22 THE GENETICAL THEORY OF NATURAL SELECTION OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS AMEN HOUSE, E.O. 4 LONDON EDINBURGH GLASGOW LEIPZIG NEWTOBK TORONTO MELBOURNE CAPETOWN BOMBAY CALCUTTA MADRAS SHANGHAI HUMPHREY MILFORD PUBLISHER TO THB UNIVERSITY NA' For description of the frontispiece see p. xiii THE GENETICAL THEORY OF NATURAL SELECTION o R. A. FISHER, Sc.D., F.R.S. OXFORD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS 1930 OH Printed in Great Britain TO MAJOR LEONARD DARWIN In gratitude for the encouragement, given to the author, during the last fifteen years, by discussing many of the problems dealt with in this book PEEFACE NATURAL Selection is not Evolution. Yet, ever since the two words have been in common use, the theory of Natural Selection has been employed as a convenient abbreviation for the theory of Evolution by means of Natural Selection, put forward by Darwin and Wallace. This has had the unfortunate consequence that the theory of Natural Selection itself has scarcely ever, if ever, received separate consideration. To draw a physical analogy, the laws of con- duction of heat in solids might be deduced from the principles of statistical mechanics, yet it would have been an unfortunate limita- tion, involving probably a great deal of confusion, if statistical mechanics had only received consideration in connexion with the conduction of heat. In this case it is clear that the particular physical phenomena examined are of little theoretical interest compared to the principle by which they can be elucidated. The overwhelming importance of evolution to the biological sciences partly explains why the theory of Natural Selection should have been so fully identi- fied with its role as an evolutionary agency, as to have suffered neglect as an independent principle worthy of scientific study. The other biological theories which have been put forward, either as auxiliaries, or as the sole means of organic evolution, are not quite in the same position. For advocates of Natural Selection have not failed to point out, what was evidently the chief attraction of the theory to Darwin and Wallace, that it proposes to give an account of the means of modification in the organic world by reference only to 'known ', or independently demonstrable, causes. The alternative theories of modification rely, avowedly, on hypothetical properties of living matter which are inferred from the facts of evolution them- selves. Yet, although this distinction has often been made clear, its logical cogency could never be fully developed in the absence of a separate investigation of the independently demonstrable modes of causation which are claimed as its basis. The present book, with all the limitations of a first attempt, is at least an attempt to consider the theory of Natural Selection on its own merits. When the theory was first put forward, by far the va,giipst- in its"composition was the principle of inheritance. NV^maji nf_ ing*-qr~t;xpeTleiice could deny this principle, vet, at thp. timft. no^ approach could be given to an exact account of its working. That an viii PREFACE independent study of Natural Selection is now possible is principally due to the great advance which our generation has seen in the science Of genetics, it deserves notice that the first decisive experiments, which opened out in biology this field of exact study, were due to a young mathematician, Gregor Mendel, whose statistical interests extended to the physical and biological sciences. It is well known that his experiments were ignored, to his intense disappointment, and it is to be presumed that they were never brought under the notice of any man whose training qualified him to appreciate their importance. It is no less remarkable that when, in 1900, the genetic facts had been rediscovered by De Vries, Tschermak, and Correns, and the importance of Mendel's work was at last recognized, the principal opposition should have been encountered from the small group of mathematical statisticians then engaged in the study of heredity. The types of mind which result from training in mathematics and in biology certainly differ profoundly; but the difference does not seem to lie in the intellectual faculty. It would certainly be a mistake to say that the manipulation of mathematical symbols requires more intellect than original thought in biology ; on the contrary, it seems much more comparable to the manipulation of the microscope and its appurtenances of stains and fixatives ; whilst original thought in both spheres represents very similar activities of an identical faculty. This accords with the view that the intelligence, properly speaking, is little influenced by the effects of training. What is profoundly susceptible of training is the imagination, and mathematicians and biologists seem to differ enormously in the manner in which their imaginations are employed. Most biologists will probably feel that this advantage is all on their side. They are introduced early to the immense variety of living things ; their first dissections, even if only of the frog or dog fish, open up vistas of amazing complexity and interest, at the time when the mathematician seems to be dealing only with the barest abstractions, with lines and points, infinitely thin laminae, and masses concentrated at ideal centres of gravity. Perhaps I can best make clear that the mathematician's imagination also has been trained to some advantage, by quoting a remark dropped casually by Eddington in a recent book — ' We need scarcely add that the contemplation in natural science of a wider domain than the actual leads to a far better understanding of the actual.' (p. 267, The, Nature of the Physical World.) PREFACE ix For a mathematician the statement is almost a truism. From a biologist, speaking of his own subject, it would suggest an extra- ordinarily wide outlook. No practical biologist interested in sexual reproduction would be led to work out the detailed con- sequences experienced by organisms having three or more sexes; yet what else should he do if he wishes to understand why the sexes are, in fact, always two ? The ordinary mathematical procedure in dealing with any actual problem is, after abstracting what are believed to be the essential elements of the problem, to consider it as one of a system of possibilities infinitely wider than the actual, the essential relations of which may be apprehended by generalized reasoning, and subsumed in general formulae, which may be applied at will to any particular case considered. Even the word possibilities in this statement unduly limits the scope of the practical procedures in which he is trained ; for he is early made familiar with the advan- tages of imaginary solutions, and can most readily think of a wave, or an alternating current, in terms of the square root of minus one. The most serious difficulty to intellectual co-operation would seem to be removed if it were clearly and universally recognized that the •' essential difference lies, not in intellectual methods, and still less in intellectual ability, but in an enormous and specialized extension of the imaginative faculty, which each has experienced in relation to the needs of his special subject. I can imagine no more beneficial change in scientific education than that which would allow each to appreciate something of the imaginative grandeur of the realms of thought explored by the other. In the future, the revolutionary effect of Mendelism will be seen tg. flow from the particulate character of the hereditary elements. • On this fact a rational theory of Natural Selection can be based, and it is, therefore, of enormous importance. : The merit for this discovery must mainly rest with Mendel, whilst among our countrymen, Bateson played the leading part in its early advocacy. Unfortunately he was unprepared to recognize the mathematical or statistical aspects of biology, and from this and other causes he was not only incapable of framing an evolutionary theory himself, but entirely failed to see how Mendelism supplied the missing parts of the structure first erected by Darwin. His interpretation of Mendelian facts was from the first too exclusively coloured by his earlier belief in the dis- continuous origin of specific forms. Though his influence upon x PREFACE evolutionary theory was thus chiefly retrogressive, the mighty body of Mendelian researches throughout the world has evidently out- grown the fallacies with which it was at first fostered. As a pioneer of genetics he has done more than enough to expiate the rash polemics of his early writings. To treat Natural Selection as an agency based independently on its own foundations is not to mimimize its importance in the theory of evolution. On the contrary, as soon as we require to form opinions by other means than by comparison and analogy, such an indepen- dent deductive basis becomes a necessity. This necessity is particu- larly to be noted for mankind ; since we have some knowledge of the structure of society, of human motives, and of the vital statistics of this species, the use of the deductive method can supply a more intimate knowledge of the evolutionary processes than is elsewhere possible. In addition it will be of importance for our subject to call ) attention to several consequences of the principle of Natural Selection! which, since they do not consist in the adaptive modification of specific I forms, have necessarily escaped attention. The genetic phenomena of I dominance and linkage seem to offer examples of this class, the future ' investigation of which may add greatly to the scope of our subject. No efforts of mine could avail to make the book easy reading. I have endeavoured to assist the reader by giving short summaries at the ends of all chapters, except Chapter IV, which is summarized conjointly with Chapter V. Those who prefer to do so may regard Chapter IV as a mathematical appendix to the corresponding part of the summary. The deductions respecting Man are strictly in- separable from the more general chapters, but have been placed together in a group commencing with Chapter VIII. I believe no one will be surprised that a large number of the points considered demand a far fuller, more rigorous, and more comprehensive treat- ment. It seems impossible that full justice should be done to the subject in this way, until there is built up a tradition of mathematical work devoted to biological problems, comparable to the researches upon which a mathematical physicist can draw in the resolution of special difficulties. R. A. F. BOTHAMSTED, June 1929. CONTENTS List of Illustrations . . . . . . xiii I. The Nature of Inheritance - . . . • , 1 The consequences of the handing thnnry. as drawn by Darwin. Difficulties felt by Darwin. Particulate inheritannft. Conservation of the variance. Theories of evolution worked by mutations. Is all inheritance participate ? Nature and frequency of observed mutations. II. The Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection . . 22 The life table and the table of reproduction. The Malthusian para- meter of population increase. Reproductive value. The genetic element in variance. Natural Selection. The nature of adaptation. Deterioration of the environment. Changes in population. Summary. III. The Evolution of Dominance ..... 48 The dominance of wild genes. Modification of the effects of Mendelian factors. Modifications of the heterozygote. Special applications of the theory. The process of modification. Inferences from the theory of the evolution of dominance. Summary. IV. Variation as determined by Mutation and Selection . 70 The measurement of gene frequency. The chance of survival of an individual gene; relation to Poisson series. Low mutation rates of beneficial mutations. Single origins not improbable. Distribution of gene ratios in factors contributing to the variance. Slight effects of random survival. The number of the factors contributing to the variance. V. Variation &c. (continued) . . . .97 The observed connexion between variability and abundance. Stable gene ratios. Equilibrium involving two factors. Simple metrical characters. Meristic characters. Biometrical effects of recent selection. Summary. VI. Sexual Reproduction and Sexual Selection . .121 The contrast between sexual and asexual reproduction. The nature of species. Fission of species. Sexual preference. Sexual selection. Sex limitation of modifications. Natural Selection and the sex ratio. Summary. VII. Mimicry 146 The relation of mimicry theory to the parent theory of Natural Selection. Theories of Bates and Muller. Supposed statistical limita- tion of Miillerian theory. Observational basis of mimicry theory. The evolution of distastefulness. The theory of saltations. Stability of the gene-ratio. Summary. xu CONTENTS VTII. Man and Society 170 On Man, prominence of preliminary studies. The decay of civiliza- tions. Sociological views. Insect communities. Summary. IX. The Inheritance of Human Fertility . . . .188 The great variability of human reproduction. The mental and moral qualities determining reproduction. Direct evidence of the inheritance of fertility. The evolution of the conscience respecting voluntary re- production. Analogies of animal instinct and immunity to disease. Summary. X. Reproduction in relation to Social Class . . .210 Economic and biological aspects of class distinctions. Defects of current data. Early investigations. British data. Position in the U.S.A. Effects of differential fertility. Summary. XI. Social Selection of Fertility 228 History of the theory. Infertility in all classes, irrespective of its cause, gains social promotion. Selection the predominant cause of the inverted birth-rate. The decay of ruling classes. Contrast with barbarian societies. Heroism and the higher human faculties. The place of social class in human evolution. Analogy of parasitism ~~^" among ants. Summary. XII. Conditions of Permanent Civilization . . . 256 Apology. A permanent civilization not necessarily unprogressive. Redistribution of births. Social promotion of fertility. Inadequacy of French system. Problem of existing populations. Summary. Works Cited . 266 Index 269 DESCRIPTION OF COLOURED PLATES PLATE I Frontispiece All the figures are of the natural size. FIG. 1. Abispa (Monerebia) ephippium, Fab., a common member of the predominant group of Australian wasps, characterized by a dark brownish-orange ground-colour and the great size and reduced number of the black markings. They are mimicked by many other insects of different groups including bees, flies, moths, and numerous beetles. That the resemblance may be produced by quite different methods is illus- trated in Figs. 2 and 3. FIG. 2. Tragocerus formosus, Pascoe, a Longicorn beetle. Almost the whole of the mimetic pattern is developed on the elytra or wing-covers which hide the unwasplike abdomen, shown from above in Fig. 2A. Free movement of the wings is permitted by an arched excavation in the side of each wing-cover. FIG. 3. Esthesis ferrugineus, Macleay. Another Longicorn beetle in which the mimetic pattern is developed on the abdomen itself ; the wing-covers are reduced to small rounded scales, thus freeing the wings, but at the same time exposing the abdomen. FIG. 4. Heliconius erato erato, Linn., a distasteful tropical American butter- fly with a conspicuous pattern beautifully mimicked by the day-flying Hypsid moth represented below. FIG. 5. Pericopis phyleis, Druce. This moth and its butterfly model were taken in Peru. The striking mimetic resemblance does not extend to the antennae, which are threadlike and inconspicuous in the model. FIG. 6. Methona confusa, Butler, another tropical American butterfly captured with one of its moth mimics (Fig. 7) in Paraguay. In this butterfly and its allies, the antennae are rendered conspicuous by terminal orange knobs, resembled by many of the mimics in different groups of butterflies and moths. FIG. 7. Castnialinus, Cramer. The antennal knobs of this day- flying moth, in spite of the marked resemblance, possess a form quite different from those of the model, but one characteristic of the Castniidae. This example of mimetic likeness to a normally inconspicuous feature, here exceptionally emphasized, may be compared with Figs. 1, lA-3, 3A on Plate II. This model and mimic also illustrate, as do Figs. 1-3, the different methods by which the resemblance may be obtained. The pale trans- parent areas of the model are produced by the great reduction in the size of the scales ; in the mimic, without reduction, by their transparency v DESCRIPTION OF COLOURED PLATES and by their being set at a different angle so that the light passes between them. The important mimetic association illustrated by Figs. 6 and 7 includes numerous other species belonging to several distantly related groups of butterflies and moths, and among these transparency is attained by various different methods. PLATE II Facing p. 156 FIGS. 1-3. The head of the abundant East African Acraeine butterfly ^Acraea zetes acara, Hew., as seen from the front (I), "from above (2) ancr the side~(3), showing that the palpi, which are inconspicuous in most butterflies, are a prominent feature with their orange colour displayed against the black background. . FIGS. 1A-3A. Similar aspects of the head of the Nymphaline butterfly Pseudacraea boisduvali trimenii, Butler, a mimic of A. z. acara and found in the same part of Africa. It is evident that the resemblance here ex- tends to the exceptionally emphasized feature, as was observed in the _ American examples shown in Figs. 6 and 7 of Plate I. FIG. 4. Danaida tytia, Gray, a conspicuous Oriental Danaine butterfly taken with its mimic (Fig. 5) in the Darjiling district. FIG. 5. Papilio agestor, Gray, a swallowtail butterfly mimicking the pattern of tytia. FIG. 6. Neptis imitans, Oberth., a Nymphaline butterfly from S. W. China, mimicking the geographical form of D. tytia which is found in the same area. Thus these two butterflies of widely separated groups both mimic this peculiar Danaine pattern. The butterflies and moths here represented illustrate by single examples the widespread mimicry of the chief distasteful families in the tropics — on Plate I the Ithomiinae (Fig. 6) and Heliconinae (Fig. 4) of the New World ; on Plate IT, the Danainae (Fig. 5), and Acraeinae (Figs. 1-3) of the Old. I THE NATURE OF INHERITANCE The consequences of the blending theory, as drawn by Darwin. Difficulties felt by Darwin. Particulate inheritance. Conservation of the variance. Theories of evolution worked by mutations. Is all inheritance particulate ? Nature and frequency of observed mutations. But at present, after drawing up a rough copy on this subject, my conclusion is that external conditions do extremely little, except in causing mere variability. This mere variability (causing the child not closely to resemble its parent) I look at as very different from the formation of a marked variety or new species. DARWIN, 1856. (Life and Letters, ii, 87.) As Samuel Butler so truly said : 'To me it seems that the "Origin of Variation ", whatever it is, is the only true " Origin of Species ".' w. BATESON, 1909. The consequences of the blending theory THAT Charles Darwin accepted the fusion or blending theory of inheritance, just as all men accept many of the undisputed beliefs of their time, is universally admitted. That his acceptance of this theory had an important influence on his views respecting variation, and consequently on the views developed by himself and others on , the possible causes of organic evolution, was not, I think, apparent to himself, nor is it sufficiently appreciated hi our own times. In the course of the present chapter I hope to make clear the logical con- sequences of the blending theory, and to show their influence, not only on the development of Darwin's views, but on the change of attitude towards these, and other suppositions, necessitated by the acceptance of the opposite theory of particulate inheritance. It is of interest that the need for an alternative to blending in- heritance was certainly felt by Darwin, thqughprobably he never worked out a distinct idea of a fpartjculate theoryj In_a letterjio Huxley probably dated hi 1857 pec"** +V ^^^nr^a (More Letters, vol. i, Letter 57). Approaching the subject from the side which attracts me most, viz., inheritance, I have lately been inclined to speculate, very crudely and indistinctly, that propagation by true fertilization will turn out to be a sort of mixture, and not true fusion, of two distinct individuals, or rather of innumerable individuals, as each parent has its parents and 3653 B \ /2 THE NATURE OF INHERITANCE ancestors. I can understand on no other view the way in which crossed forms go back to so large an extent to ancestral forms. But all this, of cojirse, is infinitely crude. The idea apparently was never developed, perhaps owing to the rush of work which preceded and followed the publication of the Origin. Certainly he did not perceive that the arguments on varia- tion in his rough essays of 1842 and 1844, which a year later (1858) he would be rewriting in the form of the first chapter of the Origin, would on a participate theory have required him entirely to recast them. The same views indeed are but little changed when The causes of variability' came to be discussed in Chapter XXII of Variation of Animals and Plants published in 1868. The argument which can be reconstructed from these four sources may be summarized as follows : /-f#)-with blending inheritance bisexual reproduction will tend rapidly to produce uniformity ; ^ V + (6) if variability persists, causes of new variation must be con- tinually at work ; (c) the causes of the great variability of domesticated species, of all kinds and in all countries, must be sought for in the condi- tions of domestication ; »^~ «>*• (d) the only characteristics of domestication sufficiently general to cover all cases are changed conditions and increase of food ; (e) some changes of conditions seem to produce definite and regular effects, e. g. increased food causes (hereditary) increase in size, but the important effect is an indefinite variability in all directions, ascribable to a disturbance, by change of condi- tions, of the regularity of action of the reproductive system ; (/) wild species also will occasionally, by geological changes, suffer changed conditions, and occasionally also a temporary increase in the supply of food; they will therefore, though perhaps rarely, be caused to vary. If on these occasions no selection is exerted the variations will neutralize one another by bisexual reproduction and die away, but if selection is acting, the variations in the right direction will be accumulated and a per- *v_manent evolutionary change effected. To modern readers this will seem a very strange argument with which to introduce the case for Natural Selection ; all that is gained THE NATURE OF INHERITANCE 3 by it is the inference that wild as well as domesticated species will at least occasionally present heritable variability. Yet it is used to introduce the subject in the two essays and in the Origin. It should be remembered that, at the time of the essays, Darwin had little direct evidence on^this point : even in the Origin the second chapter oif 'Variation under Nature' deals chiefly with natural varieties sufficiently distinct to be listed by botanists, and these were certainly regarded by Darwin not as the materials but as the products of evolution. During the twenty-six years between 1842 and 1868 evi- dence must have flowed in sufficiently at leastjbo convince him_that heritable variability was as widespread, though not nearlyas extensive, inwilcTas injlpmesticated species. Theline of reasoning ui question seems to have lost its importance sufficiently for him to introduce the subject in 1868 (Variation, Chapter XXII) with the words 'The sub- ject is an obscure one ; but it maybe useful to probe our ignorance.' It is the great charm of the essays that they show the reasons which led Darwin to his conclusions, whereas the later works often only give the evidence upon which the reader is to judge of their truth. The antithesis is not so heterodox as it sounds, for every active mind will form opinions without direct evidence, else the evidence too often would never be collected. Impartiality and scientific discipline come in in submitting the opinions formed to as much relevant evidence as can be made available. The earlier steps in the argument set out above appear only in the two essays, while the conclusions continue almost unchanged up to the Variation of Animals and Plants. Indeed the first step (a), logically the most important of all, appears explicitly only in 1842. In 1844 it is clearly implied by its necessary consequences. I believe its significance for the argument of the Origin, would scarcely ever be detected from a study only of that book. The passage in the 1842 MS. is (Founda- tions, p. 2): Each parent transmits its peculiarities, therefore if varieties allowed freely to cross, except by the chance of two characterized by same peculiarity happening to marry, such varieties will be constantly de- molished. All bisexual animals must cross, hermaphrodite plants do cross, it seems very possible that hermaphrodite animals do cross- conclusion strengthened : together with a partly illegible passage of uncertain position, If individuals of two widely different varieties be allowed to cross, 4 THE NATURE OF INHERITANCE a third race will be formed — a most fertile source of the variation in domesticated animals. If freely allowed, the characters of pure parents will be lost, number of races thus [illegible] but differences [ ?] besides the [illegible]. But if varieties differing in very slight respects be allowed to cross, such small variation will be destroyed, at least to our senses — a variation just to be distinguished by long legs will have offspring not to be so distinguished. Free crossing great agent in producing uni- formity in any breed. The proposition is an important one, marking as it does the great contrast between the blending and the particulate theories of in- heritance. The following proof establishes it in biometrical terms. Let x and y represent the deviations in any measurement of the two parents from the specific mean ; if the measurement is affected not only by inheritance, but by non-heritable (environmental) factors also, x and y stand for the heritable part of these deviations. The amount of variability present in any generation of individuals will be measured by the variance, defined as the mean value of the square of x, or of y. In purely blending inheritance the heritable portions of the deviations of the offspring will be, apart from muta- tions, equal to %(x + y) ; in the absence of such mutations, therefore, the variance of the progeny generation will be the mean value of The mean values of x and y are both zero, since they are both defined as deviations from the mean of the species ; consequently, in the absence of selective mating, the mean value of xy is also zero, and the variance of the progeny generation is found to be exactly half the variance of the parental generation. More generally the ratio is not £ but \(\ +r), where r is the correlation between x and y. r cannot exceed unity, else the average value of the positive quantities (x-y}- would have to be negative, and can only be unity, if they are all zero, that is, if the size of each individual prescribes exactly the size of its possible mates. Darwin's 'except by the chance of two individuals characterized by same peculiarities happening to marry' is his way of rejecting high correlations as improbable. The effect of correlation between mates is to hasten, if the correla- tion is negative, or to retard if positive, the tendency of blending inheritance to reduce the variance ; such effects are not of importance, for even if the correlation were as high as 0-5, and mates had to be as much alike as parent and child usually are, the rate of decay would THE NATURE OF INHERITANCE 6 be little more than halved. The important consequence of the blend- ing is that, if not safeguarded by intense marital correlation, the heritable variance is approximately halved in every generation. To maintain a stationary variance fresh mutations must be available in each generation to supply the half of the variance so lost. If vari- ability persists, as Darwin rightly inferred, causes of new variability must continually be at work. Almost every individual of each genera- tion must be a mutant, i. e. must be influenced by such causes, and moreover must be a mutant in many different characters. An inevitable inference of the blending theory is that the bulk of the heritable variance present at any moment is of extremely recent origin. One hah* is new in each generation, and of the remainder one half is only one generation older, and so on. Less than one-thousandth of the variance can be ten generations old; even if by reason of selective mating we ought to say twenty generations, the general conclusion is the same ; the variability of domesticated species must be ascribed by any adherent of the blending theory to the conditions of domestication as they now exist. If variation is to be used by the human breeder, or by natural selection, it must be snapped up at once, soon after the mutation has appeared, and before it has had time to die away. The following passage from the 1844 essay shows that Darwin was perfectly clear on this point (pp. 84-6). Let us then suppose that an organism by some chance (which might be hardly repeated in 1,000 years) arrives at a modern volcanic island in process of formation and not fully stocked with the most appropriate organisms ; the new organism might readily gain a footing, although the external conditions were considerably different from its native ones. The effect of this we might expect would influence in some small degree the size, colour, nature of covering, &c., and from inexplicable influences even special parts and organs of the body. But we might further (and this is far more important) expect that the reproductive system would be affected, as under domesticity, and the structure of the offspring rendered in some degree plastic. Hence almost every part of the body would tend to vary from the typical form in slight degrees, and in no determinate way, and therefore without selection the free crossing of these small variations (together with the tendency to reversion to the original form) would constantly be counteracting this unsettling effect of the extraneous conditions on the reproductive system. Such, I con- ceive, would be the unimportant result without selection. And here I must observe that the foregoing remarks are equally applicable to 6 THE NATURE. OF INHERITANCE that small and admitted amount of variation which has been observed in some organisms in a state of nature ; as well as to the above hypo- thetical variation consequent on changes of condition. Let us now suppose a Being with penetration sufficient to perceive differences in the outer and innermost organization quite imperceptible to man, and with forethought extending over future centuries to watch with unerring care and select for any object the offspring of an organism produced under the foregoing circumstances ; I can see no conceivable reason why he could not form a new race (or several were he to separate the stock of the original organism and work on several islands) adapted to new ends. As we assume his discrimination, and his forethought, and his steadiness of object, to be incomparably greater than those qualities in man, so we may suppose the beauty and complications of the adapta- tions of the new races and their differences from the original stock to be greater than in the domestic races produced by man's agency: the ground-work of his labours we may aid by supposing that the external conditions of the volcanic island, from its continued emergence, and the occasional introduction of new immigrants, vary ; and thus to act on the reproductive system of the organism, on which he is at work, and so keep its organization somewhat plastic. With time enough, such a Being might rationally (without some unknown law opposed him) aim at almost any result. Difficulties felt by Darwin The argument based on blending inheritance and its logical con- sequences, though it certainly represents the general trend of Darwin's thought upon