iTfcA ^ fifl^'YERS/TY OF S p- LIBRAR> 3 9424 00l2rag DEX OF THE AGRICULTURAL REPORTS OF THE PATENT OFFICE, FOR Twenty-five Years, from 1837 to 1861; AND OF THK DEPARTMEiNT OF AGRICULTURE FOR Fifteen Years, from 1862 to 1876. ZS 419 U558 1879 MCM ai5 com:]V' PBGCHSS ING-ChE .XTJRK. Lpl-^20D U.B.C. LIBRARY rio VP.W KMr. XT i>i?imttxo owwiite ^ GENERAL TXDEX OF THE AGRICULTURAL REPORTS OF TILE PATENT OFFICE, FOIt Twenty-five Years, from 1837 to 1861 ; AXD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FOR Fifteen Years, from 1862 to 1876. BY THE COIMMlISSIOISrPi^R OF ^G-RICXJJL.XURE. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFIOB. 1879. .*. CONTEXTS. Pap*. I. Index of Subjfxts 5 II. Index of Scientific Najvies 171 1. Of Birds 171 2. Of Fishes 174 ^. Of Insects 17G 4. Of Mammals , 187 5. Of Plants 189 I— INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Abortion, incows, 18G6,72; 1867,97; 18(]9,38; 1870,493; 1871,34 ; 1872, 35j 1874, 38; 1875,34; report ou, 1868, 493. Academy, lIclioiilK'iui, 1868, 148. Joel Barlow's pro.spectns for a national, 1866, 517. of Ai^aiculture, at P()p]iels(lorf, 1868. 145. Royal WUrteiiilierg Agrieulturul mid Forestry, courses of study in, 1868, 151. Acariis, description and habits of, 1869, 386. itch on man caused by, 1864, 564. of sbeep-scab, the (art. on), ld69, 'ASQ. remedies for, 1869, 387. scab on sbeej) caused by, 1864, 563. Acclimation, and domestication of animals (art. on), 1859, '207. of Indian corn, 1853, 98. plants, remarks ">n, 1863, 512; 1867, 363. rice, 1843, 3. seeds (art. on), 1843, 164. tbo yak, 1869, 439. wbeat, 1871, 401. progress of, in Australia, 1869, 630. Acclimatization, of animals, society for, 1661, 327. plants, 1854, 431. of the alpaca and llama, 1861, 328. supposed impracticability of, 1870, 170, Accounts, system of farm (art. on), 1865, 502. Acetometer, the, and its uses, 1860, 332. Acid, acetic, in Avine, 1860, 344. boracic, preserving action of, 1872, 453. carbolic, and rimlcriJCst, 1^7(), 611. for killing parasites, 1870,488. carbonic, in fcriiu'iitatioii, 1S!0, 343. proportion of, in pure air, 1855, 132. nitric, production of, by lightning, 1857,479. phosphoric, an. as a fertilizer, 1S()1,.">76; 1875,506. plant-fooil, 1871,91. cash value of, 1868, 72. (losiiit;, l.s;(),78. quaulity of, in lf»0 buslu-ls of wheat, 1871,93. rftciiliou of. in rfay soils, 1^72,458. source of, l'-'71,9l. silicic, as a uianurc, IHJI, .579. sulphuric, as a Icrtili/cr, IH>1..')79. cash value of, iSiir^, 72. tannic, ileterminat ion and i»ercentago of, in some woods*, lifl'.l, 181. Acorns, species of, eaten by the Indians, l!^70,409. Addas, history and uses of. l-.'il».2l. Agave, .•ilc(dM»l fifun. 1H.56, 254. as ;i fiber-plant, l-^r.3, KK iutrodiiet ion of, into I'loiid.i, 185,5,242. Sisiil h.iiip from, 1855,243; lf<5(>,a52. 6 6 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Agricultural, and luechanical colleges, 1876, 326. appropriations, statistics of, 1876, 358. comparative extent of, 1876, 89. books, review of recent (art. on), 1808, 555. Bureau (art.), 1851,6.53. cabinet, establisbment of, 1864, 13. capabilities of the Great Plains (art.), 18.57,294. Territories (art.), 1869,601. chemistry, true relations of, 1848, 213. circular and replies, 1851, 129 ; 1852, 58. climatology of the United States (art.), 1853, 328. education (arts.), 1850, 145 ; 1851, 19, 31; 1868, 1. in Europe (art.), 1868, 127. exhaustion, Southern (art.), 1852,373. exhibition at Hamburg (art.), 1863, 19. exports of the United States, 1865, 80 ; 1866, 94 ; 1867, 127 ; 1868, 52 ; 1869, 54 ; 1870, 62; 1872,54; 1873,84; 1874,71; 1875,99; 1876,162. facts of the year (art. ), 1869, 428. fairs, establishment of, 1866, 516. .implements and machines (art.), 1870, 392. direction of improvement in, 1869, 318. exports of, 1872, 80. manufacture of, in Wisconsin, 1869, 538. imijrovement (art.), 1845, 376. institur'ons of Germany, 1868, 137. inventions, patents for ,'1859, 572; 1860,477; 1861,637. journals, list of, in the United States, 184.5, 1165. labor, relative profit of, 1862, 556. literature, American (art.), 1852, 16. machinery (art.), 1863, 416. machines and implements (art.), 1870, 392. meteorology (arts.), 1849, 38; 1869,97; 1870,113. ornithology (art.), 1863, 287. patents of the year (arts.), 1869, 315; 1871, 211. periodicals, horticultural and, 1867, 404; 1868,608; 1870,544. production in the several European states, 1876, 255, 270. products imported into the United Kingdom, 1848, 736. of the United States, synopsis of, 1857, 30. resources of Alaska, 1 858, 172-189. California, 1806, 581-610. returns, British, 1872, 445. schools of Prussia, 1859, 457-460. science, recent progress of, 1860, 79-140. societies and clubs, 1867, 3{»4-403. condensed leports on, 1858, 92. first establishment of, in the United States, 1857, 21 ; 1866, 513. historical sketch of (arts, on), 1859,22; 1875,438. topography and resources of Montana Territory, 1871, 431-448. Agriculture, Advisory Board of, 18.-8, lY. American, as an art, 1852, 3. general view of, 1849, 22-37. and agricultural education (arts, on), 1851, 1 ; 1852, 1. botany of the Rocky Mountain basins, 1866,^.25-131. irrigation in Utah, 1869, 431. rural economy, American works on, 1868, 597. the horse, 1873, 313. application of chemistry to, 1876,400. basis of improvement in, 1807, 2. change in European methods of, 1870, 448. Chinese, -ind its principal products, 1860, 467-476. labor in, 1870,572-576. comparison of English and French, 1860, 161-165. condition of, at the outbreak of the Revolution, 1872,281. in the cotton States, 1874, 215-238. connection of the seasons with, 1864, 329-356. of, with meteorology (art. on), 1857, 419. current facts in, 1868, 435; 1869," 428; 1870, 438; 1871, 228: 1872, 433; 1873, 272; 1874, 265; 1875, r.02. d INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 7 Agriculture, defective system of Soutl»em, 1860, 226. definition of, 1869, 98. demands of, on science, 1860, 79. encouragement of, in Prussia, 1857, 7. Russia, 1857, 2. the United States, 1857, 13. forces used in, 1860, 83. French, 1845, 10o8. history of Connecticut State Board of, 1875, 438. Indiana State Board of, 1875, 443. Kansas State Board of, 1875, 445. Massachusetts State Botird of, 1875, 448. New Harai)shi -e Stat(; Board of, 1875, 455. Vermont State Board of, 1875, 4. systematic, 1^6;^, 2. tile elements of. IHiH, :).')5. future of, in Northern Michigan, l.'^76, 403. twelve lectur«'son, li^7l. J'JI. Agriculturists, field ot" study and (luf\ (»!". iH'tT, 317. meeting of tin* (Jeiuiau. at nr«'sluu, 1847, 239. 8 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Ailanthus, adaptation of, to diy soils, 1870, 22. forest-culture in the West, 1872, 163. as an ornamental tree, 1868, 201. tenacity and density of, 1865, 93. Ailantus, for live fence, 1854, 404. remedy for tlie odor of, 1870, 614. Air, agency of, in the growth of crops, 1861, 279. density of, at increasing altitudes, 1856, 466. effect of impure, on the system, 1855, 131. surface currents of, 1858, 472. Alabama, Agricultural and Mechanical College of. (See College.) alfalfa in, 1873, 236. cotton per acre in, 1854, 184. crops in, remarks on, 1848, 503; 1849, 148; 1850, 154, 284, .301, 459; 1851, 329, 333; 1852, 69. crops in, tabular estimate of. (See Crops.) fences in, 1871, 503. forests and timber in, 1875, 277. fruit-growing, 1871, 155. Guinea grass in, 1873, 239. horse and mule raising in, 1854, 22. lands in, public, 1868, 4f>5. relative value of, 1867, 105, 114. live-stock in, number and value of, 1866, 67; 1867, 92; 1868, 45; 1869, 47; 1870, 47; 1871, 36; 1872,43; 1873, 40; 1874,40; 1875, 35; 1876, 112. loss of hogs in, 1876, 111. mineral fertilizers in, 1869, 550. tripoli in, 1851, 652. weights and measures of, 1871, 222. Alaska, agricultural resources of, rejjort on, 1868, 172. food-hshes of, 1870, 375-392. iahabitants of, 1868, 175, 182, 184. isothermal lines of (map), 1869, 638. natural productions of, 1868, 175, 184. soil of, 1868, 172, 183. useful indigenous plants of, 1868, 187. Alaternus, for ornamental hedges, 1854, 396. Albumen, analysis of, 1835, 411. Alcohol, from beet-root, 1869, 339. sorghum, 1862, 522. mode of purifyiug, 1859, 370. properties of, 1860, 342. ' Alder, European, for hedges, 1854, 405, with lacinated foliage, 1868, 202. Aleurodes, various kinds of, lb76, 45. Alfalfa, (art. on), 1875, 394. for forage, 1869, 90 ; 1872, 420. in California, 1871, 235 ; 1873, 280 ; 1874, 276. ~ on sage-brush land, 1872, 450. test experiments with, 1872, 419, 420 ; 1873, 236. Algaroba, fruit of, for horses and mules, 1859, 563. Alkali, lands, 1871, 270. of the Western plains, analysis of, 1870, 96. soils, analysis of, 1870, 100. Alligator- apple, for food, 1867, 144. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. d AUspiec, • oil, 1870, 179. source and uses of, 1870, 200. Almoud, cultivation of, in Florida, 18G7, 146. Georgia, 1858, 380. Sicily, 1859, 115. » interrogatories on, 1858, 42. origin and uses of, 1855, XVII. enrtl), cultivation of, in the Middle and .Southern States, 1854,. 349; 1655, XIII. earth, cultivation of, in Spain, l'-54, XVII. Aloe, Americau, as food of the Indians, 1870, 405. difterent kinds of, 1870, 185, 189. uses of, in Sicily, 1859, 119. Alpaca, acclimatization of the, and the llama, 1861, ,328. and llama, the, 18.57, 66-71. flesh of, for food, 1857, 67 ; 1862, 23. hvbridization of, -vrith the guanaco. 1865, 96. llama, 1845, 344 : 1857, 69 ; 186.5, 96. vicuna, 1857, 69 ; 1865, 96. intiodiiction of the, 1875, 437. naturalization f)f the, in the British Isles, 1844, 400-402. Ireland and Scotland, 1844, 404 ; 1845, 344. the, or sheep of the Andes, 1844, 402, 405. height of clip of, 1844, 403. wool of, imported into Great Britain, 1844, 405. Liverpool, 1845, 1022. Alsike, clovt r, (\\c(llencies of, 1876, 413. Althaea, frutex, for hedge, 1854, 405. Alumina, as a fertilizer, 1860, 49. Aluminum, description of, 1860, 49. Ammonia, crops im]>rov«Ml by, 1872, 398. loss of, from manure, 1872, 436. manufactur(! of, from gas-water, 1862, 432. proportion of, in the atmosi»here, 1849, 38. (quantity of, derived from the atmosjdicre, 1871, 90. in twentv-five bushels of wheat, 1871, 89. salts of, 1845, 1040. Ammoniacum, source and uses of, 1870, 183. Ami»liis<('pa, bivittata, 1876, 28. Analvsis, in th.' laboratorv of the Department, 18()2, 509; 1864, 5:« ; 1865,46; 1 86«), 45 ; 1867, :U : 1^'68,"59; 1869, (^5 ; 1870, 92; 1871, 94; 1872, 1:^8; 1873.170; 1874. 149; 1^7.5, 142. miutral and metallurgic, 1866, .50. miscclhnu'ous, 1872, 140. of alk;iii of the Western i.lains. 1.-70, W, 100. American tanning materials, 1876,52. wines, 1S7(), 5:?. annotto, 1^7(5, 47. artichoke, l,s»,5, 415; 1870, 299. ashes (.fthe, 1858, 300-30C. bagasse, 1K')6, ;{08. barley, 1^55, 3.57, 401, 421'.; 1-73, :;03. bat-guano, \'^'H\ 51. beans. 1-49, 4<7 ; \>M\:>, 401, 428. c.istor. 1>74, 1.52. IJorden's < ontleiised milli. l.-7ii. 49. brines, 18<;9, 574. broom-corn, 1849, 473. buckwheat, 1849, 474. 10 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Analysis, of cabbage, 1870, 299. caue -juice, 1855, 274. sorghum, 1857, 189, 193 ; 1862, 523 ; 1866, 48. carrot, 1865, 415 ; 1870, 299. cereals, 1873, 177. cbufa, 18^, 165. ciiichoua, 1836, 460. clover, 1849, 486; 1861, 271; 1870, 299; 1874, 150. coal, 1870, 95. copper ore, 1865, 51, 52. pyrites, 1865, 51. cojirolites, 1856, 238. coral-saud, 1856, 237. corn, Indian, 1849, 470; 1857, 160; 1861, 271, 287; 1865, 401; 1873, 179. corn-cobs, 1855, 163-167. cotton, 1857, 297, 301. cotton- seed, 1849, 317; 1855, 237; 1857, 298, 302, 303; 1874, 220. cotton-soils, 18.57, 296-304. Cottonwood, 1849, 317. cundurango, 1871, 98. excrements, solid and liquid, 1872, 149. factory cliecse from different States, 1876, 47. fertilizers, 1849, 10; 1869, 428; 1871, 228; 1873, 170. flaxseed, 1849, 488. flesh of ruminating animals, 1865, 409. _ fodder, green, 1870, 299 ; 1874, 149. food, 1861, 360; 1865, 419; 1870, 107. fruit-trees, 1849, 475. gas-lime, 1856, 223. grape juice, from native grapes, 1859, 44, 55; 1862, 509; 1864, 127; 1866, 46. grasses, 1865, 401, 4'20; 1877, 299. guano, 1864, 538 ; 1865, 380 ; 1869, 74. gypsum, 1868, 378; 1869, 569; 1870, 95. hominy offal, 1873, 180. hop, 1850, 545 ; 1857, 282 ; 1864, 103. iron ore, 1865, 50. lentils, 1865, 428. limestone, 1856, 240; 1868, 371, 372, 374, 376, 877, 381, 383, 384, 387; 1869, 552, 555, 560, 562, 566, 568, 575, 578, 580, 582; 1875, 142. linseed-cake, 1865, 429. lucern, 1870, 299. magnesia, carbonate of, 1856, 239. maize, 1865, 357 ; 1870, 299. mangel-wurzel, 1865, 416. manures, commercial, 1871, 94. stable, 1874, 266. marls, 1849, 10; 1865, 288; 1868, 61, 371, 373, 374, 376, 378, 381, 384, 388; 1869, 72, 555, 564, 567, 574; 1870, 98; 1876, 55. meat extract, 1870, 105. Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, 1876, 53, 54. milk, 1864, 165 ; 1865, 412 ; 1870, 617. muck, 1870, 98; 1872, 141. oats, 1861, 271; 1865, 357, 401, 427; 1870, 299. oil-rock, 1865, 53. oleomargarine cheese, 1876, 48. onion, 1869, 216. opium, 1870, 208 ; 1873, 174. our forest resources. Brewer's (art. on), 1875, 352. parsnip, 1865, 415 ; 1870, 299. peas, 1849, 487 ; 1865, 401, 428 ; 1870, 299. cow, 1874, 149. phosphates. South Carolina, 1868, 74, 400. poison soil of Texas, 1872, 142. potato, 1857, 165 ; 1865, 413 ; 1870, 299, 616. sweet, 1869, 75. prairie soil, 1849, 488. pumpkins, 1870, 299. rhubarb, 1865, 50. rice, 1865, 357. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 11 Analysis, of roots, 1870, 299. ruta-baga, 18C5, 417. rye, 1801, 271; 18G5, 357, 401, 426; 1870, 299. sand-rock, 18G5, 49. sea-weed, 18CG, 425. silver ore, 1865, 49. sirup, sor<;hum, 1862, 526. soils, 1849, 10; 1860, 106; 1865, 46-50; 1867, 192; 1869, 71; 1871, 100; 1873, 175, 302. practical value ofthe (art. on), 1852, 49. Vineland, 1869, 411. sprinj^s, 1870, 95. straw, 1865, 400. Suaida Californica, 1876, .54. sugar, sorghum, 1862, 528 ; 1865, 48, beet, 1865, 46 ; 1870, 99, 299 ; 187.3, 308. sumac, 1869, 65,230; 1871, 99; 1872, 141. Syracuse aud Liver[)ool salt, 1876, 47. timothy hay, 1861, 287. tobacco soils, 18.58, 290-295. tuckahoe, 1871, 99. tufa, 1868, 378; 1869, 560. turnip, 1865, 416, 418 ; 1870, 299. varieties of butter, 1876, 48. well-water, 1869, 74. t wheat, 1861, 271; 1862, 75,95; 1864, 103; 1865, 357. Avhite niter-earth, 1869, 559. wines, 1864, 534; 1865, 50; 1866, 46; 1869, 66; 1873, 173. yam, the Chinese, 1857, 165. Andersonia, as a housc-plaut, 1863, 372. Andes, vegetation of, 1870, 172. Animal, waruith, utilization of, in Italy, 1876, 284. Animals, (arts, on), 18.56, 1 : 1857, 51. acclimation and domestication of, 1859, 207-217. classilicatiou of, 1863, 265. cold-blooded, not killed by freezing, 1857, 504. cutting and cooking food for, 1865, 396-407. dead, what to do with, 1869, 426. docilitv of, 1859, 448. domestic (arts, on), 1849, 294 ; 1853, 1 ; 1854, 1; 1855, 1. administration of medicines to, 1859, 199-207. directions for curing diseases in, 1871, 386. in Europe, 18(56, (55. nutrition and dim-stion of, 18.56, 1-8. winter food lor,'l'-45, 1009-1012. etherization of, 18.53, 59-()l. fattening, 1844, 38i>-389. inlliu'uce of heat in, 1844, 392-:i94. farm, aggregate value of, from 1^(56 to 1874, 1875, 49. condition of (arts, on), 1S71, 31; 1H72, 26 ; 1S73, 30 ; 1874,36; 1875,33. diseases of, 1.^72, 31; 1*^73, 33; 1874, 37; 1^7.5, 33. distiibnlion of. in proportion to jjopiilation, 1871, 51. im]>rovenient of, 1870, 287; 1S71, 390. niniiber ;ind prices of, 1869, 46. nnmbci" and juiees of, in the several States, 1875, 50. priees of, l."^72. :{>^ ; 1"^7:<, 3.5. habits in, lSi5(5, 35(5. hereditary power of, \^7'.^, 121. liints on ov«reoniin^ I)a^58, 428. general cultivation, 1848, 378; 18.54, 229; 1856, 401; 185G, 422. iioriheru localilies, 18.56, 407: 1858, 428. particular localities, 1856, 406; 1858, 427. the Southern States, 1873, 209. (art. on), 1869, 184. interrogatories, 1858, 38. large size of, in Nebraska, l'*71, 377. now varieties of, 1854, 231 : 1856, 404; 1858, 425; 1875, 374. of New England origin, 1853, 260 ; 1861, 255. pickin- an«l barreling, 18.52, 320: 1854, 289: 1^62,481; 1870, 492. popular varieties of, described, 1862, 164; 1863, 120; 1864, 141; 1865, 186; 1866, 131: 18:i7, 129: 1869, 184; 1875,368. preservation of, 18o2, 481. in store, 1873, 279. quantity and value of, exported, 1853, 261. report on. in Arkansas, 18,55, 290. Connecticut, 1854, 235; 1855, 290; 1858, 389. Delaware, 185(), 370, 374. Ceoigia, 1854, -^77, 283; 18.58, 377, 392. Illinois, 1855. 291 ; 1856, 397; 1858, 395. Indiana, 18.5:^, 262; 18,56, 387, 390, 392. Iowa, 1^.5(5, 399; 18<*)8, 521. Kenlucky. 18.51), 2(52. Louisiana, 18.53, 263. Maine, 18.52, 34; 1853, 263; 1854, 237, 283, 284; 185.5, 292; 1856, 329; 18C)8, 473. Maryland, 1854. 242. MasK;Mhusetts, 1K53, 269; 18,56, 332; 18.58, 397; 1871, 360. Mi.higan, 18.53,270; 1854,284; 1855,292; 1856,377; 1858,398; 1868, 499; IK72, 481. ^Minnesota. Hi 3, 435. Mississijini. 18.54, 2,52; 1855, 293. Missmni, 1^53,270; 1854,256; 1855,293; 1871,^72. Nebraska. 1871. 377. New Hampshire, 1S;V2, '^3; 18,53, 270; 18.54, 2,V"^. 284. New .brsrv, 1K54, 285; 18,')6, 34S, :5.5:;; IKV, 401. New York", 18.52,44; 1853,270,277; 18,54,286; 1855,293; 1858,413; 1S68, 492. Ohio, 1^53. 273; 18,54, 261 ; 18,'>8, 41(>; 1872, 504. Ore-.>n. 1853, 274; 18. J, '^:0\ 1855, 2i)4. rennsvivania, 1853, 274; 1^54, 267; 18V., 295; 1856,354,359; 1658, 418,' TenncHst^e, 1854. 291, the District of Colunibia, 1858, 38<). Soutli. 1K5S, :{T7. Vermont, K>2, :18 ; 18.'>-I, 280; 1873. 470. Virginia, is.v.l. v>75; ls.54. 21H ; 185.5, 2l>5; 1858, 421. AVi.sconsin, 1K53, 276 ; 18,54. 2l»l ; 18."k5, 295. 14 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. shipmeut of, from Illinois, 1872 440 New York, 1854, 289 ; 1869, 445 ; 187d, 27y. to Europe, 1869, 507. -, ,o^^ o^^ varieties of, recently introduced, 1875, .^74. without a core, 1852, 232. Apple-sauce, or butter, preservation ot, 18b^, 4»^. Apple speck, or rot, 1873, 207. Apple-tree, analysis of tlie sweet, 1849, 4/5. an astonishing, 1849, 38; 1869, 417. flowering of the, in Massachusetts, 1855, 3y4. large yield of an, 1871, 149, 153. ,^,^ ^.^ origin and history of the, 1853, 259 1 1859, 344. stocks for dwarfing the, 1856, 327 ; 1865, 201. Apple-trees, ashes as a manure for, 1854, 117. budding, 1850, 430; 1853, 266. first, planted in this country, 1872, ^81. grafting, 1850, 383; 1853, 266. grafting near the ground, l&oO, 328. killed by gas-tar, 1849, 103. mulching, 1849, 103; 1853, 276. neglected, 18G9, 417. Northern, failure of, in the South, 1850, 448. old, 1850, 478; 1853, 260; 1874,_271. placing stones arouud, 1854, 285. planting, 1849, 274. experiments in, 1868, 4/3. protecting from frost, 1853, 274. ^ * mice, &c., 1853, 277. pruning, 1853, 266; 1854, 283; 1870, 522; 1876, 393. scraping, 1870, 522. selection of, 1873, 405. shading, in Louisiana, 1853, 263. to make bear every year, 1845, 310 ; 18o3, 271. fruitful on sandy soils, 1870, 521. wash for, 1849, 272. winter-killing, cause of, 1852, 30, 299. "^^^for a|r3ural statistics, &c., from 1839 to 1858, 1857, 25 fiscal year endmg June 30, 1876, 1870, 15. Apricot, insect injuring, 1868, 105. origin and distribution of, 1859, 340. propagation of, 1856, 327; 1865, 204. stocks for, 1856, 327. varieties of, 1850, 98 ; 1864, 151 ; 1865, 186. Apricots, cultivation of, 1850, 98; 1861, 543. in the Middle States, 1865, 204. South, 1858, 382; 1867, 146. for general cultivation, 1856, 403 ; 1858, 423. interrogatories on, 1858, 45. peaches and nectarines, 1853, 282-287. protection of, from frost, 1855, 300. reports on, in Delaware, 1856, 369, 371. Georgia, 1858, 382. Michigan, 1856, 384. Mississippi, 1854, 248. Missouri, 1854, 258. New York, 1852, 42 ; 1853, 287 ; 1854, 302. New Jersey, 1854, 302 ; 1856, 350 ; 1858, 408. Ohio, 1854, 264. Pennsylvania, 1855, 300. Aquaria, fresh and salt water, 1864, 446-470. I INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 15 Aqnarium, auimals for, 1864, 456, 465. form of, 1864, 450. golden carp leaping from, 1864, 452. plants for, 1864, 453, 465. the fresh- water, 1864, 446. salt-water, 1864, 462. Arboretum, and dei)artmeut grounds, 1868, 11. design of, 1867, 26; 1868, 12, ID'S; 1869, 91. list and elassitication of plants of, 1868, 122. plan of, 1870, 16. Arbor-vita?, cambium of, for Indian food, 1870, 412. description of the American, 1859, 14. for evergreen hedge, 1854, 396 ; 1855, 316 ; 1868, 196 ; 1871, 349. new, from China, 1859, 14 ; 1860, 32. pruning, 1855, 317. • Archasia, . gakata, or Smilia auriculata, 1876, 30. Architect, of the Department building, report of, 1868, 15. Architecture, and civil engineering (arts, on), 1843, 287 ; 1844, 489 ; 1845, 67 ; 1846, 93 ; 1847, 72; 1848, 45. of different nations, 1859, 402. Arctia, the cotton, 1855, 84. Argentine, Republic, commerce and productions of, 1876, 272-274. Arizona, agricultural capabilities of, 1869, 623. area of, susceptible of irrigation, 1869, 625. climate of, 1869, 626. fences of, 1871, 506. public lands in, 1868, 460. statistics of forestry in, 1875, 333. Arkansas, agricultural products of, 1851, 495. as a wine-producing State, 1867, 156. corn- culture in, 1855, 169. cotton-culture in, 1849, 170 ; 1854, 184. crops of, tabular estimate of, (See Crops.) remarks on, 18^0, 'MG. Industrial Universitv, lb71, 306. 332. 334; 1872, 350, 394, 396; 1873, .322, 360, 362, 1874, 313, 350 ; 1875, 470, 500 ; 1876, 327. lands in, i)ublic, 18()8, 465. relative value of, 1867, KM), 115. live stock in, number and value of, 1866, 67 ; 1867. 92 ; 1868, 45 ; 1869, 47 ; 1870, 47 ; 1871, 36; 1872, 43; 1873, 40; 1874, 40; 1875, 35; 1876, 112. loss of hogs in, 1876, 111. mineral fertilizers in, 18i)9, 558. sheep and wool iu, 1854, 51. statistics of forrstry iu, 1875, 288. stock raising in, 1854, 11, 23. weights and uirasures of, l."^71, 223. AlT<»wheaS, 331. production and manufucturc of, iu the South, 1858, 324-332. Arseuic, absoi-]»tion of, by jtlants, 1860, 137. Arts, an^, 254. Bear-brrry, for Indian food, 1>T(>, 413. Bears. tlepredations of, 1803, 268. Bee, a Bee-pasturage, necessity for, 1868, 280; 1871, 401. Bees, (arts, on), 1845, 394 ; 1853, 74. artificial swarming, 1845, 394; 1860, 289; 1865, 463; 1871, 388. attacked by foul brood, 1868, 277. ^ ? > ; cause of loss of, in Iowa, 1872, 479. classes of, 1857, 108 ; 1860, 272 ; 1863, 531, 535. correspondence on, 1853, 75 ; 1854, 90 ; 1855, 121. different species of, 1866, 32. diseases of, 1860, 284 ; 1868, 278. enemies of, 1860, 282. exportation of, to California, 1861, 325. feeding, 1860, 297; 1865, 463; 1867, 211; 1871, 389. history of, 1853, 74. ' ' impregnation of, 1860, 270 ; 1863, 541. improvement in the treatment of, 1860, 89. insects injuring, 1868, 106. in Sicily, 1859, 123. interrogataries on, 1858. Italian, 1859, 543 ; 1861, 324. Italianizing, 1863, 538. mathematical problem solved by, 1857, 110 plant destructive to, 1872, 451. ^ plants fertilized by, 1870, 541. profits of, 1845, 350 remedies for robber, 1845, 395; 1860, 283. secretion of wax by, 1866, 33. stupefying by chloroform, 1860, 89. subduing, 1865, 474. INDEX TO AGRICULTUEAL REPORTS. 21 Bees, transfer of, 1860, 299. Virgil's and Pliny's receipt for making, 1863, 565. ■wax and honey (art. on), lo55, 120. wintering, 1665, 4G2 ; 1868, 275; 1871, 401. Beech, American red, 18.54, 406. European, 1854, 405 ; 1868, 201, 202. insects injuring, 1868, 105. red and white, 1866, 481. Beef, and beef cattle of the West, (art. on), 1862, 326. pork, salting, 1845, 1158. cattle, full feeding and early maturity of, 1876, 306. the i)rotit of early maturity in, 1876, 309. cutting up, with illustration, 1844, 418, experiments in feeding for, 1874, 248. exports of, 1853, 4 ; 1858, 221 ; 1872, 62 ; 1875, 423. exports of fresh, 1876, 312-320. extracts, nutritive value of, 1870, 106. fresh, preparation for marker, 1865, 491. shipments of, to Europe, 1876, 320. jerked, 1862, 482 ; 1865, 493. markets for, 1870, 211, 225, 242, 2.50. l)reparing for the English market, 1844, 430. preservation of, 1862. 482. l)roduction in New York, the true system, 1876, 306. short horns for, 1875, 419. the age of cattle for, 1876, 371. cost of, at two years old, 1876, 310. Beer, adulterations of, 1865, 367. analysis of, 1865, 365. from malt, 1865, 365. Beet, and cane for sugar, 1866, 49 ; 1872, 158. leaves for fodder, 1870, 611 ; 1872, 451. native locality of the, 1859, 327. sugar, production of, 1876, 153, 157. when grown in New Mexico, 1852, 351. Beets, experiments with, 1871, 139; 1874, 147. for the early market, 1865, 244. in poor soil, best fertilizers for, 1876, 56. large, 1851, 4; 1869, 605, 622. mineral nutrition for, 1876, 5.5. sugar, analysis of, 1865, 46, 417; 1866, 50; 1807, 42, 53; 1870, 99; 1873, 308, 437; 1875, 512. cultivation of, 1863, 99; 1867,34; 1868,169; 1869,334, 336,349; 1870,210; 1873, 437. drying, 1867, 10. effects of soil and manure on, 1875, 512. manures for, 1869, 336 ; 1*^72, 4,57 ; 1^73, 307. l)erecntage of sugar in, 1S67, :i5; 1868, 168; 1869, 348; 1870, 99. removing leaves iVoin, l-'OO, 3;?7. seed, select ion of, l;-'()9, 351. soil for, 1869, 337, 3.50; 1^71, 3.58; 1872, 157. vari4'ti»'s of, l."^()7, 39; f^r.9, 315. yield of. per acre, 18,50, UK); 1807, 10; 1869, 34G, 349. varieties of, 18,54, xix, 3:}-<. Beetle, Anierienu er^rriou, habits of, I'^iil, .595. api)le-biirk, habits anr, 1S)0. 320. asparagus, ree»>nt introduction of, 1872, 448. reuiedies for, 1^^()3, 57S. bacon, habits and reuietlies for, 1S')3, .569. big-»>yed su:ii>piug. habits of, isco, :vjl ; 1861,008; 1808,93, black wood-boriug, l**!")!, .599. blistcriug, injuring p«»tatoes, 1S()9, 541. bombadier, habits of, 1808, 79. 22 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Beetle burying, lial3its of, 1861, 594 ; 1868, 81. cadelle, habits of, 1868, 83 ; 1870, 66. cetonia, habits and remedies for, 1863, 568. cucumber, habits and remedies for, 1855, 90; 1863, 577; 1870, 74; 1871, 77. death-watch, habits of, 1868, 99. dung-rolling, habits of, 1861, 600; 1868, 86. elm-tree, habits and remedies for, 1863, 578; 1867, 62; 1870, 73. tig-eating, habits of, 1868, 90. Goldsmith's, description and habits of, 1861, 601 ; 1868, 89. grape-vine, habits and remedies for, 1861, 602; 1863, 578; 1870, 74. leaf, injuring the cotton-plant, 1854, 60; 1855, 90. remedy for, 1854, 60. May, European, 1865, 89. habits and remedies for, 1861, 601; 1863, 567, 569; 1868, 87; 1870, 524. narrow-necked oil, habits of, 1868, 102. pear, habits and remedy for, 1860, 314. pine, habits of, 1861, 620; 1868, 87. potato or spearman, habits of, 1863, 578; 1864, 541; 1867, 63; 1871, 74; 1874, 122. remediesfor, 1863, 579; 1867,64; 1869,536; 1871,69,75; 1872, 120; 1873, 154; 1874,123. travels of, 1870, 75; 1872, 120; 1873, 153; 1874, 122. the true and false, 1870, 75; 1874, 122. three-lined, habits and remedy for, 1863, 576. rose, habits and remedies for, 1863, 567; 1868, 87. sacred, of the Egyptians, 1868, 86. ship-timber, habits and remedies for, 1868, 98. skin, habits and remedies for, 1861, 595; 1863, 569; 1869, 84, 85. snout, habits and remedies for, 1861, 604. spotted squash, habits and remedies for, 1863, 579. tickling, description and habits of, 1861, 613. tiger, Carolina, habits of, 1854, 87 ; 1855, 109. destroying the larvae of potato-beetle, 1870, 65. water, Mexican, for food, 1866, 38. Beetles, description of families of, 1861, 588; 1863, 274; 1868, 78, 307. directions and apparatus for collecting, 1868, 306. food and habits of, 1868, 78-117. observations on recent, 1870, 65. ^ bark, habits and remedies for, 1863, 574. burying, habits of, 1868, 81, 307. Capricorn, habits of, 1861, 609. remedies for, 1861, 619. carrion, habits of, 1861, 594; 1863, 569; 1868, 81. cerambycan, description and habits of, 1861, 613. * click, habits of, 1861, 606. flea, habits of, 1868, 308. ground, description and habits of, 1861, 591; 1863, 565; 1868, 79, 307. lamellicorne, habits of, 1861, 597; 1863, 566; 1868, 307. leaf, habits and remedies for, 1863, 576. lepturian, habits of, 1861, 619. longicorn, habits of, 1861, 609; 1863, 575; 1865, 89; 1868, 308. remedies for, 1863, 575. mimic, habits of, 1868, 83. prionian, habits of, 1861, 610. remedies for, 1861, 612. rove, habits of, 1861, 596; 1863, 569; 1865, 88; 1868, 82, 307; 1870, 66. snout, habits of, 1861, 603 ; 1863, 570 ; 1868, 308. spring, habits of, 1861, 606, 608 ; 1868, 93, 307. stag, habits of, 1868, 85. tiger, habits of, 1854, 62; 1861, 589; 1863,565; 1865,91; 1866, 39 r 1868, 78, 307: 1870, 65. '?'????;?)> water, habits of, 1861, 593 ; 1863, 569 ; 1866, 39 ; 1868, 80. whirligig, habits of, 1868, 80, 307. Belgium, statistics of population, productions, and farm animals, 1876, 255-267^, 269. Belt, of no frost, or thermal belt, 1861, 146 ; 1868, 120. the southern forest, 1875, 262. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 23 Belts, or marginal plantations, 1869, 170. shelter, best trees for, 1869, 199 ; 1870, 505. to protect orchards, 1«70, 523. Bene-plant, corresj)on(ience on, 1854, 225 ; 1855, 287. cultivation of, 1854, 226, o39; 185.5, 287. directions for using, l'i45, 970. for the summer complaint, 1845, 970; 1854, 226, 339; 1870, 173. history of, 1845, 317, 970 ; 1854, 339. oil of, 1845, 317, 970, 971 ; 1854, 226, 339 ; 1870, 173. Ben-oil, for watches and perfumery, 1870, 175. Benzine, remedy for insects and rats, 1861, 332. Benzoin, source and uses of, 1870, 181. Berberry, description of, 1860, 32. for hedges, 1854, 407 ; 1857, 240 ; 1868, 197, 202. supposed cause of mildew, 1854, 407. Bergamot-oil, source and uses of, 1870, 181. Berries, cultivation of, in New Jersey, 1874, 271. used for food by the Indians, 1870, 413. Betel-nut, source and uses of, 1870, 197. Bignonia, golden, 1868, 203. Binders, grain, improvements in, 1871, 217. Bins, grain, construction of, 1869, 329. Birch, black and yellow, for ship-timber, 1866, 481. insect frequenting, 1868, 106. species of, in the United States, 1875, 176. "West India, for live fence, 1854, 407. AVhito European, for hedges, 1854, 407. with variegated foliage, 1868, 201. Birch-wax, source of, 1870, 205. Birds, and bird laws, 1864, 431-446. digest of, 1864, 442. beneficial to agriculture, 1863, 276. classification and habits of, 18()3, 277, 289 ; 1864, 387 ; 186,5, 36. climbing, 1863,279, 290; 1864, 396; IS^Vi, 37. l>erching, 1863, 2.*^0, 293; 1864, 399; 1865, 38. rai>aii()us, 1863, 278, 2i)0 ; 1864, 387; 1865, 36. Hcratthing, 1863, 2H4 ; 1865, 44. screaming, 1^5:?, 281. siniiing. 1>63, 282. swimming, b*^(M, 44. wading, 1863, 285. evils of shooting, 1863, 276. false charges against, refuted, l.'^<')4, 437; 1H')5, 39, 43; 1867, 201. first ai)i)earance of, in spring, 1854, 437 ; L"^)4, '.^>l. food of European, 1860, i^J. for acclimation in the United States, 1K59, 213. game, of the United States, 1H;4, ;r>»;-3S.->. wanton destruction of. IHM, :i*^3. importaneeof juoteeting, 1SC,:{. 'J7r.. 2K>^ ; isr>4, 441 ; 1H70, 90; 1873, 476; 1874,20. impoitation an9. insectivorous, of Chester County, rennsylvania (art. on), IfM'uly 287. intcrro^jatoiies on wild, l.'^,5S, H7. land, is;3. 276. 29(»: 1h;i. 3-^'.; isa5. :?('•. 24 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. JBirds, laws for protection of, 1863, 289 ; 1864, 442. of New England, 1864, 386-430. New Hampshire, benefit of, to the farmer, 1871, 384. Vermont, in relation to agriculture, 1873, 476. synopsis of, in the department museum; 1865, 36. to prevent from plundering fruit, 1874, 280. uses of, 1864, 431. utility of, as insect destroyers, 1863, 286, 288 ; 1864, 354, 436 ; 1873, 476. value of, on the farm, 1867, 201-208. Biscuit, ship, insects destroying, 1868, 106. Bishop, William D., Commissioner of Patents, report of, 1859, iii. Bison, liistory of the American, 1851, 124-128. European, 1865, 95. Bitter-sweet, climbing, 1868, 204. Blackberries, abundance of, in Georgia, 1870, 442. correspondence on, 1853, 321 ; 1855, 313. cultivation of, in District of Columbia, 1858, 388. Indiana, 1871, 232. Michigan, 1856, 385. New Jersey, 1856, 342; 1858, 413; 1865, 284; 1871, 398. Pennsylvania, 1861, 542. for general cultivation, 1856, 404 ; 1858, 425. interrogatories on, 1858, 54. preservation of, 1862, 483. Blackberry, bramble, 1865, 5X1. insect injuring, 1868, 106. the common, for Indian food, 1870, 415. Dorchester, 1871, 398. liigh, for hedges, 1854, 407. bush, 1856, 385. Kittatinny, 1871, 232, 398 ; 1873, 390. Lawton, 1871, 232. NewRochelle, 1853, 321; 1855, 313; 1856, 342, 385; 1865, 284; 1871, 398. Sand extermination of, 1865, 511. Snyder, 1873, 390. Wilson, 1871, 232, 398. Blackbird, habits and food of the cow, 1863, 304; 1864, 426; 1865, 42. crow, 1856, 131, 133; 1863, 304; 1864,428; 1865,43. red-winged, 1864, 426; 1865,42. rusty, 1863, 304 ; 1864, 428 ; 1865, 43. skunk, 1864, 425. swamp, 1864, 426; 1865, 42. Blackbirds, habits and food of, 1863, 284, 286, 290 ; 1864, 425 ; 1865, 42. Black- knot, appearance of, magnified, 1873, 198; 1874, 173; 1875, 206. identity of, on plum and cheny trees, 1872, 178. microscopic investigations of, 1873, 196 ; 1874, 173 ; 1875, 206. on plum and cherry trees, 1865, 206 ; 1874, 173. (art. on), 1872, 175. remedy for, 1883, .572; 1865, 206; 1872, 177; 1873,200. supposed causes of, 1853, 290; 1863, 572; 1865, 206; 1872, 175; 1873, 196; 1875, 206. Black-leg, prevalence of, 1867, 97; 1869, 38; 1870, 42; 1872, 35. Black-tooth, nature and treatment of, 1871, 387. Blocks, ship, improvement in, 1844, 487. Blood, as a manure, 1843, 126. Blue-berry, for Indian food, 1870, 415. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 25 Blue-bird, habits aud food of, 1863, 295; 1864, 405; 1865, 39. reappearance of, in Massachusetts, lb64, 352. Blue-grass, value of, pasture, 1876, 373. Boats, and vessels, improvements in propelling, 1844, 487. Bobolink, ditierent names of, 18.56, 127 ; 1865, 42. habits and food of, 1856, 127; 1863, 303; 1864, 425; 1865, 42. Boilers, and generators, steam improvement in, 1843, 275. Bone, analysis of, 1859, 174. analysis of Clark's amnioiiiated, 1872, 142. as a manure for wheat and other grains, 1843, 39. composition of, 1852, 392. and value of, as a manure, 1865, 379. dust and superphosphate of lime, 1868, 50.3. as a manure for rye and grass, 1868, 487. earth, and how to prepare it, 1856, 227. experiments on wheat with ground, 1873, 304. failure of dust on cold clay lands, 1874, 262. fertilizing eft'ect on turnips, 1852, 393. elements of, 1874, 433. how to prepare, for manure, 18.52, 407 ; 1869, 634. utilize phosphates of, 1868, 400. manufacture of bone-meal, 1870, 439. superphosphate from, 1871, 356. mills established in England by cooperation, 1872, 435. for grinding, 1844, 385. mode of reducing, to paste, by sulphuric acid, 1856,189. l)owder, 18(55, 385. phosphates of South Carolina, 1868, 398. preparation and action of Ixme-dust, 1871, 423. for agricultural purposes, 1860, 124. principal fertilizing element of, l'-'59, 173. recipe for a mixture, ground with ashes, for corn, 1873, 306. shipment of buffalo bones from Kansas, 1875, 509. uses of, 1845, 1026. Bone-black. as a manure, 1875, 514. for refining sugar, 1865, 384. Book, handbook of sulphur cure, 1869, 512. Books, improvement in manufacture of, 1844, 517. insects destructive to, 1868, 106. list of American, on agriculture and rural economy, 18C8, 597. on evergreens, 18(38, 579. review of recent agricultural (arts.), 1868, 555; 1870, 517; 1871, 410; 1872, 398; 1873, 311; 1H74, 4:{7. the new Anu-ricau farm. 1869, 495. Boots, imports and exports till»o(»ts aud shot's from ls")l to 1858, 1858, 222. Borage, eultivatiou aud uses of, 1*51, 310. deseriptiou aud use of, for green uiauuriug, 1834, 308. Borecole, cultivation aud varieties of, ls.').|, :{J(», Borer, apple-tree, dcscripti«»u of .umI ivuiedy for. 1854,276; 1860, 317; 18(>1, tUT : lS6;i, 575; 1H(k5, 205; 1S7(I, 67. apple-twig, 1860,321; 1868,99; 1><72. 117. cherry-tree, 1"^('»3, .')(>6. eoru or bill bug, description aud remedies for, 1854, 67. elder, isill, CID. European sliiji-tiudx-r, 1868, 98. grape-viue. 1K")4, HI; 1S.")7, 122; 1867,72. hickory-bark, 1^10^ r>S. hickory-tree, 1861, 614. 26 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Borer, locust-tree, 1861, 616 ; 1863, 575 ; 1870, 73. mulberry-tree, L861,614. peach-tree, 1854, 83; 1870,87, 520; 1871, 398. pear-tree, 1864, 550. pine-tree, 1861, 607. raspberry, description and liabits of, 1861, 619 ; 1870, 67. ravages of tbe vine, in Nortli Carolina, 1873, 159. remedies for, in vine, squash and currant, 1864, 551. the legged, maple and raspberry root, 1874, 442. wood, 1873, 152. Boston, flour and grain trade of, 1876, 181, 206. prices of products in, 1876, 242. receipt of hogs at, 1876, 233. Bot, in cattle, horses, sheep, and remedies for, 1872, 129, 130. Botanical, Division, 1876, 13. Botanist, American, and Florist, 1871, 410. Parry, C. C, report of, 1869, 91 ; 1870, 108. Vasey, George, explorations of, 1872,159; 1874, 156; 1875, 151. report of, 1876,73. Botanv, agricultural, of Rocky Mountains, 1866, 125-131. field, forest, and garden, 1868, 577. medical, of Southern States, 1869, 490. Boquets, of violets, number sold annually in Paris, 1873, 289. Box, the evergreen, history and adaptation to hedges. 1854, 397. uses and description of tree, 1855, xlviii. Boys, advice to farmers', 1867, 246. how to make them love farming, 1867, 242. importance of educating farmer, 1863, 307. Braid, manufacture of worsted, in New England, 1864, 509. Brake, Scotch name of, 1865, 519. use of root for food by Indians, 1870, 408. Bramble, use of European, for hedges, 1854, 407. Bran, . insect feeding on, 1868, 106. Brand, injurious effects of, 1865, 519. our trade with, 1876,271,272. Brazil-nut, 1867,147; 1870,179. Bread, art of making brown, 1860, 130. Boston brown, recipe, 1855, 163. comparative value of yellow and white corn-meal for, 1861,276. crops, 1856, 246 ; 1857, 153. directions for making, 1867, 337. insects feeding on, 1868, 106. St. John's, 1859, 19. Breadstuff's, exports of, 1872, 58, 68 ; 1873, 85, 87, 88. from New York, 1849, 532. imports and exports of, 1858, 215, 225. in Great Britain, 1849, 497. injury by shipment, 1849, 52. kiln-drying of, 1849, 53. prices of, at New York, 1868, 58. reports on, 1845, 245 ; 1849, 49-51. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 27 Breadstiiifs, value of exports from 1826 to 1874, 1874, 74. and provisions exported, from 1821 to 1851, 1851, 512. from 1848 to 1852, 185;^>, 426. from United States, 1850, 532. Breeding, article on principles of, 1854, 1. effect of first sire on subsequent offsjiring, 1862, 232. hereditary diseases in, 18<32, 228. *' in-and-in," 1863, 166; 1864,190; 1867, 356. law of variation in, 1863, 228. laws, rules, and systems of, 1854, 2, 3, 4. on the physiology of, 1862, 222. principles to be adojjted in, 1871, 361. i sheep, 1862, 294. to grease, 1866, 344. Bridge, improvement of, 1844, 500. material and construction, 1868, 366. Brier, green, or rough bindweed, 1865, 517. sweet, as a hedge plant, 1854, 417. the foreign sweet, 1865, 511. Bristle, imported and exported, 1858, 225. Broccoli, article on the culture of, 1845, 972. varieties of, 1854, xx. and cultivation of, 1854, 340. Bromilia, origin and uses of, 1863, 109. Broom, manufacture and cost of, 1842, 80. origin and uses of French, 1854, xxxv. Broom-corn, chemical analysis of, 1849, 473. cultivation of, in various States, 1854, 223 ; 1868, 527. and product of, 1842, 35, 77 ; 1845, 190; 1849, 462; 1850, 434. Culturists and Makers' Manual, 1873, 320. interrogations on, l858, 74. origin and culture of, in United States, 1847, 134. Brussels sprouts, cultivation and use of, 1854, 341. new variety, 1854, xx. Buck-thorn, beauty of, for hedges, 1868, 196. berries of, for Indian food, 1R70, 414. for hedfjes for all climates, 1854, 408, 409. use of, for hedges, 1868, 245. Buckwheat, analysis of, 1849, 474. stems and loaves of, 1865, 419. as food for man, 1860, 130. average crop in New England, 1861, 254. culture of, 1H53, 164 ; 18,55, 204 ; 1868, 475. feeding bran of, for milk, l'^74, 264. ^uauo inanurt' for, l!-'54, 113. m New Yolk and Ohio, 1844, 57 ; 1854, 153. interrogatories on, lf^5S, 2H. origin of, is.',:?, 1<;4 ; 1>^50, 307. remarks on croi^s of. in dilbrent States, 1841,71; 1842,16; 1843,51; 1844,,57; 1845, 163; IS 17. 12.">: 1S4S. 13(1. silver hulled variety of. 1^7:5, 235. skin variety of, \^M, 10. tabular estimate of crops of, of different States. (See Crops.) time of sowing, an, 427. Bud. to convert leaf into tl«t\ver, and conversely, 1859, 3r>3. 28 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Budding, article on, 1856, 315. and grafting, 1857, 252 ; 1865, 200. time and manner, 1851, 425 5 1856, 324, 325, 326. Buffalo, domestication of, 1851, 459 ; 1860, 18. grass, 1870, 222. hybridization with common cow, 1851, 127 ; 1860, 20. introduction of Asiatic, and other animals, 1853, 20. or bison, history and habits of, 1851, 124. the true, 1865, 95. Buffalo-berry, for Indian food, 1870, 415. Bug, Alabama imd Colorado potato, 1870, 75. ailanthus blossoms destructive to rose, 1865, 89. American and European firefly, 1868, 95. black potato, in Missouri, 1872, 120. bone-dust remedy for cucumber, 1868, 564. description and habits of croton, 1874, 132, destruction of chinch, by wet weather, 1862, 81 ; 1869, 537. directions for collecting different kinds, 1868, 315. family of the bed, 1868, 316. harlequin cabbage, 1870, 90 ; 1871, 84. importance of being acquainted with, 1868, 305. injuries by chinch, 1873, 391 ; 1874, 122, 127. insect destroyer of larvae of the potato, 1868, 80. new potato, in Minnesota, 1873, 154. ^ novel mode of destroying chinch, 1874, 278. the black lady, 1858, 261. green x)lant and spotted plant, 1855, 93. horn, 1860, 320. May, or May beetle, 1861, 601 ; 1865, 89 ; 1868, 87. pea, habits and remedies, 1871, 375 ; 1872, 123. potato, 1866, 27, 30 ; 1867, 63 ; 1868, 433, 501 ; 1870, 75 ; 1871, 75, 237. red, or cotton-stainer, 1855, 103 ; 1858, 272. rose, or cherry, 1861, 602; 1866, 29; 1867, 71; 1868, 87; 1870, 524; 1872, 122. remedies for the bill, or corn-borer, 1854, 67. chinch, and squash, 1870, 89, 514 ; 1871, 69. croton, squash, i^lant, chinch, and bed, 1864, 558; 1869, 537; 1870, 77. pea, 1849, 341. sorghum destroyed by the chinch, 1872, 121. the snapping, 1868, 93. wheel, a destroyer of other insects, 1866, 43. where to find lightning, in the daytime, 1868, 307. Bugloss, vipers, a vile weed, 1865, 515. Buildings, arrangements of stables, etc., 1869, 165. Department, and grounds, with drawings, 1868, 191. directions for choosing location for, 1869, 16V. how to select site for, 1869, 163. model farm, 1867, 239, 283-291. warming with heated air, 1848, 28. Bulbs, and tubers, tender and hardy, 1873, 311. directions for cultivating, 1873, 312. Bull, the kind of, and keeping, for breeding, 1866, 308, 809, 314, 316. Loyal Duke of Oakland, engraving of, 1867, 212. points and profits of, a good, 1876, 372. Bunting, of the bay- winged, habits and nest of, 1864, 421. cow, laying in other nests, 1863, 304 ; 1864, 426. rice, its names and habits, 1856, 127. snow, its foods and habits, 1863, 301 ; 1865, 42. towhee, 1863, 303 ; 1864, 425. Bunya-bunya, origin, description, and uses of, 1855, Ix. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 29 Buprestis, description and remedies for the apple, 1860, 318. Burbot, larf^e size and use of, for food, 1870, 387. Burdock, notice of, as an unsightly weed, 1865, 514. Bureau, article on the importance of United States Agricultural, 1851, 653. Burke, Edmund, circular of, to the agriculturists, 1848, 339. Commissioner of Patents, report of, 1845, 1 ; 1846, 1 ; 1847, 3 ; 1848, 3. Burnet, cultivation of, in the Southern States, 1860, 230. and uses of, 18.54, 341. Bur, clot, thorny clot, cockle, 1865, 513. Bushel, number of pounds in, in different States, 1871, 2*27. Butter, analyses of varieties of, 1876, 48. chemical properties of, 1849, 368, 370 ; 1874, 254. theories of, in milk, 1876, 60. excellence and flavor of, 1849, 373; 1867, 291. factories, 1865, 448; 1867, 237; 1869, 360; 1871, 178; 1873, 418, 419. feeding for the production of, and cheese, 1876, 365. how to restore bad, 1844, 148 ; 1861, 328. ' imports and exports, 1858, 221 ; 1874, 239. making, processes of, 1843, 113; 1845, 983, 1000; 1847, 201; 1849, 371, 386; 1852, 145; 1855, 28; 1856, 23-46; 1861, 419; 186.5, 451; L867, 292, 339, 346; 1868, 489; 1869, 359-367; 1870, 311-315, 322, 447; 1871, 179; 1873, 247. marketing of, 1861, 421. markets for, 1876, 215, 225, 242, 250. packing of, 1850, 427 ; 1861, 420, 426. preservation of, 1843, 166 ; 1849, 371 ; 1862, 483. pix)tit of makiug, 1869, 370, 422; 1873, 417; 1876, 387. and cheese compared, 1876, 380. quantity of milk per ixmnd, 1847, 205; 1873, 421. sweet cream and sour comi)ared, 1876, 422. the effect of breed of cow on, 1876, 416. feed upon, 1"'7(), 366. various kinds examined bv microscope, 1874, 242. yield of, 1850, 405; 1852, 144; 1853, 24; 1856, 32; 1869, 369; 1871, 179; 1872, 298; 1873, 251 ; 1874, 244 ; 1875, 415. Buttercup, best remedy for, 1865, 510. insects feeding on, 1868, 106. Buttertlv, black swallow-tailed, 1864, 548. directions for collecting, and other insects, 1868, 311. cabbage, 1870, 78; 1871, 82. Butternut, value of, for timber, 1866, 481. culture on prairies, 1862, 496. Buzzard, Harlan's and T)rond\ving('d, 1"^56, 112, li:?. red-tailed, and others, 18.')6, 111 ; 1863, 278. utility of the turkey, 18(V), 36. Cabbage, as ffod, 1869, 441. bntterllv, 1870, 78, 79, 90. (uliivation of, ISm, 244, 279; 1867, 314; 1870, m?. cxpcrimcntrt with iirw varieties of, 1^71, MO; 1K75, IUi5, 'MW>. how to ])reserve, through thf wintt r, r-.'tl. 344; lc62, 485; 186-1, 119. nutrirut ]»ro])erti«'.s of, IHJl, IIT), 27^'. elimip-toi)t (.r cltilj-foor, l.S">-J, 31:5; 1.-^, 120; 1870, 451; 1871, 411. rniicdii's for (iMMiiits of, 1871, 411 ; 1873, 289. .stH'ds, 1S63, :r)S; 1S(M. ]\ri, size of, variation in, IS'.l, 4, 473; 1>*69, 6a'., 622. soils and fertilizers, 1^64, 117. treatise on, 1>70, 530. 30 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. vaneties of, 1843, 108; 1847, 187; 1854, xx, 841; 1855, 288; 1859, 18, 352, 359; 1865, 30, 517. Cabinet, directions for constructing entomological, 1868, 317. Cacao, description and uses of, 1870, 194. ' Cactus, giant and Thurber's, as food for Indians, 1870, 416, 417. varieties and cultivation of, 1863, 371. Cajeput, oil of, sources and uses, 1870, 174. Cake, American and English linseed, analysis of, 1865, 429. value of beet, for cattle feeding, 1867, 34. Calcium, cbloride of, as a manure, 1856, 220. Calf, food for, 1850, 115 ; 1864, 261 ; 1867, 241. management of, and raising, 1847, 493 ; 1867, 241 ; 1874, 384. mode of feeding in Ayrshire, Scotland, 1856, 42. agricultural reports of, 1870, 515 ; 1873, 375 ; 1874, 422. resources of, 1866, 581-610. alfalfa, 1871, 235 ; 1874, 276. angora goats in, 1872, 438. article on swamp lands, 1872, 179 ; 1873, 287, 380. agriculture of, 1862, 558-596. beet sugar, 1873, 287, 376 ; 1874, 423. bread made of chestnut bv Indians, 1870, 405. chicory, 1873, 287 ; 1874, 277. climate of, 1866, 581 ; 1867, 283 ; 1868, 294 ; 1872, 449. correspondence on crops of, 1851, 474. cotton culture, 1870, 448 ; 1873, 377 ; 1874, 423. dairying and men, 1870, 326; 1871, 231. exports of breadstuffs, 1868, 452; 1874, 422. fish culture, 1873, 451. grape culture, 1863, 154 ; 1870, 151 ; 1872, 441 ; 1873, 377. irrigation and rain, 1874, 352. laws protecting birds, 1864, 446. live stock, 1866, 590; 1868, 45; 1869, 47; 1870, 48; 1871, 36; 1872, 43; 1873, 40; 1874, 40 ; 1875, 35 ; 1876, 112. oranges, 1871, 233 ; 1872, 441. products of, 1866, 224, 592-600 ; 1868, 443 ; 1873, 277 ; 1874, 424. public lands in, 1868, 461. relative value of lands in, 1867, 110, 119. shipments of fruit from, 1869, 445; 1872, 441. silk culture, 1866, 600 ; 1867, 8 ; 1868, 291 ; 1872, 449. tabular estimate of crox^s in. (See Crops.) tea culture, 1869, 236 ; 1872, 449. timber and trees, 1868, 449 ; 1874, 423 ; 1874, 424 ; 1875, 328, 345. university of, 1867, 319; 1871, 307, 332, 334; 1872, 350, 394, 396; 1876, 327. wheat, 1871, 235 ; 1872, 440 ; 1873, 375 ; 1874, 422. wool iDroduction, 1874, 422, 424. Calla, directions for potting and cultivating, 1863, 370. Calomel, use of, as a poison for mice, 1870, 620. Calorific, inventions, 1843, 327 ; 1844, 514 ; 1845, 25 ; 1846, 30 ; 1847, 41 ; 1848, 27. Calves, feeding on skimmed milk, 1876, 307, 384, 386, 426. Camel. adapted to different climates, 1862, 506. articles on, and dromedary, 1853, 61-67. experiment with, in Texas, 1862, 507. ' successful acclimation in Australia, 1869, 630. Camellia, • japonica, directions for cultivating, 1863, 368. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 31 Camphor, as a stimulant of germination, 1874, 278. botanical name of, tree, 1870, 14. source and uses of, oil, 1870, 176. Campion, rose, or cockle, how to destroy it, 1865, 510. Canada, pork i)acking in, 1876, 238. Canal, construction and navigation of, 1843, 288. improvement in lock-gates of, 1844, 497. proposed for irrigating Great American Desert, 1871, 274. Canary-bird, hybridization with goldfinch, 1863, 181. Candle, stearine, and other, 1843, 167; 18.58,221. sources of, berry, or myrtle wax, 1870, 204. Cane, analysis of sugar, 1848, 278 ; 1857, 189, 191 ; 1862, 537. Chinese sugar, 1845, 914; 1855, 279, 281; 1860, 471; 1873, 393. cultivation of, and sugar making, 1848, 281, 293, 298, 304, 334; 1857, 190. cultivation of sugar, in Florida, 1871, 167. interrogations on, 1858, 70, 72. success with Chinese sugar, 1857, 192 ; 1858, vii. sugar, stalks as trellises for grape-vines in Italy, 1859, 130. varieties of sorghum, 1857, 183-185. Canker, cause and treatment of, in horse's foot, 1870, 372. Canning, in Delaware, 1873, 280. Illinois, 1873, 279. Maine, 1869, 451 ; 1873, 287 ; 1874, 279. Michigan, 1873, 430. Cantaloupe, varieties of, tested in experimental garden, 1865, 32. description, and use of, 1859, 122 ; 1866, 39. insect feeding on, 1868, 106. Caoutchouc, improvement in preparing and cutting, 1845, 39. sources of, coloring and kinds of, 1870, 190, 191. Caper, article on, cultivation and uses of the, 1855, 285. cultivation in Southern States, 1854, 225; 1855, 286. origin and use of, 1870, 202. value of bush for hedges in warm climates, 1854, 409. Capital, advantage of, in farming, 1869, 435. Capitao do Matto, nu'dical properties and use of, for tea, 1870, 199. Caponi/ing, object of, and process, 1870, 343. Caproii, Horace, Commissioner, reports of, 1867, 1 ; 1868, 1 ; 1869, 5 ; 1870, 5. Car, r«'frigerating, for transporting meat and fruit, 1872, 489. Carana, rrsiu, sources and uses of, 1870, 187. Carap, or crab oil, sources and uses of, 1870, 174. Caraway, cultivation and uses of, and seed, 1854, 344; 1870, 202. Car1)i> iiydratcs, ton nation of, 1870, 57. Carlton, • and ('.irbonacoons mannros, 1861, 5<>.^. in phmts. 1845, 1046; 1^47, 223; 1849, 304; 1860, 442; 1869, 217. Cardainon, [\^, 2(K). Cauillh)\vrr, varietiis df, 1>51. xx. 316. cultiyation and \alin' of, 181*5, 244. :5 A 34 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Cedar, vahic, x)roperties and uses of, 1862, 496 ; 1866, 480. "what insect injurious to, 1868, 94, 107. Cedai'-bird, beueiits aud injuries of, 1863, 283, 299; 1865, 39, 40. habits, nest and eggs of, 1864, 415. Ceiling, fire-x^roof, of iron and plaster, 1844, 501. Celeriac, cultivation of, 1854, 346. cultivation of, 1844, 333 ; 1854, 347 ; 1865, 246. qualities and varieties, 18.54, 347; 1859, 18, 328; 1870, 169; 1871, 140; 1875, 368. Cellar, mode of constructing walls of, 1859, 417. ventilating and cleaning dwelling-house, 1863, 319. Cellulose, and starch, article on, 1875, 187-192. Cement, directions for making hard, 1870, 620. manufacture of hydraulic, in New York, 1868, 377. Census, international agricultural, 1874, 21. of the year 1870-1871, 45; 1873, 420; 1874, 19. Centennial, exhibits of the chemical division at the, 1876, 46. museum at the, 1876, 17. of American Independence, (art.) 1871,288-305. of the department in relation to, 1874, 6. Cephalalgia, similarity to influenza, 1872, 204. Cercopis, hicincta, a pretty insect, 1876, 30. Cereal, Article on, of Maine, 1862, 51. introduced by the department, 1872, 410. other facts concerning, 1872, 440 ; 1873, 177 ; 1875, 49. total exiDorts of, 1876, 176. Ceresa, luhahis and diceros, 1876, 29. Chalk, as a manure, 1856, 216. Chalk-beds, utilizing the, of Kansas, 1876, 378. Chamber, ventilation of, in dwelling-houses, 1863, 323. Camomile, varieties and cultivation of, 1854, 347. Chiirbon, effects of, and remedies for, 1869, 39, 513, 514; 1870, 42. the cure for, drainage, 1870, 499. Charcoal, for agricultural purposes, 1845, 420, 1048, 1168; 1861, 330; 1865, 384; 1868, 561; 1869, 496. as a purifier, 1848, 298. Charlock, or wild radish, 1803, 116 ; 1865, 510. Chat, J ; ; ; description of the yellow-breasted, 1864, 407. Chauliognathus, description and habits of. 1855, 89. Cheat, ' how to get rid of, 1844, 43 ; 1869. 504. not degenerated or changed wheat, 1848, 471; 1849, 455; 1862,80; 1865, 519; 1867, 312. Cheese, analyses of various kinds and makes of, 1876, 47, 48. articles on, 1845, 988, 990, 993 ; 1^70, 310-312. consumption of, 1870, 509; 1873, 252. cost of making, 1865, 437, 442. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 35 Cheese, cream in making, 1856, 28. districts producing, 18G6, 359, 3G1. head, 1862, 489. imports and exports, 1853, 221 ; 1863, 354 ; 1866, 379, 381 ; 1873, 243 ; 1874, 247. inlluence of the breed of cows in, 1876, 416. ingredients in, 1860, 96 ; 1874, 254. kind the market demands, 1866, 374. making, in other hmds, 1856, 23, 29, 34, 38, 40, 45. manufacture of, 1845, 995; 1848, 618; 1850, 427; 186:5, :i81, 403; 1867, 346; 1868 500, 510 ; 1869, 533 ; 1870, 323, 325 ; 1873, 241, 242, 418. markets for, 1876, 213, 225, 242, 250. merits of American, abroad, 1866, 373, 376 ; 1868, 501. method of making, 1856, 30, 34: 1863, 391, 397, 398, 399; 1866, 362, 364, 369, 372; 1869, 631 ; 1873, 242. ^ ^ > ; > of factories in difierent States, 1670, 497 ; 1872, 497 ; 1873, 246, 251 ; 1874, 247 ; 1875, 415, 425. of the milk for, 1852, 330 ; 1865, 443 ; 1874, 253 ; 1875, 408, 409. preservation of, 1862, 484. product, 1853, 24; IfioG, 32; 1863, 382: 1868, 437; 1870, 496; 1871, 177, 394: 1872. 298 ; 1873, 421, 454. ^ » » > I)roiits of, compared ^yith butter-making, 1876, 380. quality of, 1865, 450 ; 1873, 244. size and form of, 1863, 407 ; 1865, 445. statistics of, 1845, 325, 995 ; 1873, 454 ; 1874, 239. traflflc in, 1847, 653 ; 1869, 356, 441. Chemical, Division, exhibits at the Centennial, 1876, 46. work of the, 1876, 10. Chemist, report of Charles M. Witherell, 1862, 508. reports of Henri Erni, 1864, 514 ; 1865, 46. RvlandT. Brown, 1871, 89; 1872, 1.38. Tiiomas Antisell, 1866, 45 ; 1867, 31 ; 186.8, 59 ; 1869, 65 ; 1870, 91. William McMurtrie, 1873, 170; 1874, 147; 1875, 141; 1876, 46. Chemistrv, agi-icultural, 1848, 220; 1872, 302; 1873, 170; 1874, 147. application of, to agriculture, etc., 1876, 400. as a science, 1864, 321. discoveries in, 1843, 314; 1844, 510; 1845, 41; 1846, 20; 1847, 20; 1848, 68. of sugar manufacture, 1862, 537. Cherimover, use juid locality of, 1859, 562 ; 1867, 144. Chermes, habits of, and remedies for, lvS60, 314 ; 1866, 33. Cheroonjee, source and use of the oil of, 1870, 179. Cherry, article on, the black-knot on, 1872, 175; l'^74, 173. cultivation of the, indilforont localities, 1858, 382, 387, 391, 409, 416; 1859, 340, 346. description of various kinds of, 1864, 14(), 147, 148; 186.5, 187, 202. desirable varieties of, 1850, 99. insects injurious to the, It^lK"^, 107. origin and history of the, 1K')3, 292. l)lanting on the ]>rniries, lb62, 496. prescrvat ion of, l'^(»2, 486. rc|)()rts on, 1^.')(), 343, 352, 3.56, .3.^1, 3si), 391. 39('.. 4(Mi. to prevent injury to tree, 4^50, 99, 1^3 ; l.S->;j, vflM. seciun^ grafting slocks, 1856, :{27, 328. use of the wild and dwarf, by Indians, 1870, 414, 418. varirtics of ditlereut localities, 1853, 294; 1854, 243, 307, 309. Cherry-bird, liabits, benefits and injunes of, 1863, 283; 1864, 415; 18t>5. 40. Chervil, cultivation and uses of, 1854, 348; 18C4, 500. Chess, in wheat, 1851. 650 ; 1852, A(\. ii(»t trans nuti'd whrat, 1865, 519; 1"'()7. 312. Chestnut. insects injurious to, l'^6"^, 1(»7. 36 INDEX TO AGRICULTUKAL REPORTS. Chestnut, of the American, 1866, 480; 1872, 164. European, 1855, xlviii ; 1856,450; 1858,380; 1868,200,201. the horse, 1868, 199 ; 1870, 405. Chewink, ,-^4 ,^r habits of the, towhee bunting, or ground robm, lbo4, 42o. Chicago, flour and grain trade of, 1876, 190, 206. markets of, for live stock and products, 1876, 213, 225, 242, 2o0. pork-packing at, 1876, 234, 235. prices of farm products at, 1876, 248. Chiccory, preparation of roots of, 1854, 348. the cultivation of, 1854, xix; 1860, 230; 1871, 108; 1873, 287; 1874, 277. use and varieties of, 1847, 193; 1859, 354; 1870, 198; 1871, 108. wild, 1865, 514. Chigoe, or jigger, habits of and remedies for, 1872, 136. Chili, ■ ^ c. a civil condition of, and imports from, 1876, 277, 278. ' C^ 111 TIP SO article on the, 1870, 572-576. Chinquapin, value of, for nuts and hedge, 1854, 410. Chitine, description of, 1875, 187, 188. Chive, origin and uses of the, or cive, 1854, 348 ; 1859, 334. Chlorine, value of, as a manure for plants, 1861, 579. Chlorophyl, action of light on, and absorbed by, 1869, 148. Chocolate, botanical name of, tree, 1870, 14. Cholera, article on hog, 1861, 147 ; 1875, 426. ^ .o.^.„ description of, and remedies for, 1861, 153; 1863, 205, 206; 1867, 234; 1869,43, 425. losses from, 1866, 78; 1867, 99, 235; 1870, 510; 1872, 37; 1874,39. Chufa, analysis of, 1857, 165. cultivation of, or earth-almond, 1854, 349 ; 1855, xiii. not indigenous in Minnesota, 1859, 565. uses of, 1855, 259 ; 1873, 281. Churn, improvements in the, 1866, 286, 287 ; 1869, 333. proper construction of, 1874, 241. Churning, room, and by water, 1861, 420, 425. the other modes, 1867, 292; 1869, 333; 1874, 240. Churras, source and intoxicating qualities of, 1870, 187. Cicada, pruinosa and septendecim, 1876, 24, 25. Cider, making, 1862, 486; 1866, 284; 1869, 506. quinces improve the flavor of, 1869, 507. Cinchona, articles on, 1866, 454-469; 1872, 169-174. cultivation of, 1863, .515; 1868, 7 ; 1869, 12; 1870, 8; 1871, 103 j 1874, 275. history and uses of, 1859, 542 ; 1866, 455. « propagation of, for distribution, 1876, 65. Cincinnati, flour and grain trade of, 1876, 187, 206. market for live stock and products, 1876, 214, 252. pork-packing at, 1876, 217, 234, 235. prices of farm products at, 1876, 246. Cinnamon, preparation and uses of, 1870, 199. source and mode of extracting oil of, 1870, 177. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 37 Cinquefoil, or five finger, dift'erent species of, 1865, 5U. Circulation, in plants, ascertaining rapidity of saj), 1870, 615. Circular, to agricultural societies, asking for statistics, 1860, 27. construction of, 1860, 81 ; 1864, 291 ; 1867, 232 ; 1868, 524. cost of, 1861, 319; 1867, 233. use of, on. prairies, 1867, 235. Citron, cultivation of, 1859, 105; 1867, 142, 147. propagation of, 1867, 141, 149, 153. varieties of, 1859, 337 ; 1867, 153. Citrouella, source and uses of oil of, 1870, 174. Cive, or chive, 1854, 348. Clapboard, modes and improvements in making, 1843, 301 ; 1844, 504. Clary, origin, culture, and use of, 1854, 349. Cla8to2)tera, ohtiisa and 2>roteu8, 1876, 31. Clay, improvements in manufactures, 1843, 323 ; 1845, .30. use of burnt, for enrichijig soil, 1872, 436. Clemson, Thomas G., article on fertilizers, 1860, 84. remarks of, as Superintendent of Agricultural Affairs, 1860, 5. Cleveland, summer pork-packing at, 1876, 235. Climate, affecting physical condition of the soil, 1861. 275. American and Euro])ean, Avitli rain tables, 1862, 594, 595. and productions of Utah, 1870, 568. Boston, compared ^vith London, 1854, 428. cause of the warm, of England and California, 1867, 280-283. character of Ihe Pacitic and interior, 1853, 342, 344 ; 1867, 280. comparisons of, for three years, 1853, 402. detinition and iulluence on plants, 1869, 99, 100. effect of ocean and air currents on, 1855, 363. for tobacco, 1853, 386. inffuence of large bodies of water on, 1863, 466. on animals, 18."^5, 1. the gluten and starch in wheat, 1871, 401. in Japan, influence of the ocean on, 1873, 364. local, of the United States, 1865, 289; 1866, 138, 147, 148, 151, 163. no change of, at Boston, 1854, 423. notes on, for the year 1851, 1853, 424. of Australia, 1874, 440. corn and other cro])s suited to America, 18.53, 346, 378. cotton distiiets, 1855, 317, 322, 325, 326, 328, 33(1, 332, 333, 3lU. various countri«'s, 1858, 477; I8t)0, 1.5.'); 1^61, 60, UA\. vine and grajui growing, 1*5:), :{78 ; 181)7, 27, on ])lain of Malaga, Spain, and rain-tall. iHil. 502. peculiarilie.s ot" the, in the y«'ar lf^52, 1*^5:?. 421. seaboard, interior, and lake, isci;, l\\[)^ \.\{), similarity of, on corresponding «-oasts, 18()3, 470. st)tithern shore of Lak«' Erii^ and eastern of Michigan, I8tl6, 170, 183. underground, 1856, 492. Climatology, agricultural, of the United States com]>arod with other pints of tlie g!obo (art.), 1853, 32S-432. of New England, 18.'4, 4215. Pernanibiico and Parana, 185.5, 32,5. 32l). the American ^rapc-\ ines, lH'i2. 194. ^h'dit.M. in Nicaragua and Brazil, 1^(54, 491. 492. <)rigin and nuMlical ])r(>i)rrti<'s <»t", 1H7<>, 195. proposed cnlturt' (tf, in llu> Soulhrrn States, 1814, 142. tilt* Kentucky tvrv lor ornauKMit, 18(W, 200. values of, 1^)1, 309; 1.-^72, 4:>3. Cohuno, source and use of, oil of, l'^70, 177. Coinage, buHincss of tlie United States Mint. 1*.'><>. .".:;:{; l-vj. jjO; lSo3, 433. Coir, history and uses of. .nnd other filu-rs, 1H»3, lUS. Cold, etVeots of, IK'7, 491, 19:.. .-(»2. :^^)X Collection, botanical, for the deparhnent Iiei l»ai iuin. l>r.9. 1.'.. 91: 1**70, 11, lo-; 1^;-,'. l,-**: 1873, 10; 1874, ^, i:>r.. 40 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Colleges, agricultural, 1858, iv; 1865, 137-186. European agricultural, 1865, 153, 155, 160, 161, 165. our industrial, 1867, 317-333; 1868, 541-554; 1869, 452-487; 1870, 467-487; 1871, 306-346; 1872,348-397; 1873, 321-363; 1874, 312-351; 1875,469-499; 1876, 326- 362. veterinary, 1859, 181, 183, 192. 194. Colonization, English, in Kansas, 1873, 286. Greeley colony in Colorado, 1870, 569. Colony, The Greeley, 1870, 569, 571. Color, effect of, on plants, 1870, 139, 140. influence of, violet, on plants, 1871, 429. method of extracting, from plants,»1870, 614. of cattle no indication of breed, 1876, 374. Colorado, agricultural capahilities, 1869, 601, 602, 603. fences of, 1871, 506. flour for Boston, 1872, 449. forests, wood and timber of, 1875, 331. irrigation in, 1861, 156; 1869, 603; 1871, 269. potato field, 1874, 280. products and resources of, 1861, 154, 156; 1869, 547, 601. quality of its public lands, 1868, 459. stock-raising and forest-culture, 1871, 409. wild furits and flowers of, 1866, 126. Colts, directions for breaking, 1871, 428. of feeding well in winter, 1871, 401. proper age for weaning, 1864, 160. Colocynth, use of, as a medicine, 1860, 33. Colza, cultivation in Pennsylvania, 1855, 266. of, for oil, 1845, 400-402; 1853, 226. mode of making oil of, 1845, 404. oil for machinery and light-houses, 1870, 181. varieties of, and time of sowing, 1854, xxv, 349. Comfrey, value of the prickly, for cattle, 1843, 106. Commerce, statistics of, in the United States, 1842, 48; 1843, 212; 1844, 122; 1845, 1072; 1847, 578; 1848,734,765; 1849,499; 1850,531; 1351,512; 1852,422; 1853, 4,27,38, 50, 75, 102, 128, 154, 165, 170, 181, 202, 234, 238, 243, 255, 261; 1854, 476; 1855, 395; 1856, 497; 1857, 30, 360; 1858, 221; 1861, 41, 78; 1862, 600; 1863, 608; 1864, 591; 1865,76; 1866,90; 1867,121; 1868,47; 1869,54; 1870,62; 1871,39,44; 1872, 54; 1873, 73, 84, 141; 1874, 71. Commissioner, of Agriculture, reports of, 1862, 4; 1863, 3; 1864, 3; 1865, 1; 1866, 5; 1867, v, 1, 16; 1868, 1; 1869, 5; 1870, 5; 1871, 1; 1872, 3; 1873, 5; 1874, 5; 187.5, 7; 1876, 7. of Patents, reports of, 1837, 1; 1838, 1; 1839, 1; 1840, 1; 1841, 1; 1842, 1; 1843, 1; 1844, 1; 1845, 1; 1846, 1; 1847, 3; 1848, 3; 1849, 5; 1850, 1; 1851, 1; 1852, 1; 1853, iii; 18.54, iii; 1855, iii; 1856, ii; 1857, iii; 1858, iii; 1859,3; 1860, 3; 1861, 3. Compensation, insufficiency of clerical, 1869, 18. Compost, recipe for a muck, 1871, 411. various kinds, 1870, 490; 1871, 253, 254, 352, 404; 1874, 391. Condiment, article on, and sx)ices, 1870, 199. Congress, agricultural, at Paris, 1889, 626. Vienna, 1874, 20. Coniomjicetes, ustilafjinei, a fungus, 1876, 81. Connecticut, agricultural schools. (See Colleges.) society of, 1870, 489; 1875, 438; 1876. 