation is D-glucose, which for this reason is often called blood sugar. The blood glucose supply is furnished partially by direct absorption from the intestine, but mainly by hydrolysis of D-glucose-6-phosphate coming from glycogen: ^ (phosphatase) H2O + D-glucose-6-phosphate > D-glucose + H3PO4 The hormone adrenalin acts to increase the amount of glucose in the blood-stream (p. 289) . Adrenalin is secreted by the adrenal gland in response to intense emotions such as rage or fear. It is usually assumed that this secretion represents a physiological preparation for intense muscular activity to cope with the situation which aroused the emo- tion. Two other hormones, insulin from the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas and the diabetogenic hormone from the anterior pituitary gland, also affect the blood sugar level. It is claimed that the latter hormone is ^ Blood sugar directly absorbed from the intestine may also be formed by hydrolysis of a glucose phosphate, since phosphorylation probably occurs during absorption. w w w o— o- J ^^ / o \ J o W r? \ ^^Q o o o 03 tin n. "7 \° s w-^, o K^ i— o ^ w 1 o m o w a u-J k" °7^ c3 o^ ^M O 1 w O bc a 326 ANIMAL METABOLISM 327 a powerful inhibitor of hexokinase, whereas insulin counteracts this in- hibition. The effect of the diabetogenic hormone therefore is to raise the blood sugar level by preventing the phosphorylation essential for the utilization of blood glucose. Insulin has the opposite effect. The disease, diabetes, may be caused either by too much diabetogenic hor- mone or too little insulin. The normal blood sugar level in man varies between 0.07 and 0.10 per cent (70 to 100 mg. per 100 ml. of blood) during fasting, but rises to 0.12-0.15 per cent after a meal. Some of the controlling influences which operate to maintain this level have been listed above and are presented diagrammatically in Fig. 13-2. Another factor which sets an upper limit to the blood sugar concentration is excretion in the urine. Normally Controlling Factors Blood sugar Descriptive Increase Decrease percentage terms a c a o o o o a; O o3 0.18 0.15 r ^ ^ Renal threshold J \ Normal 0.07 0.02 Physiological effect Excretion in urine Hyperglycemia Normal well-being range J ^ Insulin " shock Listlessness, Hypoglycemia fatigue Coma, death 0.00 •- ^ ^ Fig. 13-2. Blood sugar level and its control. only traces are excreted (an average of only 142 mg. in the urine of a normal man during 24 hours), but whenever the blood sugar level rises to a certain point, called the renal threshold, urinary excretion occurs. Thus in cases of diabetes the urine usually contains 3-5 per cent of glucose (about 50-100 g. excreted per day). The renal threshold varies with the individual, but ordinarily it is about 0.15-0.18 per cent: Levels of blood sugar much below 0.07 per cent lead to unconsciousness and 323 ANIMAL METABOLISM death, and even values only slightly below the normal range result in feelings of listlessness and fatigue. Glycolysis. The catabolism of carbohydrate in the animal body may be divided for purposes of study into two main phases, the anaerobic and the aerobic. The anaerobic phase, which is called glycolysis, pre- cedes the aerobic part and consists in the conversion of glycogen into pyruvic acid and (or) lactic acid. The metabolic reactions which make up glycolysis are shown in Figs. 13-1 and 13-3.^ The whole process is often called the Embden-Meyerhof scheme. Starting with glucose, two moles of phosphoric acid or inorganic phos- phate, are converted into "organic phosphate" (reaction 8, Fig. 13-3),^ and two moles of ATP are used up, being converted into ADP (reactions I and 4, Fig. 13-1). However, four moles of ATP are again formed from ADP (reactions 9 and 12) so there is a net gain of two moles of ATP for each mole of glucose used. In reaction 7, hydrogen is removed from glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and is held in the form of a reduced coenzyme, DPN • Ho (p. 332). Four atoms of hydrogen are thus pro- duced per mole of glucose. The net result of glycolysis, under condi- tions of mild exercise, can be summarized by the equation: CgHioOe + 2H3PO4 + 2ADP + 2DPN -» 2CH3COCOOH + 2ATP + 2H2O + 2DPN • H2 During mild exercise, the hydrogen of the DPN • H2 is converted into water by combining with oxygen via the cytochrome system (p. 332). However, when exercise is very violent, oxygen cannot be carried by the blood stream to the muscles quickly enough to reoxidize the DPN • Ho as fast as it is formed. When this situation occurs, pyruvic acid is reduced to lactic acid (reaction 13, Fig. 13-3) so that lactic acid becomes the end product of anaerobic glycolysis. This process gives the organism an extra burst of energy for a short time, but the muscles soon become loaded Avith lactic acid, and exhaustion results. During rest, about four- fifths of the lactic acid is converted back into glycogen, and the re- mainder is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. Lactic acid formation (reaction 13) therefore is essentially an offshoot from tlie main line of carbohydrate metabolism. The main pathway leads to pyruvic acid, ATP, and DPN • Ho, as given in the equation above. These products are disposed of during the aerobic phase of car- bohydrate metabolism. It should be noted that each carbon atom of the pyruvic acid comes • ^ The glyceraldehyde and glyceric acid phosphates, appearing in these charts, are frecjuently called phospho-glyeeraldehydes and phospho-glyceric acids, respectively. = ()nly one molecule of HaPOi is shown in Fig. 13-3, but two C-3 fragments are formed from each C-6 unit (reaction 5) so that the products shown subsequently (reactions 7-13) represent only one-half of the molecules coming from one mole of glucose. OPOJI, CHO-OP03H, I CO I HOCIi ,j- ■* — (point of cleavage) h:coii OH 11 (ring form) D-Fructosc-1 ,G-diphosphate ^9% ricoH I CH,-0P03H., (open chain form) I 11 %l (5) (aMnlasc) /^ CHoOPOsH. CO I CH.OH Dihydroxyacetone- phosphate 4% (ij) 90 Tc (tiioseplio»|)liate isomeiase) + 211 Hal'U, lIV, V) - 211 (D-i 3 del CHO I HCOH I CHoOPO,Ho D-Glyceraklcliyde-3- pliospliate vcciaMeliydL--! |/r DPN -phosphate I (7) ( >yam,ena-se) | Nj3p>^..H^ C3H5(OH)3 Clycerol COOH I HCOH 1 CH.OPOsH, D-Glyceric acid 3-phosphate [Enzj-me-glyccric acid-3- phosphate complex] + H,PO,l is)T- IIjPOi ATP ADP (9) >• (trail jphospliuryluM', Mg++ or Mn++) ■1 \- iiTcKio) y-'/" , , , , ' (phosphoglyceromutase) COOH I HC-O— PO3H2 - H.O (11) CH2OH D-Glyceric acid 2-phosphate COOH I HOCH + H,0 (enolase) DPN DPXHo (13) coopajH, . HCOH I CH.OPOjH, D-Glyceric acid 1 ,3-diphosphate COOH I COPO.H, li CIL Pyruvic acid ciiol phospliate ADPt^I a jl (12) (tiaiispliosphorylasc, COOH I CO CH3 L-Lactic acid (lactic acid dehydrogenase) CH3 Pyruvic acid (aerobic metabolism) Fig. 13-3. Reactions of glycolysis {continued). Labeling as in Fig. 13-1. 329 330 ANIMAL METABOLISM from a definite part of the original glucose molecule (see Fig. 13-3, espe- cially reactions 5 and 6). This may be pictured as follows: (1) CHO I HCOH I (3) HOCH (2) (3) (4) HCOH (5) HCOH I (6) H2COH Glucose CHj CO I COOH + COOH I CO I CH3 (3) Pyruvic acid (2) (1) (1) (2) The carbon atoms for the methyl groups of the two pyruvic acid molecules (carbon 3 of the pyruvic acid) come from carbons 1 and 6 of the glucose, those for the CO groups from 2 and 5, and those for the COOH groups from 3 and 4. The correctness of these relationships has been well estab- lished by studies with compounds containing isotopic carbon atoms in known positions. Oxidation of pyruvic acid The Citric Acid Cycle. Pyruvic acid is metabolized by the reactions shown in Fig. 13-4.^ Although oxygen does not appear in this scheme, the process is an aerobic one because the hydrogen atoms produced at several points are constantly being combined with oxygen by the cyto- chrome system. The outstanding feature of the process is its cyclic nature. Oxalacetic acid and acetic acid combine to form citric acid, which then goes back to oxalacetic again (reactions 18-25). This is called the citric acid cycle.^ The main sequence of reactions, normally followed by the bulk of the pyruvic acid metabolized, is indicated in Fig. 13-4 by heavy arrows. Reverse reactions are shown with light arrows, and various associated processes by broken lines. The result of the operation of the citric acid cycle is that the original molecule of pyruvic acid is completely broken down into carbon dioxide and hydrogen, which later becomes water (see below). This may be seen by reading clockwise around the cycle and noting what is added or subtracted in each step. Starting with pyruvic acid, four moles of water are added (reactions 16, 19, 22, 24) and one removed (reaction ^ In this figure, and throughout this chapter, the two-carbon substance arising from the metabolism of pyruvic acid and from fats is shown for simplicity as free acetic acid. It is almost certain, however, that this intermediate is actually an acetyl group (CH3CO— ), which is taken up by a coenzyme {Co A, p. 274) as fast as it is formed and later transferred to some other substance {e.g., oxalacetic acid). ''Also called the tricarboxylic acid cycle, or Krebs cycle. (Glycolysis) 11 CO2, •2H ■*■ CH3COCOOH .^ H,NCHCOOH (15) -CO: + COj, + 2H (H) CH3 L- Alanine + COj Pyruvic acid I+H^o - CO2 -2H CH3COOH ^. Fatty acid Acetic acid oxidation COCOOH \ (17) ^ CH.COOH Oxalacetic acid CHjCOOH HOCCOOH I CH2COOH Citric acid HOCHCOOH I CH.COOH L-Malic acid H2NCHCOOH CH.COOH L-Aspartic acid + H2O (24) - H2O CHCOOH II CHCOOH Fumaric acid CHCOOH CCOOH I CHjCOOH cts-Aconitic acid - HjO (19) |+H,a HCOHCOOH I HCCOOH I CH^COOH d-Isocitric acid + 2H CHjCOOH CH2COOH Succinic acid H2NCHCOOH CHj CH2COOH L-Glutan\ic acid A - HjO + CO2 + 2H + H.O' -CO2 -2H COCOOH I CHj COCOOH I HCCOOH I CHiCOOH Oxalosuccinic acid - COa Fig. 13-4. CHjCOOH alpha-Ketoglutaric acid The citric acid cycle and related metabolic reactions. 331 332 ANIMAL METABOLISM 18). Ten atoms of hydrogen (two each in reactions 16, 20, 22, 23, 25) and three moles of carbon dioxide (reactions 16, 21, 22) are also removed. The net result, therefore, is: CH3COCOOH + 3HoO -> 10(H) + SCOo Since at the end of the cycle another molecule of oxalacetic acid is formed, more pyruvic acid can at once be catabolized. The citric acid cycle may be regarded as a sort of machine for metabolizing pyruvic or acetic acids, or any other substance which can be converted into one of the compounds involved in the cycle (e.g., glutamic acid, p. 343). Oxalacetic acid occupies a position of special importance, since it is the substance with which the incoming stream of acetic acid molecules must combine in order to set the cycle in operation. Although oxalacetic acid is regenerated at each "turn of the wheel," it is obvious that at least a small amount must be present before the cycle can start at all. In other words, there must be some source of oxalacetic acid other than that regenerated by the cycle itself. This other source is pyruvic acid, which can combine with carbon dioxide to give oxalacetic acid directly (reaction 14) or with carbon dioxide and hydrogen (from TPN • Ho) to form malic acid, which then goes to oxalacetic (reactions 15 and 25). It is probable that the latter pathway is quantitatively the more im- portant in animal tissues. Cytochrome System. The only oxidative processes shown in Fig. 13-4 are indirect ones consisting of the addition of water and removal of hydrogen. Thus succinic acid, for example, is converted into oxalacetic acid, which contains one more oxygen atom. This indirect method of oxidation is a very common biochemical process. The hydrogen so produced is never present in the free state in the tissues. It forms reduced coenzymes [e.g., DPN • H2) and from them is passed through the cytochrome system to combine with the oxygen brought to the muscles by the blood stream. It is important to note that, of the two metabolic end products — carbon dioxide and water — only the latter comes from a direct union with the inhaled oxygen. The carbon of the original sugar is never oxidized directly to carbon dioxide. Likewise, the bulk of the energy derived from the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates comes from the oxidation of hydrogen (p. 422). , The most important coenzymes which receive hydrogen from metabo- lites and transfer it to cytochrome are the pyridine nucleotides, DPN and TPN, and the flavin nucleotides, FAD and FMN (p. 277). In most cases the hydrogen from the metabolite first passes to one of the pyridine coenzymes, which is thereby converted into the reduced form, DPN • H2^ ^ These abbreviations are used merely for convenience. In reality, one of tlie two extra hydrogens is ionized : DPN-Ho^ (DPX.H)- + H^ ANIMAL METABOLISM 333 or TPN • H2 (see Chap. 10 for exact formulas) . Next, the hydrogen is most probably transferred to one of the flavin nucleotides. This may be represented, for example, as follows: TPN -Hi + FAIN (26) TPN + FMN-Hi Note that the pyridine nucleotide is returned to its original condition, ready to take up more hydrogen. The reduced flavin coenzyme then hands its hydrogen to cytochrome c (Cyt. c) : FMN-Hj + 2Cyt. c Fe+++ (27) FMN + 2Cyt. c Fe++ + 2W The final reaction is the reoxidation of the reduced cytochrome c by mo- lecular oxygen (from oxyhemoglobin) under the influence of cytochrome oxidase, with the formation of water: 2Cyt. c Fe++ + 2H+ + ^Os (28) cytochrome oxidase 2 Cyt. c Fe+++ + H2O The transport of hydrogen through the cytochrome system may be represented by the scheme shown in Fig. 13-5. The light curved arrows are used to indicate the alternate reduction and reoxidation of the hydro- Hydrogen transport system ^ FMN-H. FMN 2Cyt c Fe+++ ,2Cyt c Fe++ 2H+ HoO Net result H I HOOC— C-OH HC— COOH I HjC— COOH Isocitric acid (metabolite) + 10, 0 II C— COOH I +H,0 HC-COOH I H.C-COOH Oxalosuccinic acid (oxidized metabolite) Fig. 13-5. Transport of hydrogen through the cytochrome system. Al- ternate oxidation and reoxidation of the hydrogen carriers is indicated by light curved arrows. Heavy arrows show path of hydrogen from metabolite to o.'cygen. > 334 ANIMAL METABOLISM gen carriers, TPN, FMN, and cytochrome c. Note that the two hydrogen atoms from one molecule of the metabolite are passed from one coenzyme to another before they are finally combined with oxygen (heavy arrows). This seems like an unwieldy and roundabout method of bringing hydrogen and oxygen together. Apparently, the purpose of this procedure is to release energy in small steps (p. 420) rather than in a sudden burst, which probably would injure living tissues. Through the action of the cyto- chrome system all the hydrogen released from pyruvic acid by the reac- tions of the citric acid cycle is converted into water. Cytochrome c is an iron-containing protein (p. 279). The enzyme, cytochrome oxidase, is poisoned by cyanide. The importance of the cyto- chrome system to higher animals is apparent from the fact that cyanide inhibits the respiration of animal tissue preparations to the extent of 80 per cent or more. Summary of carbohydrate metabolism. The conversation of food carbohydrates into glycogen and their oxida- tion to carbon dioxide and water have been considered above under the headings, glycolysis, citric acid cycle, and cytochrome system. It must be emphasized that these phases of carbohydrate metabolism are not in any way separate from each other but operate continuously and simultaneously in the living animal. In order to gain a clearer over-all picture, the result of these processes as applied to a molecule of glucose may be summarized as follows: CfiHuOs * 2CH3COCOOH + 4(H) 2CH3COCOOH + 6H2O > 20(H) + 6CO2 24(H) + 6O2 > 12H2O Sum: CeHioOe + 6O2 *■ 6H2O + 6CO2 At various stages of the process, energy is stored up by conversion of ADP into ATP, and some energy is released as heat. These aspects will be considered in Chap. 16. METABOLISM OF LIPIDES The fat which is poured into the blood stream by way of the lymph system, following a fatty meal, can be used by the animal organism in four different ways. These are storage, excretion, oxidation, or con- version into essential lipides. ANIMAL METABOLISM 335 Fat storage The main purpose of fat metabolism is to provide energy by oxidation of the fat. However, before this occurs a large part of the fat eaten is temporarily deposited in the fatty tissues of the body. This deposit provides a reserve of energy for the organism far greater than that in the form of glycogen for not only is a much greater quantity of fat deposited, but it has an energy value of 9 Calories per gram as compared to only 4 for carbohydrate. A certain amount of stored fat is also desirable as a protective covering for certain organs, especially the kidney. Dynamic State of Stored Fat. Until rather recently it was supposed that stored fat was more or less inert metabolically — excess food laid away and left undisturbed until needed. This viewpoint was entirely changed by the experiments of Schoenheimer, who fed animals fatty acids containing deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen, in place of some of the hydrogen atoms ordinarily present. He found that after four days about half of the deuterium was present in the stored fats and that much of the isotope had been shifted to several other fatty acids besides the one fed. Also, when water containing deuterium was injected into mice, much of the isotopic hydrogen quickly appeared in the body fats. He concluded that the stored fat was normally in a constant state of flux, even in adult animals having a substantially constant weight and total fat content. About one-half of the body fat is synthesized and one- half broken down each week. Nature of Stored Fat. In general, each animal species tends to lay down a type of depot fat characteristic of the species, but the nature of this fat is also greatly influenced by the kind of food eaten. This is true because the animal possesses only a hmited ability to transform one fatty acid into another. With the aid of isotopic tracers, chiefly deuterium, it has been demon- strated that the animal can shorten or lengthen the chain of saturated fatty acids. Thus stearic acid, for example, can be converted into pal- mitic and myristic acids, and palmitic can be changed back into stearic again. Animal tissues also contain enzymes which can change saturated acids into certain unsaturated ones, for example, stearic into oleic acid. This process, however, is limited to the introduction of one double bond at the 9,10-position. Desaturation at the a,/?-position also probably occurs during beta oxidation (p. 336). That the animal cannot synthesize more highly unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic or linolenic is shown by the fact that these are essential components of the diet (p. 79) . The tissues of animals are able to bring about a saturation of a,^-un- saturated acids. However, if the food fats are more highly unsaturated 336 ANIMAL METABOLISM than the body fats normally are, the latter will become more unsaturated also. This is a matter of considerable economic importance in the feeding of hogs, where a very soft fat is undesirable in the pork. When- ever the body fats are produced by the feeding of carbohydrates, a type of fat characteristic of the animal results. Hogs fed on soybean or peanut meals are "finished" on corn for this reason. Fat transport The blood stream serves as the vehicle for carrying fats to various organs of the body. The blood normally contains simple fat (triglycer- ides) only for a few hours after a meal. These absorbed glycerides are carried in the form of tiny fat droplets called chylomicrons to the fat- storage tissues {e.g., under the skin). Later, the fat to be oxidized is carried to the liver, apparently in the form of phospholipides. A number of conditions are kno^\Ti which bring about a greatly increased amount of fat in the liver. For example, interruption of the normal flow of pancreatic juice in dogs was found experimentally to cause an accumu- lation of over 300 g. of fat in the liver, whereas the liver of a normal dog of similar size contains only 10-15 g. At the same time, the blood phos- pholipide level fell from 60 to about 30 mg. per 100 ml. This "fatty liver" condition is prevented or corrected by feeding choline, which pre- sumably acts by way of forming more phospholipide and thus promoting the transport of fat away from the liver. Methionine also shows lipo- tropic action {i.e., prevents accumulation of fat in the liver) , probably because it can be used in the metabolic synthesis of choline (p. 345) . Metabolic oxidation of fat Whether or not the fat is stored, eventually it becomes oxidized to carbon dioxide and water with the Uberation of energy. This oxidative catabolism of fat is an aerobic process, which is started chiefly in the liver and finished in the muscles and kidneys. The glycerol part of the fat is most probably dehydrogenated and phos- phorylated to form D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (Fig. 13-3) , which may then be metabolized by the carbohydrate pathways already discussed. Thus it may either be converted into glycogen or oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. Beta Oxidation. The fatty acids cannot enter the sugar metabolism pathway so simply because of their widely different chemical nature. It now appears quite certain that these long chain acids are chiefly broken down according to Knoop's theory of beta oxidation. Briefly, Knoop's theory states that two carbon pieces, which appear to be molecules of acetic acid or some closely related substance, are broken off from the ANIMAL METABOLISM 337 — COOH end of the fatty acid. These are then further oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. The exact details of how the two-carbon piece is broken off have not been completely worked out, but are probal)ly some- what as follows: CHoCHnCHsCH.COOH ~|^ CH2CH,CH=CHC00H Carboxyl end of saturated Corresponding a, /3- "fatty acid molecule unsaturated acid O + H2O II + HoO ^ CH2-CH,-C— CH2COOH • -2(H) ^"^ ^"^•- ^ -.xxov.v.w.x ^3jj (30) Corresponding /3-keto acid CH2CH2COOH + CH3COOH Saturated fatty Acetic acid acid with two less carbon atoms Note that it is the beta carbon atom (second from the — COOH group) which is oxidized. This process is then thought to occur over and over until the original fatty acid molecule has been broken down entirely to acetic acid and hydrogen. For example, stearic acid, containing eighteen carbon atoms, is split in 8 places to yield 9 molecules of acetic acid as follows: CH3(CH2)i6COOH + 16HoO^ 9CH3COOH + 32(H) Block and Rittenberg have estimated the normal acetic acid production in rats to be about 1 g. per 100 g. of body weight per day. The exact amount will of course be influenced by the proportion of fat in the ration. Thus acetic acid, and possibly also acetoacetic acid, represent the end products of fat catabolism in the liver. These products are transported by the blood to the muscles and kidneys, where the oxidation is completed. Other Theories of Fat Oxidation. There is evidence that the methyl group of fatty acids (the "omega" carbon atom at the opposite end of the chain from the — COOH) may be oxidized to a second carboxyl group. This oxidation would produce a dibasic acid which could then undergo )8-oxidation from each end. The "omega oxidation" probably occurs to a minor extent, and only with fatty acids of intermediate chain length (about 8-12 carbon atoms) . That it can occur, however, has been shown by feeding dogs triglycerides of such fatty acids as undecanoic (saturated, C-11 acid). The urine of these dogs was found to contain dibasic acids of 11, 9, and 7 carbon atoms. Omega oxidation is probably not a major pathway of normal fat catabolism. A third type of fat catabolism is 7nidtiple alternate oxidation. Accord- ing to this idea the fatty acid is oxidized at the )8-carbon and at each 338 ANIMAL METABOLISM alternate carbon beyond the y8-position toward the methyl end of the chain. This results in a polyketo acid of the type, . . .COCH2COCH2- COCH2COCH2COOH, which breaks down all at once to form acetic (or acetoacetic) acid. It is still uncertain whether this type of oxida- tion occurs extensively during fat metabolism in animals. Oxidation of Acetic Acid. The two-carbon fragment produced during fat catabolism, as described above, can be further metabolized in a variety of ways. Probably the bulk of it, under normal circumstances, is com- pletely oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. This oxidation occurs chiefly in the muscles and kidneys, the main energy-using organs. The acetic acid condenses with oxalacetic acid to form citric acid (reaction 17, Fig. 13-4), which is then further metabolized by the reactions of the citric acid cycle. This condensation, therefore, is a connecting link be- tween fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Following the reactions from acetic acid back to oxalacetic acid (Fig. 13-4), it may be seen that 8(H) and 2CO2 are removed, while 2H2O have been added. This means that the acetic acid has been completely broken down: CH3COOH + 2H20-> 8(H) + 2CO2 Since stearic acid was shown above to form nine acetic acid molecules, the complete catabolism of this acid can now be represented as follows: CH3(CH2)i6COOH + 34H20^ 104(H) + ISCOo The hydrogen atoms, of course, are united with coenzymes as fast as they are produced and are immediately transferred through the cytochrome system to oxygen, thereby being converted into water. Ketosis. One of the most important features of fat metabolism is the fact that fat is not oxidized efficiently to carbon dioxide and water unless carbohydrate is also being oxidized at the same time. The reason probably is that the supply of oxalacetic acid, which is formed from pyruvic acid and carbon dioxide (reactions 15 and 25, Fig. 13-4), is low when carbohydrates, and hence pyruvic acid, are not being metab- olized. The essential relationships involved may be illustrated by an hypothetical case. Suppose only one molecule of oxalacetic acid is pres- ent in a cell which needs to oxidize three molecules of acetic acid. Three separate "turns" of the citric acid cycle, one after another, will be required to complete the job. However, if two molecules of pyruvic acid are also present, they can be converted into two extra molecules of oxalacetic acid, and hence all of the acetic acid — as well as the pyruvic — can be metabolized at one turn of the cycle. At any rate, when carbohydrates are not being metabolized, the acetic acid coming from fats is not oxidized as fast as it is produced. Instead it piles up and is recombined into acetoacetic acid: (32) CHjCOOH + CH3COOH ^-^ CH3COCH2COOH + H2O ANIMAL METABOLISM 339 From this, in turn, are formed acetone and ^S-hydroxybutyric acid: + 2(H) _ CHaCHOHCHjCOOH (34)^ CHsCOCH.COOH -^^ CH3COCH, |3-Hydroxy butyric acid " ^^^ Acetoacetic acid Acetone These three substances collectively are called "ketone bodies." When fat, but not carbohydrate, is metabolized, the ketone bodies accumulate in the blood and are excreted in the urine. This condition is called ketosis. Since two of the ketone bodies are acids, ketosis also involves a condition of acidosis, which if not relieved, leads to coma and death. Ketosis may be caused by eating a diet high in fat and low in carbo- hydrate. For most people a diet having over 75 per cent of the calories in the form of fat and less than 15-20 per cent as carbohydrate is keto- genic (i.e., produces ketosis). However, Eskimos, for example, can tol- erate even higher amounts of fat. Ketosis may also develop during starvation or after long-continued vomiting, because in such cases the main food material being metabolized is the stored fat. Diabetics are very apt to develop ketosis because of their lowered ability to metabolize sugars. The excretion of ketone bodies in cases of ketosis in human beings often amounts to 15-20 g. per day and has been reported in extreme cases to be more than 100 g. per day. The exact manner in which acetoacetic acid is formed in ketosis has been the subject of much dispute. Formerly, it was thought to arise only from the four carbon atoms at the methyl end of fatty acid mole- cules, i.e., the last to be degraded by normal yi9-oxidation. However, it was later found that enzymatic oxidation of caprylic acid (the saturated C-8 acid) gave rise to tivo moles of acetoacetate. The /^-oxidation theory, of course, could account for only one mole from one mole of the fatty acid. It was found further that if the caprylic acid were labeled with C^^, a heavy isotope of carbon, in the — COOH group, the C^^ appeared in both the — COOH and CO groups of the acetoacetic acid. These experimental findings showed that, at least in this case, the caprylic acid was first oxidized to C2 fragments, which then recombined as indi- cated in reaction 32 above. Other metabolic reactions of acetic acid Fat Synthesis. It is a matter of common observation that consump- tion of excess food leads to fatness. Fat can be synthesized in the animal body from either carbohydrates or proteins, although the carbohydrates are the only important source. The production of fat from carbohydrate is a process of reduction and requires energy. Part of the sugar must be oxidized in order that the rest may be converted into fat. Although the mechanism of the conversion is not positively known, the sugar is probably broken down 340 ANIMAL METABOLISM in the usual way to pyruvic acid, which in turn forms acetic acid or a related C2 substance. The long chain fatty acids are then most prob- ably produced by uniting a number of these C2 units. This plan accounts for the fact that nearly all the natural fatty acids contain an even number of carbon atoms. Furthermore, it has been shown by the isotope tracer technique that acetic acid does form fatty acids in the animal body. Acetic acid labeled with deuterium in the methyl group and C^^ in the — COOH was given to mice and rats, and the body fats examined after a few days. Both deuterium and C^^ were present in the fatty acids, and in the same amounts relative to each other as in the acetic acid fed. The isotopes were present in all parts of the fatty acid molecules. Other animals were fed deu- terium oxide ("heavy water") in place of ordinary water, and the body fats were found to have taken up the deuterium. These facts are all consistent with the idea that the fatty acids are synthesized by con- densation of Co fragments, followed by reduction with hydrogen derived from water in the body tissues. Thiamine is required for fat synthesis, possibly because it is a part of cocarboxylase which is required for the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvic acid to form acetic acid (reaction 16, Fig. 13-4). Recently it has been found that another vitamin, namely biotin, is involved in the synthesis of oleic acid, particularly in microorganisms. Steroid Synthesis. Acetic acid has also been found to serve as a metabolic precursor of cholesterol in the animal body. At least half, and probably more, of the carbon and hydrogen atoms in cholesterol are derived from this source. Several other substances such as ethyl alcohol, leucine, and butyric acid can also take part in cholesterol syn- thesis, but probably only because they are first converted into acetic acid. Other important animal steroids are known to be formed, in turn, from cholesterol. Thus the transformation of cholesterol into cholic acid and pregnanediol has been demonstrated with isotopic compounds. Acetylation of Amines. When amines, e.g., sulfanilamide, not normally present in the body are given to animals, they often are converted at least partially into acetyl derivatives, which are excreted. This repre- sents a bodily mechanism for throwing off foreign and possibly toxic materials. As a rule, the acetylated products are less toxic than the original amines. Acetylation also occurs in the case of normal tissue constituents {e.g., amino acids, choline) and is, in fact, a very common metabolic reaction. It has been amply demonstrated that the acetyl groups come from acetic acid. Acetylcholine, produced by acetylation of choline, is an essential substance for nerve functioning. The participation of acetic acid in the metabolic production of por- phyrins and uric acid is discussed under protein metabolism (p. 351). ANIMAL METABOLISM 341 In general, it must be concluded that acetic acid, or some closely related Co substance, is a very active material metabolically and enters into many of the catabolic and anabolic activities of the living animal cell.' METABOLISM OF PROTEINS Synthesis and interconversion of amino acids in animal tissues Essential Amino Acids. The metabolism of proteins in the animal body is largely a matter of the transformations of amino acids. At least 20 of these "building blocks" are present in animal proteins and must therefore be supplied to the animal, either directly from food proteins or indirectly by synthesis from other food constituents. Those acids which cannot be synthesized by the animal at measurable rates are called nutri- tionally essential amino acids. Those which can be synthesized, but at rates which are sometimes inadequate {e.g., during rapid growth) may be called semiessential. Presumably all other amino acids present in body proteins must be capable of being synthesized in adequate amounts (and fast enough) to meet all requirements. Of course, these "nonessential" amino acids also may be present in the food, and, in fact, the main supply normally comes from this source. Lists of essential and semiessential amino acids are given in Table 13-1 for several species. These lists are based mainly on studies of the growth of young animals and on nitrogen balance studies with adults. The latter method, which is the one used for experiments with human beings, involves a comparison of the total intake and output of nitrogen when only certain amino acids are given the subjects. If the lack of a par- ticular amino acid results in a negative nitrogen balance (output larger than intake), this is evidence that the acid is needed and cannot be syn- thesized in the body. For the best nutrition the diet should supply not only the essential and semiessential amino acids, but a good selection of the nonessential ones as well. Although the latter can be produced in the tissues from other materials (see below), it is probably more efficient to consume them ready-made in the form in which they are needed. It will be noted in Table 13-1 that some of the essential amino acids can be replaced by certain closely related substances, namely, the D-isomers, or the alpha-keto or alpha-hydroxy analogs. This situation probably results from the fact that these amino acids can enter into the process of transamination (see below) . In these cases it is the carbon chain of the amino acid which is the essential feature, and not the alpha- amino group. It has also been shown that a-amino adipic acid can replace lysine for the rat, that is, it acts as a physiological precursor of this essential amino acid. 342 ANIMAL METABOLISM Table 13-1 Null ritionally essential and semiessential amino acids Classification Man Rat Chick Essential amino isoleucine histidine *t arginine acids leucine isoleucine *t histidine (no synthesis) lysine leucinet isoleucine methionine * lysine leucine * phenylalanine * methionine *t lysine threonine phenylalanine *t methionine * tryptophan threonine phenylalanine * valine tryptophan *t valine t threonine tryptophan valine Semiessential arginine * arginine cystine amino acids histidine cystine glutamic acid (synthesis glutamic acid glycine sometimes proline proline inadequate) tyrosine * Can be replaced by D-isomer. t Can be replaced by corresponding alpha-keto or alpha-hydroxy acid. Amination. The process of oxidative deamination, which all the amino acids undergo (p. 351), is reversible in the case of glutamic acid. This reversibility makes possible the