a 1 2>. GENERAL BIOLOGY A Book of Outlines and Practical Studies for the General Student By JAMES G. NEEDHAM, Ph.D. "i ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF LIMNOLOGY AND GENERAL BIOLOGY IN CORNELL UNIVERSITY WITH 64 PRACTICAL STUDIES, 287 TEXT FIGURES, AND 9 PORTRAITS ITHACA, N. Y. THE COMSTOCK PUBLISHING CO., 1910 COPYRIGHT, 1910 BY COMSTOCK PUBLISHING Co. TO THE MEMORY OF JOHN GORE ' MY TEACHER IN THE DISTRICT SCHOOL, WHO FIRST TAUGHT ME THE USE OF A PRINCIPLE AS A TOOL OF THE MIND. PREFACE. This book offers a series of practical studies of biological phenomena for the guidance of the general student. It is not a formal text, and not at all a treatise, but only a guide intended to assist the student in acquiring for himself some real knowledge of living nature. It differs chiefly from other books intended for the use of college classes in the wider range of studies it offers, some important phases of biology having hitherto been dismissed with mere didactic instruction. Morphology has dominated — often monopo- lized— college work in biology in the past; doubtless, be- cause it was first reduced to pedagogic form, and made available for laboratory instruction. A more equable treatment is here attempted, in the hope of leading the student to a practical acquaintance with elementary phenomena in the whole broad field. The generation of biologists which began its studies with Huxley and Martin's pioneer laboratory manual has wit- nessed a marvelous expansion of biological knowledge. Departments have sprung up, and teachers as well as prac- titioners have specialized, and courses have multiplied amazingly. Yet I am persuaded that the reasons given by Huxley and Martin for offering a general course are as valid today as they were in 1868. Indeed I am inclined to think that some added reasons have grown out of the increasing applications of biological knowledge to the practical affairs of life. The conditions of our living make ever increasing demands for knowledge of life phenomena, and some com- prehension of biological principles is fast becoming a part of the common intelligence. vi GENERAL BIOLOGY We are organisms; and out of that fact grow the funda- mental relations that general biology bears to a whole wide range of special sciences, the threshold of which may, I hope, be reached by those who follow the course here outlined. After Chapter I, which is introductory, the studies of chap- ter II should lead up to physiology, algology, mycology, bacteriology, protozoology, etc., those of chapter III, to morphology, comparative anatomy, embryology, paleonto- logy and special botany and zoology; those of chapter IV, to cytology and eugenics; those of chapter V, to ecology, and limnology; those of chapter VI, to pathology, experi- mental biology, etc.; those of chapter VII, to neurology, psychology, sociology and ethnology. And in the broader sense of these terms ; many more special sciences are included. In the preparation of this course I have had in mind the needs of the great majority of college students, who may hardly spend more than a year in this subject. Certainly no other subject touches their lives at so many important points. What will best serve their needs ? has been the ques- tion constantly before me; not, What has been taught hitherto? Ecological and evolutionary phenomena are just as available for practical studies as are morphological types, and I have introduced them freely, although not without pangs of regret for the good things of former courses that had to be omitted to make room. I have reduced to a minimum the directions for the laboratory study of morphological types, for excellent outlines are everywhere available for work of this sort; and I have given a larger place to outlines for field work and experimental studies. I have arranged the subject-matter to suit the seasons of the college year. I have included more than a year's work in order that selections might be- made. For pedagogic reasons, I have introduced at the first phenomena of some familiarity, postponing more technical matters. Mere PREFACE vii technique has no part in this course. Facts are neither better nor worse for educational purposes because of technical difficulties that may or may not stand in the way of their acquisition ; and therefore, other things being equal I have given preference to such observations as are most likely to be continued after the work of the college course is ended. The purpose of the introduction given for each subject is to orient the student for the work assigned — not to replace the lecture or the recitation. I have tried to tell what he should know in order to outline what he should do; and I have tried so to shape the conclusion of his work as to invite a little thinking. During the past seven years I have been seeking methods that would facilitate the handling of bodies of facts sufficiently large for satisfactory illustration of general biological principles and phenomena. Many new exercises have been tried by my classes in field and labora- tory; the ones that have proved most serviceable are included in the following pages. Herein