363-370. I INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 41 Connecticut, cattle-raising in, 1853, 5; 1^54, 1'^: 185:), 20; 1863, 460. digest of agricultural reports of, l':i67, 343; 18G9, 525; 1870, 4S7 ; 1874, 427. fences in, 1^71, i'OO. forests, Avood and tiiub<;r of, 1875, 253. mineral fertilizers of, 1^:68, 37(5. of the tobacco of, 1'570, H.y; 1874, 429. profits of farming in, l'";72, 437 ; 1874, 203. relative value of lainls in, l-'67, 1<)3, 111. remarks on crops in, 18,';0, 180, 300, 338, 377; 1851, 170; 18.52, 164; 18,53, 103. tabular estimate of crops of. (.See Croj)s. ) value of each kind of live stock in, 1^63. (H)6 ; 1864, ,5^*3; 1865, 67; 1866, 67 ; 1867, 92: 1868,45; 1869,47; 1870,47; 1871, 3j; 1.^72,43: 1873,40; 1874,40; 1876, 112. Conservatory, the new department and valuable plants therein, 1''70. 13, 14. Contribution, to the dei)artm<'nt cabinet and museum, 1859, 569; 1867. 76; 1869, 636; 1870, ()73; 1871,513; 1572,512; 1873,477; 1''74, 4.52. Cooler, principle and construction of milk, 1"^69, 3.33. Copal, source and uses of, 1^10, l^'.). Coi)per, analysis of ]>yrites of Marybind, 1"^65, 51. (lei)osits of Lake .Sui)erior and Miunesota, 1863, 38. Coprolite. origin and use of, as a manure, IH.56. 238. Coral, origin and use of, and sand as manure, 1856, 236. Coriander, cultivation and of, 1854, 349; 1>70, 202. Cork, bark for fishing-tackle and tanning, 1859, 119. oak, origin and description of, 1-^54, xxxiii. of introducing, into the United States, 1859, 14; 1870, 450. properties and uses of. 1^58. 334, 3 >7. Corn, acreage of, compared with cotton, 1>^7(), 120. analvsis of, 1844, 189, 194; 1><47, IXi ; 1849, 470; 1855, 163; 1857, 160; 1861, 273; 1864, 27(5; 1865, 400, 401, 425. area moving west, 1876, 282. as an exhausting crop, 18(51, 2(55, 2(56. canning sweet, 1869, 451 ; 1S73, 287 : 1874, 279. cause of the color of, 1844, 193; 18.53, 101. cin([uantino, in Sicilv, 1859, 121. comi>o.sts for, 1844, 18i) ; 1^4.5, 1S3 : 1849, 237. cost and i>rolit of raising, 1867. 2-14 ; 1*^73, 52, 278. of raising, in the dillerent States, 1-47, 400 ; 1-49, lis ; 1850, 19 : 1851, 186, 383; 1S.52, 195; 1-^.53, 10.5, 109; 1-70, 4.50; 1871, 229; 1874, 2(39. cotton jiud, vrrxuH cotton, 1^70, 44"^. crop, 1^7(5, 96, 104. of Huropi', 1S45, 1055. cutter and knife, 1860, Si; 1815(5, 2S1. description of the (lowers, etc., 1^(54, 349. drawf variety ripening in forty 76, 390, 391. exp«.rls and imports, is 17, 13. .524; ls,53. 102; ls,5s. '^-^,5 ; isr.l. 2t>4 ; 1-76, 170. 172, 175. fiist cultivation of, li\ the colonies, ls72. 279. fodder, 1S41, 197; 1S4.5, 447: 1<19, 124. '22(5, 239 ; 1S.53, 11(5; ls,V». 1(1- ; ls61,V^*7; lS()t5, 222; 1S()9, 284, 295; ls70, 293; 1S72, 444. for bread, 1S49, 227. 42 INDEX TO AGRICULTUEAL KKPORTS. Corn, for fuel, 1872, 446. geograpbical range and limits of, 1853, 98, 337, 352, 354. liarvesting, 1850, 152 ; 18G1, 286, 287 ; 1866, 221. heat required to germinate, 1864, 345. liusking-macliiue, 1866, 281 ; 1869, 329. Indian millet or durra, 1854, 160 ; 1865, 300. influence of climate on, 1847, 391; 1853, 125, 146, 346. insects injurious to, 1868, 107, 111. interrogations on, 1858, 32. labor saving in planting, 1851, 257; 1853, 103; 1861, 278; 1869, 323; 1870, 400. maize or Indian, 1844, 182 ; 1853, 98 ; 1861, 262 ; 1874, 268. making new varieties, 1845, 446. meal, exports of, 1876, 170, 175. measuring, 1845, 184 ; 1853, 124. native locality of, 1859, 305. new varieties, 1848, 134. Northern varieties South, 1851, 245. number of bushels of, to 100 inhabitants, 1871, 52. objection to Southern varieties North, 1863, 502. of manuring, 1851, 180; 1853, 104, 108; 1854, 115, 122; 1864, 312; 1868, 419; 1869, 269 ; 1871, 239, 240 ; 1873, 306. meal, 1855, 160, 161 ; 1873, 292. oil from meal, 1841, 4, 78. on Missouri River, 1838, 58. origin of the imi)roved King Philip, 1855, xi. planting, cultivating, etc., 1844, 184; 1845, 436; 1848, 652; 1849, 87, 129, 148, 231, 236 ; 1850, 426 ; 1851, 345, 3d3 ; 1852, 291, 347 ; 1853, 112, 117, 121 ; 1854, 122, 124, 126, 356 ; 1855, 169 ; 1861, 279, 282, 283 ; 1865, 391 ; 1866, 215, 217, 218 ; 1867, 242 ; 1868, 421 ; 1869, 287, 270, 271 ; 1870, 455, 456, 457 ; 1872, 291 ; 1873, 401. preferred varieties for food, 1881, 276. premium cro^is of, 1868, 508. preserving, 1854, 133 ; 1882, 485 ; 1863, 360. prices of, 1848, 786; 1873, 42, 51, 52. production, increase of, 1876, 282. remarks on crops, 1841, 71 ; 1842, 16 ; 1843, 52 ; 1844, 58 : 1845, 165 ; 1847, 126 ; 1848, 131 ; 1849, 88 ; 1850, 180 ; 1851, 130 ; 18.52, 59 ; 1853, 96 ; 1854, 122 ; 1855, 155; 1862, 547; 1865, 54; 1886, 52; 1867, 77; 1868, 20; 1869, 22; 1870, 24; 1871, 13; 1872, 9; 1873, 16; 1874, 23, seed, 1844, 183 ; 1847, 130 ; 1852, 143, 1.54 ; 1853, 97, 98, 123 ; 1861, 277 ; 1886, 216 ; 1869, 271, 540; 1871, 241, 394; 1873, 399; 1875, 513. sheller, 186.5, 283; 1889, 328; 1872, 290. shrinkage and loss of weight, 1874, 289, 270. ''sowed corn" as a forage crop, 1871, 418. sugar from, 1841, 5, 79 ; 1843, 146 ; 1845, 921, 924 ; 1875, 143. taken bv Cortez from Mexico to Europe, 1847, 411. United States crop in 1840, 1850, and 1859, 1852, 3 : 1862, 11, 547 ; 1867, 2. unsound, injurious to horses and mules, 1853, 226. use of, among the Indians, 1870, 419. utilitv of grinding cob, 1851, 142. varieties of names of, 1838, 57 ; 1843, 56, 135 ; 1844, 191, 192, 193, 196 ; 1845, 167, 182, 436, 446; 1847, 129, 130, 131,382; 1848, 135,458; 1849, 101, 111,117, 124, 134, 137, 140, 142, 147, 150, 169, 172, 175, 178, 182, 184, 227, 228, 229, 230, 470, 472; 1850, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 1.52, 180, 190, 213, 228, 232, 2.50, 278, 281, 285, 291, 302, 314, 376, 398, 400, 406, 407, 426, 440, 445 ; 1851, 198, 217, 238, 261, 303, 405, 407 ; 1852, 200, 219, 223, 258, 315, 332, 339; 1853, 98, 99, 100, 101, 109, 113, 115, 119, 122, 124, 126; 1854, xiv, 122, 123, 128, 127, 123, 130, 131, 132, 134 ; 1855. 161, 162, 164, 165, 166, 171, 172, 173, 174, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180 ; 1857, 161, 182, 163 ; 1868, 480, 518 ; 1869, 270, 294; 1871, 240, 241; 1872, 414, 415, 416, 417; 1873, 230, 231, 232, 398, 399; 1874, 188, 187, 258 ; 1875, 363, 365, 368, .387, 368. Westminster Farmers' Club's experiments with, 1870, 458. worm of Maryland and remedy for, 1870, 84. why some kinds pop, 1844, 192 ; 1853, 100. yield of, 184.5, 185; 1849, 87; 1851, 415, 479; 1854, 128; 1861, 253, 263, 277; 1869, 540 ; 1871, 230, 240, 355, 434 ; 1874, 288 ; 1875, 40, 41, 42, 46, 48, 59. yield, i)roduct, and value of, in the several States, 1876, 91. Corn, nature and treatment of, on horse's foot, 1870, 371. Correspondence, consular (art. on), 1864, 487. IXDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 43 Cost, of packed hogs, 1876, 233, 234. producing cotton, IdTC, 137. Cottages, constructing, of unbiimt bricks, 1843, 6 ; 1844, 450. plan of building cheap (art. on), 1842, 98, 100. Cotton, accidents to, and diseases of plant, 185.5, 230 ; 1857, 121, 127. analysis of seed, 1849, 317 ; 1855, 234, 237 ; 1874, 220. analysis of the ashes and soils, 1857, 29G, 301, 303. area or acreage of, 1876, 117-120. army worm, 1844, 117 ; 1864, 90. big creajn-seed sea island, 1844, 109. California, 1870, 448. care needed to prevent cross-breeding, 1845, 763. cateqiillar, rust, and rot, 18.52, 47; 1?^55, 232; 1864, 90. changes in the mode of cultivating, 1876, 127. climate of, 1853, 363 ; 1855, 317 ; 1862, 105. comparative freights to Liverpool, 1848, 787. compared vrith the acreage of corn, 1876, 120. consumption, 1870, 54. of goods in the United States, 1850, 534. cost and price of, 1876, 137. crops of, 1851, 564; 1852, 1; 1867, 78; 1875, 33, 46; 1876, 104. culture of, 1845, 755, 756; 1849, 171, 313; 1850, 217; 1^51.343; 18,5.3, 197, 371; 18,54, 177, 179, 184, 185; 1855, 238; 1859, 120; 1860, 471; 1862, 108; l'^)4, 81), 473, 492, 494, 504 ; 18(56, 193, 196, 198, 205; 1867, 409, 418 ; 1868, 562 ; 1^70, 462, 463, 464; 1871, 422; 1873, 276, 370, 377. directions for preparing, for the market, 1^44, 119; 1845, 769. experiments in growing, 1862, 110; 1867, 410; 1839, 285,290, 291; 1870, 461; 1671, 141, 242; 1872, 422; 1873, 293; 1874, 257, 389. exports, 1851, 513; 1865, 85; 1868, 24; 1873, 85, 87, 88. fertilizers for, 1876,122. Fiji Island, 1872, 192. flax, 1862, 113, 405, 407, 410. Florida for growing sea-island, 1849, 456. gun, 1847, 36. history and progress of culture of, 1872, 294, 406. importations of, into Liverpool, 1845, 793 ; 1867, 13. improvements in preparing for manufacturing, 1848, 32. improvement of the gin, 1853, 188 ; 1869, 330. increase in production of, since the war, 1876, 115. in India, 1842, 24 ; 1843, 81; 1844, 124; 1845, 757; 1853, 195, 371; 1855, 226. Missouri, 1861, 221. insects infesting plant, 1854, 62, 64 ; 1857,121; 1858,271; 1864,89; 1866,198; 1868, 107. intenogations on, 1858, 61. investigation, 1876, 114. summary of, results of, 1876, 151. is it the most profitable' croj) for the Southern States ? 1867, 424. large vields of, 187(>, 139. manufacture of, 1844, 412 ; 1845, 756; 185(), 255-304 ; 1857, 306; 1864, 91 ; 1868, 23; 18()9, 9; 1870, 448; 1H73, 85, 87, 88. manures for. 1^4.5. 76S ; l^VJ, .529; l-Cl, 242. 243. 245. market in England, 1842, 25; lf^43, 81; 1M4. -J-.".; 1-1.'.. 771. 7T:>. 785. mills in Southern Stat«'.s, lr<<)9, 9. of prest-rving and restoring lands, 1868, .5(»2. the liber ami staple u\\ lf^.53, HI, 1H4, 1S7, 196; 1854. 181, 182. gathering, 1.S54, 1^1; 1 sr.6. 2(M>. (|Mality of, 1S')3. ls«J. VM. States ealle0, 37 L ]»re]taring. I'or market, lH(i(>, 202. juiees at Mol)ile. isi."^. 7^,-^. ot" American and Indian, in TJreat Mritain. H7(>, 111. production of", annual, before and since the war, l-7('», 116. by \'vvr labor, IHM, SS. 92; 1^67, 420. ten«ling westward, IKTtJ, 119. profits of growing, 1^49, 309; 1861, 222; 1871, 234. 44 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Cottou, remarks on crops in the different States, 1841, 75; 1842, 22; 1843, 75; 1844, 107; 1845, 272; 1847, 170; 1848, 151; 1866, 63; 1867,78; 1868, 22; 1869, 22; 1870, 25; 1871, 14; 1873, 17; 1874, 23; 1875, 20. sea-island, 1854, 178; 1859, 560; 1862, 107; 1871, 245. seed as a fertilizer, 1851, 332; 1852, 62; 1869, 529; 1870, 468; 1871, 404 ; 1872, 436. oil, 1844, 431 ; 1847, 173. selection of, 1864, 88 ; 1866, 209, 210. varieties of, 1876, 147. States, change in size of the farms in the, 1876, 128, 129. increased production of supplies in the, 1876, 148. labor in the, 1876, 130. statistics of the trade, 1849, 510, 569 ; 1850, 506 ; 1852, 439 ; 1853, 181 ; 1856, 255- 304 ; 1857, 308, 319, 322, 323, 342, 353, 372, 388, 396, 402, 408, 415 ; 1858, 226 ; 1862, 111, 551 ; 1867, 413, 415 ; 1870, 54. table of measurement of the libers of, 1853, 193. tabular estimate of crops of, in the different States. (See Crop.) the area producing, 1876, 117. use of, for beds, 1844, 281. valuable varieties of, 1848, 154, 155 ; 1850, 263. varieties of, 1849, 151 ; 1854, 178, 182 ; 1855, 235 ; 1859, 560. what it is, 1862, 104. Whitney's, gin increased production, 1853, 180. yield of, 1850, 195, 234,257; 1851, 343; 1854, 186; 1875, 33. ' Cotton-wood, planting of, 1862, 496 ; 1873, 440. the tree and its uses, 1872, 162. Coulter, Spink's anti-cloggiug, 1866, 249. Cows, abortion in, 1868, 493 ; 1871, 230. analysis of milk of Dutch, 1864, 166. best way of keeping and soiling, 1867, 241. breeding and training for profit, 1876, 425. butter yield from, 1869, 369 ; 1874, 244. care and economy of, size of, 1871, 250. construction of, yard, 1848, 349. cotton-seed meal and corn fodder for, 1869, 284, 440. difference in yield of, 1870, 316. different types of, for milk, 1876, 415. early-cut hay for, 1869, 285. effect of imi)ure water on dairy, 1871, 177. first importation of, 1872, 275. for breeding dairy, 1866, 313. the dairy, 1849, 376, 381 ; 1850, 120 ; 1863, 409 ; 1870, 491 ; 1876, 392, 419, 420, 425. income from, 1849, 16; 1850, 384, 405; 1869, 518; 1870, 447. management of, 1867, 245. dairy, 1856, 50 ; 1863, 412 ; 1868, 512 ; 1871, 419 ; 1873, 414. milch, number, prices, etc., 1876, 104, 112. milk from the tree, 1870, 198. milking, 1861, 419. of feeding the, 1847, 203 ; 1848, 176 ; 1856, 25, 28, 37, 47 ; 1861, 419 ; 1869, 284, 440 ; 1870, 291, 491 ; 1873, 414, 420 ; 1874, 252 ; 1875, 411, 412, 413. the breeds of, 1856, 39, 41, 51 ; 1869, 524. points of good, 1876, 374, 392, 421, 425. prices of, 1872, 40 ; 1873, 38 ; 1875, 35. remedy for foot-rot in, 1888, 488. signs of a good, 1848, 174 ; 1849, 381 ; 1884, 162. spaying for milk, 1870, 447. table showing number in United States, 1863, 262. treatment of, 1856, 26, 33 ; 1876, 363, 392, 419, 420, 425. value and profit of milch, 1888, 483 ; 1870, 447. of different kinds of food for, 1873, 411 ; 1876, 425. in California, 1851, 475. yield of au Ayrshire herd, 1872, 453. different breeds, 1861, 460; 1874, 252. Holstein and Jersey, 1873, 252, 253, 417. milk by j)remium in Massachusetts, 1868, 440. Cowbane, wild parsnip and water hemlock, 1865, 512. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 45 CcsvLeiTN', for food, 1859, 347. Cow-bird, habits, nest, and eggs of, 1864, 426 ; 1865, 37. Crab-apple, American, 1868, 203 ; 1870, 414 ; 1875, 376. Siberian, 1870, 505. Crab-oil, or carap, 1870, 174. Cranbeny, abundance of, in Nortlnvestern States, 1842, 36. chemical analysis of soil, 1874, 164. cultivation of, 1843, 111; 1845, 309, 929; 1853, 324; 1854, 320; 1857, 237; 18o8, 389; 1862, 53; 186.3, 131-136; l?i65, 285; 1868, 442, 482; 1869, 205,418,508; 1870, 525. from seed, 1874, 171. insect injurious to, vine and fruit, 1869, 207. interrogations on, 1858, 51. in District of Columbia, 1858, 389. New England, 1843, HI ; 1868, 442. New Jersey, 1865, 285; 1868, 442; 1871, 398; 1873, 446, 447; 1874, 161, 411, 412. New York, 1853, 324. the Pacific States, 1870, 442. Virginia, 1854, 320. AVisconsin, 1871, 408 ; 1872, 442 ; 1873, 461, 466. native locality of, 1859, 347. new rake for gathering, 1842, 36. of preserving, 1857, 239; 1862, 486. bottoms and sanding, 1874, 166, 169. gathering, 1869, 211, 212. irrigating land, 1874, 164. the trade, 1874, 270, 271. profits of, 1868, 482 ; 1869, 208, 211 ; 1874, 171, 271. proper soil for, 1857, 238. report of the Micro8co])ist, 1874, 161. requisites for successful culture, 1869, 418. rot and scald, 1874, 161 ; 1875, 193, 194, 204. the culturist, 1869, 507. interest, article on, 1869, 204-212. nse of, by the Indians, 1870, 415. Crane, descriiitiou and habits of the whooping, 1856, 156. Craw-fish, injuries to cotton-plant, remedy, 1867, 61, 62. Cream, in churning, 1843, 112; 1869, 364, 367. new method of increasing, 1848, 170. mode of obtaining, 1843, 166. skimming, 1861, 420 ; 1869, 364. to make "Devonshire clouted," 1861, 451. yield of butter from ''cream-pot" cows, 1866, 293. 'management of, 1^^70, 311, 313; 1-^74, 240. Creeper, American brown, 1864, 419. family of, 1863, 300. th«' Virginia or Amrrican ivy, 18(58, 204. white and black, 1S(;4, 4(M;. ' Cress, the nastiuiium or Indian, IHiVl, 3(t7. ]M'pp«'r-grass, wint«'r, common, and \vatits of an74, 112. Crops, aceidcntjil ]»ri/«'. 1"'71, 2:?5. aen'age, yield, and value of, l'^76, 91. 1<'|. action of mold in llie |tr«»dnciion of, l-i)!. 26''^. aggregate value of, from l':'6(>-1874, 1*'7.'», 17. 46 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Crops, amount of water evaporated from an acre of, 1874, 434. analysis of the ash of root, 1849, 268. barley and buckwheat, 1876, 91, 104. bread, 1853, 96 ; 1854, 122 ; 1857, 153 ; 1858, 21. by early American settlers, 1872, 279. comparisons of, 1866, 12 ; 1867, 340. cost of production of, 1848, 660; 1873, 278. estimates of, in different States, 1841, 64 ; 1842, 4 ; 1843, 12 ; 1844, 11 ; 1845, 90 ; 1847, 84 ; 1848, 92 : 1851, 498 ; 1862, 577 ; 1863, 593 ; 1864, 568 ; 1865, 55 ; 1866, 53; 1867, 80; 1868, 25; 1869, 24; 1870, 26; 1871, 17; 1872, 12; 1873, 18; 1874, 23 ; 1875, 20 ; 1876, 94. exhausting effects of various, 1874, 399. "^ experiments with, 1873, 394. general summary of, 1862, 1863, and 1864 ; 1864, 7 ; 1865, 9. in European states, yield of, 1876, 264. the several States, 1876, 91-104. Colorado, 1871, 410. manurial, 1864, 317, 318. manuring constituents of certain, 1860, 111. Mississippi reports, 1872, 448. of Great Britain, 1874, 275. obtaining statistics of, 1874, 18. on American, 1858, 213. physical agencies in the production of, 1861, 562. price and yield, in the several States, 1876, 102. profitable, 1851, 7. raising large, bv mineral fertilizers, 1871, 257. remarks on, 1841, 68; 1842, 6; 1843, 14; 1844, 13; 1845, 92; 1847, 86; 1848, 94 342; 1849, 83; 1850, 1, 180; 1851, 132; 1852, 61; 1853, 103; 1854, 122; 1855, 155 1856, 246; 1859,524; 1862, 546; 1863, 589, 603; 1864, 3, 564; 1865,54; 1866, 51 1867, 79; 1868, 16; 1869, 20; 1870, 24; 1871, 13; 1872, 9; 1873, 16; 1874, 23 1875 19. root, 1849,' 259, 264 ; 1850, 385 ; 1858, 289 ; 1867, 340. rotation of, 1845, 351 ; 1847, 359, 384 ; 1848, 669 ; 1850, 125, 244 ; 1852, 48 ; 1854, 120, 122; 1855, 155; 1858, 21, 286; 1859, 294; 1864, 300; 1865, 18; 1867, 411; 1870, 273 ; 1871, 367, 405 ; 1872, 495, 507. tables of value and vield of, 1862, 588 ; 1863, 582, 584, 599 ; 1876, 91, 99. textile and forage, 1857, 294 ; 1858, 308. the corn, of Europe, 1645, 1055. most largely exported, 1849, 14. to ascertain what soil requires to produce, 1861, 580. treatise on, 1868, 556 ; 1870, 531. value of, in the cotton States, 1874, 217. per acre, 1876, 103, 104. volunteer wheat, in California, 1872, 440. Crossbill, the red and the white winged, 1863, 301. of the, 1865, 42. Cross-breed, meaning of the term, 1855, 181 ; 1867, 298. Cross-breediug, atavism connected with, 1851, 91. care necessary to prevent cotton from, 1845, 763. degeneration of plants by, 1867, 300. distinction between hybridizing and, 1855, 181. improvements and advantages from, 1838, 57 ; 1853, 20 ; 1854, 13 ; 1861, 121, 458, 461 ; 1862, 251 ; 1867, 310. of common horses with imported, 1855, 38. the cashmere buck and common goat, 1853, 20 ; 1857, 63 ; 1863, 220. common and wild turkey, 1865, 99. common merino with common sheep, 1852, 142. merino with Saxony and coarse-wooled, 1853, 21. squash, melon, and bean, 1863, 357. sugar-cane, 1864, 56. thoroughbred short-horns with native, 1853, 8 ; 1861, 458. process of, in grape-vines, 1859, 77 ; 1862, 200, 219 ; 1864, 138. production of new varieties of wheat by, 1855, 181, 182 ; 1856, 247. IDlants cannot be, by their tubers, 1867, 314. originated by, 1867, 311. INDEX TO AGKICULTURAL EEPORTS. 47 Cross-breeding, rules to be observed in, 1851, 82 ; 1654, 4. sometimes injurious, lc!47, 538 ; 1872, 481. the Early Rose and White Peachblow, 1871, 248. Avith geese, 1862, 370. strawberries, 1663, 143. the Caucasian race, 1863, 167. Saxony, 1853, 21 ; 1654, 49. Croton, sources and properties of the oil, 1870, 173. Crow, benefits and injuriousness of, 1863, 284; 1864, 429; 1867, 207. the common, 1856, 135; 18G5, 43. family of, 1863, 304. fish, 1856, 137 ; 1865, 43. food and habits of, 1864, 354. Crow-berrv, for Indian food, 1870, 413. Crowfoot, bulbous and tall, how to destroy, 1865, 510. Cubebs, source and use of the oil of, 1870, 181. Cuckoo, American and European, 1865, 37 ; 1867, 206. family of the, 1863, 292. the yellow-billed and the black-billed, 1864, 396. Cucumber, desirable varieties, 1854, xxi ; 1870,169; 1871,140. enemies of the, and remedies for, lb68, 564; 1870, 74, 84. experiments with, 1875, 365, 366, 367, 368. for selecting seed of, 1844, 151. mode of dwarfing, 1863, 359. native locality of, 1659, 333. of raising and cultivating, 1844, 144; 1845,973; 1865,279. size of, in California, 1851, 5. uses of varieties of, 1854, 350. worthlessness of the one-seeded star, 1865, 511. Cultivation, benefit of Stirling the soil, 1845, 1034. of difi'erent cro])8 for various regions, 1860, 437. steam, 1861, 315; 1667, 263; 1869, 302. of the cinchona, 1872, 169. Cultivator, history of the, 1870, 397. Howe's expanding, 1866, 248. improvements in the, 1646, 18; 1848, 66; 1870, 396; 1871, 214. Smith's (of Wolston), 1659, 254. steam, 1659, 256 ; 1669, 310. the sulky, 1674, 292. two-horse, 1863, 424. nse of, during growth of crop, 1862, 419. Cundurango, analysis and qualities of, 1871, 98. origin of, with drawing of the plant, 1872, 168. Curcnlio, Dr. Hall's now catcher, 1872, 451. habits of the, in seeking its food, 1870, 442. indigenous species, 16()1, ()(H). injurious to jjlants and crops, 1663, ,573. insect killing the larvic of, 1871, 375. in TiMinesseo and other States, 1S7.|^ l'J5. Mr. Riley's experiments, 1671, 374. preventive of, on i)lum trees, l.'^6, 40.5, 411. remedies for, 1650, 97 ; isr»4, 307 ; 185,5,3(11; 1661,605; 1663,570; ISlW, 534 ; 1670, 69; 1871, 70, 77, 374, 375; 1673, 430; 1^74, 272. various kinds of, 1665, 90; 1667, 72, 73; 1870, 68, 70. Currant, cultivation of, in dilTtient localities, 1854, 310; l-.V.. 312: IKV.. 312. 353, 357, C35, 4»»0; lS(il,r,.|>J. geographieal (lisliil)ut ii>n of, 1659, 346 48 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. history and varieties of, 1853, 322, 323; 1863, 352. how to make wine from, 1850, 222; 1853, 300. iuterrogations on, 1858, 50. manuring and pruning, 1850, 100. mode of destroying and habits of worm, 1870, 77. of the Zante, 1855, xx ; 1856, 445. preservation of, 1862, 486. sparrows do not protect, from worm, 1869, 418. the wild and the Missouri, 1870, 414. uuprotitable at the South, 1858, 382. wild, of Nebraska, Kansas, and Utah, 1865, 209; 1868, 118. Custard-apple, cultivation of, in Florida, 1867, 143. Cutter, fodder, revolving and straight knife, 1866, 279, 281. improvement in hay and root, 1872, 290, 291. operation of corn-stock, 1874, 293. progress in improving straw, 1843, 312. Cyclamen, different species of, 1863, 370. Cypress, native locality and uses of the bald, 1866, 482. Dairy, articles on the, 1845, 983, 995 ; 1850, 167; 1856, 21; 1870, 310; 1873, 241; 1674,238; 1875, 408. breeds of cows for, 1863, 409. business in New England, 1861, 261. cheese, 1^45, 98S. correspondence on, 1853, 22 ; 1854, 20 ; 1855, 27. districts, 1866, 361, 535; 1871, 175. factories, net return jier cow to patrons of, 1876, 422. facts about, 1868, 436; 1871, 230. farms and farming. 1861, 411: 1865, 456; 1869, 434, 439, 440; 1870, 446. in regard to room, 1869, 363;' 1874, 243. John Johnson's, 1869, 440. large, establishments in England, 1845, 1002. management of, 1872, 401. of foreign, 1856, 23; 1863, 535; 1868, 438. Practical Husbandry, 1871, 414; 1873, 456. XJrices of, articles in different States, 1848, 673. products of the, 1847, 201: 1848, 169; 18.59, 123; 1865, 453; 1874, 239. profits, 1847, 201 ; 1868, 489. report on, 1849, 375. statistics, 1865, 457; 1871, 174; 1873, 80; 1874, 248; 1875, 414. stock in Isle of Jersev, lb73, 276. the best cows for the^ 1876, 392, 419, 420, 425. value of the business, 1872, 298. various systems, 1856, 23, 33, 36, 39, 41, 44. Dairying, American, 1865, 431; 1868, 489: 1869, 352; 1870, 324, 326; 1871, 174, 415; 1873, 241; 243, 418, 454 ; 1874, 238, 251 ; 1875, 415. associated, in Maine, 1876, 381. English and American, 1866, 358. in Italy, 1876, 286. of the factory, 1865, 433, 439, 440. 441. the future of, 1876, 422. Dairymen, American in Switzerland, 1838, 441. Associations, 1870,298: 1873,243; 1874,248; 1875, 458, 459,466; 1876, 385, 418, 419, 420, 422, book notices, 1871, 414, 415. directions to, 1869, 422. Swiss, in California, 1871, 231. Daisy, flea-bane and ox-eye, 1865, 512, 513. insect infesting flowers of, 1868, 112. Dakota, forests, wood and timber of. 1875, 333. good lands and mauvaises icvres, 1869, 606, 607, 608. lands and rivers of, 1868, 460. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL EEPOETS. 49 Dam, directions for a, for irrigation, 1871, 256. Dammar, source of resin, 1870, 182. Dandelion, for greens and coffee, 1865, 514. use of, by Indians, 1870, 423. Date, of the tree of Palestine, 1860, 33. palm in Florida, 1867, 145. uses and varieties of the, 1855, liv ; 1859, 339. Debt, of the public, 1852, 418; 1864, 593. Deer, of the various kinds of, 1851, 109, 112, 118, 119. Defluxus, similarity of, to influenza, 1872, 204. Degeneration, causes of, in plants, 1867, 314. Delaware, census of 1840 and 1850, 1850, 573. College. (See College.) dairy products of^ 1^3, 23. ' different kinds of fences of, 1871, 502. forests, wood and timber of, 1875, 260. fruit canning in, 1873, 280. laws of, 1863, 461 ; 1864, 444; 1871, 221. Uve stock of, 1853, 5 ; 1863, 606 ; 1864, 583 ; 1865, 67 ; 1866, 67 ; 1867, 92 ; 1868, 45: 1869, 47; 1870, 47; 1871, 36; 1872, 43; 1873, 40; 1874, 40; 1875, 35; 1876, 112. of peaches in, 1871, 143; 1872, 441. remarks on crops of, 1845, 419; 1847, 370; 1848, 461; 1849, 115; 1851, 262; 1852, 108 ; 1853, 104, 129, 213 ; 1855, 170, 192, 202. renovating worn-out lands of, 1648, 462. statistics of lands and animals, 1851, 494. strawberries from, 1872, 440. tables of crops of. (See Crop.) Delphax, carinata, 1876, 27. Denmark, population, areas, productions, etc., in, 1876, 255-269. Deodar, description and uses of, 1855, Ixi, Ixii. Deodorizatiou, of vaults, article on the, 1856, 198. Deodorizers, substances used for, 1855, 141 ; 1856, 199. Department of Agriculture, act to establish, and objects of, 1862, 3, 20, appropriations, expenditures, alid operations of, 1862, 21; 1863, 10, 14; 1864, 10, 14; 1865, 5, 10; 1866, 8, 15; 1867, xiii, xix, 13, 14; 1868, 7, 14; 1669, 14, 19; 1870,9, 15: 1871, 5, 11; 1872, 4, 7; 1873, 7, 13; 1874, 7, 14; 1875, 9, 18. co-operating willi agricultural colleges, 1871, 3; 1872, 4. description of building and grounds, lb68, 191. importance of, 18(56, 527 ; 1872, 3. improvement of the grounds, 1869, 18; 1870, 12; 1873, 9. objects of experimental garden, 1862, 541. of' the arboretum, 1868, 11, 122, 193; 1869, 91; 1870, 16. experimental farm, 1865, 5. new const'rvatory building, 1868, 192 ; 1870, 13,17. property received from Patent-Ollice, 1862, 22. report of the architect, 1868, 15. system of crop reporting, 1874, 18. Desert, * Great AuKrican, IHOl, 154; 1869, 617. soil of Colorado, ld69, 624. Detorioriiliou, of plants and to prevent, 185-1, 228; 18C7, 314; 1868, 226; 1869, 215; 1873, 21L Dow, action of. on vegetubles, 1860. 128, 129, 130. canse of, antl liour frost, 1858, 454, 455. 4 A .^0 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Dewberry, American and English, 1865, 511. as Indian food, 1870, 415. Diedrocejphala, quadrivittata, 1876, 33. Diarrhea, sewage and water, cause of, 1871, 473. Digger, potato, patented, 1869, 325 ; 1870, 402 ; 1871, 216. with engravings, 1866, 255, 256. Dike, and drainage in Netherlands, 1866, 530. Dill, uses of, 1854, 352 ; 1870, 179, 405. cattle, 1860, 239 ; 1876, 105. grape-rot, pourridie, 1870, 87. navicular, r.iid +r'^ntnent, 1870, 367. of farm stock, 1863, 240 ; 1868, 37, 41 ; 1869, 13, 38, 40, 42, 43, 386 ; 1870, 10, 40, 41, 42, 44; 1871, 32; 1872, 31, 277 j 1873, 33; 1874, 37, 438 j 1875, 33. hogs, 187o, 107, 40d. preventives of, and remedies for, 1876, 109. sheep, 1876, 109, 417. of the horse's foot, 1870, 357 ; 1872, 439. onion, 1869, 224. potato, 1847, 142, 351 ; 1848, 563, 564. silk-worm, 1868, 294, 301. report on fungoid, of plants, 1871, 110. transmission of, in breeding, 1862, 228. Trichina spiralis, 1869, 390. Disinfectant, article on, 1860, 110. roasted coifee as a, 1872, 453. District of Columbia, laws of, 1864, 446 ; 1871, 226. tabular estimate of crops of. (See Crop.) Ditch, irrigating, 1871, 258, 269. of excavating and finishing, 1870, 589, 591, 592, 596, 597, 599. the size and laying out of, 1870, 586. Ditcher, description of, with engraving, 1844, 456 ; 1866, 239. metallic shoes and steel pick, 1870, 590, 591. the steam, 1874, 283, 285. Ditching, machines and implements for, 1845, 69 ; 1866, 238 ; 1870, 589, 591, 593, 594, 599. mode of fencing and, 1842, 93 ; 1852, 300. Division, {'^^Q Report and Department.) ' * Dodder, description, habits, and injuries of, 1863, 116; 1865, 516. Dock, curled or sour and bitter, 1865, 517. seeds of the Colorado, used for bread, 1870, 422. depredations by, 1866, 78; 1868, 42. disadvantages of keeping, 1863, 451, 453, 455. hybridizing with wolf, 1863, 181. increase of, in Iowa, 1872, 476. laws, 1863, 450, 456 ; 1864, 172. ravages of, 1862, 270, 271. the prairie, 1856, 81. Dogwood, beauty of the flowering, 1868, 203. Domain, the public, of the United States, 1868, 454-471. Donation, to agricultural division of the Patent OflBce, 1861, 634. the Museum of the Department of Agriculture, 1862, 615 ; 1863, 561 ; 1864, 662 ; 186.5,36,570; 1866,10; 1867,470; 1868,10; 1869,636; 1870,673; 1871,513; 1872, 612; 1873, 477; 1874, 452. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 51 Door, mode of hanging sliding, 1844, 501. Dooraeshsli amy, native locality and uses of, 1859, 20. Dorthesia, cataphracta, 1876, 45. Drain, cheap, 1863, 434, 435. details in making, 1870, 595, 598, 600. plan of sink, 1871, 494. to excavate large ox>en, 1870, 594. Drainage, and dikes of The Netherlands, 1866, 530. article on, 185G, 160, 167-180; 1858, 27:i-280 ; 1860, 99, 100. benefits and prolits of, 1858, 485, 498, 511, 564; lti69, 450, 511. for fruit-trees, 18()9, 446. interrogatories on, 18.58, 20. loss of fertilizing elements by, 1871, 252. of Haarlem Lake, with suggestions, 1855, 122. Draining, advantage of de(;p, 1860, 100 ; 1867, 2. direction of, in slopes, 1856, 177, 180 ; 1870, 588. efiect on health of defective, 1855, 134. for swamps and marshes, 1869, 491 j 1870, 587. Haarlem Lake, 18o3, 532. importance of, 1845, 351. improving land by, 1858, 275, 276; 1871, 363. methods of, 1848, 3o4 ; 1852, 77. prolits of, 1871, 368, 371, 383, 417, 424. treatise on, 1868, 584. Drill, Beckwith's roller, with engraving, 1866, 257. broadcast sowers and seed, 1863, 428; 1866, 262. for rocks, 1847, 73. history and qualities of, 1870, 400; 1874, 64, 287. Dromedary, Bactrian camel and the, 1853, 63, 66. capacity of the, 1853, 62, 63, 65. of the plains, history and habits, 1853, 62. Drought, of resisting and escaping the effects of, 1871, 252, 381. tliree methods of avoiding, 1854, 432. Drug, imports and exports of, 1858, 227. Duck, description of the Mallard, and others, 1862, 364, 365. interrogatories on, 1858, 87. raising, 1870, 537 ; 1872, 443. species of, exhibited at the Paris exposition, 1865, 100. Dundee, Scotland, manufacture of jute in, 1876, 291. Duty, customs in Canada, 1842, 101 ; 1843, 201. from th(» cot tou-st airier or re3, 278; 1864, 392. injuriiis of, to farnuTs, 1H(»5, 'XI. tlie white-headed, or bald, 1856, 114; 1863, 291. Earth, a.sadisiidVefant, H/.O, 110; 1871, 478, 487, 489, 490; 1874, 43r>. meteorology of the, K>7, 455, 458, 4lil, 4(»."», 485; 1.''70, 45,146,147. sun on the temperature of, b«>low the surface, i8(>4, 3ik>, Earwig, deseriptiou an.) habits of. l'^(;2. 372: I'^tW, 3(1.>^ ; l-'^l. l'J9. 130. habits of, and remedies for, l.s;2, 372; I8(>4, 544; 1874, 13L Ecuador, exports <>f, and our eouuneree with, 1>'76, 280. g2 INDEX TO AGEICULTUKAL EEPOKTS. ^^ report of J. E. Dodge, 1868, 190 ; 1869, 157 ; 1870, 153 ; 1871, 123. Education, Sf ^rS9;'6Tlfeti. 22: 18C,3. 520. book notices. 1S'k-<. 5(i(); 1871, 423. bovs ISV.l. 3(17, 308. 312. 7 56 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Farmer, cooperation and understanding among, 1876, 430. education of, 1867, 243; 1869, 6; 1871, 370. EngUsh, 1860, 143 ; 1865, 154. garden, 1863, 337. health and hygiene of, and family, 1862, 453, 469; 1870, 487. high rank of, in Japan, 1873, 366. history of the Elmira, club, 1874, 275. houses of, 1863, 313 ; 1867, 241. national convention of, 1845, 1169. number of, in the United States, 1873, 74. protective association, 1872, 446 ; 1873, 395. studies needful for, 1862, 18; 1869, 6. • tool-shops and politics, 1867, 241, 243. ^ Farming, advantages of capital in, 1869, 435. a mechanic's experience in, 1874, 276. among the Sioux Indians, 1849, 451. book notices, 1869, 494 j 1871, 414, 419. dairy, 1865, 456. does ''book," pay? 1867, 239. high, (an article), 1866, 527. how to avoid the drudgery of, 1871, 390. improved modes of, in New Hampshire, 1876, 412. in New England, 1861, 251; 1870, 255, 259, 260, 263, 266; 1872, 437; 1874, 187, 189, 191, 199, 200, 202, 203, 214 ; 1876, 383. in the pampas of South America, 1864, 223 ; 1865, 486. various States, 1872, 437, 448, 490; 1873, 277, 286. modern American, 1874, 280. population in Italy, diet and dress of, 1876, 285. proposed improvement in prairie, 1858, 283. value of improved, 1860, 84. views of T. S. Gold on, 1874, 210. analysis and value of, 1855, 139 ; 1871, 477, 478. Fecundation, artificial, 1866, 396, 397. new varieties of wheat by cross, 1856, 247. of fish, 1859, 223 ; 1866, 396 ; 1868, 344 ; 1872, 259. plants, 1867, 296. Feed, cooked and uncooked, 1873, 290, 415. corn the cheapest, for sheep, 1862, 295. for horses, 1844, 391 ; 1873, 276. refuse of menhaden, for sheep and poultry, 1876, 379. the best, for producing butter, cheese, and milk, 1876, 364, 365, 369. value of coarse and of green, 1876, 369. Feeding, cabbages and turnips to cows, 1869, 441. cattle, 1845, 330 ; 1867, 212, 215 ; 1874, 248. corn to sheep, 1862, 296. European experiments in cattle, 1876, 368, for butter and cheese, 1874, 265. hogs with ear-corn or meal, 1872, 460. of ad liUtum, 1876, 370. pigs, 1870, 465. statistics, 1860, 125. stock, 1868, 427 ; 1871, 249. theory and practice of, 1876, 382. Felting, process of, and machinery for, 1843, 261 ; 1845, 57. and hedges, 1869, 172. herding in praiile districts, 1859, 442. board, 1859, 447. cost of, 1855, 316; 1859, 447; 1867, 240; 1868, 246; 1871, 498, 508, 509; 1872, 510. farm gates and, 1869, 332. in Maine, 1868, 476. hedge and ditch, 1868, 258. in different States, 1871, 499, 507, 508. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 57 Fence law8, 1869, 394. live, 1854, 393 ; 1855, 315 ; 1856, 451 ; 1873, 439 461. made witli trees and ditches, 1844, 455. osage orange, 1851, 383, 445 ; 1855, 316. patent flood, 1848, 55. posts, 1844, 457, 458. questions on, 1871, 498. statistics, 1871, 497. wire, 1850, 432. Fencing, and ditching, mode and cost of, 1842, 93, 94. Fennel, uses of, and properties of oil, 1854, 353 j 1870, 179. Fertilizer, analysis of, 1871, 228 ; 1872, 138, 435 ; 1873, 170 ; 1874, 432. animal and fish, 1874, 266, 268. article on, 1849, 300; 1854, 90, 102, 108; 1855, 129; 1856, 182; 1859, 136; 1860, 34; 1868, 367, 396, 430 ; 1869, 428, 431, 548; 1872, 433; 1873, 272. artificial, 1870, 441 ; 1871, 356, 381, 425 ; 1872, 303, 434, 435. compared, 1869, 267, 209, 287. correspondence on, 1853, 79 ; 1854, 112 ; 1855, 151. discussion on the use of, 1868, 477. effects of, on difi'erent crops, 1875, 502. experiments with, 1868, 430, 431, 446 ; 1869, 291 ; 1872, 436 ; 1873, 226, 228, 294, 307. extensive use of, by the Japanese, 1873, 374. Falmouth manufactory of, 1873, 273. for beets on poor soil, 1876, 56. cotton, 1871, 242. 245 ; 1876, 122. determining the value of, 1874, 431. the sugar-beet, 1872, 457 ; 1873, 307. home-made, on corn, 1869, 269 ; 1873, 306. interrogatories on, 1858, 20. lime and mineral,, 1867, 190 ; 1868, 367, 370, 371, 372, 374, 376, 379, 382, 383, 385, 386. machines for sowing, 1866, 259. manufactured at the South, 1870, 438. monhaden for a, 1876, 379, 387. natural, 1869, 74. ' on wheat, 1870, 453 ; 1873, 226. salt from sea-water as a, 1868, 404. sampling, 1875, 512, sea-weed as a, 1872, 436. sliijjnu'nts from Chicago, 1870, 438. the use of marsh-muck for a, 1876, 407. valuable garden, 1868, 564. water a vehicle for, 1871, 264. Fenugreek, native locality and seed of, 1870, 199. Fermentation, alcoholic and vinous, 1864, 514, 519. butyric acid, 1864, 528. cause of, in wine, 1871, 115. ditr«Tent fungi causes of different kind of, 1864, 522. directions for regulating, in wine, 1866, 121. modes of arresting, 1864, .531. viscous, or slimy, and lactic, 1864, 524, 525. Fever, intestinal, in swine, 1875, 426. in the feet, or founder, in horses, 1870, 368. milk, and s])lenicor yi)auish, ISiJO, 39; 1872, 33, 34, of the typhoid, 1871, 4(W, 470, 471, 472. prevalence of T«>xas, in various localities, 1872, 34; 1874, 37. prevcnlion of the milk, 1H71, 1^87. Spanish cattle, 1666, 73; 1868, 38; 1870, 40, 506. Fiber, importation and mnnufacturo of, in 1873, 1874, 299. jute, witlulrawing of tl^(^ plant, 1872, 167. new, 1867, 11; 1^70, 619. of cotton, 1853, 181 ; 1654, 181. 58 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Fiber, preparation of, 1843, 260 ; 1844, 476. structure and properties of vegetable, 1859, 372, 390. table of production of, in several States, lb73, 68. textile, of the Pacific States, 1864, 471-487. Fibrin, analysis of, 1865, 411. Fibrous, plants, fabrics, and machinery for, 1848, 32 : 1869, 266. Field, large wheat, 1872, 440 ; 1873, 278. Fig, culture of, in the United States, 1873, 430 ; 1874, 451. in Morocco, 1862, 501. Sicily, 1859, 114, 119, 129. interrogations on, 1858, 56. in the Southern States, 1847, 390 ; 1848, 516 ; 1854, 280 ; 1858, 384 ; 1873, 280. mode of striking cuttings of, 1854, 320. native locality of, 1859, 331. the sycamore, 1859, 14. * value of, for food, 1854, xxix. wax, source and use of, 1670, 205. Filbert, in Pennsylvania and Virginia, 1855, 312 ; 1856, 450. the English, with jjurx^le foliage, 1868, 202. File, improvement in cutting, 1846, 49 j 1847, 56. Filum, Firginus in sheep, 1847, 285. Finch, classification of, 1863, 282. food of, 1863, 284, 301 ; 1865, 42. of the purple, 1864, 354, 420. the gold, grass, sharp-tailed, and sea-side, 1864, 421, 422. Finland, statistics of population, production, animals, etc., 1876, 255-270. Fir, value of the spruce for shelter-belts, 1872, 165. Fire-arms, and implements of war, 1843, 305 ; 1844, 506 j 1845,80; 1846, 77 j 1847,81; 1848,41. Fire-place, improvements in, 1844, 514. Fish, artificial ice in packing, 1870, 613. bed of the Charleston Basin, 1868, 75. book-notice, 1868, 590. breeding, 1859, 217-238 ; 1860, 303, 310 ; 1862, 55 ; 1866, 396, 400, 401, 403 ; 1868, 319-332; 1869, 424, 451; 1870, 542; 1872, 248-274, 450; 1874, 415, 418. causes for the diminution of, 1859, 218 ; 1874, 443. chum for sheep and poultry, 1870, 451. culture in Wisconsin, 1876, 430. fresh-water, 1866, 403, 405, 406, 409, 410, 411, 413, 414, 415. imports and exports of, 1858, 223 ; 1873, 74. in first and second hands, 1874, 279. interrogations on, 1858. 87. killed by lightning, 1855, 336. law proposed to protect, 1874, 444. mode of in'eserviug, 1862, 488. of the gourami, 1866, 417, 419. restocking of New England streams, 1868, 590. the food of Alaska, 1870, 375-392. practical Fish Culturists' Association, 1873, 450-453. use of, for manuring corn, 1872, 279. utilizing ofial, 1870, 618. Fisher, or black cat, 1858, 241, 242. Fishery, Alaska and the Pacific coast, 1870, 375, 380. book-notices, 1868, 592 ; 1874, 443. commissioners in the several States, 1868, 324 ; 1869, 520. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 59 Fishery, Long Island and New England, 1870, 440 ; 1873, 289. on the coast of Maine, of menhaden and herring, 1876, 379. salmon, of Oregon, 1869, 600. * statistics, 1852, 429. whale, 1849, 514, 515 ; 1850, 553. Flag, cat-tail, as bread by Indian, 1870, 408. Flax, analysis of, 1847, 165 ; 1848, 148. and cotton, 1862, 11:3-123. hemp, 1843,262, 263; 1848, 33 j 1853, 199; 1^55, 238; 1864, 476; 1868,520; 1869, 57. article on, 1845, 702, 703, 729 ; 1847, 425; 1852, 328; 1853, 199; 1855, 238; 1861, 30, 43; 1862, 11:^123; 1863, 102; 1864, 92. cotton, process of making, 1861, 93. culture of, 1845, 734; 1847, 425; 1852, 328; 1853, 203; 1854, 186; 1861, 43-78, 83; 1863, 104, 110, 115; 1864, 92; 1872, 472; 1873, 373; 1874, 298, 438. exports and im])orts, 1853, 202; 1858, 230; 1863, 114. • false, or gold of pleasure, 1863, 116. grand red-liowered, 1859, 19. history, production, and commerce of, 1861, 30-41. importation of, seed from the Indies, 1838, 58. in Sicily, 18o9, 121. interrogations on, 1858, 65. in the United Kingdom, 1861, 43-78. machinery for manufacturing, 1861, 112. manufacture of, 1845, 734, 738; 1855, 239; 1858, 230; 1861, 83; 1862, 406, 410; 1863, 13; 1874, 299. method of rotting, 1845, 702. new species of, 1843, 70. New York Farmers' Club on, 1845, 726. New Zealand, 1847, 166; 1862, 113; 1865, 34; 1870, 20; 1871, 5. oil from, 1843, 110; 1872, 451. productions of, and of seed, 1870, 497. profit of, 1853, 203. remarks on crops, 1841, 73; 1842, 20; 1843, 69; 1844, 95; 1845, 262; 1847, 164; 1848, 147; 1853, 203; 1869, 57. tabular estimate of crops. (See Crop.) toad, or ranstead-weed, 1865, 515. where grown, 1844, 100, 279; 1845, 262. wild, and how to destroy, 1865, 510. Flea, remedies for, 1864, 563 ; 1872, 135. Fleece, Cotswold and Leicester for long wool, 1870, 512. ])a(king, for market, 1868, 502. weights of, 1H62, 311; 1866, 342. Floriculture, relating to house plants, 1863, 366; 1868, 578. Florida, acceptance of land scrip by, 1871, 310. agricultural college of. (i; 1862, 59; 1867, 140; 1871, 160. book notice, 1H74, 445. farm aninuils in, 1876, 112. forest wood and timber of, 1875, 276. fruit-growing in, 1871, 154. Guinea grass in, 1^^73, 240. laws of weights and measures, 1871, 222. loss of hogs in, L"^7(), HI. mineral fertilizers in, 1868, 388. (uange-grow ing, \^'A, 328; 1871, 169. remarks oil crops, iKli), 147; 1851, 325. statistics, 1H51, 494. table of crops. (See Crops.) Flour, analysis of wheat, 1848, 2.')9: 1849, 59, G4. a n»'\v proeiss of nianuraitnriug, l'-^76, 1(»9. Colorado, in lU)slon, Ir?'.*, 119. 60 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Flour, composition of, consumed in France, 1864, 526 domestic trade in, 1876, 177. English market, 1848, 704. farina, 1875, 390. imports and' exports, 1858, 226 j 1873, 48, 73, 89, 90; 1874, 73, 74, 75, 76; 1875, 59, 63, 77 ; 1876, 167, 171. improvement in bolting, 1844, 503. kiln-dried, 1843, 119, 175; 1845, 388; 1848, 254. manufacture, 1862, 423 ; 1875, 388. movements of, 1876, 164. nutriment of wheat, 1848, 258 ; 1849, 55. Oregon mills, 1874, 277. per cent, of exports compared with wheat, 1876, 168, 175. preservation of, 1862, 487. prices of, 1847, 564 ; 1848, 786. qualities of different samples, 1844, 149. receipts and shipments of, 1876, 206. tables comparing wheat, 1849, 81. Flower, advantages of cultivating, 1863, 363. article on, 1852, 60 ; 1862, 155. book notices, 1870, 533. directions for prepariug border and planting, 1870, 533. for preserving for bouquets, 1863, 380. insects infesting or destroying, 1868, 108. of changing single into double, 1867, 309. oxide of manganese on the color of, 1860, 51. ribbon bed, 1861, 319. the Madeleine, Market of Paris, 1872, 453. crimson passion, 1863, 368 ; 1868, 205. trumpet, 1865, 515; 1868, 203. Flume, chute, or aqueduct for irrigation, 1871, 260. Fly, and gnats, 1868, 316. black, ash-gray, and striped potato, 1863, 569 ; 1866, 34. cabbage butter, with illustrations, 1870, 78, 530. chalces, 1869, 207. crane, 1868, 317 ; 1872, 128. dragon, or darning-needle, and water, 1863, 275 ; 1866, 40 ; 1868, 309. fire, or lightning bugs, 1866, 93 ; 1868, 93 ; 1873, 154. grasshoppers destroyed by, 1866, 31. horse, bee, hot, house, and spider, 1868, 317 ; 1872, 129, 130. house, 1872, 131, 132, 135. May, 1868, 309. of various kinds, 1864, 545, 549, 561, 562, 563. onion, 1865, 238 ; 1869, 224, 226 ; 1872, 133. onion, cabbage, radish, and saw, 1867, 73; 1868, 310; 1870, 66; 1872, 134. sand, 1872, 128. the apple-maggot, 1867, 72. blister, 1855, 88; 1866, 34; 1868, 103; 1870, 68; 1871,76. gall, 1866, 35 ; 1868, 310, 317. green, 1863, 379. Hessian, 1842, 66 ; 1844, 161, 164, 434 ; 1845, 410 ; 1848, 125 ; 1849, 133 ; 1850, 471 ; 1852, 105, 149, 200, 210, 250, 269 ; 1854, 72 ; 1855, 197 ; 1862, 80 ; 1872, 121, 125. the ichneumon, 1854, 84, 89 ; 1855, 111, 112; 1866, 31, 41. lace-wing, 1854, 86 ; 1855, 115 ; 1866, 40 ; 1868, 309. tachina, 1867, 66. tobacco, 1844, 107 ; 1866, 30. turnip, 1860, 136. wheat or weevil, 1844, 39, 166 ; 1849, 133 ; 1852, 149, 200. wheat or wheat-midge, 1854, 74 ; 1862, 81, 97 ; 1872, 126. Fly-catcher, benefits of, 1867, 205. food of the tyrant, great-crested, and pewee, 1865, 39. the, family, with species, 1863, 294, 295, 301 ; 1864, 416, 417. Fodder, analysis of Southern plants, 1874, 149. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 61 Fodder, article on, 1845, 447 ; 1866, 213. chaffing and cutters, 1866, 279. compressed, 1860, 84. corn, 1866, 213, 222; 1869, 295; 1870, 291; 1872, 444. old method of curing, 1875, 398. relative value of, 1843, 120 ; 1870, 299, 300 ; 1875, 405. Fog, banks of Newfoundland, 1858, 458. formation or cause of, 1858, 457, 458. Food, analysis and season ablencss of, 1861, 360, 303, 367. articles on, 1844, 3S9 ; 1845, 1009 ; 1861, 358. beet-root pulp for stock, 1870, 214. chaffed hay, straw, buckwheat, etc., 1860, 129, 130. concentrated root, 1869, 284. cost of producing, 1871, 392. different kinds of, for stock, 1845, 334 ; 1847, 481. experiments with, 1868, 428; 1872, 460. for fattening, 1867, 216. plants, 1860, 123 ; 1867, 316. from grains and seeds, 1865, 423. ground and cooked, 1851, 205; 1865, 396, 399, 404; 1869, 439. plants used by man, 1859, 299. preservation of, 1860, 94 ; 1862, 470-478. products of North American Indians, lt370, 404. ralative value of, 1844, 389; 1847, 540; 1849, 57; 1850, 500; 1801, 358; 1865, 408, 430 ; 1868, 429 ; 1870, 445. steaming, 1844, 391; 1847, 345; 1865, 402; 1867, 216; 1869, 438, 439; 1875, 412. used by Indians, 1870, 424, 425. • value of milk as, 1874, 396. winter, 1845, 1009. Fool, • uses of the, plant, 1859, 20. Foosduck, where found and for what cultivated, 1859, 20. Foot, and mouth disease in England, 1872, 439. cause and remedy for rot in sheej), 1872, 488. the horse's, 1870, 357, 358, 366. Forage, and maize, comparative value, 1875, 403. articles on, l.':53, 178 ; 1854, 174 ; 1855, xii, xxx ; 1856, 252 ; 1869, 87 ; 1875, 397. Force, laws of, 1857, 422. vital, 18G9, 101, 103. Forest, American, destruction of, 1865, 210, 225; 1872, 443. and timber, 1868, 447. articles on, 1875, 336, 352. • book notice, 1869, 492 ; 1873, 315. cleaning by steam power, 1874, 273. consumption of, 1865, 213, 215. cultivation of, 1851, 53, 51 ; 1852, 213, 2G9; 1858, 75; 1870, 226, 234 ; 1871, 340, 378; 1872, 161, 316, 318, 319, 329, 332, 479, 500; lr^3, 396, 440; 1874, 395, 413. effect of, on rliinat«e, 1849, 41 ; 1860; 416; 186l>, 492, 516; 1870, 508; 1871, 233. inlluences, 1860, 441, 443, 444; 1871, 354, 355, 373; 1872, 325; 1874, 372. in Nebraska and Colorado, 1871, 378, 409. laws encouraging, 1875, 331. of the United States and European countries, 1872, 45, 46,47, 48; 1875, 245, 247 262, 275. preservation of, in Japan, 1873, 304. prolit of cultuio, 1872, 327, 501. Forester, remedy for the eight, spotted, 1874, 129. Forestry, in India, 1868, 443. State (MK'ouragonuMit of, 1875, 334. statistics of, 1875, 244. 62 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Fork. description of a manure, I860, 327. harpoon, grappling and combined, 1866, 270-272. horse hay, 1869, 327; 1872,289; 1874, 291. Form, explanation and production of crystalline, 1857, 434. Foul brood, cause and prevention of, 1868, 277, 278. Founder, nature aud treatment of, 1870, 368. Fowl, aquatic, house, 1862, 368. Asiatic varieties, 1862, 359. benefit of crossing, 1862, 346. best age for laying, 1862, 346. for fattening, 1860, 85 ; 1862, 353. interrogations on domestic, 1858, 86. management and profit of, 1870, 329-345. of difierent breeds, 1831, 328; 1832, 360, 361, 363; 1865, 97, 98. origin of our domestic, 1862, 359 ; 1865, 97. the guinea, 1865, 99. small flocks for successful breeding, 1862, 348. the pea and aquatic, 1862, 369. to destroy vermin on, 1869, 424. France, statistics of population, productions, animals, &c., 1876, 255-270. Frankincense, nativity and description of tree yielding, 1855, Ivi. Freedmen, land-owners, 1876, 137. shipment to Europe, 1876, 312-319. Frijole, or turtle-soup bean in Mississippi, 1855, 287. Frittellary, the great American, and its chrysalis, 1855, 106. Frost, action of, on plants, 1870, 125. article on, 1859, 555 ; 1861, 146 ; 1866, 188 ; 1868, 120. cause of early, late, dew, and hoar, 1849, 40 ; 1858, 454. effect of, on fruit-trees in Kentucky, 1850, 183. influence of Lake Erie on, 1851, 363. large bodies of water, 1866, 140. of moderate elevations, 1866, 189. on fruit-trees in Alabama, 1871, 156. protecting fruits from, 1865, 204, 528. screening and protecting plants from, 1858, 456, 459 ; 1860, 131 ; 1862, 152. Fruit, analysis of, 1861, 365. and trees of the Middle States, 1865, 199. wine, 1854, 226 ; 1856, 315 ; 1857, 227. article on, 1849, 271 ; 1850, 82-101, 450 ; 1853, 256 ; 1854, 226, 235, 237, 240, 244, 246, 254, 258, 261, 266, 275, 277, 280 ; 1856, 315; 1857, 227; 1858, 370, 375; 1861, 541 j 1864, 141, 152-156 ; 1867, 140 ; 1869, 442, 446 ; 1871, 143 ; 1873, 279. book notice, 1868, 566 ; 1874, 445. «ause of, blight, 1851, 403. canning, 1873, 279, 280. Chinese, 1850, 450 ; 1860, 474. crop of New Hampshire, comparative value of, 1876, 413. cultivated in different States, 1848, 376, 381 ; 1849, 170, 445 ; 1852, 119, 205 ; 1853, 270, 273; 1861, 254; 1862, 52; 1864, 37; 1866, 151, 153, 164, 183; 1868, 442, 481 j 1869, 536; 1870, 441 ; 1873, 432, 470; 1875, 368. cultivation of, at the South, 1845, 957 ; 1871, 143. in Japan, 1873, 373. culture, 1861, 541 ; 1870, 491. and profit, 1850, 200, 201, 297, 358, 382; 1851, 328; 1873, 429. department collections of, 1874, 8. directions for marketing, 1871, 351 ; 1872, 490. ■dried, and drying, 1872, 441, 442. nuts, and vegetables used by Indians, 1870, 409, 416, 425. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 63 Fruit, El Paso Valley for the production of, 1859, 40. gatheriug, ripening, and keeping, 1864, 152. growing, in Michigan, 1876, 394, 402, 404. how the diHerent varieties of, have been produced, 1860, 445» importance of cultivating, 1867, 243. imports and exports of, 1858, 231, 340. improved fruit-gatherers, 1846, 19. inHnence of the stock on growth and quality of, 1869, 203. interrogations on, nuts and wine, 1858, 38. law for encouragement of, in Nebraska, 1871, 378. list of, for general cultivation, 1854, 229; 1856, 401; 1858, 42*2, 425. manufacture of vinegar from unripe, 1870, 618. multiplying improved varieties of, 1857, 250. native, of the far West, 1865, 207. nativity and uses of the bread, 1859, 315. new varieties of, in Michigan, 1876, 405. of Africa, Australia, and America, 1859, 343, 347. Cabul and vicinity, 1861, 526. increasing the bearing of trees, 1857, 247. preserving, 1852, 278; 1870, 612; 1873, 430. popular varieties of hardy, 1^64, 141; 1865, 186; 1866, 131; 1867, 129. printing on, 1861, 318. prophylactic and curative qualities of ripe, 1849, 444. recent facts concerning, 1871, 231, 233, 347; 1872, 440; 1874, 270. regions of the Northern States, 1866, 137. reports of State committees, 1852, 32. shipments from Southern Illinois and California, 1872, 440, 441; 1873, 279. small garden, 1863, 352; 1808, 510. synonyms of varieties of, 1874, 448. the two methods of improving, 1857, 245. unripe, for food, 18G1, 367. value of, for the table, 1868, 474. wild, and flowers, of Colorado, 1866, 126. winter-killing of trees and buds, 1852, 29. Fiimitorv', climbing, as an ornamental plant, 1868, 205. Fungus, action of, in potato rot, 1845,681; 1847, 153; 1848, 564; 1868, 230. article on, 1849, 391; 1853, 311. causing diflerent fermentations, 1864, 522. the black-knot, 1873, 196; 1874, 173; 1875, 206. Centennial collection of microscopic, 1876, 81. comnumicatiou of, to grape-vines, 1871, 110, 116. dry air on the growth of, 1871, 113, 116; 1872, 188. edible, 1876, 79. how to destroy, in potatoes, 1845, 642. injuring trees and vegetables, 1871, 119, 121; 1872, 188, 198; 1873, 183-200. insects in, 186"^, 109. in the onion, with remedies, 1869, 224; 1872, 193; 1873, 210. manner of growth, 1H()5, 547; 18I)H, 231; 1869, 391. microscopic investigations, iS/l, 110; 1872, 188; 1873, 183; 1874, 173; 1875, 206. of the influenza of horses, 1872, 237. origin of, in yeast, 18(54, 529. Professor McNab on the studv of, 1874, 177. remedies for, 18(J8, 232; 1,-^1." 113, 115; 1873, 196. spores of, absorbed by pores of plants, 1844, 437; 1849, 392; 1868, 231. Fur, in.sects destructive to, 1868, 109. warm clinuito causes coarseness of, 1874, 233. . Furniture, iniprovoments in household, 1845, 30; 1846, 33; 1847, 45; 1848, 78. Fur/.e, description and uses of, l'^54, xxxv. for foilder and hedges, 1854, 398. Galbaiunn, source and properties of, 1870, 186. Galem, source and us(> of oil, 1870, 177. 64 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Galereuca, habits and remedy for tlie twelve-spotted, 1855, 90. Gall, Alepo, for coloring and making ink, 1866, 35. origin and use of, nuts, 1855, lu, livj 1866, 35. Gallizing, of wine, process and inventor, 1867, 158. Galvanism, for purifying liquids, 1847, 41. in blasting rock and preserving leaf impressions, 1843, 318. on vegetation, 1844, 370. Gambler, origin, preparation, and uses of, 1870, 184. Gamboge, origin and uses of, 1870, 182. Gangraena, supposed cause of the potato disease, 1845, 235. Garden, a goverment propagating, at Washington, 1858, 280. book notices, 1871, 410, 412, 413, 414. farmers, article on, 1863, 337, 338, 340, 343, 345, 346, 350, 352, 355, 356, 368. government experimental, 1860, 28; 1868, 11 j 1869, 17. kitchen, 1854, 322-333. propagating, article on, 1859, 1 ; 1867, xv, 18. report of department experimental, 1862, 540. shipping vegetables, 1869, 447. vegetables, article on, 1864, 110. winter, at Kew, England, 1861, 318; 1870, 109; 1871, 102; 1874, 280. work of the propagating, 1861, 4. Gardening, article on, 1854, 322, 389 ; 1855, 289 ; 1865, 243 ; 1869, 159. book notice, 1868, 563, 565 ; 1872, 400. in California, 1872, 438. Florida, 1868, 443. landscape, 1854, 389; 1859, 132; 1869, 159, 160, 161. market, 1869, 447. in vicinity of New York, 1865, 243, 268. near Boston, 1873, 277, requisites in successful, 1864, 111. Garlic, cultivation and uses of, 1854, 353. field or crow, in Pennsylvania, 1865, 517. history and locality of, 1859, 334. Gas, and steam engines, 1843, 272. carbureted spring in West Virginia, 1863, 67. improvement in the manufacture of, 1843, 173. influence of illuminating, on plants, 1875, 147. light from lard, 1843, 172. lime, chemical composition of, 1856, 223. property of earth to absorb oxygen, 1870, 145. qualities of coal-oil, 1862, 446. waste, value of, for agriculture, 1860, 119. Gate, different kinds of, 1871,, 507. entrance, and carriage turns, 1869, 175. improvements Id farm, 1869, 332. tables of, and bars, and cost of, 1871, 508. Ganger, 4. habits of and remedy for the false plum, 1863, 572; 1867, 73, Generation, theory of spontaneous, 1864, 530, 531. Generator, and steam boilers, 1843, 275 ; 1844, 483. Geography, of plants, 1863, 464. physical, of the United States, 1856, 477. Geology, thickness of rocks on the globe, 1850, 32. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 65 Georgia, Agricultural Society, 1874, 387 ; 1875, 439. agriculture of, 18G6, 572, 576, 577; 1871, 153; 1873, 280. colleges of agriculture, etc. (See College), 1674, 388. coudition and resources of, 1866, 567. cotton, 1852, 80 ; 1866, 574. freedmen of, 1866, 573. lands of, 1867, 105, 113; 1872, .53, 448; 1875, 271. live stock, 1866, 67, 578; 1867, 92; 1868, 45; 1869, 47; 1870, 47; 1871, 3C; 1872, 43; 1873, 40; 1874, 40; 1875, 35; 1876, 112. losses of hogs in, 1876, 111. minerals of, 1866, 579 ; 1868, 388. Xortliern men in, 1866, 580. Xortli Georgia Agricultural College. (See College.) observations on crops of, 184H, 499 ; 1849, 144 ; 1850, 393 ; 1851, 318 j 1852, 62. tables of productions of, 1851, 498. tabular estimate of the crojjs of. (See Crop.) ' time of planting Irish potatoes in, 1848, 501. ■wa^es of labor in, 1848, 502. weights and measures of, 1871, 222. Geranium, directions for cultivating, and varieties of, 1863, 372. Germination, camphor a stimulant of, 1874, 278. light and electricity, 1869, 134, 152. process of, 1864, 333 ; 1869, 102. to prevent potatoes in cellars from, 1871, 236. Geyser, of Montana Territory, 1871, 441. Gimlet, superiority of, and other American tools, 1843, 255. Gin, improvement in the cotton, 1844, 476 ; 1869, 330. Ginger, cultivation of, 1854, 354 ; 1855, xxiv. cultivating of, in the Southern States, 1871, 107. source, propcilics, and uses of, 1870, 202, 203. Gingelly, soiuce, preparation, and use of oil of, 1870, 173. Gingko, use of seeds for food, 18C0, 475. variety of, with variegated foliage, 1868, 202. Gingscng, in North Carolina, 1872, 452, the Western States and export to China, 1842, 36. use of, by Alaska Indians, 1870, 407. Girdler, habits and remedies for the twig, 1871, 72 ; 1873, 153. Glass, improvements in coloring and ornamenting, 1843, 322. Glue, imports and exports of, 1858, 222. / Glutton, description and habits of, 1858, 245. Glycerine, manufacture and uses of, 1866, 388, Glycogen, properties of, 1>75, 1>7. Glyconin, composition and use of, 1^70, 620. Gnat, llics and other insects, how to collect, 1808, 310. Goat, Angora, Persian and Cashmere, 1^^.53. 20; 1855, 54; 1803, 222; 1665, 90; 1867, lU article on, 1K'.3, 20; 1K')5, 54, 57; 1H63, 21C); 1867, 225. Asiatic, and all otlier, 1>.'»7, 56, 57; 1H63, 21(». in the United States, 18.57, 60, ix>; lb03, 224 ; 1607, 225; 1609, 538. as compared with slierp <»r swine, 1803, 218. book n»>tiee, 1*^<'.'.>, 50 1. Cashmere, prolitable in Indiana, 1807, 353. O A QQ INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Goat, Cashmere, Thibetian and long-eared Syrian, 1863, 221. crossing Angora with native, 1867, 225. hair of, magniiied, 1855, 57, 59. hybridization of, with sheep, 1851, 87. in Sicily, 1859, 124. interrogations on, 1858, 83. manufacture of Angora fleece, 1867, 225, 226, 227, 228. the Angora in Australia, 1869, 630. California and Utah, 1872, 438, 439. Malta, in South Carolina, 1853, 21. Rocky Mountain, 1851, 120; 1859, 542; 1863, 219; 1867, 218, 219, wool-bearing, 1863, 220; 1867, 11. Turkey morocco made from, skins, 1863, 219. family of, with species, 1863, 281, 294. Golden-rod, habits and worthlessness of, 1865, 513. Goldfinch, benefits and injuries of, 1865, 41. (See Finch). food, habits, nest, and eggs of, 1863, 301 ; 1864, 421. hybridization with the Canary bird, 1863, 181. Gold-of-pleasure, fiber and oil, 1851, 51 ; 1854, xxv ; 1870, 181. to destroy it as a weed, 1865, 510. Googul, source and uses of, 1870, 188. Goose, article on, 1862, 370, 371. different species of, 1865, 100. directions for raising, 1870, 537. for destroying grass in cotton-fields, 1874, 279. interrogations on, 1858, 87. Gooseberry, article on, 1847, 472; 1853, 322; 1860, 497. oultivation of, in different States, 1858, 382, 388, 391, 409; 1868, 520. distribution of, 1859, 346. for Indian food, 1870, 414. improved varieties, 1860, 497. indigenous of Nebraska, 1865, 208. in the department garden, 1864, 607. interrogatories on, 1858, 51. on cultivating the, 1845, 308 ; 1861, 542. remedy for the midge, 1872, 127. report on, in several States, 1856, 357, 386, 396, 400. soil and remedy for mildew, 1856, 342. Goosefoot, or lamb's quarter, as a weed, 1865, 516. use of, by the Indians, 1870, 4\9. Gopher, how to destroy the, 1863, 269. the pocket or pouch-rat, 1857, 72, 75. striped or prairie ground squirrel, 1853, 68-70. Gouger, habits knd remedy for the plum, 1870, 70. Gourami, nativity and attempt to acclimatize, 1866, 417, 419. Grackle, the purple or crow blackbird, 1856, 133 ; 1864, 428. usefulness of the Indian, 1863, 284. Grafting, and budding apple-trees, 1850, 383, 430; 1851, 133, 675; 1852, 131, 213; 1853, 272; 1857, 252. and budding, article on, 1856, 315-328. budding and, 1865, 200. effects of, on different stocks, 1867, 315 ; 1872, 484. new method of, 1869, 446. plum, peach, and apricot on wild plum, 1865, 208. the citron on the orange-tree, 1867, 153. grape-vine, 1858, 367. IXDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 67 Grain, and flour, domestic trade in, 1876, 164, 177, 206. grass, hints on growing, 1876, 371. articles on, 1844, 189-192, 346; 1873, 89; 1874, 75; 1875, 59. bushels raised to population, 1843, 105. crop iu Iowa, 1867, 359. curing, 1869, 441. drills, 1870, 400 ; 1874, 287. exportations from Russia, 1848, 711. feeding, 1864, 201 ; 1867, 215, 347 ; 1870, 611. in California, 1866, 585 ; 1873, 288. insects injurious to, 1868, 110; 1870, 620. of harvesting, 1863, 430, 431. sowing, 1866, 262 ; 1871, 362. preservation of, 1872, 440. produced in the United States, 1847, 545; 1848, 709. l)roportion of ditferent kinds of, exported, 1876, 177. protection from storms and wire-worms, 1869, 442. requisites in growing, 1837, 6 ; 1843, 39 ; 1870, 531. thrashing and cleaning, 1863, 432. varieties of, 1870, 24, 200. Grain-binders, improvement in, 1871, 217. Grain-bins, construction of, 1869, 329. Grape, American, 1859, 57, 59 ; 1861, 478-486 ; 1862, 194 ; 1863, 489, 490. analysis of, 1859, 55 ; 1860, 325, 337 ; 1862, 509. a new seedling, 1876, 418. articles on, ld45, 932, 934, 940, 945, 946; 1847, 462-470; 1848, 614; 1849, 283, 286, 287 ; 1851, 48 ; 1853, 296, 306, 311, 372 ; 1854, 311 ; 1855, 302. 305 ; 1856, 408 ; 1857, 227, 232; 1858, 338, 344, 348; 1859, 30, 44, 61, 71; 1860, 359-416, 499; 1861, 476; 1862, 194, 209; 1863, 147; 1865, 194, 324; 1866, 115; 1868, 207. best variety for New Hampshire, 1876, 413. book notices, 1868, 567, 574. bv the Pueblo Indians, 1870, 415. Catawba, 1843, 104 ; 1845, 311 ; 1851, 49 ; 1854, 313. cause of failure of the foreign, 1876, 71. climates of, 1853, 375, 378, 379, 3b5; 1858, 352; 1862, gOO; 1833, 478, 494, 495; 1867, 27, 315. Concord, Delaware and Diana, 1862, 210; 1866, 118; 1873, 387, 434, 435. cultivation of, 1850, 373, 431; 1853, 299, 303, 306, 372, 382: 1854,312; 1855, 307; 1856, 329, 408-445; 1858, 354, 355; 1859, 62, 71-84, 85, 94, 1(»8, 129, 130; 18(50, :j,-)9- 416; 1861,486-506-526; 1863, 147-158, 354; 1866, 97-114,115-125; 1807, 12; 1868, 207-219, 568, 571; 1874, 420. desirable varieties, 1854, 274; 1863, 127, 355, 482; 1867, 162; 1871, 403; 1875, 383, 385. disease in Europe, 1865, 324-33?^. diseases and enemies of, 1853, 311, 312, 313; 1856, 430; 1857, 122: 1858, 352. European, 1860, 324; 1861, 480; 1863, 486. experiments on cuttings, 1861, 476. foreign varieties, 1849, 187; 1850, 99; 1859, 540. 5.59: I860, 30, 31. for wine, 1845, 945; 1847,462; 1848,614; 1850,238; 1853,29(5,306; laV., 3(>2; ia56, 408; 1859, 42, 44, 62, 342; 1860, 323-358, ;J59-416; 1861, 506-526; 18<52, 195; 1867, 12, 155, 163; 1868, 6; 18(59, 54(5. growing, vines from leaves, 1869, 416. Herbemont, Logan, and Kebeera, 18(52, 212. hybridizing, etc., 18(52, 209; 1S(54, 122-140; 1867, 305, 341; 1870, 494. inarching with fonMgn, 18(59, 500, in Ikitisli North America, 1853, 298. California, 1851, 5; 1853, 299; 1858, 338, 344; 1870, 151; 1872, 441; 1873, 377, Connecticut, 1858, 391. Delaware, 185(5, 371. Florida, 18(57, 14(5. Georgia, 1851, 322. Government ganb^n, 18.59, 17. Illinois, lS,-)('», :mS; 1S59, 5:15. Indiana an«l Kcntiickv, 1853, 310. Jowa, 18T1, 231. Maine, 185(5. 329. 