inheritance and variation, for some years after he commenced pondering on the theory of Natural Selection, did not satisfy him completely. Reversion he recognized as a fact which stood outside his scheme of inheritance, and that he was not altogether satisfied to regard it as an independent principle is shown by his letter to Huxley already quoted. By 1857 he was in fact on the verge of devising a scheme of inheritance which should include reversion as one of its consequences. The variability of domesticated races, too, presented a difficulty which, characteristically, did not escape him. He notes (pp. 77, 78, Foundations) in 1844 that the most anciently domesticated animals and plants are not less variable, but, if anything more so, than those more recently domesticated; and argues that since the supply of food could not have been becoming much more abundant progressively at all stages of a long history of THE NATURE OF INHERITANCE 7 domestication, this factor cannot alone account for the great varia- bility which still persists. The passage runs as follows: If it be an excess of food, compared with that which the being obtained in its natural state, the effects continue for an improbably long time ; during how many ages has wheat been cultivated, and cattle and sheep reclaimed, and we cannot suppose their amount of food has gone on increasing, nevertheless these are amongst the most variable of our domestic productions. This difficulty offers itself also to the second supposed cause of variability, namely changed conditions, though here it may be argued that the conditions of cultivation or nurture of domesticated species have always been changing more or less rapidly. From a passage in the Variation of Animals and Plants (p. 301), which runs: Moreover, it does not appear that a change of climate, whether more or less genial, is one of the most potent causes of variability; for in regard to plants Alph. De Candolle, in his Geographic Botanique, re- peatedly shows that the native country of a plant, where in most cases it has been longest cultivated, is that where it has yielded the greatest number of varieties. it appears that Darwin satisfied himself that the countries in which animals or plants were first domesticated, were at least as prolific of new varieties as the countries into which they had been imported, and it is natural to presume that his inquiries under this head were in search of evidence bearing upon the effects of changed conditions. It is not clear that this difficulty was ever completely resolved in Darwin's mind, but it is clear from many passages that he saw the necessity of supplementing the original argument by postulating that the causes of variation which act upon the reproductive system must be capable of acting in a delayed and cumulative manner so that variation might still be continued for many subsequent genera- tions. Particulate inheritance It is a remarkable fact that had any thinker in the middle of the nineteenth century undertaken, as a piece of abstract and theoretical analysis, the task of constructing a particulate theory of inheritance, he would have been led, on the basis of a few very simple assump- tions, to produce a system identical with the modern scheme of Mendelian or factorial inheritance. The admitted non-inheritance of 8 THE NATURE OF INHERITANCE scars and mutilations would have prepared him to conceive of the hereditary nature of an organism as something none the less definite because possibly represented inexactly by its visible appearance. Had he assumed that this hereditary nature was completely deter- mined by the aggregate of the hereditary particles (genes), which enter into its composition, and at the same time assumed that organisms of certain possible types of hereditary composition were capable of breeding true, he would certainly have inferred that each organism must receive a definite portion of its genes from each parent, and that consequently it must transmit only a corresponding portion to each of its offspring.! The simplification that, apart from sex and possibly other characters related in their inheritance to sex, the contributions of the two parents were equal, would not have been confidently assumed without the evidence of reciprocal crosses ; but our imaginary theorist, having won so far, would scarcely have failed to imagine a conceptual framework in which each gene had its proper place or locus, which could be occupied alternatively, had the parentage been different, by a gene of a different kind. Those organisms (homozygotes) which received like genes, in any pah* of corresponding loci, from their two parents, would necessarily hand on genes of this kind to all of then* offspring alike ; whereas those (hetero- zygotes) which received from their two parents genes of different kinds, and would be, in respect of the locus in question, crossbred, would have, in respect of any particular offspring, an equal chance of \JTnnFiTnitting either kind. jSChe heterozygote when mated to either kind of homozygote would produce both heterozygotes and homo- zygotes in a ratio which, with increasing numbers of offspring, must tend to equality, while if two heterozygotes were mated, each homozygous form would be expected to appear in a quarter of the offspring, the remaining half being heterozygous. It thus appears that, apart from dominance and linkage, including sex linkage, all the maui characteristics of the Mendelian system flow from assump- tions of participate inheritance of the simplest character, and could have been deduced a priori had any one conceived it possible that the laws of inheritance could really be simple and definite. The segregation of single pairs of genes, that is of single factors, was demonstrated by Mendel in his paper of 1865. In addition Mendel demonstrated hi his material the fact of dominance, namely that the heterozygote was not intermediate in appearance, but was almost or THE NATURE OF INHERITANCE 9 quite indistinguishable from one of the homozygous forms. The fact of dominance, though of the greatest theoretical interest, is not an essential feature of the factorial system, and in several important cases is lacking altogether. Mendel also demonstrated what a theorist could scarcely have ventured to postulate, that the different factors examined by him in combination, segregated in the simplest possible manner, namely independently. It was not till after the rediscovery of Mendel's laws at the end of the century that cases of linkage were discovered, in which, for factors in the same linkage group, the pair of genes received from the same parent are more often than not handed on together to the same child. The conceptual framework of loci must therefore be conceived as made of several parts, and these are now identified, on evidence which appears to be singularly complete, with the dark-staining bodies or chromosomes which are to be seen in the nuclei of cells at certain stages of cell division. The mechanism of particulate inheritance isevidently suitable for reproducing the phenomenon of reversion, in which an individual argfandparent or moTc icmotc aiiiiUHtoTrmsome respget Jawhich it differs^from its parents.^ toT the anSestrali gene combina- tion may by chance be reproduced. This takes its simplest form when dominance occurs, for every union of two heterozygotes will then produce among the offspring some recessives, differing in appearance from their parents, but probably resembling some grandparent or ancestor. Conservation of the variance It has not been so clearly recognized that particulate inheritance differs from the blending theory in an even more important fact. There is no inherent tendency for the variability to diminish. \In a population breeding at random in which two alternative genes of any factor, exist in the ratio p to q, the three genotypes will occur in the ratio p2 : 2pq : q2, and thus ensure that their characteristics will be represented in fixed proportions of the population, however they may be combined with characteristics determined by other factors, provided that the ratio p : q remains unchanged. This ratio will indeed be liable to slight changes ; first by the chance survival and reproduction of individuals of the different kinds ; and secondly by selective survival, by reason of the fact that the genotypes are pro- bably unequally fitted, at least to a slight extent, to their task of 3653 n 10 THE NATURE" OF INHERITANCE survival and reproduction. The effect of chance survival is easily susceptible of calculation, and it appears, as will be demonstrated more fully (Chapter IV), that in a population of n individuals breed- ing at random the variance will be halved by this cause acting alone in 1-4 n generations. Since the number of individuals surviving to reproduce in each generation must in most species exceed a million, and in many is at least a million-fold greater, it will be seen that this cause of the diminution of hereditary variance is exceedingly minute, when compared to the rate of halving in one or two generations by blending inheritance. It will be seen in Chapter IV that selection is a much more impor- tant agency in keeping the variability of species within limits. But even relatively intense selection will change the ratio p : q of the gene frequencies relatively slowly, and no reasonable assumptions could be made by which the diminution of variance due to selection, in the total absence of mutations, would be much more than a ten- thousandth of that ascribable to blending inheritance. The immediate consequence of this enormous contrast is that the mutation rate needed to maintain a given amount of variability is, on the particulate theory, many thousand times smaller than that which is required on the blending theory. Theories, therefore, which ascribe to agencies believed to be capable of producing mutations, as was 'use and disuse' by Darwin, a power of governing the direction in which evolution is taking place, appear in very different lights, according as one theory of inheritance, or the other, is accepted. For any evolutionary tendency which is supposed to act by favouring muta- tions in one direction rather than another, and a number of such mechanisms have from time to time been imagined, will lose its force many thousand-fold, when the particulate theory of inheritance, in any form, is accepted; whereas the directing power of Natural Selection, depending as it does on the amount of heritable variance maintained, is totally uninfluenced by any such change. This con- sideration, which applies to all such theories alike, is independent of the fact that a great part of the reason, at least to Darwin, for ascribing to the environment any considerable influence in the pro- duction of mutations, is swept away when we are no longer forced to consider the great variability of domestic species as due to the comparatively recent influence of their artificial environment. The striking fact, of which Darwin was well aware, that whole THE NATURE OF INHERIATNCE 11 brothers and sisters, whose parentage, and consequently whose entire ancestry is identical, may differ greatly in their hereditary composition, bears under the two theories two very different inter- pretations. Under the blending theory it is clear evidence of new and frequent mutations, governed, as the greater resemblance of twins suggests, by temporary conditions acting during conception and gestation. On the particulate theory it is a necessary consequence of the fact that for every factor a considerable fraction, not often much less than one half, of the population will be heterozygotes, any two offspring of which will be equally likely to receive unlike as like genes from their parents. In view of the close analogy between the statistical concept of variance and the physical concept of energy, we may usefully think of the heterozygote as possessing variance in a potential or latent form, so that instead of being lost when the homozygous genotypes are mated it is merely stored in a form from which it will later reappear. A population mated at random immedi- ately establishes the condition of statistical equilibrium between tfo latent and the apparent form of variance. The particulate theory of inheritance resembles the kinetic theory of gases with its perfectly elastic collisions, whereas the blending theory resembles a theory of gases with inelastic collisions, and in which some outside agency is required to be continually at work to keep the particles astir. The property of the particulate theory of conserving the variance for an indefinite period explains at once the delayed or cumulative effect of domestication in increasing the variance of domesticated species, to which Darwin calls attention. Many of our domesticated varieties are evidently ill-fitted to survive in the wild condition. The mutations by which they arose may have been occurring for an indefinite period prior to domestication without establishing them- selves, or appreciably affecting the variance, of the wild species. In domestication, however, not only is the rigour of Natural Selection relaxed so that mutant types can survive, and each such survival add something to the store of heritable variance, but novelties of form or colour, even if semi-monstrous, do undoubtedly attract human attention and interest, and are valued by man for their peculiarity. The rapidity with which new variance is accumulated will thus be enhanced. Without postulating any change in the mutation rates due to domestication, we should necessarily infer from what is known of the conditions of domestication that the variation of domesticated 12 THE NATURE OF INHERITANCE species should be greater than that of similar wild species, and that this contrast should be greatest with those species most anciently domesticated. Thus one of the main difficulties felt by Darwin is resolved by the particulate theory. Theories of evolution worked by mutations The theories of evolution which rely upon hypothetical agencies, capable of modifying the tppqugncy. or direction in which mutations are taking place, fall intofour classes. In stating these it will be convenient to use the term 'mutation', to which many meanings have at different times been assigned, to denote simply the initiation of any heritable novelty. (A) It may be supposed, as by Lamarck in the case of animals, that the mental state, and especially the desires of the organism, possess the power of producing mutations of such a kind, that these desires may be more readily gratified in the descendants. This view postulates (i) that there exists a mechanism by which mutations are caused, and even designed, in accordance with the condition of the nervous system, and (ii) that the desires of animals in general are such that their realization will improve the aptitude of the species for life in its natural surroundings, and also will maintain or improve the aptitude of its parts to co-operate with one another, both in maintaining the vital activity of the adult animal, and in ensuring its normal embryological development. The desires of animals must, in fact, be very wisely directed, as well as being effective in provoking suitable mutations. (B) A power of adaptation may be widely observed, both among plants and animals, by which particular organs, such as muscles or glands, respond by increased activity and increased size, when addi- tional physiological calls are made upon them. It may be suggested, as it was by Darwin, that such responses of increased functional activity induce, or are accompanied by, mutations of a kind tending to increase the size or activity of the organ in question in future generations, even if no additional calls were made upon this organ's activity. This view implies (i) that the power which parts of organisms possess, of responding adaptively to increased demands upon them, is not itself a product of evolution, but must be postulated as a primordial property of living matter : and requires (ii) that a mecha- THE NATURE OF INHERITANCE 13 nism exists by which the adaptive response shall itself tend to cause, or be accompanied by, an appropriate mutation. Both these two suggested means of evolution expressly aim at explaining, not merely the progressive change of organic beings, but the aptitude of the organism to its place in nature, and of its parts to their function in the organism. (C) It may be supposed that the environment hi which the or- ganism is placed controls the nature of the mutations which occur in it, and so directs its evolutionary course ; much as the course of a projectile is controlled by the field of force in which it flies. (D) It may be supposed that the mutations which an organism undergoes are due to an 'inner urge' (not necessarily connected with its mental state) implanted in its primordial ancestors, which thereby directs its predestined evolution. The two last suggestions give no particular assistance towards the understanding of adaptation, but each contains at least this element of truth; that however profound our ignorance of the causes of mutation may be, we cannot but ascribe them, within the order of Nature as we know it, either to the nature of the organism, or to that of its surrounding environment, or, more generally, to the niter- action of the two. What is common, however, to all four of these suppositions, is that each one postulates that the direction of evo- lutionary change is governed by the predominant direction in which mutations are taking place. However reasonable such an assumption might have seemed when, under the blending theory of inheritance, every individual was regarded as a mutant, and probably a multiple mutant, it is impossible to let it pass unquestioned, in face of the much lower mutation rates appropriate to the particulate theory. A further hypothetical mechanism, guiding the evolution of the species according to the direction in which mutations are occur- ring, was suggested by Weismann. Weismann appreciated much more thoroughly than many of his contemporaries the efficacy of Natural Selection, in promoting the adaptation of organisms to the needs of their lives in their actual habitats. He felt, however, that this action would be aided in a subordinate degree if the process of mutation could acquire a kind of momentum, so that a series of mutations affecting the increase or decrease of a part should continue to occur, as a consequence of an initial chance tendency towards such increase or decrease. Such an assumed momentum in the process of mutation 14 THE NATURE OF INHERITANCE he found useful in two respects : (i) it would enable an assumed minimal mutation in an advantageous direction to be increased by further mutations, until it ' attains selection value ' ; (ii) it explains the con- tinuous decrease of a useless organ, without assuming that each step of this decrease confers any advantage upon the organism mani- festing it. The concept of attaining selection value, which is fairly common in biological literature, seems to cover two distinct cases. In the first case we may imagine that, with increasing size, the utility of an organ shows no increase up to a certain point, but that beyond this point increasing size is associated with increasing utility. In such a case, which, in view of the actual variability of every organism, and of the parts of related organisms, must be regarded as somewhat ideal, we are really only concerned with the question whether the actual variability in different members of the species concerned, does or does not reach as far as the critical point. If it does not do so the species will not be able to take the advantage offered, simply because it is not variable enough, and the postulate of an element of momen- tum in the occurrence of mutations, was certainly not made in order to allow organisms to be more variable than they would be without it. The second meaning, which is also common hi the literature, depends upon a curious assumption as to the manner in which selective advantage increases with change of size of the organ upon which this advantage is dependent ; for it is sometimes assumed that, while at all sizes an increase of size may be advantageous, this advantage increases, not continuously, but in a step-like manner ; or at least that increases below a certain limit produce an advantage which may be called 'inappreciable', and therefore neglected. Both the metaphor and the underlying idea appear to be drawn from psychophysical experience. If we compare two physical sensations such as those produced by the weights of two objects, then when the weights are sufficiently nearly equal the subject will often be unable to distinguish between them, and will judge them equal, whereas with a greater disparity, a distinct or appreciable difference of weight is discerned. If, however, the same test is applied to the subject repeatedly with differences between the weights varying from what is easily discernible to very much smaller quantities, it is found that differences in the weights, which would be deemed totally inappreci- THE NATURE OF INHERITANCE 15 able, yet make a significant and perfectly regular difference to the frequency with which one is judged heavier than the other. The discontinuity lies in our interpretation of the sensations, and not in the sensations themselves. Now, survival value is measured by the 5250 h- o Ozoo CO ,50 H- o 100 C) z ui §50 O 0 84 88 92 96 WEIGHT TESTED 100 104 IN GRAMS 108 FIG. 1. The frequency with which test objects of different weights are judged heavier than a standard 100 gram weight. (Urban's data, for a single subject.) Illustrating the fact that with a sufficient number of trials, differences in weight, however 'inappreciable', will affect the frequency of the judgement. frequency with which certain events, such as death or reproduction, occur, to different sorts of organisms exposed to the different chances of the same environment, and, even if we should otherwise be in doubt, the psychophysical experiments make it perfectly clear that the selective advantage will increase or decrease continuously, even for changes much smaller than those appreciable to our own senses, or to those of the predator or other animal, which may enter into the biological situation concerned. If a change of 1 mm. has selection value, a change of 0-1 mm. will usually have a selection value approximately one-tenth as great, and the change cannot be ignored because we deem it inappreciable. The rate at which a mutation increases in numbers at the expense of its allelomorph will indeed depend on the selective advantage it confers, but the rate at which a species responds to selection in favour of any increase or decrease of parts depends on the total heritable variance available, and not 16 THE NATURE -OF INHERITANCE on whether this is supplied by large or small mutations. There is no limen of appreciable selection value to be considered. The remaining advantage which Weismann sought hi postulating his mechanism of germinal selection was to supply an explanation of the progressive diminution of useless organs, even when these are of so trifling a character that the selective advantage of then* sup- pression is questionable. The subject is an interesting one, and deserves for its own sake a more extended discussion than would be suitable in the present book. For our present purpose it will be sufficient to notice (i) that to assert in any particular case that the progressive suppression of an organ brings with it no progressive selective advantage appears to be very far beyond the range of our actual knowledge. To take a strong case from Weismann — the receptaculum seminis of an ant is assuredly minute ; but the ant her- self is not very large, nor are we concerned only with the individual ant, but with the whole worker population of the nest. As an economic problem we certainly do not possess the data to decide whether the suppression of this minute organ would or would not count as an appreciable factor in the ant polity. Human parallels might be given hi which the elimination of very minute items of individual waste, can lend an appreciable support to social institutions which are certainly not negligible. I do not assert that the suppression of the receptaculum has been useful to the ant, but that in this as in other cases, if we pause to give the matter due consideration, it is at once apparent that we have not the knowledge on which to base any decided answer, (ii) In the second place Weismann's view that in the absence of all selection a useless organ might diminish, degenerate, and finally disappear, by the cumulative action of successive muta- tions, and especially his view that this is the only type of progressive change, which could take place by mutations only, without the guidance of Natural Selection, is fully in accordance with modern knowledge of the nature of mutations. The special mechanism, however, by which he sought to explain the successive occurrence of degenerative mutations must be judged to be superfluous. It is moreover exposed to the logical objection that the driving force of his mechanism of germinal selection is an assumed competition for nutriment between the chromatin elements which represent the degenerating organ, and those which represent the rest of the body. The degenerating organ itself is assumed to be so unimportant that THE NATURE OF INHERITANCE 17 its demands upon the general nutrition of the body are to be neglected ; and it may well be asked if it is legitimate to bring in, in respect of the well-nourished germ cell, the factor of nutritional competition which is to be ignored in the occasionally ill-nourished body. Is all inheritance particulate ? The logical case for rejecting the assumption that the direction of evolutionary change is governed by the direction in which mutations are taking place, and thereby rejecting the whole group of theories in which this assumption is implicit, would be incomplete had not modern researches supplied the answer to two further questions:^ (i) May it not be that in addition to the mechanism of particulate inheritance, which has been discovered and is being investigated, there is also, in living organisms, an undiscovered mechanism of blending inheritance ? (ii) Do the known facts within the particulate system render a mechanism, which could control the predominant direction of mutation, inoperative as a means of governing the / direction of evolutionary change ? **— ' On the first point it should be noted briefly that, whereas at the beginning of the century there were several outstanding facts of inheritance which seemed to demand some sort of blending theory, these have all in the course of research been shown, not only to be compatible with particulate inheritance, but to reveal positive indications that such is their nature. The apparent blending in colour in crosses between white races of man and negroes is compatible with the view that these races differ in several Mendelian factors, affecting the pigmentation. Of these some may have intermediate heterozygotes, and of the remainder in some the darker, and in some the lighter tint may be dominant. The Mendelian theory is alone competent to explain the increased variability of the offspring of the mulattoes. The biometrical facts as to the inheritance of stature and other human measurements, though at first regarded as incompatible with the Mendelian system, have since been shown to be in complete accordance with it, and to reveal features not easily explicable on any other view. The approximately normal distribution of the measure- ments themselves may be deduced from the simple supposition that the factors affecting human stature are approximately additive in their effects. The correlations found between relatives of different 3653 18 THE NATURE OF INHERITANCE degrees of kinship are, within their sampling errors, of the magnitudes which would be deduced from the assumption that the measurement is principally determined by inheritance, and that the factors con- trolling it show, like most Mendelian factors, complete or almost complete dominance. The presence of dominance is a Mendelian feature, which is shown in the biometrical data by the well-estab- lished fact that children of the same parents are, on the average, somewhat more alike than are parent and offspring. So far we have merely established the negative fact that there are no outstanding observations which require a blending system of inheritance. There is, however, one group of modern researches which, at least hi the organisms investigated, seems to exclude it, even as a possibility. In certain organisms which are habitually self- fertilized, as Johannsen was the first to show with a species of bean, it is possible to establish so-called pure lines, within which heritable variability is, apart from exceptional mutations, completely absent. Within these lines the selection of the largest or the smallest beans, even where this selection was continued for ten or twenty generations, constantly produced offspring of the same average size. This size differed from one line to another, showing that heritable variability existed abundantly in the species, and among the thousands of beans examined two distinct mutants were reported. If, however, any appreciable fraction of the variance in bean size were ascribable to elements which blend, the mutations necessary to maintain such heritable variability would, in ten generations, have had time to supply it almost to its maximum extent, and must inevitably have been revealed by selection. Experiments of this type seem capable of excluding the possibility that blending inheritance can account for any appreciable fraction of the variance observed. Nature and frequency of observed mutations The assumption that the direction of evolutionary change is actually governed by the direction in which mutations are occurring is not easily compatible with the nature of the numerous mutations whiclj have now been observed to occur. For the majority of these produce strikingly disadvantageous deformities, and indeed much the largest class are actually lethal. If we had to admit, as has been so often assumed in theory, that these mutations point the direction of evolution, the evolutionary prospects of the little fruit-fly Drosophila THE NATURE OF INHERITANCE 19 would be deplorable indeed. Nor is the position apparently different with man and his domesticated animals and plants ; as may be judged from the frequency with which striking recessive defects, such as albinism, deaf-mutism, and feebleness of mind in man, must have occurred in the comparatively recent past, as mutations. Mutant defects seem to attack the human eye as much as that of Drosophila, and in general the mutants which occur in domesticated races are often monstrous and predominantly defective, whereas we know in many cases that the evolutionary changes which these creatures have undergone under human selection have been in the direction of a manifest improvement. In addition to the defective mutations, which by their con- spicuousness attract attention, we may reasonably suppose that other less obvious mutations are occurring which, at least in certain surroundings, or in certain genetic combinations, might prove them- selves to be beneficial. It would be unreasonable, however, to assume that such mutations appear individually with a frequency much greater than that which is observed hi the manifest defects. The frequency of individual mutations in Drosophila is certainly seldom greater than one in 100,000 individuals, and we may take this figure to illustrate the inefficacy of any agency, which merely controls the predominant direction of mutation, to determine the predominant direction of evolutionary change. For even if selective survival were totally absent, a lapse of time of the order of 100,000 generations would be required to produce an important change with respect to *- the factor concerned, in the heritable nature of the species. Moreover, if the mutant gene were opposed, even by a very minute selective disadvantage, the change would be brought to a standstill at a very early stage. The ideas necessary for a precise examination of the nature of selective advantage will be developed in Chapter II ; but it will be readily understood that if we speak of a selective advantage of one per cent., with the meaning that animals bearing one gene have an expectation of offspring only