synthesis of glutamic acid from a-keto- glutaric acid and ammonia, as follows: COOH I CO I CHs + NH3 CH2 I COOH a-Ketoglutaric acid - H2O (35) *" ^+H20 COOH ■ "I C=NH I CH2 I CH2 + 2(H) (36)*' COOH I NH.CH I CH2 - 2(H) I . (L-Glutamic acid ^^2 COOH dehydrogenase) ^^^^ a-Iminoglutaric acid L-Glutamic acid This process takes place mainly in the liver and kidneys. The necessary hydrogen is obtained from the reduced forms of either DPN or TPN, which of course are always available in the body as a result of fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Since the a-ketoglutaric acid is produced from carbohydrates, this process constitutes a link between the metabolism of proteins and sugars. The ammonia must be provided from some dietary source, which normally comes from the deamination of other amino acids. This means that the above process, which may be called amination, does not result in a net increase in the total supply of amino acids. Its value lies, rather, ANIMAL METABOLISM 343 in the fact that, in conjunction with transamination, it enables the body- to convert one amino acid into another. Transamination. Two enzymes have been found in animal tissues which catalyze the transfer of an amino group from an amino acid to a keto acid. Each of these transamination reactions requires glutamic acid as the amino group donor or a-ketoglutaric acid as the acceptor, and pyridoxal phosphate as a coenzyme: COOH COOH COOH COOH HjNCH CO CH, + CH, CH2 COOH COOH L-Glutamic Oxalacetic acid acid COOH COOH H2NCH CO CH, + CHa CHo COOH L-Glutamic Pyruvic acid acid (oxalacetic (37) transaminase) (pyruvic (3S) transaminase) CO HoNCH CH, 1 + CH, CH, COOH COOH a-Ketoglutai •ic L-Aspartic acid acid COOH COOH CO H,NCH CH, + CH, CH, COOH a-Ketoglutaric L-Alanine aiud The presence of these highly active transaminases in nearly all animal tissues suggests that transamination is a major metabolic reaction. Two additional amino acids, aspartic acid and alanine, are thus obtained from sugar metabolism intermediates. There are indications that other amino acids can take part in transamination also, but the importance of the reaction in these cases is doubtful as far as normal metabolism is concerned. Transmethylation. Many of the organic substances present in the tissues of higher animals contain methyl groups attached to nitrogen or to sulfur (examples: creatine, choline, methionine). Other substances (for example, pyridine), not normally present, when fed to animals are converted into methylated derivatives and are excreted in that form. A clearer understanding of this process of methylation was obtained by du Vigneaud from a study of methionine in relation to rat growth. He found that this essential amino acid could be replaced by choline plus homocysteine and proved, by using deuterium as a tracer, that methionine 344 ANIMAL METABOLISM was formed in the animal by the transfer of methyl groups from choline (reaction 39, Fig. 13-6) . ' COOH I H2NCH I I CH2 I SCH3 L-Methionine + (CHs)! (39) I- (CH3) COOH •I H2NCH CH2 I CH2 SH L-Homocysteine I (CHa), N+ I CHj CHj I OH Choline A (46) NH2 I CH2 I OH Ethanolamine + (CH3) COOH I CHo I NH2 Glycine V (CH3) - COa (45) - H,0 COOH (40) H,NCH COOH CH, H.NCH I I CHo— S— CH, L-Cystatliionine (41) COOH I CO I CH2 I CH3 + H,0, - NH3 (Ug** or Zn+*) COOH I H2N— CH CH, I SH L-Cysteine (43) HCOOH Formic acid (44) COOH H2NCH I CH2 I OH L-Serine - 2(H)^ (42) + 2(H) COOH COOH I I H.NCH H2NCH " I I CH,— S— S— CH2 a-Ketobutyric acid L-Uysteine L-Cystine Fig. 13-6. Metabolic interrelationships of glycine, serine, methionine, and cystine, and some methylation reactions in animal tissues. Without choline in the diet, homocysteine was unable to replace methio- nine for rat growth. It was concluded that the animal was unable to synthesize methyl groups needed for certain methylation reactions, but could transfer them, by the process of transmethylation, from other methylated substances, such as choline. Such substances are called methyl donors and are said to contain labile methyl groups. An adequate ANIMAL METABOLISM ^'^^ source of labile methyl groups is one of the essential components of a complete diet for higher animals. However, this requirement can be met indirectly if the diet contains certain vitamins (see below) . Methionine itself is also a methyl donor and has been shown to pro- vide methyl groups for the formation of both choline and creatine (p. 348) . Choline is produced in the animal body by the addition of methyl groups from methionine to ethanolamine (reaction 46, Fig. 13-6) , which in turn is derived from serine (reaction 45) . Five other substances have now been found which can serve as methyl donors in biological systems. Two of them, betaine [ (CH3)3N+CH2COO-] and dimethyl-propiothetin [(CH3)2S+CH2CH2COO-] occur in nature and probably take .part in methylation reactions in living cells. Recent studies have proved that when adequate supplies of folic acid and vitamin B12 are present in the diet, rats can synthesize labile methyl groups from glycine, serine, acetone, or formic acid and hence do not require a methyl donor for growth. This was established by isotopic tracer studies which showed that carbon atoms from these substances appeared in the methyl groups of choline and thymine. Also, when rats were fed a diet containing all the known vitamins including folic acid and vitamin B12, but without any methyl donor, and with homocysteine as the only sulfur-containing amino acid, good growth occurred. Pre- sumably the rats converted the homocysteine into methionine under these conditions. Other Metabolic Interconversions oj Amino Acids. As a result of recent investigations, based almost entirely on the use of isotopic tracers, several other metabolic relationships among amino acids have been discovered. For example, L-cystine is synthesized in the animal body from L-serine and L-methionine. The intermediate steps, which involve homocysteine and cystathionine, are shown in Fig. 13-6. In some still obscure manner the cleavage of cystathionine (reaction 41) results in the formation of a-ketobutyric acid as the other product besides cysteine. Note that only the sulfur of the cystine is derived from methionine and that the rest of the molecule comes from serine. These reactions provide a reasonable explanation for the fact that cystine is not a nutritionally essential amino acid and that it has a "sparing action" for methionine. That is, when the diet contains plenty of cystine, no methionine has to be diverted to cystine synthesis so that less methionine is needed. Another substance which can give rise to cystine in the body of the rat is L-lanthionine (p. 117). Another metabolic relationship, which is now well established, is the formation of serine from glycine. The most probable route of this syn- thesis is shown in Fig. 13-6, reactions 43 and 44. One molecule of glycine is changed into formic acid, which then combines with a second molecule of glycine to form serine. The reverse conversion of serine into glycine also occurs readily in the animal body. 346 ANIMAL METABOLISM Higher animals also are able to convert glutamic acid into proline, hydroxyproline, and ornithine, as follows: COOH I H,NCH 1 CHj 1 (47) H2C- -CH2 (48) *■ H HOC CH2 1 CH2 COOH HjC. /CHCOOH H H2C. /CHCOOH H -Glutamic acid L-Proline 1 t L-Hydroxyproline \ (49) k COOH H2NCH I CH2 I CH2 I CH2 I NH2 L-Ornithinc The ornithine produced is readily converted into two additional amino acids, citrulline and arginine (see urea formation, p. 352). Although arginine can thus be synthesized in the animal, the rate of production is often too slow to meet bodily needs. It has been shown, for example, that the growth of rats fed a ration lacking arginine is greatly stimu- lated by adding this amino acid. Tyrosine is another amino acid which is synthesized in the animal body, the precursor being phenylalanine: COOH COOH H2NCH CH, H2NCH (50) L-Phenylalanine OH L-Tyrosine Accordingly, it has been found that tyrosine has a sparing action fur phenylalanine, just as cystine has for methionine. ANIMAL METABOLISM 347 Utilization of amino acids The main use for amino acids in the animal body is the synthesis of tissue proteins. Such synthesis is not only necessary for young, growing animals, but it is also essential for full-grown adults, because tissue proteins are continually being broken down and resynthesized. Borsook gives 10 days as the half-life (period in which one-half of a substance is decomposed) of the proteins in the internal organs of man and 158 days for those in other tissues (mainly the muscles). The amount of dietary protein needed to supply the normal require- ments of human beings depends on age (stage of growth) and on the amino acid composition of the proteins consumed. Assuming good quality food proteins, satisfactory allowances per kilogram of body weight are: men, 1 g.; women, 1-1.8 g.; children, 1.5-3 g. ; infants, 3.5 g. Conversion of amino acids into other metabolites In addition to protein synthesis, amino acids are used as raw materials for the synthesis of a series of essential substances by animal tissues. The formation of nicotinic acid from tryptophan {p. 237) probably follows the pathway* indicated below, although some details remain unproved: I H NH2 I C— CH.— C— COOH II " H H H L- Tryptophan HC ^^ H HC ^ H NH2 I ^C-COCH^-C— COOH H .C— NH, Kvnurenine H NH2 /C. I HC^ C— CO-CH2-C-COOH H HC ^ /C-NH2 C I OH 3-Hydroxy kvnurenine HC ^ H C. HC *^ C— COOH II €— NH2 I OH 3-Hydroxy anthranilic acid HC^ I H C. HC ^ N' C— COOH II C— COOH Quinolinic acid HC^ I H C. HC ^ C— COOH II CH N Nicotinic acid 348 ANIMAL METABOLISM It has been established that nicotinic acid can be formed from trypto- phan in the actual tissues of the animal body, although the same con- version can also be brought about by intestinal microorganisms. H2N— CH— COOH I CH2 I I CONH2 L-Glutamine Glutamic acid is extensively converted into glutamine in animal tissues. In fact, a large part of the glutamic acid in the body, both free and combined, probably exists in the form of glutamine. Creatine and creatinine are produced from three amino acids, glycine, arginine, and methionine. The guanidine group of arginine first com- bines with glycine to form guanidoacetic acid, which then is methylated by methionine : H^NCH^COOH + I NH2 I C=NH I NH I (CH,)3 I HCNH2 Glycine COOH L-Arginine (51) NH2 I C=NH NH I CH., I COOH + NH, I (CH,)3 HCNH2 I COOH Guanidoacetic acid Ornithine NH, CH3 NH, H C=NH 1 S 1 C=NH S NH + (CH,)2 (52) > NCH3 + (CH,), CH2 HCNH2 CH2 HCNH2 COOH COOH COOH COOH Guanidoacetic acid L-Methionine Creatine L- -Homocysteine The formation of ornithine in the first reaction has not been estab- lished, but would certainly be expected. Choline can also furnish the methyl group for the second reaction, but only indirectly by first trans- ferring it to methionine. The creatine so formed is converted into the ANIMAL METABOLISM 349 anhydride, creatinine, through the intermediary formation of creatine phosphate. (53a) / HN=C COOH ..L > HN=C, \ / N— CHj CH, Creatine + H3PO4 H N— PO3H2 (53b) N— CH2 CH3 Creatine phosphate H N HN=C CO \ / N— CH2 CH3 Creatinine Tyrosine, itself produced from phenylalanine, is the starting point for the biosynthesis of melanin, the dark-colored pigment of the hair and skin, and for the hormones, adrenalin, nor adrenalin, and thyroxine (see Chap. 11). Melanin is produced by the enzymatic oxidation of tyrosine to an unstable intermediate product which polymerizes (reacts with itself) to form the high molecular weight pigment. According to Mason the most probable course of the process is as follows: NH2 CH2— C— COOH I H HC^ XH (0) NH2 CH2— C— COOH I H HC^ XH HC ^. .CH OH L-Tyrosine tyrosinase rearrangement HOC:^ XH X I OH Dihydroxyphenyl alanine, or "Dopa' 350 ANIMAL METABOLISM H HOC^ /C. .CHCOOH H H (0) ^ tyrosinase 0=C' H .C ^ c o=c. c H ,^ c. -CH2 XHCOOH H 2-Carboxy-2,3-dihydro- 5,6-dih5'droxyindoIe Hallochrome - CO2 rearrangement HOC ^ H C. H C- CH (O) HOCi::^ ^C^ ^CH c H H 5,6-Dihydroxyindol('. tyrosinase polymerization Melanin 0=C' 0=C, ■c H CH II .CH H Indole-5,6-quinone Abnormal metabolism of tyrosine and phenylalanine is exhibited by some people. In tlie condition known as alcaptonuria, tyrosine is con- verted into homogentisic acid. This substance is excreted in the urine CHoCOOH CHoCOCOOH HC ^^ ^COH HOC ^ .CH HC HC ^ C, ■^CH 0' H =^ C^ H .CH Homogentisic acid Phenylpyruvic acid and causes it to turn black on standing exposed to air. In another con- dition, phenylketonuria, large amounts of -phenylpyruvic acid are formed from phenylalanine and are excreted in the urine. This apparently results from an inability to convert phenylalanine to tyrosine. Both of these conditions represent hereditary abnormalities of amino acid metabolism. Certain amino acids, particularly glycine, have also been demonstrated to be among the building blocks used by the animal in the biosynthesis of purines and porphyrins. The various carbon and nitrogen atoms of the purine skeleton come from the following sources: carbons 4 and 5, ANIMAL METABOLISM 351 (i)N=C(6) I 1(5) (2)C C— N '')\ (*)C (9) / (3)N— C — N (^) Purine skeleton and nitrogen 7 from glycine; carbons 2 and 8 from acetic acid; carbon 6 from carbon dioxide; and nitrogens 1, 3, and 9 from ammonia. In the porphyrin ring system, A C(4) >— N / (2) (1) (3)\ /^a\ /(4)^ (2)^ ^ C(3) D (5), c. 0) (5r% (2) ^ Porphyrin ring system^ carbons A-2, B-2, C-2, D-2, a, 13, y, and 8 come from CHo of glycine, while A-4:, 5-4, C-4, and D-4 are derived from the CH3 of acetic acid. Also the four nitrogen atoms come from the NH2 group of glycine. The mechanism by which these components are put together to form purine and porphyrin compounds in the animal body is still un- known. Breakdown of amino acids in the animal body Deamination. In the average American diet more protein is con- sumed than is needed for synthesis of tissue proteins and the other essen- tial substances derived from amino acids. Consequently, the body re- ceives an excess of amino acids which must be disposed of in some manner. Direct excretion would be wasteful and, in fact, occurs to only a small extent (in the urine). Most of the excess amino acids seem to be broken down by the process of oxidative deamination. Two steps are involved ; first, dehydrogenation of the amino acid forms an imino acid: ^ The four individual pyrrole rings are sometimes designated as I, II, III, and IV, respectively, rather than by A, B, C, and D (p. 137). 352 ANIMAL METABOLISM H,N-CH-COOH -"""0 acid oxidase- ^ H N^C-COOH + 2(H) I (54) I R R Amino acid Corresponding imino acid which in the second step is hydrolyzed to the corresponding keto acid and ammonia: HN=C-COOH + H2O -^ 0=C-COOH + NH3 R . R A number of enzymes present in animal tissues catalyze the dehydrogena- tion of various amino acids (see Chap. 10). The hydrogen split off in the first step is transferred directly to an acceptor, which differs accord- ing to the enzyme involved, but frequently is oxygen. Assuming that oxygen is the acceptor, the net result of oxidative deamination may be summarized by the following equation: HaN-CH-COOH + O2 ±^^ 0==C— COOH + NH3 + H2O2 R R The hydrogen peroxide is decomposed by catalase, or used to oxidize other metabolites. The other products are further metabolized as described below. Formation of Urea. Ammonia is a toxic substance that cannot be tolerated by animal tissues in large amounts and therefore must be eliminated as fast as it is formed. For most higher animals it is com- bined with carbon dioxide to form the waste product, urea. A summary equation indicating the net result of this combination is as follows: 2NH3 + COo -^ H2N - CO - NH2 + HoO Urea However, such a direct union does not occur in the body. Urea is formed instead by a cyclic process involving several intermediate substances. Almost certainly, the immediate source of the urea is arginine, which is broken down into urea and ornithine by the enzyme, arginase: ' NH2 NH2 NH2 C=NH (CHo)3 + CO I +H.0 (CH=)a COOH NH ,,gi„,3e HC-NH2 NH2 HC— NH2 I COOH L-Arginine L-Ornithine Urea ANIMAL METABOLISM 353 Arginase is present in the livers of those species which excrete urea as the main end product of nitrogen metabolism, but is absent from others such as birds, reptiles, and insects which excrete uric acid instead of urea. Evidently there must be some way by which ammonia is incorporated into arginine in the body, in preparation for urea formation. A possible method, suggested in 1932 by Krcbs and Henseleit, is known as the ornithine cycle: NH2 NH2 1 CO (CH,)3 (57) + NH3 NH HCNH2 + C0; (CH,)3 COOH HCNH2 COOH L-Ornithine L-CitruUine + NH3 (58) NH2 I C=NH I NH I (CH2)3 + H20 HCNH2 COOH L-Arginine Splitting of the arginine which was formed would then give the end product, urea, plus another molecule of ornithine and start the cycle over again. Most investigators still regard this scheme as essentially correct, although later work has shown that aspartic and glutamic acids are also involved in the process and also that an energy source (probably ATP) is necessary to drive the reactions in the direction indicated. According to Ratner and Pappas the conversion of citrulline to arginine (reaction 58) probably does not occur simply by addition of ammonia, as shown in the above equation, but rather by interaction with aspartic acid: KH2 1 C=0 I NH I (CHo)3 HCNH2 I COOH L-CitruUine COOH H,N— CH + CH, I COOH L-Aspartic acid (An intermediate condensation product) NH2 I C=NH COOH I I NH HOCH -I +1 (CH2)3 CH2 HCNH2 COOH COOH L-Arginine L-Malic acid This indicates that the nitrogen of certain amino acids may be converted into urea in the body without ever having existed as free ammonia. Another modification of the Krebs-Henseleit cycle was proposed by Cohen and Grisolia. They presented evidence that the carbon dioxide 354 ANIMAL METABOLISM needed for reaction 57 does not react directly with ornithine, but first combines with ghitamic acid to form an intermediate substance, which then transfers its carbon dioxide to ornithine. Glutamine probably is not involved in urea formation ; but it does serve as the source of urinary ammonia (i.e., ammonium salts) in mammals. Metabolism of deaminated amino acid residues The products resulting from deamination of amino acids (usually a-keto acids) are in most cases utilized as a source of energy by the animal body, that is, oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. The metabolic pathways by which this oxidation occurs are not fully known, but are certainly different for each amino acid. The keto acids from the deamination of alanine, aspartic acid, and glutamic acid are normal intermediates in carbohydrate metabohsm and can be either broken down to carbon dioxide and water or built up into glycogen or glucose by the reactions already considered (Figs. 13-1, 13-3, and 13-^). In diabetic dogs several other amino acids also are convertible, wholly or in part, into glucose. Included in this group are glycine, serine, arginine, and proline. Three of the amino acids, phenylalanine, tyrosine, and leucine, produce acetoacetic acid when fed to diabetic dogs. This substance, it will be recalled, is one of the compounds resulting from oxidation of fatty acids in the animal body. These amino acids therefore appear to be oxidized, after being deaminated, in the manner of fatty acids. Amino acids which give rise to acetoacetic acid in the body are said to be ketogenic (form ketone bodies), whereas those convertible into carbohydrate are anti- ketogenic. In some cases ring structures of the more complex amino acids are nonutilizable. Tryptophan, for example, is partly degraded into indole and skatole, which are excreted in the feces. H H C C HC^ ^C CH HC^ ""C C-CHa HC^ /C. XH HC^ ^C^ ^CH ^C N'^ C N H H H H Indole Skatole REVIEW QUESTIONS ON ANIMAL METABOLISM L Define metabolism, catabolism, anabolism. 2. What is the main purpose of carbohydrate metabolism in the animal body? In which respects does this process resemble actual burning of carbohydrate in a flame? ANIMAL METABOLISM 355 3. Summarize the main factors operating to control the blood sugar level. 4. Is lactic acid one of the intermediate substances formed on the main pathway of normal carbohydrate metabolism? Under which conditions is it formed in con- siderable amounts? Why is it formed? What becomes of it? 5. Show by balanced equations the net result of glycolysis, starting with glucose; of the combined operation of the citric acid cycle and the cytochrome system, starting with pj-ruvic acid. 6. List four phosphorylated and six nonphosphorylated intermediate substances involved in carbohydrate metabolism. 7. Summarize the evidence as to whether stored fat is motabolically active or inert. 8. What is meant by "beta" oxidation of fatty acids; by "omega" oxidation? Which is most important in animal tissues? 9. List eight substances which may be more or less directly produced from acetic acid in animal tissues. 10. Discuss the relationship between the ability of animal tissues to carry out synthetic reactions and the need for amino acids or proteins in an animal's food. 11. Which metabolic reactions ser\'e to link together the metabolism of carbo- hydrates and proteins; of carbohydrates and fats? 12. What is transmethylation? Name the substances now known to serve as methyl group donors, and list several substances produced in the body as a result of methylation. 13. Name 5 substances produced in the animal body wholly or partially from glycine. 14. Which amino acids are ketogenic; antiketogenic? REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Baldwin, E.. Dynamic Aspects of Biocheniistnj, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1952. Bloch, K., "The Metabolism of Acetic Acid in Animal Tissues," Physiol. Rev., 27, 574 (1947). Bloch, K. and Rittenberg, D., "An Estimation of Acetic Acid Formation in the Rat," J. Biol. Chem., 159, 45 (1945). Bloor, W. R., Biochemistry of the Fatty Acids, Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York, 1943. Borsook, H., "Protein Turnover and Incorporation of Labeled Amino Acids into Tissue Proteins in Vivo and in Vitro," Physiol. Rev., 30, 206 (1950). Breusch, F. L., "The Biochemistry of Fatty Acid Catabolism," Advances in Enzymol- ogy, 8,343 (1948). Chaikoff, I. L. and Entenman, C, "Anti-Fatty Liver Factor of the Pancreas," Advances in Enzymology, 8, 171 (1948). Cohen, P. P, and Grisolia, S., "The Intermediate Role of Carbamyl-L-Glutamic Acid in Citndline Synthesis," J. Biol. Chem., 174, 389 (1948). Duel, H. J. and Morehouse, M. G., "The Interrelation of Carbohydrate and Fat Metabolism," Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry, 2, 119 (1946). du Vigneaud, V., Ressler, C, and Rachele, J. R., "The Biological Synthesis of 'Labile Methyl Groups,'" Science, 112, 267 (1950). Gortner, R. A. Jr. and Gortner, W. A., Outlines of Biochemistry, 3rd ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1949, Chapters 19, 20, 26, and 32. Greenberg, D. M. (editor) Amino Acids and Proteins, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 1951, Chapters X, XIII. 356 ANIMAL METABOLISM Kleinzeller, A., "Synthesis of Lipids," Advances in Enzymology, 8, 299 (1948). Knoop, F., "Catabolism of Aromatic Fatty Acids in the Animal Body," Beitr. Chem. Physiol. Path., 6, 150 (1905). Krebs, H. A. and Henseleit, K., "Urea Formation in the Animal Body," Z. Physiol. Chem., 210, 33 (1932). Lardy, H. E. (editor) Respiratory Enzymes, Burgess Publishing Company, revised ed., Minneapolis, 1949. Martins, C. and Lynen, F., "Problem des Citronensaure cyklus," Advances in Enzymology, 10, 167 (1950). Mason, H. S., "The Chemistiy of Melanin," J. Biol. Chem., 172, 83 (1948). Medes, G., "Fat Metabolism," Annual Rev. Biochem., 19, 215 (1950). Ratner, S. and Racker, E., "Carbohydrate Metabolism," Annual Rev. Biochem., 19, 187 (1950). Ratner, S. and Pappas, A., "Biosynthesis of Urea," J. Biol. Chem., 179, 1183, 1199 (1949). Schoenheimer, R., The Dynamic State of Body Constituents, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1942. Swanson, P. P. and Clark, H. E., "Metabolism of Proteins and Amino Acids," Annual Rev. Biochem., 19, 235 (1950). Chapter 14 METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS Interrelations of microorganisms, animals and plants Microorganisms form an integral and indispensable part of a living world. Some consideration of their chemical activities is not only de- sirable but essential if an over-all view of biochemistry is to be obtained. Chlorophyll-containing plants are the ''factories" in which organic matter is made and energy is stored. Many of the organic compounds produced in nature contain nitrogen, and in the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, bacteria, such as rhizobia, are undoubtedly the most important agents. The building of organic matter is balanced by its destruction; here again microorganisms seem to play the leading role. Dead plant and animal materials are converted by microorganisms into simple compounds such as carbon dioxide, ammonia and nitrates, which are used again by plants. Although animals contribute to the breakdown of organic matter, in the over-all effect microorganisms undoubtedly are the principal agents. The balance between construction and destruction of organic matter is often spoken of in connection with single elements and designated as the carbon cycle and the nitrogen cycle in nature. The intimate association of microorganisms and animals is of course obvious from the fact that animals act as hosts to vast numbers of bac- teria in the intestinal tract. The importance of bacteria to the host is conspicuous in the case of ruminants, where they probably are indis- pensable. They break down cellulose and other resistant plant materials to compounds that can be utilized by the animal, synthesizing all the B vitamins needed by the ruminant. Even nonruminants appear to derive a large part of their supply of certain vitamins, e.g., biotin, from the synthetic action of bacteria. On the debit side of the association account is the production of dis- ease by infectious microorganisms in animals and plants. The practical problem then is to promote the development of useful microorganisms and to retard the growth of harmful types. From a scientific viewpoint, the study of the metabolism of micro- organisms has been a most fruitful effort. A first insight into inter- mediary metabolism came from a study of yeast. This has been extended to animals and bacteria, and from these studies a diversified but also a unified pattern of metabolism is emerging. 357 358 METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS Growth requirements Energy and Carbon. Because of the thousands of species of micro- organisms, it is much more difficult to state their growth requirements than it is those of higher animals, where only a few species have to be considered. Perhaps the only general statement one can make is that all require some source of energy. A few species of microorganisms can, like plants, use light as a source of energy, but the vast majority obtain their energy from chemical elements or compounds. Merely listing a few examples shows the diversity of sources: elemental H, C, and S, simple compounds such as HoS and NH3, carbon compounds ranging from carbon dioxide and methane through the carbohydrates, lipides, and proteins to such resistant materials as lignin and paraffin. Stephenson cites an example from the work of den Dooren de Jong to illustrate the amazing synthetic powers of microorganisms. The bacterium, Pseudomonas putida, can meet all its carbon requirements from 77 different carbon compounds out of 200 tested. The utilizable compounds included 6 carbohydrates, 10 alcohols, 13 fatty acids, 17 amino acids, 9 amides, and 7 amines. It would probably be a safe statement to make that there is no form of combined carbon in the world that cannot be utilized by some microorganism. Nitrogen. Since all living cells contain protein, some form of nitrogen must be supplied. In some cases atmospheric nitrogen is utilized {e.g., Azotobacter vinelandii) ; in others, inorganic nitrogen, such as nitrates and ammonia, is adequate {e.g., yeasts, molds, and autotrophic bacteria) ; but in many others only amino acids can meet the needs of the cell. Lactic acid bacteria are conspicuous examples of cells that require pre- formed amino acids for growth. One of these, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, requires 17 amino acids, many more than are required by higher ani- mals. The requirement for certain amino acids may depend upon the absence of a vitamin. For example, some strains of propionic acid bacteria require riboflavin if ammonium sulfate is the source of nitrogen, but if amino acids are supplied, no riboflavin is needed. Another example is Lactobacillus arabinosus, which grows without tryptophan if vitamin Be is present, and without Be if tryptophan is present. In both cases it synthesizes the compound that is omitted. Hence there is not an absolute requirement for either compound, but the cell cannot make both com- pounds simultaneously. The interesting phenomenon of imbalance among amino acids exists in microorganisms, perhaps more markedly than with higher animals. Thus a certain strain of Escherichia coli will grow in the absence of tyrosine, but not in its presence unless phenylalanine is also present. In METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS 359 this instance tyrosine and phenylalanine are antagonistic to one another. There are many other examples of imbalance between amino acids. Growth of some bacteria requires, or is increased by, purines and pyrimidines in the culture medium (e.g., Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium tetani) . Some bacteria use uric acid and other purines as their sole source of carbon and nitrogen (e.g., Clostridium acidiurici) . Growth Factors (Vitamins, etc.). The growth factor requirements of microorganisms vary over a wide range of compounds. For example, E.coli can grow in a medium containing no B vitamins, whereas Lacto- bacillus casei requires at least seven of these vitamins and, in addition, some growth factors of undetermined nature. In some cases only a part of the vitamin molecule is required preformed in the medium; e.g., the ^-alanine jiart of pantothenic acid by yeast and the pantoyl part of it by Acetobacter suboxydans. In other cases, a combined form of the vitamin is required; e.g., nicotinamide riboside by Hemophilus parain- jluenzae and pantetheine (pantothenic acid-/3-aminoethanethiol) by Lactobacillus bulgaricus. An example of a progressively more complex series of compounds, and bacteria requiring them, follows: Bacteria Compounds required Clostridium acetobutylicum p-aminobenzoic acid Streptococcus fecalis pteroic acid Lactobacillus casei pteroyl glutamic acid Lactobacillus citrovorwn formyltetrahydropteroj'lglutamic acid The probable explanation of this series is that the last compound in the series is either the one that functions in metabolism or is nearer to it than the earlier members. The bacteria that need only the simpler compounds probably synthesize the complex compound from the simpler ones. For example, CI. acetobutylicum can perform all the syntheses between p-aminobenzoic acid and formyltetrahydropteroylglutamic acid, and L. citrovorum cannot perform some, if any, of them. Another such progressively complex series starts with pantothenic acid, proceeds to pantetheine, and ends with coenzyme A. A third series can be formed from pyrimidine (or thiazole), thiamine, and lipothiamide. The existence of these series of compounds suggests that the compound actually functioning in the metabolism of the cell is the complex com- pound and not the siinple one. The fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) , so essential for animals, are not required by microorganisms. Many microorganisms synthesize K and carotene and ergosterol, the precursors of A and D. Ascorbic acid stimulates the growth of some bacteria, but it seems to act as a reduction-oxidation compound rather than as a vitamin. On the other hand, many other compounds not required in the diet of animals serve as growth factors for microorganisms. Examples of such compounds, in addition to those already named, and the associated microorganisms 360 METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS follow: hemin (Hemophilus injiuenzae) ; putrescine, NHo(CH2)4NH2 {H. parainfluenzae) ; a-lipoic acid, also called thioctic acid, p. 254 {Strep- tococcus lactis and Tetrahymena geleii) ; coprogen, an organic-iron com- pound (Philobolus kleinii) . Inorganic Elements. The requirement of K, Mg, Mn, Fe, S, and P for the growth of microorganisms is well established, and numerous reports indicating the need for Ca, Cu, Zn, Mo, and Co have appeared. The reason for the uncertainty regarding the need for some of these elements is the small amount that is required and the difficulty of removing traces of these elements from the medium. An example of the difficulties that exist is illustrated by a study of the vitamin B12 requirements of bacteria. This vitamin is synthesized by many bacteria, and since it contains cobalt, this element must have been present in the medium. While the vitamin can be shown to have been formed, the presence of cobalt in the medium is not easily demonstrated. The quantity of cobalt required for the synthesis of all the vitamin needed by the bacteria is of the order of 0.4 m^ug Co per liter ^ of medium — a quantity that is not easily detected. On the other hand, microorganisms that synthesize large quantities {e.g., 2-3 jug per milliliter) of vitamin B12 must be supplied with cobalt salts if maximal yields of vitamin B12 are to be obtained. In practical work the needs of microorganisms for all the inorganic elements are met by adding phosphate or sulfate salts of potassium, magnesium, manganese, and iron to the medium. These salts usually carry enough impurities to meet the needs, if any, of the microorganism for other elements. Growth efficiency Cells differ greatly as to the efficiency with which they convert nutrients into cell material. The comparison is best made on the basis of dry matter of food converted into dry matter of cells, in order to eliminate the effect of varying moisture contents on the calculations. If the figures are expressed on a percentage basis, the efficiency of the cell is obtained. The efficiency varies under different conditions, but if those giving optimal values are taken, the conversion of nutrients into cell dry matter is about as follows: Group Example Percent Aerobic bacteria Azolohacter vivelandii 14 Anaerobic bacteria Clostridium acetobutylicum I Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, aerobic growth 50 Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, anaerobic growth 5 Molds Penicillium chrysogenum, in penicillin production. 