68 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Grape, in Maryland, 1853, 300; 1871, 145. Massacliusetts, 1853, 300; 1856, 332; 1858,398; 1868, 482; 1870, 492. Micliigan, 1856, 386. Missouri, 1851, 452; 1853, 310; 1854, 255; 1857, 232; 1868, 524; 1869, 546; 1871, 232. Nebraska, 1865, 209; 1866, 115. New Enffland, 1858, 355-366. New Jersey, 1847, 199; 1856, 351; 1858, 408; 1866, 149. New Mexico, 1851, 481. , New York, 1859, 547. North Carolina, 1845, 938; 1849, 283; 1851, 48; 1871, 148, 149, 150. Ohio, 1853, o09, 310; 1855, 305; 1858, 417; 1861, 470, 475; 1869, 533; 1871, 231. Pennsylvania, 1856, 357 ; 1858, 419. interrogatories on, 1858, 48. in Texas, 1859, 30, 39. the South, 1858, 383. lona, Diana, and Rogers, No. 4, 1865, 187, 188. Isabella, 1851, 49; 1854, 313. list of, unworthy of cultivation, 1864, 607. Malaga, 1864, 501. mildew, 1849, 136 ; 1854, 312 ; 1862, 153 ; 1865, 542, 546, 549 ; 1871, 116. native, 1857, 228-231, 233; 1858, 346; 1859, 30, 537-539; 1860,29,30,499; 1861, 479 ; 1862, 198, 203, 206, 207 ; 1863, 548. new varieties, 1865, 194-199 ; 1874, 450. of preserving, 1847, 200; 1850, 99; 1854, 316; 1862, 488; 1870, 613; 1871, 232. Old Mission, 1866, 129, 131. on Lake Erie and islands, 1851, "362, 374; 1852, 251; 1853, 304; 1866, 181. Paris Exposition report on, 1867, 163-171. propagating, 1870, 615. raisin, 1854, xxxi. report of superintendent of garden on, 1865, 13-16, 20; 1866, 18, 19; 1868, 118; 1869, 81-87. root louse, 1876, 40, 70, 81. Scuppernong, 1843, 104; 1847,470; 1849,284; 1851,49; 1853,306; 1861,480; 1868, 119, 443, 574 ; 1874, 445. sugar, 1860, 328. sirup, production of, 1876, 161. the Kalamazoo, 1872, 484. rot, 1853, 301 ; 1857, 234 ; 1865, 544 ; 1869, 513. under glass, 1867, 25. varieties of, 1862, 212, 214, 215, 216; 1863, 127-130; 1868, 211. vine from Japan, 1864, 504. Winnie, 1845, 312. Yokanodkans, 1843, 104. Grapery, arrangement of house, with drawing, 1861, 502. culture of grapes in, 1860, 402-416. expense of erecting, 1862, 545. inside borders for, 1866, 22. plans for, 1861, 487, 488. Grass, alfalfa, 1855, 254. analysis of cultivated, 1865, 401, 420. and grain, 1876, 371. arundo, 1843, 68, 142. bear, 1847, 424. bent, sweet gum from, 1870, 423. Bermuda, 1844, 94 ; 1849, 156 ; 1853, 400 ; 1855, 252 ; 1873, 280 ; 1874, 229. brush, 1859, 307. buffalo, 1868, 489. China, 1855, 244 ; 1885, 34, 347-352 ; 1866, 11, 21 ; 1867, 220-224. Chinese, cloth-plant and, of the Brazilian pampas, 1860, 139. linen-plant, 1855,247. climatology of, 1853, 395-400. clover, 1845, 689 ; 1854, 192. correspondence on, 1853, 212 ; 1854, 188 ; 1855, 250. couch or phin, 1854, 187, 188. crab, 1851, 334 ; 1854, 188. culture of, 1843, 143; 1845, 255; 1854, 191, 192; 1871, 383, 425; 1873, 473. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 69 Grass, current facts about, 1873, 280. esparto, 1868, 260-267. and silk, 1803, 109. experiments in top-dressing lan for killing, 1871, 80. metamorphosis of the, 1863, .564. of the dilbn-nt States, 1873, 1.55. lubber, 1H58, 265; 1872, 117. ravages of, in the West, 186(), 27, 31. or Paeific migratory loeust, 1871, 78. remedies for, 1855, 70; 1862,388; 1864, 543; 186G, 23. species of, 1862, 381, :583. the green-Uy destruetivo to, \>M^C^, 31. hateful,' 1869, 541; 1874, 136, 137. Roekv Mountain and common, 11^70, 71). "terrible," of California. 1S74, 137, Vl-^. used for food by Digger Indians, 1H70, 42r). West'^rn locust, or hateful, and nMl-legged. 18(>7, 65; 1874, 126. 70 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. action of, on tlie growth of vegetables, 1869, 106. experiments witli7 on growth of plants, 1869, 108. Grayling, description and use of, 1870, 387. Grazing, discussion on, 1872, 466. in Indiana, 1876, 373. interest in Nebraska, 1871, 377. lands of America, 1870, 301-310. Grease, objection to breeding, in wool, 1871, 194. utilizing the, of sheep's wool, 1870, 619. Great Britain, ^ ^ ^^- agricultm-al statistics of, 1866, 64; 1873, 145; 1876, 269. crops and live stock from, 1867 to 1873, 1874, 275. farm stock of, 1865, 71. dax in, 1861, 74, 75. imports and exports of, 1873, 141. population, productions, and areas, 1876, 255-267. potato disease in, 1873, 288. wheat supply of, 1873, 49, 50, 288. Greece statistics of population, productions, etc., 1876, 255-270. Green sand, analysis of, from Maryland, 1873, 171. marls, 1868, 69, 402, 403. Grossbeak, cardinal, or Virginia nightingale, 1863, 303 ; 1865, 42. the blue, 1856, 124 ; 1863, 303. pine, 1863, 301. rose-breasted, 1856, 125 ; 1863, 30: . ^^ department, 1868, 191; 1869, 18; 1870, 12, 16; 1873, 9; 1874, 7. Groundsel, or ragwort, worthlessness of, 1865, 513. Grouse, family of, with species, 1863, 305. Richardson's, the spruce, and Franklin's, 1864, 368, 369, 370. Sabine's, the allied and the pinnated, 1864, 364. the ruffed, 1856, 151-153 ; 1864, 362, 363 ; 1865, 44. sharp-tail, arctic sharp-tail, and dusky, 1864, 367. spotted Canadian, 1856, 153. Grove, artificial, 1867, 361 ; 1873, 283. effect of, on climate, 1873, 396. Grub, destroying sheep, 1875, 34. experiments in destroying, 1869, 296. for feeding young pheasants, 1872, 132. injuring roots of grape-vine, orange tree, etc., 1870, 72. injurious to corn and grass, 1874, 129. in the sheep's head, remedy for, 1864, 563. of the May-bug, 1867, 357. Guado, preparation of, and use in dyeing linen, 1859, 119. Guanaco, nativity, habits, and hybridization of, 1865, 96. Guano, abundance of the supply, 1845, 358; 1850, 79; 1872, 436. analysis and composition of, 1843, 125 ; 1844, 378. and compost manures, 1844, 377 ; 1856, 193. article on, 1854, 90-101. bat, of the Tennessee caves, 1869, 564. compared with barn-yard manure, 1869, 292. deposits of, in Peru, 1874, 267. experiments with, 1850, 79 ; 1851, 10 ; 1868, 433 ; 1872, 149. for making Dr. Valentine's, 1869, 431. formula for artificial, 1844, 379. great value for wheat, 1850, 59, 347 ; 1652, 98, 176: 1853, 81. I INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 71 Guano, gypsnm and, 1860, 116. liow to know good, 1^:^60, 115. imports and exports of, 1858, 230; 1870, 438. introduced by llnmboldt and Davy, 1872, 303. Lobos Islands and Bolivian, 18G4, 495, 538. manufacture of fish, 1854, 107 ; 1872,436; 1875,508. soluble Pacific, 1873, 273. on buckwheat, 1854, 113. com, 1851, 267. neglected lands in Delaware, 1855, 151. strong limestone soils, 1867, 185. Peruvian, 1851, 2; 1854, 96; 1869, 429; 1873, 272. potato crop doubled by, 1853, 85. quantity per acre, 1853, 79 ; 1854, 100. rules for aj^plying and cxjjeriments with, 1844, 381, 382. value, use, and adulteration, 1865, 380, 381, 382; 1873, 272. variation in quality, 1870, 441. Guarana, source, use, and properties of, 1870, 196. Guava, cultivation of, in Florida, 1867, 144. locality and fruit of, 1859, 348. Gum, and resins, 1870, 181, 182, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 190, 191. arable tree, the Egyptian, 18.5.5, Iviii. history and use of the mesquite, of Texas, 1872, 452. the new California, 1860, 138. tree, blue and red, cultivate. llaarh-ni, article on the drainage of Lake. 1S')5, 122, 127 ; 18(>G, 532, eni^ines on, and tiiiic icqiiiird, l^i'At, .532. Ilackuialack, proiKTt irs and uses of", {"^ni), 179. Haii-luid, habits, nest, and eggs of, 1-64, 123. 72 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Halibut, abundance, near Alaska and Sitka Island, 1870, 381. Ham, and bacon, exports of, 1876, 239. curing, 1845, 374, 1159; 1850, 233, 267, 273, 446; 1851, 667; 1852, 173, 231; 1863, 214. of preserving, from insects, 1862, 489. preparing, 1843, 226; 1844, 431. secret of curing, 1851, 311. Hang-bird, habits, nest, eggs, and food of, 1864, 427 ; 1865, 42. oi the family of, and rabbits, 1863, 272. or gray, white, or swamp rabbit, 1857, 77, 84, 85, 86. Harpalus, food, and benefit of the, 1854, 87 ; 1855, 110. Harpoon, improvements of, 1844, 489. Harrow, and roller, 1863, 425. different recent patents, 1869, 321. revolving tooth, 1871, 215. rotary and smoothing, 1872, 285. the sulky, 1874, 286. with drawing, 1862, 417 ; 1866, 250, 251 ; 1869, 321. Harvest, flies, 1876, 24. Indian corn, 1866, 281 ; 1874, 293. improvements in, 1869, 326 ; 1871, 216. Hat^ improvements in manufacture and machinery, 1843, 271 ; 1844, 481. Hawk, Cooper's sharp-shinned, red-tailed, red-shouldered, and broad-winged, 1864, 389, 390. injuries, benefits, and food of, 1865, 36, 37. • large-footed, and sharp-shinned, 1856, 117, 118. the duck, great-footed pigeon, and sparrow, 1864, 387, 388. marsh, or mouse, fish, and night, 1864, 391, 392, 400. Hawthorn, flowering, 1868, 203. for hedges, 1854, 394, 410. fruit for Indian food, 1870, 413. unfit for hedges in Mississippi Valley, 1868, 244. Hawthorn-blight, microscopic investigations of, 1873, 183. Hay, annual product and value of, in the United States, 1871, 385 ; 1876, 91. answers to circular on crops, 1849, 291. articles on, 1845, 691 ; 1847, 421 ; 1858, 308. average price in different States, 1873, 47. bailing and shipping, 1863, 430. composition of good, 1864, 280. correspondence on, 1853, 212; 1854, 188; 1855, 250. cost of making, by machinery and otherwise, 1869, 441, 442. culture and value of the crop, 1873, 425. cutting and curing, 1844, 94 ; 1845, 254, 691 ; 1847, 421 ; 1858, 308, 311 ; 1867, 240, 1868, 423, 476 ; 1869, 441 ; 1871, 253, 365. experiments with, 1868, 423 ; 1869, 273. . extent of the trade at West Albany, 1874, 276. grass and other fodder, 1853, 210. ground, and the tedder, 1869, 425, 426. horse-power pitching fork, 1849, 366. importance of the, crop in New England, 1861, 2.52. increased yield from supplying proper plant food, 1876, 390, in New York and at New Orleans, 1873, 280. marsh, salt and fresh water, 1876, 290. Ijerfection of the, cutter, 1872, 290. prairie, 1870, 221. Ijremium crops in Ohio, 1868, 509. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 73 progress of the culture in this oouutiy, 1872, 295. six tODS per acre at two cuttings, Iti.V^, 159. statistics of, 1874, 23, 33, 34, lio; 1876, 91-98. table of sowing and yield i)er acre, 1848, 656. tabular estimate of, crops in the diftereut States and remarks thereon. (See under name of each State.) value of crop in New Hampshire, 1871, 382. 100 pounds conipar«*d, 1862, 273 ; 1868, 474. the crop of Illinois, 1872, 4^0. in Massacliusetts, 1868, 481. Header, description and antifjuitv of, 1874, 288. Health. application of chemistry to the laws of, 1876, 400. of farmers' families, 1862, 4.');i-470. Heat. analogy of, and sound, 1857, 428. effect of, on plants, 1857, 486. 488; 1863, 471. from the sun on different surfaces, 1857, 491, 492. internal, of vegetables, 1869, 115. of soils to develop, on being moistened, 1870, 147. radiant, and of the earth, If^yl, 458, 465. Heath-berrV, for food, 1859, 347; Hedge, and plants, 1868, 194. cost of, 1869, 436. experiments in growiug, 1873, 439. fences and, 1869, 172. in Iowa, 1871, 238, :349. Osage, 1868, 245-259 ; 1869, 413. plants suitable for, 1857, 239; 1868, 196; 1872, 478; 1876, 70. preparing soil for, and pruning, 1868, 194, 195. quick-set, and treatment of, 1854, 393, 395. the Macartney rose for, in Georgia, 1855, 315. pyracantha, or evergroen thorn for, 1856, 451. trees and shrubs employed for, IK54, 396. Hekune, oil, source and uses of, 1870, 178. Helbeh, history and use of, 1859, 20. Heliotrope, different si)ecies and fragrance of, 1863, 373. Hemlock, as an ornamental tree, 1872, 1()6. poisonous fjualities and varU'ty, 1865, 512. spruce for hedges, 1854, 403; i86*<, 196. Hemj), American compared to Rjissiaii, 1?^45, 715. American dcw-rottcd. 1.-^45, 712; 1849, 328. (art. on), Centennial, 1H49, 327. a subsiitutc ibr (art. on), 18.50, 310. circular on American, 1>'44. 277. consumption and «iMality «)f American, 1*^41, 74. c«)rn*s]>on(lence on, 1"^.')3, 205 ; 1>54, l*^o; l^^.Y), 242. cultivation of, 1^44, 26^; 1^4.5, 390, 700, 706; 1861, 83; 18C3, 01-96. culture and manuf.icture, 18(>1, 83. curing, by heat, 184.5,717. delect iv«^ i)reparation, 1845, 724. exjiorts, ls,')H, 230. llax and (art. on), 18.53, llX>-20;; ; 1H<>9, 57. imports. |S42, 21; 1^43,72; l.-'.5"', 2:?0. inclestruct iltle coj-dage, 1S4S, lit). in .lapan, 1^73, 372. Kentucky and Mis.souri, 1H,54, 186; 1868, 626. Russia, is55, 2.3S. insect feeding on s«'eds of, 1868, 110. in Sicily, 1859, 121. 74 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Hemp, interrogatories on, 1858, C4. in the Pacific States, 1864, 476. jenequen, or Sisal, 1859, 257. Kentucky, unsurpassed, 1845 723. kyanizing, 1861, 107. least exhausting crop, 1861, 108. manufacture, 1844, 275; 1845, 390, 700; 1858, 230; 1861, 83. names of States growing, 1841, 73. of growing, in the Northern States, 1861, 115. substituting, for cotton, 1863, 13. the Indian and Bologna, 1843, 70, 71. oil from 100 pounds of seed, 1843, 110. poisonous effect on water used, 1861, 28. preparing, 1848, 33. product per acre, 1842, 21 ; 1872, 509. separating fiber from the stocks, 1843, 263. Sisal, in Florida, 1855, 242 ; 1856, 252. spinning, 1843, 263. statistics of, 1863, 106. % strength of different specimens, 1845, 719. tabular estimate of crops in the different States and remarks thereon. (See the name of each State.) to give light color to water-rotted, 1845, 714. water-rotting, 1843, 144 ; 1844, 99 ; 1845, 42, 704, 706, 722 ; 1849, 329. yield in Kentucky and Missouri, 1851, 360, 450. Hen, benefit of feeding nettles to laying hens, 1870, 612. remedies for lice on, 1864, 545. (See Poultry.) the meadow, 1863, 285. prairie, 1864, 364, Henbit, or dead nettles, 1865, 515. Heracleum, value as a forage plant, 1854, xxiii. Herbarium, additions made to the National, 1873, 10 ; 1874, 156. contributions to the National, 1870, 11 ; 1872, 159. magnitude of, in Kew Gardens, 1870, 111. names of the contributors, 1870, 108 ; 1872, 159. plants distributed from the National, 1874, 156. the National, of the department, 1869, 91-95. Heron, the family of, with species, 1863, 306. Herring, habits and catching, near Alaska, 1870, 380. Hesse Darmstadt, statistics of population, productions, etc., of, 1876, 255-269. Hickory, insects injurious to, 1868, 111. in ship-building, 1866, 481. Hides, dry, incapable of transmitting rinderpest, 1876, 321. imports and exports, 1858, 222. insects injurious to, 1868, 111. markets for, 1876, 215, 226. number shipped from Montevideo, 1865, 495. preparing South American, for market, 1865, 494. Hill, table of number on acre, 1854, 331. Hodges, Silas H., report of, 1852, 1. Hoe, first cast-steel, made, 1872, 286. used in Massachusetts, 1872, 278. seed-sower and wheel, 1851, 151. the horse, 1862, 7 ; 1866, 247, 252. weeding, 1866, 285. Hog, and its products, 1866, 382-393. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 75 Hog, Berkshire and premium, 1871, 230. black-tooth in, remedy for, 1871, 387. Chester breed, 1850, 417 ; 1855, 01. cholera, 1861, 147-154 ; 18C7, 99 ; 1876, 408. treatment of, 1876, 4*23. cist on the crop, 1847, 524-533. correspondence on raising, 1853, 50; 18^4, 56; 1855, 61. cost of packed, 1876, 233, 234. crop in the West, 1848, 636. cross breeding, 1847, 538. diseases of the, 1876, 107, 408. experiment, in feeding, 1871, 249; 1872, 460; 1875, 510; 1876, 398. exports, 1858, 224, Qlo ; 1876, 239. fattening, 1847, 534; 1851, 360: 1852, 177, 326; 1853, 51; 1868, 428; 1870, 498, 504, 512, 611. fattening, on acorns, 1850, 233. gum, 1870, 187. improved blood, 1872, 439. in Colorado, ltt70, 446. Europe and America, 1845, 1024. France and Great Britain, 1869, 629. lard per hog, 1842, 89 ; 1874, 105. losses of the, 1876, 111. number and value of, 1845, 344, 345 ; 1875, 34, 36, 49, 50. prices of, in the United States, 1876, 104. numbers of the, packed, 1876, 232, 234, 239, 241. value, etc., in the several States, 1876, 113. of Russia, 1855, 60. selecting breeds, 1870, 494. or swine trade and markets, 1876, 211, 228, 250, 252. packing in the West, 1849, 493 ; 1851, 566 ; 1863, 198-215 ; 1874, 103. Poland-China, 1873, 438. (See Swine.) products, markets for, 1876, 214, 229, 242, 250. prevalence of diseases of the, 1866, 78. profitable, 1870, 445. raising and management of the, 1873, 397,*438; 1874, 231, receipts of, in the Eastern cities, 1876, 236. slaughtered in the United States, 1872, 424. statistics, 1850, 561. swine, 1853, 48-50. weight of packed, 1876, 232, 2.34, 241. wood-chuck or ground, 1856, 82. yield of lard, 1876, 233, 234. Holland, statistics of population, productions, etc., 1876, 255-270. Hollo way, David P., report of, 1861, 3. Hollv, for hedges, 1854, 399, 400. Yopon, or emetic, 1859, 15. Holt, Joseph, report of, 1857, iii. Home, making, 1871, 392 ; 1874, 443. of fanners' in Italy, 1876, 284. Homestead, act of Congress on, 1808, 465, 468. Honey, bee's-wax and, l'^55, 120. Chinese mode of taking, 1860, 91. efiect of ago on. l^^JiO, 269. from orang(^ and citron llowora, 1867, 154. imports and exports, 1858, 221. in Austria, 18()0, 280, 282. of taking, from the hive, 1860, 297. ])oison<)Us when, 1857, 119. produit of. H():>, 458; 18(k!<, 272, 273 ; 1871, -389, 406. ]>uiif\ ing, l-Tid. 2tU). rol>ber-J s st»'aling, 1860, 283. wine, 180U, 300. 76 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Honeysuckle, Japan, for arbors, 1868, 204. the wild, Indian food, 1870, 414. Hoof, cattle's for Prussian blue, 1845, 1027. gutta-percba for borse's, 1861, 322. sand-crack, or split, 1870, 373. Hook, Dunlap's, weed, 1863, 419. Hops, analysis of asbes, 1850, 545; 1853, 248. crop, 1876, 91, 104. culture, 1853, 245-254; 1854, 355; 1861, 289-293. exports, 1858, 232. in Alabama, 1870, 449. England, 1857, 280-293. Sauk County, Wisconsin, 1869, 538. interrogatories on, 1858, 69. in Victoria, 1874, 438. Virginia, 1857, 15. origin and bistory of, 1853, 242-244. plant, 1864, 97-1 io. Hopper, tbe buffalo-tree, 1864, 560. grape-vine, 1854, 77 ; 1871, 85. leaf, 1864, 559; 1871, 237. Horebound, cultivation and uses of, 1854, 354. Horn, for manure, 1860, 116. treatment of tbe, ail, 1871, 387. Hornbeam, tbe American, 1854, 414. European, 1854, 413; 1869, 197. Hornet, destructive to cicada, 1867, 69. tobacco-worm, 1872, 123. bow to secure tbe nest, 1864, 548. Horse, a few words on tbe, 1861, 544-558. age of greatest vigor, 1859, 191. artificial boofs, 1861, 322. book notices, 1868, 593; 1871, 427; 1872, 401; 1873, 313. breeding and training, 1873, 445 ; 1876, 391, 401. cavalry, in America, 1863, 159-175. • cbeck for runawav, 1861, 321. condition of, 1876^, 105. correspondence on raising, 1853, 28; 1854, 22; 1855, 39. digestive organs of tbe, 1856, 4. expense of raising in Obio, 1852, 255. exports of, 1858, 224. for Vermont, points in growing, 1876, 426. from practical experience in tbe armv, 1866, 321-334. bistory and babits of tbe, 1856, 9-14." bybridizing, witb tbe ass and zebra, 1863, 181. Icelandic metbod of tying, 1860, 84. improvement of, in present century, 1872. influenza in, 1872, 203. in New England, 1861, 255. interrogatories on, 1858, 80. in tbe different States, diseases of, 1866, 75 ; 1867, 98 ; 1868, 41 ; 1869, 40 ; 1870, 42 ; 1871,31; 1872,31; 1873, 33; 1874, 37. in tbe different States, number and prices of, 1864, 583 ; 1865, 67 ; 1866, 67 ; 1867, 92 ; 1868,45; 1869, 47; 1870,47; 1871,36; 1872, 43; 1873, 40; 1874, 40; 1875,34,49, 50. market for, and mules, at Saint Louis, 1876, 224, 252. in Cbicago, 1876, 218. meat for food in France, 1869, 629. mules, and asses, 1853, 25-27 ; 1855, 31-33. nativity of, 1859, 208. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 77 Horse, nature and treatment of, 1867, 336. Navajo, 1851, 486. Norman, " French Napoleon," 1866, 320. number and price of, in the United States, 1876, 104. objections to racing, 1868, 50.5. of breaking, 1851, 228 ; 1852, 147. change of country on, 1855, 1. feeding, 1»47, 341 j 1849, 21 ; 18C0, 385 ; 1851, 71 ; 18-52, 203, 229 : 1861, 320 ; 1873, 276,411. giving medicine to, 18.59, 199 ; 1861, 320. keeping ditferent breeds of, distinct, 1872, 481. Morocco, 1862, 505. New England, 1861, 382-402. Russia, 1855, 36, 37. shoeing, 1873, 315; 1875, 516. Sicilv, 1859,123. or gad iiy and bot-fly, 1872, 129, 130. origin of the Percheron, 1871, 400; 1874,417. points in breeding the, for market, 1876, 392. powers, 1843,297; 1844, 503; 1845, 76; 1847, 77. prices of, 1871, 427 ; 1872, 39. profit of breeding fine, 1873, 314. raising and managing, 1873, 396. of, for Maine, 1876, 386. remarks on, 1862, 335-344. remedy for worms in, 1860, 85. roadsters and trotters, 1864, 157-161 sales of high-priced, in Kentucky, 1873, 274. shoe, improved, 1860, 80. size and breeding of, 1867, 246. stables, 1859, 260. structure, otc, of the foot, 1870, 357-375. table of numbers to 100 acres of land, 1871, 54. the Conestoga, 1863, 178. English draft, 1857, 51. last census of, 1872, 301. Messenger stud, 1871, 427. Morgan and Bhick Hawk, 1853, 36; 1876, 426. Morgan stock of, iu Iowa, 1867, 360. Pennsylvania, 1853, 30. value of a dead, in Paris, 1845, 1028. Horticultural, division, operations of, 1871, 5; 1872, 5; 1873, 8; 1874, 7. societv, Missouri State, 1876, 409. Horticulture, and pouiology, 1849, 428. hints iu, 1868, 194. iu Illinois, 1.^73, 382. Japan, 1861, 317. the pampas, 1864, 236. iron as a tonic iu, 1861, 332. practical, 1870, 613. ])riuciples of, 1857, 244. Hot-bed, construction of, 1845,396; 1863,345. House, an ice, 1863, 447. a poult rv, 1^70, 330, 535. book noiico, 1869, 4S9; 1872,402. rxposifioii for ji gnM'u, 1869,489. fanner's, 18;")3,313-:{:'>7. green, of the Kew tJardens, 1>7(>, 111. heating green, 1 Hi's 2:5, 328; 1-71, 101. locution of out, 1^71, 46(>. of a propagating, 1^*1) 1, (U)."^. e«ujHtrn»ting, 1842, 45, 9""\ onlt'U-d, l.-^6I, 53S; 1863,519-551; 1-67,21. plant, of tluMlepartuient, Kk"^, llKi : 1.*'70, 17; 1871, 102. in-opagating t>f the department, 18 with the goat, 1851, 87. sorghum, 1857, 183. squash with the pumpkin, 1857, 183 ; 1867, 313. sugar-cane with broom-corn, 1862, 134 ; 1864, 56. the common with the wild goose, 1862, 371. the horse with the quagga, 1862, 232. vicuQa with the alpaca, 1857, 69. Hydrant, recent improvements in the, 1843, 326. Hydraulics, and pneumatics, 1845, 82; 1846, 96; 1847, 76; 1848, 48. inventions in, 1843, 325 ; 1845, 29. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 79 Hyssop, cultivation and uses of, 1854, 356. Ice, anchor, and columns, 1857, 502, 50C. breakers, 1844, 489. house, for a farm, 1871, 391. importance of thick, 1857, 498. in packing fish, 1870, C13, sanitary eifects of, 1857, 501. trade, 1848, G96-703 ; 18G3, 439-449. value of exports, 1858, 232. Idaho, capabilities and crops of, 1869, 611, 612. lands and population of, 1868, 463. Ilex, species for hedges, 1854, 399, 400. vomitoria, or emetic holly, 1859, 15. lUepe, oil of, source and uses of, 1870, 177. Illinois, agricultural report of, 1870, 505; 1872, 471 j 1873, 382. apples of, 1848, 543. beet-sugar in, 1872, 472. canning and i)ickling in, 1874, 279. cause of destruction of fruit trees in, 1873, 382. corn and wheat counties, 1873, 53, 54. fences of, 1871, 504. fruit canning in, 1873,279. of Southern, 1872, 440. forest, wood and timber of, 1873, 384 ; 1875, 310. grape culture, 1873, 387. horticultural societies, 1875, 441, 443. hogs packed in, 1876, 232. Industrial Uuiversitv. (See College.) laws of, 1864, 445 ; 1871, 224. live stock in, 1863, 606; 1864, 583; 1865, 67; 1866, 67; 1867, 92; 1868, 45; 1869, 47 ; 1870, 47; 1871, 36; 1872, 43; 1873, 40; 1874, 40; 1875, 35; 1876, 112. loss of hogs in, 1876, 111. mineral fertilizers of, 1869, 575. raising cattle in, 18,54, 12. corn in, 1850, 198 ; 1873, 278. horses and mules in, 1854, 23. remarks on crops of, 1841, 69 ; 1843, 46 ; 1845, 129 ; 1847, 106; 1848, 539 ; 1849, 218; 1850, 198 ; 1851, 437 ; 1852, 323 ; 1853, 105 ; 1854, 123 ; 1855, 170. report of pomological convention, 1849, 429-451. sales of shorthorns in, 1873, 274. Swine Breeders' Association, 1872, 475. tabular estimate of crops of. (Seo Crop.) Immigrant, inducements to, 1872, 447. number and occupations of, 1868, 54. Immigration, from 1820 to 1860, 1868, 53. 1820 to 1870, 1870, 61. German, since the rebellion, 1868, 54. in 1869, 1869, 58. remarks on, 1873, 78. report on, 1868, 53 ; 1869, 58; 1870, 60. tables of, 1873, 79, 80; 1874, 109; 1875, 4a to Now York in 186.5. 1865, 87. westward, results of, 1876, 281. Iniplioe, )>otaniral history of, 1865, 303. chemist's report on, 1862,514-540. iinroduetion of, 1873, 108. sugar from the black, 1869, 530. siniji iM-r acre, 1872, 477. varieties for Iowa, 1868, 519. lni]>lrments, aneit'ut and modern, 1870, 392. 80 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Implements, and tools, 1856, 452. agricultural, 1858, 89 ; 1862, 10 ; 1863, 423. ditching, 1870, 589. excavating, 1844, 500. export of agricultural, 1872, 81. farm, 1867, 238. farming and machinery, 1862, 410, 555. first field trial of, 1859, 24. for cutting ice, 1863, 442. improved farm, 1866, 225-288. improved, in cotton culture, 1867, 424. labor-saving, in Virginia, 1870, 278. marine, 1843, 277 ; 1844, 487 ; 1845, 65 ; 1846, 78 ; 1847, 70 ; 1848, 41. of war, 1843, 305 ; 1844, 506 ; 1845, 80 ; 1846, 77 ; 1847, 81 ; 1848, 41. patents issued for agricultural, 1872, 291. statistics and prices of, 1873, 78, 464. steam agricultural, 1869, 301. value of annual manufactures of, 1872, 291. in the different States, 1871, 49 ; 1873, 62. United States, 1872, 291. Imports, Angora fleece in England, 1867, 226. for different years, 1842, 47. from Chili, Venezuela, and Brazil, 1876, 278-291. Galena, 1850, 563. into Great Brirain, 1845, 1072 ; 1848, 715, 717 ; 1863, 611 ; 1867, 78; 1871, 453: 1873, 49, 50, 141. New Orleans, 1849, 537, 539. New York, 1852, 428 ; 1864, 591. Saint Louis, 1850, .556. the United States from British Provinces, 1873, 72, 73, 74. of dry goods, 1850, 535. of woolen goods, 1862, 257 ; 1865, 479; 1866, 90. of wools, 1867, 121 ; 1868, 51 : 1869, 54. lake, 1852, 422. of guano, 1870, 438. of oils, gums, tea, coffee, etc., 1870, 205. of sugar, sirup, and molasses, 1867, 11, 32; 1870, 214; 1873, 105; 1876, 154. tables of, 1863, 608. value of foreign, 1851, 515. Impotency, cause of, in animals, 1862, 231. Improvement, future agricultural, 1845, 376. in flour mills, 1862, 423. of land, 1854, 119; 1855, 122; 1856, 160; 1871, 252; 1874, 379. native cattle, 1866, 294. native grapes, 1864, 122. pastures, 1862, 27. Inarching, of the grape-vine, 1869, 500. Incubation, artificial, 1847, 48. Independence, Centennial of American, 1871, 288-306. Department in relation to Centennial, 1874, 6. India, jute culture in, 1876, 289. Indian, food products of, 1870, 404-427. Indiana, acres of prairie in, 1842, 44. Agricultural College. (See College.) as a grazing State, 1876, 373. block coal of, 1872, 462, 464. butter and cheese, 1873, 252. development, 1874, 382. digest of reports of, 1867, 353 ; 1868, 512; 1869, 539; 1872, 462; 1874, 381 fences of, 1871, 504. '''''' ^ ' ^ IXDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 81 Indiana, forests, wood, etc., of, 18/5, 306. lioartin<'nt collection of, 1869, 64. destroying, and (hstroycrs of, 18f)4, 434-436. entomological exhibition in I'aris, 1865, S8-102. entomology, iHil, 585; 18(>2, :372. e.\i»erimcnts with, 1H()8, 433. extracts from Dr. Harris's work on, 1844, 167. hornv-winged, 186S, 78. how "to collect, 1868, 305, 30(5. infest ini; tii«' cotton-jdaut, 18.54, .59; 18r).5, ()4-11.5. injurious, ISliO, :U2. 316: 1H67. 58, 243, 3.57; 1869, 207; 1870, 72, 526. and benelicial. 1854, 59, 84; 1^55, 11,5. invent i,•<; ISdM, ;?(»(;. methods of destroying, ]^\[), 342; l^r.2, 3HH ; 1,^70. .i")!. of the ditlerent orders of, l^\V.\, 274-276, 563-565; 18o4, 54l^-^L on the orange-tices of Florida, 1K")8, 2.')6. various, 1849, 333, 3:;9 ; 1H68, 30li-316. ))atents to prevent r:i\ .igeM «)f, 1843, 312. IN'rsian jjowder, 1"^57, 129. l)l.iuts used to d«'sfroy, isc.l, 223, 224. 229. ravages of, 1h4<>. «). jute a ]»rot<'cl i»»u from. I.^Nfi, 21>3. r«'Uiedies for the (»i:iuge scale. IS.V). 117. repiuts of tlu' Knioiuologist. IHkI. 'aW ; 1S(;.J. MO; \s{\,%, [U ; 1866, 27; 18<;7, Tv-^: 18(kw, 78; 1H)9, 60; l.-CO, (k5 ; 1-71. r.l»: 1-72.112; 1-73. 1.52; 1874, 12'.» ; 1^75. lU. G A 82 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Insect, species and. families, 1871. 374. the Niin, 1868, 268. wliite wax, 1851, 57. transformation of, 1861, 586 ; 1868, 306. Institute, Mount Airy, 1850, 578. (See College.) of Agronomy of Wiirtemberg, 1850, 147. Institution, Albert National Training, 1865, 157. of Germany, 1868, 137. tables of industrial, 1871, 332 ; 1872, 394 ; 1873, 360 ; 1874. 350. Instruments, mathematical and philosophical, 1843, 321; 1845, 38; 1846, 31; 1847, 44; 1848, 21. Interrogatory, on animals, 1858, 79-85. birds, fishes, and bees, 1858, 87, 88. crops, 1858, 21-37, 60-75. fruits, etc., 1858, 38-59. lands, labor, etc., 1858, 17-20. poultry, 1858, 86. silk-worms and implements, 1858, 89. Invention, for cultivation by steam, 1867, 253. list of agricultural, 1861, 637. Investigation, microscopic, 1871, 110 ; 1872, 188, 237 ; 1873, 183 ; 1874, 161, 242 ; 1875, 187. Iowa, cost of raising wheat in, 1848, 553. digest of reports of, 1868, 515 ; 1869, 541 ; 1870, 509 ; J871, 347 ; 1872, 476 ; 1873, 390. farming in, 1872, 448. forests, etc., 1875, 317. for hemp-growing, 1863, 91. hogs packed in, 1876, 232. laws of, 1863, 462 ; 1864, 445 ; 1871, 225. lire-stock in, 1863, 606; 1864, 583; 1865, 67; 1866, 67; 1867, 92; 1868, 45; 1869, 47 ; 1870, 47 ; 1871, 36 ; 1872, 43 ; 1873, 40 ; 1874, 40 ; 1875, 35 ; 1876, 112. loss of hogs in, 1876, 111. mineral fertilizers of, 1869, 578. of cattle in, 1854, 13. horses and mules in, 1854, 24. / the public lands in, 1868, 458. poultry Irade, 1874, 273. remarks on crops of, 1850, 355; 1851, 455; 1852. 335; 1854, 190; 1855, 172; 1857, 201. State Agricultural College. (See College.) statistics of, 1849, 556. tabular estimate of crop of. (See Crop.) woolen manufactures, 1864, 179. Ireland, statistics of i)opulatiou, productions, animals, etc., 1876, 255-270. Iris, or orris root plant, 1855, xxiv. Iron, as a fertilizer, 1860, .51 ; 1861, 332, 579. electrotyping of, 1844, 515. fruit of, tree for food, 1870, 411. im]»rov('ments in the manufacture of, 1844, 465. in West Virginia, 1863, 80. manufacture of Cincinnati, 1849, 564. ore in Missouri, 1872, 489. pig, in Gallia County, Ohio, 1851, 398. trade of Pennsylvania, 1849, 511. Irrigation, ^lucient modes of, 18G0, 167-169. (arts, on), 1850, l()()-223; 1867, 193-199; 1870, 576-583; 1871, 254-271,275-287; 1874, 352-3f^l. by the Moors, in Spain, 1832, 499. cheap, 1869, 510. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 83 Irrigation, ciuTent facts on, 1873, 282, 283. effects of, and time for, 1S51, 162, 483 ; 1854, 332. importance of, 1870, 517. in California, 1873, 379 ; lc74, 352. England, 1872, 459. Japan, 1873, 3G(), 374. Lonibardy, 1870, 501. Maine, 1876, 380. interrogatories on, 1858, 20. in Utah, 1869, 431 ; 1872, 326. of a farm, in Vermont, 1868, 502. Colorado, 1871, 408. tools used in, and grading for, 1849, .353, 3,'>5. utility of, 18.50, 3(51 : 1859, 146. Island, the Ionian, 1859, 100 ; 1864, 503. Italy, agriculture, farm (hvelliugs, stables, etc., in, 1876, 283-286. irrigation in, 18()7, 197 ; 1874, 359. productions of, 18.>9, 100. statistics of population, productions, animals, etc., 1876, 255-^0. Ivy, English, 1868, 205. Irish, for hedges, 1854, 400. poisonous, and woodbine, 1868, 204; 1869, 504. Jalaj), Mexican, Indian, aud wild, 1870, 183. Jam, making, 1862, 489. Japan, (art. on), 1873, 3(54-374. horticulture in, 1861, 317. persiunnons, 1876, 68. Jarilla, balsam, 1870, 190. .Jasmine, Carolina, 1868, 204. yellow, 1868, 2.:^1. Jatro))h;i. oil of, 1870, 180. Jay, Canada, or moose-bird, 1864, 430; 1867, 207. the blue, 1856, 140 ; 1863, 284, 305 ; 1865, 44 ; 1870, 450. Jelly, preparation of, 18(52, 489. potato, lf^45, 593. Jene(|uen, (u- Sisal hemp, 1869, 257-266. Jigger, or chigoe, 1872, 136. Jourual, farm, 18.'')9, 3(57. list of agricultural, 184.'), 116.5. Juitawau, sour<(' au7o. 107. Jute. (arts. on). 1S71. i:i-173-. 1-72. 1«57 : l-7;5. 2(51. 2iw-272; 1874, 204-;n2; 1876. 2>»\ 29.5. <'\t«'ut of. mauufacturt'S in Stt)tland, 187(5, 291. for cordagr, lK7r>, 9. gr.'iiu sacks, 1H73, 375. 84 INDEX TO AGRICULTUEAL REPORTS. Jute, history aud production of, 18G3, 107 ; 1876, 290. in Florida, 1870, KJO. the South, 187-2, 420 ; 1875, 364. introduction of, 1873, 6. profits from the, domestic manufacture, 1876, 293. quantity imported, 1872, 421. repels the ravages of insects, 1876, 293. specimens in the museimi, 1869, 61. Kainit, soils and crops henelited by, 1872, 434. Kale, sea, 1854, xx, 380 ; 1870, 531. varieties of, 1854, 340. Kamass, root used by Indians, 1870, 408. Kansas, bouutv for forest trees, 1865, 234. digest of Agricultural Report of, 1873, 394; 1874, 392. I^nglish colonization in, 1873, 286. fences of, 1871, 505. forests, etc., 1875, 325. liogs packed in, 1876, 232. laws, 1871, 225. live-stock in, 1833, 606 ; 1864, 583 ; 1865, 67 ; 1866, 67 ; 1867, 92 ; 1868, 45 ; 1869, 47; 1870, 47; 1871, 36; 1872, 43; 1873, 40; 1874, 40; 1875, 35; 1876, 112. loss of hogs in, 1876, 111. of j)ublic lands, 1868, 458. societies of, 1875, 444, 447, 453. species of trees adapted to, 1870, 231. State Agricultural College. (See College), board, 1876, 374. tabular estimates of ciops of. (See Crop). textile and dairy productions of, 1876, 378. the rivers, i^hysical features and resources of, 1876, 376, 377. Katydid, classification aud varieties, 1874, 129, 140, 442. directions for collecting, 1868, 308. the common, 1802, 381 ; 1874, 140. Kauri, resin, source and use of, 1870, 182. Kentucky, Agricultural College. (See College.) cattle in, 1853, 7. dairy business, 1853, 23. Durham cattle in, 1854, 15. fences, 1871, 504. forest, etc., 1875, 297. liemp-growing in, 1863, 91. hogs packed in, 1876, 232. laws of, 1871, 223. live-stock, 1863, 606; 1864, 583; 1865, 67; 1866, 67; 1867, 92; 1868, 45; 1869, 47; 1871, 36; 1872, 43; 1873, 40; 1874, 40; 1875,35; 1876, 112. loss of hogs in, 1876, 111. mineral fertilizers, 1869, 564. mules in, 1872, 438. premium corn crops in, 1850, 25. products of, 1805, 135. xemarks on crops of, 1848, 525; 1850, 265, 278; 1851, 356; 1852, 313-316. sales of horses in, 1873, 274. statistics of, 1849, 567. tabular estimate of crops of. (See Crops.) Khalcas, use of, for food, 1830, 34. Khoosa, locality and use of, 1859, 21. Kh umbers, species and use of, 1659, 22. Khyar, where found and use of, 1859, 21. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 85 Kiln.x dried flour and meal, 1843, Hi), 175; 1848, 254. perpetual brick and tile, IcGO, 285. Kingbird, habits of, 185G, 123; 1863, 281, 294; 18G4, 400; 1865, 39. time of, in Massachusetts, 1804, 353. Kinglishcr, habits, etc., 1863, 281; 1865, 39. the belted, 1863, 294. Kirsenneh, use of, 1859, 21. Kitchen, location and construction of, 1863, 322. Knittin. f^T. Laboratorv, of the" departnuMit, l.-^i52, 22, 50S; ls64, 514; 18r>5, 6, A(\: l-^G*'., 11, 45; b8(57, xvii, 21,31; IHJS, s, 59; 181)9,14,(55; lr*70, 91; 1>71, (5, >9; ls72, 4, 13H: 1-73,170; 1H74, 1 17. Lac, uses of dilVerent kinds, 18(5(5, 34. Labunium, as an ornamental tree, ix)"^, 20:?. La<'tometer, description and use of, 1845, 1001; 1870, 319. Ladv-I)ird, benehtof, 1863, .579; 1^:55,91; 1K5(), 39; 1872, 127. description of, 1"'54, >^5; 1*^55, 113. La^; 1>70, 559. Ilaarh-m. 1S5.5, 123. inlliience of, on 6. 1 1(5, 117, 157,183. of artificial, l'^!59, 17 1. soda, in Wyoming. 1~7!. 2:>7. 86 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Laml/s quarter, prevalence of, aud use of, 1865, 516 ; 1870, 419. Laminitis, nature aud treatmeut of, 1870, 368. Lamp, improvement of, 1843, 328; 1848, 27. Lampblack, * improvement in tlie manufacture of, 1844, 513. Land, acres and proprietors, in England, 1864, 14. alkali, in Colorado, 1871, 270. cause of low price in tlie South, 1860, 226; 1874, 216. cities exhausting, 1849, 13. conveyance, 1843, 296; 1844, 501; 1845,74; 1846, 80; 1847, 74; 1848, 43. cultivated and uncultivated, 1848, 664, 714 ; 1871, 447. in Sicily, 1859, 126. exhausted tobacco, 1851, 274. experiment on, for cotton, 1873, 295. improvement of, 1853, 89; 1854, 119; 1855, 122; 1856, 160; 1858, 273; 1874, 379. injury of, by feeding late, 1874, 402. of farming, 1849, 31. worn-out, 1849, 400 ; 1850, 332 ; 1851, 178 ; 1869, 426 ; 1874, 391. owned by freedmen, 1876, 137. pastoral, of America, 1870, 301. profits from improving of, 1871, 252. public, 1868, 466-471 ; 1874, 67-71. reclaiming of, 1869, 449 ; 1871, 362 ; 1872, 179-183 ; 1873, 287. wet, 1850, 465 ; 1853, 89 ; 1855, 128 ; 1873, 409. renovating dei^reciated, 1869, 280. tule, in California, 1871, 235. values of, 1867, 102, 110, 119. worn-out, of New Jersey, 1861, 206. Larch, American, 1872, 166. European, 1854, 414 ; 1872, 166, 443, 473. Lard, average per hog, 1873, 138 ; 1874, 106 ; 1875, 94. imports and exports, 1858, 225; 1866, 387; 1872, 64; 1873, 130; 1876, 240. markets for, 1876, 218, 229, 242, 250. of preserving, 1844, 430; 1862, 490. oil, etc., 1841, 80; 1842, 39, 82,89,91; 1843, 117, 167, 170, 172; 1844,513; 1847, 529. steam rendering of, 1848, 642. Lark, English sky, 1853, 70. the meadow, 1864, 427; 1865, 42. shore, 1863, 301. tit, 1883, 295 ; 1865, 40. Larkspur, directions for destroying the, 1865, 510. Lathe, improvement in, machines, 1845, 79 ; 1846, 90 ; 1848, 51. Lath, improvements in turning, 1843, 304 ; 1844, 505 ; 1847, 80 ; 1848, 52. Laurel, oil of, 1870, 178. Law, bird aud game, 1864, 431, 442. book-notice, 1872, 405. concerning manures, 1869, 429. corn, of England, 1842, 60. dog, 1863, 450, 456. European patent, 1846, 104. fence and stock, 1869, 394, 400. for forest growing, 1871, 378. of weight and measures, 1871, 218. road, 1868, 348. Lawn, • for makmg, 1854, 390-393 ; 1863, 554 ; 1869, 168, 169 ; 1870, 543. Lavender, sources and uses of, 1854, 357 ; 1870, 180. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 87 Layering, the grai)e-vine, 1856, 418 ; 1857, 252. Lead, making sheet, 1848, 57 ; 1860, 462. Leaf, beet, for fodder, 1870, Oil. structure of, l)r-09, 130 ; 1873, 205. value for manure, 1869, 431. Leather, tanning, 1843, 331; 1845, 39; 1846, 32. water-proof, 1843, 8. Lee, Daniel, report of, 1849, 6. Leek, uses and history of, 1854, 359 ; 1859, 335. Lees, drawing off wine from, 1860, 344. Lemon, cultivation of, 1859, 105; 1864, 501. interrogatories on, 1858, 56. Lentil, analysis of, 1.^05, 428. larne light-colored, 1854, xvi. Leptostvlus, hab'its and remedies for, 1860, 319; 1863, 576. Lettuce, in experimental farm, lr^i')'>, 31. native localitv of, etc., 18,59, 353. test experiments with, 1871. 140 ; 1875, 306-368. varieties and cultivation of, 1845, 973 ; 1854, xx, 360 ; 1859, 18. Lever, improvements and application of, 1846, 31 ; 1847, 44. Librarv, Department, 1809, 13 ; 1870, 12 ; 1871, 7 ; 1872, 5 : 1873, 11 ; lb74, 12. Patent Office, 1848, 14. township, in New York, 1872, 302. Licorice, cultivation, etc., 1854, 358; 1855, xx; 1871, 109. of ditiVrent species, 1870, 203, 407. paste in Sicilv, 1859, 120. Life, animal and vegetable, 1809, 99, 105. country, in South America, 1865, 498. female, in the open air, 1866, 430. Light, Drunimoud, 1843, 330. exixriuients on, 18(59, 135-148. ill dwelliuus, lf^59, 40S. (Ml vegelatiou, 1854, 109; 1869, 134. Lignuni-vit;e, of Pegu, 1^70. 189. Lightning, rods, 1S54, 474; 1S5:», :U(>-3.-)(): 1)^59, 51(>-524. of the clouds, 1859, 494. or atmospheric, electricity, l!^.54, 449-472. jireeautioiis with regard to, 1)^59, 503. ]\roJertion a<,Minst, IK')4, 472; 18.55, 33«'>-3,5(); 1859, 511. Lilae, f<»r garden hedges, 18.54, 414; lt'71, 121. Lily. how to ciilfivate, 1-^1)3, ;>7(», 377. . yellow-pond, as Indian food, I'-'7(>, 4t>7. Lime, acti(»n of. on tlir soil, is;i. 579; 1K)9, 495; l.*-71, 93. U ]>revenlive ^»^' |iotato-lot, 1*^1 I, H8. a^^.•l manure, is II, I.".!; 1^15, 1037; 1^49, 221, 3(»2; 1853, Sij; 1854, 112; 1855. 141; 1^:a\, 2(»I, 211, 2ir), 222; 1^59, 152; 181)7, \W, 2.50: 187l>, 282. burning, etc., IS.')*;, 2l>5, 207. bnshels, p«'r acre, 1K')1,256; 1854, 117. carbolate of, 1871, 403. 88 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Lime, carbonate, aud bi-carbonatc, 1856, 204. chloride, nitrate, oxalate, etc., 1856, 221-230. oyster-sliell, 1870, 495. percentaso of, in plants, 1875, 204. phosphate of, 1852, 390-392, 406; 1856, 227; 1859, 169, 176; 1865, 384. salt and, 1809, 430. ^ snperphosphate of, 1853, 82; 1865, 385; 1868, 398, 503. Lime {a fruit), interrogatories on, 1858, 56. varieties of, 1867, 142. Limestone, analysis of, of the yarions States, 1869, 552, 556, 560, 562, 566, 568, 578, 580, 582, 583; 1875,142. crnshed, as a manure, 1856, 219. Linden, American and European, 1868, 198, 201. Linen, exports of, from Great Britain, 1855, 239; 1861, 49. manufacture of, in England and Scotland, 1861, 75. Ireland, 1861, 44, 45, 53. Linseed, meal, 1864, 261, 269, 274, 285. oil and cake, 1863, 109, 115; 1865, 429; 1870, 180; 1872, 451. Lion, the ant, 1855, 107 ; 1864, 545. Literature, American agricultural, 1852, 16-22. Live stock, markets, 1876, 209, 250. Llama, and alpaca, 1845, 344; 1857, 66-70; 1865, 96. in France, 1861, 328. the United States, 1857, 71. Lock, improvements in, 1843, 256; 1844, 475; 1845, 52; 1846, 61; 1847, 60; 1848, 59. Locust, hugs, and plant-lice, 1868, 315. classification, food, and use of, 1874, 129, 135, 136. food for Arabians and Africans, 1886, 38. habits and remedies for, 1855, 69, 70 ; 1864, 543; 1866, 28. Missouri, report on, 1869, 544. the Pacific migratory, 1871, 77. seventeen-year, 1864, 559; 1866, 29; 1867, 67-70; 1868, 315: 1872, 122. Western or hateful, 1867, 65, 66 ; 1871, 78. various kinds and classes of, 1862, 383-390 ; 1871, 77, 78. Locust (a tree), culture in New Jersey, 1874, 409. on Long Island, 1869, 420. insects injurious to the honey, 1868, 111. profits of growing, 1845, 981 ; 1874, 410. the honey for hedges, 1854, 414; 1868, 194, 201, 245. yellow, 1866, 479. . Longevity, of man in four last centuries, 1859, 188. Loom. improvements in, 1843, 267; 1844, 479; 1845, 55; 1846, 73; 1847, 66; 1848, 37. Looi3ers, or span-worms, 1855, 90. Loquat, description, etc., 1867, 143. Losh, the Alaskan, 1870, 387. Lotus, uses, etc. of, 1855, xxx. Louisiana, Agricultural College, 1874, 327. (See College.) products of, 1848, 512. cotton, rice, and tobacco, 1848, 515. fences of, 1871, 503. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 89 Louisiana, forests, etc., of, 1875, 282. friiit-fjrowinf; in. 1871, ir)7. live stock in, 1866, 67: 1867, 92; 1668, 45; 1869, 47; 1870, 47; ld71, 30; 1872, 43; 1873, 40; 1874, 40; 1875, 35; 1876, 112. loss of hogs m, 1876, 111. meteorological journal of, 1848, 520. mineral fertilizers of, 18()9, 5r;6. remarks on crops, 1849, 167; 18.j0, 398; 1852, 61. salt mines in, 1869, 451. sugar-growing, 1848, 513, 514; 1867, 100; 1868, 55-; 1869, 435; 1873, 110, 111; 1876, 150. tables of productions of, 1851, 498. tabular estimate of crops. (See Crop.) value of lands in, 1867, 106, 114; 1868, 465. Louisville, pork-packing in, 1876, 234. Louse, apple-bark, 1860, 319; 1864, 561; 1865, 205; 1870, 88. ai)ple-root jdant, 1870, 86, 87, 513. bird, 1874, 146. cabbage, 18(16, 30. cattle, 1864, 561 ; 1867, 244. flies, 1)^72, 135. for destroying the l)ark, 18.52, 333; 1870, 512. grain, 1867, 243. grape-leaf, 1867, 72; 1^71, 87, 88; 1874, 127. grape-vine root, 1871, 87, 88; 1873, 389; 1874, 127; 1876, 40, 70, 81. hen, 1864, 545; 1874, 146. names, and for collecting, 1868, 315. of the plant, 1854, 79; 18')4, 560; 1866,45; 1868, 315; 1870, 87; 1872, 12.3. orange-scale bark, 1855, 115; 18.-)8, 25(), 2.58, 2.59, 269. ovster shell bark, 1867, 73 ; 18(59, 536 ; 1870, 88. pear-bark, 1860, 312; 1-'61, 250. the cotton, 1854, 62 ; 1855, 68 ; 1866, 199. Lubia, native locality, bSj'J. 21. Lucerne, analvsis of, 1^65, 421. and alfalfa, 1H.')4, xxiii ; 18(59, 90. cultivation of, 1845, 689; 18.59, 131 ; 1860, 231; 1869, 526. for soiling cattle, 1869, 52(5; 1873, 421. in the South, 1845, 689; 186(>, 231; 1870, 170; 1873, 236; 1874, 229. Lumber. at Chicago and Saint Louis, 1875, 349. in Florida, 1871, 163. Washington Territory and California, 18(58, 448, 449. Wisconsin, 1 >()!>. :r>9. machines feu- making, etc., 1843, 298, 303; 1844, .504; 184.5, 77; 1846, 89; 1847, 78; 1H4H, 50. statistics, 1S7.--), -249,350, 354. Lupine, analysis of the b«'aus of, 1>(»1, 373. cultivation and us(^ of, iHdl, 370-37:i. in Sicily and Italy, 1^.59, 120. 129. . the Southern Slates, 1S(5(I, 23(i. the white, vcllow. and bhic, isoi. 304, :105. Lye. spent, as a maimre. 1-1 1, '.\^\. Lya-giis, the cotton, 1855, 8(5, 103. Lynx, classification and scalp bounty, 18(53, 2(57 ; l'^(54, 172. Mac(>, source of oil of, 1>7(). 1-1. Machine, agricultural, ancient juhI mo^07, 77: 1808,20; 1869, 22; 1870, 24 ; 1871, 13 ; 1872, 9 ; 1^73, 10 ; 1874, 23 ; 187.5. 19. l)ai)er and clorh. 1803, 4:')r)-438. range of growth of, 1^.'^3, :J37. Syrian or doora-esh-shamv, 1859, 20. Malaria. kinds of, and remedies for, 1855, 133, 134 ; 1857, 476. Mallow, ex])erinients with, for cordage, etc., 1872, 471. l^u! Indian, for textile purposes, 1805, 511 ; 1872, 471. l)imple, as Indian I'ood, 187(1, 400. Mammalia, difierent classes of, 18i)3, 2(56. Maminalogy, and ornithology of New England, 1863, 265. Manntiey, irei', the American, 1859, 348. Manuanese, as a fertilizer, etc., 1800, 51 ; 1861, 579. Mang«'l-wurzel, analysis of, 1850, 51 ; 1805, 416. cultivation of, 1845, 1008; 1849, 266. di'sirable varieties of, 18.54, xix. exiM'riments with, L^V). 200; 1870, 168; 1871, i:'>9. origin of. 1807, :{05. yield of, 1804, 283 ; 1^73, 421, 4.50. Mango, (lescriplion and uses of the, 1859, 335. Mangold, analysis of, 1S()4, 2r^2. cultivation and use ot", H<;3, 9.V97 ; 1871, 389. experiments with, 1^70, 4(>4. ihe Sih'sian, 1805, 417. Manila, durability and prei)aiat ion of. l'^03, 108. strength of, l.'^47, 421. Manna, origin of, the druggisis', iHiO, 38. source, colleelioii, and iisi's ot", 1859. 117 ; 1*«70, 184. ManI is. habits of the Carolina, 1802, 377 ; 18C>(;. 40; 1H(W, 308. r«'ar-horse and praying, 1*^;)2, 37r). 92 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. I. Manufacture, advantage of, to farmers, 1873, 75, 469. cotton in England, 1871, 457. in Indiana, 1872, 4()7. Missouri, 1868, 524. Morocco, 1862, 504. of goat fleece, 1867, 225. Massachusetts, 1845, 1172. soaps, 1872, 474. on the Pacilic coast, 1869, 597; 1873, 67. revenue from, 1864, 595. shavery and, 1865, 123. statistics of, 1851, 575 ; 1862, 554, 556. stone andclav, 1843, 323; 1844, 508; 1845, 30; 1846, 32; 1847, 45; 1848, 29. textile andffbrous, 1843, 259; 1844, 476; 184.5, 53; 1846, 63; 1847, 60; 1848, 32. woolen, 1864, 179 ; 1873, 65. Manure, advantage of chemical analyses of, 1876, 400, application of, 1865, 368-395; 1867, 186, 192, 243; 1868, 555; 1872, 494, 41.7; 1873, 294. (arts.'on) 1843, 122; 1844, 377; 1845, 357-366, 690, 1039-1052; 1850, 118, 122; 1851, 7-10; 1856, 201; 1861, 144, 145, 558-.^84; 1864, 299-328; 1865, 368-395; 1870,428- 438. barn cellars for saving, 1868, 478. book notices, 1871, 423; 1872, 398. capacity of different soils for, 1871, 236. chemical and barn-yard, 1869, 292 ; 1872, 435. Chinese mode of procuring, 1860, 468. compost, 1854, 106; 1860, 110; 1866, 425; 1868, 486, 488. cotton-seed for, 1850,402; 1852, 62, 69; 1871, 404. effect of, on plants, 1870, 618. elements of, 1843, 122; 1871, 94; 1874, 266, 399, 434; 1875, 514. experiments with, 1844, 153; 1860, 112, 113; 1869, 273, 279; 1872, 454, 455; 1873, 293, 398; 1874, 262. farm-yard, 1847, 225; 1849, 20; 1860, 112, 113; 1862, 319: 1870, 429. fish for, 1851, 186. for corn, 1851, 154 ; 1852, 62; 1870, 618. strawberries, 1861, 179. • the onion, 1869, 217, 228. green, 1851, 247 ; 1864, 299-328 ; 1869, 497. insects in, 1868, 111. Jauffrets, 1843, 176-183. laws on commercial, 1869, 429. liquid, 1860, 112 ; 1869, 497. loss of, from ex]iosure, 1870, 441. making pork and, 1869, 283. mangement of, 1861, 272 ; 1873, 415, 473. notes on the science of, 1860, 110-126. of deodorizing, 1849, 305. phosphatic, of South Carolina, 1868, 73, 74. production of, 1876, 406. salt and sawdust, 1861^ 321, 330. suljihate of magnesia as a, 1870, 617. the most valuable, 1871, 477. used in Sicily and Italy, 1859, 124, 131. value of, 1862, 319-321 ; 1871, 94 ; 1872, 434; 1875, 508. waste and cost of, 1871, 228, 229. Manuring, effect in resisting drought, 1871, 252. green, 1870, 453, 527 ; 1871, 253. fSee Green Manure. ) liquid, 1867, 184. orange and citron trees, 1867, 149. surface, 1860, 118. Map, centennial statiscal, 1875, 37. Maple, English, for hedges, 1868, 197. insects injurious to, 1868, 111. plea for the sugar, 1869, 420. species for forest, 1872, 163. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 93 I^Laple, sirup and sugar, 1869, 420 ; 1870, 412 ; 1876, 159. sugar, Norway, red, aud variegated, 1868, 198, 199, 201. the European Held, 1854, 415. liard, in sLip-building, 1866, 481. Silver, for prairie, 186-.;, 496 ; 1868, 197. Marble, of Rutland County, Vermont, 1832, 448-452. Marigold, the bur aud corn, 1865, 513. fig in Florida, 1867, 144. Marine, number and tonnage of vessels, 1852, 429, 430. Marjoram, food for bees, 1868, 281. sweet, 1854, 361. Market, abuses and r(*medi('S, 1869, 448; 1870, 241. advice to farmers in packing for, 1871, 391. false quotations in, 1873, 247. gardening, 1839, 447. home and foreign, 1842, 44. 49, 50; 1843, 127, 128; 1844, 157, 159. live stock, 1868, 56; 1869, 49 ; 1870, 49; 1871, 04; 1872, 90; 1^73, 128; 1874, 88; 1875, 79; 1876, 209, 250. prices, 1869, 49, 51; 1870, 49, 50; 1871, 58, 64; 1872, 82, 90; 1873, 114, 124; 1874, 110, 118; 1875, 102, 110; 1876, 242. products of West New Jersey, 1865, 249. review of English, 1848, 704. surplus and, 1845, 3(56. systems, 1870, 241-2.50. the Madeleine Hour, 1872, 453. transportation to, 1848, 691. value of a name, 18(59, 449. West All)any hay, 1874, 276. ^larketing, imi)ortiince of system in, 1873, 454. in small cities, 1870, 242. of ])roducts, 1869, 448. Marking, oil, sources and uses of, 1870, 180. Marl, analvsis of, 18.59, 155; 1865, 288; 1868, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69; 1869, 72, 555; 1870, 98; 1872, 138; 1873. 171; 1876, 55. (arts, on), 18.56, 234-236 ; 1859, 154. book nofice, 1H70, 539. classes of, in the United States, 1868, 368. experiments with, 1844, 154; 1861, 208. nitrogenized in comi)ost, 1871, 253. of the i)ond, 18;)8, 375-377. shell, 1868, 384, 387-393; 1870, 440. potash, ]uiu('ii)al, vahu^ of, 1868, 70. the green sand, 1865, 28:5; 1868, 60; 1869, 564. use aud iutluencr of", 1870, 9(5. vahw of the New Jersev, 1^7:i, 444. Marsh, for draining large, 1870, 587. hav, salt, aud fresh water, 1876, 296. martment farm, 1865, 32. sugar from the water,' 1844, 139. varieties of, 18.54, xxi, 363. Merchandise, (See Commerce, Exports, and Imports.) Mesfiuite, fruit, 1870, 410. gum, 1870. 189 ; 1872, 452. Metal, and metallurny, 1843, 248, 321 : 1844, 464, 473: 1845, 46; 1846, 44: 1847, 52: 1848, 47. and luincrals of (Georgia. 18()6, 579. inijiorrs and exiM)rts of, l'^58. 221>. ^Ictalluruy. ami llic Hianuladurc ofiurtals. 1>'43. 24^: l-^ll. 4»;4: I'-Io. 4r.: 1-16.41: 1-47.52; 1848, 47. Metastasis, nature of the disease, 1H70, 370. MeteoroloLCV, aurieuitural, 1S49, 3S: 1^5.5,^)7; I8,5r), 455; ia57. 119: 1858,429; 18.59, 4t'd : 1^T>9, 97 : 1.^70, 113. delinition of, 1H(;9, 99. ini])(Mtanee of a «li\ ision of, 1>7(». 111. of Alaska. 1h;9, 63.^. l)eun(»s Ayres. 1.S56. 27 I. California and New Mexico, 1S.')1. 477, 4.'*2. Iowa. lK-)2. 338. Ireland. 1^()1, (U. 96 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Meteorology, Maine, Connecticut, Vermont, and Oliio, 1850, 294, 482, 494, 499. Mississippi, 1851, 564. Russia, 18G1, 35. Texas and Ohio, 1851, 342, 370, 392. the 571 yar 393, 395, 403, 413, 414, 415, 421, 422, 432 West New Jersej- and Kelley's Island, 1866, 178. tables for different parts of the United States, 1849, 42 ; 1851, 604. the sun, the foundation of, 1856, 459. Metheglin, prej)aration of, etc., 1860, 300. Miasm, , meaning and laws of, 1863, 315-318. Miasmse, nature, etc., 1857, 476-478. Mica, in Now Hainpshire, 1860, 39. Michigan, butter and cheese product of, 1873, 252. cattle-raising in, 1853, 10 ; 1854, 16. cost of raising horses in, 1854, 25. digest of report of, 1887, 3.54; 1868,496; 1869,535; 1870,499; 1871,366; 1872,480 1873, 427 ; 1876, 394-408. forests, etc., 1875, 303. fruits and fruit culture in, 1868, 443; 1871, 368; 1872, 484; 1873, 428, 429, 430 1876, 394, 402, 404, 405. laws of, 1863, 462; 1864, 445; 1869, .537; 1871, 224. live-stock, 1863, 606; 1864, 583; 1865, 67; 1866, 67; 1867, 92; 1868, 45; 1869, 47 1870, 47; 1871, 36; 1872, 43j 1873, 40; 1874, 40; 1875, 35; 1876, 112. mineral fertilizers of, 1869, 572. public lands in, 1838, 456. remarks on crops of, 1841, 69, 70; 1842, 19; 1843, 28; 1844, 33; 1845, 132; 1847, 403; 1848, 544; 1849, 180; 1850, 309, 330, 410, 421; 1851, 404; 1852, 264; 1853, 109, 133, 160, 290; 1854, 128, 143, 151, 166, 168; 1855, 292. sales of college lands in, 1874, 331. societies of, 1875, 450, 452. State Agricultural College. (See College.) board, 1876, 394, 400. College farm, 1867, 354. societies, 1876, 399, 402. tabular estimate of crops of. (See Crop. ) varieties of fruits in, 1856, 377-387. Microscopic, division, 1867, 11. investigations, 1871, 110; 1872, 188, 237; 1873, 183; 1874, 161, 242; 1875, 187; 1876, 74. Middle-man, complaint against, 1869, 427. , indispensable, 1870, 247. Midge, insect destroying the wheat, 1872, 127. the gooseberry, 1872, 127. wheat, 1854, 74 ; 1832, 81 ; 1834, 562 ; 1872, 126, 127. Mignonette, locality of, and house culture of, 1833, 375. Mildew, a mixture to destroy, 1870, 87. general remarks on, 1835, 546. grape and vine, 1885, 16, 542, 549 ; 1867, 28; 1871, 116. in wheat, 1843, 39 ; 1862, 77 ; 1865, 519. (See Rust and Smut.) Milfoil, in England and in this country, 1865, 513. Milk, adulterations and inspections of, 1861, 330; 1870, 318; 1871, 231; 1872, 333; 1876, 418. amounts required to a pound of cheese, 1876, 422. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 97 Milk, UDalysis of, 1^64, 168 ; 1865, 412. liordcu's condensed, 1876, 49. associations of producers, 1869, 449. best dishes and pans for, 1856, 49. substances for curdling, 1863, 388. butter and cbeese in Ohio, 1868, 510. carrying in and setting, 1861, 419. chemical properties of, and butter, 1849, 368 ; 1871, 370. citv milk supply, 1872, 332-347, 439. composition of, 1848, 182; 1849, 388; 1855, 6; 1863, 386; 1870, 617. condensed, 1870, 314 ; 1871, 182 ; 1872, 334. conditions for healthy, 1876, 363. consumption of, 1881, 209-220. different qualities of, 1845, 1000. effect of food on, 1848, 178. heatiDg,to 130°, 1875, 411. feeding for the production of, 1876, 364, 369. globule of different breeds of cows, 1876, 416. imi^roved coolers, 1869, 333. large farm in Io^va, 1871, 230. mould cause of blue, 1860, 96. of different animals, 1849, 369. types of cows, 1876, 415, 424. obtaining cream from, 1843, 168. plan of a room, 1881, 424. preservation of, 1882, 490 ; 1808, 442. price of, at Mobile, 1869, 440. proportion of, to food consumed, 1863, 382. ])Ounds of, to mak(i a pound of cheese, 1883, 382. quantity of, for a pound of butter, 1847, 205; 1871, 179. from each cow, 1852, 57 ; 1856, 32, 48 ; 1869, 358. skimmed cheese, 1871, 177. supply of cities and towns, 1870, 318, .320, 321; 1871, 181, 184; 1872, 332, 335. taints in, i)revention and sources of, 1876, 382, 389. temperature for coagulating, 1883, 394. the constituents of, 1878, 416. to determine the quality of, 1860, 95. remove taste of cow's food from, 1856, 50. take care of, and put up for market, 1855, 29; 1871, 355. transportation in France, 1888, 441. treatment of, 1849, 388 ; 1885, 443 ; 1867, 294 ; 1869, 364 ; 1871, 364. value of skimmed, for calves and pigs, 1876, 388. Milkweed, libers of the family of, 1859, 388; 1863, 109. roots and pods of, for food, 1870, 405. Mill, and machinery connected with, 1844, 502 ; 1845, 75. mechanical movements, 184(), 99; 1847, 77. bone, of the farmers of England, 1872, 435. burr-stones of Georgia, 1849, 487. cast-iron grain, cotiee, and spice, 1847, 542. construction of a ffouring, 1882, 424. "exceutric universal," 1845, 1144. faiTQ and sorghum, 1863, 435; 1884, 62. llouring, of Richmond, Va., 1884, 18. for grinding bones, 1844, 385. sumac, 1889, 232. grinding and horse-power, 1843, 297. improvements in bark, 1844, 503 ; 1815, 76. cider and other, 1848, 45; 1806, 284. llouring, 1845, 75. grinding, 1844, 502; 1847, 77. saw, 18 i3, 29>^j 1844, 504; 1845, 77 ; 1847, 79. on the racific coast, 1874, !;.'77. Tot man's wood, 1888, 23V. Millet, for fodder, 1843, 108; 1872, 495. hav, 1H!4, 142. soiling, 1847, 193. 7 A 98 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Millet,, HuDgarian, 1856, 306. Indian, Italian, and other varieties, 1865, 300. or durra corn, 1854, 160, 161. native locality, etc., 1859, 305. the Barbadoes, in China, 1860, 474. German, in France, 1855, xiii. Milwaukee, flour and grain trade at, 1876, 194, 206. pork-packing at, 1876, 234, 235. Mines, copper, of Minnesota, 1863, 38. gold, of Colorado, 1871, 409. Oregon, 1869, 591. iron, of Wisconsin, 1870, 503. Georgia, 1866, 580. Louisiana, 1869, 451, 557, 558. Misf^orri, 1^68, 529. Vermont, 1«73, 469. Virginia, 1864, 34. the gold, o± the Uniied States, 1862, 595. Mineral, fertilizers and manures, 1869, 548 ; 1870, 428. of Colorado, 1869, 547. Nebraska, 1871, 378. the United States, 1862, 595. Wisconsin, 1869, 539 ; 1873, 467. poisonous to plants, 1876, 56. (See Mine.) Mink, feasibility of raising, 1873, 453. habits of, etc., 1857, 101-104. the business, 1869, 424. Mint, at Philadelphia, 1850,- 533; 1852, 420; 1853, 433. Mint, different species of, etc., 1854, 363. Minnesota, (art. on), 1863, 31-41. College of Agriculture. (See College.) digest of report of, 1873, 431-436. fences of, 1871, 505. forests, etc., 1875, 316. hemp culture in, 1863, 91. hogs packed in, 1876, 232. land of the college, 1874, 332. laws of, 1863, 35 ; 1864, 462 ; 1871, 225. live-stock in, 1863, 606; 1864, 583; 1865, 67; 1866, 67; 1867, 92; 1868, 45; 1869, 47; 1870, 47; 1871, 36; 1872, 43; 1873, 40; 1874740; 1875, 35; 1876, 112. mineral fertilizers of, 1869, 582. of lands in, 1867, 108, 117 ; 1868, 457. remarks on crops of, 1851, 465 ; 1852, 344 ; 1855, 194, 280 ; 1859, 564. short-horn and Ayrshire cattle in, 1872, 438. ■wheat crop in, 1873, 278. Mississippi, Alcorn University, in. (See College.) Association, 1875, 453. College of Agriculture in. (See College.) cotton-growing in, 1848, 506. forests, etc., 1875, 279. fruit-growing in, 1871, 156. green sand of, 1868, 69. immigration into, 1872, 447, laws of, 1871, 223. live-stock in, 1866, 67; 1867, 92; 1868, 45; 1869, 47; 1870, 47; 1871, 36; 1872, 43: 1873, 40; 1875, 35; 1876; 112. loss of hogs in, 1876, 111. mineral fertilizers of, 1869, 552 ; 1870, 440. of land in, 1867, 108, 114; 1868, 465. I INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 99 Mississippi, remarks on crops of, 1841, 75: 1842, IC, 23; 1843, 24, 5G, 77, 84, 92, 104; 1845, 176, 282; 1847, 128, 170; 1848, 505-509; 1849, 149-152, 313; 1850, 187, 257, 261, 321; 1851, 335; 1852, 62; 1853, 127, 177, 225; 1854, 129, 177, 185, 246; 1855, 174, 287, 293, 297, 298. tea culture in, 1869, 236. ■wool-growing in, 1850, 260, 365. Missouri, Agricultural College of. (See College.) Association of, 1875, 453. cattle-raising in, 1853, 11. corn and wheat counties, 1873, 57. currant for Indian food, 1870, 414. digest of, report of, 1867, 361; 1868, 523; 1869, 544; 1870, 511; 1871, 369; 1872,486. fences of, 1871, 505. forests, etc., 1875, 321. grape culture, 1857, 232; 1868, 524 » 1871, 372. lienip-growing in, 1863, 91 ; 1868, 526. hogs packed in, 1876, 232. lands in, 1867, 109,118; 1868, 456. la^vs of, 1863, 463; 1871, 225. live-stock in, 1863, 606; 1864, 583; 1865, 67; 1866, 67; 1867, 92; 1868, 45; 1869, 47; 1870, 47; 1871, 36; 1872, 43; 1873, 40; 1874, 40; 1875, 35; 1876, 112. loss of hogs in, 1376, 111. mineral fertilizers of, 1869, 560. mule-raising in, 1854, 25. prairie in, 1842, 44 ; 1868, 528. remarks on crops of, 1841, 73; 1842, 18, 20; 1843^ 28, 56, 70; 1844, 56, 77, 93, 97, 104; 1845, 181, 259; 1847, 161; 1850, 367; 1852, 316; 1853, 110, 134, 161, 178, 203, 205, 241, 301; 1854, 129, 144, 186, 196, 254, 313; 1855, 175, 194, 252, 267, 280, 308. report on insects of, 1874, 441. School of Mines, etc. (See College.) State board, 1876, 408. Horticultural Society, 1876, 409. tabular estimate of crops of. (See Crop.) varieties of apples for, 1871, 372. water diminishing in rivers of, 1871, 373. wine, production of, 1867, 156. Mite, supposed to injure pear-leaf, 1872, 113. Moisture, increased by drainage, etc., 1856, 171. sources and cause of, 1856, 165, 167, Molasses, cane, annual consumption of, 1876, 155. imports and exports of, 1858, 233; 1862, 552; 1873, 105, 112. production of, 1855, 278; 1862, 552; 1867, 32, 100; 1873, 111. sorghum, 1862, 552; 1873, 108; 1876, 224, 252. statistics of, 1853, 234 ; 1876, 155. Mold, action of, on crops, 1861, 268. in cellars, 1871, 237. of bread, 1865,' 519. on the hop, 1864, 102. theories of the origin of, 1864, 529. vegetable and animal, 1850, 26. Mole, of the family of, 1863, 267. , the silvery and the star-nosed, 1857, 97, 98, 101. Molecule, of organic, 1857, 440, 441. Montana, ca])abilities and productions of, 1809, 609, 610. forests, etc., 1875, 333. publi". lands in, 18()8, 463. resources of, 1871, 431— 14(>. table showing progress of, 1871, 448. Moon, influence of. H,")7, .'').''»0; I860, 96, table showing phases, 1857, 55L lOQ INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Moonseed, tlie small foliaged, 1868, 20o. MoorT)erry, for food, 1859, 347. Moose, , .. iori 110 .ir.Q habits aud domestication ol, l»ol, li^, 4oj. Morel, cultivation of, 1854, 364. Morning-glory, for summer decoration, looo, ^uo. Mosquito, habits and family of, 1838, 317. tlie larvaj, and remedy lor the bite of, 1872, 124, l2o. Iceland, 1855, xxiv. ^ marine plants and Irish, 1868, 423, 426, 427.^ the bearded Indian food, 1870, 424. ^'cotton worm in the Northern States, 1874, 128. destruction of, by fires and lanterns, 1873, Ibb. four native, silk-spinning, 1834, 551. grass- worm and cotton- worm, 1873, 103. leaves and berries destructive of the clothes, 1872, 131. names of the native siU-c, 1866, 37. the ailanthus and dther foreign, 18ob, 37. American lackey, 1860, 321. :pfrorto'dS;f8b4.82;,1860,315; 1864,555; 1889,536; 1870,86; 1871,375; 1872, 115. army- worm and cut- worm, 1864, 5o3, bee, 1864, 555. ^^^^ ^^ boli-worm, 1855, 99 ; 1866, 199 ; 1867, 58. canker-worm, 1864, 554. corn emperor, 1855, 81. cotton-arctia, 1855, 84. Cramer, or cucumber, and gold-frmge, lb7U, m. ♦ grain, 1854,65; 1864,556. grape-berry, 1870, 86. hawk, 1864, 549. recent cabbage, 1871, 82. silk-worm, 1836, 35. yucca, 1874, 442. Motherwort, Avorthlessncss of, 1835, 515. Motion, laws of, 1857, 422, 423. ^"""various kinds of, 1856, 84-104, 109; 1857, 87, 88; 1833, 269, 270, 272. Mower, and reapers, 1832, 420, 422. history of, and improved, 1866, 264, 265-367. progress of improvement in, 1872, 287; 1874, 2./0. the^Buckeye, 1872,288. Mowha, or Epic oil, 1870, 177. Mowing, close, injurious, 1869, 527. the science of, 1845, 256. i with a hoe, 1839, 451. Muck, analvsis of Louisiana peat, 1872, 141. as a fertilizer, 18i;H, 4W7 ; 1874, 433. an absorbent, 1874, 400. different qualities of, 1871, 358. for composting, 1856, 192, 193, 196; 1865, 372; 1867, 246. from Connecticut, 1873, 172. on sandy loam, 1869, 292. swamp, 1856, 182-183. Mud, dissolved in water for grass-lands, 1874, 401. shore, and shell fish at Eastham, 1873, 273. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 101 Mudar, gum, source, etc., 1870, 191. Mukul, orgoogul, origiu, etc., 1870, 188. Mulberry, at the South, 1858, 385. Dowuing's ever-beariug, 1866, 135. faihire of the Morns multicauUs, 1864, 485. for propagatiug, etc., 1847, 440. fruit of, iu the Indian Territory, 1870, 417. iu China, 1860, 472. India, 1872, 307. the Northern States, 1845, 290, 821, 872. kinds for silk-raising, 1872, 311, 312. of, iu California, 1868, 298. paper from foliage and bark of, 1844, 289, 290. the Alpiue and Avhite, 1845, 840. red in Sicily and iu Italy, 1859, 115, 128. white, 1853, 77 ; 1854, 4i5. and black, 1859, 341. varieties of, 1843, 93. Mulching, advantages of, 1849, 103; 1854, 109, 111. objects of, 1865, 22. spent tan- bark for, 1854, 276. Mule, and horses, market for, at St. Louis, 1876, 224, 252. (arts, on), 1855, 31; 1863, 180-188; 1868, 594. correspondence on, 1854, 22; 1855, 38. exports of, 1853, 27. growing of, in Kentucky, 1852, 314 ; 1872, 438. in Missouri, 1852, 318; 1855, 40; 1868, 517. Morocco, 1862, 506. Sicily, 1859, 123. interrogatories on, 1858, 81. large-sized, in Pennsylvania, 1855, 42. meaning of the term, 1867, 298. statistics of, 1863, 188, 606 ; 1»76, 104, 112. tractability of the, 1852, 132. "Washington's success with, 1853, 26. Mullein, mode of destroying, 1865, 515. Murrain, bloody, in Maryland and other States, 1866, 72; 1867, 97. cattle, I860, 252. indefiniteness of the terms, 1870, 42. in the South, 1869, 39 ; 1871, 34. or rinderpest, 1860, 253. Muscardine, cause and remedies for, 1866, 36. experiments on, 1847, 176. Musemn, donations to the Department, 186.5, 34, 570; 186(), 10; 1867, 470; 1868, 10; 18G9, 636; 1870, 673; 1871, 513; 1^72, 512; 1873, 477; lt?74, 452; 1876, 8. erection of a gallery in the liall of, 1876, 7. of economic botany at Kew, 1870, 112. the Dei)artment, 1863, 561 ; 18(54, 540 ; 1865, 6, 33, 94 ; 1866, 27 ; l^(u, 21 ; 18G8, 10; 18()9, 14, 60; 1870, 11; 1H71, 7; 1S72, 7. report on the, and cmtennial exhibits of, 187(), 17. the agricultural, of Iowa, 1H()9, 544. I*russian agricullural, 1874, 274. ^lushroom, an antidote to the poisonous, 1854, 366. cultivation and couisuuii)! ioii of, 1854, 365, 366; 1876, 12, 74, 77. fairy rings jjroduccd by, 1H19, 395. the class of plants, 1868, 231. Music, impnovement in instrinuents of, 1844, 5l:i ; l^'l.', :"!