one per cent, greater than those bearing its allelomorph, the selective advantage in question will be a very minute one; at least in the sense that it would require an enormous number of experimental animals, and extremely precise methods of experimentation, to demonstrate so small an effect experimentally. Such a selective advantage would, however, greatly modify the genetic constitution of the species, not in 100,000 but in 20 THE NATURE OF INHERITANCE 100 generations. If, moreover, we imagine these two agencies opposed in their tendencies, so that a mutation which persistently occurs in one in 100,000 individuals, is persistently opposed by a selective advantage of only one per cent., it will easily be seen that an equilibrium will be arrived at when only about one individual in 1,000 of the population will be affected by the mutation. This equilibrium, moreover, will be stable ; for if we imagine that by some chance the number of mutants is raised to a higher proportion than this, the proportion will immediately commence to diminish under the action of selection, and evolution will proceed in the direction contrary to the mutation which is occurring, until the proportion of mutant individuals again reaches its equilibrium value. For muta- tions to dominate the trend of evolution it is thus necessary to postu- late mutation rates immensely greater than those which are known to occur, and of an order of magnitude which, in general, would be incompatible with particulate inheritance. Summary The tacit assumption of the blending theory of inheritance led Darwin, by a perfectly cogent argument, into a series of speculations, respecting the causes of variations, and the possible evolutionary effects of these causes. In particular the blending theory, by the enormous mutation rates which it requires, led Darwin and others to attach evolutionary importance to hypothetical agencies which control the production of mutations. A mechanism (Mendelism) of particulate inheritance has since been discovered, requiring mutations to an extent less by many thousandfold. The 'pure line ' experiments seem to exclude blending inheritance even as a subordinate possibility. The nature of the mutations observed is not compatible with the view that evolution is directed by their means, while their observed frequency of occurrence shows that an agency controlling mutations would be totally ineffectual in governing the direction of evolutionary change. The whole group of theories which ascribe to hypothetical physio I logical mechanisms, controlling the occurrence of mutations, a power of directing the course of evolution, must be set aside, once the blending theory of inheritance is abandoned. The sole surviving theory is that of Natural Selection, and it would appear impossibl to avoid the conclusion that if any evolutionary ph V --- e enomenon THE XATURE OF INHERITANCE 21 appears to be inexplicable on this theory, it must be accepted at present merely as one of the facts which in the present state of knowledge seems inexplicable. The investigator who faces this fact, as an unavoidable inference from what is now known of the nature of inheritance, will direct his inquiries confidently towards a study of the selective agencies at work throughout the life history of the group in their native habitats, rather than to speculations on the possible causes which influence their mutations. The experimental study of agencies capable of influencing mutation rates is of the highest interest for the light which it may throw on the nature of these changes. We should altogether misinterpret the value of such researches were we to regard them as revealing the causes of evolu- tionary modification. The life table and the table of reproduction. The Malthusian parameter of popu- lation increase. Reproductive value. The genetic element in variance. Natural Selection. The nature of adaptation. Deterioration of the environment. Changes in population. Summary. One has, however, no business to feel so much surprise at one's ignorance, when one knows how impossible it is without statistics to conjecture the duration of life and percentage of deaths to births in mankind. DARWIN, 1845. (Life and Letters, ii, 33.) In the first place it is said — and I take this point first, because the imputation is too frequently admitted by Physiologists themselves — that Biology differs from the Physico-chemical and Mathematical sciences in being 'inexact'. HUXLEY, 1854. The life table IN order to obtain a distinct idea of the application of Natural Selection to all stages in the life-history of an organism, use may be made of the ideas developed in the actuarial study of human mor- tality. These ideas are not in themselves very recondite, but being associated with the laborious computations and the technical nota- tion employed in the practical business of life insurance, are not so familiar as they might be to the majority of biologists. The text- books on the subject, moreover, are devoted to the chances of death, and to monetary calculations dependent on these chances, whereas in biological problems at least equal care and precision of ideas is requisite with respect to reproduction, and especially to the combined action of these two agencies in controlling the increase or decrease of the population. The object of the present chapter is to combine certain ideas derivable from a consideration of the rates of death and reproduction of a population of organisms, with the concepts of the factorial ^scheme of inheritance, so as to state the principle of Natural Selection in the form of a rigorous mathematical theorem, by which the rate of improvement of any species of organisms in relation to its environ- ment is determined by its present condition. The fundamental apparatus of the actuary's craft is what is known FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF NATURAL SELECTION 23 as a life table. This shows, for each year of age, of the population considered, the proportion of persons born alive who live to attain that age. For example, a life table may show that the proportion of persons living to the age of 20 is 88 per cent., while only 80 per cent. reach the age of 40. It will be easily inferred that 12 per cent, of those born alive die in the first 20 years of life, and 8 per cent, in the second 20 years. The life table is thus equivalent to a statement of the frequency distribution of the age of death in the population con- cerned. The amount by which each entry is less than the preceding entry represents the number of deaths between these limits of age, and this divided by the number living at the earlier age gives the-. probability of death within a specified time of those living at that age. Since the. probability of death changes continuously throughout life, the death rate at a given age can only be measured consistently by taking the age interval to be infinitesimal. Consequently if lx is the number living to age x, the death rate at age x is given by: 1 d d the logarithm being taken, as in most mathematical representations, to be on the Natural or Naperian system. The life table thus contains a statement of the death rates at all ages, and conversely can be constructed from a knowledge of the course taken by the death rate throughout lif e. This in fact is the ordinary means of constructing the life tables in practical use. It will not be necessary to discuss the technical procedure employed in the construction of life tables, the various conventions employed in this form of statement, nor the difficulties which arise in the inter- pretation of the observational data available in practice for this purpose. It will be sufficient to state only one point. As in all other experimental determinations of theoretical values, the accuracy attainable in practice is limited by the extent of the observations; the result derived from any finite number of observations will be liable to an error of random sampling, but this fact does not, in any degree, render such concepts as death rates or expectations of life obscure or inexact. These are statements of probabilities, averages &c., pertaining to the hypothetical population sampled, and depend jonly upon its nature and circumstances. The inexactitude of our methods of measurement has no more reason in statistics than it has 24 FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF NATURAL SELECTION in physics to dim our conception of that which we measure. These conceptions would be equally clear if we were stating the chances of death of a single individual of unique genetic constitution, or of one exposed to an altogether transient and exceptional environment. The table of reproduction The life table, although itself a very comprehensive statement, is still inadequate to express fully the relation between an organism and its environment ; it concerns itself only with the chances or frequency of death, and not at all with reproduction. To repair this deficiency it is necessary to introduce a second table giving rates of reproduction in a manner analogous to the rates of death at each age. Just as a person alive at the beginning of any infinitesimal age interval dx has a chance of dying within that interval measured by Pxdx, so the chance of reproducing within this interval will be represented by bydx, in which 6^ may be called the rate of reproduction at age x. Again, just as the chance of a person chosen at birth dying within a specified interval of age dx is IxV-ydx, so the chance of such a person living to reproduce in that interval will be lj)xdx. Owing to bisexual reproduction a convention must be introduced into the measurement of bx, for each living offspring will be credited to both parents, and it will seem proper to credit each with one hah* hi respect of each offspring produced. This convention will evidently be appropriate for those genes which are not sex-linked (autosomal genes) for with these the chance of entering into the composition of each offspring is known to be one hah*. In the case of sex-linked genes those of the heterogametic parent will be perpetuated or not accord- ing as the offspring is male or female. These sexes, it is true, will not be produced in exactly equal numbers, but since both must co-operate in each act of sexual reproduction, it is clear that the different frequencies at birth must ultimately be compensated by Sexual differences hi the rates of death and reproduction, with the result that the same convention appears hi this case to be equally appropriate. A similar convention, appropriate in the sense of bringing tne formal symbolism of the mathematics into harmony with the biologi- cal facts, may be used with respect to the period of gestation. For it will happen occasionally that a child is born after the death of its father. The children born to fathers aged x should in fact be credited to males aged three-quarters of a year younger. Such corrections are FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF NATURAL SELECTION 25 not a necessity to an exact mathematical representation of the facts, but are a manifest convenience in simplifying the form of expression ; thus with mankind we naturally think of the stage in the life -history as measured in years from birth. With other organisms the variable x which with man represents this age, may in some cases be more conveniently used to indicate rather the stage in the life history irrespective of chronological age, merely to give greater vividness to the meaning of the symbolism, but without altering the content of the symbolical statements. The M althusian parameter of population increase If we combine the two tables giving the rates of death and repro- duction, we may, still speaking in terms of human populations, at once calculate the expectation of offspring of the newly-born child. For the expectation of offspring in each element of age dx is lxbxdx, and the sum of these elements over the whole of life will be the total expectation of offspring. In mathematical terms this is where the integral is extended from zero, at birth, to infinity, to cover every possible age at which reproduction might conceivably take place. If at any age reproduction ceases absolutely, bx will thereafter be zero and so give automatically the effect of a terminating integral. The expectation of offspring determines whether in the population concerned the reproductive rates are more or less than sufficient to balance the existing death rates. If its value is less than unity the reproductive rates are insufficient to maintain a stationary popula- tion, in the sense that any population which constantly maintained the death and reproduction rates in question would, apart from temporary fluctuations, certainly ultimately decline in numbers at a calculable rate. Equally, if it is greater than unity, the population biologically speaking is more than holding its own, although the actual number of heads to be counted may be temporarily decreasing. This consequence will appear most clearly in its quantitative aspect if we note that corresponding to any system of rates of death and reproduction, there is only one possible constitution of the population in respect of age, which will remain unchanged under the action of this system. For if the age distribution remains unchanged the 3653 E 26 FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF NATURAL SELECTION relative rate of increase or decrease of numbers at all ages must be the same ; let us represent the relative rate of increase by ra ; which will also represent a decrease if m is negative. Then, owing to the constant rates of reproduction, the rate at which births are occurring at any epoch will increase proportionately to emt. At any particular epoch, for which we may take t = Q, the rate at which births were occurring x years ago will be proportional to e~mx, and this is the rate at which births were occurring at the time persons now of age x were being born. The number of persons in the infinitesimal age interval dx will therefore be eTmxlyAx^ for of those born only the fraction lx survive to this age. The age distribution is therefore determinate if the number m is uniquely determined. But knowing the numbers living at each age, and the reproductive rates at each age, the rate at which births are now occurring can be calculated, and this can be equated to the known rate of births appropriate to t = 0. In fact, the contribution to the total rate, of persons in the age interval dx, must be e~mxlxbxdx, and the aggregate for all ages must be o which, when equated to unity, supplies an equation for m, of which one and only one real solution exists. Since e~mx is less than unity for all values of a;, if m is positive, and is greater than unity for all values of x, if m is negative, it is evident that the value of m, which reduces the integral above expressed to unity, must be positive if the expecta- tion of offspring exceeds unity, and must be negative if it falls short of unity. The number m which satisfies this equation is thus implicit in any given system of rates of death and reproduction, and measures the relative rate of increase or decrease of a population when in the steady state appropriate to any such system. In view of the emphasis laid by Malthus upon the ' law of geometric increase ' m may appropriately be termed the Malthusian parameter of population increase. It evidently supplies in its negative values an equally good measure of population decrease, and so covers cases to which, in respect of man- kind, Malthus paid too little attention. In view of the close analogy between the growth of a population supposed to follow the law of geometric increase, and the growth of capital invested at compound interest, it is worth noting that if we FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF NATURAL SELECTION 27 regard the birth of a child as the loaning to him of a life, and the birth of his offspring as a subsequent repayment of the debt, the method by which m is calculated shows that it is equivalent to answering the question — At what rate of interest are the repayments the just equivalent of the loan ? For the unit investment has an expectation of a return IJbydx in the time interval dx, and the present value of this repayment, if m is the rate of interest, is er^ljbyfix ; consequently the Malthusian parameter of population increase is the rate of interest at which the present value of the births of offspring to be expected is equal to unity at the date of birth of their parent. The actual values of the parameter of population increase, even in sparsely populated dominions, do not, however, seem to approach in magnitude the rates of interest earned by money, and negative rates of interest are, I suppose, unknown to commerce. Reproductive value The analogy with money does, however, make clear the argument for another simple application of the combined death and reproduction rates. We may ask, not only about the newly born, but about persons of any chosen age, what is the present value of their future offspring ; and if present value is calculated at the rate determined as before, the question has the definite meaning — To what extent will persons of this age, on the average, contribute to the ancestry of future genera- tions ? The question is one of some interest, since the direct action of Natural Selection must be proportional to this contribution. There will also, no doubt, be indirect effects in cases in which an animal favours or impedes the survival or reproduction of its suckling mother assists the survival of her child, as in mankktd~nr mother past bearing may greatly promote the reproduction of her children, as a foetus and in less measure a sucking child inhibits conception, and most strikingly of aJJr-a^~nrthe-sefvices of neuter insects to their queen. Neverthel^essuch indirect effects will hi very many cases be unimportant compared to the effects of personal repro- duction, and by the analogy of compound interest the present value of the future offspring of persons aged x is easily seen to be Each age group may in this way be assigned its appropriate 28 FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF NATURAL SELECTION reproductive value. Fig. 2 shows the reproductive value of women according to age as calculated from the rates of death and reproduc- tion current in the Commonwealth of Australia about 1911. The Malthusian parameter was at that time positive, and as judged from 20 30 AGE IN YEARS Fio. 2. Reproductive value of Australian women. The reproductive value for female persons calculated from the birth- and death- rates current in the Commonwealth of Australia about 1911. The Malthusian parameter is +0-01231 per annum. female rates was nearly equivalent to 1 J per cent, compound interest ; the rate would be lower for the men, and for both sexes taken together, owing to the excess of men in immigration. The reproductive value, which of course is not to be confused with the reproductive rate, reaches its maximum at about 18|, in spite of the delay in repro- duction caused by civilized marriage customs ; indeed it would have been as early as 16, were it not that a positive rate of interest gives higher value to the immediate prospect of progeny of an older woman, compared to the more remote children of a young girl. If this is the FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF NATURAL SELECTION 29 case among a people by no means precocious in reproduction, it would be surprising if , in a state of society entailing marriage at or soon after puberty, the age of maximum reproductive value should fall at any later age than twelve. In the Australian data, the value at birth is lower, partly by reason of the effect of an increasing population in setting a lower value upon remote children and partly because of the risk of death before the reproductive age is reached. The value shown is probably correct, apart from changes in the rate since 1911, for such a purpose as assessing how far it is worth while to give assistance to immigrants in respect of infants (though of course, it takes no account of the factor of eugenic quality), for such infants will usually emigrate with their parents ; but it is overvalued from the point of view of Natural Selection to a considerable extent, owing to the capa- city of the parents to replace a baby lost during lactation. The reproductive value of an older woman on the contrary is undervalued in so far as her relations profit by her earnings or domestic assistance, and this to a greater extent from the point of view of the Common- wealth, than from that of Natural Selection. It is probably not without significance in this connexion that the death rate in Man takes a course generally inverse to the curve of reproductive value. The minimum of the death rate curve is at twelve, certainly not far from the primitive maximum of the reproductive value; it rises more steeply for infants, and less steeply for the elderly than the curve of reproductive value falls, points which qualitatively we should antici- pate, if the incidence of natural death had been to a large extent moulded by the effects of differential survival. A property that well illustrates the significance of the method of valuation, by which, instead of counting all individuals as of equal value in respect of future population, persons of each age are assigned an appropriate value vx, is that, whatever may be the age constitution of a population, its total reproductive value will increase or decrease according to the correct Malthusian rate m, whereas counting all heads as equal this is only true in the theoretical case in which the population is in its steady state. For suppose the number of persons in the age interval dx is nxdx ; the value of each element of the popula- tion will be nxvxdx ; in respect of each such group there will be a gain in value by reproduction at the rate of nxbxv0dx, a loss by death of nxij,xvxdx, and a loss by depreciation of -^ixdvX) or in all 30 FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF NATURAL SELECTION but by differentiating the equation by which vx is defined, it appears that dv 1 ctt - Ze-"1* bv — - — h - - -- m = x0 vdx ldx or that dvx - HxVydx + bxv0dx = Consequently the rate of increase in the total value of the population is m times its actual total value, irrespective of its constitution in respect of age. A comparison of the total values of the population at two census epochs thus shows, after allowance for migration, the genuine biological increase or decrease of the population, which may be entirely obscured or reversed by the crude comparison of the number of heads. The population of Great Britain, for example, must have commenced to decrease biologically at some date obscured by the war, between 1911 and 1921, but the census of 1921 showed a nominal increase of some millions, and that of 1931 will, doubtless hi less degree, certainly indicate a further spurious period of increase, due to the accumulation of persons at ages at which their reproduc- tive value is negligible. The genetic element in variance Let us now consider the manner in which any quantitative individual measurement, such as human stature, may depend upon the indi- vidual genetic constitution. We may imagine, in respect of any pan* of alternative genes, the population divided into two portions, each comprising one homozygous type together with hah* of the hetero- zygotes, which must be divided equally between the two portions. The difference in average stature between these two groups may then be termed the average excess (hi stature) associated with the gene sub- stitution in question. This difference need not be wholly due to the single gene, by which the groups are distinguished, but possibly also to other genes statistically associated with it, and having similar or opposite effects. This definition will appear the more appropriate if , as is necessary for precision, the population used to determine its value comprises, not merely the whole of a species in any one genera- tion attaining maturity, but is conceived to contain all the genetic combinations possible, with frequencies appropriate to their actual FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF NATURAL SELECTION 31 probabilities of occurrence and. survival, whatever these may be, and if the average is based upon the statures attained by all these geno- types in all possible environmental circumstances, with frequencies appropriate to the actual probabilities of encountering these circum- stances. The statistical concept of the excess in stature of a given gene substitution will then be an exact one, not dependent upon chance as must be any practical estimate of it, but only upon the genetic nature and environmental circumstances of the species. The excess in a factor will usually be influenced by the actual frequency ratio p : q of the alternative genes, and may also be influenced, by way of departures from random mating, by the varying reactions of the factor in question with other factors ; it is for this reason that its value for the purpose of our argument is defined in the precise statistical manner chosen, rather than in terms of the average sizes of pure genotypes, as would be appropriate in specifying such a value in an experimental population, in which mating is under control, and in which the numbers of the different genotypes examined is at the choice of the experimenter. For the same reasons it is also necessary to give a statistical definition of a second quantity, which may be easily confused with that just defined, and may often have a nearly equal value, yet which must be distinguished from it in an accurate argument ; namely the average effect produced in the population as genetically constituted, by the substitution of the one type of gene for the other. By what- ever rules mating, and consequently the frequency of different gene combinations, may be governed, the substitution of a small propor- tion of the genes of one kind by the genes of another will produce a definite proportional effect upon the average stature. The amount of the difference produced, on the average, in the total stature of the popu- lation, for each such gene substitution, may be termed the average effect of such substitution, in centra-distinction to the average excess as defined above. In human stature, for example, the correlation found between married persons is sufficient to ensure that each gene tending to increase the stature must be associated with other genes having a like effect, to an extent sufficient to make the average excess associated with each gene substitution exceed its average effect by about a quarter. If a is the magnitude of the average excess of any factor, and a the magnitude of the average effect on the chosen measurement, we shall 32 FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM^OF NATURAL SELECTION now show that the contribution of that factor to the genetic variance is represented by the expression pqaa. The variable measurement will be represented by a;, and the relation of the quantities a to it may be made more clear by supposing that for any specific gene constitution we build up an 'expected' value, X, by adding together appropriate increments, positive or negative, according to the natures of the genes present. This expected value will not necessarily represent the real stature, though it may be a good approximation to it, but its statistical properties will be more intimately involved in the inheritance of real stature than the properties of that variate itself. Since we are only concerned with variation we may take as a primary ingredient of the value of X, the mean value of a; in the population, and adjust our positive and nega- tive increments for each factor so that these balance each other when the whole population is considered. Since the increment for any one gene will appear p times to that for its alternative gene q times in the whole population, the two increments must be of opposite sign and in the ratio q : ( — %>). Moreover, since their difference must be a, the actual values cannot but be qa and (— pa) respectively. The value of the average excess a of any gene substitution was obtained by comparing the average values of the measurement x in two moieties into which the population can be divided. It is evident that the values of a will only be properly determined if the same average difference is maintained in these moieties between the values of X, or in other words if in each such moiety the sum of the devia- tions, x-X, is zero. This supplies a criterion mathematically sufficient to determine the values of a, which represent hi the popula- tion concerned the average effects of the gene substitutions. It follows that the sum for the whole population of the product X (x - X) derived from each individual must be zero, for each entry qa or ( -pa) in the first term will in the total be multiplied by a zero, and this will be true of the items contributed by every factor severally. It follows from this that if X and x are now each measured from the mean of the population, the variance of X , which is the mean value of Xz, is equal to the mean value of Xx. Now the mean value of Xx will involve a for each Mendelian factor ; for X will contain the item qa in the p individuals of one moiety and ( -pa) in the q individuals of the other, and since the average values of # in these two moieties differ by a, the mean value of X x must be the sum for all factors of the FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF NATURAL SELECTION 33 quantities pqaa. Thus the variance of X is shown to be W=2(pqaa) the summation being taken over all factors, and this quantity we may distinguish as the genetic variance in the chosen measurement x. That it is essentially positive, unless the effect of every gene severally is zero, is shown by its equality with the variance of X. An extension of this analysis, involving no difference of principle, leads to a similar expression for cases in which one or more factors have more than two different genes or allelomorphs present. The appropriateness of the term genetic variance lies in the fact that the quantity X is determined solely by the genes present in the individual, and is built up of the average effects of these genes. It therefore represents the genetic potentiality of the individual con- cerned, in the aggregate of the mating possibilities actually open to him, in the sense that the progeny averages (of x, as well as of X) of two males mated with an identical series of representative females will differ by exactly half as much as the genetic potentialities of their sires differ. Relative genetic values may therefore be determined experimentally by the diallel method, in which each animal tested is mated to the same series of animals of the opposite sex, provided that a large number of offspring can be obtained from each such mating. Without obtaining individual values, the genetic variance of the population may be derived from the correlations between relatives, provided these correlations are accurately obtained. For this purpose the square of the parental correlation divided by the grandparental correlation supplies a good estimate of the fraction, of the total observable variance of the measurement, which may be regarded as genetic variance. It is clear that the actual measurements, x, obtained in individuals may differ from their genetic expectations by reason of fluctuations due to purely environmental circumstances. It should be noted that this is not the only cause of difference, for even if environmental fluctuations were entirely absent, and the actual measurements therefore determined exactly by the genetic composition, these measurements, which may be distinguished as genotypic, might still differ from the genetic values, X. A good example of this is afforded by dominance, for if dominance is complete the genotypic value of the heterozygote will be exactly the same as that of the correspond- ing dominant homozygote, and yet these genotypes differ by a gene substitution which may materially affect the genetic potentiality 3653 T? 34 FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM. OF NATURAL SELECTION represented by X, and be reflected in the average measurement of the offspring. A similar cause of discrepancy occurs when gene substitutions in different factors are not exactly additive in their average effects. The genetic variance as here