ZOOLOGY D->_?I- BIOLOGY LIBRARY General and Professional Biology GENERAL AND PROFESSIONAL BIOLOGY with Special Reference to Man (A One or Two- Year Course, Including Introductory Embryology and Comparative Anatomy) BY EDWARD J. MENGE, Ph. D. If Director of the Department of Zoology, Marquette University, Late Professor of Biology, University of Dallas. THE BRUCE PUBLISHING COMPANY MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN IJBRARf G Copyright 1922 EDWARD J. MENGE Printed in the United States of America To My Students whose loyalty and appreciation have been my inspiration throughout the years this book has been in preparation. - PREFACE. Teachers of the Biological Sciences have often observed that: (1) The majority of American College Students are the children of parents who have not had a college training and, therefore, have no proper conception of what a college course means nor an understanding of the reasons that lead, educators to choose certain particular studies for the curriculum instead of others. (2) The work done by the average student up to his entry into Col- lege has neither taught him HOW to. study, nor how to coordinate the work of the various courses he has had. (3) The technical words he has met with have not been analyzed, so that he has no conception of their derivation, and, consequently, of their true meaning. He has largely memorized whatever was learned with little understanding of meanings. (4) The professional world (especially of Medicine and Dentistry) is in general accord with the idea that "General Biology" or "General Zoology" should be followed by "Introductory Embryology" and "Com- parative Anatomy." (5) Most -texts on the Biological Sciences either try to make the subject matter entirely too easy, and thus forget to mention the many points of prime interest to professional students, or they try to cover the entire range of animal biology, thus burdening both book and student with matter that is going to be forgotten as soon as examinations are passed. (6) The student is, therefore, confronted with several alternatives: either he takes the "easy" course and feels that because he Avas told so little, there is but little to be told, or, if the more detailed course has been taken, he finds that it has helped but little, if any, to assist him in his chosen field, and he is rightfully disappointed. (7) The terminology in Botany, Zoology, and Medicine is by no means identical, and much must be re-learned by professional students. (8) A textbook usually confines itself to "Type Forms" or to "General Principles." In either case the student suffers for want of the half that is left untold. (9) Results of scientific work are often given, such- as the life- cycle of the Malarial Parasite, without showing in detail the type of work necessary to bring about .those results, thus preventing the student from gaining one of the most valuable lessons of his scientific course. (10) Medical and Dental educators, as well as students themselves, are constantly complaining of the insufficient stress placed on Histology and Neurology in the preliminary courses, as it is in these fields that so many students later find their greatest difficulties. (11) Medical educators insist that in a few years all medical schools must add a course in Medical Zoology. The students who are now be- ing prepared for these courses must obtain an adequate number of ex- amples of animal parasites in their pre-medical studies or they will not be able to profit fully when such later course is taken. (12) The student now purchases three, and often four, texts for his biological work, none of which is a true continuation of its predecessor. (13). When studying a given biological problem, constant reference must be made to facts and findings of various kinds for the purpose of checking up and coordinating the work one is doing. If a student must seek through many volumes for such references he is all too apt not to look for any at all, whereas if he has but to turn a few pages, .he will almost invariably search out many. Being confronted with points such as these, and wishing to obtain the professional student's point of view as well as an understanding of his difficulties, the author took the regular laboratory courses offered in American Schools of Medicine and has built this book on what experi- ence taught him to hold most valuable. Therefore, he begins (1) by showing the student WHY to study, and (2) HOW to study and HOW to COORDINATE the various courses of the curriculum. (3) The glossary is made quite complete by giving both derivations and pronunciations of all technical words used in the text and the student is then obliged to write them out in the parentheses left blank for that purpose. (4) "General Biology" is fol- lowed by "Introductory Embryology" of the Chick and Frog, together with a general statement regarding Mammalian Forms, thus presenting to the student the beginnings of a Comparative Study. This, then, is followed by "Comparative Anatomy" where constant comparisons are not only made, but where back references are always being brought into play, so as to force a repetition, so essential to a full understanding of all scientific work. (5) One subject (The Frog) is treated exhaustively so that the student will not be burdened with too good an opinion of his own knowl- edge of even so humble a thing as the frog, while principles are always presented AFTER the facts have been shown upon which those prin- ciples rest. (6) The entire work is concentrated and by no means "easy." The goal of the student is kept in mind. (7) The terminology that the professional student is going to use later is always borne in mind and stressed. (8) "Type Forms" are studied, but only in so far as these are nec- essary to a full and complete understanding of both the anatomy and physiology of the animal and to furnish the facts on which to build in- terpretations and principles. (9) In such work as that on the Malarial Parasite the result of scientific work is first shown so as to cause the student to wonder how such a mass of intricate detail could ever have been discovered. Then a detailed account of the painstaking and intelligent effort necessary to make such findings valuable is given. (10) Histology and Genetics are stressed because in all biological work a thorough knowledge of the cell and tissues is a prerequisite for further work, and Neurology, because of its tremendous importance in all Biological, Psychological, and Medical fields. (11) Examples, wherever possible, have been chosen in so far as they add to, or detract from human welfare, for, after all, Students of Education, Law, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Theology, Econom- ics, Engineering, Medicine, and Dentistry are, and must be, most inter- ested in Man. (12) All that is needed for two complete years of biological work is contained within this one volume, each part logically following the part preceding, thus not only saving the student considerable time and expense, but also serving him as a sort of continual reference work in his future professional years of study. Both the Bee and the Grass- hopper have been included so that teachers may use their preferred form. (13) Then, too, the student, having his entire course of work be- fore him in a single volume, often, of his own volition, reads much more than he normally would were the subject matter scattered through sev- eral texts, for it is an easy matter to refe.r to another closely related subject if the reference can be found by a mere turning of a few pages, rather than consulting a number of separate books. The book is so written that it can be used as a text for General Biology, General Zoology (by merely omitting Chapters XV and XVI) for Introductory Embryology, and for Comparative Anatomy. Where only one year is given to biological work, such as in many Dental Schools, it is suggested that the first semester be given to "Gen- eral Biology" or "General Zoology" made up of selected chapters from the first half of the Text, while the second semester be confined to the higher forms such as Dogfish, Turtle, and Cat or Rabbit, as found in ''Comparative Anatomy." The Laboratory Manual to accompany "General Biology" and "In- troductory Embryology," written by Professor John Giesen, will be ready for general distribution by June, 1923. Dr. L. H. Hyman's "A Laboratory Manual for Comparative Verte- brate Anatomy" (University of Chicago Press), is being used for the Comparative Work in Anatomy. Long Bibliographies have not been given in this book, as these are seldom consulted by a student during the first two years of his college career. However, as all of the books mentioned below should be in every College Library, those who wish such bibliographies can find the best of them in Kellicott's "Chordate Development," Patten's "The Early Embryology of the Chick," and Kingsley's "Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates." It is much more important for the student to know HOW to Com- pile a Bibliography than to look over one already made. Therefore at Marquette University a different subject is assigned each student to look up for the purpose of compiling a bibliography of everything writ- ten on that subject for the past forty years. Such subject may be taken from any Index of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Forty years are chosen because it is about that many years ago that some of the larger indices were compiled, and it is essential that the stu- dent be forced to go through all the indices year by year. If the indices are not found in the smaller towns and cities, the bibliography can be made during one of the vacations when the student passes through some of the larger cities where there is a Medical or Scientific Library. The more important Indices published in the English Language are : The Zoological Record (published yearly by the Zoological Society of London. Each volume gives a complete list of the works and publications relating to zoology in all its branches that have appeared during the preceding year. The first volume was for the year 1864). The Index Medicus (Found in any Medical Library). Index Catalogue of the Surgeon General's Office. International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, "Zoology," "Botany," ''General Biology." (Pub. by Harrison &.Sons, 45 St. Martin's Lane, London.) For Popular Articles: The Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature. The International Index to Periodicals. (Before Jan., 1921, The Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature Supplement.) The books which have been of greatest service to the author are: On General Biology Parker and Haswell, "Text-book of Zoology." L. A. Borradaile, "A Manual of Elementary Zoology." Shipley and MacBride, "Zoology." R. W. Hegner, "College Zoology." J. G. Needham, "General Biology." Linville and Kelly, "A Text-book in General Zoology." O. H. Latter, "The Natural History of Some Common Animals." Schull, Larue, and Ruthven, "Principles of Animal Biology." A. M. Marshall, "The Frog." S. J. Holmes, "The Biology of the Frog." H. S. Pratt, "A Manual of the Common Invertebrate Animals." Ward and Whipple, "Fresh-Water Biology." Sanderson and Jackson, "Elementary Entomology." Leland O.. Howard, "The Insect Book." J. H. and Anna B. Comstock, "A Manual of the Study of Insects." Frank E. Lutz, "Fieldbook of Insects." J. W. Folsom, "Entomology with special reference to its Biological and Economic Aspects." Riley and Johannsen, "Handbook of Medical Entomology." W. T. Caiman, "The Life of Crustacea." R. W. Hegner, "The Germ-Cell Cycle in Animals." W. E. Agar, "Cytology, with Special Reference to the Metazoan Nucleus." L. Doncaster, "An Introduction to the Study of Cytology." L. W. Sharp, "Introduction to Cytology." C. Hill, "A Manual of Normal Histology and Organography." Krause-Schmahl, "A Course in Normal Histology." W. E. Castle, "Genetics and Eugenics." E. G. Conkin, "Heredity and Environment in the Development of Man." C. B. Davenport, "Heredity in Relation to Eugenics." East and Jones, "Inbreeding and Outbreeding." H. E. Walter, "Genetics." T. H. Morgan, "A Critique of the Theory of Evolution." S7~JT~Holme!;7 "The Evolution of Animal Intelligence." M. F. Washburn, "The Animal Mind." H. S. Jennings, "Behavior of the Lower Organisms." Eric Wasmann, "Instinct and Intelligence in the Animal Kingdom." James Johnstone, "The Philosophy of Biology/' A. D. Darbishire, "An Introduction to a Biology and Other Papers." Vernon L. Kellogg, "Darwinism Today." Wm. A. Locy, "Biology and Its Makers." H. F. Osborn, "From the Greeks to Darwin." C. E. and E. A. Bessey, "Essentials of College Botany." Bergen and Davis, "Principles of Botany." C. S. Gager, ''Fundamentals of Botany." Wm. C. Stevens, "Plant Anatomy." Strasburghers "Textbook of Botany." D. H. Campbell, "A University Textbook of Botany." Coulter, Barnes, and Cowles, "Textbook of Botany." I. F. and W. D. Henderson, "A Dictionary of Scientific Terms." On Kmbryology F. R. Lillie> "The Development of the Chick." W. E. Kellicott, "Chordate Development." B. M. Patten, "The Early Embryology of the Chick." Prentiss and Arey, "Textbook of Embryology." On Comparative Anatomy G. C. Bourne, "An Introduction to the Study of Comparative Anatomy." J. S. Kingsley, "Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates." L. Vialleton, "Elements de Morphologic des Vertebres." Schimkewitch, "Lehrbuch d. vergl. Anatomic d. Wirbelthiere." H. H. Newman, "Vertebrate Zoology." H. W. Wilder, "History of the Human Body." Parker and Haswell, "A Textbook of Zoology." L. H. Hyman, "A Laboratory Manual for Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy." H. S. Pratt, "A Course in Vertebrate Zoology." Reighard and Jennings, "Anatomy of the Cat." Davison and Stromsten, "Mammalian Anatomy, with special reference to the Cat." O. C. Bradley, "A Guide to the Dissection of the Dog," Hans Gadow, "Amphibia and Reptiles." B. F. Kaupp, "The Anatomy of the Domestic Fowl." C. J. Herrick, "An Introduction to Neurology." Emil Villiger, "Brain and Spinal Cord." S. W. Ransom, "The Anatomy of the Nervous System." The author wishes at this point to thank all those who have as- sisted him in any way. Thanks are due to Professors Wm. A. Locy, F. R. Lillie. H. S. Pratt, C. W. Ballard, Dr. L. H. Hyman, and Mr. W. C. Clute, and their publishers, as well as to Professor J. H. McGregor, for permission to use various cuts from their published works. Credit is given in the legend of each cut. Thanks are due Professors J. A. Bick of Loyola University, Edward Menager of the University of Santa Clara, Wm. Atwood of the Mil- waukee Normal School, and Dr. Peter P. Finney of the University- of Dallas for reading much of the manuscript and offering valuable sug- gestions. Thanks are due for detailed reading and technical criticism of the manuscript to the following: Professor Richard A. Muttkowski, of the University of Idaho, for going over the greater portion of the entire manuscript; Dr. L. H. Hyman, of the University of Chicago, for going over the portion de- voted to "Comparative Anatomy" ; Professor Eben J. Carey, of Mar- quette University, for going over the entire portion devoted to "Embry- ology"; Professors W. N. Steil of the University of Wisconsin, J. G. Brown of the University of Arizona and the Carnegie Desert Botanical Laboratory, and Sister Mary Ellen, of Santa Clara College, for going over the portions on Botany ; Professors Joseph Jastrow, of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, and George A. Deglman, of Marquette University, for reading the portions devoted to Psychology; Professor John B. Kremer, of Marquette University, for reading the portions devoted to Geology and Paleontology; Professor Edward Miloslavich, late of the University of Vienna, for reading those portions on Immunity and Path- ology; Professor Alfred V. Boursy, for reading the glossary, and Pro- fessor Robert Bauer, for reading the chapter on Coordination. Thanks are due Mr. Leo Massopust, Mr. Lane Newberry, and Mr. Frank Leibly for the many and painstaking drawings they have made, and to Mr. Arthur Vollert, Mr. Frank Krause, Mr. Gervase Flaherty, Mr. Norman O'Neill, Mr. Frank Freiburger, Mr. Robert Schodron, Miss Phyllis Schnader, Miss Irma Gall, and Miss Nathalie Hart for the many hours of assistance rendered in seeing the book through the laborious processes of printing. Thanks are due the publishers, not only for their excellent work, but for their constant willingness to render every assistance possible to lighten the work of the author. The author's appreciation must be extended to his fellow charter members of the Baconian Society, Professors Walter Abel, Alfred V. Boursy, John Giesen, and Edward Miloslavich, for assistance and criti- cism rendered in discussing innumerable points at their meetings. And lastly, the author would be remiss in his duty did he not ex- press his special thanks and appreciation to his co-worker of many years, Professor John Giesen, whose loyalty and willingness to assist in every way have made many additional hours of work possible on this book. EDWARD J. MENGE. Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 25, 1922. CONTENTS Chapter Page Part I— General Biology 19-432 I. Why To Study 19 II. How To Study 27 III. The Co-ordination of Subjects Studied 34 IV. The Frog 43 V. The Cell 88 VI. The Chemistry of Living Matter and Cell Division 94 VII. Histology of the Frog 108 VIII. Summary of the Frog 117 IX. The Protozoa 121 X. Interpretation of the Facts thus far presented. 157 XI. Genetics 165 XII. Animal Psychology 172 XIII. Intermediate Organisms 185 XIV. Immunity 194 XV. The Plant World 202 XVI. The Plant World Continued 215 XVII. The Coelenterata 247 XVIII. Introduction to the Coelomata 258 XIX. The Earthworm 262 XX. Flatworms (Platyhelminthes) and Threadworms (Nemathelminthes) 285 XXI. The Arthropoda 312 XXII. Insects at Large 328 XXIII. The Grasshopper 332 XXIV. The Honey Bee 353 XXV. The History of Biology 375 XXVI. Paleontology 393 XXVII. Evolution 402 XXVIII. Classification 414 Part II — Introductory Embryology 433-663 (Chick, Frog, Mammal) EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK 435-542 XXIX. The Development of the Embryo before the Egg is laid. 435 XXX. The Primitive Streak and Origin of the Mesoderm .... 455 XXXI. The Four to Six Somite Stage (About 24 Hours) 465 XXXII. The First Half of the Second Day (24-36 Hours) 470 XXXIII. The Second Half of the Second Day (36-48 Hours) .... 476 XXXIV. Extra-Embryonic Membranes '. . . . 485 XXXV. Development of the Third Day 489 Chapter Page XXXVI. The Differentiation of the Somites 502 XXXVII. The Development of the Fourth Day 508 XXXVIII. The Coelom and the Mesenteries 536 XXXIX. Development of the Fifth Day 538 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG 543-618 XL. The General Embryology of the Tadpole as compared with that of the Chick 543 XLI. The Digestive Tract ... 585 XLII. The Mesodermal Somites 591 XLIII. The Circulatory System 594 XLIV. The Urogenital System. 605 XLV. The Skeletal System 612 MAMMALIAN EMBRYOLOGY 619-633 XLVI. Mammalian Embryology 619 Part III — Comparative Anatomy. 634-886 XLVII. Introduction to Comparative Anatomy 637 XLVIII. Classification of Fishes, Amphibians, and Mammals. . . . 639 XLIX. The Integument 664 L. The Endoskeleton 681 LI. The Digestive System 722 LII. The Respiratory System 757 LIII. The Circulatory System. 772 LIV. The Urogenital System 806 LV. The Muscular System 826 LVI. The Nervous System 833 PRONOUNCING INDEX-GLOSSARY . . 887 Part I General Biology CHAPTER I. WHY TO STUDY Two hundred and sixteen (216) separate and distinct combinations can be formed by three dice of different design, as shown by the drawing (Fig. 1). On the principal of chance, if these three dice are thrown an infinite number of times, each one of the 216 combinations will appear just as often as every other one. This is true only if the dice are not weighted. Combinations being formed by three dice have been chosen because there are usually at least three alternatives in any case Avhere a man's judgment or opinion is required or asked for. Further, an analogy can be found in the com- plete human individual where the Physical Mental and Moral must ever We considered; while on the strictly scientific basis, everything that a man is, or* can be, depends upon the three factors: Inheritance Environment and Training. Or, again, no opinion worth anything can be formed without the fol- lowing three factors being taken into consideration : Obtaining the facts Reasoning thereon Forming a judgment or conclusion. Each dice possessing six sides may be compared to the many facts, conditions, or possibilities that go to make up any one of the three great factors appearing in the tables above. It is self-evident from this that in any given case where there are three factors with six possibilities contingent upon each, unless life's dice are weighted by knowledge, a man's opinion stands only one chance in 216 of being correct. The almost ideal laboratory evidence that substantiates these statements is found in the fact that out of three thousand cases at one of our leading hospitals, it has been found the diagnosticians were correct only 53.5% of the time.* If, at our most important insti- tutions, the ablest and best trained men, working with the finest equip- ment obtainable, are correct only approximately one-half the time, it means that on the principle of chance, when anyone passes an opinion *"Diagnostic Pitfalls Identified During a Study of Three Thousand Autopsies," by Richard C. Cabot, M.D. Journal of the American Medical Association, pp. 2295-2298, Dec. 28, 1912. V ::'* -GENERAL BIOLOGY BHHHHH C [OI!010II01I01O * •II* • ! (• • ) I* •! U •] U •! I* •! (• «| !• •! [TT1 [•"•] (TT1 (TTl (TVI fTT] ITTl (VTJ r ilUllIJy [LiJIIIJ 1XJ|XJ[X)[XJ|XJ|XJ liiliUlillilllilJJI HBS0H QQQQQH 1Z00SIZI [3 Olds 13 Id 0Ix][xllxHxi|x] [ElOimillOlIO Fig. 1. Probability of Error Chart (showing there are 216 different combinations pos- sible with three dice of different design). WHY To STUDY 21 BHBfflffiffi BHBfflEffl BMHfflSffi prri p-ii [7T] p-ri rrsi pn ra [vl [vl [vl Ivl [vl [T:irr:]f:T|fr:|fr:l|:Ti !• •[ [• •! |« •] ]• «| [• •[ |» •[ [• V| [• •[ [• *| !• »| |» •! !• »| l» •! I* •! !• »l !• »l |» »l !• •! HHHEHH Qf3QQI3'Q 00S21E1IZ] • I (••ll**H**H**ll**ll* • • I* •! I* •) l< ill* SI HHE1QEIE] HHOHaQQ 000000 Fig. i. GENERAL BIOLOGY or conies to a conclusion without all obtainable knowledge, he cannot approach correctness even this often. The evidence forces the conclusion that, under present conditions, if we should know all that is possible for a human being to know, we could be right only about one-half the time. As knowledge is the only way in which we can be right even as frequently as this, it follows that in instances wrhere an opinion is called forth without any knowledge, a man forms approximately 215 erroneous conclusions to every one that is correct. The scriptural command becomes intelligible : "Get ye there- fore knowledge." It has been said that the evidence from diagnostic sources is almost ideal to illustrate the point here made. Everything we do that requires an opinion is pure diagnosis. In other words, every time one passes a judgment upon the facts presented, it is diagnosis of some kind, and any error in our diagnosis means that no intelligent suggestion can come forth as to a remedy, except on the basis of one correct one to 215 erroneous ones. The diagnosis must be correct or the remedy is absurd with the only possible exception of a guess accidentally correct. No intelligent person wishes to have his government run, his estate adjusted, his house built, or his farm managed upon pure guess work in which the chances are two hundred and fifteen times more wrong- things being done than right ones. And this is not only the case in medicine, dentistry, and the professions at large, but in the every-day business world as well. Dun and Bradstreet, who keep a record of every individual entering, as well as every one failing in business, tell us that 95 out of every 100 men wrho enter a commercial line for themselves fail at some time in their lives. This is due, not only to an ignorance of the particular line of work they may enter, but also to ignorance of business principles and methods at large. To many persons it seems that the purely practically-trained in- dividual is better equipped than he whose training has been theoretical, and individuals usually mentioned as examples to illustrate this point ntracts, and from whence it is distributed to all parts of the body. \Tjie sinus venosus on the dorsal surface of the heart is the'cavity into which the veins bring back the bloocT from all parts of the body. The sinus itself opens'into the right auricle and thus receives all the blood which flows back to the heart from all parts of the body, except 'the lungs. THE FROG The blood from the lungs empties into the left auricle by two small veins, one from each lung> — Blood vessels pass to every part of the body. We know they are everywhere because one cannot insert the point of the finest needle in any part of the body without piercing them, showing they are so close together that one cannot get in between them. Arteries are always rela- tively thicker-walled and more elastic than veins (Fig. 12). car.dr subcl pulm — , vert Fig. 13. The Arterial System of the Frog. /., Carotid artery; //., systemic artery: ///., Pulmocutaneous artery. (The" three together being the aortic arches.) ao.c., dorsal aorta; car, carotid artery; car.dr., carotid gland ; coel mes., coeliaco-mesenteric artery ; cut., cutaneous artery ; d, intestine ; gen., spermatic artery ; h., testis ; if., iliac artery ; Leb., Liver ; ing., lung; ling., lingual artery; n., kidney ; occ., occipital artery; occ.vert., occipito- vertebral artery ; pulm., pulmonary artery ; ren., renal artery ; subcl., subclavian artery; tr., truncus arteriosus ; v., ventricle of heart; vert., vertebral artery. (After Meissner. ) The principal divisions of the arterial system (Fig. 13) may be sum- marized as follows : I. The common carotid ( ) divides into the lingual or external carojid, supplying the tongue and neighboring parts, and the internal carotid which gives off the palatine ( ) artery to the roof of the mouth, the cerebral carotid to the brain and the GO GENERAL BIOLOGY ophthalmic artery to the eye. There is a little swelling known as the carotid gland at the point where the common carotid branches. II. The pulmo-cutaneous ( ) artery forms the pulmonary artery, passing to the lungs, and the cutaneous artery. The cutaneous in turn gives off the auricularis ( ) dis- tributed to the lower body and neighboring parts, the dorsalis which supplies the skin of the back, and the lateralis which supplies the skin on the sides. Most of these branches also carry blood to the various respi- ratory organs, lungs, skin, and mouth. III. The systemic arches pass outward, around the digestive canal, and then unite to form the dorsal aorta. Each systemic arch gives off an occipito-vertebral artery which divides ; one branch, the occipital, ( ) supplying the jaws and nose; the other, again dividing forms the vertebral, supplying the spinal cord and muscles of the body wall, and the subclavian which is distributed to the shoulder, body-wall and arm. The dorsal aorta gives off the coeliaco-mesenteric artery. This divides, forming the coeliac which supplies the stomach, pancreas, and liver, and the anterior mesenteric, which is distributed un- der the intestine, the spleen, and the cloaca. Back of the origin of the coeliaco-mesenteric, the dorsal aorta gives off four to six urinogenital arteries which supply the kidneys, reproductive organs, and fat bodies. A small posterior mesenteric artery arises near the posterior end of the dorsal aorta passing into the rectum. In the female this artery also sup- plies the uterus. The dorsal finally divides into two common iliac ( ) arteries which are distributed into the ventral body-wall, the rectum, bladder, the anterior part of the thigh (here called femoral artery), and other parts of the hind limbs (sciatic artery). All the arteries finally break up into a vast number of microscopic thin-walled vessels called capillaries (Lat. capillus=hair) by which every part of the body is reached. THE VEINS The veins (Fig. 14) return the blood to the heart by draining all parts through venous capillaries ; the veins reversing the arterial system by constantly becoming larger and larger. It will be, noted here that the blood vessels thus form a closed system and the blood that leaves the heart returns without leaving the vessels. "The blood from the lungs is collected in the pulmonary veins and poured into the left auricle. The rest of the venous blood is carried to the sinus venosus by three large trunks, the two anterior venae cavae ( ) and the posterior vena cava. The anterior venae cavae receive blood from the external jugulars ( ) which collect blood from the tongue, thyroid, and neighboring parts, the innominates which collect blood from the head by means of the internal jugulars and from the shoulder by means of the subscapulars, and the subclavians which col- THE FROG 61 lect blood from the fore limbs by means of the brachial, and from the side of the body and head by means of the musculocutaneous veins. The posterior vena cava receives blood from the liver by means of two hepatic jug.inl pultn port .Hep Fig. 14. The Venous System of the Frog. abd., Abdominal vein ; br., brachial vein ; card., cardiac vein ; cav.i., post caval vein ; cav.s., precaval vein ; cut.m., musculo-cutaneous vein ; d., intestine ; d., lumb.. dorso-lumbar veins ; f.sin., opening between sinus venosus and auricle ; h, liver ; hep., hepatic vein ; il., iliac or femoral vein ; tt.tr., transverse iliac vein ; leb., liver ; Ing., lung; nr., kidney; pelv., pelvic vein; port.hep., hepatic portal vein; port.ren., renal portal vein ; pulm., pulmonary vein ; ren., renal vein ; sc., sciatic vein ; test., testis ; ves., vesicle veins. (After Meissner.) veins, from the kidneys by means of four to six pairs of renal veins, and from the reproductive organs by means of spermatic or ovarian veins. "The veins which carry blood to the kidneys constitute the renal- portal ( ) system. The renal-portal vein receives 62 GENERAL BIOLOGY the blood from the hind legs by means of the sciatic and femoral veins, and blood from the body wall by means of the dorso-lumbar vein. "The liver receives blood from the hepatic-portal system. The femoral veins from the hind limbs divide, and their branches unite to form the abdominal vein. The abdominal vein also collects blood from the bladder, ventral body wall, and heart. The portal vein carries blood into the liver from the stomach, intestine, spleen, and pancreas." \^The sinus venosus contracts first, forcing the impure venous blood into the right auricle; then both auricles contract and the oxygenated ( ) blood brought to the left auricle by the pulmonary veins is forced into the left part of the ventricle, while the impure blood from the right auricle is forced into the right side of the ventricle. The ventricle then contracts and the impure blood is forced out, first passing principally into the pulmocutaneous arteries and thence to the lungs and skin, and the oxygenated blood is pushed but later through the carotid and systemic arteries to the other parts of the body." The blood then passes through the various blood vessels which become smaller and smaller. These minute vessels are called capillaries. It is here that the food and the oxygen of the blood bathe the tissues, and waste products are taken up. The renal-portal system carries the blood from the legs and pos- terior portions of the body to the kidneys where urea and similar impuri- ties are taken out. The hepatic-portal system carries all the blood from the digestive tract into the liver where bile and glycogen are formed. All blood brought to the lungs and skin is oxygenated and carried back to the heart. The liquid in which the blood corpuscles float is called blood plasma as long as it is contained within the walls of the blood vessel. When it leaves the blood vessel and bathes various parts of the intervening spaces, it is called lymph; while, if it should be taken out of the body entirely, it would be called serum. The lymph spaces in the frog's body are very large and communi- cate with one another as well as with the veins. There are four so-called lymph-hearts (Figs. 11, 347) ; two near the third vertebra, and two near the end of the vertebral column. These lymph-hearts force the lymph into the internal jugular and transverse iliac veins by their pulsation. The lymph itself is colorless, and whatever corpuscles it may contain are likewise colorless. RESPIRATION As has already been mentioned, breathing takes place through the skin, both in water and air, although the lungs are naturally the prin- cipal organs of respiration. The air is taken jn through the external nares into the olfactory ( ) chamber, then through the internal or posterior nares into the mouth cavity. The valves, which THE FROG -63 have already been mentioned, then close ; the floor of the mouth is raised, the air being" forced through the larynx ( ) to the lungs themselves. The contraction of the body-wall forces the air back from the lungs into the mouth. It is interesting to note that the glottis closes, while the floor of the mouth alternately raises and lowers — thus drawing in and expelling air through the nares into the mouth cavity by what are called throat movements. The lungs themselves (Fig. 15) are formed of minute chambers called alveoli ( ) tne walls of which are filled with little blood capil- laries. The larynx is strengthened by five carti- lages, ( ) across which the vocal cords are stretched. The expulsion of air from the lungs across the free ends of the vocal cords pro- Aiveoii of Lungs. duces the sound known as croakmg. The laryngeal muscles regulate the tension of the cords, causing the particular pitch of the sound made. Male frogs often have a pair of vocal sacs opening into the mouth cavity, serving as resonators ( ) and increasing the volume of the sound. THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM The food taken into the body is said to be ingested. The part of the food which is actually taken into the blood as nutriment is said to be digested, and that part of the food which passes directly through .the body without becoming a part of it is said to be egested. Every living cell ingests and must assimilate food in order to live ; consequently, it must also get rid of that material which has already served a nutrient purpose, and this getting rid of a substance that has been digested and that has served a purpose is called excretion. This word must not be confused with secretion, which means that a substance is given off from the cell or gland which is to be used again by some part of the body. The waste matter that is eliminated from the body in the form of carbon dioxide is thrown off through the organs of respiration, but the solid products have specialized organs for their removal. The skin serves as such an organ to a small extent. The frog does not use the skin in this way anywhere nearly to the extent that human beings do, because the amphibia do not possess sweat glands. The liver and the walls of the intestine are also excretory in character. The most important organs for excretory purposes, however, are the kidneys, two oval, flattened dark red bodies lying behind the peri- toneum in the dorsal portion of the body-cavity. It is well to know that the kidneys are about the only abdominal organs, even in the higher forms, that lie between the dorsal peritoneum and body- wall. The kid- neys are abundantly supplied with blood vessels, though they, them- selves, are composed of connective tissue. The fact that so manv blood 64 GENERAL BIOLOGY vessels run to them shows that they are decidedly important organs. Each kidney contains a great number of coiled tubes called uriniferous tubules, each one of which begins in a Malpighian body near the ventral surface (Fig. 16). This body consists of a knot of blood vessels called the glomerulus and a surrounding membrane known as Bowman's cap- sule. This capsule is really the thinned out and expanded end of a uriniferous tubule which has become pushed in by the glomerulus. All excretions are carried by the uriniferous tubules to a collecting tubule, and thence to the ureter. The ureter of each kidney passes caudad ( ) toward the cloaca, emptying therein, thence into the bladder, a large two-lobed sac. This latter organ may be collapsed Fig. 16. A, Diagram Showing Formation of Renal Tubules and Bowman's Capsule. (After Borradaile.) cap., Capillary plexus , col.t., collecting tubule ; me. and M cp., Bowman's cap- sule (Malphighian capsule) ; r.a., renal artery; r.v., renal vein; r.p.v., renal portal vein ; ur.t., uriniferous tubules ; w.d., Wolffian duct. B. Diagram Showing Relation of Glomerulus and Renal Tubules to the Blood Vessels. (After Guyer.) if empty, or, if filled with the urine secreted by the kidney, may be con- siderably distended. The ventral surface of the kidney has a great many ciliated ( ) funnels called nephrostomes (Fig. 168) whose expanded ends open into the coelom. In the young frog these are connected with the renal tubules, while in the adult they open into branches of the renal vein. The renal arteries and the renal-portal vein carry the blood to the kidney, leaving again by the renal veins. The glomeruli are supplied only with arterial blood, but the renal tubules re- ceive blood from the renal portal veins and to a slight extent from the renal arteries. The functions of the kidney, as already stated, is the elimination of waste matter from the blood. The excretion itself, known as urine, is composed of a large number of compounds in solution. Most of the nitrogen leaves the body in the form of urea (NH2)2CO, a white, crys- talline compound, very soluble in water. It is interesting to remember that this was the first organic chemi- cal compound actually manufactured in the laboratory. Urea represents the final product of the breaking down of the nitro- THE FROG 65 Vll.p&l, V.x. genous substances of the body, and it has been shown that the forma- tion of this substance takes place to a large extent in the liver from which it is given to the blood by a process of inter- nal secretion. Beside urea, urine contains various salts in solution such as chlorides, sulphates, phosphates of so- dium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, as well as other substances. As far as we know at this moment, practically all of the excreted substances of the kidney pass through the glomeruli. The exact function of the glomeruli are not known, though there are many theories regarding it. The bladder arises as an outpushing of the ventral wall of the cloaca. It is re- garded as homologous ( ) with the allantois (Fig. 363) of the embryo of higher ver- tebrates. It is very distensi- ble. There are circular mus- cles at the mouth of the bladder which are able to contract and expand, the contraction closing the clo- -a pal nnpnincr tn mab-f it nr»Q sible for urine to collect in the bladder. f.t. Fig. 17. The Central Nervous System and Principal Nerves of a Frog, Seen From Below. /., Olfactory lobes ; //., Optic chiasma ; I.-X., cranial nerves ; 1-10, spinal nerves ; V.md., V.mx., V.op., mandibular, maxillary, and opthalmic branches of fifth cranial nerve; VI', sixth cranial nerve after leaving the Gasserian ganglion ; VH.hd., VII-pol., hyoidean and palatine branches of seventh cranial nerve; IX'., branch from ninth cranial nerve to seventh; IX"., main branch of ninth cranial nerve ; X.v., tenth cranial nerve passing to viscera ; V.x., a small twig from the undivided main branch of the fifth cranial nerve ; X.x, a branch from the vagus to certain muscles ; an.V., annulus of Vieussens through which the subclavian artery passes ; f.t., filum terminale ; G.g., Gasserian ganglion ; hy.n., hypoglossal (first spinal) nerve; inf., infundi- bulum ; pit., pituitary body ; r.c., ramus communicans ; sci.n., sciatic nerve ; sy.c., longitudinal commissure of sympathetic chain ; sy.g., sympathetic ganglion ; v.g., vagus ganglion. (Redrawn from Borradaile.) Compare with Figures 472C, 478, 480, 483. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM One of the necessary conditions of life is what is commonly called irritability, • AxrVi^n r» r r> r> #» r 1 v [ c*n> Wnen properly cti'rnnla t^rl r^rfr^rm ^Artatn stimulated, periorm certain 66 GENERAL BIOLOGY movements. In the higher forms of animals a definite nervous system does this work and permits a co-ordination of activities in different parts of the body. For example : In order to leap when danger threat- ens, the frog must be able to send the necessary nervous impulses to both hind legs at one time, for if only one leg should get an impulse, the frog would fall over on one side instead of propelling his body for some distance ahead. There is also another function the nervous system has to perform, and that is the accumulation of the effects of experiences which the ani- mal in question has had, so that such animal may profit by the memory of these experiences in new situations. When this ability is highly de- veloped, we speak of it as reasoning or intelligence, whereas when the animal only remembers, let us say, a physical punishment for having performed a given act, and by sheer association of the punishment and the act ceases to perform the act which brought about the punishment, such an association is not known as intelligence, but as association memory. Practically all parts of the body have nerves running to them. There are three closely associated divisions in the nervous system (Fig. 17) known as : 1. The central, consisting of brain and spinal cord. 2. The peripheral, consisting of cerebral and spinal nerves, and 3. The sympathetic, supplying non-striated muscles. THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM As in all of the vertebrates, the brain and spinal cord are on the dorsal side of the animal, being contained within a bony case known as the skull and neural canal. It will be noted that beginning at the an- terior end, the brain consists of quite distinct parts, namely, the olfac- tory lobes, the cerebral hemispheres, the two large optic lobes, a well developed mid brain, a small cerebellum, and a broadening of the spinal cord itself called the medulla oblongata. From the ventral surface, we may see in addition the crossing from one side to the other 6f the optic nerves, known as the optic chiasma. A small process directly behind the optic chiasma called the infundi- bulum ( ) ends in another small body, the pituitary body ( ) or hypophysis ( ). On the dorsal side of the mid brain is found the pineal gland ( ) or epiphysis ( ), already mentioned as a rudimentary organ which, in some forms of the reptiles, forms a dorsal median eye. The cerebrum and optic lobes (thalamen- cephalon) ( ) together constitute the fore brain, the optic lobes form the mid brain, the cerebellum and medulla form the hind brain. It is not clear what functions each part of the frog's brain can per- THE FROG 67 form. From various experiments, however, it is known that the frog loses the power of spontaneous movement if the mid brain and cerebral hemispheres are removed, while the spinal cord becomes very irritable if the optic lobes are cut away. No function has yet been definitely ascribed to the cerebellum and even when all of the brain, with the ex- ception of the medulla, is removed, the animal "breathes normally, snaps at and swallows food, leaps and swims regularly, and is able to right itself when thrown on its back." If the posterior portion of the medulla is removed, the frog dies. THE SPINAL CORD The spinal cord passes down through the bony vertebral or spinal column. It is short and somewhat flattened. There is an enlargement in the brachial region where the nerves pass off to the fore limbs, and one further back where the large nerves originate which supply the hind legs. The cord tapers to a narrow thread called the filum terminate which extends into the urostyle. There is a median fissure on both dor- sal and ventral sides of the cord, while from the sides of it, the roots of the spinal nerves are given off. The cord itself is surrounded by two membranes, an outer, the dura mater, and an inner known as the pia mater. There is an H-shaped central mass of gray matter consisting- of nerve cells, and an outer mass of white matter composed of nerve fibers. There is a little opening through the center of the cord called the central canal. The various cavities in the brain are a continuation and expansion of this central canal. THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM There are ten pairs of spinal nerves in the frog, each arising by a dorsal and ventral root and springing from the horns of the gray matter of the cord (Fig. 470). The two roots unite to form a trunk, passing out between the arches of the vertebrae. The brachial, or arm branches, are made up of the second, as well as branches from the first and third pairs of spinal nerves, and pass to the fore limbs and shoulder, while the sciatics arise from plexuses composed of the seventh, eighth, and ninth spinal nerves, and run to the legs. There are also ten pairs of cranial nerves which supply the organs of special sense, certain muscles, various organs of the head, the heart, lungs, and stomach. They are named as follows :* *There are two additional cranial nerves in the higher animals, the spinal accessory and hypo- glossal, and medical students remember them by the following verse, the first letter of each word being the initial letter of the correspondingly numbered nerve: I. On VII. Finn II. Old VIII. And III. Olympus IX. German IV. Towering X. Picked V. Tops XT. Some VI. A XII. Hops 68 GENERAL BIOLOGY 1. The olfactory ( ), nerves running from the olfactory lobes to the nasal cavities. 2. The optic nerves, running from the optic lobes, crossing each other to form the optic chiasma and passing to the eye on the opposite side of the head. 3. Oculomotor, supplying the muscles of the eye. 4. Trochlearis ( ), sometimes called the patheti- cus, supplying the muscles of the eye. 5. The Trigeminus ( ), or trifacial, a sensory nerve, supplying the sides of the head. 6. The Abducens ( ), supplying the muscles of the eye. 7. Facial, chiefly motor in its action and supplying the sides of the head. 8. Auditory, supplying the inner ear. 9. Glossopharyngeal ( ), a sensory nerve, sup- plying the pharynx and tongue. 10. Pneumogastric ( ), or vagus, supplying the larynx, heart, and stomach. THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM The main trunks of this system consist of a nervous strand on each side of the spinal column (Fig. 337). Throughout the abdominal cavity one may see the chain of minute nerve ganglia, ten in number, which are also connected with the spinal nerves. From these chains of ganglia tiny nerves are given off, supplying the intestine, the kidney, and other ab- dominal organs. Although the sympathetic system is connected with the spinal nerves, it has entirely distinct and separate functions. Microscopically, one finds quantities of neurones, each with its little cell-body, dendrites ( ) and axon. These are massed in the brain and cord, as well as in the ganglia outside of the cord. Some of them carry impulses to the center and some away from it. There are several branches where a vast intermingling of the sympathetic strands is seen, the principal ones being called the coeliac ( ) or solar plexus, supplying the stomach, intestine, liver, pancreas, spleen, and sending fibers to the gonads and kidneys, and the urogenital plexus, supplying kidneys and gonads primarily. THE FROG 69 THE SENSE ORGANS If one marks a series of spaces on the volar ( ) surface of the fore arm of a human being about a millimeter square, and such person is then blindfolded, it will be found that when a cold needle touches certain squares he will feel a sensation of cold, whereas if it touches certain other squares, he will feel a sensation of heat. From this experiment it is learned that a great many, if not all, nerves have a very special and definite work to perform. Where a great mass of such specialized nerve endings is grouped in one place, it produces an organ of special sense such as the eye, the ear, the nose, the tongue. All of these organs are groups of nerves whose endings are on the surface of some part of the body, and carry sensations inward to the central nervous system. These are called sensory nerves. The nerves which begin in the central nervous system and go out- ward to some of the muscles, producing various movements of those muscles, are called motor nerves. Both sensory and motor cells may unite in a ganglion and have both types of fibers run in the same sheath from there on; these are called mixed nerves. m.n. p. sup. d.n.l. gl.n.t. I'lr B Fig. 18. The Eye. A. Eye in position. d.n.l., lachrimal duct leading from eye to interior of nose ; gl.n.L, lachrimal gland ; m.n., nictitating membrane ; no,., nares ; p.i., lower eye-lid; p.sup., upper eye-lid. (After Schimkewitsch.) B. Diagrammatic section through the optical axis of the eye of the frog. C. Diagrammatic horizontal section of the eye of man. (After Guyer.) THE EYE Probably the most important special sense organ is the eye (Fig. 18). Practically only one type of sensation is carried by the nerves of this special sense organ, and that is light perception. The eye of the frog is a large spherical organ similar to the eye of all of the higher animals. The walls of the organ are opaque, with the exception of a transparent portion directly in the foreground occupying about one- third of the eye ball and called the cornea ( ). 70 GENERAL BIOLOGY The darker portion of the eye acts as does the dark chamber of a camera. This chamber takes up about two-thirds of the posterior part of the eyeball and consists of three layers. Toward the exterior is found the sclerotic ( ) coat made up of fibrous tissue and cartilage. Then follows a thin pigment-containing coat, known as the choroid ( ) and in the inside of this a very thin layer, known a.s the retina ( ). It is the retina which is sensitive to light. Almost in the center, but a little to one side of the back chamber, the optic nerve enters, spreading out on the retina, so that it has a considerable area that light may affect. The chamber of the eye itself is divided in two parts by a transparent spherical, crystal- line lens which is held in position by several bands of fibers. The lens is partly covered anteriorly by an opaque membrane, in reality a continuation of the choroid, growing out of the wall of the chamber on all sides. This membrane is known as the iris ( ), and it covers the entire outer portion of the lens with the exception of the center. This central uncov- ered portion is called the pupil, and it is through this the light enters. There are pigment cells in the iris which give the color to the eye. Both of the eye-cham- bers are filled with a trans- parent liquid. That between the cornea and the lens is called the aqueous humor ( ) and that back of the lens, which is quite thick, is called the vit- reous humor ( ). The retina itself is quite complicated, being com- posed of thousands of end organs of sensory nerves, highly sensitive to the light ZV- Fig. 19. A. Diagrammatic transverse section of the head of the toad showing arrangement of the parts of the ear. (After Guyer from Jammes. ) B. The labyrinth of the right ear of the frog, seen from the outer side. C. A diagram of the ear of the frog. col., Columella ; f.o., fenestra ovalis ; Eu., Eustachian tube ; lab., part of the membranous labyrinth, containing endolymph ; m., mouth ; md., mandible ; peril., peri- lymph ; sk., skull; tym., tympanic membrane. (B and C, from Borradaile.) THE FROG 71 which is focused upon it by the lens. There are six muscles attached to the eyeball by means of which it can be moved in practically any direction (Fig". 466). THE EAR As has already been noted, there are really no external ears on the frog though there is a rounded, flat membrane covering the real ear (Fig. 19). Directly beneath this outer membrane there is another tougher one which is known as the tympanic membrane ( ). It extends over a shallow, cone-shaped cavity called the tympanum, or ear-drum, and connects with the mouth through the Eustachian tube ( )- The columella ( ), a slender bar of bone and cartilage, extends across this, being attached to the membrane at one end and connected with the inner ear at the other. It is by this little bar that vibrations of the outer membrane are carried to the inner ear. This inner ear is the real organ of hearing and is made up of the sensory end of the auditory nerve. The auditory nerve lies embedded within the skull itself. There are several semi-circular canals present which function as a balancing organ so that the animal can keep an upright position. These form what are often called an "organ of the sense of equilibrium." THE OLFACTORY ORGAN There is little known regarding what effect the sense of smell has in the life of a frog, but it is known that there are little olfactory sacs just within the bones into which the openings from the nostrils lead. The air enters these and then passes through the bones into the mouth by the internal nares. The ending of the olfactory nerve is in this little sac, where it is spread out to a considerable extent and where vapors of various kinds in the air may affect it. THE TONGUE The sense of taste probably resides in the tongue, though there are various small structures on the roof and floor of the mouth which may have similar functions. Conclusions of this kind are based on observations of what the fre£ does when different tasting liquids are brought in contact with the struc- tures mentioned. The fact that the animal does react differently to different tastes is again accounted for by the finding of nerve endings in these supposed taste organs. TOUCH AND PRESSURE These senses are located in the skin in various parts of the body. This is due to the fact that there are many sensory nerves whose end- organs terminate in the skin. Just as the experiment of the cold needla GENERAL BIOLOGY H Fig. 20. The Axial Skeleton of the Frog. A. The skull and vertebral column of frog viewed from dorsal surface. B. The same -from the ventral surface. C. Lateral view of the urostyle ; a bristle is passed through the foramen for the tenth spinal nerve. D. The branchial skeleton of the frog : O., orbital fossa ; pmx., premaxilla ; mx., maxilla ; .q-j., quadrato-jugal ; na., nasal ; pf., parieto-frontal ; ex., exoccipital ; fm., foramen magnum ; pro., pro-otic ; sq., squamosal ; sp.et., sphenethmoid ; par., parasphenoid ; pal., palatine ; vo., vomer ; ptg., pterygoid ; av., atlas ; c., centrum ; ar., neural arch ; zyg., zygapophysis ; trv., transverse process ; ur., uro- style; H., body of hyoid ; Ha., anterior cornu ; H .p., posterior cornu of hyoid. E. The skull of a frog, seen from the right side : a.c., Anterior cornu of hyoid ; a.sp., angulo-splenial ; 6., body of hyoid ; col., columella ; d., dentary ; e.n., external nasal opening ; f.p., fronto-parietal ; m., maxilla ; mm., mentomeckelian ; n., nasal ; o.c., occipital condyle ; p.c., posterior cornu of hyoid ; p.m., premaxilla ; pro., prootic ; pt., pterygoid ; q., quadrate ; q.j., quadratojugal ; sp., sphenethmoid ; sq., squamosal. F. The skull of a frog seen from behind : col., Columella ; ex., exoccipital ; /.m., foramen magnum ; o.c., occipital condyle ; pro., prootic ; pt., pterygoid ; q., quadrate ; q.j., quadratojugal ; sq., squamosal ; IX.X., foramen for ninth and tenth cranial nerves. G. The cartilaginous skull of a frog, seen from above after the removal of most of the bones : a./., Anterior fontanelle ; au., auditory capsule ; cr., cranium ; ex., exoccipital ; l.p.f., left posterior fontanelle ; nas., nasal capsule ; o.c., occipital condyle ; pro., prootic ; pt., pterygoid ; q., quadrate ; q.j., quadratojugal ; sp., sphenethmoid ; u.j., upper jaw bar. THE FROG 73 has demonstrated particular sensations for particular nerve endings in the arm of man, so it may be supposed that these different end-organs in the skin may have similar definite functions. THE SKELETON The frog is possessed of an endoskeleton as is man. The bones and cartilages constituting this endoskeleton furnish a support, holding in position all the muscles and organs of the body. For convenience's sake the skeleton is divided into two parts, the axial portion (Fig. 20), comprising skull and vertebral column, and the appendicular portion (Figs. 21, 22), consisting of the pectoral or shoul- der, and pelvic or hip girdles, together with the bones of the limbs which these girdles support. The frog's skeleton possesses about ninety articulated bones (united at the joints). The skull has the various bones comprising it so firmly fused that they appear as a single bone. Even the seemingly single bone of the fore arm will be found to consist of two bones which have also fused together. THE AXIAL SKELETON This is divided into the skull [cranium ( ) and visceral skeleton ( )], and vertebral column. The two divisions of the skull mentioned above are made up of the brain case together with the auditory ( ) and olfactory cap- sules ( ) which constitute the cranium. The jaws and hyoid arch ( ) together, form the visceral skel- eton. The inside of the cranium where the brain is placed is known as the cranial cavity. The skull itself is composed of thirty-two bones and cartilages fused together so as to appear almost a solid structure. The cranial bones form the roof, walls, and floor of the cranial cavity. The floor is composed of the basioccipital ( ) and the parasphenoid ( ). The walls consist of the parietals ( ), the otic bones ( ), and the exoccipital ( ). The roof is made up of the supraoccipital ( ) and the frontals. The facial bones, forming the face, consist of nasals ( ), the premaxillas ( ), and the maxillas ( ) above, and vomers ( ) below. The premaxillas and the maxillas, however, are a part of the visceral skeleton comprising, to- gether with a pair of quadrangulars, the upper jaws. H and I. Vertebrae of a frog. H, fourth vertebra, seen from in front ; I, sixth and seventh vertebrae from the right, az., Prezygapophysis ; cen., centrum ; n.a., neural arch ; n.c., vertebral foramen ; n.s., neural spine ; r>z., postzygapophysis ; r.c., cartilage at end of transverse process ; tr., transverse process. (A, B, C and D from Bourne, after Ecker. E, F, G, H and I, after Borradaile.) 74 GENERAL BIOLOGY The maxilla and the premaxilla bear teeth. The lower jaw or mandibular arch ( ), is made up of a pair of carti- laginous rods (Meckel's cartilages), enforced by a pair of dentary bones ( ) and a pair of angulo-splenials ( ). The jaws themselves are attached to the cranium by an apparatus con- sisting of squamosals ( ), pterygoids ( ) and palatines ( ), the whole often known as a sus- pensory apparatus, or a suspensorium ( ). These bones, though attached to the cranium in the adult frog, are at first free from it, being in reality the upper parts of what are called visceral arches, which lie below the cranium. The second arch is called the hyoid, and is quite rudimentary, only a small part of it being left in the adult frog. In the higher forms such as man, this is a well-developed V-shaped arch to which the tongue is attached, but in the frog it remains only as a flat plate, partly bone and partly cartilage, so loosely attached to the skull that it is quite easily, and one might add, usually, lost. It lies directly beneath the larynx ( ) in the frog, giv- ing this support and rigidity, being connected with the skull by liga- ments ( ) only. In the young frog all parts of the skull are soft, but true bone forms as development goes on. A part of the skull forms originally as carti- lage, a material that is harder than membrane but softer than bone. Mineral matter is deposited a little later in the cartilage, causing ossifi- cation ( ) or true manufacture of bone. Bones such as the occipitals, parietals, pterygoids, and the mandi- bles, formed from cartilage, are known as cartilaginous bones, the other ones being manufactured first as membranes. Here, too, mineral matter is laid down and the structures become hardened. Such bones as frontals, parietals, parasphenoids, squamosals, nasals, vomers, pre- maxillas, and maxilla are of the latter kind and are called membrane bones. The projections at the posterior end of the skull where it con- nects with the vertebral column are called occipital condyles ( ) ; and the large opening directly between these through which the spinal cord continues down through the bony canal of the spinal column is called the foramen magnum ( ). THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN This consists of nine separate segments of bone (H and I, Fig. 20), each known as a vertebra ( ), and a long platelike posterior extension, the urostyle ( ). Each verte- bra consists of a centrum and a neural arch ( ), the latter enclosing the neural foramen; on each side of all but the first vertebra is found a transverse process, while all vertebrae possess a dor- sal spine and a pair of smooth surfaces where each successive vertebra rests upon the next following. These articulating processes are called THE FROG 75 zygapophyses ( ). The little bones themselves are held together by ligaments and move on one another by means of the centrum and zygapophyses. This permits a firm axial support, while also allowing for the bending of the body. • By having all the vertebrae, one immediately above the other, the neural opening is continuous, so that the spinal cord not only lies free, but the vertebrae themselves are thus prevented from bending sufficiently to damage the cord. The surfaces of the centra unite by a ball and socket joint. Each of the first seven vertebrae possesses a ball on the posterior and a socket on the anterior surface. The eighth, however, is concave on both sur- faces and the ninth is convex on both. It is important to know the difference in action that this entails. Although all nine vertebrae are much alike, they can easily be distin- guished from each other. The first possesses no transverse process, while the centrum of the ninth has two convex posterior surfaces and very large transverse processes. It is from this last vertebra that the urostyle, the long slender bone, ex- tends backward to the end of the body. The urostyle is supposed to rep- resent the tail found in allied ani- mals, such as the salamanders. The spinal cord actually extends into the urostyle, but passes out almost immediately through two small openings on either side, as two rather tiny filaments. There are no ribs in the frog, and the transverse processes end rather abruptly a very short distance from the centrum. THE APPENDICULAR SKELETON The shoulder or pectoral girdle ( ) (Fig. 21) serves as an attachment for the muscles that move the fore limbs, and also as a protection for the organs in the anterior portion of the trunk. The girdle itself surrounds the body just back of the head, consist- ing of a paired scapula ( ), the dorsal part of which is made of cartilage, a coracoid ( ), a precoracoid Fig. 21. Pectoral Girdle, Arm, and Hand, of Frog. A. The shoulder girdle of the frog ; the scapula and suprascapula are turned outwards. ep., episternum ; os., omosternum ; ep.c., epicoracoids ; mes., mesosternum ; xi., xiphister- num ; s.sc., suprascapula ; sc., scapula ; gl., glenoid cavity ; cor., coracoid ; el., clavicle. B. Forearm and hand of right side, as seen from above : ru., radio-ulna ; / — V., the five digits ; r., radiale ; im., intermedium ; u., ulnare ; a., first distal carpal bone ; b., second distal; c., third distal. C. Radio-ulna of right side : o., olecranon ; r., radius ; u., ulna. D. Humerus : h., head ; sh., shaft ; or., dis- tal articular knob ; £., trochlea. ( From Bourne, after Ecker.) 76 GENERAL BIOLOGY or epicoracoid, and a clavicle ( ) fused together. At the meeting of coracoid and scapula there is a little smooth cavity where the fore arm joins the- girdle called the glenoid fossa ( ). Where coracoid and clavicle meet at the mid line on the ventral side of the body, there are four bones. These four actually are a part of the axial skeleton, but are usually classified as a part of the appendicular as well. The most anterior one of the bones is called the episternum, the one between this and the clavicle is the omosternum, while the pos- terior one closest to the omosternum is the mesosternum, and the one projecting farthest backward is the xiphisternum. The fore limbs are made up of a long bone, the humerus ( ) , joining the pectoral girdle in the glenoid fossa at its proximal end ( ) and with the radio^ulna at the distal end ( ). This latter bone constitutes the skeleton of the fore arm and in reality consists of two bones, the radius and the ulna, fused together. Fig. 22. The Pelvic Girdle and Leg. A. Pelvic girdle complete. B. One side of pelvic girdle : II., ilium ; Isch., ischium ; Pu., cartilaginous pubis ; Ac., acetabulum. C. Femur of the frog: p., proximal; d., distal articulating surfaces; s., shaft. ^ D. Tibio-fibula, seen from below : p., proximal ; d., distal articulating sur- faces ; t., tibial half of the bone separated by a groove from /., the fibular half. E. The right ankle and foot of the frog, seen from below: This figure is drawn to a larger scale than A and B. a., astragalus ; c., calcaneum ; / — V., the five principal digits; X., the minute accessory digit. (From Bourne after Ecker.) The wrist possesses six bones, the ulnare ( ), radiale, ( ), intermedium, and three carpals The hand has five proximal metacarpal ( ) bones, followed in digits ( ) II and III by two phalanges ( ), and in digits IV and V by three phalanges. The pollex ( ) or thumb is rudimentary. The pelvic ( ) or hip girdle (Fig. 22) supports the hind limbs, and consists of two sets of three parts each, the ischium THE FROG 77 ( ), ilium ( ), and the pubis ( ), the latter being cartilaginous, strongly united. The edge of the hip girdle is called the crest. The meeting of the two pubic bones forms a symphysis ( ). The anterior end of each bone is attached to one of the transverse processes of the arched vertebra. The little cup-shaped opening where the three bones just mentioned meet, is called the acetabulurn ( ). It is in this concavity that the head of the femur ( ), the long bone in the thigh, lies. The hind limb consists of a thigh ( ) with the femur as its solitary bone. The leg proper, running from knee to ankle, is made up of the tibia ( ) and fibula ( ) fused together, called the tibio-fibula, or leg bone. Note the ridges on these long bones for the attachment of muscles. There are four tarsal bones ( ), the astragalus ( ), the calcaneum ( ), and two smaller ones. The foot has five complete digits as well as an extra or super- numerary toe. Each digit has one proximal metatarsal bone, while be- yond these there are a variable number of phalanges. The hallux ( ) corresponding to the great toe of man is the smallest of the series. It has one metatarsal and two phalanges. On the inner side of the hallux is the calcar ( ), the extra toe. It may have one or two joints and a short metatarsal. THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM All movements in the body are produced through the contraction of some one or more muscles. The muscles in turn are innervated ( ) by one or more nerves. The muscle is usually attached by one or both ends to a bone, so that a good leverage is ob- tained. In some cases, the attachment is direct, in others by means of a tendon, a band of tough somewhat inelastic connective tissue which is in reality the continuation of the muscle fascia after the muscle itself ends. Contraction may be brought about by many causes, such as heat, pressure, electrical, or chemical stimuli ( ). There are three distinct types of muscles (Fig. 23) ; each type has a more or less individual, cellular arrangement, and these three types are known as heart muscle, voluntary or striated muscle, and involun- tary or nonstriated muscle. Striated muscle can be moved when the individual possessing it so desires. Such are the muscles of the arm and hand. Examples of non- striated muscle may be found in the blood vessels, where the desire of the individual has little or nothing to do with the contraction and ex- 78 GENERAL BIOLOGY pansion of circular and longitudinal muscles contained within the walls of the blood vessels themselves. The outer surface of all muscles is covered by a connective tissue membrane called fascia ( ), which is not very elastic, and usually becomes thicker toward the end of the muscle, graduating in a dense, fibrous band called a tendon, or if this tendon is broad and flat an aponeurosis ( ). That part of the muscle most thoroughly attached — usually to a relatively immovable part — and most frequently toward the center of the body, is called its origin. The more movable and distal attachment is known as its insertion, The action of a muscle in con- tracting is to draw origin and inser- tion closer together. Whenever a muscle moves any part of the body in its normal direc- tion or as one may say, with the joint, such movement is called flexion ( ) ; against the joint extension ( ). A muscle which pulls any limb or portion of a limb away from the central axis of the body is an ab- ductor ( ), and one which draws the limbs or their appendages toward the center of the body is an adductor ( ). Rotators ( ) aro those which cause the limb to rotate about its axis such as those turning the femur at the hip ; levators raise a part such as the lower jaw, and depressors produce the opposite movement. To know a muscle there are five points which must be remembered: (1) Its Origin. (2) Its Insertion. Its Relation to other struc- Fig. 23. Different Types of Muscle-Fibres. A., embryonic striped muscle-fibre from the tail of a tadpole, showing the nuclei nn., and the protoplasm p., of the ccenocyte from which the fibres are developed. The fibres ex- hibit alternate dark and light bands, and in the centre of each dark band is a light line, the line of Hensen. B., cardiac muscle-fibre showing the short branched nucleated cells. C., a. single cell from cardiac muscle-fibre more highly magnified, showing the cross- striation and the nucleus n. D., group of unstriped muscle-fibres from the bladder : a., the nuclei ; p., the granular remains of the cell protoplasm ; /., the longi- tudinally striated contractile portion. (A and D, from Bourne. B and C from Schafer.) (3) tures. (4) (5) Its Innervation. Its Action. The following list will give the student a clear and accurate idea of what is essential in the study of the muscular system (Fig. 24). The relation of each muscle to surrounding structures can be obtained only THE FROG 79 by a dissection of them in the animal, and a thorough study of the draw- ings. A. MUSCLES OF THE TRUNK 1. Muscles of the lower or ventral side. (a) Muscles of the abdomen. e. g. Rectus abdominis, a wide band running along the abdo- men divided lengthwise down the middle by the connective tissue linea alba and transversely by tendinous intersections. Obliquus externus, a broad sheet at each side of the body, arising from an aponeurosis known as the dorsal fascia which covers the muscles of the back, and inserted into the linea alba above the rectus abdominis. Obliquus internus and transversus, muscular sheets below the external oblique. By their contraction all these muscles lessen the size of the body cavity and compress the organs within it. Innervation : All of these muscles are innervated by twigs from IV, V, VI and VII spinal nerves. (b) Muscles of the Breast Region. e. g. Pectoralis, large and fan-shaped, inserted into the deltoid ridge of the humerus and consisting of a sternal portion which arises from the pectoral girdle, and an abdominal portion which arises from the aponeurosis at the side of the rectus abdominis. It draws down the arm. Innervation : Twig from II spinal nerve. Coraco-radialis, arising from the coracoid and inserted into the upper end of the radius. It bends the arm. Innervation: Twig from II spinal nerve. 2. Muscles of the Back. (a) Muscle inserted into the lower jaw. Depressor mandibulae, triangular, arising from the supra- scapula and inserted into the angle of the lower jaw, which it draws downwards and backwards, thus opening the mouth. (b) Muscles inserted on the fore-limb. e. g. Latissimus dorsi ( ) triangular, aris- ing from the dorsal fascia and inserted into the deltoid ridge. It draws back the arm. Infraspinatus, in front of and similar to the latissimus dorsi. It raises the arm. Innervation : Twig from II spinal nerve. (c) Muscles inserted into the shoulder girdle. e. g. Levatur anguli scapulae, arising from the skull and in- serted into the under side of the suprascapula, which it draws forward. Innervation : Twig from I spinal nerve. 80 GENERAL BIOLOGY Serratus, arising from the little knobs on the transverse processes of the vertebrae which represent the ribs, and inserted into the under side of the suprascapula, which it draws backwards, outwards, or inwards, according to the division which is contracted. (d) Muscles inserted into the hind-limb. e. g. Gluteus (iliacus externus, or gluteus medius), arising cor. ; at/. Pet. st. f. A. Fig. 24. A — A Ventral View of the Muscular System of a Frog. ad.long,, Adductor longus ; ad.mag., adductor magnus ; one., anconaeus ; cor.rad., coraco-radialis ; dtd., deltoid : c.ob., external oblique ; e.cr., extensor cruris ; gast., gastrocnemius ; grac., gracilis ; La., linea alba ; pct.ab., abdominal part of the pectoral muscle ; pct.st., sternal part of the same ; r.ab., rectus abdominis ; sar., sartorius ; sm., mylohyoid ; t.i., tendinous intersections ; t.A., tendo Achillis ; t.f., tibiofibula ; tib.ant., tibialis anterior ; tib.post., tibialis posterior ; v.int., vastus internus ; x.c., xiphoid cartilage. (After Borradaile.) B. Dissection of special muscles of the left hind leg of the toad (redrawn from Jammes). Muscles shaded in black are extensors; in gray, flexors. THE FROG 81 from the ilium and inserted into the head of the femur, which it rotates inwards. (e) Muscles inserted into the hip girdle. e. g. Coccygeo-iliacus, arising from the urostyle and inserted into the ilium, which it holds firm as a fulcrum for the movements of the hind-limb. (f) Muscles of the Backbone. e. g. Longissimus dorsi, a band running the whole length of the back, divided by tendinous intersections, which are attached to the transverse processes, and inserted in front into the skull. It straightens the back. Innervation : Twig from I spinal nerve. B. MUSCLES OF THE HEAD 1. Muscles underneath the Head. e. g. Sternohyoid, from hyoid to pectoral girdle. Geniohyoid, from hyoid to chin. Hyoglossus, from hyoid to tongue. Petrohyoid, from hyoid to auditory capsule. Mylohyoid, submandibular, or submaxillaris ( ), a sheet of muscle running from side to side of the lower jaw. These muscles alter the position of the floor of the mouth. Innervation : Twigs from I spinal nerve. 2. Muscles of the Lower Jaw. e. g. Temporalis and masseter ( ), arising from the skull and inserted into the lower jaw, which they raise. Innervation : Mandibular branch of the V cranial nerve. 3. Muscles of the Eyeball (Fig. 466). Rectus superior, r. inferior, r. externus, r. internus, arising from the skull in the hinder part of the orbit and inserted into the eyeball. Innervation: All but the rectus externus from the III cranial nerve. The r. externus by the VI cranial nerve. Obliquus superior and o. inferior, arising from the skull in the front part of the orbit and inserted into the eyeball. Innervation : Obliquus superior by the IV cranial nerve and o. inferior by the III cranial nerve. ,-,,. C. MUSCLES OF THE FORE-LIMB 1. Muscles for the Upper Arm. e. g. Deltoideus, arising from the scapula and inserted into the humerus. It raises the arm. 2. Muscles for the Fore-Arm. Triceps brachii or anconaeus ( ), arising from the scapula and humerus, and inserted into the upper end of the ulna. It straightens the arm. There is no Biceps muscle in the arm of the frog. B2 GENERAL BIOLOGY 3. The muscles of the Wrist and Fingers are numerous and com- plicated. Innervation: Branches and twigs of II spinal or Brachial nerves innervate all arm and finger muscles. D. MUSCLES OiF THE HIND-LIMB (1) Superficial muscles of the Thigh on the Preaxial (apparent ventral)* Surface. 1. Sartorius ( ), a long, narrow band arising from the lower end of the ilium, lying obliquely upon the adductor mag- nus, and inserted into the tibia on its inner side near the end. It bends the knee. 2. Adductor magnus, a large muscle arising from the pubis and ischium, lying along the inner border of the sartorius and inserted into the femur near its lower end. It draws the thigh towards the body. 3. Adductor longus is a long narrow muscle lying along the outer side of the adductor magnus, and often completely hidden by the sar- torius ; it arises from the iliac symphysis beneath the sartorius, and unites a little way beyond the middle of the thigh with the adductor magnus. It adducts the thigh and draws it ventrally. 4. Gracilis major ( ) or rectus internus major, a large muscle arising from the ischium, lying along the inner side of the adductor magnus, and inserted into the inner-side of the head of the tibia. It bends the knee. 5. Gracilis minor or rectus internus minor is a narrow flat band of muscle running along the inner, or flexor margin of the thigh ; it rises from a tendinous expansion connected with the ischial symphysis, and is inserted into the inner side of the tibia, just below its head. Action is the same as for gracilis major. Innervation: Branches and twigs from the sciatic nerve and plexus. (2) Superficial muscles of the Extensor Surface of the Thigh. 1. Triceps extensor femoris, or cruris, a very large muscle in- serted into the front of the tibia just below the head of the latter, but arising from the pelvic girdle as three separate muscles, the rectus an- terior femoris ( ), vastus externus ( ), and vastus internus, or crureus ( ). All these lie on the front of the thigh, and their action is to straighten the knee. Innervation: Branches and twigs from the sciatic nerve and plexus. (3) Superficial muscles of the postaxial (apparent dorsal) Surface of the Thigh. *The femur of the frog rotates away from the midline more than does the femur of man. Consequently the true outer border of the frog's thigh is equivalent to the inner border of man's. In other words the preaxial surface of the frog's thigh is equivalent to the inner surface of man s. THE FROG 83 1. The gluteus (iliacus externus), already mentioned, lies in the thigh between the rectus anticus and the vastus externus. 2. The biceps (ileo-fibularis) is a long slender muscle which arises from the crest of the ilium just above the acetabulum ; it lies in the thigh along the inner border of the vastus externus, and is inserted by a flattened tendinous expansion into the distal end of the femur aiSc the head of the tibia-fibula. 3. The semimembranosus is a stout muscle lying along tlu inner side of the biceps, between it and the rectus internus minor. It arises from the dorsal angle of the ischial symphysis just beneath the cloacal opening, and is inserted into the back of the head of the tibia. It is divided about its middle by an oblique tendinous intersection. It adducts the thigh and flexes or extends leg according to whether the leg is in a flexed or extended position. 4. The pyriformis is a slender muscle which arises from the tip of the urostyle, passes backwards and outwards between the biceps and the semimembranosus, and is inserted into the femur at the junc- tion of its proximal and middle thirds. It pulls the urostyle to one side and draws the femur dorsally. Innervation : Branches and twigs from sciatic nerve and plexus. (4) Deep muscles of the Thigh. 1. The semitendinosus is a long thin muscle which arise* by two heads ; an anterior one from the ischium close to the ventral angle of the ischial symphysis and the acetabulum ; and a posterior one from the ischial symphysis. The anterior head passes through a slit in the adductor magnus and unites with the posterior head in the distal third of the thigh. The tendon of insertion is long and thin, and joins that of the rectus internus minor to be inserted into the tibia just below its head. It adducts the thigh and flexes the leg. 2. The adductor brevis is a short wide muscle, lying beneath the upper end of the adductor magnus. It arises from the pubic and ischial symphyses, and is inserted into the preaxial surface of the proxi- mal half of the femur. 3. The pectineus ( ) is a rather smaller muscle, lying along the outer (extensor) side of the adductor brevis. It arises from the anterior half of the pubic symphysis in front of the adductor brevis, and is inserted like it into the proximal half of the femur. 4. The ilio-psoas (iliacus internus) arises by a wide origin from the inner surface of the acetabular portion of the ilium ; it turns round the anterior border of the ilium, and crosses in front of the hip- joint, where, for a short part of its course, it is superficial between the heads of the vastus internus and of the rectus anticus femoris ; it then 84 GENERAL BIOLOGY passes down the thigh beneath these muscles, and is inserted into the back of the proximal half of the femur. It draws the thigh forward. 5. The quadratus femoris is a small muscle on the back of the upper part of the thigh ; it arises from the ilium above the acetabulum, and from the base of the iliac crest; it lies beneath the pyriformis and behind the biceps, and is inserted into the inner surface of the proximal third of the femur between the pyriformis and the ilio-psoas. 6. The obturator is a deeply situated muscle which arises from the whole length of the ischial symphysis and the adjacent parts of the iliac and pubic symphyses, and is inserted into the head of the femur close to the gluteus. Innervation : Branches and twigs from sciatic nerve and plexus. 5. Muscles of the Leg or Shank. e. g. (1) Peroneus, a long muscle which arises from the end of the femur, lies along the side of the tibio-fibula, and is inserted into the end of the tibia and the calcaneum ( ). It ex- tends leg and foot and flexes foot. Innervation : Peroneus nerve. (2) Gastrocnemius ( ), a large, spindle- shaped muscle which forms the "calf." It arises from the hinder side of the end of femur and tapers into the long tendo Achillis, which passes under the ankle joint and ends in the sole of the foot. It straightens the foot on the shank. Innervation : Tibialis nerve. (3) Tibialis anticus, arising from the front of the femur by a long tendon, lying in front of the shank, and dividing into two bellies, which are respectively inserted into the astragalus and calcaneus. It bends the foot on the shank. Innervation : Peroneus nerve. (4) Tibialis posticus arises from the whole length of the flexor surface of the tibia; it ends in a tendon which passes round the inner malleolus ( ), lying in a groove in the lower end of the tibia, and is inserted into the dorsal surface of the astragalus. It extends the foot when flexed, and flexes foot when extended. Innervation : Tibialis nerve. (5) Extensor cruris lies along the preaxial side of the tibialis anticus, partly covered by this and partly by the strong fascia of the leg. It arises by a long tendon from the preaxial condyle of the femur, runs in a groove in the upper end of the tibia, and is inserted into the extensor surface of the tibia along nearly its whole length. It extends the foot. Innervation : Tibialis nerve. 6. Muscles of the Foot. These, just as the muscles of the wrist and hand are many and THE FROG 85 complicated, but the student should know at least the general location of the following: Aponeurosis plantaris. The flattened and broadened continuation of the tendon of the gastrocnemius muscle passing over the heel and spreading out on the sole of the foot in a sort of triangle with the base toward the toes. Where this aponeurosis crosses the heel it is known as the tendon of Achilles. Flexor digitorum I, II, III, IV, V. Each digit usually has a flexor, extensor, abductor, and ad- ductor bearing the number of the toe to which it is attached, the great toe being I. There are also small Interosseus muscles between the various tarsal bones. For a detailed account of every muscle of the frog see : Ecker's "The Anatomy of the Frog." — (Oxford University Press.) REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS The sexes are separate in the frog. The male has a rather thick pad on the underside of its thumb, larger in the spring at the breeding sea- son, than at any other time of the year. The two rounded or oval sperma- ries (A, Fig. 25) of a light yellow color are found at the upper end of the kidneys, while branching masses of a yellow shade are usually at- tached to them. The sperm, the male gamete ( ), is produced in the spermaries, being carried through slender ducts, the vasa efferentia, through the kidneys, emptying into the ureters. It will be observed, therefore, that in the male frog the ureters serve both as an exit for the excretion of the kidneys and the secretion of the sperma- ries. In some species of frogs, the ureters are slightly enlarged, forming a small sac just where they enter the cloaca, and these sacs are known as seminal vesicles. The sperm are held there until ready to be dis- charged. In the breeding season, if the body of a female (B, Fig. 25), be opened, the ovaries are filled with eggs and seem to fill almost the en- tire body-cavity. The ovaries, the female gonads ( ), are placed in a position corresponding to the spermaries in the male. If it is not the breeding season, the ovaries are rather small, slightly folded and leaf-life, not very much larger than the spermaries, but of a dif- ferent shape. The eggs break out of the ovary into the body-cavity and make their way into the coiled oviduct through a small opening, passing down into the thin-walled distensible uterus ( ). The oviducts themselves are not directly connected with the ovaries, but lie coiled next to the kidneys, the anterior end being a funnel-shaped opening. The tube itself passes caudad beside the kidneys, opening into the cloaca. The uterus is the rather large thin-walled chamber at 86 GENERAL BIOLOGY its termination, in which the eggs are stored after passing through the oviducts until the final egg laying. The oviducts themselves, like the ovaries, vary in size at different seasons of the year. The gelatinous substance covering the eggs is secreted by little glands in the oviducts called nidamental glands (Lat. nidus=a nest). It is to be observed that the sexual organs and kidneys lie close together and have a common opening, and in the male the same duct, namely, the ureter, serves for an exit of both sperm and urine. A similar close ost.abd. I* •• neb.n. Fig. 25. The Urogenital Organs of the Frog. A, Male ; B, Female. ao.b., systemic arteries ; ao.c., main aortic trunk ; cav.i., vena cava inferior ; cl., cloaca (dissected from the ventral side) ; coel.mes., coeliaco mesenteric artery; d., large intestine; f.k., fat bodies; h.s.L, urogenital duct; h.s.l.' , entrance of uro- genital duct into cloaca ; il., iliac artery ; n., kidney ; neb.n., adrenal bodies ; ost.abd., funnel-shaped opening of oviduct; ov., ovary; ovid., oviduct; ovid. ', entrance of oviduct into cloaca; test., testes ; ut., uterus; ves., urinary bladder; ves.' , opening of bladder into cloaca; ves.sem., seminal vesicle; w., Wolfian duct; w.' , opening of Wolfian ducts. (After W. Meissner.) relation is found in nearly all other vertebrates, and when the study of embryology is taken up it will be found that the ducts and kidneys were originally derived from the same region of the embryo. It is therefore common to speak of the excretory and reproductive system together as the urogenital system. THE FAT BODIES Directly in front of the gonads, we find a yellow organ with many finger-like processes known as a fat body. It has a broader and closer THE FROG 87 attachment to the anterior end of the male gonad than it has to the female ovary. It is supposed to serve as a storehouse of nutriment, for it varies in size and shape at different seasons of the year. Nearly all the fat disappears from the cells in spring, while as soon as the feeding period begins the fat increases. References : Ecker, "The Anatomy of the Frog." Holmes, "The Frog." Parker & Haswell, "Textbook of Zoology." Bourne, "Comparative Anatomy of Animals." Borradaile, "Manual of Zoology." Schaefer, "The Endocrine Organs." Bandler, "The Endocrines." CHAPTER V. THE CELL It will be observed later in the study of the histology of the frog that the different types of cells vary in size and shape, some being round, others more or less cuboidal, still others cylindrical, etc. As there are animals possessed of but a single cell which can nevertheless perform all acts necessary to a complete organism and, consequently, can lead an independent existence, the cell is called the biological unit, and things in the biological world are not considered explained until they have been reduced to terms of cell units. There is not a living thing, plant or animal, which comes into ex- istence that does not start life as a single cell. It is therefore an axiom ( ) of science that there can be no living cell unless it sprang from a previous cell. Therefore, an egg, regardless of whether it be the small egg of a frog or so large a one as that of the ostrich, is only a single cell. In fact, in the hen's egg usually used in the laboratory for experimentation, the yolk represents the food for the offspring, the egg proper being that little portion, about the size of a dime, which always floats on the top of the yolk, regardless of the position of the egg. The following drawing (Fig. 26) is that of an ideal cell. This means that everything which the student will ever find in any cell, plant or animal, is contained in this drawing. One must remember, however, that search may be made from now until the end of time and no one cell may ever be found with all of the parts shown in this ideal cell. C»ll Htrnfc Fig. 26. An Ideal Cell. THE CELL 89 The entire substance surrounded by the cell wall is called proto- plasm. This is a jelly-like or viscous material something like the white of an egg. Probably most cells have a definite wall, though many animal cells do not. On the inside of this cell wall there is a network, or reticu- lum, in which are found little foreign bodies, plastids, and open spaces called vacuoles. The network itself is called spongioplasm, because it somewhat resembles a sponge. The liquid protoplasm on the inside of this network is called hyaloplasm ( ). On the inside of the cell there is a seemingly smaller cell, called the nucleus. This nucleus is considered the most important part of a cell. A cell may have one nucleus, or it may have many. There is a nuclear wall just as there is a cell wall, and on the inside of the nucleus there is also a network or reticulum. When a cell has been chemically stained with various substances, it is found that a portion of the network in the nucleus takes the stain, while a portion does not, showing that this nuclear network is composed of at least two different substances. The part which takes the stain is called the chromatin ( ) network, and the part which does not take the stain is called linin ( ) network. This nuclear network taking the stain usually stands out quite distinctly from the rest of the cell, making it appear at first glance as though the entire nucleus had taken a great quantity of stain to itself. The substance lying within the network of the nucleus is called nucleoplasm. It may happen that some cells do not have a definitely outlined nucleus with a nuclear wall, but nevertheless these cells have nuclear material scattered throughout the cell itself in the form of granules; such granules are known as distributed nuclei. In the red blood corpuscles of the human being there are no nuclei in the adult form, although these cells are nucleated when they originally begin growing. On the inside of the nucleus there is a smaller nucleus in turn which is called the nucleolus ( ). At certain places in the nucleus where the various fibers of network cross each other, there may be little knots, called net-knots, and these must not be confused with the nucleoli. The chromatin itself appears in a granular form, and the granules are called chromomeres ( ). There may even be two nucleoli in one nucleus. These stain quite readily also, but appear somewhat different from the chromatin after such staining. Exactly what the nucleolus does, biologists do not know. It disappears during the time the cell divides and consequently has been thought to be for the purpose of holding something in reserve for this division process. All of the material within the cell walls but outside of the nucleus is known as cytoplasm, to distinguish it from the nuclear material .within the nuclear wall or membrane. 90 GENERAL BIOLOGY Just outside of the nucleus and within the cytoplasm, there is usu- ally found a tiny circle with a dot in the center. The dot itself is called the centrosome ( ) and the circle about it the at- traction sphere, or centrosphere. There are little perforations through the nuclear wall so that there is a direct connection between nucleoplasm and cytoplasm. CELL INCLUSIONS AND CELL PRODUCTS Bodies of a solid nature, not protoplasmic, are common to many cells. These are pigments, oil, fat, crystals, glycogen, starch, chlorophyl, etc., and are commonly spoken of as cell inclusions, though as a matter of fact only foreign substances such as bacteria, etc., should be called inclusions. Starch and chlorophyl are found almost exclusively in plant cells. By these inclusions the shape of the cell is often changed, and particularly the position of the nucleus. Fat gathers at one end of the cell, crowding the nucleus to the opposite extremity and displacing the cytoplasm to the periphery, mostly to that end of the cell occupied by the nucleus. Pigment may be in solution, more frequently in granules, and always is found in the cytoplasm, not in the nucleus. Vacuoles are very common to most cells. These vary in number and size and are usually spherical cavities filled with fluid secreted by the protoplasm. The vacuoles contract, often with considerable regularity, and, as a rule, empty to the surface of the cell. Waste products are in this way elimi- nated from the body of the cell. The constituents of a typical cell may then be summarized as fol- lows: 1. Cytoplasm, the protoplasm that surrounds the nucleus, consist- ing of: (a) Spongioplasm, a reticulum or fibrillar network ; (b) Hyaloplasm, a fluid portion, also called cytolymph ; (c) Cell membrane, often absent in animal cells.1 2. Nucleoplasm or karyoplasm, the protoplasm of the nucleus : (a) Nuclear membrane, frequently absent ; (b) Chromatin, network that stains easily ; (c) Limn, closely allied to the chromatin but does not stain ; dis- solves in distilled water ; (d) Nuclear sap, a fluid perhaps analogous to the hyaloplasm ; (e) Nucleolus, spherical body that stains heavily ; (f) Nuclear net knots, or karyosomes, false nuclei that are nodal points formed by interlacing chromatin network; (g) Centrosome, a small spherical body often found in the cyto- JRegarding the cell membrane, it is well to know that, this is a purely relative 'term, just as a drop of chloroform in water, or a drop of water in chloroform, or a bubble of air in water, can be said to have a cell membrane. These are really surface tension phenomena, where the inter- phases of water-chloroform, etc., have equal resistance to each other. In the "cell membrane" we really have naked protoplasm, tending to round up just as the drop of water does in chloroform. THE CELL 91 plasm of animal cells near the nucleus. It is looked upon as the dynamic center in cell division. If the student is to study Medicine he will probably find an advan- tage in dividing the various definitely discernible substances in the cytoplasm, into Mitochondria, Plasmosomes, and Paraplasmic sub- stances. Mitochondria* (Fig. 27). These are little granules, rods, and threads in the protoplasm, quite constant in the various cell bodies, at least, of the animal world. In fact, one investigator insists that it is. these mitochondria rather than the chromosomes which are the bearers of heredity; while another insists that they accumulate at both poles of the cell, and are converted into secretory granules. Plasmosome's.f These are tiny granules distinguished from the mitochrondia because they are concerned with the housekeeping of the cell, that is, with the assimilation of food materials, with forming vari- ous secretions, and with the excretion of waste matter. Plasmosomes have not been seen but are supposed to be present because there are certain substances produced in the cells which must be due to something Fig. 27. a b c Mitochondria as They Appear in the Sex Cells of Dividing Sperm of Blaps. a. Scattered granular mitochondria. b. Rod-shaped. c. Rods drawn out around spindle. (After Duesberg.) physical or chemical. This is shown by the fact that the products of the cell form little swellings of various kinds. These swellings take a stain and it is the particles which cause these swellings or cell-products which are known as plasmosomes. The cell-products consist largely of fat and carbohydrates, and may be stored in the cells. Cell products are called cytofacts or metaplasm. (This latter term because such substance is due to metabolism.) Golgi apparatus (Fig. 28). Very recently by a special staining method known as Golgi's silver impregnation method, it has been found that there is an "internal reticular apparatus" consisting of a system of *While some medical men usually speak of mitochondria, and some of the older writers use the term bioplasts, plastidules, archoplasmic granules, plastosomes, plastochondria, chondrioconts, plastoconts and chondriomites, depending on the shape of the mitochondria, the name cytologists use is that of Chondriosom.es, so that the student must think of mitochondria and chondriosomes as interchangeable terms. tMedical men are inclined to use the term plasmosomes as here given, but cytologists use the term only to mean true nucleoli. These latter workers never use it in the sense we have given it in this book. 92 GENERAL BIOLOGY rods or network close to the nucleus, but associated especially with the dense protoplasm which surrounds the centrosome. In epithelial cells the network lies close to the free ends of the cells. The Golgi apparatus is probably found in all animal cells, though little is as yet known about it, except that there is a continuity from parent-cell to daughter-cells by a sort of mitotic division of it quite similar to the regular chromosome division. Prolonged treatment with osmic acid will make the Golgi apparatus visible. Plastids are differentiated portions of protoplasm representing cer- tain regions in which physiological processes are localized. They are quite common in plants and protozoa. In the former they are usually colored, such as the chloroplasts which are the chlorophyl-carrying or- gans. Each kind of plastid is supposed to serve a separate type of func- tion. Attraction sphere and Centrosome. These may be quite conspicu- Fig. 28. Golgi Apparatus in Epidermal Cells. a. Golgi network beside the nucleus in cell of a horse. b. Same in skin of cat, but broken into small rods around the mitotic figure in the large central cell. (After Deinecka.) ous although it is not known whether they are important or not in cell- division, shortly to be described. Paraplasmic substances. These are the foreign substances which can be seen in the cytoplasm, but which have not become part of the living cell itself. Such are granules of pigment or calcium, fat globules, various vacuoles filled with fluid, etc. "It is clear that the construction of the cell is highly specialized in most cases for the function which it is to carry out, and that it is sup- plied with the most perfect mechanisms for these purposes. Some of these are evident in the form of contracted bands in the protoplasm, or in long, nerve processes ( ) like electric wires care- fully insulated by sheaths of fatty material, or in mobile cilia which me- chanically perform duties in the transportation of foreign particles. In others, the tools of their trade are recognizable in the form of the granules which seem to prepare ferments by which the chemical pro- cesses which the cells effect are carried out. While these are visible in THE CELL 93 many cases, there are others, even when we know that the most mul- tifarious chemical reactions are being carried on, in which nothing of the mechanism is recognizable to our eyes." In plant cells where the cell wall is quite thick, and in some of the animal cells, this cell wall is made up of cellulose, a substance quite clearly related to the starches, although there are other substances, such as lignin or silica, often associated with it, while in the cell walls of animals there is a nitrogen containing substance, such as chitin, keratin, and gelatin. Where there is no distinct cell wall, there may be a cuticle, or pellicle, covering the entire cell. This may be considered a lifeless secre- tion, just the same as is the cell wall produced by some of the vital activities of the cell itself. The vacuoles are little open spaces or vesi- cles of liquid enclosed within the protoplasm. They may be persistent or merely temporary. In protozoa, vacuoles are quite common. If they enclose food particles, they are called food vacuoles. They may, by con- tracting suddenly, eject their contents and serve thus as. excretory or- gans. As these vacuoles which eject their contents usually are formed again in the same place, they are called pulsating or contractile vacuoles. CHAPTER VI. THE CHEMISTRY OF LIVING MATTER AND CELL DIVISION Organic Chemistry, although named after the organs of living things, has come to be the study of carbon compounds. But as the three great chemical groupings of a living organism consist of proteins, carbo- hydrates and fats and all of these contain carbon, a large part of the study of organic chemistry is still devoted to living matter. One of the great problems of biology is to solve the riddle of how and where life originated. If the stars and planets surrounding our globe were at one time masses of intensely heated matter no life could have been sent from one planet to another. Still it is interesting to know that the first elements appearing on a cooling star are the very ones which go to make up proteins ; namely, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulphur. It will be remembered that oxygen is the source of most of the en- ergy of an organism, and that the cell is the unit of biology, this cell being made up of various substances called protoplasm. If a substance is of the consistency of glue and non-crystalloid, it is called a colloid. Colloids are contrasted with crystalloids, such as sugar, salt, urea, etc., in fact, any of those substances which, when in solution, will pass through a membrane. An emulsion is one fluid phase suspended in another. The fluids are said to be in suspension. Most organic matter is colloidal and some biologists believe that a colloid substance will ultimately be accepted as the biological unit in place of the cell. Protoplasm, the substance of the entire cell, has somewhat the form of foam, although it differs from foam in having the alveoli filled with a thick liquid substance about the consistency of the white of an egg. The alveoli which make up the foam-like protoplasm, although having very thin walls, have walls thick enough so that diffusion is very slow and the substance itself is different in the alveoli themselves and the spaces between the alveoli. All protoplasm does not show such alveolar composition. With the ultra-microscope much of the protoplasm appears as tiny particles. It is, therefore, supposed that this homogeneous mass is colloid in charac- ter, that is, consists of tiny granules which are suspended in a liquid medium. As there isn't very much difference between a colloid and an emulsion in this case, and as there are cases in which no alveoli can be ORGANIC CHEMISTRY AND CELL DIVISION 95 seen, it is possible that alveolar substance and interalveolar substance may differ about as much or as slightly as a colloid and an emulsion. The early workers on the cell saw very thin fibers in the proto- plasm, and established the "filar" or "reticular" theories of protoplasmic structure. We now know that if the alveoli are arranged in rows the liquid between the alveoli will appear like threads, although we have not been able to find that these so-called fibers have any important func- tion. These theories, therefore, are not among the important biological problems now. When cells are prepared and stained for study in the laboratory they have many granules distributed within them. These may be coag- ulation products of the interalveolar protoplasm, or the cut ends of fibers or cell inclusions of various kinds. The great mass of protoplasm is really an emulsion. The tiny bub- ble-like particles or alveoli and the liquid in which these float are called by the physical chemist "phases" of a "system." It can, therefore, be understood that the various surface phenomena which interest the physical chemist are to be found in the living cell, and any chemical knowledge of this nature which the student of the cell can obtain will stand him in good stead. Much of the activity of protoplasm can be explained by a study of surface tension. It is to be borne in mind that protoplasm is never solid, although solid particles may and most often are included within its liquid or semi- liquid mass. Protoplasm is made up of both organic and inorganic substances. Organic. A. Always present. Enzymes. Non-enzymes Carbohydrates, Lipoids, Extractors, Intermediate products of metabolism. B. Not always present. Pigments, Hormones, Aromatic compounds, Toxic compounds. The enzymes are continually attempting to produce an equilibrium in the cells. They are chiefly protein in nature and speed up the chem- ical reaction. They may be killed by light or heat. Their activities are specific, each type of enzyme doing only one particular type of work. Every step in the breaking down of proteids is done by a specific enzyme. 96 GENERAL BIOLOGY Inorganic. A. Always present, and called essential elements. H2O Plus C, H, N, K, Ca, Na, Fe, NH4. Minus CO2, SO4, Cl, PO4. B. Sometimes present. I, Br, NO2, NO3, Zn, Ba, Cu, Mn, As, Fl, Si, Mg. Muttkowski has summarized the chemical elements concerned in living matter as follows : I. Elements concerned with Food. 1. Those which compose food. A. Proteins— C, O, H, N, (S, P)— build protoplasm. B. Fats — C, H, O — energy and reserve. Certain P-fats enter into building up of all protoplasm (lecithin). C. Carbohydrates — C, O, H — energy, and reserve. 2. Elements concerned in food synthesis. Mg, CO2 (in plants only). 3. Concerned with food storage — K. 4. Katalysts— Fe, Ca, Mn, I. II. Elements concerned with Physiological Processes. 1. Regulation (turgor, toxicity) — K, Cl, Na, Ca, I, Br. 2. Sensory — P. III. Elements concerned with structural relations. 1. Form relations — elasticity — N, Cl. 2. Supporting tissues — C, Ca, Si, Mg, P, Fl, (S) in form of phosphates, carbonates, oxalates. CELL DIVISION Every living thing, plant or animal, begins its life as a single cell. Therefore it follows that if one wishes to understand how a many-celled animal (metazoan) ( ) comes to its adult form of life, one must find an original single cell and follow it throughout all its changes until it has come to adultship. Every living cell grows if it obtains food, and when it reaches its maximum size splits in two. It may do this equally or unequally; that is, it may split into a very large and a very small part, or it may split equally into halves of like size and shape. There are then two cells where there was only one before. These two cells then grow until the time they attain their maximum size when the same process is gone through again, so that in a short time there are four cells, then eight, sixteen, thirty-two, sixty-four, one hundred twenty-eight, and so on. When the children's story is remembered of the blacksmith who was willing to shoe the king's horse on Sunday provided the king xvould pay one cent for the first nail, and double that for each nail he drove, so that by the time the blacksmith had put in twenty-eight nails, he had ORGANIC CHEMISTRY AND CELL DIVISION 97 won more than a million dollars for the twenty-eighth nail alone, it is easy to understand what a division of cells may bring about in a short time ; especially when it is remembered that the tiny bacteria, which are single-celled plants, may multiply and divide in such way every few minutes. In the course of one or two hours, where division is suf- ficiently rapid, there are millions upon millions of cells where there was only one before. Textbooks say there are two ways in which cell division conies about, but recent investigations tend to show that this is in error and that all cell division is mitotic. One method was said to be the shorter Fig. 29. Diagrams Representing the Essential Phenomena of Mitosis. A, a cell with resting nucleus containing a chromatic reticulum and a single nucleolus. The centrosome is double and surrounded by the centrosphere. B, the centrosomes are separating and each is surrounded by astral rays ; the chromatin forms a convoluted thread or spireme. C, the spireme is broken up into a number of V-shaped chromosomes, the polar spindle is formed between the now widely separated centrosomes. D, the chromosomes attached to the spindle-fibres are arranged at the equator of the spindle. E, division of the chromosomes, which are viewed end on. F, divergence of the chromosomes. G, chromosomes collecting at the poles of the spindle, the space between them occupied by interzonal fibres ; commence- ment of division of cell-body. H, I, complete division of the cell, and reconstitution of the nuclei. In / the centrosomes are dividing preparatory to a new mitosis. Note A-Z>=prophase ; £=:metaphase ; F, G=anaphase; H, 7=telophase. (After Bourne.) and simpler way, in which the cell, without any previous changes that could be observed, split in two parts. But the longer method, known as mitosis (Fig. 29), is the more common, and is the one whicti must be studied in detail if any understanding whatever is to be obtained as to how plants and animals evolve from the single original cell to the marvelous complex organisms into which they develop in adult life. The cell, as has just been described in the last chapter, has a net- work in the nucleus that stains quite easily and readily. In the normal condition such a cell is said to be in the resting stage. In the higher forms cell division takes place only after fertilization, that is, after the male sperm has united with the female egg. The chromatin, or stained nuclear network, begins a process by which the stained part separates from all of the other network, taking upon itself the shape of a single thread or skein. A little later, this skein of chromatin breaks up into small 98 GENERAL BIOLOGY particles which may be shaped like a horseshoe or like the capital letter L, or merely appear as little straight or bent rods. These little broken up particles of chromatin are called chromosomes. As these chromo- somes are in all probability the most important physical particles in the study of biology, one must get this subject of mitosis and chromosomes clearly in mind or all that follows will necessarily be lost. Just before the cell goes from the resting stage into the skein or spireme stage, the little centrosomes lying within the centrosphere break into two parts, one part migrating around the nuclear wall until it lies opposite the first half. Formerly it was thought that it was due to these polar bodies that the chromatin breaks up into chromosomes, but as no centrosomes are found in higher plants, although the chromatin acts just as it does in animal cells, this explanation must be given up. Between these two polar bodies in the animal cell there develops a series of very fine lines which may be only a reflection of some kind, but which one very fre- quently sees when the cell is undergoing mitosis. These fine lines are called a spindle, readily recognized in the drawing. There are four periods usually mentioned in cell division : The Prophases. This is the skein stage already mentioned. The Metaphase. Immediately after the chromosomes have appeared as small broken particles of chromatin, they gather at the mid-line or equatorial region of the spindles. Then the chromosomes split in two .lengthwise and the cell is said to be in the metaphase stage. The Anaphases. Immediately after the chromosomes have divided lengthwise, one-half of them move toward one polar body and the other half toward the other. During the time the chromosomes have split and the time they have united about the polar bodies, the cell wall has indented until it meets the opposite indentation, thus forming two sepa- rate daughter cells,* This stage is called the anaphase. The Telophases. This phase lasts from the anaphases until the time the cells again resume the resting stage. It. will be noted that the metaphase is used in the singular, whereas the other three have been used in the plural. This will be readily under- stood when it is remembered that these terms are only convenient names enabling us to discuss intelligently with others the whole subject of mitosis, and, so that when a given thing or event is observed during any particular time of the division of the cells, it can be written and spoken about in an understandable way. The metaphase is only that particular moment when the chromo- somes have gathered at the equatorial plane and are dividing. All the other phases cover a much longer period, and, passing through various , stages, are therefore used in the plural. *In plants a new cross cell-wall often originates by a thickening of the central spindle fibres. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY AND CELL DIVISION 99 In different types of cells, all of these stages vary a little as to length of time and as to the method in which and by which particular cen- trosomes, skeins (also called spiremes), spindles, and chromosomes, ar- range themselves. It is well to note also that in the higher forms of plants the centrosomes have not been seen, and that there is a difference between plants and animals in the way the cytoplasm divides. In the animal cells, as shown in the drawing, the cell walls indent until the two indented portions meet, and the separation takes place in that way; whereas, in the plant cell this does not indent, but the cell-wall becomes thicker and thicker until a definite cell wall has been grown for the two new cells. There are also exceptions as to just when and how the spindle forms. In some species of salamander, the spindle begins outside of the nucleus, and then as the nuclear membrane disappears the fibers pass through the nucleus itself. THE REAL MEANING OF MITOSIS The real significance of mitosis is found in the fact that the chro- mosomes, a more detailed study of which will be taken up as soon as the protozoa have been studied, split in two lengthwise and that the chro- mosomes are practically the only visible things that pass from a parent cell to become a new individual. Whatever an offspring is to obtain from its parents must therefore be already present in the chromosomes of the various germ cells of the parents, or it cannot be inherited by the offspring. A little later it will be explained also how this lengthwise dividing of the chromosome means that each new individual obtains one-half of whatever it is from its mother and one-half from its father, although one's inheritance on the mother's or father's side is usually not evenly distributed as to quantity, and possibly, quality. For example, we may, as far as external appearance go, resemble our fathers, yet have our mother's mental characteristics. One must therefore not confuse the characteristics which can be seen and are very conspicuous, with those which may not be seen, but which may nevertheless be much more im- portant. By remembering this statement one may understand the biologist's division of all cells in the body into two great groups. These two groups are known as somatoplasm ( ) and germplasm ( ), the latter consisting of those particular cells which are going to reproduce offspring like the parent, while the somato- plasm consists of all the other cells of the body. It can be imagined from this that it is quite possible for the somatoplasm or outer portion of the body (which is the only portion visible) to cover up many im- portant or, at least, latent and dormant characteristics that an individual may have inherited, but which characteristics may come forth at .any 100 GENERAL BIOLOGY Lygatu moment. In fact one can understand that such characteristics may lie dormant throughout the entire life of a parent and come forth only in the offspring. MATURATION AND ELEMENTARY EMBRYOLOGY Very low in the scale of life there is a differentiation into sexes ; the smaller more active particle is known as the male gamete, while the larger passive portion is the female gamete. In all higher forms fertilization is our starting point in any discus- sion of embryology or development. There are apparent exceptions to this rule, such as those insects which give rise to young by virgin birth, a process called parthenogene- Actu.i sis ( ), and in the number of V ' ' "rf^eMu spmr, EBf. zMott.*SS? case °^ tnose animals in which sev- eral (as high as three) immature generations may be present at the time of birth. This latter condition is known as paedogenesis ( ). Before fertilization various changes take place in the germ cells which are to produce the mature egg and sperm. This process is called maturation ( ), (Fig. 30). The early cells are called pri- mordial germ cells. They are in a state of rest in all the higher animals for several years, or until the indi- vidual grows to sexual maturity. When this time has been reached, there are three stages through which the primordial cell passes before producing the mature ovum or sperm. 1. The primordial germ begins to divide mitotically (Fig. 31). The resultant cells are called oogonia and spermatogonia. 2. After a varying number of divisions the many new cells thus produced go through a process of A. Diagram illustrating the behavior of the g^OWth. They are then called Pri- "accessory," sex-accompanying chromosome in mary OOCVtCS and SpermatOCytCS. fertilization. For the sake of clearness, but rv\\, « << • » « four other chromosomes are shown, and these 3. 1 heSC then ripen OT ma- four diagram ma tically ; accessory (x) , solid .. P 1-1 r^-i- .• black. (After Wilson.) ture," after which fertilization can B. A diagram of the gametogenesis and , i i fertilization. take plaCC. Premeiot-ic divisions ORGANIC CHEMISTRY AND CELJ, DIVISION: : 19 1 From what we shall soon learn regarding Paramoecia we know that the chromosomes are the important carriers of all physical traits inher- ited by a child from the parent. But, unless there is some method by which the chromosomes throw off one-half their number, each child, being the result of an egg and a sperm mating, would possess every- thing its mother possessed, plus everything its father had. A super-race would thus be produced which in a very few generations would be to- tally unlike any of its parents. One can imagine what it would mean to have every child twice as strong, and twice as tall, as its parents. It would not be long before men would be thousands of feet tall, and there would be little room for more than one of two people in the world. But Nature apparently loves an average, and so somewhere, the chro- mosomes are halved. The ripening process is known as the maturation division (Fig. 30). The egg varies from the sperm in the number of complete function- ing cells it produces, although the chromatin acts alike in both cases. From the primordial egg cell only one mature egg develops, while three undeveloped eggs, called polar bodies, are formed. These latter degenerate and have no known func- tion. Each sperm cell, however, de- velops into four complete functional spermatozoa, any one of which may fertilize an egg. Notwithstanding this difference, both sperm and egg cell have the same number of chromosomes characteristic of the species. This full quota of chromosomes is called the diploid num- ber. The primordial cells (those which are to become eggs) begin their growth very early in the embryo. Usually, there is a quantity of yolk deposited to serve as food for the embryo which is in turn to develop from the egg. The chromatin in the nucleus sperm\ \ / I I I I Fig. 31. A. Diagram of the derivation of the sex gathers in a thick mass towards one side of the nucleus. This is known as the synapsis stage. From this thick mass of chromatin there will emerge crease in number and diminution in size just one-half the number of cells. 2., the fertilized egg (zygote) som., the body plasm (soma) ; t., the de- velopment period during which the germ plasm and the body plasm are indistinguish- (the number of divisions is much greater than shown) : r., the period of increase in SOmCS USUally found in Cells of the dze with differentiation of cytoplasm ; w., the two maturation divisions; pb., polar ticular SpCClCS WC are Studying. Such cells are said to have the haploid num- bodies ; e., egg. (After Boveri.) B. Spermatozoa of Rana esculenta. C. Spermatozoa of Rana fusca. Leydig.) mp., middle piece. (After chromosomes. 102 ; GENERAL BIOLOGY Each of these chromosomes is double, the two parts either lying side by side, or end to end. This stage of half the number of chromo- somes (but where each is a double chromosome), is called pseudo-reduc- tion. Real reduction then follows. The two parallel portions of each chromosome divide longitudinally, while the entire chromosome con- tracts into small four-portioned chromosomes, each of which is called a tetrad (Figs. 31 and 33). A mitotic figure now forms and moves toward the outer rim of the egg, the nucleus divides equally, so that one-half of each tetrad passes to a daughter nucleus. Although the nucleus divides equally, the cytoplasm does not. This produces one large egg cell and one small particle, this latter with one- -chr C. Fig. 32. Fertilization of the Amphibian Ovum. A, outline drawing of a section parallel to the axis of the egg ; the superficial pigment of the animal hemispheres of the egg is indicated, but the yolk granules are omitted, co., entrance cone ; spz., spermatozoon lying at the bottom of the entrance funnel ; s.sp., spermsphere. B., a meridional section through the egg at a later stage ; cT , sperm nucleus, also called the male pro-nucleus ; ? , egg-nucleus, also called the female pro-nucleus ; as., sperm-aster ; pb., polar body. The size sperm-and egg-nuclei has been exag- gerated. C, portion of a section through an egg showing an early stage in the forma- tion of the fertilization spindle, highly magnified ; tf sperm-nucleus ; ? , egg- nucleus ; cs., centre ernes. D, portion of a section of an egg showing the early stage of the metaphase of the fertilization spindle ; chr., the chromosomes derived from the sperm- and egg- nuclei lying unevenly, but still in two distinct groups, in the equatorial plane. (After Jenkinson.) half the chromatin, but with little or no cytoplasm. The smaller portion is the first polar body. This is pinched off from the egg cell proper. Both egg cell and polar body now begin to divide again. It is in this second division that each remaining half-tetrad (now called a dyad), separates into its two component parts, one going to each daughter nucleus. Thus the second polar body is formed which is also pinched off from the egg cell proper. Often the first polar body again divides to form two tiny cells, but none of the polar bodies perform any actual known function for the organism. From this account we note that there are four cells which have formed from the primordial egg cell — the egg ORGANIC CHEMISTRY AND CELL DIVISION 103: proper and three polar bodies. Two of the polar bodies are the result of the first polar body dividing in turn. It is of great importance to note that the order of development may- change in different species. For example, some polar bodies never di- vide, while in some species maturation takes place before, and in others after fertilization. We shall see in our study of plants that this reduction-division is not confined to the animal world. The male cell — the sperm — passes through similar changes to that described for the egg cell, ex- cept that there are no polar bodies formed. In biology we always think of the reproductive cells as the germ plasm \vhich alone carries on from parent to offspring all things that can be inherited. It must therefore follow that there is something in the germ plasm which determines what the offspring is to be. These de- termining factors must be in the chromosomes, as it is only the chro- mosomes which pass from parent to child. But there can be a consid- erable "change-about" of the chro- mosomes. For example, if we have four chromosomes numbered like this: 1, 2, 3, 4, either 1 and 2 may be thrown out in the reduction divi- sion, thus leaving 3 and 4 ; or 1 and 3 may be thrown out, leaving 2 and 4; or 2 and 3 may be thrown out, leaving 1 and 4; and so on. If it be remembered that quite a number of combinations can be made in this way in both the egg and the sperm, it is readily understood that there can be several times this number of combinations brought about by a mingling of sperm and egg after fertilization, when the re- duced sperm cell unites with the reduced egg cell. When we come to- the study of Genetics we shall enter into this phase more thoroughly^ It will, of course, depend upon what characters are thus carried by the two mating chromosomes as to what characters the new organism will possess. It is this assorting and rearrangement of chromosomes which is in all probability the cause of variations within a given species. This is.by.no means the same as saying that it is the cause of new species. This distinction must be kept clear. Fig. 33. Maturation of the Egg of Cyclops (the full number of chromosomes is not shown ) . A, chromosomes already split longitudinally ; B, chromatin masses with indication of trans- verse fission to form the tetrads ; C, the young tetrads arranging themselves on the first polar body spindle ; D, tetrads in first body spindle ; E, separation of the dyads in the same ; F, position of the dyads in the second polar body spindle, the first polar body being really above the margin of the egg. (After Riickert.) 104 GENERAL BIOLOGY The diploid number of chromosomes is reduced to the haploid num- ber by a union of the chromosomes, two by two. And this union in twos is by no means haphazard. An understanding of this can best be seen in animals where the chromosomes are different both as to shape and size. The squash-bug (Anasa tritis) is a good example. In these bugs the chromosomes occur in two sets, larger ones and smaller ones (Fig. 30). During pseudo:reduction, the larger unites with a larger one, and the smaller with a smaller one, and so on. All the resulting tetrads are symmetrical. The- sum total of all the character-factors which are received from the parents of an animal at the time the egg is fertilized are contained in these two sets of chromosomes. In some insects virgin birth is not uncommon. In these cases a complete individual develops from the mature egg alone — that is, from the one having only one-half the definite number of chromosomes normally present in each cell of that species. This shows that each set of chromosomes contains all that is necessary for a complete individual. We, therefore, think that the linking of a similar chromosome from the male and a similar one from the female must be for the purpose of bringing similar important factors together so as to strengthen such factors. A fuller discussion of inheritance will be left for the chapter on Genetics. FERTILIZATION The union or fusion of the sperm nucleus and the egg nucleus is known as fertilization ( ). The spermatozoan is composed of three parts, head, tail, and mid-piece (Fig. 31). The head is largely nuclear material and is the only portion which actually en- ters the egg and fuses with it. Sperm may enter an egg either before or after maturation of the egg is completed. After the sperm cells have passed through the maturation process a great mass of them are secreted at one time from the spermaries. If an animal lives in water the sperm float about in that fluid, otherwise enough liquid is excreted to make it possible for the sperm to float about until coming in contact with an egg. Among all higher animals there are special copulatory organs which vary considerably in different animals but which, in all cases, serve to bring egg and sperm together. There is a great attraction between these germ cells of the different sexes which cause their union and fusion, though what this attraction is has not yet been discovered. If the sperm enters the egg after the latter has matured (which is by far the more common method) certain changes begin taking place at once. The sperm nucleus is called tfie male pronucleus (Fig. 32) after it enters the egg while the nucleus of the egg is known as the female pro- ORGANIC CHEMISTRY AND CELL DIVISION 105 nucleus. There is often a special aperture in the wall of the egg called a micropyle ( ) through which the sperm enters. Usually only one sperm cell enters an egg. Various changes are set up at the very moment the sperm enters the egg causing the egg membrane to become impervious to other sperm, though sometimes, if the egg be old or diseased, this process may not begin soon enough, so that several sperm enter the same egg. This is called multiple fertilization. There O A, one-celled stage B, two-celled stage C. four-celled stage D. eight-celled stag* //, many-celled stage Fig. 34. Cleavage of Frog's Egg. are some species in which this multiple fertilization occurs normally. Monstrosities are often formed in this way. When the two pronuclei unite they form a fusion nucleus (Fig. 32), also called the first segmentation nucleus. The egg is then said to be fertilized, or impregnated. The full quantity of chromosomes is now again present and there seems to be an impulse brought with them which starts the egg dividing. This division of the fertilized egg is known as segmentation or cleavage (Fig. 34). This is brought about by ordinary mitosis, and these first cells which come into being by the splitting of the fertilized cell are called blastomeres ( ). The chromosomes do not divide longitudinally in these blastomeres but each new cell receives one-half of the material brought by each of the parent cells. In this way every cell in the body gets an equal amount of chromosome mate- rial from each of its parents. And in this way also, every cell in the body of an individual has exactly the same number of chromosomes within it that every other cell has. Each succeeding division of cells produces cells a trifle smaller than the parent cell. The cells divide differently with different quantities of yolk. Usu- ally the first thre« cleavage planes are perpendicular to each other. If the yolk is evenly distributed the newly formed cells will be more or less of equal size. Often the yolk collects at the lower portion of the egg. This is undoubtedly due to the force of gravity. In such cases the protoplasm gathers at the upper end. The upper end is then called the active, formative, or animal pole and the lower the passive, nutritive, or veg- etable pole. The polar bodies are usually freed at the formative pole. 106 GENERAL BIOLOGY This causes the blastomeres at the nutritive pole to become larger, and divide less rapidly than those in the region where the protoplasm is in excess. In fact the yolk may be so excessive as not to permit any divi- sion at all within it. Two forms of segmentation are usually given : A. Total segmentation. I. Equal: In which there is little yolk material and that well distributed. (Illustrated in most of the lower invertebrates and mammals.) II. Unequal: In which there is a moderate amount of yolk which accumulates at the passive pole. The cells at the active pole are more numerous and smaller than at the passive. (Illustrated in many mollusks and in Amphibia.) B. Partial segmentation. I. Discoidal: In which there is an excessive amount of yolk with the nucleus and a small mass of protoplasm occupying a disc at the ac- tive pole. This disc alone segments and the embryo lies upon the yolk. (Illustrated in the eggs of fishes, birds, and reptiles.) II. Peripheral: In which an excess of yolk collects at the center of the ovum, with the protoplasm at the periphery. The dividing nuclei as- sume a superficial position and sur- round the unsegmented yolk. (Illus- trated in the eggs of insects and other arthropods.) As segmentation continues the b^astomeres remain attached to each other and from a spherical mass (Fig. 35). If the individual cells project out from the mass and the sphere is more or less solid, it resembles a mulberry and is called a morula ( ), but if it becomes a single layer of cells and is hollow it is known as a blastula ( ). In the latter case the hollow portion in the center is filled with a fluid. The hollow space itself is called the segmentation cavity. If this blastula indents (just as though one were to take a hollow rubber ball and push in one side with a finger), there are two layers in the indented region. The outer layer is called the ectoderm or epiblast, and the inner the entoderm, endoderm, or hypoblast, while the entire two layered mass is known as a gastrula ( ). The indentation is also called invagination and gastrulation (Fig. 36). Having indented, the indented portion draws together to form a Fig. 35. A, vertical section through a segmenting ovum in the blastula stage. B, C and D, similar sections through later stages. Bl., segmentation cavity or blastocoele ; bp.r blastopore. (After Morgan.) ORGANIC CHEMISTRY AND CELL DIVISION 107 single mouth-like opening. This open- ing is the blastopore ( ), and the newly made cavity surrounded by entoderm is the primitive intestinal tract or archenteron ( ). In our study of the hydra it will be found that that animal grows thus far and then remains throughout its entire career in the gastrula stage. In higher forms a third layer is formed between the ectoderm and en- toderm known as the mesoderm. Ani- mals having these three germ layers (Fig. 37) are called triploblastic ( ). All tissues and organs are derived from some one or more of these germ layers. To study this development is the special province of Embryology. Often certain blastomeres grow more rapidly than others in the same embryo. Such is the case with frog's eggs (Fig. 38). This results in the more rapidly growing cells surrounding those which divide more slowly. A growing of one set of cells over another is called epibole ( ). The separation of the germ layers or mem- branes by splitting apart is known as delamination. Fig. 36. Formation of the Gastrula in Amphibia, Diagrammatic Longi- tudinal Section. 1, Blastula ; 2, the invagination has be- gun at i (the corresponding place in 1 is indicated by an arrow) ; the invagination is in the form of a furrow, but does not yet surround the egg ; 3, the invagination is proceeding : 4, perfect gastrula ; the archenteron is almost filled with a project- ing part of the hypoblast, which is later dissolved and absorbed by the embryo, ek., ectoderm (light) ; en., entoderm (shaded) ; g., mouth of gastrula ; h., segmentation cavity ; t., invagination furrow ; n., archen- teron. (After Boas.) Fig. 38. Frog's Egg, Fig. 37. Diagrammatic Figures in Explanation of the Formation of the Showing Proportion- Third Germ Layer — the Mesoderm. ate Increase of 1, youngest, and 4, the oldest stage. Smaller Cells at ek., ectoderm; en., endoderm ; m., mesoderm. (After Boas). Top of Egg. References : E. W. MacBride, "Textbook of Embryology." E. B. Wilson, "The Cell in Development and Inheritance/' Kellicott, "Chordate Development." Gurwitsch, "Morphologic and Biologic der Zelle." Heidenhaim, "Plasma und Zelle." Buchner, "Prakticum der Zellenleh're." L. W. Sharp, "An Introduction to Cytology." W. E. Agar, "Cytology, with Special Reference to the Metazoan Nucleus." L. Doncaster, "An Introduction to the Study of Cytology." CHAPTER VII. HISTOLOGY OF THE FROG Every living individual, plant or animal, being- able to live an inde- pendent existence and possessing the ; four characteristics of irritability ( ), ability to take and digest food, to grow by in- tussusception ( ), and to reproduce its own kind, is called an organism. The higher organisms are made up of separate specialized organs, each organ consisting of a series of tissues, and each tissue, in turn, is made up of a sheet- of similar functioning cells., ^.^ The cell is the biological unit, and the modern world attempts to explain all living things in terms of cellular construction. It can be appreciated quite readily that the cell is intensely impor- tant in the study of all living organisms when it is realized that every living thing, plant or animal, originally grows from a solitary cell, and any tiny structure capable of producing so wondrous an animal as the frog or still more wondrous an animal as the human being, is certainly of importance. In fact, if one could find all the possibilities of any given cell, and then find why it has these possibilities, and just how and why it devel- ops into the particular structure that it does and no other, the riddle of life would be solved. It must be remembered that every living thing starts life as a single cell and then if it is to become a multicellular animal it passes through a cell-dividing stage. Some plants and animals remain in the one-celled stage, while others, as soon as they begin to divide, adhere together and form tissues, which in turn develop into organs. This means that a study of the origin, development, and content of the unit cell gives us a sort of bird's eye view of how living things work and grow. A study such as this presents a more complete view than could be procured in any other way. First, therefore, it is necessary to know the different kinds of tissues that may be encountered ; these are grouped under four distinct heads : 1. Epithelial. 2. Connective. 3. Muscular. 4. Nervous. 1. Epithelial tissues (Fig. 39) are always surface tissues. They lie in layers with a small amount of intercellular substance. The sur- faces of organs, the linings of cavities of organs, and the lining of glands, blood vessels, and ducts of all kinds, possess this tissue. In fact, it is HISTOLOGY OF THE FROG 109 surface tissue whether lying on the internal or external surface of an organ. There are, however, various types of epithelial tissue and these are named from their shape. For example: Flattened or squamous epithelium easily obtained from the outermost skin of the frog during the time it molts, or from the peritoneum, is composed of cells which are broad and flat with a rounded nucleus near the center. In the mucous layer of the intestine, we find what is known as columnar epi- thelium, because the cells are shaped like columns, while in many places such as in the outer skin, there are transitional stages be- tween these two types of tissues which have some of the characteristic shape of both flat and columnar epithelium. If these cells are several layers deep they are called stratified epi- thelium. Should they have tiny hairlike substances called cilia at their outer ends they are known as ciliated epithelium. These may be almost any shape — columnar, cuboid or flattened. Ciliated epithelium is found in the mouth, throat, parts of the peritoneal lining of the body-cavity, inner lining of the oviducts, in the mouths of the ciliated funnels of the kid- ney, in the ventricles of the brain, and, in very early life, even on the outer surface of the body. 2. Connective tissue (Fig. 40) serves to support and hold together various parts of the body. In this type of tissue, the intercellular sub- stance is quite abundant as contradistinguished from nearly all other types, and it is interesting to note that nearly all of the connective tissue is derived from the middle germ-layer or mesoderm ( ). The intercellular substance changes in many ways, remaining soft, or becoming fibrous and even changing into bone. The principal types of this tissue are as follows: White fibrous connective tissue, most widely distributed, and easily obtained from the membranes connecting skin and body-wall. Under the microscope it appears as a clear gelatinous substance in which many fibrils are embedded. The fibrils are unbranched but have a character- Fig. 39. A, stratified epithelium from the oesophagus of the rabbit, seen in section. In the lower part of the figure the connective tissue and muscular layers are shown. B, squamous epithelium from the mesentery of the Frog, silver nitrate preparation ; El, E2, goblet cells from the frog's mouth ; Dl, D2, isolated ciliated epithelium cells from the frog's mouth ; D3, an isolated ciliated cell from the gill of the mussel. C, columnar epithelium from the intestine of the frog. (From Bourne, after a drawing by Dr. E. H. Schuster.) 110 GENERAL BIOLOGY istic wavy appearance; often they are united in bundles and run in all directions. A few yellow elastic fibers may be scattered among the white. These are always straight, however, and not wavy. If the tissue should be treated with acetic acid, the white fibers swell up and disap- XfpsSK^^ •^'••:-s4?^:;'J?^» m-sXM illlii !>•'>£.' ._' V - ••»•<— x. ... v • -* ?-».V;>. Epithelial portion, containing spores of the parasite stained black. (The younger para- sites, not differentiated so easily by staining. are not shown ; they are found toward the base of the cells reaching the basement membrane (6m) , but do not extend beyond it. Younger spores sometimes show an unstained area at one end and occasionally at both ends, m, muscular portion of stomach wall showing an outer and an inner longitudinal muscular layer and a middle circular one. (After G. F. White, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Bulletin No. 780.) 154 GENERAL BIOLOGY Examples : Paramoecium, Coleps, Loxophyllum, Colpoda, Opalina. (Fig. 76.) The Holotricha are probably the most primitive Infusoria. Para- moecium caudatum is the best known species. Members of the follow- ing genera are frequently found in fresh-water cultures : Coleps, Lox- ophyllum, and Colpoda. Opalina ranarum is a large multi-nucleate spe- cies living in the intestine of the frog. It has no mouth, but absorbs Fig. 75. Sarcocystis miescheriana. (Doflein.) A, a cyst; B, Pork containing cysts. (From Pratt's "Man- ual" by permission of A. C. McClurg & Co.) A. B. Fig. 76, A. Coleps hirtus Ehr. (After Maupas). B. Division phase of A. C. Opalina ranarum, (After Bronn). D. Colpidium colpoda. (Calkins). E. Loxophyllum rostratum (Conn.) digested foods through the surface. 31. Order 2. Heterotricha ( ) Ciliata whose cilia cover the entire body, but are larger and stronger about the mouth opening than elsewhere. This adoral ciliated spiral consists of rows of cilia fused into membranelles and leads into the mouth. Examples: Spirostomum, Bursaria, and Stentor. (Fig. 77.) Stentor ( ) may be either fixed or free swim- ming. It is trumpet-shaped when attached and pear-shaped when swim- ming. The cuticle is striated and just beneath it are muscle fibers (myonemes). The nucleus is ellipsoidal, or like a row of beads. 32. Order 3. Hypotricha ( ) Ciliata with a flattened body and dorsal and ventral surfaces. The dorsal surface is free from cilia, but spines may be present. The ventral surface is pro- vided with longitudinal rows of cilia and also spines and hooked cirri, which are used as locomotor organs in creeping about. The cilia around the oral groove aid in swimming as well as in food taking. There is a macronucleus, often divided, and two or four micronuclei. Examples: Oxytricha, Stylonychia. (Fig. 78.) 33. Order 4. Peritricha ( ) Ciliata with an THE PROTOZOA 155 adoral ciliated spiral, the rest of the body is without cilia, except in a few species where a circlet of cilia occurs near the aboral end. Examples : Vorticella, Carchesium, Zoothamnium. (Fig. 79.) The common members of this order are bell-shaped and attached by a contractile stalk. Certain species are solitary (Vorticella), others form tree-like colonies (Carchesium), and still others are colonial but A. Fig. 11. A. Spirostomum teres (Conn). B. Bursaria truncateUa (Conn). C. Condylostoma patens. (Cal- kins.) (From Pratt's "Manual" by per- mission of A. C. McClurg & Co.) B. Fig. 78. \. Oxytricha bifaria (Conn). J5. Stylonychia mytilus (Dof- lein). (From Pratt'a "Manual" by permission of A. C. McClurg & Co.) ' with an enveloping mass of jelly (Zoothamnium). The stalk contains a winding fiber composed of myoneme fibrils ; this fiber, on contracting, draws the stalk into a shape like a coil spring. 34. Subclass 2. Suctoria ( ) Infusoria without cilia in the adult stage. No locomotor organs are present and the ani- mals are attached either directly or by a stalk. No oral groove nor mouth occurs, but a number of tube-like tentacles extend out through the cuticle. Examples: Podophyra, Sphaerophyra. (Fig. 80.) Ciliates are captured by their tentacles and the substance of the Fig. 79. A. Vorticella nebulifera (Bronn). B. Vorticella patellitM (Calkins). C. Carchesium polypinum (Doflein). D. Diagram of Vorticella. The cilia at the side of the mouth have be n omitted. (From Pratt's "Manual" by permission of A. C. McClurg & Co.) captured prey is sucked into the body. Both fresh-water and marine species are known. Podophyra is a well-known fresh-water form. Sphaerophyra is parasitic in other Infusoria. Fig. 80. Podopkyra gracUis. (Calkins). (From Pratt's "Manual" by permission of A. C. MeClurg & Co.) CHAPTER X. INTERPRETATIONS OF THE FACTS THUS FAR PRESENTED. The far-reaching importance of biology may be shown by obtaining an understanding of this fact : that, when anyone wishes to discuss in- heritance, environment, training, or any of the many philosophies, or theories of life, some physical (biological) background must be found or the discussion is not likely to impress many. A conception of such background may be gained by reviewing the following facts just studied: The little cigar-shaped animal known as Paramoecium is found in fresh water. It moves about rapidly by means of tiny hair-like projec- tions which cover its entire body. There are in reality only two move- ments it can perform. It goes forward and background constantly, turn- ing its body over and over so that its path is spiral-shaped. A groove extends half way down the length of the body into which particles of food are swept as the animal moves forward. The mouth being located at the lower end of this groove, the food is thus conveniently forced into it and swallowed. The entire animal is composed of a thick substance looking some- thing like the white of an egg, but that this thickened material is not all alike is attested by the fact that a drop of alcohol placed upon it causes the outer portion of the animal's body to swell up like a blister while the same alcohol apparently has no effect upon the internal struc- ture. Then, too, if Paramoecia are placed in a staining fluid, two spots take the color much better and much deeper than do other parts of the body, showing that the two spots which thus take the stain are of dif- ferent chemical composition from the other parts. Were all the sub- stance alike it would all stain alike. These stainable spots we call nuclei. Everyone has observed that all living things who fulfill their nor- mal span of life are subject to the same natural laws, such as being born, growing to maturity, and dying. The nearest thing to an exception to this general rule is found in the little single-celled animal of which we are speaking. This little fellow is not born. When it is time for its parent to pass from this earthly region as an individual, it merely divides into two separate and distinct animals (Fig. 81). There are now two Paramoecia where there was only one before. This is significant. The two new animals (each consisting of one-half of its parent) again divide into two separate animals, and so continue dividing indefinitely. The greatest number of divisions observed so far is six thousand. This means that Paramoecia do not die, though they can be killed, for example, by boiling, by acids of various descriptions, and in other ways. It means further, that every Paramoecium now in 158 GENERAL BIOLOGY existence is actually a part of all its ancestors, or to be more accurate, it is its ancestors, for these ancestors have never ceased to be. This must necessarily be true, because each ancestor merely divided into two offspring, the offspring thus being in reality the parent itself. This is vastly different from a parent giving birth to an offspring and then dying. It is an established and incontrovertible biological fact that no living cell can come from anything but a previous living cell. No organism or living thing can possibly come into existence except from some pre- viously existing living parent form. Now, if sufficient food is given Para- Fig. 81. Stage Paramotcium caudatum. A, Stage A, the micronucleus in each gamete preparing for division moecia they will keep on dividing several B stage B hundred times, but then, if they are with the daughter nuclei in each gamete others of their kind an interesting- event dividing. C, Four micronuclei in ° each gamete. D, three of the four takes place. TwO of the animals Will SW11TI pas-) micronuclei are disintegrating ; the r , . surviving nucleus in each gamete around and around, Finally attaching tnem- has divided to form d". 'the male, « 1,1 i .1 i -i ,» and j. the female pronucleus. E, Selves to each Other length W1SC while the wa" of each animal that comes in contact with its mate seems to disappear, the two animals becoming almost, but not quite, one individual. The smaller colorable spot in each animal now begins to divide into two parts as shown in the drawings. These parts again divide, making four pieces to each nucleus. Three of these pieces disappear (probably they are dissolved in the body substance), but the one remaining piece then again divides into two pieces, one of which remains more or less stationary while the other (often partially connected with the first) moves toward the midline of the two connected animals to meet with a similar movable piece of stainable matter from the attached individual. The two pieces of movable-stainable-matter become one for a short pe- riod, seemingly exchanging some of their substance, then they again separate and go back to form a nucleus like the one from which they sprang. The animals themselves now separate, and each begins its division into two new animals, which again divide, such division continuing as already mentioned, several hundred times, until this same conjugation or joining process is brought about again. The larger stainable-spot is dissolved at the time of conjugation and is thought to have some nutri- ent function. It is the nuclear material which seems to be the important physical matter in the formation of any living thing — plant or animal — and in turn it is only the colorable matter inside the nucleus known as chro- INTERPRETATION OF FACTS 159 matin, which breaks up and divides, and is carried on from parent to offspring. These little broken pieces of chromatin are called chromo- somes. The chromosomes have come to be considered the most impor- tant factors throwing light on the many problems of inheritance — that is, on all problems that pertain to what we actually obtain from our par- ents, whether these be physical, emotional, or intellectual. It is therefore of decided importance that we obtain a clear concep- tion of chromosomes, because in the final analysis every detail of wtiat we are and can be, that has any relation whatever to our physical, emo- tional, and mental makeup must come from our parents through the chromosomes in the egg-cell of the mother and the sperm-cell of the father. In other words, the chromosomes that were ours at the moment of mixture of sperm and egg, possessed the sum total of all the .actual physical, mental, and emotional endowment with which we were pos- sessed when ushered into the world (except food and environment needed for growth, as well as a place to grow). In the case of Paramoecia the animal does not inherit anything from its parent — it is half of its parent. Each Paramoecium is thus equivalent to an egg-cell or a sperm-cell, though there is no sex present in Para- moecia. The offspring is not a chip from the old block — it is half the block. An interesting application follows. In every living thing where observation of chromosome material lias been possible, life begins from an egg-cell of some kind, and in the higher forms this egg-cell receives one-half the chromosomes from the sperm after the egg-cell itself has cast out one-half of its own chromo- somes. There is thus a constant trend toward forming an average in- dividual of 'the species to which each such individual belongs, for, each new living thing that comes into being is made up of one-half the chro- mosomes \vhich the maternal egg-cell possessed, and one-half of those which the paternal sperm-cell contained. If this were not so, then in those cases in the animal world where we have virgin-birth, there would be an ever lessening quantity of the chromosome material in each next generation, so that each offspring would become more and more unlike its parent, until in time, when no fertilization takes place to restore the proper quantity of chromosome material by a paternal sperm-cell being added to the maternal egg-cell, the offspring would not be recognized as a member of the species to \vhich its ancestors belonged. Every female at the time of her birth has every egg in her body that she will ever have. This is as true of a bird as of a human being. In the human there are about 35,000 eggs in each of the two ovaries, though only about 100 to 200 of these -actually ripen and pass out of the body during the sexual life of the individual. This means that the mother ha» 160 GENERAL BIOLOGY little or no influence on the formation of the egg, it being already com- plete by the time she herself is born. The eggs lie dormant and do not begin to ripen until sexual life begins (averaging from twelve to fifteen years in the human being). But, when an egg does ripen, an interesting process takes place, it is expelled from the ovary immediately and, just as Paramoecia split into two parts, so does the egg. But the egg does not divide equally. A little piece called the polar-body separates from the main part of the egg. This polar-body may divide again, but even so, it deteriorates and can be seen no more in a short time. The stainable nuclear material breaks up into a number of chromosomes just as does the chromatin of the Paramoecium, and one-half of these chromosomes remain in the larger portion, the other half passing into the polar-body to deteriorate with that part. The head of the male cell (spermatozoan) is practically all nuclear material and goes through approximately the same process as the egg does except that the sperm divide equally as to size, thus forming two definite, living sperm-cells where there was only one before — again, this is just like Paramoecia. And here, too, the chromosomes divide equally, so that each sperm has only one-half the full number of chromosomes it had before it divided. As every plant and animal that lives comes into existence in prac- tically the same way, that is, through a single cell of the father and a single cell of the mother uniting, we see that this is nature's way of bringing together the normal number of chromosomes needed to make a complete individual. This again, means that each individual thus comes into possession of one-half the traits or capacities of each parent-cell (not necessarily one-half of the traits or capacities of the parent) from which he sprang. Were this not true, each and every one of us would be quite unlike our parents, because each would be less than either par- ent, instead of each taking one-half from each parent and thus becoming a complete human being like both. As our parents can give us only the single egg-cell and the single sperm-cell, everything else being merely food and environment, it follows that everything we can possibly inherit as to our physical and mental makeup must be in the chromosomes that these eggs and sperm contain ; for, it is only the chromosome part that intermingles, divides, and causes new cells to form. For anyone wishing to study life, therefore, the study of chromo- somes looms up as the most important factor. The laboratory study of the fertilized cell of which we are speaking has shown that each such fertilized cell divides into two cells, these two into four, each of these four into two, making eight, these eight into sixteen, and so on indefinitely until the entire body has finished its growth. The first group or sheet of cells becomes a hollow sphere called a INTERPRETATION OF FACTS 161 blastula. Some animals stop growing at this stage. Others continue growing, which means that this single-layered sphere indents and this indentation extends into the sphere until two layers of cells are formed. This is called the gastrula stage. Animals having two layers stop growth when this stage is reached, while all higher forms produce a third layer of cells between these two. Every living thing passes through one or more of these develop- mental processes. It was this fact which led so many of the early biol- ogists to suppose that each developmental stage meant that each one of the higher forms of animals must have sprung from those which stopped in the one and two-layer stage just beneath the higher form. What it does mean, however, is that all living forms pass through a similar state of growth.* Very early in this development of an egg, after it begins to grow (fertilization apparently furnishes this growth impulse), certain cells divide much more rapidly than do others. The rapid-growing cells con- sequently, soon surround the less-rapidly growing ones, thus forming a sort of protecting case or capsule for them. Now, some of the very first cells that are thus protected and grow into the very innermost portions of the growing embryo, are the egg-cells and the sperm-mother cells. This occurs long before one can even distinguish what kind of an animal .the embryo is to become. It was Professor August Weismann of the University of Freiburg1 in Baden, who in 1892 gave the world his book, "The Germ-plasm, a Theory of Heredity," which has made us interpret the various facts so far mentioned in a different way from what had been done before. Up to that time men said that the reason a boy so closely resembled his father was because he was "a chip from the old block," Professor Weis- mann has shown us that this is incorrect, and that both father and son are pieces from the same block. That is, the sex-cells in both mother and father being a part of the earliest differentiation in the growing embryo as already shown, are really placed in position in the child be- fore he is born, so that a parent simply considered as a parent has abso- lutely nothing whatever to do with the matter, such parent's body acting only as a case or capsule which carries the germ-cell to the next genera- tion. This is made clearer when it is remembered that every egg in every female is already present at the time of such individual's birth. All that happens during her life is a ripening-, or maturing, of such egg, and fer- tilization by the male sperm. The sperm-mother-cells that are to divide and form sperm, are already present in the male child when he is bornr though they begin to divide only after puberty. *It does not follow that because a man builds a school, a barn, and a church, that the church must therefore have first been a school and a barn, even though such builder used exactly the same tools and similar material in the building of each structure ; in fact, it would not follow, even though he build the foundation and the first story of each structure exactly alike in each case. 162 GENERAL BIOLOGY The sex-cells are therefore present at birth in each person, and no one can either change or add anything to them, unless, again it be merely the food and drink he takes that may or may not nourish such sex-cell properly. This means, then, that just as with Paramoecia, each and every one of us cannot obtain from our parents one more particle of physical, emotional, or mental ability than our parents may have had, because we get only what was present in the egg-cell of our mothers and the sperm- cell of our fathers. It means further, that when we go back even twenty-five genera- tions, considering our two parents, four grand-parents, eight great- grand-parents, etc., we are related in actual blood-relationship to more people than there are in the world at the present: time. It means that just as Paramoecia are really their grand-parents and all their ancestors in one, so we are also actually and truly our own ancestors in so far as our sex-cells are concerned. An actual living particle of every one of our forefathers is really present in each one of us. It means that the entire animal world, in- cluding the human family, by constant intermingling of chromosomes, is always tending toward an average, so that no matter how many cen- turies elapse there is no real individual physical or biological progress possible. Always will the next succeeding generation, or at least the next after that, have some sex-cells in their bodies that will again pro- duce an average being. This sex-bridge which connects every human being with every other human being in this way, is sometimes referred to as the Weis- mannian bridge. It is this bridge which is both the hope of an oppressed people and the despair to those who would change human nature from what it is. We can build only upon instincts ; upon human desires and upon wishes which afre ours at birth, though we may develop such in- stincts and desires, bur* no actual change; in human nature can possibly ever come into existence. Human nature is the same now as it has ever been and always must be, until some method be obtained by which we can tell in advance by looking at a chromosome, what good and bad characteristics such chromosome contains, and then be able to de- stroy the bad therein. This means that we are aeons and aeons removed from any solution to our eugenic problem on a truly scientific basis. Even then, were we able to accomplish this practically impossible task, we should still have to evolve some plan by which we could see the egg and the sperm before they unite, a task again practically impossible until new human beings can be grown in the laboratory. Professor Weismann also demonstrated to the scientific world that the germ-plasm early separates from that part which is to become the outer portion of the body and which is called the somatoplasm. The Abbott Mendel has proved that no matter how much inter- INTERPRETATION OF FACTS 163 breeding there may be among plants or animals, there are only two types of offspring produced, i. e., pure stock and half breeds. The eggs and sperm in the germ-plasm always remain pure. That is, if a white and black animal mate, a portion of the eggs in the ovary of any female off- spring from such union will be carriers of pure black and a portion will be carriers of pure white characteristics. The sperm of the male, like- wise, are carriers of one or the other colors, but are not themselves half- breed. It will be noticed, therefore, that from this Mendelian theory additional evidence is brought forth to substantiate the Weismannian theory of germ-plasm, wrhich holds that the germ-plasm is separate and distinct from the rest of the body. The color of the skin of any offspring of black and white animals may be of any shade, from pure black, to almost, or entirely white. But the sperm and the egg have not intermingled in so far as color is con- cerned. The color shows up on the outer part of the body, or in what we call the somatoplasm. The germ-plasm always remains pure, so that in the next succeeding generation, if any of these half-breeds in turn mate with each other we have the four possibilities of a white sperm meeting with a black egg and again producing a half breed, or a black sperm mixing with a black egg which produces a pure black, while a black sperm with a white egg produces a half breed, and a white sperm with a white egg produces a pure white. From observation, however, it is found that the half breeds will look like one or the other of their parents in so far as color of skin, eyes, and hair is concerned. Whatever color the offspring shows is known as the dominant color.* We cannot tell, however, until we observe the first brood of half breeds which is the dominant color. We do not know why one characteristic is thus dominant, but the important thing to remember is that this entire possibility of any of the four possible matings mentioned above, taking place in any mixed offspring is all a matter of chance. Having observed thousands of in- stances of this kind among both plants and animals, scientific men now accept it as a fact that we do obtain two pure bloods, and two half breeds from matings of mixed ancestry. It will be noticed that this is pure chance, there being approximately half as many carriers of either color in each sperm of the male as there is in each egg of the female. Therefore, there is just as much likelihood at any given time of a black *Recessive is the word set in opposition to dominant. A recessive characteristic is always pres- ent in the germ-plasm of an animal or plant of mixed ancestry, but it does not show in the somato-plasm — in any part of the body proper outside the germ-plasm. The dominant character- istics cover up the recessive characteristics. For example, in half-breed offspring — a cross between white and black parents — if all these half-breeds are black, we call black the dominant charac- teristic as to color, though such half-breed has just as much white in him as he has black. The white which is present but which is not seen is called the recessive charasteristic. It is very important, however, to remember that in so far as the germ-plasm — the sex cells themselves, that is, the eggs and sperm — is concerned, each egg and each sperm has roughly speaking, one-half black and one-half white characteristics ; but the dominant characteristic is the only one which shows, and that only in that part of one's make-up which is not germ-plasm. . To clarify the matter ; if half-breeds, which are the offspring of black and white parents are all black, we call black the dominant color. 164 GENERAL BIOLOGY sperm meeting a white egg as of a white one meeting a black, and vice versa. But it must not be forgotten that not only the half breeds, but also the pure bloods of the dominant type will all probably look alike as to color. This appearance of the same color in the half-breeds that appeared in the dominant pure-blood, is the thing which confused men for many years, and it was only after Abbott Mendel gave us his ex- planation that we have been able to understand why this is so.f Mendelism has also added some interesting biological speculations to the earlier idea of naturalists. If we define species, as meaning all those particular plants and ani- mals which can interbreed and in turn give birth to fertile offspring, it can be seen immediately that we cannot have any new species at all, because, if the offspring of such plants or animals can give birth in turn to other offspring, they belong to the same species as do their parents, and if they differ in appearance from their parents they can only be called variations of the parent species. If they do not interbreed, or, if after interbreeding, they give birth to non-fertile offspring (such as the mule, which is the non-fertile offspring of a mare and a jack), then of course there can be no further offspring, and we can have no further species. Mendelism has added a very important and interesting fact to such theorizing. For example, in the dominant type of offspring, there is always a pure recessive sperm and egg, so that it follows, that at any time in the future, if by chance such pure egg and sperm meet, a totally different type of plant or animal than its parent may be produced. But this may be merely the coming forth of a plant or animal similar to some ancestral form, which was the result of two recessive germ-cells meeting. Therefore, although these recessive germ-cells were always present in all ancestors, they were covered up in so far as external characteristics are concerned by the dominant characteristics. A new species, such as this which comes forth suddenly, is called a "sport" in nature, and the theory that all new forms come forth in this way is called the mutation theory. But, as these so-called new forms may be explained as being recessives, again coming forth after lying dormant for ages, there may be here no new species at all. fit is well to remember however, as Professor Darbishire has said, that, while on the Mendelian theory we know there are such things as dominants and recessives and that unit characteristics of some types are transmitted from parent to offspring, still, all the evidence we have so far is based upon color of eyes, straightness or curliness of hair, color blindness, and one or two other obser- vations'of this kind. It will be seen, therefore, that these are not vital, and may not be so important as we have thought them. CHAPTER XL GENETICS With a clear understanding of what has been said regarding the division of chromosomes, in maturation described in a former chapter, and the discussion of interpretations in Chapter X, we are in a position to understand the terminology of heredity, genetics, and Mendelism, which is met with quite commonly in modern biological literature. While genetics really means the "origin of things" it has come to be used as the name of that science which studies the ways and means by which minor inheritable characters can be judged. It must never be forgotten that to inherit anything from one's parents in the biological sense, means that the "something" which is inherited must already be present in the egg of the mother, or the sperm of the father, or in both these germ cells at the time the egg is fertilized. Every factor that may influence an organism, which is not already present in the gametes, is due to environmental conditions and cannot be said to be inherited. At this point we must also remember the distinction made in a former chapter that germplasm and somatoplasm are entirely separate and distinct. Mendelism, or rather Mendel's "law," merely means that each char- acter that we may inherit must be considered as a single unit; that is, we must not think of 'a child as inheriting its father's hair because it has dark curly hair like its father, but we must think of darkness in color as one character of inheritance and curliness as another; for, a child may inherit the darkness in color from his mother and the curliness from his father. Thinking in terms of unit characters will throw much light upon many of the interesting problems of life. We may thus account for one artist, for example, having a very decided sense of form and another of color. It is now generally conceded by biologists that acquired character- istics are not transmitted to the offspring. We know, however, that brothers and sisters of the same family differ from each other in many respects. We know that no two leaves of grass are exactly alike; in other words, that all living things springing from the same parents vary somewhat from each other. It is the purpose of genetics to find the mechanism by which such variation takes place and then to be able to apply the knowledge thus gained toward bringing about the types of variations one wishes. Every variation represents a single unit charac- ter or a combination of these unit characters. One may use as an exam- ple the various species of cattle. Cows of a certain breed may produce 166 GENERAL BIOLO<;Y a very rich milk but not a great quantity. Cows from another breed may produce great quantities of less rich milk, while those of still an- other breed living in the tropics may be more or less immune to heat and tropical disease. If one wishes to bring cattle into a rather hot clime, it will, therefore, be to one's advantage to obtain that breed which will produce the greatest quantity of good rich milk and likewise be able to withstand the great environmental change necessitated by re- moval from a temperate or cold clime to one of great heat. We have already seen that the inheritable characters are contained within the chromosomes. The definite factors, whatever they may be, which carry the unit characters within the chromosomes are called genes. From our knowledge, at the present moment, of the way the chro- mosomes divide in cell division, and the way they throw off one-half of their number during maturation just before 'fertilization so that fer- tilization can again restore the regular number, we are led to believe that no unit character can be inherited unless a gene from the father and a gene from the mother unite in the chromosomes. We may say, for example, that all the unit characters which any individual can possibly inherit are contained within the chromosomes of the germplasm of its parents ; that each chromosome may contain thou- sands of genes which may occur in any combination, the individual him- self actually inheriting only those unit characters which happen to be the result of the particular gene of paternal and maternal chromosomes which met at the time of fertilization. To make this clear let us assume that a white and black guinea pig are mated. The whiteness and blackness that we see, lie, of course, in the somatoplasm ; but, in order that either color be inherited, there must bf» £enes in the chromosomes of the germplasm which determine the sor^atic character of whiteness and blackness. We know that if a black guinea pig is mated with another black guinea pier, both of which are in turn the offspring of an entire race of black animals, that only black guinea pigs will be produced. However, if a black and white animal mate, the offspring are really half-breeds, in regard to their germ-cells, though their somatoplasm may show some variation in color. We, therefore, assume, from the experimental evidence obtained through breeding experiments of many kinds, that in order to produce a black animal, both the paternal and maternal genes, which carry the determi- nation of color, must have carried blackness. In the production of a half-breed, one of the genes determining color must be white and the other black. (Fig. 82.) In other words, two genes always meet to produce any character sufficiently powerful to be carried on, in turn, through succeeding gen- erations, and the character which is thus carried on and which shows itself in the somatoplasm is called dominant. Blackness would thus be GENETICS 167 dominant when a white and black animal mate and produce half-breeds which are all black in color. However, as has already been stated, the color is only in the somatoplasm. It is important to remember that the gerrmlasm remains pure; that is, some of the eggs in the mother and some of the sperm in the father will be of the black variety and others will be of the white variety. To put this in other words, there will be no half-breed eggs or sperm. Whatever unit character shows up in the somatoplasm in animals of different breeds is said to be dominant, while that unit character which is present in the germplasm but is not seen in the somatoplasm is said to be recessive. In our example of the mating of a white and black guinea pig the offspring, though black, have white- ness in their germplasm even if it does not show externally in the somatoplasm. Blackness in this case is therefore dominant; white- ness, recessive. In their accounts of breeding ex- periments, geneticists use a formula to represent dominant and recessive genes. The capital letter represents the dominant gene and the small letter the recessive. In the example we have been discussing, the capital letter — B — would represent the gene which carries blackness, the domi- nant color ; and the small letter — w — will represent the gene carrying the recessive white. The formula in our example of a halfbreed black and white, therefore, is — Bw — . In those cases where pure blooded blacks would meet with pure blooded blacks the formula would be BB, while in the breeding of two pure whites the formula would be WW. It will therefore be noted that we may have the various formulas BB, Bw, WW, Wb, provided, of course, that a recessive black could be found. Wherever two genes are alike, so that either has BB, or WW, the resultant zygote is called a homozygote, while the organism resulting from a homozygote is said to be homozygous. If the two genes of the mating pair are different, such as Bw or Wb, the zygote is called hetero- zygote, the resultant animal being called heterozygous. It is, of course, quite common for the same animal to be homozygous for some charac- ters and heterozygous for others. Fig. 82. Diagram of two chromosomes, each square representing a gene. An insect, for example, with these two chromosomes would possess a 'normal wing, a minature wing, a rudimentary wing, and forked bristles. All these char- acters could be transmitted to the offspring. The insects' body and eyes, however, would be heterozygous. 168 GENERAL BIOLOGY The parents are often represented by the capital letter P. The first generation (which means the offspring from these parents) are repre- sented by the formula, F±. The offspring of F1 in turn are known as F2, and so on, the F representing a final generation. In many cases the various characteristics that the genes determine may be independent of each other, but, just as certain chemical elements have an affinity for each other, so there are various types of characters that often link themselves in the same way. This is known as linkage. Color of hair and the direction in which the hair grows, such as curli- ness, straightness, or whorls, are often linked. Then there are also cer- tain types of sex linkage by which we mean that there are certain char- acters such as plumage in fowls and eye-color in flies which are almost always concomitant with the sex of the individual. Much has been written on sex-determination in the past, though it is only recently that any progress has actually been made in this field. It has been found that sperm cells possess an extra or accessory chro- mosome (called an X-chromosome by American writers and a hetero- tropic chromosome by Europeans). (Fig. 30, A.) When such a sperm cell fertilizes an egg, a male is produced, while, when an egg containing a regular even number of chromosomes is fertilized by a sperm with an •even number of chromosomes, a female is produced. Interpreting these findings, of the cytologists, biologists now be- lieve that there is such an extra chromosome in both egg and sperm but that in the egg, this X-chromosome divides as do the others, al- though this division is delayed until some time after the other chromo- somes have divided in the maturation divisions. This means that the X-chromosome of the sperm is really a double chromosome which fails to separate during spermatogenesis and consequently goes over to one of the two sperm-cells entire. Then, in some organisms this X-chromosome has actually been seen to be made up of a larger and a smaller portion, while in the female of the same species both parts of the chromosome are of equal size. When the accessory chromosome is thus divided into two parts of different sizes, the smaller is called the Y-chromosome. It follows from this, that if unit characters are carried by the genes of the X-chromosome, all organisms in which the sperm carry an X-chromosome, must necessarily transmit the characters of the X-chro- mosome to the female offspring only, while females can transmit them equally to all offspring. Similarly in those organisms in which eggs may lack one chromosome, the female can transmit characters only to their sons, while males can transmit to their offspring of both sexes. This is the explanation of sex-linked transmission as shown in men who are color-blind. Such men transmit this defect to their daughters, and the daughters can in turn transmit it to all of their sons and daughters. GENETICS 169 There are exceptions to this. A usual sex-linked character, such as color-blindness, is sometimes transmitted from father to son directly. This is explained by Bridges as being due to what he terms a "non-dis- junction" of the sex-chromosomes in the polar divisions of the egg dur- ing the maturation division. In other words, such a non-disjunction may come about by the two X-chromosomes in the egg pairing, but then failing to separate, so that either both remain in the mature egg or both are extruded with the polar bodies. In a study of parthenogenesis (virgin-birth) further evidence is brought forth in regard to the function of the X-chromosome. For example, there may be one maturation division without a reduc- tion of chromosomes. In this case the single polar-body and the egg nucleus will both contain the diploid number of chromosomes. This is quite common in the Crustacea and a few other forms. Or, there may be two polar divisions, after which one of the polar bodies reunites with the egg nucleus. Here, again, the full number {diploid number) of chromosomes are found. Or, in some forms (Hymenoptera and the male-producing eggs of Rotifers) two polar divisions really take place, which reduce the chro- mosomes to the haploid number. If these eggs are unfertilized, they give rise to males. Such eggs already have only half the full number of chromosomes. Consequently in their germ cells, in turn, there is no further reduction. The first spermatocyte division in these is really suppressed. If the eggs are fertilized they produce females. In those Hymenoptera where there are two divisions, but the chro- mosomes divide at the equator and not longitudinally, the diploid num- ber is retained and females are usually produced. Various other evidences of great value and interest will be found in the books on Cytology mentioned at 'the end of this chapter. The diagram of the chromosome-cycle of Phyllaphis coweni (Fig. 83) will throw light on this subject. The top group shows a fertilized egg with four ordinary chromo- somes and two X-chromosomes. Three lines of descent pass downward from the egg. On the left, this line of descent leads to a female which will produce a sexual egg. The central line of descent leads to a female which will reproduce parthenogentically, and on the right the line of descent leads to a male. The second and third groupings from the top represent the meta- phase groups as well as the diagrammatic anaphases of three eggs, of which the left and middle will produce females, the right a male. In the female-producing eggs, the X-chromosomes divide at the equator and not longitudinally ; while in the male-producing eggs they pair and separate so that the male has only one X-chromosome. The fifth grouping from the top at the left, is the metaphase group of the first polar division of the sexual egg. All the chromosomes are 170 GENERAL BIOLOGY paired. Below this, the anaphase of the first, and the telophase of the second polar division, leaves three chromosomes in the egg. The fifth grouping on the right is the metaphase group of the first spermatocyte division with paired regular chromosomes and a single X-chromosome. Below this, the diagrams of the first (unequal) and the ,;,::-:;•,; :,-;..., :.,;'" a I Ml Fig. 83. Diagram of chromosome-cycle of Phyllaphis coweni. See text for explanation. ( After Doncaster. ) second (equal) spermatocyte divisions, leading to the ultimate sperm- cell with three chromosomes and a small degenerate cell with two. When the egg and sperm again unite in fertilization, the original six chromosomes are restored and the egg is again as we see it at the top. From what has been said, it can be plainly seen that in all organ- isms where there is an X-chromosome, this extra particle (as it does not GENETICS 171 . divide as do the other chromosomes) must result in some sperm-cells having an even number of chromosomes and others an odd number. For example, let us say there are 21 chromosomes in the original germ-cell from which the sperm is to develop. One of the newly form- ing sperm would possess ten and the other eleven chromosomes. The regular somatic number of chromosomes in such an organism would be twenty-two. The egg will, therefore, regularly divide and throw off eleven to obtain the haploid number. Those eggs which are then fer- tilized by a sperm containing ten chromosomes become males (as the diploid number in such a case would again be twenty-one) and those eggs fertilized by a sperm containing eleven would possess the full somatic number of twenty-two chromosomes and become a female. This means that in those cases where there are X-chromosomes, the odd chromosome never pairs in the maturation division with another chromosome, nor does it produce a tetrad. It simply passes undivided to the daughter sperm. References : L. Doncaster, "An Introduction to the Study of Cytology." W. E. Agar, "Cytology." W. E. Castle, "Genetics and Eugenics." East and Jones, "Inbreeding and Outbreeding." CHAPTER XII. ANIMAL PSYCHOLOGY In no branch of study is the student confronted with more difficul- ties in the way of separating fact from interpretation, and explanation from description, than in the field of Animal Psychology, and this, not- withstanding the fact that Animal Psychology owes its entire value to its ability to explain and not -to describe. The tendency of the human mind to read into -an animal's actions the same motives and reasons that cause man to react in a similar man- ner is difficult to overcome. In fact a definite word, anthropomorphism, is in common use among psychologists to describe just this tendency to humanize animals. Still, the only way we have of interpreting the behavior of an ani- mal must be in terms of human understanding, for we have neither lan- guage nor imagery which can bring to us the sensations, emotions, and driving force of an organism so totally unlike ourselves as an insect, for example. As one writer has said, anger with us is always associated with an increase in heart beat and a more rapid breathing, and our nerves are all "set on edge," but an insect has a totally different set of blood-ves- sels, an entirely different breathing apparatus and a different nervous system. What are its accompanying sensations when it feels angry? In fact, a wasp often bites off its own abdomen when angry. How can we, when our respective organisms are so unlike, know much about how< such animals feel? Further, all of us have observed that probably most plays and nov- els hinge their plot entirely on some misunderstanding. If human be- ings, who have a common language to make themselves understood, are so frequently misunderstood, how much more will we not misun- derstand and misread the actions of animals entirely unable to tell us anything in terms which are understandable to both? It is for reasons of this kind that many throw up their hands in despair and insist that we never can know anything at all about the animal mind, but that if we wish to establish an animal psychology anyway, there is only one way to go about it, and that is, merely to study the behavior in the laboratory under set conditions so that we can learn just how each animal reacts to a given stimulus. Such a method assumes that all animals of the same sex, of the same age, in the same state of health, will always react in exactly the same way when the same stimulus is applied under the same conditions. We shall go on from this point a little later, after the student un- derstands several important terms. ANIMAL PSYCHOLOGY 173 Objective and Subjective are two of the most important. The for- mer is the term applied to all things which come under the senses. That is, a thing is objective when it can be observed and measured in the laboratory. It is anything, in other words, which occupies space. Sub- jective refers to those things which make no observable difference in space and which cannot therefore be measured in terms of the rule and scale of the laboratory. For example, changes in the mental world, such as thought and feeling, are subjective. In the classic sense, sub- jective means the act of mind itself or what is in the mind, while ob- jective refers to the matter with which the mind works. An illustration of these two terms as they are commonly used comes to mind. Suppose a neurologist were to examine the optic nerve and the optic centers of the brain of a student while the latter is reading a letter. The neurologist could probably tell that the optic nerve and center were functioning, but he could never tell what the latter con- tained, nor could he see what emotions were called forth in the mind of the student. The movement in the nerve and nerve center would be objective, while the emotional impression made on the student would be subjective. Not only would the neurologist be unable to observe the emotional impression made upon the student, but he would be unable to tell why certain vibrations which, as far as observation goes, are all alike, should produce sensations of red or green in one case, and another color in another case. All our emotions, longings, ambitions, thoughts and ideas, as long as they remain mental states, are subjective, while when they express themselves as acts they become objective. Psychology is the study of the subjective world. The word Pschyology (Greek psyche=soul+Logcs=discourse) actually means the -study of the soul, but. since laboratory methods have come into ex- istence in psychology, and laboratory men think only in terms of meas- urable substances, it is commonly said to be the study of mental phe- nomena. Since the laboratory methods of studying everything objectively under set conditions has made its way into psychology, the workers in this field have become divided into various camps or schools. First, come the Behaviorists, who insist that the results of mental activity are actions and reactions to given stimuli, and it is only these results which can be measured, and which, therefore, may validly be used as data on which to form any theories of the mental life of animals. Second, come the Introspectionists, who follow the classic method of antiquity. They insist that the only real way of studying mental life is to introspect — to look into our own mental life and try to understand how and why we do what we do under varying conditions. They insist that we must analyze our own thoughts, motives, and emotions, and then if an animal 174 GENERAL BIOLOGY has an organization quite like our own, we may validly assume that it, too, functions somewhat like our own. Since extremists on any side of a discussion are likely to go astray, it is always best not to confine oneself entirely to following any single group to the exclusion of another. To be fair, one must use anything and everything that will throw light on the problem one is trying to solve. The word Mind is another confusing term. By the older writers it was used to designate the personality of an individual. That is, if one say with Descartes "I think" therefore "I exist," the "I" which does the thinking and which does exist is the true personality, the true mind. Or, one may note that it is quite common to dream that one hns died and attends one's own funeral. That which can look at its own physical body as the physical co-partner of the true ego — of the individual's per- sonality— is the mind, or as the older writers called it — the soul. Not only do we here see a distinction of the ego or personality proper, as mind, but we also note that the mind is separate from the thoughts which the mind brings forth. We can, therefore, understand these writers when they tell us that the brain is in turn the organ of the mind, but not the mind itself. The average laboratory man will have little* of this, however. He insists that mind does not exist as distinct from thought and emotion. He means by mind the whole "stream of consciousness" of the individ- ual— all thoughts such as one has ever had, plus all one's emotions, such as pleasures and pains — accumulated experiences of the individual, in other words. The laboratory men do, however, admit two divisions of this mental life, namely, consciousness (awareness) and feelings (emotions or affec- tions, such as pleasure and pain). The student can understand these two divisions easily if he -will think of breaking a bone in his body. It is one thing to know (be con- scious of) that the bone is broken, and another thing entirely to feel the pain it may cause. The idea of a difference between the mind and the physical body containing it, leads us to note the distinction between mind and matter. Those who accept this distinction are called dualists. Great conflicts have been waged by the learned of all times as to which is the more important of the two — mind or matter — and which was first upon .the scene of existence. Some have contended that mind (spirit) came first, and this, then, was the cause of the physical universe (matter). Such contenders are known in philosophy as spiritualists. Others contended that matter was first on the scene, and that mind was late in its arrival, because it is only an emanation of some kind from the physical. That is, mind is something like the secretion from ductless glands which we know little about, but which we know to exist. Such ANIMAL PSYCHOLOGY 175 men are called materialists. Yet another group insisted that as mind and matter are always together, neither may be given the preference. Both are different sides of the same coin. Each thought-wave is always associated with a nerve-wave of some kind, and neither can -exist with- out the other. Such men are called monists. It will be seen that the term "monists" is applied to this group because they do not accept a dualism in life. These different groups of contenders attack psychological problems with different prepossessions. The spiritualist is likely to call himself an interactionist in psychology, the materialist a behaviorist, and the monist a parallelist. As it makes a profound difference to a patient as to which one of these theories his physician holds, the student must know what each term means or he will be totally unable to pass judgment on the many and conflicting discussions which are ever coming before him. The interactionist holds that the state of mind of an individual can and does influence his physical being and vice versa. An example of this is a man worrying over financial losses, whose body becomes run down until disease clutches him. The behaviorist insists that only a definite physical reaction, meas- urable in the laboratory, is valid data on which to base a scientific con- clusion, and that until the individual mentioned above shows a definite measurable reaction, there is no change which we as scientists can use or accept. The parallelist, insisting as he does that both the mentality and the physical organ which is associated with it are different sides of the same thing, must necessarily consistently claim that the mind is totally un- able to influence the body and the body totally unable to influence the mind. In fact, one of their prominent writers says that one may as well expect a piece of beefsteak put into a sausage machine to come out a moonlight sonata as to expect either body or mind to influence each other. It is therefore only the interactionist who can consistently speak of nervous and mental diseases, and who can consistently use both physical and psychic remedies. At this point we may consider what is commonly designated as* structural and functional psychology. Structural psychology concerns itself with (1) the general organi- zation of an organism, (2) the general organization of its nervous sys- tem, and (3) the organization of the specialized nerve parts such as the eye, ear, nose, etc. Functional psychology is interested in (1) the general way an or- ganism reacts (discrimination), (2) whether the organism can modify its action (docility), and (3) in how many ways and in what way its behavior will vary (initiative). 176 GENERAL BIOLOGY Again the student must be cautioned not to let. one side of a prob- lem cause him to discard much that is of value in opposing schools of thought. Just as those who are primarily interested in nothing but anatomy are likely to leave out important functional causes in a disease, so those primarily interested in physiology are likely to forget the structural ele- ments which may contribute points of tremendous importance. All schools of science have been drilling into the student the sup- posed "fact" that "Structure determines Function," but since the very recent work of Carey, who converted unstriated bladder-muscle of a liv- ing dog into living heart-muscle by simulating heart conditions in the bladder, we must insist that function has just as important a part in changing and determining structure as structure has in determining function. However, we must not forget that even in the case just mentioned,, the substance to be changed was already present and must have pos- sessed the potentiality of change before it could be worked upon. With this introduction we can the better understand the two ways in which the study of comparative psychology is approached by the modern laboratory worker. First, we may take a highly developed indi- vidual, such as man, and after analyzing his mental-world, apply the knowledge thus gained to the lower forms, or Second, we may follow up, step by step, the increasing learning- ability on the part of all phyla of animals, beginning with the unicellular and passing upward through an ever-increasing scale of ability. It is this second method which seems to have found most favor with animal psychologists. But, in reading works on animal psychology, one is always con- fronted with a great confusion of terms. In fact, one finds here the same difficulties that confront the student in any of the biological sci- ences. The first workers in all these fields were philosophers, and were interested primarily, and sometimes only, in the human family. The terms, therefore, which these men used, although worked out with great precision, applied only to man. The newer writers took many of the older labels and placed them on new bottles, so to speak. This has caused a world of confusion, not only to new students, but to many well versed in language and litera- ture. Such words as Mind, Intelligence, Reason, Memory, Consciousness,, Sensory or Associative Memory, Instincts, and Reflex Actions, are some of the terms which the student must use, and which have many con- flicting meanings in modern literature. It is imperative that the student obtain a clear and concise definition of these terms and use them only in this restricted sense. Then only can he understand the meaning which different writers assign these words, and then only can he know ANIMAL PSYCHOLOGY 177' whether they are calling other things by the same name or giving dif- ferent names to the same thing. We shall have to speak of Instincts immediately, so it is well to- begin with this term. Instincts are defined as inherited tendencies in an organism which cause protective reactions when harmful stimuli are applied. For example, a frog, even after both cerebral hemispheres are removed, will still scratch the part of its body to which a drop of acid is applied, and it will even snap at and swallow a fly if placed on the tip of its nose. Again, a fly will walk, fly, and clean its legs and wings, after its head is entirely removed, and the writer has kept a decapitated cat alive for many hours by artificial respiration and caused it to per- form many instinctive actions such as scratching itself, waving its tail, etc. In order to understand Reflex Action, it is first necessary to know the meaning of a Nerve Arc (Fig. 84). This latter is merely the entire nerve-path over which an impulse passes to a nerve-center and out again to a muscle cell. It must, therefore, consist of the nerve-ending of a sensory Fig. 84. Diagram of the path of a . . 11-11 • " simple nervous reflex action. nerve (receptor) through Which the inV pulse is received, the sensory nerve-fiber which carries the impulse to the nerve-center to join at this point with a motor-nerve fiber which in turn carries the motor impulse to the motor-nerve-ending (affector). This motor-nerve-ending is always located in some muscle fiber. The textbooks often speak of a nerve-arc, as "a perception with a motor impulse." A Simple Reflex Action is one that passes over such a simple nerve- arc without first passing to the higher nerve-centers, or, we may say, one which does not come into the consciousness of the individual in whom the action takes place. Such a Reflex Action is, therefore, purely physical. There is no need of assuming any mental state or sensation as an accompaniment. When an individual is born, his nerve arcs are set in some form or another, so that with one individual the same stimulus will cause quite a different reaction, than it will in another. But, just because these nerve-arcs are set in the way they are, the same nerve-arc will always react in the same way to the same stimulus, if all other condi- tions are equal. For example, a child may have grown accustomed to saying "I is" for "I am" and have said it so often that it finds it very difficult to correct itself. Now, if we constantly force the child to use the form "I am," the particular nerve-arc which carried the "I am" re- action will become relatively stronger than the one which carried the reaction "I is," and then, and not until then, does the latter phrase be- come a sort of second nature of the child. 178 GENERAL BIOLOGY So, too, a puppy that has the vicious habit of snapping at pass- ers-by, can be made to react differently by giving him a whipping sev- eral times, immediately after he does the undesirable act. In both these cases memory enters, but only a simple sensory mem- ory (association memory) which has little to do -with any thought The impulse (inner stimulus) in the puppy to snap, is great, and so the "snapping nerve-arc" carries the impulse and the snapping is done; but the punishment which has been meted out has set up an impulse of an opposing nature, and as soon as this latter becomes the stronger im- pulse, the puppy has been trained. We may say in this case, that the puppy has the desire to snap, and the nerve-arc which carries this snapping-impulse begins to function ; but the whipping has caused a new nerve-arc to function at the same moment, so that a third nerve-arc, that of inhibition, comes into play and the animal does nothing. This is quite similar to the reaction of persons in hypnosis. Here an individual is told he cannot bend his arm. The impulse not to bend the arm is just as strong as the one to bend it, and so no movement takes place. An impulse is denned as an inner stimulus. It is well to bear in mind the foregoing paragraphs as these show the possibility of two opposing impulses and even two opposing reac- tions taking place at one and the same time over different nerve-arcs. Often we read of lower organisms possessing discriminating powers of various kinds which can be interpreted in quite different ways from what the writer of such an account would have us believe. We need only remember that there can easily be one set of nerve-arcs function- ing for the acceptance of food and another set for the rejection of it, so that it depends on which set carries the stronger impulse as to whether the animal accepts or rejects the food. It is by no means necessary to assume any discriminating ability. There are also Complex Reflex Actions making use of several nerve- arcs, sometimes often forming regular chains of reactions. In these cases, the result of one stimulus sets up another, and so on. In fact we call such continued setting up of stimuli reflex chains. As an exam- ple we may refer back to the frog whose cerebral hemispheres have been removed. If we place a fly on the tip of its nose, that stimulus sets the ''snapping" nerve-arc functioning. Then as the fly is taken into the 'mouth, a new nerve-arc causes a swallowing impulse, which sets up re- actions of still other nerve-arcs which in turn cause the digestion glands to pour out digestive substances. It will be noted that such reflexes are quite useful to the animal, and it will be remembered that our definition of instinct called attention to the protective value of inherited nerve-arc actions. Instincts may be deferred. That is, they may not be observable at ANIMAL PSYCHOLOGY 179 birth, but come forth only later in life when various glands begin to pour out secretions which affect many parts of the body. It is often stated that instincts are the "inherited habits" of the in- dividual's ancestors. This was Lamarck's idea. But this cannot be, because many animals lay" their eggs before they themselves have de- veloped the later characters, which the offspring possess. Consequently the young would have to inherit a habit that the parent was going to form later. This is somewhat like saying that because both a mother and her daughter are divorced, the daughter inherited her divorce from her mother. While instincts are made up of reflexes, the reflex proper is said to affect only one part of the organism while instinct affects the entire body. That is, we should say the winking of the eye, when danger threatens, is reflex, while running way from the danger is instinctive. Instincts really consist of inner driving forces which make the ani- mal possessing them restless until the instinctive act is performed. However, we must remember here also that just as with the impulses already mentioned, there may be conflicting instincts. In such cases the stronger will come forth. Or both may be equally strong, so that no action at all will take place. Recent psychology often speaks of tropisms. As we have seen from our study of former chapters, a tropism is a movement of some kind on the part of a living organism. Those who wish to interpret all action of living organisms in terms of physics and chemistry are fond of using this term. Such men prefer to cast the term "instinct" to the four winds of heaven and explain everything in physico-chemical terms. They in- sist that a caterpillar climbs to the end of a twig on account of the chem- ical change in its body that is caused by hunger, let us say. New chem- ical molecules and adjustments are forming, and this makes one part of the body lighter than another, so that the laws of physics enter and the heavier part will be followed by the lighter in going downward, or a chemical affinity of some nature will draw the chemical substance of the animal toward it. After having eaten the tiny bud on the twig, a new chemical change takes place and so the animal must, whether it will or not, obey the next chemical and physical change and descend from the twig. Dr. Vernon Kellogg, recently in this connection, called attention to a scientific friend who explained to Dr. Kellogg that the reason he took a corner seat in a restaurant was due to a primeval impulse which made him want to have his body in close contact with the wall. But, as Dr. Kellogg says, the reason he chose that particular seat was be- cause he had made an appointment to meet a friend there. As the principal test of an animal's mental ability is the rapidity with which it learns, we must know what Learning means. Learning means the ability on the part of a living organism to vary its actions according 180 GENERAL BIOLOGY to some definite plan which will show that it has profited by past ex- perience. In this connection one is also confronted with difficulties as in other fields. Suppose one is attempting to see wheth'er an animal can distinguish between colors and then learn to go to one hue rather than to another. Suppose now, that the animal does not show any more inclination of going toward one color than toward another. This by no means proves that the animal cannot distinguish, or is unable to learn, that there are two colors. It may mean nothing more than that colors make so little difference to the animal that there is no reason (motive) for his choosing one rather than the other. In such an instance the ani- mal's reaction to both colors would be identical, and one could prove little or nothing from its behavior. Another animal may be thought unable to learn because it tries a problem a few times and then ceases to react at all to the stimulus. This may be due entirely to fatigue on the part of the organs used, and not to inability to learn. That is, the nerve receptors may become dulled or tired by new stimuli which are foreign to the animal in its native career. Or again, some sensation may be pleasant to an animal only if sec- ondary factors are present, such as the taking of food only when fmngry or when the body is in good health. But surely the rejection of food does not mean that the animal either can or cannot discriminate between foods. We often will not eat one kind of food, while another is relished, or we often will just as readily eat ice-cream, candy, or fruit, and show just as much desire for the one as for the other, but this certainly does not mean that we do not know the difference between these three types of edibles. Then, too, the state of health makes a tremendous difference in what an animal will choose. Dogs and cats eat certain plants at certain times but at other times they will not touch them. But do they not know the difference between these plants and other food? Then, too, an animal may be trained to do certain things, but sup- pose it does these things without having been trained. Can one not argue as well that the animal merely stumbled upon doing the act, and then doing it often, the nerve-arcs became fixed and the animal can no longer help itself? It is now a habit. Habits are but acts performed by fixed nerve-arcs. The question may arise as to what difference there would be be- tween psychology and physiology if all we are to study consists of nerves and reactions. Really, there would be no difference in content of the two sciences, the difference would consist in emphasis. The psychologist lays stress on emotions, feelings, etc., and the physiologist on the simple observable reaction which follow a given stimulus. The psychologist, in other words, wants to know how the animal feels and ANIMAL PSYCHOLOGY 181 what it has in its consciousness when a stimulus is applied and its ac- tions are changed. We have seen in our study of past chapters that the unicellular Paramoecium has only two simple reactions, namely, a backward and forward movement, while the vertebrate frog can move in many and varying ways in order to get out of haim's way. Probably all animals can learn. That is, they can be taught to make some change in their behavior, but the rate of speed with which they can learn probably be- comes greater as we ascend from lower to higher phyla. The same may be said of the complexity of the problems to be learned. All animals and children when left to themselves learn whatever they do learn by what is called the trial and error method. This simply means that they try something and if this is unpleasant or painful, they try something else. Contrariwise, if a reaction produces pleasure, it is done again and again until it becomes a habit: All learning, no matter what it may be, must, however, be based on instinct in its widest sense. That is, the problem presented must be something which can be solved by making use of some instinctive behavior of the animal upon which we wish to experiment. For exam- ple, a cat can be placed in a closed box in which there is a lever, which, when pressed, will open a door. Now, cats are excitable and when excited will begin to leap about. This is an instinctive action. If, while leaping about, the animal strikes the lever and the door opens, it can be trained, by enclosing it often enough in the same or a similar box, to press the lever without going through the leaping first. Learning, then, really means profiting by past experience. But no profiting by past experience is possible unless such past experience ia remembered. Now, such memory by no means must be a definite think- ing out of a past event and then sitting back and saying "I will" or "I will not do this again." Most physical experiences, even in man, are merely non-conscious functioning of nerve-arcs. Neither men nor the lower animals do any thinking in regard to these simple or complex- chain-reflex-actions. It is a mere association of one stimulus starting another and is called, as already stated, sensory, or associative memory. There may, or may not, be an awareness of doing an act at the time it is being done. That is, there may be consciousness not only of the fact that an act is being performed, but there may also be an awareness of pleasure and pain, accompanying it, though there is little proof that a definite thought — that is, reasoning — is performed, and that it is then due to such reasoning that changes of action are made. These learning acts are in all probability due only to sensory memory. An example comes to mind. We have all heard some one tell of a horse that knows when Sunday comes, that being the only day when the animal does not come out of the stable to be harnessed as soon as its master appears. 182 GENERAL BIOLOGY But does this show that the horse can count up to seven and has a sort of mental calendar on which he checks off the days? By no means ! All it may mean is that if a horse works six days in the week, there is a certain feeling of tiredness which has become associated with it, just as a blind man can tell by his "feeling" how many blocks he walked and where it is time to turn without counting the blocks. We can then conclude that all animals may be conscious to some extent; that is, they may be aware of their actions, although this has nothing to do with reasoning — with thinking. The veteran experimental psychologist, the late Professor Wm. Wundt, said, "Animals never think and humans but seldom," and most animal psychologists hold to this dictum, if, by "reason" is meant true thinking, that is, a weighing of two or more sides of a problem and then by a definite mental act decide or conclude what is to be done. In other words, thinking means to use abstract ideas and to form conclusions. There are many writers who mean by the term "thinking" only an ability to profit by past experience, so we must always find what an author means by his terms before we attempt to pass judgment on what he says. Others likewise speak of "Intelligence" which should mean only the ability to think, as any associative memory. This is really placing old labels on new bottles and is very confusing to the student who wishes to know both the past and the present of his science. The desires of the different men in animal psychology must also be taken into consideration when reading their respective works. There are those who wish to show that there is no real difference between man and the lower animals. These insist that man has nothing distinct from the lower animals except language, but that man's seeming difference in the .mental world is only a little greater development of animal charac- teristics. Language by them is often said to be the cause of man's greater mental ability in that he can by this means write down his find- ings so that others may profit by them. Those who hold that- man is something separate and distinct from the animal, call attention to the fact that language but expresses thought, and one must have thought before he can develop a language, rather than language being the cause of thought. These men also insist that there is no proof that any animal has ever "reasoned" out a prob- lem in the way mentioned in an earlier paragraph, and therefore no ani- mal lower than man can be said to have any "Intelligence" in the classic sense. These latter men would say that hundreds of thousands of cats, dogs, and even apes (which are considered the more intelligent animals) are very fond of warm places. Such animals have lain before hundreds of thousands of open fires and enjoyed the warmth. They have seen their masters keep the fire aglow by placing fuel upon it, and yet not in a single instance has any animal drawn the very simple conclusion ANIMAL PSYCHOLOGY 183 that it is the fuel which keeps the fire going, and has, therefore, placed (without being taught), a single stick of wood on the dying embers. Not only this, the child when it grows up teaches others, and our schools and colleges are all arranged for the sole purpose of making a young man and woman at an early age know what it would take a very old person centuries to learn by personal experience. No animal is known to teach another a trick which it itself has learned from a third individual, unless, of course, the act is instinctive and would have been learned anyway. Whether one thinks of man as but a more highly developed lower animal, or whether one looks at man as a being apart, all agree that, man can reason, whether he often does or not. All agree that man has larger brain-hemispheres of finer texture than organisms on a lower scale ; that he has an upright posture and a more delicate hand ; that he can use tools, and has the foresight to be able to raise his own food and to live in cold climes by understanding the use of fire ; and above all that he is set apart from other creatures not only in having a lan- guage, but in also having a knowledge of what he should and should not do — in other words, that he has a moral sense. So, too, all are agreed that the trial and error method of learning shows infantile or animal intelligence and not human intelligence. All education, all colleges and universities have been brought into existence to present principles, that is, to present a mental and cultural gauge, so that each individual need not try out every detail of experience for himself; but, by learning the principles and laws which govern nature,, he can sit back and "figure out" or " reason out" whether a given con- clusion can or cannot be true. This is just as workable in the political and religious world as it is in the scientific. Here is shown the difference between the educated and the uneducated man. One must not feel hurt or surprised if an edu- cated man, knowing his principles and his laws, laughs at one who pro- poses a problem or a solution of a problem which can be seen to be erroneous immediately. The uneducated man cannot understand or see this until it has been tried and found unworkable. From what has been said in this chapter, if we wish to be sure that we are right, we must be sure of what a writer means by his terms; we must be sure that we are not reading too much of our own thoughts into an animal's acts ; we must be sure that we are consistent in our interpretations and that if we explain an animal's behavior in terms of tropisms that we must also interpret man's in much the same way; we must insist that the observer who is attempting to convince us that his theories are correct, has a scientific training and knows how to distin- guish all these things of which we have been speaking. That is, he must be able to separate fact from inference. We must insist that he be intimately acquainted with the habits of the animal he is discussing, 184 GENERAL BIOLOGY so that he will not assume, for example, that an animal, like many in- sects which have an instinctive impulse to cover up obstructions, is showing great intelligence when it covers up a minute stream and thus forms a bridge and crosses it; we must insist that he know the past experience of the particular animal he is discussing so that he will not confuse an associative memory with true intelligence ; we must insist that he has no personal affection for the animal and thus wants to make it "show up" well ; and lastly, we must insist that he do not let his de- sire to tell a good story gloss over important details and leave out others. References : John Watson, "Behavior an Introduction to Comparative Psychol- ogy-" M. F. Washburr, "The Animal Mind." S. J. Holmes, "1 he Evolution of Animal Intelligence." Eric Wasmann, "Instinct and Intelligence." CHAPTER XIII. INTERMEDIATE ORGANISMS One of the interesting findings of biology is that it is sometimes impossible to distinguish between certain plants and animals in some of the lower forms. The classic example of this is the plant-animal Haematococcus consisting of a single cell and moving about by flagella. It will be remembered that Euglena viridis has chlorophyl in the body and is classified as an animal. One of the great and outstanding characteristics of plants" is that most of them possess chlorophyl if they grow in the light, and that they are capable of manufacturing their own food by virtue of this fact. (See Chapter on the Chemistry of Living Matter.) Pleurococcus (Fig. 85) commonly studied in the laboratory is a close rela- tive to Haematococcus. It is a one-celled organism found commonly on the north . side of trees, moist rocks, and wooden fences, dull green in color, and powdery when dry. When moist it becomes brighter in color and slimy to the touch. It is found in practically every part of the world on the shady and moist sides of the objects mentioned above. Under the microscope it is found that this substance consists of thousands of tiny single-celled organisms to which the name of Pleurococcus has been given. There is a definite cell wall and a nucleus. The chloroplast, however, obstructs a view of the nucleus in the unprepared cell. The organism reproduces by simple fission and has a tendency to form clusters or colonies usually of from two to ten or twelve cells. When this occurs the cells assume a more or less irreg- ular shape due to the pressure of the adjoining cells. The nucleus lies near the center of the cell and contains one or more nuleoli. The net- work of the nucleus can also be distinguished. In the cytoplasm will be found the chlorophyl-bearing organ or re- gion called the chloroplast. Due to the chlorophyl this will appear bright green, but if the cell be placed in alcohol the chlorophyl will be dissolved out leaving the chloroplast grayish. It is important to note the distinction between the chloroplast, which is a living organ of the proto- plasm, and the chlorophyl, which is simply the green pigment contained in the chloroplast. Fig. 85. A. Pleurococcus. B and C. Haematococcus Cells. (Greatly magnified.) 