('); 1846,38; 1>IT. 46. Muskrat, classification, etc., l^Cul, 270. habits, trapi)iug, and skins of, 1856, 105, 107. 102 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Must, rules for making and bettering, 1860, 348-350. (arts, on), 1844, 325-329 ; 1845, 397, 961. a weed in Maine, 1869, 503, cultivation and uses of, 1854, 367. demand for seed, 1844, 140. . in Wisconsin, 1872, 509. of preparing, 1870, 204. seed in Ohio, 1845, 959, 960 ; 1848, 160. source and use of, oil, 1870, 181. yield of, seed oil, 1843, 110. Mutton, breeds of sheep for, 1869, 381. deficient supply of, and high culture, 1862, 254. eating and raising, 1862, 252. increased consumption of, 1871, 238. preferred to beef in England, 1862, 253. prices of, in London, 1864, 246. production of, 1866, 347. Mycelium, cause of potato-rot, 1845, 516. meaning of the word, 1849, 391; 1868, 231. mode of destroying, 1845, 518. of Oiclimn Tucheri, 1874, 174. the white and spunk, 1871, 112, 119, 120. Myrrh, Indian bdellium, or false, 1870, 186. in embalming and medicine, 1870, 188. Myrtle, locality of and use for hedges, 1854, 402. wax or candle berry, 1870, 204. Myrtle-bird, habits, nest, and eggs of, 1864, 409. Nahor, source and use of, oil, 1870, 178. Nan, history and manufacture of, 1843, 252. machine for making horse, 1848, 61. machines for manufacturing, 1845, 52 ; 1846, 54. prevention of rusting, 1860, 81. Nature, balance of organic, 1857, 442. Navigation, and marine implements, 1843, 277; 1844, 487; 1845, 65; 1846, 78; 1847, 70; 1848, 41. or marine of the several States, 1850, 57. Nebraska, acres cultivated by the College, 1874, 336. College of Agriculture of. (See College.) digest of report of, 1871, 376, 378 ; 1873, 436, 437. fences of, 1871, 505. forests, etc., 1875, 325, 327. hogs packed in, 1876, 232. laws of, 1871, 225. list of fruit trees for, 1873, 443. live-stock in, 1863, 606; 1864, 583; 1865. 67; 1866, 67; 1867, 92; 1868, 44; 1869, 47; 1870, 47; 1871, 37; 1872, 43; 1873, 40; 1874, 40; 1875, 35; 1876, 112. loss of hogs in, 1876, 111. of lands in, 1867, 108, 118; 1868, 459. sheep husbandry in, 1864, 193, 194. tabular estimate of crops of. (See Crop.) Nectarine, cultivation of, in different States, 1854, 242, 248, 258, 264, 303 ; 1856, 332, 350 ; 1858, 381, 387, 408; 1867, 146. ;»;;;; , , ; , injury of, by the curculio, 1865, 204. interrogatories on, 1858, 44. origin of, 18G7, 301. peaches, apricots, and, 1853, 282, 283. the Etruge variety of, 1867, 136. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 103 Needle, the Spanish, 1865, 513. Net, for capturing insects, 1867, 64 ; 1868, 306, 311, 316; 1874, 140. Netherlands, high farming in the, 1866, 527-536. Nettle, dead or henbit, horse, and stinging, 1865, 515, 516, 517. of feeding, to laying hens, 1870, 612. the Australian, 1860, 139. Choonui for cloth in China, 1860, 473. Neilgherry as a fiber plant, 1867, 224. Nevada, Agricultural College of. (See College.) alfalfa and alfalfa-seed in, 1872, 450. fences of, 1871, 506. live stock in, 1869, 47; 1870, 47; 1871, 36; 1872, -43; 1873, 40; 1874, 40; 1875, 35; 1876, 112. public lands in, 1868, 463. tabular estimate of crops of. (See Crop.) New England, apple orchards of. 1868, 472. exhausted soils of, 1872, 494. farming in, 1801, 251-262; 1870, 255-267. fruit-growing districts of, 1866, 145. potash best manure for the soil of, 1870, 489. sheep-raising in, 1868, 477. the native grapes of, 1859, 61. shore lisheri(?s of, 1873, 289. weak point in, agriculture, 187.3, 147. value of the grass crop of, 1871, 383. will fanning in, pay ? 1874, lb7-214. New Hampshire, a model farmer of, 1872, 448. batter and cheese of, 1873, 252. cattle-raising in, 1853, 13. College of Agriculture, etc. (See College). digest of report of, 1871, 380; 1872, 490. farming in, 1874, 191. fences of, 1871, 500. forests, etc., 1875, 250. horses in, 1854, 25. imi)rovements in farming in, 1876, 412. lauds in, 1807, 102, 110. laws of, 1863, 457; 1864, 442; 1871, 219. live-stock in, 1863, 606 ; 1804, 583 ; 1865, 07 ; 1866, 67 ; 1867, 92: 186-8. 45 ; 18:19, 47; 1870, 47; 1871, 36; 1872, 43; 1873, 40; L874, 40; 1875, 35; 1876, 112. mineral fertilizei-s of, 1868, 371. of the society of, 1875, 455. remarks on crops of, 1841, 70, 71, 72; 1842, 17, 18, 19; 1843, 18, 42, 43. 48, 51. 53, 57, 65; 1844, 13, 37, 39, 47, 49, 54, .57, 59, 71, 89; 1845, 151, 160, 163, U\,\ 192, 213, 249, 300; 1847, 126, i:i.5, 156; 1S48, 131, i:i5, 143, 345; 1849, IW, 224.242.259; 1850, 408; 1851, 145, 146, 657; 1852, 148, 149; 185;J, 113, 127 ; 1854, 20?, 2>4, 314; 1855, 176, 218. starch factories of. 1872, 446. State board, lf^7t), 411. tabular est i mate oi' erojis of. (See Crop.) wheat-growing in, 1802, 96. New Jersey, coUego ex])erimeuts with fertilizers, 1870, 454. cranberry ciilluie in, 1869, 20.> ; 1^73, 445; l.'<74, 171. crops on the collegia larm, 1>72, 372. dairy interest in, IK');?, l,M. digest of rei)orts of, lb73, 443; 1*^74, 407. forests, etc., 1875, 256. fruit culture in, 1^50, 203. imi>roveunMit of faruis, 1868, 451. land.s in, lsti7, 103, 111. laws of, 1H)3, 4()0; Ij-OI, 444; 1871, 221. live-stock in, 1h;3. f.iMi; 1h;4.583; 1?<15, (T7 ; !-(*.«'.. r.7 ; lSi7.1^J: l-«v".45; 1-(U», 47; 1870,47; 1-71, :5(); l>572, 43; 1-73, 10; 1-74,40; 1-75. X.; l-7«.. 112. 104 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS New Jersey, market products of West, 1865, 249-295. mineral fertilizers of, 1808, Gl, :379 ; 1873, 444. remarks on crops of, 1841, G9, 71, 73; 1842, 11, 10, 17, 18 ; 1843, 21, 42, 48, 00; 1844, Rntfrers' Scientiiic School. (Sec College.) small fruits in, 1868, 442. tabular estimate of crops of. (.Sec Crop). the seaboard of, for fruit-^«rowing, 1806, 148. worn-out lands of, 1861, 206. New Mexico, agriculture of, 1869, 619-623. fences of, 187 1 , 506. forests, etc., 1875, 332. lands in, 1867, 110, 119 ; 1868, 460. meteorology of, 1851, 482. remarks on crops of, 1851, 478, 483, 488 ; 1852, 345. table showing longevity in, 1850, 576. tabular estimate of crops of, 1851, 499. wheat culture in, 1852, 348. New Orleans, live-stock market, 1876, 252. prices of farm products at, 1876, 248. Newton, Isaac, reports of, 1862, 3; 1863, 3; 1864, 3; 1865, 1; 1866, 5. New York, agricultural resources of, 18.52, 5. associations in, 1873, 454 ; 1875, 456, 458, 459. butter and cheese of, 1873, 252. canal trade, 1847, 578. cattle f(5eding in, 1876, 299, 300, 306. trade of, 1852, 431 ; 1864, 256 ; 1865, 86. census of, for 1850, 1850, 571. cheese factories in, 1865, 433; 1873, 457. clover-seed-raisiug in, 1872, 450. commerce of, 1849, 529, 541; 18r,0, .563; 1851, 519, .526; 18.52, 428; 18.54, 490, 492, 497; 1855, 399. 403, 406, 411, 416; 1856, 499, 500, 508, 515, 520; 1863, 608, 614; 1864, .591, .598, 602. Cornell University, etc. (See College.) dairies of, 1854, 21 ; 1873, 241, 252. digest of reports of, 1807, 328; 1808, 487; 1870, 493; 1871, 385, 390; 1873, 447. eggs and poultry, 1873, 281 ; 1874, 273. exports from the port of, 1845, 371 ; 18.52, 430; 1862, 434. fences in, 1871, 501. first importation of sheep into, 1864, 2.53. forests, etc., 1875, 253. fruit-growing region, 1866, 147. fruits of, 1849, 445; 1852, 39; 1858, 413; 1859, 61; 1866, 153; 1871, 392; 1873, 279. horses of, 1854, 26. immigraticm into, 186.5, 87. lands in, 1807, 103, 111. laws of, 1803, 400; 1804, 443; 1871, 220. live-stock in, 1803, 000; 1804,583; 1805,07; 1866,67; 1867,92; 1868,45; 1869,47; 1870, 47; 1871, 30; 1872, 43; 1873, 40; 1874, 40; 1875, 35; 1876, 112. manufacture of market butter in, 1809, 300. market garden in vicinity of, 1805, 243. system of, 1870, 244, 251. mineral fertilizers of, 1808, 376. mink-raising in, 1873, 453. oil-wells in, 1802, 441. opening and closing of canals of, 1854, 435. pork-packing in, 1874, 107. prices of breadstuffs in, 1808, 58. produce at, 1803, 014. products of Seneca County, 1848, 425. railroads of, 1851, 525. I INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 105 New York, remarks on crops of, 1841, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 77: 184-2, 11, 15, 10, 17, 18, 20, 38, 39; 1843, 19, 3-2, 42, 48, 51, 53, 57, 09 ; 1844, 20, 44, 47, 50, 51, 57, 00, O'J, 72, 77, 79, 90, i:38, 14-^, 202, 229; 1845, 105, 151, 159, 1(33, 100, 193, 208, 219, 204, 29(», 303, 311, 433; 1847, 101, 104, 117, 119, 121, 124, 125, 127, l:i5, 150, KU, 107, 175, 302, 402; 1848, 117, 122, 129, 130, 131, 133, 130, 137, 144, 147, 370, 401, 414; 1849, 99, 103, 109, 200, 226^ 242, 244, 251, 200, 271, 288, 291; 1850, 7, 18, 21, 208, 211, 2^1, :>^>, 404, 400, 419, 420, 432, 440, 404, 407, 4G8, 480; 18^1, 187, 192, 194, 200, 202, 204, 208, 210, 210, 221, 225, 220 ; 1852, 183, 184, 187, 193, 194, 190, 199, 203, 205, 209, 214, 210; 1853, 114, 137, 155, 101, 171, 178, 203, 218, 270, 277, 281, 285, 287, 290, 294, 290, 302, 314, 321, 323, 324; 1854, 130, 152, 153, lOf), 191, 194, 2^6, 295, 300, 302, 304, 305, 307, 315, 318, 319 ; 1855, 177, 195, 201, 202, 204, 219, 253, 281, 293, 310 ; 1859, 544, 547. receipts aud prices of live-stock in, 1805, 86; 1806, 96; 1868, 56; 1869, 49; 1870, 49; 1871, 04; 1872, 90; 1873, 128; 1»74, b8. salt manufacture in, 1850, 541. sheep husbandry in, 1873, 274. statistics of, 1845, 1181 ; 1851, 494; 1866, 153. stock-raising in, 1853, 14 ; 1873, 448. tabular estimate of crops of. (See Crop.) the greatest wheat-growing State, 1842, 11. value of grass crop, 1871, 1385. wine-making, etc., in, 1859, 544, 547. New York City, annual receipt of hogs at, 1876, 236. exports of fresh heef from, 1876, 320. flour and grain trade of, 1876, 180, 206. market for live stock and products, 1876, 209, 250. prices of farm products at, 1876, 242. Nighthawk, benefit of, 1863, 281, 294 ; 1864, 436; 1865, 38; 1867, 205. Nightjar, benefit of, 1867, 205. Nightshade, poisonous qualities of, 1865, 516. Niglit-soil. (See Soil.) Niin, of Yucatan, description of, etc., 1868, 268-270. Nitre, or saltpeter, as a manure, 1865. 386. the caves in Alabama aud other States, 1868, 397 ; 1869, 559. Nitrate, of soda, wastage of, 1873, 299. use of, 1800, 121; 1872, 398, 437. Nitrogen, action of, on crops, 1874, 430. experiments on the loss of. bv drainage, 1871, 252. forditterent crops, 1873, 299,*:i, 121; 1861, 573; 1871, 90; 187(5, 50. Nitro])hosi>liate, in the j)ro«luction of cotton, 1871, 244. North Carolina, butter an; 1>7(5, 112. loss of liogs in, 1S7(), 111. mineral ftrtili/rrs of, 1H(58, 385. oi)iMm from, wiih anulysis, 1H7!J, 174. 106 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. North Carolina, remarka on crops of, 1841, 70, 71, 73-77; 1842, 12, 16, 17, 19, 22; 1843, 24, 45, 54, 67, 73, 75, 104; 1844, 36, 52, 64, 75, 92, 103, 107; 1845, 156, 164, 171, 172, 273; 1847, 128, 168, 170; 1848, 133; 1849,142,221,229; 1850,219, 326, 368; 1851, 315; 1852,93; 1853, 118, 144, 199; 1854, 131, 144; 1855, 253, 258; 1868, 22; 1870, 25; 1872, 11. ^ results of improved farming in, 1873, 285. tabular estimate of crops of. (See Crop.) tea culture in, 1869, 237. the seedling grape of, 1867, 162. Norway, statistics of population, productions, animals, etc., in, 1876, 255-270. Note, from recent publications, 1869, 626. on grape climates, 1867, 27. the diptera, 1872, 123. scientific, 1870, 611-616. Notylia, for a house plant, 1863, 376. Nursery, forest tree, in Illinois and Iowa, 1871, 233, 311. the first apple tree, in New England, 1872, 281. Nut, culture of the chest, madeira, and pecan, 1856, 450 ; 1867, 147. fruits and wines, 1854, 226; 1855, xiv; 1856, 315. imports and exports, 1858, 231. insect injurious to the hazel, 1868, 112. interrogatories on, 1858, 59. ' kola and betel, 1870, 197. oil of the Brazil, 1870, 179. the pea, 1854, 129; 1855, 259; 1867, 252; 1868, 220-224; 1870, 92, 176. the pecan, 1870, 411. pine, 1870, 411. pistachio, and tree, 1854, xxxii ; 1859, 118. trees in Virginia, 1856, 450. used by the Indians for food, 1870, 405, 411. Nuthatch, red and white bellied, 1863, 300; 1864, 420; 1865, 41. Nutmeg, description and uses of, 1870, 200. Nutriment, in different articles of food, 1847, 540. Oak, insects injurious to the, 1868, 112. on the, 1855, li, lii. remedy for the pruuer, 1863, 576. the segilops, 1855, liii. Bartram and European, 1868, 202. black or yellow, 1863, 480. cork, 1854, xxxiii; 1855, xviii; 1858, 334-337. European, and bear or black scrub, 1854, 415. evergreen, for hedges, 1854, 402. Grammont, 1855, xvii, xlix. kermes, 1855, 1. live, 1866, 477. poison, as a dangerous weed, 1865, 511. white, 1866, 475. willow, and laurel, 1868, 200. _- Oat, !■ analysis of eight varieties, 1847, 123; 1864, 277; 1865, 357, 401, 419, 427. ^ as preparatory to cotton, 1870, 464. -correspondence on, 1853, 159; 1854, 151; 1855, 202. A cost of raising, 1848, 660; 1849, 117; 1850, 154; 1853, 161; 1867, 342; 1868, 480. ^ crop, 1876, 91, 104. experiments with, 1868, 480 ; 1869, 252, 254, 255 ; 1870, 164, 166 ; 1871, 127, 135, 136, 137, 251 ; 1872, 456 ; 1873, 233 ; 1874, 184 ; 1875, 362. exports of, 1875, 60 ; 1876, 174, 176. first cultivation in this country, 1872, 280. for green manuring, 1864, 312. increased yield from proper plant- food, 1876, 390. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 107 Oat, in Iowa, 18(J8, 515, 516. Sicily, 1859, 121. interrogatories ou, 1858, 27. native locality of, 18.59, 302. origin and history of the, 1853, 158. price of, 1873, 45. replies to circular on, 1851, 132 ; 1852, 73. statistics of, lc7G, 91. table of sowiug, yield, etc., 1848, 648. tabular estimate of, in the several States. (See Crop.) varieties and names of, 1843, 47 ; 1845, 1.57, 158 ; 1847, 123, 390 ; 1848, 479, 649, 651 ; 1849, 100, 105, flG, 123, 128, 137, 144, 172, 177, 181, 288, 289, 290; 1850, 154, 195, 261, 454, 464; 1851, 314; 1852, 226,258; 1854, xiii, 152; 1855,203; 1865,28; 1866, 9; 1867, 359; 1868, 410, 411, 518; 1869, 252, 254, 255; 1670, 163, 164, 165, 166, 168, 419, 499, 503; 1871, 126, 127, 128, 135, 136, 137, 138, 410; 1872, 410; 1873, 16, 212, 233, 234, 306, 394 ; 1874, 184, 18.') ; 1875, 362, 363. varieties of, on experimental farm, 1865, 28 ; 1866, 9. weight of uiue varieties, 1845, 158. yield of, 1861, 254 ; 1867, 2. Observation, in Germany by Charles L. Fleischmann, 1847, 239. on atmospheric humidity, 1865, 520. Occupation, of our people, 1873, 74, 75. Ocean, currents, 1856, 474. Offal, analvsis of hominy, 1873, 180. of tish, 1870, 618. wheat for feed, 1862, 428. Offspring, mental influence of parents on, 1863, 168. weakness of, from hybridization, 1867, 304. Ohio, Agricultural College. (See College.) products of, 1851, 498 ; 1873, 59. as a wheat-growing State, 1842, 12. blackberry culture in, 1871, 232. book notice, 1873, 315. butter and cheese in, 1873, 252. crops in, 1876, 96. dairying in, 1870, 324 ; 1871, 175. 39."'>. Dairymen's Association, 1876, 418, 420. digest of reports of, 1867, 348; 1868, 506; 1869, 531; 1870, 496; 1871, 392; 1872, 498; 1874, 412. exports of, 1845, 306. farm stock of, 1849,558. fences in, 1871, 504. fertilizers used in, 1853, 86; 18.'>4, 1 17 ; 1855, 153. fish culture in, 1874, 415, 416. forests, et c. , of, 1875, 300. fruit-growing in, 1868, 444. hogs jiacked in, 187(), 232. lauds in, l.'^67, 107, 116. laws of, 1863,461; 18(>i, 445; 1871, 224. live-stock in, 1863, 606; 1864,583; 1S(k),67; 1866,07; 18()7.«h.'; ls;-i, 15; lHt)i»,47; 1870,47; 1871, 36; 1872, 43; 1873, 40; 1{?74,40; 1>^5, 3:.; l!^6, 112. loss of hogs in, 1876, 111. mineral Irrtilizers of, 1S()9,.568. iiuuil»'r and value of slieep in, 1862, 2r>2. remarks ou crops of, IKU.Cl), 70-73, 77 ; 1-~J2, 1*J. 16. 1?^. 19. 2i'.. 2*.'. :i:5: l-i:;.2:|.2-', 42, 46, 48, 52, 59, Vu, 74. 90, 1)6, [)[) ; 1-44,21. 22. 24. 4(i, .58. i'ii\, 75, i»2, |(H; IS 15. H>-, 1 H\ 133,141, 1.57, 17-^, 190, r>.2.'.2, 313; 1-17.101,124, 12.^, 136, I :r.. UW, 169. l-^M-v^, ll>6,212, 391,392, 107; 1^4-^,129, i:52, 13«;, 144, lS5,5'/7. .532; lo, 'JT. 302; lK50.6,H,-jn.:U0. 344.370. :i"^l.:W». 395. 3i>7. 413. 453. 4l»".>; ls".l.;u;i 373, 375, 379. 3M3, li-"^ I. 3S7. It.-^^, 39(», 395. :tt>9. 401 ; 1K52.243.245. 219. 2,'.0. 2,52. 2.59,262; 1K53, 118, 145. 146. 17H.204.273. 304 ; 185-1. 131, 14.5. 152. Uu . l'>2.2til; lN)5, 177, 195. 219. 2.53, 2.57 : IHm, 54; 1^67, 77 ; l-Hks, 18, 29 ; 18(1). 20 ; 1870, 31 ; 1871, 13- 15; 1H72, 10, 11. 108 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Ohio, societies of, 1875, 4C0. State board, 1876, 414, 419. statistics of wheat iu, 1844, 408. ., ,„ ^^ r. -lorti >.o stock-raising in, 1853, 16, 34, 45, 56 ; 1854, 19, 26, 54 ; 1855, 42. tabular estimate of crops of. (See Crops.) wealth and resources of, 1849, 563 ; 1850, 543. yield of crops, 1847, 392 j 1848, 527. dryness favorable to, and drawings of. 1871, 116 ; 1874, 174. ravages of. in Zante, 1858, 353. relation to Erysiplie, 1874, 176. remedy for, 1868, 573 ; 1870, 498 : 1871, 117. Tuckeri, description and growth of, 1865, 325. Oil ' animal, in making butter and cheese, 1874, 254. (W, 472. l)lanting and cultivating, 1873, 471 ; 1874, 419. l)rote, bmt'lit of the American, 18155, 44. hiil)ils and us»' of ([uails, or, 1^563, 285, 306. of tlu! (lilb-rcnt si^cics of, 1861, 372-376. the rullV'd and Canada grouse, 1856, 151, 153; 1865, 44. Pasture, annual product of, 1871, 385. clu'a|nst nianun' for, 18(19, 526. e>:i) ; l-l(t. 1. J; L-41. 1,0; 1-^JJ, 1,113; 1-13,1.334; 1S14, 1; 1^45 1; 1;;^46, 1, 117, 211 ; 1817,3; l'-48, 3; 1859, 572; 1860, 477; 1870, 393; 1871, 218. 112 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Patent article on, of tlie year, 1869, 315 ; 1871, 211. fees for, iu foreign countries, 1844, 438. law for tlie extension of, 1844, 2. laws of foreign countries, 1846, 104. reports of examiners, 1844, 464, 508; 1845, 25, 45; 1846, 15, 41; 1847, 19, 50; 1848, 20, 31, 55, 63. Patent-Office, first volume on agriculture from, 1849, 5. from 1840-1845, 1845, 20 ; 1866, 524. history of, and legislation for, 1848, 82-86. number of copies of, report, 1857, 25. Paulownia, as an ornamental tree, 1868, 200, 203. Pea analysis of, 1847, 187 ; 1849, 487 ; 1850, 49; 1865, 419, 428; 1874, 149. and beans, 1853, 221. black- eye, 1867, 252. cliick, 1859, 317. Chickasaw, 1845, 305. . correspondence on culture, etc.,. 1847, 359, 363, 368, 379, 390; 1848, 375, 476, 495; 1849, 112, 135, 1:28, 143, 145, 148, 158, 169, 172 ; 1850, 228, 251, 264, 286, 314, 336, 369, 394, 399, 424, 472; 1851, 136, 206, 276, 323, 324, 330, 334, 354, 421, 458, 464; 1852, 81, 83, 90, 121, 126, 130, 149, 196, 201, 282; 1853, 223; 1854, 194; 1855, 256. cow, 1853, 225; 1864, 314; 1874, 149. everlasting, 1888, 205. experiments with, 1856, 314; 1871, 140; 1875, 365. flat, 1859, 317. for green manuring, 1834, 313, 314. ground, 1847, 190 ; 1855, 259 ; 1867, 252. history of, 1853, 222 ; 1859, 317. how to destroy bugs in, 1849, 341. insects affecting, 1849, 340. Japan and Oregon, 1853, 223, 224 ; 1854, 194 ; 1855, 256, 257. Rocky Mountain, 1845, 305. varieties of, 1854, xiv; 1859, 18; 1865, 29; 1866, 10. Peabody-bird, " habits, nest and eggs of, 1864, 422. Peach, a good manure for, 1851, 224. analyses of leaves of, 1872, 197. apricots and nectarines, 1853, 282-284. book notice, 1870, 517. correspondence on, 1853, 284 ; 1854, 298 ; 1855, 297. effect of rapid growth, 1851, 369. for different localities, 1856, 333, 350, 352, 372, 374, 382, 389, 391, 396, 400; 1858, 380, 387, 390, 394, 400, 407, 415, 416, 419. fungoid diseases of the, tree, 1871, 119. grafting on the almond, 1859, 131. how to preserve, 18&2, 492. in Delaware, 1845, 954 ; 1865, 194 ; 1866, 150 ; 1868, 443 ; 1871, 143 ; 1872, 441 ; 1874, 271. Florida, 1867, 146. Iilaryland, 1854, 244 ; 1871, 144 ; 1872, 112, 441. Michigan, 1886, 183; 1869, 533; 1872, 481'; 1873, 428. Mississippi, 1854, 248. Missouri, 1852, 321 ; 1868, 526 New England, 1863, 352. New York, 1853, 285. Ohio, 1889, 534. insects injurious to, 1868, 113. interrogatories on, 1858, 44. in Texas, 1854, 302. Utah, 1870, 568. A^irginia, 1867, 251. Wisconsin, 1870, 505, native locality, etc., 1859, 339. new varieties of, 1856, 405. of buddiug on plum, 1865, 203. destroying the borer, 1858, 380 ; 1869, 534 ; 1870, 87, 520 ; 1871, 396. INDEX TO xVGKICULTUKAL REPORTS. 113 Poach, of presei-^'ing tlie liealtli of, 1853, 286 ; 1862, 153. the leaf-blister, 1803, 551. l)rofit of an orchard, 1871, 399. propagation, etc., l'^G5, 191-194. receipts of, iu New York, 1871. 232. remedies for, worm and vgatori<'s on, 1>5^, 40. in the i)istrict of Columbia, 1858, 390, the South, 18.")S, :;79. Virginia, 1^58, 421 ; 1>71, 14(i. Vermont, 1872, 441. list for general cultivation. 1"^7(), 492. names au-193 ; 18rK3. 122-127 : 18(vl. 142, 143, 605; 18lM, 188, 1^9, 190: lH. original ing new \ari»'ties, 1K")1. 2'J7. jihilosophy of dwarling, IHiKJ, 'JH. preservation of, 1>()2. li>2. l)rt>s<'r\ iiig, 1S70, .\[)]. remarks (.11 culturr. etc.. 1S17, 195; is.js. :;.-»( i. :{79, 3'<1, :t83, :tH4, :iS5: 1849. 103. 145, 161. 1(;5, KiO. 170. 1M6, 'J,-^J, 439. \U\\ l-.".0. IK?. 221. 224. 343. 40-; 1-51. i:i:i. l:?8, 199. 202. 2»»7, 242. 249, 2H». :\>>], :{7s, 4o:{. 422, 431, 442, 411. 4.57. 477. U»2 : 18."^ 2.S :VA, 31, 37, 38, 42. KJ. IP,'. PJ9. i:iS, 212, 249, 2ii,5, 272. 2'.»'^. 321. Xl'*: \'^X\. 258, 277; lH.-,4, 229, 231. 233, 2:1'.. 239. 242. 24.5. 24'', 2.'.6. 2,59. 2t;2. 29. 401. lo-j. 405; 1858, 40. 374, 379, 3h;, 390, :;92, 393. 395. WW, 40-J, 414, 416, 419. 421. 423. 42«"., 427; 18r>9. 344: 1^60, 312: 1h;9. 19H: 1-71. 103. remedy for blight. 1^49. 447: l>.'.o, 93; 1^51.457; 18o. :;-s. :ur.. .391V 8 A 114 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Pear, size and yield of, in Europe, 1876, 410. stock for dwarfing, 1856, 327. the blight, 1872, 188-191. prickley, 1860, 33 ; 1870, 417. slug, 1870, 78. orchard, 1881, 232-251. theories of the cracking of the tree, 1862, 151. treatment of the standard, 1866, 20, 21. two crops in one season, 1854, 278. variation or sport, 1872, 404. varieties for a succession, 1850, 94. Peat, in smelting iron, 1857, 342. manurial value of, 1869, 431. Pebrine, in France, 1868, 301, 304. silkworms' eggs, 1870, 240, 241. remedy for, 1872, 308. Peccary, resemblance to swine, 1865, 97. Pelidnota, injuries of, and remedy for, 1863, 567. Pemican, preparation of, by the Indians, 1870, 426. Pennsylvania, Agricultural College of. (See College.) butter and cheese of, 1873, 252. cattle-raising in, 1853, 16 ; 1854, 19 ; 1855, 24. dairy interest in, 1853, 24 ; 1855, 30. digest of reports of, 1871, 396. experiments on college and other farms, 1869, 252 ; 1871, 239 ; 1873, 304. forests, etc., 1872, 51 ; 1875, 257. hay fork, 1849, 365. horses and mules in, 1853, 34 ; 1854, 27 ; 1855, 42 ; 1862, 336, 344. laws of, 1863, 460 ; 1864, 444 ; 1871, 221. lands in, 1867, 103, 111. live-stock in, 1863, 606 ; 1864, 583 ; 1865, 67 ; 1866, 67 ; 1867, 92 ; 1868, 45 ; 1869, 47 ; 1870, 47 ; 1871 ; 36 ; 1872, 43 ; 1873, 40 ; 1874, 40 ; 1875, 35 ; 1876, 112. mineral fertilizers of, 1868, 382. remarks on the crops of, 1841, 69, 70, 71, 72 ; 1842, 11, 16, 17, 18, 26; 1843, 21, 42, 44, 58, 59, 72, 99 ; 1844, 21, 29, 56, 74, 79, 138 ; 1845, 101, 155, 159, 16.3, 187, 251, 502, 917; 1847, 101, 104, 119, 121, 127, 135, 403; 1848, 117, 122, 125, 132, 135, 185, 250, 436, 454, 455, 660, 664, 667, 670, 676, 687, 692 ; 1849, 121, 201, 221, 256, 289, 301, 302, 365; 1850, 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 22, 116, 117, 149, 190, 205, 212, 246, 305, 415, 419, 436; 1851,234, 236, 238, 239, 241, 244, 250, 25.3, 256, 259, 260; 1852, 223, 224, 227, 233, 235, 237, 241 ; 1853, 86, 119. 147, 173, 201, 219, 220, 286, 305 ; 1854, 117, 132, 224, 266, 275 ; 1855, 153, 155, 179, 196, 200, 203, 220, 253, 259, 266, 281, 300, 309, 312, 317 ; 1867, 78. societies of, 1875, 462, 463. tabular statement of crops of. (Se^ Crop.) Peoria, flour and grain tra70, ;)37. Chester County, 18()5, 476. confinement of, 1865, 478. of fattening, I'^70, 466. washing and cinders for, 1860,85. whey and skimmed milk for, 1*^76, 386. white whisk«'red ]teccary and Andaman, 1865,101. Piggery, a model, 1865, 47(}-478. Pigeon, the familv of, with sptcics, 1863,305. l»ass.'ligcr, or wild, 1856,148: 1863,285,305; 1864,380,381. Pigeon-berry, poke-weed, or, for as]»aragus, 1865,51(5. I'igment, coal-tar for insects, l."^44,5irt. Pike. in Hudson IJay Teriit(U'y and Alaska, I87l>,387. Pimento, allspice ni' .lamaica pepper, 1^7n,2i>70. 197. 116 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Piuo, Carolina yellow, Avliite aud red^ 1866^ 478, 479, 482. desiral)le species for culture, 1872, 165. insects frequenting tlie, 18{)S, 113 ; 1870, 71, nuts and seed of, for food, 1870, 411. pitch, for floors in England, 1873, 284. plantations on Cape Cod, 1873, 283. the stone, 1880, 32. Piue-ap])le, in Florida, 1867, 143;^ 1871, 170. origin aud history of, 1859, 331. Pipe, best substances for water, 1871, 426. directions for laying, 1863, 322. glass water, in France, 1843, 327. machine for laving, 1843, 246. of manufacturing lead, 1843,258; 1844, 476; 1845, 52; 1846, 54; 1847, 58; 1848, 47. Piiisissewa, fruit of, for food, 1870, 414. Pisciculture article on, 1830, 301-311 ; 1866, 394-423. (See Fish.) Pistachio, different species of, 1859, 322. in Sicily and Italy, 1860, 33. Plague, cattle, in Europe, 1835, 550-569 ; 1867, xiii. the Texas cattle, 1869, 541. Plain, forest cultivation, 1872, 316-332. the great, of the West, 1857, 294 ; 1870, 303. Hemstead. 1869, 427. Plant, absorption of arsenic by, 1860, 137. analysis of southern fodder, 1874, 149. the ashes of, 1845, 363, 1040. basis of soil for, 1839, 490 ; 1874, 263. benzine for, 1851, 332. book notice, 1868, 577 ; 1870, 533. carbon and nitrogen in, 1847, 223; 1874, 148. Chinese, desirable in the United States, 1848, 749. paper aud grass-cloth, 1830, 139. circuiatiou in, 1870, 615. climbing and herbaceous, 1868, 203, 205. conditions of life and progress of, 1864, 329, 330, 332, 339. cultivating and propagating, 1883, 556-560. deterioration and new varieties, 1854, 228, 229; 1855, 269; 1867, 296. distributed from propagating garden, 1865, 5 ; 1866, 8 ; 1867, xv. distribution of the pollen of, 1857, 475. effect of coal-gas on, 1875, 147. different temperatures on, 1857, 503, 504, 505; 1862, 150; 1865, 16; 1870. 125 ; 1871, 236. heat on, 1857, 483, 488. extension of the roots of, 1844, 184. feeding of different species, 1847, 512, 513. fibrous, of Yucatan, 1869, 266. food, providing proper, 1876, 389. forage, in Prussia, 1834, 499. force, gravity, weight, and electricity on, 1869, 100, 108, 134, 152. for promoting fruitfulness in, 1863, 553. fungoid diseases of, 1871, 110. geography of, 1863, 464-525. green manurial, 1864, 301. growth of forage, 1869, 87. house, 1861, 333 ; 1863, 366-381. hybridizing, etc., of, 1837, 296-317. in Europe and the United States, 1857, 490. influence of climate on, 1869, 500. in the arboretum, 1868, 122. government garden, 1859, 2-21 ; 1860, 32, 33. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 117 Plaut, laws of (levelopineut of ccrca], 1874, 260. list of, for the Soutlieiii States, 1863, 6. marme, 1866,423. nutritive value of, 1860, 120. notes ou beneficial and injurious, 1847, 521. of Alaska, 1868, 187. origin of species, 1860, 94. pods of the unicorn, for food, 1870, 422. poisonous to cattle, 1874, l.'O. potash and phosphorus in, 1840, 10. protection of, from frost, 1860, 131 ; 1870, 131. qualities of the soap, 1851, 5. remarks ou textile, 1854, 174. setting, watering, and cultivation of, 1854, 331, 332, 333 ; 1870, 615, 618. size of, in California, 1851, 4. soiling, 1858, 60. sources of the nutrition of, 1848, 213, 223, 232; 1852, 370; 1860, 123; 1861,564; 1867, 30, 244 ; 1871, 363 ; 1872, 461. substances contributing to the growth of, 1871, 89. tables of the i)lienouiena of, 1854, 436. tests of the seeds of, 1870, 168. that best improve land, 1850, 65. the bene, 1845, 317, 970 ; 1854, 225, 339 ; 1855, 287. Chinese tea, 1874, 7. collection of economic, 1876, 10. hop, 1864, 97. Ramie, 1867, 11. sexuality of, 1838, 57 ; lfr^67, 296. Victoria x>ic, 1859, 566. transpiration of, 1871, 253; 1874, 147. used as food, 1859, 299-362. in the arts, 1855, xxxiii. variations of, 1874, 278. wild dowering, 1862, 155. Plantain, in Louisiana, 1855, 314. the common and the English, 186.5, 515. narrow-leaved, for cattle, 1860, 230. Plantations, economy, 1873, 458. large cotton and corn, in Georgia, 1>72, 448. small sugar, in Louisiana, 1869, 435. Planter, corn, 1869, 323; 1870, 400; 1871, 215; 1874, 292. cotton, 1866, 263 ; 1869, 324 ; 1874, 293. hand, 1869, 324. potato, 1866, 253, 254. seed, 184f^, m ; 1^6(5, 260; 1869, 322; 1870. 400. Planting, by colored men, 1867, 420. roads and avenues with trees, 1869, 177. tal)le showing time of, etc., 1848, «)4«». trees near Itnildings, 1869, 178 Plaster, an absorbent of anmionia, 1^^44, 3*^0; IK')!, 2.55. and guano for grass-land, 1844, 381. a i)i»ventive of jxttato-rot, 1844, 88. as a fertilizer, l.S")(), 231-234; 1^59, 163; 1871, 93. lirst introduction of, 18.52, 18. for ol«l pastures, l^CiO, .526. s|>rinkling stalls, 1>52, 171. wheal anil clover, ls")3, 16(»; is.56, 231 ; 1802,85. imi)ortati()n of, 1^5^,230; 1S.")9, 161. in New York, \'irginia. and Nova Scotia, 18(>8, 377, 395. on clayey lands, 1>.")1. 13S. clover, grass, and corn, 1852, 175, 263; 185(3/82. the potato, l.'^70, 528. • [uantity i>er aero, 18.52, 117; l-.'»t'), 231. Plemitis, similarity of, to inllnenza, 1872, 204. 118 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Pleuro-pueiimouia, cattle-diseases, 1860, 239-267, in Maryland aud other States, 1868, 37 ; 1869, 38 ; 1870, 42. Massachusetts, 1865, 568. introduction aud diagnosis of, 1874, 411. in Upper Savoy, 1864, 504. similaritv to inliuenza, 1872, 204. treatmBiit of, 1860, 246, 263; 1869, 438; 1871, 34; 1872, 34. Plover, the family of, 1863, 306. Idlldeer, 1865, 44. Plows, and scarifiers, 1866, 241-252. anti-friction wheel, 1843, 311. cast-iron, first patented, 1862, 9 ; 1870, 395. common and others, 1862, 413-417. cost of cultivating by the steam, 1874, 281, 282. English, and plowing, 1859, 239-260. history of the, 1868, 494-496; 1870, 394-397. improvements of the, 1844, 509; 1845, 28; 1846, 18; 1847, 20; 1869, 319; 1871, 211. number of factories, 1872, 284. steam, in Germany, 1873, 287. the American steam, 1869, 305-318. gang, 1874, 285. steam, 1860, 82; 1861,315; 1863,420; 1867,255,257,258; 1870,404; 1871,213; 1873, 376. steel and other, 1863, 417-425, 434. trenching and ridging, 1847, 544; 1870, 593. used by the early colonists, 1872, 278. Plowing, deep, advantage of, for i^rairie, 1858, 284 ; 1868, 512 ; 1871, 353. by steam, 1861, 315. ■ eflect of, 1861, 281 ; 1872, 458. experiments in, 1845, 1034; 1869, 295; 1874, 258; 1875, 513. necessity for, 1847, 230. profit of, 1869, 530. for flat and rolling ground, 1871, 371. in the fall, 1867, 237. winter in England, 1860, 159. steam, 1863, 27; 1867, 4, 275, 277, 278, 279; 1870, 8, 449, 511; 1873, 376. subsoil, 1844, 151 ; 1845, 1036 ; 1860, 107 ; 1866, 245. superiority of English, 1859, 240. Plum, black knot on the, tree, 1853, 291 ; 1854, 306; 1863, 572; 1872, 175; 1874, 173. correspondence on, 1853, 288; 1854, 304; 1855, 300. cultivation of, in various localities, 1858, 382, 387, 391, 408, 418. curculio, preventive of the, 1876, 405, 411. description of fine varieties of, 1864, 148, 149; 1865, 190. wild, 1865, 207 ; 1869, 446. desirable varieties, 1850, 98. for New Hampshire, 1852, 29. in Florida, 1867, 146. interrogatories on, 1858, 46. jujube, 1854, xxxii. origin and history of, 1853, 287 ; 1859, 340, 349. l^reservation of, 1862, 493. profits of the culture of the, 1876, 405. reports of, from different States, 1853, 288; 1856, 350, 353, 372, 383, 389, 398, 400. the curculio in Michigan, 1873, 428. weavil and gouger, 1870, 68, 70. to destroy, curculio, 1850, 97 ; 1853, 288, 290, 291 ; 1874, 272. to make, trees bear, 1843, 231. tree injured by frost, 1850, 183. use of the beach, 1854, 405. varieties in Maine, 1853, 289. of the common, 1863, 352. hydraulics and, 1843, 310, 325; 1844, 508, 513; 1845, 82; 1846, 96; 1847, 76; 1848, 48. Poisons, mineral, affecting plants, 1876, 56. INDEX TO AGRICULTUEAL REPORTS. 119 PoUeii. iu'liybridizing, 1667, -296-299. transportation of, l)y the wind, 1857, 475. Pomegranate. in Florida, 1807, 144. Georgia, 1858, 384. native locality, etc., 1859, 342. of the seedless, 1860, 34 ; 1802, 502. Pomological, Society, Maine State, 1876, 385, 388. Michigan, 1876, 402. Pomologv, American, 1852, 23, 32 ; 18.56, 328. horticnlture and, 1849, 428, 429, 445. of the South, 1858, 377-386. progress of, in Michigan, 1871, 368. society for the advancement of, 1870, 149. Pond, of artificial, 1869, 174. Pronga, oil, source and use of, 1870, 174. Poplar, common, for lumber, 1866, 482. insect injurious to, 1868, 113. the Lombardv, for hedges, etc., 1854, 417 ; 1868, 197. tulip, for streets, 1868, 198. Poppy, field, corn, and prickly, 1865, 510. in North Carolina and other countries, 1873, 174. Wisconsin and California, 1871, 140 ; 1872, 509. oil from, 1843, 110; 1870, 180. the opium, 1855, xxi, xxii ; 1869, 233 ; 1870, 206-209. Population, increase of, in Florida, 1871, 161. in parts of Virginia, 1864, 21, 25, 30, 32. West Virginia, 1863, 45. of the loyal and disloyal States, 1862, 560. United States, 1857, 48. rural, of Russia, 1655, 19. tabular estimate of, in difterent States, 1843, 12; 1844, 11; 1845, 90,381; 1847^ 547, 562 ; 1848, 92. Porcupine, the Canadian, 1857, 91. white-haired and vellow-haired, 1863, 272. Pork, American and Irish, 1842, 104, 105. amount of, i>roduced, 1876, 235, 239. Eastern citv, packing, 1873, 140. exports of, 1654, 47«J-500 ; 1855, 396-471 ; 1856, 498-521 ; 1857, 30-35 ; 1858, 224, 225; 1862, 600-013; 1864, 598; 1805, 80-.S2; 1867, 127; 1868, 52; 1670, 63: 1"^2. 108; 1870, 239. for the English nuirket, 1844, 417, 430. how to salt for family use, 1851, 140,411. market prices of, 1809, 52; 1870, 56; 1871, 58; 1872, 82; 1873, 114. markets for, 1870, 218,223, 242-250. of making, in Connecticut, 1850, 180. raising cheap, 1852, 292 ; 1853, 55. on Pratt's fann, 1805, 4.')7. packing, 1875, 94-98 ; 1876, 230-241. at Cincinnati, 1845, 1028, 1866, 383, 386. in Canada, 187(5, 238. the ]trin73,137; 1874,103; 1876,230. winter aiMl siimnier, 1S7(5, 230, 235, 2:M5, 239. preservation of, 1>V)2. 191. prices for Ine years in New Orleans, 1848, 78(>. raising in Mieliigan. 1*^71. 307. Ohio. l'^7I, 395. \'irginia, 18(57, 2.52. 120 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Pork, salting beef and, 1845, 1158. summer. Pacific, and seaboard, packing, 1874, 107. trade in Chicago, 1863, 617. Portugal, statistics of population, productions, animals, etc., of, 1876, 255-270. Posts, machine for boring, 1842, 95. process of preserving, 1843, 241 ; 1873, 283. timber for, 1844, 458. to prevent frost lifting of, 1870, 139. Potash, article on, 1860, 36-41. as nutriment to plants, 1861, 578 ; 1871, 92. crops most improved, 1872, 398 ; 1873, 300. for New England soil, 1870, 489. German salts of, 1875, 507. in plants and trees, 1845, 1040 ; 1850, 69. wheat, 1871, 94. mode of manufacturing, 1842, 81, 82. on fruit trees, 1870, 618. potatoes, 1870, 459 -, 1871, 249 ; 1874, 256. quantitj' of ashes to make a ton of, 1842, 38. retention of, by the soil, 1873, 300. Potatoes, analysis of, 1847, 137; 1849,50,261; 1857, 165; 1864, 282; 1865, 413; 1869,75; 1870, 616. and salt, 1845, 590. articles on, 1843, 57-65 ; 1844, 198, 200-229, 237, 243, 256 ; 1845, 191-248, 461, 464, 466, 471, 472, 474, 481, 484, 490, 548, 556, 572, 576, 580, 590, 593, 597, 608 ; 1848, 135-143; 1849, 269; 1852, 354-372; 1853, 168-170, 175; 1854, 162, 163, 373-375;-' 1855, 205 ; 1856, 248 ; 1868, 225-244. as an article of food, 1841, 72. substitute for the, 1845, 206. blight, 1845, 486, 526, 548, 592; 1872, 198-203; 1873, 186. book notice, 1870, 527. by the Plymouth Colony, 1872, 280. conditions necessary to, 1849, 41. correspondence on, 1853, 170 ; 1854, 165 ; 1855, 218. crop, 1876, 91, 104. crops of, in different States. (See Crops.) degeneration of, 1855, 210 ; 1867, 315. disease in, 1845, 489, 494, 497, 498, 500, 501, 509, 513, 515, 521, 523, 527, 532, 536, 540, 568, 572, 575, 580, 601, 602, 612, 616, 617, 618, 622, 623, 624, 628, 647, 650, 652, 655, 658, 660, 661, 664, 666, 667, 673, 676 ; 1847, 351 ; 1853, 172. experiments with, 1843, 136 ; 1845, 603 ; 1847, 415 ; 1855, 206, 212, 218 ; 1867, 188 ; 1869, 272 ; 1870, 459 ; 1871, 246 : 1874, 256 ; 1875, 513. farina, 1875, 390, 391. for seed, 1847, 245 ; 1854, 164. fungoid, theory of the, disease in, 1845, 556, 620, 681 ; 1847, 153 ; 1848, 564 ; 1873, 186. how to raise, 1849, 264 ; 1853, 171. imports and exports, 1858, 232. in Colorado, 1869, 605 ; 1874, 280. Iowa, 1872, 449. Ireland, 1845, 589 ; 1846, 10. Injuries of the flv, 1863, 569. in Maine, 1869, 519 ; 1871, 356. Massachusetts, 1868, 481. New Jerse5 , 1865, 273, 277. New York, 1869, 448. Ohio, 1865, 295-299; 1868, 509; 1869, 533. insects injurious to, 1868, 114, interrogatories on, 1858, 34, 36. names of varieties, 1843, 64; 1844, 81, 82, 203, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 214, 217, 218, 220, 224, 225, 228, 230, 231, 232, 235, 238, 242, 254, 255, 258, 264 ; 1845, 213, 469, 471, 494, 537, 540, 553, 558, 559, 580, 583, 588, 591, 601, 603, 604, 608, 613, 619, 623, INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 121 Potatoes, 74, 112, 118, 1-29, loG, 194, '204, 224, 22G, 237, 243, 245, 256, 258, 277, 308, 320, 331, 337, 341, 344, 353, 360, 364, 308; 1853, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173; 1^54, xvii, 166, 167, 168, 169, 373, 374; 1855,207, 208,212,218, 219, 220,221; 1857. 165: 1662, 52; 1865, 32, 273, 297, 298; 1866, 10; 1867, 359; 1668, 237, -^38, 2o9, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 432, 481, 509; 1870, 407, 409, 459, 615; 1671, 246, 247, 248, 249, 371; 1872, 449; 1873, 193, 286; 1874, 256. ou experimental farm, 1865, 32 ; 186(5, 10. origin, locality, etc., of, 1859, 308, 309. planted with a plow, 1876, 414. planters and diggers, 1866, 253-256; 1869, 325; 1870, 402; L-71. 216. planting, etc., 1845,597, 603, 611: 1847, 390: I84r^, 569, 6.j4; IS'O, 266, 46^; 1860, 137; 1869, 272, 273, 293; 1871, 371; 1^74, 272. preservation of, 1854, 165, 167; 1861, 333; 1869, 451; 1871, 23(;. finalities of varieties, 1871, 248, 249, 371 ; 1.^72, 449. range of the enltnre of the, 1872, 294 ; le73, 317. remedy for disease in, 1845, 489, 495, 533, 537, 580, 584,662, 672, 666; 1848, 572; 1849', 263; 1856, 248; 1861, 332; 1872, 202. starch factories, 1872, 446. of the, 1845, 203, 557, 563, 565, 568, 608 ; 1872, 202. statistics of, in the several States, 1876, 91. sugar of, 1844, 308; 18^5, 203. sweet, 1847,380,390; 1850, 265; 1651, 349; 18.'j3, 177, 226; ltr54, 168,374; ]855, 222, 223 : 1862, 220 ; 1867, 251 ; 1869, 419 ; 1874, 23;i. the bug, 1868, 433; 1870, 75; 1871, 237; 1872, 120. rot, 1843, 61 ; 1844, 79-88, 206, 220, 245, 265 ; 1845, 206), 270, 484, 525, ry2ij, 528, 531, 533, 537, 538, 542, 546, 548, 573, 603, 614, 627, 621>, 631, 636, 639, 644, 647, r).-)5, 656, 658, 661, 665; 1847, 139, 142; 1848, 136, 564-568; l'^53, 175, 177; 18437, 3.52; 1872, 198 ; 1873, 186. use of diseased, 1845, 663. value of crop of, 1874, 32. worms not poisonous, 1870, 80. yield increased with proper plant food. 1876, 390. of, 1850,1©!; 1851,4,473: 1852,414: 1854,164; 1861,254; 1862,52; 1863,59: 1867,238,342; 1869,418; 1873,286; 1875,48. Poudrette, as a manure for the onion, 18()9, 217. poisonous efi'ect of, on plants, 1860, 119, preparing, applying, and kinds of, 1865, 387, 388. Poultry, article on, 1844, 405-408; 1845,1030,1032; 1862,345,358-372; 1870, :W9-;W6 ; 1872, 443; 1873,281. book notice on, 1870, 535. causes of failure in keeping, 1868,456. correspondence on, 1853, 74. destructive to insects, 1862, 388. facts about, 1^64, 273. gapes, lr^69, 423. how to fatten, in a sliori time, 1860,85. free, from vermin, 1869,424. interrogatories on, 1858, fiiu * of spurred rye upon, 1853,226. prices of, lfr.53, 142. productiveness of dilferent breeds of, 18<)1,328. prolits of, 1S45, 347 ; 1^47,214.360; 1855,63; 1>61,261: 1S'.7,:?57; 184:8,485; 184U). 422 : l'^73, 282, l^{\, 402. raising, for market. 18r)2. 345-:».')H. hints oil. 1^76. 4l»l. on the tanu, 1"^74. 27 I. statistics of, in Fraiite, l^l'^, 194. to make, l;i> in the wiiitn-, 1847,215. Powder, BickOs's chemical azotic, 1849, 467, 4r>8. Power, grinding and horse, 1.'70, 5 J;>. 52 ; 1870, 522. errors in, 1871, 233. peach-trees, the time for, 1876, 407. root, 1863, 554 ; 1870, 512. the grape-vine, 1866, 97. pear-tree, 1868, 121 ; 1869, 201; 1870, 512. Prussia, agricultural museum of, 1874, 274. forage plants in, 1864, 499. ]>rogress of agriculture in, 1857, 1. statistics of population, products, animals, etc., of, 1876, 255-270. Psilla, the, pear-tree, 1864, 560. Psychrometer, description of August's, 1865, 521. Ptarmigan, the white-tailed and willow, 1864, 370, 371. Publication, hook notices, 1870, 517; 1871, 410; 1872, 398; 1873, 311 ; 1874, 437. Puddling, constructive and by deposition, 1871, 260, 261. Pump, a cheap forcing, 1871, 496. importance of a good, 1867, 241. patents for, 1846, 98; 1847, 7(5; 1848, 49. Pumpkins, African variety of, l''^45, 973. article on, l'^.")!, 20'^. experiments witii, 1875, 3(56. hybridization of, l.-f)3, 357: 1867, 313. lar^e vi'llow-lleshed, 1S54, xxi. native locality of, 1859, 333. preservation of, 1H62, 491. . • size of, in California, 1S51, (5. varieties and cultivation of, 1S')4, i{75. yicdd from two seeds, l>!4:i, 233. Pnrpura, description of, etc., 1872, 215-218, 246. Purslane, distribution and tises of. l'i.59. 3.55: 1^0,422. receipt for dyeing witli, 1"^4I. 111. Putty-n)ot, description and uses of, I>7 Rain, iiiUiicuce of C'lectiicitv on, 1871. 374. forests on*, 1S71, 354, 373, 378; 1872, 32C; l?i73, 384. in Ireland. 18G1, G2. Japan, 1873, 365. Russia, 18G1, 37. the Northern States, 1862, 205. of the ])ror()duction and value of. 1875, 9. specimens in the nmseum. I^';i9, 60. use of, l)v the Chinese, l^iw. 11. Ramtil, source and uses of oil of, n70, 175. Rai)e. analvsis, of the, plant, 1847, 191. cob.,-! and, 1853. 226; 1854, 319. culture in Wisconsin, l-^70, 45(1, ,503. oil from, seed, 1.^42, 41: 1^43. 110; 1847, 190. ])rice of seed, 1^70, 450. source and uses of oil, 1870, 181. yield per acre, 1S42. 93: 1S50, 190; ls70, 450. Ras])lK'rry, article on, li^ll, 1T)8, 388, 411 ; 1861, 542. directions for dilferent varieties, 1870, 23. ever-lx'ariug Catawissa, 1854, 3ls. from .Tajjan, 1S69, 79. hardy varieties of, 186(), 21. histo'ry and hahitsof, 1853, 320. in Iowa, l'^6"^, 520. New .Tersev, 1865, 282 ; 1^71, 397 ; 1874, 271. New York,' 1^63, 354 : iSis, 442 ; 1870, 441. insects iujiuious to. 1-^(H, 114: 1870,67. interr<)gatori«\s on, 18.")S, 5:?. of Nel)raska, 1-^65, 20S. rei)orts on, 185(5, 341, :i5(), 372,385, :fc!9, 400. the Kiisdale; 18i)5, 209. Ohio ever-hearer, 1^54, 319. Western wild, 1H70, 414. wihl Idack-cap, 1.^54, 319. to protect from ^ro^^t. isii'J. 15:'.; 1S(;C). 21. Rats. and mice, \>:>{\, 10-^, 10), llii. best modes of destroying, l"^!)!?, 272. scientific names of, «'te., 1"^'»3. 269. the pocket -gopher or jxiuehed, 1'^.57, 72-77 liation, for hil)or<'rs in tlie cotton States. l^TC, i;{."). ]>ercentage to weight of animals, li^l)!*, <)27. Reaper, a day's work for a, 1)^72, 289. American in Hungary, 1H71, 236. article on, 1H74, 2'S8. * 126 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Reaper, at the exposition, 187*2, 2S7. first patent in this country, 187*2, •287. history of, 1866, 264. mowers and, 1862, 420. with engraving, 1866, 2Q6, 267. work performed l)y, 1872, 286. Rear-liorse, habits, etc., of the, 1854, 88; 1874, 133. the Carolina, 1832, 376; 1866, 40; 1868, 308; 1874, 133. Reciprocity, effect of the Canadian, 1868, 3. imports nnder, 1873, 73. opposition to the renewal, 1869, 7. Rechimation, of marsh-lands, 1870, 600-611. swamp, in California. 1872, 179-187 ; 1873, 380. Red-bird, the snmmer, 1863, *298 ; 1865, 42. Red-bnd, as an ornamental tree, 1868, 201, *203. Red-poll, the lesser, 1863, 301 ; 1865, 42. Red-stark. the American, 1863, *298 ; 1864, 412. Rednvins, the coach-horse, 1855, 110. red-edged winged, 1855, 94. wheel or wheel bug, 1866, 43. Reed-bird, habits, names, etc., of the, 1856, 126, 127 ; 1863, 303; 1864, 425; 1865, 42. Refiner, Youngman's evaporator and, 1866, 287. Reflector, for light-houses, 1844, 515. Reform, necessity for agricultural, 1870, 114. Register, climatic of the United States, 1873, 316. Illustrated, of Rural Economy, 1868, 581; 1869, 509; 1871, 4*25. meteorological, of Toronto, 1872, *221. Remedies, and x>reventives of disease in farm animals, 1876, 107, 109. Rennet, chemical composition of, 1863, 388. directions for preserving, 1848, 621. saving, curing, and using of, 1876, 419. Report, digest of the State Agricultural. (See under the names of States.) first of the Department monthly, 1863, 580. for various. (See Architect, Chemist, Commissioner, Editor, Entomologist, Exam- iner, Exhibition, Meteorology, Pomology, Statistician, and Superintendent.) of Dairymen's Association, 1871, 414. the botanist, 1869, 91 ; 1870, 108; 1872, 159; 1874, 156; 1875, 151. Commissioner of Agriculture, etc., of Ontario, 1872, 404. Paris Exposition, 1867, 163. on insects of the State of Missouri. CSee Missouri.) the sea-fisheries of New England, 1874, 443. Reservoir, for irrigation, 1871, 262. Resin, gums and, 1870, 181, 18*2, 187. Resources, of the Southern States, 1865, 102. Rhatany, native locality and uses of, 1855, Ix. Rhode Island, Agricultural College. (See College.) capital of factories in, 1873, 460. density of the population of, 1873, 459. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 127 Rhode Islaud, farming in, 1874, '202. fences of; 1871, 500. fish-breeding in, lc74, 418. forests, etc., 187r>, '2')2. lands in, 1807, 10:i, 111 ; 1^73, 459. laws of, 180:i. 459 ; 1804, 443 ; 1871, 220. mineral fertilizers of, 1868, 37G. of grape-vines in, 1871, 402. live stock of, 1?^G:3, OOG; 1864, 5^3; 1865, 67; 1866, 67; l'!;67, 92; IfeO^, 45; 1809. 47; 1870, 47; 1(^71, 30; 1872, 43; 1873, 40; 1874, 40; 1875, 35; 187C, 112. patents to citizens of, lfi7'.i, 459. products of, 1851, 494.. remarks on crops of. 1^43. 19: 1-44, 6C) ; 1849, 96; 1>^50, 32-^, 475; 1851, 169; 18o2, 147; 1855, 221. Society of Domestic Industry, l':;()7, 342; 1871, 402. tabular estimate of crops of. (See Crop.) value of crops of, 1865, 66: ls6(), 61 : 1867, 91; 1868, 35; 1869, 32; 1870, :« ; 1871, 25 : 1872, 20 : 1873, 20 : lf-74, 30 ; 1^75, 28. Rhodium, source and use of oil of, 1870, l.":l. Rhododendron, book notice on, 1871, 413. moisture and shade necessary for, 1876, 63. Rhnbarb. analysis and uses of, 1850, 524, 525 ; 1805, 50. cultivation and varieties of, 1854, 376; 1855, xxv; 1805, 245. ditferent species of (nhcum), 1871, 105, 106. in New Jersey, 18(55, 274. insect on the dried root of, 1868, 114. in Steiermark, 1848. 604. the wild, of Cabul, 1801, 528. RibVKJU, manufacture of silk, 1*^68. 2>7, 29(». Rice, acclimation of, lr^4'.\. 3. analysis of, and of tin- straw, 1844, 131. Canada wild, Fundi, and a new species, 1845, 288, 289. correspt)udence on, 1853, 1\)4: l'^54, KJO ; 1855,256. culture, 1850, 323; 1m;7, 174-179. experiments on upland, 1871, 245. with golden. 1870, 466. expcuts of, 1853, 1«)5. 10() ; 18.54, 159; 1858,225; 1871, 44. for tabular estimate of, and remarks on. (See Crop.) gold, on ui»land. 1K50, 289. in China, 1^47, 174: iHiO, 470. Italv, 1?^74, 300. .lapan, 1873, 307, 368. Sicilv, 18.59, 121. South Carolina, 1849, 305; 1852, 87; 1854, 153; 1870, 466. intcrrogati^ries on, lK5f^, 29. in the I'liilippine Islands, 1843, 145. on expfriuit-ntal farm, l'^05, 28. ui»laiid, 1>50, 101: 18.52, ^^4, 313. origin and history of, 1S53, KM; 1854, 153; 1859, 304. production, 1"»71, A'.\. upland variety in Illinois, 1>4I. 130. Mississipi)i, \^VJ, 1.54. value (»f the wild, for hay, 1KV>, '^A> wild, of Minnesota, 1*^()3," 38; l.'-7(», 422. yield, et«-., in tlu' ditferent States, 1848, (k>< ; lr'54, 10t>. liice-bird, habits, etc., of I hr. K.O. 127: 1 -•;:{. 3(i3; IHM, 42.5 : 1>C>.5, 42. Kindcrpcst. can il be transmitted in dry or salted hiT0, Oil. in Kuropc, lf^().5, I, .5.5O-.')0'.>. on repealing law against, l-(»7, xiii. Ring-bone. nature, cause, and treatment ot", \^'0, :K3(5, »M?7. 128 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Riugiug, ti nit-trees, 1833, 554. Rio Janeiro, exports to, 1876, 272. Road, book notice, 1871, 429. charcoal, 1845, 1168. common, 1843, 287. construction of, and walks, 1869, 165, 167. country, 1886, 538-567 ; 1868, 348-366. l)lank, in Canada, 1843, 227. to keep, in repair, 1870, 493. Robin, tlie American, 18S0, 88; 1863, 282, 295 ; 1864, 425; 1867, 202, 205. European, 1870, 90. golden, 1864, 353, 427. Rock, and stump macliinery, 1866, 232. book notice on, 1870, 539; 1871, 428. Indiana, oil, 1865, 53. macliine for drilling, 1847, 73. sandstone, 1850, 33, 34; 1865, 49. the lower strata of, 1869, 548. Rockery, directions for a, 1869, 173, 174. Roller, and harrow and the iron, 1863, 425, 427. cheap and improved, 1886, 251 ; 1869, 325. the s^errated, 1874, 286. Roof. metallic, 1844, 500. Root, as stock food, 1864, 231, 282 ; 1885, 413 ; 1887, 340 ; 1872, 492. crops, 1850, 160; 1863, 95. (See Crop.) culture, 1838, 421, 558, 563 ; 1889, 421. food concentrated, 1839, 284. of the Indians, 1870, 404-428. for soiling, 1859, 446, 452. insects injurious to herbaceous, 1868, 110. pruning, 1838, 121. soil and manuring for, 1871, 358. Rope, American and Russian hemp, 1845, 260. China grass and Russian hemp, 1855, 245. kyanizing, 1831, 107. Roquet, origin and cultivation of, 1854, 377. Rose, book notice on, 1869, 508. for hedges, 1854, 403, 417 ; 1868, 245. hybridization of, 1867, 306. insects injurious to, 1868, 115. remedy for the slug, 1870, 78. swamp and wdld, 1865, 511 ; 1870, 414. the ash-leaved, 1870, 415. varieties of, for the house, 1863, 369. the moss, 1869, 508. Rose-apple, description of, 1859, 336. Rosemary, varieties of, and for hedges, 1854, 377, 403. Rot. ^ , ^ , (See under, Ap]3le-speck, Cranberry, Grai)e, Potato, Sheep, and Tobacco.) Rotation, adapted to the South, 1874, 234. correspondence on, 1854,. 122 ; 1855, 155. different systems of, 1853, 227 ; 1854, 120 ; 1872, 507 ; 1873, 476. experiments and, 1872, 378. extract of essay on, 1872, 495. in JNIichigan, 1871, 367. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 129 Rotation, in South Carolina, 1871, 404. Virginia, 1870, 273. of crops, article on, 1850, 125; 1865, 18, importance of, 1848, 375 ; 1849, 213. in Germany, 1847, 32C. Italy, 1876, 285. product of a farm doubled Ijy, 1873, 465. Roumania, statistics of population, productions, animals, etc., 1876, 255-270. Rubber, imports of, 187?, 144. improvemenis in, fabrics, 1844, 511; 1845, 39, 40. of preparing and manufacturing, 1847, 24; 1848, 73. process of softening, 1846, 28. sources of, etc., 1870, 190, 191. Rue, cultivation and uses of, 1854, 378 ; 1869, 91. Ruminants, American, 1851, 104. Rural, book notice, 1868, 581; 18G9, 509; 1871, 425. organizations, history of our, 1875, 437. Rush, injury of the soft, to rice-fields, 1865, 518. Russia, consumption of cotton in, 1857, 372. encouragement of agriculture in, 1857, 1. exports of, 1864, 498; 1873, 50. flax in, 1861, 30. foreign trade and railways of, 1873, 141. statistics of population, productions, animals, etc., 1876,"255-270, ■wool-growing in, 1868, 445. Rust, cause and prevention of, 1843, 39; 1847, 108. in wheat, 1844, 435, 436; 1845, 407; 1865, 519; 1862, 77. preventives of, 1645, 145, 420; 1848, 125; 1850, 443; 1869, 294. remedies for the onion, 1870, 529; 1873, 210. Ruta-baga, analvsis of, 1865, 417. cultivation of, 1854, 200: 1863, 98. in Massachusetts, 1871, 359. quantity of manure for, 1871, 359. Rye, acreage, yield, product, and value of, in the several States, 1876, 91. analysis of, 1847, 125 ; 18i;i, 271 ; 1865, 357, 401, 426. article on, 1853, 1.54. correspondence on, 1853, 155; 1854, 149; 1855, 200. crops of, in the ditierent States. (See Crop.) exports of 1876, 173, 176. for green manuring, 1864, 312. gigantic Siberian, 1845, 162; 1854, 149. im])()rts and exports of, and meal, 1858, 225. in Iowa, 1'!'58, 518; lf'()9. 543. Massa(hus.'tts, 1^67, 341 ; 1868, 481; 1872, 280. Nrw England, 1861, 254; 1862, 52. Ohio, l.-'73, (iO. iuHrtts injuiioiis to. 1^18, 115. native locality and history of, 18.59. 303. Northern prolilie, is.")!, xiii. of Howing, IHM. 347 : l-^l*^, 6.")0. price of. in Chicago, 1S»3. (iis. receipts .and shipments, 1874, 87 ; 1875, 60. Hpurred, l'^53, 226. straw and Dunstable bonnetf». l!='43, 50 tahh- of vield an4, 150. varieties o|". oil t'xpcriinciital larni. l'r»,'>, 28; 18Ct5, 9. U A 130 INr-E^ TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. American, Ib5b, ^4^- Safflower, dye from, lo445, ^o. for a dye, 184^ -^o^ iu Sicily, l8o9, llo. ^^^I^ro": 1870, 186. «^nW- and a„a value of, 1865,248. varieties of, 185*, 3^,'^-,„„. 515. ^ood, or germander, 1865, &10. ^''«%otofthe..Ud, in Utah, 1870, 406. ^*"l\nin-ovement in, 1844, 487. Saint Joto'V^,?'''f Dy tlie Patent Oface 1860, 33. r^nlJnd in3';Z---f' 1«<^' ^^"• ^^ott'd g^-r -t,1'X'^^-&6, .34, 353. markets for H™ stock am^ 1 ' lS2t?:ttrlp^S'^'«^«'««^' Salad, ^^ corn, 1854, 350. ^^'TeTiode of manufaotnring, 1844, 513. --"Maine. Ke. Ha..sMre and Massae.nsetts, 1873, , Oregon, 1870 3»b,^Jg' osHSSKiffi,^0,383,383,3S4. ^^'TaSirbutic, used by Indians, 1870, 415. -''of 'oyster-plant, 1854, 379. ^^'analysis of, 1876, 47. and ashes for mules, 1863, 18'- works iu West Virgima, 1863, 8U. Is a fertiliser 1868, 404; 1869, 430. ^g^ ^^^ manure, l8oJ, 3^0, 1°' , beds in Michxgau, 1869, o-3^ excavation of rock, 18o9, 1-^- ira^?s^?ifS'r'"'^^"'"' lake's in Minnesota, 1863, 41^ mines in Louisiana 1869, 451, of Purifying, 1844 148 .^. i870, 495. Onondaga, a^dtlie bea, oi ^^_^.^^ preservation of ^f *. J^^' 1 42-150. &e mamifactnre of, 18oo ^^^^ ^^:?ts,^^eri^t:239. ^^Ta^S of, in tl^e Bout. 1^^^^^^ 1B69, 564. in agriculture, 1863,386, 30'. -■"F^Sladandin medicine, 1859,354. -"cSyicalifonua, 1861, 157-165. INDEX TO AGRICULTUEAL REPORTS. 131 Sand, food, Indians' food, 1870, 424. for a clavov soil, 1844, 337 ; 1S74, 400. of coral, l«oC, 286, 2:57. the green, 1668, 61, 68. origin of, in the soils, 1850, 31. Sandberry, for food, 1859, 347. Sandcrack, cause and treatment of, 1870, 373. Sand-piper, the spotted, solitary, and Bartram's, 1863, 236, 307. Sandfoin, in the Southern States, 1860, 230. varieties, etc., 1854, xxiii, 1864, 304. San Francisco, flour and grain trade of, 1876, 203. prices of fanu products at, 1876, 2. Sap, article on, 1859, 362-36(). elaboration of, 1856, 317. experiment on, in the vine, 1871, 111, 112. freezing of, in fruit-trees, 1852, 30. on the circulation of, 1873, 336 ; 1874, 278. Sapsucker, habits, injuries, and benefits of the, 1855, 87; 1867, 205. Sassafras, for ornament, 1868, 203. Sauer-kraut, of making and preserving, 1862, 485 ; 1868, 475. Savory, origin, etc. of, 1854, 379. Saw, imj)rovements in tile, 1844, 496. to put, in order, 1866, 237. Sawback, habits and effects of, 1864, 558 ; 1867, 69. Sawdust, for bedding and manure, 1861, 330. Saxo Altenburg, statistics of population, productions, animals, etc., 1876, 255-270. Saxe "Weimer, statistics of poi^ulation, productions, animals, etc., 1876, 255-270. Saxony, statistics of population, productions, animals, etc., 1876, 255-270. Scab, in sheep, remedies, etc., for, 1862, 293; 1863, 244 ; 1864, 563; 1876, 107. losses from, 1871, 34 ; 1875, 34. prevalence and fatality of, 1866, 77; 1867, 98; 1869, 43; 1872, 37. the acarus, or sheep, 1869, 386. Scabious, for fodder, 1860, 230. Scale, In Florida, 1865, S8; 1867, 141. (Sco Louse.) orange, 1855, 115, 117; 1858, 256, 258. remedies for, 1855, 117; 1858, 259, 269; 1867, 73; 1870, 88. Scammony, • source of, etc., 1870, 183. School, book notice, 1872, 398. connnon, in the irnited States, 1851, 44; 1858, 1. Gormnn Agriculturnl, 1847, 241, 310, 313; 1859, 457; 1S65, 160; 1863, 148, 152, 153, 151. ill Irrlnnd ami Franco, 1865, 158. of iHJiu's, etc. (Sco College.) SluMVK>ld and Rutgers ScicMit.ific. (Sec College.) Science, book notice on, 1H71, 426. entomological, 1872, 448. notes on agriculture, 1860, 79; 1861, 314; 1870, 611. 132 'index to agricultural reports. Science, of cultivation, 1847, 218. the weather, 1860, 98. relating to patents, 1843, 248; 1844, 464; 1845, 25; 1846, 15; 1847, 19; 1848, 20. veterinary, 1871, 393. Scion, influence of the stock on the, 1849, 282 ; 1867, 315. of selecting and preserving, 1856, 317. Scorzonera, culture, etc., of, 1854, 380. Scotland, export of fresh beef to, 1876, 320. Scraper, a cast-iron, with illustration, 1870, 594. Screw, improvement on the jack, 1846, 31. manufacture of wood, 184.3, 253; 1844, 475; 1845, 52; 1846, 54. Screw-bean, for Indian food, 1870, 412. Season, how to determine the state of the, 1854, 447. remarks on the crop, 1842, 10; 1843, 17; 1844, 16; 1845, 95; 1847, 96; 1848, 109. the wet, in the Pacific States, 1864, 473. Sedge, many-beaked and tussock, 1865, 518. other species in Maine, 1849, 504. Seed, acclimation of, 1843, 164. adulteration of, 1868, 452. Americans to raise their own, 1863, 522. amount paid for, 1867,15; 1870,15; 1871, 11; 1872,7; 1873,13, 1874,14; 1875,16. article on vitality and growth, etc., 1869, 100. book notice, 1872, 400. California tobacco, 1843, 232. changes of, desirable, 1869, 293. cleaned and uncleaned, 1873, 306. depth of planting, 1871, 236. distribution of, 1837, 5 ; 1840, 2 ; 1843, 3 ; 1844, 8 ; 1845, 15 ; 1847, 14 ; 1848, 100 1849, 12; 1851, 646; 1856, iii, vi; 1861, 3; 1862, 21; 1863, 10; 1864, 11; 1865 5 ; 1866, 7, 8 ; 1867, xv, 14 ; 1868, 14 ; 1869, 17, 244 ; 1870, 15 ; 1871, 4, 10 ; 1872 407 ; 1873, 7 ; 1874, 13 ; 1875, 15. exchange of, with foreign countries, 1871, 8. experiments with cotton, 1870, 466. food from, 1865, 423. form of, 1844, 196. for sowing, 1854, 330 ; 1866, 23 ; 1869, 425. the garden, 1862, 543 ; 1863, 355-360. grown in Sicily, 1859, 120. imported and exported, 1858, 232 ; 1859, 18 ; 1872, 59. increase of crops and gain by selection of, 1837, 6 ; 1842, 9. influence of cold on, and germination of, 1860, 134, 135. limit of temperature for, 1874, 143. longevity of, 1857, 262-277. - ' manuring and steeping, 1844, 351, 355, 359, 363, 364. new variety of cotton, 1866, 210. of imported, 1849, 465 ; 1854, x, xvii. packing, 1857, 276. sowing grass, 1845, 694, 695-696 ; 1872, 277 ; 1873, 472. planters, 1869, 322. presented to Patent Office, 1860, 500. profit of raising, 1874, 208. purchase of, by special commissioner, 1876, 8. qualities and kinds of, distributed, 1876, 14. quantity of, to sow, 1844, 347; 1845, 356; 1854, 330; 1871, 125. raising at Erfurt, Germany, 1870, 452. selecting of, 1854, 326; 1855, 186; 1867, 316; 1874, 259, 260. table of sowing and vield, 1848, 646. test of Department, 1868, 405; 1869, 242; 1870, 155; 1872, 407: 1873, 210; 187 179; 1875, 359. to prevent deterioration of, 1873, 211. varieties of cotton, 1876, 147. IXDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 133 Seed, vogetatioii of, 1844, 365. vitality, etc., 1857, 256; 1858, 332; 18G3, 361; 1867, 312; 1869, 294. Seetier, improvements in corn, 1871, 215. Seedii\nr, lan^ds for hay, 1867, 347 ; 1871, 362. thick and thin, 18G9, 293; 1871, 251. Semsem, descrii)tiou and uses of, 1859,21. Senawher, source and uses of, 1859, 20. Senna, the Egyptian, 1855, lix. Septicaemia, similarity of, to influenza, 1872, 204. Sequoia, or red-wood of California, 1868, 579; 1875, 358. specimen and plank of, 1868, 580. value of, for timber, 1875, 358. Serpolet, source and uses of, 1870, 175. Serradilla, as a forage plant, 1854, xxiii. Servia, statistics of population, areas and land productions of, 1876, 255-265. Service-apple, and berry, 1859, 345. Sesame, uses of oil of, 1870, 173. Sessabau, an ornamental tree or hedge-plant, 1860, 32. Sewage, article on, 1860, 101. effect of, on harbors, 1872, 150. objections to turning, into rivers, 1872, 145. proposals to utilize, 1872, 153; 1873, 273. successful use of, in England, 1869,432; 1870, 502. Sewerage, works, promoting health, 1868, 451. Sewing, machines, 1846, 101; 1848, 39. Shad, as an ornamental tree, 1868, 203. borrv for food by Indians, 1870, 413. propagation, 1872, 2, 4:i-50 ; is:,r., 14-r^21 ; 1S57, 53-.">«) : 1859, 288; 1860, 92; IHCI, 119-124, 12S-1 13, 25S, 26(» 1^12, 242-312; IHU, 22l>-247 ; 18(»4, 249-288; lH(;i», 37S : b^7r), 207-244. average i>ri(e of, 1*^7 1, 12. 1m>11s as a ]Uoteetion. 1-70, 4.*<8. Ix'st bret'ds 1(U" combing-wool. 1*^71. 201. h)(:ilitirs lor, 1848, ri31. book notice, lsr»S, 595-596. hot lly, 1-72, 129. l)reeding to grease, 18(;(), 311. 134 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Sheep, condition of, 1872, 30 ; 1873, 31 ; 1876, 100. correspondence on, 1853, 38-48 ; 1854, 51-55 ; 1855, 50-53. destruction of, by dogs, 1863, 452; 1865, 73; 1868, 42. deterioration and breeding, 1871, 381, 382, 391. diseases of, 1863, 240; 1864, 213, 563; 1866, 76; 1867, 08; 1868, 41, 595; 1869. 42, 386; 1870, 44, 488; 1871, 34; 1872, 37, 488; 1874, 38; 1876, 107, 417. ' ' drawings of merino prize, 1863, 28. effect of change of climate on, 1850, 256; 1854, 2; 1855, 2. food on, 1845, 343. estimated number of, 1849, 18. experiments on feeding, 1847, 494. facts in, husbandry, 1869, 378-389. feeding, 1861, 127;^ 1862, 323; 1869, 498; 1874, 232. in Hungary, 1847, 258 ; 1876, 427. fine wooled, 1864, 185-192. fleeces of different breeds, 1866, 342. for enriching soils, 1871, 407; 1873, 405, 464. market, wool, or mutton, 1876, 427. husbandry in this country, 1872, 299 ; 1876, 427. hybridizing of, 1863, 181. improved Merino (with 2)lates), 1847, 268. Kentucky, 1866, 334-340. in Australia, 1864, 204, 212, 213, 214, 216, 220. California, 1858, 235. Connecticut, 1870, 487. Delaware, 1849, 119. Indiana, 1852, 296. Iowa, 1864, 167-185 ; 1867, 360 ; 1868, 515, 518 ; 1869, 542. Kentucky, 1845, 1013 ; 1850, 277 ; 1854, 49. Maine, 1850, 425; 1852,128; 1862, 46; 1869, 518. Massachusetts, 1849, 92, 95; 1852, 156; 1867, 339. • Michigan, 1852, 264, 277. Mississippi, 1850, 365. Missouii, 1867, 363 ; 1868, 524, 528 ; 1869, 545. Morocco, 1862, 505. Nebraska, 1864, 193-195. New England, 1868, 477. New York, 1852, 187, 202 ; 1873, 274. Ohio, 1852, 251; 1867,351. Pennsylyania, 1852, 230. Sicily, 1859, 124. South America, 1864, 223-242. South Carolina, 1847, 503-509. Texas, 1851, 341. the Cumberland Mountains, 1845, 1016. Pacific States, 1864, 478, 479, 481, 482, 483. Vermont, 1851, 157 ; 1852,139,146; 1865,484. Virginia, 1849, 141 ; 1851,672; 1863,8; 1867,253. West Virginia, 1863, 61. Wisconsin, 1869, 538 ; 1873, 275. interrogatories on, 1858, 82. long-wooled, 1865, 479, 484 ; 1867, 339, 352. losses of, in the different States, 1872, 30; 1876, 107. markets for, 1876, 211, 226, 250, 252. marking, shearing, housing, and pasturing, 1847, 278, 281, 285. Mermo, raising, in Tennessee, 1848, 627. mode of determining the age of, 1876, 427. new breed of, 1860, 86. number and prices of, 1876, 104, 113. of Yemen, 1865, 96. products, markets for, 1876, 212-227, 242-250. raising in the West, 1842, 37. remarks on, 1845, 338 ; 1864, 5. remedy for scab in, 1876, 107. roots as food for, 1870, 506. sales of high-priced, in England, 1873, 275, Saxon Merino, 1859, 288-296. Southdown, 1856, 18 ; 1870, 488. Spanish Merino, 1864, 196-203. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 135 Steep, species of Tvild, 18(55, 101. spleen in, and its ineventiou, 1859, 296-299. statistics of, 1873. (33; 1675, 34, 36. table of sizes of Merino flock, 1647, 288. Texel, or Mouton Flandrin, 1664,242-248. the Ancon breed of, 1861, 433. Arlington, shearing, l';66, 517. Big-horn, or Mountain, 1851, 123; 1859, 541. Broad-tailed, 1671, 209. Cheviot, lc71, 203, 204. Saxony, for wool, 1661, 125. value of products of, exported, 1872, 64. various breeds {with plates of), 1863, 230-233. washing and shearing, 1849, 2.50. why and when mutton, are profitable, 1866, 341-355, wintering, 1867, 97, 238. vield of tallow from, in Ohio, 1844, 399. Shelier, hand, corn, 1848, 63 ; 1866, 283 ; 1869, 328. power, corn, 1866, 284 ; 1872, 290. Shepherd, of Spanish, and dogs, 1854, 42. purse, a weed, 1865, 510. the Australian, 1864, 207. Shingle, machines, 1843, 301 ; 1844, 504 ; 1845, 79 ; 1846, 90 ; 1847, 79 ; 1848, 51. Ship-blocks, improved, 1844, 487. Shoe, for making, waterproof, 1843, 8. machinery for making horse, 1843, 7. metallic, 1670, 590. wooden, 1859, 561. Shorthorn, American, 1866, 305-307. articles on, 1654, 6-11 ] 1861, 434-448. breeds, value of, 1876, 371. conventions of breedei-s, 1872, 470 ; 1874, 384. fatted calf (and the Ellsworth twins), history of, 1876, 308. first improvement of, 1864, 252. for stall-feeding, 1867, 349. milking qualities of, 1674, 386. of improving, 1672, 465; 1674. 385. overfee9; 1864, 415; 1865, 40. Shrub, for hedges, 1854, 396. ornament, etc., 1662, 544; 1669, 160. imports and expcxrts of. 1656, 232. Shugert, Samuel T., report of, 1660, 3. Silicium, properties of, 1860, 47. Silk, advance of the business, 1843, 90, 97. antiquity and varieties of, 1666, 35, 37. 136 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Silk, article on, 1844, 292; 1845, 80£-875; 1847, 454; 1853, 77; 1859, 548; 1868, 282-304; 1870, 235-241 ; 1872, 304-316 ; 1873, 70. couvention of culturists, 1845, 1169. description of the tree, 1868, 201. essay on the culture, etc., of, 1847, 440-452. estimate of cocoon crops, 1841, 65; 1842, 5; 1843, 13; 1844, 12; 1845, 91; 1847, 85; 1851, 508 ; 1873, 70. estimate of cocoons, etc., omitted, 1848, 158. experiments to produce, from various insects, 1867, 74, 75. extent of the culture, 1847, 175. imx)ortance and culture of, in this country, 1867, 7. imports and exi)orts, 1858, 224 ; 1866, 36. in Australia, 1869, 630. Baltimore and Ohio, 1843, 96. Frarice, 1869, 632. Italy, 1859, 128 ; 1869, 633. Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, 1844, 133. Sicily, 1859, 116. Texas 1859 548. the Pacific States, 1864, 483-487; 1866, 600; 1870, 235, 516; 1872, 449. Virginia, 1854, 90 ; 1866, 506. machinery for the manufacture of, 1843, 267 ; 1844, 478. of the Bombyx Cynthia, 1861, 376. progress of production in France, 1844, 134. remarks on the culture of, 1841, 76 ; 1842, 26 ; 1843, 90 ; 1844, 132 ; 1845, 289 ; 1847, 175 ; 1848, 158. statistics of, 1873, 70, 71. Silk-weed. (See Milk- weed.) Silk-worm, best varieties in Italy, 1859, 128. destruction of, hy fungus, 1865, 328. experiments with, 1865, 93 ; 1867, 75 ; 1870, 82. habits of ""yrst varieties of, 1868, 284. in Franc<.^ 1864, 486 ; 1865, 92. injury to, from thunder-storms, 1873, 70. interrogatories on, 1858, 89. introduction of, into California and Eurox^e, 1864, 484, 485. Japan and California eggs sent to France, 1864, 486; 1868, 294. killing the chrysahds of, 1847, 448 ; 1872, 314. of diseases of, 1843, 94; 1847, 176, 449; 1866, 36; 1868, 294, 301; 1869,632; 1870, 239. of feeding, 1843, 94; 1845, 851; 1847, 441, 453; 1859, 548; 1868, 297; 1872, 316. of hatching, etc., 1845, 826; 1847, 445 ; 1868, 298; 1872, 312. peanut and sulxDhur, 1843, 93. preserving the eggs of, 1847, 449. production of eggs, 1872, 315. profits from, eggs in California, 1870, 237. pure air for, 1844, 133; 1845, 292; 1870, 8. rearing, in Connecticut, 1853, 78. the ailanthus, 1861, 374-382; 1862, 390-394; 1865, 35, 92; 1867, 74; 1870, 81. treatment of, while molting, 1872, 314. Silver-bell, as an ornamental tree, 1868, 203. Simbolee, use of oil of, 1870, 180. Sirup, apparatus for evaporating, 1844, 512 ; 1845, 43 ; 1848, 326^ 330 ; 1861, 299. arrangement of, establishments, 1861, 301. clarifying, 1805, 319. from the black imphee, 1869, 530. from Chinese sugar-cane, 1857, 190 ; 1864, 86, 87. red imphee, 1868, 519. imports of, 1858, 233 ; 1867, 11. manufacture of sorghum, in South Carolina, 1855, 282. of converting maple, into white sugar, 1847, 182. purifying, with bisulphate of lime, 1849, 409. boneblack, 1848, 298, 322. Seyforth's method of refining, 1870, 616. I INDEX TO AGKICULIURAL REPORTS. 137 Simp, sorghum and impliee, 1862, 524, 535-540. iu Mississippi, 1671, 422. Wiscousiu, 16C9, o.Y7. table of analyses, 1862, 526. to preserve flavor of maple, 1669, 420. yield of. iu Iowa, 1668. 515 ; 1672, 476 ; 1673, 303. Michigan and Ohio, 1666, 500, 509 ; 1871, 367. Skin, exports and value of tanned, 1858, 222. insects feeding on, 1606, 115. preparation of lamb and kid, iu Sicily, 1850, 124. Skirret, origin, use, etc., of, 1654, 381. Skunk, benefits of, to agriculture, 1863, 2G8. habits and use of the, 1658, 246-250. Sloe, or blackthorn, for hedges, 1854, 417. Slug, method of killing, 1861, 332. remedies for pear, cherry, and rose, 1864, 547 ; 1870, 78. Sluice, to make a head-gate for a, 1871, 257. watering, 1870, 506. Snuit, article on, 1845, 406 ; 1662, 103. blight, or brand, 1865, 510. causes of, 1854, 137. in the onion, 1600, 224, 220; 1670, 520; 1872, 103 ; 1873, 210. nature of, and experiments Avith wheat, 1844, 40, 41 ; 1862, 70. prevention of, 1643, 40; 1845, 142, 412; 1850, 231, 250; 1851, 286; 1852, 250; 1653, 138 ; 1855, 180 ; 1862, 80. Snath, machine for forming scythe, 1844, 505. Snipe, classification and family of, 1863, 285. Wilson's, 1856, 158 ; 1864, 378. Snow, cause of red, 1864, 330. 531. table of annual depth in Russia, 1861, 37. Snow-berry, as Indian food, 1870, 415. Snow-bird, habits, etc., of, 1863, 302; 1864, 423; 1865, 42. Snuli; imports and exports of, 1858, 234. Soap, carbolic, suds for root insects, 1872, 137. imports and exports of, 1858, 223. suds for the bark-louse, 1860, 314, 310. to make hard and soft, 1672, 474. whale-oil, a remedy for the louso, 1854, 63; 1858, 261. Soap-berry, analysis of, 187(1, 107. for Indian food, 1870, 412. Society, agricultural, inllncnce of, 1642, 7. of the rnite«l States, 16.50, 22. n>port of Essex, 1^4.5, Ol»0. agriculture, for promoting, 165*^, 00, 01. Amerieau I*omolo;;i(al, l-'70, 140, 1.50; l^Tl, 147. (art. on), 16C>s', .")04. Columbia Agrieiiltiiral. l^V)!), 518. early formation ot'. 16t»r». 513. for IMoniotiug IMiblie I'.eonomy, 1>66, .517. liistory of. iu tin* several .^st.ites, IKV, 92-213. in Gnat IWitain. 1h;s. liC). VM). Mst of, iu the several States, 1S)7, 364. prize for liortieultural. iHil, 314. reports of American roin«>logieal, 1858, 380. 138 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Society, State Agricultural, 1874, 387 5 1875, 438, 439, 450, 454, 456, 461, 462, 463, 464, 467. State Horticultural, 1867, 364 ; 1875, 441, 443, 444, 460, 461, 463, 464. State Pomological, 1875, 452. Soda, as nutriment of manure, 1861, 579; 1872, 437. comiDounds of, 1860, 43, 44, 45. lake in Wyoming, 1871, 237. sulphate on the Western plains, 1870, 96. wastage of the nitrate of, 1873, 299. Sodium, deposits of, in Poland, 1860, 43. Soil, advantages of a chemical analysis of, 1876, 400. alkali, 1870, 100, 103, 104. analyses of flax, of Ireland, 1861, 58. the tea, 1860, 450, 451. analysis of a loamy, from Virginia, 1864, 536. cotton, 1857, 296. ''poison," 1872, 142. prairie, 1849, 488. tobacco, 1858, 290, 296. various, 1865, 51, 52; 1866, 45; 1869, 71; 1871, 100; 1873, 175. article on, 1844, 335-346; 1845, 350; 1849, 24; 1850, 25-81; 1852, 49-53, 54; 1858, 290-295; 1870, 100. best, for madder, 1859, 127. climate on the physical condition of, 1861, 275. consistency of, determined by frost, 1870, 144. converting sandy, into fertile loam, 1864, 299. cooling and heating on, 1869, 122. destruction of the, 1862, 553. draining, 1858, 275. effect of removing stones from heavy, 1867, 6. exhaustion of, 1861, 315; 1862, 596; 1867, 352; 1871, 234; 1872, 146; 1874, 428. facts about, 1849, 23. fertility of the, of China, 1872, 499. fertilization of, 1865, 395 ; 1874, 429. for the grape-vine, 1867, 165, 171. pear, 1869, 199. raspberry, 1861, 171. strawberry, 1861, 177. how, is impoverished, 1849, 28. new elements are furnished, 1874, 431. rocks are converted into, 1870, 532. importance of a knowledge of, 1873, 449. influence of forests on, 1860, 441. in the cotton States, 1874, 219, 220. manures for, 1865, 390. night, 1868, 550 ; 1872, 434 ; 1874, 435, 436, 437. nitrification of vegetables, 1874, 263. object of loosening the, 1868, 556. of clayey, 1856, 181. Kansas, 1873, 399. Sicily, 1859, 124. on the benefits of analysis, 1852, 54 ; 1867, 192. origin of, on rocks andhills, 1860, 442. peculiarities of, 1870, 144, 146, 148. physical properties of, 1860, 105, 106. plan for renovating Virginia, 1849, 35. poison of Texas, 1875, 150. poAver of, to contain water, 1870, 143. to absorb, of different, 1870, 96, 532 ; 1871, 236. preparation of, 1864, 317 ; 1865, 24. properties of different arable, 1870, 141. remedy for exhaustion of, 1852, 7. renovators of, 1862, 325. stable manure insufficient for, 1874, 399. to determine the constituents of, 1871, 424. Soiling, advantages of, 1870, 504. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 139 Soiling, and pasturing compared, 1869, 283. article on, 1845, 1008 ; 1859, 442-457. benefit of, to lands, 1874, 391. dairy stock, profits of, 1871, 176. experience in, in Rhode Island, 1871, 418. interrogatories on, 1858, 60. ^vheu profitable, 1867, 241. Soldering, improvement in, 1843, 331. Sorgbum, analysis of, after freezing, 1866, 48. articles on, 1854, 219-223; 1856, 307, 309-313; 1857, 183, 165, 190, 191, 192; 1661, 293-310, 311, 314; 1862, 129-140, 140-147, 514-540; 1864, 54-87; 1865, 299-307, 307-324. climate of the United States for, 1855, xii. correspondence on, 1855, 279. experiments with, 1858, vii. impbee and, 1862, 129, 514. in lo^a, 1867, .358; 1868, 515, 519; 1872, 476; 1673, 393. Michigan, 1867, 355 ; 1868, 500 ; 1871, 367. in Ohio, 1868, 509. South Carolina, 1869, 530. interrogatories on, 1858, 72. in the Southern States, 1871, 422. introduction of, from France, 1854, xxii. in Wisconsin, 1869, 537. miUet of China, 1860, 474. one cause of the degeneration of, 1867, 315. production of, in the United States, 1876, 158. quantity of molasses produced, 1867, 32. red as a i»igin('ut, IriOl, 332. remarks on the crop of, 1867, 78. report on, canes, 1^57, 181. stigar from, 1865, 48. value of, as a forage plant, 1860, 130. varieties of, on Department farm, 1865, 28 ; 1866, 10. Sorgho, (See Sorghum). Sophora, beauty of the Japan, 1868, 201, 203. in the arboretum, 1870, 17. Sorrel, influence of, in souring the soil, 1869, 503. mode of expelling field, or .sheep. 1865, 517. the round-leafed, as ludian food, 1870, 422,423. Sorrento, its production and shii)uient of oranges, 1867, 147, 148. Sound, vibration and undulation of, 1857, 428, 430. Soup, to make strongest and best flavored, 1864, 258. Sour-kraut, making, in Maine, 1868, 475. (Seo Kraut). Sour-so J », ])roduction of, in Florida, 1867, 144. South Anieri«"a, our relations "svith, 1876, 271. South Caroliua, Agricultural College. (See College). bone i>liosi>liate beds in, 1868, 398. eliniate and soil for grapes, 1871, 405. vlover and orchard-grass in, 1869, 280. crops on college farm, 1*^72, 383. culture and vield of e«»ni in, 1873, 458. fences ..f 1-71, r:03. forests, etc.. of. 1ST5, '*10. Iruit-;:r(»wing in. 18V 1. 153. lands in, 1h;7. I(t5. 113. large yield «>f wheat in, 1871, 230. 140 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. South Carolina, Uvl-stock in/ 1866, 67; 1867, 92; 1868, 45; 1869, 47; 1870, 47 ; 1871, 36; 1872, 43; 1873, 40 ; 1874, 40 ; 1875, 35 ; 1876, 112. loss of liogs in, 1876, 111. -. ^ ^^^ mineral phospliate in, 1867, 12; 1868, 74, 387; 1869, 529; 1870, 539. necessity of a change, and rotation of crops, 1871, 403, 404. , phosphate rocks of (book-notice), 1870, 539, 540. products of, 1851, 494. remarks on crops of, 1842, 16, 17, 19, 22; 1843, 24, 59, 67, 75, 88; 1844, 52, 58, 64, 65, 75, 103, 107; 1845, 156, 160, 172, 175, 195, 268, 273; 1847, 128, 131, 136, 169, 170; 1848 123, 130, 133, 155, 168; 1850, 231, 288, 323, 400; 1851, 316; 1852, 87, 89,91; 1853, 165, 166; 1854, 200; 1855, 286, 310. reports of Agricultural Society, 1869, 529 ; 1871, 403 ; 1873, 457. rice in, 1852, 87. State Agricultural Society, 1875, 463. tabular estimate of crops of. (See Crops. ) tea in, 1850, 192 ; 1869, 237. yield and price of crops, 1866,62; 1867,90; 1868, 34; 1869,35; 1870,37; 1871,29; 1872, 24 ; 1873, 25 ; 1874, 33 ; 1875, 31. "Sower, a new seed, and wheel-hoe, 1851, 151. of broad-cast and drills, 1863, 428. Seymour's i)laster, and broad-cast, 1866, 259, 260. Sowing, table of time of, and quantity of seed, 1848, 646. thick and thin, of wheat, 1867, 351. Sow-tow, of the fiber of, 1859, 19. Spade, ditching, 1870, 589. of the, in machines, 1867, 261. Spader, trial with the rotary, 1863, 422. Spain, agriculture and production of, 1876, 287. statistics of population, jiroductions, animals, etc., of, 1876, 255-270. Sparrow, English, 1865, 44 ; 1872, 453. the chipping, 1863, 302 ; 1864, 352, 423. family of, 1863, 301. field, 1864, 423. Savannah, 1864, 421. song and swamp, 1864, 424. utihty of, 1865, 42 ; 1867, 205 ; 1869, 418 ; 1870, 90. yellow-winged and white-throated, 1864, 422. Spavin, nature and treatment of, 1870, 366, 367. Spaying, effect of, on cows, 1870, 447. Species, and a hybrid, 1851, 92 ; 1867, 302. varieties, 1868, 558. defined, 1859, 537 ; 1867, 297. of sheep, 1851, 82. on the origin of, 1867, 301. rules and laws of, 1851, 83, 87, 92; 1863, 180. Spelt, in Germany, 1847, 336. poisoned by, bread, 1849, 133. Spermaceti, exports of domestic, 1858, 224. Spermophile, or prairie-squirrels, 1856, 73. Spice, and condiments, 1870, 199. Spider, benefits of the common, 1855, 108. different species of, 1855, 108. silk-prodiicing, 1866, 37. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 141 Spider, the red, 1855, 79 ; ld64, 564 ; 1670, 87. trap-door, 1873, 161, 162. Spike, oil of, 1870, 180. Spinach, cultivation and varieties of, 1854, 381, 382. lettuce-leaved, 1854, xxi. native locality, etc., 1859, 354. strawberry, 1859, 357. winter, 1865, 245. Spinning, machinerv for, 1844, 478 ; 1845, 55 ; 1846, 68 ; 1847, 64 ; 1848, 35. of cotton, 1843, 259. the Angora fleece, 1867, 227. Spirea, insect on flowers of, 1868, 115. the double Japan, 1863, 368. Spirit, imports and exports of, 1857, 44 ; 1858, 233. Splint, machine for making, 1845, 79 ; 1847, 80 ; 1848, 53. nature of, and treatment, 1870, 366, 367. Spring, mineral of Virginia, 1864, 28. hot, of Montana, 1871, 441. house, 1867, 292, 29(3, 294. Spruce, insect feeding on; 1868, 115. species of, for cultivation, 1872, 165. the black, 1866, 480. Douglas, 1868, 579. Norway, 1854, 404; 1868, 196; 1872, 165. Spurge, or eye-bright, 1865, 517. Spurry, analysis of stem and leaves of, 1865, 419. corn, 1843, 107 ; 1844, 142. for a forage plant, 1854, xxvi. gigantic, 1845, 979. in Georgia, 1860, 230. Germany and France, 1864, 303. Squash, best variety for winter, 1871, 360. largo yellow-fleshed, 1854, xxi. yield of, from one seed, 1844, 435. liability of, to hybridize, 1863, 357. nine varieties ot", 1854, 382. of the seeds, and size of, 1863, 359. origin of, 1854, 208 ; 1864, 120. planting, and i»rc8erving, 1864, 121, 122; 1871, 359. size of, in Caliloniia, 1851, 6. the, bug and remedies for, 1870, 89. three chisses of, in this country, 1863, 356. whether it will change into pumpkin, 1867,313. Squnw-borry, lor Indian food, 1870, 415. Sqnill, •niltivation and uses of, 1860, 3JJ. Squirrel, article on, 18,56, ,54-81. the faniilv. and injuries of, 1863, 269. Stable. arrangt-mt-nt of, l'^()9, 165. lor farm and draiiglit liorses, 1863, 336. of cow, 18r)9, 295: 1S7I, 388. liorso. IS.VJ, 260-2S7. warm, 1^43, 121. ventilation i»f, 1867, 243. Stagger-bnsh, suitposcd to causo Mtaggcrs, 1865, 515. 142 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Staff-tree, use of, for food by ludians, 1870, 422. Staiuer, the red-bug, or cotton, 1855, 103 ; 1858, 272. Stall-feeding, analysis of articles most used for, 1864, 274. and 'its profits, 1862, 279. article on, 1862, 317-325. best breeds of cattle for, 1867, 349. Star-anise, origin and uses of, 1870, 199. Starcb, cellulose and, 1875, 187, 189, 190. imports and exports of, 1858, 226. manufacture of, in Vermont, 1853, 174. potato, factories, 1872, 446, 447. tlie source of alcobol in plants, 1864, 516. ^ Starling, the red- winged, 1856, 128, 129. State, reports, digest of, 1876, 361-432. Station, article on agricultural experiment, 1875, 517-523. experimental, in England, 1868, 137. Europe, 1873, 284. Germany, 1868, 155. Italy, 1872, 448. Statistical, v Division, 1876, 8, 9, 88. inadequate provision for, and investigations begun in, 1876, 281, 282. the Exhibit of, at the Centennial, 1876, 9. Statistician, J. R. Dodge, 1865, 54; 1866, 51; 1867, 77; 1868, 16; 1869, 20; 1870, 24; 1871, 13; 1872, 9; 1873, 15, 146; 1874, 15; 1875, 17; 1876,87. Lewis Bollman, 1863, 579; 1864, 564. Statistics, Centennial, 1875, 37. equine, etc., of France and of Russia, 1855, 31, 37, 48. farm, of Great Britain, 1873, 145; 1874, 275. from the census of, 1870, 1871, 45. international, 1876, 87. of agricultural colleges, 1876, 358. beet-root culture, 1869, 338. beet sugar in Europe, 1868, 161. cane sugar and molasses consumed in the United States, 1876, 155. cod fishing in Alaska, 1870, 380. commerce, 1847, 552, 570; 1848, 696; 1849, 491; 1850, 531; 1851, 512; 1852, 422; 1853, 4, 27, 38, 49, 75, 102, 128, 154, 165, 170, 181, 202, 234, 237, 243, 261 ; 1854, 476; 1855, 395; 1856, 497; 1857, 30, 337; 1858, 221; 1859,525; 1861,78; 1862, 258, 265, 267, 552, 600; 1863, 608; 1864, 502, 591, 598; 1865, 76; 1866, 90; 1867, 11, 32, 78, 121 ; 1868, 24, 47; 1869, 54; 1870, 62, 205, 214, 438; 1871, 39; 1872, 54, 91; 1873, 84; 1874, 59, 71. crops, live stock, etc., 1841, 64; 1842, 4; 1843, 12; 1844, 11; 1845, 90; 1847, 84, 545; 1848, 92; 1851, 494; 1862, 561, 577; 1863, 593; 1864, 566, 568; 1865, 55; 1866, .53; 1867, 80; 1868, 25; 1869, 24; 1870, 26; 1871, 17; 1872, 12; 1873, 18; 1874, 23; 1875, 20; 1876, 91, 112. domestic trade in flour and grain, 1876, 177, 206. egg consumption, 1872, 444. exports, 1876, 167, 170, 175, 320. fences, 1871, 497. forestry, 1875, 244. grape culture in the different States, 1868, 208. immigration, 1868, 53 ; 1869, 58 ; 1870, 60 ; 1873, 79. industrial colleges, 1867, 318 ; 1871, 332 ; 1872, 394 ; 1873, 360 ; 1874, 350 ; 1875, 52, 500. jute culture in India, 1876, 290. labor in the Southern States, 1867, 416. land and live stock in Montana, 1871, 448 maple-sugar production, 1876, 160. productions of New England, 1870, 264. poultry-keeping, 1870, 334. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 143 Statistics, Rhode Island agriculture, l.";C7, 343. seed distril)utiou, 1876, 14. sheei)-raisiug, 1869, ,379. silk maufacture, 1870, 2:38. sorghum, sugar, and siiTtp i)roduction, 1876, 158. the dairy, 1868, 489; Irill, 174; 1873, '251; 1874, 245; 1875, 414. European States, 1876, 255-270. public lands, Ir^Vyr-. 471. sugar productioii, 1':'76, 153. the collection of agricultural, 1862, 574; 1863, 589; 1873, 149. Stave, machines for making, 1843, 302 ; 1844, 505 ; 1846, 91 ; 1847, 80 ; 1848, 51. Steam, and gas engines, 1843, 272; 1844, 482; 1845, 60; 1846, 83; 1847, 68. api)aratus for cooking stock feed by, 1865, 402. boilers and generators, 1843, 275. cleaning forests bv, 1874, 273. cultivation, 1867, 26:i-277 : 1869, 296-305; 1872, 445; 1873, 287, 376. ditcher, 1874, 283. engines, &c., 1848, 40. inventions for cultivating bv, 1867, 253. plow, 1862, 415; 1863, 420; 1867, 255, 257, 258; 1869, 305-317: 1870, 404; 1871, 213, 418; 1874, 281. plowing, 1837, 4; 1867, 4, 255, 278; 1870, 8, 403, 449, 511. Stearine, candles from, 1843, 118, 167. elaine and, 1842, 91. from lard and the castor-bean, 1841, 80. uses and sources of, 1842, 82 ; 1866, 388. Steel, new process of making, 1844, 471; 1846, 46; 1847, 55. use of Bessemer rails, 1874, 383. Steer, methods of breaking, 1851, 138, 178, 209, 227, 389; 1852, 122. price of fat, in New York market, 1869, 436; 1870, 443. table of eight prize, in England, 1870, 444. Stick-seed, annoyance of, 1865, 515. Stock, breeding and keeping, 1867, 239, 242; 1873, 411, 415, 422, 456. different breed* of, in Iowa, 1868, 517; 1869, 542. English beef, 1871, 2.30. facilities for falsing, in Oregon, 1869, 596. facts about, 1868, 438, 450; 1869, 436; 1870, 443; 1871, 230; 1872, 433; 1873, 273; 1874,265; 1875, 510. farm, 1862, 546; 1863, 605, 606. in Ohio, 1848, 641. feeding, 1867, 238, 239, 347; 1868, 427; 1869, 281; 1870, 465; 1871, 249; 1872, 460; 1873, 290, 411; 1874, 264; 1875, 510. fee'70, 451. first importation of thoroughbred, 1872, 296. green-soiling live, 18.')9, 442. growing, in the South, 1867, 425. houu'-bred, 1871, 175. how to bn-ed and rear, 186(). 310; 1873, 411, 415, 422, 456. improv«'nn'ut in live, 1S74, 2»>5. laws relating to, 1S(J9, 394, 400. live, an^. 4. :V). 483. 516; I860. 13. 37: 1870, 10, 39, 2S7; 1^71, 31; IS72, '2i'r, 1>T.\, 30: 1^74. 'M\; 1875. 3:5. of fattening, 1^45, XW] 1847, 207; 1866, 311; l-tTT. 214: I-nI. 2.-.O. of the loyal States, 1S<, 556. effects of, 1869, 273; 1871, 251; 1872, 459. Succory, gum, 1870, 187. the wild, 1865, 514. uses and cultivation of, lr<.54, xix, 348 ; 1870, 198. Sucker, size of, in Alaska, 1870, 388. Sugar, analysis of, 1862, 528, 530; 1870, 94. and molavsses produced, 1867, 32, 100; 186^, 55. annual consumption of, l^'7t), 155. as a manure for turnips, 18^.5, 360. beet factories, 1«41, 80; 1^.53, 233; 1869, 34f^; 1870, 501; 1-C2, 154. industry (art. on), 1870, 210. importance of, 1867, 9; 1871, 297 ; 1872, 154. beet in Europe, report on, 1868, 158. manufacture, P^uropean of, 1867, 48. history of, I8:i8, 57 ; lr<67, 9; 18/2, 154. progress of, in Europe, 1869, 334; 1*^0, 215. produced in 1875, 1876, 153. production of, in California, 1870, 212; 1873, 287, 37»). England, 1870, 217. Europe, 1841, 80; 1867, 9, 33; 1869, 3;34, 345; 1870, 215; 1872, 155. France, 1847, 181; 18.")3,233; 1870, .501; 1S72, l.')4. Illinois, 1866,50; 1867,8; 186«, 168; 1869,349; 1870,210; 1-72, 155, 472. production of, in Nebraska, 1873, 437. New Jersey, 1872, 451. the United States, 1869, 349; 1871, 297; 1872. ir>5; 1-7:?. K'-; 1876, 157. Wisconsin, 1872, 510. by Mapes' process, 1843, 8. cano, analysis of stalks, 1848, 278. and maple produced, 18(57, 8. apparatus for making, 1843, 234 ; 1^48, 301, :^28. article on, 1853, 231-236; ^55, 48, 307; ls73, 104, 107. by the Arabians in the nintli century, 1859, 326. Chinese and African, 1857, 190 ; 1858, vii. in China, 184.5, 914. Florida, 1845, 911 ; 1851, :«6, :W7 ; 1^71, 167 ; 1-72, 451. Louisiana, 1845, 291>, K7(i, 910 ; 1^47, M) ; lrt48, 274, 782; 1840, 160; 1869, 4:i5; 1873, KW, 1(H>; 1-76, 156. Texa.s, 1«51, 350; IH.53, 236. the L^nit<'«l Stairs. 1-76, 155. method of maniitacturing, 1*^44, 295. jKjtting, 184H, 334. produced in 1^75, l^TCt, 1.53. capital in tin; maiuifactun' of. l'^42, 30. chemistry of, manufa^^turr, \-iV2. .'37. ck\aning machine, l.'-!50, 51-. composition of, 18.56), 311. consumed in the United States, 1HJ2, 553; isfiC, 49; IStTT, 8; IK71,298; 1^3. 105. corn, and cane, comjiared. 1H4:{, loi, 159, 1»>2. eousnmptiou of, in the world, l'^7;{, 101. estimate of ,.f. 1-11.65: \. statistics of, 1-57,31; ls.-».-<. 224; 1^«*.4, .5-^0; I-^k"), i\S -, 1807, 94; laOJ?, 40; 1-«J 4H; ls7(>, 4>; 1-^71,37; 1-^72.41; r''73, 41 ; I whito'Chester breed of, 1805, 475. (8eo Hog.) l>75, 3^o'.\, 3,50. the lowest for I'acli month, lH,'>;i, 349. » the highest east of the Rocky Mountains, 1853, 432. I minimum at stations. 1-."):?, 3t)2. I to ripen cereals. 1*^70, 115. |» variations of, on plant-growth, 1*^71, 23r). Tonncssc»», Agricultural College. (Sec College. ) condition of agricnltun^ in, 1*^4"^, .521. fences in, 1H71, .')0l. forests, etc., H75, 291. 150 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Tennessee, fruit-culture in, 1871, 159. geology and fertilizers of, 1869, 562. hogs packed in, 1876, 232. Horticultural Society of, 1875, 464. laws of, 1863, 463 ; 1871, 223. lands in, 1867, 106, 115. live stock in, 1866, 67; 1867, 92; 1868, 45; 1869, 47; 1870, 47; 1871, 36; 1872, 43; 1873, 40; 1874, 40; 1875, 35; 1876, 112. loss of hogs in, 1876, 111. of tobocco in, 1848, 523. remarks on crops of, 1842, 16, 18, 19, 26 ; 1843, 73, 85 ; 1844, 66, 75 ; 1845, 141, 152, 156, 164; 1847, 136, 169, 172; 1848, 117, 123, 144, 150, 152, 169; 1851, 351, 353, .355; 1852, 311. tabular estimate of crops of. (See Crop.) value of the Agricultural College, 1873, 352. Ten-o'clock, as a weed, 1865, 517. Territory, acres and crops in the, 1867,87; 1869, 32; 1870, 34; 1871, 25; 1872, 20; 1873,29; 1874, 30. agricultural capabilities of the, 1869, 601-626. area of the, 1849, 507. farms and lands in each State and, 1872, 48. forests, etc., of the Indian, 1875, 334. lumber in Washington, 1868, 448. of Colorado, 1861, 154-157. public lands in the, 1868, 462. stock in Nebraska, 1863, 606. tabular estimate of the crops of the. (See Croj). ) value of live stock in the, 1867, 95; 1869, 47; 1870, 47; 1871, 36; 1872, 43; 1873, 40 ; 1874, 40 ; 1876, 112. yield and value of crops of the, 1869, 35; 1870,37; 1871,29; 1872,24; 1873,25: 1874, 33. Youkon of Alaska, 1868, 172. Test of Department seed, 1862,543; 1869,242; 1870,155; 1871,125; 1872,407; 1873,210; 1874,179. (See Seed.) Texas, Agricultural College of. (See College.) breeds of cattle in, 1854, 20. cattle disease, 1868. 4 ; 1869,540; 1870,506. trade, 1870, 346, 352, 506. cheese-making in, 1872, 452. farming in, 1872, 437. fences in, 1871, 503. forests, etc., 1875,283. fruit-growing in, 1871, 158. irrigation in, 1867, 194. lands in, 1867, 106, 115. laws of, 1871, 223. live stock in, 1866, 67; 1867,92; 1868,45; 1869,47; 1870,47; 1871,36; 1872,43: 1873,40; 1874,40; 1875,35; 1876,112. loss of hogs in, 1876, 111. meat canning in, 1872, 439. native grapes of, 1859, 30. of sheep-raising in, 1854, 55. remarks on crops of, 1845, 282; 1847, 173; 1848,557,561; 1850,188,215; 1851,339, 345, 348, 350 ; 1853, 46, 124, 199 ; 1854, 133, 134, 169, 185, 302, 317. tabular estimate of crops of. (See Crop.) ^ value of college property, 1873, 353. wild horses of, 1833, 169. Textile, and forage crops, 1854, 174 ; 1856, 252. fibers of the Pacific States, 1864, 471, 477. materials in tlie Paris Museum, 1865, 95. substances, manufacture of, 1843,259; 1844,476; 1845,53; 1846,63; 1847,60; 1848, tables of production of, 1873, 68. (See Fiber.) Theine, in tea, coffee, and the kola-nut, 1861, 369 ; 1870, 192, 196, 197. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 151 Theory, of a four years' course of husbandry, 1860, 165. cultivation, 1847,218. the potato-disease, 1848, 564. on agriculture, 1847,223; 1848,195,209. the atomic, 1857, 423. Thimble-berry, for Indian food, 1870, 415. Thistle, common yellow and Canada, 1865, 514. law in France, 1869, 504. the Canada, 1852,182; 1860,134. use of oil, 1870, 181. Thistle-bird, habits, etc., of the, 1864,421. Thorn, evergreen haw, and blight, 1873, 183. for live fences, 1854, 408, 410, 417, 418. Jew, or African date plum, 1859, 343. the white, for x^ear stock, 1873, 332. Thorn-apple, or Jimson weed, 1865, 516. Thrasher, improvements in the, 1874,289,290. origin of the horse-power, 1863, 432. various, with illustrations, 1866,274,275,277. Thrashing, different modes of, 1863, 432, 433 ; 1866, 273. patented machines for, 1843, 312 ; 1869, 328. trial of, machines at Paris Exposition, 1872, 290. Thrips, habits, etc., of the, 1864, .545; 1866,40. recipe for destroviug the, 1870, 87 ; 1871, 87. the grape-vine, 1873, 161 ; 1874, 144. true, 1871,86. Thrush, the brown, 1863, 300 ; 1864, 404. familv of, 1863, 282. food of the hermit, 1865, 39. golden-crowned and water, 1864, 408. wood, hermit, Wilson's, olive-backed, and gray-cheeked, 1863, 295. cause and treatment of, 1870, 371. Thyme, for bees, 1868, 281. use of oil of, 1870, 174. varieties, culture, etc., 1854, 384 ; 1865, 248. Tick, beggar, 1865, 513. on sheep, 1863, 2:36 ; 1864, 563 ; 1872, 135. Tile, cost of, 1870, .598; 1871, 366. drainage with, 18.56, 17(5, 178, 180 ; 1858, 27f^, 279 ; 1863, 435. of laying, 1868, 485; 1869, 446; 1870, 599, 600. when the water enters, 185<), 180; 1871, 'M)(\. Tillage, chemical effects of, 1850, 72. in .Japan, 1873, 367. of deep, 1872, 458, 459. Timber, and tree cnllure, l'^72, 442. • hcltH tor ])r()t('cting orchards, 1870, 523. c»ni.sum\)t ion of, in (,'aliforni:i, 1>75, 315. contract in Illinois for the Ibitish Navy, l"?!, 233. cultivation in Iowa, 18(W, 5l(); 1h;9. 541. destruction of, ;'>, 215. direction for planting, etc., 1^73, 410. exports of ])ine, from C»eorgi!i, 1*^75, li,')3. t;iets al)OMt, 1-^73, 2>3. forests and, 1-^(V-J, 447-449. t'rojn the British Provinces, 1873, 74. growing iu Nebraska, li^l, 378. 152 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Timber, ^ impregnating with different substances, 1846, 30. i increase in the price of, 1865, 211 ; 1872, 448. in Ohio, 1872, 500, 501. insects injurious to, 1868, 112. law encouraging growth of, 1875, 334. of protecting, by law, 1872, 7. growing, 1869, 94. on the prairies, 1862, 495, 496. plan of economizing, 1865, 217. 4 planting for, 1870, 543. premium for the best ten acres, 1872, 479. preservation of, by salt, 1844, 457. profits of growing locust, 1845, 981. raising in New Hampshire, 1872, 497. fihip, of the United States, 1866, 472-497. the catalpa, as a post, 1844, 458. time for felling or cutting, 1849, 367, 485 ; 1870, 619. trees and, 1874, 273. Titmouse, family of the, 1863, 301. the black-cap or chickadee, 1864, 420 ; 1865, 41. tufted, 1865, 41. Toad, as insect-destroyers, 1870, 90 ; 1874, 142. Tobacco, acreage, yield, value, etc., of, 1876, 91. American, in Germanv, 1845, 750. analysis of, soils and ash of plant, 1858, 290, 296, 301, 304, 307. article on, 1853, 236-239; 1854, 209-212, 212-217; 1855, 266, 267; 1862, 123-129; 1863, 87-90 ; 1867, 179-184 ; 1874, 42-59 ; 1875, 53. average per acre of, 1850, 349, 379; 1851, 232, 306, 450 ; 1852, 332; 1853, 241. book notice, 1873, 318. correspondence on, 1853, 239 ; 1854, 217 ; 1855, 267. crop in Ohio and Massachusetts, 1870, 451. cultivating, curing, and packing, 1845, 749 ; 1847, 428. cultivation of California, in Virginia, 1843, 231. cost of, in New York, 1845, 265. Cuba, in Missisippi, 1849, 326. Florida, 1849, 456. Havana, 1847, 429. in Connecticut, 1844, 101 j 1845, 7 0 ; 1853, 240, - Europe, 1876, 263. I Germany, 1847, 332. Island of Cuba, 1845, 743. U Italy, 1864, 499. Japan, 1873, 371. s Kentucky, 1845, 741. ^ Massachusetts, 1845, 744. Sicily, 1859, 119. Virginia, 1845, 746. Wisconsin, 1871, 405. deterioration of Spanish, in Maryland, 1843, 74. directions for harvesting, etc., 1849, 459. effect of a change of seed, 1870, 169. estimate of crops. (See the various States.) experiment in curing, 1847, 170. exports from Brazil to Great Britain, 1873, 144. of, 1844, 105; 1856, 497, 498; 1857, 46; 1858, 234 eye-bright, or Indian, 1865, 515. ' fertilizers for,*1872, 433. geographical range of, 1853, 386. growing States, 1841, 74. importation, etc., at New York, 1849, 517. increase in cultivation and trade of, 1862, 549. in Illinois and New England, 1842, 22. insect feeding on, 1868, 116. 5 interrogatories on, 1858, 67. its manufactures, etc., 1857, 46; 1858, 234. Latakia, 1865, 32. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 153 Tobacco, Liverpool, annual report of, 1845, 753. manufactories of, in Virginia, l'^64, 37. of topping, 1S50, :32L prize-essay on culture of, etc., l.!;49, 31d. production of, in the United States, l'if)7, 2. progress of culture in this country, 1672, 2'J4. raising and curing, 1850, 225 ; 1651, 304. rates of freights on, to Liverpool, etc., 1848, 787. remedy for the lly, lc44, 107. reports of consuls on, in other countries, 1859, 524-533. spot or rot in, 1^:^45, 747. statistics of States yielding, 1875, 5C. superphosphate of lime for, 1852, 411. table of time for planting, etc., 1848, 658. per cent, of solul)le matter in, 1849, 325. tabular statement of, and manufactures, 1872, 80. trade, 1849, 491, 492. use of worms for soup, 1870, 427. worms and curint^, 1848, 523. worms and remedies for, 1849, 458 ; 1869, 296 ; 1873, 157. Tomato, Cooke's favorite and the Tilden, 1870, 169. cultivation in Virginia, 1854, 224. of, 1865, 245, 269. experiments with, 1871, 141 ; 1875, 365-368. history, etc., of, 1854, 384; 1859, 357. in soup, 1844, 332. of preserving, 1854, 385; 1862,493. variety from France, 1854, xxii. varieties on experimental farm, 1865, 31. Tool, arrangement of a, house, 1856, 453. grafting, 1856, 318. implements and, 1856, 452. recently patented, 1845, 52 ; 1846, 49 ; 1847, 58 ; 1848, 60. superiority of American, 1843, 255. Top-dressing, benefits of, 1871, 352, 383. clover, 1873, 466. compost for, 1871, 352, 383. experiments in, 1868, 425; 1874, 433. Tornado, cause and philosophy of, 1858, 486, 487. Tortrix, the cotton, with remedy, 1855, 82. Trade, Austrian and Swedish, 1873, 143. Calais, Toledo, Oswego, Vermillion, and Cuba, 1849, 518, 547, 548, 550, 571. coffee and sugar, 1851, 556. cotton, 1849, 510 ; 1852, 439. domestic, in Hour and grain, 1876, 177. iron, l.';49, 511. lumber, of New York, 1850, ,566. Orrgon, l>4ll, r.ll. lake, river, and cani'l, 1-17, .'.7- ; 1848, 788, 803. 805. -11 : l-:.(i. :.:U : l-.M. :.!'.». .V.l ; 1852, 427, 433. New Orleans and Cincinnati, 1852, 425, 4'M\. New York cattle, 18,')2, 43L of Tripoli, L-?()4, 503. pork, of the West anrovi.sioii, wool, an73. 111. Southern, in t»Ttilizers, 1-73, 272. tricks of, lso«», -127. with Hra/.il, l-7(i, 271. Ihitish America, l'^73, 72. Tragacanth, Bourco and production ol', 1870, 182. 154 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Transplanting, and treatment of grape-vines, 1849, 286. benefit of tall, 187-2, 4fi3. of plants, theory of, 1857, 254. trees, etc., 1849, 271; 1850, 85, 455, 456, 458; 1867, 340. Winter, 1850, 458. Transportation, article on, 1848, 691. book notice, 1871, 415. convention of farmers on cheap, 1873, 395. importance of cheap, 1874, 383, 414. improvements in, in Florida, 1871, 165. mode of, in South America, 1865, 495. of cattle, abuses in, 1870, 251, 352. evils attending, 1872, 438. in Austria, 1S72, 438. Scotland, 1869, 437. of living fishes, 1859, 228. Trap, Youkon fish, 1870, 389-392. Tree, analysis of different parts of, 1849, 475. and timber, 1871, 233 ; 1872, 442, 500 ; 1873, 283 ; 1874, 273. as rain producers, 1868, 448 ; 1871, .355, 373. belts of forest, as protectors, etc., 1865. 535, 540. book notice, 1868, 580 ; 1869, 492 ; 1870, 533. botanical names of several, 1870, 14. causes of the exhaustion of fruit, 1874, 449. centennial collection of forest, 1875, 151. circle culture of fruit, 1858, 375, culture, 1849, 271; 1850, 85, 435, 455-458; 1852, 212; 1853, 266; 1860, 444; 1862, 544; 1872, 161-162. and management of forest, 1864, 43-53; 1870, 229; 1874, 395, 413. in Colorado, 1869, 548; 1871, 409. Illinois, 1873, 384. decay of orange and lemon, in Italy, 1869, 635. design for artificial x)lanting, 1873, 441. directions for planting, 1872, 463, 474, 503 ; 1873, 403, 439, 440, 442. drainage for fruit, 1869, 446. effect of, on vapors and temperature, 1869, 502, 546. experiments needed on forest, 1865, 218. fertUizers for fruit, 1854, 108 ; 1870, 618. for hedges, 1854, 396. ornamental planting, 1868, 200-203; 1869, 171, 180. selecting pear, 1861, 234. forest and, of North America, 1860, 41&-445. for street and avenue planting, 1868, 197, 199. the prairies, 1862, 496. fruit, for Wisconsin, 1874, 422. of the Middle States, 1865, 199. with short trunks, 1854, 280. growing fruit, in wooden troughs, 1863, 551. how the Chinese dwarf, 1861, 'S31. horizontal training of fruit, 1866, 99. imports and exports of, 1858, 232, 233. in Michigan and Iowa, 1867, 358. insects feeding on, 1868, 105, 109, 115. in the botanical garden at Naples, 1859, 129. gardens at Kew, 1870, 110. Island of Isola Madre and Bella, 1859, 135, 136. mulberry, 1859, 128. of planting evergreen, 1873, 436. ornamental and shade, for Minnesota, 1873, 436. period of flowering of, 1854, 329, 436, 446; 1864, 339. planting encouraged by law, 1869, 541. shade, 1863, 335 ; 1869, 178. . premiums on, and profit of planting, 1868, 449. protecting, from the hot rays of the sun, 1873, 435. pruning, 1883, 552. raising evergreen, from seeds, 1862, 497. statistics of, in Kansas, 1875, 336. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 155 rree, stocks for fruit, 1856, 327. table of distauces to set, 1860, 131. the best forest, for Iowa, 1869, 543; 1871, 349. cami)bor and tung-oil, 1859, 14, 15. carob, or St. John's bread, 1854, xxvii. China, for bots, 1872, 131. cork, 1854, xxxiii; 1^58, 334, 335, 337; 1859, 14. cow, 1870, 198. practice of scraping, 1870, 522. statf, 1870, 422. structure and growth of, 1866, 492. tallow, 1851, 54-59. to protect, from mice, 1851, 153 ; 1856, 90. treatment of peach, 1861, 330. (See Forest.) Prefoil, yellow and black, for fodder, 1854, xxiii. rreliis, construction of, 1868, 203. covered grape, 1861, 498 ; 1869, 80. the wire, 1867, 166. rrichina, spiralis, article on, 1869, 389-393. rrichius, the delta-throated, 1855, 89. rripoli, mineral in Alabama, 1851, 652. front, breeding, 1859, 230 ; 1860, 303, 308; 1868, 320, 327, 328, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338; 1869, 424. book notices, 1873, 319. culture of brook, 1872, 248-257 ; 1873, 451, 453, 465. in Rhode Island, 1874, 419. fresh and salt water, of the South, 1866, 408. habits of, in spawning, 1859; 222. in the ponds and streams of the Northern States, 1870, 542. kinds of, for Ohio, 1874, 416. longevity of the, 1873, 451. of Alaska, 1870, 383, 384. the family of, 1866, 413. propagation of the salmon, 1872, 261. scientitic names of, 1859, 224. rruck, farming in New Jersev, 1869, 447. Muffle, cultivation of the Piedmontese, 1854, 385, 386. ]'uber, book notice, 1873, 311. of the potato, 1868, 226. used for Indian food, 1'870,, 405. ruckahoe, analysis of, 1871, 98. or Indian Head, history, etc., of, 1870, 42:i, 424. 'Ufa, the, of Michigan and Virginia, 1869, 574; 1^72, 138. recent calcareous, 1868, 369; 1869, 571, 574. uhp, as a spring llower, 1^63, 365; 1870, 534 ; 1^73, 312. p<)plar as an ornamental tree, 184).'^, 198, lil9.'\ variety of tree with variegated foliage, M»H^202, 203. 'unuTic, I source and uses of, 1869, 365 ; 1870, 203. 'urkcy, 9 article on, 1862, 3()2, 363; 1864, 357, 360; 1806, 288-290. tli(^ bronze, l-^O, 332. '. directions for tVrdiiig, etc., 1870, r»3(>. iiiiprovcuuMit of. l»y wihl blood, 1861, 2(>1. insects dcstroy»'il by, 1H>2, 3;^.'^. interrogatorii's on the, 1858, 80. 156 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Turkey, management of, 1870, 331. profit of keeping, 1870, 340. tlie family of, with habits, etc. , 1863, 305. Turkey, statistics of population, productions, etc., in, 1876, 255-265. Turning, machine for irregular forms, 1843, 304; 1844, 505 ; 1847, 80; 1848, 52. Turnip, analysis and composition of, 1849, 268, 269; 1864, 282; 1865, 418; 1870, 299. article on, 1854, 197-207 ; 1862, 273 ; 1866, 211-213. as sheep food in England, 1860, 158. best soil and quantity of manure for, 1871, 358, 359. correspondence on, 1854, 207 ; 1855, 261. cultivating, among com, 1864, 303. cultivation and manures for, 1849, 266 ; 1850, 51, 160, 273 ; 1853, 82, 83. desirable varieties of, 1854, 386. experiments with, 1852, 393, 402, 405 ; 1855, 262-265 ; 1868, 421, 422 ; 1871, 141 ; 1875, 365, 367. feeding cabbages and, to cows, 1869, 441. for early market, 1865, 245. feeding, 1851, 183, 239; 1863, 99; 1864, 201; 1865, 417; 1867, 340; 1872, 492; 1874, 233. green manuring, 1843, 126. in Great Britain, 1845, 303. New York, 1845, 303 ; 1847, 183. interrogatories on, 1858, 61. knot disease of, cause and remedy for, 1872, 128. management of crop of, 1852, 403. native locality of, 1859, 327. phosphorite for, 1856, 228. nutriment of, 1843, 120; 1844, 386; 1861, 135; 1862, 273. ruta-baga, 1848, 375 ; 1849, 266 ; 1852, 410 ; 1863, 98. size of, in California, 1851, 4 ; 1854, 197. Iowa and New Mexico, 1852, 344, 351. superphosphate of lime on, 1852, 393, 402; 1864, 281; 1868, 504. the Russian, in Texas, 1870, 168. ruta-baga in Massachusetts, 1868, 481. Swede, 1873, 309; 1875, 502.. varieties imported from London, 1854, xviii. yield of, 1847, 184; 1848, 158; 1850, 203; 1852, 227; 1859, 446, 452. Mr. Adams's report on, 1870, 240. Ulikon, abundance of, in Alaska, 1870, 381. Ulmic, compounds of peaty matter, 1875, 196. Underdrain, an inexpensive, 1869, 426. proper depth and materials for, 1858, 277, 278 ; 1870, 592. Underdraining, , article on, 1868, 513 ; 1870, 584-600. directions for, 1858, 276. effect of, in drying lands, 1869, 446. expense, profit, and benefits of, 1871, 371, 417 ; 1873, 427. experiments in, 1872, 467. extensive, in England, 1851, 2. importance of more extensive, 1870, 507. successful experiment in, 1851, 29. Unicorn, plant, used by the Indians, 1870, 422. United States, Agricultural Society of, 1866, 525. agricultural resources, manufactures, and commerce of, 1861, 6, 7, 8 ; 1862, 556. at the exhibition at Hamburg, 1863, 26, 30. climatic characteristics, 1853, 328, 395 ; 1858, 477. dairy products of, 1865, 453. fences in, 1871, 497. of Colombia, exports and imports of, etc., 1876, 274-276. pasture lands of, 1870, 301. physical geography of, 1856, 477. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 157 nited States, population of, 1842, 4; 1843, 12; 1844, 11; 1845, 90; 1847, 84; 1848, 92; 1857, 48; 18G2, 559. table of acres in farms and other Ijmds, 1872, 48. the areas of the States and Territories, 1849, 508 ; 1850, 569. value of farm implements and live stock of, 1873, 62. weights and measures of, 1871, 218. wools of, 1871, 187. niversitv, Alcorn, 1871, 320; 1872, 338; 1873, 340; l':74, 334; 1-75, 4-vi. Arkansas, 1871, 306; 1872, 350; 1873, 322; l'i74, 313; 1-75, 470. Brown, 1867, 330; 18G8, .547; 1871, 327; 1^72, :i^2; 1873, 3.50; 1874, 342; 187.5, 493. California, 1867, 319; l':^71, 307; 1872, 350; 1873, 323; 1^-74, 315; 1875, 471. Claflin, 1871, .328; 1872, 382; 1873, 351; 1874, 343; ls75, 493. Cornell, 1865, 184; 1807. 329; 1868, 546; 1'539, 47U ; 1871, 323; 1^-72, .373; 1873, 345 ; 1874, 339 ; 1875, 490. duty of Congress to establish a, 1852, 10. East Tennessee, 1871, 32^^; 1^72, 3K3; 1^7.3, 352; 1874, 343; 1875, 494. Georgia, 1871, 310; 1872, 3.53; 1873, 327; 1874, 319; l'^75, 474. Illinois, 1867, 320; 18G8, 542; 1^^G9, 4.52; l-'70, 471; 1-'71, 310; 1872, :J57 ; 1873, 329 ; 1874, 320 ; 1-^75, 475. Kentucky, 1865, 183; 1867, 323; 1869, 455; 1870, 474; 1-71, 313; 1872, 361; 1873, 333; 1874, 326; 1875, 478. Minnesota, 1837, 318, 327; 1868, 545; 1869, 461; l-7(», 479; 1-71, 31'.h \>^'2. :ur, : 1873, 338 ; 1874, 332 ; 1875, 483. Mississippi, 1871, 320; 1872, 367; 1873, 339; 1874, 333; l'^75. 4-^4. Missouri, 1869, 462; 1^70, 480; 1871, 320; 1872, 369; 1-73, :i41 ; 1-74. 3:i5; 1875, 486. Nebraska, 1870, 481 ; 1871, 322 ; l'^72, 371 ; 1^73, 343 ; 1^74, 336; 1-75, 487. North Carolina, 1871, 324; 1872, 374; 1873, 347; l'-74, 339; 1"^5,491. of Edinburg, Halle, and Leipzig, 1(^68, 133, 13^. Virginia, farm ex])eriments by, 1^-72, 3<-7. Parke Custis' plan, 1866, 518. plan for an industrial, 18.51,37. Purdue, 1871,311; 1872,3.59; 1873.330; 1-^74, 321: 1-75. 47r,. statistics of, 1867, 318, 319 ; 1871, 332, :m; 1-72,394,3%; 1-73,360,362; 1874,350; 1^75, 500, .501. Vermont, 1865,184; 1867,330; 1870,484; 1-71, 329 ; 1872,384 ; 1873,35:?; 1874, 344 ; 1875, 495. West Virginia, 1869, 469; 1870, 486; 1871, 330; 1872, 392; 1873, 357; 1874, Ml; 1875, 497. Wisconsin, 1867,331; 1868,548; 1869,469; 1870,486; 1871,330; 1872.392; 1873, 359; 1«74,347; 1875,498. rine, analysis of, 1845, 1042; 1855, 139; 1860,114; 1871, 477. of collecting and apidying, I-Tm, 37() ; 1-67, 243. value as a nuiuuro, l";t)0, 114 ; 1-65, 373; 1-74, 4:1."). ruguay, exports to, 1876, 277. tall. Angora and Thibet goats in, 1-72, 439. article on, 1868, 464, 465 ; 1S69, 617, m^. farms, lands, animals, and crops t»f, l'^51, 495, 497, 499; 1867, 195. fences in, 1871, 506. forests, wood, etc., 1875, 331. increase of rain fall in, 1^72, 325. irrigati« rty and products in, 1-73. IV2, wool and toxtilo fabrics, 1873, 65, 70. alerian, ])roperty and use of wild, 1870, 409. alley, ' liig Black-foot, Hell Gate, Mis.soula. BlaektHiled-Doer, 1871, 437, 439, 439. Cedar, Kansas, Rush, San IN'te. 1^70, 5(14, 5rK5. Great Salt Lake, 1-69, 617 ; 1-^70. :^n. Green River, Big Sandy, 1-70. .V)"^. llauseo Spring, Blue Spring, Malade, Cache, 1870, 5<'>0. 158 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Valley Jocko, Deer Lodge, Flint Creek, Stone Creek, Bitter Root, 1871, 434, 435. Jordan, Tooele, Lone-Rock, Utah Lake, 1870, 562, 563. Laramie, Sweet Water, Cliugwater, 1870, 550, 554. Missoim, Judith, 1871, 444, 445. Red River, 1869, 608. North Deep Creek, South Deep Creek, 1871, 443. Platte, Cache a la Poudre, and Arkansas, 1869, 604, 605. Prickly Pear and Cowlitz, 1869, 610, 613. Rio Bonito, Rio Charmer, and Colorado, 1869, 622, 623, 624. Sacramento and San Joaquin, 1872, 183 ; 1873, 381. San Pedro and Santa Cruz, 1869, 625. Santa Clara, 1870, .567. Sevier River, Round Lake, Cold Creek, 1870, 566. Virginia, 1863, 53 ; 1870, 271. Yakama, Methow, Okinayum, and Walla-Walla, 1869, 615, 616. Vanilla, origin, cultivation, uses, etc., of, 1855, xxiii, xxiv; 1870, 204; 1876, 69. Vapor, article on, 1858, 430-475. effect of, in checking radiation, 1865, 528. table of, mean force of, near Philadelphia, 1865, 523. temperature of the air on, 1865, 522. Variety, definition of a, 1867, 297. improvement and degeneration of, 1867, 310-314 ; 1872, 504. names of the grape, 1869, 81-83 ; 1871, 402. origin of, 1867, 306, 307, 309. Vegetable, canning and preserving, 1873, 430. exports of, 1872, 60. fiber and cell, 1859, 372, 373. for food, 1861, 369 ; 1868, 474. fruits and, 1870, 441. garden, 1863, 346, 349 ; 1864, 110, 111 ; 1871, 364. influence of arsenical compounds on, 187.5, 144. insects found in decaying, 1868, 116. large crop of, 1845, 928. minor products, 1870, 170, 204, 205. nutrition, 1848, 232. of California, 1866, .597. philosophy of, life, 1869, 105, 106, 108, 110, 115, 118, 125, 128, 132, 149. physiology, 1870, 613. seeds of, from the Department, 1870, 168 j 1871, 139 ; 1872, 421. shipping garden, 1869, 447. soil suited to roots and, 1871, .358. Vegetation, agents supplying aliment to, 1850, 75. galvanic experiments on, 1844, 370. light and shade on, 1854, 109. of seeds, 1844, 365. the Andes, 1870, 172. vertical range of, 1853, 428. Veneer, patent for sawing, etc., 1843, 300. Venezuela, our commerce with, 1876, 279. Ventilation, at the bottom, 1843, 6. book notice on, 1871, 429. of stables and barns, 1867, 243, 290. the bolting-chest, 1862, 427. Ventilator, for barns, 1864, 298 ; 1867, 291. Verbena, to cultivate, in the house, 1863, 367. Vermont, book notice, 1871, 415. butter, 1869, 361. digest of reports of, 1873, 468-476; 1876, 424-429. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 159 Vermont, farmiDg in, 1874, 199. fences of, 1871, 500, forest area and. farms, 1872, 40, 48. forests, etc., of, 187.5, 251. laws of, 1863, 457; 1864, 442; 1869, 400; 1871, 219. live stock in, 1863, 606 ; 1864, 583 ; 1865, 67 ; 1866, 67 ; 1867, 92 ; 1808, 45 ; 1669, 47; 1870, 47; 1871, 36; 1872, 43; 1873, 40; 1874, 40; 1875, 35; 1876, 112. marble and roofing slate of, 1852, 133; 1862, 448. mineral fertilizers of, 1808, 372. of lands in, 1867, 102, 110. pear culture in, le72, 441. prices of animals in, 1873, 30. profit of corn production in, 1854, 134. remarks on crops of, 1842, 18; 1843, 19, 42, 43, 51, .53, .57, i'A\; 1-44, 37, 39, 50, 55, 59, 71, 89, 138; 184.5, 160, 163, 16.5, 193, 249; l'r47, 13.5; 1848, 131, 13(3, 143, 366, 367 : 1849, 86, 200, 225, 242, 260, 264 ; 1850, 221, 335; 1851, 148, 149, 152, 154, 156, 659; 1852, 133, 141, 143, 144, 146; 1853, 125, 150, 155, 163, 174, 220; lto4, 134, 135, 167 ; 1855, 199. report of State committee on fruit, 18.52, 37, 38. sheep husbandry in, 1849, 88; 1861, 260. societies of, 1875, 465, 466. stock-raising and dairying in, 1853, 18, 25; 1874, 245. tabular estimate of crops of. (See Crop.) the Merino sheep of, 1864, 186 ; 1^-65, 484. university of. (See University and College.) yield of wheat in, 1855, 199. Veronica, as a house plant, 1863, 372. Vessel, improvements in propelling, 1844, 487 ; 1848, 42, magnetism and the corrosion of, 1843, 280. Vetch, analvsis of the French and common, 1865, 419. for fodder, 1843, 108 ; 1847, 518 ; i860, 230. in Europe, 1864, 306, 307. use of the milk, by the Indians, 1870, 419. worthlessness of the kidney, 1869, 91. Vicuna, description, habits, eic, of the, 18.57, 66; 1865, 96. hybridization of the, 1857, 70 ; 1865, 96. Vine, book notice on, 1872, 400. cultivation of, for wine, 1848, 614, 615; 1867, 163. the, and olive, 1866, 522, districts of Switzerland and Germany, 1867, 171. effects of the poison vine or oak on, 18«>5, 511. importance of shelter for, 1803, 491; 1665, 542. in Europe, 1867, 165. . • . Italy and France, 1860, 380, 384. injury of the llax, to llax, 1865, 5ir>. in the United States, 1853, 372-380. Wisconsin, 1869, 539. lands of Crooked, Seneca and Cayuga lakes, 1866, 152. of North Carolina, 1849, 283. pruning, 1873, 377; 1874, 420, 421. on the arid soils of Califoniia, 1870, 516. rules for suiting varieties to districts, 1863, 493-495. Saunders' tn'llis for, 18m])t'rature aliecting, 1863, 478. the Concord, in Missouri, l.'^71, lf73. eyjiress and balloon. 1868, 205, 206. wihl potato, 1S70, 407. ; wliat, most injured by freezing, 1874, 421. (See Grape.) Vinejrar, ' lor manufacturing, 1848, 75; 1862, 494. ^ from fruit, 1H70, 018, 619. 160 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Vinegar, how to destroy eels in, 1871, 119. value of exports of, 1853, 201. Vineland, article on, 1869, 410-415. Vineyard, article on, 1845, 932, 935, 938, 946-952 ; 1847, 470. book notices on, 1868, 569, 571. cost of planting, 1858, 346. German, and the vine disease, 1867, 174. in Erie County, Ohio, 1853, 304. Florida, 1867, 146. France and the United States, 1858, 366 ; 1867, 165. Illinois, 1873, 386. Indiana, 1852, 305. Kansas, 1874, 394. Minnesota, 1873, 435. Missouri, 1857, 235-237 ; 1861, 480 ; 1862, 208 ; 1868, 521. Ohio, Kentucky, etc., 1853, 310; 1855, 306; 1861, 532. the British Colonies, 1853, 298. " Canary Islands, 1865, 330. northern States, 1868, 567. near Los Angeles, 1858, 343 ; 1870, 516. of El Paso, Texas, 1859, 37. Iowa, 1871, 231. Malaga, Cadiz, Germany, 1860, 391, 393. Ohio, 1858, 417 ; 1861, 470 ; 1870, 498. Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Iowa, 1845, 312. San Gabriel, 1858, 347. Scio, Italy, the Hermitage, Latour, 1800, 379, 380, 388, 389. the Concord grape, 1871, 373. Piedmont region of Virginia, 1864, 39. Scuppernong at Wilmington, 1869, 447. Point de Peau, 1872, 485. preparation of soil, etc., 1801, 510, 512, 516, ,536; 1868, 508. pruning, 1854, 310; 1873, 377. selection of sites for, 1803, 151. soil, position, drainage, etc., of, 1856, 408-443; 1861, 471, 509; 1862, 593; 1867, 171; 1873, 382. statistics of, 1868, 208. the best soil and location for, 1868, 214, 215. largest in the world, 1869, 447 ; 1872, 449. treatment of a, 1849, 286; 1861, 47,5, 500; 1863, 482; 1867, 172. Violet, directions for house cultivation of, 1863, 378. family of the dog-tooth, 1862, 162. species of the United States and Europe, 1862, 158. Vireo, of all the fly-catchers, 1867, 205. red-eyed and warbling, 1863, 299 ; 1864, 416. white-eved and blue-headed, 1863, 299; 1804, 417. yellow-throated, 1803, 299 ; 1804, 417. Virginia, Agricultural College. (See College.) area of, in forest and farms, 1872, 40, 48. article on, 1804, 17-42 ; 1870, 207-291. climate and fruit of, 1807, 251 ; 1871, 145. dairy interest in, 1854,22; 1871, 174. experiment in seeding of wheat in, 1874, 340. extent, population, resources, and mines of, 1803, 6, 7, 8. fences of, 1871, 502. first importation of cattle and sheep into, 1864, 251, 252. forests, etc., of, 1875, 202. fruit trees recommended for, 1858, 421. Hampton Institute. (See College.) hops, peanuts, and Japan clover, 1807, 252, 253. horses and mules of, 1853, 30 ; 1854, 27 ; 1855, 43. lands in, 1807, 104, 112. laws of, 1809, 403; 1871, 222. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 161 Virginia, live stock in, 166(3, 07 ; 1867, 92; 1868, 45 : 1809, 47 : 1870, 47 : 1871, 36; 1-72, 43: 187:5, 40; 1874, 40; 1875, 35; 1876, 112. loss of hogs in, lb76, 111. min(^ial fertilizers of, 1868, 64. prices of faiin-stock in, 1873, 36. principal fertilizers used in, 1854, 118. products of Southeastern, 1872, 449. remarks on croj.s of, 1842, 12, 16, 17, 19, 21 ; 1843, 23, 45, 54, 67, 73 ; 1844, 29, 52, 56. 63, 75, 92, 104; 1845, 118, 152, 156, 160, 1«;4, 169, 252. 266; 1847, 101, 105, 121, 125, 127, 136, 168, 186; 1848, 117, 132, 136, 149, 471, 477, 47^, 4-^3, 487, 416). Walk. laving out and construct ing, 1869, ir>.5-167. Wall.' curing danii)nes.s in. l>7ii, 620. Wallaba, source and uses ol. gnni, 1870, 188. Walnut, tin- black, for forest culture, l-TO, 230; 1873, 440. strcit planting. IHi.-!, 201. timbj-rand nuts, 1-T2. 164. in Nel)raska. 1*^71. 37.*^. nut for Indian food, 1>7<>, 411. on tin* jirairies, isi;2, 49<); 1.'74, 395. tree sold in N<'Ny York, 1-70. 450, • llu^ European, for its fruit, b-6>'. 201. Tersian, ISV), xiv, \vi. interrogatories on, \Kif^, .'».-'. successful in \'ir;;inia, 18.56, 450. wbit<', timber and inits, lr'72, 161. uses of oil from the nuts of. l^^.V), \v. Warbl..r, family and speciis of wootl. 1-6!^, •.♦l>5-29^. habits, nests, »'gg.s. <-te.. of. l.s;4, 4«H;-411 : 1805, 40. services of, to farnuTs, 1H)7, 205. 11 A 162 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. "Washington Territorv, article on, 1S(\9, G13-()1G. fences of, 1871, 50(5. meteorolog-y of, 1883, 626. of lauds in,' 1867, 110, 119; 1860, 4G2. Inmbcr in, 1868, 448. Wasp, beneficial to agriculturists, 1863, 275. destroyed by insects, 1868, 116. habits^ etc.,' of, 1868, 309, 310. the mud, 1855, 109. to destroy, and remedy for the sting of, 1864, 548. usefulness and injuries of, 1866, 43 ; 1870, 78 ; 1873, 159. Waste, of cities and towns, 1872, 145-151. value of gas, 1860, 119. Water, action of, on soil, 1849, 352 ; 1860, 109. analysis of the Artesian at Louisville, 1860, 46. by road sides and bars, 1868, 361, 362. Watermelons, production of sug»^ar from, 1876, 161. Water-plants, introduced into Department grounds, 1876, 62. chemical composition of, 1859, 141. different qualities of, 1849, 348, 350, 351. effect of cold on, 1857, 495 : 1868, 584. impure, on dairy cows, 1871, 177. , on plants, 1847, 229 ; 1849, 352. evaporation of, 1858, 455. for destitute regions, 1867, 230-236. from Alum Spriugs, Virginia, 1870, 95. how to procure pure, 1859, 405. - improvements in, wheels, 1843, 325 ; 1845, 29 ; 1846, 97 ; 1847, 77 ; 1848, 48. impure, pure, and analysis of, 1859, 141, 142. in equalizing temperature, 1866, 144. plant culture, 1867, 30. pleasure grounds, 1869, 174. kinds of, injurious to vegetation, 1859, 146. machines for raising, 1848, 49. methods of obtaining, for irrigation, etc., 1874, 379. modes of measuring, 1871, 262. of procuring soft, 1863, 321. the mineral springs of Virginia, 1864, 28. passing through leaden pipes, 1854, 422. theory and purity of rain, 1849, 347. underground, conduits, 1849, 363. value of certain peculiarities of, 1866, 143. Watercourse, improvement in, and flood-gates for, 1844, 490, 493, Water-reed, injurious in canals, 1865, 517. Watts, Frederick, reports of, 1871, 1 ; 1872, 3 ; 1873, 5; 1874, 5; 1875, 7. Wax, article on, 1855, 120, 121. bees, exported, 1843, 313 ; 1853, 75 ; 1856, 510, 515, 517, 519, 520, 522, 524; 1858, 221. from sixty-nine colonies of bees, 1873, 475. Japanese vegetable, 1860, 138. patent, for sealing, 1844, 516. pounds of honey, to one of, 1868, 275. price of, in the different States, 1868, 273. produced in Austria, 1807, 108. the United States, 1863, 545 ; 1868, 272. production of, in Virginia, 1854, 90. tables of statistics of, I860, 279, 280, 282. tribute of, by the Island of Corsica, 1865, 458. uses of the, plaut, 1859, 14. vegetable, 1870, 204, 205. Wax- wing, family name and species of, 1863, 299. I INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 163 . family aud benefits of, 1863, 268. the small brown and lesser, 1858, 244, 245, white prairie and European, 18.57, 104, 105, 107. article on the, 1860, 96, 98. signs of, and predictions on, 1864, 349 ; 1871, 238. Weaving, patent improvements in, and looms, 1844, 479 ; 1845, .55 ; 1846, 73 ; 1847, 66 ; 1848^ 37. Weed, analysis of the ash of three species of, 1866, 425. analysis of sea, 1869, 73. article on, 1860, 133, 134; 1865, 509-519. hook notice on, 1869, .503. in flax, 1863, 115. poisonous eftects of rattle, or loco, 1874, 159. sea, 1861, 319; 1866, 423, 426; 1869, 228: 1872, 436. the rock, as a fertilizer, 18r)6> 425. use of the Jamestown, by the Indians, 1870, 423. white, destroyed by sheep, 1871, li.53. Weevil, article on the, 1845, 410 ; 1849, 334. chestnut and ])ino, 1861, 604, 605. destruction of, by kiln-drying, 1844, 40. Northern grain and Southern rice, 1863, .572, ravages of the, 1844, 39; 1848, 122; 1862, 96; 186<;, 30. remedies feu- the, 1850, 394; 1851, 188; 1852, 130, 134; 18.5,3, 140, 144, 147; 1854, 71^ 82, 146; 1860, 321. the black, 1845, 143. cranberry, If-^TO, 70, Eurojiean and American, 1844, 167, 169. hunter, 1863, .573. pea and New Yoik, 1863, 574. European and American, 1870, 71; 1871, 375. plum, 18,54, 81; 1H60. 314: IHil, 605; 1863, 570; 1?*67, 73: 1870, 68.- red, 1864, 562: l.'^72, 12(), white pine, 1863, 573: 1^<7U, 71. Weight, and measures of the States, 1871. 218, atomic, 1857, 436, table of, i)er bushel, 1>^71, 227, Well, Artesian, in .Soutln'rn Calir<»niia, 1872, 4.50. article on, 0. improvt'uieiit iu buckets for, 1^4'^. 49, location f(»r a faiiuly, 1>()3, 3"J9. West Virginia. Agricnllnral College of, (See College,) article on, 1^'()3, 42-*''7. coal-oil in, ]^\\'A, .525, .52»1. fences of, 1S71. .5ill, forest area and lann lands in, ltf72, 47, 48. forests, etc,, 1^75. '2\)\. lauds in, 1^67, 107, 116, laws of, 1S71, 22i. livestock of, iSw, 92; 1h;8. 45: 1^.9.47: l-'*0, 47 : 1-71. 36; 1>72, 43; 1,-73. 40; IS74. 40; IS75, 35: 1H76, 112. loss olJKtgs in. l'^7(). 111. societies ol", 1^7.'), -KIS, Whalebon*', <\|»oits of, l>.',s, '>'2\. Wheat, acclinnit ion of. I-T I, |i'l. acreau:«'. yield, \alne of. etc., I"^7(», 91. among the rnrldo Indians, l'7'i. 124. and Ihtni'. txpoiis of, l'<76, 167. 17 1. 175, 164 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Wheat analyses of, 1844, 410: 1849, 210; 1861, 271; 18G2, 75; 1864, 277; 1865, 357, 424; 1868, 431. analysis of soil for, 1853, 139. area of, Avitli proportion drilled, 1875, 42. artieleon, 1844, 174, 180: 1845, 412, 415-435 ; 1849, 59-82, 199, 215; 1850, 1; 18a3, 126; 1854, 136; 1855, 181, 186; 1856, 246; 1857, 153-160; 1861, 404-410; 1862, 65-95, 96-104 ; 1874, 60-67. as an article for bread, 1848, 249 ; 1855, 156 ; 1864, 277. average yield per acre, 1843, 16, 34 ; 1849, 26, 32 ; 1865, 155 ; 1868, 436 ; 1875, 46. benefit of clianging seed of, 1853, 140; 1855, 187. best. States, 1849, 221. book notice on, 1868, 560. bushels of, distributed by the Patent Office, 1861, 3. cause of degeneration of, 1867, 316. cleaning and grinding, 1862, 425, 426. climates of, 1853, 388-395. composition of ashes of, 1860, 53 ; 1868, 503. correspondence on, 1849, Sij', 1850, 186; 1851, 129; 1852, 73; 1853, 129; 1854, 138; 1855, 191. cost of raising, 1847, 400; 1848, 553; 1849, 116, 1851, 251 ; 18:3, 278. culture of, 1849, 213; 18(38, 416, 417; 1869, 442; 1871, 418; i»...i, 466. different kinds of, in Sicily, 1859, 120. dwarfing of, in Japan, and profit of, 1873, 369. effect of drilling, 1853, 148. the reaper on the i^roduction of, 1872, 293. experiments with,. 1851, 9; 1852, 395; 1868, 405, 412, 418; 18(>; 245, 252: i870, 156, 452, 454; 1871, 125, 133; 1872, 411, 413; 1873, 219, 222, 2..., 226, 295, 304, 305 ; 1874, 183, 259, 388 ; 1875, 359, 502, 511. •experiment with, from an Egyptian tomb, 1857, 256. Mediterranean, 1844, 44; 1870, 161. on exhausted land, 1849, 130. exports of, 1847, 13, 5.52; 1853, 128; 1855, 157; 1858, 226; 1862, 548; ItV,;, '11: 1868, 47; 1871, 297; 1873, 48, 49; 1874, 73; 1875, 42; 1876, 167, 171, 175. first cultivation of, by the colonists, 1272, 280, from a single kernel, 1843, 34; 1844, 44; 1847, 112; 1851, 5; 1871, 126; 1874,20:. liow to convert aimual into ])erennial, 1847, 115. importations by Great Britain, 1868, 435 ; 1871,^236 ; 1873, 288. improvement in pre]>aring, for liouring, 184''', 373. of, in Hungary, 1875, 515. in Alabama, 1850, 460. California, 1851, 5 ; 1868, 451 ; 1870, 449 ; 1872, 440. Iowa, 1873, 278. Italy, 1876, 288. injury of, by thrashing-machine, 1851, 402, in Massachusetts, 18()8, 480. Michigan, 1868, 499. Minnesota, 1873, 278. New England, 1831, 2.53; 1872, 280. New Hampshire, 1872, 491, 492. Ohio, 1844, 408 ; 18.54, 145. Oregon, 1855, 196. Pennsylvania, 1852, 239. Russia, 1859, 586. Wisconsin, 1851, 4(>0 ; 1870, 502. insects injurious to, 1838, 116. interrogatories on, 1858, 21. large crop of, 1859, 518, 542; 1871, 235, 236, 409, 442; 1872, 185, 440. lime-rock soil for, 1850, 471. machine for vv'ceding, 1875, 515. management of, harvest, 1850, 102-113. manure for, 1843, 34 ; 1844, 154 ; 1852, 184 ; 1868, 504 ; 1871, 89 ; 1872, 454 ; 1873, 298. Mr. Arnold's hybrids of, 1873, 219, 220; 1874, 182. names and varieties of, 1838, 57 ; 1842, 12, 14, 66; 1843, 22, 30, 32, 33; 1844, 43, 44, 176-179, 433; 1845. 116, 119. 127, 146, 147, 406, 413, 415-420, 422, 428; 1847, 110, 111, 112, 353, 3,54; 1848, 124, 371, 401, 415, 443, 477, 478, 479, 535; 1849, 78, 80, 90, 104, 128, 132, 139, 144, 172, 174, 177, 197, 199-207 ; 1850, 1-12, 155-157, 190, 198, 202, 208, 212, 213, 219, 227, 231, 244, 246, 248, 278, 281, 291, 293, 305, 309, 311, 31.j, r/:i, 325, 330. 334, 340, 344, 345, 353, 355, 367, 368, 370, 373, 375, 378, 389, 393, 396. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 165 Wheat, 897, 398, 4()0, 404, 40(5, 410, 413, 415, 419, 420. 421. 4:13. 43r). 440. 453. 4C2. 4r,9, 479; 1851, 135, 141. 195, 2(»2, 205. 211, 2ir,, 217. 22:5, 2:54. 2:5-^ 245. 24(m 20o, 2<;4, 27(i, 298, 302, '05, 312. :{15. :r34, :i5:}, :'.(>5, 404. 41«;. 421, 420. 4:'.4, 440. 49:5, «;49. rA,->; 1852, 94, 105, 110, 144, 17-^. 19:}. 195. 199, 22:{, 225, -^2^, '^:-9. 24(i. 249. 254. 257. 25.-i, 202, SM, :vxi, :W9, :541 ; 1H.53, 127, i:;o, i:i2, i:};',, 1:57. ]•.>-, l:;i>. 145-15:i; 1^54, X. xi, xii, xiii, 1:58, 1:^9. 141, 14:}-149; 1855, xi, I'^2, 1--4, llhi. 193, 1J.K;, 197, J98, IIW; 1^57, 15(5, 25(5; 1K59, 19. 507, 508; Ir'iH, 101, :i:}4, :5:{7, :{:!9, :{40, :i42 ; M)2. ^5, 99, 100, 101 ; 1K)3, 499, 500, 501, 50:5, .504, 500 : lr^')5, 27 ; 1h;«;, i), 5-0; 1H>7. :M9, :i59; 18G^, 40.5-410, 414, 415, 417, 4-^0, 499, 50s, 5H; l^iVJ, 24.V2.52, 29:5, 21M, .547: 1-70, 150, 101, 102, 10;J, 502; 1^71, 120, 127, 129-1:54, 409, 410; l.-^2, 410, 411, 41;J, 491, 492: 187:i, 2i:i, 21.5-220, 228, 2:i0, 27H, 394, 450; 1874, 179, 1^0-1^3, 2G0, liHr- ; 1-75, 359-.302. new varieties introduced bv the Patent Office, 18:57. 5: Ir.i^, .57. notcK on the, i.lant, 183:5, 499-512. of cliess or cheat in, 1848, 471 ; 1849, 455: 1851, G50; 18.52, 46; 1862, 80; 1865, 519; lri57, 312. of cultivating spring, 1^54, 142. origin and sjjj'cics of, 18.VJ, 30:{, :?04. of and experinients with .Jciniings, 1^74, 183. the China, 1.-44, 4:?:5. prices of, h^5:5, 142; l':'7:5, 4:5; 1^74, 74. production of, 1802, 10,548; 1804,500; 1808, 4::5; 1?*72, 409; l''7:5, 4-, 49 ; 1875, 40, 41, 4(5, 48; 1^70, 281. progress of the culture of, 1H72, 292. projx'r 09, 294. remedy for winter-killing of, 1851, 440: 1K52, 210: l,-.5:5. 14:>. 