defined is only a portion of the variance determined genotypically, and this will differ from, and usually be somewhat less than, the total variance to be observed. It is consequently not a superfluous refinement to define the purely genetic element in the variance as it exists objectively, as a statistical character of the population, different from the variance derived from the direct measurement of individuals. Natural Selection The definitions given above may be applied to any characteristic whatever; it is of special interest to apply them to the special characteristic m which measures the relative rate of increase or decrease. The two groups of individuals bearing alternative genes, and consequently the genes themselves, will necessarily either have equal or unequal rates of increase, and the difference between the appropriate values of m will be represented by a, similarly the average effect upon m of the gene substitution will be represented by a. Since m measures fitness to survive by the objective fact of representation in future generations, the quantity pqaa will represent the contribution of each factor to the genetic variance in fitness; the total genetic variance in fitness being the sum of these contribu- tions, which is necessarily positive, or, in the limiting case, zero. Moreover, any increase dp in the proportion of one type of gene at the expense of the other will be accompanied by an increase adp in the average fitness of the species, where a may of course be negative ; but the definition of a requires that the ratio p : q must be increasing in geometrical progression at a rate measured by a, or in mathe- matical notation that d /p\ 5iosy=a which may be written ? = a dt, or dp = pqa dt whence it follows that, adp =pqaadt FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF NATOTRAL SELECTION 37 and, taking all factors into consideration, the totar.not a little instruc- Z(adp) = S(pqaa}dt = Wdt. *ition among the •Itimately be If therefore the time element at is positive, the total chaA , ,, „ -^e should ness W at is also positive, and indeed the rate of increase in fitnb. ^.es — to all changes in gene ratio is exactly equal to the genetic variance, , . fitness W which the population exhibits. We may consequently state ' the fundamental theorem of Natural Selection in the form : The rate of increase in fitness of any organism at any time is equal to its genetic variance in fitness at that time. The rigour of the demonstration requires that the terms employed should be used strictly as defined ; the ease of its interpretation may be increased by appropriate conventions of measurement. For example, the ratio p : q should strictly be evaluated at any instant by the enumeration, not necessarily of the census population, but of all individuals having reproductive value, weighted according to the reproductive value of each. Since the theorem is exact only for idealized populations, in which fortuitous fluctuations in genetic composition have been excluded, it is important to obtain an estimate of the magnitude of the effect of these fluctuations, or in other words to obtain a standard error appropriate to the calculated, or expected, rate of increase in fitness. It will be sufficient for this purpose to consider the special case of a population mating and reproducing at random. It is easy to see that if such chance fluctuations cause a difference 8p between the actual value of p obtained in any generation and that expected, the variance of Bp will be ??, 2» where n represents the number breeding in each generation, and In therefore is the number of genes hi the n individuals which live to replace them. The variance of the increase in fitness, aBp, due to this cause, will therefore be and since, with random mating, the chance fluctuation in the different gene ratios will be independent, and the values of a and a are no longer distinct, it follows that, on this condition, the rate of increase 34 FUNDAMENTAL ^HEOREM 'OF NATURAL SELECTION represented by •£ inured over one generation, will have a standard the offspring. ^om survival equal to substitution*- I IE. T\J2n average P of tb<- afiere T is the time of a generation. It will usually be convenient for each organism to measure time in generations, and if this is done it will be apparent from the large factor 2n in the denominator, that the random fluctuations in W, even measured over only a single generation, may be expected to be very small compared to the average rate of progress. The regularity of the latter is in fact guaranteed by the same circumstance which makes a statistical assemblage of particles, such as a bubble of gas obey, without appreciable deviation, the laws of gases. A visible bubble will indeed contain several billions of molecules, and this would be a comparatively large number for an organic population, but the principle ensuring regularity is tne same. Interpreted exactly, the formula shows that it is only when the rate of progress, W, when time is measured in generations, is itself so small as to be comparable to ifn, that the rate of progress achieved in successive generations is made to be irregular. Even if an equipoise of this order of exactitude, between the rates of death and reproduction of different genotypes, were established, it would be only the rate of progress for spans of a single generation that would be shown to be irregular, and the deviations from regularity over a span of 10,000 generations would be just a hundredfold less. It will be noticed that the fundamental theorem proved above bears some remarkable resemblances to the .second law_jil thermo- dynamics. Both are properties of populations, or aggregates, true irrespective of the nature of the units which compose them ; both are statistical laws ; each requires the constant increase of a measurable quantity, in the one case the entropy of a physical system and in the other the fitness, measured by ra, of a biological population. As in the physical world we can conceive of theoretical systems hi which dissipative forces are wholly absent, and in which the entropy con- sequently remains constant, so we can conceive, though we need not expect to find, biological populations in which the genetic variance is absolutely zero, and in which fitness does not increase. Professor Eddington has recently remarked that ' The law that entropy always increases — the second law of thermodynamics — holds, I think, the FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF NATURAL SELECTION 37 supreme position among the laws of nature '. It is not a little instruc- tive that so similar a law should hold the supreme position among the biological sciences. While it is possible that both may ultimately be absorbed by some more general principle, for the present we should note that the laws as they stand present profound differences — (1) The systems considered in thermodynamics are permanent; species on the contrary are liable to extinction, although biological improvement must be expected to occur up to the end of their exis- tence. (2) Fitness, although measured by a uniform method, is qualitatively different for every different organism, whereas entropy, like temperature, is taken to have the same meaning for all physical systems. (3) Fitness may be increased or decreased by changes in the environment, without reacting quantitatively upon that environ- ment. (4) Entropy changes are exceptional in the physical world in being irreversible, while irreversible evolutionary changes form no exception among biological phenomena. Finally, (5) entropy changes lead to a progressive disorganization of the physical world, at least from the human standpoint of the utilization of energy, while evolu- tionary changes are generally recognized as producing progressively higher organization in the organic world. The statement of the principle of Natural Selection in the form of a theorem determining the rate of progress of a species in fitness to survive (this term being used for a well-defined statistical attribute of the population), together with the relation between this rate of progress and its standard error, puts us in a position to judge of the validity of the objection which has been made, that the principle of Natural Selection depends on a succession of favourable chances. The objection is more in the nature of an innuendo than of a criticism, for it depends for its force upon the ambiguity of the word chance, in its popular uses. The income derived from a Casino by its proprietor may, in one sense, be said to depend upon a succession of favourable chances, although the phrase contains a suggestion of improbability more appropriate to the hopes of the patrons of his establishment. It is easy without any very profound logical analysis to perceive the difference between a succession of favourable deviations from the laws of chance, and on the other hand, the continuous and cumulative action of these laws. It is on the latter that the principle of Natural Selection relies. 38 FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF NATURAL SELECTION The nature of adaptation In order to consider in outline the consequences to the organic world of the progressive increase of fitness of each species of organism, it is necessary to consider the abstract nature of the relationship which we term 'adaptation'. This is the more necessary since any simple example of adaptation, such as the lengthened neck and legs of the giraffe as an adaptation to browsing on high levels of foliage, or the conformity in average tint of an animal to its natural background, lose, by the very simplicity of statement, a great part of the meaning which the word really conveys. For the more complex the adaptation, the more numerous the different features of conformity, the more essentially adaptive the situation is recognized to be. An organism is regarded as adapted to a particular situation, or to the totality of situations which constitute its environment, only in so far as we can imagine an assemblage of slightly different situations, or environ- ments, to which the animal would on the whole be less well adapted ; and equally only in so far as we can imagine an assemblage of slightly different organic forms, which would be less well adapted to that environment. This I take to be the meaning which the word is intended to convey, apart altogether from the question whether organisms really are adapted to their environments, or whether the structures and instincts to which the term has been applied are rightly so described. The statistical requirements of the situation, in which one thing is made to conform to another hi a large number of different respects, may be illustrated geometrically. The degree of conformity may be represented by the closeness with which a point A approaches a fixed point 0. In space of three dimensions we can only represent conformity in three different respects, but even with only these the general character of the situation may be represented. The possible positions representing adaptations superior to that represented by A will be enclosed by a sphere passing through A and centred at O. If A is shifted through a fixed distance, r, in any direction its transla- tion will improve the adaptation if it is carried to a point within this sphere, but will impair it if the new position is outside. If r is very small it may be perceived that the chances of these two events are approximately equal, and the chance of an improvement tends to the limit \ as r tends to zero ; but if r is as great as the diameter of the FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF NATURAL SELECTION 39 sphere or greater, there is no longer any chance whatever of improve- ment, for all pouits within the sphere are less than this distance from A. For any value of r between these limits the actual probability of improvement is where d is the diameter of the sphere. The chance of improvement thus decreases steadily from its limiting value £ when r is zero, to zero when r equals d. Since A in our representation may signify either the organism or its environment, we should conclude that a change on either side has, when this change is extremely minute, an almost equal chance of effecting improvement or the reverse ; while for greater changes the chance of improvement diminishes progressively, becoming zero, or at least negligible, for changes of a sufficiently pronounced character. The representation in three dimensions is evidently inadequate ; for even a single organ, in cases in which we know enough to appreciate the relation between structure and function, as is, broadly speaking, the case with the eye in vertebrates, often shows this conformity in many more than three respects. It is of interest therefore, that if in our geometrical problem the number of dimensions be increased, the form of the relationship between the magnitude of the change r and the probability of improvement, tends to a limit which is represented in Fig. 3. The primary facts of the three dimensional problem are conserved in that the chance of improvement, for very small displace- ments tends to the limiting value |, while it falls off rapidly for in- creasing displacements, attaining exceedingly small values, however, when the number of dimensions is large, even while r is still small compared to d. For any degree of adaptation there will be a standard magnitude of change, represented by d[\/n, and the probability of improvement will be determined by the ratio which the particular change considered bears to this standard magnitude. The higher the adaptation the smaller will this standard be, and consequently the smaller the prob- ability that a change of given magnitude shall effect an improvement. The situation may be expressed otherwise by supposing changes of a given magnitude to occur at random in all directions, and comparing the rates of evolutionary progress caused by two opposite selective agencies, one of which .picks out and accumulates all changes which 40 FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF NATURAL SELECTION increase the adaptation, and another which similarly picks out and accumulates all which diminish it. For changes very small compared to the standard, these two agencies will be equally effective, but, even for changes of only one-tenth of the standard, the destructive selection is already 28 per cent, more effective than the selection favouring 0 I 2 , MAGNITUDE OF CHANGE * df/H. Fio. 3. The relation between the magnitude of an undirected change and the prob- ability of improving adaptation, where the number of dimensions (n) is large 00 p = ==. I erV*dt, x = r^/n/d. x adaptation. At one hah* the standard it is over three and a hah* times as powerful, at the standard value itself, at which the probability of improvement is still, as the diagram shows, nearly one in six, the selection destroying adaptation is thirteen times as effective as that building it up, and at twice and three times the standard value the ratio has risen to the values 236 and 7,852 respectively. The conformity of these statistical requirements with common experience will be perceived by comparison with the mechanical adaptation of an instrument, such as the microscope, when adjusted for distinct vision. If we imagine a derangement of the system by moving a little each of the lenses, either longitudinally or transversely, or by twisting through an angle, by altering the refractive index and transparency of the different components, or the curvature, or the polish of the interfaces, it is sufficiently obvious that any large derangement will have a very small probability of improving the ad- justment, while in the case of alterations much less than the smallest FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF NATURAL SELECTION 41 of those intentionally effected by the maker or the operator, the chance of improvement should be almost exactly half. Deterioration of the environment If therefore an organism be really in any high degree adapted to the place it fills in its environment, this adaptation will be constantly menaced by any undirected agencies liable to cause changes to either party in the adaptation. The case of large mutations to the organism may first be considered, since their consequences in this connexion are of an extremely simple character. A considerable number of such mutations have now been observed, and these are, I believe, without exception, either definitely pathological (most often lethal) in their effects, or with high probability to be regarded as deleterious in the wild state. This is merely what would be expected on the view, which was regarded as obvious by the older naturalists, and I believe by all who have studied wild animals, that organisms in general are, in fact, marvellously and intricately adapted, both in their internal mecha- nisms, and in their relations to external nature. Such large mutations occurring in the natural state would be unfavourable to survival, and as soon as the numbers affected attain a certain small proportion in the whole population, an equilibrium must be established in which the rate of elimination is equal to the rate of mutation. To put the matter in another way we may say that each mutation of this kind is allowed £o contribute exactly as much to the genetic variance of fitness in the species as will provide a rate of improvement equivalent to the rate of deterioration caused by the continual occurrence of the mutation. As to the physical environment, geological and climatological changes must always be slowly in progress, and these, though possibly beneficial to some few organisms, must as they continue become harmful to the greater number, for the same reasons as mutations in the organism itself will generally be harmful. For the majority of organisms, therefore, the physical environment may be regarded as constantly deteriorating, whether the climate, for example, is becom- ing warmer or cooler, moister or drier, and this will tend, in the majority of species, constantly to lower the average value of m, the Malthusian parameter of the population increase. Probably more important than the changes in climate will be the evolutionary changes in progress in associated organisms. As each organism increases in fitness, so will its enemies and competitors increase in 3653 Q 42 FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM -OF NATURAL SELECTION fitness ; and this will have the same effect, perhaps in a much more important degree, in impairing the environment, from the point of view of each organism concerned. Against the action of Natural Selection in constantly increasing the fitness of every organism, at a rate equal to the genetic variance in fitness which that population maintains, is to be set off the very considerable item of the deteriora- tion of its inorganic and organic environment. It is only if the former of these agencies exceeds the latter that there can be any actual increase hi population, while in the reverse case the population will certainly decrease. Changes in population An increase in numbers of any organism will impair its environment in a manner analogous to, and probably more definitely than, an increase in the numbers or efficiency of its competitors. It is a patent oversimplification to assert that the environment determines the numbers of each sort of organism which it will support. The numbers must indeed be determined by the elastic quality of the resistance offered to increase in numbers, so that life is made somewhat harder to each individual when the population is larger, and easier when the population is smaller. The balance left over when from the rate of increase hi the mean value of m produced by Natural Selection, is deducted the rate of decrease due to deterioration in environment, results not in an increase in the average value of m, for this average value cannot greatly exceed zero, but principally in a steady increase in population. The situation is represented by the differential equation dM M ^r + -c = w-D • in which M is the mean of the Malthusian parameter, C is a constant expressing the relation between fitness and population increase, and defined as the increase hi the natural logarithm of the population, supposed stationary at each stage, produced by unit increase in the value of M , W is the rate of actual increase in fitness determined by natural selection, and D is the rate of loss due to the deterioration of the environment. If C, W and D are constant the equation has the solution FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF NATURAL SELECTION 43 in which A is an arbitrary constant, dependent upon the initial conditions. C has the physical dimensions of time, and may therefore be reckoned in years or generations, and the equation shows that if C, W, and D remain constant for any length of time much greater than C, the value of M will approach to the constant value given by W-D M = C In this steady state the whole of the organism's advantage or dis- advantage will be compensated by change in population, and not at all by change in the value of M. A word should perhaps be said as to the form of statement of selection theory which ascribes the 'struggle for existence' to the excessive production of offspring, supposedly to be observed through- out organic nature. If the numbers of a species are adjusted to that level at which each adult produces on the average just two offspring which attain the adult state, then, if there is any mortality whatever in the previous life stages, either through inorganic causes, or by reason of predators and parasites, it necessarily follows that young must be produced in excess of the parental numbers. If the mortality is high, then the ratio of this excess will be large. Having realized this situation, if we now imagine an ideal world in which all these offspring attain maturity and breed, it is obvious that in such a world the numbers of the species considered will increase without limit. It is usually added, though this is logically irrelevant, that the increase will be in geometrical progression. We may in this sense speak of the production of offspring as 'excessive', and the geometrical rate of increase with its impressive picture of over-population, has been widely represented as a logical basis of the argument for natural selection. However, it should be remembered that the production of offspring is only excessive in relation to an imaginary world, and the 'high geometrical rate of increase' is only attained by abolishing a real death rate, while retaining a real rate of reproduction. There is something like a relic of creationist philosophy in arguing from the observation, let us say, that a cod spawns a million eggs, that there- fore its offspring are subject to Natural Selection ; and it has the disadvantage of excluding fecundity from the class of characteristics of which we may attempt to appreciate the aptitude. It would be instructive to know not only by what physiological mechanism a just 44 FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF NATURAL SELECTION apportionment is made between the nutriment devoted to the gonads and that devoted to the rest of the parental organism, but also what circumstances in the life-history and environment would render profitable the diversion of a greater or lesser share of the available resources towards reproduction. The historical fact that both Darwin and Wallace were led through reading Malthus's essay on population to appreciate the efficacy of selection, though extremely instructive as to the philosophy of their age, should no longer constrain us to confuse the consequences of that principle with its foundations. It will have been apparent in the earlier sections of this chapter that the actuarial information necessary for the calculation of the genetic changes actually hi progress in a population of organisms, will always be lacking ; if only because the number of different genotypes for each of which the Malthusian parameter is required will often, perhaps always, exceed the number of organisms in the population, in addition to the fact that this parameter is very imperfectly known even in human population aggregates, for which vital statistics are in some degree available. If, however, we are content to consider not in full detail exactly what changes are in progress, but quite broadly to what extent an organism is holding its own in the economy of nature, it is only necessary to determine the numerical values of the four quantities W, D, C, and M , which enter into the equation of population growth. Our ignorance as to these is, of course, profound, but, regarding the problem in this limited aspect, it is by no means obvious, with respect to organisms of sufficient importance to deserve detailed study, that it could not largely be removed by systematic and well-directed observations. The quantity C, for example, which is a period of time, measuring the facility with which, with increased fitness, the population is allowed to increase, must be intimately related to the course of population increase or decrease, with which the numbers of an organism exposed to new influences, approach an equilibrium value, which over short periods may be regarded as stationary. An organism introduced into a new environment, to which it is well suited, will increase in numbers rapidly for a compara- tively few years, and somewhat rapidly attain its equilibrium density. The same must be true of the decrease of a population exposed by man to new causes of destruction. In these cases it is probable that the process of attaining equilibrium is sufficiently rapid for the changes due to organic evolution, and the natural deterioration of FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF NATURAL SELECTION 46 the environment, to be neglected, and further changes in the extent of human intervention could, for experimental purposes, be suspended locally. In such cases, at their simplest, the course of population change would be represented by the equation M — Ae-t/C, or, since M is the relative or logarithmic growth rate of the population, by logN = logiVo —ACe~llG , where N is the size or density of the popula- tion, and NQ the steady value to which it is tending. Observations of N will then determine, at least approximately, the value of the time constant C. It should be noticed that for such comparatively large changes of population density as could be measured with sufficient precision, important changes will often take place in the numbers of associated organisms. The simple relation obtained above will only be satisfactory if these associated changes take place rapidly in comparison to the change we are studying. Otherwise it would be necessary to take account by direct observation of the changes in numbers of at least the more important of the associated organisms, and so to determine the constants of the more complex system of differential equations by which their interactions may be represented. With respect to the other constants, the practical difficulties appear to be greater, though, seeing how little attention in general has been paid to the quantitative study of organisms in their natural habitats, it would be rash to assume that their determination is beyond human endeavour. Though it would be out of place here to outline a pro- gramme of research, it is perhaps worth while to indicate a few possibilities. The density of populations of animals and plants may be studied in relation to the climatic and other environmental factors of their habitats. Knowledge of this kind, even if only approximately complete, would indicate to what extent physical changes now in progress can be improving or impairing the environment. If the constant C is also known, these effects may be translated directly into terms of fitness. In certain cases, such as the slow changes in composition of plant associations, the value of M might be directly determined, and in conjunction with more or less trustworthy deter- minations of C and D, this would lead to a more or less exact estimate of the evolutionary factor W. The direct determination of the latter quantity would seem to require a complete genealogy of the species for several generations, and this will only be possible in Man. More- over, owing to the rapid changes which man is making in his environ- ment, it may be foreseen that human genealogies on a national or 46 FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM .OF NATURAL SELECTION international scale, such as has been undertaken in Sweden, while throwing an immense amount of light on the current conditions of human reproduction and survival, will offer special difficulties in the determination and interpretation of the evolutionary value W. Summary The vital statistics of an organism in relation to its environment provide a means of determining a measure of the relative growth-rate of the population, which may be termed the Malthusian parameter of population increase, and provide also a measure of the reproductive values of individuals at all ages or stages of their life-history. The Malthusian parameter will in general be different for each different genotype, and will measure the fitness to survive of each. The variation in a population of any individual measurement is specified quantitatively by its variance, and of this, taking account of the genetic composition of all possible individuals, a definite amount may be recognized as genetic variance. The rate of increase of fitness of any species is equal to the genetic variance in fitness, and the standard error of this rate of progress even over a single generation, will (unless the latter is so exceedingly minute as to be comparable, when time is measured in generations, to the reciprocal of the number of organisms in the population) be small compared to the rate of progress. Adaptation, in the sense of conformity in many particulars between two complex entities, may be shown, by making use of the geometrical properties of space of many dimensions, to imply a statistical situa- tion in which the probability, of a change of given magnitude effect- ing an improvement, decreases from its limiting value of one hah*, as the magnitude of the change is increased. The intensity of adapta- tion is inversely proportional to a standard magnitude of change for which this probability is constant. Thus the larger the change, or the more intense the adaptation, the smaller will be the chance of improvement. Against the rate of progress in fitness must be set off, if the organism is, properly speaking, highly adapted to its place in nature, deteriora- tion due to undirected changes either in the organism, or in its environment. The former, typified by the pathological mutations observed by geneticists, annul their influence by calling into existence an equivalent amount of genetic variance. The latter, which are FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF NATURAL SELECTION 47 due to geological and climatological changes on the one hand, and to changes in the organic environment, including the improvement of enemies and competitors, on the other, may be in effect either greater or less than the improvement due to Natural Selection. Any net advantage gained by an organism will be conserved in the form of an increase in population, rather than in an increase in the average Malthusian parameter, which is kept by this adjustment always near to zero. Although it appears impossible to conceive that the detailed action of Natural Selection could ever be brought completely within human knowledge, direct observational methods may yet determine the numerical values which condition the survival and progress of par- ticular species. ni THE EVOLUTION OF DOMINANCE The dominance of wild genes. Modification of the effects of Mendelian factors. Modi- fication of the heterozygote. Special applications of the theory. The process of modi- fication. Inferences from the theory of the evolution of dominance. Summary. The very object of hypothesis is to inquire whether a real cause has not had a under operation than there is any direct evidence for. ROBERTSON SMITH. The dominance of wild genes IT has been seen in Chapter I that it is scarcely possible, in the light of the particulate nature of inheritance, to ascribe to mutations any importance in determining the direction of evolutionary change; their importance in evolution lies in playing the very different role