186 GENERAL BIOLOGY Photosynthesis. In the final analysis every particle of food an animal eats must come from and through the plant world. For example, when man eats a piece of steak, the animal from which it was taken lived either directly on plants or on other animals which fed on plant-life. Here it is well to appreciate the interesting way Nature has of keeping a sort of balanced quantity of all needed organisms, for the meat-eating animals or carnivores do not allow an overproduction of, plant-eating animals or herbivores, and are prevented from multiplying too rapidly by parasites in their own ranks, while much of the vegetable world is saved because animals eat each other. The thought of these facts has led to the statement that the impor- tant thing in life was to get enough to eat and to-prevent one's self from being eaten. The plants manufacture their own food from the substances they can extract from the surrounding soil and the air. Plants are there- fore not dependent upon other animals or plants for their food as ani- mals are. Those organisms dependent upon other living organisms for their food are said to be heterotrophic ( ) in nutrition while those which can manufacture their own food are said to be auto- trophic ( ) in nutrition. But only those plants which possess' chlorophyl are autotrophic. Therefore fungi, molds, and most bacteria, which are plants, but which have no chlorophyl, are heterotrophic; and, being obliged to live upon other organisms, they are parasitic ( ) or sapro- phytic ( ). Chlorophyl is either contained in a chloroplast, as already stated, or, in the simplest form of green plants, it is scattered throughout the pro- toplasm. Chemically "chlorophyl is a complex compound of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and magnesium ; its probable empirical formula is given by one investigator as Cr,4H72OBN4Mg. While not a constituent of chlorophyl, iron is always present in the chloroplast and seems to be essential to chlorophyl formation. Either in solution or in the living plant chlorophyl absorbs part of the light which falls upon it." The energy of the light thus absorbed by the chloroplast is what enables the plant to perform its work. As light is required this process goes on only during the day. "The materials from which carbohydrate food is manufactured by green plants are two in number, carbon dioxide and water. Carbon dioxide is present in the atmosphere in the small but constant concen- tration of about 3 parts per 10,000 parts of air, and is therefore readily available to such plants as the Pleurococcus. Water is absorbed directly from the substratum through the cell wall into the protoplast. The car- bon dioxide taken in is dissolved in the water in which it is readily soluble. While the exact steps in the process of formation of carbohy- INTERMEDIATE ORGANISMS 1ST drate foods from these substances are not yet clear, the essential facts are well established. The carbon dioxide and water are partially or com- pletely reduced to their elements, which immediately recombine to form a monosaccharide sugar (probably dextrose) with the freeing of oxygen. These two processes are represented by the reaction 6CO5-|-6H2O— C6H12O6-|-6O2. The oxygen is given off into the atmosphere through the cell wall. The sugar is the primary food of the plant, being the principal material used in the synthesis of other foods and in the pro- cesses of metabolism. When it is produced in excess of the immediate requirements a fur- ther reaction takes place by which some of the water is eliminated and the sugar is "condensed" into starch ; this reaction is n(C6H12O0) = (C6H1005)n+n(H20). "This starch is deposited in the chloroplast as granules or "starch grains" and forms a re- serve food supply for the cell ; in green plants kept in dark- ness the starch grains soon disappear ~ and reappear only after the plant has again been in the light for a considerable period of time. In some plants, e. g., Vaucheria (Fig. 86), the excess food is stored in the form of a fat or oil, but it is probable that here also the first food formed is a sugar. "This process by which car- bohydrates are manufactured in green plants is called photo- synthesis; its essential fea- tures are summarized as fol- lows: The materials used are carbon dioxide and water; the energy is obtained from sun- light absorbed by chlorophyl ; the chloroplast by the use of this energy brings about a chemical synthesis of the materials, resulting in the freeing of oxygen Fig. 86. I. Asexual Reproduction of the Green Felt (Vaucheria). A, formation and discharge of the large, many- ciliate zoospore from the terminal sporangium ; B, the zoospore showing the ciliated surface ; C, sec- tion through the surface of the zoospore showing the pairs of cilia above the nuclei and the layer of plastids beneath ; D, germination of zoospore ; E, young plant of Vaucheria, the two filaments having arisen at op- posite ends of the zoospore, one having developed an organ of attachment or holdfast h ; F, a group of plastids, the lower in process of division. (A, B, after Gotz ; C, after Strasburger ; D, E, after Sachs. ) II. Sexual Reproduction of the Green Felt (Vaucheria). A, Vaucheria sessilia ; o, oogonium ; a, antheridi- um ; 08, the thick-walled oospore, and beside it an empty antheridium ; B, Vaucheria geminata, a short lateral branch developing a cluster of oogonia and a later stage with mature oogonia o and empty an- theridium a ; C, sperms ; D, germinating oospore. (From Bergen & Davis "Principles of Botany" by permission of Ginn & Co., Publishers. C, after Woronin ; D, after Sachs. ) 188 GENERAL BIOLOGY and the production of a sugar, some of which is usually transformed into starch and stored in that form." There are mineral substances also necessary for the plant to carry on its life-processes such as magnesium and iron. Nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and sulphur are also required by most plants, al- though it is to be understood that there are very minute quantities of these in so simple a plant as Pleurococcus. The process by which proteins and fats are built up is not known in detail, but it is supposed to be due to the action of enzymes. The fats occur in Pleurococcus at those times when the plants become dry and are inactive or in a resting condition. At such times little or no starch is formed while fats are present in quantity. YEASTS The Pleurococcus just studied, though a simple single-celled plant, is quite complex when compared with a yeast cell. The yeast cell is merely a small mass of granular cytoplasm with various vacuoles scat- tered about. These vacuoles must not be mistaken for nuclei. Often there are little buds (Fig. 87) on the side where a new cell is forming, :•'-.'•?••;• ViVvf Fig. 87. Yeast Cells. n, Nucleus ; v, vacuole ; a, ascms. Fig. 88. Various Forms of Bacteria. a, Spirillum \ b, Bacillus typhosus ; c. Staphylococcus ; d, e, j, h, Micrococcus ; f, k, I, Bacillus; g, Pauedomonas pycocyanea; i, strep- tococcus. (From G. Stuart Gager's "Fundamen- tals of Botany," by permission of P. Blakis- ton's Sons & Co., Publishers.) and sometimes three or four cells will form surrounded by a single wall, in which case the outer wall forms an ascus ( ), and the cells contained therein are ascospores. The nucleus may be shown by special staining processes. Yeasts have been called organized ferments because fermentation is actually associated with the life of the yeast-cell. That is, there are enzymes within the cell (intracellular) which act through the living protoplasm which produced them. They are not poured out as in the saliva or the pepsin (extracellular). This power of producing fermentation possessed by yeasts is still retained even though the plant itself be killed with alcohol, ether, or acetone. So, too, the bacteria which cause lactic acid in milk may be apparently killed, thus losing their power to perform any of the normal vital actions such as growing and dividing, and yet be able to produce lactic acid. INTERMEDIATE ORGANISMS 180 Yeast reproduces by budding [(also called gemmation) ( )]. A valuable study by the great French bacteriologist, Louis Pasteur, has shown that various inorganic substances could be made into a fluid and if the yeast cells were placed therein they could utilize it for growth and reproductive purposes. This ability to use and manufacture new substances from wholly inorganic matter sets the yeasts apart as being a sort of intermediate grouping between even the lowest plants and the inorganic world. Yeasts must have oxygen, however, to carry on their work, the anaerobic ( ) bacteria are the only exception among living organisms in not needing oxygen. It must be remembered that the yeast cell is an organism and is already existent, only making use of these inorganic substances by con- verting them into proteins and carbohydrates, by virtue of the chemical enzymes within the yeast cell itself. Yeasts work at temperatures from 9 to 60 degrees C. When fer- mentation takes place, as in bread, the temperature is raised during the fermentation process by the release of energy. Yeast secretes an enzyme which is a sugar ferment. This enzyme may, for example, convert starch into sugar, although yeast "utilizes only about 1% of the sugar, and decomposes the remainder into carbon dioxide and alcohol. The reaction of the fermentative decomposition may be expressed as follows : Sugar Alcohol Carbon dioxide C6H1209 2C2H80 + 2C02 It is the production of these two by-products that makes yeast com- mercially important. Yeast produces the same reaction in the sugars of cider and wines, and in the metamorphosed starches of the cereal grains, that are chiefly used in industry in the production of alcohol. The carbon dioxide is also utilized in the making of bread. Yeast is mixed with the dough, and, fermenting in it, evolves the carbon dioxide gas, which "raises" it, making it porous, and improving its digestibility and flavor. "If a little fresh yeast be sown in a bottle of Pasteur's solution (or even in a 15% sugar solution made with tap water, which will be likely to contain enough of the mineral salts for considerable growth), and kept in a moderately warm place, within twenty-four hours abundant growth will be evidenced by the increasing turbidity of the liquid, and by the taste of the alcohol in it and by the odor of the escaping carbon dioxide* arising from it. It may be demonstrated by examination of a drop of the fluid with the microscope." *A simple chemical test of the presence of CO2 in the escaping gas may be made by thrusting a glass rod with a drop of lime water suspended on it into the mouth of the culture bottle. The calcium oxide (CaO), of which lime watf-r is a solution, readily unites with free carbon dioxide to form a white precipitate of calcium carbonate CaCO3 (CaO -|-COa=CaCO3) which may be seen to form in the drop. 190 GENERAL BIOLOGY BACTERIA It is common to hear discussions regarding- germs of various kinds. Such discussions usually pertain to all those plants and animals which are likely to cause disease. Bacteria, however, refer to very minute plant organisms classified under the chlorophyl-less fungi (mycetes), under the general grouping of schizomycetes ( ). While most diseases are probably due to, or associated with bac- teria, very few bacteria, relatively speaking, cause disease, the great ma- jority of them being of undoubted value to other living organisms. There are three general shapes after which bacteria are named. The bacillus is rod-shaped (b, f, k, 1, Fig. 88), the coccus (c, d, e, f, h, Fig. 88), (sometimes micrococcus), is berry-shaped or spherical, and the spirillum is spiral-shaped or merely curved something like a comma (A, Fig. 88). Bacteria may be so small that only many thousands together form a spot sufficiently large to be seen under a high power microscope, or they may be of relatively large size. That is, they vary from less than 1 micron (the measurement used in microscopy, meaning 1-1000 of a millimeter, or 1-25000 part of an inch) to 30 or 40 microns. It has been estimated (Migula) that there are 1272 distinct species of bacteria. Not only do bacteria vary according to shape, but as to their method of growth under varying conditions of temperature and surrounding substance. Bacteria may possess cilia or flagella and move quite rapidly. They reproduce by simple binary fission. The spirillum and bacillus divide at right angles, usually lengthening slightly before division. Cocci may divide in different planes and various names have been assigned to them on this account. If they divide into two parts but remain attached they are called diplococci ( ). If they continue dividing in one plane in this way but remain attached so as to form chains they are called streptococci ( ), if they divide in two C-. \ e\ f *M' «8>?. ^*t ' •? *aM? «** Fig. 89. Various Groupings of Spherical Forms of Bacteria. a, Tendency to lancet-shape; b, coffee-bean shape; c, in packets (sar- cina), d, in tetrads; e, in chains (streptococcus) ; /, in irregular masses (staphylococcus). Magnified 1000 diameters. (After Fliigge. ) INTERMEDIATE ORGANISMS 191 planes they are called staphylococci ( ), and if in three, sarcina ( ). ( Fig 89.) Sometimes the protoplasm of bacteria breaks up into a number of bodies within the cell. These bodies are called endospores ( ). The value of this breaking up is supposed to be similar to that of encysted amoeba ; namely, to permit the organisms to await some more favorable feeding period and environment. During this spore state bac- teria are very resistant. The sterilization of various substances in the laboratory takes spor- ulation into consideration, so that when a substance is to be sterilized, it is placed in a temperature of 50 or 60 degrees C. for several days in succession, rather than at a higher temperature at one time. This per- mits the spores to germinate. As spores are hard to kill while in the spore-state, but readily succumb when placed in a 50 to 60 degrees C. temperature after germination, it wrill be seen that this intermittent sterilization is the best method so far known. "Fischer divided bacteria into three groups, according to the na- ture of their metabolism. (1) Bacteria which are like the green plants in requiring neither organic carbon nor organic nitrogen. These are the so-called prototrophic bacteria, which possess the remarkable property of being able to build up both carbohydrates and protein out of carbon dioxide and inorganic salts. (2) Bacteria which need organic carbon and nitrogenous compounds. These are called the metatrophic bacteria. (3) The paratrophic bacteria which live as true parasites and can exist only within the living tissue. This group cannot manufacture its own food and is like other animals in this respect. The metabolism of bac- teria may then show all of the phases already described for green plant cells and for animal cells as well as certain additional phases. The food is absorbed directly through the cell wall and is as varied as is their habitat. There seems to be no form of organic substance living or dead that may not serve as a source of food supply for bacteria, so that the enumeration of their foods becomes practically impossible. A special phase of the metabolism of bacteria is illustrated in their relation to nitrogen compounds. Nitrogen in an uncombined state cannot be used as food energy by most plants. It is obvious that the amount of am- monia, nitrites, and nitrates would soon become exhausted unless there were some way of supplying more of the nitrogen compounds. Many of the soil bacteria are prototrophic in habit and carry on the important work of combining the free nitrogen into a form that can be used by other organisms. The several nitrogen combinations are effected through the agency of several kinds of bacteria. There are also bacteria which live in the roots of certain plants, like clover, beans, and peas, which are able to utilize the nitrogen of the air. All of the higher forms of plants and all of the animals are dependent upon microscopic bacteria for their nitrogen. It would be very strange if the character of meta- 192 GENERAL BIOLOGY holism which is so fundamental in living things should be essentially different in bacteria; it probably is not, and so the usual steps in assimi- lation and dissimilation may be assumed to take place in bacteria. Dur- ing this process enzymes are utilized and toxins produced." Bacteria increase with marvelous rapidity by becoming larger in size, followed by a division of each organism into two. If each of these divide every half hour, in twenty-four hours a single bacterium will have become something like 17,000,000 individuals. It can be seen quite readily that such a tremendous increase in so short a time means that vast quantities of food must be at the bacteria's disposal, or the organ- isms themselves must die. If they are then in the body of an animal, the effects of the poisons produced by their dead bodies may be an im- portant factor in injuring the host. However, comparatively few types of bacteria are pathogenic. Most of them have some useful function. They are the chief agency . in decomposition and decay by which they help to restore organic ma- terials into the general circulation of na- ture's economy. Bacteria spoil food and rot substances which then become soil fertilizers ; they sour milk and ripen cheese; they break Fi*' 90RoX^dM(cS£.°n the down tissues in disease, and aid in diges- i, section of ascending branches; tion. They, therefore, do much that makes 6, enlarged base of stem ; *, root- ... tubercles containing bacteria. life in the higher organisms possible, while at the same time doing many things which cut that life short. While it was only after microscopes were invented that bacteriology could become a science, still it has always been known that acid solu- tions and salt solutions keep food from spoiling and that heavy sugar solutions do the same. Thus it was possible to pickle and preserve foods and to make jellies. Bacteria require heat and moisture for their growth, so that fruit and meats can be dried, and by preventing one of the important factors for bacterial life from being available, such meat can be preserved for great periods. Drugs and chemicals which prevent the growth of bacteria are known as antiseptics. Thus, wine was used as an antiseptic by the an- cients which they poured on wounds. We use alcohol to-day instead of wine. In agriculture there are certain soil-bacteria which produce tiny INTERMEDIATE ORGANISMS 193 galls ( ), commonly known as tubercles (Fig. 90), on the roots of clover and other leguminous ( ) plants. These serve a very important purpose in that they derive nitro- gen directly from the air and supply it to the clover. This makes it possible for clover to grow in soil very poor in nitrogen, while the over- production of nitrogen leaves the soil richer than it was before. The galls themselves are filled with rather large x- and y-shaped bacteria, easily seen under the microscope. These bacteria die, and the nitrogen which they contain is added to the surrounding soil, some- times directly, and sometimes through the intermediate plant to which it is attached. CHAPTER XIV. IMMUNITY Whether the study of biology be taken up by those who intend practicing medicine, or for general cultural purposes, the fact remains that all of us, at some time in our lives, require the se vices of a medical man. Likewise, all of us who make any pretense whatever at being college men and women feel, and rightfully so, that unless we can in- telligently follow at least the ordinary scientific articles appearing in various magazines and journals written for educated men and women, there has been some radical defect in our instruction. In view of the fact that practically all modern medicine is based upon the theory of immunity, neither the medical man, the medical stu- dent, nor the educated man at large, can intelligently discuss or intelli- gently understand anything that muy be told him regarding himself or the method of treatment suggested when disease comes to him, unless the theory of immunity is understood. The subject of immunity is rather difficult, in fact, probably one of the most difficult that confronts the first and second year student of biology ; but his ability to grasp and understand the theory is, in a way, a test of his ability at understanding and applying the knowledge he has gained in biology. As all coelomates have their bodies arranged as one tube lying within another, if one could draw out any coelomate body lengthwise, the outer part would appear as a tube with very thick walls, while the gastro-intestinal-tract would form an opening through the entire body. In fact the whole body would appear quite similar to an ordinary thick- ened gas pipe (Fig. 164). One can readily understand that the opening in the gas pipe is really subject to the same atmosphere and environmental conditions that the 'outside of the pipe may be. So, too, the intestinal tract with all its r»n refiner tVi^i-n f nrtViP>r- onrl bryo sporophyte (em.) tner alia developing in the ven- ter. ( After Schimper.) H c^r»n r^ finer tln^ivi furtViPn- o a separating tnem lurtner further Fertilization probably occurs in winter as young embryos are found in abundance in the spring. A film of wrater is needed for this purpose Fig. 114. The Sporophyte of the Peat Moss (Sphagnum). A., group of the sporophytes on stalks, which are really growths from the gametophyte. B., longi- tudinal section through a sporophyte, showing the large foot imbedded in the top of the stalk ; a., the remains of the parent archegonium. with the neck still present; s., a spore chamber; c., cover. (From Bergen & Davis' "Principles of Botany," by permis- sion of Ginn & Co., Publishers.) PLANT WORLD CONTINUED because sperm must swim to the neck-canal and pass through this into the venter. Here it enters the egg and the nuclei of sperm and egg unite. The fertilized egg now divides -by mitosis very rapidly, the upper cells form a large globular spore-case with a thick central column within known as the columella. This is surrounded by a dome of spores, around which the wall of the sporangium is formed. The spore-case later pushes against the wall of the archegonium by enlarging. The wall is then ruptured, the top portion remaining as the calyptra ( ), (Fig. 119), while the spore case later opens by means of a lid. The lower cells produced by the dividing oosperm becomes a swollen foot, which is imbedded in the tissues below. It remains connected with the spore- case by a short stalk. The structure which thus develops from the fertilized egg-cell is called the sporophyte (Fig. 114) stage of Sphagnum. In fact, all such simple plants which develop spores are called sporophytes. Simultaneously with the maturing of the sporophyte. the apex of the female branch elongates into a leafless stalk about half an inch or more in length, known as the pseudopodium. It is supposed that the reason that the pseudopodium and sporophyte grow thus simultane- Fig. 115. Antheridium of Pteris (B.), showing wall Fig. 116. Sphagnum sp. cells (a.), opening for escape of sperm mother cells (e.), escaped mother cells (c.), sperms A- B- .young protonemata ; C., older pro- free from mother cells (6.), showing spiral t™*™* wlt* Ieaj^ bud,' k- • r- »»**M»I and multiciliate character. (After Caldwell.) rhizoids. (After Campbell.) ously is probably due to the cells in the foot secreting a substance which stimulates the cells in which it is imbedded to divide and enlarge, result- ing finally in the formation of the pseudopodium. The advantage the plant gains is that the spore-case is raised to a higher plane and it can thus throw its spores much farther than would otherwise be the case. As Sphagnum possesses no chlorophyl, it does not manufacture its own food and must therefore live on the absorption of food-matter from the gamete plant through the foot. The spores themselves develop in the following manner. (Fig. 115.) In the spore-case the inner cells differentiate into two kinds, one making up the larger portion of the tissues, and the other larger and richer in protoplasm, forming a dome of sporogenous or spore-forming tissue near the upper wall. It is from this latter type of cell that the spore-mother-cells are developed. 220 GENERAL BIOLOGY These spore-mother cells are divided twice, thus producing four spores each, and it is these spores which eventually germinate and pro- duce the gametophytes. In ferns, we shall see that a quite similar process of spore formation takes place. 'During the time the spores are maturing, a circular groove, called an annulus, forms near the apex of the spore-case. The cells in this region have thinner walls than the surrounding cells. These cells later become dry, and the thinnest part becomes torn to form a lid or operculum ( ) at the summit of the spore-case. As the opercu- lum falls away, the sperm are dispersed. If they find suitable soil a short green proto- nema (Fig. 116) germinates The tip of the protonema broadens to form the prothallus wrhich is one cell in thickness. Tiny rhizoids ( ) form on the under side and from the margin, while other threads c o n t a i n i ng chlorophyl then develop. Often a thallus forms at the tip of each of these threads. From this thallus a leafy branch grows upward and the sphagnum plant de- scribed is again a full- fledged adult organism. The plant, from the time it germinates from the Fig. 117. Sphagnum Cuspidatum, showing innovation, or short, branches. ( After Schimper.) Fig. 118. I. The Sporophyte of a Common Moss (Funaria). A., young sporophyte s. attached to the leafy moss plant and covered by the calyptra cat. B., sporophyte with mature spore case sc. and calyptra cal. at the tip. C., spore case with calyptra removed ; o., the cover (operculum). D., a stoma from the surface of the spore case. E., section of young spore case, show- ing the cylindrical central region of spore-producing tissue sp. F., the spore-producing tissue in detail. (From Bergen & Davis "Principles of Botany," by permission of Ginn & Co., Publishers.) Fig. 118. II Developing Sporophytes of a Common Moss (Funaria). A, very young stage, showing the early cell divisions of the egg ; /?., older sporophyte just before the archegonium o. is torn away from the gametophyte and carried up- ward as the calyptra. The base of the sporophyte has now grown down into the tip of the leafy moss plant (gametophyte) and is firmly an- chored to it. (After Sachs.) PLANT WORLD CONTINUED 221 spore until the thallus develops, is the gametophyte. This is to be distin- guished from the adult plant which, as we have seen, is called the sporo- phyte. There is an asexual multiplication of Sphagnum also. This is brought about by a sterile branch developing more powerfully than the surrounding ones. Then, each year, as the old stern dies off below, the young branch becomes a new plant. Sometimes little plantlets, known as innovation branches (Fig. 117), strike root and be- come independent plants. These innovation branches spring from close to the tip of the sterile branches. The life-cycle of Sphagnum may be summarized as follows : OUTLINE OF LIFE HISTORY OF SPHAGNUM Sphagnum-plant (gametophyte) Antheridial branch Archegonial branch I I Antheridia Archegonia 1 1 Sperm (male gamete) Egg (female gamete) Fertilization I I Oosperm (zygote) I I Embryo I I Mature Sporophyte I I Sporangium I I Spore-mother-cell c c 0 ~ f Reduction Spore Spore Spore Spore ) I I Protonema I Thallus I Sphagnum-plant (gametophyte) 222 GENERAL BIOLOC.V Fig. 119. A Moss ( Tetraphia sp.) , showing gemmse ; G., a gemma enlarged. (From C. Stuart Gager's "Fundamentals of Bot- any," by permission of P/Blakiston's Son & Co., Publishers.) The so-called true mosses (Fig. 109) have life-histories quite like that of Sphagnum, although there are differences. In true mosses the protonema produces leafy branches (the true moss-plants), but it does not produce a thallus. The leafy branches arise directly from the fila- mentous protonema. True mosses are both monoe- cious and dioecious. There is no pseudopodium (Fig. 118), but the stalk of the sporophyte which is very short in Sphagnum, here elongates to form a seta, often more than an inch in length. The true mosses have little breathing pores called stomata at the base of the capsule. Sphagnum has the stomata, but they do not function. Chloro- phyl-bearing cells surround these stomata, so that in the true-mosses there is some food actually man- ufactured by photosynthesis. The sporophyte of the true mosses seems to occupy an intermediate position between Sphagnum and the next higher group of plants, the Ferns. . . There is an increase in sterile tissue as we approach r ., . . , the terns, and a decrease in fertile tissue in the sporophytes. From experiments so far performed it seems that every cell of the moss-plant can, like the tissue-animal Hydra, which we shall soon study, develop a protonema — that is, each cell is a poten- tial spore. Each protonema produces buds which become mature plants. There are certain species of mosses in which the leafy-shoot, and in others, the protonemata, give rise to a special type of small bodies called gemmae (Fig. 119), ( ), which "become sepa- rated from the parent plant and give rise to new plants. A comparison of Sphagnum and a fern (to be studied next) is of value here. The commonly known "fern-plant" is a sporophyte while the Sphag- num-plant is a gametophyte. The fern sporophyte is dependent on the gametophyte for nutrition, at first, then the sporophyte becomes entirely independent, while the simple gametophyte perishes. The Sphagnum sporophyte is the simpler plant and it is this sporo- phyte which must depend upon the gametophyte for nutrition through- out its entire life. Reproduction is quite alike in Fern and Sphagnum. Each produces haploid gametes of two sexes, which then unite in fertilization, the zygote being diploid. It is the zygote which produces the spore-bearing phase. The spores, which are in turn haploid due to a reduction having taken place, then give rise to the haploid gametophytes, so that we may sum tip the life-cycle in both Fern and Sphagnum by saying: Gametophyte PI.A.VT \YOKLD CONTINUED 22:} alternates with sporophyte, fertilization with reduction, gametes with spores, haploid cells with diploid. It will be seen from what has been said that this whole group of plants shows a differentiation of cells into tissues, while in the higher forms leaf-like structures appear. Then the rhizoids (specialized ab- sorbing organs) are developed, and the plant tissues themselves contain chlorophyl. It is supposed that bryophytes have evolved from aquatic forms to land forms and consequently, as parts of the plant have dried, various structural adaptations ( ) have been brought about. . ^ PTERIDOPHYTES These are the Ferns (Fig. 120) and their allies in which the dis- tinguishing feature is that these plants possess nearly everything that thallophytes and bryophytes possess, plus a conducting or vascular system. These plants are supposed to have arisen "from a bryophyte ances- try where the sporophyte (sexless) generation, in some plants capable of doing chlorophyl work, developed a root system and vascular tissue, and taking the land habit, became independent of the gametophyte. This was one of the most important forward steps in the evolution of the higher plants, for it gave the sporophyte complete freedom to live and grow to its maximum size. This change marked a turning point in plant evolution, for, after the sporophyte became the most complex and conspicuous phase of the life-history, the gametophyte grew less prominent, until in the seed-plants the sexual generation became actually dependent or parasitic upon the asexual generation. This is a relation which is exactly the reverse of that which exists between the gameto- phyte and sporophyte in the liverwort and mosses." "After the sporophyte became independent of the gametophyte, the next important advance was the development of the lateral spore-bear- ing and vegetative organs called fronds ( ). Then came the differentiation of the frond into vegetative leaves, given up entirely to chlorophyl work, and spore-leaves (sporophyls) devoted chiefly or wholly to spore production. With this also, came the massing of the sporophyls into cones, which was really the beginning of the structures called flowers in seed plants." The pteridophytes have underground stems (root-stocks or rhizomes) so that only the leaves appear above ground. There is a terminal bud at the tip of the fern-stem. The rhizome bears true roots and its tissues are differentiated into epidermal, fundamental, mechanical, and conducting systems. In the tropics there are tree ferns, many of which have been found among the fossil plants. The spore-cases grow in groups called son ( ) on the underside of the leaves (Fig. 121). As the annular ring about 224 GENERAL BIOLOGY each individual spore-case dries up, that side which is thinnest and has become dried most, splits open, throwing out the spores. There are usually 64 in each sporangium. These spores drop about the moist earth and grow into a minute plant, by first absorbing moisture, and then as the osmotic pressure becomes too great on the inner portion of the spore it breaks, sending out a tiny tube (Fig. 122). This process is called germination ( ). Then a smaller tube ap- pears close to the spore body, but from the tiny tube, mentioned above, B D Fig. 120. The Ferns and Their Allies. A. Fern plant (Aspidium), showing roots, rhizome, and frond: A., section of fruit dot (sorus), showing spore cases, some of which are ejecting their spores; B., portion of a leaflet, showing unripe fruit dots ; C., portion of a leaflet, showing ripe fruit dots. (After Strasburger. ) B. Order I. Salviniales (Floating Allies of ferns). Salvinia natans. C. Order II. Equisetales. Branched Equisetum. Equisetum Funstoni, com- monly called "Scouring Rushes," as distinguished from the "Horsetails" (also called Equisetales). The stems of Horsetails die each year and the fruiting cones have no terminal point. D. Field Horsetail, showing buds and tubers. E. Order III. Lycopodiales (Club-mosses). Common Club-moss, Lycopodium clavatum. F. Order IV. Isoetales (Quillworts). Braun's Quill wort, Isoetes echinospora Braunii. (A, after Stra^burger : B to F, from W. C. Clute's "The Fern Allies," by permission of The Frederick A. Stokes Co.) PLANT WORLD CONTINUED Fig. 121. A., a leaflet of the frond viewed from be- low to show the position of the sori. B., de- tails of the sori and veining on a portion of a leaflet. C., section of a sorus ; t., indusium ; a., sporangia. D., a spore case or sporangium, snowing the opening from which the spores (sp.) have been discharged; r., ring. (From Bergen & Davis' "Principles of Botany," by permission of Ginn and Co., Publishers.) and this is the beginning of the root-like bodies, the rhizoids, which are to hold the plant in place and absorb moisture and food material from the ground. This minute plant developing from the spore is called the prothal- lium ( ). It is often heart-shaped with a portion just posterior to the notch called the cushion, several cells thick, and the outer part called the wings which are only one cell in thickness. Near the notch of the heart, close to the cushion, several flask- shaped bodies, the archegonia are formed. Each archegonium contains an egg cell. Among the rhizoids are the sperm gonads called anthe- ridia ( ). Many tiny motile cells are found in the antheridia at maturity, but as these are dis- charged and find a small amount of moisture they reach the egg and fertilize it. It will thus be seen that here, too, as in the mosses, there is an alter- nation of generations, the ordinary Fern being the asexual plant and the prothallus the sexual. SPERMATOPHYTES This group includes the plants which bear flowers like the rose and lily, as well as such flowerless groups as the pines which have their re- productive organs in cones or clusters, and are by no means so conspicu- ous as are those contained in a real flower. Two older groupings of these higher plants are : Phanerogams ( ). (The flowering plants.) Cryptogams ( ). (The non-flowering plants.) This grouping is one that came into existence before the sexual processes of plants had been studied to any extent, and so is not accu- rate, because the so-called hidden processes of the Cryptogams is in reality more evident than those of the complicated Phanerogams. As the seed is the all-important part of a plant from the reproductive point of view, the name spermatophyte has become popular. Seed plants, like Ferns, are sporophytes, though there is a gametophyte generation in their life-history, but it is so reduced in structure that it is quite difficult to see. The seed must, therefore, be studied. It can readily be understood that the seed having a hard covering, which is wonderfully adapted for a protective purpose, lends itself well 226 GENERAL BIOLOGY S VON . ; , Fig. 122. I. The Fern Prothallium and Archegonium. A., stages in the germination of the spore. B., young prothallium, showing first appearance of wedged-shaped, apical cell x. C., tip of prothallium beginning to take on the heart-shaped form ; x., apical cell. D., mature prothallium, showing group of archegonia on the cushion just back of the notch, and antheridia further back: rh., rhizoids. E., an open archegonium with egg ready for fertilization, and two sperms near the entrance of the neck. (A., B., C., E., after Campbell; D., after Schenck.) II. The Antheridium and Sperms of a Fern (Onoclea) . A., small prothallium with many antheridia an. : s., old spore wall. B., antheridium, showing cover cell c., ring cell r., and basal cell b., inclosing the sperm mother cells. C., antheridium opening. D., sperms. (After Campbell.) III. Diagram of a cytological life-cycle, based on a hypothetical fern with four chromosomes in the sporophyte. The nuclear phenomena are based on those of the thread- worm (Ascaris) . Each chromosome is designated by a characteristic mark so that it may be traced throughout the diagram. (After R. F. Griggs). £o long vitality, and makes it possible for the embryo to develop so far within its protective covering that it can take root and establish itself r.eadily when the time is ripe. Then, too, the seed is a storage organ oi condensed food for the embryo. •j(uorjrhe pollen grain of seed plants produces a male gametophyte which bears either sperm or sperm nuclei. -ojjj-Jn the ovule of seed plants there is a megaspore which produces an sac in which the egg is formed. The pollen grain produces an PLANT WORLD CONTINUED 227 Fig. 123. — Morphology of typical monoco- tyledonous plant. A, leaf, parallel-ve ned ; B, portion of stem, showing irregular distribu- tion of vascular bundles ; C, ground plan of flower (the parts in 3's) ; D, top view of flower ; E, seed, showing monocotyledonous embryo. (From C. Stuart Gager's "Funda- mentals of Botany" by permission of- P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Publishers.) Fig. 124. — Morphology of a typical dico- tyledonous plant. A, leaf, pinnately-netted veined ; B, portion of stem, showing concen- tric layers of wood ; C, ground-plan of flower (the parts in 5's) ; D, perspective of flower; E, longitudinal section of seed, showing dico- tyledonous embryo. (From C. Stuart Gager's "Fundamentals of Botany" by permission of P. Blakiston's Son & So., Publishers.) outgrowth or pollen tube which penetrates the tissues surrounding the egg and thus the sperm is carried to the egg, fertilizing it. Seed plants are commonly divided into Monocotyledons ( ) example, lilies, corn and grasses. (Fig. 123.) Dicotyledons ( ) example, beans and cotton. (Fig. 124.) The drawings of various stem cross sections will illustrate the dif- erence in the structure of the two types of seed plants. (Fig. 125.) Angiosperms. — In this type of plant the ovules are produced in a closed ovary composed of one or more carpels ( ). The ovules become seeds, and the carpels and surrounding parts are what constitute a fruit. This fruit may consist of the ripened ovary only, or it may include the calyx ( ) and receptacle also. As no seed can be formed unless the reproductive organs, stamen 228 GENERAL BIOLOGY Fig. 125. A. — Diagrammatic Cross-section of Stem of Indian Corn (endogenous or Monocotyledonous Plant), cv, fibro-vascular bundles; gc, pithy material between bundles. B. Diagrams of stem sections (exogens or dicotyledonous plant). a, cross-section of chickweed stem, the inner circle representing the cambium ring, the two radial lines indicating the portion enlarged in b ; e, epidermis ; h, hair ; c, cambium-separating between p, phloem and w, woody portions of bundles ; v, spiral vessels in the woody portion ; x, pith and y, common parenchyma of bark ; c, segment of a sunflower stem ; p, parenchyma ; 6, bast fibres ; s, sieve tube ; c, cambium ; g, vessels, pitted and spiral ; h, wood fibres ; d, one year, and e, four year old woody stems, illustrating the increase of vascular bundles. (From Needham's "General Biology" after Wettstein, by permission of The Comstock Publishing Co.) ( ) and pistils ( ) are present, these are called essential organs, and plants having both in a single flower are called perfect flowers, while those having only one or the other essential organs are called imperfect. If a flower possess in addition to the essential organs a calyx ( ) and a corolla ( ), it is called a complete flower. All of these parts are better understood from a study of Figure 146 than from any description that could be given. PLANT HISTOLOGY A correct understanding of plant tissues can, however, come only from a knowledge of how such tissues develop. Just as we shall soon see, hydra (because it is composed of tissues only) can regenerate almost any portion of the body, so, too, the early embryonic substance of plants is all quite alike, and can develop into many and varying types of cells. This early undiffer- entiated embryonic plant tissue is known as meristem. It is from this meristem that t Three Growth Zones, showing the SO-Called primary tiSSUeS develop. HOW- arrangement of the Fundam n- , , , i -1 11 1 tal Tissue Layers in roots and ever, in the early embryo, even while all the stems, i, Dermatogen zone. 2, 11 ., 1-1 -, • .11 Periblem zone. 3, Plerom zone. cells are quite alike, it is possible to suggest (After c w. Baiiard's a division into three zones (Fig. 126), in each °* PLANT WORLD CONTINUED 229 of which certain particular structures will ulti- mately grow. The diagram shows an outer, or dermato- gen region, a more interior or periblem region, and an innermost, or plerom region. It is in the dermatogen zone that the first covering- tissues develop, while the periblem zone gives rise to the covering-tissues of the mature plant. All other structures arise in the plerom zone. The original cell-masses which constitute the three zones mentioned above, are known as fundamental tissues up to the time the pri- mary tissues can be seen. Fig. 127. A, longitudinal section through the root tip of spiderwort, showing the plerome (pi), surrounded by the periblem (p) , outside of peri- blem the epidermis (e) which dis- appears in the older parts of the root, and the prominent root-cap (c). (After Land.) B, diagram of a root hair : CM, cell membrane ; CS, cell sap ; CW, cell wall ; P, protoplasm ; N, nucleus ; S, soil particles. Fig. 128. Arrangement of the Pri- mary Tissues in the Root. 1. Epidermis. 2. Hypodermis. 3. Primary Cortex. 4. Endodermis. 5. Xylem bundle. 6. Pith. 7. Phloem bundle. (After C. W. Bal- lard's "Vegetable Histology." Cour- tesy of John Wiley and Sons ) . In the dermatogen of the root, three distinct primary tissues de- velop. The outermost layer at the root-tip (Fig. 127) is the root-cap. This becomes thickened and protects the more delicate structures as the process of growth forces the root-cap through the soil. The epidermal cells above the root-cap give rise to root-hairs, which are important absorption organs. Above that portion of the root, which is covered with root-hairs, there are thick-walled epidermal cells. These form the primary epi- dermis. In the periblem zone there are also three primary tissues. (Fig. 128.) The layer bordering on the primary epidermis is known as the hypodermis ( ). This layer is made up of thick- 230 GENERAL BIOLOGY walled cells which are usually angled. The layer joining the plerome zone is the endodermis ( ). The cells in this layer are also thick-walled and resemble those of the hypodermal layer. Between hypoder- mal and endodermal layers there are several layers of cells which constitute the primary cortex or cortical parenchyma ( ). The cortical parenchyma is made up largely of undifferentiated original periblem tissue. It is in the plerom zone (Fig. 129) where the most striking changes in the cell walls take place. Groups of cells have their walls thickened by the deposition of lignin ( ), which forms the growth in a. dicotyledonous stem fibrous elements that give strength to the plant. Such fibrous elements are known as prosenchyma ( ). The con- Fig. 129. Diagram to illustrate secondary which takes place in the plerome zone. R, the first-formed bark; p, mass of sieve cells ; ifp, mass of sieve cells between the original wedges of wood; fc, cambium of ducting elements are developed in the midst wedges of wood ; ic, cambium be- cells ; fh, wood of the original wedges ; ifh, wood formed between wedges ; x, earliest wood formed ; (c). (After Land.) tween wedges; b, groups of bast of theSC Hgnified Cells. Each group of Hgnified cells, together with its associated ducts .constitutes the xylem ( ). This is usually arranged in a very definite order in the plerom region. There are other cells forming tubes, also in the plerom zone. The end walls of these cells are perforated. These form the sieve tubes. Each group of sieve tubes with its asso- ciated companion cells, parenchyma cells, and Hgnified tissue, constitutes the phloem ( ). These bundles are also often ar- ranged in a very definite order. The Hgnified cells of xylem are called wood fibers (Fig. 130), and the Hgnified cells of phloem are called bast fibers. Xylem and phloem are made up of both fibrous and vascular (con- ducting) elements to form fibre-vascular bundles. The xylem and phloem are located in a circle near the outer boundary of the plerom region, and as they begin to develop, usually alternate with one another. As there are narrow strips of unchanged plerom parenchyma ex- tending between the fibro-vascular bundles, (Fig. 131) these strips present the appearance of rays, and consequently are known as PLANT WORLD CONTINUED 231 Fig. 130. Types of Wood and Bast Fibers. A, cross section of bast fibers from stem of Aristolochia Sip/io showing stratification. B, Portion of bast fiber, showing oblique striation. C, Portion of bast fiber show- ing transverse striation. D, Bast fiber from the bark of Cinchona Calisaya, showing longitudinal striae and small tubes connecting the lumen of the cell with the exterior. (From Bastin's "College Botany." Courtesy of G. P. Engelhard & Co.) medullary rays, while the unchanged parenchyma in the center of the plerom is the pith. In many orders of plants it is these primary tissues which remain with but little change, through- out life, but in the higher orders these primary tissues change to secondary or permanent tissues. (Fig. 132.) The epidermis is re- placed by a bark structure which originates in the periblem region. Some of the primary cortical cells become meristematic, thus constituting the cork cambium or phellogen ( ) ; these cells subdivide rapidly to form a new tissue on their outer surface, the cork, and on the inner surface, phelloderm. Bark is everything outside of the true cambium (not the cork cam- bium), excluding the cambium and epidermis. The phellogen retains its meris- tematic power throughout the entire life of the plant so that new pro- tective tissues can keep pace with the internal growth. The primary nbro-vascular bundles consist of xylem and phloem, but in the change to secondary structures, a meristematic tissue called cambium ( ) develops in connection with these. The cambium develops on the outer face of the xylem (Fig. 133), and on the inner face of the phloem, so that the cambium arc on each xylem bundle produces xylem on its inner face and phloem on its outer side. Similarly, the cambium arc on the phloem bundle develops xylem on the inner side and phloem upon the outer. Fig. 131. Medullary Rays and Pith. A, Pinus Virginiana, cross section of two-year-old branch. P, pith ; x, wood, show- ing two annual rings ; cam, cambium ; ph, phloem ; r, resin-ducts in the cortex. B, Pinus insignis, cross-section of the inner part of the wood. P, pith ; t1, primary tracheae ; ta, secondary tracheids ; r, resin-ducts ; m, medul- lary ray. (From D. H. Campbell's "A Uni- versity Text-book of Botany," by permission of The MacMillan Co., Publishers). 232 GENERAL BIOLOGY Fig. 132. Arrangement of Secondary Tissues in Roots and Stems. 1. Peridem (bark). 2. Phellogen. 3. Phelloderm (bark). 4. Phloem elements. 6. Cambium. 6. Xylem elements. 7. Medullary rays. Compare with Fig. 129. (After C. W. Ballard's "Vegetable Histology." Courtesy of John Wiley and Sons). This causes each fibro-vascular bundle now to consist of xylem and phloem elements, separated from each other by a thin strip of cam- bium. Such bundles which have been completed by the cambium are called complete fibro-vascular bun- dles, while those not so completed are known as incomplete fibro-vas- cular bundles. (Fig. 134.) As the cambium continues growing constantly, the plerom parenchyma becomes almost en- tirely replaced by xylem. The new fibro-vascular bundles develop in the broad primary medullary rays. The stem and root development differ somewhat. There are no root hairs or root-caps on the stem. The primary stem epidermis often possesses stomata (breathing pores) while the root does not. The parenchymal cells of the stem often contain chloroplasts which the parenchymal cells of the root never Fig. 133. Diagram showing the Method by do. Then, too, the root has no hypo- wh^sth0en Srt^^f B^^L^ dermis (mechanical tissue immedi- bc the cells J^ES??'*. cambium ceih: ately underneath the epidermis), vac, the wood ceils. There is usually no endodermis in the stem though there is in the root. The plerom zone of primary stems differs considerably from that of primary roots both in the arrange- ments and development of tissues. All fibro-vascular bundles in the plerom region of the primary stem are complete, showing phloem, xylem, and cambium elements throughout their entire period of growth. This means that the primary fibro-vascular bundles of the stem are really equivalent to the sec- The primary stem structures Fig. 134. Completion of Fibrovascular Bundles. F, Completed fibrovascular bundle. 1. Xylem elements. 2. Cambium. 3. Phloem ele- ments. (From C. W. Ballard's "Vegetable Histology," Courtesy of John Wiley & Sons). bundles of the ondary bundles of the root, described above serve throughout the life of the plant only, if such plant is an annual. In perennials ( ), a better and more durable covering tissue must be developed. In these the primary epidermis is replaced by periderm tissues which have been produced by a phellogen which in turn developed in the primary cortex. The peri- derm of stems is often ruptured and cast off as the inner tissue expands. This does not occur in roots. When such casting off takes place, the PLANT WORLD CONTINUED 233 primary periderm is replaced by secondary periderm which develops directly from the original phellogen or secondary phellogen layers. The hypodermal and endodermal layers disappear as soon as the phellogen is formed in the primary cortex. The primary fibre-vascular bundles become larger by new xylem and phloem ele- ments being added by the cambium and the cam- bium arcs extend until they become a complete ring or circle. New fibre - vascular bundles form in the broad medullary rays extending between the original bun- dles while new woody ele- ments are being added to the xylem. These woody elements, however, never entirely replace the original plerom tissue in the center of the stem. This unchanged central plerom tissue is the pith. As the plerom paren- chyma is entirely replaced by woody tissues in roots, the presence of pith is val- uable in distinguishing stem from root. The secondary or per- manent stem tissues are often divided into parenchyma ( ) and prosenchyma. Parenchymal cells may be found in all three zones of the embryo. They have thin walls and protoplasmic contents. Prosenchymal cells are formed in the plerom region of the embryo. They have thick walls, and the protoplasmic contents are very inconspicuous or even entirely lack- ing. While these distinctions are by no means absolute, they are of great importance. Further, prosenchymal cells are usually spindle- shaped while parenchymal cells are more inclined to be spherical or cubical with rounded corners. (Fig. 135.) The final tissues are usually grouped according to their functions. They are: Fig. 135. A. Early undifferentiated cells known as Embryonic or Meristem tissue. B. The secondary (permanent) tissues are divided into parenchyma and prosenchyma. The former have thin walls and protplasmic contents. They are found in the undiffer- entiated cellular structures of all three zones in the embryo. They are usually spherical in shape, or at least "as broad as they are long." Prosenchyma cells are formed in the Plerom region of the embryo. They have thick walls and little or no cell content. The cells are usually long fiber cells with sharp-pointed ends. a. Transverse Section, Triticum Rhizome. 1. Epidermis. 2. Hypodermis. 3. Cortical parenchyma. 4. Endodermis. 5. Fibers, surrounding sieve and ducts. 6. Sieve. 7. Ducts. 8. Concentric fibrovascular bundle. 9. Pith parenchyma, b. Powdered Triticum Rhizome. 1. Epidermis. 2. Hypo- dermis. 3. Parenchyma, longitudinal view. 4. Endodernvis. 5. Fibers. 6. Vessels. (From C. W. Ballard's "Vegetable Histology," Courtesy of John Wiley & Sons). *Xylem and phloem both carry water, but the former carries food material as such, while the latter carries food in the water. 234 GENERAL BIOLOGY Covering or Protective Tissues. (Fig. 136.) Epidermis and peri- derm. Supporting or Mechanical Tissues. (Fig. 137.) All fibrous tissues, such as wood and bast fibers, stone cells (schlerenchyma), polygonal cells with very thick cellulose walls, especially thick at the angles (collen- chyma) which take the place of woody tissue in annual herbaceous or green stems, fruits, seeds, and leaves. Collenchyma is usually associated with the fibrous tissues in the midrib of leaves. Fig. 136. Epidermal Tissues. A, Sectional views of Leaf Epidermis. 1. Upper epidermis, Ficus leaf. 2. Lower epidermis, Ficus leaf. 3. Upper epidermis, Eucalyptus leaf. 4. Epidermis of Pine leaf. 5. Upper epidermis, Orange leaf. 6. Upper epidermis, Geranium (Pelargo- nium), leaf. E, epidermis. H, hair. B, Surface views of Leaf Epidermis. 1. Hepatica leaf (wavy walls). 2. Chima- philla leaf (beaded walls). 3. Henbane leaf ( v/avy and striated walls). 4. Senna leaf, angled cells). 5. Convallaria leaf (beaded walls). (From C. W. Ballard's "Vegetable Histology,'' courtesy of John Wiley & Sons.) Absorption Tissues. (Fig. 138.) Root-hairs for liquids, and stomata (openings usually on the underside of leaves surrounded by two sausage-shaped guard-cells) and lenticels (openings in the periderm or corky coverings of mature woody plants). Conducting Tissues. (Fig. 139.) Ducts (tracheae are continuous tubes formed by the absorption of the connecting cell's end-walls, and the disappearance of the cell contents.) These tubes may be pitted (when there are numerous pores through the cell wall), reticulate (when the lignin laid down on the inner side of the cell wall is in the shape of a network), scalariform (when the non-lignified portions of the cell walls form long narrow slits which are quite uniform). Such cells are often angled (no others are). Annular (thin-walled tubes with rings of \\g- nified tissue within the lumen of the tube), and spiral (where the lig- PLANT WORLD CONTINUED 235 nified tissue is arranged in the form of a continuous spiral-band, or col- lection of bands). Tracheids are merely single cells which have lost their protoplasmic contents, but not their entire end-walls. Communication is carried on by pores in the vessel walls. Sieve Tubes, unlike all the other ducts mentioned above, usually carry materials away from the leaves. They are merely individual cells whose end-walls have not completely broken down, as in the tracheids, but 1 have formed sieve plates with many pores or perforations connecting one such individual cell with the next be- low, and so continuing for great lengths in the plant. The walls of Fig. 137. Mechanical and Supporting Tissues. These tissues consist of wood and bast fi-bers (See Fig. 130), schlercnchyma (stone-cells), and collenchyma. A, Portion of epidermis and collenchyma from the stem of Rumex crispus. Cross t< ction, ep, epidermis ; c, collenchyma. B, Sclerotic cells from the root of Apocynum androsaemifolium. All highly magnified. (From Bastin's "College Botany" courtesy of G. P. Engelhard & Co.) C, 1. Peppermint stem. Arrangement of collenchymatic (C), tissues at angles of the stem. 2. Peppermint stem. 3. Sabal seed. 4. Colchicum seed. (Porous type). 5. Nux Vomica seed. (Striated type). 6. Arrangement of collenchymatic tissues around the midvein of a leaf. C, collenchyma. (From C. W. Ballard's "Vegetable Histology," Courtesy of John Wiley & Sons). sieve tubes are composed of cellulose, there being no trace of lignifica- tion. Medullary Rays furnish the method by which material is transported from the inner-tube region of the plant, laterally, to the tissues which lie closer to the outside of the stem, and from these to the pith where food may be stored. Latex Tubes. These are non-porous tubes in certain plants and contain a milk-like fluid. . Porous Parenchyma. In the pith region the parenchyma, which is very porous, may possibly assist in permitting the nutrients which are in solution to pass back and forth. 236 GENERAL BIOLOGY As already stated, each group of vessels with its connecting mechan- ical or supporting tissue forms a fibre-vascular bundle. These may be either complete or incomplete; com- plete, if they possess xylem, phloem, and cambium elements, and incom- plete if they possess either xylem or phloem without the cambium ele- ment. The xylem is always sup- ported by wood fibers and the phloem by bast fibers. There are five different arrangements of fibro- vascular bundles : (1) Radial (common in all young roots, and sometimes in mature monocotyledonous roots). These are always incomplete, con- sisting of either xylem or phloem. The xylem or phloem elements are arranged in a circle within the endo- dermis, a xylem bundle alternating with a phloem bundle. (2) Concentric fibre-vascular bundles (common in monocotyledo- nous roots and stems), are bundles consisting of both xylem and phloem, so arranged that either the xylem surrounds the phloem or the phloem surrounds the xylem. The former arrangement is the more common. The bundles are irregularly scattered in the pith region. (3, 4, and 5) Collateral fibre-vascular bundles are complete, having both xylem and phloem elements, as well as a cambium-arc. These are in turn divided into three types, known as open, closed, and bi-collateral. (3) Closed Collateral bundles (usually found only in the pith of monocotyledonous stems and rhizomes and the leaves of all seed plants), are made up of a xylem portion and a phloem portion, never separated from each other by a strip of cambium. (4) Open Collateral bundles (most frequently found in dicotyledo- nous roots and stems) are made up of xylem elements within a cambium zone and phloem elements on the outer side of the cambium. (5) Bi-Collateral bundles (found in some dicotyledonous roots and stems) are made up of a xylem element and the associated cambium, but with two phloem elements, one on each surface of the xylem. Assimilating and Synthesis Tissues (Fig. 140). The Chloroplasts Fig. 138. Absorption Tissues. 1. Root hairs (H) on rootlet of germinat- ing Fenugrek seed. C, root cap. 2. Stomata, surface view. A, breathing pore. G, guard cells. B, bordering, neighboring or surround- ing cells. 3. Stomata, sectional view. A, breathing pore. G, guard cells. B, bordering cells. 4. Lenticel (A). (From C. W. Bal- lard's "Vegetable Histology," Courtesy of John Wiley & Sons). PLANT WORLD CONTINUED F 237 Fig. 139. Conducting Tissues. A. Collateral type, Bamboo stem. 1. Fibrous tissue. 2. Ducts. 3. Sieve. B. Collateral Bundle, arrangement of fibrovascular elements. 1. Xylem. 2. Endodermis. 3. Phloem. C. Bicollateral Bundle, arrangement of fibrovascular elements. 1. Phloem. 2. Cambium. 3. Xylem. 4. Cambium. 5. Phloem. Z>. Open collateral type, Aconite tuber. 1. Bast fibers. 2. Sieve cells. 3. Cam- bium. 4. Wood fibers. 5. Ducts. 6. Medullary ray. E. Open Collateral Bundle, arrangement of fibrovascular elements. 1. Phloem. 2. Cambium. 3. Xylem. 4. Medullary ray. F. Radial type, Sarsaparilla root. 1. Endodermis. 2. Sieve surrounded by bast fibers. 3. Wood fibers surrounding sieve and ducts. 4. Ducts. G. Radial Bundle, arrangement of fibrovascular elements. 1. Endodermis. 2. Xylem. 3. Phloem. 4. Pith. H. Concentric type, Fern rhizome. 1. Endodermal sheath. 2. Sieve sur- rounded by small parenchyma. 3. Fibrous tissues. 4. Ducts. /. Concentric Bundle, arrangement of firo vascular elements. 1. Endodermal sheath. 2. Phloem. 3. Xylem. (From C. W. Ballard's "Vegetable Histology," Courtesy of John Wiley & Sons). (the tiny divisions in the cell of plants which contain chlorophyl), are important structures in synthesis by converting (when in the sunlight) B Fig. 140. Assimilating and Synthesis Tissues. A. Plastids (chloroplasts) in a cell. B. Diagram to illustrate the processes of oreathing, food-making, and transpiration which may take place in the cells of a green leaf in the sunlight. (After Stevens). carbon dioxide and other sub- stances into starches and sugars ; and the Leukoplasts (similar struc- tures which do not contain chlorophyl), by assisting in form- ing storage- or reserve-starch from the sugar manufactured by the chloroplasts. Secreting cells and hairs which are really structures quite like the glands of animals. In plants which continue their life Storage Tissues (Fig. 141). throughout many seasons, there must be a method of storing the food which is made primarily in the summer. The organs are the Paren- 238 GENERAL BIOLOGY chyma cells of the cortical and pith regions. Here the reserve starch made by the leukoplasts is stored, as also are many other plant nutrients. Secretion cavities of various kinds carry oils and other products of gland cells. Colenchyma cell walls, especially in seeds and fruits, contain much cellulose. This means that collenchymal cells are supporting and storage tissue as well as synthesis tissue. Fig. 141. Storage Tissues. These are the parenchyma cells of the cortical and pith regions of the plant ; the cellulose in the collen chyma cells (which makes collenchyma a synthesis, supporting, and storage tissue), and cavities of stone cells and fibers. A, grain of corn, cut lengthwise ; C, coty- ledon ; E, endosperm ; H, hypocotyl ; P, plumule. B, starch grains in the cells of a potato tuber. Fig. 142. Reproductive Tissues. Diagrammatic sections of sporogonia of liverworts : A, Riccia, the whole capsule being archesporium except the sterile wall layer ; B, Marchantia, one half the capsule being sterile, the archesporium restricted to the other half ; D, Anthoceros, archesporium still more restricted, being dome-shaped and capping a central sterile tissue, the columella (col) (After Goebel). Cavities of Stone cells and Fibers may contain nutrient material in a few cases, but in such instances it is not readily available for the plant. Reproductive Tissue (Fig. 142). From inner tissues of anther and ovary in flowering plants. When pollen is transferred from anther ( ) to stigma ( ) the process is called pollination. Wind, insects, and water are means by which pollen is carried from one plant to another. Bees are common carriers, and the remarkable way some plants are adapted to forcing any intruder to carry pollen with it, is one of the most astounding of all adaptations in nature (Fig. 239). POLLINATION Pollination can probably best be understood by considering the mod- ern pines. In the common Scotch Pine (Fig. 143), (Pinus silvestris) the microsporophyls (called stamens in the flowering plants) are massed into cones about 1 centimeter in length, and these cones are in turn massed in clusters. There are two sporangia on the lower surface of each microsporo- phyll. These microspores or pollen escape from the sporangia and are carried by the wind (often for many miles) to the megaspore (carpellate) cones. The megaspore cones grow singly or in clusters near the ends of the upper twigs of the season's growth, and are also about one centimeter in length. There is a general axis on which flat megasporophyls are borne. Each of these megasporophyls bear two inverted megasporangia or ovules (Fig. 144). PLANT WORLD CONTINUED 239 The pollen falls between the megasporophyls (called carpels in the flowering plants), and each microspore then pushes out a pollen tube which penetrates the ovule tissue. This process stimulates the growth of the cone tissues and the cone, therefore, increases in size. The ovules also enlarge and the upper end of the ovule develops a thickened mass of green tissue which grows beyond the end of the sporophyl, to form the seed scale. These seed scales are merely the distal ends of the ovules, and function as organs of photosynthesis for a year or so. Fig. 143. Scotch Pine (Pinus sylvestris ) . A-D, stages in the development of the carpellate cone, and its car- potropic movements. E, very young carpellate cone much enlarged ; F, ventral, G, dorsal views of a scale from E ; 1, ovuliferous scale; 2, ovule (in longitudinal section) ; 3, pollen chamber and micropyle leading, to the apex of the nucellus (megasporangium) ; 4, integument of the ovule;- G, 1, tip of ovuliferous scale ; 5, bract ; 4, integument ; H, longitudinal section at right angles to the surface of the ovuliferous scale (diagram- matic) ; 6, megaspore ; 7, pollen chamber, /, longitudinal section of a mature cone ; 6, ovule ; J, scale from a mature cone ; 6, seed ; w, wing of seed ; K, dissection of mature seed ; h, hard seed coat ; c, dry mem- branous remains of the nucellus, here folded back to show the endosperm and embryo ; e, embryo ; p, remains of nucellus ; L, embryo ; c, coty- ledons ; e, hypocotyl ; r, root-end. (From C. Stuart Gager's "Funda- mentals of Botany," by permission of P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Publishers). The following summer or autumn a spore-mother-cell, also known as an archespore, arises in the interior tissues of the ovule. This arche- spore then divides into four cells which are really four young mega- spores, although only the one lying in the lowest position actually de- velops into a full-fledged megaspore. This megaspore then divides and subdivides until a rather solid cellular mass is formed. This cellular mass is the gametophyte. (Fig. 145.) It is from this gametophyte that several (usually four) sunken archegones arise. The completing process of fertilization may now take place. 240 GENERAL BIOLOGY After fertilization the gametophyte becomes stored with food and functions as the endosperm. HI The pollen-tube has also resumed its growth by this time and has brought the two non - ciliated sperm to the mouth of an archegone. One of the . sperm fuses with the egg which completes fertiliza- tion. This fertiliza- tion takes place in the pines more than a year after pollina- tion. The fertilized egg, now called a zygote, gives rise to the embryo consist- ing of a cylindrical stem with narrow whorled leaves and a Fig. 144. I. Carpellate cone, carpels, and seed of the Sco^cn pine (Firms sylveatris) . A, young growth with carpellate cones, about three weeks after the opening of the terminal bud : n, young pine needles. B, inner and side view of a cone scale at the time of pollination as shown in A : b, bract ; o, ovules. C, inner and side view of scales from a mature cone as shown in D : b, bract ; o, fertilized ovules now rapidly maturing into winged seeds ; w, the developing wings. D, a. mature cone. E, a mature winged seed. F, section of mature seed ; t, hard seed coat, or testa, developed from the integument of the ovule, n, a membranous seed coat which is the remains of the nucellus ; en, endosperm or tissue of the female gametophyte ; em, embryo with group of cotyledons c and the suspensor s ; m, micropylar end of seed. II. The staminate cone, stamen, and pollen of the Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestria ) . A, young growth, with staminate cones about two weeks after the opening of the terminal bud. B, details of cone. C, end view of stamen. D, side view of stamen. E, pollen mother cell developing four pollen grains in a tetrad. F, pollen grain showing the two wings ; p, prothallial cell ; g, generative cell ; t, tube nucleus. — E, (After Miss Ferguson). III. White pine. (Pinus Strobus) . Longitudinal section through an archegonium at the time of fertilization. Above the fusing nuclei are various other elements emptied into the egg from the pollen-tube. Collected June 21, 1898. X about 62. s.g., starch grains ; p.r., prothallium ; c.p.t, cytoplasm from pollen-tube ; st.c., stalk-cell ; t.n, tube-nucleus ; s.n, sperm-nucleus; e.n, egg-nucleus; n.s, nutritive spheres. (After Margaret C. Ferguson). I, II, (From Bergen & Davis "Principles of Botany," by permission of Ginn & Co. Publishers). Ill, (From C. Stuart Gager's "Fundamentals of Botany," by permission of P. Blakiston's Son & Co. Publishers). PLANT WORLD CONTINUED 241 root. It is still imbedded in the gametophyte tissue from which it draws its nourishment. The ovule, seed-scale, and cone, have increased in size in the mean- time, the seed-scales losing their chlorophyl and becoming woody. As Fig. 145. I. The Gametophytes of the Pine. A, diagram of a section of a year-old ovule ; embryo sac with mature arche- gonia ar imbedded in the tissue of the endosperm (female gametophyte) ; pollen tubes (male gametophytes ) growing down through the tissue of the nucellus n ; p c, pollen chamber ; m, micropyle ; i, integument. B, germinating pollen grains, showing young male gametophyte ; t, tube nucleus ; g, generative nucleus ; p, pro- thallial cell. C, tip of pollen tube applied to the egg ; t, tube nucleus ; s, the two sperm nuclei. D, a mature archegonium sunken in the tissue of the endosperm, showing the large egg surrounded by a jacket of cells rich in protoplasm : two neck cells of the archegonium shown just above the egg. — B, C, (After Miss Ferguson). II. The Sperm and Ovule of a Cycad (Zamia) . A, lower surface of a stamen, with numerous pollen sacs in two groups. B, the two large top-shaped motile sperms at the end of the pollen tube ready to be discharged above the archegonia. C, a sperm viewed from the end, showing the spiral band which bears the cilia. D, diagram of a section of an ovule after polli- nation : m, micropyle ; i, integument ; p, pollen chamber ; n, nucellus containing developing pollen tubes ; a, archegonia, with large eggs imbedded in the endosperm female gametophyte). — B, C, (After Webber). III. — Diagram of the life-cycle of a pine. (After Schaffner). I., II., (From Bergen & Davis "Principles of Botany," by permission of Ginn & Co. Publishers). 242 GENERAL BIOLOGY the supply of water becomes less and less the cone becomes dry and consequently the young sporophyte stops growing. The cone and seeds are now said to be ripe, so that as the dry seed scales are spread out and blown away the part of the seed which contains the embryo is carried with them, and as soon as water is again supplied the embryo again begins to grow, breaking the brittle integument or indusium covering it, and the root is ready to penetrate the soil and carry water to stem and leaves of the new plant. FLOWERS The flowers of flowering plants (Fig. 146) consist of cone-like clus- ters of closed megasporophyls (carpels) above, and microsporophyls (stamens) below, subtended by a perianth. The plant on which the flowers grow is the sporophyte. The microspores or pol- len-cells (Fig. 147) each pro- duce a mature gametophyte which consists of a pollen tube with three nuclei (Fig. 148 B) ; one, the nucleus of the pollen tube itself, and the other two sperm nuclei. The megaspore is retained within the ovule (Fig. 148 A), (megasporangium). A gameto- phyte with a single egg devel- ops within the ovule. After fertilization, the zygote devel- ops into an embryo and an en- dosperm, to be described shortly, while the entire ovule becomes covered with one or two coats to form the seed. With proper moisture and soil, the sporophyte escapes from the seed as with the pine. (Fig. ciples of Botany," by permission of Ginn & Co. Pub- 1/1Q \ lishers). 4^0 The purpose of a flower is the production of seed. The ripened carpel with its contained seed is known as a fruit. (Fig. 150.) The Buttercup (Fig. 151) will serve as an excellent example of the flowering plants. Here we have many carpels (simple pistils) each made up of an ovary (the simple closed cavity below) which gradually tapers to a soft terminal stigma. The carpels are flat and open when pe \~ Fig. 146. Floral Organs. A, Orange blossom. (After Bailey). B, Hydrophyttum, col, lobe of calyx ; cor, lobe of corolla; st, stamens; p, pistil. (After Lindley). C, Diagrams of flower, showing face-view and dissection, r, receptacle ; se, sepal ; pe, petal ; st, stamen ; pi, pistil ; o, ovule. The parts of a complete bisexual flower of the higher seed plants (angiosperms) are sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils. The sepals, taken together, constitute the calyx ; the petals, taken together, con- stiute the corolla. The calyx and corolla are col- lectively known as the floral envelopes, or perianth. Many angiospermous flowers consist of five cir- cles, or whorls, two of which belong to the perianth, two to the stamens, and one to the pistils. The parts of each circle alternate in position with those of the preceding or following one, and all the members of each circle are alike. (From Bergen & Davis "Prin- PLANT WORLD CONTINUED 243 the plant is young, but they gradually have their margins curve upwards and close. During the time the carpel is closing, an ovule grows out from the base and becomes enclosed by the carpel walls. There are several rows of stamens encircling the pistils. Each sta- men or microsporophyl bears four elongated, parallel, sporangia con- taining pollen or microspores. The stalk of the stamen is called the fila- ament, while the four pollen-sacs (sporangia) are known collectively as Fig. 147. A. Different kinds of pollen grains, highly magnified, two of them forming pollen tubes. ( After Duggar ) . B, C. Parts of a stamen. A, front ; B, back ; a, anther ; c, connective ; /, filament. (After Strasburger ) . D, E, F, Modes of discharging pollen. A, by longitudinal slits in the anther cells (amaryllis) ; B, by uplifting valves (barberry) ; C, by a pore at the top of each anther lobe (nightshade). (After Baillon). the anther. When mature, the sporangia split longitudinally and permit the escape of the pollen. There are two series of leaf-like structures below these we have just been discussing. These two series together form the perianth. The upper series is made up of yellow petals. The petals collectively form the corolla. The lower series consists of five pointed, green sepals, and collectively forms the calyx. A spore-mother-cell or archespore arises in the ovule (Fig. 148A). This then divides into four young megaspores, only the deeper one de- veloping. The other three perish. There is thus only a single megaspore in the ovule. The nucleus of the megaspore later divides into two, each 244 GENERAL BIOLOGY portion moving toward opposite poles of the megaspore cavity. Each of these portions divides twice, thus forming four nuclei at each pole. One nucleus from each pole (often called the polar nuclei) then moves toward the center and these two meeting, unite. One of the nuclei about the pole functions as an egg nucleus. The two companion cells are called synergids. The cells at the opposite pole are called the antipodal cells. It is at this time that the pollen, which has fallen on the carpel stigma, germinates to produce a reduced gametophyte and a pollen tube. This pollen tube penetrates the soft stigma tissues and carries two sperm toward the ovary cavity. As the pollen tube reaches the ovule it enters a tiny pore called the micropyle between the two integuments, and then passes through the nucellus. The ovule is thus penetrated, and one of the sperm unites with the egg and fertilizes it. The zygote now divides continually and soon there is developed a A. Fig. 148. A. At the left, diagram of the anatomy of an angiospermous flower shortly after pollination ; anth., anther ; fil., filament ; st., stamen ; stig., stigma ; p. g., pollen grains germinating; sty., style; pt., pollen tube; o. w., ovary wall; o., ovule, containing embryo-sac; pet., petal; sep., sepal. 1-8, Stages in the development of the female gametophyte (embryo-sac) ; meg.sp., megaspore-mother-cell ; i.L, inner integument ; o.i., outer integument ; fun., funiculus ; chal., chalaza ; nu., nucellus (megasporangium) ; emb., embryo-sac. All diagrammatic. (From C. Stuart Gager's "Fundamentals of Botany," by permission of P. Blakiston's Son & Co. Publishers). B. Diagrammatic Representation of Fertilization of an Ovule. t, inner coating of megasporangium (ovule) ; o, outer coating of ovule; p, pollen tube proceeding from one of the pollen grains on the stigma ; c, the place where the two coats of the ovule blend. (The kind of ovule here shown is inverted, its opening m being at the bottom, and the stalk / adhering along one side of the ovule), a to e, embryo sac, full of protoplasm; a, so-called antipodal cells of embryo sac ; n, central nucleus of the embryo sac ; e, nucleated cells, one of which, the egg cell, receives the male nucleus of the pollen tube ; /, funiculus or stalk of ovule; m, micropyle or opening into the ovule. — (After Luerssen). PLANT WORLD CONTINUED Fig. 149. Diagram of Life-cycle of an Angiosperm (Alisma Plantagoaquatica) . 9, female gametophyte (embryo-sac) ; 8a and 9a, male gameto- phyte (pollen-grain). (After J. H. Schaffner). Fig. 150. Development of the pea fruit from the pea flower. (After Yung's Chart). tiny stem with a little root at one end and two rudimentary leaves at the other. The gametophyte has, in the meantime, resumed its development on account of the union of the second sperm nucleus with the two polar nuclei to form the endosperm nucleus. This endosperm nucleus divides rapidly, although the cell walls are much delayed in this development. In a short time the endosperm has surrounded the embryo sporophyte and has rilled in the growing ovule. This surrounding and nourishing cell mass is now called the endosperm, which is neither gametophyte nor sporophyte. As the ovule grows in size, its outer coat becomes thickened and hardened, and the endosperm within has enlarged and solidified. A layer of cells at the base of the ovule now becomes corky and checks 246 GENERAL BIOLOGY the supply of water, so that the whole ovule becomes hardened to form the seed. It \vill be noted, therefore, that the spermatophytes also show an alternation of generations, the ordinary plant being- the sexless type. It is this ordinary flowering plant which produces the microspores, or pollen grains, and megaspores. In the nuclear divisions which produce these cells, the chromosome number is reduced to half the original num- Fig. i5i. ber. The pollen grains produce one ofThe" &Z wfthTn" tM °f the S6XUal PhaS£S °f the life his- large petals of the corolla of which three are tory, the male gametophyte, which shown ; within this and seated higher on the J \ J axis are the numerous club-shaped stamens, forms the Sperm nuclei ', the mega- each of which bears four pollen-sacs. Cen- , , , trally in the flower are the numerous carpels, Spore prOdUCCS the Other SCX- one of which is dissected so as to show its -, _i__ 4.1,^ r^.^,^^1^. .^t, single ovule, or future seed. (From Bower Ual phase, the female gametophyte which bears an egg. Fertilization occurs by the fusion of a sperm cell with the egg; thus the nucleus of the fertilized egg contains twice the number of the reduced amount of chromosomes, one-half of which has been contributed by the sperm and one-half by the egg. The fertilized egg develops into the embryo of the seed which, upon germination, becomes the mature sporophyte or sexless phase of the life history with its characteristic number of chromosomes. References : Strasburger, Noll, Schenck and Karsten, "A Textbook of Botany." Coulter and Chamberlain, "Textbook of Botany." Vols. I and II. Coulter, "Plant Structures." Wm. C. Stevens, "Plant Anatomy." C. W. Ballard, "The Elements of Vegetable Histology." C. S. Gager, "Fundamentals of Botany." Berger and Davis, "Principles of Botany." C. E. and E. A. Bessey, "Essentials of College Botany." Edson S. Bastin, "College Botany." Geo. Massee, "A Textbook of Fungi." F. L. Stevens, "The Fungi which Cause Plant Disease." Elizabeth M. Dunham, "How to Know the Mosses." Wm. N. Clute, "The Fern Allies." CHAPTER XVII. THE COELENTERATA The Coelenterata (Gr. koilos==hollow+enteron— intestine) are all aquatic (mostly marine) animals, possessing a single system of internal chambers called a gastro-vascular-cavity, having a single opening which serves both as a mouth and a vent for egestion and excretion. In other words, digestion and circulation all occur in this single tubular cavity. In all the higher forms of animal life there is a coelom ( ), that is, a cavity between the intestinal tract and the body wall. This was observed in the frog where all the viscera ( ) are inside the body but outside the intestinal tract. In the Coelenterata there is a radial symmetry as contradis- guished from the bilateral symmetry of the frog. The animals belonging to this phylum are diploblastic, that is, they have gone through the gastrula stage in developing and remained sta- tionary at the end of that stage, with this exception, that they just begin forming a third layer which, however, never becomes a regular tissue. The entoderm and ectoderm are separated from each other by a thick mucilaginous mesoglea ( ) or mesenchyme ( ). The point of value here is that in the higher forms this midlayer becomes an actual tissue by forming a very definite sheet of cells called the mesoderm, while in the Coelenterata the layer does not become cellular. The midlayer here acts as though it were about to form into a tripoblastic animal but has not succeeded. There may be a few migratory cells found in the mesoglea, but as a whole it is non-cellular. The phylum is further distinguished by the fact that in practically all its members there are stinging cells [(sometimes called nettle-cells or nematocysts ( )]. Nerve cells (sensory) and muscle cells both occur. Reproduction by non-sexual methods is the more common, though sexual methods may alternate, forming individuals of quite unlike ap- pearance. HYDRA FUSCA The classic coelenterate for laboratory study is this little animal (Fig. 152), found in ponds and streams attached by its basal end to vari- ous types of aquatic vegetation. It is from 2 to 20 mm. long; conse- quently it can be seen by the naked eye. The entoderm contains the brown bodies from which the animal receives its name. The animal itself has a mouth opposite the basal disk. About the mouth, there is a varying number of tentacles, usually four 248 GENERAL BIOLOGY to seven. These are closed at their free ends, but their interior channels are a direct continuation of the gastro-vascular cavity. At the distal third of the body, the male gonads, the testes, are seen as cone-shaped elevations during the breeding season (September and October), while the female gonads, the ovaries, are knoblike projections close to the basal disk. In addition to these sexual organs one may find buds on various parts of the body. As the Hydra is a diploblastic animal, that is, one which has re- mained in the gastrula stage, it means that the simple indentation of the original blastula has given the animal only epithelial tissue, for epithelium is surface tissue, and both inner and outer portions of this animal are surface tissues. The ectoderm is primarily pro- tective and sensory, and is made up of two principal kinds of cells: (1) epitheliomuscular, and (2) intersti- tial. The former are shaped like in- verted cones, and possess long (up to .38 mm.), unstriped contractile fibrils at their inner ends ; these enable the animal to expand and contract. The interstitial cells lie among the bases of the epitheliomuscular cells ; they give rise to three kinds of nematocysts or stinging cells (Fig. 153). Nematocysts are present on all parts of the body except the basal disc, being most numerous on the tentacles. The interstitial cell in which the nematocyst develops is called a cnidoblast ( ) ; it contains a nucleus and develops a trigger-like process, the cnidocil ( ), at its outer end, but is almost completely filled by the pear-shaped nematocyst. Within this structure is an inverted coiled thread-like tube with barbs at the base. When the nematocyst explodes, this tube turns rapidly inside out and is able to penetrate the tissues of other animals. The explosion is probably due to internal pres- sure produced by osmosis, and may be brought about by various methods such as the application of a little acetic acid or methyl green. Many animals when "shot" by nematocysts are immediately paralyzed and sometimes killed by a poison called hypnotoxin which is injected into it by the tube. Fig. 152. Hydra. A, an animal in its expanded form ; B, the same animal contracted ; C, a diagram of the longitudinal section of the animal, show- ing the internal structure ; D, an epithelio- muscle cell ; E, & bit of the body wall highly magnified showing the two layers of the body ; F, a digestive cell ; G, one of the nemato- cysts with its thread extruded ; H , & second type of nematocyst with the coiled thread within the sac ; I, nematocyst of the third type with its thread extruded ; J, a bit of the tentacle, very highly magnified, showing the batteries of the nematocysts ; K, two of the secreting cells of the basal disk, en, cnidocil ; ec, ectoderm ; en, endoderm ; m, mouth ; mes, mesogloea ; o, ovary ; s, spermary ; t, new ten- tacle forming. (After Conn.) THE COEI.ENTERATA 249 Two kinds of nematocysts smaller than that just described are also found in the ectoderm of Hydra. One of these is cylindrical and con- tains a barbless thread which, when discharged, aids in the capture of prey by coiling around the spines or other structures that may be present. Certain ectoderm cells of the basal disk of Hydra are glandular and secrete a sticky substance for the attachment of the animal. The entoderm, the inner layer of cells, is primarily digestive, ab- sorptive, and secretory. The digestive cells are large, with muscle fibrils at their base, and flagella or pseudo- podia at the end which projects into the gastrovascular cavity. The flagella create currents in the gastrovascular fluid, and the pseudopodia capture solid food particles. The glandular cells are small and without muscle fibrils. Interstitial cells are foun& lying at the base -of the other entoderm cells. Fig. 153. Transverse Section of Hydra fusca. 1. Ectoderm cells (myo-epithelial) . 2. Interstitial cells. 3. Nematocysts. 4. Coelen- teron. 5. Endoderm cells. 6. Vacuoles. 7. Food granules. 8. Nuclei. (After Shipley and MacBride). Fig. 154. Hydra moving like a measuring worm and using tentacles as feet. (From Jennings, after Wagner). The mesoglea is an extremely thin layer of jelly-like substance situ- ated between the other two layers. From recent investigations it seems well established that Hydra possesses a nervous system, though complicated staining methods are necessary to make it visible. In the ectoderm there is a sort of plexus of nerve-cells connected by nerve-fibers with centers in the region of the mouth and foot. Sensory cells in the surface layer of cells serve as external organs of stimulation, and are in direct continuity with fibers from the nerve cells. Some of the nerve-cells send processes to the mus- cle fibers of the epitheliomuscular cells, and are therefore motor in func- tion. No processes from the nerve-cells to the nematocysts have yet been discovered, though they probably occur. The entoderm of the body also contains nerve-cells, but not so many as are present in the ecto- derm. 250 GENERAL BIOLOGY Hydra obtains its food by throwing out nematocysts and paralyzing its prey. The surface of the tentacle itself is somewhat sticky which assists in keeping food from getting away, once the tentacle bends about it and carries it to the animal's mouth. After the food enters the mouth the forepart of the animal contracts to send it downward. There are gland-cells in the entoderm which secrete a digestive fluid, and it is probable that some digestion takes place in the entoderm cells themselves. These latter .have little flagella by which food is whipped about. When digestion takes place within these entoderm cells, digestion is said to be intracellular. It is interesting to note that Hydra will not respond to food stimuli or capture prey after being fed. The normal position of Hydra is an attachment to some solid object by its basal disk. When the animal moves from one attached place to another, it uses its tentacles as feet, slowly moving them along as though walking upon them, and when a suitable location has been found, releas- ing its body at the basal end and attaching it to the newly-found spot. (Fig. 154.) The reproduction of Hydra is especially interesting in that it fur- nishes us with excellent proof for Weismann's insistence on the separa- tion of somato-plasm and germ-plasm. This animal usually reproduces by budding, as does yeast, except that the bud in this instance pushes out and becomes stalk-shaped. The tentacles of the bud grow from the distal end of the new stalk bud, and the entire new organism is pinched off from the mother stalk or body. (Fig. 152, C.) In fact, it is not uncommon for one of these buds to form new buds on its body before it is ready for an independent existence itself. At all times, the cavity of the newly forming animal is in direct continuation with the mother cavity, until the pinching-off process occurs. There is a division of the body sometimes, though very infrequently, by simple fission ( ), that is, by a splitting of the entire animal lengthwise, commencing from the distal end and extending to the basal disk. Sometimes, also, even the buds reproduce in this man- ner, while transverse fission is not unknown. In the sexual method, the spermatozoa from the testes escape into the surrounding water. The eggs arise in the ovary from ectodermal interstitial cells. There is usually only one egg in the ovary that grows to maturity, though several may begin growth, only to have one of them — the stronger by virtue of position, or ability to obtain more food — • absorbing the others. Two polar bodies are given off from this egg when it is ready for fertilization and then it is said to be mature. The cleavage of the egg is total, and almost equal. After this origi- nal egg has divided .several times the blastula is formed with a cavity called the blastocoel ( ). Cells from the inner por- THE COELENTERATA 251 ; • ! tion bud off and make a sort of solid gastrula-like structure; this later becomes the entoderm. The "Ectoderm now secretes a thick chitinous ( ) shell covered with sharp projections. The embryo then separates from its parent and falls to the bottom, where it remains unchanged for several weeks. Then interstitial cells make their appear- ance. A subsequent resting period is followed by the breaking away of the outer chitinous envelope, and the elongation of the escaped embryo. Mesoglea is now secreted by the ectoderm and entoderm cells ; a circlet of tentacles arises at one end, and a mouth appears in their midst. The young Hydra thus formed soon grows into the adult condition." Almost any part of the Hydra may be cut off and each part will grow into a com- plete new animal. This is supposed to be due to the fact that Hydra is an animal composed of tissues which have not yet become organs as in the higher animals. Therefore the original germ-cells have not divided as often as in higher animals, and each cell contains a little portion of germ-plasm, which causes each cell to have the power or potentiality of producing a complete organism. This theory receives additional weight from the fact that the Hydra can and does reproduce in practically every known way, sexual, asexual, by budding, by longitudinal and transverse fission, in addition to having the ability of restoring any lost part, and of forming a complete new animal from the smallest part. When, however, an animal is classified in one of the higher phyla and its somatoplasm is therefore further removed from the germplasm, the regenerative ability decreases. This is shown in man, where a piece of skin will grow again when removed, though an entire finger will not be re- placed. Regeneration means that a part of an organism can reproduce the whole or at least a portion of the lost part. This is distinguished Fig. 155. Medusa, showing gastrula-form. from reproduction, though Diagrams showing the similarities of a polyp (A) :n ITtrHt-a +Vio +,,,~ ~~, and a medusa (B). circ, circular canal; ect, ectoderm; in ^V^a the tWO are mtl- end, entoderm; ent. cav, gastrovascular cavity; hyp, matelv rflatprl hypostome; mnb, manubrium ; msgl, mesoglea; mth, J mouth ; nv, nerve rings ; rad, radial canal ; v, velum. As has been Stated there (From Parker and Has well). is an alternation of genera- tions in this animal. The form we have been discussing so far is called the Hydroid form or the polyp ( ), while the asexual form, so different in appearance from the hydroid, is umbrella shaped and Called a medusa ( ), (Fig. 155.) The convex portion is usually the upper surface, and tentacles hang down from the edges. At first glance the two forms appear totally dissimilar, but with a clear conception of what a gastula really is, we can readily imagine 252 GENERAL BIOLOGY grasping the hydroid form by the mouth and pushing this portion of the animal in upon itself, when we have the gastrula still, and also the medusoid form. It must be remembered that some species may always retain the medusoid form and others the hydroid, while still a third may alternate regularly or irregularly between the two. Obelia ( ) This is a colonial form of Hydra found attached to rocks, wharves, and to various algae, in which budding began, but the newly-formed ani- mals remained attached to the parent stalks. (Fig. 156.) Such a colony consists of a basal stem, the hydrorhiza ( ), which is attached to the substratum. At intervals, upright branches known as hydrocauli ( ) are given off. At every bend in the hydrocaulus a branch arises. The stem of this side-branch Fig. 156. Hydrozoa. A, part of a colonial Hydrozoan, Obelia. B, Longitudinal sec- tion through a single hydranth. C, Cross section through medusoid individual. 1, ectoderm ; 2, entoderm ; 3, mouth ; 4, coelenteron ; 5, coenosarc ; 6, perisarc ; 7, hydrotheca ; 8, blastostyle ; 9, medusa- bud ; 10, gonotheca ; or.c, mouth region ; end. and endt., entoderm ; ect., ectoderm ; st.l., mesoglea lying between ectoderm and ento- derm; hyth, hydrotheca. (From Borradaile after various authors). is ringed and expanded at the end into a hydra-like structure, the hydranth ( ). Each individual polyp consists of a hydranth and the part of the stalk between the hydranth and the point of origin of the preceding branch. Full-grown colonies usually bear re- productive members (gonangia) in the angles where the hydranths arise from the hydrocaulus. All of the soft parts of the Obelia colony are protected by a chitinous covering called the perisarc ( ) which is ringed at THE COELENTERATA 253 various places, and is expanded into gonothecae and cup-shaped hydro- thecae ( ) to accommodate the hydranths. A shell extends across the base of the hydrotheca which serves to support the hydranth. The soft parts of the hydrocaulus and of the stalks of the. hydranths constitute- the coenosarc ( ) and are attached to the perisarc by minute projections. The coenosarcal cavities of the hydrocaulus open into those of the branches and thence into the hydranths, producing in this way a common gastro-vascular cavity. The coenosarc consists of two layers of cells — an outer layer, the ectoderm, and an inner layer, the entoderm. These layers are continued into the hydranth. The mouth is situated in the center of the large knob-like hypostome ( ) and the tentacles ( ), about thirty in number, are arranged around the base of the hypostome in a single circle. Each tentacle is solid and consists of an outer layer of ectodermal cells and a single axial row of entodermal cells with a large number of nematocysts at the extremity. The hydranth captures, ingests, and digests food just as does Hydra. The reproductive organs develop quite like the hydranths, as buds from the hydrocaulus. They thus represent modified hydranths. The central axis of each is called a blastostyle ( ), and together with the gonothecal covering, is known as the gonangium ( ). The blastostyle gives rise to medusa-buds which soon become detached and pass out of the gonotheca through the opening in the distal end. Some medusae produce eggs, and others, sperm. The fertilized eggs again develop into colonies like those which gave rise to the medusae. The medusae provide for the dispersal of the species, since they swim about in the water and establish colonies in new habitats. The medusae of Obelia are shaped like an umbrella with a fringe of tentacles and a number of organs of equilibrium on the edge. Hanging down from the center is the manubrium ( ), with the mouth at the end. The gastrovas- cular cavity extends out from the cavity of the manubrium into four radial canals on which are situated the reproductive organs. "The germ-cells of the medusae of Obelia arise in the ectoderm of A. B. Fig. 157. A. Liriope Exigua (family Geryoniidae) . (Mayer). B. Hydraiike stage in the development of the manubrium, and then migrate along the radial canals to the repro- ductive organs. When mature, they Gonionemus. One of the tentacles is carrying a worm (w) to the mouth. Tentacles in con- tracted state. (From the Cambridge Natural History, after Perkins). 254 GENERAL BIOLOGY break out into the water. The eggs are fertilized by spermatozoa which have escaped from other medusae. Cleavage is similar to that of Hydra, and a hollow blastula and solid gastrula-like structure are formed. The gastrula-like structure soon becomes ciliated and elongates into a free- swimming larva called a planula ( ). This soon acquires a central cavity, becomes fixed to some object, and proceeds to found a new colony." When there is an alternation of generations, the one being sexual, reproducing by eggs and spermatozoa, and the other asexual, reproduc- ing by division or budding, such as alternation of generations, is called metagenesis ( ). In Obelia the -asexual generation (the colony of polyps) forms buds of two kinds, the hydranths and the gonangia ( ). The sexual generation (the medusoid) reproduces only by eggs and spermat- ozoa. Hydra do not have a regular medusoid stage and Geryonia (Fig. 157A), ( ), no polyp or hydroid stage. Gonionemus (Fig. 157B), ( ) The structure of a medusa or hydrozoan jellyfish is well illustrated by Gonionemus, which is quite common along the eastern coast of the United States. It is about half an inch in diameter. In general form it is similar to the medusa of Obelia. The convex or aboral surface is called the exumbrella ( ), and the concave, or oral surface, the subumbrella ( ). The subumbrella is partly closed by a perforated membrane called the velum ( ). The animal takes in water into the subumbrella-cavity, and then forces it out through the central opening in the velum by the contracting of its body, thus propelling the animal in the opposite direction. This method of locomotion is called hydraulic. It is common to all medusae. The tentacles (from sixteen to about eighty) are capable of great contraction. Adhesive or suctorial pads are found near their tips. Hang- ing down into the subumbrellar cavity is the manubrium with the mouth at its end surrounded by four frilled oral lobes. The mouth opens into a gastrovascular cavity which consists of a central "stomach" and four radial canals. The radial canals enter a circumferential canal which lies near the margin of the umbrella, The cellular structure of Gonionemus is similar to that of Hydra, but the mesoglea is thicker which gives the animal a jelly-like consist- ency. Then there are many nerve cells scattered about beneath the ectoderm, and a nerve ring is placed about the velum and there are sensory cells with a tactile function on the tentacles. At the margin of the umbrella there are two kinds of sense organs: (1) Those at the base of the tentacles are round bodies which contain pigmented entoderm cells and communicate with the circumferential canal ; (2) those between the bases of the tentacles, Avhich are small outgrowths, probably organs THE COELENTERATA 255 B of equilibrium, that is, statocysts ( • ). Muscle fibers, in both exumbrella and subumbrella, are present. Beneath the radial canals the sinuously folded reproductive organs or gonads, are suspended. Gonionemus is dioecious ( ). each individual producing either eggs or spermatozoa. These reproduc- tive cells break out directly into the water, where fertilization takes place. A ciliated planula develops from the egg as in Obelia. This soon becomes fixed to some object, and a mouth appears at the unattached end. Then four tentacles grow out around the mouth and the Hydra- like larva is able to feed. Other similar Hydra-like larvae bud from its walls. How the medusae arise from these larvae is not known, but probably there is a direct change from the hydroid form to the medusa. POLYMORPHISM Whenever there is a division of labor among the different members of the same colony so that each does a particular work, such colony is said to be polymorphic ( ) if there are more than two kinds of specialized individuals ; dimorphic if only two different specializations have taken place. The "Portuguese man-of-war" (Fig. 158) is an excellent example of the former, in that it is a bladder- like structure to which many tenta- cles are attached. It floats upon the water. Some of these tentacles are nutritive, others are tactile ( ) ; some contain batteries of nematocysts, others are male reproductive zooids, and still others give rise to egg-producing medusae. The Coelenterata (together with the Echinoderma) were formerly called Radiata on account of their radial form. It is now known that in the higher groups of coelenterates this radial form may be transformed A, Physalia or Portuguese man-of-war, a 1 . .. . 1 ., , •colonial Hydrozoon. (From Hegner, after into a Diradial Or bilateral Sym- Agassiz). B, Diagram showing possible modifica- tions of medusoids and hydroids of a hydro- Older writers often SDoke of the zoan colony of the order Siphonophora. c. gas- frozooid with branched, grappling tentacle, /; Coelenterates as ZoOphyta (ammal- g, dactylozooid with attached tentacle, h ; i, . .. - , . generative medusoid ; k, nectophores (swim- plants) On aCCOUnt OI their resem- ming bells) ; I, hydrophyllium (covering 11 i i ,1 • niece); m, stem or corm ; «, pneumatophore. DlanCC tO plants DOttl in appearance The thick black line repre^nts rntoderm, the otn/J • fU^.V mofV,^.^ nf off o^Vir>i <*«f thinner line ectoderm. (From Hegner after and m tneir method Ot attachment. Allman)- Then, too, these animals simulate Fig. 158. 256 GENERAL BIOLOGY Fig. 159. Scyphozoa. A, Tessera princeps, order Stauromedusae. B, Periphylla hyacinthia, order Peromedusae. C, Charybdea marsupialis, order Cubomedusae. G, gonads ; Gf, gastral filaments ; ov, gonads ; Rf, annular groove ; Rk, marginal bodies ; Rm, circular muscle; T. tentacles. (From Sedgwick, after Haeckel.) Fig. 160. Examples of Alcyonoria. Coral. A, Tubipora musica, organ-pipe coral, a young colony. Hp, connecting hori- zontal platforms ; p, skeletal tubes of the zooids ; St, the basal stolon. B, Alcyonium digitatum, with some zooids expanded. C, Corallium, a branch of precious coral. P, polyp. D, Pennatula sulcata, a sea-feather. (A and B, from Cambridge Natural History; C, from Sedgwick, after Lacaze Duthiers ; D, from Sedgwick, after Kolliker). plant-conditions by their method of reproduction, namely, by fission and budding, as well as often forming colonies. CLASSIFICATION There are three great classes of coelenterates - - Hydrozoa ( ), Scyphozoa ( ), and An- thozoa ( ). The Hydrozoa possess neither stomodaeum nor mesenteries ( ), and their sex-cells are discharged directly to the exterior. Hydra and Obelia belong to this class. The Scyphozoa may, or may not, possess a stomodaeum and mesen- teries. The stomodaeum is more or less equivalent to the gullet in coelenterates, serving as the passageway between mouth and the gas- tro-vascular cavity or "stomach." The membranes which hold this stomodaeum in place are called mesenteries. The position of tentacles and tentaculocysts is made use of in sepa- rating the coelenterates into the various classes. Examples of Scyphozoa (Fig. 159) are: Tessera, order Stauro- medusae; Periphylla, order Peromedusae; and Charybdea, order Cubo- medusae. The Anthozoa are divided into two sub-classes as follows : Sub- class I. Alcyonaria (Fig. 160), all of which have eight hollow, pinnate, tentacles and eight complete mesenteries. They also possess one siphonoglyphe, which is ventral in position, while all the retractor mus- cles of the mesenteries lie on the side toward the siphonoglyphe ( ). Examples of an Alcyonaria are the organ-pipe coral known as Tubi- pora of the order Stolonifera, and the pretty sea-fans and the red coral THE COELEXTERATA 257 A. B. Fig. 161. Examples of Zoantharia. A, Oculina speciosa, & branch of madreporarian coral. (After Sedgwick). B, Meandrina, a rose-coral of the order Madreporaria. (After Weysse). C, A group of sea anemones. (After Andres). used in jewelry. The latter is known as Corallium of the order Gor- gonacea. Sub-class II. Zoantharia (Fig. 161). These usually possess many simple, hollow tentacles, generally arranged in multiples of five or six. There are two siphonoglyphes as a rule, and the mesenteries vary in number. The retractor muscles are never arranged as in the Alcyonaria. A skeleton may or may not be present. The animals may be simple or colonial. Examples of Zoantharia are the sea-anemones such as Actiniaria, and the stony corals such as Oculina of the order Madreporaria, and the rose-coral Meandrina, order Madreporaria. CHAPTER XVIII. INTRODUCTION TO THE COELOMATA From what has already been learned it is known that animals may be divided, according to whether or not they have a backbone, into two great groups — the vertebrates and the invertebrates. Also, according to whether they are composed of one or more cells into protozoa and meta- zoa, and the latter according to the number of germ layers each form develops, into diploblastic and triploblastic organisms. Now we come to another common method of classifying them into two groups — the coelomata and the acoelomata. With the exception of the frog, all of the animals studied so far — • the protozoa and coelenterata — belong to the acoelomata, because they have no additional cavity between the digestive tract and the body wall. Coelomata have such a body-cavity. All animals higher in the scale of life than hydra are coelomates. It will be remembered that in hydra there was a thick mucilaginous substance — the mesoglea — formed between the ectoderm and entoderm. In some of the lower forms of acoelomata there are processes stretching across from inner to outer germ-layer, which often secrete fibers which become "connective tissue or may be developed into muscular fibers. Where the cells and fibers are sparse, this space is said to be a primary body-cavity. Where they are abundant, it is called parenchyma ( ) or connective tissue." This body cavity, also known as the coelomic cavity (Fig. 162) or coelom (Gr. koiloma=a thing hollowed out), consists of "one or more pairs of sacs with perfectly defined walls lying at the sides of the ento- dermic tube. In the adult these sacs join each other above and below the entoderm, and the adjacent walls entirely or partly break down, and thus one continuous cavity results. The wall of the coelom and the tis- sues derived from it are known as mesoderm." The distinctive difference between the primary body cavity of the coelenterates and this secondary body-cavity of the coelomates, is a dif- ference in the walls of the cavities and not in the space between the walls. The outer wall of the primary body cavity is merely ectoderm. It will be remembered that this primary body cavity serves both as a digestive and circulatory system in the coelenterates. In the higher animals, therefore, it may be said that the blood-vessels are really part of the primary body cavity. In triploblastic animals the mesoderm does not form a completely solid mass extending the entire length of the body. A slight cavity is left in its center extending along the long axis of the organism. INTRODUCTION TO THE COELOMATA 259 This mesoderm forms in two ways (1) either by little pouches grow- ing from the entoderm which are then nipped off, or (2) by two large cells which grow as buds from the entoderm, which once formed, grow rapidly, forming the so-called mesodermic bands, which bands later be- come hollowed out. The two cells forming the original bud are termed pole-cells. This hollowed out portion is the coelom. A close study of Figure 163 will make a better understanding of the above possible. It must be understood that these two forms are not likely to be found in any one animal. The open space thus formed which we have called the coelom has thus a layer toward the outside of the body and a layer of cells or wall toward the entoderm from which it sprang. The outer wall of the coelom is called the somatic layer or the somatopleure ( ), while the inner is known as the splanchnopleure ( ). hep JZtrvph Jiephrost Fig. 162. Transverse section through the middle region of the body of the earthworm, Lum- bricus, circ.mus, circular muscle fibers ; coel, coelom ; dors.v, dorsal vessel ; epid, epidermis ; ext.neph, nephridopore ; hep, chlorogogen cells ; long.mus, longitudinal muscles ; neph, nephri- dium ; nephrost, nephrostome ; n.co , nerve- cord ; set, setae ; sub.n.vess, subneural vessel ; typh, typhlosole ; vent.v, ventral vessel. (From Parker and Haswell, after Marshall and Hurst): Fig. 163. Two stages in the early development of a common fresh-water mollusc, Planorbia, to show the origin of the mesoderm cells. The ectoderm cells are deeply shaded, the endoderm cells are unshaded. A. Young stage in which the endoderm has not begun to be invaginated ; it is a lateral optical section. B. Older stage, optical section seen in front view ; the endoderm cells are invaginating, and the two mesoderm cells are seen on each side. 1. Mesoderm or pole-cells ; in B, each has budded off another mesoderm cell. (After Rabl). When pole-cells form, the cavity of the digestive canal is small in proportion to the thickness of its wall, so that the pole-cell may be con- sidered as "a solid pouch." In most Coelomata the mesoderm or coelomic wall forms by far the greatest portion of the body. There are sometimes cells which form in the primary body-cavity, to which some writers have also applied the term mesoderm. This term should, however, be reserved for the walls of the coelom as just described, while mesenchyme ( ) should be used for the cells forming within the primary body-cavity. Mesenchyme arises from different germ-layers in different phyla of 260 GENERAL BIOLOGY animals. It may arise from the entoderm or ectoderm or both, or even from the walls of the coelom. In this latter case it may spring from ectoderm, entoderm, and mesoderm. In the higher coelomata it arises, however, "partly from the ectoderm but principally from the outer wall of the coelom. Everywhere it gives rise to connective tissue and to the tissues developed from this (tendon, cartilage; bone, etc.), whereas the coelomic wall or true mesoderm gives rise to the generative cells and their ducts, and the main parts of the muscular system, including the muscular coats of the principal blood-vessels. The entoderm, after the mesoderm has separated from it, forms the lining of the digestive tube and of its appendages, which in the higher Vertebra.ta are the organs known as lungs, liver, pancreas, and urinary bladder. The basis of the skeleton of Vertebrata, the gelatinous rod called the notochord, also arises from the entoderm. After gastrulation has taken place in the growing embryo, there are only two germ layers, ectoderm and entoderm. The inner layer under- goes various changes, as it is to be used for a totally different purpose from its outer protective layer. It must be remembered, however, that just after indentation, both Fig 164 layers are alike in that they have both con- Diagrammatic cross section of the stituted the simple blastula. The blastula, body of a coelenterate (such as the . hydra) and of a coeiomate. The it will be remembered, is but a single layer latter forms a tube within a tube. r ,, .. , 1-1 of cells forming a more or less spherical body. The opening formed by gastrulation and known as the mouth or stomodeum ( ) does not undergo the same change that does the part on the more interior portion of what is now called the entoderm. In fact, the mouth region remains ectodermal. As soon as an organism has formed three germ-layers and has both an opening in its body for ingestion as well as egestion of food, there com.es another infolding of ectoderm in the gastrula at the opposite end from the stomodeum. This forms an anal opening which is called a proctodeum ( )• This infolding, just as the stomodeal infolding, is also ectoderm. It is of interest and value here to know that the entire brain and nervous system arise from ectoderm. It will be readily understood why this is so, when it is realized that no organism from the simplest flower up to man, could possibly live unless there were some method by which such organism could protect itself when danger threatened. Any me- chanical injury, such as pressure or laceration, cannot affect the body un- less it strikes the outer portions first. Therefore the sensory nerve end- ings must be placed close to the outer portion of the body so that they will receive the message of threatened danger first. These danger mes- sages are then carried to the central nervous system where a co-ordina- tion must be brought about between the sensory fibers and the motor INTRODUCTION TO THE COELOMATA 261 nerves, thus making it possible for any or all parts of the body to be withdrawn from the zone of danger. For toxic injuries, as well as parasitical invasions, which come through the intestinal tract, the student must think of the body, when drawn out completely, as forming a tube within a tube. (Fig. 164.) The inner one called the intestinal, or digestive tract, has an open- ing straight through the body. This means that the inside of the diges- tive tract is really outside the body in so far as exterior environmental conditions may affect it, such as temperature, air, etc. In other words, it is as though one took an ordinary small gas or water pipe and placed it in water. There would be the same kind and quality of water on the inside as there would be on the outside of the pipe. The larger outer tube is the outer body wall. "The internal anatomy of the lower animals was first studied by physicians and others primarily interested in human anatomy. An un- fortunate consequence is that a large number of names are used in the description of simpler animals which are based on fanciful resemblances between their organs and those of man. As a consequence many of these names are quite misleading. To give some instances : The word stomach in the Lobster denotes part of the stomodaeum, in the vertebrata it sig- nifies part of the entodermic tube. The pharynx ( ) of an earthworm is the stomodeum, in a fish it includes both stomodeum and the first part of the entodermic tube. The term liver has also been much abused. "The names taken from the higher animals, which are customarily used in the description of the alimentary canal, are as follows: Mouth or buccal-cavity, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach or crop, gizzard, intes- tine, and rectum. They are applied generally to parts of it succeeding one another in the order above given. The significance of these will be explained in each case : it would perhaps be more logical to sweep away altogether these and a host of similar terms employed to designate other parts of the body, but so deeply are they engrained in zoological litera- ture that such a course would render unintelligible most anatomical de- scriptions of species that we possess." CHAPTER XIX. THE EARTHWORM Earthworms are found in practically all parts of the country, living in burrows not lower than 12 or 18 inches beneath the earth's surface. It is in about these depths that they find the richest portions of decay- ing vegetable and animal substances upon which they feed. Professor Latter has given us a most interesting account of these animals. During "periods of prolonged drought or frost they descend to greater depths and undergo aestivation ( ) or hibernation ( ), as the case may be, coiled up into a com- pact spiral and lying in a small excavated chamber. This is lined with small stones which prevent close contact with the surrounding earth and so permit free respiration. The sides of the burrow are kept moist by slime discharged from the glandular cells of the skin, and perhaps by liquid discharged from the body-cavity through the dorsal pores which occur in the grooves that separate segment from segment. The slime is said to possess antiseptic properties, and thus preserve the skin of the worm from harmful bacteria. "The mouth of the burrow is guarded by small stones or more fre- quently by one or more leaves pulled in to a greater or less distance. Fir-needles, stalks of horse-chestnut leaves and other similar things are often to be seen standing nearly erect upon the ground, their lower ends having been forcibly dragged into the mouth of a burrow by a worm. On still, warm nights in early autumn the rustling noise of fallen leaves being dragged along by worms is often plainly audible in favorable localities. Darwin has pointed out that worms exhibit considerable in- telligence in drawing the narrow end of leaves of various shapes fore- most into the burrow : the leaves with broad bases and narrow apices are generally pulled in tip first, whereas when the base is narrower than the apex the reverse position is usually found. There is no doubt that worms can judge which end of any leaf is the better to seize. The reason for thus pulling objects into the entrance of the burrow is prob- ably to prevent the entry of foes, centipedes, parasitic flies, etc., to keep the burrow moist by preventing evaporation, to keep out the cold lower strata of air at night, to bring food supplies within safe reach, and also to enable the worms to lie near the mouth of the burrow unobserved. Here, however, they are not secure from all attack, for the quick ears of the thrush and other birds enable them to detect the slightest move- ment and, with a quick plunge of the beak, to seize, and after a brief tug-of-war, to extract the worm from its refuge. Frequently the well- known worm-castings are thrown up on the surface, and when this is so, THE EARTHWORM 263 leaves are not, as a rule, drawn into the burrows, the heap of castings serving the purpose. "The burrow is made partly by the awl-like, tapering anterior end pushing aside the earth on all sides, and partly by the actual swallowing of the earth as the worm advances, so that the animal literally eats its way into the soil. The organic material in the swallowed soil serves as food, and the residue in a state of very fine division passes out at the anus, and is used either to form the above mentioned castings or as a lining to the burrow, especially where this passes through hard, coarse earth. "Perfectly healthy worms seldom leave their burrows completely except perhaps after a very heavy rain. The majority of those so fre- quently found traveling over the surface of roads and paths after rain are infected by the larvae of parasitic flies and doomed to die. On warm, moist evenings, however, worms may be seen in hundreds lying stretched on the surface of the ground with only the broad flattened posterior end remaining in the burrow. Here we see one of the uses of this modifica- tion in the shape of the hinder segments of the body : their greater width enables them to obtain a firm purchase on both sides of the burrow, and thus the worm is provided with a sure anchor on which it can pull, and at the slightest alarm, shoot back like stretched elastic into the security of its burrow. At other times the flat tail is employed trowelwise in smoothing the excrement against the walls of the burrow or in disposing the castings on this side and on that of the mouth of the burrow." "The effects produced on the surface soil by the action of earth- worms have been fully pointed out by Charles Darwin in his well-known book, 'Vegetable Mould and Earthworms.' It will be sufficient here to call attention to a few facts only. Worms, play a most important part in maintaining the soil in a state suitable to vegetation. The burrows form ventilating tubes whereby the soil is aerated and respiration by the roots of plants rendered possible ; at the same time they open up drain- age channels, preventing the surface from becoming waterlogged. Doubtless also roots find an easy passage through the soil along the lines of burrows even after the walls have more or less fallen in. More- over, the excrementitious earth with which the burrows are lined is peculiarly suited to root fibers, being moist, loose and fertile. Micro- scopic examination of the earth deposited by worms shows it to resem- ble two-year-old leaf mould such as gardeners use for seed-pans and pricking-out young seedlings ; most of the plant-cells are destroyed, shreds and fragments alone remaining, discolored and friable, mingled with sand grains and brown organic particles. In chemical composition, too, worm-castings are very similar to fertile humus. "The castings which are thrown up on the surface materially im- prove the quality of the upper soil, and render it more fit for the germi- nation of seeds, many of which directly or indirectly get covered by the 264 GENERAL BIOLOGY upturned earth. It has been reckoned that there are upwards of 50,000 worms in an acre of soil of average quality : hence the total effect of the work of this vast host must be very considerable. Each worm ejects annually about 20 ozs. of earth. The weights of earth thrown up in a single year on two separate square yards observed by Darwin were respectively 6.75 and 8.387 Ibs., amounts which represent respectively 14.58 tons and 18.12 tons per acre per annum. "In addition to this tilling action worms improve the quality of the soil by the leaves and other organic debris which they drag into their burrows, and thus bring within reach of bacteria. These, as it is well known, especially abound in the upper soil, and effect the speedy decom- position of dead animals and vegetable tissues. "Archaeologists are indebted to worms for the preservation of many ancient objects, such as coins, implements, ornaments, and even the floors and remains of ancient buildings that have become buried by the soil thrown up as worm-castings. The process of disappearance is of course hastened by the excavations effected by the worms below the surface, for the collapse of the burrows slowly but surely allows objects on the surface to sink downwards. "In the disinteg'ration of rocks, and the denudation of the land, worms play an important part. The penetration of the burrows, and the lining with castings, carries down the humus-acids to a considerable depth and exposes the underlying rocks to their solvent action. Within the body of the worm itself small stones and grains of sand are reduced to yet finer dimensions and rendered the more easy to transport by wind and water. On sloping surfaces the upturned castings, at first semi- fluid, flow down, and when dry roll down the incline, or are washed by the rain into the valleys and ultimately carried out to sea, while on level ground the dried castings are blown away to lower spots by the wind. The more or less parallel ridges that are frequently found on ' the sloping sides of grass-clad hills are in part, at any rate, formed by the material derived from worm-castings, which has temporarily lodged against tufts of grass, etc., and in turn furnishes a richer and deeper soil for stronger growth which arrests yet more and so increases the ledge. All land surfaces, whether level or sloping, provided they are occupied by worms, are reduced in altitude by their action. In no small degree, then, may earthworms be held responsible for our valleys and hills and all the softer features of our scenery." EXTERNAL APPEARANCE There are rings or segments (Fig. 165) extending along the entire length of the animal's body formed by constrictions or annuli. The seg- ments themselves are known as somites or metameres. It is from these ring-like (L. Annulus-ring) constrictions and segments that the animals belonging to this group are named Annelids or Annulata. Worms are THE EARTHWORM 265 divided into annelids, or segmented worms, plathyhelminthes or flat worms — (Gr. platy=flat-j-helminthes= worms) ; and nemathelminthes or thread-worms (Gr. nema— thread-]- helminthes=:worms). The important external characteristic in the annelids is, then, a re- gional differentiation. That is, the forming of separate segments or regions externally, and a separation and segmentation of many internal structures. Metamerism is com- mon in all higher forms of organ- isms except the soft-bodied animals such as the Molluscs and the spiny- skinned Echinoderms. In Man this metamerism is distinctly shown in the separate segments of the spinal column. There are many differentiations in various regions of the earth- worm's body. For example, the anterior end is sensitive to touch and light to a much greater degree than the middle and posterior por- tions. On the eighth, ninth, four- teenth and fifteenth segments there are openings of the reproductive system, while from the twenty- eighth to the thirty-seventh seg- ments a broad band surrounds the dorsal and lateral portions of the worm called a clitellurn, the func- tion of which will be explained un- der Reproduction. There are from 140 to 180 seg- ments in the earthworm. All of the differentiation just mentioned oc- curs toward the anterior end of the worm. We therefore say the earth- worm has an anterior-posterior differentiation. As the earthworm will always place itself in a definite position when crawling along — that is, will "right" itself if it be turned about, we speak of that portion toward the surface on which it moves as the ventral surface and the surface away from this as the dorsal. If an animal thus rights itself there must be a difference between the ventral and dorsal surfaces. This difference is spoken of as a dorso-ventral dif- ferentiation or dorsiventrality. The ventral surface will be found to be more flattened than the dor- sal, while many little whitish glands are present toward the anterior end. On the ventral surface are also found the mouth, anus, reproductive, Fig. 165. Latero-ventral view of Lumbricus ter- restris, slightly smaller than life-size. (From Hatschek and Cori). 1. Prostomium. 2. Mouth. 3. Anus. 4. Opening of oviduct. 5. Opening of vas de- ferens. 6. Genital chaetae. 7. Lateral and ventral pairs of chaetae. XV, XXXII, and XXXVII are the 15th, 32nd, and 37th segments. The 32nd to the 37th form the clitellum. (After Latter). 266 GENERAL BIOLOGY and excretory openings, as well as peculiar bristle-like setae. These lat- ter will be discussed under locomotion. The earthworm, like the frog, is bilaterally symmetrical. A median dorso-ventral line drawn through the worm divides it into two equal parts. This will be understood the better when it is remembered that all unpaired parts of the animal, such as mouth, anus, central blood vessel, etc., would be cut into two equal parts by a medial section, while all paired portions such as setae and reproductive openings would have one-half of such paired portion on each side of the animal. The dorsal excretory pores, one to each somite posterior to th-e tenth, lie in the constrictions and are difficult to find, but on the ventral surface various openings can readily be seen. These are principally, two pairs of minute pores between the ninth and tenth and the tenth and eleventh somites coming from the seminal receptacles. The male genital openings are on the fifteenth and the pair of female genital openings on the fourteenth ; the excretory organs, called nephridia, have two open- ings on each somite behind the first three or four and anterior to the last. Practically all of the ventral openings posterior to the male genital pore, with the exception of the anus, are too small to be seen with the unaided eye. The animal moves along primarily by alternate rhythmic constric- tions of the longitudinal and circular muscles of the body-wall which contract and elongate successive regions of the body. There are eight chitinous setae to each somite, easily felt if the animal be drawn between the fingers. An ordinary hand-lens will show them quite clearly. There is then a double way in which the worm moves, the muscular action furnishing the contraction and expansion and the setae furnishing cog- like projections by which the worm can make forward progress. This is well exemplified by the fact that if an earthworm be placed on a highly polished surface there is little if any progress made by it. Muscles are attached to the inner parts of the setae, making it pos- sible to shift their positions. The flattened tail of Lumbricus terrestris, serves as an anchor while the anterior portion of the animal's body lies on the surface of the earth. INTERNAL STRUCTURE Probably the earthworm illustrates a coelom (Fig. 162) as well as any form which could be given the student, for upon making either dorsal or ventral longitudinal incision the animal will giv« the appear- ance of a tube within a tube, the central one being the digestive tract held in its central position by little thin membranes or walls running from each outer constriction. These walls are called septa ( ) or dissepiments ( ). There are here, then, many coelomic cavities which can be clearly seen, it being remembered that a THE EARTHWORM 26? coelom is defined as the cavity lying between the digestive tract and the outer body wall. There are muscles, nerves, glands, connective tissue, blood-vessels, epithelium, and endothelium, just as in the frog, though not developed as elaborately. There is also a delicate lifeless coat called the cuticle. THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM The alimentary canal (Fig. 166) begins at the anterior end with a mouth cavity or buccal pouch, extending from the first to the third somite inclusively, the thick muscular pharynx ( ) lies in somites four and five ; the oesophagus, a narrow straight tube, B Fig. 166. A, Longitudinal vertical section through the anterior portion of an earthworm. br., brain ; cr., crop ; /tt., seminal funnel ; giz., gizzard ; int., intestine ; n.c., nerve cord ; neph., nephridia ; oes., oesophagus ; oes. gl., oesophageal gland ; ph., pharynx. (From Parker and Haswell after Marshall and Hurst). B, Section of the Alimentary Canal, c, chlorogogen cells : cm, circular muscles ; ep, epithelium, lining the canal; Im, longitudinal muscles; v, blood vessels.' (From Conn, modified from Sedgwick and Wilson). extends through the sixth to the fourteenth somite ; a thick muscular- walled gizzard in somites seventeen and eighteen ; and a thin-walled intestine from somite nineteen to the anal opening. The dorsal wall of the intestine is folded in, forming a longitudinal ridge, called the typhlosole ( ). This gives the in- testine considerable expansion and affords additional surface for diges- tion. The wall of the intestine, as in the frog, is composed of five layers, (Fig. 166, B): (1) An inner lining of ciliated epithelium, (2) A vascular layer containing many small blood vessels, (3) A thin layer of circular muscle fibers, (4) A layer consisting of a very few longitudinal muscle fibers, (5) An outer thick coat of chlorogogen cells ( > modified from ,the coelomic epithelium. It is supposed that, because these chlorogogen cells lie in the typhlo- sole close to the dorsal blood vessel that they may aid in some digestive process. Then, because chlorogogen granules are present in the coelomic fluid of adult worms and make their way to the outer part of the body 268 GENERAL BIOLOGY through the dorsal pores, it has likewise been suggested that they may have some excretory function. Three pairs of calciferous glands (L\>f\ri-intestinal, running along- the dorsal surface of the alimentary canal, from the posterior end of the body to the pharynx. It then divides into many small branches. (2) The ventral or sub-intestinal trunk lying just beneath the ali- mentary canal. It also extends from the posterior end of the body to the pharynx where it divides into many small branches. (3) The sub-neural trunk, as its name implies, passes along under the ventral nerve cord the entire length of the body. (4) A pair of lateral-neural trunks (smaller than those above) lying, one on each side of the ventral nerve cord. As in the frog and all other vertebrates, paired arteries, veins, and nerves, p#ss out of and into the spinal cord between the various verte- brae, so in each segment of the earthworm tiny branches of the dorsal and ventral trunks called parietal ( ) branches pass along the various septa dividing the somites, and connect with the body wall, where they split unto fine branching capillaries supplying and draining the dermal musculature and epithelium. Capillaries from the dorsal branch also supply the digestive tract, while in the anterior region two lateral vessels supply the reproductive organs. It will be remembered that in the study of the frog, the circulatory system began with a three-chambered heart. In the earthworm there is no separate and distinct organ such as the heart. In its place there 270 GENERAL BIOLOGY are five pairs of enlarged vessels called aortic arches, aortic loops, or "hearts," running from dorsal trunk to ventral through the seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh somites. These "hearts," as well as the dorsal trunk, furnish the muscular contraction and elongation of circu- lar and longitudinal muscles which force the blood through the vessels. Such rhythmic contraction and ex- pansion in either blood vessels or intestines is known as peristalsis ( ): In the frog there is a systemic and pulmonary circulation. The earthworm possessing no lungs can have no pulmonary circulation. The blood of the earthworm is continuous in closed blood-vessels, so it is called a closed systemic cir- culation. But just as there is the closed circulation consisting of heart,* arteries, veins and capillaries in the frog, as well as a lymphatic, open circulation, by which the lymph passing out of the blood-vessels is able to bathe every part of the body, so we speak of a coelomic circulation in the earthworm, which is equivalent to the lymph-like substance out- side of the blood-vessels, but within the coelomic cavity of the frog. The blood is collected from the intestine by two pairs of vessels which enter a longitudinal typhlosolar tube. This tube is in turn con- nected with the dorsal trunk by three or four short tubes in each somite. As there are no circular muscles in the walls of the ventral trunk this cannot contract, so the propelling of blood is caused by the dorsal trunk and "hearts" as already stated. This ability of the dorsal trunk and "hearts," together with the fact that there are valves in both of these vessels which permit blood to flow forward but not backward, determines the direction of flow. These valves are just behind the open- ings of the parietal vessels and in front of the openings of the hearts. There are other valves also, in some of the other vessels, but these just mentioned are most important to show how and why the blood flows as it does. The blood must, therefore, flow forward toward the anterior end of S/i Fig. 167. A series of diagrams to illustrate the ar- rangement of the blood-vessels and the course of the circulation in Lumbricus herculeus. A. Longitudinal view of the vessels in somites 8, 9 and 10. B. The blood-vessels as seen in transverse section in the same region. C. Longitudinal view of the vessels in the intesti- nal region. D. Transverse section through the intestinal region. sp, supra-intestinal ; sb, sub-intestinal, and sn, sub-neural longitudinal trunks ; nl, lateral neural vessels ; ht, ht, con- tractile vessels or "hearts ;" it, intestino-tegu- mentary vessels ; cv, commissural vessels ; af.i, afferent intestinal vessels ; ef.i, efferent intesti- nal vessels ; ty, typhlosolar vessel ; i, intestine ; oe, oesophagus; s.s. septa. (After Bourne from a drawing by Dr. W. B. Benham). THE EARTHWORM 271 the animal in the dorsal trunk. It is thus forced through the "hearts" and, as it reaches the ventral trunk, is sent both in an anterior and a posterior direction. From the ventral trunk the blood passes to the body wall and nephridia. The lateral neural trunks then receive the blood which has gone to the body-wall, while that having gone to the nephridia has been expelled. The blood in the sub-neural trunk flows posteriorly, then upward through the parietal vessels into the dorsal trunk. The anterior portion of the body receives its nourishment from both dorsal and ventral trunks. The Coelomic circulation consists of the fluid in the coelomic cavi- ties. These cavities are continuous throughout all the somites through dorsal apertures or slits occurring between the various septa and the digestive tract. The fluid itself is made up of colorless plasma with white blood cells or leucocytes ( . ). This fluid is washed back and forth by the movements of the worm and thus bathes the endothelial lining of the coelom. The amoeboid corpuscles in the coelomic fluid have a remarkable power of attacking bacteria and other microscopic organisms such as Gregarines and Infusorians or even small Nematode worms. If such parasites enter the coelom the amoeboid cells surround and destroy them. Their operations are, however, not confined to the inside of the earth- worm. The slime of the body surface is in part composed of mucus secreted by the skin, and in part of coelomic fluid and its corpuscles which find exit through the dorsal pores. The corpuscles are thus able to attack and destroy bacteria before they effect an entry into the body. There is no doubt that a worm is constantly exposed to these minute organisms for the upper layers of the soil teem with them. The slime itself is a protection, for it both arrests the bacteria and holds them stranded in the trail which the worm leaves behind it in its progress. The application of a grain of some irritant, such as corrosive sublimate, enables one to see how a worm protects itself. As soon as the irritant touches the skin the segments in front and behind the seat of injury are forcibly constricted, while the affected segment itself swells up in consequence of the increased pressure brought to bear upon it from both sides. At the same time there is a conspicuous gush of coelomic fluid from the dorsal pores in that region and an abundant secretion of mucus from the skin itself. Thus the threatened region is, as it were, isolated by ligatures from the rest of the body and all the defensive resources at once brought to bear upon the enemy. The coelomic fluid is alkaline and contains crystals of calcium carbonate, and also contains micro- organisms which when isolated and reared in artificial cultures emit the characteristic smell of earthworms. It is, therefore, not improbable that this odor is due to the micro-organisms and not really a feature of the worm itself. 272 GENERAL BIOLOGY From what has been said above it will be seen that there is in reality no true circulation in the earthworm. RESPIRATION The earthworm needs oxygen just as do all animals ; but, as it has no lungs it obtains its oxygen through its moist outer membrane. There are many capillaries lying immediately beneath the cuticle, thus pre- senting a great expanse of blood area which is somewhat similar to the many capillaries in the lungs of higher forms. The oxygen here com- bines with haemoglobin. The blood gets to these capillaries through the vessels supplying the body wall and is then returned to the dorsal trunk by way of the sub-neural trunk and the intestinal connectives. As the nervous system must co-ordinate every movement of the body, it requires an excellent blood-supply, which is furnished the bet- ter in the earthworm by the sub-neural trunk lying very close to the ventral nerve cord. The nervous system is thus continually supplied with fresh nourishment. THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM Most of the excretory matter is carried outside the body by a num- ber of coiled tubes called nephridia, a pair of which lies in each somite except the first three and the last. The dorsal pores also serve as ex- cretory organs to a minor extent. A clear understanding of the nephridia is important, because such an understanding will serve the student in good stead in his future studies of the excretory organs of vertebrates. This is the better un- derstood when it is known that the excretory organs of all higher forms develop from embryological beginnings quite similar to those of the earthworm. Each nephridium (Fig. 168) consists of: (1) The funnel or nephrostome ( ), (2) The ciliated neck, (3) The coiled narrow tube, (4) The wide glandular tube, (5) The ejaculatory duct opening to the outside. "The ciliated neck of the nephrostome passes through the anterior wall of the somite, close to the mid-ventral line. The nephrostome, therefore, lies in the somite anterior to the one containing its own nephridium, so that waste matters of any one somite are expelled to the outside by the nephridium of the next posterior somite. The nephro- stomes, or mouths, of the nephridia are flattened fan-like structures, con- sisting of two flattened lamellae or plates with a narrow slit-like opening between them ; the great cells lining the opening are covered with pow- erful cilia which maintain a constant current toward the tubular part of the nephridium. These tubes are developed in coils which lie in the THE EARTHWORM 273 posterior parts of the somites, three coils or turns in each, the third ending in an enlarged portion opening to the outside on the ventral wall of the somite. All of the turns are richly supplied with blood vessels." An excellent way to demonstrate the action of these nephridic organs is that of injecting carmine powder into the coelom. It will then be observed that this foreign substance is taken up by the chlorogogen cells, which then break down, freeing the carmine together with frag- Fig. 168. Nephridium. ments of the chlorogogen cells, and all are caught up by the current made by the nephrostome, and carried through the nephridium to the outside. From this experiment the conclusion has been drawn that some, at least, of the waste matters of the tissues are brought to the chlorogogen cells by the circulation and are acted upon by the fluids of those cells. The products of this activity are liberated into the coelom* by the fragmentation of the cells, and then excreted from the worm by the nephridia. • ?:V " "~'^uy THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Notwithstanding the nerve cells scattered about in the Hydra, it is in the Earthworm that we meet with our first organized nervous system (Fig. 169). That is, of course, excluding our study of the frog. And it will be remembered that the nerve cord was on the dorsal side of the frog. In the earthworm, and all animals lower than vertebrates, it lies on the ventral surface. This is quite important and will be of use in our later study of evolutionary theories. Nerves are sensory, motor, or mixed as noted in the frog. Both sensory and motor nerves run to the muscles of the earthworm, causing reflex action. A reflex action means that an impulse sent toward the central nervous system through a sensory nerve, meets a motor nerve (the meeting place being called a ganglion), and the motor impulse is then returned to the place from whence the sensory impulse originated, permitting an organ to move. If such ganglion lies in the lower nerve centers, that is, if it lies caudad to the brain, so that an impulse from 274 GENERAL BIOLOGY a sensory fiber need not first pass to the brain before meeting the motor fiber, it is called a reflex. The ventral nerve cord is in reality a series of ganglia, one pair lying in each somite posterior to the fourth. Each pair is connected by a nerve cord to the one preceding and following it. In somite four this nerve cord divides into two parts, one passing on each side of the ali- mentary tract to again unite above the pharynx in the third somite. This dorsal union is the brain, while the two por- tions forming it are known as the circum-pharyngeal con- nectives. The segmental ganglia forming the nerve cord are called the sub-pharyngeal ganglia. The brain and ventral cord form the central nervous system. The nerves passing from the central nervous sys- tem to the various parts of the body constitute the peripheral nervous system. The supra - pharyngeal ganglia supply the prostomium with two large nerves which give off many branches ; they also send nerves into somites two and three. One nerve extends out from each circum-pharyngeal connective. In each somite from four to the pos- terior end of the body, three pairs of nerves arise, -two pairs from the ganglionic mass and one pair from the sides of the nerve cord just be- hind the septum which separates the somite from the one preceding. Each enlargement of the ventral nerve cord really consists of two ganglia, which are closely fused together. In transverse section these fused ganglia are seen to be surrounded by an outer thin layer of epi- thelium, the peritoneum, and an inner muscular sheath containing blood vessels and connective tissue as well as muscle fibers. Near the dorsal surface are three large areas, each surrounded by a thick double sheath and containing a bundle of nerve fibers. These are called neurochords- or "giant fibers." Large pear-shaped nerve cells are visible near the periphery in the lateral and ventral parts of the ganglion. The nerves of the peripheral nervous system are either efferent or afferent. Efferent nerve fibers are extensions from cells in the ganglia of the central nervous system. They pass out to the muscles or other organs, and, since impulses sent along them give rise to movements, the cells of which they are a part, are said to be motor nerve cells. The Fig. 169. Diagram of the Anterior End of Lum- bricus Herculeus to show the Arrangement of the Nervous System. I, II, III, IV. The first, second, third, and fourth segments. 1. The prostomium. 2. The cerebral ganglia. 3. The circumoral commissure. 4. The first ven- tral ganglion. 5. The mouth. 6. The pharynx. 7. The dorsal and ventral pair of chaetae. "8. The tactile nerves to the prostomium. 9. The anterior, middle and posterior dorsal nerves. 10. The an- terior, middle and posterior ventral nerves. (After Hesse). THE EARTHWORM 275 'afferent fibers originate from nerve cells in the epidermis which are -sensory in function, and extend into the ventral nerve cord. SENSE ORGANS The sensitiveness of Lumbricus to light and other stimuli is due to the presence of a great number of epidermal sense organs. These are groups of sense cells connected with the central nervous system by means of nerve fibers, and communicating with the outside world through sense hairs which penetrate the cuticle. More of these sense organs occur at the anterior and posterior ends than in any other region of the body. The epidermis of the earthworm is also supplied with efferent nerve fibers which penetrate between the epidermal cells forming a sub-epidermal network. THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM The earthworm, like Hydra, is hermaphroditic (Fig. 170) ( ), that is, has both sexes in each animal. The female reproductive organs, the ovaries, lie in somite thirteen, the oviducts in somites thirteen and fourteen, while two pairs of seminal receptacles or spermathecae lie in somites nine and ten. The ovaries are small pear-shaped bodies lying on either side of the mid-ventral line, being attached by their larger ends to the ventral part of the anterior septum. The oviducts are made up of various parts : the ciliated funnel just posterior to each ovary which passes through the septum, dividing somites thirteen and fourteen, where it has an enlargement known as the egg sac. It then narrows into a thin duct which opens to the external part of, the body on the ventral surface near the center of somite four- teen. The spermathecae or seminal receptacles are white spherical sacs near the ventral body-wall, one pair each in somites nine and ten. These open to the outside through the spermathecal pores lying between somites nine and ten, and ten and eleven. The male reproductive organs consist of two pairs of glove-shaped testes, one pair each in somites ten and eleven. Their positions in the somites are similar to the ovaries. The vas deferens ( ), the male organ homologous to the female oviduct, is likewise a ciliated funnel serving as the mouth of the duct through which the sperm pass. This lies immediately behind each testis. The duct itself passes through the septum just back of the funnel, where it forms several convolutions, then extending backward near the ventral surface. The two sperm ducts which arise on either side of the midventral line, unite in somite twelve and then run back as a single tube, opening to the outside through the spermiducal pore on somite fifteen. In a sexually mature earthworm, the testes and funnel-shaped inner openings of the sperm ducts are in- 276 GENERAL BIOLOGY closed by large white sacs, the seminal vesicles lying in somites nine to twelve. There are three pairs of these sperm sacs, one in somite nine, one in somite eleven, and the third in somite twelve. In somites ten and eleven there are central reservoirs. The testes are rather difficult to find in a mature worm because they are quite small and the dor- sal wall of the vesicle must first be removed. The sperm are developed in the testes and stored in the sem- inal vesicles from which they are, during the period of copulation, injected into the seminal recep- tacles of another worm. Fertili- zation actually taking place out- side the body, however. When the earthworm is sex- ually mature there is a clitellum Fig. 170. Lumbncus Herculeua. Of Cmgulum ' formed, COVCring firstlweViZ s°omHes, SfSn wnen^tt Inimal SOme six Or Seven Segments. This L^%&l^^^t^S^^S&^ is a thickened portion often sup- septa. The pins are placed in the 3rd, 9ih, and posed to be a SCar formed by the 18th somites. B. View ot the first sixteen somites . . * of the same worm after removal of the alimen- worm after having been injured tary tract, to show the nervous system and re- . _ .. . t productive organs, be, buccal cavity, cut across; Or CUt in tWO. Mating may take eg, cerebral ganglia ; g, gizzard ; int, intestine ; < f , i nph, nephridia; od, oviduct; oe, oesophagus; ov, place at any season of the year, ovary in somite 13; ph, pharynx with radiating i f r>mnrc tnr»rA ^r^nn^ntKr in muscular strands; prv, proventriculus ; s, septa; DUt OCCUrS more IrcqUCntly in sd, sperm duct; sf, seminal funnels; spth, sper- -warm rlamn i/upatVipr mathecae in somites 9 and 10; sp.s, sperm sacs; Wdl -ner< t, testis. (After Bourne). Again quoting Latter. i Two worms from adjacent burrows, "each retaining a firm hold in its own burrow by means of the flattened tail, apply their ventral surfaces to one another so as to overlap for about a third of the length of the body. The head of each worm points toward the tail of the other. The clitel- lum of each secretes a band of mucus which binds the two worms firmly together, so firmly, indeed, as to cause two well-marked constrictions, while a slimy covering, the slime tube, surrounds the two worms from the 8th to the 33rd segments. The seminal fluid, containing spermatozoa ( ) and spermatophores ( ), flows within the slime-tube, and during sexual union, in the early stages of the formation of the cocoons spermatophores cover the dorsal and lateral surfaces of segments 9, 10, and 11 of each worm and are packed between the two worms. The spermatozoa flow backwards from the male aperture in a longitudinal groove on each side to the receptacula (spermathecae) of the other worm, the grooves of the two animals to- gether forming a temporary tube. Hence only one worm can emit sper- THE EARTHWORM 277 matozoa at any given time, otherwise there would be opposing currents. The worms are so placed that the 9th segment of each is opposite the 32nd (1st clitellar) of its mate, then the thickened clitellum forms a bar- rier past which no flow of seminal fluid can take place." 'The long genital setae in the 'tubercula pubertatis' ( ) of the clitellum, and of segments 10 to 15, are probably used, the former to liberate the coupon from its seat of origin, and the latter series to hold the coc6on off the ventral surface in the region of the oviducal openings and those of the spermathecae, and thus allow ova and sper- matophores to pass into the cocoon as it passes forwards. These special- ized setae replace those of ordinary form as the worm reaches maturity. The eggs do not pass out of the oviduct till near the end of the act of mating. Each of the two worms forms a cocoon, and slips out of it backwards, passing it forward over its head. The cocoon being elastic closes its two open ends as soon as the body of the worm is withdrawn, and becomes more or less lemon-shaped, its bulging center being occu- pied by about four eggs, spermatozoa and albuminous material produced by the so-called capsulogenous glands, which may be seen on the ventral side of some of the segments in front of the clitellum. The cocoons, at first white but soon becoming yellow, are left in the earth, and as a rule only one of the contained eggs produces a young worm. The size of the cocoons differs in the various species, those of L. terrestris are from 6 to 8 mm. long by 4 to 6 mm. broad, of Eisenia foetida from 4 to 6 mm. long by 2 to 3 mm. broad. There is some doubt as to the precise function of the spermathecae. It seems certain that the spermatozoa contained in them are derived from some other worm. It is also the case that these organs are full of spermatozoa prior to sexual union, and are empty subsequent to that act, at any rate when cocoons are formed and eggs deposited. Worms have been observed to separate without producing cocoons, and though perhaps in some instances the separation may have been due to disturbance caused by observation, yet there is reason to think that two unions are necessary, one to fill the spermathe- cae, and a second to form cocoons. In such a case it is probable that each worm acts as a carrier of spermatozoa from its first to its second mate, i. e., worm A gets its spermathecae filled by the spermatozoa of B in the first union, and passes these spermatozoa to C in the second. The actions are probably often reciprocal. According to Goehlich, while spermatozoa are flowing from one worm to the spermathecae of the other, there is given out from the spermathecae of the former a -small quantity of mucus which hardens when it reaches the air : a second por- tion of mucus containing a group of spermatozoa is then emitted, this becomes attached to the first mass, and with it forms a spermatophore. The whole spermatophore is attached to the body of the other worm close to the clitellum. When the cocoon is made the spermatophores are rubbed off into it as the animal withdraws itself. GENERAL BIOLOGY "Light could probably be thrown on this matter by some such ex- periments as follow : keep a number of worms, each in a separate flower- pot, from infancy to maturity; kill a few and examine the contents of their spermathecae (it is conceivable that a worm may be able to pass spermatozoa into its own spermathecae) ; allow remainder to mate once,, note if cocoons are deposited ; kill some and examine contents of sper- mathecae; allow rest to mate a second time, pairing some with their former mates and others with different mates : kill all and examine sper- mathecae." In plants and animals where both sperm and eggs are found in the same individual there is usually a different period for the maturing of each or some apparatus like this of the earthworm is brought into play so that it is very seldom that the same organism can fertilize itself. The sperm-mother cells are derived from the testes and deposited in the seminal vesicles. They are not fully developed, or as we say, "ma- ture," however, when they leave the testes, and so must continue their development in the seminal vesicles. The sperm-mother cells or primordial germ-cells from which the sperm are developed in the testes, have their nuclei divide into 2, 4, 8, or 16 daughter nuclei which become arranged in a single layer near the periphery of the protoplasm which has not divided. Cell walls then ap- pear extending inward into the undivided protoplasmic mass. These newly-formed cells now divide again, forming as high as from 32 to 128 cells when the whole mass breaks up into smaller colonies. These nucleated cells which are to become sperm are called spermatogonia. These spermatogonial colonies become spherical, each containing 32 pri- mary spermatocytes, all of which are still fastened by cytoplasmic threads to the central protoplasm. This whole 32 celled colony is now called a blastophore. Each colony of primary spermatocytes "gives rise to 64 secondary spermatocytes, and these divide into .128 spermatids. The latter then metamorphose ( ) into spermatozoa, The number of chromosomes in the spermatozoa is sixteen ; this is one-half the num- ber contained in the somatic cells, the reduction having taken place dur- ing maturation by the union of the chromosomes two by two in the sec- ondary spermatocytes, and a subsequent separation when the spermatids. were formed." The head of the spermatozoon is practically all nuclear material, the mid-piece is what was formerly the centrosome, while the cytoplasm formed the tail. But as it is only the head which actually enters and fertilizes the egg, the tail being used only for locomotive purposes, it will be seen why nuclear material is considered so very important. THE EARTHWORM 279 OOGENESIS The egg-mother cells are found in the ovary in various stages of growth, beginning at the basal end of each ovary with the most primitive germ-cells, the ova increasing in size toward the extreme end, where the germ-cells are distinctly recognizable as eggs. Each egg is surrounded by a follicle ( ) of nutritive cells. The eggs separate from the end of the ovary dropping into the body-cavity, then pass- ing into the ciliated end of the oviduct which goes to the egg- sac where part of the matura- tion takes place. From here they either pass out into the cavity of the slime-tube and are conveyed from the external openings of the oviduct in somite 14 to the cocoon, or they enter the cocoon itself when it passes over this somite during* deposition, the eggs actually being fertilized by the spermat- ozoa after the cocoon is shed, and before the egg has com- pleted its maturation process. H. K. J. Fig. 171. Segmentation and early stages of development of Lumbricus. A, B, C, D, successive stages of segmentation. E. Blastula stage. F. Com- mencement of invagination ; the macromeres form a flat plate on the ventral side. G. An embryo somewhat younger than F viewed from above, show- ing the mesomeres and mesoblast rows derived from them. H. Gastrula stage viewed from below, -show- ing the wide oval blastopore bounded by macromeres ; at the sides the rficromeres are growing over the macromeres. J. Later stage, showing the elongated blastopore and the further overgrowth of the macro- meres by the micromeres. K. Optical longitudinal section through a later stage after the closure of the blastopore. bp, blastopore ; ec, ectoderm ; en, endo- derm ; ent, enteron ; mac, macromeres ; mes, meso- blast; mic, micromeres; mm, mesomeres. (From Bourne after Wilsonl) EMBRYOLOGY The egg of the earthworm is holoblastic (Fig. 171) although cleav- age is unequal, the first division resulting in one large and one small cell. The second cleavage divides the small cell into two equal parts but cuts off only a small portion from the larger one. The small cells are called micromeres and the large ones macromeres. Cleavage is very irregular after this second division. The micromeres are the animal cells and the macromeres the vegetative cells. A cavity, the blastocoele, soon forms between micromeres and mac- romeres resulting in a blastula. Two of the larger cells of the blastula project down into the blas- tocoele. These continue dividing and form two rows of small cells from which the mesoderm is to form. They are therefore called mesomeres, while the two rows formed from them are known as mesoblastic bands. During the time these bands are forming the blastula becomes flattened, 280 GENERAL BIOLOGY the larger cells forming a plate "of clear columnar cells, and the small cells spread out into a thin dome-shaped epithelium." The mesomeres lie toward the posterior end of the blastula and the mesoblastic bands lie along the longitudinal axis of the worm, showing the beginnings of bilateral symmetry. A gastrula is now formed by the invagination of the plate of large cells, this invagination continuing until only a slit remains. This tiny opening or slit is called the blastopore, while the cavity is the enteron. Fig. 172. Polygordius Appendiculatus. A, dorsal view, an, anus ; ct., cephalic tentacles; h, head. B, trochosphere larva, an, Fig. 173. Nereis Pelagica.'^. (After Oersted), anus ; e, eye-spot ; m., mouth. C and D, stages in development of trochosphere into the worm. pnp, pronephridium. (From Bourne, after Fraipont). There are now three germ-layers. The mid-layer or mesoderm al- ready began forming before gastrulation. The large clear cells which invaginated have become the inner lining of the enteron and form the entoderm; the outer portion is ectoderm, while the mesoderm is made up of the two mesoblastic bands which lie between ectoderm and entoderm. As the earthworm is to be our example of the coelomates it is of value here to observe how the coelom is formed. The mesoderm separates into the two layers on each side of the body. A cavity forms between these layers. This cavity is the coelom. The outer portion of the divided mesoderm is called the somatopleure ( ), the inner layer the splanchnopleure ( ). The muscles of the body-wall are formed from the somatopleure, while the splanchnopleure forms the muscles of the alimentary canal. After the germ-layers are formed, the embryo elongates, the anterior- posterior axis passing through the blastopore. There are various in- pushings from the ectoderm which become the elements of the nervous system. Such beginning cells are called neuroblasts if they form nerves. THE EARTHWORM 281 There are also separations from the mesoderm forming nephroblasts if they form nephridia, somatoblasts which form muscles, etc. The ectoderm turns in at both anterior and posterior ends, the for- mer forming the mouth or stomodeum ( ), the latter the anal opening or proctodeum ( ). The chlorogogen cells are formed from mesoderm, as are also the blood-vessels, muscles, reproductive organs and seta sacs. The young worm is now ready for an independent life, and it leaves the cocoon after from two to three weeks. The following table will give a summary of the important tissues derived from the various germ-layers : ENTODERM ECTODERM MESODERM Oesophagus, Outer Epithelium, Muscles, Crop, Nervous System, Coelomic Endothelium, Gizzard. Stomodeum, Chlorogogen Cells, Proctodeum, Calciferous Glands, Ends of Nephridia. Blood vessels, Septa, Nephridia, functional parts, Seta Sacs, Reproductive Organs. BEHAVIOR As already seen, worms are apparently fond of having their bodies in contact with solid objects as shown by their home-life. Moisture causes a positive reaction if such moisture comes in direct contact with the worm's body. This is well illustrated by placing the earthworm, Allobophora foetida (the small manure worm), on a piece of dry filter paper when it will not react, but as soon as moisture is applied it begins to burrow, provided this moisture or liquid is taken from manure. Darwin supposed that the earthworm's ability to distinguish edible from inedible food lay in the sense of contact. This would make contact in the earthworm act as a sort of taste organ. Various chemicals which cause a reaction may be due to this sort of secondary taste-ability. While there are no eyes, light causes the animal to react as shown by its moving away from lighted areas though the manure worm will respond positively to a very faint light. The preferable colors, when very faint, are red, green and blue in the order given, though it does not follow from this that the earthworm can distinguish 'colors ; its ability consisting, in all probability, of "feeling" different rays of light as well as different intensities. It has also been noted that if a previous stimulus is much stronger than a succeeding one, the first will naturally continue to react and cause either no reaction to a second or at least lessen such reaction. An exam- ple of this is found when the animal is feeding or mating. Light which 282 GENERAL BIOLOGY under normal conditions causes a negative reaction, may have no effect whatever under such circumstances, the instinctive reaction of the pri- mary instinct being stronger than the artificial secondary stimulus. REGENERATION Any part of an earthworm may be cut off at any point between the end of the prostomium and the fifteenth to the eighteenth segment and a new anterior end will grow out from the cut end of the body consisting of a single segment if only one segment was removed ; two segments, if two segments were removed ; and of three, four, or five segments, if three, four, or five segments were removed. But never more than segments one to five are regen- erated, regardless of the number re- moved, and no new reproductive organs appear if the original ones were contained in the severed piece. If the cut is made behind segment eighteen, a tail will grow out from the cut surface of the posterior piece, thus producing a worm con- sisting of two tails joined at the center. Such a creature cannot take in food, and must slowly starve to death. When the regenerated part is different from the part removed, as in the case just cited, the term heteromorphosis is given to the phe- nomenon. Regeneration of a tail differs from that of a head, since more than five segments can be replaced. The anal segment develops first, and then a number of new segments are intro- duced between it and the old tissue. The rate of regenerative growth depends upon the amount of old tissue removed. If only a few seg- ments of the posterior end are cut off, a new tail regenerates very slowly ; if more are removed, the new tissue is added more rapidly. In fact, the rate of growth increases up to a certain point as the amount removed increases. The factors regulating the rate of regeneration have not yet been fully determined, although several possible explanations have been suggested. Fig. T74. A. Hirudo medicinalis, about life size. 1. Mouth. 2. Posterior sucker. 3. Sen- sory papillae on the anterior annulus of each segment. The remaining four annuli which make up each true segment are indicated by the markings on the dorsal surface. B. View of the internal organs of Hirudo medicinalis. On the left side the alimentary canal is shown, but the right half of this organ has been removed to show the excretory and reproductive organs. 1. Head with eye spots. 2. Muscular pharynx. 3. 1st diverticulum of the crop. 4. llth diverticulum of the crop. 5. Stomach. 6. Rectum. 7. Anus. 8. Cerebral ganglia. 9. Ventral nerve cord. 10. Nephridium. 11. Lateral blood-vessel. 12. Testis. 13. Vas de- ferens. 14. Prostate gland. 15. Penis. 16. Ovary. 17. Uterus — a dilatation formed by the conjoined oviducts. (After Shipley and MacBride). THE EARTHWORM 28$ GRAFTING Pieces of earthworms may be grafted upon other worms without much difficulty. Three pieces may be so united as to produce a very long worm ; the tail of one animal may be grafted upon the side of an- other, producing a double-tailed worm ; or the anterior end of one indi- vidual may be united with that of another. In all such experiments the parts must be held together by threads until they become united. The Annelida are divided into three classes, as follows : (1) Class Archiannelida (Gr. arche, beginning — Lat. annellus, ring). The Polygordius (Fig. 172) is the typical example. This class is without setae or parapodia. (2) Class Chaetopoda (Gr. chaite, bristle — pous, foot). Nereis^ the common sand-worm, and the earthworm are classic examples. Nereis differs from the earthworm in having a pair of chitinous jaws, a pair of tentacles, and two pairs of eyes on the prostomium, as well as- in having a pair of palpi, and four pairs of tentacles on the peristome. The parapodia are used for locomotion, while the lobes of the parapodia are well supplied with blood-vessels and serve as gills. Then, too, there are jointed locomotor-setae on each parapodium, while the muscles which move the parapodium are attached to two buried bristles, called aciculae, which serve as a sort of internal skeleton. The sense organs of Nereis are also developed more highly than those of Lumbricus, the tentacles serving as organs of touch, while the palpi are thought to act as organs of taste, and the eyes, of sight. Nereis (Fig. 173) is the example of the Sub-class known as Poly- chaeta (on account of its many foot-like structures), while such worm- like water-animals as Tubifex, Dero, and Nais, usually serve as the ex- ample of the sub-class, Oligochaeta (having few setae). (3) Class Hirudinea. (Lat. hirudo, leech.) These are worm-like animals living in fresh water and on land. They are commonly called leeches. They are flattened dorso-ventrally. The external segmentation does not correspond to the internal segmentation. The leeches are dis- tinguished from the earth-worm by having definitely thirty-three seg- ments, two suckers (one at each end), and no setae (except in one genus). They are hermaphrodites. The most important example is the medicinal leech known as Hirudo medicinalis (Fig. 174), normally about four inches long, though capable of much contraction and expansion. Not only are these animals used to draw blood from patients, but Lambart advises against drinking water which is not filtered, especially in the tropics, as the small leeches may be swallowed. They then attach themselves below the larynx and instead of releasing themselves when filled with blood as they do on an external surface, they seem to draw a small amount of blood and then migrate to another spot close by and begin the same process, thus caus- ing considerable anaemia (loss of blood). 284 GENERAL BIOLOGY This is readily understandable when it is realized that the leech has three chitinous jaws to form the mouth (which lies within the an- terior sucker). These jaws bite into a region, and a secretion from the mouth-glands is poured out which prevents the host's blood from coagu- lating. It is thus difficult to stop the bleeding after the animal has moved to a new location. The digestive tract of the leech is especially adapted to the diges- tion of blood of vertebrates, upon which the leech feeds. There is a muscular pharynx and a short oesophagus leading to the crop. This crop has eleven branches or diverticulae. Then there is a stomach, an intestine and an anus. The leech can ingest about three times its own weight of blood. There is a peculiar kind of connective tissue known as botryoidal ( ) tissue which develops in what should be the coelom. This body-cavity is therefore very small, although there are spaces in the coelom which are not filled with this tissue, these spaces being called sinuses. There are seventeen pairs of nephridia, quite like those of the earth- worm (except that they sometimes do not have an internal opening) which carry waste products from the coelomic fluid and from the blood. Respiration takes place at the surface of the body through the many blood-capillaries found in the skin. There are nine pairs of segmentally arranged testes which empty their sperm into the vas deferens, then into a much-folded tubule called the epididymis. Here they are fastened into bundles known as sper- matophores. They are then ready to fertilize the eggs of another leech, after passing out of the copulatory organ. The eggs develop in a single pair of ovaries, from which they pass through the oviducts into the uterus, and finally out through the genital pore situated on the ventral side of the ninth segment. A cocoon is formed after copulation quite like that in earthworms. CHAPTER XX. FLATWORMS (PLATYHELMINTHES) AND THREADWORMS (NEMATHELMINTHES) Systematically the flat worms and round worms should be placed before the earthworm as they are not coelomates, but, as the average man always thinks of a sort of segmented animal similar to an earth- worm when worms are mentioned, and medical men likewise are not very accurate when they discuss these animals, the student is more likely to remember the three types of worms if he thinks of them all at once and notes their similarities and differences. The Annelids are of little importance from a medical standpoint with the exception of the leech (Hirudo Medicinalis) commonly used to draw blood, but the flat worms and round unsegmented worms have come to have a very considerable bearing on the human being from a pathological standpoint. THE FLATWORMS The flatworms (which constitute the phylum Platyhelminthes) are subdivided into the following three classes : Class I. Turbellaria (Lat. turbo, I disturb), with ciliated ectoderm; free-living habit, example : Planaria. Class II. Trematoda (Gr. trema, a pore; eidos, resemblance), with non-ciliated ectoderm ; suckers ; parasitic habit, example : Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke), and Class III. Cestoda (Gr. kestos, a girdle; eidos, resemblance), with body of segments ; without mouth or alimentary canal ; parasitic, exam- ple Taenia (tapeworm). TURBELLARIA Turbellaria are the only flatworms which are not parasitic. They live on the lower surface of submerged stones and debris close to the margin of ponds, springs and lakes. Most of these are Planaria (Fig. 175), but often a longer worm is found (from ten to fifteen millimeters) which is called Dendrocoelum lacteum. Planaria crawls about among aquatic plants to seek its food. The cilia covering the ectoderm assist in this movement, though the animal also contracts and expands its body. As soon as a planarian finds a small animal suitable for its food, the proboscis, lying near the center of the body, is practically turned inside out through the mouth. This proboscis grasps the food and draws it into the body. As the mouth is near the center of the ventral surface, the proboscis can be extended in any direction. •286 GENERAL BIOLOGY The digestive system consists of the mouth, proboscis or pharynx (which lies in a muscular sheath), and three chief interior intestinal branches, one running forward to the head end of the body and two leading tailward. Many small side pouches or diverticula protrude. In fact, every part of the body has such a pouch. This means that all parts of the body can take nourishment immediately from the digestive tract so that planaria needs no circulatory system. All non-digested food must be egested through the mouth, as there is no anal opening. In some forms a definite green substance appears which is due to the zoQchlorellae or symbiotic one-celled plants which live in the middle .germ-layer. Fopd is digested both intercellularly and intracellularly, which means that a part of the food is digested in the intestine proper by secre- tions which are poured out from cells in the intestinal walls; and, that food may also be digested by pseudopodia extending from cells in the in- testinal walls, which pseudo- podia take in the undigested food to the cell which then B. digests it. Fig. 175. A. Planaria polychroa X about 4. 1, Eye. 2. Ciliated slit at side of head. 3. Mouth External Annearanre of proboscis. 4. Outline of the pharynx sheath into ^Xierr ince- tTvheChporhee pharynx ™ * withdrawn- 5' Reproduc- Planaria is bilaterally B. Dendrocoeium 9raffi. (Woodworth). symmetrical and dorso-ven- trally flattened. The head-end is blunt and the tail-end tapers. It is usually less than half an inch in length. The common American species is known as Planaria maculata. It has a definite pair of eye-spots. Turbellaria are metazoans and triploblastic. The mesoderm con- sists mostly of muscles and loose parenchyma cells. The coelom is rep- resented by the genital sacs. Turbellaria are classified according to the type and number of .branches found in the digestive tract. In some of the turbellaria, though not in Planaria, there are special 'ectodermal cells which secrete mucus, or produce rod-like bodies called rhabdites. The Excretory System. The excretory system (Fig. 176) consists of two irregular longi- tudinal much-coiled tubes, one on each side of the body. Near the an- terior end these two tubes are connected by a transverse vessel. The longitudinal vessels open to the exterior by two small pores on the dorsal surface of the animal. Many fine tubules branch off from these main tubes and ramify through all parts of the body, terminating in large flame-cells (Fig. 177). FLATWORMS AND THREADWORMS Each of these flame-cells (which are characteristic of the flatworms) consists of a central cavity into which a bundle of cilia project. The flickering of the cilia look something like a candle-flame, and it is from this fact they are named. It is the flame-cell which is considered the real excretory organ of the animal, though some writers think it may also have some respiratory functions. The Nervous System. There are two lobes (Fig. 176) of nerv- ous tissue beneath the eye-spots. These are usually called the brain. There are also two longitudinal nerve-cords, one on each side Fig. 176. Anatomy of a Flatworiu. en, brain ; e, eye ; g, ovary ; iv i2, iy branches of intestine ; In, lateral nerve ; m, mouth ; od, oviduct ; ph, pharynx ; t, testis ; u, uterus ; v, yolk glands ; vd, vas deferens ; I()L()C,V The common liver-fluke Fasciola hepatica, though rare in this coun- try, is common in Syria where men eat raw goat-livers. The disease is called Halzoun. Opisthorchis (Distoma) felineus is common in cats. It has been found in Prussia, Siberia, and Nebraska. Opisthorchis noverca (Distomum conjunctum) is the Indian liver- fluke. D in. Fig. 182. Infective Trematodes. I. Opisthorchis felineus. Os., oral sucker; Ph., pharynx; /., intestine ; Vs., ventral sucker ; Ut., uterus ; Vg., vitelline glands ; Vd., vitelline duct ; O., ovary ; T., testes ; EC., excretory canal. II. Opisthorchis noverca. A., greatly enlarged. B., almost na- tural size, m., mouth (oral sucker) ; ph., pharynx; ac., acetabulum (ventral sucker) ; ut., uterus; vt., vitelline glands; ov., ovary; vd., vas deferens ; t., testes ; i., intestine ; cxp., excretory pore. III. Fasciolopsis buski. IV. Heterophyes heterophyes. a., schematic and highly en- larged ; b., about twice natural size ; e., eggs, greatly magnified ; d., spine greatly magnified. (I, after Stiles and Hassal ; II, after Manson ; III, after Rivas ; IV, after Loose. ) V. Paragonimus Westermani (Asiatic Lung Fluke) : 1, oral sucker ; 4, intestine ; 7, acetabulum ; 8, ovary ; 9, excretory canal ; 11, yolkglands ; 12, testis ; 14, uterus. (After Pratt.) FLAT WORMS AXD THREADWORMS 293 Opisthorchis (Distoma) sinensis. This is one of the most important of liver-flukes. It occurs extensively in Japan, China and India. It is 10-20 mm. long and 2-5 mm. broad. The eggs are oval and dark-brown with sharply defined operculum. O. sinensis are also found in Canada and the United States. Children are usually affected, and whole villages succumb to its ravages. Fasciolopsis (Distoma) buski is common in India, and Mesogonimus heterophyes in Egypt and Japan. CESTODA The common tapeworm, Taenia solium (Fig. 183) is the best labora- tory example of Cestoda. It lives in the digestive tract of man and feeds upon the already digested food of its host. The tapeworm therefore needs no digestive system of its own, and it has none. Taenia is a long flatworm consisting of a knob-like head called the scolex, and a great number of segments which are all like each other but different from the scolex. These segments are known as proglottids. Hooks and suckers on the scolex permit the animal to fasten itself to the walls of the digestive tract of its host. A small constriction be- tween head and proglottids is called the neck. The proglottids usually increase in size the further they are from the scolex. It is not uncom- mon to have a tapeworm reach ten or more feet in length and have some eight or nine hundred proglottids. The proglottids are budded off from the neck, so that the segments furthest from the head are the older. The process of forming new proglottids is called strobilization. The body of the simplest type of tapeworm is not segmented, though most forms are. Each proglottid contains a set of both male and female reproductive organs, but the nervous and excretory systems are usually quite con- tinuous through head and proglottids. The question often arises as to whether each segment is not a complete individual, but the best authori- ties believe that the scolex is an asexual individual which buds off the sexual individuals which we have called proglottids. There are a good many species of tapeworms, but all of them live as parasites in the intestinal tract of other animals, and nearly all of them require two hosts before their life cycle is completed. And, just as the liver flukes require a cold-blooded and a warm-blooded animal as their hosts, so the tapeworms usually require some herbivorous animal as a host for the larval stages, and an animal which eats the flesh of the herbivorous animal for the adult stages. We therefore have tapeworms using pig and man, cow and man, fish and man, mealworm and rat, fleas and dog, rabbit and wolf, etc., as the two hosts. An adult tapeworm in the intestine of man will continually develop new proglottids which pass out of the body and shed the eggs upon the ground. Each proglottid may produce thousands of eggs. If these eggs 294 GENERAL BIOLOGY Fig. 183. Tapeworms. A. The Life-History of Tcenia solium. 1, six-hooked embryo in egg-case; 2, proscolex or bladder-worm stage, with invaginated head ; 3, bladder-worm with evaginated head ; 4, enlarged head of adult, showing suckers and hooks ; 5, general view of the tapeworm, from small head and thin neck to the ripe joints ; 6, a ripe joint or proglottis with branched uterus ; all other organs are now lost. B. A proglottis of Toenia solium with the reproductive organs at the stage of complete development, cs., Cirrus sac ; excr., excretory canals ; g.o., genital opening ; n.c., nerve cord ; ov., ovary ; sh.g., shell gland ; t., testes ; v.d., vas deferens ; ut., uterus ; vat]., vagina ; y-g., yolk gland. C. Diagrams of Bladder-Worms. I. The ordinary Cysticercus type, with one . ,. head. II. The Coenurus type, with many heads. IIL The Echinococcus type, with many heads, and with blood capsules producing many heads. D. Portion of hog's liver infested with echinococcus bladder-worm. A, after Leuckart; B and C, after Borradaile ; D, after Stiles.) then come in contact with grass, weeds, hay, or any vegetation which cattle eat, they hatch in the intestine of the animal eating such vegeta- tion. Each egg will develop a little six-hooked embryo which leaves the egg and bores its way into the cow's body. It comes to rest either in the liver or muscle tissue. In about three months a bladder-worm known as a cysticercus has developed, and if flesh containing these bladder worms is eaten by man, he is in turn infected. The cysticercus is really a tiny bladder-like sac with a scolex pushed in on one side. When this gets into man's intestine, the scolex is pushed FLATWORMS AND THREADWORMS [ \ 295 outward so that it can fasten its hooks into its new host's intestine. It is now ready to bud off proglottids again. At least one per cent of all cattle slaughtered in this country have tapeworms. Certain species are also found in pork. All meat should therefore be well cooked before eating. The structure of the tapeworm is quite similar to Planaria, the flat- worm which served as our introduction to this phylum. It is well, however, to obtain a good description of the way tape- worms reproduce, as it is due to their reproduction that infection takes place. The mature proglottid is almost entirely filled with reproductive organs. From the spherical testes (which are scattered throughout the entire proglottid) the sperm cells are carried through the vas deferens, after being gathered into fine tubules, and pass to the genital pore. Eggs arise in the two-lobed ovary, and pass into the oviduct. Yolk from the yolk-gland then enters the oviduct and surrounds the eggs. After this a shell is provided for the egg by the secretions from the shell- gland, and the eggs pass into the uterus. The eggs have by this time been fertilized and pass into the vagina. As the proglottid grows older, the uterus becomes extended with eggs and even sends off uterine branches likewise filled with eggs, while the rest of the reproductive or- gans are absorbed. The proglotti-d is then said to be ripe. When ripen- ing occurs, the proglottid is very likely to break off and be thrown out with the faeces. Cestode Infections. There are four principal types of cestode worms (Fig. 184) which infect the human being. These are : Taenia saginata or mediocanellata, Taenia solium, Bothriocephalus latus, Taenia echinococcus. Each of these requires an intermediate host for the development of the larval forms. The eating of the flesh of the intermediate host re- leases the larval forms and the mature worm forms in the human host. Taenia saginata (the common beef-tapeworm) is common in the small intestine of man. As the segments (which are loaded with eggs) ripen, they are discharged. The eggs are taken up with the food of the ox. Then the embryo pierces the intestinal wall with the six hooks on the worm's head. As it bores its way through into the blood-stream, this blood-stream carries it throughout the entire system. Finally, they come to rest in various muscles and develop into a cystic larval form. It is at this point that mari becomes infected if raw beef is eaten which contains these larvae. Taenia solium has less uterine pouches filled with eggs than 296 GENERAL BIOLOGY Taenia saginata. These eggs are ingested by pigs. This type of tape- worm is rare in the human intestine in America, although it does occur. The process of development is quite like that of Taenia saginata. The cystic larvae of Taenia solium are called Cysticercus cellulosae. Bothriocephalus Latus is found in many types of fish, such as sal- mon, trout, perch, etc., and if this is ingested by man it passes through ir. Fig. 184. Types of Cestoda. I. Heads of 1, Taenia Solium; 2, T. Saginata; 3, Dibothriocephalus latus; 4, Dipylidium caninum, this latter showing rostrum both evaginated and invagi- nated ; 5, immature and 6, mature cysticercoid. (From various authors.) II. Diagram of the anatomy of Tapeworms. 1, Taenia saginata; 2, Dibothrioce- phalus latus. T, testes ; Vd., vas deferens ; C., cirrus ; Gp., genital pore ; Va., vagina ; Rs.f receptaculum seminis ; Vtg., vitelline glands ; Vtd., vitelline duct ; Sg., shell gland ; Ov., ovaries ; Ovd., Oviduct ; Ut., uterus ; Ot., ootype ; Exd., excretory duct ; Mt., metraterm. (After Rivas.) FLATWORMS AND THREADWORMS 297 the various stages already mentioned and produces considerable anaemia. The genital openings are on the face of each segment in Bothriocephalus latus instead of at the edges as in Taenia. Taenia echinococcus differs from the three forms just mentioned in that man is the intermediate host and the dog the true host It also differs in size from those mentioned. Tapeworms in the human being may reach a length of thirty to forty feet, but Taenia echinococcus is only three mm. to six mm. in length. In cold countries where men and dogs live in the same room and where dogs lick their master's faces, eggs are transmitted to. the human digestive tract, al- though intermediate hosts other than man are possible. The developing cyst in the instance of the small worm is very large, and there is a closely allied form known as Taenia multilocularis which cften is present with Taenia echinococcus, and when this is the case, a great mass of ramifying spongy tissue, full of small cavities, forms. If these cysts grow in the brain the sheer pressure of the cysts cause injury and then, too, if the first cyst ruptures it pours out poisons in the sys- tem, as well as again spreading new larvae which form secondary cysts. The eggs, when in the human intestine, hatch and bore through the intestinal wall and are swept along by the blood-stream to their lodging place. A thin, pearl-colored covering then surrounds it and about this the tissues of the host react so as to form a capsule. A liquid is formed in the thin membrane while buds grow out of the membrane. These buds are finally recognizable as the heads of new worms. The heads turn inside out, causing the hooks to face inward. This makes it possi- ble for the worm to be swallowed by dogs and pigs. Then the head turns back again to make use of its hooks and suckers. If no interme- diate host is found, the worms may die, but in such a case there is a large cyst filled with a mortar-like white material remaining. Following is a summary of all the important Tapeworms and their hosts: Name Taenia solium . Taenia saginata Final Host Man Man Taenia elliptica Taenia cucumerina (Both of these are also! called Dipylidium caninum . . . . | Taenia flavo-punctata . . . cat mostly, but also man . Common in rats. . Intermediate Host Hog (in liver, mus- cles, brain and eye). Ox and Giraffe (in muscles). In body-cavity of dog, fleas and lice. Moths and beetles. 298 (Hymenolepsis diminuta) Taenia nana (Hymenolepsis nana) Taenia confusa Dibothriocephalus latus . Drepanidotaenia setigera GENERAL BIOLOGY Twelve cases known in man. Common in Italy and known in America. A few cases in Man. Man and Dog Common in Fin- land and regions where fish is a common food. Goose In peritoneum and muscles of pike, perch, and trout. Water-flea and Cy- clops brevicauda- tus. THE THREAD-WORMS NEMATODA. The nematodes are the thread-worms or round worms which make up the phylum Nemathelminthes. ovy Fig. 185. A Cross Section, Ascaris Lumbricoiftes. A, Transverse section, cu., cuticle ; dl., dorsal line ; der. epthm., epidermis ; ex.v., excretory tube ; int., intestine ; lat. 1., lateral line ; m., muscular layer ; ovy., ovary ; ut., uterus ; v.v., ventral line. . B. A female cut open to show internal structures. 1, pharynx; 2, intestine; 3, ovary ; 4, uterus, 5, vagina ; 6, genital pore ; 7, excretory tube ; 8, excretory pore. (A, after Vogt and Yung; B, after Shipley and MacBride.) FLATWORMS AND THREADWORMS 299 This phylum is likely to prove confusing to students as there are various systematists who classify thread-worms under different phyla and under groups which they call uncertain. Nematodes form the single class of Nemathelminthes, and the two best knowrn forms used in the laboratory are Ascaris lumbricoides (Figs. Fig. 186. Tuberculous Cavity in Oesophageal Wall of Man Containing an Ascaris Lumbricoides. (From a photo- graph lent the author by Dr. E. L. Miloslavich.) Fig. 187. Trichinella Spiralia. A. Encysted Trichina Embryo. B. Adult female from Intestinal wall. 1, parasite ; 2, membrane of cyst ; 3, muscle-fiber of pig. (After Leuckart.) 185 and 186), a parasitic worm found in the digestive tract of pigs, horses, and man, belonging to the family Ascaridae; and Trichinella spiralis (Fig. 187), of the family Trichinellidae, which causes a very dangerous disease called trichinosis in rats, pigs, and man. The female Ascaris is the larger of the sexes ; in fact, it may grow to a length of from five to eleven inches and a fourth of an inch in diam- eter. The body is of a light brown color with a narrow white stripe along the dorsal and ventral surface, and a broader white line lying on each side of the dorsal and ventral stripe. The mouth-opening (which is surrounded by one dorsal and two ventral lips) lies at the anterior end of the animal. The anal opening lies at the posterior end. The tail-end of the female is straight, while in the male it is slightly bent. In the male also there are penial setae, which extend through the anal opening and which are used for copula- tion. 300 GENERAL BIOLOGY The Digestive System. The digestive system is very simple, consisting of a mere straight tube into which the already digested food of the host enters. A definite coelom may also be seen. The more anterior portion of the digestive tube is known as the pharynx. This is muscular, so that by contraction and expansion it can draw the host's food into itself. At the posterior end of the digestive tube the intestine becomes smaller. This is the rectum, which empties through the anal opening. The Excretory System. This system consists of two longitudinal canals, one being located in each lateral line. These open through a single pore near the anterior end of the ventral body-wall. The Nervous System. A definite ring of nervous tissue surrounds the pharynx. From this ring a dorsal and a ventral nerve cord are given off, as well as a number of fine nerve strands and connections. The Reproductive System. In the male there is but a single testis, which is coiled and thread- like. The sperm cells pass from this through a vas deferens to a seminal vesicle and from here through the ejaculatory duct to the rectum. In the female the reproductive system is Y shaped, the two arms of the Y being the coiled ovaries which are continuous with the uterus. It is the two uteri which unite in the stem of the Y to form a muscular tube, the vagina, which opens to the outside of the body by a genital aperture. The egg is fertilized in the uterus, after which a chitinous shell surrounds it, and the egg is then thrown out through the genital pore. It is this chitinous shell which prevents the egg being digested in the in- testine of the host where it must necessarily fall when being laid. As nematodes are triploblastic animals with three definite germ layers, these animals also have a coelom. Consequently, the body of these worms must be thought of as a tube within a tube, with the re- productive system lying between digestive tract and the body wall- that is, within the coelom. However, the coelom is quite different in worms from what it is in higher animals. In the higher forms, the coelom is a cavity between the two layers of mesoderm. The excretory organs open into it and from its walls the reproductive cells originate. In Ascaris the coelom has only the meso- FLAT WORMS AND THREADWORMS 301 Fig. 188. Oxyuris Vermicularis The male is on the left, the female on the right. (After Glaus.) 17 Fig. 189. Eggs of the More Important Worms Which Are Parasitic to Man. As all are of the same magnification, a comparison of the rela- tive sizes is possible. 1, Fasciolopsis buskii; 2, Schistosoma mansoni; 3, Schistosoma hacmatobium ; 4, Schistosoma japonicum; 5, Paraffonimus wester- manii; 6, Clonorchis sinensis; 1, Metagonimus yokogawai; 8, Taenia saginata; 9, Taenia solium; 10. Hymenolepsis nana; 11, Hymeno- lepsis diminuta; 12, Diphyllobothrium latum (Dibothriocephalvs latus) ; 13, Ascaris lumbricoides (egg without outer coating) ; 14, Ascaris lumbricoides (abnormal egg) ; 15, Ascaris lumbricoides; 1C. Trichuris trichiura; 17 and 18, Hookworm eggs; 19, Enterobius vermicularis oxyuris vermicularis ; 20, Oxyuris incognita; 21, Tricho- strongylus orientalis. (After Hegner and Cort's "Diagnosis of Pro- tozoa and Worms Parasitic to Man." Bull. Johns Hopkins Uni- versity school of Hygiene and Public Health.) derm of the body wall as a lining. There is no mesodermal lining sur- rounding the intestines. Then, too, the excretory organs open directly to the outside through the excretory pore, and the reproductive cells do not originate from the epithelium of the coelom. Notwithstanding this 302 GENERAL BIOLOGY difference, the space between intestinal tract and body wall is called a coelom in worms. Nematode Infections (Figs. 185, 186, 187, 188). Ascaris lumbricoides is found chiefly in children. The female is from seven to twelve inches in length and the male from four to eight inches. The worm is pointed at both ends and of a yellowish-brown or slightly reddish color. There is no intermediate host. The animal oc- cupies the upper portion of the small intestine. Usually one or two are found in a single location, although sometimes vast numbers of them may be found. The worm may pass to the stomach and be vomited forth, or -it may crawl up the oesophagus and then pass into the larynx and asphyxiate the patient. In fact, it may enter any ducts or tubes in the body. Oxyuris vermicularis (commonly called pin-worms or thread- worms), (Fig. 188), are parasites of the rec- tum and colon. The male is about 4 mm. long and the female about 10 mm. The parasites migrate and come close to the surface during the night, thus caus- ing accentuated irritation and itching about the rec- tum and genital organs. Many eggs are found in the faeces of infected children. It is essential that the dis- tinguishing and diagnostic difference between oxyuris The Hookworm. eggs and trichocephalus eggs be known. Both tvpes a., male; &., fe- . 1M 1-1 , i male; o., mouth; v., are quite alike except that trichocephalus eggs have a oPfenengggfsOT disfAafrtS button-like lighter area (Fig. 189, 16). Re-infection must be guarded against. These worms often find their way into the appendix of children where they drill into the mucous mem- brane and cause appendicitis. Trichina (Fig. 187), (also called Trichi- nella spiralis), lives in the small intestine when adult. The disease trichiniasis is caused by the embryos after they pass from the intestines to the voluntary muscles where they encapsulate themselves as larvae. The female is 3 to 4 mm. long and the male 1.5 mm. There are two tiny projections from the posterior end of the worm. The larvae, when encased in the muscle, is about 1 mm. long. Trichina have a pointed head and a somewhat rounded tail. The parasites are ingested by man when eating inadequately cooked pork. Each worm may produce as high as 10,000 young, which are either placed directly into the lymphatics by the female or burrow through the intestinal wall. They then encyst in the muscle tissue. Pigs acquire the disease by eating offal or infected rats. Twenty-six different kinds of animals have been found in which trichinae grow, and as many as 15,000 of these parasites have been found in one gram of muscle. FLATWORMS AND THREADWORMS 303 It may take about six weeks for complete encap- sulation, but once encap- sulated they may remain alive for twenty or twenty- five years in the muscle. Pigs may be literally "filled" with these parasites, causing what is known as "measly pork," although they may show no external sign of infection. Many countries now insist on pork inspection to prevent a spread of infection. The patient usually suf- fers with a fever, anaemia, muscle pains (myositis), which are often mistaken for rheumatism, and intesti- nal disturbances (gastro- enteritis). Ankylostoma duodenale in the old world, and Necator americanus in this country are the Hook-worms (Fig. 190). The disease caused by hook-worm is variously known as ankylostomiasis, uncinariasis, hook-worm dis- ease, tropical or Egyptian chlorosis, and anaemia of bricklayers and tunnel- workers. The old-world animal is small and cylindrical, the male being about 10 mm. in length and the female from 10 to 18 mm. There are chitinous plates about the mouth and there are two pairs of sharp, hook-shaped teeth with which the mucosa of the intestine is pierced. On the male there is a prominent caudal, umbrella- like expansion. The American species is slightly more slender, with a globular mouth and a different arrangement of teeth. The eggs of the American form are slightly larger than those of the European forms. The larvae of the hook-worm develop in moist earth and dig their Fig. 191. Forms of Worms Parasitic to Man. 1. Larval stage of Filaria ozzardi (F. demarquayi). 2. Larval stage of Loa loa (Microfilaria diurna) . 3. Larval stage of Filaria bancrofti (Microfilaria nocturna ) . 4. Larval stage of Acanthocheilonema perstans (Mi- crofilaria perstans). 5. Adult parasite female of Strongyloides stercoralis. 6 and 7. Adults, male and female, of the free-living generation of Strongyloides stercolaris. 8. Rhabditiform larva of Strongyloides stercoralis. just hatched from egg. 9. Filariform infective larva of Strongyloides ster- coralis. 10. Rhabditiform larva of Ancylostoma duodenale, just hatched from the egg. 11. Filariform infective larva of Ancylostoma duo- denale. (From Hegner and Cort's "Diagnosis of Proto- zoa and Worms Parasitic to Man" ; 1-4, after Fulleborn ; 5-11, after Looss.) 304 GENERAL BIOLOGY way through the soles of the feet of persons who go barefoot. Once in the blood-stream they are carried along by it to the heart, thence to the lungs, and many lodge in the windpipe from whence they are swal- lowed, thus reaching the stomach and intestines. The larval forms here attach themselves to the intestinal walls and feed on the blood of their host. But as they puncture the intestinal wall, they exude a small amount of poison which prevents the host's blood from coagulating. There is thus a constant loss of tiny droplets of blood and the patient naturally becomes anaemic. Not only do persons infected with hook- worm suffer from such loss of blood, but the parasites injure the lungs in passing through them, and thus make tuberculosis infections easy. The writer was recently told by a worker jBMfew JB m the medical corps of the army that more iF- ftj| than 75 per cent of the examined southern J^H^rV negroes showed hook-worm infection. It is of great importance to dispose of all !*5t\ human faeces in rural districts, in mines, brick- yards, etc., so that the soil will not become polluted. This will kill the eggs and thus pre- & vent hatching of the parasites. Strong sun- light seems to be quite effective in doing this •pH ®BP^ The family Filariidae is also important from a pathological point of view. Filaria bancrofti (Fig. 191) is a parasite Fig> (TromE1"Newn%1enLman- in human blood. It is interesting to know that these parasites live in the lungs and larger arteries throughout the day and in the blood-vessels in the skin at night. Mosquitoes, which are active at night, suck the blood of infected per- sons and thus carry the infection. In fact, it was the knowledge of this which led to the discovery of the malarial parasite's life-cycle. As the organism is placed in another person by the mosquito, after the larvae have developed in that mosquito's body, they enter the lymphatics and cause serious difficulties, probably by blocking the lymph passage. If there is such a blocking, elephantiasis results. This is a practically incurable disease in which the limbs or other portions of the body swell to an enormous size, although producing little or no pain. (Fig. 192.) In certain portions of the South Sea Islands almost a third of the population is affected. Medical men speak of Filaria diurna and Filaria perstans. The first of these differs from F. bancrofti in not having granules in the axis of the body, and the second by having its embryos smaller (namely, about 200 microns) than the preceding. Only the embryos have been seen. The embryos of F. Bancrofti are about 270 to 340 microns in length. The adult is about 83 mm. long and the female some 155 mm. The tail FLAT WORMS AND THREADWORMS 305 in. Fig. 193. Other Nematode Parasites. I. a., Dracunculus (filaria) medinensis (female) , showing mouth and embryo. b., Transverse section through adult female of I, a, showing many embryos in the uterus. II. Cyclops. This animal is the intermediate host of Dracunculus. III. Trichocephalus dispar (also called Trichuris trichiura) of the Family Trichinellidae. a., egg ; 6., female ; c.f male attached to the intestine, showing the long, slender, cephalic end buried in the submucosa ; sp., spicule. IV. Gigantorhynchus gigas, of the Class Acanthocephala, and Family Echinor- hynchidae. A., two males and one female adult attached to the mucosa of the intestine; B., eggs as seen in preparation; C., eggs as found in feces. (I, after Bastian and Leuckart ; II, after Riley and Johannsen ; III, after Leuckart ; IV, after Brumpt and Perrier.) in the male has two spiral turns. The female produces vast numbers of young which enter the blood-stream through the lymphatics. Each embryo is enclosed in a tiny shell about one-ninetieth of an inch in length. They can thus pass through the capillaries quite readily. They can be seen in a blood-drop under the microscope. As many as 2,100 embryos have been seen in 1 cc. of blood. Dracunculus medinensis is a peculiar worm, the female being about a yard long. It is probably taken in with food. It makes its way down- ward, and, when arriving at the ankle, usually pushes its head through the skin, causing an abscess. As the eggs are then deposited, it leaves 306 GENERAL BIOLOGY the infected person of its own accord. Few of these have been found in America. Trichocephalus dispar (Fig. 193), or whip-worm, is found in the caecum and large intestine of man. It is 4 to 5 cm. in length, the male being a trifle shorter than the female. The parasite is remarkable in that there is a great differentiation between the two ends of the body. The anterior end, which forms about three-fifths of the body, is very thin and hair-like, while the posterior portion is thick, and, in the female, conical and pointed. In the male it is blunter and rolled like a spring. The eggs are lemon-shaped, 0.05 mm. in length. Each has a button-like projection. There may be as many as a thousand parasites in one per- son. The parasite produces no known symptoms in the patient, although, patients who have been infected have become anaemic and suffered with diarrhoea. Dicotophyme renale, the male of which is over a foot long and the female over three feet. These are seldom met with, but when present may destroy the entire kidney. Anguillula aceti'or (vinegar eel) has been found in the urine of man, although it is supposed to have been in the bottle in which the urine was collected. Strongyloides intestinalis is found in the small intestines of man in the tropics. Three per cent of the medical patients of the Isthmus of Panama were found to be infected, and 20 to 30 per cent of the insane division. Acanthocephalus (thorn-headed worms) are also called Giganto- rhynchus or Echinorhynchus. These are quite common in the intestine of the hog, where they attach themselves by means of a protrusible pro- boscis covered with hooks. In the old world the larva develops in cock- roach grubs, while in America the larva devlops in the June bug. The Acanthocephalia are distinguished from the Nematodes and the Nematomorpha by the presence of a proboscis and the absence, of an alimentary canal. ! ; INTERMEDIATE AND UNCERTAIN FORMS In addition to the rather definite groups of worms mentioned in this book, there are also various forms of uncertain position. The term Mesozoa (Fig. 194) — (Gr. mesos, middle — zoon, animal)— is often used as a general grouping for the three following families of parasites: (1) Dicyemidae, (2) Orthonectidae, (3) Heterocyemidae. They are called Mesozoa because they are regarded as intermediate forms between the protozoa and the metazoa. They are closely allied to the flat worms. The Nemertinae (Gr. nemertes, true), are usually placed with the flat worms. They may reach a length of ninety feet and are mostly marine, though a few live in fresh water and in moist earth. FLAT WORMS AND THREADWORMS 307 Fig. 194. A. A Mesozoon, Dicyema Paradoxum. ( From Parker and Haswell, after Kolliker.) B. A Mesozoon, Rhopalura giardii, male. (From Sedgwick, After v. Beneden.) C D A. Malacobdetta grossa (Ver- rill), entire worm. 1, proboscis; 2, mouth; 3, intestine; 4, sucker. B. Section through forward end. 1, mouth ; 2, proboscis ; 3, proboscis sheath. C. Micrura leidy, (Verrill.) D. Cerebratulus lacteus (Ver- rill). (From Pratt's "Manual" by permission of A. C. McClurg & Co.) . 195. E. Cerebratulus fuscus, a Ne- mertine. 1, cephalic slits ; 2, opening leading into retracted proboscis ; 3. dorsal commis- sure of nervous . system ; 4, ventral commissure ; 5, brain ; 6, posterior lobe of brain ; 7, mouth ; 8, proboscis ; 9, lateral vessel ; 10, proboscis ; 11, pouches of alimentary canal ; 12, stomach. (From Shipley and MacBride, after Burger.) Cerebratulus ( ), and Micrura ( ), (Fig. 195), are the usual examples of marine Nemertinae. Other forms are not common. Malacobdella ( ) is parasitic in some mollusks. The Nemertinae are considered the lowest form of animal life in which the blood-vascular system appears. There is a definite mesoderm and a nervous and an excretory system quite like those in flatworms. but they all have a long proboscis just above the digestive tract which lies within a sheath. This can be everted. The body is covered with cilia. These animals feed on other animals both dead and alive. They usually live in burrows of mud and sand, though Cerebratulus is free swimming. A peculiar larval stage known as the Pilidium (Fig. 198 D) re- sembling a helmet with cilia and a long tuft at the apex, is a distinguish- ing feature of the development of Nemertinae. Ectodermal invagina- tions surround the alimentary tract of the Pilidium. This invaginated portion escapes from the larval form and becomes an adult. 308 GENERAL BIOLOGY Fig. 19(5. III. I. Gordius aquaticus; hinder end of male. II. Gordius lineatus; hinder end of male. III. Paragordius variua ; A, hinder end of female ; B, of male IV. Nectonema agile; (From Pratt's "Manual" by permission McClurg & Co.) IV. of A. C. A. B. Two species of Rotifera. A, Philodina. B, Hydatina. (From Parker and Haswell, after Hudson and Gosse.) C. Diagram showing the anatomy of a Rotifer, a, anus ; br, brain ; c1, preoral, and c2, postoral circlet of cilia ; c.gl, ce- ment gland ; cl, cloaca ; d.ep, dermic epithelium ; d.f, dorsal feeler ; e, eye ; fl.c, flame-cells ; int, intestine ; m, muscles ; mth, mouth ; nph, nephridial tube ; ov, ovum ; ovd, oviduct ; ovy, ger- marium ; ph, pharynx; st, stomach; vt, vitellarium. (From Parker and Haswell.) D. Pilidium larva of a Nemertine. D, alimentary canal ; E, E', the two pairs of ectodermal invaginations. (From Sedgwick, after Metschnikoff.) Fig. 197. The arrowworm, Sagitta hexap- tera (of the group Chaetognatha ) , ventral view, a, mouth ; b, intes- tine ; c, anus ; d, ventral ganglion ; e, movable bristles on the head ; f , spines on the head ; g, ovary ; h, oviduct; i, vas def erens ; j, testis ; k, seminal vesicle. (After Hert- wig). The Nematomorpha (Gr. nema, thread — morphe, form), is made up of the single family Gordiidae (Fig. 196). These are the common horse- FLAT WORMS AND THREADWORMS 309 A. Av, hair snakes. Various authors classify them under the order of Nema- toda, while others classify them under the Phylum Nemathelminthes. There are two genera : Gordius, which lives in fresh water, and Necto- nema, a marine form. The internal anatomy is somewhat different from the Nematodes, as there is a distinct epithelium lining the body cavity and no lateral lines. There is also a pharyngeal nerve-ring, and a single ventral nerve-cord, while the ovaries discharge the eggs into the body- cavity. Then, too, the larvae of Gordius usually enter immature stages of aquatic insects. These in- sect larval-forms are then devoured by other animals, and it is in the intestines of the host where they de- velop until they finally escape into the water. The Acanthocephala ( G r. akantha, spine — kephale, head) are the parasitic worms already men- tioned above (Fig. 193), which may infect man. They fasten themselves to the intestinal wall of their host by means of a protrusible proboscis covered with hooks. In fact, it is the presence of the proboscis and a reproductive system as well as the absence of an alimentary system which distinguishes the Acantho- cephala from the Nematoda and the Nematomorpha. There is an alter- nation of hosts during the developmental stages. The Chaetognatha (Gr. chaite, horse-hair-gnathos, jaw) are marine forms swimming about near the surface of the water. The arrow-worm (Fig. 197) is the classic example. This is a member of the genus Sagitta. The Chaetognatha are quite often included under the Phylum Nemathel- minthes. The Rotifera or Rotatoria (Fig. 198), (Lat. rota, wheel-fero, I carry), are usually called the wheel-animalcules. They are very small and were formerly thought to belong to the Infusoria. Most of them live in fresh water. A few are parasitic. The sexes are separate. There are summer and winter eggs produced by the female. The former are thin-shelled and develop without fertilization (parthenogenetically). The larger eggs produce only females and the small males. The winter eggs are fertilized, have thick shells, and all develop into females. The eggs of most mollusks pass through a larval stage known as a trocho- phore ( ). which looks quite like the helmet-shaped larva .described above. Now, Rotifers often resemble these trochophores. Fig. 199. Bugula avicularia, a. Bryozoon. avicularia ; D, alimentary canal ; F, funiculus ; Oes, oesophagus ; Ovz, ovicells ; R, retractor muscle; Te, tentacular crown. (From Sedg- vdck, after V. Nordmann.) B. Phorords architecta. Young individ- ual with about 30 tentacles. 1, epistome ; 2, lophophore ; 3, digestive tract. (From Pratt's •'Manual" by permission of A. C. McClurg & Co.) 310 GENERAL BIOLOGY Consequently, it is thought by some zoologists that they must be closely related to the mollusks. Rotifers have a peculiar ability to secrete a gelatinous envelope about themselves in times of drought, which pro- tects them for great lengths of time and thus prevents them from per- ishing. The Bryozoa (Gr. Bryon, moss — zoon, animal) are moss-animals (Fig. 199), which practically all live a colonial life. They look some- thing like the hydroid form of Obelia, but their general structure is quite unlike Obelia. Most of them are marine animals, though there are a few types which inhabit fresh water. The polypide is the name given to the soft parts which lie within a coelomic cavity and which is surrounded by the zooecium (body-wall). The lophophore ( ) is the crown of ciliated tentacles surrounding the mouth. The alimentary tract, retractor mus- cle, and the funiculus (a strand of mesodermal-tissue attached to the stomach), are shown in Figure 199. There are no circulatory or excre- tory organs. The eggs develop in the ooecium, which is a modified por- tion of the body-wall. Bugula is the usual laboratory example. Certain members of a col- ony develop jaws for protective purposes. Such jaw-possessing mem- bers are called aviculariae. Bryozoa are divided into Ectoprocta in which the anus opens out- side the lophophore, and a coelom is present as in Bugula; and Ento- procta, in which the anal opening lies within the lophophore, while the portion which should be a coelom is filled with mesodermal cells. Exam- ples of this type are Pedicellina and Urnatella. The Phoronidea, named after an ancient king, Phoronis, is made up of the single genus Phoronis. The animals belonging to this group are worm-like and are enclosed in membranous tubes. They live in sand and are supposed to be related to the Ectoprocta. The Brachiopoda (Gr. brachion, arm — pous, foot) are shelled marine animals (Fig. 200), but with the shell on the dorsal and ventral portions of the animal, instead of on the sides as with bi-valves. They are usually attached to some object by a peduncle. An excellent example is Lingula, a very old type, having been found in some of the oldest geological strata, and which differ but little today from their oldest fossil-remains. 1 The Brachiopoda are not worm-like in any way, but they have an uncertain position in classification, and so are included here. The Gephyrea (Fig. 201), (Gr. gephyra, mound), often classified under the annelids, are now believed by zoologists to be unrelated, but there is even doubt that the various sub-grouping of Gephyrea them- selves bear any very close relationship. Three groups are usually noted: (1) The Echiuroidea, in which the adult shows traces of segmenta- tion, a proboscis, and a pair of ventral-hooked-setae and terminal anus. FLATWORMS AND THREADWORMS 311 There is a larval trochophore stage. They ordinarily live in crevices of rocks. (2) The Sipunculoidea, which are unsegmented. They possess one pair of nephridia, a large coelom and anal opening on the dorsal surface, near the head-end. They usually possess tentacles at the anterior end. They live in sand or bore their way into coral rock. (3) The Priapuloidea are also unsegmented, having an anterior- mouth surrounded by chitinous teeth and the anal opening in the pos- Fig. 200. Magellania flavescens (of the group Brachiopoda). A, dorsal aspect of shell. B, shell as seen from the left side, b, beak ; d.v., dorsal valve ; /, foramen ; v.v., ventral valve. (From Weysse, after Davidson.) Anatomy of a Brachiopod, Waldheimia austrdlis. 1, mouth ; 2, lophophore ; 3, stom- ach ; 4, liver tubes ; 5, median ridge on shell ; 6, heart ; 7, intestine ; 8, muscle from dorsal valve of shell to stalk ; 9, opening of nephrid- ium ; 10, stalk ; 11, body-wall ; 12, tentacles ; 13, coil of lip ; 14, terminal tentacles. (From Shipley and MacBride.) Fig. 201. A. Echiurus pattasii (of the group Gephyrea). a, mouth at the end of the grooved proboscis; b, ventral hooks; c, anus. (From the Cambridge Natural History.) B. Sipunculus nudus (of the group Gephyrea) laid open from the side. A, anus; BD, brown tubes (nephridia); D, intestine; G, brain ; Te, tentacles ; VG, ventral nerve- cord. (From Sedgwick, after Keferstein.) C. Priapulus candatus (of the group Gephyrea ) . a, mouth surrounded by spines. (From the Cambridge Natural History.) terior region. They live in mud and sand. The head-end usually pro- jects above the surface of the mud in which they lie. References : Ward and Whipple, "Fresh Water Biology." Hegner's "College Zoology." Pfatt's "Manual of the Common Invertebrate Animals." Braun & Liihe, "A Handbook of Practical Parasitology." W. H. MacCallunn, "A Text-book of Pathology." Damaso Rivas, "Human Parasitology." Kolle & Wassermann, "Hand-buch der Pathologenen Mikroorganis- men." Hegner & Coit, "Diagnosis of Protozoa and Worms Parasitic in Man." CHAPTER XXI. THE ARTHROPODA THE CRAYFISH As an example of a gill-breathing arthropod, the crayfish has become the classic laboratory type, and this because, like the frog, it is already known to the student to some extent. The phylum to which man and the frog belong — the Vertebrate — is in point of numbers much smaller than the phylum Arthropoda, to which the crayfish belongs — a group embracing more than three- fourths of all living animals. The Arthropoda are usually divided into branchiata* ( ) — commonly called Crustacea ( ) — those animals possessing a hard chitinous ( ) exoskeleton and breathing with gills, practically all of which live in water ; and tracheata ( ), consisting of those animals breathing through little tubules called tracheae. The tracheata include grasshoppers, bees, wasps, ants, spiders, and insects of all kinds. While 400,000 of the 600,000 known species of animals belong to the Arthropoda, the greatest sub-group of these is, in turn, the insects. The crayfish is large enough to be studied profitably in the labora- tory. All who have lived or spent any of their youth near ponds and rivers, know at least one or two species of crayfish. These they have found lying quietly under the stones in running streams, and when such stones were lifted, the animal's pincers were threateningly brought for- ward to clasp the fingers of the supposed attacker. Then followed a darting backward until the animal again pushed itself under some shel- tering object or was able to find some close corner in which its body could be pressed. The exterior skeleton so prominent in the Arthropoda, is in thor- ough contrast to that of the frog, whose supporting tissues are placed on the innermost portion of its body ; yet it is not from this character- istic that the phylum is named, but from the fact that the animals be- longing to this group have jointed legs. The word arthropoda means jointed feet. The crayfish will be used in this book more as a type to introduce nomenclature and general arrangement of the phylum Arthropoda than as a study of detail. The entry into a more minute investigation of the phylum will come with a study of the grasshopper. The larger and more convenient size *This classification into Branchiata and Tracheata lacks scientific foundation, but is convenient for the beginner and for the student of medicine. As an example of why this classification is not scientific, we may mention the true spiders which have no tracheae and yet are called Tracheates. THE ARTHROPOD A 313 of the crayfish serves to show in gross much that is otherwise difficult to observe in the insects and lends itself well to an illustration of serial Homology and the so-called Savigny's law. The crayfish has not been well studied, then, unless, after completing this chapter, these things are definitely known. EXTERNAL APPEARANCE The crayfish is found nearly everywhere in this country and Europe ; in the eastern part of the United States Cambarus affinis ( ) is prevalent, while Cambarus virilis ( ) is more plentiful in the Middle States, and the European specimen found most frequently is the Astacus fluviatilis ( ). There is little differ- ence, however, in their external or internal makeup. It will be remem- brc Fig. 202. The common Crayfish, Astacus fluviatilis, seen from the side. abd. Abdomen. ami*. 