1.52; 184;2, -2. rihhing in, 1815, 14-. rust or Olight iu, 1-44, 4:55-, 1.^4.'>, 407; 1-02, 77. saiulomir, I'^Ol. 3:>4-:>42. selecti(m of, for seed, 184:5, :55; 1802, 90; 1872, 409: 1-74. 2.5l>. smut iu, 1845, 403. sowing and harvesting, iu several States, 1.-49, 1:5;: l-.'.O, 1:5: 1-51. 17**: 1S53, i:56; 1K5.5, 192; 1859, 120. tables of, sowing, prodn<-t, etc., of, 1-4-, 040. ttibuiar estimates and remarks on crops «)f. (See the sevt'ial States.) the cross-fert ili/,ati(»n of, l-'7(), 42-. Fultz, 1.-71, l:;:5: 1-72, 411; 1-7:5. 215, 222: 1-7 1. 17'.». Taj>]ialiannoek, 1-72, lio. thick and thin sowing, 1-44, :548; 1807, :551 ; 1-71, 251 : 1-74. 2«;i. time for cuttim;, H 1:5, :*..-: 1.-44, 17(>; 1850, 102, :588; lr<.52, 2m> ; 1856,246; 1862, IK5; IHOH, 417: l'^09, 540; 1-71,402. to chaugt* winter into summer, lHr(7, :508. varieties, culture, yield, etc., l'^50, 1-12. intro:5, (J1.5. Wliitewash, recipes tor, l-M, 45:5. Whortleberry, ius«'ct fr«Mpuntiug, buslu's, 1HV-, 1U5. 166 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. :__^ - Willow, articles on, 1851, 46-48; 1873, 254. distributiou of seeds, cuttings, etc., 1860, 32; 1861, 3, 4 for fences, 1854, 418 ; 1862, 496. fuel and timber, 1873, 441. ornamental trees, 1868, 202. planting in open i)lain8, 1874, 395. shelter-belts, etc., 1870, 231; 1872, 165. insects injurious to, 1868, 117. Wind, the, of North America, 1856, 486 ; 1858, 479. Wine, adulteration of Portugal, 1867, 164. American, analysis of, 1876, 53. analyses of, 1864, 534 ; 1865, 50 ; 1873, 173. article on, 1845, 9.32, 945; 1847, 462-470; 1850, 238; 1853, 296, 306, 309; 1854, 312; 1855, 302; 1856, 435; 1857, 227; 1858, 338; 1859, 42-44, 57, 61, 71, 85, 91, 544; 1860, 323-358, 359-402; 1861, 506-525; 1863, 156; 1866, 46; 1867, 154-163; 1868, 6 ; 1869, 66-70. book notice on, 1868, 576; 1871, 430. champagne, from chemicals only, 1871, 430. climate needed for, 1863, 480, 481. correspondence on, 1855, 307-309. crop of, in the United States, 1853, 256; 1862, 508; 1868, 217. direction for making currant, 1850, 222 ; 1853, 300. districts of Missouri, 1868, 525. Drs. Gall and Petiol's method of making, 1859, 94. electricity in treatment, and the spectroscope in testing, 1872, 450. estimates of the crops of, 1841, 65 ; 1842, 5 ; 1843, 13 ; 1844, 12. from a bushel of gra^^es, 1845, 949 ; 1853, 306. the Catawba grape, 1845, 311 ; 1853, 301. Scuppernoug grape, 1849, 284 ; 1853, 308 ; 1868, 575. imports and exports of, 1858, 233. in France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Persia, 1861, 625, 626, 627, in Iowa and Southern Michigan, 1871, 231. interrogatories on, 1858, 48. ' making, 1848, 615 ; 1856, 435, 439-445 ; 1860, 323-358, 359-402. at Syracuse, 1869, 447. Dr. Ludwig Gall on, 1860, 323. grape, currant, and blackbei-ry, 1862, 49 in California, 1863, 155: 1874,^425, 427. Missouri, 1869, 545 ; 1872, 489. New York, in Ohio, 1853, 302, 304. the Middle States, 1866, 120. manufacture of champagne, 1855, 304. in Ohio, 1845, 936. mode of making honey, 1860, 300. of detecting artificial coloring in, 1864, 533. popular European, 1863, 483. pounds of grapes to a gallon of, 1873, 434. production of, in France, 1864, 500 ; 1867, 164 ; 1869, 633. remarks on estimate of, crops, 1841, 77 ; 1842, 35 ; 1843, 103 ; 1844, 139, report on, 1845, 950-952. soil on the quality of, 1871, 114. sugar, in making^ 1862, 513 ; 1863, 1.57. treatment and handling of, 1867, 169-17 3. white and red, 1863, 156 ; 1864, 515, 516 ; 1867, 167, 173 ; 1868, 572. yield of, per acre, in North Carolina, 1845, 938. Wintergreeu, berries, for Indian food, 1870, 414. Wisconsin, Agricultural College of. (See University.) Agricultural Society of, 1875. 467. cranberries of, 1872, 442 ; 1873, 461. '^'??? ^o^'^^'l'.^.yflo^f' ^^^^^ ^^^' 1'^'^^' ^^^; 1871, 405; 1872, 505; 1873, 460; 1874, 4iy; 18/6,429-432. farm-stock of, 1863, 606. fish culture in, 1876, 430. forests, etc., of, 1875, 313. for hemp-growing, 1863, 91. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 167 Wisconsin, grape culture in, 1871, 372. bogs ])acke(l in, 187G, 232. laud, farms, and inii)lf'inents of, IS'A, 494. laws of, 18G4, 445; 18G8, 456. live-stock in, 1864, 583 ; 1865, 67 ; 1866, 67 ; 1867, 92 ; 1868, 45 ; 1869, 47 ; 1870, 47 ; 1871, 37; 1872, 43; 1873, 40; 1?'74, 40; 1875, 35; 1876, 112. mineral fertilizers, etc., of, 1869, 580. of lands in, 1867, 108, 117. remarks on crops of, 1842, 16; 1843, 30, 46, 56, 60; 1844, 38, 93; 184.5, 105, 137, 138, 152, 157, 165, 181; 1847, 107, 122, 128, 136; 1848, 120, 136; 1849, 188, 191, 205; 1850, 1, 8, 12; 1851, 4.57, 458, 460, 462, 463, 464 ; l^o2, 327, 328, 329, 330, 332, 333; 1853, 126, 152, 153, 1(;3, 204, 221, 225, 276, 292 ; 18.54, 135, 136, 148, 152, 16«, 186, 291, 292, 298, 317 ; 18.",5, 295. stock-raising in, 1853, 19, 47. tabular estimate of crops of. (See Crop.) wbeat croi)s of, 1870, 502; 1871, 405. Wood, cbecking gro-svtb of, 1863, 550. conversion of, into iron or stone, 1844, 463. ^reat consum])tion of, in Obio, 1872, 501. insects feeding on, 1868, 117. iron, 1870, 411. macbines for sawing, 1866, 235. metbod of seasoning, 1870. 619. of Honduras, 1^^()4, 489. preservation of, by Ibuberir's ]>roces8, 1843, 240, 330; 1866, 495. preservation of, bv .sul|)liat«' ot iron, l^'43, 7. witb salt, 1844, 457 ; 1866, 4iH5. tannin, creosote, etc., 1874, 273. revenue i)aid by, 1865, 231. saul, teak, eagle, and aloe, 1870, 189. "NVeodebuck, description, babits, etc., of, 1856, 82 ; 1863, 269. Woodcock, as a game bird, 1864, 377, 378, 442-446. benctit to farmers, 1865, 44. food, babits, elc. of, l.'^63, 285; 1864, 376, 377. A\'()( :(l|u'(k('r, babits, food, nest, eggs, etc., of, 1856, 143; 1863, 280, 292, 293; lt64, 396, 397, :;98 ; 1865, 37, 38 ; 1,^()7, 205. Wolf, bounty for tbe scalp of. in Iowa, l^tU, 172. (lest luctiou ol'sbcci* by ])r;iirie, 1S4)8, 43. in bvbridizing witb the dog, l.*^(»3, l^^l. scientilic classilication of tbe, 1863, 268. Wolvj-rine, or glutton, 1858, 245, 246. Woman, American, 1866, 44 I. j^ardcniiig for tbe bcaltb of. l'^71, 412. imliistiial ediicatiou of, 1"^71, 336-34(5. in Paris, ISdO, 448. Wool, aitidc on, 184.5, 1013. MIT; ls|7. 271: l-JH, 627-6:V> ; 1^^49, 212. 241. 251: IS'^O, 129-144, 2.5:i-2.57 ; 1s51,1K;; is^,!, n9, i:{7 : 1^64.204-223; 1.-67. 119: 1-71, 1-7- 211; 187.5, 207-244. Australian, sent to En;;lan. c6 ; 1855, 2; 1>74. 233. cli|> in Minnesota, bS)3, 32. combinj; and «b'laino, 1870, 512. comparisons of, l-("»7, 3.52, consnmplion and pitulnction (»f. 1S4)2, 2>*5, v.'-i , "."I', coriesiu.ndcnce on, IHl'J, 112, 176, i:;». 1^5, 191: 1K5(». 211. 22l». 2:W, i«, 315, :{30, 351, 3.5(5. 371, 3'.>2. :'.l»5. 40.".. 4(»7. 441 : 1-51. 1.52. l'-' ^ l-.V VM\ •'' . 212 23:?, 23(5. 320. :5.'>(», :i.52. 3.59, 3(545, ;177. ;i.-\», 3-V. :n>7. 401. I 112, 417. ll.'. 440, 451, 1.5(5. 458, 4(5,5. 4^^0, 493; ISVJ, 103, 142. 115, 1-6. l5'7, 2oJ. 217, 'A'!, 2"J0, 23(5, 251, 258, 2(53, 277. 283. 2^1. 2.'^5. 308. 312. 32^. 311, 343, 168 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Wool, cost of growing, 1851, 349, 367, 385, 410, 487; 1852, 84, 156, 162, 191, 285; 1855, 50. cotton and, 1862, 550. exportation of, 1853, 38 ; 1874, 71. felting, fulling, and scales of, 1851, 79-81. fluctuation of values of, 1862, 261. from Russia, 1S55, 45. future consumption of, 1862, 264 growing in Alabama, 1852, 71, 74. Australia, 1874, 438. on the prairies, 1870, 306. healthfulness of, for clothing, 1862, 269. imports of, 1862, 265, 551 ; 1864, 171 ; 1868, 51 ; 1872, 91. into Great Britain, 1848, 740 ; 1862, 266. Liverpool annual, report, 1845, 1020. long, 1864, 243, 244. and fine, 1862, 255, 256. machinery for burring, etc., lS-i7, 61. carding, 1846, 66. combing, 1844, 476. I)reparing cotton and, 1848, 33. manufactures of, imported and exported, 1858, 224. markets for, 1876, 211-227, 242-250. method of storing, 1863, 236. merino from Spain, Portugal, and Germany, 1859, 289. mutton versus, 1862, 251. of South Down sheep, 1856, 19. the world, 1868, 445. present and future of, 1862, 266. price of, in Maine, 1852, 124. production in Asia, 1870, 301. Iowa, 1864, 169. New Mexico, 1869, 621. Pennsylvania, 1847, 211. the United States, 1864, 198. of fine, in the United States, 1847, 251. qualities required, and matresses of, 1847, 308, 509. quality of, in the Northern and Southern States, 1857, 55. Persian, 1871, 461. remarks on sheep and, 1845, 338. rules for buying and selling, 1868, 502. shears and other instruments, 1847, 280. sketch of Silesian, culture, 1847, 253. sorting and cleaning of, 1854, 46. statistical report on, etc., 1864, 505-514. statistics of, 1864, 512, 602; 1865,75; 1866,90; 1867,120: 1868,51: 1869,54; 1870, 52; 1871, 38; 1872, 91; 1873, 63; 1874, 71. ' > > ; , the, bearing goat, 1863, 220. interest in the United States, 1867, ix. Wisconsin, 1871, 406 ; 1872, 506 ; 1873, 464. Pacific States for, growing, 1864, 477, 480. trade, 1847, 294, 656 ; 1849, 512. utilizing the grease of, 1870, 619. weight of merino fleeces, 1859, 294. Woolen, first incorporated, factory, 1871, 402. healthiness of, 1862, 268. machinery in the United States, 1862, 257. manufactured in the United States, 1873, 67. manufacturers, 1864, 36, 179. mills, 1868, 446; 1872, 506; 1874, 277. preparation of, fibres, 1843, 260. statistics of, manufacturers, 1862, 282. tendency of, manufacture, 1862, 256. ''\\''''?LifPf*i3:^n^??'^^^' 1862,265; 1865,79; 1866, 92, 93; 1867, 125; 1868, 51; 1869, 54; 1870, 52, 53; 1871, 39; 1875, 240. ' ' Worm, ' action of hot, 1872, 130. ^■'i^cS?'i^.''^o?A'cf'' ®'^^'' ^^^1' 374-382; 1862, 390-394; 1865, 92, 93; 1866, 37; 1od7, 74; lo70, 81, INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 169 Worm, army, 1866, 41, 200; 1870, 83; 18Ti, 84, 376; 1872, 118; 1873, 162, 391. basket or case, and army, 1864, r52. Ijoll, 1850, 2u9i 1854, 64 ] 1^55, U9; 1866, 199; 1870, 84; 1871, 84, 411. book, 1868, 99. cabbage, 1871, 411 ; 1872, 123. canker, 1864, 554; 1866, 39; 18^7, 357; 1870, 85; 1872, 123; 1874, 129. common silk, 1866, 35, 36, 37 ; 1868, 296, 297, 298, 301 ; 1870, 82. corn, 1854, 69 ; 1855, 98 ; 1857, 123 ; 18t;4, 554. cotton, army, 1844, 117; 1867, 58, 60; 1872, 118; 1873, 9, 162, 164, 165; 1874, 128. cranberry frnit, and vine, 1869, 207 ; 1870, 85. currant, joint, parsley, and tomato, 1864, 546-549; 1870, 77. cut, 1855, 68; 185.-^, 271; 1864, 553; 1865, 239; l'^66, 19-; 1870, 530; 1672, 122. daujage done l)y, 1^!()9, 632. drop or hang, i'^55, 79; 1859, 551. earth, 1868, 117. eel and lilac measuring, 1871, 81, 83. European glow, 1868, 95. grub, 1861, 598, 602; 1872, 122; 1874, 129. injuring the osier willow, 1873, 254. joint, 1854, 76. meal, 1863, 569; 1868, 100. names of different classes of, 1861, 586. native silk, 1864, 551 ; 1867, 74, 75. new European cabbage or heart, 1870, 78; 1871, 41 1. peach tree, 1872, 112. strawberry and the clover, 1867, 73; 1870, h4. parasite destroying potato and tobacco, 1873, 158, 159. pear or apple, i860, 316 ; 1864, 555 ; 1865, 205 ; 1870, 513, remedy lor, in horses, 1860, 85. salt for destroying, l':;44, 40. small cotton span, 1855, 91. snake, 1872, 115. span or loopcr, 1855, 90, 92. tobacco, 1866, 30, 42; 1869, 296; 1872, 123; 1874, 129. tomato, 1870, 80 ; 1873, 158. wire, 1861, 608 ; 1863, 566 ; 1865, 89 ; 1868, 94 ; 1870, 67. Wormwood, propagation of, 1854, 389. Wren, Bewicks and long-billed marsh, 1863, 300; 1864, 41r!. Carolina or mocking, 18«")3, 300; 1865, 41. ruby-crowned, and golden-crested, l.-:63, 295. short-billed marsh, wood, and winter, lf^63, 3(M>; 1S64, 419. the house, 1863, 300; 1864, 352, 419; 18r>5, 41. Writing, machine for, 1845, 32. Wiirtemberg, statistics of population, productions, animals, (tf.. 1*76, 2,55-270. Wyoming, artich3 on, 1870, .54.8-559. forests, etc., of, 1875, 333. of a soda h(ke in, 1^71,237. ])ublic lan8, 205. chemical analysis of. 1-57, 1(15. Chinese and Indian, in Cliiua, l'^»0, 474. cult ivnt ion of, in Missouri, 1>^59. 558. dilbnnt spcrieM of, 1H59, :il(>. theChiufse, 1854, xvii, 169; 1855,223; 1850,251. uses anil cull ivat ion of. I>,'.4, :W) ; 1K'>5, xiii, 2*Ji : I-:.«-, -•1, 252. Yamadou, source and use of, oil, I'^/O, 17.5. Yarrow, value of, MS fo.lder, 1847, 520; ISC^^, 513. ^'^^ INDEX TO AGEICULTURAL REPORTS. Yellows, cause of, and remedy for, 1850, 268: 1852, 231: 1853 286- 18«^ 9f)a om peach, 1850, 97 ; 1872, 195. ' ' ' ' ^^' '^^^^ ^"'^• supposed cause of, 1870, 520: 1871, 120; 1872, 197 lellow-bird, / 7 ; , . the coiiimou, 1864, 421 ; 1865, 41. summer, 1863, 282 • 18-34, 352, 410. Yellow-throat, the Maryland, 1863, 282; 1884, 406; 1865, 41. Tellow-wood, ' 7 , as an ornamental tree, 1868, 199, 201, 203 Yew, for hedges, 1854, 404. Yield, increased by supplying plant food, 1876, 390. large, 1876, 139, 389, 413. of crops, 1876, 91, 264. Youkon, salmon fisheries of, river, 1870, 384. Territory of Alaska, 1838, 172-178. Yucca, as food and an ornamental plant, 1864, 494, 495 chemical analysis of, 1872, 140. Zante, ZebrT'^''''* ™''' '''' Corinth grape, 1855, sx; 1856, 445-447; 1858, 348-355. hybridization aiid description of, 1863, 181; 1865, 96. of BurchelPs, 1865, 96. ' ^ j Zebu, description and hybridization of, 1865, 96. INDEX OF SCIENTIFIC NAMES NAMES OF BIRDS. Accipiter Cooperi, imii, 290; 181)4, :W9. fuscus, imy.i, "21)0; 18(34, 389. Accipitriuie, 1803, 27"^. ^•jjialitis voci ferns, 1803, 30G. ^giotliUH liiiarins, 18(53, 3(J1. Agelaius plKLMiiceiis, l.-:()4, 4'26. Alaudida', 18o3, 282. 284, ::01. Alcedinida', 18(j;',, 2-1. 21M. Aininodroiuus caiidacutii.s, l"^i)4, 422. inaritinius, 18(i4, 422. Auipelis cedioriuii, 18G3, 2f^:i, 299; 18G4, 413. Anas boschas, 1852, 364. (dalila) liahaincn.sis, 18(53, 100. AusLT Caiiadciisis, 1K')4. 447; 18(52, 371. ferns, 1862, 370. Indicns. 1865. lOl. Anlhns Lndovicianns, 18i):{, 293. Autrostomns voti ferns, 18. 13, 294 ; 1864, 399. Aqnila Canadensis, 1863, 279, 291 ; 1864, 392. leucocephala, 1836, 114; 1863,279. Aqnilin.-e, lb63, 278, 279. Arehibuteo, 1«63, 291. Sancti-Joliannis, 1836, 87 ; 1863, 291. Arctitnrns Bartramins, I8v)3, 3(J7. Ardea Americana, 1836, 136. Ardeida', l-i^i, 3(16. Astnr a(ri(ai.illns. 18(33, 278, 290. Atbeniuie, 1863, 279. B. Berniela rnficollis, 1H63, 101. Bonibycillida', 1863, 282. 283, 299. Bonasa Sabinei, 18(34, 364. nnibelb)id«>s, 1864, 361. nnil)elhis, 1H(;3, 28-^, 3(16; 1H">4, 3(32. BotaiiniK Icndgiiiosns. l'^!)3, 3(K). Bracbvolns C'assini, IK'C), H7 ; 18(33,292; isr>4. 393. Biib(. Vir-inianus, 1H;33, 279. 291 : 1H34, :J93. ibibonina-. \!^i\:i 279. IbUro b(nvalis, IS.V,, HI; IS,;::, 27S. -JlMl; 1H64, :190. lineal ns, 1H63, 27.-^. 291 ; l-r.4, 39(». Pennsvlvaniens, 1^63, 21>1 ; 1H64, 390. Bnteoniiue, 1803, 278. Butorides virescens, 1SI)3, 30(3. ('. Calliju-pla s<|nan»a(a, 1864, 373. Canace CauadcuMis, 1864, 369. Franklini, 1864, 370. Caprininliiida-, l.-'63, 281, 294. Cardinalis Vir^inianns, 1863, 303. Cardnelis tristis, lr<72. 127. Carptxlucns pnri»ureu8, l'S)3, .301 ; 18*34, :i34, 420. Cathartes a(ratns. 1^^(33, 27^^. anra. 1^^(33, 278. 29<). Cen(rneer3, 101. Certbia Americana, l'^63, 3(X>; 1:^64,419. Certlnada- lH,i.{, •2-J.2.--4. Certbii«he l'^63. 3(H>. Ccrvle akvon, 1^63, 294 ; 18(>J. 463, :>(♦)». Cbaradrins \'ir;;iniinns, Ir^tui, 3(M. tristis. Hi3. 301 ; 1-^;4.421. Circus Hntlsonins. \f^\:\, 291 ; 1H34, 391. Cistotborns jjabistris, 1-^63, 3(H»: 1h»;4, 418. stelbiris. 1-^(53, 31K»; 1*^(34,418. Cbimatores, 18(33, 2.H». Cla'pba<;a May;elbinica. 1H3.3. KX). lMdice|)bala, lS33, 101. San,292; 1.'<64,:{IH3. Colaptes auratns, 1.8<)3. 293; 1SJ34.:{1H. Cob'oiiterida\ 1*^(k{, 2*^1. Collyrio borcalis. l•^63, 2^3.299; l'4, 415. Cobimba mi;;ratoria, 1K>4. 4 IT; l"^o6, 151. Ci>1nmb:e, 1S)3, 2S3. Cobnnbida-, l-'63, 30.3. Contojuis borealis, 1^33. -.94. virens. lsi;3,21M; 1S34.401. Corvidie, lr^6;i,2.«^2,2-^l, 304. Corvns Ameri. i:i3; 1863, 305 j 1-^34. :i.'»4, 429. carnivorn.s. I'M*:*, IU)4. ct>n>iir, 1K'>43, 13,3. cristatns. 1K3(3, 140. o.Hsifra;;n>. I^3<3, 137; 1>6J, 303. pica, l"'. «•, i:>^. Cotnrnicnlns jia.H.H<>riutis, H.3;?, 302 ; 18G4, 422.»wi, 1S'.3. 30.». Cotyb' riparia, H 3.;. 2*.»i^; l.-i|. 111. M-rripciini-, isll. 29"^: IS(34, 414 Crt>ssoptilon anriliim, 1S33, W. Ciunliilu-, 1S13, 2H». Jl»2. Cupidonia cnpi«b». ls<3.l. :U)3: l-*i>4. 361. Cinvirostra .Xniericana. IS,3;l, :UM. U'luoptrra, iH6;j, :m. 172 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Cyanospiza cyanea, 1863, 303 ; 1864, 425. Cyanura cristata, 1863, 305 ; 1864, 430. Cvgnus, 1862, 369. nigricoUis, 1865, 100. Cypselid», 1863, 281, 28iJ, 293. Cyrtonix Massena, 1864, 375. D. Dendragapus obscurus, 1864, 367. Richardsonii, 1864, 368. Dendrocygna autumiialis, 1865, 100. Dendroica sestiva, 1863, 282, 297 ; 1864, 352, 410 ; 1866, 239. blackl)iirui£e, 1863, 297. Canadensis, 1883, 297. castanea, 1863, 297. coerulea, 1863, 297. coronata, 1863, 297 ; 1864, 409. discolor, 1863, 297 ; 1864, 411. maculosa, 1863, 297. T) aim arum, 1863, 297. Pennsylvauica, 1863, 297 ; 1864, 400. piuns, 1864, 410. striata, 1863, 297 ; 1864, 411. tigrina, 1863, 297. virens, 1863, 297 ; 1864, 408. Dolichonyx oryzivorus, 1863, 303; 1864, 353, 425. Hi. Ectopistesmigratoria, 1863, 305; 1864, 380. Emberiza oryzivora, 1856, 126. Empidonax Acadicns, 1863, 294. flaviventris, 1863, 295. minimus, 1883, 294 ; 1864, 402. Trailii, 1863, 294. Eremopbila cornuta, 1883, 301. Euspiza albigula, 1863, 303. Americana, 1863, 303. Townsendii, 1863, ,303. F. Falco anatum, 1863, 290 ; 1864, 387. borealis, 1856, 111. columbarius, 1863, 290. fuscus, 1856, 118. halisetus, 18.56, 114. Harlanii, 1856, 112. leucocepbalus, 1856, 114. ^ leverianus, 1856, 111. niger, 1856, 113. ossifragus, 1856, 114. Pennsylvanicus, 1856, 113, 118. peregrinus, 1856, 117. spa,rv6rins, 1863, 290. velox, 1856, 118. Falconidse, 1863, 278, 290; 1864, 387. Fringilla cserulea, 1856, 124. Liidoviciana, 1856, 125. purpurea, 1864, 354. Fringillidte, 1863, 282, 284, 301. ' G. Gallinago Wilsonii,' 1863, 306; 1864, 378. Grallopbasis prelatus, 1865, 99. Gallus, 1862. 359. banticus, 1885, 98. ecaudatus, 1865, 98. giganteus, 1862, 345. morio, 1865, 98. Gambetta flavipes, 1863, 307. melanoleuca, 1863, 306. Geotblypis Pbiladelpliia, 1883, 296. tricas, 1863, 282, 296; 1864, 406. Grall«, 1863, 285. Grallatores, 1863, 277, 285 ; 1865, 44. GruidsB, 1863, 285. Grus Americana, 1856, 156. Canadensis, 1856, 87. Guiraca ca^rulea, 1863, 303. Ludoviciana, 1863, 303; 1864, 424. H. Halisetus leucocepbalus, 1863, 279, 291 } 1864, 392. Harporbyncbusrufus, 1863, 300; 1864, 404 Helmintbopbaga cbrysoptera, 1863, 296. peregrina, 1883, 296. pinus, 1863, 296. ruticapilla, 1863, 296; 1864, 407. Helmitberus vermivorus, 1863, 296. Hirundinidtp, 1863, 282, 283, 298. Hirundo bicolor, 1863, 298 ; 1864, 351, 414. borreorum, 1863, 298 ; 1864, 351, 413. lunifrons, 1863, 298 ; 1864, 413. rufa, 1854, 447. Hylotomus pileatus, 1863, 293; 1864, 397. Hypotriorcbis columbarius, 1863, 278; 1864, 388. Icteria virides, 1863, 296; 1864, 407. Icteridai, 1863, 282, 284, 304. Icterus agripennis, 1856, 126. Baltimore, 1863,284,304, 353; 1864^ 427. pbceniceus, 1856, 128. spurius, 1856, 130; 1883, 304; 1864, 427. Inceesores, 1863, 277, 280; 1865, 38. J. Junco by emails, 1863, 302 ; .1864, 423 ; 1867, 208. Lagopus, 1863, 291. albus, 1864, 371. leucurus, 1864, 370. Laniidse, 1863, 282, 283, Lanius borealis, 1856, 86. excubitor, 1856, 141. Ludovicianus, 1856, 86. septentrionalis, 1856, 141. tyrannus, 1856, 123. Liotricbidge, 1863, 282, 288, 299. Lopbopbanes bicolor, 1863, 301. Lopbopborus Impeyanus, 1865, 99, refulgens, 1865, 99. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 173 Lopbortyx CalifoiuicuH, l^(5i, 373. Gambelii, leG4, 374. Loxia cterulca. ld5G, 124. rosea, 1856, 125. M. :Melaneri)es erj'tlirocepbalus, 1863, 293; 1864, 398. :Me]eagi-i3, 1866, 288. gallopavo, 1862, 362; 1863,305; 1864, 357 ; 1866, 289, 290. Mexicauus. 1864, 360 : 1866, 289, 290. ' ocellatus, 1862, 362 ; 1864, 360 ; 1866, 290. Meliphagidui, 1867, 206. Melospiza Liucolnii. 1863, 302. iiiclcKlia, 1863, 302 ; 18(34, 424. pahistris, 1863, 302 ; 1864, 424. Milviuffi, 1863, 278. Mimiis, 1863, 283. Carolineusis, 1863,283,299; 1864, 405. polyglottn.s, 1863, 299. Mniotilta, 1863, 296. varia, 1863, 29lii()(«)tis, 18(53, 296. On-oityx pictus, 1*^64, 373. Orioliis nmtatus, 185(5, l;5((. Ortyx Trxcnsis. 18(54, 373. N'iiginiamis, 1863, 3(H3 ; L'^(54. 37:5. Oscincs, lr^(53, 2-0, 282. Otus Wilsonianus, 1863, 292; 18(54, 395. r I'andioii Car(»Iiu<'n8iH, 1H63, 279; 18(34, 392. I'aoM sixMitrriis. 1H(55, IH>. l'ari«l:i-. 1S|53, 2SJ, 2^4, 301. I'anila Aiiiciicaiia. 1H53, 29*5 : isc.l. MH\. I'anis ahicapilliis, 1^(53. 3(t| ; \^i\\, I20. Cantlinmsis, 1^(53, :'.(»I. I'assfiTtilns Savanna. 1H53, ;;()2; 1H)4. 121. I'assrrrlla iliara, 1^^153, :',03. J'avo (list at us, 1S()2. 3(59. JN'dioca'(4'.s C«)luiiil)ianii.s, |hj5-1, 3(57. phasianrlhis. l-(;i. 3(57. I rerdicida-, 1^63, 285: 1864, 373. I Perison.-ns Canadensis, 18(34, 430. PLasianiche, 18(53, 305; 1864, 357. Pliasianus Colcliicui>, 18(35. 98. nyr tnemenis, l'^(35, 99. (Thaunialea) pietus, 1865, 99. Philohela minor, 1863, 306; 1864, 376. Picida-. 1863, 2HJ. Pieoides arctions, 18(34, :i97. Picus anratns, I8.'j6, 145. borealiH, 1863, 293. Canadensi.s, 18.56, 143. erytbroeepbalns, l8.'»6, 143. pube.seeus, 1^63, 293; 1864, 396; 18(37, 2(J5. villosns, lHrH5,-143: 18(53,292; 1864, 39;5; l^u, 2(J5. Pinieola Canad«nsi.s. 18i3:{, :i01. Pipih) ervtbroptbaUnUh, I8i5;j, 34, 421. Progne purpurea, 18(5.3, 2i»8 ; 1864, 344, 354, 414. Protonotaria citrea, 18(3;i, 29(5. Psittacus Carolineusis, 1>.")6, 151 ; l*^, 21U. Pyranga a?.stiva, 18(>3, 298, rubra, 1863, 298; 1864, 412. ^^ Quisealus major, 18.5(3, 131. versicolor, K.45, l'X\; 1863, 304; l-(54. 42-". K. Rallus elegans, l-'5(), 1.55. Raptores. 1H53. 277, 27"^. Rasoret*, 1S(53, 277, 2>4 : 18(55, 44. Regulus eahndula. l-(5;5, 21>5. satrapa, 1^63, 295. Rbyac«»i»bilu8 s;{, :WM ; l?^U 42-. Seolopaciihe, 1H5;{, 3l>i5. .Seolopbax j:al!inay:o. \4, 4(^-. Sefopba^a ruti«illa, I'M.:?. 2'>: 1-:i; 18G4, 3117; IH>*7. 2iV\, 423. f«K i»li». 1 ; 1S'>4, 3:»2, 423; 1- ■ . ,' 174 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Squatarola Helvetica, 1863, 306. Strigidse, 1863, 279 ; 1864, 393. StriginiE, 1863, 279. Strisores, 1863, 280. Strix nebulosa, 1856, 120. nyctea, 1856, 119. • pratiucola, 1863, 279, 291; 1864, 393. Virginiana, 1856, 121. Sturnella magna, 1863, 304 ; 1864, 356, 427. Sturuus prffidatorius, 1856, 128. Suruia nlula, 1864, 395. Sylvia sestiva, 1864, 409. SylvicoMte, 1863, 282, 295. Syrnina?, 1863, 279. Syrnium cinereum, 1863, 279. nebulosum, 1863, 292; 1864, 395. T. Tetrao Canadensis, 1856, 153. umbellus, 1856, 141, 142, 151 ; 1864, 415. urogalloides, 1864, 361. urogallus, 18G4, 361. Tetraouida?, 1863, 305. Thryotliorus Bewickii, 1863, 300. Tinuunculus sparverius, 1863, 278: 1864, 388. Tringoides inaciilarins, 1863, 286, 307. Trochillidse, 1863, 281, 293. ' Trochilns colnbris, 1863, 293 ; 1864, 399. Troglodvtes ocdon, 1863^ 300; 1864, 352,. 419. Americanns, 1863, 300. byemalis, 1863, 300. Turdidffi, 1863, 282. Turdina?, 1863, 295. Turdus aliciai, 1863, 295. fuscescens, 1863, 295 ; 1864, 403. migratorius, 1856,. 134; 1863, 282, 295 ; 1864, 351, 404 ; 1866, 239, mustelinus, 1863, 295 ; 1864, 402. Pallasi, 1863, 295 ; 1864, 403. Swainsonii, 1863, 295 ; 1864, 404. TyrannusCarolinensis, 1863, 281, 294 ; 1864, 353,400; 186B, 88.' V. Virea flavifrons, 1863, 289 ; 1864, 417. gilvus, 1863, 299 ; 1864, 416. Koveboracensis, 1863, 299 ; 1864, 417. olivaeens, 1863, 299 ; 1864, 416. Pbiladelphicus, 1863, 299. solitarius, 1863, 299 ; 1864, 417. virescens, 1863, 299. Vulturidse, 1863, 278, 290. Z. Zenaidura Caroliuensis, 1863, 305. Zonotrichia albicollis, 1863, 302; 1864, 422» leucophrys, 1863, 302. NAMES OF FISHES. A. Acantharchiis poniotis, 1866, 410. Acerina cermia, 1860, 310. Alosa priestabilis, 1859, 224, 230 ; 1862, 55 1868, 322. tyranmis, 1859, 230. vulgaris, 1860, 310. Ambloplites jeneus, 1866, 410. rupestris, 1866, 410, 411. Amiurus, 1866, 416. atrarins, 1836, 416. catus, 1866, 416. Dekayii, 18o6, 416. Anabus scandens, 18oG, 417, 418. Arclioplites interruptns, 1866, 410. Argentinina?, 1866, 414. Argyrosomus, 1866, 414. Atlieriua notata, 1864, 470. B. Betta puguax, 1866, 417. Boleosonia tesselatum, 1864, 460. C. Callicbtbys, 1866, 416. Carassius auratns, 1866, 415. Catostomus conimnuis, 1864, 460. teres, 1870, 388. Ceutrarcbi, 1866, 411. Centrarchida^, 1866, 409. Centrarchinie, 1866, 409. Centrarcbines, 1866, 410. Centrarcbus a?nens, 1859, 224. irideus, 1866, 410. Cbffinobryttus, 1866, 410. Cicblid*,' 1866, 409. Clupea mirabilis, 1870, 380. sagax, 1870, .380. Cobitis barbatnla,.1860, 310. Coregonus, 1866, 414. albus, 1859, 224,227; 1862,55; 1868, 322, 330. fera, 1800, 311. lavaretns, 1830, 311. nianena, 1860, 311. mnksun, 1870, 386. nasns, 1870, 386. palea, 1860, 311. Cottus, 1870, 388. Cyuoscion Carolinensis, 1866, 408. Cyprinns barbus, 1860^ 310. brama, 1830, 310. carpio, 1860, 310. crassiiis, 1860, 310. erytliropbtbalma, 1860, 310. tinea, 1860, 310. E. ■ Esox affiuis, 1866, 413. cypbo, 1866, 413. estor, 1859,224; 1862,55 1870, 387.. 1866, 412 ; INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 175 EsGX fasciatiis, 1860,4113. luciiis, 1800,304, 310; 1866,411,412. lucioidcs, l!H')(), 412. nobilior, 1800, 412. Ravenelii, 1600, 413. reticnlatns, 1859, 224 ; 1802, 55 ; 1860, 412, 413. umbroBUS, 1806. 413. Eumicrotremus orbis, 1^70, 382. F. Fundulus fasciatus, 1864, 459. G. Gadns ^rpacilis, 1870, 380. lolt, 1860,311. nuK rocc])lialns, 1870, 375. polymorpbus, 1870, 380. Gasterostciis, 18()4, 4(;0. Gobio fliiviatilis, 1800, 310. saxatilis, 1800, 302. Grystes fasciatus, 1808, 322. mogastoTua, 180(5,408. nigricans, 18.')9, 224 ; 1866, 408. sahnoides. lii&\ 408. H. Hai)loidonotus giniinicnw, 1800, 416. Heniib'pidotus trachiirii.s, 1870, 382. Hexagiauinia Stcllcrii, 1870,382. Hippocampus Ilndsoiiianns, 1804, 470. ingcns. l^-zO. 3.'^2. Hippoglossus vulgaris, 1870,381. Hopladelus liniosus, 18J)(), 41(5. Hoplostornuin, l'^()(), 41(5. Hyi>oristius licxacaiitlius, 18(56, 410. Hypomcsus olidus, 1870. 382. Hyysifario, 1800, 414. 1. Ictalurus, 1.80(5, 410. L. Labrax lincatua, 1850, 224, 230; 1862, 55. nigricans, 18(5(5, 407, 408. Lci)()nHn:c, 18(5(5. 401). Lci)()niincs, 1H()15. 409. I^cponiis a])pcn7. Luciopcrca, 18(5S, 33(1. Americana. 1859. 224, 227 lHr)(5, l(H5. Sandra. IH50, 30.5, 310. Liiciotrutta Icucicthys, 1><7(I, 386. M. Mac lopodus \ iridi-.iiiral MS. l-tis, 320. Mallotus villosus. 18(;(;. 411; I^TO, ;W2. Micropt«'ri, 1H5(5. 4(i-^. Microptcrus acliigan, 1>(5(5. 1(»-. nigricans, l-«(;t5. J(W. Moreno, 1866, 4(M5. Morone Americana, 1866, 407. interrupta, 1866, 407. Moxostoma oblongum, 1866, 408. N. XoturuH gyrinufl, 1866, 416. lemniHcatu.s, 1866, 416. O. Oncborhynchus, 1868, 414. lagoccpbalns, 1870, .*?d3. lycaOdon. 1870, 38:^ oricntali.-*, l'"7(», \ir*M. protcu-s. 1-^0. .ir*:i. .<, 1H50, ^02. Platcssa stellatns, l«^0, :W2. Pb'coglns.siua'. 1H5(5, 414. Plecoglossns altivclis. 1H5<). 414. Pl«Mir(»ncctcs<|u;jdritulM'rculatTia, 1870,.'W2. Pomolis aureus, 1S5(5. 40*9. vulgaris, l"^5-i. 459; 1*^56. 40l>. Ponioxvs(IIvi)cristi\is) bcxacanthus, 18156, 411. Petromv/on lbi\ iatilii^. 1?^60. 310. li. Rctropiuii.i Riclianl.sonii. 186^5. 413. Roo-ius rbrysops, IH45<5. 406. lincatUH. iNk). 406. S. Salmo. 1H()4>, 414. alpinus. l^^O. iWi. coulinis. 1-^59. 224. 227; ISei. ». cpclanus. l-^tU), 310. fario, I>00. :WU. 304, 310. fonlinali.H. 1^59.224: 1HI£>. 5:.; I*W. xt). :ti2. Glorrrii, 1^6-*. :CM). ffnicilis. lHi«5, 413, lucb... IH50. 301, :nM. ;uir», mr7. :wa, 3n». irtoMstriH. i-^io. :m. :wi, :\\\. purpura! UH, l, 37. vastator, 1847, 150. Apbodii, 1865, 40. Apb()>8, 314. columbina, 18.54, 61 ; 1835, 06^ 105. Anna, 1871, 74. grandis, l^•74, 123; 1875,118. spiuosa, l-(;<>, 43 ; 1^74, 123 ; 1875, 11-, 121. Artbromacra yEiua, 1-'«W, 101. Articulata, l-^v-^, 3(H;. Asilida-, H66, 44; I'-i;-, 'M7. Asilus, l'-()6, 44. .sericrus, \r*i'A\, 44. Asopia costalis, 1*^67, 73; 1870, 84. Asimliotus citricola, li^U, 43. (Coccu.s) eitricolu, 1876, 43. (ilovi'rii, l)-76, 41. • comlnfnniii.s, Irjiii), 319; 1*^)7, 73; 1M(U),5;M>; 1870, '-';<: 1876, 43. cryptoganius. 1H(*^1^ :}12. furl urns, 1. •?(;<>, 313. Hari>ii, 1-70, s* ; i^»;, 43. piuifolia, 1-76, 4:?, 45. Astoma locustaruin, 1-74, 13-. Ateucus ^Egyptioruni. !-<>.-, 84». Attacus Cecropia, l-»;4, 543, 551 ; 1865, 93; i8r)(>, :r7. 41. Cyntbia, 1862, 390, :{i)l ; l-<;4, 542, 551 : 1865, 3.5, 92, 9:5 : l-lV). 37, 38. l^eruyi, 1^66, :i8; l-7(». -, -1. Polv'pb<«mus, IH^VI, .V)l : 1.8«>5, 93, 94: isk;. :r7. Pronietbia. 1-1,4. ,551 ; 1866, 37. yaiiia-iiiai. l-7. Aulaci/us (Trttigonia) innllinos, 1876, 32. AulouiuMi (Colvtliuin) paralitdopipeduni, 1868," 83, H»5. 11:?. B. Baccba, l-()»), 45. Balaninus nasicus. 1870. 70. n*ttuH, 1^7(^ 70. Sayii, 1^61, |',4)5. Baridius cbbuis, l-4i.5. 1H>. triM(»tatnM, l-rc». IH). Belo.stonui, 1-7. lUis-HUs li'U(optoni!t, 1-75, VH. I Bidrtotbrni.H (liolrtophaisua) coniutti8| j 1-r,-. 1(M>, nn>. Boinbiis torn'Mtri"*. l-^JO, 338. Hoiubyrida', 1SV-, Mi. I Bombyliorii, I8tk), 45. 178 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Bombyliidffi, 1868, 317. Bombyx (Attacus) arrmdia, 1861, 375 ;' 1868, 284. bauMnise, 1865, 93 ; 1866, 38. perayi, 1865, 93. Cecropia, 1868, 284. Cyntbia, 1861, 374, 375, 380, 382 ; 1868, 284. madrona, 1866, 37. mori, 1864, 485, 543 ; 1865, 93 ; 1866, 35; 1867, 75, 470; 1868, 284; 1869,636; 1870, 82; 1871,7. mylitta, 1866, 38 ; 1868, 284. yama-mai, 1865, 93 ; 1866, 38 ; 1868, 284. Bostricbidse, 1865, 91. Bostricbini, 1868, 99. Bostricbus (Apate) aspericollis, 1867, 71. bicaudatus, 1860, 321; 1873, 391. Bracbes, 1868, 92. Bracbinus, 1861, 591. fumans, 1868, 79, 114. Bracbys terminans, 1868, 92. Bracbytarsus variiis, 1865, 91. Bracouides, 1866, 41. Brocbymena arborea, 1875, 117. Brontes planatus, 1865, 91. Broscus cejibalotes, 1865, 88. Brucbus fabsB, 1871, 375. flavimanus, 1849, 338, 339, 340; 1870, 71. granarius, 1849, 338, 339, 340; 1870, 71. obsoletiis, 1870, 72. pisi, 1849, 338, 339, 340, 341 ; 1870, 71, 72; 1871, 375; 1872, 123. sinuatus, 1870, 72. varicomis, 1870, 72. Bryaxis, 1868, 82, 110. Buprestidae, 1861, 606, 609; 1863,274,280; 1864, 439; 1865, 89; 1868, 91, 109, 307. Buprestis, 1860, 319, 320; 1861, 606, 607; 1863, 566 ; 1865, 39 ; 1868, 91, 92 ; 1870, 67. (Ancylocbira) lineata, 1868, 91. Byrrbidae, 1868, 83. Byturus, 1868, 106. tomentosus, 1868, 85, 109, 114. unicolor, 1868, 85, 109. C. Cselidea (Jassus) sub-bifasciata, 1876, 32. Calambius gracilis, 1865, 89. Calandra, 1861, 604. granaria, 1849, 335; 1854, 71, 72 ; 1858, 23. oryzse, 1849, 153, 332, 334 ; 1854, 71, 72 ; 1866, 41. palmarum, 1861, 604. Calatbus latus, 1868, 80, 116. Calipbagon barbatum, 1861, 611. Callidium bajulus, 1861, 616. violaceum, 1861, 616. Callimome, 1872, 127. Callipbora vomitoria, 1872, 132. Calocoris (Capsus) bimaculatus, 1875, 125. Caloptenus, 1872, 117. femur-riiber, 1867, 65; 1868, 28; 1870, 76; 1871,78; 1872, 121 ; 1873, 155 ; 1874, 136, 137. spretus, 1866, 28; 1867, 65; 1869, .541; 1870, 76; 1871, 77, 78, 80 ; 1872,' 121 ; 1873, 155 ; 1874, 125, 136, 137. Calosoma, 1865, 91 ; 1868, 79. calidum, 1861, 591; 1866, 39; 1868, 79, 106, 114 ; 1874, 123. scrutator, 1861, 592; 1866, 39; 1868, 79, 106, 114. Wilcoxii, 1861, 592. Comptorbiua (Omaloplia) vespertina, 1868, 87, 115. Camr)yloueura vitripennis, 1871, 237; 1875, 125. Cautbarides, 1859, 103, 122; 1866, 39; 1868, 106. Cantbarididffi, 1863, 275. Cantbaris, 1869, 636. atrata, 1868, 103. cinerea, 1872, 120. marginata, 1868, 103. strigosa, 1855, 88. vesicatoria, 1886, 34. vittata, 1854, 60 ; 1876, 324. Cantbon lasvis, 1861, 600; 1868, 86, 108, 111. volvens, 1861, 600. Capsidge, 1875, 137. C apsides, 1875, 125. Capsus, 1875, 138. bimaculatus, 1875, 125. confraterna, 1875, 125. linearis, 1867, 71. vitripennis, 1875, 125. Carabidai, 1861, 588, 589, 591, 593, 594; 1863,274,565; 1865,91; 1866, 39; 1868, 110, 114, 307. Carabus, 1854, 62; 1865, 39, 91. ligatus, 1861, 592. Carpocapsa iponionella, 1854, 82; 1860, 315; 1869,536; 1870,86; 1871, 375; 1872, 116. Carpopbilini, 1868, 83. Carpopbilus, 1855, 97. bemipterus, 1868, 83, 107, 109, 111. sexpunctatus, 1865, 91. Caryberus artbreticus, 1870, 71. Catocala, 1868, 314. Cebrio bicolor, 1868, 94. gigas, 1868, 94. Cebrionidai, 1868, 94. Cecidomyia, 1844, 172; 1868, 317; 1869, 207. destructor, 1844, 39, 162 ; 1849, 133; 1854, 72; 1864, 354; 1872, 121, 123, 126. (Aspbondylia) grossularise, 1872, 127. robinisB, 1872, 127. tritici, 1844, 39, 133, 167, 169; 1851, 140; 1854, 71, 74; 1866, 40, 42. Cecigense, 1875, 123. Centronipus calcaratus, 1868, 100, 112. Cepbaloidaj, 1868, 103. Cepbaloon lepturides, 1868, 103. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 179 Cephus pygmaeus, 1864, 547 ; 1866, 42. Cerambycidae, 1861, 610, 613 ; 1863, 275, 280. Ceraphron, 1872, 126. Ceratomia quadricorDis, 1866, 42. Cercopid*, 1876, 30, Cercopis bicincta, 1876, 30. Ceresa, 1876, 24. bubalus, 1876,29, .30. diceros, 1876, 29. Cerostoma brassicella, 1866, 41 ; 1871, 82. Cetonia, 1861, 601 ; 1863, 298. hirta, 1868, 90, 105. Inda, 18.55, 96. melancbolica, 1854, 61; 1855,96: 1868, 89. Cetoniadse, 1861, 601 ; 1863, 274. Cetoniini, 1868, 89, 109, 115. Ceutorbvncbus macula-alba, 1865, 90. Chalcididffi, 1858, 259, 260 ; 1866, 42 ; 1876, 35, 42. Chalcis, 1866, 42 ; 1869,207; 1870, 513; 1872, 126 ; 1876, 39. Chalcopboia liberta, 1868, 91, 113. Virgiiiica, 1861,607; 1868,91, 113. Cbaulioguathusmarginatiis, 1855, 98 ; 1868, m, 108. Peunsvlvanicus, 1854, 60; 1868,96. Chermes, 1866, 33. . Chilocorusbivuluerus, 1858, 261 ; 1863, 579 ; 1865, 91 ; 1866, 39. Cbion garganicum, 1861,614. Clilorops, 1866, 42. frit, 1872, 134. tajniopus, 1872, 134. Cbry.sobothri8, 1868, 91. calcarata, 1868, 92. 112, 113; 1870, 67. dentipes, 1868, 92, 112. feniorata, 1860, 318; 1861, 607; 1866, 42; 1868, 92, 104, 112; 1870, 67. HaiTisii, l."^6-^, 92, 113. Chry8omelidaj, 1865, 91 ; 1868, 308. Chrysopa, 1866, 40 ; 1872, 133 ; 1876, 35. plorabnnda, 1870, 514. Chrysops, 1863, 276 ; 1872, 129. Cicada, 1851, 57 ; 1855,70; 1862, 386; 1864, 5.59 ; 1866, 43 ; 1867, 70 ; 1868, 315 ; 1869, 544 ; 1871, 79 ; 1872, 1*>. pruiiiosa, 1876, 24, 27. septendccim, 1859, 554; 1866, 29; 1867, 67; 1868, 456; 1875, 115; 1876, 25, 325. Cicadidiu, 187(5, 24. Ciciudola, 1854, 62 ; 1866, 38 ; 1868, 97. dorsalis. 1861, ,590. puncfulata, 18<)1, 590. 8exgn4tata, 18r>1..590. vulgaris, 1S61,. 589; 1868,79, 114. Cicindclidiu, 1861, 58l> ; 1863. 274,565 ; 1865, 91; 1868, 78, 114. Cimcx bM'tuiarius, 1875, 127. Cimicidii;, 186*<, 31(5. Cistcla c«'raiul)()i(los, 1868, 101, 112. Horicra, 1868, 101. Cistt'lida', 1868, 109. Clastoptora (Conopis), 1876, 31. protons, 1869, 207. Clastoptera (Cercopis) protens, 1876, 31. Claviger foveolatus, 1868, 82, 104. CleoDNinus clisiocampifc, 1866, 42. Cleri,'l8^J8, 97, 106. Clerida', Ir^l, 95: 1866. 39; 1868, 97, 109, 114, 307. Clems, 1868, 114. IVu alvearins, 1868, 106, apiariu.s, 1868, 97, 106. (Thanasiinu.s) formicarins, 1868,97. icbnenmoneus, 1861,. 596. Clisiocauipa Americana, 18.58, 389; 1860, 321 : 1866, 21», 42; 1870, 83. decipi«m.s, 1866, 42. Clytus arctuatu.s. l^^J^), >-*9. llt', I'^O. 7:{. (ArbopaluH) pictus, 1865, 89; 1870, 73. robinia*, 1"'61. 616. sagitTatus (pnbeHcens), I'-TO. 73. Coccida-, 18<*)3, 275; 186r?, 31.5. Coccinella, 18.54, 62, S:>: 18,5.5. 113; ia57, 124 ; 18-V>-. 2t;i ; 18*>4, 433 ; 1871. 74: 1872, 120; 1873, ir>4: 1H74, 125. iiiunda. l'-74, 123. Dovctiinotata, 1874, 12^. Coccinellida*, l'?«>.>, 274 : 1865, 91 : 1866. .39; 1868, :i08: 1875, 123; 1876, :}5, 43. (Colrcqitfra), 1876. 42, 44. Coccus, 1851, 57 : !<>;'>, 115, ll*-: 1K>. 257, 25H. 2.59, 25j. 2ti9 ; 1360, 312: l-^>4, 559. 561; 1865, 91; lr'67, 141. cacti, 1851. .59: 1855, xxxiv; 1«64, 43:^. ceritcra, 1866, 'X\. cocbinillifer. l-Hy^. 26^. 269. Glov.rii, 1>^6. 41, 43. ilicis. Km, li: l-^Jti, 33. lacca, \-MM\, 34: 18«;8. 269. maiiuiparu."*, Ij^TO. 1*^4. ])ini(»i'iti(is, l-7(), 44. rolonicu.^., i-^tk;, :u. CoDlinu.s iiigrr, 1872, 134. CoeliodesiuaMpialis, 18(n",72; 1868, 83; 1870, 70. CaMiocara oculata, 1-6S 98, 109, 114. CiL'nociliu.s ribis. 1''66, 41. Colaspis strigosa, 1"^>5, 91 : 1^>7, 71. ColastusHomitectus. 185,'), 98 ; 1868,83, 109, 107, 111. Colooptera, l^A\, 214: 1861, 5.*8. 594. 603; 1862, 372, :r;3; 1^53.274, 276. .VkI. 'A\A, .5r)5: 18(15. H9: 186(5,38: 18*58. 104. 300; 18(19. 2(54: 1*^2, 127: 1^7(5. 24. Cidydiida'. ISW. Kl. 1(K5. 109. Collops ((uadrimaculatu.H. 1868, 9t>, 109. Couoccpbahm rn.sigi'r, I'Tl, 8(.>. C^>^oIi^inu.•<^^.'^angui^tlga"^ variogatUM, 1875. 127. 131. ConotracholuH utMiuphur. IKiO, 314; 1861, 605; 1865, 90; 1870, 68; 1871, 374: 1876, 131. Copiophora tornula, 1*'71, 81. graoilii*, 1871, 81. inucroMata. 1871, 80, 81. Copri.x, 184V*!. 'M17. C'arvlina, 1861, 600. 180 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. CoreiclEe, 1868, 316. Coreus (Gonocerus) tristis, 1870, 89 ; 1875, 120. CorisidtE, 1875, 134. Corisides, 1875, 134. Corisa mternipta, 1875, 134. Corixa femorata, 1866, 38 ; 1875, 135, 136. (or Corisa) interrupta, 1875, 134. merceuaria, 1875, 135, 136. Corymelaena, 1875, 116. Corynetes (Necrobia) rufipes, 1868, 97, 107. Cotalpa (Areoda) lanigera, 1868, 89, 111, 112, 115, 116. Cotiniis uitida, 1868, 113, 115. Cratonycliiis brevicaulis, 1861, 609. Creopliilus villosus, 1868, 82, 107. CrioceridfB, 1863, 275. Crioceris asparagi, 1865, 91 ; 1870, 513. Cryptopliagida?, 1868, 85, 109, 116. Cryptua inquisitor, 1866, 41. Cteuiza uidulans, 1873, 161. Cncujidae, 1868, 84. Cncujus testaceus, 1849, 332, 337. Culex, 1863, 276. CulicidcT, 1868, 317. Cupes cinerea, 1868, 117. concolor, 1868, 98, 105. Cupesid^e, 1868, 98. Curculio, 1861, 603 ; 1876, 405. Curculionidce, 1861, 603 ; 1865, 40, 89 ; 1868, 308. Cursoria, 1862, 374; 1874, 130, 131, Cymatodera (Tiilus) iindulata, 1868, 97, 105. Cynipidse, 1863, 276. Cynips psenes, 1859, 332. quercifolii, 1866, 35. quercus-calycis, 1855, liv. Scriptorum, 1855, lii. Cyphon, 1868, 109. palUdus, 1868, 95, 114. D. Dactylosplisera vitifoliaB, 1867, 72. Dascyllidaj, 1868, 94. Dasypogon, 1866, 44. Dasytes flavipes, 1865, 91. niger, 1868, 114. Delphax, 1876, 27. arvensis, 1876, 28. carinata, 1876, 27. Dendroides Canadensis, 1868, 101, 111, 112. Dermestes, 1861, 596. caninus, 1868, 107. lardarius, 1856, 29 ; 1861, 595 ; 1868, 85, 105, 109. ses-dentatus, 1849, 337. vulpinus, 1868, 85, 107, 115. Dermestidse, 1868, 85, 106, 107, 108, 109, 115. Derobraclius, 1861, 613. Derodontidae, 1868, 85. Desmia maculalis, 1854, 78. Desmocerus cyaneus, 1861, 620. Diabrotica vittata, 1870, 74 ; 1871, 71. Diapheromera femorata, 1874, 134. Diapria agromyzai, 1872, 135. Dicselus, 1861, 593. dilatatus, 1861, 593. Dicerca 1868 91. ' divaricata, 1868, 91, 104, 105, 107, 113 ; 1870, 67. liirida, 1868, 91, 111. punctnlata, 1868, 91, 113. Dicbelonyclia albicoUis, 1868, 87, 113. elongatula, 1868, 87. hexagona, 1868, 87, 110. linearis, 1868, 87, 110. subvittata, 1868, 87, 110, 113. Dictyoptera perfaceta, 1868, 95. sanguineus, 1868, 95, 112. Diedrocepliala (Tettigonia) quadrivlt- tata, 1876, 33. Dineutes (Gyrinus) Americanus, 1868, 81, 114. Diplodus luridus (Evagorus virides), 1875, 131. Diplolepis gallse-tinctoriae, 1866, 35. Diplosis (Cecidomyia) destructor, 1872, 126. (Cecidomyia) tritici, 1866, 40 ; 1872, 134 ; 1874, 123, 145. Diplotaxis (Melolontlia) sordida, 1868, 87, 113. Diptera, 1863, 274, 276, 563, 564; 1868, 316; 1872, 112, 123, 124 ; 1876, 35, 39. Ditoma cruenta, 1865, 91. Dorcascliema Wildii, 1861, 614. Dorcatoma similis, 1868, 98. Dortliesia (?) catapliracta, 1876, 45. celastri, 1876, 45. Doryphora decem-lineata, 1864, 541 ; 1866, 27,30,43; 1867,63; 1868,80, 501 ; 1869, 536 ; 1870, 25, 65, 75, 76 ; 1871, 74 ; 1872, 120, 121; 1873, 153; 1874, 122, 123; 1875, 118, 121, 130; 1876, 324. juucta, 1867, 63; 1870, 75; 1871, 75; 1873, 153; 1874, 123. Drilus flavescens, 1865, 91. Dryocampa (Eacles) imperialis, 1866, 44. senatoria, 1869, 536. Ductirostri, 1875, 126. Dynastes Tityus, 1868, 89, 105, 107, 117. Dynastidaj, 1868, 89, 117. Dynastini, 1868, 89. Dysdercus (Pyrrbocoris) suturellus, 1875, 116, 124. E. Ectobia Germanica, 1870, 77 ; 1874, 132. Ectricbodia cruciata, 1875, 130. Elaxibidion alternatum, 1861, 615. putator, 1861, 615. villosum, 1871, 72, 73. Elater, 1861,606; 1873, 162. obscurus, 1868, 93, 110, 115, 116. Elateridai, 1861, 606,609; 1863,274; 1865, 89; 1868, 92, 94, 113, 116, 307; 1873, 162. Ellipolampis (Photinus) pyraUs, 1868, 95, 117. Ellycbnia (Photinus) corrusca, 1868, 95, "^ 105, 119. Emesa longipes (brevipenuis), 1875, 131. Empbytus maculatus, 1867, 73. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 181 Enchenopa (Mc'iiibiacis)binotata, 1876,28, Endecatomini, 1868, 99. Endfcatoums riigr).sns, 1868, 99, 109. Enopliuiu thoracicum, 1868, 97. Eutilia, 1876, 24. (Membracis) carinata, 1876, 29. coucava, 1876, 29. Epliemera', 1864, 309, 545. Ei)liialte8 irritator, 1866, 41. Epictenis fallax, 186:{, .'>73; 1865, 40, 43. iinliricatu.s. 1870, 71. vadosiis, 1870, 71, Epicauta atiata, 1868, 107, 109, 110, 114. (Cantharis) rinerea, 1868, 103, 107 ; 1871, 76. corviua, 1870, 68. lemiiiscata, 1871, 75. margiuata, 1868, 106, 107 ; 1871, 76. Penusylvaiiica, 1868, 103, 105, 107, 109, 110, 114; 1874, 123. strigosa, 1868, 103, 108, 109. (Cantharis) vittata, 1868, 103, 109, 114; 1871, 75. Epilachna borealis, 1865, 91 ; 1866, 39, 43 ; 187.5, 118. Erax, 1866, 44. Ercopliilus iiiali, 1876, 39. Eriosoma iiiibricata, 1876, 39. laiiigrra, 1876, 38. mali, 1876, '^S. (Pemphigus) p>Ti, 1870, 86 ; 1876, 38 tesselata, 1876, 39. Erirhipis Inda, 1868, 107, 110, 111, 113, 115. Erythroneura, 1871, 85; 1873, 161; 1874, 145. vitis, 1871, 85; 1875, 125. Euchetes egle, ltt75, 122. Euchistus (Pentatouia) pnnctipos, 1875, 118. Eiuii(iiiida',186H,92, 112. Euciu'inis aiiKi'iiicornis, 1868, l.>2, 105. Eiil()i>lius, 1862, 376. Eumrncs fratenia, 1^^6,43,45: 1^70.79. Eumctoponia ininistia, 1>.58, :i89. Eu])]i<)ria int'laiuholica, 1868, 109. lMij)l»'X<)litrra, l>r»2, 372, :i73. I^uryoinia (Erirhipis) Iiid:i. l^t><"^.95. IM : 186(5, 39. W Faidh«Mbia (Bouibvx) bauhiiiiie, 18(>5,93 ; 1S66. 3'^. Fidia iMurina. 1"^67, 7L Flat a liudiata. 1>5I. .57. nigiicnniis, ls51, .57. Forlicnla, LSi-J, :{73: 1^71. 13ii. auricularia. l"'<)2, 3715, M \. giijaiitra. H62,:f73. Forliculida', 1^62.37:;: IhW.308: 1,>C4. 130. Fornax, 18r»H, 92. 11 J. Fulgora scolaps (Fulgora — Sav) sulcipes, 1876, 27. G. Galerita, 1861,591. Anurirana, 1861, 591. Galcruca cahnarinisi.s. I':?b7,62; 1870,73. Galgulidfs, l?-75, 132. Galgulus ocnlatu.s, 1":75, 132. Gania.sus, 18(38,82. Gastrrophilus (Ga.strn.s) equi, 1872, 130. (j«*o(>'^, h5. Geoti-upos sphndidus, 1868,86, 108, 111. Geotrupini, I'^jV", Hi), GeiTis confornii.n, l'^5, 132. lacustris, 1^75, 132. Gonocerus tristis, 1^^1,72; 1875. 120. Gorytis, If^C), 31. Graptodrra chalybea, 1870,74. Grcssoria, 1874, 1:50. 131. i:i:i. Gryllida', I8(i.8, 30?^: l.'^4, 142, 143. GrVUotalpa, 18().-^, 3()h. bonalis. 1862,378; 1874,143. birviiKunis. 1"^()2, 378. ilidartyla.lHc'.irT"^: l'=f74.144. Grylh)talpiiia', 1*'74. 14:?, Gryllu.s cfuturio, 1^*72, IIC). (Aclit'ta) donu'sticus, 1^4. 142. (Locusta) niigratoriu8, 184)2,385. Gvninetis lutida, 1*^61, i>()l. Gyrinida', IS^-^, H). 114, :i(r7. Gyriuus nntator, 1"^>4,4.")9. 11. Haltica .striolata, 1865,280. Hainuiatoc«M-UH (Nabis) furcis, 1875, 130. IIarpact<»r, lffri,74. cinctus, l'^67,6;J; 1874, 123; 1875, 130, Ilari.alida'. 18')1,.59J. Ilarpalu.-i, lK54,i^7. (I'angus) caliginosu.s, 1868, 80, 110,116,123,187. ]it»rbiv»gn.s. iJ^il, 5l»2. rufi«M»rni.H. l^iui, .'mV*. IIclioHiancsbiui.-K-ulatus. 1^)7,72; 1870,73. Ihdiothi.s. lS51.(i4,69: lKi:i,y8,99: 1861. 592. annig.ra, 1-'«'k5, 43 ; lS*i(;. :J0 ; 1-70, sj : l-Tl. , 207; 1-71, 145: 1-7.5. 114: 1^76,21. 45. lli'sprriaiis. 1-.K-, 314. HrtrrtM'rrida>. iNi--, H5. llrtrn»piira, I«'ra.'»6:t; l^^'a.TK'i?: 1H|»6. 43; IHW, 315: 1-7.5. 114. 115, i:w. \'M\, i:c, r.H, iu»: i-7»'.. :i\ llippob«»«*i':i t'lpiina*. 1-72, I:C». lli|»podaiMij»»oMV«>rj»rn.'», 1''74. 123. niatulala, lf^», 41; l?<74. 123. 182 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Hippodamiaqumdecimpunctata, 1874, 123. Hispidse, 1863, 275. Histeridae, 1868, 83, 105, 107, 108, 116. Histrini, 1868, 104. Holotrichia crenulata, 1868, 88, 104, 107, 108, 111, 112, 113. Homoptera, 1862, 387 ; 1863, 563 ; 1864, 559,' 1866, 44; 1868, 315 ; 1875, 114, 115; 1876, 24. Hoplia debilis, 1868, 87, 113. Hoplocepliala bicornis, 1868, 100, 106. Hoj)lopliora quadrivittata, 1876, 30. Horia maculata, 1868, 103. Horiadse 1868, 106. Hya termiualis, 1875, 132. Hydnocera (Clerus) humeralis, 1868, 97. Hyduoceri, 1868, 97. Hydrocorisae, 1875, 132, 134. Hydrometridai. 1868, 315. Hydrophilidse,' 1861, 593 ; 1868, 81, 114, 116, 307. Hydropliihis piceus, 1868, 81, 105, 112, 116. triangularis, 1868, 81. Hydrorisse, 1875, 115. Hydrous piceus, 1864, 459. Hylesinus aculeatus, 1868, 97. Hylobius pales, 1861, 305. Hyloccetus Americanus, 1868, 98, 112. Hymenoptera, 1862, 388; 1863, 274, 275, 276, 563, 564; 1864, 546; 1866, 40; 1868, 309 ; 1875, 132 ; 1876, 35, 39, 42. Hypoderma (OEstrus) bovis, 1872, 130. HypopHceus bicolor, 1865, 91. parallelus, 1868, 100, 113. I. Ichneumon, 1854, 84; 1855, 111, 112; 1857, 125; 1862, 376. Iclineunionidse, 1858, 262. Infericomes, 1875, 121, 122. Ipini, 1868, 105. Ips quadrisignatus, 1868, 83, 110. Ithycerus curculionoides, 1861, 604. noveboracensis, 1860, 321. lulidse, 1865, 39, 40, 42. lulus, 1864, 354. L. Labia, 1862, 373. Labidura, 1862, 373. Laclinosterna, 1865, 39; 1866, 30. fusca, 1868, 88, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114; 1872, 122; 1873, 152; 1874, 129. hirticula, 1868, 88, 104, 107, 108, 111, 112, 113. (PbYlloj)haga) micans, 1868, 88, 104, 107, 108, 111,112, 113. quercina, 1864, 353 ; 1868, 104. Lachnus caryae, 1876, 37. strobi, 1876, 38. LsemopMoeus (Cucujus) modestus, 1864, 84 ; 1868, 110. Lagria hirta, 1868, 101, 112. Lagriidae, 1868, 101. Lamellicornia, 1861, 597, 598 ; ^863, 566 ; 1868, 307. Lampyridae, 1868, 93, 95, 112, 114, 307 Lampyris, 1868, 95. noctiluca, 1868, 115. Largus succintus, 1875, 124. Larrada argentata, 1866, 43. Lasioptera, 1872, 127. Latbridiidse, 1868, 84. Lebia, 1871, 74. grandis, 1867, 63; 1868, 80, 114: 1874, 123 Lebise, 1868, 80, 108. Lecanium acericola, 1876, 44. acericorticis, 1876, 44. besperidum, 1876, 44. maclurje, 1876, 44. juglaudifex, 1876, 44. pyri, 1860, 313. Leiopus xanthoxyli, 1870, 73. Lema trilineata, 1871, 75. Lepidoptera, 1859, 553 ; 1863, 274, 275, 276, 279, 280, 281, 563, 564; 1864, 548; 1866, 43 ; 1867, 472 ; 1868, 96, 310 ; 1876, 24. Lepisma, 1868, 309 ; 1874, 145, 146. Lepismatidse, 1874, 146. Leptoglossus pbyllopus, 1875, 117, 119. Leptostylus, 1863, 576. aculiferus, 1860, 319. Leptura, 1861, 619. vittata, 1861, 620. Lepturidaj, 1861, 610, 619. Leucania extranea, 1868, 79. unipuncta, 1863, 275; 1870, 83: 1871, 84; 1872, 122; 1873, 391: 1876, 323. Leucopis, 1876, 35. Libellulidte, 1868, 309. Lixus angiistatus 1865, 90. concavus, 1865, 90; 1870, 71. parapleeticus, 1870, 71. Lobesia botrana, 1870, 86. Locusta, 1855, 69, 77 ; 1862, 384, 385, 386, 387 Carolina, 1862, 386. curtipennis, 1862, 386. sulpburea, 1862, 386. Locustarise, 1868, 308. LocustidsB, 1874, 140. Longicornia, 1861, 606, 609, 610, 614; 1868, 308. Lopbyrus Abbottii, 1867, 73. Lecontei, 1867, 73. Lucanidge, 1861, 600 ; 1863, 274 ; 1868, 85, 115. Lucanus, 1868, 114. capreolus, 1860, 320. dama, 1861, 598; 1868, 85, 104, 107, 112, 117. Lucilia Caesar, 1872, 132. Lycus, 1868, 109, 117. Lygaeus, 1855, 86, 103. bicrucis, 1875, 122. fasciatus, 1875, 122. lincolaris, 1875, 126. lineatus, 1875, 125. turcicus, 1875, 121. Lygaeides, 1875, 121. Lymexylidaj, 1868, 98. Lymexylon navale, 1868, 98, 112. sericeum, 1868, 98, 112. Lytta, 1866, 30. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 183 Lytta atrata, 1866, 34. cinerea, 1866, 34. fulgifer, 1860, 315. marginata, 1?:^G;), 34. Nuttalli, 1866, M. pyrivora, 1860, 315. vittata, 1869, 541; 1870, 90; 1876, 324. M. Macrobasis albida, 1872, 120. cinerea, 1868, 110, 111, 114. Fabricii, 1868, 114. Macrodactylus subapinosus, 1861, 602; 1865, 87, 92; 1867, 71; 1868, 87, 104, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115; 1874, 125. Macroglenes, 1872, 126, 127. Macrosila (Spbiux") Carolina, 1866, 42; 1870, 427; 1^72, 123; 1^73, 157; 1874, 129. celeus, 1870, 80. nuinquemaculata, 1870, 80; 1874, 129. Malachidae, 1868, 96, 109, 114. Malacbius, 1868, 96. Aliens, 1865, 91. Mallodou, 1861, 613. Mallopbaga, 1874, 130, 146. MautidjL", 1863, 275 ; 1874, 130, 133 ; 1875, 132. Mantis, 1854, 8^; 1862, 'ASS; 1864, 434. Carolina, 1862, 376, 377; 1866, 40; 1868, 308 ; 1874, 133. Megacepluila Carolina, 1854, 87 ; 1855, 109. Megascolex diHrigens, 1871, 82. Melauactes, 1873, 162. Melaudrya umbrina, 1868, 101. Melaudrvidie, 1868, 105. Melandr'yini, 1868, 101. MelanolesteH abdominal is, 1875, 130. (Pirates) picipes, 1875, 130. Melauopbila (Cbrvsobotbris) fnlvogut- lata,' 18f')H. 91, 113. Melanotns(Cmtonvclius) conuaunis, 1868, 94, 105, '109, 110, IK), 117. Melitaja Pbicton, 18IJ7, 72. Melee, 1868, 106. angusticollis, 1868, 102, 106, 114. Meloidii', 1868, 102, lOH, 113, 116. Mclolontba, 1861, 590, 601. vulgaris, 18()8, t*fi; 1869, 6:K. MololonTliidu', 1861, 601 ; 1868, 87, 116. MelopbagUH ovinus, 1H72, 135. MLnibia(ida% 1^68, 315. Mcnibracis, lt^62, 387 ; 187(5, 28, 29, 30, 31. MiTopoiusgraniinicola, 1H49, 332; l'^<»6, 41. Mctapodius I'cuutrata, 1^*75, 119. Microgastt'i" congrogata, 1H73, 158. Microims Icucopti'ius, 1^'75, 115, 122. (Ivbypanuliroinns) IriuoptcniM, lHi9, .537; 1H72, 121; 1H74, 127 ; H75. i:;9. (Kbvpanxbnuniis) »U«vaHt»tor, 1^^7,"), 122. Midas Hiatus, IHJr., 41. Milyas (Harpactor) ciiictus, 1H75, 130. Monobaunnus titillutur, 1861, 613. Mouoloniida', 1868, 83. MordeUa octopunctata, 1868. 101, 109. piLsilla, 186H, 101, 111. Mordellida-, 1868, 101. Mormidea (OiLbalus) typhea, 1867, 71. Murgantia, 1875, 116. Murmidiidai, 1868, 63. Murmidius ovalis, 1868, 114. Musca Ca'sar, l'^j5, 39. corvina, 1856, 29. Muscid*, 1868, 102, 317. Mycetobiii (Mvcetophila) pereica, 1872, 115. MycetophagidtE, 1868, 84, 106, 109. Mycetopbilidjr, 18(iH, 317. Myct.Tida.-, 1868, 104. MytUaspLs pinicorticis, 1876, 43. Nabi.s, 1866, 44. tVrus, 1H76, 35. Nacerdcs melanura, 1868, 103, 109. Naucorides, 1875, i:W. Naucoris jKu-yi, 1^75, l'V2. Nausibius (Svlvanus) dentatus, It^, 84, 105, 115. Necrobia, 1868, 107. violaceuft, 1868,98, 107, 109. 114. Necrodes .Surinoniensis, 1h61, 595. Necrophila Americana, 186f , f*2. pelt at a. 18<;8, ^2. Necropboni8, 18()1, .'>95; 1- In ;<">.:«. Amerieauu>. .'. 1(K), 115. marginatus, In'y*, r-l, HXi. tonu-ntosus, If^l, 594. Neidea (Berytus) wpiuosus, 1875, 121. elegans, 1^5, 121. tipularia, 1-75, 121. Nematns ventralis, 1>'73, 254, 255. ventrieosus, 1^70, //. Xepa apiculata, 1875, IXi. Nepida-, MW, 31.5. Ncpitbs. 1-75. 132, i:a Neuroptrra. l-i»;3, 274. 275, 276, 545: l-iH'). 10. :i09: i"!76, :t5. Nezard bilaris (Kbaphigastrr Pennsyl- vaniens), 1-75, 1 17. Nitidulidas 18«>^ H3, 107. 1(»1», 116. Nitidulini, 1h;-<. h:{. 10.5. PC, KCA Noctua (Am»mi8) wliiia. K)5. 71: KA, 294; If^'A, fO, 90; 1866, 30 Noctuidu', 1H('>8, 314. Xot«»neeta, 1875, \:i\ VM'k glauca, 1^'»4, 459. Notonectida-, l-HV^ 315. Xotoneetidrs, l'*75. VM, 1:15. Noti.xus uuMJodoM. IH;c, l»7. 101, 10e<, 1U9. Nudirostri, 1-75. 127. Nysius raphauu.'*, 1**75, 122, 139. O. Olx'nMi. I^^'k^. ft). lineari.H, lHii5, HO. tripunetnta. l"^'!. <.!'.» ; !-<».<. .»7b; l-«i:>. -9: 1-70. i;7. Ocypete. 1H^». 3-*^. rubra, 1H72, TiH. OdoMtonyx (Dn«yt«»») trivitti*, 18II9» 9L 184 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. CEcantlins niveus, 1862, 381 ; 1874, 143. fficeticus, 1855, 79. CEdemera apicalis, 1868, 103. CEdemeridaj, 1868, 103, 109. CEdipoda, 1874, 136. atrox, 1871, 77, 78 ; 1874, 137. pellucida, 1871, 78. (Estrida3, 1868, 317. (Estrus, 1857, 82. (Cephalomvia) ovis, 1872, 129. Oiketicus, 1858, 264^ coniferum, 1859, 553. Oliarius, 1876, 28. Omaseus, 1865, 90. Omopliron labiatum, 1868, 79, 111. Oncideres cingnlatus, 1867, 72; 1871,72; 1873, 153. OpMon bilineatus, 1866, 41. macrurum, 1866, 41. Oplithalmicus, 1875, 122. Opilus mollis, 1865, 91. Opsomala, 1862, 384. Orclielimiun gracile, 1862, 382. vnlgare, 1862, 382 ; 1874, 141. Orgyia leucostigma, 1866, 42. Ormenis (PcEciloptera andFlata)prmnosa, 1876, 28. (Poeciloptera) septentrionalis, 1876, 28. Ortalidse, 1872, 134. Ortalis flexa, 1872, 133, 134. Orfcliopleura damicornis, 1868, 97, 116. Orthoptera, 1862, 372, 374, 376, 377, 378, 383, 387, 390, 391; 1863, 274, 275, 276, 281, 284, 285, 563, 564; 1864, 543; 1866, 40; 1868, 308; 1871,77; 1872, 127; 1874, 129, 133, 144, 145; 1875, 132; 1876, 325. Ortliostethus infuscatus, 1868, 94, 107. Oscinis, 1872, 134. Osmoderma eremicola, 1860, 320; 1868, 90, 104, 107^ 112. scabra, 1860, 320 ; 1868, 90, 104. Otlmiid^, 1868, 84. Otiocerus amyottii, 1876, 27. coquebertii, 1876, 27. P. Pachylis gigas, 1875, 120. Pacliymerus calcitrator, 1866, 42. Pacliytylus (CEdipoda) migratorins, 1874, 135, 136. Pangus caliginosus, 1861, 592; 1863, 564; 1865, 88. Papilio asterias, 1866, 41 ; 1868, 314. thoas, 1858, 263. Papilionidaj, 1868, 314. Pasimachus elongatus, 1874, 123. Passalsecus maudibularis, 1876, 35. Passalus cornutus, 1861, 599 ; 1868, 86, 112. PediculidsB, 1876, 45. Pediculus, 1851, 58. (humanis) capitis, 1876, 45. pubis, 1876, 45. vestamenti, 1876, 45. Pediculi, 1888, 316. Pedirapti, 1875, 132, 133. Pediremi, 1875, 132, 134. Pelidnota, 1868, 117. punctata, 1854, 79; 1861, 602; 1868, 88, 110, 318. Pempliigus, 1873, 160. pyri, 1860, 316. (Dactylospbsera) vitifolisB, 1870, 87, 88; 1871,87; 1873, 160; 1874, 127; 1875, 123; 1876, 39, 40. Peutatoma, 1854, 61 ; 1855, 93 ; 1866, 44. puuctij)es, 1875, 118. Pentatomidoj, 1868, 316. Pentbina vitivoraua, 1870, 86. Pericbseta diffringens, 1871, 82. Pbakellura nitidalis, 1870, 84. Pbalacrid^e, 1868, 83. Pbalangium, 1872, 128. Pbanteus carnifex, 1868, 86, 108, 111. Pbaueroptera curvicauda, 1862, 382. Pbasmidee, 1868, 308 ; 1874, 134. Pbengodes pkuuosa, 1868, 95. Pbotiuus pyralis, 1873, 155. Pbrygadeuou planosse, 1866, 41. Pbrygauea, 1866, 40. PbryganesB, 1864, 458. Pbryganeid*, 1868, 309. Pbycita nebulo, 1867, 73. Pbyllium, 1862, 377. PbvUobius argentatus. 1865, 90. betulse, 1865, 90. oblongus, 1865, 90. pyri, 1865, 90. Pbyllopbaga quercina, 1861, 601 ; 1868, 88; 1870, 524. Pbylloptera oblougifolia, 1862, 382. Pbylloscelis atra ( var. pallescens), 1876, 27. Pbyllotreta striolata, 1874, 145. Phylloxera, 1873, 389 ; 1874, 441, 442. vastatrix, 1870, 87, 88; 1871, 87 ; 1873, 160, 289, 389; 1874, 127, 438; 1876, 40. vittata, 1872, 504. Pbymata erosa, 1875, 126 ; 1876, 35. Phyrrliocoris suturellus, 1858, 272. Pbytobius, 1870, 68. Pbytocoris linearis, 1845, 94. quadrivittatus, 1875, 125. Pbytcecia epipbippium, 1865, 89. Pbytomyzida), 1872, 135. Pieris oleracea, 1870, 79. protodice, 1870, 79. rapai, 1870, 79, 82; 1871, 4U. Pimpla, 1874, 138. atrata, 1866, 41. lunator, 1866, 41. Piopliila casei, 1856, 29. Pirates, 1866, 44. biguttatus, 1875, 127, 128. Pissodes strobi, 1870, 71. Platycerus quercus, 1868, 112 ; 1870, 66. Platygaster, 1872, 127. (Inostemma) semiotellus, 1872, 126. Platypbyllum i)erspicillatum, 1862, 381. Platysamia Cecropia, 1867, 74. Ploiaria vagabunda, 1875, 131. Ploteres, 1875, 132. Plusia, 1854, 6L Plutella limbipenuella, 1871, 82. xylostella, 1871, 82. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 185 Podisus cynicus, 1875, 118, 121. (Arma) spinosus, 187.5, 118, 121. Podiira, 1868, 102. Podnroe, 1874, 145. Podiirida,'. 1874, 130, 14i. Poecilus, 1865, 91. Polistes, 1865, 38. rubigiiiosns, 1874, 123. Polycaou Stoutii, 1868, 100. Polydrosus micaiis, 1865, 90. planifroiis, l'^65, 90. i seric«Mis, 1«65, 90. I Polyphemus, 1867, 74. i Pol\7)bylla (Mololoutlia) variolosa, 1808, 88,104,107,108,111,112,113. Pomidioi)tt'a (I^vtta) -^Enea. 1868, 103. Pontia,1870,79.' brassiCcT, 1861, 592. Porizon coiio1ia< lieli, 1871,77. Priocycla annataiia, 1871,83. PrioiiidiL', 1?^61,610. Prioiiotns cristatus (Reduvius iiovena- riiis), 1875, 115, 12^, 130, 140. Prioiius, 1861, 61:', ; 1^71, l.'jO. bicvicoiiiis, 1)^70, 72. Calil'ornicus, iJ^Vd, 611, 612. cyiiudricus, Ifii^l, 611,612. iinl-.iicornis, 1870, 72. lal icollis, 1861, 611, 612 ; 1870, 72. Pristiphora jii'ossiilariie, 1870, 77 ; 1875, 118. idciitid«'in, 1869,207. Proconia iindata. 1876,31. Procris Auuiicaiia, 18.54,78. Procrustes, 1865, 91 . Prodcuia autuunialis, 1871,376; 1872,118. Prometopia sexuiaculata (Aradns), 1875, 127. Pselapbida?, 1868, 82, 1(»4. Psila rosie, 1872, 133, 134. Pseudoclerus iclmcumoueus, 1868, 97, 105, 112. iii,i;Tipes, 1868, 105, 114. PsocidiL', 1858,263. Psoini, 1868,99. Psylla i)yri, 1860, 314 ; 1H76, 33. 34. rliois, 1876, 33. Psyllida,', 187(), 33. Ptcrouialus, 18(56,42. tabacuui, 1H73, 158. Pterosticbini, 18(;.'<,H), 110. Ptilinus pectiiiicornis, lHi8, 99, 105, 106, 110,111. ruficornis, l^^t)^, 99. Ptilodactvla rlati-riua, 1H')8.94. 112. Ptiui*, 101. KM,. 112. <. 101. 111. llalMJlata, 1H(W. KH. 109. PyiocliioidiP, I'^i')". Kd. Pvrophnrus un. liliiruH. lH(i'^.93. 115; 1873, 155. pbyNodcrus, 1.*'73. 1.54. l*vrrbo(<)ris sutun-Uus, 1''75. lU'i. 121. Pytbida',lH()H, 104. Pvtbo Auuricaniis, lt<\\f^, KM. Ii:l. 111. drprc'ssus, 18l><, 104, 113. R. Ranatra quadridenticulata, 1875, 133. Ra])toria, lr»62, 376. R(Mluviidu,', l^^tiH, 316. Reduvius, l^^O^, 316. iioviiiarius, 1854, 68; 1655,94, 110: 1H>4..').',H: 18<;C, 43; 1807, 49; 1-75, 12>. ]H isonalus. 1~75, 127. 12'*. rapToriu.s :ind iiinlti.>]iinosU8, 1-76, :15. Restbeuia (Capsus) eonlVatenia. 1-75, 125. Rba;j;iuin lineatuiu, l'^.)!, 62<»; leo5, 41 ; Ir^Vy^, 104. Rba;;onyrba iu«'lauura, l.*'r»,5,91. Rbapbi^asti-r PriniNvlvaiiii ils. 1875, 117. Rbipiirra niar^iiiiaia, l'Sy*,94, 113. Rbil)i^, 94. RbipiplM.ridje, 1^68, 101. Rbipipbonis bicolor. l^^i^, 102. biiuaciiiiiius. IHV', Uni, 108. l»:iradoxus. I'-fl-', lol. IU\. S:iyi.lH.94, 11«;. Rbizoiiba;iu> «l<'i)res,suM, 1m;.5, 91. Rlu.palus latrrali.s. lt<75, 121, i;ti». Rbozobius, 1-76, 39. Rliyuclueiius, 1K')5, 301 iienupbar, 18.54, fl. Rbvuobites alliaria, lf^>r>, 90. Haci bus, l-^»5. i>0. brtulii'. 1H»5. K». eouieus, 1H4'».5, K». (Upn-us, I'-'Im. fV. Rbyueo])boridi»-. 1-63, '.^74. libyui'oplKMiis Zinnucrniauii. 18fil. 604. Rbyparoebromus dtvastator. 1-7.5. 122. (Mirnipus) b'ucopterus, 1-70, ^9; l'^?!, 85; 1-75. 139. Rbyssj.dida'. 18(58, S4. Roiualt-a, 1H>2, :i84. niiiioptera, 1872. lH".. 119. Rutehe, IMW, 8C. S. Saltatorin, 18<>2. a78, 3H1 ; 1H74, I'M), 131, i:i,5. Sauiia Ceeropia, 18i>8. 314. (AttaouH) Cvtithia, iHw. 74, 75; 1-70. M. r*l, .. 8^ bi\iltata. Kpbn;:a. !-<.•*». 44: 1H|»7. tili. Sareopnylla i Satuniia 1«», 1 ~-».». ~l. Sat\ nt**. !-♦'- 'H 1 Seap; '-'• .SijualMMtbf, I'^d, «i«*»: IHIO, «74, S80; ."^raraluiUH, l!SR», JlH. 186 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Sciara fucata, 1872, 116. (Molobnis) mali, 1872, 115. thom«, 1872, 115. pyra, 1872, 116. quinquemaculatai, 1872, 116. Schizopodidffi, 1868, 94. Scolytus carv«, 1867, 74 ; 1870, 68. pvri, I860, 314, 320. Scydmgenidae, 1868, 82, 104. Selaudria cerasi, 1860, 315; 1870, 79. Semasia primivora, 1867, 73. Serica iricolor, 1868, 87, 104, 113, 116. (Oiualoplia) sericea, 1868, 87, 115. vespertiua, 1868, 115. Serphns (Zaitlia) dilatatus, 1875, 134. Serricornia, 1861, 606. Sigalplins ciirciilionis, 1871, 77, 375. Silplia, 1866, 39. (NecropMla) Americaua, 1861, 595. atrata, 1865, 90, 91. Iffivigatcl, 1865, 90, 91 ; 1868, 81, 115. quadripiinctata, 1865, 91. Silpliida?, 1861, 595; 1865, 90; 1868, 81, 106, 108, 115, 307. Simulidte, 1872, 129. Siinulium colnmbascliensis, 1872, 129. Siiiea xaultispinosa, 1875, 1"^0. Sitodrepa (Auobium) i:inicea, 1868, 98, 106, 110, lii, 112, 113, 114, 116 ; 1870, 66. Sitophilus granariiis, 1861, 603. oryztje, 1861, 603. Smilia auriculata, 1876, 30. (Membracis) inornata, 1876, 30. (Membracis) vau, 1876, 30. Smyutliurus, 1874, 145. Spectrum bivittatum, 1862, 377. femoratum, 1862, 377. SpbajrididsB, 1868, 81, 108. Spbseroderus, 1861, 592. Sphenophorus, 1854, 67. caryosus, 1870, 68. 13-puiictatus, 1861, 603. Zeje, 1670, 68. Sphex, 1862, 376. Sphingidse, 1868, 314. Sphinx Carolina, 1855, 66. eremitis, 1870, 80. sordida, 1870, 80. Spilota lucicola, 1868, 88, 110. pinicola, 1868, 113. Spondylis, 1861, 613. Staphylinida?, 1861,596; 1865,91; 1868,82, 83, 105, 107, 108, 109, 116, 307 ; 1870, 66. Staphylinini, 1868, 116. Stapliylinus, 1862, 372; 1868, 116. maculosus, 1861, 595. Stelidota geminata, 1868, 83, 107, 110, 116. Stenocorus pntator, 1871, 72. Stennrus, 1861, 607. Stictocepbala (Smilia) inermis, 1876, 30. Stiretrus Diana, 1866, 43 ; 1875, 118. fimbriatus, 1874, 123 ; 1875, 119. Stirus speciosus, 1876, 25. Stizus speciosus, 1866, 43 ; 1867, 69. Stomoxys calcitrans, 1872, 132. Strachia bistrionicha, 1876, 71 ; 1870, 90 ; 1871, 84; 1875,116,137,139. Strangalia luteicornis, 1861, 620. Strategus Antseus, 1868, 89. Stratiomyidse, 1868, 317. Stylopidae, 1868, 102, 106, 116. Stylopyga orientalis, 1874, 132. Supericornes, 1875, 119. Sylvanus, 1849, 153. bidentatus, 1868, 84, 105, 107. dentatus, 1868, 84. quadricollis, 1854,66; 1855, 97:-; 1868,84,107,111. ^ Surinamensis, 1849, 1.54, 332, 336; 1868, 84, 110, 111, 115,1 116 ; 1870, 66. tridentatus, 1865, 91. Synchroa punctata, 1868, 101, 112. Synoxylon (Apate) basilare, 1868, 99, 108,1 111, 116. sexdentatum, 1865, 91. Syrphici, 1866, 44. SyrpMdaj, 1868, 102, 317. Syrpbus, 1855, 69, 112 ; 1876, 35. Syrtis, 1876, 126. Systena blanda, 1873, 152. T. TabanidfB, 1863, 276 ; 1868, 317 ; 1872, 129. Tabanus atratus, 1872, 129. Tacbina, 1866, 44 ; 1867, 66 ; 1871, 74. dorypborte, 1874, 123. vivida, 1866, 44. Tacbinidie, 1863, 276 ; 1872, 131. Telamona, 1876, 24. ampelopsidis, 1876, 29. Teleas (Hymenoptera), 1875, 132. TelepboridsB, 1868, 96, 109, 114. Telepborus, 1868, 117. bilineatus, 1868, 96, 114. fuscus, 1865, 91. lividus, 1865, 91. Tenebrio moHtor, 1868, 100, 106, 108, 111. obscurus, 1868, 100, 108. Tenebrionidaj, 1868, 100, 105, 106, 108, 109, 115, 116, 307. Tentbredinidffi, 1863, 276 ; 1873, 254. Termes fatalis, 1864, 435. Tessaropa tenuipes, 1870, 73. Tetracba (Megacepbala) Virginica, 1870, 65; 1874,123. Tetrix, 1862, 384, 387. lateralis, 1862, 387. Tettigonia, 18.54, 77 ; 1855,70; 1867, 68 j 1876,27,32,33. vitis, 1871,85; 1876,32,33. Tettigoniada^, 1868, 315. Tetyra bixjunctata, 1875, 116. Tbanasimus formicarins, 1865, 91, 114. (Pseudoclerus)ni^ripes, 1868, 97. Tbelia acuminata, 1876, 30. bimaculata, 1876, 29. Theridion brassica^, 1871, 82, 83. bvpopbyllum, 1871, 82, 83. Tbripida,'. 1874, 130, 144. Tbrips, 1872, 127. cerealium, 1844, 172. (Limothrips) cerealis, 1874, 144. Tbroscidte, 1868, 92, 109. Tbroscus, 1868, 112. Tbyridoptervx epbemerseformis, 1866, 41. Tbysanaura,' 1874, 145. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 187 Tbysanoptera, 1874, 144. Tilli,1868,97. Tillus ambulans, 1868, 97, 112. elongatus, 1865, 91. Tinea, 1854, 65. granella, 1849, 332, 333, 337. sarcitella, 1849, 338, 341, 342. Tineidte, 1868, 315. Tingides, 1875, 126. ' Tingis arcuatus, 1875, 126. juglandis, 1875, 126. Tipula, 1875, 131. maculosa, 1872, 128. oleracea, 1872, 128. tritici, 1844, 166. TipulariiE, 1872, 128. Tipulidae, 1868, 317. Tolype laricis, 1866, 41. Tomicus ruali, 1860, 320. Tortricidai, 1868, 315. Tortrix, 1875, 130. Toxopliora, 1866, 45 ; 1870, 79. Trachypteris, 1868, 91. Trachys, 1868, 92. (Bracbys) minuta, 1868, 92, 110. Tricbestes pilosicollis, 1868, 88. tristis, 1868, 88,103, 107, 108, 111,112,113. Tricbius, 1868, 108. (Tiigonopeltastes) delta, 1855, 89; 1868,90. Tricbocera liyemalis, 1872, 128. Tricbocncmis, 1861,613. Tricbogrannna orgyia', 1866, 42. Tricbopterygidji', 1H68, 83. Tricteuotoiua cbildicnii, 1*^)1,611. Tricrania (Horia) sauguinipeuuia, 1868, 102. Trigona, 1866, 32 ; 1869, 63. Trigouopeltastes delta, 1868, 90, 108. Trioxvx,1866,41. Trocbilium, 18()6,29. tipuliformis, 1866, 41. Trogida;, 1868, 107. Trogini, 1868, 8G. Trogosita (Caraboides), 1868,83. dubia, 1865, 91 ; 1868, 83, 105, 110,111,116; 1870, (J6. Mauritanica, 1849, 'XH ; L'^65, 91; 1868,83, 105, 106,110; 1870,66. Trogo8itidiE, 1868, 83, 105, 110. Trogiis exesoriu^i, 1866, 41. fulrus, 1(*1,5^. Trox terrestris, I'-^IW, 87, Trvpeta pomoiiella, 1867, 72. Trypetidie, l'^2, I'M. Trvijoxvlon, 1876, :i.'>. Typblociba, l'^l,e5. Typblodromus pyri, 1872, 113. Udeopsylla ro]>usta, 1871,79. Uloma, 1868, 110. coniuta, 1868, 100. culinaris, 1868, 100. impressa, 1868, 100. Uroceridie, 18bagus, lc;65. 92. Xylopiuus sapcrdoides, 1868, 100, 105, 112. Xvloryctes satyrus, 1868,89, 104, 110; 1873, 152. Zabnis gibbus, 1855, 110; 1861.592; 1863, 5(')5; l?M;.'