of maintaining the stock of genetic variance at a certain level, which level in its turn is a factor in determining the speed, though not the direction, of evolutionary progress. Before attempting to consider hi detail the relations between the amount of the stock of genetic variability in a species, the rates of mutation, and the size of the population, as will be done in Chapter IV, it is necessary to examine, as far as the present state of the evidence allows, into the character of the genetic changes known as mutations. It will certainly be felt by some, especially by those to whom the relevant evidence is still to a large extent unfamiliar, that at the present time it is altogether premature to put forward, as a basis for further argument, a theory of the evolution of dominance ; seeing that, until quite recently, dominance was accepted by geneticists as an unexplained fact which, in our ignorance of its causes, could be dismissed as without theoretical importance. Nevertheless, it would scarcely have been defensible to develop a theory of the role of mutations in evolution, without regard to the cases of mutations actually observed. A study of these changes reveals a body of evidence, concordant so far as it goes, though far less complete than it will doubtless soon become, now that attention has been drawn to the subject ; it will scarcely be thought wrong, therefore, to put before the reader both the salient points of the evidence, and my inferences from them. The statement of the evidence is entirely provisional, and will, I hope, before long be largely superseded by more direct and complete observation ; whilst my theory will, I be- THE EVOLUTION OF DOMINANCE 49 lieve, appear under examination to be at present sufficiently well founded to serve as a guide to the direction of our further inquiries. The validity of later Chapters will not be impugned, though their relevance will be, if I am wrong hi the inferences drawn in this Chapter. The term mutation has been applied to a number of different kinds of intracellular events, having in common the production of heritable novelties. Cases are known of the doubling of the entire chromosome outfit, the doubling of single chromosomes, and of parts of chromo- somes ; in other cases a part of a chromosome appears to be trans- located from its habitual site and attached to some other chromo- some ; and these are all mutations in the wide and primitive meaning of the term. Nevertheless, the evolutionary possibilities of these kinds of change are evidently extremely limited compared to those of the type of change to which the term gene-mutation is applied. This consists in a change in a single hereditary particle, or gene, into a gene of a new type, occupying the same locus in the germinal structure. The grosser forms of mutation may indeed play a special evolutionary role in supplying a mechanism of reproductive incom- patibility, which may be of importance when physiological isolation is hi question, but only hi very special cases could they contribute appreciably to the genetic diversity of an interbreeding population. With respect to any pah- of alternative or allelomorphic genes, the one may be distinguished from the other in four different respects, which, in order to examine their relationships, it is important to keep conceptually distinct. We may distinguish (a) the rarer from the more common, (6) the less advantageous from the more advan- tageous, (c) the mutant gene from the relatively primitive gene from which it arose, and finally (d) the recessive gene from the dominant. It is only when these four means of contrast are kept distinct that we can appreciate the associations between them which arise from different causes. In connexion with the nature of adaptation it has been seen that mutant genes will more often than not be disadvantageous, and that this will be most conspicuously the case with the factors having a large effect, and which consequently are more easily detected and studied. Distinctions (6) and (c) are thus closely associated. Moreover, hi a freely mixing population, but not in an aggregate of genotypes kept as separate breeds, the less advantageous genes will tend to become 3653 TT 50 THE EVOLUTION OF DOMINANCE the rarer, and if this tendency is checked at any point by occasional mutations, such mutant and less advantageous genes will at the same time generally be the rarer. Finally, if we suppose provisionally that the invent genes are dominant just as often as they are recessive, sttection will be far more severe in eliminating the disadvantageous dominants than in eliminating the disadvantageous recessives. This may be seen most easily by considering cases of equal rarity of the two types. If 1 gene in 100 represents a dominant defect, each 10,000 of the population will contain on the average 199 defectives, exposed to unfavourable selection, whereas if 1 gene in 100 represents a recessive defect, the defect will appear on the average in only 1 in 10,000. Consequently, the rare recessive is much sheltered from the action of selection, and in such a population we might expect to find many cases of rare recessive defects (a, b, d), and but few rare dominant defects. The fact that the rare recessives exposed by inbreeding prove themselves to be defective does not then demon- strate that mutant defects are generally recessive. On the other hand, if evolution had proceeded by steps comparable in size with the effects of factors which it is convenient to study, one might expect to find among the rare recessives a few primitive genes superseded in the bulk of the population by more advantageous genes which had arisen from them by mutation. Such cases appear to be entirely unknown; we may interpret this as indicating either that the evolutionary steps are not ordinarily so large as the effects of the factors which we can study, or that the mutant gene is rarely or never completely domi- nant to its predecessor. Since I believe both statements to be true, it is not permissible to use this observation to prove either. Among species of plants propagated, like sweet peas, in distinct varieties, genetical analysis shows that the genes which on morpho- logical grounds must be regarded as mutants, are, in an immense preponderance, recessives. In sweet peas complete recessiveness seems to be the invariable rule, as judged from the fifteen or twenty factors so far successfully elucidated. In the majority of such cases the occurrence of the mutation has not itself been observed, but the mutant gene is recognized as such by producing effects unknown in the older varieties, or wild prototypes. This is very substantial and extensive evidence of the tendency of mutant genes to be recessive, for dominant mutants would be as eagerly seized upon and perpetuated as novelties, and would be more quickly detected THE EVOLUTION OF DOMINANCE 51 than are recessives. The greater ease of detection is especially to be emphasized in the case of Man, where the recognition of a rare as due to a single Mendelian factor depends upon genealc evidence; for the simplest pedigree, such as is a? J0eat tragedy, mutations which can be 'used as a dominant ', that i*' AC Intermediates, are of the greatest service to further research, find are much valued. They are, moreover, exposed to detection immediately upon their occurrence, whereas recessives are only noticed when they appear as homozygotes. For both reasons the proportion of recessives, high as it is, is likely to be an underestimate of the actual frequency of occurrence. Lethal factors, which have been excluded from the enumeration set out above, provide independent though slightly equivocal con- firmation of the same conclusion. The majority of so-called dominants are lethal in the homozygous condition, and must for this reason be properly classed as Intermediate. It is more remarkable that recessive lethals, which can produce no visible changes, were soon discovered by their effect in disturbing the frequency ratios of other factors, and especially of sex. It has since been demonstrated that both in normal conditions, and when mutations are artificially stimulated by X-rays, the recessive lethals are by far the most frequent class of mutation. Something like two per cent, of untreated fruit-flies must be mutants for some recessive lethal, and the frequency of mutations of this class must be quite tenfold that of all visible mutations. Whereas, among the latter, one in seventeen has been classed as inter- mediate in respect of dominance, the proportion must be even lower among lethals, unless indeed some of the obscure, though probably large, class of mutants which are lethal when heterozygous, be counted as dominant. The pronounced tendency of the mutant gene to be recessive, to the gene of wild type from which it arises, calls for explanation, and there is fortunately an important group of observations available, to show that in this connexion we should stress the prevalence in the wild state of the dominant gene, rather than its relation of predecessor to the mutant which arises from it. Numerous cases are now known in which several different mutations have occurred to the same gene, and each of the mutant types can replace each other, and the wild type, in the same locus. In rodents, for example, several members of the albino series of genes have been found, ranging in effect from a slight dilution of pigmentation to its complete suppression. Using THE EVOLUTION OF DOMINANCE 53 a set of five such alternative genes in the cavy or guinea pig} Sewall Wright has formed all of the fifteen possible combin^.ions five homozygous and ten heterozygous, which a set of five make possible. These he has examined in sufficient determine the average, and normal variation in depth of pigment both of the areas which range from black through sepia to %ite and those which range from red through yellow. The four he«»T«o_ zygous forms containing the wild type gene are indistinguishable .> depth of pigment from the homozygous wild type, from which all the other four homozygotes differ considerably. The remaining six heterozygous forms, which contain no gene of the wild type, all are clearly intermediate in both colours between the two homozygotes for the genes which they contain. This case, remarkable for the thoroughness with which it has been examined, is by no means exceptional. A number of similar series have been found in Droso- phila, and the rule that the wild type gene dominates all others, but that these others show no mutual dominance, is stated as general by Morgan, Bridges, and Sturtevant. The exceptional position in respect to dominance of the genes of the wild type among their allelomorphs is not owing to their being the originals from which the others arose by mutation, for one mutant allelomorph has been observed to arise from another, and mutant genes to mutate back to the wild type. We are driven therefore to see in dominance a characteristic proper, not to the pre- decessor as opposed to the successor in a series of mutational changes, but to the prevalent wild type as opposed to its unsuccessful com- petitors. Moreover, unless we are to abandon altogether the evolu- tionary conception of the modification of species by the occasional substitution of one gene for the predecessor from which it arose, the existence of the rule which gives genetical dominance to genes of the prevalent wild type requires that the successful new gene should in some way become dominant to its competitors, and if back mutations occur, to its predecessor also. The means by which this can occur are of special interest in the theory of Natural Selection, for they reveal an effect of selection which has nothing to do with its well-understood action in fitting a species to its place in nature. As has been indicated in Chapter II, it is scarcely possible to imagine a problem more intri- cate, or requiring so inconceivably detailed a knowledge of the bionomic situation, as that of tracing the net gam in fitness of any 54 THI EVOLUTION OF DOMINANCE particular gentfic change. Our knowledge in this respect, while sufficient to enable us to appreciate the adaptive significance of the differences is organization which distinguish whole orders or families, is almost- AVays inadequate to put a similar interpretation on specific differer-es, and still more on intraspecific variation. This circum- stance which has been felt as a difficulty to the theory of Natural by writers such as Bateson (1894) and Robson (1927), admitting of notable exceptions, such as external colour, and espcially the mimetic patterns of butterflies, does yet give an added interest to a case in which our quantitative information, while far from exact, is yet substantial and approximate. Modification of the effects of Mendelian factors The fashion of speaking of a given factor, or gene substitution, as causing a given somatic change, which was prevalent among the earlier geneticists, has largely given way to a realization that the change, although genetically determined, may be influenced or governed either by the environment in which the substitution is examined, or by the other elements in the genetic composition. Cases were fairly early noticed hi which a factor, B, produced an effect when a second factor, A, was represented by its recessive gene, but not when the dominant gene was present. Factor A was then said to be epistatic to factor B, or more recently B would be said to be a specific modifier of A. There are other cases in which neither A nor B produce any effect when the other is recessive, in which cases we speak of the two factors as complementary ; again neither may produce any effect if the other is dominant, when we speak of the two factors as duplicate. These are evidently only particular examples of the more general fact that the visible effect of a gene substitution depends both on the gene substitution itself and on the genetic complex, or organism, in which this gene substitution is made. We may perhaps find a form of words which reduces to a minimum the discrepancy between the complexity of the actual relationships, and the simplicity of those presupposed by ordinary grammatical forms, by speaking of the observed somatic change as the reaction of the organism to the gene substitution in question. We should then at least avoid any impression of vagueness or contradiction if differently constituted organisms should be found to react differently. It is, once the matter is viewed thus, far from inconceivable that an THE EVOLUTION OF DOMINANCE 55 organism should evolve, if so required, in such a way as to modify its reaction to any particular gene substitution. There are several cases in which such modification has been observed to occur in experimental stocks. It has been rather fre- quently observed, when a new and sharply distinct mutant in Droso- phila has been put aside to breed in stock bottles for some genera- tions, that when it is required again for use, the mutant form appears to be appreciably less distinct from the wild type than it had at first seemed. The reality of this tendency to revert to the wild form, as well as its cause, has been demonstrated in several cases by the simple but crucial experiment of mating the modified mutants to unrelated wild stock, and, from the hybrid, extracting the mutant form by inbreeding. The mutant form so recovered is found to have regained much of its original intensity; and thus shows that the modification has not been due to any change in the mutant gene, but to a change in the genetic complex of the organism with which it reacts. This change is now open to a simple explanation. The flies from which the stock was formed were variable in genetic qualities which affected the violence of their reaction to the mutant gene. In the competitive conditions of the stock bottle those hereditary units which favoured a mild reaction produced flies less defective than their competitors, and the selection of these modifying factors rapidly modified the average intensity of the reaction to the mutant gene, and consequently its average divergence in appearance from the wild fly. A similar case of the partial recovery of a mutation in the nasturtium, handicapped by partial sterility, has been observed by Professor Weiss ; and Mr. E. B. Ford informs me that the mutant types found in the shrimp, Gammarus chevreuxi, have frequently made in culture a noticeable improvement in viability. The effect of preserving a mutation in a number of individuals breeding preferentially from the least defective, is thus to modify the organism in such a way as to mitigate the disadvantageous effects of the mutation. It is not only the frequency of a gene, but the reaction of the organism to it, which is at the mercy of Natural Selection. To understand the effect of a gene on members of a given population, that is, the reaction of such organisms to it, we must consider what part that gene has played in their ancestry. The great majority, if not all, of the mutations which we can hope to observe in experimental culture must, unless these mutations can 66 THE EVOLUTION OF DOMINANCE be ascribed to our cultural methods, have occurred in the history of the species in enormous numbers : many of the Drosophila mutations have occurred repeatedly in culture, and, large as the numbers observed have been, they are trifling compared to the total ancestry of any individual wild fly. Our knowledge of the frequency of individual mutations is at present slender; but it is sufficient to establish that many mutations must occur with a frequency of 1 in 100,000, or 1 in 1,000,000; and, indeed, the probability of mutations much rarer than this appearing in cultures is extremely small. We have, of course, no direct knowledge of the mutation rates prevalent in nature, but what has been discovered so far of the causes affecting mutation rate gives no ground for supposing that they are lower than in the laboratory. As to the extent of the ancestry of an individual fly over which a given mutation has been liable to occur, we have good grounds for assuming that it may often be longer than the separate existence of specific types ; for different species of Drosophila have shown several mutations which can be identified by hybridi- zation. Beyond this, direct tests of identity fail us ; but it is not an unreasonable conjecture that such a mutation as albinism, which appears in mammals of the most diverse orders, has been occurring in the ancestry of the group from its earliest beginnings. On the other hand, as will be seen below, we have reason for believing that, with the evolution of new species, new mutations do sometimes commence to occur, or at least to occur with appreciable frequency. Modification of the heterozygote When an unfavourable mutation persists in occurring in every generation once, let us say, in each million chromosomes, it will, of course, be kept rare by selection; but it will, on the other hand, affect many individuals who are potential ancestors of future genera- tions, in addition to those who are actually mutants. An important consequence of its rarity is that both these classes will be hetero- zygotes far more frequently than they will be homozygotes. If p is the relative frequency in the population of mutant to wild-type genes, the three classes of individuals, non-mutant, heterozygote and homozygous mutant will appear in the ratio 1 : 2p : p2, so that even if p were as large as one-thousandth, the heterozygotes would be 2,000 times as numerous as the mutant homozygotes. A consequence of this is that, so long as the heterozygote differs from the wild type THE EVOLUTION OF DOMINANCE 57 appreciably in fitness to survive, the relative numbers of the three classes will be determined, for a given mutation rate, by the selective disadvantage of the heterozygote, and to no appreciable extent by the selective disadvantage, or even complete lethality, of the mutant homozygote. For our present purpose we take as the relative fitness of the heterozygote, denoted by v, the ratio which the average number of offspring of this type bears to the average from non-mutant indivi- duals. Then it is easy to see that the fraction p will be diminished in each generation by the quantity p(l -v) and, so long as p is small, will be augmented by the quantity k representing the actual muta- tion rate. An equilibrium will therefore be established between the agencies of mutation and selection when p(l -v) = k. If, to take one extreme, v is a small fraction, then p is little greater than k, little greater, for example, than 1 in 1,000,000, and at this extreme the heterozygotes will occur 2,000,000 times as frequently as the mutant homozygotes. If v is £, p will be twice k, and the heterozygotes will still be a million times the more frequent. If on the other hand the viability and general fitness of the heterozygoted are so good that it is only at a 1 per cent, disadvantage, and v — 0-99, the heterozygotes will still be 20,000 times the more frequent. These very high ratios justify the conclusion that if the heterozygote is at any appreciable disadvantage compared to the wild type, it will be so enormously more frequent than the homozygote that any selection of modifiers which is in progress will be determined by the reaction of the heterozygote. Two other circumstances serve to increase the disproportion of the selective effects. In the first place, the efficacy of the selection in modifying the characteristics of the species depends not only upon the frequency of the individuals selected, but upon their chance of leaving a remote posterity. In fact we need to evaluate not the relative numbers of the two types in any one generation, but the proportions they represent of the total ancestry of a distant sub- sequent generation. Evidently, if, as is to be anticipated, the viability of the homozygous mutant is lower than that of the heterozygote, the latter will count for more in future generations, and even if the two types had equal viability, the heterozygote is still at an 3653 T 58 THE EVOLUTION OF DOMINANCE advantage, for mated with wild type only half his offspring will be heterozygous, while in a similar case all the offspring of the homo- zygote will be equally handicapped. This point becomes of importance with sex-linked factors, where the mutant type males and the heterozygous females do not differ greatly in frequency, but may differ greatly in viability, with the result that the latter may occur much more frequently in the ancestry of the existing wild population. In the second place, on any biochemical view of the intracellular activity of the genes, it is difficult not to admit the probability that the heterozygote may be inherently more modifiable than are the two homozygotes, especially in respect to the differences which distinguish these last ; for in modifying the effect of the homozygote we must imagine the modifying gene to take part in some reaction which accentuates or inhibits the effect in question, while in the heterozygote the original ingredients are already present for all that normally takes place in the two corresponding homozygotes. The future examination of the instances cited below in which modifica- tion appears to be demonstrable should make much clearer than it now is how much weight should be given to this consideration. The fraction of the ancestry of future generations, ascribable to heterozygotes, though greatly exceeding that due to mutant homo- zygotes, is still absolutely small. We may obtain the proportion ascribable to a single heterozygote, compared to a non-mutant, by equating it to half the proportion ascribable to its probable offspring : thus if the proportions due to heterozygotes and non-mutants are as x : 1 we shall have or x = ~v v X = 2-v ' and, since the proportion of the population which is heterozygous is 2k 1-v' their proportionate contribution to remote future generations is found to be THE EVOLUTION OF DOMINANCE 59 This quantity which, when the mutation rate (k) is 1 in 1,000,000, rises to about 1 in 5,000 if v is 0-99, represents the rate of progress in the modification of the heterozygote, compared to the rate of progress which would be effected by selection "of the same intensity, acting upon a population entirely composed of heterozygotes. In the case of homozygotes the progress made by the Natural Selection of modifying factors has been shown to be far from negligible, even over short periods of observation, and under the serious restriction that the supply of modificatory variance is limited by the small number of the original stock. In considering the modification due to the selection of heterozygotes hi nature, we may fairly assume that these are at least as liable to genetic modification as are homozygous mutants, and that a selection acting only on 1 in five or ten thousand of the population will have no appreciable influence in reducing the variance available. Special applications of the theory An extremely interesting case showing the modification of the heterozygote so far as to be indistinguishable from the non-mutant, that is of the acquisition of complete dominance by the wild type gene, has been brought to my notice by Mr. J. B. Hutchinson from the work of Dr. C. S. Harland on the genetics of the cotton plant. The several species of new-world cottons can be freely intercrossed and yield fertile offspring. One of these, the Sea Island cotton, has repeatedly produced a mutant form known as Crinkled Dwarf, which in that species is completely recessive. It appears to be identical with a similar mutant known as Wrinkled Leaf, appearing in some nearly related forms grown in Egypt, but so far as is known none of the other American species throw this mutant. In the course of Dr. Harland's experiments the Crinkled Dwarf mutation of Sea Island was crossed with two other new-world species, Upland and Peruvian. The out- standing results of the cross were the same in both cases. The heterozygote was found to be slightly affected by the mutant character, thus indicating, even at this stage, some incompleteness of dominance. The most remarkable effects, however, were produced in the second generation, derived from the heterozygote by self- fertilization. In this we should expect a quarter of the offspring to be Crinkled Dwarf, a half to be heterozygote, and a quarter to be non-mutant. The homozygous forms appeared as expected, but were 60 THE EVOLUTION OF DOMINANCE connected by a practically continuous series of intermediate types. The heterozygotes in fact showed dominance of all grades. It is evident that the Sea Island cotton differed from the other new-world species in a number of modifying factors affecting the development and appearance of the heterozygote, the combined effect of which hi the Sea Island species is to render the heterozygote normal in appearance. In this case the complete modification in the reaction of the organism to the mutant gene must have been brought about since the separation of this species from its new -world congeners; the whole process of evolution from the first appearance of the mutation, at least with appreciable frequency, must therefore have been comparatively rapid. When the mutation rate has been deter- mined this case should afford a useful guide to the extent of the analogous events which we should expect to have taken place in other species. A group of facts of very particular interest in this connexion is presented by domestic poultry. Crosses between the different breeds show that a number of the distinctive breed characteristics are due to simple Mendelian factors. In a number of cases, however, it is the fancy breed character, and not the character of the wild Gallus bankiva, which is found to be dominant. There must be a dozen or more factors of this kind ; three are known which affect the conforma- tion of the comb ; one produces a crest ; there is a dominant white which inhibits pigment formation in the plumage; and others influencing the colour or pattern of the feathers, or the colour of the shanks. Domestic poultry show also mutants of the kinds familiar in other organisms, recessives and lethal 'dominants', but they are peculiar in this surprising group of factors which are non-lethal and dominant to the wild type. It is noteworthy that none of these factors originated in a recorded mutant and that their effects, while presumably they would be deleterious in the wild environment, are not pathological in the sense of impairing the vitality of the birds as domestic poultry. They are all, in fact, definite breed characteristics. Other birds bred in captivity seem to have thrown mutants only of the ordinary recessive kind, such as cinnamon canaries, or yellow budgerigars ; and for each of these reasons we should be led to seek for an explanation of the peculiarity of the domestic fowl rather in the conditions of its domestication than in the nature or environment of the wild species. In the former there seems to be one very striking THE EVOLUTION OF DOMINANCE 61 circumstance which throws light on the dominant characters of the domestic breed. The wild jungle fowl is common in many parts of India, and it has frequently been observed that the wild cocks mate, when opportunity is afforded, with the hens of domestic flocks. If this is so down to the present day, we may infer that it has been so since the earliest stages of domestication, and indeed that it was the prevalent condition throughout the period, probably a long one, when the fowl was only kept by jungle tribes. I do not postulate that the cocks were not kept ; for they may have been valued for cock-fighting as early as the hens for egg -production ; moreover, some of the factors concerned are sex -linked, and would only show dominance in the cock ; but it is pro- bable, and indeed almost impossible to dispute, that for long ages the domestic flocks were continually liable to be sired by wild birds . In the case of most domestic animals and plants, recessive mutations, when they appear, will immediately breed true, and man's curiosity and love of novelty have thus repeatedly led him to perpetuate forms which, as often as they appear in a state of nature, are eliminated by Natural Selection. On crossing with the wild form such recessive characters disappear and seem to be lost, and if such crossing is at all frequent, the only mutations which could lead to constant breed characteristics would be those that were not completely recessive. With these some of the chicks would always show the breed characteristic, and a con- tinued selection or preservation of the valued types would retain their character in the breed. Moreover, since these types are only to be retained by selection, it is certain that selection would favour those individuals in which the mutant characteristic reached the most pronounced development. Man, in fact, whenever his broods con- sisted half of heterozygotes and half of wild-type fowls, if he valued the heterozygote characteristics, and therefore selected them rather than the others, would also, necessarily, at the same time select those heterozygotes in which the mutant gene was least recessive or most dominant. It will be noticed that on this view of the origin of some of the breed characteristics of the domestic fowl, we have an explanation of two distinct peculiarities which these characters exhibit; namely both the high proportion of mutant characters which are not recessive to the wild type; and of the high degree in which dominance is developed, at least in certain breed crosses. It is important, too, in 62 THE EVOLUTION OF DOMINANCE this connexion, that other crosses are known in the case of several of these factors, in which dominance appears to be incomplete. A full and satisfactory examination of such cases would seem to be possible only by introducing the mutant gene, and very little else, into breeds in which this gene is unknown ; for dominance can only properly be examined if the two homozygotes and the heterozygote have, in other respects, a similar genetic composition. It may be mentioned that my inference concerning the modification of domi- nance in mutant factors in the fowl, is open to the crucial test of intro- ducing one or more of these dominants into a genuinely wild strain of jungle fowl. If my inference is correct, the mutant would then be found to be clearly intermediate, and not either completely dominant or completely recessive. Through the