40 Molds Aspergillus niger, in citric acid production 5 ^ One milligram is equivalent to 1,000 micrograms (^,g) and one microgram is equiva- lent to 1,000 millimicrograms (m|j,g). METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS 361 Young of some common higher animals: Cattle 4 Swine 7 Chicken 10 Fish 10 Yeast when grown under aerobic conditions is probably the most efficient of the microbial cells ; molds come next and, from the meager data available, bacteria are third. Animals, even the most efficient, are far below aerobic microorganisms in their ability to convert food into living cells. Slow-growing animals are less efficient than animals that attain ma- turity in a short time. This is to be expected since cells that grow slowly use up a larger proportion of the food for maintenance than rapidly growing cells. Perhaps the most noteworthy figures are those comparing aerobic and anaerobic growth. For example, the same species of yeast gives about 10 times more weight of cells under aerobic than under anaerobic conditions. Producers of baker's yeast understand this fact and blow enormous quantities of air through the medium to obtain high yields of yeast. Under anaerobic conditions the nutrients, e.g., glucose, are converted mainly into ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide instead of into yeast cells. It is impossible to have high yields of cells and alcohol in the same fermentation. The situation is analogous to that with cattle; the farmer obtains a high production of either beef t)r milk, but not both from the same animal. The effect of aerobic conditions in stimulating the growth of cells is seen also by comparing the two bacteria, A. vinelandii and CI. aceto- hutylicum. The first is an aerobe and gives high yields of cells. The second, an anaerobe, gives a low yield of cells but large amounts of products such as acetone, ethyl alcohol, and butyl alcohol. Molds are aerobic microorganisms. If allowed to grow under favor- able conditions, e.g., penicillin fermentation, they are about as efficient as yeast in converting nutrients into cells. In citric fermentation, growth is deliberately restricted in order to promote the yield of citric acid. Metabolic rate Microorganisms transform matter at a much faster rate than do animals. It takes about 100 days for an adult human being to consume his own weight of food. Cattle accomplish this in 40 days and swine do it in 20 days. Yeast cells take about 30 minutes to metabolize their weight of nutrients. The mold A. niger converts its own weight of glucose to gluconic acid in about 2 minutes, and a urea-splitting bacterium trans- forms its weight of urea to ammonia in a few seconds. One reason why 362 METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS some microorganisms work so fast is that they derive very little energy from the chemical changes that they bring about. Hence, of necessity, they must work over a large amount of matter in order to meet their energy needs. Comparison of microorganisms with respect to end products The term fermentation may be defined as the chemical process by which organic compounds are converted into new compounds by micro- organisms or by enzymes obtained from microorganisms. With modi- fying words it is used in a broad sense to designate products formed, materials utilized, or agents involved. When dealing with products formed, we have such phrases as alcohol fermentation, citric acid fer- mentation, penicillin fermentation, tea fermentation, etc. To feature the materials utilized, such terms as glucose-, xylose-, cellulose-fermenta- tion are used. In designating the microbiological agent such expressions as yeast fermentation, bacterial fermentation, and mold fermentation are employed. In this chapter the word fermentation is used in all three of these ways. No distinction is made among processes that are anaerobic and produce gas, e.g., alcoholic fermentation, those that are anaerobic and produce no gas, e.g., lactic acid fermentation, and those that are aerobic and produce gas (carbon dioxide), e.g., citric acid and penicillin fermentations. In a restricted sense the term fermentation is used to denote an anaerobic type of metabolism. Associated with this usage is the term respiration, brought over from animal metabolism to denote what in effect is complete oxidation of the substrate to carbon dioxide and water. Attempts to separate microbial metabolism into fermentation and respira- tion processes seem highly artificial, since the yeast cell, for example, may operate on either an aerobic system or an anaerobic system, and at times even on both systems simultaneously. In Table 14-1 are listed the products that are characteristic of bacteria, yeasts, and molds. The percentage given for the glucose or fructose converted into the corresponding product is maximal, or nearly so. It is believed that figures showing such a performance of a microorganism are more meaningful than data obtained under conditions that do not permit the cells to function at or near their optimal capacity. An inspection of this table shows that there are about a half dozen products that are common to all three groups. Carbon dioxide is the compound that is not only common to all three, but is also produced in large amounts by many members of each group. It is probably a universal product of cell metabolism. In certain cases a product is more generally found in one or two of the groups rather than in the METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS 363 others. Lactic acid, for example, is produced by many bacteria, but only a few molds make it, and yeasts produce it only in traces or under special conditions. Products that are limited to bacteria are hydrogen, the lower fatty acids, butylene glycol, butyl alcohol, acetone, and isopropyl alcohol. Several of these products are closely related, as will be shown later. Di- and tri-basic acids are characteristic of molds. Succinic acid is the only one of this type common to all three groups. Although it has been found in yeast fermentations, it appears to originate from oxida- tion and decarboxylation of glutamic acid rather than from glucose. If a fourth column to include animals were tabulated, it would be found to be mostly negative, except for carbon dioxide. Lactic acid, acetic acid, and acetone are found at times in the urine, but they are not normal end products of animal metabolism. The high yields obtained with some microorganisms have made possible a number of industrial fermentations. The mechanism of the formation of these products will be discussed later. Table 14-1 Characteristic end products of carbohydrate metabolism formed by bacteria, yeasts, and molds * Compound Bacteria Yeasts Molds Carbon dioxide CI. acetobutylicum, 55 S. cerevisiae, 45 P. chrysogenum, 70 Lactic acid L. delbrilckii, 90 S. cerevisiae, trace R. oryzae, 75 Ethyl alcohol T. mobile, 45 S. cerevisiae, 45 F. avenaceum, 40 Acetic acid L. gayonii, 10 S. cerevisiae, 1-3 A. nigcr, trace Glycerol L. lycopersici, 20 S. cerevisiae, 1-40 Aspergillus sp., 10 Mannitol L. gayonii, 65 None Aspergillus sp., 35 Gluconic acid A. suboxydans, 95 None A.niger,95 Propionic acid P. pentosaceum, 60 None ? Formic acid E. typhi, 10 None None Hydrogen E. coli, 0.5 None None Succinic acid E. coli, 12 Doubtful Rhizopus,sp., small Acetoin A. aerogenes, 0.5 Trace None Butylene glycol A. aerogenes, 45 ? None Butyric acid CI. saccharobutyricum. None None 40 Butyl alcohol CI. acetobutylicum, 2Q None None Acetone CI. acetobutylicum,, 7 None None Isopropyl alcohol . . . .CI. butylicum, 6 None None Oxalic acid None None A. niger, 80 Fumaric acid None None R. nigricans, 60 Citric acid None None A. niger, 90 * The microorganisms named are typical of the best producers of the compounds. The figures denote the maximum percentage of product, based on glucose or fructose fermented, that has been found in the literature. The yield of product, usually less, will vary with other substrates, microoi-ganisms, and fermentation conditions. 364 METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS AEROBIC METABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES The conventional and most convenient method of classifying the varied types of metabolism performed by microorganisms is on the basis of utilization of oxygen. If oxygen is used, the metabolism is called aerobic ; and if not, it is designated as anaerobic. This is an arbitrary classifica- tion, as many organisms have both an aerobic and an anaerobic system and operate on one or the other as circumstances require. Examples of such microorganisms are E. coli and ordinary baker's yeast, *S. cerevisiae. Bacteria that can grow either in the presence or absence of air are termed facultative aerobes or facultative anaerobes depending upon which con- dition appears more favorable. By bacteria In general, aerobic bacteria oxidize sugars to carbon dioxide and water, but there are certain bacteria that are exceptions to this rule. Acetobacter suboxydans, for example, oxidizes the carbons along the chain of a polyhydroxy substance like glucose, but cannot cut the chain into shorter pieces. From glucose it forms gluconic acid and 5-ketogluconic acid, and from sorbitol it makes sorbose. The oxidizability of a compound is very specific and depends upon the structure of the molecule. For example, sorbitol and mannitol are oxidized to the corresponding keto- sugars, sorbose and fructose, respectively; but ducitol, the alcohol cor- responding to galactose, is not attacked. From a study of these and other sugar alcohols, Bertrand concluded that two alcohol groups adjacent to the primary alcohol must be cis to one another for oxidation to take place. Dulcitol and xylitol do not have such a structure and are not oxidized. However, as more polyhydric alcohols and bacteria have been studied, it has been found that the requirements are both less specific and more complex than is expressed by Bertrand's rule. Aerobic bacteria are very important in the production of vinegar, anti- biotics, and enzymes; in the retting of flax; and in the disposal of sewage by the activated sludge process. Antibiotics are of special interest and recent development. An antibiotic is generally defined as an organic compound produced by microorganisms which in small concentrations inhibits or kills other microorganisms, usually pathogenic in character. The definition is admittedly arbitrary, as it excludes inhibitory com- pounds produced by higher plants, such as quinine, and purely synthetic compounds, such as sulfa drugs. The term as thus defined, however, is useful and convenient for practical purposes. The number of antibiotics reported in the literature runs into several hundreds. Most of these are poorly characterized chemically, but ap- proximately 60 have been obtained sufficiently pure to permit determina- METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS 36; tion of their elementary composition. Some of these antibiotics are well- characterized structurally, but most of them are poorly defined chemical compounds. One reason why so little is known regarding the chemical nature of many antibiotics is the fact that they are too toxic for clinical use. Toxicity removes one of the strong incentives for determining their structure. This is unfortunate, because a knowledge of the struc- ture of a toxic substance is perhaps as important as an understanding of the make-up of the less toxic substance. There is a fine opportunity for qualified chemists in this field. The best known antibiotic in actual use is of course penicillin, but since it is a mold product it will be discussed in the section on molds. The other antibiotics are produced either by bacteria or streptomycetes. The latter are classified as bacteria, although they have mold-like char- acteristics, for example, growth in long thread-like filaments. Each of these antibiotics will be discussed separately. Streptomycin. This antibiotic was discovered by Waksman and asso- H NH I II N— C— NH2 HO I I /C-H/H H. 0 C— H H2N— C— N— C>^ ^C— H II ^ C \ Streptidine moiety (gives basic property) O H— C I 0=C— C— OH H C-H O- C— H CH3 Streptose moiety (reducing property) CH3-N— C-H H^ I O H— C-OH I HO— C— H I C-H I CHoOH N-Methyl-L-glucosamine ' — Streptobiosamine ■ moiety Streptomycin (free base) ciates in 1944 and is produced by the microorganism Streptoinyces griseus. Like most microorganisms, S. griseus produces several other antibiotics, namely, mannosidostreptomycin, a combination of mannose and strepto- mycin; actidione, an antifungal compound (C15H23NO4) ; and grisein (C40H61N10O00SFC) . By selection, strains of S. griseus have been obtained 366 METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS which give mainly streptomycin, and in high yields — about 2-3 g. per liter of medium. This antibiotic is produced by many companies in the United States and foreign countries. In 1952 the production in the United States was 440,000 lb., and the market value at the plants was about $50,000,000. Its use is attended with some drawbacks. The tubercle and other bacteria become resistant to streptomycin. It also has toxic effects on the eighth cranial nerve which may lead to deafness on prolonged use. However, in spite of much effort, no other antibiotic has been found equal to streptomycin in the treatment of tuberculosis. See Fig. 14-1, Courtesy of Abbott I^aboratoiies. (a) Courtesy of The .Squibb Institute for iNIedical IJesearfli. (b) Fig. 14-1. Tubercle bacillus and streptomycin, (a) Photomicrograph of infected limg tissue of mouse. The rod-like particles are Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the microorganism that causes tuberculosis. Other dark areas show accompanying cellular lung tissue, (b) Crystals of streptomycin tri- chloride, the most useful antibiotic in the treatment of tuberculosis. Streptomycin, as can be seen from the structural formula, is a complex organic base consisting of three parts: streptidine, streptose, and a methyl derivative of glucosamine. The streptidine base contains two guanidino groups (compare arginine, p. 120) which give streptomycin its salt-forming characteristics. Commercial preparations of streptomycin are usually the trihydrochloride or trihydrosulfate. Streptidine is clearly a deriva- METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS 367 tive of inositol, a vitamin which is found in many plant and animal materials. Streptose is an unusual type of sugar. It has an aldehyde group attached along the carbon chain to give a branching structure. The aldehyde group can be reduced chemically to give the corresponding alcohol. This derivative was thought for a time to be superior to strepto- mycin clinically, but later work indicated that it had the same disad- vantages as streptomycin. It has been suggested that streptomycin interferes with nucleic acid metabolism. Since it is a basic substance, it may react with the acidic groups of nucleic acid and form complexes that are not metabolized. According to Umbreit, the mode of action of streptomycin is through interference with pyruvic acid metabolism. This is a complex phenome- non involving many enzymes, coenzymes, and chemical changes. If streptomycin interferes with the pyruvate metabolism of microorganisms, the question naturally arises as to why it does not affect the same metab- olism in the animal? The explanation usually given is that streptomycin does not penetrate the animal cell but remains in the extracellular fluid. The bacteria infecting the animal cannot prevent the entrance of strepto- mycin into their cells, hence their metabolism becomes deranged and they die. Bacteria rapidly acquire resistance to streptomycin, and in such cells Umbreit has found that the oxalacetate-pyruvate relation has disap- peared. The bacteria have apparently been able to develop a new me- tabolic pathway with which streptomycin does not interfere. A still more puzzling phenomenon is the development of dependent bacteria, that is, bacteria that will not grow unless streptomycin is added to the medium. No satisfactory explanation has as yet been found for the development of dependent strains. A possible explanation that has been advanced is that the dependent strain produces so much of some metabolite that it kills itself when no streptomycin is present to counteract the effect of this metabolite. Some support for this theory is found in the increased production of the metabolite para-aminobenzoic acid by certain bacteria when sulfanilamide is added to the medium. Aureomycin and Terramycin. These two antibiotics are very similar CH3 ^H^ H C ?^ H V^ H N-CH3 H. tlz"^ XT \ I TT \l ll-C^ ^C ^C^ ^C"^ X— OH H-C^ C C^ .ci*"^ .C-CONH (7)^ i^)\ (S)Y OH f') OH O OH 0 Terramycin, C22H24N209 2 368 METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS biologically and chemically. The structural formula for terramycin was worked out first and is given above. Aureomycin, CooHosNoOsCl, has the same basic structure as terramycin. Both are derivatives of naphtha- cene and have many groups in common. Aureomycin contains a chlorine atom and one less hydroxyl group than terramycin, but the chlorine and hydroxyl group are not interchangeable. They occupy different places in the molecule, as indicated by the CI and H in parentheses in the struc- tural formula. Chlorine replaces a hydrogen at position 10, and a hydro- gen takes the place of the hydroxyl at 12 in the terramycin formula. There seems also to be some doubt as to the location of the dimethylamino group in aureomycin; it may be interchanged with the hydroxyl group attached at 4a. Both compounds form yellow-colored salts and have many other similar physical and chemical properties. For further details the many papers on these antibiotics that have appeared recently should be consulted. As would be expected from their close chemical relationship, they are much alike in their bacterial spectrum. Both act on gram-positive ^ and gram-negative bacteria, on organisms producing rickettsial diseases, e.g., typhus fever, and are potent in certain virus infections, such as virus pneumonia. Neither antibiotic is effective against the tubercle bacillus, bacteria of the proteus and pseudomonas types, or fungi. Aureo- mycin and terramycin are given by mouth in clinical treatments. Aureomycin and terramycin are produced commercially by fermenta- tion. The microorganism producing aureomycin is called Streptomyces aureofaciens because of the golden yellow appearance of the colonies of the microorganism on agar plates and also because the antibiotic is yellow. The terramycin organism is named Streptomyces rimosus because of the cracked appearance of the colonies on agar plates. Since each antibiotic is produced by a single company, no official figures are available as to the yearly production. Judging from the widespread use of these antibiotics, their production must be several hundred thousand pounds per year and their market value must run into millions of dollars. Chloromycetin (Chloram,phenicol). Chloromycetin is the name com- H H C=C H HN-CO-CHCU O.N-C C-C C-CH,OH \ / I I C— C OH H I I H H Chloromycetin ^ Bacteria that take the gram-stain are called gram-positive and those that do not are said to be gram-negative. Consult a book on bacteriology for the reagents {e.g., gentian violet, etc.) used in making the stain and the method of performing it. METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS •^69 monly used for this antibiotic, but it is also known by tlie more chemical name chloramphenicol. The compound contains chlorine and is pro- duced by a streptomyces, hence it is quite apparent how the word Chloromycetin came to be devised. The microorganism producing Chloromycetin is called Streptomyces venezuelae, an obviously poor name since it denotes geographical origin and not an inherent characteristic. The microorganism was obtained from a sample of soil from Venezuela. It has also been found in soils from Illinois and Japan and is probably widely distributed in nature. It is produced industrially both by fermentation and by synthesis. To date it is the only commercial antibiotic that is produced synthetically as well as by fermentation. The most distinctive feature about the chemical structure of Chloro- mycetin is the nitro group. Few organic compounds in nature contain a nitro group. It also contains chlorine, which, though not common, occurs in aureomycin and a number of mold products, e.g., erdin. The presence of an amide linkage relates it to peptides and explains its hydrolysis by enzymes found in cells of Proteus vulgaris. Chloromycetin contains no acidic or basic groups, hence it does not form salts. It is a neutral compound that crystallizes as colorless needles or elongated plates. Chloromycetin is relatively inactive against gram-positive bacteria, but is very potent against the gram-negative bacteria associated with intestinal diseases such as typhoid fever and dysentery. It is active against the same rickettsial and viral diseases as aureomycin and terra- mycin. Chloromycetin is relatively stable to acids and alkali, is rapidly ab- sorbed from the gastro-intestinal tract, and hence is usually given by mouth. Liver and kidney tissues reduce the — NO2 group to an — NHo group. About 90 per cent of the administered dose is excreted as an inactive compound and 10 per cent as unchanged Chloromycetin in 24 hours. Terramycin, aureomycin, and Chloromycetin are alike in bacterial spec- trum and appear to be similar in their mode of action; they interfere strongly with protein synthesis but are much less effective in stopping nucleic acid synthesis. A more specific reaction in protein metabolism has been observed for Chloromycetin. It acts as an antagonist against phenylalanine, but the antagonism is noncompetitive. Only low con- centrations of Chloromycetin can be overcome by addition of phenyl- alanine. At higher concentrations its effect cannot be reversed by adding more phenylalanine. This makes Chloromycetin a particularly effective antimetabolite since the inhibited organism cannot counteract the Chloromycetin by producing more phenylalanine. Bacitracin, Polymyxin, and Tyrothricin. These three antibiotics are all polypeptides and are produced respectively by Bacillus licheniformis, 370 METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS Bacillus poly my xa, and Bacillus brevis. The amino acid content of bacitracin is given in Table 5^ and presents no unusual features. There are several polymyxins, A, B, C, D, and E, and each one contains large amounts (more than 50 per cent) of the unusual amino acid, L-a,y-di- aminobutyric acid. A second distinctive feature is the presence in the molecule of a nine-carbon fatty acid, probably 6-methyloctanoic acid. Tyrothricin is not a homogeneous substance but consists mainly of gramicidin, a neutral cyclic polypeptide. On hydrolysis gramicidin gives five amino acids and ethanolamine, NHoCH^CHoOH. Bacitracin resembles penicillin in being most active against gram-posi- tive bacteria. It causes kidney damage (evidenced by albumin in the urine) . Because of this toxic effect, its use is limited to combating local infections. The polymyxins are very potent against gram-negative bacteria, in- cluding the very resistant Proteus and Pseudomonas bacteria. Unfortu- nately, the polymyxins cause more or less kidney damage, so their use will probably be limited to refractory infections that do not respond to other treatments. Tyrothricin is the oldest commercial antibiotic, but probably the least used of the commercial products. It acts on gram-positive bacteria but is not suitable for injection or oral administration. It is used only for topical purposes, tluit is, where it can be brought into direct contact with the infecting oi;ganism, e.g., surface abscesses. Because of the millions of gallons of media that must be used for the production of antibiotics, the fermentation is done in deep tanks of 5-15,000 gallon capacity. Sterile air is forced through the medium at the rate of about one-half volume of air per volume of medium per minute. The medium is also stirred vigorously to increase aeration. Deep tank fermentation was first developed for the production of penicillin and later applied to the production of other antibiotics and vitamins. Vitamin B12 is produced simultaneously with streptomycin, aureomycin, and terramycin. Hence producers of these antibiotics obtain a second valuable product in the same fermentation. Vitamin B12 is also pro- duced commercially by a mixed aerobacter-proteus type of fermentation. The vitamin is formed by many different kinds of bacteria and molds. Yeasts produce little, if any, of it. By yeast Baker's yeast can grow under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. If an abundance of air and a low concentration of sugar [e.g., 0.5 per cent) are supplied, the end products of metabolism are mainly carbon dioxide and yeast (50 per cent of the weight of sugar is obtained as dry weight of yeast) ; there is practically no alcohol. See Fig. 14-2. METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS 371 If the sugar content of the medium is raised to 5 per cent, the yield of yeast is markedly reduced, and much alcohol is formed. In other words, an anaerobic type of metabolism comes to the front, although an abun- dance of air is present. The explanation for this is that ordinary yeast Courtesy of Dr. Charles N. Frcy, Fieiscbmauu Laboratories. Fig. 14-2. Budding veast cells. has a weak aerobic enzyme system and a strong anaerobic system. If more sugar is present than can be metabolized aerobically, the anaerobic system begins to operate. By molds Molds cannot grow in the absence of air; carbon dioxide and water are the usual products of metabolism. However, many species convert a large percentage of the sugar in the medium into other carbon products. Examples of products that make up more than 40 per cent by weight of the sugar consumed and the molds producing them are given in Table 14—1. The highest yields of compounds in the table are for gluconic acid. Actually over 100 per cent has been obtained, if allowance is made for glucose going to mycelium. This yield is possible since one oxygen is added per mole of glucose, which amounts to 196 g. of gluconic acid from 180 g. of glucose, or 109 per cent. Citric Acid. This acid has been obtained many times in yields of 80-90 per cent, but the usual yields, without allowing for glucose going to mycelium, are around 70 per cent. Very special conditions have to be maintained to keep the mold growth low. Such conditions are low concentrations of metals, particularly manganese, high concentrations of sugar, and low pH in the medium. An explanation for the effect of manganese is that this metal serves as a cofactor for some enzyme system that functions in the breakdown and oxidation of citric acid. If there is a deficiency of manganese, the enzyme cannot operate, and then citric 372 METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS acid accumulates. Associated with citric acid production is sparse spore formation. The mycelium presents a beaded or braided appearance, and this appearance supports the idea that accumulation of citric acid is an abnormal type of metabolism. One of the theoretical problems connected with citric acid production is how to harmonize the high yield with the conventional system of inter- mediary metabolism that operates in yeast and animals (p. 331). This system would require three 2-carbon pieces, or one and one-half moles of glucose per mole of citric acid. On a percentage basis only 71 per cent of citric acid could be obtained. Many theories have been proposed to account for higher yields. The current and best explanation is the uptake of carbon dioxide by pyruvic acid to form oxalacetic acid (Wood- Werkman reaction) and condensation of this acid with acetic acid to form citric acid: CO2 + CH3 • CO • COOH-^ HOOC • CHo • CO • COOH HOOC • CH2 • CO • COOH + CH3 • COOH-^ HOOC- CHo • C(OH) • COOH I CH2 • COOH Uptake of isotopic carbon dioxide has been shown to take place, but whether this is adequate to account for the high yields is still not certain. The mechanism of citric acid formation is under active investigation in both animal and mold studies, and many of the questions now unanswered should be cleared up in the near future. Penicillin. Besides the major products mentioned in Table 14-1, molds produce hundreds of other compounds in amounts from a fraction of a per cent to 10 per cent. The best known of these products is peni- cillin. Approximately 20 tons of penicillin are produced every month in the United States alone. Yields of 1 g. of penicillin per liter of medium are usual, and about 70 per cent of the penicillin in the broth is recovered as finished product. A typical medium is: lactose, 3 per cent; corn steep solids (the concentrate of the water extract obtained in the indus- trial manufacture of starch, gluten, and other corn products), 3 per cent; calcium carbonate, 0.5 per cent; sodium sulfate, 0.1 per cent; phenyl- acetic acid, 0.3 per cent. The medium is sterilized, inoculated with a high-yielding strain of Penidllium chrysogenum, and aerated and stirred vigorously during the fermentation period, 3-4 days. The penicillin is extracted from the acidified broth with amyl acetate, transferred to a buffer, purified, and finally crystallized as the sodium, potassium, or procaine salt. Since penicillin is an acid, many different salts can be made, but the above three are those in commercial use. More than a dozen companies are producing penicillin in this country, and the market value of the yearly product has been more than 100 million dollars for several years. See Fig. 14-3. Courtesy of Abbott Laboratories. (b) Courtesy of Myron P. Backus, (a) <_'ouil('s\ ot Alibott Laboratuiics. "(c) Fig. 14-3. Production of penicillin, (a) Colony of the high-yielding penicillin mold, Penicillium chrysogenum, Wis. Q176. This culture was used industrially for many years to produce penicillin, (b) Fermentation tanks of 6000 gal. capacity used in the submerged production of penicillin, (c) Crystals of the sodium salt of penicillin. 373 374 METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS The yield of penicillin has been increased about a thousandfold over that obtained in the beginning of its production. The high yield has been attained largely by selection of better cultures. The best of these have been obtained by treating the mold spores with x-ray, ultraviolet light, or N-mustard gas to give high-yielding mutants. Other factors in obtaining high yields have been the use of better media and better methods of aeration and agitation of the media. The improvement in penicillin yields is strikingly similar to the development in wheat-raising. Penicillin production might be called factory farming, for the principles operating are the same as in wheat production. Molds produce at least a half dozen different types of penicillin in the same medium. These differ only in the R group part of the mole- mule. Today, only one type of penicillin is wanted in commerce, that is the benzyl or G penicillin, which has the formula CeH-CH,-C-NH-CH-C^ C-(CH3)2 O 0=C N- CH-COOH R group Penicillin G If a suitable precursor, e.g., phenylacetic acid, is added to the medium, the mold obligingly responds by incorporating this compound into the mol- ecule. Other R groups are: in F penicillin, pentenyl (CH3 • CH2 * CH = CH • CH2-) ; in K penicillin, heptyl (CH3 • CHo • CHo • CHo • CHo • CH2 • CH2 — ). More than 20 penicillins have been obtained by addition of the appropriate precursors. Penicillin acts on gram-positive bacteria, and in exceedingly low con- centrations. For example, 0.03 units per milliliter will inhibit the growth of the assay organism Micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus (formerly called Staphylococcus aureus). Since a unit of penicillin is 0.6 /xg., 0.03 unit is less than 0.02 fxg. per milliliter or 2 mg. per 100 1. of medium. A clinical dose of 100,000 units is only 60 mg. Unfortunately, strains of microorganisms that are resistant to penicillin are beginning to appear. These resistant strains probably come from patients who have been re- cently treated with penicillin. The most obvious effect of penicillin on the microbial cell is that al- though the cell grows larger, it does not divide. This shows that formation of cell constituents, e.g., proteins and nucleic acids, continues for some time after the penicillin enters the cell. Eventually the enlarged cell bursts. Interference with absorption of amino acids, protein synthesis, nucleic acid synthesis, and phosphorylation reactions have all been attributed to penicillin. It is difficult to determine which of these are primary effects and which are secondary manifestations. Metabolism is a series of events, and interference at one place will show up in all subsequent METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS 375 places and eventually reflect back to the original point of interference. It would probably be more correct to think of metabolism as a cycle rather than a chain of events. Penicillin is specifically and irreversibly bound by gram-positive bac- teria. For example, 0.49 units of penicillin per gram of dry weight are bound by cells of Bacillus cereus. Extracts of the cells also bind the penicillin, and it should be possible to identify the substance in the extract that possesses binding power. It may be that the reaction between penicillin and this cell constitutent is the primary reaction and other effects are secondary. A well-defined effect of penicillin on nucleic acid metabolism is reported by Park. This is the accumulation of uridine-5'-pyrophosphate complexes in cells of Staphylococcus aureus that have been treated with penicillin. In addition to uracil, ribose, and phosphoric acid, one of these complexes contains an N-acetyl amino sugar. A second complex contains L-alanine in addition to the other four components, and a third has attached to it a peptide made up of DL-alanine, L-lysine, and D-glutamic acid. Prob- ably the accumulation of these complexes is a secondary effect caused by the blocking of some reaction that utilizes the uracil compounds. From the discussion given, it is evident that the specific effect of penicillin is still undetermined. However, since many able investigators are attacking the problem, distinct progress toward its solution may be expected. Tetronic Acids. The production of a series of compounds closely related in structure is a characteristic feature of mold metabolism. Be- sides the penicillins, another such series is the tetronic acids. HO-C==C-H(R') (R)II-CH.-C^ C=0 H 1. y-Methyl tetronic acid, Penicillium charlesii. 2. Carolinic acid, P. charlesii: R' = CO(CHo)oCOOH (succinyl group). 3. Carolic acid (+HoO), P. charlesii: R' = C0(CHo)2CH.0H (y-hydroxybutyryl). 4. Terrestric acid (+HoO), P. terrestre : R' = CO(CHo)2Ch6h • C0H5 (an ethyl derivative of the R' group in carolic acid) . 5. Dehydrocarolic acid (+H2O), Pe?iza7/iwm cinerascens: CH3— of carolic acid is replaced by CH2= 6. CarHc acid, P. charlesii: R = HOOC; R' = CO(CH2)2CH20H (y-hydroxybutyryl) 7. Carlopic acid, P. charlesii: R = HOOC; R' = CO- CH0CH2CH3 (butyryl). 376 METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS Formulas with (+H0O) mean that their peculiar structure is present only in water. These compounds crystallize as anhydrides. y-Methyl tetronic acid may be regarded as the parent substance, and the others, as substitution products. Carolinic acid has a succinyl group in place of the hydrogen on the a-carbon. Carolic acid has a carbinol group instead of a carboxyl group in the side chain. In carlosic acid the end group in the R' side chain is methyl. These three compounds clearly represent different degrees of oxidation. In carlosic acid and carlic acid there are also carboxyl groups replacing the hydrogen at R in the formula. All of these compounds are produced in only small amounts, in the order of 1 to 2 per cent of the sugar fermented. It is of special interest that five of the compounds are produced by the same mold. These must be interrelated in the metabolism of P. charlesii. Many other such series of compounds have been described by Raistrick as characteristic of mold metabolism, e.g., a citric, an anthraquinone, and a tropolone series. Over 200 mold products have been isolated in more than a quarter century of research work by Raistrick and co-workers. From this wealth of material many interesting features of mold metabolism have been discovered. For more information see his review paper listed in the references at the end of this chapter. Another noteworthy aspect of mold metabolism is the formation of organic chlorine compounds. Examples of such compounds are erdin (C16H10O7CI2), and geodin (C17H12O7CI2). These two compounds are produced by the same mold, Aspergillus terreus, and are closely related in structure. Spoilage of such commercial products as wood, paper, leather, hay, grain, bread, etc., constitutes a debit side of mold activities. An inhibitor of mold growth, propionic acid, is widely used in the bread industry. For use on nonfood materials, there are a number of mold inhibitors, e.g., pentachlorphenol, CeClsOH. ANAEROBIC METABOLISM OF CARBOHYDRATES By bacteria The anerobic metabolism of bacteria is probably more diversified than the aerobic and probably results in a larger number of products. (See Table 14-1.) The principal types of anaerobic fermentations can be classified by their major end products, as follows: 1. The homolactic type of fermentation {e.g., by S. lactis) accounts for more than 90 per cent of the glucose as lactic acid. Thus CgHioOe -^ 2CH3 • CHOH • COOH METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS 377 2. The heterolactic fermentation {e.g., by L. pentoaceticus) turns about half of the gkicose into lactic acid and converts the other half mainly into carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol. The equation is C6Hi206-» CH3 • CHOH • COOH + COo + CH3 • CHoOH Sometimes considerable amounts of acetic acid and small quantities of glycerol are formed. These two types of lactic acid fermentation, homolactic and hetero- lactic, are important in the industrial production of lactic acid and in the making of cheese, sauerkraut, pickles, and silage. 