are detailed the methods I have found most available. The materials used are of less consequence. I have used whatever lay nearest at hand, only seeking to draw my materials from a wide range of groups, in order to extend the acquaintance of the student with the face of nature. In so far as it has been necessary to touch upon theoretical questions, it has been my purpose, not to advance any biological theories but to bring the student into practical contact with the facts under- lying all the theories. The field of biology is so vast that no one can claim expert knowledge in any considerable portion of it. It is very probable, therefore, that in covering so much ground in even so elementary a manner, I have made some mistakes. I can only hope that they may not be of such nature as to seriously mislead or confuse the student and that I may viii GENERAL BIOLOGY have the. further aid of generous colleagues toward their early elimination. Many of my colleagues and former pupils have helped me with valuable suggestions and I would be glad if there were space to thank them all ; and I cannot refrain from making mention of the special help that has been given me by Pro- fessors J. H. Comstock, W. A. Riley, G. F. Atkinson, B. M. Duggar, B. F. Kingsbury, I. M. Bentley, A. Hunter, R. H. McKee and Drs. A. H. Wright and W. A. Hilton on the part of the proofs that they have seen. Others of my colleagues have generously loaned me valuable portraits, concurring in my belief, that it would be worth while to introduce the faces of at least a few of the great pioneers of biology unobtrusively into the students' intellectual environment. This book exists for the sake of the practical studies con- tained in it. Mere attendance on a lecture course does not amount to much; for in biology, as in other subjects, it is only those who handle the raw materials and build up with them, who can ever really comprehend the superstructure. JAMES G. NEEDHAM. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. THE INTERDEPENDENCE OF ORGANISMS. I. THE RELATIONS BETWEEN FLOWERS AND INSECTS, p. 7. i. The adaptation of flowers to insect visitation, p. 1 1 . 2. The adaptation of insects to flower visitation, p. 17. How to know the orders of flower insects, p. 24. 3. The relative fit- ness of the different visitors to one kind of flower, p. 26. 4. The relative fitness of the different flowers visited by one kind of insect. to profit by its visitation, p. 28. 5. Precise adaptation between flowers and insects, leading to mutual dependence, p. 29. 6. Specialization miscarried, p. 32. II. GALLS, p. 35. Animal galls, p. 38. The animals that produce galls, p. 42. Key to the commoner insects larvae and mites found in galls, p. 45. III. THE RELATIONS BETWEEN ANTS AND APHIDS, p. 47. The chance feeding by ants on the honey dew offered by aphids, p. 48; The habitual guarding of aphid colonies by ants, p. 49. The domestication of aphids by ants, p. 50. PRACTICAL EXERCISES. Study i . Flowers adapted to insect visitation, p. 14. Study 2. Insects adapted to visiting flowers, p. 24. Study j. The relative fitness of the different visitors to one kind of flower, p. 26. Study 4. An examination of all the flrwers visited by some common insect, p. 28. Study 5. A case of precise adaptation, p. 32. Study 6 . A study of common galls, p. 46. Study 7- Observations on ants and aphids, p. 54. CHAPTER II. THE SIMPLER ORGANISMS. I. SOME TYPICAL ALG/E, p. 56. The cell, p. 61. The form of the plant body in common algae, p. 64. II. Some typical protozoans, p. 68. x GENERAL BIOLOGY III. THE LIFE PROCESS IN PLANT AND ANIMAL CELL, p. 82. Mat- ter, p. 82. Energy, p. 83. Protoplasm, p. 88. IV. SOME INTERMEDIATE AND UNDIFFERENTIATED FORMS, p. 91. i. Plants that lack chlorophyl, p. 92. Molds and other fungi, p. 95. Bacteria, p. 97. 2. The slime molds, p. 101. 3. The flagellates, p. 104. IV. REPRODUCTION AMONG THE SIMPLER ORGANISMS, p. 109. Cell division, p. 109. Sexual reproduction, p. 112. PRACTICAL EXERCISES. Study 8. The cell of Spirogyra and the protoplasm of Nitella, p. 60. Study 9. Observations on cell form and growth habit in algae, p. 67. Study 10. The structure and activities of Paramcecium, p. 72. Study ii. The specialized cell bodies of Stentor and Vorticella, p. 76. Study 12. Observations on cultures of yeast and molds, p. 96. Study 13. A few observations on bacteria, p. 100. Study 14. Observations on slime molds, p. 103. Study 15. A comparative examination of common flagellates, p. 107. Study 16. Observations on reproduction among the simpler organisms, p. 115. CHAPTER III. ORGANIC EVOLUTION. I. THE PLANT SERIES, p. 1 18. Bryophytes, p. 118. Alternation of generations, p. 124. Pteridophytes, p. 128. Speramato- phytes, p. 142. II. THE ANIMAL SERIES, p. 156. The hydra, p. 157. The earth worm, p. 163. The salamander, p. 179. Development, p. 193. Types of nurture, p. 214. The life process, p. 217. Common features of development in plants and animals, p. 218. Systematic classification, p. 221. II. GENERAL EVOLUTIONARY PHENOMENA AS ILLUSTRATE!? IN BRIEFER SERIES OF ORGANISMS, p. 222. i. Divergence and convergence of development, p. 2 2 2 . Homologies and analogies p. 223. The veins in the wings of insects, p. 225. The serial homology of the higher crustaceans, p. 230. Phvlogeny, p. 236. Convergence, p. 243. 