1. First walking leg. amb. 4. Fourth walking leg. an'. First antenna or antennule. an". Second antenna, be. Branchiostegite. br.c. Branchiocardiac groove, e. Carapace, ch. Chela, cv.g. Cervical groove. e.s. Eye-stalks. g.g. Opening of green gland, mxp. 3. Third maxillipede. rs. Rostrum, sw. Swimmerets. t. Telson. 15. First segment of abdomen. 20. Last segment of abdomen, xx. The last appendage. (After Shipley & MacBride.) bered that the segmentation of the frog is found in the spinal column. With the crayfish, however, segmentation can be observed externally Tunning from anterior to posterior end, though there is a peculiar con- dition of fusing of a number of the anterior segments (Fig. 202) which thus form what is known as the cephalothorax ( ). As one may observe in the embryological study of the crayfish that each embryonic segment possesses a pair of appendages, it is but neces- sary to count the appendages in an adult arthropod in order to find how many segments have fused in any given region. This is known as Savigny's Law. Beginning at the anterior end of the animal we find the first seg- ment having two pairs of long feelers, the longer ones being the antennae ?.nd the shorter the antennules. Directly behind these there is a series of modified appendages (Figs. 202, 203) directly in front of the large mandibles. These cover the mouth itself. Two pair of tiny appendages — the maxillae — lie anterior to the mandible, whik three pairs of appendages — the maxillipeds — lie pos- 314 GENERAL BIOLOGY terior to it, so modified as to form jaws. The two pair of maxillae and the three pair of maxillipeds, together with the mandible, thus make six pairs of jaws altogether. Back of these six jaws, a pair of pincers is attached to the thorax proper. These are known as chelipeds ( ), and be- hind the chelipeds are four pair of walking legs. By observing these legs it will be noticed that they are very much akin to the cheale proper in that each has a broad attachment, the protopodite ( ), Fig. 203. A. Mandible. B. First maxilla. C. Second maxilla. bs. Basipodite. ex. Coxopodite. en. Endopodite. ep. Epipodite. ex. Exopodite. sc. Scaphognathite. D. and E. First and second Maxillipedes. br. Branchial filaments, cp. Carpopodite. dp. Dactylopodite. is. Ischiopodite. me. Meropodite. prp. Propodite portions of endopodite. F. Third Maxillipede. cs. Coxopodite setae. G. Gill (=;epipodite.) (After Latter.) where it meets the body, composed of two portions, a coxopodite ( ) and a basipodite ( ) which then join the pincer proper. These pincers consist of a solid immovable portion, the exopodite ( ) and a smaller movable and inner portion, the endopodite ( ). It will be observed that the pincers are only an enlarged walking leg. The portion of the crayfish directly behind the cephalothorax, with the definite segmentation, is known as the abdomen and consists of six segments, beside the tail. This latter consists of a central portion of the tail called the telson ( ), and two pairs of leaf-like structures on each side called uropods, which assist in forming a broad wing-like tail and which, when the crayfish is frightened, can be bent THE ARTHROPOD A 315 rapidly forward, thus sending the animal's body backward from the posi- tion it occupied. A typical segment of the abdomen (Fig. 204) consists of the upper portion called the tergum ( •), a ventral portion, the .sternum, two pleura (the extended portions continuing ventrally be- hind the sternum), and two epimera, these latter forming the roof which extends from the pleura to the appendage. A. Diagram of skeleton of an abdominal segment of Astacus. bs. Basipodite. ex. Coxopodite of swimmeret. ep. Epimeron. jt. Point of articulation with skeleton of adjacent segment. pi. Pleuron. st. Sternum, tg. Tergum. (After Latter.) B. Section through cephalothorax of a crab. (After Pearson.) H., Heart ; Te., extension of the tergum ; ST., sternum ; PL., pleuron ; T., tendons ; 1st W. L., insertion of first walking leg ; Br., gill in gill-chamber ; g., gut ; d.a., descending artery ; A., afferent branchial ; E., efferent branchial. There are thirteen segments in the cephalothorax. The eyes are not counted as appendages. A cervical groove forms the separating line between head and thorax. The entire dorsal shield of the cephalothorax is called the carapace (. ), the jointed end extending between the eyes being known as the rostrum, while the portion on the sides covering the gills are the branchiostegites ( ). The entire crayfish possesses twenty segments, counting telson and uro- pods as one. Each pair of the appendages is slightly different in appearance from any other pair, though there is much similarity between them. The three distinguishing types of crayfish appendages are known as (1) foliaceous ( ), (second maxilla); (2) biramous ( ), (swimmerettes) ; (3) uniramous ( ), (walking legs). The female has an. opening at the base of the third walking leg through which eggs are exuded. She also possesses a single opening in the midline through which sperm may be inserted. Immediately be- 316 GENERAL BIOLOGY hind the left walking leg, on the first abdominal segment, a peculiar atrophied ( ) pair of appendages are found. In the male, however, these appendages on the first and second ab- dominal segment are wide, and the left walking leg possesses a small opening through which the sperm are ejected. In the male the first pair of swimmerettes are also transformed into "copulating organs." The anal opening is found on the ventral surface in the midline of the telson. SERIAL HOMOLOGIES AND ADAPTATIONS When two parts of an organism develop alike as to structure, for example the femur in the thigh and the humerus in the upper arm, we call such bones or parts homologues ( ). And when two parts function similarly, regardless of whether they are alike structurally, we call such organs or parts analogues ( ). While if any organ or part of an organ changes, due to a change of en- vironment so as to better or benefit an organism, we call such change an adaptation. In the crayfish there is what is called a serial homology. This type of "homology" is characteristic of the group of the higher Crustacea known as the sub-class Malacostraca ( ), and this group well illustrates how a single plan of structure may run through a series of forms of the utmost diversity in appearance, and how parts essentially alike may be adapted to the most diverse ends. "The Malacostracan body, be it an amphipod ( ), an isopod ( ), a decapod ( ), or -what not — is composed of a series of twenty* segments, each of which is essentially of the skeletal plan shown in the diagram, except that the appendages of the foremost segment are typically unbranched and the hindmost segment (the telson) is rudimentary and bears no appendages at all. Some of these segments may become fused together and con- solidated on the dorsal side, only the appendages and ventral margins remaining free. This may occur at either end of the body, but it occurs constantly in the five front segments, these by fusion forming the head. The appendages of these five segments always consist of two pairs of antennae at the front, one pair of mandibles beside the mouth, and two pairs of maxillae following the mandibles." These parts and their func- tions will readily be understood a little later because of their likeness to the parts bearing the same names in the insects shortly to be studied. •"Immediately following the maxillae are one or more pairs of maxilli- peds, likewise directed forward beneath the mouth to assist in the manip- ulation of the food. Then follow legs and swimmerettes in more or less variety, the terminal joints of some of the legs being modified in many cases into highly specialized grasping organs called pincers, or chelipeds, and the swimmerettes being frequently modified to serve reproductive or *This is not counting a vestigial segment in the head region, that is discoverable only during .embryonic life. THE ARTHROPODA 317 A to D. Diagram of model gastric mill which can easily be made. After W. E. Roth, A, Cardboard as first cut out ; B, Model complete at rest ; C, Model complete ; muscles contracted ; D, Median vertical section of model to show folds. Instructions : Cut out a piece of card shaped as in Fig. A. Along ab, cd, ef, hi, and tnn cut just the surface of the card with a penknife ; do the same, but on the opposite face of the card, along gk and lo. Then bend slightly downwards the triangular pieces 2, 2 ; turn 9, 9 under the piece 6, 5, 6 until the lower surfaces of 9, 9 are flat against that of 6, 5, 6: stitch the shaded part of 9, 9 firmly by thread or fine wire to 6, 5, 6 ; then bend the unshaded part of 9, 9 till at right angles to the shaded part, using lo as hingeline. These projecting pieces of 9, 9 then represent the lateral teeth. Next bend the piece 1, 8, 4 upon hinge-line gk, until the shaded portion is flat upon the surface of 4, where it must be securely stitched ; this done bend back 1, 3 on hinge-line cf until 3 is at right angles to 4. The projecting end of 4 made prominent by these folds represents the central tooth. The piece 1 must now be bent gently downwards upon 3, using cd as hinge-line, and 4 must be bent sharply on 5, using mn as hinge-line. Lastly, perforate the corner of 6, 6 and of 2, 2, and by a single wire (to allow a certain amount of rotation) unite right hand 2 to right hand 6, and left hand 2 to left hand 6, in each case 2 being outside 6. To do this 6, 5, 6 must be bent like a bow, its right and left arm* being thrust downwards and inwards. The model will then be as in Fig. B. If now the pieces 8, 8 and 7, 7, which represent the anterior and posterior gastric muscles, are pulled so as to represent the effect of a muscular contraction the three teeth come sharply together, but are separated again and the whole model brought back to its original condition by the elasticity of the cardboard. Of course in the actual stomach of the crayfish the gaps between the ossicles are filled in with thin, flexible chitin. By carefully adjusting the size and direction of the 3 teeth in the model and further by hardening them with sealing-wax or similar material, they may be made to grind bread, etc., into small fragments. A sectional view is shown in Fig. D. E. Stomach or "gastric mill" of the crayfish cut through the middle, e. cardiac regions of stomach ; d.L, duct from the liver ; g, gastrolith, or calcareous disk secreted by the walls of the stomach ; i, intestine ; l.t., lateral teeth of grind- ing apparatus ; m.t., median tooth ; oe, oesophagus ; py, pyloric region ; v, valve be- tween cardiac and pyloric regions of stomach. (After Hatschek and Cori.) 318 GENERAL BIOLOGY respiratory functions. The eight segments following the head consti- tute the thorax and the seven last segments (counting the rudimentary twentieth segment), the abdomen. "Crustaceans being primitively free-swimming aquatic animals, it is their swimming appendages that are least altered by adaptations. The legs are the stoutest of the appendages, and these offer but one branch arising from the basal piece, and that composed of a reduced number of highly differentiated segments. A comparison of a leg with the last maxilliped in the crayfish will show which appendage has been lost and which preserved and specialized. The best clues to interpretation of homologies in any appendage are likely to be found in other adjacent appendages, which, because of proximity, have been subject to somewhat similar influences." THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Crayfish live chiefly on living snails, tadpoles, young insects, and the like, but sometimes eat one another, and may also devour decaying organic matter. They feed at night, being most active at dusk and day- break. The maxillipeds and maxillae hold the food while it is being crushed into small pieces by the mandibles. The food particles pass down the oesophagus into the anterior, cardiac chamber of the stomach, where they are ground up by a number of chitinous ossicles forming the gastric mill (Fig. 205). When fine enough, the food passes through a sieve-like strainer of hair-like setae into the pyloric chamber of the stom- ach ; here it is mixed with a secretion from the digestive glands brought in by the hepatic ducts. The dissolved food is absorbed by the walls of the intestine. Undigested particles pass on into the posterior end of the intestine, where they are gathered together into faeces, and egested through the anus. THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM As in the frog, the liquid nourishing fluid, the blood, is pumped by the heart (Figs. 206, 207) through the arterial system to the different parts of the body. The blood of crayfish is generally colorless, or pinkish in hue, but on standing, especially if exposed to air, it assumes a bluish color. This is due to Haemocyanin, a respiratory protein, which has cop- per in its nucleus. Before moulting, the blood of the crayfish is pink in color, due to a dissolved pigment, Tetronerythrin, a lipochrome, which is probably de- posited in the new chitinous covering, since it is present in less quantity in the blood after the complete formation of the new exoskeleton. The blood of the crayfish transports food, gases, and wastes, similar to the frog. The crayfish does not possess a true venous system and the heart has only a single large cavity. The open spaces in the animal's body through which the blood is returned to the heart are called sinuses. . THE ARTHROPODA 31,. The heart itself, lying close to the dorsal surface of the midline, constricts when filled with blood. This constriction sends blood pos- teriorly through the dorsal abdominal artery, which lies on the dorsal surface of the intestinal tract, and through a short branch known as the sternal artery, which passes downward crossing the intestinal tract. The blood is also thus sent to the ventral thoracic artery anteriorly, and posteriorly to the ventral part of the body through the abdominal artery. The arteries passing out of the anterior portion of the heart are the ophthalmic, supplying the stomach. oesophagus, and head, and the two antennary, carrying blood to the stomach, antennae, excretory or- gans, and the various other tissues of the head. The two hepatic arteries lead to the digestive glands. When the blood is forced Fig- 20,i through the arterial system, the Astacus fluviatilis. The heart A, From ' above; B, from below; C, from the left side: heart naturally COllapSCS, and the a.a., Antennary artery ; a.c., alae cordis, or , , t , . , , . .. fibrous bands connecting the heart with the blood which has been Sent OUt forCCS the blood which is then present in the arteries to be sent forward abdominal artery ; st.a., sternal artery in B through the glands. ThcSC glands cut off close to its origin. (From Dougherty ° ° after Huxley.) act similarly to the lungs in the higher forms of animals, aerating the blood and sending it to the large open place around the heart known as the pericardial sinus. The heart itself has two openings on both dorsal and ventral surfaces, and one on each side. The heart muscles, after constriction, again assume their nor- mal state when the blood in the pericardial sinus seeps through the six heart openings, filling the cavity. Each of the openings possesses a valve which prevents the blood from passing out, except through the arterial channels. It is interesting to note that this method is just the reverse of that occurring in the fishes where the blood passes through the heart first and thence to the gills, while in the crayfish it is the returned blood that passes .through the gills before reaching the heart. Unless colored matter of some kind is injected into the circulatory system the student will probably have some difficulty in finding either heart or arteries. Valves are present in all the arteries at the point of connection with the heart, and blood passes into numerous capillaries and thence into the open spaces between the tissues, until it reaches the external sinuses, from which it enters the gill channels, to pass into the gill filaments where oxygen from the water in the branchial chambers is- exchanged for the carbonic acid that is held in solution in the blood. From here it 32-0 GENERAL BIOLOGY passes by way of other gill channels into the 'branchio-cardiac sinuses; thence to the pericardial sinus into the heart. THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM The crayfish, living in, and breathing through water, has branchial chambers which contain gills (Fig. 204, B) instead of lungs to form its respiratory system. These gills are pyramidal in shape and are thrown out into many flaps or lamellae closely packed together. Each gill has a ventral and a dorsal vessel through which the blood from the body cavity passes into the gills, spreading out through tiny capillaries into the lamellae ( ), being continuous with similar capillaries emptying into the dorsal vessel. Fig. 207. Semi-diagrammatic view of internal organs, and some limbs of right side of a male Crayfish. Astacus ftuviatilis. 1. Antennule. 2. Antenna. 3. Mandible. 4. Mouth. 5. Scale or squama of antenna, exopodite. 6. Arius. 7. Telson. 8. Opening of vas deferens. 9. Chela. 10. 1st walking leg. 11. 2nd walking leg. 12. 3rd walking leg. 13. 4th walking leg. 14. 1st abdominal leg, modified. 15. 2nd abdominal leg, slightly modified. 16. 3rd abdominal leg. 17. 4th abdominal leg. 18. 5th abdominal leg. 19. 6th abdominal leg, forming with telson the swimming paddle. 20. (Esophagus. 21. Stomach. 22. Mesenteron, mid-gut. 23. Cervical groove. 24. Intestine. 25. Cerebral ganglion. 26. Para-oasophageal cords. 27, Ventral nerve-cord. 28. Eye. 29. Heart. 30. Sternal artery. 31. Dorsal abdom- inal artery. 32. Ventral abdominal artery. 33. Ventral thoracic artery. 34. Ophthalmic artery. 35. Antennary artery. 36. Hepatic artery. 37. Testis. 38. Vas deferens. 39. Internal skeleton. 40. Green gland. 41. Bladder. 42. External opening of green gland. (From Latter after Howes.) The venous blood in all parts of the body other than the gills, passes through what is called an open sinus system, whereas in the gills them- selves the anastomosing arch of the arterial and venous capillaries forms a closed system. The thin-walled flaps of the gills are in contact with the water, which is sent through the branchial chamber by the muscles of the scaphogna- thite ( ), a sort of scoop consisting of the fused bract and exopodite of the second maxillae. This scoop bales the water out of the forward end of the gill chambers. The swimmerettes, being THE ARTHROPODA 321 in constant motion, send water forward to the gill chambers. The blood thus comes in contact with fresh water, is aerated, and gives off its car- bon dioxide. Some of the gills are on the appendages themselves, these being the podobranches ( ), while those on the basal part of the appendix are called arthrobranches ( ), on account of being on the joint itself, while those which originate on the body-wall are the pleurobranch.es ( ). THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM Contrasting interestingly with many of the other animals studied in the laboratory, the excretory organs of the crayfish are in the head region. They consist of two rather large green glands (Fig. 207), just in front of the oesophagus, with a thin-walled dilated portion called the bladder, and a duct opening to the exterior through a pore at the top of a little elevation on the basal segment of the antenna. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The nervous system (Fig. 208, B) is very much like that of the earthworm. The central nervous system is made up of a ventral chain of nerve ganglia, though it lies dorsal to the central blood vessel. The ventral chain possesses a ganglion for practically every segment, from its posterior end forward. The seventh is called the sub-oesophageal ganglion. The brain sends nerves to the eyes, antennules, and antennae. The sub-oesophageal ganglion, lying in segment seven, is made up of the ganglia from segments three to seven fused together. These send nerves to the mandibles, maxillae, and first and second maxillipeds. Visceral nerves are also supplied from the brain, extending posteriorly to the viscera. THE SPECIAL SENSE ORGANS Each eye .(Fig. 208, A) is made up of some 2,500 little square facets. The long rod extending immediately behind each facet is called an om- matidium. It is supposed that the crayfish can thus see moving objects much better than it could did it have an eye similar to higher forms. But there being so many facets, it is assumed that the animal obtains what is called a mosaic image, an image made up of a great many sepa- rate and distinct views. However, as Latter says, "We must not con- fuse this image that we think the animal obtains with the impression that is given it, for the human eye sees an inverted image but the im- pression is just the opposite." Although each ommatidium has a small range of vision and forms a stiple or mosaic image, it has been calculated that the range of adjoin- ing ommatidia overlaps so that a continuous picture or image is formed. 322 GENERAL BIOLOGY Fig. 208. Ommatidium and Central Nervous System. A. An ommatidium or eye-element from the eye of the Lobster (after G. H. Parker). c, cornea (cuticle) ; c.h., corneal hypodermis, which secretes the cuticle ; co., cone cells ; cr., crystalline cone ; n, nuclei ; «./., nerve fibres ; r.d., distal or outer retinula cells ; r.p., prox- imal or inner retinula cells ; rh., rhabdome. B B. A semi-diagrammatic view of central nervous system of a crayfish, ob.l, ab.6, The first and sixth abdominal ganglia ; cer., cere- bral ganglion ; c.ces., circumoesophageal com- missure ; I.e., longitudinal commissures of ventral cord ; n.ab.L, nerves to abdominal limbs; n.at.l, nerve to antennule ; n.at.2, nerve to antenna ; n.ch., nerve to cheliped ; n.m., nerves to limbs adjoining the mouth ; o.n., optic nerve; s.ces., suboesophageal ganglion; st.a., sternal artery; th.l, th.6, first and sixth thoracic ganglia ; v.n., nerve to proventriculus ; v.n'., nerve to hind-gut. (After Borradaile.) Thus, three adjoining facets might view the word "Biology" in this way: Bio olo ogT- That is, facet one, would see the first three letters, facet two the middle three, and facet three the last three. But since the range of each facet overlaps that of the adjoining, the image formed is actually this : Bio ogy olo In other words, instead of an apposition image or mosaic, a super- position image or continuous picture is formed.* *Microphotographic correct one. tudies have definitely demonstrated that the account here given is the THE ARTHROPODA It is doubtful whether the crayfish can hear. Some of the older texts speak of an otocyst ( ), but the newer ones have discarded this name entirely, for that organ, \vhich was supposed to be used for hearing, has come to be considered a balancing organ by which the animal knows whether or not it is right side up and which, thereby, makes it possible for the crayfish to adjust its position and direction. These little chitinous lined sacs on the basal segment of each anten- nule are now called statocysts ( ).. There are a number of sensory hairs in this sac and a few grains of sand called stato- liths. These latter are placed there by the crayfish itself. These little sand grains coming in contact with the sensory hairs make it possible for the animal to determine its direction and position while swimming. The statocysts are therefore called organs of equilibrium. The statocyst is shed whenever the animal molts. We do not know whether the crayfish has a definite sense of smell or not. When meat juices or tiny particles of meat are so placed in the water that a slight current carrying some of the meat comes close to the animal's feelers, it begins working its jaws. This may be either a. sense of touch, or taste or smell. MUSCULAR SYSTEM As the crayfish possesses an exoskeleton all of the muscles are at- tached to the interior of its casing, the strongest ones being in the abdo- men by which that part of the body can be bent quickly and easily, producing a powerful stroke in the water and shooting the body back- ward rapidly. All of the appendages likewise are supplied with muscles. The muscles are very beautifully arranged, quite complicated and rather difficult to work out by the student. REPRODUCTION Crayfish are dioecious, that is, the two sexes are separate (Fig. 209). The male (cambarus) possesses tri-lobed testis (an anterior pair and a single posterior lobe) in which the spermatozoa arise which pass through the vasa deferentia ( ) out of the paired genital openings, in the base of the first abdominal appendage. In the female there is a bi-lobed ovary in which the eggs are found. These, upon ripening, pass through the parent oviducts out of the genital openings, one of which is located in each base of the third walking leg. The sperm are transferred from the male to the seminal receptacle of the female during copulation, which takes place most frequently in the autumn. The seminal receptacle itself is a cavity in the fold of the cuticle between the fourth and the fifth pairs of walking legs. The eggs are usually laid in April and probably fertilized at that 324 GENERAL BIOLOGY time. The female exudes a sticky substance upon the swimmerettes after lying upon her side for several days and cleaning and polishing them very thoroughly. When the eggs are laid they adhere to the swim- merettes which are moved back and forward through the water, thus aerating them. It takes from five to eight weeks for the eggs to hatch, Fig. 209. A. Male reproductive organs of crayfish. — After Huxley, t., Testes ; vd., vas deferens on last walking leg. B. Female reproductive organs of crayfish. — After Suckow. ov., Ovaries ; ov' ., fused posterior part; od., oviduct; vu., female aperture on the second walking leg. C. Spermatozoa of a crayfish. C. Whole spermatozoon from above ; D, part, enlarged, from the side, cps., Capsule; pr., stiff processes. (After Borradaile. ) the larvae clinging to the egg shell. In about two days the first molting or ecdysis takes place ; for any animal possessing an exoskeleton finds it impossible to grow without splitting its exterior covering and getting a new one to take its place. The young stay with the mother about a month, then shift for them- selves. Crayfish attain an age of approximately three or four years. They molt at least seven times during the first summer. REGENERATION We have seen how the earthworm, if it is divided in a region pos- terior to the vital organs, will grow a new tail for the forepart, as well as a new tail-like portion on the tail itself. In the latter case, the animal starves to death, because there is no way of eating. With the flat\vorm planaria, all manner of fantastic forms may be grown by cutting off, or splitting, or grafting. The crayfish, too, pos- sesses the power of regeneration to some extent, though nowhere nearly as much as the worms. If a leg, eye, or pincer is destroyed (Fig. 210), the animal grows a new appendage, though in place of an eye, it may, and often does, grow an appendage quite similar to one of the walking feet, or even a pincer, depending on how much of the original appendage was destroyed. AUTOTOMY An interesting condition of the crayfish, as well as of some of the other crustaceans, is the breaking off, by the animal itself, of one or more THE ARTHROPOD A 325 of its legs when caught in a position where it seems incapable of extri- cating itself. At certain parts of the legs, there is a thick diaphragm with a tiny hole through which blood passes, and it is here that the animal breaks off its own leg, tire tiny drop of blood there exposed coagulating almost immediately and thus preventing its bleeding to death. With an open blood system, such as the crayfish has, bleeding to death would be an easy matter were this special arrangement not made Diagram showing antenna-like organ re- in the animal. A new leg, as large generated in place of an eye of Palcemon. ., < -11 j i c (From Morgan, after Herbst.) aS the One lost, Will develop from the stump thus remaining. Reed says, "Autotomy is not due to a weakness at the breaking point, but to a reflex action, and that it may be brought about by a stim- ulation of the thoracic ganglion as well as by a stimulation of the nerve of the leg itself." It wrill be seen quite readily that this power of autotomy is of con- siderable advantage to an animal. PARASITIC CRUSTACEA Sacculina ( ). (Fig. 212.) The young are active free-swimming larvae "much like a young prawn ( )" or young crab. But the adult bears abso- lutely no resemblance to such a typical crustacean as a crayfish or crab. The Sacculina, after a short period of independent existence, penetrates to the abdomen of a crab, and completes its development while living as a parasite on the crab. In its adult condition it is simply a great tumor-like sac, bearing many delicate root-like suckers which penetrate the body of the crab host and absorb nutriment. The Sacculina has no eyes, no mouth parts, no legs, or other appendages, and hardly any of the usual organs except reproductive organs. Degeneration here is car- ried very far. "Other parasitic Crustacea, as the numerous kinds of fish lice which live attached to the gills or other parts of fish, and derive all their nutri- ment from the body of the fish, show various degrees of degeneration. With some of these fish lice the female, which looks like a puffed-out worm, is attached to the fish or other aquatic animal, while the male, which is perhaps only a tenth of the size of the female, is permanently attached to the female, living parasitically on her." PLANKTON One may, with a fine-meshed net, sweep in a considerable collection of organisms from the surface of ponds, lakes, rivers, or ocean. There 326 GENERAL BIOLOGY will be thousands of minute creatures of varying shape and size. Some of them are too small to be seen with the naked eye, while others are easily noticed. Collections of this kind may be made from any waters at any time of the year, from thousands of miles out at sea, and over depths of thousands of feet, to the shore line itself. The reason organ- isms can be found everywhere in water is due to the fact that their whole life is spent afloat, beginning with the egg and reaching through the adult stage. Living organisms of this type have been called plankton, and comprise Protozoa, Algae, Diatoms, Rotifiera, and small Crustacea, the latter being especially noticeable. To permit a life afloat, organisms are provided with various types of adaptations, such as minute droplets of oil, long spines to add buoyancy, and gelatinous envelopes. Among the small Crustacea, spines and oil drops are. especially abundant. Upon analysis it has been shown that the oil of fish is derived from these small Crustacea. The reason for this is easily understood when it is known that the sole food of sev- eral species of whale and of many fish is plankton. TERRESTRIAL CRUSTACEANS The Class Malacostraca ( ) are Arthropoda, usually of large size, with five segments in the head, eight in the thorax, and six in the abdomen and a gastric mill in the stomach. These, like all other classes, are divided into Orders. Prominent among these orders Fig. 211. A. Ascellus aquaticus a1, a2 antennae ; br, brood-pouch ; k, pleopoda modified to gills; md, mandibles; p^-p7, thoracic feet; pa^pa*, abdominal feet (pleopoda) ; I- VI, head; VII-XIII, thoracic segments; XIV-XX, abdominal segments partly fused. (After Hertwig). B. Oniscus asellus, a terrestrial species. (After Paulmier). are the Decapoda ( ). The crayfish comes under this grouping. All members of this order have the first three pairs of thoracic limbs specialized as maxillipeds, and possess five pairs of thoracic walk- ing-legs, while all the thoracic segments are generally covered by the carapace. They also have stalked, compound eyes. The Isopoda ( ) have a body that is long and flat (Fig. 211, A), seven free thoracic segments, leaf-like legs and no carapace. There are no gills in the thorax. The five anterior pairs of pleopods are modified for breathing pur- THE ARTHROPODA 327 poses, the endopodites are thin-walled plates, and the exopodites and the whole first pair of pleopods serve as a gill-cover. In the terrestrial Isopoda (Fig. 211, B) — the wood-lice — the gills are adapted for breathing damp air. In these, the first and second gill-covers have air-tubes within them. These function like the tracheae of insects and are therefore physiologically, but not morphologically, compara- ble to tracheae. The many different species of Isopoda (except the wood-lice) are aquatic. There are many which are parasitic, feeding .on both dead and living fish, and fish in turn feed on them. A very remarkable finding in the parasite Cymothoidae ( ), by Buller, is that the same individual can be developed first as a male and then as a female. Cryptoniscus ( ) is a more or less shapeless sac which attaches itself to the stalk of Sacculina (Fig. 212), and after the host (which is itself a parasite) is killed, the new parasite uses the "roots" of Sacculina to draw forth its own nourishment. The Entoniscidae ( ), parasitic, are usually hermaphroditic, although they have small males, called "complemental males," attached to themselves. Development of the parasitic crustacean, Sacculina carcinus : A, Nauplius stage ; B, cypris stage ; C, adult attached to its host, the crab. Carcinus maenas. (After Hertwig). CHAPTER XXII. INSECTS AT LARGE It is well first to note that insects (often wrongly called Hexapoda, on account of their having three pairs of legs), are winged six-legged arthropods (Pterygogenea), ( ), (Fig. 213). The body is divided into three distinct regions — the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. The head has the following appendages : a single pair of antennae ( ) ; usually two compound eyes ; three simple eyes called ocelli ( ) ; and four different kinds of mouth-parts. These mouth-parts consist of a labrum (single, and not one of the series of metameric appendages), mandibles, maxillae, and labium; these last three being paired. The thorax is composed of three segments — prothorax, mesothorax, and metathorax. Each segment is protected by four exoskeleton plates — a dorsal tergum, a ventral sternum, and two lateral pleura. There is a pair of walking legs on each thoracic metamere, while the last two usu- ally also have a pair of wings attached. The abdomen usually consists of eleven segments, on which there are no appendages except accessory reproductive organs and sometimes a sting at the posterior end. In general there are two types of mouth-parts. These may vary considerably. Grasshoppers and beetles have biting mouths, while the true bugs have mouths arranged for sucking, and some insects such as the bee have specialized mouth-parts which may be used for either biting or sucking. The walking legs have five parts: a proximal coxa ( ), often fixed immovably to the sternum to which it is attached ; a short trochanter ( ) ; a long femur ; a slender tibia ; and a jointed tarsus, which is usually provided with little hooks or pads, at its free ends. As insects have varying modes of life, such as swimming, flying, digging, and leaping, the legs of each type of insect are adapted to the particular functions of each. It is from the last two thoracic segments that the wings arise. The wings are of two types. Broad ones, such as the butterfly possesses, are used for sailing, while smaller ones like those on flies can be moved quickly, thus causing more rapid movement of the animal. There may be scales or hairs on the wings. Likewise, wings may be thick or thin, light or heavy, and vary in many other ways. The so-called "veins" in insect wings are not veins at all, but thickenings supporting the wings. As insects are complex organisms, all the interior structures nor- INSECTS AT LARGE 32!) mally found in any animal, are also found in them, though these may vary considerably as to shape and size. For example, those insects which feed on vegetation have longer digestive tracts than do those feeding on animal matter. The parts of the digestive system (Fig. 214, E) are: The mouth or buccal cavity; a slender oesophagus, dilated to form a thin- walled crop; a muscular gizzard or proven- triculus, a glandular stomach or ventriculus from which little pouches or caeca branch out, and a long slender intestine. At the junction of the stomach and intestine the slender Malpighian tubules discharge their excretions into the alimentary canal. Contrary to the higher forms of life no air-breathing insects have lungs. They re- ceive their oxygen through a network of tubes, called tracheae which open through little spiracles ( ) along the sides of abdomen and thorax (Fig. 215). If, therefore, one wished to chloroform or drown an insect it could not be done by covering the head or placing the head un- der water. The abdomen and thorax would have to be covered with the anaesthetic or the water. Fig. 213. I. External anatomy of Calopte'nus spre'tus, the head and thorax disjointed; up, Uropatagium ; /, f urcula ; c, cercus. (Drawn by J. S. Kingsley). II. An adult mosquito, much enlarged, with all the parts that are used in classi- fication named. (Smith, N. J. Experiment Station, Bulletin 171, 1904). III. Side view of Locust with the Thorax separate from the head and abdomen divided into three segments. (I, III, from Packard's "Zoology," by permission of Henry Holt & Co.) If the insect flies a great deal these tracheae are expanded into air sacs, which adds to the lightness of its body. 330 GENERAL BIOLOGY However, those insects living in water have tracheal or blood gills, or both, or at least some specialized adaptation by which oxygen may be used. A peculiar feature of all animals possessing an exoskeleton is, that as soon as the inside of such skeleton grows but slightly, it becomes too large for its skeletal jacket, so that it must split and a new one form. This A.-D. Successive stages in the concentration of the central nervous system of Diptera. A, Chironomus; B, Empis; C, Tabanus; D, Sarcophaga. (After Brandt). E. Internal anatomy of Calopte'nus fc'mur-rubrum: at, Antenna and nerve leading to it from the "brain" or supra-esophageal ganglion (sp) ; oc, ocelli, anterior and vertical ones, with ocellar nerves leading to them from the "brain ;" oe, oesophagus ; m, mouth ; Ib, labium or under lip ; if, infra-esophageal ganglion, sending three pairs of nerves to the mandibles, maxillae, and labium respectively (not clearly shown in the engraving) ; sm, sympathetic or vagus nerve, starting from a ganglion resting above the oesophagus, and connecting with another ganglion (eg) near the hinder end of the crop; sal, salivary glands (the termination of the salivary duct not clearly shown by the engraver) ; nv, nervous cord and gan- glia; ov, ovary; ur, urinary tubes (cut off, leaving the stumps); ovt, oviduct; sb, sebaceous gland ; be, bursa copulatrix ; ovt', site of opening of the oviduct (the left oviduct cut away) ; 1-10, abdominal segments. All other organs labeled in full. (Drawn from his original dissections by Mr. Edward Burgess). (From Packard's "Zoology," Henry Holt & Co., Publishers). is called ecdysis ( ), or moult (Fig. 227), and the periods between moults are called "instars." It will be remembered that we spoke of a double-life in the frog, not only as applied to its living in water and on land, but as to its be- ginning life looking very much different from what it does as an adult. Practically all insects go through a metamorphosis ( ) of some sort, and this is much more complicated than the change under- gone by the frog. When insects hatch from eggs (Fig. 241, I, II), and are unlike their INSECTS AT LARGE 331 parent-forms, they are said to be heterometabolous ( ) ; such insects hatch as nymphs ( ), a wingless form gradually growing larger and larger wings after each ecdysis until the adult form is reached; holometabolous ( ), if there is a complete metamorphosis, such as being born a worm-like larva ( ), which takes food for a short time and then goes TniSc HtTraSc Fig. 215. A. Respiratory system of worker honey-bee as seen from above, one anterior pair of abdominal sacs removed and transverse ventral commissures of abdomen not shown. / sp, III sp, VII sp, spiracles ; HtTraSc, Tra Sc, 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, tracheal sacs ; Tra, tracheae. (From Snodgrass, Tech. Series 18, Bur. Ent., U. S. Dep't of Agric.) B. A portion of the tracheal tissue of a cockroach, highly magnified. Only parts of the tubes are in focus. cu., Cuticular lining with spiral thickening ; nu., nuclei of the protoplasmic layer; ppm., protoplasmic layer continuous with the epidermis ( "hypodermis" ) of the surface of the body. (After Borradaile). into a resting or pupal stage during which no food is taken, and during which time it loses all its larval structures, finally developing into a com- plete adult insect, known then as an imago ( ). In those cases where there is no metamorphosis, the animals are said to be ametabolous ( ). CHAPTER XXIII. THE GRASSHOPPER We have seen from our study of the crayfish that it was an arthro- pod— that is, had hollow jointed feet, and that the Phylum Arthropoda is often divided for convenience into branchiata — (gill-breathing) and tracheata (breathing by air tubes). The two tracheata most commonly studied in the laboratory are the bee and the grasshopper in this country, and the cockroach in England. Each of these organisms well represents the group to which it belongs. The bee is the more highly specialized and many books have been writ- ten about this interesting animal ; 'in fact, so much so that the subject matter covering it is almost inexhaustible. The grasshopper, however, because it is considerably larger than the bee, is preferred by many teachers. The study of this animal is representative of the greater part of the animal kingdom, for this is an insect, and there are more different kinds of insects than there are of all other animals put together. Some of our most important garden pests are insects, and it has been estimated by competent authorities, that one-tenth of all farrr products are destroyed by such pests. Now, there are very few of us who would not object to being obliged to pay one-tenth of al] we earned to anyone for the privilege of working; yet, how low our average intel- ligence still is may be noted from the fact, that while a loss of one-tenth of all our food is constant, year in and year out, the average farmer would object very strenuously to paying out even one-tenth of the tenth he loses to pay the salary of a group of trained men to prevent this loss from occurring, although he would thus be increasing his income to a considerable extent. Let us put this into actual figures. The average farmer, let us say, has an income from all his crops (and this income, of course, includes his living expenses, as he raises the greater portion of his food) at the lowest estimate, $2,000 each year. He should have, if the insect pest were controlled, $2,200. Yet, if he were asked to contribute $20 each year to such control he would rebel. But as each and every one of us must live on what the farmer produces, we must pay $2,200 for $2,000 worth of food. That is, we must pay $100 a year extra for every thou- sand dollars we spend. Let us consider clothes alone. These may be of cotton, wool, or silk. Cotton and wool are direct farm products, and the silk grower also must have this extra $100 to pay his own expenses in purchasing food for himself and family. In the silk industry Pebrine THE GRASSHOPPER 333 — a very serious silk-worm disease — causes thousands of yards less of silk to be produced than would otherwise, thereby raising silk prices. To make this clear to the student, suppose you are employed for a certain number of days each week and a certain number of weeks in the year, and are paid $5 a day for such work ; it follows that your employer must receive enough money, when selling the product you produce, to pay you $5 each day, plus a proportionate amount of the rent he pays for the use of the building, taxes, bookkeeping, salesmen's salaries and traveling expenses, as well as allowing interest on the investment. That is, what you get $5 for, will cost the ultimate user at least $10, for, it is just as difficult to sell and to deliver goods as it is to make them. But now suppose a storm comes up and destroys the plant, and you still Fig. 216. Head and Foot of Fly. The Foot shows hooks, hairs, and pads. (Head after Herms). work, receiving your $5 each day, the traveling salesmen still work, the bookkeeper, stenographer, foreman, engineer, fireman, night watchman, all still are kept on the job, and receive their stated pay, but the work is all put into clearing away the debris and in rebuilding. It follows that all of this expense of keeping these men employed must be added to the cost of the article. This loss may be spread over a great many years, it is true, only a penny or two being added to the selling price of the article, but it must nevertheless be paid. Now, suppose for a moment, that such a fire takes place regularly every year, and that therefore one must work one-tenth of the entire year without producing anything. This is equivalent to taking your salary away for this tenth of the year though still obliging you to do the work. Here is a parallel to the financial loss caused by insect pests alone, to you. For this is your loss. You must work an extra five weeks each year to pay for the fact that men at large rank so low in the intel- lectual scale that they refuse to pay out $10 a year for each $1,000 they receive to prevent tremendous food and clothing losses. But this mere working of about five weeks each year for nothing 334 GENERAL BIOLOGY is of little importance compared to the millions of lives lost each year by the working out of the self-same principle that makes men think only of the dollar they receive to-day, rather than of the ten-times-that- amount they may have to-morrow, if they will but lay the foundations to-day. Every worker who dies of a disease which could have been pre- vented, causes each and every one of us to do a portion of his work. This means that we must actually pay the expenses of keeping up such a one's family without anything being contributed on their part. There is thus an underlying unity among all human beings, in that, whether we will or not, we are our brother's keeper. This .is again well illustrated by taking into consideration the fact that your own home and property may be as clean as it is possible to keep it, but your neighbor's is not. The flies which breed in his manure pile, or in his garbage heap, will come into your home and deposit the neighbor's filth on your food. That this deposit is no mere trifle is shown by an enlarged sketch of the fly's proboscis (Fig. 216). EXTERNAL APPEARANCE The hard exoskeleton has already been mentioned as well as the seg- mentation of the grasshopper's body. The segments in this animal are unlike those of the earthworm in not being all alike. There is a head, thorax, and abdomen, to which various jointed ap- pendages are attached, a pair to each segment, where any appendages are found at all. The three pairs of legs formerly gave them the name of Hexapoda. Two pairs of wings are usually found upon the dorsal side of the second and third segments of the thorax, while the tiny outer openings of the tracheae — known as breathing pores, spiracles or stigmata — are arranged in pairs on each side of two thoracic segments and on all the abdominal segments except the last two or three. Grasshoppers as well as crickets and cockroaches are members of the order Orthoptera ( ). All of this group have mouth-parts (Fig. 217), or jaws formed for biting and gnawing as well as two pairs of straight wings, the first pair thickened, the second pair thin, and, when at rest, folded like a fan under the first pair. A pair of jointed antennae or feelers extend forward from the head, while a pair of large compound eyes located on the dorsal epicranium and three ocelli or simple eyes are readily observed. The mouth-parts consist of the labrum or upper lips, being hinged to the clypeus ( ), a pair of heavy strong mandibles and a first pair of maxillae with feelers or palps ( ) at the sides, while the second pair of maxillae are fused together to form the lower lip, called the labium, and are attached to crescent-shaped genae THE GRASSHOPPER 335 ( ). The cheeks are called genae ( ), while narrow postgenae are back of these. The maxillae are the accessory jaws, being composed of three re- gions, the lacinia or maxillae proper, the gulea ( ), Three ocelli or simple eyes Mandible* Maxillary palpi Maxilla Labial palp Compound eyes Antennae Clypeus (c). I.»bruin Palpifer or palpus bear Paraglosstc or lateral lobei of the tongue mgulc. or tongue attached it the base of the labium Fig. 217. A. and B. Skull of grasshopper ; C. Melanoplus differentialis. a, Antennae, clypeus ; e, compound eye ; /, front ; g, gena ; I, labrum ; Ip, labial palpus ; m, indible ; mp, maxillary palpus ; o, ocelli ; oc, occiput ; pg, post-gena ; v, vertex c, mandil (After Folsom). C. Head and Mouth-parts of an insect. (After Tenney). the middle spoon-shaped part and the maxillary palpus, a special sense organ. This palpus is in turn composed of various segments, the broad basal piece being called the stipes ( ) which joins in turn with a smaller cardo ( ). The lower lip or labium is composed of two broad terminal flaps called the ligula ( ). The mentum ( ) is the basal portion, while the small immovable submentum lies between the mentum and the gula. The right wing of a male mosquito, Anopheles maculipennis. A, anal area ; 1st A, anal nervure ; C, costa ; Cu, cubitus ; H, humeral cross-nervure ; 7, cross- nervure between R2 and K4+5; J, cross-nervure between radial and medial sys- tems ; K, cross-nervure between medial and cubital systems ; M, media ; O, cross- nervure between Rl and R.,; R, radius; Sc, sub-costa. (From Sedgwick's Zoology, after Nuttall and Shipley) ". The thorax is divided into a prothorax, mesothorax and metathorax, easily distinguished by the three pairs of legs, one pair of which is at- tached to each of the three thoracic divisions. The prothorax constitutes a collar which is drawn out into a shield above. The wings, as already stated, are attached to the dorsal side of the mesothorax and metathorax. The wings are divided by veins or nervures (Fig. 218) into so-called 336 GENERAL BIOLOGY cells. Although these veins or nervures vary considerably in different species they are quite constant in members of the same species and so are often used as a basis of classification. The principal longitudinal veins are the costa ( ), subcosta, radius, media, cubitus ( ), and anal. There are also cross veins. Any variations are the result of either additional and lessened numbers of those just mentioned. In beetles the fore-wings are sheath-like and called elytra ( ). The fore-wings of grasshoppers and all members of orthoptera are leathery and called tegmina ( ). The abdomen consists of eleven segments, the posterior one less clearly defined than the others. The entire exoskeleton is divided by sutures ( ) into distinct pieces, the sclerites ( ), though several of these sclerites may fuse. Fig. 219. Ear of Locust (Caloptenus italicus) as seen from the inner side. T, tympanum ; TR, its border ; o, u, two bone-like processes : bi, pear-shaped vesicle ; n, auditory nerve ; ga, terminal ganglion ; si, stigma, or spiracle ; m, open- ing muscle, and m1, closing muscle of same ; M, tensor muscle of tympanic mem- brane. (After Graber). The sclerites (Fig. 204, A) on the dorsal surface are called tergites ( ). These are often fused together in various insects. The sclerites on the ventral surface are known as sternites ( ), while the side walls connecting dorsal and ventral sclerites are called pleurites ( ). Should one wish to speak of the entire dorsal portion it is spoken of as the tergum or notum ( ), while the entire ven- tral wall is called the sternum and the lateral wall the pleuron. The last tergum is sometimes called the suranal ( ) THE GRASSHOPPER 337 plate, while the last sternite forms the subgenital plate. Below the level of the eleventh tergite, on each side, there is a triangular podical plate ( ), and just above each podical plate and project- ing backward from the hind margin of the tenth tergite there is a small copulatory organ, the cercus. In the female this is extremely small. The auditory ( ) organs (Fig. 219) lie on the first abdominal segment, which is larger than the others, though not forming a complete ring on account of the hind legs being inserted there. This auditory organ is merely an oval spot of thin skin stretched across a small cavity and connected with a nerve. This is the ear or auditory apparatus. The posterior portion of a female's abdomen is more tapering than that of the male and is furnished with four blunt spines (six including the inner guide), to form the egg-laying organ, the ovipositor. The tip of the abdomen in the male is turned upward. The first two pairs of legs on the grasshopper are walking legs, while the third pair is used for jumping. Taking one of the first walking legs, we find five separate divisions (compare Fig. 203 and 213) into which it can easily be separated, namely, the coxa ( ), the shortest joint in close proximity to the body; the trochanter ( ), the next succeeding small joint almost entirely fused with the coxa in the grasshopper; the femur ( ), a long stout section, the tibia ( ) following this, also long and quite narrow, and finally the most distal portion, the foot, called the tarsus ( ) composed of four joints. i There are spines on the leg and claws [also called ungues ( )] on the foot, while a suction disc, the pulvillus ( ), lies between the claws. The longer jumping leg has the same five divisions but the trochanter has fused with the femur, forming a small knob on the inside of the leg. INTERNAL ANATOMY THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM This consists as in all the other animals studied, of the alimentary canal and the collateral or accessory organs, the salivary glands, and gastric caeca. The alimentary canal itself is a long tube extending throughout the entire body. The mouth is the first division and is guarded on each side by laterally moving mandibles. Between these mandibles, and aris- ing from the inner side of the labium, is the short tongue-like organ known as the hypopharynx, at the base of which a tube opens from the several salivary glands. The epipharynx is the organ of taste, and is located on the slightly convex surface of the inner side of the labrum. 338 GENERAL BIOLOGY The continuation of the mouth leads into the short curved oesopha- gus which in turn leads to the large ingluvies ( ) or crop. Here are seen various rows of spine-like teeth. The proventric- ulus or gizzard ( ) follows. This is a very small organ also furnished with spines ; it empties into the large, thin-walled ventriculus or stomach. Six tubular gastric caeca or blind sacs are at- tached to the anterior end of the stomach. Posterior to the stomach the alimentary canal forms the intestine, which is divided into three por- tions: the ileum ( ), rather slender, with longitudi- nal ridges on the inside (the infolding ridges increase the absorbing sur- face) ; the colon, smaller than the ileum and possessing a smooth lining, and the rectum, which has six longitudinal rectal glands of unknown function. The food of the red-legged locust, which feeds quite freely by day (unlike the crickets and katydids which are more active at night), con- sists of grass and little drops of dew. The pads at the tips of the legs, and the claws, enable the animal to climb stalks of all kinds very readily. This eating of dew rather than drinking at pools of water, has given us the idea that there is something about standing-water that is fatal to the grasshopper. That this idea is correct is evidenced by the fact that grasshoppers kept in captivity must be sprinkled- with drops of water or they usually perish. The food once taken in the mouth finds the salivary glands pouring their secretions forth which thus assist in preparing the food for the crop to which it passes through the oesophagus. Here it is mixed with a molasses-colored digestive fluid. It then passes on, being again ground by the spinous processes in the muscular gizzard. The various gastric caeca, each of which has an anterior and a posterior pocket, increase the stomach space. Once the food has passed through this stage it must become part of the blood of the grasshopper. This it does by being absorbed through the walls of the alimentary tract. f THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM The grasshopper has a long tubular heart (Fig. 214, E) lying along the dorsal surface just beneath the body wall. From this there are arteries and sinuses connecting the various parts of the body. From its position the heart is often called the dorsal vessel. Anteriorly the heart is prolonged into a tube leading to the head and is partially divided by valves into eight chambers. The position of the heart-valves allows blood to flow headward only. The propulsion of the muscular heart sends the blood forward through various sinuses so that every part of the body may be nourished by it. It then returns by a closed tube, the ventral sinus, to the peri- cardial sinus or chamber, and enters the heart through several pairs of THE GRASSHOPPER 339 lateral ostia ( ). If more food has been absorbed than can be used, it is stored up as fat in the fat bodies on either side of the heart. THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM The blood of all insects (Fig. 220) contains a respiratory protein, hemocyanin, similar to that of the crayfish. In some few species (bloodworms=midge larvae, Chironomidae) hemoglobin is also found. Since the hemocyanin is capable of absorbing oxygen and carbon dioxide, it is probable that in the insects this respiratory protein aids the tracheae in distributing oxygen and collecting CO2. The tracheae are kept open and extended by a spiral thickening of chitinous lining and extend to all parts of the body, even including the legs and wings (Fig. 215, B). This is, no doubt, one of the reasons why the circulatory system is i so poorly developed, for, unlike the >O\ higher forms of animal life where >^ the circulatory and respiratory sys- * terns are dependent upon each other, the systems in the insects are sepa- Fig. 220. Blood Corpuscles of the Grasshop- J per, stenobothrus. rate and distinct, so that everv part JceHne; of the body can be supplied with showing nucleus. (After Graber). oxygen at any time, regardless of what may happen to another part. The disadvantage of such a method consists in the necessity of having both a respiratory system and a cir- culatory system in every part of the body, instead of having all respira- tory work done in one place. The air sacs with which the tracheae are connected are of value in making the animal light for flying and jumping purposes. The grasshopper can beat any professional human jumper by the distance it covers in a single leap when comparative size is con- sidered. If one notices a grasshopper when it breathes rapidly, it will be seen that the abdomen lengthens and shortens, thus forcing air in and out of the spiracles on the thorax and abdomen. THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM Like all animals, the grasshopper needs oxygen to carry on its meta- bolic processes, and like all animals gives off carbon-dioxide as a waste product, as well as water and a nitrogen-containing-substance called urea (if in solution) or uric acid (if crystalline). It is interesting to note that those grasshoppers which live in dry places excrete the crystalline product while those which live in damp places excrete the soluble form.* These excretory products leave the body through the urinary or Malpighian tubules which empty into the intestine just posterior to the stomach, thus causing both the excreted and egested material to leave *Doubt has been thrown on former investigations by recent work, so it is well not to assume that our opinions in regard to the work of the Malpighian tubules or of the formation of urea are final. 340 GENERAL BIOLOGY the body in the same way. These tubules ramify throughout the body in the animal and are very conspicuous when the body is opened. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The nervous system closely resembles that studied in the crayfish, there being a series of ganglia along the ventral nerve cord which split Fig. 222. Reproductive system of the Queen honey bee. a, accessory sac of vagina ; b, bulb of stinging apparatus ; c, colleterial, or cement gland ; o, ovary ; od, oviduct ; p, poison glands ; pr, poison reservoir ; r, receptaculum seminis ; re, rectum; v, vagina. (After Leuckart). Fig. 221. A, diagram to illustrate the action of wing-muscles of an insect. B, diagram of wing-muscles, a, alimen- tary canal ; en, muscle for contracting thorax, to depress wings ; d, depressor of wing ; e, elevator of wing ; ex., expander of thorax to elevate wing ; id, indirect depressor ; ie, in- direct elevator ; I, leg muscle ; p, pivot or ful- crum ; s, sternum ; t, tergum ; wg, wing. (After Grabers). at the oesophagus, one-half of the cord passing dorsalward on each side of that organ, uniting again on the dorsal surface and forming the supra- oesophageal ganglion or brain, while the ganglion below the oesophagus, which branched to permit the passing around to form the brain, is known as the suboesophageal ganglion. It is from the brain that nerves go for- ward to supply the special sense organs, such as the eyes, antennae, and labrum, while the mandibles and maxillae are supplied from the sub- oesophageal ganglion. Nerves are given off from the thoracic and abdominal ganglia to all parts of the respective segments. The interesting thing about insects is that these nerve centers seem to be as independent as are the separate respiratory tracheae in that the head may be removed while the other parts of the body continue their work almost as well as before. In addi- tion to the Central Nervous System and the regular Peripheral Nervous System, consisting of these segmental nerve filaments, there is also a Sympathetic System, divided into two parts, one lying dorsal to the ali- mentary tract and controlling processes while the other lies ventral to the alimentary tract and controls the spiracle muscles. THE GRASSHOPPER 341 THE SENSES OF INSECTS We have already seen that there are simple and compound eyes in an insect. An ocellus, or simple eye (Fig. 223), is made up of a lens, vitreous body, retina, and nerve, quite like that of the frog, except that the insect's eye is definitely fixed. It cannot accommodate itself to dis- tance. Its power of vision is therefore more limited. The lens being quite convex and only able to focus at one distance, it is as- sumed that insects must be very near- sighted. The surface of the compound eye is made up of numerous facets each at the end of a single eye-element called an ommatid- ium (Fig. 208, A), which, as already de- scribed for the crayfish, is, in a way, a sep- arate and distinct eye. Recent investigations of the structure of ommatidia show that these are more or less conical, the narrow end at the base be- ing connected with the nerve fiber. From this it can be assumed that the field of vision of each ommatidium overlaps slightly that of the adjoining ones. This assumption is further supported by the fact that the lens of each ommatidium is con- vex, so that not only rays in direct line but lateral rays are refracted on the nerve fiber. In this way a superposition image is formed, not the apposition image or mosaic described by older authors. Recent work on the ocelli and compound eyes indicates both of these structures work together to increase recognition of movement. This is due to the fact that the rays of light reach the ocelli and compound eyes at different angles. There is additional evidence that the ocelli are used to distinguish light from darkness. Certain night-flying bees and dra- gonflies have greatly enlarged ocelli. Because of the fixed focus of the ocelli and the great convexity of the lens, the object to be seen must be very near. Whether insects perceive color as such is a question of much dis- pute. Very little direct evidence is available, most of it circumstantial. Many authors and experimenters hold that insects recognize colors only as shades of gray, much as a color-blind person does. On the other hand, not a single experiment to prove color vision has demonstrated such a fact. It is not a necessary correlation that because flowers are colored, insects see colors. Half of the good pollinators are night fliers. Fig. 223. Median ocellus of honey bea. (Longitudinal section). h, hypo- dermis ; I, lens ; n, nerve ; p, iris pigment ; r, retinal cells ; v, vitreous body. (After Redikorzew). 342 GENERAL BIOLOGY TOUCH The sense of touch is probably developed very highly in most in- sects as there are sensory tactile hairs over the entire body, as well as antennae, palpi and cerci which are especially developed tactile organs. Fig. 224. A. The common cricket, Gryllus Pennsylvanicus, female. Line indicates natural size. B. Oblong leaf-winged Katydid, Amblycorypha oblongifolia, female. (From Kellogg's "American Insects," by permission of Henry Holt & Co.) TASTE The sense of taste is located in the sensory hairs or microscopic elevation borne upon the tongue or hypopharynx, on the epipharynx (which lies on the roof of the pharynx), something like the palate in higher animals, and on the maxillary and labial palpi. From the experi- ments so far performed it seems insects can detect tastes that man can- not. SMELL Insects may depend upon the sense of smell to find their food more than upon sight, but the usual experiments to demonstrate this are far from satisfactory. The cutting away of antennae with the attendant tearing of many tiny nerves, will certainly not cause any organism to react normally. Mclndoo has recently shown that the chief olfactory organs (at least in the honey-bee) are located near, or on the base of the leg. THE GRASSHOPPER 343 HEARING As various insects produce noises of many kinds, we infer they must hear, though definite evidence has not been forthcoming up to this time. Flies and bees "buzz" by a rapid motion of the wings, while the singing of the male cicada is produced by a rapid vibration of a pair of membranes on the first abdominal segment, and a resounding drum-like membrane within the thorax. Many beetles form a squeaking noise by rubbing their wing-covers against some rasp-like portion of their body, while grasshoppers rub their hind legs against the wing-covers as well as rub- bing front and hind wings together. Crickets and katydids (Fig. 224) have a definite scraper on the base of one wing-cover and a file-like apparatus on the base of the other. These are rubbed together which causes the neighboring membrane to vibrate and produce the "chirp." As such "chirps" or calls are answered by their mates, it must be assumed that some hearing takes place. The grasshoppers have a large auditory organ on each side of the first abdominal segment consisting of a surface membrane or tympanum stretched across a cavity, on the inside of which two tiny processes some- thing like the ear-bones of the frog are found. There are also similar membranes on the tibia of some insects which may also serve as auditory organs. A male mosquito will vibrate its antennae when a tone is produced on a tuning fork of the same pitch as that made by the wings of the female, so that it may be that in the mosquito the antennae have some auditory function. THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM As in all animals possessing an exoskeleton the muscles must be attached on the inner surface of the skeleton (Fig. 221). Each of these muscles is innervated by nerves, however, just as in animals possessing endoskeletons and move by a series of complicated pulley-like arrange- ments as already seen in the crayfish. THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Among all insects there are two sexes, the male usually being the smaller, more active and more brightly colored. It has been suggested that the reason for this is that the handsomer males are thus able to attract mates more often than those less handsome, and consequently the young born of such more handsome fathers, were also handsome, thus eliminating, by natural selection, the less handsome. It has been suggested by some also that the female, who carries the eggs, by being less gaudy in appearance is also less conspicuous, and therefore not so likely to be caught by natural enemies. 344 GENERAL BIOLOGY In all female insects there are a pair of ovaries (Fig. 222) usually formed of many small tubes called ovarioles. From the ovaries the oviducts pass out into a terminal region, the vagina, which is sometimes also paired. This latter organ is usually formed by an invagination from the outer part of the body until it meets the oviducts, while near this, or branching off from it, there is a receptaculum for receiving and hold- ing the male sperm received during copulation. Then there are accessory glands which secrete a sticky substance or cement as the eggs pass through the oviduct. These glands are known as colleterial or sebific ( ) glands which open in turn into the dorsal portion of a capacious pouch, the bursa copulatrix, through a duct. This bursa rests on, and opens directly into, the ovi- duct of the female. Grasshoppers have an external hard posterior re- gion of the body known as an ovi- positor (Fig. 225). The males possess a pair of testes usually formed of many small tubes connecting with two ducts, the vasa deferentia which carry the sperm to the terminal portion called an ejaculatory duct, which may have one or two openings. This external opening may be formed by the union of both vasa deferentia or by an in- vagination meeting these ducts. The seminal vesicles, usually paired, open from either the vasa deferentia or the ejaculatory duct. Here sperm are stored. Often there are accessory glands whose secretion unites the sperm into packets known as spermatophores. There may or may not be an external copu- latory organ though in the grasshopper there are a pair of these, called cerci. Often there are also external hard parts as in the female though, of course, these are not ovipositors. The sperm are placed in the seminal receptaculum of the female by the male and may remain there for many years. The queen bee only copulates once, and that on her first and only flight, and yet the sperm have remained alive so that eggs which were laid thirteen years after- ward were fertile. There are a few insects which give birth to living young, such as the "parthenogenetic summer aphids, a few flies, the little bee parasites Strepsiptera, a few beetles and cockroaches," but by far the greater por- tion lay eggs, the young then developing from these. When eggs develop which have not been fertilized, birth is said to be by parthenogenesis ( ). This occurs normally, Fig. 225. Rocky Mountain locust : a, a, a, Female in different positions, ovipositing ; b, egg-pod ex- tracted from ground, with the end broken open ; c, a few eggs lying loose on the ground ; d, e, show the earth partially removed to il- lustrate an egg-mass already in place and one being placed ; /, shows where such a mass has been covered up. (After Riley). THE GRASSHOPPER 345 at least for a number of generations, in two Lepidoptera and one beetle, in some coccus insects and aphids, and in certain saw-flies and gall- wasps. It occurs casually in the silk-moth, in some grouse, locusts, and several other Lepidoptera, seasonally in aphids, in larval life in some flies [Miastor ( ), Chironomus ( )] and partially or "voluntarily" when the queen-bee lays eggs which be- come drones. PAEDOGENESIS Among certain tiny flies hardly one millimeter in length and known as midges (Fig. 226) there are pupae which produce eggs without fertili- Fig. 226. Order Hymenoptera. D. A, gall-fly, Rhodiles rosoe, female. B, galls produced by a bug. (A, from the Cambridge Natural History; B, from Davenport, after Kerner). C. Order Diptera. Hessian fly, Cecidomyia destructor (one of the midges). a, larva. 6, pupa. (From Davenport, after Standard Natural History). D. Young paedogenetic larvae of Miastorca genus of the family Cecidomyiidae in the body of the mother larva. (After Pagenstecher). zation. The larvae of the gall-gnat, the related members of this family, and related Chironomidae likewise do this so that here we have a case of a granddaughter commencing to grow and develop not only without fertilization, but before the mother and grandmother themselves become full-fledged imagoes or adult insects. The larvae in such cases are hatched within the parent larva and "in some cases escape by the rupture of the body." Such development of one, two, or three generations within the im- mature animal is called paedogenesis ( ). POLYEMBRYONY In 1904 P. Marchal described an interesting observation. He found that in two small parasitic Hymenoptera ( ), a Chalcid ( )— Encyrtus ( )— which lay eggs in the developing eggs of the small moth Hyponomeuta ( ) and a Proctotrypid ( )— Polygnotus — which infests a gall-midge — Cecidomyid ( ) 346 GENERAL BIOLOGY — larva, the nucleus of the egg of the insects divided and each such par- ticle of nucleus became a complete new embryo. "Thus a mass or chain of embryos is produced, lying in a common cyst, and developing as their larval host develops. In this way over a hundred embryos may result from a single egg. Marchal points out the analogy of this phenomenon to the artificial polyembryomy that has been induced in Echinoderm ( ) and other eggs by separating the blastomeres, and suggests that the abundant food-supply afforded by the host-larva is favorable for this multiplication of embryos, which may be, in the first instance, incited by the abnormal osmotic pressure on the egg." When many embryos develop from a single egg in the way just de- scribed it is called polyembryony. H. H. Newman has shown that in the ant-eater, armadillo, in which three to nine embryos commonly form different species, all develop from a single egg. The fertilized egg does not split into separate parts but evaginates in different portions to form separate embryos. ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS A true alternation of generation has been found in Hymenopterous gall flies (Fig. 226), in which a complete asexual generation (complete from egg to adult) succeeds a complete sexual generation (egg to adult), each generation being parasitic on a different host plant. The adults in each case bear no resemblance to each other; in fact, they have not only been described as different species, but actually as different genera. EMBRYOLOGY The flapping of wings or the "singing" of the male grasshopper attracts the "unfertilized" females. The sperm are then injected into the female receptacle, from whence they work their way into the various eggs. The zygote thus formed, begins to segment mitotically, forming the embryo on top of the yolk close to the egg-shell. There are two pro- tective membranes, the innermost being known as an amnion ( ) or chorion ( ), and the outer as the sero&a ( ). As soon as the embryo has used up the yolk as food it is ready to hatch. However, all of this process does not take place in the body of the grasshopper. Soon after fertilization the female drills a hole in the ground with the hard portions of the ovipositor and deposits the eggs which are then covered. These hatch in the spring. It is here, in its warm underground cage, that most of the development described above takes place. "By opening and shutting the ovipositor a hole (Fig. 225), slightly curved, is quickly drilled in the ground. This drilling process goes on THE GRASSHOPPER 347 until nearly the entire abdomen is buried. Ovipositing females may frequently be found in October. A frothy matter is first laid down from the cement glands, then the eggs and cement are alternatively deposited until some twenty to thirty-five eggs have been laid. Each individual egg is elongated and slightly curved. The female ordinarily oviposits more than once, averaging from 100 to 150 eggs in all. The eggs are placed side by side in four rows, but standing obliquely to the wall in such a way that all slant upward. Since they are all pushed tightly against the wall of the cylindrical burrow the outside rows must project beyond the two inner rows. In this way a channel filled with frothy matter is left along the tops of the rows. Such a grooved arrangement insures the escape of the young from the lower eggs in case those in the upper ones die or are delayed in hatching. "Each egg is covered by two membranes: (1) an outer thin, semi- Fig. 227. Calopt'enus Spre'tus. Process of acquiring wings : a, Pupa with skin just split on the back ; 6, the imago extending ; c, the imago nearly out ; d, the imago with wings expanded ; e, the imago with all parts perfect, natural size. (After Riley). opaque one which under a lens may be seen to be pitted or thrown into ridges, and (2) an inner membrane (chorion) which is smooth and thick, but so translucent that the young insect can be seen through it after development has begun. While the outer covering is easily broken, the inner is very resistant, requiring strong pressure between the fingers to crush it. "At hatching time in the spring the struggles of the young locust, together with the swelling of parts within the chorion, burst the latter, generally along the ventral side, and the young locust struggles out of its burrow. Once out, it rests a few minutes, generally lying on one side. The limbs are at first limp and directed backward. The animal is still enveloped in a thin veil or pellicle which has aided it in forcing its way out of the ground. This covering shortly splits along the middle of the back and works off behind. Within an hour the locust takes its natural gray color. The foregoing account applies particularly to the Rocky Mountain locust." The young grasshopper (like all exoskeletonous animals), though able to feed immediately when its normal form has been completed, can- not grow until it throws off its outer covering. This ecdysis occurs 348 GENERAL BIOLOGY periodically. Of course, it takes time for the new skeleton to harden, so that immediately after shedding its covering the animal is rather soft. The wings appear after the first moult (Fig. 227). They increase in size with each moult but become functional only after the final moult. An insect which at birth resembles its parent, but is not entirely like it, as the young grasshopper, is called a nymph ( ). The last moult takes place in the late summer. The nymph then "climbs up some grass stem or similar object, and, taking firm hold, often with its head pointing downward, remains motionless for several hours, till the skin swells over the head and thorax and finally splits open along a median dorsal line. From this old skin the new head, thorax, legs, wings and abdomen are slowly withdrawn while soft, ex- panding and hardening within half to three-quarters of an hour." It is then a full-fledged adult and is called imago. After the eggs have been laid in the fall most of the locusts die. BEHAVIOR As there are more different species of insects than there are of all other animals together, it is not strange that insects should be of con- siderable interest and importance. They illustrate better than any other type of animal the interrela- tionships and interdependence of all living things. Pollen is carried from one plant to another by insects (Fig. 239), thus permitting vegetation to grow wherever there is sufficient heat and moisture. This makes food more plentiful. Injurious animals and pests are kept down even among their own kind. For example, the swift little tachina fly (Fig. 240) pokes its egg between the segments of the grasshopper's abdomen, which egg then develops into a maggot, and this maggot bores its way into the interior of its host, feeding on the living substance as it goes. It leaves the vital organs until last, so that the grasshopper does not die until the maggot has abundantly supplied itself with nourishment. Then, too, insects furnish the most abundant food for birds, worms, toads, fish, and other animals. Even man has not hesitated to use them as food. The Bible speaks of John in the desert feeding on locusts and wild honey; one itself, the insect, the other, the product of an insect. In the markets of Manila large piles of grasshoppers with their appendages removed are offered for sale, ready for cooking. The Moors fry locusts in butter and they are said to make a very palatable dish. In fact, many of the Indian tribes have been known to use not only grasshoppers, but ants as well, as a part of their diet, while the natives of Uganda keep crickets in a warm oven for their musical sounds. In China it is said that fights are staged between crickets and that this is a favorite method of gambling. The larvae or grub of the warble fly is eaten by the Dog Rib In- THE GRASSHOPPER 349 dians, who are fond of caribou which in turn is thoroughly infected with these grubs. The grubs are eaten raw and the children consider them a great delicacy. To this list may be added moths and caterpillars, eaten by both Pai Ute Indians and the Australian Bushmen, while bugs, beetles and the eggs of these insects complete the list. The Manna of the Old Testa- ment is considered by entomologists to be the secretion, somewhat, like honey, from an insect. These manna insects, now called Gossyparia mannifers ( ), "infested the smaller branches of Tamarix gallica ( ) in large numbers, sucked up sap in quantities, and exuded manna in the form of a sugary secretion which, in the cool of the evening, fell to the ground in solid form, but, after sunrise, melted and percolated the soil." Conditions of the past have been changed since man has learned to till the soil ; for, insects now receive other food, their conditions of life have changed and comparisons of ancient times when men lived under different conditions from the present are often likely to lead one astray. This is particularly noticeable among agricultural peoples who seldom use insects as food. In famines, anything could be relished and it was no wonder that such peoples often turned to a diet not commonly used, and then after an acquired taste had been brought about (just as it is known that practically no one likes olives the first time he eats them, but can acquire a very considerable taste for them later) the chil- dren who had been fed upon such diet actually relished it. No better proof of this could be found than the fact that pigeons and rabbits never normally eat meat, but, if they are fed meat alone from birth, they will die rather than eat a normal pigeon's or rabbit's food when they have become fully grown. In addition to being used as food, insects have formed a great source from which various oils and other medicinal substances have been ab- stracted from time immemorial. All historical literature is filled with references to this use of insects. Because all of us need a physician at some time or other, it is of great interest and value to know as much about this subject as possible. Over against this beneficial use of insects may be placed the great devastations in our own country by the periodical locusts which sweep every grain field bare before them, and other crop-injuring pests such as boll weevils, which injure thousands of dollars worth of cotton an- nually, while almost every grain has some sort of insect which uses such grain as its food. As carriers of developing eggs or various immature forms of para- sites, insects are now known to do great injury to man as well as the animal world at large. The classic example is that of the anopheles mos- quito, carrying malaria, as also the tse-tse fly, already referred to as the carrier of the germ of sleeping sickness. 350 GENERAL BIOLOGY Lice (Fig. 228), and other so-called vermin (all of these belong to the insect group), are not only injurious to higher forms of life by their acts, but also as carriers of disease. The common house fly carries dirt and filth from the garbage can A. Female of flea, Putex irri tans, infesting man. Herms.) Fig. 228. Lice — both animal and plant. B. Sarcoptes scabei, C. Order Acarina. Harvestmites (After or "chiggers." Leptus irritans on the right; L. americana on the left. (From Osborn, after Riley). (After female itch mite. Leuckart). D. Common cat and dog flea (Pu'lex ser- rat'iceps) : a, Eggs: b, larva in cocoon; c, pupa ; d, adult ; e, mouth parts of same from side ; /, labium of same from below ; g, an- tenna of same ; all much enlarged. ( Howard, Bull. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1896). Rat Fleas. — It is believed that in tropical countries the disease germs of the bubonic plague may be transmitted from rats to men by the bites or punctures of rat fleas. E. Phylloxe'ra vasta'trix : a, Leaf with galls ; b, section of gall showing mother louse at center with young clustered about ; c, egg ; d, larva ; e. adult female ; /, same from side. (a. Natural size; b-f, much en- larged). (Marlatt). F. Phylloxe'ra vasta'trix: G. Pediculoides ventricosus, H. Head and Pronotum of (a) dog a, Root-galls; b, enlarge- male. Grain louse which flea; (b) of cat flea; (c) hen flea, ment of same, showing affects farmers and thresh- (After Rotschild.) (d) Nycteridiphilus disposition of lice; c, a ers. (After Braun). '(Ishnopsyhus) hexactenus. (After Ou- root-gall louse, much en- demans.) larged. (Marlott.) and manure pile to the food it lights upon, as well as to the baby's drink- ing bottle. In this filth, it thus deposits, there are hundreds of tiny eggs and seeds which as soon as they receive the necessary moisture and heat THE GRASSHOPPER 351 of the interior of the human or animal body, begin to develop. This is the common way in which typhoid fever is carried, for one can hardly get this disease unless some excreted matter from a typhoid patient has been eaten in this way. An excellent way to demonstrate the fact of insects' eggs being almost everywhere on our foodstuff is to take any fruit, such as a banana, apple, cherry, or grape, and place this in a bottle plugged with cotton, so that air may pass in but nothing else can. In a short time various forms of animal life will be found therein. As these forms of life hatched from eggs, the eggs must have been on the fruit before it was placed in the bottle. It is of value to note that even after one has washed the fruit well, such hatching will almost always occur, showing how thor- oughly these insects fasten their eggs either on or into the surface struc- tures of these fruits. When different kinds of crops are planted different kinds of insects will thrive, as those alone will survive which have a sufficient food sup- ply. Those not feeding on the new plants either leave for satisfactory fields, or die. If it is remembered that a duck, which feeds on fish, tastes totally different from one not so fed, which shows that the food of an animal makes a great chemical difference to the body tissues, it can be understood how different diseases may come forth when parasites change their food and environment. For, if it makes a chemical differ- ence in the flesh of an animal as to what it eats, it means also that if a new chemical substance in a parasite is poisonous to man, then the same parasite when feeding on one food may not be poisonous and not cause disease, whereas when feeding on another type of food, such chemical poison may cause disease. Then there is the interesting fact that many diseases of birds will not affect a frog normally when such disease germs are injected, but, if the frog be placed in an incubator where its blood becomes of the same temperature as that of the bird from which the disease is taken, the disease will develop. This illustrates how different temperatures change the susceptibility of different organisms to differ- ent diseases. The animals commonly called grasshoppers are really of varying types (Fig. 229), the true grasshopper being long-horned; that is, it has two antennae as long or longer than its entire body. The family to which these belong is known as Locustidae, while the short-horned grasshoppers belong to the family Acridiidae. In America the Rocky Mountain Locust is the one which does the great damage to crops. The exact time of laying and hatching of eggs varies somewhat with the region of the country. Often the young, until after the second or third moult, content themselves with feeding on whatever food is close at hand, but as soon as this food becomes scarce the animals congregate and "in solid bodies, sometimes as much as a mile wide, march across the country, devouring 352 GENERAL BIOLOGY every green crop and weed as they go. During cold or damp weather and at night they collect under rubbish, in stools of grass, etc., and at such times almost seem to have disappeared; but a few hours of sun- shine brings them forth as voracious as ever. When, on account of the immense numbers assembled together, it becomes impossible for all to obtain green food, the unfortunate ones first clean out the underbrush and then feed upon the dead leaves and bark of timber lands, and have often been known to gnaw fences and frame buildings. Stories of their Fig. 229. Long and Short Horned Grasshoppers. A. Order Orthoptera. Katydid, Microcentrum retinerve. (From Sedgwick's Zoology, after Riley. ) B. Red-legged grasshopper (Melanoplus femur- rubrum) : Ab, abdomen ; Ant, antennae ; E, eye ; M, mouth ; T, thorax ; S, spiracles. incredible appetites are legion; a friend informs me that he still pos- sesses a rawhide whip which they quite noticeably gnawed in a single night. "By mathematical computation it has been shown that such a swarm could not reach a point over thirty miles from its birthplace, and as a matter of fact they have never been known to proceed over ten miles." There are other species and genera which do not migrate from their native haunts at all. Many ingenious ways have been used to extermi- nate them. Certain fungus growths on plants which the grasshopper uses for food are fatal to him. So, too, is the little tachina fly already mentioned. Such fungus growth and flies are sometimes developed to assist in controlling injurious insects. The effect of a difference of temperature on insects is well illustrated by the fact that there is only one annual generation of grasshoppers in New England, while there are two in Missouri. Ditches are often dug in which the animals fall, or kerosene emulsion is poured on water standing about, or placed in simple trough-like wooden movable ditches. Even if the grasshopper crawls out of the oil it dies shortly after. For the control of grasshoppers, see any of the books mentioned on Economic Entomology, at the end of Chapter XXIV. CHAPTER XXIV. THE HONEY BEE The Honey Bee (Fig. 230) has been studied and written about for centuries as one of the most interesting" of insects. It lives a decidedly complex social life and has lent many examples to prophets and teachers of all times. The bee is intensely specialized in almost all parts of its body, and as such is of great value to any comparative study of the arthropods. Fig. 230. Hive bees and comb (after Schmeil). A, Worker; K, queen; D, drone ; 1, worker with cells filled with honey and covered ; 2, cells containing eggs, larvae, and pupa?; 3, cells containing pollen ; 4, below 4 are regular cells ; 5 drone cells ; 6-10, queen cells. Foremost in rank in the hive is the Queen. She is the mother of every member of the hive, for she alone, of all the inhabitants, lays eggs. With her, in the summer time, there are some sixty thousand work- ers and several hundred drones. The latter are killed during the winter. The abdomen of the queen is longer than that of a worker and there is no pollen basket on the tibia of her hind leg's. The drone is the male. He lives upon the food gathered by the females. His body is heavy and broad and no pollen baskets are found on the hind legs. His eyes are larger than those of either queen or worker. The worker is an undeveloped female, which can, however, by proper 354 GENERAL BIOLOGY food, nourishment and care, become a queen in case the old queen dies. The workers are smaller than either queen or drones. They are the ones usually seen hovering about flowers. Bees have mouth parts (Fig. 231), modified both for biting and suck- ing, and two pairs of membranous wings. B. Side view of mouth parts of the honey bee, Apis Mellifera. a, base of antenna ; br, brain ; c, clypeus ; h, hypopharynx ; I, labrum ; lp, labial palpus ; m, mentum ; mo, mouth ; mx, maxilla; sm, submentum. (After Chesh- ire.) Fig. 231. A. Front view of the head and mouth parts of a bee. — After Cheshire, a, An- • tenna ; m, mandible ; g, labrum and epi- pharynx ; mx.p., rudiment of maxillary palp ; mx,, lamina of maxilla ; lp., labial palp ; I., ligula ; 6., bouton at end. The paraglossae lie concealed between the basal portions of the labial palps and the ligula. C. Tongue of honey bee. p., protecting bris- tles ; s., terminal spoon ; t., taste setae. (After Will.) EXTERNAL APPEARANCE The body is divided into head, thorax, and abdomen. (Fig. 213.) The body is covered with a skin or cuticle which is composed of a thin chitinous layer produced by the secretion from the cells lying beneath it. This serves as a protection, but it is cast off at various intervals during the early stages of growth. There are a pair of large compound eyes and three ocelli or simple eyes. The arrangement of the ocelli are somewhat different in queen, worker, and drone. Two feelers (antennae) project from the front of the head. The mouth is made up of an upper lip or labrum, an epipharynx, a pair of mandibles, two maxillae, and a labium. This latter is the under HP. The labrum is joined to the clypeus (the dome-shaped portion of the skull), (Figs. 217 and 231), lying just above it. The epipharynx is THE HONEY BEE 355 the fleshy projection extending beneath the labrum. It serves as an organ of taste. The jaws or mandibles lie on each side of the labrum, being notched in the queen and drone, and smooth in the worker. The labium lies medially and extends downward from beneath the labrum and is quite compli- cated. The sub-mentum, which is triangular in shape, joins the labium to the back of the head. The mentum lies next to the sub-mentum. The mentum is chitinous and contains muscle. The tongue, or ligula, lies im- mediately beyond the mentum. The tongue has a spoon-shaped end known as a bouton. A labial palpus lies at each side of the tongue, while tiny hairs, used as organs of taste and touch, as well as for gathering- nectar, are arranged in regular rows upon it. The lower jaws or maxil- lae extend over the mentum on both sides. There are stiff hairs on their edges, and maxillary palpi on each side. The thorax is divided into prothorax, mesothorax, and metathorax (Fig. 213), the last two divisions each supporting a pair of wings, while hairs, which are used in gathering pollen, cover the outside of the entire thorax. The legs of the bee are highly specialized (Fig. 232). The prothoracic legs have both femur and tibia covered with branched hairs which are used in gather- ing pollen. A pollen brush made up of curved bristles is seen at the distal end on one side of the tibia. This brush is used to brush up the pollen which has been loosened by some of the coarser spines. On the other side of the tibia, a flat movable spine known as the velum, fits over a curved indentation in the first tarsal joint. The whole structure, brush and velum, is known as the antenna cleaner, while the. row of teeth lining the indentation is called the antenna comb. Fig. 232. Legs of worker honey-bee. A., outer side of metathoracic leg. p., metatarsus ; t., tarsus ; ti., tibia. B., inner side of metathoracic leg. c., coxa ; p., meta- tarsus ; t., tarsus ; ti., tibia ; tr., trochanter ; wp., wax pinchers. C, prothoracic leg. b., pollen brush ; «6., eye brush ; p., metatarsus ; t, tarsus ti, tibia ; v., velum. D., mesothoracic leg ; lettering as in C. s., pollen spur. E., joint of prothoracic leg ; lettering as in C. F., teeth of antenna comb. G., transverse section of tibia through pollen basket, fa., pollen ; h., holding hairs ; n., nerve. H., antenna in process of cleaning, a., antenna ; s., antenna comb ; I., sec- tion of leg; s., scraping edge of v., velum. (From Root, after Cheshire.) 356 GENERAL BIOLOGY The antennae are cleaned by being pulled through the indentation between the teeth and the edge of the velum. On this first tarsal joint also there is found a row of spines called the eye brush. This structure is used to brush out pollen which has lodged about the compound eyes. On the last tarsal joint of each leg there is a pair of notched claws by which the insect holds on to rough surfaces. Between these claws there is a fleshy, glandular lobule known as the pulvillus, which is cov- ered with a sticky secretion from the glands. It is by this sticky substance that the insect can attach itself to smooth surfaces. Then, too, there are tactile or touch hairs present. The meso thoracic legs do not have an antennae cleaner, but at the distal end of the tibia there is a spur which is used to pry the pollen out of the pollen baskets on the third pair of legs, as well as to clean the wings. The metathoracic legs are prob- ably the most interesting, in that they possess a pollen basket, a wax pincher, and the pollen combs. The pollen bas- ket is a concavity in the outer surface of the tibia. There are rows of curved bristles along the edges. Pollen is stored in this basket. The filling takes place by the pollen combs scraping out the pollen from the hairs on the thorax into the basket on the opposite leg. The wax pinchers consist of a row of wide spines located at the distal end of the tibia. These lie in opposition to a smooth plate on the proximal end of the metatarsus. The pinchers re- move the wax plates from the abdomen of the worker. As already stated, a pair of membranous wings are attached to meso- thorax and metathorax. There are hollow ribs called nerves or veins passing through each wing. Often a row of little booklets on the an- terior margin of the hind wing is inserted into a trough-like fold in the posterior margin of the fore wing and thus join them together. The abdomen is made up of six segments, each segment consisting of a tergum or dorsal plate, and sternum or ventral plate. A pair of wax glands is located on each of the four hindermost sternal plates. Both queen and worker possess a sting (Fig. 233) at the end of the abdomen, while the drone possesses a copulatory organ instead. There are also Fig. 233. Sting of worker honey-bee, b., barbs on "darts ; i., k., 1., levers to move darts ; . n.t nerves ; p., sting-feeler; pg., poison .gland ; ps., -poison sac ; sh., sheath ; 5th g., fifth abdominal ganglion. (From Packard, after Cheshire.) THE HONEY BEE 35? slit-like openings of the reproductive system and an anal opening in queen and worker. The sting has a pair of sting feelers by which the bee seems to choose a favorable location for the deposit of the sting. Two barbed darts are then sent out. There is a sheath which guides the darts and aids in con- ducting the poison. The poison is secreted in a pair of glands, one acid and one alkaline, and it is then stored in a reservoir. It is commonly believed that if a bee stings, it dies. This is not necessarily true ; but, very often a part of the intestine and the poison glands are pulled out of the body with the sting, and then, of course, the insect cannot live. Oueens usually do not sting except in combat with other queens. INTERNAL ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Beginning at the anterior end, the digestive system (Fig. 234), is made up of mouth, oesophagus or gullet, honey-sac or honey-stomach, true stomach, small intestine or ileum, and large intestine or colon. The oesophagus passes through the thorax and is expanded into a honey-sac at the anterior end of the abdomen. A stomach-mouth with four triangular lips is found at the posterior portion of the honey-sac. A number of bristles extends backward from the top of the lips. If the alimentary canal be placed in a one-half of one per cent salt solution im- mediately after the bee is killed, these lips will open and close for about thirty minutes. Both circular and longitudinal muscles surround the lips. The glands in the walls of the stomach secrete digestive juices which change the food into chyme. Part of this is absorbed and part forced back into the ileum by muscular contractions. Here undigested food is dissolved and also absorbed, while that which is not digested is thrown into the colon, and from here, out of the body. No faeces are deposited in the hive if bees are kept in proper condition. Two pairs of salivary glands may be found : one pair within the head lying against the cranium, and one pair in the ventral portion of the anterior half of the thorax. The substances secreted from these glands are weakly alkaline and are poured out upon the labium. Here they act on the food as it is ingested. THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM The blood of the honey bee is quite like that of the crayfish and grasshopper, as it is colorless and contains amoeboid corpuscles. Little, if any, oxygen is contained within it. The crayfish is also like the bee in that it has a dorsal blood vessel and many sinuses, but the'bee's circulatory system is even less. complete than that of the crayfish. 358 GENERAL BIOLOGY The heart, or dorsal vessel, is a tube in the median dorsal region just below the surface, closed posteriorly and open in the head-region. The walls being muscular, the heart contracts at intervals. x The blood itself enters through five pairs of ostia, one into each of the five compartments into which the heart is divided. Each compart- ment is called a ventricle. Each contraction sends the blood toward the heart. There are valves which prevent it from flowing backward. It then passes through the various spaces in the body to bathe the tis- sues. As the blood passes ventrally, it is gathered into the pericardia! sinus, and when the muscles sur- rounding this sinus contract, the blood is forced through the ostia back into the heart when it is again ready to be sent out. Fig 234. A. Internal organs of the honeybee, bt., malpighian tubules ; c.s., true stomach ; dv., dorsal vessel ; e., eye ; g., ganglia of nerve chain ; hs., honey sac ; it., rectum ; lp., labial palpus ; mesa, t., mesothorax ; meta, t., meta- thorax ; mx., maxilla; n., nerves. No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, salivary glands ; oe.t oesophagus ; p., stomach mouth ; pro.t., prothorax ; si., small intestine (ileum) ; v., ventricles of dorsal vessel. B. Ideal transverse section of an insect. h., dorsal vessel ; i., intestine ; n., ventral nerve-cord ; t.t., stigmata leading into the branched tracheal tubes ; w.w., wings ; a., coxa of one leg ; b., trochanter ; c., femur ; d., tibia; e., tarsus. (After Packard, A, from Cheshire. ) THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Along each side of certain thoracic and abdominal segments there appear openings called spiracles (Fig. 215). It is through these open- ings that the bee breathes. One pair of these spiracles may be found in the prothorax, one pair in the metathorax, and five pairs in the abdomen. The spiracles open into little tubes known as tracheae which unite in turn with other tubes running in a longitudinal manner. These longi- tudinal tubes are called the trunks, and from the trunks many branches are given off to all parts of the body. The tracheary tubes (though only one cell f in thickness) have thickened rings arranged spirally, and it is these rings which keep the tubes open. THE HONEY BEE 359 Air-sacs are found in the abdominal region. These are expanded portions of the tracheae and probably make the bee lighter as it flies, for the bee can apparently increase and decrease the size of the air-sacs at will. There are tiny valves in the spiracles and the bee takes in and expels air by expansions and contractions of its abdomen. Hairs sur- round the spiracles so as to prevent dust from entering* The rate of respiration increases with the fatigue of the insect. Air is carried di- rectly to the tissues through the tracheae so that no lung system is needed in which blood and oxygen must mix. THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM There are Malpighian or urinary tubules (Fig. 234, A) which are long, fine, hair-like structures, opening into the anterior end of the in- testine. These are the excretory organs. Excretions are taken from the blood in the form of urates, and pass through these urinary tubules to the intestine from whence they are thrown out of the body with the faeces. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The nervous system (Fig. 214, 235) of the bee is made up of a chain of paired ganglia with two groups of smaller ganglia. The first are called the stomatogastric and the latter the sympathetic ganglia, re- spectively. These ganglia are made up in turn of seven masses of nerve tissue : two in the head, two in the thorax, and five in the abdomen. Each mass is composed of two ganglia which lie side by side, and these ganglia are connected with the mass in front and behind by two nerve cords. Only the brain (the most anterior pair of ganglia) also called the supraoesophageal ganglia, lies dorsal to the digestive tract. The compound eyes, the ocelli, the antennae, and the labrum, are connected with the brain by nerve twigs, while the mandibles, labium, and other mouth-parts are connected with the suboesophageal ganglion lying directly beneath the oesophagus. The most anterior ganglia in the thorax innervate the muscles of the first pair of legs, while the posterior thoracic ganglion is larger and composed of several ganglia which have grown together. From the fore part of this latter ganglion, nerves run to the fore wings and middle pair of legs, while twigs from the posterior portion of this, same ganglion pass to the hind wings and legs. The organs and walls of the abdominal region are supplied by twigs from the various abdominal ganglia; but, as with most animals, the more posterior abdominal ganglia are the larger. The stomatogastric portion of the nervous system is composed of many small ganglia which are in direct connection with the organs of digestion, circulation, and respiration, while the sympathetic nervous GENERAL BIOLOGY Fig. 235. A. Nervous system of honey-bee, at a., and of its larva, at 6., showing the simple type of the larva and the specialization in the adult due to fusion of the ganglia. (From Sanderson and Jackson, "Ele- mentary Entomology/' by permission of Ginn & Co.) C. Nervous system of the head of cock- roach, a., antennal nerve ; ag., anterior later- al ganglion of sympathetic system ; 6, brain d.t salivary duct ; /., frontal ganglion ; h. hypopharynx ; 1., labrum ; li., labium ; m. mandibular nerve ; mx., maxillary nerve ; nl. nerve to labrum ; nli., nerve to labium ; o. optic nerve ; oc., oesophageal commissure ; oe. oesophagus ; pg., posterior lateral ganglion of sympathetic nervous system ; r., recurrent nerve of sympathetic system ; s., suboeso- phageal ganglion. (After Hofer.) B. Sympathetic nervous system of an insect, diagrammatically rep- resented, a., antennal nerve ; 6., brain ; /., frontal ganglion ; l.L, paired lateral ganglia ; m., nerves to upper mouth-parts ; o., optic nerve ; r., recurrent nerve »., nerve to salivary glands ; st., stomachic ganglion. (After Kolbe. ) system is made up of the many fibers which pass to all parts of the body from the triangular ganglia lying in each segment. ORGANS OF SPECIAL SENSE These have already been dis- cussed very thoroughly under the general term, "The Senses of In- sects," in Chapter XXIII. THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM As in the crayfish, the muscles of the honey bee are attached to the inner walls of the body. The num- ber of muscles is very large, and the largest muscles are those which move the wings and legs. Muscles are both voluntary and involuntary. A good example of the latter has already been noted in the experiment suggested of the intestine being placed in a one-half of one per cent salt solution when the lips of the stomach-mouth will open and close for some time. Insects usually have much greater muscular strength proportion- ately than larger animals. This is accounted for by the fact that the weight of muscle increases as the cube of its diameter, while its strength increases only as the square of its diameter. THE HONEY BEE 361 THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Only the queen (Fig. 236, A) can lay eggs, although the workers have rudi- mentary ovaries. The two ovaries almost fill the "ab- domen of the queen. Each of the ovaries is made up of a great number of ovarian tubules which contain eggs of different sizes. The eggs pass into the oviduct from the tubules, thence into the vagina and out of the body through the genital aperture. There is an opening into the vagina which connects with the spermatheca or sac in which the sperm are stored, and sperm from ~this sac may apparently be released at will by the queen as the eggs pass through. If the sperm is not re- leased the egg is not fertilized and then drones hatch. Only females hatch from fertilized eggs. In the drone (Fig. 236, B) two testes are seen which are made up of several hundred spermatic tubules in which the F. 23g sperm are formed. A pair of fine tubes A. Reproductive organs, sting, and called vasa dcfcrentta connect these sper- poison gland of queen honey-bee. AGL, mofi,- tiiKpc -until tVif> ^pminal VP^lirlf*^ acid gland ; AGIO., duct of acid gland ; matlC tUDCS Wit VCSlClCS. BGL, alkaline gland; Ov., ovary; ov., These latter in turn open into a pair of ovarian tubules ; Ov.D., oviduct ; Pan.- x Sc., poison sac; Spm., spermatheca; large mUCOUS glands which Unite. It IS vagina!1" ' at this union that the ejaculatory duct bee,' d^rsa^^ew, ^ffJrai °'P Jtton! begins. This duct ends in the copulatory AcGl., accessory gland; B., bulb of nrcran penis; EjD., ejaculatory duct; Pen, ^S*1*- penis; TVs., testis ; vDef., vas deferens ; TVi^ cr^rm r\f tVi^ ma If ^re> rklsrprl in Vea., seminal vesicle; it., uu., yy., zz., L ne Sperm Ot tne male are piaCCC parts of penis (From Snodgrass, the spermatheca (seminal receptaculum) lech, beries, 18, r>ur. h,nt., U. o. Dep't. of Agric.) of the queen by a single drone, where they remain alive for many years, in fact as long as the queen lives and lays eggs. While the average life of a queen is probably somewhere around three to four years, there is on record a queen which continued laying fertile eggs for thirteen and a half years. About five to eight days after emerging from the egg, a queen will leave the hive. First, she crawls about and takes very short flights, and then goes on a nuptial trip of about thirty minutes. One of the drones copulates with her during the nuptial trip, after which the queen returns 8 362 GENERAL BIOLOGY The eggs are bluish-white and oblong in shape. They are fertilized just before leaving the queen's body. The eggs are deposited at the base of the cells and then fastened into position in the cells by a secretion. Fertilized eggs are laid in cells that have already been arranged to re- ceive them, some being in queen cells, and some in worker cells, while unfertilized eggs are placed in drone cells. But there seems to be evi- dence that mistakes are made, and the right type of egg is not always placed in the right cell. EMBRYOLOGY After the nuclei of the sperm and egg have united into a single nucleus a. chitinous covering, the chorion, surrounds the entire egg. As cleavage takes place, no definite cell walls appear. This means that a great mass of protoplasm is present with many nuclei. These nuclei migrate to the periphery to form a single layer of cells, called the blas- toderm, while the remaining portion of the yolk remains as yolk-sub- stance until it is converted either into food for the developing em- Fig. 237. bryo, or into further cellular sub- Cross section of germ-band of Clytra at gastrulation. g., germ-band; i., inner layer. Stance. A germ-band or primitive streak (Fig. 237) now forms on one side of the egg where the blastoderm be- comes thickened. This is to become the ventral side pf the bee. The brain develops separately. A median groove arises in the germ-band, and so two germ layers are formed, an outer layer called the ectoderm, and an inner known as the entomesoderm. It is the latter layer from which both entoderm and mesoderm arise. Now the germ-band grows around the entire egg. It is of interest to know that while the antennae and four pair of appendages can be seen near the anterior end of the embryo, one pair of the anterior appendages disappear and the others become mouth parts. Then, three pair of appendages develop on the thorax, all of which disappear before hatching. METAMORPHOSIS The life-history of the bee is divided into four periods : egg, larva, pupa, and adult or imago. Queens, workers, and drones remain in the egg three days, but the queens remain in the larval stage five and a half days, and in the pupal stage seven days, while the workers remain in the larval stage five days, and in the pupal stage thirteen. The drones remain in the larval stage six days, and in the pupal stage fifteen days. THE HONEY BEE 363 During the fourth day the larva hatches from the egg as a white, footless, soft, grub-like form floating in "bee-milk," also called "royal jelly." This "milk" is composed of digested honey and pollen with probably some glandular secretions. The "milk" is formed in the true stomachs of special "nurse" workers who place it in the cells. All larvae are fed this royal jelly for about three days by the nurse workers, but then a change takes place. Those which are to become workers are fed honey and digested pollen, while those which are to become queens alone continue to get the richer royal jelly until they change to the pupal stage. The drone larvae, after the fourth day, re- ceive undigested pollen and honey. The young larvae grow rapidly and shed their exoskeleton several times. In fact, during the last molt, even the lining of the alimentary canal and all its contents is shed with the exoskeleton. y>; Some five or six days after hatching, the nurse worker places a quantity of food in the cell with the larva and places a cap on the cell. The larva spins a cocoon of silk about itself some two or three days later. It is now in a resting stage and is called the pupa. The spinning-glands are in the mouth region, and later become the salivary glands of the adult. Almost the entire structure is made over during this pupal stage and the full-fledged bee emerges in its adult form and shape. BEHAVIOR As the queen emerges from the pupal stage the eggs have not yet distended her abdomen, so she is about the same size as a worker. As soon as she becomes accustomed to her surroundings she starts on a hunt for other queen cells. She breaks through these and stings the pupa within or tears the cell down and lets the workers remove such destroyed structures with the other debris. There is thus only one queen left. It is after this time that the nuptial-flight, already mentioned, takes place. By the ninth or tenth day she is busy laying eggs. The number of eggs laid, or at least the rapidity with which eggs are laid, is deter- mined by the amount of food the workers bring home. More eggs are laid when more food is obtained. The workers, when young, act as nurse maids for a week or two before taking up the regular duties of gathering food. Some of these also defend the hive against outside attacks, clean the hive, and even go scouting to find suitable new quarters before swarming. The workers really work themselves to death, and probably live only some five or six weeks. New ones are being hatched continually to keep the normal number of bees in the hive. Those which hatch in the fall may live five or six months. If a queen should die, any one of the workers may with proper 364 GENERAL BIOLOGY feeding, be able to develop and lay eggs, but in such cases the new queen would not have had the nuptial-flight, and therefore no eggs would be •fertile. Consequently drones alone are hatched from the eggs. 'V*J*:: Drones hatch in the same way that queens and workers do, but take no part in the work of the hive. One of them alone acts as queen-con- sort. As soon as food is scarce they are starved to death and their dead bodies removed with the remaining debris. At such a time even the drone pupae, larvae, and eggs are destroyed. As new bees are constantly being hatched, the hive may become cvercrowded. When this occurs it is the old queen which collects several thousand bees about her and goes through a complicated preparation to start a new colony. Scouts are sent out to seek a fitting location, and after first settling on a tree-branch or other object in a very dense cluster, the whole colony takes up its new abode. The cells are made of wax. Those \vhich are to have eggs placed in them are hexagonal in shape, although a careful examination will show they all vary slightly from each other. The cells which are to contain honey are rounded. The wax is produced by a secretion from the smooth, paired patches called wax-glands on the ventral surface of the abdominal metameres. The process gone through is as follows: The bees gorge themselves with honey. Great clusters of such bees then hang from the top of the hive for several hours when thin scales of wax form on the plates. These scales of wax are then removed by the hind legs, while the fore- legs transport it to the mouth. Here the wax scales are mixed with saliva and kneaded by the mandibles. The wax is then ready either to repair old cells or build new ones. The cells may be built especially for honey or for breeding, but often drone cells, even when the cocoon is still present, are used for honey cells. However, cells made especially for honey have the open- ings somewhat above their bases so that the honey will not run "but. The cells which fasten the comb to the top and sides of the hive are called attachment cells. Bees gather nectar (not honey) from flowers. The maxillae and the labial palpi form a tube through which the tongue can move back- ward and forward. As the epipharynx is lowered, a definite passag'e connects this tube with the oesophagus. The nectar itself becomes at- tached to the hairs on the tongue, and is forced upward by pressing maxillae and palpi together. It is then swallowed into the honey-sac, where the necessary chemical changes which convert it into honey take place. Here it is retained until the bee reaches the hive, when it is re- gurgitated into the cells made to receive it. As there is much water 'contained in the newly-formed honey, the cells are left open until the water is considerably evaporated. This is called the "ripening process." 'When the honey is "ripe" the cell is capped with wax. THE HONEY BEE 365 The bees keep their wings moving while in the hive both to keep air circulating and (in winter) to produce heat. About thirty to fifty pounds of honey are produced a season by one hive if conditions are favorable. As honey lacks proteins, bees gather pollen by means of their mouth parts and legs, and mix it with either saliva or even nectar to make it sticky. It is then placed by the hind legs in the pollen baskets. As the bee enters the hive, it backs up to a cell in which a larva is placed, and scrapes the pollen into such cell by aid of the spur already men- tioned. The deposited substance is known as "bee-bread." The young workers then pack this bee-bread into the cells by using their heads as tampers. Still another substance known as propolis or "bee-glue" is gathered by bees for the purpose of filling up cracks, for strengthening weak parts, or even, probably, as a sort of varnish. Propolis is merely the resinous material gathered from various plants which is then inserted into the pollen basket. In the case of propolis, another worker removes it from the gatherer, and it is this other worker \vhich also applies it where needed. In warm, dry weather, water is often sucked into the honey-sac from dew, brooks, or ponds, and then carried to the larvae in the hive. In cool weather enough water usually condenses in the hive. In fact, so much moisture may condense as to injure the occupants. All debris is removed immediately, so that cleanliness is insured. ENEMIES OF THE HONEY BEE There is a Bee-Moth, Galleria mellonella, which, when it can find an entry, lays its eggs in the hive. The larvae then feed on pollen cocoons and even cast-off larval skins. They burrow into the comb and line their burrow with a silk which protects them from the bees, much as a spider's web can either keep out or entrap insects. There are also bee-lice which attach themselves to the queen and weaken her by sucking the juices from her body. The bee lice, while common along the Mediterranean Sea, are uncommon in America. Spiders often catch bees in their webs. Other insects such as dragon-flies, ants, and wasps may attack bees. Toads and lizards also attack them, but these latter can be removed to some distance from the hive and will then serve the important function of devouring really noxious insects. Mice prey upon pollen, honey, and even bees in the winter time. One may note here, as we have already noted in the relation of insects to man, that there may be various ways of insuring a "balance in nature.'* As cats devour mice, and- mice bees, the number of cats may be the de- ciding factor of the number of bees there are in a given neighborhood. In fact, Huxley even suggested that this idea could be carried still fur- 366 GENERAL BIOLOGY ther by considering- the number of old maids who were fond of cats, these cat lovers then becoming the deciding factor as to the number of bees a given region might have. Various diseases afflict bees, probably largely of a bacterial nature brought about by too long confinement in the hive. Once a disease has taken hold of a hive it may infect any or all other hives in the region. GYNANDROMORPHS It has been found that among butterflies, ants and bees, it is not un- common to have an abnormal individual which has male characteristics in one part of its body and female characteristics in another. The term gynandromorphs (Fig. 238) has been given such individuals. The more common form such gynandromorphs assume is that of the anterior part of the body being one type and the pos- terior another, or the entire right side may be of one sex and the entire left side another. Bees are particularly valuable in bringing about cross fertilization of flowers. In fact, the Bumble Bee is about the only insect visiting red clover which has its mouth parts long enough to reach down for the nectar of that plant, so that if it were not for the bum- ble bee, red clover would probably not grow at all. Fig. 239. Salvia ap. (One of the Labiatse). a., flower bud ; b-f., various views of the open flower ; an., anther ; st., stigma ; *., projec- tions near the base of the filaments. The lead pencil is made to imitate an insect visiting the flower for pollen. By pressure at the base of the filaments, the anthers are brought into contact with the surface of the pencil, which thus becomes covered with pollen. When the next flower is visited the stigma, having then bent down and spread apart, receives the pollen from the other flower. Thus is ac- complished cross-pollination. In 6., before the visit of the insect, the stigmatic surfaces are still in contact, so that pollination is not pos- sible. (From C. Stuart Gager's "Funda- mentals of Botany" by permission of P. Blak- iston's Son & Co., Publishers.) Fig. 238. External appearance of gynandromorph. Lateral hermaphroditism of gypsy moth. Left side female; right side male. (After Tasch- enberg. ) Orchards which have hives of bees usually show a better harvest of fruit than those without hives. THE HONEY BEE 367 It is probably color, odor, and the structure of both insect and plant which determine which plants are visited most. Many plants are so constructed that an insect entering the flower for nectar conies in contact with the pollen of the plant which thus brushes off on the insect's back (Fig. 239). Then as another flower is visited this pollen is brushed off by the stigma thus bringing about fertilization. CLASSIFICATION The Summary of the Arthropoda will show under what phylum, class and order bees are classified. But here it is necessary to mention the following five types of honey bees found in the United States, though none are native. German, with black-colored abdomen. These are the so-called wild honey bees. Italian, with yellow-striped abdomen. Carniolan, with gray abdomen. Cyprian, with yellow abdomen. Caucasian, with yellow-gray abdomen. All bees are included in the great family Apidae, but there are both solitary and social species. Then, too, some are miners, carpenters, leaf- cutters, etc. As different species of bees have different length of tongues their food must vary accordingly. This was seen in our discussion of the Bumble Bee, which alone of all the bees, has a long enough tongue to obtain the nectar from red clover. Short-tongued bees must seek a flower with a less deeply placed nectar. The list of books at the end of this chapter will furnish many chap- ters of interest as to the more detailed life and habits of all species of bees. THE FLY As flies may carry "tuberculosis, cholera, enteritis (including epi- demic dysentery and cholera infantum — the fly-time 'summer complaint' of infants), spinal meningitis, bubonic plague, smallpox, leprosy, syphillis, gonorrhea, ophthalmia, and the eggs of tapeworms, hookworm, and a number of other parasitic worms," they are certainly worthy of our attention, and should be thought of here, although it must not be thought that flies are the only carriers of these diseases. This is especially interesting when it is noted that while only about two persons die each year in the United States from the bites of poisonous snakes, about one hundred from the bites of rabid dogs, nearly 100,000 die an- nually from diseases carried by flies. There are more than 43,000 different kinds of flies, gnats and mos- quitoes which have been described in entomological literature, and there is no telling how many more are still unknown. Tachina flies (Fig. 240), 368 GENERAL BIOLOGY already described as killing grasshoppers, and Syrphus flies ( ) feed on insects and are therefore of value to man, but nearly all others should be exterminated. Over ninety per cent of the flies found in and about homes are the regular typhoid flies. When it is remembered that the feet of these are furnished with claws for climbing over rough sur- faces as well as with two pads, the pulvilli, covered with sticky, tubular hairs by which the animal can attach itself to ceilings and glass surfaces, one can understand the excellent summing up of what this means — that "No more effective mechanisms for collecting dust could be designed Fig. 240. The Friend of Farmers. Red-tailed tachina-fly (Winthemia 4-pustulata.) a., natural size ; b., much enlarged ; c., army worm on which fly has laid eggs, natural size; d., same, much enlarged. (After S. Singerland.) than a fly's feet and proboscis (Fig. 216), a combination of six feather dusters and thirteen damp sponges. While the constant 'cleaning' move- ments of flies are clearly designed to rub off and scatter the adhering germs everywhere they go." There are "little house flies" (Fannia canicularis) which probably most people believe grow into the regular house fly. Their breeding habits and feeding places are quite similar to the house fly, but, as flies hatch in the adult form they do not grow after once becoming flies. Other flies such as bluebottles, greenbottles, and flesh flies or blow- flies are also found about the home and frequently lay their eggs on meat. These flies are scavengers. In the South there is the screw-worm fly (Chrysomyia macellaria) which deposits its eggs on wounds, for the maggots of this species feed on living flesh. It is these flies also which are likely to lay their eggs in the nostrils and ears of children or even of adults as they sleep out of THE HONEY BEE 369' doors. The maggots then cause intense pain as they feed on the sur- rounding flesh. The stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) looking something like a housefly, except that it has a strong piercing beak, sucks blood from ani- mals. It is supposed to be the animal which carries the germs of infan- tile paralysis in addition to the injury it causes cattle. The smaller horn fly (Haematobia serrata) swarms about the bases of the horns of cattle, biting constantly. ii. in. Fig. 241. I. Typhoid fever or house-fly (Mus'ca domes' tica :) a, Adult male; b., pro- boscis and palpus of same ; c., terminal joints of antennse ; d., head of female ; e., puparium ; /., anterior spiracle; all enlarged. (Howard and Marlatt, Bull. U. S.. Dept. of Agriculture, 1896.) II. Metamorphosis of Saw-Fly. III. Tsetse fly, which causes a disease of cattle in Africa, enlarged. (L.. O. Howard.) IV. Larvae of bot flies attached to the walls of the stomach of a horse. (After- Osborn. ) LIFE HISTORY */ Flies (Fig. 241) breed about filth, and any decaying matter, though they can breed and do in any wet, fermenting vegetable or animal mat- ter. The maggots are hard to kill; they will live in pure kerosene for over an hour, and even more than thirty minutes in alcohol. They have 370 GENERAL BIOLOGY even been bred from the open boxes of snuff on a druggist's counter, though tobacco is supposed to be quite injurious to insects. After the housefly's eggs are laid it takes about eight hours for them to hatch into maggots. These finish their growth in six to seven days, burrowing into the ground "under the manure pile" (hence the need of concrete floors) and transform into brown puparia, from which they emerge as adult flies in three days. Hodge and Dawson have summed up the rapid increase in flies most tellingly in the following words : "After coming out as adults they fly about over an area not gen- erally more than one thousand yards in diameter, and feed and drink from two hundred to three hundred times a day for from ten to fourteen days before maturing their first batch of eggs. This actually delivers the enemy into our hands. It means that, with flytraps on every garbage can and swill barrel, and with everything most attractive to flies very carefully kept in these receptacles, not a single fly will succeed in feed- ing for two weeks without getting caught. In this case no more eggs will be laid, and the pests will vanish. "Allowing ten days of feeding between emergence and oviposition, figuring that a fly lays one hundred and fifty eggs at a batch and lives to lay six batches, compute the increase of a pair of flies beginning to. lay May 1. Half the progeny are supposed to be females. Test the follow- ing figures : May 10 152 flies. May 20 302 flies. May 30 11,702 flies. June 10 34,302 flies. June 20 911,952 flies. June 30 6,484,700 flies. July 10 72,280,800 flies. July 20 325,633,300 flies. July 30 5,746,670,500 flies. "As this last amount makes 143,675 bushels of flies resulting from a single pair of flies in three months, one can estimate what the result will be if allowed to breed unrestrained during August and September beside. "The common sense question, then, is, why not let this pair of flies catch themselves in May? This rapid increase also means that anything short of extermination is hardly worth the effort. A fly is possessed of no more cunning than shot rolling down a board, and the last pair will run into a trap as easily as the first. Why not let them all catch them- selves?" During the winter, especially in cold climes, most of the flies are THE HONEY BEE 371 killed, but probably some maggots pass the winter underground and in stables where it is sufficiently warm, coming forth in the spring when the weather warms up. It has often been assumed that burying debris of various kinds would kill the maggots. This is not true, as the maggots have crawled up through six feet of earth, with which they were covered. The best method of handling debris, such as manure, is to spread it on the land daily. This is especially valuable, as manure loses almost half its fertilizing power if stored. The sun will dry it and this will also prevent the moisture which maggots need in order to thrive. However, if this cannot be done, then a solution of iron sulphate (copperas), two pounds to the gallon of water, may be thrown over such matter. Chloride of lime is expensive and the fumes (chlorine) are likely to injure the farm animals. FLY KILLERS The Kansas Board of Health Bulletin gives the following methods of killing flies : "A cheap and perfectly reliable fly poison, one which is not danger- ous to human life, is bichromate of potash in solution. Dissolve one dram, which can be bought at any drug store, in two ounces of water, and add a little sugar. Put some of this solution in shallow dishes and distribute them about the house." "One of the best fly killers that can be used in the home is a tea- spoonful of formalin in a quarter of a pint of water. When this is ex- posed in a room it will be sufficient to kill all flies. They seem to be fond of the water. Care should be taken to place it beyond the reach of chil- dren." "To quickly clean a room where there are many flies, burn pyreth- rum powder. This stupefies the flies, when they may be swept up and burned." And the Agricultural Extension Department of the International Harvester Company suggests the following ointments and sprays to keep flies away from cattle : (Any of the following must be applied frequently, as few will keep flies away for more than a day or two following their application.) One pound rancid lard, ^ pint kerosene. Mix until a creamy mass forms. Best applied with cloth or with bare hand. Rub thinly over the backs of the cows. Three parts fish oil, one part kerosene. Apply with small spray pump. . '""• Two parts crude cottonseed oil or fish oil, one pint pine tar. Apply with large paint brush. 372 GENERAL BIOLOGY PARASITIC INSECTS "Among the insects there are many kinds that live parasitically for part of their life, and not a few that live as parasites for their whole life. The true sucking lice and the bird lice live for their whole lives as exter- nal parasites on the bodies of their host, but they are not fixed that is, they retain their legs and power of locomotion, although they have lost IT. III. Fig. 242. I. Ichneumon-fly. Natural size. II. Thalessa boring in an ash tree to deposit its eggs in the burrow of a horntail larva, a wood borer. From photograph, natural size. (After Dsrvison.) III. Corn root aphis (Aphis maidiradicis) , winged and wing- less female. The two black processes at the rear are Cornicles. (From Needham's "General Biology" by permission The Comstock Pub. Co.) THE HONEY BEE 373 their wings through degeneration. The eggs of the lice are deposited on the hair of the mammal or bird that serves as host ; the young hatch and immediately begin life as parasites, either sucking the blood or feeding on the hair and feathers of the host. In the order Hymenoptera there are several families, all of whose members live during their larval stage as parasites. We may call these hymenopterous parasites, ichneumon ( ) flies. (Fig. 242.) The ichneumon flies are par- asites on other insects, especially of the larvae of beetles and moths and butterflies. In fact, the ichneumon flies do more to keep in check the increase of injurious and destructive caterpillars than do all our artificial remedies for these pests. The adult ichneumon fly is four-winged and lives an active, independent life. It lays its eggs either in or on or near some caterpillar or beetle grub, and the young ichneumon, when hatched, burrows into the body of its host, feeding on its tissues, but not attack- ing such organs as the heart and nervous ganglia, w^hose injury might mean immediate death to the host. The caterpillar lives with the ichneu- mon grub within it, usually until nearly time for its pupation. In many instances, indeed, it pupates with the parasite still feeding within its body, but it never comes to maturity. The larval ichneumon fly pupates either w'ithin the body of its host or in a tiny silken cocoon outside of its body. From the cocoons the adult winged ichneumon flies emerge, and after mating find another host on whose body to lay their eggs." As an example of a parasite living upon another parasite, though one of these uses a tree as its host, the remarkable ichneumon fly Thalessa (Fig. 242) is an excellent example. This animal, which has a very long, slender, flexible ovipositor, finds a spot in a tree \vhere the insect Tremex columba ( ), commonly called the pigeon horntail, has deposited its eggs about a half inch below the sur- face of a growing tree. When these eggs are converted into larva, the larva digs still deeper into the tree, filling up the open space behind it with tiny chips. Through a very extraordinary instinct the Thalessa finds the spot opposite where the Tremex larva lies and "elevating her long ovipositor in a loop over her back, with its tip on the bark of the tree, she makes a derrick out of her body and proceeds with great skill and precision to drill a hole into the tree. When the Tremex burrow is reached she deposits an egg in it. The larva that hatches from this egg creeps along this burrow until it reaches its victim, and then fastens itself to the horntail larva, which it destroys by sucking its blood. The larva of Thalessa, when full grown, changes to a pupa within the burrow of its host, and the adult gnaws a hole out through the bark if it does not find the hole already made by the tremex." Practically all the mites ( ) and ticks ( ), animals closely allied to the spiders, live parasitically. 374 GENERAL BIOLOGY Truly Dean Swift was right when he said : "Great fleas have little fleas Upon their backs to bite 'em, And little fleas have lesser fleas, And so ad infinitum." References. Sanderson and Jackson's "Elementary Entomology." J. Arthur Thomson, "Outlines of Zoology." Linville and Kelly, "A Text-book in General Zoology." Leland O. Howard, "The Insect Book." Vernon L. Kellogg, "American Insects." Robert W. Hegner, "College Zoology." J. H. Comstock, "Insect Life." J. H. and A. B. Comstock, "A Manual for the Study of Insects." A. S. Pearse, "General Zoology." C. A. E'aland, "Insects and Man." E. Dwight Sanderson, "Insect Pests of Farm, Garden and Orchard." L. S. and M. C. Daugherty, "Principles of Economic Zoology." Joseph Lane Hancock, "Nature Sketches in Temperate America." Riley and Johannsen, "Handbook of Medical Entomology." Jordan and Kellogg, "Animal Life." Jordan and Kellogg, "Evolution and Animal Life." Riley, "Destructive Locusts." U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 25, 1891. C. F. Hodge and S. Dawson, "Civic Biology." James A. Nelson, "The Embryology of the Honey Bee." CHAPTER XXV. THE HISTORY OF BIOLOGY It is generally conceded that those who have been with a business organization throughout its growth period know most about that busi- ness. Such men not only understand a thousand details of the work that others do not, but they know why they do what they do. The same truth holds good in science. But as none of us was present when science began, the only way we can obtain such an understanding is to read the story of those who were present ; as a consequence, the history of any branch of science becomes an important study in the college cur- riculum. In reading history we are always inclined to pass some sort of a judgment on the characters there found. This judgment is, however, quite likely to prove erroneous, unless we first know something of the times in which they lived, the obstacles they had to overcome, and the reasons they had for beginning work in new fields. We must weigh the evidence on all sides of a question very care- fully, so as not to confuse conspicuousness with importance. For exam- ple, an inventor is likely to be widely known because men at large can see, use, and understand his invention ; but, as soon as another inventor improves, or brings about another apparatus which takes the place of the first invention, the first inventor ceases to interest men, and is then soon forgotten. Such a state does not apply to the real scientist — the discoverer of a new principle — for, every invention and every application that his principle brings about in future time, proves that principle to be just so much the more important, and causes the scientist to be considered greater and greater through onflowing years. It is therefore the real scientists, the true originators and discov- erers of principles who must be known and honored. First, then, let us try to catch a glimpse of the times in which men of past ages worked. From the very earliest period of which we possess records, men have been interested in agriculture and medicine — which means, botany and zoology. Botany, in so far as a practical knowledge of food-plants was essential to successful agriculture, and in so far as a practical knowledge of medicinal plants was essential for the health of man and his animal servants. Zoology, in so far as a practical knowledge of the breeding of cattle and sheep was essential to a successful livelihood, and in so far as a knowledge of the human body was essential to prevent wounded men from bleeding to death. 376 GENERAL BIOLOGY Aristotle (384-322 B. C.), who was the pupil of Plato, was one of the first men to think of botany and zoology as a definite branch of study. His great contribution to biology was that nature worked by definite fixed laws — what we now call the law of continuity. This discovery is intensely important because it made experimental science possible. There would be but little use in spending months and years in attempting to prove anything, if the laws of nature worked differently at different times, under the same conditions ; for, the real value of experimenting is found in one's ability to prophesy that the same result will always take place if the same experiment is performed under the same conditions. The first mark of a true scientist is accurate observation and perfect description, and the second is the power of visualization, by which he can build up and mold his interpretations into a principle. Aristotle had a mind of the highest type, and so his generalizations still hold good after a lapse of thousands of years, provided, always, that his facts were correct. He did not have the instruments for accurate observation that we now have, so he often had to take many things .for granted which have since been proved erroneous. But, his logic never failed him when his facts were right. Theophrastus (370-286 B. C.) laid the foundations of botany. The astounding point that meets one in the reading of these old philosophers is that they were able to work out so great an amount of detail with the poor equipment they had, when we, with all our modern improved apparatus, must search most diligently before we can accomplish the same results. As medical men were the first workers in biology proper, Hip- pocrates (460-370 B. C.), the Father of Medicine, must be mentioned. He made medicine into a separate science and set forth the ideals of the medical man which are still an inspiration to all. Dioscorides (about 64 A. D.), an army surgeon under Nero, and Galen (131-201 A. D.), physician to Marcus Aurelius and his son Com- modus, were both Greek physicians. The former originated the pharma- copoeia, which was the standard textbook of botany for some fifteen centuries. The latter wrote an anatomy and physiology which also was a standard textbook for medical students for the same length of time. Pliny the Elder (23-79 A. D.) wrote a book which, although sup- posed to be accurate, had fact and fancy blended to so considerable an extent that it is hard to separate them. The men mentioned above are the only biological workers of whom we have any record up to the time Christianity began to function. The Roman Empire was mistress of the World at this time, and pleasure was the Roman ideal. Christianity strenuously opposed such an ideal, and soon won Emperor and people to its side. The moment this occurred, all efforts on the part of both student and soldier were THE HISTORY OF BIOLOGY 377 directed toward performing such acts as would bring glory to the God they had accepted. And, as always, when the ideal of a nation is thrown aside, the pendulum swings completely over to the other side. Conse- quently, after Christianity was adopted, suffering, from having been considered a burden and a nuisance to men who held pleasure as their ideal, became something to be endured and practically enjoyed, inas- much as he who suffered wras thus imitating in some small measure the sufferings of the founder of Christianity. It follows that no great im- petus was given to work that had for its object the relief of physical discomforts. At this time, also, barbarian hordes were a constant menace, and wars and rumors of wars not only kept men in the field, but forced all energy to be directed toward the end of setting up some kind of military and defensive stability. And, while many scientific ap- plications are produced for destructive purposes in war, there can be no true science at such time. Little serious studious work can be accom- plished unless there is leisure and freedom from danger. At this time there were only two fields of work in which a youth of ambition might enter — the army and the Church. The first attracted men who sought physical power, while the second attracted those who sought knowledge. The Church therefore established universities and libraries in the monasteries — the only place where one could find men interested in learning. It was here that the works of the great writers of antiquity were preserved and used during the times when wars were not being waged. Even during these trying times some of the monks compiled animal stories which were, however, concerned principally with pointing out a moral. Such stories \vere collected in book form and became known as the Physiologus. The Physiologus in turn developed into another book of similar import called the Bestiaries, while on the botanical side a book, which may be compared with the Bestiaries, was the Hortus Sanitatis. Later, another botanical work appeared, called the Herbals. In the thirteenth century, Europe became somewhat settled. There was then sufficient leisure and safety to permit men to take up a studious life. The fame of the great scholars of that day spread rapidly. Every- where studious men sought whatever books they could find, and read them. Printing had not yet been invented, so it was only in the monas- tery libraries that books (written by hand) could be found. These were read with avidity, and much which had lain neglected during the years of war and turmoil now was made known to the new generation. This period from about 1250 to 1500 is therefore called the Renaissance or Re-birth Period. During the thirteenth century, the Dominican Monk Albertus Mag- nus (1193-1280), began working on physical experiments while the 378 GENERAL BIOLOGY Dominican Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) began to collect and coordinate all the scientific and philosophical knowledge of his day. Following these came the Franciscan Monk, Roger Bacon (1214- 1294), the real father of modern science. Among his many writings we find the first clear and unmistakable statements from which our knowledge of modern lenses date. His work is like a modern mono- graph in that it gives recognition to the opinions of others. The old Romans had, it is true, used pieces of glass with water in between for magnifying purposes, but it was Bacon who set men on the right path regarding true observation, description, and the use of modern laboratory instruments. Gesner (1516-1565) wrote his Historia Animalium in several vol- umes between 1551 and 1587, which was widely read, although he had but little influence on successive generations. The next truly great name in the history of biology is that of Vesalius (1514-1564). He wrote the De Human! Corporis Fabrica in 1543. Up to this time the surgeon would not soil his hands by touching and cutting the body. Such work was left for barbers, who performed their dissections and operations under the direction of the surgeon. Vesalius dissected with his own hands, and then described and pictured what he found. Vesalius' old master, Jacobus Sylvius, was a strenuous opponent of his pupil, as was also Vesalius' own pupil, Columbus. How- ever, another pupil of Vesalius, who later became his successor at the University of Padua, was Fallopius (1523-1562), who built upon the work of his master. Harvey (1578-1657) in 1628 published his Excercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus in which he showed con- clusively that the blood flows in a circle from the heart throughout the blood-vessels and back again to the heart. In about 1600 compound microscopes were invented, and it is from this time forward that the great microscopical discoveries were made which have changed our modern conception of many ancient problems. Robert Hooke (1635-1703) wrote his Micrographia in 1665 in which he called attention to the "little boxes or cells" of which plants are com- posed. It is he, therefore, who gave us our first notion of the cell. The next important name is that of Van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) who first saw Bacteria, Infusoria, Yeast, Rotifers, Hydra, and a host of other organisms which were totally unknown up to his time. His work, which attracted most attention in the scientific world, however, \vas his description of spermatozoa. His imagination ran away with him, for he was sure he saw definitely-formed tiny human beings in the spermatozoa. A great conflict was waged by those who agreed with him and those who opposed Van Leeuwenhoek and his school (the spermists), insisting that it was the sperm which was the all important factor in producing life, THE HISTORY OF BIOLOGY 379 while his opponents (the ovists) insisted that it was the egg which de- veloped into new offspring. Swammerdam (1637-1680), in his Biblia Naturae, compiled long and painstaking researches on the anatomy of insects which, up to his time, were considered unorganized physical masses. Malpighi (1628-1694) of Bologna worked on plants and animals. He made elaborate studies and illustrated them, on the development of the plant-embryo, as well as on the embryology of the chick, the anatomy of the silk-worm, and the structure of glands. Chronologically, the systematists should be mentioned at this point, but logically, it is better to introduce the student to the whole subject of Classification and the men who did the classifying at the same time, so this subject will be given in the next chapter. However, as soon as there is any considerable classification and de- scription of a subject, men begin to divide that subject into individual parts or units, so that workers may narrow their field and confine their work to such limited group or unit. Comparative Anatomy, Physiology, Histology, Embryology, Genet- ics, and Organic Evolution, are the main divisions into which Biology is thus divided. The work done by first-year students of biology, as set forth in this book, consists of studying a type-form of the principal phyla of plants and animals, and then attempting to develop biological principles from the knowledge thus gained. This first-year work therefore includes the fundamentals of Botany and Zoology. The Third Semester's work is confined to the specialized study of Embryology, and the Fourth Semes- ter's work is Comparative Anatomy and Physiology. In this last Semes- ter's work the student studies in detail each organ or organ-system of the great divisions of Zoology and then compares these, system by sys- tem. Probably the first man to attempt this latter method was Severinus (1580-1656) of Naples. In 1645 he published a volume suggesting that all vertebrates and man had much in common, structurally. However, over a century before this time Belon had made drawings of the skeletons of birds and man and placed them side by side so that differences and similarities could be noted. Then came Tyson (1650-1708) of Cam- bridge, who is the father of our modern meth'od of treating comparative findings in monograph form. His work was a comparison of man and monkeys. Cuvier (1769-1832) of Paris is, however, the first of the great men in this field of work. He was the first to embrace both living and extinct forms in his comparisons, and he also obtained a wider grasp of the problem confronting him than any of his predecessors. A good illustra- tion of the synthesis sought for, and the breadth of knowledge desired 380 GENERAL BIOLOGY in this department of research, can be found in his famous statement, "Give me a tooth, and I will construct the whole animal." This is the key-note to comparative study. It means that every change in function modifies a structure, and that if we can know thor- oughly all there can be known about function and its effect on structure, and every change in one structure which may change a related structure, we can, if we are given a structure, tell what the functions must have been, and vice versa. There are men who were lesser lights in the field of Comparative Anatomy even before Cuvier's time, whose names it is well to know. John Hunter (1728-1793), who founded the Hunterian Collection in England; Camper (1722-1789) of Groningen, and Vicq d'Azyr (1748- 1794) in Paris. All of these did synthetic work, but their breadth of knowledge, view, and vision fell far short of that of Cuvier. Following Cuvier came Milne-Edwards and Lacaze-Duthiers in France; Meckel, Rathke, Johannes Muller, and Gegenbaur in Germany; Owen and Huxley in England ; Aggassiz, Cope, and Marsh in America. When men once became interested in the great structural problems of Zoology it was but natural that others should become interested in those that were functional. Here was the birth of modern physiology. The medical men were the first to do work in these fields. They established systems of thought known as the iatro-mechanical and iatro-chemical schools. Haller (1708-1777) took the work of these men, surveyed it and evaluated it, so that he may really be called the father of modern physiology. The first work in this new field was done on nutrition and respira- tion. Reaumur (1683-1757) of Paris, and the Abbe Spallanzani (1729- 1799) of Pavia, did the most remarkable work in this field, although they had forerunners on whose work they built in turn. Such forerunners were van Helmont (1577-1644), Sylvius (1614- 1672). Bishop Stensen (1638-1686), de Graft7 (1641-1673), Peyer (1653- 1712), and Brunner (1653-1727). The great names in chemistry whose work affected biological stu- dents are primarily Boyle (1627-1691), Priestley (1732-1804), Lavoisier (1743-1794). In physiology proper the greatest names in Germany are: Liebig (1803-1873), Wohler (1800-1882), the brothers Weber (E. H., 1795-1878, and W. E., 1804-1891), Ludwig (1816-1895), Helmholtz (1821-1894, Johannes Muller (1801-1858), and du Bois-Reymond (1818-1896). In France, Dumas (1800-1884), Magendie (1783-1889), and in England, Hall (1790-1857). The greatest of the physiologists is undoubtedly Johannes Muller. In Botanical physiology, Hale (1677-1761), is the greatest, while THE HISTORY OF BIOLOGY 3S1 Cesalpino (1519-1603), Jung (1587-1657), and van Helmont (1577-1644), occupy high places. Ingen-Housz (1730-1799) was the first to show that carbon dioxide from the air is broken down in the leaf when the plant receives sunlight, and that the carbon is retained which thus assists materially in nutrition and growth. De Saussure (1740-1799) showed further that water and various salts from the soil produced the remaining factors in this process, while Bous- singault (1802-1887) gave us our knowledge of chlorophyl. Haller and van Leeuwenhoek were what is called pre-formationists. They supposed that each sperm or egg-cell already contained an embryo somewhat fully formed, and that all that occurred during the growth period was an enlarging of the parts which were already present. Such an idea meant that every human germ-cell must have every other com- plete human being that could ever descend from it, within itself, fully formed, but very small. We know now that both those who held this theory and those who opposed it were wrong. There must, of course, be a potentiality present in each germ-cell which .can develop into what it is to become, but this by no means signifies that the embryo possesses a definitely formed embryo within it in turn. The new embryo is always organized little by little until it becomes the completed individual adult organism. However, it is natural to see how and why observers thought they saw the complete embryo in the egg. In our study of Embryology we shall see that when the hen lays an egg, it is already from twenty-four to thirty-six hours old, and consequently, even when wre have a freshly laid egg (provided it is fertile) there is already an embryo which can be seen. It was with material of this kind that these men had to work. Wolff (1733-1794) had proved that the performationists were in error, but Haller, who held the intellectual reins of workers in zoology at the time, refused to accept it and so the lesser lights also refused. It was but natural that after Hooke had observed that plants were composed of cells that something should be done with such a finding. Brown (1773-1858), working on the cell, discovered the cell nucleus in 1831, and the botanist Schleiden (1804-1881), and the zoologist Schwann (1810-1882) published their works in 1838 and 1839, respectively, show- ing that plants are developed from cells and that plants and animals are alike in being composed of cells. An important point was made in suggesting that each cell has two functions : one to perform the work of itself and the other to perform a task which makes it an integral part of a larger organism. Schultze (1825-1874) in the early sixties established the idea of pro- toplasm as the living substance of all cells. This protoplasm was called by Huxley the "physical basis of Life." In Embryology Fabricius (1537-1619) published a paper describing 382 GENERAL BIOLOGY the sequences of development in the hen's egg up to the time of hatching. Harvey was a pupil of Fabricius, and built upon the work of his master. These men opposed the preformationists, and called their theory epigene- sis — which simply means that the embryo arises by a gradual differen- tiation of unformed material in the egg. Malpighi in 1672 sent two important papers on Embryology to the Royal Society, but apparently the time was not yet ripe for his work and it was neglected for nearly a century. He stood with the epigenetic group. Bonnet (1720-1793) was one of the important men at this time who threw the weight of his influence with Haller toward the preforma- tionists. At present embryologists hold, as was stated above, that there really is an organization of some kind in both egg and sperm, but that no embryonic shape has yet been established. The definite shape comes forth only by the gradual differentiation of the unformed (but not un- organized) matter. We may therefore say "the whole future organism is potentially and materially implicit in the fertilized egg cell," which means that both sides were partially right. However, the greatest name in embryology is von Baer (1792-1876). His work was done in the thirties of the last century. He is the father of comparative embryology. It was he who first noted and described cleavage, germ-layers, tissue and organ differentiation, and gave us the well-known "recapitulation theory," now often called Haeckers "Law of Biogenesis," on account of Haeckel's popularization of it. It will be remembered that this theory holds that embryos pass through the adult stages of the race to which they belong. The origin of life has always been an interesting speculative subject for thinking men, and many and mysterious are the ways in which life was supposed to spring forth spontaneously. Aristotle thought that mice developed from the river's mud, while later writers suggested that old rags and cheese combined in a dark cellar would produce the same result. The history of this subject makes more than fascinating reading. Francesco Redi (1626-1698) was probably the first man to demon- strate experimentally that life did not spring forth spontaneously as com- monly supposed. He placed very thin cloth over a dish containing de- caying meat and found that when flies were thus prevented from coming in contact with the meat, no maggots formed, although maggots were always supposed to arise spontaneously from decaying meat. But Redi himself found parasites of various kinds within the bodies of other ani- mals, and these he could not account for, so his experiment, while a classic, did not settle the problem for others any more than it did for himself. The settling of this vexed question was left for Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), who first showed that decay was not the cause of micro- organisms but the result of them. His experiments were made while THE HISTORY OF BIOLOGY 383 Aristotle, 384-322 B. C. Cuvier, 1768-1832. Francesco Redi, 1626-1697. Lazzaro Spallanzani, 1729-1799. Johannes Miiller, 1801-1858. Robt- Brown, 1773-1858. Max Schultze, 1825-1874. August Weismann, 1834-1914. Louis Pasteur, 1822-1895. Fig. 243. (Aristotle and Max Schultze, from Needham's "General Biology" by permission of The Comstock Publishing Co., Publishers. Pasteur, from G. Stuart Gager's "Fundamentals of Botany" by permission of P. Blakiston's Sons & Co., Publishers. Remaining photographs from Wm. A. Locy's "Biology and its Makers" by per- mission of Henry Holt & Co., Publishers.) 384 GENERAL BIOLOGY working on fermentation problems, and it is from his work that all mod- ern medicine dates, for he was the founder of the science of Bacteriology. In Genetics or Inheritance, from a purely biological angle, August Weismann's (1834-1914) work, The Germ Plasm, stands out prominently. It was Weismann who called our attention to the fact that the bodily characteristics of any individual have but little, if any, effect on succeed- ing generations. He held that germ-plasm alone carries inheritance.. In other words, that acquired characteristics are not likely to be inherited, and that if we are to make any change in future generations, we must first learn how to make a change in the germ-cells. Francis Galton (1822-1911) gathered a great quantity of statistics on the stature of parents and children and published the result of his research in the eighties. The most important name in the study of inheritance is that of the Augustinian Monk, Johann Gregor Mendel (1822-1884), who combined experimental breeding of plants with a thoroughly scientific philosophy and evolved from this combination the Mendelian laws which are now used wherever breeding experiments are performed, whether on plants or animals. In the field of Organic Evolution, one may find among the ancients many thoughts which show conclusively that they were not unaware of a gradual change from smaller beginnings to greater and more developed products. And St. Augustine (died 604) also calls attention to the fact that a God is the greater, the more potentialities he can enclose within a smaller area, which potentialities can then unfold and evolve. Among the moderns, Buffon (1707-1778), was the first to obtain a clear inkling of geographical isolation, struggle for existence, and arti- ficial and natural selection, and he propounded a theory of how variations came about through environment. Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802) wrote on changes going on in the ani- mal world and embodied his ideas in verse. Lamarck (1744-1829) is the most philosophical, which means the most profound, of all the writers of the evolutionary school, as he actually tried to explain WHY changes took place in the organic world. Cuvier (1769-1832), who was a contemporary of Lamarck, and who at that time held the highest attainable place in the zoological world, was a consistent opponent of Lamarck, but Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire (1772- 1844), though never attaining the rank of Lamarck, was a staunch up- holder of the Lamarckian principles, and Goethe (1749-1832), the famous poet, who was also a famous scientist of his day, became a disciple of the new doctrine. Lyell (1797-1875), the Englishman, in the early thirties of the last century wrote his Principles of Geology which convinced men that the same causes now in action always had been, and that we could therefore, THE HISTORY OF BIOLOGY 385 by studying the time it took to make present changes in the earth's sur- face, estimate the length of time and the age of the various strata of the earth. With the intellectual soil prepared in this way Charles Darwin (1809- 1882), published his epoch-making book, The Origin of Species by Nat- ural Selection, in 1859. Darwin accepted, without explaining, the fact that variations do occur. He assumed that the origin of existing species could be explained by accepting the fact that variations did occur, and that nature then selected which organisms should continue to exist by killing off those which did not inherit as many variations of a survival value. He assumed that acquired characteristics were inheritable, and that the struggle for existence eliminated the unfit. Darwin had spent twenty years in gathering the facts on which he based his theory, but Alfred Russel Wallace (1822-1913) had reasoned out a similar theory without having the facts that Darwin had, and it is an interesting coinci- dence that both men were working on the same thought at the same time, though independently. Darwin was willing to surrender all his work to the younger man, but Wallace insisted that Darwin was to have the credit as the latter had done such an immense amount of work on the matter. Evolution now serves the biological world as a sort of general plan of the results of heredity, while genetics deals with the factors which produce these results. Thomas Huxley (1825-1895), though not a believer in the Darwinian theory of Natural Selection, sprang to the defense of Darwin, primarily, as Professor Poulton says, because Darwin was so constantly and per- sistently treated unjustly. And it was Huxley who made Darwinism popular. Hooker (1817-1911) in England, Haeckel (1834-1919) and Weismann in Germany, and the Botanist Gray (1810-1888) in America, were early converts. Haeckel, however, was too much of the showman, and was always willing to sacrifice truth and accuracy to win his point. Summing up what has been said, we may say that the basis of great- ness in science is not the brilliancy of an individual discovery, but the finding and enunciating of a principle which can find many applications by those who follow. The great findings, considered from this point of view of obtaining principles and wide influence in biology, may be said to be the discovery of protoplasm ; the establishment of the cell-theory ; the theory of organic evolution ; the demonstration that germs are a tremendous factor in dis- ease; and the experimental study of inheritance as suggested by the work of Mendel and Weismann. And the most important writings of the most important men may be summarized here by following Professor Wm. Locy's account, which we have modified slightly. 386 GENERAL BIOLOGY THE MOST NOTABLE MEN AND WRITINGS IN BIOLOGY The progress of biology has been owing to the efforts of men of very human qualities, yet each with some special distinguishing feature of eminence. Certain of their publications are the mile-stones of the way. It may be worth while, therefore, in a brief recapitulation to name the books of widest general influence in the progress of biology. Only those publications will be mentioned that have formed the starting point of some new movement, or have laid the foundation of some new theory. Beginning with the revival of learning, the books of Vesalius, "De Corpora Human! Fabrica" (1543), and Harvey, "De motu Cordis et Sanguinis" (1628), laid the foundations of scientific method in biology. The pioneer researches of Malpighi on the minute anatomy of plants and animals, and on the development of the chick, best represent the progress of investigation between Harvey and Linnaeus. The three con- tributions referred to are those on the "Anatomy of Plants" (Anatome Plantarum), (1675-1679) ; on the "Anatomy of the Silkworm" (De Bom- byce, 1669) ; and on the "Development of the Chick" (De Formatione Pulli in Ovo and De Ovo Incubato, both in 1672). We then pass to the "Systema Naturae" (twelve editions, 1735- 1768) of Linnaeus, a work that had such wide influence in stimulating activity in systematic botany and zoology. Wolff's "Theoria Generationis," 1759, and his "De Formatione In- testinorum," 1764, especially the latter, were pieces of observation mark- ing the highest level of investigation of development prior to that of Pander and von Baer. Cuvier, in "Le Regne Animal," 1816, applied the principles of com- parative anatomy to the entire animal kingdom. The publication in 1800 of Bichat' s "Traite des Membranes" created a new department of anatomy called histology. Lamarck's book, "La Philosophic Zoologique," 1809, must have a place among the great works of biology. Its influence was delayed for more than fifty years after its publication. The monumental work of von Baer "On Development" (Ueber Entwicklungsgeschichte der Thiere), 1828, is an almost ideal combina- tion of observation and conclusion in embryology. The "Mikroscopische Untersuchungen," 1839, of Schwann marks the foundation of the cell-theory. The "Handbook" of Johannes Miiller (Handbuch der Physiologic des Menschen), 1846, remains unsurpassed as to its plan and its execu- tion. Max Schultze in his treatise, "Ueber Muskelkoerperchen und das was man eine Zelle zu nennen habe," 1861, established one of the most important conceptions with which biology has been enriched, viz : the protoplasm doctrine. THE HISTORY OF BIOLOGY 387 Charles Darwin, 1809-1882 Alfred Russel Wallace, 1823-1913 Thomas Henry Huxley, 1825-1895 Lamarck, 1744-1829. Johann Gregor Mendel, Hugo DeVries. 1848 — Theodor Schwann, 1810-1882. Karl Ernst von Baer, M. Schleiden, 1804-1881. 1792-1876. Fig. 244. (De Vries and Mendel, from G. Stuart Gager's "Fundamentals of Botany" by permission of P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Publishers. Remaining photographs from Wm. A. Locy's "Biology and its Makers" by permission of Henry Holt & Co Publishers. ) 388 GENERAL BIOLOGY Darwin's "Origin of Species," 1859, is, from our present outlook, the greatest classic in biology. Pasteur's "Studies on Fermentation," 1876, is typical of the quality of his work, though his later investigations on inoculations for the pre- vention of hydrophobia and other maladies are of greater importance to mankind. Mendel's "Versuche iiber Pflanzen-Hybriden" appeared in 1865 in a little Journal in Briinn, Austria, where Mendel was Abbot of the Augustinian Monastery. It remained entirely unknown to the scientific world until 1900 when three workers in the natural sciences rediscovered it. These men were De Vries, Torrens, and Tschermak. Mendel's work has become the foundation upon which all modern research along genetic lines is based. Castle says, "Mendel had an ana- lytical mind of the first order which enabled him to plan and carry through successfully the most original and instructive series of studies in heredity ever executed," and Bateson suggests that "had Mendel's work come into the hands of Darwin, it is not too much to say that the history of development of evolutionary philosophy would have been very different from that which we have witnessed." Weismann's "The Germ-Plasm, A Theory of Heredity," appeared in 1893. It demonstrated the "continuity of the germ-plasm," a valuable starting point for theorizing upon Mendel's Laws. De Vries' "Die Mutationstheorie," published in 1901, caused much of Darwin's theory, that evolution comes about gradually, to be set aside. The sudden springing forth of new forms, rather than a slow change re- quiring thousands of years, won many scientific men to it. In fact, all modern evolutionary theories follow either the Darwinian or the De Vriesian type, or build new ones on modifications of these. It is somewhat puzzling to select a man to represent the study of fossil life. One is tempted to- name E. D. Cope (1840-1897), whose re- searches were conceived on the highest plane. Zittel (1839-1904), how- ever, covered the entire field of fossil life, and his "Handbook of Paleon- tology" (1876-1893) is designated as a mile-post in the development of that science. Before the Christian era, the works of Aristotle and Galen should be included. From the viewpoint suggested, the most notable figures in the de- velopment of biology are : Aristotle, Galen, Vesalius, Harvey, Malpighi, Linnaeus, Wolff, Cuvier, Bichat, Lamarck, von Baer, J. Miiller, Schwann, Schultze, Darwin, Pasteur, Zittel, and Mendel. Such a list is, as a matter of course, arbitrary, and can serve no use- ful purpose except that of bringing together into a single group the names of the most illustrious founders of biological science. The indi- viduals mentioned are not all of the same relative rank, and the list should be extended rather than contracted. Schwann, when the entire output THE HISTORY OF BIOLOGY 389 of the two is considered, would rank lower as a scientific man than Koel- liker, who is not mentioned, but the former must stand in the list on account of his connection with the cell-theory. Virchow, the presumptive founder of pathology, is omitted, as are also investigators like Koch, whose line of activity has been chiefly medical. References. Henry F. Osborn, "From the Greeks to Darwin." L. C. Miall, "History of Biology." William C. Locy, "Biology and Its Makers." \ Garrison, "The History of Medicine." Albert H. Buck, "The Growth of Medicine from the Earliest Times to about 1800." Albert H. Buck, "The Dawn of Modern Medicine." Lorande L. Woodruff, "History of Biology," in The Scientific Monthly, March, 1921. A. G. Little, "Roger Bacon. Essays contributed by various writers on the occasion of the commemoration of the seventh century of his birth." (1914.) CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF IMPORTANT BIOLOGICAL EVENTS B.C. 540 Xenophanes : first to recognize fossils as proving that the earth was formed under the sea and rose out of it. 500 Heraclitus : often called the first evolutionist ; he first advanced the principle that "all things flow." 450 Empedocles : first to suggest natural selection and survival of the fittest. 400 Hippocrates : called "the Father of Medicine." 350 Aristotle: founder of zoology. 320 Theophrastus : first botanist. 320 Erasistratus : first to give mechanical explanation of disease symptoms. 300 Herophilus : first anatomist. A. D. 79 Pliny : wrote first popular natural history. 160 Galen : founded medical physiology. 1266 Bacon : wrote his Opus Majus. 1542 Vesalius: founder of modern anatomy. 1548 Falloppio : anatomist. 1551 Gesner: gathered first botanical garden (of fruits and flowers) and first zoological museum. 1560 Eustachio : anatomist. 1583 Caesalpinus : classified plants by flowers. 1590 Janssen, J. and Z. : discovered compound microscope. 390 GENERAL BIOLOGY 1603 Fabricius : discovered valves in the veins. 1603 Harvey : discovered circulation of the blood. 1622 Ascello : discovered the lacteals. 1649 Rudbeck : discovered the lymphatics. 1650 Swammerdam : first great student of insects in relation to plants and medicine. 1661 Malpighi : founder of pathology; discovered the capillaries in the lungs ; founded modern embryology by a study of the incuba- tion of the chick (1672). 1667 Leeuwenhoek : first to see bacteria. 1668 Redi: disproved spontaneous generation of insects by the discov- ery of eggs and larvae ; wrote "Esperienze intorno alia Gcnera- zione degl' Insetti." 1670 Mayow : studied animal respiration. 1671 Hooke : worked out microscopical structure of plants. 1680 Borelli: proved that all the movements of animals are caused by muscles pulling on bone levers ; wrote "De Motu Animalium." 1682 Grew: studied structure of plants. 1693 Ray : classified plants. 1727 Hales: investigated respiration of plants. 1743 Haller: father of modern physiology. 1744 Reaumur: studied insects. 1749 Buff on: wrote a natural history. 1753 Linnaeus: founder of modern botany; classified plants. 1761 Koelreuter : studied hybridization of plants. 1764 Bonnet: evolutionist ; grouped animals in an ascending series. 1764 Wolff, Friedrich, Caspar: overcame the preformation doctrine. 1772 Rutherford: discovered nitrogen. 1774 Priestley: discovered oxygen and studied the breathing of plants. 1775 Spallanzani : disproved spontaneous generation of bacteria and molds and demonstrated presence of living germs in the air. 1789 Galvani : discovered animal electricity. 1790 Goethe: worked out a scheme for the metamorphosis of the parts of plants. 1794 Darwin, Erasmus: grandfather of Charles Darwin; wrote "Zoono- mia," a long poem outlining evolution of life. 1796 Jenner: discovered vaccination. 1796 Sprengel : studied fertilization of plants. 1800 Cuvier: founder of modern comparative anatomy; wrote "Le, Regne animal," 1817. 1800 Bichat: founder of modern histology. 1801 Lamarck: invented a scheme for the evolution of animals (by con- scious effort and inheritance of acquired characters ; not proved). THE HISTORY OF BIOLOGY 391 1801 Treviranus : introduced the name "biology" as distinguished from "botany," "zoology," "physiology," "anatomy," etc. 1804 Humboldt: studied distribution of plants. 1807 Rumford, Count: demonstrated absorption of carbonic acid by plants. 1811 Bell, Charles: discovered motor and sensory nerve roots; founder of modern neurology. 1818 G. St. Hilaire: pointed out unity of plan in animals. 1823 Von Baer: discovered the law of embryological development; (all higher forms pass through somewhat similar forms to lower ones in the embryological period). 1830 Brown: described cell nucleus. 1833 Muller, Johannes: founder of modern comparative physiology. Wrote Handbuch der Physiologic des Menschen. 1835 Dujardin: studied protoplasm. 1838 Schleiden : discovered the cell as unit of structure in plants. 1838 Schwann: discovered the cell as unit of structure in animals. 1839 Agassiz : wrote on fresh-water fishes. 1841 Helmholtz: discovered rate ot nerve impulse. 1853 Mohl: studied protoplasm (living substance). 1857 Pasteur: founder of bacteriology; studied fermentation. 1858 Darwin: reported his work upon the origin of species by natural selection and applied evolution to man. 1858 Wallace : reported his work upon the origin of species by natural selection. 1858 Virchow: worked out cellular pathology; founder of modern cellu- lar pathology. 1861 Schultze, Max: established protoplasm doctrine. 1863 Huxley: wrote "Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature." 1863 Lyell : wrote "The Antiquity of Man." 1865 Sachs : studied structural botany. 1865 Mendel: founder of modern genetics; discovered the law of heredity. 1867 Lister : worked out aseptic surgery. 1875 Galton: studied inheritance. 1875 Hertwig, O. : studied fertilization. 1880 Koch : proved the relation of bacteria to disease. 1880 Laveran: discovered malarial parasite (in the mosquito). 1886 Leuckart : settled the modern classification of animals ; specialized on parasites. 1893 Weismann: showed that germ-plasm and somatoplasm nre dis- tinct. 1893 Zittel : wrote most important work on fossils. 392 GENERAL BIOLOGY 1888 Finlay [ discovered relation 1898 Reed 4 between yellow fever 1898 Lazear [and the mosquito. 1898 Howard : discovered relation between typhoid fever and the house fly. 1900 De Vries, Correns, Tschermak : all working independently, redis- covered Mendel's law of heredity. 1903 Stiles : discovered hookworm in the United States. 1914 Goddard : proved feeble-mindedness a unit character. 1915 Stockard: discovered influence of alcohol on offspring. References. W. A. Locy, "Biology and Its Makers." L. C. Miall, "History of Biology." Baas, "Outlines of the History of Medicine." Garrison, "History of Medicine." Hodge and Dawson, "Civic Biology." Batesen, "Mendel's Principles of Heredity." CHAPTER XXVI. PALEONTOLOGY Just as we attempt to read and interpret the history of man's prog- ress in the handicrafts, and in the remnants of tools and pottery which are found in various parts of the world, so we attempt to read and in- terpret the changing conditions which have taken place in the earth's crust by the study of geological and paleontological findings. Geology concerns itself with the changes in the earth itself, while paleontology seeks to build up a meaningful account of the changes which may have taken place in living organisms throughout the past, as demonstrated by their fossil remains (Fig. 245). There are two general ways in which layers of rock and soil have been laid down. The first has come about by great masses of molten substance forming within the earth which were then thrown out by volcanic action. Such masses harden to form minerals and other heat products. If the minerals then become concentrated, they are called ores. All such products formed by heat are known as igneous forma- tions. The second way in which changes have come about is this : Various horizontal soil-layers have been shifted about by climatic changes such as a subsiding of land surfaces and an elevation of the edges of the ocean. This causes the lowered continent to be covered by shallow water, and later, when this condition is again reversed, a layer of sediment is left behind. It is in this sediment that millions of marine-forms of life are stranded. If now, the sediment hardens, and these marine organisms are safely protected from air and superficial decay, their bodies will be preserved as fossil remains. Fossil remains are, therefore, observed most frequently in the de- posits on the floors of lakes, in peat-marshes, in the deltas of river- mouths, and under the stalagmites in caverns in lime-stone districts. The exceptional conditions necessary to preserve organic forms will rarely be found everywhere, so that we must remember that no matter how many fossil remains may be found, only a very infinitesimal por- tion of the living forms of any given period will become known to us. Then, too, in those which are preserved most, if not all, of the softer parts of the organism are destroyed, only the hard portions remaining. The necessity for coordinating the facts found in many and vary- ing ways is of prime importance in the science of Paleontology, for without such coordination there is neither sense nor value in its study. This will be demonstrated quite clearly in what follows. Geology and climatology attempt to explain each other, the former 394 GENERAL BIOLOGY by its effect upon climate, and the latter by its effect on the changing strata which go to make up the earth's surface. In fact, it is the changing climatic conditions which give us the terms "ages" or "peri- ods," such as the carboniferous age and the glacial period. PSYCMO2OIC U.oooto 150.000 YEARS RECENT CENOZOIC or (T of RsUeolithic as<« Tapir; Pccaf/, Bison, LUma, Fjquus, Megatherium, Mylodon. (G-jjinrit sloths) (Gi^ntic sloths) All trace of run lost Mamma Ls abundant, many of which are now extinct Pithecanthropus 'Pi»hCKOS=apc+ anthropoj= taj Found in Java _r Probably at close or Pliocene Period RTIARY of Hdmrnals) )00,ooo year's PLIOCENE (pl«ioo-more Ktinui>K«cent Equus Beds fauus-.nont) Ehe -. Summit todont. Tooth Gvrni vores. L/njulates, Til/odonts, Rodenls. .1 0 — ^ %T O ^ ^c> CM Bird like Ifcpfiiw Flying Reptiles Toofhed Birds' FiVsf Srwlfes. Bony FisKes abound; SharKs nuraerou5; Rapid increase of lower Flowering Plants CRETACEOUS CChMKy) (A^'e of Reptiles) 5,000,000 year's Lignite Series HydMSAurus, Oryplosaurus Pter^nodon Beds.(Pterodflc(u5-wmffd rcp»;ie r Jinodon- foothlfss) Birds with Teeth, Hesperorms. Ichthyornis, nosASAiirs Pfcrodacthyls. P/ejiojAurs. DdKof-d (ffoup First Birds, Giant Reptiles, Ammonites, Cl»ms and Snails Abundant Ferns , Cycads, and Conifers. ill 1 13 £» °, Atlantasaui'us Beds Dinosaui's, ApAtosaui'us. Narvosaufus, furtles, DiploSAUi'US. First Mammal Found. (ft Marsupial); Sharks reduced to new Forms, Bony Fishes appear Ferns, qcads, and Coni-ftrs. i/j S.S ^ o Order 2. Dicellura ( ) Class XI. Thysanura ( ) Order 1. Lepismatoidea ( ) Order 2. Machiloidea ( ) CLASSIFICATION 423 Class XII. Pterygogenea (Insecta sensu stricto), ( ) Subclass 1. Orthopteroidea ( ) Order 1. Grylloblattoidea ( ) Order 2. Orthoptera ( ) Order 3. Phasmoidea ( ) Order 4. Diploglossata ( ) Order 5. Dermaptera ( ) Order 6. Thysanoptera ( ) Subclass 2. Blattaeformia ( ) Order 7. Mantoidea ( ' ) Order 8. Blattoidea ( ) Order 9. Zoraptera ( ) Order 10. Isoptera ( ) Order 11. Corrodentia ( . ) Order 12. Mallophaga ( ) Order 13. Siphunculata ( ) Subclass 3. Hymenoptera ( ) Order 14. Hymenoptera ( ) Subclass 4. Coleopteroidea ( . ) Order 15. Coleoptera ( ) Order 16. Strepsiptera ( ) Subclass 5. Embidaria ( ) Order 17. Embiidina ( ) Subclass 6. Libelluloidea ( ) Order 18. Odonata ( ) Subclass 7. Ephemeroidea ( ) Order 19. Plectoptera ( ) Subclass 8. Perloidea ( ) Order 20. Plecoptera ( ) Subclass 9. Neuropteroidea ( • ) Order 21. Megaloptera ( ) Order 22. Raphidoidea ( ) Order 23. Neuroptera ( ) Subclass 10. Panorpoidea ( ) Order 24. Panorpatae ( ) Order 25. Trichoptera ( ) Order 26. Lepidoptera ( ) 424 GENERAL BIOLOGY Order 27. Diptera ( ) Order 28. Suctoria ( ) Subclass 11. Rhynchota ( ) Order 29. Homoptera ( ) Order 30. Hemiptera ( ) GROUPS OF INVERTEBRATES OF MORE OR LESS UNCER- TAIN SYSTEMATIC POSITION Group 1. Mesozoa ) Group 2. Nemertinea ( ) Group 3. Nematomorpha ( ) Group 4. Acanthocephala ( ) Group 5. Chaetognatha ( ) Group 6. Rotifera ( ) Group 7. Bryozoa ( ) Group 8. Phoronidea ( ) Group 9. Brachiopoda ( ) Group 10. Gephyrea ( ) PHYLUM XI. CHORDATA Subphylum I. Cephalochorda or Adelochorda ( ) Subphylum II. Urochordata or Tunicata ( ) Order 1. Larvacea ( ) Order 2. Ascidiacea ( ) Order 3. Thaliacea ( ) Subphylum III. Hemichordata ( ) Order 1. Enteropneusta ( ) Order 2. Pterobranchiata ( ) Order 3. Phoronidia ( ) Subphylum IV. Vertebrata or Craniata ( ) Class I. Cyclostomata ( ) Subclass 1. Myxinoidea ( ) Subclass 2. Petromyzontia ( ) Class II. Pisces or Gnathostomata ( ) Subclass 1. Elasmobranchii ( ) Order 1. Plagiostomi ( ) Suborder I. Selachii ( ) Suborder II. Batoidei ( ) Order 2. Holocephali ( ) CLASSIFICATION 425 Subclass II. Teleostomi ( Order 1. Crossopterygii ( Order 2. Chondrostei ( Order 3. Holostei ( Order 4. Teleostei ( Subclass III. Dipneusti (Dipnoi), ( Class III. Amphibia ( Subclass I. Stegocephali ( Subclass II. Lissamphibia ( Order 1. Apoda (Gymnophiona), ( Order 2. Urodela ( Order 3. Anura ( Class IV. Reptilia ( Order 1. Chelonia ( Order 2. Crocodilia ( Order 3. Sauria (Squamata), ( Division I. Lacertilia ( Division II. Ophidia ( Class V. Aves Subclass Subclass Order 1. Order 2. Order 3. Order 4. Order 5. Order 6. Order 7. Order 8. Order 9. Order 10. Order 11. Order 12. Order 13. Order 14. Order 15. Order 16. Order 17. Order 18. Order 19. Order 20. Order 21. I. Archaeornithes ( II. Neornithes ( Hesperornithiformes ( Ichthyornithiformes ( Struthioniformes ( Rheiformes ( Casuariiformes ( Crypturiformes ( Dinornithiformes ( Aepyornithiformes ( Apterygiformes ( Sphenisciformes ( Colymbiformes ( Procellariiformes ( Ciconiiformes ( Anseriformes ( Falconiformes ( Galliformes ( Gruiformes ( Charadriiformes ( Cuculiformes ( Coraciiformes ( Passeriformes ( 426 GENERAL BIOLOGY Class VI. Mammalia ( ) Subclass I. Prototheria ( ) Order 1. Monotremata ( } Subclass II. Eutheria ( > Division I. Didelphia ( ) Order 1. Marsupialia ( ) Division II. Monodelphia ( ) Section A. Unguiculata ( ) Order 1. Insectivora ( ) Order 2. Dermoptera ( ) Order 3. Chiroptera ( ) Order 4. Carnivora ( ) Order 5. Rodentia ( ) Order 6. Edentata ( ) Order 7. Pholidota ( ) Order 8. Tubulidentata ( ) Section B. Primates ( ) Order 9. Primates ( ) Section C. Ungulata ( ) Order 10. Artiodactyla ( ) Order 11. Perissodactyla ( ) Order 12. Proboscidea ( ) Order 13. Sirenia ( . ) Order 14. Hyracoidea ( ) Section D. Cetacea ( ) Order 15. Odontoceti ( ) Order 16. Mystacoceti ( ) BRIEF CHARACTERIZATIONS OF THE MAJOR GROUPS OF ANIMALS The principal groups of animals are given below with brief diag- noses which may serve as definitions. It must be understood that the characters given will often not be sufficient to distinguish all the forms in a group, for there is much variation within the groups. They are in- tended to give the student a general conception of the phyla, subphyla and classes. Phylum PROTOZOA ( ). Single celled ani- mals without true organs or true tissues. If colonial, the cells are all potentially alike. Class RHIZOPODA ( ). Protozoa with changeable protoplasmic processes (pseudopodia). Amoeba. CLASSIFICATION 437 Class MASTIGOPHORA ( ). Protozoa with one or more vibratile processes (flagella) which serve for locomotion and for taking food. Euglena. Class SPOROZOA ( ). Parasitic Protozoa, usually without motile organs or mouth, reproducing by spores. Class INFUSORIA ( ). Protozoa having numerous slender vibratile processes (cilia), a cuticle, and fixed openings for the ingestion of food and the extrusion of indigestible matter. Para- moecium. Phylum PORIFERA ( ). Diploblastic, radially symmetrical animals with body wrall penetrated by numerous pores. Body usually supported by a skeleton of spicules or spongin. Sponges. Class CALCAREA ( ). Sponges with spicules composed of calcium carbonate, monaxon or tetraxon in form. Class HEXACTINELLIDA ( ). Sponges with spicules composed of silicon, triaxon in form. Class DEMOSPONGIAE ( ). Sponges with spicules composed of silicon, not triaxon in form, or skeleton composed of spongin, or with skeleton of both spicules and spongin. Phylum COELENTERATA ( ). Diploblastic, radially symmetrical animals with tentacles, stinging cells, single gastro- vascular cavity, no anus. Two body forms are prevalent, the hydroid and the medusa. Jellyfishes, polyps and corals. Class HYDROZOA ( ). Coelenterates without stomodaeum and mesenteries; sexual cells discharged to the exterior; hydroid and medusa forms in the life history of same species, or only the medusa, the latter having a velum. Polyps (including Hydra), a few corals, small Jellyfishes. Class SCYPHOZOA ( ). Coelenterates with only the medusoid, not hydroid form ; velum lacking ; notches at margin of umbrella. Larger Jellyfishes. Class ANTHOZOA ( ). Coelenterates without medusoid forms, with well developed stomodaeum and mesenteries. Sea anemones, most corals. Phylum CTENOPHORA ( ). Tripoblastic animals ; symmetry partly radial, partly bilateral ; eight rows of vibratile plates radially arranged. Sea walnuts or comb jellies. Phylum PLATYHELMINTHES ( ). Triplo- blastic, bilaterally symmetrical animals with body flattened, with a single gastrovascular cavity (sometimes wanting) and no anus. Flatworms. Class TURBELLARIA ( ). Free-living flat- worms with ciliated epidermis. Planaria. Class TREMATODA ( ). Parasitic flatworms without cilia but with a hardened ectoderm, usually parasitic and with attaching suckers. Flukes. 428 GENERAL BIOLOGY Class CESTODA ( ). Parasitic flatworms with the body differentiated into a head (scolex) and a chain of similar joints (proglottides), the whole being usually regarded as a colony. Tape- worms. Phylum NEMATHELMINTHES ( ). Bilat- erally symmetrical, triploblastic animals with an elongated cylindrical body covered with a cuticle, with a true body cavity, and a digestive tract with both mouth and anus. Roundworms. Phylum ECHINODERMATA ( ). Radially symmetrical (with minor exceptions), triploblastic animals with well de- veloped coelom, and usually with five antimeres, spiny skeleton of cal- careous plates, and organs of locomotion known as "tube feet" operated by a water-vascular system. Starfishes, sea urchins, sea cucumbers. Class ASTEROIDEA .( ). Free-living, typically pentamerous echinoderms with wide arms not sharply marked off from disc and with ambulacral grooves. Starfishes. Class OPHIUROIDEA ( ). Free-living, typically pentamerous echinoderms with slender arms sharply marked off from disc and no ambulacral grooves. Brittle stars. Class ECHINOIDEA ( ). Free-living, pent- amerous echinoderms without arms ; the outer covering composed of cal- careous plates bearing movable spines. Sea urchins, sand dollars. Class HOLOTHURIOIDEA ( ). Free-living, elongated, soft-bodied echinoderms with muscular body wall and tenta- cles around mouth. Sea cucumbers. Class CRINOIDEA ( ). Sessile echinoderms with five arms generally branched with pinnules, aboral pole usually with cirri, sometimes with jointed stalk for attachment to substratum. Feather stars, sea lilies. Phylum ANNELIDA ( ). Triploblastic, bilat- erally symmetrical elongated animals with external and internal seg- mentation; coelom usually present; setae common. True worms. Class ARCHIANNELIDA ( ). Marine Annelida with no setae nor parapodia. Class CHAETOPODA ( ). Annelida with setae and a perivisceral coelom; marine, fresh-water, or terrestrial in habitat. Earthworms. Class HIRUDINEA ( ). Annelida without setae, and with anterior and posterior suckers. Leeches. Class ONYCOPHORA ( ). Annelida breath- ing by means of tracheal tufts, numbering from 10 to 40 per segment in irregular arrangement, with non-jointed papillate legs, nerve cords ven- tro-lateral, and without segmental ganglia, eyes of vesicular, annelid type, skin with chitin. This group is often placed with the Arthropoda, or as a separate phylum Proarthropoda, since its members have devel- CLASSIFICATION 429 oped somewhat in the Arthropodan direction. Lankester thinks their evolution is as follows : Group Articulata 1. Rotifera to Tardigrada 2. Chaetopoda a. Proarthropoda (Peripatus) developing independently. b. Crustacea — separate origin from Chaetopoda. From Crustacea by separate origin a. Myriapoda b. Insecta c. Arachnida. Paleontologists such as Walcott, the specialist on trilobites and worms, derive all Arthropoda classes by separate lines from trilobites. Phylum MOLLUSCA ( ). Triploblastic, bilat- erally symmetrical (symmetry often obscured) unsegmented animals with a coelom, a muscular foot and usually a shell. Mollusks. Class AMPHINEURA ( ). Mollusks with ob- vious bilateral symmetry, sometimes an eight-parted calcareous shell and several pairs of gills. Class GASTROPODA ( ). Mollusks with a head and with bilateral symmetry usually obscured by a spiral shell of one piece. Snails. Class SCAPHOPODA ( ). Mollusks with conical tubular shell and mantle. Class PELECYPODA ( ). Mollusks without a head, with bilateral symmetry, a shell of two lateral valves and a man- tle of two lobes. Clams, mussels. Class CEPHALOPODA ( ). Mollusks with distinct bilateral symmetry and a foot bearing eyes and divided into arms usually with suckers. Cuttlefishes, octopods. Phylum ARTHROPODA ( ). Triploblastic, bilaterally symmetrical, segmented animals with usually more or less dissimilar somites, a coelom very much reduced, paired jointed ap- pendages, and chitinous exoskeleton. Class CRUSTACEA ( ). Arthropods breathing by means of gills, two pairs of antennae, Crayfishes, crabs, shrimps. Cer- tain terrestrial species with tracheae (Oniscidae — sowbugs). Class MEROSTOMATA ( ). Fossil Arthro- poda of gigantic size (2 meters in length), without antennae, short cephalothorax, 12-segments in abdomen, and pointed telson. Euryp- terus. Class POECILOPODA ( ). Arthropoda with large shield-shaped cephalothorax, abdomen with six pair lamellate leers, with extremely long pointed telson. Limulus, king crabs. 430 GENERAL BIOLOGY Class LINGUATULIDA ( ). Parasitic Arthro- poda (Pentostomidae) of worm-like build, body with metameric circular muscles, two pairs of hooks in region of mouth, mouth without mandi- bles. Affinities uncertain. Class PANTOPODA ( ). Marine Arthropoda, body segmented, abdomen vestigial, with not more than seven pairs of legs, mouth a beak. Class ARACHNOIDEA ( ). Arthropods with either tracheae, book lungs or book gills, or both, and no antennae. Har- vest-men; spiders, mites,, ticks, scorpions. Class MYRIAPODA ( ). Arthropods with distinct head, one pair antennae, breathing through tracheae, whose stig- mata are placed in linear metameric arrangement, many legs. Myriapods and millipeds, centipeds. Class MIRIENTOMATA ( ). Minute micro- scopic Arthropoda (600-1600 micra), with six legs, a three-segmented thorax (?), no antennae, post-embryonic increase of segments, first pair of legs transformed into sense .organ. These minute forms were only recently discovered, and their affinity is uncertain. Class COLLEMBOLA ( ). Arthropods with 6-segmented abdomen, no post-embryonic increase in segments, one- jointed tarsi, few tracheae, these opening in one pair of stigmata at the throat, abdomen generally with spring. Spring-tails. Class CAMPODEOIDEA ( ). Arthropods with long body, abdomen 10 segments, with cerci. No eyes, mouth-parts with- drawn, no post-embryonic change in abdominal segments. Spring-tails. Class THYSANURA ( ). Arthropods with free mouth-parts and palpi, three caudal appendages, abdomen 11 seg- ments and covered with silvery scales, frequently with spring beneath. Silver fish, fish moths. Class PTERYGOGENEA ( ). Insecta, Hex- opoda. Winged Arthropods, with three pairs of legs, embryos with 12 segments to abdomen, adults with all degrees of post-embryonic reduc- tion from 12 to 6 segments. Breathe through tracheae, stigmata linear and metameric in arrangements. True insects — i. e., winged Arthropods. Phylum CHORD ATA ( ). Animals having at some time during their life's history a notochord lying between the nerv- ous system and the alimentary tract, a hollow central nervous system lying entirely on one side of the digestive canal, and pharyngeal slits extending from the pharynx to the exterior. Subphylum CEPHALOCHORDA or ADELOCHORDA ( ). Fish-like chordates with a permanent noto- chord composed of vacuolated cells, such as Amphioxus. Subphylum UROCHORDATA or TUNICATA ( ). Sac-like marine animals with a cuticular covering known as a tunic or CLASSIFICATION 431 test. This group possesses a notochord only in the caudal region. Ex- ample, Tunicates. Subphylum HEMICHORDATA ( ). Worm- like chordates of doubtful systematic position. There is a projection from the mid-dorsal region of the alimentary canal similar to a noto- chord. These animals possess a collar and a proboscis. Example, Balanoglossus. Subphylum CRANIATA or VERTEBRATA ( ). Chordates in which the notochord either persists or becomes invested with cartilage. Vertebrates have a segmented spinal column. Class CYCLOSTOMATA ( ). Eel-like verte- brates without functional jaws or lateral appendages. Examples, hag- fishes and lampreys. Class PISCES or GNATHOSTOMATA ( ). Fishes with a lower jaw and paired pectoral and pelvic fins, scales and paired nostrils. The heart has an auricle, a ventricle, a conus arteriosus and a sinus venosus. Class AMPHIBIA ( ). Cold-blood vertebrates breathing by means of gills at some stage of their life-cycle. Skin not usually covered with scales. Three chambers in heart beside the conus arteriosus and sinus venosus. Frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders. Class REPTILIA ( ). Cold-blooded verte- brates breathing by means of lungs throughout their life-cycle. Usually covered with scales. Lizards, snakes, crocodilians, and turtles. Class AVES ( ). Warm-blooded vertebrates, whose body is usually covered with feathers and the fore-limbs modified far wings. Heart of four chambers. Birds. Class MAMMALIA ( ). Warm-blooded ani- mals with hair covering at some stage in their life-cycle. They suckle their young and have a diaphragm between thorax and abdomen. Subclass PROTOTHERIA ( ). Egg-laying mammals. Example, monotremes, such as the Australian duck-bill. Subclass EUTHERIA ( ). Mammals which give birth to living young. These are the true mammals. Division DIDELPHIA or METATHERIA ( ). These are the marsupials, such as the opossum and kangaroo. Division MONODELPHIA ( ). These are the placental animals which are nourished in the body of the mother through a true placenta. INVERTEBRATE GROUPS OF UNCERTAIN POSITION Certain groups of invertebrates have not been assigned a definite relation to other groups. Opinion differs so widely as to their affinities that they may well be kept out of the classification for the present. Mesozoa. Parasites apparently intermediate between the Protozoa and Metazoa. Not improbably degenerate relatives of the flatworms. 432 GENERAL BIOLOGY Nemertinea. Terrestrial, fresh water and marine animals resem- bling flatworms but with a proboscis, blood vascular system, and ali- mentary canal with two openings. Nematomorpha. Long thread-like animals with the body cavity lined with epithelium, a pharyngeal nerve ring and a single ventral nerve cord. Acanthocephala. Parasitic worms with spiny proboscis, a complex reproductive system and no alimentary canal. Chaetognatha. Marine invertebrates with a distinct coelom, alimen- tary canal, nervous system and two eyes. Rotifera. Invertebrates with a head provided with cilia, usually a cylindrical or conical body often with a shell-like covering, and a bifur- cated tail or foot provided with a cement gland. Bryozoa. Mostly colonial invertebrates resembling hydroids in form, with distinct coelom, and with digestive tract bent in the form of a letter U. Phoronidea. A single genus of worm-like animals having tentacles and living in membranous tubes in the sand. Brachiopoda. Marine tentaculate animals with a calcareous shell, composed of two unequal shell-parts (commonly called valves), a dorsal and a ventral. Gephyrea. Worm-like animals of doubtful affinities. Part II Introductory Embryology (Chick, Frog, and Mammal) CHAPTER XXIX. EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO BEFORE THE EGG IS LAID Before beginning the work proper in Introductory Embryology ii is quite essential that the student turn back to earlier Chapters and re- read what is said there on mitosis, fertilization, and the histology of the frog. Such a review will lay a foundation for the detailed study of the following pages. When we come to take up Comparative Anatomy in the next semes- ter's work, it will be found that the Haeckelian law of biogenesis (also* called the "recapitulation theory"), although untrue in its usual applica- tion, is a very convenient supposition in that it makes many points clear if we accept it as a working hypothesis. This so-called law is denned as follows : All animals, during their embryonic period, pass through the same adult-stages that the various members of the race to which they belong have passed. For practical purposes it is necessary to keep this theory in mind in the study of embryology; for, it is the simplest way of bringing home to the student the fact, that in any biological study that is to be scientific, one must first study the more simple organisms and then compare such simple forms with those that are more complex — the so-called higher forms. All living animals pass through a quite similar stage of development in their embryonic period, so that the next succeeding higher form prac- tically possesses everything that the immediately next succeeding lower form possesses, plus something additional. And it is this "plus some- thing" that we are trying to arrange in proper order when we study embryology. The value of this is not always clear to the student, but if he will remember that a human being and a chick pass through quite similar stages during their embryonic periods, the human being, however, devel- oping further, he can understand how an obstruction may prevent any individual part of an organism from receiving the proper nourishment and environment, and thus cause such part to cease developing, thereby producing what is called a rudimentary structure. (Fig. 250.) Now, while all animals differ slightly from each other, there are certain type-forms, in which the greatest differences can be clearly ob- served. Such type-forms as commonly used in the laboratory are the dog-fish, as a representative of the cartilaginous fishes; the frog, as an example of amphibia; the chick or pigeon, as an example of birds; the turtle, as an example of reptilia ; and the cat, rabbit, or pig, as an exam- ple of the mammals. 436 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK Fig. 250. There is a membrane covering the pupil of the eye which, in man, normally dis- appears when the embryo is seven months old. In the case here shown portions of the membrane have persisted as an irregular network over the pupil. Such persistent structures are called rudimentary. (From a drawing lent by Dr. G. N. Brazeau.) As we have been using the frog as a norm, or standard type, with which to compare the other forms studied, it would probably seem best to begin embryology with that animal. However, for the same reason that the frog was used as an introductory subject for study (because it can be procured easily and because it is a fairly complex form which possesses structures with which the student is already familiar), so, the hen's egg, which is much larger than that of the frog, can also be pro- cured easily and is already somewhat familiar to the student. And in addition to this, the chick embryo develops upon the surface of the yolk, which makes the various germ layers very distinct, thus serving much better than the frog as a beginning-type. The first and foremost point in the study of embryology is accuracy of observation; the second is the obtaining of a clear and understandable concept of what has been observed ; and th'e third point is to show by drawings that the first and second have been fully grasped. There is considerable need for legitimate imagination in embryo- logical work, because the entire study of embryology is for the purpose of giving the student a more or less comprehensive idea of the process through which, and by which, all the organ-systems in the body of living things have come to be what they are. The study of embryology is therefore different from our later work in pure anatomy, where each structure is definite, and where such structure is studied only after it is completely formed. In embryology we see the beginnings and develop- ment of these later anatomical structures. One should first take the complete embryo, and get a good grasp of the general structure. Then, sections must be cut at various intervals and studied microscopically. It must never be forgotten, however, that our imagination must constantly remind us that there are three dimen- sions to the living animal, and that what we are looking at in our section, DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO 437 is but a series of still pictures, and that there is little value or meaning in such observation unless one can, with imagination and logic, plus preceding biological knowledge, build up a completed structure, so that the mind's eye can see the entire animal as it actually is. It must be remembered at this point that events which have already taken place in the past, are the cause or causes of events that are now taking place, and that will take place later. This is as true in embry- ology as it is in such a study as history, for example. This means that the various events of development are caused by preceding develop- mental events and that these cause later steps in development in turn. Another important point for the student to remember is that he must not only be able to recognize histologically the type of cells he may find in the section he is studying, but he must know the definite location in the complete embryo from which his section is cut. The complete bird-like form of the chick can be clearly seen before the eighth day of incubation, all the principal changes having taken place by that time. It will, therefore, be understood that these changes are rather minute in their origins, for the eight-day embryo is only about seven milHmeters in length. During, and after the eighth day,- the changes which take place are primarily enlargements, or growth of por- tions already present. In the study of embryology we are not only interested in the devel- opment of the chick from the egg, but we also wish to know how the egg came, into existence. The hen's egg is usually said to be a single cell. This is, however, only true if the egg is unfertilized. As birds' eggs are laid with shells upon them, it is necessary that fertilization take place before the shell is formed. Fertilization in these cases is internal. It takes about twenty-two hours for the egg to have the various layers of yolk and white laid down, and for the shell then to surround it. If the egg has been fertilized, the warmth of the mother's body has already caused development throughout these days, so that by the time the egg is laid, the little chick is already approximately two, or two and a half, days of age. There is a variation in the age because if the hen's egg is ready for laying during the main part of the day, it is laid then, but if it is not ready for laying until, let us say, about four or five o'clock in the afternoon, it is retained within the mother's body until the following day, thus causing some embryos to be developed from ten to fifteen hours more than others. The so-called spoiling of eggs is usually due to the embryo chick dying and then decaying. In birds, where the eggs leave the mother's body, the yolk must be quite large in order to furnish sufficient food for the embryo during the two or three weeks intervening between the time the egg leaves the mother's body and the time of hatching. In the viviparous animals, the 438 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK egg remains extremely small because the nourishment of the embryo is derived directly from the mother. During the very first day of incubation the outlines of the embryo are defined. During the second day a rather complicated series of folds appear, separating the embryo from the yolk. The embryo, however, remains in contact with the yolk-mass by a narrow stalk. The circula- tory system now develops, through which nourishment is carried from the yolk-mass to the embryo. Embryonic membranes and appendages appear during the second and third days of incubation. These assist in respiration and also in forming a larger area from which the food supply may be brought from the yolk to the embryo. Development usually begins at the head end and extends tailward, so that the brain and other head structures are often quite well devel- oped when there is little semblance of any other well-defined structure toward the tail end. The chick usually makes a small opening in the egg shell on about the twentieth day of incubation, and from then on the lungs actually take in air and begin their regular external work, while on the twenty-first day the chick breaks through the shell entirely. With this introductory general outline, we shall take up the study of the egg itself, working backward to its very simplest cell origin in the mother's ovary. THE EGG The true ovum (Fig. 251, v.), or egg-cell proper, is the large yolk or vitellum. This is surrounded by a tough vitelline membrane. The ad */ Blastopore (crescentic groove) yy Fig. 251. Semidiagrammatic illustration of the hen's egg at the time of laying. A. Entire "egg." B. Diagram of a vertical section through the vitellus or ovum proper, showing the 'concentric layers of white and yellow yolk, a, Air chamber ; ac, chalaziferous layer of albumen ; ad, dense layer of albumen ; a}, fluid layer of albumen ; 6, blastoderm ; c, chalaza ; I, latebra ; nl, neck of latebra ; P, nucleus of Pander ; pv, perivitelline space ; smi, inner layer of shell membrane ; smo, outer layer of shell membrane ; v, vitellus or "yolk" ; vm, vitelline membrane ; wy, layers of white yolk ; yy, layers of yellow yolk. C. Surface view of Blastoderm of un- incubated hen's egg. (A and B. after Marshall ; C, after Hertwig.) DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO 439 end of the ovum, where the embryo is to develop, is called the animal pole. It is nearly free from yolk, and appears at the time of laying as a circular whitish area known as the blastoderm (Fig. 251, b), and measures from three to four millimeters in diameter. As the animal pole is not as dense as the surrounding material, it is always found on top of the yolk, no matter which way the entire egg be turned, provided, of course, that the yolk is free to rotate. The more central portion of the animal pole is rather translucent or pellucid and therefore is called the area pellucida (Fig. 251, C). This central portion is surrounded by a whitish or opaque region called the area opaca. The yolk itself is called deutoplasm, and is divided into two types of material, white and yellow yolk. The white yolk occupies the region just below the blastoderm, and is rather shaped like a flask, as shown in the figure. It extends to the center of the yolk. It will be noticed that the yolk is thus arranged in various concentric layers. A layer of thick yellow yolk alternates with a thinner stratum of white yolk. The two types of yolk differ in physical characteristics and in chemical composition. The vitellus or true egg-cell alone is formed in the ovary. Such structures as develop within the ovary proper are called primary. Struc- tures, such as chorionic membranes (found in most of the higher forms), are known as secondary structures, while those particular regions which are formed by accessory reproductive organs, such as the white of the egg and the shell, are said to be tertiary structures. The white of the egg is composed of albuminous matter which is chemically quite com- plex. It will be remembered that the protoplasm in all living cells is largely albuminous. Toward each end of the newly-laid egg, one finds a dense, opaque twisted cord extending through the white of the egg from opposite sides of the yolk toward the apices of the shell. These twisted cords are called chalazae (Fig. 251, C). They are continuous with a very thin, dense layer of albumen surrounding the yolk. This thin layer is called the chalazif- erous layer. It is generally assumed that the chalazae assist in holding the yolk in position, though this has been disputed by several biologists, primarly because the ends nearest the shell are not attached. Immedi- ately outside the chalaziferous layer there is another thick, dense layer of albumen, and superficial to this is a still thicker layer of a more fluid albumen. The hard-boiled egg in which the albumen has coagulated lends itself well for the observation of these various layers. Usually, in observing such hard-boiled eggs the albumen is seen to be arranged in spiral sheets. The ovoid shell which surrounds the entire egg is quite resistant to gradually applied pressure, but easily broken if the blow be sharp. The shell in turn is covered superficially by a thin cuticle perforated by many pores. The main substance of the shell is made up of loosely arranged 440 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK particles of carbonates and phosphates of calcium and magnesium. The inner surface of the shell is composed of a thin but dense layer of in- organic salts. After the shell has dried, it is quite porous, thus making the passing of gases and water-vapor quite easy. There is a tough shell membrane lining the inner portion of the shell. It is composed of a double sheet of fibrous connective tissue which separates at the blunt end of the egg into an air space, becoming larger as time goes by, THE REPRODUCTIVE One obtains a more thorough the egg in the ovary if a review of el Fig. 262. The reproductive system of the fowl. The figure shows two eggs in the oviduct, whereas normally only one egg is in the oviduct at a time. 6, Blastoderm ; c, cicatrix ; cl, cloaca ; da, dense layer of albumen ; /, empty egg follicle from which the ovum has escaped; a, glandular portion of oviduct ; i, isthmus ; m, mesovarium ; o1-o4, ovarian ova in various stages of growth ; O1, ovum in upper end of oviduct ; Oa, ovum in middle portion of ovi- duct (the oviduct has been cut open to show the structure of this ovum) ;os, ostium or in- fundibulum ; ov, ovary containing ova in various stages of growth ; r, rectum ; u. uterus ; v, vitellus ; w, ventral body wall, opened and reflected. (From Duval. ) ORGANS OF THE FOWL understanding of the development of the entire reproductive organs is un- dertaken. The reproductive organs of the fowl do not develop equally on each side, though they begin de- veloping symmetrically. The right ovary ultimately degenerates, and as far as we know does not function. The left ovary (Fig. 252) and ovi- duct alone carry on the work of the organs. The left organs therefore become quite large. A microscopical section of the ovary shows this organ to be com- posed of a great quantity of ova, each ovum being contained in a Graafian follicle (Fig. 253). The ovary itself is suspended from the dorsal abdominal wall by a double fold of the peritoneum called a mesovarium. In the hen, the ova vary in size from a very small cell up to the full sized yolk. The oviduct is large, thick-walled and muscular, being convoluted, and having a different structural form in the different parts. As the oviduct is to carry eggs from the ovary to the uterus, there are two openings, one the ab- dominal, which is rather wide and flaring and funnel-shaped, coming in close contact with the ovary. This opening is called the ostium or infundibulum, or the fimbriated opening. This last name is due to DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO 441 its fringe-like margin. This region is thin and muscular and lined with cilia. The oviduct proper into which the ostium leads is known as the convoluted glandular portion, which is followed by a short, third portion called the isthmus. It is after passing through the isthmus that the egg enters the so-called uterus, which is merely a dilated portion of the glandular tube. The uterus in turn opens into a short terminal region, a rather thin- walled vagina, and this again opens into the cloaca, just dorsal to the opening of the rectum. It is easier for the student to understand a developmental history of the egg if it be thought of as passing through three periods. First, from the beginning of the development of the ovum to the time of ovula- tion. Second, from the time of ovulation through the period of fertiliza- tion, and third, from the beginning of cleavage to the time the egg is laid. First Period. (From the beginning of the development of the egg to the time of ovulation.) Most animals produce a large number of eggs Avithin a very brief period, while in the hen there is a long period of egg formation and laying, which extends over several months, after which there is a period of almost complete cessation. Undoubtedly the reason for this is that when an egg becomes as large as that of the hen, which requires so much food in its making, it is a considerable drain upon the animal, and secondarily, there isn't room enough in the body of an animal no larger than a hen for many eggs of such size. However, the fact that the hen's ova develop in the way they do, makes it possible for us to observe almost a complete succession of de- velopmental changes from the minute forms up to the fully developed egg. In our course of general biology, we learned that very early in an organism, especially in triplo- blastic forms, the germplasm and somatoplasm differentiate. A few cells are set aside in the innermost portion of the body of the growing embryo for reproductive purposes. The development in the growing embryo of the germplasm is called oogenesis in the female, and spermatogenesis in the male. It will also be remembered that all the eggs are already present in the ovary at the time the female is born. Ovum follitular epithelium. Fig. 253. Section from ovary of adult dog. The more or less star-shaped figure on the right is a collapsed follicle with its contents. Below and at the right are seen the tubules of the Parovarium. (After Waldeyer.) 