3. The propionic fermentation {e.g., by P. pentosaceum) gives propionic acid, acetic acid, succinic acid, and carbon dioxide as major products, but under certain conditions considerable amounts of lactic acid are formed. The propionic fermentation may be regarded as superimposed upon a homolactic fermentation, but it does not seem probable that lactic acid is an intermediate in the production of propionic acid. In this and the following fermentations the reactions are too complicated to be readily expressed by simple equations. 4. The colon-aerogenes-typhoid bacteria, not only produce all of the compounds formed by the mixed lactics except glycerol, but in addition make formic acid, hydrogen, and butylene glycol. This is a very hetero- geneous group of organisms, and the proportion of the products to one another varies greatly with the species of bacteria. Perhaps the most distinctive products are: formic acid by Eberthella typhi, acids and hydrogen by Escherichia coli, and acetoin and butylene glycol by Aero- bacter aerogenes. 5. The butyric acid fermentation {e.g., by CI. acetobutylicum) is char- acterized by the almost complete absence of lactic acid and the appear- ance of acetic acid, butyric acid, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, butyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, and acetone. Isopropyl alcohol may replace acetone wholly or in part in certain butyric fermentations. Some bacteria in this group do not form the last four compounds, collectively called solvents, while others produce them in large amounts. 6. The naturally occurring methane fermentation {e.g., by Methano- bacterium omelianskii) involves a unique type of metabolism. The two extremes of oxidized and reduced carbon products, carbon dioxide and methane, meet here. This apparent contradiction did not appear so strange when it was discovered that methane arose, at least partially, by reduction of carbon dioxide with hydrogen. Methane (also called marsh gas) occurs extensively in coal mines, stagnant waters, sewage, certain types of plants, and in the intestinal tract of animals. 7. Fairly well-characterized polysaccharides have been obtained from more than 60 species of bacteria. Some of these give unusual products 378 METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS on hydrolysis such as gkicuronic acid, D-arabinose, and inositol. Some of the most notable polysaccharides, their important characteristics, and the bacteria producing them are as follows : (a) Cellulose. This is true cellulose, identical in chemical and physical properties with that found in higher plants. It is produced by Acetobacter xylinum and other members of this genus. (b) Polysaccharides with marked physiological and chemical proper- ties are produced by many pneumococci. The polysaccharide produced by Type III consists of alternate glucose and glucuronic acid units bound together through oxygen by a /i^-linkage from carbon 4 of the glucose to carbon 1 of the glucuronic acid and a second ^S-linkage between carbon 3 of the glucuronic acid and carbon 1 of the glucose. There appear to be over 600 units each of glucose and glucuronic acid in the polysaccharide chain. The polysaccharide has marked antigenic properties; when in- jected into a rabbit, it evokes production of antibodies and immunity against infection with Type III pneumococcus. (c) Dextrans. Many bacteria produce dextrans, but L. mesenteroides is the best known dextran-producer. One reason for the current interest in this bacterium is that it produces a dextran that is now being manu- factured as a substitute for blood plasma. L. mesenteroides is found as a contaminant in sugar factories, and the dextran produced interferes seriously with manufacturing operations. A 10 per cent sucrose solu- tion is fermented in about 24 hours and gives a yield of 25-35 per cent dextran, based on sucrose used. The dextran comes from the glucose part of the sucrose molecule, but glucose itself does not give any dextran, although the microorganism grows well on this sugar. On a glucose medium the microorganism behaves as a heterolactic. The dextran appears to be formed from sucrose according to the following equation: n(CioHooOn) -> (CgHioOs)?! + /^(CeHisOs) Sucrose Dextran Fructose Some of the glucose and most of the fructose are fermented to lactic acid, acetic acid, ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide, and mannitol. Potent enzyme preparations which bring about the rapid formation of dextran and fructose from sucrose have been obtained from the culture solution. The dextran has a branching structure with apparently a-l,6-linkages in the main chain and a-l,4-linkages at the branching points (pp. 50 and 60) . The molecular weights of dextrans from different strains of L. mesenter- oides are enormous, e.g., 25 to 80 millions. These dextrans are too large for use directly as blood plasma substitutes. They are partly degraded by controlled acid hydrolysis and fractionated to give products of suitable size, e.g., molecular weights of about 75,000. Only about 10 per cent of the original dextran is obtained as material suitable for clinical use. An extensive search is now in progress for microorganisms that will pro- METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS 379 duce more suitable polysaccharides than those obtained from L. mesen- teroides. (d) Levans. Polysaccharides of this type are produced from sucrose by several microorganisms, e.g., Bacillus subtilis. Yields of levan up to 30 per cent, based on the sucrose used, have been obtained. Enzyme preparations give approximately the same yields, and the reaction seems to follow the same equation as for dextrans, but the polysaccharide and free sugar are reversed. Thus: nlCi.HooOn) -^ (C6HioO,)„ + niC^Br^O^) Sucrose Levan Glucose By yeast In the absence of air, ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide account for about 90 per cent of the sugar fermented, as indicated by the following equation: CeHioOo -> 2C0H5OH + 2C0o Small amounts of acetic acid and glycerol are also produced. If the medium is kept alkaline, pH about 8.5, large quantities of acetic acid and glycerol are formed. The metabolism of the yeast is shifted so that a minor product, glycerol, becomes a major product. The equation for the fermentation may be represented as 2C,;Hi,06 + H2O -^ 2CO2 + CHoCOOH + CH,,CHoOH + 2CHoOH • CHOH • CHoOH This theoretical distribution of products is not realized, since more alcohol and less glycerol are usually formed. Glycerol production may also be increased by adding sulfites to the medium. This fixes the intermediate acetaldehyde as CH3CHOII • 0- •S02Na and prevents its reduction to ethyl alcohol. A corresponding amount of another intermediate, dihydroxyacetone phosphate, is con- verted to glycerol. The sulfite process for production of glycerol was used by the Germans in World War I. It is still under consideration, but to date has not been operated successfully. The fermentation equation may be written as CeHioOe -^ CH2OH • CHOH • CH2OH + CH3CHO + CO2 Only about one-half of this yield of glycerol is obtained in practical operations because some of the acetaldehyde escapes fixation and instead goes to ethyl alcohol. Under anaerobic conditions the yield of yeast (dry weight) is around 5 per cent of the sugar fermented, about one-tenth as much as is pro- duced under aerobic conditions. 380 METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS SYSTEMS OF INTERMEDIARY METABOLISM Aerobic metabolism Microorganisms that use oxygen have a glycolysis and oxidizing system such as animals possess and metabolize glucose via pyruvic acid and the citric acid cycle to carbon dioxide and water. However, another route, by which glycolysis is side-stepped and possibly also the citric acid cycle, appears to function in yeast and bacteria, and to some extent in liver. This route lias been known for a long time but has not received much attention until recently. It has been called "the hexose monophosphate shunt," but this is a poor name since the route appears to be more than a detour around glycolysis. It is a direct oxidation of glucose in which a number of entirely new compounds appear as intermediates in tiie following sequence: Glucose ■ -^ glucose-G-PO* • > gluconic acid-G-POi (4) -^ 2-ketogluconic acid-6-P04 ^ ribulose-5-P04 (6) C. compound (X 2) *■ tetiose| (tn (7) j^l " >^-^ sedoheptulose-7-P04 fiose-3-P04 *- ' (9) (glucose-6-P04 *■ recycled (8) + triose-3-P04 '^ 1 ^ , _,^ (lO)^ „ , . o T,n _l rn ( tetrose-4-P04 *" ? triose-S-PO^ + COj The nature of the Co compound in step 5 is still unknown; it does not appear to be a glycolic aldehyde. The ketopentose, ribulose-5-P04, is in equilibrium with the aldopentose, ribose-5-P04, but the predominant form seems to be the ketose. The occurrence of a C7 sugar, sedoheptulose, in the metabolism of a Cq sugar is an unexpected and noteworthy phenom- enon. The disposition of the tetrose-4-P04 (step 10) is still uncertain, but it appears to go to a triose-phosphate and a one carbon compound, which may be carbon dioxide. All details of the direct oxidation pathway have not yet been worked out, but the main outlines of the route are evident. Since some cells are equipped with both the glycolysis-citric acid cycle mechanism and the direct oxidation system, the question naturally arises as to the relative importance of the two systems. Investigators are cautious about expressing an opinion, because sufficient data are not yet available for answering this question. However, judging from the METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS 381 number of papers that are appearing, some information on this problem should soon be forthcoming. A second type of direct oxidation that does not involve phosphoryla- tion operates in the metabolism of glucose by certain aerobic bacteria, e.g., Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Oxidation of glucose leads to gluconic acid, 2-ketogluconic acid, pyruvic acid, and the formation of large amounts of a-ketoglutaric acid. Yields of this keto acid up to 0.55 mole per mole of glucose have been obtained. This provides a convenient method for the preparation of a-ketoglutaric acid. ANAEROBIC METABOLISM Yeast Hexose diphosphate and pyruvic acid, so prominent as intermediary products in animal metabolism, were first observed in yeast. The steps in glycolysis are the same as far as pyruvic acid in both animal and yeast metabolism. In yeast fermentation the whole process is anaerobic; the pyruvic acid is decarboxylated to acetaldehyde, and this is then reduced to ethyl alcohol. The hydrogen necessary for the last step comes from the dehydrogenation (oxidation) of phosphoglyceraldehyde to phosphoglyceric acid via DPN • H2 as carrier. If this reduction is blocked, for example, by fixing the acetaldehyde with sulfite, the hydrogen is used to reduce dihydroxyacetone to glycerol. Glycerol production always occurs to a slight extent (3-5 per cent of the glucose), but with the main route of fermentation blocked, the yeast makes the side line a main route. The alternative pathway is a very neat and convenient device for continuing metabolism under adverse conditions. If alcoholic fermentation is studied with labeled glucose, it is found that carbon 1 appears in the methyl group, 2 in the carbinol group of ethyl alcohol, and carbon 3 in the carbon dioxide. This accords with the Embden-Meyerhof scheme of intermediary metabolism. (See Chap. 13.) Bacteria The so-called ''mixed" lactic fermentation shows some unexpected departures from the alcoholic fermentation of yeast. Carbon 1 of glucose appears in the carbon dioxide. Carbons 2 and 3 are found in the methyl and carbinol (or carboxyl) groups, respectively, of ethyl alcohol (or acetic acid). Carbon 4 comes out in the carboxyl group of the lactic acid. The two halves of the glucose molecule are metabolized differently. Various intermediary compounds have been found. The first series of 382 METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS compounds appears to be the same as in the oxidative pathway of aerobic organisms : Glucose *■ glucose-6-phosphate *• gluconic acid-6-phosphate (CO2 2-ketogluconic acid-6-phosphate I ribulose-5-phosphate {C2 compound *■ ethyl alcohol or acetic acid triose-3-phosphate *" lactic acid (+ H3PO 4) The fermentation of glucose becomes a pentose fermentation after the loss of carbon 1. Tlie latter part of this formulation fits well for the fermentation of pentoses by the same bacteria. A main difference be- tween the two is that ethyl alcohol is a major product in the fermentation of glucose; it is absent from that of pentose. On the other hand, acetic acid is usually a minor product from glucose and a major product from pentoses. The explanation for these differences probably lies in the accumulation of a reduced coenzyme, perhaps DPN • Ho, in the glucose fermentation. The accumulated coenzyme may then be used for the reduction of the C2 intermediate to give ethyl alcohol. In the fermenta- tion of the pentoses there is no such accumulation of reduced coenzyme. The discussion just given applies to the aldohexoses (glucose, galactose, and mannose) but does not fit the fermentation of fructose. Fructose gives approximately 1 mole each of carbon dioxide, acetic acid, and lactic acid, no ethyl alcohol, and 2 moles of mannitol. IMannitol is evidently formed by reduction of other molecules of fructose and appears to be paired with acetic acid as a reduction product. The interrelations of the two may be seen from the following equations: CgHisOe + H2O -> COo + CH3COOH + CH3CHOHCOOH + 4H 2C6H10O6 + 4H -^ 2C6H14O6 Fructose Mannitol Usually less than 2 moles of mannitol are obtained per 3 moles of fruc- tose fermented. The reasons for the differences between fermentation of glucose and fructose will probably appear when labeled fructose can be used and data are obtained regarding the intermediary compounds that are formed. To date, there are no such data. The mechanisms of other fermentations have been studied extensively, but space in this chapter does not permit a detailed discussion of the various steps leading from substrate to product. Only a few short state- ments and overall equations will be given. Propionic acid appears to be either a reduction product of lactic acid METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS 383 or, more probably, a decarboxylation product of succinic acid. The latter may be formed by uptake of carbon dioxide with pyruvic to form oxal- acetic acid, and subsequent reduction of this to succinic acid. CO2 + CH3-C0-C00H > HOOC-CH.CO-COOH > HOOC-CHo-CH,COOH + H2O The uptake of carbon dioxide by propionic acid bacteria was first demon- strated by AVood and Werkman, and tliis mechanism is therefore desig- nated as the Wood- Werkman reaction. Succinic acid is also assumed to be formed by oxidative condensation of two molecules of acetic acid. The overall equation is HOOC CH3 + CH3COOH -^ HOOC CHoCHoCOOH + 2H The two hydrogens are not released as gas but are used for the reduction of other compounds. Acetoin (acetylmethylcarbinol) is formed in both yeast and bacterial fermentations. In yeast it is formed by condensation of pyruvic acid and acetaldehyde, and in bacteria by condensation of two moles of pyruvic acid. a-Acetolactic acid is an intermediate in each case. Equa- tions for the formation by yeast may be expressed as follows: CH3CO • COOH + CH3CHO -> CHo • COH • COOH I- CO • CH3 CH3CO • COH • CH3 -^ CH3 • CO • CHOH • CH3 + COo COOH In the biosynthesis by bacteria the first equation involves both con- densation and decarboxylation. 2CH3CO • COOH -> CH3 • COH • COOH + CO. CO • CH3 In the aerogenes fermentation, acetoin is reduced to give a major product, 2,3-butylene glycol. CH3 • CO • CHOH • CH3 -f 2H -» CH3 • CHOH • CHOH • CH3 In the colon-aerogenes fermentation, formic acid and hydrogen are conspicuous products. These come from the hydrolytic cleavage of pyruvic acid CH3CO • COOH + HoO^ CH3COOH + HCOOH and subsequent breakdown of formic acid by the enzyme, hydrogenlyase. HCOOH -> H., + CO., 384 METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS Butyric acid, butyl alcohol, and acetone all appear to arise from con- densation of acetic acid by way of acetoacetic acid. CH.3 • COOH + CH3 • COOH -^ CH3 • CO • CHo • COOH + HoO CH3 • CO • CHo • COOH + 4H ^ CH3 • CHo • CHo • COOH + HoO CH3 • CHo • CHo • COOH + 4H -> CH3 • CHo • CHo • CH2OH CH3 • CO • CHo • COOH -^ CH3 • CO • CH3 + COo The hydrogen for these reductions probably comes from the oxidative steps in the glycolysis scheme that lead to pyruvic acid. There is also hydrogen available from the breakdown of pyruvic acid to acetyl phos- phate and carbon dioxide. CH3 • CO • COOH + H3PO4 -> CH3 • CO • 0 • PO3H2 + CO2 + Ha Methane arises, in part at least, by reduction of carbon dioxide with hydrogen : CO2 + 4H2 -^ CH4 + 2HoO A puzzling situation exists in respect to conversion of acetic acid to methane. Isotope studies show that the methyl carbon, represented by (*), is found in the methane, and the carboxyl carbon, indicated by (**), appears in the carbon dioxide; hence methane, in this case, does not arise by reduction of carbon dioxide by hydrogen. The direct C*H3C**00H -^ C*H4 + C**02 decarboxylation as shown in the above equation is probably not the actual mechanism. REVIEW QUESTIONS ON METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS 1. Name some present-day foods that are the result of fermentation processes. Name the class of microorganisms involved in each case. 2. Define the terms "baker's yeast," "press yeast," "active dry yeast." What is the scientific name for these types of yeast? Are any other species of yeast pro- duced commercially? (Consult Chemical Abstracts for references to some of these questions.) 3. Give the major and minor products in alcoholic fermentation of glucose. How can the ratio of the products be varied? 4. Make a table of all the microorganisms listed in this chapter, the products formed by them from sugar, and, where given, the percentage of sugar recovered as product. 5. Compare the fermentation of glucose by yeast with the metabolism of glucose in the animal body. Give similarities and differences. 6. What determines whether yeast or bacteria will develop in a food that is not sterilized? For example, fmit juices undergo an alcoholic fermentation, whereas milk becomes sour. Cabbage when shredded and packed into vats undergoes a mixed lactic acid fermentation. (Consult a book on bacteriology.) 7. What products, if any, would you expect to be formed by A. suhoxydans from (1) glycerol, (2) dulcitol, (3) sorbitol, (4) 2,3-butylene glycol, (5) gluco.«e? METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS 385 8. Name the direct precursor of each of tlie following intermediates in glucose fermentation by yeast: (1) fructose 1,6-diphosphate, (2) 3-phosphoglyceric acid, (3) carbon dioxide, (4) fructose-6-phosphate. 9. What products would you expect from the fermentation of 5-ketogluconic acid by a lactic organism? 10. If carbons 1 and 2 in glucose are labeled, where would you expect them to appear in the products from (1) a yeast fermentation, (2) a heterolactic fermenta- tion? Explain answer. 11. In the production of baker's yeast, sugar is added slowly to the medium during fermentation, while in production of alcohol by yeast it is all added at the beginning. Why the difference in procedure? 12. Write out structural formulas for all the assumed intermediates in the fer- mentation of glucose by heterolactic bacteria. 13. Compile a list of references to original papers dealing with the direct oxida- tion (hexose monophosphate shunt) of glucose by microbial and animal cells. 14. Name some of the chemical and physiological characteristics of bacterial poly- saccharides. 15. Compile a table of all the commercial antibiotics, giving the name, formula, and microorganism producing each and two infectious organisms against which it acts. REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Annual Review of Biochemistry, Vol. 11 to date, Annual Reviews Inc., Stanford, California. Animal Review of Microbiology, Vol. 1 to date, Annual Reviews Inc., Stanford, California. Baron, A. E., Handbook of Antibiotics, Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1950. Evans, T. H. and Hibbert, H., "Bacterial Polysaccharides," Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry, 2, 204 (1946). Gale, E. F., The Chemical Activities of Bacteria, 2nd ed.. Academic Press Inc., New York, 1951. McElroy, W. D. and Glass, B., Phosphorus Metabolism, The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1951. Park, J. T., "Isolation and Structure of the Uridine-5'-Pyrophosphate Derivatives which Accumulate in Staphylococcus aureus when Grown in the Presence of Penicillin," Symposium on Mode of Action of Antibiotics, Second International Congress of Biochemistiy, Paris, 1952. Pratt, R. and Dufrenoy, J., Antibiotics, J. B. Lippincott and Company, Philadelphia, 1949. Prescott, S. C. and Dunn, C. G., Industrial Microbiology, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1949. Raistrick, H., "A Region of Biosynthesis," Proc. Roy. Soc, A, London, 199, 141 (1949). Schatz, A., Bugie, E., and Waksman, S. A., "Streptomycin, a Substance Exhibiting Antibiotic Activity Against Gram-positive and Gram-negative Bacteria," Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med., 55, 66 (1944). Stephenson, M., Bacterial Metabolism, 3rd ed., Longmans, Green and Company, New York, 1949. Stephens, C. R., Conover, L, H., Hochstein, F. A., Regna, P. P., Pilgrim, F. J., 386 METABOLISM OF MICROORGANISMS Brunings, K. T., and Woodward, R. B., "Tenamycin VIII. Structure of Aureo- mycin and Terramycin," ,/. Am. Chem. Soc, 74, 4976 (1952). Umbreit, W. W., "The Mode of Action of Streptomycin," Sijmposium on Mode of Action of Antibiotics, Second International Congress of Biochemistry, Paris, 1952. Underkofler, L. A. and Hickey, R. J., Industrial Fermentations, Chemical Publishing Company, Inc., New York. In press. Werkman, C. H. and Wilson, P. W., Bacterial Physiology, Academic Press Inc., New York, 1951. ; Chapter 15 PLANT METABOLISM by PROFESSOR R. H. BVRRIS Department of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin PHOTOSYNTHESIS Man's existence on this planet is directly dependent upon plants, for they furnish him nearly all his food, fuel, and fiber. About a billion tons of organic matter are oxidized on the earth each day. It is obvious that such oxidation would exhaust the world's supply of organic matter in a few years if there were no process to balance the oxidation. Photo- synthesis provides such a balance by reducing carbon dioxide, and the energy for the reduction comes from sunlight. The earth intercepts only one-half billionth part of the energy dissipated by the sun, and by photo- synthesis only a fraction of one per cent of the radiant energy reaching the earth is stored as chemical energy, but this is sufficient to maintain a balance in the carbon cycle of nature (Fig. 15-1). One is forced to the conclusion that, from the standpoint of man's welfare, no chemical reactions surpass the photosynthetic reactions in importance. Respiration, burning Photosynthesis Animals Respiration CO, Green plants Microorganisms Decay XPhotoreduction, chemautotrophic and heterotrophic fixation of COj Fossil fuels, wood, etc. Burning CO2 CO2 Fig. 15-1. Diagram of the carbon cycle in nature. The chief reaction for fixing atmospheric carbon dioxide is photosyn- thesis, and carbon dioxide is released to the atmosphere mainly through 387 388 PLANT METABOLISM the action of microorganisms. In addition to tlie reactions shown, carbon dioxide may be added to the cycle from volcanoes and hot springs, and removed from the cycle as carbonates. In addition to reducing carbon dioxide, photosynthesis releases oxygen, and this oxygen is used by animals and plants for their energy-releasing respiratory processes. This oxidation destroys the substances produced in photosynthesis, but the energy made available in this way is essential for maintenance of animal and plant life, as is discussed in Chap. 16. Life is dynamic, having both its anabolic and catabolic phases, but only the plants are capable of the net synthesis essential for keeping the overall life processes in balance. The simplest formulation of the photosynthetic reaction is: n(CO0 + 2n(H,0) ,,,i,lte"ne.gy * (CH2O), + n(0,) + n(H,0) + n(119.6) Cal. Carbon dioxide is reduced to an end product with the empirical formula of a carbohydrate (CH20)„. The energy stored in this reduced com- pound is supplied the plant as radiant energy. The oxygen evolved all originates from water, so it is necessary to designate 2 molecules of water on the left side of the equation. Photosynthesis can be described as a sensitized, photochemical, oxida- tion-reduction reaction. The sensitizer is chlorophyll, for it captures light and functions in the transformation of radiant into chemical energy. The reaction is in part a photochemical one, for light energy is required to drive it. It is an oxidation-reduction with carbon dioxide serving as the oxidant and water as the reductant. The carbon dioxide is reduced to the level of carbohydrate, that is, to substances containing as many oxygen atoms as carbons and twice this number of hydrogens. This description applies only to monosaccharides; polysaccharides have the same reduction level, but water has been removed from them. Chlorophylls The green pigment chlorophyll serves as the photosensitizer in the photosynthetic reactions. The first requirement in the utilization of light is that the light be absorbed, and chlorophyll accomplishes this. From the absorption spectrum for chlorophyll a, shown in Fig. 15-2, it is evi- dent that the pigment absorbs strongly in the blue and red regions of the spectrum and transmits much of the green portion of white light. Chlorophyll in the cells of higher plants is concentrated in chloroplasts. The chloroplasts usually are discs about 5 microns in diameter, and within them the chlorophyll is further concentrated in minute bodies called grana. Although lacking chloroplasts, the blue-green algae do contain grana, which are distributed throughout the cells. The chlorophyll molecule apparently does not occur free in the cell but is bound to proteins and lipides. It is suggested that aqueous organic PLANT METABOLISM 389 solvents, such as methanol plus water, effectively extract chlorophyll from plants because the water breaks the linkage of the protein, and the organic solvent, the linkage of the lipide to the chlorophyll molecule. 40U ^ 500 600 Blue Wave Length, millimicrons Red From Zscheile and Comar (1941). Fig. 15-2. Extinction curve for chlorophyll a in ethyl ether. The exact nature of the native chlorophyll complex is unknown, but apparently this lipoprotein has a molecular weight of 19,000 and contains two molecules of chlorophyll, about 40 per cent lipide and 8.5 per cent nitrogen. CH=CH2 CHj I H I ,C. .C. C.. HaC-C^) I .c- H3C— C.(s) IV H " (4)C-CH2CH3 N N=^C \ .' \ ■N N — a III (5)C— CHj CII c c I c=o H.,C HC "I I H.C C=0 H3oC,o-0-C-=0 OCHj Fig. 15-3. Chlorophyll a. 390 PLANT METABOLISM The green pigment from higher plants can be separated into chlorophyll a and chlorophyll h by repeated distribution between immiscible solvents or by adsorption chromatography. The first method was used by AVill- statter in his classic investigations of the chemistry of the chlorophylls. Tswett's separation of plant pigments in 1906 introduced the useful tool of adsorption chromatography ^ to chemists. Chlorophylls other than a and h have been isolated from diatoms and algae, but their structures have not been determined in detail. In addition, bacteriochlorophyll has been isolated from purple sulfur bacteria and characterized. It differs from chlorophyll a (Fig. 15-3) only in having an acetyl group (— COCH3) at position 2 and extra hydrogens at 3 and 4. When seeds are germinated in the dark, the plants produced are termed etiolated plants, being devoid of chlorophyll. However, some proto- chlorophyll is present in etiolated plants, and when they are illuminated the protochlorophyll is rapidly converted to chlorophyll a by a process of reduction. It is suggested that chorophyll h then arises from chloro- phyll a. Most plants have about 3 times as much chlorophyll a as h, and the sum of these chlorophylls usually constitutes 0.7 to 1.3 per cent of the dry weight of leaves. In addition to chlorophylls, the chloroplasts contain other pigments that may function indirectly in photosynthesis. Some of the light that they absorb can be utilized, but there has been no demonstration that they can function photosynthetically in the complete absence of chloro- phylls. The determination of the structure of chlorophyll by Willstatter, Stoll, Conant, Hans Fischer, and their co-workers constitutes a brilliant con- tribution to organic chemistry. The empirical formula for chlorophyll a is C55H7205N4Mg, and for chlorophyll 5 is C55H7o06N4Mg. The cur- rently accepted structural formula for chlorophyll a is shown in Fig. 15-3. There remains some question whether the semi-isolated double bond - occurs in pyrrole ring II or is in ring III; if it were in ring III, the Mg would be bound between rings I and II rather than between I and III as shown. There are a number of characteristics of the chlorophyll molecule which should be noted. First, much of the stability of the molecule can be attributed to the system of conjugated double bonds,^ designated by the bold lines in the outline formula of Fig. 15-4. Second, the 1 The procedure for adsorption chromatography is briefly as follows : a finely powdered adsorbent such as magnesium oxide is padded in a glass tube to form a column, and a solution of the mixture to be separated is poured on the top. When a suitable solvent is passed through the column, the individual components of the mixture move at different rates and separate into distinct bands. = This is the double bond that is not a part of the conjugated system, shown between carbons 3 and 4 in Fig. 15-3. ^ Alternate single and double bonds are said to be conjugated. PLANT METABOLISM 391 molecule contains 4 pyrrole rings (Fig. 15-5) labeled I, II, HI and IV. Third, the molecule contains an atom of ]\Ig held by primary bonds to two nitrogen atoms of the pyrrole nuclei and by secondary bonds to the other nitrogen atoms. Fourth, the pyrrole rings are connected by Fig. 15-4. System of conjugated double bonds in chlorophyll shown by bold lines. HC- -CH ^W I H Fig. 15-5. Pyrrole. methene bridges (— CH=). Fifth, pyrrole ring I carries a vinyl group (— CH^CHo). Sixth, attached to pyrrole ring III is a homocylic ring bearing a carbonyl group and a carboxyl esterified with methanol. Sev- enth, pyrrole ring IV carries a propionic acid side chain esterified with phytol; phytol is a higher alcohol (C20II39OH) with a double bond be- tween its a and (3 carbons. The phytyl group gives chlorophyll its solu- bility in fat solvents. Eighth, chlorophyll is optically active because of the presence of asymmetric carbon atoms. In chlorophyll b the — CH3 of pyrrole ring II is replaced by — CHO. Protochlorophyll is like chloro- phyll a but is dehydrogenated at carbon atoms 7 and 8. Primary photochemiral reaction Photosynthesis consists, not of a single reaction, but of a sequence of reactions. Much interest attaches to the first reaction involving light, or the primary photochemical reaction. Photosynthesis was described as a sensitized, photochemical oxidation-reduction, and water was desig- nated as the reductant. Water is not normally an effective reducing agent ; somehow, energy must be added to it to make it effective. Much evidence suggests that the primary photochemical reaction is a photolysis of water, a reaction in which light energy is used for the splitting of water 392 PLANT METABOLISM with the release of hydrogen to some hydrogen acceptor, which can func- tion in subsequent reductions. This active hydrogen may be passed from one acceptor to another before it is finally used for the reduction of carbon dioxide. Release of oxygen The reaction releasing oxygen is dependent upon, but apparently not identical with, the primary photochemical reaction. If the photolysis of water is considered as an oxidation-reduction reaction, the hydrogen acceptor mentioned is reduced, and some other acceptor of the hydroxyl radical remaining is oxidized. This oxidized product releases O2, and it may be assumed that an enzymatic mechanism is concerned in this release. It has been implied throughout the discussion that all the oxygen formed in photosynthesis comes from water, but this fact has only been accepted in recent years. Early workers suggested that it came from carbon dioxide, or part from carbon dioxide and part from water. The work of van Niel with the photosynthetic bacteria . suggested that, if bacterial photoreduction were analogous to the photosynthesis of higher plants, water should supply all the oxygen released in photosynthesis. This hypothesis was verified experimentally with the stable isotopic tracer O^^, when it was shown that the O^^ level of photosynthetic O2 corresponded exactly with the 0^^ level of HoO^*, in which photosynthe- sizing algae were suspended. Carbon dioxide Normal air contains 0.03 per cent carbon dioxide, and upon this plants must depend for their source of carbon. Air is taken in through the stomatal openings on the leaf and is dissolved in the leaf sap. Carbonic anhydrase is an enzyme in the leaves which speeds the formation of car- bonic acid from the carbon dioxide and water. There is no clear experi- mental answer to the question whether carbon dioxide is used in photo- synthesis as the dissolved gas or as the carbonate and bicarbonate ions. Evidently the carbon dioxide entering a leaf is bound in a loose com- plex on some large molecules, a binding which may be compared roughly to the binding of oxygen by hemoglobin. Many lines of evidence indicate that the carbon dioxide is utilized next in a carboxylation reaction. A general formulation of such a reaction is: RCHO + CO2 -» RCCOOH II 0 PLANT METABOLISM 393 A carboxylation involves no reduction and requires relatively little energy. JNIuch energy is needed for reduction of the carboxylated compound to the level of a carbohydrate, a reaction which can be pictured as: RCCOOH + 2H -^ RCHOHCOOH II 0 RCHOHCOOH + 2H -^ RCHOHCHO + HoO It is evident that 4 hydrogens are required to reduce one carbon dioxide molecule to the oxidation-reduction level of carbohydrate and that a molecule of water is produced. Shortly after the turn of the twentieth century, it was realized that photosynthesis could be divided into distinct light and dark reactions, i.e., reactions which do, or do not, require light in order to proceed. There is no evidence that the initial fixation of carbon dioxide, and its subsequent reduction, requires light directly. In fact, all evidence shows that the reactions of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis are dark reactions. Some of the most convincing experiments are based upon the use of specific inhibitors at varying light intensities. If an inhibitor docs not decrease the rate of photosynthesis at low light intensities, but does at high intensities- (where the dark reactions are the ones which limit the rate of the overall process) , it is an inhibitor for a dark reaction. Cyanide, for example, acts in this fashion, and since it inhibits carboxylation, the conclusion is drawn that carboxylation does not require light. The rate of photosynthesis is dependent on the partial pressure of carbon dioxide, and though it is difficult to generalize for many plants at different light intensities, it may be said that raising the concentra- tion of carbon dioxide from its usual level of 0.03 per cent to 0.1 per cent will usually double the rate of photosynthesis. Most plants are not inhibited by carbon dioxide up to 10 per cent, but their growth is reduced by concentrations greater than this. Partial reactions As pointed out, photosynthesis is a complex of reactions rather than a single reactit)n. The study of such an involved process is obviously much easier if it can be first separated into its individual steps. One of the most notable achievements of recent years has been the recon- struction of partial reactions in cell-free preparations; that is, certain ground-up plant tissues have been found to carry out parts of the photo- synthetic process. This has permitted the study of individual reactions or reaction series in a system much simpler than that encountered in intact cells. In 1937, Hill found tliat a suspension of chloroplasts plus leaf extract 394 PLANT METABOLISM would liberate small amounts of oxygen upon illumination. Substitution of potassium ferric oxalate solution for the leaf extract increased the rate of oxygen evolution, and later workers have further improved the system by substituing p-benzoquinone. The potassium ferric oxalate or p-benzoquinone serves in place of carbon dioxide, which is the oxidant in normal photosynthesis. The Hill reaction with p-benzoquinone is: O OH II I 9 II +2H.0 ,, "„^,, > 2 I II +0.