>,8f<; l?9, .M2. Antilocarpa Ameruana, 1^51, 105, 121; 1867,218. Aplocenis, 1H67,219, .M(.nl anus, 1.^57,218. Arctomys, 185<), H2. Arvicora,lH;3,270. agri'st is, 1856, SG. Arvicoln, austeni, 1nH'..1>7, 103, 106; 1887, fV, IH). (iap|M«ri, 1S'»7,8H,1H). NuttalU. 1^57, ^7. rt]iaiia, If'*'*, Wi. 8caK)p.H4nde?«. li\A\, IW; 1"'^!, 95. Arvioolinir. I- -.T 1. 278.^9. Asinus vul^;ii 1^2. Zfbra, l-Mki. 1^2. Aucbenia .Vlpai-u. IK'**. 67. gbiuin, IS*»7,67. 188 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. B. Bison Americaiins, 1851, 105, 124 ; 1858, 240. Blarina, 1863, 267. Bos bison, 1858, 240. bubalus, 1865, 95. gruunieus, 1865, 96. urus, 1851, 125. C. Camelns Bactrianns, 1853, 63. dromedarias, 1853, 62. Canidffi, 1863, 267, 268. Canis aureus, 1863, 450. familiaris, 1863, 450. lupus, 1863, 450. Capra aegagus, 1857, 57, 61 ; 1863, 216. Americanus, 1851, 105,121 ; 1859, 541, 542; 1863,219. Angoraensis, 1863, 222. hircus, 1857, 57 ; 1863, 216, 220, 222. Carnivora, 1863, 267, 286. Castorinai, 1863, 269. Cavicornia, 1863, 273 ; 1867, 218. Cervidie, 1863, 273. Cervus Canadensis, 1859, 218. dama, 1865, 97. leucurus, 1851, 105, 119. Lewisii, 1851, 104, 118. macrotis, 1851, 105, 118. Virginianus, 1851, 105, 118, 119. Clierioptera, 1863, 266. Condylura cristata, 1857, 97, 101. D. Dipodinee, 1863, 269, 270. E. Elaphus Canadensis, 1851, 104, 112, 116. Europaeus, 1851, 116. Equus caballus, 1863, 182. liemionus, 1865, 97. EretMzon, 1863, 272. dorsatus, 1857, 91 ; 1863, 272. epixanthus, 1863, 272. Felidse, 1863, 267. Fiber, 1863, 270. zibetbicus, 1856, 105 ; 1864, 350. G. Gemys bulbivorus, 1857, 77. bursarius^, 1853, 270 ; 1857, 72. pinetis, 18.57, 77. Gulo luscus, 1858, 245. H. Hesperomys, 1863, 270. leucopus, 1857, 87, 89. Nuttelli,1857,87. Hircus capra, var. pillosa, 1863, 221. Hypudseus, 18C7, 89. Hystricidce, 1863, 269, 272. Hystrix epixantlius, 1857, 92. Insectivora, 1863, 266. Jaculus, 1863, 270. Labradorius, 1856, 90, 95. L. Leporida?, 1863, 269, 272, 273. Lepus Americanus, 1857, 77, 84. aquaticns, 1857, 85. cunniculus, 1857, 78. - palustris, 1857, 86. sylvaticus, 1857, 77, 84. Lutra Canadensis, 1858, 246. M. Mastodon Americanus, 1875, 473, Marsupialia, 1863, 273. Melinaj, 1858, 248. Mepbitis Americana, 1864, 355. bicolor, 1858, 248. mepbitica, 1858, 248. occidentalis, 1858, 248. MirridfB, 1863, 269, 272. Murime, 1863, 270. Mus aurcolus, 1857, 87. Bairdii, 1856, 8\), 92. decumans, 1856, 109 ; 1863, 270. leucopus, 1856, 90. musculus, 1856, 109 ; 1863, 270. rattus, 1856, 110 ; 1863, 270. Mustela Americana, 1858, 242. martes, 1858, 242. Pennautii, 1858, 241. Mustelidaj, 1863. 267, 268, 271. Myodes, 1863, 270. N. Neotoma, 1863, 270. Floridana, 1856, 109. O. Ovibos moscbatus, 1851, 105, 121. Ovis cycloceros, 1865, 101. Montana, 1851, 105, 123; 1859, 541, 542 ; 1867, 218. musimon, 1865, 101. tragelapbus, 1865, 101. Potamocbserus pencillatus, 1865, 101. Procyou Hernandezii, 1858, 254. lotor, 1858, 254 Pseudostoma bursarius, 1856, 75. Pteromys volucella. 1856, 69. Putoria, 1858, 241. Cicognani, 1857, 105, 107 ; 1858, 244. erminea, 1857, 107. fusca, 1858, 244. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 189 Putoria Noveboracensis, 1857, 104; 1858, 244. pusilla, 1858, 245. vison, 1857, 97, 101. R. ReithrodoD, 1863, 270. Rodentia, 1863, 268, 279. Ruminantia, 1863, 273. S. Saccomyinae, 1863, 269. Scalops aquaticus, 1857, 97. argcntatus, 1857, 97. Sciiirus Caroliucnsis, 1856, 66. cincreiis, 1856, 62. Hudson ins, 1856, 67. macToiirus, 1856, 55. magiiic;m(latus, 1856, 55, 56. migiatoiiiis, 1856, 55, 62, 67. nij^er, 185(), 65. rubricaiidatiis, 1856, 55. Sayi, 1856, 55, 56. Sciurida', 1863, 269. Sigmodou, 1863, 270. Sorex, 1863, 267. blariua (brevicaudatus), 1857, 93. brevicaudatus, 1857, 97. Caroliucnsis, 1857, 93. Cooperi, 1857, 97. Sorex Dekayi, 1856, 103. parvus, 18,57, 97. talpoi3, 267, 268. Ursus Aniericanus, 1858, 251. V. Vcspertilioiiida-. 186:i, 266, 267. Viveridic, 1863, 267, 268. :S^AMES OF PLANTS. A. Abelmoschus esculoutus, 1859, 358. lonjrifolius, 1K')9, 3.58. Abies, 1847, 520: 188; 1875, IK^ grandis, 1860, 431 ; 1S6H, 580 ; 1875, is-j. :?5(;, r»57. lasiocarpa, 1860, 432. Mfu/i.'sii, IHC).-^, 1K5, 186; 1875, IHl, W'A'u :Ci7. Mcrttnsi;ina, l-f.(>, 431; 1868, 185, IHS; IH7.5, IHl. nuuiocaulis, 1859, 136. Abies ni|,'ra, l-Mlo, 417; 1863, 468; 1875, 181. u(»bilis, 18r>0, 432; 1868,580; 1875, 183. picca, inril. (VM\. .*1, iVM Sitkeiisis, l>t>0, i:u ; l-t,-. 1-5, 18(5, 1K-. sub-alpiiia. 1^75. 1-2. vrra. l-Cv-. Iv-M. WilliaiiisoMii. l^iO, 4:«; 1875, 181. Abietinca', l-t>-, 124. Abronia ryclnptmi, l-. iiullif'ira. 1-4K'», 12l>. Aluus niTcatoritiH, 1.-70,14,203. Absiiitliiuiu, 1-47, 519. Abtitilnu aviiMMiiia, IStV., 511; 1870, *iS4 ; 1-72, 47 L t-ulque, 1856, 254. Sisalana, 1855, xxxiii, 242; 1856, 252. vivipara, 1869, 264, 273. Ageratum Mexicanum, 1857, 273. Agrostemma, 1847, 516. gitbago, 1860, 67 ; 1865, 510. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 191 Agrostis, 1847, 513: 1853, 396; 1860, 236: 1864, 401), 411, 412, 425. £Equivalvis, 1868, 189. alba, 1847, 160; 1869, 88; 1870, 19. canina, 1847, 160 ; 1869, 88. exarata, 1868, 189. geminata, 1868, 189. Indica, 1849, 1.57. laxi flora, 1868, 189. lobata, 1847, 1(J0. repeiis, 1847, 160. rupestris, 1870, 218. sciihTii, 1870, 218. spicaventi, 1847, 160. stolonifera, 1847, 160; 1869, 88; 1870, 19. stricta, 1^47, 160. varians, 1870, 218. vulgaris, 1847, 160; 1869, 88, 169: 1870, 226. Ailantlius, 1861, 375, 378, 381 ; 1862, 293 ; 1868, 123; 1870, 17; 1872, 163, 500. glaiululosa, 1854, 404; 1857, 266; 1861, 376; 1868,201. Aira, 1847, 513 ; 1868, 189. arctica, 1866, 127 ; 1868, 189. Bottnica, 1868, 189. Cc-espitosa, 1866, 127 ; 1868, 189 ; 1869, 88, 89 ; 1870, 220. flexiiosa, 1869, 88, 89 ; 1870, 19. Ajuga, 1847, 517. reptans, 1848, 607. Akebia, 1868, 122 ; 1870, 16. Alaria, 1866, 424. esculenta, 1859, 312. Albizzia, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 17. julibrissin, 1868, 201. Alcca, 1847, 518. Alchcnuilla, 1847, 514. Alectoria jubata, 1870, 424. Aleiiritcs lacifcra, 1868, 270. Moluccana, 1859, 321. triloba, 1868, 270 ; 1870, 178. Alfousia oleifera, 1859, 322. Alga}, 1864, 531 ; 1866, 423. Algarobia glaiidiilosa, 18.57, 241 ; 1860, 434 ; 1870, 410; 1873, 182; 1875, 283; 1876, 64. Alhagi Manronini, 1870, 184. Alisina plantago, 1864, 454. Alliaria, 1847, 518. Allium, 1847, 515 ; 1865, 235. anipcloprasuui, 1859, 335. A.scalouicuin, 18.54, 381; 1859, 335. cepa, 1854, 368; 1859, 334; 1809, 213, 222, 223. flstulosum. 1865, 242. iVagr-nis, 1857, 2(52. latiJoliuiu, 1859. .3,57. l)ornnii, 1854, 3,59; 1859, 3:i5. Hativmii, 1854, 3,53; 1S,59, 334. sclioiiopiasuin, 1K54, ,349 ; 1868, iss. Rcorodopnjsiim, l!^59, 334. soucsi't'us, I. '-'.57, 262. vincalc, 1K>5, 517. Ahius, 1847, ,520; 18()8, 124; 1870. 16. glutiuosa, 1854, 405 ; 1S57, 263 ; 1868, 202. Aluusincana, 1860, 417 ; 1868, 177 ; 1875,176. oblougifolia, IriGH), 433. Oregona, 1:^J, 431; 1875, 176. rhoiiibilolia, 1875, 176. rubra, 186^*, 177. semilata, 18<>4. :i44. viridis, im), 417; 1868, 177. Aloe Arabifa, I'^O, 1'^.5. ConniK'lini, li-f70, Inf,. Socotrina, l^^O, lr?5. 8i)icata, li^TO. iwr,. vul;r;ni.s. 1K7(>. l>io. Aloexylon ;ij;all()rhuiii, 1870, 189. Alonsoa incisa. l'*,57, 272. Alopccunis, l'-47. 513; l^jvl, 227; 1865, 489. Alpinus, 18(i8, lf-9. geiiiculatU8, 1849, 157; 1869, 88 ; 1870, 218. pratonsis, 1866, 365 ; 1869, 88, 89; 1H70, 218; 1873, 408; 187.5, 205. Alpiuia, 1868, 189. Alsine, 1^47, 51«>. media. 1*^)9, VV\, 137. Alstouia H72, 116, 132. Amaraiitaoea'. 1'"'.57, 267. Amarantus albus, 1H<)5, 517 ; l'^4, 148. adscondous, 1^.59. ^157. blitnin. l-'7(», 224; 1874, 148. caudatiis. 1K>7, 2<>7. fruiiitiitacous, 1859, 306, 307. liybridns. \rM]^^, 517. p()ly;i()iioidfs, 1*^.59, Ji57. prostratiis, 1"^."»9. :^57. ])Uii)urt'ns. 1*«74. 148. rubt-r. 1-74, 14-. s})inosu.s, l-Hw, 517. sylvivstris, 1859, :i57. Amaryllis formosissima, l'^3. 313, Ambclamia aeid.i, 1''59, 'Xil. Ambriua amltmsiojdrs, 1K70, I'M. antlulinintiea. IKTO. 194. Ambrosia artemisia'folia, I-Im, 513; 1870, 224. Apsilostat hyn, l-7(». 224. trilida. l-('»,5", 513. Amelancliirr alnilolius, 1^75. ir.2. i'anadfnsis. ISH>. 417: 1^5, 292: IHi;*^. 123. 203. 281; 18<)9. 171; 1-70, 16. 413; 1S75, 162. Amiaiithcmum mus4toxieniii, 11^2, 131. Ammobiiim alatiim, Is57, 274. Ammoliroiii.'i .*^oiiora. 1-70, 424. Amuu»|tliila :iniiidinat*fa, l*^t»i>. ^•-. Aiiiuiimm .Mfb'giu'ta. 1"<70. 14, 27, 491. AmpelopHis (|iiiii(|n(>ri>lia. 1H><, 12IM; lHi9, .*(»4: l?'70. -I. Ain.'niiokia anKiiMtifolia, l-.'>7. 271. Aiiivgilalra*. l-rw*^. 123. Am"vKdal«»pJs. ISiH, 1^1; l.».70, 16. Aiiivg«lnluH. lf*i\n, 193; le«70, Id. 192 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Amygdalus agrestis, 1859, 320. Arabica, 1859, 320. coraruuiiis, 18ii5, xvii; 1859, 320 ; 1867, 146 ; 1870, 176. orientalis, 1859, 320. Persica, 1849, 479 ; 1857, 490, 491 ; 1859, 339 ; 1867, 146, 311. scoparia, 1859, 320. Amyridaceae, 1870, 182, 187, 188, 190. Amyris commipliora, 1870, 186. Floridaua, 1875, 156. Gileadensis, 1855, Ivii. Anacardiacese, 1857, 266 ; 1868, 123 ; 1869, 230 ; 1870, 17, 176, 179, 180, 188, 205 ; 1875, 158. Anacardium occidentale, 1859, 321, 347; 1870, 14, 176. Anacharis alsinastriim, 1864, 455. Canadensis, 1865, 517. Anagallis, 1847, 514; 1857, 271. arvensis, 1864, 332. Ananas, 1865, 95. Ananassa sativa, 1867, 143. Ancliusa tinctoria, 1851, 57. Andromeda, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 16. floribnnda, 1876, 63. hypnoides, 1863, 469. Mariana, 1865, 515. Andropogon, 1853, 397 ; 1872, 36. argenteus, 1870, 220. fnrcatns, 1870, 220, 221, 226. glaucns, 1870, 220. Jamesii, 1866, 127. nutans, 1865, 519. saccharatus, 1865, 301. schcenantlius, 1870, 14, 174. scoparius, 1870, 220, 221, 226. sorghum, 1854, 219 ; 1857, 185. Androsace macroearpa, 1857, 271. Androsfemnm, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 16. Anemone, 1847, 517. Caroliniana, 1862, 157. coronaria, 1857, 265. nemorosa, 1862, 157 ; 1864, 344. Nuttalliana, 1862, 157. thalictroides, 1862, 157; 1864, S44. Anethum fceniculum, 1854, 353. graveolens, 1854, 352 ; 1870, 179, 405. Angelica, 1847, 515. arcliangelica, 1857, 275. AngiospermsB, 1868, 122. Angrfecum fragrans, 1870, 193. Anona, 1875, 154. Asiatic^, 1859, 350. cinera, 1859, 351. cherimolia, 1859, 350; 1867, 144; 1870, 14. laurifolia, 1860, 423. longifolia, 1859, 351. mucosa, 1859, 351. muricata, 1859, 350 ; 1867, 144. paludosa, 18o9, 350. palustris, 1859, 351 ; 1867, 144. punctata, 1859, 351. reticulata, 1859, 350 ; 1867, 143. Senegalensis, 1859, 350, 343. squamosa, 1859, 350 ; 1867, 144. tripetala, 1859, 351. Anonaceoe, 1875, 154. Antennaria, 1873, 204. tenuis, 1874, 175. Antbemideffi, 1861, 226. Anthemis, 1847, 520. cotula, 1857, 491 ; 1861, 224. nobilis, 1854, 347 ; 1860, 67. pyrethrum, 1861, 226. Anthericum, 1847, 515. Anthistiria Australis, 1874, 439. ciliata, 1874, 439. Antboxantlium, 1847, 513. odoratum, 1847, 159; 1849, 374, 375; 1854, XXV, 392; 1866, 365 ; 1869, 88, 89. Anthyllis, 1847, 518. vulneraria, 1868, 88, 91. Antirrhinum calycinum, 1857, 272. ma] us, 1857, 272. Aparine, 1847, 5i4. ApetaLv, 1868, 124. Apios tuberosa, 1870, 405. Apium, 1847, 515. graveolens, 1854, xix, 346, 347; 1859, 328. Aplectrum hyemale, 1870, 190. Apocynacere, 1870, 191, 198. Apocynum cannabinum, 1859, 388. Indicum, 1859, 359. Aquifoliaceai, 1857, 270; 1868, 124; 1870, 17, 193, 197. Aquilareacetie, 1870, 189. Aquilaria agallocha, 1870, 189. Aquilegia, 1847, 517 ; 1870, 123. cterulea, 1866, 127, 128. Canadensis, 1862, 157 ; 1866, 128. lex)toceros, 1866, 128. Sibirica, 1857, 265. vulgaris, 1866, 127. Ai^abis, 1847, 518. hirsuta, 1857, 264. lucida, 1857, 264. Araceee, 1866, 418. Arachis, 1860, 474 ; 1870, 92. hypogoea, 1855, 259; 1859, 318; 1865, 95 ; 1870, 176. ' subterranea (hypogcea ?), 1847,411. Aralia, 1868, 123 ; 1870,' 17. nudicaulis, 1867, 471. papyrifera, 1860, 139 ; 1869, 17. spinosa, 1869, 171 ; 1875, 164. trifolia, 1867, 308. Araliaceaj, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 17 ; 1875, 164. Araucaria, 1868, 124 ; 1870, 17, 110. BidAvellii, 1875, Ix. Brasiliensis, 1859, 129, 135. excelsa, 1859, 129. imbricata, 1859, 135, 323. Arbutus, 18G8, 123; 1870, 16. audrachne, 1859, 135. Meuziesii, 1860, 431; 1870, 413; 1875, 165, 358. Texana, 1875, 165. unedo, 1859, 132, 136, 347; 1861, 60, 636. uva-ursi, 1864, 344. Archangelica, 1868, 175. Gmelini, 1868, 187. officinalis, 1868, 187. Archemara rigida, 1865, 512. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL RP:P0RT8. 193 Arctagrostis latifolia, IdGb, 189. Arctium, 1847, 519. lapiia, IH.")?, 27 A. Arctostapliylos, 18G8, l'2o. Alpina, 18G8, 188. glaiica, 1800, 432; 1875, 105. pniigens, 1875, Ki.'). tonientosa, 18(J0. 4:52; 1870, 4i:i; 1875, 1G5. uva-nrsi, 18G8, 188; 1870, 10, 41:5. Arctotis, 1857, 274. Ai'disia Pickerin^ii. 1800,422; 187.5, 107. Arduiiia ediilis, 1851), :y.>7. Areca cateclin, l'-^70, 197, 202. glandiformis, 1859, ;>.52. buniilis, 1859, 352. olcracea, 18.')9, 352. sapida, 1859, 352. Arenaria, 1847, 51(5. p('l'loi40. Aruiillaria uicllcus, 1^7(5, 7<>. Arnica inontaua. l.'^4"^, 0015. Aru()]»()g()n l)al('clianii>ii, l.'^57, 274. Ar«)id«'a', 1>^()0, 471. Arracaclia osculcnta, 1859, 328. Airlicuatlicruui avenaccnu). l<'-'(59, 88, 89. Aitcuiisia, 1847,519; 1800, .500; l.-^i5(), 129; 18(58, 123; 1S70, 17,5.59. absiutliiuiu. l.<)4, :i89; 1859, 299. draunuculus, 1.-^.54, li84. tridcntata. ls(50, 430; 1H04, :«)1. Artorarpacca', lf^70, 191, 198. ArtocarpiM', 1^(5."^, 124. Artocarpus iucisa, 1.'^.59. :{(»!. :{15. iutcgrilblia, 1"".'>9, !U5. Artotrogus, 1874, 178. hyduosporus. 1>45. 23S; 1873, 194. 19(5. Arum rolocasia, 1K59, 310. cscul.nluui, 1H59, 301,308, 310. maculatuiu, 1H45, 575; 1K59, 30H. tripliyllnin, 1S.58, 2,52. Anindiuaria gigaufr.i, 1^15*^, 2(50. macrospcnua, l.*"(5. l)liragmit(>s, 1S(50, (53. 139; IS7(), 423. tccta, 18,')(5, 1,5(5. Asclopiadacojn, 18,57. 270; is<52. 1(51 : is;-!. 124; 1H70, 17,191 ; 1^72. lO. 13 A Asclepias, 18(il. 004; 18', 2'-l : ItTO. 405. varifgata, l'^t52, 101. v«'rti«illata. IKu, 27(J. Ascojdiora inuccdu, lHi5. 519. Asimiiia, l'^(50, 427; 1-(W. 122: 1-7(J, 10. trilnha, 1-^50, 419; 1-7.5, 1.54, :M2. Asjialatlius, lf,57. 2()8. Asp.iragus oHitiualis, 18.5^, XM ; 1857, 263; . ..A), :i58. Aspergillus, lf^49, :J9(5, :J98, :»9. AsttT, 1H47. ,5J(»; 1-^(59, 12i). adsrcndrns, lH>(5, 127. <'ri(oid«'s, l-(5,5, 512. glacialis, l^•(5<5. 127. iulcgrilolins. 1«'(5(5, 127. IN'ruviauu.H. ls.59, 311. triH-lla. 1-.57, -273. A.sterophora. 1)^45. 328. Astragalus, 1H74, 159. IJa'tirus. l.*<70. IK^ 197. guunuilVr, l-^d, 1-3. Honiii, 1-74, 1.59. l('Uligin<»sus, 1-74, 159. Atliauasia, 1-57, 274. AtripNx, 1-^47, 521; K>4, lUiy. hnrtrusis. lH,->4, :UJ9: 1859, 357. Atriidic* a-. K)9. :i57. Atropis augusfata. I8<>i-i, 1H8. maritiuia, 1H)8, 188. Attaha cnhunr, 1^70, 177. rompta. l.-<>9. 320. AmuOa. l-7(>. 121>. Aunmtiacra', 1-70, IMO, IHl, l«i. fatua. 1^70, 420. llavt'.sr.ns, ls-17. 1(>0: 1854, 398; 1-^(59. s.^. f-V. nrirutalis, 1S59. :U^2. puOrsmis, 1KI7. HiO, 24(>. sjitiva, 1-C>7. 202; ISiM. 312: l^^T, 312. striata. 1-70, 219. Avirrunia uldougilolia. 1-7.5. 1(57. ri'siuitVra. l-.'»9. 32i>. tnnu iit«»«a, IN.(». 423; 1^.5, 167. A/aloa, 1N5.^ 123; !S7(». 10; Ir«71. 4i:i, ralrudulaci'a. I'^07, 'M)k\. Toutira. 1-iw. 21M, :«V>. It. HurrlmridtNi'. 1H(»8. 1«». Ha.rharis. !-»;-. 123; 1--70. 17. lla l»a«t«'ri!i. 1''72. r.M.2«»l. trruit*. l*'7r». IS7. HulunitrM ..l-'.gyptiiM a, 1-.V» 311. 194 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Ballota, 1847, 517. Balsamia liorteusis, 1857,266. Balsamilluce, 1868, 123. Balsaminaceie, 1857, 266. Balsamodeudron niukul, 1870, 188. myniia, 1870, 188. pubesceus, 1870, 188. Balsamorrhiza heliuutlioides, 1870, 406. incaua, 1870, 408. Bambusa aruudinacea, 1836, 419. Baptisia, 1844, 331 ; 1838,111. - tinctoria, 1873, 260. Barbarea, 1847, 518. Bartonia anrea, 1857, 275. Bassella alba, 1859, 357. tuberosa, 1859, 357. Bassia butyraceoe, 1870, 177. latifolia, 1870, 177. lougifolia, 1870, 177. Parkii, 1870, 177. Batatas ediilis, 1853, 169 ; 1854, 374 ; 1874, 148; 1859,309. Virginian a, 1853, 169. ^ Banbinia esculeuta, 1859, 328, lingua, 1859, 359. racemosa, 1859, 359. Beccabunga, 1847, 513. Beckmannia crucajformis, 1870, 219. Benincasa cerifera, 1870* 205. Bentbamia, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 17. BerberidaceiB, 1857, 263; 1868,123; 1870,16. Berberideaj, 1857,240. Berberis, 1847,515; 1838,123; 1870,16. aquifolium, 1839, 181 ; 1870, 413. Canadensis, 1857, 240 ; 1871, 349. Fendleri , 1857 , 240 ; 1866, 129. Fremontii, 1860, 434 ; 1866, 129. repens, 1833, 129. trifoliatus, 1863, 129, vulgaris, 1854, 407 ; 1857, 490 ; 1838,197,202; 1871, 349. Bercheniia, 1838, 123 ; 1870, 17. Bergera Konigi, 1870, 180. BerthoUetia excelsa, 1859, 322 ; 1837, 147 ; 1870, 14, 179. Beta altissima, 1830, 76; 1867, 303. cicla, 1837, 305. bybrida, 1837, 303. maritima, 1867, 306. vulgaris, 1854, 339; 1857,237; 1859, 327; 1837,305,311. Betonica, 1847, 517. birsuta, 1857, 272. Betula, 1847, 520 ; 1868, 103, 124 ; 1870, 16. alba, 1854, 407 ; 1857, 263, 490 ; 1868, 201,202. alba, var. populifolia, 1875, 176. excelsa, 1860, 417. glandulosa, 1830, 431 ; 1868, 176 ; 1875, 358. lenta, 1880, 417 ; 1875,176. lutea, 1875, 176. nana, 1868, 177 ; 1870, 205. nigra, 1860, 417 ; 1875, 176. occidentalis, 1860, 431 ; 1875, 176, 342. papvracea, 1860, 417 ; 1875, 176, 432. populifolia, 1860, 417. l)umila, 1875, 342. Betulacete, 1857, 263; 1868, 124; 1870,16: 1875, 176. Bidens, 1847, 519. bipinuata, 1865, 513 ; 1868, 281. cbrysantliemoides, 1865, 513. diversifolia, 1857, 273. frondosa, 1865, 513. Bignonia, 1868, 124 ; 1870, 17. capreolata, 18(58, 203. catalpa, 1857, 490. Bignoniaceae, 1875, 167. Biotia, 1868, 124; 1869, 174; 1870, 17. CMnensis, 1830, 32. Biscutella erigerifolia, 1857, 264. Bixa orellana, 1870, 14. Bligbia sapida, 1859, 315. Blitum eapitatuni, 1859, 357. virgatum, 1859, 357. Bcelimeria, 1865, 351. candicans, 1867, 220, 225. cordata, 1865, 349. nivea, 1855, 244, 245, 247 ; 1860 139 ; 1863, 108 ; 1865, 34, 347 1867, 221, 225 ; 1869, 11, 60 1870, 14, 21, 169. puya, 1865, 347. tenacissima, 1855, xxxiii ; 1860, 473; 1865, 347 ; 1867, 220, 221, 222, 225, 426 ; 1869, 60. utilis, 1867, 225. Boerhavia erecta, 1859, 357. Boleti, 1868, 100, 106. Boletus aereus, 1859, 319. aurautiacus, 1859, 319. bovinus, 1876, 80. carintbiacus, 1859, 319. castaneus, 1876, 80. coUinitus, 1876, 80. elegans, 1876, 80. ednlis, 18.59, 319 ; 1876, 80. flavidus, 1876, 80. granulatus, 1876, 80. liepatica, 1859, 319. lutous, 1876, 80. moscbocarvauus, 1859, 319; 1876, 80. saguarius, 1859, 319 ; 1876, 80. scaber, 1859, 319 ; 1876, 80. subtomentosus, 1876, 80. tuberaster, 1844, 267. versipellis, 1876, 80. Bombax ceiba, 1859, 322, 359. Malabaricum, 1859, 315. septenatum, 1859, 359. Boraginaceai, 1857, 271 ; 1875, 167. Borago officinalis, 1854, 340; 1859, 355; 1860, 123; 1864, 308. Borassus flabelliformis, 1859, 313. Borkliausia foitida, 1857, 274. rubra, 1857, 274. Boswellia serrata, 1865, Ivi ; 1870, 187. Botrytis, 1845, 240, 654. ba^siana, 1865, 328, 329, 546; 1866, 36. destructor, 1845, 237. infestans, 1845, 237, 238 ; 1847, 150 ; 1849, 396, 398 ; 1865, 329, 546 ; 1868, 231 ; 1871, 112 ; 1872, 198, 203 ; 1873, 186. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 195 Botrytis parasitica, 1849, 398. viticola, 18(55,3:32; 1871,110, 111. Bouteloua cuitii)eDdnla, leTO, -^18, 223. eripoda, lf*7(), 218. hirsuta, 186G, 127; 1870, 218, *^20', 22)5. oligostacliva, 18()f), 127 ; 1870, 218, 220, 223. Jirabea dukis, 18o0, 4'.J4. cdulis, 1875, 183. lilaincutosa, 18/5, 186. Brasenia jieltata, 18(34, 461. Brassica, 1847, f;18; 1858, 333. arveiisis, 1844, 394. Balearica, I8.-9, 352. cainpcstiis. 1H45, 400; 1854, xxv; 1>^.>9, :i25, 327 ; 1^564, 307 ; 1867, 312, 314. carinata, 1859, 35:5. caulorai)a, l'-'54, :5o7. Cbineusis. 1^47, 193. Cretica, 1859, :i,53. eruca, 1854, 515. insularis, 1859, :i53, napiis, 1854, :549; 1857, 264 ; 1867, 314; 1870, 181. uleracea, 1854, :i40. :i41, 346; 18.57, 264 : 1859, :r)2; 1860, 76: 1862, 229 : 1867, 298, :U4. oleilVia, l!^60, 76. rapa, 1854, :{S:; ; 18.57, 264; 1859, :i25, :i27; I80O, 76; 1864,301; 1867, :{14. siiiai)i.stnini, 1839, 50i]. Briza, 1-^47, 5i:?. Brizopvnnn si)i(atmn, l!~'<)6. 127 ; 1870, 219. Bromeiia, 1S()9, ii.VJ; If^TO, 14. ananas, 18.".9, :5:51. karatas, 18()5, 95 ; 1869, 263, 266. l)in,i;nin, 1869, 26(5. svlvcsMis, 1H6:?, 109; 1H19, 61. Bromus, 1847, 51:5: IKVJ, :{0S; i860, 2:i5. Ali-ntt-nsis, 18:;8, 188. filial ns, iHu), 1.^^; 1868, 188; 1870, 220. Kalniii, l^-Jd, 2Jl, 221, 22(5. mollis, lw;9, K>^. piunatns, 1HJ9, 88. prateusis, 1854, :i92; 1869, f'i*, 89; 1S70, 19. Scbradoii, 1^72, 41H; 1H7:{, 2:U»; 1H74, 158. secalinus, 1H6,5, 519; 1867, AVZ; 1H(;h, sl»; 1H<;9, H^, 504. Sitkonsis, 1H(H, I'^H. snltnlatns. ISilH, l-'H. svlvatiiiis, iKtO, :{95. uni<.loid.'.s, i-r.9. s>', S9; 1-74. 159. lUosinuMM ^ialacfndrndron, 1^70, 19"^. Broussonctia, IHiS, 124; 1-70. 17. pap.vrilria. 1H|»5, 95. Browallia »'lata, l^'57, 272. Hrnnrlla, \f^Al, 517. 15iunni(hia, 1H()8, 124. Brvonia. 1S47, 520. a 11. a, I8r)9, :Wf*. dioica. 1S.57. 2(i4; 1H.59, 308. Bulion ^ialliannni, I'nO, 1H». Bnrlianania lalilidia, 1870. 179. Buchloc, ISiU). 2:57. Bucbloe dactvloides, 1870, 220, 222. iiiM kleva, 18<;8, 124. Bna, ls,<», 421 ; 1875, 167. lytioidi-.s. l-T.o, 4J1; 1-C5, 167. inaM*. icbodcudniiii, I'HiO, 423. rarrilVdia. 1-75. 167. recliiia'.a, 18.i<). 4.>4 ; 1875, 167. t«'nax, IrJO, 4-1 ; 1875, 167. Buuias, 1^47, 518. eru«a;^o, 1859. 354. orient alin, 1>'57, 2 >4. spiiius.i. 1h:9, :i54. BnpN'urnin, 1 -•>■-, 123. rolundil'oliiiin, lr;.j7, '/75. Buptbalninin, 1847, .'•iO. cordirolitiMi, 1"'57. 273. Bursora acuminata. 1 *70. 1^7. •TummiltTa, 1-54. 407; Ir-GO, 423; 1875, 1.56. Bnrscracca', 1*^5, 1.'6. Bntca fromlosa. 1-70, !<>. Bnti.mns nnd.cllatns, K'U, 30H; 1860,96. BuxuM, IHh-, 124; 1''70, 17. Si'iniMTvii-fiis, 1K55, xlviii. Byrsonima spicata. K9. :ir>l. Bvs.sns <;irnlt'a, l-^io. 9.». Byttn«ri;irr;i-, 1^70, 194. C. C'actarra', 1K59, :VX\: 1-6:5. 121>; 1^7.5, 163. Ca<, 18.U, ItW. CiM'ti. 1875, 3 u. Cii^aipina. \<>1, 2(>9: l>*iV"«. 12*3; l-7(>, 1?6. rala.liinn. 1-9. 152: 1K.<». 'M. 471. r.vrllirl'.tnni. \~ C'alama;:n>sti.s A!fnti« a. 1 '. CanadfUsi.H, l- --. 177. 189; |r-7t». Jl-*. coarrtaTa. l-ri«5. 127. ^i^ant* a. 1-70. \»18.^s«lor6i. l.-<»-. 1-9. La|>« nniia l-<>. 1-9. lon-iilolia. 1^*70. 21H, *£iO. nf;;l«1». pnrpiirasmiH. Ii^V'^, 189. strirta. 1^0. -JH. hfri^oNa. l-«x-. I*^'. Hvlvatica, I'^UJ, 127; 1870, Calainprli^ s«;iliri, IHGH, ilOB. Calamus. 1-19. 2«U. rabuia. 1^:4». :M3.^ Calandrinia ^niudilolia. IK'>7. 2i»7. ,sp«'. Callirrlioe pedata, 1870, 406. Callistenima liorteuse, 1857, 273. - Callltriche antumiialis, 1864, 455. veraa, 1864, 4.55. Callitris, 1868, 124. qxiadiivalvis, 1870, 187. Calochortus Inteus, 1870, 406. Calopliyllum inophyllnm, 1870, 175. Calotro'pis gigautea, 1854, 174 ; 1870, 191. Caltlia, 1847, 517 ; 1862, 157 ; 1876, 62. ednlis, 1870, 194. palustris, 1864, 344. Calycanthaceip, 1868, 123. Calycautlius, 1868, 123. Calcocarpum, 1858, 123; 1870, 16. Calystegia pubesceus, 186"^, 205. Camassia osculenta, 1857, 262 : 1862, 162 ; 1870, 408.' Cambogia gntta, 1859, 339. Camelinasativa, 1845, 314; 1851, 51; 18.54, XXV ; 1859, 325; 1863, 116; 1865, 510; 1870, 181. Camellia alba var. ]ilena, 1863, 369. Japonica, 1863, 368. tbeifera, 18a0, 448. Camelliace*, 1868, 123; 1870, 17; 1871, 92. Campanula, 1847, 514. Americana, 1862, 159. medinm, 1857, 272. rapnncuhis, 1859, 329. rotnndifolia, 1862, 159. Campannlacete, 1857, 272. Campbora, 1870, 129. Canarium commnne, 1859, 322; 1870, 190. strictum, 1870, 19". Canellaceaj, 1875, 155. Canella alba, 1875, 155. Cannabinaceai, 1857, 263. Cannabis sativa, 1857, 263 ; 18.59, 325 ; 1867_, 297 ; 1870, 187 ; 1874, 148. Cantbarellus cibarius, 1859, 319 ; 1876, 80. Capparidaceai, 1857, 264 ; J870, 202 ; 1875, 154. Capparis berbacea, 1859, 359. Jamaicensis, 1875, 154. rupestris, 1859, 359. sodada, 1870, 202. spinosa, 1854, 225, 409; 1855, 286; 1859, 359 ; 1870, 202. Caprifoliacese, 1868, 123; 1870, 10; 1875, 164. Capsella. bursa-pastoris, 1865, 510. Capsicum, 1857, 270 ; 1868, 113. annunm, 1854, 372. frutescens, 1870, 201. Caragana, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 17. Cardamine, 1847, 518 ; 1859, 356. amara, 1859, 356. nasturtioides, 1859, 356. pralensis, 1859, 356. Cardiaca, 1847, 517. Cardia bullata, 1875, 167. Cardiospermum balicacabum, 1868, 206. Carduus, 1847, 519. Carex, 1847, 520. Carex acuta, 1864, 344. Gayana, 1870, 2^:4. strict a, 1865, 518. tenlaculata, 1865, 518. triiida, 1855, xxxiii. varia, 1864, 344. Carica papaya, 1859, 331 ; 1867, 143. Carissa carandas, 1859, 337. Carlina, 1847, 519. Carolinea princeps, 1859, 315. Carpinus, 1847, 520; 1868, 124; 1870, 16. Americana, 1854, 414 ; 1875, 175, 342. betulus, 1854, 413; 1857, 263; 1868, 197 ; 1869, 171. ostrya, 1860, 501. Cartbamus tinciorius, 18.57, 274. Carum carui, 1854, 344 ; 1857, 275 ; 1870, 202. Carya, 1868, 124 ; 1870, 16. alba, 1849, 478; 1860, 419; 1870, 411 : 1875, 172, 342. amara, 1860, 419; 1867, 74; 1875, 172, 342. aquaticn, 1875, 172. glabra, ISjO, 419. oliTae-fovmis, 1856, 450 ; 1859, 321 ; 1860, 4::L^; 1867, 147; 1870, 411; 1875, 1/2. microcarpa, 1860, 421 ; 1875, 172. myristicaiformis, 1860, 421 ; 1875, 172. porcina, 1875. 172, 342. sulcata, I860,' 4-^0; 1875, 172. tomentosn., 18i;0, 419; 1875, 172, 342. Caryocar amygdalifernm, 1859, 322. butyrosum, 1859, 322. glabrum, 1859, 322. nnciferum, 1859, 322. tomentosum, 1859, 322. Caryopbyllace«, 1857, 267 ; 1876, 81. Carj'^opbyllus aromaticus, 1870, 177, 199. Caryota urens, 1859, 313, 352. Cassia, 18.57, 269 ; 1866, 129. cbam;ecrista, 1870, 273. esculenta, 1859, 359. fistula, 1859, 333. lanceolata, 18.55, lix. senna, 1855, lix, Ix. sopbora, 1859, 3.59. Cassandra, 1868, 125 ; 1870, 16. calyculata, 1864, 348. Cassiope, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 16. Castanea, 1868, 124 ; 1870, 16. Americana, 1860, 419. argentea, 1859, 314. cbrysopbvlla, 1860, 432. pumila, 1854, 410; 1860, 421; 1868, 281 ; 1875, 175. tungurut, 1859, 314. vesca, 1849, 478; 185.5, xlviii ; 18.56, 450; 18,59, 313, 314; 1868, 107, 200, 201, 202 ; 1875, 175. Castanopsis cbrysophylla, 1875, 175, chrysophylla, var. pumila, 1875, 175. Castanospermum australe, 1859, 315. Castela Nicbolsoni, 1857, 239. Castilleja coccinea, 1862, 160. I INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 197 Castilloa elastica 1870, 191 ; 187G, G4. Catabrosa algitla, 1858, 188. af|uatica, l8f)8, l'!^8. Catalpa, 1660, 427 ; 18G8, 124 ; 1870, 17 : 187-2, 500. bignonioides, 1800, 420; 1808, icOO, 20:3 ; 1875, 1C7. cord i folia, 1857, 272. Cataiiaucbe ca;riilea, 1857, 274. Cavanillesia plataiiiiolia, 1859. 321. Ceaiiotbus, 1857,241: l?i(58, 123; 1870, 17. Americaims, iniy.',, 517 ; 1870, 197 ; 1875, 342. divaricatus, 1875, 157. ovalis. 1875, 342. tbvr.siaorus, 1800, 433; 1875, 157. Cedrela odorata, 1801, 224. Cetli-ns, 1838, 124: 187(», 17. deodoia, 1855, Ixi. Nutkaeiisis, 1868, 186. Celastracea.', 18.57, 240; ls.j8, 123; 1870,16, 194 ; 1875, 157. Celastnis, 186H, 123; 1^70, 16. scaiideiis, 18.56, 59; 1868, 204; 1870, 422. Celtis, 1860, 427 ; 1868, 124 ; 1870, 17. australis, 1^59, 343. cinerea, 1^57, 243. intepi folia, 1>6(>, 422. Mississipijiciisis, is(i0,421 ; 1875, 171. occideiitalis, 18 50, 419; 1^75, 171, 342. pallida, 1875, 171, 342. reticulata, IH'oO, 430; 1^75, 171. Ceiicbrus tiibiiloid.s, 181)5,519; 1870,220. Centaurea, 1847. 520. cyaims, 1860, 07; 1865, 514. d«', 1857, 274. Centauriuni, lf^47, 514. Ccphalaiitbiis, 1868, 123; 1H7(). 16. occidcutalis, l'-75, 342. occidcnlalis, var. Caliior- iiica, 1^75, 165, Ccplialotaxus, 1868, 124; lf^7ti. 17. Ccradia fiircata, Ir^H l^^. Ceraniiacca.', 1866, 421. Ccrantbcra liucarifoli.i, 1"^ i-', l<»t'. Ccrastiniii, 1817, 516. Cerasus, 186^, 107. capoliii, 18.59, 351. Caii.liniana. 1H51, 402; 1859, 13<), isdO, 421. <-oiiiiiimiis, IS )(•, 64. dcmiss.i, 1H;;o, 431. ilicif(.Iiii, l"-'.;o, 13:5. nialiiilrl., l-^4:>, 1(55. iiK.llis, l-bit. 430. iiiiiltillora, l'^!56. 129. obovata, 1H(51, 341. PcimsN hani»a, 1-150, 417. ]u-os(nila, l.''t5(5. 129. immil.i. IS(5(5, 129. .sciot iii.i, 18i50, 417. Vii<;iiiiuiia. 1K59, XA ; 1H50, 417; is;5i5, 129; 1-70, 411. Ccratiola, I -(5-^. 121. Ccrat(»(liloa ;;r:m»litl.>ia. 1^70. 219, 2*i(». Ceratoiiia ,sili<|iia, ISVl, wvii; K>9. 19, 100, 11-. 3:52; l-(50.:{2; 1-1)4.52-; 1^7(5,287. Cercidiuiii rioridiiin, 1860,434; 1875, 100. Cercis, l'^.>. 123 ; Ir'TO. 17. Caiiadtimis. 1-5:^. itef; 1857, 2tJ9 ; 1^^(50, 420: 186-', 203, 281; 1869 171 : 1-7.5, 1(5<». occid.uTalis, l-(;o, 4:52; 1875, 160. .siliqiiastnini, l-^i*^, 201. Cercocari>i.s le«lifoliiis, 1875, 161. XiO. parvifoliiis. 1-75, 161, Cerentho major, 1-57. 271. Cerons j;i;;autt*M.s, 1H59, Xi:i; l-t5«», -I'M; 1^5!,, 129; 1870, 416, 417, 421; 1-^5. 163. TburlK-ri, 1859, 3:W; 1860, 434; I'^O. 4H,. 417: 1875. l9, 312; l-^S.S, 4:{0. CliaToplivlliiin, 1^47, 515. bullMwuin. 1859,360; 1864, '500. sativum, 1854, 348. CbauKLTops. l'^6(J, 474. humilis, li^59, 129. l.almctto, l.<>9,:t:i2; 1860,421. Ntrrulata, IrM'A, 4ir.J. thrinax, l^Hii), 267. Chara, 18()9, 102. Cu-saris, 1<)9, :r>4. Chavica bctd. 1-70. 19s, 22. Cbcilaiitbrs lrnti;4cra. H59. VH. ('licir.uitbus. 1^.57. 264. Ciu'lidouiuui, 1847, 517. Chelou«', 1^1)2, KMJ. ^'labra, 1-62. l!5o. L.v«»uii, H 52. 1(5(». Chcuopodiacca-. l-'57, 2 57: 1-59,357; 1870, 194. C'bcnopodiiMu, H47. 514. albuui, lK-,9. :r)7; lHa">. 517; 1-70. 4-20. Hoiius-IIiMirit-ux, 1*'59, 357. botrvs, H.57. 2 '7. liybridum. 1 -''.». :r»7. (|uiiif>a. 1 ; l'*57, 2.57; 1- . :o7. rubrum. 1^59. :t.»7. viridf, lK*»i». 3.57, Chilopsis linrariH. l-^tii^. 434 ; 1-75. U»7. Cliiiuocarpus pcut.iphvUuH, IKil*. iJ57. rbimnuaiitbu>. 1-5-. 12:1: l.-<70, 16. \'ir;:inira. 1SU>, 171. Chioneiu'H, 1H6H. 12;{; l-7i». 16. ChiouauthuH. lS5. 420; l~ •-. 2*: I- '<*>. 423. 124, 426. 427. iii:im(dl«»MUH, 1»<;5 5, 421. 42Ik ]diruttlH. KAl l>. ClirvHauthruiuni, 1K47. ri2U; IHOI. ^*i; 18»«*. 112. oortiuariuui, IK'»7, ^iTX 198 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Chrysantliemuin leucantliemum, 1849, 375 ; 1859, 129. segetiim, 1865, 513. Chryseis crocea, 1857, 266. Cliiysobalauus ellix^ticiis, 1859, 343. icaco, 1859, 349 ; 1860, 422. Chrysoijhyllum cainito, 1870, 14. micropliyllum, 1875, 166. Chrysoplemum, 1847, 515. Cicca disticha, 1859, 337. racemosa, 1859, 337. Cicer, 1847, 519. arietinum, 1854, xvi ; 1859, 317 ; 1876, 287. Cichoraceoe, 1859, 357. Cicliormm, 1847, 519. cosnia, 1859, 354. endivia, 1854, 352 ; 1857, 274 ; 1859, 353. intvbus, 1847, 193 ; 1854, 348 ; 1859, 353, 354; 1865, 514; 1871, 108. Cicoia Guvanensis, 1859, 322. Cicuta, 1847, 575. maculata, 1865, 512. Cimicifuga, 1862, 157. Cincliona, 1866, 454, 461; 1870, 14; 1871, 103 ; 1872, 171 ; 1876, 65. Bonplandiana, 1872, 170. calisava, 1866, 457, 463, 465, 466 ; 1870, 615 ; 1872, 169. condamina, 1866, 468; 1872, 169. crespilla, 1872, 170. laucifolia, 1866, 468 ; 1872, 169. micrautlia, 1866, 458, 465, 466 ; 1872, 169, 170. nitida, 1866, 466. officinalis, 1866, 465, 471 ; 1872, 170. 'ovata, 1865, 458. paliiidiana, 1866, 462, 465. Peruviana, 1872, 170. succirubra, 1866, 456, 463, 465, 466, 467, 468; 1872, 169, 170; 1876, 65. CinchonacesB, 1864, 461. Cincboneffi, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 184, 205. Cinna ariindinacae, 1870. 218. latifolia, 1868, 189. Cinnamomum cassia, 1870, 177, 199. verum, 1870, 14. Zevlanicum, 1870, 177, 199. Circaea, 1847, 513!^ Cirsium arvense, 1865, 514; 1867, 308; 1869, 504. eriopborum, 1851, 655. borridnbmi, 1865, 514. lauceolatum, 1865,- 514. Cissus, 1861, 486. crenata, 1859, 359. discolor, 1863, 375. latifolia, 1859, 359. quadrangularis, 1859, 359. rotnndifolia, 1859, 359. temata, 1859, 359. Cistacese, 1870, 186. Cistus, 1847, 517. Creticiis, 1870, 186. Citbarexvliun villosum, 1875, 167. Citrus, 1867, 140. Citrus aurantium, 1858, 266; 1859, 338; 1860, 66 ; 1867, 141, 301. bergamia, 1870, 181. bigaradia, 1859, 338. Cbilensis, 1859, .338. decumana, 1859, .338; 1867, 142. Japonica, 1859, 338. Javanica, 1859, 338. limetta, 1859, 338 ; 1867, 142, 301. limonum, 1860, 64; 1867, 301. medica, 1859, 337 ; 1867, 142, 301 ; 1870, 181. nobilis, 1859, 338; 1860, 475. sinensis, 1859, 338. vulgaris, 1859, 338. Cladantbus Arabicus, 1857, 273. Cladosporium berbarum, 1849. 393; 1872, 177. ' Cladrastis, 1860, 427 ; 1868, 123 ; 1870, 17. tinctoria, 1860, 420 ; 1868, 199, 201,203; 1869, 182; 187.5, 159. Clarkia elegans, 1857, 274. Clavaria amethystea, 1859, 319. aurea, 1876, 80. botrytis, 1859, 319. cinerea, 1859, 319. coralloides, 1859, 319. cristata, 1876, 80. fastigiata, 1876, 80. flava, 1859, 319. formosa, 1859, 319. muscoides, 1859, 319. macropus, 1859, 319. pyxidata, 1859, 319. (Ramaria), 1859, 319. rubella, 1859, 319. siligiuea, 1876, 80. subtilis, 1876, 80. Claytonia, 1862, 158. Clematis, 1868, 107, 205. Drummoudii, 1866, 128. erecta, 1857, 265. lasiantha, 1866, 128. ligustifolia, 1866, 128. Pitcberi, 1866, 128. viorua, 1866, 128. viticella, 1857, 490. Cleome cuneifolia, 1859, 359. integrifolia, 1866, 129. Sonora?, 1866, 129. spinosa, 1857, 264. Cletbra, 1866, 123 ; 1870, 16. alnifolia, 1876, 63. Cliftonia ligustrina, 1860, 422 ; 1875, 166. Clinopodium, 1847, 517. Clintonia borealis, 1864, 344. Clitocybe cespitosus, 1876, 79. giganteus, 1876, 79. nebularis, 1876, 79. odorus, 1876, 79. Clitopilus Prunulus, 1876, 79. Clitoria, 1857, 289. Clusia alba, 1870, 187. duca, 1870, 187. flava, 1870, 14, 187 ; 1875, 155. galactodendron, 1870, 198. insignis, 1870, 186. rosea, 1870, 187. Clusiaceie, 1870, 175, 182, 187, 198. Clymenum, 1847, 518. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL KKPORTS. 199 Cobcea scandens, 18o7. 271 ; 18G8, 205. Coccoloba Floiidaua, 'iH-'iiK 42:i; 1875, 169. uvifera, 18G0, 422 ; 1875, 169. Cocculus, 1868, 12:}; 1870, 16. Caiolinus, 1868, 205. Iiulicus, 1864, 561. Cochlearia, 1847, 518. annoiacia, 1854, ){54 ; 1859, 327. Daiiica, 1859, 356. fc'Tic'strata, 18()8, 187. oflicinalis, 1854, 380. rustic a, 1859, 327. Cochlospermnm gossyi)iuin, 1870, 187. Cocos butvracea, 1859, 322. nucilera, 1859, 322; 1863, 108; 1867, 147. oleracea, 1^59, 3>52. Cocus arenaiia, 1859, 32^}. Codiaium chrv.soHticoii, 1859, Ii59. Coflea Arabica, 1870, 195 ; 1876, 63, 64. Libcrica, 1876, 64. Cola acuminata, 1870, 197. Colchicum, 1869, 114. Collinsia heteiophylla, 1857, 272. Collomia coccinca, 1857, 27 L Collybia osculcntus, 1876, 79. radicatu.s, 1876, 79. Colpodium lulvuni, 1868, 188. Colutea, 1857, 2(58 ; 18(W, 123 ; 1870, 17. arborcsceus, 1^59, 102; 1861, 636. Combretaca}, 1875, 163. CompositJJB, 1857,273; 1868,123; 1870, 17, . 124, 180, 18(), 198. Comptonia, 1868, 124 ; 1870, 17. Condalia obovata, 1857, 241. spatliulata, 1857, 241. Confervae, 1864, 461. Confervacea', 18(56, 424. Conilenc, 18(58, 124: 1^70, 17. 1-^2, 1.84, 187; 1875, 177, 3.52, 3.53. 354, 3,55, :i56,:{58. Couiomycctes Ustilagiiici, 1*^7(5, 81. Conium, 1847, 515. niaculatuni, 18.57, 275; l-^OO, 67 : 1H)5, 512. Conocar[)Us crcctu.s, 18(50, 423; lrt75, 163. Convallaria, 1847, 515. Convolvulac.cjn, 1857,271; 1870, 181,183. ConvolvultiH, 1847, 514; 1855, 92; 1862, 161; 18()(K 129. arvcnsis, 18(5;i, 116; 1865, 517. batatas. 184.5, 45(1; 1859, 301, 309; 1S67, 311. cliry.soiTliizus, 18,59, 310. major, 1857, 271. l)urpiuous, li-'(54, 347. scammonia. 1H56, 510; 1870, 183. H: 18<57, 24 Copaifcra ollicinali.s, 1S70, 190. Copciiiicia (•(•rilrrii, 187('. 204. Coptis a.splcuilblia, 18<)8. 187. trifolia, 1^54, 341; 18(58, 187. Coprinu.s comatus. 1>7(5, 80. atraincutaiius, 187(5, 80. CorchoruM, 18,57, 2(55, acutauguhw, 1859, :{3.5. Corchonis, capHularis, 1863, 1(C : 1870, 15; 1872,167; 1873.267. fructiculosus, lH.59, 357. olitorius, 1859, l8, 355, 357; li^ClJ, 107 ; li?72, 1G7. tridf^n.s, 1K59, :555. Cordia Bois-sicri, 18<50. 4:i4. mvxa, l'^59, 'XVJ. sfbcsttiia, 1-59, :J39; 18«0, 423. Conma, 18(58, 124. atro.san^uiin'.'i, 1857, 273. Dnimuioiidii, 1*^57, 27:i. Coriauilrum .sativum, 18,54. :J49; 1870, 202. Coriaria, IHi't^, 123: 1870, 17. lrt.)9, !M7. Coriariea', 184W, 12:5; 1870, 17. Coniacea;, 18(>-, 123; 1870, 17; 1875, 164. Coraus, 1847, 514: 1859, 344; 1868, 123; 1870, 17. .ilteniin)lia, 1860, 419. aspori folia, 1875, :i42. Canadinsi.s, 1H7.5, :M2. cimata, li^75. :i42. florida, 1853, 98; 1860, 419, 501; 18<>4, :i44; 1H<5.8,203; 1869.171; 1875, 1(54. nia.scula, 1^59, :U6. Nuttalli, 1S5(», 431; 1875, 164. pub«.sc«'nM, IfMii). 431; 1875. 164. 8es.silis, 1)^50, VM. sericra, l'^75, 342. stolonifrra. 1875, 'M'2. Coronilla, 1^,57, 269: is;-^, 123. Cortinarius \.K 321; 1870. 411; 1^7.5, :142. Avfllana, \9. :W1. rostrata. l^-.O. :W1 ; 1875. :J42. var. Califoniioa, 1875, 17.5. tul)ulosa, K>9, '.Wl. Corypha australi.s, lKr)9, 3.52. ccrifcra, Ki), *C1. n>tundifoba, 1 ~ ^ V umbracuIibMM. 13. Co.smanthu.H, 1S52. 1(51. Cotonca.strr. l'^'^". 123: 1870, 1(>. rotundifidia. K»7, 270. Coinim (tniaM«*nsi.«t, lS5l>, 3.51. Craml.r, 1847, 51H nuiritima. 18M. xx. '.tsO; l--5r. 214: l-vA*. 3M. Tatana, 18:>9. XA. CraUBffUs, 1^-17, 51(5; isr.4.. :i9; K.!*. ;W4; I81.O, 4;i:.; lt«8, I'A 2tl3; 1870, 16. arbuit-jtCi'ii'*. 102. 4:Jl. l?7a, 200 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Crataegus aria, iKfJO, 421. azarolus, 1859, 345. berberifolia, 1860, 422. coccinea, 1860, 419, 502; 1870, 413 ; 1873, 332 ; 1875, 162. cordata, 1854, 394, 418; 1857, 242; 1860, 317, 4v>0; 1875, 162. crus-galli, 1857, 242; 1860, 419; 1875, 162. flava, 1860, 421 ; 1875, 162. glandulosa, 1860, 430; 1875, 162. macrantha, 1857, 270. oxyacautba, 1854, 394, 410; 18.57, 490; 1868, 245; 1873, 183, 185. punctata, 1857, 270; 1873, 183; 1875, 162. pyracantlia, 1856, 451; 1873, 183. rivularis, 1860, 431 ; 1875, 162. sanguinea, 1860, 430; 1875,162. spathulata, 1875, 162. terminalis, 1859, 345. tomentosa, 1860, 419; 1871,349; 1873,183; 1875,162. tomentosa, var. mollis, 1875, 162. trilobata, 1859, 345. CratsBva magna, 1859, 337. nurvala, 1859, 337. religiosa, 1859, 337. Crepis, 1847, §19. Crescentia^ 1860, 423. cujute, 1868, 270. Critbmum maritimum, 1859, 354. Crocus, 1864, 344. edulus, 1859, 311. sativus, 1848, 161. vernus, 1859, 311. Crotalaria, 1857, 268 ; 1867, 72 ; 1870, 80. iuncea, 1863, 107, 108. Croton, 1857, 263. tiglium, 1870, 14, 173. CruciferiB, 1857, 264 ; 1867, 72 ; 1870, 181, 204. Cryptandra, 1857, 270. Cryptococus alvearis, 1868, 278. Cryptogamia, 1868, 231. Cryptomeria, 1859, 135; 1868, 124; 1870, 17. Cubeba officinalis, 1870, 181. Cucubalus, 1847, 516. Cucumis citrullus, 1859, 333; 1867, 147, 313. colocyntbis, 1860, 33. melo, 1854, 362 ; 1859, 333 ; 1867, 313. sativus, 1854, 350; 1859, 333; 1867, 313. Cucurbita, 1857, 263. citrullus, 1854, 363. melopepo, 1854, 382; 1867,313. ovifera, 1854, 328. pepo, 1854, 375; 1859, 333, 334; 1867, 313. CucurbitacesB, 1857, 263 ; 1859, 333 ; 1870, 205 ; 1875, 120. Cunningbamia, 1859, 135 ; 1868, 124 ; 1870, 17. sinensis, 1859, 136. Cupania tomentosa, 1859, 315. Cupbea procumbens, 1857, 270. Cupressine£e, 1868, 124. Cupressus, 1854, 401 ; 1868, 124 ; 1869, 174, 181 ; 1870, 17 ; 1875, 358. disticba, 1861, 636. glauca, 1859, 136. Gowana, 1860, 433. Lawsoniana, 1860, 432 ; 1868, 196; 1875, 184. macrocarpa, 1860, 433; 1875, 184. MacNabiana, 1875, 184. Nutkacnsis, I860,' 431; 1868, 188, 196. Nutkanus. 1875, 184. tbvoides, 1860. 421, 426, 431, 441; 1861, 636; 1865, 250; 1875, 184, 342. Cupuliferaj, 1868, 124 ; 1870, 16 ; 1875, 172. Curcas purgans, 1870, 180. Curcuma amada, 1870, 203, aromatica, 1870, 203. longa, 1868, 269 ; 1870, 203. zedoria, 1870, 203. Cuscuta epiliuum, 1863, 116; 1865, 517. Europoea, 1863, 116. Cycas circinnalis, 1859, 313. inermis, 18r.9, 313. revoluta, 1859, 135, 313. Cyclamen Neapolitanum, 1863, 370. Persicum, 1863, 367, 370. puuctatum, 1863, 370. Cyclopia genistoides, 1870, 194. Cydonia, 1868, 123 ; 1869, 183 ; 1870, 16. sinensis, 1859, 341. . vulgaris, 1859, 341 ; 1867, 146. Cynanchum arquel, 1855, Ix. Cynara cardunculus, 1854, 344 ; 1859, 358. scolymus, 1854, 333 ; 1859, 358. Cynocrambe, 1847, 521. Cynodon dactylon, 1849, 154 ; 1855, 252 ; 1865, 519 ; 1873, 238. Cynoglossum, 1847, 514. glocbidatum, 1857, 271. Cynometra cauliliora, 1859, 333. Cynosurus, 1847, 513. cristatus, 1847, 159; 1857, 392; 1860, 76, 129 ; 1869, 88, 89 ; 1870, 19 ; 1873, 406. Cyperaceffi, 1868, 128; 1869, 504; 1870, 224. Cyperus, 1849, 156 ; 1876, 62. . esculentns, 18.54, xvii, 349; 1855, xiii; 1857, 165; 1859,325, 565; 1873, 281. hydra, 1865, 518. phymatodes, 1865, 518. repens, 1849, 156 ; 1854, xvii ; 1855, xiv; 1859,565; 1873,281. Cypripedium, 1847, 520 ; 1862, 162 ; 1866, 127 ; 1871, 413. Cyrilla, 1868, 124. racemillora, 1860, 421 ; 1875, 166. Cyrillacea), 1868, 124 ; 1875, 166. Cytisus, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 17. albus, 1857, 268. laburnum, 1857, 26bL D. Daboecia, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 16. Dacrydium, 1868, 124. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 201 Dactylis glomerata, 18G0, 129; 1866,365: 1869, 88,89: 1870, 585. Dffidalea, 1849, 398. Dalea, 18GG, l'-a9. spiuosa, 1800, 4:i4. Dammara, 1868, 1-^4. australis, 1870, 182. oriontalis, 1870, 182. DautlioiiL'cO ract'uiosa, 1874, 439. sericea, l^'70, 219. spicata, 187(^ 219. subtspicata, le73, 406. Daphne, 1^68, 124 : 1870, 17. mezc'iciun, 18.')7, 490. Darbva, 1868, 124. Datura, 1875, 136. met el, ].^70, 423. stramonium, 18.55, 66; 1857, 120, 270: 1860, (,7 ; 1867, 516; 1870, 224. 423 ; 1873, 1137. Wii«;lilii, 1870, 75. Daucus, 1847, 515. carota, 1854,345; 1857, 275; 1859, 328; 1860,76; 1865,512; 1867,312. Decumaria, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 16. Delesseria san^uinea, 1860, (')S ; 1864, 469. Delphiniuui, 1847, 517. Ajaeis, 181)5,510. azureum, 18l)2, 157 ; 1866, 127, 128. coccineum, 1866, 128. consolida, 1865, 510. elatum, 1866, 127. exaltatum, 1862, 1.57. flexuosum, 18.57, 266. intermedium, 1^.57, 265. Menzii'sii, 18v)6, l'.:7. scopulorum, 186(5, 128. stapliisaji;ria, 1^70, 87. viresecns, 18;)i, 157 ; 1866, 127. Depazea, 1849, 392, 396. Deterium Sene^alense, 1859, 344. Dcut/.ia, 186-^, 123; 18.)9, iKi ; L^70, 1(5. Dialium nitidum. 1K')9, 3i!. Diantbus, 1847, 516. barbatus. 1-.57, 267. caroi)byllus, 1S;,(», .500. Obinensis, 1K57, 267. Diai)eusia I^apponica, lrtr)3, 4(59. Diarrbena AnuTic ana. I'^d, 219. Dicentra, 1862, 15K bulb<»s;j. 18132, 158. (■ucu!laiia, 18(52, 158. formosji, l.'^()2, l;"^. Dicbi'laebuc ciinita, 1^^74, 4:>9. DickscMiia antanti<-a. 1K59, 132. Dicolvledomi', 18r)H, 122. Diervilla, 18158, 123; 1870, 1'5. Digitalis lut«'a, 1S,.7. 272. purpun-.i. lsr>(», (VT. Digitaria. 1S49, 1.'.7. dactvlon, 1S,53, KH ; 1873, 2:W. sanguinalis, 1^49. 154; ia59,3(H5. Dillenia ('liiplica. I.S59, 337. srirata, 1"^59, 337. Dimoeaipus Ijtrlii, l.*-.5(», 450. Dion cdulc. 1S.")9,:5I3. Dioscoiea, 1.S50, 47 I. alcta, 18,54, 3M); 18,^5,225; 1859, 308, 310. Dioscorea batala.s, 1854, xvii, 169, 389; 18.55, xiii, 224 ; 1856, 251 ; 1868, 205. 446. bnlbifira, 1857, 165; 1859, 310. dcltoidr.s, 18.57, 165; 1^^.59, 310. cseuleuta, 1857, l«i5; li-vVD, 310. pentaphvlla, 18,59, 310. saliva, 1-54. 389; l^o'J, 310. Diospyros, 1^,59, .'>49; HO*, 124; 1870, 17. aiiKena. 1'^.59, 'M4 eb«'n:ist< r. 1 -" gliilinirtia. 1 l'.59. :^29. Diplotaxis trniiitolia, 1K57, 'S'A. Dipsacea', l^.■.7, 273. Dii)sacus liillonnm, ls>:{, 117. Jaeiniatns. l-'.57, 273. sylvrstris, 1h;m, 512. Diptnaeea-, Ir^O, 17(5, 1-9. Dipt«*r(narpa(ra'. lr"7o. IK?. Diittrrocarpca", 1-70, 1^3. Dipt«'rorarpJis lax is, l^TO. \r^J. trin* rvi.s, 1870, 189. Direa, 1'^(>H, 124 : 1-^0. 17. l)()de. Iiibia, 1-59, 31S. nulanopbtbahiius, 1859, 318. Niloiinis, 1-59. 3H. S4'.si|iiip<>dalis. H59, 318. sinrnsis, 1-.59, 3H. spban»sp«Tnuis, 1-.59, 3l5. tubfn»sus, H.59, .Til. iiiigniciilatiis. 1^59, 318. viridis, 1^54, xv. Doroma annuonia<'uin, 1^*70, KJ. J>oist«nia llrasilii'iisls, li^O, 11. nral)a, 1-J7, 518. vrina. 1H(«. 1.58. Drata'ua dram, 1-70, 14. iiidivisa, l-.*»9, ;i-l7, 357. nobilis ls.-,9, 132. tcniiinalis, l^.V.), .113. :i.57. DnictK'eplialuiii. H :»2. 161. d«ihiiiti>«. l-5'». 3:rr. |»UJ\ llbi I illdis. |-l.«t. fu. Dymnlia t hi \.H;in(hoiu*>idi>H, 187U, !i!i4. 202 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. E. Eatonia obtusata, 1870, *219. Pennsylvauica, 1870, 219. EbenaceiB, 1859,549; 18rH,124: 1870,17. Eccremocarpus scaber, 1857, 272; 1875, 166. Echinocactus Wislizeni, 1860, 434; 1870, 417. EcMnospermiim lapiiula, 1835, 515. EcMum, 1847, 514. grail diflorum, 1857, 271. viilgare, 1865, 515 ; 1868, 281. Ecklonia bncciiialis, 1860, 67. Edosmia montaiia, 1870, 407. Ehretia Bnerreria, 1875, 167. elliptica, 1860, 434; 1875, 167. Elseagia iitilis, 1870, 205. Elffiaguaceai, 1868, 124; 1870, 16 ; 1875, 169. Elseagnus, 1868, 124 ; 1870, 16. angustifolia, 1859, 343; 1869, 171. arborea, 1859, 343. cor.ferta, 1859, 343. orientalis, 1859, 343. Pbillipineusis, 1859, 343. ElfBis Guineeiisis, 1859, 322; 1870, 14,175. Elaiihrium elemiferum, 1870, 190, Elate sylvestris, 1859, 313,343. Eleusine coracana, 1859,306; 1869,88,89. Indica, 1849, 156 ; 1869, 89. stricta, 1859, 307. tocussa, 1859,306; 1889, 88, 89. Ellettaria cardamomuin, 1870, 14, 179, 200. EUiottia, 1868, 124. Elsholtzia cristata, 1857, 271. Elymus,1860, 233, 235, 237; 1868, 271. arenarius, 1854, xxvi, 409; 1888, 188. Canadensis, 1836, 127; 1870, 219, 225. condensatns, 1836, 127 ; 1870, 219. mollis, 1868, 188; 1870, 225. Sibiricns, 1868, 188; 1870, 219, 220 225. striatus, 1870, 219. ' triticoides, 1870, 219. Virginicus, 1870, 219, 225. Emblica officinalis, 1859, 336. Empetraceai, 1868, 124. Empetrum, 1847, 521; 1868,124. nigrum, 1868, 188; 1870, 413. Empusa (Sporendonema) miisca), 1872, 132. Enslenia albida, 1865, 516. Enteroniorxiha, 1884, 469. compressa, 1864, 465. Enlopbyta, 1869, 389. Eperua falcata, 1870, 188. Epigaja, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 16. repens, 1834, 344 ; 1871, 413. Epilobium an gnsti folium, 1859, 359. latifolium, 1859, 359. tetragonum, 1859, 359. Epipbyllum, 1863, 371. Epipbyta, 1889, 389. EquisetacciB, 1830, 123. Equisetum, 1847, .521 ; 1876, 62. liuviatile, 1851, 110. Eragrostis Abyssinica, 1859, 306. Brownii, 1874, 440. capillaris, 1870, 219. Eragrostis megastacbya, 1870, 219, 221, 224. oxylepis, 18G6, 128; 1870, 219. pectiuacea, 1870, 219. Pursbii, 1863, 128 ; 1870, 219. reptaus, 1870, 219. tenuis, 1870, 219. Ereclitbites bieracifolia, 1865, 513. Ergotetia abortifaciens, 1849, 395. Erica, 1847, 515. Ericacea?, 1868, 123; 1870, 16, 194; 1875, 165. Ericine*, 1838, 123. Erigeron Canadense, 1835, 512 ; 1870, 224. divaricatum, 1870, 224. strigosum, 18j5, 512. Eriobotrya, 1880, 475. Japonica, 18.50, 450; 1867, 143. Eriocoma cuspidata, 1870, 218, 420, Erioglossum edule, 1859, 337. Eriopborum, 1847, 513. Virginicum, 1834, 411. Erodium circutarinm, 1853, 401 ; 1870, 422. Ervum, 1857, 269. lens, 1854, xvi; 1859, 316, 317; 1837, 298. Eryngium campestre, 1868, 108. Erysibe (see Erisypbe), 1844, 249; 1849, 396. subterranea, 1844, 236. Erysimum, 1847, 518, Peroffskiauum, 1857, 264. Erysipbe (see Erysibe), 1849, 396, 398; 1861, 496, 497, 493; 1865, 546; 1839, 512; 1871, 112, 113, 115, 121. Tuckeri, 1874, 174, 176, 177. Erytbrsea, 1832, 161. Erytbrina, 1857, 239. Eiythronium, 1832, 195. albidum, 1838, 281. Americanum, 1864, 344. Erytbroxylon coca, 1870, 196. Escallonia lioribunda, 1859, 135. Escallouiete, 1838, 123. Escbscboltzia Calilbrnica, 1857, 266. Eucalypti, 1871, 233; 1876, 84. Eucalyptus, 1857, 274 ; 1874, 425, 426. 441, 446; 1875, 329, 345; 1876, 63, 82, 84. gigautea, 1834, 207. globulus, 1870, 22, 232 ; 1871, 103; 1874, 425, 441; 187.5, 345 ; 1876, 82, 84. liemipliloia, 1875, 345 ; 1876, 65, 82, maniiifera, 1870, 184. obliqua, 1875, 345. paniculata, 1875, 345. resinifera, 1870. 232. rostrata, 1870, 184 ; 1874, 441. saligna, 1859, 135. tereticornis, 187.5, 345. Eucbaridium conciunum, 1857, 274. Eucbroma coccinea, 1864, 344. Eugenia, 1859, 336. Brasiliensis, 1859, 349. buxifolia, 1830, 423 ; 1875, 163. cauliflora, 1859, 349. dicbotoma, 1875, 163. floribunda, 1859, 349. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 203 Eugenia jamljosa, 1859, 330. latilblia, 1800, 422. Malaccen.sis, l^^r/J, :}3(j. Micbelii, 1^51), :i\[). iiionticola, ^t^75, 103. pimeiita, 1870, 179, 200. proceia, l^i\{). 423; 187r>, 103. Euonymus, 1847,514; 1859, 133; 1^08, 123; 1870, V:>, 014. atr()i)uri)iin'u.s, 1^75, 157, 342. EiiropjL'Us, 18(33, 477; 1807, 478. limbriatiis, 1859, 135. Jai)oniciiH, 1809, 181 ; 1870, 70. occideiitalis, 1875, 157. ova lis, 1875, 342. Eiipatorium, 1847, 519 ; 18{K>, 129. ])erfoliatiiin, 1800, 5(X). ])uri»ui(UiM, 1805, 512. Euphorbia, 1847, 517 ; H,;(). 129. cattimaiidoo. 1"^70, 191. edulis, 1859, :i59. hirta, 1859, ;5,59. bj'pcricifolia, 1805, 517. latbyris, 1857, 203. maouliita, 1805, 517. piluliiera, 1859, :J,VJ. Eupborbiacca', 1851,54; 1857, 203; 1808, 124 ; 1870, 173, 17H, If^O, 190, 191 ; 1875, 109 ; 1870, 04. Euphrasia, 1847, 517. Euryale ferox, 1859, 312. Euryops multilidus, 1.^70, 180. Euterpe edulis. 1859 :)52. Cariba-a, 18.-;9, 352. oleraceii', l^'.VJ, 352. Eutoca viscid.i, 1>.57, 271. Excitcaria lucitla, 1>75, 109. Exocarpus cupressilbnnis, 1859, 347. Exogouium piirga, 1870, 183. Exostemma, 1800, 455. F. Faba vulgaris, 1857,*209; 1859, 31(5. Fabacea', l'-'70, 1^5. Fabiana iuibricata, 1859, 135. Fagara ]iip<'rita, 1801, 3S(). Fagopvnini, l."^47, 515. Fagus," 1847,520; 180S, 10.5, 124; 1^70, 10. alba, ISOO, 420. forruiiiiu'a, 1^49, 478; 1854, 400; 1800, 417; 1870, 171; IH75, 175. svlvatica, l.'^54, 405; 1857, 203; IHOO, 0(5; 1?^01, iYM\; 18*58, 201, 2(h>; 1870, 171. Fedia dmlata, 1H.57, 273. 55, xwiii. IN-rsici, 1>7(>. I.^^l*.. Festuca, 1-17, 513; 18,5;{. 390, 3l>7, 3l>l». divrs, 1^74, 439. diMiiiscula. 1.-J7, I51». 100; is.", I, 392; l."^(;o. 129: I-CO. 30r.: l-r.9, HH, S9; 1-^70, 19. rlatior, Ih;".», hs. tlaOrllat.i. l-.V). xxxi, xxxiii. lluitans. 1h;9, ss. hetcrophvlla, I -47. U'A); 1854, 392; 184;9, 88. loliacea-, 18(>9, Hrt, K>. Festuca uiucrostai-liya, 1870, 219, 220. 224. mici' . I8, l;.-^. nut a, . 219. oviua, 1-44, .;!0; 1--47. 1.'.9: 1-.54, XXV, 39J; 1-^0. \-S'^,:WA]: l-.>, iK--; l^VJ. '<,; 1K70, 19, 219, 220: 1 l)au< iHora, ISO, --ii'J. l>rat<*n.sis, li<>4, xxv ; 1'::^, 76, 129; iKii;, lUw; 18(jy, 88, 89; 1>?70, 19, 22(5. rubra, l-.")4, 392; 1^08, 88, 89, 90; 1^70, 19, 219. 8cabn-lla, 1800. 128; lf?70, 219. subulaia, 1>1*>*, Ir^. ten.lla. l^MJ, 128: 1870, 219. t««nuilolia, IKVI, :{92 : l"^©, SS; 1^570, I'j. Ficus, 1H»^, 124: 1-70. 17; 1^70, &1. asp«ra. l'^59, X\2. aun-.i, \r^A), 42:?: 1''75, 170. bnvilblia. 1n;<», 42:t ; 1''75, 170. rarica. l'-^.")4, xxix ; I'^'oU, 331. tMTilV*ra, l'-7<>, 2«'iulula. 1^47, 5ir>. Fistulina lupatica. 1"?7(), 80r Fit/roya. 1^0-. 124. Flat«.mtia «ataplira>ta, 1859, .137. in«rniis, 18.59, Itf/. sapi«la, l.S5l>, :W7. s«'piaria, lK'»i>. :UJ7. Fopniculuni dul»M', 1K.*)7. 275. vulgarr. 1.-70, 179. Foutaursia, IHiW, 124 : 1''70. 17. Fonstirra, 18..r', 124: 1-70. 17. acinninata. 1-75, 10e<. ligiistriiia. 1-75, HJ8. Fop'stirrira*, l-i>H, l'J4. FoiNvtliia, l-W, 124; 1869, IKJ; 1870,17. Fothri^Mll;!. I-.-. 123; l.<7l>, 16. Fothrr;,Mll.M-. 1-..^ 123. F(>ui|iiii'ra s|iliii«lriiH, ls'»7.242: 1^75. IST*. Fourrrova. IS19, 2.'>l», 2t»<». CulM-MHis, isa». 2.'^». Fragaria. l-i7. 51t;; l-.')9. 344; I-hJI, l>y. Iln-sliiigia, M>I. 1-7. HoMuritusis. 1?««JI, 1-7. 190. (■aly<'ina. iNil. 1-7. Canadtiisis. l-«il. 1-7, IW. Caroliiii.iiia, l-OI. IIHI, Carnliin '-•;!. \{Hi. Chilrnsi UT : l-»?!. !-?. HH». lUl. 1.' collina. I -''.».:'. r olalior. I : 1n;1. 187, 190, I'M. gruiidilloni. i . . . i? ; 1861, ltl7, 11H», 191. lie. llHi. *,t>0. Hudmuucn. iHil. 190. IIIiniWriiHiH. lS(;i. Ir47, 190, 196. 204 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL RP^PORTS. Fragaria ludica, 1861, 187, 190, 194. lowousis, 1861, 1«7, 190. lucicla, 1861, 190. Majaufea, 1861, 187. monopliylla, 1061, 187, 190. platauoides, 1861. 187. sericea, 1861, 190. sterilis, 1861, 190. Snudaica, 18131, 187. vesca, 1859, 346 ; 1861, 175, 187, 190, 191, 194, 195, 205. Yir;^iniaiui, 1859, 847; 1861, 175, 187, 190. 191, 194, 195 ; 1864, 344 ; 1870, 413. Frangiila, 1847, Til; 1860,435; 1868, 1-23; 18V0, 11). Calilbruica, 1830,432: 1875,157; 1870, 64. Caroliiiiaiia, ISjO, 421; 1875, 157. Pnrshiana, 1860, 430; 1875, 157. Fraxiuete, 1868, 124 ; 1870, 184. Fraxiuns, 1847, 521 ; 1838, 105, 124. Americana, 1860. 417, 424 ; 1838, 199; 1870, C32; 1875,168,342. auomala, 1875, 168. coiiacea, 1875, 168. Curtissi, 1875, 168. dipetala, 1875, 168. excelsior, 1868, 198, 201, 202; 1873, 152. nigra, 1857, 490. Oregouia, 1860, 431 ; 1875, 168. oriius, 1859, 117 ; 1861, 636 ; 1866, 38 ; 1870, 19. pistacitefolia, 1830, 434; 1875, 168. platvcarpa, 1860, 421 : 1875, 168. pubesceus, 1860, 419 ; 1875, 168. qiiadrangulata, I860, 419; 1875, lc8, 342. sauibucifolia, 18.30, 417; 1870, 232 ; 1875, 168. viridis, 1830, 419; 1869, 171; 1875, 168, 342. Frenela, 1868, 124. Fritillaria Kamtschatkensis, 1868, 188. Fucaceai, 1866, 423. Fuchsia denticnlata, 1859, 351. lulgeDS, 1844, 382. racemosa, 1859, 351. Fucus, 1864, 465 ; 1833, 423. cauaiiculntiis, 1836, 427. digitatus, 1830, 67. nodosus, 1830, 67; 1866, 424, 427; 1869, 73. serratus, 1860, 67; 1866, 424, 427. vesiciiTosus, 1830, 67; 1866, 424, 427 ; 1869, 73. Fumaria, 1847, 518. spicata, 1857, 266. Fungi, 1844, 436 ; 1845, 226, 229 : 1849, 391 ; 1864, 529; 1868, 109, 114, 230, 231, 232; 1870, 118; 1871, 110, 115; 1872, 189. Furcellaria fastigiata, 1830, 67. Fusanus acuniinatus, 1859, 347. Fusisporiuni, 1845, 682 ; 1849, 398. solani, 1845, 669. sporotricboides, 1845, 669. G. Gaillardia, 1866, 129. aristatit, 1857, 273. Galactodeudion utile, 1859, 300. Galantbus nivalis, 1834, 344. Galbanum officinale, 1870, 186. Galega officinalis, 1869, 88, 91. Sibirica, 1857, 268. Galeojisis, 1847, 517. Galinsogea trilobata, 18.57, 273. Garcinia Caiubogia, 1859, 339 ; 1870, 14. celebica, 1859, 339 ; 1870, 14. kydia, 1859, 339 ; 1870, 14. morella, 1859, 339 ; 1870,182. paniculata, 1859, 339. pictoria, 1870, 182. purpurea, 1859, 339. Garry a, 18(58, 123; 1870, 17. elliptic a, 1875, 164. Freuiontii, 1875, 164. Gaultberia procumbens, 1856, 153; 1870, 194, 414. Gaylussacia, 1868, 123: 1870, 16. Geiseniium, 1838, 123 ; 1870,' 16. seiiipervirens, 1868, 204. Genista, 1847, 518 ; 1868, 123 ; 1870, 17, 614. scoparia, 1854, xxxv. Gentiana, 1859, 299. amarella, 1868, 188. lutea, 1848, 607. Geraniacefe, 1857, 266. Geranium, 1847, 518. citriodorum, 1863, 372. Gerardia flava, 1862, 160. integrifolia, 1862, 160. pectinata, 1862, 160. pedicularia, 1862, 160. ])urpurea, 1862, 160. fiuercifolia, 1862, 160. Geum, 1847, 516; 1857, 270. moutanum, 1848, 606. Gilia Acbillctelblia, 1857, 271. capitata, 1857, 271. longiliora, 1836, 129. Gillenia trifoliata, 1862, 159. Gladiolus communis, 1863, 365. iloribundus; 1863, .365. Gandivensis, 1863, 365. psittacinus, 1857, 262. Glapliyria nitida, 1870, 194. Glaucium rubrum, 18.57, 266. Glecboma, 1847, 517. Gleditschia, 1860,427; 1868,123; 1870,17. ferox, 1857, 490 ; 1859, 108. monosiierma, 1860, 421 ; 1875, 160, 342. triacanthos, 1854, 414; 1855, Ivi; 1857, 242, 269; 1860, 420; 1868, 111, 194, 201, 245; 1870, 233; 1871, 349; 1875, 160, 342. Glossopetalum spinescens, 1857, 240. Glvceria airoides, 1870, 219. aquatica, 1868, 88 ; 1870, 219. fluitans, 1859, 308; 1869, 88, 90. gbimaris, 1868, 188. nervata, 1870, 219. paucifl^ra, 1866, 127; 1870,219. INDEX TO AGKICULIURAL nEPORTS. 205 Glyciiu! upios, lo.'/J, oil, Glycyrrbiza ecliiii.'ita, l^rTl, 109. glabra, 185-1, :?5b; 18oo, xx ; 1670. '20:5; 1871, lOy. lepidota, 1^70, -107. GlyptoslTobiis, 1808, 1-4 ; 1,':70, 17. Guaplialiuin, 1847, r>l'J. plata;*;!!!!!)!!, 18(J4, 412. ])oIyccphaliii!i, 184.'), 517. Godctia lepida, 1857, ti7 1. Liudlcyana, 18.57, 274. Goldbachia torulosa, 1854, xxv. Gondelia Toiirncloitii, 18.51), :i.58. Goiiolobiis, 1872, 1{)8. Gordoiiia, 18G0, 427; 18G8, 123; 1870, 17. lasiaiitlius, 1800,421; lc75, 1.55. pubcsceus, l.-uO, 422 ; 1803, 517 : 1^^75, 1.55. Gossypiuin, 18.57, 2u5; 1875, 124. acmninatum, 18.5o, 179. arboreuni, 1851$, 179 ; 185(5, 290; l>-n2, 104. Barbadciiso, 18.5:5, 179; 18.5.5, :U8, :n\), :i20; 185(), 280. lierbactMim, 185:3, IV 9; 185.5, :J18, :519; 1850, 280, 288; 1802, 104, 1.58; 1808, 107, 108. liirsut uni, 1855, :n8 ; 1850, 280, 290; 18 ;2, 104. Indicuin, 18.5;>, 179. maciilatmii, 18:»2, l.'-<. Pcruviaiiuin, 185:-, 179; 1850, 28;;. roligio.siir.i, 1855, :518; 185(), 280. vitilolinin, 18.50, 290. Graniiiicas 18-14, :57:5 ; 1805, :559 ; 1800, 127; 18(k-^, 110. Graphophornm llc^xnosuTu, 1870, 219. Grevilloa, L^.VJ, i:52. Grcwia Asiatica, 18.-)9, 3:50. Grias caulillora, 18.59, :549. Grossularica', L^08, 12:5. Gtiaiacniii olliciiiaU'. l'^70, 180; 1875, 155. saiicliim, 1875, 155. Guottarda Hlodgcttii, 1875, Km. Giicvina iivcllana, 18.59, :?21. Gnilandina bonduc, 1870. 14. Gni/.otia olcilVra, IK59, :525; 1-^70, 175. Gnttifcrii', 1S70. 17H ; l,-^5, l.Vi. Gvinnocladna, ISOO, 427 ; lrt(v-^, 12:5: l^•70, 17. Canadensis, isKt, 419; 1875, ir.O, :5-12. Gyninopogon lacnnosus, 1>70, 21i^. (iyinnospcrniii", HOH, 124. GynuKtsticlinni hystrix, l^TO. 219. (tynaiidropsis jtt ntaphylhi, 1''^.59, :5.59. (jynninni argcntcuin, l^^OO, i:59. Gyi)sophila clcganH, 1857, 207. H. Habcnarias, IKTC). 02. llabz.'lia .Elliiopica, 1^70. 200. IlaMnaloxylon Canipt'cliiannni, 1^*70, 14. IlaUca pugionil'tttinis, 1859, 1:5.5. llal«>sia, l.sio, 427: 1"^<">-"^. 124; l-'TO, 10. dipt.TM, INK). 420; 180H, a03 ; 1K75, 100. Halesia, tctra74(ra, 18C0, 4*-tfO; 1869, 171; 1-75, 106. Halidrys, lJ?i".0, 67. Ilaliniodcndron, 1H>, 123. Ilalinius, l'^47, .521. Hallia, 1^^.57, 'J)9. llalynienia cdnlis, 1'^.59, 312. lialnu-tta, l'-.'9, :;12. Ilanjaimdacfa-, Ij^^. 12:5; 1870, 10: 1*'75, io:j. IIainain»l«;i>. 1> l-*, 12:5. IlanianM-lis, Is;-, 12:5: 1870,16. niarrophylla, IKM', ?,:i. I »a r V i li»l ia , 1 S' 9, :5rJ. Virginiia. 1^.59. '.i'Jl ; 1-G9, 171. H.'nniUonia <»la. 1-.V.». :i.5l ; I'TO, 191. llcbi-nsticitia tcnnit'olia, 1 -.57, 272. liedtia, l^i7, 514; iHi--. 12:5; 1870, 17. helix, l«o4, 400; 1868, 205. Ilfdyotis ((inili a, IHfvJ, .344. Ilrdysan-a-. I'-i'"^, 12:5. Hcdvsanini, 1 %//, 209. Mark, nzii, 1868. 175, 187. onohrvcliis. 1hj7. 240: 1^^,54. XNiii: l->»4. :504. Helcniuin, 1^17, .'20. Doiiglasii, l-."7, 274. Hrlianllna-, 1^-70, 175, 4**0. lli'lianllii, 1^71, 4'..5. Hc'liantlins, IK.O, 99; 1-57, 7.5. aniinns, 1H.',9, :52;5: I'-iM. :547; 1-^0, 1-0. Indii-ns, 1-.57, 274. l<'n;i(ularis, 1 -70, 224. mollis, l-:70, 224. rigidr.s. l.-7»>, 224. f.Jxrosns, \f*A\. lit*: 1-54, .5:54; l>.'-9, 311: M;7, :536; 1-^70. Ufl. Holironra ("aribaa, 1'^<'».5, 9.5. Ilcliophila arabioidt-s, 1-.57, 264. Ilrlb'lmrns lii'tidns. K»7, 2ti5. llt'losriadnni ('alib»ini«Mim, li^O, 407. lielvflla 9. 319. inlnla. 1-.59. :{19. niitia, 1-.59, :519. niona. brlla, 1-.59. 319. raniosa, lS5i», :519. Ilopatira, ISVJ, 1.57: 1-71. 4i:5. Jiiloba. 1>51. 442: 1864, 347; IH\<, I "7. Heracli'Uin, l^M*, 515. «*lcgans, \f*'u, 27.5. Sibirinnii. KA, x\iii. NphtMidyliiiiii, IKtl. ()55. IIiMinannia, 1-57. 2t*k5. lIt'.Hp«>ri.H niatnmalis, 1-.57. 2»v4. Ilcvru HruMilirn.HiM, 1-70, «i4. HibimuH, 1H.51,.^»1>: 1H57. 2iw5 : l«H>J, 133; IHiW, 61 : IH7U, 14, 17 : 1?C3, SW7. rannabjnu*. \<^. ItST^ ICiO. tli^ilulu-. 1-59. :i50. eHciiliMii 7 ; 1882, 206 INDEX TO AGEICULTURAL REPORTS. Hibiscus ficulneiis, 1859, 359. furcatus, 1859, 359, hirtiLS, 1859, 359. miiculatns, 1859, 359. micraiitliris, 1859, 3.59. mosclientos, 1865, 511. palustris, 18G:i, 158. radiatus, 1859, 359. SabclaritFa, 1859, 359. Syria cus, 1854, 405. tiliaceus, 1859, 329. Hierncium, 1847, 519. Hierocliloa, 1868, 189. borealis, 1888, 189 ; 1870, 219. Hippocratea comosa, 1859, 322. HippophtP, 1847, 520 ; 1868, 124 ; 1870, 16. rhamuoicles, 1854, 409; 1859, 360. Hippomane Manciiiella, 1875, 169. Hippuris vulgaris, 18 J4, 455. Holacautlia Emoryi, 1857, 239, 241. Holcus CafiTorum, 1865, 301. clocliua, 1865, 301. lauatus, 1860, 129; 1869, 88, 90; 1874, 159. mollis, 1869, ^8, 90. polygamuui, 1853, 400 ; 1873, 238. saccliaratus, 1854, 219; 1842, 77; 1861, 294; 1865, 300. Sorghum, 1854, xiv, 160 ; 1865, 300, 301. Hordeum, 1868, 105. bulbosum, 1869, 88 ; 1870, 19, 20. disticbum, 1859, 302. bexasticbou, 1859, 302. jubatum, 1868, 188 ; 1870, 219. prateuse, 1849, 159 ; 1868, 188. pusillum, 1849, 157 ; 1870, 219. vulgare, 1857, 262; 1859, 302; 1867, 312.- Zeocriton, 1859, 303. Horminum Pyreuaicuui, 1857, 272. Horteusia, 1869, 131. Houstouia ccerulea, 1862, 159 ; 1864, 344. Hoya, 1863, 373 ; 1870, 615. Humiriacete, 1870, 188. Humirium balsamiferum, 1870, 188. lloribuudum, 1870, 188. Humulus, 1847, 521. lupulns, 1853, 24G ; 1854, 355; 1859, 357. Hura crepitaus, 1870, 14 ; 1876, 64. Hyacintbus comosus, I860, 96. Hydnum imbricatum, 1876, 80. laevigatum, 1876, 80. repaudum, 1859, 319 ; 1876, 80. rufesceiis, 1876, 80. subsquamosum, 1876, 80. Hydrangea, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 16. Tbuubergii, 1870, 199. Hydrangeaceai, 1870, " 199. Hydraugiese, 1868, 123. Hydrocbaris morsus-rause, 1864, 455. Hydrocotyle, 1847, 514. Hydrolea, 1862, 161. Hydropbyllum Canadeuse, 1862, 161. macrophyllum, 1862, 161. Virginicum, 1862, 161. Hygrophorus cbrysodon, 1876, 80. ebumeus, 1876, 80. I Hygropborus pratensis, 1876, 80. Hymena?a Courbaril, 1870, 16. Hyoscvamus, 1847, 514. uiger, 1857,270; 1860, 124. Hyx^econm procumbens, 1857, 266. Hvpelate x^aniculata, 1875, 158. Hypericaceie, 1857, 265; 1868, 123; 1870, IC, 182. Hypericum, 1847, 519; 1868, 123; 1870,16. aureum, 1862, 158. corymbosum, 1860, 32. birsutum, 1857, 265. Kabnianum, 1857, 265; 1862, 158. perforatum, 1865, 510. X)rolificum, 1862, 158. py rami datum, 1862, 158. Hypbaene Tbebaica, 1859, 344. Hypocbffiris, 1847, 519. Hypoxis, 1862, 162. Hyssopus officinalis, 1854, 357. Iberis nudicaulis, 1859, 356. umbellata, 1857, 264. Icica altissiraa, 1870, 182. beptapbylla, 1870, 182. beteropliylla, 1870, 182. Icosandria x>olygynia, 1861, 190. Ilicineffi, 1875, 156. Hex, 1870, 17. amara, 1870, 193. aquifolium, 1854, 399. casseua, 1856, 138. cassine, 1870, 197. Dahoou, 18.5, 1.56. decidua, 1875, 156. gongonba, 1870, 193. montioola, 1875, 156. opaca, 1854, 400 ; 1856, 138 ; 1860, 420 ; 1875, 156. Paraguavensis, 1854, xxxiv; 1859,4, 15; 1870,193. tbeezaus, 1870, 193. vomitoria, 1859, 15. (Prinos) verticellata, 1876, 63. Hlecebrun, 1870, 123. Illicium auisatum, 1870, 179, 199. lioridanum, 1870, 14. Impatiens, 1847, .520 ; 1857, 270. glanduligera, 1857, 266. Incarpus edulis, 1859, 323. Indigofera, 1844, 329 ; 1857, 268. auil, 1844,330; 1873,260. argentea, 1844, 330 ; 1873, 257. ccerulea, 1844, 330, tinctoria, 1844, 330, 331; 1857, 264 ; 1873, 257. Inga burgoni, 18.59, 333. insignis, 1859, 333. sapida, 1859, 333. vera, 1859, 333. Inula, 1849, 520. belenium, 1854, 352. Ipomcea, 1866, 129. leptopbylla, 1870, 407. mamosa, 1859, 309. purga, 1870, 14. purpurea, 1868, 205. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 207 Ipomoea turpetlium, 1870, 183. Iridtea, 1866, 424. edulis, 1859, 312 ; 1860, 68. Iris, 1657, 262. cristata, 1862, 162. cuprea, 1862, 162. Florentiiia, 1855, xxiv. piimila, 1864,341. Sibirica, 1857, 262. vemata, 1862, 162. versicolor, 1862, 162. Virgiiiica, 1862, 162 ; 1&T4, 344. Isatis, 1847,518. indigoi ica, 1860, 474. tinctoria, 1844, 331. Isouanandra gutta, 1870, 190. Itea, 1868, 123 ; 1870,16. Virginica, 1876, 63. Iva, 1870, 17. ciliata, 1870, 224. xantliifolla, 1870, 224. Jacquiiiia armilluris, 1875, 167. Jambolilera pcdunculata, 1859,336. Jainbose, 1859, 336. inacropliylla, 1859, 336. Malacctnsis, 1859, 336. vulgaris, 1859, 3:J6. Ja.sioiie, 1847, 520. Jasniinaccii', 1868, 124 ; 1^70, 17. Jasniiumn, 1868, 124. Jatropba cnrcas, I'-'OO, 474 ; 1870, 14. Loc'tlingii, 1855, 276. maniliot, 1855, 276, 286; 1859, 301, 309. Jeffersouia dii)hyll;u 1862, 157. Juglandact'ii', 1868, 124; 1870, K;; 1875,171. Juglans, 1868, lU;, 124; 1^70, 16. baccata, 1859, 321. Califoniica. 1875. 172. cincna, l'^49, 478; is.VJ. 321 ; 1860, 419; 1.-^75, 171. 344. tVaxiiiifolia, 1^59, 321. nigra, I8.-9, 321, 490; 1868,201; 1870, 411; ls7.->, 171,342. regia, 18.'5, xi\ ; 18.')(;, 4.50; lr^59, 320; 1*^67, 147. nipostris, 1860, 433; 1875, 172. Juucacca', IHtiC), 12S. Juncus, 1847, 515. acutus, 18.')9, 103. cllusus, 1H6.5, 518; 1876,62. Juuipeni.s, 1S47, 521 ; 18(v-^. 107, 124, 177 ; lH(i9, 174, 181; 1870, 17. Caliloniiciis, var. ItalM-nsr, 1875, \Kk coiMiiiiinis, lK57,26;i; 18,59, 2l>9; 186(1, 417; 1^^»8, 188; 1S70, l(r7 ; 1>575, 342. Occident i« lis, 'IHH). 430; 1875, ia5. var. T ox una, 1H7.5. l^*5. pnchvpliln-.i. 1^U>. .i'X\. Sabiiia, lS.-,9. 1:L5: IHVI, iV>H, t«'tra«,MMia, is;(», 134. Virginiaiia. is;(i. 117. 