442 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK OOGENESIS The process by which the eggs already present in the ovary of the new-born chick originally came to be what they are is known as oogene- sis. The first event in oogenesis is known as the multiplication of the oogonia. This occurs during the embryonic period of the animal. There are two types of cells which develop from the original primary cells set aside for reproductive purposes. How and why these differentiate in the way they do we do not know, but we do know that there is a dif- ferentiation. As soon as these original cells commence to divide, some of them develop into centrally located eggs or ova (Fig. 254), while others, known as germinal epithelium, surround the more centrally located ova and form a sort of case or capsule around them. The primitive egg surrounded by this epithelial case is known as an oogonium. Some of these leave the epithelium and pass into the stroma of the ovary. There they degenerate. Those remaining, however, begin enlarging even while they are dividing and multiplying. The epithelial cells also divide very rapidly, forming long strands or cords which in turn extend into the stroma. There comes a time when these primitive ova or oogonia stop multi- plying; they are then called primary oocytes. At this time the strands or cords of germinal epithelium break up into little groups some- times called nests. Each nest consists of a single pri- mary oocyte (Fig. 255) sur- rounded by a number of the original epithelial cells. These latter cells form a definite case surrounding the oocyte. The case thus formed is called the primi- tive egg follicle. This final arrangement takes place within a few days after hatching. It will thus be seen that all the eggs which enlarge, ripen, and pass out of the ovary are merely enlarged and devel- oped primary oocytes. Both the nucleus and the cytoplasm of the egg cell now begin to enlarge, and yolk granules are laid down all about the centrally located 86. Section of the Germinal Epithelium and Adjacent Stroma in a Chick-Embryo. g.ep., germinal epithelium forming a thickened ridge-like projection ; pr.ov., primitive ova of various sizes, some in the germinal epithelium and others some- what beyond the limit of this epithelium ; st., strands of cells which have grown from the germinal epithelium, and one of which appears connected with an enlarged primitive ovum. (From Semon.) DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO 443 nucleus as well as throughout the cytoplasm, except in the peripheral region. This- region remains comparatively free from yolk. At the point where the ovum or follicle is attached (Fig. 256), there is a thicker por- tion in the periphery known as the germinal disc or spot. As soon as the ovum reaches a diameter of about five-tenths of a millimeter, the nucleus migrates into the germinal disc, where it remains as long as the egg continues in the ovary. An important point to remember is that the animal pole of the ovum is toward the attached surface, that is, at the point where the nucleus is located. From this time onward, the yolk accumulates very rapidly. The surface of the ovum is in the form of zona radiata (Fig. 256, B), in wrhich there are many pores through which nutritive substances may easily diffuse from the follicle cells. These follicle cells may therefore be called nurse cells. The manner in which we estimate the rate of growth in all final stages of the hen's egg is by the arrangement of the concentric layers of white and yellow yolk. This is possible, because layers mark daily additions in the formation of yolk or food-matter. When the follicle has completed its growth, it becomes somewhat membranous. Directly opposite its point of attachment there are very Fig. 255. Young Oocyte surrounded by a single layer of Follicular Cells. (Van der Stricht.) Showing attraction-sphere, centro- some, and mitochondria. Corona radiata. Zona pellucida. Germinal spot. Germinal vesicle or nucleus. Fig. 256. A, ripe Graafian follicle. B, ovum. few blood vessels, and it is at this point that a modification takes place in the form of a band appearing, known as the cicatrix. It is at the cicatrix that the follicle ruptures to permit the escape of the egg into the oviduct. The nucleus lies flat against the vitelline membrane, and becomes very large just before the egg leaves the ovary. It is then called a germinal vesicle, because the chromatin condenses, which leaves the nucleus appearing as a large clear spot. The nuclear wall now breaks 444 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK down and forms the first polar spindle. This rotates into position and the primary oocyte is ready for its first maturation division, and later, for ovulation. Second Period. (Ovulation, Maturation, and Fertilization.) The. coordination of different functions in the body is well shown by the fact that at about the time a completed egg is ready to pass into the oviduct, the region of the ostium of the oviduct becomes very active and actually seems to grasp the ovarian follicle which contains the pri- mary oocyte. This may be due to muscular or ciliary action or it may be a combination of both. The follicle then ruptures, permitting the egg to be thrown out. It seems that the pressure exerted by the con- traction of the fringed end of the ostium may have had something to do with such rupture. The throwing of the eggs out of the follicle is called ovulation. The oocyte always enters the infundibulum of the oviduct with its chief axis transverse to the long axis of the oviduct, and throughout its entire passage down the tube, this relation is retained. After the sperm has been injected into the female, they make their way up the oviduct toward the ovary, seeming to gather at its end. They may remain- alive and function for at least two weeks, sometimes even longer. It will thus be noted that as soon as the egg has been dis- charged from the follicle and has been taken into the oviduct, there are millions of sperm floating about in the fluid surrounding it. A single egg of the hen, unlike that in most animals, has from five to twenty-four spermatozoa enter it. Such a process is known as polyspermy. Polyspermy is abnormal in most animals, but it is the normal condition in the hen. The egg is now fertilized. The sperm apparently affords the stimulus which causes the egg to begin dividing and to form an embryo. The egg, after the entrance of the various spermatozoa, is not yet completely mature. A process of maturation now takes place. This means that the egg divides into a larger and a smaller portion, both of which portions may again divide into two parts. All of the smaller por- tions degenerate, one large one alone developing into a complete, fer- tilized, hen's egg. The reason for these small polar bodies (as the de- generating portions are called) is that one-half of the chromatin must be lost in order that the new-born young may be a normal individual like its parent, as explained in our studies of mitosis, maturation, and genetics. After the second maturation division, the remaining nucleus unites with a single sperm nucleus to form the first cleavage spindle, and the egg is now ready to begin dividing and form a true embryo. Third Period. (From the Beginning of Cleavage to the time the egg is laid.) It must be remembered here that the fertilized egg, which is to become the embryo, is present in the hen's body quite a number of hours before the egg is laid. In fact, from two to three days before the various DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO 445 layers of white, yolk, and shell, have encircled it. The heat from the mother's body has caused the embryo to begin to form, so that by the time the egg is laid, the embryo is already several days old. It is there- fore essential that the student understands in detail, exactly what has already happened in the mother's body before the egg passes to the outer world. The first cleavage furrow can be seen about three hours after the ovum has been discharged from the follicle. During this period the egg- has passed along the entire glandular portion of the oviduct. The glands themselves have secreted the most dense portions of albumen and also the chalazae, it being remembered that the yolk was already laid down before ovulation. The egg is carried along principally by peristaltic action of the walls of the oviduct. Then, as the egg itself rotates, the germ disc comes to describe a spiral path, which explains the spiral ar- rangement of the albumen around the yolk. The egg then traverses the isthmus for approximately an hour where the shell membrane is secreted over the dense albumen. The fluid layer of albumen is secreted both in the isthmus and the upper part of the uterus. . The fluid layer of the albumen passes through the shell membrane which has already been laid down, and it takes from five to seven hours after the egg enters the uterus before this is completed. But, before this takes place, the shell substance itself has already begun to be laid down on the shell mem- brane. Usually twelve to sixteen hours are necessary to complete the passage through the uterus and vagina. At the end of this time twenty- one to twenty-seven hours have already elapsed since ovulation took place. Gastrulation has begun, and the egg is laid. We have already mentioned that if the egg reaches the vagina, ready to be laid, during the main portion of the day, it will be laid that day, but if it should be ready for laying after four or five o'clock in the after- noon, it will be retained in the vagina until the following day, thus caus- ing some embryos in freshly-laid eggs to be approximately twelve hours older than others. It is for this reason that there is always considerable variation, even when eggs have been incubated for the same number of davs. TABLE (After Kellicott) SHOWING THE CHIEF EVENTS THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE HEN'S EGG IN Hours after Ovulation 0 0 to 3 Location in Oviduct Infundibulum Glandular Portion Action of Oviduct Reception of Ovum Secretion of chala- zae, chalaziferous and dense albumen layers. Action of Germ Disc Maturation and Fer- tilization. First cleavage fur- row. EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK 3 to 4 Isthmus Secretion of shell membrane and Formation of eight cells. fluid albumen. 4 to 21 (27) Uterus and Vagina Secretion of shell and fluid albumen. Retention prior to laying. Gastrulation begun, or completed if egg is long re- tained. With what has just been said in mind, the developmental processes of an embryo become more understandable." The unicellular germ disc is composed of a very definite area at the animal pole. The disc itself is about three millimeters in diameter, and less than five-tenths milli- meters in thickness. Directly beneath this disc, there is a merging of the protoplasm with the white yolk. This well-marked region is called the nucleus of Pander (Fig. 251, P), and this connects the central white yolk by a narrow stalk called the latebra. It is necessary to study all the figures carefully to understand these and successive terms, and to grasp the relationship of each to the other. There are two regions in the disc itself : the larger central portion in Fig. 257. Cleavage. Upper Row, Amphioxus. (After Hatschek. ) 1, Unfertilized egg; 2, stage of two blastomeres ; 3, stage of four blastomeres ; 4, stage of eight blast- omeres ; 5, stage of seventy-two blastomeres ; 6, section of blastula ; p.b., polar body. Middle Row, Frog. B, segmentation cavity, v, nucleus. Lower Row, Hen's egg. (After Patterson.) Surface views of the blastoderm and the inner part of the marginal periblast only. The anterior margin of the blastodisc is toward the top of the page. A. Two-cell stage, About three hours after fertilization. B. Four cells. About three and one-fourth hours after fertilization. C. Eight cells. About four hours after fertilization. D. Thirty-four cells. About four and three-fourths hours after fertilization. E. One hundred and fifty-four cells upon the surface ; the blastoderm averages about three cells in thickness at this stage. About seven hours after fertilization, ac. Accessory cleavage furrows ; m, radial furrow ; p, inner part of marginal periblast ; sac, small cell formed by the accessory cleavage furrows. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO 447 which is to form the blastoderm proper, and the narrow denser area known as the periblast, which forms the outer margin. The periblast forms a continuous layer over the yolk, peripherally. In the center of the germ disc, the first cleavage furrow appears. (Fig. 257). It is short and shallow, running about one-half the diameter of the disc. We do not even know whether the first cleavage extends directly through the central portion of the embryo. The main embry- onic axis lies almost at right angles to the long axis of the whole egg, the head end of the embryo being directed toward the left when the sharp end of the egg is held pointing away from the observer. The first cleavage plane does not seem to have any definite relation to either of these axes. The second cleavage is also vertical, and almost at right angles to the first, so that we have four adequal cells, all, however, incomplete. The third cleavage appears about an hour after the first. This is usually parallel to the first. It divides the disc into two rows of four cells each. This cleavage may be quite irregular in form, and from now on it is im- possible to tell exactly how and when, in relation to time especially, these egg cells divide. Consequently, after they have divided and formed sixteen cells, all of these cells are very irregular, and there is a tendency in the fourth cleavage plane to separate the eight cells into a central and a distal one. ' Fig. 258. Diagrams showing the blastulae : A, of Amphioxus ; B, of frog, and C, of chick ; D, blastodermic vesicle of mammal. (After Semon.) A group of central cells now becomes circumscribed, but these must not be confused with the marginal cells which remain incomplete both below and distally, retaining their connection with the periblast. These central cells have been separated by a horizontal cleavage plane, and this cleavage plane separates the more superficial cellular elements from 448 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK the underlying undivided protoplasm, leaving a little space, which is the beginning of the segmentation cavity or blastocoele (Figs. 257, II B, and 258). The undivided protoplasm beneath is called the central periblast, the original periblastic region being now known as the marginal periblast. Both of the periblastic regions retain their connection with each other peripherally in the deeper regions of the marginal cells. The question that may arise here is, "What has become of the ac- cessory or supernumerary spermatozoa?" Between the time of fertili- zation and the first cleavage, these have formed nuclei which migrated to the outlying portion of the blastodisc. There they probably divided once or twice to form small groups of daughter nuclei. There even seems to be an attempt of the cytoplasm to divide, and sometimes short superficial growths are actually formed. These are called accessory cleavages. They can be seen during the four and eight cell stage, usually radial in direction, lying just across or outside the margin of the blasto- disc. No true cells, however, are formed by such cleavages. The ac- cessory sperm nuclei all degenerate rather rapidly, the accessory cleav- ages fading away, so that by the time the embryo has reached the thirty- two cell stage, no traces of these accessory structures can be found at all. As cleavage continues, the number of central cells increases very rapidly, by the marginal cells dividing and being added to the central cells, although the central cells divide likewise. This latter multiplica- tion is very rapid, the cells diminishing in size. For example, cleavages appear in the central cells, causing the roof of the blastocoele to become several cells in thickness. There are no cells added to the germ disc from the floor of the segmentation cavity. The continual cutting off of central cells from the marginal cells causes these latter to be consid- erably shortened, until finally they are limited to the extreme margin of the blastodisc only. After division has taken place so that two or three hundred cells have been formed, there are intercellular furrows extending out into the marginal periblast. Up to this time, there have been no nuclei what- ever in either central or marginal periblast, but two areas which are continuous now become converted into a nucleated syncytium. Our knowledge of this developing process comes from the study of the pigeon. It has not been worked out in the chick. The process is some- what like this: The marginal cells have become spherical in form, by having the central cells cut off from them. Their nuclei now divide, although the cytoplasmic divisions are either completely lacking or do not completely divide. The free nuclei therefore become quite extensive in the margin of the blastodisc, and as these nuclei continue multiplying, they wander off into the marginal periblast so that nuclei are scattered about quite thickly, though the structure itself is non-cellular. Some of the nuclei also migrate inward below the blastodisc, so that the cen- tral periblast is likewise converted into a nucleated structure with the DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO 449 exception of the middle area above the nucleus of Pander. This area continues to remain free from nuclei ; in fact, what is later to be known as the germ wall is partly composed of the nucleated rim of the peri- blast. The blastoderm, which is rather circular, extends radially., both on account of the growth of its own cells, and by the addition of cells from the marginal periblast. The original region of the blastodisc becomes thinner and transparent. It is then called the area pellucida. The cir- cular margin which is derived from the periblast is called the area opaca. The ring-like periblast keeps on growing, while additional nuclei are formed peripherally. At the same time, the periblast is contributing cells to the blastoderm also, so that it steadily increases in diameter. The inner nucleated margin of the periblast, which later becomes cellu- lar, contributes to the later extra-embryonic tissues and is called the germ wall. The cells of the blastoderm later extend peripherally so that they overlap the inner margin of the germ wall, to form a narrow region transitional between pellucid and opaque areas. It should be noted here that the lower surface of the periblast is directly continuous with the yolk mass, and peripherally it is continuous with a very thin superficial tissue of protoplasm. This latter is also often referred to as a part of the germ wall. As soon as the blastoderm has become thinned out as mentioned above, the blastula stage is completed. It is well at this point partially to summarize the development through the morula and blastula stage before taking up gastrulation. THE MORULA STAGE While text-books usually speak of an "end" to the segmentation process, it must not be supposed that the cells of the embryo stop divid- ing. The whole process is continuous, and the word "end" here means only that the general process of cell-division is now "general" no longer, but that differentiation begins. The ending of the segmentation stage means only that one can from this period on find a grouping or aggre- gation of cells which are not all alike. In eggs in which there is but little yolk, the segmentation results in a rounded, closely packed mass of embryonic cells (blastomeres) called a morula. This name has been given such a cell mass because it resembles a mulberry. This morula stage, in eggs with little yolk, cor- responds to the stage in the "end" of segmentation in the chick embryo. At this time the embryo is a simple disc-shaped mass of cells, several layers in thickness. This whole mass is the blastoderm. It lies closely applied to the yolk. The cells in the center of the blastoderm are smaller and quite clearly defined, while the surrounding or peripheral cells are flattened, larger, and in more intimate contact with the yolk beneath. 450 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK BLASTULATION The chick embryo remains in the morula stage for a very short period, when there is a rearrangement of cells preliminary to the blastula formation. First, a cavity forms beneath the blastoderm due to the smaller central cells separating from the underlying yolk. The outlying cells remain attached. This space is called the segmentation cavity or blastocoel, while the marginal area of the blastoderm which remains attached to the yolk is called the zone of junction. As soon as the seg- mentation cavity is thus formed the embryo is said to be in the blastula stage. . From Figure 259, which shows only the blastoderm and a portion of the yolk (the yolk being about three feet in diameter at this magnifi- cation), a good understanding of the difference a larger amount of yolk makes in the blastula-formation may be had. In eggs with little yolk a definite morula or solid sphere of cells can easily form, which may then develop into a hollow sphere or blastula. But in eggs with a large quantity of yolk, as in the pigeon and the chick (Fig. 258), the blastomeres are forced to grow on the surface of the SECTION AT e-c 1ft C Fig. 259. Diagrams to show various stages in the gastrulation of a bird embryo. In the surface-view plans, the blastoderm is supposed to be transparent so the under- lying structures may be located. A, surface view of blastoderm, just before invagination ; B, surface view of blastoderm, invagination well advanced ; C, surface view of blastoderm at end of gastrulation ; D, vertical section through blastoderm of stage represented in A; The plane of section is indicated by the line a-a in A. E, vertical section through blastoderm of stage represented in B. The plane of the section is indicated by the line b-b in B. F, vertical section through blastoderm of stage represented in C. The plane of the section is indicated by the lines c-c in C. (From Patten, after Patterson's figures for the pigeon.) DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO 451 yolk, which is the mechanical reason for the disc-shaped blastoderm being where it is and what it is in the bird's egg. That is, if the large yolk of a bird's egg were removed and the blastoderm were allowed to assume the spherical shape it would naturally take due to surface ten- sion, there would be a decided similarity between the disc-shaped blasto- derm and the ordinary morula stage of eggs with little yolk, such as in amphioxus and in man. Not only does the great quantity of yolk make this change in the morula stage, but it is evident that a large amount of yolk does not per- mit a simple hollow sphere formation by any method of cell arrange- ment. Nevertheless, the central cells do separate somewhat from the yolk and form the slight segmentation cavity mentioned above. Imagining, now, that the yolk could be removed and the ends of the blastoderm drawn together, we should have a true blastula form of the simpler type. GASTRULATION It is essential that one remember that a large quantity of yolk will make a considerable change in the process of gastrulation. The simpler Y*//C folk Fig. 260. Gastrulation in egg with different quantities of yolk. 1-5, Amphioxus (little yolk) ; 6-8 Amphibian (moderate amount of yolk) ; 9-10, Birds (large amount of yolk); blc, blastocoele ; future dorsal side; ect., ectoderm; end., entoderm ; ent. and ach., archenteron ; blp., blastopore ; y.p., yolk plug. (After various authors.) 452 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK .L,^ •/^/*J*.s.rf -Y/r— , _j C2^-*-* 7- Fig. 261. A to £>. Diagrams illustrating the idea of confluence (concrescence) as applied to the chick. The central area bounded by the broken line rep- resents the area pellucida ; external to this is the area opaca, showing the germ wall (G. W.), zone of junction (Z.J.), and margin of over- growth (M.O.). m.n., Marginal notch. E to G, Diagrammatic relations of the germ layers at the time the primitive streak is formed by concrescence of the blastoporal margins. E, section of stage B ; F, section of stage D ; G, section through blastoderm of a 16 hour chick embryo. (A to D from Lillie's "The Development of the Chick," by permission of Henry Holt & Co.) forms are brought about by an inpushing of the outer layer of the blastula as one indents a rubber ball. This forms a two walled (ectodermal and ento- dermal) cup with a cavity in the center called a gastrocoele. The opening itself is known as the blastopore (Fig. 260). In birds with a large amount of yolk, the blastula cannot indent completely in- to the blastocoele, due to the disc-shaped blastoderm not be- ing a true hollow sphere. The very small blastocoele formed between the blastoderm and the yolk, allows but little in- folding. The blastopore in the case of an indented sphere is relatively large. In the chick there is but a tiny blastocoele, while the blastopore is but a small crescent-shaped slit at the margin of the blastoderm (Fig. 251, C). This slit is to be thought of, however, as similar to the regular round opening in simpler forms, which has been pushed to- gether by the yolk not yielding. The infolding entoderm is also naturally compressed and flat- tened by the tiny blastocoele into which it can grow. In fact, the lower layer of the in- folding entoderm seems to be prevented from growing nor- mally by the unyielding yolk, and so is broken and lies on the yolk as scattered cells. These scattered cells then shortly dis- appear so that the yolk itself forms the floor of the gastro- coele. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO 453 Figure 260 presents a diagrammatic scheme which makes it possible to see the general outlines of gastrulation in eggs with varying quantities of yolk. The zone of junction, where the peripheral region of the blastoderm remains attached to the yolk, is called the area opaca, because when the blastoderm is removed from the yolk-surface for laboratory study, the yolk is so closely attached to this region that it adheres to the blastoderm and renders the area more opaque. The more central portion which thus has no yolk attached, is more translucent and is therefore called the area pellucida. The area opaca later differentiates into the following three more or less distinct zones (Fig. 261) : (1) The margin of overgrowth: Being a peripheral zone where rapid proliferation pushes the cells out over the yolk without their ad- hering to it. (2) The zone of junction: Which has an intermediate zone in which the deeper lying cells have no complete cell boundaries, so that they form a syncytium which blends (without a definite boundary) with the superficial layer of white yolk to which it adheres by many pene- trating strands of cytoplasm. (3) The germ wall: Being an inner zone made up of cells derived from the inner border of the zone of junction, which have acquired defi- nite boundaries and become more or less free from the yolk. Numerous small yolk granules are usually found in the germ wall, due to the fact that these were contained in the cytoplasm when they were still con- nected with the yolk as cells of the zone of junction. It is the inner margin of the germ wall which separates the area opaca from the area pellucida. When the chick embryo is ready for gastrulation, there is a thinning of the blastoderm at the caudal margin with a consequent freeing of the blastoderm at the caudal margin from the yolk (Fig. 259, D). In a sur- face view, the crescent shaped gap in the posterior quadrant of the zone of junction marks the separation of the blastoderm from the yolk (Fig. 259, A). The blastopore is that region where the blastoderm is free from yolk and where it is likewise very thin. It will be remembered that cell proliferation is continuous through- out the entire blastoderm. The surface extent has now become much greater by a general spreading out of the peripheral margins over the yolk, but this extension, while taking place uniformly at the margins, varies at the blastopore. This being at the posterior free end of the blastoderm, the cells, as they proliferate, grow inward to form the ento- derm. Once this differentiation has taken place, the part of the margin 454 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK forming this entodermal portion takes no further part in the peripheral expansion, though this entodermal part grows back toward the center of the blastoderm, leaving the blastopore region behind. The marginal region continues to grow and soon encloses it, so that by the time the blastopore conies to close, it lies within the recompleted circle of the germ wall (Fig. 259, C). CHAPTER XXX. THE PRIMITIVE STREAK AND ORIGIN OF THE MESODERM All that has been described so far has actually taken place before the egg" is laid. The real beginnings of a distinguishable embryonic area may be said to start with the primitive streak. While there are various theories as to just how this thickened streak is formed, the most logical and intelligible is that it is a thickening formed by the two lips of the blastopore meeting and growing downward. To make this clear, the student will remember that throughout this entire volume, the blastula has been considered a hollow sphere com- posed of a single layer of cells, and the gastrula was this same hollow sphere after it had indented so as to form two layers. The opening where the indentation took place was called the blastopore. In the chick-embryo we are to think of this blastula, however, not as a sphere, but as sausage-shaped, with the indentation taking place from about the center of the long axis to one end. Thus we do not have a round blastopore, but an elongated one. And it is the closing of the lips along this elongated slit which forms the thickening called tue primitive streak (Fig. 262). It is clearly setn at sixteen hours of incubation, not only as a thickening, but as an indentation — the primitive groove — with ridge-like thickenings flanking each side, and extending from the area opaca to almost the center of the blastoderm. The part lying closest to the area opaca is the caudal end, and the direction of the streak forms the long axis of the embryo. At the cephalic end of the primitive groove there is a deep- ening called the primitive pit, and directly anterior to this the two lips of the primitive folds meet in the midline to form a small rounded eleva- tion known as Hensen's node. This node serves as the region of demar- cation separating the fast disappearing primitive streak from the noto- chord, which forms cephalad to it in the long axis of the embryonic area. The growth of the embryo is much greater headward than cau- dally or laterally, so that the antero-posterior axis becomes considerably elongated. Fig 262. Dorsal view of 16 to 20 hour chick embryo showing primitive streak, primitive groove, primitive node, beginning of neural groove, blood-islands, and extent of mesoderm. (After Duval.) 456 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK The lips of the blastopore form a region of rapid cell proliferation, though all the cells look quite alike. Nevertheless, it is from these rap- idly proliferating cells that the various germ layers are derived. Figure 263 shows an enlarged longitudinal, as well as a cross section of an early embryo. As the lips of the blastopore grow closer and closer together, they finally fuse, forming the primitive streak. Ecto- derm and entoderm cannot be distinguished, but from the thickened ap- proximation of the lips of the blastopore there is an inward growth of y.f. l.b. Fig. 263. A. From medial longitudinal section through embryonic disk of Chick. Bonnet. B. From transverse section through Hensen's node — germ disk of chick of 2 to 6 hours' incubation. Duval. For lettering see Fig. C. C. From transverse section through primitive groove — germ disk of chick of 2 to 6 hours' incubation. Duval. arc., Archenteron ; ec., ectoderm ; en., entoderm ; l.b., lip of blastopore ; p.g., primitive groove ; y., yolk ; y.p., yolk plug. a single layer of cells now called entoderm, and from between these two layers some rather loosely arranged cells form a third layer, considered the primitive origin of what is later to be called mesoderm. At the same time this mesodermal outgrowth appears, the dipping down of the outer layer occurs, forming the primitive groove. The three layers which have thus been established are very impor- tant, because in all forms of animal life so far studied, there is a decided similarity in the origins and developments of the various organ systems. Therefore, an understanding of the way the germ-layers and the organ systems arise, alone permits an understanding of the ever increasing perplexities coming forth as these in turn develop further. In our study of comparative anatomy we shall see why it is that ORIGIN OF THE MESODERM 457 all outer coverings of the body as well as the nervous system are de- rived from the ectoderm ; why the lining of both digestive and respira- tory organs comes from the entoderm ; and why the circulatory system as well as the blood, lymph, muscle and connective tissue (except neu- roglia) are derived from the mesoderm. The primitive streak, relatively, seems to become pushed further and further tailward, but this is due to the greater growth in the cephalic region of the embryo. (Compare Figures 262 and 264.) The entoderm spreads out as a very definite layer of cells, and merges peripherally with the inner margin of the germ wall, even over- lapping it slightly. The little cavity between the yolk and this ento- dermal layer which has been called the gastrocoele will henceforth be known as the archenteron or primitive gut (Fig. 265). The student is not to look for a cavity in his sections, however, as the yolk in this region, by the very fact that it is separated from the entoderm and forms the floor of the primitive gut cavity, will not adhere to the embryo when it is removed for section- ing purposes. At eighteen hours of incubation the cell boundaries of the germ wall cannot usually be seen, though there are many nuclei and yolk granules, the latter in various stages of absorption. Because the nuclei of the germ wall arise by division of the nuclei of the cells lying at the margins of the expand- ing blastoderm, it is assumed they are in- strumental in breaking up the yolk in ad- vance of the arrival of the spreading ento- derm about the yolk sphere. At about twenty-two to twenty-three hours of incubation a pocket of entoderm can be seen in the anterior region by examining the whole mount, and focusing through the ecto- derm. This is the first formation of a gut floor in addition to the yolk which has been answering that purpose up to this moment. This pocket forms the fore-gut. The mesoderm grows laterad and then extends cephalad, so that an area between the two cephalad growing portions of mesoderm is formed, which area is called the proamnion (Fig. 266, P). It is merely an open space and must not be thought of as forming the later true amnion. It is to be noted primarily, because it permits a better study of just how the mesoderm grows in relation to it. It will be well to ob- serve the difference in this space in eighteen and twenty-three hour embryos. As the mesoderm begins its growth where it does, there is none of Fig. 264. Surface view of a twenty-one hour chick embryo, in which the head-fold and first pair of primi- tive mesodermal segments are pres- ent. (After Duval.) 458 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK it in the midline except posterior to the primitive streak; but, immedi- ately on each side of the midline, the mesoderm is quite thickened, thin- ning out as it extends toward each side. The dorsal mesodermic plates are to develop from these thickened portions of the mesoderm, and as they will then segment, they are called segmental zones of mesoderm. The first somites will appear cephalad to Hensen's node, extending can- daily along each side of the primitive streak and becoming less and less distinct. Fig. 265. From medial vertical sections through embryonic disk of lizard, showing five successive stages in gastrulation (Wenckeback, Bonnet). It is important -to note here that the sheet-like layers of mesoderm so characteristic in the mid-body region do not extend to the head region of the embryo. The mesoderm of the head region develops from quite definitely organized layers immediately behind the future head. The reason that the mesoderm of the head is separate in origin from that of the remaining portion of the body may be accounted for by the fact that the head is not segmented as is the mesoderm of the body-region. THE NOTOCHORD From the cephalic end of the primitive streak the rapidly prolif- erating cells extend in an anterior manner. In non-bird-like vertebrates, ORIGIN OF THE MESODERM 459 the notochord extends from the region of the anterior lip of the blasto- pore, so it is assumed that this is also the case in birds. If the student will think of assumptions and incidents of this kind, and note the manner in which hundreds of such assumptions and inci- dents must be gathered from all angles and from hundreds of experi- ments by hundreds of different investigators, to make such a. study as embryology possible, he will obtain at least some slight appreciation of what scientific investigation means and what scientific method means. In reading the literature of the subject, the student will note that probably most writers insist that the notochord develops from the ento- derm, though there are those who believe it comes from either of the other two layers, and some even that it comes from all three. Fig. 266. B A. — Surface view of Embryo at the Twenty-third Hour of Incubation. A., anterior limit of head; AP., area pellucida ; AV., area vasculosa ; B., border of mesoderm ; C.A., yolk crescent ; H., Hensen's node ; P., pro- amnion ; PP., primitive streak ; PV., mesoblastic somites ; St., sinus ter- minalis bounding the vascular area ; U., unsegmented mesoderm. I, region where the medullary folds have almost met to form the medullary canal. B. — Anterior part of the preceding figure more highly magnified to show details. A, ectoderm of anterior end of head ; B, mesenchyme ; C, sub- cephalic pocket: 1, region where the medullary folds will begin fusing to form medullary canal; 2, margin of the anterior intestinal portal; 3 and 4, posterior regions of medullary folds ; 5, lateral limits of head region ; 6, border of foregut. (From Duval.) In all forms studied, however, the notochord is not seen to arise from any definite layer, but it arises either at the same time the meso- derm does (Fig. 267), or from the undifferentiated growth of cells about the closed blastopore which gives rise to both entoderm and mesoderm. The notochord itself is a rod-shaped structure, circular in cross sec- tion, extending headward from Hensen's node. THE NEURAL PLATE A thickening of the ectoderm at about eighteen hours' incubation causes a greater density along each side of the notochord. This denser area is several cells in thickness, and forms what is called the neural or 460 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK medullary plate. The cephalic ends of these plates seem to bend; but from Hensen's node caudad, they diverge into thickenings on each side of the primitive streak. At twenty-one to twenty-two hours the outer portions of the neural plate bend dorsally toward the midline and form the neural or medul- lary groove, the ridges thus formed being called the neural or medullary folds (Fig. 266, B). This is the first differentiation of the nervous system. After this period of incubation the denser portion which has formed by all the cell differentiation mentioned above, is called the embryonal area, and the outer peripheral region of the blastoderm is called the extra-embryonic area, because from this extra-embryonic region arise those structures which are not part and parcel of the embryo itself, but serve as protective and nutritive layers. At this period the anlage of the head appears as a rounded eleva- tion with a definite crescent-shaped head-fold, the first definite boundary of the growing embryo. It is well at this point to know what is to become of trie mesoderm, so that we may have several landmarks which will chc' wr. I*. \_ ^^ -^»*-- -^~—^_ ••"— r'Ti'ftTawimigy tun iuu'Jiift »u' >'JL_LL_ E « • 1 stand us in good stead. In the earthworm, it will be recalled, the entire animal is seg- Sagittal section through region of primitive niented, that IS, COmpOSed of node and caudal end of chordal canal of guinea mfz+imfrtto ™rVii1^ i'n tVi^ frr\rr coo- pig (isy, days after fertilization) to show be- metameres, while in me trog, seg- ginning of notochordal cells and ectodermal cells mentation SHOWS itself primarily in one layer. Let., ectoaerm ; ent., entoderm ; ch.c., chordal canal, dorsal and ventral wall clos- in the Spinal Column. ing lumen; pr.pt., primitive pit. (After Huber in The Anatomical Record, April 20, 1918.) In both earthworm and fl'Og the segments are composed of an outer layer of ectoderm, an inner layer of entoderm, and a middle layer of mesoderm. When one speaks of metameres, one always means segments lying- one behind the other, but now we must think of a sort of segmentation also in each metamere, one below the other (Fig. 268). In fact, this we must do if we are to understand that which follows. Figure 268 shows a combination transverse and longitudinal ar- rangement of metameres with the mesoderm divided into an outer (somatopleure) and an inner (splanchnopleure) layer, and the segments also divided horizontally. The more dorsal portion of the horizontal divisions is called an epimere, the mid-portion a mesomere (which is the beginning of the ex- cretory system), and the more ventral portion is known as a hypomere. The whole metamere is called a mesomeric somite. In vertebrates, as we have seen, segmentation is observable primarily ORIGIN OF THE MESODERM 461 ?n the region of the spinal column. Therefore, in the study of verte- brates, such as the chick, we shall find that, while segmentation begins along the future spinal region, only the more dorsal portion of the meso- derm is segmented, and that only partially. The epimeres alone, that is, the paired parts lying at the side of the notochord, are truly seg- mented, though the opening in them, the epicoele, shortly disappears. The mesomeres with their mesocoeles develop into the excretory sys- tem, and the hypomeres, which have not segmented, but whose opening, the hypocoele, is continuous throughout the entire region where there has been any segmentation, is now to be known as the coelom or body cavity, into which the internal organs are to grow. Fig. 268. Stereogram showing the segmentation of the mesothelium. The dorsal and ventral walls of the coelom later fuse to form the dorsal and ventral mesenteries. AJ, alimentary canal ; EM, epimere ; Fb, forebrain ; Hb, hindbrain ; M, (under SA-.c. ), myotome ; Mb, midbrain ; MM, mesomere ; sk.c., sclerotome. Sp, splanchnic layer of the mesoderm (splanchnopleure). (Modified from JCingsley. ) It is to be remembered that epimere, mesomere, and hypomere are composed of mesoderm only. As the mesoderm begins to grow laterad and ventrad, and while it is yet unsplit into an outer and inner layer, the thickened portion lying on each side of the neural groove is called the vertebral plate, and the more distal portion, the lateral plate. The outer layer of the lateral plate, after it splits into two sheets, is called somatic mesoderm (and after connecting with the ectoderm the somatopleure) while the inner layer, the splanchnic mesoderm, connects with the entoderm and is known as the splanchnopleure (Fig. 268). In the head region, the cells of the vertebral plate scatter and com- bine with cells which are continually being budded off from the walls of the fore-gut to form the mesenchyme of the head region (Fig. 269). It will thus be seen that mesenchyme is made up of a combination of 462 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK Mestnchymal ceil Fibrillae in fcTop/asptic matrix B C* i I ettof wjtM Elasti cells from both mesoderm and entoderm, and even of ectoderm, for, scattered cells later join from the ectoderm of the head region. The somites begin forming in the region of the more anterior end of the primitive streak, the first one to develop remaining the more an- terior. The first four pair of somites take part in the development of the hinder part of the head region of the embryo. A further important factor to remember at this point is that seg- mentation is fundamental, and that consequently any structures in the body which show segmentation, only fol- low out some plan of the original segmentation. This is of value in tracing the growth of various body- parts, such as muscles, for instance, in that the nerve supply, which we shall shortly see is also of seg- mental origin, definitely tells us where a muscle springs from, because nerves always follow muscles, and not vice versa. The somatopleure, splanchnopleure, and coelom become separated into em- bryonic and extra-embryonic regions later, although at this early stage of which we are writing they form con- tinuous structures which ex- tend laterally out from the germ wall, and anteriorly into the head region. The following structures are developed from the embryonic portion: body-wall, gut-wall, vascular organs, pericardial cavity, pleural cavity, peritoneal cavity. Cartilage cell Eciodt Mts Fig. 269. Figures showing the differentiation of the supporting tissues (after Mall). A, white fibers forming in the dermis of a 5 cm. pig embryo ; B, elastic fibers forming in the syncytium of the umbilical cord from a 7 cm. embryo ; C, developing cartilage from the occipital bone of a 20 mm. pig embryo. Mesenchyma from the head of a thirty-six hour chick embryo. ORIGIN OF THE MESODERM 463 From the extra-embryonic portion the following are developed : embryonic membranes and appendages, extra-embryonic portions of the vascular system, extra-embryonic coelom (exocoelom). Probably the most understandable method of making much of what has been said clear, is to use Professor Reese's method of illustration : "An understanding of the way in which the embryo becomes folded off from the rest of the egg, may perhaps be obtained in the following way : Cut out four circles of cloth, say 75 cm. in diameter, of three dif- ferent colors. Put the two circles that are of the same color together and then put these two circles between the other two. "Let these superimposed circles represent a greatly enlarged blas- toderm that has been removed from the yolk to which it was originally Fig. 270. Schematic diagrams showing the extra-embryonic membranes of the chick. The egg is cut longitudinally while the embryo (which lies at almost right angles to the egg), is cut transversely. A, embryo at about 48 hours ; B, same at about 72 hours; C, same at about five days; D, same at about fourteen days. (After Duval. ) attached. The upper layer of cloth will represent the ectoblast, the bot- tom layer will represent the entoblast, and the two similarly colored layers in the middle will represent the two layers of the mesoblast after their separation. "As the yolk takes no actual part in the formation of the embryo other than as a supply of the food for the growth of the constantly en- larging chick, it may be omitted from our model. "Now spread the cloth-blastoderm upon a table and place under its centers a small object, such as a bottle. If now, the fingers of one hand be pushed under one end of the bottle, carrying, of course, the three 464 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK germ layers with them, we shall have represented the formation of the head fold. By pushing under the cloth at the other end of the bottle, in the same way, we may represent the formation of the tail fold; and in a like manner the lateral folds may be formed. If these folds, the head, tail, and lateral be pushed under far enough, they will meet under the center of the bottle, and we shall have the bottle, with its surround- ing layers of cloth, connected with the rest of the model by only a sort of stalk, which is hollow and composed of the three layers of cloth. The bottle is used simply to give a solid object around which the folding may be more easily done, but we are to consider the space occupied by the bottle as an empty space. "We have now represented what is sometimes called the embryo- sac, or simply the embryo, in contradistinction to the yolk-sac, or simply the yolk. The embryo remains connected with the yolk throughout the period of incubation by the yolk- or somatic-stalk, and as the embryo increases in size, the yolk-sac is, by absorption, constantly diminished. The space occupied by the bottle, in our model, represents the digestive tract of the chick, and is lined, as will be seen by examination of the model, by the lower germ layer, or entoblast. The body cavity would be difficult to represent in the cloth model, but it can be imagined to exist as the narrow space between the two layers of similarly colored cloth which we have just called the mesoblast. "The formation of the amnion may be represented in our model by lifting up with the fingers a small fold of the upper and second layers of cloth, and pulling these two layers back over the head end of the embryo, this fold will correspond to the head fold of the amnion. Similar folds might be lifted up at the posterior end and at the sides of the embryo model, to represent the tail and lateral folds of the amnion. The way in which these folds fuse together will be explained later." The allantois cannot be explained from the model, but can be un- derstood by studying Figure 270. It arises as a thin-walled pouch from the posterior end of the digestive tract, and as it increases in size, it ex- tends around the upper side of the embryo, between the inner and outer layers of the amnion. Both amnion and allantois are thrown off at hatching, so take no permanent part in the actual embryo. CHAPTER XXXI. THE FOUR TO SIX SOMITE STAGE (About Twenty-four Hours) As the embryo is already well on its way in development at the time the egg is laid, and as it has been shown that the extent of devel- opment varies considerably on account of the retention of the egg in the hen for an extra twelve to sixteen hours if it is not ready for laying sufficiently early in the day, the formation of the block-like portions of mesoderm — the somites — becomes the more accurate measurement of the age of an embryo. Chicks with the same number of somites do not usually vary much among themselves in general, though individual parts often do ; while chicks having been incubated for the same number of hours vary considerably in all parts. The twenty-four hour stage (four to six somites), (compare Figs. 264 and 266), is of great importance, for it is during this very early period of the chick's life that the interesting and important differentiating processes are noted. Up to the time the first four somites form the hind- brain, the entire growth of the embryo from Hensen's node cephalad, has been a formation of the head-region only. There has been some question in the past as to whether or not ad- ditional somites are formed anterior to the first ones thus laid down. Patterson performed an interesting experiment which seems to warrant our saying that such is not the case. Professor Patterson incubated six eggs up to the one somite forma- tion period, and then with the most asceptic precautions, opened the eggs and marked the first somite by injuring it with an electric needle, or inserted a minute glass pin therein. The shell was then again closed by a small piece of egg-shell, and the eggs again incubated for varying number of hours before being reopened. No new somites appeared an- terior to the injured one. In the study of whole mounts under the microscope, it must be re- membered that reflected light coming up from below the object shows different densities as darker or lighter areas. Any portions of the em- bryo which have become thickened or folded over will therefore appear extremely dark and be thus distinguished from the thinner and lighter areas. At the end of about twenty-four hours we then have : 1. Three definite germ layers. (Fig. 271.) 2. Four to five somites, forming in the vertebral plates, which verte- bral plates have separated from the lateral plates. 3. The mesoderm divided into a somatic and a splanchnic layer. 466 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK 4. The neural groove almost but not quite closed. 5. A clearly outlined fore-gut and mid-gut. 6. Clearly defined head-folds marking the anterior limit of the embryo. 7. A definite notochord extending from the anterior end of the primi- tive streak to what is to become the mid-brain. 8. The pellucid area is more or less pear-shaped and the vascular area is seen as an inner zone of the area opaca. 9. The primitive streak is rapidly becoming relatively shorter and is soon to disappear, the cells of which it is composed probably be- coming rearranged to form other structures. Transverse section through the primitive streak of a chick with six pairs of mesodermal somites (about twenty- four hours), showing the formation of the blood- vessels and blood. The section extends from the mid-line, nearly half across the area vasculosa. b, Blood cells ; c, coelomic spaces ; e, empty endothelial tubes ; ec. ectoderm ; en, endoderm ; gw, germ wall ; i, solid blood island ; m, axial mesoderm ; i , . • a, primitive streak ; si, vascular sinuses of area vasculosa ; so, somatic mesoderm ; sp, splanchnic mesoderm. (After Riickert.) From the twenty-fourth hour on, the texture of the embryo becomes firmer, and, whereas, it is difficult to remove an eighteen-hour embryo without tearing, the twenty-four hour embryo can easily be removed. All outlines become clearer now also. The anterior part of the embryonal area has thickened, and is slightly lifted above the remaining blastoderm as shown by the crescent- shaped anterior boundary (Fig. 266, B). The embryo grows forward oyer this crescent-shaped fold which thus comes to lie under the embryo and forms a little pocket between the embryo and the fold called the subcephalic pocket. The neural folds now unite in the region of the future mid-brain, closing rapidly posteriorly, and slowly anteriorly. The closed portion is called the neural tube. The most anterior portion where the neural tube will close is known as the neuropore, which is the region of what is later to become the lamina terminalis. This lamina terminalis is usually regarded as the morphologically anterior limit of the brain. Topographically, however, this is not the case, for the fore-brain grows forward and then bends back downward in front of the fore-gut, the whole thing becoming bent like a shepherd's crook, so that the morpho- logically anterior end comes to lie on its antero-ventral aspect. The neural folds have a somewhat flattened crest, and these fold in- ward, forming a vertical contact. The neural tube is thus formed by the FOUR TO Six SOMITE STAGE 467 fusion of the lower or inner margins of 'these surfaces, the upper £>nes again forming a continuous ectoderm, so that the neural tube becomes entirely separated from it. The cells lying between this ectodermal and lower margin, and which have been derived approximately from the apices of the neural ridges, become the neural crests (Fig. 272). These crests do not fuse in the midline, but remain as a pair- of longitudinal bands along the dorsal-lateral surfaces of the neural tube, and are the rudiments of the ganglia of the cranial and spinal nerves. They are not uniformly developed, and appear much clearer in some sections than in others. Already very early in the area opaca considerable modification has been going on. The area itself has broadened and in both lateral and posterior regions^it is mottled. This mottled portion Ts due to jthe-Jprm- ing of differentiated cell groups forming what are called blood- islands (Figs. 262, 264), which are .the beginning of the vascular sys- tem. The portion of the area opaca in which these blood-islands occur is known as the area vasculosa. This area vasculosa begins immediately Sapmbr»Bth««l pt»c Fig 2?2 - behind the embryo, but then extends Transverse section through the head of a laterally and anteriorly, while 7 day Ammoccetes in the region of the tri- . . • i .-: . : t , r . geminai ganglion, von Kupffer. around its periphery a single definite blood vessel forms, known as the sinus terminalis (Fig. 284, C). Beyond this sinus terminalis, all the remaining area opaca consists of ectoderm and entoderm, and extends around the yolk. It is then called the area vitellina. -The compact cell masses forming these blood-islands have been formed throughout the deeper portion of the germ wall, becoming cov- ered superficially with a deep layer of scattered germ wall cells. This superficial layer comes to be known as coelomic "mesoderm." This superficial layer and the blood islands become continuous very early with the mesoderm of the pellucid area derived from the primitive streak (Fig. 273). The blood islands become hollowed out, forming lacunae. The cells which have formed the blood islands become both the blood-vessel walls arid the blood cells. The lacunae then anastomose, forming a complete network extending to meet the vascular structure of the pellucid area .and later of the embryo. !o -The cellular portion of the germ wall which remains after the coelomic "mesoderm" and the blood islands have differentiated, forms the rudiment of the yolk-sac entoderm, to be described later. As soon as 'the extra-embryonic coelom forms, dividing the meso- 468 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK- derm into somatic and splanchnic layers, the blood vessels remain asso- ciated with the splanchnic layer. Just as the somites are beginning to form, blood vessels will be found at the margin of the pellucid area beginning to grow toward the embryo. Only the tubular vessels develop in the area pellucida ; the blood islands, as already noted, develop in the area opaca. This means that the cellular or corpuscular elements of the blood arise in the pos- terior region of the area opaca. Fig. 273. Beginning of the vascular system in the chick embryo. A, complete blood- island ; B and C, beginning of vacuole formation ; D, vacuoles becoming confluent to form the lumen of the blood vessel. b.hem., primitive red blood cells ; I, lumen ; p, vessel- wall ; v, vacuole or lacunae. (After Uskow). E. A portion of the vascular network destined to become the aorta in the chick embryo, gv, primitive blood forming cells ; Ip, cytoplasmic lamina persisting in the lumen of the blood vessel that has formed ; mar, blood vessels ; p, vessel wall ; p.ac., point of enlarge- ment of network; vac, vacuoles. (From Vialleton.) Professor Riickert has worked out the arrangement of the blood vessels (Fig. 284). He says the vessels in the area pellucida are formed by a rearrangement of small groups of cells in the splanchnic mesoderm of the area. First, short sections of tubular vessels are formed, which then connect with the more peripheral vessels of the opaque area, thus forming a continuous vascular network extending toward the embryo and finally reaching it at about the time, six pairs of somites are formed. Soon after this, vessels appear in the embryo itself, the first being the paired dorsal aortae in the body region. These are regarded as merely straightened axial margins of the vascular network of the area pellucida. They diverge widely posteriorly, passing as the vitelline arteries into the general vascular network. Anteriorly they are pro- longed forward to the heart region where they connect with a pair of vessels differentiated in the mesenchyme of the head. It will be remembered that the coelom is really paired, and extends downward ventrally on both sides until at a later period it meets in the FOUR TO Six SOMITE STAGE 469 ventral midline and fuses to form the one cavity which it later becomes in all vertebrates. The crescent-shaped line where fore-gut and mid-gut meet is called the anterior intestinal portal (Fig. 266, B). It is in the region of the anterior intestinal portal that the coelomic chambers on both sides show a marked enlargement. The enlargement of each side extends mesiad toward the other, and finally both break through into each other ventral to the fore-gut, to form the pericardial cavity. These enlarged regions are called the amnio-cardiac vesicles (Fig. 274) in their early stages; however, it is better to remember what X -^ opVes Fig. 274. Ventral views of the head ends of chick embryos. A. Embryo with five pairs of somites (about twenty-three hours). B. Embryo with seven pairs of somites (about twenty-five hours), a.c.v., Amnio-cardiac vesicle; a. i. p., anterior intestinal portal ; End'c.s., endocardinal septum ; FG., fore-gut ; Ht., heart ; My'C., myo- cardium ; N'ch., notochord ; N'ch.T., anterior tip of notochord ; n.F., neural fold, op. Ves., optic vesicle; p.C., parietal cavity (coelomic) ; Pr'a., proamnion ; a.2, s.4, second and fourth mesodermal somites ; V.o.m., omphalo-mesenteric vein. (From Lillie's "Development of the Chick" by permission of Henry Holt & Co., Publishers. ) they are to become, and think of them as the pericardial region of the coelom. The splanchnic mesoderm is thickened at the point where it lies closely applied to the entoderm at the lateral margins of the portal. It is from these thickened areas that the paired primordia of the heart will arise later. It will thus be noted that the heart develops from the ventral and not the dorsal aspect. The amnio-cardiac vesicles also become vascularized quite like the rest of the pellucid area, and a pair of ventral aortae is formed beneath the fore-gut. Immediately posterior to the anterior intestinal portal these vessels diverge, passing into the vascular network as the rudiments of the vitelline veins. CHAPTER XXXII. THE FIRST HALF OF THE SECOND DAY (Twenty-four to Thirty-six Hours) It is well at this point to continue with the vascular system, thus giving a connected account of how the heart and the various blood ves- sels are formed. The paired primordia of the heart, already mentioned, grow mesiad and fuse, to form a thin-walled tube which becomes the endothelial lining of the heart (Fig. 275). The muscular walls of the heart are formed by the addition of an external layer of mesoderm. This is understood the better by noting that the splanchnic mesoderm on each side forms a fold around the endothelial rudiment and fuses both dorsally and ventrally Fig. 275. Cross section of A, through head of 2 day chick embryo in the region of the mid brain. B, through posterior region of head at the end of 3 days. ao, aorta ; and, otic anlage ; c, heart anlage ; ch, notochord ; d, fore-gut ; ec., endocardium ; ect, ectoderm ; ent, entoderm ; g.pl., neural crest ; h.h., hindbrain ; m.c., myocardium; m.n., midbrain. (After Marshall.) in the midline. For a very short period this fusion remains on the dor- sal aspect, being called the dorsal mesocardium. The ventral fusion forms the ventral mesocardium. The ventral mesocardium breaks away almost immediately, the dorsal mesocardium remaining for a longer time, but then it also' disappears with the exception of the portion at the an- terior and posterior extremities of the heart. The heart is now a short median tube made up of endothelial and rudimentary muscular layers, suspended in a cavity, later to be called the pericardial cavity. Ante- riorly, the heart-tube is continuous with a short pair of vessels extending into the head-fold — the ventral aortae already mentioned. Posteriorly FIRST HALF OF SECOND DAY 471 the heart-tube is continuous with the vitelline or omphalo mesenteric veins (Fig. 276). The two vessels of the heart (Fig. 283) come in contact so as to form the letter V, the point of the V being toward the head of the embryo. The arms continue fusing until a Y-shaped stem has been developed, with the stem toward the head. Although the two tubes unite in the manner just mentigned, their cavities remain distinct for a short time, the endothelial lining forming two distinct cavities until a short time after the muscular walls have fused. The muscular walls themselves are not complete on the dorsal side for a short time, but as soon as the tubes have thoroughly fused, the walls also complete their function. It is the stem of the Y which forms the true heart, the two arms being continuous with the large vitelline veins which carry blood to the heart from the vascular area. The caudal end of the heart is then said to be venous, while the cephalic end is known as the arterial end. At the thirty hour period the heart is a short straight tube attached to the ventral wall of the fore-gut or pharynx. The point where the vitelline veins diverge is at the hindermost angle of the head- fold. As the head-fold is pushed farther and farther back, the straight portion of the Y is lengthened, but as the tubular heart seems to grow more rap- idly than does the place to which it is attached, it is bent into a loop, with its convexity toward the right side of the embryo. This looping is made pos- sible by the fact that the heart has by this time lost all connection with the wall of the fore-gut and re- mains attached only at both ends. It is even before this period that the heart begins to beat, the pulsa- tions beginning at the venous end and passing to the arterial end. In fact, the beating began before any muscular differentiation could be ob- served in the heart region. The cephalic end of the heart is known as the bulbus arteriosus. The bulbus branches immediately into two narrow vessels, the aortic arches, one passing upward on each side of the digestive tract to the dorsal side of the embryo and then running tailward as the paired dorsal aortae (Fig. 277). These vessels lie close to the notochord under the somites, and extend as separate vessels almost to the tail, where a larger branch than the vessel itself is given off from each. These two large branches are the vitelline arteries, which carry the blood from the heart back to the vascular area. au. Fig. 276. Anterior region of day chick embryo, optic vesicle ; crbl, cere- bellum ; h, heart ; m.h., vesicle of midbrain ; med.obl., medulla oblon- gata ; r.m., spinal chord ; u.8., primitive segment ; v.h'., primary vesicle of the forebrain ; v.o.m., omphalo-mesenteric vein ; x, anterior wall of prim- itive forebrain which later expands into the cerebrum. (After von Mihalkovics.) 472 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK THE DIFFERENTIATION OF THE BRAIN REGION At twenty-seven hours, the more cephalic end of the neural tube has become considerably enlarged as compared with the more caudal por- tion. The walls are thicker and the lumen larger. This portion is to become the brain proper, the portion in which the lumen has not en- larged becoming the spinal cord. A picture of the brain at this time (Figs. 278 and 282) will show three primary vesicles or lumen-enlarge- Fig. 277. Diagrammatic ventral view of a 35-36 hour chick embryo. Compare with Figures 279 and 280. (Modified from Prentiss.) ments together with what these three vesicles later become. The most anterior of the three primary vesicles is known as the fore-brain, or prosencephalon. The mid portion is called the mid-brain or mesencepha- lon, while the most posterior vesicle forms the hind-brain or rhomben- cephalori. The rhombencephalon is continuous with the spinal cord. As all further developments of the brain arise from these three pri- mary regions, it is of the utmost importance that these primary regions be grasped fully. FIRST HALF OF SECOND DAY 473 anterior neuropore osenccphalon metencephaJon myctencephalon E Fig. 278. Diagrams showing neuromeres in brain region of the neural tube. A, lateral view of neuralplate of 24 hour chick embryo. B, dorsal view of brain from a 26- 27 hour (7 somite) chick embryo. C, dorsal view of brain from a 30 hour (10 somite) chick embryo. D, Dorsal view of brain from a 36 hour (14 somite) chick embryo. E, Diagram of the segments (neuromeres, myotomes, etc.) of the head in longitudinal section. A, anterior myotome ; a, abducens nerve ; b, branchial clefts ; /, facial nerve ; g, glossopharyngeal nerve ; h, hypoglossal nerve ; I, lens surrounded by layers of eye ; n, nasal pit with the terminal nerve nearby ; o, oculumotor nerve ; op5, ophthalmicus profundus part of fifth nerve ; O85 ; ophthal- micus superficialis part of the fifth nerve ; ot, otocyst ; a, spiracular cleft ; t, trigeminal nerve ; to, truncus arteriosus ; tr, trochlearis nerve ; I- VIII, neuromeres ; 1-6 myotomes. (A-D, from Patten after Hill, E, from Kingsley after Neal.) 474 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK From the lateral walls of the prosencephalon the primary optic vesi- cles push out as a pair of rounded pockets, the lumen of each being di- rectly continuous with that of the fore-brain. The notochord extends as far as the infundibulum (Fig. 282, A), (a depression in the floor of the fore-brain), so that all regions of the brain lying anterior to it are called pre-chordal, while the rhomben- cephalon, mesencephalon, and the part of the prosencephalon posterior to the infundibulum, which lie dorsal to the notochord are called epi- chordal. Fig. 279. 33 hour chick embryo (12 somites). As has been noted some time back, the most anterior region where the neural tube closes is called the neuropore. The neuropore is still open at this time and remains so, although gradually becoming smaller until after the thirty-third hour period, but even then, there is a scar-like fissure. As we -know of no structure arising from the neuropore, it is important only as a sort of landmark in describing the location of brain structures. At this time the neural tube is closed back as far as the somites, and it is of nearly uniform diameter, although, posterior to the last formed somites, the neural tube is still open, and the neural folds can be seen to diverge on either side of Hensen's node (Fig. 279). It will be remembered that the first four somites formed are also a part of the head region. Therefore it can be understood that as the neural folds approach each other in the midline, in the region of Hen- FIRST HALF OF SECOND DAY 475 sen's node, an opening remains, rhomboidal in shape. This is the rhom- boid sinus. In lower forms, there is an opening from the neural canal into the digestive tract known as the neurenteric canal, or posterior neuropore, at the point where the blastopore does not close until after it is sur- rounded by the neural folds. In the chick the primitive pit represents this region of the neurenteric canal. Shortly after the twenty-seventh hour period, and as soon as the caudal end of the chick can be definitely outlined, the primitive streak disappears entirely. LENGTHENING OF THE FORE^GUT The crescent-shaped margin of the anterior intestinal portal grows more and more caudad, first because the margin from each side grows toward the midline to fuse with the other side, thus lengthening the fore- gut by adding to its floor, and pushing the crescentic margin caudad ; and second, all structures anterior to the anterior intestinal portal are elongating so rapidly that the portal is bound to lie further and further caudad from the cephalic end of the embryo. These two processes together cause the space between the sub- cephalic pocket and the margin of the anterior intestinal portal to be- come elongated, and it is in this enlarging space that the pericardial por- tions of the coelom extend, and in which the heart comes to lie. CHAPTER XXXIII. THE SECOND HALF OF THE SECOND DAY (Thirty-six to Forty-eight Hours) Fig. 280. 38 to 43 hour chick embryo. (15 somites.) It is at this period where the caudal end of the embryo becomes definitely outlined by the formation of a tail fold and lateral folds similar to the head fold. THE BRAIN Going on from where we left off in our discussion of the formation of the three primary brain vesicles, we find that at this period the neural canal has completely closed, even the rhomboidal sinus has fused. The primary vesicles have enlarged, and their lines of demarcation have be- come more definite. The fore-brain has grown forward as an unpaired vesicle from which the cerebral hemispheres are to develop. The walls of the brain itself lie under the ectoblast, while between the walls and the ectoblast there can be seen a small amount of mesoblast which is to form the skull. The optic vesicles have become elongated and definite constrictions SECOND HALF OF SECOND DAV 477 Fig. 281. Transverse sections through a 36 to 38 hour chick embryo. A, Through forebrain ; B, through the pharyngeal membrane ; C, through hindbrain and auditory placodes ; D, through posterior end of heart; E, through the intestinal portal; F, just posterior to E; G, through the fourteenth pair of segments ; H, through the rhomboidal sinus ; I, through Hensen's node ; J, through the primi- tive streak; K, medial longitudinal section of a 36 to 38 hour chick embryo. (This drawing must be studied very carefully and thoroughly to understand the transverse sections which are cut through the levels marked.) 478 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK are formed at their bases so that they now form optic stalks, which bend downward and backward. The cranial nerves can be seen developing at this period also. It is at this time that the- first bend or flexure takes place in the brain, cephalad to the notochord (Fig. 282). This is the cephalic flexure. If the neural plate be examined at the end of the first day, eleven enlargements (Fig. 278) will be seen with definite constrictions between metacoele ( ventricle V thin roof of rnyelcncephalon myelococlc IV) ventral cephalic fold e«c«netencei>halic fold mesocoele (Sylvi.n.qu«ducl) location of posterior commissure meso-diencephalic-fold lateral telencephalic • vesicle B Fig. 282. Diagrams of brain of 4-day chick embryo. Dotted lines show arbitrary boundaries between vesicles. A, longitudinal ; B, right side ; C, horizontal sec- tion. (From Patten, after V. Kupffer.) them. These enlargements are known as neuromeres and are really an uncompleted segmentation. The literature is filled with many varying and unsatisfactory theories as to what becomes of each neuromere, but as yet nothing can be demon- strated satisfactorily. It is conceivable, however, that as in the crayfish, for example, where we assume that each separate appendage or pair of appendages bespeak an embryological segment, so in vertebrates, where optic vesicles grow from the fore-brain, we may assume a fusion of sev- eral segments. At about thirty-three hours, the floor of the prosencephalon has a SECOND HALF OF SECOND DAY 479 depression formed in it which is to become the infundibulum. This is an important seat of future development. It must, therefore, be studied carefully so that it can be recognized in future work. lv le Fig. 283. I. Views to show the posterior displacements of the heart in the chick embryo. A, The heart lies ventral to the first segment. This is the region where the future hindbrain will form. B, The point of bending loop of the ventricle is at the seventh cervical segment. C, The bending of the loop of the ventricle is now at the ninth thoracic segment. (From Corning after Duval.) II. The development of the heart of the chick. A-E, ventral views of the heart; A, of a forty-hour embryo; B, of a 2.1 mm. embryo; C, of a 3.0 mm. embryo ; D, of a 5.0 mm. embryo ; E, of a 6.5 mm. embryo. F. Frontal section through the heart of a 9 mm. embryo, a, Auricle ; b, bulbus ; d, roots of dorsal aorta ; e, median endothelial cushion ; i, interventricular groove ; la, left auricle ; le, lateral endothelial cushion ; lv, left ventricle ; om, vitelline artery ; p, left pul- monary artery ; ra, right auricle ; rv, right ventricle ; s, interventricular septum, sa, interauricular septum; t, roots of aortic arches; v, ventricle. (A, F, after Hochstetter; B to E after Greil.) 480 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK At about thirty-eight hours, the three primary vesicles divide to form five vesicles (Fig. 278, 282). The prosencephalon divides into telencephalon (end-brain), and diencephalon ('twixt-brain) ; the mesencephalon remains undivided, while the rhombencephalon divides into metencephalon (cerebellum and pons), and the myelencephalon (medulla oblongata). The telencephalon has not yet completely separated from the dien- cephalon, but there is a median enlargement showing where the division will take place. The two most anterior neuromeres of the original rhomencephalon form the metencephalon, and the posterior four neuromeres form the myelencephalon. At thirty-five hours, the auditory pits begin growing as thickened ectoderm known as auditory placodes on the dorso-lateral surface oppo- site the most posterior inter-neuromeric construction of the myelen- cephalon. At thirty-eight hours, the general level of the ectoderm has become depressed to form a pair of cavities known as auditory pits. The pits seem to recede until they become closed vesicles, and separate from the superficial ectoderm, although it will not be until later that they form a definite connection with the central nervous system. TORSION At about the same time the cephalic flexure begins, there is also the beginning of a twisting of the entire embryo (Fig. 280), although at this time the twisting is only observable in the head region. The bend- ing of the cephalic region downward is, as already stated, called "flexion." The twisting of the embryo from its ventral aspect to its side is known as "torsion." As the yolk lies directly beneath the embryo, it can easily be under- stood that any bending ventrad would be stopped by the large mass of inert yolk beneath, so that if there is to be any considerable bending at all, the entire embryp must turn on its side, and this it does in all eggs which possess considerable yolk, though it does not necessarily come to lie on the same side in all amniotes. The chick turns so that its left side lies next to the yolk. Torsion begins in the head region and gradually and slowly extends the full length of the body, so that a whole mount, after torsion is com- pleted, shows the embryo lying on its left side with head and tail close together, the entire embryo forming from one-half to about three-fourths of a circle. THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM By the end of the second day, the heart has become still more twisted, and is now S-shaped with the venous end above and behind the arterial end, so that both ends lie close together with the loop as an SECOND HALF OF SECOND DAY 481 intermediate portion between. The venous portion forms a swelling which later becomes the auricles, while the arterial end also enlarges to form the bulbus arteriosus. The point of the loop becomes the ventri- cles (Fig. 283). It is toward the end of the second day that the pair of aortic arches Fig. 284. Diagrams of the circulation in the chick embryo and area vasculosa. The vascular network of the area vasculosa is omitted for the most part. A. Anterior and central parts of the em- bryo and vascular area at about thirty-eight hours (sixteen pairs of somites). Viewed from beneath. B. Median and anterior parts of vascular area and embryo at about seventy-two hours (twenty- seven pairs of somites). Viewed from beneath. C. The main vascular trunks of the fourth day. a, Dorsal aorta ; aa, aortic arches (first and second in A, second, third and fourth in C) ; ac, anterior cardinal vein ; al, allantois ; au, auricle ; 6, bulbus arteriosus ; dC, ductus Cuvieri ; dv, ductus venosus ; ec, external cartoid artery ; h, heart ; ic, internal cartoid artery ; la, lateral dorsal aorta ; Iv, left anterior vitelline vein ; p, anterior intestinal portal;, pc, posterior cardinal vein; pv, posterior vitelline vein; TV, right anterior vitelline vein ; s, sinus venosus ; t, sinus ter- minalis ; tr, venous trunks of the area vasculosa ; v, ventricle ; «o» vitelline artery; vv, vitelline or omphalomesenteric vein. (From Kellicott after Popoff and Lillie.) which have bent dorsad (and continue separately as the paired dorsal aortae) unite behind the head to form a single vessel which comes to lie directly beneath the notochord. However, after running but a short 4:82 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK distance caudad, the single aorta again divides into two vessels from which the large vitelline artery, already mentioned, is given off on each side. The dorsal aortae, now greatly diminished in diameter, continue into the tail. The first pair of aortic arches formed are called the mandibular aortic arches (Fig. 284). A second pair now form behind the first, and before the close of the day there may be still a third pair, all of which connect in a similar manner to the first with the bulbus arteriosus and the dorsal aorta. The sinus terminalis is now also much better developed than before and a true circulation has been established, which can carry the yolk- food-granules (after these have been converted into usable food) to the embryo. It is essential that a somewhat detailed knowledge of the circulation be obtained. The blood is brought to the heart by the vitelline veins (Figs. 277, 284). The heart then contracts and forces it through the aortic arches into the dorsal aorta. Here it passes tailward, a small portion going into the tail itself, but the greater part is carried to the vascular area. There are two ways in which the blood now gets back into the vitelline veins. First, it may pass directly to the veins from the arteries through the connecting capillaries, or, second, it may pass into the sinus terminalis at a middle point on each side, and then pass forward and backward through this large vessel. The greater portion, however, in this second method passes forward toward the head from where it is returned to the heart through two large parallel vessels. The part which passes backward is again distributed to the vascular area as there are no con- necting vessels with the tail of the embryo. The vitelline veins and arteries run parallel to each other, though the veins lie a little forward from the arteries. In the embryo itself, the cardinal veins are the main afferent ves- sels. At thirty-eight hours the anterior cardinals can be seen. These are a pair of vessels which return the blood from the head of the embryo to the heart. The posterior cardinals are also paired, and return blood from the caudal region. Both anterior and posterior cardinal veins unite on each side of the body to form a short common vessel before entering the heart, the right and left ducts of Cuvier, or common cardinal veins. These Cuvier- ian ducts then turn ventrad on each side of the fore-gut and enter the sinus venosus at the same point the omphalomesenteric veins enter. The omphalomesenteric veins [so called because they pass through the umbilicus (navel) as umbilical vessels connecting the offspring with the mother in the higher forms], are established in the chick from thirty- three to thirty-six hours' incubation. They are postero-lateral exten- sions of the self-same endocardial tubes which formed the heart. They SECOND HALF OF SECOND DAY 483 extend laterad to meet the vessels which develop in the vitelline plexus outside the embryo, and which extend inward toward the embryo. The omphalomesenteric veins (those lying within the embryo) eventually become one with the vitelline veins (those lying in the extra-embryonic area) and thus establish the afferent vessels of the vitelline circulation. The efferent vessels develop at about forty hours. They have a dual origin. The embryonic vessels consist of the branches of the dorsal aortae which extend outward where they meet with the extra-embryonic arteries growing toward the embryo to meet with, and become confluent with, the embryonic efferent vessels, now being known as the omphalomesenteric arteries. It is at about the thirty-second hour that the heart begins to con- tract irregularly, although the maximum rate (150 to 180 per minute), is not reached until after 100 hours of incubation. A portion of a. cross section of a 54 hour chick embryo through the solid anlage of the pronephric tubules in the region of the beginning of the Wolffian duct. The nephros- tomes are just beginning to form, neph.st., nephrostome ; u.n. pronephric ducts; w, Wolffian duct. (After Kolliker.) THE PATH OF A BLOOD-CORPUSCLE It is well to follow a corpuscle through its entire circulation at this time. With the contraction of the heart, the corpuscle will be sent through the ventral aortae, along the dorsal aortae, out through the omphalomesenteric arteries to the plexus of vessels on the yolk. It will be remembered that there are various membranes surround- ing the yolk. These contain many small vessels which absorb the yolk. As there must be an oxygenation of the blood, this vitelline circulation must also assist in this function until the allantois, shortly to be de- scribed, is formed. This aeration can be accomplished on account of the great area these membranes cover, which permits a wide field from 484 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK which to draw the oxygen that permeates through the egg shell and the albumen surrounding the yolk. After the yolk has been absorbed as food-material, and the blood has become oxygenated, the blood is collected into the sinus terminalis and the vitelline veins. The latter converge toward the embryo from all parts of the vascular layer, and empty into the omphalomesenteric veins, which return the blood to the heart. The blood which has been sent to the various parts of the embryo has in the meantime been returned from the head region by the anterior cardinals, and from the caudal end by the posterior cardinals, the an- terior and posterior cardinal of each side having met to form a short common cardinal (duct of Cuvier) through which the blood flows into the sinus portion of the heart. There is therefore a mixed circulation in the heart, consisting of both embryonic and extra-embryonic blood. The extra-embryonic, of course, is the richer in both food and oxygen supply. THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM After about ten somites' have been formed, the beginnings of the excretory system are visible. It will be remembered that the mid-region of the partially seg- mented mesoderm, known as the mesomere, is to become the excretory system. It can be noted first as a solid cord of cells extending for two or three somites (Fig. 285). This will be called the Wolffian Duct as soon as a lumen forms. During the second half of the second day, this solid rod elongates both headward and tailward, the more tailward portion becoming free and lying between ectoblast and mesoblast. A lumen appears toward its center and extends headward and tailward simultaneously. About the beginning of the fourth day the duct definitely opens into the cloaca. The Wolffian body also makes its appearance on the second day, but it will be better understood if the description is reserved until later. CHAPTER XXXIV. EXTRA-EMBRYONIC MEMBRANES It will be remembered that when the mesoderm splits into a somatic and a splanchnic layer, it extends out over the yolk so that there is no definite line of demarcation separating embryo from the surrounding media. First, the head fold appears, delimiting the embryo at the cephalic end, and later the tail-fold and lateral fold do the same for the pi bl - Fig. 286. A, B, C, D, four stages of development of the embryonic membranes in birds. al, allantois; am, amnion, (in Fig. B., this forms folds which give rise to both amnion and serosa) ; am.h., amniotic cavity; d, digestive cavity; do, yolk-sac. E. Cross section through entire egg (including shell), all, allantois which begins developing at the blunt end of egg ; am.h., amniotic cavity ; coel.ex., extra- embryonic coelom ; do.s., yolk-sac showing development of mid-gut — do.s.d. ; do.h., covering of yolk ; l.k., air-chamber ; mes.w., extensions of the mesoderm between the communicating opening of yolk sac and amniotic cavity — pl.bl. The remaining portion of the yolk covering (do.h.) closes the passage. These mesodermal exten- sions as well as the lower tips, at the pointed end of the egg, close later and thus form a closed amniotic cavity, pl.bl., amniotic cavity which develops from the ectoderm with tiny projections on the inner side. It is in this cavity that the remaining yolk is found ; pl.bl.-do.s., Communicating passage between amniotic cavity and yolk-sac. (A, B, C, D, after Boas, E, after Duval.) caudal and lateral regions, so that after these folds have bent downward and under the embryo, and almost separated the embryo from the yolk, we speak of the space between the somatic and splanchnic layers as the intra-embryonic coelom and the extra-embryonic coelom, according to which portion lies within, and which portion lies outside, the embryo. The limiting folds which are continuous with the head fold and ex- tend on each side of the embryo as the lateral folds, form the line of de- 48fi EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK marcation known as the lateral limiting sulci. In this chapter we are concerned with the extra-embryonic mem- branes which are developed from the various layers in the extra-embry- onic region. The membranes themselves are four in number: the yolk- sac, the amnion, the serosa, and the allantois (Fig. 270). THE YOLK-SAC This is the first of the extra-embryonic membranes to appear. It must be remembered, that as the splanchnopleure grows outward from the embryo, it surrounds the yolk, thus forming the yolk-sac. The yolk itself forms the floor of the primitive gut. As the underfolding in the head-region separates the head from the remaining blastoderm, it grows caudally and forms an entodermal floor to the primitive gut, and the part which thus obtains this entodermal floor is called the fore-gut. So, too, in the tail region a little later (about the third day), the tail folds under the posterior end of the embryo and the part which thus obtains an entodermal floor in that region is called the hind-gut. The portion between fore-gut and hind-gut is the mid- gut, which is, of course, that region where the yolk is still the floor. As the fore-gut and hind-gut become larger and extend toward each other, the mid-gut occupies less and less area, until there is merely a little duct something like the small end of a funnel, the larger end of the funnel being the extended splanchnopleure surrounding the yolk. In other words, the mid-gut consists only of the opening of the yolk-stalk, which latter is made up in turn of the walls of the splanchnopleure drawn to- gether at this point. As the neck of the yolk-sac is thus constricted, the omphalomesen- teric arteries and veins, which extend throughout the region where the constriction takes place, have likewise been drawn into the constricted area, and pass to and from the embryo through the yolk-stalk, side by side. The yolk is now covered with a vascular network spreading through- out the splanchnopleure of the yolk-sac, so that the entire food supply of the embryo comes to lie in a sac with this circulation of its own definitely attached to the mid-body region, though as far as we know, no yolk granules pass directly into the embryo, all of it being absorbed by the vascular network. In older embryos, the yolk-sac even folds consid- erably, so that a still greater expanse of vascular area is established. The white albuminous portion of the egg rapidly loses the water it contains, and is absorbed by the extra-embryonic membranes. Ultimately (about the nineteenth day) the yolk-sac is completely enclosed within the embryo, and then rapidly disappears until it is en- tirely gone by the sixth day after hatching. EXTRA-EMBRYONIC MEMBRANES 487 THE AMNION AND THE SEROSA While the splanchnopleure forms the yolk-sac^ it is the somato- pleure, lying outside the embryo, from which both amnion and serosa are derived. At about thirty hours, the first observable portions of the amnion appear as a crescentic fold with the concavity toward the head of the embryo. This fold must not be confused with the head fold of the chick which folds under the embryo. The head at this time sinks into the yolk to a slight degree, just as the extra-embryonic somatopleure anterior to the head is thrown into the head-fold of the amnion. As the embryo grows anteriorly and the somatopleure caudally, the amniotic fold which is thus folded upon itself, forms a double-walled cap over the head of the embryo, gradually ex- tending more and more caudad. The caudally directed limbs of the head-fold of the amnion continue growing posteriorly on each side of the embryo, where they are known as lateral amniotic folds. These grow dorsad and mesiad, finally meeting in the midline. During the third day, the amniotic tail-fold develops and grows cephalad to meet the structures just mentioned, thus forming a complete envelope for the embryo. The place where the various amniotic folds meet is called the amniotic raphe. The amnion is now a completed saccular structure filled with a fluid in which the embryo is free to move about and change positions. In all probability, this ability of free movement also prevents adhesions and consequent malformations. It is to be noted that the manner in which the amniotic folds came into existence has caused the innermost portions to be ectodermal. This ectodermal layer is continuous with the ectoderm of the embryo. Likewise, the manner of the somatopleure folding upon itself, as it does, causes two walls to cover the embryo. The inner one is the ecto- dermal layer just mentioned and the outer one is known as the serosa. There is a sero-amniotic cavity between the two. The somatopleure now extends peripherally until the entire yolk- sac, and eventually the embryo as well, is covered with serosa. The allantois extends between serosa and amnion. THE ALLANTOIS This structure differs from the amnion and yolk-sac in that it de- velops within the embryo proper, though it does extend out into the extra-embryonic region as it develops. About the third day, the allantois develops by an outpushing of the ventral wall of the hind-gut (entoderm), pushing the splanchnopleure ahead of it, so that we may say it is composed of splanchnopleure with an entodermal lining. The following day it pushes out of the embryo 488 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK into the extra-embryonic coelom, the attached end lying caudal to, and parallel to, the yolk-stalk. The proximal portion is called the allantoic stalk, and the extended bladder-like distal portion the allantoic vesicle. It grows very rapidly from the fourth to the tenth day, and extends into the sero-amniotic cavity in a flattened manner. Ultimately it en- compasses the entire embryo and yolk-sac, and in so doing the mesoder- mic layer of the allantois fuses with the layer of mesoderm of the serosa which comes to lie in direct contact with it. This means that there is thus formed a double layer of mesoderm, the serosal portion being de- rived from the somatic mesoderm, and the allantoic portion derived from the splanchnic mesoderm. A very rich vascular network now de- velops between these two layers connected with the vascular circulation by the allantoic arteries and veins. The allantois thus becomes an organ of respiration, as well as cir- culation, to the developing embryo. As the allantois lies just beneath the porous shell, there is a wide area presented for an exchange of the carbon dioxide developed within the embryo and the oxygen from the outer world. In addition to this function, however, the allantois also serves as a reservoir for the secretions from the excretory organs of the embryo, and likewise takes part in absorbing the albumen. THE CHORION The serosa will become a part of the chorion in the higher forms, and consequently, should be clearly understood at this point. The allantoic vessels mentioned above and the mesoderm which lies between the serosa and amnion, later fuse with the inner layer of the serosa to form the chorion, which is the embryo's organ of attachment to the uterine wall of the mother. How very important the allantoic circu- lation becomes in mammals may be surmised by realizing that there is little yolk in mammalian eggs. This forces the embryo to receive all of its nourishment from the blood of the mother through the uterine walls. The allantoic circulation thus performs the function of the vitel- line circulation also. CHAPTER XXXV. DEVELOPMENT OF THE THIRD DAY Fig. 287. 64-hour chick embryo. (41 somites.) It is upon this day that more structures make their first appearance than on any other single day of the chick's entire embryonic life. The blastoderm itself has increased in size so that it covers almost one-half the yolk surface. The white of the egg has decreased in amount so that the vascular area has been brought closer to the surface under the shell, making aeration of the blood easier. The sinus terminalis reaches its greatest functional activity during this day, and the vitelline veins have been brought in close contact with the vitelline arteries by the growth of the embryo. The blood, which the vitelline or omphalomesenteric arteries bring to the sinus terminalis, still flows headward and tailward as before. The portion flowing toward the head returns to the embryo through two large vessels lying parallel to the long axis of the embryo, but some- times there is only one of these — the one emptying into the left vitelline vein. Even if the two vessels are present, the left is the larger. It is on the third day also that the single posterior vessel, which 490 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK also empties into the left vitelline vein and carries blood from the pos- terior region of the sinus terminalis, makes its appearance. It will be remembered that it is during this day that the torsion of the embryo takes place from the head region posteriorly, so that cross sections made from the anterior end will show the embryo turned upon its left side, while in the posterior region it still lies upon its ventral surface. The flexion continues also, so that the mid-brain becomes the most anterior region of the embryo. This flexion not only brings the fore- brain in close relation to the heart, but brings optic and otic vesicles opposite each other, it being remembered that the eye-pits form in the fore-brain and the auditory pits in the medulla oblongata. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM All parts are growing, and have become larger than on the second day (Fig. 288). The important new developments are as follows: the epiphysis appears as a small evagination in the midline on the dorsal surface of the diencephalon. It later becomes the pineal gland. Rathke's Pocket (Fig. 301, 1) is an ectodermal invagination which has folded in just beneath the infundibulum. This pocket soon loses its connection with the outer epithelium, and then becomes permanently associated with the infundibulum to form the hypophysis or pituitary body. THE OPTIC VESICLES (Fig. 289) It will be remembered that these were originally broad stalks directly continuous with the cavity of the fore-brain. The cavity or lumen of the optic stalks is then called an optocoele and the cavity or lumen of the prosencephalon is called the prosocoele. A constriction formed earlier is very marked at about fifty-five hours. The distal ends have invaginated, forming a double-layered cup. The newly indented layer is termed the sensory layer, because it is from this that the sensory layer of the retina is to be formed. The underlying layer is called the pigment layer, because it is from this that the pigmented layer of the retina is to arise. The invaginated cups are often called secondary optic vesicles to distinguish them from the original vesicles before invagina- tion, the original vesicles being then known as primitive vesicles. The optic cup does not invaginate so as to form an equally rounded edge. The invagination begins at the ventral surface and continues dorsally and toward the midline, so that at the place where the invagi- nation began, there is a region which has no definite lip. The cup, there- fore, looks more like a cup that has had this portion broken out. This lipless region is known as the choroid fissure. The invagination continues for the length of the optic stalk, thus DEVELOPMENT OF THIRD DAY 491 forming a fissure in the stalk along which, and in which the optic nerves and blood- vessels come to lie. This is on the ventral surface of the stalk. In the meantime, the optocoele has practically be- come obliterated, a very small portion alone remain- ing between sensory and pigment layers in the optic cup. Even these fuse short- ly, and then the optocoele disappears entirely. The eye lens arises in- dependently of the optic vesicles in the ectoderm, close to the vesicle. At forty hours the ectoderm in this region has thickened. The placodes thus formed grow toward and into the optic cups after themselves forming vesicles. The super- ficial ectoderm from which they arise soon closes again at the point where the lenses have arisen, although a very small opening may still be seen for a short time. It is well to call partic- ular attention at this point to the similarity of the way in which the lens of the eye and the auditory vesicle de- velop by a thickening of ectoderm, then insinking and finally completely sep- arating from the superficial ectoderm from which it sprang. The lesson to be brought home, is that once these structures have separated from the superficial ectoderm, regardless of their original similarity, each fol- lows a totally different line of development and differentiation so as to become structurally and functionally unlike in the adult condition. This original similarity and adult divergence should be noted throughout em- bryological and comparative studies. Fig. 288. Diagrams showing brain development in vertebrates. Longitudinal sections. I. Before the blastopore closes. II. At the time three brain regions can be seen. III. At the time five brain regions have formed. (Compare with Fig. 281.) A, prosencepnalon ; aa, dividing line between telen- cephalon and diencephalon ; c. cerebellum ; cc, cerebellar commissure; ch, (in I and II) dorsal nerve cord; (in III) habenular commissure; en, neurenteric canal; cp, posterior commissure ; cw, thickening on optic nerve due to the crossing of fibers (this is the chiasma) ; D, diencephalon ; dd, line separating diencephalon and mesencephalon; e, epiphysis ; e', paraphysis ; ect, ecto- derm ; ent, entoderm ; ff, line dividing mesencephalon and metencephalon ; J, infundibulum ; It, lamina terminalis ; M, mesencephalon ; Ml, myelencephalon ; Ms, spinal chord ; Mt, metencephalon ; np, neuropore ; P, prosencephalon ; pn, neuroporic process ; pv, ventral brain-fold ; R, rhombencephalon ; r, thickening of ectoderm which is sometimes said to be the anlage of an unpaired olfactory groove ; ro, optic recess; si, the groove (sulcus intraen- cephalicus) which forms the hindermost boundary of the midbrain ; T, telencephalon ; tp, tuberculum posterius (After von Kupffer.) 492 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK In the myelencephalic portion of the brain, the neuromeres have lost their dorsal constrictions, though they can still be seen on the lateral and ventral surfaces, while the whole cord has thickened. This thickening- constricts the lumen so that it is quite slit-like at this time. The neural tube has closed completely at both anterior and posterior ends at this period. It will be remembered that the neural or medullary plates have formed, and their lateral folds have begun to unite to form the neural groove. This union has now been completed. The ectoderm, dorsal to Diagrams of sections through the eye of the chick embryo at the end of the second day. The dorsal margin is toward the top of the page in A and B. A. Eye as viewed directly. B. Vertical section through the line x-cf, in A. C. Horizontal section through the line y-y, in A. cf. Choroid fissure ; cv, cavity of primary optic vesicle ; ec, superficial ectoderm of head ; i, inner or retinal layer of optic cup ; I, lens ; o, outer or pigmented layer of optic cup ; ol, opening of lens sac from surface of head ; pc, posterior chamber of eye ; s, optic stalk, continuous with the floor and lateral wall of the diencephalon. (From Lillie "Development of the Chick." by permission of Henry Holt & Co., Publishers.) the groove, has again become continuous, leaving a slight area between neural groove and superficial ectoderm. It will also be remembered that there are small groups of cells on each side of the midline lying within this area which we called neural crests, to distinguish them from the neural folds with which they were in close connection. The two crests lying on each side of the midline fuse for a time, but because they began as two separate groups, they again become separate in a short time. They also form a sort of column on each side of the midline, running along the long axis of the embryo, but soon they seg- ment and become the dorsal root ganglia or sensory ganglia of the spinal nerves (Fig. 290). As the segmented portions of these neural crests also extend into the head region, they there give rise to the ganglia of the sensory cranial nerves. THE DIGESTIVE TRACT At the period we are describing, the fore-gut has extended from the anterior intestinal portal as its posterior limit to the infundibulum as its anterior limit. It is divided into a pharyngeal portion, lying ven- DEVELOPMENT OF THIRD DAY 493 tral to the myelencephalon and encircled by aortic arches, and an oesophageal portion, lying posterior to the pharyngeal with a much smaller lumen than the pharynx. At this time there is an outpushing of the ventral portion of the pharynx and an inpushing from the ectoderm close to this region, which will soon meet and form the mouth-opening. The ectodermal inpushing Spinal con! Spina! ganglion — Ventral root — Mixed spinal nerve — Myotome — Sympathetic ganglion -- Fig. 290. Developing nerve roots in a chick embryo of 4% days. (After Neumayer. ) is known as the stomodaeum and the thin layer of tissue between the inpushing and outpushing which is later to break through to complete the mouth-opening is called the oral plate. (Fig. 301, I, Seessel's pocket.) It is this oral plate region in the adult which separates the oral cavity from the pharynx. The fore-gut extends into the head region cephalad to the stomodaeum, and this portion is called the pre-oral gut. This pre-oral gut, however, disappears shortly after the oral plate breaks through, leaving only a small diverticulum which is then called Seessel's pocket. The digestive tract has been lying close to the notochord up to this time, being separated from the notochord and the aortae by a broad thin layer of mesoderm. Now it begins to draw ventrad from this position, remaining attached, however, by the mesentery, a constantly narrowing band of tissue. This mesentery is composed of mesoblast continuous with that which surrounds the entoderm of the digestive canal. The mesoblast consists of an undifferentiated middle layer (Fig. 291, b), in which blood 494 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK pig. pig. Fig. 291. Development of Digestive Tract. 1 Transverse section of descending colon 10-mm. pig. 2 Transverse section of descending colon 14-mm. pig. Transverse section of descending colon 20-mm. Transverse section of descending colon 25-mm. Transverse section of descending colon 31-mm. pig. Transverse section of descending colon 46-mm. pig. ABBREVIATIONS, serosa. undifferentiated middle layer. dm., dorsal mesentery. cm., inner circular smooth-muscle layer. lm., outer longitudinal smooth-muscle layer. mt., mesenteric taenia muscle band. sp., Meissner's plexus (submucous.) ap., Auerbach's plexus (intermuscular.) sm., serosa. subm., submucosa. p.m., primordial mucosae cells. N. B. — Note especially rapid increase in tube and the absolute decrease in thickness of mesenchymal wall due to tension stresses elicited by the growth of the former. (Ebep J. Carey in The Anatomical Record, Vol, 19. No. 4.) ridth of epithelial DEVELOPMENT OF THIRD DAY 495 vessels are developed later, and a superficial layer (Fig. 291, a), of epi- thelium, continuous with the epithelial lining of the peritoneal cavity. The withdrawal of the anterior part of the fore-gut from the notochord is slight, as little or no mesentery is developed in that region. It is interesting to note here that the oesophagus has its lumen closed for almost its entire length during the sixth day, only to reopen from the posterior region anteriorly again in about two days by the epi- thelial tube growing rapidly. This latter grows in a circular direction on account of the outer pressure. The portion of the intestinal tract immediately posterior to the oesophagus becomes dilated on this day to form the stomach. This is followed posteriorly with a short region recognized as the duodenum because the beginnings of the liver and pancreas can be observed. Mesenchymal cells gather about the oesophagus and stomach from which their muscular and connective tissue coats will be derived. There will be seen a small pitting in of the ectoderm to meet the underlying entoderm where the anal opening is to appear. However, this posterior opening does not open into the digestive tract until about the fifteenth day of incubation. The indenture which is to become the anal opening is called the proctodaeum. The digestive tract is almost straight until the sixth day, when the various loops form and the gizzard develops as a thick-walled outgrowth from the end of the stomach. THE LUNGS Two small hollow outgrowths from the ventral side of the oesophagus near its anterior end are seen on this day, the oesophagus itself be- coming constricted at the point of outgrowth. These constrictions form two divisions, the more dorsal being the oesophagus and the ventral portion the trachea. At the point where oesopha- gus and tracheae are continuous, the glottis will be formed. The trachea grows caudad and bifurcates to form pairs of lung-buds. These lung-buds extend outward into the surrounding mesenchyme lying on either side of the midline. The splanchnic mesoderm is pushed ahead of the growing lung- buds until it covers them and forms their outer investment layer, or pleural covering. The ento- derm of the intestinal tract from which the trachea evaginated, forms the entire lining of trachea, bronchi,, and all air-chambers in the adult lungs. The connective tissue stroma of the Fig. 292. Ventral view of lungs and air-sacs of 12 day chick embryo. at, anterior in- termediate sac ; a, abdominal sac ; c, cervical sac ; I, lat- eral part of interclavicular sac ; lu, lung ; m, mesial part of interclavicular sac ; oe, oesophagus ; p, posterior sac; t, trachea. (From Kingsley after Locy and Larsell. ) 496 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK lungs, however, is derived from the mesenchyme surrounding the lung- buds. In the chick and all birds, there is a characteristic thin-walled, sac- like outgrowth from the hinder edges of the lungs forming the air-sacs (Fig. 292). These do not appear until about the eighth day. THE LIVER The liver arises as a ventral diverticulum from the duodenum. It can be seen for a short time on the lip of the anterior intestinal portal growing cephalad toward the fork where the omphalo- mesentric veins enter the sinus venosus. The liver grows out as a series of cords pushing the splanchnic mesoderm ahead of it as its investing layer. The liver evagination as it forms, retains its opening into the duodenum (Fig. 293), which later differen- tiates somewhat to become the common bile duct, the hepatic and cystic ducts, as well as the gall bladder. Cellular cords bud off from the diverticulum and be- come the hepatic tubnles which have secretory func- tions. As the intestinal portal moves caudad when the fore-gut lengthens, the proximal portions of the omphalomesenteric veins come together and fuse in midline. The fusion extends caudad nearly to the level of the yolk-stalk, beyond which they still remain separate. The liver now surrounds the fused portion of the omphalomesenteric veins. It will be noticed, there- fore, that the yolk materials Fig. 293. Two upper cuts are diagrams to show the develop- ment of the liver, pancreas, and hepatic ligaments. d, intestine; ect, ectoderm; leb, liver anlage ; lig.hep.ent., ligamentum hepato-entericum ; lig.susp.hep ; ventral mes- entery or ligamentum suspensorum of the liver ; mesent. dors., dorsal mesentery ; pancr. dors, and pancr. ventr., dorsal and ventral pancreas. (After Schmikewitsch. ) Lower cut is a diagram to show the development of the liver. Lobule 1 shows the principal parts of the gall capillaries ; Lobule 2, shows the anastomoses of these gall capillaries ; in Lobule 3, only the efferent bile capil- laries are shown, together with the arterial and venous capillaries, a, arteries; b, veins. (After Stohr.) DEVELOPMENT OF THIRD DAY 497 must already at this early period pass directly into and through the liver. If this is remembered, it will make the adult portal circulation the better understood. THE PANCREAS The pancreas arises as three diverticula from the duodenum at the approximate level of the liver diverticulum. There are three pancreatic buds, one medial, lying dorsal to the duodenum, and a pair of ventro- lateral buds. The median bud appears at about seventy-two hours, while the two ventro-lateral buds can be seen at the end of the fourth day. The dorsal bud arises directly opposite the liver, and grows into the dorsal mesentery, while the ventro-lateral buds arise at the point where the liver connects with the intestine, so that both the liver duct and the ventral pancreatic duct open into the duodenum by a common duct called the ductus choledochus. Cellular cords grow into masses from the three buds, fusing into one glandular mass with two ducts remaining, although sometimes all three remain. THE THYROID GLAND (Fig. 294) This arises as a median diverticulum from the floor of the pharynx at the level of the second pair of gill pouches. By the close of the fourth day, the solid, rod-like diverticulum lying in a longitudinal position under the floor of the pharynx has become saccular, remaining connected with the point of origin as the thyro-glossal duct opening at the root of the tongue. In mammals, there are additional evaginations at the lat- eral region of the fourth gill pouch. By the sixth day, the thyroid body in the chick becomes bi-lobed, the lobes sending out cords of tissue which become hollowed out to form the regular adult thyroid tissue. The gland then shifts backward and becomes surrounded with a sheath of vascular connective tissue. THE THYMUS GLAND (Fig. 294) This organ arises from the pos- terior faces of the third and fourth gill pouches after the fourth day of incubation. While the organ is orig- inally epithelial in character, there is soon an ingrowth of mesenchyme and the thymus then becomes chiefly lymphoid in structure. Fig. 294. Diagrams to show the development of the derivatives of the digestive tract in the branchial region. A, Anura, B, lizard, cd, carotid gland ; e1-ea, epithelial bodies ; Krd. Krm, Krv, dorsal, mid, and ventral remains of the axial portions of the gill pouches ; p. postbranchial bodies ; Tml=3, Thymus anlage ; Tr, Thyroid gland; I-V, Gill slits (After Maurer. ) 4:98 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK THE VISCERAL CLEFTS AND VISCERAL ARCHES Different parts of the embryo grow at different rates of speed, and while the heart was formed directly under the anterior end of the diges- tive tract on the second day, on the third day the heart has shifted its position so far posteriorly that there is a distinct space between it and the head proper. This space we may call the neck or pharynx. It is in this region that the mesoderm has not divided into the two layers — the somatic and splanchnic. We therefore still have a sort of sheet consisting of the three primitive layers of ectoderm, mesoderm, and entoderm, extending outward from the embryo. The entodermal lining of this neck region becomes pushed out into four narrow pockets (Fig. 295, A), called the visceral or gill pouches, during the latter part of the second or the early part of the third day. These meet with ectodermal depressions formed as furrows which grow inward to meet the gill pouches. The thin wall between the outpushings and the ectodermal inpushings breaks through in the lower forms, such as in fish and amphibia, and there remains open throughout life, but in the chick the opening is seen in the first three pairs during the first three or four days. It remains open for about two days. These openings, or places where openings usually occur, are known variously as visceral clefts, gill clefts, or branchial clefts. As the neck is considerably curved, these clefts do not lie parallel to each other, but converge toward the ventral part of the neck. The fourth cleft never opens in the chick. Numbering and naming of these clefts begins with the most anterior and continues caudad. A Fig. 295. A, Horizontal, and B longitudinal section through the head region of Ammo- coetes (larval stage of lamprey.) ao.b., anterior aortic arch; ao.d., dorsal aorta; oo.v., ventral aorta ; di, invagination which separates the anlage of the thyroid gland from the digestive tract; m, anlage of mouth; thyr, thyroid anlage; 1, ciliated gill region which probably becomes the spiracle ; 2-8, gill pouches. (A, after Vialleton ; B, after Dohrn.) DEVELOPMENT OF THIRD DAY 499 The first one is called the hyomandibular cleft, while the remaining ones are known respectively as the II, III, and IV gill clefts. Between these clefts, as well as immediately anterior and posterior to them, there is a pair of thickened regions, each pair of wrhich meets ventrally in the midline and merges with its mate from the opposite side of the body. These thicknesses are called visceral arches, gill arches, or branchial arches, also numbered from the anterior end, caudad. The first is called the mandibular, the second the hyoid, and from here caudad the III, IV, and V. The hyomandibular cleft lies between the mandibular and hyoid folds or arches. It is well at this point to anticipate a little as to what is to become of these structures later (Fig. 296). All the clefts close, with the exception of the hyomandibular. This, too, begins closing at the end farthest from the pharyngeal opening, but retains the opening into the pharynx. The unclosed end itself becomes the tympanic cavity, while the remaining portion of the cleft becomes the Eustachian tube. The external auditory meatus is formed by a depression in the sur- Fig. 296. Head of a 5l/2 day chick embryo, a.n.f., lateral nasal process ; au, eye ; bulb.ao.~ bulbus aortae ; i,n.f., inner nasal process ; fc.6.1 and fc.fo,2 mandibular and hyoid arches ; max, upper process of the mandibular arch ; nas.gr., nasal groove ; st.f., frontal process ; tr.nas., tear-duct running to nasal cavity ; ventr., ventricle ; v.h., forebrain. (After Duval.) face ectoderm opposite the position of the tympanic cavity. The outer end of the closed hyomandibular cleft thus lies between the tympanic cavity and the external auditory meatus, the tissue formed by the closure of the cleft forming the tympanic membrane. The most posterior two gill arches or folds entirely disappear in adult stages of the chick. The pair of mandibular arches grow toward each other on the ven- tral side and fuse to form the basis of the mandible, or lower jaw. From 500 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK the dorsal end of each mandibular arch and at their anterior edge, a small branch grows downward and forward during the fourth and fifth days. Such branch or branches are called maxillary processes. There is a tri- angular median process growing toward these maxillary processes from the front of the head, known as the fronto-nasal process. The maxillary processes form the upper jaw or the maxillary bones. The maxillary processes do not fuse with each other, but to each side of the fronto- nasal process. When this union does not become complete, the well- known abnormality of hare-lip results. The formation of clefts and arches may be understood the better by the following illustration from Professor Reese : With the hands in front of the body (the palmar aspect of each hand directed mesiad), and pointed downward, "bring the tips of the fingers together, the fingers of each hand being slightly separated. The thumbs should, at first, be closely pressed against the forefingers, and should be considered as fused with them. If the fingers and hands are slightly bent, there will be a space between the two hands that may be taken to represent the pharynx of the chick, while the four fingers will represent the first four gill arches, and the spaces between the fingers will represent the first three gill clefts. The closure of the visceral clefts may be represented by bringing the fingers of each hand together. The forefingers, which should, in reality, be the only ones which actually meet in the midventral line, will represent the mandibular arch, forming the lower half of the mouth. The formation of the maxillary arch, by processes budded out from the upper ends of the mandibular arch, may be represented by separating the thumbs from the forefingers, and point- ing them toward each other without letting them come in contact; the triangular space between the thumbs, thus held, being fulfilled in the imagination by the fronto-nasal process. The angles between the thumbs and forefingers will represent the angles of the mouth. Of course, to make the comparison more striking, there should be one more finger to represent the hindermost arch and cleft, but as the hinder arches and clefts form no part of the adult chick, this omission is of little impor- tance." THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (Fig. 297) As has been stated, there are already two or three pairs of aortic arches present, by which blood is carried from the bulbus arteriosus around the pharynx to the dorsal aorta. It will be noted that the first aortic arch lies in the first (mandibular gill arch), the second in the hyoid fold, and so on, each bearing a distinct relation to the correspondingly numbered gill-fold. The heart, 'which it will be remembered is attached only at the cephalic and caudal ends, is growing rapidly and twisting upon itself. The venous or atrial side is the more stationary. This side, originally, lay caudal to the arterial or conus end of the heart, but in the twisting, DEVELOPMENT OF THIRD DAY 501 the conus end comes to lie caudal to the sinus or venous end, a position that the higher vertebrates all retain in the adult stage. In fishes, the atrial region of the heart remains caudal to the ventricular portion even in the adults. The point where the two vitelline veins meet to empty into the heart becomes pushed farther and farther caudad, so that the two veins unite and form a common opening into the heart. All blood from the vascular area to the heart passes through this single common tube, though in a short time the right vein will dwindle away and disappear. The tube is then an opening for the left vitelline vein only. This com- wr Fig. 297. Diagrammatic lateral view of the chief embryonic blood-vessels of the chick, during the sixth day. a, Auricle ; al, allantoic stalk ; ao, dorsal aorta ; c, cceliac artery ; ca, caudal artery ; cl, cloaca ; cv, caudal vein ; da, ductus arteriosus ; dv, ductus venosus ; ec, external carotid artery ; ej, external jugular vein ; t, in- testine ; ic, internal carotid artery ; ij, internal jugular vein : I, liver ; m, meso- nephros ; ma, mesenteric artery ; mv, mesenteric vein ; p, pulmonary artery ; pc, posterior cardinal vein ; pv, pulmonary vein ; 8, sciatic artery ; sc, subclavian artery ; scv, subclavian vein ; st, yolk-stalk ; sv, subcardinal vein ; ul, left umbilical artery ; ur, right umbilical artery ; uv, left umbilical vein ; v, ventricle ; va, vitelline artery; vca, anterior vena cava (anterior cardinal vein) ; vp, posterior vena cava; vv, vitelline vein ; y, yolk-sac ; 3, 4, 6, third, fourth, and sixth aortic arches. (From Lillie's "Development of the Chick," by permission of Henry Holt & Co., Publishers.) mon tube-like entry into the heart is called the meatus venosus ; the por- tion nearest the heart is the sinus venosus, and the portion lying more distal, the ductus venosus. The dorsal aorta gives off numerous branches supplying various portions of the body of the embryo, the blood being returned by two large veins on each side of the body. That from the anterior part of the embryo being carried through the anterior cardinal veins and that from the posterior part of the body being carried by the posterior cardinal veins, the anterior and posterior cardinals then unite into a common vein before emptying into the sinus venosus, and this common vein is called the duct of Cuvier. XXXVI. THE DIFFERENTIATION OF THE SOMITES The somites have already been described as almost solid triangular blocks of cells derived from the dorsal mesoderm. There is a tiny open- ing in the center running horizontally through the somite. Oftentimes the opening cannot be seen at all. This opening is called the myocoele. As the embryo continues to increase in size, the triangular block becomes more or less circular and there are two layers of cells, an outer epithelial layer and an inner portion (Fig. 298). The inner portion has its cells irregularly arranged. It is this ill-defined group of cells which is known as the sclerotome. The cells are mesenchymal. The sclerotomes of each side now grow still farther toward the notochord and sur- round it. Later they develop into the vertebrae. The dorsal portion of the outer cell mass whose more medial portion became the sclerotome, has retained its definite outlines and epithelial characteristics. This portion, now called the dermatome, is to become the deeper layer of the integument. It is important to remember at this point that the ectoderm gives rise to the epithelial layer of the integument only. The portion of the cell mass which lies medial and slightly ventral to the dermatome is called the myotome. The myocoele now lies between the dermatome and the myotome. It is from the myotome that the entire skeletal musculature is developed by the ventral walls of the myotome becoming converted into longitudinal muscle fibers. These bands of fibres then remain divided into blocks which correspond to the original somites. Here again we have a metameric arrangement of mus- cles in the embryo of the chick which corresponds to the segmental ar- rangement of muscles in the adult fish. Fig. 298. Diagram of Myotome and Nerve Development. The more dorsal portion of the somatopleure is known as the dermatome while the dorsal portion of the splanchnopleure lying closest to the dermatome forms the sclerotome. DIFFERENTIATION OF SOMITES 503 The outer portion of the myotome gives rise to the muscles of the neck and trunk, the muscles of the appendages arising independently of the myotomes. >ve.P. 77 Fig. 299. The development of the mesonephros. A, B. Transverse sections through the mesonephric tubules of the duck embryo with forty-five pairs of somites. After Schreiner. C. Transverse section through the middle of the mesonephros of a chick of ninety-six hours. From Lillie (Development of the Chick). Ao., Dorsal aorta ; B., rudiment of Bowman's capsule ; c., collecting duct ; Cod., crelom ; Col. T., collecting tubule ; d., dorsal outgrowth of the Wolffian duct ; Glom., glomerulus ; germ. Ep., germinal epithelium ; M's't., mesentery ; «.£., nephrogenous tissue ; r., rudiment of conducting portion of primary tubule ; T. 1, 2, 3, primary, secondary, and tertiary mesonephric tubules ; V.c.p., posterior cardinal vein ; W.D., Wolffian duct. D, Cross section through the head kidney in the region of the gonads of a 4 day chick embryo, a, germinal epithelium showing the primary germ-cells c and o; a, portion of the peritoneal epithelium which forms the Mullerian duct ; E, the tissue immediately surrounding the germ cells which forms the stroma of the gonads later ; L, Somatopleure ; m, mesentery ; WK, Pronephros ; y, Wolffian duct ; z, Mullerian duct. (After Waldeyer and O. Hertwig.) THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM It is on the third day that the intermediate cell mass — the mesomere (Fig. 268, mm) — lying between the somite proper and the point where the mesoderm splits into somatic and splanchnic layers, becomes very" prominent, being covered with sharply defined epithelial cells (Fig. 299). It is of great importance for one's future study of embryology as well as for the study of comparative anatomy that the development of the excretory system be thoroughly understood. It is this intermediate cell mass or mesomere, now called the nephro- tome, which is to develop into both urinary and reproductive systems. 504 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK The Wolffian duct has already been mentioned. The embryonic kidney in the chick is called the Wolffian body or mesonephros. This embryonic kidney ceases to function very soon after hatching, and is then replaced by the metanephros. One of the lowest forms of a chordate (an animal which possesses a notochord), is the small fish- like amphioxus or lanceola- tus. In this animal a primi- tive form of excretory system •fg, B,^ develops and persists £$, ^© throughout the adult life of the animal. It is called a pronephros, or head kidney. This structure develops in the frog and other amphibia during the embryonic pe- riod, but it is followed by the mesonephros or Wolffian body, which becomes the permanent kidney of the amphibian, while in the chick, as in all amniotes, the mesonephros serves as the embryonal kidney, which is then followed by the devel- opment of a metanephros or permanent amniote kidney. Schematic arrangement to show relationship of v^1^' «JvAj.) metanephros and mesonephros. I, in Gymnophiona (trop- Nntwith«:tpnrlinrr + V, & ical amphibians without tails or legs). II, in ad- INOtWlt vanced chick embryo. Ill, one type of its appearance in man. IV, in rabbit. The Wolffian duct and ureters are black. The canaliculae of the mesonephros are hatched. The canaliculae of the metanephros are dotted. (After Felix.) higher animal forms develop what the immediately lower animal form possesses, plus the next succeeding type of pronephros, mesonephros, or metanephros. Amphioxus therefore has the pronephros as its permanent kidney, amphibians have the pronephros as a sort of embryonic kidney with the mesonephros in the adult form, while all higher types of animals have a pronephros (which just appears and degenerates during the early em- bryonic period) with a mesonephros acting as an embryonic organ of excretion, and then, later, from the caudal region of the mesonephric duct the adult permanent kidney or metanephros develops. To obtain a clear and accurate view of the functional and structural relations of the three kidney-forms, it is important to summarize the nephridial theory here. 9 Fig. 300. type of these three kidneys which an animal may pos- sess in adult life, all of the DIFFERENTIATION OF SOMITES 505 Theoretically, it appears that the waste matter containing nitrogen which is elaborated in the primitive liver and collected in the coelom, together with the coelomic fluid itself, passes outward through the nephrostomes and tubules in each segment. In higher forms all the parts are more differentiated and some of the segmentation is lost. Figure 168 gives a clear understanding of the earthworm's segmented excretory system which represents the pronephridic type of kidney. Such a primitive type of nephridia, if completely developed, may be described as follows : At the proximal end of the tubule, a ciliated fun- nel, the nephrostome, opens into the coelom. The cilia may continue into the tubule to produce a current which will carry the coelomic fluid into and through the tubule. The tubule expands into a Malpighian or renal corpuscle. This corpuscle consists of a vesicle known as Bow- man's capsule, one side of which projects into the other, so that the cavity is nearly filled. The inturned portion is the glomerulus, consist- ing of a network of capillary blood vessels, supplied by an artery and drained by a vein. Beyond the Malpighian corpuscle the tubule becomes convoluted, while its cells become glandular. The first convoluted tubule is followed by a straightened portion forming a simple U shape. The arms of the U form the ascending and descending limbs. The entire U is called Henle's loop. Then follows a second convoluted tubule which passes by means of a short connecting tubule into the non-glandular collecting tubule. Other groups of similar-formed excretory units enter this same collecting tubule, which then leads into a urinary duct through which the waste matter is carried out of the body. Various parts of the complete system just described may be miss- ing in different groups of animals. For example, in Amniotes, the nephrostomes are never formed, though they are in Ichthyopsida. In the pronephros, the Malpighian corpuscle is quite rudimentary and often entirely lacking, and there is also no differentiation into con- voluted tubules and Henle's loop. The renal corpuscles form a sort of filtering apparatus by which water is passed from the blood-vessels of the glomerulus into the tubules near their beginning, which liquid thus serves to carry out the urea, uric acid, etc., which has been secreted by the glandular portions of the walls of the tubules. A varying number of nephrotomes form in different animal forms, and so also a varying number of nephrostomes form. Figure 300 will give the student a general idea of how mesonephros, and metanephros, follow each other and just what their relations are. The tiny tubules must not, however, be confused with the ducts. The ducts represent the collecting tubule described above. The pronephric tubules grow first and then join the, pronephric ducts. Later the mesonephric tubules grow caudad to the pronephric tubules and join the same ducts. The original pronephric tubules then 506 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK degenerate, so that now the ducts which were originally called pronephric become the mesonephric ducts. In the real kidney, or metanephros, the tubules do not grow toward the mesonephric ducts, but from these ducts. They grow headward and laterad and ultimately connect with the tubules of the mesonephros, after which the mesonephros itself degenerates with the exception of the Wolffian or mesonephric ducts, which in the male become the tubules through which the sperm pass. With this in mind, the excretory system of the chick can be studied with some understanding. At about thirty-six hours, it will be remembered, the pronephric tubules were seen to arise from the nephrotome, one pair lateral to each somite from the fifth to the sixteenth. Each tubule arises as a solid bud of cells with the free ends growing dorsad, close to the posterior cardinal veins. The distal end of each tubule is bent caudad later, until it reaches the tubule directly posterior to it. Thus is formed a continuous cord of cells which is to become the pronephric duct. These ducts continue to extend caudad beyond the region where the tubules were formed, and soon develop a lumen. The ducts ultimately reach the cloaca, extending ventrally and opening into it. The best way to study a series of cross sections is to begin caudad and observe them serially toward the head, because the posterior por- tions are not so well developed as are the anterior. The pronephros (Figs. 285 and 299, D) varies in its development, although it usually can be noted in from the fifth to the fifteenth or six- teenth somite. Typically it develops from the tenth to fifteenth, inclu- sive. No duct is formed anterior to the tenth somite, the pronephric buds in that region disappearing by the end of the second day. . Mesonephric tubules (Fig. 299, A, B, C), develop in all segments from the thirteenth or fourteenth to the thirtieth, so that the most an- terior mesonephric tubules develop in the same segments where the pronephric tubules also developed, although it is only posterior to the twentieth segment that the mesonephros develops typically. The mesonephric tubules, which are to connect with the ducts, are developed from radially arranged cell masses lying ventral and medial to the ducts. The most anterior of these tubules acquire a lumen by the time the ducts have developed their lumen. These tubules grow toward and connect with the duct. Later they remain as isolated vesi- cles. The grouping of the mesonephric tubules constitutes the mesonephros or Wolffian. body. Some of the more cephalad mesonephric tubules seem to develop nephrostomes opening into the coelom. The tubules themselves, having formed separately from the ducts and then grown outward and connected with them, have had their out- ward ends develop a cluster of closely packed cells which lies in close relationship to the dorsal aorta. This cluster becomes the glomeruli. DIFFERENTIATION OF SOMITES 507 In fact, by the fifth day, circulation has already been established in the glomeruli, and from then until the eleventh day, the mesonephros is at the height of its functional activity. Then the metanephros takes its place. The pronephric tubules which attain even a degree of completeness lie in the tenth to fifteenth somites. It is interesting to observe that when these tubules begin to degenerate, the glomeruli begin to form at the points of the tubules, close to the coelom and actually project into the coelom. These bud-like structures are extremely variable, both as to number and degree of development. They even develop differently on both sides of the chick. They appear to be best developed on the third and fourth days. It is for reasons such as the ones mentioned above that former writers insisted that in the chick the pronephros really de- veloped later than the mesonephros. XXXVII. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FOURTH DAY On opening an egg which has been incubated for four days, the great increase in size of the embryo is the most noticeable feature. The germinal membrane now covers almost one-half of the yolk, and the L Fig. 301. 1, Median sagittal section of 82 hour chick embryo. 2. Whole mount to show regions from which A to O are cut. Sections A=A — A; B— B — B; etc. (Re- drawn from Duval.) DEVELOPMENT OF FOURTH DAY 510 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK vascular area is very prominent, although the sinus terminalis has al- ready begun to diminish in distinctness. The amnion covers the entire chick, but as there is as yet little fluid in the amniotic cavity, the amnion lies close to the embryo. The splanchnic stalk forms a narrow tube connecting yolk-sac and mid-gut, but the somatic stalk has not kept even pace with the splanch- nic, so that there is a ring-shaped space between the two through which space the allantois projects. The allantois is connected by a narrow stalk with the hind-gut just cephalad to the tail. mv The cranial flexure increases to a considerable extent as does also the body flexure, so that the embryo now describes a half- circle. The muscle plates are nearly rig. 302. vertical in position, extending al- Appendage muscles being budded off from most to the point of Separation of myotomes in the European Dogfish, Pristiurus. b, « j 1 i. muscle buds; my, myotomes. (From Kingsley SOmatOplCUre and SplanChnO- pleure, while just beyond this point of separation the somatopleure is raised to form a longitudinal ridge on each side, which is called the Wolffian ridge. It is on this day also that the beginnings of the appendages, the wings and legs, can be seen as local swellings of the Wolffian ridge. These arise (the wing-buds just posterior to the heart region, and the hind-limb-buds just anterior to the tail) as conical or triangular groups of mesoderm covered by ectoderm (Fig. 302). By the end of the day the wing-buds have become elongated and narrow, while the limb- buds are short and broad. The embryo now lies on its left side, torsion being complete to the extent of ninety degrees. It is on this day also that a fourth gill cleft appears. The gill arches become so thick now that one can scarcely see the aortic arches in any of them. In the head region, the cephalic flexure presses the ventral surface of the head so tightly against the pharynx that the head and pharyngeal region must be removed and studied from their ventral aspects or little can be observed. Figure 296 will show that the mandibular arch forms the more caudal boundary of the oral depression, while on each side, the arch forms an elevation, the maxillary processes, which grow mesiad and form the antero-lateral boundaries of the mouth opening. The nasal pits form as hollow depressions in the ectoderm of the anterior part of the head overhanging the mouth region with U-shaped elevations surrounding them. The median limb is the naso-medial process and the lateral limb is the naso-lateral process. The two naso- DEVELOPMENT OF FOURTH DAY 511 medial processes grow toward the mouth and meet the maxillary processes which grow inward from each side. It is the fusion of these two naso-medial processes with each other in the midline and with the maxillary processes laterally that forms the upper jaw, the maxilla. The lower jaw is formed by the fusion in the midline of the right and left portions of the mandibular arch. Foramen of Monro Corpus striatum Eye III ventricle Ohonoid fissure Me'sodermal tissue, forming later the chorioid plexus Pharynx Tongue Transverse section through the forebrain of a 16 mm. human embryo (six to seven weeks) to show the relationship of the ventricles. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Figures 282 and 288 show how the two lateral evaginations of the fore-brain stand in relation to the cephalic end of the central nervous system, and why it is that the ears come to lie on practically the same dorso-ventral level with the eyes, although they begin forming so far ipart. The development which brings this about has already been dis- ;ussed. Here it is important for the student to observe that the two evaginations forming the telencephalic vesicles have an open space within them, known as the I and II ventricles, also called lateral ven- tricles. The portion between them is the III ventricle, which is later to become a mere connecting slit-like tube to connect the lateral and more posterior ventricles. The entire opening in the fore-brain is called the telocoele, that in the diencephalon the diocoele, that of the mesencepha- lon the mesocoele (later called the aqueduct of Sylvius), that of the metencephalon the metacoele, and that in the myelencephalon the myelocoele. Figure 282 also shows that what was once the most anterior part of the fore-brain, i. e., the lamina terminalis, is no longer so, the lateral vesicles having extended further forward. The telencephalic vesicles be- come the cerebral hemispheres in the adult. These become so large that they cover the entire diencephalon and mesencephalon. 512 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK All discussion of the central nervous system in our future study of comparative anatomy will depend upon the student's thorough under- standing- of the development of the brain regions and vesicles as here discussed. Consequently, the various arbitrary lines used as demarca- tions must be carefully studied. The division between telencephalon and diencephalon is the imag- inary line drawn from the velum transversum to the recessus opticus. The velum is that slight extension marking the point where the primary fore-brain is to divide, while the recessus is that transverse furrow in the floor of the brain which leads directly into the lumina of the optic- stalks. The Diencephalon: There is little change in this on the fourth day, except that the infundibular depression in the diencephalon has deep- ened, and lies close to Rathke's pocket (Fig. 301, I), with which it later fuses to form the hypophysis. Later the lateral walls of the diencepha- lon are to become thickened to form the thalami. As these thalami grow inward toward each other, they will cause the diocoele or third ventricle to become quite small. The anterior part of the roof of the diencephalon remains thin, and the blood-vessels grow downward into the diocoele as the choroid plexus. The division between diencephalon and mesencephalon is an imag- inary line drawn between the tuberculum posterius (a rounded elevation in the floor of the brain, of importance only as a landmark of this kind), and the internal ridge formed by the original dorsal constriction between the primary fore-brain and mid-brain. The Mesencephalon: There is little change in this portion of the brain, though a little later, dorsal and lateral walls become thickened to form either the optic lobes or the corpora quadrigemina. Optic lobes and optic vesicles must not be confused, as these are two separate and distinct structures. The floor of the mesencephalon thickens to form the cerebral pedun- cles of the adult, which serve as the main pathway for the fiber tracts which connect the cerebral hemispheres with the posterior part of the brain and spinal cord. The mesocoele becomes quite small by these various thickenings and is now called the aqueduct of Sylvius. The Metencephalon: The metencephalon is separated from the mesencephalon by the original inter-neuromeric constrictions which arose early and marked off this portion of the brain. The caudal boun- dary is not well defined, though it is supposed to merge in the myelen- cephalon where the roof changes from its thickened state to the thinner condition observed more posteriorly. There is little change on the fourth day in this region, though later an extensive ingrowth of fiber tracts develops both on the ventral and lateral walls. These fiber tracts form the pons and the cerebellar peduncles, while the roof of the meten- cephalon enlarges and becomes the cerebellum. DEVELOPMENT OF FOURTH DAY 513 The Myelencephalon : There is also little change in this region, but later the roof becomes thinner and blood-vessels push their way into the opening now called the fourth ventricle, as the posterior choroid plexus, while the ventral and side-walls become floor and lateral walls of the medulla. THE GANGLIA OF THE CRANIAL NERVES (Fig. 282, B) Along the neural crests already discussed, various ganglia are formed. The largest on the fourth day is known as the Gasserian ganglion of the fifth cranial nerve. (The fifth is also called the trigemi- nal nerve.) It lies ventral and lateral, as well as opposite to the most anterior neuromere of the myelencephalon. It forms the sensory nerve fibers which grow from the brain mesially and distally into the mouth and face region. This fifth cranial nerve is divided into three great branches: the ophthalmic, the maxillary, and the mandibular. The first branch, the ophthalmic, can be seen on the fourth day extending toward the eye, while the other two are just beginning to grow toward the mouth angle. Just anterior to the auditory vesicle a mass of neural-crest cells is developing into what is to become the facial or seventh cranial nerve and the acoustic or eighth cranial nerve. This cell mass divides on the fourth day to form the geniculate ganglion of the seventh and the acoustic ganglion of the eighth nerve. Caudad to the auditory vesicle, the ganglion of the glossopharyngeal or ninth cranial nerve can be seen, and the ganglion of the vagus or tenth nerve may just be observed. The ninth can be seen in whole mounts, the tenth probably cannot. THE SPINAL CORD Throughout the spinal cord there is a compressed, slit-like lumen known as the central canal. Just as the ganglia of the cranial nerves make their appearance on the fourth day, so, too, do the spinal nerves. It requires special methods of staining to study the growth of the nerve fibers from the neuroblasts, but the development of the spinal nerve roots can be studied in ordinarily stained slides. It is important to understand that in the adult there will be two roots to each spinal nerve (Fig. 290), one ventral, which is motor in function, and one dorsal, which is sensory in function. Both of these unite lateral to the spinal cord. Immediately distal to this union there is a branch extending to the sympathetic nerve cord. This branch is known as the ramus communicans, and extends ventrad. Before the union of dorsal and ventral nerve roots takes place a spinal ganglion or dorsal ganglion is seen lying in the dorsal roots. This ganglion is formed from the neural crests, and grows toward the cord, thus forming the dorsal root, but there are also fibers growing away 514 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK from the cord from this same ganglionic region which are known as peripheral nerves. The ventral roots (Fig. 290) are formed by fibers growing out from the lateral portions of the cord itself, and are thus efferent nerves carry- ing motor impulses from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles. The sympathetic ganglia (Figs. 268, 290, 298) arise from cells which have migrated ventrally from the neural crests to form cell masses on each side of the midline on a level with the dorsal aorta. They are con- nected to form cords, and on the fourth day enlargements can be seen on these cords opposite the dorsal ganglia. These enlargements are the primary sympathetic ganglia, each one of which is connected by a ramus communicans to the corresponding spinal nerve. Later, both sensory and motor fibers will extend to the sympathetic ganglia from the spinal nerve roots as rami communicantes, while fibers running out from the sympathetic ganglia connect with the various organs of the body. THE ORGANS OF SPECIAL SENSE THE EYE ( Fig. 289) We have already discussed the projections from the fore-brain which are to form the optic cups as well as how the ectoderm directly opposite the optic cup thickens to form the lens, this lens then meeting with the cup. On the fourth day the beginning of almost all the adult structures of the eye can be seen. The thickened internal layer of the optic cup will give rise to the sensory layer of the retina. The fibers which arise from the nerve cells in the retina grow along the groove in the ventral surface of the optic stalk toward the brain to form the optic nerve. The external layer of the optic cup will, become the pigment layer of the retina. About the inside of the optic cup a grouping of mesenchymal cells can be seen which gives rise to the sclera and the choroid coat. Some of the mesenchymal cells even make their way into the optic cup through the choroid fissure, and give rise to the cellular elements of the vitreous body. From the margins of the optic cup closest to the lens, the ciliary apparatus of the eye is derived. From the superficial ectoderm which overlies the eye, the corneal and conjunctival epithelium are derived. The mesenchymal cells which migrate to the region between the lens and the corneal epithelium give rise to the substantia propria of the cornea. The lens forms as a thickening of the superficial ectoderm, which then becomes depressed so that it forms an invagination into the DEVELOPMENT OF FOURTH DAY 515 optic cup. The margins of the cup narrow, and converge toward the lens, while the lens itself loses its connection with the superficial ecto- derm and forms a completely closed vesicle. A microscopic study of sections of the lens show an elongation of the cells on that side of the lens which lies toward the center of the optic cup. These elongating cells are to become the lens fibers. THE EAR The auditory placode has already been mentioned as forming on the second day. This thickening of the ectoderm sinks below the sur- rounding ectoderm and becomes the floor of the auditory pit. This sep- arates from the superficial layer from which it formed. It will be re- membered that this causes the auditory pit to lie close to the myelen- cephalon. The tubular connection formed by the constriction of the region between the sunken placode and the superficial layer where it originally forms, remains open for a time as the endolymphatic duct. It is by a series of complicated changes that this placode, which forms a vesicle, gives rise to the entire epithelial portion of the internal ear mechanism. Nerve fibers from the acoustic ganglion grow inward to the brain and outward to the internal ear, thus forming its nerve connections. The external auditory meatus cannot yet be seen, nor has the dorsal and inner part of the hyomandibular cleft as yet given rise to the Eustachian tube, which is to form later. THE NOSE (Fig. 304) The olfactory pits are merely paired depressions in the ectoderm of the head, ventral to the vesicles of the fore-brain and just anterior to the mouth. These pits become deepened by the growth of the sur- rounding parts. The epithelium of the pits ultimately comes to lie at the extreme upper part of the nasal chambers, and there constitutes the sensory epithelium. Nerve fibers grow inward from these cells to the lobes of the fore-brain, constituting the olfactory or first cranial nerves. A Fig. 304. Olfactory region of the hen, A in transverse and B in longitudinal section. c, middle concha; ch, choana ; i, inferior (anterior) concha; o, connection of air cavity with head; p, septum of nose; s, superior concha. (From Kingsley after Gegenbaur. ) 516 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK THE SKELETAL STRUCTURE On the fourth day the mesoderm surrounding the brain has increased and begins to show slight traces of the skull formation toward the an- terior portion of the head, and extending posteriorly. The fronto-nasal process has already been discussed as well as the formation of the upper and lower jaws. The beginnings of the vertebral column are also in evidence, though only to a slight extent. Nevertheless, it is well at this point to sum- marize what will occur, so that future changes will be understandable. During the fourth day the somites have increased from about thirty to forty, each somite showing a more or less distinctive division into an outward lying muscle plate, and an inner region which is to form the vertebral column. It is from these inner portions that processes of mesoderm are sent out by both dorsal and ventral regions to the neural canal, as well as below the notochord, until these structures are com- i. Occip.- SkleroK Myocoel Vert 3 Fig. 305. I, Redividing of the spinal segments. On the left side of the cut the sclerotomes and myotomes are seen in their original state. On the right they are seen in their final state. The cephalic portions are dotted and the caudal portions hatched. The arrows show the line of demarcation between head and neck. II, Ventral view of spinal column to show redivided parts of each vertebra. (From Corning, after Kollmann.) pletely surrounded by mesoderm. By the end of the fourth day these processes have become thickened, and are often called the membranous vertebral column. The membranous vertebral column is still segmented, each segment corresponding to the original somite from which it sprang. On the fifth day these lines of segmentation disappear in the meso- derm which becomes continuous in its surrounding of the neural canal and notochord, though the muscle plates retain their segmentation. On the fifth day also, the mesoderm lying in immediate contact with the notochord becomes cartilaginous, to form a cartilaginous sheath DEVELOPMENT OF FOURTH DAY 517 around the notochord throughout its entire length, while at each side of the spinal cord paired bars of cartilage form, which will shortly fuse with the cartilaginous sheath of the notochord to form the beginnings of the neural arches. Toward the end of the fifth day the points opposite the attachment of the neural arches become thickened and more mature, but the por- tions between the neural arches retain their embryonic character. This causes what has been called a secondary segmentation of the cartilag- inous tube. Later this segmentation becomes still greater until the en- tire cartilaginous tube is made up of a series of vertebral rings or seg- ments, each segment consisting of a vertebral ring with its attached neural arch, and the anterior-posterior halves, respectively, of the suc- ceeding and preceding intervertebral rings. Each of these segments becomes one of the vertebrae which constitute the spinal column. -Med. ossif. center Fig. 306. Thoracic vertebra and ribs of human embryo of 55 mm. (Middle of 3rd month) to show ossification centers. Cartilage is indicated by stippled areas, and ossification centers by irregular black lines. (After Kollmann.) It must be understood, however, that these so-called secondary seg- ments do not correspond with the somites from which they were formed. The secondary lines of segmentation lie at about the center of the mus- cle plates (Fig. 305), so that each of these secondary segments obtains approximately one-half of the muscle action from the immediately an- terior muscle plate, and one-half from the immediately posterior muscle plate, thus making it possible for each one of the vertebrae to have the muscles from two regions act upon it. The spinal column develops around the notochord. Ossification of the vertebrae begins about the twelfth day in the centrum of the second or third cervical vertebra, gradually extending caudad. The neural arches ossify still later, there being two centers of ossification for these. (Fig. 306.) On about the seventh day, the centrum of the first cervical vertebra, or atlas, separates from the rest of the bony ring and becomes attached to the axis to form the odontoid process. On the seventh day there are present about forty-five vertebrae. 518 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK The most posterior five or six fuse a little later and form the pygostyle (Fig. 418). THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM The anterior tubules of the Wolffian body disappear before the end of the fourth day, while the posterior tubules have increased in size and become convoluted. The intermediate cell mass from which they arise is quite prominent. In cross-sections the convoluted tubules will nat- urally be cut at all angles, but they can be distinguished from the duct by observing their much thicker walls. The glomeruli can also be seen filled with blood vessels. The permanent kidney, or metanephros (Fig. 307), begins its de- Fig. 307. Diagram of Urogenital Organs. A, in Indifferent stage. B, development of the male from the indifferent anlagen, and C, development in the female from the indifferent anlagen. The dotted lines represent the organs in their relative positions in the adult stage with the exception of the Miillerian duct in the male and the mesonephric duct in the female. These latter ducts disappear for the most part. (After Hertwig. ) velopment toward the fourth day in the region lying between the Wolffian body and the cloaca, that is, between the thirtieth and thirty- fourth segment. The metanephric duct or ureter forms first, as did the ducts of the pronephros and the mesonephros. This duct grows forward on the outer side of the mesoderm lying in the region just mentioned. It grows from the dorsal side of the posterior end of the Wolffian duct anteriorly. Naturally it has an opening into the Wolffian duct from which it is a diverticulum, but on the sixth day it develops a separate opening into the cloaca. It is from these ureters that lateral outgrowths arise which join with the rods of tissue now forming in the surrounding mesoderm. These outgrowths then develop into the tubules and Malpighian bodies of the metanephros in a similar manner to the way the Wolffian bodies developed. The permanent kidney is quite small when compared with tlie metanephros but increases in size to a considerable extent just before hatching. DEVELOPMENT OF FOURTH DAY 519 THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM (Fig. 307) On the fourth day a thickened strip of peritoneum forms on the lateral and superior face of the Wolffian body, which later extends all the way to the cloaca. This may be called the tubal ridge. It appears first at the anterior end of the Wolffian body and grows posteriorly, im- mediately external to the Wolfnan duct. This tubal ridge invaginates, forming a groove-like arrangement at the cephalic end of the Wolffian body, and the lips of this groove then fuse and form a tube — the Mullerian duct. Fusion takes place on the fifth day. The anterior end of this Mullerian duct remains open and is to become the opening into the coelom of the oviduct which the Mullerian duct later becomes. There are several openings which will develop at the anterior end in addition to the main one, but these latter close normally. Should they remain open, the abnormal condition of having two openings in the duct results in the adult stage. The posterior end remains closed. The older embryologists considered these two or three openings in the Mullerian duct as homologous with the nephrostomes of the pronephros, and so insisted that the pronephros followed the mesonephros in the chick. Modern embryologists consider that these openings lie entirely too far posteriorly and laterally to permit of this older interpretation. In both sexes so far, development has been alike, but on the eighth day the Mullerian ducts begin to degenerate. They disappear almost entirely by the eleventh day in the male. In the female chick, the left Mullerian duct forms the oviduct, while the right Mullerian duct degenerates. The left one alone remains functional. The Wolffian body disappears almost entirely in the male, though a small group of tubules covering the anterior head of the testes remains as the epididymis. In the female it also disappears almost entirely, the part remaining being the parovarium, a small body lying in the mes- entery between the ovary and the kidney. The Wolffian duct disappears entirely in the female, but it acts as the vas deferens or sperm duct in the male. The germ cells probably arise from the entoderm in vertebrates. The entoderm is never metameric, though some of the older embryolo- gists spoke of metameric gonotomes as primitive segmented regions which were to form the gonads. At about the time the somites form, the portion of the entoderm which is to become the gonads, migrates through the developing meso- derm in the epithelium of the genital ridges which have formed imme- diately lateral to the mesentery. The primitive or primordial ova or sperm can be recognized not only from their size but from their reactions to microscopic stains (Fig. 254). 520 EMBRYOLOGY OF. THE CHICK In the female, the epithelium increases in thickness to an enormous extent. The primitive ova multiply, and the products of this multiplica- tion, accompanied by some of the epithelial cells, sink into the deeper stroma of the connective tissue, and thus form ovarial or medullary cords, each such cord containing a number of ova. The cords then break up, each egg becoming surrounded by a layer of epithelial cells, the whole forming a Graafian follicle. The follicle cells supply the nourish- ment to the egg lying within. This whole growth takes place only on the left side of the chick, as the right ovary is not functional. In the male, the beginnings of the gonad formation are similar to that of the female, but instead of the cords breaking up into separate follicles, each cord, develops a lumen which becomes converted into the seminiferous tubule. One can, however, see in the walls of these tubules both types of cells that were seen in the Graafian follicle. Indeed, there is found a third type of cell called Sertoli's cell, which is supposed to act as a sort of nutritive or nurse cell to the developing sperm. THE ADRENAL BODIES While these bodies lie closely attached to the kidney, they have not developed as a part of the urinary system. It is important to know that the adrenal organs, which are among the prominent ductless glands now studied in the schools, arise from two separate and distinct origins : First, by a proliferation of peritoneum, and second, by a prolifera- tion of the sympathetic ganglion cells. It is the portion arising from the p'eritoneum which connects with the mesonephros. The peritoneal proliferations begin as cords or strands of cells along the dorsal aorta. These then connect with the renal vesicles of the mesonephros. Later, the sympathetic proliferations extend within the peritoneal cords, so that the peritoneal cords now become the cortex and the sympathetic portions become the medulla of the adult adrenal glands. THE. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM At this point it is well for the student not only to realize, but to appreciate the great number of experiments necessary to demonstrate biological facts, as well as to understand the great number of possible errors and objections which men may bring forth to oppose the inter- pretation of these facts after the facts themselves have been demon- strated. Suppose the question be raised as to whether the first beating of the heart of an embryo is muscular or nervous in type. What experi- ments, for example, would be necessary to answer such a question sat- isfactorilv? DEVELOPMENT. OF FOURTH DAY 521 Off hand, one might say, that as nerves carry impulses to all mus- cles, and as there are nerves in the heart muscle, the action must be nervous. Nerve fibers grow into the heart muscle from the nerve cells close by, but the very finest nerve stains known, have been unable to demon- strate that there are any nerves whatever in the heart muscle at the time of its earliest beating. It may be objected that however fine our nerve stains may be, they are not sufficiently so to demonstrate possible nerve cells or parts of nerve cells. And, that if we improve in our technical ability by obtaining new stains, we may expect to find nerve-cell-sub- stance heretofore unseeable. This objection is not well taken, because if any muscle be removed from the body and placed in normal salt solu- tion, the muscle fibers do not lose their contracting ability, although in a few days the nerves degenerate and can be dissected out. If, then, our present stains do show the nerve fibers clearly in embryos, and these can be seen to be in exactly the same position as in the- adult heart^ as demonstrated by the experiment just cited, it is quite reasonable to assume that the stains do show all the nerve fibers that are actually present. If this be true, we can demonstrate that all such nerve fibers, which normally take a stain, have been destroyed. But, the new nerve- less muscle still contracts and expands. It could, of course, be argued that in so far as this is embryonic material not yet far removed from the germ plasm, that, therefore, every particle of the embryonic material still retains some of the undifferen- tiated nerve cells, and consequently every part of the embryo does actually retain some slight nervous substance which may, under extra- ordinary circumstances, be brought forth. This objection is overcome by an experiment performed some years ago by taking a portion of the adult intestinal tract, chopping it up very finely, and placing it in a test tube. Notwithstanding the fact that it was thoroughly chopped up, this substance still was ab1e to digest food placed in the tube with it. Those who insist upon all action being nervous in type, then contended that the different particles of the intes- tine still retained some of the essential parts of the nerve cell, so that, notwithstanding the parts being cut up into very tiny particles, the essential nervous elements were still doing the work. A portion of intestine was then kept in a chemical medium similar to that mentioned in the heart-experiment, and, as with the muscle-ex- periment, the nerves degenerated and were dissected out, but the intestine itself continued performing its normal functions. If the tough adult nerve-structures are so easily degenerated in a normal salt solution, it is surely safe to assume that the hundred- fold more delicate embryonic nerve structures will also be destroyed in such a medium. It will be remembered that the heart grows as a simple straight 522 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK tube, and that the blood is formed in the blood-islands by the cavities flowing together. As these cavities fuse they became tubular, forming the vitelline veins which carry the blood to the heart. It is of the utmost importance to remember that this early heart tube, even before the blood passes through it, has a slow, irregular "beat." This, however, is not a true heart-beat, but merely the func- tional movement of living muscle. The true heart-beat is established at that particular moment when the thin membrane which separates the anterior from the posterior por- tion in the tubular heart breaks through by the greater pressure of the blood from the posterior region pressing forward. The tiny membrane can be seen to bulge out toward the head region until it finally breaks. From that moment on, the blood forces its way through the heart and begins a rhythmic muscular reaction on the part of the heart. The architecture of all muscles is such that various muscle cells are antagonistic to other muscle cells in the same group, so that each muscle can, if it elongates, also contract and shorten, the two sets of fibers being mutually antagonistic, so as to retain a normal balance. The heart muscle shows this principle admirably in that it is composed of two groups of spirally wound muscle fibers, the one unwinding as the other winds up, thus causing a mutual interaction which keeps up by the rhythm of the heart-beat. From the study of physics we know that when two streams which run in different directions meet, a vortetf is formed. If we now turn to our earlier description of the development of the circulatory system during the first two days, we shall find that there are two openings into the heart from which streams of blood are brought into that organ. As these two blood vessels send their streams together, a vortex is formed. We thus find a physical explanation as to why the heart muscles follow in their growth the optimum stretching caused by the spirally running stream of blood. From all that has been said above, it follows that when a heart is removed from an animal body and kept "alive" for days or weeks, it is but the physical continuation of the normal muscular antagonistic re- action of the two spiral shaped groups which have been wound up quite as a clock is wound. As months and years have elapsed in the winding of these spiral muscles, it is quite natural to understand that they are still sufficiently wound when removed from the body so that they will continue in action for some days if no external conditions exist to cause a stoppage sooner. Such external conditions may be pressure, friction of various kinds, or a drying up of the tissues when not retained in proper media. If the immediately preceding paragraph be remembered, one can always explain such objections as this: "If potassium is removed from the medium in which a heart is placed, it ceases to function, thereby DEVELOPMENT OF FOURTH DAY 523 proving that it is the potassium solution which causes the reaction." It will be remembered that it was stated in the preceding paragraphs that the action of the muscles will continue for some time until external conditions cause a stoppage. The removal of potassium solution from the surrounding medium has nothing to do with the reaction ability in the muscle cell itself, but its removal removes a factor necessary to re- action, by making the medium one in which it cannot react. An exam- ple may make the matter clearer. A living human being has the power to move his arms and walk about. This power is retained for many years. Let us suppose that we remove certain substances from the air which are needed for his lungs to function. An individual breathing such an atmosphere would either slowly or rapidly (depending upon what gases are removed) grow less and less able to move his arms or to walk, and in a short time this ability would cease entirely. In other words, such an individual needs a certain kind of atmosphere for breath- ing purposes, without which he cannot perform his normal functions. This, however, is vastly different from saying that the constituents of air are the cause of his being able to move. From what has been said above, all that we can say, in regard to nerve-and-muscle-action, is that experiments tend to demonstrate that muscle cells have the ability to act and react, and that the nerves are only the connectors and impulse carriers, by which a coordination of muscle cells, which are not in contact with each other, may be brought about. In the embryo the yolk is converted into blood, and the pressure of that blood as it passes through the various vessels with its greater posterior and its less anterior pressure, brings about the results men- tioned above. In the adult, the food that is taken in and converted into blood, works on quite similar principles by continuing to produce a greater posterior than an anterior pressure. The embryonic circulation can only be understood when it is realized that it varies from the adult circulation in a manner that is accounted for by the difference between embryonic and adult feeding. In the embryo, due to the food coming entirely from the yolk, there is devel- oped a yolk or vitelline-circulation. As the chick's lungs are non-func- tional before birth, and the allantois functions as a respiratory organ, there is developed an allantoic circulation, while a third type is the cir- culation of the embryo itself. The vitelline and the allantoic together constitute the extra-embryonic circulation. All food material to the embryo comes from the yolk (although the yolk particles do not turn directly into blood. It is the action of the entodermal cells which line the yolk-sac and pour out a secretion of enzymes, which breaks down the yolk granules). It is thus seen that it is the vitelline vessels which carry food into the embryo, and it is the allantois which serves both as a respiratory and excretory organ (at 524 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK least until the nephroi are formed). It is the allantoic circulation which permits the escape of carbon dioxide and other waste matters. Therefore, the intra-embryonic circulation has nothing to do with either manufacturing blood or throwing out waste matter (until the nephroi are formed) ; it serves only as the carrier, distributor, and col- lecting system of both food and waste materials. As all three systems, intra-embryonic, vitelline, and allantoic send their vessels to and from the heart, the contents of all three systems mingle in that organ, although of course the vitelline circulation is the richer in food material, and the allantoic the richer in waste matter. It is at this point that the student must again remember that arteries need not necessarily carry blood rich in food matter, but that an artery is any blood-vessel carrying blood away from the heart under a high pressure. This pressure probably accounts for the fact that arterial walls are thicker and stronger than venous walls. Veins are the carriers of blood to the heart. THE VITELLINE CIRCULATION This has been described in detail at an earlier period. THE ALLANTOIC CIRCULATION We have already spoken of paired vessels extending through each segment of the embryo which arise from the aorta at about the level of the allantoic stalk. One pair of these segmental vessels increases in size as the allantois grows, and is distributed over the allantois in a rich plexus. As the allantois lies close under the shell, there is thus afforded a large area where gases can easily be exchanged and oxygenation be brought about. After such oxygenation and the extrusion of the carbon dioxide, the allantoic blood is gathered by the allantoic veins, and car- ried back to the heart. The excretory ducts later develop in the embryo and then empty into the allantoic stalk close to its cloacal end. It is at this time that the allantois begins to function as a receptacle for solid waste matters, which, after the fluid parts have been evaporated, retains this waste- matter until it is thrown off at the birth of the animal. The right and left allantoic veins run cephalad in the lateral body- walls of the chick, and enter the sinus venosus, one on each side of the omphalomesenteric vein. These two allantoic veins will shortly fuse and form a single umbilical vein (Fig. 308). The yolk-sac is regarded as a diverticulum of the intestine, and the allantois as a diverticulum of the urinary bladder, which itself is an out- growth of the alimentary tract. These outgrowths carry their blood vessels with them. Therefore, the omphalomesenteric artery and the vitelline veins (these latter are DEVELOPMENT OF FOURTH DAY ft /r~~H3^) 9 525 Fig. 308. A to F, Diagrams illustrating the formation of the omphalomesenteric and umbilical veins, in the chick. A. At about fifty-eight hours. B. At about sixty- five hours. Veins joined dorsal to the gut. C. At about seventy-five hours. Veins again separate. D. At about eighty hours. Secondary union of veins around the gut. E. At about one hundred hours. Definite arrangement of the vessels. F. Relationship of liver vessels, c. Vena cava posterior (inferior) ; dC, ductus EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK diverticula of the omphalomesenteric veins) extend out over the yolk, constantly increasing as to both absolute numbers and as to branches, as the yolk-sac spreads over the yolk. The allantoic arteries are also called umbilical arteries. They are what will later be known as hypogastric arteries. In birds and reptiles five vessels, three arteries (one omphalomesenteric and two allantoic;, and two veins (one vitelline, really omphalomesenteric, and one allan- toic), connect the embryo freely through the umbilical stalk (Figs. 284, 297, 308). In mammals, where there is little or no yolk, the yolk-sac is reduced or absent entirely and the omphalomesenteric and vitelline vessels dis- appear very early, so that the umbilical cord or stalk contains only the two allantoic arteries and one allantoic vein. In the dogfish and all elasmobranchs, where there is a large yolk-sac but no allantois, the vitelline circulation alone is found, the allantoic not being present. THE INTRA-EMBRYONIC CIRCULATION The large vessels communicating with the heart are the first ones to appear in the chick embryo. At thirty-three hours the ventral aorta ex- tends headward, bifurcating ventral to the pharynx to form a single pair of aortic arches. This pair of arches passes dorsad around the pharynx, then running tailward on the dorsal wall of the gut as the paired dorsal aortae (Fig. 277). On the second day, as the visceral arches and clefts appear, this original pair of aortic arches comes to lie in the mandibular arch. In each of the visceral arches posterior to the mandibular, new aortic arches are formed, which connect the ventral aortae with the dorsal aortae. At fifty-five hours we saw there were three pairs of these aortic Cuvieri ; dv, ductus venosus ; g, gut ; hi, left hepatic vein ; hr, right hepatic vein ; I, liver ; o, omphalo-mesenteric vein ; p, anterior intestinal portal ; pa, rudiment of pancreas ; ul, left umbilical vein ; ur, right umbilical vein ; v, vitelline vein ; I, II, primary and secondary venous rings around the gut. (After Hochstetter. ) G to J, Diagrams to show the origin of the postcaval vein and the changes in the abdominal vein in amphibians and reptiles. G, elasmobranch stage. The lateral abdominal veins i enter the common cardinal veins c and are not connected with the renal portal veins p. H, the lateral abdominals i have joined the renal portals at t posteriorly, and anteriorly pass into the liver /, where they unite with the hepatic portal vein h; a new vein, the postcaval vein g, is seen growing caudad from the liver /, where it arises from the hepatic veins o. I, condition in the adults of urodele amphibians ; the postcaval vein g, has reached and fused with the posterior cardinals e and and the subcardinals j at the point r; the two lateral abdominal veins have united to form the ventral abdominal vein i which empties into the hepatic portal h. J, condition in adult reptiles ; the anterior portions of the posterior cardinal veins n are obliterated, leaving the postcaval vein g as the sole drainage for the subcardinals j and the kidneys k; the two lateral ab- dominal veins remain separate as in elasmobranchs. a, anterior cardinal vein ; b, sinus venosus ; c, common cardinal vein ; d, subclavian vein ; e, posterior cardinal vein; /, liver; g, postcaval vein; h, hepatic portal vein; i, lateral (or in I, ventral) abdominal vein ; j, subcardinal vein ; k, kidney ; I, iliac or femoral vein ; m, caudal vein ; n, obliterated part of the posterior cardinals ; o, hepatic veins ; p, renal portal veins ; q, pelvic veins ; r, union of postcaval, posterior cardinals, the sub- cardinals ; s, union of postcaval and subcardinals ; t, union of abdominal vein with the renal portal system. (From Hyman's "A Laboratory Manual for Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy," by permission of The Chicago University Press.) DEVELOPMENT OF FOURTH DAY 527 arches with a fourth pair just beginning to form. It is at about this period also that there is an extension headward from the dorsal aortic roots. These extensions form the internal carotid arteries which supply the brain. The external carotid arteries arise later from the ventral aortic roots. They also grow cephalad as do the internal carotid arteries, but, unlike the internal carotids, the external carotids supply the face. By the end of the fourth day two more pairs of aortic arches appear o 00 i 2 J- * il Fig. 309. Schematic diagrams illustrating the changes which take place in the aortic arches. A, embryonic prototype ; B, Fishes ; C, Urodeles ; D, Lizard ; E, Birds ; F. Mammals. The dotted lines show the portions which have become obliterated in the adult forms of the animals mentioned, ao.asc., ascending aorta which branches into the following aortic arches : 0,00, 1, 2, 3, 4, ; ao.desc., descending aorta ; bot, duct of Botallus ; pulm, pulmonary artery ; subcl, subclavian artery ; 0,00, 1, 2, 3, and 4, the six aortic arches. (After Boas.) posterior to those already present. The fifth pair of aortic arches is very small and disappears in a short time. The first and second arches have become smaller and also finally disappear. Probably most often the entire first arch has disappeared by this time and sometimes the second has also gone. Consequently, there are present only the third, fourth, and sixth pairs. While these arches do not remain intact permanently, though 528 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK parts of them do, it is from these three pairs that the main blood vessels arise. In reptiles, birds and mammals, all the main vessels of the adult connecting the heart with the dorsal aorta are derived from the fourth pair of embryonic aortic arches. It is important to remember this, as our studies in comparative anatomy will consist of the study of an amphibian, a dogfish, a turtle, and a cat or rabbit, and the student will be required to show similarities and differences of this nature in the different groups. In reptiles the aortic arches remain in pairs (Fig. 309), but in birds the left arch degenerates, while in mammals it is the right arch which degenerates. The dorsal aortae, which began as paired vessels, now fuse close to the sinus venosus. The portion extending cephalad is fused for a very short distance, though never involving the region of the aortic arches. Quite early in development there are segmental vessels arising from the aorta which extend into the dorsal body-wall. The pair at a level with the anterior appendage-buds enlarge and extend into the wing- buds as the subclavian arteries. We have already mentioned the pair opposite the allantoic stalk which has enlarged to become the allantoic arteries. The external iliac arteries which supply the posterior appendage- buds arise as branches from the allantoic arteries close to the origin of the aorta. At four days, the chick embryo still has the omphalomesenteric arteries as its main visceral supply. It will be remembered that these arteries are paired originally, but as the embryo (which must be con- sidered as having its ventral portion open and thus lying extended over the yolk of the egg), comes to have its ventral walls meet and grow together, the omphalomesenteric arteries, like the heart and other paired structures which later become fused to form a single vessel or organ, are brought together and fused, thus forming a single vessel which comes to lie in the mesentery and runs from the aorta to the yolk-stalk. The proximal portion of the omphalomesenteric artery persists as the superior mesenteric of the adult, after the atrophy of the yolk-sac. The inferior mesenteric artery and the coeliac artery arise from the aorta independently at a later stage. The cardinal veins are the main afferent systems of the early em- bryo. They form on the second day as paired vessels on each side of the midline and extend both headward and tailward. The anterior and pos- terior cardinal veins on the same side come together to form the duct of Cuvier, which duct runs ventrally and enters the sinus venosus. On the fourth day there is practically no change in the cardinal veins. Later, the proximal portions of the anterior cardinal veins become connected by a new transverse vessel which forms, and enters into the DEVELOPMENT OF FOURTH DAY 529 venous atrium of the heart, while the distal portions remain as the jugu- lar veins of the head region. The posterior cardinal veins (Figs. 301, 308), lie in the angle be- tween the somites and the lateral mesoderm. It is of importance to locate these vessels and understand their position, as the excretory sys- tem develops in close relationship to them later, and their relation to the excretory system cannot be understood unless their developmental process is closely followed at this stage. The mesonephroi develop from the intermediate mesoderm so that the posterior cardinal veins lie just dorsal to them throughout their length (Fig-. 301). In fact, the posterior cardinal veins are the principal afferent ves- sels of young embryos. However, in the adult these posterior cardinal veins are going to be replaced by the large vena cava. With the foregoing in mind as a sort of general bird's-eye view of what has taken place and what will take place in the main blood vessels, we shall enter into a little more detail. THE HEART The heart began as a paired structure. When the ventral walls of the embryo came together, the two portions of the heart also came to- gether, and formed a single tube in the midline of the body, close to the ventral portion. After this fusion, the heart is nearly straight and double-walled. The endothelial lining of the heart has the same structure and is con- tinuous with the entering- and outgoing blood-vesse1s. There is a thickened layer over the heart called the epimyocardium, which later separates into a thickened muscular layer, the myocardium, and a thin non-muscular covering called the epicardium. As the paired tubes have come together to form the single heart, the splanchnic mesoderm from each side of the body has also come together to form the dorsal and ventral mesocardia (Fig. 275). The ventral mesocardium disappears almost immediately after its formation, but the dorsal mesocardium continues suspending the heart for some little time, also disappearing ultimately, except at the more caudal portion of the heart. As already described, the heart, now lying in the pericardial cavity, is attached at both ends and grows much more rapidly than the sur- rounding body, so that it begins to fold upon itself. The bending of the organ must be carefully studied or later work upon the heart will have little meaning. (Figs. 274, 276, 279, 280, 283, 287.) It will be noted that the cephalic end of the heart is attached just where the aortae leave it, while the caudal end of the heart is attached where the omphalomesenteric veins and the dorsal mesocardium meet. 530 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK It will also be noticed that the caudal or ventricular end grows toward the right. The physical restriction placed upon the growing heart by the dor- sal bending of the entire embryo, and the pushing in of the yolk dor- sally, plus the fact that the entire embryo (by torsion) comes to lie upon its left side, accounts for the particular shape and direction of the heart's bending. As the U-shaped bend continues to grow, the closed portion of the U is forced caudad, and twisted upon itself to form a loop. This forces the atrial (arterial region) portion slightly to the left (that is, toward the yolk) and the conus arteriosus is thrown across the atrial region by being bent to the right (or away from the yolk), and then caudad. The closed portion of the loop is the ventricular region. By this twist- ing process the original cephalo-caudal relations of the atrial and ven- tricular regions have become reversed, the atrial region now lying cephalad to the ventricle. Not only has the position of the two regions become reversed, but there is a constriction forming which divides atrium from ventricle (Fig. 283). The constriction itself is called the atrio- ventricular canal. It is on the fourth day that the bulbus arteriosus becomes attached to the ventral surface of the atrium. The bulbus pressing inward, the atrium grows as a seeming expansion around each side of the bulbus, and it is these lateral growings which indicate right and left divisions of the atrium, which later separate entirely. The ventricle has an indication of a right and left division also at this same time, caused by a longitudinal groove appearing on its sur- face. The bulbus later divides to form the root of the aorta and the pul- monary artery. Though the heart began its formation at the level of the hind-brain, it has come to lie now at a level with the anterior appendage-buds, and as the ventricular portion which is the more unattached, it is this ven- tricular region which extends the more caudad. Histologically, the endocardium of a four-day chick is still a single layer of cells, while the myocardium can be distinguished from the outer epicardium. The myocardium is composed of elongated cells which show some resemblance to the muscle cells which they are to form. They are arranged in bundles extending toward the lumen. These bun- dles will become the trabeculae carnae of the adult heart. The cells of the epimyocardium are becoming flattened to form the true epicardium, while loosely placed mesenchymal cells lie in the region between endocardium and myocardium near the atrio-ventricular canal. These mesenchymal cells will take part at a later period in forming the various septa which are to divide the heart into chambers as well as the connective tissue frame-work of the valves. DEVELOPMENT OF FOURTH DAY 531 The ventricular septum is completed at about the sixth day, its anterior edge fusing with the posterior edge of the septum which divides the truncus arteriosus into right and left halves. The anterior edge of the septum of the truncus arises between the fourth and fifth aortic arches in a manner which causes the blood com- ing from the left side of the truncus (that is, from the left ventricle) to pass through the third and fourth aortic arches, while the blood from the right ventricle passes into the fifth aortic arch. About the seventh day the right and left parts of the truncus sepa- rate completely from each other. The right branch remains connected with the fifth aortic arch as the pulmonary trunk, and the left is con- nected with the third and fourth arches as the systemic trunk. The ventral ends of the third arches become the subclavian arteries, carrying blood to the anterior appendages, while the dorsal communica- tion between third and fourth arches disappears. This means that the blood now passes from the left side of the heart through the third arch to the anterior appendages, and through the fourth arch to the dorsal aorta. About the fifth day, the fourth pair of arches are the larger of any arches remaining, the left one, however, becoming smaller and smaller in size until it disappears almost entirely. The right fourth aortic arch grows larger and larger to form the systemic arch of the adult chick. It has already been stated that in mammals it is the right arch which disappears, the left alone persisting as the systemic arch (Fig. 309). Early on the third day the pulmonary arteries form in the walls of the lungs, and extend toward the fifth arch with which they connect at the ventral ends of these arches. The dorsal end of the fifth arch between the point of union of the pulmonary artery and the dorsal aorta is called the duct of Botallus (Fig. 309). This ductus Botalli offers the blood from the right side of the heart a passage into the dorsal aorta so that little passes through the capillaries. The duct, however, shrivels up at the time of hatching, and becomes entirely closed so that all the blood from the right side of the heart must pass into the pulmonary circulation. It is at this time that the lower portion of the aortic arch becomes the pulmonary artery. THE VEINS As has been stated several times, the anterior and posterior cardinal veins unite with each other on a side to form the duct of Cuvier and then enter into the meatus venosus. These anterior and posterior cardi- nals bring back the blood to the heart from practically all parts of the body except the digestive organs. The anterior cardinals persist as the jugular veins to which the pectoral veins from the anterior appendages soon become joined. From the head and neck the vertebral veins also join the jugulars. 532 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK The posterior cardinals remain large as long as the Wolffian body is functional, but as the permanent kidneys develop, these veins become smaller and smaller and ultimately disappear. The ducts of Cuvier persist in the adult chick as the anterior venae cavae. The posterior or inferior vena cava develops from the meatus veno- sus, which was formed by the union of the two omphalomesenteric veins. To understand the evolving process by which the posterior vena cava comes into existence, it is necessary to follow carefully the devel- opment of the surrounding organs. The liver forms as a diverticulum from the digestive tract. This diverticulum then grows around the meatus venosus until it completely surrounds the meatus. Blood-vessels form in the liver, extending toward the meatus venosus, into which they open by the fifth day. At the posterior edge of the liver, there are a number of afferent hepatic vessels coming from the meatus venosus through which some of the blood coming to the heart from the vascular area may enter the capillaries formed in the liver substance. At the anterior edge of the liver, where the meatus venosus might be said to be leaving the liver, there is a collection of efferent hepatic vessels whose distal ends are in direct connection with the capillaries of the afferent hepatic vessels. The blood passing through the liver has two courses it may take. Most of it passes through the large meatus venosus into the heart, but some of it passes through the afferent hepatic vessels into the liver sub- stance where it is collected by the efferent hepatic vessels and carried to the meatus venosus. That part of the meatus venosus lying between the afferent and efferent hepatic vessels is often called the ductus venosus. The two allantoic veins already described unite on entering the body to form a single vein emptying into the left (persistent) omphalo- tnesenteric vein. It is well to remember that as the yolk-sac decreases in size, the allantois increases, and so, too, the relative size of omphalo- mesenteric veins and allantoic veins changes ; the omphalomesenteric becomes smaller and the allantoic becomes larger, so that it almost seems as though the omphalomesenteric were a branch of the allantoic. Both of these veins disappear at the time of hatching. The superior mesenteric artery was formed by the closure of the ventral body-wall so as to bring the paired omphalomesenteric veins together, to form a single vessel running from the aorta to the yolk- stalk. As the yolk-sac atrophies, the proximal portion of the omphalo- mesenteric artery becomes the superior mesenteric artery. The mesenteric vein is formed by a union of the veins from the walls of the hinder part of the digestive tract, which there form a single vein. This vein is at first quite small, and empties into the omphalomesenteric DEVELOPMENT OF FOURTH DAY 533 vein just before the latter enters the liver. The point of entry may be said to be the beginning of where the omphalomesenteric vein becomes the meatus venosus. It will, therefore, be noted that the blood which goes to the liver comes from three sources : (1) Through the omphalomesenteric vein, from the yolk-sac. This blood is rich in food material and has been oxidized in the vascular area. (2) Through the allantoic vein from the allantois. This blood is very rich in oxygen. (3) Through the mesenteric vein from the digestive tract of the embryo. This blood is venous in character. The mesenteric vein increases in size with the growth of the em- bryo, and after the omphalomesenteric and allantoic veins disappear at the time of hatching, it persists as the hepatic portal vein of the adult chick. This large vessel brings blood back from the hinder parts of the digestive canal to the liver. On the fourth day the posterior or inferior vena cava proper arises. It forms between the posterior ends of the Wolffian bodies, and runs for- ward in the midline, ventral to the aorta. It joins the meatus venosus anteriorly between the heart and the anterior edge of the liver, and pos- teriorly it connects with the permanent kidney as soon as these are formed. It also connects posteriorly with the hind limbs and the caudal region. The posterior vena cava is at first quite small, but as more and more blood is being sent from the developing metanephroi and the caudal region, it becomes even larger than the meatus venosus of which it was originally but a branch. Just before the vena cava becomes larger than the meatus venosus, the efferent hepatic vessels have shifted their position so that they now enter directly into the vena cava instead of the meatus as formerly. In fact, before the time of hatching the entire portion of the meatus venosus lying between the heart and liver becomes obliterated, so that all blood flowing into the posterior end of the liver through the portal vein, passes into the posterior vena cava through the hepatic vein (Fig. 308, I, J). The relative changes in the size of blood vessels must be clearly understood and followed, or the circulatory system of the embryo, and consequently, also the circulation of the adult will be hopelessly con- fused. It is well at this point to obtain an idea of the embryonic circulation of a little later time than that of the fourth day which we have been discussing. By the beginning of the sixth day, the septa which have already been mentioned have divided both auricles and ventricles into right and left halves (Fig. 283). However, neither of these septa are complete. The septum separating the two parts of the auricle develops perforations, and 534 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK in the human heart these perforations form an oval-shaped opening called the foramen ovale, which may, in abnormal cases, remain open and thus cause a constant intermingling of venous and arterial blood. Usually, such persons do not live long, although there are notable exceptions. This inter-auricular foramen closes at the time of hatching, so that the blood from the right auricle can be sent to the lungs for aeration as soon as these organs become functional at birth. The septa are sufficiently developed so that we may speak of four, divisions or cavities in the heart. This makes a double circulation pos- sible, namely, the systemic and the pulmonary (up to the time of hatch- ing, the allantoic circulation takes the place of the pulmonary). By this time, then, the heart is fully formed. The sinus venosus has been absorbed into the right auricle, of which it forms a part. The open foramina allow blood to pass back and forth between the auricles. The ventricular septum is more complete. The truncus arteriosus is divided into two separate vessels, the pulmonary trunk arising from the right ven- tricle, and the systemic trunk from the left ventricle. The aortic arches which are still present are the third, fourth, and fifth, and small portions of the first and second. The systemic trunk from the left ventricle leads to the third and fourth pairs of aortic arches, from which the head and fore-limbs are supplied. The pulmonary trunk, arising from the right ventricle, leads to the fifth pair of aortic arches, which are directly continuous with the dorsal aorta. It is from these that the small pulmonary arteries arise. It will be remembered that as the lungs are not yet functional, there is little use for these vessels until later. An omphalomesenteric artery carries blood to the yolk-sac and a large allantoic artery passes from the aorta to the allantois. The venous system consists of the right and left anterior venae cavae, and the posterior vena cava. The former drain the head and fore-limbs, and the latter the posterior portions of the body, the limbs, and the kid- neys. Before reaching the heart, the posterior vena cava is joined by the ductus venosus, through which blood is returned from the yolk-sac, allan- tois, and embryonic alimentary canal, by the omphalomesenteric, allan- toic, and mesenteric veins respectively. All three venae cavae open into the right auricle of the heart, but due to the position and direction of the opening, and to a valve, tne t)lood from the posterior vena cava is directed through the foramen ovale into the left auricle, while the blood from the right and left venae cavae (an- terior) remains in the right auricle. As the auricles now contract, the blood which has come from the posterior vena cava is forced into the left ventricle and passes out through the systemic trunk through the third and fourth pairs of aortic arches DEVELOPMENT OF FOURTH DAY 535 to the head and fore-limbs, while the blood from the anterior venae cavae passes out through the right ventricle through the pulmonary trunk and thus through the fifth aortic arches into the dorsal aorta, from where the blood goes to the body and hind-limbs of the embryo. A small portion, however, is carried out along the omphalomesenteric arteries to the yolk- sac and through the allantoic arteries to the allantois to take up nutriment and oxygen. In the early embryo, a much greater portion of this pul- monary circulation goes to yolk-sac and allantois. It is assumed that the vastly greater proportion of blood supply to the anterior region, as contrasted with the smaller quantity to the pos- terior portions, accounts for the greater and more rapid development of the head region, which it will be remembered is the first part of the chick to develop. The disproportionate development of the head may be realized when it is known that the human child at birth has a head about one-fourth the length of its entire body. At about the time of hatching the ductus Botalli (which it will be remembered is that portion of the fifth aortic arch lying between the dorsal aorta and the point of origin of the vessel that runs to the lung) — (Fig. 309) — closes up entirely, so that the blood from the right ven- tricle must pass through the pulmonary veins back to the left auricle. The lungs now become functional, and the true pulmonary circulation is established. The allantoic circulation, being no longer needed, ceases, while the allantoic arteries and veins disappear, as do also the omphalo- mesenteric arteries and veins when the yolk-sac has finished its work, and the hatched chick can take in its own food. It is at this time also that the entire supply of blood which goes to the liver passes through the mesenteric vein, which is now called the hepatic portal vein. The ductus venosus has closed, and so all blood brought to the liver must pass through the hepatic capillaries before reaching the heart. The foramen ovale does not close immediately after hatching, but does so in a few days ; but, as soon as it does, all blood returned to the heart by the three venae cavae is emptied into the right auricle from which it is then forced into the right ventricle, thence through the pul- monary artery to the lungs, and back through the pulmonary veins to the left auricle, from which it is forced into the left ventricle, and finally through the systemic trunk. Such an entire separation of venous and arterial blood is called a double circulation. XXXVIII. THE COELOM AND THE MESENTERIES In our account of the earthworm, the student was introduced to all higher forms of animals possessing a coelom or body-cavity. The chap- ter on the earthworm should be reviewed at this point. Then,, too, in the early part of our work on chick embryology, we have seen how the mesoderm divided into splanchnopleure or somato- pleure and how the organs growing out from their respective beginnings pushed a layer of one of these coverings before them. And we have also seen how the chick embryo is quite similar to an animal which has had a ventral incision made along the midline and then had these two halves stretched over a yolk-sphere, so that its organs or portions of organs which developed from two primordia or beginnings, could later come to- gether when the fusion of the ventral body walls produced a single organ of the two separated halves. In adult birds and mammals, the coelom or body-cavity consists of three regions, known as pericardia!, pleural, and peritoneal. The pleural region is paired, each half containing one lung. The other two chambers are unpaired. The pericardial region contains the heart, and the peri- toneal contains all the abdominal viscera. As the coelom arises by a splitting of the mesoderm, and the two halves of the chick are spread out over the yolk, the coelom is naturally a paired cavity, only becoming a single cavity when the ventral body walls of the embryo come together, and the ventral mesentery then dis- appears. There are no segmental pouches in the chick coelom as there are in some of the lower vertebrates, though it cannot be said that this is unlike the lower forms, for, by the time the coelom appears in the chick, the pouches would already be broken through anyway, and have become connected. As the mesoderm splits and the splanchnopleure and somatopleure extend out over nearly the entire yolk-sac, it is to be understood that much of this split mesoderm is extra-embryonic. This has already been described in an earlier chapter. Here we are concerned with the embryonic coelom. The portion of the embryonic coelom which gives rise to the three, body-cavities mentioned above is marked off by a series of folds which separate the body of the embryo from the yolk. With the closure of the ventral body walls, the embryonic coelom becomes completely sepa- rated from the extra-embryonic, though in the yolk-stalk region it re- mains open much longer than in other portions (Fig. 281, C to G). COELOM AND MESENTERIES 537 It is this same closure of the ventral body walls which also brings the two portions of the gut together ventrally. This causes the newly- closed gut to lie between the two layers of splanchnic mesoderm while the body-spaces on each side form a right and left coelomic chamber. In fact, there are double layers of mesoderm which enclose and support the gut. These double layered supports are called mesenteries. The dorsal mesentery remains as a continuous support — at least the greater portion of it does — but the ventral mesentery soon disappears, causing the right and left coelomic cavities to become confluent. In the liver region, however, the ventral mesentery does not dis- appear (Fig. 293). The liver arose by a ventral outgrowth of the gut and extended into the ventral mesentery. As the liver grows ventrally from the digestive tract, there is a portion of the ventral mesentery lying dorsal to the liver, that is, between the liver and the gut. This persists as the gastro-hepatic amentum while the portion ventral to the liver is called the ventral ligament or the falciform ligament. The dorsal mesentery persists, as stated, but has different names in different parts, i. e., mesocolon, where it supports the colon, mesogaster, where it supports the stomach, etc. Septa grow out from the body wall to divide the body-cavity into the pericardial, pleural, and peritoneal chambers mentioned above. XXXIX. DEVELOPMENT OF THE FIFTH DAY On this day the head and tail of the embryo have nearly come to- gether by the great curving of the chick. The yolk is completely cov- ered by the blastoderm, and the vascular area covers nearly two-thirds of the blastoderm. THE LIMBS It is during this day that the limb-buds increase considerably in size, and are marked off into a proximal rounded portion and an expanded distal region. It is in the expanded distal region that the digits can be seen to form in cartilage. The rounded proximal portion is slightly bent at the points where elbow and knee joints will be formed. The elbow and knee-angles at first are directed almost straight out from the body, but on about the eighth day both fore and hind-limbs rotate until the elbow-joint points caudad, while the knee-joint points cephalad. By the end of the tenth day, both pairs of appendages have their definite outlines, though feathers and nails are not yet formed. Although the structures which are to become bones are first out- lined in cartilage, they later become ossified. There are three well- formed digits in the expanded distal portion of the fore-limb at this time with a possible fourth in a rudimentary condition, while in the expanded distal portion of the hind-limb there are also three well-defined digits with two in a rudimentary condition. The development of the bony vertebrae has already been discussed. Here it is well to state that the ribs develop as cartilaginous bars in the body wall of the chick. The ventral ends of these fuse ventrally, and after fusion, a portion of each of the fused ends separates from the re- maining ribs from which they formed. It is this portion which has sep- arated that becomes the sternum. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SKULL The skull is divided into two regions: (1) The skull proper, and (2) the visceral skull, this latter being that portion which has developed from the visceral arches. THE SKULL PROPER The notochord forms a sort of central portion around which the vertebrae form. The anterior end of the notochord serves a sort of similar function in the head region. DEVELOPMENT OF FIFTH DAY 539 On each side of the notochord a sheet of cartilage develops. These wo sheets are known as parachordal plates (Fig. 310). They form a tr %>•-'' ,o.ch. p.ch p.C.h. tectcn bas. cr - ---sph.lat. tect s.at Fig. 310. Diagrams of skull formation in Salmon. A, First anlage of cranium. B, C, D, successive stages in cranial development. Left half of D is an advance in development of right half, au, eye; bas.cr., base of cranium; e.b.c.a., e.b.e.p., anterior and posterior basicapsular commissure (ascending process of palato- quadrate cartilage) ; ch, notochord; c.tr, trabecular cornu ; hyp, opening in which hypophysis develops ; n.k., nasal capsule ; o.bl., and f.b.c., fenestra basicapsularis ; o.k., ear capsule; occ, occipital region; p.ch., parachordal plates; sph.lat., lateral sphenoid; tect.cr., roof of cranium; tect.s.ot., Cartilaginous arch between otic capsules representing the cartilaginous roof of higher vertebrates (tectum synoticum) ; tr., cranial trabeculae. (A, D, after Waskoboynikow ; B, C, from Gaupp after Stohr's model.) 540 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE CHICK floor for the mid and hind-brains. These plates then fuse both dorsally and ventrally around the notochord, and consequently enclose it. The fused plate is then known as the basilar plate, forming the floor of the hinder portion of the skull. The auditory capsules which enclose the auditory organs form and fuse to the sides of the basilar plate. It is from growths of the basilar plate and the auditory capsules that the floor and occipital portions of the skull are formed. The anterior portion of the skull is formed from two slender rods lying cephalad to the notochord, but which are in connection with the parachordal plates. These rods are known as trabeculae cranii. The pituitary body lies between these trabeculae cranii, so that in fusing as they now do to form the ethmoid plate, the pituitary body comes to He in the position where it will be found when we study Comparative An- atomy. The ethmoid plate (Fig. 311) extends cephalad to the tip of the beak, and fuses anteriorly with the olfactory capsules. The interorbital septum develops as a Profile viewFTf 2-day chick-skuii. large vertical plate from the dorsal surface as. aiisphenoid; d, dentary ; e, of the ethmoid plate, along the whole median ethmoid; /, frontal; I, prefrontal ; ** mx, maxillary; n, nasal; ol, lateral hne. It IS quite COmniOn tO Speak of Car- occipital ; os, superior occipital ; pa, ... 1 i i r A 1 palatine; pm, premaxiiiary ; pt, tilagmous and membranous bones of the skull. This means only that some of the bones there formed (in fact, all these we have just been describing) were first pre- formed in cartilage, and then became bone, while the membranous bones were first cartilage, and then, by being placed where there was considerable stretching, they became quite thin membranes before they finally ossified. The membranous bones form the roof of the skull, such, for exam- ple, as the parietals, frontals, etc. THE VISCERAL SKULL It will be remembered that the first visceral arch was also called the mandibular arch, because it is from this arch that the mandible or lower jaw is formed, and that the second visceral arch was known as the hyoid arch, because it is from this that the hyoid bone, or cartilage which sup- ports the tongue, has developed. The parts of the skull which are thus developed from the visceral arches form the visceral skull. THE HEART It is during the fifth day that the interventricular septum is almost completed, fusing with the posterior edge of the septum which now portion of skull just becoming con- verted into bone. (Cartilage is stippled.) (After Boas.) DEVELOPMENT OF FIFTH DAY . 541 develops in the truncus arteriosus. This latter septum is formed be- tween the fourth and fifth pairs of aortic arches and follows a sort of spiral course caudally to where it joins the interventricular septum. It is the position and shape of these septa which cause the blood to course into the different channels as described for the fourth day. Two sets of semilunar valves have now formed between the two divisions of the truncus arteriosus and the two ventricles into which they open. The heart continues growing, but it is not until about the twelfth day that the interauricular septum has almost completely closed, leaving only the foramen ovale as a small opening between the two auricles. The foramen ovale develops a little fold of membrane which some days after hatching closes the opening entirely. The ventricles now become thickened to a very considerable extent. The auricles likewise thicken, but not to so great an extent as the ven- tricles. The ventricular thickenings on the inside of the heart form as an inward growth of ridges which are called trabeculae carnae. They are really separate muscle-bundles which help to open and close the valves. On the sixth and seventh day the distinctly bird-like characteristics appear. Up to this time the beginner cannot tell the difference between a chick embryo and that of practically any other one of the higher ver- tebrates. The nasal region now begins to lengthen and the fore-limbs will be seen to develop into wings. The allantois has become very large and contains a considerable amount of fluid. The omphalomesenteric arteries and veins now pass from the body of the embryo as single vessels. The yolk, though seemingly as large as before, is quite liquid in form. The flexion of the body is less marked than before, while the head is not so large in proportion to the remainder of the body as formerly. The cerebral hemispheres can be seen quite plainly, as well as the beginnings of the tongue-bud. On the next three or four days the little sac-like regions in which the feathers develop make their appearance as protrusions from the sur- face, especially on the dorsal side of the chick, while a chalky patch at the tip of the nose marks the beginning of the horny beak. The yolk has become wrinkled and flabby. After the eleventh day, the abdominal walls become firmer and the intestines are enclosed in the peritoneal cavity. The body is now com- plete except for the narrow stalks of the umbilicus and yolk-sac. The amniotic fluid tends to disappear, making the amnion less prominent. By the thirteenth day the feathers are well distributed over the entire body, although they do not break through their sacs until about the nineteenth day, by which time they are approximately an inch in 'ength. 542 DEVELOPMENT OF FIFTH DAY On the thirteenth day the nails and scales appear on the toes, and by the sixteenth day nails, scales and beak are firm and well developed. On this day also the cartilaginous skeleton completes its growth, and various centers of ossification make their appearance. By the sixteenth day the white of the egg has disappeared and the mesoderm has divided completely into the splanchnopleure and somato- pleure all the way around the yolk. On the nineteenth day the remains of the yolk are drawn into the body cavity of the embryo. The embryo begins its development originally by lying with its axis transverse to the long axis of the egg, but by the fourteenth day it turns so that its head is toward the air space at the larger end of the egg, and at about the twentieth day the chick's beak is pushed through the inner covering of the air space so that it can now begin using its lungs. It is at this time that the pulmonary circulation begins. The blood stops flowing into the umbilical vessels, and the allantois conse- quently shrivels up and is left inside the shell as the chick pecks its way out. XL. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG THE GENERAL EMBRYOLOGY OF THE TADPOLE AS COM- PARED WITH THAT OF THE CHICK As in our study of the embryology of the chick, it is essential that the student again read the chapters on mitosis, fertilization, and the summary on embryology, and then go over each system in the develop- ing chick corresponding to the system he may be studying in the frog, for only in this way can the comparison of the developmental processes be understood. After this has been done, the following groups of Craniata must be kept clearly in mind to make clear the various embryological relation- ships which must be referred to, not only in the study of embryology, but also in Comparative Anatomy. CLASSIFICATION OF CHORDATA (After Newman) Sub-Phylum I. Cephalochordata (Adelochorda), (Fig. 312). i. n. limit If {' MIM 1 .<&' 'Zr\ Fig. 312. I. Examples of Amphioxus ( Branchiostoma and Lancelet) , Tunicates (First two upper figures), Lamprey (The large, lower, left-hand figure-adult; and the embryo lamprey, usually called Ammocoetes — 2 upper right-hand figures), and the Hag fish (2 lower right-hand figures). II. Sketch of chief kinds of Urochordata showing distribution in sea. Dotted lines on left indicate life-zones. The surface is called the pelagic zone. (From Herdman.) This includes but a single family of fish-like creatures, of which there are about twelve species. The type form is Amphioxus more correctly known as Branchiostoma). 544 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG Sub-Phylum II. Urochordata (Figs. 312, 313). Order 1. Larvacea (Appendicularia), free-swimming forms with permanent tail. Order 2. Ascidiacea (Tunicates or Sea-Squirts), fixed forms with- out tail in the adult. Order 3. Thaliacea (Salpians), free-swimming forms without tail in the adult. ii. III. IV. Fig. 313. UROCHORDATA. I. Oikopleura in 'house'. The arrow shows course of current. II. Diagram of Appendicularia from the right side, an, anus ; ht, heart ; int, intestine, ne, nerve; ne' , caudal portion of nerve; ne.gn' , principal nerve ganglion; ne.gn"., ne.gn"'., first two ganglia of tail nerve; noto., notochord ; oes., oesophagus; or.ap., oral aperture; oto. otocyst (statocyst) ; peri.bd., peri- pharyngeal band ; ph., pharynx ; tes., testis ; stig., one of the stigmata ; stom. stomach. (After Herdman. ) III. and IV. Ascidia. Entire animal as seen from the right side and dissection from the same side, an, anus ; atr.ap, atrial aperture ; end, endostyle ; gon, gonad ; gonad, gonoduct ; hyp, neural gland ; hyp.d, duct of neural gland ; mant, mantle ; ne.gn. nerve-ganglion ; oes ap, aperture of oesophagus ; or ap, oral aperture ; ph, pharynx; stom, stomach; tent, tenacles ; test, testes. (After Herdman.) Sub-Phylum III. Hemichordata (Fig. 314). Order 1. Enteropneusta, including worm-like forms such as Balano- glossus. EMBRYOLOGY OF TADPOLE AND CHICK 545 Order 2. Pterobranchiata, sessile, tube-dwelling forms — Cephalo- discus and Rhabdopleura. Order 3. Phoronidia, tubicolous forms — Phoronis (Fig. 199). Sub-Phylum IV. Vertebrata (Craniata). v. VI. VII. VIII. Fig. 313. V. Botryllus violaceus. VI. Composite Ascidian. 'Diagram of an individual member of a colony of composite Ascidians. The zooids are in pairs and • seen in vertical section, an, anus; at, atrium; at', atrium of adjoining zooid ; cl, cloaca common to both zooids ; end, endostyle ; gld, digestive gland ; gn, nerve ganglion ; ht, heart ; hyp, neural gland ; lang, languets ; mant, mantle ; or.ap, oral aperture ; ov, ovary ; periph, peripharyngeal band ; ph, pharynx ; reet, rectum ; stom, stomach ; te, testis ; tent, tentacles ; tst, test or common gelatinous mass in which individuals are im- bedded ; v.d, vas deferens ( V, after Mile-Edwards ; VI, after Herdman. ) VII. Salpa democratica, asexual form, ventral view, and VIII lateral view in section, at, atrial cavity ; atr.ap, atrial aperture ; br, branchia ; branch, dorsal lamina ; c.c, ciliated crests on edge of branchia ; c.f, ciliated funnel ; d.l, dorsal lip ; end, endostyle ; ey, eye ; gl, digestive gland ; gn, ganglion ; ht, heart ; int, intestine ; Ing, languet ; mo, mouth ; mus.bds, muscular bands ; ne.gn, nerve- ganglion ; 02, oesophagus ; oe.ap, and or.ap, apertures of oesophagus and mouth ; ph, pharynx ; pp, peripharyngeal band ; proc, processes at posterior end ; sens.org, sensory organ ; st, and stol, stolon ; st, on left, stomach ; v.l, ventral lip. ( VII, after Vogt and Jung, VIII, after Delage and Herouard.) Order 1. Cyclostomata (round mouth eels), such as hagfish and Lampreys (Fig. 312). Order 2. Pisces (true fish with jaws). 