-52Cal. chlorophist suspension HCv. ^CH suspension HC^vv^ ^CH O OH Benzoquinone Hydroquinone Oxygen is liberated, the energy of light is used in the reduction of the quinone, and energy is stored in the hydroquinone formed. The Hill reaction should more properly be called the Hill reactions, for both photochemical and dark reactions apparently are involved. This isolated system again emphasizes the close relationship of the photochemical and oxygen-liberating reactions of photosynthesis. Success in carrying out light-sensitive partial reactions concerned in the reduction of carbon dioxide without the use of intact cells was not achieved until 1951, when Vishniac and Ochoa reported that light energy could be used in the reductive carboxylation of pyruvic acid to malic acid (reaction 15, Fig. 13-4). Grana from spinach leaves used the energy captured from light for the reduction of TPN. The reduced TPN, in the presence of the proper enzymes, then caused the reductive car- boxylation of pyruvic to malic acid. In a similar manner DPN, reduced in the light, could effect the reduction of pyruvic to lactic acid (reaction 13, Fig. 13-3). The overall reactions did not occur in the dark, but it should be noted that the reactions directly involving the carbon dioxide were dark reactions. Illuminated chloroplasts, or grana, which we al- ready have seen can liberate Oo, also can transfer the hydrogen pro- duced in the photolysis of water to oxidized DPN or TPN. The co- enzymes in turn can reduce pyruvate to lactate or function in the reductive carboxylation of pyruvate to malate. These observations have been con- firmed by Tolmach, and Arnon has reconstructed a system for the light- dependent reductive carboxylation of pyruvate to malate, in which all the parts (except TPN) were of plant origin. It is justifiable to say that the Hill reaction represents a true partial reaction of photosynthesis, but there is some question whether or not this can be said about the reactions described by Vishniac and Ochoa. PLANT METABOLISM 395 The important consideration is that the reactions involve the capture of radiant energy by chlorophyll and use of the energy in the reduction of coenzymes, which can serve in further reductions. These should be viewed as model reactions useful in the study of portions of the photo- synthetic process rather than as proved partial reactions of photosynthesis as they actually take place in normal plants. Storage of energy The formulation of the photosynthetic reaction (p. 388) indicated that 119.6 Cal. were stored for each mole of carbon dioxide reduced to the level of carbohydrate; this is equivalent to 717.6 Cal. per mole of glu- cose formed. These values are in terms of change in free energy (aF, p. 414), when glucose, at molar concentration, is formed in aqueous solu- tion at 25°C. from liquid water and carbon dioxide at a concentration of 0.03 per cent. That the value for AF differs from that given for glucose oxidation in Chap. 16 (683 Cal.) can be attributed to the differ- ence in concentration of reactants and products in photosynthesis and in animal respiration. The energy stored in photosynthetic products represents radiant energy which has been captured and converted to chemical energy. Light energy is absorbed or radiated in discrete units, or quanta, which are equal to hv, when h is Planck's constant (6.547 X 10~-^ ergs per sec), and V is the frequency [frequency is calculated by dividing the wave- length of light (cm.) into the velocity of light, 3 X 10^*^ cm. per sec.]. The total amount of energy in 6.06 X 10^^ quanta is called one Einstein. It is evident that the higher the frequency (shorter the wavelength), the greater is the energy of each quantum of light. Einstein's theory of photochemical equivalence indicates that a photochemical reaction is induced when one molecule absorbs on© quantum of light of charac- teristic frequency. The question of the quantum efficiency of photosyn- thesis may be stated as follows: How many quanta are required for the reduction of one molecule of carbon dioxide to the level of carbohydrate? In 1922 Warburg and Negelein determined the quantum efficiency of photosynthesis by the alga Chlorella in light of various frequencies. They found that 4 to 5 quanta were required for each molecule of carbon dioxide. The value of 4 quanta was readily accepted, because it was attractive to think that one quantum was required to activate each of the 4 hydrogens necessary to reduce carbon dioxide to the carbohydrate level. Some 16 years later. Manning, Stauffer, Duggar, and Daniels employed a variety of methods but were unable to reproduce the high efficiency reported by Warburg and Negelein. Several other investigators likewise were unsuccessful and found that 8 to 12 quanta were required rather than 4. Recently Warburg has repeated his earlier experiments 396 PLANT METABOLISM and has obtained essentially the same results as before. Warburg and Burk have consistently observed quantum efficiencies of about 4 with several modified techniques. In red light with 43 Cal. per Einstein, a quantum efficiency of 4 repre- sents almost 70 per cent efficiency ^ in storing the energy of the incident light. This is a higher efficiency than that of any known photochemical reaction which can be performed under controlled conditions. Even a quantum efficiency of 8 to 12 is good in terms of known photochemical reactions, and if photosynthesis actually has a quantum efficiency of 4, it is unique. It is impossible at present to make a categorical state- ment of the quantum efficiency of photosynthesis, for the matter remains highly controversial. Intermediates and products of photosynthesis One of the most interesting problems of photosynthesis is the determina- tion of the organic compounds produced by the sequence of reactions. What substances are formed between the first reduction of carbon dioxide and the final appearance of the finished sugar molecule? There is an extensive literature on this subject, much of which has centered around the formaldehyde hypothesis. In 1870, Baeyer suggested formaldehyde as the first product of photosynthesis, and though there never has been substantial evidence to support it, the hypothesis has been perpetuated in textbooks of biochemistry and botany to the present. Current interest centers around phosphoglyceric acid as the first demon- strable product of photosynthesis. Pioneering work from 1939 to 1942 with the short-lived radioisotope C^^ resulted in the introduction of a number of new concepts and the discard of certain old ideas on photo- synthetic intermediates. Since 1946, the use of the long-lived (5,568 ± 30 year half life) radioactive isotope C^^ has led to real advances in our knowledge of intermediates. Although it remains incomplete, a general picture of the reaction sequence has now emerged. Calvin and co- workers have made particularly notable contributions. By skillful use of a combination of C^'*, paper chromatography,^ and "radioautography" ^ 1 Calculation : /^^'^^ x 100 = 69.5%. 4 X 43 ^ In paper chromatography a small drop of a mixture of compounds in solution is placed near one end of a long strip of filter paper and is dried. The end near the point of application is immersed in a suitable solvent. As this solvent moves by capillary action past the added mixture of compounds and on toward the other end of the paper, it carries with it the individual components of the mixture varying dis- tances and thus achieves their separation. ^ "Radioautography" is a procedure for locating radioactive substances separated by paper chromatography. After the chromatographic separation is completed, the paper is dried and allowed to "take its own picture" by placing it on a photographic film in the dark. Black areas on the developed film correspond to the location of radioactive substances on the paper strip. PLANT METABOLISM 397 they have unraveled many of the complexities of the early photosynthetic reactions and have revealed the importance of phosphoglyceric acid as an intermediate. Figure 15-6 gives reactions postulated by Calvin and co-workers as occurring between the initial fixation of carbon dioxide and its final reduction to sugar. ^ The initial reaction is the carboxylation of the hypothetical vinyl phosphate (1) to 2-phosphogly eerie aeid (2), which is then converted to 3-phosphoglyeerie acid (3). In extremely short periods (5 seconds) of photosynthesis by algal cells in the presence of C^'^Oo, it has been shown that up to 85 per cent of the C^"' fixed appears in 2- and 3-phosphoglyccric acids. By reversing the glycolytic scheme (see Figs. 13-1 and 13-3), 3-phosphoglyceric acid can be converted to sugar. It first is reduced to 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde (4) , which is in equilibrium with diliydroxyacetone phosphate (5). Condensation of these compounds yields fructose-l,6-diphosphate (6) , which in turn yields fructose-6-phosphate (7) and glucose-6-phosphate (8). Free fructose and glucose can be obtained from these by the removal of phosphate. The method by which plants form sucrose is unknown, and the sucrose phosphate shown is a hypothetical intermediate. However, all the gly- colytic steps included in Fig. 15-6 have been demonstrated to occur in plants (preparations from pea seedlings). The left part of the scheme represents a suggested method for regen- erating the Co fragment, which must serve as the acceptor of carbon dioxide when phosphoglyceric acid is formed; this remains the least well- defined and most controversial portion of the scheme. In the first formu- lation shown, one molecule of 2-phosphoglyceric acid is used in sugar formation, while water is removed from the other molecule to yield 2-phosphoenolpyruvic acid (9). Addition of another molecule of carbon dioxide yields enol-oxalacetic acid (10). This is converted to an unde- fined C4 acid, w'hicli splits to give 2 molecules of glyoxylic acid (11) ; upon reduction this would yield glycolic acid (12). Several Co com- pounds have been suggested between glycolic acid and the hypothetical vinyl phosphate (1). An alternative method, postulated by Calvin and co-workers, for form- ing a triose to serve in the reversed glycolytic mechanism and for regen- erating the C2 fragments is shown in skeleton form in the lower portion of Fig. 15-6. A C4 and a C3 compound are condensed to form the C7 sugar, sedoheptulose. This compound is split to yield a Co fragment which recycles and a C5 keto-sugar, ribidose. The ribulose in turn is split to a triose and a Co compound, which also recycles. The complete cycle, involving 3 carboxylations and subsequent reductions, yields a molecule of triose. Most of the specific intermediates in this reaction sequence remain to be defined. ^ In Fig. 15-6 "P" indicates either a phosphate grouj) or a molecule of phosphoric acid. o— o I o— o a o o o I w o- o- -o -o a o w o I W -o O- -o 0=0 I 0—0 I ; 0—0 0—0 0—0 I 0=0 I o- -o o- -o 0 — 0 W M 0—0 K 04 0—0 a a, 0—0 a o o o I a Oh 0—0 a a 0—0 o a 0 0 a 0 0, a 1 0 0 0 a< 0—0 II ■* a 0 1 1 0- II -5 3 + 1 a u 0 0 0 a a— 0—0 a o n O M o a o o o a I 0—0 a + O a o o (J 0=0 I a o a o I a u- I a o- I a o- I a o a -o a -o, a" -o — o y y o 3 to a o- -o o 1 O 3 O o o Id ^; O J o- OJ dJ ;^ O I o o -d CI 03 u >, OJ Oi fct) 3 CO . =3 9 OJ OJ Pi _d d o ;-i 03 O %-) O i/i 03 • ^H CO cc O «5 I to be 398 PLANT METABOLISM 399 Carbohydrates. Although information is incomplete on the early prod- ucts of photosynthesis and their mode of formation, the total materials of the plant are the net final products of photosynthesis after modifica- tion by other phases of plant metabolism. The carbohydrates are quanti- tatively the most important group of compounds, and cellulose, starches, and sugars are particularly abundant. Glucose and fructose commonly occur as free and combined sugars in plants, whereas mannose and galactose are found only in combined form. Among the disaccharides, sucrose is especially important. Maltose and cellobiose do not occur free in demonstrable concentrations but arise from the hydrolysis of starch and cellulose, respectively. Plants also may yield the disaccharides gentiobiose, trehalose, and melibiose, but they do not contain lactose. Raffinose, gentianose, and melizitose are the most common plant trisaccharides, and stachyose is a tetrasaccharide which has been isolated from lupine seeds. Particular interest is attached to the method by which the plant syn- thesizes sucrose because the sugar is important to plants and man. It has not as yet been synthesized chemically. Sucrose can be formed by detached leaves when they are infiltrated with glucose, fructose, mannose, galactose, or glyceraldehyde; the synthesis will not take place in the absence of oxygen. The only controlled synthesis of sucrose by a cell- free preparation has been achieved with an enzyme system from the bacterium, Pseudamonas saccharophila. This organism produces a sucrose phosphorylase (more properly termed a transglucosidase) , which by phospliorolysis of sucrose produces fructose plus glucose-1-phosphate. The equilibrium of the reaction is such that by a reversal of the reaction a synthesis of about 5 per cent of sucrose from glucose- 1 -phosphate plus fructose can be achieved. Though higher plants accumulate much sucrose, there has been no success to date in demonstrating their synthesis of sucrose by sucrose phosphorylase or by any other isolated enzyme system. Even less is known concerning the synthesis of cellulose. Although bacterial preparations have been induced to form cellulose from a number of precursors, some as simple as Co compounds, there is no detailed in- formation on the pathway of its formation. Knowledge of starch synthesis is much more nearly complete. Peat, Bourne, and co-workers (see Bernfeld for discussion) have shown that potato tubers and other plant tissues contain a starch phosphorylase which by phospliorolysis converts starch to glucose-1-phosphate. The reversal of this reaction to yield starch from glucose-1-phosphate is readily demonstrable. The first preparations used, synthesized only amylose, the straight chain starch, but later preparations also yielded amylopectin, the branched chain starch. The enzyme which synthesizes amylose from glucose- 1 -phosphate is termed the P-enzyme. A separate enzyme, termed the Q-enzyme, is needed to form the linkages at the 400 PLANT METABOLISM branch points in the amylopectin structure. The Q-enzyme, in conjunc- tion with the P-enzyme, will form amylopectin: P-enzyme .-, glucose-1-phosphate < — amylose ■^'""' — > amylopectin Lipides. Lipides are the chief storage materials in seeds. Much more energy is stored in a gram of lipide than in a gram of protein or carbo- hydrate (see p. 423). When oily seeds mature, their fat content builds up rapidly, chiefly at the expense of carbohydrate. Upon maturation, the fat increases in unsaturation, and the constituent fatty acids increase in average chain length. These changes in seeds are reversed when the seeds germinate. The fact that almost all the fatty acids have an even number of carbon atoms suggests that they originate from condensation of C2 units. NITROGENOUS COMPOUNDS AND THEIR METABOLISM The animal requires an external supply of several amino acids (or their keto acid analogues) to survive, but the plant can synthesize its needed amino acids from inorganic sources of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and water. Lack of an adequate supply of nitrogen in the soil, more frequently than the lack of any other element, limits the growth of plants. As a result, nitrogenous fertilizers, and crop rotations including nitrogen-fixing legumes, are of great importance in our agricultural economy. Nitrogen nutrition Nitrate has been used as a fertilizer for centuries. Because it can be employed in higher concentrations than ammonia, it often has been considered inherently superior to ammonia for the nutrition of plants. Actually, when ammonia is supplied in nontoxic concentrations, it nor- mally supports a rate of growth in plants equal to or superior to that for nitrate. The conditions for optimum utilization of the two compounds differ, however; nitrate is used best at a pH below, and ammonia above, neutrality. Urea and calcium cyanamide (CaCN2) are widely used organic fer- tilizers which readily yield ammonia. Manures and composts serve as sources of nitrogen for plants, and it is generally suggested that their utilization by the plant is preceded by ammonifi cation and nitrification} In the process of ammonification, bacteria convert the nitrogen of pro- teins and other compounds to ammonia. This is followed by the action ^ Nitrification is the process of converting ammonia to nitrites, or nitrites to nitrates, or botli. PLANT METABOLISM 401 of the autotrophic ^ nitrifying bacteria which oxidize ammonia to nitrite {Nitrosomonas and Nitrosococcus) and nitrite to nitrate (Nitrobacter) . Nitrification is an important process in the soil, but it is unreasonable to assume that plants can use only nitrate, the end product of the process, for their nutrition. We have already seen that they can use ammonia directly, and nitrite also is an excellent source of nitrogen for plants when it is present in subtoxic concentrations. Even complete ammonification may be unnecessary before the nitrogen of organic residues is used. In such material the nitrogen is present chiefly as protein, and upon hydroly- sis this protein will yield peptides and free amino acids. For plants grown in the absence of bacteria (to avoid complications from bacterial action on the nitrogenous compounds) certain single amino acids can serve adequately as the sole source of nitrogen. Peptone, a mixture of peptides and free amino acids, also supports good growth. Evidently plants can use the products at all stages of protein breakdown: peptides, amino acids, ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. Synthesis of amino acids A plant supplied nitrate or nitrite must reduce these compounds to the reduction level of ammonia for the synthesis of amino acids. Whether tlie reduction yields free ammonia or reduced nitrogen bound in a more complex form has not been established. The best defined amino acid synthesis from ammonia is the reductive amination of a-ketoglutaric acid to glutamic acid by way of a-iminoglutaric acid: COOH COOH COOH I I I CO ^ C=NH HcNXH I + NH3 ^=^ I + R2O ^ ^^^ "^ > I (CH2)2 (CH,)2 * glut, acid (CH,), I I clehydrogena-ie I COOH COOH '^^^ COOH a-Ketoglutaric acid a-Iminoglutaiic acid Glutamic acid This reaction sequence has been accomplished with cell-free enzyme preparations from plants when reduced DPN has been added. Compara- ble reductive aminations may result in the formation of other amino acids, although they have not been demonstrated. Glutamic acid is a key compound in the nitrogen metabolism of animals, plants, and microorganisms. It is probable that many amino acids in plants are formed by transamination from glutamic acid to various a-keto acids. By transamination the amino group of an amino acid is trans- ^ Autotrophic bacteria are those microorganisms which can derive all their energy from the oxidation of a simple inorganic compound or element (e.g., oxidation of S to 80^=) and are able to use carbon dioxide as their sole source of carbon. 402 PLANT METABOLISM ferred to an a-keto acid, and a new a-amino acid and a new a-keto acid are formed (see Chap. 13, reactions 37 and 38) : 0 NH2 NH, O II I I II R-C-COOH + R'-CH-COOH ^izzi R-CH-COOH +R'-C-COOII Free ammonia does not function in the reaction. Transaminations from glutamic acid to pyruvic and oxalacetic acids to form alanine and aspartic acid, respectively, have been demonstrated in plants, and other trans- aminations occur but at considerably slower rates. Metabolism of amides by seedlings Germinating seeds may produce large quantities of the amides, aspara- gine and glutamine. Asparagine is the yS-amide of aspartic acid (HOOC— CHNH2 — CHo — CONHo), and glutamine has a comparable structure (HOOC— CHNH2-(CHo)o— CONH,). When a high-protein seed such as a lupine seed germinates, there is a demand upon the i^rotein as an energy yielding material for growth before the seedling establishes its synthetic capacity. AVhen protein is broken down and respired, ammonia accumulates; high levels of ammonia would be toxic, but by forming amides the plant detoxifies it. As much as 85 per cent of the protein nitrogen disappearing in a germinating lupine seed may appear in the single compound, asparagine. Later in the growth of the plant the amide nitrogen is used in the resynthesis of protein, and when the plant matures, its amide content is very low. Biological fixation of nitrogen The nitrogen cycle in nature is pictured in Fig. 15-7, in a form which is simplified by omitting the marine cycle of nitrogen. Nitrogen is added to the cycle from the vast reservoir of atmospheric N2 by chemical fixa- tion,^ by the symbiotic nitrogen fixation of leguminous plants, and by the nonsymbiotic nitrogen fixation of free-living bacteria and blue-green algae. Nitrogen is lost to the sea by leaching, erosion, and sewage dis- posal, and to the atmosphere by bacterial denitrification." Man's in- stallations for the chemical fixation of No are impressive, but their con- tribution is minor compared to that of biological nitrogen fixation in maintaining the nitrogen cycle in balance. Chiefly because of improper ^"Fixation" is the conversion of gaseous nitrogen (N„) into chemically combined forms such as ammonia, nitric acid, protein, etc. * Denitrification is the release of free nitrogen (Ng) from nitrogenous compounds, or the opposite of fixation. 3 PLANT METABOLISM 403 Chemical N fixation Soil ^ > Loss of N to sea by leachuig and erosion _ , . . / \ Nonsymbiotic u- , ^"'V xT°r .■ r \ biolosical N fixation biological N fixation ^ -,. . ^ !! -.j V, >■ Plants < * iNIicroorganisms » JNj Denitrification Animals Loss of N to sea as sewage Fig. 15-7. The nitrogen cycle in nature. land use and wasteful disposal of sewage, the land area of the earth yearly increases its nitrogen debt, despite nitrogen fixation by plants and bacteria. Agents Capable of Fixing No. Leguminous plants such as clover, al- falfa, peas, and beans carry nodules on their roots. In these nodules, No can be fixed into forms usable by the plant. The nodules are caused by the invasion of the roots by bacteria, the rhizohia, which cause the root tissue to grow at the site of invasion. Nodules have a characteristic, well-organized structure, and certain of the plant cells are packed with bacteria. It is interesting to note that a hemoglobin much like mam- malian hemoglobin is present in nodules; this is the only reported occur- rence of hemoglobin in the plant kingdom. Neither the leguminous plant alone nor the rhizobia alone can fix N2, but in symbiotic association ^ they can. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation is quantitatively the most impor- tant means on the land surface of the earth for fixing No. The nonsymbiotic nitrogen fixers, that is, those organisms capable of fixing No by themselves, include the aerobic Azotobacter, the anaerobic Clostridium and Desulfovibrio, the photosynthetic bacteria Rhodospiril- luni, Chromatium, Chlorobacterium, and Rhodomicrobium, and repre- sentatives from 3 families of blue-green algae. It is very difficult to appraise the quantitative importance of the No fixation by these organ- ^ Symbiotic association, or si/mhiosls, is a relationship in whicli two different livinj; organisms exist in close association with each other in such a manner that each derives benefit fi'om the other's existence. 404 PLANT METABOLISM isms. Azotobacter and Clostridium are important under normal soil conditions, and the blue-green algae function in maintaining the nitrogen supply under the wet conditions encountered in rice paddies. The other organisms probably function most extensively in aquatic habitats. Mechanism of N2 Fixation. Although the intermediates arising di- rectly from the fixation of N2 are unknown, these intermediates are quickly converted to ammonia before its incorporation into organic com- pounds. The reduction to ammonia logically should pass through hy- droxylamine as an intermediate, but formation of amino acids from hydroxylamine via their oximes does not appear to be an important path- way of synthesis. Ammonia is the key compound in the sense that it is the compound which combines with carbon chains to yield organic nitrogenous substances in the plants or bacteria. The primary pathway of No fixation involves conversion of No to NH3, through unknown inter- mediates, and the formation of glutamic acid by reductive amination of a-ketoglutaric acid. Glutamic acid in turn can form new amino acids by transferring its amino group by transamination. The evidence that ammonia is the key intermediate in biological nitro- gen fixation has been accumulated largely by investigating the fixation with the aid of the stable isotopic tracer, N'^. These studies, and tests with specific inhibitors of nitrogen fixation, indicate a unity in the mech- anism of nitrogen fixation in all the diverse organisms investigated. RESPIRATION OF PLANTS Although plants are most notable for their photosynthetic capacities, they carry on respiration both in the light and in the dark. Their respiration per unit weight is less intense than that of most animals because many of the structural materials of the plant such as cellulose and lignin are metabolically inert. However, when activity is expressed per unit of nitrogen in the tissues, the respiratory activity of plants and animals is comparable. The activity of cytochrome oxidase has been clearly demonstrated in plants, and cytochrome c has been isolated from plant materials. Plant cytochrome c and cytochrome oxidase are very similar to these constitu- ents of the cytochrome system of animal origin. Other oxidases of im- portance in plants are ascorbic acid oxidase and tyrosinase (catecholase, dopa oxidase, and laccase are plant enzymes similar to tyrosinase). It is characteristic of the true oxidases that they use O2,' produce HoO rather than H0O2, and have a heavy metal component. Both ascorbic acid oxidase and tyrosinase contain copper, and though cytochrome oxidase never has been purified, it apparently contains iron. A dominant posi- tion of the true oxidases characterizes plant respiration, in contrast to PLANT METABOLISM 405 animal respiration where cytochrome oxidase is the only oxidase assum- ing an important role. Peroxidases are widely distributed in plants, but their function is not well defined. They use H0O2 for the oxidation of a variety of phenols and aromatic amines. The peroxidase from horse radish has been crystallized and shown to be a hematin compound. Catalase, which con- verts hydrogen peroxide to water and Oo, and has peroxidatic activity, likewise is a hematin enzyme widely distributed in plants. Hemoglobin, cytochrome c, peroxidase, and catalase each has hematin as its prosthetic group. Many organic acids are relatively abundant in plants, and they serve as substrates for their respective dehydrogenases. Malic, citric, and oxalic acids are quantitatively the most important plant acids. Among these, malic acid is a particularly active metabolite; citric acid is inter- mediate in activity; and oxalic acid is rather inert. Glycolic acid and lactic acid are rapidly oxidized in plants by glycolic and lactic acid dehydrogenases. The formation, interconversion, and oxidation of organic acids in plants are competing processes which give rise to spectacular changes in the organic acid levels from day to day. For example, the succulent plants accumulate high concentrations of organic acids at night and convert them to starch during the day (isocitric acid, a rare acid, may constitute 18 per cent of the dry weight of the leaves of the succulent plant, Bryo- phyllum calycinum) . In the dark, a large share of the malic acid of tobacco leaves is converted to citric acid. Glycolysis in plants and animals yields pyruvic acid, which may be reduced to lactic acid or oxidized by aerobic processes. The oxidation of pyruvate via the Kreb's tricarboxylic acid cycle has been described for animal tissue in Chap. 13. Although information is much less complete for plants, there is good evidence that oxidation can occur by the same pathway outlined for animal tissue. Early work depended upon evidence that in the presence of inhibitors, such as malonate, intermediates in the tricarboxylic acid cycle accumulated. Now it has been possible to show that preparations of washed mitochondria ^ from mung bean and lupine seedlings can oxidize all the intermediates of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and can use some of the energy so obtained for converting ADP to ATP. ^ Mitochondria are small, discrete particles existing within cells which can be separated from the rest of the cell contents by breaking the cell walls mechanically, suspending the mixture in a suitable liquid medium (e.g., 0.4.1/ sucrose), and cen- trifuging. The mitochondria settle out only after a certain centrifugal force has been reached. Larger particles settle first and are discarded, and smaller particles remain in suspension. Washing is accomplished by resuspending in fresh liquid and recen- trifuging. 406 PLANT METABOLISM PLANT GROWTH SUBSTANCES The growth of plants is regulated by a variety of chemical entities included under the broad heading, plant growth substances.^ These com- pounds by being transported within the plant may effect changes at a distance from their point of formation. The most studied and versatile, naturally occurring plant growth substance is 3-indoleacetic acid: HC ^ HC ^ H c ^C- -c- CH2- -COOH ^./C\-./^H c r^ H H 3-Indoleacetic acid H UC^ ^C HC '^ H C— CHoCN II CH N H 3-Indoleacetonitrile This compound, variously known as p-indoleacetic acid (lAA) and hetero- auxin, and the structurally similar 3-indoleacetonitrile, have been isolated directly from plants, as has traumatic acid (HOOC — CH=CH — (CHo)s- — COOH), but evidence for most of the other growth substances reported to occur in plants lacks substantial chemical verification. Indoleacetic acid at a concentration of 0.01 mg. per liter will cause oat coleoptiles - to bend and will increase streaming of their prott)plasm; 2.0 mg, per liter will inhibit the growth of oat roots by 50 per cent and will stimulate the respiration of oat seedlings; higher concentrations will inhibit both respiration and stem growth. In addition to indoleacetic acid, many chemically synthesized substances will influence the growth of plants. For a compound to be effective it must as a rule contain an unsaturated ring and a side chain on the ring carrying a carboxyl group, or a group readily converted to a carboxyl; the carboxyl must be at least one carbon atom removed from the ring and must have a proper spatial relationship with the ring. To the activity of growth substances are attributed such responses of plants as phototropism (bending toward light) , geotropism (bending of roots toward and stems away from gravity), bending resulting from in- jury (traumatic acid is active), initiation of flowering, and epinasty (downward bending of leaves without wilting) . Plant growth substances have been used in a large number of practical applications. They are employed to prevent premature dropping of blossoms and fruits. The ^ "Plant growth substances" is a broad term covering the compounds often referred to as plant hormones, phijtohoymones, groirth regulating suhatances, and auxins. ^ The sheath around the first leaf sent out by the germinating oat seed. PLANT METABOLISM 407 methyl ester of naphthalene acetic acid and tnaleic hydrazide will keep stored potatoes and carrots from sprouting. H H C C HC^ ^C^ "^C-CH.-COOCHs CH-CONH HC^ ^C\ ^CH CH-CONH C C H H Naphthalene acetic acid, Maleic hydrazide methyl ester Growth substances will hasten the rooting of cuttings (Fig. 15-8) and will inhibit the development of buds. By application of growth substances to flowers, seedless fruits can be produced. The most important use of plant growth substances is as herbicides, or weed killers, and this application has greatly modified current agricultural practice. General herbicides such as oils or acids have been employed for many years, but the plant growth substances have the great advan- tage of acting as selective herbicides. For example, much lower con- centrations of 2, 4:-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid ("2,4-D") are required to 0-CHo-COOH 0-CH,COOH I " I c c HQ^'''"^,CC1 HC^ ^CCl I II I II HCW4)/CH CIC^ XH C X CI CI "2,4-D'' "2,4,0-T" 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid kill dicotyledonous plants (most broad-leafed plants such as beans and clover) than to kill monocotyledonous ones (cereals, other grasses, lilies, etc.). Thus broad-leafed weeds can be destroyed in a field of grain without damaging the grain. The closely related substance "2,4,5-T," especially in the form of an ester dissolved in an oily carrier such as kerosene, is very effective for killing weedy brush. Both compounds are very useful for the eradication of such weeds as poison ivy. The way in which selective herbicides act is still obscure. MINERAL NUTRITION The essential elements for the nutrition of plants include the macro- nutrient elements: C, H, 0, N, P, K, S, Mg, Ca, and Fe; and the micro- nutrients: Cu, Zn, B, Mn, and Mo. As was pointed out in the discussion 11 ■J! Courtesy of Dr. W. C. Cooper and the American Society of Plant Pliysiologists. Fig. 15-8. Effect of indoleacetic acid on the rooting of lemon cuttings. Upper, untreated. Lower, treated for eight hours with a solution of 0.5 mg. of indoleacetic acid per ml. Photograph taken two and one-half weeks after treatment. 