2. Progressive and regressive development, p. 245. Palaeontology, p. 246. The persistence of the unspecialized, p. 250. Regressive development, p. 251. 3. The correspondence between ontogeny and phytogeny, p. 255, Why eyolutionary series? p. 264. CONTEXTS xi III. THE PROCESSES OF EVOLUTION; ATTEMPTED EXPLANATIONS, p. 266. Natural selection, p. 266. Variation, p. 267. Mutation, p. 273. The struggle for existence, p. 276. Arti- ficial selection, p. 279. Orthogenesis, p. 281. Segregation, p. 283. The interaction of external and internal forces, p. 286. PRACTICAL EXERCISES. Study 17. An examination of bryophyte characters, p. 127. Study 18. Fern development, p. 140. Study i p. The general structure of the fern sporophyte, p. 141. Study 20. A comparison of developmental features of other pterido- phytes, p. 141. Study 21. Spermatophyte structure, p. 154. Study 22. Spermatophyte development, p. 154. Study 23. Observations on the structure of the hydra, p. 162. Study 24. The general structure of the earth worm, p. 178. Study 25. The cellular structure of the earth worm, p. 179. Study 26. The internal organs of an amphibian, p. 206. Study 27. The structures of the body wall in an amphibian, p. 207. Study 28. The cellular structure of an amphibian, pp. 208. Study 29. The early development of an amphibian, p. 209. Study jo. Determination of homologies in three series of closely allied insects, p. 229. Study 37. Observations on plasticity of form and persistence of type in Malacostraca, p. 233. Study 32. An attempt at interpreting a possible phylogeny, p. 238. Study 33. A comparison of convergent species, p. 243. Study 34. The ontogeny of organs in the frog or salamander, p. 261. Study 35. Fluctuating numerical variations, p. 272. Study 36. The struggle for existence among seedlings, p. 278. CHAPTER IV. INHERITANCE. I. THE VISIBLE MECHANISM OF HEREDITY, p. 289. The history of the germ cells, p. 296. Fertilization and maturation, p. 299. Parthenogenesis, p. 204. II. THE OBSERVABLE RESULTS OF INHERITANCE. Types of in- heritance, p. 308. Alternative inheritance, p. 310. III. NATURE AND NURTURE, p. 318. Inheritance of acquired characters, p. 318. The meaning of nurture, p. 321. xii GENERAL BIOLOGY PRACTICAL EXERCISES. Study 37. Observations on cell divisions and on maturation of sex cells, P- 3°5- Study 38. Observations on parthenogenesis, p. 306. Study 39. Observations on the relation between fecundity and nurture, P- 325- CHAPTER V. THE LIFE CYCLE. I. ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS, p. 330. II. SPECIAL METHODS OF ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION, p. 331. III. CHANGE OF FORM WITH ALTERNATION OF HOST, p. 340. IV. METAMORPHOSIS, p. 342. The transformations of insects, p. 343. Internal metamorphosis, p. 347. V. ARTIFICIAL DIVISION AND COMBINATION OF ORGANISMS, p. 353. Regeneration, p. 353. Grafting, p. 360. PRACTICAL EXERCISES. Study 40. Observations on asexual reproductive methods, p. 337. Study 41. External metamorphosis in insects, p. 346. Study 42. Observations on internal metamorphosis, p. 3^1. Study 43. Experiments with regeneration in planarians, p. 360. Study 44. Grafting practice with plants, p. 363. CHAPTER VI. THE ADJUSTMENT OF ORGANISMS TO ENVIRONMENT. I. ADJUSTMENT IN PLACE AND TIME, p. 369. i. Local distribu- tion of green plants 2. Hibernation and aestivation, p. 376.. 3. Local distribution of animals, p. 378. 4. Pond life, p 385- II. ADJUSTMENT IN MANNER OF LIFE, p. 390. i. Symbiosis, p. 390. 2. Parasitism, p. 396. 3. Pollen distribution, p. 400. III. ADJUSTMENT IN FORM AND APPEARANCE, p. 404. i. The re- adaptation of insects to aquatic life, p. 407 . 2 . Phylogenetic adaptation in diving beetles, p. 415. 3. Animal coloration, p. 422. PRACTICAL EXERCISES. Study 45. Woodland plant society, p. 373. Study 46. Observations on the dessication and resustication of rotifers, P- 378. CONTENTS xiii Study 47 . The local resident terrestrial vertebrate fauna, p. 383. Study 48. A laboratory examination of typical pond animals, p. j86. Study 4p. A field study of pond animals, p. 388. Study 50. The relations of fungus and alga in the lichen, p. 394. Study 57. A comparative examination of a series of adult parasites, of a single order, p. 400. Study 52. Pollen production as affected by its mode of distribution, p. 402. Study 53. The principal types of gills found in aquatic insects, p. 410. Study 54. The comparative development of respiratory apparatus in aquatic inesct larvae, p. 413. Study 55. A comparison of the structure of ground beetle and diving beetle, p. 417. Study 56. A comparative study of the size and activities of diving beetles, p. 418. Study 57. Field observations on diving beetles, p. 420. Study 5#. The adaptive structures of diving beetles, p. 421 . Study 59. Examples from the local fauna of the principal types of animal coloration, p. 432. CHAPTER VII. THE RESPONSIVE LIFE OF ORGANISMS. Introduction, p. 434. I. ANIMAL ACTIVITIES, p. 437. i. Some typical sensory phe-