546 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG Order 3. Amphibia (vertebrates with aquatic larvae, but usually air breathing in the adult condition), (Fig. 315). Order 4. Reptilia (cold-blooded, air-breathing vertebrates). Order 5. Aves (birds, feathered vertebrates). Order 6. Mammalia (beasts or quadrupeds). A. B. C. II. Fig. 314. HEMICHORDATA. I. Various types of Enteropncusta which are relatives of Balanoglossus. A, Balanoglossus clavigerus; B, Glandiceps hacksi; C, Schizocardium brasiliense ; D, Dolichoglossus kowalevskii; a, anus; ab, abdominal and caudal regions; b, branchial region ; c, collar ; g, genital region ; gp, gill-pore or branchial cleft ; gn, genital wing ; h, hepatic region ; m, position of mouth ; p, proboscis ; t, trunk. (From Newman, A, B, C, after Spengel, D, Bateson.) II. A and B Rhabdopleura, C Cephalodiscus dodecalophus. A and C, entire animals. B, diagram of median longitudinal section of A. A, a, mouth ; b, anus ; c, stalk of zooid ; d, proboscis f e, intestine ; /, anterior region of trunk ; g, one of the tentacles. (After Ray Lank ester. ) B, a, arm; an, anal prominence; col, collar ; col.ne, collar nerve, c.s, cardiac sac ; int, intestine ; m, mouth ; ntc, noto- chord ; oe, oesophagus ; pr, proboscis ; pr.c, proboscis-coelom ; ret, rectum ; st, stomach; te, tentacles; tr.c, trunk-coelom ; v.n, ventral nerve. (B, after Sche- potieff; C, after Mclntosh.) The frog is usually considered a transitional form separating the lower from the higher craniata both embryologically and anatomically. And although the craniates vary considerably among themselves, the frog has enough in common with all such variations to make it a norm or standard type for constant and valid reference, both as to anatomy EMBRYOLOGY OF TADPOLE AND CHICK 517 and development. The adoption of a standard makes an understanding possible of any special modifications one may find. Then, so much work has been done in this field that a thorough understanding of the embryology of the frog is essential to anyone who wishes to do advanced work in the zoological sciences. Just as there are various groups of birds with different hatching periods, so different species of frogs also vary as to the length of time the embryo requires before being able to emerge from the egg. But, Fig. 315. Examples of tailed and tailless Amphibia. unlike the birds, the frog passes through a process of metamorphosis, which simply means that even after the embryo's emergence from the egg, it does not have the adult form, but must pass through still further changes before becoming a full-fledged frog. In the frog the form that is assumed at the time of hatching and which later changes on arrival at adult life, is called the tadpole stage. Temperature has much to do with both the rapidity with which a frog's egg develops, and with which the tadpole develops into an adult frog. This, however, is not unlike the hen's egg, for, it will be remem- bered that after the hen's egg was fertilized and the embryo had already begun to develop (before the egg has been laid), such an egg could be placed in a moderately cool place for many days, which would result in all development ceasing. If the egg is then placed under a hen, or in an incubator, the embryo again begins to develop. We shall arrange our study of the frog under two headings : First, the true embryonic period. This extends from the time the egg is fer- tilized through blastulation and gastrulation. During this time the germ layers as well as the larval and tadpole organs form. This period ex- tends up to the time the tadpole emerges from the egg. Second, the larval period, from the time of hatching to the time the legs are formed, the tail is thrown off, and the animal has become a full- 548 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG fledged frog with all its various organs and the form that it is to retain throughout adult life. To grasp fully that which follows, it is necessary to review the ac- count of the reproductive organs in the chapter on the frog in the early part of this book. As the sperm from the male frog never enter the female body, the egg must be fertilized after it has been laid. This is quite different from fertilization in the hen. During the breeding season, as the eggs are squeezed from the female, the male passes over the eggs and deposits his sperm upon them. The fertilized eggs begin to divide almost imme- diately, and within approximately thirty-six hours the blastula stage has been reached. In about six days, when the embryo is five millimeters in length, there is already a twitching within the egg, showing that life is present, and within two weeks after fertilization the embryo wriggles its way out of the surrounding jelly and becomes a free-living larva or tadpole. This is the end of the true embryonic period. If the temperature is greater than normal, such as it usually is in the labora- tory, then the larvae may hatch in five days. In either case, however, suckers (Figs. 316, 317, 318) are formed in the head of a tad- pole by which it attaches itself to a jelly-like substance surrounding the eggs al- though it may attach itself to other objects in the water as well. Sometimes the tad- poles will even fall to the bottom of the water and lie there. As the mouth opening does not form until two to five days after hatching, the tadpole naturally cannot take in any food from the out- side, and so is still dependent upon the yolk, still undigested, within its body. As soon as the tadpole begins to take in food from the out- side, the suckers de- teriorate and disap- pear. From this time on the tadpoles are very active They feed on almost any plant or Fig 316. A frog embryo at the stage of hatching. an., Proctodseum ; au.c., slight swelling over the rudiment of the ear ; e.g., external gills on gill arches ; na., invagina- tion to form nasal capsule ; o.c., slight swelling over the rudiment of eye; s., sucker; atm., stomodseum (in- vagination which will form the mouth . (After Bor- radaile. ) SpT Fig. 317. Four stages of the development of the adhesive apparatus; (suckers) of Bufo vulgaris; A, suckers; M, mouth; SpT, spiracular tube. In 3 the gills are almost completely hidden by the united right and left opercular folds. The small outline figures indicate the shape and approxi- mate size of the tadpoles. (After Thiele.) EMBRYOLOGY OF TADPOLE AND CHICK 549 animal debris, and in the laboratory will thrive on a diet of cereals. As the egg is dependent upon temperature for its rate of speed in develop- ing, so the rate of speed at which the tadpole grows is dependent upon the quantity of food it obtains. External gills develop shortly after hatching, being used as respira- tory organs. These disappear as soon as the mouth opens, and the true internal gills are formed. When the true gills form, they are protected by a cover called the operculum. The por- tion underneath the operculum remains con- nected with the outside by only a single pore on the left side, known as a spiracle. The limb-buds appear normally at about four or five weeks, although in the laboratory at a 1 rig. sis. higher temperature, much sooner. The an- i, Front view of the mouth of a tcrior pair develop within the opcrcular tadpole of Rana temporaria show- ., , , ing the transverse rows of tiny cavity, and consequently cannot be seen horny *£& \i^T SS&& from the outside. The posterior develop, (After Gutzeit.) Qne Qn each sjde Q£ the cloaca a little later, and become quite large and jointed by the end of the second month. In the meantime the lungs have been growing and the young tad- pole comes to the surface of the water to expel small bubbles of air and to take in a fresh supply. In the common species of frogs, metamor- phosis begins at about the end of the third month. It is at this time that the tadpole ceases feeding, and the outer layer of skin, as well as the horny jaws (Fig. 318), are thrown off. The lips shrink, the mouth is no longer suctoreal, and becomes much wider, while the tongue in- creases in size. The eyes also become prominent. The fore-limbs ap- pear, the left one pushing through the opening of the gill chamber, while the right pushes its way through the opercular fold on that side, leaving a ragged hole. The stomach and liver enlarge, while the intestine be- comes shorter and smaller in diameter than before, and the animal be- comes carnivorous. The gill-clefts close and many changes occur in the blood vessels due to the change in the animal's mode of breathing. The bladder is formed, the kidneys undergo changes, and there is a definite sexual differentiation. The tail shortens and is finally lost as the hind legs continue to lengthen. If, however, the water has been particularly cold, the metamor- phosis may be put off until the following spring ; in fact, it seems normal with some species to wait even -longer than this, namely, as long as two years, and sometimes three (Necturus) before the adult form is assumed. If one thinks of the hen's egg being laid without the normal shell, such a shell-less egg would be somewhat akin to the frog's egg. Here the yolk is a rather blackened mass with a jelly-like substance surround- ing it, similar to the white of the hen's egg, but without a solid shell. Great masses of the eggs are found in one place, appearing very much 550 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG as though dozens of hen's eggs were broken, but with the yolks entire. The eggs vary in different species from one and five-tenths millimeters in diameter to twice that size. A little over half of the egg is a dense black due to the pigment granules contained therein, while the remain- der is rather white, although again, in different species the quantity of pigment may vary greatly. The darker portion is commonly known as the animal pole, and the lighter as the vegetal pole. There are three membranes covering the egg: Primary. That known as the vitelline membrane. This can sometimes be distinguished from the pigmented substance lying directly beneath it, although some writers deny that it exists at all. The secondary membrane (sometimes called the chorion) is a rather thin but tough layer secreted from the follicle cells of the ovaries. The tertiary membrane is a thick, jelly-like layer derived from the walls of the oviduct, lying close to the chorion, first as a dense layer, #ut later as it enlarges it becomes quite clear. It will be remembered that the yolk granules were quite evenly dis- tributed in the yolk of the hen's egg and that the embryo developed upon the yolk. In the frog, however, the deutoplasm or food part of the yolk all lies at one end — the vegetal pole. Frog's eggs are therefore said to be telolecithal. The nucleus lies in the animal pole and has already commenced to divide by the time the egg is laid. In fact, it is already in the metaphase of the second polar division at that time. The first polar body has been thrown out, and can be seen as a very tiny light spot in the flattened area of the upper pole. As the reproductive organs of the adult have just been reviewed, we shall not again discuss them here, but the development of these or- gans will be taken up individually at a little later period. The general development of egg and sperm are quite like that which occurs in the germ cells of the chick. FERTILIZATION The sperm drills its way through the thin jelly of the chorion and normally enters the egg substance in the pigmented region. The point of entry is a meridian, passing through both poles of the egg. The meridian which passes through the animal and vegetal poles of the egg, as well as through the point where the sperm enters, is called the fertili- zation meridian. Only one sperm norma-lly enters the egg. Polyspermy is not, however, rare, but as far as we know, always results in some ab- normal development when it takes place. It will be remembered that after one-half of the chromosome mate- rial of the nucleus of the egg has been thrown out by the two polar divisions, the nucleus which then contains one-half the normal number of chromosomes is called the female pro-nucleus. The head of the sperm EMBRYOLOGY OF TADPOLE AND CHICK 551 (which also has only half of the normal number of chromosomes) now enters the egg and leaves a trail of pigment behind it. This sperm, after entry into the egg, becomes the male pro-nucleus. The head of the sperm makes its way directly to the female pro-nucleus. The tail of the sperm is thrown off although both tail and midpiece enter the penetration path (Fig. 319). The head and midpiece after traveling for some distance in the egg, rotate so that the midpiece is placed in advance of the head. The midpiece then begins to dissolve and to form a typical nucleus with an opening within which is called a vesicle. The sperm then changes its course, and moves toward the point where male and female pro-nuclei will unite, unless, of course, the penetration path has already led in that direction. The path made by the changing of direction of the head of the sperm is called the copulation path (Fig. 319). This path is also marked by a trail of pigment as the head of the sperm passes through the cyto- plasm to reach the female pro-nucleus. Fig. 319. Sections through the egg of R. fusca, showing penetration and copulation paths, and the symmetry of the first cleavage plane. A. Sagittal section through the egg before the appearance of the first cleavage ; B. Frontal section of the same stage as A, showing the symmetrical distribution of the egg material. C. Frontal section through egg in two-cell stage, showing the symmetry of the egg ; the penetration path is not shown, a. Anterior ; cp, copulation path ; I, left ; p, posterior ; pp, penetration path ; r, right ; «, remains of first cleavage spindle ; sp, superficial pigment; 1, first cleavage furrow. (After O. Schultze.) After the sperm has entered the egg, some of the fluid from the egg proper is withdrawn into a space between the egg itself and the chorion. This is known as a perivitelline space. The egg can thus rotate within its membrane. From this time onward the pigmented pole is always uppermost. In unfertilized eggs, the membranes are more or less ad- herent. The jelly-like covering of the egg absorbs considerable fluid and swells up in about a minute after the egg touches water. A close ob- servation of the jelly shows that it is made up of various layers, whose function is not only to protect the egg from chemical and mechanical injuries, and from being eaten by other organisms, but also to elevate the temperature of the egg. They accomplish this latter by being trans- parent spheres which condense the heat rays from the sun and at the same time check the radiation from the egg itself. 552 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG MATURATION It has been stated that by the time the sperm enters the egg, the second polar division has already taken place, or rather, the metaphase of the second division. is in the process of taking place. This division is completed rapidly and cuts off the second polar body in about thirty minutes after the sperm enters the egg. The second polar body is either the same size or smaller than the first. The egg-nucleus then assumes its normal form. The polar bodies are often seen floating about in the perivitelline space. The male and female pro-nuclei now move toward the center of the egg and meet in the usual manner. The female pro-nucleus does not leave any pigment in its trail as does the male. The sperm centrosome and centrpsphere divide to form the poles of a small but typical cleavage figure, which is always located toward the animal pole, never in the center of the egg. Immediately after fertilization, there is a streaming of the formative protoplasm upward, and the deutoplasm downward, so that the animal pole obtains practically no yolk, and the vegetal pole is composed almost entirely of it. At this time also, the pigment granules directly opposite the point where the sperm enters the egg are carried away, which leaves a somewhat crescent shaped lighter area. This crescentic area extends from half to two-thirds the distance around the egg, and is known as the gray crescent (Fig. 320). This moving of the heavier portion to one side changes the specific gravity of the egg so that the portion possess- ing least weight lies uppermost and close to the gray crescent just oppo- site the point of entry of the sperm. Fig. 320. Frog's eggs showing formation of gray crescent from side and from vegetal pole. The animal pole is heavily pigmented. In about an hour and a half after the entrance of the sperm, in Rana fusca, according to Bracheti, the egg has arranged itself in the manner described, and is now ready for the first cleavage. A vertical plane is drawn through the point where the sperm enters the egg and passes over the top of the egg through the egg-crescent. This becomes the mid- line, on both sides of which the bilateral embryo is to develop. There are three distinct substances of varying specific gravity in the frog's egg, namely, protoplasm, pigment, and deutoplasm, and these EMBRYOLOGY OF TADPOLE AND CHICK 553 do not arrange themselves in the manner described until after fertiliza- tion, so that we may say that bilateral symmetry in the frog's egg is potential but not actual until after fertilization and the rearrangement of these three different substances. The original cleavage plane lies at right angles to the egg axis, but not at right angles to what is to become the axis of the embryo itselL There is no direct relation between the plane of the first furrow in cleavage and the fertilization meridian. The midline of the developing embryo and the penetration path of the sperm normally correspond to a vertical plane known as a gravitational plane, drawn through the egg after the particles of protoplasm and deutoplasm have rearranged them- selves according to gravity, and all of these correspond to the first cleav- age furrow, though many variations of this occur. THE FORMATION OF THE BLASTULA One of the chief reasons for studying the embryology of the chick before that of the frog is that the three germ layers of the chick are more readily seen. The frog's egg divides into two portions, then into four, eight, etc., quite like the hen's egg, and by the time there are eight cells present, the four cells in the region of the animal pole are found Fig. 321. Cleavage of the frog's egg. A Eight-cell stage ; B, beginning of sixteen-cell stage ; C, thirty-two-cell stage ; D, forty-eight-cell stage ( more regular than usual ) ; E, F, G, later stages ; H, I, formation of blastopore. The central light area in / is the yolk-plug while the rinpr which encases the yolk-plug is the margin of the blastopore. (After Morgan.) 554 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG to be smaller than the four in the region of the vegetal pole. The smaller ones are called micromeres and the larger ones macro- meres. The micro- meres, after the fifth cleavage begins, divide more rapidly than do the macromeres. By a continually more rapid growth of this kind, the smaller animal cells soon almost surround the vegetal or yolk sub- stance. As the yolk be- comes surrounded more and more, there is a somewhat central re- gion where the yolk can still be seen from the exterior. This por- tion of the yolk is called the yolk-plug, while the . margin of darker animal cells im- mediately surrounding the yolk-plug is called the blastopore (Figs. 321, 323). Fig. 322. First two figures, photographs of- Frog Blastulas. A to F, median sections through Blastulas and Gastrulas of A, Cynthia bipartia with 64 cells (this is a member of the tunicates). B, Gastrula of dona intestinalis (also a tunicate). C, Gastrula of Amphioxus; D, Blastula of Axolotl (Mexican salamander which breeds in the larval stage) ; E, Gastrula of an early stage of Turtle (Chdonia caouana), F, Gastrula of a later reptilian stage (in the Gecko). A to F after Rabl and Van Beneden.) EMBRYOLOGY OF TADPOLE AND CHICK 555 The fact that the entire yolk comes to lie within the blastoderm causes much of the growth process to be hidden from view. In fact, Professor Johnstone of Cambridge University suggests that the frog em- bryo may not have the three regular germ layers at all. We think they are present, although pressed together so closely that it is practically impossible to distinguish them. A slight separation of the darker cell layer in the yolk-plug region leaves an opening called the segmentation cavity or blastocoele (Figs. 322, 323). The portion of the pigmented layer which has separated from the yolk-plug will now be known as the dorsal lip of the blastopore (Fig. 323). The segmentation cavity forms near the animal pole. The entire blastula, however, is not much larger than the original egg because, although there are now thirty-two to sixty-four cells definitely formed, these have been formed by constant cell division without much growth after dividing. The roof and walls of the segmentation cavity are, there- fore, composed of the external pigmented animal cells. These cells are of different shapes and sizes, rather irregular and loosely arranged, and really divided into two sheets, one lining the blastocoele, and the other forming the true outer layer of the blastula. It will thus be seen that Fig. 323. Median sagittal sections through a series of gastrulas of the frog (R. tem- poraria). The figures illustrate the change in position of the whole gastrula, as well as the phenomena of gastrulation proper. A. Commencement of gastrulation ; earliest appearance of the dorsal lip of the blastopore. Internally the gastrular cleavage is indicated. B. Invagination more pronounced; beginning of epiboly. C. Invagination, epiboly and involution in progress. The gastrular cleavage is now indicated on the side opposite the blastopore. Rotation of the gastrula. D. Just before the ventral lip of the blastopore reaches the median line. The in- dentation of the wall of the segmentation cavity is an artifact. E. Blastopore circular and filled with yolk plug. Gastrula beginning to rotate back to its original position. Peristomial mesoderm differentiating. F. Segmentation cavity nearly obliterated. Neural plate established. G. Gastrulation completed. o, Archenteron ; b, blastopore ; c, rudiment of notochord ; ec, ectoderm ; en, endoderm ; gc, gastrular cleavage ; ge, gut endoderm ; m, peristomial mesoderm ; np, neural plate ; nt, transverse neural ridge ; s, segmentation cavity or blastocoele. (After Brachet.) 556 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG the frog blastula is not made up of a single layer of cells, but of a double layer of animal cells. This double layer is the ectoderm. The floor of the blastocoele is made up of the large vegetal cells. As the pigmented animal micromeres divide more rapidly from now on, they naturally must grow toward the equator. This causes a thin- ning of the roof, but a thickening of the walls of the segmentation cavity. The equator of the blastula seems to be the region in which the cells multiply most rapidly, and this equatorial region is called the germ-ring or growth zone (Fig. 324). At the same time the germ-ring begins its rapid multiplication of cells, the gray crescent extends downward rather rapidly. This region is to become the posterior or caudal side of the embryo. The germ-ring from now on continues extending beyond the equator into the vegetal region until it lies approximately half way between the equator and veg- etal pole. This growing of the germ-ring pushes the yolk more and more within the overgrowing animal cells, as already mentioned. The yolk thus being pushed within, naturally forces the floor of the segmenta- tion cavity into a convex arch. This is considered the end of blastulation in the frog's egg. THE FORMATION OF THE GASTRULA We have at this point, then: most of the yolk withdrawn within the overgrowing animal cells, two layers of which form the outer cover- ing of the blastula at the animal pole; a segmentation cavity with its floor convexly arched, and a definite antero-posterior differentiation, the posterior side being marked by the gray crescent. The development of the gastrula begins just beneath the posterior lip of the blastopore by a groove which forms directly between the ani- mal cells and the yolk cells (Fig. 323, A, gc). The groove itself is lined by both kinds of cells on its opposite faces. We know from the develop- ment which takes place later that this groove is the real beginning of invagination. The groove itself becomes the archenteron or primitive intestinal tract (Fig. 323, C, E, F, G, a). The upper lip of this groove is the rim of the blastopore (Fig. 323, b). The animal cells become the ectoderm and the yolk cells become entoderm. As the yolk is pushed within the blastula it causes a narrow groove to form in the region of the blastocoele, which separates the rising floor from the remaining yolk. This groove finally becomes a definite narrow slit, which splits off the ectoderm and entoderm at the point of invagina- tion. The original groove is known as the gastrular groove, and the splitting off into ectoderm and entoderm is called gastrular cleavage (Fig. 323, A, gc). This gastrular cleavage extends from the dorsal lip of the blastopore entirely around the gastrula to the opposite side from where invagination takes place. In the invagination area, a definite tongue of ectodermal cells pushes EMBRYOLOGY OF TADPOLE AND CHICK 557 inward (Fig. 323, C, en) and joins directly with the inner yolk cells to form the entoderm. Due to their position, the inner yolk cells are also entoderm, although they do not form by a true invagination. Viewing the entire egg externally during the process of gastrula- tion, we may consider the germ-ring as something like a rubber band placed about an ordinary ball in an equatorial plane. By sliding the rubber band off the ball toward one side, we may understand how the germ-ring brings its lateral region together in the mid-rim in the pos- terior or caudal region. This coming together not only pushes the un- derlying cells within, but causes the entoderm to extend further inward and thus increases the cortical extent of the archenteron. We, therefore, have the first invagination of the pigmented cells forming the dorsal lip of the blastopore; the invagination then extends laterally in both directions to form the lateral lips of the blastopore; and finally the process of invagination continues around to the side of the gastrula, practically to a point almost opposite to where it began, and where the ventral lip of the blastopore is formed. This completes the entire blastopore. After the yolk plug has disappeared within the gas- trula, the blastopore remains a narrow, elongated slit connected with the archenteron. The method by which the blastopore grows by concrescence and forms the primitive streak has already been described in the chick, a re- reading of which should be done at this point. Comparisons should con- stantly be made between the development of frog and chick embryos. It will be noted from what has been said that gastrulation is not so much formed by invagination in the frog as it is by a delamination within the gastrula itself. In fact, among the higher chordates, invagination is sometimes en- tirely lacking, so that gastrulation may be accompanied by either involu- tion, such as takes place in the chick, or by epiboly, which occurs to some extent in the frog, and by delamination, a process just described. At this point Figure 325 must be studied to understand the varying changes of positions of the blastopore brought about by the rotation of the egg. It is also to be remembered that the blastopore marks the cau- dal extremity of the embryo. The two-layered stage in the frog is of very short duration. In the inner region, where the germ-ring and the yolk-cells which line the blastocoele are continuous, there are transitional cells which are to become the mesoderm (Fig. 324, m). These cells are continuous with ectoderm on one side and entoderm or yolk-cells on the other, and can not be distinguished as definite mesodermal cells until the blastopore is completely formed. In other words, the mesoderm first appears as a ring of cells just within the margin of the blastopore. This mesodermal region is broad- ened considerably in the dorsal region. 558 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG As the blastopore closes, it carries mesodermal cells toward the mid- line (Fig. 324), where they form a broad median band extending forward from the dorsal lip of the blastopore. These cells then multiply, and as the dorsal lip extends downward, an axial thickening is formed. At this same time, the archenteron extends and carries yolk-cells outward toward the animal pole, so that the extent of the mesoderm is almost as great as that of the entoderm. Fig. 324. Frontal and transverse sections through gastrulas of the frog (R. temporaries) of various ages. A. Frontal section through gastrula of same age as Fig 323. C. B. Frontal section through gastrula of same age as Fig. 323, D. C. Frontal section through gastrula slightly older than Fig. 323, F. D. Frontal section through gastrula of same age as Fig. 32, G. E. Transverse section through gastrula slightly older than Fig 323, D. F. Transverse section through gastrula slightly older than Fig 323, G. a, Archenteron ; b, blastopore ; c, notochord ; ge, gut endoderm ; m, peristomial mesoderm ; np, neural plate ; s, segmentation cavity or blastocoele. (After Brachet.) Then a rearrangement of cells takes place, so that an irregular de- lamination commences in the dorsal lateral regions on each side of the thickened axial mass, and extends from there anteriorly and laterally around the sides of the archenteron. Thus, a thick layer of mesoderm is formed between the entodermal lining of the archenteron and the outer ectoderm (Fig. 324, m). At the lower pole, that is, toward the place where the yolk-plug is being drawn into the interior of the egg (Fig. 324, b), the lower surface of the yolk is also delaminated so that a circular margin of the mesoderm is formed there. It is from this layer of mesoderm that cells and groups of cells bud off and pass toward the lower pole — (it is to be remembered that these cells and groups of cells begin their growth in the lower pole EMBRYOLOGY OF TADPOLE AND CHICK 559 region, but lie above the lower pole itself) — toward the ventral portion of the blastopore, so that a more or less completely continuous layer of mesoderm is formed between the ectoderm and entoderm. In the dorsal region of the blastopore, and extending along the dor- sal axial mass, delamination does not occur as rapidly as in the ventral region. The course of delamination is also modified, here. This modi- fication is no doubt due to the fact that in this dorsal axial region the cells which are to become mesoderm are derived from the cells which invaginated from the outer layer, wrhile in other regions this is not the case. Then, too, it is in this region that the notochord forms, which further complicates matters. In fact, cross sections in the region of the blastopore do not show B Fig. 325. A, B, C, Transverse sections of Amblystoma tadpole. A, through suckers ; B, through optic and olfactory region ; C, through gill region. 560 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG lines of demarcation between the notochord, mesoderm, and the dor- sal entoderm for some little time ; but sections through the blastopore (while the yolk-plug is still protruding) show the rim of the blastopore to be composed of thick, undifferentiated cells which are a part of the contracted germ-ring. A little laterally, the ectoderm is separated by a narrow space or line which has formed during gastrulation, and the D Fig. 325. D, E, F, Photographs of transverse sections through 12 mm. frog tadpole. The sections are cut diagonally, the left eye (right side of figure) lying more cephalad ; is the most anterior. E immediately posterior to D, but lens was lost sectioning ; F, immediately posterior to middle cut. EMBRYOLOGY OF TADPOLE AND CHICK 561 thin entoderm is separated from the middle layer. This separation of layers is the delamination process we have been discussing. As the outer animal cells are pigmented, we assume that whenever pigment is found in any of the inner cells, it is an indication that such pigmented cells are derived from the ectoderm. As the yolk-plug is withdrawn, the blastopore becomes a mere slit, while the ectoderm and mesoderm separate considerably, and dip down- ward toward the entoderm in the dorsal midline, although never so far 562 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG as to reach the entoderm. This leaves a narrow, vertical ridge of cells at the midline. A pair of slight depressions from the archenteron push upward and appear only as virtual grooves formed by pigmented cells. Forward from this, the lower margins of these grooves come to look like lips which approach the midline. The mesoderm in the meantime separates from the archenteron to a considerable extent (Fig. 324). Still farther forward, the grooves disappear, while the spaces be- tween mesoderm and entoderm, as well as between mesoderm and ecto- derm, extend vertically and delimit the pair of mesoderm masses. The cells thus left in the midline between the mesodermal sheets form a wedge-shaped elevation which is continuous with the entoderm. This is the beginning of the notochord. (Figs. 323, G, c, and 324, F, c,). The notochord is now cut off from the entoderm by a narrow slit which leaves the archenteron with a dorsal roof, one cell in thickness. (Fig. 324.) From this point posteriorly (toward the blastopore), the grooves of the archenteron are better marked. THE MEDULLARY PLATE At the same time that the notochord is developing, the medullary plate is also being formed (Figs. 324, np, and 326, everything above mes.), partly from the medial band of cells which extends from the region of the dorsal lip of the blastopore nearly to the animal pole, and partially from the axial thickening caused by the confluence of the lateral portions of the germ-ring. The inner portion of the former region is called the nervous layer of ectoderm. It is this nervous layer which begins to thicken, and by the time the blastopore has begun to close, a thickened medullary plate has formed over the entire dorsal surface of the gastrula, essentially like that described in the chick. At about the time the yolk-plug has disappeared, the lateral ridges have become elevated and form the lateral neural ridges (Fig. 327, n, f). Fig. 326. Transverse section through frog tadpole in the an- terior region of the neural groove, au, eye-pits. (Note the pigment in the outer cells) ; ect, outer layer of ectoderm: ent, entoderm ; mes, mesoderm ; nr. anlage of the neural crest. (After Eyelesheymer. ) EMBRYOLOGY OF TADPOLE AND CHICK 563 These extend from the blastopore to almost directly opposite on the dorso-lateral portion of the embryo. Here they turn sharply to pass toward the midline where they meet to form the transverse neural fold. It is this latter fold which marks the anterior limit of the medullary plate. The median groove becomes more pronounced and is then called the neural groove. The important points to bear in mind here are : Firstj that as in the chick and all chordate animals, so, too, in the frog, the closing of the blastopore by confluence (extending in an antero- posterior direction, on the dorsal aspect of the embryo) forms a definite Fig. 327. Frog embryos. A, from behind and above ; B, from in front ; C, slightly earlier than A and B. an., proctodeum (the invagination from which anus will form) ; blp., blastopore ; ga, gill arches ; gp., gill plate ; n/., neural fold ; a, sucker ; ap., sense plate. (After Borradaile.) axis, which means that by this confluence, the germ-ring becomes the axis. It is on each side of this axis that organs and important struc- tures develop. Second, that gastrulation involves only the forming of two layers (ectoderm and entoderm) from the single layered blastula. Third, that notogenesis includes all the processes involved in the formation of the medullary plate, notochord, and mesoderm. Gastrulation is accomplished in the frog chiefly by a delamination and rearrangement of the yolk cells and only to a slight extent by in- vagination. The process of invagination is chiefly concerned in forming the beginning of the notochord and the mesoderm in the dorsal and dorso-lateral regions. These latter structures are not formed entirely, however, by invagination, but also by material from the germ-ring which 564 EMBRYOLOGY OF TADPOLE AND CHICK has been carried to the axial region. Invagination, in the frog, is there- fore considered of minor importance. Amphioxus is the only chordate which remains in a two-layered state for some time. All other chordates retain this condition for a short period, and this is so because the mesoderm begins its development al- most at the moment of gastrulation. In fact, in the frog, mesodermal cells are found almost immediately after the entoderm cells begin, to form. They are found, first, all around the margin of the blastopore where they form an important part of the germ-ring. Mesoderm which forms in this way is called blastoporal or peristomial. As confluence begins, the lateral portions of the germ-ring are brought .closer to the mid-dorsal region where they become a part of the axis of the elongating embryo. That is, they form the mesodermal bands, already referred to, and it is these bands of the germ-ring which become axial in position, then to be known as gastral mesoderm. This gastral mesoderm is nothing more nor less than mesoderm derived in turn from the blastoporal mesoderm. It is no different from any other mesoderm derived from the same origin, although it lies, of course, in a different position from the remaining mesoderm. In Amphioxus, the above statement, however, is not true ; for, in that animal, gastral meso- derm and blastoporal mesoderm have different origins. This difference in origins may be traced to the fact that in the frog the mesoderm dif- ferentiates before gastrulation and confluence, while in Amphioxus, the mesoderm does not differentiate until after these two processes have begun. THE FORMATION OF THE EMBRYO All that has been discussed so far has taken place within two days after fertilization. Now the embryo can be seen either lying in a straight line on the dorsal surface or slightly concave, while the ventral surface appears' convex. The ectoderm still forms the entire covering epithelium, although some of these ectodermal cells have developed cilia which appear just before the fusion of the neural folds. These cilia beat in a posterior direction, thus giving the embryo a slow, rotary motion within the egg membranes. -The transverse neural fold marks the anterior limit of the nervous system, whiler,,the posterior limit is located just anterior to the dorsal lip of the blastopore;. As confluence continues, the nervous system comes to extend from almost pole to pole on the posterior surface of the gastrula, even- before the blastopore has entirely contracted. The -gastrula then rotates so that this posterior portion becomes dorsal, thus bringing the transverse neural fold to the anterior end of the nervous system, while the medul- lary plate occupies nearly the entire dorsal surface of the embryo. fj .•.:,- The ridges which form on the neural plate and later fuse in a similar EMBRYOLOGY OF TADPOLE AND CHICK 565 manner to that described in the chick, begin fusion in the region of the medulla (Fig. 327), and continue both anteriorly and posteriorly. The transverse fold extends backward so as to form the roof of the expanded brain end of the developing nervous system. It meets the lateral folds in the region lying between the fore and mid-brain, and as it is the last region of the neural tube to close/ it is called the neuropore. The neuropore lies just posterior to where the epiphysis is to appear. It is quite transitory. Neural crests are formed in a similar manner to the way they were formed in the chick embryo. The blastopore has become a narrow slit, the lateral walls of which fuse, leaving two openings, an upper and a lower. The upper one is directly continuous with the archenteron, while the lower one is known as the proctodaeum. The proctodaeum is but a slight depression lined with ectoderm. The posterior ends of the neural folds extend out from the middle regions where they fuse, to form the neural tube which then covers the iipper blastoporal opening, thus forming a connection between arch- hi Fig. 328. Sections of an embryo frog. A, transverse; B, longitudinal, an., Anus., ccel., crclom ; cct., ectoderm or epiblast ; end., endoderm or hypo- blast ; f.br., fore-brain ; h.br., hind-brain ; ht., rudiment of heart ; int., intestine ; l.p., lateral plate of mesoblast ; lr., rudiment of liver ; 7n.br., mid-brain; m.s., mesoblastic somite; mes., mesoblast; mes' ., mesoblast continuous with epiblast of neural canal and hypoblast of notochord ; ne.c., neurenteric canal ; neh., notochord ; ph., pharynx ; pit., rudiment of pituitary body ; so-.m., somatic mesoblast ; sp.c., spinal cord ; sp m., splanchnic mesoblast; stm., stomodaeum. (After Borradaile.) 566 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG enteron and neural tube. This opening is called the neurenteric canal. (Fig. 328.) Just as with the chick, the confluence of the two lateral walls of the blastopore (which have been formed from the remains of the germ- ring) bring a median cell mass together in the axial region, in which ectoderm, entoderm, and mesoderm, are fused in a quite undifferentiated mass. This is the primitive streak. The groove which lies in the mid- line of the primitive streak is called the primitive groove. It is from this primitive streak that ectodermal cells are budded forth into the neural folds and upon the surface of the body. It is from the primitive streak, also, that mesodermal cells are budded off into the lateral bands, and entodermal cells into the walls of the archenteron. At this time the chief characteristic of the brain is the single flexure around the tip of the notochord (Fig. 329). The hypophysis (pituitary body) can be seen as a tongue of ectodermal cells just beneath the end of the fore-brain ; it extends inward a short distance. The rudiments of the eyes (Fig. 326, au) are indicated as small patches of the deeply pigmented ectodermal epithelium in an antero- lateral region of the medullary plate. The rudiments of the ears (Fig. 282, C) are seen as thickened patches of the inner or nervous layer of ectoderm opposite the region of the hind-brain. They are difficult to see externally as yet. The rudiments of the olfactory organs are formed as thickened patches of ectoderm below and in front of the optic rudiments. The tiny depressions on the surface which are to form the future olfactory pits may sometimes be seen at this period. The notochord is completely delaminated except in the region of the primitive streak, by the time the neural tube has closed. By the time the neural tube is completed, the archenteron is called a mesenteron, the anterior enlarged end forming the fore-gut, the walls of which are but one cell in thickness (Fig. 329). This is also called the pharynx in the embryo. The stomach and oesophagus are later to be developed from this region. Fig. 329. Sagittal section of Anterior end of a frog tadpole 3.6mm. .ong. (Redrawn from Corning.) EMBRYOLOGY OF TADPOLE AND CHICK 567 Just in front of the neurenteric canal there is an enlargement also, which forms the hind-gut or rectal portion of the intestine. The mid-gut is, as in the chick embryo, that small portion in direct connection with the yolk. It will be remembered that the true mouth forms in chordates as a secondary inpocketing of ectoderm. In the frog, the outpocketing from the fore-gut which is to meet the ectodermal inpocketing is seen just below the fore-brain (Fig. 329, pharyngeal membrane). This is the region where the mouth will form later. The liver will be seen as a ventral outgrowth beneath the anterior end of the yolk mass (Fig. 328). In sections, the rudiments of the first two or three visceral pouches can be seen as vertical outgrowths from the sides of the pharyngeal walls (Figs. 295 and 330). The pouches extend to the ectoderm with B. Fig. 330. A. Horizontal section through an embryo frog some time before hatch- ing, showing the optic vesicles springing from the sides of the fore-brain the three anterior pairs of gill-slits, and five pairs of mesoblastic somites. B A similar section through a tadpole shortly after hatching. The head is cut in a lower plane than in A, so only a small part of the anterior end of the brain appears in the section, a1, the mandibular arch ; oa, the hyoid arch ; a3, the first branchial arch ; bv, blood-vessel in first and second branchial arch ; eg external gills ; ent, enteron ; fbr, fore-brain; mch, branching mesenchyme cells ; na, nasal pits ; nch, notochord ; nps, peritoneal funnel ; op, optic vesicle ; ph, pharynx ; pnp, pronephros ; som, mesoblastic somites which in B are converted into muscle. I, mandibulo-hyoid slit; //, hyo-branchial slit; III-V branchial slits. (After Bourne.) 568 THE EMHRYOLOGY OF THE FROG which they fuse. It is this fusion which causes the depressions in the ectoderm just back of the head on the external surface. THE SOMITES Just as with the chick, somites are formed by transverse division along the dorsal portion of the embryo, except in the primitive streak an: Jt- A, y*- ol lr.- Fig. 331. A. Tadpole of the frog at the time of hatching, an, anus ; ex. a, external gills na, nasal pit ; s, sucker ; som, somites ; st, stomodseum ; yk, yolk-sac. B. Diagram of a frontal section of a frog larva at the time of hatching, (modified.) c, Crelom ; d, pronephric duct; F, fore-brain; i, infundibulum ; in, intestine; n, nephrostome; o, base of optic stalk; ol, olfactory pit (pla- code) ; p, pharynx ; t, pronephric tubules ; II, hyoid arch ; III -VI, first to fourth branchial arches ; 1, hyomandibular pouch ; 2-6, first to fifth branchial pouches. C. A diagram of a transverse section of the frog embryo at the hatching stage, ccel., Crelom ; ect., ectoderm ; int., intestine ; lr., liver ; m.pl., muscle plate ; nch., notochord ; nst., nephrostome ; s.d., segmental duct ; sp.c., spinal cord. The glomeruli are seen opposite the nephrostomes. (A and C, after Borradaile ; B, after Marshall.) EMBRYOLOGY OF TADPOLE AND CHICK 5G9 ep region and in the head region. A complete sheet of mesoderm now sep- arates ectoderm and entoderm in the embryo from the head region to me primitive streak region, and this sheet separates into two layers, an outer or somatopleure, and an inner known as the splanchnopleure. (Fig. 268.) The thickened region where the somites form on the dorsal surtace of the embryo along the notochord is called the segmental plate or myotomal region, while the portion extending laterally (which is much thinner) forms the lateral plates. The coelom develops between somatopleure and splanchnopleure. As the frog's egg has the yolk- mass packed within the embryo, this mass pushes the germ layers close together, so that they are by no means as clearly set apart as in the chick embryo. Between the second, third, and fourth somites and the lateral plates, small masses of cells remain closely related to the somatopleure of the lateral plate. It is these cell masses which are to develop into the pro- nephric tubules. All of these struc- tures must be compared with similar developmental structures in the chick embryo, at this point. The coelom proper can be seen as a definite space only below the pharynx in front of the liver (Fig. 331). The heart will develop in the region where the loosely scattered cells are seen, ventral to the pharynx. At Fig. 332. Diagrams of median sagittal sections of the anterior ends of frog larva?. A. Of a larva just before the opening of the mouth. B. Of a 12 mm. larva (at the appearance of the hind-limb buds), a, Auricle; ao, dorsal aorta ; b, gall bladder ; bh, basihyal cartilage ; eh, cavity of cerebral hemisphere (lateral ventricle) ; e, epithelial plug closing the O3sophagus ; ep, epiphysis ; g, glottis ; h, hypophysis ; H, hind-brain ; hr, cerebral hemisphere; ht, horny "teeth" ; hv, hepatic vein ; i, intestine ; if, infundibulum ; j, lower jaw ; i, liver ; ly, laryngeal chamber ; m, mouth ; M, mid-brain ; mb, oral membrane (oral septum) ; n, notochord; o, median por- tion of opercular cavity ; ce, oesophagus ; p, pharynx ; pb, pineal body ; pc, pericardia! cavity; pd, pronephric (mesonephric) duct; pt, pituitary body ; pv, pulmonary vein ; pill, choroid plexus of third ventricle ; pIV, choroid plexus of fourth ventricle ; r, rostral cartilage ; ro, optic recess ; s, stomodaeum ; sv, sinus venosus ; t, thyroid body ; ta, truncus arteriosus ; tp, tuberculum posterius ; v, ventricle; vc, inferior (posterior) vena cava. (After Marshall.) THE LATER DEVELOPMENT OF THE TADPOLE There are details in which the various species of frogs vary, but all pass through the following general method of development. It is both interesting and prof- itable to call attention at this point to the fact that, while the frog was one of the earliest forms of animal life studied in the laboratory, and 570 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG while many hundreds of volumes and articles have been written on it from many angles, there are nevertheless hundreds of interesting points in that animal's development which are unknown. In fact, one writer says that the gaps that confront one in the study of the frog assume "remarkable proportions" when one thinks of how much work has really been done on this much-studied animal. Then, too, as there is no accurate method of obtaining the age of a frog, owing to the remarkable influence temperature and food play in its development, it is often difficult to make clear much that should be made clear to the student. Roughly speaking, at the time of hatching, namely, about one or two weeks after fertilization, the larvae of most species are about six or seven millimeters in length. The tadpole is usually about nine or ten millimeters in length at the time of the opening of the mouth, and eleven or twelve millimeters when the limb-buds appear. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM There are no neuromeres in the brain region of the frog, though otherwise the same brain divisions take place that we have discussed in the chick. The tuberculum posterius (Fig. 332, tp) is a thickening opposite the tip of the notochord in the floor of the brain, while a dorsal thickening appears in the roof of the brain obliquely upward and forward from this. A plane passing from the tuberculum posterius in front of the dorsal thickening separates the fore-brain from the mid-brain, while a plane passing from the same tuberculum behind the dorsal thickening sepa- rates the mid-brain from the hind-brain. The beginning of the brain divisions is quite similar to the three primary regions mentioned in the chick embryo, and a review of the matter there given will make the divisions and cavities in the frog un- derstandable. It will be remembered that the olfactory lobes and the cerebral hem- ispheres form the telencephalon, and that the telencephalon and the "tween-brain" (diencephalon) together form the fore-brain, while the optic lobes and optic chiasma form the main portions of the mesencepha- lon. The cerebellum takes up most of the metencephaloti, while the medulla oblongata forms the myelencephalon. THE FORE-BRAIN Opposite the neuropore (Fig. 328) the cells of the ectodermal cone scatter, due to the pushing out of the head tissues in advance of the brain. Soon all trace of the neuropore disappears except for a slight in- dentation known as the olfactory recess, and this also disappears a short time later. The lamina terminalis (Fig. 282, C) is a thickening just below the EMBRYOLOGY OF TADPOLE AND CHICK 571 e. hm. level of the olfactory recess in the anterior wall of the fore-brain. It extends ventrally to where the optic stalks protrude. From the drawing (Fig. 333) it will be noticed that a thickening occurs in the region of the attachment of the optic stalks to form the torus transversus (Fig. 333, tr) and the beginnings of the optic chiasma (Fig. 333, cw) and thalami. The torsus transversus becomes the seat of the anterior commissure (Fig. 333, cpa) as well as other commissures of the brain. The narrow depression between the thickenings just mentioned forms the recessus opticus (Fig. 333, ro), which is the passage to the cavities in the optic stalks. The infundibulum (Fig. 333, J) is an outgrowth of the posterior portion of the fore- brain where it extends backward under the tip of the notochord. The epiphysis or pineal body (Fig. 333, e) is an evagina- tion from the dorsal wall of the fore-brain at its posterior limit where the wall has be- come quite thin. The choroid plexus (Fig. 333, pch) is the non-nervous portion of the roof of the fore- brain which has be- come thinned out con- siderably, and in which the blood vessels lie. This whole region is pushed into the third ventricle. The habenular ganglia and the haben- ular commissure (Fig. 333, ch) develop be- tween the choroid plexus and the epiphysis. The paraphysis (a dorsal growth) devel- ops in front of the habenular ganglia and commmissure considerably later. Fig. 333. Median sagittal sections through the brain of the frog. A. Of a larva of R. fusca of 7 mm. in which the mouth was open*. B. R. esculenta at the end of metamorphosis, c, Cerebellum ; co, anterior commissure ; cd, notochord ; ch, habentflar commissure ; cp, posterior commissure ; cpa, anterior pallial commissure ; cq, posterior corpus quadrigeminum ; ct, tubercular commissure ; cw, optic chiasma ; d, diencephalon ; dt, tract of IV cranial nerve ; e, epiphysis ; hm, cerebral hemisphere ; Ay, hypophysis ; J, ijn- f undibulum ; M, mesencephalon ; Ml, myelencephalon ; Aft, metencephalon ; p, antero-dorsal extension of diencephalon ; pch, choroid plexus of third ventricle ; R, rhombencephalon ; rm, recessus mammillaris ; ro, optic recess ; se, roof of diencephalon ; t, telencephalon ; tp, tuberculum posterius ; tr, torus trans^versus (telencephali) ; vc, valvula cerebelli ; vi, ventriculus impar (telencephali) (third ventricle"). (From Von Kupffer, Hert- wig's Handbuch, etc.) 572 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG The cerebral hemispheres appear when the tadpole is about seven millimeters in length, that is, when it is ready to hatch. The ventricles are similar to those in the chick. As all these thickenings and outgrowths appear, the brain itself seems to straighten the original flexure, but this is only apparent, as the flexure remains, and the infundibulum still extends below and in front of the tip of the notochord. The hypophysis (Fig. 333, hy) grows as an inward extension of the surface ectoderm* to meet with the infundibulum. THE MID-BRAIN There is not much change in this region of the brain except that the ventro-lateral walls thicken, and these thickened portions are known as the crura cerebri. They connect with the wall of the fore-brain. The dorso-lateral walls of the mid-brain form the large, rounded optic lobes. The posterior commissure (Fig. 333, cp) forms the anterior limit of the mid-brain. The aqueduct of Sylvius (Fig. 303) is the cavity in the mid-brain connecting the third ventricle with the cavity in the rhombenceplralon. THE HIND-BRAIN There is little, if any, line of demarcation in the frog which divides the hind-brain into metencephalon and myelencephalon. The cerebellum (Fig. 333, c) is in the region which is commonly designated as the metencephalon. This organ is quite small in the frog, and appears late in larval life on the dorsal side of the hind-brain. The non-nervous thinned-out roof of the fourth ventricle (which covers the dorsal part of the region of the medulla oblongata or myelen- cephalon), (Fig. 333, Ml), forms the choroid plexus of the fourth ven- tricle. The floor of the ventro-lateral walls of the hind-brain becomes thick- ened and forms the main nervous pathways to and from the nuclei of origin of most of the cranial nerves. The brain gradually tapers into the spinal cord proper at the medulla oblongata. The central canal is the cen'tral opening running throughout the length of the spinal cord. It is continuous with the cavities of the brain. This central canal is lined with non-nervous cells known as ependymal cells. The true nerve-cells which go to make up the main portions of the wall of the spinal cord are called germinal cells. These latter are in turn divided into supporting cells or glia cells, and the true functional nerve cells or neuroblasts. There is no dorsal fissure in the frog's spinal cord as there is in higher forms, though there is a ventral fissure. The gray matter of the cord is formed by the neuroblasts. EMBRYOLOGY OF TADPOLE AND CHICK THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 573 The peripheral nervous system has been discussed in some detail in the chick, and will be taken up in comparative anatomy later. In the tadpole there are some forty pairs of spinal nerves but only ten pairs in the adult. They arise by a dorsal and ventral root, which unite to form the trunk of the spinal nerve, after which this trunk divides into a dorsal and a ventral ramus, while a ramus communicans connects the trunk with the sympathetic system. There are also ten cranial nerves instead of twelve as in the higher forms. Fig. 334. Transverse and frontal sections of frog embryo to show position and division of neural crest in head region. The V, VII, IX, and X are called branchiomeric nerves on account of their close relationship to the branchial clefts. The cranial nerves take their substance from three embryological elements, namely: (1) the cell masses derived from the neural crests as described in the study of the chick, (2) cells from ectodermal patches on the surface of the head, and (3) from the cell processes which extend outward from the neuroblasts in the ventro-lateral walls of the spinal chord. They differ, therefore, from the spinal nerves, for in these (2) is lacking". The V, VII, IX and X cranial nerves arise by a single root (though this may be mixed, i. e., it may be both sensory and motor in function) passing into a large ganglion, beyond which a large horizontal branch is given off wrhich in turn branches into two rami which pass anteriorly and posteriorly to the gill cleft with which the particular nerve is asso- ciated. As in the chick, so in the frog, the cranial nerves develop from the neural crests left on each side of the central canal after the neural folds fuse, and the indented ectoderm again returns to its normal condition. 574 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG The neural crests are thus left between the central canal and the outer ectoderm. The neural crests are quite large in the head region, becoming smaller toward the posterior region of the embryo. Each crest becomes divided into three masses as the neural plate begins to close. (Fig. 334.) The more anterior of these divisions which lies in the region of the mid-brain is the beginning of the V nerve, and is to form the trigeminal ganglion. The middle section is the beginning of the VIII and VII Fig. 335. The Nerve Placodes in the head of an Ammocoetes 4 mm. long. V1, first • ganglion of the V cranial nerve ; Va, second ganglion of the same nerve ; VII, ganglion of the VII cranial nerve ; IX, ganglion of the IX nerve ; X, ganglion of the X (Vagus) nerve. 1, 8, 13, first, eighth and thirteenth ganglia in the epi- branchial series, for1, 6r8, first and eighth branchial pouches ; c, ciliary nerve ; eh, notochord ; I, lateral ramus of the X cranial nerve ; N, milage of hypophysis ; n.a., VI cranial nerve (abducens) ; o., ophthalmic nerve; r.f., recurrent branch of VII cranial nerve (facial) ; r.v., recurrent branch of X (vagus) nerve; t., IV cranial (trochlear) nerve; ves.op., optic vesicle. (From Vialleton after von Kupffer.) nerves, known also as the acustico- facialis ganglion, while the posterior division forms the beginning of the IX and X nerves, or the glosso- pharyngeal and vagus ganglia. The three divisions do not separate en- tirely from the medullary plate, but remain connected by a very slender chain of cells to the medullar region of the brain. When the tadpole has developed three or four somites, the inner or nervous layer of the ectoderm opposite the crest ganglia proliferates to form a patch, sometimes three or four cells in thickness. Such patches are known as placodes (Figs. 268, 335), and are thought to be vestigial sense organs. In the placode there is found a superficial sensory element which may disappear, and a deep ganglionic element usually retained. It is the ganglionic portion which fuses with the nearest crest-ganglion, thus forming the principal sensory portions of the nerve. THE TRIGEMINAL OR V NERVE This is the principal nerve of the mouth and mandibular arch. The trigeminal portion of the neural crest is large and extends from the eye to the hyomandibular cleft (Fig. 335). The ectodermal and mesodermal cell-groups fuse as the crest ganglion grows downward. In the ventral region it meets the mesoderm of the mandibular arch. EMBRYOLOGY OF TADPOLE AND CHICK 575 It is important that the student note how the mesenchyme of the mandibular arch is formed by the process of growth just described. The mesodermal and ectodermal cells have so intermingled at the point of fusion that the separate cells of ectoderm and mesoderm are now indis- tinguishable. (Fig. 334.) The dorsal and superficial cells of the crest ganglion retain their nervous character and come into close relation to the large placode close to them, but the superficial portion of the placode, which is sensory, now disappears. The deep or ganglionic portion not only enlarges, but divides into two parts. The anterior portion becomes the ophthalmic ganglion of the ophthalmic branch of the V nerve. The fibers of this branch grow cephalad through the dorsal head region, and also grow medially and connect with the medulla oblongata. The posterior portion of the placode ganglion fuses with the crest ganglion to form the Gasserian ganglion or trigeminal ganglion. It is from the cells of the trigeminal ganglion that fibers arise which run to the medulla on the dorsal side, and these fibers form the sensory root of the V nerve. Then, too, there are fibers which grow out from the ganglion to pass to the surface of the head to form the cutaneous branch of the V nerve, while the fibers which pass in front of and behind the mouth are called the mandibular and maxillary branches respectively. All of these branches as well as those from most of the branchi- omeric nerves can be seen before the opening of the mouth. THE FACIAL AND AUDITORY, OR THE VII AND VIII NERVES Both of these nerves are derived from the acustico-facialis crest ganglion and the placode associated with it. The VII nerve is connected with the hyomandibular cleft, while the VIII nerve is a purely sensory (auditory) nerve, and so not one of the branchiomeric series. The greater portion of the crest ganglion, as with the V nerve, con- tributes to the mesenchyme of the hyoid arch, although the nervous por- tion of the crest ganglion is more extensive than that of the V nerve, which is due to the fact that a greater portion of the original ganglion retains its nervous function. The superficial or nervous character of the placode does not dis- appear in this case, but keeps on becoming larger, after which it sinks below the surface of the head and invaginates to form the auditory sac. (Fig. 334.) The deep placode ganglion cells which are in connection with this sensory epithelium remain in contact with the sac to form the root of the VIII nerve. The remaining portion of the placode ganglion joins with the nerv- ous portion of the crest ganglion to form the ganglion of the VII nerve. It is from this ganglion that fibers pass to the medulla and to the hyoid 576 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG arch and associated regions, to form the hyomandibular and palatine nerves. THE GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL AND VAGUS (PNEUMOGASTRIC) OR IX AND X NERVES The remaining visceral clefts, that is, the first to fourth clefts, or third to sixth visceral arches, are associated with the IX and X nerves. The IX nerve is limited to the first gill cleft alone, but the X nerve is associated and distributed to the others. It is to be considered a com- pound nerve, as it is made up of several branchiomeric nerves. The large posterior part of the neural crest in the head region is the portion associated with the IX and X nerves. Its growth is much like that of the V nerve, though it does not assist in forming so much mesenchyme. The superficial sensory portion of the placode of the IX nerve dis- appears, and its ganglionic portion is only slightly related to the crest ganglion. Posterior to this, the larger placode of the X nerve appears simulta- neously, and passes through similar stages, but in this case there is a more extensive fusion between it and the nervous portion of the crest ganglion. The fibers from the IX and X ganglion pass out together to the medulla as a single root. The anterior cardinal vein partially separates the IX from the X ganglion. The fibers which pass out from the IX nerve portion of the ganglion are practically all placodal in origin, and pass to the first branchial cleft, while the fibers coming from the mixed ganglion of the X nerve are connected with all the remaining clefts. It is well to pay considerable attention to the X nerve, as it is one of the most important nerves in the body, being connected: with many important, structures. .„,..,, It is from the X ganglion that other processes than those just men- tioned, also grow. A considerable tongue of cells grows -out posteriorly to form the sense organs of the lateral line, shortly to be discussed, while the fibers which are to become the lateral line nerves accompan}^ this tongue (Fig. 340). These latter fibers are present only during the tad- pole stage. Then there are branches which pass to the thoracic and abdominal organs to form the visceral branch of the X nerve. As sensory nerves pass to a general center, and motor nerves pass from a center to some outlying region, it is well to appreciate how some of the nerves mentioned above come to be mixed, that is, having both sensory and motor fibers running along side by side. The motor fibers of the branchiomeric series do not arise by sepa- rate roots (Fig. 336) as do the sensory, but from neuroblasts in the walls EMBRYOLOGY OF TADPOLE AND CHICK 577 of the medulla oblongata which send out processes called axons, which leave the medulla in close association with the sensory roots already de- scribed. These are then distributed with the branches passing posterior to the gill clefts. The III cranial nerve is the first of the remaining III, IV, and VI to appear, although all three of these form later than the ones discussed above, that is, they form when the tadpole is five to six millimeters in length. The III is called the oculo-motor, the IV the trochlear, and the VI the abducens. All are motor nerves, which innervate the muscles of the eye-ball. The I cranial nerve is the purely sensory olfactory nerve and the II is likewise a purely sensory nerve, namely, the optic. THE SPINAL NERVES These nerves, unlike the cranial nerves, are related to the somites, and not to the visceral clefts, and there are no placodes connected with them. The two most anterior myotomes do not have spinal nerves connected with them, and the myotomes soon dis- appear, but the segments formed in the neural crests, posterior to the head re- gion (with the exception of the two just mentioned), have cell processes grow out into the cord to form the dor- sal root of the spinal nerves, while others grow away from the cord to form the peripheral strands which are distributed to the skin and other sensory surfaces. The ventral root of the spinal nerve is formed by outgrowths or axons from the neuroblasts on the ven- tral side of the cord, and appear when the tadpole is about four millimeters in length. These then meet the dorsal root a little distance beyond the ganglion, and pass partly to the meso- dermal myotomes and partly to the sympathetic system. THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM (Fig. 337) When the tadpole is about six millimeters in length, one may see a slight collection of cells on the spinal nerves at about the level of the dorsal aorta. From our study of the sympathetic system in higher ani- mals, we assume that these cell-groups are composed of elements from the spinal ganglia, and from some of the posterior cranial ganglia. • ,.t Fig. 336. Schematic arrangement to show the composition of the central nerve roots in shark fins. The motor fibers run to the muscles, and each motor spinal root is made up of the fibers of three spinal seg- ments. NI, II, III. IV, V, Neuromeres; N2, N3, N4, corresponding motor roots ; M1-M5, Myomeres; 1-10 Divisions of Mydmeres. (From Rabl.) 578 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG The cells themselves migrate ventro-medially to form a pair of longi- tudinal sympathetic cords, along each side of the dorsal aorta. It is from these cords, then, that processes grow back to the spinal ganglia to form the rami communicantes, as well as outwardly to the various organs and surfaces. Other fibers from other spinal ganglia grow out and follow the paths thus laid down for them, while cells from the sympathetic cord probably also migrate to form the large sympathetic ganglia found in close con- nection with the large blood vessels, and the thoracic and abdominal viscera. The fact of the matter is that the sympathetic nervous system B. ao.c. — iscA Fig. 337. A. Sympathetic nervous system of the Frog, ao, aortic arch ; ao.c., common aorta ; isch, ischial nerve ; sp.sy., communicating branches between the spinal and sympathetic nerves ; ay, the two branches of the sympathetic system; 1-10, spinal nerves. (After Meissner.) B. One-half of a transverse section of Ammocoetes, in the head-region. Schematic. ao, aorta ; br.a., branchial branch of nerves ; ch, notochord ; ep.br.pl., ganglion anlage which develops where the epibranchial placode forms ; ect, ectoderm ; ent, ento- derm ; lat.pl., lateral placode ; med.pl., medial placode ; med.obl., medulla oblongata (hind-brain) ; mt, myotome ; s.c.a., subcutaneous branch of the epibranchial nerve placode ; ap.a., spinal branch running inward ; s.pl., lateral plate of mesoderm ; symp.g., sym- pathetic ganglion. (After von Kupffer.) of the frog has not been worked out with any degree of thoroughness, and we can only suppose many things from our knowledge of other forms where more is known of this system. The ganglion of the III cranial nerve is sympathetic in character, as other cranial nerves may be, but this must be left for future workers to demonstrate. EMBRYOLOGY OF TADPOLE AND CHICK 579 •: L- THE EYE (Fig. 338) The general method of the eye formation is quite similar to that already described in the chick. As the outer free rim of the optic cup draws tog-ether, it leaves a small opening" which is the rudiment of the pupil. At this time we can distinguish the inner and outer layer to the cup, and a central cavity. These are the beginnings of the true retinal layer, the pigment layer, and the posterior chamber of the eye respectively. There is a choroid fissure formed, just as in the chick. The lens forms as a thickening of the ectoderm opposite the pupil, but this thickening involves only the nervous layer of the ectoderm. It develops quite similarly to the ectodermal placodes in the formation of the cranial nerves. In fact, the lens placode lies immediately anterior to the placode of the V cranial nerve. About the time of hatching, the lens has formed a prominent rounded thickening entirely cut <; gion of the blood-islands. They are paired but not alike on both sides. They pass along the lateral surface of the yolk and liver, and enter the sinus venosus. In fact, the sinus venosus is really formed by a fusion of these vessels from each side. Ductus Cuvieri or Cuvierian Sinuses. These are a pair of large veins which enter into the sinus venosus also and may even form part of that organ. They come from the body-wall opposite the sinus venosus. Hepatic Vein. As the liver develops, the omphalomesenteric veins which pass through that organ break up into capillaries within the sub- stance of the liver. Then the parts of both omphalomesenteric veins, which lie between the liver and the heart, fuse into a single hepatic vein. Hepatic Portal Vein. The right omphalomesenteric vein disappears caudad to the liver, while the left partly remains as the root of the future hepatic, portal vein. This vein will later receive branches from the digestive tract as well as from those organs which have arisen from the digestive tract. Anterior Cardinal Veins. As the ducts of Cuvier pass dorsad to the dorsal body wall, they divide. One branch passes headward as the an- terior cardinal vein. Superior Jugular Veins. This is the name given the anterior cardi- nal veins as they pass forward into the head, where they drain the brain and the dorsal portions of the head. Inferior Jugular Veins. These drain the mouth, sucker, and ventral surface of the head, and open into the roots of the duct of Cuvier just before these in turn enter the sinus venosus. Posterior Cardinal Veins. These are the posterior or caudal por- tions of the divided ducts of Cuvier, and are primarily the drainage sys- tem of the body-wall and excretory system. They pass caudad along the medial side of the pronephric ducts and receive the veins from the body- wall known as the segmental veins. The posterior cardinal veins form large sinusoids in the region of the pronephros, but as the metanephros develops, all this is modified, so that at fifteen millimeters the caudal ends of the veins fuse to form the single median cardinal vein. Caudal Vein, This begins at the tip of the tail and drains that region. It is unpaired, but upon reaching the body cavity, divides above the cloacal region, and then empties into the posterior cardinal veins. Posterior or Inferior Vena Cava, or Postcaval Vein. This begins as a branching of the left omphalomesenteric vein lying dorsal to the liver. From here, the postcaval vein passes through the suspensory fold of the liver to the right posterior cardinal vein and connects with it just anterior to the point where the median cardinal vein begins. This vessel enlarges rapidly and becomes the largest blood vessel in the body. It passes through the liver to the sinus venosus. The hepatic vein then opens into it instead of into the sinus venosus as formerly. Anterior, Superior, or Precaval Veins. The pronephric portions of THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 601 the postcaval veins degenerate as the pronephroi degenerate, and ulti- mately disappear entirely, even before metamorphosis is complete These leave the ductus Cuvieri as the proximal portions of the anterior cardi- nal veins, and it is these remaining proximal portions which are called the anterior, superior, or precaval veins. All blood from the posterior parts of the body-wall and from the tail now passes directly to the heart through the median cardinal and postcaval veins. Iliac Veins. The pronephroi are followed by the mesonephroi as in the chick, and an alteration in the relation of the median cardinal vein follows. On each side of the body the developing mesonephroi push into the median cardinal vein, so that this vein is divided into one me- dian and two lateral parallel channels. The caudal vein empties into the median channel and finally disappears, and the iliac veins which :ome from the hind-legs open into the lateral channels. It is the iliac ve'ms which become the chief vessels leading to the mesonephric region after the caudal vein disappears. Adult Venous System. After an understanding of the formation and change which takes place in the venous system during the embryonic period, the adult system can be understood. Afferent or Advehent Mesonephric Veins, or Renal Portal Veins. These are merely the iliac veins, together with the lateral channels of the median cardinal vein, with which they are continuous. Posterior Vertebral Veins. These are the small veins from the pos- terior body wrall which open into the renal portal vein. Renal Veins, or Revehent Mesonephric Veins. These are the short connecting vessels which connect the vascular space in the mesonephroi with the median channel of the median cardinal vein, so that only this median channel remains as a posterior continuation of the postcaval vein. Lateral Veins. A pair of these develop late in the ventral abdominal walls, and open into the sinus venosus. These connect with the iliac veins posteriorly, then fuse medially. Anterior Abdominal Vein. The anterior ends of the lateral veins lose their connection with the sinus venosus, while the anterior portion of the right lateral disappears entirely. The left lateral vein forms a new connection with the hepatic portal vein, and is then called the an- terior abdominal vein. Pulmonary Veins. These can be seen when the tadpole is about six millimeters in length as projections of the endothelium on the dorsal side of the sinus venosus. These projections form a tube,* opening proxi- mally into the left side of the auricle, which distally leaves the wall of the sinus venosus, and passes dorsally to the lung rudiments. This tube bifurcates at the base of the lungs, where each branch then passes along the medio-ventral side of the lung rudiment. After the lungs begin to function, the pulmonary veins empty into the left auricle. 602 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM By the time the tadpole is 6.5 millimeters in length, one may see a single pair of "lymph hearts" (Fig. 11). They are sac-like, and grow out of the intersegmental veins, usually from the fourth pair. That is, they are outgrowths from the veins which run between the fourth and fifth myotomes. These "lymph hearts" empty into the posterior cardinal veins at the more caudal end of the pronephros. The "hearts" themselves lie between the peritoneum and the outer covering, and below the level of the myotomes. The endothelial lining of the "hearts" and the blood vessels is continuous. The "beating" of the lymph hearts is due to a syncytial layer or net- work of striated muscle fibers immediately outside of the endothelium. The "beating" begins about the time the mouth opens. A short time after hatching, that is, when the tadpole is about 7.5 to 8.0 millimeters in length, two lymphatic vessels develop from each heart. They are known as anterior and posterior lymph vessels. They follow the lateral nerve in direction, the anterior vessel extending into the head, and the posterior along the sides of the trunk. Valves guard the openings of the lymph vessels into the "hearts" as well as into the veins where they empty. Fig. 347. Frog. A, showing anterior lymph-hearts, from the dor- sal side. B, showing posterior pair of lymph-hearts seen from the ventral side, gl, gluteus muscle ; ic, iliococcygeal muscle ; L, lymph-heart ; Is, levator scapvlae muscle ; N, spinal nerve; p, piriformis muscle: r, vastus muscles; ta, transverse scapularis major muscle ; ve, vastus externus muscle; 1-5, vertebrae. (After Wiedersheim.) Immediately after these lymph vessels begin growing, they develop a rich network of capillaries which spread out in all directions, being greatest in number close to the skin. Later, as the tadpole becomes quite large (about twenty-six millimeters), the lymphatic system be- comes well developed. The anterior lymph vessel, running downward and forward, connects with a large lymph sinus, around the mouth, heart, and branchial region. The posterior vessel passes caudad into the tail, and there divides into dorsal and ventral branches. These dorsal and ventral THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 603 branches of each side then unite to form two large vessels which extend through the tail, one of them above and the other below the myotomes. The walls disappear in the network that has grown out from the lymphatic vessels to form the large subcutaneous lymph sacs already noticed in the dissection of the adult frog. The thoracic ducts extend posteriorly from the "lymph hearts" and are probably outgrowths from them. They lie between the dorsal aorta and the posterior cardinal veins. The posterior lymph hearts (Fig. 347) — (one to three pairs in num- ber)— develop from the intersegmental vein just as did the anterior hearts, but their development is postponed until the hind-legs appear. Fig. 348. Diagrams to illustrate the divisions of the coelom in the various vertebrate classes. The transverse septum and its derivatives are indicated by thick lines. A, fishes, showing the division of the coelom into pericardial cavity a, and pleuro- peritoneal cavity g, by means of the transverse septum d. B., urodeles ; similar to fishes with the addition of the lung h which projects into the pleuroperitoneal cavity g. C, turtle ; the pericardial cavity a has descended posteriorly until it lies ventral to the anterior part of the pleuroperitoneal cavity g ; the anterior face of the transverse septum, d, has now become part of the wall of the pericardial sac ; the lung, h, is retroperitoneal. D, early stage of Mammals, showing the beginning of the coelomic fold (pleuroperitoneal membrane), j, descending from the dorsal body-wall, and the liver, /, enclosed within the transverse septum, d. E, later stage of mammals, showing union of the coelomic fold, j, with the transverse septum d, the two together forming the diaphragm which separates the pleura! cavity k from the peritoneal cavity, m; the liver has constricted from the main part of the transverse septum, the constriction becoming the coronary liga- ment, i, a, pericardial cavity ; 6, heart ; c, parietal pericardium or pericardial sac ; d, transverse septum ; e, serosa of the liver, this being a part of the transverse septum originally ; /, liver ; g, pleuroperitoneal cavity ; h, lung ; i, coronary liga- ment of the liver ; j, coelomic fold which forms part of the diaphragm ; k, pleural cavity ; I, pleuropericardial membrane or anterior continuation of the transverse septum; m, peritoneal cavity. (From Hyman's "A Laboratory Manual for Com- parative Vertebrate Anatomy," by permission of the Chicago University Press.) 604 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG Their first openings are into the posterior cardinal vein, which means that later they empty into the renal portal veins. The Spleen. This ductless gland is first seen in the developing tad- pole at about ten millimeters. It appears as a mass of mesenchymal lymphoid cells in the mesentery, immediately dorsal and posterior to the stomach and around the mesenteric artery. These cells then multiply and project from the mesentery so as to have a peritoneal covering, as do all the organs in the body cavity. Later, as the spleen enlarges, there seem to be various wandering cells from the intestinal epithelium added to it. The spleen is complete by the time the tadpole is twenty-five to twenty-seven millimeters in length and is extremely vascular. THE SEPTUM TRANSVERSUM (Fig. 348) The pericardial cavity, already discussed, has remained open pos- teriorly into the abdominal cavity, with the exception of the region covered by the liver. Now, as the ducts of Cuvier form and pass from the body-wall to the sinus venosus, they pass through this open region and carry with them incomplete peritoneal folds from the body-wall. These folds are called the lateral mesocardia. They remain incomplete dorsally for a long time, but gradually extend ventrally so as to form a complete separation between pericardial and peritoneal cavities This transverse partition is called the pericardio-peritoneal septum or the septum transversum. To this septum transversum is added a medial portion of peritoneum from the anterior face of the liver, while on the right side the septum becomes continuous with the posterior suspensory fold of the liver commonly called the mesohepaticum. After metamorphosis, the septum unites dorsally with the dorsal mesentery and completes the separation between pericardial and peri- toneal cavities. CHAPTER XLIV. THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM From our study of the urogenital system of the chick, we learned that while in birds and mammals, a pronephros, a mesonephros, and a metanephros form, in amphibians the first two forms of nephridic organs alone make their appearance, the mesonephros then remaining as the permanent adult functioning kidney. We have already spoken of the nephrotomes, which are also called the intermediate cell mass (Fig. 268). Some time before hatching, when the embryo is only about three to four millimeters in length, this intermediate cell mass can be seen as longitudinal thickenings on each side of the notochord. These thicken- ings then form a groove, the lips of which soon fuse to form a tube or duct. This is the pronephric or segmental duct. It is at the anterior end of this pronephric duct (in the region of the second to fourth somites) that the pronephros or head-kidney forms as a ventro-lateral outgrowth. At this anterior end of the pronephric duct there are three tiny openings left as the lips of the duct fuse. These three openings become the three pronephric tubules (Figs. 349, 350), and the openings of these tubules into the coelom are called the nephrostomes. The nephrostomes become lined with large cilia which produce a current out of the coelom, which current then passes by way of the pronephric duct to the cloaca. The pronephros itself becomes quite vascular. In the discussion of the posterior cardinal veins, mention \vas made of the close relation of these veins to the excretory system. It will be remembered that the^ lie along the pronephric ducts. The elongating of the pronephric tubules pushes them upward into the posterior cardinal sinus until the sinus is nearly rilled. This means, of course, that the tubules are really bathed in venous blood. At the same time that this occurs, arterial blood is brought from the dorsal aorta to the excretory system by arteries in the form of glomeruli. The manner in wThich the glomeruli form is rather complicated. Opposite the second nephrostome, a fold appears in the splanchnic meso- derm, when the embryo is about 4.5 millimeters long. This fold lies parallel to the pronephros itself, becoming elevated and projecting into the coelom opposite the nephrostomes. Vascular spaces appear in this 606 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG fold, which develop the long convoluted vessels of the glomerulus proper, and also a definite vessel which connects with a branch from tne dorsal aorta. This region of the body cavity is later cut off from the pronephric chamber by the lungs, projecting laterally, and carrying a fold of peri- toneum across to the peritoneum which covers the pronephros, fusing with it for a short distance. The pronephric chamber remains open into the coelom both anteriorly and posteriorly to the lung region. The pronephric capsule is derived from two sources, namely: from otphrostome gonad MESONEPIIROS Fig. 349. A and B. Diagrams of the development of the excretory system of the frog. A, The system of a tadpole about 12 mm, Jong, showing the pronephros and origin of the mesonephric tubules ; B, the system at the end of metamorphosis. The broken line represents approximately the position of the strip of peritoneal epithelium which gives rise to the oviduct, cl., Cloaca ; d.ao., dorsal aorta ; f.b., fat body ; gl., glomerulus ; gr., gential ridge ; mcs., mesonephro.3 ; ms.t., mesonephric tubules ; bd., oviduct ; ov/., position of oviducal opening ; pn.f., pronephric funnels; pnp., pronephros; sg., segmental duct. (From Bourne.) C, Diagram to show the structure of the pronephros and the mesonephros. Pronephros on the right and mesonephros on the left. The chief difference is in the relation of the glomerulus ; in the pronephros it projects into the coelom ; in the mesonephros it projects into the tubule, which forms the Bowman's capsule about it. (From Wiedersheim. ) THE UROGEXITAL SYSTEM 607 the ventro-lateral walls of the myotomes, which normally give rise to mesenchyme but which here evaginate in the pronephric region over both dorsal and lateral surfaces of the head-kidney to meet with folds coming up from the somatic layer of the lateral plate. This forms a capsule of connective tissue which encloses not only the pronephros proper, but also the pronephric sinus of the posterior cardinal vein. The pronephros is largest when the tadpole is about twelve milli- meters long. It remains stationary until the twenty millimeter stage, when it begins to degenerate. Degeneration is not quite complete at metamorphosis. Various blind outgrowths of the three original tubules Fig. 350. Diagrams to show the development of the three kidneys and their ducts and their relation to the male gonad. A, early stage rhovring the pronephros a, de- veloping from the anterior end of the mesomere c and the pronephric duct b, which has not yet reached the cloaca e. B, next stage illustrating the degeneration of the pronephros at /, the development of the mesonephros h, from the middle portion of the mesomere, the junction of the pronephric duct, now the mesonephric duct O with the cloaca and the beginning of the metanephric evagination t from the mesonephric duct. C, later stage, showing connection between certain tubules of the mesonephros and the testis j by means of tubules, the vasa efferentia, p, which grow out from the mesonephros ; and the penetration of the metanephric evagination into the posterior end of the mesomere where it is subdividing to form the collecting apparatus I, which becomes associated with the secretory metanephric tubules m, developed in the mesomere. />, final stage, in which tjie mesonephros has disappeared except for the remnant y, which connects with the testis j by means of the vasa efferentia p; the tnesonephric duct g persists as the vas deferens ; the two parts of the metanephros shown in C have united to form a single organ r. a, pronephros ; 6, pronephric duct ; c, mesomere or nephrotome ; d, intestine ; e, cloaca ; /, degenerating pronephros ; g, mesonephric or Wolffian duct ; h, mesonephros or Wolffian body ; t, metanephric evagination from the Wolffian duct in B, ureter in C and D; j, testis; fc, coiled portion of the vas deferens forming part of the epididymis ; I, collecting part of the metanephros derived from the Wolffian duct.; ra, excretory tubules of the metanephros derived from the mesomere ; «, nephrostome ; o, renal corpuscle or Malpighian body ; p, vasa efferentia ; q, remnant of the mesonephros, forming part of the epididymis ; r, metanephros. (From Hyman's "A Laboratory Manual for Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy," by permission of The Chicago University Press.) 008 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE can be seen before degeneration sets in. The pronephric duct close: just posterior to the pronephros, and the tubules break up and disappear The nephrostomes, however, approach one another, and finally mee to open into a common cavity called the common nephrostome. This then, also closes so that the nephrostomes are entirely cut off from al communication with the body cavity. The glomeruli also disappear although traces of these can still be seen for some months after meta morphosis. THE MESONEPHROS OR WOLFFIAN BODY Just about the time the pronephros attains its full size, or a littl before, the mesonephros or Wolffian body begins to form in the regioi of the nephrotomes or intermediate cell-mass of the seventh to twelftl somites. It is both somatic and splanchnic in origin. These nephro tomes fuse in a continuous longitudinal strip of irregularly .arrange< cells which lie between the pronephric duct and the dorsal aorta, alonj the posterior cardinal vein. Little swellings appear in this mass, whicl are the beginnings of the mesonephric vesicles. They are more numerou than the mesodermal segments, and so are not strictly metameric. Each of these swellings divides into a large ventral and a smalle dorsal chamber ; the larger one being called the primary mesonephri unit and the smaller the secondary mesonephric unit. The secondary units divide later to form a tertiary mesonephri unit. Each of the three units develops much alike. Figures 349 and 35' show this development. There are two outgrowths, an inner tubul which grows dorso-laterally to the pronephric duct where it opens, an< an outer tubule which grows ventro-medially to the peritoneum wit' which it fuses, and then it empties into the body cavity. The inner tubules connecting with the mesonephric duct conver the portion where such connections are formed into the mesonephros o Wolffian body — the true kidney of the adult frog. The duct itself, i the region of the connections, is known as the Mesonephric or Wolffia: Duct, while the duct posterior to this region is now the ureter. The inner tubules become elongated and coiled to. form the tubula portion of the mesonephros, wrhile the outer tubules form outgrowth which later form the capsule around the glomeruli, known as Bowman' capsules. A small twig from the dorsal aorta connects with each glomerulu in a similar manner to the way the glomeruli were formed in the prc nephros. The proximal portion of the outer tubule, from which the oul growths arise to form the capsule, now separates from the remainin tubule, but retains its connection with the inner tubule, and the distc portion of the outer tubule comes to lie in connection with the bod cavity. This latter connection becomes ciliated and forms a typicr THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM 609 nephrostome as in the pronephros. The nephrostomal region now forms another connection at its inner end with the sinus of the posterior cardi- nal vein, in which sinus the mesonephric tubules lie surrounded by venous blood. Many, as high as two hundred, outer tubules and nephrostomes may be formed from the three units described, and possibly some may be formed also by independent evaginations from the peritoneum, or even by splitting of those previously formed. The urinary bladder is a median ventral outgrowth from the wall of the cloaca nearly opposite the openings of the ureters. THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM The mesonephric duct becomes divided somewhat obliquely into two portions in front of the mesonephros, the more anterior portion now being the Miillerian duct, while the posterior portion forms the Wolffian duct. The Miillerian duct connects with the peritoneal epithelium an- teriorly and empties into the cloaca posteriorly. In the male frog, this duct persists as a mere longitudinal streak on the outer side of the kid- ney, and extends some distance in front of it. In the female frog, this Miillerian duct becomes the oviduct (Fig. 350). The Wolffian duct functions as the ureter in both sexes, but in the male, the posterior end of it becomes dilated into a glandular enlarge- ment called the seminal vesicle. Already at the six millimeter stage, as the mesentery is being formed by the coming together of the somites from both sides just under the dorsal aorta, a small group of entodermal cells is pinched off from the yolk, which, after completely separating from the yolk, divide longi- tudinally, each half moving laterally. These longitudinal halves are the genital ridges (Fig. 349, B). They lie close to the mesenteric attach- ment, and just beneath the cardinal veins. The genital ridges become quite conspicuous in a short time by germ-cell proliferations as well as by the peritoneal cells which cover them, and the mesenchymal cells from the body wall which migrate to this region. The mesenchymal cells form the stroma of the ridge ; the peritoneal cells form a thin superficial covering at first, while later they also form the suspending folds (mesorchia of the testes, and mesovaria of the ovaries) of the "fonads. The germ-cells now begin to proliferate and form the nests of cells (Fig. 254), which are to develop into gonads and gametes as already described early in the embryology of the chick. The anterior portion of the genital ridge becomes the fat body shortly before metamorphosis, while the posterior portion connects with the mesonephric duct. In this posterior region several outgrowths from the Malpighian bodies known as sexual cords can be seen. These become tubular, and 610 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG extend into the substance of the gonad. In the male, these sexual cords, after metamorphosis, form the vasa efferentia or efferent ducts by which spermatozoa are carried from the gonad proper to the real sperm duct, the vas deferens. In the female, the portions between ovary and meso- nephros degenerate, remaining only as a vestige, called Bidder's organ (Fig. 457). The tadpole must be of considerable size before the sexes can be dis- tinguished, Bouin giving the length as thirty millimeters in Rana Tem- poraria. In the male gonad, the cells all look alike, while in the female gonad, the follicle arrangement can be made out, and the ovary acquires a central lumen. THE ADRENAL BODIES OR EPINEPHROI Figure 351 will show how the adrenal bodies grow on -the meso- nephros of the frog. The important point to remember is that there are 9*- Fig. 351. Parts of sections through young R. temporaries, show- ing the origin of the adrenal bodies. A. Through 30 mm. tadpole. B. Through 11 mm. frog after metamorphosis, o, Dorsal aorta ; ac, cortical cells of adrenal body ; am, medullary cells of adrenal body ; ct, connective tissue ; g, gonad ; gs, sympathetic ganglion ; m, mesentery ; n, mesoneph- phros ; rv, revehent renal vein ; v, vena cava ; x, point where ganglion cells enter mesonephros and adrenal body. (After Srdinko.) two kinds of cellular substances in these organs. The adrenal bodies lie *rm the ventral surface of the mesonephros in the frog. Histologically, one may see a coarse network of cell strands with occasional groups of darkly staining tissue called phaeochrome tissue. Blood from the median posterior cardinal vein occupies the spaces in the adrenal body. The coarse network forms what is called the cortical tissue, and the more darkly staining portions are known as medullary tissue, because in the higher forms of animal life, the darkly staining portion lies toward the inner region of the organ, and the coarse network lies toward the outer or cortical region. When the tadpole is about twelve millimeters in length, the cortical region appears as small groups of cells lying along both sides of the wall of the median posterior vein, below the level of the mesonephros, THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM 611 as well as beneath the peritoneal epithelium from which they seem to arise. Just after metamorphosis, these cell-groups separate from the peri- toneum to form the network mentioned. The medullary portion, however, has a totally different origin, and one which may throw light on further work in our study of ductless glands, whose secretions have become an important factor in modern medicine. This portion is derived from the ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system by groups of cells whose precise origin is not clear. Some of these cell groups remain in the sympathetic ganglia, but others migrate to the adrenal body and become scattered about. CHAPTER XLV. THE SKELETAL SYSTEM The notochord extends from the blastopore to the pituitary body, as a rod of vacuolated cells rilled with fluid, around which three layers or sheaths form. The primary, or elastic sheath, is an outgrowth of superficial cells of the notochord itself and forms the superficial surface sheath of the notochord. The secondary or fibrous sheath is formed between the primary sheath and the notochord also by cells from the notochord itself. The third, or skeletogenous sheath, forms on the outside of the pri- mary layer at a later period as a thin sheath which is formed by the sclerotomes. The sclerotomes, it will be remembered, are outgrowths from the somites. This skeletogenous layer extends dorsally, entirely around the neural tube, and laterally, from the notochord, in between the successive myotomes. It is in this skeletogenous layer that the ver- tebrae are to be formed. When the tadpole is about fifteen millimeters long, a series of metameric cartilages can be observed along the medio-ventral surface of the notochord. They lie in the skeletogenous sheath (Fig. 352, cs). These segments fuse longitudinally to form a pair of dorsal and ventral strips which extend along the entire notochord. These strips now become metameric by constrictions of fibrous tissue which form rings. The rings are the beginnings of the inter-vertebral ligaments, which, just as in the chick, appear opposite the middle of each mesodermal segment. The mesodermal segments become the vertebrae, so that the liga- ments which form as separate segments between the vertebrae, are able to act on both the vertebra lying immediately anterior and immediately posterior to each mesodermal segment, after the muscle has developed in connection with these ligaments (Figs. 305, 352). The notochord becomes segmented and surrounded by cartilage, the notochordal segments form the soft centrum of the vertebrae, and prob- ably also portions of the intervertebral discs. The ventral cartilages now grow around the sides of the notochord and meet to fuse with the dorsal series. The transverse processes of the vertebrae grow out from the ventral cartilages. It is toward the lateral ends of these that the transverse processes of the ribs later develop. The neural arch is formed from outgrowths of the dorsal series which grow inward beneath the neural cord and also dorsally and ven- THE SKELETAL SYSTEM 613 trally. Later, when ossification begins, short processes called interverte- bral articulatory processes develop from the neural arches, by which each vertebra joins with the next succeeding vertebra. Ossification begins in the tadpole between the dorsal and ventral series of cartilages just described. There are nine vertebrae formed in the frog, plus the urostyle, the latter being unsegmented. 771 Fig. 352. Cross section through a. developing vertebra, rib and exoskeleton of a Turtle, c, corium in which the dermal plates are developed ; cs, primitive vertebral body ; ep, epidermis ; m, external oblique muscle ; p, perichondrium ; r, rib; sp, spinous process. (From Kingsley after Gotte. ) THE SKULL The skull is commonly formed from various embryological elements, which may be listed as follows : (1) Cranium. (2) Sense Capsules. (3) Visceral Arches. (4) Notochord. (5) Vertebrae. (6) Membrane or Derm Bones. It will be remembered that there are no true segments in the head region of the frog. Consequently, the list just given is only assumed from a comparison of other forms. When the cranial region begins its cartilage formation, the tadpole Is about seven millimeters in length. A pair of dense strands of tissue form along the ventro-lateral surfaces of the fore-brain. These then become cartilaginous and form the beginnings of the trabeculae, or trabecular cartilages (Fig. 310). These trabeculae extend forward and fuse across the midline between the olfactory organs. The fusion forms the internasal plate. The trabeculae continue extending forward, and these extensions are known as the trabecular cornua, at the ends of which the olfactory capsules form. A pair of labial or suprarostral cartilages which have formed in the upper lip meet with the olfactory capsules. The notochord which extends into the brain up to the pituitary body has a pair of tissue thickenings beginning in the region of the hind-brain 614 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG and extending anteriorly as parachordae, or parachordal cartilages. These parachordal cartilages now fuse with the posterior ends of the trabeculae to enclose the tip of the notochord, and the entire continuous plate beneath the fore-brain is then called the parachordal plate. These parts can be made understandable only by a careful examina- tion of Figures 310 and 353, which must be studied with great thorough- ness or much of our later work in comparative anatomy will be valueless. From the visceral arches, the palato-quadrates are formed as a pair of flattened rods, lateral to the trabeculae. These are in intimate rela- Fig. 353. A. Chondrocranium of 29 mm. larva of R. fusva. To the left, the ventral surface ; to the right, the dorsal surface, a, Auditory capsule ; bp, basal plate ; c, notochord ; ct, trabecular cornu ; /, basicranial fontanelle ; fa, foramen for carotid artery ; fin, foramen magnum ; fo, foramen for olfactory nerve ; ir infrarostral cartilage ; j, jugular foramen for IX and X cranial nerves ; I, perilymphatic foramina ; m, muscular process ; M, Meckel's cartilage ; o, otic process of palato- quadrate ; pf, palatine foramen ; pg, palato-quadrate cartilage ; sr, suprarostral cartilage ; t, trabecular cartilage ; v, secondary fenestra vestibuli. B, Anterior portion of chondrocranium of JR. fusca during metamorphosis. Lateral view. C. Skull of 2 cm. R. fusca, after metamorphosis. Dorsal view. Membrane bones removed from left side, a, Auditory capsule ; am, anterior maxillary process ; on, annulus tympanicus ; art, articular process of palato-quadrate cartilage ; eo, exoccipital bone ; /, fronto-parietal bone ; fpo, prootic foramen ; mx, maxillary bone ; n, nasal bone ; o, olfactory cartilages ; on, orbito-nasal foramen ; pa, anterior ascending process of palato-quadrate ; pg, pterygoid bone ; pi, plectrum ; pm, posterior maxillary process ; pp, posterior ascending process of palato- quadrate ; pq, palato-quadrate cartilage ; pt, pterygoid process of palato-quadrate ; px, premaxillary bone ; qj, quadrato-jugal bone ; II, foramen for optic nerve ; ///, foramen for III cranial nerve; IV, foramen for IV cranial nerve. (From Ziegler.) tion to the cranium proper. They connect with the trabeculae by an- terior ascending processes back of the olfactory region, and by posterior ascending processes opposite the end of the notochord. The remaining portion of the skull which develops from the visceral arches is connected with the jaw, and will be described shortly. The infundibulum and pituitary body lie within the basi-cranial fontanelle, which is the open space just anterior to the tip of the noto- chord. From now on, development continues mostly in the posterior portion of the cranium. Figures 310 and 353 show how the auditory organ is formed by a connective tissue capsule which soon becomes cartilage, while the mesotic cartilage grows out posteriorly and laterally from the para- THE SKELETAL SYSTEM 615 chordal plate to unite with the auditory capsule ventrally, both anteriorly and posteriorly. The occipital cartilage is a continuation of the mesotic cartilage which fuses with the auditory capsule, and leaves a small opening through which the IX and X cranial nerve pass. This opening is called the jugular foramen. The basal plate is the name given to the floor of the posterior por- tion of the cranium, which consists of occipital and mesotic cartilages together with the parachordal plate. The occipital cartilage extends dorsally around the neural cord to form the foramen magnum. The auditory capsule remains open into the cranial cavity internally by a large foramen, but closes externally. The trabeculae now grow across the basicranial fontanelle so that it becomes entirely closed. This closed portion is the floor of the cranial cavity. The trabeculae then extend laterally and form the lateral walls of the cranial cavity, thus separating the cavity from the orbits. Cartilages from the trabeculae also extend dorsally across the mid- line in the anterior region, thus forming a narrow dorsal bridge, leaving a large supracranial fontanelle between this bridge and the supra- occipital region. The internasal septum extends dorsally and becomes the anterior wall of the cranial cavity, while the trabecular cornua remain separate from the olfactory capsules, but connect anteriorly with the suprarostral or labial cartilages. During metamorphosis, however, both labial car- tilages and anterior ends of the cornua disappear in front of the olfactory capsules. True bones form late in the frog, the following being the more im- portant ones which have developed from cartilage : Exoccipitals, or Lateral Occipitals. These form from the posterior portions of the occipital cartilage and auditory capsule. The occipital condyles themselves as well as the median dorsal and ventral portions of the occipital region remain as cartilage. Pro-otics. These form from the more anterior portion of the audi- tory capsules as well as from the basal plate and orbital region. Ethmoids. These form in the anterior portion of the wall of the orbit. They then unite both above and below so as to form a band around the cranium, often also called the sphenethmoid or orbito-sphenoid. Quadrato-jugal. The palato-quadrate cartilage forms bone only in the region of the lower jaw. Then a connection is formed with a mem- brane bone and these two together form the quadrate- jugal. All these bones form before metamorphosis, the ethmoids alone developing some weeks after metamorphosis has taken place. The Visceral Skeleton. In the mandibular and hvoid arches as well 616 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG as the three branchial arches, the various skeletal elements appear as condensations in the mesenchyme, which soon become cartilaginous. First, a short rod appears in the mandibular arch, transverse to the axis of the embryo. This divides the dorsal portion into the beginnings of the upper jaw or palato-quadrate, and the ventral portion which is the beginning of the lower jaw. The lower jaw element becomes subdivided into Meckel's cartilage, which comes to form the true jaw, and the infra-rostral car- tilage. The palato-quadrate has grown rapidly, as already described, and then fused with the trabeculae. When the tadpole is about twenty-one millimeters long, the pos- terior or quadrate portion of this same cartilage connects with the audi- tory capsule. With metamorphosis, the mouth enlarges, and this pushes back many of these structures, while the part of the palato-quadrate which lies in the orbital region, softens and disappears to a considerable extent. The anterior connection of palato-quadrate and trabeculae becomes the future pterygoid and palatine regions. All these changes draw the jaw to the posterior portion of the cranium from its original anterior position. The infra-rostral cartilages, which have fused together across the midline, now fuse with the Meckelian cartilages to form the apex or mental portion of the chin. The fused cartilages are now known as mento-Meckelian cartilages. As these ossify, they fuse with the dentary, which is really the chief membrane bone of the lower jaw. There is a small median element between the infra-rostrals which also fuses with them. The annulus tympanicus is the outgrowth from the quadrate car- tilage which surrounds the tympanic membrane of the frog. It does not complete its growth until long after metamorphosis. The hyoid arch, like the three branchial arches lying posterior to it, makes its appearance as a pair of rods of dense tissue in the corre- sponding visceral arches, though not at the same time as the others. The hyoid cartilage, also called the ceratohyaal cartilage, extends dorsad and connects with the palato-quadrate immediately behind where the jaw articulates. Ventrally, it unites with the hyoid cartilage of the opposite side. (Fig. 354.) The first branchial cartilage also unites in the ventral midline, while the remaining branchial arches do not unite in the midline ventrally, but have their lower anterior ends unite with the one lying immediately anterior to it, and, finally, they connect dorsally in a similar manner. The copula, which is a medial element, then appears in the ventral THE SKELETAL SYSTEM 617 region of the pharynx between the hyoid and the first branchial, and connects the ventral ends of both these arches. The hypo-branchial plate consists of the lower ends of the first branchials which have become flattened and expanded. The ventral ends of the other three branchials fuse with the hypo-branchial plate. The cerato-branchials are the lateral and mid- u die sections of the branchial cartilages between the visceral pouches which remain separate from one another. At metamorphosis, when the gill slits close, many changes naturally must take place in the Fig. 354. structures just described. For example, the hyoid archXidofanl 29anmm! bar loses its connection with the palato-quadrate, tral* vfiew'. iUbb" Basl- an(^ Decomes smaller in diameter, while the copula 5a^chw? (basihyai^ c°ch likewise becomes smaller and a pair of new car- ceratohyal; ho hypo- tilagCS develop On each side of it, which then COn- branchial plate ; 1-4, first nect t^ie hypo-branchial plate with the hyoid por- tions. These are the manubrial cartilages. The hyo-branchial apparatus of an adult frog is made up of a broad median plate of cartilage which has been formed by the fusion of manubrium, copula, and hypo-branchial plate. The hyoid cartilages re- main as slender processes called the hyoid cornua. The remaining por- tions practically disappear. The membrane bones. In those portions of the cranium where con- siderable stretching has taken place, such as in the roof of the skull and the lining of the mouth, the substance is thinner than in the cartilaginous portions, and is then called membrane. Membrane is nothing more than stretched-out-cartilage. The Parasphenoid. This is a single median bone, and tne first 01 all bones of the skull to appear, whether cartilaginous or membranous. It forms in the roof of the mouth when the tadpole is about twenty millimeters long. The parasphenoid becomes dagger-shaped and covers the entire basicranial fontanelle. The frontals and parietals, which are paired, appear later and cover the supracranial fontanelle. They later fuse to form the fronto-parietals. The nasals form the roof of the olfactory capsules and the septo- nasals or intra-nasals appear within the capsules. The premaxillae and maxillae are the membranous parts which be- come the margins of the upper jaw. The dentary and angular cartilages surround Meckel's cartilage ; the dentary connects with the infra-rostrals of Meckel's cartilage. The vomers are paired, and appear beneath the olfactory capsules. The palatines form across the anterior margins of the orbits. 618 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE FROG The pterygoids form along the inner faces of the palato-quadrate cartilages. The squamo&als form along the outer face of the palato-quadrate cartilages, and ultimately reach back to the auditory capsules. The quadrat ojugal is that portion which has developed at the posterior angle of the palato-quadrate cartilage and then fused with the quadrate bone. This is the only one of the membranous bones which cannot be distin- guished from the cartilaginous bones of the skull. CHAPTER XL VI. MAMMALIAN EMBRYOLOGY In both the chick and the frog — the two forms we have thus far dis- cussed— the eggs have passed out of the body of the mother. In the frog, the entire embryo developed after the egg left the mother, while in the chick where fertilization is internal, development began before the shell was formed, so that an embryo, approximately twenty-four hours old, was already present when the egg was laid. Now we shall deal with viviparous animals, that is, with those which give birth to living young. It will be understood quite readily that in those cases where living young are brought forth, the development must take place within the body of the mother, but, even in viviparous animals there are sub- divisions. One sub-division is made up of such animals as the duckbill, the Australian ant-eater, the Australian kangaroo, and the American opossum. In these animals, known as Marsupials, the female bears a pouch in the abdominal region in which the young are placed at a very premature age. In fact, in the opossum, the embryo may be only about eight days of age when it is born for the first time so to speak. The mother then places it within the pouch or marsupium, and here the young continue their development until able to lead an independent existence. In all the higher forms of mammals with which the student is familiar, fertilization is internal, as in the chick, and the embryo passes through a process similar to that of the chick, except that this embryonic process takes place within the mother's body. There is, however, in viviparous animals no real yolk-supply as in both the chick and the frog egg. Consequently, there must be some kind of an arrangement by which the young not only become attached to the uterus of the mother, but there must also be an arrangement by which a blood-supply can pass from mother to offspring, thus taking the place of the nourishment the yolk furnishes in egg-laying animals. The mammalian egg, not possessing a yolk, is very small. The original development of egg and sperm, however, is not very dissimilar to that already described for the chick. Before entering into the study of mammalian embryology proper, it is well, at this point, to understand the terminology usually applied to the life-history of a mammal. First, the period of gestation or true embryonic period. It is during this time that the embryo depends upon its connection with the mother's uterus for nourishment. Gestation extends from the time of the fertili- zation of the egg to the time of birth. 620 MAMMALIAN EMBRYOLOGY Second, parturition, or the actual time of birth. The condition of the offspring at the time of parturition varies to a considerable extent. Some animals are born with the ability to walk and take reasonable care of themselves within a very short time after birth, while some are quite dependent upon their mother for a long time. Third, the period of adolescence, which is that period of life in the young devoted entirely to growth and development. It extends from birth to sexual maturity. Fourth, adult life, or the period of sexual maturity. During this period many physiological changes often take place in the individual entirely aside from those of the reproductive system. FERTILIZATION As the egg is thrown out of the Graafian follicle (Fig. 355), it passes into the oviduct (Fallopian tube) and is carried by the cilia in the oviduct to the uterus. If fertilization takes place, the sperm, which finds its way A C. Fig. 355. A. Section of well-developed Graafian follicle from human embryo (von Herff) ; the enclosed ovum contains two nuclei. B. Ovary with mature Graafian follicle about ready to burst (Ribemont-Dessaignes). C. Section of human ovary, showing mature Graafian follicle ready to rupture. Kollmann's Atlas. MAMMALIAN EMBRYOLOGY 621 into the uterus, passes into the oviduct in an opposite direction from that which the egg takes. This causes a meeting of egg and sperm. The length of time it takes the egg to reach the uterus, after ovulation, varies in different species of animals. It may vary from a few hours to sev- eral weeks. It is therefore practically impossible to state the exact time when fertilization actually takes place. This is especially true in the human being; but, as soon as the sperm does meet the egg, and fer- tilization does take place, the embryo begins developing. Consequently by the time the fertilized egg reaches the uterus, it has already passed through, or is just passing through, a stage that is even a little advanced beyond the gastrula stage. There are, in fact, several germ-layers already present at this time. THE BLASTODERM As soon as fertilization takes place, the egg divides equally into two cells, these two into four, and so on in the usual way. However, very early, some of the cells divide more rapidly than others, so that there is an overgrowth of those which grow most rapidly. This gives rise to several terms. The more rapidly growing, or outer layer, is called the sub-zonal layer, while the central mass is called the inner cell mass. The sub-zonal layer is only one cell in thickness, so it is easily dis- tinguished from the inner cell mass. Then, too, a cavity forms between the two layers. The entire structure is now called a morula (Fig. 356). As soon as Fig. 356. Morula and early blastodermic vesicles of the rabbit. Th.2 zona radiata and ftlbuminous layer are not shown. A. Section through morula stage, forty-seven hours after coitus. B. Section through very young vesicle, eighty hours after coitus. Taken from uterus ; ordinarily the ova have not reached the uterus at this age. C. Section through more advanced vesicle, eighty-three hours after coitus. Taken from uterus, c, Cavity of blastodermic vesicle ; i, inner cell mass ; w, wall of blastodermic vesicle (subzonal layer, trophoblast ) . (From Assheton.) D. Section through the fully formed blastodermic vesicle of the rabbit, /cm, Granular cells of the inner cell mass ; troph, trophoblast cells ; zp, zona pellucida. (From Quain's Anatomy, after Van jJeneden.) the cavity has definitely formed between the inner cell mass and the sub- zonal layer, the morula is known as a blastodermic vesicle. This cavity contains a fluid which is supposed to represent the yolk-mass of the blastula and gastrula in the lower forms. 622 MAMMALIAN EMBRYOLOGY It will be noted from what has just been said that considerable de- velopment has already taken place by the time the fertilized egg reaches the uterus. Or, to repeat what was said above, it is as a blastodermic vesicle that the mammalian egg reaches the uterus after fertilization. At this stage, two important points must be considered : First, the method of the formation of germ-layers, and Second, the method by which the blastodermic vesicle attaches itself to the uterus of the mother. Formation of the Germ-layers. The inner cell mass spreads out rapidly so as to form an inner lining to the sub-zonal layer. It is this inner lining which is the entoderm. The sub-zonal layer becomes the ectoderm. As there is a tremendous variation in the way germ-layers are formed in mammals, it may be well to think of the following example as a help in understanding some of these variations. Suppose a group of football players who had already played together in previous years were to come together again. Each would immedi- ately take his place without any preliminary instruction. So, we may think of the embryonic cells in the higher mammals taking a definite place and then developing from there on, rather than passing through all the stages of gastrula formation, and this gastrula then actually in- denting to make two layers. That is, we may think of those embryonic cells which are to develop into ectoderm and mesoderm actually taking the proper position to develop into these structures without first becom- ing a single sheet and then indenting. This would mean that the undifferentiated cells which are to become ectoderm would arrange themselves on the outer portion, those which are to become entoderm would arrange themselves more inwardly, and those which are to become mesoderm would take their place between these two layers and then all three could begin developing at about the same time and grow simultaneously. In the lower mammals such as the cat, dog, rabbit, etc., this inner cell mass (entoderm) keeps pace with the sub-zonal layer, so that the original cavity which has formed between the jnner cell mass and the sub-zonal layer is now surrounded by an inner layer of entoderm, while the outer layer still remains sub-zonal. In the higher forms such as the primates, that is, in man and the higher apes, the inner cell mass does not grow as rapidly as the sub-zonal layer. There is, therefore, a second cavity formed within the inner cell mass of entodermal cells. It is the remaining portion of the inner cell mass, after the entoderm has thus separated from it, which is the ectoderm. The sub-zonal layer is then called the trophoblast (Fig. 356, D). This trophoblast serves as the attachment of the blastodermic vesicle to the walls of the uterus. We see from what has been said that a true mammalian gastrula MAMMALIAN EMBRYOLOGY (although formed in a different manner from either that of the chick or the frog) has been established with two definite cell or germ-layers. ATTACHMENT OF THE BLASTODERMIC VESICLE TO THE UTERINE WALL There are two general ways in which the blastoderm may become attached to the uterus. The trophoblast or sub-zonal layer may remain as an outer layer around the entire blastoderm, or the developing embryo within the inner cell mass may push through this outer layer and come to lie in close relationship to the uterine wall. At about the same time that attachment of blastoderm and uterine wall takes place, the amniotic cavity is formed (Fig. 357). The tropho- Fig. 357. Diagrams of the relations of the cavities and layers in the rat, showing the "inversion" of the germ layers. Median sagittal sections. Embryo and amnion, black ; ectodermal knob or "trager" in light tone ; endoderm and mesoderm in darker tone. A. Early stage before the formation of the false amnionic cavity. B. Late stage showing false and true amnionic cavities and the interamnionic cavity. a, Amnion ; ac, true amnionic cavity ; c, chorion ; E, embryo (anterior end; ea, endodermal rudiment of allantois) ; /, false amnionic cavity ; i, interamnionic cavity ; m, mesoderm ; ma, mesoderm of allantois; n, endoderm; o, trophoblast (ectoderm); p, anterior intestinal portal ; ra, rudiment of true amnionic cavity ; rf, rudiment of false amnionic cavity; s, marginal sinus; t, "trager" (ectoderm) ; y, yolk-sac; ye, yolk-sac endoderm; x, amnionic folds. (After Salenka.) blast remains as an outer covering in man, in many primates, and in such animals as the mouse, rats and guinea pig. When the trophoblast remains as the complete outer covering such a condition is known as entypy, and it is in animals in which this condition occurs that a definite space is formed between the germ layers and the trophoblast. This cavity is known as the amniotic cavity. Sometimes the trophoblast thickens in this particular region and 624 MAMMALIAN EMBRYOLOGY a second or false amniotic cavity may develop. Figure 357 will make this clear. In those cases, however, where the embryo pushes through the trophoblast and comes to lie as a disc upon its surface, the amnion is formed quite similarly to that already described in our study of the chick. The region in which the embryo develops is known as the embryonic shield. The primitive head-node lies about in the middle of the em- bryonic shield. The primitive streak and the primitive grooves form quite as in the chick, and as there stated, all structures lying anterior to the head-node lie in the head proper. A definite notochord also forms, and the neurenteric canal can be seen quite plainly at the posterior limits of the embryonic rudiment. There are scarcely more than half a dozen human embryos which have ever been seen prior to the time of the formation of the medullary plate. Then, too, none of these were of the same size, so we do not even have a basis for valid comparison, and consequently, we are unable to judge as to whether any of these were normal as to size and form. Mesoderm is formed in the mammal as it is in the chick, each meso- dermal somite dividing into a somatic and a splanchnic layer. A layer of entoderm joins with the splanchnic mesoderm to form the yolk-sac, although no yolk is present. The trophoblast joins with the somatic mesoderm to form the chorion. Here we may note that the term "ovum" is used in mammalian de- velopment to designate any early stage in the embryo, even to the in- clusion of the entire blastodermic vesicle. The term "embryo" in man is given the embryo only during the first two months of its existence, thereafter (that is, when the face and body are quite well formed) it is known as a "foetus." The smallest human embryo yet seen was 1.54 mm. in length, while the entire blastoderm was about 1 cm. in diameter. IMPLANTATION There are three methods by which the blastoderm attaches itself to the walls of the uterus. First, by what is called central implantation. This occurs in the ungulates and carnivores as well as in the lower primates and in some rodents, such as the rabbit. In these the blastoderm becomes super- ficially attached to the uterine wall, and, consequently, projects freely into the lumen of the uterus. Second, eccentric implantation. This type is found in the mouse and in some insectivora. In these forms the blastodermic vesicle lies in a furrow or groove in the uterine wall. This groove is then closed up so that the vesicle comes to lie in the walls of the uterus. Third, Interstitial implantation. In this type the blastodermic ves- MAMMALIAN EMBRYOLOGY 625 icle actually burrows its way into the mucous membrane lining of the uterus. It is this third type which occurs in man and in some of the rodents such as the guinea pig and the gopher. The trophoblast, in the region where it is to meet with the uterine wall, has become highly specialized physiologically in the eccentric and interstitial types of implantation. Its cells form a layer of considerable thickness and it is then called a trophcderm (Fig. 358). These cells are supposed to dissolve or digest the uterine mucosa so as to permit a defi- nite implantation and also, probably, to digest some of the mucosa as food for the growing embryo. The blastoderm attaches itself to the uterine wall between the two oviducts, and it is in the region of implantation that the maternal tissues come into contact with the embryo. We must, therefore, look for the beginnings of the placenta in this region. Fig. 358. A. Diagrammatic section of placenta. (After Strahl, Bonnet.) i B. Section through an embryo of 1 mm. embedded in the uterine mucosa (semidiagrammatic after Peters). Am:, amniotic cavity; b.c., blood-clot; b.s., body-stalk ; cct., embryonic ectoderm ; ent., entoderm ; mes., mesoderm ; m.v., maternal vessels ; tr., trophoderm ; u. e., uterine epithelium ; u.g., uterine glands ; y.s., yolk-sac. In fact, it is the trophoderm which later becomes vascularized from the mesoderm of the chorion or allantois, to act as the chief absorptive surface through which, and by which, material from the maternal tissues and blood is taken to the embryo. THE EMBRYONIC MEMBRANES It will be remembered that in the chick embryo, the amnion has as one of its functions the protection of the embryo from drying and from becoming deformed by the outer shell pressing against it. The chick's yolk-sac contains a large quantity of food-substance which the develop- ing embryo uses, and the allantois serves as a respiratory and (partially) as an excretory organ. In the chick the serosa or chorion was of little importance. MAM M AL I A N E M BRYOLOGY In the mammal it is the amnion which is of secondary importance. The yolk-sac has no yolk in it and in so far as we know has little func- tional value. The allantois has but little respiratory and excretory sig- nificance. Its work is practically to bring the embryo in relation to its food supply. It is the chorion which becomes the principal organ by which nutritive material and excreted substances between maternal and embryonic circulations take place. It is this connection between mother and embryo which brings about the formation of what is called the placenta. All mammals which de- velop a placenta — that is, all mammals except those which lay eggs — are known as placentals. THE PLACENTA The -detailed development of mammals must be left to much larger volumes than this one, especially as there are so many variations occur- ring even in quite similar groups of animals. D. Fig. 359. Diagrams illustrating the development of the blastocyst and formation of the placenta in Mammalia. A, a blastocyst at the end of segmentation ; B, an older blastocyst, in which a cavity has appeared to one side of the inner mass of cells ; C, a. later stage, showing the formation of the trager and growth of the yolk epithelium round the yolk cavity ; D, formation of lacunae in the trager and commencement of the embryo ; E, further development of the trager, the mesoblast has split and the amnion and extra-embryonic coelom are formed ; F, longitudinal section of uterus, showing the position of the embryo in a pit in the uterine wall. G. longitudinal section of a later stage, showing the obliteration of the old lumen and formation of a new lumen in the uterus, all, allantois ; am, amniotic cavity ; COB, embryonic ccelom ; ec, epiblast ; eec, extra embryonic coelom ; ek, embryonic knob ; em, embryo ; gl, uterine glands ; hy, hypoblast ; im, inner mass of cells ; lac, lacunae in trager ; lu1, original lumen of uterus ; ht3, secondary lumen of uterus ; nch, notochord ; ng, neural groove ; sbm, thickened sub-mucous layer of uterus ; tr, trager ; tro, trophoblast ; yk, yolk-sac : yk.e, yolk epithelium. In all the figures the trophoblast is shaded with dots, and the embryonic mesoblast is represented in black. (After Bourne.) MAMMALIAN EMBRYOLOGY 627 But as the student must know the placental animals in order to make the most of his study in Comparative Anatomy, it is essential that he at least obtain a clear and accurate understanding of the two principal types of placental formation. In the first place, the placenta may be defined as consisting of all structures affecting nutritive, respiratory, and excretory interchanges between the embryo and its mother in viviparous animals. It is evident, then, that the placenta must form in the region where the trophoblast comes in contact with the uterine mucosa, and that the trophoderm itself plus the vascularization in the yolk-sac, allantois, or chorion, will be the elements from which the placenta is developed. (Figs. 358, 359.) At this stage the student must review the chapter on the develop- ment of the extra-embryonic membranes in the chick. The rabbit is often used as an example of a form of mammalian em- bryology which can be contrasted with the embryological development of the chick. In the rabbit the extra-embryonic membranes develop quite like those in the chick, except that the point of fusion of these mem- branes consists of only a small knot, whereas in the chick this fusion takes the form of an elongated seam. In both rabbit and chick the tail- fold grows more rapidly than the head-fold. In man, where entypy takes place (that is, where the trophoblast remains continuous about the entire blastoderm), the extra-embryonic membranes do not grow as in the rabbit and chick, but by a splitting of the ectoderm to form the beginning of the amniotic cavity. The forming of the extra-embryonic membranes in man quite natur- ally causes the embryo to remain connected with the blastodermic wall by a body-stalk (Fig. 358, B). The separating of the ectoderm imme- diately above the embryo to form the amniotic cavity causes the embryo to form the floor of this cavity, while the trophoblast forms the roof. The sides, or walls, of the cavity meet the embryo at the edges of the embryonic shield. But, whether the amniotic cavity is formed as in the rabbit or as in man, the walls of the cavity extend ventrally until they surround the umbilicus. The yolk-sac and the yolk-stalk, as well as the allantois, although quite small in man, are pushed into this body-stalk or umbilical-stalk. The amniotic cavity grows large in man and contains from one-half to one liter of liquor amnii. THE YOLK-SAC The open space on the interior of the mammalian blastodermic vesi- cle is supposed to represent the yolk-sac (Fig. 359, G) of such animals as the chick and the frog; and, as this open space is relatively very large, the yolk-sac occupies the main portion of the early mammalian blasto- dermic vesicle. The cavity of the vesicle opens into the mid-gut region 628 MAMMALIAN EMBRYOLOGY by the broad yolk-stalk just as with the chick. Its wall is separated from the chorion by the extra-embryonic coelom — also called the exocoelom. (Fig. 359, E.) The amnion and chorion are formed from somatopleure, while the yolk-sac is formed from splanchnopleure. The blood vessels and the sinus terminalis arise in the yolk-sac of '.he rabbit just as they did in the chick. In the higher primates, including man, the yolk-sac never fills the entire blastodermic vesicle and is very slow to grow. In fact, during the first month it has a diameter about the length of the embryo, and after increasing this diameter to a little over a centimeter, it decreases in size. The yolk-stalk is formed, however, and elongates considerably to enter the proximal end of the umbilical cord. The amniotic membrane now' expands and pushes against the exo- coelom until that is eliminated and the yolk-sac disappears in the pla- cental region. The yolk-stalk itself becomes a solid cord during the second month. However, the proximal end sometimes remains open. In such a case it appears as a diverticulum from the intestine, and is called Meckel's diverticulum. THE ALLANTOIS This structure also varies in size to a considerable extent, from filling the entire exocoelom as in the lower primates such as the Lemurs, to occupying but a small portion of the umbilical cord as in man and the higher primates (Fig. 359, G). The early development of the allantois in the mammals is quite sim- ilar to that in the chick, but its later development is varied, the variation being ascribed to the changed conditions brought about by the formation of placental structures. The later history of the allantois is limited to the placental struc- tures only. In the rabbit the allantois extends into the exocoelom and comes in direct contact with the chorion in the region where chorion and uterus unite. It thus lies in the direct pathway of connection be- tween mother and offspring. Blood vessels now develop in the allantoic mesoderm to form the umbilical arteries and the umbilical veins, and it is through these allantoic blood vessels that the embryonic circulation *;.s related to the placental circulation. In man the development is quite different ; for, here there is nothing .vhich interrupts the connection of chorion with the maternal tissues. The way in which the body-stalk develops in man has been described already. This is often said to be equivalent to a modified allantoic stalk. There is, therefore, in man, no true allantois as a free vesicle. Only a small tubular outgrowth from the entodermal lining of the yolk-sac can be seen, and this outgrowth, in turn, is not distinguishaable from the hind-gut. It extends in to the body-stalk. As the embryo grows, and the MAMMALIAN EMBRYOLOGY body-stalk extends, the allantoic stalk extends further along in the body stalk as well, and so remains during foetal life (Fig. 360). As the ventral body-walls of the embryo are formed and approacl each other, the proximal end of the allantoic stalk becomes the urinar bladder and the beginning of the urogenital sinus. From the bladde region to the body-wall it is reduced as a mere solid strand of connectiv tissue known as the urachus. Vascularization is quite alike in the various mammalian forms. The development of the placenta depends upon the manner an< type of implantation, which in turn causes different relationships betweei the growing embryo and the maternal tissues. THE DECIDUAL MEMBRANES We have been describing the embryonic placenta. Now we shal describe the maternal placenta. There is a change which takes place ii the lining of the uterine walls when the trophoderm unites with thi uterus. The uterine lining which bulges out into the uterine cavity t< cover the blastoderm is called the decidua capsularis (formerly, decidu; reflexa), while the uterine lining a the point where blastoderm am uterus unite is called the deciduj basalis or decidua serotina, the re maining portion of the lining being known as the decidua vera (Fig 361). The chorion is at first composec of an inner mesodermal layer anc an outer epithelial layer (this lattei being called the trophectoderm) From the trophectoderm there de velops an outer syncytial layei which is called the trophoderm. It is this trophoderm which invades the maternal tissues. Large lacunae of blood are formed in the mater- nal tissues by the syncytial tissue directly, or by the rupture of the blood vessels which are under great pressure in this region. The trophoderm then thickens at intervals and forms little villi or finger-like projections, and the chorionic mesoderm grows out into these villi so that there is a branching of the primary villi into secondary villi or true villi (Fig. 358)). In the meantime the blood lacunae run together and surround and bathe the villi, while the trophoderm, which began as a spongy network, is now a continuous layer covering the entire outer surfaces of the villi and chorion. Branches of the umbilical vessels develop in the mesoderm of the Fig. 360. Medial section of early human embryo. ( After von Spec, Kollmann. ) 630 MAMMALIAN EMBRYOLOGY chorion and villi. This means that there are now two layers of epi- thelium covering the mesodermal core of all the villi, and that it is in these villi that the chorionic circulation of the embryo is established. The blood vessels of the uterus 'open into the little blood-lacunae, which is another way of saying that the syncytial trophoderm which covers the villi is bathed in maternal blood. This is where the nourish- ment of the embryo takes place. The maternal blood itself does not pass into the developing embryo. Fig. 361. Diagram to show relationship of mammalian embryo and maternal membranes. At first the villi cover the entire surface of the chorion, but in man, after a few weeks, the villi located away from the point of attachment begin to degenerate and finally leave that portion smooth. This smooth region is called the chorion laeve, while the attached portion which re- tains the villi is known as the chorion frondosum (Fig. 362). It is the chorion frondosum, together with the decidua basalis, which constitutes the placenta. And it is the chorion frondosum to which the embryo is attached by the body-stalk which later comes to be called the umbilical- stalk or umbilical cord. MAM MALI AN EM BRYOLOGY 631 The decidua basalis forms what is called the maternal placenta and the chorion frondosum the foetal placenta. The decidual membranes and their attachments form the after- birth. This afterbirth consists of amnion, chorion, decidua vera, placenta, and a part of the decidua basalis. THE UMBILICAL CORD As the body-stalk becomes longer and longer, finally reaching a length of some fifty centimeters, there must be some circulatory con- nection between the embryo and the chorion frondosum. This connec- tion is brought about by the development of four blood vessels, two veins and two arteries, known as the umbilical vessels or allantoic vessels (Fig. 363). The two veins push their way into the embryo to open into the heart. The arteries likewise grow in the same direction as do the veins, but connect with the dorsal aorta. Their distal ends extend Fig. 362. Human Embryo. Age seven weeks. (From Kollmann. ) cf, chorion frondosum. cl, chorion laeve. Fig. 363. 1 to 6, Diagrams representing six stages in the development of the foetal membranes in a mammal. The ectoderm is indicated by solid black lines ; the entoderm by broken lines ; the mesoderm by dotted lines and areas. (After Kolliker.) 7, Diagram of nurture of young through embryonic membranes, g, gill circula- tion of embryo ; h, heart ; i, dorsal aorta ; j, postcava ; k, allantoic artery ; i, allantoic vein ; m, indicating the course of the blood of the mother, parallel to n; n, that of the embryo; w, wall of uterus. (After Needham.) 632 MAMMALIAN EMBRYOLOGY through the body-stalk into the villi to connect with the vascularization there established. The two veins later fuse, so that a cross section of a mature umbili- cal cord (Fig. 364), shows two arteries and a single large vein. Aa. umbilicales V. umbilicalis V. umbilicalis A. umbilicalis | A. umbilicalis Whartonsche Sulze Amnion Coelom Ductus omphaloentericus (vitellinus) Ductus omphalo- Whartonsche Amnion entericus (vitellinus) Sulze" ' Fig. 364. I, Umbilical cord of human embryo at three months. II, Same at birth. (After Corning.) In addition to the umbilical vessels just mentioned, the yolk-stalk (in the early stages only), and the allantoic stalk can be seen in cross sections of the cord while the cord itself is filled with a mesenchymal, mucous-like substance called Wharton's jelly. The cord is twisted and is attached to the umbilicus or navel of the foetus and to the placenta. The outer covering of the umbilical cord is a layer of ectoderm which is continuous with that of the amnion of the embryo. The following table shows the relative increase in size and weight of the human embryo and foetus throughout the period of gestation : Ovum (estimated) 23 days 66 days 84 days 112 days 140 days 168 days 196 days 224 days 252 days Weight 0.000004 grm. 0.04 3.0 36.0 120.0 330.0 600.0 1000.0 1500.0 2200.0 270 days 280 days 3200.0 C. H. 2.5 mm. 30.0 98.0 180.0 250.0 315.0 371.0 425.0 470.0 500.0 Length C. R. 2.5 mm. 25.0 68.0 121.0 167.0 210.0 245.0 284.0 316.0 336.0 MAMMALIAN EMBRYOLOGY 633 If the student has thoroughly mastered the subject matter of this semester's work in embryology he will not only be able to understand how a normal embryo de- velops, but he will also know how and why many and varying types of abnormal development oc- cur by either mechanical or chemical injury of some kind, which injury may cause any portion of the embryo to stop growing, while other parts continue in the usual manner. Monstrosities of many kinds may thus be formed, and even in ap- parently normal individuals it is by no means rare for the surgeon to find individual internal organs underdeveloped or overdeveloped. All such deviations from the normal are of the ut- most importance to the medical man, and it is only through a study of embryology that they are made understandable. Fig. 365. Figure to illustrate the ''vertex-breech" method of measuring human embryos. a-b, vertex-breech length of the embryo. Part III Comparative Anatomy CHAPTER XLVII INTRODUCTION TO COMPARATIVE ANATOMY In the study of Comparative Anatomy a method somewhat different from our study up to this moment must be brought into play. In the forepart of this book the frog was studied as a type-form of vertebrates, and the earth-worm as a type-form of annelids, as well as of coelomates, and then, after each such type-form had been studied, it was compared with other forms likewise studied in the laboratory. Now we are to take an entire system in each of the leading groups of vertebrates and compare system by system, always reviewing the devel- opment of the particular system studied, and comparing such develop- ment with the development of the respective systems in both frog and chick, as shown in part three (embryology) of this book. Three distinct points of view must be kept in mind in comparative anatomy : Structure (both gross and microscopic). Development (embryology). Comparison of organ systems. Just as in any account of man's history we attempt to study those races which we now consider as living under primitive conditions, be- lieving that they will throw some light upon the problems that our an- cestors had to overcome in order to bring about our present state of civilization, so, in comparative anatomy we attempt to study the so-called lower-animal life in order that this may throw light upon the develop- ment of our own bodies. This may be brought home the better by re- membering that all higher forms of life practically possess all organs and systems of organs that the lower forms possess, plus an additional some- thing. This does not prove by any means that any of the higher systems must have necessarily come from the lower. All it does mean is that all forms of animals which walk on the earth must have much that is similar. For instance, legs that are used for the same purpose in all animals must have muscles that will function alike ; because, regardless of what position we systematically assign these animals, they, by virtue of the fact that they must walk, must necessarily have leg muscles, and having these, there must be a supporting structure for such muscles, so that the skeletal systems of walking animals will be closely akin. Comparative Anatomy proper, then, will consist of a comparison of the organ systems of four great groups of vertebrates. The classic ex- amples used for such comparison are : The dogfish as an example of a group of living organisms whose skeletal tissues are largely cartilaginous. The turtle as an example of the reptilia. 638 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY 'I he cat as an example of the mammalia. The frog is the classic example of the amphibian. This animal has already been studied in the early part of the course, but must be kept in mind so as to be compared with the above three types. It is usual to exclude the aves, because reptile and bird have so many structural similarities that the study of one suffices for that of the other. In fact the single word Sauropsida has come into common biological usage as meaning both reptiles and birds. It is necessary first for us to have some conception of what is meant by the phylum Chordata and to appreciate that there are inter- mediate types between invertebrates and vertebrates. Such intermedi- ate types are known as pro-chordata. The pro-chordata and the verte- brata together form what Zoologists call the pyhlum Chordata. The vertebrates possess a spinal or vertebral column which con- sists of a great number of similar portions called vertebrae arranged in a longitudinal series. In the early embryo of all vertebrata there appears a rod-like notochord. This probably serves as a sort of stiffening to the animal and in this respect only is it similar to the spinal column proper. It is neither cartilage nor bone, and probably develops from the entoderm or mesoderm. As the spinal cord develops from the ectoderm, and the bones of the spinal column from the mesoderm, it will be seen that neither of these three just-mentioned portions are alike in either origin, function, or position. In all vertebrates the main nerve cord lies on the dorsal side while in invertebrates it lies on the ventral side. There are certain groups of animals which possess no spinal col- umn, yet, during the embryonic period have a notochord, a dorsal nerve cord, and a gill-slit apparatus (Figs. 313, 314, 315, 316). The classic examples of these forms are Amphioxus, Balanoglossus, and the tunicate or sea squirt, all of which are comparatively small in size and live in the sea. These forms are grouped together under the name of pro-chordata. Professor Patton of Dartmouth College has described a scorpion in which he is sure he has found a notochord. If he is correct it will be seen that no classification of this kind is absolute, in that inverte- brates of very early geologic times may have possessed such an embryo- logical structure. CHAPTER XLVIII CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES, AMPHIBIANS, REPTILES, AND MAMMALS. Unless this chapter is mastered, there can be no understanding of the textual matter which follows, as the scientific terms there used are all based on what this chapter contains. CHORDATA The Chordata possess a notochord at sometime during their life's history (the notochord lying between the nervous system and the ali- mentary tract), a hollow central nervous system lying entirely on one side of the digestive canal, and pharyngeal slits extending from the pharynx to the exterior. The Chordata are divided into four sub-phyla, all of which develop a notochord during their embryonic period, though all do not later develop a bony vertebral column. The sub-divisions of the Chordata (Figs. 313, 314, 315, 316) are as follows : Sub-Phylum I. Cephalochordata (Adelochorda, Fig. 312). The notochord runs only up to the head proper in most chordates, but in the Cephalochordata, of which Amphioxus is the classic example, the notochord extends to the very anterior end of the body. Amphioxus is fish-like in form and is used as an example of the most primitive form of the chordates. It will be remembered that there was reference made to the simplicity of the embryology of Amphioxus in Part III of this book. Amphioxus has no skull or vertebral column. The pharyngeal slits are quite numerous. The true scientific name of Amphioxus is Branchi- ostoma. In popular language it is often called lancelet, on account of its sharp, lance-like appearance. Sub-Phylum II. Urochordata (Tunicates, Figs. 312, 313). This group possesses a notochord only in the caudal region. The young are tadpole-like, and there is a metamorphosis converting the tadpole into a sac-like structure. Order I. Larvacea (Appendicularia), free-swimming forms with permanent tail. Order II. Ascidiacea (Tunicates or Sea-Squirts), fixed forms with- out tail in the adult. Order III. Thaliacea (Salpians), free-swimming forms without tail in the adult. The neurenteric canal is permanent. 640 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Sub-Phylum III. Hemichordata (Fig. 314). A rather doubtful form. There is a projection from the mid-dorsal region of the digestive canal which looks somewhat similar to a noto- chord. These animals have a collar and a proboscis. Order 1. Enteropneusta, which include worm-like forms such as Balanoglossus. Order II. Pterobranchiata, sessile, tube-dwelling forms such as Cephalodiscus, and Rhabdopleura. Order III. Phoronidia, tubicolous forms such as Phoronis (Fig. 199). Sub-Phylum IV. Vertebrata (Craniata). 1. The vertebrates show their segmentation in the adult form only on the interior of the body, as for example, the metameric arrangement of myotomes, sclerotomes, etc. 2. A cuticular skeleton is absent, but there may be cornifications of the epithelium, or ossifications in the dermal regions, such as the scales of fishes, etc. 3. An axial skeleton is present consisting of skull and vertebral column. 4. There are two kinds of appendages supported by the axial skele- ton, namely, the unpaired fins (which occur only in fishes and Amphibia), and the paired appendages (anterior and posterior), which are usually present. 5. The central nervous system is dorsal in position. The brain it- self consists of five parts : the cerebrum, "twixt-brain," mid-brain, cere- bellum, and medulla oblongata. 6. Of the sensory organs, the eyes and ears are the most highly developed. 7. The respiratory organs arise from the entoderm of the pharynx. Pharyngeal slits are present in the embryo. In terrestrial animals these pharyngeal slits are later functionally replaced by lungs which develop from the hinder portion of the pharynx. 8. The heart lies ventrally in the pericardium. In gill-breathing species it contains only venous blood, but in lung-breathing animals it is divided into venous and arterial halves. The circulation is closed. 9. The sexes are usually separate, while in most species the excre- tory (nephridial) system forms the ducts for the reproductive (genital) system. 10. Reproduction is strictly sexual. The classes of Vertebrata are as follows : Class I. Cyclostomata (Fig. 366). These are the round-mouthed eels without a lower jaw. Examples are the lampreys and hagfishes. It is in this group that we find the only vertebrate parasites. CLASSIFICATION 641 There is a primitive skull, but no true vertebrae (only bony arches). Paired fins, true scales, and teeth are lacking. The gill-pouches are sac- cular and the nose is unpaired. Sub-Class I. Myxinoidea (Fig. 366). These are the "hag-fishes" or "borers" which give off a slimy, Bdellostoma dombeyi (Pacific hagfish) 3fyxinc r/lulinom (Atlantic lag fish) Pelromyzon marinns (sea lamprey) Fig. 366. Cyclostomes. The light openings along the sides are mucous canals, the dark ones are branchial openings. mucous jelly when captured . It is from this fact they receive their name of Myxinoidea. Sub-Class II. Petromyzontia (Fig. 366). These are the lampreys, which live in both salt and fresh water. The myxinoids attack principally dead and disabled fishes, but the petromyzons attack decidedly active fish much larger than themselves, attaching themselves to their host and making great inroads with their rasping tongues. Class 2. Pisces (Gnathostomata). All fish having true lower jaws. Fishes are distinguished from the Cyclostomes not only by having true lower jaws but also by having a vertebral column (amphicoele ver- tebrae, Fig. 404), by having scales, paired pectoral and pelvic fins, and paired nostrils. They breathe by gills and have a heart with .venous blood therein only, although the heart has auricle, ventricle, sinus venosus, and some have a conus arteriosus. Sub-Class I. Elasmobranchii. These are the sharks and their near relatives. They have a car- tilaginous skeleton, usually a heterocercal tail, placoid scales (thornlike),, but in Mustelus (the dog-shark, which is used in the laboratory), pointed,, overlapping scales. There are five to seven slit-like gill-openings on each side. The eggs are few and hatched within a sac inside the body. The skates also belong to this group. They are merely flattened out sharks. 642 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY There are various extinct orders and sub-orders of elasmobranchs, but we shall deal only with two orders and two sub-orders. Order, Plagiostomi. Sub-Order I. Selachii (12 living and 3 extinct families of sharks and dog-fishes, Fig. 367). Sub-Order II. Batoidei (Saw-fishes, skates, rays and torpedoes, 7 families, Fig. 367). Cltimaera monstrosa Kain crinacea (common skate) Fig. 367. Elasmobranchii. (A, after Goode ; C, after Claus.) Order Holocephali (Chimaera, Fig. 367, 1 living and 3 extinct families). The Holocephali are very grotesque looking animals and are of great antiquity. There are peculiar grinding plates in the mouth in- stead of teeth. Sub-Class II. Teleostomi. (The true bony fishes). Skeleton partly or entirely bony, a single gill-opening on each side leading to gill-arches on which there are gill filaments. There is also a swim-bladder, although this may disappear with age. In the higher forms where the skeleton is entirely ossified, the pelvic girdle approaches the pectoral one, so that the pelvic fins may be directly beneath the pectoral fins. It is this approach of the girdles and fins which is used in classifying fish, because this is supposed to show different degrees of specialization. The position of the fins in the higher fishes is supposed to furnish evidence to show that amphibians and higher fishes are not closely re- lated. Order I. Crossopterygii. Sub-Order I. Osteolepida. (4 extinct families). Sub-Order II. Cladista. Polypterus and Calamichthys are the usual examples. (Fig. 368). Order II. Chondrostei (5 extinct and 2 living families). These include the paddle-fishes and sturgeons (Fig. 368). CLASSIFICATION 643 Pulyi>liTus larva Lepidosteus osseus (gar pike) f petf Anna calva (buu- fn\) Fig. 368. Ganoids. In B, e.g., Large external gill of the hyoid arch ; PC., pectoral fins ; Pv., pelvic fins. The larva is drawn in a very characteristic attitude. In C note the elongated snout, the barbules bounding the ventral mouth, the operculum covering the gills, the rows of bony scutes, the markedly heterocercal tail. D, Ventral and side view. F, Amia calva (Bow fin), c.f., caudal fin; d.f., dorsal fin; pct.f., pectoral fin; pv.f., pelvic fin; v.f., ventral fin. (B, after Budgett ; D, after Goode ; E, after Ten- ney ; F, after Giinther. ) Order III.* Holostei (6 extinct and 2 living families). These include the bow-fins and gar-pikes. (Fig. 368). Order IV. Teleostei. Sub-Order I. Malacopterygii (21 families). These include tarpons, herring, salmon, etc. (Fig. 369). Sub-Order II. Ostariophysi (6 families). These include carp, tench, cat-fishes, etc. (Fig. 369). Sub-Order III. Symbranchii (2 families). A small group of eel-like fishes having characteristics of both Ostariophysi and Apodes. Sub-Order IV. Apodes (5 families). These are the eels. (Fig. 369). Sub-Order V. Haplomi (14 families). These are the pickerel, killifishes (mud-minnows), etc. Sub-Order VI. Heteromi (5 families). These are the Fierasfer, etc. (Fig. 370). Sub-Order VII. Catosteomi (11 families). These are the stickle-backs, pipe-fishes, sea-horses, etc. (Fig. 370). Sub-Order VIII. Percesoces (Flying fishes) (12 families). These include the Belone, sand-eels, rag-fishes, etc. (Fig. 370). *The student will meet with the term "Ganoid" in his reading. This merely refers to a shiny scale. In the United States the gar-pike (Lepidosleus) found in the Mississippi Valley, is commonly mentioned, although older writers made a distinct grouping of Ganoids, consisting of Orders I, II and III, using the African Polypterus as the classic example. In Lepidosteus, Ganoid scales have a sort of peg and socket arrangement. 644 COM PARATIVE Ax ATOM V Fig. 369. Teleostei. A, Brook Trout, a sub-genus of the Salmon family, a.L, adipose lobe of pelvic fin ; an., anus ; c.f., caudal fin ; d. f. 1, first dorsal fin ; d. f. 2, second dorsal or adipose fin ; LI., lateral line ; op., operculum ; pct.f., pectoral fin ; pv.f., pelvic fin ; v.f., ventral fin. (A, after Vardine ; B and C, after Goode ; D from Bull. U. S. F. C. 1895.) Sub-Order IX. Anacanthini (3 families). These are the cod, etc. (Fig. 370). UiupocttatfHin barboun (sea horse} (cod) (jUbrrli (/tying fish) Fig. 370. Teleostei. A, F'ierasfer acus penetrating anal openings of holothurians. D, an, anus ; c.f., caudal fin ; d.f.l — 5, dorsal fins ; mx., maxilla ; pct.f., pectoral fin ; pmx. pre- maxilla ; pv.f., pelvic fin; v.f. 1 and 2, ventral fins. (A, after Emery; B, after Bull. U. S. F. C. 1907 ; C, after Jordan and Evermann ; D, after Cuvier. ) CLASSIFICATION 645 Sub-Order X. Acanthopterygii (78 families). These include a great majority of our more common fishes, such as perch, bass, mackerel, flounders, gobies, shark-suckers, climb- ing perch, etc. (Fig. 371). Sub-Order XI. Opisthomi (1 family). These are the eel-like fishes. Fig. 371. Teleostei. B, Dissection of head of Climbing Perch to show accessory respiratory organ ; F, normal and G, inflated porcupine fish. (A and E, after Cuvier ; B, F. and G, after Giinther ; C, D, after Baskett.) Sub-Order XII. Pediculati (5 families). These are the Anglers, Bathymal Sea-Devils, etc. (Fig. 371). Sub-Order XIII. Plectognathi (7 families). These include the file-fishes, trunk-fishes, puffers, porcupine fishes and sun-fishes. (Fig. 371). Sub-Class III. Dipneusti (Dipnoi) The Lung-Fishes (Fig. 372). (2 extinct and 2 living families. These include the Neoceratodus, r>46 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Protopterus and Lepidosiren. The skeleton of these lung-fish is largely cartilaginous but there is a tendency toward ossification. The swim-bladder serves as lungs. The very young individuals have long, feather-like external gills. Appendix to the True Fishes. I. Palaeospondylidae (1 family between cyclostomes and fishes). II. Ostracodermi (3 orders of 8 families, mostly armored fishes). III. Antiarchi (1 family of mailed fishes). IV. Arthrodira (1 family of mailed fishes). e rntodiiit fimlr.ri (Australian lung-fsii) I.L Proloplerits anneclen* (African lung-fish) Fig. 372. Dipneusti. In C, snt., sensory tubes ; / /.. lateral line ; e.br., external gills ; pc.L, pectoral fin ; op, operculum. In D and E, eg ., external gills ; PC., pectoral fin ; Pv., pelvic fin. (A, after Giinther ; B, after Glaus ; C, after W. N. Parker ; D, after Budgett ; E and F, after Graham Kerr.) It is well to note that 172 families of the 226 families of true fishes are members of the order Teleostei. Of the Elasmobranchii there are 23 families now in existence and 9 extinct. The ganoids and dipnoi number 22 families. Amphibia. Contrasted with fishes, the amphibia have pentadactyl appendages, while contrasted with reptiles, they possess double occipital condyles. There are external gills in the larvae, though these do not always per- sist. The adults breathe by lungs. The heart consists of two auricles, one ventricle, a conus arteriosus, and a sinus venosus. Sub-Class I. Stegocephali. These are the extinct amphibia, many of which attained consid- erable size. CLASSIFICATION 647 Sub-Class II. Lissamphibia. (About 1,000 species, nearly 900 of which are frogs and toads. Figs. 315, 376). Order I. Apoda (Gymnophiona) Limbless Amphibia. (Fig. 373). These are also called caecilians and sometimes "blind-worms." They are without limbs or limb-girdles. They burrow in the earth and are found in warm climes. The cranium is like that of the reptile in out- ward appearance but the bones which constitute it are the same as those which go to form any amphibian cranium. The skin is smooth and slimy with many ring-like folds. There are as many as 200 to 300 vertebrae in some species. The eyes are rudimentary and probably functionless. There is a feeling-organ protruded from between eye and nose which serves to guide the animal. Some are oviparous, while others are viviparous. Fig. 373. Apoda. Ichthyophis glutinosa. 1, nearly ripe embryo, with gills tail-fin, and with considerable amount of yolk ; 2, a female guarding her eggs, coiled up in an under- ground hole ; 3, a group of newly laid eggs ; 4, a single egg, enlarged and schematised to show the twisted albuminous strings or chalazae inside the outer membrane, which surrounds the white of the egg. 5, Caecilia, emerging from burrow. (After P. and F. Sarasin.) Order II. Urodela (Tailed Amphibia). (Figs. 315, 374). These are the mud-puppies (Necturus), salamanders, newts, and efts. Many authors call all urodeles with adult external gills, Perenni- branchiata, though the following grouping is the more common. Family I. Amphiumidae (Fig. 374). This family is without external gills in the adult stage. There are only two genera, Cryptobranchus and Amphiuma (Fig. 374). Cryptobranchus allegheniensis (Fig. 374), is the well-known "hell- bender" of our Eastern States. Cryptobranchus japonicus is the giant salamander of Japan. Amphiuma (Fig. 374) has only one species which ranges from Caro- 648 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY lina to Mississippi in our Southeastern States. This is known as Am- phiuma means, and is eel-shaped with much reduced limbs and a small pair of inconspicuous gill-clefts guarded by skin-flaps. Some of these animals are three feet in length, living in swamps and muddy water. The female protects the eggs by coiling about them. Family II. Salamandridae. (Salamanders and Newts) (Fig. 374). These animals have no gills in the adult stage. Practically three- fourths of all tailed amphibia belong to this family. The most common type is the Desmognathus fuscus (Fig. 374). The female coils about the eggs when laid. The young, after hatching, look quite like adult forms. Amblystoma tigrinum or "tiger salamander" (Fig. 374) is very com- mon in North America. It has large yellow spots which may merge into broad stripes or bands. The ground color is black. It may be Fig. 374. Salamandridae. In C, I, Female; 2, Male at the breeding season with well-developed frills. E, Desmognathus fuscus (American newt). Female with eggs in underground hole. (A, after Holder ; B, from Cambridge Natural History ; C, after Gadow, E, after Wilder.) found in damp places under stones and logs, or even in cellars of houses. It is one of the classic forms used in the laboratory for various reasons, one of them being that it is an animal which becomes sexually mature while still in the larval stage, a condition called paedogenesis or neoteny. Another very interesting fact is brought out in the life of the larval forms of Amblystoma. The larva itself is called Axolotl, and was for- merly considered to be a fully adult form. It is quite common near Mexico City. However, when some of the Axolotls were taken to Paris, and kept in aquaria, they metamorphosed into regular, full-fledged CLASSIFICATION 649 Amblystoma. Not only this, but some of them could be made to revert back to the larval Axolotl form. Salamander maculosa, commonly called the "spotted" or "fire sala- mander" is the most common of the European salamanders. Salamandra atra is much darker than S. maculosa and is found in the Alps at altitudes from 2,000 to 9,000 feet. This animal is interesting in that it produces only two young at a time, which, while still in the uterus, feed upon the surrounding eggs and pass through their entire metamorphosis before being born. Kammerer claims that S. atra will change to S. maculosa if brought to lowland waters and then after being kept there for several genera- tions, and later returned to the higher altitudes, they well retain the breeding habits acquired as the lowland type. This fact has led some authors to insist that here is a case of acquired characteristics being in- herited. Diemictylus viridescens is the "vermilion spotted eft" or newt. It takes several years to reach the adult form. For three years it lives in water and has external gills. During this time it is green in color. Upon leaving the water it becomes yellow with vermilion spots, and at the breeding season returns to water and again becomes green. Triton cristatus (Fig. 374) Js the "crested newt." The male has a decided crest during the breeding season. Family III. Proteidae. (The Mud-Puppies) (Fig. 375). These have three pairs of fringed external gills throughout life and some authors call them perennibranchii. There are only three genera with a single species each. Two of these genera occur in America and one in Europe. lacerlina (mud-eel) Fig. 375. Proteidae and Sirenidae. (After Chapin and Rettger.) Necturus maculatus is the comm.on American "mud-puppy." It is assumed that this may be an animal which has remained in the larval stage. Proteus anguineus (the Germans call them "olms") are blind, cave, G50 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY mud-puppies nearly white in color. But, if brought into the light they become at first grayish and then jet-black. Typhlomolge rathbuni, is a form quite like Proteus, and is found in subterranean caves and sometimes is brought up from deep artesian wells. They are found in Texas. Family IV. Sirenidae. (The Sirens) (Fig. 375). These have three pair of permanent fringed external gills, and the body is eel-like. There are no hind limbs. There are two genera each with a single species. Siren lacertina, commonly called the "mud-eel." It may reach a length of thirty inches. It is black in color dorsally and lighter ventral- ly. It is found in the southeastern part of the United States. Pseudobranchus striatus, is much smaller than Siren, hardly ever reaching a length of more than seven inches. It has one pair of gill- clefts and only three fingers. There is a broad yellow band along each side. It is assigned the lowest place among the urodeles. Order III. Anura (Tailless Amphibia) (Figs. 315, 376). These are the frogs and toads. Sub-Order I. Aglossa. - These animals have no tongue. This group is not yet commonly known as it occurs only in South America and in Africa. Pipa americana (also known as the "Surinam toad," Fig. 376), has rather remarkable methods of carrying its eggs after they have been laid. There are holes in the back of the female into which they are deposited. Xenopus, and Hymcnochirus are the African genera. Pi/m americana Rhacophorus (fti/ing Irce-load of Borneo) Atytes obstctricaiis (obstetrical toad) Fig. 376. Anura. A, Pipa americana with young in skin pockets of. back. C, Male obstetrical toad with string of eggs. (A, after Ludwig ; B, after Wallace; C, after Claus.) CLASSIFICATION 651 Sub-Order II. Phaneroglossa. These are the frogs and toads with tongues. There are seven families. The best known of these families are the Bufonidae which are the common toads and the Ranidae, the "true frogs." There is a peculiar species of toads in France and Switzerland called Alytes obstetricans (Fig. 376), in which the male takes the eggs when laid and wraps them around his hind legs, after which he deposits them in a hole in the ground. These eggs are then moistened by him with dew and taken out once-in-a-while in the water. When the eggs are ready for hatching, he takes them all to the water and remains with them until hatching is complete. Class Reptilia. There are four orders of living reptiles. These are cold-blooded vertebrates, breathing by means of lungs throughout their life cycle. Lizards, snakes, crocodilians, and turtles come under the heading of Reptilia. The fossil records of the past show that the four living orders are but a small portion of the variations within this class which have con- tinued their existence. In the Mesozoic era (Fig. 245), commonly called the "age of Rep- tiles," there have been found many skeleton-remains of immensely large lizard-like animals. In fact, the name given to the largest of these animals of the past is Dinosaur which means "terrible Lizard." Sphenodon punctatum Fig. 377. Reptilia. (Sphenodon is considered the most primitive type of living reptiles.) (After Gadow.) There were many flying reptiles at that time while Plesiosaurs lived in the water and had long paddles for swimming instead of legs. Reptiles with wings are called pterosaurs. Some of their fossil remains show these animals to have been twenty feet from tip to tip of wings wrhen spread. It is assumed that these animals so overspecialized various parts of their body that when great climatic and earth-changes came about, they could not cope with the new conditions. It has also been suggested that the eggs of many of these great animals may have been used for food by very small mammals which caused the largest of all beasts to die out entirely. 652 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY The reptile most closely resembling extinct forms is thought to be Sphenodon (Fig. 377). It is confined to a few small islands off the coast of New Zealand and is hunted and eaten by the Maoris. It is also called "tuatara" and lives in burrows. Externally it looks like a lizard, though skeleton and viscera are quite unlike those of other living lizards. Order Chelonia. (Turtles and Tortoises). These have a bony covering and toothless jaws. The covering con- sists of a dorsal or upper portion called a carapace, and a ventral plas- tron. These plates are soft in very young animals. The surface is cov- ered with horny shields which Gadow believes to be phylogenetically older than the underlying bony plates. These latter do not correspond with the former in either number or position. There are two sub-orders. Sub-Order I. Athecae. These are without a true carapace. There is only one living repre- sentative of this type, namely the Leather-back Turtle, known as Der- mochelys (sphargis) coriacea. (Fig. 378.) In- stead of the regular carapace there are five dorsal, five ventral, and two lateral dermal plates. The tail is rudimentary and the limbs are larger flipper-like paddles. Only large and very small specimens have ever been found. No one knows where they live between these stages. Sub-Order II. Thecophora. These are the true turtles (Fig. 379) which are divided into two groupings known as Cryptodira to which group most of the turtles of the Northern Hemisphere belong. The head is retractile and the pelvis is not fused to the shell, while in Division II, are the Pleuro- dira, representing a large group of the South- ern Hemisphere. These do not retract the head but bend it sideways under the shell. The pelvis is fused to the shell. Sphargis coriacea (leather-bade turtle) Fig. 378. The only chelonian without a true carapace. (From Gadow.) The more commonly known American Turtles belong to Division Cryptodira. The snapping turtles being members of the family Chely- dridae. The skunk- or musk-turtle is a member of the family Cinoster- nidae, and the common pond tortoises are members of the family Testu- dinidae. The "tortoise-shell" turtle belongs to those commonly called "sea-turtles" and is a member of the family Chelonidae. CLASSIFICATION 653 Order Crocodilia. Crocodilia are character- ized by well-developed limbs, long tail, fixed quadrate bone, and teeth fixed sepa- rately in alveoli. The vari- ous extinct forms, however, do not have all these charac- teristics. There are only two fam- ilies of Crocodilia (Fig. 380). Family I. Gavialidae. There is only one living species of this family. It is called Gavialis gangeticus. It is found in the River Ganges and other large rivers of India. Family II. Crocodilidae. This family inludes both old and new world crocodiles and alligators. The latter animals do not grow^as large as the crocodiles. The alli- gator is distinguished from the crocodile by having a broad, rounded snout. Order Sauria. (Squamata.) These are the lizards and snakes. Their main dif- ferentiating characteristics are: a movable quadrate A, grows to weigh 800 pounds; B, 40 pounds; C, bone which permits of a ***** ™ the tortoise" wide mouth-opening, a trans- verse cloacal aperture and double copulatory organs. Division I. Lacertilia. (Lizards). While normally the ordinary forms of lizards are scaly and have four well-developed legs, there are many species which do not have these characteristics. This latter type appear quite like snakes but the bones of the skull always serve to distinguish them. Then too, the lizards have no elastic ligament between the two halves of the lower jaw, as snakes have. 654 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY There are three orders (Fig. 381). sub- Crocodttus (intcricanus (crocodile) Fig. 380. Crocodjlia. (After Basket! and Ditmars.) Sub-Order I. Geckones. These are the primitive types having amphicoelous vertebrae (Fig. 404), and no bony temporal arches. They have dilated clavicles, sepa- rate parietals, eyes with movable lids, broad, fleshy, protrusible tongue, which is nicked at the end. Usually harmless. The tail is loosely articulated and comes off when seized although a new one grows quite readily Sub-Order II. Lacertae. Most modern lizards be- long to this group. Their vertebrae are precocious and solid. The ventral portions of the clavicle are not dilated. There are cursorial types, arboreal types, volant types, an aquatic type, a fossorial type and an ant-eating type, so-called from their vary- ing modes of life. The Gila Monster (Heloderma horridum) of our Southwestern States is the only poisonous lizard known, while the monitor (Varanus salvator) grows to the greatest length, something like seven feet or more. Sub-Order III. Chamaeleontes (Chameleons). (Fig. 382). These animals are the ones so well known on account of their ability to change color, and the enormously long tongue by which they readily catch insects at a distance of some seven inches. Chameleons are highly specialized, the body is laterally compressed, the tail is prehensile, and the toes are parted in the middle so as to be used for grasping. They are found mostly in Madagascar. One species is found in Southern Europe. Division II. Ophidia (Snakes). Snakes are really Sauria or Squamata in which the right and left halves of the lower jaw are connected with an elastic ligament, thus per- mitting the mouth to stretch greatly. They are usually limbless or have CLASSIFICATION G55 Hem>dac1ylus turicus find TjtrenloJfi nitnirilnnica (yeckoncs) Heloderma (Gila monster) Angnis fragilis (limbless lizard) Iguana tuberculata (common iguana) Fig. 381. Lacertilia. (A and D, after Gadow ; B, after Ditmars ; C, after Shipley and MacBride). Cliainaelfon vulyaru Anolis principalus (American chamaeleon) Fig. 382. Chamaeleontes. (A, after Gadow; B, Ditmars.) 656 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY rudimentary limbs under the skin as has the python. The eyes are with- out eye-lids. Class V. Aves. (Birds). These are closely related to the reptiles. In fact, reptiles and birds are often grouped together as Sauropsida. They have a single occipital condyle as do the reptiles. The heart of birds is, however, divided into right and left halves. Birds are warm-blooded. There is a fusion of the bones of the manus and there is the formation of a tibio-tarsus and tarso-metatarsus (intratarsal joint). Feathers cover the body. Birds are commonly divided into Ratitae or "running birds" such as the ostrich, rheas, cassowaries, etc., which lack a furcula (wish-bone) and a keel (Fig. 418) to the sternum, and the Carinatae, or the "flying birds." These latter have the sternum keeled and the clavicles are united to form the furcula. There are two extinct groups which had teeth. Class VI. Mammalia. These are warm-blooded animals having a covering of hair, two occipital condyles, and milk-glands in the female. Mammals are divided into two sub-classes. Sub-Class I. Prototheria, or egg-laying mammals. Order I. Monotremata, which consists of two families (Fig. 383). Ecliidna aciJeala (spiny ant-eater) Fig. 383. Monotremata. C. Echidna hystrix. I, lower surface of brooding female ; //, dissection showing a dorsal view of the marsupium and mammary glands ; t t» the two tufts of hair projecting from the mammary pouches from which the secretion flows ; 6m, brood-pouch or marsupium; cl, cloaca; g.m., groups of mammary glands. (A, after Shipley and MacBride ; B, after Claus ; C, after Haake.) CLASSIFICATION 657 Family I. Ornithorhynchidae. (The duck-bill of Australia.) There is no corpus callosum (Fig. 471), and the brain is the most primitive of all living mammals. The eggs, two or three in number, and covered with a hard shell, are reptilian in form and are laid in a nest of grasses. The heat of the mother's body hatches them. Family II. Echidnidae. These are the Australian Ant-Eaters. There is a temporary mar- supial pouch. Only one egg, about half an inch long, is laid at a time and placed in the marsupial pouch by the mouth of the mother. Here the young hatch in a very immature condition, the mother being obliged to remove the egg-shell after the young has come forth. The young Echidna obtains its food by licking the milk-like secretion exuding from the hairs in the pouch. Sub-Class II. Eutheria. These are the viviparous mammals which are divided into two divi- sions. Division I. Didelphia (Metatheria) (Fig. 384). These are the marsupials. Order I.. Marsupialia. Mammals having a pouch to carry their young which are born in a rather immature condition. There is usually Didftphyt dorsiyeru (South American opossum) Petrogale xanthopus (rock wallaby with young in pouch) Fig. 384. Didelphia. (A, after Vogt Specht ; B, after Nicholson.) 658 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY no placenta. Australia furnishes us with most Marsupialia, such as the kangaroo, wombat, phalangerer, pouched mole, and many other forms, while the opossum is the only example in America. Division II. Monodelphia. (Placental Mammals). The young are never carried in a pouch, but a true placenta nour- ishes the unborn fetus. Scalops acqwificus (common mole) sorer riltgar;s (common sl.rnr) Fig. 385. Jnsectivora. (After Coucs.) The placental animals are divided into the following sections: Un- guiculates, Primates, Ungulates, and Cetacea. Section A, Unguiculates. (Clawed animals). Order I. Insectivora, such as moles, shrews, and hedgehogs (Fig. 385). Order II. Chiroptera, such as bats (Fig. 386). Order III. Carnivora, possess sharp teeth and claws. Under this heading come the cat, (Felidae) and dog (Canidae) families, for example, and many others. Order IV. Rodentia are the gnawing animals. Rabbits, guinea pigs (Cavia), rats, mice, squirrels, etc., come under this heading. Order V. Edentata. This name means toothless, but the animals with the exception of the ant-eaters, belonging to this group do possess teeth. Different authors classify the Edentata in various ways. The animals usually coming within this group are sloths, ant-eaters, and armadillos. (Fig. 387.) Fig. 386. Chiroptera. Section B, Primates. (Mam- (After Sclater.) ™als With nails.) CLASSIFICATION G59 Cliotii Tamil ml ti'i li-trail'ii-lylii ('/ Fig. 387. Edentata. (A and B, after Vogt and Specht ; C, from Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871.) Order VI. Primates. Mostly tree-inhabiting animals with nails on fingers and toes instead ofc claws or hoofs. The monkeys which are to be included under this heading are divided into Platyrrhine (broad-nostril) and Catarrhine (narrow-nostril) groups. The former are peculiar to the New World and the latter to the Old World. The higher apes belong to the Old World group. New World monkeys have a prehensile tail (Fig. 3-8) while no Old World monkeys possess C'cbus h ifi>oli'ncnn ( wli \le-t Fig. 388. Note the prehensile tail so characteristic of New World Monkeys. 660 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY this. In the anthropoid or manlike apes (Simiidae) (Fig. 389), there is no tail at all. Section C, Ungulates. (Hoofed animals). Order VII. Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates), are pigs, (Suidae), deer (Cervidae), giraffes (Giraffidae), cattle, sheep, goats (Bovidae). Artiodactyla are all terrestrial or mud-inhabiting animals, usually of large size, having hoofs on two or four toes. Their stomachs usually have several chambers and are peculiarly adapted for an herbivorous diet. Artiodactyla are often divided into two groups : Hylobfites entelloides (dun-colored gibbon) Pan (Ant 1\ ropopif h ecus) troglodytes (chimpanzee) Sinua satyr us (orang-utan) Fig. 389. Simiidae. (A and B, after Flower and Lydekker ; C, after Vogt and Specht ; D, after Shipley and MacBride.) CLASSIFICATION 661 Fig. 390. Sirenia. (A, from Brehm, B, from Ingersoll. ) Group I. Suina. (Swine-like). All the swine family come under this heading including the hippo- potamus which is really a,n aquatic hog. Group II. Ruminantia? (Ruminants). The animals belonging to this group swallow their food rapidly and later regurgitate it into the mouth for further chewing. Such animals are said to "chew a cud." Camels, llamas, antelopes, cows, giraffes, goats and sheep belong here. 662 COM PARATIYE ANATOMY Order VIII. Perissodactyla. (Odd toed ungulates). In this order the animal walks on the middle digit of fore and hind feet. The following three families make up the entire order: Equidae (horses, asses and, zebras). Tapiridae (tapirs) ; and Rhinocerotidae (rhinoceroses). Order IX. Proboscidia (Elephants). Order X. Sirenia (Sea-cows such as Dugongs and Manatees, Fig. 390). Aquatic offshoots of ungulate stock. Hyrax abyssinicus (coneys or hyraces) Fig. 391. Hyracoidea. (From Lull after Brehm.) Order XI. Hyracoidea (Coneys, Fig. 391). Short-eared, rodent-like, primitive ungulates, usually living among rocks, although some are tree-inhabiting. Section D. Cetacea (Whales and Dolphins, Fig. 392). Order XII. Odontoceti (Toothed-whales). Examples of these are : sperm-whales, narwhals, beaked whales, !>,!,, In,,,,* ,lfli>liis (dolphin) Jialaena myglecetus lu'lialrbonf tefiate) Fig. 392. Cetacea. In D, a, upper arm; b, blow-hole; fa, forearm; h, hand; p.thl, small remains of pelvis, thigh, and leg ; r, roof of palate ; w.w., plates of whalebone ; /, whalebone fringe. (A, after Flower and Lydekker ; B, after Cuvier ; C, after Sedgwick ; D. after Holder.) CLASSIFICATION 663 porpoises, and dolphins. They have teeth but no whale-bone. They possess a single nostril or "blow-hole" and some of the ribs are two- headed. Order XIII. Mystacoceti (Whale-bone whales). These are also called baleen whales. For convenience sake the following terms are often used : Ichthyopsida. This is a name given to Cyclostomes, Gnathostomes, and Amphibia combined. The distinctive characteristics of the Ichthyopsida are that all animals belonging to this group breathe by means of gills at some period of their life's history. They are therefore, aquatic vertebrates. They are sometimes called Anamniota or Anamnia because they do not develop an amnion, and Anallantoida because they do not develop an allantois. Sauropsida. This is the name given to birds and reptiles combined. The dis- tinctive characteristics of the Sauropsida are, that all animals belonging to this group breath with lungs and never develop functional gills : They are therefore terrestrial vertebrates. Sauropsida, together with the Mammalia, are called Amniota on account of their developing an am- nion, and Allantoida on account of their developing an allantois. Tetrapoda. This is the collective name assigned to all four limbed animals, whether they are amphibians, reptiles, or mammals. CHAPTER XLIX THE INTEGUMENT. As has been the custom of this book throughout, in examining any organism, we first observe its external appearance. It is thus the outer covering of the body which becomes the first object of our study. In fishes we therefore study scales ; in the frog and the human being, the skin, while on other mammals, fur, and on birds, feathers. Yet, what- ever forms such external parts may assume they are a covering of the body, and as such form what is called an integument ( ). This term includes the skin or cutis and all the structures derived from it. If an animal lives in water the effect of water upon such covering must be considered; likewise, consideration must be given to whether it lives in a cold climate or in a warm, and whether it lives in the air or burrows beneath the earth. All these things are bound to have their effects upon modifying an animal's outer covering. Microscopically the integument of vertebrates consists of two layers (Fig. 393), an outer, epidermis, which is the remainder of the ectoderm after the nervous system has been separated from it, and a deeper layer, the corium or derma composed of mesenchyme which has been derived from the somatic portion of the somite. It is into this deeper structure that the nerves and blood vessels extend. Accessory organs are developed in both layers, and may begin growth in one and extend through the other. In all cases, however, each element of the accessory organs has a very definite place of origin. The integumental glands thus arise from the epidermis, though dipping down into the corium to receive a fibrous covering. Pigment usually develops in the corium and often then migrates to the epidermis, although it does sometimes develop in the latter layer itself. Blood vessels (except in the mucous membrane of the pharynx of lungless salamanders) develop in the corium. Sensory nerve endings are quite freely distributed throughout the epidermis, but the more specialized forms remain in the corium, often pushed up into the epidermic zone in the form of papillae. The epider- mis is thus a bloodless, protective, covering with but slight sensitive- ness, all the more delicate structures being found in the lower layer. Both skin layers have the power to form hard parts known as cxoskeleton. True bone, for example, develops from the corium, while horn and enamel originate in the epidermis. Horny structures, such as hairs or feathers (Fig. 394), are formed from the epidermis alone, but, dip down into the richly vascular corium THE INTEGUMENT 665 to obtain nourishment. The dermal scutes of ganoids, and the dermal bones of higher forms arise entirely within the corium. Teeth are com- posite structures composed of dentine, a hard sort of bone, from the corium, overlaid with enamel from the epidermis. It is important that one does not confuse the term integument with mere portions of the integument ; for example, the epidermis is merely an outer histologic layer. The ectoderm is merely one of the germ layers from which both integument and the nervous system arise. The skin alone on such animals as have feathers, scales or fur, likewise would not be the integument, but both skin and its immediate outer covering would constitute such protective substance. The following schematic arrangement is that commonly used in medicine: INTEGUMENT. Epidermis. 1. Stratum corneum. 2. Stratum lucidum. 3. Stratum granulosum. 4. Stratum mucosum. 5. Stratum germinativum (Malpi- ghian layer). Secondary Epidermal Structures. Exoskeleton. H Hair. Nails, claws, hoofs, beaks. Feathers. Epidermal scales. Sensory nerve-endings Dermis. (Commonly called Corium) 1. Papillary layer, made up of dense connective tissue. 2. Reticular layer, made up of looser connective tissue. Secondary Dermal Structures. Glands. Pigment. Blood vessels. Lymph spaces. Nerves. Dermal scales. Note: The exoskeleton of vertebrates consists of bone, horn and enamel. Bone originates in the corium (mesodermal). Horn and Enamel originate in the epidermis (ectodermal). In comparative anatomy the epidermis in turn is divided into two 666 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY layers, the lower one being known as the Malpighian layer or stratum germinativum (Fig. 393). Usually this layer rests on the corium and is nourished by the fluids from such corium. The cells therefore grow outward as they divide, forming a second or outer layer, the stratum corneum. These outer cells being the ones which come in contact with the surrouading media, are worn away almost as fast as new ones are •1 J£>c ft on) Fig. 393. Diagram of a section through the skin of a mammal to show various layers, hair, and sebaceous and sweat glands. added from below. If these outer cells come off in large sheets we find such a condition as that of a snake shedding its skin. In land animals the first layer of cells budding off from the Mal- pighian stratum seems a continuous sheet which is likely to be shed as a whole. This is called the periderm (Fig. 395). Older books call this the epitrichiurru but as this word means "above the hair" it is not accu- rate when it refers to reptiles and birds which have no hair. Malpighian layer is that in and from which the glands of the THE INTEGUMENT 06' skin are formed, while the corresponding part of the ectoderm con- tributes to such sensory structures as the nose and ear. The hair, nails, claws, feathers and other outgrowths of the cutis come from the epidermis (Figs. 393, 394). Land animals usually have a thicker epidermis than those which live in water. The latter keep the outer portion of the body constantly moist and so show less of the hard- ened or horny consistency Avhich is found in animals living in the air. The corium lies directly beneath the epidermis, there being a loose layer of connective tissue separating it from deeper structures. The corium itself is a mass of fibrous connective tissue in which there is an inter- mingling of elastic tissue, blood vessels, nerves, smooth muscle fibers, etc. It is much thicker in mammals than in the lower vertebrates. It is the corium which is commonly known as leather. "Pigment cells may be found in both epidermis and corium. These are mesen- chyme cells loaded with pigment which are frequently under the control of the nervous (sympa- thetic) system and can be altered in shape (chromatophores), thus producing color changes, which as in the chameleons, may be very marked." If the epidermis becomes cornified, scales are produced. This takes place by certain cells in both corium and epidermis be- ginning to multiply in certain definite regions. These thicken- ings become future scales by the stratum corneum turning into a horny material. In snakes and lizards these scales, together with all of the stratum corneum (even the covering of the eye), are periodically moulted, the separation taking place at the surface of the stratum Malpighii. In turtles and alligators there is a gradual wearing away of the surface. Claws, hoofs and nails are closely allied in their manner of growth to scales (Fig. 396). In fact, a claw is formed by two scales. The dorsal one is called the unguis and the ventral the sub-unguis. The dorsal scale grows continually from a root and in mammals is forced over its bed. The unguis is curved both transversally and longitudinally, while the sub-unguis forms its lower surface. In the human nail the unguis is nearly flat in both directions, and the sub-unguis is reduced to a narrow plate just beneath the tip of the nail. In the hoof the nnguis is rolled around the tip of the toe, while the Fig. 394. A diagram of a developing feather, highly magnified. der., Dermis ; epL, epidermis ; fol., follicle; fth., feather; Mp., Malpighian layer of epidermis ; pap., papilla by the growth of whose epidermis the feather is formed. (From Shipley and MacBride.) 668 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY sub-unguis forms the 'sole' inside it. The 'frog' is the reduced ball of the toe which projects into the hoof from behind. The comparisons in this semester's work will be between fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, as these represent the great type-forms of vertebrates. FISHES The life in water makes horny cornification very rare. The epider- mis of fishes is therefore soft. "Pearl organs," however, appear during the breeding season in some teleosts. Glands are quite abundant, the secretion furnishing the slime on the surface. Some groups of fishes also possess poison glands, usually in close relation to the spines of the fins. The elasmobranchs have large pterygopodial glands in the "claspers" of the males, although what these are for we do not know. Photophores are some of the most interesting and striking of all epidermal organs. They are usually found in elasmobranchs and teleosts from the deep seas, where sunlight does not penetrate. In reality, they are formed very much like an eye by the cells of the Malpighian layer dipping into the corium. Here they are cut off from their origin, forming a deeper glandular layer, and the outer rounded body called the lens. The corium then forms a reflecting layer, which in turn is enclosed by a coat of pigment. In the myxinoids, there are many thread-cells in little pockets located in various portions of the skin. Each of these cells contains a long thread which is discharged upon stimulation, the threads forming a network in which the mucus secreted by the ordinary gland cells is entangled. Artificial pearls are made from "essence of pearl," which is formed in the fibrous tissue of the corium of some fishes. :;i, AMPHIBIA The interesting-point about these animals is that during the early larval stage, the epidermis is often ciliated, and two cells in thickness. There are numerous mucus and poison glands, sometimes enlargements of the neck called "parotid glands." These occur on the anura, and there is likewise a gland on the back near the base of the tail. It will be re- membered that the large lymph spaces under the skin of the frog make it possible to remove that animal's skin quite readily. As amphibians Fig. 395. Section through the scale of a Lizard. 1. Peridermal layer. 2. Heavily cornified cells forming the scale. 3. Pigment cell. 4. Ordinary cells of horny layer. 5. Innermost Malpighian layer. 6. Dermis. (After Ship- ley and MacBride.) THE INTEGUMENT 669 and the lungless salamanders respire largely by the skin, the corium is richly supplied with blood vessels, which, at the time of the metamorpho- sis of anura, penetrate into the epidermis. It is at this time that the lungs are not yet functioning, and the gills are being absorbed. The stratum corneum is shed periodically, either as a whole, as in urodeles, or in patches. The "warts" of toads are partially cornifications of the epidermis. A similar hardening of the skin at the ends of the toes results in claws. REPTILES All these have horny scales and sometimes bony plates though some of the fossil groups have a naked skin. Glands are rare, though some "turtles have scent glands beneath the lower jaw along the line between carapace and plastron ; snakes and crocodilians have them connected with the cloaca, while the latter have others, of unknown function, between the first and second rows of plates along the back, as well as protrusible musk glands on the lower jaw." Fig. 396. Comparison of human finger nail (A) and hoof of horse (B). d.pt Fig. 398. Feather tracts of the pigeon. A, ventral ; B, dorsal, al.pt, alar pteryla or wing tract ; c.pt, cephalic pteryla or head tract; cd.pt, caudal pteryla or tail tract ; cr.pt, crural pteryla ; cr.apt, cervical apterium or neck-space ; fm.pt, femoral pteryla ; hu.pt, humeral pteryla ; lat.apt, lateral apterium ; sp.pt, spinal pteryla ; v.apt, ventral apterium; v.pt, ventral pteryla. (From Parker and Haswell, after Nitzsch.) These latter are not true glands, as they produce no secretion, but cast out the living cells. Color changes are not remarkable except in a few snakes and lizards. Claws are common on the toes. The so-called "femoral pores" on the under surface of the legs of lizards are not true glands. They are epidermal structures composed of horny cells, possibly having a sexual function. BIRDS The distinguishing characteristic of birds is that they possess feathers. Both layers of skin are quite thin, there being both scales and 670 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY feathers developed from the epidermis, although there are extremely few glands. Some birds, like the ostrich, possess none, though a great many species have the so-called uropygial gland at the base of the tail which pours out an oily secretion for dressing the feathers. In a few rasores (scratching birds), there are modified sebaceous glands near the ear. The scales on the legs, as well as the claws on the feet and sometimes on the wings, are often said to be derived from reptilian ancestors. Feathers are closely related to scales. There are several kinds of feathers, conveniently grouped under three heads : 1 Fig. 397. Feathers of a pigeon. A, Down feather ; B, filoplume ; C, quill feather. a.s., Aftershaft ; i.u., inferior umbilicus ; qu., quill or calamus ; rch, rhachis or shaft ; s.u., superior umbilicus; vex., vexillum or' vane. (After Borradaile.) /, II, HI. — Parts of a feather. /., Four barbs (B.) bearing anterior barbules (ABB.) and posterior barbules (PBB) ; II., six barbs (B.) in section showing interlocking of barbules; ///., anterior barbule with barbicels (H.) (After Nitzsch.) (1) Filoplumes (hairy feathers). (2) Plumulae (down feathers). (3) Plumae (contour feathers). It is the plumae that have the typical form consisting of shaft and vane. (Fig- 397.) The base of the shaft is the hollow quill in which a small amount of loose pith is found. The shaft or rhachis is solid, and THE INTEGUMENT ti71 a groove runs the length of its lower surface. This is the umbilical groove. The vane consists of lateral branches or barbs on either side, which have, in turn, still smaller side branches called barbules. These latter usually have small hooks at their sides and tips. These hooks interlock to give iirmness and continuity to the whole vane. In down- feathers, where hooks are lacking, the barbs arise directly from the end of the quill, the barbs do not interlock, and no vane is formed. Hair- feathers consist of long slender shafts \vith a few terminal barbs. Archaeopteryx, the oldest known fossil bird, had well developed contour feathers. In most birds, feathers are not equally distributed, but are gathered in tracts known as pterylae (Fig. 398), and separated by apteria or featherless regions where there are but few down or hair feathers. These feather-tracts vary, however, in different groups of birds, but are used to a considerable extent in classification. There is a great similarity in the method in which the integument develops in the different type forms we are studying (Fig. 394). For example : "A down-feather begins as a thickening of the corium, push- ing the epidermis before it. By continued growth this, forms a long, finger-like papilla projecting from the skin. The corium extends into the outgrowth, carrying blood-vessels with it, while an annular pit, the beginning of the feather follicle, forms around the base of the papilla. Next, the corium or pulp of the distal part of the papilla forms several longitudinal ridges which gradually increase in height, growing into the epidermis and pressing the Malpighian layer above them against the periderm. As a rule, the stratum corneum is divided distally into a num- ber of slender rods arising from the base (quill), which at last are only held together by the periderm. Then the pulp retracts, carrying with it the Malpighian layer. With the blood-supply removed, the epidermal parts dry rapidly, and the periderm ruptures, allowing the rods to sepa- rate, forming the down." Contour-feathers are quite like down-feathers in their development up to a certain point. It is to be remembered that the dorsal and ventral sides of the feather were the outside and inside of the stratum corneum of the papilla. Scales of lizard skin show extreme similarity in their develop- ment to the feather just described (Fig. 395). Many smooth muscle fibers act to elevate the feathers in the corium of birds, and there are also tactile or sense organs. The colors of feathers depend partly upon red, yellow, orange, brown, and black pigment deposited in them, but the iridescent colors are due to interference spectra. MAMMALS Mammals have a relatively thicker skin than other vertebrates (Fig. 393). There are many glands and considerable hair, except in a few orders such as the whales and sirenians. There are likewise horns and 672 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY claws as well as scales, though the latter are not so conspicuous in the higher forms. The corium is quite thick and is composed of irregular fibers inter- laced with muscles, blood vessels, etc. Its outer surface often forms papillae or ridges; especially on the palms and soles. These ridges carry the epidermis with them. Several strata may usually be recognized under the epidermis, namely : a thick Malpighian layer at the base, then a thin stratum lucidum in which distinct cells cannot be recognized, and the stratum corneum on the outside. One or more other layers may be present. A cell must pass through all of these layers "before it is worn from the surface of the skin. HAIR It is important that the histological structure of a hair (Figs. 393, 394) be compared with that of a feather already described. Scales are found in many orders, usually best developed on the tail and feet. They are rounded, quadrangular, or hexagonal, the square scales being arranged in rings around the part, the others in groups of five known as quincunx. These latter are closely similar to the scales of reptiles. It seems, from recent investigations, that there is a close relation between scales and hair, since in mammals with scales, hairs are usually arranged in groups of three or five behind each scale ; and in those without scales, the hairs are also grouped in the same manner. In the early embryo, the hairs are arranged in longitudinal rows so that grouping seems to come later. GLANDS These are of various kinds and types. The structural shapes and forms into which they may be grouped have already been studied in the frog and should be recalled, but we must also think of five divisions or groups, classified not according to structure, but according to function. Thus we have the following grouping : (1) Sweat (tubular in shape extending from the Malpighian layer down through the corium where they are coiled). Schematic arrangement of varying types of mammary glands. 1, Echidna, primitive type; 2, Halmaturus (a genus of Kangaroo) forming pouch in lacta- tion ; 3, Didelphys, forming of nipple before lactation ; 4, Same during lactation (quite like man) ; 5, Mammilary pouch in cow embryo; 6, in adult cow. (After Max Weber.) THE INTEGUMENT 673 (2) Sebaceous (acinous in shape), connected with each hair (Fig. 393). (3) Mammary (modified tubular glands producing milk (Fig. 399). (4) Tarsal or Meibomian (modified sebaceous glands in eyelid, producing oil to keep tears from overflowing (Fig. 400). (5) Anal (acinous in form, commonly scent glands, secreting a sub^ stance either for sexual attraction or for protection (Fig. 400). Glands are often also divided according to the method by which they furnish their secretions. First, into necrobiotic glands if they burst when liberating their fluids. The individual gland is then destroyed. And, second, vitally secretory glands if the secretions are poured through the walls of the gland while the gland itself remains functional for an indefinite period. In fact, this physiological distinction is often used to determine homologies when other methods cannot be used. Each animal class seems to develop integumental glands in its own peculiar way, there being no definite and continuous history of gland development found throughout the various groups. Those animals living in the water, such as fish and amphibians, have glands that secrete pro- tective substances which are often poisonous. The Sauropsida seldom Fig. 400. A, Sweat gland; B, Acinous gland. Complete gland and cross section. The cross section is cut at the level of the arrow. (Compare with Fig. 393.) have any integumental glands at all, and snakes have characteristic cloacal glands secreting a particular nauseating substance. Certain turtles have so-called musk-glands, probably for sexual attraction. In some lizards there is a row of so-called glands (really femoral pores) along the inner portion of the femora that secrete a substance at breeding time which hardens into short spines or teeth. In birds there are only the uropygial glands in the caudal region which furnishes an oil for the feathers. In mammals there are many and varying glands in the skin, but they may all be placed into two groups (Fig. 400), namely, the sweat- 674 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY glands, which are vitally secretory and tubular, and the acinous glands, many of which are lobed and necrobiotic, although both originally arise in connection with the hair. The secretion from the sweat glands is usually thin and watery, although it may vary from this to a thick viscous pinkish fluid, the so- called "blood-sweat" of the hippopotamus. The sweat glands may be found almost anywhere on the entire body or they may be localized. Localization takes place most frequently in the paws or on the palms of the hand and soles of the foot. Here they serve to assist in grasping a given object more solidly. A modification of these glands also furnishes the oily secretion of the ear. It probably has been observed that in hot weather horses sweat quite pirofusely while dogs do not. This is due to the fact that horses have sweat glands in the skin while dogs have not, so that dogs can only obtain the same relief that other mammals obtain, during such weather, by opening their mouths and panting, as it is only in this way that the constantly accumulating moisture finds its way to a surface where evap- oration then brings about a cooling. Muzzles should, therefore, always permit the oxpening of the mouth. There are some races of men, such as the Fuegians, who likewise have few sweat glands. The acinous glands furnish an oily secretion, apparently for the orig- inal purpose of lubricating the hair, regardless of how far removed from this function such glands may ultimately come to be. These glands are called sebaceous. The tarsal or meibomian glands of the eyelids are practically hypertrophied sebaceous glands of the eyelashes. These meibomian glands pour out an oily secretion which lubricates the edge of the lids and prevents tears from overflowing. There are modified sebaceous glands in the various orifices^ of the body such as in the lips and about the anus. Then there are groups of glands which are localized for quite specific functions, such as the anal-sacs of the skunk which secrete a protective substance, and the sexually attractive glands such as that of musk or civet. Musk is often used in the manufacture of perfumes. Glands usually open as an elevation at a single place known as a glandular area. The milk-glands of mammals are typical examples, but there are cases where there is a sinking of the area so that instead of the young taking a nipple in their mouths, the lips of the sunken area fit Closely about the nose of the young and thus prevent the secretion from being lost. Such is the case in Echidna (Figs. 383, 399). In the opossum the nipple is really a sac like that in Echidna but turned inside out. ;, •-! It is a common observation that in many of the domesticated ani- mals there is a row of nipples extending from axilla to the groin. In the THE INTEGUMENT 675 embryo of many placental animals there is an entire ridge along which the mammary glands are to appear. In a short time there are suppres- sions at regular intervals which leave protruding nipples. These nipples in turn become reduced and eventually become actual depressions. The varying position of the nipples in different groups of animals is due to the retention of some of the nipples in a particular region and the suppression of the remaining ones along this lateral ridge, which, as mentioned, extends from axilla to groin. It is of interest that the aquatic Sirenia (Fig. 390) have pectoral mammary glands. They bear but a single young at a time and. nurse their offspring by standing erect in the water while clasping the young in their flippers. It is supposed that many of the mermaid stories had their origin from an observation of this animal nursing its young. It is by no means uncommon to find animals (including man) having a peculiar arrangement of nipples on their bodies. Supernumerary nip- ples are termed hyperthelism and supernumerary mammae are termed hypermastism. These supernumerary developments sometimes occur on the thigh and other parts of the body. They are considered displace- ments and not reversions if they occur in out-of-the-ordinary regions, and reversions if they occur in regions where they normally develop em- bryologically. While rudimentary nipples occur in the male of placental mammals, and may even prove to be functional in some instances, monotromes and marsupial males do not develop them at all. SCALES As the dog-fish has what is called the indifferent type of an exoskel- eton, it is this animal which forms the classic example for a preliminary study. Here we find imbricated rows of pointed scales (which merely means that one row of scales covers the intervals of the next row). (Fig. 401.) The scales of other fishes, as well as of reptiles, and even the feather papillae of birds, and the hair of mammals, are all arranged in a similar manner. The scales of the dog-fish are said to be placoid (Fig. 401), which means that each has an approximately flat base from which a sharp- pointed cusp arises. This cusp is inclined in the direction of the free edge of the scale. When the scale is in place, the inclination is toward the posterior portion. The scale itself consists of a core of dentine which is overlaid with enamel. In fact, the cusp is almost all enamel. The papilla from which nourishment comes to the scale lies beneath. In the embryo the scale forms between epidermis and corium, the dentine arising from the corium and the enamel from the epidermis. In the selachians there are several rows of pointed teeth arranged quite like the scales on the surface. These develop from the same layers 676 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY and in the same manner as the scales, and consist of a similar structure, so they are assumed to be merely placoid scales modified by different usage. All higher vertebrates inherit teeth. In birds and turtles they are supposed to have been secondarily lost. viyc. B Fig. 401. Placoid scales. A, A portion of the skin of the dog fish as seen under a hand lens; B, a single scale removed from the skin; C, the same in section (diagram- matic), b., Base of the scale; c., the same in section; d, dentine; e., enamel; p., pulp cavity. D, Part of the tail of a dogfish seen from the left side, with a piece of the skin removed. LI., Tube of the lateral line ; myc., myocommata or septa of connective tissue; mym., myomeres. (After Borradaile.) E, ctenoid; F, ganoid; and G, cycloid scales. (From the Cambridge Natural History; E, F after Giinther ; G, after Parker and Haswell.) Ganoids (Fig. 368) develop their scales (Fig. 401) from the corium alone, the epidermis playing no part. Consequently the ganoid scale is all dentine. Ganoid scales are shiny, which is the very meaning of the term "ganoid." They are usually rhomboidal in shape and do not pos- sess a cusp. In the sturgeons (Fig. 368) the scales consolidate into large bony shields called scutes. The former mailed or armoured fishes merely carried this consolidation to great extremes and the plates were continuous. In the sturgeons the plates are not continuous but are placed in rows along the back and sides so that there are large areas unpro- tected. It is important to note at this point that in all ganoids (Polypterus, sturgeons, paddle-fishes, gar-pikes, and bow-fins, Fig. 368), the plates or scutes cover the entire head. The coming together of the edges forms THE INTEGUMENT 677 sutures, while the structures lying between the sutures are commonly called the dermal bones of the skull. Frontals, parietals, maxillaries and squamosals . are found in all higher groups, though the opercular and rostral series disappear entirely. Most of the orbital series also disappear, with the exception of the lacri- mal. Then, too, there are the dermal bones of the mouth cavity such as vorners, palatines, and parabasal, which are supposed to have retained the original character inasmuch as teeth often form on and in these bones. In the higher forms the dermal bones, however, arise from various centers of ossification in the cutaneous mesenchyme, and while this dif- ference has been explained as a curtailing of the previous race history, it is quite likely that there is little difference between dermal and car- tilaginous bone formation in the highest mammalian forms, the dermal being merely more "stretched out" portions, as will be learned when the endoskeleton is studied. Scales in the teleosts, although often rhomboid when quite young, become circular later and are then called cycloid. Ctenoid scales are quite similar to cycloid except that they are set in diagonal rows in pock- ets of the dermis with their free edges overlapping. (Fig. 401.) Amphibians do not have scales and hard exoskeletons, although there are extinct forms in which the body was covered with them. In reptiles the scales arise only from the epidermis and .are there- fore composed of horn or keratin. There is no trace of bone in them. The corium, however, furnishes the nourishment to these keratin scales, although it does not furnish any of the hard parts. There is no definite knowledge as to the relationship between the scales of reptiles and those of fishes. Reptiles also have other integumental structures beside the keratin scales, namely : spines, combs, and claws ; all, however, also made of keratin. The birds are structurally and developmentally quite like the rep- tiles in that they possess feathers which are homologous to the reptile scales, and in having their beaks and claws composed of keratin. There have been toothed-birds in the past, and it is said that tooth-germs have even been found in the embryonic jaws of some of our modern birds. In mammals, while there are tiny scales covering the body, these are seen as definite hard structures mainly on the claws, tails, and some- times on the backs of such animals as the armadillos (Fig. 387). They are always only epidermal in origin. In the armadillos the corium sec- ondarily supplies the hardening portions so that the covering of those animals becomes very thick, hard, and osseous. It is assumed, very often, that formerly all mammals were covered by hard scales because the hair arrangement of mammals is quite like that of the scales. For example, on the tail of a rat, the scattered hairs 678 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY will appear among the scales in a very definite relationship, namely, a group of three hairs (one medial and two lateral) will project beneath the margin of each. The median hair is the longer and stouter. In addition to this, there are similar arrangements of hairs in groups of three even upon areas not definitely associated with scales. The hairs, however, are arranged in an imbricated series like scales. Even where the hair is very thick, and forms a heavy fur, this arrangement can often be made out. As scales in their simplest form are tiny elevations, the pads on mammalian feet are often used to illustrate the arrangement and transi- tion of scales in different mammalian groups. These pads are usually eleven in number, five for the tips of the digits, four for the distal margins of palm and sole beneath the inter- digital intervals, and two for the wrist or ankle. The scale, rudiments are arranged in rows upon these pads. They fuse to form "friction ridges," so-called because they prevent the animal from slipping (Fig. 402). These friction ridges are always arranged at right angles to the direction in which there is considerable tendency to slip. In the arboreal types of mammals, such as the lemurs and monkeys, the scale rudi- ments are arranged in concen- tric circles as in such animals there is a tendency to slip in any and all directions. The ridges form only on the actual contact surfaces. While structure always de- termines function, yet in integ- umental studies we have found that function very decidedly modifies the various structures, and later, we shall see that such modification is not confined to integument alone. Now, to be truly scientific, means to retain an open mind to all truth wherever and whenever found. But our prejudices and wishes all too often influence us as readily toward a too conservative as toward a too radical point of view. We must face the facts as they are, pleasant or unpleasant, but we must not forget that many different in- terpretations can be drawn from the self-same facts. An example of this is brought home at this very point. There is no question about the facts so far presented, which anyone A. B. Fig. 402. Ventral view of the palm of the hand of an insectivore and of a primate to show correspondence between relief and arrangement of friction ridges. A, Crocidura coerulea (shrew-mouse). Forepaw showing walking-pads enclosed by triangular folds of skin. B, Macacus sp? (Old World monkey), Hand, covered by friction ridges, the arrangement of which corresponds to the relief of A. The pads are rep- resented by concentric circles, and the triangular folds by triradii. These latter features are here designated by heavy lines, although in the animal they are no more conspicuous than the others. (From Wilder after Miss Whipple.) THE INTEGUMENT 679 can demonstrate for himself. The question that presents itself is simply this : Does it follow that because a bird has all the characteristics of a reptile, plus some additional features, that, therefore, it had reptile an- cestors? If one accept the so-called Haeckelian law of Biogenesis, that each individual in the embryonic stage passes through the adult stages of the race to which it belongs, then such a conclusion is valid; but, if we re- member that all this so-called law means is that all forms pass through similar stages, the higher forms then continuing, while the lower ones remain stationary, another interpretation is still more valid. And our difficulty is by no means lessened when we remember that biologists at large are agreed that acquired characteristics are not transmitted. What, then, becomes of even a reasonable explanation of how any modifications can be carried on from parent to offspring? Still further, we have seen from Professor de Vries' work that all newly appearing structures may be but the return of some recessive por- tions which have long lain dormant, while in the so-called rudimentary structures there is always the alternative of considering such structure an overgrowth or a hypertrophy of some smaller organ valuable at some time in embryonic life, or, it may even be a true remnant of a structure no longer needed by modern methods of life, modern foods and modern environment. Or, still a third alternative suggested by Professor Bate- son, that just as a complex structure is the more com- plex, the smaller and simpler it can be made to appear, so the original fertilized egg- Fig; 40»- cell, from which an entire Diagram to show growth of bone. A, animal recent- ly fed madder which causes a layer of bone (black) to Vertebrate develops, is much be colored by the dye ; B, no madder fed for a time, when a deposit of colorless bone on outside of colored more C O m p le X than the layer is formed ; C, later the outer layer becomes thick- /• «« 1 i i_ j • i_ ened and the inner layer is absorbed. Finally Completed DOdy, DC- cause the single cell had all the possibilities of the complete body within its tiny self, and consequently, we are always really losing something as development proceeds. What is meant by a normal development of a cell into what it is later to become, is simply, that commonly, certain obstacles are removed by which these possibilities can come forth. If then, either environment (external or internal), food, atmosphere, position, injury, or chemical stimulus removes certain factors which hold back growth, any such pos- sible factor already present in the cell may come forth ; but its possibility must have been already present in the primitive cell. This is well shown by the fa'ct that normally the skin finishes growth at a certain time, but if a portion of skin is torn, the injury stimulates the connective-tissue cells which then divide and fill the wound with scar-tissue, that is, the original injury removes an obstacle to such con- 080 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY nective-tissue-ceirs growth. What particular factors, then, can be said to explain modifications? We do not know. It is the province of science to press a problem further and further back and thus raise more problems. There is, and can be, nothing abso- lute about any scientific interpretation. The student, as does the average man, wants something definite, something he can be sure of; but this is just what he cannot find in any biological study; and, unless he can appreciate this and still love science — science is not for him. If he should nevertheless go into a scientific field such as medicine or dentistry, he will be a practitioner who will ever seek and follow the opinions of the least scientific and least trustworthy men, simply because these speak with definiteness and absoluteness, albeit, likewise with ab- surdity. CHAPTER L. THE ENDOSKELETON By the term skeleton we mean all hard parts used for support and protection outside of what has already been termed the integument. The skeleton develops only from mesenchyme. It will be recalled that after the mesoderm has divided into a somatic and a splanchnic layer, these two layers together are called mesothelium to distinguish them from the Tiesenchyme, which, while also lying in the segmentation cavity, devel- ops as separate cells from both the mesothelium and the entoderm. Some even believe that ectoderm has a part in its formation. When bone forms from cartilage the lime salts may be laid down on the inner portion of the perichondrium and from there invade the cartilage. This is called ossification by ectochondrostosis. In the other way in which bones form from cartilage, the osteoblasts are formed from the more interior cells, and then with this group of osteoblasts as an ossification center, ossification extends in all directions. This latter method is known as entochondrostosis. Often the long bones increase by smaller bones forming and then becoming attached to the ends of the long bones. Such joining is called an epiphysis. If madder is fed to an animal the actual bone formation is colored. This makes it possible to see just how the new bone is formed. The new bone is laid down outside of that already grown, and with such growth the "marrow cavity" becomes larger by a resorption of the bone which has already formed. The osteoblasts are laid down in between the newly forming layers of bone (Fig. 403). THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN We have already seen in our study of the embryology of the frog and chick how the centra of the vertebrae are formed around the noto- chord and that possibly some parts of the chorda remain as the inter- vertebral discs. Here we are to study and compare the adult form in the various groups. The most complete vertebrae may be found in the tails of some of the lower vertebrates. Figure 404 shows a comparison of several types. It will be noticed that dorsally there is a neural arch, while ventrally a similar outgrowth from the centrum is known as the haemal arch, while the pointed end in each case is known as a spine. The haemal arch is quite incomplete or even entirely absent in the regions anterior to the tail. In the higher vertebrates (Fig-. 