408 PLANT METABOLISM 409 Reproduced from Hiinfjer .S'l'.r/ns in Crops, a publication of tlie American Society of Agronomy and tlie National Fertilizer Association, Washington, D. C. Fig. 15-9. Tobacco plants suffering from various mineral deficiencies — B, nitrogen; C, phosphorus; D, potassium; E, boron; F, calcium; G, magnesium. Reduction of growth has occurred in all cases. A is a normal plant. of the general function of mineral elements in Chap. 8, animals require all of these elements except boron. The cells of the root have a capacity for selective intake of ions. For example, from a solution high in sodium and low in potassium, the plant may absorb much more potassium than sodium. From soil the plant obtains its cations, such as Ca + + , by base exchange (that is, by a process by which the plant exchanges metabolic hydrogen ions for a cation adsorbed on a soil colloid). In contrast, the plant absorbs its anions, such as SO4"", from the soil solution around the roots. Some effects of certain mineral deficiencies are illustrated in Figs. 15-9 and 15-10. 410 PLANT METABOLISM Courtesy of Purdue University Agricultural Experiment Station. Reproduced from Hiiuf/er Signs in Orops, a publication of the American Society of Agronomy and the National Fertilizer Association, Washington, D. C. Fig. 15-10. Oats in Crosby silt loam of low fertility. Pot 16 (NPK), treated with complete fertilizer, serves as check; plants healthy and vigor- ous. Pot 13 (PK), nitrogen starvation; plants spindling, yellowish green, slightly purplish stems. Pot 14 (NK), phosphorus starvation; plants dark green, stems weak, slightly purplish tinged. Pot 15 (NP), potassium de- ficiency; dark-green, weak plants, with oldest leaves brown and tip ends deadened. REVIEW QUESTIONS ON PLANT METABOLISM 1. What is the prime source of most of the energy used by man? 2. Which process is of greatest importance in fixing carbon dioxide in the carbon cycle of nature; of greatest importance in releasing carbon dioxide? 3. How are photosynthesis and respiration interrelated? 4. What are the chemical differences between chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, proto- chlorophyll, and bacteriochlorophyll? 5. What is the evidence that all oxygen released in photosynthesis arises from water? 6. Describe a light reaction and a dark reaction in photosynthesis. How can they be differentiated? 7. Why is a quantum efficiency of 4 attractive from a theoretical standpoint? Why is such a high efficiency questioned? 8. What is the first demonstrable organic intermediate in photosynthesis? Which products may it in turn yield? 9. How does the plant synthesize starch? What is the difference between amylose and amylopectin? 10. Do plants require any preformed amino acids? 11. Which are the most important sources of fixed nitrogen for maintaining the nitrogen cycle in balance? PLANT METABOLISM 411 12. Which groups of organisms can fix No? What is the key intermediate in the fixation process? 13. What differences can you cite in the respiration of plants and animals? What similarities ? 14. Why are plant growth substances often much supcMior to oils and acids as weed killers? 15. It is stated that growth substances arc responsible for i)hototropism and geo- tropism. How can they cau.se such responses in plants? REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Arnon, D. I., "Extracellular Photosynthetic Reactions," Nature, 167, 1008 (1951). Baeyer, Adolph, '•Concerning Dehydration and Its Significance for Plant Life and Fermentation," Ber. dcut. chcm. Ges., 3, 63-75 (1870). Bernfeld, P., "Enzymes of Starch Degradation and Synthesis," Advances in Enzy- mo/o^iy, 12, 379 (1951). Bonner, J., Plant Biochemistry , Academic Press Inc., New York, 1950. Burk, D., Cornfield, J., and Schwartz, M., "The Efficient Transformation of Light into Chemical Energy in Photosynthesis," Sci. Monthly, 73, 213 (1951). Calvin, M., "The Path of Carbon in Photosynthesis, VI," J. Chem. Ed., 26, 639 (1949). Chibnall, A. C, Protein Metabolism in the Plant, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1939. Fischer, H., "Chlorophyll," Chem. Rev., 20, 41 (1937). Franck, J. and Loomis, W. E. (editors). Photosynthesis in Plants, Iowa State College Press, Ames, 1949. Hassid, W. Z. and Doudoroff, M., "Synthesis of Disaccharides with Bacterial En- zymes," Advances in Enzymology, 10, 123 (1950). Hill, R., "Oxidoreduction in Chloroplasts," Advances in Enzymology, 12, 1 (1951). Lardy. H. A. (editor). Respiratory Enzymes, Burgess Publishing Company, Minne- apolis, 1949. Manning, W. M., Stauffer, J. F., Duggar, B. M., and Daniels, F., "Quantum Efficiency of Photosynthesis in Chlorella," J. Am. Chem. Soc, 60, 266 (1938). Rabinowitch, E. I., Photosyyithesis and Related Processes, Interscience Publishers Inc., New York, Vol. I (1945) Vol. II, part 1 (1951). Skoog, F. (editor), Plant Growth Substances, University of Wisconsin Press, Madi- son, 1951. Tolmach, L. J., "Effects of Triphosphopyridine Nucleotide upon Oxygen Evolution and Carbon Dioxide Fixation by Illuminated Chloroplasts," Nature, 167, 946 (1951). Truog, E. (editor), Mineral Nutntion oj Plants, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1951. Tswett, M., "Adsorption Analysis and the Chromatographic Method. Application to the Chemistry of the Chlorophylls," Ber. dent, botan. Ges., 24, 384-393 (1906). van Niel, C. B., "On the Morphology and Physiology of the Purple and Green Sulfur Bacteria," Arch. Mikrobiologie, 3, 1 (1931). Vishniac, W. and Ochoa, S., "Photochemical Reduction of Pyridine Nucleotides by Spinach Grana and Coupled Carbon Dioxide Fixation," Nature, 167, 768 (1951). Warburg, 0. and Burk, D., "The Maximum Efficiency of Photosynthesis," Arch. Biochem., 25, 410 (1950). 412 PLANT METABOLISM ' Warburg, 0. and Negelein, E., "The Transformation of Energy During the Assimila- I tion of Carbon Dioxide," Naturwissenschajten, 10, 647 (1922). . Willstatter, R. and Stoll, A., Investigations on Chlorophyll (Translation by Shertz, F. M. and Merz, A. R.), Science Press, Lancaster, Pa., 1928. Wilson, P. W., The Biochemistry of Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1940. Wilson, P. W. and Burris, R. H., "The Mechanism of Biological Nitrogen Fixation," Bactenol. Rev., 11, 41 (1947). Zscheile, F. P. and Comar, C. L., "Influence of Preparative Procedure on the Purity of Chlorophyll Components as Shown by Absorption Spectra," Botan. Gaz., 102, 463 (1941). i Chapter 16 BIOLOGICAL ENERGETICS All living organisms must have a continuous supply of energy in a usable form. The study of energy sources, utilization, and quantitative requirements is called biological energetics. The great bulk of all food consumed goes to meet this need. In all cases the energy is derived from chemical reactions carried out by the living cell, whereby the foodstuffs are converted into products of lower energy content. The difference between the energy content of the foods eaten and waste products excreted represents approximately the energy which may be used (with greater or lesser efficiency) by the organism. The chemical reactions on which living things depend for their energy supply are many and varied. Lower forms frequently live under anaer- obic conditions, carrying out reactions which do not involve oxygen. Thus for example, glucose is converted into carbon dioxide and alcohol by yeast, or into lactic acid by lactic acid bacteria. Such conversions yield relatively little energy, and the yeast or bacteria accordingly are forced to metabolize large amounts of the foodstuff (here glucose) . The higher animals and man, on the other hand, are aerobic organisms and oxidize their foodstuffs to the stage of carbon dioxide and water. Since this represents complete combustion, much larger amounts of energy are liberated, and less food per unit weight of living tissue is needed. The energy used by living things appears partly in the form of heat, partly as muscular work, and partly in many other forms such as elec- trical, chemical, and light energy. It has become customary, however, to express all of these forms in terms of heat units, or calories. A calorie (cal.) is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Centigrade, specifically from 14.5 to 15.5°C. The kilocalorie (Cal.) is one thousand times larger.^ The energy difference between foods and waste products may be expressed quantitatively by means of these units. For example, the combustion of one mole (180 g.) of glucose gives 673,000 cal. The heat change accompanying a reaction is represented by the symbol. A//' (A = change; H = heat). It is given ^ The British Thermal Unit (BTU) is the amount of heat re ADP4-H3P04 This breakdown of ATP into ADP is catalyzed by adenosine triphospha- tase (ATP-ase) and has a AF value of —11,500 cal. From the above considerations it is evident that this breakdown of ATP must take place before CrP can be used up by the Lohmann reaction. ATP, therefore, is most probably the immediate energy source for muscle contraction. Just how the chemical energy in ATP is converted into the mechanical energy of contraction is not well understood, but it is known that ATP-ase is present in muscle fibers in large amounts. In fact, ATP-ase probably makes up a part of the fiber, being itself a long, thread-like protein, molecules of which are arranged lengthwise along the fiber. When ATP breakdown occurs, some of the side-chain groups in these or other pro- tein molecules in the muscle probably become altered in such a way that they have an attraction for other groups in the same molecules. This would cause a puckering and shortening of the molecules so affected, and consequently a contraction of the whole fiber. High energy phosphate bonds The energy released when the terminal phosphate group of ATP is split off (Ai^ = — 11,500 cal.) must have been contained in the particular valence bond which held this group to the rest of the molecule. Numer- ous other phosphate derivatives are also involved in metabolic reactions 0 II (see Chap. 13) . All are of the type (HO)oP— X, where X may be either an oxygen or nitrogen atom, which is attached in turn to another phos- phate radical or to some organic structure. These phosphorus com- pounds have been found to fall roughly into two main groups according BIOLOGICAL ENERGETICS 417 to the amount of free energy liberated on hydrolysis of the P — X bond. A number of more important ones are collected in Table 16-1. For the low energy group, AF is about — 2000 to — 4000 calories per mole, whereas for the high energy compounds it amounts to around — 11,000 to — 15,000 Table 16-1 Free energies of hydrolysis of some phosphoric acid derivatives * Compound AF, cal. pK Temp., °C Glucose-1-phosphate — 4,750 8.5 38 Glucose-6-phosphate —3,000 8.5 38 Fructo?e-6-phosphate —3,350 8.5 38 Glycerol-l-phosphate —2,200 8.5 38 ATP (terminal group) —11,500 7.5 20 Acetyl phosphate —14,500 6.3 37 Pyruvic acid enol phosphate — 15,900 ? 20 Creatine phosphate —13,000 7.7 20 Arginine phosphate — 11,800 7.7 20 * Reproduced from Avison and Hawkins, "The Role of Phosphoric Esters in Bio- logical Reactions," Quart. Rev., 5, 171 (1951) by permission of the authors and the Chemical Society (London). calories. The latter substances are said to contain a high energy phos- phate bond, which is written as "-^P". It is only the chemical energy of such bonds which can be transformed directly into useful work by living organisms, and so far as known, only ATP serves as the immediate source of such energy, both for muscular work and for all other purposes. The metabolic breakdoum of foodstuffs, so far as energy requirements are concerned, is a matter of generating high energy phosphate bonds and of synthesizing ATP. Phosphagens The presence in CrP of a high energy bond, taken together with the facts already presented, indicates that CrP serves as a '--'P storehouse in muscle. When contractions begin, ATP starts to be used. It would be quickly exhausted except for the Lohmann reaction, which starts func- tioning as soon as some ADP is formed. ATP is thereby resynthesized at the expense of CrP, and the ATP level is kept up until most of the CrP is used, and the muscle becomes exhausted. This situation is reached, however, only during very severe work, because during moderate exer- cise the metabolism of glycogen soon starts, and '^P compounds are pro- duced as fast as needed (see below). When muscular work stops, gly- cogen breakdown continues for a time, ATP is resynthesized, and the Lohmann reaction goes into reverse until the normal amount of CrP characteristic of resting muscle is restored. This arrangement gives the muscle a much greater supply of quickly 418 BIOLOGICAL ENERGETICS available energy than the ATP alone could provide, since considerably- larger amounts of CrP are present (Table 16-2) . In view of its metabolic role, CrP has been called a phosphagen. Another phosphagen, arginine phosphate, takes the place of CrP in the muscles of most invertebrates. Table 16-2 Relation of muscular activity to concentration of various substances in muscle Muscle Concentration t when muscle is: Substance species and type Resting Fatigued In rigor Adenosine triphosphate Average mammal, striated 5.0 2.5-4.5* 0.005* Adenosine triphosphate Average mammal, cardiac 1.5 trace or none Adenosine diphosphate Average mammal. striated 0.005=^ 0.5-2.5* 5 Creatine phosphate Average mammal, striated 20 10-15 trace or none Creatine phosphate Average mammal, cardiac 2 trace or none Creatine phosphate Rat, smooth 1 trace or none Arginine phosphate Crab, striated 32 18 trace or none Lactic acid Average mammal, striated 1.7 45 68 Inorganic phosphate Average mammal, striated 0.1* 10 30 * Values estimated from probable ATP-ADP-inorganic P ratios as calculated from energy relations of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism (see M. J. Johnson, Chap. XII, in Respiratory Enziimes, by Lardy : Burgess Publishing Company, Minneapolis, 1949). t Millimoles per kilogram, fresh weight. Still another phosphagen of unknown composition has been detected in certain lower organisms. The amounts of phosphagens in various tissues are shown in Table 16-2. By far the largest concentrations are present in those muscles which are capable of the greatest work output (striated muscle) . Generation of high energy phosphate bonds Glycolysis. The reactions of glycolysis, which result in the formation of high energy bonds, are now known in detail. They have been presented in Chap. 13 (Figs. 13-1 and 13-3, reactions 9 and 12) . In all, four '--'P bonds are so generated for each hexose unit, that is, four molecules of ADP are converted to ATP. However, two molecules of ATP are used up along the way (reactions I and 4) so that the "net yield" to the organism is two moles of ATP per mole of glucose metabolized to lactic acid. Since each mole of ATP gives up 11,500 cal. when used for work {i.e., hydrolyzed to ADP), this figure represents an energy yield from glycolysis of 23,000 cal. per mole of glucose. The free energy change BIOLOGICAL ENERGETICS 419 for the conversion of glucose to lactic acid is not known with certainty, but is probably close to 40,000 cal. per mole. If this figure is correct, the efficiency of glycolysis is nearly 60 per cent. It is perhaps not realistic to discuss the energy relationships of gly- colysis in terms of the conversion of glucose to lactic acid, since this acid represents only an offshoot from the main pathway of carbohydrate metabolism and is not produced at all except during severe work (review p. 328) . Even then, it is reconverted to pyruvic acid during rest. How- ever, if carbohydrate breakdown is to be divided for purposes of study into anaerobic and aerobic phases, the anaerobic part must be treated as ending with lactic acid, even though discussion of the aerobic phase begins with pyruvic acid. Allowance for the energy released in con- verting lactic acid to pyruvic will be made below. Aerobic Metabolism. Complete combustion of glucose to carbon di- oxide and water releases about 683,000 cal. under physiological conditions. From the above figures it is obvious that only a small fraction of this total appears during anaerobic glycolysis. Approximately 94 per cent of the energy of the glucose remains to be released through the operation of the citric acid cycle. It is of great interest to discover what portion of this remaining energy becomes fixed in a biologically usable form (pre- sumably ATP) , and to learn just how the reactions of the citric acid cycle result in the formation of the necessary /^P bonds. During the oxidation of one molecule of pyruvic acid by one "turn" of the cycle, 10 atoms of hydrogen are released (2 in each of five steps, namely, reactions 16, 20, 22, 23, and 25, Fig. 13-4). The energy from the whole cycle is actually produced by the combination of these hydrogen atoms with the oxygen of the inhaled air, and ^P bonds are evidently formed at the same time. Before discussing this subject in greater detail, it seems desirable to consider briefly the nature of oxidation and the quantitative relations between oxidation and energy changes. Oxidation is often defined as addition of oxygen or removal of hydrogen, but cases are also common in which oxidation occurs without either oxygen or hydrogen being directly involved. The most exact and gen- eral definition states that oxidation is a loss of electrons. For example, Fe++-^Fe+ + + -f e, where e stands for an electron, the unit negative charge of electricity. The tendency of substances to give up electrons and become oxidized is expressed in terms of volts as an electrical po- tential, called the oxidation-reduction or redox -potential. Strong oxi- dizing agents have positive potentials ranging up to about -\-2 volts, while reducing agents go down to about — 1 volt, and even lower in a few cases. These relations provide a scale of oxidizing power, much as the pH scale measures active acidity. When the oxidized and reduced forms of an oxidizing agent are in equal concentrations, that is, when the oxidizing agent is half reduced, its redox potential is called by defini- 420 BIOLOGICAL ENERGETICS tion the normal potential, Eq. If a substance of high Eo reacts with one of lower £'0, the potential of the former (the oxidizing agent) drops as more and more of it becomes changed to its reduced form, and the potential of the latter (the reducing agent) rises as it is converted into its oxidized form. Finally, the two potentials become equal and no further reaction occurs. The free energy released depends on AE, the difference between the two Eq values. This relationship is given by the following equation: — AF = nF AE where n is the number of electrons involved in the reaction, and F is the Faraday.^ These principles may now be used to explore the possibilities of '-'P generation during the biological oxidation of metabolites. As explained above, the energy released comes from hydrogen atoms split off at various stages. Each pair of hydrogens passes through a system of coenzymes or carriers before finally being united with oxygen (review cytochrome system, p. 333). A series of oxidation-reduction systems is therefore involved, each having its own characteristic £'0 value. The biological oxidation, for example, of lactic to pyruvic acid probably involves the various coenzymes and redox potentials shown in Fig. 16-1. The two hydrogens are split off at a potential of — 0.18 volt and, at first, combine with DPN: CH3CHOHCOOH + DPN ^ CH3COCOOH + DPN • H2 Since the AF of this reaction is +4600 cal., the equilibrium point lies far to the left, and the lactic acid will not be oxidized unless the DPN • Ho is removed. If the amount of DPN • H2 is in some manner kept very low, the equilibrium point is displaced to the right in accordance with the law of mass action. Of course, the hydrogens are, in fact, immediately transferred from the DPN • Ho through the remaining steps shown in Fig. 16-1, and for each of these steps AF has a large negative value. This means that their equilibrium points lie far to the right, and the hydrogens are therefore pulled along until they unite with oxygen. They have then traveled over a potential span of 0.99 volt ( — 0.18 to +0.81), an interval which corresponds to a free energy change of — 45,700 cal.^ This energy, how^ever, is not released in a single burst, but in three suc- cessive smaller portions, as shown in Fig. 16-1. One of these is near 10,000 cal., about the amount needed for a /^P bond, while the others are ^ In any chemical process associated with electron transfer, a certain definite quantity of electricity is always needed to bring about the transformation of one gram equivalent weight of the reacting substance (examples, electrolysis of water, electroplating of metals). This quantity, the Faraday, is 96,500 coulombs, which is equivalent to 23,060 calories per volt. 2 Calculation : — AF = nF AE = 2x 23,060 x 0.99 = 45,700, BIOLOGICAL ENERGETICS 421 considerably larger. Therefore, approximately the right amount of energy is made available in about the right sized "packages" for the generation of three high energy bonds, when one mole of lactic acid is oxidized to pyruvic acid and water. Overall reaction CH3CHOHCOOH + iO, 7-^ CH3COCOOH + HjO Lactic acid Pyruvic acid Corresponding redox potentials and energy changes Eo AE AF Inlermediate stages volts volts cal. 1. Lactic acid < * pyruvic acid + 2H —0.18) ^ ,^ , . ^^« f —0.10 +4,600 2.DPN+2H ^ DPNH+H* -0.28 _ 3. rAD+2H 5=^ FADH, -0.06 _u70n 4. 2Cy,,. . Fe*- + 2H ^ 2Cyt. o Fe- + 2H* +0.26 ^^^ l^' 5. iOj + 2H :i=^ HjO +0.81 ^ Fig. 16-1. Intermediate stages and energy relationships in the biological oxidation of lactic to pyruvic acid. The five pairs of hydrog-ens that split out when pyruvic acid is com- pletely oxidized by the citric acid cycle likewise pass through the hydro- gen transport system. Each pair originates at a definite redox potential, which is given in Table 16-3. Calculations of the energy released as each pair becomes united with oxygen indicate that sufficient energy should be available to generate the number of '~P bonds shown in the last column. The total is 16 such bonds per mole of pyruvic acid. Since three more could have been formed in the conversion of lactic into pyruvic acid, the total for the aerobic phase of carbohydrate metabolism would be 2 X (16 + 3) or 38 per mole of glucose. It must be emphasized that these figures are only estimates based on the information now available. Table 16-3 Redox potentials at which hydrogen is released during oxidation of pyruvic acid via fhe citric acid cycle Nu mheroj ~'P Acid Acid Corresponding Eo bo nds possibly dchydrogenaled produced value *at pH 7 formed Pyruvic Acetic —0.63 4 Isocitric Oxalosuccinic 0.13 3 a-Ketoglutaric Succinic 0.60 4 Succinic Fumaric 0.00 2 Malic Oxalacetic 0.10 Total 3 : 16 * Voits. 422 BIOLOGICAL ENERGETICS Esterification of Inorganic Phosphate. Another line of evidence has been uncovered which bears on this question of the number of ~P bonds formed during the aerobic phase of carbohydrate metabohsm. Ground-up preparations from tissues such as liver and kidney are able to take up molecular oxygen and use it to oxidize pyruvic acid, or any other acid involved in the citric acid cycle, to carbon dioxide and water. Inorganic phosphate is needed for this oxidation, and as the oxidation proceeds, some of the phosphorus becomes esterified, that is, united with organic substances. Lehninger has demonstrated with the aid of the isotope, P^-, that the newly formed organic phosphate has the properties of ATP. It is very probable that one molecule of ATP is produced for every atom of phosphorus esterified during the oxidation. The number of P atoms taken up for each atom of oxygen used is difficult to measure accurately because of side reactions which break down the new '— -P bonds even as others are being formed. The best results, however, show values ap- proaching those given in the last column of Table 16-3. This evidence, then, also tends to indicate that phosphorylations occur and '^P bonds are formed each time hydrogen atoms, from whatever source, are passed from one hydrogen carrier to the next. In fact, this hydrogen transport system is almost certainly the chief energy transformer of aerobic organisms. Efficiency of Energy Metabolism. The above discussion deliberately goes somewhat beyond the bounds of present well-established knowledge in order to estimate the efficiency of energy metabolism in animals. If 38 -^P bonds are produced during the conversion of lactic acid to carbon dioxide and water and two more are produced during glycolysis, a total of 40 moles of ATP could be formed from the metabolism of one mole of glucose. If these figures are correct, the efficiency of the overall process would be 40X11,500^ 683,000 This is a very high value in comparison with other types of machines. The maximum efficiency of a steam engine, for example, is around 25 per cent and that of a diesel engine about 40 per cent. As a matter of fact, direct work measurements show that animals also have maximum efficiencies of about 30-40 per cent, but usually work at only about 15-20 per cent efficiency. This is not surprising since the above value of 67 per cent applies only to ATP formation. No information is available regarding the efficiency with which the chemical energy of ATP can be converted into muscular work by the animal. Physiological Fuel Value of Foods. Until quite recently the study of energy metabolism in animals and man was conducted almost ex- clusively from the standpoint of the total heat produced by combustion of various foods and the total energy needs of metabolism under various ponditions. Although thi§ sort of knowledge does not provide as much BIOLOGICAL ENERGETICS 423 insight into energy metabolism as the direct chemical approach described above, it nevertheless has important practical applications. The heat of combustion of a food is determined by use of the bomb calorimeter. This is a heavy steel cylinder or "bomb" surrounded by water in an insulated container. The sample plus oxygen at high pres- sure is placed in the tightly closed cylinder and ignited by a spark. The amount of heat liberated as the sample burns is determined by noting the exact rise in the temperature of the water and making suitable cor- rections for heat taken up by the bomb itself. The results are expressed as calories liberated per mole or per gram of substance burned. When pure chemicals are examined in this way, the heats of com- bustion are found to vary according to the composition of the sample. The figures given in Table 16-4 show that higher percentages of carbon and hydrogen are associated with higher heat values, whereas the opposite is true for oxygen. The reason for this, of course, is simply that sub- stances like glucose with a high oxygen content are in effect already partly oxidized. The fuel values of foods likewise depend on their elementary composi- tion, but information of this sort is not usually available. Instead, foods are usually analyzed for their contents of carbohydrate, fat, pro- tein, minerals, and moisture. These percentages constitute the proxitnate composition. The heat value of a given food can be calculated easily from its proximate composition, if the heat contributed by each of the major components is known. Minerals and moisture, of course, contribute nothing in this regard. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in the bomb calorimeter give about 4.1, 5.7, and 9.5 Cal. per gram, respectively (see Table 16-4). However, not all of this energy is available to the animal body partly because foods are not completely digested and absorbed and partly because they are not always oxidized completely in the body. Proteins in particular are oxidized to carbon dioxide, water, and free nitrogen in the calorimeter, but in the body the nitrogen is converted into excretory products (urea, creatine, etc.), which are themselves or- ganic substances capable of being burned, and releasing additional heat. Table 16-4 Relation of chemical composition to heat of combustion of various substances Substance Composition Heat of combustion C% H% 0% N7o (Cal. per gram) Glucose 40.0 6.7 53.3 3.73 Sucrose 42.1 6.4 5L5 3.96 Starch 44.4 6.2 49.4 4.22 Alanine 40.4 7.9 35.9 15.7 4.35 Casein* 53.1 7.0 22.5 15.8 5.85 Stearic acid 76.0 12.8 11.2 9.53 Animal fats (av.) 76.5 12.0 11.5 9.50 * Also contains 0.8% S and 0.8% P, 424 BIOLOGICAL ENERGETICS When allowance is made for these facts, the average physiological fuel value of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats becomes, in round numbers, 4, 4, and 9 Cal. per gram, respectively. Note that these values are ex- pressed in kilocalories and that they refer to the total energy obtained by the organism, both in the form of heat and in the form of ATP or other ~P compounds. However, no allowance for entropy changes is included, and as explained previously these changes are likely to pro- vide additional energy. The entropy changes involved in the metabolism of most foodstuffs are not known. The physiological fuel values of a list of common foods are given in the Appendix (Table A-1, p. 434). A study of this list emphasizes the tremendous effect of two components, namely fat and moisture, on the calorific value. Watery foods like fresh fruits and vegetables contribute very few calories, whereas concentrated, dried foods, especially those high in fat such as nuts, chocolate, vegetable oils, etc., have very high energy value. Sherman has pointed out that an ounce of olive oil is equal in fuel value to over three pounds of lettuce! Energy requirements Basal Metabolism. The most conspicuous use for food energy is in the performance of muscular work. However, even at rest, energy is required by a living animal or human being to keep various vital func- tions in operation. These include, not only such obvious processes as breathing, heart action, and blood circulation, but also the maintenance of a certain minimum muscle tension or tonus (even when lying down and completely "relaxed") and tlie normal operation of the organs of digestion, secretion, and excretion. The kidneys, for example, use energy to excrete waste products, and energy is needed to cause digested foods to pass through the intestinal wall. Even the synthesis and maintenance of the protein molecules which make up body tissues require energy, since the equilibrium point of the reaction protein + water ^ amino acids lies far to the right, and energy must be supplied to shift it to the left. The minimum rate of energy metabolism to provide for such functions is called the basal metabolism, and the energy thereby consumed is con- sidered to be the minimum energy requirement. The basal metabolism is measured about 12 hours after eating so that no digestion of food is taking place, and with the subject lying down in a room of comfortable temperature. Under these conditions all the energy being used by the body appears directly in the form of heat since no external work of any sort is being done. The basal metabolism can be measured by direct calorimetry, that is, BIOLOGICAL ENERGETICS 425 by placing the subject in a large calorimeter and detcrniining the heat output as described above for the bomb calorimeter. This actually has been done in many cases, but is so cumbersome and expensive that a shorter, indirect method has been devised. This method depends on the fact that heat output is closely related to oxygen consumed and carbon dioxide liberated by the subject. Thus for the oxidation of glucose, CeHioOg + 60o -» 6CO2 + 6H2O + 678 Cal. it is apparent that six moles of oxygen are used for the oxidation of one mole of glucose and the production of 678 Cal.^ Six moles of a gas occupy 6 X 22.4 or 134.4 1. at standard temperature and pressure. There- fore each liter of oxj^gen used in this reaction results in the production of 678 -^ 134.4 or 5.047 Cal. For fat oxidation the relations are some- what different. Taking tristearin as an example, 2(Ci7H35COO)3C3H5 + 1630o-^ 114C0o + llOHoO + 17,060 Cal. it is seen that in this case one liter of oxygen produces 17,060 -f- (163 X 22.4) or 4.67 Cal. Oxidation of average mixed food fats yields 4.69 Cal. and of mixed proteins, 4.82 Cal. per liter of oxygen consumed. An indication of which type of foodstuff is being oxidized by the body at a given time is provided by the respiratory quotient (R.Q.), which is the ratio of carbon dioxide given off to oxygen used : _ CO2 given off O2 used The amounts of the two gasses may be expressed in moles or in volumes (measured at the same temperature and pressure) . It follows from the above equations that the R.Q. for oxidation of glucose is 1.00 and of tristearin 0.70 (114-^163). In general, the R.Q. for average mixed carbohydrates is 1.00, for fats 0.71, and for proteins 0.81. It has been found that the R.Q. for both animal and human subjects under the con- ditions of the basal metabolism test is close to 0.82. For this R.Q. value each liter of oxygen consumed produces 4.825 Cal.- All that is necessary, therefore, to find the metabolic rate is to measure the liters of oxygen consumed per unit time and multiply by 4.825. The basal metabolism is a fundamental characteristic of the living animal. Its magnitude depends on the body weight, body surface area, sex, age, and other factors. However, for healthy individuals of a given ^ The current value.s of heat output per liter of oxygen are based on 678 Cal. as the heat of combustion of glucose, although 073 Cal. probably is more nearly correct. " Calculated on the assumption that only fats and carbohydrates are being oxidized. The amount of protein oxidized, wliich can be estimated from the urinary nitrogen excretion, does not have to be considered since proteins also yield 4.82 Cal. per liter of oxygen. 426 BIOLOGICAL ENERGETICS size and age there is a normal rate of basal metabolism, and any marked deviations therefrom indicate an abnormal, perhaps diseased, condition. Brody has emphasized the relation between the body size and basal metabolism of a large number of animal species. He found that the formula Cal. per day = 70 X (body weight in kg.)"-'^^ holds very well for a tremendous range of body sizes (Fig. 16-2). Note that the smallest animals have the highest basal metabolism per kilogram 0.1 1.0 10 cal. /day i ' ' '""i — ■ ■ ■ '"i-i — ■ > i & cal./kg./day 10.000 I- Cal. = 39.5 1b.""" B.T.U. = 156.8 lb.""* : Cal. = 70.5kg.''"* s ■^ 1,000 o XI (A 5.0 .21 1.1 .26 20.0 1.2 1.6 2.3 9.1 .26 V ? 9 .98 1.9 3.1 4.8 .92 1.6 5.2 1.8 .86 1.1 -> 9 .53 .6 1.5 9 .13 .37 .09 6.9 .1 •> *? 9 •> •> f 30.0 .11 1.0 2.4 9.0 2.0 .32 3.5 14.0 .05 .02 1.5 3.5 .1 ■ii -) ? .11 .02 ? 9.1 .08 .07 2.0 9 .12 .62 .65 3.3 .12 1.2 .02 8.0 .15 .57 9 9 .11 3.4 7 ? 1.3 .94 ? 9 .28 1.3 9.0 .25 .42 3.3 11.3 .33 3.2 9 11.0 .20 .26 •? 15.0 .11 .30 ") 6.2 .04 .04 9 8.6 .9 3.3 9 ? .05 V ? 9 1.2 ") 9 9 .11 .21 .20 2.3 6.3 .37 3.0 9 .05 .05 .09 2.3 .12 .37 .35 4.4 .27 .15 .22 1.6 .12 .17 .21 12.3 .06 .12 ? 9 .11 .8 V 11.0 .09 .11 V 10.0 V .05 V 6.4 .13 .03 .15 .6 .39 1.7 .19 9 .54 V .46 9 2.1 3.2 2.6 ? .57 7 9 2.1 0 M 3.6 124.0 2.4 3.5 2.6 9 .62 ? ? 9 .53 1.3 .84 1.8 •> 0 .9 860.0 1.3 V .5 8.6 •) ") ? 4.0 V 2.0 9 1.0 442 Table A-3 (Continued) Trace elements in foods (Fresh basis unless otherwise indicated) Milligrams per 100 g. of edible portion Food Fe Cu Mn Zn Corn, gram 3.0 .71 .7 2.2 germ 25.0 .91 3.0 J).4 meal, yellow 1.1 .19 .22 1.8 sweet 5 .08 .31 ? Cornflakes 1.3 ? ? ? Cottonseed 14.0 5.0 1.2 ? Cowpeas 2.5 .17 1.5 ? Crab 2.0 1.3 0.3 2.5 Crackers, graham 1.9 ? ? ? soda 1.1 ? ? ? Cranberries G .11 .38 ? Cream 1 .15 ? ? Cucumber 31 .13 .13 .12 Currants, dried 3.3 .8 .31 ? fresh 9 .13 ? .2 Dandelion greens 3.1 .17 .34 1.2 Dates 2.1 .23 2.0 .32 Duck l.S .46 .03 .34 Eggplant 4 .09 .23 .28 Eggs, hen 2.7 .17 .04 1.3 Egg white 2 .04 ? .01 Egg yolk 7.2 .25 .11 3.8 Endive 1.7 .09 .23 .12 Escarole 1.1 .14 ? .19 Figs, dried 3.0 ..34 .34 .36 fresh (') .00 ? .12 Filberts 4.1 1.2 ? 