kindness of the Zoological Society of London, and the generosity of Mr. Spedan Lewis, it has been possible to start this experiment ; the result cannot, of course, be known for several years. The process of modification The case of fowls confirms, so far as it goes, the other evidence avail- able as to the speed with which dominance may be modified ; for in this case, although the whole process has perhaps occupied no more than a thousand generations, the effective selection is applied, not to a population containing only one heterozygote in 10,000 or so, but to broods half of which are heterozygotes ; and moreover in which ex hypothesi it is the heterozygotes rather than the wild type that are chosen to continue the breed. Evolution under such human selection should, therefore, take place many thousand times more rapidly than the corresponding evolution of recessiveness in nature. As to the speed of the latter process, the principal unknown element for a mutation of given viability (v) and mutation rate (k) is the quantity of modificatory variance available to influence the heterozygote. This will presumably tend nearly to zero as v tends to unity, but its relation to v for values differing considerably from unity will be somewhat different according to the different views which we may form as to the manner in which the modification is brought about. In the case of homozygotes we must suppose that the modifying factors, by intensifying the appropriate developmental reactions, succeed, in effect, in remedying the situation which arises at that stage at which defective development is initiated. This may also be THE EVOLUTION OF DOMINANCE 63 true of heterozygotes, and, if the greater part of the modificatory variance available is of this sort, we should expect its magnitude, ceteris paribus, to depend only upon v, and consequently that all mutations would follow one another along the same path towards 4321 TIME IN ARBITRARY UNITS FIG. 4. The relation between the severity of the handicap imposed by a mutation, and the time needed to repair the defect by the selection of modifiers, supposing the variance of v to be proportional to v (1-v). normality at speeds proportional to their mutation rates, but other- wise dependent only on the stage which they have at any moment reached. Such a view is illustrated in Fig. 4. On the other hand it does not seem, in the present state of know- ledge, improbable that the greater part of the variance may be due to a cause special to heterozygotes; namely the varying extent to which one or other of the homologous genes may be allowed to take part in the nuclear reactions for which they are responsible. On this view the amount of variance available would depend, not only on the viability actually attained, but upon its original value ; being, for heterozygotes of the same viability, greater for mutations having the larger effect. We should then obtain such a series of trajectories as is illustrated in Fig. 5. In either case the final stages of approach to normality will be the most rapid, and a mutation which makes a bad start may have made but little progress by the time other mutations, which have occurred no more frequently, have attained complete normality. We should of course expect to find most cases at the stages where progress is 64 THE EVOLUTION OF DOMINANCE slowest, and a comparatively large accumulation in any stationary condition. The relatively rare 'dominant' mutants of Dros&phila may be regarded either as comparatively new mutations, or more probably, as regards the greater number of them, as mutations in TIME 3 2 IN ARBITRARY UNITS FIG. 5. Trajectories of improvement of the heterozygote, on the supposition that the modificatory variance depends also on the magnitude of the unmodified effect. which the heterozygote has been throughout its history so severely handicapped, that little progress has been made. The greater number of observed mutations are found, as would be expected, in the resting stage of complete recessiveness, and in the case of the lethals, whose condition should be absolutely stationary, the number accumulated is enormous. With non-lethal mutants, after the heterozygote has become, within a very minute difference in viability, equivalent to the wild type, a process of modification of the homozygote may be expected to commence ; and this for the same level of viability, should, on the view that the homozygote is not much less modifiable than the heterozygote, be comparable in speed with the modification of the latter. The second process would, apart from any difference of modifiability, presumably be appreciably slower than the first, for the homozygote may be expected to be initially much the more heavily handicapped, though its viability may have been, incident- ally, considerably improved during the process of modification of the heterozygote. Nevertheless, we must be prepared to admit that in- numerable mutations may have occurred in the past, of which even the homozygote has become to all appearances normal, and which THE EVOLUTION OF DOMINANCE 85 consequently leave no trace for genetic research to reveal. There appears to be no reason, however, why such factors should not func- tion in special cases in modifying the effects of rare mutants. A case of interest in this connexion is presented by the two factors forked and semiforked in Drosophila melanogaster. Forked is a sex- linked recessive mutant, in which the bristles of the head, thorax, and scutellum are shortened, twisted and heavier in appearance, than in the wild fly. Since the factor is sex-linked, dominance can only appear in the female, and ordinary females heterozygous for forked have bristles indistinguishable from those of wild flies. In the course of Dr. Lancefield's experiments with this factor in 1918, however, the gene semif orked was discovered ; this gene has no distinguishable effect upon the homozygous forked females, or upon the forked males ; it produces, but rarely, a slight shortening of the bristles in normal flies, but heterozygous females are modified by it into clear inter- mediates. Semif orked thus acts as a modifier of dominance in forked, having biochemical effects similar to those factors by the selection of which, on the view here put forward, its dominance has been acquired. It is, however, scarcely probable that semiforked is actually one of these factors, for it is itself a recessive, as judged by its interaction with heterozygous forked. It may, on the other hand, well be an old mutation which has reached a stage in modification at which even when homozygous it exerts scarcely any effect. Inferences from the theory of the evolution of dominance One inference that may fairly be drawn from the foregoing con- siderations is that the widely observed fact that mutations are usually recessive should not lead us to assume that this is true of mutations of a beneficial or neutral character. On the contrary, we have reason to believe that it is confined to a class of mutation which persistently recurs, with a mutation rate not greatly less than one in a million, and which has been eliminated with equal persistence by Natural Selection for many thousands, or possibly millions of generations. This class of mutation is, and will perhaps always be, of the greatest value to the plant-breeder and the geneticist, for it supplies them with their most prized variants, but we have no right on this account to suppose that it has any special importance in evolution. With mutations not of this class we have no reason to expect dominance in either direction. A priori it would be reasonable to suppose that at 66) THE EVOLUTION OF DOMINANCE the first appearance of a mutation, the reaction of the heterozygote would be controlled equally by the chemical activity of the two homologous genes, and that this would generally, though not neces- sarily in every individual case, lead to a heterozygote somatically intermediate between the two homozygotes. We should of course not expect all quantitative differences to be numerically equal, for these depend upon our methods of measurement, and to take a simple analogy, the removal of hah* the pigment from a black structure might well be judged to produce less effect than the removal of the remainder. To postulate equal functional importance of the two homologous genes is therefore not to deny the possibility of all appearance of dominance, but that a general intermediacy of charac- ter, such as that to which attention has already been called in heterozygotes between different mutants of the same gene, should be the prevalent condition. The change brought about in a species by the acquisition of a favourable mutation will thus generally take place by two not very unequal steps taken successively in the same direction. It is interesting that this situation bears some slight resemblance to the successive mutations in the same direction, imagined by Weismann. The case of the evolution of dominance serves to illustrate two features of Natural Selection which, in spite of the efforts of Darwin, still constitute a difficulty to the understanding of the theory, when the latter is illustrated by the active care of the human breeder in selecting his stock. These are the absence of any intention by nature to improve the race, and the fact that all modifications which tend to increase representation in future generations, however indirectly they may seem to act, and with whatever difficulty their action may be recognized, are ipso facto, naturally selected. The acquirement of dominance to harmful mutants cannot properly be said to improve the species, for its consequence is that the harmful genes are con- cealed and allowed to increase. There is some analogy here with Darwin's theory of sexual selection in so far as this is applied to characters of no use to the organism in relation to its environment or to other organisms, and to qualities which do not assist the sexes to discover and unite with one another, but only to qualities which are preferred by the opposite sex. Even in such cases, however, sexual selection does give a real advantage to one hah* of the species in relation to one situation of their life-history, while in the selection r THE EVOLUTION OF DOMINANCE 67 of dominance the genetic modification of the whole species results in the structural modification of an incomparably smaller fraction. If we adopt Darwin's analogy of a human or super-human breeder scrutinizing every individual for the possibility of some direct or indirect advantage, the case of the evolution of dominance shows well how meticulous we must imagine such scrutiny to be. We have seen in the previous chapter, in general terms, that the difficulty of effecting any improvement in an organism depends on the extent or degree to which it is adapted to its natural situation. The difficulties which Natural Selection has to overcome are in this sense of its own creating, for the more powerfully it acts the more minute and intricate will be the alterations upon which further improvements depend. The fact that organisms do not change rapidly might in theory be interpreted as due either to the feebleness of selection or to the intensity of adaptation, including the com- plexity of the relations between the organism and its surroundings. We have no direct measure of either value, and the point at issue can only be expressed in concrete terms in relation to some definite change, real or imaginary, in some particular organism. For this purpose the recessive mutations seem to supply what is wanted, and the reader who accepts the conclusions of this chapter will perceive that any maladaptation of the same order of magnitude as these, and equally capable of modification, would be remedied by Natural Selection some ten or hundred thousand times more rapidly than dominance has actually been acquired. To take a more real case, in- stead of imagining that a whole species were suddenly changed so as to be as ill-adapted to its conditions as our familiar mutants, if we suppose that the organic or inorganic environment of the species were to change suddenly, or that a colony of the species were to find itself in surroundings to which it was equally ill-adapted, we have equal reason to suppose that the evolution of adaptive characters would proceed at the same rate. It might indeed be said that each mutation is such an experiment in little. With regard to the precision with which adaptation is in fact effected we must be careful to remember that all of the heterozygotes of the different recessive mutations, including, apparently, thousands of recessive lethals, are genetically different. However indistinguish- able the end products may be, these are produced by different developmental processes, even if the ultimate differences are only 68 THE EVOLUTION OF DOMINANCE intracellular reactions. The fact that they are much alike can only be interpreted as showing that likeness of this degree is requisite, even for such approximately normal adaptation as is required of a rather rare heterozygote. If any appreciable diversity of form were possible within the range of such approximately equal adaptation we should surely find it among this multitude of heterozygotes. Since any differences which may exist between them are certainly extremely minute we have here a clear indication of the closeness with which any tolerably successful individual must approach the specific type, and an upper limit of the magnitude of the differences, which have a reasonable chance of effecting improvement. Summary Examination of the incidence of dominance in mutations observed to occur, and of other genes which must be regarded as mutants, shows that in the majority of cases the wild gene is dominant to the mutant genes, while in a minority of cases dominance is incomplete. Different mutations of the same wild genes show mutually on the other hand a regular absence of dominance. If the substitution of mutant for primitive genes has played any part in evolution these observations require that the wild allelomorphs must become dominant to their unsuccessful competitors. The incidence of heterozygotes of each mutant among the ancestry of the wild population is, if we may rely upon observed mutation rates to be of the right order of magnitude, sufficient to account for the evolution of dominance by the selection of modifying factors. This process is extremely slow, since the proportion of the popula- tion effectively exposed to selection is only about 1 in 10,000 or 100,000. A case has been found in Cotton in which apparently complete dominance has been acquired by the one of a group of nearly related species, which shows the corresponding mutation; the anomalous occurrence of dominance in domestic poultry may be interpreted at> due to the effects of human selection in flocks liable to be sired by wild birds. The theory of the evolution of dominance thus accounts for a con- siderable body of facts which have received so far no alternative explanation. If it is accepted it appears to throw considerable light THE EVOLUTION OF DOMINANCE 69 upon the nature of mutations, and on the intensity of adaptation; in particular the closeness of the convergence of very numerous heterozygous genotypes indicates somewhat forcibly that adaptive significance, sufficient to govern evolutionary change, is to be found in differences of much less than specific value. IV VARIATION AS DETERMINED BY MUTATION AND SELECTION The measurement of gene frequency. The chance of survival of an individual gene ; relation to Poisson series. Low mutation rates of beneficial mutations. Single origins not improbable. Distribution of gene ratios in factors contributing to the variance. Slight effects of random survival. The number of the factors contributing to the vari- ance. Chapter V. The observed connexion between variability and abundance. Stable gene ratios. Equilibrium involving two factors. Simple metrical characters. Meristic characters. Biometrical effects of recent selection. Summary. There was a first occurrence, once for all, Of everything that had not yet occurred. SOPHOCLES. The measurement of gene frequency IN Chapter II considerable emphasis was laid on the fact that the heritable variance displayed by any interbreeding group of organisms has no inherent tendency to diminish by interbreeding, provided that the variance is due to differences between particulate genes, which segregate intact from all the genetic combinations into which they may enter. In such a system any changes in variability which may be in progress must be ascribed to changes in frequency, in- cluding origination and extinction, of the different kinds of genes. In the present chapter we have to inquire into the causes which determine the degree of variability manifested, or in other words, into the level of variability at which the origination and extinction of genes are equally frequent. It will be sufficient to treat in detail the case of dimorphic factors, that is of loci to occupy which there are only two kinds of genes available. It seems probable that the cases in which there are three or more different kinds of genes present are in most species in a small minority, and contribute inappreciably to the variance. However this may be, then- explicit treatment would seem merely to complicate the statement of the argument, and to elaborate the necessary nota- tion, without introducing any new principle. In considering di- morphic factors we shall be concerned with the relative frequency of only two kinds of genes, which we have represented in previous chapters by the ratio p : q, and with the causes by which their VARIATION BY MUTATION AND SELECTION 71 frequencies are modified. It is therefore of some importance to adopt an appropriate scale on which such changes of the frequency ratio may be numerically measured. It would of course be possible to adopt a percentage scale for such measurement, to distinguish factors according to the percentages of the loci available occupied by the two types of genes. We should thus distinguish factors in which each type of gene occupied 50 per cent, of the loci available, from factors in which the more numerous type of gene occupied 60 or 90 or 99 per cent., and discuss with what frequency factors might be expected to he in the regions bounded by these values; what proportions of the factors, that is to say, should be expected to have their more numerous gene occupying between 50 and 60 per cent, of the loci, what proportion between 60 and 70 per cent, and so on. In cases where dominance has been developed we might ask the same questions respecting the frequency not of the more frequent, but of the dominant gene ; and would thus distinguish cases in which from 20 to 30 per cent, of the genes were dominants, from cases in which the proportion lay between 70 and 80 per cent. For all purposes of this kind, however, in view of the actual relationships to be dis- cussed it is more useful to use a scale on which the ratio between the two frequencies increases in geometric progression. Starting from the case in which the two frequencies are equal and each gene occupies 50 per cent, of the available loci, we should then regard the frequency ratios 2:1,4:1,8:1,16:1 and so on, as equal steps of increasing frequency, although the corresponding percentages are 66-7, 80-0, 88-9, 94-1. Such a scale is symmetrical. If we step off in the opposite direction we shall arrive at the frequency ratios 1 : 2, 1 : 4, 1 : 8, 1 : 16 with the complementary percentages. Mathematically the scale we have chosen is equivalent to measuring the frequency ratio by the variate z = log- = If the logarithms are taken to the base 2, our steps will be each of unit length, while if we use, as is mathematically more convenient, natural or Naperian logarithms, the steps, while still being of equal length, will be about 0-7 of a unit. The two practical advantages of the use of the logarithmic scale for the frequency ratios of a dimorphic factor are, firstly, that it enables an adequate distinction to be drawn between the very high frequency ratios such as a thousand million to 72 VARIATION AS DETERMINED BY one, which can occur in the genes of numerous species, and more moderate frequency ratios such as 1,000 to 1 which are almost indistinguishable from them on a percentage scale; and secondly, that the effects of selection in modifying the gene frequencies are, on the logarithmic scale, exhibited with the utmost simplicity, namely by changes of position with velocities that are uniform and proportional only to the intensity of selection. For factors which are not sex-linked, each individual will contain two genes like or unlike each other. If every individual in a species is thus enumerated, and counted as two, the maximum attainable frequency ratio will be effectively the ratio which twice the number of individuals in the species bears to unity. The range of possible frequency ratios on the logarithmic scale thus depends on the number of individuals in the species, and it is easy to see that it is increased by 2 log 10, or 4-6, if the population in the species is increased tenfold. For example, a species of 10,000,000,000 individuals will give a range of values from about - 23-7 to + 23-7. Of this range about 5 units at either end represent cases hi which the less frequent gene exists in only about 100 or less distinct individuals, or to be more exact, since 1 individual can contain 2 such genes, in about 100 homologous loci. In these regions it is clear that the rarer gene is, relatively speaking, in some danger of extinction, and the absolute length of these regions on our scale will not depend on the number of individuals in the species. Between these two extreme regions lies a central region in which both genes are comparatively numerous, at least in the sense that neither of them will exist in less than 100 individuals. It is the length of this central or safe region which depends on the magnitude of the population of the species. For 10,000,000,000 it is about 37 units in length, for 100,000,000 it has only about 28 units. The logarithmic scale thus affords a simple demonstration of the important bearing which population size has on the conservation of variance. In the hypothetical enumeration of the genes of the population considered in the last paragraph, no account was taken of the age or reproductive value of the individuals enumerated. If account is taken of these there is no limit to the magnitude of the frequency ratio attainable in either direction, but the distinction between the relative insecurity of the rarer gene in the extreme regions, and its relative security in the central region, is still valid. This statement is based on the circumstance that a gene which exists in a dozen MUTATION AND SELECTION 73 individuals who, in the sense of Chapter II have low reproductive value, is in at least as much danger of extinction as one existing in a single individual whose reproductive value is equivalent to that of the twelve others put together. For mature forms the probability of sur- vival must be nearly equivalent. If, however, the reproductive value we are considering is supplied entirely by immature or larval forms, normally liable to great mortality, the chance of extinction for a given amount of reproductive value may be considerably enhanced. It is therefore convenient to exclude the immature forms altogether from discussion, and to consider the results of enumeration in which individuals are only counted when they attain to the beginning of the reproductive stage of their hie history. We shall count each generation near the maximum of its reproductive value, and when its numbers are least. The magnitude of the population of a species can then be conceived, not by the analogy of a census enumeration, in which individuals of all ages are counted, down to an arbitrary legal minimum at birth, but as the number of individuals of each genera- tion who attain to the reproductive stage. In species having several generations in the year, the numbers of which are also much affected by the annual cycle, it is probable that the conclusions to be drawn as to the effects of population size, will be most nearly applicable to the normal annual minimum of numbers. The chance of survival of an individual gene An individual gene carried by an organism which is mature, but has not reproduced, will reappear in the next generation in a certain number 0, 1, 2, 3 etc. of individuals or homologous loci. With bisexual organisms these must of course be separate individuals, but where self-fertilization is possible the same gene may be received by the same individual offspring in each of its two parental gametes, and if such an individual survives to maturity our original gene will thus be doubly represented. In general we shall be concerned with the total number of representations, although it will be convenient to speak as though these were always in different individuals. The probabilities that of the offspring receiving the gene, 0, 1, 2 ... attain maturity will be denoted by Po> PvP2> » where, since one of these contingencies must happen, PO+PI+PZ + = ! 74 VARIATION AS DETERMINED BY In order to consider the chances in future generations we shall first calculate the appropriate frequencies for the case in which our gene is already represented in r individuals . In order to do this concisely we consider the mathematical function This function evidently increases with x from p0, when x = 0, to unity when x = 1. Moreover, if the r individuals reproduce inde- pendently, the chance of extinction in one generation will be pTQ. The chance of representation by only a single gene will be IP**?* and in general the chance of leaving s genes will be the coefficient of Xs in the expansion of (/(*))'. Now, starting with a single gene, the chance of leaving r in the second generation is pr, and the chance that these leave s in the third generation will be the coefficient of x1 in Pr(f(*)Y' It follows that the total chance of leaving s in the third generation, irrespective of the number of representatives hi the second generation, will be the coefficient of x* in or, in fact, in /(/(*))• This new function, which is the same function of f(x) as f(x) is of x, therefore takes the place of f(x) when we wish to consider the lapse, not of one but of two generations, and it will be evident that for three generations we have only to use f{f(f(x))}, and so on for as many generations as required. There are good grounds for supposing that if, as has been suggested, enumeration is confined to the condition of early maturity the function f(x) will always have, to a good approximation, the same mathematical form. If we consider, for example, any organism capable of giving rise to a considerable number of progeny, such as a cross- pollinated cereal plant, it appears that each sexually mature indi- vidual is the mother of a considerable number, let us say 40, mature grams, and the father, on the average, of an equal number. Into each MUTATION AND SELECTION 75 of these grains any particular gene has an independent probability of one half of entering. But since, of these grains only 2, on an average, will be represented in next year's crop by mature plants the chance of both entering into the grain and of surviving in it is only 1 in 80. The probabilities therefore of the gene reappearing in the following year in 0, 1, 2 ... individuals will be the coefficients of a0, x1, x2, . . . in the expansion /79 1 (,80 + 80 so These coefficients are already very close to the terms of the Poisson series. ,-,) i liil ' '2'6'24J 1 1 — A I *• 1'2!'3!' and would become identical with them if the arbitrary number 80 were increased indefinitely. The departure from the Poisson series is in fact ascribable to artificial assumptions which for simplicity have been allowed to enter into the calculation. We have arbitrarily assumed that each plant produces the same number of grams, whereas in reality this number will be variable. The number of pollen grains also from each plant which enter into perfect seeds will vary, and the effect of this variability will be to change the distribution very slightly in the direction of the limiting Poisson distribution. In fact it is probable that in so far as the binomial distribution obtained above differs from the limiting form, it differs in the wrong direction, for the variability in the number of grains on different plants seems to be slightly greater than what is required in a perfect Poisson series. The general character of the Poisson series which makes it appro- priate to our problem is that it arises when a great number of indi- viduals enjoy each a small independent chance of success; if the number of individuals and the chance of each are such that on the average c succeed, then the numbers actually succeeding in different trials will be distributed according to the series - - \ }C'2P3!' /' and this may generally be regarded as a good approximation to the chances of individual gametes produced by a single mature individual. 76 VARIATION AS DETERMINED BY If the gene confers no selective advantage or disadvantage, c will be equal to unity ; the values of p0, plt p2 . . . will be given by the Poisson series ill! \ 2!' 3!' ' ' i and the function f(x) takes the form or f(x) - e*- TABLE 2. Number of Generations. Probability of Extinction. Difference. Probability of Survival. No Advantage. 1 per cent. Advantage. No Advantage. 1 per cent. Advantage. 