401) there are articular processes. 682 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Fig. 404. /, A and B. Diagram of a vertebra of a bony fish. A, caudal ; B, trunk ; C, amphicoelous ; D, procoelous ; E, opisthocoelous ; F, amphiplatyan vertebrae. The head is supposed to lie at the left, c, centrum or body of vertebra ; ch, notochord ; h.a., haemal arch ; h.c., haemal canal ; h.s., haemal spine ; h.z., haemal zygapophysis or articulating facet ; m.b., intermuscular bone ; n.a., neural arch ; n.c., neural canal ; n.s., neural spine ; n.z., neural zygapophysis ; r, rib. //. Composition of vertebrae of Reptiles, illustrated by the first and second cervical vertebrae. (1) Atlas (first cervical) and axis (second) vertebrae of Crocodile. (2) Atlas and axis of Metriorhynchus, a Jurassic Crocodile. (3) Analysis of the first two vervical vertebrae of a Crocodile. 2, second basiventral complex or "intercentrum" continued upwards into the meniscus or intervertebral pad. (4) Diagram of the fundamental composition of a Reptilian vertebra or other amniotic, gastrocentrous vertebra. (5) The first three cervical vertebrae of Sphenodon. (6) Trunk- vertebrae of Eryops, a Permian Proreptile, typically temnospondylous. cp, articular facet of the capitulum of a rib. ( 7 ) The complete THE ENDOSKELETON 68$ also called zygapophyses, both on the anterior and posterior sides of each vertebra, and usually transverse processes extending laterally in the planes of the original divisions between the muscles. Where true ribs occur, there are two additional transverse processes to which these attach. The centrum where it meets \vith the intervertebral disc, has four distinct forms (Fig. 404). If the face of the centra at each end where it is to meet with the intervertebral disc of the centra lying immediately anterior and imme- diately posterior to it (as in fishes), is hollow at both ends, it is called amphicoelous (Fig. 404). If one end is like a ball, namely, convex, and the other concave, so that the ball-like portion can fit into it, the condition is known as precocious if the socket lies on its anterior surface, and opisthocoelous if on the posterior surface, while if the ends of the centra are flat, as they usually are in mammals, such a condition is known as amphiplatyan. The arches of the vertebrae form first (Fig. 352), and the centra later, and the sclerotome divides into a caudal and cranial half which thus makes possible an advantageous condition to the animal in permit- ting interaction of skeleton and muscles (Fig. 305). It must be remembered, however, in this connection, that in some animals, normally, and in others abnormally, the two halves of the sclerotome may unite (as in some fishes), and thus not have this inter- play of muscles ; or two neural arches may form by the rudiment which normally becomes one arch, dividing as does the sclerotome, and thus produce a greater quantity of vertebrae than usual. And, not only may this happen to the neural arches, but also to the centra. In fact, almost any variation in the spinal column may be accounted for by an embryo- logical condition remaining in the adult form. As the ventral nerve root usually penetrates the caudal division of the halved sclerotome, and the dorsal root passes between the two divi- sions of each sclerotome but penetrates the cranial portion, one can tell in the adult, from following these nerve roots, which of the adult struc- tures come from cranial and which from caudal halves. atlas of an adult Trionyx hurum. The second basi ventral ( intercentrum ) is attached to the posterior end of the first centrum which, not being fused with the second centrum, is not yet an odontoid process. (8) The complete atlas of an adult Trionyx gangeticus, still typically temnospondylous. (9) The first and second cervical vertebrae of an adult Platemys. (10) The complete atlas of a Chelys fimbriata. Az, Anterior zygapophysis; B.D, basidorsal ; B.V, basi ventral ; Cv Ca, C3, first, second and third centra, formed by the interventralia ; Cpl, Cp*. articular facets of the capitular portions of the first and second ribs ; I, V, In- terventral ; Nv N2, N3, first, second and third neural arch ; formed by the basi- dorsalia (B.D) ; Od, odontoid process (which is the first centrum) ; Pz, posterior zygapophysis ; Rlt R2, ribs ; Sp, detached spinous process of the first neural arch tv t2, tubercular attachments of the first and second ribs ; 1, 2, 3, 4, "intercentra" (which are the basiventrals) ; 7, 77, 777, position of the exit of the first, second and third spinal nerves. 777, Trunk vertebrae of a tropical Skate, h, haemal process ; t, intercalary plate; n, neural process; r, rib; a, spinous process. (77, After Gadow. 777, from Kingsley after Dumeril.) £84 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY The different shaped ends of the centra which have already been mentioned are brought about after the vertebrae are quite definitely formed. The centra with their arches are in a quite definite position and the centra cannot therefore grow any more except at the ends. These may have more substance laid down in the intervertebral regions, however, and thus ultimately come to be amphicoelous. procoelous, opisthocoelous, or amphiplatyan. REGIONS OF THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN The regions of the spinal column are : (1) Cervical. The neck region, either without ribs of any kind or the ribs are smaller than in the other regions. (2) Thoracic. These have distinct ribs attached. (3) Lumbar. Following the thoracic, and without ribs. (4) Sacral. This region includes one or more vertebrae with which the pelvic girdle is connected. (5) Caudal. The tail-portion immediately following the sacrum. These divisions are quite distinct in the higher vertebrates, but in ;he lower, any and all combinations may form, so that the ribs may ex- tend almost the entire length of the spinal column. In such cases all vertebrae having ribs are called dorsal. In fishes, snakes, and whales, the sacral region cannot be distin- guished, and in the fishes the dorsal and cervical vertebrae are quite indistinguishable. In this latter case there are, therefore, only trunk or abdominal vertebrae, and caudal vertebra, the line being drawn where the haemal arches begin to have ribs attached. The first cervical vertebra to which the skull is articulated is called the atlas in all higher vertebrata, while the second cervical vertebra, at least in the amniotes, is called the axis or epistropheus (Fig. 404). In mammals the atlas can always be distinguished by the two an- terior articulating surfaces for the two condyles of the skull, and the axis, by the tooth-like projection known as the odontoid process, on which the atlas turns. It is interesting to note that embryologically, this tooth-like process develops from the atlas, but then separates and later becomes attached to the next succeeding vertebra. In a few reptiles there is a so-called proatlas, consisting of one or two plates lying between the atlas and the skull. It is not known just what relationship this bears to the other vertebrae. In fin-bearing animals, if the spinal column runs to the end of the body in a straight line (Fig. 405), the caudal fins are known as diphycer- cal, a condition found in the young of all fishes and in adult cyclostomes, dipnoans, and crossopterygians. If, as in the elasmobranchs and ganoids, the tail axis bends abruptly upward at the end, but retains the dorsal fin-part and a portion of the THE ENDOSKELETON 685 ventral region, it forms what is called a heterocercal tail, while if there is the same upward bend of the spinal column but the ventral and dor- sal fin-portions of the tail become alike as to size and shape, the tail is Fig. 405. Diagrams of the principal forms of tails in fishes. A, proto- cercal fin (as in polypterus) ; B, heterocercal (as in sharks) ; C, homo- cereal (as in most teleosts) ; D, homocercal (as in Amia). (After Folsom. ) said to be homocercal. Homocercal tails are brought about by the neural arches becoming smaller and the haemal arches becoming larger. THE SKULL Bone either forms in cartilage or membrane and it is quite common to hear biologists speak of cartilaginous and membranous bone. How- ever, recent investigations lead us to believe that the so-called membrane is nothing more or less than cartilage drawn out very thin in those parts where the greatest pressure is produced. This can be understood the better if Figure 406 be carefully studied. It will be noticed that all the superior and inferior boundaries are membranous, for here there is noth- ing to prevent a considerable extension of growth, while in the inner- most portions, where pressure comes from practically all sides, it is cartilage. Babies have a very soft spot on top of and close to the center of the head for about one and one-half years after birth. Places such as these are called fontanelles. These fontanelles are found during the em- bryonic period at all spots in the skull where several points of ossifica- tion come together. Ossification begins at many points, each center of ossification extending and growing toward each other. The fontanelle is the unossified spot that constantly becomes smaller until ossification is complete. Professor Eben J. Carey has recently shown, that contrary to the usually accepted idea that bone grows simply because there is an inner something which makes it assume definite forms, that it is the stress and 4386 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY pull and pressure of its location which determines its shape, size, rapidity of growth, and even its joints. The reason this has not been understood heretofore is because for- mer experimenters took only sections from the growing bone itself for their study, whereas Professor Carey has taken the complete embryo- logical structure, including all muscles and related portions, which might throw light upon the pull and pressure which affects such bone during its growing period. Observing the ossification centers in the skull will throw light on this subject (Fig. 406). There are many such centers, and they are always found at exactly those points where there is an especial stress or pressure. At these points it may be that sharper bends in the blood vessels cause a slowing of the blood stream, which slowing in turn causes lime salts to be laid down at the angles to a much greater extent than -where the blood stream can rush past more swiftly. Then, with each Pin* H f M *£%* Fig. 406. A diagram of the skull bones of a mammal, the mem- brane bones shaded. BO., Basioccipital ; EO., exoccipital ; C, condyle ; SO., supraoccipital ; Par., parietal ; Fr., frontal ; Na, nasal ; Pmx., premaxilla ; ME., mesethmpid ; L, lachrymal ; Tu., turbinal ; PS., presphenoid ; OC., orbitosphenoid ; AS., alis- phenoid ; BS., basisphenoid ; SQ., squamosal ; P., periotic ; T., tympanic ; PI., palatine ; Pt., pterygoid ; MX., maxilla ; Ju., jugal ; T.H., tympanohyal ; S.H., stylohyal ; E.H., epihyal ; C.H., ceratohyal; B.H., basihyal ; Th.H., thyrohyal ; vomer ; MN., mandible. (From Borradaile, modified from Flower and Weber.) succeeding deposit of such a hardening substance, a still greater number of blood capillaries is affected so that more lime is laid down, and so on, until all of the capillaries have been more or less obliterated and the 'entire cartilage or membrane has become ossified. Beginning with the axial skeleton, the skull becomes our first object of attention. The cranium is that part of it which ericloses the brain as well as the bony p^rts forming the eye-socket, the ear and nose, while the more caudal portion, which is directly connected with the cephalic , erf. THE ENDOSKELETON 703 other forms of reptiles, the procoracoid usually is reduced, and the clavicle takes its place, though in the lizards, the procoracoid still re- mains in its reduced condition. Clavicles may or may not be present in turtles. If they are, they are represented by the epiplastron (Fig. 417), which is an element of the carapace. In the chameleons and crocodiles Fig. 418. A.— The skeleton of a rabbit. acr., Acromion ; cd.t., condyles for tibia ; cm., calcaneus ; cn.c., cnemial crest ; fe., shaft of femur ; fi., fibula ; g. t., great trochanter ; gr.t., premolar and molar teeth ; h., head of humerus, fitting into glenoid cavity ; hu, shaft of humerus ; il., ilium ; inc., upper incisor teeth of the left side ; ind., lower incisor tooth ; is., ischium; ju., jugal bone ; lac., lacrymal bone; mcr., metacromion ; mx., maxilla; o.f., obturator foramen ; ol., olecranon process ; os., orbitosphenoid bone ; pa., knee- cap ; pis., pisiform bone ; pu., pubis ; ra., radius ; sc., scapula ; sp.s., spine of scapula ; st., sternum ; st.r., sternal ribs ; sup., suprascapula ; £.3, third trochanter ; ti., tibia ; tro., trochlea ; ul. ulna ; v.cd., v.cer., v.l., v.sac., v.th., caudal, cervical, lumbar, sacral, and thoracic regions of the backbone ; v.r., vertebral ribs ; x., xiphi- sternum ; x.c., xiphoid cartilage ; II, foramen for optic nerve. The clavicle and hyoid are not shown. B. — The skeleton of a pigeon, seen from the left side. c.r., Fixed cervical rib ; c.r1., free cervical ribs ; cl., clavicle ; cor., coracoid ; d., dentary ; Eu., Eustachian tube ; e.oc., exoccipital ; f.r., fenestral recess ; fe., femur ; fi., fibula ; fr., frontal ; hu., humerus ; i.o.s., interorbital septum ; il., ilium ; is., ischium ; lac., lacrymal ; me. 1-3, metacarpals ; mt. 1-4, metatarsals ; n., nasal ; o.f., obturator foramen ; pa., patella ; par., parietal ; ph. 1-4, phalanges ; pi., palatine ; pm., premaxilla ; p.c.p., postorbital process of frontal ; pt., pterygoid ; pu., pubis ; pyg., pygostyle ; q., quadrate ; r.c., radial carpal ; ra., radius ; s.o.b., suborbital bar ; s.oc., supraoccipital ; sa., supra-angular ; sc., scapula ; sq., squamosal ; st., sternum ; st.r., sternal ribs ; ti., tibia ; u.c., ulnar carpal ; u.p., uncinate process ; ul., ulna ; v.cd., caudal vertebrae ; v.r., vertebral rib ; x.p., xiphoid process ; zy., zygomatic pro- cess of the squamosal ; J., II., foramina for first two cranial nerves ; 1-3, first three cervical vertebrae. (From Borradaile). 704 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY the clavicle is entirely lost. In limbless lizards, the girdles are greatly reduced, and in fact in the Ophidians the girdle itself has completely vanished. In birds (Fig. 418), the scapula is formed as a sword-shaped bar overlying the ribs, while the coracoid extends from the glenoid fossa to the anterior end of the sternum. The procoracoid has entirely disap- peared. The two clavicles unite ventrally to form the wishbone, called the furcula (Fig. 418, B.cl.). This may either articulate with the ster- num or lie free. In the monotromes the shoulder girdle is quite like that of the lizard. This is also true of the young marsupials, but in the adult it becomes quite like that in all other adult mammals. The coracoid in this instance is reduced to the small coracoid process, definitely ankylosed to the ven- tral end of the scapula. The scapula is well developed, forming a crest called the spina scapulae on its external surface, which in turn culminates in an acromion process (Fig. 416, II, E, acr.). The clavicle varies with the manner in which the limb is used. In the higher forms of mammals, the clavicle serves as a strong brace between shoulder and sternum. However, in the ungulates, in the whales, and in a few carnivores it has entirely disappeared. In some mammals it appears as a mere rudiment, without apparent functional value. Two small, cartilaginous elements often intervene between clavicle and sternum, called episternalia, or suprasternalia. Their homologies are unknown. THE HIP GIRDLE The hip or pelvic girdle (Fig. 419) is quite homologous to the shoul- der girdle, the acetabulum representing the glenoid fossa. The ilium represents the scapula, while pubis and ischium represent the procora- coid and coracoid. The gap or open space between pubis and ischium is known as the ischio-pubic fenestra. In the lower forms there is an- other opening, called the obturator foramen, through which the obturator nerve passes to the pelvis. In the higher forms, this usually unites with the ischio-pubic fenestra, the entire opening then being called the obtura- tor foramen. In the lower forms, such as the fishes, the basalia are on the inside, and fused to form a single basal, through which the obturator nerve may pass. The radialia are on its distal surface. The basalia of the two sides do not meet, though there is often a small (or a pair of small) cartilage plates between them. These are supposed to be the homologues of the epipubis of the higher forms. There is no acetabular joint. In the ganoids and teleosts, ossification begins, but there are no epi- pubic elements. The pelvic fins may migrate so as to lie in front of the pectoral. THE ENDOSKELETOX 705 The elasmobranchs have a true girdle, although there are no sepa- rate elements in it, and it does not ossify, there being but a continuous ischiopubic bar running from one acetabulum to the other, with an elongated iliac process running dorsad. The pelvic girdle lies free of the vertebral column in all fishes, but isc.pu. Fig. 419. A — The skeleton of the pelvic fins and B. — The pelvic girdle of a rabbit, girdle of a female dogfish. from beneath. ac., Acetabular surface ; bp., basiptery- gium ; h.r., horny rays ; tZ., iliac process ; isc.pu., ischio-pubic region ; rad., cartilagi- nous rays. ac., Acetabulum ; tt., ilium ; is., ischium ; ob.f., obturator foramen ; pu., pubis ; sym., symphisis pubis. (From Borradaile). Isdi C. C. — Anlage of pelvic girdle of 6-day chick embryo to show develop- ment. II, ileum ; Isch., ischium ; pb., pubis ; pp., pectineal process. (After *+ Johnsohn). in animals that have to support the body-weight upon their limbs, the pelvic girdle becomes definitely attached to the sacrum by the develop- ment of one or more sacral ribs. In the mud puppy (Necturus, Fig. 375), the median cartilage extends forward as an epipubic process, while from the antero-lateral portion of each pubic bone or cartilage, a pectineal process extends, and, in the salamanders, to the extent of two or three somites, there is a cartilage 706 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY formed independently of the pubis, in the linea alba,. called the ypsiloid cartilage. In the frog and other anura, the three pelvic bones are present, all of which participate in the forming of the acetabulum, although the ilium is very long and the ischio-pubis strongly compressed, so that the ob- turator foramen and ischio-pubic fenestra are absent. In reptiles, the pelvic bones are more solid and distinct than in any of the lower forms. The ilium is often expanded, the ischio-pubic fenes- tra large, and the ischium and pubis united from side to side by an epi- pubic cartilage or a modification of this, known as the ligamentum me- dium pelvis. In some turtles, the epipubic cartilage bounds the fenestra on the median side, but in all turtles, the fenestra and the obturator foramen are merged into one. In lizards, there may be a separate bone ossified from the posterior part of the epipubis. This bone is called the os cloacae or hypo-ischium. In legless lizards, the pelvis is greatly reduced, while all trace of it is lost in the snakes, except the boas, and some opoterodonts (worm-like serpents). In the crocodiles, due to the oblique position of the pubes, the obturator foramen is very large. The pubes themselves do not unite with each other. There are cartilaginous tips on the medial end which may be separate epipubes. The lower end of the ilium also separates as a distinct bone. It is interesting to note that the pelvis of Dinosaurs has the ilium arranged quite similar to that in birds. The sacrum also is somewhat similar, due, apparently, to the upright position in which these animals walked. The ischia are elongated, extending backward, and often uniting below, while the pubic bones extend forward and downward, and have strong post-pubic processes running parallel to the ischium, while often the ilium gives off an iliac spine near the acetabulum. The Pteryodactyls also had elongated ilia, similar to the Dinosaurs. The ischium was then fused with the ilium, so that the pubis took no part in the forming of the acetabulum. In these the pelvic opening was very small. In birds of the present time, the pelvic bones are fused ; the ilium is quite long, and usually fused with the synsacrum, while the ischium and pubis extend backward. The pubes lie in the position of the postpubes of Dinosaurs, and never meet below, except in ostriches. However, in the embryo, the pubes run forward, only gaining their final position later on. There is a pectineal process which arises in the acetabular region and extends forward, quite like the pubis in Dinosaurs. In the mammals, the obtura- THE ENDOSKELETON 707 tor foramen and ischio-pubic fenestra are united ; all three pelvic bones unite to form the acetabulum, although the ilium and ischium may ex- tend in such a manner as to exclude the pubis from taking part in the formation of the fossa. Often an acetabular or cotyloid bone is formed between the ilium and pubic bones and this may fuse with any of the bones with which it comes in contact. The inter-pubic cartilage in marsupials and monotremes may or may not persist throughout adult life. When it disappears and the bones unite solidly, but do not definitely ankylose, such union is called a sym- physis. In these non-placental mammals (the marsupials and monotremes just mentioned) there are also marsupial bones which first form in car- tilage, and then extend forward from each pubis in the ventral abdominal wall. Their homology is unknown. THE FREE APPENDAGES In those animals, such as fishes living entirely in the water, the ap- pendages are called ichthyopterygia. These are always paired fins. When definite legs or arms are formed, such as in all classes of the tetrapoda, such limbs and their modifications are known as chiropterygia. It is commonly supposed that the latter have developed from the former, but no one has yet been able to explain a method by which it came about. All explanations, however, assume that certain parts of primitive fins were retained and others likely modified, or, that certain parts were lost, which were originally present, the remaining parts then becoming mod- ified. The lower ganoids have a primitive form of fin but with increas- ing complexity, there is a reduction of the basalia, either by entire dis- appearance or by fusion. The remaining ones are then modified, so that in elasmobranchs of the present time, we find the basalia usually number three in the pectoral and two in the pelvic fins, being named from before, backwards, as the pro, meso-, and meta-pterygium (Fig. 416)). The middle one is absent in the hind limbs. The radiales are jointed trans- versely, so as to give more flexibility. If these are arranged entirely on one side of the basalia, they are called uniserial, but if they occur also on the post-axial side, they are called biserial. The male elasmobranch has the pelvic fin divided into two lobes, the medial being called the clasper, or mixipterygium. The anterior portion of the pectoral fin may develop as a strong defensive spine, sometimes connected with the poison gland. In eels the pelvic fin is lacking. THE LIMBS The legs (chiropterygia) of all tetrapoda are essentially alike (Fig. 420). Each consists of several regions, comparable in detail with each other. The proximal is the upper arm (brachium) or thigh (femur) con- 708 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Fig. 420. — Comparisons of fore-limbs and hind-limbs. 1. Wing of a dove ; c, carpals ; h, humerus ; me, carpo- metacarpus ; p.f., primary feathers ; r., radius ; s ./., secondary feathers ; u., ulna. A, and B. — The fore-limb and hind-limb of a bird compared. H., Humerus ; R., radius ; U., ulna ; r., radiale ; u., ulnare ; C., distal carpals united to carpo-metacarpus ; CO., the whole carpal region ; MC.L, metacarpal of the thumb ; /., phalanx of the thumb ; MC.II. ; second metacarpus ; //., second digit ; MC.IIL, third metacarpus; ///., third digit. F., femur; T.T., tibio-tarsus ; Fi., fibula ; Pi., proximal tarsals united to lower end of tibia ; dt., distal tarsals united to upper end of metatarsus, forming a tarso-metatarsus (T.MT.) ; T., entire tarsal region ; MT.L, first metatarsal, free ; I. -IV., toes. C, D, E, F, G, — Anterior limb of man, dog, hog, sheep, and horse ; Sc, Shoulder- blade ; c, coracoid ; a, b, bones of forearm ; 5, bones of the wrist ; 6, bones of the hand ; 7, bones of the fingers. H, I, J, K, L, — Posterior limb of man, monkey, dog, sheep, and horse: 1, Hip- joint ; 2, thigh bone ; 3, knee-joint ; 4, bones of leg ; 5, ankle-joint ; 6, bones of foot ; 7, bones of toes. (I, A, B, After Thomson, C to L, after Le Conte). taining a single bone, the humerus or femur in the fore or hind limb respectively. The next region, the forearm (antebrachium) or shank (cms) contains two bones, a radius or tibia on the pre-axial, and an ulna or fibula on the postaxial side. Next follows the podium or hand (manus) in front and the foot (pes) behind, each consisting of three portions. The basal podial region, the wrist (carpus), or ankle (tarsus), consists of several small bones; the second division (metapodium) is the palm (metacarpus), or instep (metatarsus), and lastly come the fingers or toes (digits), each digit consisting of several bones, the phalanges. These separate parts are included in the accompanying table, in which the terms given to the separate elements of the wrist and ankle of man are included. THE ENDOSKELETON FORE LIMB (Arm) HIND LIMB (Leg) Humerus — Femur Radius = Tibia Ulna— Fibula Radiale = Tibiale Upper arm (Brachium) 1 Fore arm (Antebrachium) Basi- podium Wrist (Carpus) 709 Thigh Shank (Crus) Naviculare (Scaphoid) Lunatum Triquetrum Pisiforme Multangulum majus Trapezium Multangulum minus (Trapezoides) Capitatum Hamatum I nter medium = Intermedium Ulnare = Tibiale Carpale1 — Tarsale1 Carpale2 = Tarsale2 Carpale3 = Tarsale3 Astragalus (Talus) Calcaneus Naviculare pedis (Scaphoid) Cuneiform1 Cuneiform2 Cuneiform3 Cuboides Basi- - podium Ankle (Tarsus) Palm (Metapo- dium) ^ I j Carpale4 = Tarsale4 I. Carpale5 = Tarsale5 (Metapo- Metacarpale1'5 = Metatarsale1-5 dium) Instep Fingers (Phalanges) Digits1-5^ Digits1'5 (Phalanges) Toes The basal podial region, which is nearly typical in some reptiles, tirodeles (Fig. 421), and man, consists of three rows of bones: a proximal of three bones, a radiale or tibiale on the anterior side, an ulnare or fibulare on the other, and an intermedium (not shown in the figure) be- tween them. The distal row now consists of five carpales or tarsales numbered from the anterior side. The third row is composed of one or two centrales between the other rows. The metapodials (Metacarpals and Metatarsals) and the digits, 710 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY also numbered from one to five, have in some cases special names. The thumb (digit 1) is the pollex, the corresponding great toe being the hallux, while the fifth digit is called minimus, the second finger in the hand the index, and the fourth the annulus. From this typical condition all forms of chiropterygia — legs, arms, wings — are derived by modification, fusion, or disappearance of parts. ^c.l.calc. c. II V IV Fig. 421. — The skeleton of the left fore- and hind-feet of a rabbit. A, fore-foot ; B, hind-foot. a.. Astragalus ; c.l, first distal carpal or trapezium ; c.2, second distal carpal or trapezoid ; c.3, third distal carpal or os magnum ; c.4,5, fused fourth and fifth distal carpals or unciform ; ce., centrale ; ce' ., centrale of hind-foot or navicular ; cm , fibulare or calcaneus ; im., in- termedium or semilunar ; me., metacarpals ; met., metatarsals ; ph., phalanges ; ra., lower end of radius with its epiphysis ; r.c., radiale or scaphoid ; t.2, second distal tarsal or mesocuneiform ; £.3, third distal tarsal or ectocuneiform ; £.4, 5, fused fourth and fifth distal tarsals or cuboid ; u.c., ulnare or cuneiform ; ul., lower end of ulnar with its epiphysis; I.-V., digits. (From Borradaile). C. Hindlimb of the frog tadpole shortly before metamorphosis. centr, centralis ; cl.calc., cartilaginous calcaneus ligament ; c.l.tars.s., supplementary cartilaginous tarsal ligament ; c.ses., sesamoid cartilage ; F, fibula ; fib, fibulare ; pr.h., prehallux ; ses, sesamoid bone ; T, tibia ; t.ach., tendon of Achilles ; tars, II and ///, second and third tarsals ; tib, tibiale; I-V, phalanges. (After Tschernoff). The more distal a part is, the more variable it is ; reduction takes place on the margins of the appendage, the axial portions being the last to disappear. Occasionally, in various groups (amphibia, mammals) there occur what are interpreted as rudimentary additional digits — prehallux, prepollex, and postminimus — but their status is uncertain. There are also certain membrane-bones developed in the appendages, such as the patella (knee-cap) in some reptiles, birds, and many mammals, in the tendon that passes over the knee joint, the fabellae in the angle of the knee of a few mammals, and the pisiforme in the carpus of man and some other mammals. THE ENDOSKELETON 711 We have already seen that in the frog the radius and ulna as well as tibia and fibula are fused together, while the tarsals are considerably elongated. Such fusion is not uncommon in many of the animals. The extent of fusion varies, however, considerably. In the reptile limb there is an intratarsal joint, so that the motion of the foot upon the leg lies between the two rows of tarsal bones, instead of between the tarsals and the bones of the shank. This is quite similar to the condition in birds. Although limbs are lacking in the snakes and in some of the lizards, there is nevertheless a considerable increase in the number of phalanges in those reptiles where limbs do occur, while the more proximal bones shorten. In some of the ichthyosaurs there may be as many as a hun- dred phalanges in a single digit. The skeleton of pterydactyls shows the fifth digit greatly developed, which forms a definite support for the wings, while the other digits re- main more or less normal. In birds the wings are considerably modified (Fig. 420), although the structure is practically normal, up to the region of the carpus, the carpal bones being greatly reduced by fusion, while the metacarpa's and digits, no matter what their modification, are only three in number. Embryological studies of the chick show us that, although the first digit begins to develop, it is entirely lost, and the fifth metacarpal, which is present in the embryo, fuses early with the fourth, so that the digital formula is II, III, IV. Added to this, there is an extensive fusion of the bones of the tarsus and foot ; the ankle joint is intratarsal, the basal row of tarsal bones fuses with the tibia, while the fibula is considerably reduced to form the tibio-tarsus. The tarsales unite in the same way with the fused metatarsals to form the tarso-metatarsus. There are hardly ever more than four toes, but the number of phalanges increases from two in digit II, to five in digit V. Ostriches only have two toes, and many other birds three. In the mammals, especially in the higher forms, there is considerable motion of both hand and foot, rotation in the hand being especially noticeable by the motion of the lower end of the radius around the u}na. In the whales, the basal part of the forelimb is greatly shortened, while there is considerable multiplication of the phalanges. The hind limb is entirely lacking in some whales, while in others, there are two vestigeal bones supposed to be the femur and tibia, imbedded in the muscles of the trunk. A supra- or entepicondylar foramen frequently perforates the inner lower end of the mammalian humerus, while in many forms the ulna is fused with the radius in varying degrees. However, the ulna, whether fused or not, always has on its proximal end a strong olecranon process which extends beyond the elbow joint for the attachment of the exten- sor muscles of the forearm. The earliest prominences for the attachments of the muscles on the femur are known as trochanters. They vary from one to three. The 712 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Fig. 422. Cyclostomes, as exemplified by the marine lamprey, (Petromyzon marinus) , from 60 cm. to 1 m. long, of European, West African, and North American waters, which goes up stream of the river in spring to lay eggs in the calm waters, and THE EXDOSKELETOX 713 patella, or knee-cap bone, is analogous to the olecranon process, though it never joins the other bones. The ankle joint in mammals is never intratarsal, but always between tarsal and crural bones. Where the bones of the foot rest on the ground as in man and in the bear, such a foot is known as plantigrade. Where the toe of the foot includes only the distal phalanges such as in the dog and the cat, comes down again toward the sea in autumn ; and the Planarian Lamprey, (Petromyzon planari) , from 20 to 30 cm. long which inhabits the calm waters entirely, and is commonly found in rivers. Fig. 1. A lamprey (Petromyzon planari) with its mouth fixed to a rock. Pg., Genital papillae. Fig. 2. Anterior part of the body of Petromyzon marinus, showing the seven branchial openings and the buccal cupping glass surrounded by little papillae. The olfactory opening lies in front of the eye. Fig. 3. Section through the anterior region of Petromyzon marinus. The section, slightly oblique, is nearly sagittal toward the front ; it deviates dorsad and down- ward in order to take in the last of the left branchial sacs ; vb., buccal cupping glass ; ca., ringed cartilage carrying the principal teeth ; cf., cartilaginous pieces of the face ; I, lingual sucker, (the posterior part of the sucker has not been taken into the section) is shown surrounded by its sheath ; ml., muscles of the lingual sucker ; ph., pharynx ; oe., oesophagus ; m.oe., sphincter closing the entrance of the oeso- phagus ; a.br., branchial aqueduct, showing the seven openings to the branchial sacs ; va., valvular apparatus closing the entrance to the aqueduct ; brs-br., branchial pockets continuing into the coelomic peribranchial cavities, the one being separated from the other by septa ; C, heart : the auricle has been raised partly to show the openings by which it communicates with (1) the ventricle (2) with the sinus venosus, sv., as one sees them both from behind ; vc., entrance of the cardinal veins into the sinus ; j., jugular vein ; vh., hepatic vein ; tao., aortic trunk, with the conus arteriosus and its valvular apparatus at the base of the trunk ; ao., aortic roots, reuniting on a level with the fifth branchial opening to form the aorta ; n., nostril ; sh., bottom of the hypophysial sac with a valvular sac lying before it ; cer., brain ; m., medulla ; cd., dorsal cord ; /, liver ; ov., ovary ; p., posterior cul- de-sac of the branchial enclosure which protects the pericardium. Fig. 4. Mouth of the Marine Lamprey, de., teeth of the head of the lingual sucker ; di., lower median tooth ; ap., principal lateral teeth grouped in twos ; da., accessory teeth ; ph, sensory papillae of the buccal lip ; os., cutaneous sensory organs. Fig. 5. Anterior region of the skeleton : ca., ringed cartilage carrying th,e principal teeth, d., cf., cartilaginous parts of the face ; cr., brain box ; I, lingual cartilage ; ol, olfactory capsule ; cd., dorsal cord ; an., the two neural arches, anterior and posterior, of the same metamere ; cbr., branchial enclosure ; a, cartilaginous rings surrounding the opening of the external gills ; p, posterior cul-de-sac of the branchial enclosure; holding the heart (after Parker) ; the left half only of the skeleton is represented. Fig. 6. Section of a horny tooth (odontoid) of lamprey: ep., buccal epithe- lium ; pa., dermal papillae ; D, tooth in use ; d, replacing tooth, in process of development; k, horn producing cellules (After Warren). Fig. 7. Sagittal section of the Pineal Eye. : ep., epidermis ; de., dermis ; op., pineal eye ; np., pineal nerve ; pp., parapineal eye ; ha., commissure and habenular ganglion ; ch, chorioid curtain and lamella concealing the mesencephalon ; ca., anterior commissure ; on the walls of the thalamencephalon ; cp., posterior com- missure, cr., cranial cartilage (after Studnicka). Fig. 8. Section of a branchial pocket, passing through internal and external openings. (By reason of the situation of these two openings, the section of the left side of the figure is practically on a plane which places the face to the observer and forms an angle of 45° with the median plane of the animal ; the rest of the section, which is only drawn in, is entirely transverse, and therefore seems short- ened), cd, dorsal cord; an, neural arch; m, section of the medulla; g, fatty tissue completing the padding of the neural canal ; oe, oesophagus and beneath, the aorta ; abr, branchial aqueduct ; t.ao., aortic trunk ; I, lingual cartilage and its muscular sheath; j, jugular vein; caet appendages of the general cavity; cbr., section of the divers pieces of the branchial enclosure ; o, internal branchial orifice at the in- terior of the pocket; o', external branchial opening, with its threefold valves and cartilaginous ring, a.br., wall of the branchial pocket ; fbd, branchial leaves ; par., peribranchial cavity slightly taken in section ; mu, muscles. (1) Vignettes of the title: Scheme of the respiratory apparatus of two cy- clostomes seen from the ventral surface : the oesophagus and the respiratory sacs of the left side (G) only are represented; the horizontal flesh is turned toward the caudal end of the animal ; the oesophageo-cutaneous canal, which exists only on the left side is figured in discontinued tracts. To the left the respiratory apparatus of Myxine is seen (six branchial pockets with efferent canals running to a single opening) to the right, the respiratory apparatus of Bdellostoma polytrema (10-14 branchial pockets). (After Dean in Goodrich). (From the chart of Remy Per- rier & Cepede). 714 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY it is called a digitigrade foot, while, if the animal, such as the horse or cow, walks upon hoofs which are homologous to the nails on the hands and feet of higher forms, such a foot is called an unguligrade foot. There may be variations and fusions in all these animals. For ex- ample, in the horse, it is only the third digit which persists in a func- tional condition. SUMMARY OF THE CRANIUM CYCLOSTOMATA The cranium lies entirely beneath the brain, and forms neither side nor roof for the latter (Fig. 422). The cranial cartilages are sometimes said to be homologous with those of the embryonic fish skull. DOGFISH The investing bones are closely applied to the roof and floor of the chondrocranium, and modify its form considerably by projecting beyond the cartilaginous part, and concealing apertures and cavities (Fig. 407). The large frontals cover the greater part of the roof of the skull, con- cealing the fontanelles and furnishing roofs to the orbits. Immediately behind the frontals is a pair of very small parietals; in front of them is an unpaired supra-ethmoid, to the sides of which are attached a pair of small nasals. On the ventral surface is the large parasphenoid, which forms a kind of clamp to the whole cartilaginous skull-floor ; and in front of, and below, the parasphenoid is the toothed vomer. Encircling the orbit is a ring of scale-like bones, the sub-orbitals. PISCES The fish skull (Fig. 409) is covered above and below by numerous dermal investment bones which are much like those of the primitive extinct amphibia Stegocephali. By boiling, all the investment bones are loosened and when removed a chondrocranium like that of the dog- fish is seen. In fishes there are primary and secondary structures in the jaw as in the cranium. The primary upper jaw (palatoquadrate) is considered homologous with the upper jaw of the dogfish. It does not, however, remain cartilaginous but is ossified by five replacing bones : the toothed palatine in front which articulates with the olfactory capsule; the ptery- goid on the ventral edge; the mesopterygoids on the dorsal edge of the original cartilaginous bar, and the quadrate at the posterior end of the latter. These bones do not enter into the gap, and consequently do not constitute the actual upper jaw of the adult fish. External to them are two large investing bones, the premaxilla and the maxilla, which to- gether, form the actual or secondary upper jaw. They both bear teeth. THE ENDOSKELETON 715 A small scale-like bone, the jugal, is attached to the posterior end of the maxilla. The lower jaw is quite similarly modified. The articulare articu- lates with the quadrate and is continued forward by a narrow pointed rod of cartilage which is really the unossified distal end of the primary Meckel's cartilage (the primary lower jaw). The articulare is the ossi- fied proximal end, therefore, a replacing bone. Then there is a large toothed investing bone which ensheaths Meckel's cartilage and forms the main part of the secondary lower jaw. This is the dentary. There is also a small investing bone, the angular, which is attached to the lower and hinder end of the articulare. The upper jaw connects with the cranium partly by the articulation of the palatine with the olfactory region and partly by means of a sus- pensorium formed of two bones separated by a cartilaginous interval. The larger, usually called the hyomandibular, articulates with the audi- tory capsule by a facet and the small, pointed symplectic fits into a groove in the quadrate. Both bones are attached by fibrous tissue to the quadrate and metapterygoid, and in this way the suspensorium and palatoquadrate together form an inverted arch which articulates freely in front with the olfactory, and behind with the auditory capsule. This gives rise to an extremely mobile upper jaw. The chondrocranium is a solid one-piece capsule which completely encloses the brain and the principal sense organs. The cranium proper is fused with paired nasal capsules and paired auditory capsules. Closely associated with the skull, but not fused with it, is the man- dibular skeleton, consisting of an upper jaw (pterygoquadrate cartilages) and a lower jaw (Meckel's Cartilage). Back of the jaw are the visceral arches. These are composed of upper and lower parts like the jaws. The first pair is specialized as the hyoid arch, the five others being the more generalized branchial arches that afford support for the gills. AMPHIBIA The skull (Fig. 410) Articulates with the atlas by two condyles which are formed by the exoccipitals. There is an auditory columellar apparatus fitting into the fenestra ovalis. AVES The skull (Fig. 412) is rounded, has large orbits, and the facial bones are extended out upon the beak. The quadrate is movable and articulates with the squamosal. There is a single occipital condyle. There are no teeth in modern forms. The cervical vertebrae have pad- dle-shaped articular surfaces which give the neck great flexibility, and thus make the beak a very versatile instrument. 716 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY REPTILIA The special features in the turtle skull (Figs. 411, 413) are these: teeth are absent, the maxillary, premaxillary, and dentary bones are cov- ered with hard, chitinous sheaths which form the upper and lower members of the cutting beak; the vomer is a single unpaired median bone, and there are no lachrymals or ectopterygoids. The pterygoids send wings of bone inward. The wings and the palatines form a con- tinuous roof of the mouth ; the supraoccipital is prolonged backward into a large, narrow process upon which are inserted the heavy neck muscles. All of these bones, even the quadrate, are firmly united into a solid cranium. There is only one occipital condyle. MAMMALIA The skull of the mammal (Figs. 413, 414) is more compact than that of lower forms; consequently, it contains fewer elements than the skull of reptiles. The following reptilian bones are not found in the adult mammalian cranium : pre- and post- orbitals, pre- and post- frontals, basi-pterygoids, quadrato-jugals, and supra temporals. The lower jaw is reduced to a single pair of bones in the mammal, the angulare, splenial, and articulare being absent. The latter is often said to have been drawn in to form the malleus of the ear bonelets and the quadrate has been drawn in to form the incus bonelet, while a remnant of the hyomandibu- lar cartilage forms the stapes. The whalebone whale (baleen whale, Fig. 392), shows the highest type of the so-called adaptive specialization among mammals. Here the teeth are rudimentary and functionless though present in the young. In the adult they are replaced by baleen. The nostrils are paired, the skull symmetrical, the sternum is single, while the ribs are one-headed and articulate only with the transverse processes of the vertebrae. SUMMARY OF THE SKELETAL SYSTEM THE DOGFISH The vertebrae develop at the intersection of the myosepta with the mesenchyme that surrounds the notochord and neural tube. Each indi- vidual vertebra is formed by the union of the two caudal halves of the two sclerotomes of one segment with the cephalic halves of the two sclerotomes of the next succeeding segment (Fig. 305). The vertebrae therefore alternate. with the myotomes. As the vertebrae and ribs are first formed in cartilage produced by the activity of mesenchyme, so also, bones which form later a,re true cartilage bones. In the elasmobranchs, the entire skeleton is made up of cartilage with only a slight impregnation of calcareous matter. Each vertebra begins as four pair of cartilages (called arcualia) THE ENDOSKELETOX 717 which surround the notochord. Dorsally these are an anterior pair of basidorsals and a posterior pair of interdorsals. Ventrally there is an anterior pair of basiventrals and a posterior pair of interventrals. In some fish and in extinct Amphibia and reptiles these cartilages remain more or less separate. In most vertebrates, however, parts are lost, while the remaining portions fuse together to form a single vertebra which is then composed of a centrum (which encloses the notochord) ; a dorsally directed neural arch (which encloses the spinal cord) ; and a haemal arch (enclosing the blood vessels). (Figs. 352, 404.) The neural arch is made up of the fused basidorsals, and the haemal arch of the fused basiventrals, while the centrum develops from varying parts in different groups of animals. In the elasmobranchs the centrum is formed within the notochordal sheath, thus forming a chordal centrum as contradistinguished from that of nearly all other vertebrates where the centra are produced by the fusion of certain arcualia to form a perichordal or arch centrum. There are two kinds of ribs, namely : those which arise at the inter- section of the myosepta with the horizontal skeletogenous septum (true or intermuscular ribs), (Fig. 423, q), and those which arise at the inter- Fig. 423. — Diagram to show the skeleton-forming septa in the trunk region of a vertebrate. o, skin ; 6, neural tube ; c, notochord ; d, blood vessel ; e, dorsal skeletogenous septum ; /, ventral skeletogenous septum ; g, horizontal skeletogenous septum ; h, myoseptum ; i, epaxial part of the myotome ; j, hy'paxial part of the myotome ; k, coelom ; {, intestine ; m-p, cartilages from which the vertebrae are formed ; m, basidorsal ; n, interventral ; o, basiventral ; p, interdorsal ; q, intermuscular rib ; r, subperitoneal rib. Note the positions of the vertebral cartilages and ribs with respect to the skeletogenous septa. (From Hyman after Goodrich). section of the myosepta with the ventral skeletogenous septum or its de- rivatives (false or subperitoneal ribs), (Fig. 423, r). Teleosts develop the latter type, while all other vertebrates develop true ribs. Some fishes (such as trout, salmon, herring, and polypterus), how- 718 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY ever, develop both types of ribs and even additional ones at various levels of the myosepta. The vertebrae are connected with each other by a strand of noto- chordal tissue that perforates all the vertebrae like the string through a chain of beads. The fins have ray-like supports of cartilage and the pectoral and pelvic limb-skeletons are supported upon simple horseshoe-shaped pec- toral and pelvic girdles, each composed of a single piece of cartilage. AMPHIBIA A short cervical and sacral region appear in Amphibia, the cervical becoming longer in the higher forms of vertebrates. The pelvic girdle lies free, in fishes, but in all other vertebrae it is immovably attached to the sacrum. Three fingers develop early in the amphibian foot, although a fourth appears quite late in development (Fig. 421). This fourth finger lies well down on the ulnar side of the hand. Then a rudiment of the fifth (the little finger) appears as a mere bump. The thumb, index, and second finger, therefore, seem to be phylogenetically the oldest digits. This is important in connection with the loss of fingers in other verte- brates, as the last to develop is usually the first to be lost. In the am- phibian we find feet instead of fins. This brings a change in the type of movements in the animal, for with fins, an animal can only paddle backwards and forwards. The muscles are, therefore, decidedly differ- ent and nearly all trace of the segmental arrangement in them is lost. Animals which live on land are relatively heavier than those whicn live in water, so there is need of a much more rigid axial skeleton as well as stronger limb girdles, and limb skeleton. This condition is brought about by a more complete ossification of the parts of the skeleton that bear the most weight. Exoskeleton parts also tend to disappear so that in modern amphibia, the exoskeleton is entirely absent with the excep- tion of the Caecilians, where it is rudimentary. In the Stegocephalians there is a head armor while the exoskeleton is lacking on the rest of the body. The sternum first appears in amphibia. REPTILIA In reptiles, birds and mammals the cervical region is longer than that of the Amphibia and the trunk region is divided into an anterior thoracic region with long ribs and a more caudal lumbar region with short ribs or with none. In all vertebrates rudimentary ribs are usually found on the cervical and sacral vertebrae when these regions are present. Fossil remains show that there were many more plates and scutes on the turtles of the past than on those of the present. Both longitudinal and transverse rows of elements have disappeared, the whole system THE EXDOSKELETOX 719 now being" greatly simplified. Most species of turtles to-day show a cer- tain percentage of individuals with supernumerary scutes and plates. (Fig. 424.) Fig. 424. Various plastra and their horny shields. 1, Testudo ibera; 2, Macroclemmys temmincki ; 3, Cinosternum odoratum; 4, Sternothaerus nigricans; 5, Chelodina longicollis ; 6, Chelone mydas. a or an, anal shield ; abd, abdominal shield ; / or fern, femoral ; g or gul, gular, unpaired in 3 ; h or hum, humeral shield ; i or int.g, intergular ; im, infra- marginals ; m, marginals; p or pect, pectoral; x (in 1) inguinal shield con- stituting with the axillary xx, the last trace of inframarginals. (After Gadow). In the trunk region the vertebrae are rigidly united to the narrow, paddle-like ribs (Fig. 425). There are eight cervical, ten thoracic, two sacral, and a variable number of caudal vertebrae, which are procoelous in form (Fig. 404). A peculiar thing in the turtle is that both pectoral and pelvic girdles are inside instead of outside the ribs. They actually arise from primordia internal to the ribs so it is not a case of migration. No one has yet been able to give a satisfactory explanation of this. The pectoral girdle (Figs. 416, 417) is made up of a triradiate group of flattened bones : the scapula, the procoracoid, and the coracoid, the last being the largest. These three bones unite to form a socket which receives the head of the humerus. The pelvic arch is more compact. It consists of pubis, ischium, and ilium, which unite to form the acetabulum for the head of the femur. Membrane bones are never found in the pelvic girdle of any animal. AVES The sternum is keeled (Figs. 416, 418), except in such birds as the ostrich, and the ribs have uncinate processes (Fig. 418, B, u.p.) except in Screamers (members of the family Palamedeidae). The trunk vertebrae 720 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Neural Ptate Costal Shield Bpiderm Cutis. Fig. 425. A. Diagrammatic transverse section through the shell of Testudo. The horny shields have been removed from the right side. On the left side one can see the neural, costal, marginal, and pectoral shields. The bony dermal plates are dotted. Cap, capitular portion of rib ; Sp.C, position of spinal cord. B, Vertical section through part of the shell, magnified and diagrammatic. B, Bony layer of cutis ; L, leathery layer of the cutis ; M, cells of the Malpighian layer ; P, star-shaped pigment-cells ; Sc, stratum corneum composing the horny shields. C. Diagram of skeleton of Testudo elephantopus, after removal of the left half of the carapace. The plastron is indicated by a section through the middle line. Fe, femur, fore- shortened ; Fi, fibula ; H, humerus ; II, ilium ; Is, ischium ; P.P., pubis ; R, radius ; Scap, scapula ; Tb, tibia ; u, ulna ; 3, third cervical vertebra ; 1, 3, 5, first, third and fifth fingers; XIII, thirteenth (fifth thoracic) vertebra. (After Gadow). are mostly fused. There are three or four pre-caudal vertebrae with terminal pygostyle (Fig. 418), two cervical, and three to nine thoracic ribs, the latter attached to the sternum. The pectoral girdle is made up of paired, blade-like scapulae, paired coracoids which unite with the sternum, and three clavicles fused in the middle to form the "wishbone" or furcula. The pelvic girdle is a solid bone, composed of the fused ischia, ilia, and pubes. The pelvis is firmly fused with the sacral verte- brae. The leg skeleton consists of a large femur, a slender fibula, and a long, stout tibiotarsus, made up of the fused tibia and proximal tarsal bones; the ankle joint is between the tibio-tarsus and the tarso-meta- tarsus. The foot has four digits, the hallux usually being directed backward. THE ENDOSKELETON 721 MAMMALIA The coracoid portion of the pectoral girdle (Fig. 416) is reduced to a small coracoid process in all placentals, while the scapula of all mam- mals possesses a spinous process. There are usually paired clavicles and a median unpaired interclav- icle in all land mammals. These are membrane bones. CHAPTER LI. THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM It will be remembered that all multicellular animals pass through a blastula stage consisting of a hollow sphere composed of a single layer of cells, which then indents to form a gastrula. This means that there are now two layers of cells where there was only one before. The outer layer is called the ectoderm and the inner the endoderm. The indented end closes up, leaving a hollow tube com- posed entirely of endoderm in the center, which, due to its being used for other purposes than the ectoderm, and lying within the body, under- goes totally different experiences than does the outer part of the body, and these different experiences modify its structure. This hollow tube is the primitive digestive tract. It will thus be seen that the digestive apparatus is the very first one of the various systems of an organism to differentiate. This distinctive cavity is called the gastrocoele. In the lower in- vertebrates this gastrocoele remains as a blind cavity with but a single opening. It is among the worms that it first becomes converted into a complete canal by the formation of an anal opening. In animals up to this stage the same opening serves both for ingestion and egestion. What is considered a distinct advance in the development of multi- cellular animals is the development of a coelom, or body cavity, lying between the digestive tract just mentioned, and the body wall. Up to the time this coelom has developed, the body of the animal consists of a single tube and its wall. But after the coelom has developed there is established a secondary open space between the hollow digestive tube and the body wall. The coelom is developed by protrusions or diverticula pushing off from the original digestive tube (Fig. 426). This means that the diges- tive canal of the higher animals only represents a portion of the digestive system of lower animals. Another departure from the lower organisms consists in the fact that the mouth and anal opening are not developed in the same way in the vertebrates as they are in the lower forms of animals. In the lower forms, after gastrulation, the indented end remains open, thus serving as both mouth and anal opening at the same time. In the higher forms, however, this indented end closes so that there is a completely closed hollow tube composed of endoderm on the inside of the body. To form the mouth and anal opening a new indentation at both the cephalic and caudal ends takes place. This indentation coming from the outer layer of the body means DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 723 that mouth and anus are composed of ectoderm and not endoderm as is the central digestive tube. After the indentation has gone far enough, the thin plate of cells separating the central digestive tube from the mouth and anus breaks through, so that a continuous opening is formed, from the mouth through the digestive canal to the anal opening. All the additional structures that go to make up the digestive system as well as the respiratory system are formed by inpushings or outpush- iii. Fig. 426. I. Diagrams to show method of outpushings in digestive tract. A, 6mm. pig embryo ; B, same at 8 mm. ; C, same at 10 mm. t, trachea ; e, oesophagus ; s, stomach ; I, liver ; d.p., dorsal pancreas ; v.p., ventral pancreas ; s.i., small intestine ; c, caecum; v.d., vitelline duct. (From Carey, Journal of General Physiology. Vol. III. No. 1). II. Three schematic views of variations in the ducts leading from the gall-blad- der, c and s, cystic duct ; ch, ductus choledochus ; h, hepatic duct ; he, hepato- cystic duct; he, hepato-enteric duct; vf, gall-bladder. (From Schimkewitsch after Wiedersheim ) . III. A diagrammatic section of the cloaca of a male bird. (After Gadow.) cd., Upper region of cloaca into which rectum opens ; ud., median region into which ureter (u.) and vas deferens (vd.) open from each side; pd., posterior region into which the bursa Fabricii (B.F.) opens. ings (Fig. 426) of this elementary digestive tract and it will be necessary to remember in one's study of all the higher forms, that no matter how many of these inpushings or outpushings there may develop, and no matter how lengthy the digestive tube may growT and coil, if it be straightened out it will to all intents and purposes be a continuous hol- low tube whose interior is really outside the body in so far as it is sub- ject to all the external conditions to which the body itself is subject. In other words, one may the better understand this if a hollow gas pipe, open at both ends, is thought of. The hollow, straight opening, through which the eye can see, represents the digestive canal. The metal of which the pipe is composed represents the walls of the digestive tube. 724 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY It can, therefore, easily be seen that any conditions such as dust and moisture that may be in the atmosphere surrounding the outside of this pipe will quite likely be found on the inside. During the development of the nervous system there is a connection between the lumen of the neural tube and the gastrular mouth so that there is a temporary connection between the neural tube and the gas- trocoele. This connection is called the neurenteric canal (Fig. 328, B, ne.c). This connection, however, soon disappears so that the gastrocoele is a closed sac with no opening whatever to the outside of the body until the mouth and anal openings are pushed in from the ectoderm as already mentioned. Definite names are given to the various structures of the growing embryo. The mouth opening is called the stomatodeum ( ). The mid portion connecting the mouth with the anal opening is called the mesodeum ( ), and the caudal part, which like the stomatodeum is ectodermic, is known as the proctodeum. This does not mean that in every animal in which an ectodermal mouth and anus has developed that the ectodermal structures take up the same length of the digestive system. In the articulates (crustaceans, insects, and spiders) the stomatodeum and proctodeum are much longer and larger proportionately to the mesodeum than in the higher forms of life, in fact, in the vertebrates, the digestive canal is mainly mesodeal and therefore endodermic. The mouth and anal regions composed of ecto- derm are but a small portion of the entire digestive system. The jaws, teeth, and tongue, which will be taken up separately, do not develop from the simple digestive tube which has just been described, but the other parts of the digestive system, even the most complicated ones, have come from this tube alone by a growing in length, by enlarge- ments of various kinds, by foldings, by outpushings and inpushings. Not only have such complex organs as the liver and spleen, thyroid and thymus glands, as well as many others, come from this endodermal tube, but the entire breathing apparatus of chordates has arisen from its cephalic end. As some chordates, such as fishes, live in water, they require a to- tally different type of breathing mechanism than those which live on land, yet their branchial or gill system and the land living pulmonary or lung system have in each case developed from the same simple diges- tive tube. It must be remembered that this is only true of chordates. Animals not chordates do not show such close relationship between the digestive and respiratory systems. The intestinal tract, if cut in cross section and examined microscop- ically will be found to be composed of four layers of different types of muscularia J DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 725 cells. Starting from the inner layer we find them in the following order (Fig. 291): mucosa submucosa circular longitudinal serosa It is in the mucosa or the inner layer that the glands which produce the digestive juices are found. Here, too, are a few scattered involuntary muscle fibers and lymphatic vessels for carrying away the nutriment after it has been changed into a condition so it can be assimilated. The submucosa is a thin layer of connective tissue supporting the mucosa. The musculosa varies a good deal, but essentially it is composed of two layers of involuntary muscle cells both circular and longitudinal, the former lying toward the lumen. The circular muscles by contracting, lengthen the intestines while the contraction of the longitudinal muscles shorten and thicken it. These two actions cause the peristaltic movement occurring during digestion, pushing the food forward and also permitting the various folds and little finger-like projections, called villi, to come in contact with all of the ma- terial that has been ingested. In the higher forms, especially in the human being, there' are some thirty feet or more of small intestine as contrasted with three or four feet of large. The reason for this can be understood quite readily when it is appreciated that a two-inch water pipe holds eight times as much as a pipe one inch in diameter. The great mass of material that is ingested is of no value whatever to the animal ingesting it unless such food can be reduced to a more or less liquid state and be absorbed by the mucous lining of the intestinal tract. Digestion, though beginning in the stom- ach, really takes place in the small intestine. The smaller this intestine is in diameter, therefore, and the more folds the mucosa has, the more readily will the food, after it is sent through the digestive canal, be likely to come in contact with the mucosa and be absorbed. It is important to understand this as it will throw much light upon various physiological functions of digestion, for, it will be seen that the little finger-like villi must actually do the work of absorbing. That is, after ingested material is ready for absorption, it does not pass by any rule of gravity or mechanics into any definite opening; but these little projections must actually reach out and drink in the necessary material. As these little villi must in turn be kept in good condition and capable of performing their functions by their nerve and blood supplies, it follows, that where the nerve and blood supply is either weakened or lost, the animal may die of starvation regardless of how much food it may ingest. Many glands are found in the mucosa. Some of the larger ones have 726 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY pushed their way further and further back so that they have not only passed through the submucosa and musculosa, but have gone far beyond. The liver and pancreas are good examples of those which have left the III. Fig. 427. I. Diagrams to show formation of greater omentum in mammals and the fusion of the mesogaster and the mesocolon. A, early stage in which the mesogas- ter is beginning to form a bag at g. B, the mesogaster is drawn posteriorly, into a DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 727 main digestive tract almost entirely but are still connected with it by small ducts. The glands push their way through both submucosa and musculosa but, as they push against the serosa this seems to stretch out ahead of all these outpushings, forming a covering for the outgrowths. This is why not only the liver and pancreas, but every organ in the abdominal cavity, is completely covered by this serous layer, which when thought of in its entirety is called the peritoneum. The kidneys form a single exception to the statement that all organs in the abdominal cavity are completely covered with peritoneum. These do not spring from the digestive tract, however, and will be discussed later with the uro-genital system. The entire digestive canal is covered with this serous layer. Figure 427 shows just how this develops and why it is that, while there is a single layer of serosa over the ventral side of the intestinal tract there are two layers running dorsalward which are attached close to the ven- tral portion of the spinal region forming the sustaining ligaments. Probably this will be made clear if one place an ordinary sheet of paper on the desk before him and lay a pencil at right angles to the long axis of the sheet. By picking up the two ends of the paper so that the pencil is held within the fold it will be seen that under the pencil there is only one layer of paper but above it there are two. The various out- pushings of the intestinal tract push the serosa before them just as the pencil does the paper in this case. The two layers running dorsalward from the organ and forming the sustaining ligament are called the mesentery, and it is between these two sheets of mesentery that the blood supply of the organ is carried. If it be remembered that the digestive tract begins as a single tube, approximately the same length as that of the body in which it grows, and if the various elongations, outpushings, and inpushings are then fol- lowed through the embryonic period, considerable light will be thrown upon our understanding of the adult structure (Fig. 428). One must, however, be wary in comparing different type-forms of animals, as well as animals of the same species at different stages of their development, or there will be little validity in the comparisons. The first portions of the digestive tract to differentiate are the long bag g which is the greater omentum ; the mesogaster and mesocolon are fusing at i. C, completion of the fusion of mesogaster and mesocolon at i. a, liver ; b, serosa of the liver ; c, lesser omentum or gastro-hepato-duodenal ligament ; d, stomach ; e, lesser peritoneal sac or cavity of the greater omentum ; /, mesocolon ; g, portion of the mesogaster which forms the greater omentum ; h, intestine ; i, fusion of the mesogaster and mesocolon. ( From Hyman after Hertwig ) . II. Scheme of digestive canal and mesenteries in human embryos, 30 and 50 mm. long, ac, ascending colon ; c, caecum ; co, colon ; d, duodenum ; dc, descending colon ; k, kidney ; r, rectum ; rd, recto-duodenal ligament ; rl, recto-lienal ligament ; rrd, recto-duodenal recess; s, stomach; sp, spleen; tc, transverse colon. (From Kingsley after Klaatsh). III. Transverse section of a salamander embryo in the region of the liver. (Redrawn from Maurer). IV. Schematic arrangement to show the development of the omental bursa. (After Corning). P, Pancreas; Ao, Aorta; L.H.G., Hepatogastric ligament. 728 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY vi- pharynx and stomach. The former is a fun- nel-shaped enlargement at the cephalic end with several pairs of lateral diverticula called the pharyngeal pouches. These pouches in some animals break through to the outside of the body to form slits (Fig. 295). The stomach may be of many shapes and sizes in the various animals. That portion of the stomach that meets with the oesophagus (the narrow tube connecting pharynx and stomach) is known as the cardiac portion, while the cau- dal opening of the stomach is called the py- lorus (Fig. 438). It will be found that this pyloric end is rather thick and tough. There is a valve here which closes so that the stom- ach can be converted into a closed sac. A rather thick short portion of the intestine im- mediately-caudal to the pylorus is known as the duodenum. Then follows the small intestine, varying in length in all the animals, which ends in the large intestine, and this in turn connects directly with the anal opening to the exterior of the body or in a terminal enlargement which quite often receives the openings of the urinary and reproductive systems before con- necting with the anal opening. In such cases as the latter the thickened portion of the large intestine is called the cloacal chamber, or sim- ply the cloaca. (Fig. 426, III.) In fishes, amphibians, and sauropsida, the cloaca is an important structure. In none of the mammals except the montremes does it ap- pear as a distinct organ. There are various important diverticula of various shapes thrown out along the digestive tract. The lateral pharyngeal pouches have al- ready been mentioned. In fishes one often finds quite numerous pyloric caeca. In mammals at the beginning of the large intestine where the small one enters it there are colic caeca. In man as well as in several other forms of mammals one of these little blind sacs is called the appen- dix vermif ormis. . In birds one finds cloacal caeca. DETAIL STUDY The pharynx is that open portion behind the nose and mouth in mammals which extends down to the voice box. From there downward (including the voice box) the open portion is called the larynx. Fig. 428. Reconstruction of the diges- tive canal of man. al, allantoic stalk ; cl, cloaca ; g, glottis ; h, hyoici arch ; li, liver ; lu, lung ; md, mx, mandibular and maxil- lary arches ; n, nasal pit ; o, omphalomesenteric vein ; «, stomach ; v, visceral arches ; vi, vitelline stalk ; w, Wolffian body. (From Kingsley after His). DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 729 There are two general types of mouth forms. The first is found in the great group of Cyclostomata (cycle mouths). There are no true jaws (Fig. 422). The mouth is round and cannot be closed. Examples of this form are the lampreys and hagfishes. This type of mouth is called suc- torial. The cyclostomata are the only vertebrate parasites known. They attach themselves to a living fish and suck their way directly through the muscles of the host. The second type of mouth belongs to that group called the Gnathos- tomata (jaw-mouths). This type of animal has movable bones or carti- laginous jaws, usually possessing teeth formed of dentine and underlaid with enamel. The jaws are developed from one pair of visceral arches. The teeth are quite similar to the placoid scales of certain fishes which have been modified in various ways. There are two theories held in re- gard to the Gnathostomata or jaw-mouth fishes. First, that the mouth is like that of the cylostomes, to which the gill arches with their asso- ciated teeth have been added; and the second, that this jaw-mouth is a new opening which originally consisted of a pair of gill-slits which later became fused in the mid ventral line, the first mouth then being lost. Probably the latter view has more supporters, because in the selachians, where there is supposed to be a more primitive condition, the jaw-mouth is not at the extreme cephalic end of the animal, but on the ventral side with a long rostrum extending cephalad to it. Later, in some of the ganoids this jaw-mouth has a secondary position at the very tip or termi- nal end. The pharyngeal pockets develop from a row of outpushings meeting a similar set of inpushings from the outside (Fig. 295). If the point of contact is broken through, as in fishes, such openings are called gill-slits. These are four to eight in number which permanently form a communica- tion between the pharynx and the exterior, thus allowing the escape of water taken in by the mouth for use in breathing. One or more of these slits appear in the early stages of amphibians and in a few forms persist throughout life. In reptiles, birds, and mam- mals, there are similar inpushings and outpushings during the embryonic period, but only two or three contact-points ever form openings, and then only for a short time. However, the most anterior of these which ap- pears in the selachians as the spiraculum or blow hole, persists in all higher vertebrates as the Eustachian tube and the greater part of the middle ear. The other pouches disappear, although cartilages, muscles, arteries, and glands arise in the embryo in connection with these pouches. Sometimes there is an arrested development so that an open com- munication persists between the pharynx and the exterior of the jaw either upon one or both sides, as a cervical fistula. This is supposed to be a permanent gill-slit that for some mechanical or chemical reason has not continued growing as it normally does in the higher forms. The nasal cavities in fishes lie above the stomato-pharyngeal cavity 730 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY and are unconnected therewith, while in the amphibians (Fig. 339) there develops a pair of openings called the posterior-nares or choanae connect- ing these two portions by openings in the roof of the mouth. This com- munication is supposed to be "one of the changes inaugurated during the transition from water to land and allows the ingress and egress ot air to the pharynx and then to the lungs without opening the mouth, since this action, although harmless for an animal immersed in water, would soon cause the drying up of a mucous membrane lining a mouth cavity if resorted to in air with anywhere near the same frequency. In the case of the nasal cavities this is prevented in part by the small size of the external openings, but still more by the -formation of slime glands capable of producing an abundant secretion. The waste lacrimal fluid diverted from the eyes to the nose is undoubtedly also of assistance in this re- spect." There is a tendency in the pharynx to form diverticula in the median line (Fig. 426), that is, there is here an expansion into large sacs or res- ervoirs which may or may not remain in communication with the pharynx itself. The air-bladders in fish are examples (Fig. 441). While this air- bladder is usually a closed sac filled by gases extracted from the blood, in a few animals one finds a rather small air-duct coming from these air- bladders to the pharynx. In fishes, where this occurs, the animal comes to the surface of the water and makes a snapping or swallowing movement. In the higher forms of animals this develops into the pulmonary system, the lateral sacs being the lungs and bronchia and the median duct, the trachea. The opening of the trachea into the pharynx is called the glottis (Fig. 428), which together with the various cartilages and muscles de- rived from the visceral system, forms the larynx. While there are always two lungs in lung-breathing animals there is only one air-bladder in those forms of vertebrates which are not lung breathing. Then, too, the air-sac or air-bladder is almost always dorsal to the pharynx, while the lungs lie ventral to it. The flat plate of bone forming the roof of the mouth and thus sepa- rating the nasal cavities from it, is called the hard palate. The soft cover of this bony plate which extends backward beyond the palate is known as the soft palate or velum palati. Just as one can easily see the sulcus ( ) in the median line immediately under the nose, so, in looking into the mouth, a ridge will be seen which is formed right through the center of its roof. As the human being, as well as all of the higher forms of animals, is bilaterally symmetrical, and as different portions of the jaw begin their growth from distinctly separate centers, which then grow toward the midline and unite, one can readily understand not only why the ridge is formed on the roof of the mouth but also why there is a sulcus immedi- ately below the nose on the outer upper lip. If, due to a mechanical or chemical obstruction of some kind, the two lateral portions of palate or DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 731 Epithelium. Fig. 429. I, II, III, IV, Diagrams of developing tooth (After Hill). V, Section through the skin of an Elas- upper lip do not meet, a harelip and cleft palate result. In some birds the two halves of the palate never unite. In some mammals, such as the cat and dog, the two portions forming the upper lip have not united as well as they have in the human being, and, con- sequently, a deep median groove called the philtrum, remains. This line can be seen to run along the entire septum of the nose extern- ally. Next in order of study come the teeth, tongue, tonsils, glands of the mouth cavity, and glands of the pharyngeal pockets. There are two types of teeth which have no relationship to each other in their origin. The true teeth are akin to placoid scales (Fig. 429). They arise by a calcar- eous secretion at the junction where ectoderm and mesenchyme meet and are thus a product of both layers The other type comes purely and simply from the cuticle and is formed by what is known as cornifi- cation or hardening of the epithe- lium (Fig. 422, 6). The parts which have invaginated to form the stoma- todeum retain the capacity to form hard structures, consequently, any portion of the mouth-walls may se- crete scale substances. It is neces- sary to appreciate this in order to understand that in the different types of fish and amphibia, teeth of almost any number, size, and shape mobranch showing formation of a dermal spine. Highly magnified. 1. Horny layer of ectoderm. 2. Malpig- hian layer. 3. Columnar cells of ectoderm secreting. 4. Enamel. 5. Dentine (black). 6. Dentinal pulp. 7. Connective tissue. (From Shipley and MacBride). 732 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY may be found wherever there is cartilage or bone to hold them. In the higher forms of animals, in fact, in all the amniotes, with the exception of some squamata, teeth are found only on the margin of the jaws. Turtles and all present forms of birds are toothless, though many extinct birds, of which fossil remains have been found, did have teeth. It is in- teresting to note that even in turtles and birds that have no teeth, the dental ridge in which the teeth, of toothed animals do develop, is never- theless present in the embryonic stages, it being assumed that this is proof of their descent from toothed ancestors. It will be observed in Figure 429 that at first ectoderm thickens. The layer of cells immediately beneath the ectoderm pushes downward into the mesenchyme. These latter cells by multiplying rapidly, push portions of this ingrowing plate of cells back up and form a sort of finger- like projection covered by the plate it has pushed before it. The mesen- chymal finger-like projection forms the pulp of the tooth, while the plate of cells which covers it becomes what is known as the enamel organ. The pulp forms several layers of cells, the outer ones becoming odonto- blasts, so called because it is from these that the bone-layer-substance dentine or ivory of the tooth is formed. This latter substance is a secre- tion from the ends of the odontoblasts and it is this which causes it to be somewhat prismatic in form. At the base of the enamel organ a denser substance called enamel is secreted. This fits like a cap over the top and sides of the dentine. The dentine continues to grow and forces the tooth up through the epi- thelium so that the tip or crown then comes into position for use. The nerve supply of the tooth comes from branches of the trigeminal or fifth cranial nerve. Both nerves and blood vessels enter through the base of the tooth. Usually, as soon as the teeth are fully formed, the odonto- blasts cease growing. However, there are exceptions to this rule. The tusks of elephants and the incisors of rodents function through life and therefore continue to grow. In mammals an additional layer of modified bone, the cement, is formed around the root of the tooth. It may even extend through the crown. The teeth in the mouths of skates and some other elasmobranchs are arranged very much like the scales on the surface of the jaw, that is, in groups of five. In most of the vertebrates there is a succession of teeth. Some animals, such as the shark and turtle, continue to renew and shed their teeth. Such teeth are called deciduous. In mammals a second set of teeth usually arises directly behind or above and below the first set, so that the ends of the second set, which are to force their way through the jaw, push against the roots of the teeth which are already in use. The group of first teeth which is formed in man is called the milk dentition. The second is known as the permanent dentition. In some DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 733 mammals such as the monotremes, sirenians, and cetacea, there is only one dentition, while in some groups there are an indefinite number of successive dentitions. In such animals as Guinea pigs, and in some bats, the milk dentition is lost even before birth. Practically all fishes with few exceptions have teeth, and these ex- tend not only to the lining bones of the mouth, but in some even to the hyoid and branchial arches. These latter are known as pharyngeal teeth. Fig. 430. Biting mechanism of the rattlesnake. la, and Ib, position of the ap» paratus when mouth is shut. Ha, and lib, position of the apparatus when mouth is opened widely, showing the spheno-pterygoid muscle (P.e.) con- tracted, the pterygoid (Pt) pulled forwards, the transverse bone or ectopterygoid (Tr) pushing the maxillary (M) rotating it and thereby causing the poison-fang (J) to assume an upright position. Di, Digastric muscle, the contraction of which lowers, or opens the lower jaw ; G, the groove or pit characteristic of the Crotaline snakes ; J, poison fang ; M, maxillary ; P, palatine ; P.e, spheno-pterygoid ; Pm, premaxillary ; Pt, pterygoid ; Q, quadrate ; Sq, squamosal ; T, a, insertion of the an- terior temporal muscle, by contraction of which the mouth is shut ; Tr, transversum or ectopterygoid ; X, origin and insertion of a muscle and a strong ligament, contraction of which draws the maxillary and its tooth back into the position of rest and assists in shutting the mouth. (After Gadow.) The teeth may be cone shaped or flat, sometimes they even form large plates as though a number of primitive teeth had grown together. Teeth may be anchylosed to the summit of the jaws, attached to their inner side, or have their roots implanted in grooves or pockets as in the human being. The grooves in the jaw, in which teeth grow, are called alveoli.* *Mammals are said to be monophyodont if they develop only one set of teeth, and diphyodont if they develop two. However, even in momophyodont mammals, a second set usually develops, although this set later becomes absorbed or remains in a vestigial condition. When all the teeth are uniform they are said to be homodont, while if they vary in shape they are heterodont. Teeth are said to be acrodont, if anchylosed to the summit of the jaws, pleurodont, if fastened to the jaw's inner side, and thecodont, if the roots are implanted in alveoli. Teeth have also received names according to their function or their peculiar physical appear- 734 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY The poison fangs of certain serpents are really specialized teeth on the maxillary bones. They may be permanently erect, or turn as on a pivot, so that when the mouth is closed the teeth lie along the roof of the mouth. Vipers and rattlesnakes are examples of this latter type. (Fig. 430.) Fig. 431. The types shown have been chosen from the principal families of the Carnivora in such a manner as to present a complete view of the changes in dentition in that order. They are : P, Proviverra (Cynohyaenodon) Cayluxi (Creodonts) ; V, Viverra (Civets) (Viverridae) ; H, Hyaena crocuta L, (Hyaenidae) ; F, Felis leo L. (lion) (F 'elides) ; M Michairodus cultridens Cuvier (Ancient saber-toothed tiger of the Tertiary age) (F elides) ; C, Canis familiaris L. (com- mon dogs) (Canides) ; U, Ursus arctos, L, (Bears) (Ur sides) . Letters used in common for the figures of the groups of teeth : i, incisors ; c, canines ; p, pre-molars ; m., molars ; k, carnivores ; cm, inferior maxillary condyle ; gl, glenoid fossa ; co, occipital condyle. I. CREODONTS. Extinct order of the Eocene and of the lower Oligocene ; supposed to be the common stem of all the carnivora. Type form: Proviverra (Cynohyaenodon) Cayluxi Filhol, of the phosphorite of Quercy (upper Eocene and lower Oligocene). P — Right half of the base of the skull seen from below. Below, fragment of the right half of the lower jaw, internal aspect. 3143 Complete Dental Formula 3143 ance. For example, they are said to be secodont, if used for cutting purposes, such as those of cats ; bunodont, if used for crushing as in man ; lophodont, if they possess well-marked transverse ridges as in the elephant ; and selenodont when they possess longitudinal crescent-shaped crests as in the horse. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 735 .Premolars becoming complicated from before backward, to pointed tuberosities, and compressed laterally (secodont type) ; the fourth premolar (p4) and the three upper molars united to three tuberosities by sharp ridges. On the lower jaw, these teeth present the entire anterior surface to three pointed tubercles and a flattened posterior heel (Type: tuberculo-sectorial of Cope). II. CARNIVORA. They are distinguished from the Oeodonts, from the point of view of dentition, by the differentiation in the two jaws, of a carnassial, or tooth of slicing action, made apparent by its greater development than that of the other molars. It is the 4th premolar of the upper jaw ; in the lower jaw it is the 1st molar. In a general manner, all the teeth placed before the carnassial, that is to say all the premolars, are sharp-pointed ; all those which are behind it are tuberculated. 1. Viverrides (Civets) : The most primitive of the Carnivora properly speaking (true Oligo- cene), from which all the other forms are usually considered to have been derived. Type shown: Viverra indica Desm. V, skull, seen from the right side. The maxillae have been dissected away sufficiently, as in the other figures, so as to show the roots of the teeth. Vs, left superior carnassial tooth, seen from the crown. Vi, left inferior carnassial, seen from the internal aspect. 3 1 4 (3) 2 Dental formula 3 1 4 (3) 2 The number of molars is in general reduced to two, characteristic of a carnivorous specializa- tion. 2. The Mustelids (marten, sable, polecat, weasel, stoat) are very close to the primitive type. The carnivorous tendency is strongly developed, as shown by the great reduction of the molars and the higher development of the carnassial tooth. Starting from the Viverrides, the various forms of the carnivora show changes in two clearly divergent directions : one, in which the meat-eating nature of the animal becomes more and more evident, as in Hyaenidae, Felides, and Pinnipedes (seals, eared seals, walrusses) and the other which returns somewhat to the omnivorous order, separated from the Hyaenidae and Felides, and giving rise to the Canides and Ursides. 3. Hyaenides: These form a branch supposedly derived in a direct line from the Viverrides (Hyaenictia) as they appear in the upper Miocene. Type Figure: Hyaena Crocuta L. H, the two jaws, seen from the left side. Hs, left superior carnassial tooth, seen from the crown. Hi, left inferior carnassial tooth, internal view. 3141 Dental Formula : 3131 dentition quite like that of felides, and not well developed in a carnivorous sense. 4. Felides (cats) : The most characteristic of the Carnivora. Their most typical representa- tives appear in the Miocene type, but they are preceded by others, which connect them with the viverrides. Type Figure: The lion (Felis Leo L.) ; Machairodus cultridens Cuvier, (a fossil Feline of the European Pliocene age). Flt Skull of a lion, seen from the left side. F^, Left half of the same skull, seen from below. F3, Left superior carnassial, seen from the crown. Fi, Left inferior carnassial, seen from the internal aspect. 3131 Dental Formula 3121 Of the tuberculated molars, a single one persists, very much reduced (m1). The premolars, although secondont, have undergone a certain reduction in their number as well as in their size, leaving all the functional importance to the carnassials, which have become enormous. The canines are likewise very strong, and are much longer than their neighbors. On the other hand, the incisors, whose cutting function is done much more efficiently by the carnassials, have di- minished. The jaw is, all in all, greatly shortened. Notice also the great development and widen- ing of the zygomatic arch, giving a large surface for the levator muscles of the lower jaw (the temporalis, which passes under the arch, and the masseter, which takes its origin from the entire length of the arch). It has thus acquired considerable size and strength. The lower jaw is greatly hollowed out on its external aspect, to permit insertion to the fibers of the large masseter muscle. M, Skull of Machairodus cultridens (extinct saber-toothed tigers), seen from the left side. Ms, left superior carnassial, seen from the crown. An exaggeration of the Feline type. 3120 Dental formula 3111 Huge development of the superior canine teeth, which surpass so far those of the lower jaw that they limit closely, on each side, the buccal gap, no longer permitting free use of the canines and carnassials in tearing off meat. 5. Canides (dog-like carnivora). A mixed group, both meat-eating and omnivorous. The canides appear early in the Oligocene, their first forms being closely related to the primitive Viverra or to the Creodonts, some of whose characteristics are even more primitive than those of the typical Viverrides. The dog family appears in the early Pliocene. Type Figure : Canis familiaris, L. C. Left half of the skull, seen from below. C', Left inferior maxillnry condyle. seen as a horizontal cylinder (characteristic of all the Carnivora) in relationship with the j?l~nr>M cavity which is hollowed out cylindrically. C , The skull, seen from the right side. 736 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Cs, Left superior carnassial, seen from the crown. Ci, Left inferior carnassial, seen from the internal aspect. 3 1 4 3 (2) Dental formula : 3133 6. Ur sides (Bears). The least carnivorous of all the Carnivora. They originated, apparently, in the upper Miocene, from the primitive Canides (Amphicyon). Type Figure : Ursus arctos L. 17, , The two jaws seen from the right side. Un, Left half of the base of the skull seen from the lower aspect. This figure has been placed near the corresponding figure of the Lion in such a manner as to render apparent the comparison between these two extreme types. The comparison must be limited to the portion included in each figure between the incisive teeth and the occipital condyle (co). Behind this there is a very large hollowed out area which projects from the posterior aspect, to serve as the inservation of the posterior muscles of the skull and neck. Us, Left superior carnassial, seen from the crown. Ui, Left inferior carnassial, seen from the internal aspect. 3132 Dental Formula : 3123 This is probably a regressive adaption to the omnivorous regime. The enormous development of the molars have become quadrituberculated and complicated by. the appearance of little tubercles on or between the greater tubercles. Regression of the cutting function of the teeth has followed, the flesh-eating character becoming hardly apparent except in the remarkable power of the upper canines, "with their very oblique insertion and long root. The skull also lengthens. Changes which take place in the Superior Carnassial Teeth: (Figs. Vs, Hs, Fs, Ms, Cs, Us. In the figures the arrow indicates the upper teeth, l;he arrow's point being directed toward the opening of the mouth). a, paracone or antero-external cusp; a', anterior accessory cusp; 5, protocone, or antero- internal cusp ; c, metacone, or postero-external cusp. Primitive form ( Viverra, Vs) ; type trigodont (triconodont). The tooth contains two ex- ternal cusps (a,c) compressed laterally and united in a single cutting edge, and a third tubercle (6) placed anterior and forward. A fourth tubercle (a') is often found in front of the two external cusps on the same line with them. The cutting edge formed by these last is lengthened in such a manner as to place these tubercles together and thus present three points. The tooth has three roots, two anterior and one posterior. Hyaenidae and F 'elides (Hs and Fs) : The external cutting edge is developed highly in these. The internal anterior tubercle remains conical and blunt, but disappears completely in Machairodus (Ms). Canides: (Cs) : Changes in the omnivorous group. The tubercle a' has disappeared, the tubercle 6 remaining prominent. Ur sides: (Us) : There is the same type of accentuation as in the Canides. Three conical tubercles. Changes in the Lower Carnassial: (Figs. Ui, Ci, Hi, Fi, Vi) . The arrows are placed above the tooth to indicate the lower ones. The point indicates the anterior direction, a, paraconid or anterio-internal cusp; B, protoconid or external-anterior cusp; B', metaconid or internal posterior cusp ; Y, hypoconid, or posterior talon. The primitive type (Viverrides, Vi) is here the tuberculo-sectorial type of Cope. It contains (1), An anterior part with three tuberculated points: two internal, A, B' , and one external, B, (2) a posterior talon Y, low and flattened, carrying one or more blunt tubercles. The tooth presents, in other words, a secodont anterior portion (carnivorous) and a tuberculated posterior portion (omnivorous). It has two roots corresponding to the two parts. This tuberculo-sectorial type is common to all the lower molars of the creodonts and is limited more or less to the true carnassial tooth in the true Carnivora. Canides. Ci : The tuberculo-sectorial type is preserved but with accentuation of the carnassial character. Then there is a reduction of. the talon predominance of B, reduction of B' , and the anterior root is somewhat stronger than the posterior. Hyaenidae, Hi. : Regression of the talon ; the tubercles A and B compressed and united in a sharp cutting edge, and bicuspid; B' notably reduced. The anterior root is much stronger than the posterior. F elides, Fi.: The talon of B' has nearly disappeared and there is predominance of the anterior root. Ursides, Ui. : Omnivorous type ; the secodont part is smooth ; its tubercles are blunt and conical ; the talon contains more than half of the crown ; it is covered by the secondary tubercles, which are elevated almost to the level of the anterior cusps. The whole of the talon has this one surface entirely similar to that of the tuberculated molars which are placed next in position. Title Figures: P, head of Panther (FELIS) ; Ci, head of Civet (VIVERRA) . (From the charts of Remy, Perrier & Cepede). There are four kinds of teeth in mammals (Fig. 431). In the human being they are alike in both upper and lower jaws, as well as alike in both halves of upper and lower jaws. For classification of teeth, we use only one-half of the teeth in either jaw. Thus in man we find the two teeth nearest the midline — the incisors — are followed by a single canine. This is distinctly cone shaped and has a single root. Back of this come the two pre-molars commonly called bicuspids, having1 two roots and com- plicated crowns. They appear both in the milk and permanent den- DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 737 titions ; and lastly three molars quite like the pre-molars in form, with several roots, but appearing only in the permanent dentition. The num- ber and kind of teeth is expressed by what is known as a dental formula. As already stated, the number and kinds of teeth in the two halves of the jaw are the same, so only one side need be represented in the formula, but, as in some animals the upper and lower jaws do not have the same types and forms of teeth, the formula must take both upper and lower jaws into consideration. The upper figures, therefore, represent one-half the upper jaw and the lower figures one-half the lower jaw. DENTAL FORMULA i-f, c-K pm-f , m-f This is the dental formula for man ; that for the opossum being : i-f-, c— » EPIDERMAL TEETH Epidermal teeth occur in cyclostomes (Fig. 422, 6) and various lar- val stages of amphibia and monotremes. In the cyclostome these are little cone-like projections of cornified epithelium with an underlying core of integument. These epidermal teeth are differently arranged in the lampreys and myxinoids. "In the latter they are few, there being a single tooth on the palate and two chevron-shaped rows on the top. In the lampreys, nearly the whole inner surface of the oral hood is lined with these teeth of varying shape and there are a varying number upon the tongue. These teeth are used as a means of fastening the animals to their prey and those of the myxinoid tongue are used for boring into the fishes on which those animals feed. In the larval anura (Fig. 318), the edges of the jaws are armed with cornified papillae serving as teeth, the arrangement of which varies in different genera. They are frequently aggregated in dental plates used in scraping the algae from submerged objects. They are not related to the teeth of cyclostomes." Baleen or whalebone should be mentioned here. This is formed in large plates of horny material attached to the margins of the upper jaw (Fig. 392). The fringed ends and edges of these plates serve as strainers to extract the food products from the various materials taken in with the water. In the embryos of certain lizards and snakes there is a median tooth which projects from the mouth and which is used to rupture the egg cell when the young is ready to escape. Such a tooth is called an egg-tooth. An egg-tooth is formed in the turtles, Sphenodon, crocodiles, birds, and monotromes, but in these cases it is only a thick (sometimes calcified) portion of the epidermis. 738 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY THE TONGUE The tongue varies to a very considerable extent in the different groups of vertebrates (Fig. 432). In mammals the hyo-branchial sup- port consists simply of a basi-hyal (body) and two pairs of horns (cornua). The most cephalad pair are the longer and usually consist of four bony structures, the cerato-hyal, the epi-hyal, the stylo-hyal, and the tympano-hyal, the latter bone attached to the skull in the tympanic region. The pair of horns lying caudal consists of only a single skeletal piece of bone known as the thyro-hyal which connects the body with the thyroid cartilage of the larynx. In the human being, the anterior or cephalad horns are considerably modified from those in other mammals. The tympano-hyal and the stylo-hyals have fused with the otic re- gion of the skull to form the styloid process, while the hypo-hyal is a mere rudiment connecting with the styloid process by a ligament; the cerato-hyal is not present. The anterior horns, though typically longer and more complex than the others, are called the ''lesser" in man, because the earlier anatomists took all of their names from the human being without any comparisons with other forms. There is no functional tongue in fishes, although the material which develops into a tongue in the higher forms is present. This is known as the anterior part of the hyo-branchial apparatus. The part of this com- plex apparatus lying most cephalad, is found in the floor of the mouth cavity. It is naturally shaped according to the outlines of the jaw which border it. It may even be pushed forward so as to form a slight eleva- tion by the action of the visceral muscles. In amphibians where the gill-bearing function has more or less ceased, this region forms the basis of the tongue, while a fleshy organ of some kind may develop. In the higher forms of vertebrates two to four of the visceral arches form the skeletal basis of the tongue. The hyoid arch is the structural foundation to which the muscles of the tongue are attached. Here one usually finds, although there are many varieties, a median basi-branchial piece called the os entoglossum and two caudad projecting horns — the cornua. In Sauropsida the tongue is a direct condition of this, and the principle motion consists in protruding and withdrawing the entire organ by means of the two caudal horns which lie in sheaths from which they may be everted. The tongue is sometimes quite long and then the sheaths and the enclosed horns are, of course, of corresponding length. If they are very long there must be some disposition made of them when retracted. This is interestingly observed in the salamander Spelerpes fuscus, where the sheaths of the horns run down the sides of the body until they are attached to the pelvic bones, the ilia. In the woodpecker they pass around the occipital region over the top of the head and end near the anterior nares of the base of the upper beak. In such cases the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 739 ends of the horns are fastened to the bottom of the sheaths so that the sheath is turned inside out when they are withdrawn. The tongue develops between the hyoid and mandibular arches (Fig. 432). The hyoid often extends into and supports the tongue. Conse- quently, the organ itself cannot be moved unless its supporting skeleton is likewise moved. The tongue is a sensory organ but can be used as an organ of touch and taste. There are little elevations (Fig. 433) known as papillae, in many if not most animal tongues. Some of these are mth Fig. 432. Two stages in the development of the tongue and pharyngeal floor of man. c, copula (basihyal element) ; cs, cervical sinus; ep, epiglottis ; g, glottis ; h, hyoid arch ; md, mandibular arch ; mth, median anlage of thyroid gland ; t, tuberculum impar ; tg, tongue. (P'rom Kingsley after His.) Fig. 433. Papillary surfaces of the human tongue showing fauces and tonsils. 1, 1, circumvallate papillae, in front of 2, the foramen caecum ; 3, fungi- form papillae ; 4, filiform and con- ical papillae ; 5, transverse and oblique rugae; 6, mucous glands at the base of the tongue and in the fauces ; 7, tonsils ; 8, part of the epiglottis ; 9, median glosso-epi- glottidean fold (frenum epiglot- tis). (From Hill after Sappey.) sensory while others have become hardened and serve as rasping organs. In the cyclostomes the tongue is thick and fleshy and is supported by a cartilaginous skeleton. The muscles which throw out the tongue are called protractor muscles and those which draw the tongue back to its normal position are known as retractors. These muscles are devel- oped from the postotic myotomes and their nerve supply comes from the hypo-glossal nerve. In the myxinoids the terminal end of the tongue possesses epidermal teeth which thus form a boring organ by which these animals obtain entrance into their prey. In the lampreys the surface has a rasping organ and also forms part of the sucking apparatus. In the amphibians, there are a few anura (aglossa), in which the tongue is practically absent, but in most of them the tongue actually contains in- trinsic muscles supplied by the. hypo-glossal nerve and in such case the tongue can be moved quite readily. The tongue of amphibians is made up of a small basal portion quite similar to that of the fish, but to this 740 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY is added a large glandular part which develops between that portion called the copula or medial region and the lower body. The amphibian tongue secretes slime which is rather useful in capturing its prey. In the anura the tongue is fastened to the margin of the jaw, while its free end when not in use lies on the floor of the mouth. In urodeles a much greater portion of the tongue is attached than in anura, where not only the anterior margin of the tongue, but a part of the ventral surface as well, is held quite definitely in place by attachments. The supporting skeleton of the tongue, as mentioned above, usually consists of two pairs of horns largely formed from the ventral ends of the hyoid and first branchial arches. The median portion or body which unites these horns is known as the copula. The reptilian tongue includes the parts already mentioned which are found in the amphibia, and in ad- dition a median growth which arises between the basi-hyal and the lower jaw known as the tuberculum impar (Fig. 432, t). Added to this, there is found a pair of lateral folds lying above the first visceral (mandibular) arch. From now on, as these parts develop, the trigeminal nerve sends twigs to the tongue in addition to the hypoglossal and glossopharyngeal as in the lower groups. In turtles and crocodiles, the tongue lies on the floor of the mouth and cannot be protruded. In reptiles possessing a retractile tongue, the hyoid apparatus extends into that organ. The un- paired cephalad portion which we have called the os entoglossum is equivalent to the term copula or basi-hyal; the retractor muscles are usually attached to the two horns. In the tongues of birds, the lateral parts of the reptilian tongue are not to be found and consequently there is no branch from the trigeminal nerve. It is to be remembered that during the development of a part, the nerves follow the growing muscle. The bird's tongue has no intrinsic muscles. It has many varieties of form, but is usually slender and covered with horny papillae. Even its skeleton is reduced, there being only an os entoglossum with a pair of structural elements attached in front, known as the paraglossae, while, on the sides, a pair of horns form the first branchial arch, and, in the median line behind, there is a portion called the urohyal. This is well marked in the woodpecker, as has been stated. Now, as to the use of the tongue. With the exception of the whale the tongue is very mobile in all forms of mammalian life. The mobility reaches its extreme in the ant-eaters (Fig. 387). It is largely due to the intrinsic muscles which have been derived to a considerable extent from the hypo-branchial musculature. The tongue itself is developed from the unpaired elevation — the tuberculum impar, and from two thickenings on the mandibular arch, which, together with the fleshy ridges above the hyoid arch, form the tongue. These fleshy ridges above the hyoid arch form the back part of the tongue. The line formed between the anterior and posterior parts cannot very readily be seen in the adult, but it is quite close to the circumvallate papillae and the foramen caecum. This latter DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 741 is a little open place or pit in close relationship to the development of the thyroid gland. It will thus be seen that the mammalian tongue is quite similar to that of reptiles, and exceeds that of birds by having portions in it that come from the mandibular arch. Two views are usually stated as to the relations of the mammalian and amphibian tongue. One holds that the amphibian tongue is entirely unrepresented in the mammals, unless it be by the sublingua. This is a fleshy fold beneath the tongue of marsupials and lemurs, traces of which occur in other mammals, even in man, as folds (plicae fimbriatae) be- neath the tongue. In some cases (Stenops) the sublingua is supported by cartilage, which may be the entoglossum. The other view is that at least the anterior part of the tongue in amniotes is quite like that of am- phibia. This view holds that the lyssa (a vermiform mass of cartilage, muscle, and connective tissue, lying ventral to the median septum of the tongue), is the equivalent of the entoglossum and its associated struc- tures. The dorsal surface of the tongue is covered with a soft epithelium with many mucous glands. There are also varying forms of papillae (Fig. 433), some of which, the taste buds for example, are sensory, while some become cornified to form epidermal teeth. A rasping type of tongue in which many of the papillae have become cornified is that of the cat. GLANDS In animals that live under water it is quite natural that compara- tively few glands should be found in the mouth cavity other than the very simplest kind. These pour out a slight amount of mucus. If glands were to exist there to any extent their secretionss would be washed away with the incoming and outgoing water that passes through the mouth cavity of such animals. Then, too, one can easily understand that, where a secretion of an animal gland is soluble in water, if such animal lives in water, the secretion could be of no value whatever. Contrasted to this, it can also readily be understood that animals which breathe air must have many glands moistening all surfaces constantly, or the ab- sorption, which is always going on, would soon have all parts of our bodies so dry that they could no longer function. For this reason ter- restial animals have many more secreting glands than water animals. Mammals therefore have salivary glands. The saliva, which these secrete, contains not only mucus, but a digestive ferment known as ptyalin which changes starch into sugar. Glands are named largely after the position they occupy, such as labial, lingual, sub-lingual, etc. In the air breathing amphibia, snakes, and lizards, there are labial glands opening at the basis of the teeth as well as an intermaxillary or internasal gland, in the septum between the nasal cavities, as well as 742 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY palatal glands near the choanae, although these latter glands are lacking in the caecilians. There is a sub-lingual gland on either side in many reptiles. Probably all secretions from salivary glands in snakes are poi- sonous. There is only one known poisonous lizard (Heloderma). In these the sub-lingual glands furnish the poison. Birds do not have labial and internasal glands, but they do have numerous other ones which open separately into the roof of the mouth. They also have anterior and posterior sub-linguals and even sometimes "angle" glands at the angle of the mouth, a condition sometimes supposed to be a remnant of the labial glands in the Sauropsida. Mammals possess small labial, buccal, lingual, and palatine glands imbedded in the mucous membrane of the mouth, each of which opens through a separate duct. All of these glands serve to keep the various surfaces moist. Many glands, however, have become specialized; for example, the intermaxillary glands of frogs and toads (opening into the roof of the mouth) secrete a viscid and sticky fluid which the tongue uses as it is thrown out to catch and hold insects and other moving objects. So, too, the buccal glands of poisonous serpents furnish the venom which is sent forth through the poison fangs. These poison fangs, it will be remem- bered, are teeth, and they are provided either with a groove along the external surface or else they have a very small lumen through the center of the tooth and act similarly to a hypodermic needle. Those glands which assist in throwing out a thin, watery lubricant are called serous glands, while those assisting in softening and dissolving dry food so that it can be more easily swallowed are called salivary glands without regard to their position. In mammals the salivary glands are the parotid, lying ventral to the ear (swelling up in man when he has mumps), the submandibular (called submaxillary in human anatomy), the sublingual, and the retrolingual. This last one is closely associated with the submandibular. It is not found in all mammals. The serous glands secrete a clear fluid without any salivary at- tribute. The molar gland of ungulates or the voluminous orbital gland of dogs are examples of this type. The orbital glands open into the mouth-cavity close to the last upper molar. The submandibular is found in the lower jaw beneath the mylohyoid muscle. Its duct (Wharton's duct) opens near the lower incisor teeth. The retrolingual gland is near the submandibular, its duct opening close to Wharton's. The sublingual gland lies between the tongue and the alveolar margin of the lower jaw. It empties through several ducts. The parotid opens through Stenson's duct near the molars of the upper jaw. THE PHARYNX We have already described the pharynx as the cephalic end of the digestive canal which is found between the cavity of the mouth and the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 743 oesophagus from which the respiratory system develops. It will be de- scribed in more detail in our discussion of the respiratory system. But, as there are certain more or less significant organs developed in the pharyngeal region, it may be \vell to discuss them at this point. These are especially the thymus and thyroid glands. It is customary to trace the development of these two glands from the cyclostomes upward, be- cause the cyclostomes furnish the first (more generalized) stage of de- velopment of such glands, and thus make it possible to follow up con- secutively any so-called advance from a lower developmental type to a higher one. (Figs. 294, 434.) There are six pharyngeal pockets (except in the cyclostomes) de- veloped on each side. Each of these pockets possesses a dorsal and a ventral recess. It is around these recesses that a group of epithelial cells develops an organ-anlage, all seemingly alike in the lower forms. In the higher forms, however, the dorsal group soon forms the thymus and the ventral forms what are called epithelial corpuscles. These thymus-anlagen may separate from the layer where they originated or they may fuse into a single elongated organ, or they may become constricted in number, the anterior ones disappearing. In the cyclostomes, there are seven anlagen. In the teleosts there are six pharyngeal pockets, but only four anlagen, and these are all the more posterior ones. tttyr Fig. 434. Thyroid and thymus glands with closely related organs. A, lizard; B, Hen; C, Calf. car, carotid artery; h, heart; p.br.k., postbranchial bodies; thym, thymus; thym' , point of thymus attachment; thyr, thyroid gland; tr, trachea; v.jug., jugular vein. (After DeMeuron.) In the mammals it is the third pocket which produces the thymus- anlage, although sometimes there is a tiny addition from the fourth. The epithelial corpuscles tend to disappear, but in amphibians they become glandular and associate with the carotid artery to form carotid glands. The number of these carotid glands varies in different groups of animals. Immediately behind the last gill slit, in the floor of the pharynx, there is a pair of evaginations. These have been termed supraperi- 744 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY cardial bodies because they secondarily become associated with the peri- cardium of the selachians. At present they are usually called post- branchial bodies. In selachians a complete pair of these bodies develops, but in urodeles and lizards only the left one ever completes its develop- ment, the right ultimately disappearing. Whether these bodies occur in birds and mammals is not known, although there are somewhat similar growths which are called parathyroid bodies, which do develop in these animals and then become lost in the lobes of the thyroid gland. Explanations of these bodies are not yet satisfactory. The thyroid has come to be considered a very important organ since endocrinology looms up so large in the medical world. This gland is an evagination of the pharynx. It is first seen in the selachians, but makes its appearance regularly in the higher forms. It arises from the floor of the pharynx at about the level of the interval between the first and second pockets. It becomes compact, and, like the thymus, does not develop a duct. In the larva of Petromyzon (one of the cyclostomes) the thyroid appears as an open trough, lined with cilia, which is in open communication with the pharynx, a position quite like that in Amphi- oxus. This trough is called the hypo-branchial groove or endostyle, an organ which assists the passage of food down the pharynx by exuding a slimy secretion and by furnishing a definite track, with cilia, which can thus facilitate its movement. Professor Wilder thinks the thyroid gland is primarily a digestive organ, though in the true vertebrates its structure, as well as its func- tion, has nothing to do with digestion. It is now generally taught that the internal secretions of the thyroid gland stimulate growth and inhibit development, while the secretions of the thymus gland stimulate development and inhibit growth. THE OESOPHAGUS This is the swallowing tube connecting the mouth with the stomach. It lies directly against the interior of the dorsal wrall of the body-cavity and thus lacks a serous coat. There are no digestive glands in its walls as a rule. Its length quite naturally varies with the length of the neck of the animal in which it occurs. Usually, its internal lining is a smooth epithelium. In the chelonians one finds cornified papillae pointing back- wards. The oesophagus, like other parts of the digestive tract, consists of five layers ; however, as it will be remembered that the ectoderm has indented to form the anterior and posterior openings into the digestive tract, a histological examination in the region where these two divisions merge into each other will show a change of structure. The muscles contained in the walls are striated at the cephalic end and extend back in some cases even into the stomach. The oesophagus usually has the same diameter throughout, but in many, if not most birds, there is a dilation called the crop or ingluvies. This may either DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 745 be an expansion on one side, or, as in pigeons, it may consist of median as well as a pair of lateral chambers. The crop may be a simple res- ervoir for food, or it may be a real glandular organ where secretions are poured forth and digestion started. In fact, during the breeding season pigeons secrete a milky fluid here which is used in feeding the young. THE STOMACH The various portions of the stomach have already been named and described in the frog. To the terms there given, should be added the small curvature at the top or anterior surface of the stomach, usually called the "lesser" curvature, and the posterior curvature called the "greater." In some forms of animals such as amphibians, the lining of the mouth, oesophagus, and stomach is covered with cilia. In birds the stomach is divided into an anterior glandular region called the proven- triculus, and a posterior muscular region called the gizzard. After the food has passed through the proventricular region and has mixed with the secretion from its glands it passes into the gizzard. This latter organ is not only muscular but the muscles have developed into a pair of disks with tendinous centers. There is a secretion in the gizzard which hardens the lining sometimes, even raising little elevations which are used in grinding the food. One might almost consider them teeth. Remembering that birds have no true teeth, one can readily understand the advantage such an animal has in a gizzard of this type. Grain-eating birds swallow small pebbles which enter the gizzard and are thus also made use of for grinding purposes. In fact, in the fossil pterodactyl there have been pebbles "found in such portions as to lead to the supposition that these reptiles also had a gizzard." It is well to note in this regard that the grain-eating birds have the best developed gizzards, while birds of prey have gizzards much less fully developed. In one species of pigeons a part of the wall of the gizzard is ossified. In mammals there are more varying forms of stom- achs. These are divided in from one to four regions. The ruminants have two well developed divisions of the stomach (Fig. 435), the rumen or paunch, and the reticulum or honey comb, though these two divi- sions are really enlarged portions of the oesophagus and serve as res- ervoirs of food. The food is regurgitated into the mouth for mastication, and after it is swallowed a second time passes into the true stomach, the psalterium (also called omasus or manyplies), and then to the abomasum or rennet. The latter is used for gastric digestion. It is of interest here to trace the embryonic changes of the mesentery in mammals. The mesentery supporting the stomach is called the meso- gastrium. The first curvature of the stomach, which is toward the left, broadens the corresponding part of the mesogastrium, an effect which is 746 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY still further increased by the lateral torsion of the entire stomach. The spleen develops within this widened part and by its weight produces a fullness which in turn causes a sagging down behind (dorsal to) the lesser curvature, although attached to the greater. This tendency con- tinues and causes the free lower fold of the bag-like extension to hang down behind the stomach (Fig. 427). This fold is called the greater omentum (omentum majus), which, as all mesenteries are essentially double, must consist of four layers of serous membranes, applied two and two, each pair holding between them the blood vessels and absorbent vessels naturally belonging to a mesen- Fig. 435. Stomach of a Sheep. 4 abom, abomasum ; d, intestine ; /J,/2, two folds which divide the rumen (paunch) into three regions; kl, plyoric valve; o (3-4) opening which leads from the third to the fourth stomach region ; oes, oesophagus ; 3, psalt, psalterium (omasus or manyplies) ; 2.ret, reticulum (honey- comb) ; l,rum, rumen (paunch) ; schl.r., pharyngeal groove. The piece of wire marked I shows the direction the un- masticated food takes, while // shows the direction of the re- masticated food. (After Carus and Otto.) tery. The cavity of the bag is the lesser peritoneal cavity of human anatomy, and the opening into it (behind the stomach) is the foramen epiploicum (foramen of Winslow). While the bag is widely open in most mammals, in man the foramen is considerably reduced in size, and the layers forming the pendulous fold are fused together to form a four- layered apron that hangs below the stomach and covers the intestinal folds. THE INTESTINE The duodenum takes its name from the twelve inches of rather large diameter intestine which immediately follows the stomach. The word "duodenum" is a name which was taken from human anatomy though DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 747 even in man it is closer to eleven inches in length than it is to twelve inches in the adult. In the lower forms of animals it varies in length and shape, as do all the other parts of the intestinal tract. Growing from this portion of the intestinal tract, immediately be- yond the pylorus, in some of the ganoids and teleosts there may be as many as one to two hundred blind tubes extending. These are known as the pyloric caeca. There are a few elasmobranchs which have only one pair of these caeca. These may be expanded into a pouch called a bursa Entiana. The region of the intestine running caudad from the duodenum is also called the post-hepatic intestine, and it is in this region caudad to the liver, in which most of the digestive processes, as well as most of the absorption of the products of digestion, take place. The food having been more or less mixed with various salivary secretions, and having been reduced to a semi-liquid state, receives the bile from the liver, and the pancreatic juice from the pancreas (Fig. 436). Fig. 436. A, The duodenum of a rabbit. P., Pyloric end of stomach ; yb., gall bladder with bile duct and hepatic ducts ; p.d., pancreatic duct. (From Krause after Claude Bernard.) B, Appendix vermiformis of kangaroo ; C, Appendix vermiformis of human embryo. (After Wiedersheim. ) It is then ready, after being moved back and forth by the peristaltic movement of the intestine, to be taken up and absorbed by the little finger-like processes (villi) which extend from the inner surface of the small intestine. As this has already been discussed it need not be en- tered into again here. It is well, however, to remember that the length of the intestine varies with the type of food the individual eats. It is longer in plant-eating animals than in meat-eating animals. A classic illustration of this is to compare the length of the intestine in the adult frog with that of the tadpole. The adult frog's intestine is no longer than that of a tadpole half the size a frog would be if it had kept up its relative increase in size. Any blind pouch is called a caecum. At the beginning of the large intestine where the small intestine enters into it, the joining itself is called the ileo-caecal junction, and the little projecting end of the large 748 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY intestine is the caecum. It is the tapering end of this caecum which forms the appendix (Fig. 436) in man and in some of the other verte- brates. There is also a valve at the junction of the ileum and caecum known as the ileo-caecal valve. The first part of the small intestine which follows the duodenum is known as the jejunum, while the more distal portion is the ileum. Professor Wilder gives the following interesting account of the ap- pendix and succeeding structures : "At the junction of the small intestine with the large, there is a strong tendency to form one or more caeca, or blind sacs, which often become digestive organs of great physiological efficiency. The charac- teristic form in reptiles is that of a single rather short and wide caecum, symmetrically placed. In birds there are usually two symmetrical ones, which attain great length in scratching birds (e. g., the common fowl), and in ducks and geese, but are quite rudimentary in certain others (woodpeckers, parrots, etc.). Ostriches possess a single caecum of great length (seven to eight meters) and furnished with an internal spiral partition, which greatly increases its effective surface. "In mammals a single caecum is developed, which varies greatly in size and functional importance. Rudimentary in edentates, most in- sectivores, and bats, it frequently attains an enormous size in herbivorous or graminivorous forms. In certain rodents (e. g., muskrat, woodchuck), its total capacity equals- or exceeds that of the remainder of the alimen- tary canal, and in the marsupial Phascolarctus it is three times the length of the body. In the rabbit it is provided with an internal spiral valve ; in certain other rodents and in the higher apes and man, the free end becomes rudimentary, restricts its lumen, and forms a worm-like process, the processus (appendix) vermiformis, which like all rudimen- tary organs, is subject to a large amount of individual variation. "Thus in the human subject the appendix varies in length between the limits of 2-23 cm., the average for an adult being 8-9 cm. It is longest proportionally during fetal life, its length relative to that of the large intestine being 1 :10, while in adult life it is 1 :20. It is longest abso- lutely between the ages of ten and twenty, after which it shows a slight reduction. Its status as a rudiment of slight functional value is shown by the tendency toward the obliteration of its lumen, a tendency which increases steadily with age. Furthermore, these two characters, reduc- tion in length and obliteration of the lumen, go hand in hand, short ap- pendices being usually solid, while large ones are apt to possess a lumen. "The position and arrangement of the colon varies considerably among various mammals. In man it begins low down on the right side, from which there proceed in order an ascending, transverse, and de- scending portion, connected with the rectum by a sigmoid flexure, through which the tube attains the median line ; a similar disposal is seen in many other anthropoids, in lemurs and rodents, the majority of DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 749 carnivores, and a few others. A more complex condition than this is produced by the formation of long, narrow loops along the course of either the ascending or transverse colons, or both, and these loops may remain simple or roll into spirals. Such colon labyrinths are seen in ruminants, in certain rodents as the lemmings and jumping mice, and in a few lemurs. "From this brief review of the alimentary canal and its modifications the impression is gained that in this array of enlargements, elongations, diverticula, spiral valves, and other devices, we have to do, not with a consecutive anatomical history, but with numerous special cases of physiological adaptations, developed in response to need ; and that a similarity in one of these particulars implies, not genetic relationship necessarily, but a similar demand responded to in a similar way. The main object to be achieved in all cases is to regulate the amount of diges- tive surface to the demands offered by the various kinds of food, and as there is but a limited number of mechanical or architectural devices possible, the same ones are employed in unrelated groups of animals, having arisen independently in response to a similar physiological need. This phenomenon of parallel development (or 'analogical resemblance,' as Darwin calls it), may appear in any system or part and has been a fre- quent source of error in the estimation of the inter-relationship of ani- mals." It has already been shown that the intestinal tract begins as a straight tube, and enlargements take place in various portions of this tube, the most prominent enlargement being the stomach. This enlarge- ment has various paired nerves passing down each side of the digestive canal, prominent among which are the vagus nerves. When the stomach has become sufficiently large and extends some distance ventral, it turns, so that what was the ventral region now points toward the right side of the individual. This means that any nerves or blood vessels which lie along the right side of the embryonic digestive tract will then lie on the dorsal surface of the stomach and, of course, the left nerves and blood vessels then become ventral. It will save considerable confusion of thought if this be remembered. THE LIVER (HEPAR) The liver, as well as the pancreas (Fig. 293) — the two largest diges- tive glands — are derived from the mucosa of the intestine. The former grow by a ventral, and the latter by a dorsal, evagination. These organs are in one sense of the word really enlarged intestinal glands which pushed their way through the mucosa, submucosa, and musculosa of the intestine, and then, as they pushed against the serosa (that tissue being held down very loosely), the serosa stretched and grew directly ahead of the two glands. The liver and pancreas are therefore covered by a serous membrane, and both are connected on the side from which 75U COMPARATIVE ANATOMY they pushed forth by a double layer of serosa which form their respec- tive mesenteries. This serous covering is continuous with the covering of the entire intestinal tract and is known as the visceral peritoneum which also forms the lining of the abdominal cavity. The liver is the largest gland in the body, but no matter how many lobes it may develop or how large it may grow, a layer of serosa covers every part of the gland except that part lying toward the side from which it grew. Here, as stated, the layers coming from each side nat- urally unite and form the double layer of serosa — the mesentery. The two large suspensory mesenteries of the liver are called the ligamentum hepato-gastricum (sometimes also called the lesser omentum) and the ligamentum suspensorium-hepatis. Practically the entire length of the digestive canal which passes through the body-cavity is attached by both a dorsal and ventral mesen- tery. The ventral mesentery becomes lost below the region of the liver, leaving a sharp ventral edge to the two hepatic ligaments. The function of the liver is to secrete bile (gall), as well as to form various internal products such as glycogen, urea, and uric acid, all of which substances are of great importance to the living animal. The bile is sent to the intestines through the bile duct (also called choledochal duct), while the other products are carried away by the blood. Sub- stances which are not sent through a duct but are carried throughout the body by the blood stream are known as substances of internal secre- tion. The liver is a compound tubular gland. The many little tubules in the liver which form the gall capillaries empty into the bile duct. This tubular condition of the liver is easily seen in ichthyopsida, but is dim- cult to observe in mammals because of the tubular anastomosis and be- cause of the close interrelation of the bile vessels and blood vessels. The liver begins its growth cephalad, at about the same time the blood vessels have already developed into the large sinus venosus and hepatic veins. These blood vessels also contribute to the septum trans- versum (Fig. 348). The growth of these latter organs prevents the liver from continuing the cephalad growth so that from now on it increases in size in an opposite direction. Concomitant with its increase in size there is an immigration of mesenchyme between the lobules of the liver. The blood vessels enter at this time. The bile duct (if there are several, this is only true of one of them) has a lateral diverticulum or enlargement. This is the gall bladder (Figs. 426, II, 436), which serves as a reservoir for the bile. It may be found in the substance of the liver itself, but is usually more or less separate and lies dorsal to the liver substance. It is lacking in some mammals. In fact, it is not uncommon in man to have it removed sur- gically. Both the liver and the gall bladder have ducts leading from them. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 751 Those coming from the liver are called hepatic ducts; those from the gall bladder are called cystic ducts (Fig-. 436). These unite, forming the common duct which is also called the choledochal duct. It is this common or choledochal duct which empties into the intestine. The liver has many and varying shapes in the different animals, depending to a large extent not only upon the shape of the body but on the shape and size of the organs which press upon it. The color of the gall may vary from a brown, yellow, purple or green, to a vermilion. THE PANCREAS This is the second largest of the digestive glands (Fig. 436) and secretes digestive ferments of great strength, such as trypsin, steapsin, and amylopsin, which digest both proteins and carbohydrates. In some respects the pancreas resembles the salivary glands and so compensates in part for the absence of such glands in the lower verte- brates. This pancreas arises, as already mentioned, from the dorsal wall of the intestine, close to the liver. There are usually three diverticula, one dorsal and two ventral. These latter soon unite. In sharks there is only a single diverticulum, while in the sturgeon there are not only two dorsal but also an equal number of ventral. The proximal portion forms the ducts, the distal, the glands. The number of ducts that per- sists varies immensely. In some forms of animals all but one disap- pears, while in the lampreys all may be lost. However, in the mammals there are usually two ducts persisting, the ventral known as the pan- creatic or Wirsung's duct, and the dorsal called the accessory or San- torini's duct. Again, the ducts may all remain distinct, or they may unite before they enter the intestines. One of them may even unite with the bile duct. While not absolutely proved, it seems that all verte- brates have some form of pancreas. This may be only a slender tube in the mesentery, as in teleosts, or it may lie outside the muscles in the intestinal walls as in dipnoi. In the cyclostomes it is partly concealed at the insertion of the spiral valve, partly in the liver. In these forms, however, the duct has entirely disappeared so that it forms one of the ductless glands, or in other words a gland of internal secretion. The pancreas varies in shape and size. It may be long and straight or pos- sess many lobules. Almost always it is placed between the duodenum and the stomach. There is a question as to whether or not the gland is composed of two separate and distinct structures. SUMMARY OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM AMPHIOXUS The mouth lies at the bottom of a vestibule (Fig. 437) and is an oral funnel bounded by ciliated buccal tentacles, with cartilaginous sup- 752 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Fig. 437. Amphiox ' us lanceola ' tus : a, Anus ; au, eye ; 6, ventral muscles ; c, body cavity ; ch, notochord ; d, intestine ; do and du, dorsal and ventral walls of intestine ; /, fin- seam ; h, skin ; k, gills ; ka, gill-artery ; Ib, liver ; Iv, liver-vein ; m1, brain vesicle ; m2, spinal marrow ; tng, stomach ; o, mouth ; p, ven- tral pore ; r, dorsal muscle ; s, tail fin ; t, t, aorta ; v, in- testinal vein ; x, boundary between gill intestine and stomach intestine; y, hypo- branchial groove. (After Hackel.) ports that serve to funnel the water into the pharynx. The mouth is surrounded by a mem- brane, the velum, which acts as a sphincter muscle. A set of velar tentacles that serve as a grating to strain out the larger particles is de- veloped on the free edges of the velum. The pharynx has sometimes upward of fifty or more pairs of gill-clefts (also called branchial apertures) that are separated by partitions in which lie cartilaginous skeletal rods, connected across with one another, forming a sort of bran- chial basket. These apertures serve as means of communication between the pharynx and the atrium (the space between the pharynx and the body-wall). The endostyle (a longitudinal groove on the ventral side of the pharynx), the peripharyngeal and hyperpharyngeal grooves, all secrete mucus in the form of a continuous rope which carries the food along with it to the stom- ach. The atrium is a sort of mantle, composed of folds of the body-wall that enclose the whole branchial apparatus in a voluminous water-filled chamber, the atrial cavity. The atrium is lined with ectoderm and has but one opening to the ex- terior, a posteriorly directed atriopore, which carries off the water that comes through the pharyngeal clefts. The atrium is a protection for the delicate pharynx while the animal is in its sandy burrow and helps to maintain an uninter- rupted current of water. ASCIDIANS (TUNICATES) In the Ascidians (Fig. 313, IV) the method of food concentration and transportation is simi- lar to that of Amphioxus, although the apparatus which carries on this function seems to be of an improved type more appropriate for a sedentary life. An atrial cavity surrounds the pharynx which in turn is enclosed by a mantle that sur- rounds the whole body. A thick tunic (after which the animal takes its name) covers this mantle. The atriopore is not posterior in direc- tion, but lies close to the mouth and is forwardly directed. The stomach opens near the bottom of the pharynx, and the intestine takes a complete turn and opens forward into the atrium. There is DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 753 no notochord and no neural tube. Practically none of the structures characteristic of the dorsal side of Amphioxus are present. FISHES The mouth opens directly into the capacious pharynx, which is per- forated by five gill-clefts and the paired spiracles. A short oesophagus of large caliber leads into a U-shaped stomach (Fig. 438), which in turn Fig. 438. A female dogfish in which the abdominal and pericardial cavities have been opened from the ventral side, and the viscera somewhat displaced. The pericardium has been opened slightly to the left of the middle line, and the right lobe of the liver has been cut away. ab. p., Abdominal pores ; 6., bile duct ; c., cardiac limb of stomach ; c.ar., caudal 754 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY communicates with the intestine through a valve-shaped opening con- trolled by a sphincter muscle. The cardiac end of the stomach may end as a blind pouch. The organ is often sufficiently distensile to permit one animal to swallow another as large as itself. The intestine is short but of large diameter and has a secreting surface greatly enlarged by a fold in the shape of a spiral staircase (present, however, in very few teleostei) called the spiral valve. All primitive fish have this spiral valve. A large bi-lobed liver, which is provided with a gall bladder and a bile duct, opens into the intestine. The pancreas also pours its secretion into the intestine. TURTLES The digestive system of reptiles varies somewhat in carnivorous and herbivorous forms, but in all turtles it is comparatively simple In the turtle there are no teeth. The tongue is broad and soft and cannot be protruded. The stomach is a simple U-shaped enlargement of the ali- mentary tract. The intestine is without a caecum ; it is clearly divided into large and small intestines. The cloaca is proportionately large: AVES The mouth is hard aad narrow and the tongue is hard and often of great functional value. The oesophagus which has many large cornified papillae, develops an enlargement called the crop. The stomach has a proventriculus which secretes the gastric juice, and a muscular gizzard or gastric mill. The intestine is U-shaped, and is composed of duo- denum, ileiim, and rectum. Between the ileum and rectum there are two caeca. The rectum opens into a cloaca. There are two bile ducts but no gall bladder. The pancreas empties into the duodenum. The intestine is found to be longer and more coiled in ascending vertebrates. In cyclostomes, teleostomes, and all non-placental mammals, the intes- tine terminates in a cloaca, as do also the urinary and genital ducts. In placental mammals and in cyclostomes and teleostomes the urinary and genital ducts have a distinct and separate opening from that of the intestine. MAMMALS In all vertebrates (except birds and mammals) the coelom consists of the following two compartments : artery ; c v., caudal vein ; d, bursa Entiana ; f.L, falciform ligament appearing on surface of left lobe of liver in which it is embedded ; i., intestine ; i.a., intestinal branch of anterior mesenteric artery ; 1., lienogastric artery ; not., notochord ; ov., ovary ; p., portal vein lying beside hepatic artery ; ps., pancreas with duct opening into intestine ; py., pyloric limb of stomach ; r., rectum, between hinder ends of oviducts, with rectal gland (r.gl.) attached to its dorsal side; sh., right shell gland on course of right oviduct ; sp., spleen ; sp.c., spinal cord ; ur.p., urinary papilla ; v., branch of portal vein formed by junction of intestinal and splenic veins. Besides the above, note — nostrils : oronasal grooves ; mouth ; pectoral and pelvic fins ; pericardial and abdominal cavities ; heart, consisting of sinus venosus (behind), ventricle, auricle (showing at sides of ventricle), and conus ; cloaca, and transverse section of tail, showing at the sides the myomeres, above the anterior dorsal fin, and in the middle the cartilage of the backbone enclosing spinal cord, notochord, and blood vessels. (After Borradaile. ) DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 755 (1) The pericardial cavity which contains the heart only. (2) The pleuroperitoneal cavity which contains the other viscera. Fig. 439. A dissection of the neck and thorax of a rabbit. The heart has been displaced a little to the right, and the pericardium removed. ao.a., Aortic arch ; c.c., common carotid arteries ; c.sy., cervical sympathetic nerve ; d.ao., dorsal aorta ; dep., depressor nerve ; di., diaphragm ; du.ar., ductus arteriosus ; ex.j , external jugular vein ; f.c., point at which the common carotid divides ; hy., hypoglossal nerve ; i.c.g., inferior or posterior cervical sympathetic ganglion ; inn., in- nominate artery ; i.v.c., inferior vena cava, lying in mediastinum ; l.au., left auricle ; l.l., left lung ; l.phr., left phrenic nerve ; l.pl c., left pleural cavity; l.v., left ventricle; lar., larynx; aes., oesophagus in neck; ces'., the same in mediastinum ; p.c., posterior cornu of the hyoid ; pul.a., pulmonary artery ; pul.v., pulmonary vein ; r.au., right auricle ; r.d., ramus descendeus ; r.L, right lung, one part bulging into mediastinum; r.lar., recurrent laryngeal nerve ; r.pl.c., right pleural cavity ; T.V., right ventricle ; s.c.g., superior cervical sympathetic ganglion ; s.lar., superior iaryngeal branch of vagus ; s.v.c., superior vena cava ; scl., subclavian artery and vein ; smx., submaxillary gland ; t.m., tendon of mandibular muscle ; thy., thyroid gland ; tra., trachea ; v.£., vagus ganglion ; vag., vagus ; W.d., duct of submaxillary gland (Wharton's duct) ; X., XII., cranial nerves. (From Borradaile. ) 756 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY A partition, the transverse septum (Fig. 348), separates the two cavities. In vertebrates lower than Anura the pericardial cavity lies cephalad to the pleuroperitoneal cavity, but beginning with the Anura, the pericardial cavity comes to lie ventral to even the cephalic end of the pleuroperitoneal cavity, because the heart and the pericardial cavity descend and carry the transverse septum with them. This descent causes the wall of the pericardial cavity, together with the transverse septum, to form a sac — the pericardial sac — around the heart. The part of the pleurocardial cavity dorsal to the heart later be- comes the pleural cavities. In birds and mammals the pleuroperitoneal cavity divides into an- terior and posterior regions by a partition which descends from the dor- sal body-wall to unite with the transverse septum. This partition is known as the oblique septum in birds and the diaphragm in mammals (Fig. 439). In mammals this diaphragm contains a great amount of striated muscle. In birds and mammals the coelom has become divided into four ;ompartments : one pericardial, two pleural and one peritoneal cavity. While a dorsal mesentery supports the digestive tract in all verte- brates, the ventral mesentery is absent in the adult, except in the regions of the liver and bladder. In mammals, the mesentery of the stomach is prolonged posteriorly to become the greater omentum. An ileo-colic valve and a single caecum are usually found where small and large intestine, meet in mammals, although there are a few instances where there are two caeca. In some edentates, in bats, in some carnivorous animals, and in many whales, neither valve nor caecum are found. In some rodents and marsupials the caecum grows as long or longer than the animal's body (it is of great value in digestion here), while in man, it degenerates into the vermiform appendix, the lumen of which tends to close with increasing age. In mammals the intestine and colon are straight tubes at first but grow into folds later. In monotremes the rectum terminates in a cloaca as it does in the Sauropsida. This condition also occurs in the young of all mammals, but, in all these, the urogenital and digestive openings become separated later, and a perineal fold develops between the openings. CHAPTER LII. THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM It will be remembered that in studying the frog, the trachea and oesophagus have their beginning close together at the caudal end of the pharynx which is also the beginning of the cephalic end of the larynx. In the higher forms of animals the trachea divides into two bronchii. These bronchii again continually subdivide until there are many tiny tubules called bronchioles spreading out to all parts of the lungs. These bronchioles form a sort of an air-capillary system through which the inspired air is sent to all parts of the lungs, there to assist in aerating the entire pulmonary blood which has been sent to the lungs from the heart, through the pulmonary artery. In order that the oxygen in the inspired air can come in direct contact with the blood itself, there must be a rather thin, more or less porous, membrane separating the blood and air. The lungs, liver, spleen, and kidneys are known as parenchymatous organs. It is well to bear this in mind constantly, for many diseases find their way from one of these organs to another. A parenchymatous. organ is more or less sponge-like and consists of loosely woven tissue in which there are many porous openings. Such organs are invariably supplied with great quantities of blood. These organs, especially the lungs, have a decidedly thin membrane surrounding the sac-like ends of the bronchioles. Here the oxygen passes through the thin walls to come into direct contact with the venous blood which has been sent there through the pulmonary artery. What has been said so far regarding the respiratory system applies to vertebrates at large, although those who live a part of their lives in water, have no lungs during that period, and in this respect resemble fish and other animals which spend all of their time in the water. In such forms gills (also called branchiae) develop on the walls of some of the visceral clefts (these are also called gill clefts (Fig.. 295) or branchial clefts). The clefts come from the sides of the pharynx and begin as a pair of pouches or grooves of the pharyngeal entoderm. Extending toward the sides of the animal they push aside the mesoderm until they reach the ectoderm. The ectoderm and entoderm then fuse to form a plate. This plate becomes perforated, thus connecting the pharynx with the exterior of the body by a number of openings. These openings or clefts begin development at the cephalic end and successively continue caudad. The visceral pouches, although developing in all verteberates, do not as a rule break through in the mammals. In fact, the pouches may 758 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY disappear without leaving any trace whatever except a Eustachian tube and the various ductless glands already mentioned. In the true verte- brates fourteen pairs of these clefts is the largest number found although there are more than this in Amphioxus and Balanoglossus. In the cyclostomes there are usually seven (eight to seven in notidanid sharks, five or six in teleostomes, and five in birds and mammals). In this num- bering the oral cleft is not included though there is some evidence that the mouth arose by the coalescence of a pair of gill clefts. The gill clefts do not form a serial repetition in the same manner as does segmentation in other parts of the body, and it may even be .that the metamerism of the head is not of the same character as the meta- merism of the gill clefts. In the amniotes where gills are never devel- oped the branchial pouches or clefts, however, appear and bear prac- tically the same relation to the aortic and branchial arches as in the lower forms. From this, it is often assumed that all of these higher forms having this relation have had ancestors with gills. There is an interbranchial septum covered externally with ectoderm and internally with entoderm between every two successive gill clefts. The inner portion of this septum is composed of mesoderm which in its earlier stages contains a diverticulum of the coelom. Later, blood-ves- sels (aortic arches) and skeletal elements (visceral arches) are developed in each septum, the visceral arches forming on the splanchnic side of the coelom and hence are not comparable to girdles or ribs. In Cyclostomes and fishes the gills are either filamentous or lamellar outgrowths of epithelium, which have developed on both anterior and posterior walls of the interbranchial septa. Each gill contains a loop of blood-vessel. There are two very thin layers between the blood and the surrounding water, which thus permit an exchange of gases. The filaments (sometimes called gill-plates), (Fig. 440), which bound each gill anteriorly and posteriorly on one side, form a demibranch, and it is the two demibranchs of a sep- tum which then constitute a gill. This means that each cleft is bounded by demibranchs belonging to two gills. Some forms have external gill- filaments in the very young which are later absorbed. In sharks that have more than B five gill clefts, as well as in the Cyclostomes, the first cleft bears gills, but in many elasmobranchs, as •veil as in the ganoids (sturgeon and A. Diagram of a gill, a, gill-arteries ; br, branchial ray ; d, demibranchs ; kb, cross sec- tion of bone of branchial arch ; s, septum ; v, veins. (B, after Cuvier.) RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 759 Polypterus), this cleft becomes smaller and smaller until there is only a dorsal opening on the head — the spiracle. In most vertebrates this spiracle is closed in the adult but in the tailless amphibia and the higher mammals the inner portion persists as the Eustachian tube and the greater part of the middle ear. There are two types of gills in fishes. Practically all the elasmo- branchs with the exception of the chimaeroids, have the interbranchial septum well developed so that it extends beyond the demibranchs and thus differentiates an excurrent canal in the cleft. The prolonged sep- tum bends caudally at the outer end to protect the gills from injury. In teleostomes and chimaeroids the broad fold of the posterior end of the hyoid arch grows backwards over the clefts to form a gill-cover or opercular apparatus. The gill-cover encloses an extrabranchial or atrial chamber into which the clefts empty. The chamber opens by a single slit behind the operculum. In those instances, just mentioned, when an operculum is developed the interbranchial septum is always reduced in size until there is only a slender bar from which the demibranchs extend into the atrial cham- ber. The two opercular folds are usually continuous beneath the pharynx. In teleosts and ganoids the operculum (gill-cover proper) is usually differentiated from a more ventral portion known as the branchiostegal membrane which is quite flexible, and possesses a skeleton of slender branchiostegal rays. The ventral wall of the pharynx in these cases is nothing but a slender bar and is called the isthmus. Just as the air in the lungs in the higher forms of animals is taken in through the outer air passages and then passes through the trachea, bronchia, and bronchioles to the delicate septa in the lungs, so in animals possessing gills there is likewise a delicate septum which separates the blood from the stream of water which is constantly being passed over the gills. Water is as a rule drawn into the mouth and as the enlarged oral cavity contracts it is forced out through the clefts, passing over the gills on its way. In the Myxinoids the oesophageo-cutaneous duct prob- ably acts as the incurrent passage when the animal has the front of the head immersed in the flesh of a fish. In the lampreys the water is prob- ably taken and forced out through the gill clefts when the animal is attached to some object. The spiracle serves as an incurrent opening in many elasmobranchs, and it is provided with a valve which develops from the anterior wall and closes to prevent any backflow. Sturgeons and Polypterus have spiracles throughout life. Sharks have the gill clefts on the side in the so-called neck region while skates have them on the lower surface of the body. This differ- ence is brought about by the union of the anterior appendages with the head in skates. Many teleosts have breathing valves at the mouth opening which 760 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY permit water to enter but not flow out again. In such cases there is a more posterior pair formed by the branchiostegal membrane closing the opercular opening through which the outflow of water may occur. In some of the teleosts and in such forms as Polypterus there is an opercular gill with respiratory functions developed on the inner surface of the operculum, while in some of the elasmobranchs (even those in which the spiracle is closed), pseudobranchs composed of vertical folds are developed on the anterior wall of the cleft. These are homologous with gills but they are not respiratory, as they receive only arterial blood which passes from the pseudobranch to the choroid coat of the eye and sometimes even to the brain. AMPHIBIA In the amphibia, although the gill pouches form just as they do in fishes, the first and fifth never break through, while in nearly all adult forms all the clefts are closed. Exceptions occur in perennibranchs and the derotremes in which from one to three external openings persist. In the tailed amphibia and in the caecilians the operculum is merely a fold of integument in front of the gill-area (Fig. 341). The operculum develops without a skeleton support in the larva of tailless amphibians. This fold grows backward over the gills and fuses. Thus there are atrial chambers formed which usually open by a single excurrent pore to the exterior. In a few forms, however, both right and left excurrent openings occur. It is usually conceded that the gills of amphibia are of ectodermal origin, and that there may be both external and internal gills present at the same time. In the tailless amphibia, such as frogs, the operculum grows over the gill clefts, and the external gills are folded into the atrial chamber where they are gradually reduced, while the gills which de- veloped from the walls of the clefts become functional. At the time of metamorphosis the clefts are entirely closed and the gills absorbed. It has usually been taught that the gills of fishes were entodermal in origin, but if this is true, they cannot be homologues of the amphibian gills. However, the structures are so much alike in appearance, in struc- ture and in function, that it seems they must be homologous. Neverthe- less, more evidence will have to be awaited before positive assertions of value can be made. !!f It may be interesting, and it may with further knowledge some time prove of value, to note from the foregoing, that amniotes have visceral pouches in the embryo, though gills are never developed in the adult ; that reptiles have five of these pouches — birds and mammals four. In man only the first breaks through to form a cleft, while in many of the higher forms there are grooves on the outside of the neck which show their original position. The manner of obliterating these external grooves is as follows : The arches most cephalad, especially the hyoid, RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 761 after enlarging, slides back over those lying more caudad so that at least the external branchial grooves lie in a pocket called the cervical sinus. This sinus is later closed by a process from the hyoid arch extending over it quite similarly to the development as shown in Anura. Inter- nally the entodermal branchial pouches, with the exception of the first, disappear, but the first persists as the Eustachian tube and the greater part of the middle ear. THE SWIM BLADDER The swim bladder arises as a diverticulum of the alimentary canal remaining in contact with that canal by a pneumatic duct in the ganoids and one group of teleosts (Physostomi), (Fig. 441). This duct, although Fig. 441. Swim-bladders of those fresh-water fish whose air-bladders have a duct (physostomous) . A, Pickerel; B, Carp; C, Eel. b, swim- bladder; d, duct; g, red gland; oe, oesophagus. (From Kingbley after Tracy.) usually emptying into the oesophagus, may connect with the stomach. However, in most teleosts the duct disappears entirely at an early date. The swim bladder lies dorsal to the digestive duct outside of the peri- toneum, although below the vertebrae and excretory organs. It may be of almost any dimensions, sometimes extending the entire length of the body. In some forms of teleosts, which remain almost constantly at the bottom, it is absent entirely. The swim bladder, although usually un- paired, is paired in most ganoids and may even form three divisions of connecting sacs. There may be diverticula of any and all kinds. The internal part of it may be smooth and simple or it may be subdivided by various septa, or it may even be alveolar resembling the lungs of higher vertebrates. There may be striated muscle fibers in the walls, and in some Siluroids and Cyprinoids they are even somewhat calcified on ac- count of some of the vertebral processes being included. The blood supply of the swim bladder is arterial, and comes from either the aorta or the coeliac axis ; sometimes different portions receive blood from both these vessels. The arteries break up in the walls to become networks of minute vessels known as retia mirabilia. These often form "red spots" on the inner surface. From the retia the blood passes to the postcardinal, hepatic or vertebral body-veins, in the ganoids and phystomous species, especially those with a wide pneumatic duct. The swim bladder contains a greater quantity of O2 than is found in solution in the water in which the fish lives. It is therefore probably a storage organ for O2 for use when the fish dives to lake bottoms in 762 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY the summer for food. This can be understood the better when it is re- membered that there is no O, at all at the bottoms of lakes in summer. The swim bladder is supposed to make it possible for its possessor to regulate its equilibrium while in its watery medium. This supposition has the following- facts upon which to rest its validity : ground-feeding teleosts do not have it, but those who must adjust their position in such a way as to obtain the requisite food do have it, while in many of these there is a diverticulum from it to various portions of the ear. LUNGS AND AIR DUCTS In all the higher forms of animals and in some few fishes — dipnoids —the lungs arise as an outpushing from the ventral side of the pharynx immediately behind the last gill pouch. This outpushing divides almost immediately into a right and left half, and just as the outgrowing from the digestive tract carried the covering of that tract before it, so, too, a peritoneal covering is carried before the respiratory organs. As development goes on, the growing part protrudes into the coelom so that the parts lying therein have an entodermal lining which was derived from the epithelium of the pharynx, while the outer layer of peritoneum is serous mesenchyme carrying blood and lymph vessels, nerve and smooth-muscle fibers between the two. That portion of the respiratory system from the pharynx to the lungs consists of trachea, bronchi, and their accessories. These together constitute what are com- monly called air ducts. The lungs are treated as distinct from these. On the ventral side of the trachea, in air-breathing animals, there is a separation which forms the larynx (Fig. 442), the beginning of which can be studied in amphibia, in the lower forms of which, a simple pair of cartilages are developed on the sides of the glottis (the glottis simply being an elongated slit connecting the pharynx with the air ducts). These cartilages develop in the position of a reduced visceral arch. In other forms, such as the Urodeles, the more cephalic ends of the lateral car- tilages separate from the rest and form an arytenoid which is the first of the laryngeal cartilages, and is imbedded in the walls of the glottis. The balance of the lateral cartilages may remain as it is, or divide into any number of pieces. However, the more cephalic pair of these pieces often fuse in the mid ventral line to form the cricoid, which is the sec- ond element of the laryngeal framework. There are various antagonistic muscles attached to these cartilages which make it possible to open and close the opening. The vocal cords are formed by a pair of folds of the laryngeal lining which extend parallel to the margins of the glottis. Sound is produced by the vibrations caused by the air passing over these cords as they are relaxed or tightened in different degrees. The larynx is quite rudimen- tary in reptiles and birds. In the latter the syrinx, shortly to be de- scribed, takes the place of the larynx. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 763 In the mammals one or more thyroid cartilages are added on the dorsal side to those already described. In the monotremes the hyoid apparatus and the larynx are most intimately connected, but in the higher forms of mammals such an association is not so intimate even in the embryo. The thyroid cartilage forms a half ring on the ventral side of the anterior end of the larynx in the higher mammals. The anterior dorsal angles form cornua which connect with the hyoid by a ligament. Dorsal A. Fig. 442. A, Muscles of larynx (voice box) of Rana esculenta. Dorsal view, aryt., arytenoid cartilage ; dtt.lar., dilator muscle ; hy.lar., hyo-laryngeus muscle ; lig.i.crie., intercricoideum ligament ; s., tendon of posterior sphincter muscle ; sph.ant., anterior sphincter muscle ; sph.post., posterior sphincter muscle. (After Gaupp.) B, Laryngeal apparatus of a Turtle, ar, arytenoid ; 61-2, first and second branchial arches ; cr, cricoid ; d, dilator laryngis muscle ; g, glottis ; h, hyoid ; he, hyoid cornua ; sph, sphincter laryngis ; tr, trachea. Cartilage is dotted, bone is black. (From Kingsley, after Gb'ppert.) to the thyroid is the glottis with the arytenoids in its walls. Posterior to the glottis is the ring-shaped cricoid, which is followed by the trachea. Anterior to the glottis lies the epiglottis, which is a fold of mucous mem- brane supported by an internal cartilage which articulates with the an- terior margin of the thyroid. Trie epiglottis usually stands erect, thus leaving the glottis open during respiration, while during deglutition it is pulled back into the glottis, supposedly preventing the entrance of food into the trachea, but there are numerous cases on record where the epi- glottis has been removed and such individuals seem to have no difficulty with their food getting into the "wrong throat." The cavity of the larynx bears a vocal cord on either side internally. These are folds of the mucous membrane which extend from the thyroid to the arytenoids, and by moving these latter cartilages they can be 764 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY tightened or relaxed to alter the pitch of the note caused by their vibra- tion. A pocket lies anterior to the cords, the laryngeal ventricle (sinus of Morgagni), one on each side, quite small in most mammals, but well developed in the anthropoid apes to large vocal sacs. In the chimpanzee there is a median vocal sac in addition. These act as resonators and add strength to the voice. The larynx is prolonged in whales and marsupials so that it projects into the choana behind the soft palate. This is an adaptation to the manner of taking food from the water and breathing at the same time in the whales, while in the young marsupials the milk is forced into the mouth by the muscles of the mammae of the mother, an arrangement that prevents strangulation. The trachea (Fig. 442) in the higher forms has a series of cartilagi- nous rings forming its walls. It varies in length and size as well as the quantity of cartilage strengthening its walls in the different genera. It is as a rule shortest in lizards and often convoluted in turtles. The carti- laginous rings may be entirely complete or the dorsal part of the ring may be of membrane. It is usually longest in birds. It is interesting to note that the larynx never forms the voice organs of birds. In this form of animal life, the sound producing parts are formed from membranes which also vibrate by the passage of air, but this voice organ is located at the point where the trachea divides into bronchi and is known as a syrinx (Fig. 443). The most common form of this organ is that in which the last rings of the trachea unite to form a resonating chamber, the tym- 9y f* **i$ panum, while folds of mem- brane, called internal and ex- ternal tympanic membranes (not to be confused with the similarly named structure in the ear), extend into the cavity from the median and lateral wall of each bronchus. In some instances there is also an internal skeletal ele- ment called a pessulus, bearing a semilunar membrane on its lower surface. This type of syrinx may be a symmetrical and even may form a bony resonating vesicle. There are various muscles attached to trachea and bronchi which per- mit an alteration of the tension of the folds in all forms of Fig. 443. Columba livia. The lungs with the posterior end of the trachea, ventral aspect, a.in., aperture of anterior thoracic air-sac ; br., principal bronchus ; br' ,br.' rbr"'., secondary bronchi; p. aperture of ab- dominal air-sac ; p.a., pulmonary artery entering lung ; p.in., aperture of posterior thoracic air-sac ; p.v., pulmonary vein leaving lung-; sb.b., aperture of interclavicular air-sac; sp. b., aperture of cervical air-sac; sy., syrinx; tr., trachea. (From Parker's Zootomy. ) RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 765 syrinx, thus making it possible to change the sounds uttered. In the mammals the cartilaginous rings of the trachea are dorsally incomplete, this position being closed by membrane. A structure of this kind permits the tube to remain open and yet also permits it to "give" a little when food passes down behind it through the oesophagus. THE LUNGS In the lung fishes there is usually a single sac, although several types of these animals have paired lungs. The pulmonary arteries spring from the last efferent branchial artery of both sides. The blood supply, therefore, under normal conditions, is arterial, and the lungs cannot act as respiratory organs. "In times of drought (Protopterus), or of foul water (Ceratodus), the gills no longer function, and the pulmonary arteries bring venous blood to the lungs." In amphibia the two lungs are elongated. They are united at their bases though true bronchi are absent. They may or may not have alveoli. In the frog the two lungs are distinct, the walls being divided into a series of sacs or infundibula lined with alveoli. The infundibula open into a central chamber, which, since it is ciliated and has numerous glands in its walls, may be compared to a bronchiole. In those terrestrial urodeles which are lungless in all stages of de- velopment, no traces of larynx or trachea occur at all, even after the gills are absorbed. In such species there is a considerable development of capillaries in the skin as well as in the walls of the mouth and pharynx, so that the respiratory functions are transferred to these parts. In the frogs, as already shown, the skin is respiratory and largely supplied by the cutaneous arteries arising from the same arch as the pulmonary arteries. The air ducts enter the anterior end of the lungs in amphibia, while in higher forms the lungs extend anteriorly to the entrance of the bronchi on the medial side. This change is in part the result of the transfer of the heart into the thorax, the position of the pulmonary arteries, thus forcing the bronchi toward the center of the lungs. In am- niotes, also, the ducts are characterized by the presence of cartilage in their walls, so that they are true bronchi. The bronchi may extend in- side of the lungs and divide into secondary and tertiary bronchi. In reptiles the lungs are often non-symmetrical, sometimes one even being absent. In the snakes the lungs consist of a single sac lined with infundibula either in part or throughout. In the lizards there are one or more verticle septa dividing the lung into chambers lined with alveoli while a part of the bronchus may extend to the extremity of the lungs. In the chameleons the septa do not reach the distal wall, consequently the chambers communicate so that the bronchus enters a cavity known as the atrium. This connects with the various chambers separated by the septa and these in turn open into a terminal vesicle. This whole 766 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY structure seeming to anticipate the parabronchi — the small uniform sized air-tubes in the lungs of birds which connect the larger secondary branches of the bronchial tubes. "This resemblance is heightened by the development in these same lizards of long, thin-walled sacs from the posterior part of the lungs wh-ich extend among the viscera, even into the pelvic region." The air sacs are used to inflate the body. It is well to remember what has just been said in the study of similarly named structures in the bird. In turtles and crocodiles there is no atrium and the whole lung has a spongy texture. The bronchus in turtles enters on the ventral side of the lung and not as in lizards in the medial. SUMMARY OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM BALANOGLOSSUS The pharyngeal clefts take the form of gill sacs, each of which opens into the pharynx in a U-shaped slit, resembling that of Amphioxus, and opens to the exterior by a small pore. These gill-slit openings to the pharynx are supported by thin, chitinous bars resembling the gill bar system of Amphioxus. FISHES The characteristic respiratory organs of aquatic vertebrates are gills or branchiae. Gills are finely divided comb-like outgrowths of the ecto- dermal or endodermal epithelium lining the branchial clefts. The num- ber of clefts or gill slits vary from five to seven in number. Each cleft is separated from its neighbor by branchial septa. The more primitive the fish, the larger number of branchial clefts it is likely to have. The modern types have regularly five. Heptanchus, sometimes mentioned as the most primitive living species of shark, has seven clefts, while Hexanchus, another primitive shark, has six. and elasmobranchs in gen- eral have five fully developed clefts and a vestigial anterior first cleft called a spiracle. The spiracle is the rudimentary first cleft, which is also found among the most primitive teleostomi (Crossopterygii and Chondrostei). It is present in the embryos of Teleostei and Holostei, although here it is closed before hatching. In the Holocephali, an aberrant group of elasmobranch fishes, the fifth cleft is closed in the adult, which reduces the number of functional clefts to four. The cyclostomes have on the whole a larger number of clefts than the true fishes. However, the hag- fishes (Fig. 366) of the family Myxinidae have no more than six pairs, while those of the family Bdellostomidae (Fig. 366) have as many as fourteen pairs, and the lampreys all have seven pairs. The direction of change in fishes appears to be one of reduction in the number of clefts from fifty or more in Amphioxus (Fig. 437) and Ascidians (Fig. 313), fourteen to six in the cyclostomes, seven to five in the true fishes, and four in the Holocephali. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 767 The openings of the clefts to the exterior differ in different groups of fishes. Among the elasmobranchs each cleft usually opens separately and is not covered by any flap or operculum, although in Chlameidose- lachus, the primitive frilled shark, each cleft has a backwardly directed flap or gill cover. In the Holocephali the first three clefts are covered "by an operculum, and only the fourth or the last functional cleft opens freely to the outside. In the great majority of teleostomi and in the Dipneusti the five clefts are covered with a flap-like operculum, capable of opening and closing, thus effectively protecting the branchial filaments irom injury. In some of the eels and in other specialized teleosts, the gills are completely covered with a fold of skin, the only exit being through one or two small water pores. There are two quite different and distinct kinds of gills found among fishes, namely : external and in- ternal gills. External gills are purely larval or embryonic organs. They are not functional in any adult fish; although their homologues are found in the perennibranchiate amphibia, believed to be paedogenetic or permanent larval types. External gills are finely branched processes of the ectoder- mal epithelium of the branchial tract. They are found in the embryos of many elasmobranchs and in some teleosts. A notable case of larval trills is seen in the advanced larva of Polypterus (Fig. 368). The true functional gills of adult fishes are internal. They are finely divided diverticula of the endodermal epithelium of the branchial clefts. The nasal cavities are blind sacs which do not communicate with the mouth. Such communication begins with amphibia. THE AIR-BLADDER AND ACCESSORY ORGANS OF RESPIRATION In all of the groups of fishes above the elasmobranchs, there is a single or paired air-bladder (probably homologous with the lungs of "higher forms), a sac-like diverticulum of the pharynx, derived from either dorsal or ventral sides of the alimentary tract. It is in all cases supplied with blood from the pulmonary artery (which, in turn, arises from the last efferent artery of either side), and, primitively at least, subserves two functions: (1) that of a hydrostatic or buoyancy organ, and (2) that of an accessory respiratory organ or primitive lung. In the most primitive teleostome fishes, the Crossopterygii, it is used as a lung when the water is foul ; in Amia, it is constantly functional as an air-breathing apparatus ; while in the Dipneusti (lung-fishes) it is an elaborately pouched lung, used to tide the fish over a period of drought. In certain other fishes that have acquired terrestrial habits, such as the climbing perch, Anabas (Fig. 371), which will drown if immersed in water, and the air-breathing eel, Clarias, there is an extensive post- "branchial chamber, provided with labyrinthine or arborescent elabora- 768 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY lions of the epithelium that are highly vascular and play a pulmonary role. DOGFISH Here branchial respiration is carried on in the six pairs of branchial clefts. These branchi are primitive respiratory organs, consisting of mere diverticula of mucus membrane, richly vascular, and supported by cartilaginous processes called gill-rays. The water enters the mouth and is forced out through the gill slits. In doing so it aerates the gill filaments, and provides oxygen for the blood that circulates rapidly through them. AMPHIBIA External gills are found in the perennibranchiate urodeles (Fig. 374) throughout life and in practically all amphibians while in the larval stage. The epithelium covering these external gills is ectodermal so that they are really cutaneous and not pharyngeal gills. They are, therefore, of a totally different nature from the so-called external gills of the em- bryos of Elasmobranchs and Holocephali, in which case the external gills are only filaments of the internal gills prolonged through the branchial openings. Internal gills develop only in the larvae of Anura and are probably homologous with the internal gills of fishes, although even here the epithelium may be ectodermal. In many species of Salamanders lungs are absent, but in most amphibians they develop as ventral outgrowths* from the oesophagus. The left is usually the longer. The lungs are united at their base although true bronchi are absent. In the lungless Salamanders respiration is exclusively cutaneous and pharyngeal. The lings are supposed to have secondarily disappeared in these animals. The air ducts enter the anterior end of the lungs in amphibia, while in amniotes the lungs extend cephalad to the entrance of the bronchi which is on the medial side. This change is due to the transfer of the heart into the thorax so that the pulmonary arteries then force the bronchi toward the center of the lungs. In the amniotes the ducts have cartilage in their walls, thus being true bronchi. These bronchi often extend into the lungs where they divide into secondary and tertiary bronchi. REPTILIA Gills are absent, and gill-slits disappear, in all animals higher than arodeles. The lungs are large and complicated and often non-symmet- rical, sometimes one is even lacking. In the snakes the lungs consist of a single sac lined with infundibula either in part or throughout. In the lizards there are one or nftore verticle septa dividing the lung into chambers lined with alveoli, while a part of the bronchus may extend RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 769 to the extremity of the lungs. In the chameleons the septa do not reach the distal wall, consequently the chambers communicate so that the bronchus enters a cavity known as the atrium. This connects with the various chambers separated by the septa and these in turn open into a terminal vesicle. This whole structure seems to anticipate the parabronchi — the small uniform sized air-tubes in the lungs of birds which connect the larger secondary branches of the bronchial tubes. There develops in these lizards, long, thin-walled air-sacs from the caudal portion of the lung. These extend among the viscera, even into the pelvic region. The air sacs are used to inflate the body. In turtles and crocodiles there is no atrium and the whole lung has a spongy texture. The bronchus in turtles enters on the ventral side of the lung and not as in lizards in the medial. Inhalation and exhalation are effected partly by drawing in the neck and thrusting it out again, thus decreasing and increasing the volume of the thoracic cavity. The air is also swallowed into the lungs by filling and then emptying the throat. BIRDS Birds have large lungs, each with nine small air-sacs. The air en- ters the bronchi and passes to the air-sacs. The air is thus warmed be- fore being taken into the alveoli of the lungs. It makes its exit through the excurrent bronchi. A complete change of air occurs at each inspira- tion and expiration. The trachea and the larger bronchi are kept open by means of rings of cartilage ; the trachea is enlarged, just before it divides, into a syrinx, or voice box (Fig. 443), a structure limited to birds, and in no way homologous with the larynx of mammals ; the me- chanics of voice production in the birds depends upon forcing the air through a flexible valve, which is set into vibration. The lungs also connect with visceral air-sacs, and with air-spaces in the bones. MAMMALS There are two points of view regarding the relationship of mam- malian lungs to the respiratory apparatus of the lower forms of animals. One view holds that the lungs are merely a further development of the air-bladder of fishes, while the other insists that they are more likely to be modified gill-pouches which have grown caudally into the coelom; rather than opening to the exterior by growing laterally. The fact, however, that the pneumatic duct is dorsal in position and the blood supply is arterial, makes the first view seem improbable. The latter view is supported by the fact that the lungs are paired outgrowths from the pharynx immediately caudal to the last gill clefts and in serial order with them. The blood supply fromithe sixth arterial arch would be in full accord with this view. Then, too, both in the earlier stages 770 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY and in the primitive forms the skeletal support of larynx and trachea has the relations and appearance of rudimentary gill-arches and the muscles surrounding this region are modified from those of the visceral arches. Each lung is enclosed by a pleural membrane, and the pleural cavity in which it lies, is cut off entirely from the rest of the coelom by the muscular diaphragm. This muscle usually lies transverse to the main axis of the body. It is attached close to the inner margin of the lower ribs and extends headward as a sort of tent or dome. The lungs may be divided into lobes and lobules. The right one usually has the greater number. In whales, elephants, and odd-toed ungulates there may be no lobules at all, while in the monotremes only the right lung has lobes. From the main bronchial tube there are dorsal and ventral sec- ondary bronchi, the ventral redividing. When the more cephalic bronchi lie in front of, or above, the pulmonary artery they are called eparterial bronchi, while the others are known as hyparterial. Respiration is made up of Inspiration and Expiration. This has already been described in the study of the frog. Little is known regard- ing this process in the turtles and other reptiles. In birds the lungs are definitely attached to the ribs and vertebrae so that with every motion there is both a change in shape and size. In the mammals the ribs lie at an oblique angle to the vertebral column. As the intercostal muscles are contracted and relaxed the ribs turn slightly and can increase and diminish the size of the thoracic cavity. The diaphragm forms a complete partition between the thoracic and abdominal cavities and aids materially in respiration as it flattens when contracted. This increases the size. of the pleural cavity and draws in air through the trachea. The abdominal muscles likewise play a part. Ex- piration is caused in part by the action of the intercostal and abdominal muscles, in part by the elastic tissue and smooth muscles in the lungs themselves. J ' ACCESSORY RESPIRATORY APPARATUS It will be recalled that the entire respiratory tract grows from the primitive digestive tract. It is, therefore, not difficult to understand that there are certain fishes which use a more caudal portion of the diges- tive tract for respiration. In Cobitis, water is drawn in and expelled through the anal opening, the more caudal end of the digestive canal l>eing very vascular and used in respiration. Among the amniotes the lungs are not functional either before hatching or before birth. Still, oxygen is necessary for the development of the embryo and the carbon dioxide which has formed must have an RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 771 outlet. The organ used for this combined respiratory and excretory function is called the allantois (Fig. 363). This is the ventral diverticu- lum from the more caudal part of the digestive canal, which has already been studied in Embryology. It becomes larger with the growing em- bryo. It is extremely vascular and is absorbed in some forms such as the Sauropsida or is drawn off with the placenta in mammals. The basal part, however, persists as the urinary bladder. CHAPTER LIIL THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM To understand the modern interpretation of the circulatory system it is necessary to have clearly in mind what is called the probable an- cestral condition of this system in the lower forms of animals. Thus one may observe how in each of the succeeding higher forms, something is added to the development of the animal of the next succeeding scale below. Some have thought that the original circulation consisted of a lymphoidal liquid alone, and as time went by this type of circulation specialized into what we now term a blood circulation. It is thus sup- posed that the lymph vessels, as we find them in modern forms of living animals, furnish a clue as to how the primitive systems of vessels ap- peared. It is all quite speculative, however. Another explanation, which has more plausibility in its favor, is that the main blood vessels are the remnants of the segmentation cavity which has become obliterated by the growth of mesoderm, the part not obliterated then becoming the blood vessels. In any explanation that is built upon the Haeckelian "law" of bio- genesis there not only remains much to be explained, but various occur- rences even must be explained away. In this theory it is supposed that much of the race history has been lost in development, while a develop- ment of additional vessels of various kinds have covered up some of the older developmental processes. Many blood vessels which should arise as fissures between other tissues are found to be formed as solid cords of cells. These may later form a lumen and be converted into tubes, or in other instances, vessels which originate separately in the embryo, may fuse together during de- velopment to form a single one. There are various main points, however, which must be understood in any discussion of the blood system (Fig. 444, A, B). There is a dor- sal tube carrying the blood toward the tail, from which various vessels extend toward the right and left at almost right angles through the dor- sal tube. Those that pass toward the outer side of the animal are called somatic, those that pass toward the inner region are called splanchnic. These transverse vessels connect with two ventral, longitudinal tubes, one of which is in the wall of the digestive tract which runs headward and unites with the other one which has passed through the ventral body wall, so that, after the union of the two, a single tube is found coursing to the head end of the body. In one of the lowest forms of chordates, namely, Amphioxus, various parts of this system develop muscle walls and then act as pumping organs. C[RCLTLATORY SYSTEM A. D. Fig. 444. 774 COM PAKATI VK ANATOMY B^ne.ur-a.1 ctnasfemosii Post- cos fa.! antiitomosis o f clorsa.1 ra.mus of den '"ferjfymefitai Arfcry Dorja.1 interseamtntal artery Ventral splanchnic Ventral anasTcmcstf of ventral div of dorjal iri/trjet/menfa.j aj-fery G. Fig. 444. Comparisons of Circulatory systems. A, a diagram of the vascular system of .Amphioxus, from the right side, a.b.o., Afferent branchial arteries; ar., carotid continuations of the suprabranchial arteries ; cons.s., contractile swellings on the afferent branchial arteries ; d.ao., dorsal aorta ; eff.br. a., efferent branchial arteries ; hep.v., hepatic vein ; int., intestine ; lr., liver ; m.v., "moniliform" vessel from left carotid ; nph.pl., nephridial plexus ; ph., pharynx ; s.i.v., subintestinal vein ; sbr.a., suprabranchial arteries ; tr.v., transverse vessel joining the carotids ; v.ao., ventral aorta ; v.cr., vessels of cirri ; v.sy., vessels of synapticulse ; v.t.b., vessels of tongue- bars. B, A diagram of the arterial system of a dogfish, seen from the right side. a.b.a., Afferent branchial arteries ; a.mes., anterior mesenteric artery ; c.c., common carotid artery ; cd., caudal artery ; coel.a., coeliac artery ; d.ao., dorsal aorta ; e.b.a., efferent branchial arteries ; e.c., external carotid artery ; epibr., epibranchial arteries; ht, heart; hep., hepatic artery; hy.a., hyoidean artery (this joins the internal carotid of the opposite side, which is not shown) ; i.e., internal carotid artery ; il.a., iliac artery ; In.g., lienogastric artery ; p.c., posterior carotid artery ; p.mes., posterior mesenteric artery ; ren., renal arteries ; scl.a., subclavian artery ; v.ao., ventral aorta. (From Borradaile.) C and D, Comparison of the venous systems of the dogfish and a teleost. anas, anastomosis between the two posterior cardinals ; ao.v., ventral aorta ; atr, atrium ; brack, brachial vein ; card.ant. and card.post., anterior and posterior cardinals ; caud, caudal vein ; cl, cloacal vein ; con.art., conus arteriorsus ; duct.cuv., duct of Cuvier ; hep, hepatic vein ; hy, hyoid vein ; il, iliac vein ; jug.inf., inferior jugular vein ; lat, lateral vein ; leb., liver ; mand., manibular vein ; n., kidney ; port., hepatic portal vein ; port.ren., renal portal vein ; segm., segmental veins ; s.int., subin- testinal vein ; sin.hy., hyoid sinus ; into which the veins from the mandibular and hyoid arches open ; sin.orb., orbital sinus ; sin.ven., sinus venosus ; sperm, spermatic vein ; subsc., subscapularis vein ; subcl., subclavian vein ; schw.bl., veins of the swim-bladder; ventr., ventricle. (Both figures from Boulenger, A after Parker.) D, A diagram of the venous system of the dogfish, a.c.s., Anterior cardinal sinus ; c.v., caudal vein ; d.C., ductus Cuvieri ; h.p.v., hepatic portal vein ; h.8., hepatic sinus ; hy.s., hyoidean sinus ; i.j.8., inferior jugular sinus ; i.o.s., interorbital sinus ; U.S., iliac sinus ; int., intestine ; k., kidney ; lat.s., lateral sinus ; lr., liver ; n.8., nasal sinus ; or.s., orbital sinus ; p.c.s., posterior cardinal sinus ; r.p.v., renal portal vein; s.v., sinus venosus; scl.8., subclavian sinus. (From Borradaile.) E, A diagram of the principal arteries and veins of a pigeon, ao., Aortic arch ; Br.a., brachial artery ; Br.v., brachial vein ; C., carotid artery ; c.m., coccygeo-mesenteric vein ; d.a., dorsal aorta ; F., femoral vein adjoining femoral artery ; h.v., hepatic veins ; il., internal iliac artery and vein ; i.v.c., inferior vena cava ; }., jugular vein ; l.a., left auricle ; P., right pulmonary artery ; Pc.a., pectoral artery ; Pc.v., pectoral vein ; ra., right auricle ; rp., hypogastric vein ; rv., renal vein ; sc., sciatic artery and vein. Near the apex of the ventricle the coeliac and anterior mesenteric arteries and the epigastric vein are shown, but not lettered. At the hinder end of the figure the caudal and posterior mesenteric vessels are shown, but not lettered. F, The circulatory system of the rabbit, (a) Letters to right — e.c., External carotid ; i.c., internal carotid ; e.j., external jugular ; scl.d., subclavian artery ; scl.v., subclavian vein; p.a., pulmonary artery (cut short) ; p.v., pulmonary vein; L.A., left auricle; L.V., left ventricle; d.ao., dorsal aorta; h.v., hepatic veins; c, coeliac artery ; a.m., anterior mesenteric ; s.r.b., suprarenal body ; l.r.a., left renal artery ; l.r.v., left renal vein ; K, kidney ; p.m., posterior mesenteric artery (incorrectly shown as if paired); spm., spermatic arteries and veins; c.il.a., common iliac artery. (6) Letters to left — p.f. and a./., posterior and anterior facial ; e.j., external jugular vein ; i.j., internal jugular ; R.Scl., right subclavian artery; S.V.C., superior vena cava; R.A., right auricle; R.V., right ventricle; I.V.C., inferior vena cava ; r.r.a., right renal artery ; r.r.v., right renal vein ; s.r.b., suprarenal body ; spm., spermatic arteries and veins ; il., ilio-lumbar vein ; f.v., femoral or external iliac vein; i.il.v., internal iliac veins. (From Thomson.) G, Diagram of intercostal (intersegmental) arteries. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 775 In all vertebrates the heart lies on the ventral side of the digestive tract covered by a pericardial sac. This sac is really a part of the coelomic lining. The various large blood vessels carrying blood from the heart to the general system are known as aortae, and the large veins returning the blood directly into the heart are usually called venae cavae. The ventral aorta gives off various pairs of vessels called the aortic arches, which are situated on each side of the pharynx in the grooves called the gill septa. These arches run from the ventral aorta around the digestive canal to the dorsal side where they unite to form a longi- tudinal canal. That is, the arches along each side form a separate canal at first, then the two canals unite to form the dorsal aorta, which runs caudad the entire length of the body. There may be, and usually are, various small arteries arising from any or all of these arterial arches. It is necessary that the student know what becomes of the aortic arches and in what groups of animals certain ones disappear and others remain functional. The first pair of arches lying toward the head end give rise to both the internal carotid artery which goes to the brain, and the ex- ternal carotid supplying the more superficial portion of the head. The arteries which arise from the dorsal aorta are either somatic or splanch- nic, that is, either supply outer or internal portions of the body. Exam- ples of somatic blood vessels are the intercostal (intersegmental) arteries running between the ribs, while the mesenteric arteries, which are dis- tributed primarily to the alimentary canal, are of the splanchnic type. The subclavian artery, which supplies the arms of the animal, and the iliac artery, which supplies the hind limbs, are some of the larger and more common of the somatic arteries. The splanchnic or visceral arteries do not show much trace of seg- mentation. They are distributed to the walls of the digestive tract. Two pairs, however, of these vessels are of special importance, namely, a pair of omphalomesenteric arteries in front, and a pair of hypogastric arteries (internal iliac) near the origin of the iliac arteries (Fig. 450). There are really no end arteries or veins. All arteries carry blood to* certain parts of the body through minute capillaries which then anasta- mose with the venous capillaries which drain the various parts which the arteries supply. The head is drained by a pair of jugular veins which are found above the mouth. In fishes there are also a pair of inferior jugulars in the region of the lower jaw and the lower side of the gill arches. These run; caudad to the level of the sinus venosus, where they are joined by a post cardinal coming from the excretory organs. The jugular and post cardi- nal on each side unite to form a trunk which rims transversely and empties into the sinus venosus. This is called the Cuvierian duct. A pair of omphalomesenteric veins enters the sinus venosus from the caudal side. These are continuations of a subintestinal vein running* alongside of the liver after having passed along the ventral side of the digestive 776 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY tract. This subintestinal vein forms a loop around the anal opening and extends to the end of the tail as the caudal vein. The subclavian vein from the arm may empty either into the jugulars or the post cardinal near the Cuvierian duct. The blood from the hind limb leaves by an iliac vein on each side, runs forward on the lateral body wall and is called the lateral abdominal vein. This also enters the Cuvierian duct. Omphalomesenteric and subintestinal veins belong to the visceral or splanchnic group. The others are somatic. The vessels mentioned are important, and should be known thoroughly because they develop very early in the embryo, and, practically all later developments as well as modifications that take place in them, can only be discussed intelli- gently when the basic structures just mentioned are known. There is probably no more variable system in the body (even in the same species) than the vascular. DETAILED STUDIES THE HEART The heart itself is a muscle having a distinctive cellular structure, this being a sort of "cross" between voluntary and involuntary muscle, the muscle fibers are striated but run in a syncitial form (Fig. 23). The muscular walls of the heart itself are known as myocardium. The inner layer of the heart, corresponding to the endothelium of the blood vessels and continuous with them, is called endocardium, while the cov- ering of the heart is known as the pericardium. Lying between the myocardium and the pericardium is a serous liquid called pericardial fluid. We have already discussed a part of the embryonic method of heart development, but it is necessary here to enter into more detail. The lateral plates of the walls of the coelom grow centrally beneath the diges- tive canal. There are four regions discernible in these lateral plates, namely, the splanchnic or visceral, the mesenterial and somatic walls, as well as the coelomic cavity. Between the coelomic walls and the endoderm one may observe vari- ous cells called vascular cells. It is supposed that they find their origin from the mesothelium. Those that lie most dorsalward assist in form- ing the dorsal blood vessels, while those lying ventrad contribute to the heart and the ventral trunks. The two lateral plates just mentioned con- tinue until they meet in a ventrad region. This forms the ventral meso- cardium (Fig. 344). A little later the dorsal region comes together form- ing the dorsal mesocardium, so that now, that which was formerly a groove has become a definite tube. The ventral fusion has disappeared, leaving the dorsal part attached and causing the two coelomic cavities to unite, forming the pericardial cavity. In turtles and crocodiles there is a small portion of this ventral CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 777 mesocardium remaining- which connects the apex of the heart to the pericardial wall. The walls of this tube are now called the myoepicardial mantle and the vascular cells which are enclosed within this mantle are those which form a continuous sheet and become the endocardium or lining of the heart. There are still some vascular cells cephalad and caudad to this tubu- lar heart. These furnish a lining for the blood vessels which arise from the edges of the lateral plates and connect with the heart. The first ves- sels toward the head end (the anterior pair) become the mandibular arteries, while those vessels lying caudad to the heart (the posterior) are called the omphalo-mesenteric veins. It is at this time also that immediately cephalad to the omphalo- mesenteric vein a transverse tube appears on each side connecting with the heart tube, and it is these tubes which are the ducts of Cuvier. The ridge where the Cuvierian ducts grow, becomes larger until it forms a transverse partition known as the septum transversum (Fig. 348). It is this septum or partition which separates the heart cavity or peri- cardial region from the abdominal or peritoneal cavity. In the myxinoids and elasmobranchs this septum never completely closes dorsally, but leaves one or two openings known as the pericardia-peritoneal canal. Where the early embryo is closely appressed to the very large yolk sac, as in the bony fishes and in all amniotes, the development of the heart is modified. The pharynx is not complete below at first, but com- municates ventrally with the yolk. The two hypomeres are thus pre- vented, for a time, from meeting ventrally. "Each, however, is accom- panied by its vascular cells ; its edge becomes grooved and the grooves are rolled into a pair of tubes, lined with endocardium, so that for a time the anlage of the heart consists of two vessels (Fig. 283), each connected in front and behind with its own mandibular artery and omphalo-mesen- teric vein, and is surrounded with its pericardial sac. Later the two tubes approach and fuse with the formation of mesocardia as before : these latter soon disappear, leaving the whole much as in the small- yolked forms." While the pericardium is relatively large at first, in adult forms it is usually quite close fitting to the heart when the heart is expanded. It must not be forgotten that in systole the heart contracts and be- comes considerably smaller than normal ; that in diastole it expands and attains its full size, filling the pericardium accordingly. It can readily be understood that as long as the mesocardia are present the heart tube will be a straight canal connected with the peri- cardial sac in front and behind. However, as the mesocardia entirely disappear in due time and the heart tube continues to grow, it bends upon itself something like a capital letter "S," the bending or flexure being largely in a vertical plane (Fig. 283). At the middle point of the bend the tube remains quite small and 778 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY here is formed what is called tr e atrio-ventricular canal (Fig. 445). It is in front and behind this canal that the walls become thickened and the lumen enlarged. The caudal end, which is also the dorsal in this case, forms the chambers known as the atrium or auricle. The ventral end becomes the ventricle. Caudad in the atrium, there is a constriction forming a second chamber called the sinus venosus and it is into this that the Cuvierian duct and the omphalo-mesenteric vein enter. The ventral parts of the heart-tubes also form a smaller trunk called the truncus arteriosus, while the ventral aorta connects this portion of the heart with the mandibular arteries already mentioned. While the heart is really a muscle, or rather many interwound bun- dles of muscles, there are certain parts such as the sinus venosus where the muscle cells themselves are somewhat scanty as compared with other parts of the heart. The endocardium devel- ops folds or valves (Fig. 445) in certain places so that blood may flow forward but not backward, and this valvular part of the truncus is known as the conus arte- riosus. In the vertebrates this conus is reduced to a single row of valves with the exception of the elasmo- branchs, ganoids, and am- phibia. The valves lie be- tween the auricle and the ventricle and are prevented from being pushed up into the auricle (when the heart contracts and immense pressure is brought to bear upon them) by little ligaments called chordae tendineae, which extend from the edges of the valve to the opposite wall of the ventricle. They are kept taut during systole by capillary muscles called columnae carneae. There is also a valve between the auricle and the sinus in some vertebrates where the hepatic vein enters into the sinus. If the conus arteriosus is followed by a strong muscular region this is called the bulbus arteriosus. The bulbus is composed of regular heart muscle, while the truncus is composed of muscle like the rest of the blood vessels. It is for this reason that both conus and bulbus are re- garded as a part of the heart, while anything cephalad to these is con- sidered a part of the ventral aorta. Fig. 445. A and b, Reduction of the bulbo-ventricular fold of the heart. Ao, aortic bulb; Au, atrium ; B, bulbus cordis; RV, right ventricle; LV, left ventricle; P (in b) pul- monary artery. (After Keith.) A, B, C, D, Scheme showing division of bulbus cordis and its thickenings into aorta and pulmonary artery with their valves. The division begins in B, the lateral thickenings dividing respectively into a, e, and c,f. Ro- tation from right to left shown in D. (After Heisler.) CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 779 THE VASCULAR SYSTEM After food has been taken into the digestive tract and digested and the little villi of the small intestines have absorbed the semi-liquid food, this newly absorbed food is ready to become a part of the blood. An elaborate system of blood vessels with a wonderfully intricate and elab- orate pumping apparatus — the heart — carries this nourishment to every part of the body. Before taking up the development of this system, known variously as circulatory or vascular, it is necessary that the student understand quite thoroughly what the adult organs are like and what their function is. Only then may one validly attempt to ascertain how and why the or- gans are placed where they are and how and why the function is what it is. The central part of the vascular system is the heart. In the mammal this consists of four definite chambers — two auricles at the broad end of the heart, and two ventricles toward the lower or apex region. The structure of the heart itself is muscular. The compartments of the heart and the work they do belong to the circulatory system proper and will be described here. Every blood vessel leaving the heart, no matter whether it carries arterial or venous blood, is called an artery, and every blood vessel en- tering the heart is called a vein. This distinction must be kept very clear. Then, too, it must never be forgotten that blood entering the heart through a vein always enters a sinus or auricle. This auricle acts as a reception-chamber for all blood entering the organ. After the blood has entered this chamber it passes downward through an opening into one of the ventricles, and it is from the ventricle that the blood leaves the heart. In the higher forms of mammals, such as man (Fig. 445), blood en- ters the right auricle through the large venae cavae, then passing down- ward through the auricular-ventricular opening into the right ventricle. From here it passes through the pulmonary artery to the lungs to be aerated (that is, to be thoroughly mixed writh oxygen and to lose the carbon dioxide that it has gathered in draining the entire body). After being aerated, the blood passes- back to the left side of the heart through the pulmonary vein to enter the left auricle, and then passes down through a left auricular-ventricular opening into the ventricle from which it sends forth the blood stream through the aorta to all parts of the body, supplying the parts with food and nourishment. The system just described is known as the systemic because the blood which leaves the heart through the aorta nourishes all parts of the body. The arteries break up into smaller arterioles and capillaries. The liquid part of the blood is called blood-plasma as long as it is contained 780 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY within the blood vessels, and lymph as soon as it has seeped through the walls of the blood vessels and bathed the surrounding tissues. It is gathered up from here by the various lymphatic vessels which unite to form the large lymph duct. This duct empties into one of the veins of the neck. The blood which has remained within the blood vessels and passed through the capillaries is taken up by the venous capillaries and passes toward the heart either directly or indirectly through a portal system. It is essential that one appreciate that the arteries supply all parts of the body with nourishment and that the veins do the draining. It follows, then, that the arteries begin as vessels of some size and become smaller and smaller as the blood supply from the heart becomes dis- tributed more and more, while veins begin as capillaries and continu- ally increase in size. An artery and a vein often lie side by side, but the blood current in the vessels is running in an opposite direction. In addition to the systemic circulation there is also the pulmonary circulation, which is the name given to the blood stream leaving the right ventricle of the heart, passing through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs, and after being aerated returning, through the pulmonary veins, to the left auricle, from whence it flows downward into the left ventricle and is then again ready for the systemic circulation. ^^ Whenever a vein splits up into capillaries so that the venous blood must pass through an organ on its way back to the heart (either to have waste substances removed as in the kidneys or to take up new sub- stances as in the liver), and this blood is then again collected by venous capillaries and sent on its way, a portal system is formed. The renal-portal system and the hepato-portal system are the two important ones in the body's economy. When the circulatory system of the frog was discussed it was stated that one must not forget that the material with which the heart works is blood, but that the heart is similar to a pump or an engine, and, that, consequently, just as a pump or an engine which is used for the purpose of forcing water through a great hydraulic system requires water in two places and in two ways to continue its work, so the heart requires blood in two places and in two ways to do its work. The engine requires water in its boiler so that steam can be pro- duced. This steam then supplies the force for its work of pumping water, let us say, through the water-pipes of the building in which it is installed. So, too, the heart must have a blood supply to furnish it with energy just as the engine requires water to manufacture its steam. Therefore, there are blood vessels running into the heart-walls and into the walls of blood vessels themselves so as to furnish these with material to produce the required energy to continue their pumping power. The blood vessels that supply the heart walls are known as coronary vessels. The coronary arteries leave the aorta immediately after the aorta, in CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 781 turn, has left the left ventricle. The blood vessels in the walls of blood vessels are known as vasa-vasorum. It is essential that these two systems be kept separate and distinct. The mere pouring of blood into the cavities of the heart is equivalent to the water in the tank of an hydraulic system, while the blood which enters the heart muscle itself is equivalent to the water in the engine's own boiler that furnishes the steam from which the energy, in turn, comes that makes pumping possible. This analogy may be carried a little further; for, just as the water in the hydraulic system, if it be used for drinking purposes, must be filtered, so, before the blood, which is pumped through the vascular system, can be used again, it must likewise be filtered. This is the work of the portal systems. A final point is to be borne in mind, before taking up the circulatory system in detail, is that the vertebrate circulatory system is known as a closed circulation, as contradistinguished from the open system seen in some of the lower forms of animals such as the crayfish. What is meant by a closed system, is that the blood from the time it leaves the heart, until it returns, is always in direct communication by means of arteries, capillaries and veins There are no open 'spaces through which the blood can pass out of these vessels. A seeming ex- ception is the lymph. This does not pass through an opening, however, but seeps directly through the Avails and bathes all parts of the inter- capillary region. DEVELOPMENT Everyone knows that the mammalian heart has its point or apex to the left, but the student must know how this has come about. He must also know why it is that, just as with the digestive tract, certain nerves which lie in the right and left side of the early embryo, come to lie on the dorsal and ventral sides in the adult. The heart, like the digestive tract, grows something on the order of a straight tube, although made up of separate cephalic and caudal ends which have become fused together. As the embryo continues developing, the heart turns to the left, so that the nerves which lie upon the right side will now be ventral and those which lie upon the left side will be dorsal, while the right auricle and ventricle which have been brought ventral by this turning to the left now occupy almost the entire ventral portion of the heart, the left auricle and ventricle being dorsal. It is for this reason that a very small portion of the left auricle and ventricle can be seen from the ventral side of the body. It will be remembered that in the. embryo of the chick we spoke of mesoblastic cells which were derived from three separate sources. One source of these is from the primitive streak. The second source is from that scattered group of cells that was left between the ectoblast and entoblast when the entoblast became a dis- 782 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY tinct layer of cells. Thirdly, in the middle and lateral parts of the area pellucida, cells are budded off from the upper side of the entoblast to be- come mesoblast, at about the very time the primitive streak is forming. Now, all of these mesoblastic cells together unite to form a con- tinuous layer. This layer continues expanding until it passes beyond the boundaries of the area pellucida and forms a middle layer in the inner zone of the area opaca. This zone is the vascular area (Fig. 264). It is in this area that the blood vessels begin to form. This occurs in the chick on the very first day. A network appears in the entire vascular area which surrounds the embryo. Here irregular reddish blotches are formed which are called blood islands, and it is from these blood islands that the red corpuscles are formed. This network develops into a sys- tem of cords, at first solid, but soon a lumen is acquired and, as the ves- sels unite, there is a continuous but indefinite blood vessel formed. The very first vessel which becomes definitely shaped so that it can be rec- ognized as a part of the vascular system is formed around the entire vascular area as a sort of boundary and is called the sinus terminalis. (Fig. 284, C.) The blood islands appear in cross section as little local thickenings on the dorsal walls of the blood vessels. These bud off into the cavities of the vessels and form the first blood corpuscles, and it is supposed that from these all the colored corpuscles of the blood are descended. The network of vessels continues to grow, some of the vessels later becoming arteries, some veins, and still others remain small as capil- laries. These unite and extend toward the embryo, while, within the embryo proper, there has been a growth of the vascular system also, which has extended outward toward this vascular area. All these ves- sels unite to form the entire vascular system. Larger vessels of the vascular area unite with the posterior end of the heart which by this time has already commenced to beat. The other vessels unite with the anterior or cephalad end of the heart and these become the arterial system, so that by the end of the second day, in the chick, a complete vascular system has already been formed with a beating heart. At first the heart consists of only two longitudinal vessels which are connected at the cephalic end. These spread out caudad like an in- verted "V" (Fig. 283). The arms of this "V" shaped portion soon fuse together and look like an inverted "Y." The cavities of these two fusing tubes remain apart for some time and then form one cavity. That is, the endothelial lining remains separate as two distinct cavities after the mus- cular walls have united. On the dorsal surface the muscular walls are incomplete also for a short time, but after complete fusion the walls also are completed. It is the stem of this "Y" which forms the heart. The two diverging arms of the "Y" unite, or rather have united some time before this, so that CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 783 they are continuous with the large vitelline veins which bring the blood back to the heart from the vascular area. The heart is now a short straight tube attached to the ventral wall of the pharynx and consists of the muscular, united part of this "Y," the two arms being the ends of the diverging vitelline veins which run backward or caudad at the hindermost angle of the head fold. As this fold is pushed farther and farther back, the straight part of the "Y" is naturally pushed back also and lengthened. Not only this, but this straight part of the heart grows more rapidly than does the place to •which it is attached, so that it does not even find room enough to con- tinue its growth with the heartfold, but must bend into a loop with its convexity toward the right side of the embryo. The heart has now lost its attachment to the pharynx (with exception of its two ends). The Fig. 446. I, Schematic longitudinal sections of the heart. A, dogfish, B, Ganoids, and C, Teolosts. a, atrium; 6, bulbus arteriosus (an enlarged portion of the truncus arteriosus) ; c, conus arteriosus; k, valves; s, sinus venosus ; t, truncus arteriosus; v, ventricle. (After Boas.) //, The circulatory system in the amphibians. A, Urodele, and B, Anura. a.l. and a.r., left and right atria; ao.w., aortic root (radice) ; ca., carotid arteries, which spring from the conus arteriosus together with the ao.w.; l.a., pulmonary arteries which carry venous blood from the ventricle to the lungs ; l.v., pulmonary veins which carry arterial blood to the left atrium ; v, the veins which carry venous blood from the general body system to the right atrium ; ventr, ventricle. (From Schimkewitsch after Wiedersheim.) caudal end of the heart, in which the vitelline veins empty, is called the venous; the cephalic end the arterial end of the heart. Beating of the heart begins as soon as a connection has been made between this "Y" shaped tubular vessel with the vessels which have been formed in the vascular area. The palpitation starts at the venous or caudal end and passes to the arterial or cephalic end. The palpitation of the heart already begins before one can distinguish any definite muscular tissue which has developed from the mesoblast. The arterial end of the heart is known as the bulbus arteriosus. From this, two narrow vessels, the aortic arches, pass around the diges- tive tract to the dorsal side, turning caudad and becoming the dorsal aortae. These two dorsal aortae run along each side of the notocord under ;he mesoblastic somites and pass toward the tail unconnected 784 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY with each other, but just before reaching the tail a large branch is given off, in fact, the branch is much larger than the aorta itself from which it arises. This large branch is called the vitelline artery. It is the vitelline arteries that carry the blood back to the vascular area from which it was brought by the vitelline veins. The heart we have just been describing is that of the chick. In cyclostomes and fishes (except the dipnoi) there is what is known as a branchial or venous heart (Fig. 446). All of the blood which enters such a heart is venous blood. This venous blood is pumped directly to the gills where it loses its carbon dioxide and takes up oxygen before being distributed to the various parts of the body. The important thing to note is that in such cases the blood only passes through the heart once in making its complete circuit. It is not, however, correct to consider the embryo of higher forms as being the same as this type of "one-heart- circulation," for only oxygenated blood passes through the heart in such embryos when it is in this stage. In the dipnoi and amphibia (Fig. 446), where lungs are formed which take up part of the work of the gills, the heart divides in an arterial or systemic and a venous or respiratory half. This division is caused by a septum or partition in the auricle which divides the cham- bers. It will be remembered that blood always enters through a vein and always enters into a sinus or an auricle of the heart. The venae cavae which return the systemic blood to the heart, therefore, empty srpt.ao.pulm. ao.d. anasl cod H. Fig. 447. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 785 jug.d. .x subcl cav.sup.d. co el c. Fig. 447. Comparisons of heart and connecting blood vessels in the crocodiles and birds. A, Dorsal view of Crocodilian heart. A.M., mesenteric artery ; Ad and As, aortic arches ; D.C.d. and D.C.8., right and left ducts of Cuvier ; through which the venae cavae enter the heart; LV., pulmonary veins; L.V.h. and R.V.h., left and right atria ; P.d. and P.8., right and left pulmonary arteries ; S.d. and S.s., right and left subclavian arteries ; Sp.i., region of the interseptal valves ; Tr.cc., common carotid artery; V.C.C., Coronary vein; V.c.i., inferior vena cava. (After Rose.) B, Ventral View of Crocodilian Heart, anast., so-called dorsal anastomosis of the two roots of the aorta ; anon.l. and anon.r,, left and right innominate trunks ; ao.l., left aortic arch ; ao.d., dorsal aorta ; ao.r., right aortic arch ; atr.l. and atr.r., left and right atria ; coel, coeliac artery ; lig.bot., Botalli's Ligament ost.atr.v., atrio-ventricular opening ; pidm., pulmonary artery ; pan., foramen of Panizzae ; sept.ao., aortic septum ; sept.ao.pulm., aortic-pulmonary septum ; sept, ventr., ventricular septum ; ventr.l. and ventr.r., left and right ventricle. (After Greil.) C, Heart and communicating vessels of bird. (Swan). anon, innominate artery ; ao, aorta ; ao.b., aortic arch ; brach.a. and brach.v., brachial artery and vein ; car, carotid artery ; cav.sup.a. and cav.sup.s., right and left superior venae cavae ; coel, coeliac artery ; cut.abd.pect., cutaneous abdominal-pectoral vein ; jug.d. and jug.a., right and left jugular veins ; Ing, lung ; mam.i., internal mammary artery ; mes, mesenteric artery ; oes, oesophagus ; oes.i., inferior oesophageal artery ; pulm.s., left pulmonary artery ; st.cl., sternoclavicularis artery ; subcl, subclavian artery ; thor.inf. and thor.sup., thoracalis ( ) inferior and superior arteries ; thyr, thyroid gland ; tr, trachea ; tr.car.f carotid trunk ; vert, vertebral artery. (After Gadow.) 786 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY into che right auricle, while the pulmonary veins which carry blood from the lungs to the heart enter the left auricle. As this blood which has returned from the lungs is now oxygenated and ready for distribution to the general system, it is the left side of the heart which becomes the arterial side. In the higher forms the ventricle is also divided by a septum. The valves on the right side which separate the auricle from the ventricle are called the tricuspid valves, while those on the left side separating the left auricle and left ventricle are known as the mitral or bicuspid valves. In the crocodiles there is an opening between the two sides of the aortic trunk known as the foramen Pannizae (Fig. 447, B. pan), so that there is really «some mixture of arterial and venous blood in these ani- mals. The separation into four compartments is complete in birds and mammals (Figs. 445, 447, C), so that the blood must pass through the heart twice. Once through the venous, and once through the arterial half, in order to make a complete circuit of the body. The heart is formed directly behind the mandibular artery which is the first aortic arch (Fig. 309), so that as other vessels grow, it is forced back further and further until it lies ventrad and caudad to the pharynx, while in the adult higher forms of mammals it is carried back as a result of this unequal growth even into the thorax. (The extreme of migration being seen in the giraffe and the long-necked birds.) THE ARTERIES AORTA AND AORTIC ARCHES The ventral aorta is that large artery running headwarcl from the heart. It extends to the mandibular artery, which is another name for the first aortic arch (Fig. 309). The mandibular arteries, like other arches, pass dorsad (one on each side of the pharynx) until they meet and form a pair of dorsal longitudinal tubes called the radices aortae. Between the first aortic arch (mandibular artery) and the heart there arise some six or more pairs of arches similar to those forming the man- dibular artery. The number of such arches depends upon the number of gill-clefts the animal has, for these arches develop in the septum be- tween the gill-clefts. (The number of arches is greater in the myxinoids where the number of clefts varies ; seven or eight in the notidanid sharks ; and, as recent investigations tend to show, probably six in the embryos of all other vertebrates.) As the embryo continues to grow, the number of these arches, which remain or degenerate, seems to be influenced to a considerable extent by the various changes of the respiratory system the particular animal in question may develop. When gills develop, each aortic arch divides CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 787 into two portions. An afferent branchial artery which carries the blood from the ventral aorta to the gills and an efferent branchial artery which carries it from the gills to the radix aortae. Both afferent and efferent vessels run parallel to each other for a part of their course, and are con- nected with each other by numerous capillary loops running through the gill filaments. As the blood passes through the gills it loses its carbon dioxide and takes up oxygen so that it is changed from venous to arterial blood. In all animals that develop an amnion one cannot distinguish between afferent and efferent branchial arteries, the aortic arches running directly from the ventral aorta to the dorsal longitudinal radices aortae. With the possible exception of cyclostomes, no gills are ever de- veloped in the region of the first arch, so no afferent and efferent vessels ir. Fig. 448. I, Aortic arches of amniotes. Compare with Figure 309. A, African Lizard (Varanus) ; B, Snake; C, Alligator; D, Bird; E, Mammal. 6, basilar artery; ec, common carotid ; ei, ce, internal and external carotids ; da, dorsal aorta ; p, pul- monary, «, subclavian. (From Kingsley after Hochstetter. ) II, Comparison of Heart and aortic arch of crocodile and bird, a, right auricle ; a', left auricle; ao, descending aorta; c, small connecting vessel; m, intestinal branches. (c and m, before they separate, form the left aortic arch) ; v, right ventricle: v' , left ventricle; 1 and 1', carotid arteries; 2 and 2', right and left aortic ardh ; 4 and 4', pulmonary arteries. The right aortic arch, together with the tiny branch, c. form the descending aorta. (After Boas.) 788 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY arise from the mandibular arteries. There is, however, an external and internal carotid artery supplying the head and brain coming from each half of this first arch (Fig. 448). As various changes take place, how- ever, the relation of the carotids makes them appear as though they arose from the first functional arch. In the cyclostomes and fishes the various arches do not undergo much, if any, modification. Whatever modification does occur depends upon changes in the gills. In all land vertebrates, and many of the fishes, the first arch on both sides disappears at the point where the external carotid artery begins. When the spiracular gill is reduced, the second pair of arches is partially or completely lost in the adult. The third pair persists. The blood for the internal carotids flows through these. In fishes, gymnophiona, and a few urodeles, the blood for the radices aortae also flows through the third pair. In all four- footed animals the radix disappears between the third and fourth arches so that it leaves the third arch purely carotid. In such a case that part of the ventral aorta between the third and fourth arches carries the carotid blood along and hence is known as a common carotid artery (Fig. 448, I, B), which usually then divides into a right and left branch. The fourth pair are the systemic trunks, in all four-footed animals, and carry blood from the ventral to the dorsal aortae. The fifth has become smaller, disappearing in nearly all animals except lizards and urodeles. In reptiles the left side of the fourth arch becomes separated from the rest of the ventral aorta, having its own trunk connected with the right side of the partially-divided ventricle, thus carrying a mixture of arterial and venous blood. The blood from the left fourth arch on- the dorsal side is largely distributed to the diges- tive tract. The right side of the arch and the carotids are connected with the left side of the heart and are consequently purely arterial, the arch itself forming the main trunk connecting the heart with the dorsal aorta. In birds the radix on the left side of the adult disappears caudad to where the subclavian artery begins, so that this arch supplies blood only to the left arm. The right arch is purely aortic in character. In the mammals this is entirely reversed, the right arch being subclavian, the left supplying the dorsal aorta and the subclavian of that side. The bird in its embryonic growth (as exemplified by the chick em- bryo) turns upon its left side in about 80 per cent of all cases, and the right arch persists, while in mammals, the embryo usually turns upon its right side and the left arch persists. When lungs are developed, whether that be in the lung fishes or any of the higher forms of animals, a pair of pulmonary arteries develop from the sixth pair of arches on the ventral side of the pharynx. These arteries grow caudad into the lungs. That part of the arch dorsal to these newly formed pulmonary arteries becomes reduced to a small CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 789 vessel known as the ductus arteriosus or the duct of Botallus (Fig. 345, C, d, b) in some of the urodeles. In some of the higher vertebrates one occasionally finds a vestige of this persisting also, otherwise it entirely disappears. The ductus Botalli is quite important in the embryonic circulation of amniotes, because the greater part of the blood goes through it to reach the dorsal aorta during the time the allantois is the organ of res- piration, while only enough blood goes through the pulmonary artery to nourish the lung. The duct closes with the first inspiration of air, while all blood passing into the last arch goes to the lung. In the lung fishes and amphibia where there is but a single ventricle in the heart, the pulmonary arteries are connected with the ventral aorta just as are the other aortic arches. In higher forms, however, such as the amniotes, where there is either a partial or complete division of the Fig. 449. 777. Schematic diagrams of circulatory systems in I, Petromyzon, II, Teleosts, HI, in the higher vertebrates. I to VIII, gill arches ; A, dorsal aorta ; A, atrium ; Ab, gill veins ; Acd, caudal artery ; All, allantoic artery ; Am, omphalo-mesenteric artery; RA, and rad.ao., Aortic radices (roots of the aorta) ; S. S1, two branches card., anterior arid posterior cardinal veins ; car. ex., c, and car. int., c' external and internal carotid arteries ; coel.mes., coeliaco-mesenteric artery ; duct.cuv., and D, duct of Cuvier ; E, external iliac artery ; H C, posterior cardinal vein ; Ic, common iliac artery ; hy.v., gill veins of the hyoid arch ; k.art., gill arteries ; k.ven., gill veins ; KL., gill clefts ; ophth, ophthalmic artery ; orb.nas., orbito-nasal artery; RA, and rad.ao., Aortic radices (roots of the aorta) ; S. S1, two branches of the gill veins which pass into the aortic radices ; Sb, Sb, and subl., subclavian artery ; Sb1, subclavian vein ; si, and sin.ven., sinus venosus ; spr.k., spiracle gill ; v, and ventr., ventricle ; VC, anterior cardinal vein ; Vm, omphalo-mesenteric vein. (From Schimkewitsch, I, after Vogt, Jung and Bridge; II, Parker, III, Wieders- heim.) 790 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY ventricle into two portions, the conus arteriosus and the ventral aorta are divided so that those portions which are derived from the sixth arch are connected with the right side of the heart, while the rest of the ventral aorta, with the exception already noticed in the reptiles, receives its blood from the left side of the heart. It is necessary to study the figures very carefully in order to see how, already in the vertebrates such as the elasmobranchs, there is a differentiation of the fifth and sixth arches from the rest of the series. It will be remembered that the fifth arch is almost completely obliterated in vertebrates possessing lungs, and that the sixth is completely sepa- rated from the rest. The dorsal aorta comes into existence by the fusion of two primitive vessels running caudad. These lie dorsal to the mesentery and run al- most parallel to the notochord to the very end of the body. This fusion varies; it may extend as far forward as the aortic arch. It will be re- membered that the portions which would normally be called the dorsal aortae, when these segment, or when there is a division between the various arches, are called radices aortae. Sometimes the dorsal aorta extends still farther forward than the last aortic arch and involves the whole of the radices, so that the dorsal aorta in this case extends to the first arch. As many students studying comparative anatomy are preparing for medicine, dentistry, and other professions, it is necessary to call atten- tion here to the fact that the names in human anatomy are somewhat different from those adopted in books on Comparative Anatomy. In the study of human anatomy that part of the ventral aorta which per- sists is called the ascending aorta; that part of the fourth arch which continues in existence is known as the arch of the aorta; and the rest of the dorsal aorta running downward toward the feet is called the descending aorta. This, in turn, is divided into one portion (passing into the thorax) known as the thoracic aorta, while from the diaphragm downward (as it passes into the abdominal cavity) it is known as the abdominal aorta. The last two names are thus only convenient terms to show the location of the descending aorta. ARTERIES OF THE DORSAL AORTA These are known as visceral (splanchnic), and somatic. As these terms are already familiar to the student it is merely necessary here to state that the visceral arteries run through the mesenteries where the double layers of serosa are found, and furnish the blood supply of the digestive tract. Many of the blood vessels are in a primitive condition though they are not metameric. Usually, especially in vertebrates, these smaller vessels become united into larger trunks. The principal ones are as follows : CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 791 VISCERAL ARTERIES (Fig. 444) Coeliac Artery: Origin, Radix or adjacent dorsal aorta. Branches, Gastric, splenic, hepatic. Superior Mesenteric Artery (running to cephalic portion of intestines). Develops with the omphalomesenteric. Inferior Mesenteric Artery (to caudal portion of intestine). (Not always present, while other mesenteric arteries appear.) Coeliac Axis — is the name applied if the superior mesenteric fuses with the coeliac artery. Hypogastric Arteries: Originally connect dorsal aorta with subintestinal vein near anus, later supplying rectum. In animals higher than vertebrates a urinary bladder grows from the rectal region and this is supplied by hypogastric branches called vesical arteries. In amniotes, where the distal end of the bladder becomes the allan- tois, parts of the vesical arteries become allantoic arteries or umbilical arteries, because they pass through the umbilicus. With the disappear- ance of the allantois these arteries degenerate, leaving only the rectal and vesical branches of the hypogastric trunk. Caudal Aorta: That portion of the dorsal aorta caudad to the hypogastric arteries. SOMATIC ARTERIES Distributed to body wall and its derivatives. (Contrary to the visceral arteries, the somatic arteries are arranged metamerically.) Intercostal Arteries (Fig. 444) : One pair develop between each pair of myotomes, beginning at the radices and the -dorsal aorta. As the aortic arches disappear and change, the intercostals become connected close to their origin by a pair of ver- tebral arteries, running through the openings in the transverse processes of the vertebrae. The intercostals have different names, depending on their location, as thoracic, lumbar, sacal, etc. Vertebral Arteries: In both man and other vertebrates the vertebral arteries pass in a cephalad direction toward the ventral side of the medulla oblongata where the right and left arteries unite to form one trunk called the basilar artery. This runs straight forward underneath the brain. Two branches of the vertebrals extend caudad from points just before where the two vertebrals unite. 792 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Circle of Willis: Just before the basilar artery reaches the hypophysis (pituitary body) it divides, so that one-half of the basilar passes on each side of the hypophysis. The internal carotid artery meets this divided basilar on each side and the trunks thus formed meet near the optic chiasma forming a complete arterial ring called the circle of Willis. It will be noticed that the brain has thus a supply of arterial blood from both ven- tral and dorsal regions, making it less likely to suffer from anything that might impede the circulation in any one part. Subclavian Arteries: As the limbs grow out, a segmental artery for each somite concerned in the appendages, extends into the member. These arteries become connected with each other distally as well as with the veins of the limb by a network of small vessels. The parts of these main trunks and the connecting network enlarge while other portions atrophy. There are numerous variations in the blood supply of the limbs. This explains the shiftings of the subclavian artery shown in Figure 448. The subclavian has the following names applied to different por- tions : Axillary — that part lying in the axilla. Brachial — that part lying in the upper arm. Radial and Ulnar — the ones lying adjacent to the bones of these names. Epigastric Arteries: The development of the arteries of the hind leg is somewhat com- plex. There is the same formation of -a capillary network as with the fore-limb. Two of the arteries become prominent. The epigastric artery lies forward. It descends from the aorta to the ventral side of the body and forward, supplying the lower portion of the myotomes. It becomes connected with the epigastric veins at first, although later these may anastomose with the hinder ends of the cutaneous arteries. When the hind limb grows out, the external iliac or femoral artery (a branch of the epigastric), is sent into its anterior side. As the leg increases in size this sometimes surpasses the parent epigastric in size, so that the latter appears as a mere side branch. Sciatic Arteries: The sciatic or ischiadic arteries descend into the posterior side of the leg, the name changing at the angle of the knee to popliteal artery. Farther down this artery divides into peroneal and anterior and posterior tibial arteries. The peroneal supplies the calf of the leg and the others continue into the foot. The arrangement of vessels here outlined is characteristic of the CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 793 lower tetrapoda where the femoral artery is small. It is likewise char- acteristic of the embryos of mammals. In the latter, however, b.efore birth, the femoral artery grows down to join the popliteal, and so be- comes the chief supply of the limb. These trunks and the hypogastric do not always remain distinct. They often fuse in different ways at the base. Epigastric and hypogastric arteries are distinct in many reptiles and in birds, but in other vertebrates they fuse to form the common iliac artery, so called because the proximal portion of the femoral is often called the external, and the hypogastric the internal iliac artery. The sciatic, likewise, may remain distinct, or it may fuse with the other3 at the base, and then its independent portion will appear as a branch of the common iliac artery. A cutaneous artery arises from either the subclavian or the pul- monary artery of either side (both conditions occur in the amphibia) to run backward in the skin of the trunk. It may extend back and unite with the epigastric artery. If, as in the amphibia, these arise from the pulmonary artery, they contain venous blood and the skin acts as a sub- sidiary respiratory organ. Renal Arteries: Renal arteries are paired and show metamerism in the primitive state, details of which are given in the description of the organs they supply. It is well to note that metamerism is well shown in these arteries going to the pronephros and the mesonephros, while in the true kidney — the metanephros — only a single pair of renal arteries furnishes the blood supply. Genital Arteries: These, like the renal arteries, are paired and metameric in the primi- tive state and are called Spermatic in the male. Ovarian in the female. These are more numerous in lower animal forms than in higher. THE VEINS Omphalomesenteric Veins : It will be remembered that the heart is developed in the pericardial cavity. Caudad to the heart region the liver begins developing and tHus prevents the lateral plates from coming together on the ventral side as they did in the case of the heart. The lateral plates, however, become grooved, and each one forms a tube, so that there are two vessels, called the omphalomesenteric veins extending caudad from the heart, passing around the liver where they meet with the extensions of the omphalo- mesenteric arteries already described (Fig. 277). •94 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Subintestinal Veins: Caudad to this connection a pair of subintestinal veins (Fig. 450) run toward the tail end on the ventral side of the digestive canal. These fuse together into a medial tube just behind the anal opening, which ex- Fig. 450. Diagrams to show the development of the postcayal vein in the cat. The cardinal system of veins is cross-hatched, the subcardinal veins closely stippled, the hepatic veins are indicated by cross, vertical, and oblique hatching combined, the supracardinal veins by open stippling, and the renal cottar by vertical hatching. A, early stage, showing the anterior and posterior cardinal veins, a, b, c, the common cardinal vein d, the subcardinal veins /, and the outgrowth e from the hepatic veins of the liver. B, next stage, showing the union of the hepatic outgrowth e with the subcardinal veins /, to form the proximal part of the postcaval vein ; the two subcardinals have united with each other at h. C, the anterior part of the posterior cardinal vein 6 has separated from the posterior part c, c now being the renal portal vein ; the postcaval vein is seen to be formed of the hepatic vein e, the right subcardinal /, and to be united by meajis of the two subcardinals below h with the renal portals c. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 795 tends to the end of the tail. This fused portion is known as the caudal vein. In the cyclostomes this connection persists. It disappears in other vertebrates. The left Omphalomesenteric vein, which passes along the left side of the liver, continues to carry blood from the caudal or posterior part of the body to the heart, while the right disappears with the exception of the small portion between the sinus venosus and the liver. The Portal System: It will be remembered that the liver develops from a simple sac into a compound tubular glandular structure. The left omphalomesenteric breaks up into a great mass of capillary-like tubules or sinusoids, which pass among the tubules of the liver and end by reconnecting at .the cephalic end of the liver. As the liver increases in complexity so do these sinusoids. The left omphalomesenteric is consequently quite im- portant during this period and it is known as the ductus venosus (Arantii), (Fig. 451). A little later, however, this importance is lost by a part of the omphalomesenteric becoming the portal vein, which brings all the blood from the posterior regions of the body to the liver, sending it through the tiny sinusoids. The ends between the heart and the liver, formerly called the ductus venosus, now become the hepatic veins. It is in and through the hepatic veins that the collected blood from the liver sinusoids is sent to the heart. When a vein breaks up into capillaries of this kind, as in the liver and kidneys, and its contents are again gathered in a vein, it is called a portal system. That of the liver is the Hepatic portal, while that of the kidney the Renal portal system. In elasmobranchs and sauropsida, which produce eggs with large D, the supracardinal system of veins i, represented by open stippling, has appeared and has united anteriorly with the anterior parts of the posterior cardinals b, medially with the subcardinals by an anastomosis fc, named the renal collar, and posteriorly with the renal portals c. E, union of the two anterior cardinals by a cross-connection p, and develop- ment of the renal veins from the renal collar fc; the supracardinal veins have separated into anterior parts connected with the posterior cardinals b and posterior parts connected with the subcardinals and renal portals c. F, continuation of E. G, adult stage ; the left anterior cardinal joins the right by means of the cross-vein p which is the left innominate vein ; the common stem a, which is the right anterior cardinal, enters the heart by way of n, which is the right common cardinal vein ; the left common cardinal vein persists as the coronary sinus o; the right anterior parts of the posterior cardinal vein and supracardinal form the azygos vein, b and i, while on the left side these are obliterated at v; the postcaval vein is now complete and is seen to be composed of the hepatic vein e, the right subcardinal, the anastomosis between the two subcardinals at h, the right renal collar k, the posterior part of the supracardinal vein i, and the posterior parts of the renal portals (posterior cardinals) c: the left subcardinal and posterior cardinal contribute to the vein of the left gonad, hence the asymmetrical arrangement of the genital veins in mammals. H, composite diagram of the veins of a cat. a, anterior cardinal ; b, anterior part of the posterior cardinal ; c, posterior part of posterior cardinal or renal portal ; d, common cardinal ; e, hepatic portion of the postcaval (this is partly re- moved in Figs. D-G ;) /, subcardinal; g, gonad; h, union between the two sub- cardinals; i, supracardinal; j, kidney (metanephros) ; fc, renal collar or union between subcardinals and supracardinals ; I, adrenal gland ; m, vein to adrenal gland ; n, base of the precaval vein or right common cardinal ; o, coronary sinus or left common cardinal ; omph.mes., omphalomesenteric artery ; p, left innominate or connection between the two anterior cardinals ; q. internal jugular ; r, sub- clavian ; 8, external jugular; t, external iliac; u, internal iliac. (Partly from Hyman after Huntington and McClure in Anatomical Record, Vol. XX.) 796 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY - card.p. omph m.d, - Fig. 451. — ymph.m.s. omph.- yolk, the presence of a large food supply exercises a modifying influence on these ventral veins. A pair of large vitelline veins runs out into the yolk sac, over the yolk, from the junction of the omphalomesenteric and the subintestinal veins to play a large part in the transfer of material to the growing embryo (Fig. 284). The distal parts of these veins follow the margin of the yolk sac, forming a tube (sinus terminalis), into which smaller veins empty. Blood is brought to the yolk by the omphalo-mesen- teric arteries. These arteries are also dis- tributed to the yolk sac and divide up dis- tally into a network of capillaries which connect distally with the vitelline veins. The blood is carried by these vitelline veins to the liver and through the portal circulation to the lieart. In the mammals a similar vitelline circulation is developed, but here the yolk sac contains no yolk, and so is of minor importance and soon lost. In amniotes there is an outgrowth, the allantois, which arises as a diverticulum from the hinder end of the alimentary canal. This increases in extent by growing down- ward and carrying the ventral body wall be- fore it. Allantoic arteries (branches of the hypogastric arteries) extend into it and are connected by capillaries with umbilical veins which arise from the subintestinal vein behind the vitelline veins. This forms an allantoic circulation which is both respiratory and nutritive in character. In the reptiles, both of the umbilical veins persist through foetal life, while in birds and mammals, one aborts, leaving the other as the efferent vessel of the allantois. With the end of foetal life (at hatching or at birth) both the vitelline and the allantoic circulations disappear, leaving only inconspicuous rudiments. Anterior Cardinal Veins (Superior Jugular or Jugular) : (The inferior jugulars are found only in fishes and salamanders, where they drain lateral and ventral branchial regions.) The superior jugular vein lies dorsal to the gill-clefts and returns blood from the dor- sal regions of the head. Post Cardinal Veins (Figs. 450, 456). These are very clearly related in development with the excretory system and lie dorsal to the coelom and dorsal to the nephridial arteries. Nearly all of the thoracic portion of the post cardinal veins soon disap- pears in the higher forms, while a supra cardinal system develops, as shown in the figures. This supra cardinal system in turn disappears with Diagram showing development of the mammalian hepatic portal system. The omphalo-mesenteric and the umbilical veins are reduced. card.a. and card.p., anterior and posterior cardinals ; d, intestine ; d.ar., ductus venosus (Arantii) : I, liver ; omph.m.d. and omph.m.s., right and left omphalo-mesenteric veins ; umb.d. and umb.8., right and left umbilical veins. (After Hoch- stetter. ) CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 797 the exception of a posterior portion which takes part in the forming of the post cava, and the right anterior portion which connects with the remnant of the post cardinal to become the azygous vein. If the an- terior left side persists also, this is known as the hemiazygous. In the lower vertebrates they retain their function of draining the excretory system. Cuvierian Ducts: These are formed by the meeting of the anterior cardinal and the post-cardinal vein on each side to form short tubes for the emptying of the cardinal veins into the sinus venosus. Subcardinal Veins: These are closely associated with the post-cardinals. As the mesonephroi in their development reach the hinder end of the coelom, the caudal vein loses its primitive connection with the sub- intestinal vein and becomes connected with a pair of vessels, the sub- cardinal veins, which develop in a ventral-medial position to the two mesonephroi. The blood from the tail now goes through the subcardi- nals and from them into the excretory organs, passing through a system of capillaries to be gathered again in the postcardinals and by them to be returned to the heart. Here, then, there is another portal system, the first renal-portal system, which may be modified later. Subclavian Veins: One of these drains each forelimb. It originally empties into the post-cardinal but later may empty into the Cuvierian duct or jugular vein. Common Iliac Vein: This drains the hind limb and empties into the epigastric (lateral abdominal) vein, which in turn empties into the post-cardinal or duct of Cuvier. While this is the condition in some elasmobranchs, in the reptiles and amphibia the common iliac sends part of its blood as above, and part through the post-cardinal of its ow-n side, so that blood from the hind limbs has two routes to the heart. Anterior Abdominal Vein: In amphibia and some reptiles the two epigastric veins fuse in the midline to form an anterior abdominal vein, which passes through the remains of the ventral mesentery (ligamentum teres), to the liver and forward. In one mammal, Echidna alone, has such an anterior abdominal vein been found. The vessels of the appendages are but slightly developed in fishes. There is a subclavian vein which enters the Cuvierian duct, and some- 798 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY times a branchial vein which may empty into the sinus venosus. In the amphibia a cutaneous magnus vein comes from the skin of the trunk which may enter the subclavian. In all tetrapoda, the subclavian, after it leaves the limb, receives a superficial cephalic and an axillary vein. The latter, however, changes its name in the appendage to the brachial vein. The common iliac vein is formed in the limb by a union of the femoral and sciatic (ischiadic) veins, as well as the hypogastric (inter- nal iliac) vein. In all classes above fishes, such as dipnoi, amphibia, and amniotes, a new vein, the postcava (vena cava inferior) arises in part from scat- tered spaces and in part as a diverticulum of the sinus venosus and the hepatic veins. It grows backward, dorsal to the liver, until it meets and fuses with the right subcardinal vein, a portion of which now forms a new trunk to carry blood from the posterior part of the body to the heart. The following changes are introduced in the embryonic renal portal circulation whenever a postcaval vein develops. The subcardinals no longer connect with the caudal vein but are connected with each other by transverse vessels (interrenal veins). Portions of the postcardinals grow backward to connect with the caudal vein. These posterior parts of the postcardinals then become the advehent veins (Fig. 452) of a sec- B. Diagram of Renal Portal System in A, Alligator, and B, Bird. (After Gegenbaur. ) CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 799 end renal portal system. They bring blood from the tail and hind limbs to the excretory organs (mesonephroi). The subcardinals of both sides usually fuse in the middle line. The fusion is initiated by the appearance of the interrenal veins, which now act as revehent vessels to carry blood from the excretory organs to the postcava and to the anterior portion of the postcardinals which have joined the anterior ends of the subcardi- nals. In mammals there is also a change in the postcardinals and in the renal portal system. In the lung fish Ceratodus there are some differences from the above account. Here the cephalic portion of the right postcardinal loses its connection with the vessels behind, a*nd acts as a vertebral vein, taking the blood from the intercostal veins of that side back of the heart. The caudal and the subcardinals form a continuous trunk, while the revehent vessels form side branches. The caval portions of the postcardinals grow back into the tail as paired vessels, forming no connection with the caudal vein. In Protopterus there is no vertebral vein and the sub- cardinals are not fused behind, while the advehent veins are connected with the caudal. Pulmonary Veins: There may be various pairs of these. They carry blood from the lungs to the left auricle of the heart. They never empty into the sinus venosus. THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM In addition to the arterial and venous divisions of the circulatory system, all craniates develop lymph-vessels or lymphatics. These consist of a network of lymph capillaries which are inter- woven with, but independent of, the blood-capillaries. The lymphatic system is not closed like the blood-vascular system, for there are not only definite lymph vessels, but there are large open spaces — the lymph- sinuses. Then, too, there are connections by little apertures, called stomata, between the lymphatics and the coelom. Lymph sinuses are found beneath the skin, as in the frog, between muscles, in the mesenteries, in the walls of the alimentary tract, around the central nervous system, and in many other parts of the body. The lymph (which is practically the liquid part of the blood which seeps through the blood vessel walls) is gathered in these sinuses and then passes into more or less definite lymph vessels which, in turn, open into the veins (Fig. 453). Leukocytes are added to the plasma from the various lymphatic glands (Fig. 453), such as the tonsils, thymus, and spleen. In the lower craniates, such as the frog, lymph-hearts occur (Fig. 347). These are muscular dilations found in the course of certain vessels. 800 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY The lymph glands (Fig. 453) are made up of a network of connec- tive tissue in which the lymph leukocytes (lymphocytes) are formed. The function of lymph glands, therefore, seems to be that of de- stroying foreign bodies and to add white blood corpuscles to the general Ant. cardinal vein- "• Right lymphatic duct Subclavian vein Ant. lymph heart Post, cardinal vein -I— 'V /? *;r -t B. Post, lymph heart Fig. 453. A, Diagram showing arrangement of lymphatic vessels in a 20 mm. pig embryo. (After Sabin.) B, Diagram illustrating a stage in the development of a lymph gland. (After Stohr.) circulation. The lymph itself bathes all the cells of the body. There are no red blood corpuscles in lymph. The lymphatics of the intestine are called lacteals and perform the important function of absorbing fats from the ingested food. These lacteals combine with the lymphatic vessels from the hind limbs and body to form a receptacle known as the receptaculum chyli, from which a tube (thoracic duct) passes cephalad to open into one of the large veins of the precaval system by a valvular opening. The thoracic duct is often double. In mammals the lymphatic system ramifies throughout all portions of the body. The lymphatic system is too delicate to be worked out by the ordinary laboratory dissection. SUMMARY OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM AMPHIOXUS (Fig. 444) The blood vessels are all of one kind, but due to various homologies with the more complex vessels of higher animal forms, some are called arteries and others veins. The circulatory system consists of a ventral pulsating vessel, with- out a specialized heart enlargement. This pulsating vessel pumps the colorless blood forward and through the branchial arches to be aerated. The blood then collects in paired dorsal aortae which unite back of the pharynx into a single dorsal aorta. Branches are sent from this dorsal aorta to the walls of the intestine where they break up into capillaries. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 801 The blood is collected from these capillaries into a median longitudinal sub-intestinal vein, through which the blood flows forward to pass into the hepatic portal vein at the origin of the liver. This portal vein breaks up into capillaries within the liver and is then collected in the hepatic vein which extends along the dorsal portion of the digestive gland, where it turns downward and forward to join the caudal end of the ventral pulsating vessel. The vascular system of Amphioxus, therefore, consists primarily of (I) a dorsal vessel represented by the paired and unpaired dorsal aortae, (II) a ventral vessel represented by the subintestinal vein and the ven- tral aorta, and (III) commissural vessels represented by the afferent and efferent branchial arteries and the intestinal capillaries. • This is quite similar to the circulation in the earthworm except for two important differences. The blood in the ventral vessel of Amphioxus travels for- ward, that in the dorsal vessel backward — just the reverse of what occurs in the earthworm, while the ventral vessel is broken up into two parts, by the interposition in its course of the capillaries of the liver, so that all the blood from the intestine has to pass through the liver before reaching the ventral aorta. This passage of the intestinal blood through the vessels of the liver constitutes what is called the hepatic portal sys- tem, which is characteristic of all vertebrates. FISHES The circulation in fishes corresponds quite closely in the main to that of the chick's embryonic circulation. It is built about the gill sys- tem. The blood is pumped forward from the ventral heart through the gills, and is then, as arterial blood, carried backward in the dorsal aorta. This scheme of circulation wherever found is interpreted as primarily aquatic. The heart consists of four chambers : (a) sinus venosus, (b) auricle, (c) ventricle, and (d) conus arteriosus, through which blood passes in the order given. The sinus and auricle lie dorsal to the ventricle. In the lampreys there is no portal system. In the dogfish (Figs. 446, 449, 454), the circulation is laid out in accord with the branchial system. The blood brought to the heart by the venae cavae is pumped forward through a common ventral aorta which divides into five pairs of afferent branchial arteries, each of which carries blood to one set of branchiae. A corresponding efferent branchial vessel picks up the aerated blood from the branchiae and carries it to a dorsal aorta, through which it is distributed to all parts of the body, both anteriorly and posteriorly. The general systemic, hepatic-portal, and renal-portal systems return the blood to the heart along dorsal vessels, called anterior and posterior cardinal veins. The fish-type of circulation is built primarily along lines laid down by the branchial respiration and the heart pumps blood forward and 802- COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Fig. 454. A, The forepart of the body of a dogfish, dissected to show the heart and ventral arterial system, a.b.a., Afferent branchial arteries ; em., auricle ; c.a., conus arteriosus ; ch, ceratohyal cartilage ; d.C., ductus Cuvieri ; g., gills ; y.c., gill clefts ; i.e., internal opening of the first gill cleft ; M.c., Meckel's cartilage ; mu. muscles from coracoid region of shoulder girdle to various parts of visceral skeleton ; pm., pericardium; s.v., sinus venosus ; sc.f scapula; thy., thyroid gland (dis- placed) ; v., ventricle; v.ao., ventral aorta. B, The forepart of a dogfish, dissected from the ventral side, to show the dorsal arterial system, the olfactory organs, and certain structures in the orbits. The middle part of the floor of the -mouth has been removed, a.b.a., Afferent branchial arteries ; c.c., common carotid artery ; coe.a., creliac artery ; d.ao., dorsal arota ; e.b.a., efferent branchial arteries ; e.c., external carotid ; en., nostril ; epibr., epibranchial artery ; hm., hyomandibular cartilage ; hy.a., hyoidean artery ; i.e., internal carotid arteries ; inf., infundibulum ; M.c., Meckel's cartilage in lower jaw ; o.i., inferior oblique muscle ; o.s., superior oblique muscle ; olf.o., olfactory organ; p.c., -posterior carotid artery; sc., scapula; scl., subclavian artery; sic., skull ; sp., spiracle ; V.md., V.mx., mandibular and maxillary branches of fifth nerve; //., optic nerve. (After Borradaile.) through the branchial arches. This involves as many pairs of branchial arches as there are paired functional afferent vessels carrying blood to the gills, and efferent vessels carrying the oxygenated blood from the gills to the dorsal aorta. AMPHIBIA (Figs. 446, 456) The principal changes in the amphibian circulation are concerned with the branchial arches. These are remodeled to become blood ves- sels that can function in an air-breathing animal. The branchial vessels of lobe-finned ganoids and of amphibia in the larval stage consist of four pairs; known from the region in which they develop as the third, fourth, fifth and sixth. The third pair becomes the carotid arteries that supply the head; the fourth becomes the systemic arches that supply most of the body ; the fifth disappears, and the sixth becomes mainly the CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 803 pulmonary arches. It is of interest to note that in all lung-breathing fishes, the lungs are supplied from the branch of the sixth branchial arch. In most amphibia, a branch of the sixth arch becomes cutaneous, for the skin respiration is almost as important as the pulmonary. The heart is carried back into the trunk and consists of a sinus venosus, right and left auricle, ventricle, and conus arteriosus. The auricle has divided into a systemic half and a pulmonary half which lie in front of the ventricle. The single ventricle receives both arterial and venous blood, but there is very little mixture of the two. The postcava is well developed and the lateral abdominal veins (also called epigastric) unite to form an anterior abdominal vein. This latter vein permits the return of blood from the hind legs to the heart either through the anterior abdominal and the hepatic portal system or the renal portal system and the postcava. REPTILIA (Figs. 447, 448, 452, 455) Fig. 455. Embryonic circulation of a Snapping Turtle (Chelydra) to show the relations of allantois. a, right auricle ; al, allantois ; av, allantoic vessels ; c, caudal vein ; da, dorsal aorta ; h, hypogastric artery ; j, jugular, I, liver ; oa, ov, omphalo- mesenteric artery and vein ; pc, post-cardinal ; sc, subcardinal vein ; uv, umbilical vein; w, Wolffian body; y, yolk-sac; 3-6, aortic arches. (From Kingsley after Agassiz and Clarke.) The heart is very broad laterally and consists of a sinus venosus (although only distinguishable in Sphenodon externally), two quite dis- tinct auricles (the right receiving venous blood from the body, and the left aerated blood from the lungs), and a ventricle always more or less completely divided into right and left portions. (In the crocodile the partition is complete.) 804 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY A. B. c. Fig. 456. Diagrams to show arrangement of principal veins in A, Urodele, B, Anura and Reptilia, C, Bird, D, Mammal. 1, Sinus venosus, gradually disappearing in the higher forms; 2, Ductus Cuvieri (superior vena cava) ; 3, Internal jugular (anterior cardinal sinus or vein) ; 4, External jugular (sub-branchial) ; 5, Subclavian; 6, Posterior cardinal, front part (venae azygos and hemiazygos of higher forms) ; 7, Inferior vena cava; 8, Renal portal (hinder part of posterior cardinal) ; 9, Caudal; 10, Sciatic (internal iliac) ; 11, Femoral in A, Pelvic in B; 12, Anterior abdominal in A and B, coccygeomesenteric in C; 13, Femoral (external iliac) in B, C, and D; 14, Anastomosis of jugulars in C. (From Shipley and MacBride.) The sinus venosus receives the venous blood from two precaval (really the Cuvierian duct) and one postcaval vein. The blood passes through the right auricle into the right half of the ventricle, after which it passes through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs. From the lungs it returns through the pulmonary veins to the left auricle and thence to the left ventricle. From here it is pumped out through the paired aortic arches to all parts of the body. There is both a renal and a hepatic portal system. Often there is a foramen (of Panizza) connecting the right and left fourth aortic arches, so that blood can pass from one side to the other. BIRDS (Figs. 444, 446, 447, 448, 452) The heart is large and has two definite auricles, two ventricles, and no distinct sinus venosus. The right auricle receives the venous blood from the general body, while the left receives the aerated blood as it is returned from the lungs. The right aortic arch carries all of the arterial blood to the system. The renal-portal system is vestigial. MAMMALIA The mammals retain the left aortic arch and lose the right, while birds retain the right arch and lose the left. Modern reptiles show a tendency to reduce the left arch. The valves between auricle and ventricle are tricuspid on the right CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 805 side and bicuspid (mitral) on the left. In the monotremes, however, both valves have three cusps. The pulmonary artery and aorta all have three-lobed semilunar valves. In the monotremes the renal portal system is better developed than in other mammals although in all mammals it functions but for a short time and disappears with the degeneration of the mesonephroi (Wolffian bodies). A part of the capillary system of the mesonephroi enlarge during the degenerative process to form a main trunk which connects the post- cava with the caudal portions of the postcardinal veins. It is the post- cardinals that drain the tail, iliacs, and metanephroi. The left postcardinal largely disappears later with the exception of that portion which connects with the suprarenal and gonad of the left side. All the blood from the posterior part of the body is therefore re- turned through the right postcardinal and the postcava, whose origin appears to be at the union of the iliac veins. In the turtle the postcaval vein unites with that part of the renal portal system which lies caudal to the kidneys and the renal portal sys- tem then passes out of existence. This can be understood the better if it be remembered that the renal portal veins are the caudal portions of the posterior cardinal veins, and that the subcardinal veins (particularly the right subcardinal) form the postcaval vein which lies between the kidneys. In mammals the postcaval vein is formed principally of the distal ends of the posterior cardinal veins, and of the right subcardinal, of the (vitelline) hepatic veins close to, and cephalad to, the liver, as well as of the hepatic veins which lie between the liver and the hind limbs. As the postcaval vein is made up of so many different sources, there are bound to be many variations in the adult state due to more or less per- sistent embryonic conditions. The more anterior portion of the postcardinal veins loses its con- nection with the portion connecting with the excretory organs, and with the thoracic portion of the supracardinals, to become the azygous vein on the right side and the hemiazygous on the left. Either of these may disappear or, as in man, there may be a cross connection between these two veins. In such a case the anterior part of the hemiazygous is known as the superior intercostal vein. The abdominal veins are quite important in foetal life as they bring blood from the placenta to the embryo. In the higher vertebrates, including man, an innominate vein ex- tends across from the carotid-subclavian trunk from one side to the other. All the blood is thus returned to the heart by means of the base of the right trunk, which is now called the precava or vena cava anterior. The Cuvierian duct remains only as the coronary sinus. CHAPTER LIV. THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM. As has already been noted, not only in the frog but in several of the type-forms studied, there is an intimate connection between the excretory and the reproductive systems. In fact this is so intimate that it is im- possible to take up either subject without touching upon the other. For this reason it is customary to treat both under the head of the Urogenital System. The excretory organs consisting of the paired kidneys, or nephridic organs and their ducts, serve the purpose of casting out of the body the waste matter containing nitrogen,, and occasionally other substances. The gonads (ovaries or testes) are the reproductive glands. To any and all of these, accessory structures are frequently added. The nephri- dic organs proper have already been quite fully described in the frog, a review of which is essential to the understanding of that which follows. It will be remembered that the kidneys are parenchymatous glands, being composed of a soft, more or less spongy tissue in which there is a profuse quantity of blood. The great quantity of blood is sent through the tiny venules which anastamose with the arterial capillaries in the Malpighian corpuscles (Fig. 16.) Some of the typical parts which go to make up the kidneys of higher forms are lacking in certain groups of animals. In the amniotes, neph- rostomes are never formed, although they do occur in most ichthyopsida. In the pronephros the Malpighian corpuscle is rudimentary or lacking at all stages, while there is no differentiation of convoluted tubules and Henle's loop. Professor Kingsley's excellent account of the urogenital system is followed here. Theoretically the function of the various parts of the nephridial tubules is in outline as follows : In the primitive condition the nitro- genous waste, is elaborated in the liver, collected in the coelom and, together with the coelomic fluid is passed outward through the neph- rostomes and the tubules, which act merely as ducts. "Higher in the scale the parts become more differentiated and specialized. The renal corpuscles form a filtering apparatus by which water is passed from the blood-vessels of the glomerulus into the tubules near their beginning, and this serves to carry out the urea, uric acid, etc., secreted by the glandular portions of the walls of the tubules (convoluted tubules, ascending limb of Henle's loop)." "All three nephridia arise from the mesomeric somites or from the Wolffian ridge which appears on either side of the median line where the mesomeres separate from the rest of the wall of the body cavity, the UROGENITAL SYSTEM 807 mesomeric cells furnishing the nephrogenous tissue from which the definitive organs develop." "Three views are held as to their relations one to another. Accord- ing to one they are parts of an originally continuous excretory organ (holonephros) which extended the length of the body cavity. This has become broken up into the separate parts which differ merely in time of development and function, with minor modifications in details. A second view is that they are three separate organs, while a third regards them as superimposed structures which occasionally overlap (birds, gymnophiona) and thus are not, strictly speaking, homologous but rather homodynamous. The first view has the most in its support, but for convenience the three structures are kept distinct." It is of considerable value to trace the successive series of these excretory structures in the different types of animals. It will be re- membered that in some of the forms studied, such as the earthworm, there was an excretory organ in practically every segment of the animal's body. It will be further remembered that insistence has constantly been laid upon the fact that the so-called higher animal forms have practi- cally every structure that the lower forms possess, plus something addi- tional. This is well exemplified in the study of the nephridic organs. The nephridic organs of the amniotes pass through a three-fold development. The first excretory organs which grow, form the pronephros or head-kidney, the next succeeding being known as the mesonephros or Wolffian body, while the last to form, which becomes the permanent kidney of the higher forms, is called the metanephros. While all three are closely related both in their development and their structure, there is a difference in their origin and in some of the details. THE PRONEPHROS. As its name implies, that is the first of the excretory organs to appear. A review of the embryology of the excretory system must be had at this point. As the myotome is being formed from the epimere, the dorsal end of each mesomere closes. This forms a sac which opens into the coelom. Each of these is called a nephrotome and lies a little behind the head. It is from these nephrotomes that the pronephros is formed. The number of pronephridic organs varies from one in the teleosts, to a dozen or more in the caecilians. The usual number, however, in the higher forms is two. From the somatic walls of these nephrotomes there is an out- growth toward the ectoderm. This forms slender pronephric tubules as in the amphibia, or solid cords which later have a lumen from within them as in elasmobranchs and amniotes. They thus all become tubules, the proximal ends of each communicating with the metacoele by way of the cavity in the nephrotome. The opening to the metacoele is called a nephrostome, and as already noted, there will be as many tubules and nephrostomes as there are somites. The distal ends of the nephrotomes 808 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY grow outward until they reach just below the ectoderm when they bend toward the caudal end of the body. Here the more cephalic tubules fuse with those behind and it is at this meeting place of the tube that the pronephric duct, sometimes called the archinephric duct, grows back- ward immediately beneath the ectoderm. This backward growth con- tinues until the caudal end of the metacoele has been reached. It is here that the pronephric duct fuses with the caudal end of the digestive tract and empties into the cloaca, as in the frog, where it meets with the ectoderm close to the anal opening. In either case an opening then breaks through so that the contents of the duct can be expelled. The question is often asked as to whether the ducts thus formed are of mesothelial origin or whether the ectoderm contributes a share. From present evidence it is assumed that the ectoderm has no share in their formation. "The pronephros is functional for a time in the embryos of some lower vertebrates ; in other groups it is a rudimentary and transitory structure save for its participation in the oviducts and the ostium tubae abdominale. When functional, it takes the nitrogenous waste from the body cavity, while its filtering apparatus consists either of separate glomeruli (one for each tubule) or the glomeruli of the separate somites may run together, forming a glomus. These glomeruli or the glomus of the pronephros do not project into a Bowman's capsule, but lie imme- diately above the dorsal wall of the coelom, between the mesentery and the nephrostomes, pushing the epithelium before them. Later, as in the caecilians, they and the nephrostomes may be enclosed in a cavity cut off from the coelom, so that the whole resembles a renal corpuscle, but is different in origin. In either case the exuding fluid passes into the meta- coele, from which it is drawn by the cilia of the nephrostomes and passed into the tubules. "The blood is brought to the glomus or glomeruli by short seg- mental arteries arising from the dorsal aorta and, after passing through the capillaries, it is carried away by the postcardinal veins of the cor- responding side to the heart, these veins keeping pace in their backward development with the development of the nephridial tubules." In all vertebrate adults, with the possible exception of Bdellostoma (Fig. 366), the pronephros has been replaced by the mesonephros and later still in the amniotes by the metanephros. In the cyclostomes and a few teleosts the pronephros, however, persists. THE MESONEPHROS. The mesonephros, also called the Wolffian body, is formed by a series of mesonephric tubules which are developed after the pronephros and its ducts are completely formed. The mesonephric tubules grow out from the nephrotomes behind those which form the pronephros. The tubules extend toward each side of the animal until they meet and fuse with the pronephric duct. This duct is then the excretory canal for the UROGENITAL SYSTEM 809 mesonephros. The point of origin of the mesonephric tubules varies in different animals. Some lie dorsal to the pronephric tubules while two arise from the same nephrotome one above the other. In fish and amphibians the nephrostome consists of the opening of the nephrotome into the metacoele. As this opening, however, is closed in the amniotes, even before the tubules are formed, there are no nephrostomes, and con- sequently there is no connection between tubules and the peritoneal cavity. "Segmental arteries grow out from the aorta to the splanchnic wall of each nephrotome, forming there a network of capillaries at a higher level than the pronephric glomeruli. The glomerulus thus formed presses the wall before it, while the rest of the nephrotome closes around it as a Bowman's capsule, the whole forming a Malpighian body (in some rodents the glomeruli are rudimentary or absent). In most ichthyopsida the Malpighian body is connected on one side with the metacoele by the nephrostome, and on the other with the mesonephric tubule. "Thus at first the mesonephros is a metameric structure, extending over a much larger number of somites than does the pronephros and reaching nearly to the posterior limits of the metacoele. As the develop- ment of the embryo proceeds, the number of tubules, in all vertebrates except the myxinoids, increases by budding in a manner not readily described. These tubules unite with those first formed, so that the distal part of these become collecting tubules. Each of these secondary tubules forms its own Malpighian body and all of the tubules elongate, become convoluted and the mesonephros loses its primitive metameric character. "At the same time changes are introduced into the mesonephric circulation. The veins emerging from the renal corpuscles extend out into the region of the tubules, each breaking up there into a second sys- tem of capillaries which envelop the tubules before returning the blood to the postcardinal vein. The subcardinal vein brings the blood from the caudal region (and usually from the hind limbs) to the Wolffian body and this is also returned via the postcardinals to the heart." THE MESONEPHRIC DUCTS. In those animals seemingly more primitive, such as the elasmo- branchs and in some of the amphibia, the pronephric duct divides longi- tudinally from its most caudal end forward, almost to the cephalic end of the Wolffian body. This occurs at the time the mesonephros develops. There are thus two ducts formed one of which, called Wolffian or Ley- dig's duct, remains connected with the tubules of the mesonephros and forms its excretory canal, while the other called the Mullerian duct is also quite closely related to the pronephros, but forms the oviduct in the female. In the amniotes the pronephric duct does not divide but be- comes the Wolffian duct, while the oviduct arises in another manner. This same thing holds true in many of the amphibians and in all of the teleosts. 810 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY THE METANEPHROS. While the mesonephros functions in all vertebrate embryos and throughout the entire life of fish and amphibians as well as a short time after birth in the lizards and opposum, this organ becomes replaced in the adult of all amniotes by the two metanephridic organs which form the true kidneys. Each of this pair of kidneys takes its origin directly behind the mesonephros of the same side, while from the caudal end of the Wolffian duct close to its entrance into the cloaca a tube, the ureter, grows forward parallel to the parent duct, into the tissue caudal and dorsal to the mesonephros. It is supposed that this is more or less metameric, although all trace of such metamerism has disappeared, the kidneys not being segmented in any stage of their development. The cephalic end of the ureter has a varying number of branches, whose tips expand to form what is called a primary renal vesicle. Around each primary vesicle a group of cells develops, the aggregate of which grows into an "S" shaped tubule, one end of which connects with the primary renal vesicle, the other developing into a glomerulus. There are no neph- rostomes. Still later these tubules multiply extensively, while the blood capillary system of the glomerulus increases also. THE URINARY BLADDER. This reservoir for urine, also called a urocyst, forms toward the caudal end of the excretory ducts. There are three kinds of urocysts. 1. A bladder arising by the fusion of the caudal ends of the Wolfrian ducts plus a portion of the digestive tract. This is the cloaca type. The Wolfrian ducts in this instance empty into the cloaca, the cloaca then opening to the exterior. 2. The usual urinary bladder formed by a diverticulum from the dorsal wall of the cloaca, cephalad to the openings of the Wolfrian ducts. It is supposed however that this form may be homologous with the rectal gland of the elasmobranchs. 3. The allantoic bladder occurring in all higher forms as a ventral diverticulum from the cloaca. The entire outgrowth forms the bladder in the amphibia, while in the amniotes only the proximal portion becomes the bladder. The distal portion is used in the embryo as a respiratory organ, the allantois. The allantois is quite extensive, forming a part of the placenta in mammals. It is either absorbed or lost at or before the time of birth. In the higher forms in which a bladder is present, the ureters open directly into it, the urine being conveyed to the exterior through the single tube, the urethra, while in amphibia the urine must first pass through the cloaca before entering the bladder, as the Wolffian ducts do not directly enter the urocyst. In many birds and reptiles there is no urinary bladder at all although these have an allantois during their em- bryonic development. "There is great difficulty in comparing the excretory system of the vertebrates with anything known in the invertebrates. In general the UROGENITAL SYSTEM 811 nephridial tubules may be compared with those of the annelids. Both have nephrostomes opening into the coelom, and convoluted tubules enveloped in a network of capillary blood-vessels, but in the annelid each tubule opens separately to the exterior in the somite behind that in which the nephrostome lies, while in the vertebrate the series of tubules empty into a common duct. When it was thought that the ectoderm con- tributed to the pronephric duct, the homologies appeared easy. The duct was originally a groove on the outer surface into which the separate tubules opened. Then the groove was rolled into a tube which continued backward to the vicinity of the anus. By the downgrowth of the myo- tomes the duct became cut off from its primitive position and came to lie just outside the peritoneal lining. When, however, it is considered that in all probability the pronephric duct is formed solely from the meso- derm the homology falls to the ground and an explanation is still a desideratum." THE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS. A detailed study of the embryological beginnings and development of the reproductive organs has already been covered in that part of this book devoted to embryology. After this has been reviewed it will be understood how the germ plasm is early set aside in the growing embryo from which the gonads develop . The gonads are not segmented notwith- standing the fact that earlier writers have taken another view. These sexual organs in their growth, push a layer of peritoneum be- fore them just as do the other outgrowths in the body. Such peritoneum covering the male gonad, which serves as a support for the testes is called a mesorchium, while that supporting the ovaries is known as a mesovarium. In all the higher forms gonads are paired. In many fishes and birds they are unpaired, but this is due to a fusion of two or degen- eration on one side. We have seen in our embryological study how the eggs are formed in the female and lie within a Graafian follicle which, after rupture, leaves a scar in the form of a corpus luteurn, while in the male, instead of the primordial ova and the epithelial cells becoming separate follicles they develop into a cord which later on has a lumen open through it and be- comes the seminiferous tubule. Both epithelial cells and primordial spermatagonia may be found in the walls of this tubule. A third type, known as Sertoli's cell, is also found here. These latter are called nutri- tive or nurse cells for the developing spermatozoa. Just what function, aside from this supposed nursing, these cells have is unknown. The testes remain in the position where they first appear in most vertebrates, while in nearly all the mammals they descend, assuming a position out- side the body cavity, being enclosed in a special pouch called the scrotum. THE REPRODUCTIVE DUCTS. As fertilization is necessary in at least all the higher forms of animals, there must be some method by which the sperm or the eggs 812 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY as well as the young in viviparous animals may be carried to the outside of the body. The sperm-ducts of the mammal are known as vasa defer- entia. (Fig. 457.) The egg ducts of the female are called oviducts (Fallopian tubes). The vasa deferentia are usually the Wolffian ducts, but in the female the oviducts may be either the Mullerian ducts, or specially developed tubes or even merely abdominal pores. In prac- tically all the forms we are studying the Wolffian ducts serve as the out- let for the sperm. At the same time that the tubules, which are to carry the sperm, are developing, there is an outgrowth of cells from the Bowman's cap- sules at the cephalic end of the mesonephros, forming what are called medullary cords. These latter continue their growth into the genital ridge until they connect with the seminiferous tubules. All of these acquire a lumen and both together form a continuous transverse tubule, known as the vas efferens. (Fig. 458.) This continuous tube leads from the genital cells to the Malpighian corpuscles and thence by the mesonephric tubules to the Wolffian duct. The vasa efferentia become connected by a longitudinal canal before actually entering the Wolffian body ; and there is also usually a second longitudinal canal which connects them in the body of the testes. The connection of testis Fig. 457. I, Diagrams of urogenital systems of female fishes. A, Afri- can lungfish Protopterus; B, African ganoid Polypterus; Ameri- can ganoid Amia; D, the garpike Lepidosteus ; E, most teleosts ; F, trout and salmon, ap, abdominal pore ; cb, cloacal bladder ; cl, cloaca ; /, funnel of oviduct ; gp, genital pore or papilla ; m, mesonephros ; o, ovary ; od, oviduct ; r, rectum ; s, urogenital sinus; up, urinary pore (papilla) ; ugp, urogential pore (papil- la) ; w, Wolffian ducts. (From Kingsley after Goodrich.) UROGENITAL SYSTEM n. 813 Ov. Fig. 457. II. Diagrammatic representation of the modifications of the urogenital ducts. 1, 2, male and female Newt. 3, a tubule of the kidney. 4, Male Frog. 5, Male Toad. 6, Male Bombinator (European Frog). 7, Male Discoglossus (Fire-bellied toad). 8, Male Alytes (obstetrical toad), d, artery entering and produc- ing a coil in the Malpighian body, M; B, Bidder's organ; ef.s.c., efferent segmental canal ; F.B, fat-body ; gl, glomerulus ; K, kidney ; l.c.c., longitudinal collecting tubule ; M, Malpighian body ; Md, Miillerian duct ; N, nephrostome ; O, ovary ; ov, ovi- duct ; s.d., segmental duct ; T, testis ; Ur, ureter ; V.d., vas def erens ; V.8., seminal vesicle. (After Gadow.) and Wolffian body, while usually taking place at the cephalic end of the mesonephros, may, as in some of the lung fishes, take place at the caudal end. At about this time the glomeruli of the tubules degenerate. This means that the part of the mesonephros in which these glomeruli de- generate is no longer excretory, but has become a part of the repro- 814: COMPARATIVE ANATOMY ductive system. It will be noted, then, that sperm can pass throughout the lumen of a tube the entire distance from the origin to its exit from the body. The cephalic end of the Wolffian duct also becomes purely repro- ductive in the male, it being considerably coiled to form the epididymis. (Fig. 458.) In the amniotes, where the hinder portion of the mesone- phros is supplanted by the true kidney (metanephros), the whole Wolffian duct is a sperm duct (vas deferens) in the male, while in the female it largely or completely degenerates. In the amphibia and elas- mobranchs the hinder end of the duct is both reproductive and excretory in the male. In the female it is purely excretory. "In the ichthyopsida, other than elasmobranchs and amphibia, the sperm is carried to the exterior in other ways, and there is no connection of the testes with the excretory organs. In the cyclostomes the sperm escapes from the testes into the coelom and then is passed to the exterior by way of the abdominal pores which in the lampreys open into a cavity (sinus urogenitalis, Fig. 457) which also receives the hinder ends of the Wolffian ducts. In the myxinoids the pores are united, and they open to the exterior behind the anus and between it and the urinary openings." OVIDUCTS As already stated, in many forms the Miillerian duct is the direct result of the splitting in two of the pronephric duct which then serves as the oviduct. At its separation from the Wolffian duct the Miillerian duct opens into the coelom by means of the pronephric tubules and their nephrostomes. These then flow together and form a larger opening called the ostium tubae abdominale, on each side. (Fig. 458.) In the elasmobranchs the ostia are usually united ventral to the liver. The eggs which are thrown out of the ovaries into the coelom are picked up by the somewhat trumpet shaped extensions around the ostia and carried into the oviduct. In some forms the pronephric tubules and nephrostomes take part in the formation of the ostium tubae and the beginning of the Dviduct ; however, as in all the higher forms, the rest of the oviduct arises by the formation of a groove of the peritoneal membrane close beside the Wolffian duct. This becomes rolled into a tube, the Miillerian duct. In the amniotes the anterior end of the groove does not close, but re- mains open as the ostium tubae. (Fig. 458.) It is difficult to trace the successive stages from the most primitive to the most highly developed. By some the condition of the oviduct in the elasmobranchs is regarded as the most primitive. Some contend that we have here a homologous condition — a condition resulting from similar primitive structures ; others that it is rather analogous and an example of convergent evolution in that these organs, having been used for similar functions, have come to appear somewhat alike structurally. It can be seen how difficult valid comparisons are when we have such varying conditions in the lower, but nevertheless supposedly related UROGENITAL SYSTEM 815 forms, as this : In the cyclostomes the eggs are thrown from the ovaries directly into the coelom, being passed out through abdominal pores, but in the teleosts alone there are several conditions, the ovaries of some are B testis vasa efferentia tpididymis (vestige «f mesonephros) metanephros Fig. 458. Diagrams to illustrate the urogenital system of male and female anamniotes and amniotes. A, male elasmobranch or amphibian ; the mesonepheros is differentiated into anterior genital and posterio-excretory portions ; the genital part is connected with the testis by means of the vasa efferentia, which are outgrowths from the mesonepheros, the mesonepheric or WolfRan duct serves as both genital and ex- cretory duct ; the oviduct or Miillerian duct is vestigial. B, female elasmobranch or amphibian ; the ovary is not qonnected with the mesonephros ; the mesonephros and mesonephric duct serve only excretory functions ; the oviduct is well developed and opens into the coelom by the ostium near the ovary. C, male reptile, bird, or mammal. The excretory part of the mesonephros has disappeared but the genital part persists as the epididymis (in part) which is connected as in anamniotes with the testis by means of the vasa efferentia ; the Wolffian duct is purely genital and is renamed the vas deferens ; the excretory function is served by the metanephroi and ureters. D, female reptile, bird or mammal ; the mesonephros and Wolffian duct have entirely vanished ; the condition of the ovary and oviduct is the same as in anamniotes ; the excretory function is served by the metanephroi and ureters exactly as in the male. (From Hyman's modification of Wilder.) 816 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY simple and composed of solid bands or are sac-like, having an internal lumen. In the simple forms the eggs pass into the coelom and thence to the exterior by abdominal pores or by oviducts of varying lengths. We do not know whether these ducts are true Miillerian ducts or whether they are new formations. The sacular condition of the ovaries may come about by the free edge of the ovary bending laterally and fusing with the wall of the coelom. This forms a cavity called the parovarial canal, closed in front. Or there may be a groove in the covering epithelium forming on the surface of the ovary. . In this case, as it closes and sinks inward, it forms what is called an entovarial canal. In either case the canal may extend to the most caudal end of the body cavity and form an oviduct in this manner, "or the oviduct may be formed from both kinds of canals, one in front, the other behind." "From this it would appear that the ovary originally extended back to the hinder end of the coelom (as it does in Cyclopterus) or that the par- or entovarial canal had united with a Miillerian duct which has otherwise been entirely lost. The oviducts thus formed usually unite before opening to the exterior, either directly or via a urogenital sinus." It will be remembered that there are shell glands (likewise called nidamental glands) in those animals which are oviparous, although these may appear in viviparous forms also, though they are very slight in these latter instances. It is interesting to note that in some species of elasmobranchs the eggs are larger than those of an ostrich. In this same type of animal the caudal or inner side of the pelvic fin is specialized for a copulatory organ, for in the elasmobranch fertilization is internal. In the amphibia there are many interesting accessory reproductive re- lations as mentioned in the chapter on classification of vertebrates. The caecilians and Amphiuma lay their eggs in long strings in the soil and the female incubates them although the male often takes charge of the eggs. In Pipa each egg undergoes development in a pit in the skin of the back of the female, and in Nototrema and Opisthodelphys (South American tree-toads), there is a large pocket in the skin of the back, opening near the coccyx, where the eggs are carried until partially (Nototrema) or entirely developed. Salamandra maculosa and S. atra bring forth living young, the former possessing gills at birth, the latter in the adult form. In the higher forms of vertebrates there is a definite single copula- tory organ. Among the sauropsida the Sphenodon. alone lacks all copu- latory organs, while in most birds they are incomplete. The males of crocodiles, turtles, ostriches, ducks, geese, and swans are among the very few that have a definite structure homologous to that of mammals for this purpose. In snakes and lizards several sacs are developed from the caudal wall of the transverse anus. They resemble appendages in the embryo and form real copulatory organs called hemipenes. They are present in both sexes though very small in the female. As growth con- UROGENITAL SYSTEM 817 tinues, retractor muscles are developed which draw the organ back into pockets where they are retained at all times except when used for copu- lation. The simplest form of the copulatory organ is produced by a thickening of the ventral wall of the cloaca. There is a longitudinal groove formed in the upper surface of this through which the sperm may pass. It may be divided into right and left halves, the tip of which forms the glans penis. The homologous structure is the clitoris which forms in the female though all parts but the glans are lacking. In the mammals, while there are two pronephric tubules outlined in the embryo, they never are functional and the pronephros degenerates. The mesonephros, however, is definitely used during foetal life, and in the marsupials and monotremes it even functions sometimes after birth. However, in all forms of mammals it disappears in time, with the ex- ception of the efferent ductules of the testes and a few remnants in both sexes. The metanephros, which becomes the permanent kidney, has several lobes in the early stages. A definite lobe is formed for each end branch of the ureter so that each lobule has its own duct. This con- dition is retained in "adult elephants, some ungulates, carnivores and primates, and especially in the aquatic species (whales, seals), the lobules being most numerous (200-|-) in some whales. In all other species the ducts fuse and the lobules unite later into a compact mass lying in the lumbar region near the last rib." These lobules are the cause of the cortex and medulla of the kidneys forming two series of interlocking pyramids. (Fig. 459.) In the early embryonic stages the gonads lie cephalad to the kidneys. The ovaries are usually equally de- veloped in the mammals, except in the monotremes where the left is the larger. "It is of interest that eggs — one in the Echidna, two in Ornithorhynchus — have been found only in the left oviduct." The ovaries, con- trary to the testes, always remain in the body, and in the monotremes retain their early position. "They are supported by the mesovaria which are attached to the median side of the double fold of the .peritoneum which supports the mesonephros. When the Wolffian body degenerates, the fold becomes the broad ligament while another fold con- tinues down the Mullerian duct as the ligament of the ovary. In some mammals the ovaries have, in addition, a special fold of the peritoneum, which in the rats and mice encloses the ovary and the ostium tubae connected with its opening." . "The testes are relatively small and are Fig. 459. Longitudinal section through kidney. 1, cortex, 1', medullary rays; 1", labyrinth; 2, medulla; 2', papillary portion of medulla ; 2", boundary of medulla ; 3, transverse section of tubules in the boundary layer ; 4, fat of renal sinus ; 5, artery ; transverse medullary rays ; A, branch of renal artery ; C, renal calyx ; U, ureter. The pyra- mids are located between the fat portions and form the papillae. (From Hill after Tyson and Henle. ) 818 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY shaped much like the ovaries and at first they are at about the same level. The outer surface is smooth, a fibrous envelope, the tunica albuginea, having developed around them, which sends trabeculae in- ^ward, dividing the seminiferous tubules into lobules. Except in the monotremes the testes descend farther into the pelvic cavity, remaining permanently in the pelvis in many insectivores, some edentates, elephants, whales and Hyrax. In other groups they pass outside the pelvic cavity to be enclosed in a special sac, the scrotum. The testes are supported by a cord, the gubernaculum, the homologue of both liga- ments of the ovary. "The change in position of ovary and testis is accomplished in part by the unequal growth of body wall and the supporting ligaments. In the case of the male this descent of the testes is complicated. (Fig. 460.) In outline it is as follows : By the unequal growth of gubernaculum and body wall the testes are drawn down into the scrotum which is a pro- truding part of the body wall into which a part of the coelom extends. This wall is formed in part from the genital folds which surround the genital eminence. It lies in front of the penis in the marsupials, behind it in all placental mammals. When the canal connecting the cavity of the scrotum (bursa inguinalis) remains open as it does in marsupials, bats, rodents, insectivores, etc., the descent is temporary, the testes being withdrawn into the peritoneal cavity at the close of the breeding season by the cremaster muscle, developed from the transverse abdominal muscle. In other mammals the descent is permanent, though sometimes it does not occur until the time -of sexual maturity." In the monotremes the Miillerian duct is divided into a cephalic portion known as the Fallopian tube and a caudal portion, the uterus, although the line separating these two is not very definite. The broad trumpet-shaped end of the Fallopian tube connects with the coelom while the tube itself secretes the albuminous cover- ing of the eggs. The uterus is more muscular than the Fallopian tube and it is here that the horny shell is formed. The uterus then opens directly into the urogenital sinus to connect the cloaca with the exterior. In other forms of mammals the end of the Mullerian duct between the uterus and the urogenital sinus forms a vagina. In marsupials there are two vaginae and sometimes three. When the two caudal ends of the Mullerian ducts fuse as in many Fig. 460. Descent of the testis ac, abdominal cavity ; g, gubernaculum; pv ; processus vaginalis ; t, testis; «, scrotum ; tv, tunica vaginalis ; x, rudiment of pro- cessus vaginalis. UROGENITAL SYSTEM 819 placental animals such as in rodents, there are two uteri formed each with a separate opening into the vagina. (Fig. 461.) In the carnivores and ruminants where the fusion is carried still farther back, forming in reality two uteri with only one opening it is called a uterus bipartibus, or where it is carried still farther forming two horns it is called uterus bicornuus. For the uterus simplex the fusion is entirely complete, as in all primates, the two Fallopian tubes alone remaining as evidence of its bilateral formation. In the female the Wolffian duct and the mesonephros are largely Five varying uteri. A Monotreme; B, Marsupials; C, duplex uterus; D, bicornuate uterus, and E, Simple uterus, ost.abd., abdominal opening (ostium) into oviduct ; ovid., oviduct ; s.u.g., urogenital sinus ; ut, uterus ; vag., vagina ; ves., urinary bladder. Such uteri as A and B open into the urogenital sinus, while C, D, and E, open into the vagina. (After M. Weber.) lost in the adult, the mesonephros forming a small collection of tubules near the anterior end of the ovary which is known as the parovarium. In the male the Miillerian duct is also largely lost, the lower portion sometimes persisting as a small blind tubule imbedded in the prostate gland and known as the uterus masculinus. (Fig. 462.) Between the tubules in the testes there are small aggregates of cells known as interstitial cells, which are glands of internal secretion. In man their products, which pass into the blood, apparently cause the assumption of the secondary male characters — growth of hair on the face, change of voice, etc. — at the time of puberty. There would also seem to be some analogous structure in the ovary governing the develop- ment of female characteristics and controlling some of the features of menstruation. There are also a number of accessory glands (Fig. 462) connected with the genital ducts, usually better developed in the male than in the female. The more prominent ones are: the seminal vesicles (present in some rodents, bats, insectivores and in ungulates and primates) are a pair of tubular or saccular glands opening into the vasa deferentia just before these enter into the urogenital canal ; the prostate glands, (occur- ing in all placental mammals with the exception of edentates and whales) are connected with the urogenital canal, while farther along 820 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY the canal Cowper's glands are found. These occur in almost all mammals as scattered bodies or aggregated into larger masses surrounded by smooth muscle. Considerable uncertainty exists as to the exact functions of these glands. The removal of the prostate and the seminal vesicle in rats pre- vents fertilization, while the secretion of the seminal vesicles increases the activity of the spermatozoa. It seems probable that they are of great importance in connection with fertilization. It has also recently been shown that in some instances the* coagulation of the secretion of these, glands closes the vagina after copulation and, thus prevents the exit of the sperm. /,.. -// p. 9 Fig. 462. A, B, The reproductive organs of the rabbit. A, male ; B, female. In each case the dissection is made from the left side, the animal lying on its back, bl., Bladder ; c.cav., corpus cavernosum ; c.cav.cl., corpus cavernosum of the clitoris ; Cp., Cowper's gland; epd., cauda epididymis ; epd' ., caput epididymis ; F.t., Fallopian tube ; f.o., fimbriated opening of the same ; ov., ovary ; p.g., perineal gland ; pn., penis ; pr., prostate ; r.g., rectal gland ; rm., rectum ; sc.s., scrotal sac ; sp.c., spermatic cord (cut short) ; sym., symphysis pubis ; t., testis ; ur, ureter; ut., uterus ; ut.m., uterus masculinus ; uth., urethra ; v.d., vas deferens ; vag,, vagina ; vest., vestibule. C, male, and D, female reproductive organs of dogfish, cl., Cloaca ; f.L, "falci- form" ligament ; i.o.d., rudiment of the internal opening of the oviducts ; l.t., left testis ; msn., mesonephros ; mso., mesorchium ; mtn., metanephros ; od., oviduct ; oes., oesophagus ; ov., ovary ; r.t., right testis ; rm., rectum ; sh, shell gland ; sp.s., sperm sac ; u.g.p. and v.p., urinogenital papilla ; u.g.s. and ur.s., urinogenital sinus; ur., ureter; ur'., ducts of metanephros; v.eff., vasa efferentia ; ves.sem., vesicula seminalis ; W.d., Wolffian duct or vas deferens. In the monotremes the cloaca serves as a general gathering place for both the products of the urogenital sinus and the excreted matter from the digestive canal and kidneys. This cloaca has only a single opening to the exterior and it is from this fact that the name monotreme has been taken. In all other mammals there is a definite and complete UROGENITAL SYSTEM 821 separation of the faecal and urogenital matter. This separation is brought about by a horizontal partition dividing the cloaca into a dorsal rectum and a ventral urogenital portion. This space between rectum and urogenital portion is called the perineum. us. Fig. 462. E, The urogenital organs of a female pigeon. K., kidney (metanephros) with three lobes ; u., ureter ; cl., cloaca ; ov., ovary ; od., oviduct ; f.t., funnel at end of oviduct ; r.r.od., rudimentary right oviduct. F, The urogenital organs of a male pigeon. T., testes ; V., base of inferior vena cava ; S.R., suprarenal glands; K., kidneys with three lobes (1, 2, 3); u., ureter; v.d., vas deferens ; v.s., seminal vesicle; cl., cloaca. (A, B, C, D, from Borradaile, E, F, from Thomson.) ORGANS OF COPULATION. In both sexes of mammals the same anlagen of the external genitalia are found as already studied in embryology. These consist of a genital prominence which is formed from the ventral or anterior wall of the cloaca. This then protrudes from the opening and, when the per- ineum is formed, two thickenings appear on each side, a medial genital fold and a larger and lateral genital ridge, which extends back nearly to the level of the anus. The genital prominence never develops much farther in the female, while the folds and ridges become the labia minora and majora. In the male, however a groove is formed on the primitively dorsal surface of the prominence which continues into the cloaca. Then the folds grow together behind the prominence, closing the groove to a tube, the urethra, while the prominence becomes the glans penis. A similar growth of the genital ridges toward the median line results in the formation of the outer wall of the scrotum. $22 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY ovid.r. . f.k. .- test.r. - ovid.l. ovid.r JJL/1 — cvid.l. Fig. 463. Hermaphrodite Frog, f.k., fat-bodies ; n.Z. and n.r., left and right mesonephroi ; ovid.l. and ovid.r., left and right oviducts ; teat.l. and test.r., left and right testes. (After Mitro- phanoff.) While internal fertilization takes place in most of the higher forms of animals, there are many vertebrates such as the cyclostomes, most fishes with the exception of the elasmobranchs, and many amphibia in which fertilization does not take place until after the eggs have passed from the body of the female. The organs by which sperm is passed to the female are formed in many ways and are not considered homologous in the different forms. As we already know from our study of the earthworm, there are animals possessing both ovaries and testes. Such animals are commonly termed hermaphrodites. True her- maphrodites must have both ovaries and testes functional. (Fig 463.) It is interesting to note that while there are occasional hermaphro- dites among the lampreys, this is a rather common occurrence in the myxinoids. In these the cephalic end of the gonad is male, and the caudal end female. However, usually one or the other of these functions, so that the animal is either predominantly male or female. Hermaphroditism has been found among the frogs, while in toads there is often a "pidder's organ" lying directly in front of the gonads of the male but containing immature ova. (Fig. 457.) Cases of hermaphroditism, although possi- ble, are seldom found in mammals, the so-called cases being merely arrested growth in the male, preventing the two portions of the scrotum from joining in the mid-line, or an hypertrophy of the clitoris in the female. ADRENAL ORGANS. Closely associated with the nephridial structures lie two. small duct- less glands, one connected with each renal organ in the higher forms. In the lower vertebrates each one of these is in turn composed of two structures. In the amphibia and amniotes one portion, called the suprarenal, forms the medulla while the interrenal forms the cortex of the mammalian adrenals. (Fig 351.) The suprarenal portion is always connected with the sympathetic nerve ganglia, some of the cells always retaining their nervous character. Other cells, because they stain brown or yellow with chromic salts are called chromaphile or phaeochrome cells. (Fig. 464.) These are usually quite closely related to blood vessels. UROGENITAL SYSTEM 823 A Fig. 464. A, The phaeochrome system of a just-born rabbit. B, The same in a forty-five day girl, o, aorta ; k, kidney ; p, phaeochrome bodies ; r, rectum ; «, suprarenal ; u, ureter. The connection between the bodies and the central portion of the suprarenal is shown in A, (From Kingsley after Kohn.) The interrenals arise from the epithelium of the coelom, there being as yet considerable doubt as to whether they are connected with pro- or meso-nephros, or whether they are totally distinct in origin. They arise as isolated clusters or bands of cells near the dorsal margin of the mesentery. Sometimes they are bilaterally symmetrical, and in the lower vertebrates may extend through- out the entire length of the coelom in the early stages. Both interrenals -and supra- renals are separate in the fishes. The interrenals are the more com- pact of the two and lie between the excretory organs of the two sides of the body. The suprarenal tissue forms- the medulla of the adrenals from a series of tubules through which the blood from the suprarenal artery circulates before it is carried away by the vein. The adrenals are closely associated with the Wolffian bodies in amphibia, (Fig. 351) either being attached to the inner margins (urodeles), or forming yellow stripes (anura) on the ventral surface. In the reptiles they are lobulated bodies near the gonads. It is from the medullary portion in mammals that adrenalin, some- times also called epinephrin, is procured. This is an activator or hor- mone, which acts directly on the muscles and causes an increase in blood pressure. SUMMARY OF THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM. Fishes (Fig. 457) : The excretory system consists of elongated bodies situated in the median dorsal part of the coelom. These bodies are composed of nephric tubules that have funnel-like nephrostomes opening into the coelom. The functional kidney is a mesonephros. The ovaries and testes (with the exception of the teleosts) are sac-like structures that have ducts, oviducts and vasa efferentia developed in connection with the primitive nephridial duct, as in other groups. In teleosts there are no vasa efferentia or true oviducts, for the posterior ends of both testes and ovaries are continued into a duct direct ; the duct from the testes unites with its fellow on the opposite side to empty into either a urogenital sinus or directly to the outside, and the one from the ovary takes the eggs direct from the ovary before they enter the coelom as in most of the higher forms. 824 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY The eggs of different fishes range from large heavily-yolked eggs with chitinous shells, as in the modern elasmobranchs, to the small pelagic eggs of many modern teleosts. The eggs pass out through the ducts of teleosts as mentioned in the preceding paragraph or through abdominal pores as in ganoids and in some Physostomi. For the most part, fish-eggs are fertilized in the open water, although there are many orders which practice internal impregnation and are viviparous. Most of the teleosts are dioecious but some are hermaphroditic. Serranus, a member of the Perch family is even self-impregnating, while Chrysophrys is successively male and female, while cod and herring often exhibit the hermaphrodite condition, though this is abnormal. Dogfish (Fig 462) : The pronephros is never functional as an excretory organ. The nephrostomes fuse to form the ostium tubae in the female. The pronephric duct splits into both a Wolffian and a Miillerian duct. The nephrostomes close in the adult. The anterior end of each mesonephros is narrowed and in the male this connects with the anterior end of the Wolffian duct to form a connection with the testes. The epididymis consists of the coiled anterior end of this connection. The Miillerian ducts become known as oviducts. The oviducts of both sides connect with the coelom. The common opening thus formed is the ostium tubae abdominale. The eggs leave the ovary, pass to the ostium and are then carried backward to a shell-gland. The enlarged portion of the tube forms the uterus. In the male, the anterior end of the mesonephros forms the epididy- mis while the vasa deferentia of both sides unite to form a urogenital sinus. There is an oval sperm-sac connected on each side. Fertilization is internal. The suprarenals are metameric and may be imbedded in the mesone- phroi. Amphibia (Fig. 457) : The pronephros functions until metamorphosis. The tubules then degenerate. In the adult frog and other tailless amphibians the nephros- tomes of the mesonephros separate from the nephridial tubules to join with branches of the renal blood vessels so that the coelom is in direct connection with the excretory system. The Wolffian duct carries the nephridial waste and the same duct also acts as the vas deferens in the male just as it does in the dogfish. Where these ducts enter the cloaca there is an enlargement on each to form the seminal vesicle. The urinary bladder is ventral to the cloaca. The eggs pass into the body cavity and thence into the ostium tubae. Fertilization is external in the tailless amphibians but internal in tailed amphibians. The male of the tailed amphibians secretes a sub- UROGENITAL SYSTEM 825 stance which binds the spermatozoa into little packets called spermato- phores. There are various accessory reproductive relations as mentioned in the chapter on classification. Reptilia and Aves (Figs. 462, 465) : The kidneys are metanephric bodies which pass their excretion through paired ureters directly to the cloaca in the reptiles and from here into a urinary bladder which, in turn, empties into the cloaca. The pronephros never functions, and the mesonephros (always lack- ing nephrostomes) may function after hatch- ing for a time in some reptiles. In the female the mesonephros, after degenerating, is pre- served as the "yellow-body." The male repro- ductive organs consist of a pair of testes, a pair of much coiled vasa deferentia through which the sperm passes to the grooved penis; the latter organ being attached to the front of the cloaca. The female organs consist of paired ovaries and large oviducts, provided with albuminous and shell glands. The eggs when laid are covered with a tough shell, and those of reptiles are usually buried in the ground. Many reptiles are, however, vivi- parous. The Wolffian duct is the urinary tube while the mesonephros functions, but later degenerates in the female. It persists in the male as the vas deferens. In birds the left ovary alone remains functional. Mammalia : Only two pronephric tubules form and these never function. The mesonephroi function in foetal life and in marsupials and monotremes for sometime after birth. Nephrostomes never form except in Echidna. In some rodents no glomeruli occur. The kidneys are of the metanephros type. They are usually asymmetrical in position, one lying anterior to the other. The ureters lead directly to the urinary bladder, which is formed out of the remains of the allantois. The ovaries are never single as in birds. They are very small on account of producing minute eggs with little or no yolk. This small size of ovaries and eggs is well fitted to the habit of uterine gestation. The paired oviducts enlarge to form paired uteri and in some groups these unite into a single median uterus. The testes at firs.t lie in the body cavity as in reptiles, and occupy positions homologous writh those of the ovaries. In most mammals with the exception of monotremes, whales, elephants, armadillos, and a few others, the testes descend into the scrotum. The penis of the male mammal is homologous with the clitoris of the female. Fig. 465. Cloaca and urogenital organs of a turtle, Chelydra gerpentina. c, c' , blind sacs of cloaca ; cl, cloaca ; e, epididymis and vas deferens ; p, penis, r, kidneys ; re, rectum ; «, groove on penis ; t, testis ; u, ureter ; ug.t cloacal opening of bladder ; v, bladder. (From Sedgwick's Zoology, after Gegenbaur.) CHAPTER LV. THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. The general Muscular system has been discussed in considerable detail in our study of the frog while the development of the muscles was taken up in the study of embryology. It will be remembered that histologically there are voluntary and in- voluntary muscles, the former being striated, the latter smooth, while the heart muscles are a sort of combination of these two. The smooth muscles have their beginnings in mesenchyme, and, being involuntary, are innervated by the sympathetic nervous system. Their action is also much slower than that of the striated muscle. They are found in the skin, in the walls of blood vessels, in the walls of the digestive canal and in the urogenital system. The striated muscles have their origin in the walls of the coelom and are of mesothelial origin. They are supplied by the motor nerves of the central nervous system. They are all voluntary except those at the more cephalic end of the digestive tract. Striated fibres may be found in the body walls, in all organs of locomotion, in the head, in the diaphragm, and in the cephalic end of the alimentary canal. The voluntary muscles arise from the somites (which divide into myotomes and lateral plates, after the epimeres have given rise to the sclerotomes and dermatomes). The myotome grows downward between the hypomere and the skin to meet its fellow on the opposite side in the median ventral line. This produces a completed coat of voluntary muscles which lies beneath the skin. The muscle coat is divided into a dorsal and ventral part by the horizontal skeletogenous partition (Fig. 423) which intersects the skin at the lateral line. The dorsal muscles are called epaxial, and those ven- tral to the septum, hypaxial. The muscles originating from the lateral plates, in the gill-arch region, which move the gill arches are called visceral muscles. The muscles originating from the myotomes are called parietal or somatic muscles. All muscles except the diaphragm and heart (the heart is always included under the circulatory system) are divided into three groups known as parietal, visceral, and dermal muscles. From our embryological study it will be remembered that the myo- tomes were cut off from the walls of the coelom, each one forming a closed sac, the inner wall being called the splanchnic layer and the outer the somatic layer. The more dorsal cells of the splanchnic layer develop many nuclei which can be seen in the interior of the cell in the lower vertebrates. They are quite close to the surface in the muscle fibres of mammals. Each myotome has its splanchnic wall converted into a MUSCULAR SYSTEM 82? muscle so that there are as many primitive muscles as there were myotomes. The somatic wall of the myotomes does not become muscle but changes into mesenchyme from which the corium of the skin develops. Some of the mesenchyme protrudes between the various myotomes and there forms fibrous connective tissues that later become the ligaments which connect the various muscles of a side. This primitive muscle segmentation can still be seen in the inter- costal and rectus abdominis muscles. The myotomes lie close to the level of the notochord and spinal cordr but they grow both dorsally and ventrally, working their way between the skin and the walls of the coelom to become an actual part of the somatopleure. Ventrally the muscles from both sides grow toward each other and practically meet at the mid-ventral line, the direct mid-ventral line which is filled with connective tissues being known as the linea alba. In the fishes the trunk and tail muscles are arranged in myomeres which take a zig-zag course. (Fig 401). The muscles are divided hori- zontally into dorsal and ventral portions (Fig. 423), the epaxial and hy- paxial muscles, a line of division which follows more or less closely the lateral -line. The plates of muscle do not retain their flat ends in the adult, but one end becomes conical and fits into a corresponding hollow in the next plate. In the tail of the amphibia epaxial and hypaxial muscles are clearly recognizable, but farther forward the hypaxials are greatly reduced, and in the amniotes the reduction is carried so far that the epaxial muscles, greatly modified, can only be recognized in the cer- vical and pelvic regions, the "tender-loin" being epaxial. The developmental conditions are more complicated in the head than in the trunk. In the head region of fish and birds ten coelomic pouches develop while in amniotes the number is apparently twelve. These are known by number, with the exception of the most anterior, which was not known when the numbers were applied and is called A. These coelomic or head cavities differ from the myotomes farther back by having no un- divided portion of the coelom be- low, corresponding to the hypo- meral zone. This difference is possibly due to the existence of visceral clefts in this region. Four of these cavities lie in front of the ear of which A dis- appears completely, its cells join- rig. 466. The head of a dogfish, seen from above with the right orbit opened, e., eyeball ; o.f., o.s., in- ferior and superior oblique muscles ; r.e., r.int., r.s., external, inferior, internal, and superior recti muscles; e.p., spiracle; //., optic nerve; IV., fourth nerve. (From Borradaile). 828 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY ing the mesenchyme. The other three give rise to the "eye muscles" which move the eye ball. (Fig. 466.) In general, 1, which lies in front of the mouth, gives rise to four muscles, the inferior oblique and three of the rectus muscles; 2, which lies in the region of the jaws, forms the superior oblique muscles; while 3, in the hyoid region, develops the lateral (external) rectus (in some animals also a retractor bulbi). The origin of these muscles explains the distribution of the eye-muscle- nerves, as each nerve supplies only the derivatives of a single myotome. Several of the other myotomes disappear in development, but the posterior becomes the so-called hypoglossal musculature. We have been describing only the origin of the contractile tissue of the muscles. There is also a connective tissue to be considered. Mesenchyme cells invade the muscle fibres to form envelopes (perimysium) which bind the fibres into bundles (fasciculi), these in turn, are united by other envelopes called fascia. These connective- tissue envelopes continue beyond where the contractile tissue leaves off to form the cords or tendons by which the muscle is attached. The more fixed point of attachment is called the origin, the less fixed the insertion. Tendons may be of any shape ; such as long and slender, so as to allow the muscle to lie in or near the trunk, the part to be moved being in the appendage; or they may form broad flat sheets (aponeuroses). These latter may occur not only at the ends but in the middle of a muscle. Sometimes parts of tendons ossify, as in the patella or in the "drum-stick" of the turkey. Such small rounded ossifications of this kind are called sesamoid bones. In a few cases, even, as for example, around the eye and mouth of mammals, the parietal muscles are without attachment. Here they form rings which are used to diminish the size of an opening (sphincter muscles). Muscles vary considerably as to shape, size, number of "heads" or points of origin, and numbers of contractile portions. Muscles are usually arranged in antagonistic groups so that any given action may likewise be reversed. We thus have flexors to bend a limb and extensors to straighten it; elevators to close the jaw, depressors to open it, etc. It is rather difficult to trace exact homologies. The test usually con- sidered best is to trace the nerve supply, for every muscle derived from a given myotome is innervated by branches of the nerve which also originally connected with that segment. A further test is the origin and insertion. The action of a muscle is of little value in a test for homo- logies. A difficulty in the drawing of conclusions from specimens before one, comes from the fact that a muscle may split into various layers either longitudinally or transversely, and some even, though entirely different in origin, may fuse together, while others, either in part or in whole, may degenerate and disappear entirely. Should one take nerve supply as a guide, as is usually done, it will be seen that the facial muscles, especially MUSCULAR SYSTEM 829 those of the higher mammals, have certainly wandered a long way from their embryologic origin. The names and location of muscles of the frog should be thoroughly reviewed at this point. In the higher vertebrates the anterior spinalis differs from the frog by being divided into several rectus capitis muscles which connect the first vertebra with the skull. The longissimus dorsi group lie on each side of the vertebral spines in the angle between spinous and transverse processes and extends from the pelvis to the head. This group is made up of a longissimus dorsi proper in the lumbar region, an ileo-costalis (inserted on the dorsal part of the ribs), and a longissimus capitis along the side of the neck to the temporal region of the skull. The muscles of the appendages are divided into intrinsic and extrin- sic groups. The former have their origin in or on the appendicular skele- ton itself, the latter have their origin on the trunk or axial skeleton and their insertion on the girdle or base of the limb. Intrinsic muscles therefore move parts of the limb ; extrinsic move the limb as a whole. Muscles are often divided according to their action as already seen. Pro- tractors draw a member forward ; retractors pull it back against the body ; levators lift it, and depressors pull it down ; flexors bend a limb or its parts ; extensors straighten it and rotators turn it upon its axis. Some of the more prominent muscles are as follows : Levators : trapezius (for fore limb). levator scapulae (for fore limb). Depressors : pectoralis (for fore limb): serratus anterior (for fore limb). Protractors : pectineus (for hind limb), adductors (for hind limb). • sternocleidomastoid (for fore limb), levator scapulae anterior (for fore limb). Retractors : pyriformis (for hind limb), pectoralis minor (for fore limb), latissimus dorsi (for fore limb). The pubofemoralis draws the hind limb toward the mid line while the gluteus muscle acts as a retractor and elevator. THE VISCERAL MUSCLES. As already stated the gill-bearing vertebrates develop a special svstem of muscles in connection with the visceral arches which are used 830 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY A. branch of facial nerve parotid duct masseter digastric mylohyoid submaxillary gland sternohyoid sternomastoid cleidomastoid basioclavicularis cephalohumeral first deltoid lateral head of the triceps long head of the triceps pectoralis major serratus ventralis B. parotid gland rhomboideus capitis splenius external jugular vein levator scapulae ventralis pectoralis minor anterior trapezius second deltoid posterior trapezius . latissimus dorsi external oblique Fig. 467. A, Superficial muscles of the cephalic part of the tailed amphibian Salamandra maculata. a, anconeus ; bi, humero-brachialis inferior (biceps) ; be, levator scapulae ; cue, cucularis ; dtr, dorso-tachealis ; dg, diagastric ; ds, dorsalis scapulae ; eo, external oblique; Id, latissimus dorsi; m, petro-tympano-maxillaris (masseter) ; inh, mylohyoid ; mhp, mylohyoid posterior ; pc, pectoralis ; ph, procoraco-humeralis ; ra, rectus abdominis ; spc, supracoracoid ; 8th, sternohyoid. (From Kingsley after Fiirbringer. ) B, Lateral view of the anterior part of the rabbit to show the muscles. The head is turned slightly so as to give a ventral view of the throat. All dermal muscles have been removed. (From Hyman's "A Laboratory Manual for Com- parative Vertebrate Anatomy," by permission of the University of Chicago Press.) MUSCULAR SYSTEM 831 for the purpose of opening and closing the clefts and also the mouth. In the higher forms many of these muscles have disappeared although some do retain their connection with the hyoid. Visceral muscles are often divided into two sets according to their derivation, as some develop from muscles which originally ran in a transverse (circular) and others from those which ran in a longitudinal direction. The epibranchial muscles, the .sub-spinals and interbasales (which lie in the dorsal part of the branchial region), and the coraco-arcuales (in genioglossus styloglossus geniohyoid hyoglossus constrictor pharyngis thyrohyoid cut edge of sternomastoid sternohyoid sternothyroid cleidomastoid cut edge of clavotrapezius sealeries biceps brachii subscapularis teres major M. mandible molar gland masseter digastnc mylohyoid parotid gland ibmaxillary gland lymph glands clavotrapezius external jugular vein clavobrachialis pectoantibrachialis long head of the triceps tiansversus costarum serratus ventralis long head of the triceps external oblique Fig. 468. Ventral view of the anterior part of a cat to show the muscles. All dermal muscles have been removed. Superficial muscles on the right side, deeper layer of muscles on the left side, after removal of the pectoral muscles, sternomastoid, mylohyoid, and digastric. The nerves and blood vessels which cross the axilla have been omitted. The epitrochlearis is also called extensor antibrachii. From Hyman's "A Laboratory Manual for Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy," by permission of The Chicago University Press.) 832 C() M PARATIVE ANATOM Y the ventral or hypobranchial half) are derived from the circular group. The most anterior of this circular group (Figs. 467, 468) are those which open (digastric or depressor mandibulae) or close (adductors) the mouth, and the mylohyoid which extends between the two rami of the lower jaw. There are usually several adductors, known as masseter, temporalis, pterygoideus, accordingly as they have their origin from different parts of the skull. The longitudinal muscles are largely confined to small slips which pass from one arch to the next. These muscles undergo considerable variation in the amphibians. In the amniotes there is also much varia- tion but some of them are reduced on account of the loss of branchial respiration with a consequent degeneration of the parts connected with it. The most noticeable visceral muscles, therefore, in the higher groups are those connected with the opening and closing of the mouth. Up to this point all muscles mentioned have had a direct connection with the skeletal system. With an increasing degree of development there develops a dermal musculature. Here the muscles are inserted directly in the skin although being derived from skeletal muscles. Primitive conditions of this kind are found in reptiles and birds and serve to move scales, scutes and feathers. This musculature attains its highest development in many of the four-footed animals, who use it to twitch the skin when insects attack them. In the primates the platysma myoides in the neck and head is the only muscle of the kind. It is in- nervated by a facial nerve which in its primitive condition came from the hyoid region. The platysma divides, giving rise to such muscles as the orbiculares which close the lips and eyelids, and the muscles by which orre lifts the lips, nose, lids, and by which some are able to move the ears. semimembranosus gracilis semimembranosu'i semitendinosui Fig. 469. Cross-sections through the thigh of A, rabbit, and B, cat, to show the location of the muscles. Black spots are nerves, small circles, blood vessels, a, greater saphenous nerve, artery, and vein ; b, peroneal nerve ; c, tibial nerve ; d, sciatic vein; e, femoral nerve, artery, and vein; /, sciatic nerve. (From Hyman after Bensley.) CHAPTER LVL THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. It will be remembered that the nervous system begins its career in the embryonic state by the ectoderm of the gastrula becoming flat on the dorsal surface of the embryo. This flat portion, called the neural plate, extends practically the entire length of the embryo. It is slightly broader at the head end than at the caudal end. The two edges of the neural plate become raised slightly and finally meet in the mid-line of the dorsal surface to form a tube. The closing of the tube begins at the head end and gradually extends backward until the tube has become completely closed. (Fig. 262). The neural plate, consisting of ectoderm and folding as it does, causes the interior lining of the tube to be ectoderm. This is a point of considerable value in making it easier to understand various structures, such as the development of the eye. It is also well to re- member here that the various sense organs, or special organs of sense, as they are often called, have to do with such things as touch, sound, taste and light, whose stimuli come first to the exterior part of the body. In the lower animal forms, such as the earthworms, there are no definite eyes, and yet, light rays, when thrown upon any part of the earthworm's body, cause it to move out of such light, showing that the animal is sensitive to these light rays even though there be no organ developed by which any one particular spot is specialized to receive more im- pressions than another part. Now, just as the complete digestive tract develops from a straight tube by inpushings and outpushings, so the greater portion of the nervous system has developed in a similar manner from the single nerve tube that has just been discussed. One of the explanations given as to why the nervous system de- velops in the way it does from the ectoderm and on the dorsal surface of the embryo, is that remote ancestors of the vertebrates may have spent their years upon the ocean-bottom, causing the ventral surface of the body to lie in contact with the ground substance and thus serve as a protection from attack, while the upper part of the body came in contact with substances and animals inimical to it. These vertebrate ancestors thus needed a sense-perception organ for protective and nutritive pur- poses. Interesting as this may be, it must be admitted that one of the great difficulties with which biologists have had to deal is the fact that, in the invertebrates, the nervous system lies upon the ventral surface. It 834 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY is only in the higher forms that it lies upon the dorsal. Several in- genious explanations have been attempted but none is satisfactory. Students should appreciate the fact that our elaborate nervous system which controls every movement of the body, is one of the most highly and elaborately protective systems we could possibly possess. The brain itself, the head-end of the nervous system, is enclosed in a remarkable bony case, while the spinal cord (the continuation of the brain, caudad), is encased within the slightly movable but nevertheless well fitted vertebrae that make up the spinal column. The brain and spinal, cord combined are called the central nervous system so as to dis- tinguish it from the peripheral nervous system, which latter consists of all those nerves arising from the brain and spinal cord. As the central nervous system is composed of an infolding of the outer portion of the body, the ectoderm thus infolded into the central portion of the neural tube, becomes the sensitive part of the central nervous system. This sensitive surface lines the lumen of the neural lube, and v/hile this condition remains in all higher forms, including man, we shall see in our study of the brain that larger or smaller masses of gray matter may migrate to various parts of the brain. It will be readily understood that a nervous system of this kind, Avhich is well protected by a bony covering, has many advantages over mere external tactile-sense spots, such as the earthworm possesses ; •still, to be of any value whatever, any inner sensory portion must retain its connection with the outer portion of the body. It is such connections which, when they have definite cells and processes that unite with the central nervous system and are grouped together, become special sense organs. Such nerve fibres, together with their cells, are known as sensory nerves. Sensory nerves must therefore carry impulses from Outer portions to innermost regions, or in other words, from the external portions of the body to the central nervous system. The object of the nervous system is primarily to inform the animal of the conditions, good and bad, in the environment, to correlate this in- iformation, and to regulate the motion so that advantage may be had of this knowledge. In those forms of animals which are segmented, that is, in which metameres appear, especially when this metamerism is in the mesothelium from which the myotomes develop into muscles, there are usually one or more pairs of motor nerves going to these segments be- cause each muscle must have its own nerve supply. The motor nerves carry impulses from the central nervous system to the muscle or organ in which they are placed. The close association of sensory and motor nerves in the trunk region of vertebrates has not been satisfactorily explained. In Amphioxus the two kinds of nerves are independent of each other NERVOUS SYSTEM 835 throughout their course which tends to show that the vertebrate condi- tion is not primitive. THE SPINAL CORD. After the neural tube has formed by a joining in the dorsal midline of the two folds of the neural plate, the cells on each side of the neural tube proliferate very rapidly while those of the roof and floor do not. Thi^s. causes an outgrowth of the two sides so that a fissure (Fig. 470) or Fig. 470. Cross section of spinal cord. A, "spider" cells, B, "mossy" cells. groove is formed on the ventral surface running the whole length of the cord. In fact, the cells on the side have already begun to proliferate be- fore the closing of the tube. There is an ingrowth of connective tissue and blood vessels on the dorsal midline which forms a posterior or dorsal septum dividing the dorsal part of the cord into halves. The entire lining of the central canal, composed of epithelial cells, is known as ependyma and while no definite nervous cells can be seen, it is sensory, and remains sensory throughout its entire career. The remaining cells on each side develop into two kinds of cells, one called neuroglia or simply "glia" cells, which are used to support the true nerve cells ; the others form neuroblasts which develop true nervous tissue. This latter type of cell must develop a fibre in order to connect with other cells and with other portions of the body. These are formed 836 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY by a cytoplasmic outgrowth from the neuroblast itself. Such processes may be several feet in length or very short. Some of the little fibres produced in this way may extend out from the cord as individual nerves, while others run longitudinally within the cord. Others run on the out- side of the cord longitudinally. Those that run along the outer portion of the cord are often called the marginal layer because they form a sort of envelope of fibers for trie neural cord itself. These fibers are medu- lated or covered with a white substance and this white envelope is called the white matter of the cord. That portion lying further toward the lumen. and composed largely of cell bodies is what constitutes the gray matter. In cross-sections of the spinal cord of*a higher vertebrate there will be seen a portion looking something like the capital letter "H" with a central canal in the middle of the cross-bar. The entire substance which looks like the letter "H" is the gray matter of the cord. The dorsal up- right bars of the "H" form the posterior columns, while the ventral up- rights form the anterior columns of the cord. Immediately lateral to the crossbar on each side of the cord there is another column known as the lateral column. This latter differs to a considerable extent not only in its relation but also in its function from the dorsal and ventral column. This H-shaped gray matter really divides the white matter into three longitudinal tracts called funiculi, formerly also called columns. They are known as the dorsal, ventral, and lateral funiculi. It will be remembered th'at the white matter is composed of longi- tudinal fibres. It is these longitudinal fibres which make up the various funiculi which connect the different parts of the central nervous system with each other. It is important to remember that these fibres are not all alike, but that those in the dorsal funiculus carry impulses toward the brain and' are therefore called ascending tracts; while the ventral funi- culus is known as the descending tract in that it carries fibres from the brain downward. The lateral funiculi have fibres of both kinds and carry impulses in both directions. The fibres in each of the funiculi are again grouped into smaller oundles or fasciculi, each with its own name. Some of the fibres coming from the brain are distributed at different levels along the cord, while others, going to the brain, are added to the funiculi at different places. The size of the funiculi thus decreases with the distance from the brain. Some of the bundles may disappear in the more distal parts of the cord. The spinal cord is approximately cylindrical in the higher animal forms, but in the lower it is flattened dorsoventrally, the flattening being greatest in the cyclostomes. In the lower groups there is also a differ- ence in the shape of the gray matter, the H shape being less distinct. i; 'The cord tapers pretty regularly in fishes, from the brain to, the NERVOUS SYSTEM 837 posterior end, but when legs have developed with an increase of muscu- lature, the spinal cord becomes enlarged in the regions where the nerves for the limbs are given off. Casts of the spinal canal in certain fossil reptiles indicate that there was an accumulation of nervous matter near the hind legs which exceeded the brain in size. The nerves leave the spinal cord at nearly right angles to its axis when development begins. Then there occurs an inequality in growth, the body increasing more in length than does the cord. As a result the more caudal nerves pursue a very oblique course, and in the hinder part of the spinal canal of the higher vertebrates they form a bundle of parallel nerves, the cauda equina (horse-tail). Often, too, another result of the unequal growth may be the drawing out of the hinder end of the cord into a slender, non-nervous thread, the filum terminale (Fig. 17). Flexures (Fig. "288). In the early stages of development, it will be remembered, the head end of the developing spinal cord bends forward at almost right angles to the main axis and this first bend is called the primary flexure. The second bending occurs at the most caudal end of the medulla oblongata and is called the nuchal flexure ; it bends in the same direction as does the first or primary. The third bend is at a level with the cerebellum and is known as the pontal flexure; it bends in the opposite direction of the other two, thus drawing back the fore part of the entire brain to lie on top of the more rearward portion. The three flexures just mentioned remain throughout adult life in all mammals, but even where one or more of the flexures appear in the embryonic state in vertebrates lower than mammals, it is seldom that more than one or two remain. In reptiles and birds the nuchal and pontal flexures are weakly developed and entirely obliterated in the adult. Neuromeres (Fig 278). There have been many interesting theories advanced in times past as to whether or not skull and brain portion of animals were merely a continued segmented portion of the spinal column and cord. There has never been any satisfactory solving of the matter, however. This much we know : that during its development the brain does show some traces of segmentation in a linear arrangement. These segments are called neuromeres, of which eight are well defined. Five lie in front of the ear, one corresponds to the ear in position, and two lie behind the ear. It is from the first of these segments (though some insist there are two here) that the fore-brain arises, as well as the parts which in turn arise from it. The second becomes the mid-brain. The third lies in the region of the cerebellum. The fourth and fifth lie in the region of the 838 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY more cephalic portion of the medulla oblongata where the trigeminal and facial nerves arise. From the sixth the glossopharyngeal nerve arises, while the vagus is directly connected with the remaining two. Meninges. In examining any brain, one finds, after the bony parts of the skull have been carefully removed, a connective tissue envelope lying close to the bone. This is called the endorhachis, but is really the periosteum or perichondrium of the bony parts and not a true envelope of the brain. In the ascending groups of vertebrates we find a more complex arrangement of brain and spinal-cord-envelopes. It must be understood that what is here said of the brain-coverings proper, must also be said of the entire spinal cord. In the fishes there is but a single covering envelope called the meninx primativa. The blood vessels are carried within this meninx. There is an open space between this meninx and the endorhachis called the perimeningeal space filled, as are all such spaces, with the cerebro- spinal fluid. Tiny strands of tissue pass between the two connective tissue layers. In the urodeles, and from there on upward in the various phyla, the meninx has two layers, namely the pia mater, which bears the blood supply and lies close to the neural cord, and the dura spinalis or dura mater. A space between these two layers is called the subdural space, while the perimeningeal space is then called peridural. In mammals the outermost layer of the pia mater again separates from the pia proper, becoming a delicate arachnoid layer, and the space thus formed is called the subarachnoid space. In man and some of the higher groups of.-animals the dura spinalis unites with the endorhachis, obliterating the subdural space, and this united sheet of covering is called the dura mater. This dura mater forms two strong folds in the mammals, and to a small extent in birds, and presses longitudinally into the longitudinal fissures separating the two hemispheres of the brain. It is then known as the falx cerebri. The other fold presses transversely between cerebrum and cerebellum form- ing the tentorium. Sometimes these folds even ossify and unite with the skull. THE BRAIN. The forepart of the spinal cord becomes constricted in two places transversely, forming three divisions, each being hollow in the center (Fig. 288.) Starting with the cephalic end (Fig. 471), the first compartment thus formed is known as the fore-brain or prosencephalon. The central por- tion forms the mid-brain or mesencephalon while that portion extending caudally is called the hind-brain or rhombencephalon. NERVOUS SYSTEM 839 Cyclostomes are the only vertebrates whose brains remain in this simple three-chambered state. In all other forms there are many modifi- cations of the primitive brain, though no matter how many modifica- tions there may be, they all form as ingrowths or outgrowths of this primary type. The prosencephalon divides into an end-brain or telencephalon con- sisting of the cerebral hemispheres, and the twixt-brain or diencephalon consisting of the thalamus and the hypothalamus. Each of these in turn again divides, forming the parts enumerated in the accompanying table. (Pages 840, 841). The mesencephalon divides into four lobes (in mammals called corpora quadrigemina and in lower forms of vertebrates, where these bodies have not again divided transversely, corpora bigemina or optic lobes), and cerebral peduncles. The rhombencephalon is made up of the isthmus rhombencephali (consisting of the superior cerebellar peduncles, the anterior medullary velum, the trigonum lemnisci and the crura cerebri, the isthmus itself connecting mesencephalon and rhombencephalon), the metencephalon (consisting of cerebellum and pons), and the myelencephalon or medulla oblongata. THE CEREBRUM The prosencephalon and the mesencephalon together are often called the cerebrum. * The greater part of the telencephalon is made up of the two hemi- spheres which are divided by a longitudinal fissure. This fissure is not well marked in fishes, but is very distinct in other groups of animals. The lateral ventricles are contained one in each hemisphere, while a part of the third ventricle (commonly called the foramen of Monro), (Fig. 303), lies between the two. The corpus striatum is a ganglion mass lying upon the floor of the lateral ventricle, while the cortex of the hemi- spheres is called the pallium.* The substance of the hemispheres varies- to a considerable extent in the different types of animals. In fact, in. the fishes it is practically all pallium, for there is merely a thin non-r nervous covering to the ventricles. In reptiles and birds the gray matter (nerve cells) is to be found on the ventricular surface, while the outer surface is composed of white matter (fibers). In the reptiles there is the beginning of a second layer of cells a little distance from the ventricular surface. In birds this is still further increased, while in mammals there is a complete layer called the cerebral cortex over almost the entire sur- face of the hemisphere. *The cortex merely means an outer portion, and, in the brain, is usually composed of grey matter, while the pallium is merely the outermost covering of the hemispheres, whether composed of grey matter or not. es < th if! Ifi! I3l5 II Region or olfa Is "3 _'S -0 o « a ft«M P 03 !=! ial ~ 5 a * 8 o § g I J fl g o ~« « 5 « ^ S S- "3 ^ ^ V ^ -S S c s 5 B .S e w •« as ± PQ 83 »H -3 c; ft ^ 5 a M F « 5fl fl | j! C o "3 • 5 a § I ft^ g s^2 3.-" II a s « « g«£ I J SJ 5 § S « 3 - 3 s ^ s §•« L I I I c 1 5 re A c -w « ^ i, §1111 x%?I fill! 1 1« *s oo "^ fc sip- o IS « He & 'C*w «j !«" 5 Ml -• c«S S M |§ |^S8 •«« * sCT •- £FS-S§.§ ^ S C3.Q O 0 01 5 W « *{ J3 « 2 'C £ 5 £n "Sa-s 5 a « — •^^2 o q s ££» gment perior ^n 52 s §131 g, II r <5 g;s t*5 *. _ «t ^3 e iirffi i SsoS^- ^55 • .3 S r. IP : 3 c -5 o 1 ^-1 a « c -S o t- 5 c s « 5> - 842 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY As the brain grows in a bony case, it follows that as soon as the brain has grown longitudinally the full length of this case, it must bend in the various directions the case lays down for it. Therefore, in the mam- mals, the posterior end of the hemispheres grow dorsally and downward, and then forward again until that portion of the hemisphere which was originally most posterior has now grown forward until it reaches, or at least touches, the olfactory region. The part growing downward and then forward grows over a part of the side-wall of the hemispheres which por- Corpus pineale (Epiphysis) Commissura post. Commissura sup. Lamina chor. cpithcJialis ventr. Ill Stelle der Einstiilpung des Plex. chorioideus Tela chor. ventr. IV Telencephalon Diencephalon esencepha/on Metencepha/on Corpus mamill Hypophysis Chiasma Nn. optic. Hdhe des For. inter- ventric. (Monroi) Commissura ant. Recessus optic. Lamina terminalis Fig. 471. 7, Schematic median section of brain of a four month human foetus to show the various changes caused by the developing hemisphere. (From Corning after Burckhardt. ) II, Diagram of the development of the corpus callosum and septum pellucidum in man. A shows the hemisphere in outline, ac, anterior commissure ; cc, corpus callosum ; ep, epithelial roof of the third ventricle ; he, hippocampal commissure ; It, lamina terminalis ; o, olfactory lobe ; oc, optic chiasma ; p, paraterminal body ; s, septum pellucidum ; vh, vestigial precallosal and supracallosal hippocampus. (From Kingsley after G. Elliott Smith.) NERVOUS SYSTEM 843 tions of the side-wall thus form a little island in the depths of the longi- tudinal fissure. This island is called the insula (of Reil). The bending itself of the downward and forward growing parts has caused a deep transverse fissure in each hemisphere known as the lateral cerebral fissure or fissure of Sylvius. All higher forms of mammals have the brain substance thrown into many folds or convolutions known as gyri (Fig. 473). The deeper grooves separating the gyri are called fissures, while the lesser grooves are known as sulci. This folding permits a great amount of cortex or gray matter to be provided for ; for, it will be noted that not only do the tops of each convolution form cortex, but also the entire sides of every sulcus. The hemispheres are divided into various lobes : frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital. The two hemispheres are connected by various commissures, which likewise must be studied in the actual brain and compared with the diagram. Following are the chief commissures (Fig. 471) : Anterior commissure, in all vertebrates. Pallial commissure, dorsal to the anterior. This appears in verte- brates from the amphibians upward. Corpus callosum (Fig. 471), and Hippocampal commissure. These last two are a variation in the higher mammals of the pallial commissures in the lower. The corpus callosum is developed to a greater extent in man than in other animals (Fig. 472). This is explained by the fact that in no other animal does mentality reach so high a state of development as in man, and, because the cerebral hemispheres are the seat of mentality, it follows that much greater connection between the cortex of the two hemispheres is needed in man than in other animals. There is a thin translucent membrane between the body of the corpus callosum and the fornix known as the septum pellucidum, which leaves a slight cavity between the two septa of each side. Formerly this cavity was called the fifth ventricle. It has no connection whatever with any of the true ventricles. Two tracts of nervous matter run back on the medial side of either hemisphere, from the olfactory lobe to the hinder end of the cerebrum. One of these is the hippocampus, which passes dorsad, and the other is the olfactory tract, which goes ventral to the foramen of Monro. These two and the associated olfactory substances make up practically all of the so-called archipallium in the lower vertebrates, for in these the whole cerebrum really is accessory to the sense of smell. In mammals, and possibly as low as the reptiles, a part has been added to receive impres- sions from other somatic senses. This is the neopallium which has grown out lateral to the hippocampus and is especially large in the higher mammals. In man it forms by far the* greater part of the cerebrum. Its great development forces the olfactory parts to the medial and lower 844 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Comparison of Various Types of Brains. A-F (Edinger) are sagittal sections showing structures lying in the median line and also paired structures (e.g., pallium) lying to one side of the median line. The cerebellum is black. It is doubtful whether the membranous roof in A indicated as pallium is strictly homologous with that structure in other forms. In B, Pallium indicates prepallial s-tructures, Aq.Syl., Aquseductus Sylvii ; Basis mesen., basis mesencephali ; Bulb, olf., bulbus olfactorius ; Corp. striat., corpus striatum ; Epiph., epiphysis ; G.h., ganglion habenulae ; Hyp., hypophysis ; Infund., infundibulum ; Lam.t., lamina terminalis ; Lob. elect., lobus electricus ; L.yagi, lobus vagi ; L.opt., mid-brain roof ; Med.obl., medulla oblongata ; Opt., optic nerve ; Pl.chor., plexus chorioideus ; Rec.inf., recessus infundibuli ; Rec.mam., recessus mammillaris ; Saccus vase., saccus vas- culosus ; Sp.c., spinal cord; vent., ventricle; v.m.a., velum medullare anterius ; v.m.p., velum, medullare posterius. G and H show the mesial surface of the cerebral hemispheres in a low (G) and high (H) Mammal. G Elliott Smith, Edinger, slightly modified. The exposed gray matter of the olfactory regions is shaded, the darker shade indicating the archipallium (preterminal area and hippocampal formation), the lighter shade indicating the rhinencephalon, which consists of the anterior and the posterior (principally pyriform) olfactory lobes, and a central region made up of the hippocampus and the following gyri : fornicatus. dentatus, uncinatus, introlimbicus, fasciolaris, and Andrae Retzii. NERVOUS SYSTEM 845 surfaces so that they are exposed to view only by dissection. A part of the original hippocampus is then vestigial. "Beginning in the amphibia and reappearing in the reptiles is a tract of fibers on either side, which connects the posterior part of the cerebrum (where the hippocampus ends) with the hypothalmus. In the mam- mals, by the flexure of the cerebrum, this same band of fibers, here called the fornix, is obliged to take a circuitous course. Starting at the hippo- campus on the medial side of the temporal lobe, the fornix runs up, then forward, below the corpus callosum, and then down, in front of the in- terventricular foramen to end in a protuberance, the corpus mammillare> on the floor of the hypothalmic region." Headward, on the dorsal side, the walls become somewhat thick- ened, bulging out into a pair of prominences known as the optic lobes or corpora bigemina in the lower forms of animals, while in the mam- mals there are two such pairs of lobes which are therefore called corpora quadrigemina (Fig. 473). The roof of this region remains comparatively thin, but the floor becomes somewhat thicker and forms the cerebral peduncle. Connecting the mid-brain with the hind-brain is a short con- stricted area known as the isthmus. From here running caudad along each lateral wall there is often a groove (seldom, if ever, seen in the adult) called the limiting sulcus or the sulcus of Monro. This naturally divides the brain and spinal cord from here to the tail-end into a dorsal and a ventral half, a fact that is of considerable importance, because the entire dorsal area is sensory while the ventral is motor in character. Further, in the study of the central nervous system's development it is the dorsal portion in which most of the changes come, comparatively few developing on the ventral side. The hind-brain is again divided. The part lying cephalad develops Into the cerebellum or balancing brain (organ of coordination), while the caudal end tapers rather gradually and is known as the myelencepha- Ion or medulla oblongata. The cavity in the hind-brain, most of which is located within the medulla, is known as the fourth ventricle, while the small lumen which connects the third and fourth ventricle is called the aqueductus cerebri or the aqueduct of Sylvius (Fig. 282). It will, therefore, be noticed that from the earlier three compart- ments of the head end of the brain and spinal cord there have developed five brain divisions with four ventricles. All the ventricles form a con- tinuous open space throughout the entire central nervous system. The roof plate in the region of the cerebellum, which originally was quite thick, forces the most cephalic portion of the two dorsal zones far apart, so that they then become quite thin and broad, whereas the floor plate becomes greatly thickened and constitutes the pyramids which pass in front into the cerebral peduncles. A comprehensive study of the brain is a tedious and difficult task and requires a very thorough going over, and remembering the main 846 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Medulla oblongat* H. tuli drier, mamiltart lf. frontal. Sulc. front. \Snlc. jrae- Sale, centralis Sale, pott med. suft. centra' sn6. tKotnn<{i\ r,,ttm/;. tral. sup. (Rola rails StiU. in tc, fa rut Sttlc. prnecentral. inf Sulci occipitaltt — superior as et lattr. Poltis occipitalif AW™ ctretri Polus t,-m- Sulc. temp. Sutc. Snic. hcisura praeoccipHal. lateral { R,,,,,. post.) for all, sup. f,;,,p. mfd. temp. inf. Oyr Jrontalts ttiftr ' ' \ Cyr. /rctitiilis wfjitts I Part ofrreal. Pars trianfH- lari, Pan. ortit.,1. „ 'yr. desceHttmt (Ectfrt c. Fig. 473. A, Diagram to show development of five secondary brain vesicles. (After His.) B, Median sagittal section through brain of man. C and D, dorso-lateral cerebral surfaces. C to show fissures and sulci, and D to show gyri. (After Villiger.) NERVOUS SYSTEM 847 points in the histology, general anatomy, and physiology of the frog. And the task is made the more difficult on account of all the early studies having been made upon the human brain before our better stains made it possible to understand the finer structure of nerve cells and fibers. The result is that the names of the various parts of the brain have been derived from fanciful resemblances, often very confusing. We shall attempt to study the entire central nervous system in terms of function rather than in terms of structure, and the latter only ^in its development, as then, and then only, are we able to place a valid interpretation upon our findings. Following are several terms without which no progress in this study can be made: A center is any group of nerve-cells which performs a single func- tion. (This does not imply, however, that all of this particular function is located in this one center alone. There may be several, or many, per- forming similar functions.) It is these centers which form a sort of switch-board for the redis- tribution of various nervous impulses. Afferent fibers are those which conduct toward the centers. Efferent fibers are those which conduct away from a center. Peripheral nerves (those running from and toward the central sys- tem) are naturally mixed nerves in that they carry both afferent and efferent fibers. Inhibitory fibers are those which check an action. White matter (substantia alba) is that portion where the nerve fibers are covered with white myelin sheaths. Gray matter (substantia grisea) is that portion where there is a mass of nerve-cell- bodies uncovered with myelin sheaths. Brain nuclei are the gray centers within the brain, which are divided in turn into: Primary centers which are those directly connected with the peripheral nerves, either as terminal nuclei of afferent fibers or as nuclei of origin of efferent fibers, and Correlation centers, which are those in which the impulse received is redistributed after meeting with other impulses at a common center. Fig. 474. Five types of reflex arcs. 848 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Figure 474 shows the five ways in which impulses are and may be distributed. Ganglia are those centers similar to brain nuclei which lie outside the brain, although some books still use this term interchangeably with brain nuclei. Brain stem (also called segmental apparatus, because it is supposed that the primitive type of brain consisted of a mere tube of nerve-cells with which the peripheral nerves were connected, a pair from each seg- ment, similar to the spinal cord of the higher forms now), is that portion of the cephalic end of the central nervous system upon which the enor- mous cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres develop in all higher forms. These latter are then called the suprasegmental apparatus. Cerebrum consists of fore-brain and mid-brain, the most cephalic part of which develops into the cerebral hemispheres which are again divided as seen in the table. The pallium in the highest animal forms is the cerebral cortex or mantle (Fig. 472), but in the lower forms such as the fish, in which the entire hemispheres are a part of its olfactory apparatus, the pallium con- sists of this olfactory apparatus and the two tracts of nervous matter connecting the olfactory lobe with the hinder portion of the cerebrum. One of these tracts, the hippocampus, passes dorsal, and the other, the olfactory tract, passes ventral to the foramen of Monro. They lie on the medial side of each hemisphere. Archipallium is the word now used to a considerable extent for the pallium in the lower vertebrates where this mantle is concerned prac- tically only with the olfactory apparatus. Neopallium has therefore come into existence as a term to designate the pallium of the vertebrates whose brain is not governed entirely by its olfactory apparatus, but where impulses from the general somatic senses may be adjusted and be redistributed in a great correlation region — the cerebral cortex. In the table the pallium corresponds to this neo- pallium which has grown out lateral to the hippocampus. Rhmencephalon (nose-brain), the entire olfactory apparatus divides into peripheral and central regions as in the table. Corpus Striatum (Figs. 472, 473). This is the name given to the entire mass of large nerve cells which connect the brain-stem with the cerebral hemispheres. It is also called the basal ganglion. It will be noted that the corpus striatum thus forms the main portion of the stem of the end brain. It is called striated because it consists of masses of gray matter separated by sheets of white matter, thus making it appear striated. In the lower forms of vertebrates (Fig. 473) some have this body fairly well developed even though there be no cortex, while in reptiles and birds in which there is a small amount of cortex it is quite highly NERVOUS SYSTEM 849 developed. In these animals the corpus striatum seems to be a reflex center of a higher order than the thalamus. There is doubt as to the exact function of the corpus striatum. Ramon y Cajal thinks that in mammals, at least, this body functions as a reinforcement center of the descending motor impulses coming from the cortex, as these fibers give off collateral branches when passing through the corpus striatum, while the striatum itself sends important descending tracts into the thalamus and cerebral peduncle. The white matter consists of fibers that pass between the cortex and deep parts of the brain-stem which have no functional connection with the striatum itself. These are called projection-fibers, and are partly ascending and descending fibers which pass between the thalamus and the cortex, and partly descending motor projection-fibers of the cortico- spinal or pyramidal tract, cortico-bulbar tract, and cortico-pontine tracts The gray matter of the corpus striatum forms the two nuclei named after their shape the caudate and the lentiform nucleus (Fig. 475). Most of the projection-fibers pass between these two nuclei in a wide band of white matter which is called the internal capsule. These same fibers radiating from the internal capsule toward the capsule are called the corona radiata. The external capsule is formed of a thinner sheet of fibers external to the lentiform nucleus. As many cases of apoplexies and other cerebral diseases cause hemorrhage and other injuries in the internal capsule, there destroying some of the fibers, the study of the exact arrangement of sensory and motor projection fibers within the internal capsule is of great clinical importance. Claustrum is the name given to the thin band of gray matter lying between the external capsule and the cortex of the insula (Fig. 475, B). Nucleus amygdalae is a small mass of sub-cortical gray matter under the tip of the temporal lobe. It forms part of the nucleus olfactorius lateralis. Thalamus (Fig. 475). The middle and larger subdivision of the diencephalon, sometimes even applied to the entire diencephaloii and called the optic thalamus. As all nervous impulses which reach the brain cortex, except those that come from the olfactory organs, pass through the thalamus, this organ serves as a sort of vestibule for the cortex and probably also as a great relay station for the incoming and outgoing nerves. It is to be remembered that the optic fibers which occupy the thala- mus take up much of that organ, but it should not be called the optic thalamus because all fibers to and from the cortex, regardless of whether coming from the eye or not, pass through the thalamus. Two parts of the thalamus are to be noted. The ventral portion, contains chiefly motor coordination centers. In man this position is not 850 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Nucleus letitiformis Capsula interna (pars leaticulo- . caudata) Capsula interna (pars lenticulo-thalamica) Nucleus caudatua Nucleus amygdalae (cut) Commissura anterior Stria termmalis Capsula interna (pars sublenticularis) ^.Nucleus caudatus •x ^Thalamus Tractus. J^ olfactorius Tractus opticus •'"_ Inf undibulum ''" " Hypophy- (anterior lobe'"' sis cerebri \ posterior lobe- — Tubor cinereum/// Corpus mamillare/ / N. oculomotorius / Basis pedunculi' Pons' , NCTVUS trigeminua (portio major)-xx . Nervus trigcminus (portio minor)-'' ^_^-^ N. intermedius^'"'' N. acusticus^'" N. abducens N. glossopharyngeus^ Nervus vagus \ Oliva- Fasciculus circumolivaria pyramidia Corpus geniculatum laterale Corpus pineale Cor. geniculaturn mediale Colliculus superior Colliculus inferior s lateralis Nervus trochlearis ^--Brachium conjunctivum 7—- — Brachium pontis — Fossa flocculi — Crus flocculi —Nucleus denta- tus cerebelli Corpus pouto-bulbare ' — Fasciculus spinocerebellaris Nervus spinalis B. Fig. 475. A, Left lateral aspect of a human brain from which the cerebral hemisphere (with the exception of the corpus striatum, the olfactory bulb and tract, and a small portion of the cortex adjacent to the latter) and the cerebellum (excepting its nucleus dentatus) have been removed. The brain stem (segmental apparatus; palseencephalon ) includes everything here shown with the exception of the strip of cortex above the tractus olfactorius and the nucleus dentatus. Within its sub- stance, however, are certain cortical dependencies (absent in the lowest verte- brates), which have been developed to facilitate communication between the brain stem and the cerebral cortex. The chief of these are found in the thalamus, basis pedunculi, and pons. Compare this with the side view of an intact brain, Figure 473. (From Hsrrick after Cunningham.) B, Horizontal section of human cerebral hemispheres. 1, 2, A, H, L, F, etc., Fiber systems. NERVOUS SYSTEM 851 well developed and is there called the subthalamus, which is often con- fused with the hypothalamus. The dorsal portion of the thalamus is again divided into two por- tions : (1) The primitive sensory reflex centers, principally in the medial group of thalamic nuclei. (2) The regular cortical vestibule which forms the lateral nuclei. These lateral nuclei are sometimes called the new thalamus (neothala- mus) to distinguish them from all other portions of the thalamus, which other portions are then called the old thalamus (palaeothalamus). In man the new thalamus makes up by far the greater portion of that organ. This portion includes "the lateral, ventral, and posterior nuclei (for general cutaneous and deep sensibility) receiving the spinal, trigeminal, and medial lemnisci ; the lateral geniculate body and pulvinar (visual sensibility) receiving the optic tracts; the medial geniculate body (auditory sensibility) receiving the lateral or acoustic lemniscus." It will be noted that Professor Herrick, from whom this quotation is taken, considers the two geniculate bodies as a part of the thalamus, whereas our table calls them the metathalamus. The student will see that all these parts are most intimately connected, and classification is bound to be arbitrary no matter what pains may be taken to make such classification as scientific as possible. All the lateral nuclei are connected with the cerebral cortex by im- portant systems of fibers running both to and from the cerebral cortex. The fibers themselves are called sensory projection fibers and all of them pass through or near the internal capsule of the corpus striatum. While these lateral nuclei receive the impulses from the somatic sensory fibers as well as the deeper sensibility impulses (such as touch, temperature, pain, general proprioceptive sensibility, spatial localization, etc., termed as a whole the somesthetic group), this latter group is prob- ably separately represented in the thalamus although wre have not yet the evidence to demonstrate it. Each of the chief functional regions in the thalamus is connected with a specific region in the cerebral cortex by its own projection fibers, the tracts being known as radiations. For example, there are optic radia- tions, auditory radiations, somesthetic radiations, etc. The old thalamus, which comprises the more medial thalamic cen- ters found in lower forms, has little or no cerebral cortex, such as fish, and seems to retain its function in higher vertebrates. In other words, some "awareness" of what is going on is carried by these medial centers, so that the cerebral cortex is not absolutely necessary for the animal to be aware of its own action or reaction. This means that the cerebral cortex is not necessary for all, though it undoubtedly is for most conscious purposes. Professor Herrick says : "The thalamus can act independently of 852 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY the cortex in the case of painful sensibility and the entire series of pleas- urable and painful qualities ; for the thalamic centers when isolated from their cortical connections are found to be concerned mainly with affective experience, and destructive lesions which involve the cortex alone do not disturb the painful and affective qualities of sensation." Hypothalamus. That portion lying immediately beneath the thala- mus. A small portion of the primitive neural tube to which the hemi- spheres are attached has remained in a primitive state, not changing or having any ingrowths or outgrowths. This unchanged portion is called the pars optica hypothalami, and, as will be noticed by the table, is a part of the end-brain and not the diencephalon. The hypothalamus is an important correlation center for olfactory and various visual impulses, including probably the sense of taste. Tuber cinereum is the gray eminence forming the ventral portion of the hypothalamus. Infundibulum is a funnel-shaped extension of the third ventricle passing through the hypothalamus to the end of the hypophysis (pituitary body or gland which lies in the sella turcica). Mammillary bodies are a pair of eminences at the posterior end of the tuber cinereum. These bodies are olfactory centers. Metathalamus. The posterior part of the thalamus consists of the geniculate bodies. The lateral or external one is a visual center in the thalamus and the medial or internal body is an auditory center. Epithalamus. This is formed by the mem- branous choroid plexus- which forms the roof of the third ventricle, the habenula, and the stria medul- laris, a fiber-tract which connects the olfactory cen- ters of habenula and cerebral hemisphere. The habenula itself is a center for the correlation of olfac- tory sensory impulses with the various somatic sensory centers of the dorsal part of the thalamus. The pineal body, in a very few lower vertebrates, is a sense organ, being called a "parietal eye" (Fig. 476). In the higher forms this sensory function has been lost, though it is now supposed to be an organ of internal secretion. Fig. 476. Anlage of the epiphysis (pineal gland) and pari- etal organ in the lizard Iguana. A in a 9 day embryo, and B in an 18 day embryo. Longitu- dinal section, ep, epiphy- sis ; pa, parietal organ ; zw.h., wall of the ven- tricle in the twixt-brain. (After von Klinkow- strom.) TELENCEPHALON In all comparative studies of animals one must observe lower forms in order that the simpler ar- rangement there found may furnish an understand- ing of the more complex adjustment found in the higher forms, as these latter, usually, possess parts that the lower forms possess, plus something additional. In the study of the nervous system the dogfish is a good laboratory NERVOUS SYSTEM 853 example with which to work. It has no cerebral cortex developed into immense hemispheres, as in man, and which make it so difficult to study the underlying parts and note their relationship (Figs. 477, 478). There is a regular system of small sensory canals widely distributed in fishes containing sense-organs slightly similar to those in the semi- circular canals of the internal ear. Their functions are supposed to be somewhat between that of organs of touch in the skin and those of equilibrium of the internal ear. The water vibrations of slow frequency probably make it possible for the animal thus to orient itself. Their innervation comes/from the VII, IX, and X pairs of cranial nerves. The sensory canals just mentioned are called lateral line organs (Fig. 479) and are absent in higher vertebrates. If Figure 480 be studied carefully it will be seen that there is a quite definite area or center for each group of impressions. The acoustisco-lateral area is the terminal center of the lateral line nerves as well as the acoustic nerve (VHI pair). The general cutaneous area receives impressions from the remain- ing general exterior of the body. The nerves from the viscera (that is, from the gills, stomach, etc.) enter a visceral area. The eye is connected with the optic lobe. •n. am- pal. b.' / ^'' i ing Fig. 477. A semi-diagrammatic drawing of a longitudinal section through a dogfish, passing slightly to the right of the middle line, a.ch.p., anterior choroid plexus ; a./., anterior fontanelle ; au., auricle ; au.v., auriculo-ventricular opening and valve ; b.b., basibranchial cartilage ; b.h., basihyal cartilage ; c., centrum ; e.a., conus arteriosus ; cb., cerebellum ; cer., cerebrum ; cor., coracoid region of the pectoral girdle ; gr., grooves in which the teeth are formed ; i.p., intercalary plate ; inf., infundibulum ; lat.v., lateral ventricle ; M.c., Meckel's cartilage ; n.a., neural arch ; n.am., ampullary sense organs ; n.sp., neural spine ; nch., notochord ; oes., oesophagus ; op.l., optic lobe ; p.ch.p., posterior choroid plexus ; p.st., pineal stalk ; pal.b., palatine bar ; pm., pericardium ; pp.c., pericardio-peritoneal canal ; s.au., sinu-auricular opening ; s.v., sinus venosus ; sp.c., spinal cord ; st., semilunar valves ; tng., tongue ; v., ventricle ; v.ao., ventral aorta ; 3, third ventricle ; 4, fourth ventricle. (From Borradaile.) 854 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY The nose connects with the olfactory bulb and hemisphere. (Some writers have considered the olfactory hemisphere an actual portion of the brain equivalent to the cerebral hemisphere in man. These olfactory hemispheres are, however, only portions of the olfactory apparatus.) The important point is to note that definite brain regions are set aside for sensory impressions, and to notice that they are all on the dor- sal surface (except a part of the olfactory centers). These regions which Professor Herrick understandably calls "nose brains," "eye brains," "ear brains," "visceral brains," "skin brains," etc., show the simplest type of the pattern of functional localization of pri- mary reflex centers. That is, all these special "brains" or centers show that practically all of the parts of the brain (except the cerebellum) have a very definite connection with some particular peripheral organs. This means that this type of simple brain is concerned, in so far as we can tell (with the exception of the cerebellum), only with simple reflex action, there being no larg^e centers for the higher type of adjust- ment found in the higher vertebrate brains. However, in the higher vertebrates, even including man, there is this same type of simple con- A. B. Fig. 478. •A, The brain of the dogfish, seen from above, cb., cerebellum; cer., cerebrum; m.o., medulla oblongata ; olf.l., olfactory lobe ; olf.o., olfactory organ ; op.. ophthalmic branches of fifth and seventh nervas ; op.l., optic lobes ; p.st., pineal stalk ; r.b., restiform body ; sp.c., spinal cord ; sp.n., spinal nerve ; thai., thala- mencephalon ; S, 4, third and fourth ventricles ; II.-V., VIL-X., cranial nerves. B, The brain of a dogfish, in ventral view, cer., cerebrum ; inf., return limb of infundibulum, sometimes regarded as the pituitary body ; l.i., lobi inferiores ; m.o., medulla oblongata ; olf.l., olfactory lobe ; olf.o., olfactory organ ; op., ophthalmic branches of fifth and seventh nerves ; sp.c., spinal cord ; s.v., lateral lobe of saccus vasculosus ; s.v'., median lobe of the same; II. -X., cranial nerves. (From Borrsdaile.) NERVOUS SYSTEM 855 nection also, but it is obscured by the greatly enlarged correlation cen- ters of which the cerebral cortex is the most important. The distinct course in neurology given in the schools deals largely and primarily with the histological structure and function of this cortex. Because the cerebral cortex is found only in the higher forms of ver- tebrates and, therefore, is supposed to have developed later in the evolu- tionary scale than the simpler type such as the fish displays, it has been called the neencephalon in contradistinction to the "fish type of brain which is then known as the old-brain or palaeencephalon. Another point to note is that the "ear brain," the "skin brain," and the "visceral brain"" are all contained in the rhombsncephalon. In fact, the "stem" of the rhombencephalon (also called the segmental portion) is made up of these sensory "brains" and their corresponding motor centers. B an. 2, oph sup. A and B, Schematic diagrams of sections of the skin. The sections pass through the lateral line organs. A, of a Teleost, B, of a dogfish. N, lateral line nerve ; S, sensory nerve ending ; the asterisk shows the cutaneous ori- fice ; the arrows indicate the direction of the stimulus. C, Lateral line nerve of a fish, anl, anastomosis between the anterior and posterior portions of the lateral nerve ; an2, transverse anastomosis be- tween the right and left lateral nerve ; buc., buccal branch of lateral nerve ; g.l., lateral nerve ganglion ; mand.ex., mandibular branch of lateral nerve ; m., spinal cord ; oph.sup., superficial ophthalmic branch of lateral nerve ; r.U., branch which follows the lateral line X, X cranial nerve (dotted) to show partial fusion with lateral nerve. (From Vialleton, A and B after Dean.) 856 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY In the higher forms this is also true, and the cerebellum (in man, the pons also in a sense) are suprasegmental extensions. In both lower and higher forms the "eye. brain" includes the retina of the eye, the optic nerve, and a part of the roof of the midbrain. In fish only a few fibers from the optic nerve pass to the thalamus, but in the higher forms the number of fibers to this portion are many, in fact so many, that the entire thalamus, as stated, is often called the "optic thala- mus." In the fish there are no true cerebral hemispheres, the seemingly similar organs are hemispheres of the olfactory tract (with the exception of the very small "somatic area" which becomes the corpus striatum and cerebral cortex in the higher forms. The olfactory apparatus of the fish also embraces the entire epithalamus and hypothalamus. It follows from all that has been said, that no nervous impulses can enter the cortex without passing through the reflex centers of the brain- stem first. The brain-stem therefore must have all the fibers lying within it which are to carry such impulses. The suprasegmental portions are therefore correlation, coordination, and readjustment centers. DIENCEPHALON The twixt-brain or inter-brain lies directly in front of the posterior commissure. Still further to the front it is bounded by the velum trans- versum above and the lamina terminalis below (Fig. 282, A, C). The cavity in the center is a portion of the third ventricle which extends to the optic chiasma. The fiber tracts running from the cerebral hem- isphere backward pass into the side walls. Those lying in the dorsal region go through the thalamus ( ) where there is a large nerve center. The ventral tracts are the cerebral peduncles al- ready mentioned. Directly above and in front of the thalamus is the epithalamus which also contains a nerve center known as the habenula ( ). The hypothalamus, lying as its name implies below the thalamus, consists of the tuber cinereum in front and the mam- millary bodies behind. Both the epithalamus and the hypothalamus bear a relation to the sense of smell, and are, therefore, developed to a greater extent in all lower animals in which this sense is highly developed. Di- ^ectly behind the velum transversum is the superior or habenular com- missure. EPIPHYSIAL STRUCTURES It is customary to call various parts developed in the roof plate of the primitive fore-brain epiphysial structures (Fig. 202). Just where the cerebral hemispheres and the twixt-brain meet there is a little fold of epithelium, already mentioned, called the velum transversum hanging from the roof of the cerebrum. Directly in front of this is a little chorioid plexus that secretes a fluid. This is called the paraphysis. The other NERVOUS SYSTEM 857 €piphysial structures belong to the twixt-brain and consist of a parietal organ and the pineal gland (Fig. 476). Both of these arise from the roof of the twixt-brain between the habenular ganglion and the posterior com- missure where twixt and mid-brains meet. Sometimes they develop as a. single outgrowth and sometimes as distinct structures. The more anterior of the two is the parietal organ or eye. The posterior is the pineal gland, also known as the epiphysis. These two organs, although varying in the different vertebrates, are usually always present. The parietal organ in at least one group of lizards extends on a slender stalk actually passing out of the skull and forming a sort of median eye on the dorsal surface of the head. In those vertebrates in which the parietal organ does not appear at all, the pineal gland seems to show tracts of structure similar to the parietal organ when it does become an eye. It will be remembered that the brow-spot seen on the frog is really the spot where the pineal gland began growing toward the exterior of the body but was cut off by the developing skull. It is interesting to note that, notwithstanding the close relations of the pineal and parietal organs, the former receives its nerve supply from the posterior commissure while the parietal is connected with the supe- Optic lobe Epitha n.II Hypothalam Ganglion V Infra-orbital trunk Acoustico-lateral area , laterahs VII n.E ai r. hyomandibularis VII Spiracle . palatinua VII .4. anglion geniculi VII B. Fig. 480. A, Side view of the brain of the dogfish Mustelus canis. (After Herrick.) B, Longitudinal section of brain of Trout, aq, aqueduct ; bo, bulbus olfactorius ; ca,, cK, ci, cp, anterior, horizontal, inferior, and posterior commissures ; cc, central canal ; cl, cerebellum ; cs, corpus striatum ; h, hypophysis ; t, infundibulum ; iv, trochlearis nerve ; cc, optic chiasma ; p. pallium ; pi, pinealis ; sv, saccus vasculosus ; tl, torus longitudinalis ; to, tectum of optic lobes ; v, velum transversum ; «*, v*, ventricles; vc, valvula cerebelli. (From Kingsley after Rabl-Riickhard. ) 85b COMPARATIVE ANATOMY rior commissure of the twixt-brain. All of these structures in the higher vertebrates are completely covered by the cerebral hemispheres growing backward over them. In many of the extinct reptiles there are large parietal foramina and it is supposed that these animals therefore had wrell developed parietal or pineal organs. Directly behind the lamina terminalis there is a chorioid plexus located in the fourth ventricle. This comes from the roof of the brain in this region and a part of it invades the third ventricle, while another part, the inferior plexus, sends branches through the interventricular foramina into the lateral ventricle. This provides a blood supply to the interior portions of the cerebral hemi- spheres.' A funnel-shaped protrusion from the floor of the diencephalon may be seen posterior and ventral to the optic chiasma known as the infundib- ulum. This connects with the pituitary body or hypophysis, which latter organ has developed from the mouth region. It is encased by the devel- oping skull in a little bony case of its own called the sella turcica (Turkish saddle). The epithelium of the mouth from which the hypo- physis springs, remains connected for a time to that organ and the point of ingrowth into the brain is called Rathke's pocket (Fig. 301, 1). It will be noticed that the pituitary body grows upward from the oral cavity just mentioned, while the infundibulum grows downward from directly behind the optic chiasma to meet it. There are really two parts to the pituitary body, both rich in blood and lymph vessels. The organ is known as a gland of internal secretion. Its action is supposed to be connected with the fat-storing powers of the animals ; sometimes there is to be found a postoptic commissure connecting the ventral parts of the brain in this region. MESENCEPHALON The mesencephalon or mid-brain, as has already been stated, does not change very much from the way it appears in the embryo. On the dorsal surface there are two lateral swellings, the optic lobes. In the mammals these are transversely divided and are called the corpora quad- rigemina. If they do not divide transversely they are called corpora bigemina. Each optic lobe is connected with fibers from the eye on the opposite side to which it itself is located. In the fishes the ventricle of the mid-brain is quite large and extends into the optic lobes, but in the higher groups of vertebrates the ventricle is reduced to a very small opening or aqueduct. At the anterior end of the dorsal body of the mid- brain a band of nerve fibers crosses from one side to the other. Any such cross connections are called commissures. These connect the two sides of the central nervous system. Cross fibers of this kind are very numerous in the spinal cord and there are also several in the brain. This particular one we have just mentioned is called the posterior commissure. XERVOUS SYSTEM 859 RHOMBENCEPHALON THE CEREBELLUM The cerebellum or metencephalon (Figs. 472, 481) is the coordi- nating organ growing behind the two cerebral hemispheres. The isthmus which connects the mid-brain and hind-brain lies directly in front of the cerebellum. The cephalic anterior wall of the cerebellum meets with the isthmus to form a transverse fold known as the anterior medullary velum (valve of Vieussens) which dips into the fourth ventricle. The median ridge of the cerebellum is known as the vermis. This is the only part of the cerebellum wnich the lower vertebrates possess. In some of the higher reptiles and birds, however, a small outgrowth occurs on each side called the flocculus and it is between the flocculus and the vermis that the cerebellar hemispheres develop in the mammals. This pushes the flocculus ventrad. Quite a number of fibers grow from one side of the cerebellum to the other on the ventral side of the brain stem. This forms a large transverse band called the pons or bridge. The lower vertebrates have only a few fibers of this kind so that the pons is very narrow in them. There is a groove or tract running longitudinally from the cerebellum to the mid- brain along the side of this pons and these lateral tracts are called an- terior peduncles, while the central or median tract is called the middle peduncle or brachium pontis. The origin in the cerebellum of the an- terior peduncle is called the nucleus dentatus. MEDULLA OBLONGATA This is really a large swelling between the cephalic end of the spinal cord and the brain proper. Various marrow-centers appear in the ven- tral side of the floor serving as centers by which and through which efferent or outgoing fibers are redistributed to other nerve cells. The head end of the medulla, by being expanded, forces the various fiber tracts of the dorsal funiculi, as well as of the dorsal part of the lateral funiculi, over to the side of the cerebellum where they enter, bending ab- ruptly inward and forming a cord called the corpus restiforme, also Vtlum mednllare tost. Ncdulns Leitulus gracilit Lebvlvs semilvnaris inftrior =^-^ Fig. 481. Human cerebellum viewed from below and in front. (After Villiger.) $60 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY known as the inferior cerebellar peduncle, on either side. The rest of the fiber tract forms a pair of bands, called pyramids, on the ventral sur- face of the medulla which extend cephalad beneath the mid-brain. These extensions are called the cerebral peduncles or crura cerebri. They are easily found in the lower vertebrates, but in the mammals the pons makes them difficult or impossible to see. TELAE CHORIOIDEAE While the brain is supplied by blood vessels distributed over the outer surface, extensions from, the outer vessels push the roof and floors of most of the fore- and hind-brain behind them, into the ventricle of these two regions, very much on the same principle as an outgrowth of the digestive tract, such as the liver, pushes its peritoneum-covering be- fore it. These foldings of the plates are called telae chorioideae or choirioid plexuses, and it is through these that the nourishing blood passes by osmosis into the ventricle and into the inner surfaces of the brain. It is practically impossible to remove the brain and have the fourth ventricle complete. Usually the chorioid plexus of this fourth ventricle is torn away as it is very thin in this particular region. The large open space or cavity that one sees when this has been torn away is -called the fossa rhomboidalis. SUMMARY OF THE BRAIN AMPHIOXUS The brain is extremely small, hardly as large in diameter as the rest •of the neural tube. There are but two pairs of cranial nerves, which have been called olfactory and optic, but in so reduced a brain, homolo- gies are uncertain. The sense organs consist of a median olfactory fun- nel opening into the neurocoele, a median eye-spot (not sensitive to light) on the anterior end of the brain, representing probably a rudiment of paired eyes. The notochord extends the entire length of the body, projecting in front of the brain. This may mean that the brain has re- treated from its primitive anterior position. There is no cranium. CYCLOSTOMATA The brain is small but typically vertebrate in structure. The vagus nerve is not included in the cranial region. In the myxinoids, a groove runs the entire length of the dorsal surface. There are four pairs of lobes — •(!) olfactory, (2) cerebral hemispheres, (3) mid-brain, and (4) cere- bellum. The nasal capsule is enormously developed. The eyes are de- generate and without muscles or nerves. There is only one semi-circular canal in the inner ear. In the lampreys the cerebral hemispheres are distinct and a band-like cerebellum is recognizable. Eyes are well devel- oped with both muscles and nerves. There are two semi-circular canals in the ear, a condition intermediate between that seen in the myxinoids and that in the true fishes, where three canals are always present. NERVOUS SYSTEM 861 The flexures are never very well marked and disappear entirely in the adult. PISCES The olfactory organs are paired and end blindly, not communicating: with the pharynx as in terrestrial animals and hagfishes. The auditory organs are entirely internal, and have no communication with the ex- terior. They serve largely as organs of equilibration, though they also- receive vibrations. The eyes are much like those of other vertebrates, except that they are lidless and have spherical lenses of short range vision in the water. The brain is small and shows no fissures. It never- theless has all the characteristics of the vertebrate brain, though there are but ten cranial nerves (Fig. 482). The spinal cord is like that in other vertebrates. DOGFISH Although the brain is very small and compact, it is larger in propor- tion to body size than that of the cyclostomes. The most striking feature is the large size of the olfactory lobes, and the slight development of the intercerebral fissure. The cerebral hemispheres are well defined, the cerebellum is large, and overlaps anteriorly a part of the optic lobe, and posteriorly a part of the medulla oblongata. The corpora restiformia are large folds on each side of the cerebellum in front and lateral to the rhomboid fossa. The region of the thalamencephalon from which the optic nerve springs is comparatively small and slender. The spinal cord is typical and enclosed within cartilaginous neural arches. The dominant sense of the dogfish is olfactory, the sense organs consisting of large con- voluted invaginations in close contact with the olfactory lobes of the brain. The eyes, although small and probably not especially keen- sighted, are well developed and connected within the brain by a rather slender optic nerve. The auditory organs are enclosed in cartilaginous Zphpr Fig. 482. Cranial Nerves of the Fish. (Schematic.) ev., spiracle; mand., mandibular branch of the V; max., maxillary branch of the V; m.t., masticator branch of V ; m., neural cord ; oph.pr., deep ophthalmic branch of the V; ph., pharyngeal branches of branchial nerves ; pot., post- trematic branch ; pt., pretrematic branch ; pl.c., cervico-branchial plexus ; r.pal. VII, palatine branch of the VII; r.pal. IX, palatine branch of the IX; sp, spinal nerves; sp.o., spinal-occipital nerves; V to X, pairs of the corresponding cranial nerves; 1 to 4, branchial slits. (From Vialleton.) 862 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY capsules and consist of three semi-circular canals, a utriculus, and a small simple sacculus. The lateral line sense organs are in grooves of the skin not completely closed. They divide into several branches in the head region, one above and one below the eye, and some in the hyo- mandibular region. TELEOSTS The vertebral column is not very compact, the vertebrae being often without a centrum. If the latter is present, it is an arch-centrum. The nasal tract has no naso-oral groove. It opens by separate nares. The brain Has a much reduced cerebrum with all olfactory lobes. The pallium is usually non-nervous, causing the cerebrum to consist largely of the corpus striatum. The cerebellum is larger than a surface view shows be- cause a great portion projects into the ventricle. AMPHIBIA The cerebrum is larger than the optic lobes, while the olfactory bull) is separated from the cerebrum by a long tract. The various brain parts are quite distinct. In the tailless amphibia the two halves of the cere- brum are secondarily connected by a transverse band behind the olfac- tory lobes so that a gap is left farther back. The telencephalon is larger than in fishes on account of the pallium being invaded with nervous matter on the inner side. There is no true cortex. The optic lobes are large and the pineal gland reaches the cranial roof in the tailless amphibia. In the gymnophiones there is a pontal flexure which brings the pituitary gland beneath the medulla ob- longata. REPTILIA \ '--• -"ii\7 There is an advance in the nerv- ous system beyond the amphibia. The cerebral hemispheres are larger and the cerebellum more complete and a cortex is developed. Some- thing of both pontal and nuchal flex- ures is retained. There may be a be- ginning of a temporal lobe. A parietal It is rudimentary in other groups. The olfactory lobes are merged in the hemispheres. The eyes are small, the pupil round, and the iris unusually dark in color. The thalamt de- n : ' ' Fig. 483. Side and dorsal views of young Alligator. l.v. op. t*. A. B. Fig. 484. A. The brain of a rabbit, seen from above with part of the right cerebral hemisphere cut away, a.c.q., Anterior corpus quadrigeminum ; a.ch.p., anterior choroid plexus ; cb., cerebellum ; cer.h., cerebral hemisphere ; crt., cortex ; ft., flocculus ; fr.l., frontal lobe of cerebral hemisphere ; l.v., lateral ventricle ; lat.l., lateral lobe of cerebellum ; m.o ., medulla oblongata ; occ.L, occipital lobe of cerebral hemisphere ; ol b., olfactory bulb ; op.th., optic thalamus ; p. b., pineal body ; p.c.q., posterior corpus o.uadrigeminum ; par.L, parietal lobe of cerebral hemisphere ; r.3, roof of third ventricle ; sp.c., spinal cord ; Sy.f., Sylvian fissure ; tp.l., temporal lobe of cerebral hemi- sphere ; ver., vermis. . B. The brain of a rabbit from below, c.al., corpus albicans ; fl., flocculus ; fr.l., frontal lobe of the cerebral hemisphere ; hip.L, hippocampal lobe ; m.ob., medulla oblongata ; ol.b., olfactory bulb; ol.t., olfactory tract; p.V., pons Varolii ; pit., pituitary body; rh f.. rhinal fissure; Sy.f., Sylvian fissure ; tp.l.* temporal lobe of the cerebral hemisphere ; II.-XII.^ roots of the cranial nerves. (From Borradaile. ) The tympanic membrane is thin and exposed, and is connected with the auditory organ by a slender columellar bone. The sense of smell is the keenest of the senses in the turtle, both in the air and in the water. In correlation with the keen olfactory sense, the olfactory lobes of the brain arc highly developed. In the crocodile (Fig. 483), the brain is decidedly advanced in structure for a reptilian brain. The large cerebral hemi- spheres are especially noteworthy. The tympanic membrane is sunk in a pit. This is a tendency that is carried much further in the birds and mammals. AVES The brain is very short and broad; the cerebrum is large but not convoluted. The cerebellum is very large and complex. All three flexures are partially retained throughout life. The optic lobes are well developed. The olfactory lobes are rudimentary, indicating a poor sense of smell. The olfactory epithelium is poorly developed, and sense of 864 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY taste is almost as poorly developed as the olfactory sense. The inner ear,, especially the cochlea, is more complex than in reptiles. The eye of birds is large and highly organized, probably keener than that of any other animal. Sclerotic plates cover the eyeball. A fan-shaped pecten (Fig. 490) of unknown function is inserted in the vitreous humor. A. c. Fig. 485. Nerve end-organs. A, longitudinal section of tactile papilla, containing a Meissner'* corpuscle. B, Section through a terminal corpuscle (end-bulb of Krause) from the conjunctiva, C, Section of a Pacinian corpuscle. The nerve fiber, n,m, enters the capsule through the channel /, and has its terminal branches at a. (A, C, from Ranvier, B, from Dogiel.) MAMMALIA It seems that some of the archaic mammals did not have a more highly developed brain than reptiles. Modern mammals, however, especially the higher groups, have a brain that is much more highly de- veloped than that of all other forms. In these higher groups the brain is relatively large (Figs. 472, 484) r the cerebral hemispheres showing the greatest increase. The increase is practically confined to the pallium (neopallium). There is an elaborate system of commissures to connect the two sides of the brain, the corpus callosum being the most important. In fact, the corpus callosum is largest in the highest groups. In the lower animals the olfactory lobes lie at the tip of the cere- brum, but in the higher forms the pallial increase pushes the frontal lobes forward so that the olfactory lobes are brought to the lower sur- face and are separated from the cerebrum proper by a rhinal fissure on each side. The olfactory tract and the hippocampal tract connect the olfactory lobes with regions farther back, but in man the hippocampal tract is largely rudimentary, the corpus callosum acting as the great connecting region. The great numbers of fibers from the increased pallium form the corona radiata which connects the cortex with the more posterior por- tions of the brain. And, as connection is made through the thalami, the thalamic regions become greatly enlarged, extend into the third ven- tricle and reduce that to a mere slit. Where the two walls come in con- tact the intermediate mass is developed. The mesencephalic lobes are four in number, now called the corpora NERVOUS SYSTEM 865 quadrigemina, only the anterior pair being connected with the optic nerves, the posterior pair being connected with the sense of hearing. , An important point in the understanding of certain brain structures is the knowledge that the pallium causes a folding so that the original postero-ventral end of the cerebrum, lateral to the pyriform lobe, is pushed below and to the outside of the lateral parts of the hemispheres, the fissure of Sylvius marking the, place of folding. It is at the bottom of this fissure that the island of Reil is found, which is only the covered part of the sides of the hemispheres. All higher forms of mammals have the hemispheres arranged in many convolutions. This permits an increase in surface without neces- sitating a great bulk increase. However, some animals with less mental ability apparently have more convolutions than the more highly organ- ized, so that it cannot definitely be said that greater convolutions neces- sarily carry greater mental power.* The mammalian cerebellum, while better developed than that of reptiles, is not as highly developed as that of birds. Ornithorhynchus (Fig. 472) has the most primitive brain of all mammals. It is small, the cerebral hemispheres are smooth and lack all convolutions. This animal is aquatic in its habits, living in stagnant water and feeding chiefly on mollusks, crustaceans, and worms which it secured by scooping up the muddy bottom with its bird-like bill. THE ORGANS OF SPECIAL SENSE It will be remembered that one of the outstanding characteristics of living matter is its irritability. Contractility is usually added to irritability when living protoplasm is discussed. It has already been shown that various functions in the body may be carried on when the entire nerve supply to that portion has been destroyed. We may there- fore say, that while irritability and contractility are essential parts of living matter, the irritability which causes contractility need not be brought about by a definite system of nerves, although the nerves do carry the stimulus from one part of the body to another, thus coordi- nating the various parts and permitting them to work together for some common end. In all higher forms, there are external organs of special sense, such as the nose, the eye, and the ear. In some of the lower forms such as the earthworm, we found, that while there are no definite eyes, the earth- worm nevertheless responded to light thrown upon its body by moving out of -the way as rapidly as it could. We. know from this experiment that the earthworm is sensitive to light, and that therefore there are definite sensory regions, more or less specialized, in its skin by which it can receive a stimulus from light. .It -w.ould profit an animal little to be. able to receive a stimulus if it could not in some way move itself .toward or away from such stimu- lus. The muscles., by -which an animal may move out of harm's way or * Echidna has more brain convolutions per body- weight than man. 866 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY toward a food stimulus, and the glands which can secrete substances that will repel an enemy serve such a purpose. In order, then, that an animal may profit by the various stimuli it encounters, it must have (1), a sensory region or surface of some kind which such stimuli may effect; (2), it must have an organ, such as mus- cles or glands, which will permit a reaction to the stimuli, (3, it must have a conducting mechanism by which the stimulus may be sent to the reacting organs. The nerve cells become specialized in structure (or in their man- ner of connection) in three different ways, namely: (1) they may de- velop sensitivity and form organs of special sense. These nerve cells then receive specific stimuli. (2) If the nerve cell develops conductivity, it can transmit impulses, such as sensory, to the central nervous system, or motor from the central nervous system. The conducting parts formed by this second group of specialized neurons form nerve tracts. (3) The third type of specialization of nerve cells is found in the central nervous system itself. This type forms what are called correlation and associa- tion fibers in the sensory field, and coordination fibers in the motor field. In practically all parts of the skin, there are tiny nerve endings, commonly called free nerve terminations, by which we recognize sub- stances when we come in con- tact with them. Then there are certain parts of the tips of the fingers where definite end or- gans are found, and where the sense of touch is quite highly developed. The nerve endings in such special tactile regions are much more complicated than in the simple free nerve terminations. Figure 484 shows some of the various types of these tactile corpuscles. In our embryological study we have already discussed the lateral line organs (Figs. 340, B, Section "through the cochlea of a guinea pig. 479), which are in all probabil- a., ampullus ; etc., anterior canal; c., cochlea; cr., . , , , crus; de., endolymph duct; Is., spiral ligament; ity tactile, and probably nc.f cochlear nerve; r., Reissner's or vestibular membrane ; s., sacculus ; se., endolymph sac ; sg , spiral ganglion; sm,st,8v., scalae media (ductus cochlearis), tympani and vestibuli ; t, tunnel; u., utriculus; v vestibular nerve (From Kingsley, three great divisions of the ear, A after Streeter and B after Schneider.) namely, an external, internal, and middle ear. Of these three portions, the inner ear is the most primi- tive. All lower vertebrates that develop a definite ear organ at all begin by having simply an inner ear (Fig. 19). To this the next succeeding Fig. 486. A, Labyrinth of human embryo, 30 mm. long. sound-perceiving organs. In the higher vertebrates there are NERVOUS SYSTEM 867 higher forms add the middle ear or tympanum, while the highest forms add the outer ear. The Inner Ear. This consists of a mere area of thickened ectoderm on each side of the head, between the seventh and ninth cranial nerves. A review of the embryology of the ear will recall the cup-shaped auditory vesicle. In the dogfish, the cavity of this remains connected with the exterior by a slender tube known as the endolymph duct (Fig. 486). In the frog and in higher forms, there is no open auditory cup. There are two layers of ectoderm, the outer one forming an unbroken sheet across the cup. In the dogfish, these endolymph ducts can be seen as external portions on the top of the head. The distal end of this endolymph duct becomes enlarged, the enlarge- ment being called the sacculus endolymphaticus. In the frog and other amphibia, the ducts of both sides often unite dorsal to the brain, while the other parts branch and extend into the spinal canal in a root-like manner. In the frog definite diverticula are sent into the so-called cal- careous glands, surrounding the basal portion of the spinal nerves. The auditory vesicle constricts into two chambers, an upper vestibule or utric- ulus and a lower sacculus, connected by a narrow sacculo-utricular canal. Three outgrowths now take place, one each from the outer, posterior, and lateral walls of the utriculus ; the one from the lateral svall lies in a horizontal plane, the others in vertical planes. These outgrowths form tubes, and as they are circular in outline, they are called the semi-circular canals. Some of the sensory epithelium has spread into all of these regions, but a defi- nite patch of this sensory epithelium can variation of ear.boneg in Mammalia. be seen in each of the semi-circular canals, A * Fig. 487. Four diagrams to illustrate the and it is around this patch that the Wrall Of the inner side. The tympanic mem- f , , r brane is cross hatched and cartilage the Canal expands tO form an ampulla, bones are covered with small circles, -•-.• A&£ -11 1 1. j- j i whilst membrance bones are left un- Figure 486 will have to be studied and shaded. the model of the ear seen or an ear defi- phou dition in later Theromorphous Reptile. The dentary has met the squamosal, nitely worked out in one of the animals •* to make this Clear. In forms higher than fish and am- an.d the. Qu.adrate and articular are 0 reduced in size. C. Condition in hypo- phibia, there is a little pOCket Called the thetical form, the link between Thero- . . morpha and Mammalia. The supra- lagena, given Oil from the posterior Side angular has begun to extend along the f . , f*> . , ... border of the tympanic membrane. Of the SaCCUluS. Sensory epithelium ex- D. Condition in primitive Mammalia tends into this pocket, and in the higher tS*°*1S^^ forms the lagena becomes a peculiar struc- itSSfr Jfc ture called the cochlear duct. As the cochlea only develops in the higher forms,; and as our own NERVOUS SYSTEM 869 sense of hearing is very incomplete without this structure, we must come to the conclusion that the lower forms of life which do not possess such an organ must either hear entirely different sounds from those that we hear, or some other part of the structures they do have must do work other than that done in man. A very complicated organ of Corti arises within the scala media. Fine hair-like structures develop in the organ of Corti which can only be worked out microscopically and with great difficulty. There is a membrane extending out from the middle wall over some of the hair cells in the organ of Corti, called the membrana tectoria. Various functions have- been assigned to this membrane, one of them being the ability to recognize pitch in sound. Birds, however, have no organ of Corti at all, and the evidence is quite conclusive that they can distinguish pitch. The Middle Ear or Tympanic Cavity. This first appears in the Anura, that is, in the tailless amphibians such as the frog. We have already seen from our dissection of the frog that a tympanic cavity con- nects with the pharynx by a slender duct, the Eustachian or auditory tube. Externally there was a tympanic membrane extending across the fenestra ovale, through which sounds were transmitted to the inner ear. The Eustachian tube is usually considered the homologue of the narrow internal end of the spiracle in the dogfish. Frogs, birds, and reptiles have a chain of ear bones consisting of a columella and stapes, while in the mammals the incus and malleus replace the columella (Fig. 487). The External Ear. It will be remembered that in the frog the tym- panic membrane lies on a level with the surface of the head. In higher forms the tympanic membrane lies at the bottom of a canal called the external auditory meatus. In most mammals, with the exception of those that live in water such as the whales and seals, there is even an external conch developed behind the meatus, so as to assist in collecting the sound waves and directing them internally. In some of the birds, feathers are arranged about the external meatus to function as does this conch. It is to be remembered that the ear not only serves the purpose of taking in and interpreting sounds, but that the semi-circular canals, lying as they do in three dimensions of space and filled with the endolymph, function somewhat similar to a carpenter's level, sending sensations to the brain by which the animal recognizes the position of its own body relative to its surrounding environment. We may therefore think of the semi-circular canals as an organ of equilibration. THE NOSE The real sensory part of the smelling apparatus is always restricted to one or two small patches of olfactory epithelium near the end of the head. As the olfactory sac sinks beneath the surface of the ectoderm, it remains connected by a pair of external openings called the nares. 870 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY As the dorsal portion of the head then continues growing, the nares are carried toward the tip of the snout or, in the elasmobranchs, toward the ventral side of the head. We have already discussed the forms of the nasal capsules with the skeletal system. In the higher groups, glands form which keep the epithelium moist. Beginning with the amphibia and appearing in the higher groups of animals, there is an accessory olfactory organ known as the organ of Jacobson (Fig. 339), which is probably used to test the character of food while it is in the mouth. The first and fifth cranial nerves supply the organ of Jacobson, which lies near the' internal nostrils. Cyclostomes have but a single nostril. In all other vertebrates there are paired nostrils called nares. In the cyclostomes, the nostril is directly connected with the hypophysis, a condition not found in any other ver- tebrates. In animals living within the water there are folds formed on one side of each naris which practically divides it into two, in fact, in many of the teleosts, each primitive nostril is actually divided into two ; this permits water to circulate through the olfactory sac, thus carrying various sensations of odors to the extensive sensory surface of the sac. In air-breathing vertebrates, including lung fishes, contrary to the water-breathing groups, the nasal cavity has a connection with the ali- mentary tract. In some elasmobranchs the first traces are seen of an ar- rangement for drawing air over the sensory surface. This arrangement is an oro-nasal groove which leads from each nostril to the angle of the mouth (Fig. 296, nas. gr) ; in fact, this groove may, in some species, form a definite tube. From the lung fishes upward a similar groove is formed on each side before the skeletal parts form. As this closes, the edges of each groove unite to form a duct leading from the nostril into the oral cavity where an internal naris or choana is thus formed. The position of these choanae varies in the different groups of animals. Maxillary and pre-maxillary bones arise ventral to the nasal passage, causing the ducts to appear as though running through the skull. If the oro-nasal groove does not close, harelip results, just as the failure of the palatines to come together causes a cleft palate. In some of the urodeles a projection occurs from the lateral wall. This is one of the first indications in the rising groups of vertebrates of the conchae, well known in all higher groups. Often the ventral por- tion of the nasal passage is lined only with ordinary epithelium. This portion is then called the respiratory duct. The more dorsal portion lining the tract with sensory epithelium is known as the olfactory duct. The organ of Jacobson (Fig. 339) is on the medial side of the nasal cavity in the lower urodeles. In the higher urodeles it is ventral, while in the highest it has rotated to the lateral side. The external nares are closed by the smooth muscles in some of the amphibia. There is little change in the choanae between amphibia and reptiles. The reptiles, however, show a tendency to have a differ- NERVOUS SYSTEM 871 entiated anterior region known as the atrium or vestibule, a middle region connected with the original region, and a posterior region called the naso-pharyngeal duct. The naso-pharyngeal duct may vary in length according to whether the choanae are anterior or posterior in position. The crocodiles show an extreme elongation due to the palatines and pterygoids growing inwardly, which causes the internal nares to be pushed to the hinder end of the skull. There is a single concha, which is supported by bone in the lateral wall of the nose of reptiles. This is rather weak, however, in turtles and in the crocodiles. It is divided in front, while a "pseudobranch" develops above and behind the true concha. It is only in the snakes and lizards that Jacobson's organ occurs (Fig. 339), and that only as a simple pocket ventral and medial to the nasal cavity near the nasal septum. In birds there is an anterior and inferior concha vestibuli, and also a middle and a superior fold, formed by three folds on the wall of each nasal cavity. There is no olfactory epithelium formed on the vestibular conch; it is present on the middle conch immediately before hatching, and disappears immediately after hatching, so that the upper conch is the sole seat of smell in the adult. Jacobson's organ is only found in embryos. In mammals much greater complication sets in. The naso-pharyn- geal duct becomes elongated, while the olfactory area lies directly below a portion of the brain cavity. The interior arrangement of the bones formed within the nose forms what is called the nasal labyrinth. The ethmo-turbinals, the naso-turbinals, and the maxillo-turbinals are the supporting bones or cartilage of the folds of the labyrinth. This arrange- ment permits a great expansion of sensory surface, while the supporting structures keep the folds from touching each other. In those animals whose sense of smell is very low, not only the folds, but the bones themselves, may be likewise reduced. The maxillo-turbinals and the naso-turbinals arise from the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. The ethmo-turbinals are outgrowths fronr the ethmoid bone, growing out from the upper hinder part of the septum and extending to the lateral wall. This causes the ethmo-turbinals to insinuate themselves between the hinder ends of the other two. Any of these turbinals may divide in turn. The subdivision of the ethmo- turbinals may be of varying heights so that to form the ecto and ento- turbinals the naso-turbinals may disappear in the adult. The epithelium of the maxillo-turbinals is not sensory, so that it is assumed that this portion of epithelium serves only to warm and moisten the air in its passage to the lungs. The various forms which the ethmo-turbinals assume in mammals may be seen from Figure 488. Peter gives the fol- lowing table of homologies of the nasal labyrinth in the amniotes : I. Concha of the anterior epithelium: concha vestibuli (birds). $72 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY II. Conchae of the primitive sensory epithelium : • 1. Arising from the lateral wall (conchae laterales). A. Anterior: (a) Primary, ventral : concha of reptiles ; middle concha of birds ; maxillo-turbinals of mammals. (b) Secondary, dorsal: Upper or posterior of birds; naso- turbinals of mammals (Pseudoconch of crocodiles). B. Arising from the posterior part: conchae obtectae of mammals. 2. Arising from the primitively median wall : ethmo-turbinals of mammals, numbered from in front backward. Jacobson's organ (Fig. 339), also called the vomero-nasal organ, can be seen in the embryo of most mammals as a pocket on the lower middle side of each nasal cavity. It opens near the duct from Stenson's gland in rodents and in man, while in other mammals its duct is appar- ently cut off from the nasal cavity and opens into the naso-palatal canal. Its middle wall is covered with a sensory epithelium to which branches of the olfactory nerve extend. The organ degenerates in adult primates. There are two kinds of glands in the nasal cavity, known as Bow- man's glands, which are the smaller, and Stenson's gland, which lies in the lateral ventral wall and opens into the vestibule. There are usually sinuses in the bones of the skull connected with the nasal cavity by various openings. Figure 489 shows several of the principal sinuses in the bones, such as the maxillary, frontal, and sphenoidal. All mammals have an external fleshy nose supported by nasal bones and cartilage, but in swine the fleshy portion forms a proboscis of con- siderable size, and in the elephant this fleshy proboscis extends tremen- dously to form the trunk. It is interesting that while most mammals have a well developed sense of smell, in seals, whale-bone whales, and primates, it is not very great, while it is practically absent in the toothed-whales. Often the olfactory nerve disappears entirely. THE EYE (Figs. 18, 289, 338) A review of the embryology of the eye in both frog and chick will make clear how the eye cup, vesicle, stalk, and lens are formed. A detailed description of the eye must be sought in text-books of histology. Here we can give but a general outline so as to make intel- ligible the dissection and comparison of the eye in the various groups of animals studied. The adult eyeball is made up of three tunics, tabulated as follows : I. Tunica Externa. 1. Sclera. 2. Cornea. i NERVOUS SYSTEM 873 II. Tunica Media. • 1. Choroid coat. 2. Iris. 3. Ciliary body. III. Tunica Interna. 1. Retina. 2. Pigment membrane. The refracting media, or transparent media of the eye traversed by a ray of light are : 1. The cornea. 2. Aqueous humor. 