1.0 Fish, general 61 .33 .02 .80 Flour, buckwheat 1.0 .72 2.1 1.0 whole wheat 3.3 .47 4.3 1.9 rye, medium 2.0 .43 2.0 ? patent 8 .14 .54 1.2 Garlic ? .26 .46 .92 Goose 1.8 .33 .05 ? Gooseberries 5 .10 .05 .1 Grapefruit 2 .45 .01 ? Grapes 0 .11 .08 .17 Grape juice 3 .02 ? ? Hazelnuts 4.3 1.2 3.6 .97 Hickory nuts 2.0 1.4 ? ? Hominv 1.0 .18 .11 ? Honey 9 .15 .03 ? Huckleberries — see blueberries Kale 2.2 .52 .86 ? Kidney — see beef, lamb Kohlrabi 6 .14 .12 ? Kumquats 55 .09 .07 ? Lamb, general 2.4 .42 ? ? chop 2.2 .42 .04 ? kidney 9.2 .31 ? 1.9 Lard 0 .02 ? ? Leeks 1.3 .17 ? .23 Lemons <> .04 .35 ? Lemon juice 1 .13 ? .17 Lentils (dried) 7.4 .59 3.3 5.4 Lettuce, head 8 .11 1.0 .39 leaf 2.0 .14 .82 .44 Liver — see beef. etc. Lobster 6 1.5 .04 .24 443 Micrograms per 100 g. of edible portion Iodine 12.0 3.3 V V 5.'7 30.2 .V 3.3 5.7 .83 "j ? ? '.8 12.0 6.8 16.0 3.7 •) ? 1.5 y 60.5 (saltwater) 7.0 (fresh water) y y 2.3 3.0 2.7 y y 1.3 y .9 1.4 y y 2.3 y y y 15.0 y 9.3 y .5 5.2 y 2.9 2.7 80.1 Table A-3 (Continued) Trace elements in foods (Fresh basis unless otherwise indicated) Food Fe Loganberries 1.2 .14 Macaroni 1.5 .07 Mangoes 2 .04 Milk, cow's 1 .02 Milk powder 6 .34 Milk, human 1.3 .03 Molasses, cane, light 4.3 1.4 Mushrooms 1.0 1.0 Muskmelon — see cantaloupe Mussels ? .35 Mustard greens 2.9 .12 Mutton, leg 4.8 .4 chop 1.0 .16 liver ? 1.6 Nectarines 46 .06 Oatmeal 4.5 .38 Oats, grain 7.2 1.4 Okra 7 .14 Oleomargarine 0 .04 Olives 1.6 .25 Onions 5 .11 Oranges 4 .18 Oi'ange juice 2 .05 Oysters 5.6 3.4 Oyster plant — see salsify Parsley 13.0 .23 Parsnips 7 .12 Peaches 6 .07 dried 6.9 .27 Peanuts 1.9 1.1 Pears 3 .16 Peas, dried 4.7 1.1 fresh 1.9 .23 Pecans 2.4 1.4 Peppers, green 4 .11 red 6 V Pimentos 1.5 .60 Pineapple 3 .09 Pistachio nuts 7.9 1.2 Plums 5 .14 Pork, general 1.8 1.5 chop 2.5 .31 liver 18.0 1.3 Potatoes 7 .17 Prunes, dried 3.9 .29 Pumpkin 8 .07 Quinces 85 .13 Radishes 1.0 .22 Raisins 3.3 .23 Raspberries 9 .16 Rhubarb 5 .09 Rice, brown : 2.0 .26 white 8 .2 puffed 1.8 ? Rutabagas 4 .12 Rye, grain 3.7 .63 Salsify (oyster plant) 1.4 .3 Salmon 1.2 .23 Sardines 3.5 .04 Scallops 1.8 .23 444 MlUigrams per 100 g. of edihle portion Cu Mn Zn .03 .44 .12 .46 1.2 ? ? ? 1 3.3 3.9 .56 .12 .38 .03 .13 1.2 .04 '.68 .86 .05 1.8 .3 3.5 .15 .19 'j 1.5 .67 .11 ? .06 .38 .41 .16 .04 .04 .17 .34 .07 .16 1.9 1.1 .12 3.8 .41 ? .26 3.9 .45 .36 ? ? 1 A 4.5 2.2 4.1 9 2.9 ? .3 1.3 .17 ? 46.0 •) .02 1.6 .16 4.0 1.1 V !o6 ? .23 .28 ? .03 1.4 .79 .31 .05 .21 7 .16 .20 .35 .16 2.1 .22 7 .30 1.8 .22 .8 .94 f Micrograms per 100 of edihle portion Iodine 2.7 7 1.6 3.8 32.0 7 7 0 80.2 5.4 1.8 7 3.3 7 4.2 5.2 5.6 7.4 7 3.6 .6 1.5 74.2 7 3.6 1.3 7 .7 .4 7 2.1 7 7 2.3 16!o 7 4.7 7.6 7 14.0 3.9 .12 1.4 7 6.4 7 1.0 26.0 25.0 5.1 7 6.7 6.7 7 29.1 27.0 47.5 Table A-3 (Continued) Trace elements in foods (Fresh basis unless otherwise indicated) Food Fe Shrimp 3.1 Sirup 4.1 Soybeans S.O Soybean flour 13.0 Spinach 3.0 Squash, summer 4 winter 6 Strawberries 8 Sweet potatoes 7 Tangerines 4 Tapioca 1.0 Tea extract 72 Tomatoes 6 Tuna fish 1.2 Turkey 3.8 Turnips 5 Turnip gi-eens 2.4 Veal, medium, lean 2.9 Vinegar 5 Walnuts, black 0.0 English 2.1 Watercress 2.0 Watermelon 2 W^heat, grain 3.1 bran 10.3 germ 8.1 puffed 3.0 shredded 3.5 Yams 7 Yeast, dried 13.0 lillignims per 100 ff. Micrograms per 100 g of edible portion of edible portion Cu Mn Zn Iodine 1.2 .23 1.4 35.5 .09 •) 9 "> 1.1 2.9 1.8 6.3 1.2 3.2 7 V .11 .73 .62 41.0 .08 .14 •? 2.3 .10 0'> .21 •f .07 .23 .09 •> .15 .3 .23 2.4 .09 .04 V •? .07 •) .04 V •> •) V 16.0 .09 .13 .24 1.5 .5 ? •) 30.5 .17 .03 V •) .08 .16 .08 7.5 .08 1.9 .28 2.4 .20 .03 3.5 5.0 .04 1.0 V 9 3.2 •) '> 9 .88 2.4 2.3 9 .1 .42 .56 3.6 .07 .02 9 9 .8 3.7 5.4 7.6 1.3 11.0 12.0 9 2.7 13.0 14.3 ? "> V -) V •? V •> 9 •) .05 '} 4.7 3.0 .5 9.0 9 445 Table A-4 Vitamin content of common foods (Amount per 100 g., edible portion) Panto- Vitamin A Ascorhic Ribo- thenic Nicotinic value acid Thiamine flavin acid acid Food I.U. mg. mg. mg. mg. mg. Almonds 0 trace 0.25 0.67 0.40 4.6 Apples, fresh 90 5 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.2 dried 0 12 0.10 0.10 0 1.0 Apricots, fresh 2.790 7 0.03 0.05 0 0.8 dried 7,430 12 0.01 0.16 0 3.3 canned * 1.350 4 0.02 0.02 0.09 0.3 Asparagus 1,000 33 0.16 0.19 0.50 1.4 Bananas 430 10 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.7 Barle.v, entire 70 0 0.50 0.20 0.95 6.0 dr.v pearled 0 0 0.12 0.08 0 3.1 Beans, dried 0 2 0.67 0.23 0.60 2.2 Lima, fresh 280 32 0.21 0.11 0 1.4 dried 0 2 0.48 0.18 1.2 2.0 string or green 630 19 0.08 0.11 0.15 0.5 green, canned t 500 5 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.4 baked, canned 80 2 0.05 0.04 0.09 0.5 Beef, medium fat 0 0 0.08 0.16 0.65 4.4 Beets 20 10 0.02 0.05 0.2 0.4 Beet greens 6.700 34 0.08 0.18 0.5 0.4 Brains 0 18 0.23 0.26 0 4.4 Bread, white 0 0 0.05 0.11 0.4 0.9 white enriched 0 0 0.24 0.15 0.4 2.2 whole wheat 0 0 0.30 0.13 0.8 3.0 rye (33%) 0 0 0.18 0.08 0.5 1.5 Broccoli . 3,500 118 0.10 0.21 1.2 1.1 Brussels sprouts 400 94 0.08 0.16 0.6 0.7 Buckwheat, entire ... 0 0 0.46 0.15 1.3 2.0 Butter 3.300 0 trace 0.01 0 0.1 Cabbage SO 50 0.06 0.05 0.23 0.3 celerv 260 31 0.03 0.04 0 0.4 Cantaloupe 3,420 33 0.05 0.04 0 0.5 Carrots 12,000 3 0.06 0.06 0.21 0.5 canned t 17.570 3 0.02 0.02 0.13 0.3 Cashew nuts 0 0 0.63 0.19 0 2.1 Cauliflower 90 69 0.11 0.10 0.80 0.6 Celerv 0 7 0.05 0.04 0.3 0.4 Chard 2,800 38 0.06 0.07 0 0.4 Cheese, cheddar 1,400 0 0.02 0.42 0.28 trace cottage 20 0 0.02 0.31 0.25 0.1 Swiss 1,450 0 0.01 0.40 0.35 0.1 Cherries 620 8 0.05 0.06 0 0.4 Chicken 0 0 0.08 0.16 0.60 8.0 Chocolate, bitter 60 0 0.05 0.24 0 1.1 Clams 110 0 0.10 0.18 0 1.6 Cocoa 30 0 0.12 0.38 0 2.3 Coconut, fresh 0 2 0.10 0.01 0 0.2 dried, sweetened ... 0 0 trace trace 0 trace Collards 6.870 100 0.11 0.27 0 2.0 Corn, entire, yellow 810 0 0.54 0.24 0.80 1.7 sweet, fresh 390 J 12 0.15 0.12 0 1.7 sweet, canned 230 $ 5 0.03 0.06 0.20 0.9 Cottonseed, meal 44 0 0.4 0.5 1.0 3.0 Cowpeas, dried 30 2 0.92 0.16 1.8 2.2 Crabs 0 0 0.14 0.06 0 2.7 Cranberries 40 12 0.03 0.02 0 0.1 Cream, heavy 1,440 1 0.02 0.11 0 0.1 Cucumbers 0 8 0.03 0.04 0.39 0.2 Currants, fresh 120 36 0.04 0 0 0 Solids and liquid. t Drained solids. 446 I Yellow sweet corn. Table A-l (Conlimied) Vitamin content ol" cuniinon foods (Amount per 100 g., edible portion) V it(n>i ill A value Food I. IT. Dandelion, greens .... VA.CiiA) Dates m Eels l.'OO Eggplant ^^0 Eggs 1,140 Egg white 0 Egg yolk 3.210 Endive 3,000 Figs, fresh SO dried 80 Fish, various (av.) .. 375 Flour, white, enrielied 0 wliole wheat 0 rye (light) 0 Frog legs, raw 0 Gooseberries 200 Grapefruit trace Grapefruit juice, canned trace Grapes 80 Haddock 0 Heart 30 Honev 0 Kale 7,540 Kidney 1,150 Kohlrabi trace Lamb (mutton) 0 Lemons 0 Lentils (dried) 570 Lettuce (head) 540 Liver 43,900 Lobster 0 Macaroni, enriched . , 0 Milk, cow, fresh 100 evaporated 400 powder 1,400 goat 160 human 80 Mushrooms 0 Mustard greens 6,460 Oatmeal (rolled oats) 0 Oats, entire 83 Okra 740 Olives 300 Onions 50 Oranges 190 Orange juice 190 Orange juice, canned . 100 Oysters 320 Parsley 8,230 Parsnips 0 Peaches, fresh 880 dried 3,250 canned * 450 Peanuts 0 Pears 20 Peas, green 680 canned t 670 * Solids and liquid. t Drained solids. Panto- [scorhic Ribo- thenic Nicotinic acid Thiamine flarin acid acid mg. mg. mg. mg. mg. 36 0.19 0.14 0 0.8 0 0.09 0.10 0 2.2 0 0.28 0.37 0 1.4 5 0.04 0.05 0 0.6 0 0.10 0.29 2.7 0.1 0 0 0.26 0.13 0.1 0 0.27 0.35 6.0 trace 11 0.07 0.12 0.23 0.4 2 0.06 0.05 0 0.5 0 0.16 0.12 0 1.7 9 0.08 0.15 0 8.2 0 0.44 0.26 1.0 3.5 0 0.48 0.07 1.0 5.5 0 0.15 0.07 0 0.6 0 0.14 0.25 0 1.2 33 0 0 0 0 40 0.04 0.02 0 0.2 35 0.03 0.02 0.12 0.2 4 0.06 0.04 0 0.2 0 0.05 0.08 0 2.4 6 0.58 0.89 0 7.8 4 trace 0.04 0 0.2 115 0.10 0.26 0.40 2.0 13 0.37 2.55 0 (5.4 61 0.06 0.05 0.16 0.2 0 0.14 0.20 1.0 4.5 50 0.04 trace 0 0.1 5 0.56 0.24 0 2.2 8 om 0.08 0.13 0.2 31 0.26 3.33 5.5 13.7 0 0.13 0.06 0 1.9 0 0.88 0.37 0 6.0 1 0.04 0.17 0.30 0.1 1 0.05 0.36 0 0.2 6 0.30 1.46 2.5 0.7 1 0.04 0.11 0 0.3 3 0.01 0.04 0.2 0.2 5 0.10 0.44 0 4.9 102 0.09 0.20 0 0.8 0 0.60 0.14 1.3 1.0 0 0.62 0.17 L3 1.4 30 0.08 0.07 0 1.1 0 trace 0 0 0 9 0.03 0.04 0.15 0.2 49 0.08 0.03 0.07 0.2 49 0.08 0.03 0 0.2 42 0.07 0.02 0.13 0.2 0 0.15 0.20 0 1.2 193 0.11 0.28 0.6 1.4 18 0.08 0.12 0 0.2 8 0.02 0.05 0 0.9 19 0.01 0.20 0 5.4 4 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.7 0 0.30 0.13 3.4 16.2 4 0.02 0.04 0 0.1 26 0.34 0.16 0.58 2.7 9 0.12 0.06 0.20 1.0 447 Table A-4 (Continued) Vitamin content of common foods (Amount per 100 g., edible portion) Vitamin A value Food I.U. mature 370 Peppers, green 630 red 0 Persimmons 2,710 Pineapple, fresh 130 canned * 80 Plums 350 Pork, fresh 0 Potatoes, white 20 Prunes, dried 1,890 Pumpkins 3,400 Radishes 30 Raisins 50 Raspberries, red 130 Rhubarb 30 Rice, entire 0 polished 0 Rutabagas 330 Rye, entire 0 Salmon, red, canned * 230 Sardines, canned f... 0 Sauerkraut, canned t • 40 Shrimp, canned t • • • • 60 Soybeans, mature .... 110 Spaghetti — see macaroni Spinach 9,420 Squash, winter 4,950 summer 260 Strawberries 60 Sweet potatoes 7,700 Tomatoes, raw 1,100 canned 1,050 Tomato juice, canned . 1,050 Tuna, canned f 80 Turkey trace Turnips trace Turnip greens 9,540 Veal 0 Walnuts, English 30 Watercress 4,720 Watermelon 590 Wheat, entire 0 Wheat bran 0 Wheat germ 0 Yeast, brewer's, dried. 0 * Solids and liquid. t Drained solids. Panto- iscoriic Rilo- thenic Nicotinic acid Thiamine flarin acid acid mg. mg. mg. mg. mg. 2 0.77 0.28 1.8 3.1 120 0.04 0.07 0.12 0.4 350 0 0 0 0 11 0.05 0.05 0 trace 24 0.08 0.02 0 0.2 9 0.07 0.02 0.10 0.2 5 0.06 0.04 0 0.5 0 0.58 0.14 0.70 3.1 17 0.11 0.04 0.4 1.2 3 0.10 0.16 0 1.7 8 0.05 0.08 0 0.6 24 0.03 0.02 0 0.3 trace 0.15 0.08 0 0.5 24 0.02 0.07 0 0 3 9 0.01 0 0 0.1 0 0.32 0.05 0 4.6 0 0.07 0.03 0.8 1.6 36 0.07 0.08 0 0.9 0 0.36 0.18 0 1.1- 0 0.04 0.16 0.75 7.3 0 0.01 0.17 0.60 4.8 IG 0.03 0.06 0 0.1 0 0.01 0.03 0.29 2.2 trace 1.07 0.31 1.6 2.3 59 0.11 0.20 0.20 0.6 8 0.05 0.12 0 0.5 17 0.05 0.09 0 0.8 60 0.03 0.07 0 0.3 22 0.09 0.05 1.0 0.6 23 0.06 0.04 0.08 0.5 16 0.06 0.03 0.23 0.7 16 0.05 0.03 0.25 0.8 0 0.05 0.12 0.34 12.8 0 0.09 0.14 0 8.0 28 0.05 0.07 0.25 0.5 136 0.09 0.46 0 0.8 0 0.14 0.25 1.3 6.4 3 0.48 0.13 0.88 1.2 77 O.OS 0.16 0.15 0.8 6 0.05 0.05 0 0.2 0 0.57 0.12 1.3 5.9 0 0.68 0.25 3.0 33 0 2.05 0.80 1.0 4.6 0 9.69 5.45 20 36.2 448 INDEX Absorption, intestinal, 319 Absorption of fatty acids, 320 Accessory food factors, 200 Acetic acid : bacterial formation of, 363. 377 in fat metabolism, 337 in porpbyrin syntbesis, 351 in steroid synthesis, 340 in vinegar, 163 metabolic reactions of, 339 yeast formation of, 363, 379 Acetoacetic acid : formation in ketosis. 339 from amino acids, 354 from fat catabolism. 338, 339 Acetohacier suboxijdans : growth factors for, 359 oxidation of glucose Ijy, 364 oxidation of sorbitol by, 37 products of, 363 Acctobacter xijlinum, 378 Acetoin, formation of, 383 Acetolactic acid, 383 Acetone : formation of, 377, 384 from fat catabolism, 339 Acetylation of amines, 340 Acetylcholine, 340 Acetylmethyl carbinol, 85 Achlorhydria, 314 Acid-base balance of foods, 181 Acidity, active, 167 Acidity, active vs. total, 162, 163 Acidity, total : determination in biological materials, 166 measurement of, 163 Acidosis, during ketosis, 339 Aconitase. 266 c'(.s-Aconitic acid, 331 Acrolein test, 88 Acromegaly, 305 ACTH, 291, 305 peptide nature, 292 properties of, 307 Actidione, 366 Addison's disease, symptoms of, 291 Adenase, 265 Adenine : formula of, 154 metabolism of, 155 nucleic acids and, 154-159 Adenosine, 156 Adenosine diphosphate (ADP), 158 amount in muscles, 418 enzymes and, 267 relation to energetics, 416—418 Adenosine diphosphate (Cont.) : role in carbohydrate metabolism, 324- 326 Adenosine monophosphate, 158 Adenosine tripliosphate (ATP) : amount in muscles, 418 energy from, 415-417 enzymes and, 267 formation during hydrogen transport, 420-422 formation in plants, 405 formula of, 158 relation to carbohydrate metabolism, 323-329 Adenylic acid : linkages in, 156 muscle, 158 with nucleic acids, 156, 157 ADP (see Adenosine diphosphate) Adrenal cortex, hormones of, 290 Adrenal cortical hormones : deficiency of, symptoms, 291 excess of, symptoms, 291 Adi-enal medulla, 287 Adrenal steroids, 290 Adrenaline (see Epinephrine) Adrenocorticotropic hormone, 291, 305 Adsorption chromatography, 390 Aeration, effect on yeast growth, 361, 370 Aerobacter aerogenes, 364, 377 Agar, 67 Alanine, formula of, 116 P-Alanine, 359 Alanyl-glycine, 129, 131 Albumins : amino acid content, 124 crystalline, 105 in common foods, 108 properties of, 110 Alcaptonuria, 350 . Alcohol dehydrogenase, 204, 268 Alcoholism, with polyneuritis, 228 Aldehyde groups, Schiff test for, 25, 27 Aldobiuronic acids, 21 Aldohexoses, stereoisomers of. 24 Aldolase, 266 Aldolase, amino acid composition, 125, 260 Aldonic acids, formation of, 36 Aldopentoses, stereoisomers of, 23 Aldoses. 19, 22 Aldotetrose, 20 Aldotriose, 20 Alginic acid, 65 Alkali disease, 195 Allose, 24 Alloxan, 302 Altrose, 24 449 450 INDEX Aluminum, in living organisms, 176 Aluminum stearate, 88 Amidases, 264 Amide nitrogen, in plants, 402 Amination, 342 Amino acid decarboxylation, 321 Amino acid metabolism, abnormalities of, 350 Amino acid oxidases, 268 Amino acids : absorption, 320 antiketogenic, 354 classification. 116 color tests, 142 content of in proteins, 124 content of foods. 127 D and L forms, 121 determination, 122 distinguishing groups in. 121 essential, 341-342 formulas, 116 gl.vcogeu-forming, 354 ketogenic, 354 microorganisms and, 358 nutritionally essential, 341, 342 semiessential, 341, 342 sequence in proteins, 131 synthesis by plants, 401, 402 utilization by plants, 401 utilization of related compounds, 341, 342 a-Aminoadipic acid, as lysine precursor, 341 p-Aminobenzoic acid. 254. 256, 359, 367 Aminobut.yric acid, formula, 116 Amino peptidases, 264 specificity of, 316 Ammonia : as nitrogen source for plants, 400, 401 conversion to urea in vivo. 352 detoxification by plants, 402 Ammonification, 14, 400 Amygdalin, 28 Amylases : action on starch, dextrin, and glycogen, 58 alpha and beta, 58 classification. 263 Amylopectin. 53 Amylopsin, 58, 263 Amylose, 53 molecular weight, 50 structure of, 50 Anabolism, 324 Androgens, 296 Androsterone. 295-297 Anemia, 248, 251 Anemia, nutritional, 187 Angiotonase. 304 Angiotonin, 304 Anhydrides, 21 Aniline acetate test for pentoses, 26 Animal protein factor, 251 Anions, of blood plasma, 182 Anorexia, relation of thiamine to, 227 Anterior pituitary, hormones of, 305, 307 Antibiotics (see Aureomycin, Penicillin, etc.) : as stimulants of animal growth, 251, 322 production methods, 370 Anticoagulant, heparin as, 67 Antidiuretic, effect of posterior pituitary, 303 Antieggwhite injury factor (see Biotin) Antigray-hair factor, 255, 256 Antihistamines, 289 Antimetabolites, 257 Antioxidants, 90 Antipernicious anemia factor, 249 Antithyroid drugs, 300 Antivitamins, 256 Apoenzyme, 262 Appetite, stimulation by thiamine, 227 Arabinose, 26 Arabitol, 21 Arachidic acid. 77 Arachidonic acid, 80 Arginase, 266 relation to urea formation, 352, 353 Arginine : bacterial decarboxylation, 321 biosynthesis, 346, 352 formula, 120 Arginine phosphate, in invertebrate mus- cle, 418 Arsenic : as antidote for selenium, 196 in living cells, 176 Arterenol (see Norepinephrine) Arthritis, effect of cortisone and ACTH, 292 Ascorbic acid : formula, 224 in foods, table, 447-448 microorganisms and, 359 physiological function. 222 Ascorbic acid oxidase, 224 Ash: composition of, 177 content of foods, table, 434 in normal and rachitic bone, 210 Ashing of biological materials, 177 Asparaginase, 265 Asparagine : formula, 119 in plants, 402 Aspartase, 265 Aspartic acid: formula, 119 relation to urea formation. 353 Aspergillus niger, 360, 361, 363 Aspergillus sp., 363 Aspergillus terreiis, 376 Asthma, use of epinephrine in, 289 Asymmetric carbon atoms, 22 ATP (see Adenosine triphosphate) ATP-ase, role in muscle contraction, 416 Aureom.vcin : formula of, 367 mode of action, 369 range of activity, 368 INDEX 451 Autotrophic bacteria, 401 Avidin, 244 Azotobacter, nitrogen fixation by, 403, 404 Azotobacter vinelandii, 358, 360, 361 B Babcock test, 91 Bacilliia anthracis, 131 BaciUus brevis, 370 BacillKS cereus, 375 Bacillus licheniformis, 369 BaciUus j)oh/miixa. 370 Bacillus subtilis, 379 Bacitracin. 124, 370 Bacteria, 357-386 (see specific bacteria like BaciUus anthracis, etc.) biotin s.vnthesis by, 244 intestinal flora, 321 synthesis of vitamins by. 220. 233 Bacteriochlorophyll, 390 Barfoed's solution, 30 Barfoed's test. 42 Basal metabolism : definition, 424 factors influencing, 426 measurement of. 425 of various species, 426 Beeswax, 92. 93 Beet sugar, 42 Benadryl : as antihistamine drug, 289, 290 formula, 290 Benedict's solution, 30, 31 Benzoquinone, Hill reaction with, 394 Beri-beri, 226 Bertrand's rule, 364 Beta oxidation, 336, 337 Betaine, 345 Bile, 317 Bile acids, 96 Bile pigments, 318 Bile salts, 90, 318 Bilirubin, 318 Biliverdin, 318 Biochemistry : objectives and methods, 2 relation to biology, 6 scope of, 1 Biocytin, 246 Biophotometer. 204 Biotin, 244-246 formula, 246 in fat synthesis, 340 metabolic function, 280 Black-tongue, 236, 239 "Blind staggers," caused by selenium poi- soning, 195 Blood clotting : and calcium, 183 and dicoumarol, 221 and heparin. 67 and vitamin K. 219, 221 and Warfarin, 222 Blood plasma : calcium content of, 214 Blood plasma (Cont.) : cations and anions in, 182 inorganic phosphate of, 214 pH of, 174 Blood pressure : regulation of, 304 with adrenaline, 288, 289 Blood sugar : effect of epinephrine on. 289 factors affecting level of, 327 hormonal control of, 325 levels in diabetes, 301 sources of, 325 Body fat, effect of diet on nature of, 336 Bomb calorimeter, 423 Bones : ash content of normal and rachitic, 210 composition of, 183 mineral content of, 17S Borneol giucuronide, 39 Boron deficiency : effect on apples, 195 effect on corn, 194 effect on tobacco plant, 409 Boron, essential for plants, 193, 194 Botulinum toxin A, 124 British thermal unit (BTU), 413 Bromeliii, 265 Bromine, in living cells, 176 Buffer calculations, 171, 172 Buffers : capacity of. 173 definition, 170 in blood, 173 pH of, 170 Butter flavor, 85 Butterfat composition. 82 Butvl alcohol, 363. 377, 384 Butylene glycol, 363, 383 Butyric acid : bacterial formation of, 363, 377, 384 in butter, 77 C Cadaverine, 321 Caffeine, 155 Calciferol. 96, 213 Calcification of bone, 214 Calcium : absorption, 320 content of foods, table, 439 food sources, 185 functions in body. 183 in animal body. 183 in blood plasma, 183, 214 in bones and teeth, 183 requirement, 184 Calcium cyanamide as nitrogen fertilizer, 400 Calcium deficiency, effect on tobacco plants, 409 Calcium oxalate, 161 Calorie allowances, for men, women, and children, 428 Calorie, definition, 413 Calorie requirement, relation to age. 429 452 INDEX Calorific value of foods, 422, 423 Calorimeter, 423 Canaline, formula, 119 Canavanine, formula, 119 Cane sirup, 34 Cane sugar, 42 Capillary fragility, relation to vitamin C. 223 Capillary resistance test, 223 Capric acid, 77 Caproic acid, 77 Caprylic acid, 77 Carbohydrases, 263 Carbohydrate content of foods, table, 434 Carbohydrate metabolism : linkage to protein metabolism, 342, 343 summary, 334 Carbohydrates : action of acids on, 26, 30, 42, 51, 57. 64 classification of, 20 definition of, 19 economic importance. 19. 20 formation in plants, 399 interconversion in body, 324 occurrence of, 19 physiological fuel value of. 423, 424 Carbon cycle in nature, 387 Carbon dioxide : amount in atmosphere, 392 balance in nature, 387 sources of in carbon cycle, 387, 388 transport by blood. 187 Carbon dioxide fixation : as a dark reaction, 394 function of biotin in, 245 in citric acid formation, 372 in oxalacetic acid formation, 332 in photosynthesis, 392, 393 in propionic acid formation. 383 Carbon, requirements of microorganisms, 358 Carbonic anhydrase, 179, 187. 269, 392 Carboxylases, 266 Carboxypeptidases, 264, 316 Carboxylation : function of biotin in, 245 in photosynthesis, 392 use of light energy for. 394 Caries, relation to fluorine intake. 193 Carlic acid, 325 Carlosic acid, 375 Carnauba wax, 92, 93 Carnitine. 255 Carolic acid, dehydro, 255 Carolinic acid, 375 Carotene : conversion to vitamin A, 207 crystals, 206 determination of, 208 formula of, 205 in butter, 84 synthesis by bacteria, 359 Carotenoids, 205 Carr-Price reaction, 208 Casein, 108, 124 Catabolism. 324 Catalase, 268, 282, 405 Cations of blood plasma, 182 Cell wall, cellulose and lignin in, 66 Cellobiose, 41, 46 Cellobiuronic acid, 21 Cellophane. 62 Cells, components of, G Cellulases, 263 Celluloid, 62 Cellulose, 60 from wood, 61 industrial products from, 62 production by bacteria, 378 Cellulose nitrate, 62 Cephalins, 99, 100 Cereals, calcium in, 178 Cerebrosides. 101 Cerotic acid in waxes, 93 Ceryl alcohol, 93 Cetyl alcohol, 93 Chenodesoxycholic acid, 317 Chinese insect wax, 92, 93 Chitin, 64 Cliitosamine (see D-Glucosamine") Chloramphenicol (see Chloromycetin) Chlorella, photosynthesis by. 395 Chlorine, biochemical importance. 192 Chlorine compounds in biological mate- rials. 192 Chlorine content of foods, table, 439 Chlorocruorin, 139 Chloromycetin : formula of, 368 mode of action of. 369 range of activity, 369 Chlorophvll a, formula. 389 Chlorophvll h, 300 Chlorophylls. 388-391 amount in leaves. .390 esterase, 264 Chloroplasts, 388 Chlorotic plants, manganese in relation to, 189 Cholamine. 99 Cholecystokinin, 308, 318 Cholesterol : in heart disease. 95 occurrence, 94, 95 synthesis in body, 95 Cholesterol esterase, 264 Cholic acid, 96, 317 for cortisone synthesis, 292 formation from cholesterol, 340 Choline, 253 as source of methyl groups, 343-345 biosynthesis of, 345 prevention of fatty livers by. 336 Choline chloride, 162 Chondroitin sulfate, 67 Chondrosamine, 37 Chromatium and nitrogen fixation. 403 Chromatography, 390 Chromoproteins, 137 Chromosomes, 150, 152 Chylomicrons, 336 Chyme, 312 I I INDEX 453 Chyniotrypsin : amino acid composition, 124 classification, 265 in pancreatic secretion, 315 Chymotrypsinofien, conversion to chymo- trypsin, '^10 Vis- and trans- isomers, 79 Citric acid, 161 mechanism of formation, 372 ])roduction of. 363 Citric acid cycle, 330. 332, 380 enerjiy from, 410. 421 Citrovaiiiin factor, 248 ('itrnlline, formula. 120 Clostiidiiint aceiohHfiflicinii : butyric acid formation by, 377 fermentation pi-oducts of. 36.3 growth efficiency of, 123, 360, 361 growth factors for, 359 Clostridium acidiurici, 359 Clostridium buti/licum, 363 Clostridium, nitrogen fixation bv, 403, 404 Clostridium snccharohutyricum. 363 Clostridium tetani. 359 Clupanadonic acid, SO Cobalamin, 251 Cobalt : in hemoglobin formation, 188 in vitamin Bjo. 189 Cobalt deficient areas, 188 Cocarboxylase, 227, 273 Cocoanut oil. composition, 82 Codecarboxylase, 243 Coenzyme I {see Diphosphopyridine nu- cleotide) Coenzyme II (see Triphosphopyridine nu- cleotide) Coenzyme A, 240 growth factors and, 359 structure of, 274 Coenzyme R {see Biotin) Coenzymes : as activators, table. 266-268 as i)rosthetic groups, 262 ex.imples of, 273-280 hydrogen carrying, 332, 333 reduction of by light energy, 394, 395 Coleoptiles, bending of by plant hormones, 406 Comb growth, effect of androgens on, 296 Composition of food : variations in. 433 tables, 433-448 Configuration of stereoisomers, 23 Conjugases, 265 Conjugated double bonds, 390, 391 Constipation, in thiamine deficiency, 228 Copper : compounds in living cells, 179, 186 destruction of vitamin C by. 226 enzymes containing. 186 human requirement for, 188 in foods, table, 442 role in hemoglobin formation, 187 Coprogen, 360 Coprophagy, 322 Cori ester {see D-Glucose-1-phosphate) Corn sirup, 29 composition of, 57 Corpus luteum, 293 Corticosterone, formula, 290 Cortisone : formula, 290 physiological effects of, 291 synthesis of, 292 Coumarin, 221 Cream of tartar. 161 Creatine, biosynthesis of, .348, 349 Creatine phosphate (CrP) : amount in muscles, 418 relation to muscle contraction, 415, 416 structure of, 349 Creatine transphosphorylase, 267 Cretinism, 299 Crotonic acid, 76 Cryptoxanthine, 207 Cushing's syndrome. 291 Cyanide group, in vitamin Bjo. 250, 251 Cyanocobalamin, 251 Cystathionine, .344, 345 formula, 118 in cystine synthesis, 122 Cysteine, formula. 117 Cystine, 115 biosynthesis of, 345 formula. 117 Cytidine. 156 Cytidylic acid, 156 Cvtochrome c, as electron carrier, 279, 282, 283 formula, 279 iron content of, 139, 279 protein nature of, 139 role in hydrogen transport, 333, 334 role in oxidation, 282-283 Cytochrome oxidase, 268, 334 Cytochrome system, 332, 333, 404 Cytochromes, 139 Cytosine, 154-158 D 2, 4-D, formula of, 407 Dark adaptation, with vitamin A, 204 Dark reactions of photosynthesis, 393 Deamination of amino acids. 351 Decarboxylases. 266 Decarboxylation, bacterial, 321 Dehydroascorbic acid, formula, 224 Dehydrocarolic acid, 375 7-Dehydrocholesterol, 95 11-Dehvdrocorticosterone, formula, 290 Dehydrogenases, 2(i2, 282 Denaturation of proteins, 144 Denatured proteins, properties of, 145 Denitrification, 402 Dental caries, 193 Derived proteins, 112 Dermatitis, of pellagra, 235, 236 Desmolases, 266 Desoxycholic acid, 317 11-Desoxycorticosterone, formula, 290 454 INDEX Desoxy-D-glucose, 38 Desoxyhexoses, 37 Desoxy nucleic acid (DNA), 152-154 Desoxyribose. 27 and nucleic acids, 154, 156-158 Desoxysugars, 20 Desiilfovihrio, nitrogen fixation and, 403 Detergents, synthetic, 15, 87 Detoxication, 340 Deuterium, as metabolic tracer, 335, 340, 343 Dextrans, 60, 378 Dextrin, limit, 58 Dextrins, 57 Dextrose, 28 Diabetes. 327 ketone bodies and, 339 urinarv glucose in, 327 with alloxan, 302 with phlorizin, 302 Diabetes insipidus, 303 Diabetes mellitus. 301 Diabetic animals, utilization of carbohy- drate by. 302 Diabetogenic hormone, 305. 325. 327 Diacetyl, 85 Diaminobutyric acid, 119. 122, 370 Diastase, 58 Dibasic acids : from fat catabolism, 337 in waxes, 94 2-6-Dichlorophenolindophenol, use in de- termining vitamin C, 225 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. 407 Dicumarol. 221 Diethylstilbestrol (see Stilbestrol) Dieting, dangers of, 429 Digestion, 311-322 Digestion, gastric, 312 intestinal, 315 salivary, 311 Dihydrosphingosine, in cerebrosides, 101 Dihydroxyacetone phosphate, 329 Dihydroxvphenylalanine, 288 Diiodotyrosine. 118, 297, 298 5, 6-Dimethvlbenzimidazole, from vitamin Bi„, 250 Dimethylbenzimidazole riboside, 159 Dimethylpropiothetin, 345 Dipeptidases, 265 Diphosphopyridine nucleotide (DPN) : forms of, 275 function in cytochrome system, 332, 333 relation to nucleotides, 158 role in tissue oxidation, 282 structure of, 275 Diphosphothiamine (see Thiamine pyro- phosphate) Disaccharide linkage, 41 Disaccharides, composition of, 40 hydrolysis of, 42 reducing power of, 41, 42 Diseases, nutritional, 200 Dissociation constants, definition, 170 Djencolic acid, formula, 118 Doisynolic acid, 297, 298 "Dopa," formula, 349 Double bonds, con.iugated, 390, 391 DPN (see Diphosphopyridine nucleotide) Drving oils, 89 Dulcitol, 21 Dwarfism, 305 E Eating habits, relation to body weight, 429 Eberthella typhi., fermentation products of, 128. 363, 377 Edestin. 108 Eggwhite injury disease. 244 Einstein, energy unit, 395 Elaidic acid, 79 Electrolyte metabolism, effect of cortical hormones on. 291 Electrolytes, in blood plasma. 182 Electrophoresis of proteins, 107 Eleostearic acid, 80 Embden-Meyerhof scheme, 326, 329 Emulsifying agent, lecithin as, 98 Emulsin, 263 Endergonic reactions, definition, 414 Endocrine glands, 286 Endoenzymes, 260 Energetics, biological definition, 413 Energy, forms of in living things, 413 content of foods, table, 434 for muscular work, immediate source of, 416 phosphate bond, 416^22 sources of, for bacteria, 358 Energy metabolism, efficiency of, 422 Energy production in tissues, 334 Energy requirements, for various muscu- lar activities, 427 of animals, 424-427 of human beings, 426^28 Energv units, interrelationships between, 413 Engines, efficiency of, 422 Enolase, 266 Enriched bread, 232 Enriched flour, 232 Enterogastrone, 309, 314 Enterokinase, 316 Entropy (As), 414 Entropy changes. 424 Enzymes, 260-285 activation, 273 amino acids in, 124-126, 260 chemical nature, 260 classification, table, 262, 263-269 crystalline, 260 definition of, 260 effect of ions on, 273 effect on energy of activation, 270 endo and exo, 260 factors affecting activity, 271 inhibition of. 272 mechanism of action, 270 nature of action, 270 occurrence, 260 prosthetic groups of, 261, 278 INDEX 455 Enzymes (Cont.) : role in tissue oxidation, 281 specificity, 272 substrate complex, 270 table, 2G3-2G9 Epinasty, 406 Epinephrine. 287-289 biosynthesis of, 2S8 physiological effects, 288. 289 relation to nerve transmission. 289 Epithelial tissues, vitamin A and, 203 Equilibrium constant, relation to A^, 415 Equivalent, chemical, 164 E(iuivalent weights, 164 Erdin. 369. 37(> Ergosterol, 96, 359 formula, 213 Erucic acid. 80 Erythritol. 21 Erythrocruorin, 139 D-Erythrose, 20 Escherichia coli, 358. 359 fermentation products of, 363, 377 Essential amino acids, 341, 342 Essential fatty acids, 335 in pyridoxine deficiency, 241 Essential lipides, 97 Esterases, 264 Esterification, 72 Esters, 71 hydrolysis of, 72 industrial use as solvents, 72 properties of, 72 saponification of, 73 Estradiol : formula, 296 physiological functions of, 292-295 Estriol, formula, 296 Estrogens. 293, 296 Estrogenic hormones, 293, 296 Estrone, formula, 296 Estrus. 293 Ethanolamine, 99, 344 Ether extract, composition of. 91 Ethyl alcohol, formation of. 363. 367. 379 Exercise, relation to body weight, 429 Exergonic reactions, definition, 414 Exoenzymes, 260 Eyes, effect of vitamin A deficiency. 203 F Factor R, 247 Factor S, 247 Factor U, 247 Faraday, definition of, 420 Fat content of foods, table, 434 Fat oxidation by animals : relation of citric acid cycle to, 338, 339 theories of, 336-338 Fat-soluble substances, 86 Fat-soluble vitamins, storage of, 216 Fat synthesis, 339. 340 Fat transport, 336 Fats : absorption of, 318. 320 chemical properties of, 86 Fats (Cont.) : definition of true, 74 desaturation of, by animals, 335 determination of, 91 dynamic state of, 335 elementary composition, 75 fatt.v acid comjiosition of. 82 industrial importance of. 74 iodine number of, 89 modification of by animals. 335 occurrence of. 74 physical pi-operties of, 84 l)hysiological fuel value of, 423. 424 raTicidity of, 90 removal by exercise. 429 saturation of. 89 storage in body, 335 Fatty acids : distribution, 80. 82 essential in nutrition, 79 occurrence in various fats, 82 omega oxidation of, 337 Fatty acids, saturated. 76, 77 formulas. .SO occurrence in fats. 77 odors of lower, 77 rancidity due to lower. 78 table of. 77 volatility of lower, 78 Fatty acids, unsaturated: formulas, 80 geometric isomers of, 79 melting points of, 78 occurrence, 80 table of. SO Fatty aldehydes, in plasmalogens, 101 Fatty livers. 253, 336 choline and, 253 methionine and, 253 prevention by raw pancreas, 303 Feces, composition, 320 Fehling's solution, 30, 31 Fehling's test, 30, 31 structure responsible for, 35 Fermentation, alcoholic, 379, 381 butyric, but.vl. acetone, 377 colon-aerogenes-typhoid, 377 definition of, 362 heterolactic. 377, 381, 382 homolactic. 376 methane, 377 products of microorganisms, table. 363 propionic, 377 Fermentation products, related series of, 374, 375 Ferritin, 140, 186 Fibrinogen, 108, 124 Fibroin, of silk, 110, 124 Ficin. 265 Fixation of nitrogen. 402, 403 Flavin adenine dinut'leotide (FAD). 277 Flavin mononucleotide (FMX). 159. 277, 278 function in cytochrome system, 332. 333 Flavin nucleotides, as hydrogen carriers, 332, 333 456 INDEX Flavoproteins, 140, 268 Fluorine : in bones, 193 relation to tooth decay, 193 toxicity of. 193 Fluoroapatite, in bones, 193 FMN (see Flavin mononucleotide) Folacin. 247 Folic acid, 247 food sources, 249 metabolic function, 281 relation to methvlation in v'wo, 345 Folinic acid. 248 Follicle-stimulatins hormone (FSH). 292 properties of. 307 Food calorie utilization, relation to work done, 428. 429 Food intake, relation to body weight, 429 Foods : amino acid content. 127 cost of food calories, 43, 44 mineral composition of, tables, 439-445 proximate composition of. table. 434- 438 vitamin content of, table, 447—448 Foot-pound (energy unit), definition. 413 Formic acid, 77. 363. 377, 383 from glycine in animal body, 344 Formyliiteroic acid. 247 Formylpteroylglutamic acid, 248 Formyltetrahydropteroylglutamic acid, 359 Fragility test {see Capillary resistance test ) Free energy change : in oxidation-reduction reactions, 420 of glycolysis, 418, 419 relation to chemical eijuilibrium. 414, 415 Free energy (A-P'), definition, 414 equilibrium constants and, 415 of glucose combustion. 414 relation to entropy and heat change, 414 Free HCl, gastric juice, 312, 313 Fructosans, 63 Fructosazone (see Glucosazone) Fructose, 33, 34 metabolism of. 324. 326 ring forms of, 26, 35 Fructose-1, 6-diphosphate, in glycolysis, 326 Fructose-6-phosphate, 336 Fruit drop, control of premature, 406, 407 Fucose, 38 Fuel value, of various food materials, 422, 423 Fumarase, 266 Fumaric acid, 331 Furanose ring forms of sugars, 26 Furfural, 53 Furfuraldehyde from pentoses, 26 Fusarium avenaceum, 370 G Galactans, 63 Galacto-araban, 52 Galactosamine, 37 Galactosazone crystals, 47 D-Galactose. 32 metabolism of. 324. 326 L-Galactose, 33 Galactose-1-phosphate, 280, 326 Galactosidases, 263 Galactosides, 32 Galacturonic acid, 38, 39 Gallstones, 95 Gases, exchange in lungs, 187 Gastric digestion, 312 Gastric iuice : HCl in. 312. 313 pH of, 312 regulation of flow, 314 secretion of, 308 Gastrin, 308 Gastrointestinal hormones, 306 Gelatin, 124 (Jentiobiose. 41 Gentiobiuronic acid, 21 Geodin. 376 Geometric isomers, 79 Geotropism. 406 Germinating seeds, formation of amides by. 402 Gigantism, 305 Gliadin. 109. 125 Globulins, 108, 109, 110, 111, 125 Glucoascorbic acid, antagonist of vitamin C, 256 Glucokinase, 267 Gluconic acid, 22, 129, 364, 380 Glucosamine, 37 Glucosamine, N-acetyl. in chitin, 64 Glucosamine, N-methyl, 37 Glucosans, 21 Glucosazone, 31, 32 Glucosazone crystals, 47 Glucose : blood levels of, 325, 327 commercial preparation of, 29 formation in nature, 28 from amino acids, 354 metabolism of, 236, 324 occurrence, 28 oxidation of by cupric ion, 20 phosphorylation and absorption, 325 ring forms of, 25 Glucose-l,6-diphosphate, 280 Glucose-1-phosphate, 280 in glycolysis, 326 Glucose-6-phosphate, from hexokinuse re- action, 324 Glucosidase, 263 Glucosides, 28 Gluco-xylan, 52 Glucuronic acid, 38, 378 Glutamic acid : formula of, 119 in plant metabolism, 401, 402 in transamination, 342. 343 role in nitrogen fixation, 404 y-linkage, 131 Glutamic decarboxylases, 206 INDEX 457 Glutamic dehydrogenase, 208 Glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase, 2G8 (ilutaniinase, 2G5 Glutainiiie, 34S fornnila, 119 in plants, 402 source of urinary ammonium salts, 354 Glutatliione, 192 formula, 130 in oxidation-reduction, 280 Glutelins. 108, 109, 111 Glutenin, 109, 125 Glyceraldehyde, dcxiro and leva forms, 22 Glyceraldehyde-S-phosphate, 329 Glyceric acid-2.3-diphosphate, 2S0 Glyceric acid phosphates, 329 Glycerides, formulas of, 83 in natural fats, 81, 84 mixed, 81, 83 . physical state in relation to fatty acid composition, 78 simple, 81, S3 Glycerol ( glycerine ) , 76 metabolic oxidation of, 329, 336 production by yeast. 