424 ; 18<*>8, 4i");{; 1-^75, 1^:., 342. Juuipenis Virginiaua, var. Bermudiana and var. Montana, 1875, 185. K. Kadsiira, 18(>*^, 122 ; 1870, IG. Kalniia, 1860, 427; 1868, 123; 1870, 16; 1-71, 413. anguMilolia, 1857, 120; 186:*, 242. latilolia, 1^56, 152; l'%57, 120; I8fj0,419; lr«3,242; l-4>l,3, K>7, 273. Kakria cristala, l-i;4. KraiiK-ria triaudra, 1K55, Ix. Kroeborlinia spinosa, l't'57, 241. L. Labiata-, l-.')7.-J71 ; 1^7(». 174, 17.'', 179, 180. Lablab Inuocarpus, K>9, 31-<. niirrus. 1**,'>1», 31*^. NankiiMiisis, 18.59, 31^. iMTi'iiiiis, I-..9, 'Mr*. viilgari.s 1-59, 31*^. Labunmni, IHV-, 123; 1^70. 17. vulgarr, l-Ss?. -.itKt; W.l>. 171. Lactariu.M, Ij-TTi, f*C,. iiisulsu.s li^C), H>. pip«T:»t>is, 1H7(*>, HI). sulMlulcis. ls7r>. 80. t«»rniinosu.s, 1^^7t», 8t). volt IllUs. 1-T(>, f*i). Lactuca « ajtitata. 1-.59, Il'^J. trispa, L*',59, ICkI. laciniata. K»i^ :V5:?. .sativu, ^5-1,:K.<); I-,57,274; 1-59, :i.53; l-'74. 14-. s(:iri 123. Lagunculuria ra<'»'mo., 424. tligitata. K.9. 312; l^fiO. 67; HiW'., 424. 427; lHtl», 73. latifolia. l-^U*. 67. Hacchurina, lK-.i». 31'i; 1866, 4:14, 427. Laniinni, 1^17, 517. anipU'xicauli' I'^^Vv .Mfi. Lan>«iiiiM doiuivsiirnin. 1 Laiilaiia |»**«Mid«»-th««a, \~ Lappa major, iNiT*, 514 : 1*^4. I*^. Larrra Mrxitana, \>i'*K i^4. Lap.saua. 1"M7,519. L»nli/abulaoa«. iSiH. Vli; 1^70. 16. Larix. 1H><, 124. 176; Ir^M. 17. .\n»triranu, l-'^'s IM; IHOU, 417; 1^75, IKk 208 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Larix daburica, 186S, 177, 188. Europita, 1834,414; 1870,184,231. Lyallii, 1875, 18;5. occidcutalis, 18G0, 431; 1875, 183, u58. Lasthenia Califoruica, 1857, 273. glabrata, 1857, 273. Lathyms, 18b6, 129. amiuus, 1857, 269. lieterophyllns, 1857, 269. latifoliiis, 1868, 206. maritimns, 1868, 185, 187. sativiLS, 1857, 269. Lauracea?, 1868, 124 ; 1870, 17, 177, 178, 199; 1875, 169. Laurenciapinnallfida, 1859,312; 1866,424. spicata, 1859, 357. Laiu'estiuus, 1859, 102. Laurus, 1868, 124 ; 1870, 17. campliora, 1850, 451; 1859, 14, 135; 1870, 14. xjassia, 1850, 451. chloroxylon, 1859, 315. nobilis,'l854, 401 ; 1870, 178. Lavandula spica, 1854, 357 ; 1870, 180. vera, 1870, 180. Lavatera trimestris, 1857, 265. Lecauora esculenta, 1859, 312. Lecytliidacere, 1870, 179. Lecylliis, 1870, 14. ollaria, 1859, 315. Ledmu, 1847, 516; 1868, 123; 1870, 16; 1871, 413. pahistre, 1870, 194. Leersia lenticnlaris, 1870, 218. oryzoides, 1845, 690 ; 1849, 156 ; 1870, 218. Virgin ica, 1870, 218. Legnminoste, 1844, 330; 1857, 241, 268; 1864, 304 ; 1868, 123 ; 1870, 17, 174, 176, 182, 184, 185, 186, 189, 190, 193, 194, 197, 199, 200, 203 ; 1874, 160 ; 1875, 159. Leiophyllum, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 16. Lemna minor, 1864, 461. trisulca, 1864, 455 ; 1876, 62. Leontodon, 1847, 519. taraxacum, 1859, 356; 1870, 117. Leonurus cardiaca, 1857,272; 1865, 515. Lepidium, 1847, 518. oleraceum, 1859, 356. piscidium, 1859, 356. ruderale, 1861, 224. sativum, 1844, 325, 370 ; 1854, 350 ; 1857, 264 ; 1859, 356 ; 1369, 137. Lepiota excoriatus, 1876, 79. mastoideus, 1876, 79. procurus, 1876, 79. rachodes, 1876, 79. Leptochloa fascicularis, 1866, 127 ; 1870, 218. mucronata, 1870, 218. Leptomeria acerba, 1859, 347. pungens, 1859, 347. Leptosipbon androsaceus, 1857, 271. Lepturus paniculatus, 1866, 128; 1870, 219 220. Lespedeza striata, 1867, 253'; 1869, 88, 91. Leucadendron, 1857, 268. Leuca^na rctusa, 1875, 161. Leucantbemum vulgare, 1865, 513. Leucopogon, 1859, 347. Leucotboe, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 16. Lewisia rediviva, 1859, 355 ; 1870, 407. Leycesteria, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 16. Liatris, 1856, 99 ; 1857, 75. odoratissima, 1871, 170; 1876, 69. Libocedrus, 1868, 124; 1870, 17. decurrens, 1860, 432 ; 1875, 185, 358. Licania incana, 1859, 322. Ligusticum levisticum, 1857, 275. Ligustrum, 1847, 513 ; 1868, 124 ; 1870, 17. gbibra, 1851, 59. Japotiicum, 1868, 197. lucidum, 1851, 58. vulgare, 1854, 403 ; 1868, 197 ; 1870, 614. Liliaceffi, 1857, 262 ; 1870, 182 ; 1875, 186. Lilium Canadensis, 1862, 162. Catesbiei, 1862, 102. Pbiladelpbicum, 1862, 162. superbum, 1862, 162. Limnantbes Douglasii, 1857, 265. Limnobiuni spongia, 1864, 455. Limuocbaris, 1876, 62. Limnopence, 1847, 513. Limonia Americana, 1870, 14. LinacejK, 1857, 266 ; 1870, 180. Linaria, 1847, 517. bipartita, 1857, 272. Perezii, 1857, 272. spartea, 1857, 272. vulgaris, 1862, 160 ; 1865, 515. Liudera, 1868, 124 ; 1870, 17. Linnoea, 1868, 123. Linosyris, 18(i0, 430. Linum, 1847, 515 ; 1861, 44. grandiflorum, 1859, 19. perenne, 1857, 266 ; 1868, 187. usitatissimum, 1857, 266 ; 1859, 325; 1861,21, 83,87; 1862, 113; ■ 1867, 225 ; 1870, 180. Liquidambar, 1860, 427 ; 1868, 123; 1870, 16. styraciflua, 1860, 420; 1875, 163. Liriodendron, 1860, 427 ; 1868, 122; 1870, 16. tulipifera, 1857, 265; 1860, 420 ; 1868, 198, 202, 203. Lissantbe, 1859, 347. Litbospermum, 1847, 514. Litbrsea laurina, 1860, 433. Loasa lateritia, 1857, 274. nitida, 1857, 275. Loasacese-, 1857, 274. Lobelia cardinalis, 1862, 159 ; 1864, 453. inflata, 1865, 515. 8j)icata, 1862, 159. sypbilitica, 1862, 159. fexensis, 1866, 129. Logania;, 1868, 123. Loiseleuria, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 16. Lolium Italicum, 1844, 373, 374; 1860, 129; 1869, 88, 90; 1870, 19; 1872, 418. perenne, 1844, 340, 374 ; 1854, xxiv, 392; 1860,129,135; 1869,88.90; 1870, 226 ; 1873, 236, 408. Louicera, 1847, 514 ; 1868, 123. bracbypoda, 1868, 204. INDEX TO AGKICULTURAL REPORTS. 209 Lonicera ciliata, 1870, 414. involucrata, 1870, 414. Japouica, 1868, 204 ; 1870, IG. Tartarica, 1857, 400. LoniceresB, 18C8, 12:i. Lopezia racemosa, 1857, 274. Lopliospermum scaiidoiis, 18G8, 20G. Loteai, 1808, 12:}. Lotus, 1847, 510. Lucuma mamiuosum, 1859, 237. Lunaria Lieuuis, 1857, 204. Lupinus albus, 1854, xv ; 1859, 31G : 18G1, 371 ; 1864, 304. angiistifolius, 1801, 371 ; 18G4, 305. ar^roj)liyllns, 1806, 129. aridiis, 1800, 127. graudilolitis, 1857, 2G8. liirsutuH, 1859, 310. littoralis, 1859, 311. lucidus, l'^57, 208. luteus, 1854, xvi; 18G1, 371: 1864, 305. ornatus, 1866, 127. perciinis, 1859, 316. polyphylliis, 1857, 268; 18G6, 127. pusilliis, 180(), 129. rivulari.s, 1857, 268. sparsiiloriis, 1866, 129. succulentiis, 1857, 208. tenuis, 1859, 316 ; 1861, 371. Tcxensis, 1866, li.9. Lychnis, 1847, 516. Lycoperdou solidum, 1859, 320: 1870, 423, 424. Lycopcrsicum csculcutum, 1857, 270; 1859, 357 ; 1874, 148. Lycopodiacca», 18G0, 124. Lycopodium leptophylluui, 1859, 132. Lycopsis, 1847, 514. Lycopus, 1847, 513. Lygeum spartuui, 1854, 44 ; 1868, 260, 267. LytracciP, 1857,270; 1868, 123; 1870, 10. Lythrum, 1847, 516. M. Maba ^fajor, 1859, 337. Macbridt'a ]uiklira, 1862, 161. Madura, i860, 4v:7 ; 1868, 124 ; 1>70, 17. aurantiaca, 1854, 415; 1857,242; 1860, 420; l.Si6, 36; 1.S07, 74; 1808, 194, 200,202,245; 18;;9, 171; 1871, 7, 349; 1873, 182; 1875, 170. Macrocliloa teuacissimn, 1868, 260, SfTT, 301 ; 18u9, 62; lc70, 21. Marrocystis, 1870, 379. Madia uu'Ilosa, 1845, 967. baliva, 1844, 394; 1^^45, 314, 967, 968; 1-59,325; b'^(:0,OJ; 1^70,175. 8]»lcnd('ns, 1857, 273. viscosa, 1S45, 907. Magnolia, 1857, 2(55; 1M60, 427; 18C8, 122; 1H7(I, IC), 110. acuminata, IHi;o,419; 18G9, 182; 1875, 154. conRpicurt, 1S5<>, 315; IHGO, 171. cordata, 1H(')0, 422; 1H75, IM. Frasrii, IHJO, 420; 1875, 154. 11 A Magnolia glanca, 1860, 421; 1668, 2^; 1869, 171 ; 1875, 152, 154. grandillora, 1^-49, 156; l.:io7,490, 491; I'^oO, 135; 1«00, 203: l'?72, 144; 1875, 154. Hartwigii, lii59, l»i. Liriodeudron tulipifera, 1875, 154. macroiibvlla, 1800, 420; 18G8, '2()i>, W.i; L^5, 154. pyranudata, l-'OO. 421. hjoulaiigtana, l'-56, 315; 1859, 129. umbrella, 1^)0, 420; 18C8, 203: 1-^5, 154. Magnoliaceu', K)7, 2(.5 : 1-^8, 122; 1870, 16: 1-75. 154. Mahouia, 1868, 123; 1-70, 16. aquifolitim, 1^.57,200. r«iMns, b-^OO, 32. Majorana liorti-nHi.s, 1854, 'Ml. Mahicbra, 1^70, 21. Malcomia maritima, 1K57, 264. Mal()])e graiidiflora. 1K'»7, ''2ijri. Malpizbia punicilolia, l'^59, 351. Malum Appianiiiii, 1-51», :M5. Malva, 1-47, 411; l-.i4. .-,:',:{. Maiiritiana, 1-57, 21^5. m<).s( liata, 1-.57. 2. rotnndillora, l-,'.9, :J.'>9. verticillata. l-."9, 3.59. Malvacca;, 18,57, 2«5,5; Ifi.VJ, 358; 1802,104 18tv^, 123; 1870,17. Mammoa Africana, 1-.59, 344. Americana, 1847, 411; 1859,348: 1870, 14. niarginata, l!^59, 348. Mammillaria, l"^;, :J71. Kinjpbx, 1-3,59, 333. Mangif.ra Indi.a, l-,59 335; 1870, 1 J. Manibot aipi, 1859, 301*. imsiUa, lf^,5i», :i09. utilissima, 1>,')9, :M>9; 1«70. 14. Marauta aruudinacea, 1-49, 159; !<>-, 324, 32.5, 329; 1859, 13t>. roscolint'atn, b*^59, 132. Zebrina, 1-03, :t70. Marasmiuit oreatles, l>7t», 80. Bcorodonius, l'-'76, 80. Mamibium, 1847,517 ; 1868, 111. vulgari', l.-,'>4, 3.')4. Martynia probostidca. If57,272. vicdacia. 1-70, 422. Maruta rotula, l-ir», 513; 1809,504. Matricaria, 1<17, .52(». cbanu>Miilla, 1SX>, 07. ^fattbiola nnniia, lM57,2t>l. Maiirand> a Hanlavana. l-»»-', 2(V. Mauritia tlrxiiosa, l-;.l», 313. Mc((»n(»psis, Ti», 4:.M. ninctilnta. hutivn, In- . *'■' ' >«;::; ISUJ, 70; I- 170; 1-7' ■ - i-..i, 2:u;; 1-: Mebiltur.i Mjinor. 1-7". 17 1. Mclampx rum, 1-17, 517. 210 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Melanorrliea usitatissima, 1870, 188. MelauospermeoB, 1866, 423. Melastoma, 1859, 560 ; 1862, 159. arborescens, 1859, 351. fiavescens, 1859, 351. Guyanensis, 1859, 351. spicata, 1859, 351. succosa, 1859, 351. tococa, 1859, 351. Melia, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 17. azadirachta, 1870, 174. azedarach, 1855, 67; 1858,380; 1865, 95; 1868,281; 1870,174; 1872, 131; 1875, 156. MeliacejB, 1868, 123; 1870, 17,174; 1875, 156. Melica, 1847, 513. Melicoca bijuga, 1859, 315, 351. Melilotiis arborea, 1843, 107. cairulea, 1857, 268 ; 1870, 200. leucantha, 1857, 268. macrorliiza, 1857, 268. Melissa officinalis, 1854, 335; 1859, 103; 1868, 281. Melocactus communis, 1859, 333. Melocbia pyramidata, 1869, 266. Menispermacea), 1868, 123 ; 1870, 16. Menispermum, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 16. Canadense, 1868, 205. Mentha, 1847, 517. piperita, 1854, 363 ; 1870, 179. pnlegium, 1854, 363. viridis, 1854, 363. Menyantbes, 1847, 514. trifoliata, 1864, 344. Menziesia, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 16. Merisma Berkeleii, 1876, 80. caput-medusse, 1876, 80. coralloides, 1876,80. , cristatus, 1876,80. confliiens, 1876, 80. frondosus, 1876, 80. gigantens, 1876, 80. sulpbureiis, 1876, 80. Mertensia maritima, 1862, 101. panicnlata, 1862, 161. Virginica, 1862, 161. Merulius destructor, 1848, 212. lachrymans, 1849,358; 1865,519. Mesembryanthemum, 1867, 144. crystalliniim, 1857, 268. equilaterale, 1857, 347. prsecox, 1857, 347. Mespilus, 1868, 123. (AmelancMer) Canadensis, 1864, 339, 344. Germanica, 1859, 341. Mesua ferrea, 1870, 14, 178. Metrosideros alba, 1859, 136, albicans, 1859, 132. Microcachrys, 1868, 124. Microspbairia, 1871, 121 ; 1874, 177. Milium, 1847, 513 ; 1860, 471, 474. Indicum, 1865, 300. Plinii, 1865, 300. Mimosa, 1857, 270; 1860, 32; 1866, 129; 1869, 259. biuneifera, 1857, 242. Mimosa borealis, 1857, 242. inga, 1859, 333. MimosetB, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 186, 189. Mimulus, 1860, 129. floribundus, 1866, 126. lute us, 1866, 126. moscbatus, 1857, 272. ringens, 1862, 160. rubellus, 1866, 126. Mimusops balota, 1859, 337 ; 1870, 190. Sieberi, 1875, 166. Mirabilis Jalapa, 1857, 267. MitcbeUa, 1871, 445. repens, 1862, 159. Mitella dipbyUa, 1862, 159. Momordica elaterium, 1857, 263. Monarda didyma, 1862, 160 ; 1868, 281. punctata, 1870, 174. Moneses uniflora, 1870, 414. Monolepis Nuttalliaua, 1870, 224. Monopetalea?, 1868, 123. Monroa squarrosa, 1886, 127 ; 1870, 219, 222. Monstera deliciosa, 1870, 14. Montia, 1847, 513. Moracea?,, 1857, 263 ; 1870, 191, 205. Morcbella Bobemica, 1859, 319 ; 1876, 80. . conica, 1859, 319 ; 1876, 80. deliciosa, 1859, 319 ; 1876, SO. esculenta, 1859, 319; 1876, 80. Morinda citrifolia, 1859, 337. Moringa iDterygosperma, 1870, 175. MoringacesB, 1870, 175. Moronobea coccinea, 1870, 187. Morus, 1868, 124 ; 1870. 17. alba, 1854, 415 ; 1857, 490 ; 1859, 341 ; 1860, 36 ; 1867, 75 ; 1868, 300 ; 1875, 342. moretti, 1866, 36 ; 1868, 300. multicaulis, 1841,82; 1842, 26; 1849, 462; 1859, .548,549; 1862, 393; 1864, 494 ; 1866, 36; 1867, 74, 75; 1808, 300; 1870, 237; 1873, 70. nigra, 1857, 263; 1859, 341; 1866, 129. parvifolia, 187.5, 170. rubra, 1860, 419 ; 1866, 129 ; 1870, 417 ; 1875, 170, 342. Mucedines, 1869, 512 ; 1873, 196. Mucor, 1849, 398; 1871,112; 1872, 197. mucedo, 1871, 233. Miihlenbergia diffusa, 1849, 156. gracilis, 1866, 127; 1870, 218. gracillima, 1866, 128; 1870, 218. Mexicana, 1870, 218. pungens, 1866, 127. sobolifera, 1866, 127. sylvatica, 1870, 218. Musa Cavendisbii, 1867, 24; 1870, 14. ensete, 1859, 352. Paradisiaca, 1859, 3.30; 1867, 145; 1869, 266. sapientum, 1855, 314 ; 1859, 330 ; 1867, 145 ; 1869, 266. textilis, 1855, xxxiii; 1863, 108 ; 1865, 95 ; 1869, 266 ; 1870, 14. Myagrum, 1847, 411. sativum, 1845, 314, 316; 1854, XXV. Mycoderma aceti, 1864, 524, 551. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 211 Mycoderma viui, 1864, 524, 531, 532. Mygiuda, 1868, 124 ; 1870, 17. Mvosotis, 1847, 514. Myrica, 1868, 124 ; 1870, 17. Californica, 1875, 176. Carolinonsis, 1870, 20.5. cerilcra, 1851,59; 1870, 205; 1875, 176. Faya. 1870, 205 gale, 1868, 188, 281. inodora, 1875, 17(5. Myricacese, 1868, 124; 1870, 17; 1875, 17G. Myriophyllum, 1847, .520. verlicillatiim, 1864, 455. Myristica mosehnta, 1870, 181, 200. sol)af;oa, 18.59, .571. M>Ti.sticacea3, 1870, 175, 200. Myrobalanus bclrrica, 18.59, :V22. Myrospermum Pciuiicnini, 1870, 185. toliiileiuin, 1870, 185. Myrrliis, 1847, 515. Myrsiiiaceic Floiidana, 1875, 167. Myrtacete, 1857, 274 ; 1870, 174, 177, 170, 184, 194, 199, 200 ; 1875, 163. Myrtus communis, 1854, 402. N. Najmaspora (see Neniaspora). Nat^i^a, 1838, 124; 1870, 17. Nap lis, 1847, 518. Narcissus pseudo-narcissus, 1864, 344. Naidus, 1847, 513. stricta, 1847, 150. Narthex asato'tida, 1870, 183. Nasturtium Irtdicuin, 1859, 3.56. ollicinale, 1859, 'A^A). palustre, 1868, 187. terrestre, 1859, 357. Nauclea gaud)ir, 1870, 184. Negun«l<), 1860, 427; 1868, 123; 1870, 17. aceroides, 18(50, 417, 420 ; 18(58, 200,281; 1870,231; 1872,163; 1875, 158, 342, 355. Calilbrnicum, 1^(50, 430, 432; 1-^75, 1.58. Nclumbium codojdivlluin, 18.59, 325. lutiMim; 1S59, 325; 18(52,157; 18(5(5, 171 ; 187(5,(32. sxicciosum, 18.')9, 310, 312, 316, 325. Nemasporn, 18(5.5, 332; 1^72, 106, 107. Neinast viis g«Minnill<>ra, 1*^(52, 1(52. Nnnopauthes, 18(58, 124; 1870, 17. Ncniopliila, 18(52, 1(51. atoniaiia, 1857, 271. Nepeta 1847 517. ' cataria, 1854, 363 ; 1857, 272 ; 18G5, 515. citriodora, 1857,272. gN'clioma, 186.5, 51.5. Noplielium lai)pa(('um, 1S.59, 3!W1. Iniigamuni. 1K59. :536 ; 1870, M. liiiio.suni, l.S,59, 3;{(5. Neplinxliuni cscuk'nluni, 18."»9, 320. Neriuin (iiictorimn, 1873, 2.57. Nicandia ])iiysal()id(>M, 18,57, 270. Nicotiana rust lea, 1H52, 123. (aUacuin, 1S62, 12.3. Niobuluia obUmgilolia, 1859, 337. Nigella nana, 1857, 2G5. Nitclla, 1864, 461. translurrns, 1864, 455. llrxilis, 18(J4, 455. Nitraria liillardi.ri, 18.59, :i47. Nolana atriplicilolia, 1857, 271. NolanaiM-a*, 18.57, 271. Notylia albida, 186;{. :J76. Nunniiularia, 1847, 514. Nujiharadvena, 1870, 407; 187C, 02. Nuttalia (irasifonnis, 1875, 161. Nyabdia ra<«', 1-.59, '.i:f7. NyctagiiijKTii-, 1-.57, 267; 1875, 160. Nynipbaa, 1"'47. 51(5, eorub-.i, 1^.59, 312. edulis, 1^^.59, 312. lotus, 1-.5.5, XXX : 1K50. 30^, 312. odorata, 1-H52, 1.57 : 1-7(5, G2, Nyssa, 1860. 4j7 ; 1^68, 12:i; 1870, 17 ; 1872L 172. a«|iiaTi«a, 1875, 1(>4. capitata, 187.5, 1(54. coccinra, 18(5<>, 422. multillora, l-^5<», 4 JO; l-NVl, .'M4 ; 1-^(58; •2'-l; 1^7.5, lOI. unillora, 18(50, 421 ; 1875, 1(>4. O. Oakrsia C'onradii, 1><54, Ii44. Ocyiuuiu basiliriini, 1-.54, XiT). ininiiMinii. Kil, :{35. OdontosteniUMi Hartwt-gi, 1870, 422. (Enautho, lr^47, 515. crocata, 18.57, 27.5. rEno(ar]>us bacaba, 1*70, 179. (Euothera, 1^52, 1(50; 1-^5(5, 127, 129. biennis, 1-59, !^21^. grnnditlora, 1-.59, '.^20. muricata, 1**59, 329. l)arvillora, 1S59, 32l>. suavrolrns, 1S59, 329. trnilla, 1-^57, 274. tttraptrra, 1857,274. Oidium, 1859, 134 ; 18<51, 49t5. 4'.»7 ; 1S52, 210; 1^^54,:i.'>5; I8ii9,512; ls74, 174, 175, 177. all>i, 546. Tuckiri, LSxT), ;^J5, l^Jl*. 332, 546; 187 1 , 1 11 , 1 16 ; lcf74, 174, 177, 43dL OlarinojT. 1875, 1.5(5, Olea, 18(V*^, 124; L*'70. 17. AnuTitana, 1S54), .|21 ; 187.5. 168, EnrojKra, 1854, xxvii ; 1859, 323; lSiO,:i;j; 1867, 146; 1870, 17d; 1^76, (57,f58,2>7. fra grans, 1-.50, 15. latifoIia.lS'.O. 113. longitolia. l'^,59. 112. Olenceu". ISW. 124 ; 1^70. 17. 178; 1875. 168. Ob«in«>a\ ISW. 121. Ohuvu Ir.Hotu, I"s50. 434; l-CO. Ill: 18TR, l.'.l>.:Cw. Omplialca diandra, isr»9, :12I. trijindni, l>s:>l», 321. OnngraotMi', K>7,274. Ouoni8, 1847. 519; 1857, 26"?; l-^UH, 1«| 1S70. 17. urvoniH, 1875, ISl. 212 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Onopordum, 1847, 519. acautliium, 1857, 274. tauricum, 1857, 274. Ophrys, 1847, 520. Opopanax: Cliironium, 1870, 189. Opuntia, 1863, 371 ; 18G8, 270. arLorescens, 1860, 434 ; 1875, 163. Camanchioa, 1870, 417. Engelmanm, 1870, 417. ficus, 1859, 333. occidentalis, 1870, 417. Rafinesqiiii, 1870, 417. vulgaris, 1859, 333; 1870, 417. OrcMdacea?, 1863, 373; 1866, 128 ; 1870, 190. Orchis, 1847, 520. spectabilis, 1864, 344. Oreodaphue Calif'ornica, 1860, 432; 1875, 169. Origanum, 1847, 517. vulgare, 1857, 119; 1859, 103; 1870, 174. Omitliogalum croceum, 1862, 162. Pyrenaicum, 1857, 263. umbellatum, 1865, 517. Ornitliopus sativus, 1854, xxiii. Oruus, 1868, 124. Europeea, 1870, 184. rotundifolia, 1870, 184. Orobanclie rainosa, 1847, 339. Orobus, 1847, 518. niger, 1857, 269. Oryza, 1868, 114. sativa, 1859, 304. Oryzopsis asperifolia, 1866, 127 ; 1870,218. Canadensis, 1870, 218. micrantha, 1870, 218. Osmorrliiza longistylis, 1865, 512. Osvris Japonica, 1859, 359. Ostrya, 1868, 124 ; 1870, 16. Virgiuica, 1849, 479; 1860, 417; 1875, 175. Oxalis, 1847, 516. arracacha, 1859, 355. cernua, 1859, 355. crassicaulis, 1859, 311, 355. esculenta, 1859, 311, 355. euneapliylla, 1859, 311. Plumieri, 1859, 355. tetrapbylla, 1859, 311. tuberosa, 1859, 311. violacea, 1859,311; 1862,158. zonata, 1859, 355. Oxycoccus macrocarpus, 1857, 237. Oxydendrum, 1860, 427; 1868, 123; 1870, 16. arboreum, 1860, 420; 1888, 281; 1875,165. Oxyria digyna, 1870, 422. reniformis, 1868, 188. Oxytropis Lamberti, 1874, 160. Oxyura clirysantliemoides, 1857, 273. P. Pachyma, 1859, 320. cocos, 1870, 424. Pacliyrliyzus angulatus, 1859, 311. Padina pavonia, 1860, 67. Padus, 1847, 516. Psederia foetida, 1870, 14. PcTonia, 1857, 266. PaUui-uw, .1SG8, 123 ; 1870, 17. Paliurus aculeatus, 1854, 410 ; 1869, 171. Palraa Christi, 1841, 81. Palmaceaj, 1870, 177, 179, 197 ; 1875, 186. Panax borridum, 1868, 187 ; 1870, 407. trifolium, 1864, 344. Pandanus odoratissimus, 1859, 329. Pangium edule, 1859, 32. Panicum, 1870, 420 ; 1874, 158. capillare, 1885, 518; 1870, 219, 224. clandestinum, 1870, 219. crus-galli, 1849, 156; 1865, 518; 1870, 220. depauperatum, 1870, 220. dichotomum, 1870, 220. Dioscorides, 1885, 300. frumentaceum, 1859, 306. fili forme, 1870, 222, 224. Germanicum, 1854, xxii; 1855, xiii ; 1856, 306. jumentorum, 1855, xxx ; 1866, 419 ; 1874, 158. latifolium, 1870, 220. maximum, 1873, 238. miUaceum, 1857, 262; 1859, 305; 1874, 158 obtusum, 1866, 128 ; 1870, 220. pauciflorum, 1866, 128; 1870, 220. sanguinale, 1865, 518; 1866, 128; 1889, 88 ; 1870, 220, 224. • virgatum, 1866, 128; 1870, 220. xantbopbysum, 1870, 220. Panis Tataricus, 1859, 354. Papaver, 1847, 517. amcenum, 1857, 236. dubium, 1865, 510. orient ale, 1857, 266. rbceas, 1860, 67 ; 1885, 510. somniferum, 1855, xxi ; 1857, 266 ; 1859, 325 ; 1860, 131 ; 1862, 23; 1869, 233 ; 1870, 180, 206. Papaveracoffi, 1857, 266 ; 1870, 180, 181. Papaya vulgaris, 1859, 331; 1860, 422; 1870, 14. Papilionacese, 1888, 123. Pappea capensis, 1859, 344. Pappopborum boreale, 1870, 218. Parinarium campestre, 1859, 322. moutanum, 1859, 322. Senegalense, 1859, 322, 344. Parkinsonia aculeata, 1880, 434 ; 1875, 160. micropbylla, 1860, 434; 1875, 160. Parmelia esculenta, 1859, 312. Parnassia, 1847, 515. Paspalum, 1849, 157 ; 1860, 237. dilatatum, 1874, 440. sericeum, 1866, 128. setaceum, 1870, 219. toloniferum, 1869, 88. vaginatum, 1866, 128. Passiflora, 1854, 61. Herbertiana, 1857, 264. incarnata, 1868, 205. Pastinaca sativa, 1854, 370; 1857,275; 1859, 328; 1865,512; 1807,312. PauUinia, 1859, 132. Cupana, 1870, 197. sorbilis, 1870, 196. Paulownia, 1868, 124 ; 1870, 17. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 213 Paulownia imperialis, 1868, 200, 203: 1872, 144. Pectis, 1866, 129. angustifolia, 1860, 126. Pedaliaccie, 1857, 272; lo59, 21 j 1870, 173. Pcdicularis, 1847, r)17. Canadensis, 1862, 160. lanceolata, ld62, 100. Pelargonium, 18r)7, 2(j6. cai)itatnin, 1845, 321. Penicillaria spicata, 1850, 300, 307. Pcuicilliuni, 1849, 390, 39^f, 399; 1^!72, 197. Anneniacnni, l."^74, 175. CTUstaccuni, 1870, 8L glaiunin, 1-71,233; 1873, 187, 190,190; 1874,175; 1875, tfl. Pcnnisetiim viride, 1800, 128. Pentadesiiia bntyracea, 1859, 344. Penstemon, 1857, 272. acuniiuatns, 1866, 126. albidus, 1800, 120, 128. l>arbatiis, 1800, 126, 128. cobaia, 1860, 120, 128. ilasyplivllns, 1800, 128. digitalis, 1802, 100. dissectum, 18()2, 100. Fcndlcrii, 1800, 128. glaber, 1800, 120. glaiicns, 1806, 126. gracilis, 1866, 126, 128. grandillora, 1862, 100. grandiilornin, 1800, 120, Hallii, 18r)(J, 120. h inn i lis, 1806, 126. inibcrbis, 186(), 126, 128. procerus, 1800, 120. pubesceiis, IHd'i, 100; 1866, 128. spectabilis, iHiO, 128. Poroskia aculcata, 18.59, 333. Pcriiiloca, l8(;t<, 124; lh70, 17. IVrm-ttya, l.-^()8, 123; 1S7(I, 10. Perouospoia, 18.).5, Ki; 1-^72, 193; 1^74, 178. infcstans. 18().5, 329; lHr)^^,231, 232; lrS'3, l,«^6, 187, 18?^, 19t>, 191, 194, 19() ; 1874, 178. viticola, 1874, 176. Pcrsea, 1860, 423; Ifia^, 124; 1<^0, 17. Carolinciisis, 1-00, 421 ; 1^5, 109. Catesby.-ma, 1>75, 109. gratissima, 1"'59, 348. Persica vulgaris, lrt.")9, 339. Persicaria, 1847, 515. Potrosclinunisativuui, 18.54, 3()9; 1857,275. Petunia odorata, I>57, 270. Peueedanuni aniltignuin, 1(^70, 407. Phacclia, IHVJ, 101; 1?^(K), V3[K l)aivill<>ra, 18t;d, 2-^1. taiiact'tilolia, 1K57, 271. Phalaris, 1^17, 513; 1^00, 2:5:). Americana, 1849, 157. aiigusta, 1N;0, 128. arundinaeea, \f*VA\, 12H; 1H<>1), 88, 90; 1H70, 219. Canarionsis, 1^.57, 202. infrrmcdia, l''7l, l'*f<. Phallus esculrnlus, 1^.54, \ky\. Pliarnaecum, 1K57, 2<»7. Pbaseolus, 1M9. ITk^; 1853,222; 1867,314; IHTO. 122. acouitiJolius, 1859, 3ia Phaseolus aurens, 1859, 318. calcaratus, l'i59, 318. cocci neu8, l'^59, 318. dera.su8, 18-59, 318. farinosus, 18,59, 318. latbyroi«b*s, 1)559, 318. lunatus, 1)^59, 318. Max, l'i59, 318. Mungo, 1'5.59. 318. mult illorus, 1^57,209; 1859,318. nanus, Ih.59, 317; 1867, 313. radiatus, 1)*,59, 318. t<»rosus, 1'*.59, 31H, tunkintnHis, 1^*09, 318. vidgarJH, l'-.54, .HU]; 1^59, 317; 184W,59; 18t>l,312; 1807,311, 313. Phrllandrium, 1^47, 51.5. Plien>si>lia-ra, I'-'G*', 124. Philadclplius, If^'^, 123; 1870, 16. coronarius, 1''57, 490. Phillvna latifolia, ld54, 402. Pbkiiui, 1-.53. 397. Alpiuum, 1808, 1^9; l^^O, 218. prat.nsc. 1;^53, 211; 1-55, 248; l-^.V, :J<»8; l/^V), 129; 18(;i,:i50; 18<).5, 272; 184>--, l-D; IdTU, 226, 5^5; lt?7.5, 205. Phlox, 1862, 101; 1800, 129. Pha'nix daetvlifeni, l'',5n, liv; 1857, 262; 18o9, ;^29; 1800, 33; lei>7, 145; 1-^0, 14. farinifera, 1859, 313. Pholiota mutabilis, l^-TO, 79. squamous, 1870, 79. Phormium t«nax, l'-'47, liiO ; 1855. xxxiii; lH0. 12l>. Pliys«)st«gia Virginiana, 18G2, IGl. Phytolacca, l.<.l», 102. de.andni. 1857. 267: 1859, :k'.7; ISM, TvM; 1SC», 51G; 1-73. 157 ; 1K74. i:a p.Hcul.nta, 1-C»9, 357, 358. Phytolarcaeca', 1n'»7. 2<'»7. Picea bractrata, INW. 124 ; I "70, 17. bnvrbra* trata, IS^h. 124; I^70, 17. Cei.hal«»nicu, lN"»l\ lol ; 1?^.% 358. Picris ecni«»idr8, \f^\. Pineknrya pulnns, IHGO, 422; 1875, 1G5. Pinguiiula, 1^47, 513. PinuH, 1N4I, 427, 4:R.»; mv, 113, 124; 1S7(V 17. nU.ieanlis. 187.5. 180. arlMtatn. 1-75, IH). UU.slialin. l'%^5, 179. 214 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Pinus, Balfouriana, 1875, 180. Banksiaiia, 1860, 417 ; 1875, 177. bracliyptera, 1875, 357. Cembra, 1859, 3-23 ; 1868, 177. Chiliualinana, 1860, 434. Chihualina, 1875, 180. clausa, 1875, 178. contorta, 1860, 431 ; 1867, 218 ; 1868, 177, 185; 1870, 411, 413; 1875, 177, 356. contorta, var. Bolanderi, 1875, 177. Coulteri, 1860, 433 ; 1870, 411 : 1875, 179. edulis, 1859, 14, 41 ; 1860,434; 1870, 411 ; 1875, 178, 356, 357. EUiotti, 1875, 178. excelsa, 1859, 135. flexilis, 1860, 429 ; 1875, 180. glabra, 1875, 178. inops, 1860, 420 ; 1875, 178. insignis, 1860, 432 ; 1875, 179. Lambertiana, 1860, 432; 1870, 411; 1875, 180, 358. larix, 1860, 66. mitis, 1860, 420 ; 1875, 178. inonopliylla, 1860, 430; 1870, 411; 1875, 178. mouticola, 1860, 431 ; 1875, 180. muricata, 1860, 433; 1875, 178. palnstris, 1860, 421. Parryaua, 1870, 411 ; 1875, 178. patula, 1859, 135. picea, 1860, 67. pinea, 1857, 263; 1859, 323; 1860, 32. ponderosa, 1860, 431; 1875, 178; 342, 356, 357. var. Benthamiana, 1875, 178. var. Jeffrey!, 1875, 179. pumilis, 1861, 636. pungeus, 1860, 420 ; 1875, 178. radiata, 1875, 179. resiiiosa, 1860, 417 ; 1875, 178. regida, 1860, 419 ; 1875, 179. Sabiniaua, 1860, 432; 1870, 411; 1875, 179. serotina, 1860, 421; 1875, 179. strobns, 1860, 417 ; 1875, 180. sylvestris, 1855, 1 ; 18(50, m, 67. tfeda, 1856, 138; 1860, 421; 1875, 179. Torreyaua, 1860, 433; 1875, 179. ■uncinata, 1855, 1. Wislizeui, 1860, 429. Piper betel, 1870, 14. cubeba, 1870, 14. nigrum, 1870, 201. Piperacea3, 1870, 181, 201, 202. Piscidia erytlirina, 1860, 423; 1875, 159. Pistacia, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 17. lentiscus, 1855, Iviii ; 1870, 185. Mexican a, 1860, 433 ;' 1875, 159. terebinthus, 1859, 20, 322. Palajstina, 1859, 323. vera, 1854, xxxii ; 1859, 20, 322; 1860, 33 ; 1861, 533. Pistia natans, 1866, 418. Pisum, 1847, 519 ; 1849, 158. Abyssiuicum, 1859, 317^ Pisnm arvense, 1859, 317. Joraardi, 1859, 317. maritimnm, 1859, 317. ochrus, 1859, 317, sativum, 1854, 370; 1857,269; 1859» 317 ; 1864, 313 ; 1867, 311. Pitbecolobium Unguis-cati, 1875, 161. Pittosporum, 1859, 100, 132. Planera, 1S60, 427 ; 1868, 124 ; 1870, 17. aquatica, 1860, 422 ; 1875, 171. Plantaginacea3, 1857, 271. Plantaginella, 1847, 518. Plantago cynops, 1857, 271. lanceolata, 1847, 246 ; 1865, 515. major, 1865, 515. media, 1857, 271. Platanaceai, 1868, 124; 1870, 16; 1875, 171. Platanthera obtusata, 1866, 127. Platanus, 1844, 411; 1868, 124; 1870, 16. occidentalis, 1844, 216; 1859, 14; 1860, 419; 1870, 171; 1875, 171, 342. orientalis, 1870, 171. racemosa. 1860, 432 ; 1875, 171. Wrightiana, 1875, 171. Platycrater arguta, 1870, 199. Pleurotus glaudulosus, 1876, 79. ostreatus, 1876, 79. Pometi, 1876, 79. salignus, 1876, 79. tessulatus, 1876, 79. ulmarius, 1876, 79. Plocaria lichenoides, 1859, 312. Plukenetia corniculata, 1859, 359. Poa, 1847, 513 ; 1853, 396 ; 1868, 188. Andina, 1866, 127 ; 1870, 219. angustifolia, 1847, 159; 1854, 392; 1873, 408. annua, 1868, 188; 1869, 88; 1870, 21^. Alpina, 1870, 219. aquatica, 1869, 88 ; 1870, 19. arctica, 1866, 127 ; J868, 188; 1870, 219. australis, 1874, 439. Brownii, 1874, 440. cenisia, 1868, 188. compressa, 1851, 440. crocata, 1870, 219. nemoralis, 1854, 392; 1868, 177, 188; 1869, 88, 90; 1870, 219, 226. palustris, 1860, 76. pratensis, 1845, 1013; 1854, 190, 392; 1860, 129 ; 1864, 227 ; 1865, 489 ; 1866, - 366 ; 1867, 295 ; 1868, 177, 188 ; 1869,. 88, 90, 169 ; 1870, 19, 219, 225. rotundata, 1868, 188. serotina, 1870, 219, 220, 224, 226. stenautba, 1868, 188. trivialis, 1854, xxv, 392; 1860, 76, 129,-. 1866, 366 ; 1869, 88, 90. viridis, 1856, 410. Podalyria, 18.57, 268. Podoc"arpu8, 1868, 124. Podopbyllum callicarpum, 1859, 351. peltatum, 1859, 351; 1860^ 501 ; 1870, 183. Pogostemon patchouli, 1870, 175. I Poisonia obtusata, 1875, 169. I Polanisia tracliyspermai, 1866, 129. ' PolemoniaceiB, 1857, 271. ! Polemonium coerulenm, 1857,, 27L INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 215 Polemonium gracUe, 1857, 271. re}>taiis, 1862, IGl. Polyala, 1847, 518. paucillora, 18G4, 341. Polygaster lam])odarius, 18.51), '.iVJ. Polygouaceaj, 18.57, 207; 18G8, 124: 1875, 1G9. Polygonum, 1847, 515; 187G, G2. avicularf, 1870, 2J4. bisforta, 1859, :il5. emargiiiatuin, 1857, ?>()7. fagopyruiii, 18."^7, 2G7 ; 1859, :iOG, :J07; 18(54, :ui. hy(lroj)iper, 18G5, 51G; 1--72, 1:52. parvifolium, 18G5, 517. Persicaria, 1805, 510; 18G8, 281. Pennsylvaiiicum, 18G.5, 51G. sau;ittatuin, 1H()5, 517. Tataricum, 1^59, IJUG. tinctoiiuiii, 1845, ol9; 18G0, 474. vivii»anini, lcG8, 175, 188. Polypetalip, 18.';?^, 122. Polypodiimi dichoronmin, 18.59, 1529. lucdnllaiv, 18.59, :529. Pol yporus destructor, 1^*49, 398. IcTicoiiH'las, 1870, 80. ovinus, 1859, 319 ; 187G, 80. poripcs, 1870, 80. Polysiplioiiia cloiigata, 18G0, G8. Pomacea?, 1857, 270. PoineiB, 1808, 123. Pougamia glabra, 1870, 174. Pontedcria', 18.50, 155 ; 1870, 02. Populus, 1847, 521; 18(;0, 427; l'^tl8, 113, 124; H70, 1(). all>a, 1H.57, 490, 491; \^\, 72. augulata, 180(7, 421; 1875, 177, 342. angnstifolia, 1^00, 429; 1872, 1G2; 1875, 177. balsaiuifora, 1K57, 490; 1800, 417; IHCy-^, 170; 1872, 1()2; 1875, 177. ba4samift'ra,var. eaudicaus, 1875, 342. Canadensis, IP^OO, 419. can, '.\\2. vuliiaris, 1800, 421. Portulaea, IKM, Ml. Ill tea, 1^59, :i57. ohiacia, 1859, 355; 1870, 422. PDrlulacaeea', 1.^57, 2<>7. Potamogeton, 1H47, 514; l^TO, 02. iU'iisU8, iH»">4, 45.3, i^\, 455. Potamogeton natans, 1804, 4.54, 45,5. criHpus, 1-»>1, 454, 455. Potentilla, 1847, 510; 18t>4, 311; IriJH, 123; 1870, 10. Cauaden.sLs, 1^4,344; 1805,511. Nepaleusi.s, l'"57, 270. Norv«'<;ica, 1805, 511. Poiirretia tubereulata, 1859, 321. PrenantluH nmralis, 1848, 240. Prieliardia, l'"75, 18G. Primula, lr^47, 514. aurkida, 1h03, 370. Pringlea anti.scorbiitira, l'^59, 359. I'rosopLs llrxiiosa, 1*^.59, 'Xi'i. (Algaruba)glan«liib»r>a, 1^0, 180; 1-71, 50;{; 1^75, I.";*!. 'X'A'j. liorrida, 1-.V.>, 3:«. j)ul)«-so»Mis, 1-75, Ii57. Hili(|iiastniiii, 1<>9, '.iiXi. H])icigera, 11^59, 'XHi. Proteacea-, 1K57, 2tW. Protoooceus nivalis, 18<>4, .531. I'rotomyces .solaiii, 1845, 070, 082. Prunella, 18«».-^, 'J-1. Prunus, IHW, 107, 12:5; 1>^0, 10. Anicricaiia, l-(.4». 417 ; l-^*<5, 2«'7; IHJO, 1J9; l-7«», 418; 1-75, 101, 342. amygdalina. 1^59, 340. Aiidrrsonii, 1^75, 101. Ariiu-niaea, 18.59, 'MO. avium, li^7>9, :M0. Caroliuiana, 1875, 101. cerasina, 1-.59, 'MO. cera.sus, 18.57, 41K), 491; 1859, ilO; 1872, IG-^. Chieasa, 1S59, 570; IRf/). 422: 1865, 207; l-ii<;, 12t>, I2i>; 1-7.'., 101. couimunis, K»7, 41H». ; l-.'v-l. xxix; 1 ^'u , 490 ; 1 -59, 340 ; 1 - r? . 1 10 ; l-^l^ 113; 1-^2. 10-. gracilis, iHiO, 12'.>. ilicifolia, 1-75, li»l. insititia, 1-59, MO. mahaleb, Is;-, 2t>3; 180l>. 171. niaritinui, l-.'>4, 405. m»»llis, 1-75, ir»l. ]»adus, l-(i-, 201 ; \'^'A\ 171. I'cuusvlvanica, 1^"72, 17-; 1«<75, nil, 342. ])ninaria, 1-59, 340. (crrasus) i»ri».**trata, 1-'»1*, *.V41. puunla, l-r»-, 2t>2; l.*^;o. 41-; l*^r», :W2. rivularis. 1-75, l«il. tM-rotiua. l-i;-, 200; 1-7.5. If.l. 312. 8pilM•^a. l-:»4. r'l 117: 1-57. 4W. »ubit»rduta. 1 : 1^'*'k. I2U, uiMb«Uuta. 1- -■ . . . , 1776, IGL uiMua, K.9, :U0. \ iruiuiaim, l^72, 178; lH7r». IGl, ;i42. PsalUota nmyK»laliuu.H. 18711, fO. nrvt'nMi.H, l-7ri, hi. rseudjdarix. l'*<>, 121 216 INDEX TO AGRICULTUEAL EEPORTS. Psidium aromaticum, 1859, 349. buxifolium, 1860, 422. Cattleyauum, 1859, 349. grandiflorum, 1859, 349. Guaiva, 1867, 144. Guineense, 1859, 349. lineatifolium, 1859, 348, 349. pomiferum, 1859, 348, 349. pyriferum (or pyriforme), 1859, 348 ; 1875, 163. sapidissimum, 1859, 349. Psoralea bituminosa, 1857, 268. escnlenta, 1870, 408, 423, 427. glaudulosa, 1870, 193. Ptelea, 1868, 123; 1870, 17. aDgustifolia, 1875, 156. trifoliata, 1860, 419; 1869, 171; 1872, 163; 1875, 156; 1875, 342. Pteris, 1847, 521. aquilina, 1865, 519 ; 1870, 408. Pterocari)us erinacens, 1870, 14, 186. marsupinm, 1870, 14, 186. Pterocarya, 1868, 124 ; 1870, 16. Puccinia, 1844,266; 1849,392; 1872, 196. graminis, 1865, 519 ; 1868, 232. Pulsatilla, 1847, 517. Pultenaja, 1857, 268. Punica, 1860, 34 ; 1870, 16. granatum, 1859, 342 ; 1867, 144. Puya Bonplandiana, 1859, 313. Pyrethrum, 1861, 228, 229, 230, 232; 1874, 133. carneiim, 1857, 129; 1861, 224; 1864, 544. Caucasicum, 1858, 270 ; 1859, 13, 19. elougatuin, 1861, 226. pedunculare, 1861, 226. piirpureum, 1857, 129. rigidum, 1865, 92. roseum, 1857, 129 ; 1861, 224, 226 ; 1865, 92 ; 1872, 136. Willemoti, 1861, 223, 225, 227; 1865, 92. Pyrola, 1847, 516. Pyrus Americana, 1875, 162. angustifolia, 1875, 162. coronaria, 1875, 161. rivularis, 1875, 162. Q. Quadria beteropliylla, 1859, 321. Qnamoclit vulgaris, 1868, 205. Quassia amara, 1855, lix. Quercus, 1847, 520; 1860, 427; 1868, 112, 124; 1870, 16; 1875, 342. acutidens, 1860, 433. SBgilops, 1855, liii; 1859, 103, 314. agrifolia, 1860, 432: 1870, 409: 1875, 173. alba, 1849, 478; 1860, 417; 1864, 347; 1867, 297; 1875, 173. alba yar. Gunnisonii, 1875, 356. aquatica, 1860, 421; 1875, 174. ballota, 1859, 314. bicolor, 1875, 173. Californica, 1860, 432. castanea, 1859, 314; 1860, 419. Quercus Catesbcei, 1875, 174. cbrysolepis, 1860, 432; 1875, 173. cinera, 1860, 421 ; 1875, 174. cocci fera, 1855, 1. coccinea, 1860, 420; 1875, 174. confertifolia, 1860, 434. densiflora, 1860, 483; 1875, 173. discolor, 1860, 419. Douglassii, 1860, 433; 1875, 173. dumosa, 1875, 175. Durandii, 1875, 174. edulis, 1859, 314. Emoryii, 1860, 434 ; 1870, 409 ; 1875, 174. esculus, 1859, 314. falcata, 1860, 421 ; 1875, 174. Gambellii, 1860, 434. Garryana, 1860, 431 ; 1875, 173. gramuntia, 1855. xlix. beteropbylla, 1868, 202. Hindsii, 1860, 433 ; 1870, 409. Hispanica, 1855, xvii. liypoleuca, 1875, 174. ilex, 1854, 402; 18.59, 100, 101, 135. imbricaria, 1860,420; 1868,200; 1875, 174. infectoria, 1855, liv. laurifolia, 1875, 174. lobata, 1860, 433; 1870, 409; 1875, 173. Lusitanica, 1859, 324. lyrata, 1860, 421 ; 1875, 173. macrocarpa, 1860, 417, 419 ; 1875, 172. , Micliauxii, 175, 173. monticola, 1860, 419. nigra, 1860, 421 ; 1875, 174. oblongifolia, 1860, 434; 1870, 409; 1875, 174. obtusiloba, 1860, 417, 420. palustris, 1856, 57; 1860, 420; 1875, 175. pedunculata, 1859, 314; 1868, 201, 202. Persica, 1859, 314. phillos, 1860, 421; 1868, 200; 1875, 174. prinns, 1860, 421 ; 1875, 173. prinus var. acuminata, 1859, 314; 1875, 173. prinus var. monticola, 1875, 173. pyrami, 1859, 314. reticulata, 1875, 175. robur, 1857, 263; 1859, 314; 1860, 66. rabra, 1860, 417; 1875, 174, 175. sessifl-ora, 1854, 415. Sonomensis, 1875, 175. stellata, 1875, 173. suber, 1854, xxxiii ; 1855, xviii ; 1858, 334; 1859, 14, 324; 1876, 287. tinctoria, 1860, 419; 1875, 175. nndulata, 1875, 173. vixens, 1859, 100, 322; 1860, 421; 1873, 182; 1875, 174. Wislizenii, 1875, 175. Quillaia saponaria, 1867, 471. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 217 R. Eandia clusiae folia, 1875, 165. Ranimculacese, 1857, 265 ; 1870, 183. Ranunculus, 1847, 517; 1862, 157: 1868, 106. acris, 1864, 344 ; 1865, 510. affinis, 1866, 128. bulbosus, lfci65, 510. Caucasicus, 1857, 265. divaricatus, 1866, 128. (Ficaria) odulis, 18.' 9, 3.56. ficaria, 1859, 308, 352, 356. repens, 1864, 344 ; 1866, 128. EapLanistnim niaritimum, 1859, 327. Rapbauus, 1847, 518. rapbanistrnm, 1865, 510. rusticauus, 1869, 136. eativus, 1854, 376; 1859, 325, 327; 1867, 298. Reseda, 1847, 517. luteola, 1844, 320. odorata, 1.^57, 231. Rctinospora, 1868, 124 ; 1869, 174 ; 1870, 17. Rliagadiolus stellatus, 1857, 274. Rliaumaceaj, 1857, 240, 270; 1868, 123; 1870, 17, 194, 197 ; 1875, 157. RLamnns, 1847, 514 ; 1868, 12:i ; 1870, 17. alaternus, 1854, 396. aluifolius, 1860, 430 ; 1875, 342. catbarticus, 1854, 394, 408; 1868, 196, 245; 1871, 349. croceus, 1870, 414. Rbcedia laterillora, 1859, 351. Rbeum, 1868, 114, 175. australe, 1848, 604 ; 1850, 525. compact uui, 1850, 525. Emodi, 184H, 604, 605; 1871, 105. bybriduin, 1850, 524. monacboruui, 1848, 607. palmatum, 1850, 524, 525; 1855; XXV ; 1871, 105. rbaponticuni, 18.50, 524, 525 ; 1854, 37(5; 1871, 105. succedancnm, 1859, 14. undulatiini, 1-550, 524. Wcbbianuni, L'^71, 105. Rbcxia, 1859, 560; 1862, 159. Rbinantbus, 1847, 517. Rbizopbora Americana, 18()0, 422. nian|;lc, 1^7"), 163. Rhizoplioraccip, 1875, 163. Rbododcudron, 1859, 132; 1870, 16; 1871, 413. aiboroum, 1850. 135. Caliioniicnm, 1875, 1()5. CatawbicnKc, 1)^)2, 156. IVrniginciim, 187(>, 171. Iiidicimi, 1867, 306. .lavaiiiciim, 1H()7, 30G. Laj)iK)ni(um, 1863, 4459. ina.\imnm, 1>'57, 119; 1S)0, 419,431; 1862, 156; 1868, 123; 1875, l(i5. Ponlicnm, 1867, 298, 30a Ebodomeuia ciliata, 1859, 312. pulmula, 1859, 312; 1866, 424, 427. Rbodora, 1868, 123; 1H70, 16. Rbodorrbiza scoparia, l.*S70, 181. Rbodospcrmra?, 1866, 424. Rbopala Corcovadcusis, 18.59, 132. Rbus, 1657, 2(i8, 115, 123; leTO, 17. aromatica, 1^569, 23, 4JJ; 1^09, 2:J0. cotinus, l'^44, 320; 1^569, 2;>0; 1874, 426. glabra, 1>^;0, 417; 1869, 230; 1872, 141; l^o, 120, 159, 342. in tfgri folia, 1875, 1.59. Lanrina, lb75, 159. metopum, 1860, 423; 1809, 2:W; 1875, 159. micropbylla, l^^Hi, 434; 1875, 159. jMimila, l'^69, 230. buccedanca, l'i51, .59; 1859, 14, 570; 1'560, Win; 1.-570, 20.5. toxicodendron, li^(^5, 511; 1863, 20 1 ; lc,>9. 504 ; lf?75, :i42. tyi>bina, 1k')7, .41H), 491 ; IN^O, 419; iHiki, 2iJl; l'-«;9, 230; 1875, 15<-, 342. venenata, 1860, 419; 1865, 511; 1875, 159. vemicifora, 1870, 205. Ribes, l^i59, 344; 184><, 123; 1870, 16, 414. aureuu), 1864), 126; 1=570, 414. bracteowiiDi, 18<>8, 187. cynos]»aii, l-'i"^, 20«; 1875, 342. lloridum, l-<<;(;, 121). grossulai ia, l-,57, 490, 491 ; 1859, 346. hirtellnm, 1-70, 414. Hiidsoniannm, l>ii-, 187. .Joliannis, 1S')9, 346. lactistre. 1H;6, 12t'); I'^V. 1^. nigrum, l8'57, 41H), 491 ; 1-59, 330. nivcinn, 18«i4), 129. oxyacantboid.s, l-^iO, 129. ]irostr:ituni, l-MiH, 1-7. rubrum, 1k')7, 490, 491 ; lt59, 346; 1H>8, 1^7., 1K'>1>, :t46. Ricliardsonia siabra, lb74, 150. Riciuus, 1^61, 375. comnniniH, 18,5.5, xxvii; 1857,263; 1^70, 178; 1874, l(>a. minor. l'-74, 152. Nangiiinarins, 1-71. 1.52. Robinia, 1h;(», 427; 1-4^-, 111. 12:t; 1-741, 17. Neo-Mexicano, IStiO, 434; 1875, ir.i». ps4. :U3; 1868, 92, 201, 2ti3; 1870, 76; 1875, ir»9. viHcosii, 1?^, 420; 1875, 159. Rcrstelia lacerata, l'<73, 1H3, 184, 185, Kosa, 1-47,516; lSt'>H, Hi. alba, 184)4, SIX Carolin.i, IHto, 511. centritolia, l-iw, IttH"?. cinnainonu'A, ISk**, 178. 1S7. danuuuMMiaf IHiVI. 'MX fraxiniA>lia, 1-741, 4ir». (lullica, lHi;7, 34HI. Indic.1, 1S54, 417; ISm, 3iXi. 218 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Rosa laevigata, 1854, 403: 1868, 245: 1871, 506. lucida, 1865, 511. Macartnea, 1871, 506. micropliylla, 1854, 417. . rubigiuosa, 1854, 417; 1864, 343; 1865, 511. RosacesB, 1857, 242, 270 ; 1859, 344 ; 1861, 175; 1868, 123; 1870, 16, 176; 1875, 161. Rosea, 1870, 14. Rosmarinus officinalis, 1854, 377, 403. Rubia tinctorum, 1655, xxxiv; 186.5, 347. Rubiacese, 1868, 123; 1870, 16, 195; 1875, 165. Rubigo, 1862, 77. Rubus, 1847, 516 ; 1859, 344, 346 ; 1868, 103, 123; 1870, 16; 18/5, 342. arcticus, 1859, 347 ; 1868, 187. csesius, 1865, 511. Canadensis, 1865, 511 ; 1870, 415. chamaimorus, 1859, 347 ; 1866, 129 ; 1868, 178. cnneifolius, 1865, 511. deliciosus, I860, 126. fruticosus, 1854, 407. IdsBus, 1859, 347 ; 1861, 166. leucodermis, 1866, 129. Meuziesii, 1866, 129. Mexicana, 1886, 129. Nutkanus, 1868, 187 ; 1870, 415. occidentalis, 1856, 389; 1861, 166, 167, 168; 1865, 208; 1866, 126. pedatus, 1868, 187. spectabiUs, 1868, 187 ; 1870, 415. strigosus, 1861, 166, 168; 1865, 208; 1870, 414. triflorus, 1886, 126. vHlosus, 1854, 408; 1865,511; 1870, 415. Rudbeckia amplexicaulis, 1857, 273. Rumex, 1847, 515 ; 1870, 422, 423. acetosa, 1859, 355 ; 1868, 188. acetosella, 1865, 517 ; 1869, 503. Alpinus, 1848, 607. crispus, 1865, 517. domesticus, 1838, 188. obtnsifolius, 1857, 267 ; 1865, 517. patientia, 1859, 355. salicifolius, 1868, 188. sativus, 1859, 355. scutatus, 1859, 355. Russula adusta, 1876, HO. alutacea, 1876, 80. lepida, 1876, 80, ochroleuca, 1876, 80. virescens, 1876, 80. Ruta graveolens, 1854, 378. Rutacese, 1857, 241 ; 1868, 123 ; 1870, 17. S. Sabal, 1870, 423. Palmetto, 1875, 186. Sabbattia, 1862, 161. Sabina, 1868, 124. Sabinai, 1870, 17. Saccbarina fucu§, 1866, 424. Saccbarum Cbinense, 1859, 126. officinamm, 1859, 12G; 1834, 485. Sageretia, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 17. theezans, 1870, 194. Sagittaria, 1847, 520. eagittilbUa, 1859, 312; 1864, 454. variabilis, 1865, 517 ; 1870, 408. Sagus farinifera, 1859, 313. Iffivis, 1859, 313. rapbia, 1859, 313, 352. Rumpbii, 1859, 313. SalicacesB, 1868, 124, 177 ; 1870, 16 ; 1S75, 176. Salicornia, 1847, 513. berbacea, 1859, 350. Salisburia, 1860, 475; 1868, 124; 1870, 17. adiantifolia, 1S59, 323; 1868, 202 ; 1869, 182. Salix, 1847, 520; 1851, 47; 1868, 117, 124: 1870, 16 ; 1875, 342. alba, 1851, 47 ; 1870, 231 ; 1871, 506. Babylonica, 1868, 202. bracbystacbys, 1860, 431. caprea, 1854, 418; 1868, 202. decipiens, 1853, 207. Forbyana, 1853, 207. Hookeriana, 1860, 431. lasiolepis, 1880, 433 ; 1875, 177. longrfrilia, 1860, 430 ; 1875, 177. Incida, 1860, 417 ; 1875, 177. nigra, 1860, 419. nigra, var. Parsbina, 1875, 177. pentandra, 1860, 430. purpurea, 1853, 207. rubra, 1853, 207. speciosa, 1860, 430. stipularis, 1853, 207. subvillosa, 1860, 421. triandra, 1853, 207. viminalis, 1851, 47 ; 1853, 207 ; 1860, 32; 1872, 452; 1873, 254. vitellina, 1853, 207. Wrigbtii, 1860, 4.34. Wrigbtiaua, 1875, 177. Salsola, 1886, 424. Salvia, 1866, 129. azurea, 1862, 160. coccinea, 1862, 160. lyrata, 1862, 160. officinalis, 1854, 378; 1859, 102. sclarea 1854 349. Sambucus, 1847, 515 ; 1864, 534, 535 ; 1868, 123; 1870, 16. Canadensis, 1865, 512; 1868, 108; 1872, 144. glauca, 1875, 164. niger, 1870, 614. pubens, 1838, 187. xantbocarpa, 1859, 347. Samolus, 1847, 514. Sandoricum ludicum, 1859, 337. Sanguinaria Canadensis, 1862, 157; 1864, 344. Sanguisorba, 1847, 514 ; 1862, 230. Sanicula, 1847, 515. Sauseviera zeylanica, 1854, 174. Santalacere, 1868, 124. Santalum lanceolatum, 1859, 347. Sapindacete, 1838, 123 ; 1870, 17, 196; 1876, 157. vera^, 1868, 123. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 2ia Sapindus, 1860, 427. esculent us, 1859, 35L fruticosus, 16o[), o'M. marginatus, 1800, 421 ; 1870, 107, 412; 1875, 157. Saponaria, 1875, 158. Sencgaleusis, l':^59, 344. Saponaria alba, 1847, 252. annua, 1857, 2ij7. Sapota achra.s, Ifioi), :j49. Sapotacea;, 1^G8, 124 ; lri70, 190; 1875, IGO. Sarcobatus verinicKlaiis, IbOO, 430. Sarcopbyte, 1^48, 212. Sarj^assum eoecircauni, 1860, 67. vulgare, 1^:^00, 67. Sarothamuus, 1:^68, 123 ; 1870, 17. Sarracenia ])Uipiiroa, 1876, 62. Sassafras, 1868, 124 ; l'^70, 17. officinale, 1860, 419; 1868, 203; 1875, 169. Satureja borteiviis, 1854, 379. Montana, ld54, 379. Satyrium, 1847, 520. Saururacete, lf:^57, 267. Saururus, 1857, 267. Saxifraga, 1847, 516 ; 1862, 378 ; 1866, 129. Pennsylvanica, 1864, 344. rivularis, 1863, 469. Virginieusis, 1662, 159. Scabiosa, 1847, 513. Scandix, 1847, 515. bracbycarpa, 18.57, 275. Schajfferea IVutescens, 1875, 157. Scbinus molle, 1860, 434 ; 1875, 159. Scbizaudra, 1868, 122; 1^7l^, 16. Scbizautbus ])innatus, 1857, 272. Scbizonotus, 18()8, 123 ; 1870, 16. Scbizopetalon Walkeri, 1857, 264. Sclileicbcra tiijnga, 1859, :{36. Scbmidelia edulis, 1859, 351. serrata, 1859, 336. Scbubertia, 1872, 168. Sciadoi.itys, 1868, 124; 1870, 17. Scilla Fraseri, lri68, 452. niaritinia, If^iO, 33. Scirpus, 1847, 513; 1860, 471. lacustiis, 1870, 408. Scitaminea', 1.S70, 172. Sclciantbus, 1H47, 516. Sclerolia, 1^49, 399. Scleiotiiun cocos, 1S70, 425. gigantcuiii, 1,^70,425; 1871,98. Scolymus niaculatiis, If^.VJ, 3.58. Scorpiiinis sidcata, l'^57, 2(59. ScorzoncUa ulibipiiora, 1>70, 409. Scorzouera glaslitoiia, 1*^59, 328. llispunica, 1854,380; 1857,274; 1859, 328. Latirontii, l.'^59, 32.S. ScorpbuUiria, 1.''47, 51d ; l-^(;2, 160. vernal is, 1*^57, 272. Scutellaria, 1^47, 517. Sciitia IVrrea, 1*^75, 157. Sccale AnalitlicMin, IH.V.), 303. cerealo, 1^,57,262; 18:)9, :U)3; 1S64, 312. cornutuni. 1^=11,2.59; 18lU), (*»6. tragi !♦•. 1-59, 3(»3. luoulanuiii, lf».'>9, 3(»3. villosiuu, 1-^59, 3(»:{. Sedum, 1847, .510. Selaginacea,', l'?57, 272. Semecary)us anaeardium, 1870, I'rO. Semi)er\ ivuni, l'^47, 516. Seuebiera eoronopus, lcJ59, ?)iA. Nilotira, 1859, 354. Senecio, l'^47, 519. doronirinn. 11^57, 254. vulgaris, I'^.m, 513. Sequoia, l-*6-^, 124 ; l-;70, 17, 110. gigantra. 18«;<», 4;W; iHXj, 470; l-^lv^, .579, 5^1; lt75, 1-^4,356. beiniM-rvirens, 1N>«>, 4:52 ; l>^ji)y 63; l-7(», 226; 1^-75, 1''4, '606. Serjania luciila, 1-69, 6:rr. Sarracenia jiurpuna, 1H»2, 157. Serratnla, 1-47, 519. Sesamuui In«licuin, 18.59, 21 ; 1870, 14, 173. orirntab', l'?45, 317 ; IKjI, 51 ; 1854, 225, -229 ; 1^ 2ti7 ; leOy, 325. Sesleria dactyb.ides, 1853, 207; 1870, 219. Sutaria, 1-60, 237, 471. glauca, 1865, 518; 1870, 220. verticillata, 1"M;,5, 518. viridis, 186.5, 518; le70, 219. Sbepberdia, iHid, 124; 1-70, 16. argeutia, 1'^'.9, 171 ; 1870, 115; lo7.5, 169, 342. Canadeubis, 1875, 342. Sberardia, 1'::'47, 513. Sborea robust a, l-T^O, l-^. Sicyos angulata, l!HJ5, 511. edulis, lb47, 411. Sida, 1^:57, 265. esculent a, ia59, S58. rbcMubitolia. l-'43, 163. tiliadolia, l^r,0, 473. Si, 1>9; 1857, 75; lf*ti6, 12.">. t«rrbintbtu»eiMun, IblJG, 128. Siuiaruba uinara, 1-75. l.'»li. glaura. I'^.'.O, 42:^: l^T*, 15f). Simarubaeea-, 1-57. 2:t9 ; l-Hi-^, 123 : 1870, 17 ; 1875, 150. Sinapis, 1H47, 51^ alba, 1-11, :W5; 1854, 'Ml; 1870, l-^l. 204. arvrusi>. 1-15. 7«»l : l-«»3. 1I«». nigra, l-»l, :r.'5; 1-51, ;u;r ; 1-70, 201. Sipbnnia nra-Hilieiisis. 1?*70. liK>. brevilolia. 1>70, llKi. ela.Htiea, 1-59. X»l; 18JU, 190. lutea, l-7(». 190. Sisyiubriuuj, 1**17, 51 H. nasturtiiiii), 1854, 350. Sisyrinchium, Is^J, UV2. nl; K.7, 275; 1S59, 220 INDEX TO AaUICULTURAL REPORTS. Sloanea dentata, 1859, 315. Smilacina racemosa, 1860, 501. Smilax rotundifolia, 1865, 39, 517. Smyminm olusatrum, 1857, 275. Sodada decidua, 1859, 344. Soja Mspida, 1854, xv ; 1859, 318. Japonica, 1859, 318. SolanaceiB, 1857, 270 ; 1870, 201 ; 1871, 76. Solaneaj, 1H72, 203. Solanum, 1847, 514 ; 1862, 161. avixiulare, 1859, 337. cardioplivllum, 1859, 308. Carolineuse, 1865, 516 ; 1867, 63 ; 1870, 76; 1871, 75; 1874, 123. Commersonii, 1859, 308. demissum, 1859, 308. esculentiim, 1859, 357. Fendleri, 1870, 409. immite, 1859, 308. lycopersicum, 1847, 411 ; 1854, 384. maglia, 1859, 308. meloiigena, 1844, 372; 1854, 352; 1859, 357. nlgrnni, 1865, 516. o-vigerum, 1857, 270. rostratum, 1870, 224. tuberosum, 1845, 654 ; 1850, 50 ; 1854, xvii, 373; 1859, 308 ; 1807, 297, 311 ; 1868, 114, 225. verrucosum, 1859, 308. viride, 1859, 357. Solidago, 1847, 519; 1868, 90, 110. nemoralis, 1865, 513. Sonchus, 1847, 519. oleraceus, 1859, 356. Sophora, 1859, 133; 1868, 123; 1870, 17, 110. affiuis, 1875, 160. Japonica, 1868, 201, 203; 1869, 171. speciosa, 1875, 160. SophoresB, 1868, 123. Sorbus, 1847, 516 ; 1859, 344. aucuparia, 1857, 490, 491. domestica, 1859, 345. fcSorglium, 1859, 306 ; 1861, 293, 311 ; 1864, 54. bicolor, 1842, 77 ; 1859, 306. Cafifrornm, 1842, 77. doura, 1842, 77. halapense, 1873, 239 ; 1874, 158. nigrum, 1842, 77. nutans, 1870, 220, 221. saccliaratum, 1842, 77; 1854, xxii ; 1855, xii, 281 ; 1857, 187 ; 1865, 301, 303, 304, 305: 1867, 315 ; 1873, 108. saccbaratum, var. Liberia, 1865, 307. vulgare, 1854, 219; 1857, 185; 1859, 306; 1865, 300; 1873, 238. Sparissis crispa, 1876, 80. laminosa, 1876, 80. Sparganium, 1847, 520 ; 1876, 62. Spartina cynosuroides, 1866, 127 ; 1869, 62, 637 ; 1870, 218, 220, 223. gracilis, 1870, 218. junciformis, 1866, 127. Spartium, 1868, 123; 1870, 17. junceum, 1870, 134. nubigenum, 1858, 336. Spartium scoparium, 1857, 268; 1859, 359; 1870, 614. Spergula arvensis, 1854, xxvi: 1BG4, 303; 1869, 504. maxima, 1845, 979, 980 : 1864, 303. SphsBria, 1873, 199. berbarum, 1872, 177. morbosa, 1863, 572; 1872, 175, 179 ; 1873, 197 ; 1874, Plate 4 : 1875, 206. Spbaerococcus ciliatus, 1859, 312. lichenoides, 1859, 312. Sphagnum, 1868, 185, 329. palustre, 1860, 67. Sphenogyne speciosa, 1857, 273. Spilanthes Brasiliensis, 1859, 356. oleracea, 1859, 356. Spinacia glabra, 1859, 355. oleracea, 1854, 381 ; 1859, 354. tetrandra, 1859, 354. Spiraea, 1868, 123 ; 1869, 183 ; 1870, 16. callosa, 1861, 636. hypericiiblia, 1854, 415. Reevesiana, 1859, 132. Spiraeeae, 1868, 123. Spiranthes cernua, 1866, 126. gracilis, 1866, 126. tortilis, 1862, 162. Spondias, 1868, 270. dulcis, 1859, 349. lutea, 1859, 349. mombin, 1859, 349. myrobalanus, 1859, 349. purpurea, 1859, 349. tuberosa, 1859, 349. Sporeudonema muscte, 1872, 132. Sporobolus aroides, 1870, 218. asperifolius, 1866, 127: 1870, 218 cryptandrus, 1870, 218: 1872, 141. heterolepis, 1870, 218, 220, 221, 225. ramulosus, 1870, 218. Sporotrichum, 1849, 398. Sprekelia formosissima, 1873, 313. Stachys, 1847, 517 ; 1862, 161. Stachytarpha Jamaicensis, 1870, 194. Staphylea, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 17. trifoliata, 1875, 158. Staphyleacete, 1868, 123. Statice, 1847, 515. Stauntonia, 1868, 122 ; 1870, 16. SteUaria, 1868, 281. media, 1849, 157. Stenactis speciosa, 1857, 273. Sterculia, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 17. balanghas, 1859, 323. chica, 1859, 351. foBtida, 1859, 323. nrens, 1870, 187. SterculiacesD, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 17, 187, 197; Stillingia, 1868, 124. sebifera, 1847, 193; 1850, 451; 1851,54,55; 1856, 138; 1875, 169. Stipa, 1860, 236. capillata, 1870, 218. juucea, 1866, 127. spartea, ia53, 398; 1870, 218, 220. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 221 Stipa tenacissima, 1863, 109; 1868, 2G0; 1869, 62 ; 1870, 21 ; 1876, 288. viridula, 1866, 127 ; 1870, 218, 220, 224. Stizolobium tuberosum, 1859, 311. Stramonium, 1867, 60. Stratiotes, 1847, .^)17. aloides, 1864, 455. Streptopus roseus, 1864, 344. Strombocarpa cinerasceus, 1857, 242. pubesceus, 1857, 242; 1860, 4:J4; 1870, 412; lb75, 160. Strvchnos 8Y)inosa, 1859, :M4. Stuartia, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 17. peutagyna, 1863, 517. Styphonia mtegritolia, 1860, 433; 1872, 141. Styracacefc, 1870, 16, 171, 198 ; 1875, 165. Styraceie, 1868, 124. Styrax, 168, 124 ; 1870, 16. benzoin, 1870, 181. ofticinalo, 1870, 181. Suthorlandia, 1857, 268. Sympkoricarpus, 1868, 123 ; l.-*70, 16. racemosus, 1870, 415. Symphytum, 1847, 514. ollicinale, 1843, 106. Symplocarpus fcctidus, 1864, 344; 1865, 517. Kamtschaticus, 1858, 252. Symplocos, 1860, 427 ; 1870, 16. Alstonia, 1870, 198. tinctoria, 1860, 421; 1875, 1G6. Synandra p^randillora, 1862, 161. Syringa, 1868, 124; 1870, 17. vulgaris, 1854, 414; 1864, 339; 1865, 292 ; 1870, 125. Syxingeae, 1868, 124. Tabemsemontana utilis, 1870, 198. Taccai)iunatili(la, 1859, 308, 310. Tacsonia piniiatisti[)ula, 1857, 264. Tagetes lueida, 1857, 273. patula, 1857, 273. Talinum ciliatum, 18,57, 267. Tamarindus, 1857, 269. Iu(Uca, 1855, Iv; 1859, 337; 1870, 14, 203. occidentalis, 18.59, 337. TamariscinciP, 1868, 123; 1870, 17; 1875, 155. Tamarix, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 17. Gal Ilea, 1859, 312; 1860, 123. Tanius, 1847, 521. Tanacutum, 1847, 519. eloiigatum, 1861, 226. vulgare, lbo4, ii83. Taraxacum dcus-leouis, 1864, 344 ; l^kJ5, 514; 1*«7 0,423. Taamannia nromatica, 1870, 202, Taxineu', 1868, 124. Taxodiiim, 1860, 427 ; 18G8, 124 ; 1870, 17. nnuTonatum, 18r)9, 129. distiebum, 1-60,421 ; 1875, l.'^4. Taxus, 1847, 521; 1866,124; 1869, 174, 1«1 ; lb71>, 17. baccata, 1851,404; 1859, 135; 1805, 636. Taxus brevifolia, 1860, 431 ; 1875, 183, 358. Canadensis, 1860, 417. Floridana, 1875, 184. micifera, 1859,323. Tecoma, lSi)f<, 124 ; l^?70, 17. radicans, 1865, 515 ; 1868, 203; 1875, 167. Tepbrosia Virginica, lr*i\2, 159. Terebinthus Indica, 1'^.59, 11^^. Termiualia catappa, 1859, Ifci^J. ghibrata, IK'/J, 32:{. latilolia, l'i'>9, :«3. Wauritiana, 1^59, :^23. Molucca iia, l.-,59, 323. Temstrrrmiaceie, 18615, 517 ; 1875, 15,5. Tetragon! a expausa, 18,54, 382 ; 1*57, 2C8; lb,'>9, :i56. lialimifoHa, le59, 356. inennis, 1859, 357. Tetragonella implexiconia, 1859,357. Tetragoniae«;a', 18,57, 2<)8. Tetragonolobus purpureus, 1857, 268. Tetrautbera, 18<;8, 124 ; 1^7^^ 17. Calit'ornica, le75, 853. Teucrium, 18:>9, 1(>3. Cana3, 517; 1869, 235; 1870, 19, 170, 192. Tbelepbora, 1849, 397. Tlu'lygonum eynocrambe, 1859, 357. Tbcobroma, lb55, xxiii. bieolor, 18,59, 321. caeao, 1-59, 3>»1 ; 1>70. 14, 194. Guyanensis. 1859, 321. speeiosa, 1S59, ;^21. sylvestris, 1K>9, 321. Tbeopbrastaceas 1-75, Hr7. Tbibaudia acuminata, 1859, 560. Tblaspi, 1847, 518. bursa-pastoris, 1>T>4, 344. nulerale, IfM'A, 224. Tbrinax argentea, 1S»9, 2(»<). biiiiiilis, lNi9, 2(i6. ]»arvillora. 1>75, 18<). Thuja, l8*k-<, 124; l-<*)9, 174, 181; 1870, 17. arbor-vita', 18^.9, 14. gigantea, 1HM>, 4,11 ; 1870, 412; 1875, l-<4, 3.57. occidentalls, 1K^»4, 3%; 1855, 316; l,s.<>, 417, 4:!l; 1.H.8, 196, 453; lf71, :M9; 1>7.'., is-l. idicat:*, l^'>(\ 431. 43:1; li?75, 184. Tbujopsis, ISk-^, 124 ; lf?7(». 17. Tbunln'rgitt abita, IH*'^, 21H». Tbymeleacea«, 1S<*k-<, 1*J4; 1870, 17. Thymus, 1847, 517. iMn>yllum. 1857. 119; 1870, 17a. vtil;;aris, l-,'v|, :iSl. Tigridla pavoni.-*, 1-57, 262. Tilia, 1S47. 517; IrM;><. l-j:t. ',«03; 1?C0. 16. Ai' '■- '■": 222 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Tilia Europsea, 1857, 490, 491; 1860, 66 1868, 198, 201, 202. heteropliylla, 1860, 421 ; 1875, 155. pubesceus, 1875, 155. TiliacesB, 1857, 265; 1868, 123; 1870, 16 1872, 167 ; 1875, 155. Tillandsia, 1856, 67. Tormentilla, 1847, 516. Torreya, 1860, 427; 1868, 124; 1870, 17 1875, 358. Californica, 1860, 432 ; 1875, 183 taxifolia, 1860, 422 ; 1875, 183. Toriila, 1849, 398; 1872, 191; 1873, 188 193, 196. ' cerevisiae, 1874, 174. Torulacei, 1872, 191 ; 1874, 175. TragoxDOgon, 1847, 5i9. pratensis, 1844, 341 ; 1859, 356. porrifolius, 1854, 379; 1857, 274 ; 1859, 356. Trapa, 1855, xxx ; 1860, 471. bicornis, 1859, 325. bispinosa, 1859, 325. CocbiiicliineDsis, 1859, 325. natans, 1859, 325 ; 1876, 62. qnadrispinosa, 1859, 325. Tremella foliacea, 1876, 80. mesenterica, 1876, 80. Tricbocepbalum, 1857, 270. Tricbodium laxiflorum, 1849, 157. Tricboloma albelhis, 1876, 79. castns, 1876, 79. Columbetta, 1876, 79. consociatns, 1876, 79. friimeutaceus, 1876, 79. bypopitbyus, 1876, 79. personatus, 1876, 79. Rnssula, 1876, 79. Tricbostemnia dicbotoma, 1862, 160. Tricuspis mutica, 1870, 219. pnlcbelba, 1866, 128; 1870, 219. purpurea, 1866, 127; 1870, 219. Trifoljum, 1847, 519; 1870, 423. Alexandrinum, 1859, 19. arvens, 1865, 511. campestre, 1864, 227. filiforme, 1854, xxiv. giganticuiu, 1857, 268. bybridum, 1847, 157 ; 1854, 24 ; 1865,352; 1866,366; 1869,88, 90. incariiatum, 1859, 18; 1864, 308; 1866, 367. invobicratura, 1866, 128. medium, 18.54, xxiv. minus, 1854, 392. perenue, 1854, xxiv. pratense, 1860, 76, 129; 1866, 309; 1869, 88, 90; 1872, 418. repens, 1844, 340; 1854, 392; 1857, 268 ; 1860, 76, 129 ; 1864, 310; 1868, 187; 1869, 88, 90. Triglocbin, 1847, 515. Trigonella esculeiita, 1859, 359. foenum-graicum, 1857, 268; 1870, 199. platycarpos, 1859, 359. suavissima, 1859, 357. Trillium erectum, 1864, 344. pictura, 1864, 344. Tripsacum, 1860, 236. dactyloides, 1849, 156; 1870, 220. Trisetum cermium, 1868, 189. purpurascens, 1866, 127. sesquiflorum, 1868, 189. subspicatum, 1868, 189. Triticum, 1857, 262. segilopoides, 1870, 219, 224. SBstivum, 1857, 262. amyleura, 1859, 304. cauiuum, 1870, 219, 220, 224. compactum, 1845, 418. compositum, 1847, 412 ; 1859, 304. monoccum, 1859, 304. Polonicum, 1859, 304; 1861, 339. repeus, 1854, 187. sativum, 1861, 334. spelta, 1859, 304. turgidum, 1845, 418 ; 1859, 304 ; 1861, 404. vulgare, 1859, 303; 1864, 404; 1867, 312 ; 1868, 116 ; 1870, 424. Triumfetta, 1857, 265. Trollius, 1847, 517. Tropaeolum majus, 1854, 367; 1857,265; 1859, 356 ; 1860, 123. minus, 1859, 356. pentapbyllum, 1859, 356. peregrinum, 1857, 265. tuberosum, 1859, 311. Tsuga, 1868, 124 ; 1870, 17. Tuber cibarium, 1859, 319. griseum, 1859, 319. magnatum, 1854, 385. moscbatum, 1859, 319. niveum, 1859, 319. Tubuliilora}, 1868, 123. Tulii)a Gesueriana, 1870, 123. Turritis retrofracta, 1857, 264. Tussilago farfara, 1864, 344. Typba, 1847, 520 ; 1876, 62. U. Ulex, 1868, 123 ; 1871, 17. Europseus, 1854, xxv, 398 ; 1857, 268. strict us, 1854, 399. Ullucus tuberosus, 1859, 311. Ulmacete, 1868, 176. Ulmus, 1847, 514 ; 1850, 30; 1868, 108, 176; 1870, 17. alata, 1860, 421 ; 1875, 170, 342. Americana. 1849, 478; 1860, 417, 420; 1864,344; 1868,198; 1875, 170, 342, 344. campestris, 1860, 66 ; 1868, 201, 202. crassifolia, 1860, 420; 1870, 171. Floridaua, 1875, 171. fulva, 1875, 170, 342, 344. glabra, 1868, 202. racemosa, 1860, 417, 419 ; 1875, 170, 342. Ulva lactuca, 1859, 319. latissima, 1864, 465, 467 ; 1866, 424. UmbeUifera^, 1857, 275 ; 1870, 179, 183, 186, 189, 202 ; 1868, 123. Umbilicaria pustulosa, 1870, 172. Uucinula, 1871, 111. Ungnadia speciosa, 1875, 157. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. 223 Uniola, 1860, 237. latiiblia, 1870, 219. spicata, 1806, 128. stricta, 1870, 219. Urceola elastica, 1670, 191 ; 1876, 64. Uredo, 1844, 249 ; 1845, 240, 472, 654 ; 1847, 413 ; 1849, 394, 395, 396. caries, 1862, 103. faetida, 1844, 41 ; 1849, 393. rubigo, 1845, 662; 1849, 393; 1851, 140. segetum, 1844, 41 ; 1849, 393'; 1865, 519. Urediiiere, 1876, 81. Urtica, 1845, 264; 1847, 520; 1850, 310, 311; 1865, 95. cliamaidrvoidos, 1870, 21. dioica, 18'o9, 356; 1865, 517. gigas, 18(;0, 139. lietoroi)hylla, 1865, 347; 1867, 225. nivea, 1855, 245 ; I860, 473 ; 1865, 349; 1869, 11; 1^73,264. tenaci.ssiijia, 1K55, 245; 1873, 264. ntilis, 1H73, 2(54. Whitlavii, 1^50, 310. Urticacea;, 1875, 170. Uslilagiucu', 1871, 390; 1876. 81. Ustilago antlierannn, 1*^76, fcl. inaidis, 1876, 81. olivacca, 1H76, 81. scgetuin, 1>!76, 81. typhoidrs, 1H49, 395. Uvularia scssililolia, 1^64, 344. V. Vaccinicji', 1868, 123. Vacciniuui, 1847, 515; 1h59, 344; 1864, .533; l^i;.^, 116, 123; Ir^TU, 16, 614; 1-^71, 413. arl)<)i«'uiii, l-'75, 165. ca's])it().sum, 1868, 1^8. Cliainissonis, L'^CJH, l,"-7. macrocaipon, 1869, 204, 209; lr-70, 415; 1^7.3, 445. mvrfilloidt's, 18(58, 187. invitillus, 1859, 347; I'^CtS, 187; 1870, 415. ovalifoliuin, 1H(>H, It^S. oxy6*^, l.*^H. IN'iuisyh anicMin, 1^70, 415. salicinimi, ISii.-^, Is-^. staiiiiiH'uni, 1^70, 415. tfiu'lluni, ISC)!. 344. uliginosuiu, 1K')9, 347; 1868, 188. vitis-ida'a, 1^59, 317; 1868, 1S7. VnlH-n gnminin'ra. 1870, 191. Val17, 5i;{. tlioira, 1h;8, \>i7. I'dulis, 1H7(>. 47, 273. Valt)rianella, 1^17, 513. olit4. 446. 453; l.<4s 429; 18t)7, 297 ; lf76, (W, Vanilla aromatica, 1870, 204. planifolia, 1-55, xxiii ; 1870, 204 ; 1876, 69. Yascya comata, 1870, 218. Vateria Indica, 1870, lcf3. Veitcbia, l^H't^', 124. Veratrum, l'H)4, 546. album, 1^48, 605. 006; 1870, 77. Escbsoboltzii, lcJG8, 188. viri5, 51.'>. tb;»i»sii.s, le57, 272; lo65, 515. Verbena, 1847, 513. aubhtia, 18r,7, 272; 18C6, 129. bracteoHa, iHkJ, 129. cauescenH, I'^'Ak 129. bastata, lfH)i'>, 129. VerbonacfM', 1'75, 167. Veruonia, lf^>f*, 2^1. nov«*bf)iac«Mi.sis, I^Im, .512. Veronica, 1^47, 513; l-^O:?. :C2 ; iSi"-, 281. grnliaiioidi's, l-r»'J, 16<». Lmdl.yana, \^VJ, 129. jicngiiua, l-'.')7, 272. spicata, l-^;2, H>tK Viijiiiiica, 1H)2. HJO. Vcrnuari.'i g«'oj;r:ipbi(a, 1^70, 172. Verticillaria. l-7n, 188. V»'si<-aria ^jraudUlora, 1K57, 264. Vibuinmii, 1^47, 515; iHo, lj:{; 1870,16. act rifoliiiin, 1-iUj, 501. diiit.itiiiii, INn, 72. lantaiinidrs, iSM. 'MA. biitago, l>:)I, 401; 1870, 120. viilgare, ld68, Itic^. Vi( ia, 1-^47, 5H. l'al..i, 1-.54, 3.36; K.9. 316; IHIO, 51K); lsOI,:i:{7; ls;7.2U-i; lb68, lOu. grandillora, 1-57, 26l». hit.a, l.<)7. 2(il>. witiva, 1-,57.2(U>; 18(i0.76; lH6:J,306w Virtoria ivi;ia, 1S('.2. 157; lc<70, 111. Villa aspna. 1^70, 21'*. cuspidaia, l-7(>. 21"'. ilrpaiipt'iata, 1-70. 'Jl;^. Iii. bohpi.s, ISk;. 12-; 1-70, 218^ va;;inalloia. l-7«». 21-, 224. Vinca iiiiin»r, lHi4, 344. Vi(»la, 1-47, .-.20. blaiMb». INVI. 314. laiMMt.lata. l-»V|. 344. liiti'a, ls,'»7, 2l>4. »ub»rat:». l"*7. ViBcuui, 1-4^. 212. albiiin. ISUI, Ca\. Vistnia (iiiiiiitniHiH, 1K70, 18S. Vitari'ji', 1-75, l.'.i». Vitox, IHiiK, 124 ; IfffO, 17. 224 INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. Vitis, 1867, 146. acerilblia, 1857, 231. acida, 1861, 486. aestivalis, 1857, 229, 230, 233 ; 1859, 32, 65, 66, 67, 538 ; 1860, 419, 499 ; 1861, 479,482; 1862,197,198; 1864,183, 533, 534 ; 1865, 209 ; 1866, 129 ; 1867, 308 ; 1869, 82, 83, 84 ; 1872, 485 ; 1875, 159. angulata, 1857, 231. arborea, 1861,486. bicolor, 1857, 230. blancla, 1857, 229. bipinnata, 1857, 234; 1861,486; 1866, 129. bracteata, 1857, 229. Californica, 1860, 432; 1861, 479, 483; 1870, 415. callosa, 1857, 230. canina, 1857, 229. Caribaia, 1861, 483; 1862, 197. cordifolia, 1857, 230, 232, 233 ; 1859 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 538 ; 1880, 419 1861, 483, 484,485, 486; 1862,197 1865, 209; 1867, 308; 1868, 206 1869, 82, 83, 85, 87 ; 1870, 88 ; 1872, 485; 1875,159. ferrugiuea, 1857, 229. byemalis, 1857, 230. incisa, 1861,486. indivisa, 1857, 234 ; 1861,486. labrusea, 1857, 228, 229, 232, 233; 1859, 33, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 342, 538, 539 ; 1860, 419 ; 1861, 479, 481 , 496, 500 ; 1862, 197, 198 ; 1864, 133 ; 1865, 209 ; 1867, 305, 307, 308 ; 1869, 81,82,83,84,87; 1870,88. labruscoides, 1857, 229. latifolia, 1857, 229. Linsecomii, 1861, 485. luteola, 1857, 229. monticola, 1861, 485. mustangensis, 1861, 482. obovata, 1857, 229. occidentalis, 1857, 229. odoratissiraa, 1857,231,232. palmata, 1857, 231, 232. prolilica, 1857,229. piillaria,, 1857, 230. punctata, 1859, 67. riparia, 1857, 230, 231, 233 ; 1861, 483, 484; 1873,389. rotundifolia, 1857, 230, 231; 1861 , 479, 484; 1868,214. rugosa, 1857, 229. rupestris, 18,59, 539; 1861,485; 1866, 129. sinuata, 1859, 68, 69. sylvestris, 1857, 229. . tenuifolia, 1857, 229. verrucosa, 1857, 231. , vinifera, 1859, 62, 342, 540 ; 1860, 438 ; 1861,480; 1862, 195; 1863, 148, 149, 482, 483 ; 1864, 528 ; 1867, 305, 308; 1868, 119 ; 1869, 83, 86, 87. Yirginiana, 1857, 231. vulpina, 1857, 229, 230, 231, 234 1859, 34, 538; 1860, 42 . : 1861, 484 1862, 197; 1865, 330; 'l86$, 214 1869, 83, 85k "PY ' Volvaria bombycinus, 1876, 79. speciosus, 1876, 79. W. Weigelia, 1859, 132. Widdringtonia, 1868, 124. Willugbbeia edulis, 1859, 336. Wistaria, 1868, 123; 1870, 17. sinensis, 1868, 205. X. XantMum spinosum, 1865, 513; 1869, 504. strumarium, 1865, 513. Xanthocbymus dulcis, 1859, 336. Xantboxylaceae, 1857, 276; 1870, 202. pictorius, 1859, 336. Xantboxylum, 1868, 123; 1870, 17. Americanum, 1856, 71 ; 1857, 241; 1860, 420. Carolinianum, 1857, 241 ; 1860, 421. fraxineum, 1854, 405. piperitum, 1870, 202. pterota, 1857, 241; 1860, 421. Ximeuia Americanum, 1875, 156. Y. Yucca, 1850, 311; 1864, 494; 1869, 61. aloifolia, 1854, 403. angustifolia, 1869, 62. baccata, 1860, 433; 1870, 418. brevifolia, 1875, 186. Treculiana, 1875, 186, 357. Zalacca edulis, 1859, 343. Zantboxylaceai, 1875, 156. Zantboxylum Americanum, 1875, 156. Carolinianum, 1875, 156. Floridanum, 1875, 156. pterota, 1875, 156. Zea mays, 1847, 411; 1849, 231; 1854, 357; 1857,185,262; 1859,305; 1861,262; 1864, 312; 1867,296; 1870, 292, 420. Zilla myagroides, 1859, 354. Zingiber officinale, 1854, 354; 1855, xxiv; 1868, 110; 1870, 202; 1871, 107. Zingiberacea3, 1870, 200, 202, 203. Zinnia elegans, 1857, 273. grandillora, 1857, 273. multiflora, 1857, 273. Zizania aquatica, 1855, 256; 1868, 532; 1870, 218, 422. Zizypbus, 1868, 123 ; 1870, 17. iujuba, 1859, 338. lotus, 1859, 343. lycioides, 1857, 240; 1875, 157. obtusifolia, 1857, 240; 1875, 157. Parryi, 1857, 241. sativa, 1854, xxxii; 1858,384. vulgaris, 1859, 339; 1876,70, Zostera, 1847, 520. ZygophyllacesB, 1870, 186, 202; 1875, 155. Zygopbyllum fabago, 1859, 359; 1870,202. INDEX TO AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. NA]\IES OF AJsUlALii ^OT liJ-LOXOING TO THE PRIH DIVISIONS. A. Actiuca an/^jnicoma, 1844, 407. carneola, 1844, 407. clavata, l'r;44, 407. crassicoruis, 1844, 407. (lianthus, lriA4, 407. <^eiiiniac«-a, 1844, 407. inari^iuata, 1844, 407. iiK'ScmbryaiitLcinui!!, 1^44, 4G7. iiai>itoniii.s, 1844, 407. obstniiH'ata, 1814, 4;»7. Aiii^niillula, 1871, 118; 1,7-^, 104. lluviatilis, l.-<71, llH. tritici, 1S71, 118. Ai hitcuthisdux, 1874, :3 17. As ariiles, 18C9, 390. ^-^stacus Daitouii, 1804, 4r.7. lluviatilis, 1804, 457. I. Infusoria, 18(>l, r.'^, 531. L. Libinia canalirrMli;;iosa. l^'Jr.. 3'J9. Mytiliis honalis, l-s;-!, 4TU. O. Oq>bibolu.s oxiiuiu.H, 1850, 88, 95 V Bftaai||.LAN University of British CoIumDJa Library DUE DATE it^^zy 4r»-. MVX <*, TZ, / / ^