1 0-3679 0-3642 0-0037 0-6321 0-6358 3 0-6259 0-6197 0-0062 0-3741 0-3803 7 0-7905 0-7825 0-0080 0-2095 0-2175 15 0-8873 0-8783 0-0090 0-1127 0-1217 31 0-9411 0-9313 0-0098 0-0589 0-0687 63 0-9698 0-9591 0-0107 0-0302 0-0409 127 0.9847 0-9729 0-0118 0-0153 0-0271 Limit 1-0000 0-9803 0-0197 0-0000 0-0197 Moreover if the gene in question is increasing in frequency in each generation in the ratio c : 1, we shall have similarly f(x) = c^-W. Having obtained these forms for f(x) we may trace the survival, multiplication or extinction of the descendants of single individual genes, by a mere repetition of the process of substituting f(x) for x. Table 2 shows in the first column the number of generations which have elapsed from the starting-point, these numbers having been chosen so as to follow the course of the changes over a large number of generations, in a moderately compact table. These changes are most rapid at first, so that we have chosen successive steps of 1, 2, 4, 8 generations and tabulated the conditions reached after the total expiration of 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63 and 127 generations. The second column shows the probability of extinction, at each stage, for genes having no selective advantage or disadvantage. The numbers may also be read, ignoring the decimal point, as the number of cases out of MUTATION AND SELECTION 77 .10,000 in which the descendants of the original gene will have become extinct. The proportion of extinctions in the early genera- tions is extremely high, nearly 3 in 8 are extinguished in the first generation, and of the remaining 5, 2 have failed by the third genera- tion. In 15 generations nearly 8 out of 9 will have failed. As we proceed extinctions become very much rarer, only 2-87 per cent, are lost between the 31st and the 63rd generation, and only 1-49 per cent, between the 63rd and the 127th when there are still 1-53 per cent, surviving. The survivals may best be followed hi the 5th column, in which it will be seen that with the steps we have chosen, the number of survivors tends increasingly closely to be halved at each step ; in fact when n is large the chance of survival for n genera- tions is very nearly 2jn. For comparison the corresponding figures have been tabulated in adjacent columns for genes for which c = 1-01, and which con- sequently enjoy an advantage of 1 per cent. ; the differences are shown in the 4th column. It will be seen that the selective advantage amounts ultimately, in the limit when n is increased indefinitely, to survival in just less than 2 per cent, of the cases originally started, and of this advantage very little is gained in the early stages where extinction is rapid. Of 10,000 mutations enjoying a 1 per cent, selective advantage, and which have already reached the stage of existence in one sexually mature individual, 3,642 will fail to transmit the advantageous gene to any descendant, whereas with no selective advantage whatever, only 3,679 will so fail. Even after 31 genera- tions the number surviving out of 10,000 will be only 687 against an expectation of 589 where no selective advantage is enjoyed. The fact is, that a selective advantage of the order of 1 per cent., though amply powerful enough to bring about its evolutionary consequences with the utmost regularity and precision when numbers of individuals of the order if 1,000,000 are affected, is almost inoperative in com- parison to random or chance survival, when only a few individuals are in question. A mutation, even if favourable, will have only a very small chance of establishing itself in the species if it occurs once only. If its selective advantage is only 1 per cent, it may well have to occur 50 times, but scarcely in mature individuals as many as 250 times, before it establishes itself in a sufficient number of individuals for its future prospects to be secure. The fact that a mutation conferring an advantage of 1 per cent. 78 VARIATION AS DETERMINED BY in survival has itself a chance of about 1 in 50 of establishing itself and sweeping over the entire species, shows that such mutations cannot occur with any great total frequency before this event is realized, or at least rendered certain, by the initial success of one of their number. The odds are over 100 to 1 against the first 250 mutations of such a favourable type all perishing. Consequently the success of such a mutation must become established at a time when the mutation rate of the mutation in question is extremely low, for in a species in which 1,000,000,000 come in each generation to maturity, a mutation rate of 1 in a thousand million will produce one mutant in every generation, and thus establish the superiority of the new type in less than 250 generations, and quite probably hi less than 10, from the first occurrence of the mutation ; whereas, if the new mutation started with the more familiar mutation rate of 1 in 1,000,000 the whole business would be settled, with a considerable margin to spare, in the first generation. It is to be presumed that mutation rates, like the other characteristics of organisms, change only gradually in the course of evolution; whereas, however, the mutation rate of an unfavourable mutation will be allowed to increase up to 1 in 1,000,000 or even higher, without appreciably affecting the character of the species, favourable mutations can scarcely be permitted to continue occurring for long, even at rates 1,000-fold less, and we cannot exclude the possibility that a pro- portion of the favourable mutations that occur and are ultimately adopted, may have mutation rates so low that they occur sporadic- ally, perhaps once only in thousands of generations. A quantitative comparison of the mutation rates current in homologous mutations in different allied species might well throw light on the difficult question as to how rapidly mutation rates should be thought of as increasing or decreasing. When there is no selective advantage or disadvantage, the fraction of cases in which extinction has not taken place after n generations is, as has been seen, approximately 2/n. It follows, since in the absence of selection the expectation hi any future generation is equal to the number now living, that the average number of individuals in which these surviving genes will each be represented, is \n. This number will, however, vary greatly in different cases and it is of some interest to obtain the actual form of its distribution. This can be done by observing that, if the frequency with which MUTATION AND SELECTION 79 each number occurs is the coefficient of the corresponding power in the expansion of *(*), then substituting e* for x, we have in the generating function of the moments of the distribution. Now to advance one generation is to substitute e*"1 for x or e**-1 for e* or e'-l for t ; if therefore ^ fa, fat . . . are the moments, about zero as origin, of the distribution in the earlier generation, those in the latter generation will be the coefficients of t in the expansion of in powers of t ; and if these are denoted by ^{, p,'z, fj,'3, ... we have the relations th. = Pi and so on. Since all the moments are initially unity it is easy to see from these that fa will increase proportionately to n, ^ to nz, /n4 to n*, etc. when n is large. Moreover, since in general the coefficient of n?-1 in ^tp is %p times the coefficient of nP~z in /i^_j ; starting therefore with /^ = 1 we find to a first approximation, when n is large. Knowing the moments we may now infer the actual form of the 80 VARIATION AS DETERMINED BY distribution, for the moments we have obtained will be reproduced if the probability of exceeding x individuals is e-2x/n An inference of some interest is that hi the absence of favourable selection, the number of individuals having a gene derived from a single mutation cannot greatly exceed the number of generations since its occurrence. Actually, the chance is less than 1 in 1,000 that x should exceed 3£w. If, therefore, a mutant form exists in as many as 1,000 million individuals in each generation, we may be confident either that its numbers have been increased, at least up to a certain point, by selection, which is a relatively rapid process, or by recurrent mutation unopposed by selection, which must usually be a much slower process, or if we must suppose that it has originated in a single act of mutation and owes its present numbers to chance increases, that the process has been going on for at least 280 million generations, which makes it much the slowest and, for such high numbers, the least probable process of all. A similar investigation of the distribution of the numbers, attained by the descendants of individual genes enjoying a small selective advantage, shows that the ultimate form of the distribution is the same in this case also. The probability of exceeding the number x after n generations may now be written e-2(c-l)zc~n showing of course that, as c exceeds unity, the numbers are certain to exceed any specified value of x in a sufficiently great number of generations. The formula should represent the distribution correctly so long as cn is still a small fraction of the number of individuals in the species, but it evidently represents only the distribution of the numbers derived from mutations all of which occur in the same generation. This is an artificial and unnecessary limitation, since, as we have seen, with advantageous mutations those which occur earliest will first have an opportunity of establishing themselves, and will, after com- paratively few trials, preclude the necessity for further mutations of MUTATION AND SELECTION 8l the same sort. We must suppose that when favourable mutations occur they have seldom occurred before, and that their mutation rate is generally increasing. As to the nature of such increase we have no direct knowledge, but if it is dependent upon a change in the geno- typic constitution of the species we must suppose it to be gradual, and since negative mutation rates are meaningless the simplest possible assumption is that the relative rate of increase per generation may be represented by a small number k, so that the mutation rate increases by the factor ek in each generation. On this assumption the number of mutations which at any stage are already represented in more than x individuals, will be pro- portional to which turns out, when x is sufficiently large for (c-l)x to be as great as 4 or 5, and large compared to k/logc— 1, to be very nearly proportional to y, — fc/IOgC In this formula we may recognize the element log c, which is the amount by which the mutant gene avails to increase the Malthusian parameter of Chapter II, or approximately the selective advantage, 0-01, of our numerical illustrations. It measures the relative rate of increase of frequency of the gene in question, just as k measures that of its mutation rate. If it be supposed that the mutation rate depends wholly upon the presence of certain groups of genotypes, we must suppose k and log c to be quantities of the same kind, and of the same order of magnitude, but not necessarily approximately equal. If we consider that, of the gene substitutions capable of influencing any particular mutation rate, some may be progressing in one direction and some in the other, and that in general the increases in mutation frequency due to the increasing frequency of some geno- types, will be partly compensated by the disappearance of other genotypes in which the mutation also occurs, it appears probable that k must very frequently be the smaller quantity. If we confine attention to mutations possessing a selective advantage of just 1 per cent., this amounts to saying that when such mutations just begin to occur, the mutation rate is not increasing so rapidly as to double 3653 JUT 82 VARIATION AS DETERMINED BY or treble itself within 100 generations, while not excluding the possibility that the increase in this period should be 10 per cent, or so. The practical consequence which follows if the ratio k/log c is small is that, of the mutant genes which ultimately pervade the species a large proportion are derived from that one individual mutation which first has the good fortune to establish itself in appreciable numbers, while only a negligible fraction can be contributed by the aggregate of all similar mutations which achieve a less or later success. Whereas if kjlog c were large the mutant genes would be derived, though in unequal numbers, from a large number of separate muta- tions, no one of which would contribute a large fraction of the total. It should be noticed that in respect to the initial stages in which survival is determined, c is the absolute rate of multiplication of the mutant type, and only approximately to be equated to its selective advantage over other genotypes. The difference becomes plain if we consider not, as hitherto, a stationary population, but one in- creasing or decreasing in numbers. In an increasing population mutations possessing no selective advantage, or indeed mutations at a selective disadvantage, provided this is less than the rate of increase of the species as a whole, will have a finite chance of avoiding extinction; while with a declining population, even mutations possessing a slight selective advantage, if this is less than the rate of decrease of the species, will be in a worse position than neutral muta- tions in a species of stationary size. In consequence growing popula- tions receive greater accessions to their variability than stationary populations, while declining populations receive less; and if the intensity of selective actions is the same in both cases, we may expect growing populations to grow more variable, and declining populations to become less so by a process which is distinct from the effect of population size itself upon variability. In part at least the effect of increase will anticipate the consequences of the effect of size, for it will be shown that with larger populations statistical equilibrium will be established with a larger variance, and the direct effect of increasing population will be to increase the variance without waiting for the slower process of the establishment of a statistical equilibrium to show its effects. The scope of this cause is limited by the actual rates of increase or decrease of natural populations, and I suppose that such changes are seldom so great as an increase of one-hundredfold in 10,000 genera- MUTATION AND SELECTION 83 tions, or about 1 in 2,000 in each generation over such a period. How important may be the contribution of mutations conferring an advantage or disadvantage of less than 1 in 2,000 is quite uncertain. It must certainly be greatest where adaptation, in the sense developed in Chapter II, is most intense, and it would at least be premature to assume that such minute changes are generally either rare, or without substantial evolutionary effects, although such may in fact be the case. The distribution of gene ratio in factors contributing to the variance We are now in a position to consider the relationships which must exist between the genetic variability maintained in a species, and the frequency of occurrence of mutations. The fundamental theorem proved in Chapter II will have prepared us to find that the variance maintained in fitness to survive must be ultimately connected with the frequency of occurrence of favourable mutations ; although a por- tion of it is generated by the occurrence of persistent unfavourable mutations of the kind considered in Chapter III, and is effective only in continually freeing the species from these defects. Such persistent unfavourable mutations will also contribute to the variance main- tained in all other measurable characters, and further contributions must be supplied by those cases in which the gene ratio is in stable equilibrium under selective influences, to be considered more fully in Chapter V, and by cases in which the advantages of a character in one region or station occupied by the species are counteracted by dis- advantages in alternative situations, a case the evolutionary con- sequences of which will be considered in Chapter VI. Our immediate purpose is to discuss the maintenance by mutations of that more elusive and fluid portion of the variance which is maintained by favourable mutations, and by those having a selective advantage or disadvantage so small that it may be neglected. Part of our problem will be to determine how small such selective advantage or disadvan- tage must be. The favourable mutations must, as was shown in Chapter II, be generally exceedingly minute in their somatic effects, and as we have seen in this chapter they must individually possess mutation rates so low that we are in fact confronted not with a calcu- lable stream of mutations of each type, but with individual and sporadic occurrences. Mutations having nearly neutral effect might 84 VARIATION AS DETERMINED BY on the contrary have time to attain considerable mutation rates, for even if the rates were high, some million generations or more would be required to establish the new type, and this would give time for the mutation rate to rise from its initial inappreciable value. Apart from this slight difference the two cases may be treated together. To distinguish the parts played by the different elements of the problem we need only consider three cases. First the distribution of gene ratio when, in the absence of selection or mutation, the variance is gradually decaying through the random extinction of genes. Next, the distribution when the variance is maintained by new mutations uninfluenced by selection ; and finally the distributions appropriate to slight selective advantage or disadvantage. The most powerful method of treating the first two of these problems is that of obtaining a functional equation for the series of terminal frequencies. If the number of individuals breeding in each generation is n, a large number of many millions or thousands of millions, the possible values of the gene frequency p are l/2n, 2/2n, .... ; these possible values are very numerous, and in the greater part of its range of distribution we may conveniently consider p as a continuous variate. At the extremes, however, a more exact treat- ment will be necessary, and here we shall make the simplifying assumption that the form of the terminal distribution, when statistical equilibrium is established, is not affected by the size of the population. If now 6l5 62> &3> ..... stand for the frequencies at the values p = l/2n, 2/2n, 3/2n, ..... '.we may define a function (x) = b±x + b2xz + and the conditions of statistical equilibrium will yield a functional equation, the solution of which will give the frequencies 6X, 62, 63, ..... , and therefore the distribution of the gene ratio. In the case of extinction without mutation, we may, in particular, ask what values the coefficients 6 must have in order that just one gene shall be ex- terminated in each generation. The sum of the values of these co- efficients will then give the number of factors contributing to the variance, and from this we can determine the relation between the variance and its rate of decrease by random extinction. If extermination takes place at the rate of one gene in each genera- tion, we may suppose that hah* of these consist of cases in which the number of genes present is reduced from 1, 2, 3, .... to 0, and hah* MUTATION AND SELECTION 85 to cases in which it is increased from 2n - 1, 2n - 2, 2n — 3, ..... to 2n. Genes represented in 0 individuals will of course supply the co- efficient of #° in , so that after one generation the function repre- senting the distribution at one terminal must be increased by £. But in one generation we have already seen that (x) will be replaced by consequently the equation to be satisfied by $ is To facilitate the solution of functional equations of this sort, it is necessary to consider a function uv of an argument v such that Uv+, = e""-1. If this equation is satisfied by any function /(v), it will evidently also be satisfied by F(v) =f(v + k), consequently we may assign arbitrarily the value u0 = 0, from which uv, if v is any positive integer, may be obtained by direct substitution. In practice values of u for non integral v are obtained by interpolating in the series of integral values, at about v — 20, and calculating lower values from the interpolates by means of the relation We may now write the functional equation for in the form ^ (uv+i) ~ (uv) =$> from which it appears that must be the same function of x as %v is of u. The initial frequencies will therefore be obtained from the differen- tial coefficients of v with respect to u at u = 0, while the law of frequencies for larger values of p will be inferred from the behaviour of the function v as u tends to unity. Now, putting 1 «% • — • V V 1 9 l-uv' we have the recurrence formula 1 1 1 y+l ~~ 1-e-1/"" * 2 12 vv 720 v3' so that as v tends to infinity, u must tend to unity, and vv to 2 e where the numerical value of c is found to be about 0-899144. The 86 VARIATION AS DETERMINED BY result shows that \v(\-u) tends to unity with u, and therefore that the frequency at p = r/2n tends to unity as r is increased. Moreover it follows that 1 1 , 2 v = v- -logv-c' where c' tends to about 1-014649 as v tends to infinity, consequently U tends to about - 0-014649 when u = 1. Apart from this finite portion of the frequency, the distribution is therefore given by the expansion in a Maclaurin series of Js IT /i \ l-x 6 5 11 17 and the coefficients of this series may be taken as a second approxima- tion to the frequencies of factors, the rarer genes in which appear in 1, 2, 3, loci. The actual values of the earlier coefficients may be obtained, though with decreasing precision by tabulating the function uv ; these are shown in Table 3. TABLE 3. Terminal frequencies of factors suffering extinction. Second Actual Approximation. frequency. Difference. 1 0-833333 0-818203 -0-015131 0-916667 0-916762 +0-000096 0-944444 0-944923 +0-000479 0-958333 0-958266 -0-000067 0-966667 0-966634 -0-000033 0-972222 0-972225 +0-000003 from which it appears that nearly the whole of the small discrepancy 0-014649 is accounted for by the first few terms, and that thereafter the frequency is well represented by the values 1 - 1/6 r. The terminal frequencies are shown in Fig. 6. The total number of factors in such a distribution may now be estimated to be 2 In - ^ (y + log 2 n) - 0-014649J MUTATION AND SELECTION 87 where y is Euler's constant 0-577216. The remainder of this expres- sion may be neglected in comparison with 2n, so that the solution attained shows a decay of variance of only one part in 2n in each generation. i-o i-o I 23456789 FIG. 6. Frequencies with which factors are represented by 1, 2, 3, ... genes in the whole population, in the case of steady extinction without mutation. The upper line represents unit frequency at each value, which is approached for the higher values. Random survival will exterminate genes at the rate of one in every two generations, while leaving the distribution exhibited unchanged. This is an extremely slow rate of decay ; if the variance of species could be imagined to be ascribable to factors unaffected by selection, and if no new mutations occurred, the variance would decay ex- ponentially so as to be reduced after r generations hi the ratio e-r,'2n it would therefore halve its value in 2n log 2, or about l'4n generations. No result could bring out more forcibly the contrast between the conservation of the variance in particulate inheritance, and its dissi- pation in inheritance conforming to the blending theory. In a previous attack on this problem I was led by an erroneous method to the correct distribution for the factors contributing to the variance in a state of steady decay, but gave the time of relaxation as 4n instead of 2n generations. Professor Sewall Wright of Chicago, who had arrived by an independent method at the correct result, drew my attention to the discrepancy and has thus led me to a more exact examination of the whole problem. The extremely slow rate of the natural decay of the variance is due to the fact that the great majority of factors possess gene ratios 88 VARIATION AS DETERMINED BY which are not extremely unequal. The distribution of z for this case is shown in Fig. 7, where it will be seen that for nearly all factors z lies between +6, and therefore that the rarer genes scarcely ever occupy less than 1/400 of the loci available, and thus are hi little danger of extinction. -2 o VALUES OF FIG. 7. Distribution of the measure of gene-ratio z, when the variance is in a state of steady decay, with neither mutations nor selection. The time of relaxation is now twice as many generations as the number of parents in each generation. The method first developed has certain advantages for examining the frequency distribution in the central region. If 6 is any measure of gene frequency, the frequency in any differential element dd, may be represented by ydd, and the condition of statistical equilibrium may be put in the form of a differential equation for the unknown function y. Using the variate defined by cos 6 = l-2p where 6 is an angle in radian measure, which increases from o to -n as p increases from 0 to 1, 1 obtained in 1922 the equation, like that of the conduction of heat, dy J_e% dr " 4n 86* which with the solution y = sin 0, leads to a condition of steady decay with tune of relaxation equal to 4w. generations. The correct differen- tial equation is, however, By Id, 1 82y which while admitting the same solution yields the correct time of relaxation. MUTATION AND SELECTION 89 In the second case to be considered, in which the variance main- tained is in statistical equilibrium with a constant supply of fresh mutations, we may apply this method at once by putting Byfdr = 0. Integrating the right hand side we obtain || +ycot9 = A, where A is some constant, whence o — (ysinfl) = 4sin0, y sin 6 = -A cos 6 + B, y = B cosec 6 - A cot 6. The symmetrical solution makes y proportional to cosec 6. In the variatez this is a flat-topped distribution, all equal intervals dz being equally probable, at least in the central portion for which alone the differential equation is valid. Since when 6 = rr, cosec 6 + cot 6 = 0 we may consider also the solution y = B (cosec 6 + cot 0) appropriate to the case in which all mutations are taken to occur at 6 = 0. In either case the integral over the whole range is infinite, owing to the rapid increase of y at 0 = 0. It does not follow that the total number of factors is infinite, for it is exactly in this region that the differential equation is invalid. In terms of p the frequency element (cosec 6 + cot 6) is equivalent to 2qdp _ dp ~2pq ' ~p so that the unsymmetrical solution obtained is one in which the frequency at p = r[2n is proportional to I//', at least when r is large. The total frequency will then evidently involve log (2n), but to determine its value the examination of the terminal conditions is in this case essential. If (x) again represent the function, the coefficients of the expansion of which in powers of x are the frequencies maintained at p = l/2w, 2/2/t, . . , by a single mutation in each generation, the functional equation for is now f(tf>-») -*(*)*!-*, in which equation the left hand side represents the change in (x) due 3653 90 VARIATION AS DETERMINED BY to random reproduction for one generation, while the effect of a single mutation must be to increase the coefficient of x by unity, and to reduce the absolute term (z°) by unity. To solve the equation we may again utilize the device of writing uv for x, and obtain the equation ^K*.i)-^K) = 1-«V Now, from the equation «rtl = *«*-!, it appears on differentiating with respect to v, that or that log u'v+1 - log u'v = uv - 1 . Hence the equation for , may be written («H-I) - ^ W = ~ (log W'H-I - log O an equation which is satisfied if (uv) differs from - log u'-, by a con- stant. The constant part of (f>(x), representing the frequency of the factors not represented in any individual is of course arbitrary, and on the convention that (0) = 0, we have the solution (f>(uv) =logu'0 -logu'v or, if v stands for the differential coefficient of v with respect to u 4(u) =logv'-logv; = logv' -0-492502 this being an empirical evaluation of the constant term. Now as u approaches unity, we have seen that v increases pro- portionately to 2/(l -u), and therefore log v' tends to equality with log 2-2 log (1 -u) ', apart from a finite discrepancy in the terminal frequencies, and frequencies will be given by the coefficients of the expansion -21og(l-aO = so that the frequency at p = r}2n approaches 2/r as r is increased, in accordance with the solution found from the differential equation. The first few actual coefficients are : TABLE 4. Terminal frequencies for factors maintained by mutations. Approximation. Actual. Excess. 1 2-000000 2-240917 +0-240917 2 1-000000 0-953776 -0-046224 3 0-666667 0-671864 +0-005197 4 0-600000 0-601096 +0-001096 6 0-400000 0-399762 -0-000238 MUTATION AND SELECTION 91 The total number of factors maintained in the population by one new mutation in each generation will be the sum of the 2n first co- efficients of the expansion of (x), or 2(y + log 2n) + 0-200645. For values of n from a million to a billion, the following table shows 2-0 •2-0 I I I I I I I Fid. 8. Frequencies with which factors are represented by 1, 2, 3, ... genes in the whole population, in the case when the variation is maintained by fresh mutations at a constant level. For one new mutation in each generation the frequency for r genes is nearly 2/r. the number of factors contributing to the specific variance for each one occurring per generation : TABLE 5. n. Number of factors. 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 10ia 30-4 35-0 38-6 44-2 48-8 53-4 58-0 Fig. 8 shows the distribution of the terminal frequencies. It will be observed that a considerable ' head ' of new mutations is needed to maintain even low frequencies at the central values. The number of these central values is, however, so great that the numbers maintained even by only a single mutation in each generation are, as table 5 shows, considerable, and practically proportionate to the range in the values of z possible for a population of given size. 92 VARIATION AS DETERMINED BY If the frequency of a gene is favoured by selection so that log p/q is increased in each generation by an amount a supposed small, then in one generation 8p = apq and 80 = a^/pq = \ a sin 6. The effect of selection is thus to produce a flux \ay sin 6, and our differential equation takes the form For statistical equilibrium, maintained by mutations, we now require that 8y -£ + y cot 6-2 any sin 6 = A od which may be put in the form o — ee or ys\nde*ancoa0 = \Asui6 performing the integration, this leads to (y = cosec 6) (— + Be~2 an cos * J The value of the flux 1 1 1 dy A - ay sin 0 y cot 0 £- = — O *^ yl 4 JM Q L) >4 JM Z 471 471 OV 471 is \a times the coefficient of cosec 0. The solution appropriate to a supply of mutations at the rate of one in each generation having each a small selective advantage a, must be equal to 4 cosec 0 at 0 = 0, while at 0 = TT where no mutations are occurring, it must be proportional to sin 0. The appropriate form is 4 COSeC 0 fj_ ^a.a+.e.ft]. l_e-4«» I j ' for which the frequency in the range dp is 2dp l-e-4"™ ~^q~ i -e-4an When q = 1 this evidently gives a terminal distribution similar to MUTATION AND SELECTION 93 that given by mutations without selective advantage, while when q tends to zero, we have 8 an _ e-4on dp, appropriate to extinction without mutation, the rate of extinction being 2 a/(l - e~*an), which must represent the probability of ultimate success to a mutation with small selective advantage a. When a = 0, this probability tends to the limiting value 1/2 n, which is the prob- ability of success of a mutation without selective advantage, and is not effectively increased so long as 4 aw is a small quantity ; if 4 an is neither large nor small the full formula is required, but if 4 aw is large, the exponential factor is negligible, and the probability of success is given very nearly by 2 a. The frequency distribution in this case is represented by pq in which the second term is only appreciable for small values of q, where a constant frequency San dp, or 4 a in each possible value of p is maintained, as is appropriate to the extinctionof 2 a in each generation. The differential equation is valid for values of a which make an large, but requires that a2n should be small. The exact treatment of selection rates less extremely small than those here dealt with, would evidently involve much more complex expressions, but would not probably differ essentially from that appropriate to very small selections. The corresponding selection for the equally important case of mutations with a small selective disadvantage, may be found by changing the sign of a. The chance of success is now always less than Ij2n, being 2a e^n-\ ' and is in all cases negligible. The distribution has a frequency in the range dp 2dp e4ana - 1 pq e*an — 1 which, when an is large, is simply 2dp —£• e~ pq Aanv 94 VARIATION AS DETERMINED BY giving a total number of factors nearly 2 log (l/2a), so long as 4 aw is large, for each such mutant per generation. Thus disadvantageous mutations, unlike those which are advan- tageous, or practically neutral (an small) maintain no more factors contributing to the variance of numerous species than of rare species. The calculations refer, of course, to the variation maintained by a fixed number of mutations, and take no account of the fact that in abun- dant species there will be many more individuals in which mutations may occur, in each generation. The analysis shows how very minute must be the selective intensity acting on a factor, before we can count it as neutral either for the pur- pose of evaluating the probability of a sporadic mutation establishing itself in a species, or in considering the relation between mutation rate and the variance maintained. In either case we are concerned with the product an found by multiplying the selective advantage by the number breeding in each generation. In respect of survival small deviations of this quantity from zero exert a considerable effect, the chance of survival, for example, is increased more than fiftyfold as an increases from - 1 to +1. The contribution to the variance is less sensitive, since this depends little on the terminal frequencies and principally on the central frequencies; broadly speaking neutral mutations contribute half as much to maintaining the variance as is contributed by those with a substantial selective advantage. If an is - 2-5 the contribution is a tenth, while at + 2-5 it is nine-tenths of the full value. Evidently in a population of a thousand million, only those gene contrasts, which possess an equipoise of advantage within at most a few parts in a thousand million, can be regarded as neutral. The distribution for favourable mutations from these minute ad- vantages up to advantages a millionfold greater must be all very similar, the probability of falling in equal ranges dz being nearly con- stant over the whole range of possible values. Disadvantageous mutations are confined to smaller and smaller values of the gene ratio as the disadvantage increases, until while the disadvantage is still very minute, the only appreciable contribution