377, 379, 381 a-Glvcerophosphoric acid, 98 Glycine : as purine and porphyrin precursor, 350, 351 as serine precursor, 345 formula, 116 in bile salts, 96 in creatine biosynthesis, 348 Glycocholic acid, 96, 317 Glycogen, 59 amounts present in liver and muscles, 325 branched structure of, 50 depletion of body stores in diabetes, 301 formation in body, 325 from amino acids, 354 from glycerol, 336 with adrenalin, 289 with insulin, 301 Glycogen metabolism, relation to muscu- lar work, 417 Glycogen phosphorylase, 267 Glycolipides, 73, 101 Glycolysis : ATP formation during, 418 efficiency of, 419 energy yield from, 418 equation for, 328 in plants, 405 in yeast, 381 reactions of, 326, 329 Glycolytic mechanism, in photosynthesis, 397 Glycoproteins, 136 Glycosidases, 263 Glycosides, 39, 40 Glycyl-alanine, 129, 131 Glvoxalase, 267 Glyoxylic acid, 397, 398 Goiter, 192, 299 Gonadotropic hormones, 292 Graafian follicle, 293 Gramicidin, 122, 131 Grana, 388 Grapefruit, effect of zinc deficiency on, 191 Grave's disease, symptoms of, 299 Graying of hair, relation to vitamin in- take, 239 Grisein, 366 Growth efficiency, effect of oxygen on, 360, 361 Growth factors, for microorganisms, 359 Growth hormone, 305 properties of, 307 Growtii regulating substances in plants, 406 Guanidinoacetic acid, 348 Guanine : formula of, 154 metabolism of, 155 nucleic acids and, 154-158 Guanosine, 156 Guanylic acid, 156 Gulose, 24 Gum arable, 66 Gum ghatti, 66 Gun cotton, 62 H Hair, zinc content of, 191 Hallochrome, 350 Halogeton weed, oxalates in, 161, 162 Hardening, of fats or oils by hydrogena- tion, 89 Harden-Young ester (see Fructose-1. 6- diphosphate) Heat change {/S,H), definition, 41.'! Heat engine operation, difference from muscle contraction, 415 Heat of combustion : of food materials, 423 of glucose, 414 Heat production in body, relation to ef- ficiency of energy use, 415 Heat prostration, cause of, 183 Heat regulation of body, 11 Heavy water, use in metabolic tracer ex- periments, 340 Hemicelluloses, 21, 66 Hemin, 137, 360 Hemocuprein, 140, 187 Hemocyanins, 140, 186 Hemoglobin : amine acid content. 125 classification, 112 components of, 137 in carbon dioxide transport, 138, 187 in oxygen transport, 138 in root nodules, 103, 403 Hemophilia, 221 Hemophilus influenzae, 360 Hemophilus parainfluenzae, 359, 360 Hemorrhage : control of by oxytocine, 304 in vitamin C deficiency, 222, 223 in vitamin K deficiency, 221 458 INDEX Hemorrhagic disease of infants, 221 Heparin, 67 Hepatocupreiu, 140, 187 Herbicides, selective, 407 Heteropolysaccharides, 51, 66 of animals, 67 of plants. 66 Hexokinase inhibition : by diabetogenic hormone, 325, 326 effect of insulin on, 302 Hexokinase reaction, 324 Hexosamines, 37 Hexosans, 53 Hexosediphosphate, 179 Hexosemonophosphate, 179 Hexuronic acids : furfural from, 37 relation to pentoses, 39 Hill reaction, 393, 394 Hippuricase, 265 Histamine, 321 effect on secretion of gastric juice, 308 relation to allergy, 289 Histidine : bacterial decarboxylation of, 321 formula, 115, 120 Histidine decarboxylases, 266 Histones, 111, 153 Homocysteine : for rat growth, 343, 344 formula, 117 intermediary product, 122 Homogentisic acid, 350 Homopolysaccharides, 51 Homoserine, formula, 116 Honey, sugars in, 33 Hopkins-Cole test, 143 Hordein, 108, 125 Hormones : adrenal, 287-290, 290-202 anterior pituitary, 305-307 antidiuretic, 303 cortical, 290-292 definition, 286 estrogenic, 296 follicle-stimulating (FSH), 307 gastrointestinal, 306-309 gonadotropic, 292 growth, 305, 306 lactogenic, 295, 305-307 luteotropic, 293, 294 metabolic function of, 287 of plant growth, 406, 407 ovarian, 292 pancreatic, 300-303 parathyroid, 182 posterior pituitary, 303 progestational, 294, 297 testicular, 295, 296 thyroid-stimulating, 307 Hyaluronic acid, 67 Hyaluronidase, 67, 263 Hydrases, 266 Hydrocarbons, higher paraffin in waxes, 93 Hydrochloric acid, gastric secretion of, 312-313 Hydrogen, bacterial formation of, 377, 383 Hydrogen bonds, 10 Hydrogen carriers, coenzymes as, 334 Hydrogen equivalent, 164 Hydrogen ion concentration : biological importance of, 167 pH and, 169 Hydrogen sulfide, in colon, 321 Hydrogen transport system, 333 as energy generator, 420-422 Hydrogenation of oils, 89 Hydrolases, 263 Hydrolecithin, 97 Hydrolysis, 19 Hydroperoxides in fat oxidation, 90 Hydroquinone, 394 as antioxidant, 90 3-Hydroxyanthranilic acid, 347 P-Hydroxybutyric acid, 339 17-Hydroxycorticosterone formula, 290 17-Hvdroxv-ll-desoxycorticosterone for- mula, 290 3-Hydroxykynurenine, 347 Hydroxylysine, formula, 119 Hydroxyproline : biosynthesis of, 346 formula, 121 5-Hydroxytryptamine, 304 Hydroxytyramine, 288 Hyperacidity, 314 Hyperglycemia, 327 Hyperglycemic factor of pancreas, 303 Hypertension, 304 Hypoglycemia, 327 Hypophysis, hormones of, 303 Hypoxanthine : formula of, 154 metabolism of, 155 Idose, 24 Imino acids, 352 a-Iminoglutaric acid, 342 Immuno-polysaccharides, 68 Indican, 321 Indicators : for pH measurement, 173 use of for acid-base titrations, 167 Indole, 320. 354 Indoleacetic acid, 406 effect on rooting, 408 Indoleacetonitrile, 406 Indole-5,6-quinone, 350 Inorganic elements, required by micro- organisms, 360 Inorganic phosphate, formation of ATP from, 422 Inositol, 254, 367, 378 Inositol meta diphosphate in phospholi- pides. 101 Insulin, 300-302 amino acid content, 125 mechanism of physiological action, 302 INDEX 459 Insulin (Cont.) : se(|uenoe of nmino acids in, 110, 132 zinc in, IS!), 190 Insulin shock, 302. 327 Intermediary metabolism, 3S0 Intestinal absorption, 319, 320 Intestinal digestion. 315 Intestinal juice, enzymes in, 318, 319 Intestinal secretion, 31S Intrinsic factor in pernicious anemia, 251 Inulin, 63 Inversion of sucrose, 42, 43, 45 Invert su^ar. 42, 45 Invertase, 202, 263 lodinated proteins as source of thyroid hormone, 299 Iodine : human requirement for, 192 relation to goiter, 192 Iodine content of foods, table, 442 Iodine number of fats, 88, 89 Iodine, radioactive, use in Grave's dis- ease, 300 Iodized salt, 192 lodoijorgoic acid, 297, 29S Ion antagonism, 185 Ion exchange resins, 16-17 Iron : absorption of, 320 availability of various forms, 188 compounds of in living cells, 179, 186 content of foods, table, 442 food sources of, 188 human requirement for, 188 storage of in body, 186 Irradiated milk, 214 Islets of Langerhans, 301 Isocitric acid, 331 Isocitric acid dehydrogenases, 268 Isocitric acid, dehydrogenation of, 333 Isocitric acid, oxidation energy from, 421 Isoelectric pH, 144 Isoleucine, formula, 116 Isopropyl alcohol, 377 Isotopic carbon as metabolic tracer, 339, 340 Isotopic nitrogen (N^^) as metabolic tracer, 404 Isotopic tracer studies, 335, 345 Jaundice, use of vitamin K in treatment of, 220 Jelly, pectin in, 65 K Keratin, 110, 125 a-Ketobutyric acid, from cystathionine, 345 Ketogenic diets, 339 Ketogluconic acid. 304, 380 a-Ketoglutaric acid, 331, 342 role in nitrogen fixation, 404 a-Ketoglutaric acid oxidation, energy from, 421 Ketoglutaric oxidase, 266 Ketoheptoses, 21 Ketone bodies, 339 Ketose, definition, 19 Ketoses, 22 differentiation from aldoses, 36 Fehling's reaction with, 35 test for. 30 Ketosis, 338, 339 in diabetes, 301 17-Ketosteroids, 299 Ketotriose, 20 Kidney, effect of phlorizin on, 302 Kilocalorie, definition, 413 Kjeldahl method, 146 Knoop's theory of fat catabolism, 336, 337 Krebs cycle, 330 in plants, 405 Krebs-Henseleit urea cycle, 352-354 Kynurenine, 347 Lacteal, 319 Lactic acid : amount in muscles, 418 bacterial production of, 363, 376. 377 formation during violent exercise, 328 Lactic acid dehydrogenase, 268 Lactobacillus arahinosus, 358 Lactohacillus hulgaricus, 359 Lactohacillits casei, 359 Lactobacillus citrovorum, 359 Lactobacillus delbruckii, 363 Lactobacillus gaijonii, 363 Lactobacillus lijcopersici, 363 Lactobacillus pentoaceticus, 377 Lactogenic hormone, 125, 295 properties of, 307 Lactoglobulin, 125 Lactosazone crystals, 47 Lactose, 48, 49, 263 alpha and beta forms of, 49 food value, 48 Lanolin, 94 Lanthioniiie : as source of cystine, 345 formula of, 117, 122 in subtilin, 122 Laurie acid, 77 Lead poisoning, treatment with vitamin C, 223 Lecithinases A and B, 98 Lecithins, 97 with fat transport, 253 Legumin, 109, 125 Leucine, formula, 116 Leuconostoc citrovorum, growth factor for, 248 Leuconostoc niesenteroides, 378 Leucosin, 108, 109 Leucovorin, 248 Levans, 63, 379 Levulinic acid, from hexoses, 26 Levulose, 33 Light reactions of photosynthesis, 393 Lignin, 61 460 INDEX Lignocerylsphingosine, 100 Limit dextrins. 58 Linoleic acid, 80, 82 Linseed oil as paint oil, 89 Lipases, 86, 263 Lipides : classes and hydrolysis products, 71, 73 compound, 73 definition, 71 derived, 73 essential, 97 in plant seeds. 400 metabolism of, 334-341 simple, 73 Lipocaic, 303 Lipoic acid, 254, 274, 360 Lipoproteins, 112, 141 Lipothiamide, 274, 359 Lipothiamide pyrophosphate, 254, 255 Lipotropic action, 336 Lithocholic acid, 317 Liver, fatty, 253 Lohman reaction, 416. 417 Luteinizing hormone, 292 properties of, 307 Luteotropic hormone, 293, 294 Lycopene, 205 Lysine : formula. 119 bacterial decarboxylation, 321 Lysolecithin, 98, 263 Lysozyme, 263 Lyxose, 23 M Macrocytic anemia, 248, 251 Magnesium : content of in American dietary, 186 role in animal body, 185 Magnesium content of foods, table, 439 Magnesium deficiency, effect on tobacco plants, 409 Magnesium ions, enzymes activated by, 185 Maleic hydrazide, as plant growth sub- stances, 407 Malic acid, 161, 331 Malic acid formation, use of light energy for, 394 Malic acid oxidation, energy from, 421 Malt sirup, 45 Maltase, 263 Maltosazone crystals, 47 Maltose, 45 structural formula, 46 iso-Maltose, 21, 41 Manganese content of foods, table, 442 Manganese deficiency, effect on leaves, 190 Manna, 33 Mannans, 33, 64 Mannitol, 33, 35 Mannoheptulose, 21 Mannosazone (see Glucosazone) Mannose, 33 Mannose, metabolism of. 324, 326 Mannose-6-phosphate, 326 Mannosidostreptomycin. 365 Mannuronic acid, 38, 39, 65 Maternal instincts, relation of lactogenic hormone to, 305, 306 Melanin, 349, 350 Melezitose, 49 Melibiose, 21, 41 ^lelissic acid, in waxes, 93 Melissyl alcohol. 93 Menadione. 220 Menstrual cycle, hormonal control of. 298 Menstruation, 292 Mental attitudes of animals, effect of hormones on, 305 INIercerized cloth, 61 Mesquite gum, 27 arabinose from, 26 Metabolic rate of microorganisms, 361 Metabolism : antimetabolites in study of, 5 inborn errors of, 350 lipide, 334-341 methods of study, 4 of amino acids. 341-354 of carbohydrates, 323 of protein. 341-354 of sugars, 324-330 use of isotopes in, 5 Metabolism of microorganisms, 357-386 aerobic, 364 anaerobic, 376 comparison of products, 362 intermediary, 380 Methane, bacterial formation of, 377. 384 Methane in colon, 321 Methanohacierium omelianskii, 377 Methemoglobin, 138 Methene bridges, in chlorophyll molecule, 391 Methionine : conversion to cystine, 122 effect on fatty livers, 336 formula of, 117 in choline synthesis, 345 in creatine synthesis, 345, 348, 349 methylation and, 343-345 Methionine sulfoximine, 257 Methyl donors, 344 Methyl-a-D-glucoside, 40 Methylamine, 162 Methylation. as a metabolic reaction, 343 Methvlcvtosine, 154 5-Methylfurfural, 38 Methylpentoses, 37 Methyltetronic acid, 375 Microbiological assay of riboflavin, 2.')4 Micrococcus pyogenes, 374 Micromole, definition, 164 Microorganisms : growth efficiency, 360 growth requirements of, 358 interrelations of animals, plants, and, 357 Milk : mineral deficiencies of, 188 vitamin D enriched, 214, 215 INDEX 461 Milk production : effect of iodinated casein on. 200 effect of lactogenic hormone on, 205 Milk secretion, stimulation by oxytocin, 304 Millie(]uivalent. definition, 164 Millimole, definition, 1(54 Jlillins of grains, loss of thiamine during, 231, 232 IVIillon test. 142 Mineral elements : abnormal distribution, 180 absorption of, by plants, 400 availability of various forms, lOG excretion of, 107 general biological functions, 181 in various organic compounds, 170 loss from foods on cooking, 107 loss on ashing, 177, 178 major, 176 minor, 176 needed by animals, 176 needed by plants, 176 occurrence, 3 78, 179 testing for, 178 Minerals : in animal body, 178 in foodstuffs, 178 ^Miscarriage, prevention by progesterone, 204 Mitochondria, from plant tissue, 405 ]Moisture content of foods, table, 434 Molar solutions, 163, 164 Molarity of solutions, 163-165 IMold spoilage, 376 ]Mole, definition, 163 Molybdenum, needed by plants, 104 Molybdenum toxicity, 194 Monosaccharides, 20, 22 absorption, 320 cyclic and open chain forms, 24 Montanic acid in waxes, 93 Montanvl alcohol, 93 Mottled teeth, 193 Mucic acid, 33 crystals of, 47 Mucilages, 66 Mucin, 311 Mucoitin sulfate, 67 Mucous cells, 312 Muscle contraction, 415-416 stimulation of smooth, by oxytocin, 304 Muscle dystrophy, 217 Muscular activities : energy expenditures for, 427 relation to composition of muscle, 418 Mustard oil, 28 Mutases, 266 Myogen, 108, 125 Mvokinase, 267 Myosin, 108, 126 INIyristic acid, 77 Myxedema, 209 N Naphthalene acetic acid, as plant growth regulator, 407 Naphthoquinone derivatives, vitamin K activity of. 220 Naphthoresorcinol, test for uronic acids, 39 Nerve impulse, transmission of, 280 Neuberg ester {see D-Fructose-6-phos- phate) Neuritis, in thiamine deficiency, 228 Niacin (see Nicotinic acid) in foods, table, 447-448 Nicotinamide, 238 Nicotinamide riboside, 359 Nicotinic acid : biosynthesis from tryptophan, 347 food sources, 239 formula, 238 human retpiirements, 239 in foods, table. 448 metabolic antagonist of, 256 physiological function, 235, 236 stability of, 238 Nieman-Picks disease, 100 Night blindness, 205 Ninhydrin test, 143 Nitrate fertilizers. 400 Nitrification, 14, 400 Nitrifying bacteria, 401 Nitrogen balance studies, 341 Nitrogen cycle in nature, 402, 403 Nitrogen deficiency, effect on plants, 409, 410 Nitrogen fixation : by bacteria. 402. 403 by leguminous plants, 402, 403 by soil bacteria, 403, 404 mechanism of. 404 Nitrogen metabolism, of plants, 400- 402 Nitrogen requirements of microorganisms, 358 Nitrogen trichloride as flour bleach, 257 Nitroglycerine, 76 Nitrosococctis and nitrification, 401 Nitrosomo7ias and nitrification, 401 Nonsaponifiable matter, 81 Norepinephrine, 287, 288 Norleucine. formula. 116 Normal potential (Eo), definition of, 420 Normal solutions. 163. 164 Normality of solutions, 103-165 Nucleases, in digestion, 318 Nucleic acids : amount in nucleoproteins, 152, 153-160 classes of. 153 molecular weight of, 153, 157 products on hydrolysis, 154 structure of, 157 Nucleoproteins, 112. 150-160 components of, 151, 152, 153 importance, 150 linkage between components, 151 molecular weight, 153 462 INDEX Nucleoproteins (Cont.) : occurrence of, 150 preparation of, 151 proteins of, 153 relation to chromosomes, 150, 151 types of, 152 virus, 153 Nucleosidases in digestion, 319 Nucleoside phosphorylases, 207 Nucleosides, 156 Nucleotidases in digestion, 318 Nucleotides, 156-158 structure of, 158 Nutrition, objectives and methods, 3 Nylon from pentosans via furfural, 53 O Obesity, 427-429 cause of, 428 relation to varying food needs, 429 Octapine, formula, 120 Oils, fatty, hardening of, 89 Oleic acid : cis-trans isomers of, 79 formula, 79, 80 Oleyl alcohol, 93 Omega oxidation of fatty acids, 337 Opsin, 204 Optical activity, 24 Optical rotation, 24 Organic acids in plants, metabolism of, 405 Ornithine, 321 bacterial decarboxylation, 321 formula, 121 from glutamic acid, 346 Ornithine cycle, 352-354 Osazone crystals, 47 Osazones, 31, 32 Osmotic pressure, 181, 182 Osteomalacia, 202 Ovarian hormones, 292, 293 Overweight : cause of, 428 correction of. 429 Ovovitellin, 108, 126 Ovulation, 293 Oxalacetate carboxylase, 266 Oxalacetic acid : in citric acid cycle, 330, 331 source of, for citric acid cycle, 332 Oxalacetic transaminase, reaction cata- lyzed by, 343 Oxalates, soluble, toxicity of, 161, 162 Oxalic acid, occurrence in foods, 161 Oxalosuccinic acid, 331 Oxalosuccinic carboxylase, 266 Oxidases, 268 in plants, 404 Oxidation, definition of, 419 metabolic, by hydrogen removal, 332 multiple alternate, of fatty acids, 337, 338 of fatty acids, 336-339 of glucose, direct, 380 of glucose, nonphosphorylative, 381 Oxidation (Cont.) : of organic matter on earth, 387 of sugar alcohols, 364 omega, of fatty acids. 337 Oxidation-reduction carriers, 275-279 Oxidation reduction potential, definition of, 419 Oxidation-reduction, principles of, 419. 420 Oxidative deamination, 351, 352 Oxide-ring forms of sugars, response to reducing sugar tests, 30 Oxide-ring formulas of sugars, alpha and beta forms, 25 Oxygen isotope, use as tracer, 392 Oxygen production, in photosynthesis, 388, 392 Oxyhemoglobin, 105, 138 Oxytocic hormone, 295 Oxytocin, 303, 304 PABA (see Para-aminobenzoic acid) Paint, unsaturated oils for, 89 Palmitaldehyde, 101 Palmitic acid, in waxes, 93 Palmitoleic acid, 80 Pancreas, 300 hyperglycemic factor of. 303 in carbohydrate metabolism, 300-.'i03, 327 Pancreatic amylases, 263, 316 Pancreatic digestion. 315 Pancreatic lipase, 316 Pancreatic secretion, hormonal control of, 308 Pancreozymin, 308, 316 Pantatheine, 359 Pantathenic acid, 359 formula, 240 in foods, table, 447-448 physiological function, 239 Papain, 265 Paper chromatography, 396 Paper making, 61 Paper pulp. 61 Para-aminobenzoic acid (see p-Amino- benzoic acid) Parathyroid secretion, effect on blood calcium, 183 Parietal cells. 312 Pectin, 64, 65 Pectinase, 263 Pellagra, 235, 236, 237, 238 relation to corn as food, 237 Penicillamine, 122 formula, 118 Penicillin, 122 activity of, 374 formula of, 374 industrial production of, 372 mode of action of, 374 precursors of, 374 range of activity, 374 resistance of bacteria to. 374 Penicillinase, 265 INDEX 463 Penicillium charlesii, 375 Penicillin in chrysogenum : growth efficiency of, 360 penicillin production by, 372 products of, 363 Penicillium cinerascens, 375 Penicillium terrestre, 375 Pentosans, 51 function of, in plants, 52 furfural fi'om, 53 hydrolysis of, 52 nutritive value, 53 occurrence, 51, 52 Pentoses, 26 Pentosuria. 26. 28 l»-enzyme, 399 Pepsin. 110. 126, 265, 313 Pepsinogen, 314 Peptidases, 264 Peptides : linkage. 129 side chains. 130 utilization by plants, 401 Pernicious anemia, 248, 249, 251, 314 Perosis. 253 relation of manganese to, 189 Peroxidases, 26S, 282 in plants. 405 pH : definition, 168, 169 effect on plant growth, 168 measurement of, 173 of salt solutions, 171, 172 regulation of body, 173 pH changes, relation to changes in H-ion concentration, 169 pH value of biological materials, 174 Phaseolin. 108, 126 Phenylacetic acid, 374 Phenylalanine, 114 formula, 117 Phenylhydrazine, reaction with sugars, 31. 32, 35 Phenylpyruvic acid, 350 Philoholus kleinii, 360 Phlorhizin, 302 Phosphagens, definition, 417, 418 Phosphatases, 264 activation by vitamin D, 211 in digestion. 319 Phosphate bond energies, table of. 417 Phosphate bonds. IS.F values of, table, 417 Phosphate bonds of high energy : definition, 416. 417 formation of, 420-422 Phosphate, transfer enzymes. 267 Phosphates, bond energy of, table. 417 in glycolysis. 326-329 organic, in metabolism, 326-329, 415- 421 Phosphatides, 96 Phosphatidic acids, 99 Phosphatidyl ethanolamine, 99 Phosi)hatidyl serine, 99 Phosphocreatine (see Creatine phos- phate) Phosphodiesterases, 264 2-Phosphoenolpyruvic acid, 397 Phosphoglucomutase, 267 Phosphoglyceraldehyde dehydrogenases, 268 Phosphoglyceric acid transphosphorylase, 267 Phosphoglyceric acids, in photosynthesis, 396-398 Phosphoglyceromutase, 267 Phosphohexoisomeras^, 267 Phosphohexokinase, 267 Phospholipides : classification, 97 in fat transport, 336 Phosphoproteins. 136 Phosphopyruvate transphosphorylase, 267 Phosphorus : areas low in, 185 requirement, 184 role in animal body, 184 Phosphorus content of foods, table, 439 Phosphorus deficiency, effect on plants, 409, 410 Phosphorylases, 267 stimulation by epinephrine, 289 Phosphoserine, 319 Photochemical reaction, primary. in photosynthesis, 391 Photolvsis of water, in photosynthesis, 391 Photosynthesis, 29, 387^00 dark reactions in, 393 definition of, 388 efficiency of, 395, 396 energy relations of, 395, 396 energy stored by, 387 equation for, 388 formaldehyde theory of, 396 Hill reaction in. 393 importance of, 387 intermediates of, 396^00 light reactions in, 393 mechanism of, 397, 398 partial reactions of, 393, 394 products of. 396^00 quantum efficiency of, 395, 396 rate of, 393 Phototropism. 406 Phthiocol. 220 Phytase, 264 Phytic acid, calcium and magnesium salts ■ of, 179 Phvtohormones, 406 Phytol, 391 Pitressin (see Vasopressin) Pituitary gland, relation to menstrual cycles, 292-294 Pituitary hormones. 303-306 Pituitarv, hormones of posterior lobe, 303 pKa, relation to acid strengths, 171 Placenta, hormones from, 295 Planck's constant, 395 Plant growth substances, 406, 407 Plant gums, 66 464 INDEX Plant hormones, 406, 407 Plant metabolism : glycolysis in, 405 Krebs cycle in, 405 organic acids in, 405 Plant nutrition : effects of mineral deficiencies, 409, 410 mineral elements for, 407 Plant respiration, true oxidases in, 404 Plants : nitrogen nutrition* of, 400-402 respiration of. 404-^05 Plasmalogens, 101 Polarimeter, 24 Polarized light, 24 Polished rice, relation to thiamine de- ficiency. 228 Polymyxin, 122 bacterial spectrum of, 370 components of. 370 toxicity of, 370 Polyneuritis, 227 Polyphosphatases, 264 Polysaccharides : molecular weights of, 50 production by bacteria, 378 properties of, 51 structure of. 50, 51 Polyuronides, 21 Porphyrins : biosynthesis of, 351 prosthetic groups of enzymes, 278 Porphyropsin, 204 Potassium content of foods, table, 439 Potassium deficiency, effect on plants, 409, 410 Potassium, in animals, 183 Pressin {see Vasopressin) Progesterone : effect on uterus, 294 physiological functions, 292-295 Prolactin, 305 Proline : biosynthesis from glutamic acid, 346 formula, 120 Propanolamine, from vitamin Bjo, 250 Propionibacterium pentosaceum, 363, 377 Propionic acid, 77 Propionic acid fermentation, 363, 377, 382 6-Propyl-2-thiouracil. 300 Prosthetic group. 111, 136 Protamines : nucleoproteins and, 153 properties of. Ill Protein-bound iodine. 298. 299 Protein content of foods, table, 434 Protein foods, use in correcting over- weight, 429 Protein, human reciuirements for, 347 Protein metabolism, 341-354 link to carbohydrate metabolism, 342, 343 Proteinases, 265 of bacteria, 265 specificity, 315-316 Proteins, 103-149 Proteins (Cont.) : amino acid composition, 122, 124 classification, 110 coagulation, 145 color tests, 142 commercial, 103 conjugated. 111. 136 criteria of purity, 107 crude, definition, 146, 434 crystalline, 104 denaturation of, 144 derived. 111 determination, 146 economic importance, 103 elementary composition, 75. 109 half-life period in tissues, 347 hydrolysis, 122 isolectric pH. 144 linkages in. 131 molecular weights, 141 number. 104 occurrence, 104, 108 physiological fuel value of, 423, 424 precipitation, 143 preparation. 104 products on hydrolysis, 111, 113 simple. 111 solubility. 111 structure, 133 table of common, 108 Proteus vulgaris. 369 Prothrombin, 219, 220, 221 Protochlorophyll. 390 formula, 391 Protomone (iodinated casein), 298 Protoplasm, 6 Proximate composition, definition of, 423 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 381 Pseudomonas putida, 358 Pseudomonas saccharophila, 399 Pseudomonas sp., 370 Pteroic acid, 359 Pteroylglutamic acid, 246-249, 359 stability of, 249 Pterovlglutamic acid deficiency, symptoms of, 248 Pteroyltriglutamic acid, 131 Ptyalin, 58, 263 Purines, 154-157 biosynthesis of, 351 formula of, 154 list of. 154 Putrescine, 260, 321 Pyranose ring forms of sugars, 26 Pyribenzamine : antihistamine drug, 289, 290 formula, 290 Pyridine nucleotides, as hydrogen car- riers, 332, 333 Pyridine-3-sulfonic acid, as nicotinic acid antagonist, 256 Pyridino coenzymes, 275 Pvridino proteins, 268 Pyridoxal, 243 Pyridoxal phosphate. 243. 279 coenzyme for transamination, 343 i INDEX 465 Pyridoxamine, 243 Pyridoxamine phosphate, 243 Pyridoxine : food sources, 244 formula. 242 physiol()5;ical function, 241 Pyrimidines, 154-157 formuhi of, 155 list of, 154 Pyrithianiine, 256 I'yroxylin, G2 Pyrrole. 390. 391 Pyi-uvic acid : conversion to oxalacetic acid, 332 formation during glycolysis, 32S. 329 from glucose, 330 in thiamine deficiency, 227 metabolic oxidation of, 330-334 Pyruvic acid enolphosphate, 329 Pyruvic acid oxidation, energy from. 421 Pyruvic oxidase, 266, 274 Pyruvic transaminase, reaction catal.vzed by, 343 Q Q-enzyme, 399 Quinolinic acid, 347 R Rachitic rosary, 210 Radioactive carbon isotopes as metabolic tracers, 288, 396, 397 Radioautography, 396 RafBnose, 49 Rancidity, 90 hydrolytic, 90 oxidative, 90 Rayon, 62 Redox potential, definition of, 419 Reducing sugars, 31 determination in foods, 31 effect of alkali on, 31 Reductive amination. 401 Relaxin, 295 Renal threshold, effect of phlorizin on, 302 Renin, 265, 304, 314 Reproduction, relation of vitamin E to, 216, 217, 219 Resorcinol test for ketoses. 36 Respiration : definition of, 323 of animals, effect of cyanide on. 334 of plants, 404. 405 Respiratory quotient, 425 Retinene, 204 Rhamnose, 38 Rheumatoid arthritis, effect of cortisone and ACTH. 292 Rhizobia, in root nodules, 403 Rhizopterin, 247 Nhi::opi(i!i nigricans, 363 Rhizopus orijzae, 363 Rhizopus sp., 363 Rhodo»iicrohium and nitrogen fixation, 403 Rhodopbin, 140, 204 Rhodospirillum and nitrogen fixation, 403 Ribitol, 21 Riboflavin : chemical properties, 233, 234 determination of, 234 food sources, 234 formula, 234 human requirements, 235 in foods, table, 447^48 light destruction of, 234 physiological functions, 232, 233 Riboflavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), 277 Riboflavin coenzymes. 277 Riboflavin mononucleotide (FMX), 277 role in tissue oxidation. 282 structure of, 276 Riboflavin-5'-phosphate, 159, 277 Ribonuclease, 126 Ribonucleic acid, 154 Ribose, 27 Ribose, nucleic acids and, 154. 156-158 Ribose-3-phosphate. in vitamin Bja, 250 Ribose-5-phosphate. 380 Ribulose, 397, 398 Ribulose-5-phosphate, 380 Ricinoleic acid. 80 Rickets : occurrence of. 212 relation of sunlight to, 212 symptoms, of, 210 Robison ester (see D-Glucose-6-phosphatp) Root nodules, 403 Running fits in dogs, 257 S Saccharic acid, 22 Saccharimeter, determination of sucrose with, 45 Haccharom ijces cerevisiae : fermentation products of, 363 growth efficiency of, 360 Saliva : amylase in, 311 composition of, 311 secretion, 312 Salivary amylase, 263 Salmine. 111. 126 Salt depletion, 12 Salt metabolism, effect of cortical steroids on, 291 Salt, i-equirement, 1S2 Saponification, 73 of fats, 86 Schiff's reagent, 25. 27 Scurvy, 223 Secretion, 308, 316 Secretogogues, 308 Sedoheptulose, 21. 380. 397. 398 Selenium poisoning. 195, 196 Semiessential amino acids, 341, 342 Serine : formation from glycine, 344, 345 formula, 116 metabolic reactions involving, 344, 345 Serine phosphate, 319 466 INDEX Serotonin, 304 Sex hormones, 292-297 male, 295-297 Silicon : in living cells, 176 in plants, 195 Simple sugars. 19, 22 distinguishing from other carbohydrates, 31 Sinigrin, 28 Sitosterol, 95 Skatole, 320, 354 Slipped tendon in chicks, 189 Snake venoms, lecithinase in, 99 Soaps, 86, 87 water-insoluble, uses of, 88 Sodium : functions in body, 182 in body fluids, 182 with Addison's disease, 291 with adrenals. 291 Sodium chloride, in nutrition, 182, 183 Sodium content of foods, table, 4.39 Sodium palmitate, 86 Solar energy, fraction intercepted by earth, 387 Solutions : molar, 163 , normal, 163 standard, 163 standardization of, 165 Sorbitol, production from glucose, 37 Sorbose, 36 Specific rotation, 24 Sperm oil. 92 Spermaceti, 92. 93 Sphingomyelins, 100 Sphingosine, 73, 100 dihydro-, in cerebrosides. 101 Sprouting of stored vegetables, chemical control of, 407 Sprue, 248, 251 Standard solutions, 103 Standardization of solutions, 165. 166 Standards, primary, for titrations, 165 Staphylococcus aureus: effect of penicillin on, 375 * nitrogen requirements of, 358 Starch : acid hydrolysis of, 29 elementary composition, 75 granules, 54, 55, 56 iodine test, 54 occurrence, 54 phosphorus in. 54 synthesis of in plants, 399, 400 Steapsin, 86 Stearaldehyde, 101 Stearic acid, 77 Stercobilin, 318 Stercobilinogen, 318 Stereoisomerism, 23 Stereoisomers. 23 Sterility, relation of vitamin E to. 216, 217, 219 Steroid ring system, 94 Steroids, 94 biosynthesis of, 340 Sterols. 94 Stilbestrol, 297, 298 Stored fat, dynamic state of, 335 Streptidine, 306 Streptococcus fecalis. 359 Streptococcus lactis, 360, 376 Streptomyces aureofaciens, 368 Streptomyces griseus, 365 Streptomyces rimosus. 368 Streptomyces venezuelae, 369 Streptomycin : bacteria dependent on, 367, .368 formula of, 365-367 mode of action, 367 production of, .366 resistance to, .367 toxicity of, 366 Streptose, 365, 366, 367 Substrate, 270 Subtilin, 122 Succinic acid, bacterial formation of, .363, 377, 383 Succinic acid oxidation, energy from, 421 Succinic dehydrogenase, 268 Sucrase, 262, 263 Sucrose : advantages of hydrolysis of, 34 cost of food calories from, 43 determination in foods, 44, 45 food value, 43 formation in plants. 397-399 human consumption, 42. 43 inversion of, 42, 43, 45 occurrence, 42 optical rotation of, 45 jii-eparation of, 43 production, 42 structural formula. 44 Sucrose phosphorylase, 267 Sucrose synthesis, 399 Sugar alcohols, 21 Sugars : action of acids on, 26, 39, 52 action of alkalies on. 31 D- and L- forms of, 22 desoxy, 20, 27 formation in plants, 397, 398 interconversion in body, 324 melting points of, table, 36 optical rotations of, table, 36 reducing power of, 30, .31, 35, 41 ring structures of, 24-26 sweetness of, 43 Sulfa drugs, effect on intestinal bacteria, 322 Sulfanilamide. 256 Sulfatase. 264 Sulfur compounds : in mustard, garlic, etc., 179 required by animals, 192 Sulfur content of foods, table, 4.39 Sweet clover, toxicity of fermented, 221 Sweetening power of sugars, 43 Symbiosis, 403 I .J i INDEX 467 2.4.5-T, formula of, 407 Tagatose, 24 Takadiastase. 58 Tartaric acid, 161 Taurine, in urine, 197 Tauroeholic acid, 96, 317 Tea. manganese in, 189 Teeth, fluorides and. 193 Teeth, mottled. 193 relation of vitamin C to, 223 relation of vitamin D to, 210 TcrDiohactcriitiii mohile, 363 Teropterin. 247, 249 Terramycin : formula of, 367, 368 mode of action. 369 range of activity, 368 Terre.strie acid. 375 Testosterone. 295, 297 Tetan.v. relation to calcium. 183 Tetrahymena geleii, 360 Tetronic acid, 375 Tetroses. 20 Theobromine, 155 Theophylline, 155 Thiamiiiase, 229, 266 Thiamine : destruction during food preparation, 229 determination of, 229, 230 food sources, 230 formula. 229 human requirements, 230. 231 in fat synthesis. 340 in foods, table. 447--448 physiological function, 226, 227. 228 required by microorganisms. 356 requirements, factors modifying. 228 Thiamine deficiency, prevalence of, 228 Thiamine pyrophosphate, 227 Thiazole. 359 Thiochrome method, for thiamine assay, 229 Thioctic acid, 360 Thiouracil, as antithyroid drug, 300 Threonine, 113 formula. 116 Threose, 20 Thymidine, 156 Thymidylic acid, 156 Thymine. 154-157 pterovlglutamic acid activity of, 249 Thyroglobulin, 298 Thvroid deficiency. 299 Thyroid hormone. 297-300 Thyrotropic hormone, properties of, 307 Thyroxine. 297-300 formula, 118 Titration, 163, 165 Tobacco mosaic virus, 110, 126. 153 Tocopherol, apha, formula, 218 Tocopherols. 217 as antioxidants. 90 content of foods. 218 TPN (see Triphosphopyridine nucleotide) TPN-cytochrome c. reductase, 268 Trace elements, 176 Transaminases, 268 Transamination, 343 in plants, 401, 402 Transglucosidases, 269 Transmethylation, 343 Transphosphorylases, 267 Traumatic acid, 406 Trehalose, 41 Tributyrin, 83, 84 Tricarboxylic acid cycle, 330 2.4.5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 407 Trimethylamine. 162 Triolein, 83 Triosephosphate isomerase, 267 Trioses, 20 Tripalmitin. 83 Triphosphopyridine nucleotide (TPN) : forms of, 275 function in cytochrome system, 332, 333 relation to nucleotides, 158 role in tissue oxidation. 282 structure of, 276 Tristearin, 83 Trypsin, 285 in pancreatic secretion, 315 Trypsinogen, conversion to trypsin, 316 Tryptophan : bacterial degradation of, 320 conversion to niacin in vivo, 347 formula, 120 Tuberculin, 153 Turacin, 186 Tyramine, 321 Tyrosinase, 268 Tyrosine : as hormone precursor. 349 bacterial decarboxylation of, 321 biosynthesis, 346 crystals of, 114 formula. 117 Tyrothricin : components of, 370 toxicity of, 370 U Ulcers, 314 Ultraviolet light and vitamin D, 212, 215 Units : of penicillin, 374 of vitamin A, 210 of vitamin D. 216 Unsaturated fatty acids, in nutrition, 79 Uracil, 154-156 Urea : as nitrogen fertilizer, 400 synthesis of, 352 Urease. 265 Uric acid, as nitrogenous waste product, 353 formation of, 155 formula of, 155 Uridine, 156 Uridine diphosphate glucose, 280 468 INDEX Uriflylic acid, 156 Urine : excretion of glucose in, 301 excretion of liormones in, 295 pH of, 174 Urogastrone, 314 Uronic acids, 38, 39 tests for, 39 Vaccenic acid. 80 Valine, formula, 116 Vanadium, in respiratory pigment, 176 Vanillin, from lignin, 61 Vasoconstrictor, epinephrine use as, 289 Vasopressin. 304 Villi, 319 Vinyl groups in chlorophyll, 391 Vinyl phosphate, 308 l-5-Vinyl-2-thiooxazolidone. 300 Viosterol, 215 Virilism, 291 Vision, chemistry of, 204 Visual purple {see Rhodopsin) Vitamin A, 203-210 food sources, 209 human requirements for. 209 international unit of, 210 measurement of. 208 oxidation of. 208 relation to yellow color of foods, 84, 85 sources of, 209 toxicity due to overdoses, 210 Vitamin A acetate, 207 Vitamin A crystals, 206 Vitamin A deficiency, prevalence of, 205 Vitamin A derivatives, 207, 208 Vitamin A palmitate, 208 Vitamin A value, 208 of foods, table. 447-448 Vitamin Aj, formula, 207 Vitamin A^, 204 Vitamin B^, 247 Vitamin Be conjugate, 247 Vitamin Bj {see Thiamine) Vitamin Bg {see Riboflavin) Vitamin Bg {see Pyridoxine) Vitamin Bj^, 249-252 food sources, 252 human requirements, 252 metabolic function of, 252, 281 production of, 370 relation to methylation in vivo, 345 Vitamin B]2 deficiency in humans. 252 Vitamin Bj^a, 251 Vitamin B12,,. 251 Vitamin business, annual value. 203 Vitamin C : antagonist for. 256 biosynthesis of, 222 determination of, 225 human requirements, 226, 231 in foods, table. 447-448 loss in preparing foods. 225 occurrence and food sources of, 225 Vitamin O (Cont.) : prevention of losses from foods, 225, 226 reducing power of, 224, 225 Vitamin C deficiency : prevalence of, 223 symptoms of, 222, 223 tests for, 223 Vitamin D : chemical nature, 212 concentrates of. 215 human requirement, 216 mechanism of action. 211 physiological function, 210 precursors of, 215 relation to calcium absorption, 183 requirements, 214 sources of, 214, 215 storage of in body, 216 toxicity of overdose, 215, 216 Vitamin D deficiency, prevalence of, 212 Vitamins D^ and D3. 213 Vitamin deficiency diseases, existence in United States, 202 Vitamin E : as antioxidant, 217 distribution, table, 218 food sources, 218, 219 physiological functions, 216, 217, 219 protection of vitamin A by. 208 Vitamin E deficiency, symptoms of, 216, 217 Vitamin G {see Riboflavin) Vitamin H {see Biotin) Vitamin K : occurrence and food sources, 222 physiological function, 219 Vitamin Kj, formula, 220 Vitamin M. 247 Vitamins : classification. 201 definition. 200 history of, 200, 201 in foods, table. 447-448 microorganisms and, 359 relation to enzymes, 200 A^olatile fatty acids, 78 W Warfarin. 221, 222 Water : balance, 13 chlorination of water supplies, 15 conservation of in vivo, 12 content and age of cells, 8-9 content and survival of cells, 10 content of biological materials, table, 9 demand in animals and plants, 11 free and bound, 9-10 function of in metabolism, 11 hardness of, 15 in photosynthesis. 392 indices of pollution, 14 metabolic, 12, 13 need of. 11 occurrence and importance, 8, 9 INDEX 469 Water (Cont.) : potable, 13 purification of water supplies, 15 re(|uirement in humans, 12 softening, 15-17 Wax alcohols, 91, 93 Wax esters. 92 Waxes, natural : biological role, 92 composition of, 92-94 occurrence, 92 properties of, 92 Weed killers, 407 Weight reduction : by muscular activity, 429 principles of, 429 Work, relation to free energy changes, 414 X Xanthine : formula of, 154 metabolism of, 155 oxidases, 268 Xanthophyll, 84. 205, 209 Xanthoiiroteic test, 142 Xerophthalmia, 203, 205 Xylan, 51 Xylitol, 21 Xylosazone crystals, 47 D-Xvlose, 20 L-Xylulose, 27, 28 Yeast, production, 361. 371 Yellow enzymes, 140 Zeaxanthine, 205 Zein, 108, 126 Zeolites. 16, 17 Zinc : biological role, 189-101 in carbonic anhydrase, 187, 189 content in average diet, 191 content of food, table, 442 food sources of, 191 in fertile soils, 191 in insulin, 301 Zinc deficienc.v, effect on plants, 191 Zinc oleate, 88 Zinc stearate, 88 Zwitterion, 97 Zymogenic cells, 312 Zymogens, 273 1. "t