3. Lens. 4. Vitreous humor. Each of these layers is made up of other layers in turn and can be best understood from a careful observation of Figure 18. The retina is made up of several layers of ganglion and sensory cells. The sensory cells lie toward the outside of the eyeball and have a rod or cone toward their outer end. This is the real seeing-portion of the cell. The cells themselves are called rod and cone cells (Fig. 490, C). The yellow spot at the center of the retina where vision is the most distinct is called the macula lutea or fovea centralis. From what has been said in our general discussion of the central nervous system, we have seen that the surface lining of the central canal of brain and spinal cord is the sensory portion. This is called the ependyma. Originally the rods and cones are on the primitive outer surface, and the ganglion cells and nerve fibers are on the ventral sur- face, of the ectoderm. The rods and cones, therefore, correspond to other sensory organs, such as the organs of the lateral line, taste buds, etc. Now for the light to get to the rods and cones, it is necessary that such light traverse the whole retina and then the nervous impulses have to travel back through the same layer to reach the optic nerve. It is well at this point to compare the vertebrate eye which we "are now studying with the parietal eye of the reptiles. The space between lens and retina is filled with a semi-solid sub- stance called the vitreous humor. What this vitreous substance is and how it arises is still in dispute. The outer wall of the optic cup forms the pigmented epithelium of the eye ; the black pigment developed in this region ultimately surrounds and isolates the rods and cones, so that only light which falls directly upon them can affect them. It is from the outer portion of this pig- mented layer that the various tunics of the eye develop. These tunics of the eye are mesenchynial in origin. The tunica vasculosa which surrounds the retina is divided into a choroid and a ciliary portion. The 874 COM PAR ATI VE A NATO M Y set pet Fig. 490. A and B, The eye of Columba livia. A, in sagittal section ; B, entire organ, external aspect, en., cornea ; ch., choroid ; cl.pr., ciliary processes ; ir., iris ; 1., lens ; opt.nv., optic nerve ; pet., pecten ; rt., retina ; scl.ps., sclerotic plates. (From Parker and Haswell after Vogt and Yung.) C. Schematic representation of the sensory apparatus in the retina of the human eye. 1. layer of pigment cells next to the choroid ; 2, processes of the pigment cells ; 3, rods ; 4, bodies of rod-cells ; 5, cones ; 6, axones of cone cells ; 7, cone-bipolar cells ; 8, 9, ganglion cells ; 10, optic nerve fibers (axones of ganglion cells) ; 11, 12, horizontal cells ; 13, 14, 15, 16y cells of different type; functions unknown; 17, fibres (probably axones) of cells having bodies in the brain; 18, neuroglia cells; 19, radial fiber (Miiller's fiber: part of the sustentacular syncytial framework of modified neuroglia). (From Dunlap after Merkle-Henle). choroid contains a great many blood vessels and covers the greater por- tion of the eyeball. It meets the front of the eyeball with the circular ciliary process, in which there are various ciliary muscles by which the lens is moved toward or away from the retina so as to alter its shape. This changes its focal point. The change of focal point is known as accommodation of the eye. The center of the ciliary process is the iris, a sort of circular curtain, with a central opening. The opening is known as the pupil. There are circular muscles called sphincter pupillae and dilator pupillae, which contract and enlarge the pupil respectively. NERVOUS SYSTEM 875 The outer capsule surrounding the various layers just discussed, consists of a sclera, which covers the proximal side of the eye, and the cornea which is transparent, and through which light first passes before reaching the lens. The sclera is usually white, and is covered externally in part by the conjunctiva, which is modified epithelium. In some of the extinct amphibia, and in many of the modern reptiles and birds, portions of the sclera ossify and form a ring of sclerotic bones. Snakes and croco- diles, however, do not develop sclerotic bones. In the sturgeon, and in many teleosts, there are two or more dermal bones developed on the sclera, and in some of the sharks and teleosts there are calcifications to be found also, but these are not true sclerotic bones. Between the lens and the cornea there is an opening, partly divided by the iris into an- terior and posterior chambers. The two chambers are in direct connec- tion through the pupil and are filled with a liquid, called the aqueous humor. All that has been discussed so far in connection with the eye forms the eyeball proper, also called the bulbus oculi. The eyeball is moved in its socket by six muscles, best understood by studying Figure 466. Amphibia possess a distinct muscle which draws the eyeball back into its socket. This is known as the retractor bulbi. Even some of the jaw muscles may assist in elevating and depressing the ball. In the dog- fish there is a cartilaginous rod, called the optic pedicle extending from the eyeball to the skull, this being replaced in the bony fishes by a fibrous band, the tenaculum. The eyelid varies in different groups. The upper and lower, as in the higher vertebrates, and the third lid, called the nictitating membrane, usually drawn horizontally across the front from the inner angle of the eye, all form beneath the lower lid. The eyelids themselves have a lining which lies next to the eye and which is a continuation of the conjunctiva already mentioned. In the higher mammals the nictitating membrane appears as a rudimentary fold called the plica semilunaris in the inner angle of the eye (Fig. 4). There are no glands connected with the eye in cyclostomes or fishes. In amphibia they are of the rudimentary type, but in both reptiles and birds they are divided into two groups, Harder's glands (nictitating glands), lying near the inner angle and the true lachrymal or tear glands, lying in the outer angle. The tear glands in mammals ultimately come to lie beneath the upper lid and lead, by many ducts, into the conjunctival sac, while Harder's glands degenerate. The tears secreted by the lachrymal glands pass over the conjunctiva and are collected at the inner angle of the eye, where they then pass through the lachrymal duct into the cavity of the nose. The eyes of the cyclostomes are of a very degenerate type. In the 876 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY next higher group, namely, the myxinoids, the lens and the eye muscles are lacking, while the iris, cornea, and sclera seem quite as one layer. Fishes have a flattened cornea and a spherical lens, and long rods in the retina. There is also a peculiar falciform process of vascular and muscular structure that enters the retinal cup through the choroid fissure, where it expands (Fig. 282, B). This expansion is called the campanula Halleri. As there are no ciliary muscles it may be that this process serves as a means of accommodation. In the flat fishes one of the eyes migrates during the embryological development so that both eyes are found on one side of the head (Fig. 371). In birds and reptiles there is usually a process developed from the inner surface of the retina forming the pecten of birds, already described, while in reptiles it is merely a small cone-shaped process at the point of entrance of the optic nerve. In birds it is quite fan-shaped. Its function is not known, although it is rich in sensory cells. In mammals the pupil varies from a vertical slit in cats to a hori- zontal opening in whales and many ungulates. The lids may fuse together during embryological development and separate again some time after birth. At the edges of the lids, there are eyelashes or cilia, and immediately interior to these are the ducts of sebaceous glands called Meibomian or tarsal glands, the glands them- selves lying in the substance of the lids. There is a retractor muscle of tKe eyeball in the ungulates. In most mammals the superior oblique muscle of the eye passes through a loop known as a trochlea before becoming attached to the eyeball proper. Eyes may be of various sizes even in mammals. The blind mar- supial Notoryctes of Australia have neither lens nor differentiation in the cornea, sclera, or choroid, while the retina is lacking in rod and cone cells. In the mole the eye is quite similar to that of other mammals, but the lids remain fused in the adult. THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ,: :,A11 nerves running to and from the central nervous system consti- tute the peripheral nervous system. We have already seen in our em- bryological study how the spinal nerves have their origin in the neural crests, which have been left on each side as the neural tube closed. Fig- ures 470 and 492 show how the dorsal and ventral roots come together before sending out dorsal, ventral, and visceral rami. Not only is the dorsal root of the spinal nerve sensory and the ventral root motor in action, but each root has two types of nerve fibres within it. These are the somatic sensory and the somatic motor fibers, which are distributed to the skin as well as to the external sense organs and voluntary muscles. Then there are the visceral sensory and visceral motor fibers which sup- NERVOUS SYSTEM 877 . ply the viscera and circulatory system (Fig. 491). The dorsal and ven- tral rami, after leaving the connection formed by dorsal and ventral roots, contain mostly somatic fibers with just a few of the visceral type. The visceral ramus contains visceral fibers alone. •In the lower vertebrates, some of the visceral motor fibers actually pass through the dorsal root, so that one cannot in all strictness say that the sh'Fig 491M dorsal root is exclusively sensory, but of cross section of spinal cord in mammals, dorsal roots are purely and ventral roots half of figure is that of a fish and right rnotnr half that of the spinal cord of man. Note the relatively greater size of the dorsal TVi^ Vricr^ral fiK^rc '" nf ' fTi*» eninol gray columns and dorsal funiculi in man. *• ne VlSCCral hDCrS Ot tne Spinal This is correlated with the greater im- rtf*r,rf>~ ni-« t-k-n^f i^o IKr nil »ff*»t-»ti4- r\r portance in man of the assembling con- nerves are poetically all ctterent or nections between the cord and the frame. motor jn function. They ido'.IlOt paSS to their terminal organs, such as the smooth muscles, glands, etc., directly, but always end in some sympathetic ganglion where there is a functional connection made. From this ganglion the impulse is then carried to a peripheral organ by axones from the sympathetic nerve cells. In the lower vertebrates, in the regions where the limbs form, there are usually networks or plexuses formed. These are paired, as "cervico- brachial" for the fore-limbs, and "lumbo-sacral" for the hind-limbs, while in the higher vertebrates these have separated and there are defi- nate cervical, brachial, lumbar and sacral plexuses. There are usually a great number of nerves (up to about tweny-five) going to form a plexus, in fact, twenty-five is the largest number known, and this occurs in the pectoral fin of skates (Fig. 336). . As there is also a plexus in snakes and limbless lizards in the regions where limbs usually develop, it is often thought that these animals de- scended from limbed ancestors, although no trace of limbs occur during their embryological development. It is from these plexuses that dorsal and ventral branches of nerves pass out to the two sides of the limbs. In all four-footed animals there is this simple arrangement of a single main nerve trunk on the dorsal and ventral side of the limb, but in mammals there are two nerve trunks on the ventral side of each limb. In fishes a connecting nerve, which joins some Of the anterior seg- mental nerves with the limb-stem, passes to the lumbo-sacral plexus. In some fishes, however, not only is there no connecting nerve, but even a plexus is wanting, the spinal nerve entering directly into the limb. The spinal nerves pass to and from the central nervous system, a pair between each two vertebrae. Thev* receive their names from those of 878 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY the vertebrae immediately anterior to the nerve, with the single excep- tion of the first cervical nerve, which lies between the skull and atlas. We therefore find eight cervical nerves in the neck region, although there are only seven cervical vertebrae. The spinal nerves are then named according to the regions of the spinal column. In man there are twelve thoracic spinal nerves, five lumbar, five sacral, and three to five coccy- geal. THE SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM There is a great variation in the sympathetic system of various ver- tebrates. The reason for such variation may be accounted for by the differences of the action and function in the different groups of animals, for it is the sympathetic nervous system which is not under the control of the will, but whose work is the regulation or control, either direct or indirect, of the internal organs, glands, blood vessels, respiratory and reproductive organs. This control is brought about by either stimulating or inhibiting the smooth muscle cells in the walls of the blood vessels, so that by the enlargement of the contraction of the blood vessels a greater or a lesser amount of blood may be supplied to any part. It is also of interest to know that the sympathetic nervous system contains sensory fibers, although when these are stimulated, consciousness of such stimulation does not result. The sympathetic nervous system is connected with the spinal nerves by the visceral rami. The method of their development has already been discussed in embryology, which should be reviewed at this point (Fig. 337). In some of the higher groups of animals, large plexuses are formed in the more important and vital body regions. These have received the special names of cardiac, pelvic, and hypogastric ganglia, while the large one in the abdominal region is known as the solar plexus. There is usually a longitudinal sympathetic trunk connecting the chain ganglia of each side, though in the lampreys the chain ganglia are not connected with each other at all, and the sympathetic system is con- fined entirely to the body cavity, while in slightly higher groups there may be extensions from one to the other ganglion. Besides the visceral sensory and motor elements which we have been discussing in the sympathetic system, the visceral rami also carry fibers which arise in the ganglion cells of the dorsal ganglion or in the lateral column of the cord itself (Fig. 492). As their axones and dendrites develop, they interlace with both motor and sensory ganglion cells lying in the chain ganglia. Nerve fibers from these then extend out to the viscera, while others run backward in the dorsal and ventral rami of the spinal nerves to reach blood vessels and smooth muscle fibers in the more peripheral regions of the body. These are purely NERVOUS SYSTEM 879 Fig. 492. Transverse section through the body of a typical Vertebrate, showing the peripheral (seg- mental) nervous apparatus. Small dots, afferent visceral neurones ; coarse dots, afferent somatic neurones ; dashes, ef- ferent visceral (ventral root and sympathetic) neurones ; lines, efferent somatic neurones. Darm, gut ; Ggl. spin., spinal ganglion ; Ggl. vert., vertebral sympathetic ganglion ; Ggl. mes- ent., mesenteric sympathetic ganglion. The peripheral sym- pathetic ganglionic plexuses (Auerbach and Meissner) are not shown. Muse., muscle ; Rod. dors., dorsal root ; Rad. vent., ventral root ; R. comm., whit« ramus communicans. Two sym- pathetic neurones are repre- sented as intercalated in the visceral efferent pathway. It is doubtful if there should be more than one. (After Froriep.) sympathetic fibers, and, as they are non-medul- lated, they are gray in color, so that the trunk carrying these gray fibers from the chain ganglion to the dorsal and ventral branches is called the gray ramus. It is important for future work to know that some of the cells from the spinal cord or spinal ganglia of the dorsal root migrate to various parts of the body, and are usually quite closely associated with the glands of internal secretion, such as the hypophysis, carotid gland, suprarenals, etc. These cells have a peculiar affinity for chromic acid salts, and are therefore often called chromaffine cells, though their function is yet unknown. THE CRANIAL NERVES In the early part of our work, we found that the frog has ten cranial nerves, and that mammals have twelve. The cranial nerves differ from the spinal in not being truly seg- mental nerves (Fig. 493), and in some of them being purely sensory, some purely motor, and still others of a mixed nature. Besides, the cranial nerves which carry sensory fibers all have a ganglion near the root, while those of a pure motor nature do not have. They are like the spinal nerves in so far as some of them have somatic sensory, somatic motor, visceral sensory, and visceral motor fibers, but are unlike the spinal nerves in that two additional components occur in connection with the cranial nerves. These are the nerves of special sense, and in the fishes, the nerves of the lateral line (Figs. 340, 479). The somatic sensory nerves in the head are called general cutaneous nerves. They terminate in the skin either as free nerve ends or as special sense organs of touch. The visceral sensory fibers end in taste organs, usually inside the mouth, but in some of the teleostomes they are dis- tributed over the surface of the body. The termination of the elements going to make up the lateral line arrangements are sensory, and termi- nate in little collections of sense cells commonly called "hillocks" or neuromasts in the ear and in the lateral line organs of certain groups of fishes and amphibians. The lateral line organs have been thoroughly discussed in the em- bryology of the frog. 880 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY vspma. nerve deep ophthalmic maxillary ' mant^bular gill slits pretrematic branch posttrematic branch Fig. 493. Diagram to illustrate the segmentation of the vertebrate head and the relation of the cranial nerves to the segmentation. The numbers above the figure designate the cranial nerves ; the numbers in the figure are situated on the head myo£omes ; the sensory part of the nerves is represented by heavy continuous lines ; the motor part by broken lines. The anterior head cavity is the first myotome and therefore the myotome which is numbered 1 is really the second myotome, and so on; But as the myotomes were numbered before the anterior head cavity was discovered, the old numbers are generally retained. The myotomes numbered 1, 2, and 3 produce the eye muscle ; those numbered 4, 5, and 6 degenerate in the majority of vertebrates ; those from 7 on probably contribute to the tongue musculature but never from typical parietal muscles, such as occur in the trunk. It is seen from the figure that the third cranial nerve and, the deep ophthalmic branch of the fifth belong to the first (really second) head segment; the fourth and remainder of the fifth to the second (third) segment; the sixth and seventh to the third (fourth) segment ; the ninth to the fourth (fifth) segment; and the tenth to the fifth to eighth (sixth to ninth) segments. The gill slits are intersegmental in location. The relation of the cranial nerves to the gill slits should also be noted. (From Hyman after Goodrich.) From their functions the cranial nerves may be divided into four groups : I. Nerves of special sense, namely, the olfactory and optic. These arise in the primitive fore-brain, the olfactory passing to the nose and the optic to the eye. II. Nerves of the eye muscles (Fig. 494), namely, the oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens. These are of the somatic motor type, with a few visceral motor and sensory fibers in the oculomotor. They control the muscles of the eye. It is well to mention the hypoglossus at this point, as it belongs to the purely somatic motor group, the spinal acces- sory being of the visceral motor type. III. The acustico-lateralis system, namely, the acoustic nerve, and those portions of the seventh, ninth, and tenth cranial nerves which are connected with the sense organs of the lateral line in the gill-breathing fish and amphibians. These nerves have a separate center in the upper anterior end of the medulla oblongata. IV. The fifth, seventh, ninth and tenth cranial nerves are more like the spinal nerves than any of the preceding. They all arise in the me- dulla, each having a dorsal root and a ganglion, and each containing somatic sensory (general cutaneous) and visceral sensory and visceral motor fibers. The seventh and tenth may also include some of the fibers running to the lateral line. The ninth nerve is the simplest of these, and arises from the dorsal side of the medulla, dividing just behind its ganglion into two branches, one, the pre-trematic (Fig. 482), which NERVOUS SYSTEM 881 passes in front of the gill cleft, and the other, the post-trematic, which passes behind that opening. The seventh nerve is arranged in a manner quite similar to that of the ninth, the spiracle being a reduced gill cleft. The fifth nerve, which is also divided in the same way, has its post- trematic, called the maxillary, and the pre-trematic branch, the mandibu- lar, the mouth forming the opening about which this nerve divides. The Fifir. 494. Diagram showing: cranial nerves of a cat with the lower jaw reflected. Il-XII, cranial nerves ; ct., chorda tympani ; d, dentary nerve ; g, Gasserian ganglion ; to., infraorbital nerve ; I, lingual nerve ; li.la., laryngeus inferior and superior ; md, mandibularis nerve ; nix., maxillaris nerve ; o., ophthalmic nerve ; £., tongue. (From Kingsley after Mivart). tenth or vagus nerve supplies all of the remaining gill clefts and is there- fore supposed to be complex, composed of as many nerves as there are clefts behind the first; however, there is no embryological evidence of distinct roots and ganglia. The cranial nerves are of considerable importance in all physiologi- cal, neurological and pathological work, so it is important that they be thoroughly studied. I. The Olfactory Nerve connects the olfactory lobe of the brain with the sensory epithelium of the nose. It is different from all other cranial nerves in that it consists of many tiny prolongations of the sensory cells themselves, and in having no ganglion separate from these cells. The true olfactory nerve consists of these tiny fibers or threads, extending from the olfactory epithelium in the nose to the so-called mitral cells in the olfactory lobe. The places where the dendrites of the mitral cells meet with the terminations of the olfactory fibers from the olfactory epithelium are known as glomeruli. In the dogfish, for example, and in many fish, snakes, lizards, and mammals, the true olfac- 882 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY tory nerve is very short, but the olfactory lobe is drawn out (Fig. 478), while the distal end of the lobe is enlarged into an olfactory bulb con- taining the glomeruli, extending proximally from this slender olfactory tract. In these cases, the olfactory bulb lies very close to the olfactory epithelium. In some fishes, amphibia, lizards, and turtles, the nerve is long, while the olfactory lobe is shortened. It has recently also been found that in all vertebrates there is a termi- nal nerve, sometimes called the pre- optic nerve, which leaves the brain near the base of the olfactory nerve. It has a ganglion upon it but its functions and connections are as yet unknown. II. The Optic Nerve. This arises in the eye and extends to the floor of the diencephalon. Branches from it are distributed over the entire inner surface of the retina, the ganglion cells lying in the inner layer. A fiber from the right eye passes to the left side of the brain, and those from the left eye to the right side of the brain (Fig. 495). The crossing of the fibers forms what is called the optic chiasma. The fibers, after crossing, extend dorsally and backward into the optic lobe. The optic chiasma is imbedded in the brain of cyclostomes. In other vertebrates it may be plainly seen from the outside. In mammals the crossing in the chiasma is incomplete, some of the fibers not crossing. A clear understanding of the growth and develop- ment of both olfactory and optic nerves can only be had from an under- standing of their embryological development. There is also a small thalamic nerve which arises between the diencephalon and the mesencephalon. This has so far, however, been seen only in some embryonic fishes. It shortly disappears, and little is known of its function. The third, fourth, and sixth nerves are the oculo-motor, trochlear, and abducens nerves, or the eye-muscle-nerves, all of which assist in moving the eye in its socket (Fig. 494). The oculo-motor nerve arises from the ventral surface of the midbrain. It supplies the superior, mid- brain — within the cephalon or head. Endo (G. prefix, within), e.g. endoderm, i.e. the germ-layer lying toward the inside. Ento — Same as Endo. Epi (G. prefix, upon) e.g. epinephros, I.e. same as adrenal, namely, lying upon the nephridic organ. Ex (G. prefix, without or outside) e.g. exoskeleton, i.e. having a skeleton on the outside. form (L. suffix, shape) e.g. fusiform, i.e. shaped like a spindle. Genetic (G. to produce) e.g. pathogenetie, i.e. to produce disease. Ilemi (G. prefix, half) e.g. hemisphere, i.e. half a sphere. Hyper (G. prefix, above or beyond) e.g. hypertrophy, i.e. an overgrowth. Hypo (G. prefix, under) e.g. hypoglossal, i.e. under the tongue. Infra (L. prefix, below) e.g. infraorbital, i.e. beneath the orbit. 888 INDEX Inter (L. prefix, between) e.g. intercellu- lar, i.e. between the cells. Intra (L. prefix, within) e.g. intracellu- lar, i.e. within the cell. Laterad (L. side), used only in an ad- verbial sense, as "toward a side." lysin (G. suffix, a loosing or dissolving) e.g. bacteriolysin, i.e. a substance which dissolves bacteria. Macro (G. prefix, large) e.g. macro- cephalon, i.e. a large head. Major (L. greater) e.g. pectoralis major, i.e. the greater of the pectoral mus- cles. Mega (G. great) e.g. megaspore, i.e. the larger of the spores. Mesiad (G. middle), used only in an ad- verbial sense, as "to grow mesiad" or toward the center of the body. Meso (G. prefix, middle) e.g. mesoderm, i.e. the middle germ-layer. Meta (G. prefix, after) e.g. metaphase, i.e. the phase in mitosis coming after the prophases. Micro (G. prefix, small) e.g. micro-organ- isms, i.e. organisms not seen by the naked eye. Minor (L. lesser) e.g. pectoralis minor muscle, i.e. the lesser pectoral mus- cle. Mono (G. prefix, alone) e.g. monogamy, i.e. marrying but one spouse. Multi (L. prefix, many) e.g. multicolored, i.e. many-colored. Myxo (G. prefix, slime) e.g. myxophyceae, i.e. slime-algae. oid (G. suffix), to be added to make an adjective, e.g. odontoid, i.e. like a tooth. Para (G. prefix, beside) e.g. parachordal, i.e. lying beside the notochord. Peri (G. prefix, around) e.g. pericardium, i.e. around the heart. Poly (G. prefix, many) e.g. polymorphic, i.e. many-formed. Post (L. prefix, after) e.g. postbranchial, i.e. behind the gills. Pre (L. prefix, before) e.g. pre-oral, i.e. before the mouth. Pro (G. prefix, first, or early) e.g. pro- branchia, i.e. the first gills that form. Pseudo (G. prefix, false) e.g. pseudopods, i.e. false feet. Retro (L. prefix, backward) e.g. retro- lingual, i.e. backward from the tongue. Semi (L. prefix, half) e.g. semicircular, i.e. half circle. Sub (L. prefix, under) e.g. submandibular, i.e. under the mandible. Supra (L. prefix, above) e.g. supratem- poral, i.e. above the temporal bone. Sur (same as supra) e.g. surangulare, i.e. above the angulare bone. Tera (G. prefix, monster) e.g. teratology, i.e. the study of monstrosities. Tetra (G. prefix, four) e.g. tetrapoda, i.e. four-footed animals. Toxic (G. poison) e.g. toxemia, i.e. toxic -f- haemia, blood-poison. Uni (L. prefix, one) e.g. uniramous, i.e. single branch. Ventrad (L. belly), used only as an adverb of direction, as "to grow ventrad." INDEX - GLOSSARY * In all probability some of the pronunciations, as well as some of the derivations, will not meet with the approval of those who are specialists in Latin and Greek, for, often various forms of words have been used to show the student the varying forms of the same word that he will meet in scientific literature, rather than the same form throughout. Thus, for example, meros, thigh, and meros, a segment, have both been translated as though they were spelled alike. In Greek, the former has a long "e" and the latter a short "e", which really makes the words totally different. Then too, in pronunciation, those who have learned and know a foreign language will always (and rightfully so) pronounce the word as it is pronounced in that language. This makes any definite pronuncia- tion impossible, at least to the exclusion of other pronunciations. Englishmen learn an anglicised Latin pronunciation, while Conti- nental Europeans and Americans pronounce their "a" as in lark, "e" as the "a" in lake, and "i" as the "e" in see. Dictionaries have sometimes used one method and sometimes another. The European is likely to pronounce "c" in such words as cephalon as "k", though in America this is not customary, but is some- times heard. Not each and every artery, vein, and nerve has been listed separately, as these appear under the more 'general headings of "Circulatory System" and "Nervous System," but one of a name has been listed so as to show the manner of usage of the definitive word. The same word is often used in different senses. The references cited have been chosen to make these different meanings clear. If the page number is in italics, the word indexed is to be looked for under the illustration on the page assigned. Lastly, as this book is written solely for the student, we have used everything which would make matters clearer to him. Therefore, although generally using a consistent marking for the pronunciation, we have also brought in a type of marking which he will find in some of the books, and it is well that he be familiar with it. Such is the case, for instance, in tiu'ni kay'tah, for tu'ni ka'ta, as it is generally given. KEY TO PRONUNCIATION. n — as in fate. 6 — as in hen. o — as in go. ow — as in cow. ii — as in fat. 6 — as in her. 6 — as in not. u — as in pure, a — as in far. I — as in pine. 0 — as in form. u — as in nut. e — as in he. I — as in pin. oi — as in toy. u — as in French u. KEY TO DERIVATIONS. Ar. — Arabian. G. — Greek. L. L. — Late Latin. 0. F. — Old French. A. S— Anglo-Saxon. Hind.— Hindustani. M. D.— Middle Dutch. °- H- G.— Old High F.— French. Icel.— Icelandic. M. E.— Middle English. p _Portu ^sl™ Gael. — Gaelic. It. — Italian. M. L. — Middle Latin. gp Spanish. Ger. — German. L. — Latin. N. L. — New Latin. Sw. — Swedish. * As there is considerable variation in usage when foreign words are pronounced, such pro- nunciation has been chosen as seemed consistent with the best usage of the language from which the word was taken, as well as from international usage. Consequently, many words are as yet not authoritatively defined as to pronunciation and exact derivation. It is hoped these may be added in a future edition of this book. The author will, therefore, consider it a favor to receive any and all suggestions which may be of help. 390 INDEX ABDOMEN, abdo'men (L. abdomen, belly). Abdominal cavity 47 Abdominal vein 48 ABDUCENS, abdu'sens (L. abducere, to draw away from ) 68 ABDUCTOR, abduc'tor (L. abducere, to draw away from), definition of.. 78 ABIOGENESIS, a"biogen'esis (G. a, without -\-bios, lit e>-\- genesis, begin- ning). The production of life from non-living matter 406 ABOMASUM, aboma'sum (L. ab, with- out+ omasum, bullock's tripe), defi- nition of 745 ABORAL, abo'ral L. ab, without + os, mouth ) 254 Situated at the end opposite the mouth. ABSORPTION, absorp'shun (L. a, from -\-sorbere, to suck up) 30 Condensation of gases on the surface of solids. Tissue, definition of 234 ABSTRACT IDEAS, ab'stract Ide'as (L. ab, from + traho, to draw away ) , definition of 182 A CANTHOCEPHALA, akanthosef 'ala (G. akantha, a spine + kephale. the head) 424, 432 An order of worm-like parasites with no mouth or alimentary canal, which attach themselves to their host by means of a hooked proboscis. ACANTHOCEPHALUS (singular of Acanthocephala ) , definition of ..... 306 ACANTHOCHEILONEMA PER- 8TAN8, akan'thokilo'nema perstans (G. akantha, spine -f- cheilos, Lip. -f- L. perstare, persist) 303 ACANTHOPTERYGII, . . akan"thopte- rij'ii (G. akantha, a spine -f- pteros, wing or fin ) 645 A group of fishes, including the perch, bass, swordfish, etc. ACARINA, akari'na (G. akari, a kind of mite bred in wax) 350, 422 An order of Arachnida, including the mites, ticks, etc., the head, thorax, and abdomen appearing to be one. ACCESSORY CHROMOSOMES, akses'- ory krd'mosomes, definition of. 100, 168 ACCESSORY CLEAVAGE, definition °f -.448 ACCESSORY REPRODUCTIVE OR- GANS 439 ACCOMMODATION OF EYE, defini- tion of 874 ACETABULUM, asetab'ulum (L. ace- tabulum, a vinegar cup ) . the socket for the head of the femur 76 ACETABULUM, homologue of 704 ACETABULUM OF WORMS 292 ACHILLES, tendon of 80, 85 ACICULAE, asik'ula (L. acus, a nee- dle*) , definition of'. 283 ACID GLAND 363 ACINOUS GLAND, as'inos (L. acinus, a grape) 673 ACIPEN8ER STURIO, asipen'ser stu'rio (G. akkipesios, the sturgeon. ( See sturgeon ) 6Jj3 A C 0 E L 0 M A T A, fise'lomata (G. a without -f- koilos, a hollow tube ) , definition of 258 ACONITE, ako'nit (L. aconitum, the poisonous plant Wolf's-bane) . The Wolfs bane 237 ACOUSTIC, akoo'stic (G. akoustikon, pertaining to hearing) 885 Pertaining to sound. ACQUIRED CHARACTERISTICS ...403 Characters produced during the life- time of an individual. ACRIDIIDAE, akridi'ide (G. akris, a locust), definition of 351 ACRODONT, ak'rodont (G. akros, at the edge + odont, tooth), definition of 733 ACROMION, akro'mion (G. akromia, the point of the shoulder blade) . . . .701 • The distal end of the spine of the scapula or shoulder blade. ACTINIARIA, aktinia'ria (G. actin, a ray) .257, 420 A division of Actinozoa, including the sea-anemones; approximately the Malacodermata. ACTINOMMA, Aktinom'a, (a ray + omma, the eye), definition of 148 AGTINOMYCE8 BOVIS, aktinomisez bo'vis (G. actin, a ray + mykes, a mushroom; L. Bos, bovis, an ox), definition of 214 ACTINOPHRY8, aktinof'rfs (G. actin, a ray + ophrys, brow), definition of INDEX 891 ACTIVATOR, fik'ttvator (L. ago, agere,.. to drive). From active — producing action 823 ACTIVE POLE, definition of 105 ACUTIFOLIUM, acutifol'ium (L. acuo, sharpen -f- folium, leaves) 216 A species of Sphagnum. ADAPTATION, adapta'shun (L. adap- tare, to fit to). The adjustment to circumstances 45, 316 ADAPTIVE SPECIALIZATION 716 ADELOCHORDA, adelokor'da (G. adelos, not evident + chorde, a cord ) , definition of . . '. 639 ADENOID, Ad'enoid (G. aden, gland -f- eidos, shape), definition of Ill ADEQUAL, ade'qual (L. ad, to + aequus, equal ) 447 Pertaining to the addition of sim- ilar forms. ADHERENCE THEORY, adhe'rens the'- ory (L. ad, to -f naerere, to stick), definition of 122 ADIPOSE, ad'ipos (L. adeps, fat), definition of Ill ADOLESCENCE, adoles'ens (L. ad ulescens, young), definition of 620 ADORAL, ado'ral (L. ad, to -f os, oris, mouth ) 155 Situated at or near the mouth. ADRENAL BODIES, addree'nal (L. ad, upon ; renes, kidneys ) 53 ADRENALIN, addren'al'yn 53 A crystalline substance obtained from suprarenal extract. ADSORPTION, adsorp'shon (L. ad, to + sorptio, sucking up) ADVEHENT, ad'vehent (L. ad, to + vehens, carrying) 601, 798 AEPYORNITHIFORMES, epiorntth'i- formez (G. aipys, high, -f- ornis, bird + forma, form) 425 AERATED, a'erat (G. aer, air) 321 To expose to the air. AEROBIC, aero'bik (G. aer, air + fiio.9, life) AESTIVATION, estiva'shon (L. aes- tivare, to pass the summer ) 262 AESTIVO-AUTUMNAL, este'voatum'- nal (L.- aestivus, summery -f- autum- nalis, belonging to autumn) 133 AFFECTIONS, affekshons (L. affectio, a state of mind), definition of 174 AFFECTOR, aff'ekter (L. afficere, to act upon), definition of 177 AFFERENT, aff'errent (L. ad, to; fero, bear ) AGASSIZ, a'gasee', Jean Louis Ro- dolphe 380, 415 AGGLUTINATION, aglutina'shon (L. agglutinare, paste to), definition of.200 AGLOSSA, aglo'sa (G. aglossos, tongueless ) , definition of 650 AIR-SACS OF INSECTS 329, 359 ALAE TEMPORALES, aletempora'les (L. ala, the wing, pi. alae + tem- pora, temples ) 687 ALBERTUS MAGNUS 377 ALCYONACEA, al'sldna'sea 420 An order of Alcyonaria. ALCYONARIA, al"siona'ria ( G. alky on, a kingfisher) 256, 420 ALEXIN, alek'sm (G. alexein, to ward off ) , definition of : ... 199 ALGAE, al'je (L. alga, seaweed; pi. algae) , definition of 203 ALIMENTARY CANAL, alimen'tary kanal' (L. alimentarius, pertaining to food; canalis, channel) 267 A LI 8 M A PL A A7 TA GO A Q UA TIC A , alis'ma planta'goakwat'ika (G. alisma, a water plant + L. plantago, plantain -f- aquations, pertaining to water ) 245 ALISPHENOID, alisfe'noid (L. ala, wing + G. sphenoeides, wedge- shaped) 695 ALKALINE GLAND, al'kalin or Hn (F. alcalin) 361 ALLANTOIC VESICLE, alanto'ik ves- ik'l (see allantois -f- L. vesicula, lit- tle blister ) , definition of 488 ALLANTOIDA, alantoi'da (G. allan- toeides, sausage shaped) 663 ALLANTOIS, alan'tois (G. alias, sau- sage; eidos, form) 65 ALLIGATOR, brain of, al'ligater (Sp. El lagarto, lizard; L. Lacertus, lizard) 862 ALLOGROMIA, alogro'mea 148 An order of the Foraminifera. ALLOLOBOPHORA FOETIDA, alolo- bof'ora feti'da (G. allos, other + lolos, pool + phora, fruit crop, + L. foetidus, stinking), definition of. 281 ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS IN HYDRA 251 ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS IN INSECTS 346 ALTERNATIONS OF GENERATIONS IN PLANTS 225 ALVEOLI OF LUNG, alvee'ohlie (L. a little cavity ) ! : . . . . 63 ALVEOLUS OF TOOTH, alve'olus (L. alveolus, a small hollow), definition of 733 ALYTES OBSTETRICANS, al'itez (G. alytos, continuous, -f o"bstetri- care, to be a midwife) 650 AMARYLLIS, amaril'is (G. amarys- sein, to sparkle, or L. + G. amaryc- lis, name of shepherdess ) 24$ 892 INDEX AMBLYCORYPHA OB LONGI FOLIA, amblikor'ifa (katydid), (G. amblys, blunt + koryphe, head, top, + L. oblongus, rather long + folium (pi. folia), a leaf 342 AMBLYS TOM A, amblis'tomti (G. amblys, blunt + stoma, mouth) 55,9 AMBLYSTOMA TIGRINUM, tigre'num (G. ambly stoma + L. tigrinus, tiger like) 559, 61,8 AMBOCEPTOR, ambosep'tdr (L. ambo, both + (re-)ceptor, a receiver), definition of 199 AMEWRUS, fimiii'rus (G. A, without + meiouros, curtailed) 64 4 AMETABOLOUS, ametab'dlus (G. ametabolos, unchangeable) 331 AMI A CALVA, am'ia (G. amia, a kind of tunny) . . 643 AMITOSIS, amito'siz (G. a, without -f- mitosis) Direct cell-division. AMMOCOETES, amose'tez (G. ammos, sand + koite, bed) 461, 543, 578 The larvae of the Lamprey. AMNIO-CARDIAC VESICLES, amnto- kar'diak, definition of 469 AMNION OF INSECT, am'neeon (G. a membrane of the embryo), definition of 346 AMNIOTA ( AMNIOTES ) , amnto'ta (see amnion), definition of 663 AMNIOTIC CAVITY, amniot'ik (G. amnion, membrane around the fetus) 623 AMNIOTIC CAVITY, false, definition of 623 AMOEBA, fime'ba (G. amoibe, change) 121 AMPHIBIA, amfib'eeah (G. amphi, double; bios, life) ... 43, 425, 431 Classification of 646 AMPHIBIA— Muscles of 830 Skull of 694 AMPHICOELOUS, amfeesee'lous (G. amphi, double + koilos, hollow), definition of 683 AMPHICYON, amfis'ion (G. amphi + kuon, dog) 73g AMPHINEURA, amfinu'ra (G. amphi, around + neuron, sinew, nerve) .421, 429 AMPHIOXUS, cleavage of, am'flox'us (G. amphi, both; oxys, sharp) W AMPHIPLATYAN, am'feepla'teean (G. amphi, both; platys, gat), defini- tion of 683 AMPHIPOD, am'flpod (G. amphi + pous (pod) foot) 316 AAfPHISBAENIDAE, amftsbe'nfde (G. amphisbaina, serpent, believed to move with either end first) 417 The family of snake-like lizards. AMPHISTYLIC, fimfistl'llk (G. amphi + stulos, pillar), definition of 698 AMPHIUMA MEANS, amfiu'ma (G. amphi, on both sides + pneuma, breath) 648 AMPHIUMIDAE, amflu'mide, defini- tion of . (See amphiuma) 647 AMPULLA, ampull'ah (L. flask), defi- nition of 867 AMYGDALAE, amig'dale (L. amyg- dala, almond), definition of 849 AMYLOPSIN, amylop'sin (G. amylin, starch + pepsis, cooking) 50 AN ABAS SOANDENS, an'abas (climb- ing perch) ; (G. anabainein, to go up) 645 ANACANTHINI, an'akanthl'm (G. ana'kanthos, spineless ) 644 ANAEMIA, ane'miti (G. anaimia, want of blood), definition of 133, 283 ANAEROBIC, anaero'bik (G. an= without + aer = air + bios = life) , definition of 189 ANAL GLANDS, a'nal (L. anus = ring + gland), definition of 673 ANALLANTOIDA, analantoi'da (G. an, without + allantois), definition of 663 ANALOGOUS, anal'ogus (G. ana, ac- cording to + logos, a ratio), defini- . tion of 118 ANAMNIA, anam'neeah (G. an, with- out; amnion, embryonic membrane), definition of 663 ANAMNIOTA. (Same as anamnia) . .663 ANAPHASE, an'tifaz (G. ana, up + phasis, appearance) . .,» ,97, 98 ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK, anafilak'tik (G. ana, up + phylaktikos, fit for preserving), definition of 201 ANAPHYLAXIS, anafilaksis (G. ana, up + phylax, guard) 201 ANAS BOSCH AS, a'nas bosk'as (L. anas, duck ) If 01 The mallard. AN AS A TRITIS (squash-bug), dn'dsd ANASTOMOSIS, anastomosis (G. an opening) 1 12, 77// ANATOMY, ana'tom! (G. ana, up + tome, cutting ) 30, 31 ANCHYLOSE, ang'klloz (G. angkylo-... sis, stiffness ) 733 ANCONEUS, an'konee'us (L. ancon, the bend of the arm) 80, 81 ANDRAE RETZII, gyrus of 844 ANDRE AE A PETROPHILA, andree'a (after the German botanist, An- dreas) 215 ANDREAEALES, definition of 216 ANDROECIUM (stamens), andre'- shium (G. aner, man -f- oikos, house ) 203 INDEX 893 ANGIOSPERMS, an'jiosperms (G. anggeion, vessel -f- sperma, seed), definition of 227 The slow worm of Europe. ANGLER 645 ANGUILLA GHRYSYPA, angwil'a (L. eel) 644 ANGUILLULA ACETI, angwil'ula (L. diminutive of eel ) 306 AN GUIS FRAGILIS, ang'gwis (L. anguis, snake ) 655 ANGULAR CARTILAGES 617 ANGULI 79 A genus of mollusks. ANGULO-SPLENIAL, anggulosple'nial (L. angulus, corner -f- splenium, a patch) 72 ANIMAL POLE, definition of . . . .105, 439 ANIMAL PSYCHOLOGY 172-184 ANKYLOSTOMA DUODENALE, ankflos'toma (G. ankulos, crooked -j- stoma, mouth ) 303 ANKYLOSTOMIASIS, ank'ilostomi'a- sis 303 The disease caused by Ankylostoma. ANLAGE, anla'ge (Ger. anliegen, to lie on) 458 ANNELIDA, anel'ida (L. annulus, ring -f G. eidos, resemblance) 264, 528 ANNUAL PLANTS, an'fial plants (L. annus, year -f- planta, a plant) . . . .232 ANNULAR TUBES, anular tubs, (L. annulus, ring + tubus, water pipe), definition of 234 ANNUL AT A, anula'ta (G. anulus, a ring), definition of .264 ANNULI, definition of 264 ANNULUS FINGER, definition of.... 710 ANNULUS OF VIEUSSENS 65 ANNULUS TYMPANICUS, definition of ......>«., 616 ANOLIS PRINOIPALUS, ano'lis (a native name in the Antilles ) 655 ANOPHELES, anof'eles (G. anophe- les, hurtful) 133, 137 ANOPHELES MACULIPENNIS 335 AN8ERIFORMES, an'sertfoVmez (L. anser, goose + form) 425 The goose-like birds. Aquatic birds with beaks covered with a soft, sensitive membrane and edged with horny lammellae. ANTAGONISTIC MUSCLES 762, 828 ANTARTICULAR 697 ANT-EATERS 657 ANTEBRACHIUM, nn'tebrakium (L. ante, before + brachium, arm), definition of 708 ANTENNA, anten'a (L. antenna, a sail-yard 3jf3 ANTENNULE, anten'ule (L. dim, from antenna ) 813 ANTERIOR INTESTINAL PORTAL, anter'ior (L. anterior, preceding), definition of 467 ANTERIOR-POSTERIOR DIFFEREN- TIATION 265 ANTHER, an'ther (G. anthos, flower) The part of the stamen which bears the pollen. ANTHERIDIUM, antheri'dium (plural, antheridia) ; (G. antheros, flowering -f- idios, one's own, personal), defi- nition of 181, 208, 217 ANTHOMEDUSAE, fm'thomedii'sa (G. anthos, a flower -f- medusa) 419 A typical genus of the family An- thomedusidae. ANTHOZOA, anthozo'a (G. anthos, flower + zoon, an animal) .256, 420, 427 Animal plants. A former class or large group of zoophytes somewhat like modern actinozoa. A NTHROPITHECUS, anthropf th'ecus (G. anthropos, man + pithekos, one who plays tricks) 660 Chimpanzee. ANTHROPOMORPHISM, an'thropo- mor'fism (G. anthropos, man -4- morphe, form), definition of 172 ANT I ARC HI, antiar'ki (G. anti, against + archos, rectum) 646 A group of extinct mailed fishes. ANTIBODY, an'tibod'i (G. anti, against + A. S. bodig, body), defi- nition of 197 ANTIGEN, an'tfjen (G. anti, against -f qenos, birth), definition of 199 A NTIPA THIDEA , antipath'ide ( G. antipathes, of opposite feeling or property) 420 A family of black, sclerobasic corals, with branched fibrous axis, and soft friable coenenchyma. ANTIPODAL CELLS, anti'podal (G. anti, against -f- pous (podos) foot), definition of 244 ANTISEPTIC, antlsep'tik (G. anti, against -f- sepsis, putrefaction). definition of 192 ANTITOXIN, an'tftok'sin (G. anti, against 4- toocikon, poison for arrows ) , definition of 197 ANURA, anew'rah (G. an, without; oura, tail ) 425, 650 Tailless amphibia. ANUS OF FROG, ay'nus (L. ring) ... 45 AORTA, aor'ta (G. aorte, to lift) . . . 54, 775 AORTIC ARCHES, aor'tik (G. aorte, the Great Artery) 5.9 APE ..659 894 INDEX APHIS MAIDIRADIC1S, afis (doubt- ful origin ) 372 Plant-sucking insects. API DAE, ap'ide (L, a bee) 367 The bee family. APIS MELLIFERA 35 J, APIS NOSEMA, a'pis (L. a bee) 153 APLACOPUORA, aplakof'ora (G. a, without -f- plaxma, flat part + phoros, to bear) 421 A suborder of Amphineura, having a spiculed, vermiform body, with foot absent or merely a groove. APQCYM UM AN.DROSAEMIFOLI UM, apos'inum (G. apokunon, a plant) . .235 APOD A, ap'oda (G. a, without + pous, foot) 425, 643, 647 APONEUROSIS, apoh'newrow'sis (G. apo, from + neuron, tendon ) , defini- tion of 78, 828 APOTHECIA, apothe'sia (G. apo, away + theke, cup) 205 APPENDICITIS, apendisi'tes (L. ad, to + pendere, to hang) 302 APPENDIGULARIA, iipendikiila'ria (L. ad, to -j- pendere, to hang), defi- nition of . .639 APPENDICULAR SKELETON, fipfm- dik'ular (see Appendix), definition of 73 APPENDIX VERMIFORMIS, apendtks (L. ad -f- pendere, to hang), defi- nition of . .' 728, ?'//?' APPLICATIONS VS. PRINCIPLES. 25, 32 APPOSITION IMAGE, ap'ozish'un (L. ad, to -f- ponere, to place) , definition of 322 APTERIUM, ap'te'rium (G. a, without + pteron, wing) 069 APTERYGIFORMES, apteri'j if orm'ez (G. a, + pteron) 425 AQUATIC, akwa'tik (L. aqua, water.). 223, 654 AQUATIC VERTEBRATES 663 AQUEDUCT OF SYLVIUS, ak'weduct (L. aqua, water; duco, lead) . . .511, 845 AQUEDUCTUS CEREBRI, akweduk'- tiis 845 AQUEOUS HUMOR, a'kweus (L. aqua,. . water) 7.0, 873 AQUINAS, THOMAS, akwi'nas 378 ARACHNID A, arak'mda (G. arachne, spider) 429 ARACHNOID, arack'noid (G. arachne, spider) 838 A R A CHNOI DEA, firaknoid'ea (G. arachne, spider -f- eidos, form. 422, 430 Spiders. ARANEAE, ara'nea (G. arachne, ppifler) 422 An old genus of spiders. ARANTII, duct of.. .795 ARBOR]'] AL, arbf/real (L. arbor, tree) 654 ARC ELL A, arsera (N. L. diminutive of area, little box), definition of. . . .147 ARCHAEN, arke'an (G. archaios, an- cient) i 395 ARCHAEOPTERYX, arkeop'teriks (G, archaios + pteryx, wing) 671 Oldest fossil bird, having some characteristics of a reptile. A R C II A E ORNITHE8, arkeor'nlthez (G. archaios, ancient -j- ornis, a bird) 425 Fossil birds of the genus Arch- aeopteryx. ARCHEGONIA, arkego'nia (G. arche, beginning -f- gonos, offspring), defi- nition of 215 ARCHEGONIOPHORES, arkegoniof- orez (G. arche, beginning -f- gonos, offspring + pherein, bear), defini- tion of 218 ARCHENTERON, arken'teron (G. archos, chief, first; enteron, intes- tine) , definition of 107 ARCHEOLOGY 32 ARCHES, VISCERAL, definition of.. 585 ARCHESPORE, ar'kespor (G. arche, beginning -(- sporos, seed 239, 243 ( Spore-mother-cell. ) ARCHIANNELIDA, arkianel'ida (G. . archi, first + annulus, a ring) .... 283, 420, 428 A subclass of annelida, supposed to be the nearest living relatives of the archetypal segmented worms. ARCHIMEDES, arkime'des 24, 25 ARCHINEPHRIC DUCT, arkinefrtk (G. archi, first -f- nephros, the kid- ney) 207, 208 ARCHIPALLIUM, ar'kipal'ium (G. archi, first -f- L. pallium, mantle), definition of 843, 848 ARCIIOPLASMIC, arkoplns'mik (G. archon, ruler + plasma, something moulded) , definition of 91 ARCUALIA, ar'kiuale'eeah (L. arcus, bow) .716 AREA OPACA, a'rea opfi'ka (L. area, ground space), definition of 439 AREA PELLUCIDA, definition of.... 439 AREA VASCULOSA, definition of.... 467 AREA VITELLINA, definition of .... 467 AREOLAR, are'olar (L. areola, small space) 110 ART8TOLOCHIA SIPHO, rir'istdlo'kta (G. aristos, best + locheia, child- birth) 23t The common Dutchman's pipe. ARISTOTLE, fmstot'al 376, 388 ARMADILLO, nrmadil'o (from armed) 659 1RMOURED FISHES, definition of.. 676 INDEX 805 AROMATIC COMPOUNDS (L. aro- maticus, having a spicy odor) 1)5 ARKOU -WORM 308 ARTERIES OF FROG, fir'terez (L. arteria, artery ) 53-60 ARTERIES, SOMATIC 790 ARTERIES, SPLANCHNIC 790 ARTERIES, VISCERAL 790 ARTERIOLES, arterio'ls (L. arteri- ola, small artery), definition of.... 799 ARTHROBR ANCHES, fi r'throbrfm'- kez (G. arthron, a joint), defini- tion of 321 A R THRO PL EON A, ilrthrdple'ona ( G. arthron + pleon, full) 422 An order of the class Collembola. A R T H R 0 P O D A, firth ro'poda ( G. arthron, joint + pons, foot) 312, 374, 424 Crayfish 312-327 Fly . . . 367 Grasshopper 332 Honeybee 353 Insects at Large 328 Plankton 325 Terrestrial crustaceans .... 326 ARTICULAR PROCESSES, artik'ulfir (L. articulus, joint) 681 ARTICULARE, hrtik'iilfirfi 697 ARTICULATA, arttkfllfita 429 ARTICULATE, artik'ulat (L. articu- litfi. joint) 73 ARTIFACT, ar'tifakt (L. ars, ' art + facere, to make) ; ,7,75 An artificial product. ARTIFICIAL FERTILIZATION 205 ARTIODACT YLA, firtiodak'tilfi ( G. artios, equal + daktylos, finger).. '. 426, 660 ARYTENOID, fir'ite'noid (G. arytaina, a pitcher ) 762 A8CARI8 LUMBRWOIDE8, iis'karis (ft. an intestinal worm) 298 A8CELLUB AQUATICU8, nsel'us (G. diminutive of askus, a wine skin) . .326 A&CIDIACEA, asidia'sea (G. askidioy. a wine-skin ) 424, 639 An order of tunicates. A8COMYCETE8, fts'komTse'tez (G. askos, bag + mukus, a mushroom) . 207, 209 ASCOSPORE. fis'kospor (G. askos, bag 4- sporos, seed ) 188 ASCUS, as'kfis (G. askos, bladder). definition of /§# A S E X IT A L REPRODUCTION IN VA UCTTKRIA 207 ASTATIC LUNG-FLUKE 291 ASPERA. fis'porA (L. aspera, rough) .149 AKPERGILLU8 FUMIGATU8, Hsper- jil'us (L. aspergere, sprinkle), defi- nition of 211 , 212 ASPIDIUM, aspid'ium (G. aspidion, a little shield ) 22 // A species of fern. ASPLDOBRANCHIA, us'pidobrang'kia (G. aspis, shield + branchia, gills). 421 A group of Gastropods. ASSIMILATING TISSUES, ashn'ilat- ing (L. ad, to + similis, like) 236 Conversion into protoplasm of in- gested nutrient material. ASSIMILATION 30, 63 ASSOCIATION MEMORY, definition of 66, 178 AST AC UN FLUVIATALIS, fis'takus (G. a crayfish) 313 ASTEROIDEA, asteroi'dea (G. aste- roeides, star-like) 420, 428 An order of Echinoderms, the Star- fishes. ASTRAGALUS, asstrag'alus (G. an ankle bone) ?#, 709 ATAVISM, at'fivlzm (L. atavus, ances- tor) Reversion to an ancestral type. Recurrence of a characteristic of a remote ancestor. ATHECAE, athe'ke (G. without a carapace) , definition of 652 ATLAS (G. atlas, a giant) 72, 684 ATRIAL, a' trial (L. atrium, a central room ) , definition of 530 ATRIOPORE, a'triopore (L. atrium + poru^t, channel ) 752 The opening from the atrial cavity to the exterior in Cephalopods. ATRIO-VENTRICULAR CANAL, defi- nition of 530 ATRIUM, ay'treeum (L. a court) — Of Amphioxus 752 Of heart 773 Of lungs 765 Of nose 871 ATROPHY, at'rofi (G. a, without, trephein, to nourish) 316 ATTRACTION SPHERE, definition of 90 AUDITORY, aw'ditoery (L. auditorius, pertaining to hearing) 68 AUDITORY CAPSULES 540 Organs of insect 337 Pits .^480 Placodes 480 Sac 575, 581 Tube 869 AUERBACH'S PLEXUS 87.9 AURICLE, aw'reekal (L. auricula, a little ear ) 55, 778 AUTOGENOUS, oto'jenus (G. autos, self -j- (*en,esis. birth), definition of. 140 AUTOMATIC MUSCLES, definition of 112 AUTOSTYLIC, ot'Osti'lik (G. autos, self + stylos, pillar), definition of. 698 896 INDEX AUTOTROPH1C, Ot'otrof'ik (G. autos, self + trephein, to nourish) AVE8, ay'veez (birds) 425, 431, 656 AVICULARIA, fivikiilfi'ria (G. avicula, diminutive of bird ) 309 AWARENESS, definition of 174 AXIALITY The growth along a definite axis. AXIAL SKELETON, definition of 73 AXIAL THICKENING, definition of.. 538 AXIL, ak'sil (L. axilla, arm-pit) .203, 217 AXILLA, axill'ah (L. axilla, a little axis ) ' 831 AXILLARY, ak'silari (L. axilla) .203, 792 Pertaining to axil; growing in the axil, or pertaining to the arm-pit. AXIOM (L. aucioma, a self-evident proposition) 88 AXIS, definition of 684 AXIS CYLINDER 114 The central tract of a nerve fiber. AXIS OF EGG 553 AXOLOTL, ak'solotl 554, 648 A Mexican tailed amphibian which remains in the larval state. AXON, ak'son (G. axon, axle) 68 The axis-cylinder process of a multipolar nerve-cell. AZYGOUS, az'eegos (G. a, without; zygon, yoke) 698, 797 BACILLUS, basfl'us (L. bacillum, a small stick) 190 Rod-shaped bacteria.' BACKGROUNDS 157 BACON, ROGER 378 BACTERIA, bakte'ria (G. bacterion, rod ) , definition of 190 rate of increase 192 BACTERIOTROPIN, bfikter'iotro'ptn, definition of . . 200 BACTERIUM ACTINOCLADOTHRIX, bakte'rlum ak'tinoklfid'othriks (G. aktis, ray -j- klados, branch + thrix, hair) 214 BALAENA MYSTECETUS, bule'na (L. balaena, whale) 662 BALANCING ORGAN, definition of.. 323 B A L A N 0 GLOSSUS CLAVIGERUS, bahl'anohgloss'us ( G. balanos, acorn -f- ylossa, tongue) 546 BALANTIDIUM COLT, balantid'ium (G. balantidium, a little bag) 144 BALEEN, bnlon' (L. balaena, whale), definition of . .737 BALEEN WHALES 663 BARBERRY, biir'ber'i (M. L. barbaris, berry ) 243 A shrub whose ill-smelling flowers produce red berries of a pleasantly acid flavor. BARBS (L. barba, beard) 671 Thread-like structures. BARBULES, bfir'buls) (L. diminutive of barba ) 670 BARK, definition of 231 BASAL, ba'sfil, at or near the base. . .218 BASAL DISC 248 BASALE, basfi'le, bfisa/lfi (L. las-is, base ) 690 BASAL GANGLION, definition of .... 848 BASAL PLATE, definition of 615 BASCANION ANTHONYI STEJNE- GER, baska'nion .. . , 416 A genus of snakes, such as the blacksnake. BASIDIOMYCETES, bfistd'tomlce'tes (G. basis + mukus, fungus) . .201, 209 BASIDIUM, bnstd'ium (G. basis, base) 207 A special cell of certain fungi forming spores by abstriction. BASI-HYAL, ba'sihl'al (G. basis + hyoeides, y-shaped ) 738 BASILAR PLATE, bas'ilar, definition of 540 BASIOCCIPITAL, bfi'siokslp'itfil (L. basis + occiput, back of head) 73 BASIPODITE, bnsip'odite (G. basis + pous, foot), definition of 314 BASLE NOMENCLATURA ANATOM- ICA, bal nomenklatu'rfi 416 BAST (A. S. baest, bast), definition of 230 BATESON, PROFESSOR 388, 679 BATOIDEA, ba'toi'de'fi (L. batus, a genus of fishes ) 424, 642 A sub-order of Plagiostomes hav- ing ventral gill-openings. BDELLOSTOMA DOMBEYI, de'los'to- mfi (G. bdella, a leech + stoma, mouth) ; named for J. Dombey, French botanist 641 • Cyelostomes having suctorial mouths resembling those of leeches. BDELLOSTOMA POLYTREMA (G. poly, many + trema, hole) 7/3 Myzonts having many pairs of branchial apertures. INDEX 897 BEE 353 Behavior 363 Circulatory system 357 Classification of 367 Digestive system 357 Embryology of 362 Enemies of 365 Excretory system 359 External appearance 354 Gynandromorphs 366 Internal anatomy 357 Metamorphosis 362 Moth 365 Muscular system . . . 360 Nervous system . . . : 359 Reproductive system 361 Respiratory system 358 BEHAVIORISTS, definition of 173 BELON 379 BESTIARIES, bes'ti'nr'es (L. bestia- ries, pertaining to wild beasts) . . . .377 Books treating of animals. BICEPS, buy'seps (L. bi, two; caput, head) 81 BICHAT, besha' 388 BICORNUUS UTERUS, bikor'nuus (L. bis + comu, horn) 819 BICUSPID, blkus'pid (L. bis, twice + cuspis, point) 1/36 BICUSPID VALVE, definition of 786 BIDDER'S ORGAN 610, 813, 822 BIFARIA, blfa'ria (L. bis, twice + fari, to speak ) 155 BILATERAL SYMMETRY (L. bis + latus, side) 247 BILE (L. bills, bile) 50, 750 BILE CAPILLARIES 50 BILE DUCT, development of 589 BILHARZIA HAEMATOBIUM, bil- har'zea hematobium, definition of. .291 (After T. Bilharz.) A genus of flukes or trematodes. BINARY, bl'nary (L. bina^ius, of two), definition of 125, 120 BIOGENESIS, bi'ojen'esis (G. bios + life + genesis, birth) 406 BIOLOGICAL UNIT, definition of .... 88 BIOLOGY (G. I'ios, life + logos, dis- course)— Chronological table of 389 History of 375-392 Notable men in 386 BIOMETRICS, biomet'riks (G. bios + mch-on, measure) 32 BIOPLASTS bT'oplfists (G. bios + plasma, something moulded) 91 BIPARTIBUS UTERUS, bipart'ibus (L. having two parts) 819 BIRAMOUS, blra'mos (L. bis + ramus, branch) 315 BIRD, definition of 656 BIRD, circulation of . 785 Skeleton of 103 Urogenital organs of 821 BISERIAL, blse'rial (L. bis -f series, series), definition of . .707 BISEXUAL, blsek'sual (L. bis + sexus, sex) BLACK-MOSSES, definition of 216 BLADDER 48 How formed 590 BLADE 203 BLASTOCOELE, blas'toeseal (G. blast os, germ + koilos, hollow) .1 06, 446 BLASTOCYST, blas'tosist (G. blastos + kystis, bladder) 626 BLASTODERM, blas'toederm (G. blastor, germ; derma, skin) 438, 439, 449 BLASTODERMIC VESICLE, defini- tion of 621 BLASTOMERE, blas'tSmer (G. blastos + meros, part), definition of.. 105, 449 BLASTOMYCES, blastom'isez (G. blastos + mukus, fungus) 210 BLASTOMYCETES, blastomise'tez, definition of 210 Plural of blastomyces. BLASTOMYCOSIS, blnstomico'sis, defi- nition of 211 The disease produced by Blastomy- cetes. BLASTOPORE, blas'topor (G. blastos, bud + poros, passage) .107, 278, 452, 554 BLASTOSTYLE, blas'tostil (G. blastos + stylos, pillar) ' '252 BLASTULA, blas'tiulah (L. a little germ) 106, W Of Amphioxus .44> Of Chick 447 Of Frog 447, 554 BLATTAEFORMIA, blat'ta'formea (L. blatta, cockroach ) 423 A subclass of Pterygogenea hav- ing the form of a cockroach. BLATTOIDES (L. blatta + oid) , re- sembling a cockroach 423 An order of Blattaeformia. BLIND-WORMS, definition of 647 BLOOD CORPUSCLES OF GRASS- HOPPER . . . 339 898 INDEX BLOOD-ISLANDS, definition of 467 BLOW-HOLE, definition of 729 B. N. A. (Basle Nomenclatura Ana- tomica ) 416 BODY-STALK, definition of: 627 BOMBINATOR IGNEUS (M. L. bom- binare, to buzz + igneus, fiery.) A species of European frogs 100 BONE, how it grows 679 BONNET 382 BORDERING CELLS 236 BORER, definition of 641 BORK. (periderm) 232 BORRADAILE 405 BOTALLI, DUCTUS 596 BOTALLI'S LIGAMENT 785 BOTALLUS, duct of, definition of 531 BOTANY, bot'any (G. botane, pas- ture) 185-193, 202-246 Bacteria 190 Bryophytes 215 Economic 32 Flowers 242 Fungi 208 Pathogenic fungi 209 Photosynthesis 186 Plant histology 228 Pollination 238 Pteridophytes . 223 Spermatophytes 225 Thallophytes 204 Three higher groupings .215 Vaucheria 207 Yeasts 188 BOT-FLY LARVAE 369 BOTHRIOCEPHALUS LATUS, both'- reosef'lus la'tus (G. bothrion, pit + kephale^ -head). A genus of tape- worms also called Dibothriocephalus.2$?> BOTRYOIDAL TISSUE, bdt'rioidal 9 CECIDOMYIA DESTRUCTOR, sesid'- ome'a (G. kekis, a gall-nut -f- muia, a fly) '3>,:> A genus of flies. CECIDOMYID, sesid'omid (G. kekis + muia} 345 CECUM (same as caecum) 73.0 CELL (L. cella, a compartment) . .88-116 Chemistry of 94 Division of .96-100 Fertilization of 104 Inclusions and products 90 Maturation of 100 Membrane 90 Mitosis, meaning of 99 CELLI 134 CELLULOSE, seTulos (L. cellula, small cell ) .l 93 CEMENT GLAND, sement' (L. cac- mentum, mortar ) 3^0 CEMENT OF TOOTH 732 CENOZOIC, senozo'ik (G. kainos, new -f zoe, life). Geologic stratum con- taining recent forms of life 394 CENTER— Brain 847 Correlation of 847 Nerve 115 Of ossification ,777 Primary 847 Reflex 851 CENTRAL CANAL 67, 513 Cells 447 Nervous system of crayfish 322 Nervous system of frog 65, 66 Nervous system of honeybee 359 Nervous system of insect 330 CENTR080ME, sen'trdsom (G. kcn- tron, a center -}- soma, body) 90 CENTRO SPHERE, sen'trosfer (G. Jcentron -f- sphaira, a ball) 90 CENTRUM, sen'trum (L. center) ... 72 INDEX 901 CKI'HALAD, se'phalad, toward the head CEPHALIC FLEXURE, sephal'ik (G. kepliale. head) ^78 CEPHALOCHORDA, sef'alakor'da 424, 430 CEPIIA LOCIIORDATA, seph'alowchor- day'tah (G. kephalc, head; chorde, string) 639 CEPIIA L ODI8CU8 DO DEC A L OPH US, sef alodtsk'us 546 C E P H ALO P O.DA, sef'fildp'oda (G. kephale + pous, foot) 421, 429 A class of Mollusca. CEPHALOTHORAX, sef'alothdr'ax ...313 CERATIUM, serfi'shiiim (G. keration, little horn), definition of 151 CERATODU8 765 CERATOHYAL, ser'atohl'al (G. keros, horn + uoides, U-shaped) 738 CERATOHYAL CARTILAGE 616 CERCARIA, serka'ria (G. kerkos, tail ) , definition of 290 CERCOMOXAS, serkom'onas (G. kerkos, tail + monas, monad) 145 A genus of protozoa. CERCUS, ser'kiis (G. kerkos, tail) , .-'. 329, 337 CEREBELLUM, ser'ebeTum (L. cere- brum, brain), definition of. .66, 845. 859 CEREBRAL CORTEX, ser'ebrsil, defi- nition of 848 CEREBRATULU8 FU8CU8 301 Lacteus 301 CEREBRUM, ser'ebrum (L. brain).. . ; . .;.<. 66, 839, 848 CERIANTBIDEA, sertfm'thide'a (G. Tceras, a horn + anthos, a flower) . .420 An order of Zoantharia. CERVICAL, ser'vikal ( L. cervix, neck ) 684 CERVIDAE, ser'vlde (L. cervus, a stag ) 660 A family of solid-horned rumi- nants, as stag. CERVIX, ser'viks (L. cervix, neck).. CESALPINO, sesalpl'no 381 CEftTODA, sesto'da (G. kestos, girdle 4- eidos, resemblance) . . . .285, 420, 428 CETACEA, seta'sea (G. ketos, whale) ; 426. 662 CHAETAE, GENITAL, ke'tfi (G. chaite, hair) 265 CHAETOGNATHA, ketog'natha (G. chaite, bristle -+- gnathvs, jaw) .... 308, 424, 432 A group of invertebrates of uncer- tain position. CHAETOPODA, ketop'oda (G. chaite + pous, foot) 283, 420, 428, 429 A class of Annelida with setae. CHAIN REFLEX ACTION, definition of 181 CHALAZA, kala'za (G. chalaza, hail, tubercle) 244, 438, 439 CHALC1D, kal'sid (G. chalkis, per- taining to Chalcis, Greek city).... 345 CHALONE, kal'on (G. chaldo, I relax) An anti-hormone 52 CHAMAELONTE8 654 CHAMELEONS, ka'me'leonz (G. cha- maileon, ground or dwarf lion ) . . . . 654 CHAPELLE-AUX-SAINTS SKULL. . .1,00 VHARADRIIFORM&8, karad'rifor'mez (L. charadra, ravine + forma, form ) 425 Terrestrial, arboreal, or marine plover-like birds. CHARYBDEA MARSUPIALIS, karib'- dia (G. charybdis, Homeric figure, -f- L. marsupium, a pouch ) 256 CHELA, ke'la (G. chele, claw) 313 CHELIPEDS, ke'lipeds (L. chela, a claw + pes, foot) 314 CHELONE IMBRWATA (G. chelone -|- L. imbricatus, covered with tiles). 653 CHELO^ETI, kelon'eti (G. chelone, a tortoise ) 422 An order of Lipoctena. CHELOXIA, keelow'neeah (G. chelone, turtle) 425, 652 Caouana 554 Longicollis 119 My das 653 CHELOXIDAE, kelon'ida (G. chelone + eidos, resemblance) 652 CHEfjYDRA SERPENTINA, kel'idra (G. chelydros, amphibious serpent) . ,...653, 803 CHELYDRIDAE, kelid'ride (G. chely- dros + eidos} 652 CHELY8 FIMBRIATA, kel'is (G. chelys, a tortoise -f- L. fimbria, fringe) 683 CHEMISTRY 34 Analytical 36 Of living matter 94-96 Synthetic 36 CHEMOTROPISM, kemot'ropizm (G. chemos, juice + trope, turning) . . . . 126 CHIASMA, kaias'ma (G. cross-mark). 66 CHICK— Embryology of 433-543 DEVELOPMENT BEFORE THE EGG IS LAID 435 Blastulation 450 Gastrulation 451 Morula stage 449 Oogenesis 442 Reproductive organs of fowl 440 INDEX PRIMITIVE STREAK AND ORI- GIN of MESODERM 455 Neural plate 459 Notochord 458 FOUR TO SIX SOMITE STAGE . . . 465 FIRST HALF DAY 470 Brain differentiation 472 Lengthening of fore-gut 475 SECOND HALF OF SECOND DAY. Brain 476 Blood-corpuscle path 483 Circulatory system 480 Excretory system 484 Torsion 480 E X T R A-E MBRYONIC MEM- BRANES 485 Allantois 487 Amnion 487 Chorion 488 Serosa 487 Yolk-sac . . . 485 DEVELOPMENT OF THE THIRD DAY ..480 Circulatory system 500 Digestive tract 492 Liver 496 Lungs 495 Nervous system 490 Optic vesicles 490 Pancreas 497 Thymus gland 497 Thyroid gland 497 Visceral arches 498 Visceral clefts 498 DIFFERENTIATION OF SOMITES.502 Excretory system 503 DEVELOPMENT OF THE FOURTH DAY— Adrenal, bodies 520 Allantoic circulation 524 Circulatory system 520 Excretory system 518 Ganglia of cranial nerves 513 Heart 529 Intra-embryonic circulation 526 Nervous system 511 Organs of special sense 514 Reproductive system 519 Skeletal structure 516 Spinal cord 513 Veins 531 COELOM AND MESENTERIES 536 DEVELOPMENT OF THE FIFTH DAY 538 Heart 540 Limbs 538 Skull 538-540 CHIGGERS, chig'ers (F. chique, lo- cal) 350 CHILOMONA8, kilom'onas (G. cheilos, lips + monas, a unit) .... . . 150 CHILOPODA, kilop'oda (G. cheilos, lip + pous, foot) 422 An order of Opisthogoneata. CHI M AE RA MONSTROSA, kime'ra (G. chimara, a fabled monster) 6-'i2 CHIMAPHILA, kimiif'O'lali G. cheima, winter + philos, loving) 23.'i CHIMPANZEE, chimpan'ze (Sp. chim- pance, a native name) 660 CHIRONOMIDAE, kironom'ide, (G. cheir, hand -j- namenin, to manage). 345 CHIRONOMUS (G. cheironomos, one who moves the hands ) 330 CHIROPTERA, kirop'tera (L. chirop- teras, wing-handed) 426. 658 CHIROPTERYGIA, kirop'terlg'ta (G. cheir, hand -f- pteron, a wing) 707 CHITIN, kl'tin (G. chiton, a tunic) . . 93 A carbohydrate derivative forming the skeletons of Arthropods. CHLORAGOGEN CELLS 259 CHLOROPHYCEAE, kldro'fl'see (G. kloros, yellowish-green + phykos, sea-weed) 204 CHLOROPHYL, klo'rofil (G. chloros, grass green + phyllon, leaf) 185 Chemical formula of 186 CHLOROPLAST, klo'roplast (G. . chloros + plastos, moulded) .. 185, 204 'CHLOROSIS, kloro'sis (G. chloros, grass green ) 303 A peculiar form of anaemia, characterized by a green-colored skin. CHOANA, koh'anah (G. funnel) 515, 582, 730 CHOA NAFLA GELLA TA , ko'anofla jela- ta (G. choane, funnel + flagellum, whip) 151, 418 Mastigophora with a contractile collar from which the single flagel- lum extends. CHOLAEPUS DIDACTYLU8 659 CHOLEDOCHUS, DUCTUS, koled'okus (G. choledochos, containing bile)... 497 CHONDRICONTS, kond'rikont's (G. vhondros, cartilage + kontos, pole). 91 Rod-shaped chondriosomes. CHONDRIOMITES, kond'riomites' ... 91 Granular chondriosomes. CHONDRIOSOMES, kondriosomz' (G. chondros + soma, body) 91 CHONDROCRANIUM, kon'drocray'- neeum (G. chondros, cartilage; kra- nion, skull ) 614. 687 CHONDROSTEI, kondross'tee'eye (G. chondros, cartilage; osteon, bone) . . 425, 642 CHORDATA, classification of 430, 543, 639-663 Definition of .... . .638 INDEX 903 CHORDA TYMPANI (G. chorde, a string) 884 Tendineae 55, 778 CHORION FRONDOSUM, ko'rion fron'dosum (G. chorion, membrane + frondosus, richly foliated) 030 Laeve 630 In insects 346 CHOROID, koh'roid (G. chorion, mem- brane ) 70 Coat of eye 873 Plexus 512, 571 CHROMAFFINE CELLS, kromaf'in (G. chroma, color -(- L. affinis, re- lated) . . 879 Cells which turn yellow after treatment with chromic salts. CHROMAPHILE CELLS, kromofil (G. chroma + philein, to love ) 822 Same as chromaffine. CHROMATIX. kro'matin (G. chroma), definition of 90 C H R 0 M ATOPHORES, kro'matoforz ( G. chroma + pherein, to bear ) . . . . . 128, 204, 667 CHROMOMERES, kro'momerz (G. chroma + meros, part) 89 The chromatin granules which form chromosomes. CHROMOSOME, kro'mosom ( G. chroma + soma, body) 97, 159 Accessory 168 Double 168 Hetertropic 168 X 168 Y 168 C H R 0 M 0 TROPISM, kromot'ropizm (G. chroma -f- trepein, turn) 127 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF BIO- LOGICAL EVENTS 389 CHRYSOHYIA MACELLARIA 368 CHRYSOPHRYS 824 CICATRIX, sik'atriks (L. cicatrix, a wound) 440, 443 In botany, the mark left after a wound is healed. In embryology, the blastoderm in bird and reptile eggs. In zoology, a small scar in place of previously attached organ. CICONIIFORMES, sikon'nffor'mez (L. ciconia, stork ) 425 Stork-like birds. CILIA, sil'ifi (L. cilium, an eyelid) . . .109 CILIARY BODY OF EYE, sill'eeary (L. tilium, eyelid) 873 CILIATA, sil'm'ta (L. cilinm) .. . 153, 419 A sub-class of Infusoria. CINCHONA CALI8AYA, sinko'na kalisa'oa (Sp. Chinch on, town in Spain + calisaya, name of a bark) .231 CINGULUM, sing'gulum (L. cingulum, a girdle) 276 CINOSTERNIDAE, sinoster'nide (G. kinein, move + sternon, breast-bone -4- eidos, resemblance) 652 CINOSTERNUM ODORATUM 119 CIONA INTESTINALIS, si'ona (G. kiwn, pillar ) 554 CIRCLE OF WILLIS, definition of... 792 CIRCULATION, ser'kula'shun (L. cir- culatio, act of circulating) 30, 53 Of bird 785 Closed 27O Crocodile 185 Double 535 Frog 54 Open 270 Pulmonary 54, 56 Systemic 53, 56 CIRCUMFERENTIAL CANAL, ser'- kiimferen'shal (L. circum, around + ferre, to bear ) 254 CIRCUMVALLATE, ser'kumvarat (L. circum, around -f valla, wall ) 739 CIRRIPEDIA, siripe'difi (L. cirrus, a curl + pes, foot) 421 A sub-class of Crustacea. CIRRUS, sir'rus (L. cirrus, tuft, lock of hair) 287 CI8TUDO LUTARIA, sis'tudo luta'roa (L. sista, box -f- testudo, a tortoise -\-lutarius, belonging to mud) . . . .702 CIVET, siv'et (P. zabad, froth of milk or water ) 734 CLADISTA, kladis'ta (G. klados, a branch + histion, a web) 642 CLADOPHORA, kladof'ora (G. klados + phoros, bearing) 205 CLADOT HRIX ACTINOMYC08E8, klnd'othrlks (G. klados, branch -{- thrix, hair ) 2 12 CL ARIAS 767 CLASPER, klas'per (M. E. claspen, to hold) 707 CLASS, in classification 415 CLASSIFICATION. .31, 32, 414. 418, 432 Of Chordata 543, 639-663 CLAUSTRUM, klfis'trum (L. claus-... trum, a bar), definition of 849 CLAVICLE, klav'ikel (L. clavicula, little key) 76 CLAVICULA, klav'ik'ula (L. clavic- ula) 70; CLEAVAGE, kle'vaj (A. S. cleofan, to cut) 105 Accessory 448 Amphioxus 446 Fro.sr 553 Gastrula 556 Spindle 444 904 INDEX CLEFTS, BRANCHIAL, definition of. 41)8 Gill 498 Visceral 498 CLEITHRUM, klyth'rum (G. kleith- ron,, bar, gate) 1101 CLEP8IDRIXA BLATTARUM, klep'- sid'rina (G. klepsia, theft 4- hydor, water + L. blatta, a cockroach) . . . . 15 1 CLIMBING PERCH 645 CLITELLUM, klitel'iim (L. clitellae, a pack-saddle ) 205 CLITORIS, kly'toriss (G. kleio, to close) 820 CLOACA, klo-ay'kah (L. cloaca, sewer )' 49 Glands of 67.'} CLOCK, the marvelous 34 CLONORCHI8 SINENSIS, klonor'kis slnen'sis (G. klon, branch -f- orchis, testicle) 801 A species of fluke having ramified testicles. CLOSED CIRCULATION, definition of 60, 270, 781 CLOSSENDROMORPHA 422 CLUB-MOSSES (one of the Fern Allies ) 224 CLYPEUS, klip'eus (L. clypeus, a shield) 335 CLYTRA, kllt'ra (word of no mean- ing) 362 CNEMIAL CREST, nem'ial (G. knemis, shin ) 103 CNIDOBLAST, ni'doblfist (G. knide, a nettle -f blastos, bud) 248 CNIDOCIL, ni'dosil (G. knide -f cilium, an eyelid) 248 COAGULATION, kofigiila'shun fL. cum, with -f agere, to drive) . . .39, 325 COBITIS, kobi'tis (G. kobites, gudgeon- like) 770 COCCI, kok'si (plural of coccus) COGCIDIIDEA, kocksidiid'ea (G. coc- cus + idea, a picture of) 153, 419 An order of ftporozoa. COOCIDIUM 8HUBERGI, koksid'ium 152, 153 COCCUS, kok'iis (G. kokkos, a seed), definition of 190 COCCYGEO-ILIACUS 81 COCHLEA, kock'leah (G. kochlias, a snail ) 866 COCHLEARIS DUCTUS, kocklea'ris . .866 COCOON OF EARTHWORM, kokoon' (F. cocon, a shell) 276 COD 64.', CODES FOR CLASSIFICATION.. ..416 COELENTERATA, sGlentera'ta (G. koilos, hollow -f enteron, intestine) 247, 257, 427 Classification of 255-258 Gonionemus 254 Hydra fusca . .' 247 Obelia - . .252 Polymorphism in 255 COELENTERON, solen'teron (G. koilos + enteron ) 252 COEL1AC, see'leeak (G. koilia, stom- ach ) Artery 791 Axis 791 Plexus 68 COELOM, see'loam (G. koilos, hollow) 47, 247 COELOM AT A, animals possessing a coelom 258 Introduction to 258-261 COELOMIC CIRCULATION OF EARTHWORM, selom'ic 271 COENENCHYMA, scnen'kima (G. koinos, common + enchein, infuse) . The calcified tissue of the coeno- sarc of Actinozoans. COENOCYTE, se'nosit (G. koinos, . common + kytos, hollow) 78, 207 COENOSARC, se'nosark (G. koinos, common + sarac, flesh ) 252 COENURUS, senu'rus (G. koinos + onra, tail) 294 A metacestode with a large blad- der, from the walls of which a large number of heads are formed. COHNHEIM'S FIELDS, definition of. 114 COITION, koi'shun (L. coitio, a going together ) Sexual copulation. COLCHWUM, kol'chikum (G. kolchi- kon, plant with poisonous bulbous roots ) 235 COLEOPTERA, koleop'tera (G. koleos, sheath -4- pteros, wing) 423 An order of Coleopteroidea. COLEOPTEROIDEA, koleopteroid'ea . .423 A sub-class of Pterygogenea. COLEPS HIRTUS, kol'eps hir'tus (G. koleps, bend or hollow of knee + L. liirtus, stubby) 154 C O L L A T ERAL FIBRO VASCULAR BUNDLES (L. cum, with + latera, sides) 236 COLLATERAL ORGANS OF INSECT.337 COLLATERIAL GLAND, kolete'rial (G. kolletos, from kollan, glue to- gether) 340 COLLECTING TUBULES 64, 505 COLLEMBOLA, kolem'bola (G. kolla, glue -f- embolan, peg or wedge) .422, 430 COLLENCHYMA, koleng'kima (G. kolla,, glue -f- enghyma, infusion) . .23^ INDEX 906 COLL1CULI, kulik'uli (L. colliculus, a little hill) 840 COLLOID, kol'oid (G. kolla, glue + eidos, form), definition of 94 COLON, koh'lon (G. kolon, member) .338 COLONIAL FORMS, living in colonies.129 GOLPIDIUM COL POD A 15 J, COLPODA, kolpo'da (G. kolpodes, winding sinews) 154 COLUBER ANTHONYI, kol'uber (L. coluber, serpent) 416 COLUMBUS 378 COLUMELLA, kol'yumell'ah (L. little column) 71, 72, 215 Of ear 867 Of Frog 45 COLUMNAE CARNEAE, kolum'nfi carnea (L. columnae + carnis, flesh) 778 COLUMNAR, definition of . . 109 COL YMBIFORMES, kolim'bif or'mez (G. kolymbun, divert + form) 425 Aquatic birds with webbed or lobed toes, feet far back and body carried upright, such as the loons and grebes. COMMISSURE, kom'isur (L. cum, to- gether + mittere, to send) 65 Of brain 843, 858 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY ....637-886 INTRODUCTION TO 637 CLASSIFICATION OF CHORDATA 639-663 INTEGUMENT 664 Of amphibia 668 Of birds 669 Of fishes 668 Of mammals 671 Of reptiles 669 Glands 672 Hair 672 Scales 675 ENDOSKELETON 681 Appendicular skeleton 698 Free appendages 707 Hip girdle 704 Limbs 707 Paired appendages 699 Regions of vertebral column 684 Skull 685 Summary of cranium 714 Summary of skeletal system 716 Vertebral column . . . . " 681 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 722 Detail study 728 Glands 741 Intestine 746 Liver 749 Oesophagus 744 Pancreas 751 Pharynx 742 Stomach . . 745 Summary .-. 751 Teeth 731-737 Tongue 738 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 757 Air-bladder and accessory or- gans 767, 770 Lungs and air-ducts 762 Summary 766 Swim-bladder 761 CIRCULATORY SYSTEM .772 Aorta and aortic arches 786 Arteries 78« Arteries of dorsal aorta 790 Detail studies 776 Development 781 Heart 776 Lymphatic system 799 Somatic arteries 791 Summary 800 Vascular system 779 Veins 793 Visceral arteries 791 UROGENITAL SYSTEM 806 Adrenal organs 822 Mesonephric ducts 809 Mesonephros 807 Metanephros 810 Organs of copulation 821 Oviducts , . . 814 Pronephros 807 Reproductive ducts 811 Summary 823 Urinary bladder 810 MUSCULAR SYSTEM 826 Visceral muscles 829 NERVOUS SYSTEM 833 Brain 838 Brain table 840-841 Cerebellum 859 Cerebrum 839 Cranial nerves 879 Diencephalon 856 Epiphysial structures 856 Medulla oblongata 859 Meninges 838 Mesencephalon 858 Neuromeres 837 Organs of special sense 865 Peripheral 876 Rhombencephalon 859 Spinal cord 835 Summary 860 Sympathetic . 878 Telae chorioideae 860 COMPLEMENT, definition of 199 COMPLEMENTAL MALES 327 A purely male form, usually small, living in close proximity to hermaph- roditic forms. COMPLETE FIBROVASCULAR BUN- DLE 232 COMPLETE FLOWER . . . 228 906 INDEX COMPLEX REFLEX ACTION 178 CONCENT RIG FIBRO VASCULAR BUNDLES 236 CONCH, konk (G. kongche, shell) ... .869 CONCHA, NASAL, kon'ka (L. shell) .515 CONCHOLOGIST, konkol'ojist 418 CONCLUSIONS, definition of 182 CONCRESCENCE, konkres'ens (L. cum, together + crescere, to grow) .452 CONDENSATION 38 CONDUCTING TISSUES, definition of 234 Mechanism 866 CONDUCTIVITY, kon'duktiv'iti (L. conducere, to lead together) 38 CONDYLE, kon'dill (L. condylus, knuckle) 72, 70S CONE (G. konos, a cone) 216, 223 CONEY 662 CONFLUENCE, kon'flooens (L. cum, with + fluere, to flow) 452 CONGO SNAKE 648 CONIDOSPORES, komd'io'spore (G. konidion, particle of dust -f spore } .211 CONJUGATION, kon'joogashun (L. cum, together with + jugare, yoke) .158 CONJUNCTIVA, kon'junktie'va (L. conjunctus, join together) 875 CONNECTIVE TISSUE (L. cum + nectere, to bind) 49, 109 CONSCIOUSNESS, stream of 174 CONSPICUOUSNESS VS. IMPOR- TANCE 32, 375 CONTINUITY, law of 376, 406 Physiological 150 CONTRACTILE, kontrak'til (L. cum -f trachere, to draw ) 93, 865 Fibrils 248 Theory 122 CONUS ARTERIOSUS (G. konus, cone) 790 CONVALLARIA, konvala'rea (L. con- valis, a valley enclosed on all sides ) .234 CONVECTION, konvek'shun (L. con- vehere, convey ) 38 CONVERGENT EVOLUTION, konver'- gent (L. convergere, to incline to- gether) 409 CONVOLUTIONS OF BRAIN, kon'vo- hi'shun (L. cum, together + volvere, to wind ) 843 COORDINATING FACTS 40 COORDINATION OF SUBJECTS STUDIED 34 COOTS, koots (M. E. coote, coot) 417 COPE 388 COPEPODA, kopep'oda (G. kote, oar + pous, foot) 421 COPULA, kop'yulah (L. cum, to- gether; apo, bind) 616, 740 COPULATION PATH . ..551 CO RAG 1 1 FORMES, kora'seef or'mez (G. korakias, a kind of raven -f- L. forma, shape ) 425 Arboreal roller-like birds such as swifts, kingfishers, owls, etc. CORACO-ARCUALES, kor'ako arkiifi- lez (G. korakinas, beak like a raven -f- L. arcus, a bow ) 831 Radiales 79 CORACOID, kor'akoid (G. korakoeides, like a crow's beak) 75 CORALLIUM, koral'ium (G. korallion, red coral ) 256 CORDS, MEDULLARY, definition of . .520 Ovarial 520 CORIUM, koh'reeum (L. leather) 665 CORK CAMBIUM (Sp. alcorque, cork) , definition of 231 CORM, k6rm (G. kormus, a trunk) . .255 CORNEA, kor'neeah (L. corneus, horny) 69, 872 CORNEUM, kdr'neeum (L. corneus, horny ) 665 CORNICLES, kor'nlklez (L. cornicu- lum, little horn) 372 CORNIFICATION, kor'nifika'shun (L. cornu, horn -f- facere, to make) .667, 737 CORNUA, kor'niuah (L. horn) 72 COROLLA, korSl'a (L. corona, a crown) 203, 2J,2 The petals of a flower. CORONA RADIATA OF BRAIN, koro'- na ra'dmta 849 CORONARY VESSELS, kor'onftrl (L. . corona, crown) 780 Crown-like vessels. CORONOID, kor'ohnoid (G. korone, crow) 697 CORPORA BIGEMINA, kdr'pfml blgem'ina 839 Quadrigemina 512 CORPUS ALBICANS, kor'pus al'bi- knns (L. corpus, body -{- alba, white) 863 Callosum 842 Cavernosum 820 Luteum 811 Mammilare 845 Restiforme 859 Striatum 839. 848 CORPUSCLES, BLOOD OF GRASS- HOPPER, kor'piials (L. corpusculus, a small body ) 339 CORRELATION CENTERS, definition of 847 CORRODENTIA, koroden'shia (L. com, together + rodere, gnaw) 423 An order of Blattaeformia. CORTEX, kor'teks (L. cortex, bark) . .216 The outer portion of an organ. Of brain 839 Primarv . . 230 INDEX 907 CORTI, ORGAN OF 869 CORTICAL PARENCHYMA, definition of 230 COSTA, kos'tah (L. costa, a rib) 335 COTYLEDON, kot'ile'don (G. kotyle, a cup ) 203 COTYLOID BONE, kot'Iloid (G. kotyle + eidos, form ) , definition of 707 COTYLOSAURIA, kot'ilosa'ria (G. kotyle + sauros, lizard) 694 COVERING TISSUES, definition of.. 234 COWPER'S GLAND 820 COXA, kok'sfi (L. coxa, hip) 328 COXOPODITE, koksop'odit (L. coxa + G. pous, foot) 31 ft CRANIAL NERVES (G. kranion, head) 67, 68, 861 CRANIATA, krania'ta (G. kranion, the skull) 424, 431, 543, 640 Definition of '. . .431 CRANIUM, kra'ninm (G. kranion, head) 73, 686 CRAYFISH 312-327 Adaptations 316 Autotomy 324 Circulatory system 318 Crustacea 325, 326 Digestive system 318 Excretory system 321 External appearance 313 Muscular system 323 Nervous system 321 Parasitic Crustacea 325 Regeneration 324 Reproductive system 323 Respiratory system 320 Sense organs 321 Serial homologies 316 CREMASTER MUSCLE, kremas'ter (G. kremannunai, to hang) 818 CREODONT, kre'odont (G. kreas, flesh +odous, tooth ) 73// CRESCENT, GRAY, definition of 552 CREST (L. cresta, a crest) 77 CRETINISM, kre'tinizm (F. cre- tinisme, probably Christian) 53 CRICKET, krik'et (M. D. kriecker, creaker ) Sj2 CRICOID, krik'old (G. krikos, a ring + eidos, form ) 762 CRIXOIDEA. krinoi'de (G. krinon, a lily -f- eidos, resemblance) 420, 428 A class of Echinodermata, the sea lilies or feather stars. CRISTA GALLI (L. crista, a crest -j- fjalhis, cock ) 868 CRITERIA FOR A SATISFACTORY EVOLUTIONARY THEORY 413 CROCIDURA COERULEA, krosidii'ra seru'lea (G. krokys, piece of woolen cloth -f- L. coeruleus, sky-colored) .678 CROCODILE HEART 785 CROCODILfA, krok'ohdill'eeah (L. crocodile) 425, 651, 653 CRO-MAGNON MAN (Gael.-Ir. cro, blood, death ) , definition of 400 CROP (M. E. croppe, top of plant) 329, 744 CROSSOPTERYGII, cross sop'teryg'ee- eye (G. krossoi, fringe; pteron, wing) 425, 642 CROTALINE SNAKES (G. krotalon, a rattle) 733 CROWN OF TOOTH 735 CRURA CEREBRI, kroo'ra cg'rebri (L. cms, leg + cerebrum, brain) 572, 839, 860 CRUREUS, kroo'reus (L. crus, leg) . . 82 The vastus internus muscle of the thigh. CRUS, kriis (L. crus, leg) 45, 708 CRUSTACEA, krusta'shia (L. crusta, a crust) 421, 429 A class of Arthropoda, mostly aquatic, that breathe by gills. CRYPTOBRAXCHUS ALLEGHENI- EN8I8, kriptobrang'kus (G. kryptus, hidden + brangcJtos, gill) 648 CRYPTOCEPHALA, kriptdsefalfi (G. kryptos, hidden -f kephale, head )'.'. 420 An order of Polychaeta. CRYPTODIRA, kriptodi'ra (G. kryptos + deire, neck) 652 CRYPTOGAMS, krip'togam (G. kryp- tos, hidden -j- gamos, union ) 225 CRYPTONISCUS, kriptonis'kus (G. kryptos + oniskos, a wood louse ) . . 327 CRYPTURJFORMES, kriptn"ifor'mez (G. kryptos, hidden + oura, tail -f- forma, form) 425 Flying terrestrial birds with short tail and no pygostyle, as Stinamus. CRYSTALLINE LENS, kris'talln (G. krystallinos, crystalline) 70 Transparent. " CRYSTALLOID, kris'taloid (G. krystal- los + eidos, form) 94 CTEIPHORA, tl'fora (G. kteinein, to kill -f pherein, to bring) 422 A sub-class of Arachnoidea. CTENOID, ten'oid (G. ktein, comb).. 676 CTEXOPHORA, tendf'ora (G. ktenos, a comb + pnoreo, I bear) 427 Transparent, free-swimming ma- rine animals, the Sea Walnuts or Comb Jellies. CUBITIS, kii'bitus (L. cuUtus, elbow). 335 CUBOID, ku'boid (G. kuboeides, cube- like) 109 908 INDEX VUBQMEDU8A.E, ku'bomf'du'se (L. cubus, a cube + medusae, medusa i . 256, 419 An order of Scyphozoa. CUCULIFORME8, ku'kulifor'niez (L. cuculus, a cuckoo + forma, form) . .425 Arboreal cuckoo-like birds with first and fourth toes directed back- wards. The fourth toe may be re- versible. CULEX, ku'leks (L. culex, a gnat) . . . 137 CULTURED MAN, definition of 27 CUNEIFORM, kiu'neeiform (L. cuneus, wedge ) 709 CURSORIAL, kerso'rial (L. cursorius, pertaining to running) 654 CUSP (L. cuspis, a point) 675, 736 A prominence, as on a tooth. CV 8 PI DATUM, kus'pidatum (L. cus- pidatus, made pointed) 220 A species of Sphagnum. CUTANEOUS, kiutay'neeus (L. cutis, skin) 793 CUTICLE, ku'tikl (L. cutis, skin). 93, 267 An outer skin or pellicle in zool- ogy. The epidermis in botany. CUTIS PLATES, definition of 591 CUVIER 379, 384, 388, 386, 415 CUVIER, DUCT OF, definition of.... 501 CYCLOID, sigh'kloid (G. kyklos, cir- cle), definition of 676 CYCLOPS, si'klops (G. kyklops, round- eyed) 305 CYCLOPTERUS, siklop'terus (G. kyklos, a circle -f pteron, wing)... 816 CYCLOSIS, siklo'sis (G. kyklosis, a whirling round) 139 The circulation or movement of protoplasm within a 'cell. CYCLOSTOMATA, sigh'klostow'matah, (G. kyklos, circle; stoma, mouth) . . . 424, 431, 640, 729 CYMOTHOIDAE, simotho'ide (G. kyma, anything swollen -f- thoos, quick or pointed + eidos, resem- blance ) 327 CYNOHYAEDON, smohle'don (G. kynos, dog + hyaina, hyena ) -. 73.) CYNTHIA BI PARTI A, sm'thia (G. kynthos, mountain in Greece) 554 CYPRINOIDS, sip'rinoids (G. kyprinos, a carp -f eidos) 761 CYPRIS, si'pris (&• kypris, Venus)... 327 CYST, sist (G. kystis, a bladder) ... . .151 CYSTIC ERCUS. sls'tiser'kus (G. kystis + kerkos, tail ) 294 The larval form or bladder-worm stage of certain tapeworms. CYtiTOFLA UKLLATA , sis'toflajelsVta (G. kystis, bladder + L. flagellum, whip) 151, 419 An order of Mastigophora. CYSTOGENOUS CELLS, sistoj'enus (G. kystis + genos, offspring) 28i) Large nucleated cells in the cer- caria of distomum which secrete the cyst. CYTOFACTS, si'tofakts (G. kytos, hollow -f- L. facere, to make) 91 CYTOLOGY, sltol'oji (G. kytos, hol- low -|- logos, discourse) 31 CYTOLYTIC, sitolit'ic (G. kytos -f lysis, loosing), definition of 200 CYTOPLASM, definition of 90 CYTOSTOME, sl'tostom (G. kytos + stoma, mouth ) 1 50 CYTOTROPIN, si'totro'pin (G. kytos +• trophe, nourishment) 200 DACTYLOPOPODITE, dak'tilop'odit (G. ddctylos, finger; pous, foot)... 31 4 DACTYLOZOOID, dak'tilozo'oid (G. dactylos, finger; zoon, animal) 255 DARBISHIRE, A. D 164 DARWIN, CHARLES 262, 385, 388, 397, 403, 749 DARWIN, ERASMUS 384 DARWINIAN THEORY UNSATIS- FACTORY 397 DASYPU8 SEXCINCTUS, das'ipiis (G. dasus, hairy + pous, foot + L. sex, six, cingo, to bind around ) 659 DAWSON 370 DECAPOD, dek'apod (G. deka, ten; pous, foot) 316 DECAPOD A, dekap'oda 326 DECIDUA BASALIS, desid'ua (L. de, away ; cadere, to fall ) 629 Capsularis 629 Reflexa 629 Serotina 629 Vera 629 DECIDUOUS TEETH, definition of.. 732 DEFERRED, definition of 178 DEGENERATION, dejenera'shun (L. degener, base) 325 DE GRAAF 380 DELAMINATION, delam'inashun (L. de, down; lamina, a layer), defini- tion of 107, 557, 561 DELTOID, dell'toid (G. delta, fourth letter of the Greek alphabet, triangu- lar in form) 80 DEMIBRANCH, de'mibrank (G. demi, half + branchia, gill) 758 DEM08PONGIAE, demospon'jie (G. demos, the people + spongos, sponge ) 419, 427 A class of porifera to which most sponges belong. INDEX 909 DEXDR1TES (G. dendron, tree) 68 DEXDROCOtiLUM GRAFFI, dend'ro- se'liim (G. dendron, tree -f- koilia, bowels ) 286 Lacteum 285 DENSITY 37 DENTAL FORMULA, den'tal (L. dens, tooth ) 739 Ridge 732 DENTARY, den'taree (L. dens, tooth). 12, 617, 697 DENTATUS GYRUS, denta'tus jlrus (L. dentatus, toothed + guros, turn) 884 Nucleus 859 DENTINE, den'tin (or teen), (L. dens, tooth), definition of 732 DENTITION, dentish'un 732 DEPRESSOR MUSCLES, depres'or (L. deprimere, to lower) 78, 829 Nerve 755 DERMAL BONES, der'mal (G. derma, skin ) , definition of 677 DERMAL MUSCLES, definition of . . . .826 DERM AFTER A, dermap'tera (G. derma, skin -f- pteron, wing) 426 An order of Orthopteroidea. DERMARTICULARE, der'marticula'- re ( G. derma, skin ; L. articulare, to divide into joints) 697 DERM A TO GEN, der'matojen (G. derma, skin; qiqnesthai, to produce). 228 DERMA TOM E, derr'matome ( G. derma, skin; tomos, cutting), defini- tion of 502 DERMIS, der'mis (G. derma, skin)... 46 Component parts of 665 DERMOCHELYS CORLACEA, der- mok'ells (G. derma, skin + chelus, tortoise) 652 DERMOPTERA, dermop'tera (G. derma, skin + pteron, wing) 423 DERO, de'ro (G. dero, neck) 286 A sub-class of Oligochaeta. DEROTREME8, derotrems (G. dero, neck + trema, a hole) 760 DE SAUSSURE 381 DESCEMETS MEMBRANE, definition of 579 DESCRIPTION VS. EXPLANATION. 40 DE8MOGNATHUB FUSCUS, desmoj?'- nfithus (G. desmos, a band, -f- G. (jnathos, jaw) 6.'t8 DESSICATION (L. desiccare, to dry np) 147 DEUTOMERITE, dutom'erit (G. deu- teros, second; meros, part) 151 DEUTOPLASM, dii'toplasm (G. deute- ros, second + plasma, something formed), definition of 550 DEVELOPMENT, definition of 31 Of digestive canal 723 DE VRIES, HUGO 388, 403, 679 DEXTROSE (L. dexter, right + glukos, sweet) 187 DIAGNOSIS, di'agno'sis (G. dia, through; gignoskein, to know), cor- rectness of 20 DIAPHRAGM, dye'aframm (G. dia, between; phragnymi, to inclose). 755, 756 DIASTASE, di'astas (G. dia, through; histanai, to set), definition of 268 DIASTOLE, di'as'tole (G. diastole, difference) 58 DIATOM, diatom (G. dia, through; temnein, to cut ) . 124 DIBOTHRIO CEPHALUS LATU8, diboth'reosef 'alus 296, 301 Same as Bothriocephalus. DIBRANCHIA, dibrang'kia (G. di, two + branchia, gills ) 42 1 An order of Cephalopoda with two gills, two kidneys, and two auricles. Shell enveloped by a mantle. DICELLURA, • dlsel'ura (G. dis -f kulus, hollow) 422 An order of Campodeoidea. DICOTOPHYME RENALE (G. diko- tyledon -f- phyme, to grow in the body) 306 DICOTYLEDON, dlkotlle'don (G. di, two; kotyledon, cup-shaped hollow). 221 .DICYEMA PARADOXUM, disi'ema ( G. dis, twice + kyema, embrvo ) . . 307 DWYEMIDAE, disiem'ide (G. di, two + kyema, embryo ) 306 DIDELPHIA, didel'fia (G. di, two + delphis, womb) 426, 431. «57 Definition of 431 DIDELPHY8 DORSIGERA, didel'fTs dorsij'era 057 DIDINIUM, cli'dinium 73.9 DIEM ICTY LU-S VIRLDESCENS, dlemik'tilos (G. diameno, to perse- vere + ichthys, fish ) 649 DIENCEPHALON, diensef'alon (G. dia, between ; engkephalon, brain ) 480, 840, 8J,2 DIFFERENTIATION, dif'eren'shia- shun (L. differe, to differ) Anterior -posterior 265 Dorso- ventral 265 DIFFLUGIA, difloo'ji'a (L. diffluere, to flow apart) 148 A genus of Rhizopods. DIFFUSION (L. dis, apart; fundere, to pour) . 37, 38 Becoming widely spread. IUGENEA, dljen'ea (G. di, two + genes, sexes ) 420 Trematod-a which pass through several different stages in their life history. 910 INDEX DIGENETIC, dljenet'Ik (G. dis, twice; gignesthai, to produce) 288 DIGESTION, dijes'chun (L. digestio, digestion) 30, 03 DIGESTIVE CANAL 47 Glands 49 System 47 Tract, development of 494 DIGIT, dij'it (L. digitus, finger) ..45, 708 DIGITATUM, dij'itfitiim (L. digitatus, . having fingers or toes ) 256 Applied to leaves with finger-like divisions or processes. DIGITIGRADE, dij'itigrade (L. digi- tus, finger, toe; gradus, step, walk).714 DILATOR, dil'fit'or (L. dilitare, to expand ) 7tf,°f DIMORPHIC, dlmor'fic (G. dis, twice; morphe, form ) 255 DINOFLAGELLATA, dmdfla'jelata (G. dinos, a round area, -f- L. flagellum, a whip) 151, 41!) An order of Mastigophora. DINORNITHIFORMES, dmornithifor'- mez (G. deinos, terrible, + ornis, bird -|- L. forma, form ) 425 An order of extinct Aves, that were flightless^, with enormous hind limbs, and no wing bones. The Moas. DINOSAUR, di'nosawr (G. deinos -f sauros, lizard) 05 1 DIOCOELE, dio'sel, opening in dien- cephalon, definition of 511 DTODON MACULATU8, di'odon (G. dis, twice + odous, tooth) tf.J5 DIOECIOUS, die'shiis (G. dis, twice + oikia, house) 217 DIOSCORIDES, dloskor'Idez (Name of Greek physician) 376 DIPHYCERCAL, diff'eesir'kel (G. diplii/es, twofold; kerkos, tail) 084 DIPHYODONT, dif'oodont (G. di, two + phein, to produce -f- odous, tooth). 733 Having two sets of teeth. DIPLOBLASTIC, dip'ldblas'tic (G. diploos, double; blastos, bud); con- sisting of two germ-layers 247 DTPLOCOCCI, diplokok'si (G. diploos, double + kokkos, berry) 100 DIPLOGLOSSATA, diploglosa'ta (G. diploos, double + glossa, tongue) . .423 An order of Orthopteroidea. DIPLOID, dip'loid (G. diploos, double + eidos}. definition of 101 DIPLOPQ.DA, diplop'ddfi. (G. diploos, double -+- pous, foot) 422 An order of Progoneria. DIPKEU8TI, dipniis'ti (G. di, two + pneustos; f. pnein, to breathe) .425,045 DIPNOAN. dip'noan (G. dis, twice; pncin , to breathe ) 084 l)ir\Ol, dip'noi (L. dipnous, double breathing) 425, 045 DIPTERA, dip'tera (G. dis, twice; pteron, wing) 330, 345, 424 DIPYLIDIUM CAN1NUM, dipeli'dium ( G. dipylos, with two gates ) 296 Latum -301 DISCOGL08SU8, diskoglos'us (G. diskos, disk + glossa, tongue) 813 DISCO1DAL, SEGMENTATION, defini- tion of 1 00 DISCOIDES, diskoi'des (G. diskoeides, disk-shaped) U,8 W8VQWEDU8AM, discomcdu'sa (G. diskos, a disk -(- L. medusae, me- dusa) 419 An order of Scyphozoa, in which umbrella is disk shaped. DISCRIMINATION, definition of 175 DISSECTION OF FROG 7/8 DISSEPIMENTS, disep'iments (L. dis, apart; saepire, to hedge in) 200 DISSIMILATION, definition of 125 DISTAL, dis'tal (L. dis, apart; stare, to stand), definition of. 70, 248 DISTENSIBLE 05 DISTILLATION 38 DISTOMA BU8KI J(G. dis, two + stoma, mouth) 293 A name for the various genera of Trematoda. Felineus 292 Sinensis 293 .DI8TOMUM CONJUNCTIVUM 292 .DISTRIBUTION, dis'trTbu'shun (L. dis, apart; tribuere, to allot), geo- graphical, definition of 32 DIVERTICULA, di'vertik'tila (L. de, away ; rertere, to turn ) 722 DIVISION OF LABOR, divizh'fm (L. dimdere, to divide), definition of.. 120 DOCILITY, definition of 175 DOG— Skull 69', S\veat-glands of 074 DOGFISH— Brain 85.), 857 Dissected 153, 802 Eye muscles of 827 Longitudinal section of 853 Urogenital organs 820 DOG-SHARK 041 nOLICHOGLOSSVtt KOWALEVSKI. ddlikoglo'siis (G. dolichos, long + glossa, tongue ) $46 DOLPHIN 662 DOMINANCE, definition of 103 DORSAD, definition of. (See prefixes and suffixes at top of Index-Glos- sary,) DORSAL AORTA, dor'sal (L. dorsum, back) J8 INDEX 911 DORSU YEXTKALITY. definition of. .:>(!f> DOUBLE CIRCULATION, definition of 535 DRACUN CU LU S MEDINENSIS, drakung'kuliis (L. little dragon )... 305 A genus of Nematode parasites. DREPANIDOTAENIA SETIGERA ... 298 DRONE 353 DUALIST IN PHILOSOPHY 174 DU BOIS-REYMOND 380 DUCK-BILL 65IJ DUCT OF BOTALLUS, dukt (L. ducere, to lead), definition of 531 of gall bladder and pancreas. ... ^8 DUCTLESS GLANDS 751 DUCTUS BOTALLI 531, 596 Cuvieri 501 Venosus 501 DUGUNG '...661 DUMAS 380 DUODENAL LOOP, definition of 590 DUODENUM, diu'ohdee'num (L. duo- deni, twelve ) !f8, 49 DURA MATER, diu'rah mah'ter (L. dura, hard; mater, mother) ... .67, 838 DYAD, diad (G. dyas, two), definition of 102 EAR— External 869 Inner 867 Middle 869 Of locust 336 Stones 868 EAR BONES OF MAMMALS 807 EAR DRUM OF FROG 45 EARTHWORM 262-284 Behavior 281 Circulatory system ' 209 Digestive system 267 Embryology 279 Excretory system 272 External appearance 264 Grafting 283 Internal structure 266 Nervous system . 273 Oogenesis 279 Regeneration 282 Reproductive system 275 Respiration 272 Sense organs 275 ECDYSIS, gkdi'sis (G. ek, out; dyein, to enter ) , definition of 330 ECHIDNA ACULEATA, ekid'nfi (L. echidna, an adder ) 656 Hy striae 656 ECHIDNIDAE, ekid'nide (L. echidna + G. eidos) 657 ECHWNODERMATA, ekmoder'mata (G. echinos, a sea hedge-hog -(- derma, skin) . . 428 Radially symmetrical, spiny- skinned sea animals. UCHINOIDEA, ekinoi'dea (G. echinos, a hedge-hog + eidos, form) . . .420, 428 A class of Echinodermata such as the sea urchin and sand dollar. HCHINORHYNCHUS, ekmoring'kus (G. echinos + hynchos, snout) 306 ECHIUROIDEA, ekiuroi'dea (G. echis, adder + oura, tail + eidos) 310 EGHIURUS PALLA8I, ekiu'rus (G. echis -\- oura ) 31 1 ECOLOGY, ekol'oji (G. oikos, house; loyos, discourse) 31 The study which deals with the relationship between organisms and their surroundings. ECONOMIC BOTANY, definition of . . 32 Zoologv 32 ECTOBLAST, ek'tdblast (G. ektos, without; blastos, bud) ECTOCHONDROSTOSIS, ek'tokondros- to'sis (G. ektos, without; chondros, cartilage; osteon, bone), definition of 681 ECTODERM, ek'toderm (G. ektos, out- side; derma, skin), definition of.... 106 ECTOPLASM, ek'toplazm (G. ektos, outside ; plasma, something moulded ) . 310 The external layer of protoplasm in a cell, usually slightly modified. ECTOPROCTA, ektoprok'ta (G. ektos, -\- proktos, anus), definition of 310 ECTOSARC, ek'tosark (G. ektos, out- side; sarx, flesh), definition of 121 EDENTATA, ee'dentay'tah (L. e, with- out; dens, tooth) 426, 658 EDUCATION 32 EDWARD8IIDEA, edwardzl'ide (named after Henry Milne-Edwards, a French naturalist ) 420 An order of Zoantharia. EEL '.(/.'/.$ EFFERENT DUCTS, definition of . . . .610 EFT 6J8 EGESTION, ejes'chun (L. ex, out; gerere, to carry) 30, 63 EGG AXIS (Icel. egg), definition of.. 553 Tooth, definition of 737 EGGS, OF PARASITIC WORMS 301 Frogs 44 EIMER 404 EJACULATORY DUCT IN EARTH- WORM, ejak'ulatory (L. ex, out; jacere, to throw) 272 ELASMORRANCHII, eelas'mowbran'- kee-eye (G. elasmos, plate; branchia, gills) 424, 641 ELASTIC SHEATHS, definition of... 612 912 INDEX ELASTOIDIN, elastol'din (G. elastikos, elastic) 699 ELECTROTROPISM, elektrotro'pizm (G. electron, amber + trope, turn- ing ) , definition of 127 ELEMENTARY EMBRYOLOGY 100 ELEPHANTIASIS, elefantl'asis (G. for elephant disease) 304 ELLIOT 592 ELYTRA, ellt'ra (G. elytron, sheath) .336 The anterior wing of certain in- sects, hard and case-like; one of the scales or shield-like plates found on the dorsal surface of some worms. EMBIDARIA 423 A sub-class of Siphunculata. EMBIIDINA 423 An order of Embidaria. EMBRYO, em'brio (G. embryon, em- bryo ) 624 EMBRYOLOGICAL AREA, definition of 460 EMBRYOLOGY 31 Elementary 100 Of bee 362 Of chick • 433-543 Of earthworm 279 Of frog 543-618 Of insects 346 Of mammal 619-633 EMBRYONIC DISC OF CHICK 456 Of lizard 458 EMBRYOMC SHIELD, definition of.. 624 Sac 244, 464 EMERIA STTEDAE 152 EMOTIONS, definition of 174 EMPIS, em'pis (G. empis, a mosquito or gnat) 330 EMULSION, definition of 50, 94 ENAMEL ORGAN, enam'el (O. F. esmaillier, to coat with enamel), definition of 732 ENCYRTU8, enser'tus (G. enkyrtos, curved in ) 345 ENCYST, ensist' (G. en, in; kystis, bladder) 127, 129 For a small animal or a cell to surround itself with an outer coat. ENDOCARDIUM, en"d6kfir'(lium (G. endon, within; kardia, heart) 470 ENDOCRINE GLANDS, endokrm (G. endon, within ; krinein, to separate ) . 52 ENDOCRINOLOGY , . 744 ENDODERM or ENDODERMIS, en'do- derm (G. endon, within; derma, skin), definition of 106, 229, 230 ENDOLYMPHATIC DUCT, definition of 581, 867 ENDOLYMPH SAC, endolimf (G. endon, within ; lymph, water ) 866 E N D O P A RAS1T1C, en'dopfir'fislt'ik (G. endon, within; para, beside; sitos, food), definition of 288 ENDOPLASM, en'dopliizm (G. endon, within; plasma, something moulded) See Endosarc. ENDOPODITE, endop'odlt (G. endon, within ; pous, foot ) 31 '/ The inner or mesial branch of a biramous crustacean limb, or the only part of a biramous limb re- maining. END ORGANS 864 ENDORHACHIS, gndor'akis (G. endon, within -f- rachis, spine) 838 ENDOSARC, en'dosark (G. endon, within ; sarx, flesh) 121 The inner portion (or endoplasm) of the protoplasm in a cell. ENDOSKELETON, en'doskel'eton (G. endon, within ; skelletos, hard ) 46 The inner skeleton as opposed to the exoskeleton. ENDOSPERM, Sn'dosperm (G. endon, within; sperma, seed), definition of 240, 245 ENDOSPORE, Sn'dospor (G. endon, within; sporos, seed), definition of.. 191 ENDOSTYLE, en'dough'style (G. endo, within; stylos, column), definition of 544, 744 ENDOTHELIUM, en'dotheTium (G. endon, within; thele, nipple), defini- tion of 271, 470 ENERGY 30 ENGLISH LANGUAGE, need of 40 E NT AMOEBA BUCOALIS (G. entos, within -j- amoeba ) 142 Coli ' U4 Dentalis 142 Gingivalis - 142 Hystolytica 142 PJNTEROBIUS VERMWULARIS ....301 ENTERON, en'teron (G. enteron, gut) 280 The alimentary tract. ENTEROPNEU8TA 424, 640 E N T O C H ONDROSTOSIS, en'tokon- drosto'sis (G. entos, within ; chon- dros, cartilage; osteon, bone), defini- tion of 681 ENTODERM, en'toederm (G. endo + derma, skin ) 106 ENTOMESODERM, definition of 362 ENTOMOLOGIST, entomol'ojist (G. entomon, insect; logos, discourse), definition of .418 ENTONISCLDAE, entonis'kidr- (G. entos, within + oniskos, a wood louse ) 327 ENTOPROCTA, entoprok'ta (G. entos -(- proktos, anus), definition of 310 INDEX 913 ENTOVARIAL CANAL, en'tova'rial (G. entos, within; L. ovum, egg), definition of 816 ENVELOPES, FLORAL, en'velups (F. enveloppe, covering) 242 ENVIRONMENT, environment (F. environ, about) 32, 157 The sum total of the external in- fluences acting on an organism. ENZYME, en'zim (G. en, in; zyme, leaven) 95, 189 A chemical or unorganized, soluble ferment. EPARTERIAL BRONCHI, ep'ftrterial bronkl (G. epi, upon; L. arteria, artery + G. bronchus, a windpipe) .770 The first branch of the right bronchus. EPAXIAL MUSCLES, epak'sifil (G. epi, upon; L. axis, axis), definition of 826 EPENDYMA, epen'dima (G. ependyma, outer garment), definition of 572 EPHEMEROIDEA 423 A sub-class of Pterygogenea. EPIBLAST, ep'Iblast (G. epi, upon; blastos, bud) , definition of 106 EPIBOLE or EPIBOLY, epib'oli (G. epi, upon; lallein, to throw), defini- tion of 107, 557 EPICARDIUM, ep'ikar'dmm (G. epi, upon ; kardia, heart ) , definition of . 520 EPICOELE, ep'Icel (G. epi, upon; koilos, hollow), definition of 461 EPICORACOID, ep'ikor'akoid (G. epi, upon ; korax, crow ; eidos, resem- blance) 76 Pertaining to an element, usually cartilaginous, at the sternal end of the coracoid in amphibians, reptiles, and monotremes. EPICRANIUM, ep'ikranmm (G. epi, upon ; kranion, skull ) 334 The region between and behind the eyes in an insect's head. EPIDERMIS, ep'ider'mis . (G. epi, upon ; derma, skin ) 46, 229 Component parts of 665 EPIDIDYMIS, ep'idid'imls (G. epi, upon; didymos, testicle), definition of 284, 519, 814 EPIGENESIS, ep'ljen'esls (G. epi, upon ; gignesthai, to be born ) , defini- tion of 382 EPI-HYAL, ep'lhi'al (G. epi, upon; hyoeides, Y-shaped) 738 Pertaining to the upper portion of the ventral portion of the hyoid arch. As a noun, the upper element of the ventral portion. EP1MERA, epi'mera (G. epi -f meros, thigh), definition of 315 EPIMERE, ep'imer (G. epi, upon; meros, part) 460 EPIMYOCARDIUM, epl'mid'kardium (G. epi -f- mys, muscle -f- kardia, . . heart) , definition of 529 EPINEPHRIN, epinef'rin (G. epi -f nephros, kidney ) 823 EPIPHARYNX, definition of 337 EPIPHYSIS, epif'isls (G. epi, upon; phyein, to grow) 66, 490, 681, 852 Of frog 45 EPIPLOIC FORAMEN, ep'iplo'ik fora- men (G. epiploon, the caul -f- L. foramen, an opening ) The opening between the bursa omentalis and the large sac of the peritoneum; the foramen of Winslow. EPIPODITE, eplp'odit (G. epi, upon; pous, foot) 314 A process arising from the basal joint of the crustacean limb and usually extending into the gill cham- ber. EPISTERNUM, ep'ister'nfim (G. epi, upon ; sternum, breast bone ) 76 EPISTROPHEUS, ep'Istro'feus (G. epistropheus, turning ) 684 The axis vertebra. EPITHALAMUS, ep'ithal'amus (G. epi, upon; thalamos, chamber), defi- nition of 852 EPITHELIOID BODIES, definition of .587 EPITHELIUM, ep'ithe'lmm (G. epi, upon; thele, nipple) ; surface tissue. 108 EPITRICHIUM, ep'itrlk'ium (G. epi, upon ; thrix, hair ) 657 An outer layer of the epidermis in the foetus of many mammals, usually shed before birth. EQUAL SEGMENTATION, ekwal (L. aequalis, equal), definition of 106 EQUATORIAL PLANE, e'kwator'ial (L. aequalis, equal) 98 EQUIDAE, ek'wide (L. equus + G. eidos, like) .662 EQUILIBRIUM, ORGAN OF 323, 809 EQUISETALES, ekwiseta'lez (L. equus 4- seta + o,les ) 223 One of the fern allies. EQUI8ETUM FUNSTONT, ekwise'tum (L. equus -f- seta, bristle) 224 One of the fern allies. ERROR, PROBABILITY OF, CHART. 20 ERYOP8, er'iops (G. eryein, to draw out -f ops, face) 082 ERYTHROCYTES, erith'roslts (G. erythros, red; kytos, hollow) 56 The red blood cells. ESSENTIAL ORGANS, definition of.. 228 ETHICS . . 40 I M)i.\ ETHMOID, eili'moid (01f> KT10GENOIS EUGENICS, ujen'iks (G. «-M, well | ,; / I ////.'/»•/,!, uthe'ria (G. n,, well -f- /Arnon, a beaut) 42tt. 4:11. <>a7 I). Unit ion of 4.'il / / nn A/./7M, uthinu'ra (G. ri///n/«. straight + neuron, nerve) i ' I A sub-class of Gastropoda. IMAGINATION, pvfiji»iVshun ( L. <>, tmt; vagina, sheath) . 2!>'i The proeews of unsheathing, or |n«)(luct of this process; an out growth. KVAI'OKATION MS I-VIDKNCE FOR EVOLUTION 40(J EVOLUTION, ^volu'shftn (L. t'n>h,,,. to unroll i 402-413 Cause of , 412 * 'onvrr^vnt 412 * of 412 Criteria for a sat isfuci.u \ llu-orv of ' '.413 Divergent 4 I'J KxiiU'iiiT for KM; Evidence against -Ins riulivid\ial 31 i;:u>ial 31 Summary oi «-\ iili-nci- H-.' I \CKET1ON, ekskn-'Nliun ( L. «.* , out; . . nn a, to shift) 30 Act of eliminating waste material, or the product of the process I M'lJETOHY SYSTEM tl3 I -Aui'CIPITAL, eksokaip'ital (L. e-jr -f nt'fiput, back of head) 73 i \tu oi !.<>M. ,-x ..so'lom (L. r.r -f G. /,.u7ow, hollow), definition of 461 i Mu'IUNE GLANDS, eks'okrin (L. G. krino, I separate) 52 KXONAUTE8 GILBKRTI, eks5nft't6z (G. rxo, outside + Hunt*-*, sailor) .<; '/ ', KXOI'oDITK. .'k^op'odit. (U. evo, without ; IKHIH. foot I ,>'/ ) Tin- oiitrr brani'h of a tvp'cal hira mous crustacean limb. K \OSKELETON, ek'sosk^h-ton ( (!. , 9O, without ; ,s7i» 'It-ton, hard) 347 A hard supporting struct HIT .secreted by tlic ectoderm or by t he •kin. I-. \riKATlON, .'kspira'shfui (L. , -.,-. out; spirare, to breathe) 30 BXTENSILlS TONGUE 47 i:\TENSION, definition of 43. 7H EXTENSORS si'it EXTERNAL CAPSULE Ol«' HKAIN st!» Gills 549 INTERNAL EAR OF FROG, ekster'- nal (L. externus, outside) J .. EXTRA EMBRYONAL AREA. .Idini tion of I t'.n lAIKA EMBRYONIC MEM BRA MIS KXUMBRELLA, ekaumbreTa (L. - out; umbru, -hade), dclinitioii of. .'..I KYE MUSCLES (M. E. ighe) Lens 4!H Birds ,S?'/ FABELLA, fabel'fi (L. faMella, a small bean) 710 FABRIC1US, fabre'shus (L. fabric*. a German entomologist) .'IS I FACIAL, fA'shal (L. farics, face) C.s FA.CIOLOP818 BUSKl !!> :? FACTS, COORDINATING 40 PACTS VS. INTERPRETATIONS 32 KAKCKS, fe'sez (L. faeces, dregs) .... 50 The excrement or waste matter from the bowels. I •' \LCIFORM, fftl'siffirm (L. fair, sickle) ;,37 Sickle-shaped or scythe-shaped. Process of eye 87ni forme/ ( L. /a/ro, a falcon -f forma, form) .... 426 An order of falcon-like Ares with curved beak, hooked at end, and sharp, strong claws. FALLOPIAN, falo'pian (after Kallo plus, an anatomist). See Oviduct. KALLOl'll S, ITALIAN ANATOM1ST.37S !• \IA ( KKi:i;Kl. fAlks cerebri (L. fair, a sickle) S.1S FAMILY, famili (L. familia, the household ) 4 1 f> / I \ \/ I c\ MCVLAR18 . . .368 FASCIA, fAi-li'isi (L. fam-ia, u hand or bandage) 78. 838 An erishea then ing band of connec- tive 1.i--u<-. 1CULUS, FASCICULI, fa'siku- IHH uli (L. a little bundle) . . . .828, 836 The direct pyramidal tract or tracts. FASCIOLA HEPATICA, faseola (L. a -trip of cloth) %m The liver fluke, also railed Dig- toma. FASCIOLAR1S GYRUS, fas'Iola'rls jl'rus (L. fascwla, a small bandage). 8^4 OIOJ*LOP8I8 ItLHKI 292, 301 i AT BODY (A. S. faett, fat ) 48 FATS, definition of ,'..;*. ,'-. . 90 FAUCES, fawV'K (L. throat) .739 FEATHER— Development of .-....- 057 Structure of ,<.H /. y. ' . .670 Tracts .;-. . ,v./.rf, * , ; ..1C,:.?. 069 FEELINGS, definition of 174 FELIDAE ^ ,f >. , , 058 I I. LI 8 LEO ,, ..,..; . , ; , . ^ . . 73/, FEMORAL, FEMORIS, fem'oral, or is ( L. femur, thigh ) . 792 Pertaining to the thigh. I J. MORAL PORES, definition of. 009, 073 FEMUR, fe'mur (L. thigh), definition of ......-;".,. ....77, 707 I-KNESTRA OVALK .808 FENESTRA OVAL16 715 Rotunda 808 Tympani 808 i KKUGREK y.; FKRMEKT, fer'rnent ( L. ft-rmentum, ferment) 50, 92, 188 FERN ALLIES 22', FERTILIZATION, fer'^ilixa'shun (L. fvrtilis, fertile) 97, 104 Artificial „ 205 Meridian 550 FfltRILLAE, fibrll'e (L. fibrilta, nmall fib-r) ..../ -.112 The thread-like branches of roots; minute elastic fibers secreted within l<< rigin cells; minute muscle-like ili reads found in various Infusoria, (HO called from being found in hay infusions) . : 1 1 ."i FIBULA, fib'ul;, (L. .-lanp or buH.I, 77, 703 The outer ami smaller bone of tin ittlri. . 1 98 .617 FIJUiOBLASTS F I BROS SHEATH FIMROVASCULAK BUNDLE 210 Bi-collateral 230 Closed collateral 230 Collateral 230 Complete 232 Concentric . . 230 Incomplete 232 Radial ...23<» Platyhelminthes and Nema- t helrninthes. FLEAS - .MU 916 INDEX FLEXION, flek'shun (L. flexus, bent) . 43, 78 FLEXORS, definition of 829 FLOCCULUS, flok'ulus (L. a little piece of wool ) 859 A small accessory lobe on each lateral lobe of the cerebellum. FLORAL ENVELOPES, flo'ral (L. //os, flower ) 2.}2 Organs 2j2 FLOUNDER 645 FLOWER CL..flos, flower), purpose of. 242 FLOWERING PLANTS MM FLOWERS (L. flos, flower) 242 The blossom of a plant, compris- ing generally sepals, stamens, and pistils. A leafy shoot adapted for repro- ductive purposes. FLUKE, LIVER 289-293 . Asiatic lung 291 Bronchial 291 FLY 307-371 Foot of 333 Head of 333 Killers . 371 Life history 3(59 FLYING FiiSH 044 FOETUS, or FETUS, fetus (L. foetus, offspring ) 624 An embryo in the egg or in the uterus. FOLIACEOUS, folifi'shiis (L. folium, a leaf) 315 Leafy. FOL1OSE LICHEN, fo'lios li'ken (L. folium, leaf; G. leichen, liver wort). FOLLICLE, fol'ikl (L. folliculus, a little bag) 442 A capsular fruit which opens on one side only. FOLLICLE, GRAAFIAN . .443 FONTANELLE, fontaneT (F. a little fountain ) 72, 684 A gap or space between bones of the cranium, closed only by a mem- brane. FOOT CELLS OF SERTOLI . . . . 520, 811 FORAMEN, FORAMINA, foramen, rfi'- mena Any opening. FORAMENIFERA, loraminifera (L. foramen, a hole; ferre, to bear) .148, 418 An order of Rhizopoda. FORAMEN MAGNUM 72 Of Panizza 786 Ovale, definition of 534 FORE BRAIN* 472 Gut 455-484 FOREIGN LANGUAGES, value of. ... 41 FORMATION OF GERM LAYERS IN MAMMAL . . 622 FORMATIVE POLE, definition of.... 105 FORN1CATUS GYRUS, fornikfitus jirus (L. fornicatus, arched) 844 FORNIX, fOr'niks (L. an arch or vault) 845 An arched sheet of longitudinal fibers beneath the corpus callosum. FOSSA, fOs'fi (L. a pit or cavity) 72 A ditch or trench-like impression. Hypophyseos 687 Rhomboidalis 800 FOSSIL, fos'il ( L. fossilis, dug up ) . . Remains 399 Kndex 398 FOSSORIAL 654 FOVEA CENTRALIS, fo'veft (L. fovea, depression ) 873 FRENULUM, fren'ulum (L. a bridle or bit) .A fold of membrane as of tongue or clitoris. FRENUM, fre'num (L. bridle) 73/> A frenulum. FRICTION RIDGES ....678 FROG— Arteries 59 Brow spot 45 Circulatory system 53 Columella 45 Digestive system 47 Ear 45, 71 Egg 44 Embryology — Comparison of Tadpole and Chick. 543 Blastulation 553 Classification of chordata 543 Embryo formation 564 Fertilization 550 Gastrulation 550 Later development of tadpole . . . 569 Lateral line organs 582 Maturation 552 Medullary plate . 5f!2 Nervous system 570 Somites . 568 Digestive Tract 585 Midgut derivatives 589 Hindgut derivatives 590 Mesodermal Somites 591 Table of Somites 592 Circulatory System 594 Arterial system 590 Heart 594 Origin of — Circulatory system 599 Venous system 599 Lymphatic system 602 Septum transversum 604 Urogenital System 605 Adrenal bodies 610 Epinephroi 610> Mesonephros 608; INDEX 917 Wolffian body 608 Skeletal system 612 Skull 613 Epiphysis 45 Eustachian tube 45 Excretory system 63 External features 44 Eye 69 Fat bodies 86 Glands , 52 Heart ~* Histology lOv. Internal structure . . 46 Iris '... 44 Medial eye 45 Muscular system 77 Names of 45 Nervous system 65 Olfactory organ 71 Orbft 44 Rep\ >ductive system 85 Resp, ration 62 Sense organs 68 Skeleton 73 Summary 117 Tongue 71 Touch and pressure 71 Tympanic membrane 44 Veins . 60 FROG-SPIT, definition of 204 FROND, frond (L. frons, leafy branch ) 223 A leaf, especially of fern. FRONTAL, frun'tal (L. frons, brow) . . 73 In the region of the forehead. FRONTALS 617 FRONTIGENA 335 FRUIT, frfit (L. fructus, fruit), defini- tion of 227, 242 FUCUS, fukus, experiment on eggs of, (G. fykos, sea-weed) 206 FUN ARIA, fumYria (L. funarius, be- longing to a rope) 211, 220 FUNCTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, fungk'- shunal (L. functus, performed), defi- nition of 175 FUNDAMENTAL TISSUES, definition of 229 FUNDUS, fun'dus (L. the bottom; the base of an organ ) FUNGI, fiin'ji (L. fungus, a mush- room) 190, 203, 208 FUNGIFORM, fun'jiform (L. fungus, a mushroom ) 739 Shaped like a fungus. FUNGI TUBE 208 FUNICULUS, fiunik'yulus (L. a small rope or cord) 244, 836 A small cord or band of fibers, especially in the brain. FURCULA, fur'kiulah (L. a little fork) 329, 704 A forked process or structure, the merry-thought bone. FUSCA, fus'ka (L. fuscus, dark, dusky) 249 GADOW 652 GADUS MORRHUA, ga'dus morua (L. gadus, cod-fish ) 644 GALEN 376, 388 GALL 750 GALL-BLADDER, gol (A. S. gealla, gall) 48, 50 GALLERIA MELLON ELL A 365 GALL-FLY 345 GALLIFORMES, galifor'mez (L. gallus, a cock -+- forma, form) 425 An order of fowl-like birds with feet adapted for perching. GALLS 192 GALTON 384 GAMBUSA, gambu'sfi (Cu. gambasina, nothing ) 138 GAMETE, ga'met (G. gametes, spouse) 85 GAMETOCYTE, game'toslt (G. gametes + kytos, hollow) 132 GAMETOGENESIS, gametojen'esis (G. gametes -+- genesis, birth) 100 GAMETOPHYTE,g!\me't6flt (G. gametes -f phyton, plant) 215, 220 GANGLIA, gang'glia (G. ganglion, little tumor ) 68 Brain 847 GANGLION CELLS, gan'gleeon (G. a tumor ) 115 Gasserian 65 GANOID, gan'oid (G. ganos, bright) .643 GARPIKE 643 GASSERIAN GANGLION, gasee'rian (from a physician, Gasser) . .65, 513, 884 Same as semilunar ganglion. GASTRIC, gas'trik (G. gaster, stom- ach) 317 Of birds 754 GASTRIC MILL, diagram of 317 GASTROCNEMIUS, gas'troknee'meus ( G. gaster, stomach ; kneme, shank ) 80 GASTROCOEL, gas'trohseal (G. gaster, stomach ; koilos, hollow) 722 GASTRO-HEPATIC OMENTUM 537 GASTROPODA, gastrop'oda (G. gaster + pous, foot ) 421, 424 A class of Molhisca such as snails, slugs, etc. GASTROVASCULAR CAVITY, gastro- vaskular (G. gaster -f- L. vasculum, a small vessel), definition of 247 GASTROZOOID, gas'trozo'oid (G. gaster -f- zoon, animal) £55 918 INDEX OASTIU'LA, .gas'tre\vlah 0- » - stomach ) : . Of Amphibian ... . 451 Of Amphioxus . //5/ .Of Bird , '/50, 45 1 Of Frog 555 GASTRULAR CLEAVAGE, definition ; of 55(5 Groove 556 GASTRULATION, definition of ...... 1G6 Of frog ; ...558 GAULE, ALICE 51 G AVI AH DAE. GANGETICU8 .653 GECKONES, gek'onez (Malay, gekok. imitator ) 654 GEGENBAUR , ,380 GELATIN, jeTatin (L. gelare, to con- geal) . . .' '. v;',.. 93 GEMMAE, jem'a (L. plu. of gemma, bud ) 222 GEMMATION, jemfi'shon (L. gemma)..l8V GENAE, jc'nf> (L. plu. of gena, cheek). 334 GENE, jf'n (G. gene, descent) . . . . . i . .16(5 GENETICS, jenet'iks (G. gignestluii, to produce) 32, 165, 171 GENICULATE BODIES, jenik'ulat (L. • geniculum, little knee). 852 GEN10HY01D. jinye'ohigh'oid (G. geneion. chin; upsilon, a Y-shaped letter of the Greek alphabet) ...... 81 GENITAL PORE, jen'ital (L. gigno, to reproduce) . . . .284 'TENU, jee'new (L. knee) , GENUS, je'nus (L. genus, race) . . 415 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION... 32 GEOLOGIC CHART 394-305 GEOMETRY, gOom'etri (G. geometria, geometry, land measuring) . . . 39 GEOTROPISM. jeot'rdpizm (G. ge, earth 4- trepein, to turn ) 127 GEPHYRKA, jefire'a (G. gephura, a mound )•....'.. '.310. 424. 432 Worm-like animals of uncertain position. GERM, ierm (L. qermen, Inid ) 190 GERM-BAND OF INSECT 3fi2 layers .280 Plasm .' 99 Ring 556 Wall 451 GERMINAL CELLS. jorm'Tnal (L. r/er- mrn. bud ) 572 Disc 443 Emthelimn /^2 Vesicle .443 GERMINATE 220, 224 GERM! NATI VUM, jerr'minayti vum (L. (tcrtnino, to sprout) .665 QKRYOXIA, jerlo'nia (G. Geryon, Geryon, a three-bodied giant) ..... .254 GERYOXIIDAE, jer'Tonide (G. ger- i/on } 25$ A family of Coelenteratefi. (JKSTATION. josta'shnn ( L. yerere, to . carry) ....<>!!> GIANT FIBERS, definition of... 374 GIBBON MHi GIGANTORHYNCHUS GIGAS...305, 30(i tUGANTOSTRACA, gigantos'traka (G. gigos, giant + ostrakon, a shell) . . .421 An order of Merostomn. GIGARTINA 205 GIL A MONSTER, Hela . .654 GILL-ARCH, gil (M. E. gille, gill). Theory of . ... . : . . . 69!) Clefts [.«. .4<)S Pouches ,. . . . .49S Septa ... . . .775 : Slits 72!) GIRAFFIDAE, jiraf'idc (At. • -saraf, giraffe + eidos) .-. . . 660 GIZZARD, giz'ard (M. E. gizer, gi/ . zard) . . : .'. ,. . .267, 745 GL.WDIVEPti HA ryA'*S7 . . 7 ',H GLANDS, glandz (L. gln-M, an acorn) 52 Acid ' -. . ,. ; . .Ml Acinous -. . . . .m.t Adrenal 53 Alkaline . . . Ml Anal . ; . ., r. . .V.;. . : . . . .157:* Bowman's - .... 872 Buccal . .. . . 74-2 Calciferous . .- . :"* ......... 2iis Carotid '>'», oi), 588. 74:; Cement . ., -i'l" Cloaca! . , ; «»7-'J Colieterial . ^.;. > . . •>>!il> Cowper's 820 Digestive 4!i Ductless 751 Endocrine 52 Exocrine . . . 52 Green 321 Harder's 875 Intermaxillary 741 Internasal 741 Of internal secretion 75 1 Labial 741 Lachrymal 5S2 Lymph $ Mammary (57. 'I Meibomian (>7."> Molar 742 Mucous 4(5 Necrobiotic (!7:> Orbital ' 74-2 Palatal 742 Pineal 490 Pituitary 490 Poison Mf Prostate : . 819 Prostate of Hit inline -'*..' Pterygopodial (5(58 -'Red'. 7>i/ Retrol:ngual 742 Saliyary . .741, 742 .INDEX Si-bae;>ous 673 Sebitie . ..... ..... .344 Serous • • - - 742 Spleen (504 Stenson's 872 Sub mandibular 742 Sweat .'. 672 Sweat in amphibia 63 Tarsal . . 673 Thymus 53, 587, 77/3 Thyroid 53, 7//S Tubular . . . 40 Uropygial 670 Vitally secretory - . 673 Vitelline '. 292 Wax 1 364 pLENOID. glee'noid (G. glene, a socket ) 76 Cavity VS«*k*fc« • 77y>; GLIA CELLS, gll'A. gle'a (G. glia, glue) 572, 835 G LOU I G E R 1 N A, globij'erl'na (L. globus, globe ) 1 48 An ooze largely composed of Foraminifera shells. GLOMERULI OF NERVES SS I GLOMERULUS, glowmer'yulus (L. glomus, a ball of yarn) (i'i GLO&SV.Y.1 PALPALIS, glosi'na (G. glossa, tongue) : 144 ( ! LOSSC ) PE1A R YNGEA L. gloss'ohfa- rin'jeeal (or far'inje'al) , (G. glossa, tongue; pharynx,' pharynx) . . 68 GLOTTIS, glolt'iss (G. glol-ta, tongue) ' 48, 588 GLUTEl'S, glutee'us ((J. gloutos. rump ) 80 GLYCOGEN, gl!'kojen(G. glykox, «*-eet -(- lyein, to loosen ) 51 GNA THOSTOMA TA , nat h'oli stow'ma - ta (G. gnat h os, jaw; stonia, mouth) 424. 431, «',/, 720 Definition of 431 GOBLET CELLS, gob'let (L. rupcllus, a little cup ) 40, 10!) GOEHLICH .277 GOETHE 3S4 GOLGT 134 Apparatus 01 GONAD. gonn'ad (G. gonos. seed) .... 85 GONANGIA, plu. of gonanghnn 252 GONANGIUM. gonan'jium' (G. gonr. seed + anqyeion, vessel) 253 GONIALE, gori'iale, gonmla (G. gonid. corner ) 607 G 0 N I 0 A7 E M U 8, gonio'nemus ( G. gonia, an angle, corner ) !?;7.1, 254 A Coelenterate. GONOTHECA. gon'othe'ka (G. gone + theke, cup) '. 2~,2 GONOTOMES. gon'otxlmz (G. gone + hi, to cut ) ^. GOR.DIIDAE, gordl'idr- ((;. king of Phergia) . . 308 GORDIU8 AQUATICUN ....... . . . . .308 Lineatus 308 GO RGON AC E A, gorgon'acea ( G. gorgos, grim, fierce) ,- • • • 420 An order of Anthozoa. GORILLA EN GEN A, goril'a (G. goril- la, native name of the wild crea- ture) . .^'.660 G088YPARIA MANNIFER8 (L. gos- sypion, a cotton-tree ) 340 GRAAFIAN FOLLICLE, gralif'ean (after de Graaf, a Dutch physician).., 440, >,',3, 620 GRACILIti, grass'ilis (L. slnuier) .82. 156 GRAIN LOUSE 350 GRANULES, grfm'ul/ ( L. granti-lum, small grain) 89 GRANULOMA CQQQIDlQWm 212 GRANULOSUM "'. 665 GRASSHOPPER . 332 Behavior : 348 , Circulatory system 338 i, ,;. Digestive system 337 Excretory system . , 330 External appearance . .334 Internal anatomy 337 v Muscular system .343 Nervous system 340 Paedogenesis . .345 Polyembryony 345 Reproductive system 343 Respiratory system 330 Senses 341 GRASSI 132 GRAY 385 GRAY CRESCENT, definition of 552 Matter of nervous system . . . .67, 836 GREIttiti ". 417 GREEN FELT, definition of 207 Glands 321 GREEK, value of 30 GREGARINA 143, 1 53 GREGARJNIDIA, «,nvgfmn'Idfa (L. gregarius, gresrarious) 152, 410 An order of Telospnridiu. GROWTH 30 Zone 556 GRUB 348 ('JRriFORMEM, gruifor'mex (L. grns, a crane -|- formia, formed like) . . . .425 An order of crane-like birds such as cranes, rails, etc. GR YLLOBLA TTOIDE. \ ( L. gryllutt, a cricket + blatta, cockroach or moth ) 423 An order of Ortliopteroidea. <}RYIJ,l'tf PENNRYLYANICUR 3/,2 A cricket. GUARD CELLS . .236 920 INDEX GUBERNACULUM, giu'bernak'yulum ( L. a rudder ) 818 GUDERNATSCH 52 GULEA 335 GULLET, giil'et (L. gula, gullet) 127 GYM NOPHIONA, jlmnofl'ona (G. gymnos, naked + ophioneos, serpent- like) 425, 504, 647 GYNAECOPHOROUS CANAL, jine'ko- f orus ( G. gyne, woman + pherein, to carry) 291 GYNANDROMORPHS, jinfm'dromorfs (G. gynandros, of doubtful sex -f morphe, form ) 366 GYNOECIUM, jme'smm (G. gyne -f oikos, house) 203 Same as pistil. GYRUS, jl'rus (plural, gyri), (G. gyros, round ) 843 HABENULA, haben'yula (L. a little band) 856, 571 HABITS, definition of 180 HAECKEL, ERNST 385 HAECKEL'S LAW OF BIOGENESIS. 407 Invalidity of 161, 409 HAEMAL ARCH, hem'al arch (G. haima, blood ) 681 HAEMATOBIA 8 ERR AT A, hemato'bia (G. haima + Mos) 369 H A E M A T O CHROME, hem'atokrom (G. haima, blood -f- chromos, color). 128 HAEMATOCOCCUS 185 HAEMATOZOIN, hem'atozd'm (G. haima -f- zoon) 132 HAEMATUM (G. Jiaimatos, of blood). 709 HAEMOCYANIN, hem'osi'fmm (G. haim-a -f- kyanos, dark blue sub- stance) 318 HAEMOGLOBIN, hem'dgld'bm (G haima -f- globos, sphere) 56, 269 HAEMOLYTIC, hemoli'tik (G. haima + lyein, to dissolve) 200 HAEMOSPORIDIA, hemo'sporid'ia (G. haima -f- spora, seed) 143, 153, 419 HAG FISHES, definition of 641 HALE 380 HALF-BREEDS 166 HALICORE DUGUXG, hfilik'ore, doo- gung (G. hals, sea -f- kore, made) .661 HALL 380 HALLER 380 ItALLERl CAMPANULA 876 HALLUX, hal'luks (G. hallux, toe).. 77, 710 HALM ATU RU S, halmatu'rus ( G. haima, spring -\- oura, tail) 672 HALZOUN, hal'zun 292 A disease caused by the liver fluke. HANDLIRSCH 418 HAPLOID, hap'loid (G. haploos, sim- ple + eidos, like) '. . 101 BAP LOU I 643 HARDER'S GLAND 875 HARE-LIP, definition of 500 HARVEST MITES 350 HARVEY 378, 386, 388 HAVERSIAN (Havers, English physi- cian) 110 HEAD KIDNEY 504 HEART— Beat, when it begins 522 Development of ^77 Development of, in chick 468 Of frog 55, 57 Synangium 55 Ventricle 55 HEATING 38 HEAT-REGULATING APPARATUS.. 38 HEGNER, R. W 418 HEIDELBERG JAW 39!) HELIOZOA, he'liozo'a (G. helios, sun H- zoon} .148, 418 An order of Rhizopoda. HELLBENDER 6J,8 HELMHOLTZ 380 HELO.DERMA HORRIDUM 654 HEMIARCYRIA ' 205 HEMIAZYGOUS VEIN, hemiaz'igos (G.hemi, half + azygos, unyoked). 797 H E MI CHORD ATA, hem'ikorda'tfi ( L. hemi, half ; chorda, cord ) 424, 431, 640 HEMIDAGTYLU8 TURICUS, hemi- dak'tilus (G. hemi + daktylos, a finger ) 655 HEMIPTERA, hemip'terfi (G. hemi + pteron, wing) 424 An order of RhyncJwta. HEMISPHERES OF BRAIN 843 HEMI8U8 GUTTATUM 101 HENBANE, heii'ban (A. S. hennelell, lit. hen-bell) 234 HENLE'S LOOP, definition of... 505, 806 HENSEN, LINE OF, definition of.... 114 HENSEN'S NODE, definition of 453 HEPAR, he'pfir (L. hepar, liver) HEPATIC (L. hepar, liver) 234 HEPATICA (L. hepar, liver) 234 HEPATIC PORTAL SYSTEM 50 HEPATOLYTIC, hep'sito'lltik (L. hepar + lyein ) 200 ITEPTANCHUS, heptang'ktis (G. hepta, seven + anfjchein, to choke) .766 HERBIVEROUS, herbiv'orus (L. hcrba, grass -j- vorare, eat) 660 HEREDITY, hered'Iti (L. hereditas, heirship) 32 HERMAPHRODITE, hermaff'rowdite (G. Hermes, mercury; Aphrodite, Venus ) Frog 822 Moth 366 True, definition of . . . 822 INDEX 921 HERRICK 851, 854 HESPERONITHIFORMES, hesperom- theform'ez (G. esperos, west -\- ornis, bird + form ) 425 An order of fossil, toothed birds with teeth in a groove. HESSIAN FLY &7// HKTEROCOELA, het'erohsee'lah (G. heteros, different; koilos, hollow).. 419 HETEROCERCAL, het'eroser'kal (G. heteros + kerkos, tail ) 685 HETEROCYEMIDAE 306 HETERODONT, het'erohdahnt (G. heteros, different ; odon, tooth ) 733 HETEROGENESIS, het'erojen'Ssis (C. hetcro -\- genesis) 403 HETEROMETABOLOUS, het'eromet- ab'olus (G. heteros + metabole, change) 331 HETEROMl 643 HETEROMORPHOSIS, het'eromor'fo- sis (G. heteros -\- morphe, shape).. 282 HETEROPHYES 292 HETEROTRICHA, heterot'rlka (G. hetros, other + thrix, hair).. 154, 419 An order of Ciliata. HETEROTROPHIC, het'erotrof'ik (G. Jutcros 4- trephein, to nourish) . . . .186 II E T E R O T ROPIC CHROMOSOME, definition of 168 HETEROZYGOUS, heterozl'gus (G. hetero -\- zygein, to yoke) 167 HEXACTINELLIDA, heksaktmel'ida (G. hex, six -f actis, ray) 419, 427 An order of Porifera, such as the deep sea-sponges. IIEXANCHUS, heksang'kus (G. hex + agchein, to choke) 766 HEXAPODA, heksap'oda (G. hex, six -f pous, foot) 328 HIND BRAIN 66, 472 Gut 486 HIPPOCAMPUS, hip'pohkam'pus (G. hippos, horse; kampos, sea -monster) Barbouri 6^.) Of brain 843 HIPPOCRATES 376 HIRUDINEA, hiriidin'ea (G. hirudo, leech ) 283, 421, 428 A class of Annelida without setae or parapodia, but with suckers. HIRUDO MEDICIXALI8, hiru'do (L. hiriido, leech) 282 HISTOLOGY, histol'oji (G. histos, tissue + logos, discou-Fse) 31 Of frog 108 Plant 228 HISTORIA ANIMALTUM 378 HISTORY OF BIOLOGY 375-392 HODGE 370 HOFER 124 HOLDFAST . ..187 HOLOBLASTIC, hol'oblas'tik (G. holos, whole; blastos, germ) 279 IIOLOCEPHALI, holosef'ale (G. holos + kephale, head) 424, 642 HOLOMETABOLOUS, hol'ometab'olus (G. holos + metabole, change) 331 HOLOPHYTIC, holofit'ic (G. holos + phyton, plant) 128 HOL08TEI, holoss'tee'eye (G. holos, whole; osteon, bone) 425, 643 HOLOTHURIA, holothu'ria (G. holo- thourion, a kind of zoophyte) (?-).} HO LOTH UROIDEA, holothuroi'dea (G. holos, whole + thourios, rush- ing) 420, 428 A class of Echinodermata with ovoid, muscular body -wall and ten- tacles around mouth. Example: sea- cucumbers. HOLOTRICHA, holot'rika (G. holos, whole + thrix, hair) 153, 419 An order of Ciliata. HOLOZOIC, hol'ozo'ik (G. holos + zoon, animal ) 129 H O M 0 C E R C A L, hom'oser'kfil (G. homos, the same; kerkos, tail) 685 HOMOCOELA, homose'la (G. homos, same + koilos, hollow) 419 An order of Porifera. HOMODONT, hom'odont (G. homos + odous, tooth) 733 HOMOGENEOUS, homoje'neus (G. homos + je'nos, race or family ) . . .111 HOMOLOGIES 119 Serial 316 HOMOLOGUE, hom'olug (G. homos + logos, speech ) 65 HOMOPTERA, homop'tera (G. homos -f- pteron, wing) 424 An order of Rhynchota. HOMOZYGOTE, hom'ozi'got (G. homos + zygein, to yoke) 167 HOMOZYGOUS, homo'zigus (G. homos + zygein, to yoke) 167 HONEY-COMB OF STOMACH 745 HOOKE, ROBERT 378 HOOKER 385 HOOKWORM EGGS 301 HORMONE, hor'mon (G. hormao, to excite) 52, 823 HORSE-HAIR SNAKES 30S HORSETAILS 224 HORTUS 8ANITATI8, hor'tus sanita'- tis (L. hortus, garden + sanitas, health) 377 HOSTS OF TAPEWORMS 297 HOW TO STUDY.... 27 HUMERUS, hiu'merus (L. the bone of the upper arm ) 76, 708 HUMUS, hu'miis (L. humus, earth) . .263 jTT^rp^ JOHN 380 HUXLEY, THOMAS 365, 380, 385 INDEX VKOWTA (Xi. /,//.«///«, a hyena ) . . ?#) HYALINE, hi'alin (G. hyalos, glass). Ill HYALOPLASM, hi'aloplasm (G. hyalos + plasma, something moulded )•.... 90 HYDATINA, hidat'ma (G, hydntis, watery vesicle ) 308 HYDRA FU8CA, hi'dra fus/ka (G. hydra, water snake ; fuscus, dark brown ) 247 HYDRANTH, hi'dranth (G. hydor, water + anthos, flower) ,„ . . .252 HYDRAZOA, hl'dra/d'a (G. hydor + zoon) . .256, 419^427 A class of (Joelenlerata. HYD#OCAULI, hl'drd'koli (G. hydor . -b kaulos, stalk ) . 252 // VltROCORA LLI\AK, hldrdkorali'nf' (G. hydra, watiM' -f- L. cpralliniis, coralline} 410 An order of colonial Hydrosoa. HYDROFUGE PLATES, hi'droffig (G. hydor -f L. fuqare, to put to flight). 137 HYDROMETERS, hidrom'eter (G. hydrometrion, a vessel for measur- ing hydrostically ) 38 IfYDROPHYL LI UM, hldrdf ll'iiim ( G. hydor + phyllon, leaf ) 2 5, 5 UYDROPHYLLUM, hl'drofil'um (G. hvdor 4- phyllon, a leaf) 2.}2 HYDRORHIZA, hi'drori'za (G. hydor + rhisa, root) ' 252 H Y D R 0 T H E C A, hl'drothe'ka ( G. hydor -\- thekc, cup ) 2~)2 HYGROMETERS, higrom'eter (G. hygros + nietron, a measure) 38 HYGROSCO PTC, hi'groskop'Tk ( (\ . hyarof, wet + akopein, to regard ) . definition of 217 HYLOBATE8 EXTELLOIDE8, liilobTi- tez (G. hylolxiicfi, one who haunts the woods) (>CtO HYMENIUM, InniO'iM-fiiji (G. hymen, skin) . : . . ... . . . . . /; ' 201 HYMENOCHIRUR 650 JfYMEXOLEPffil DntIVl7T\, l.Tn.rM.ol'- epis 2J)S, 30 / Nana (G. uanux. dwarf) 298 // y.WNNOPTERA , liT'mfMinp'tfM-ri ( G. hymen -j- pteron-, win'?) -3J-7. 423 A sub-class of fliphuncitlahi. HYOBRANCH1AL APPARATUS, hio- brang'kial (G. Y + branflchia, gills) ' 617 Support 738. HYOGLOSSUS, hi'oghVus (G. F + glossa, tongue ) 81 HYOID ARCH, hi'oid (G. hyoeides, Y-shaped) . 73 HYOSTYLIC, hl'dstillk (G. Y + stylos, pillar) '. . . .698 HYPAKTKK1AL JJRONCHI. liTp7irt HYPERMASYISM, definition of ........ tf7:> HYPERTHELISM, definition of 675 HYPERTROPHY, hiper'trofl (G. hyper, above -4- trophe, nourish- ment) ..... ... . 07!> HYPHAE, hife (G. hyplu\ web) . .2<)s HYPHOMYCETES, hl'foinise'tez (G. hyphe, web -J- mukus, fungus) 210 HYPOBLAST, hl'pobltist (G. hypo -f blastos, bud) 106, '»(!.'> HYPOBRAXCHIAL PLATE, hi'po- brang'kial (G. hypo -f. brangchia, gills) . s .617 HYPOCHORDAL ROD, hl'pokordal ?;t4i(G. hypo -4- chorde, string) ....... .59(1 HYPOCOELE, hl'pd^l, (G. hypo + koilos, hollow) ., . , -..{i. . , . ... ,459 HYPOCON1D, hlpoko'nid (G. hypo -f . konos, cone) 7:5(1 HYPOCOTYL, hipdkdt'ol (G. hypo + kotyle, hollow ) >,?.'/ HYPODERMIS, hi'pdder'mts (G. hypo + derma, skin), definition of >2H HYPOGASTRIC, hipdgas'lrik (G. liypn + g aster, belly ) HYPOGLOSSAL, high'pohgloss'al (G. hypo; glossa, tongue) HYPO-ISCHIUM, hl'pois'kium ((J. hypo + ischioti, hip) 70(> HYPOMERE, high'poh'mere (G. hypo, below; meros, part) 4fift HYPONOMEUTA 345 HYPOPHARYNX, hipdfar'ingks (G. hypo + pharyny, gullet) 337 HYPOPHYSIS, hipf.fdse/ (G. hypo, below; phyo, to cause to grow) .66, 490 HYPOSTOME, hl'pdstdm (G. hypo + stoma, mouth ) . 253 HYPOTHALAMUS, hi'pdthril'amus (G. hypo + lhalamos, chamber) .. .839, 851 IIYPOTRICHA, hl'pot'rika (G. hypo + thrix, hair) 154, 41!) An order of Ciliata. 11YRACOIDEA, h!rakoi'df>a ((J. hyra,,\ shrew-mouse + cidos, like) . . . .426, 662 HYRAX ABY88IXWU8 (iG? TATRO-CHEMICAL SCHOOLS, iatro- kem'ikal (G. iatros, a physician +... E. chemical ) 380 Mechanical schools 380 ICHNEUMON FLY, ikiiii'mon (G. ich- neumon, the tracker) 37,? irHTTTYOPHfK dLVTJ'KOftA C, '/? ] XDKX IpBTHYOPSWA, ik'thyop'sidah {G. irhthys, fish; o^.v/.s. appearance i . definition of «63 WHTHYOPTER YGIA , ik'thlopteri j 'la __ - ;-(G. ichthys, fish -f- pteryx, whig). definition of .... 707 I V HT HY OR \ I T HI FOR ME* (G, . ichthys, fish -f ornis, bird) ... , . . . .425 An order of fossil, toothed-bird- \vith teeth in .separate sockets. ICHTHYO tiAURti, ik'thiosars (L. ichthyosaurus, fish-like lizards) . . -. .690 IGNEOUS FORMATIONS, ig'nf>us ( L. iV/nta, fire) . definition of . ,393 IGUAXA TCni-RCJLATA. igwa'iia • (Sp. iguana, from native Carib name) . 655 ILEUM. iU'eum ((J. filo. twist) .. . .)tS, J,9 Definition of 338, 748 ILIACUS, ili'akiis (L. iliaciis. relating to the colic J .,'». 80 ILIO-COSTALIS MUSCLE, lll'Iu-kos'- talis '(<}.. eilo -f L. costa, rib) .... ..829 ILIOPSOAS, iliop'soas (L. ilium, the flank -f- G. psoa, a muscle of the loins), definition of . 83 ILIUM, ill'eeum (L. flank) . . ' . ?£ llumologiie .. . .704 IMAGE, im'aje, APPOSITION/ (T,. /mar/o, _ image), definition of 322 Mosaic, definition of .321 Stipple, definition of ............ 321 Superposition, definition of 322 I .NT AGO, mia'go (L. imago,' image) . . .331 Definition of 348 IMMUNITY, imii'niti (L. im MIDI is, exempt from public service) .. .194. 201 Active '.197 Artificial 197 familial 190 Individual 19(5 Natural ........: 197 Passive 197 IMPERFECT FLOWER, definition of.22S IMPLANTATION, implanta'slum (L. in + plantare, to plant).. . 624 IMPORTANCE VS. ( oXspiCUOUS- NESS :... 32. 375 IMPREGNATION, Im'pregna'slmn (L. impraegnare, to fertilize), definition °f .105 (See also fecundation, fertiliza- tion, etc.) IMPULSE, im'puls (L. impnJsiift. im- pelled) 17s INCISOR, insi'sor (L. incido. cut into) 70^ Teeth 73 /; INCISURES OF SCHMIDT, definition of 114 INCOME, LOSS OF BY INSECTS. . . .332 INCOMPLETE Fl BRO - VA Rf ' ULA R ;, BUNDLES, drtiniuon of., .232 I. \CHKASK IN FLIES 370 INCUS, inn'kuss (L. anvil) ,%T J X I ) ENTATION. indenta'shun (L. "in- . dentare, to indent), definition of/. .106 INDEX FINGER, in'dex (L. indicare, ,t to indicate), definition of 710 Fossils 39S MDUSIUM, indu'zium (L. induere, to put on) 225, 242 INFECTIONS, BY CESTODES, infek'- shun (L. infic$re, to infect) ....... .295 , By nematodcs 302 Mixed . . 196 Trematode .....' "... .29 1 I X FECTIVE TREMATODES [".... 2.'» > INFRAORBITAL LINE, in'fraor'bltal (L. infra, below + orbis, circle) .. .582 INFUNDIBULUM, inn'fundib'yulum ( L. funnel ) 0.7 (See also hypophysis, pituitary body. ) Definition of 66, 852 Of oviduct j/fO fXFVSORIA, in'ffizo'riu (L. infusus, poured into + forma, shape) . .419, 427 definition of 153 Why so named 138 1NGEN-HOUSZ 381 INGESTED (L. ingestus, taken in).. 63 TNGESTION (L. ingestus, taken in) . . 30 INGLUVIES, Tngloov'Jez (L. ingluvies, crop ) 338, 744 INHERITANCE, inher'itiins (L. in + heres, heir ) 157 INHIBITION, m'hibish'on (L. ink-Mere, to prohibit) 52 INHIBITORY FIBERS, definition of. .847 INITIATIVE, inish'iativ ( L. initiare, to begin), definition of 17£ INNER CELL MASS, m'er (A. S. inra, inside), definition of 621 INNER EAR— Of frog 45 INNER STIMULUS, definition of.... 178 INNER VATION, m'nervfi'shun (L. in, into + nervus, sinew) 46, 77 INNOMINATE, inn'nomm'inate (L. innominatus, without a name) Artery 755 INNOVATION BRANCHES, in'ovfi'- shun (L. innoi'are. to renew) 220 INORGANIC, inorgan'ik (F. inor- ganique, inorganic)' , 95 I \NKCTA, insek'tn (L. insectus, cut «ff) 328-374, 429 R*e 353 Fly 367 Grasshopper 332 Alternation of generations in 346 Central nervous system of. . .330, 359 Embryology of 346, 362 924 INDEX Excretory system 359 Gynandromorphs 366 Metamorphosis 362 Muscular system 360 Paedogenesis 345 Parasitic forms 372 Polyembryony 345 Senses of 341 Sympathetic nervous system 359 Vermin 350 IN8ECTIVORA, m'sektiv'Ora (L. in- sectus + vorare, to devour) . . .426, 658 INSERTION, OF MUSCLES, mser'shun (L. in$ertus, joined) 78 INSPIRATION, mspira'shun (L. in- spirare, to inhale) 30 INSTARS, m'starz (L. instar, form). 330 INSTINCT, in'stingt (L. instinctus, impulse) 126 INSTINCTS, definition of 177 INSTRUCTION, instruk'shon (L. in- struere, to build ) 32 IN8ULA, in'sula (L. insula, island).. 843 INTEGUMENT, integ'ument (L. intego, to cover), component parts of 665 INTELLIGENCE, intel'ijens (L. intel- ligentia, discernment), definition of. 182 iNTERACTiONisT, definition of 175 INTERAURICULAR SEPTUM, in'ter- orik'ulnr (L. inter, between + auricula, little ear + septum, parti- tion) 541 INTERBRANCHIAL SEPTUM, m'ter- brang'kifil (L. inter + (*• branchia, gills) 758 INTERCOSTAL ARTERIES, m'terkos'- tal (L. inter + costa, rib) 791 INTERMAXILLARY GLANDS (L. maxilla-, jaw ) 741 INTERMEDIATE CELL MASS (L. medius, middle) . 593 INTERMEDIATE MASS OF BRAIN, definition of 863 INTERMEDIATE ORGANISMS. . 185, 193 Bacteria 190 Yeasts 188 INTERMEDIUM 76 INTERNAL CAPSULE OF BRAIN, definition of 849 INTERNAL GILLS 586 INTERNAL SECRETIONS 52 INTERNAL SECRETIONS, glands of. 52 INTERNAL STRUCTURE 46 INTERNASAL GLANDS (L, nasus, nose) . .741 Plate, definition of 613 INTERNODE (L. nodus, knot) 203 INTERORBITAL SEPTUM (L. orUs, circle) , definition of 540 INTEROSSEOUS (L. os, bone) 85 INTERPRETATIONS VS. FACTS.. . 32 Of facts 157 INTERRENAL (L. renes, kidneys), definition of 822 INTERRENAL VEINS 798 INTERSEGMENTAL 602 INTERSTITIAL, stish'al (L. sistere, to set) 248 INTERSTITIAL CELL 819 INTESTINAL LAYERS 49 INTESTINE, CROSS SECTION OF, intes'tin (L. intestinus, inside).... W INTRALIMBRICUS 844 INTRINSIC MUSCLES, mtrm'sik (L. intrinsecus, inwards ) 829 I N T R 0 S PECTIONISTS, intrdspek'- shonists (L. introspectare, to look into) , definition of 173 INTUSSUSCEPTION, m'tussusep'shun (L. intus, within -f- suscipere, to re- ceive ) . In Zoology, growth from within outwards ; in Medicine, one portion of the intestine being pushed into another portion. INVAGINATE, mvaj'inet (L. in, into + vagina, sheath ) 259 INVAGINATION, innvaj'inay'shun (L. in, in; vagina, sheath), definition of. 106 INVENTORS VS. SCIENTISTS 25 INVERSION, OF GERM LAYERS, in- ver'shon (L. invertere, to turn about) C>23 INVERTEBRATES, mver'tebrats (L. in, not -f- vertebra, joint) Of uncertain position 431 INVOLUTION, m'volu'shun (L. in- volvere, to roll up) 557 IRIS, eye'riss (G. rainbow), definition of 70 Of eye 873 IRRITABILITY, Ir'itabinti (L. irri- tare, to provoke) 65 ISCHIADIC ARTERY, is'klfid'ik (G. ischion, hip ) 792 ISCHIOPODITE, la'kiop'odlt ( G. ischion -f- pous, foot) 31 'i ISCHIUM, is'keum (G. ischion, hip)..7tf Homologue 704 I8HNOP8YLLUS 350 ISLE, ISLET, OR ISLAND OF REIL.843 ISOETALES, fern allies, Tsoetfi'le/ (G. isoetes, equal in years) 22-'i I80POD, I'sopod (G. isos, equal + pous) 316 ISOPODA , definition of 326 I80PTERA, IsOp'tera (G. isos + pteron, wing) 423 ISTHMUS, OF BRAIN, is'mds (G. isthmos, neck), definition of 845 Of oviduct //.'/0 Of pharynx 759 Rhombencephali 839 INDEX 925 IVORY, of tooth, i'vori (L. ebur, ivory, LACAZE-DUTHIERS 380 f. French) .732 LACERTAE, Ifiser'tfi (L. lacerta, liz- ard ) , definition of 654 JACOBSON'S COMMISSURE, defini- LACERTILIA, las'ertil'ia (L. lacerta, tion of 885 lizard ) 425, 653 JACOBSON'S ORGAN, definition of . . . LACHRYMAL GLANDS, lak'remal (L. 582, 870 lacrima, tear ) 582 A diverticuhim of olfactory organ LACINIA, lasm'ia (L. lacinia, flap), of many vertebrates, often develop- definition of 335- ing into an epithelium-lined sac LACTEALS, lak'tealz (L. lac, milk) . . opening into the mouth. ^.9, 800 JEJUNUM, jee'jew'num (L. hungry), LACUNAE, laku'na (L. lacuna, cav- definition of 748 ity), definition of 57, 111, 467 JUGAL, jew'gal (L. jugum, yoke), L A G E N A, lajee'nah (G. lagynos, Malar bone 697 flask ) , definition of 867 JUGULAR, jew'giular (L. jugulum, LAMARCK 384,386,388,397,415- the collar bone) L AMELIA, definition of 14$ JUNG 381 LAMELLAE, laimell'ee (L. lamina, a thin sheet), definition of.... 112, 320 KALA-AZAR, kfi'lfifizar (Hind, kala, LAMINA, lamm'eenah (L. a thin black -f azar, sickness) 144 plate) 466, 85ft KAMMERER 649 LAMINA TERMINALIS, definition of .570 KARYOPLASM, kar'ioplazm (G. kar- LANCELET, definition of 639 yon, nucleus -f- plasma, something LARVA, lar'va (L. larva, ghost) moulded), definition of 90 43, 331, 547 KATABOLISM, kutfib'ollzm (G. kata, LARVACEA 424. 630 down -f ballein, throw), definition LARYNGEAL CHAMBER, larin'jeal of 125 ( G. larynx) , definition of 588" RATAL YSTS 96 LARYNX, lar'inks (G. larynx, gullet) KATYDID 342 62, 74 KELLICOTT 592 Definition of 72ft KELLOGG, VERNON . . 179 LATEBRA, lat'ebrfi (L. latebra, hiding- KERATIN, ker'atin (G. keras, horn) . 93 place) /,## The basis of epidermal structures, LATERAD as horn, nails, hoof, etc. LATERAL, Ifit'erfil' (L. latus, side)... 269 KERAT08A, ker'atos'a (G. keras) ... 419 Folds 48£ An order of Porifera with main Limiting sulci 485 skeleton of spongin. Line organs 853, 855~ The regular bath-sponge, Enspon- Nuclei 851 gia. Plate 461 KIDNEY, kid'm (M. E. kidnere, kid- Ventricles 511 ney ) 47, 48 LATEX TUBES, lat'eks (L. latex, Section of 8/7 fluid ) , definition of 23S KING, A. F. A 134 LATTSSIMUS DORSI, latiss'imus KINGSLEY 687, 806 dor'si (L. the broadest) 79, 829- KOCH. ROBERT 389 LATREILLE, PIERRE . 415 KOELLIKER, VON 389 LATTER 262, 276, 321 KORSCHINSKY 403 LAVERAN 134 KRAUSE, END-BULB OF 864 LAVOISIER ' 390 KRAUSE'S MEMBRANE, definition LAW OF CONTINUITY 376 of ' 114 LAYERS OF INTESTINAL TRACT^ . //,9- LEAF AXIL 203 LABIAL GLANDS, lay'beeal (L. Seed 203 labium, lip ) 741 LEARNING, definition of . ' ' 179 LARIATAE 866 LEATHER, definition of 667 LABIUM, definition of 334 LEATHER!! AOK TURTLE 652 LABRUM, la'brum (L. labium) LEI 8HMANI A DONOVAN! . . I',.', LABYRINTH, lab'irmth (L. labyrin- Infantum 144 thus, labyrinth) 749 Jovanani 144 Membranes 868 Tropica U,rf Nasal 871 LEMNISCI, lemnis'ki (G. lemniscus, Of ear 866 fillet ) . . 851 INDEX LtiNS OF EYE, leu/ (:L.'taw», lentil). 491 LENTICEL, len'tisel (L. lens) ; . . '. :': . .236 LENTIFORM NUCLEUS, len'tiform (L. lens1-}- forma, shape) . . .849 LEPtbOPT ERA, lep'idop'tera (G, lepis, scale + pteron, wing) . 423 An order of Panorpoidea. LKPID08IREN . . 646 LEPID08TEU8 088EU8, lepp'idoss'- teeus (G. lepis, scale; osteon, bone).6.)3 LHP18MATOIDEA .422 An order of Thysanura. LEPTODISOUS . . . '. ..:...... 151 LKPTOMEDU8AE, lep'tomedu'se (G. leptos, thin -f- L. medusa) . 419 An order of Hydrozoa. JjEPTOSTRACA . 421 LKPTU8 IRRITAXN, lop'tus (G. lep- tos, small) 350 LESION 209 LEUKOCYTE, lii'kosit, loo (G. leukos, white -f- kytos, hollow) .49, 57 LEUKOPLAST, lilkoplast, loo (G. leukos -\-plastos, formed), definition uf :..... 237 LEVATOR, levay'tor (L. a lifter), defi- nition of ' 78, 829 LEVERS, TYPES OF ... 36 LEYDIG'S DUCT, definition of 809 LfliELLULOIDEA 423 A sub-class of Pterygogenea. LICE ,.. . .350 LICHEN, ll'ken (G. leichen, liver- wort) .205 L1EBIG .' 380 LTEN, le'en (L. lien, spleen). I J FE CYCLE 132 Of Angiosperm 244 Of Hookworm .303 Of Liver-fluke 289 Of Plasmodium malariea. 131 Of Pine . ..." 241 Of Tapeworm 293 Of Trichinae 302 LIFE HISTORY OF SPHAGNUM. . .221 LIGAMENT, lig'ament (L. ligamen- tum, bandage) 74 L1GNIN, Hg'non, ITg'nin (L. lignum, wood ) 93 L1GULA, Hg'ula (L. ligula, little tongue ) 335 LIMITING SULCUS, definition of 845 LIMNAGA 28.9 T.I NEA ALBA, lin'ea Al'ba (L. linea, line + alba, white) 79, 827 L1NGUATULIDA, ling'gwatu'lida (L. lingua, tongue) 422, 430 A class of Arthropoda. LINQULA, Hng'gula (L. lingula, little tongue ) 310 LINNAEUS 386, 388, 414 LINNE; CARL VOX (same as Lin- naeus) LJN1N, li'nin (L. linum, flax) 90 Achromatic network of cell nucleus. JJPOCTENA . . . 422 A sub-class of Arachnoidea. L1POIDS . .:. 95 LIRIOPE EXIGUA .253 A coelenterate. L I 8 8 A M P H I RIA , lis'amf ib'ia ( G. Ussos, smooth; amphibios, double ! life) ..425, 047 LISTER -. 3« LIVER, liv'or (A. S. lifer, liver) ..... ..'/.S Development of ................. 589 Lobes of 47 LIZARDS 651 Pineal eye of /i(> LOA LOA . 303' LOB08A, lo'bos'a (G. lobos, lobe) .147, 418 An order of Rhizopoda. LOBUS VAGI .........: ,SV/ '/ LOCALIZATION OF BHAIN CEN- TERS (L. locus, place) 85 1 LOCU8TIDAE . . 351 LOCY, WM 385 LOEB, JAQUES 20(i LOEMANCTUS LONGPIPE8 101 LOGIC (G. logos, discourse, word)... 40 LOXGATA .205 A species of spirogyra. LONG-HORNED GRASSHOPPER. . . .3-73 LONGISSIMUS CAPITIS, lonjiss'ee- mus cap'itis (L. the longest of the head) 829 Dorsi 829 LOPHIU8 PI8CATORIU8 6//J LOPHODONT, 16'fodont (G. lophos, crest + odous, tooth) 734 Having transverse ridges on the cheek-teeth grinding surface. LOPHOPHORE, 16'fofdr (G. lophos -f pherein, to carry). An oval tentacle- supporting organ in Polyzoa and Brachiopods 309 LOW, DR '. 136 LOXOPHYLLUM, R08TRATUM U'i LUC1DUM, loo'sidum (L. lucidum, clear) 665 LUDWIG 380 LUMBRICU8, lum'brikus (L. lumbri- cus, earth-worm) 250 Herculeus 270 Terrestris 268 LUMPY-JAW, definition of 213 LUNATUM, luna'tum (L. luna, moon). 709 INDEX 927 IJ'NG, lung (A. S. hniyc, lung) . . , . . ' j& Alveoli .' . . 68 Development of -MS 588 Fishes '.(540 Fluke 291 L } COPODIA /,/•>'•; 22', One of the Fern Allies. /. Y(i()PO.DILM : . . 2> ', A Fern Ally. LYKLL ." 384 LYMPH, liinnif" ( L. li/mpha. clear water) 6'2 Duct 780 Gland ; 800 Heart . . .*, . :-.- .5j, 5? Vessels 57, 800. LYMPHOCYTES, lim'fosits (L. lympha + G. kytos, hollow), definition of.. 800 MAVACU8, makfi'kus (Sp. macaco, word of African origin), definition Of ... . ...:.... ..;.... ...C7N MCGREGOR, j. H 400 MclNDOO 342 MACHAIRODUK CVLTR-l DENS' 734 MACHILOIDEA 422 An order of Thi/sanura. . .*.... M ACROCLEMMY8 TEMMINCKI 719- MACRODRILI .421 An order of Oligochaeta. MACROGAMETES, makroga'mets (G. makros, large -f- gametes, spouse), definition of 130 MACRO MERES, mak'romers (G. makros -\-meros, part) 279 MACULA LUTE A, mak'ula (L. mac- ula, spot -f luteum, yellow), defini- tion of ...873 M ADREPORAR1A, mad'reporfi'ria (L. mater, mother + G. poros, a light friable stone) -. . . 2J7, 420 An order of Zoantharia. MADURA DISEASE, definition of 214 MAD URELLA MYCETOMA ? / ', MAGELLAN I A FLAVE8CENS till MAGENDIE 380 MAGGOTS, mag'otz (M. E. magot, a grub). The most lowly organized, completely worm-like insect larva without insect appendages or distinct head 370 MAILED FISHES, definition of 676 MAJOR GROUPS OF ANIMALS, may'- jor (L. the greater) ..426 MA LACOBDELLA GRO88A 301 M A 1LAN.\JO DICM. defini- tion of .130 MALE TO FEMALE, development of in Cymothoidae 327 MALL EUS, mahl'eeus ( L. hammer ) . . 716, 861 MALLOPHAGE, malof'aga (G. mallos, a lock of wrool + phagein, eat) . . . .423 An order of Blattaeformia. MALP1GHI. malpig'f..37». 382. 386, 388 MALP1GHIAN, malpig'ean (after Malpighi, an Italian biologist). Body or corpuscle ... .. 6!i Layer .....665 MAMMAL, mam'mal (L. mamma, > breast ) . . . * . . . . \ .- •.•-£_ ,. Cranial nerves of , .... .881 Skull of ..694 M . { M M ALI A, mamay 'leeah ( L. mamma, breast) 426, 431 Definition of 656 MAMMALIAN EMBRYOLOGY ..619-633 Allantois ..628 Attachment of blastodermic ves- icle .. 7. . . 623 Blastoderm 62 1 Decidual membranes 629 Embryonic membranes '..'......". .625 Fertilization 620 Formation of germ-layers 622 Implantation 624 Placenta 626 Umbilical cord 631 Yolk-sac 627 MAMMARY GLANDS, mam'aree (L. mamma, breast), definition of 673 MAMMILLARY BODIES OF BRAIN, definition of 852 MAMMOTH :..... .398. MANATEE ... .; .66J MAXATUS- 661 MANDIBLE, MANDIBULAR, man'di- bl, mandib'yular (L. mandibula, jaw) " 661 MANDIBULAR ARCH, definition of.. 74 MANNA, manTi (G. manna, manna), definition of 349 The hardened exudation of the bark of certain trees (hot.) ; honey- dew secreted by certain Coccidae ( zool. ) MANSON, SIR PATRICK 135 MANTOIDEA 423 An order of Blattaeformia. MANUBRIAL CARTILAGE, manu'br'al (L. manubrium, handle) 617 MANUBRIUM, maniu'breeum (L. handle) 251 MANUS, may'nuss (L. hand), defini- tion of 708 Of frog 45 MANYPLIES, definition of 745 928 INDEX MARCHAL 345 MARCHIAFAVA 134 MARINE 654 MARROW, definition of 112 MARSH 380 M A R S U P I ALT A, marsu'pea'lia ( L. marsupium, a pouch ) 426 Definition of 657 MARSUPIUM, definition of 619 MASSA INTERMEDIA 863 MASSETER, masee'ter (G. maseter, a chew ) 81 MA8TIGAMOEBA, mas'tigame'ba (G. mastix, a whip + amoibe, change), definition of 149 MASTIGOPHORA, mastigof'ora (G. mastix, a whip + plioros, to bear) . 127, 143, 149, 418, 427 MASTOID, mas'toid (G. mastos, breast) The name of the protruding bone directly behind the ear. MATERIALIST, definition of 175 MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES 39 MATRIX, ma'triks (L. mater, mother) The ground substance of tissues. . . .110 MATTER AND MIND 174 MATURATION, mfit'urfi'shun (L. maturus, ripe), definition of 100 MAXILLA, maxill'fi (L. maxilla, the jaw bone ) 48, 73 MAXILLAE, maxill'a 313 MAXILLIPEDS, maxll'ipedz (L. max- illa + pes, foot) 313 An appendage in Arthropods pos- terior to the Maxillae. MEANDRINA 257 MEATUS, mea'tus (L. passage), defi- nition of 869 MEATUS VENOSUS, definition of.... 501 MECHANICAL TISSUES, definition of 234 MECHANICS 37 MECKEL ..380 MECKEL'S CARTILAGE, definition of ,61 6 Diverticulum, definition of 628 MEDIA, me'dia (L. medius, middle) . .335 MEDIAL EYE 45, 66 MEDIASTINUM, me'diiis'tinum, astl- nfim (L. mediastinum, servant) ... .755 MEDULLA OBLONGATA, medfil'a ob'- long'gfita (L. medulla, marrow, pith + oblongatus, oblong) 66, 839 Definition of 845 MEDULLARY, medd'ulayree (L. med- ulla, marrow, pith) 812 MEDULLARY CORDS, definition of.. 520 MEDULLARY FOLDS, definition of.. 460 Groove, definition of 460 Plate, definition of 460 Rays, definition of 231, 235 Sheath, definition of 114 MEDULLATED NERVE FIBERS, definition of 836 MEDUSA, medu'sa (G. medousa, one who rules ) 251 A jelly-fish. MEGALOPS ATLANTICUS, meg'filops (G. megalon, great + ops, eye) ff.^ Larval stage of certain crusta- ceans, conspicuous by large stalked eyes. Habitat — Atlantic ocean. MEGALOPTERA, megalop'tera (G. megas, great + pteron, wing 423 An order of N europteroidea. MEGASPORANGIA, megasporan'ji'a (G. megas, large; sporos, seed; anggeion, vessel) . 238 MEGASPORE CONES, definition of.. 238 MEGASPOROPHYLS, meg'aspo'rofilz (G. megas -f- sporos + phyllon, leaf ) , definition of 238 MEIBOMIAN GLANDS, imbo'mian, definition of 673 MEISSNER'S CORPUSCLE S6V, Plexus, a gangliated plexus of nerve fibers in the submucous coat of the small intestine 87.9 MELANDER 418 MELANIN, mel'anin (G. melas, black), definition of 132 MELANOPLVS DIFFERENTIALS. . .335 Femur-rubrum 352 MEMBRANOCRANIUM, definition of. 687 MENDEL 162, 384, 388 MENDELIAN THEORY 163 MENTAL, men'tal (L. mentum, chin). 616 MENTAL PHENOMENA 173 MENTO-MECKELIAN, men'tomeke'- Han (L. mentum, chin + Meckel) . . 72 A cartilage bone present in a few lower vertebrates at either side of the union of the two halves of the lower jaw. MENTUM, definition of 335 MERIDIAN, FERTILIZATION, defini- tion of 550 HERIDOGASTRES 422 An order of Lipoctena. MERISTEM, definition of 228 MEROPODITE, merop'fxllt' (G. meros, thigh + pous, foot) 31 ff MER08TOMATA, merostdm'mata (G. meros, thigh -f- stoma, mouth) .421, 42J) A class of Arthropoda. MEROZOITES, merozo'Its (G. meros + soon ) 152 Definition of . . .132 INDEX 929 :>I ESENCEPH ALON, mes'ensef 'alon, (G. m,esos, middle -f- en, in -(- kep- hale, head) 472 M K S E N C H Y M E, mess'enkime (G. mcsos, middle; enchyma, in a fluid). 247 Definition of 259 Formation of 461 M E SEN T E RIC, mess'entare'ik (G. mcsos, middle; enteron, gut) 532 MESENTERIES, definition of 537 MESENTERIES IN HYDRA— Definition of 256 MESENTERON 320 MESENTERY, mes'entarey (G. mesos, middle; enteron, gut) 47, ^9 MESOBLASTIC BANDS, mesoblas'tik (G. mesos + blastos, bud), defini- tion of 279 MESOCARDIA, definition of 529, 604 MESOCARDIUM, meVokar'dium (G. mesos -f- kardia, heart ) , definition of 470, 776 MESOCOELE, mes'osel (G. mesos + koilos, hollow), definition of 511 MESOCOLON, mes'oko'ldn (G. mesos + kolon, large intestine), defini- tion of 537 MESODERM, mess'ohderm (G. mesos, middle ; derma, skin ) , definition of . 107, 724 Origin of in chick 456 MESOGASTER, mess'ohgas'ter ( G. mesos, middle ; gaster, stomach ) , definition of 537 MESOGASTRIUM, definition of 745 MESOGLEA, mes'ogle'a (G. mesos + gloia, glue), definition of 247 MEKOGONIMU8 HETEROPHYES 293 MESOHEPATICUM (G. mesos -f L. hepar, liver), definition of 604 MESOMERE, mess'ohmere (G. mesos, middle; meros, part), definition of. . 460, 503, 504 MESONEPHROS (G. mesos + nephros, kidney ) , development of 503 MESOR€HIUM, messor'keeum (G". mesos, middle -f- orchis, testis ) , defi- nition of 609, 811 MESOSTERNUM, mes'oster'num (G. mesos + L. sternum, breast bone) . .335 MESOTHORAX, mes'otho'raks (G. mesos + tlioraa;, chest) 614 The middle segment of the thoracic region of insects. MESOTIC CARTILAGE 609 MESOVARIA, definition of MO, 811 MESOVARIUM, messohvay'reeum (G. mesos, middle; L. ovum, egg) . .424, 431 MESOZOA (G. mesos -f- zoe, life) 306 Three families of parasites of un- certain position. MESOZ01C, mes'ozo'ik (G. mesos + zoe) 394 The middle or secondary group of rock-systems. METABOLISM, metab'olizm ( G. metabole, change) 95 METACARPAL, met'akar'pal ( G. meta, . . after; karpos, wrist) 76 METACARPUS, definition of 708 METACONE, met'fikon (G. meta, after + konos. cone ) . 736 The posterio-external cusp of an upper molar. METACON1D, metTiko'nid (G. meta + konos + cidos, resembling) 254 The posterio-internal cusp of a lower molar. METAGENESIS, definition of 254 &ETAQONIMUS YOKOGAWAI 301 METAMERE, met'amere (G. meta, after ; meros, part ) , definition of ... 264, 460 METAMORPHOSIS, met'fimor'fosTs (G. meta, beyond + morphe, form), definition of 330, 504 Of bee 362 Of frog 547 METAPHASE, met'affiz (G. meta + phainein, to appear) i)7 Definition of 98 METAPLASM (G. meta -f plasm, something moulded), definition of.. 91 METAPODIUM, metTipo'dium (G. meta + pous, foot), definition of. . .708 METATARSUS, met'atnr'sus (G. meta + L. tarsus, ankle), definition of. . .708 METATHALAMUS, met'sithal'amus (G. meta + thalamos, chamber), defini- tion of 852 METATHERIA, metathe'ria (G. meta, beyond + therion, a wild beast) ... .431 Definition of 657 METATHORAX (G. meta + thorax, chest) 335 Posterior segment of the thorax of insects. METATROPHIC, met'atrofik (G. meta + trophe, nourishment) 191 Definition of 258 METAZOA, metazo'a (G. meta + zoon) Many-celled animals. Definition of. 96 METRATERM, me'traterm (G. metra, uterus -f- L. terminus, end) 296 METRIOR1IYXCTIU8 6S2 MIASTORCA, mlas'torka (G. miastor, a guilty wretch, also avenger ) 3fj5 TUWROCENTRVM RETINERVE 352 MICRODRILI 421 An order of yau INDEX MiQ&OFlLARIA Diurna 303 Nocturna 303 MICROGAM?]TES, ml'kroga'metz (G. mikros, small + gametes, spouse).. 130 MICROMERES, mT'kromers (G. mikros, -f- meros, part) 279 A cell of the upper pole in mero- blastic eggs. MICRON, mi'kron (G. mikros, small). One thousandth part of a millimeter. 1 90 Definition of » MICROPYLE, mi'kropil (G. mikros + pyle,. gate) , definition of 10f> MICROSPORES (pollen) , 243 MTCROSPOROPHYTES (G. mikros + sporos, seed -(- p'liifta. plant), defini- tion of ' 238 M1CROTOMK 30 MICRURA LE1DY 307 MID-BRAIN 60 Definition of 472 M1DGUT, definition of 480 MIGRATIONS, mignVshunz (L. migrare, to transfer), of plants and animals 390 MIGRATORY CELLS, ameboid cells of the blood 247 MIGULA 190 MILK DENTITION, definition of.... 732 MILNE-EDWARDS 380 MINCHIN'S CLASSIFICATION 151 MIND, definition of 174 MIND AND MATTER : 174 MINIMUS, min'Imus ( L. minimus, least). The fifth digit, definition of.710 MIRAC1D1A, mir'fisid'm (G. dim. of meirakion, a stripling), definition of 280 MIRIENTOMA TA 422, 430 MITE, ITCH ..350 MITOCHONDRIA, mltokon'drif. (G. mitos, thread + chondros. grain). definition of 91 M I T O S I S, mit.Ysis (G. mito*. n. thread) , definition of 97 Meaning of 99 MITRAL VALVE, mi'tral ( K. mitre. a peaked cap), definition of 780 MIXED NERVUS. definition of 576 MIX1PTERYGIUM, mTk'sipterij'iiim (G. mixis, mixing -}- ptcn/gion, little wing) 707 MODERN LANGUAGES 41 MOLAR GLAND, mf/lar (L. mold, millstone) 742 MOLAR TEETH, mu'lfir (L. wioZrrr, to grind) 734 MOLDS, in paleontology, definition of. 398 MOLE . . . 6X8 MOLLi'tfVA, molus'kfi ( L. m-ottimvus, soft) 259, 429 Unsegmented triploblastic animals with characteristic muscular foot. Examples, clams, snails, squids, octopi. M ON AXON ID A , monakson'ida ( G . monos, alone -f axon, axis ) 419 An order of Porifera with mon axon but no tetraxon spicules. MOXILIFORM, monil'iform (L. monile,.. necklace -(- forma, shape) 77 / Constricted at regular intervals, giving the appearance of a chain of beads. MONIST, ino'nist (G. monos, alone), definition of 1 7.1 MONITOR, mo'nitor (L. monitor, one who reminds ) , 654 MONKEYS, mimg'kis (origin unknown; prob. Fr. G. mimo, an ape ) 659 MONOCOTYLEDONS, monokot'iledonz (G. monos, alone + kotyledon, a cup- shaped hollow) 227 Plants having one embryo lobe. MONOCYST, mon'osist (G. monos, sin- gle + kystos, a bag), definition of.. 1 5:5 I/ 0 N 0 D E L P HI A , monodel 'f TA ( G . monos, single + delphis, womb) .... 426, 43 1 . 658 MONODINE (G. monodia, a solo, la- ment ) 143 MONODON MONOCEROS, mon'odon mono'serus (G. monodous, one- toothed + monokeros, a unicorn) . . .662 MONOECIOUS, mone'shus (G. monos, single + oikos, house), definition of. 217 MOXOGENEA, monoje'nia (G. monos, single + genos, kind) 420 An order of Trematodes which de- velop direct from the egg. MONOGENETIC, mon'ojenet'ik (G. monos -\- genesis, descent), 288 Definition of 403 Direct asexual reproduction. MONOPHYLETIC, mon'ofilet'ik (G. monos + phyle, tribe), definition of. 403 MONOPHYODONT, monofi'odont (G. monos -f- phyein, to produce -f- odons, tooth) , definition of 733 MONOS ACCHARIDE, monosfik'arid (G. monos, alone -f- L. saccharum, suornr) ]87 VONOSIGA, definition of 15 i MO A7 0 TREMA TA , mon'ohtremm'atah (G. monos, one; trema, opening) .. .426 Definition of ... . 656 MONRO— Foramen of 839 Sulcus of, definition of 845 MORAL SENSE, definition of.. 183 MORGAGNT'S SINUS, definition of.. 764 INDEX MORPHOLOGY, niorfol'ojl (G. morphe, form -j- logon, discourse) 31 Science of form and structure of animals and plants. MORULA, mor'iila (L. moriun. a mul- .berry), definition of 106, 447 Definition of, in protozoans 132 Of rabbit 621 MOSAIC IMAGE, definition of 321 MOSQUITOES AND MALARIA 134 MOSS-ANIMALS, definition of 310 MOSSES ..215 MOSS PLANTS, definition of 203 MOTILE, mo'til (L. motus, moved) . .225 MOULT, molt (L. tnutare, to change). 667 Definition of 330 MUCOSA, miikf/sfi (L. mucus, mucus) 49 A membra no secreting mucus. MTCOSUM ...665 MUCOUS GLANDS 46 MUD-EEL G#) MUD-PUPPIES 641 Definition of 649 MuLLER, JOHANNES. 380, 386, 388. 415 MULTANGULUM, inultang'giHum (L. multus, many -j- angitlus, angle) .. .701) Two carpal bones, the trapezium and the trapezoid. ]/r,s'CA DOMESTICA ' ,%'.<) MUSCI, mus'ki (L. muscus, moss) ... .215 MUSCLE, mus'l (L. musculus, muscle) Circular ',9 Longitudinal ,).<> Plate, definition of 5 Hi, 591 MI'NTELIDN, mus'teUds (L. mustcln. a weasel. als(» kind of fish), defini- tion of ?,f.7 Mt/KTRfj/N, definition of 641 MUTATION THEORY, muta'shiin (L. niutare, to change). definition of 164, 404 MUTTKONVSKI 138 MYCELIUM, nn-e'liiini (G. W//AVK. fungus), definition of 208 MYVETE8. mlstVtt1/ (G. myketes. a bellower ) . definition of 190 MYCETOMA. mTseto'ma (G. mi/ken. fungus -f owirt). definition of 214 MYCOSIS, mlkfi'sis (G. mt/kcs. fungus -f osis], definition of ...214 MYELENCEPHALON, nil'elensef'alon, (G. myelos, marrow -j- en, in -f- kephale, head) . definition of . . 845 MYELIN. mi'elln (G. my clou, mar- row ) , definition of 114 MYELOCOELE, ml'closel (G. myelos. marrow -+- A-O//ON. liollow). definition <*f 511 MYLOHYO1I). m.y'lowhjgh'oid (G. myle. mill: npftilon. the letter »/) . . . '.80. 831 YOCARDIUM, mi'wk iniisclo -f- kardia. heart ) . .469 Definition of 529 MYOCOELE, mi'osel (O. my* -\- koilos) , definition of 502 M Y O C O M M ATA , mi "okfnn'atn ( G . mys, muscle; komma. that which is cut off), definition of . . 592 MYOEPICARDIAL MANTLK, ml'oepT- kar'dial (G. mys + cpi, upon + kardia, heart), definition of 777 MYOSITIS, miosl'tis (G. W.//K. a muscle + itis), definition of . . . 303 MYOTOME, my'ohtome (G. mys, mus- cle; tome, cutting), definitions of.. .502, 591 MYRIOPODA, mlrlop'dda (G. myrioi, 10,000 -|- pous, foot) 422, 429, 430 .17 Y X T A COC ETl, mis'tacose'tT (G. mystoN. mustache -)-- /rr/o.s. whale) . . ;-.. 426, 663 An order of cetaceans, including whahbone whales. They are toothless but have baleen in upper jaw. MYTILrN. mit'ilus ((J. niytUon. a sea- mussel ) 155 .l/r.Y/.YK GLrrr\-OH.\. miksT'iu' glut! no'sa ((i. myxa, slime -f- L. (flutino- .V//-S, gluey ) 6fi/ M Y \ I \ 01 I) /•;.!. n.ikVinoid'ia ((J. ini/.fd. slirne -\- ciiloH. resemblance i . 424 MYX1PTERYGIUM 707 MYXOPlIYCIvAE. miksofi'sr-e ((i. tni/s.. Of insects 1-360 Of mammals Of reptiles ... NERVURES, ner'vur (L. nervus, sinew) .335 One of the rib-like structures which support the membranous wings of insects. NEURAL, nu'ral (G. neuron, nerve) . . Arch 72, 68 1 Canal 6(5 Crests 467 Folds 460, 563 Groove 460, 563 Plate 45!) Ridge 562 Tube 466 NEURENTERIC CANAL, nur'enter'ik (G. neuron, nerve -f- enteron, gut), definition of 475 NEUROBLASTS, nu'roblfistz (G. neuron 4- blast os, bud) 280 Primitive nerve cells. NEUROCHORD, nfi'rokord (G. neuron, nerve 4- chorde, string of gut), defi- nition of 274 NEUROGLIA, rnVrogltVii, nurog'llfi (G. neuron 4- glia, glue) 830 Supporting tissue of nerve cells and nerve fibers. NEUROLOGY (G. neuron 4- logos). definition of 31, 40 NEUROMASTS, mVromasts (G. neuron 4- mastos, knoll) 870 Groups of sensory cells in the lat- eral line of fishes. NEUROMERE (G. neuron 4- meros, a 4- meros, part) 473, 478 A spinal segment. NEURON (G. neuron, nerve), defini- tion of 114 NEUROPORE, mVropor (G. neuron 4- poros) 466, 474, 565 The anterior opening of the neu- rocoele to the exterior. NEUROPTERA, mVrop'terfi (G. neuron 4- pteron, wing) 423 Animals having wings with a net- work of nervures. An order of Neuropteroidea. NEUROPTEROIDEA, nurdpteroi'df'fi (G. neuron, nerve 4- pteron, wing) .423 A sub-class of Pterygogenea. NEWMAN, H. H 397, 543 NEWTS 64S NICTITATING MEMBRANE, nik'ti- toy'ting (L. nicto, wink) ^5 INDEX 933 NIDAMENTAL GLANDS, iiul'fimC'ii'tfil (L. nidus, a nest) 86, 816 Glands which secrete material for an egg-covering. XIGHTSHADE, nit'slifid (A. S. niht scada, nightshade) g.ffl 30CARDIA BOVIS 21', Actinoniyces 2l.fi NOCARDIOSIS 214 NOCTILUCA, nok'tiloo'kfi (L. vox, night + lux, light) 150, 151 Phosphorescent forms. NODE, nod (L. nodus, knoh) 203 Of Ranvier 114 NODOSE GANGLION, nodos (L. nodus) . definition of 886 K08EMA APIS, no'sema (a new Latin word) l.W Bombycis 1 53 NOTABLE MEN IN BIOLOGY 38fi NOTIDANID, ndtid'amd (G. notidanos. with sharp-pointed dorsal fin) 786 A sub-order of sharks with more than five gill-clefts. NOTOCHORD, no'toekord (G. notos, back; cJiorde, string) 562, 639 N 0 T O G E N E S IS, no'togen'esis (G. notos + genesis) 563 XOTORYCTE8, notdriktez (N. L. same word, a generic name) 876 XOTOTREMA, notdtre'ma (G. notos + trema, perforation ) 816 A genus of South American toads with dorsal brood-sac. NOTUM, no'tnm (L. no him, back)... 336 The dorsal portion of an insect segment. NUCELLUS, niisel'iis (L. dim. of mix, nut) 239 The central region and chief part of an ovule. NUCHAL, new'kal (L. micha, nape of the neck) "02 Brain flexure 837 NUCLEAR SAP, definition of 90 NUCLEI, OF BRAIN 847 NUCLEOLUS, nrtkle'oliis (L. dim. of nucleus, kernel ) 89 A rounded mass in nucleus. NUCLEOPLASM, nu'kleopl-izm, defini- tion of 89 NUCLEUS, nu'kleiis (L. nucleus, ker- nel) 89 A complex spheroidal mass essen- tial to the life of a cell. NURSE CELLS, definition of 443 NUTRIENT 03 NUTRITIVE CELLS, definition of . . . .811 Pole, definition of 105 XUX VOMIOA ..285 X YCTERIDIPHIL U8 HEX A CTEXUS, nlk'teridif'ilus (G. nykteros, by night -f- philos, friend) 350 NYMPH, nimf (G. nymphe, bride) 331, 348 A stage following the larval in in- sect metamorphosis. NYMPHOMORPHA 422 An order of Pantopoda. OBELIA, obe'lia (G. obelos, a spit).. 252 A genus of polyps. OBJECTIVE, definition of 173 OBJECT OF SCIENCE 35 OBLIQUE SEPTUM, definition of . . . .757 OBLIQUUS, obll'kwus (L. oblique) ... 79 OBSTETRICAL TOAD, obstet'rikal (L. obstetricus, pertaining to midwifery, from L. ob, before, and stare, to stand ) 650 OBTURATOR, ob'ttirator (L. obturare,.. to stop up ) 83 Foramen 703 OCCIPITAL CARTILAGE 615 OCCIPUT, ok'siput (L. occiput, the back of the head, from ob, over against + caput, head) 615 OCELLI, plural of ocellus, definition of 328 OCELLUS, osel'us (L. ocellus, a bulb or little eye) S',1 OCULINA SPEC10SA, ok'ull'na (L. oculus, an eye) 257 The typical genus of the family Oculinidae. OCULOMOTOR, ok'Tilomf/tor (L. oculus, eye + moveo, to move) 68 Moving the eyeball. O.DOXATA, odona'ta (G. odous, tooth) 423 An order of Libclluloidea. ODONTOBL ASTS, odfmt'oblasts ( G. odous, tooth -f blastos, a germ) . . . .732 Embryonic cells to form future teeth. O.DONTOCETI, odontose'tT (G. odous, tooth + ketos, a whale) 426. 662 A sub-order of Cetacea. ODONTOID, odont'oid (G. odous + eidos, resemblance, tooth-like) 517 Process 684 OESOPHAGUS, esof'agus (G. oesopha- gus, gullet ) 49 The canal through which food passes to the stomach. OIDIA, oid'ia. See oidium 210 OIDIOMYCOSIS, oid'iomyko'sis (G. oidium + mykos, a fungous + osts/.212 The presence in the body of fungi as parasites. OIDIUM, oid'ium (G. oon, egg -f- dim. suffix, idion) ,211 A genus of parasitic fungi. 934 INDEX OIKOPL&URA, oikoplii'ra (G. oikos, house -+- pleura, side) 544 One of the order JAirvacea. OKEN, o'ken 415 A German naturalist, 1779-1851. OLECRANON, olekra'non (G. olekra- non, point of the elbow ) 711 Pertaining to a process of the ulna; the elbow. OLFACTORIUS LATERAL/IS NU- CLEUS 841) OLFACTORY, olfak'tori (L. olere, smell ) 62, 68 Capsules 540 Ditot s 870 Pits 581 Placodes 581 Recess 570 OLIGOCHAETA, ol'igdke'ta (G. oligos, few + cMite, hair) 283. 421 A class of Annelida. OLIVE OF SPINAL CORD 841 OLMS (German name for the white, blind, cave mud-puppies) 649 0 M A S U S, om.Vsfts (L. omasum, paunch ) 745 OMENTUM, oment'iim (L. omentum, a fold) 537, 726, 746 OMMATID1UM, dm'atid'ium (G. omma. eye) 322 OMNIVOROUS, omniv'orus (L. omnis, all -f voro, eat ) ISO Eating both plant and animal food. OMOSTERNUM, 6'moster'num ( G. omos, shoulder -f- sternon, breast) . . . . .76, 101 OMPHALOMESENTER1C VEIN, om'- falomes'enter'ic (G. omphalos, navel + mesenteron, mid-gut) J/Oi) OMPHALOMESENTERIC VS. VITEL- LINE, vitel'm (L. vitellus, yolk) . . .483 O\7I8CU8 A8CELLV8, onis'kus asel'us (G, oniskos, a wood-louse) .82(> Typical genus of Oniscidae. ONYCOPHORA, onikof'ora (G. OMOS, a claw or nail + pherein, to bear) . . 421, 428 OOCYST, 6'dsist (G. oo», egg + kustis, bladder) 132 OOCYTE, 6'oslt (G. oow + kytos. cell) '. . . .100, >,!,X OOECIUM, de'shium (G. oon, egg + oikos, house) 310 A brood-pouch. OOGENESTS IN EARTHWORM, oojen'esis (G. oon + genesis, de- scent) 279 OOGONIIA, plural of oogonium/ 10<) OOGONIUM, dogo'nium (G. oon -4- yonos, offspring) 298 OOKINETE, ookinet' (G. oon + kinein, to move) ,' 132 OOKPORA HOVIN. o'dspora (G. oon -f' sporos, seed ) £1 / OOSPORE (same as oospora) . . . 151, / Of plants 220 Of tadpole 549, 580 OPIIIDIA, ofid'ia (G. ophis,- serpent + eidos, form) . .425, 654, 704 OPHIU ROI DE A, of 'iuroi'dea ( G. ophiouros, serpent-tailed) .... .420, 428 OPHTHALMIC, ofthal'mic (G. opthal- mikos, of or for the eyes ) 31!) OPILIONE8, opilio'nez (L. opilio, a shepard) 422 An order of Arachnids. OriSTHOBRANCHIA, opisthobrang'- kia (G. opisthe, behind -f- branch, gills) 421 OPISTHOCOELOUS, opisthose'lus (G. opisthe + koilos, hollow), definition of . 683 OPISTHODELPHYS, opisthodel'fis (G. opisthen, behind +• delphis, dolphin ) 81 6 OPI8THOGONEATA (G. opisthe + gone, genitalia) . .422 A subclass of Myriapoda. OPISTHOMI, opisthd'mi (G. opisthen. behind + omos, shoulder) <)4."> OPI8THORCI8 FELINEUS, opisthor' kis felin'eus (G. opisthe + orchis. testicle) 2!>2 Noverca 2!*.' Sinensis , 2!>:{ OPISTHOTIC, dp'isthdt'ik (G. opisthe + oiut, ear) (H>^ OPOSSUM, opos'um f>.7? OPOTERODONT8, opot'erddonts (G. opoteros, either -j- odoirs, tooth) . . . .70(5 OPSONIN, dp'sdnin (G. opsonein, to cater) . definition of . 200 OPTIC CHIASMA (G. opsis, sight).. 571 Tjob.es 512 Nerve , 70 Pe.dicle 875 Stalks 478 Vesicles 474 OPTICAL SECTION 2?/' OPTIMUM, dp'timum (L. optimus, best ) , definition of 1 29 OPTOCOELE, op'tosel (G. opsis, sight + koilos, hollow ) 490 ORAL OPENING (L. os. mouth) ..... 48 Plate . . .493, 58.1 INDEX 935 OK.V.YUK BLOSSOM '..'i> OHAXG-UTAX. drang'otan (Malay, orany. man -f titan, woods) 660 ORBICULAR] S MUSCLES, orbik'u- laris (L. orbits, an orb) 832 ORBITAL GLAND, or'bital (L. orbita, circuit.) 742 ORDERS IN LIVING THINGS 415 ORGAN (L. organnni. an implement). 40 Balancing 323 Of equilibrium 323 Floral ?.'/.? ORGANIC, definition of 04 Pertaining to living organisms. ORGANIISM, definition of 108. 1J!» ORIGIN OF MUSOLE. 78 Of species 403 ORNITHOLOGIST, Or'nithol'ojist (G. ornis, bird -4- logos, discourse) 418 A student of birds. O K N I T HORHYNCHIDAE, or'nitho- ring'kide (G. ornis, bird -4- rugxus, beak ) 657 ORNITHORU YNGHV8 A NA TI A I T8.. 65<> ORTHOGENESIS, or'thojen'esis (G. orthos, straight; genesis, descent), definition of 404 ORTHO A ECTIDAE, or'thdnek'tiday (G. orthos, straight -4- nektys, dead body ) 306 ORTHOPTERA, orthop'tera (G. orthos, straight; pteron, wing) 334, 423 An order of Ortlwptcroidea. ORTHOPTEROIDEA , orthop'teroid'ea.423 A subclass of Pterygogc-tiea. OS CLOACAE, Os kloa'ka (L. cloaca. a sewer ) 706 Entoglossum, entoglos'sum (G. entos, within; glossa, tongue) . .740 OSMOSIS, osmo'sls (G. otheiii. to push) 37 OSSICLES., os'sicles (L. diiuin. of os, bone) 318 OSSIFICATION, os'sifika'shiin (L. os 4- fio, to become) 74 Centers .-7/7 OSTARIOPHYSI, ostii'riofl'si (G. ostarion, a little l>one -4- phusa. bladder) 643 OSTEOBLASTS, ds'teoblasts (G. osteon. bone -4- blastos, a bud) 1 1'2 Primitive bone cells. O8TEOLEPIDA, osteolep'idfi ( G . osteon + lepis, a scale) 642 OSTIA, ostia (L. ostium, a door) 339 OSTIUM OF OVIDUCT W Tubae ( L. tuba,, a horn ) 824 Tubae abdominale 808 O8TRACODA, ostrakd'da (G. ostrako- das, like a shell ) 42 1 A sub-class of Crustacea. ONTKACOLtKKMI, os'trakoder'mi (G. ostrakodei'mos, bony skin) 64G OTIC, d'tik (G. ous, ear) 73 OTOCYST, o'tosist (G. kystis, bladder) definition of 323, 581 OTOLITHS, otoliths (G. ous, ear + lithos, stone), definition of 868 OVARIAL CORDS, ovar'ial (L. ova- rium, an ovary ) 520 OVAR1OLES, ovar'iols ( L. ovarium) , •lefinition of 344 OVARY, dvari (L. ovarium} 47 OVEHTON 20(i OVIDUCTS, 6'vidukts (L. or-um, egg + duco, to lead) 47, SO OVIPOSITOR, d'vipoz'itor (L. ovum, egg H- pono, to place) 337 OVULE, ov'nle (L. dim. of ovum, egg) 226, 2J2 OVUL1FEROUS, ovuli'ferus (L. ovum, egg + fero, to bear ) 23'.) OVUM AS USED IN MAMMALIAN EMBRYOLOGY (G. oon, egg) 624 OWEN 380 OXIDATION, oksida'shun (G. oxys, acid) 30, 38, 12i> OXYTRICHA, oksit'rika (G. oksus, sharp -j- trix, hair ) 1 54 OXYURI8 INCOGNITA, oksiu'ris (G. oksus -f- our a, tail) 30 L fncognitus, unknown. Vermicularis (L. vermis, a worm ).$()[ 1» ACINI AX CORPUSCLE, jifi.sTn'Ian cor'pusl (L. corpusculus, a small body) 86} PADDLE FISHES fifrt PAD, SUBARTICULAR. suh'artik'ular (L. sub, below -f artioulus, joint) . . 4(> PAEDOGENESIS, pe'dogen'esis (G. pais, child; genesis, descent) '. 345, 648, 100 PALAEENCEPHALON, pa'leensef 'a - Ion (G. palaios. ancient -f- en, within -f- keplialos. head, i.e., primitive brain ) 85f> PALAEMON, pnlo'mon (G. palaimon, a sea god ) 32.", PALAEONTOLOGY, pa'leontdl'ogy (G. palaios, ancient + ons, being + logos, discourse) 32, 393-401 Chart 394, 395 PALAEOSPONDYLI DAE, paleospondi'- liday (G. palaios, ancient + spondu- los, vertebra ) «4fi PALAEOTHALAMUS, pa'ledthal'amus (G. palaios, ancient 4- thalamos, a receptacle) 851 PALAEOZOIC, pa'leozo'ik (G. palaios, ancient; zoon, animal) S95 PALAMEDEIDAE, pal'amede'ide (G. paints, palm-webbing of foot) . . . 719 INDEX PALATAL GLANDS, pal'atal (L. pala- tum, palate ) 742 PALATE, paint (L. palatum, palate). 730 PALATINE, pal'aten (L. palatum, palate) 12, 610, 617 PALATO-QUADRATE, paTsito-quaw- drate (L. palatum + quadratus, squared ) Where formed 616 PALLIUM, pahl'eeum (L. cloak.) 839, 848 PALPUS, palpus (L. palpare, to feel). 335 PALU8TRI8, paliis'tris (L. palus, a swamp) 101 PANCREAS, pan'kreeass (G. pan, all; kreas, flesh ) 4H Development of 58!) Duct of '/* Juice of 50 PANDER, NUCLEUS OF 4315 PANIZZA'S FORAMEN, definition of. 78(5 PANORPATAE, panorpfi'te (G. pan, all + arpe, sickle) .423 An order of Panorpoidea. PANORPOIDEA, panorpoi'dea (G. pan, all + arpe, sickle) 423 A sub-class of Pterygogena. PANTOPODA, pantop'oda (G. pan, all -f pous, foot) . 422, 430 PAN-TROGLODYTES, pantrog'lodites (G. pan, all + troglodytes, cave dweller) (H>0 PAPILLARY LAYER, pap'illari (L. papilla, a pimple) PARA, par'ah (G. prefix, beside, near). PARABRONCHI, pa'rabron'ki (G. para, near -f- brongchos, windpipe) 700 PARACHORDAL PLAT10S, parakor'- dal (G. para, near -f- chorde, a cord ) '. . . . 53!) PARACONE, psVrakon (G. para, near + konos, a cone ) 13(1 PARACORDAL (same as parachordal )«14 PARAGLOSSAE, paraglos'a (G. para, near -f glossa, tongue) 35.), 740 P A RAG ONIMU8 WK8TKRMA.WNI, parigon'imus (G. para + gonimus, with generative power) •. 291 PARAGORDIU8 VARIUS (G. para -f L. gordius, complex from Gordian knot ) 308 PARALLEL INDUCTION THEORY, definition of 397 PARALLELIST, definition of 175 PARAMOECIUM, parame'sium (G. paramekes, of longish shape) 138 PAR.AMYLUM, parfi'myliim (G. para, beside -j- amylum, starch) 128 PARAPHYSIS, paraff'eesis (G. para, beside; phyo, produce) . . . .211, 571, 850 PARAPLASM1C, paraplas'mic (G. para, beside + plasma, something moulded ) 92 PARAPODIA, parupo'dia (G. para, beside + pous, foot) 283 PARASITES, par'aslt's (G. para, be- side + sitos, food) 37, 208 PARASITIC CRUSTACEA, krus'ta- shya (L. crusta, a shell) 325 Nemalodcs 305 Worms 303 PARASPHENOID, parasfen'oid (G. para, beside -f- sphcn, wedge -f- eides, like) 73, 617 PARATERMINAL BODY, parater'mi nal (G. para, beside -f- terminus, the end) 81,2 PARATHYROID BODY, parathl'roid (G. para, beside + thyreos, a shield) 744 PARATROPHIC, paratrd'fic (G. para, beside + trophe, nourishment) 191 PARENCHYMA, paren'kima. See page 757 258 Cortical 230 Porous 235 Whore found 233 PARENCHYMATOUS ORGANS, def- inition of 757 PARIETAL, parl'etal (L. paries, wall) 73, 269, 617 Foramina 858 Muscles 820 Organs 852 P ARM ELI A, parme'lia (G. parme, a small shield) 205 A species of lichen. PAROTID, parot'id (G. para, beside; ous, ear ) . PAROVARIAL CANAL, par'ovar'ial (G. para + L. ovarium, an ovary) .816 PAROVAR1UM (G. para + L. ova- rium ) 441 PARS OPTICA, pahrs op'tika (L. pars, part -f- options, pertaining to vision) 852 PA RTIIENOGENESI8, pahr'thenojen'- esis (G. parlhenos, a virgin + gen- esis, descent) 100, 344 P A R T H ENOGONADIA, pahr'theno- gonad'ia (G. parthenos, virgin ,+ gonos, offsprins:) 130, 150. PARTIAL SEGMENTATION, defini- tion of 106 PARTURITION, pahr'tfirfshun (L. parturire, to be in labor) .620 I NDEX 937 PAMERIFORMEti, pas'erifor'mez (L. passer, sparrow -f- formes, form)... 425 Sparrow-like birds. More than one- half of all birds belong to this group. There are 64 families. PASSIVE POLE, definition of.. 105 PASTEUR, LOUIS 30, 382, 388 PASTEUR'S SOLUTION 189 A bacteriologic culture-fluid con- sisting of 100 parts water, 10 parts sugar, and 1 part each ashes of yeast and ammonium carbonate. PATELLA, patell'ah (L. a small pan or dish) 710 PAT ELLIN A (L. patellae, a small dish) 156 A species of Vorticella. PATENS (L. pateo, to lie exposed) .. .155 A species of Condulostoma. PATHOGENIC, path'oge'nic (G. pathos, suffering + genos, offspring) 141 Fungi 209 Protozoa 142 PATHOLOGY, puthol'oji (G. pathos, suffering -f- genos, offspring) 141 PATTERSON! 460 PATTON 638 PAUNCH, punch (L. pantex, belly) . .745 PAUROPODA, parop'oda (G. pauros, small + pous, foot) 422 An order of Progoneala. PEA FRUIT DEVELOPMENT 21,5 PEAT- MOSSES, definition of 215 PEBRINE, peb'rin (F. pebrine, dis- ease of silkworm) 153, 333 PECTEN, pak'ten (L. comb) 874 PECTINEAL, pek'tine^'al (L. pecten, comb ) 101 Process 705 PECTINEUS, pektine'us (L. pecten, comb) 83, 829 PECTIN I BRANCH I A , pek'timbran^'- kia (G. pecten, comb + brdnchia, gills) 421 An order of Gastropoda. PECTORAL, pek'toeral (L. pectoralis, referring to the chest) 73, 531 Girdles 6!)9, 100 PECTORALIS, pektoeral'is (same as pectoral ) 79, 829 PEDICEL, ped'isel (L. pediculus, a small foot) 218 PEDICELLINA, pedisele'na (N. L. pedicellus, pedicel ) 310 PEDICLE, OPTIC, ped'ikle (L. pedic- ulus) 875 PEDICULATI, pedi'ciila'ti (L. pedicu- lus, a little foot) 645 PEDIGU L OIDE8 VPJNTRICOSU8, pedikilloid'ez (L. pediculus, louse). 350 PEDI PALPI, pedipfil'pi (L. pes, foot + palpus, palp ) 422 An order of Lipoctena. PEDUNCLE, pedung'kle (L. peduncu- lus, a small foot) 310 Anterior 85!) Cerebellar 512 Cerebral 512, 839, 845 PEL ARGON ILAI, pelargo'nium (G. pelargos, stork, from the resem- blance to a stork's bill ) 23 '/ A species of Geranium. PELECYPODA, peleslp'oda ( G. pelekus, ax + pous) 421, 429 PELLICLE, peTikle (L. pellicula, a small skin ) 1 38 PELLUCID, pelusid (L. pellucida, transparent) 439 PELVIS, pel'vls (L. pelvis, basin, the pelvis) 73, 701 PELVIC GIRDLE 705 PENETRATION PATH, definition of. 551 PENIS, pee'nis (L. male copula tory organ) .820 PENNATULA SULCATA, penfit'fila (L. pennatus, winged) 256 PENNATULACEA, penatula'sea (L. penndtus, winged ) 420 An order of Alcyontiriu. PENTADACTYL, pen'tfidfik'tll (G. pente, five + daktylos, finger) 646 PENTASTOMOIDEA , pen'tastomoi'defi (G. pente, five -f- sloma, mouth) . . . .422 An order of Linguatulida. - PENTRICHA 154 PEPPERMINT 235 PEPSIN, pep'sin (G. pepsis, a digest- ing) . 50 PEPTONES, pep'tons ..50, 268 PERCEPTION (L. per, through + capio, to grasp) , definition of 177 PERCESOCE8, perses'osez (G. perke, perch + esox, a kind of pike) 64:5 PERENNIALS, peren'nials (L. per, through -4- annus, year) 232 PERENNIBRA NCHII, percn'nibra ng'- kei (L. per + annus + G. brangchia, gills) ..649 PER ENNIBRA NCH8, peren 'n ibranks (L. per + annus + G. brangchia) .760 PERFECT FLOWERS, definition of . .228 PERIANTH, per'ianth (G. peri, around + anthos, flower) 203, 2 ',2 PERIBLAST, per'iblast (G. peri, around -f- btastos, a bud), definition of .445 PERIBLEM, per'Iblem (G. peri, around + blcma, a coverlet) 228 ~>{; PERISARC. per'ysahrk (G. peri -f sar.v, flesh ) 252 PERISSODACTYLA, perisodak't ila (G. perissodaktuloa, more than regular number of fingers or toes) 420, 662 PERISTALSIS, per'istal'sis (G. peri -I- stellein, to place), definition of. . .270 PERITONEAL, perr'itoenee'al, -urn (G. peri, around; teino, stretch ) . . .536 PERITONEUM, perr'itoenep'um. (See above) 47. 727 PKRITRWHA, perrit'rika (G. peri + thrift, h-iir) 419 PERIVITELLINE SPACE, pei -i'vitel'- y»S', fular'opes (G. phala- rz'.s1, a coot + pous. foot) 417 PUA NEROCEPHA LA . fan'erosef'a la (G. plMneros, visible -}- kephale. head ) : 420 PHANEROGA J/X. fa ner'oga ins ( ( J . phaneros + yatnos. union) 225 PHANEROGLORRA, fan'eroglos'a ((J. phaneros -4- L. qlossa, tongue) 651 l^ARYNGEAL POUCHES, definitions of 728 Pockets 729 Teeth 73:! PHARYNX, far'inks (G. pharynx, the throat) '. . .267, 728 PHASCOLARCTU8, faskolark'tos (G. phaskolos, a leather bag -f- arktos, bear) 748 In (G. peri + mtellus, volk) 551 PHASES OF A CHEMFCAL SYSTEM, iif, PERLOIDEA, perloi^ea (N. L. Perla, PHASMOIDEA. fasmoid'ea (G. phdsma, apparition eidos, resem blnnce) . . 423 PHELLOGEN, fel'ojen (G. phelloit, cork + gene, production ) .-.231 eastern Russia) 397 PHENOMENA, MENTAL, fenom'ena PEROMEDUSAE, pe'romedu'se (G. - (G- Phenomenon, phenomenon) 173 pera, a pouch -f L. medusa,} . .256, 419 PHILIDIUM, filid'Ium .W$ a proper name + G. eidos, resem- blance) 423 A sub-class of Pteryaoaenea. PERMIAN PERIOD (after Perm in l.NDKX PHILODIXA, filodi'na (new Latin word) 308 PHILOSOPHY, tilos'ofi (G. philein, to love; sophia, wisdom) 40 PHILTRUM, fil'trum (G. philltron, a love charm ) 731 PHLOEM, floem (G. phloios, smooth bark) 230 PHOLLDOTA. folido'ta (G. pholis, scale) > .426 The scaly ant-eater. PHORONIDIA, for'onid'ea . . 424, 432, 640 PHORONI8 ARCHITECT A, foro'nis (G. Phoroneus, name of king of Argos ) 309 PHORONI8, foro'nis (G. Phoroneus) .310 PHOTOPHORES, fo'tofors (G. pJws, light + pherein, to bear ) 668 PHOTOSYNTHESIS, fotosin'thesis (G. phos, light -f- synthesis, putting to- gether), definition of 128. 186 PHOTOTROPISM, fotot'ropizm (G. phos + trope, a turning), definition of 127 PHRENIC NERVE, fren'ik (G. phren, diaphragm ) ?.>;> PHYCOMYCETES, fikomlse'tez (G. phykos, sea -weed + mylces, a fungus) 201, 208, 209 PHYLLAPHIA COW EN I 169 PHYLLOXERA VASTATRIX, filokse'- ra (G. phylon, leaf + xeros, dry) . .350 PHYLOGENY, filo'jeni (G. phylon, race + genea, birth ) . . . 3*1 PHYLUM, fye'lum (G. phylon, race, tribe) 415 PffYSALIA, fisfi'lia (G. physalis, a bladder) 255 PHYSETER MACROCEPHALV8, fise'- ter (G. physeter, a blow-pipe).. ..662 PHYSICS 35 PHYSIOLOGICAL CONTINUITY 150 PHYSIOLOGUS, fisiol'ogus (G. phi/si*. nature; logos, discourse) .... 377 PHYSIOLOGY, fiziol'oji (G. physis + logos] , definition of 30, 31 PHY808TOMT, flsos'tomi (G. physa, bladder + stoma, mouth) 761, 824 PIA MATER, pe'amahter (L. pia ma- ter, kind mother ) 67. 838 PIGEON HORNTAIL, definition of. . .373 PIGEON SKELETON . ?fl.f PIGMENT, pig'ment (L. pingere, to paint ) 90 PIGMENT LAYER OF EYE 579 Spots 46 P1LIDTUM, pilid'ium (G. pilidioti, a small cap ) 307 PINEAL EYE OF LIZARD, pin'eeal (L. pinea, pine cone) J^fi Gland or epiphysis 45, 400, 852 /'/.YCN /.\>'7<7'A7,S. piiuis insignia (L. pin us, a fir + insign-in, notable) . . .231 tiilvestriti. sllves'tris, pertaining to a forest 238, 240 Pl'M'N 8TROHUK. pinus ( L. pinus, a pine tree ) 2^0 Virginiana 231 PINWORMS, definition of 302 PI PA AMERICANA, pipa amer'ika'na.650 PISCES, piss'ees (L. fish) . . .242, 431, 641 PISIFORM BONE, pi'slform ( L. pisum, . . pea ; forma, shape ) 703 PISTIL, pis'til (L. pifttillum, a pestle) .203, 242 PITH, pith (A. S. pitha. pith), defini tion of 231, 233 PITHECANTHROPUS E It U C T U 8, pithekan'thropus (G. pithekos, an ape + anthropos, man ) 399, 400 PITS, AUDITORY 480 PITTED TUBES, definition of . . .234 PITUITARY BODY, pitti'itayree (L. pituita. mucus) 66, 490 PLACENTA, plasen'tfi (L. placenta, <'ake) 626 Embryonic maternal . ... .629 Foetal 631 Function of 627 PLACENTAL ANIMALS 626, 658 PLACODES, AUDITORY, plak'ods (G. plax, a plate) 480, 574 PLACOID, plak'oid (G. plaa. plate).. 675 PLAGIOSTOMI, plfijios'tomi (G. plagios, oblique; stoma, mouth.) 424, 642 PL AN ARIA, planar'ia (L. plants, flat) 28<> Maculata (L. totacM&ites, spotted) .286 Polychroa 28(> PLANKTON, plangk'ton ((J. plangktos, wandering ) 325 PLAXORBI8, planor'bis (L. planus, flat + orbis, circle) 259 A mollusk. PLANTARIS, plantAr'is ( L. planta, sole of the foot ) 85 PLANT BODY' 202 PLANT, FLOWERING 20,1 Histology 22.8 Parts .'.... 202 Seed 203 PLANTIGRADE, plan'tigrade (L. planta, sole; gradits. walk) 713 PLANT WORLD— Rryophytes 21 .1 Flowers 242 Fungi 208 Histology , . . . 228 Pathogenic Fun"! 209 Pollination .238 Pteridophi/tes 223 Simple plants 202 Spermatophylc^ 225 Thallophytes 204 940 INDEX Three higher groupings 215 Yauchena 207 PLANULA, plfm'ula (L. planus, flat) .254 PLASMA, BLOOD, plas'ma (G. plasma, something formed), definition of... 62 PLASMODIUM IHMACULATUM LAVERANIA, plazmo'deum imfiku- lat'um laveran'Ia (G. plasma, a moulded figure + eidos, form) Malariae 130 Vivax 133 PLASMOGAMY, plasmog'amy (G. plasma, a mould -+- gamos, mar- riage), definition of 147 PLASMOSOMES, plas'mosoms (G. plasma + soma, body), definition of. 91 PLASTIDS, plas'tids (G. plastos, formed) 89, 92, 181? PLASTIDULES, plast'iduls (G. plastos, formed [diminutive ending] ) 91 PLASTOCHONDRIA, plast'okon'drea (G. plastos + chondros, cartilage) . 91 PLASTOCONTS, plas'toconts ( G. plastos, formed) 91 PLASTOSOMES, plast'osoms (G. plas- tos -f- soma) 91 PLASTRON, plas'tron (F. plastron, a breast plate) .1102, 719 PLATEMY8 683 PLATO, pla'to 376 PLATOPHRY8 LUNATUS, plat'ofris (G. platys, flat + ophris, brow)...6'^5 PLATYHELMINTHES, plat'yhelmin'- thez (G. platys, flat + helmins, a worm) 265, 285, 427 PLATYHELMINTHES AND NEMA- THELMIN THES, plat'ihelmin'thez (G. platys, flat -j- helmins, a worm) 285, 311 Flat worms 285 Turbellaria 285 Excretory system 280 External appearance 280 Muscular system 287 Nervous system 287 Regeneration 288 Reproductive system 287 Trematoda 289 Infections by 291 Life cycle of 289 Cestoda 293 Eggs of 301 Infections by 295 Life cycle of 293 Types of £.%* "Nematoda (threadworms) 298 Ascaris 299 Digestive system 300 Eggs of 301 Excretory system 300 Infections by 302 Intermediate and Uncertain Forms ..306 Nervous system .300 Parasitic '. 303, 305 Reproductive svstem . .300 PLATYRRHINE, plat/inn (G. platys, flat + rhis, nose) . 659 PLATYSMA MYOIDES, platis'ma (G. platysma, a flat piece) 832 PLECOPTERA, plekop'tera (G. plekein twisted + pteron, wing) 423 An order of Persoidea. PLECTOGNATHI, plektog'nathi (G. plektos, plaited -f~ gnathos, jaw) . . .04") PLECTOPTERA, plektop'tera (G. plekein -f- pteron) 423 An order of Ephemeroidea. PLEROME, pler'om (G. pleroma, a fill- ing up ) 228 PLESI08AURS, ple'siosars (G. plesios, near -4- sauros, lizard) 651 PLEURA, plew'rah (G. pleura, rib, side) 315 PLEURAL REGION 536 PLEURITES 336 PLEUROBRANCHS, plor'obranks (G. pleura, a side + brarigchia, gills) . .321 PLEUROCOOCUS, pliiro'kok'us (G. pleura; L. coccus, a berry) 18i> PLEURODIRA, plorodi'ra (G. pleura, a side -}- deire, the neck ) 652 PLEURODONT, plu'rodfmt (G. pleura + odontos, a tooth ) 733 PLEXUS, pleks'us (L. intern -caving) . 07 Choroid, kor'oid (G. chorion, skin -f eidos, resemblance) ... .512, 57 / Nerve (58 PLICA SEMILUNARIS, plik'asemilu- nfiris (L. plica, a fold + semilunaris, half-moon shaped ) 875 PLICAE 40 F i m b r i a t a e ( L. fimbriatus, fringed) 741 PLINY THE ELDER 370 PLUMAE, plum'ay (L. pluma, a feather) 670 PLUMULAE, plew'miulee (L. little feather), definition of 070 PNEUMATOPHORE, numat'ofor (G. pneuma, air + phcrein, to 'hear) . . . .2J.7 PNEUMOGASTRIC, nfimogas'trik (G. pneuma -f- L. gaster, stomach ) . . 68, 885 PODICAL PLATE, pod'ikl (L. podex, rump) , definition of 337 PODIUM, po'deum ( G. po-u-s, foot ) , definition of 708 PODOBRANCHS, po'dobranks (G. . pous + brangchia, gills), definition of ....321 PODOPHYRA, podo'fira (G. pous, foot + phyro, to mix) 1 55 INDEX 941 POECIfjOPQDA, pesilup'oda (G. poeki- los, many-colored -f- pous, foot) .421, 429 POISON FANG 733 Gland 46, 361 POLAR BODIES, pol'ar (G. polas, pivot), definition of 101, 444 POLARITY, definition of 288 POLAR NUCLEI, definition of 244 Spindle 444 POLE-CELLS, definition of 259 POLLACK 58$ POLLEN, pol'len (L. pollen, fine flour) 226 Sac, definition of 243 Tube 239 POLLEX, pol'leks (L. pcllex, thumb). 76, 710 POLLINATION (L. Pollen, fine flour), definition of 238 POLYCHAETA, polike'ta (G. polys, many + chaite, mane) 283, 420 A subclass of Annelida. POLYCLADWA, poliklad'ida (G. polyclados, many branched) 420 An order of Turltellaria. POLYDON SPATHULA 643 POLYEMBRYONY, pol'iem'briuni (G. polys, many + embryon, a fetus) . .345 POLYGENETIC, polljene'tik), defini- tion of ; . 403 POLYGNOTUS, (G. polys, many + notus, known ) 345 POLYGORDIUS, poligor'dius (G. polys, many -f- gordios, gordius) . . .283 Appendiculatits 280 POLYMORPHIC, polymor'fic (G. polys, many + morphe, form), definition of 255 POLYMORPHISM, pdlimor'fizm (G. polys -f morphe) 255 POLYP, pol'ip (L. polypus, a polyp) . .251 POLYPEDE, pol'yped (G. polys^many + pes, foot), definition of 310 POLYPHYLETIC, polifilet'ik (G. polys, many -f phylon, race), definition of. 403 POLYPINUM 156 POLYPLACOPHORA, poliplakof'ora (G. polys, many -f plax, a tablet) . .421 An order of Amphineura. POLYPTERUS, polip'terus (G. polys, many; pteron, wing) ...642, 6j3 P O L Y S P E R M Y IN FOWLS, pol'- ispermy 444 POLYTRWHUM COMMUNE, pol'ytri- kum comunay (G. polys, many -f- thrix, hair ) 217 POND SCUM, definition of 204 POND SNAIL 289 PONS, ponz (L. bridge) definition of. 512, 839, 859 PONS VAROLIL pens' varo'lei (L. pons Yarolii, bridge of Varolius) . . .863 POSTAL BRAIN FLEXURE, pon'tl (L. pons, a bridge) 837 POPLITEAL ARTERY, pop'lite'al (L. poples, the ham) 792 PORCUPINE FISH $1,5 PORES, EXCRETORY (G. poros) 266 PORIFERA, porifera (G. poros, chan- nel + L. ferre, to bear ) 427 POROtiPORA GIGANTE8, por'ospor'a jigfin'tes (G. poros + L. sporum, seed -}- gigans, large), definition of. 153 PORTAL SYSTEM, por'tal (L. porta, gate) 50, 198 PORTUGESE MAN-OF-WAR 255 POST AXIAL, postak'sial (L. post, behind ; axis, axle) 82 POST-ANAL GUT, post'anal (L. post + anus, vent) 590 Branchial bodies (G. brangchia, gills) 588,. 744 Caval, kavl (L. cavus, hollow) .... Same as vena cava inferior. Optic commissure 858 Otic, otik (G. cms, ear) 739 Trematic nerves, tremat'ik (G. trema, a hole ) 881 Zygapophysis, zlgapof 'isis ( G. zygon, yoke + apo, from + physis, growth) ?'# POUCHES, GILL, definition of 498 Visceral, vis'eral (L. vi^cus, an in- ternal organ), definition of.... 498 POULTON, PROFESSOR 385 PRACTICAL VS. THEORETICAL. ... 22 PRAWN 325 PRE AXIAL, pre'ak'seal (L. prae, be- fore + axis, an axle) 82 PRECAVAL, pre'ka'vl (L. prae -f- cavus, hollow ) Same as vena cava superior. PRECHORDAL, pre'kor'dl (L. prae + G. chorde, a cord) 474 PRECORACOID, pre'kor'akoid (L. prae -f- G. korax, crow) 75 PREFORMATIONISTS, definition of. 381 PREHALLUX, pre'hnl'uks (L. prae + hallux, the thumb) . . 46 PREHENSILE, pre'hen'sil (L. prae- hendere, to grasp ) 659 PREMAX1LLA, pre'maksil'la (L. prae + maxilla, jaw) 48, 73 PREMOLAR TEETH, pre'mol'r (L. prae mola, a hill ) 73 ) PRE-ORAL GUT, pre'or'al (L. prae + os, mouth ) 493 PRETREMATIC NERVES, pre'tre- mat'ik (L. prae + G. trema, a hole). 880 PREZYGAPOPHYSIS, prezygapofisis (G. zygon, yoke + apo, from + physis, growth ) 7 3 PRIAPULOIDEA, prlap'uloid'ea (G. priapos, priapus + eidos, like) 311 INDEX hPlim (M/ /M77X 31.1 PRIESTLY, pnVtlC? 380 PRIMARY CORTK.X. definition of 230 Vesicle? 4~•>, 500 Gut 457 Pit .45') PRIMORDIAL, prnnor'doal (L. primus, first -f- ordo. order or rank) 100 PRINCIPLES VS. APPLICATIONS. . .25, 32 PROAMNION. pro'fim'neon (G. pro. before; amnion, a vessel for receiving blood) , definition of 457 PROARTHROPODA , pnVarthrop'oda (G, pro, before; arthros, joint; pous, foot) .' 425) PROATLAS, pro'atlas (G. pro + Atlas, of Greek mythology), definition of . .684 PROBABILITY OF 'ERROR CHART. 20 PROBOSCIDEA. pro'bosld'ea (G. pro -f- boscein, to graze) 420, 062 PROBOSCIS. prf/lxVTs (G. pro + boseein ) 285 PROCELLARI1 FORMES, pro'selfirel- for'mez (L. proc-clla, a storm -\- forma, form ) 425 PROCESS, TRANSVERSE (L. pro- cedere, to go forth ) 7.? PRO-CHORD ATE. pro'kor'dfit (G. pro -f- chorda, a cord), definition of . . . .638 PROCOELOUS. pro'sclous (G. pro, be- fore; koilos, hollow), definition of . .683 PROCTODEUM. prok'todfMim (G. pror- t-os, anus; daio. divide), definition of 260 J'ROCTOTRYPU). proktotrlp'id (G. proktos, anus 4- trypan, to bore through ) 345 PROGLOTTIDS. pro'glot'T'K (ees line their hives) , definition of W* PROSENCEPHALON, ])r6s'ensef'alou (G. pro + en, within 4- kephalos, head) -. 472 PROSENCHYMA, proseng'kTma (G. pros, near + engchymft, infusion) definition of 230 Where found 233 PROSOCOELE, pro'sosel (G. pros, near + koilos, hollow), definition of.... 490 PROSTATE GLAND, pross'tayte (G. prostates, in the front rank).. .282, 819 PROSTOMIUM, pro'stom'ium (G. pro, before; stoma, mouth) 214 PROTECTIVE, definition of 178 Tissues 234 PROTEIDAE, protc-'ido (G. Proteus, a sea-god -f- eidos, shape) 649 PROTEINS, pro'tenz (G. -prolos, first), definition of 96 PROTEROSPONGIA , prot'erospon'jia (G. proteros, fore 4- spogyia, a sponge) 151 PROTEU8 ANGUINEU8, prof ens (G. Proteus, a sea-god ) 649 PROTHALLIUM, pro'thal'f-um (G. pro, before + 1 hallos, a young shoot) , definition of 225 PROTHALLUS, pro'thal'us (G. pro + thallos) 216 PROTHORAX, pro'thor'aks (G. pro, before + thorax, breast) . . 335 PROTOBRANCHIA, pro'tobrank'ia (G. protos. first -f branrjchia. yfills) • • • -421 PROTOCONE, pro'tokon (G. protos, first + konos, a cone), definition of. 736 PRO TOME RITE, prf/tom'erit (G. protos, first -f- meros, part) 151 PROTONEMA, pro'tdne'ma (G. promos, first + nema, thread ) 220 PROTONEMATA, pro'tonoma'ta (G. protos + nema) 219 PROTOPLASM, pro'toplazm (G. protos, first + plasma, form) 50, 89, 94 PROTOPODITE, pro'top'odit (G. protos, first; pous, foot), definition of ..314 PROTOPHYTES, PATHOGENIC, pro'- toflts (G. protos, first; phyton, plant) 210 PROTOPTERU8, pro'top'terus (G. protos, first; pteron, wing) 6Jf6 INDEX 94:3 P If OTOT U E RIA, pro'tother'ia (G. protos, first; Iher, a wild beast) . .'. . 424, 431, 656, 867 PUOTOTROPHIC. pro'totro'phik (G. protos, first; Irophe, nourishment), definition of 1f 172, 215, 219 PSEUDO-REDUCTION, definition of.. 102 PSEUDOTHYROID BODY, su'dothi'- roid, definition of 588 PSYCHOLOGY, sikol'oji (G. psychos, the soul -f- logos, discourse) 32, 40 Animal 172-184 Functional 175 Structural 175 PSYCHOZOIC, slkozo'ik (G. psychus -j- zoon, animal ) $94 PTKRIDOPHYTE8, terld'oflts (G. pteris, fern; phyton, plant) . . . .203, 223 PTERIS, teris (G. pteris, fern).. . .219 I'TEROtiRA A CHI ATA, tero'lminkia'tfi (G. pteron, wing -p- brangchia, gills) 424, 640 PTEROSAURS, ter'osors (G. pteron, wing + saurus, lizard) 651 PTEROTIC, tero'tik (G. pteron, wing + oys, ear ) 696 PTERYGOGENEA, ter'igoje'nea (G. pteryx, wing ; genos, kind ) . . . . 423, 430 FTERYGOI'D, ter'igoid (G. pteryx, wing, eidos, resemblance)..?^, 616, 692 PTERVGOIDEUS MUSCLES, ter'- igoid'eus (G. pteryx + eidos}. 832 PTERYGOPODIAL GLANDS, ter'igo- po'deal (G. pteryx + pous, foot).. 668 PTERYGOQUADRATE, ter'igoquahd'- rut (G. .pteryx -\- L. .quadratus, s(juarod ) 690 PTERYLA, ter'ila (G. pteron, feather; ylc, a wood ) 669 PUBIS, pu'bis (L. pubes, mature) . . . : 77 Homologue of 704 PUBOFEMORAL1S, pubofemoral'is ..829 PULEX IRRITAN8, pew'leks ir'ri- tahns (L. pulex, a flea) 350 Senaticcps $50 PULMONARY CIRCULATION, pull'- mownay'ree (L. pulmo, lung) 54 PULMONATA, pulmona'ta (L. pulmo, lung ) 42 1 PULSATING 93 PULV1LLUS, pulvil'lus (L. pulmllus, a small cushion ) 337 PUPA, pewpfi (L. pupa, a puppet) . . . 332, 345, 363 PUP ARIA, pewpu'rea (L. pupa) 370 PUPIL, pevvpil (L. pupilla, the pupil of the eye), definition of 70, 874 PURPOSE OF FLOWER 242 PURPOSITIVENESS 405 PUMILLA, pusil'la (L. pusillus, very little, pretty) .1^9 I-YCONOGOMORPHA, pikmnronior'fa (G. pyknos, thick + yony, the knee -f morphe, form ) 422 An order of Pantopodn. PYGAL. pl'gal (G. pyqe, rump) ?0£ PYLORI C CAECA, pllor'ik se'ka (G. pyloros, a gate-keeper; L. caecum, blind) 747 PYLORIS, pilor'is (G. pyloros, a gate- keeper) ' 49, 318 PYLORUS, pyeloh'rus (G. pyloros, gate-keeper) 747 PYORRHEA, pi'ore'fl (G. pyon, pus + rhoia, a flow) 141 PVR AMI DAL, pyram'idsil (L. pyramis, a pyramid ) 320 PYRAMIDS (L. pyramis, a pyramid), in spinal cord, definition of . .845 PYRENOIDS, pi'rgnoids (G. piren, a frnit stone), definition of..... 128, 204 INDEX PYRIFORMIS, pirifor'mis (L. pyrum, pear ; forma, shape ) 83 QUADRANGULAR, quadrang'ular (L. quadratus, squared ) 73 QUADRATOJUGAL, quadra'tojug'al (L. quadratus + jugum, yoke), where found 615 QUADRATUS, quadra'tus (L. quad- ratus) .... 84 QUARTAN FEVER, kwor'tan (L. quartanus pertaining to the fourth). 132 QUILLWORTS, kwil'worts 22 ft A plant of the genus Isoetes with quill like leaves. One of the Fern Allies. QUINCUNX, kwin'kiinjrks (L. quinqne, five + uncia, twelfth part), defini- tion of 672 QUININA, kwme'na (L. quinina, qui- nine) 205 A species of Splrogyra. RABBIT, rab'et (Fr. dial, robot te, rabbit) — Brain of 86,1 Cross section of 832 Dissection of 755 Muscles of 830 Skeleton of 702 Urogenital organs of 820 RADIAL CANALS, ray'deeal (L. radius, ray ) 253 Fibrovascular bundles 230 Symmetry 247 RADIALE, ra'difi'lf? (L. radius, ray) . 76, 699 RADIATA 255 RADIATION 38, 851 RADICES AORTAE 780 RADIOLARIA 148, 418 RADIOULNA, radioul'na (L. radius, ray -\- ulna, elbow) 76 RADIUS, rfi'diiis (L. radius, ray) .335, If 03 RADIX, rad'iks or rfi'diks (L. radix, root) 791 RAIA ERIN ACE A, ra'a (L. raia, a ray) 61,2 RAINEY'S TUBULES, definifon of . . . Uf3 RAMUS COMMUNICANS, ray'mus (L. a branch) 65, 513 RAN A ESCULENT A, rfi'na (L. rana, frog) 51, 571 Fusca 551 Pipiens 43 Sylvatica 583 RANA TEMPORARIA 5J,9 Virescens 583 RANIDAE, ran'ide (L. rana, frog + idae) 651 RANVI-ER, NODES OF 114 RAPHE, ray'fee (G. seam) 485 RAPHIDOIDEA . ..423 aso'rf'z (L. rasor, a scra- per) 670 RATITAE, .riitj'te (L. ratitus, marked with the figure of a raft) 656 Flightless birds. RATHKE 380 RATHKE'S POCKET 490 RATTLESNAKE'S BITING MECH- ANISM 13.! RAY, JOHN 414 REASONING, definition of 182 KEAUMUR 380 RECAPITULATION THEORY (same as Haeckel's Law of Biogenesis) . . RECEPTACLE, resep'takl (L. recipere, to receive) 203 RECEPTACULUM, reseptak'iilum (L. recipere, to receive ) 344 Chyli 800 RECEPTOR, resep'tdr (L. recipere, to receive) 177 l>n immunity ,- • • • 198 RECESSIVE, reses'iv (L. recessus, withdrawn ) 1 (>:> RECESSUS MAMMILLAR1S .S.'/.fr Options , 512 RECTUM, rek'tum (L. rcctus, straight) >tS, 33& RECTUS, rek'tus (L. straight) 79 RECURRENT NERVE, rekur'ent (L. re, back -f- currere, to run ) 884 RED GLAND 7(il REDI, Italian scientist 382 REDIA, rodia (after Italian scientist, •Redi) 290 REDUCTION DIVISION, reduk'shun (L. reduotus, reduced), definition of. 102 REDUCTION KNT LIVER 51 REED, MAJOR WALTER 130 REESE 4(53, 500 REFLEX, re'fleks (L. re^ectere, to turn back), definition of 177 Arcs 8J,7 Centers 851 REFRACTION, refrak'shun (L. re, l>ack + frangere, to break ) 39 REGENERATION, rejen'era^hun (L. re, again + generare, to beget) . . . .124 In Hydra 251 REIL, ISLAND OF, definition of 843 REISSNER'S MEMBRANE 86'tf REMORA BRACHYPTERA (itf RENAISSANCE, Rennsans' (L. renus- cor, to be born again ) 377 RENAL COLLAR, ree'nal (L. rem-s, kidneys) .7.9.} Portal system 7#,S Tubules G'I REPRODUCTION, re'produk'shun (L. re -\- pro, forth + ducere, to lead ) . 30 REPRODUCTIVE TISSUE . ..238 INDEX KKPTILK. rep'til (L. repere, 1o crawl) Brain of M2 Skull of W Medial eye of 45 REPTILIA, Yeptill'eeah (L. reptilus, reptile, from repo, creep) .425, 431, 651 RESIDUAL BODY, rezid'ual (L. re- siduum, residue) 152 RESISTANCE IN IMMUNITY, rezis'- tans (L. resistere, to resist) 196 RESONATOR, rez'onator (L. resonare, resound ) 63 RESPIRATION, res'pira'shun (L. re -f- spirare, to breathe) 62 RESPIRATORY DUCT 870 RESTING STAGE (Ger. .rast, repose). 98 RETE MIRABILE, ree'tee (L. intricate net) 701 RETICULAR LAYER, retik'ular (L. same as Reticulate) 665 Theory 95 RETICULATE TUBES, retik'iilat (L. reticuluni, a small net ) 234 RETICULUM, retik'ulum (L. a small . net) 85 Of stomach 745 RETINA, ret'inah (L. rete, net) . . .70 ,873 RETRACTILE, retrak'til (L. retractus,. . withdrawn ) 740 RETRACTOR, retrak'tor ( L. retrahere, . . to draw back ) 739, 829 Bulbi 828 Muscles 257 RETROLINGUAL GLAND, ret'roling'- gwal (L. retro, backward + lingua. tongue ) 742 REVERENT, reve'hent or rev'ehent (L. revehens, carrying back) 601 Veins .,. 79!> REVERSION, rever'shun (L. re + vertere, to turn ) 675 RHABDITE, rab'dit (L. rhabdos, a rod) 286 RHABDOCOELIDA, rabdose'lkla (G. rhabdos, a rod -\- koilos, hollow) . . .420 RHABDOME, rab'dom (G. rhabdos, a rod) 322 RHABDOPLEURA, rabdoplu'ra (G. rhabdos + pleuron, a rib) SJtf RHABDURA, rabdu'ra (G. rhabdos, a rod) 422 RHACOPHORU 8, rakof 'orus ( G. rhakos, a rag -+- pherein, to bear ) . . 650 RHEIFORMES, re'ifor'mez (G. rea, rhea -f L- forma, form) 425 Flightless terrestrial birds with partially feathered head and neck. R H E O T R O P I S M, reot'ropizm ( G. rhein, to flowr + trope, a turning) . .127 RHINE NCEPHALON, rl'nensef'alon (G. rhis. nose + engkephalon, brain ) . . 848 KHI \OCEROTOWE A, rluOs'erotoi'dea (G. rhinokeros, nose, horned) 662 RHIZO1DS, ri'zoidz (G. rhiza, root -f eidos, like ) 208, 220 RHIZOMES, ri'zomz (rhizoma, a root) 223 RHIZOPODA, rizop'oda (G. rhiza, root H- pous, foot).. 142, 147, 418, 426 Definition of 426 RHIZOPODS 122 RUODILE8 ROSAE, rodl'lez (G. rho- dites, pertaining to a rose) ,3^5. RHODOPHYCEAE, rodofl'see (G. rho- don, rose + phykos, sea-weed) 204 RHOMB ENCEPHALON, romb'ensef- alon (G. rhombus, magic wheel -\- engkephalon, brain ) 472 RHOMBOID, rom'boid (G. rhombus + eidos, like) 475, 67T RHOPALURA GIERDII, ropal'ura (G. rhopalon, a club + ura) 307 RHYNCHOTA, ringko'tfi (G. rhynchos, snout ) 424 A subclass of Pterygogenea. RIDGE, DENTAL . . .' 732 Friction . . 678 RIGHT, being right one-half one time, 19-26 RIZOPU8 NIGRWAX8 207 ROCK WALLABY ,651 RODENT! A, ro'den'shia (L. rodent, gnawing) 426, 658 RODS AND CONES 57.9, 873 ROOT BRANCH, root (A. S. wyri, root) 20H Cap 22!> Gall louse 350 Stocks 223 Tap 20$ ROSS, MAJOR RONALD. ....... 135 ROSTRUM, ross'trum (L. rostrum, beak) .313 ROT ARIES, rotar'es (L. rota, a wheel) 78 ROTATORIA 309 ROTATORS (same as rotaries) 78 ROTIFER A, rotif'era (L. rota, wheel + ferre, to bear ) 308, 424, 429, 432 Definition of 432 RUCKERT 466 RUDIMENT, rood'imeiit (L. rudimen- tum, first attempt) 45 RUDIMENTARY STRUCTURE. . 435, 43G RUGAE, ru'je (L. ruga, a wrinkle) . .73.9 RUMEN, room'en (L. rumen, the throat) ...745, 7^ The first cavity of a ruminant's stomach. KUMINANTIA, room'inantm ( L. rumen, the throat) 661 8ABAL, sa'bal (Said to be from a South American or Mexican name) .235 INDEX XAVCUAROMYCETKti, sak'aromlset'ez (N. L. saccharum. sugar -f- G. mykes, a mushroom), definition of . .210 8A CCHAROMYCO8I8, sak'aromlkd'sis (G. sakcharon - + X. L. mycosis, defi- nition of 211 SACCULINA, definition of .325 MAVCULINA CARCINUtt, sakull'na (L. sacculus, a little sack) .127 SACCULUS, sak'yulus (L. little sac.) 8(57 SACCUS VASCULOSUS, sak'us (L. saccus, a sac) 8-f) SAG-LIKE FUNGI 207 SACRAL, say 'era 1 (L. saver, sacred). definition of • 684 tiAGGITA HEXAPTERA, saj'ita hex ap'tera (L. saggita, arrow; G. /J.P.TYI, six; pteron, wing) 308 ST. AUGUSTINE 384 SAINT-HILARE 384 8 A LAM AN DR A, salaman'drA (L. ««/.- amandra, salamandria) Atra, atra (L. black) (549 Maculosa, makulosa (L. spotted) .649 8ALAMANDRIDAE, definition of 648 SALIVARY GLANDS, sAl'Ivary (L. saliva, spit) 131 Definition of 74 1 , 742 8ALIX, sa'liks (L. a willow) ; (species of willow) - 203 ' 8ALMO FAR10, sal'mo (L. salmon) .GJ,.', The Brook Trout. SALMON, sam'un (L. satire, to leap). 644 ' 8ALPIAK8, sal'pianz (N. L. salpa, a kind of stock fish), definition of . . . .639 SALTATION THEORY, salta'shon (L. saltare. to jump), definition of 403 SAL VIA, aar via (L. sage) 3(><> SALVINIA NAT Ay 8, salvin'ia (after SaJvini, a Florence professor) 227i A species of fern ally. SALVINIALE8 (a Fern Ally) 22 .'/ SAMBONI, DR 13(! SANTORINI, DUCT OF (named after •the Venetian anatomist, Santorini), definition of 75.1 'SAPAJOU, sap'aju (F. sapajoti. word of Tubi origin)' 659 SAPROLEGNIA, saproleg'nia (G. sapros H- leffnwi, hem.) .iOl' SAPROPHYTE, sap'rofit (G. sapros, rotten -4- phyton, plant), definition of . 129, 208 8ARCOCY8TI8, sarkosis'tis (G. sarcos, flesh -f kystis, bladder) 153 Lindemawni 1 53 Afiesctieriana 143, 1 53 Muris 153 SARCODE, sar'kdd (G. sane, flesh) . . . 147 13ARCOLEMMA, sar'kolem'a (G. sarx, flesh + lemma, skin), definition of. 113 SARCOMKRES, sar'kfmuVr/ (G. same, flesh -f- meros, part), definition of.. Ill 8ARCOPHAGA, sarko'faga (G. sarx, flesh -f- phagein, to eat) 850 SARCOPLASM, sar'koplasm (G. sarx, flesh + plasma, something moulded), definition of 113 NARCOPTEN SCAB El, sarkop'tez (G. sarcos, flesh + koptei-n, to cut) . . . .350 KARCONPORIDIA 143, 419 Definition of 153 SARCOSTYLE, sar'kostll (G. sarx, flesh + stylus, pillar), definition of.113 &AR8APARILLA, sarsaparil'a (Basque sarizia, a bramble) :V.i? SARTORll^S. sartoe'reeus (L. sartor, tailor ) fit) SAJJRIA, so'ria (G. sauros, li/ard), definition of S,2i>, 653 SAUROPSIDA, sahropp'sidah (G. sauros, lizard; opsis, appearance), definition of . '. 638, 663 SAVIGN Y'S LAW 313 SAW-FISHES, ssl fish'es (M. E. s 8CYPHOZOA, slfozo'a (G. skyphos, a cup + zoon, animal) 256. 419, 427 SEA ANEMONE* 251 SEA-COW 661 XEA-HORSE 644 SEA-SQUIRTS, definition of 63') fit E A - U R C H I A. EGOS. EXPERI- MENTS ON 206 SEBACEOUS GLANDS, seba'shus (L. sebum, tallow), definition of 673 SEBIFIC GLANDS, sebif'ik (L. sebum, tallow) 344 SECODONT, sek'odont (L. secare, to cut -f G. odous, tooth) 734 SECONDARY TISSUES, sek'ondari ti'shus (L. sccondus, second -f- F. tissu, woven ) 231 SECRETION, sokreshun (L. secernere, to separate) . . . 30, 63 SECRETION CAVITY", definition of. . .238 SECRETING CELLS 237 SECRETIONS. Intestinal 52 SEED LEAF, sed lef (A. S. saed, seed -h leaf, leaf ) 203 SEED PLANTS, sed plants (A. S. saed, seed + L. planta, plant), defi- nition of 203 SEED SCALE, sed skill (seed -f- L. scald, ladder) . . .... . . . .239 SEESSEL'S POCKET, definition of. . .493 SEGMENTAL APPARATUS, segmeri': tal apara'tus (L. segmentum, a seg- ment + apparatus, an apparatus), definition of 848 SEGMENTAL DUCT, definition of.... 605 Plate, definition of .' . . .569 Zones, definition of 458 SEGMENTATION, seg'mentfishun (L. segmentum, a segment) 105, 106 Cavity, definition of . .448 SELACHH, sehVke! (G. selavhos, a cartilaginous fish ) 424 Definition of 642 SELECTIVE FACTOR, selektiv (L. seligere, to choose), definition of... 404 SELENODONT, sele'nodont (G. selene, moon + odous, tooth) 734 SELLA TURCICA, sel'a tur'sika (L. sella, a seat + turcicus, Turkish; also called fossa hypophyseos ) .... 687 SEMICIRCULAR CANALS, sem'iser'- kular (L. semi, half + circulus, cir- cle), definition of 867 SEMILUNAR GANGLION, seinilfi'mir gang'glion (L. semi, half -f- luna, moon). (See trigeminal ganglion) . .884 SEMILUNAR VALVES, semm'iliu'nar (L. semi, half; luna, moon), defini- tion of 541 SEMIMEMBRANOSUS, semi in e m'- brano'sus (L. semi, half + mem- branosus, membranous) definition of. 83 SEMINAL RECEPTACLES, sem'Inal (L. semen, seed) 266 SEMINAL VESICLE . . . .86.819 SEMINIFEROUS TUBULE, semm'i- niff'erous ( L. semen, seed : fero, to bear), definition of 520 SEMITENDINOSUS semiten'dinosus (L. semi, half -f- tendere, to stretch), definition of 83 SENNA, sen'a (Hind, sena, a name) . .23% SENSORY MEMORY, sen'sori mem'ori (L. sensus, sense + memoria, mem- ory) , definition of . . . 178 SENSU STRICTO 423 SEPAL, se'pal (G. sepalon, a sepal) . .242 SEPTA, sep'ta (L. septum, partition), definition of . .266 948 1 NDEX 8&PTW&ANOHIA, sep'tibrang'kia (L. septum,, partition -j- G. bra-ngchia, gills) . 421 An order of Pelecypoda. SEPTIC, definition of 192 SEPTUM, sepp'tum (L. fence, wall) Interbranchial 758 Oblique 756 Pellucidum Xl,2 Transversum, definition of 756 SERIAL HOMOLOGY, se'rial (F. seriel, serial ) 316 SEROSA IN INSECTA, seerow'sah (L. serum, serum ) , definition of 346 SEROUS GLANDS, se'rus gland (L. serum,, serum + glans, an acorn ) , definition of 742 8 E RRAN U 8, sera'nus (L. serra, a saw ) 824 SERRATUS, sera'tiis (L. serra, saw), 80. 829 SERTOLI Foot or sustentacular cells of. 520. 811 (See also testes.) SERUM, se'rum (L. serum, serum) . . 62 SESAMOLD BONES, sess'amoid (G. sesamon, a plant, referring to the shape of the seeds ) 828 SESSILE, ses'il (L. sedere, to sit)... 205 SETAE, se'te (L. seta, bristle) 259, 283 SEVERINUS 371) SEX-LINKAGE, seks ling'kaj (L. sexus, sex -f lingula, a small tongue from ligare to bind), definition of . . . 168 SEXUAL REPRODUCTION, sek'sual reproduk'shun, in Vaucheria (L. sexus. sex -f- re, again -f- producere, to bring forth) 207 SEYMOUR! A 694 SHANK, shangk (A. S. scanca, bone of leg), definition of 45, 84, 708 SHARK-SUCKER 645 SHELL-GLANDS, shel glands (A. S. schell, shell + L, glans, an acorn) .816 SHOCK, ANAPHYLACTIC, definition of, see anaphylactic 201 SHORT-HORNED GRASSHOPPER. . .352 SHREW, shru (A. S. scrcwa, a wicked person, a shrew-mouse) 658 SIEVE TUBES, siv (A. S. siefe), defi- nition of 230, 235 SIGMOID FLEXURE, sig'moid flek- shur (G. E. sigma, -f- eidos, shape, -f L. flexus, the bending) 748 SILICA, si'lika (L. silex, flint) 93 SILUROIDS, silu'roids (G. silouros, a river fish) 761 SIMIA SATYRUS, sim'ia (L. simia, an ape ) 660 SIMPLEX UTERUS, sim'pleks (L. , simple), definition of 819 SINUS, sigh'nus (L. sinus, curve) . . . .284 Rhomboid, definition of 475 Terminalis, definition of 467 Venosus 55, 58, 501 SINUSOID, sm'usoid (L. sinus, curve + eidos, shape ) 795 S1PHONOGLYPHAE, sifonoglif'e (G. siphon, tube + ylyphein, to en- grave) 256 SIPHONOPHORA 255, 419 8IPHUNCULATA, slfungkula'ta (L. siphunculus, a small tube) 423 An order of Pterygoge-nea. SIPHUNGULOIDEA, sifunkuloid'ia (L. siphunculus, a small tube -f- G. eidos, shape), definition of 311 SIPHUNCULUS NUDUS, sifun'kulus niidus (L. siphunculus, a small tube + nudus, naked) 311 SIREN LACERTINA 6S,9 SIRENIA, sire'nia (L. siren, a siren or mermaid) 426 Herbivorous, educabilian, placen- ta! mammals, having the body fish- like in form with the hind limbs and pelvis more or less atrophied, and the body ending in a horizontal expan sive tail. Definition of 662 SIRENIDAE 650 SKATES, skats (probably L. squatus, a kind of shark) .641, 642 SKEINS, skans (Ir. Gael, again, split) ? :. 99 SKELETOGENOUS SHEATH, skell' etoj'eenous (G. skeleton, from skello, make dry ) 612 SKELETON, INTERNAL, skel'eton (G. skeletos, dried, hard) 4(i SKULL, skill (M. K. xkullr, the era nium) 73 SKULL— Development of Wi) Of reptile 692 Representative types of 694 SLOTH, sloth (A. S. slaw, slow) 659 SNAKES, snaks (A. S. snaca, creeper). 651 Definition of 654 Skull of 692 SOCIOLOGY, sosiol'Oji ( L. socius, companion -}- G. logos, discourse) ... 32 SOL 148 SOLAR PLEXUS, soh'lar (L. sol, the sun; plexus, interweaving), definition of 878 SOLIFUGAE, solif'uje (L. sol, sun + fugere, to flee ) 422 An order of Lipoctena. SOMATIC LAYER, sohmat'ik (G. som®, body), definition of . .259 INDEX 949 ,StOJ/17'O/i//-.4N7'.S. som'atoblasts (G. soma, body -f- blastos, bud ) , defini- tion of . .' 281 SOMATOPLASM. som'atoplasm ( G. soma, body -(- plasma,, something moulded) , definition of 99 SOMATOPLEURE. soh'matoeplure (G. tsoma, body; pleura, side), definition of 25$) SOMITE, sob/might (G. soma, body), definition of ! . .264 Metameric, definition of 460 SOREX VULGARI8, sor'eks (G. hyrax, a shrew-mouse ) 658 SORI, definition of : . : 224 SORUS, so'rus (G. soros, a pile) 225 SOUL, sol (Goth, saiwala, soul), defi- nition of 174 SPALLANZANI 200, 380 SPECIES, spe'shiox (L. species, a par- ticular kind) 164 Definition of 402 Origin of new 408 SPECIFIC, spesif'ik (L. species, a par- ticular kind -f- facere, to make ) , defi- tion of 95 SPELERPES FUSCUS, speler'pez fus'- kus (G. spelaion, a cave + herpein, creep) 738 SPERM, sperm (G. sperma, seed) 8f> S P E R M A R T K S, sper'maries ( G. sperma) 86 Of Hydra 2J8 SPERMATHECA. sper'mathe'ka (G. sperma, seed + theke, a case ) 7-7 / Of insect, definition of Ml SPERMATIC, spermat'ik (G. sperma, sperm). Artery 793 # PERM A T 0 CYTE8, sper'matosits (G. sperma* seed -f- kytos, hollow), definition of ". 100 SPERMATOGON1A. sper'm}»to!/f/nia (G. sperma, seed -+- yonos, offspring), definition of '. 1 00 S P E R MATOPHORKS, sper'matr.fr.rs (G. sperma, seed -f- pherein, to bear) 276 Definition of 344, 825 8PERMATOPHYTEK. aper'matoflt*/ (G. sperma -f- phi/ 1 on, plant), defi- nition of 203. 225 SPERMATOZOA. sptVinatozf/a (G. . sperma -f- zoon. animal), definition of 101 SPERM-SAC 218 SPHAEROPH YRA, sforof'ira ( G. sphaira, a ball -)- phyro, to mingle). 155 SPffAGNALES. sfagna'lez (G. sphaq- nos, a kind of moss), definition of. .215 ftPffARGIS CORLACEA. sfar'jis kor'- lasea . . .652 SPHENETHMOID, speneth'moid (G. sphen, wedge -j- cthmos, sieve -j- eidos, form) 72 UPHENISCIFORMES, sfenis'kifdrm'ez ( G. spheniskos, a wedge -f L. forma ) 425 Penguins. Flightless marine birds with small, scale-like feathers; wings modified as paddles for swimming; one family. 8PSENODON PUXCTATUM, afee'noh- don (G. sphen, wedge; odous, tooth ).65t SPHENOID, sfee'noid (G. sphen, wedge ) 692 SPHINCTER MUSCLES, sfing'kter (G. sphinggein, to bind tightly) 763 Definition of 828 XPIHERWORT, splderwert (name of plant) 22!) SPINAL CORD, spl'nal kord ( L. spina, + G. chorde, a cord ) 67 Cord, cross section of 877 SPINAL NERVES, spi'nal nervs (L. spina, spine -f- nervus, sinew) ...... 67 SPINA SCAPULAE, spe'na skapule (L. spina, spine + scapula, shoulder- blade) 704 SPINDLES, spin'dls (A. S. spinnan, to spin ) 99 SPINE, spin (L. spina, spine) ... .67. 681 SPINE, DORSAL, spin' dor'sal (L. spina, spine -f- dorsitm, back) 74 SPIRACLE, spear'ahkel (or spire'ah- kel) (L. spir<2 STAPES, stay 'pee/ (L. stirrup) .716, I STERIGMATA, sterig'mata (G. *te- rigma, a support) >dl STERILIZATION, sterTliza'shun (L. sterilis, barren), method of ...... 101 STERILIZING, sterlll'/ing (L. uteri Ha, barren) 3$ STERNAL, ster'nal ((;. xtcrnon, breast) 3i<> STERNEHHA. 'slir'nebrali (G. sternon -j- L. rrrf.ebra, joint) .101 STERN1TES, ster'nlts (<;. stemon. breast), definition of . .'.330 S T E R N OCLE1DOMASTOI 1). stiVnf. (G. strrnon, breast-plate + kiris, key 4- was/o.s,. mastoid 4- eidos, resem- blance) S29 Also Sternomastoid. STERNOHYOID, sternohi'oid ( G . sternon .4- hyoides, Y-shaped) 81 VTERNOTHA KRUfH NIGRJOA N8, stor- notho'rus (G. sternon 4- thairos, hin^e of a door) 7/,9 STERNUM', sfciT'numm (G. sternon, breastbone). defiTiition of.. .3/5 I XDEX STIGMA, stlg'ma (G. stigma, a pricked mark ) . . . '. 121, 242 Of insect ear .'f-W STIGMATA, stig'mata (plural of stigma ) , definition of 334 STIMULATION, sti'mula'shun (L. stimula-re, to incite) 52 STIMULI, stl'mtill (plural of stimu- lus) 30 STIMULUS, sti'mulus (L. stimulare, to incite) 77 STING, OF BEE, sting (A. S. stingan, to sting ) 361 STIPES, sti'pez (L. stipes, stalk), definition of 335 STIPPLE IMAGE, stip'l (Ger. stippen, to prick ) , definition of 321 8TOLOXIFE&A, stti'lonlf'era (L. stolo, a shoot + ferre, to carry ) 420 Definition of 256 STOMA, sto'ma (G. stoma, mouth) . . .220 STOMACH, stu'mak (G. stomacJtos, throat, gullet ) ; . . //8 S TOM AT A, std'matfi (G. stoma, mouth ) 222 STOMODEUM, stdw'mohdeeuin (G. stoma-, mouth : da-io, divide ) , defini- tion of 2idor; eidos, resemblance ) 838 SUBARTTCULAR PADS 40 SUBCEPHALIC POCKET. SI^BSTANTIA ALBA, substan'sia al'ba (L. substantia, substance -f- alba, white) , definition of -. 847 Grisea, definition of 847 Propria o 1 4 SUBTHALAMUS, siibthfi'Iaiuiis (L. sub. under 4- G. thalamos, bridal chamber) , definition of 851 SUBUMBRELLA, sfibumbreria (L. sub, under + It. ombrella, from ombra. shade), definition of.. ..254. INDEX SUBI'NGUIS. ftiibfing'gwis (L. sub, under -f- ungnis, nail), definition of. 667 SUBZONAL LAYER, subzo'nal (L. sub, under -+- zona, belt) definition of 621 SUCKERS, OF TADPOLE, siik'ers (A. S. sucan, to suck ) 548 SUCTORIA, sukto'ria (L. sugere, to suck), definition of.. 153, 155, 410, 424 SUCTORIAL, sukto'rial (see Suctoria)730 SUCTORIAL PADS 254 SUGAR, shii'gar 50 8TJIDAE, su'ide (L. SMS, swine + idae, like) , definition of 660 '-SUINA, sui'na (L. sus, swine), defini- tion of 661 SULCI, sul'si (L. sulcus, furrow) .... Of brain : 843 Lateral limiting, definition of 4«n SULCUS, sull'kuss (L. a furrow or groove) 730 SULZE (jelly) 632 SUPERPOSITION IMAGE, su'perposi'- shun (L. super, above; ponere, to place) 322 SUPPORTING TISSUE, supor'ting (L. supportare, to bring up to), defini tion of • 234 SUPPORTING TISSUE CELLS OF VERTEBRATES 402 SUPRAOCCIPITAL, su'praoksip'ital (L. supra, above -4- occiput, back part of head) 73 SUPRAORBITAL LINE, su'praor'bital (L. supra, above + orbis, a circle) .582 SUPRA-PERICARDIAL BODIES, sii- praperikar'dial (L. supra, above -f- G. peri, around + G. kardia, heart), definition of 588 SUPRA-RENAL, supra-re'nal ( L. supra, above -f renes," kidneys), defi- nition of 822 ( See also adrenal, epinephric. ) :SUPRAROSTRAL CARTILAGES, su ipraros'tral (L. supra, above -4- ros- trum, beak ) 613 SUPRASEGMENTAL APPARATUS, suprasegmen'tal (L. supra, above -f segmentum, segment), definition of. 848 SUPRATEMPORAL LINE, siipratem'- poral (L. supra, above -f tempus, time) .584 SURANAL, siirfmal (L. supra, above -4- anus, anus), definition of 336 SURANGULARE, siirang'ulare (L. supra, above + angulus, an amjle) .692 SURANIM TOAD, suri'nam (South American name ) 650 SURFACE TENSION THEORY, sur' fas ten'shun (L. super, upon + fades, face), definition of. 122 SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. . . .403 SURVIVAL VALUE, servl'val ( L. super, over -f- vivere, to live), defi- nition of 403 SUSPENSOR1UM, suspensor'ium (L. suspendere, to hang down), defini- tion of 74 SUTURE, su'tur (L. suo, to sew) 336 SUTURES, sfi'turz (L. sutura, a seam, in insects), definition of 336 SWAMMERDAM 370 SWAN, CIRCULATION IN, swan ( Ger. schu-an } 785 SWEAT GLANDS, swet (A. S. swat), definition of 672 In amphibia 63 S\\ '1MMERET, svvim'eret ( Dim. of sicimmer) 313 SYLVIUS, JACOBUS 378 SYrLVIUS 380 Aqueduct of, definition of... 511, 845 Fissure of 843 SYMBIOSIS, simbio'sis (G. symbioun, to live together ) 208 # Y M KRANCHIL simbrang'kii (G. syn + brangchia) 043 SYMPATHETIC CHAIN, simpAthet'ik (G. syn, with + pathos, feeling) .... 65 Ganglion 65 Ganglia 514 Nervous .system -77.S Of insect 35!) Nervous system, definition of 00 8YMPHOPLEONA, simfople'ona (G. .symphorein, to bear together -}- pleion, more) 422 An order of Collevibola. 8YMPHYLA, sim'fila (G. *i/n + phylon, tribe) 422 An order of Proganeata. SYMPHYSIS, simm'feesis ((.». union) 77, 097 SYNAPSIS, sinap'sis (G. synapsis, union) , definition of 101 SYNCYTIUM, slnsit'ium (G. syn. with + kytos, hollow), definition of. 11 4, 207 SYNERGID, siner'jid (G. synergos. co- operating), definition of 244 SYNOTIC TECTUM, synot'ik (G. *//», Together, ous, ear), definition of 087 SYNSACRUM, sinsa'krum (G. syn, with + L. sacrum, holy) 706 SYNTHESIS TISSUES, sm'thesis (G. syn, with + thesis, a setting, an ar- rangement), definition of 236 SYPHILIS, sif'ilis (N. L. syphilis, from poem "8yph*>lu&"} 140, 147 SYRINX, sir'inks (G. pipe), definition of ! Iffi't NYRPHUN FL1K8, ser'fus (G. syrphos, a gnat) 868 SYSTEMATIC ARCH . . 55 INDEX 953 SYS T E M AT1STS, sis'tematists (G. systema.. an arrangement) 370 SYSTEMIC ARCH 531 Circulation 33 SYSTOLE, sis'tolo (G. systole, a draw- ing together ) 56 TAB ANUS, tabfi'niis (L. tabanus, a gad fly ) 330 TABLE OP ANIMALS 418, 432 TACHINA FLY. takl'na (G. tachus, swift) 368 TACTILE, tak'til (L. tangere, to touch) '. 254 TADPOLE, tad'pol (M. E. fade, toad H- polle, head ) 547 Eggs and adult stage of frog J^Jt TAENIA CONFUSA. te'ma konffi'sa ( L. taenid, ribbon ) 298 Cucumerina 297 Same as dipyl (Hum caninum. EohinocoGCns 295 Elliptica 297 Flavo-punctata 297 Mediocanellata 295 Multilocularifi 297 Nana, 298 Saginata 295 Solium •. 293 TALON", ta'lon (L. talus, ankle) 736 TALUS, ta'lus (L. talus, ankle) 709 TAMANDUA TETRADACTYLE, ta- man'dM (native name for four-toed ant-bear) (;,7.9 T AM AN IX GALLIC A .... ..349 TAPEWORMS 2<)J, TAPIRIDAE, tapir'ide (native name). 662 Family of tapirs. TAP ROOT, tap'root (M. E. iappe, a short pipe + A. S. wyrt, root) 203 TARDTGRADA, tardig'rada (L. tar- digradus, slow-going) 429 T A REN TO L A . taren'tola ( nati ve name) 5,55 Mauritanica — A genus of deck OUCH. TARPON, tar'pon (native name) . .'. .fi.J.f TARSAL, tar'sal (G. Inrwm. a flat sur- face) 77 Glands 073 TARSUS, tar'sus (G. torsos, sole of the foot) 328, 708 TASTE BUDS 741 TAXIS, tak'sis (G. taxis, arrange- ment), definition of 126 TAXONOMY, takson'omi (G. taxis, ar- rangement -h nomos, law ) 32 TECTUM SYNOTICUM, tek'tum (L. tego, to cover) 539, 687 TEETH ALVEOLI, teth (A. S. toth, a tooth) , definition of 733 Classification of . ..732, 737 Development of 731 Egg 737 Of fishes 731 Names according to usage and shape 733 Pharyngeal 733 TEGMEN CRAN1I, teg'men 687 TEGMENTUM, tegmen'tum (L. tego, to cover ) 840 TEGMINA, teg'mina (L. tegmen, covering) 336 TELAE CHOROIDEAE, te'le 860 TELEOSTEI, tell'eeos'tee'eye (G. teleos. whole, perfect, osteon, bone) 425, 643 TELEOSTOMI, tell'eeoss'toemy (G. teleos, perfect, stoma, mouth) . .425, 642 TELOCOELE, te'losel ... 511 The vesicle in the Telencephalon. TELOLEC1THAL, tell'ohless'ithal (G. telos, end, tekithos, yolk) 550 TELOPHASE, teTofaz (G. telos. end -h phasis, aspect ) 57, 98 TELOXPORIDJA, telosporid'ea (G. telos, end + spora. seed) .143, 152, 419 Bporozoa in which the life of the individual ends with spore formation. TELSON. tel'son (G. telson. extrem- ity) 313 The unpaired terminal abdominal segment of Crustaceans. TEMNOSPONDYLOUS, tem'nospon7- dilus (G. temnein, to cut; sphondy- los, a vertebra) 682 With vertebrae not fused, but in articulated pieces. TEMPORAL, tem'pohral (L. tempu*. temple) 697. 843 Pertaining to, or in the region of the temples. TEMPORAL/^, temporal'is (L. tempus, time) 81 TENACULUM. tenak'ulfim ( L. tertax, holding) 875 In teleosts, a fibrous band extend- ing from eyeball to skull. TENDON, ten'don (L. tcndo. to stretch) 78 A white, glistening, fibrous cord connecting a muscle with a movable structure. TENSOR, ten'sor (L. tensus. stretch). 336 TENTACLES, ten'taklz (L. L. tent tin, - liim. a feeler) 247 Slender flexible organs on the head of many small animals, used for feeling, exploration, etc.. as in snails, insects, crabs. TENTACULOCYSTS, tentak'ulosi>t> (L. L. tentaculum. a feeler -h G. ki/stis. a bladder ) 256 Club-shaped bodies on the umbrella margin. INDEX TENTOR1UM, tentoli'rceum ( L. Icmio. to stretch) 838 TERATOLOGY, ter'atol'oji (G. teras, a monster -f logos, discourse) 31 TERES, tee'reez (L. round) . . . 155 Ligament 797 TERGITE, ter'jlt (L. tergum, back) .336 The dorsal chitinous plate on each segment of most Arthropoda. TERGUM, ter'gum (L. tergum, back) .315 T E R R E S T R 1AL VERTEBRATES, te.res'trial (L. terra, earth) 663 Vertebrates living on the ground as opposed to aerial, aquatic. TERTIAN FEVER, ter'shan (L. tertianus, of the third day), defini- tion of ' 132 TESSERA PRTNCEPS, tes'§ra (G. tessarec, four ) 256 TESTES, tess'teez (L. testis) 47. .'/«S Paired male reproductive org;ms producing spermatozoa. Descent of 818 TESTUDINIDAE, testudin'ide (N. L. testudo, tortoise) 652 TESTUDO ELEPHANTQPU8 720 Ibera 7.W TETRABRANCHIA. tetrabrang'kia (G. tetra, four -f- branchia, gills) 421 Cephalopoda with four gills, four kidneys, and four auricles, and large external shell, no suckers, and short arms. Example — Nautilus. TETRAD, tet'rad (G. tetras. four)-.. 102 A group of four. TKTRAPO.DA, tetrap'dda (G. hlra, four + pous, foot ) 663 TETRAXONIDA, tetrakson'ida (G. tetra -f- axon, axis) 419 Sponges with tetraxon spieules. TETRONERYTHR1 N, tet'ronerith'rin (G. tetra + on -f erythros, red).. 31.8 TETROPHI8 822 A species of worms. TH AL AMENCEPH ALON. th a 1 7i men - sef'alon (G. thalamos, a receptacle.; engkepttalon, the brain) .,..." 66 THALAMUS, thal'amus (L. chamber) 571. 839. 849 TffALASSTCOLA, thalasikol'a (G. thalassa, the sea -f- kolla, glue) .... 148 The typical genus of Thfihixwi- coUdae. THALESSA, thales'a SI 2 (Native name, subgenus of pnr- pora. ) THALIAOEA, thalia'sea (G. ihaliea, blooming ) 424, 639 Free swimming Urochordata with- out tail in adult. Example — Salpians. THALLOPHYTE, thal'lofit (G. 1 halloa, a young shoot -4- phytots, a plant) ..,, ,. 203, 204 THALLUS, thal'us (G. t hallos, a young shoot) 220 THECODONT, thee'kohdont (G. theke, sheath; odous, tooth), definition of. 733 THECOPHORA, theko'fora (G. theke, sheath ; pherein, to bear ) 652 THEOPHRASTUS, theofras'tus (Theo- phrastus, a Greek philosopher) 376 THEORETICAL VS. PRACTICAL.. . . 22 THEORIES OF LIFE 1 57 THE PLANT-WORLD. .185, 193, 202. 240 THERAPEUTICS, therapu'tiks (G. therapon, an attendant) lit 7 THERMOMETERS 38 THERMOTROPISM, thermot'tropizm (G. therme, heat + trope, a turn- ing) ' 127 THEROMORPHOUS. theromor'fus (G. ther, a wild beast -f- morphe, form ) . : 45, 77 T H I G M OTROPISM, thigmot'rOpizm (G. thigma, touch + trope, a turn- ing) 126 THORACIC, thohras'ik (L. thorax, thorax) .319. 364 Duct 800 THOUGHT, definition of 182 THREADWORMS 285, 302 THYMUS, thy'mus (G. thymon, thyme) * - .53, 77,:? Development of 587 Extracts of ^'L THYROHYALS, thirohialz (G. thyra, door + hyoeidrs, Y-shaped) 73S The greater corn u a of the hyoid bone. rrHYROID (or THYREQID), thy'roid. thy'reeoid (G. 1hj/rco*. shield) . .53. ?//,? Cartilages .'.' 763 Development of 588 Extracts of 52 THYSANOPTERA, thisanop'tera (G. thyranos, a tassel -\- pteron, wing) .423 Insects with four narrow, mem- branous wings fringed with long hairs as the 77/n'/;.s. THY8ANURA 422, 430 TIBIA, tibb'eeah (L. tibia, the shin bone) 77, ?'".* TIBIALIS, tibial'Ts (L. tibia, the shin bone) 80 Tf BIO-FIBULA , tib'iofib'ula ( L. tibia, a flute -f fibula, which see) 7e? TICKS, definition of 373 TISSUE, tis'u or tish'u ( F. tissu, Avoven ) 46 Absorption 234 " Assimilating 236 Botryoidal 284 Conducting 234 Covering 234 I.XDKX Fundamental 229 Mechanical 234 Primary 228 Protective 234 Reproductive 238 Secondary 231 Storage ' 237 Supporting 234 Synthesis 236 TOLERANCE 190 TONGUE, tiing (A. S. lunge, tongue) . Development of 588 Extensile 47 TONSIL, ton'sil (L. tonsilla. tonsil) 731, 73it- TOOTH OF RATTLESNAKE ' .733 TOPOGRAPHICAL, topografikal (G, tophos, place -4- graphein, write) . . . 4H4 TORPEDOES (542 . TORRENS 38S TORSION, tor'shun (L. torquerv: to twist) 480 . The twisting round of a gastropod body as it develops. TORUS TRANSVERSUS, to'rus (L. torus, a swelling ) 571 TOXIC, tox'ik (G. toxikon, poison) ... 95 TRABECULAE ,trabek'yulee (L. little beam) 5i; Carnae 530. 541 Cranii 540 TRACHEAE. trfikf-f- (G. tracln/s. rough ) }.'>/> TRACHEATA. trakeat'a (G. trachys, rou?h) 312 TRACHEIDS. trak'eids (L. trachia, windpipe) 231, 235 TRACHYMEDUSAE, trak'imedn'se (G. trachys, rough -f- L. medusa, medusae ) 419 Hydrozoa without alternation of generations. TRAGER 623 TRAINING. MEANING OF 32. 157 TRANSITIONAL CELLS, tranzish'onal (L. transire, to go across) 557 TRANSVERSE PROCESS, tranz'vers (L. trans, across -+- vertere, to turn) .72 TRAPEZIUS, trapee'zeeus (G. trapcza. table) 829 TRAPEZOID, tra'pezoid (G. lr TRICHOPTERA, trikop'tera (G. thrix, hair + pteron, wing) 423 Insects with four membraneous wings, longitudinally veined and covered with hairs. Example — Cad- dice Flies. TRICE OSTRON C, YL US O RJ UN TA LI S 301 TRICHURIS TRICHirRA, trlkur'is triku'ra (G. thrix, a hair 4- oura, tail) 301 A genus of Trema toda. TRICLADIDA 420 Turbellaria with three main branches to intestine. TRICONODONT, tricun'odunt (L. trett, three + conits, a cone + G. odontos, a tooth) 736' TRICUSPID VALVES, trykus'pid (L. tres, three ; cuspis, point ) 804 TRIFID NUCLEUS, tri'fid (L. tres, three + findere, to cleave) US TRIGEMINAL GANGLION, trijem'i nal (L. trigeminus) 575 TRTGEMINUS, tryjem'inus (L. three at a birth, triple) (K8 TRIGODONT, trigodont (L. tres + odontos, a tooth) 736 TRIGONUM LEMNISCI. trigo'num (L. trigonum. a triangle) 839, 841 TRIONYX GANGETICTW, tri'oniks (L. tres, three -f- onyx, a nail) . . . .683 TRIONYX HURUM (see above) t L. tres + G. onyx) 683 T RI PLOBLA ST, trip'loblast ( G. triplax, triple + blastos, a bud). 107, 247 • T R I Q U E T R U M, trikwet'rum ( L. 'triquetrus, three-cornered ) 709 The cuneiform carpal bone; a wormian bone. TRI.RADIAL, trlra'dial (L. tres. three; radius, a ray ) 678 TRITICUM. trit'icum (L. tri-tioum,, wheat) ?•''•'• A genus of grasses. TRITON CRISTATVH, trl'ton erista'- tus (G. Triton, a sea god) . . . .584, €48 1)56 INDEX TROCHANTEK, tmlikan'ter (G. trochos, wheel) 328, 101, 71 1 T KOCH L E A R I S, trok'lear'is ( G. trochilia, a pulley) 68 TROCHOPHORE, trok'ofor (G. trochos, wheel + pherein, to bear) .309 TROCHOSPHERE, trok'osfer (G. trochos, wheel -4- sphaira, globe) . . .280 TROPHECTODERM 02!) TRO PRO BLAST, trof'oblast (G. trophe, nourishment + blastos, bud). 622 T ROPHO DERM, trof 'oderm ( G. trophe, nourishment + derma, skin) . .' 625, 629 TROPICAL BOIL 144 TROPISM, tro'pizm (G. trope, a turn- ing) 126 TRUNCATELLA , trunk'atel'la ( L. truncare, cut off) 155 TRUNCUS ARTERIOSUS, trunk'us arter'id'sus (L. truncits, a stock) . . . 54, 55, 58, 595 TRY PANG SO MA GAMBIENSE, tri- pan'oso'mah (G. trypanos, borer + soma, body ) 143 TRYPSIN, trip'sin (G. tryein, to rub down -f- pepsin, a digestion ) . . . . 50, 268 TSCHERMAK .388 TSETSE FLY 144. 369 TUBE FUNGI, tub (L. tuba, a pipe) .208 TUBER CTNERUM, tiu'bur (L. a swelling) 852 TUBERCLES, tii'berkl (L. tuberculum, a small hump) ....192 TUBERCULA PUPERTATIS 277 TUBERCULUM POSTERIUS, tiuburr' kiulum ( L. tuberculum, a little swelling) 512, 570 Impar 739 TUBEROSITTES OF TEETH 735 TUBES— Annular 234 Latex 235 Pitted 234 Reticulate 234 Scalarifonn 234 Sieve 235 Spiral 234 TUBIFEX, tub'ifeks (L. tubus -f fncere, to make ) 283 A sub-class of Oligochaeta. TUBIPORA MU8WA, tnbT'— ra (L. • tubus, a. tube + pora. a pore) 256 Pipe-orsfan coral. TUBO-TYMPA'NUC CAVITY 586 T 11 K V L I DENT AT A, tiVbulidentA'ta (G. t it I > a lu H. a tube + dentatus, toothed ) . 420 Burrowinir mammals of Africa known as Cape ant-eaters. TUNIC, tu'nik (L. tunica, a coating) .752 TUNICA OF EYE (See tunicata) .872.873 TUN1CATA, tiii'nikay'tah (L. tunica, tunic) '. .424, 430, 5J3, 639 Fixed forms of Urochordata with- out tail in adult. Example — sea squirt. TURBELLARIA, terbela'rifi (L. turbo, disturb) 285, 420, 427 Free-living Platyhelminthes with ciliated ectoderm. TURBINAL, turr'binal (L. turbo, any- thing that whirls ) 868 TURBINATE, tur'binat (L. turbo, a whirl ) 696 TURTLE 651 Skull of 692 Urogenital system of 825 TYMPANIC, TYMPANUM, timpan'ik, tim'panum ( L. tympanum, drum ) .45, 7 1 TYMPANOHYAL, tim'panohial (G. tympa.non, a drum -f- hyoeides, Y-shaped ) 738 TYMPANUM, tim'panum (G. tympa- non, a drum ) 71 Of bird trachea 764 Of Insect M(i TYPES OF CESTODA, tip (L. typus, an image) 296 TYPHLOMOLGE RATHBUXI, tiflo- mol'je (N. L. A genus of tailed amphibia ) 650 TYPHLOPIDE, tiflop'ide ( N. L. typhlops -\- G. eidos) 417 TYPHLOSOLE, tlf'losol (G. typhlos, •blind -f solen, a channel ) 259 TYSON 379 ULNA, ull'nah (L. ulna, elbow) JOS ULNARE, ulnsVre, or ulnarfi (L. ulna, elbow) ; . 76 ULTIMO BRANCHIAL BODIES, defini- tion of 588 UMBILICAL GROOVE OF FEATHER, umbilical, umbill'ikel (L. umbilicus, navel) 671 UMBILICUS, umbllT'cus (L. navel).. 632 UNCINARIASIS 303 UNCINATE PROCESS. iinn'seenat.f ( L. uncus, hook ) 719 UNCINATUS GYRUS 8',', UNDULATING MEMBRANE, defini- tion of 139 UNEQUAL SEGMENTATION, defini- tion of 106 UNGUES, definition of 337 UNGUWULATA, unggwikula'ta (L. unguiculus, a nail) 426, 658 Clawed Mammals. UNGUIS, ung'wis (L. unguis, claw), definition of 667 UNGULATA, ung'gfila'ta ( L. ungula, hoof) 426, 660 Mammals witli hoofs. I NDKX UNGUL1GRADE, unngiu'ligrade (L. ungulii, hoof: gradu-s, walk), defini- tion of 714 UNIRAMOUS 315 UNISERIAL, u'nise'rial (L. unus, one + series, rank ) , definition of 707 UNIT, biological 88 Characters 165 URACHUS, u'rakus (G. ouroti, urine + ecfcew, to hold) 629 URCEOLATA, ur'seola'ta (L. urceolus, small pitcher) 1^8 UREA, ure'a (G. ouron, urine) 64 URETER, yuree'ter {G. ouron, urine) .64, 85, 518, 810 URETHRA, yuree'thrah (G. ouron, urine ) The canal from the bladder through which urine is discharged. URIC ACID 339 URINIFEROUS TUBULES 6'.', URINOMETERS 38 URNATELLA 310 URO CHORD ATA, urokorda'ta (G. oura, tail + chorde, cord) .424, 430, 630 The group of pro-vertebrates in which the notochord is confined to the caudal region. UROCYST, u'rosist (G. ouron, urine -(- kystis, a hollow), definition of. ..810 VRODELA, yu'rowdee'lah (G. oura, tail; delos, evident) 425, 647 Amphibians with persistent tails. UROGENITAL PLEXUS, urojen'ital (G. ouron, urine; L. genitalis, geni- tal) 68 Sinus 629. 824 Systems 812. 8 J.I UROGLENA 150 UROHYAL, urOhi'al (G. oura, tail + hyoeides, Y-shaped), definition of.. 740 UROPATAGIUM, fi'ropata'jiimi (G. oura, tail -+- patagium, border) . . . .320 UROPODS, u'ropods (G. oura, tail + pous, foot), definition of 314 UROPYGIAL GLAND, uropij'ial (G. oura, tail; pyge, rump) 670 UROSTYLE, yu'rowstyle (G. oura, tail ; stylos, column) 67, 72 URSU8 ARCTU8, iir'sus firkins (L. iirsus, a bear) 7S// UTERUS, yu'terus (L. utrnix. womb) .' 86. 8 1 8 Masculinus 81 9 UTRICULUS, yutrik'yuliis (L. a little bag) * ' 866, 807 VACUOLES, vak'uolz (L. vacuus, empty ) , definition of 8P VAGINA, vajye'nah (L. a sheath) .... VAGUS, vay'gus (L. wandering) 68 Ganglion . 65 VALVK, vsilv (L. valva. fold) . . . Auriculo-ventricular 55 Bicuspid, definition of 786 Mitral, definition of.. .-786 Spiral 55 Spiral, definition of 754 VALVES— Of heart, how formed Semilunar Sinu-auricular Tricuspid 804 VALVULA CEREBELLI, vfil'vula (L. valvula, a small fold) 857 VAN HELMONT 380, 381 VAX LEEUWENHOEK VARANUS Malvator 65* \'ARIATIOKH, vfi'riri'shun/ (L. va- riare, to change) 164, 402 VAROLII, PONS 863 \ ASA EFFERENTIA, va'sa efferen' shefi (L. ras, a vessel; ex, from + ferre, to carry), definition of 610 Vasorum 781 VASCULARIZATION 629 VASCULAR SYSTEM, vas'kular (L. vasculum. a small vessel ) 223 VAS DEFEREN1S (L. vas -h deferre, to carry from), definition of 610 VASTUS, vass'tus ( L. vast) 8ft VAUGHERIA 187, 207 VEGETABLE POLE, definition of 10f> VrEIN, van (L. vena, vein) 53, 60 Abdominal Ant. abdominal 5.J Artery and nerve 5£ Brachial 61 Dorso-lumba r . 61 Femoral '/8, 61 Hepatic 61 Hepatic portal 54, 61 Iliac 61 Musculocuta neons 5), 61 Ovarian 61 Pelvic 48, 61 Postcaval 54, 61 Precaval 54, 61 Pulmo-cutaneous 5// Pulmonary 5-), 55, 61 Renal ,., 61 Renal portal '/8, 54, 61 Sciatic 61 Sinus venosus 5) Spermatic 61 Transverse iliac 61 Vesical 48, 61 VELUM, vee'lum (L. veil), definition of .. .254 Anterior medullarv, definition of. 85!) Of Hydra 251 Medullare, definition of 841 Palati, definition of 730 Transversum. definition of. . .512, 85fi INDEX VKNA CAVA, vc'na ca'va (L. vena + cava, hollow), definition of 775 VENTER, ven'ter (L. renter, belly), definition of . . . . 218 VENTILATION 38 VENTRAL, ven'tral (L. venter, belly). 47 VENTRICLE, ven'treekel (L. venter, belly) . . Laryngoal. definition of 7(54 Of heart, definition of 479. 778 VENTRICLES— Of brain, where located 840-841 Lateral, definition of .511 VENTRIGULUS, ventrik'ulus (L. ven- triculus, dim. of venter, belly), defi- nition of 329 Impar , 57 '1 VENULE8, ven'fil/ (L. renula, dim. of vena,, vein I VERMIN 350 VERMIS, ver'mis (L. worm), defini- tion of -.-. 859 VERTEBRAL PLATE, ver'tebral (L. vertebra, joint), definition of 401 VERTEBRATA, verretebray'tali (L. vertebra, joint) 424, 431 Definition of 040 VERTEBRATE, ver'tebrate (L. verte- bra, joint ) 43 VERTEX, ver'teks (L. vertex, top) . .33!) Breech measurement 6.W VESALIUS 378. 38(1, 388 VESICAL, vess'ikal (L. vesica., blad- der) • Allantoic, definition of 488 Blastodermic ( see blastoderm ) . Germinal, definition of. 443 Of nucleus 55 1 Seminal <%' VESICLES, ves'ikls (L. vesicn-la. a vesicle) 93 VESICULA SEMINALIS, sem'inal'is (L. vesicula -\- seminalis, pertaining to seed; by usage, sperm) '/8 VESTIBULE, ves'tllml (L. vestibulum, passage) ; 820 Of ear 866 Of ear, definition of 868 Of nose, definition of 87 1 VESTIGIAL, vestij'lal (L. vestigium, trace) 316, 574 VICQ D' AZYR 380 V-ILLI, vill (L. villus, shaggy hair) ..627 Definition of 725 VINEGAR EEL 306 VIRCHOW 389 VIRULENCE, vir'ulens (L. virulentus, full of poison ) 199 VISCERA, viss'errah (L. viscus, inter- nal organ ) 47 VISCERAL ARCHES, vis'eral (L. risous, internal organ) 74 Definition of . . . 585 VISCERAL CLKFTS— Definition of . . . . . .<. .498, 680 Muscles, definition of. . 820 Pouches, definition of 498 Skeleton 73 Skull, definition of 538 VITALISM, vl'talizm (L. vita, life).. 405 VITALLY SECRETORY GLANDS, definition of 07;{ VITELLINE ARTERIES, vi (or vi) tell'inn (L. vitellus, yolk) 471 Glands .. . .. 292 VITELLINE ( pertaining to yolk ) . . . 438 VITELLINE VS. OMPHALOMESEX- TERIC, definition of 48:! VITELLUM. definition of 438 VITELLUS, vlteTus (L. vitellus, yolk) 438 VITREOUS HUMOR, vit'reeous (L. glassy ) 57.0 Definition of 70 Of eye 873 VIVERRA, vlver'ra (L. viverra, a fer- ret) 134 VIVERRA IN DIC A, teeth of .735 VIVIPAROUS, vivip'arus (L. vivus, alive + parere, to beget) 619 VOCAL CORDS, vo'kal (L. vox, voice) 43 How formed . . 762 VOICE BOX 763 VOLANT, vf/lant (L. rolatis, flying) .654 VOLAR, vo'lar (L. vola, palm of hand) 69 VOLVOCA CEAE, vol'vokfi'soe (L. volvere, to turn around) 201 VOLVOX, vol'voks (L. volvere) 129 Definition of 150 Globator 20'f VOMER, voh'mer (L. ploughshare) .48, 73 VOMERO-NASAL ORGAN (L. vomer) , definition of 872 VOMERS, vomers (L. vomer) 617 VON BAER 382, 386, 388 VORTEX, vor'teks (L. vortex, vortex). 522 VORTICELLA, vorticel'la (L. vortex, a whirl), definition of 155 WALDHKIMIA AUSTRALIA ,il I WALLACE, ALFRED RUSSELL. 385, 400 WARBLE FLY . . 348 WAX GLANDS, waks (A. S. weax, wax) 364 WEBER 380 WEIGHT OF HUMAN EMBRYO .... 632 WEISMANN, AUGUST 161, 384 WEISMANMAN BRIDGE 162 WHALEBONE 737 WHALES 662 WHARTON'S DUCT, definition of. . . .742 Jelly 632 WHAT TO OBSERVE 28 WHEELER 418 WHIPWORM 306 WHITE MATTER . ..07. 836 INDEX 959 WHORLS, h*.,rljB (A. ,>. hvcorfa, a wheel) 242 WHY TO STUDY 1«) WIDAL REACTION, definition of.... 200 WILDER 744, 748 WILLIS, CIRCLE OF. definition of.. 792 \VIXG MUSCLES OF INSECT, wing ( M. E. winge, wing ) 340 WING OF INSECT 335 Wi;N!SLOW, FORAMEN OF. definition of 746 ^\l^THEMIA 4-PU8TULATA 368 WIRSUNG'S DUCT, definition of.... 751 WISHBONE 704 \\6HLER ..".', 380 W< )LFF 38 1 . 386, 388 WOLFFIAN BODY, wolf 'eean (after K. F. Wolff. German anatomist), def- inition of 482, 504, 808 Duct 64 Ridge ..510 WOOD, wood (A. S. icudu, wood), definition of 230 WUNDT, WM 182 X CHROMOSOME, definition of. 100, 168 -\K\OPU8 650 X I PHISTBRNUM, /insteT'num (G. .ziphos, sword + L. sternum, breast) 701 XIPHOID, zif'oid (G. .viphos, sword -f- eidos, shape ) 80, 101 MPHO8URA, zifosfmi (G. xiphos, sword + o?/ra, tail ) 421 King-crabs. Y-CHROMOSOME. definition of 168 YEASTS 211 YELLOW FEVER- HOW caused 130 YOLK PLUG, yok (A. S. geoloca, the yellow part), definition of 451, 554 YOLK STALK 462, 48<* YPSILOID CARTILAGE, ip'si'loid (G. •tipsilon -f- eidos, resemblance) ..... .706 ZI'ITEL 388 ZOANTHARIA, zdontluVria (G. zoon, animal -\- anthos, flower) 251, 420 A subclass of (Joelenl crates. ZOANTHIDEA, zoanthi'dea (G. zoon + anthos) 420 An order of Zoanthar.'a. ZONA RADIATA, definition of 443 ZONE OF JUNCTION, zon (G. zone, a girdle) , definition of 450 ZOOCHLORELLAE, zo'okloreTe (G. zoon, animal + rhloreos, green) . . .286 ZOOECIUM, zoe'sium (G. zoon. + oikos, house ) 310 ZOOGEOGRAPHY, zoogeog'rafl (G. zoon -\- ge, earth -f- graphein, to write) , definition of 32 ZOOLOGY", zodl'Ogi (G. zoon + logos, a discourse) Economic 32 ZOOPHYTA, zo'ofl'ta (G. zoon + phyton, plant), definition of 255 ZOOSPORE, zoospor' (G. zoon + spora, seed ) , definition of .... 150, 207 ZOOTHAMNION 155 ZORAPTERA 423 An order of Blaltaeformia. Z YT G A P O P H Y S I S, zlgapof't-sis or zigapof'esis (G. zygon, yoke; apo- physis, process ) 682 ZYGOMATIC, zigomat'ik or zigomat'ik ( G. zygoma, yoke ) 697 ZYGOSPORE, zl'gospor (G. zygon + sporos, seed ) , definition of 205 ZYGOTK, zl'got (G. zygotes, yoked).. 101 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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