will be that made by mutations having appreciable or high mutation rates. Although for the same number of neutral or beneficial mutations per generation, abundant species will maintain a larger number of factors contributing to the variance, than will rarer species, yet this is due principally to the greater range of the values of z available. The MUTATION AND SELECTION 95 additional factors will then have somewhat extreme gene ratios, and will therefore contribute little to the measurable variance. The great contrast between abundant and rare species lies in the number of individuals available in each generation as possible mutants. The actual number of mutations in each generation must therefore be proportional to the population of the species. With mutations having appreciable mutation rates, this makes no difference, for these will reach an equilibrium with counterselection at the same proportional incidence. The importance of the contrast lies with the extremely rare mutations, in which the number of new mutations occurring must increase proportionately to the number of individuals available. It is to this class, as has been shown, that the beneficial mutations must be confined, and the advantage of the more abundant species in this respect is especially conspicuous. The very small range of selective intensity in which a factor may be regarded as effectively neutral suggests that such a condition must in general be extremely transient. The slow changes which must always be in progress, altering the genetic constitution and environmental conditions of each species, must also alter the selective advantage of each gene contrast. Slow as such changes in selective advantage must undoubtedly be, the zone separating genes possessing a definite selective advantage from those suffering a definite selective dis- advantage is so narrow, of the order of the reciprocal of the breeding population, that it must be crossed somewhat rapidly. Each success- ful gene which spreads through the species, must in some measure alter the selective advantage or disadvantage of many other genes. It will thus affect the rates at which these other genes are increasing or decreasing, and so the rate of change of its own selective advantage. The general statistical consequence is that any gene which increases in numbers, whether this increase is due to a selective advantage, an increased mutation rate, or to any other cause, such as a succession of favourable seasons, will so react upon the genetic constitution of the species, as to accelerate its increase of selective advantage if this is increasing, or to retard its decrease if it is decreasing. To put matter in another way, each gene is constantly tending to create / genetic situations favourable to its own survival, so that an increase C in numbers due to any cause will in its turn react favourably upon the selective advantage which it enjoys. It is perhaps worth while at this point to consider the immense 96 VARIATION BY MUTATION AND SELECTION diversity of the genetic variability available in a species which segregates even for only 100 different factors. The total number of true-breeding genotypes into which these can be combined is 2100, which would require 31 figures in the decimal notation. The number including heterozygotes would require 48 figures. A population of a thousand million or a billion individuals can thus only exhibit the most insignificant fraction of the possible combinations, even if no two individuals are genetically alike. Although the combinations which occur are in all only a minute fraction of those which might with equal probability have occurred, and which may occur, for example, in the next generation, there is beyond these a great unexplored region of combinations none of which can be expected to occur unless the system of gene ratios is continuously modified in the right direction. There are, moreover, millions of different directions in which such modification may take place, so that without the occurrence of further mutations all ordinary species must already possess within themselves the potentialities of the most varied evolutionary modifications. It has often been remarked, and truly, that without mutation evolutionary progress, whatever direction it may take, will ultimately come to a standstill for lack of further possible improvements. It has not so often been realized how very far most existing species must be from such a state of stagnation, or how easily with no more than one hundred factors a species may be modified to a condition considerably outside the range of its previous variation, and this in a large number of different characteristics. VARIATION AS DETERMINED BY MUTATION AND SELECTION (continued) The observed connexion between variability and abundance. Stable gene ratios. Equilibrium involving two factors. Simple metrical characters. Meristic characters. Biometrical effects of recent selection. Summary. The observed connexion between variability and abundance IN the second chapter of the Origin of Species Darwin summarizes a study of the causes of variability, based upon a statistical investiga- tion of the number of well-marked varieties recorded in different species of plants. He was, perhaps unfortunately, dissuaded from publishing his actual tabulations, but gained the concurrence of Hooker to the general conclusions that ' Wide ranging, much diffused,"1 and common species vary most'. Darwin was concerned to show that it was not merely that wide ranging forms give rise to local varieties in reaction to different inorganic and organic environments, but also that, 'In any limited country, the species which are most common, that is, abound most in individuals, and the species which are most widely diffused within their own country (and this is a different consideration from wide range, and to a certain extent from commonness), oftenest give rise to varieties sufficiently well marked to have been recorded in botanical works'. A few years ago it was my privilege to make a statistical investiga- tion of the extensive observations of Mr. E. B. Ford upon the vari- ability of the wing colour in a number of species of night-flying moths. For thirty-five species the tints were sufficiently comparable to be represented on a single colour scale, and for these the observations, which included over 5,000 individuals, offered an exceptionally fine opportunity of examining the association between abundance and variability. It is essential in such an investigation to eliminate any tendency for one group of species to appear more variable than another owing to the peculiarities inherent in an arbitrary scale of tints. The data, however, were sufficiently copious to make it possible to eliminate this source of error, and after making the necessary allowances, it appeared that, in both sexes, the ten species classed as 'abundant' or 'very common' exceeded in variance the thirteen 3653 Q 98 VARIATION AS DETERMINED BY species which were less than common by between 70 and 80 per cent, the twelve 'common' species being in both cases of intermediate variability. Because many other factors besides numbers must influence the variability, and particularly because the precision of any classifica- tion of abundance must be exceedingly low, it is essential to base such comparisons upon as large a number of species as is possible, and this seems to be an important cause of the present lack of satisfactory data bearing upon the variability of species. The differences observed among the moths were, however, sufficiently substantial to be statistically significant, even in comparison with the large differences in variability found within each class. It may be mentioned that the same data showed in fact a larger variability in the species with the widest geographical ranges, as contrasted with less widespread species, although the differences in this comparison cannot claim to be statistically established. There is no reason, however, to believe that an increase of numbers by increase of range is less effective hi increasing variability than would be the same increase of numbers due to greater density of population, for the numerical ratio of species classed by entomologists as abundant and rare respectively must be much greater than is ordinarily the ratio of the areas occupied by different species. The theoretical deduction that the actual number of a species is an important factor in determining the amount of variance which it displays, thus seems to be justified by such observations as are at present available. Its principal consequence for evolutionary theory seems to be that already inferred by Darwin, that abundant species will, ceteris paribus, make the most rapid evolutionary progress, and will tend to supplant less abundant groups with which they come into competition. We may infer that in the ordinary condition of the earth's inhabitants a large number of less abundant species will be decreasing in numbers, while a smaller number of more abundant species will be increasing — the number of species being maintained ^. by fission of the more abundant, and especially of the more wide- spread species, a subject which will be considered in the next chapter. It may be noted, however, that whereas an increase in fitness when invested in an increase in numbers in the manner described in Chapter II, is now seen to bear a substantial rate of interest in laying the foundations of sufficiently rapid further improvement, the process MUTATION AND SELECTION 99 of fission, while yielding doubtless an immediate adaptive advantage, yet entails a certain loss in the degree of variability which the divided parts can severally maintain. There is thus in the continuous elimina- tion of the smaller specific groups a natural check set to the excessive comminution of species, which would ensue upon specialization in the direction of minutely differentiated aptitudes. Among the factors which influence the relationship between f variation and selection may be mentioned the tendency of like to ' mate with like, known as homogamy. Among the higher animals we have no certain knowledge of this save in the case of man, but this can scarcely detract from the value of the human evidence, since its occurrence is contrary to popular opinion, and not sufficiently explained by any circumstance of social organization. In collections of human measurements the resemblance between married persons is rather a conspicuous feature. Its principal biometric effects seem to be to increase the genetic variance produced by a given number of Mendelian factors with given gene ratios, and so to increase in a fixed proportion the intensity of the selection to which each is exposed. The effect of selection in human stature is increased in this way by more than 20 per cent. It is therefore potentially an important agent ' in promoting evolutionary change. Its causes are quite uncertain. It has been suggested that fertility depends in some measure upon the constitutional similarity of the mates, but evidence for this is lacking in the case of man and the higher animals, and I know of no serious attempt to demonstrate the truth or falsity of the sugges- tion. It is at least equally possible that the standards of sexual preference are slightly modified by individual size, and on this view the causes of homogamy can scarcely be distinguished from those which, in sexual preference, to be considered in Chapter VI, produce direct selective effects. Stable gene ratios We have hitherto considered only those factors which contribute to the genetic variance in fitness to survive and progress. There remain to be considered those factors in which one gene has a selective advantage only until a certain gene-ratio is established, while for higher ratios it is at a selective disadvantage. In such cases the gene ratio will be stable at the limiting value, for the selection in action will tend to restore it to this value whenever it happens to be 100 VARIATION AS DETERMINED BY disturbed from it in either direction. At this value the effect of the gene substitution upon survival will be zero, and consequently no con- tribution will be made to the genetic variance in fitness, although the genetic variance in other measurable characters may be augmented by such factors. These cases have a special importance owing to the principle that factors will be found most frequently when their rate of change in gene ratio is least. In consequence of this, if their stability could be assumed to be absolutely permanent, such cases would have been accumulating in each species since its earliest beginnings; in fact, however, the conditions of stability must themselves be transient during the course of evolutionary change, and we can only be sure that cases of such gene stability must exist with a frequency quite disproportionate to the probability of occurrence of the conditions on which the stability is based. A single factor may be hi stable equilibrium under selection if the heterozygote has a selective advantage over both homozygotes. For if we suppose the three phases of the factor to appear in any genera- tion in the ratio pz : 2pq : q2, and that their relative selective advantages are respectively in the ratio a : b : c, then the three phases hi this generation will reproduce in the ratio ap2 : 2bpq : cq2, where the absolute magnitudes of the quantities a, b, c are a matter of indifference, only their ratios being required. If equilibrium in the gene ratio is established this ratio will be the same in those which reproduce as it was in the preceding generation, and therefore, p _ ap2 + bpq q ~ bpq+cq2 ' whence it appears that ap + bq = bp + cq. Subtracting each of these from b (p + q) we obtain p(b-a) = q(b-c), or p b-c q ~ b-a There is therefore always a real ratio of equilibrium if b - a and b-c are either both positive or both negative ; that is, if the hetero- zygote is either better or worse adapted than both the homozygotes. A priori we should judge either condition to be exceptional; they will not, however, be found in nature equally infrequently, for when MUTATION AND SELECTION 101 6 is less than a and c the equilibrium is unstable and there will be no tendency for such cases to accumulate, whereas if 6 exceeds a and c the equilibrium is stable and such cases will therefore persist until the stability is upset. To demonstrate the condition for stability it is sufficient to observe that the ratio bpq + cq2 may be written p (ap + cq) +pq (b - c) q (ap + cq) +pq (b - a) which lies between the ratios p : q and (6 -c) : (6 -a), if 6 exceeds a and c, but not if b - c and b -a are negative. In organisms capable both of self- and of cross-fertilization, the situation in which the heterozygote has a selective advantage tends to give the offspring by cross-fertilization a higher reproductive value than offspring by self-fertilization, and therefore to make it worth a somewhat greater expenditure ; for in a population mating at random, such as is assumed above, the reproductive values of the three geno- types will be simply in the ratio a : b : c. Hence for the genotype of the first kind the average value of its offspring will be pa +qb, if it is cross-fertilized at random, against a if it is self-fertilized. For the heterozygote we find \ (pa + b+qc) for cross-fertilization, against J (a + 26 + c) for self-fertilization. The average advantages in the two homozygous phases are thus q (b - a) and p (b -c) respectively, while in the heterozygote it is I (p - q) (a - c). Remembering that the frequencies with which these three phases occur are in the ratio p2 : 2pq : qz we find for the average loss of value hi self-fertilization = %pq(2b-a-c). Now according to our previous solution, equilibrium will be established when b -c b -a 2b-a-c 2b-a-c and if we are to interpreted, and c as proportionate contributions to the ancestry of future generations we must have also pza + 2pqb+q*c = 1, 102 VARIATION AS DETERMINED BY in which, if we substitute for p and q, we shall find the relation bz-ac = 26-a-c. Using these relations, we may express the average loss of value of the offspring, caused by self-fertilization, as a homogeneous expression in a, b, and c only, hi the form (6-q)(6-c) 2(62-oc) Thus, for example, if for any factor a, 6, and c were in the ratio 5 : 6 : 4 a stable genetic situation would be established hi which the products of self-fertilization would be worth, in respect of their prospects of contributing to future generations, just ^ less than the average products of cross-fertilization. Any other factors of the same kind, which might happen to be present, would of course add to the advantage of cross-fertilization. The formula, however, given above, is that appropriate to organisms in which cross-fertilization is the rule, for if self-fertilization is much practised the reproductive values of the three phases will be hi a higher ratio than their selective factors for a single generation. Equilibrium involving two factors Two factors, the alternative genes hi which may be represented by A, a and.B, 6 will maintain each other mutually hi genetic equilibrium, if the selective advantage of A over a is reversible when B is substitu- ted for b, or vice versa. Without attempting to specify the exact selective advantage enjoyed by each of the nine genotypes we may specify the type of selection under consideration by saying that A is advantageous in the presence of B but disadvantageous hi the presence of 6, and that B is advantageous in the presence of A but disadvantageous in the presence of a. Equally of course in this statement we might transpose the words advantageous and dis- advantageous. Equilibrium in such a system evidently implies that the increase in the frequency of A which takes place in the presence of B shall be exactly counterbalanced by its decrease in the presence of 6; and that the increase in B which takes place in the presence of A shall be exactly counterbalanced by its decrease in the presence of a. But it is important to notice that the equilibrium of the frequencies of the gametic combinations AB, Ab, aB, ab requires a third condition of MUTATION AND SELECTION 103 equilibrium. By the conditions of our problem, two of these, which we have chosen to be AB and ab, are favoured by Natural Selection, and increase in their zygotic stages, while the opposite pair .46 andal? decrease. The adjustment of the ratio between the frequencies of these two pairs of gametic types must take place by recombination in those individuals which are heterozygotes for both factors . Of these so-called double heterozygotes some arise by the union of the gametic types AB and ab, and in these the effect of recombination is to diminish the frequencies of these two types. This effect will be partially counteracted by recombination in heterozygotes of the second kind, arising from the union of Ab and aB ; and, if the net effect of recombination is to decrease the frequencies of AB and ab, it is obvious that double heterozygotes derived from gametes of these kinds must be the more numerous. The inequality in the frequencies of the two kinds of double heterozygotes in the case we are considering has an important con- sequence; for whenever the two factors considered happen to be located in the same chromosome the frequency of recombination will depend upon crossing over, which is known to be much affected by the genetic differences between different strains. Moreover in the more numerous kind of double heterozygote recombination results in the substitution of the less favoured gametic combinations for the more favoured combinations, and consequently in a reduction in reproductive value, and this will not be completely balanced by the increase in reproductive value due to recombination in the less numerous kind of double heterozygote. Consequently the presence of pairs of factors in the same chromosome, the selective advantage of each of which reverses that of the other, will always tend to diminish recombination, and therefore to increase the intensity of linkage in the chromosomes of that species. This tendency is always in the same direction, and although the type of factorial interaction from which it arises may be rare, yet owing to the stability of the gene-ratios which it induces, we may anticipate that such cases will be found present at any one time with a frequency quite dispro- portionate to their rate of occurrence. The discovery of an agency which tends constantly to increase the intensity of linkage, naturally stimulates inquiry as to the existence of other agencies having an opposite effect, and under the combined action of which, with that already discussed, linkage intensity could 104 VARIATION AS DETERMINED BY have become adjusted to its observed value. Such an agency appears to be at hand in the constant spread of advantageous mutations through the populations in which they occur. For, unless advan- tageous mutations occur so seldom that each has had time to become predominant before the next appears, they can only come to be simultaneously in the same gamete by means of recombination. If two advantageous mutations, which happen to be located in homo- logous chromosomes, are spreading simultaneously through the same species, we may look forward to a future epoch in which every gamete will contain both advantageous mutants, and these will have been derived in lineal succession, either from gametes of the same kind or, ultimately, from individuals in which recombination has taken place. Such individuals, we may infer, will have been, for this reason, somewhat better represented in future generations than the remainder, in which recombination frequency must have been, on the average, lower. It is apparent that for this process to have been an effective check upon the constant tendency to increase the intensity of linkage, the stream of favourable mutations must be an abundant one. There seems, however, to be no evidence against the view that even in every chromosome of most species numerous favourable mutations are at any one time always to be found, each as it increases in frequency, adding, perhaps only a trifle, to the perfection of its internal or external adaptation. If the need of combining these advantages is in reality the effective check to linkage intensity, it may prove possible, as data become more abundant, to gauge in this way, at least roughly, the relative rates of improvement in different species. Simple metrical characters Characters which can be specified by a single measurement, such as human stature, the length of an individual bone or tooth, etc., have a special importance owing to the fact that they can be studied relatively easily by direct biometrical methods. As has been pointed out in Chapter II the idea of adaptation cannot be applied with its full force to such simple characters, considered in isolation ; but each may nevertheless be supposed to possess an optimum value hi relation to the existing state of the organism and its environment, which we may regard as nearly coincident with the mean value exhibited by the species. That this must be so is evident from the extreme MUTATION AND SELECTION 105 rapidity with which such measurements are modified when selection is directed to this end. For example, it appears from the observed average statures of the offspring of parents of different heights that no extreme selection would be needed to increase or decrease the stature of a human population by one inch in each generation, and even with the long generations of Man, such a rate of change would transcend the largest observed racial differences, within a short historical period. If we consider any factor which affects such a measurement, and of which the other effects, if any, have no appreciable influence on survival, it is evident that the stability of its gene ratio requires separate consideration. For it would seem at first sight, if dominance were absent or incomplete, and in consequence the heterozygote were intermediate between the two homozygotes, that selection favouring intermediate values would tend to favour the heterozygotes, and in consequence induce very generally the condition of stability which has been considered. If this were so we should be faced with two somewhat alarming conclusions, (i) that by the accumulation in conditions of stability of a large number of factors with intermediate heterozygotes, the metrical characters should indicate in their bio- metrical properties a general absence of dominance, whereas, as has been already mentioned (p. 18) the body of human measurements available give clear indications to the contrary, (ii) that the action of selection in favouring the intermediate values would have the effect, by preventing the extinction of all variant types of progressively increasing the variance of the character in question, and consequently of making the intermediate values progressively rarer. The recognition that the specific mean adjusts itself rapidly to the optimum size, however, makes the problem an essentially different one from that already considered, for the selective advantage of the heterozygote is dependent upon the average deviation of this geno- type from the optimum, and this will vary as the gene ratio changes. If i, j, k represent the deviations of the average values of these geno- types from the mean, the effect of selection will be equivalent to eliminating small fractions of each genotype proportional to i2,j2, and &2. If the three g^uptypes are in the proportion p2 : 2pq : q2, the ratios by which the two alternative genes are reduced will be pro- portional to and pj2 + qk2, 106 VARIATION AS DETERMINED BY and the gene ratio will only be in equilibrium if these two quantities are equal. Further from the definition of the mean, we have p*i + 2pqj + q*k = 0. If we use the latter equation to eliminate the deviations i, j, k, replacing them by a single ratio, defined as a _ i-j /O-*' and which depends only on the degree in which dominance is ex- hibited in the factor in question, we find that this ratio is connected with the ratio p : q, when the condition of equilibrium is established, by the equation p(l-2p*)a* + 2pq(q-p)aft-q(l-2q*)ft2 = 0. This expression is symmetrical if p and q, a and 8 are interchanged, the value on the left being proportional to the rate of decrease of z(= log p- log q). From the signs of the three terms it appears that one real positive solution exists, if q exceeds p, only if q does not exceed \ \/2 ; moreover since the expression is positive if ft = 0, while if a = $ it is reduced to which is still positive, it follows that if q exceeds p, so must ft exceed a, when equilibrium is attained. The more dominant gene must be the less frequent. If any equilibrium were stable then the expression must increase as p is increased ; its differential coefficient with respect to p is (1 - 6^2) a2 + (1 - Qpq) 2aft + (1 - 602) ft2, or (a+ft)2-6(pa+qft)2. Now a + jS is arbitrary, and may be taken like p +q to be unity, then since 2 (pa+qft) = (p+q) (a+ft) + (p-q) (a- ft) it follows that pa + qft cannot be less than £, for we have shown that when q exceeds p, then ft exceeds a. Consequently the differential coefficient at any position of equilibrium is less than V -i . MUTATION AND SELECTION 107 and is always negative. The conditions of equilibrium are always unstable. Whichever gene is at less than its equilibrium frequency will tend to be further diminished by selection. All mutations therefore affecting such a character, unless they possess countervailing advantages hi other respects, will be initially disadvantageous, and we may conceive of each coming to an equi- librium at which the mutation rate is just balanced by the counter- selection to which it is exposed. This situation resembles that of intrinsically disadvantageous mutations considered in Chapter III, but differs from it in that for sufficiently high mutation rates the mutant gene will now pass the point of maximum resistance, and, when it attains sufficient frequency, will be thereafter actually assisted by selection. The mutation rates required to bring this about depend on (i) the magnitude of the effect produced by the factor, i. e. the metrical difference between the two homozygotes, represented by a, (ii) the total variance of the species in the measure- ment in question, represented by a2, (iii) the intensity of selection in favour of the optimum measurement ; this may be measured by 1/T2, where r2 is a quantity of the same dimensions as a2, which vanishes for infinitely intense selection, and would be infinitely great if all values of the measurement were equally satisfactory. In the absence of dominance the maximum resistance is encountered when p = J, and this is overcome if the mutation rate, k, exceeds 64(a2+r2) a full discussion of the situation would require an examination of the effect of selection upon the variance, for if selection is intense and r2 small, it is probable that a2 will become small also ; for the present we may note that the contribution of the factor in question to the total variance will be at most a2/8. If therefore the effect of the factor is so small that it will contribute at most one part in 100,000 to the total variance, a mutation rate of the order of one in a million might well effect its gradual establishment. Such would be the situation of factors affecting human stature by about one-fortieth of an inch. Factors having less effect than this might establish a mutant form at lower mutation rates, in each case the more easily, the more lax is the preferential survival of the medium sizes. Mutant genes with greater effect or lower mutation rates will be 108 VARIATION AS DETERMINED BY hung up at all values up to p = 0-25. Now at this value the mean lies midway between the average values of the heterozygote and the non- mutant homozygote; consequently at and below this value the heterozygote might with advantage more nearly resemble the non- mutant homozygote. There will, therefore, always be a tendency, analogous to that discussed in Chapter III, for the non-mutant gene to become dominant, by the modification of the heterozygote towards greater resemblance with it. Dominance should then be developed against mutations in whichever direction they appear ; thus we may expect to find in such characters mutant genes of which the tendency is either to increase or to decrease the measurement, indiscriminately recessive. The fact that the offspring of crosses between races exhibiting differences in metrical characters are usually intermediate is one which might have been inferred from this bilateral tendency towards the development of dominance. The development of dominance inevitably reacts upon the con- ditions of equilibrium; for complete dominance, for example, the maximum counterselection is met with at^> = 0-5, and the mutation rate necessary to establish the mutant gene is four times as great as the value found for factors without dominance. The condition necessary for dominance to increase is that the heterozygote shall be on the opposite side of the mean to the non-mutant homozygote. For any particular degree of dominance, that is for any particular value of a, dominance will increase so long as «<«!. ft p* With sufficient time, therefore, dominance will increase, and the value of /? dimmish, until these two values are equal. The simul- taneous variation of the two ratios p : q and a : j8 will be made more clear by the aid of the diagram (Fig. 9) on which the curve AXZB represents the series of possible conditions hi which there is no further tendency to modify the degree of dominance, and at different points along which factors may be maintained by appropriate muta- tion rates. On the same diagram the line EA YC is drawn through the points at which maximum counterselection is met with for different values of a. A mutation commencing without dominance will start from 0, and as its gene frequency increases, move along the line OE, until it reaches some point on this line at which the MUTATION AND SELECTION 109 mutation rate is balanced by counterselection. At this stage, and indeed during its progress towards this stage, selection will tend to render the mutant gene recessive and the representative point will pass along a line below EZ to come to rest on the limiting line ZB, at all points of which, as appears from the diagram a exceeds 0-95. i-o 0-9 0-8 0-7 op-6 LL. o 120-5 D 0-3 0-2 0-1 -o :- G 4 -5 -6 VALUES OF